
72085944.xls.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal KPI Name Motorola's Formula Huawei's Formula CSSR ( ( total_calls + assgn_redirect ) * 100 ) / ( cm_serv_req_call + cm_serv_req_sms + 100 * (CA313: Successful Assignments / cm_serv_req_emerg + page_response + A3039J: SDCCH Seizures for Speech cm_reestablish + loc_flw_req_nrm + loc_flw_req_sms Service) sms_init_on_sdcch - sms_init_sdcch_ho mt_lcs_on_sdcch ) DCR ( ( rf_loss_tch_roll + intra_cell_ho_los + o_intra_bs_ho_los + o_inter_bs_ho_fail + o_inter_bs_eq_fa ) * 100 ) / ( total_calls + assgn_redirect ) 100 * (K3022: Call Drops on TCH (Signaling Channel) + CM330: Call Drops on Radio Interface in Stable State (TCH) + K3012B: Call Drops in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel) + H332Hd: Failed Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers (Clear Commands Sent By MSC) (Equipment Failure)) / (K3023: Successful TCH Seizures (Signaling Channel) + K3013A: Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel)) 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page1of8 72085944.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal SDCCH_Bl ocking_Ra te ( alloc_sdcch_fail * 100 ) / ( alloc_sdcch + alloc_sdcch_fail ) 100 * (K3001: Failed SDCCH Seizures due to Busy SDCCH / K3000: SDCCH Seizure Requests) ((alloc_tch_fail100 * (K3011A: Failed TCH Seizures due to TCH_Bloc (assgn_res_req+ho_req)*100/(alloc_tch+alloc_tch_fail.xls.Busy TCH (Traffic Channel) / K3010A: TCH king_Rate (assgn_res_req+ho_req)) Seizure Requests (Traffic Channel)) HSR ( ( o_inter_bs_ho_suc + o_intra_bs_ho_suc + intra_cell_ho_suc ) * 100 ) / ( o_inter_bs_ho_atm + o_intra_bs_ho_atm + intra_cell_ho_f_f + intra_cell_ho_f_h + intra_cell_ho_h_f + intra_cell_ho_h_h ) 100 * (CH303: Successful Internal Intra-Cell Handovers +CH313: Successful Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover +CH333: Successful Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers ) / (CH301: Internal Intra-Cell Handover Commands + CH311: Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handover Commands +CH331: Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Commands) 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page2of8 . mode change. and directed message is SDCCH in the measured retry. such as Um type specified in the IMM ASS CMD interface assignment. The number of speech service. and REL IND messages received by the BSC after the MS seizes a traffic channel. this measurement provides the number of call drops due to any cause on the established TCH carrying signaling. Formula CM330=This measurement provides Call Drops on TCH (Signaling Channel) = [Call Drops the number of calls released because on Signaling Channel] . cell.xls. CONN FAIL IND.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal A3039J=This counter provides the sum of the number of times that the BSC receives an EST IND message in the following conditions: 1. 2. K3022=In the very early TCH assignment procedure. The number of times that the BSC receives an EST IND message when CA313=This counter provides the number of the MS access reason is related to successful assignments of the BSC.72085944.[Call Drops on SDCCH] of the ERR IND. such as MOC Non SMS. Emergency Call. The number of times that the BSC receives an EST IND message when the MS access reason is related to speech service. or Call Reestablishment from and the channel type specified in the IMM ASS CMD message is SDCCH in the measured cell. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page3of8 . such as MTC and successful assignments is equal to the number of supplementary service and the type of ASS REQ messages received by the BSC minus the the assigned traffic channel delivered number of ASS FAIL messages reported by the BSC by the MSC is TCH and the channel to the MSC in various scenarios. CH313=This counter provides the total number of successful outgoing internal inter-cell handovers.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal K3001=In an immediate assignment procedure or a handover procedure. In the incoming BSC handover procedure.72085944. The counter is calculated by subtracting the Failed Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell Handovers CH303=This counter indicates the number of internal from the Outgoing Internal Inter-Cell intra-cell handover successes. K3010A=This counter provides the number of times that the BSC receives K3011A=This counter measures the number of failed the ASSIGNMENT REQUEST TCH (traffic channel) seizures due to no TCH message from the MSC and seizes the available TCH in the assignment procedure.xls. K3000=In the immediate assignment procedure. In the preceding procedures. this measurement provides the number of requests for an SDCCH after the BSC receives the request. Internal Intra-Cell Handover Requests minus the Failed Internal Intra-Cell Handovers. the MS requests a channel from the BSS. the MSC requests the BSS to assign a channel to the MS. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page4of8 . the BSC triggers the counter when the MS or the MSC requests an SDCCH from the BSS but no SDCCH is available. the BSC requests the BSS to re-assign a channel to the MS. It is equal to the Handover Requests. in the internal BSC handover procedure. Formula : Call Drops in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel) = [Call Drops on Radio Interface in Handover State (Traffic Channel)] H332HD=During the outgoing external inter-cell handover procedure. handover failure causes. if the handover fails because of various causes before the BSC receives the CLEAR CMD message with the cause of Ho Success from the MSC.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal K3012B=This counter provides the number of call drops due to the Um interface failure during the handovers on the TCH carrying traffic. handover causes. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page5of8 .72085944. this counter indicates the performance of outgoing external inter-cell handovers. Together with Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handover Requests and Outgoing External InterCell Handover Commands. the specific counter is measured based on the source channel types.xls. The counter is calculated by subtracting the Failed Outgoing External Inter-Cell Handovers from the Outgoing External InterCell Handover Requests. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page6of8 .72085944.xls. CH301=This counter provides the total number of internal intra-cell handover commands irrespective of the channel type.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal CH333=This counter provides the total number of successful outgoing external inter-cell handovers. 72085944. assigned by the BSC in the very early TCH assignment procedure.xls.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal K3013A=This counter provides the number of times that the MS successfully seizes the K3023=This counter provides the number of assigned TCHs in the assignment successful attempts of activating TCHs that procedure. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page7of8 . originating cell and involves handovers on The measurement is performed based on the SDCCH. This counter provides the handover commands sent by the BSC. BSC sends the HO CMD to the MS through the originating cell to notify the MS to access This counter provides the number of the target channel.xls. 4/27/2012 HUAWEI Confidential Page8of8 . The number of outgoing internal inter-cell measurement is performed based on the handover commands initiated by the BSC. the sends the HO CMD message to the MS.ms_office1 Security Level: Internal CH331=After sending the HO RQD message to the MSC. and TCHH and bands. TCHF. Then. after the channel in the message from the MSC. the BSC receives the HO RQD CH311=In the outgoing internal inter-cell ACK message containing the HO CMD handover procedure.72085944. TCHF. handovers between frequency bands. the BSC target cell is assigned and activated. and TCHH and the originating cell and involves handovers handovers between different frequency on the SDCCH. f°° %+. . . f½¾°f  ° €fn °f  f %@. %+  . f½¾°@. f°  ¾%@f€€n . f°° %+ f –°–  °f°  . f°  ¾%.  f . ¯¯f° ¾ ° .. %%½¯ ° f %%$% nn ¾¾€@.   ¾ %–°f°–. f°° %+ nn ¾¾€ @.   ¾%@f€€n. f°° %% . . %  n°–%f  %fn%¾ nn%€f&%$%fn%¾ nn+ fn%¾ nn%€f% &% f . .   ¾   ¾. . $ . .      ¾¾% %%fn%n%€f @. % n %f¾¾–°% ¾% +% %&$%fn%n+fn%n%€f °–%f %f¾¾–°% ¾% +% %% &% f @.   ¾   ¾@. %@f€€n. f°° %$ @.      ¾¾%@f€€n. f°° %%  %%%° % ¾%%¾n+%°f% ¾%%¾n+ °f%n %%¾n%&%$%%° % ¾%%f¯+ %°f% ¾%%f¯+°f%n %%€%€+ °f%n %%€%+°f%n %%%€+ °f%n %%%% &%.  nn ¾¾€° °f°f .  f°  ¾+.  nn ¾¾€–°– ° °f°  . f°  +.   nn ¾¾€–°– °f°  .  f°  ¾% $%.  ° °f°f . f°   . ¯¯f° ¾+.  –°–° °f °  . f°  . ¯¯f° ¾+.   –°– °f°  . f°   . ¯¯f° ¾%  . . 041 . !.  &431/039. 0/:70  .3:2-07 418:./0890949. 47.  $0..30 ...80/-0.807.:.3220/.0/:70 90$ 706:089890$$94.4:3907574.3907 0.01.070/ 3:2-0741$$2088.0 %8.0  %03:2-074192089.8:70/ 39071.0/ 90$$%#"&$% % 97.0..3/4.0881:.3$.7458 903:2-0741.$  3....745843% $3..0 7097  %8.883.330 9490$39039073.0./439071.0.  472:.423$ .3.90..08870.3907  %8.0.908903:2-074139073./08 .07#06:089823:890 .11..8832039574.4:39078 3:2-07418:.3907 .0/3574. 83.3/4.0881:.0/ :94339073.:80 #..0.03.3/ 8:5502039.990$ 70.4:3907 90$$9470 .8832039 24/0.843870.0.10/390$$ 9490$3./08903:2-0741 8:... #2088.748 8:..  %820.3.3907 0 0.93 90.8832039574..003 90$.4:3907 574.3/90.078 ..078  .0/39073.8:70/ .4:39073/./08903:2-0741.039073.11.0. .11.0870..3 472:.7807. .3/4.4:3907574.8:702039574.330 ..08870.07574.4:39078 9073.990$ 70.330 80:708/:09434% 2088.3$1742 $ 390570..-0 %390..078 %7.90/94 8500.3/4.0 8:.883203984190$ %03:2-0741 8500.:790.90/94 %8./08903:2-0741.03 43$3.:804390089.77397..-80/%.330 .0/:70 90$706:0898.0..3/4.3/4.07#06:0898 39073.078:..07574.4:390720.0870.3/9095041 8:.08$39020.8830/97.3/4..90/ .0890706:089   %8.330 950850.330 174290$$ 3903.11.8700.8:708903:2-07411.3/4./0890 8:241903:2-074192089.11..0/:7047.0784390%  390.330( .10/390$$ 2088.003 90$.43/9438  %03:2-074192089. 9820.8&2 2088.07$9..397.807.0881:4:943 09073./08903:2-0741 706:0898147..:70/:7390 ...7%.. .3$%2088.4:3907 574.-0 20.0/:70 90$9707890. 174290 :94339073.3/4.990 $70....90 %7.773 ..3$%2088.0/:70 %8.8:702039574.843870.078 %0.0/:70 90$706:0898 ..0.97.3/4.330 950850..990$70...08$39020..190790$ 70.087054790/-90$ -90$8%.883.3/4.08  %8.745843 .0174290$..3309490 0390$4790$706:0898..90..8 43 $$ 20703./0890949.8832039574.08.3$%2088. .190790$8008.3..070.3/ ..4:3907574.3//70.74583% /:094.11.4:3907574.3/90.8832039 574.3/4.330 ( $.3/800890 .0/:708 98 90$$-:934$8.07#06:0898 397.03 901443. 0..397.8%.-820391742.9490 .0.#0 089.330/0.:. ..9390.3907 0 ../0890 3:2-074192089..90/-8:-97.0.078 %0.0881:4:94339073.745843$( 4190##   ./7458 ..330  390220/.0 8:.08808 9806:..3/4.08.0/-90$23:890 90.8:702039574.  %8.3/4..94903:2-0741 $$#"2088.0/ :943 3907 . /7458/:09490&2 39071.08..0/-90 .078174290 :9439073. 0.07574.3/4.74:88..88320398806:.90/-8:-97.. .   &431/039.041 . !. 078-090031706:03.094349190$94 .397.3/4..3/4.8830/%8390.7% ./08903:2-07 4192089.3/8 98.08 90$ % .3/4.422.3/ :9439073.4:3907 %8..0881:800890 .330 %8.74: .07.908  %8.3/4.07.3/8 -. .3/8  .990$8:.3/4.070.04190.3:2-0741 90$ %020.3907 0.088909.330950 %..80/439084:7..0/:70  %8./08903:2-0741 574.330 9508 .:808 .190790.07.3907 .9 .078-09003/11070391706:03.4:3907574..3/4..0174290$ %03 90 9.0881:. 770850.9.8832039 574.4:39073/.8830/-90$390.0.07574.07843  %8.90/- 20.990259841.3/4..  $0.:808-0147090$ 70./0890949.330390 2088.0/:70 .709.0.3907 0 ./08903:2-0741 905071472..8:702039850714720/-. ...09490$ 90$70.0.3/4.93%  %409079 :9439073.078 .3/.4:3907574...088174290$ 90850.93.039073..93.:8041.8830/.0.8 -0.0 .8832039574.09490 $803/890 9490$974: $ 90473.3/3.0.3/4.3/.80/4390473.3/839.071.80/4390 473.:80414$:.3/4. -.3/ 39073.422.9.0890#2088.4:3907574. .8:70/-.4:3907820...4:3907574.0  #"2088.0784390$ % .422.0..8:702039850714720/ -./08903:2-07414:94339073.3/8 .3907 .0990 .07574.3/3.:790.9.:70.0414:94309073.93.3/88039-90$ %0 3907 ..3/ . :73904:94309073..90/ 90 $803/890 2088.3/%..07#06:0898.0 8:.08.3390  .3/4.709.0/:70 1907803/390 #" 2088.0890 3904:94339073.3/4.0..0.3/4.3.3/4.3/4.0/:70 190. . 041 .  &431/039. !.
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