KofaxImportconeector 2.5.0 En

May 17, 2018 | Author: Arsh Rasha | Category: Portable Document Format, Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Windows, Xml



Kofax ImportConnector 2.5.0 Release Notes 2015-12-02 © 2009 - 2015 Kofax, 15211 Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, California 92618, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Portions © 2009 - 2015 Kofax Austria GmbH. All rights reserved. Portions of this program were developed using Altova® MapForce® and Altova® StyleVision®. This program includes libraries owned by Altova GmbH, © 2007 - 2011 Altova GmbH (www.altova.com). Third-party software is copyrighted and licensed from Kofax's suppliers. THIS SOFTWARE CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS OF KOFAX. USE, DISCLOSURE OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF KOFAX. Kofax, the Kofax logo, Kofax product names, and Lexmark stated herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Kofax and Lexmark in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners . U.S. Government Rights Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Kofax standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements. You agree that you do not intend to and will not, directly or indirectly, export or transmit the Software or related documentation and technical data to any country to which such export or transmission is restricted by any applicable U.S. regulation or statute, without the prior written consent, if required, of the Bureau of Export Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce, or such other governmental entity as may have jurisdiction over such export or transmission. You represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country. DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. ....................................... 13 Error When Receiving Zip File With Duplicate File Names .............. Contents About This Release ............................. 7 Accessing Public Folders/Subfolders ..........................................................8 Create Rules to Route an Email based on the Incoming Email Address and Subject ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Resolved Issues .............................................................................14 Documentation: Administrator's Guide Shows Incorrect Path of Config File............................................................................................................................................................................................................4 or Older Version ............................13 Different Email Header for Polled Message ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Memory Leak in PDF to TIFF Conversion .............................................................................................................................................................8 Blank Page Deletion From Multipage TIFF File ...........................................................................................................................................7 Concatenate Multiple PDF Files .............................................................................. 13 Data Loss When Normalizing Some PDF to PDF/A ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Version Information . 13 Possible Set Batch Priority According to the Message Priority ..................................................................................................................................................................................................14 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 3 .....................................................................................14 PDFs With Transparency Issue ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..............................13 COM Object not Released When Connecting to Kofax Capture ....................................................................................................9 Embedded XML Namespace Handling ...........8 Changes in Behavior .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Importing Issue of Kofax Communication Server Message With Empty Page .................................................................................................... 7 Email Header for Nested Emails ............................................................... 7 Scaling Documents/Images .................................................................................................................................................................................14 Difference in How Emails Deleted Using EWS ......................................................................................................................... 14 Documentation: Conversion to PDF Using Office Does Not Save as PDF/A ....................................................14 Incorrect Handling of Zip Files With Read Only Files .. 7 Notification Improvements ....................................... 8 Custom Log File Path ............................................................................................7 New Features ................ 13 Documentation: Incorrect Tooltip and Online Help ................................................... 14 Documentation: Explain That Kofax Import Connector Only Perform Simple Separation .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Other Features ..................................................13 KFXConverter: Issues With PowerPoint to PDF Conversion ....9 KC Plug-In: Downgrade to Kofax Import Connector 2.................................................................................................................................13 KFXConverter: Cannot Convert Docx With an Embedded Image .................................................. 8 Skip Conversion/Import Options .........................................................8 Message Connector Monitor: New Poll Button in Passive Inputs ....................................... 14 Incorrect Detection of Missing Appearance Streams .................................................................................................................................... 7 Support of ImageMagick 64-Bit ........................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Some PDF Files Converting to Blank TIFF Files .............................................. .... 17 Unicode Characters in Rar Files .3 .............. 16 Specific XML Files Causes Error ....................................................19 TotalMailConverterX Issue with LocalSystem Account ............................................................................................................................................... 18 FIPS Cryptography Causes Conversion Error ............................................... 17 PDF/A Normalization Errors With Specific PDF Files ................................................................................................19 No XML Mapping / Rendering Without XML Type ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Retrieval of Messages Stops .................................................. 15 PDF File With Attachments are not Converted .... 15 KC Plug-In Issue With Non Existing Batch Class ....................... 17 Copying Trigger File in Watch Folder Results in a Locked File ...............................................................................................15 Normalization to PDF/A Fails for Incompatible Features ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Issue With Emails Having Non-MIME Conform Date Format ..................................................................................................................... 16 Unable to Convert Text File to PDF/TIFF ........15 Documentation: Incorrect Description of Apply VRS to PDF Files ........................................................................................................................... 15 Fields Return No Value ............................................................................................................................. 16 Performance Issue in Kofax Import Connector 2............................................................................................................................. 15 Documentation: Sub Folders Cannot be Processed Folders ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 PDF Normalization Results in Data Loss ...................................................................................................16 Passwords for Logging Into Kofax Capture With Kofax Import Connector ........................ 18 Known Issues ................................................................16 Conversion of TIF Files With Old Style JPEG Compression ................................................................................................. 19 4 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes .................................................................................................................16 Documentation: Needs Clarification .............................................................16 PDF With “Page Extraction” Option Not Allowed Results in Data Loss ............................................................. 17 Configurable Reconnecting/Poll Time .....15 Error Handling of PDF Conversion With Improper Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Body With Message Header Functionality Removes Parts of Email ......................................................................... 17 Connecting Rules Not Working for Shared Email Mailbox .......4 as Compared to Kofax Import Connector 2.................. 18 Warning When Adding EDI Type .. 15 Batch Class Name Issue ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Early Detection of End of Message ...................Contents Incorrect Attachment Detection ....................................................................................... 18 Conversion of Some PDF to TIFF Replaces Characters With Dots ......................................16 Exception Error With Specific TIFF File ........................................................................... 19 Third-party Archiving Tools for Outlook ................................................................ 18 Body With Message Header Removes Body of Nested Email.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Information About Error 1165 ....................................................................................................................................17 Performance Decrease ..........17 Incorrect Execution of Batch/Document Script ................. 19 Total EML Converter and Multiple Instances of Message Connector ................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................... Contents Insufficient Licenses on Kofax Capture Network Server Remote Site ........................................................................x Software on Windows Server 2012 ......................................................................21 Message Connector and Windows Server 2003 64-bit .................. 21 Failure to Convert Word Documents with 64-Bit Microsoft Office 2010/2013 ......... 21 Umlauts Not Allowed in Installation Folder Name ........................................................................................................................................20 Message Connector Monitor and Internet Explorer 9 ..................................................................................21 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 5 ........................................................................... 20 Problems with RightFax 9....... 20 EWS Mailbox Polling Error ..........................................20 Single Message Connector Polled by Multiple KC Plug-Ins ....... 20 Application Error When Stopping KC Plug-In Service If VRS Is Used ................................................................................................................................................................... Contents 6 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . Following options are available: ▪ Exclude the message header of an email.5. text. which appears in the About window. Support of ImageMagick 64-Bit Users with 64-bit operating system can use ImageMagick-64Bit for image to PDF conversion. This option can poll all the sub folders for a selected mail box. Chapter 1 About This Release Version Information Kofax Import Connector 2. Accessing Public Folders/Subfolders For EWS and IMAP. Email Header for Nested Emails You can include or exclude the message header of the attached emails. Note Page size scaling is not available for documents (for example. Excel. ▪ Include the message header of the main email and the attached email(s). ▪ Include the message header of the main email. PDF) to PDF conversion.0. New Features This release provides the following new product features. Scaling Documents/Images You can perform page size scaling for document and image to TIFF conversion.0 is identified by build number 2.0. Kofax Import Connector can poll messages from public folders or subfolders.0.725. Word. Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 7 . Note Polling nested sub folders can result in lower performance. Notification Improvements Following are the notifications improvements in KC Plug-In: ▪ You can attach the original message (eml format) to the notification mail.5. see Kofax Import Connector Administrator's Guide. You can use this button to poll any specific passive input immediately. 8 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . Message Connector Monitor: New Poll Button in Passive Inputs The Poll column of Passive Inputs in Message Connector Monitor displays a Poll Now button for each passive input separately. Custom Log File Path You can select a custom path for saving the log files of KC Plug-In. For more details. see Help for KC Plug-In. log files are saved at the default path. For more details.About This Release ▪ You can send notifications to more than one email address. You can: ▪ Import the individual PDF files ▪ Import a concatenated PDF file ▪ Import individual PDF files and a concatenated PDF file For more details. For more details. Email addresses must be delimited by space. Create Rules to Route an Email based on the Incoming Email Address and Subject You can create a rule to route emails to a destination based on the sender’s email.0 and previous releases. Skip Conversion/Import Options Kofax Import Connector provides the option to skip the conversion or import of a file based on its file type or size. Concatenate Multiple PDF Files You can concatenate PDF files for importing in Kofax Capture. see Kofax Import Connector Administrator's Guide. If no path is selected.5. see Help for KC Plug-In. Other Features Other improvements in Kofax Import Connector include: ▪ Support of emails from MS Office 365 ▪ It is possible to import attachments within PDF files as separate files Changes in Behavior This section contains information about differences in behavior between Kofax Import Connector 2. 0 (left column) to the parameter shown for Kofax Import Connector 2. original file without blank pages. 2 Select and open any destination.4 or Older Version <DocumentImportMessageHeader> <DocumentImportMessageHeader>false</ EMAIL_HEADER_EXCLUDE DocumentImportMessageHeader> </DocumentImportMessageHeader> <DocumentImportMessageHeader> <DocumentImportMessageHeader>true</ EMAIL_HEADER_INCLUDE DocumentImportMessageHeader> </DocumentImportMessageHeader> or <DocumentImportMessageHeader> EMAIL_HEADER_INCLUDE_ EMBEDDED </DocumentImportMessageHeader> Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 9 .5.0 Kofax Import Connector 2. do the following: 1 Open KIC-ED-KCPlugIn. It will generate the “MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS” parameter as shown: <MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS>true</MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS> KC Plug-In: Downgrade to Kofax Import Connector 2. 2 Search for parameter.5. that is. instead of sending separated files. 3 Replace the parameter shown for Kofax Import Connector 2. a downgrade from Kofax Import Connector 2. the DocumentImportMessageHeader parameter in the KIC-ED-KCPlugIn. 3 Set the value of “MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS” to false.5 to a lower version is not possible without additional actions. (324631) Now.5.4. As a consequence. Kofax Import Connector 2.xml from C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\config. 1 Open the KC Plug-In application. the VRS option. About This Release Blank Page Deletion From Multipage TIFF File Earlier.xml from C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\config. fix the line breaks. To perform the downgrade.0 merges these files and then sends them as a single file. Kofax Import Connector 2.4 or Older Version With the improvement of option of including the body with the message header functionality. 2 Search for parameter DocumentImportMessageHeader. do the following: 1 Open KIC-ED-KCPlugIn. “Blank Page Deletion” caused unwanted separation in Kofax Import Connector. 4 If the “MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS” parameter is not available. “MergeTiffPagesAfterVRS”.xml is changed. This resulted in separation of the original image into multiple pages.0 or older versions (right column) in the following table: Note  If you copy and paste the code from this table. Click the OK button. To revert to old behavior. The removal of the blank pages from a multipage TIFF file was done by splitting the image into different pages and then removing the blank pages. 0 changed the behavior of XML mapping and XML rendering. copy the content from the following folder to a temporary folder: C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED \KCPlugIn\config\Schemas. as soon as you change your destination configuration. (SPR00125795) As a consequence.0.2. See Reconfiguring XML Mapping and Rendering. when upgrading Kofax Import Connector from version 2. Kofax Support updates the configuration files and returns them to you.About This Release Embedded XML Namespace Handling Note This section only applies if you are upgrading from Kofax Import Connector versions 2. if you are using any of the following features: ▪ Simple XML mapping ▪ Generic XML mapping ▪ XML rendering No additional steps are necessary if you are using XML Import Connector compatible mappings.0 . See Using Kofax Support. Do one of the following when upgrading to the latest Kofax Import Connector: ▪ Let Kofax Support update your XML mapping/rendering files. 3 Back up the XML mapping/rendering configuration files (C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC- ED\KCPlugIn\config\Schemas). 10 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . ▪ Reconfigure your XML mapping/rendering using MapForce/StyleVision.3. 3 Stop the KC Plug-In service.0 or later.2. Note You can upgrade to the latest version of Kofax Import Connector and continue using mappings in compatibility mode. 4 Copy the updated files back to C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\config \Schemas. you need to perform additional upgrade steps.0. Using Kofax Support 1 Before upgrading from Kofax Import Connector 2.2. However.0 or later.2. Reconfiguring XML Mapping and Rendering 1 Upgrade to the latest version of Kofax Import Connector.2. 4 Edit the destination configuration and click Show Files for Visual Designer.2.0 . A warning is displayed that XML mapping/rendering would stop working. 5 Upgrade to the latest version of Kofax Import Connector.0. additional upgrade steps are necessary.3.0 . 2 Stop the KC Plug-In service before making changes to the affected destinations.3.0 to 2. 2 Send all files from the temporary folder.0. Kofax Import Connector 2.0 to version 2. along with a list of destinations that use XML mapping/rendering to Kofax Support. 6 Use MapForce and/or StyleVision to reconfigure mapping/rendering. Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 11 . XML mapping and/or rendering stops working. As a consequence. About This Release 5 Click OK to proceed and save the configuration. See Kofax Import Connector Administrator's Guide. Kofax Import Connector generates new files necessary for XML mapping/rendering. About This Release 12 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . (644271) Documentation: Incorrect Tooltip and Online Help Tooltip and online help were not updated and provided incorrect info for the scaling option. Different Email Header for Polled Message Mail header was different when a message was polled directly from a folder than when using a trigger file. (642101) KFXConverter: Issues With PowerPoint to PDF Conversion KFXConverter PowerPoint conversion to PDF causes data loss and other issues. (643453) Possible Set Batch Priority According to the Message Priority It should possible to set batch priority in Kofax Capture according to message priority using script. (650483) COM Object not Released When Connecting to Kofax Capture Specific COM object was not released when connecting to Kofax Capture. (633959) Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 13 . Chapter 2 Resolved Issues The following issues reported for a previous version of the product are fixed in this release. (643125) Error When Receiving Zip File With Duplicate File Names Error occurred when receiving zip file with duplicate file names included in it. (641079) Data Loss When Normalizing Some PDF to PDF/A There was data loss with some specific PDF files when normalizing to PDF/A. (642057) Memory Leak in PDF to TIFF Conversion Memory leak issue in PDF to TIFF conversion. (633715) Documentation: Explain That Kofax Import Connector Only Perform Simple Separation Documentation did not explained that Kofax Import Connector only perform simple separation.Resolved Issues KFXConverter: Cannot Convert Docx With an Embedded Image KFXConverter cannot convert docx document with an embedded image without data loss. (624090) Incorrect Detection of Missing Appearance Streams DataLogics incorrectly detected missing appearance streams. (631197) Documentation: Administrator's Guide Shows Incorrect Path of Config File. Kofax Import Connector Administrator's Guide was showing incorrect path of config file. (618946) 14 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . (626392) Difference in How Emails Deleted Using EWS Difference in how mails are deleted on the Exchange server when polled via EWS. (623468) PDFs With Transparency Issue PDF files with one or more transparent objects were not converted. (619060) Documentation: Conversion to PDF Using Office Does Not Save as PDF/A Documentation should mention that conversion of excel to PDF using Office does not automatically save as PDF/A. (621254) Incorrect Handling of Zip Files With Read Only Files Zip files with read-only files in them caused mix-ups in messages. (623526) Importing Issue of Kofax Communication Server Message With Empty Page Kofax Communication Server message with empty page had issues when importing into Kofax Capture. processed messages can be moved to a sub folder as well. the following fields were not returning any values: {KfxMessageAttachmentlist}. (605831) Documentation: Sub Folders Cannot be Processed Folders Documentation does not mention that sub-folders cannot be used as 'processed folders'. (592037) Normalization to PDF/A Fails for Incompatible Features Normalize to PDF/A failed with PDF/A incompatible features. (612816) Batch Class Name Issue Batch Class Name was not assigned and created in Batch Name Creation script. (588028) Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 15 . (592992) Early Detection of End of Message TNC_Email detected end of message too early in some of the POP3 messages. (593135) Note For an existing sub folder. (612183) Fields Return No Value In Kofax Import Connector. and {KfxMessageReceptionErrorInfo}. {KfxMessageReceptionErrorImporting}. Documentation: Incorrect Description of Apply VRS to PDF Files Help description of "Apply VRS to PDF Files" feature was wrong. (612085) KC Plug-In Issue With Non Existing Batch Class KC Plug-In stopped when rerouting (script) batch to non-existing batch class.msg attachments when there were none. (614126) PDF File With Attachments are not Converted Attachment files in PDFs were not converted. Resolved Issues Incorrect Attachment Detection Aspose found attachments in . (613801) Information About Error 1165 Meaning of DataLogics error 1165 needed to be documented and/or produce more informative trace entries. (565744) Conversion of TIF Files With Old Style JPEG Compression ImageMagick cannot deal with (convert) TIF files with Old-style JPEG (in TIFF) compression.txt into PDF/TIFF using Kofax Converter in Kofax Import Connector. (561734) 16 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . (577870) Unable to Convert Text File to PDF/TIFF Unable to convert . (585501) PDF With “Page Extraction” Option Not Allowed Results in Data Loss When a PDF. (563447) Passwords for Logging Into Kofax Capture With Kofax Import Connector Not all passwords can be used for logging into Kofax Capture with Kofax Import Connector. (584585) Specific XML Files Causes Error Specific xml attachment caused "Failed to retrieve message content from server. (578178) Issue With Emails Having Non-MIME Conform Date Format Kofax Import Connector was not able to deal with emails that had a non-MIME conform date format.Resolved Issues Error Handling of PDF Conversion With Improper Restrictions Improved the error handling for PDF conversion of files which did not had appropriate restriction set. with “Page Extraction” option set to Not Allowed. was converted to either PDF/A or TIFF resulted in data loss. (571153) Exception Error With Specific TIFF File ImageMagick threw exception error with specific TIFF file." error. (565412) Documentation: Needs Clarification The documentation needed to describe that GAC statement must be present in the script when providing reference of other third party dll's. (539982) Incorrect Execution of Batch/Document Script Kofax Import Connector's batch/document script was executing before doing XML mapping. Connecting Rules Not Working for Shared Email Mailbox For Kofax Import Connector shared email mailbox using service account. (555211) Unicode Characters in Rar Files Unicode characters in rar files caused issues at the time of extraction. (382697) Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 17 .locked file is left in the watch folder. (543647) Some PDF Files Converting to Blank TIFF Files Some PDFs were converting to blank TIFF files.3 compared to clean Kofax Import Connector 2.3. (554737) PDF/A Normalization Errors With Specific PDF Files PDF/A normalization returned error with specific PDF files. Resolved Issues Performance Issue in Kofax Import Connector 2. (427283) A .4 and FP1 and FP2 for Kofax Import Connector 2. if only a trigger file was copied into the folder. (452294) Copying Trigger File in Watch Folder Results in a Locked File Importing only a trigger file in the watch folder resulted in a locked file.3 Significant drop in throughput with Kofax Import Connector 2. (552551) Body With Message Header Functionality Removes Parts of Email Body with message header functionality was removing parts of email. but it should be executed afterwards. connection rules were not working. (558857) Configurable Reconnecting/Poll Time Poll/reconnect time must be configurable after the connection is failed.4 as Compared to Kofax Import Connector 2. (373123) PDF Normalization Results in Data Loss Certain special PDF documents can lose data after PDF normalization. (111738) 18 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . messages retrieving was stopped. (314813) Retrieval of Messages Stops If 20 corrupted messages are stored in a mailbox on the RightFax Server. Body with message header functionality was removing body of nested email. Documents imported from a folder caused document conversion error. 'Loading license time' was consuming more time. and signing”. hashing. (352989) Warning When Adding EDI Type Adding a specific XML type with included and imported schema files did not worked. (372636) FIPS Cryptography Causes Conversion Error Kofax Import Connector does not support the Windows security option “System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption. (376010) Body With Message Header Removes Body of Nested Email.Resolved Issues Performance Decrease Performance had decreased due to third party component. (367535) Conversion of Some PDF to TIFF Replaces Characters With Dots Converting some PDF to TIFF was replacing characters with dots. (382652) Workaround: Use the same user account for all instances of Message Connector.Message Connector” with any other local administrator account. your converted documents might look somewhat different. No XML Mapping / Rendering Without XML Type Destinations without an XML type cannot use XML mapping (to populate Kofax Capture fields using message metadata) or message rendering (for example. Important Each conversion tool produces the desired output in a different way. to generate a simple cover sheet with metadata).Electronic Documents . As a result. the following error message is displayed: Root element ImportSession cannot be found in the sample XML data file C:\ProgramData\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\Config\input. Total EML Converter and Multiple Instances of Message Connector The third-party converter Total EML Converter does not function when used with multiple instances of Message Connector running under different user accounts. (111591) Workaround: Start the service “Kofax Import Connector . Chapter 3 Known Issues This chapter contains information about potential issues that you could encounter while using Kofax Import Connector. but some information may be missing from the MSG files. The MSG files can usually be extracted from the PST file. When you enable message rendering or XML mapping and click Show Files for Visual Designer or OK.xml Third-party Archiving Tools for Outlook Some third-party archiving tools for Microsoft Outlook can modify messages and remove attachments. (120375) Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 19 . TotalMailConverterX occasionally fails when running under the LocalSystem account. TotalMailConverterX Issue with LocalSystem Account The third-party converter. if you decide to switch to another conversion tool. the KC Plug-In service restarts every 30 seconds.Data. Exiting.dll generates an access violation exception after the KC Plug-In is stopped. Workaround: Do not configure more connections than licenses. and all documents are imported successfully. (SPR00092193.x Software on Windows Server 2012 When installing RightFax client software version 9.dll" ▪ Use RightFax client software version 10. For example. document import is not affected. Workaround: Correct your connection configuration for EWS by switching to multiple instances mode.dll" C:\Windows\System32>regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\RightFax\Shared Files \rfcomapi. you occasionally run into problems because some RightFax libraries are not properly registered. such as the following: (110703) (1a4c/1090/0b50) {2 "EwsDotNet"} Cannot delete message. However. EWS Mailbox Polling Error When you attempt to poll an EWS mailbox with more than one connection with single instance mode active.WebServices. 111505) 20 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes . you can use the following commands (assuming default installation paths and English operating system): C:\Windows\System32>regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\RightFax\Shared Files \rfaxui. it may happen that DL91PDFL. rfcomapi.dll and rfaxapi.Known Issues Insufficient Licenses on Kofax Capture Network Server Remote Site If you install KC Plug-In on a Kofax Capture Network Server remote site and you have more connections configured than your available Kofax Import Connector licenses. Microsoft. EWS returned exception. you can run into various message locking problems.x on a Windows Server 2012 operating system. Problems with RightFax 9.ServiceResponseException: The specified object was not found in the store.x libraries. (111237) Workaround: Ignore the error message in the event log.dll. The following information is written to the log file: (110565) KIC Importer (Instance=0) got no message from master service since 30 seconds.Exchange. Application Error When Stopping KC Plug-In Service If VRS Is Used When using VRS.x. Single Message Connector Polled by Multiple KC Plug-Ins The scenario where a single Message Connector is polled by multiple KC Plug-Ins is not supported. Workaround: Do one of the following: ▪ Manually register two RightFax 9. Failure to Convert Word Documents with 64-Bit Microsoft Office 2010/2013 Converting a Microsoft Word document with a 64-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010/2013 may result in a document conversion timeout error. (111034) Workaround: Change the Windows “Log On” user for Message Connector service from the system account to a local administrator. Umlauts Not Allowed in Installation Folder Name The name of the Kofax Import Connector installation folder cannot contain non-English characters. Known Issues Message Connector Monitor and Internet Explorer 9 After updating from Internet Explorer 8 to 9. ▪ Use the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office 2010/2013. (111225. such as German Umlauts. the Message Connector Monitor interface is not displayed properly. (111790) Kofax Import Connector Release Notes 21 . 111622) Workarounds: Use one of the following solutions.exe. (SPR00091965) Workaround: Disable the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. ▪ Create the folder C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop. Message Connector and Windows Server 2003 64-bit The Message Connector service does not work on Windows Server 2003 64-bit systems because startup fails with a “logon failed” error. This results in a subsequent application error in tnMasterWinSrv. Known Issues 22 Kofax Import Connector Release Notes .
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