KP EZine 85 February 2014

March 25, 2018 | Author: KALSHUBH | Category: Astrology, Science, Astronomy, Nature



Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2014KP Ezine February 2014 1 Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2014 CONTENTS Sl.N Par culars Author Page 1 Will Communists’ candidate of the Partido Frente Amplio win the Costa Rica presidential Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 4 2 Nach baliye (season 6) 2013- Grand finale Dr. Nirmal Kothari 8 3 A Tribute to Suchitra Sen Tin Win 17 4 Will I pass in Additional Session Judge Exam? Ajay Soni 22 5 Winning in sports competition Navin Chitlangia 24 5 Marriage prediction through 4 step theory Sunil Gondhalekar 27 6 A Sequel to RP Indication for Narendra Modi to become a PM or not? Syam Babu Singaraju 31 8 Longevity- Balarishtha V.K Sharma 36 9 Indication of Sudden Death Tin Win 39 10 KP - Marriage by love and inter cast Gun Nagaraju 42 11 When will I get the stolen golden ring back? Nitin Dubey 46 12 Change in Job Kanakkumar B. Bosmia 48 13 Geting visa for employment in abroad Dr. Nirmal Kothari 52 14 When my missing son will come back home? Ajay Soni 56 15 Question-Answer Tin Win 58 16 Book Review- Nakshatra Chintan, KP-based, Part Tin Win I & II 62 17 Planetary Position for February 2013 65 KP Ezine February 2014 Generated from KPAstro 4.1TM 2 Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2014 Published by: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia Sahakar- 2, Flat # 28, Jagabhai Park, Ram Baug, Maninagar, AHMEDABAD - 380 008, Gujarat State, India Phone: +91 79 25431165 Mobile: +91 9825131165 To Inquire by Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject ar cles. 2. Authors have to use only KP aynamsha (such as KPNA. Old, Straightline etc.) 3. No remunera on will be paid if ar cle is published , but complimentary copy of magazine will be sent to author. 4. Once an ar cle is published in kpezine it will be the property of publisher and will be governed by the Copyright act 5. Decision of publisher is final and not challengeable. 6. All ar cles should be sent to Publisher by email with full birth/ horary details to: [email protected] 7. One can feel to write on any method of KP such as KP, Kar's theory, Cuspal Interlinks (K.B. System), etc. 8. Publisher reserves right to edit ar cles. 9. While sending the ar cles, authors are requested to send their photographs with full address, contact phone numbers and email address. NOTICE All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine will be reproduced or transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo copy, duplicate copy or recording or by any informa on storage and retrieval system, without the prior wri en permission of the publisher. Requests/inquiries can be mailed to: [email protected] The publisher has no responsibility for products or services adver sed by others. No free inser on of any adver sement alleging typographical or other mistake will be given. TO UNSUBSCRIBE Send blank email to [email protected] with subject UNSUBSCRIBE KP Ezine February 2014 3 Polls show that José María Villalta Florez-Estrada . The 56-year-old Araya even avoided early campaign events. the candidate of the center left Partido Liberación Nacional. The country’s public debt has been estimated at more than 4 percent of gross domestic product. Araya. 2. concessions of government facilities such as highways and economic an ineffective current president. His party is the latest manifestation of the Communists in Costa Rica. KP Ezine February 2014 4 . Institutions. Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. The country also has widespread immigration from nearby Nicaragua. This is the institution that provides nearly universal health care. Villalta is an opponent of and wants to renegotiate the free trade treaty with the United State.php/article/60269 With Presidential Elections set for Short History http://canadafreepress. The national budget is balanced nearly 50 percent with borrowed money. who was president in the mid-1980s. Costa Rica Distrust of the two-party system. but early polls showed that Johnny Araya Monge. Araya got an early boost when a popular physician and his apparent biggest opponent from the Partido Unidad Social Cristiana quit. much of it illegal. 2014 Presidential elections are Feb. Whether it is true or not. and opponents are making much of this connection. Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park. may end up in a runoff. He is a populist who supports state ownership. a sitting member of the country’s unicameral legislature. Araya is haunted by clouds of suspicion to the extent that he is called in the street 10 percent Johnny. would win in a walk. higher taxes on the wealthy and price controls. Tax evasion is widespread even as the central government institutes new levies. apathy. have had financial problems. is the nephew of Luis Alberto Monge. who decreed higher taxes and has been beset by multiple cases of corruption and bad judgment. Some go so far as to label him a violent Communist due to his participation in some repeated confrontations and protests along with students at the legislature and in the streets. The fortunes of Liberación have suffered under the current presidency of Laura Chinchilla Miranda. came on strong with a lot of help from leftist students at the University de Costa Rica from where he was graduated and hosted an environmental show for years. a 36-year-old lawyer and candidate of the Partido Frente Amplio. Polls also suggest that about a third of the electorate will not go to the polls for various reason. the former long-time mayor of the capital. 2. By Jay Brodell (Bio and Archives) Monday. corruption and the two major parties that have run the nation for 50 years. Ram Baug Maninagar. His ascent in the polls reflects the discontent with the economic situation.. Villalta. He opposes privatization of resources. He is the brother of the party’s unsuccessful 1992 presidential candidate. staggering public debt and rising prices appear to be moving more Costa Ricans to the left. Bosmia Sahakar-2. such as the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social. and most professional politicians and many in the public figured he was the next person to occupy Casa Presidencial. Email : kanakbosmia@yahoo. That agreement barely survived a referendum in 2007. There are 13 presidential candidates. San José. January 6. Recent television commercials from opponents link him to Communist Cuba and the current leadership in Venezuela and warn the public against giving him a vote.Will Communists’ candidate of the Par do Frente Amplio win the Costa Rica presiden al elec on 2014? By: Kanakkumar B. and the candidate some label a Communist is running neckand-neck with the establishment choice. Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.Phalguni(4) 10 Swati(2) 11 Anuradha(2) 12 Moola(1) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Saturn Dasa 18-Apr-2002 .18-Apr-2081 Moon 18-Apr-2071 Mars 17-Feb-2072 Rahu 17-Sep-2072 Jupiter 19-Mar-2074 Saturn 18-Jul-2075 Mercury 16-Feb-2077 Ketu 19-Jul-2078 Venus 17-Feb-2079 Sun 17-Oct-2080 Mars Dasa 18-Apr-2081 .18-Apr-2106 Rahu 18-Apr-2088 Jupiter 30-Dec-2090 Saturn 25-May-2093 Mercury 31-Mar-2096 Ketu 18-Oct-2098 Venus 05-Nov-2099 Sun 05-Nov-2102 Moon 30-Sep-2103 Mars 31-Mar-2105 Jupiter Dasa 18-Apr-2106 .com KP Ezine February 2014 5 . 12 1.18-Apr-2045 Ketu 18-Apr-2038 Venus 15-Sep-2038 Sun 14-Nov-2039 Moon 21-Mar-2040 Mars 20-Oct-2040 Rahu 19-Mar-2041 Jupiter 06-Apr-2042 Saturn 13-Mar-2043 Mercury 21-Apr-2044 Venus Dasa 18-Apr-2045 . 9 Ju 6 6 1. 12 2 Ra 10 10 Ke 4 4 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju.07/Jan/2014 11:00:31 AM KANKARIYA. 10 Sa 6 10 1.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 1 12 5. Sa.kpastrosystem.Ashada(3) Mo U.18-Apr-2065 Venus 18-Apr-2045 Sun 18-Aug-2048 Moon 18-Aug-2049 Mars 19-Apr-2051 Rahu 19-Jun-2052 Jupiter 19-Jun-2055 Saturn 17-Feb-2058 Mercury 19-Apr-2061 Ketu 17-Feb-2064 Sun Dasa 18-Apr-2065 . Man Machine Systems. 10 8 Mo 10 3 2 Ma+ 3 9 4.18-Apr-2088 Mars 18-Apr-2081 Rahu 15-Sep-2081 Jupiter 03-Oct-2082 Saturn 09-Sep-2083 Mercury 18-Oct-2084 Ketu 16-Oct-2085 Venus 14-Mar-2086 Sun 14-May-2087 Moon 18-Sep-2087 Rahu Dasa 18-Apr-2088 . India II 02:13:06 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 45" [KP Ayanamsa] . India Planet Sgl Lagna Sa Moon Ju Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ju Me Ju Me Sa Mo Sa Ve Day Lord: Mars Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 10:02:13:06 III 11:08:29:07 Ke 00:09:58:33 Mo 11:11:33:20 11 Su 08:22:52:06 XII 08:01:30:33 I 08:26:40:00 Me 08:28:16:58 Ve[R] 08:29:49:12 XI 07:07:14:51 9 8 12 IV 00:10:24:24 Sa 06:26:56:18 X 06:10:24:24 9 3 VII 02:26:40:00 V 01:07:14:51 2 6 VI 02:01:30:33 Ju[R] 02:21:18:48 Ke 09:58:33 IV 10:24:24 Ma 05:20:22:17 Ra 06:09:58:33 IX 05:08:29:07 5 3 VIII 04:02:13:06 V 07:14:51 VI 01:30:33 Ju[R] 21:18:48 VII 26:40:00 Mo 11:33:20 III 08:29:07 Name: Costa Rica Communis party Gender: Male Date: Tuesday. 07/Jan/2014 Time: 11:00:31 AM SID: 17:27:46 Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E Place: AHMEDABAD.Ashada(1) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Ju Ju Me Ju Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Ve Sa Mo Su Ju Su Ju Ra Ke Sbl Sa Mo Ke Mo Ju Ra Ve Ju Sa Ssl Ve Sa Me Ve Mo Sa Su Mo Ke Sssl Ju Ve Ve Ra Ju Sa Mo Ju Ve Significators . Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha. 11 Me+ 12 1 8 6. 3. (A) . Dasa: Saturn 7 Y.Horary No. 7. Ve.18-Apr-2122 Jupiter 18-Apr-2106 Saturn 06-Jun-2108 Mercury 18-Dec-2110 Ketu 25-Mar-2113 Venus 01-Mar-2114 Sun 31-Oct-2116 Moon 19-Aug-2117 Mars 19-Dec-2118 Rahu 25-Nov-2119 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. 12 D VIII 02:13:06 IX 08:29:07 Ma 20:22:17 Ve[R] 29:49:12 Me 28:16:58 I 26:40:00 Su 22:52:06 XII 01:30:33 XI 07:14:51 Sa 26:56:18 X 10:24:24 Ra 09:58:33 Sgl Ju Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Me Su Me Ve Ma Ju Stl Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Sbl Su Ke Ve Sa Ke Me Ve Ve Ve Ju Me Ve Ssl Su Ra Su Ve Mo Ju Ve Sa Ma Ra Sa Ma Sssl Su Ra Su Me Sa Su Ma Sa Ju Su Ma Sa Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.18-Apr-2038 Mercury 18-Apr-2021 Ketu 15-Sep-2023 Venus 11-Sep-2024 Sun 12-Jul-2027 Moon 18-May-2028 Mars 17-Oct-2029 Rahu 14-Oct-2030 Jupiter 03-May-2033 Saturn 08-Aug-2035 Ketu Dasa 18-Apr-2038 . Saptami Bal.House Owner 7 1 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U.Bhadra.Bhadra(2) 4 Aswini(4) 5 Krittika(4) 6 Mrigasira(3) 7 Punarvasu(3) 8 Magha(1) 9 U.: 185 Question : Will Communists in Costa Rica party candidate of the Partido Frente Amplio win this presidential election 2014? Ruling Planets .Bhadra(3) Ma Hasta(4) Me U.Placidus Star: U. (B) . GUJARAT. 185/249 Sun Rise: 07:22:09 AM Nithya Yoga: Parigha Sun Set: Hora: 06:09:31 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365.Ashada(1) Ju[R] Punarvasu(1) Ve[R] U. GUJARAT.18-Apr-2021 Saturn 18-Apr-2002 Mercury 22-Apr-2005 Ketu 30-Dec-2007 Venus 08-Feb-2009 Sun 09-Apr-2012 Moon 22-Mar-2013 Mars 21-Oct-2014 Rahu 29-Nov-2015 Jupiter 06-Oct-2018 Mercury Dasa 18-Apr-2021 .25 D Karana: Vanij Horary No.18-Apr-2071 Sun 18-Apr-2065 Moon 06-Aug-2065 Mars 05-Feb-2066 Rahu 12-Jun-2066 Jupiter 07-May-2067 Saturn 23-Feb-2068 Mercury 04-Feb-2069 Ketu 12-Dec-2069 Venus 19-Apr-2070 Moon Dasa 18-Apr-2071 .Ashada(1) 2 Dhanishta(3) 3 U. 3.Planets in Owner's stars (D) . 3 M.Occupant of house (C) . Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. 12 Ve 12 1 8 5. AHMEDABAD. Sa. 3. owner of 1-3-12. Ayanamsha: 230. Time of Judgment: 11:00:31 AM IST Place of Judgment: Kankariya. They fear a strongly socialist leader will bring more taxes and controls as well as chase away the lucrative North American tourist trade. Hence communal party have chance to win. has begun campaigning strongly for Araya. the father of modern Costa Rica and the winner in the 1948 revolution who established the country’s broad social welfare policies. The party has a nationwide political network. Liberación National is the party of José Figueres Ferrer. Hence communal party have chance to win. Cuspal Sub Lord 10th Cusp.45" Hint: What will be the outcome of Election? ♦ If 10th (outcome of election and referendum) signifies 4(Democracies. Long/Lat: 23° N 00'. KP Ezine February 2014 6 . Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 6.24") : The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Jupiter. Even if Villalta does not win. Thus this Dasa-Antra lord Saturn signifies 6(Military Dictatorship). Saturn is occupant of 10. 72°E 36'. The campaign seems to be well-funded and slick with attention to social media as well as traditional platforms. Jupiter is in the star and sub of Jupiter. the son of José and a former president himself. Thus it is the significator of the 1-3-6(Military Dictatorship)-12. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 1 owner of 5-10. 11(gain) then power come in the hand of Religious leaders. Villalta’s success in the polls generated deep concern in the commercial establishment. Tuesday. the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. 11(gain). (Libra 100. Dasa-Antra lord Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. The party also is that of two-time president Óscar Arias Sánchez. then power comes in the hand of Military or dictator. Name: Costa Rica Question: Will Communists’ candidate of the Partido Frente Amplio win the Costa Rica presidential election 2014? Number: 185 (out of 249) Date of Judgment: 07-01-2014. ♦ If 10th (outcome of election and referendum) signifies 6(Military Dictatorship). José María Figueres Olsen. something Frente Amplio does not.57'. then power comes in the hand of Democratic Government.Violent crime is rampant. Consequently there are enough problems to challenge any politician. and the country is a highway for drugs going north. Villalta offers a change vague enough that each voter can define it personally. Dasha Period At the time of judgment (Saturn dasa up to 18-04-2021). Democratic Government and movements).Ahmedabad. who has not given his support. Star and Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 6. ♦ If 10th (outcome of election and referendum) signifies 9(Religious leader). his popularity and presence on the ballot is likely to bring many of his party members into the legislature. 11(gain). the querent is running the period of Saturn-Moon-Saturn up to 22-2-2014. Public employment has spiked as the central government tries to insulate itself from the world economic situation. owner of 2. owner of 1-3-12.24'. KP Ezine February 2014 7 . My opinion: 10th cusp sub lord as well as DBA indicates that communists’ candidate of the Partido Frente Amplio will win this Costa Rica presidential election 2014. This bhukit does not signify any relevant bhava. owner of 2. Star lord Saturn is occupant of 10. Moon is occupant of 3.Bhukit lord Moon is in the star of Saturn and sub of own. 6 and is in connection with 6. owner of 8. Moon signifies the relevant houses. So 6th and 11th CSL Venus signifies 1. Cuspal Analysis 6th Cusp (Libra 15-49-02) & 11th Cusp (Pieces 09-45-45): The sublord of 6th & 11th cusp Venus is in the star of self (Venus) and sub of Jupiter.D. (Note: 6th is stronger than 11. 11th is stronger than 1) (Note: To win any sort of competition. (3) Rithvik Dhanjani & Asha Negi. on behalf of Gurmeet & Debina). The judges are Sajid Khan.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 5. At the time of judgment. 11. 6. 13. India. 11. success). 3 (one’s ability) and 10 (position) should be considered as supportive houses) Gurmeet Choudhary & Debina Bonnerjee Question: Will Gurmeet Choudhary & Debina Bonnerjee win the title of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Horary Number: 36 (out of 249. Mobile : +91-98300 89302. Time of Judgment: 24-01-2014.Kolkata – 700 016.Grand finale By: Dr. Rahu acts as agent of Saturn. 10:56:43 Hrs. Moon (Libra 10-14-22) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. One couple will be eliminated in semi-final round on 25th January 2014 and the Grand Finale with final four couples will be held on coming Saturday & Sunday i. (4) Vinod Thakur & Raksha Thakur. (2) Ripu Daman Handa & Shivangi Verma.e. on 1st & 2nd February 2014. The contestants are couples (called 'jodis' in Hindi) who are television stars. 2013 on Star Plus channel. owner of 1 and 6. while 1 (Selfefforts for winning). 6. 88E20). Planet and its starlord Venus is the occupant of 8. 094 777 507035. Planet Moon is the occupant of 5. and model-actress Shilpa Shetty. Karan Wahi and Gautam Rode are the hosts for the sixth season. hence query or urge is genuine. The series is broadcast on Star Plus. Kolkata. Saturday and Sunday evenings. The winner of the title will be announced on 2nd February 2014. Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27. Nirmal Kothari Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph. and (5) Kiku Sharda & Priyanka Sharda. Their names are (1) Gurmeet Choudhary & Debina Bonnerjee. 11 (reputation as a winner. reality-television series on the Indian STAR Plus channel. choreographer Terrence Lewis. 11 houses are judged primarily. fulfillment of Background Note: Nach Baliye ('Nach' means Dance and 'Baliye' means partner or mate) is a dance. Kyd Street. total five celebrity couples secured their place in the semi-final round of Nach Baliye Season 6. KP Ezine February 2014 8 . 5th Floor. Saturn is the occupant of 6. being 12th from 7th loss of opponent). owner of 9 and 10. Opposite – MLA Hostel. owner of 8 and 11. (IST). 1 (self-efforts for winning). West Bengal. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 2. success is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 1. owner of 3. West Bengal. 11. Hints: If 6th or 11th cuspal sublord signifies 6 (defeat to opponent.Nach baliye (season 6) 2013. The sixth season of the Indian television dance reality show Nach Baliye was premiered on November 9. Email : Kothari_nirmal@hotmail. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 2. Ashada(4) 10 Satabhisha(1) 11 U. WEST BENGAL.28-Mar-2086 Ketu 28-Mar-2079 Venus 24-Aug-2079 Sun 24-Oct-2080 Moon 01-Mar-2081 Mars 30-Sep-2081 Rahu 26-Feb-2082 Jupiter 16-Mar-2083 Saturn 20-Feb-2084 Mercury 01-Apr-2085 Venus Dasa 28-Mar-2086 . Ju.28-Mar-2062 Saturn 28-Mar-2043 Mercury 31-Mar-2046 Ketu 08-Dec-2048 Venus 17-Jan-2050 Sun 19-Mar-2053 Moon 01-Mar-2054 Mars 30-Sep-2055 Rahu 09-Nov-2056 Jupiter 15-Sep-2059 Mercury Dasa 28-Mar-2062 .28-Mar-2027 Rahu 28-Mar-2009 Jupiter 08-Dec-2011 Saturn 04-May-2014 Mercury 10-Mar-2017 Ketu 27-Sep-2019 Venus 15-Oct-2020 Sun 15-Oct-2023 Moon 08-Sep-2024 Mars 10-Mar-2026 Jupiter Dasa 28-Mar-2027 . 2 M.kpastrosystem.Phalguni(4) 6 Swati(3) 7 Jyeshta(2) 8 P. Sa. 6 Sa+ 2 6 8. Ma.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 5 9 3 4 Mo 5 5 3 Ma 5 5 7.28-Mar-2129 Mars 28-Mar-2122 Rahu 24-Aug-2122 Jupiter 11-Sep-2123 Saturn 17-Aug-2124 Mercury 26-Sep-2125 Ketu 23-Sep-2126 Venus 19-Feb-2127 Sun 20-Apr-2128 Moon 26-Aug-2128 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo. 6 1. Ve.Bhadra(2) 12 Bharani(1) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 28-Mar-2009 .25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No. 11 9.28-Mar-2106 Venus 28-Mar-2086 Sun 28-Jul-2089 Moon 28-Jul-2090 Mars 27-Mar-2092 Rahu 27-May-2093 Jupiter 27-May-2096 Saturn 25-Jan-2099 Mercury 27-Mar-2102 Ketu 26-Jan-2105 Sun Dasa 28-Mar-2106 .House Owner 11 5 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Rohini(4) 2 Aridra(3) 3 Pushyami(2) 4 Magha(3) 5 U. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ke Ra Me Ve Ra Ju Ra Ju Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:15:12:57 Ju[R] 02:19:07:20 XII 00:15:49:02 I 01:20:26:40 III 03:09:43:03 3 XI 11:09:45:45 Ke 00:09:04:31 1 12 4 IV 04:07:13:04 X 10:07:13:04 2 8 VII 07:20:26:40 Ra 06:09:04:31 V 05:09:45:45 Mo 06:10:14:22 6 Ma 05:26:48:15 10 VI 06:15:49:02 Sa 06:28:10:31 Ke 09:04:31 XII 15:49:02 Me 09:26:19:42 Su 09:10:10:25 IX 09:09:43:03 9 7 Ve[R] 08:20:47:36 VIII 08:15:12:57 I 20:26:40 II 15:12:57 Ju[R] 19:07:20 XI 09:45:45 Name: Gurmeet & Debina Gender: Male Date: Friday. 3 D IV 07:13:04 X 07:13:04 Me 26:19:42 Su 10:10:25 IX 09:43:03 V 09:45:45 Ma 26:48:15 Ve[R] 20:47:36 VIII 15:12:57 VII 20:26:40 Sa 28:10:31 VI 15:49:02 Mo 10:14:22 Ra 09:04:31 Sgl Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Stl Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Me Ve Su Ra Sa Ve Sbl Ve Ke Ve Ra Ve Ve Ve Ve Ve Ra Ve Su Ssl Ve Me Sa Su Me Mo Ra Me Me Ju Sa Ju Sssl Ve Sa Ve Ju Ra Me Ma Ve Ma Ra Mo Me Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Swati(2) Ma Chitra(2) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Aridra(4) Ve[R] P. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.: 36 Question : Will Gurmeet Choudhary & Debina Bonnerjee win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Ruling Planets .24/Jan/2014 10:56:43 AM PARK STREET.28-Mar-2122 Moon 28-Mar-2112 Mars 26-Jan-2113 Rahu 27-Aug-2113 Jupiter 26-Feb-2115 Saturn 27-Jun-2116 Mercury 26-Jan-2118 Ketu 27-Jun-2119 Venus 26-Jan-2120 Sun 26-Sep-2121 Mars Dasa 28-Mar-2122 .Ashada(1) 9 U. 12 7. (B) . 10 Ra 5 5 Ke 11 11 (A) .Occupant of house (C) . 12 Me+ 5 9 7. 5 Ju 5 2 8. Man Machine Systems. 12 2. KOLKATA. 36/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Shula Sun Set: Hora: 05:19:25 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.Horary No. India III 09:43:03 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] .28-Mar-2043 Jupiter 28-Mar-2027 Saturn 15-May-2029 Mercury 26-Nov-2031 Ketu 04-Mar-2034 Venus 08-Feb-2035 Sun 09-Oct-2037 Moon 28-Jul-2038 Mars 27-Nov-2039 Rahu 02-Nov-2040 Saturn Dasa 28-Mar-2043 .Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. Ashtami Bal. 11 Ve 8 8 1.28-Mar-2079 Mercury 28-Mar-2062 Ketu 24-Aug-2064 Venus 21-Aug-2065 Sun 21-Jun-2068 Moon 27-Apr-2069 Mars 26-Sep-2070 Rahu 23-Sep-2071 Jupiter 12-Apr-2074 Saturn 19-Jul-2076 Ketu Dasa 28-Mar-2079 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) . Sa.Ashada(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Mo Ra Ma Ma Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Mo Ju Ju Ju Mo Ju Ve Ju Ju Ssl Ra Ra Me Ju Ve Me Sa Sa Ra Sssl Ra Ju Ra Ra Sa Ra Su Mo Ra Significators . WEST BENGAL. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y. Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha.28-Mar-2112 Sun 28-Mar-2106 Moon 15-Jul-2106 Mars 14-Jan-2107 Rahu 22-May-2107 Jupiter 15-Apr-2108 Saturn 01-Feb-2109 Mercury 14-Jan-2110 Ketu 20-Nov-2110 Venus 28-Mar-2111 Moon Dasa 28-Mar-2112 .Placidus Star: KP Ezine February 2014 9 . 24/Jan/2014 Time: 10:56:43 AM SID: 19:33:55 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA. Ve. Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha.Ashada(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Mo Ra Ma Ma Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Mo Sa Ju Ju Mo Ju Ve Ju Ju Ssl Ra Sa Me Sa Ve Me Sa Sa Ra Sssl Ju Ke Ju Sa Sa Ra Su Mo Ra Significators . India III 15:14:09 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .: 40 Question : Will Kiku Sharda & Priyanka Sharda win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Ruling Planets . 11 9. 6 Sa+ 2 6 8. WEST BENGAL. 40/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Shula Sun Set: Hora: 05:19:25 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365. Ma. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ve Mo Sa Su Ra Sa Sa Ke Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:20:29:15 XII 00:22:19:12 Ju[R] 02:19:07:10 I 01:26:06:40 III 03:15:14:09 3 XI 11:16:31:37 Ke 00:09:04:26 1 12 4 IV 04:13:24:24 X 10:13:24:24 2 8 VII 07:26:06:40 Ra 06:09:04:26 Mo 06:10:32:52 V 05:16:31:37 6 Ma 05:26:48:43 Me 09:26:21:52 IX 09:15:14:09 10 9 7 VI 06:22:19:12 Sa 06:28:10:37 Ke 09:04:26 XII 22:19:12 Ve[R] 08:20:47:09 VIII 08:20:29:15 Su 09:10:11:50 I 26:06:40 Ju[R] 19:07:10 II 20:29:15 XI 16:31:37 Name: Kiku & Priyanka Gender: Male Date: Friday.Ashada(3) 9 Sravana(2) 10 Satabhisha(3) 11 U. (B) .28-Oct-2111 Sun 28-Oct-2105 Moon 15-Feb-2106 Mars 16-Aug-2106 Rahu 22-Dec-2106 Jupiter 16-Nov-2107 Saturn 03-Sep-2108 Mercury 16-Aug-2109 Ketu 22-Jun-2110 Venus 28-Oct-2110 Moon Dasa 28-Oct-2111 .28-Oct-2128 Mars 28-Oct-2121 Rahu 26-Mar-2122 Jupiter 13-Apr-2123 Saturn 19-Mar-2124 Mercury 28-Apr-2125 Ketu 25-Apr-2126 Venus 21-Sep-2126 Sun 21-Nov-2127 Moon 28-Mar-2128 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. WEST BENGAL.Bhadra(4) 12 Bharani(3) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 28-Oct-2008 . Ketu acts as agent for: Mo. Ashtami Bal.Horary No. Ju.28-Oct-2078 Mercury 28-Oct-2061 Ketu 25-Mar-2064 Venus 22-Mar-2065 Sun 21-Jan-2068 Moon 26-Nov-2068 Mars 27-Apr-2070 Rahu 25-Apr-2071 Jupiter 12-Nov-2073 Saturn 17-Feb-2076 Ketu Dasa 28-Oct-2078 .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 5 8 3 4 Mo 5 5 3 Ma 5 5 7.Occupant of house (C) .28-Oct-2105 Venus 28-Oct-2085 Sun 27-Feb-2089 Moon 27-Feb-2090 Mars 28-Oct-2091 Rahu 28-Dec-2092 Jupiter 28-Dec-2095 Saturn 29-Aug-2098 Mercury 29-Oct-2101 Ketu 28-Aug-2104 Sun Dasa 28-Oct-2105 .House Owner 11 5 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Mrigasira(1) 2 Punarvasu(1) 3 Pushyami(4) 4 P. 24/Jan/2014 Time: 11:30:32 AM SID: 20:07:49 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA. 5 Ju 5 2 8.Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. 12 Me+ 5 9 7.Placidus Star: Swati. 6 1. Dasa: Rahu 12 Y. 12 2. 9 M. 10 Ra 5 5 Ke 11 11 (A) .28-Oct-2026 Rahu 28-Oct-2008 Jupiter 11-Jul-2011 Saturn 04-Dec-2013 Mercury 09-Oct-2016 Ketu 28-Apr-2019 Venus 16-May-2020 Sun 16-May-2023 Moon 09-Apr-2024 Mars 09-Oct-2025 Jupiter Dasa 28-Oct-2026 .28-Oct-2061 Saturn 28-Oct-2042 Mercury 31-Oct-2045 Ketu 10-Jul-2048 Venus 18-Aug-2049 Sun 18-Oct-2052 Moon 30-Sep-2053 Mars 01-May-2055 Rahu 10-Jun-2056 Jupiter 16-Apr-2059 Mercury Dasa 28-Oct-2061 . 11 Ve 8 8 1. Sa.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary KP Ezine February 2014 10 . 12 7. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Phalguni(1) 5 Hasta(2) 6 Visakha(1) 7 Jyeshta(3) 8 P. Sa.28-Oct-2121 Moon 28-Oct-2111 Mars 27-Aug-2112 Rahu 28-Mar-2113 Jupiter 27-Sep-2114 Saturn 27-Jan-2116 Mercury 28-Aug-2117 Ketu 27-Jan-2119 Venus 28-Aug-2119 Sun 29-Apr-2121 Mars Dasa 28-Oct-2121 .28-Oct-2085 Ketu 28-Oct-2078 Venus 26-Mar-2079 Sun 26-May-2080 Moon 01-Oct-2080 Mars 02-May-2081 Rahu 28-Sep-2081 Jupiter 16-Oct-2082 Saturn 22-Sep-2083 Mercury 01-Nov-2084 Venus Dasa 28-Oct-2085 . KOLKATA. 3 D IV 13:24:24 X 13:24:24 Me 26:21:52 IX 15:14:09 Su 10:11:50 V 16:31:37 Ma 26:48:43 Ve[R] 20:47:09 VIII 20:29:15 VII 26:06:40 Sa 28:10:37 VI 22:19:12 Mo 10:32:52 Ra 09:04:26 Sgl Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Stl Ma Ju Sa Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Sa Ve Sbl Ju Ju Ju Ve Sa Sa Ju Ju Ju Me Ju Sa Ssl Ju Sa Sa Ve Ve Me Ju Sa Mo Mo Ra Me Sssl Ju Ju Ve Su Mo Ra Ju Ve Me Ju Me Ve Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Swati(2) Ma Chitra(2) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Aridra(4) Ve[R] P.24/Jan/2014 11:30:32 AM PARK STREET.kpastrosystem.28-Oct-2042 Jupiter 28-Oct-2026 Saturn 16-Dec-2028 Mercury 28-Jun-2031 Ketu 04-Oct-2033 Venus 10-Sep-2034 Sun 11-May-2037 Moon 28-Feb-2038 Mars 29-Jun-2039 Rahu 04-Jun-2040 Saturn Dasa 28-Oct-2042 . Man Machine Systems. 11th Cusp (Virgo 05-40-56): The sublord of 11th cusp Mercury is in the star of Mars and sub of Jupiter. 11. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 8. The winner of the “Nach Baliye-6” will be announced on 2nd February 2014) Ripu Daman Handa & Shivangi Verma Question: Will Ripu Daman Handa & Shivangi Verma win the title of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Horary Number: 146 (out of 249. India. being untenanted. (IST). 12. Saturn is aspecting 3rd & 11th cusp. owner of 5. 6th CSL Moon signifies 3. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12. 11th CSL Mercury signifies 1. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 8. Rahu is conjoined to Saturn and thus acts as an agent of Saturn. 3. owner of 3. Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 8. is the occupant of 9. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 8. on behalf of Vinod & Raksha). 11:13:02 Hrs. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 5. being untenanted. on behalf of Rithvik & Asha). Cuspal Analysis 6th Cusp (Gemini 29-57-07) & 11th Cusp (Sagittarius 04-42-04): The sublord of 6th & 11th cusp Moon is the occupant of 8. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. CSL of 9. Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27. Kolkata. being untenanted.(Note: 6th & 11th CSL Venus is retrograde at the time of judgment. 8. Rithvik Dhanjani & Asha Negi Question: Will Rithvik Dhanjani & Asha Negi win the title of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Horary Number: 208 (out of 249. 6. Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27. Moon (Libra 10-23-18) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. hence query is genuine. Moon signifies and/or in connection with the relevant houses. 6th & 11th CSL Moon signifies 1 and is in connection with 1. 11. Starlord Mars is the occupant of 11. West Bengal. India. Planet Moon is the occupant of 12. on behalf of Ripu Daman & Shivangi). 3. Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. Rahu acts as agent of Saturn. 11. owner of 11. 11. owner of 2. is the occupant of 12. Kolkata. owner of 1. 4. is the occupant of 12. (IST). Saturn is aspecting 3rd & 11th cusp. Time of Judgment: 24-01-2014. 88E20). is the occupant of 9. Saturn aspects 6th cusp sublord Jupiter the occupant of 8. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12. Venus will turn direct from 1st February 2014 onwards. KP Ezine February 2014 11 . Time of Judgment: 24-01-2014. owner of 1. 2 and 6. CSL of 2. Cuspal Analysis 6th Cusp (Aries 04-39-04): The sublord of 6th cusp Moon is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Vinod Thakur & Raksha Thakur Question: Will Vinod Thakur & Raksha Thakur win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Horary Number: 74 (out of 249. Time of Judgment: 24-01-2014. Saturn. India. 8. Saturn. being untenanted. But before the announcement of final result. Saturn. Moon signifies and/or is in connection with the relevant houses. 88E20). Kolkata. owner of 2. West Bengal. CSL of 9. owner of 1. 12. Planet Mercury is the occupant of 3. Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. West Bengal. owner of 9. 11:04:40 Hrs. 88E20). hence query is genuine. Moon (Libra 10-18-43) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. owner of 3. 11. Planet Moon is the occupant of 8. 4 and CSL of 2. Mercury is untenanted and CSL of 5. owner of 5. Saturn. 11:21:05 Hrs. owner of 5. (IST). owner of 9. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 5. 146/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Shula Sun Set: Hora: 05:19:25 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: KP Ezine February 2014 12 .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 12 3 9 10 Mo 12 12 9 Ma 11 11 1.20-Feb-2043 Jupiter 20-Feb-2027 Saturn 09-Apr-2029 Mercury 21-Oct-2031 Ketu 27-Jan-2034 Venus 03-Jan-2035 Sun 03-Sep-2037 Moon 22-Jun-2038 Mars 22-Oct-2039 Rahu 27-Sep-2040 Saturn Dasa 20-Feb-2043 . (B) . WEST BENGAL. 28 D X 03:29:52 IV 03:29:52 Me 26:20:13 Su 10:10:45 III 00:41:50 XI 05:40:56 Ma 26:48:21 Ve[R] 20:47:29 II 29:27:14 I 00:00:00 Sa 28:10:33 Mo 10:18:43 Ra 09:04:30 XII 04:39:04 Stl Ju Me Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Sbl Mo Sa Ra Ve Me Mo Ra Sa Ma Su Me Ve Ssl Sa Ra Ve Ra Me Ve Sa Ra Ra Me Ve Me Sssl Ve Ju Ju Ra Sa Ju Ma Ju Su Ju Ju Ra Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Swati(2) Ma Chitra(2) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Aridra(4) Ve[R] P. 12 7. 8. 2. 6 11 Ju 12 8 5 Ve 2 2 7. WEST BENGAL.20-Feb-2079 Mercury 20-Feb-2062 Ketu 18-Jul-2064 Venus 15-Jul-2065 Sun 14-May-2068 Moon 21-Mar-2069 Mars 20-Aug-2070 Rahu 17-Aug-2071 Jupiter 06-Mar-2074 Saturn 12-Jun-2076 Ketu Dasa 20-Feb-2079 . 24/Jan/2014 Time: 11:04:40 AM SID: 19:41:53 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No.House Owner 5 11 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(4) 2 Jyeshta(4) 3 U. 6 1.Placidus Star: Swati. Sa. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo. Man Machine Systems.20-Feb-2062 Saturn 20-Feb-2043 Mercury 23-Feb-2046 Ketu 01-Nov-2048 Venus 11-Dec-2049 Sun 10-Feb-2053 Moon 23-Jan-2054 Mars 24-Aug-2055 Rahu 03-Oct-2056 Jupiter 09-Aug-2059 Mercury Dasa 20-Feb-2062 . 8. Ma. Sa. Ashtami Bal. 6 Me+ 11 3 1. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ke Ju Ma Ma Ra Ju Ra Me Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ve[R] 08:20:47:29 II 07:29:27:14 Sa 06:28:10:33 Mo 06:10:18:43 Ra 06:09:04:30 XII 06:04:39:04 I 07:00:00:00 III 09:00:41:50 Su 09:10:10:45 Me 09:26:20:13 8 Ma 05:26:48:21 XI 05:05:40:56 7 6 10 IV 10:03:29:52 X 04:03:29:52 8 2 VII 01:00:00:00 V 11:05:40:56 IX 03:00:41:50 12 4 2 1 VI 00:04:39:04 Ke 00:09:04:30 VI 04:39:04 Ke 09:04:30 VIII 01:29:27:14 Ju[R] 02:19:07:17 VII 00:00:00 VIII 29:27:14 Ju[R] 19:07:17 Name: Ripu Daman & Shivangi Gender: Male Date: Friday.Ashada(2) 4 Dhanishta(4) 5 U.20-Feb-2106 Venus 20-Feb-2086 Sun 21-Jun-2089 Moon 21-Jun-2090 Mars 20-Feb-2092 Rahu 22-Apr-2093 Jupiter 22-Apr-2096 Saturn 21-Dec-2098 Mercury 20-Feb-2102 Ketu 21-Dec-2104 Sun Dasa 20-Feb-2106 . KOLKATA. 2. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Ashada(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Mo Ra Ma Ma Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Mo Ju Ju Ju Mo Ju Ve Ju Ju Ssl Ra Ra Me Ju Ve Me Sa Sa Ra Sssl Ra Me Ra Ra Sa Ra Su Mo Ra Dasa Summary Bhukti V 05:40:56 Sgl Ma Ma Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Ve Mo Su Me Ve Significators . 4 Ra 12 12 Ke 6 6 (A) . Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha. Dasa: Rahu 13 Y.: 146 Question : Will Ripu Daman Handa & Shivangi Verma win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Ruling Planets .Phalguni(3) 12 Chitra(4) From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 20-Feb-2009 . Ve.20-Feb-2122 Moon 20-Feb-2112 Mars 20-Dec-2112 Rahu 21-Jul-2113 Jupiter 20-Jan-2115 Saturn 21-May-2116 Mercury 20-Dec-2117 Ketu 21-May-2119 Venus 20-Dec-2119 Sun 20-Aug-2121 Mars Dasa 20-Feb-2122 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .24/Jan/2014 11:04:40 AM PARK STREET. Ju.Occupant of house (C) .Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. India IX 00:41:50 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] .20-Feb-2129 Mars 20-Feb-2122 Rahu 19-Jul-2122 Jupiter 06-Aug-2123 Saturn 12-Jul-2124 Mercury 21-Aug-2125 Ketu 18-Aug-2126 Venus 14-Jan-2127 Sun 15-Mar-2128 Moon 21-Jul-2128 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.Horary No.20-Feb-2086 Ketu 20-Feb-2079 Venus 19-Jul-2079 Sun 18-Sep-2080 Moon 24-Jan-2081 Mars 25-Aug-2081 Rahu 21-Jan-2082 Jupiter 08-Feb-2083 Saturn 15-Jan-2084 Mercury 24-Feb-2085 Venus Dasa 20-Feb-2086 . 12 Sa+ 8 1 5 3.Bhadra(1) 6 Aswini(2) 7 Krittika(2) 8 Mrigasira(2) 9 Punarvasu(4) 10 Magha(2) 11 U.kpastrosystem. 2. 0 M.20-Feb-2112 Sun 20-Feb-2106 Moon 09-Jun-2106 Mars 09-Dec-2106 Rahu 16-Apr-2107 Jupiter 09-Mar-2108 Saturn 27-Dec-2108 Mercury 09-Dec-2109 Ketu 15-Oct-2110 Venus 20-Feb-2111 Moon Dasa 20-Feb-2112 .20-Feb-2027 Rahu 20-Feb-2009 Jupiter 02-Nov-2011 Saturn 28-Mar-2014 Mercury 02-Feb-2017 Ketu 22-Aug-2019 Venus 09-Sep-2020 Sun 09-Sep-2023 Moon 03-Aug-2024 Mars 02-Feb-2026 Jupiter Dasa 20-Feb-2027 . Placidus Star: Swati. 8 Ju 9 5 2.Occupant of house (C) . 12 1 Ra 9 9 Ke 3 3 (A) . 10 3. 10 Me+ 8 12 3. 12 Ve 11 11 4. 208/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Shula Sun Set: Hora: 05:19:25 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.24/Jan/2014 11:13:02 AM PARK STREET.15-Jan-2027 Rahu 15-Jan-2009 Jupiter 28-Sep-2011 Saturn 21-Feb-2014 Mercury 28-Dec-2016 Ketu 16-Jul-2019 Venus 04-Aug-2020 Sun 04-Aug-2023 Moon 27-Jun-2024 Mars 27-Dec-2025 Jupiter Dasa 15-Jan-2027 .15-Jan-2112 Sun 15-Jan-2106 Moon 05-May-2106 Mars 03-Nov-2106 Rahu 11-Mar-2107 Jupiter 03-Feb-2108 Saturn 21-Nov-2108 Mercury 03-Nov-2109 Ketu 10-Sep-2110 Venus 15-Jan-2111 Moon Dasa 15-Jan-2112 .com KP Ezine February 2014 13 . 24/Jan/2014 Time: 11:13:02 AM SID: 19:50:16 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA.kpastrosystem. Man Machine Systems. 9 4. 11. 9 Sa+ 5 9 2. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Bhadra(2) 3 Aswini(4) 4 Rohini(1) 5 Mrigasira(4) 6 Punarvasu(3) 7 Magha(1) 8 U.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 9 12 7 Mo 9 9 Ma 8 8 3.15-Jan-2043 Jupiter 15-Jan-2027 Saturn 05-Mar-2029 Mercury 16-Sep-2031 Ketu 22-Dec-2033 Venus 28-Nov-2034 Sun 30-Jul-2037 Moon 18-May-2038 Mars 17-Sep-2039 Rahu 22-Aug-2040 Saturn Dasa 15-Jan-2043 . India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ke Me Me Ve Ra Ju Ra Ve Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 11:08:29:24 Ke 00:09:04:29 XII 08:29:57:07 Me 09:26:20:45 Su 09:10:11:06 I 10:00:00:00 III 00:12:14:54 12 Ve[R] 08:20:47:23 XI 08:04:42:04 9 9 1 IV 01:10:00:53 X 07:10:00:53 11 5 VII 04:00:00:00 V 02:04:42:04 Ju[R] 02:19:07:15 Sa 06:28:10:34 IX 06:12:14:54 3 7 6 3 VI 02:29:57:07 Ke 09:04:29 III 12:14:54 Ma 05:26:48:28 Mo 06:10:23:18 Ra 06:09:04:29 VIII 05:08:29:24 IV 10:00:53 V 04:42:04 Ju[R] 19:07:15 VI 29:57:07 II 08:29:24 Name: Rithvik & Asha Gender: Male Date: Friday.: 208 Question : Will Rithvik Dhanjani & Asha Negi win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Ruling Planets .15-Jan-2106 Venus 15-Jan-2086 Sun 17-May-2089 Moon 17-May-2090 Mars 16-Jan-2092 Rahu 17-Mar-2093 Jupiter 17-Mar-2096 Saturn 16-Nov-2098 Mercury 16-Jan-2102 Ketu 15-Nov-2104 Sun Dasa 15-Jan-2106 . 21 D VII 00:00:00 VIII 08:29:24 Ma 26:48:28 XII 29:57:07 Ve[R] 20:47:23 XI 04:42:04 X 10:00:53 Sa 28:10:34 IX 12:14:54 Mo 10:23:18 Ra 09:04:29 Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Me Su Me Ve Ma Ju Ju Stl Ma Sa Ke Mo Ma Ju Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Sbl Me Ve Me Mo Ve Mo Ke Ve Sa Ve Mo Ra Ssl Me Su Mo Mo Me Sa Ke Ma Ra Me Ve Sa Sssl Me Mo Ma Ra Ju Me Ke Sa Mo Su Me Ve Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Swati(2) Ma Chitra(2) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Aridra(4) Ve[R] P. WEST BENGAL.15-Jan-2129 Mars 15-Jan-2122 Rahu 13-Jun-2122 Jupiter 02-Jul-2123 Saturn 07-Jun-2124 Mercury 16-Jul-2125 Ketu 13-Jul-2126 Venus 09-Dec-2126 Sun 08-Feb-2128 Moon 15-Jun-2128 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Ma.Phalguni(4) 9 Swati(2) 10 Anuradha(3) 11 Moola(2) 12 U.15-Jan-2062 Saturn 15-Jan-2043 Mercury 18-Jan-2046 Ketu 27-Sep-2048 Venus 06-Nov-2049 Sun 05-Jan-2053 Moon 18-Dec-2053 Mars 19-Jul-2055 Rahu 28-Aug-2056 Jupiter 05-Jul-2059 Mercury Dasa 15-Jan-2062 . Ashtami Bal.House Owner 8 2 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Dhanishta(3) 2 U. KOLKATA. Sa. Ve. 6.15-Jan-2122 Moon 15-Jan-2112 Mars 15-Nov-2112 Rahu 16-Jun-2113 Jupiter 15-Dec-2114 Saturn 15-Apr-2116 Mercury 14-Nov-2117 Ketu 15-Apr-2119 Venus 14-Nov-2119 Sun 16-Jul-2121 Mars Dasa 15-Jan-2122 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .15-Jan-2079 Mercury 15-Jan-2062 Ketu 12-Jun-2064 Venus 10-Jun-2065 Sun 09-Apr-2068 Moon 13-Feb-2069 Mars 16-Jul-2070 Rahu 13-Jul-2071 Jupiter 30-Jan-2074 Saturn 06-May-2076 Ketu Dasa 15-Jan-2079 .Horary No. Sa.Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. WEST BENGAL.Ashada(1) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 15-Jan-2009 .15-Jan-2086 Ketu 15-Jan-2079 Venus 13-Jun-2079 Sun 13-Aug-2080 Moon 19-Dec-2080 Mars 20-Jul-2081 Rahu 16-Dec-2081 Jupiter 04-Jan-2083 Saturn 10-Dec-2083 Mercury 19-Jan-2085 Venus Dasa 15-Jan-2086 . Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Aquarius Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha. Dasa: Rahu 12 Y. India I 00:00:00 Me 26:20:45 Su 10:11:06 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] . (B) . 11.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No. 11 M. Ju. Ketu acts as agent for: Mo. 10 5.Ashada(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Mo Ra Ma Ma Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Mo Ju Ju Ju Mo Ju Ve Ju Ju Ssl Ra Ra Me Ju Ve Me Sa Sa Ra Sssl Ju Ve Ra Ra Sa Ra Su Mo Ra Significators . Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Krishna Paksha.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ve Ve Mo Ve Ra Sa Sa Sa Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 04:10:28:03 Ju[R] 02:19:07:12 XII 02:15:30:54 I 03:14:53:20 Ra 06:09:04:28 III 05:09:41:02 Mo 06:10:27:42 Ma 05:26:48:35 XI 01:14:28:42 5 3 2 6 IV 06:11:53:29 Sa 06:28:10:35 X 00:11:53:29 4 10 Me 09:26:21:16 VII 09:14:53:20 V 07:14:28:42 IX 11:09:41:02 Ke 00:09:04:28 8 12 11 9 Su 09:10:11:26 VI 08:15:30:54 Ve[R] 08:20:47:17 Ke 09:04:28 X 11:53:29 VIII 10:10:28:03 XI 14:28:42 XII 15:30:54 Ju[R] 19:07:12 IX 09:41:02 Name: Vinod & Raksha Gender: Male Date: Friday.kpastrosystem.Bhadra(2) 10 Aswini(4) 11 Rohini(2) 12 Aridra(3) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 09-Dec-2008 . Ma.Planets in Owner's stars (D) . 24/Jan/2014 Time: 11:21:05 AM SID: 19:58:21 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA. 10 M.09-Dec-2128 Mars 09-Dec-2121 Rahu 07-May-2122 Jupiter 26-May-2123 Saturn 01-May-2124 Mercury 09-Jun-2125 Ketu 06-Jun-2126 Venus 03-Nov-2126 Sun 02-Jan-2128 Moon 09-May-2128 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 4 6 1 2 Mo 4 4 1 Ma 3 3 5. 12 Ju 4 12 6. Ashtami Bal. 11 4.24/Jan/2014 11:21:05 AM PARK STREET. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.09-Dec-2061 Saturn 09-Dec-2042 Mercury 12-Dec-2045 Ketu 21-Aug-2048 Venus 30-Sep-2049 Sun 30-Nov-2052 Moon 12-Nov-2053 Mars 13-Jun-2055 Rahu 22-Jul-2056 Jupiter 29-May-2059 Mercury Dasa 09-Dec-2061 . WEST BENGAL. 74/249 Sun Rise: 06:18:07 AM Nithya Yoga: Shula Sun Set: Hora: 05:19:25 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.09-Dec-2078 Mercury 09-Dec-2061 Ketu 07-May-2064 Venus 04-May-2065 Sun 03-Mar-2068 Moon 08-Jan-2069 Mars 09-Jun-2070 Rahu 06-Jun-2071 Jupiter 24-Dec-2073 Saturn 30-Mar-2076 Ketu Dasa 09-Dec-2078 .House Owner 1 7 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(4) 2 Magha(4) 3 U. Sa. 10 5. Sa. 11 Sa+ 12 4 6. (B) . 10 3.: 74 Question : Will Vinod Thakur & Raksha Thakur win the ttitle of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Ruling Planets .Ashada(3) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Sa Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Mo Ra Ma Ma Ra Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Mo Sa Ju Ju Mo Ju Ve Ju Ju Ssl Ra Sa Me Sa Ve Me Sa Sa Ra Sssl Ju Sa Ju Sa Sa Ra Su Mo Ra Significators .09-Dec-2042 Jupiter 09-Dec-2026 Saturn 27-Jan-2029 Mercury 10-Aug-2031 Ketu 15-Nov-2033 Venus 22-Oct-2034 Sun 23-Jun-2037 Moon 11-Apr-2038 Mars 11-Aug-2039 Rahu 17-Jul-2040 Saturn Dasa 09-Dec-2042 .Occupant of house (C) .09-Dec-2111 Sun 09-Dec-2105 Moon 29-Mar-2106 Mars 28-Sep-2106 Rahu 02-Feb-2107 Jupiter 28-Dec-2107 Saturn 15-Oct-2108 Mercury 27-Sep-2109 Ketu 04-Aug-2110 Venus 10-Dec-2110 Moon Dasa 09-Dec-2111 . WEST BENGAL. KOLKATA. Dasa: Rahu 12 Y. 15 D II 10:28:03 VIII 10:28:03 Me 26:21:16 VII 14:53:20 Su 10:11:26 III 09:41:02 Ma 26:48:35 Ve[R] 20:47:17 VI 15:30:54 V 14:28:42 Sa 28:10:35 IV 11:53:29 Mo 10:27:42 Ra 09:04:28 Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Stl Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ve Mo Ra Sa Ke Mo Ra Sbl Ju Sa Ve Sa Ra Ve Ju Sa Ve Me Ju Ve Ssl Ju Su Me Ma Ve Ke Ve Sa Sa Ve Me Ve Sssl Ju Ra Su Sa Me Ju Ra Sa Ve Mo Ve Sa Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Sravana(1) Mo Swati(2) Ma Chitra(2) Me Dhanishta(1) Ju[R] Aridra(4) Ve[R] P. 9 Ve 6 6 4.Phalguni(4) 4 Swati(2) 5 Anuradha(4) 6 P.09-Dec-2105 Venus 09-Dec-2085 Sun 10-Apr-2089 Moon 10-Apr-2090 Mars 10-Dec-2091 Rahu 09-Feb-2093 Jupiter 09-Feb-2096 Saturn 10-Oct-2098 Mercury 10-Dec-2101 Ketu 09-Oct-2104 Sun Dasa 09-Dec-2105 .09-Dec-2026 Rahu 09-Dec-2008 Jupiter 22-Aug-2011 Saturn 15-Jan-2014 Mercury 21-Nov-2016 Ketu 10-Jun-2019 Venus 28-Jun-2020 Sun 28-Jun-2023 Moon 22-May-2024 Mars 20-Nov-2025 Jupiter Dasa 09-Dec-2026 . Ve. Man Machine Systems.09-Dec-2121 Moon 09-Dec-2111 Mars 09-Oct-2112 Rahu 10-May-2113 Jupiter 08-Nov-2114 Saturn 09-Mar-2116 Mercury 08-Oct-2117 Ketu 09-Mar-2119 Venus 09-Oct-2119 Sun 09-Jun-2121 Mars Dasa 09-Dec-2121 . Ju.Ashada(1) 7 Sravana(2) 8 Satabhisha(2) 9 U.Placidus Star: Swati.Horary KP Ezine February 2014 15 . 8 Ra 4 4 Ke 10 10 (A) . 10 Me+ 3 7 5.09-Dec-2085 Ketu 09-Dec-2078 Venus 07-May-2079 Sun 07-Jul-2080 Moon 12-Nov-2080 Mars 13-Jun-2081 Rahu 09-Nov-2081 Jupiter 28-Nov-2082 Saturn 04-Nov-2083 Mercury 13-Dec-2084 Venus Dasa 09-Dec-2085 . Ketu acts as agent for: Mo. India I 14:53:20 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 48" [KP Ayanamsa] .Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. 9 7. 6. Jupiter. 10. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 5. 10. (Note: 6th CSL Venus is retrograde at the time of judgment. Planet Saturn is the occupant of 6. 11:30:32 Hrs. CSL of 2. owner of 3. is the occupant of 6. 8. 4. Planet Moon is the occupant of 5. Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. 3. 6. Moon signifies and/or is in connection with the relevant houses. on 2nd February 2014) KP Ezine February 2014 15 . West Bengal. CSL of 2. The winner of the “Nach Baliye-6” will be announced on 2nd February 2014) 11th Cusp (Taurus 14-28-42): The sublord of 11th cusp Jupiter is in the star of Rahu and sub of Moon. on 2nd February 2014) Kiku Sharda & Priyanka Sharda Question: Will Kiku Sharda & Priyanka Sharda win the title of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013? Horary Number: 40 (out of 249. Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 12. Saturn. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 3. Moon signifies and/or is in connection with the relevant houses. CSL of 2. 6th CSL Saturn signifies 1. Saturn is untenanted and CSL of 5. 10. Moon (Libra 10-32-52) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. 6th & 10th cusps. Cuspal Analysis 6th Cusp (Libra 15-30-54): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus is in the star of self (Venus) and sub of Jupiter. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 8. being untenanted. 11 and is in connection with 3. is the occupant of 4.e. 10. owner of 9 and 10. being untenanted.e. being untenanted. owner of 7. 8. owner of 9. 11. 4. owner of 4 and 11. India. Sublord Saturn. 11 and is in connection with 1. Jupiter will remain retrograde at the time of announcement of final result of “Nach Baliye-6” i. 8. Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 12. (Note: 11th CSL Jupiter is retrograde at the time of judgment and will remain retrograde at the time of announcement of final result of “Nach Baliye-6” i. 6. is the occupant of 4. owner of 1 and 6. owner of 7. Sublord Moon is the occupant of 3. owner of 8 and 11. Starlord Venus is the occupant of 6. 4. owner of 1. is the occupant of 6. Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27. Kolkata. owner of 9. owner of 1.e. 8. owner of 9. is the occupant of 4. Starlord Jupiter is the occupant of 1. 6th & 10th cusps. 6. But before the announcement of final result. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 3. 8. owner of 6. CSL of 5. owner of 3. 6. Saturn is aspecting 3rd cusps. (Note: 6th CSL Saturn is in the star of a retrograde planet i. owner of 6 and 9. 6. Venus will turn direct from 1st February 2014 onwards. 12. Time of Judgment: 24-01-2014. CSL of 5. being untenanted. Planet Moon is the occupant of 3. (IST). is the occupant of 6. 11th CSL Venus signifies 3. on 2nd February 2014) 11th Cusp (Pieces 16-31-37): The sublord of 11th cusp Jupiter is in star of Rahu and sub of Moon. Cuspal Analysis 6th Cusp (Libra 22-19-12): The sublord of 6th cusp Saturn is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Venus. being untenanted. CSL of 5. Planet Jupiter is the occupant of 1. Sublord Saturn. Planet Venus is the occupant of 6. 8. Saturn is aspecting 1st. Saturn. hence query is genuine. 9. 12. 88E20). hence query is genuine. Saturn. 6. Rahu is conjoined to Saturn and thus acts as an agent of Saturn.e. (Note: 11th CSL Jupiter is retrograde at the time of judgment and will remain retrograde at the time of announcement of final result of “Nach Baliye-6” i. being untenanted. 6. Saturn. owner of 4 and 11. owner of 8 and 11. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 5. 11 and is in connection with 6. 10. owner of 7. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 5. on behalf of Kiku & Priyanka). 12. 11th CSL Jupiter signifies 1. 12. 6th CSL Venus signifies 6. 10. 6. Saturn is aspecting 1st.Moon (Libra 10-27-42) is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. 6 and is in connection with 1. Rahu conjoined to Saturn and thus acts an agent of Saturn. ♦ If starlord is favorable) and sublord is unfavorable. then the native suffers. 6 / 6.11 Ripu Daman & Shivangi 3 / NIL 1. 6.11 1. 3. but eventually it will be held-up. ♦ If starlord is unfavorable and sublord is favorable. then the native enjoys the favorable result. The Comparison Table has been judged keeping in mind the following rules of starlord vis sublord: ♦ Planet is the source of a result. 3. then apparently it may seem that the event is going to take place. ♦ If starlord is unfavorable and sublord is also unfavorable. the event will take place. 11 Vinod & Raksha 6. My Opinion: Gurmeet Choudhary & Debina Bonnerjee will win the title of Nach Baliye (Season 6) 2013. constellation is the nature of the result and sub is the final deciding factor of a result. 11/ 6 Kiku & Priyanka not considered due to retrogression effect *** not considered due to retrogression effect *** not considered due to retrogression effect *** Strong Gurmeet & Debina Gurmeet & Debina *** Retrogression effect: The Cuspal Sublord or its Starlord is a retrograde planet. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! KP Ezine February 2014 16 . 6 / 6. 3. then after some obstacles or hindrances. ♦ If starlord is favorable and sublord is also favorable.COMPARISON TABLE Candidate Strength-wise Houses (by signification/connection) (6 is stronger than 11) (11 is stronger than 1) VI XI Gurmeet & Debina 1. 11 1/ 1. 11 / NIL Rithvik & Asha 1 / 1. 6 (service). Star: Jyeshta. Pada 1. and this Venus opposing Neptune (music.10 (name. Dasa: Mercury 16 enigmatic . graced Hindi films too! .Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh Suchitra Sen . Ms Sen’s versatility and range of performances. 1 M. now in Bangladesh. 3. Cp 18:21:35. movies) in Aquarius (music. 7 (public relationships). 2.Amitabh Bachchan 1. and to Bengali films in particular”.A Tribute to Suchitra Sen By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo. in a career spanning nearly three decades. Her 5th cusp sub lord (CSL) Jupiter’s signification of houses 5 (artist. Her elevated Mars (desire for action and physical energy) and Jupiter (expansion) in 5th house aspecting on 2nd cusp (voice) and Venus (music. 89 E15. 24 N 00. star-studded sign).she adorned film world of Bengal with exquisite performances.10 and 11. Asc. honor. fulfillment of desire). 02:30 am LMT. musician in the cine line). fame. KP New Ayanamsa: 22° 48' 26".com Ms. 13 D. 6th and 11th houses being connected through Jupiter as the CSL of these houses having no planet in its star. Suchitra Sen. mark a unique contribution to Indian cinema. was born on 07/Apr/1931. She was one of the first Indian artistes to win an international award at Moscow in 1963. TZ 5:57 East of GMT. The 5th . profession) and 11 (success. 4. movies) in 7th house (public relationships) and 5th sign Leo (music. movies). The following planetary combinations made her one of the finest actresses of her time: 1. talent. movies) by sub lordship. KP Ezine February 2014 17 . at Pabna. The diva of Bengali cinema. by KPAstro 4. movies.6. and connection to Venus (chief governor for music and melodious voice. The 10th CSL Mars’ signification of houses 5.1. Sen had carved a special niche in the hearts of millions of Indians through her graceful cinematic presence. . Bal. 2. 9 Sa 2 12 8 1.20/Jan/2014 12:55:46 PM Maryland. 5. Ju.25 D Karana: Taitil Ruling Planets . Pada 1 Star Lord: Mercury Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Krishna Paksha. 11 Me 8 3 6 Ju+ 2 5 12 Ve+ 2 1 4.Ashada(1) Ra Revati(2) Ke Hasta(4) Sgl Ju Ma Mo Ma Me Sa Ju Ju Me Stl Me Me Sa Ke Ra Ra Su Me Mo Sbl Mo Me Ve Me Mo Me Ra Su Ve Ssl Ve Ve Ra Ve Ve Sa Sa Ra Ju Sssl Me Ke Ve Ra Sa Mo Ke Me Ve 10 Significators . Me.Phalguni(1) 9 Chitra(3) 10 Visakha(4) 11 Jyeshta(3) 12 P.20-May-1954 Ketu 20-May-1947 Venus 16-Oct-1947 Sun 16-Dec-1948 Moon 23-Apr-1949 Mars 22-Nov-1949 Rahu 20-Apr-1950 Jupiter 08-May-1951 Saturn 13-Apr-1952 Mercury 23-May-1953 Moon Dasa 20-May-1980 .Ashada(3) Sgl Sa Sa Ma Ve Ve Me Mo Su Ve Ma Ma Ju Stl Mo Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Ju Me Ve Sbl Me Ve Ve Ju Ju Ju Me Su Ke Ma Ju Ju Ssl Ve Ve Ju Ju Ju Sa Sa Ma Mo Su Ju Sa Sssl Sa Ju Mo Ju Me Ju Ke Ve Sa Mo Me Mo Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Revati(2) Mo Jyeshta(1) Ma Pushyami(2) Me Aswini(4) Ju Aridra(4) Ve Satabhisha(3) Sa U. 1 M.Occupant of house (C) . 07/Apr/1931 Time: 02:30:00 AM SID: 15:26:39 Lat: 24:00:00 N Lon: 89:15:00 E Place: Pabna. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. (B) .Suchitra Sen Sun Rise: 05:47:37 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Sun Set: Hora: 06:17:40 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365.Placidus Star: Jyeshta. Sa. 2 3. (A) .20-May-1974 Venus 20-May-1954 Sun 19-Sep-1957 Moon 19-Sep-1958 Mars 19-May-1960 Rahu 19-Jul-1961 Jupiter 19-Jul-1964 Saturn 20-Mar-1967 Mercury 20-May-1970 Ketu 20-Mar-1973 Mars Dasa 20-May-1990 .Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su. 10.20-May-2015 Rahu 20-May-1997 Jupiter 31-Jan-2000 Saturn 26-Jun-2002 Mercury 02-May-2005 Ketu 19-Nov-2007 Venus 08-Dec-2008 Sun 08-Dec-2011 Moon 31-Oct-2012 Mars 02-May-2014 From Ketu Dasa 20-May-1947 . Dasa: Mercury 16 Y.Bhadra(3) 3 Aswini(1) 4 Krittika(2) 5 Mrigasira(1) 6 Punarvasu(1) 7 Ashlesha(1) 8 U. 13 D VIII 26:47:10 Ke 21:43:41 Sa 29:53:30 XII 20:31:06 XI 26:11:17 Mo 17:21:28 X 01:13:54 Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti Mercury Dasa 20-May-1930 .20-May-2050 Saturn 20-May-2031 Mercury 23-May-2034 Ketu 31-Jan-2037 Venus 11-Mar-2038 Sun 11-May-2041 Moon 23-Apr-2042 Mars 22-Nov-2043 Rahu 01-Jan-2045 Jupiter 07-Nov-2047 IX 02:08:26 Man Machine Systems.House Owner 8 2 4 VII 18:21:35 Ju 19:06:04 V 26:11:17 IX 02:08:26 2 7 5 3 Ma 09:08:50 VI 20:31:06 III 02:08:26 Me 11:57:26 VIII 26:47:10 Ke 21:43:41 IV 01:13:54 V 26:11:17 Ju 19:06:04 VI 20:31:06 Su 23:16:00 Ra 21:43:41 II 26:47:10 Ve 14:20:12 I 18:21:35 Name: Suchitra Sen Gender: Female Date: Tuesday. Bangladesh Ma 09:08:50 VII 18:21:35 Ayanamsa: 22° 48' 26" [KP Ayanamsa] .20-May-1980 Sun 20-May-1974 Moon 07-Sep-1974 Mars 08-Mar-1975 Rahu 14-Jul-1975 Jupiter 07-Jun-1976 Saturn 26-Mar-1977 Mercury 08-Mar-1978 Ketu 12-Jan-1979 Venus 20-May-1979 Rahu Dasa 20-May-1997 .20-May-1997 Mars 20-May-1990 Rahu 16-Oct-1990 Jupiter 03-Nov-1991 Saturn 09-Oct-1992 Mercury 18-Nov-1993 Ketu 15-Nov-1994 Venus 13-Apr-1995 Sun 13-Jun-1996 Moon 19-Oct-1996 Saturn Dasa 20-May-2031 .20-May-1990 Moon 20-May-1980 Mars 20-Mar-1981 Rahu 19-Oct-1981 Jupiter 20-Apr-1983 Saturn 20-Aug-1984 Mercury 21-Mar-1986 Ketu 20-Aug-1987 Venus 20-Mar-1988 Sun 19-Nov-1989 Jupiter Dasa 20-May-2015 . 2 Ra 3 2 6 Ke 10 8 7 Rahu acts as agent for: Su.20-May-2031 Jupiter 20-May-2015 Saturn 08-Jul-2017 Mercury 19-Jan-2020 Ketu 26-Apr-2022 Venus 02-Apr-2023 Sun 01-Dec-2025 Moon 20-Sep-2026 Mars 19-Jan-2028 Rahu 25-Dec-2028 Bhukti From Venus Dasa 20-May-1954 .kpastrosystem. Panchami Bal.20-May-1947 Mercury 20-May-1930 Ketu 16-Oct-1932 Venus 13-Oct-1933 Sun 13-Aug-1936 Moon 19-Jun-1937 Mars 18-Nov-1938 Rahu 16-Nov-1939 Jupiter 05-Jun-1942 Saturn 10-Sep-1944 Sun Dasa 20-May-1974 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 3 2 6 8 Mo 3 10 6 7 Ma+ 12 6 1. USA Planet Sgl Lagna Ve Moon Su Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Ke Sa Ma Ve Ke Sa Sa Day Lord: Moon Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ra 21:43:41 Su 23:16:00 II 26:47:10 Sa 29:53:30 XII 20:31:06 Ve 14:20:12 I 18:21:35 III 02:08:26 Me 11:57:26 XI 26:11:17 11 9 8 1 IV 01:13:54 Mo 17:21:28 X 01:13:54 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Sravana(3) 2 P. Pabna (Rajshahi).com KP Ezine February 2014 18 . along with 5.6.6 Ra.8. The 2nd CSL Venus’s signification of houses 1st / 7th CSL Ma+:6. she gave her best in this film and went on to win the best actress award for her role at the Moscow International Film Festival.6.1-2.6 Mo:10.4-5-9. For all her professional success.6 Mo:10.8.10 to marriage and 12 (loss) indicates the marriage to be suffered. Her retirement took place in her Sun Dasa. and 5 to win the award. son of wealthy Bengali industrialist Adinath Sen. Sgl Ju+:5.11.CSL of 4. Sgl Ju+: to travel to Moscow. With her eloquent eyes and arresting voice Suchitra Sen was her own star.8 Ve: Nil Sa:12.7 Mo:10.Conj Su:2. Suchitra Sen was often called India’s Greta Garbo because of her iconic performances and her reclusive life since she retired from the screen in 1978 after a career of over 25 years. She was shooting for “Saat Pakey Badha”.5.3-10-11. and 1. 2. counting from her 7th house (husband).12 Su:2. doing it better than most of her contemporaries. restraints) in 12th house KP Ezine February 2014 19 .3 Me:3. There were rumors that the marriage suffered due to her successful acting career. 1963.11Bdk.9.12.6. She married Dibanath Sen.Conj Su:2.6. CSL of 2.6 Ve+:1.CSL of 4.3. when her married life was going through its worst phase.12 2nd /3rd CSL Ve+:1.11. 5.6 CSL Nil 10th CSL 9th CSL Ke:8.12.7 Me:3.Conj Su:2. July 7-21. co-starring Soumitra Chatterjee in 1963.5.6. and 4.12 Ke:8.6 Ra:2.Apst by Sa: 12. Her husband died during her Venus Dasa.4-5-9. She continued to act after her husband's death in 1970.2.6 4th/5th/6th / 11th /12th CSL Ju+:5.Venus DBAS. But. She married during Ketu Dasa. and 5 to win the award. Dasa.6 Sa:12.CSL of 4. 3.Apst by Sa: 12.Antra.Ketu Bhukti of significators of marriage houses 2.8.8. It was during her Venus.12 for worst phase in married life. Bhukti lord Rahu signifies the beneficial houses 2.7 Me:3.Saturn Bhukti of significators of houses 3.8. in 1947 before launching a successful acting career.11.Signification of Cuspal Sub Lords and Planets at Three levels CSL Planet Planet’s Star Planet’s Sub 8th Su:2.5.12 indicates her sufficient position of wealth.5. 3.8.2 Nil Ra. she worked on her terms.5.Mercury Bhukti of significators of death inflicting houses 11 (Badhaka).CSL of 4.7 (Maraka) and 12 (Moksha) and disease houses 6.2.3 3.6 Me:3. The signification of detrimental houses 1.2.11. CSL Of 2.8 Me:3. She was the first Indian actress to win an international award.8.7 Mo:10. 6.Sookshma lord Venus signifies the beneficial houses 1. but called it a day when Pronoy Pasha flopped.6.12 to travel to Moscow.6. Sgl Ju+:5. CSL of 10 Me:3.12.8 Me:3. Her reclusive life can be seen from Saturn (recluses. 7. CSL of 2.6.Sgl Me:3.1-2. her marital life was on the rocks. Sgl Ju+:5.5.Sgl Me:3. but the consummate actress weaved her experiences into some of the roles she essayed.6.CSL of 4.12.1.Conj Su:2.6.12 Ra.6.12 Su:2.RahuVenus. for worst phase in married life.2.12.11. 4.11. It happened during her Rahu. 6 (sickness) and 8 (surgery). It was so in her Rahu Dasa. sadhama. 8. spiritual mind). she has immersed herself in meditation and prayer. Transit at Time of Death at Kolkata's Belle Vue Clinic 22N33. its highest award.Saturn Bhukti of significators of denial houses 5.8 disease houses along with life saving house 5.5 in the sub level. without life saving houses 1. and also 4 (end of everything).12 and undesirable 6. 12. 2 (Maraka). restraints) being in mutual aspect to 12th lord Jupiter. because she did not want to go to Delhi and collect it in person from the president of India. 14. and then to the ICU after her condition worsened on December 28 night (Ra -Mo-Ke-Sa). Bhukti lord Sun is the significator of 2.8 houses.5. 4. Antra and Sookshma lord Venus at the time of death is the significator of deadly houses Badhaka. Moksha. 6. Moksha. as shown in the following table. 6 (sickness). 10. 8 (serious ailment. Gnanankarkara. Maraka.8 houses but along with life saving 1. The life saving 5th house signification by Dasa and Sookshma lord helped her to survive at that time. Sookshma lord Jupiter is the significator of Badhaka. especially in the sub level. 9. Suchitra Sen was undergoing treatment for a respiratory tract infection in Kolkata's Belle Vue Clinic since December 23 (Ra-Mo-Ke-Ju DBAS) and was later shifted to the Coronary Care Unit. Maraka. especially in the sub level. practice of spirituality) and 12 (Mokshasthana) and connection to Saturn and Ketu.10 but also life saving houses 1. devine worship).11 but 10th (award) signification is missing.(isolation.8. Moksha deadly houses and 6.Sun. at the time of live and death circumstances. However sources said diabetes and old-age have complicated Sen's health further. It occurred in her Rahu Dasa. and also undesirable houses 6 and 10. after she suffered a fracture on her left wrist joint after a fall at her residence. the DBAS lords and luminaries were transiting in the star and sub of the DBAS lords or significators of death causing houses. the highest honor in Indian cinema. end of life).3. in absentia in 2012.10. Bhukti lord Moon indicates death inflicting houses 7. 88E21 KP Ezine February 2014 20 . Suchitra Sen was admitted to a private clinic in south Kolkata on Sep 27 2012.11.Venus. and 8th (mystery) house lord Sun in 12th sign Pisces being in mutual aspect to Ketu in 8th house.8.3. 10 (karmasthana. At the time of death. 11. Dasa lord Rahu signifies death inflicting 11 (Badhaka). She died at 8.5 houses for her survival. and 6 (sickness).12 against winning houses 2. Antra and Sookshma lord Ketu is the significator of death inflicting 2. Moksha.8. Antra lord Venus signifies Badhaka. Sookshma lord Saturn is the significator of deadly Badhaka. especially in the sub level for her recovery and survival. Maraka. 12 (hospitalization. Dasa and Sookshma lord Rahu signifies death inflicting 11 (Badhaka).6. After her retirement as a devotee of the Ramakrishna Mission.7 (Maraka). The West Bengal government gave her the Banga Bibhushanon. In 2005 she turned down the Dadasaheb Phalke Award.7. It is shown by the 9th CSL Ketu’s signification of houses 5 (sidhi initiation.25 am on 17 January 2014 (Ra-Mo-Ve-Ve) at 82. 12 (hospitalization). It’s therefore worthy to note the life saving signification. She underwent a surgery. 8 (surgery) against life saving house 5. 9 (tapasthana. danger to life) against life saving house 5.6. 2 (Maraka).Sun Bhukti of significators of relevant houses 2. She was reported to have been recovering in the first week of January (Ra-MoKe-Ke).Rahu DBAS.6. 12. due to a heart attack. Maraka.6. 13. and connected with Sun.6. very close to 6th cusp. sign Leo and 5th house are the rulers of heart troubles. sign Gemini. Moreover Mercury also indicates multiple diseases of respiratory problem.8 and connected with Sun and Mercury. diabetes and finally heart attack. and Rahu are the rulers of /respiratory troubles. Jupiter and Gemini sign. The general disease indicator 6th cuspal sub lord Jupiter is the significator of houses 5. The Mercury.12. is aspected by Mraka lord Saturn from 12th house. The diabetes ruler Jupiter. 3rd house. Rahu.Subject Planet Sign House* Star Sub Dasa lord Rahu Libra 9 Rahu Jupiter Bhukti lord/ Luminary Antra/ Sookshma lord Luminary Moon Cancer 6 Saturn Rahu Venus Sagittarius Capricorn Virgo 12 Venus Saturn 12 Sun Jupiter 8 Mars Rahu 1 Moon Jupiter Jupiter Capricorn Gemini 5** Rahu Mars Saturn Libra 9 Jupiter Venus Ketu Aries 3 Ketu Saturn Lagna Aquarius 1 Rahu Rahu Sun Mars Mercury * in birth chart ** close to 6 15.8. May her soul rest in peace! KP Ezine February 2014 21 . The Sun.6. postponed eye operation. The final disease indicator 8th CSL Sun is the significator of houses 3. 11th Cusp 11th cusp sub lord Rahu is in the star of Rahu and sub of Mercury. Time of judgment: 07. 6. KP Horaratna. time 07. 21 N 14. Ruling Planet at the time of Judgment on 11-11-2013. Chhattisgarh Pin . so he can be successful in the competitive exam. Mercury is occupant of 11 owner of 8-11. Jupiter is occupant of 8. 11/11/2013. Ketu is agent of Mars. 11. Guruji KSK KP Ezine February 2014 22 . Raipur. 4th Cusp 4th cusp sub lord Saturn is in the star and sub of Jupiter. Actual Outcome: Prediction comes correct.02 PM IST Place of judgment: Raipur.02 PM at Raipur. Rahu conjoined with Sun. Rahu is in RP too. Ramsagar Para. +91-8718905005 Email : [email protected]. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 4-6-7-10-12. Saturn and Mercury. Mobile : +91-9827905005. Bhukit lord Saturn we have discussed above. Ketu is occupant of 5. Moon is occupant of 3. owner of 2 -5. Mars is occupant of 10. Antra lord signifies 6 and also in Question: Will I pass in Chhattisgarh high court Written exam for The post of Additional Session Judge? Horary No: 158 (out of 1-249) Date of judgment: Monday.25" Hints: If 4th or 11th cusp sub lord signifies houses 4. Sub lord Mercury is occupant of 11 owner of 8-11. Sookshma lord Moon is in the star of Rahu and sub of Saturn. 10. Ayanamsha: 230. INDIA. Antra lord Jupiter is in the star of own and sub of Ketu. so he will be successful in his competitive exam of Additional Session Judge.492001. 81 E 41. owner of 1-6. Monday. 11. Sun is occupant of 12 and owner of 10. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh. My opinion: The concerned cusp sub lord indicates success. one can be successful in the competitive exam. Sookshma lord saturn signifies 6 and also in RP.Moon Joint period: At the time of judgment joint period of Rahu-Saturn-Jupiter-Moon. Dasa lord Rahu we have discussed above. 6 he can be successful in the competitive exam. Thus 11th cusp sub lord signifies required houses 4. Rahu is occupant of 11. Saturn is occupant of 12 and owner of 3-4. Jupiter is occupant of 8 and owner of 2-5. Saturn is occupant of 12 and owner of 3-4.57'. Rahu is in RP too. Main Road. 9. owner of 9.Chhattisgarh. No planet in the star of Saturn and Saturn is CSL of 4-6-7-10-12. Asc -Venus-Mars-Jupiter Moon -Saturn-Rahu-Saturn Day Load . Saturn is occupant of 12 and owner of 3-4.20.Will I pass in Addi onal Session Judge Exam? By: Ajay Soni Krishnamurti JyotishVisharad. He is pass in the above mentioned additional session judge (ADJ) Written exam. Thus 4th cusp sub lord signifies required houses 4. 12 Sa+ 8 12 2. Navami Bal.03-Jan-2040 Jupiter 03-Jan-2024 Saturn 20-Feb-2026 Mercury 02-Sep-2028 Ketu 08-Dec-2030 Venus 14-Nov-2031 Sun 16-Jul-2034 Moon 04-May-2035 Mars 03-Sep-2036 Rahu 10-Aug-2037 Saturn Dasa 03-Jan-2040 .: 158 Question : Will I pass in Additonal Session Judge Exam? Ruling Planets . 20 D Ma 21:48:44 X 23:05:00 XI 24:36:39 II 16:50:50 Ve 11:55:42 I 16:40:00 Su 25:22:35 XII 22:08:12 Sa 20:53:12 Ra 12:58:40 Me 08:34:32 Sgl Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Stl Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ra Me Ve Ma Ju Sbl Me Mo Me Sa Ra Sa Sa Ve Ve Sa Ra Sa Ssl Me Sa Sa Mo Ju Sa Ve Sa Ve Su Ju Me Sssl Me Ju Sa Sa Mo Ra Sa Su Su Ke Mo Me Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Visakha(2) Mo Satabhisha(2) Ma P. (B) . 5 3. 1 M. 158/249 Sun Rise: 06:11:38 AM Nithya Yoga: Dhruva Sun Set: Hora: 05:22:44 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365. 5 Ve 5 1 7.Ashada(2) 3 Sravana(3) 4 P. Ve.kpastrosystem. Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Su. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.03-Jan-2024 Rahu 03-Jan-2006 Jupiter 14-Sep-2008 Saturn 07-Feb-2011 Mercury 15-Dec-2013 Ketu 03-Jul-2016 Venus 21-Jul-2017 Sun 21-Jul-2020 Moon 15-Jun-2021 Mars 14-Dec-2022 Jupiter Dasa 03-Jan-2024 . 6 Me+ 11 11 8.House Owner 5 11 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Jyeshta(1) 2 P.03-Jan-2076 Mercury 03-Jan-2059 Ketu 01-Jun-2061 Venus 29-May-2062 Sun 29-Mar-2065 Moon 03-Feb-2066 Mars 05-Jul-2067 Rahu 01-Jul-2068 Jupiter 18-Jan-2071 Saturn 26-Apr-2073 Ketu Dasa 03-Jan-2076 . MADHYA PRADESH.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No. (C) . Man Machine Systems. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ve Moon Sa Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ma Ju Sa Ve Ra Sa Ju Mo Day Lord: Moon Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 08:16:50:50 Su 06:25:22:35 XII 06:22:08:12 Ve 08:11:55:42 I 07:16:40:00 Mo 10:12:29:20 III 09:19:24:30 9 7 6 10 IV 10:23:05:00 XI 05:24:36:39 Sa 06:20:53:12 Ra 06:12:58:40 Me 06:08:34:32 X 04:23:05:00 8 2 VII 01:16:40:00 Ke 00:12:58:40 V 11:24:36:39 Ma 04:21:48:44 IX 03:19:24:30 12 4 3 1 VI 00:22:08:12 Ke 12:58:40 VI 22:08:12 Ju[R] 02:26:31:07 VIII 02:16:50:50 VII 16:40:00 VIII 16:50:50 Ju[R] 26:31:07 V 24:36:39 IV 23:05:00 Mo 12:29:20 III 19:24:30 Name: Written exam Gender: Male Date: Monday.Placidus Star: Satabhisha. Me.03-Jan-2119 Moon 03-Jan-2109 Mars 03-Nov-2109 Rahu 04-Jun-2110 Jupiter 04-Dec-2111 Saturn 04-Apr-2113 Mercury 03-Nov-2114 Ketu 04-Apr-2116 Venus 03-Nov-2116 Sun 04-Jul-2118 Mars Dasa 03-Jan-2119 . India IX 19:24:30 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 37" [KP Ayanamsa] . Sa.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 12 2.03-Jan-2059 Saturn 03-Jan-2040 Mercury 06-Jan-2043 Ketu 15-Sep-2045 Venus 25-Oct-2046 Sun 25-Dec-2049 Moon 07-Dec-2050 Mars 07-Jul-2052 Rahu 15-Aug-2053 Jupiter 21-Jun-2056 Mercury Dasa 03-Jan-2059 . 11 Ju 8 8 2. 5 10 Mo+ 11 3 9 Ma+ 1 10 7.11/Nov/2013 07:20:02 PM RAIPUR. 12 1.Bhadra(1) 5 Revati(3) 6 Bharani(3) 7 Rohini(3) 8 Aridra(4) 9 Ashlesha(1) 10 P.Planets in Owner's stars (D) . MADHYA PRADESH.Phalguni(3) Me Swati(1) Ju[R] Punarvasu(2) Ve Moola(4) Sa Visakha(1) Ra Swati(2) Ke Aswini(4) Sgl Ve Sa Su Ve Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Ju Ra Ve Ra Ju Ke Ju Ra Ke Sbl Me Sa Ju Ra Ke Me Ju Me Me Ssl Ju Ju Ra Ma Me Ve Ve Ve Ju Sssl Ve Mo Ve Ju Ra Ma Ve Ve Mo Significators .Phalguni(3) 11 Chitra(1) 12 Visakha(1) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 03-Jan-2006 . 5 2. Me.03-Jan-2109 Sun 03-Jan-2103 Moon 22-Apr-2103 Mars 22-Oct-2103 Rahu 27-Feb-2104 Jupiter 20-Jan-2105 Saturn 09-Nov-2105 Mercury 22-Oct-2106 Ketu 28-Aug-2107 Venus 03-Jan-2108 Moon Dasa 03-Jan-2109 .com KP Ezine February 2014 23 .Horary No. 4 Ra 11 11 Ke 5 5 (A) -Sa.03-Jan-2126 Mars 03-Jan-2119 Rahu 01-Jun-2119 Jupiter 19-Jun-2120 Saturn 26-May-2121 Mercury 04-Jul-2122 Ketu 02-Jul-2123 Venus 28-Nov-2123 Sun 28-Jan-2125 Moon 05-Jun-2125 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.03-Jan-2083 Ketu 03-Jan-2076 Venus 31-May-2076 Sun 31-Jul-2077 Moon 05-Dec-2077 Mars 06-Jul-2078 Rahu 03-Dec-2078 Jupiter 21-Dec-2079 Saturn 26-Nov-2080 Mercury 04-Jan-2082 Venus Dasa 03-Jan-2083 . Ju.03-Jan-2103 Venus 03-Jan-2083 Sun 04-May-2086 Moon 04-May-2087 Mars 03-Jan-2089 Rahu 05-Mar-2090 Jupiter 05-Mar-2093 Saturn 03-Nov-2095 Mercury 03-Jan-2099 Ketu 04-Nov-2101 Sun Dasa 03-Jan-2103 . 11/Nov/2013 Time: 07:20:02 PM SID: 22:40:15 Lat: 21:14:00 N Lon: 81:41:00 E Place: RAIPUR. Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Shukla Paksha. Dasa: Rahu 10 Y. Ma.Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. Mobile : +91-9830580345.. Mercury. He is a wrestler by profession.Winning in sports compe on By: Navin Chitlangia “RUDRA” Jyotish Ratna. Sukanta Sarani. I want to know whether my life-partner will win the competition. BHADRAKALI. Email : pratibha_astrology_navin@yahoo. Thus. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 5. winning or success is assured during the joint period (DBA) of significators of 1. 8. owner of 2 and 3.S. defeat to rivals) or 11 (success in competition). power. he will participate in the wrestling competition of national level to be held at New Delhi. 22/2. Mishra. On 7th to 9th October 2013. Venus is the occupant of 11. Sublord Jupiter is the occupant of 8. we may additionally check with 3rd CSL and 10th CSL – whether signifies and in connection with 1. Saturn is the occupant of 6. owner of 7 and 12. 6 and 11. Jyotish Visharad. PO. 2nd Floor. owner of 7 and 12. Belabhumi – I. CUSPAL ANALYSIS NOTE: The chart is rotated to 7th cusp treated as lagna of life-partner 6th Cusp (Aries 01-16-40): The sublord of 6th cusp Venus is in the star of Moon and sub of Sun.20 E. INDIA. Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. P. West Bengal. W. 12. owner of 10. CROSS VERIFICATION 11th Cusp (Leo 25-12-17): The sublord of 11h cusp Mercury is in the star of Venus and sub of Jupiter. is the CSL of 5. KP Ezine February 2014 24 . Hence query or urge is genuine.712 232. (IST). Date & Time of Judgment: 31-08-2013. Hooghly. owner of 4. Female. owner of 11. name & fame. 12:29:39 Hrs. Hints: 6th house stands for defeat to rivals. owner of 8 and 9. Question: Will my life-partner win the wrestling competition? Horary No: 28 (out of 249). chances are weak to win the completion. respect. Mercury is the occupant of 10.B. Starlord Venus is the occupant of 11. Hind Motor Area. (Note: The above-said rule may be crossed verified with 11th CSL and 1st CSL) 3rd house indicate one’s ability and 10th house denotes Background Note: I have engaged and expected to be married in next month with my lifepartner.22. Name: S. 6 (competition. having no planet in its stars. Flat No. 11. 12. 302. Moon signifies the relevant houses. Planet Moon is the occupant of 2. If the cuspal sub lord of 6th (competition.41 N / 88. Thus 6th CSL Venus signifies both positive house 11 and negative houses 7. owner of 1 and 6. India. Sublord Sun is the occupant of 10. Pin . 11th house indicates success in competition and 1 st house is considered for native’s self-efforts towards winning in competition. Uttarpara. defeat to rivals) be the significator of 1 (selfefforts). Place of Judgment: Hind Motor . Starlord Moon is the occupant of 8. 6 or 11 or not? MOON REVEALS THE NATURE OF QUERY. owner of 10 and 11. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 6. If we have any sort of confusion or we feel difficult in deciding the final outcome of an event. Moon (Gemini 15-38-24) is in star Rahu and sub of Venus. 6 th house is the prime house and 1st and 11th are supporting houses. As 6th CSL signifies ith more negative houses. Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.20-Jul-2035 Jupiter 20-Jul-2019 Saturn 06-Sep-2021 Mercury 19-Mar-2024 Ketu 25-Jun-2026 Venus 01-Jun-2027 Sun 30-Jan-2030 Moon 18-Nov-2030 Mars 19-Mar-2032 Rahu 23-Feb-2033 Saturn Dasa 20-Jul-2035 .20-Jul-2019 Rahu 20-Jul-2001 Jupiter 31-Mar-2004 Saturn 25-Aug-2006 Mercury 01-Jul-2009 Ketu 18-Jan-2012 Venus 05-Feb-2013 Sun 05-Feb-2016 Moon 30-Dec-2016 Mars 01-Jul-2018 Jupiter Dasa 20-Jul-2019 .Ashada(1) 4 Dhanishta(1) 5 P. 31/Aug/2013 Time: 12:29:39 PM SID: 11:31:29 Lat: 22:41:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: Hind Motor. 10 M. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ma Moon Me Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Me Ve Ra Me Ra Ve Su Ju Day Lord: Saturn Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 08:03:49:49 Ra 06:16:48:33 Sa 06:13:08:03 XII 06:01:16:40 I 07:07:46:40 III 08:28:05:23 9 XI 04:25:12:17 Ve 05:23:16:48 7 5 9 IV 09:24:14:33 X 03:24:14:33 Me 04:20:11:10 Su 04:14:05:07 8 2 VII 01:07:46:40 V 10:25:12:17 IX 02:28:05:23 Ma 03:08:05:31 11 3 3 1 VI 00:01:16:40 Ke 00:16:48:33 VI 01:16:40 Ke 16:48:33 Ju 02:19:55:06 Mo 02:15:38:24 VIII 02:03:49:49 VII 07:46:40 VIII 03:49:49 Mo 15:38:24 Ju 19:55:06 IX 28:05:23 Name: Win Sport's competition Gender: Female Date: Saturday.House Owner 4 10 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Anuradha(2) 2 Moola(2) 3 KP Ezine February 2014 25 .Horary No.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 11 10 7. Man Machine Systems.20-Jul-2104 Sun 20-Jul-2098 Moon 06-Nov-2098 Mars 08-May-2099 Rahu 13-Sep-2099 Jupiter 07-Aug-2100 Saturn 27-May-2101 Mercury 09-May-2102 Ketu 15-Mar-2103 Venus 21-Jul-2103 Moon Dasa 20-Jul-2104 .Phalguni(1) Mo Aridra(3) Ma Pushyami(2) Me P.Bhadra(2) 6 Aswini(1) 7 Krittika(4) 8 Mrigasira(4) 9 Punarvasu(3) 10 Ashlesha(3) 11 P.: 28 Question : Will my Life-Partner will able to win Sport's (Wrestling) Competition? Ruling Planets .kpastrosystem.20-Jul-2121 Mars 20-Jul-2114 Rahu 16-Dec-2114 Jupiter 03-Jan-2116 Saturn 09-Dec-2116 Mercury 18-Jan-2118 Ketu 15-Jan-2119 Venus 13-Jun-2119 Sun 13-Aug-2120 Moon 19-Dec-2120 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Ve. 12 11 Mo 12 8 10 Ma+ 12 9 4. 9 Ju+ 12 8 2. Dasa: Rahu 5 Y.25 D Karana: Bav Horary No. Pada 3 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Gemini Rasi Lord: Mercury Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars Tithi: Krishna Paksha.Placidus Star: Aridra. 28/249 Sun Rise: 05:18:58 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Sun Set: Hora: 05:54:40 PM Saturn Dasa Days: 365. Ju. WEST BENGAL. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. Sa.20-Jul-2078 Ketu 20-Jul-2071 Venus 16-Dec-2071 Sun 15-Feb-2073 Moon 23-Jun-2073 Mars 22-Jan-2074 Rahu 20-Jun-2074 Jupiter 08-Jul-2075 Saturn 13-Jun-2076 Mercury 23-Jul-2077 Venus Dasa 20-Jul-2078 . 5 Ra 12 12 Ke+ 11 6 7. WEST BENGAL. Ekadasi Bal.20-Jul-2114 Moon 20-Jul-2104 Mars 20-May-2105 Rahu 19-Dec-2105 Jupiter 20-Jun-2107 Saturn 20-Oct-2108 Mercury 21-May-2110 Ketu 20-Oct-2111 Venus 20-May-2112 Sun 18-Jan-2114 Mars Dasa 20-Jul-2114 . India Ma 08:05:31 X 24:14:33 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 27" [KP Ayanamsa] . 12 8.Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ma.Planets in Owner's stars (D) .20-Jul-2054 Saturn 20-Jul-2035 Mercury 23-Jul-2038 Ketu 01-Apr-2041 Venus 11-May-2042 Sun 11-Jul-2045 Moon 23-Jun-2046 Mars 22-Jan-2048 Rahu 03-Mar-2049 Jupiter 07-Jan-2052 Mercury Dasa 20-Jul-2054 .Phalguni(3) Ju Aridra(4) Ve Hasta(4) Sa Swati(2) Ra Swati(4) Ke Bharani(2) Sgl Su Me Mo Su Me Me Ve Ve Ma Stl Ve Ra Sa Ve Ra Mo Ra Ra Ve Sbl Ve Ve Ke Ju Ma Su Me Ve Mo Ssl Ma Su Me Ju Su Ve Ve Sa Sa Sssl Ke Ju Ju Me Sa Ju Ju Ve Mo Significators .31/Aug/2013 12:29:39 PM Hind Motor. 12 (A) . 12 Sa 12 12 4.Phalguni(4) 12 Chitra(3) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 20-Jul-2001 . 3 Ve 8 11 10 7.20-Jul-2098 Venus 20-Jul-2078 Sun 18-Nov-2081 Moon 18-Nov-2082 Mars 19-Jul-2084 Rahu 18-Sep-2085 Jupiter 18-Sep-2088 Saturn 19-May-2091 Mercury 19-Jul-2094 Ketu 20-May-2097 Sun Dasa 20-Jul-2098 . 19 D Su 14:05:07 Me 20:11:10 XI 25:12:17 V 25:12:17 IV 24:14:33 Ve 23:16:48 III 28:05:23 II 03:49:49 I 07:46:40 Ra 16:48:33 Sa 13:08:03 XII 01:16:40 Sgl Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ma Ve Me Me Mo Su Ve Stl Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sbl Ke Mo Mo Ra Me Ve Ve Ve Ve Ra Me Me Ssl Ju Ra Me Ra Ra Mo Ve Ju Sa Ra Ra Ra Sssl Ju Ra Ra Sa Mo Ma Ve Ju Ke Sa Me Ve Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P.Occupant of house (C) .20-Jul-2071 Mercury 20-Jul-2054 Ketu 16-Dec-2056 Venus 13-Dec-2057 Sun 12-Oct-2060 Moon 19-Aug-2061 Mars 18-Jan-2063 Rahu 15-Jan-2064 Jupiter 04-Aug-2066 Saturn 10-Nov-2068 Ketu Dasa 20-Jul-2071 . 5 1. (B) . 6 Me+ 11 10 7. Sa. Venus. the DBAS of Rahu-Venus-MoonMoon (from 02-10-2013 to 10-10-2013) will jointly operate. owner of 2 and 5. achieving the 4 th position only. 9. the sublord of horary number Venus is neither the starlord or signlord of the RP Lagna nor the starlord or signlord of the RP Moon. 7th to 9th October 2013. 6 or 11 by indicating more negative bhavas. i. Mercury. (C) Common planets among (A) and (B): Mars. Significators of houses 1. My Opinion: Winning in the wrestling competition is not assured for your life-partner. Present Dasha Lord: Rahu (up to 20-07-2019) is a common planet. Ruling Planets at the time of judgment are Lagna / Ascendant Mars – Mercury – Venus Moon Mercury – Rahu – Venus Day Lord Saturn Nodes Rahu – Ketu (B) Ruling Planets: Mars. Saturn Rahu. 12. Ketu. Mercury. Venus. Mercury. Sublord Venus is occupant of 11 and owner of 7-12. and it is not assured to win the completion.e.So 11th CSL Mercury signifies both positive house 11 and negative houses 7. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! KP Ezine February 2014 26 . Rahu acts as an agent of Saturn. Ketu. 6 and 11 Houses A B C D 1 - - - Mars 6 - Ketu - Mars 11 Ketu. B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owner’s Stars. The querent informed me that her life-partner did not win the competition. Ketu. 8. 6 and 11: Sun. Bhukit lord Venus is a common planet. but Rahu is a weak c grade E significator by aspect of Mars. Anthra/ Sookshma lord Moon is not a common planet. which cannot be taken into consideration. CONCLUSION The 6th and 11th CSLs and DBAS lords do not clearly indicate a possible win. Sun Mercury Venus - Sun A = Planets in Occupant’s Stars. Rahu. Mars. Actual Fact: Prediction comes true. and the answer by the Gulbarga Theory is No. Planet & Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 12.e. Venus. JOINT PERIOD (DBAS) On the date of competition i. Thus. Dasha lord Rahu does not strongly signifiy house 1. Rahu is in the star of self and sub of Venus. D = House Owner (A) Significators of 1. occupant of 12. so Ketu is selected as 7th cusp sublord.) (Attached are the 4 step strong significators by the KPAstro 4.3 4 11 Cusp Yuti: (3) It's One anxious father came to my office to ask about the chance for his son’s marriage.7.Venus:.Venus:.(6) Rashi-Swami Jupiter (4) 6 9 It's Sub's N. Let us confirm it by the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment. His son was about 30 yrs old.72E58 KP Ayanamsha used: 23-31-34 The query was solved on 6th February 2012 at 16-07 hrs at Thane through the 4 step theory. Venus Bhukti was running up to 23-12-2014.(3) (2) Mercury-Yuti (3) 3 12 Moon-Drusht (9) (1) Ketu signifies 2-11 houses.Sun:.Swami :-. S=Saturn. so Venus/Venus Dasa/Bhukti period can offer the marriage.Swami :-----Venus:.1 which are almost the same as given under. At the time of judgment.Swami :------Sun:. – Editor) PLANET : KETU Itself :-------------. Venus Dasa. In the attached chart. and so he was worried for the matter. so marriage is promised.Ketu:.(3) 4 (11) Cusp Yuti: (3) It's Sub :-----------.Marriage predic on through 4 step theory By: Sunil Gondhalekar Editor-Nakshtrache Dene Mail: sunilalaka@gmail. PLANET : VENUS Itself :-------------. Ls=Jupiter Venus-Sun-Ketu are not directly in the RPs but Ketu is in the star of Moon. D=Moon. R=Moon. Time of birth:01-45 AM Place of birth: Thane Long/Lat: 19N12. At the time of judgment Sun Antara was operating from March 2012 and the subsequent Antara was thereafter. Rahu.(3) 4 (11) Cusp Yuti: (3) Venus signifies 2 and 11 houses. It signifies as follows: (Please note that the numbers mentioned in brackets are the strong significators used in the 4 step method. Moon. Mars.-Venus:.Ketu:.(3) (2) Mercury-Yuti (3) 3 12 Moon-Drusht (9) (1) It's Sub :-----------.11 houses complete. The birth details of the son are as follows: Date of birth:3rd October 1982. as given under: L=Mercury. Let us check the signification of Venus.(6) Rashi-Swami Jupiter (4) 6 9 It's N. The signification of Antra lord Sun. 7th cusp sublord is Venus.Swami :-. Now we have to fix the Antara which will be signifying 7th house to make the chain of 2. We will have to check the DBAS to find out the probable period for marriage.3 4 11 Cusp Yuti: (3) It's Sub's N. Jupiter is KP Ezine February 2014 27 . MAHARASHTRA.Phalguni(4) Sa Chitra(2) Ra Aridra(3) Ke P.26/Jan/2014 09:05:31 AM KANKARIYA. Dasa: Saturn 4 Y. (B) .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 9 3 1 2 Mo 3 9 7.kpastrosystem. India Planet Sgl Lagna Sa Moon Ma Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ra Sa Ra Me Sa Me Mo Ra Day Lord: Sun Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 04:05:04:39 Ra 02:15:06:15 XII 02:09:52:45 I 03:09:13:31 III 05:04:19:45 Ve 05:07:26:45 Me[R] 05:14:28:20 Su 05:15:46:30 Sa 05:29:42:09 XI 01:08:59:33 5 3 2 6 IV 06:06:29:53 Ju 06:18:24:39 X 00:06:29:53 4 10 VII 09:09:13:31 V 07:08:59:33 Ma 07:15:20:40 Mo 11:13:14:03 IX 11:04:19:45 8 12 11 9 VI 08:09:52:45 Ke 08:15:06:15 X 06:29:53 VIII 10:05:04:39 XI 08:59:33 XII 09:52:45 Ra 15:06:15 Mo 13:14:03 IX 04:19:45 Name: Marriage_4 step Gender: Male Date: Sunday.Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ju. Man Machine Systems.24-Aug-2047 Moon 24-Aug-2037 Mars 24-Jun-2038 Rahu 23-Jan-2039 Jupiter 24-Jul-2040 Saturn 22-Nov-2041 Mercury 24-Jun-2043 Ketu 23-Nov-2044 Venus 24-Jun-2045 Sun 22-Feb-2047 Mars Dasa 24-Aug-2047 . Me. GUJARAT. AHMEDABAD.Placidus Star: U. 12 Ju+ 12 4 6. 8 5.24-Aug-2072 Rahu 24-Aug-2054 Jupiter 06-May-2057 Saturn 29-Sep-2059 Mercury 06-Aug-2062 Ketu 23-Feb-2065 Venus 13-Mar-2066 Sun 13-Mar-2069 Moon 05-Feb-2070 Mars 06-Aug-2071 Jupiter Dasa 24-Aug-2072 .24-Aug-1987 Saturn 24-Aug-1968 Mercury 27-Aug-1971 Ketu 06-May-1974 Venus 15-Jun-1975 Sun 15-Aug-1978 Moon 28-Jul-1979 Mars 26-Feb-1981 Rahu 06-Apr-1982 Jupiter 11-Feb-1985 Mercury Dasa 24-Aug-1987 . Pada 3 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Pisces Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Poornima Bal. 10 7.25 D Karana: Bav Ruling Planets . 9 Ve 3 3 2 4.24-Aug-2031 Venus 24-Aug-2011 Sun 23-Dec-2014 Moon 23-Dec-2015 Mars 24-Aug-2017 Rahu 24-Oct-2018 Jupiter 24-Oct-2021 Saturn 23-Jun-2024 Mercury 23-Aug-2027 Ketu 24-Jun-2030 Sun Dasa 24-Aug-2031 .24-Aug-2088 Jupiter 24-Aug-2072 Saturn 11-Oct-2074 Mercury 24-Apr-2077 Ketu 31-Jul-2079 Venus 05-Jul-2080 Sun 06-Mar-2083 Moon 23-Dec-2083 Mars 24-Apr-2085 Rahu 31-Mar-2086 + These planets do not have any planets in their KP Ezine February 2014 28 . Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. 03/Oct/1982 Time: 01:45:00 AM SID: 01:51:44 Lat: 19:12:00 N Lon: 72:58:00 E Place: THANA. Sa.Bhadra.24-Aug-2004 Mercury 24-Aug-1987 Ketu 20-Jan-1990 Venus 17-Jan-1991 Sun 17-Nov-1993 Moon 24-Sep-1994 Mars 23-Feb-1996 Rahu 19-Feb-1997 Jupiter 08-Sep-1999 Saturn 15-Dec-2001 Ketu Dasa 24-Aug-2004 .Phalguni(3) 4 Chitra(4) 5 Anuradha(2) 6 Moola(3) 7 U.Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ma.House Owner 1 7 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(2) 2 Magha(2) 3 U. 8 Ra 12 12 Ke+ 3 6 4.Bhadra(3) Ma Anuradha(4) Me[R] Hasta(2) Ju Swati(4) Ve U. 11 Sa 5 3 5.Ashada(4) 8 Dhanishta(4) 9 U.24-Aug-2011 Ketu 24-Aug-2004 Venus 20-Jan-2005 Sun 22-Mar-2006 Moon 27-Jul-2006 Mars 26-Feb-2007 Rahu 25-Jul-2007 Jupiter 12-Aug-2008 Saturn 19-Jul-2009 Mercury 27-Aug-2010 Venus Dasa 24-Aug-2011 . (C) . 8 1 Ma 3 5 7. India I 09:13:31 Ayanamsa: 23° 31' 34" [KP Ayanamsa] .24-Aug-2054 Mars 24-Aug-2047 Rahu 20-Jan-2048 Jupiter 07-Feb-2049 Saturn 14-Jan-2050 Mercury 23-Feb-2051 Ketu 20-Feb-2052 Venus 18-Jul-2052 Sun 17-Sep-2053 Moon 23-Jan-2054 Rahu Dasa 24-Aug-2054 . 11 (A) .Marriage_4 step Sun Rise: 06:29:15 AM Nithya Yoga: Dhruva Sun Set: Hora: 06:25:06 PM Saturn Dasa Days: 365. 21 D II 05:04:39 VIII 05:04:39 VII 09:13:31 III 04:19:45 Ve 07:26:45 Me[R] 14:28:20 Su 15:46:30 Sa 29:42:09 Ke 15:06:15 VI 09:52:45 Ma 15:20:40 V 08:59:33 Ju 18:24:39 IV 06:29:53 Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Stl Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ra Sbl Ve Ma Sa Mo Ve Sa Ve Su Sa Ra Ve Ju Ssl Ra Sa Mo Ve Ra Me Sa Ra Ve Me Ju Su Sssl Ma Me Me Ra Ju Ra Sa Ke Sa Ve Sa Ju Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Hasta(2) Mo U. Ju.Planets in Owner's stars (D) . 10 M. 10 Me+ 9 3 1 3.24-Aug-2037 Sun 24-Aug-2031 Moon 11-Dec-2031 Mars 11-Jun-2032 Rahu 17-Oct-2032 Jupiter 10-Sep-2033 Saturn 30-Jun-2034 Mercury 12-Jun-2035 Ketu 17-Apr-2036 Venus 23-Aug-2036 Moon Dasa 24-Aug-2037 .Bhadra(1) 10 Aswini(2) 11 Krittika(4) 12 Aridra(1) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Saturn Dasa 24-Aug-1968 .Ashada(1) Sgl Me Ju Ma Me Ve Me Me Me Ju Stl Mo Sa Sa Mo Ra Su Ma Ra Ve Sbl Sa Ra Ju Ju Mo Ke Sa Ke Ve Ssl Sa Ju Sa Me Ra Ju Ra Sa Sa Sssl Ke Sa Ra Ve Su Ju Ma Ju Ju Significators . 1}]). Asp by Mo{9. Asp by Ju(4) Sublord of Ra is Ke+: 6. Cnj Me(3. Asp by Ju(4) Starlord of Ma is Sa: 3. Cnj Su[3. 10 Sublord of Sa is Sa: Starlord of Sa is Ma: 5. 2. 7-8 Planet Sa: Starlord of Sa is Ma: 5. 1. Asp by Mo{9. 10). Cnj Su(3. 10). Cnj Su[3. Ju Ve aspects 9 Planet Ke+: 6. Asp Starlord of Me is Mo: 9. 8. Cnj 3 Sublord of Ke is Ve: Cnj 3 Starlord of Ve is Su: 3. Cnj Su[3. 2. 10). 1]) Sublord of Ve is Ke+: 6. Sgl Me(3. 7. Asp by Mo{9. Sgl Me(3. 11. Asp by Mo{9. Asp by Ma(5. Ke Planets in own stars (*): Ra Ve conj 3 Su conj Me Su is aspected by Mo Mo is aspected by Su. Asp by Ju(4) Planet Me+: 3. 10. Asp by Mo[9. 11. 2. 1]) Starlord of Ra is Ra*: 12. 10 Planet Ra*: 12. Sgl Me(3. 1}]). Ju. Cnj 3 Planet Su: Starlord of Su is Mo: 9. 10). 1]) Planet Ve: Cnj 3 Starlord of Ve is Su: 3. Asp by Ma(5. Asp by Su(3. 1}]). 2. 2. Asp by Planet Ma: Ma(5. Asp by Mo[9. 2. Asp by Mo{9. 10). Asp by Ju(4) Sublord of Ju is Mo: Starlord of Mo is Sa: 3. Asp 9. Cnj Su[3. 2. 1}]). Cnj Me(3. 1. 2. 2. Asp by Mo{9. 1}]). Asp 9. Cnj 3 Planet Ju+: 4 Starlord of Ju is Ra*: 12. Asp by Ju(4) Starlord of Ra is Ra*: 12. 1}]). Cnj Me[3]) by Ma(5. Sgl Me(3. 7-8 Sublord of Mo is Ra*: 12. Sgl Ju(4) Starlord of Ke is Ve: 3. Cnj Su[3. 1}]). Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. 2. 11. Asp by Ma(5. Asp by Mo{9. 10). Cnj Su[3. Asp by Su(3. 10). Asp by Ma(5. Asp by Ju(4) Sublord of Me is Ju+: 4 Starlord of Ju is Ra*: 12. Me Me is aspected by Mo Ra is aspected by Ma. Sgl Ju(4) Starlord of Ke is Ve: 3. 7-8 Sublord of Ma is Ju+: 4 Starlord of Ju is Ra*: 12. Sgl Me(3. 2. Cnj Me[3]) Sublord of Su is Sa: Starlord of Sa is Ma: 5. Cnj Su[3.kpastrosystem. 2. Sgl Me(3. Asp 9. Sgl Me(3.Marriage_4 step 4 Step Significators Empty houses: 1. 11 Planets with no planets in their stars (+): KP Ezine February 2014 29 . Asp by Ju(4) Man Machine Systems. 10 Planet Mo: Starlord of Mo is Sa: 3. 2. Sgl Ju(4) Starlord of Ke is Ve: 3. Asp by Ma(5. Asp by Mo[9. Swami :---.(9) (1) Sun-Drusht (3) (2) Mercury-Drusht (3) 3 12 It's Sub :------------Saturn:.(3) (7) (8) Here Sun is not signifying the required 7th house.9 1 Sun-Drusht 3 (2) Mercury-Drusht 3 3 12 It's N. The period for marriage will be from 4th May 2013 to 25th May 2013.Moon:.Swami :-.(5) 5 (10) PLANET : MOON Itself :-------------. Next of Mars rejected for the same reason.shown below: PLANET : SUN Itself :-------------.Saturn:.(3) 4 (11) Cusp Yuti: (3) PLANET : JUPITER Itself :-------------.(12) Rashi-Swami Mercury (3) 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5) 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 It's Sub :-----------.(12) Rashi-Swami Mercury (3) 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5) 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 PLANET : MARS Itself :-------------. So roughly I have predicted that his son will get married during the month of May 2013.3 2 Mercury-Yuti 3 3 12 Moon-Drusht 9 1 It's N. I have chosen Jupiter Sookshma as Jupiter is karaka of marriage and due to the char lagna. next of Moon signifies 7 th house on 2nd step but negative on sub and sub’s star level.Rahu:. from 4th May 2013 to 13th October 2013.Swami :------Rahu:.(12).(3) (7) (8) It's Sub :------------Jupiter:.Mars:.(12) Rashi-Swami Mercury (3) 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5) 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 PLANET : RAHU Itself :-------------. So marriage will be celebrated during Jupiter Antara i.(6) Rashi-Swami Jupiter (4) 6 9 It's Sub's N.Moon:.Swami :-.Swami :-----Saturn:.(4) 6 9 It's Sub's N.--Jupiter:.--Rahu:.(4) 6 9 It's N.e. The Antara of Jupiter is selected as it signifies 2-7-8 houses on sub and sub’s star level. hence rejected.3 7 8 It's Sub's N. Then Rahu was rejected as it does not signify 7th house. 1 Sun-Drusht 3 (2) Mercury-Drusht 3 3 12 It's Sub's N. Rashi-Swami Mercury (3). Rashi-Swami Mercury (3) 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5) 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 It's N.Swami :-. 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 It's Sub :-----------. Now in fine tuning of prediction.Sun:.(12) Rashi-Swami Mercury (3) 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5) 5 (10) Jupiter-Drusht (4) 6 9 It's Sub's N.5 5 10 It's N.Ketu:. KP Ezine February 2014 30 .Venus:. 3 12 Mars-Drusht (5).Swami :-.Swami :-----Saturn:.(12).Swami :-. Actual outcome: The native actually married on 18th May 2013 on Ketu star day which is the 7th cusp sublord.Rahu:.Mars:.Moon:.9.(3) (7) (8) It's Sub :------------Rahu:. hence rejected.Swami :------Rahu:. 11: Su. Me. Ra.Me. 10: Mo. Mo. Mobile: 9849121037. Sa. Mo. A discovery by Mr. Sa.11: 3: Su. Su. Bhuktinatha and Antharanatha for prediction rather than using them only for the timing of the event. Ra. Krishnanagar. The first segment is actually central around which segment 2 revolve.CA 4th Line. Su. Ju. Ke Planets in the stars of DBA: Mo. Sa. 11: Mo.Ke. I am presenting this article in 3 segments and readers will notice that the 2nd segment is what Mr. Sa.Sa. Bosmia presented in the January 2014 edition of KPEzine. Mo. Ju. Sa. Ke add Ra in Taurus. Park Road. 10. Planets in the stars of DBA: Ra Significators of 3. Sa. Ve. Expunged: Ma. Ma. Please read on.10. Ra NaMo (Narendra Modi): DBA @ May 2014: Mo/Ra/Sa up to 28th Jul 2014: RPs @ Birth: Ve. Friday.Ve.Sa.Delhi. Time of birth. Lon/Lat: 28° N 40'. 15/08/1947. 77° E 14'. The beauty of this discovery is an attempt to use Dasanatha.44" Independent India: DBA @ May 2014: Su/Ke/Mo up to 6th May 2014: RPs @ Birth: Ve.02'. Mo. Ra. Mo. Ju. Guntur. Me. Me. India Name: India Date of birth. The 3th segment which is already a composite part of 1st segment has only been extracted and analyzed to critically examine and check what the present day advanced communication apparatus and skills have to say about the forthcoming battle like General Elections in India. Expunged: Su.Ke. Bosmia for his opinion and advice as to whether I picked the underlying principle of his discovery correctly. Ve. BSc. Sunday.Me. 72° E 38'. Ra. 11: 3: Ma.04'.Sa . Ayanamsha 230. Ke. Take: Su. When I read the article by Mr. Mo.Me . Ve.A Sequel to RP Indica on for Narendra Modi to become a PM or not? By: Syam Babu Singaraju. Email: [email protected]" Narendra Modi Name: Naremndra Modi Date of birth. Ra. Ke KP Ezine February 2014 31 . Bosmia detailing the fruits of his research I was thoroughly impressed with his findings and dwelt upon adding more strength to this brilliant discovery. Kanak Bosmia in the KP Reader 3 and his pains taking research has resulted in the development of a powerful tool to predict results of elections through standard KP astrological delineation. Ayanamsha 230. 10: Ve. Significators of 3. 10:10:00 AM IST Place of Birth: Vadnagar-Gujarat.Mo. 17/09/1950.522006. Time of birth. Lon/Lat: 23° N 47'. I submitted my exercise to Mr. Ju. 00:00:00 AM IST Place of Birth: Lal Killa. Su. Me. Readers will also notice the importance of Ruling Planets at the time of birth playing a very important role here protecting the crux of the matter. 3.kpastrosystem. 9. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Placidus Star: Pushyami.Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Ve. 6 Ju 6 6 8. (B) . 11 Ra 4 1 5 Ke+ 4 7 10.Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Ma. GUJARAT.27-Jul-2009 Venus 27-Jul-1989 Sun 26-Nov-1992 Moon 26-Nov-1993 Mars 28-Jul-1995 Rahu 27-Sep-1996 Jupiter 27-Sep-1999 Saturn 28-May-2002 Mercury 28-Jul-2005 Ketu 27-May-2008 Sun Dasa 27-Jul-2009 . 12 8.27-Jul-1982 Mercury 27-Jul-1965 Ketu 24-Dec-1967 Venus 20-Dec-1968 Sun 20-Oct-1971 Moon 26-Aug-1972 Mars 25-Jan-1974 Rahu 22-Jan-1975 Jupiter 11-Aug-1977 Saturn 16-Nov-1979 Ketu Dasa 27-Jul-1982 .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 3 4 2. Trayodasi Bal. 3.Phalguni(3) 6 Chitra(2) 7 Anuradha(2) 8 Moola(2) 9 P.India Sun Rise: 05:49:39 AM Nithya Yoga: Siddhi Sun Set: Hora: 07:01:13 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365. 6 5 Mo+ 4 3 10.27-Jul-1989 Ketu 27-Jul-1982 Venus 24-Dec-1982 Sun 22-Feb-1984 Moon 29-Jun-1984 Mars 28-Jan-1985 Rahu 26-Jun-1985 Jupiter 15-Jul-1986 Saturn 21-Jun-1987 Mercury 30-Jul-1988 Venus Dasa 27-Jul-1989 . AHMEDABAD. 12 D V 21:43:33 XI 21:43:33 X 21:33:50 VI 28:48:52 IX 26:39:55 VIII 03:28:08 VII 07:52:25 Ke 05:09:21 Ju 25:57:50 Sgl Ve Me Me Mo Su Me Ma Ju Ju Sa Sa Ju Stl Su Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Ve Mo Ju Me Sbl Ve Ve Ve Su Ju Sa Ke Su Ke Ve Ju Sa Ssl Ve Ra Ve Su Ra Ve Ju Me Me Ra Ra Ve Sssl Mo Ra Mo Ra Sa Ra Ra Mo Sa Ma Ve Ra Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Ashlesha(4) Mo Pushyami(1) Ma Aridra(1) Me Pushyami(4) Ju Visakha(2) Ve Ashlesha(2) Sa Ashlesha(2) Ra Krittika(3) Ke Anuradha(1) Sgl Mo Mo Me Mo Ve Mo Mo Ve Ma Stl Me Sa Ra Sa Ju Me Me Su Sa Sbl Sa Sa Ra Ra Ke Mo Ve Me Sa Ssl Sa Ke Sa Sa Su Ju Ju Me Ra Sssl Su Sa Ju Ju Ra Su Me Ke Ma Significators . 11 M. 6 10.27-Jul-2025 Moon 27-Jul-2015 Mars 27-May-2016 Rahu 26-Dec-2016 Jupiter 26-Jun-2018 Saturn 26-Oct-2019 Mercury 27-May-2021 Ketu 26-Oct-2022 Venus 28-May-2023 Sun 26-Jan-2025 Mars Dasa 27-Jul-2025 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) . 11 4 Ma+ 1 2 7 Me 4 3 10. 15/Aug/1947 Time: 12:00:00 AM SID: 21:08:16 Lat: 28:40:00 N Lon: 77:14:00 E Place: DELHI.Bhadra(1) 12 Revati(4) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Saturn Dasa 27-Jul-1946 .27-Jul-2015 Sun 27-Jul-2009 Moon 14-Nov-2009 Mars 16-May-2010 Rahu 20-Sep-2010 Jupiter 15-Aug-2011 Saturn 02-Jun-2012 Mercury 15-May-2013 Ketu 22-Mar-2014 Venus 28-Jul-2014 Moon Dasa 27-Jul-2015 . 11 2. INDIA Mo 04:04:11 Me 13:45:38 Sa 20:33:33 IV 21:33:50 Ve 22:38:50 Su 28:04:31 Ayanamsa: 23° 2' 8" [KP Ayanamsa] .27-Jul-2032 Mars 27-Jul-2025 Rahu 24-Dec-2025 Jupiter 11-Jan-2027 Saturn 18-Dec-2027 Mercury 26-Jan-2029 Ketu 23-Jan-2030 Venus 22-Jun-2030 Sun 22-Aug-2031 Moon 27-Dec-2031 Rahu Dasa 27-Jul-2032 .com KP Ezine February 2014 32 . (C) . DELHI. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ve Moon Sa Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Me Ve Ju Ma Ma Ma Ve Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:03:28:08 Ma 02:07:32:33 XII 11:28:48:52 Ra 01:05:09:21 I 01:07:52:25 Mo 03:04:04:11 Me 03:13:45:38 Sa 03:20:33:33 III 02:26:39:55 XI 10:21:43:33 3 12 11 3 IV 03:21:33:50 Ve 03:22:38:50 Su 03:28:04:31 X 09:21:33:50 2 8 VII 07:07:52:25 V 04:21:43:33 IX 08:26:39:55 5 9 9 6 Ke 07:05:09:21 Ju 06:25:57:50 VI 05:28:48:52 VIII 08:03:28:08 Ra 05:09:21 I 07:52:25 II 03:28:08 Ma 07:32:33 III 26:39:55 XII 28:48:52 Name: India Gender: Male Date: Friday. 11 (A) . Dasa: Saturn 17 Y. 3.31/Jan/2014 01:11:51 PM KANKARIYA. Man Machine Systems.27-Jul-2066 Jupiter 27-Jul-2050 Saturn 14-Sep-2052 Mercury 28-Mar-2055 Ketu 03-Jul-2057 Venus 09-Jun-2058 Sun 08-Feb-2061 Moon 27-Nov-2061 Mars 29-Mar-2063 Rahu 04-Mar-2064 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. 3.27-Jul-2050 Rahu 27-Jul-2032 Jupiter 09-Apr-2035 Saturn 02-Sep-2037 Mercury 09-Jul-2040 Ketu 26-Jan-2043 Venus 13-Feb-2044 Sun 13-Feb-2047 Moon 08-Jan-2048 Mars 09-Jul-2049 Jupiter Dasa 27-Jul-2050 . 6 1 Sa 3 4 2.27-Jul-1965 Saturn 27-Jul-1946 Mercury 30-Jul-1949 Ketu 08-Apr-1952 Venus 18-May-1953 Sun 18-Jul-1956 Moon 30-Jun-1957 Mars 29-Jan-1959 Rahu 08-Mar-1960 Jupiter 13-Jan-1963 Mercury Dasa 27-Jul-1965 .House Owner 10 4 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Krittika(4) 2 Mrigasira(4) 3 Punarvasu(2) 4 Ashlesha(2) 5 P. 12 Ve+ 3 4 2. 9.25 D Karana: Vanij Ruling Planets . Pada 1 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Krishna Paksha.Ashada(4) 10 Sravana(4) 11 P. Pada 2 Star Lord: Saturn Rasi: Scorpio Rasi Lord: Mars Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha.Phalguni(4) 12 Chitra(1) From Bhukti From Bhukti From Saturn Dasa 29-Jun-1943 .29-Jun-2047 Rahu 29-Jun-2029 Jupiter 11-Mar-2032 Saturn 04-Aug-2034 Mercury 10-Jun-2037 Ketu 28-Dec-2039 Venus 15-Jan-2041 Sun 15-Jan-2044 Moon 09-Dec-2044 Mars 10-Jun-2046 Jupiter Dasa 29-Jun-2047 . Me.29-Jun-2029 Mars 29-Jun-2022 Rahu 25-Nov-2022 Jupiter 13-Dec-2023 Saturn 18-Nov-2024 Mercury 28-Dec-2025 Ketu 25-Dec-2026 Venus 23-May-2027 Sun 23-Jul-2028 Moon 28-Nov-2028 Rahu Dasa 29-Jun-2029 . (B) .Phalguni(1) Sa U.29-Jun-2012 Sun 29-Jun-2006 Moon 17-Oct-2006 Mars 17-Apr-2007 Rahu 23-Aug-2007 Jupiter 17-Jul-2008 Saturn 05-May-2009 Mercury 17-Apr-2010 Ketu 21-Feb-2011 Venus 29-Jun-2011 Moon Dasa 29-Jun-2012 . 7 Me+ 11 11 11 9.29-Jun-2063 Jupiter 29-Jun-2047 Saturn 17-Aug-2049 Mercury 27-Feb-2052 Ketu 05-Jun-2054 Venus 12-May-2055 Sun 10-Jan-2058 Moon 30-Oct-2058 Mars 28-Feb-2060 Rahu 03-Feb-2061 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. Ju.Bhadra(1) Ke U.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 11 11 11 11 Mo+ 11 1 4.29-Jun-1979 Mercury 29-Jun-1962 Ketu 25-Nov-1964 Venus 22-Nov-1965 Sun 22-Sep-1968 Moon 29-Jul-1969 Mars 28-Dec-1970 Rahu 26-Dec-1971 Jupiter 14-Jul-1974 Saturn 20-Oct-1976 Ketu Dasa 29-Jun-1979 .Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Su. Man Machine Systems. 17/Sep/1950 Time: 10:10:00 AM SID: 09:12:44 Lat: 23:47:00 N Lon: 72:38:00 E Place: VADNAGAR. 5 Ra 11 5 4. 9 M.Phalguni(2) Ju[R] Satabhisha(1) Ve P.Phalguni(3) Sgl Me Ma Ma Me Sa Su Su Ju Me Stl Su Sa Ju Su Ra Ve Su Sa Su Sbl Ra Ve Ma Ra Ra Su Ra Sa Me Ssl Ve Ve Me Su Ra Ra Ju Ju Me Sssl Ra Sa Mo Me Ra Me Ma Ve Ju Dasa Summary Bhukti VI 24:26:27 Ra 05:18:33 Sgl Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Significators .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .House Owner 4 10 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Visakha(1) 2 Jyeshta(1) 3 P. GUJARAT. 8 1. 6 2. (A) . India Planet Sgl Lagna Ve Moon Sa Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Su Me Mo Sa Ma Ma Ra Ra Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 07:19:36:24 III 08:20:23:22 8 XII 05:24:26:27 Ma 07:00:59:46 Mo 07:08:23:55 I 06:20:21:35 6 5 9 Ju[R] 10:06:41:19 IV 09:22:38:31 Sa 04:29:44:13 XI 04:24:50:11 Ke 05:05:18:33 Me[R] 05:00:54:40 Su 05:00:38:52 X 03:22:38:31 Ve 04:15:44:03 7 1 VII 00:20:21:35 Ra 11:05:18:33 V 10:24:50:11 IX 02:20:23:22 11 3 2 12 VI 11:24:26:27 VII 20:21:35 VIII 01:19:36:24 VIII 19:36:24 IX 20:23:22 Name: Narendra Modi Gender: Male Date: Sunday. GUJARAT.Occupant of house (C) .29-Jun-2022 Moon 29-Jun-2012 Mars 29-Apr-2013 Rahu 28-Nov-2013 Jupiter 30-May-2015 Saturn 29-Sep-2016 Mercury 30-Apr-2018 Ketu 29-Sep-2019 Venus 29-Apr-2020 Sun 29-Dec-2021 Mars Dasa 29-Jun-2022 . Dasa: Saturn 11 Y.kpastrosystem.Placidus Star: Anuradha. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Bhadra(2) 6 Revati(3) 7 Bharani(3) 8 Rohini(3) 9 Punarvasu(1) 10 Ashlesha(2) 11 P.Phalguni(2) Mo Anuradha(2) Ma Visakha(4) Me[R] U. Sashti Bal. 5 Ke+ 11 11 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Su.Narendra Modi Sun Rise: 06:26:18 AM Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha Sun Set: Hora: 06:41:44 PM Moon Dasa Days: 365. 8 Sa 11 11 11 4.29-Jun-2006 Venus 29-Jun-1986 Sun 29-Oct-1989 Moon 29-Oct-1990 Mars 28-Jun-1992 Rahu 28-Aug-1993 Jupiter 28-Aug-1996 Saturn 29-Apr-1999 Mercury 29-Jun-2002 Ketu 29-Apr-2005 Sun Dasa 29-Jun-2006 .Phalguni(1) Ra U. 12 Ju 5 4 3.25 D Karana: Taitil Ruling Planets .com KP Ezine February 2014 33 . 6 Ve 10 10 1.Ashada(3) 4 Sravana(4) 5 P. 11 D Ve 15:44:03 XI 24:50:11 Sa 29:44:13 V 24:50:11 Ju[R] 06:41:19 IV 22:38:31 Su 00:38:52 Me[R] 00:54:40 Ke 05:18:33 XII 24:26:27 III 20:23:22 II 19:36:24 Mo 08:23:55 Ma 00:59:46 I 20:21:35 Stl Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Ma Sbl Ju Ve Ju Ve Me Ra Ju Me Ju Mo Me Ra Ssl Sa Ve Sa Ke Ma Ju Sa Sa Sa Ju Mo Ju Sssl Ve Sa Sa Sa Ma Ju Sa Ra Su Ve Ju Ju Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.31/Jan/2014 01:13:02 PM KANKARIYA.29-Jun-1986 Ketu 29-Jun-1979 Venus 25-Nov-1979 Sun 25-Jan-1981 Moon 02-Jun-1981 Mars 01-Jan-1982 Rahu 30-May-1982 Jupiter 17-Jun-1983 Saturn 23-May-1984 Mercury 02-Jul-1985 Venus Dasa 29-Jun-1986 . AHMEDABAD. India X 22:38:31 Ayanamsa: 23° 4' 44" [KP Ayanamsa] . Me.29-Jun-1962 Saturn 29-Jun-1943 Mercury 02-Jul-1946 Ketu 12-Mar-1949 Venus 20-Apr-1950 Sun 20-Jun-1953 Moon 02-Jun-1954 Mars 01-Jan-1956 Rahu 10-Feb-1957 Jupiter 17-Dec-1959 Mercury Dasa 29-Jun-1962 . 5 10 Ma+ 4 1 3. 00 Marks Out of 50 : 75.Me. II. Mo 3/3 3/3 Sub Total Grand Total :25:00 Marks :25:00 Marks : 50. Sa : Ju. Mo : Ra :: Su.Ve. charisma factor. Mo 3/3 25. Ruling Planets at Birth Time:India(Ve. 11:India (Su.Sa.33 Marks : 25. Modi to becoming the PM of India in 2014. Mo.Sa. 10.00 Marks Out of 50 India RPs Versus :3) DBA of NaMo 4) In stars of NaMo DBA : Mo.Me. Ke. impact of print and electronic media. Ra.66 Marks : 8. Modi will become PM with 271+ seats. Sa Ju.Ra) DBA Planets in stars of DBA NaMo Significators Versus 1) DBA of India : Su.Mo.Su. Mo 2) Planets in stars of India DBA India Significators Versus Mo. I extracted the 3rd house to measure separately one’s ability to contest. Sa 4) Planets in stars of NaMo DBA : Ju.Ju.Mo.00 Marks 3/3 25.00 ensures that Mr.Ra) NaMo(Ma. Mo Planets in stars of DBA : Ra NaMo RPs Versus:1) DBA of India 2) In stars of India DBA : Su. The fact that the win shall be largely through his own contribution is manifest through 50 out of 50 marks achieved in his DBA segment. Mo :16. what will be the attitude of young voters.Third house is already covered in the First Section along with 10th and 11th houses.Ke) Mo.66 Marks 1/1 8. coming out of ones shell and exposing to public at large because 3 is vriya to 4 which is one’s home or shell to mention a few.Ju.33 Marks Sub Total: 25 Marks Out of 50 :- 3) DBA of NaMo : Mo. Ra.Ve. Ra : Ra 2/3 of 25 16. Ra. Ra. Mo : Ra 2/3 1/1 Sub Total NaMo(Ve.00 Marks Out of 100 This Score of 75. KP Ezine February 2014 34 . duplicity.Mo. communication of election manifesto to voters. III.Sa.Sa. Ra. effect of various rumors.Ra) DBA : Su. Significators of house 3 alone: .Su. Ke.Ra.Su.Ma.Ke.00 Marks Sub Total: 50 Marks Out of 50 Grand Total: 75 Marks Out of 100 An overall score of 75% is quite encouraging for Mr. Ra.ANALYSIS:I. Net Significators of 3. Sa Ju.Ju. Ra. Mr. Sa Planets in stars of India DBA : Ra Ju. Ke. Mo NaMo Significators of 3 versus:1) DBA of India : Su. I remain with pranams to my Guruji and father.00 Marks 4) In stars of NaMo DBA : Ju 1/3 8. Though not a hundred percent. Modi. telephone and all kinds of media will support Mr. Ra. as a result of rumors spread on Mr. however. The results of double speak told by the present government are fully evident by the Zero marks attained against the 3rd house comparison. Modi. he still seems to be in the reckoning with his 25 out of 50. This shows that the mandate is fractured and yet about a fourth of the nation from the elite and well connected by internet. Ju) DBA : Su. Sa.00 Marks Sub Total: 16.BL and the Lotus KP Ezine February 2014 35 .33 Marks Sub Total: 8. communication. Modi resulting in India which is the present UPA government ending up losing badly. tells us about one’s ability. Me) NaMo (Ma. Mo Mo. will have to do hectic negotiations with political parties mostly from Southern India as it is a well-known fact that BJP is almost nonexistent in the southern states of India. the result of a test. Late Mr. Ve. a person's boldness. Third house. Mo. negotiation. rumor and duplicity. Subbarao MA.India (Su. Mo 2/3 16.66 Marks out of 50 India Significators of 3 versus:3) DBA of NaMo : None 0/3 0.33 Marks out of 50 Grand Total: 25 Marks Out of 100 Here it is well below 50% and India comes a cropper with a Zero when it comes to 3rd house effects.66 Marks 2) In stars of India DBA : None 0/3 0. inter alia. Ra. Date of birth: 26-10-2013. enlargement of organs]. Hence 8th cusp sublord signifies 2 [Maraka]. it is in the star of Jupiter in 4 lord of 1 and 10.).E. there is danger to the life during the joint period of the significators of the Badhaka and Maraka houses. 7[Maraka and Badhaka]. 7 [Badhaka]. 6[Sickness]. 6 [Sickness]. 8 [Danger to life]. if the Asc falls in a common sign the 7th house is the Badhaksthana. City Enclave. pages 2-4) KP Ezine February 2014 36 .P HORARATNA Superintending Engineer (Retired. the details of his child are as under. if Asc falls in a fixed sign 9th house is the Badhaksthana . WHAT ABOUT AILMENT? 6th cusp sublord is Jupiter in 4 lord of 1 and 10. Father of a newly born child was very much worried about the health of his child who was under continuous treatment in P G I Chandigarh. It is in sub of Ketu in 2. 12[Hospitalization]. Address: #104. Bhatt. If these significators be the cuspal joint rulers of the Asc or the 8th cusp their joint period is very critical. 8[Danger to life].Balarishtha By: Er. It is in sub of Saturn in 8 lord of 12. 8[Danger to life] 12[Confinement to bed / hospitalization]. (Elect). Place of birth: Chandigarh Analysis If the cuspal sublord of the Asc be the significator of the Badhaka and Maraka houses. Further Saturn is in the star of Rahu in 8 and it is in the sub of Moon lord of 6. It is again in the star of Jupiter in 4 lord of 1 and 10. V. jaundice. In the horoscope under reference Asc falls in common sign so 7th house is the Badhaksthana. 4 [End of life]. 8th cuspal sublori is Mercury in 8 lord of 4 and 7. blood. 12[Hospital]. Saturn [lingering disease] and Sun [heart. He approached me on 6-11-2013 to check astrologically from the horoscope if there is any danger to her longevity. Further if Asc is in movable sign 11th house is the Badhaksthana.K Sharma. So in view of the above Asc sublord denotes hospitalization and danger to survival of child or short life. it becomes evil for longevity of child. As 8th cusp sublord is connected with Maraka and Badhaka houses. and is aspected by Saturn in 8 lord of 12 and Ketu is also aspected by Sun in 7.Longevity. B. and as Saturn is not having any planet in its stars it becomes strong significator of house 7 being sublord of 7th cusp. Also 6th cusp sublord signifies 2[Maraka] and 7[Badhaka]. Punjab State Electricity Board. (Horoscopes and Diseases by Sh Chandrakant R. Hence Asc sublord signifies 2 [Maraka]. Mars [sudden and painful disease]. brain]. Mohali (Chandigarh). JYOTISHVID (PRASHER). K. Zirakpur. Saturn aspects house 2 and 6. Ascendant sublord In the horoscope under reference Asc sublord is Saturn in 8 lord of 12 and Saturn aspects house 2. Ketu is in the sign of Mars in 6 lord of 2 and 9. 6th cusp has linkage with Jupiter [liver. As Saturn is not having any planet in its star it becomes the strong significator of house 7 by being sublord of 7th cusp. Time of birth: 4 PM. Me. 11 4. 26/Oct/2013 Time: 04:00:00 PM SID: 17:57:03 Lat: 30:42:00 N Lon: 76:48:00 E Place: CHANDIGARH.15-Dec-2099 Mars 15-Dec-2092 Rahu 13-May-2093 Jupiter 31-May-2094 Saturn 07-May-2095 Mercury 16-Jun-2096 Ketu 13-Jun-2097 Venus 09-Nov-2097 Sun 09-Jan-2099 Moon 17-May-2099 Rahu Dasa 15-Dec-2099 . 1 M.15-Dec-2032 Saturn 15-Dec-2013 Mercury 18-Dec-2016 Ketu 28-Aug-2019 Venus 06-Oct-2020 Sun 06-Dec-2023 Moon 17-Nov-2024 Mars 18-Jun-2026 Rahu 28-Jul-2027 Jupiter 03-Jun-2030 Mercury Dasa 15-Dec-2032 .Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. Me. 11 1.15-Dec-2117 Rahu 15-Dec-2099 Jupiter 28-Aug-2102 Saturn 21-Jan-2105 Mercury 27-Nov-2107 Ketu 16-Jun-2110 Venus 05-Jul-2111 Sun 05-Jul-2114 Moon 29-May-2115 Mars 28-Nov-2116 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.25 D Karana: Balav Ruling Planets . 10. 8 (A) -Sa. (C) .com KP Ezine February 2014 37 .15-Dec-2092 Moon 15-Dec-2082 Mars 15-Oct-2083 Rahu 16-May-2084 Jupiter 14-Nov-2085 Saturn 16-Mar-2087 Mercury 15-Oct-2088 Ketu 16-Mar-2090 Venus 15-Oct-2090 Sun 15-Jun-2092 Mars Dasa 15-Dec-2092 . 7 Ju 5 5 1. Sa. (B) . Ma. 5.Bhadra(1) 2 Aswini(4) 3 Rohini(1) 4 Mrigasira(4) 5 Punarvasu(3) 6 Ashlesha(4) 7 U.kpastrosystem. 11 6 Ma+ 2 6 2.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 8 7 Mo+ 5 5 1. India Mo 03:13:10 VI 27:01:38 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 35" [KP Ayanamsa] . 5.Planets in Owner's stars (D) .Longevity Sun Rise: 06:33:03 AM Nithya Yoga: Sadhya Sun Set: Hora: 05:40:06 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.15-Dec-2082 Sun 15-Dec-2076 Moon 04-Apr-2077 Mars 03-Oct-2077 Rahu 08-Feb-2078 Jupiter 03-Jan-2079 Saturn 22-Oct-2079 Mercury 03-Oct-2080 Ketu 10-Aug-2081 Venus 15-Dec-2081 Moon Dasa 15-Dec-2082 . Ashtami Bal. Ju. 19 D Ma 12:31:58 VII 04:57:35 XI 28:58:31 X 05:21:53 Ve 26:04:22 IX 11:39:29 Me[R] 22:39:40 Sa 18:57:16 Ra 13:49:59 VIII 13:17:53 Su 09:12:34 Sgl Ju Ma Ve Me Me Mo Me Ve Ma Ju Ju Sa Stl Sa Ke Mo Ma Ju Me Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sbl Sa Me Ma Su Su Ju Sa Me Mo Ma Ma Ju Ssl Ra Sa Ve Me Ra Ve Ju Su Me Ve Ke Ve Sssl Sa Ju Ve Ra Ve Ve Ke Sa Me Ma Sa Ve Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Swati(1) Mo Punarvasu(4) Ma Magha(4) Me[R] Visakha(1) Ju Punarvasu(2) Ve Jyeshta(3) Sa Swati(4) Ra Swati(3) Ke Bharani(1) Sgl Ve Mo Su Ve Me Ma Ve Ve Ma Stl Ra Ju Ke Ju Ju Me Ra Ra Ve Sbl Ju Ra Me Sa Ke Ra Mo Me Ve Ssl Me Ma Ra Ve Ju Ma Ke Ra Mo Sssl Me Ma Ra Ra Ra Ke Ju Ve Ma Significators . 10. 7 3. Dasa: Jupiter 0 Y.Placidus Star: Punarvasu.22/Jan/2014 11:12:56 AM KANKARIYA. UNION TERRITORY. 9 Me 5 8 1. Man Machine Systems. AHMEDABAD.House Owner 9 3 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. Pada 4 Star Lord: Jupiter Rasi: Cancer Rasi Lord: Moon Lagna: Pisces Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Krishna Paksha. GUJARAT. 11 Ve 8 9 4.Phalguni(3) 8 Swati(2) 9 Anuradha(3) 10 Moola(2) 11 U. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ju Moon Me Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Me Ke Sa Me Mo Ju Ve Su Day Lord: Mercury Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 00:13:17:53 Ke 00:13:49:59 XII 09:27:01:38 I 11:04:57:35 III 01:11:39:29 XI 08:28:58:31 1 10 9 2 IV 02:05:21:53 Ju 02:26:19:19 X 08:05:21:53 12 6 Su 06:09:12:34 VII 05:04:57:35 Mo 03:03:13:10 V 02:28:58:31 Ve 07:26:04:22 IX 07:11:39:29 3 8 7 4 Ma 04:12:31:58 VI 03:27:01:38 II 13:17:53 Ke 13:49:59 Me[R] 06:22:39:40 Sa 06:18:57:16 Ra 06:13:49:59 VIII 06:13:17:53 III 11:39:29 IV 05:21:53 Ju 26:19:19 V 28:58:31 I 04:57:35 XII 27:01:38 Name: Longevity Gender: Female Date: Saturday.15-Dec-2013 Jupiter 15-Dec-1997 Saturn 02-Feb-2000 Mercury 16-Aug-2002 Ketu 21-Nov-2004 Venus 28-Oct-2005 Sun 27-Jun-2008 Moon 16-Apr-2009 Mars 15-Aug-2010 Rahu 22-Jul-2011 Saturn Dasa 15-Dec-2013 .15-Dec-2076 Venus 15-Dec-2056 Sun 15-Apr-2060 Moon 15-Apr-2061 Mars 14-Dec-2062 Rahu 13-Feb-2064 Jupiter 13-Feb-2067 Saturn 15-Oct-2069 Mercury 15-Dec-2072 Ketu 15-Oct-2075 Sun Dasa 15-Dec-2076 .Ashada(1) 12 Dhanishta(2) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa 15-Dec-1997 . Planets in Occupant's stars Rahu acts as agent for: Su. 10. Ve.15-Dec-2049 Mercury 15-Dec-2032 Ketu 13-May-2035 Venus 09-May-2036 Sun 10-Mar-2039 Moon 14-Jan-2040 Mars 16-Jun-2041 Rahu 13-Jun-2042 Jupiter 31-Dec-2044 Saturn 07-Apr-2047 Ketu Dasa 15-Dec-2049 . 8 Sa+ 8 8 12 Ra 8 8 Ke 9 2 3. 10.15-Dec-2056 Ketu 15-Dec-2049 Venus 13-May-2050 Sun 13-Jul-2051 Moon 18-Nov-2051 Mars 18-Jun-2052 Rahu 14-Nov-2052 Jupiter 02-Dec-2053 Saturn 08-Nov-2054 Mercury 18-Dec-2055 Venus Dasa 15-Dec-2056 . 8[danger to life].I].KRISHNAMURTI for this wonderful Padhdhati.G. 6[sickness]. 4[end of life] which shows Mahadasha of Jupiter is critical for survival of child. 7 [badhaka]. 12[hospitalization]. and Saturn aspects 2 and 6 and Ketu is aspected by Sun in 7. The child expired on 12-11-2013 with multiple organ failure. 8[danger to life].I Chandigarh.CHECK MAHADASHA AND BHUKTI DASHA [JUPITER /RAHU] MAHADASHA [JUP] Jupiter is in 4 lord of 1 and 10. 12[hospitalization]. My Parnam to Guru ji sh K. KP Ezine February 2014 38 . and Saturn aspects 2 and 6 and Rahu is also conjoined with Sun in 7 and Mercury in 8 lord of 4 and 7. So Rahu Bhukti is also critical for survival of child. It is again in the star of Jupiter and it is in the sub of Ketu in 2. 7[Badhaka].G. Hence Jupiter Mahadasha is the significator of 2[maraka]. BHUKTI DASHA [RAHU] Rahu is in 8 and is conjoined with Saturn in 8 lord of 12. but could not survive in spite of best efforts of very reputed medical institute [P. 6[sickness]. The child was born on dated 26-10-2013 in the Punarvasu Nakshtar of Jupiter and child expired on 12-11-2013 in Poravbadarpad Nakshtar of Jupiter which shows that the Ruling Planets on the day of birth and on the day of death were similar which proves that Ruling Planets play an important role in major life events.S. Ketu is aspected by Saturn in 8 lord of 12. Hence Bhukti of Rahu signifies 2[Maraka]. FACTS OF CASE The newly born child remained in continuous treatment in P. Sookshma lord Mars in 8. Dasa and Antra lord Saturn is the star of own Saturn in 7.7 (Maraka). is in the star and sub of Venus in 12. Rahu+ is in the star of Mercury in 9. 3. KP Reader 1. Star: Dhanishta. danger to life. owner of 1. D. Dasa: Mars 6 Y. Bhukti lord Jupiter in 11.8. page 189. 7 (Maraka). owner of 4. 00W10. Saturn. 6 (drug).Saturn. accident. in sign Taurus of Venus in 8. 12 (end of life).S. and is connected with Mars. and Ketu. owner of houses 5. owner of 7. and this Mercury is in the star of Mars in Sagittarius. and in the sub of Venus in 8. danger to life). 8 (accident.6. house of scandal. Lagna: Virgo 06:40:43. is the CSL of houses 1. is in the star and sub of Ketu in 9. in sign Scorpio of Mars in 8. scandal and bad luck for him.Mars.12. The currently running last Bhukti Jupiter of Saturn Dasa up to 18 December 2015 is not astrologically so encouraging for his political carrier. KP Reader IV. owner of 2. Bal. and in the sub of Venus. Dasa and Antra lord Saturn is in the star of own Saturn in house 3. 12 (end of life).12.5. in sign Taurus of Venus in 12. The DBAS lords signifies 9 (Badhaka).8. 17 January 2014. and is connected with Ma. in the star and sub of Venus in 8. 2. 09/Mar/1956. The running dasa period (DBAS) on the day. and in the sub of Venus in 12. 5. of her death is SaturnJupiter. danger to life).6.9. similarly appearance of house 2 is house 8 for his wife. by KPAstro 4.6.Mars. 9 M.6. 8th from 2nd = 9th is for 3rd wife. page 107. owner of 2.10.10. owner of 1. translated by Dr. conj. a dual planet. bad luck.6. His 7th cusp sub lord is Mercury. in sign Taurus of Venus in 12. Thus it signifies 9 (Badhaka). owner of 2. suicide. Maraka for wife is clearly indicated. owner of 3. owner of 9. 2. KP Ezine February 2014 39 . Sookshma lord Mars is in 4.Indica on of Sudden Death By: Tin Win Email: [email protected]. London. Sunanda Pushkar’s 1st CSL Rahu+ in 7. pages 83. suicide. Shasi Tharoor. The running dasa period (DBAS) on the day. 7. Sastri. 10 (retirement from this world). 51N30. and so more than one marriage is indicated. KP New Ayanamsa: 23° 9' 19". 9 D. owner of 2. UK.9. 181 & 184) 6. of his wife Sunanda Pushkar’s unnatural sudden death is Saturn. Pada 1. References: Kalidasa: Utara Kalamrita. Sa. 2001. owner of 7. Now Shashi Tharoor's chart is rotated to 9th as the Ascendant of his 3rd wife Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor. In all levels of the DBAS house 8.Jupiter. Bhukti lord Jupiter in 3. 06:50 PM GMT. is in the star and sub of Ketu in 1. 8 (scandal.9. Saturn in 7.Saturn. owner of 1.11. (8th from 7 of 1st wife = 2nd wife. 4. owner 9. owner of 8. signifying house 2 by Venus’ ownership. Ra and Ke.9 having no planet in its stars. and sub of Ketu in 1. a dual sign. 17 January 2014. owner of 1. 18-Dec-2015 Saturn 18-Dec-1996 Mercury 21-Dec-1999 Ketu 31-Aug-2002 Venus 10-Oct-2003 Sun 09-Dec-2006 Moon 21-Nov-2007 Mars 23-Jun-2009 Rahu 01-Aug-2010 Jupiter 08-Jun-2013 Venus Dasa 18-Dec-2039 .18-Dec-2059 Venus 18-Dec-2039 Sun 19-Apr-2043 Moon 19-Apr-2044 Mars 19-Dec-2045 Rahu 17-Feb-2047 Jupiter 17-Feb-2050 Saturn 18-Oct-2052 Mercury 18-Dec-2055 Ketu 18-Oct-2058 From Rahu Dasa 18-Dec-1962 . 6 Ra+ 5 3 1. Sa. 9 M. Dasa: Mars 6 Y.28/Jan/2014 10:45:38 PM Maryland.kpastrosystem. (A) .Planets in Owner's stars (D) . 8 1. 9 D Ju[R] 00:34:40 XII 12:46:38 I 06:40:43 Ma 13:21:50 IV 06:37:43 Ra 19:17:55 Sa 09:39:14 III 00:35:23 Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti Mars Dasa 18-Dec-1955 .Occupant of house (C) .Bhadra(2) 8 Aswini(1) 9 Krittika(2) 10 Mrigasira(4) 11 Pushyami(3) 12 Magha(4) 7 XI 12:41:25 Ju[R] 00:34:40 5 4 8 IV 06:37:43 Ma 13:21:50 X 06:37:43 6 Significators . 6 5. 8 11 Ma 8 4 2. 9 3. Trayodasi Bal.18-Dec-1996 Jupiter 18-Dec-1980 Saturn 05-Feb-1983 Mercury 19-Aug-1985 Ketu 24-Nov-1987 Venus 30-Oct-1988 Sun 01-Jul-1991 Moon 18-Apr-1992 Mars 18-Aug-1993 Rahu 25-Jul-1994 Ketu Dasa 18-Dec-2032 . 7 12 Mo 4 5 3. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. 10 Ke 5 9 11 Rahu acts as agent for: Ma.House Owner 3 9 12 VII 06:40:43 Me 04:20:34 V 12:41:25 Mo 23:45:38 Ke 19:17:55 IX 00:35:23 10 2 1 11 VI 12:46:38 Su 26:01:50 VIII 00:32:24 Ve 08:59:54 Ve 08:59:54 VIII 00:32:24 IX 00:35:23 Ke 19:17:55 X 06:37:43 VII 06:40:43 Su 26:01:50 VI 12:46:38 Me 04:20:34 Mo 23:45:38 V 12:41:25 Name: Shasi Tharoor Gender: Male Date: Friday.18-Dec-1980 Rahu 18-Dec-1962 Jupiter 31-Aug-1965 Saturn 24-Jan-1968 Mercury 01-Dec-1970 Ketu 19-Jun-1973 Venus 08-Jul-1974 Sun 08-Jul-1977 Moon 01-Jun-1978 Mars 01-Dec-1979 Mercury Dasa 18-Dec-2015 .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su+ 11 6 4.Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ve. 7 Ve 9 8 2.Bhadra(2) Mo Dhanishta(1) Ma P.18-Dec-2075 Moon 18-Dec-2065 Mars 19-Oct-2066 Rahu 20-May-2067 Jupiter 18-Nov-2068 Saturn 20-Mar-2070 Mercury 19-Oct-2071 Ketu 20-Mar-2073 Venus 19-Oct-2073 Sun 20-Jun-2075 II 00:32:24 Man Machine Systems. USA Planet Sgl Lagna Me Moon Ju Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Mo Ke Ju Ma Ve Ju Ju Ve Day Lord: Mars Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 00:32:24 Sgl Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Stl Su Ma Ju Ke Mo Ra Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Sbl Me Me Ma Ra Ra Me Me Ke Ra Mo Ma Me Ssl Ju Ve Ma Me Sa Me Ra Ju Ve Su Ve Ra Sssl Ra Ju Ve Ra Ra Ju Ke Ra Mo Ra Mo Ma Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P. 10 Ju 9 11 4. United Kingdom XI 12:41:25 Ayanamsa: 23° 9' 19" [KP Ayanamsa] .Placidus Star: Dhanishta.Shasi Tharoor Sun Rise: 06:28:46 AM Nithya Yoga: Shiva Sun Set: Hora: 05:54:41 PM Mars Dasa Days: 365.Phalguni(4) 2 Chitra(3) 3 Visakha(4) 4 Moola(2) 5 Sravana(1) 6 Satabhisha(2) 7 U.18-Dec-2032 Mercury 18-Dec-2015 Ketu 16-May-2018 Venus 14-May-2019 Sun 14-Mar-2022 Moon 18-Jan-2023 Mars 19-Jun-2024 Rahu 16-Jun-2025 Jupiter 03-Jan-2028 Saturn 10-Apr-2030 Sun Dasa 18-Dec-2059 . 8 Me 4 5 3. Sa.18-Dec-1962 Mars 18-Dec-1955 Rahu 15-May-1956 Jupiter 03-Jun-1957 Saturn 10-May-1958 Mercury 18-Jun-1959 Ketu 14-Jun-1960 Venus 11-Nov-1960 Sun 10-Jan-1962 Moon 18-May-1962 Saturn Dasa 18-Dec-1996 . 9 Sa 3 3 5. Middlesex.18-Dec-2039 Ketu 18-Dec-2032 Venus 16-May-2033 Sun 16-Jul-2034 Moon 21-Nov-2034 Mars 22-Jun-2035 Rahu 18-Nov-2035 Jupiter 07-Dec-2036 Saturn 13-Nov-2037 Mercury 22-Dec-2038 Moon Dasa 18-Dec-2065 .25 D Karana: Gar Ruling Planets .18-Dec-2065 Sun 18-Dec-2059 Moon 06-Apr-2060 Mars 05-Oct-2060 Rahu 10-Feb-2061 Jupiter 05-Jan-2062 Saturn 24-Oct-2062 Mercury 06-Oct-2063 Ketu 12-Aug-2064 Venus 18-Dec-2064 Bhukti From Jupiter Dasa 18-Dec-1980 .com KP Ezine February 2014 40 .Ashada(1) Me Dhanishta(4) Ju[R] Magha(1) Ve Aswini(3) Sa Anuradha(2) Ra Jyeshta(1) Ke Rohini(3) Sgl Sa Sa Ju Sa Su Ma Ma Ma Ve Stl Ju Ma Ve Ma Ke Ke Sa Me Mo Sbl Ke Ma Ve Ve Ke Ju Ve Ke Me Ssl Mo Me Ve Sa Sa Ma Sa Me Ju Sssl Me Ve Ve Ma Me Ju Ke Ra Mo XII 12:46:38 I 06:40:43 III 00:35:23 Sa 09:39:14 Ra 19:17:55 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 U. 09/Mar/1956 Time: 06:50:00 PM SID: 05:59:03 Lat: 51:30:00 N Lon: 00:10:00 W Place: London. Pada 1 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Capricorn Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Tithi: Krishna Paksha. (B) . 12. KP-Ezine August 2011 issue) http://www.astro. 22:25 http://www. death: 16 Aug 1977. also 6 and being connected with (Ref: Whitney Houston._Marilyn (KPNA 22° 44' 23" Enfield. Saturn or Node. This rule is also found valid for the sudden death of the following natives.astro. and being connected with Mars. Sa-Mo-Me-Ra) http://www. 1983.astro. fatal or trigonal houses 4.astro. Her unnatural sudden death of possible drug overdose is justified by the rule: If the 1st CSL signifies Badhaka. Maraka._Elvis (KPNA 22° 51' 35". Ju-Ma-Ra-Sa) http://www. Sept 14. a unnatural sudden death is possible during the joint dasa period (DBAS) of significators of Amy Winehouse . London.astro. Ra-Mo-Ve-Ve) KP Ezine February 2014 41 .com/astro-databank/Morrison%2C_Jim http://www. death: 19 Nov http://www.astro. Here the involvement of 1st house (self effort) signification might indicate possible http://www. KP-Ezine March 2012 issue) http://www. Saturn or Node.8.8. Maraka.astro._Christina (KPNA 23° 4' 55".8. England (Ref: KP Analysis of the 27 Club 9. mainly from drug overdose. fatal houses 4. death: 5 Aug 1962.astro. (E) If the 7th cusp sub lord is the significator of 5 and 11 which denotes love marriage and if it is connected with Rahu or Ketu. who is the significator of 2 or 7 or 11. Marriage is such an interesting subject that it makes everyone to be inquisitive to know about it even before it actually takes place in one’s life. The seventh house in every horoscope is the complement of the first. (H) To know whether the love affair is two-way or one sided – see 11th cusp (as it is the 5th cusp to opposite sex) and then judge. (C) If the 5th cusp sub lord is in any way connected to 06 and 12 along with the significations of 2. Retired Bank officer KP astrologer 12-13-668/5/2.P. love marriage. 7 and 11 houses.nagaraju@gmail. In the present article I would like restrict myself to discuss about marriage. 9490752371 Email: gunti.P. 2nd house denotes family and by marriage a new member will be added to the family. (G) If 5th cusp sub lord signifies 12th – native himself will drop the idea of love marriage. rules say – (A) If 5th cusp sub lord is a strong significator of 7 and 11. In view of the importance it has gained and attached it needs to be addressed very carefully while studying the chart of an individual. Marriage promised or not— A) The VII cusp sub lord will guide and give the clue. For marriage. Anthara and Sookshma periods. and represents the unifying of all that is separated or isolated in the ascendant. 7th house denotes marriage bondage. 7 and 11 houses in their Dasa. the exchange of intellect for wisdom and the perfect individualization of the conscious self.Secunderabad. Bhukthi . just living together as man and woman etc. love affair will materialize into marriage.500 In every body’s life marriage plays an important role in deciding the course of life. 11th house denotes permanent friendship between the couple. Marriage has different shades such as conventional marriage. rule for materialization of love affair into marriageK. Second floor. Tel: 040-27172206. 5.P system and its rules. 11 houses. Marriage will take place during the conjoined period of the significators of 2. It signifies the transmutation of the passions into the pure love. inter cast marriage. then only marriage is promised. CAIIB. it indicates an inter cast marriage or /and unconventional marriage. If the VII cusp sub lord happens to be in a star of a planet.Marriage by love and inter cast By: Gun Nagaraju M. Nagarjuna Nagar. (B) If 5th and 7th cusps are interconnected then the chances of materialization of love affair is confirmed provided they signify 5. and the subject is very exhaustive.KP . (F) If 5th cusp sub lord signifies 6th – native’s lover will withdraw from love affair.K. we have to see 2. 7. KP Ezine February 2014 42 . Love marriage. (D) If 7th cusp sub lord is in any way connected to 5th along with 7– one may marry a boy/girl loved by her/him. 7 and 11—then the love affair will be a failure. marriage by contract. love marriage and inter cast marriage only with the aid of K. ANDHRA PRADESH.Placidus Star: Swati.03-Dec-2069 Venus 03-Dec-2049 Sun 04-Apr-2053 Moon 04-Apr-2054 Mars 03-Dec-2055 Rahu 02-Feb-2057 Jupiter 02-Feb-2060 Saturn 04-Oct-2062 Mercury 04-Dec-2065 Ketu 03-Oct-2068 Sun Dasa 03-Dec-2069 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .16/Jan/2014 11:30:59 AM KANKARIYA.Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. 9 Ve+ 3 2 2 4. 20 D Sa 04:07:24 II 22:27:05 VIII 22:27:05 VII 24:53:35 Ve 02:33:38 Ra 21:17:25 III 23:01:37 Me 23:14:29 Su 26:55:38 VI 25:41:13 V 25:53:18 IV 24:52:14 Mo 10:16:06 Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Stl Me Ve Mo Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Me Ve Ma Ju Sbl Ra Sa Su Me Ra Me Ra Sa Mo Me Ra Me Ssl Sa Me Sa Ma Mo Sa Sa Ke Me Mo Mo Sa Sssl Ma Ju Ve Ju Ju Ke Ma Mo Sa Sa Ju Ma Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Chitra(2) Mo Swati(2) Ma Punarvasu(4) Me Hasta(4) Ju Aridra(2) Ve U. 12 Ju 3 11 6. GUJARAT.03-Dec-1990 Rahu 03-Dec-1972 Jupiter 16-Aug-1975 Saturn 09-Jan-1978 Mercury 14-Nov-1980 Ketu 03-Jun-1983 Venus 22-Jun-1984 Sun 22-Jun-1987 Moon 15-May-1988 Mars 14-Nov-1989 Jupiter Dasa 03-Dec-1990 . Me. Ve. 1 M.Bhadra(1) 9 Revati(2) 10 Bharani(4) 11 Mrigasira(1) 12 Punarvasu(2) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 03-Dec-1972 . 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Su.03-Dec-2075 Sun 03-Dec-2069 Moon 23-Mar-2070 Mars 21-Sep-2070 Rahu 27-Jan-2071 Jupiter 22-Dec-2071 Saturn 09-Oct-2072 Mercury 21-Sep-2073 Ketu 28-Jul-2074 Venus 03-Dec-2074 Moon Dasa 03-Dec-2075 .kpastrosystem.Phalguni(3) 3 Hasta(4) 4 Visakha(2) 5 Jyeshta(3) 6 P. 10 2 Mo 3 3 1 Ma 11 12 6.Ashada(4) 7 Dhanishta(1) 8 P. (A) . Pada 2 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Shukla Paksha.03-Dec-2042 Mercury 03-Dec-2025 Ketu 30-Apr-2028 Venus 27-Apr-2029 Sun 26-Feb-2032 Moon 01-Jan-2033 Mars 02-Jun-2034 Rahu 31-May-2035 Jupiter 18-Dec-2037 Saturn 24-Mar-2040 Ketu Dasa 03-Dec-2042 . 14/Oct/1977 Time: 01:50:30 AM SID: 03:03:28 Lat: 17:22:00 N Lon: 78:28:00 E Place: HYDERABAD.03-Dec-2092 Mars 03-Dec-2085 Rahu 01-May-2086 Jupiter 19-May-2087 Saturn 24-Apr-2088 Mercury 03-Jun-2089 Ketu 31-May-2090 Venus 27-Oct-2090 Sun 27-Dec-2091 Moon 03-May-2092 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ju Moon Mo Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Me Me Ve Sa Ju Ra Ke Ju Day Lord: Jupiter Nirayana Bhava Chalit Ve 05:02:33:38 Ra 05:21:17:25 II 04:22:27:05 Mo 06:10:16:06 III 05:23:01:37 Me 05:23:14:29 Su 05:26:55:38 XII 02:25:41:13 Ma 03:00:35:46 Sa 04:04:07:24 I 03:24:53:35 5 XI 01:25:53:18 Ju 02:12:30:00 3 2 6 IV 06:24:52:14 X 00:24:52:14 4 10 VII 09:24:53:35 V 07:25:53:18 IX 11:23:01:37 8 12 11 9 VI 08:25:41:13 X 24:52:14 VIII 10:22:27:05 Ke 11:21:17:25 XI 25:53:18 Ju 12:30:00 XII 25:41:13 IX 23:01:37 Ke 21:17:25 Name: Love marriage Gender: Male Date: Friday. Ju. Dvitiya Bal. 9 5.03-Dec-2049 Ketu 03-Dec-2042 Venus 01-May-2043 Sun 01-Jul-2044 Moon 06-Nov-2044 Mars 07-Jun-2045 Rahu 03-Nov-2045 Jupiter 21-Nov-2046 Saturn 28-Oct-2047 Mercury 07-Dec-2048 Venus Dasa 03-Dec-2049 . 11 Sa+ 9 1 7.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 3 5. 10 Me 3 3 1 3. (C) . Me.House Owner 1 7 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Ashlesha(3) 2 P.03-Dec-2085 Moon 03-Dec-2075 Mars 02-Oct-2076 Rahu 03-May-2077 Jupiter 02-Nov-2078 Saturn 03-Mar-2080 Mercury 02-Oct-2081 Ketu 03-Mar-2083 Venus 02-Oct-2083 Sun 03-Jun-2085 Mars Dasa 03-Dec-2085 .Planets in Occupant's stars (B) . Ve. India Ma 00:35:46 I 24:53:35 Ayanamsa: 23° 27' 24" [KP Ayanamsa] .Phalguni(2) Sa Magha(2) Ra Hasta(4) Ke Revati(2) Sgl Me Ve Mo Me Me Me Su Me Ju Stl Ma Ra Ju Mo Ra Su Ke Mo Me Sbl Ju Ju Ma Su Sa Ju Mo Ve Ve Ssl Ke Ra Ma Ve Ju Mo Ju Ra Me Sssl Ra Sa Su Su Ma Sa Ra Ra Ra Significators . 8 Ra 3 3 1 Ke 3 9 KP Ezine February 2014 43 . AHMEDABAD.03-Dec-2025 Saturn 03-Dec-2006 Mercury 06-Dec-2009 Ketu 15-Aug-2012 Venus 23-Sep-2013 Sun 23-Nov-2016 Moon 05-Nov-2017 Mars 06-Jun-2019 Rahu 16-Jul-2020 Jupiter 22-May-2023 Mercury Dasa 03-Dec-2025 . Dasa: Rahu 13 Y.03-Dec-2006 Jupiter 03-Dec-1990 Saturn 21-Jan-1993 Mercury 04-Aug-1995 Ketu 09-Nov-1997 Venus 16-Oct-1998 Sun 16-Jun-2001 Moon 05-Apr-2002 Mars 04-Aug-2003 Rahu 10-Jul-2004 Saturn Dasa 03-Dec-2006 .Love marriage Sun Rise: 06:09:01 AM Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha Sun Set: Hora: 05:55:12 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365. Man Machine Systems. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.25 D Karana: Balav Ruling Planets . (B) If the 7th cusp co-rulers are connected to Mars. Ruling planets at = Marriage are-Asc-(pisces)-jup-mer-ven: Rasi-(tarus)-ven-mar-sat: D.DOB. It is also interesting to note that the ruling planets at marriage time and birth time tally perfectly. Rahu is placed in 2nd house. The dasa.mer. anthara and sookshma periods signify the relevant houses for love and inter cast (both Venus and Sun are represented by Rahu) marriage.“ (A)5th cusp sub lord connection to Rahu/Kethu and to 7th house.11) x Sun bhukthi ( 2.mer. R. mar: Kethu reps-jup.R. (B) If the 7th cusp co-rulers are connected to Mars. Mercury and Venus.&12 ) x Venus Anthara and Venus Sookshma period (2. Rahu represents Sun. bhukthi.Inter cast marriage.11.14 OCT 1977.ven: Kethu reps-sun. Rahu is in Moon star and Venus sub.(B) and (H)-that is – (A) If 5th cusp sub lord is a strong significator of 7 and 11.P rule for materialization of inter cast marriage(A) 5th cusp sub lord connection to Rahu / Kethu and to 7th house.P rule points (A). TOB. Usually the 7th cusp in the chart denotes the ascendant of the spouse.” —are fulfilled and hence love marriage took place for this native.11). We have discussed about Rahu elaborately in the above point.ven-rahu-jup: D. Love marriage— As per the chart 5th cusp sub lord is Rahu.Asc-(cancer)-moon-mer-rahu: Rasi-(libra). it indicates that the native will have inter cast marriage. Saturn or Rahu. rules are.11. 7 and 11 houses. love affair will materialize into marriage. In this context I would like to present and analyze a chart of a native (whose birth details are furnished here under) who married a girl whom he loved. it indicates that the native will have inter cast marriage. Ruling planets at= Birth are. Mr. The native got married on 22 Feb 2002.L-ven. Saturn or Rahu.P) Analysis of the chart ---Marriage----VII cusp sub lord is Rahu. Venus is the lord of 4-11 and occupant of 2.11. or 7th cusp sub lord connection to Rahu / Kethu to 5th cusp – it indicates inter cast marriage.HYDERABAD (A.” (H)To know whether the love affair is two-way or one sided –see 11th cusp (as it is the 5th cusp to opposite sex) and then judge. occupant of 3rd. Rahu reps-sun. or 7th cusp sub lord connection to Rahu/Kethu to 5th cusp –it indicates inter cast marriage.P system1.ven. ven. Moon is the lord of lagna. very close to 3rd cusp.Another important point to be noted in this chart is that marriage took place with mutual consent of the parents of both the bride and bridegroom. (B) If 5th and 7th cusps are interconnected then the chances of materialization of love affair is confirmed provided they signify 5. Moon is the occupant of 3rd. Inter cast marriage— K.P. Hence Rahu signifies 2. This can be ascertained from the chart of the boy.K. Sun is the lord of 2nd . jup.Marriage by mutual consent -. Thus in this case the K. Mercury is the lord of 3 &12. POB. occupant of 3rd. So marriage took place.” Here as per the chart 5th cusp sub lord and 7th cusp sub lord is one and the same that is Rahu.M. ven.jup: I would like to add few interesting points about this Marriage as per K. From the boy’s chart the 7th cusp falls in Capricorn and from there the Moon of the girl is placed in Libra in Rahu’s star who is the sub lord of KP Ezine February 2014 44 .5.1-50-30 A.that is during the Jupiter Dasa (7.L-ven: Rahu reps-sat. and represents Mercury by close conjunction and as sign lord. This moon is aspected by Mars.the 11th lord of the girl’s lagna.“in a male’s horoscope if Mars is a significator of the houses of 4 or 8 or 12 –he will have a career woman as his wife.and the wife of the boy is his colleague. S.” As per the chart of the boy—Mars is the occupant of 12th and aspects 4 and 8th cusps.advertisement etc: ” As per the chart of the boy – 7th cusp sub lord is Rahu. I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt pranams to our great legend and Sodhitha Mannan Sri K. KP Ezine February 2014 45 .Career girl— as per reader 4 of KP. 3. Krishnamurthi who has imparted such a wonderful knowledge of astrology. 2. All this have given them the mutual consent of the parents and peaceful marriage. Rahu is in 3rd house. the partner may be a cousin or a neighbor or living at a short distance which can be reached by making a land travel for a few hours and of one fixed by correspondence .the 11th cusp of the boy.Locality of the partner— as per reader 4 of KP-“if the lord owns the 3rd house . And so he married a girl who came from the same place of his work which involves very short distance of few minutes journey. And interestingly this 11th lord Mars is placed in the lagna of the boy’s chart aspecting the lagna of the girl(7th) by it’s 7th aspect. 8. the stolen property will not be recovered. Rahu is in sign of Ven in 5. 8. Rahu represent Ven. Mon. owns 6. 9.. and in the sign of Venus in 3 . owns 3. No planet is in the stars of Saturn. owner of 5. jewelry). Cuspal sub lord The sub lord of 11th cusp is Rahu. owns 10. This Rahu is in the star of own and sub of Jupiter. Question: When will I get the stolen golden ring back? Horary no: 90/ 249 Date and Time of judgment:13/01/2014. owns 12. Rahu is in 3. 7. 11:08:40 AM IST Place of judgment: Khandwa-MP Long/Lat: . Sub lord Jupiter is in 11.8. So Rahu signifies relevant 6.2: For the stolen property. then the stolen property will be recovered. KP Ezine February 2014 46 . Mar. Jup. 6 (loss to opponent). owns 5. Jup.Mon. page 235) The RPs at the time of judgment are as follows: Asc. 9. Rule. Ket. Most RPs are connected to 5. if the RPs are connected to 5. Prediction: You will not get the golden ring back. Ketu represent Mars. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn.'Dadaji Kripa". 11. 11 houses. then the stolen property will be recovered. Badabam. hence the event would not be materialized. owns 4. Mar. 11 (gain) strongly. 8.12 houses then. Mon.When will I get the stolen golden ring back? By: Ni n Dubey (KP & Vadic Astrologer) House No. Sat. the stolen property will not be recovered. Rah. owns 4.Jup/Sat/Sun. owns 1.neetindubey19@gmail. Ven.11 houses. Sun is in 5. Ket is in sign of Mars in 2. Khandwa (MP)-450001 Email id :. 10. (KP Reader 6. owner of 3.6. 10.1: If the sub lord of 11th cusp signifies 2nd (house of cash. 3. But 11th cusp sub lord Rahu’s sub lord Jupiter is in retrograde. Pardeshipura.Ven/Mar/Jup. Actual result: The stolen ring is not yet recovered till date. If it does not so. so the golden ring will not be recovered. owner of 6. and Saturn is the CSL of 8. 7. Moon. 12 bhavas. if the RP’s at the time of judgment are strongly connected to 2. Jup and Ven are retrograde. Day. 76 E 23 KP ayanamsa: 230:57':46" 9. So the RPs are Sun.19. Ven. in 3. 21 N 49. 10. Ashada(4) Ju[R] Punarvasu(1) Ve[R] P.Horary No. 9 Me+ 5 6 1 2. Dasa: Mars 5 Y.04-Apr-2116 Venus 04-Apr-2096 Sun 04-Aug-2099 Moon 04-Aug-2100 Mars 04-Apr-2102 Rahu 04-Jun-2103 Jupiter 04-Jun-2106 Saturn 03-Feb-2109 Mercury 04-Apr-2112 Ketu 02-Feb-2115 Sun Dasa 04-Apr-2116 . 10 3. 11 Ju 11 11 5. Pada 2 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Tithi: Shukla Paksha. (B) . 22 D I 07:33:20 VII 07:33:20 VI 08:20:55 Me 08:16:20 II 05:09:40 Ma 22:48:29 Su 28:59:14 Ve[R] 26:11:04 V 08:16:05 IV 07:16:06 Sa 27:25:06 Ra 09:39:28 III 05:40:39 Sgl Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Stl Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Ke Su Ra Sa Sbl Ju Me Mo Me Ju Ve Ra Sa Ra Ke Ra Ve Ssl Ju Me Ma Sa Me Mo Me Ra Ra Mo Ve Ve Sssl Ju Ke Sa Ra Ju Sa Me Ma Sa Ve Ke Ju Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Phalguni(3) 3 Chitra(4) 4 Anuradha(2) 5 Moola(3) 6 U. KP Ezine February 2014 47 .04-Apr-2132 Moon 04-Apr-2122 Mars 03-Feb-2123 Rahu 04-Sep-2123 Jupiter 05-Mar-2125 Saturn 05-Jul-2126 Mercury 03-Feb-2128 Ketu 05-Jul-2129 Venus 03-Feb-2130 Sun 05-Oct-2131 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.House Owner 2 8 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Magha(3) 2 U. MADHYA PRADESH.Placidus Star: Mrigasira.Ashada(1) Mo Mrigasira(2) Ma Hasta(4) Me U. India XII 08:20:55 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 46" [KP Ayanamsa] . India Planet Sgl Lagna Ju Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Sa Su Me Sa Ma Ju Me Ve Day Lord: Moon Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 05:05:09:40 Ma 05:22:48:29 XII 03:08:20:55 I 04:07:33:20 III 06:05:40:39 Ra 06:09:39:28 Sa 06:27:25:06 6 Ju[R] 02:20:30:30 XI 02:08:16:05 4 3 7 IV 07:07:16:06 Mo 01:26:42:33 X 01:07:16:06 5 11 VII 10:07:33:20 V 08:08:16:05 Me 09:08:16:20 Ve[R] 9 08:26:11:04 Su 08:28:59:14 Ke 00:09:39:28 IX 00:05:40:39 1 12 10 VI 09:08:20:55 IX 05:40:39 Ke 09:39:28 VIII 11:05:09:40 X 07:16:06 Mo 26:42:33 XI 08:16:05 Ju[R] 20:30:30 VIII 05:09:40 Name: Stolen golden ring Gender: Male Date: Monday.04-Apr-2053 Jupiter 04-Apr-2037 Saturn 23-May-2039 Mercury 04-Dec-2041 Ketu 10-Mar-2044 Venus 14-Feb-2045 Sun 16-Oct-2047 Moon 03-Aug-2048 Mars 02-Dec-2049 Rahu 08-Nov-2050 Saturn Dasa 04-Apr-2053 . 8 Ve 5 5 3. Man Machine Systems. Trayodasi Bal. 90/249 Sun Rise: 07:05:40 AM Nithya Yoga: Brahma Sun Set: Hora: 06:00:52 PM Sun Dasa Days: 365.04-Apr-2037 Rahu 04-Apr-2019 Jupiter 16-Dec-2021 Saturn 10-May-2024 Mercury 16-Mar-2027 Ketu 03-Oct-2029 Venus 22-Oct-2030 Sun 22-Oct-2033 Moon 15-Sep-2034 Mars 16-Mar-2036 Jupiter Dasa 04-Apr-2037 .04-Apr-2089 Mercury 04-Apr-2072 Ketu 31-Aug-2074 Venus 28-Aug-2075 Sun 29-Jun-2078 Moon 05-May-2079 Mars 05-Oct-2080 Rahu 02-Oct-2081 Jupiter 20-Apr-2084 Saturn 26-Jul-2086 Ketu Dasa 04-Apr-2089 .Bhadra(1) 9 Aswini(2) 10 Krittika(4) 11 Aridra(1) 12 Pushyami(2) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Mars Dasa 04-Apr-2012 . 7 Ra 3 3 Ke 9 9 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. (A) .04-Apr-2096 Ketu 04-Apr-2089 Venus 31-Aug-2089 Sun 31-Oct-2090 Moon 08-Mar-2091 Mars 07-Oct-2091 Rahu 04-Mar-2092 Jupiter 22-Mar-2093 Saturn 26-Feb-2094 Mercury 07-Apr-2095 Venus Dasa 04-Apr-2096 .13/Jan/2014 11:08:40 AM KHANDWA.kpastrosystem. 2 M. 13/Jan/2014 Time: 11:08:40 AM SID: 18:14:35 Lat: 21:49:00 N Lon: 76:21:00 E Place: KHANDWA.: 90 Question : Stolen golden ring Ruling Planets .Occupant of house (C) .Ashada(4) 7 Satabhisha(1) 8 U.04-Apr-2072 Saturn 04-Apr-2053 Mercury 07-Apr-2056 Ketu 16-Dec-2058 Venus 24-Jan-2060 Sun 26-Mar-2063 Moon 07-Mar-2064 Mars 06-Oct-2065 Rahu 15-Nov-2066 Jupiter 21-Sep-2069 Mercury Dasa 04-Apr-2072 .04-Apr-2019 Mars 04-Apr-2012 Rahu 31-Aug-2012 Jupiter 19-Sep-2013 Saturn 25-Aug-2014 Mercury 04-Oct-2015 Ketu 30-Sep-2016 Venus 26-Feb-2017 Sun 28-Apr-2018 Moon 03-Sep-2018 Rahu Dasa 04-Apr-2019 . Ve. 10 Sa+ 11 3 5. 8 6.25 D Karana: Kaulav Horary No. Sa.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 5 5 1 1 Mo 2 10 4.04-Apr-2122 Sun 04-Apr-2116 Moon 23-Jul-2116 Mars 21-Jan-2117 Rahu 29-May-2117 Jupiter 23-Apr-2118 Saturn 09-Feb-2119 Mercury 22-Jan-2120 Ketu 28-Nov-2120 Venus 04-Apr-2121 Moon Dasa 04-Apr-2122 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) . Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.Ashada(4) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(1) Ke Aswini(3) Sgl Ju Ve Me Sa Me Ju Ve Ve Ma Stl Su Ma Mo Su Ju Ve Ju Ra Ke Sbl Ma Ju Su Ve Ju Ke Ve Ju Sa Ssl Ke Me Ra Mo Sa Ma Ra Ve Sa Sssl Me Ve Ra Mo Ju Sa Ju Ra Ju Significators . 9 12 Ma 10 2 12 4. 8 5. MADHYA PRADESH. 5. 10/8/1972. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 8. Flat No: 28 Jagabhai Park. 10. No planet in the star of Moon and Moon is CSL of 3. Ram Baug Maninagar. Ketu is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Rahu. owner of 1. 10. 2 and connected with 4. IST Place of Birth: Lakhimpur-UP Lon/Lat: 27° N 57'. Name: Male Question 1: I want to change my job i have got opportunity also in this week my interview will be held can i change or not? I also got 2 option can i change my place from Noida to Lucknow. Mercury is owner of 3 and occupant of 2. Moon is occupant of 4 and owner of 3. 9 and connected with 2. Star lord Ketu is occupant of 3. 11. owner of 9. 6. Sun is occupant of 4. Cusp 10th. 11. Cusp 6th. 10. owner of 5. 4. Time of birth. Aynamsha 23°. Moon is in the star of Ketu and sub of Venus. KP Ezine February 2014 48 . Saturn is occupant of 1. 6.04” Hints If the cuspal sub lord of 6th and 10th be the-significator (in the star of the occupant or owner) of 1. Thus your desire of change in job is assure. Thus change in job is assured.25”): The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Venus. Joint Period At the time of judgment running dasa lord Moon is till 10-03-2015. Hence 10th cusp sub lord Rahu is signifies 4. owner of 8. 1. Running bhukti is Ketu from 09-06-2012 to 08-01-2013.33’.40’. 9. 4. Rahu is in Capricorn sign hence representing Saturn. 5. 12. 9. 2. Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Ketu conjoined with Sun and Mercury. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 8. will be change the present job to another job. Rahu is in the Star of Sun and sub of Jupiter. 5. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 6. 10. Star lord Jupiter is occupant of 8. 3. Thus dasa lord Moon signifies 3. Mercury is owner of 3 and occupant of 2. Thus bhukti lord Ketu signifies 8 and connected with 3. Hence 6th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 1. 7. 10. 10. owner of 5. 1. 00:19:00 AM. Rahu is occupant of 9. owner of 8. (Libra 030. Ketu is occupant of 3. owner of 9. 8.23’. 8. Sun is occupant of 4. 2. Saturn is occupant of 1. 11. 6. 1. 11. 7. owner of 9. Star lord Sun is occupant of 4. owner of 1. Ketu conjoined with Sun and Mercury. Bosmia Sahakar-2. So job change is sure during this dasa. 1. Sub lord Rahu is occupant of 9. 10. (Capricorn 250. Email : kanakbosmia@yahoo. 11 and connected with 2. Thursday. So job change is sure during this bhukti. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 6. owner of 5. Will change of place is peace and beneficial or not Date of birth. Saturn is occupant of 1.44”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. owner of 8. Rahu is in Capricorn sign hence representing Saturn. Sub lord Venus is occupant of 2. 11. 6. 11 the querent if in service.Change in Job By: Kanakkumar B. Ahmedabad—380008 Mobile : +91-98 2531165. 80° E 46'. 6. Rahu is in Capricorn sign hence representing Saturn. Venus is occupant of 2. 5 and connected with 9. 4. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 9. AHMEDABAD. Me. Dasa: Ketu 6 Y. Man Machine Systems.10-Mar-2005 Sun 10-Mar-1999 Moon 28-Jun-1999 Mars 27-Dec-1999 Rahu 03-May-2000 Jupiter 28-Mar-2001 Saturn 14-Jan-2002 Mercury 27-Dec-2002 Ketu 03-Nov-2003 Venus 09-Mar-2004 Moon Dasa 10-Mar-2005 . Pratipad Bal. Sa. India III 00:07:50 Ke 01:30:19 Me[R] 20:30:43 Su 23:52:02 IV 25:33:44 Mo 00:47:30 Ma 03:16:48 V 26:27:10 X 25:33:44 Ra 01:30:19 IX 00:07:50 Ayanamsa: 23° 23' 4" [KP Ayanamsa] .Phalguni(4) 6 Chitra(4) 7 Anuradha(3) 8 Moola(3) 9 KP Ezine February 2014 49 . (C) . (A) .Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 3 4 2 5 Mo+ 3 4 3. 11 Ra 4 9 5 Ke 8 3 8 Rahu acts as agent for: Su.Placidus Star: Magha.Sun Rise: 05:34:25 AM Nithya Yoga: Variyan Sun Set: Hora: 06:49:41 PM Moon Dasa Days: 365. GUJARAT. 10.Planets in Owner's stars (D) .10-Mar-2022 Mars 10-Mar-2015 Rahu 06-Aug-2015 Jupiter 25-Aug-2016 Saturn 31-Jul-2017 Mercury 09-Sep-2018 Ketu 06-Sep-2019 Venus 02-Feb-2020 Sun 04-Apr-2021 Moon 10-Aug-2021 Rahu Dasa 10-Mar-2022 .Ashada(2) Ke Punarvasu(4) Sgl Mo Su Su Mo Ju Me Ve Sa Mo Stl Me Ke Ke Me Ke Ra Ma Su Ju Sbl Ma Ve Su Ve Ma Ju Ra Ju Ra Ssl Ke Ve Ju Ju Su Ke Sa Sa Ra Sssl Sa Ve Ve Sa Me Ve Sa Me Me Significators .10-Mar-2040 Rahu 10-Mar-2022 Jupiter 21-Nov-2024 Saturn 16-Apr-2027 Mercury 20-Feb-2030 Ketu 08-Sep-2032 Venus 27-Sep-2033 Sun 27-Sep-2036 Moon 21-Aug-2037 Mars 20-Feb-2039 Jupiter Dasa 10-Mar-2040 .Occupant of house Ketu acts as agent for: Su. India Planet Sgl Lagna Su Moon Mo Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ve Ve Sa Ke Me Ve Ve Ke Day Lord: Saturn Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 02:06:50:16 Ve 02:09:27:01 III 03:00:07:50 Ke 03:01:30:19 Me[R] 03:20:30:43 Su 03:23:52:02 XII 00:03:40:25 I 01:11:46:40 Sa 01:24:43:02 XI 10:26:27:10 3 1 11 4 Mo 04:00:47:30 Ma 04:03:16:48 IV 03:25:33:44 X 09:25:33:44 2 8 VII 07:11:46:40 Ju[R] 08:05:28:49 V 04:26:27:10 Ra 09:01:30:19 IX 09:00:07:50 5 10 9 7 VI 06:03:40:25 XII 03:40:25 VIII 08:06:50:16 I 11:46:40 Sa 24:43:02 II 06:50:16 Ve 09:27:01 Name: Gender: Male Date: Thursday.kpastrosystem. 12 Me 3 3 2 2 Ju 3 8 8 Ve+ 9 2 1.Bhadra(2) 12 Aswini(2) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Ketu Dasa 10-Mar-1972 .Planets in Occupant's stars (B) .10-Mar-2015 Moon 10-Mar-2005 Mars 09-Jan-2006 Rahu 10-Aug-2006 Jupiter 08-Feb-2008 Saturn 10-Jun-2009 Mercury 09-Jan-2011 Ketu 09-Jun-2012 Venus 08-Jan-2013 Sun 09-Sep-2014 Mars Dasa 10-Mar-2015 . 7 M. 6 Sa+ 4 1 7. 4 Ma 3 4 7.Ashada(2) 10 Dhanishta(1) 11 P. 12 9. Me.10-Mar-1999 Venus 10-Mar-1979 Sun 10-Jul-1982 Moon 10-Jul-1983 Mars 10-Mar-1985 Rahu 10-May-1986 Jupiter 10-May-1989 Saturn 09-Jan-1992 Mercury 11-Mar-1995 Ketu 09-Jan-1998 Sun Dasa 10-Mar-1999 .10-Mar-2075 Saturn 10-Mar-2056 Mercury 13-Mar-2059 Ketu 21-Nov-2061 Venus 30-Dec-2062 Sun 01-Mar-2066 Moon 11-Feb-2067 Mars 11-Sep-2068 Rahu 21-Oct-2069 Jupiter 26-Aug-2072 Mercury Dasa 10-Mar-2075 . Pada 1 Star Lord: Ketu Rasi: Leo Rasi Lord: Sun Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Tithi: Shukla Paksha. UTTAR PRADESH.10-Mar-1979 Ketu 10-Mar-1972 Venus 06-Aug-1972 Sun 06-Oct-1973 Moon 11-Feb-1974 Mars 12-Sep-1974 Rahu 08-Feb-1975 Jupiter 27-Feb-1976 Saturn 01-Feb-1977 Mercury 13-Mar-1978 Venus Dasa 10-Mar-1979 .23/Jun/2012 10:59:59 AM KANKARIYA. 0 D VIII 06:50:16 Ju[R] 05:28:49 VII 11:46:40 XI 26:27:10 VI 03:40:25 Sgl Ve Me Mo Mo Su Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Sa Ma Stl Mo Ra Ju Me Ve Ma Sa Ke Su Ma Ju Ke Sbl Ma Ra Mo Ra Ke Ve Mo Ra Ra Ra Ke Mo Ssl Ve Ra Me Ve Sa Ra Me Ke Me Ve Me Mo Sssl Ke Me Ve Ra Me Ke Ju Me Me Ra Me Mo Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Ashlesha(3) Mo Magha(1) Ma Magha(1) Me[R] Ashlesha(2) Ju[R] Moola(2) Ve Aridra(1) Sa Mrigasira(1) Ra U. 10/Aug/1972 Time: 12:19:00 AM SID: 21:25:30 Lat: 27:57:00 N Lon: 80:46:00 E Place: LAKHIMPUR. Mo.10-Mar-2056 Jupiter 10-Mar-2040 Saturn 28-Apr-2042 Mercury 09-Nov-2044 Ketu 14-Feb-2047 Venus 21-Jan-2048 Sun 22-Sep-2050 Moon 11-Jul-2051 Mars 09-Nov-2052 Rahu 16-Oct-2053 Saturn Dasa 10-Mar-2056 .10-Mar-2092 Mercury 10-Mar-2075 Ketu 06-Aug-2077 Venus 04-Aug-2078 Sun 04-Jun-2081 Moon 10-Apr-2082 Mars 10-Sep-2083 Rahu 06-Sep-2084 Jupiter 26-Mar-2087 Saturn 01-Jul-2089 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.25 D Karana: Bav Ruling Planets . Sa. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www.House Owner 10 4 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Rohini(1) 2 Aridra(1) 3 Punarvasu(4) 4 Ashlesha(3) 5 P. Running antra of Venus is from 22-06-2012 to 27-7-2012. Venus is in the star of Rahu and sub of Jupiter. Venus is occupant of 2, owner of 1, 6. No planet in the star of Venus and Venus is CSL of 6. Star lord Rahu is occupant of 9. Rahu is in Capricorn sign hence representing Saturn. Saturn is occupant of 1, owner of 9, 10, 11. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant of 8, owner of 8. Hence 6th cusp sub lord Venus signifies 1, 9, 10, 11 and connected with 2, 1, 6, 8. Thus change in job is assured. My opinion: you will change job during 22-06-2012 to 27-7-2012. It will be away from your native place as dasa and bhukit lord signifies 3, 12, 9. It is not possible to pinpoint about particular city, but this change gives you good financial gain is sure. Prediction comes correct: native change job on 24-7-2012 with good salary. Native inform on phone. KP Ezine February 2014 50 Thanks to all My book published on 25-2-20009, now out of print. Specially thanks to criticizer, after publishing critics on my book, got highest sell of this Book. Soon published second edition with more improvement KP Ezine February 2014 51 Ge ng visa for employment in abroad By: Dr. Nirmal Kothari Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astrology & Vastu Sciences Dayavati Mansion, 5th Floor, 13, Kyd Street, Opposite – MLA Hostel,Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal. Mobile : +91-98300 89302, 094 777 507035. Email : [email protected] Name: N. Chaudhuri, Female. Question: Is VISA promised for employment in abroad? If yes, when? Horary No: 171 (out of 249) Date & Time of Judgment: 27-12-2012 (Thursday), 10:19:32 Hrs. (IST). Place of Judgment: Park Street (Long/Lat: 22N27, 88E20), Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Hints: VISA is a document or instrument or a type of endorsement like letter or mark in passport showing that a person is legally and conditionally authorized to enter or leave the territory for which it was issued. Thus the role of 3rd house (document, letter, instrument etc.) 11th house (Success, Fulfillment of desire) and 12th house (foreign travel through VISA) will operate. Further, for the purpose of employment, connection of 6 (Service of Job) or 10 (Business or Profession) is required. If the 3rd cuspal sublord signifies 3 (VISA) or 11 (Success, Gains, Fulfillment of desire) and in connection with 3, 6, 10, 11 or 12, getting VISA is assured in the joint period (DBAS) of significators of 3 11 and 12th. (Note: The above rule may also be crossed verified with 11th cuspal sublord). MOON REVEALS THE NATURE OF QUERY Moon (Taurus 28-28-59) is in star of Mars and sub of Saturn. Moon is the occupant of 6, owner of 8. Starlord Mars is the occupant of 1, owner of 5 and 12. Sublord Saturn, being untenanted, is the occupant of 10, owner of 2, 3 and CSL of 3, 10. Thus, Moon signifies the relevant houses. Hence query or urge is genuine. CUSPAL ANALYSIS 3rd Cusp (Aquarius 11-53-00): The sublord of 3rd cusp Saturn is in star of Rahu and sub of Ketu. Saturn is the occupant of 10, owner of 2 and 3. Saturn is untenanted and CSL of 3, 10. Starlord Rahu is the occupant of 11. Rahu is conjoined to Saturn and thus acts as an agent of , the occupant of 10, owner of 2 and 3. Sublord Ketu is the occupant of 5. Ketu is conjoined with Mars and thus acts as an agent of Mars, which is the occupant of 1, owner of 5 and 12. 3rd CSL Saturn signifies 3, 11. 11th Cusp (Libra 15-18-50): The sublord of 11h cusp Venus is in star of Mercury and sub of self (Venus). Venus is the occupant of 12, owner of 6 and 11. Venus is untenanted and CSL of 5, 7, 11. Starlord Mercury is the occupant 12, owner of 7 and 10. Sublord Venus is the occupant of 12, owner of 6 and 11. Venus is untenanted and CSL of 5, 7, 11. 11th CSL Venus signifies 11 and is in connection with 6, 11, 12. Significators of houses 3, 11 and 12 A = Planets in Occupant’s Stars B = Occupant of Houses C = Planets in Owner’s Stars D = House Owner KP Ezine February 2014 52 Ashada(4) 3 Satabhisha(2) 4 U. Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. Man Machine Systems.14-Apr-2017 Mars 14-Apr-2010 Rahu 10-Sep-2010 Jupiter 28-Sep-2011 Saturn 03-Sep-2012 Mercury 13-Oct-2013 Ketu 10-Oct-2014 Venus 08-Mar-2015 Sun 08-May-2016 Moon 13-Sep-2016 Rahu Dasa 14-Apr-2017 . 11 Sa+ 11 11 2. Sa. Pada 2 Star Lord: Mars Rasi: Taurus Rasi Lord: Venus Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter Tithi: Shukla Paksha.Occupant of house (C) .Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.25 D Karana: Vanij Horary No. 12 Me 12 12 7. (A) .14-Apr-2035 Rahu 14-Apr-2017 Jupiter 26-Dec-2019 Saturn 21-May-2022 Mercury 27-Mar-2025 Ketu 14-Oct-2027 Venus 01-Nov-2028 Sun 01-Nov-2031 Moon 25-Sep-2032 Mars 27-Mar-2034 Jupiter Dasa 14-Apr-2035 . India Planet Sgl Lagna Sa Moon Ve Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Ra Mo Sa Ve Ma Sa Me Sa Day Lord: Jupiter Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 09:07:00:36 III 10:11:53:00 10 Me 07:29:20:57 Ve 07:19:48:31 XII 07:10:49:07 I 08:04:46:40 Ma 09:06:57:59 Su 08:11:53:34 Ra 06:29:54:13 XI 06:15:18:50 8 7 11 IV 11:15:45:51 X 05:15:45:51 Sa 06:15:12:36 9 3 VII 02:04:46:40 V 00:15:18:50 Ke 00:29:54:13 IX 04:11:53:00 1 5 4 2 VI 01:10:49:07 Ju[R] 01:14:18:26 Mo 01:28:28:59 V 15:18:50 Ke 29:54:13 VIII 03:07:00:36 VI 10:49:07 Ju[R] 14:18:26 Mo 28:28:59 VII 04:46:40 Name: Visa Gender: Male Date: Thursday. 10 6.kpastrosystem. 4 Ve+ 12 12 7. 10 Ju 6 6 8 1. when? Ruling Planets .14-Apr-2094 Ketu 14-Apr-2087 Venus 10-Sep-2087 Sun 10-Nov-2088 Moon 18-Mar-2089 Mars 17-Oct-2089 Rahu 15-Mar-2090 Jupiter 02-Apr-2091 Saturn 08-Mar-2092 Mercury 17-Apr-2093 Venus Dasa 14-Apr-2094 .com KP Ezine February 2014 53 .14-Apr-2130 Moon 14-Apr-2120 Mars 12-Feb-2121 Rahu 13-Sep-2121 Jupiter 15-Mar-2123 Saturn 15-Jul-2124 Mercury 13-Feb-2126 Ketu 15-Jul-2127 Venus 13-Feb-2128 Sun 15-Oct-2129 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.14-Apr-2087 Mercury 14-Apr-2070 Ketu 10-Sep-2072 Venus 07-Sep-2073 Sun 08-Jul-2076 Moon 14-May-2077 Mars 13-Oct-2078 Rahu 10-Oct-2079 Jupiter 29-Apr-2082 Saturn 05-Aug-2084 Ketu Dasa 14-Apr-2087 . Dasa: Mars 4 Y.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 5 1 9 Mo 2 6 5.Placidus Star: Mrigasira. (B) . 3 Ra 6 11 1.14-Apr-2070 Saturn 14-Apr-2051 Mercury 17-Apr-2054 Ketu 26-Dec-2056 Venus 03-Feb-2058 Sun 05-Apr-2061 Moon 18-Mar-2062 Mars 17-Oct-2063 Rahu 26-Nov-2064 Jupiter 02-Oct-2067 Mercury Dasa 14-Apr-2070 . 4 Ke 1 5 9 Rahu acts as agent for: Ve. 171/249 Sun Rise: 06:14:54 AM Nithya Yoga: Shukla Sun Set: Hora: 05:00:46 PM Mercury Dasa Days: 365. India VIII 07:00:36 Ayanamsa: 23° 56' 53" [KP Ayanamsa] . 12 8 Ma 1 2 9 5.14-Apr-2120 Sun 14-Apr-2114 Moon 01-Aug-2114 Mars 31-Jan-2115 Rahu 08-Jun-2115 Jupiter 02-May-2116 Saturn 18-Feb-2117 Mercury 31-Jan-2118 Ketu 07-Dec-2118 Venus 14-Apr-2119 Moon Dasa 14-Apr-2120 . 3 M.27/Dec/2012 10:19:32 AM PARK STREET.14-Apr-2051 Jupiter 14-Apr-2035 Saturn 02-Jun-2037 Mercury 13-Dec-2039 Ketu 21-Mar-2042 Venus 25-Feb-2043 Sun 26-Oct-2045 Moon 14-Aug-2046 Mars 14-Dec-2047 Rahu 19-Nov-2048 Saturn Dasa 14-Apr-2051 .Horary No. WEST BENGAL. KOLKATA. WEST BENGAL.: 171 Question : Is VISA is promised for employment in abroad? If yes.House Owner 6 12 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Moola(2) 2 U. 10 7. Chaturdasi Bal. 16 D IX 11:53:00 III 11:53:00 II 07:00:36 Ma 06:57:59 X 15:45:51 Su 11:53:34 I 04:46:40 Me 29:20:57 Ve 19:48:31 XII 10:49:07 Ra 29:54:13 XI 15:18:50 Sa 15:12:36 Stl Ke Su Ra Sa Ve Mo Ma Sa Ke Mo Ra Sa Sbl Ma Ke Sa Ju Ve Mo Ve Me Me Sa Ve Su Ssl Ma Ke Ma Ve Me Ke Ke Ju Ve Sa Ve Me Sssl Ma Ve Sa Ve Ra Ve Ve Ra Su Me Mo Ra Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su Moola(4) Mo Mrigasira(2) Ma U.14-Apr-2114 Venus 14-Apr-2094 Sun 14-Aug-2097 Moon 14-Aug-2098 Mars 14-Apr-2100 Rahu 14-Jun-2101 Jupiter 14-Jun-2104 Saturn 13-Feb-2107 Mercury 14-Apr-2110 Ketu 13-Feb-2113 Sun Dasa 14-Apr-2114 .Planets in Owner's stars (D) .Ashada(4) Me Jyeshta(4) Ju[R] Rohini(2) Ve Jyeshta(1) Sa Swati(3) Ra Visakha(3) Ke Krittika(1) Sgl Ju Ve Sa Ma Ve Ma Ve Ve Ma Stl Ke Ma Su Me Mo Me Ra Ju Su Sbl Me Sa Me Sa Ju Ve Ke Mo Ra Ssl Ve Me Sa Ma Sa Su Me Ju Sa Sssl Mo Sa Ju Me Mo Ve Sa Ra Ve Dasa Summary Bhukti IV 15:45:51 Sgl Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Mo Su Me Ve Ma Significators . Sa.Bhadra(4) 5 Bharani(1) 6 Rohini(1) 7 Mrigasira(4) 8 Pushyami(2) 9 Magha(4) 10 Hasta(2) 11 Swati(3) 12 Anuradha(3) From Bhukti From Bhukti From Mars Dasa 14-Apr-2010 . 27/Dec/2012 Time: 10:19:32 AM SID: 17:07:11 Lat: 22:27:00 N Lon: 88:20:00 E Place: KOLKATA. Hence. hence. KP Ezine February 2014 54 . Mars. in Venus Anthra. Mercury. hence Saturn Bhukti is taken into consideration. this Antra is not taken into consideration. In the star of Saturn: from 18-03-2013 to 30-03-2013) Saturn is the strong significator of 11th house as well as present Bhukti lord. Venus. During the DBA period of Mars-Saturn-Venus. Mars. but as Punarphoo yoga formed by Moon being in the star of Saturn. Ruling Planets at the time of judgment Lagna / Ascendant Saturn – Rahu – Moon Moon Venus – Mars – Saturn Day Lord Jupiter Nodes Rahu – Ketu (B) Ruling Planets: Moon. Hence. Rahu is the agent of Saturn in RP as Rahu is conjoined to Saturn. Saturn. Rahu is in the RP. 11 and 12: Moon. Saturn and Rahu. (C) Fruitful planets among (A) and (B): Moon. Mars Dasha is taken into consideration. Venus. TRANSIT According to query.Houses A B C D 3 - - - Saturn 11 Saturn Rahu - Venus 12 Mercury. since the event is possible to fructify within a year. And Saturn is also the strong significator of 11. getting VISA for the purpose of employment is assured. As explained above that Venus signifies 11 by being 11th CSL. Next Anthra Lord: Ketu (from 03-01-2013 to 26-01-2013) is not a fruitful planet and so Ketu Anthra is not taken into consideration. Now in Dasha-Bhukti of Mars-Saturn (from 03-09-2012 to 13-10-2013) Present Anthra Lord: Mercury (from 06-11-2012 to 03-01-2013) is a fruitful planet. Jupiter. Venus Moon Mars (A) Significators of 3. hence Mars Dasha taken into consideration. Venus Anthra is taken into consideration. so we have to check Transit of Sun. transit of Sun will be – In the star of Rahu: from 19-02-2013 to 04-03-2013) Rahu is the strong significator of 11. Saturn is also in the RP . Venus Mercury. . Next Anthra Lord: Venus (from 26-01-2013 to 04-04-2013) is a fruitful plaet. Mars. Ketu. Saturn. Venus. Present Bhukti Lord: Saturn from 03-09-2012 to 13-10-2013) Saturn is a fruitful planet. JOINT PERIOD (DBAS) Present Dasha Lord: Mars (up to 14-04-2017) Mars is a fruitful (common) planet. Rahu. Rahu. it may be either period from 19-02-2013 to 04-03-2013 or from 18-03-2013 to 30-03-2013. Pranaam to Lord Ganesh and Guruji KSK! KP Ezine February 2014 55 .My Opinion: Getting VISA for the purpose of employment is expected during the DBA period of Mars-Saturn-Venus from 26-01-2013 to 04-04-2013. More precisely. Actual Fact: The querent received the VISA on 22nd February 2013 (Saturday: Day Lord Saturn – a ruling planet) when Sun transiting in sign of Saturn (Aquarius) and in star of Rahu (Shatabhisha) and in sub of Venus. 21 N 14 Hint . +91-8718905005 Email : ajaykpastrologer@gmail. owner of 4.11. His son was missing since 03 January 2014. Guruji KSK . Chhattisgarh. owner of 5-6-8. occupant of 9. The horary number given by the father is 205. Antara lord Jupiter signifies the relevant houses 2-11 and is also among the RPs. Ketu is in the star of own. Date and time of judgment: 05/01/2014. RPs : Asc : Jupiter. occupant 9. Rahu. Bhukti . 10. Note:. Horary No: 205/ 249. Mer. Sookshama – Rahu. occupant 8 and owner of 3. a person comes back home during the joint period of significators of houses 2. Sub lord Jupiter is occupant 5. Mobile : +91-9827905005. Bhukti lord Mercury signifies the relevant house 8 and is also among the RPs. Main Road. Chhattisgarh Pin . So 11th CSL Ketu signifies the relevant house 8 strongly. Opinion – Your son will come back home before 19-01-2014. Jup.When my missing son will come back home? By: Ajay Soni Krishnamurti JyotishVisharad. Mercury is in the sub of own. 11 (12th from 12th). Rahu up to 19-01-2014.As father asked the question very eagerly. 10. in the star and sub of own. as suggested by Shri Kanak Bosmia ji.8. Antara – Jupiter is occupant 5. Ketu is in the sub of Saturn. 8 (12th from 9th).Mercury is occupant 12. INDIA. Star lord Venus is occupant 12. 8 (4 to 5) and 11 (reunion) . KP Horaratna. Rahu is conjoined with Saturn.492001. Thus Dasa lord Rahu signifies the relevant houses 2-11 and is also among the RPs. owner of 1. Long/Lat: 81 E 41. Ramsagar Para. owner of 2-11-12. Raipur. owner of 2-11-12. 11th CSL is Ketu. On 05 January 2014. I do not rotate the chart to 5th for his son.If 11th cuspal sublord signifies house 2 (12th from 3rd). Pranaam to Lord Ganesh. we have discussed above. KP Ezine February 2014 56 . 9. the worried father of a boy came to me to ask when his Ssn will come back home.Rahu is occupant 9. Actual outcome: His son returned home on 07/1/2014 as predicted. in the star of own. occupant 3. 11:47:54 AM IST Place of judgment: Raipur. owner of 1. Venus Moon: Saturn. Dasa . It comes out the same house grouping of 2 (family).as in the case of missing son coming back home in the KP Reader VI page 310. Mercury Day lord: Sun Running Dasa period lords are Rahu. Ketu is aspected by Mars. 11. 9 5. 10 Me+ 12 12 4.Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma. 9 D VIII 01:56:17 Ma 19:32:21 XII 25:04:40 Me 25:03:01 Su 20:51:48 XI 00:01:22 X 04:55:19 Sa 26:46:18 Ra 10:04:49 IX 06:19:09 Sgl Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Me Mo Me Ve Ma Ju Ju Stl Ma Ju Ke Su Ma Ju Me Su Ma Sa Ke Ve Sbl Ra Ra Ra Sa Me Me Ra Ju Mo Sa Ke Me Ssl Ra Sa Sa Ju Me Ra Ra Me Me Ra Ke Ra Sssl Ra Sa Mo Me Me Me Ra Ju Ju Ju Ra Ra Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su P. MADHYA PRADESH.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 12 11 4.25 D Karana: Bav Horary No. Man Machine Systems.Planets in Owner's stars (D) .14-Dec-2106 Sun 14-Dec-2100 Moon 03-Apr-2101 Mars 03-Oct-2101 Rahu 07-Feb-2102 Jupiter 02-Jan-2103 Saturn 21-Oct-2103 Mercury 02-Oct-2104 Ketu 09-Aug-2105 Venus 15-Dec-2105 Moon Dasa 14-Dec-2106 . Dasa: Rahu 7 Y.Phalguni(2) 9 Chitra(4) 10 Anuradha(1) 11 Moola(1) 12 P. (A) .kpastrosystem. 6.Ashada(2) Sa Visakha(3) Ra Swati(2) Ke Aswini(4) Sgl Ju Sa Me Ju Me Sa Ve Ve Ma Stl Ve Ra Mo Ve Ju Su Ju Ra Ke Sbl Ju Me Me Me Ju Ra Ve Ju Sa Ssl Me Ju Sa Ma Ra Su Ve Ma Ke Sssl Sa Ra Su Mo Ju Me Ju Ra Me Significators . Panchami Bal.05/Jan/2014 11:47:54 AM RAIPUR. 11 M.House Owner 8 2 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Dhanishta(1) 2 P. 12 2. (B) .14-Dec-2056 Saturn 14-Dec-2037 Mercury 18-Dec-2040 Ketu 27-Aug-2043 Venus 06-Oct-2044 Sun 06-Dec-2047 Moon 17-Nov-2048 Mars 18-Jun-2050 Rahu 27-Jul-2051 Jupiter 03-Jun-2054 Mercury Dasa 14-Dec-2056 . MADHYA PRADESH. Pada 3 Star Lord: Rahu Rasi: Aquarius Rasi Lord: Saturn Lagna: Capricorn Lagna Lord: Saturn Tithi: Shukla Paksha.14-Dec-2073 Mercury 14-Dec-2056 Ketu 13-May-2059 Venus 09-May-2060 Sun 09-Mar-2063 Moon 14-Jan-2064 Mars 15-Jun-2065 Rahu 12-Jun-2066 Jupiter 30-Dec-2068 Saturn 06-Apr-2071 Ketu Dasa 14-Dec-2073 .14-Dec-2021 Rahu 14-Dec-2003 Jupiter 27-Aug-2006 Saturn 20-Jan-2009 Mercury 27-Nov-2011 Ketu 16-Jun-2014 Venus 04-Jul-2015 Sun 04-Jul-2018 Moon 29-May-2019 Mars 27-Nov-2020 Jupiter Dasa 14-Dec-2021 .Horary KP Ezine February 2014 57 .14-Dec-2037 Jupiter 14-Dec-2021 Saturn 01-Feb-2024 Mercury 15-Aug-2026 Ketu 20-Nov-2028 Venus 27-Oct-2029 Sun 27-Jun-2032 Moon 15-Apr-2033 Mars 15-Aug-2034 Rahu 22-Jul-2035 Saturn Dasa 14-Dec-2037 .Occupant of house (C) .14-Dec-2123 Mars 14-Dec-2116 Rahu 13-May-2117 Jupiter 31-May-2118 Saturn 07-May-2119 Mercury 15-Jun-2120 Ketu 13-Jun-2121 Venus 09-Nov-2121 Sun 09-Jan-2123 Moon 16-May-2123 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars.Ashada(4) Dasa Summary Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From Rahu Dasa 14-Dec-2003 . 05/Jan/2014 Time: 11:47:54 AM SID: 18:43:43 Lat: 21:14:00 N Lon: 81:41:00 E Place: RAIPUR. India VII 24:06:40 Mo 14:07:02 I 24:06:40 Ve[R] 00:54:58 Ayanamsa: 23° 57' 45" [KP Ayanamsa] . Sa. 12 1 Ra 9 9 Ke 3 3 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju.14-Dec-2080 Ketu 14-Dec-2073 Venus 13-May-2074 Sun 12-Jul-2075 Moon 17-Nov-2075 Mars 17-Jun-2076 Rahu 14-Nov-2076 Jupiter 02-Dec-2077 Saturn 08-Nov-2078 Mercury 17-Dec-2079 Venus Dasa 14-Dec-2080 . 205/249 Sun Rise: 06:41:58 AM Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Sun Set: Hora: 05:35:13 PM Jupiter Dasa Days: 365.14-Dec-2116 Moon 14-Dec-2106 Mars 15-Oct-2107 Rahu 15-May-2108 Jupiter 14-Nov-2109 Saturn 15-Mar-2111 Mercury 14-Oct-2112 Ketu 16-Mar-2114 Venus 15-Oct-2114 Sun 14-Jun-2116 Mars Dasa 14-Dec-2116 . 9 Mo 9 1 7 Ma+ 1 8 7 3. 8 Ju 5 5 2. 12 Ve 11 12 4.: 205 Question : When my missing Son coming back home? Ruling Planets . Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. 11. 9 Sa+ 5 9 2.Ashada(4) Ju[R] Punarvasu(1) Ve[R] U.Bhadra(4) 3 Aswini(2) 4 Krittika(3) 5 Mrigasira(3) 6 Punarvasu(2) 7 Ashlesha(3) 8 U.Placidus Star: Satabhisha. Ve.14-Dec-2100 Venus 14-Dec-2080 Sun 14-Apr-2084 Moon 14-Apr-2085 Mars 14-Dec-2086 Rahu 13-Feb-2088 Jupiter 13-Feb-2091 Saturn 14-Oct-2093 Mercury 14-Dec-2096 Ketu 14-Oct-2099 Sun Dasa 14-Dec-2100 . India Planet Sgl Lagna Ju Moon Sa Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Me Ve Ra Me Ra Me Ju Ra Day Lord: Sun Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 11:01:56:17 XII 08:25:04:40 Ve[R] 09:00:54:58 Mo 10:14:07:02 I 09:24:06:40 III 00:06:19:09 Ke 00:10:04:49 12 9 9 1 IV 01:04:55:19 Me 08:25:03:01 Su 08:20:51:48 XI 08:00:01:22 X 07:04:55:19 10 4 VII 03:24:06:40 V 02:00:01:22 Ju[R] 02:21:34:47 3 7 VI 02:25:04:40 III 06:19:09 Ke 10:04:49 Sa 06:26:46:18 Ra 06:10:04:49 IX 06:06:19:09 6 3 Ma 05:19:32:21 VIII 05:01:56:17 IV 04:55:19 V 00:01:22 Ju[R] 21:34:47 VI 25:04:40 II 01:56:17 Name: Missing Person Gender: Male Date: Sunday. Sa. 11.Ashada(3) Mo Satabhisha(3) Ma Hasta(3) Me P. It means that Moon signifies both successful house ( 11 ) and negating house ( 1 ).Ques on-Answer By: Tin Win Email: tw853@yahoo. depending on one's preference of the ruling planets: KP Ezine February 2014 58 .I think Moon is retained as there are no planets in Moon's Star. Moon is the strong significator of houses 4. In selecting the fruitful significators.” Of course. in sign Taurus of Venus. Moon is retained as a Fruitful Significator. Moon is chosen as a fruitful significator by the following method in 7. Moon is taken as the significator of house 11 by Moon’s star lord Venus’ ownership of house Question. (1). Problem No. Problem No. as there are no planets in Moon's Star.7 and 11 houses. owner of house 11.1: Selection of Fruitful Significators I am writing this to seek your advise in understanding a problem which I encountered in your Article " KP for Beginners . Now. only if both the significator and its sub lord signify the 2. Am I correct Sir ? Problem No. 1 In this case. 1) select the planets. 2 In this case we have selected 4 fruitful significators just by applying the rule explained in point 7. 1 Based on the significator table of the attached example chart. Answer. and here 7th strong signification is also another reason to select Moon as a fruitful significato for marriage. 2 Here are selection methods of fruitful significators in priority. Sir.Part 7 " published in KP Ezine Oct 2008 issue ( It is attached for your easy reference ). Let us say we ended up in more than 4 significators ( say 7 or 8 ) after applying the above Rule. What are the other Rules which should be followed for further elimination (in the order of priority)? I will be grateful if you kindly assist me in understanding the above problems. My problems are regarding the selection of fruitful significators for marriage (Page No 8 ).7 by being the sub lord of these houses.7 and 11. (1): “7. I refer to the Example Chart given on page No 6. and reject those planets in the sub signifying only 1. Moon’s sub lord Rahu is in house 11.1: Problem No.6 and 10 as they are 12th house to the house 2. But Moon is in the sub of Rahu which signifie house 11 as a Grade B significator and House 1 as a Grade A significator. Mohan and KMS were direct students of KSK and i was given to understand that they have moved closely with KSK .2: Sub’s Star. I am talking of other rules of 4 Step theory. say Saturn. 3) Significators which are the cuspal sub lords of houses under consideration. Shall be grateful if u could throw some light on the above.e. 3) Another doubt is about conjunction and aspect. they leave Mercury and take Mercury’s star lord.Mohan evolved Sub lord speaks. Shri Chandrakant Bhatt has taken aspect and conjunction at all 3 levels. 2) As you are aware. (same as in the Golden Rule: to take the planets which are posited in the sub of significators whose constellations are not tenanted. Ref: Astrosecrets & KP. They take sub’s star Saturn’s Ownership and Occupation. My question is whether such practice is followed in KP. Its Star (Occupation and Ownership). 4 Step Theory was developed based on the principles enunciated by Sublord Speaks by KMS.1) Significators of planets with no planets in their stars. 1) For the signification of a planet. we consider Planet Venus – Occupation and Ownership.e. i. we have to take the Planet (Occupation and Ownership). For eg . then they take sub Mercury’s Ownership and Occupation. How KMS and N. KPA 1991 July p 1 & November p 8). i. Sub Mer. no planet is in the star of Mercury. Were they not getting results according to Chandrakant Bhatt’s method of planet. i.Occupation and Ownership. 4) Significtors which are common with the Ruling Planets at the time of judgment. if 7th cuspal sub lord Venus is in the star of Jup and sub of Mercury. there are planets in the star of Mercury. pp 194-199). Actually N. 4 step method.e. ii). 5) Significators appearing many times amongst the significators. Star and Sub levels? In Prashna Jyutish. Anywhere u have noticed KSK using 4 step theory rules not just Sub’s star which he has used in 3 examples in Readers. star and sub. Both N.e. i. My questions are: i) . which are the strongest significators of houses under consideration by sub lordship to them. and Aspect/ Conj. (Ref: KP Reader III p 309. Whats the genesis . Question. star and sub. Are they considered at Planet. Has KSK used them in Astrology and Athrishta magazine. then they follow one of the rules of 4 step theory. 2) 2) Significators whose sub lords are the significators of houses under consideration. But some KP astrologers take the Sub’s star if Sub is tenanted. If sub lord Mercury is untenanted.Ownership and Occupation. I am sure they would have discussed with KSK and got his approval. Pls clarify KP Ezine February 2014 59 . planet. I am sure u would be knowing it. Its Sub (Occupation and Ownership). I request you to clear the following doubts in the KP-Ezine. Part II. If the sub lord Mercury is tenanted. 2003.Mohan was also following the same principle . Star Jup. Joshi: Nakshatra Chintan. Part I p 36) 4 Step Method 2) The 2-step up to star lord is the stellar method. 128. KP-Ezine October 2013 issue. There is an article of marriage prediction by 4 step method in this month KP-Ezine. 197.2: Sub’s Star 1) Regardless of the planet’s sub lord being tenanted or untenanted. (Sharad C. KP-based." KP goes with rationale. constellation indicates nature of the result and the sub is a deciding factor whether the matter is favorable or not. If the sub’s star lord (4th step) is further considered. and it is the sub lord theory only. 201. its star and sub but mainly in checking the connection to the karaka planets other than looking for signification. KP Ezine February 2014 60 . and 4-step up to the sub’s star is 4 step method. Aspect/ Conj.Answer.B. according to the following KP fundamental rule: "The planet is the source. by the grade A. 3) In KP aspect/ conjunction is the grade E very weak signifcator to be used as the last resort only.D significators are to be considered. So it is not a correct approach. for the signification of a planet. it increases the double probability of the result. its star lord and its sub lord should be considered by occupation and ownership.C. One should restrict up to the sub lord (3rd step) of the planet. the planet. 3-step up to sub lord is KP method. The “Differences between KP and 4 Step Method” are answered in the Question 8 of Q & A section. KP Reader VI pp 157. and only the planet aspect/ conj. which is explained in “A Study Article on 4 Step Theory in the KP-Ezine December 2007 issue”. So it stops at the sub level. 247) It is applicable at all three levels of planet. (KP Reader IV pp 118. Ve.25 D Karana: Taitil Ruling Planets .Occupant of house (C) .Phalguni(3) 4 Chitra(4) 5 Anuradha(2) 6 Moola(4) 7 Sravana(1) 8 Dhanishta(4) 9 U.03-Sep-2071 Saturn 03-Sep-2052 Mercury 06-Sep-2055 Ketu 16-May-2058 Venus 25-Jun-2059 Sun 25-Aug-2062 Moon 07-Aug-2063 Mars 08-Mar-2065 Rahu 17-Apr-2066 Jupiter 21-Feb-2069 Mercury Dasa 03-Sep-2071 .31/Jan/2014 10:12:58 AM KANKARIYA.Planets View Planet (A) (B) (C) (D) Su 2 2 2 2 Mo+ 1 6 4. 12 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. 16/Sep/1983 Time: 02:23:30 AM SID: 01:50:18 Lat: 23:10:00 N Lon: 79:57:00 E Place: JABALPUR.Bhadra(1) 10 Aswini(2) 11 Krittika(4) 12 Aridra(2) From Bhukti From Bhukti From Venus Dasa 03-Sep-1975 . Dasa: Venus 11 Y. 10 Me 2 2 2 3. 12 5. India I 10:19:40 Ma 27:37:05 Ve 29:39:28 Ayanamsa: 23° 32' 22" [KP Ayanamsa] .Beginner Part 7 Sun Rise: 05:56:53 AM Nithya Yoga: Saubhaghya Sun Set: Hora: 06:13:23 PM Saturn Dasa Days: KP Ezine February 2014 61 . Pada 2 Star Lord: Venus Rasi: Sagittarius Rasi Lord: Jupiter Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon Tithi: Shukla Paksha. MADHYA PRADESH.Ashada.03-Sep-2052 Jupiter 03-Sep-2036 Saturn 21-Oct-2038 Mercury 04-May-2041 Ketu 10-Aug-2043 Venus 16-Jul-2044 Sun 16-Mar-2047 Moon 02-Jan-2048 Mars 04-May-2049 Rahu 10-Apr-2050 Saturn Dasa 03-Sep-2052 .03-Sep-2018 Mars 03-Sep-2011 Rahu 30-Jan-2012 Jupiter 17-Feb-2013 Saturn 24-Jan-2014 Mercury 05-Mar-2015 Ketu 01-Mar-2016 Venus 28-Jul-2016 Sun 27-Sep-2017 Moon 02-Feb-2018 Rahu Dasa 03-Sep-2018 . 17 D II 05:20:04 Me[R] 28:28:41 Su 28:54:05 VIII 05:20:04 VII 10:19:40 III 03:58:12 Mo 18:41:27 VI 10:45:15 Ke 26:39:42 Ju 10:54:37 V 09:11:47 Sa 08:30:30 IV 06:06:29 Stl Sa Ke Su Ma Sa Ke Mo Ma Sa Ke Su Ra Sbl Ve Ma Sa Mo Ve Sa Mo Su Sa Ra Ve Sa Ssl Ke Ve Ve Sa Ra Ma Ju Me Ke Ju Ju Sa Sssl Me Ve Ju Ve Mo Ju Ju Ve Ke Ra Ra Ju Planetary Positions Planet Star(Pada) Su U.Placidus Star: P. 8 6. Ju.03-Sep-2036 Rahu 03-Sep-2018 Jupiter 16-May-2021 Saturn 10-Oct-2023 Mercury 16-Aug-2026 Ketu 05-Mar-2029 Venus 23-Mar-2030 Sun 23-Mar-2033 Moon 15-Feb-2034 Mars 17-Aug-2035 Jupiter Dasa 03-Sep-2036 . Dasami Bal.Planets in Occupant's stars Ketu acts as agent for: Ma.03-Sep-1995 Venus 03-Sep-1975 Sun 03-Jan-1979 Moon 03-Jan-1980 Mars 03-Sep-1981 Rahu 03-Nov-1982 Jupiter 03-Nov-1985 Saturn 03-Jul-1988 Mercury 02-Sep-1991 Ketu 04-Jul-1994 Sun Dasa 03-Sep-1995 . 11 Sa 11 4 7. 8 Ra 1 11 5.03-Sep-2011 Moon 03-Sep-2001 Mars 04-Jul-2002 Rahu 02-Feb-2003 Jupiter 03-Aug-2004 Saturn 03-Dec-2005 Mercury 04-Jul-2007 Ketu 03-Dec-2008 Venus 04-Jul-2009 Sun 04-Mar-2011 Mars Dasa 03-Sep-2011 .kpastrosystem.Phalguni(1) Mo P.03-Sep-2001 Sun 03-Sep-1995 Moon 21-Dec-1995 Mars 21-Jun-1996 Rahu 27-Oct-1996 Jupiter 21-Sep-1997 Saturn 10-Jul-1998 Mercury 22-Jun-1999 Ketu 27-Apr-2000 Venus 02-Sep-2000 Moon Dasa 03-Sep-2001 . 12 Ju+ 4 5 7. Man Machine Systems. 11 M.03-Sep-2095 Ketu 03-Sep-2088 Venus 30-Jan-2089 Sun 01-Apr-2090 Moon 07-Aug-2090 Mars 08-Mar-2091 Rahu 04-Aug-2091 Jupiter 22-Aug-2092 Saturn 29-Jul-2093 Mercury 07-Sep-2094 + These planets do not have any planets in their stars. India Planet Sgl Lagna Ju Moon Sa Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl Sa Su Ve Ra Mo Ve Ra Ve Day Lord: Venus Nirayana Bhava Chalit II 04:05:20:04 Me[R] 04:28:28:41 Su 04:28:54:05 III 05:03:58:12 5 XII 02:10:45:15 I 03:10:19:40 Ma 03:27:37:05 Ve 03:29:39:28 Ra 01:26:39:42 XI 01:09:11:47 3 2 6 IV 06:06:06:29 Sa 06:08:30:30 X 00:06:06:29 4 10 VII 09:10:19:40 V 07:09:11:47 Ju 07:10:54:37 Ke 07:26:39:42 IX 11:03:58:12 8 12 11 9 VI 08:10:45:15 Mo 08:18:41:27 X 06:06:29 VIII 10:05:20:04 XI 09:11:47 Ra 26:39:42 XII 10:45:15 Name: Beginner Part 7 Gender: Female Date: Friday.Phalguni(1) Ju Anuradha(3) Ve Ashlesha(4) Sa Swati(1) Ra Mrigasira(1) Ke Jyeshta(3) Sgl Su Ju Mo Su Ma Mo Ve Ve Ma Stl Su Ve Me Su Sa Me Ra Ma Me Sbl Ma Ra Ju Ma Su Sa Ra Ju Ju Ssl Me Sa Ma Ma Ve Ra Mo Me Me Sssl Ra Sa Mo Ve Su Su Ke Me Me Dasa Summary Bhukti IX 03:58:12 Sgl Mo Su Me Ve Ma Ju Sa Sa Ju Ma Ve Me Significators . 10 Ke+ 2 5 3. 9 Ve 2 1 3. GUJARAT.Planets in Owner's stars (D) . (A) .Ashada(2) Ma Ashlesha(4) Me[R] U. AHMEDABAD.03-Sep-2088 Mercury 03-Sep-2071 Ketu 30-Jan-2074 Venus 27-Jan-2075 Sun 28-Nov-2077 Moon 04-Oct-2078 Mars 04-Mar-2080 Rahu 01-Mar-2081 Jupiter 18-Sep-2083 Saturn 25-Dec-2085 Ketu Dasa 03-Sep-2088 . Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL: www. (B) .House Owner 1 7 Cuspal Positions Cusp Star(Pada) 1 Pushyami(3) 2 Magha(2) 3 U. 12 4. 11 1 Ma 2 1 3. Jyotish Bharati. namely: “Krishnamurti Padhadhati = Nirayan + Sayan” in the KP-Ezine April 2013 issue and “Nakshatra Light” in the KP-Ezine August 2013 issue. In this book the author has written some modified rules. the star lord of the sub lord of that house which is under consideration is deposited. Part I & II By: Tin Win Email: [email protected] and mentally. Joshi. s a p t a r i s h i s a s t r o l o g y . the following points in an individual chart are mentioned to be considered: 1. In judging the significance of twelve houses. for those who are well versed with the sidereal and tropical and KP but not for the KP beginners. in twin horoscopes the star lord’s position can remain the same while the sub positions are different for both the charts. 5. 6. Part I & II. Status of the married Nakshatra Chintan. this difference gives a more clear picture of the charts. which he has come across during his practical studies. Longevity. KP-based. Joshi after review of his two books. 1) judge the cusp sub lord’s significance and in which house the sub lord of the house under consideration is deposited. Promise of the child. c o m / i n d e x . the Western aspects are also recommended. The present book “Nakshatra Chintan” is the third book of Sharad C. 2001 h t t p : / / s h o p .Book ReviewNakshatra Chintan. 4. KP-based. by Sharad C. 2. p h p ? page=details&prod=1911&cat=74&group=63 This is a continued serial review of some of over one hundred KP based books in English. Dasa and progression after marriage. In addition to the Hindu rasi to rasi aspects. It is explained like this. Promise of married life. 3. KP Ezine February 2014 62 . In matching the horoscopes. (Part I pp 2-5) The author’s practice of using the horary numbers beyond 249 is explained. the sub lord position is more important than its star lord. 7. and 2) judge the cusp sub lord’s significance and in which house. It is also said that for the correct intensity of results. Health. Financial aspects. and other known charts from Shri Chandrakant Bhatt’s publications with his kind permission. In the first condition the planet becomes the source for the star lord’s matter. The sub lord of the planet. Kennedy. the asc. matter. late Shri K. Before explaining his CJRT the author has clearly said that except Punarphoo yoga. thirty example charts.P. (Part II p 67) As said by the author in the preface of Part II.S. whether one can perform any remedy or not.e.P. namely Dhruda Karma. Morarji Desai. 2. Contents Part I (48 pages) Preface Result’s intensity Number beyond 249! Yes Aspects Matching the horoscope Astrology & remedy How to judge the horoscope Rectification of the birth time Part II (76 pages) Preface Chart 1 to Chart 30 Theory (CJRT) Table 1 to Table 4 (basic calculated data for the charts) KP Ezine February 2014 63 . In the Part II of the “Nakshatra Chintan”. that planet becomes the strong significator of the houses for which it is the cuspal sub lord. So it is not a correct approach. Acharya Rajneesh.Regarding the remedy. Rahu or Ketu is considered if it represents any RP. in Dhruda Karma there is no escapism from the results. which is an application of some yoga theory of nirayana and sayana systems in the K. and the day lord. system.e. John F. the remedy can give some relief. Mujiber Rehman. the planet itself gives the result according to it’s natural and radical position. it is said that among the three types of karma. In the second condition the planet represents the mater. Krishnamurthy has not considered a single yoga from any other system. In the third condition the planet shows positive or negative result of the star lord i. The planet itself. Moon’s sign lord and star lord. this book is neither for the beginners nor for those who have not studied K. Uttam Kumar. the author has mentioned that the planet is to perform three roles as: 1. When a planet does not become the star lord of any planet. The star lord of the planet.P. most of these known natives like Mhatma Gandhiji. Zulfikar Bhutto. rules and the author’s new suggested a Common Joint Rulers Theory “CJRT”. Lata Mangeshkar. properly. In the author’s view one should restrict up to the sub lord (3rd step) of the planet. (Part I p 36) The rectification of birth time is explained by using the original five ruling planets i. (Part I p 25) In judging the planet. (Part I p 34) It can be compared with the rule that if no planet is in the stars of a planet. and not necessarily to judge the sub lord of the planet. If the star lord of the sub lord (4th step) is further considered. sign lord and star lord. Dhruda Adhruda Karma and Adhruda Karma. if it’s mentioned in the chart. Each chart has been analyzed by using the K. Vijay Merchant. Sanjay Gandhi etc. In the other two types of karma. it increases the double probability of the result. 3. KP Ezine February 2014 64 . Planetary Positions For Fenruary 2014 Ahmedabad Date SID Sun Moon 01/Feb/2014 13:34:54 Cp 18:04:26 Aq 03:41:11 Vi 29:11:30 Aq 06:25:10 Ge 18:15:51 Sg 19:35:36 Li 28:36:25 Li 08:39:49 Ar 08:39:49 Pi 15:28:55 Aq 10:14:05 Sg 18:20:47 02/Feb/2014 13:38:51 Cp 19:05:21 Aq 18:37:06 Vi 29:28:06 Aq 07:17:46 Ge 18:09:48 Sg 19:37:07 Li 28:39:20 Li 08:36:38 Ar 08:36:38 Pi 15:31:07 Aq 10:16:13 Sg 18:22:40 03/Feb/2014 13:42:47 Cp 20:06:15 Pi 03:07:43 Vi 29:44:14 Aq 08:02:05 Ge 18:03:55 Sg 19:41:00 Li 28:42:10 Li 08:33:27 Ar 08:33:27 Pi 15:33:21 Aq 10:18:23 Sg 18:24:31 04/Feb/2014 13:46:44 Cp 21:07:07 Pi 17:08:53 Vi 29:59:54 Aq 08:37:19 Ge 17:58:10 Sg 19:47:13 Li 28:44:54 Li 08:30:16 Ar 08:30:16 Pi 15:35:37 Aq 10:20:33 Sg 18:26:22 05/Feb/2014 13:50:41 Cp 22:07:58 Ar 00:40:02 Li 00:15:07 Aq 09:02:48 Ge 17:52:35 Sg 19:55:41 Li 28:47:33 Li 08:27:05 Ar 08:27:05 Pi 15:37:56 Aq 10:22:44 Sg 18:28:12 06/Feb/2014 13:54:37 Cp 23:08:48 Ar 13:43:22 Li 00:29:51 Aq 09:17:58 Ge 17:47:10 Sg 20:06:23 Li 28:50:05 Li 08:23:54 Ar 08:23:54 Pi 15:40:17 Aq 10:24:55 Sg 18:30:01 07/Feb/2014 13:58:34 Cp 24:09:36 Ar 26:22:53 Li 00:44:07 Aq 09:22:23 Ge 17:41:54 Sg 20:19:15 Li 28:52:32 Li 08:20:43 Ar 08:20:43 Pi 15:42:41 Aq 10:27:07 Sg 18:31:49 08/Feb/2014 14:02:30 Cp 25:10:23 Ta 08:43:27 Li 00:57:52 Aq 09:15:51 Ge 17:36:48 Sg 20:34:13 Li 28:54:53 Li 08:17:33 Ar 08:17:33 Pi 15:45:06 Aq 10:29:19 Sg 18:33:36 09/Feb/2014 14:06:27 Cp 26:11:08 Ta 20:50:05 Li 01:11:08 Aq 08:58:24 Ge 17:31:52 Sg 20:51:13 Li 28:57:09 Li 08:14:22 Ar 08:14:22 Pi 15:47:34 Aq 10:31:32 Sg 18:35:21 10/Feb/2014 14:10:23 Cp 27:11:52 Ge 02:47:35 Li 01:23:53 Aq 08:30:22 Ge 17:27:07 Sg 21:10:12 Li 28:59:18 Li 08:11:11 Ar 08:11:11 Pi 15:50:04 Aq 10:33:46 Sg 18:37:06 11/Feb/2014 14:14:20 Cp 28:12:34 Ge 14:40:07 Li 01:36:06 Aq 07:52:23 Ge 17:22:32 Sg 21:31:06 Li 29:01:22 Li 08:08:01 Ar 08:08:01 Pi 15:52:36 Aq 10:36:00 Sg 18:38:50 12/Feb/2014 14:18:16 Cp 29:13:15 Ge 26:31:06 Li 01:47:48 Aq 07:05:25 Ge 17:18:07 Sg 21:53:52 Li 29:03:19 Li 08:04:50 Ar 08:04:50 Pi 15:55:10 Aq 10:38:14 Sg 18:40:32 13/Feb/2014 14:22:13 Aq 00:13:54 Cn 08:23:15 Li 01:58:56 Aq 06:10:41 Ge 17:13:53 Sg 22:18:25 Li 29:05:11 Li 08:01:39 Ar 08:01:39 Pi 15:57:46 Aq 10:40:29 Sg 18:42:13 14/Feb/2014 14:26:10 Aq 01:14:32 Cn 20:18:32 Li 02:09:32 Aq 05:09:44 Ge 17:09:50 Sg 22:44:42 Li 29:06:56 Li 07:58:28 Ar 07:58:28 Pi 16:00:23 Aq 10:42:44 Sg 18:43:53 15/Feb/2014 14:30:06 Aq 02:15:08 Le 02:18:23 Li 02:19:33 Aq 04:04:15 Ge 17:05:57 Sg 23:12:39 Li 29:08:36 Li 07:55:17 Ar 07:55:17 Pi 16:03:03 Aq 10:44:59 Sg 18:45:32 16/Feb/2014 14:34:03 Aq 03:15:42 Le 14:23:55 Li 02:29:00 Aq 02:56:04 Ge 17:02:16 Sg 23:42:12 Li 29:10:10 Li 07:52:07 Ar 07:52:07 Pi 16:05:45 Aq 10:47:14 Sg 18:47:10 17/Feb/2014 14:37:59 Aq 04:16:16 Le 26:36:12 Li 02:37:52 Aq 01:47:03 Ge 16:58:45 Sg 24:13:18 Li 29:11:37 Li 07:48:56 Ar 07:48:56 Pi 16:08:28 Aq 10:49:30 Sg 18:48:46 18/Feb/2014 14:41:56 Aq 05:16:48 Vi 08:56:30 Li 02:46:08 Aq 00:38:58 Ge 16:55:26 Sg 24:45:54 Li 29:12:58 Li 07:45:45 Ar 07:45:45 Pi 16:11:13 Aq 10:51:46 Sg 18:50:21 19/Feb/2014 14:45:52 Aq 06:17:18 Vi 21:26:31 Li 02:53:46 Cp 29:33:27 Ge 16:52:18 Sg 25:19:56 Li 29:14:14 Li 07:42:34 Ar 07:42:34 Pi 16:14:01 Aq 10:54:02 Sg 18:51:55 20/Feb/2014 14:49:49 Aq 07:17:47 Li 04:08:26 Li 03:00:48 Cp 28:31:57 Ge 16:49:21 Sg 25:55:21 Li 29:15:23 Li 07:39:23 Ar 07:39:23 Pi 16:16:49 Aq 10:56:18 Sg 18:53:28 21/Feb/2014 14:53:45 Aq 08:18:15 Li 17:04:56 Li 03:07:11 Cp 27:35:36 Ge 16:46:36 Sg 26:32:05 Li 29:16:26 Li 07:36:12 Ar 07:36:12 Pi 16:19:40 Aq 10:58:35 Sg 18:54:59 22/Feb/2014 14:57:42 Aq 09:18:42 Sc 00:18:58 Li 03:12:55 Cp 26:45:21 Ge 16:44:02 Sg 27:10:06 Li 29:17:23 Li 07:33:01 Ar 07:33:01 Pi 16:22:32 Aq 11:00:52 Sg 18:56:29 23/Feb/2014 15:01:38 Aq 10:19:07 Sc 13:53:14 Li 03:18:00 Cp 26:01:49 Ge 16:41:41 Sg 27:49:20 Li 29:18:14 Li 07:29:51 Ar 07:29:51 Pi 16:25:26 Aq 11:03:08 Sg 18:57:57 24/Feb/2014 15:05:35 Aq 11:19:31 Sc 27:49:38 Li 03:22:24 Cp 25:25:26 Ge 16:39:30 Sg 28:29:44 Li 29:18:59 Li 07:26:40 Ar 07:26:40 Pi 16:28:22 Aq 11:05:25 Sg 18:59:25 25/Feb/2014 15:09:32 Aq 12:19:54 Sg 12:08:25 Li 03:26:07 Cp 24:56:23 Ge 16:37:32 Sg 29:11:15 Li 29:19:37 Li 07:23:29 Ar 07:23:29 Pi 16:31:19 Aq 11:07:41 Sg 19:00:50 26/Feb/2014 15:13:28 Aq 13:20:15 Sg 26:47:26 Li 03:29:09 Cp 24:34:43 Ge 16:35:45 Sg 29:53:51 Li 29:20:09 Li 07:20:18 Ar 07:20:18 Pi 16:34:18 Aq 11:09:58 Sg 19:02:15 27/Feb/2014 15:17:25 Aq 14:20:35 Cp 11:41:41 Li 03:31:28 Cp 24:20:18 Ge 16:34:10 Cp 00:37:29 Li 29:20:35 Li 07:17:08 Ar 07:17:08 Pi 16:37:18 Aq 11:12:15 Sg 19:03:38 28/Feb/2014 15:21:21 Aq 15:20:53 Cp 26:43:31 Li 03:33:03 Cp 24:12:58 Ge 16:32:47 Cp 01:22:06 Li 29:20:55 Li 07:13:57 Ar 07:13:57 Pi 16:40:20 Aq 11:14:31 Sg 19:04:59 KPEzine Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn February 2014 Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto 65 . 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