
March 31, 2018 | Author: ProfessorAsim Kumar Mishra | Category: Planets In Astrology, Horoscope, Astrology, Divination, Esoteric Cosmology



Astrological Days,Signs, Planets and HoroscopesDays, Signs, Planets This book is being written without dealing with the mathematical part. If you read it step by step and then see your own and others’ horoscope, you will be able to understand, technically, the astrological discussion. You will also get familiar with the terminology of Hindu astrology. Days of the Week 1. To do that remember the first lesson in three parts: start counting the weekdays – unday, !onday, Tuesday, "ednesday, Thursday, #riday and aturday. These se$en days represent se$en planets – un, !oon, !ars, !ercury, %upiter, &enus and aturn. 2. In Hindu astrology we make use of two other planets, called the shadowy planets, called 'ahu and (etu. This gi$es you a total of nine planets. It is why we ha$e the famous navagraha stotra or worship of nine planets. Note : In Hindu astrology we do not use, )ranus *Herschel+, ,luto and -eptune. In the scheme of stotra these planets ha$e no place, though an .merican has gi$en mantras for these three planets also in his book which is not gi$en in any book of Hindu astrology we ha$e or know of. Note : -ow, also remember the sacred number /01 which are the number of beads we ha$e in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our 2apam. 3. The part of the first lesson is: there are 27 Nakshatras or .sterisms or 3unar mansions that we make use of in Hindu astrology. It is a $ery remarkable, brilliant and subtle di$ision which is being e4plained later. 5ach nakshatra has four e6ual parts. .gain you will see that twenty7se$en multiplied by four gi$es you one hundred and eight number */01+ which are the number of beads we ha$e in the garland, of tulasi or rudraksha with which we do our 2apam. -ow see all this in the table gi$en here: Name of Day /. 'a$i$ar or unday /. 'a$i, !ler of the Day urya, 8hanu or un 9. oma$ar or !onday 9. :handra, Indu or !oon or 3una ;. !angal, (u2a or !ars <. 8udha or !ercury =. >uru, 8rihaspati or %upiter ?. @. hukra, 8harga$a or &enus aturn, hani, or !anda ;. !angal$ar orTuesday <. 8udha$ar or "ednesday =. 8rihaspati$ar or Thursday ?. @. hukra$ar or #riday hani$ar or aturday Note : -o days are allotted for 'ahu or (etu. outh Indian astrologers allot a specified time on each of the days for 'ahu and call it 'ahukalam during which time they a$oid all auspicious work. Note : 'ahu and (etu cannot be seen through any telescope like other planets. Yet, how effecti$e and accurate is their use in Hindu astrology clearly pro$es that the ancient rishis combined their knowledge of physical sciences with metapysical knowledge which we call Yogic. "n Astrology #esson 2 $e $ill learn a%o!t Nakshatras and do some astrological e&ercises to deepen o!r !nderstanding of the concepts $e ha'e learnt. Nakshatras -ow you must know something about the twenty7se$en nakshatras. 5ach nakshatra takes /; degrees and 90 minutes uniformly. If /;A90 is multiplied by 9@ it gi$es you ;?0 which is the total e6ual to the twel$e houses referred to earlier. There are two methods of tabulating these -akshatras. One method shows the degrees of Nakshatras from 0 to360 and the other shows the degrees occupied by each Nakshatra in each sign. !ars. . !oon. %upiter. un.(riendship and )nmities of Planets Allotment of *odiac Ho!ses for Planets The problem is to allot twel$e houses. !ercury. &enus and aturn. without partitioning a single one to se$en planets.@/B house. If these twel$e houses which are to be allotted to se$en planets each planet will get /. 5en!s. 4erc!ry. +he Scheme of Allotment th!s arri'ed at is. The rashi number of the !oon is four *(arka+ proceed in backward direction from here <. E and /0. 4erc!ry. two each. aturn is allotted !akara *:apricorn+ C (umbha *. comfortable in some. /. 5en!s. uncomfortable in some and miserable in some. There are $arying emotional states. @. !ars is allotted !esha *. 4ars.ries+ C &rishchika * corpio+. :ancer or (arka. . +he #!nar Half . %upiter and aturn mo$e in a backward direction from (arka. as many astrologers do.. 9.The solution gi$en in Hindu astrology is: the un owns only one house or rashi. .6uarius+. %upiter is allotted Dhanu * agittarius+ C !eena *. There is a $ery easy way to remember it. The condition of planets in a horoscope reflects it. Note: Do not take it literally because there are many brilliant e4ceptions to these rules.isces+. o$ercome the mechanistic attitude of the age we li$e. two each. Happy and 7nhappy 8onditions of Planets Hindu astrology which deals with the happy and unhappy conditions of human beings who are happy or unhappy or indifferent or $ery comfortable in some surroundings. two each. !ercury is allotted !ithuna *>emini+ C (anya *&irgo+. &enus. %ust as the company of different human beings and different surroundings create different moods in you so do planets in a horoscope. two each. .3 2 1 12 11 +he Solar Half . If that is not remembered. /9 and //. / 0 1 2 13 -ow 'e7arrange It Thus: #!nar Half . 1. &enus is allotted &rishabha *Taurus+ C Tula *3ibra+. 8a!tion 8efore you learn the following lesson. so too planets ha$e different conditions and different moods. 3eo or imha and the !oon owns only one rashi. The easy solution that emerges out now is allot two houses to each of the fi$e planets. less comfortable in some. Di$ide these twel$e rashis into two di$isions si4 belonging to the !oon and si4 belonging to the un. only a gloomy and fatalistic $iew of a horoscope will ha$e to be taken. 4ars.strology of Hindus is not a set of formulae to be applied in a push7button way. . 6!piter and Sat!rn Solar Half . The rashi number of the un is fi$e * imha+ and proceed in forward direction from here =.lanets are happy in some conditions and unhappy in some other conditions. ?. 'epeat it from imha in forward direction. two each. 6!piter and Sat!rn To sum up !ercury. What is being given here is for a quick understanding of the fundamentals only. olution -ow there are ten houses and fi$e planets awaiting allotment. !ars. . you are in learning astrology. The more fle4ible but. not romantically stupid.ries. 'emember it step by step )&altation 9 De%ilitation . Hindu astrology is worldAs most de$eloped astrology because India is the land where astrology originated and. planet is in an e4tremely happy condition when he is e4alted and is in an e4tremely miserable condition when he is debilitated *It is not always true. &risha second. If you commit that mistake. S!n in Simha !pto 23 degrees 4oon in 5risha%ha !pto 20 degree 4ars in 4esha !pto 12 degrees 4erc!ry in :anya !pto 23 degrees 6!piter in Dhan! !pto 13 degrees 5en!s in +!la !pto 1. . Note: . was de$eloped o$er a period of thousands of years.$oid dogma but follow the steps gi$en below.ll e4alted planets get debilitated in the se$enth house from their points of e4altations. you will become dogmatic. 4oolatrikona The second best condition for planets is called as the !oolatrikona. #or instance the un is e4alted in !esha. Here many astrological e4periments ha$e been done and many techni6ues tested and re7 tested.$n Ho!se . -ow count in this way – !esha first. (arka ending with Tula which is the se$enth house from . Note : 54cept !ercury who is e4alted in (anya no other planet gets any e4alted status in its own house. 8ut this fundamental principle is useful for prediction+. degrees Sat!rn in :!m%ha !pto 23 degrees Note: 54cept the !oon all other planets get the !oolatrikona condition in one of their own houses. 'emember it. "hen and upto what degrees in a sign is a planet e4alted is the first lesson you learn. !ithuna third.Do not take them as final pronouncements. the better are the chances of your de$eloping proper astrological ability. the lagna changing after e$ery two hours. In Hindu astrology the un changes from one rashi into another in the middle of 5nglish months. Warning /. (arka. (umbha or !eena. e4cept in the case of the !oon is of course its own house+. . If you remember this. we are. &rishchik. The only e4ception is the !oon. It is a $ery rough method made use of by astrologers to answer 6uestions *horary or prashna astrology+ when they are re6uired to answer 6uestion while in a train or an aeroplane where they cannot calculate with the tools which they keep with them. These are three of the happiest conditions for planets in different houses #agna You were born on some day of some month of some year at a particular time and in a particular place with your lagna being one of twel$e: !esha.t sun7set in the se$enth house from the .The third best condition for a planet is to be in its own house *other than !oolatrikona house which. un.t mid7night in the tenth house form the un. (eep calculating at this rate. !ithuna.t sunrise the un will be in the 3agna. you will know where your un should be at the time of your birth. &enus and aturn recogniFe the same house in which they are in a moolatrikona condition. . Do not apply this blindly. %upiter. During the mid7day in the fourth house from the .&risha. ince. 8ut their other houses are also their own houses. only a rough method of checking the horoscope in a Hindu chart is e4plained. !ercury. howe$er. To arri$e at a 3agna some calculations are to be done. 'emember it thus: Note : un. as their own houses. a$oiding mathematics. #our cardinal points are useful to do this e4ercise easily. !akar. Dhanu. un. Tula. !ars. !ay /<H/= at /:9. ./ am. <. (umbha or . ee the e4amples gi$en here. =. month by month for 9001 *almost all years+ will be as follows – /. -o$ember /?th at 9:<E pm. ?. . I am not aware if any Indian astrologer has an answer to it. they call it soccer+ matches.. .6uarius at //:09 pm. which in turn.. !eena or . !arch /<th. . !akar or :apricon at /0 am.fter making such mental calculations see your computer cast horoscope for an analysis. <. am. Gn this basis I predicted the $ictory of :olumbia against witFerland in %une /EE< at an #ransisco.:< am. watching the "orld :up #ootball *in ) .ugust /?H/@ at . #ebruay /9th. /9. *In India the day begins at sunrise+ =. Gctober /@th at . It will help you concentrate on a horoscope. e4actly. if gi$en some astrological data. till this method will be found to be working satisfactorily. //. %uly /?th at ?:=/ am. This prediction too came out correct. . E. (eep doing the e4ercise. @. I repeated it at anta #e when I was watching the finals between 8raFil and Italy on the tele$ision.H/< midnight at <:.9. The calculation was done mentally while sitting in the football stadium.:/< am. will sharpen your predicti$e powers. . 8ut how can we apply this to arctic regions where there are si47months of day and si47months of night. 1.:E am. %une /=th at @:=E am.pril /. December /=H/? at <:9? am. I ha$e no answer but I am confident I can sol$e this problem. unrise and sunset change from place to place and country to country. The position. !y prediction was that 8raFil would win and one of the Italian players would be in2ured. It is a rough method of mentally calculating the lagna when the duration of day and night are more or less e6ual or do not ha$e much difference. eptember /?H/@ at . %anuary /<th. 9. /0.isces at @:=E pm. Saturn or Mercury (one of these nine ! Moon Sign. un or the Your may ha$e sometime or the other read about your life on the basis of un7signs or the !oon7signs and may e$en ha$e been reading daily. Rahu.ries.fter two hours it will mo$e to ne4t sign. . . uppose you were born on . ee where the un is at the time of your birth. you then know that your un7sign *in Hindu . Degrees of the Moon Your Moon will be at certain degrees in some rashi hence in some nakshatra. un at birth is in !esha or . good computer programme will sol$e this problem. If you were born at sunrise your be in your 3agna. the 3agna will be Taurus or &rishabha. un will <o!r 4oon Sign From the foregoing discussion about your Lagna. the Moon"sign and the Sun"sign.fter two hours. tell me your lagna. . . . !oon7sign or rashi is !ithuna but the the three at three different places. you now know that they are three different points in your horoscope to be made use of for predictions! So the answer can be! *a+ 3agna is !esha. weekly.. say of Ketu. un7sign is (anya.strology+ is !esha or . Venus. it must have become clear to you what your Sun-sign (Hindu) is.. But in indu astrology you must know your !oon"sign also. Sun. Lagna and the Sun Sign can be different Your Moon"sign is your rashi as distinguished from your lagna! #f a specific $uestion is put to you.ll the three can be in one sign only. . Moon.pril 90. /. so for two hours in the morning the ascendant or 3agna will be !esha. Therefore start form your un7sign and proceed thus – 9. Jupiter. 8alc!late yo!r #agna or the Ascendant of the ising Sign Your should still be able to calculate mentally on the basis of your un7sign *as gi$en in Hindu astrology+ the birth ascendant of yours. 'oughly each ascendant lasts for two hours. It is done thus. Mars.nother easy way of remembering it is.#or a birth in the ).ries. at least appro4imately. monthly or e$en . all *b+ They can also be at two points if the 3agna or the !oon or the 3agna and the !oon and un are in only two signs. or any other country this will undergo some change by some hours only. *c+ .. These are called mahadashas. each prayantar dasha is di$ided into nine sookshma dashas.ty percent of correct predictions are based on it! /his is the best e&er method of timing e&ents e&er de&ised by mankind! . Your Janma Nakshatra %n the basis of your Moon. in Hindu astrology there are forty7fi$e %aimini dasha7systems and another fifty7four nakshatra dasha systems of .. Your 2anma7nakshatra is important for calculating the time7cycle described as the &imshottari dasha of /90 years. and each antar7dasha is sub7di$ided into nine pratyantar dasha. since there are only twel$e rashisI Ha$e you seen the absurdity of the situationI o do not get addicted to such prediction. Warning *! +o not .ratyantar dasha *the sub7sub7period+ only.arashara. Depending on your 2anma nakshatra what period of which planet your are passing through is the most $ital factor for predictions. each sookshma dasha is di$ided into nine prana dasha.ump to any conclusion. only on the basis of the dasha"antardasha etc! -ut rest assured the si. generally pessimistic or optimistic. 8ut in two cases when I made use of where I was absolutely assured that the birth time noted was without any error and the calculation of the horoscope was cast hundred percent correct. Do not be surprised if I tell you that though the &imshottari dasha is the most popular. -ow can the patterns of destiny of the entire mankind be di$ided only in twel$e signs. <. -o use of the fourth di$ision *sookshma dasha or the fifth di$ision prana dasha+ is being made use of here. This fi$e7fold di$ision of dasha is the most e4traordinary and unparalleled system of timing e$ents in the history of astrology.ntar dasha *the sub7period+ and *c+ The . Di'isions of Dashas for +iming )'ents =. "e will be using only the &imshottari dash in the book and all our illustrations will refer to *a+ The !ahadasha *the ma2or period+ *b+ The . you can see what was your Janma nakshatra (or birth constellation ! #t has to be one of the twenty"se&en constellations mentioned earlier! /. the greatest astrological genius the world has e$er produced. 5ach mahadasha is sub7di$ided into nine antar7 dashas or sub7periods.yearly forecasts. '! #f you were born in the nakshatra of Ketu (( years it will be followed by that of Venus (') years etc! See the chart on nakshatras! . These aspects are general and special. !ercury. . &enus and aturn are aspecting the @th house from its location in a horoscope. %upiter and aturn ha$e special aspects. %upiter. un. step by step. !ars. the first the house where he is positioned in and then three other houses through his general and special aspects. You must remember that planets gi$e their effects not merely from where they are in a horoscope but also produce these effects in the house which they aspect. It can tabulated thus.fter you ha$e become familiar with the use of the dasha system. %upiter has two additional aspects the fifthe and the ninth. (eep practising this lesson first. Three planets !ars. o !ars. These are being gi$en in a tabular form here. use transits of planets. This must become a natural habit with you. %upiter and aturn will ha$e three aspects. Note = !ars will influence four houses. This is the aspect of planets.ll planets aspect the se$enth house form their position. !oon. Aspects . . !ars has two additional aspects the fourth and the eighth. aturn has two additional aspects the third and the tenth. Take up any horoscope and see which planets.9. Those who o$er7emphsise the role of transit of planets without first e4amining the promised results of dasha. are like people who are measuring the siFe of an elephant on the basis of the length its tail. 8ut first re$ise what you ha$e been taught so far. one general and two special. . 3et me first take up general aspects.fter re$ising it now the first preliminary step takes you into predicti$e astrology. -e$er start the analysis of any horoscope without applying the 4emory +a%let coined by me to make learning of astrology easy. and ha$e no capacity to memorise.. as here.. <. of friendships and enmities of planets. The traditional sub2ect. In the state of )ttar . the first limb of PA8 is P. is applied is being shown here. . You can de$elop your own astrological skill when you apply the first of two !emory Tablets. particular lord may be e4cellently placed while another may be in a bad condition. late in their li$es. I am teaching and keep repeating it.fter this try any other horoscope. .Remember – 5$en when !ars is in transit he will be aspecting three houses and is positioned in one house. #$lanets and %hildren P >Position? A >Aspect? 8 >8on@!nction? emem%er that first leg of the 4emory +a%let PA8 is P. It has been done mainly with the intention to help people a$oid memoriFing. 9.. 8ut the astrological PA8 is meant to control anarchical and chaotic analysis of a horoscope. 4y Ad'ice /. Why yo! m!st start $ith P firstA /. -ow you begin to see that life is ne$er a story of all round 2oy or total sorrow. methodical and scientific. So proceed patiently first %y doing this e&ercise intensely.. what is surely possible is to learn through associati$e memory. . I ha$e made an effecti$e use of this in my books. intelligence and clues about the lord of each house of a horoscope. "hen learning through rote memory is not possible. How this . "nstr!ctions There is no book on Hindu astrology in which such tables ha$e been gi$en to o$er7 simplify the understanding of aspects and earlier. . 'emember by doing P you start your astrological ad$enture of collecting information. . the tragedy of his career is well e4plained by wrong placement of many lords of different houses . 8ut P is only the opening chapter of a se$en layered story of your life which this book will teach.s you will see in the gi$en e4ample of %ohn # (ennedy. 9.radesh there is a special branch of police known as PA8 created to control communal riots. stands for the position a planet has occupied in a horoscope.8 Practice Horoscopes . which if you remember. muddle7headed and 2umbled $iew of a horoscope. it is better. P. Therefore let me read a sermon to you first a dangerous sermon. In all horoscopes first of all see how the lord of a particular house is placed.A.Therefore I ha$e e$ol$ed a memory tablet. the first part of which is : PA = . you will not take a fragmentary. confused and unsynthesiFed $iew. Instead of taking fragmentary. to proceed systematically so that you are able to arri$e at a meaningful conclusion. . . the lagna. Panapharas >8adent? = The second.panded now to make it a complete scheme! -ut before learning them.A. 2. tenth and ele$enth houses and their lords. Points to Remember #n understanding the meaning of 0!1!2! the combinations of the lords of these houses. #t is an area of e&er"e. se$enth and the tenth houses of the lagna are called kendras and the lords of those houses are called lords of kendras. The lords of the fifth and ninth houses ha$e been described as trikonas which is a fallacy. kendras are (anya. si4th.panding research. the eighth and the ele$enth houses are known as panapharas. but &ery comple. in trikona shodhana . &ery simple apparently.#earning Some Basics of Predicti'e Principles +he 4emory +a%le gi'en %efore is P. the fifth and the ninth houses are taken. it is generally omitted from this category.8. fifth. !eena and !ithuna. ninth and the twelfth houses are known as apolklima. si4th. it is necessary to understand some technical terms of astrology which are used more commonly! 1. or the aspect of one of them on a house or a planet or the mutual aspects of the lords of these houses re&eal the secrets of horoscope. Thus lagna lord is both a kendra lord and also the trikona lord. 8ut since the ninth house is trikona.! In the e4ample horoscope. +rikonas >+rines? = The lagna and the fifth and the ninth houses from the lagna are trines. The word &tri& in anskrit means AthreeA. 3. :endras >C!adrants? = The 3agna. where$er they may be placed in a horoscope. . the fourth. Dhanu. /he memory table will be e. Apoklimas >S!cc!dent? = The third. Then a special term used is 'pachaya house which are the third. In what is known as the ashtak$arga. -. !esha. trikonas.anapharas are Tula. the un is the dignitary in modern democracies and represents highly placed persons whether in go$ernment ser$ice or pri$ate firms. apoklimas and upachayas are used for predictions. The permutations and combinations of these./rikonas are Kanya. Vrisha! . panapahars. &risha *Gmit it+ and imha. lords of kendras. (umbha. mundane affairs. Makar. if we take the normal day to day. is the king always and e&erywhere! /he le&el of regal splendour he shows will depend on his condition in a horoscope! (amily = The father in a family and paternal relations. (arka. Society = The (ing in a monarchy.poklimas are &rishchika. !he Moon . Persons $hom these Planets Daily #ife epresent in 3ow. It will be good if a reader gets used to these terms after understanding how these terms come into a writer’s articles in so natural a way that the writer does not know that they may appear foreign to many. . these &ery planets represent the following worldly persons! !he Sun /he king of the solar system. the un is also a dignified administrati$e authority. !akar. sisters. the police and men in uniform. . o this planet has many great significations of $ery wide $ariety. !ars represents the army. business. scholars. In social life. 3ot of new researches will ha$e to be done in this area. Society = The wise men *Dwi2a+ of the society. the !oon aspected by personalities de$elop. estate agents etc. rulership. speakers. there is strong enough reason to go deeper into this aspect as some of my researches pro$e this to be $ery $alid. men who know the secrets of mantras and yantras. aturn represents the charisma some Mars Mars is the natural commander"in"chief in astrology! (amily = 8rothers. the other planet representing royalty is the Moon! (amily = 'epresents the mother and e$erything connected with mother. In modern age. Nota%le = In a woman’s life !ercury represents. !ercury is the financial e4pert. Mercur" #n astrology Mercury is the prince! (amily = :ousins. accountant. !athematicians. Society = !ercury represents knowledge and in modern life. maternal uncles. if afflicted by aturn a husband with less or no se4ual $irility. auditor. Nota%le = In )ttar7(alamrita.4ike the Sun. "hile many astrologers do not accept this. 2ournalist. writers. astrologers. and younger coborns and or brothers and sisters. astronomers. Society = !ars gi$es an important marital point which pertains to marriage which is why in Hindu astrology so much stress is laid on !angalya *happiness of a marriage+ and also (u2adosha *(u2a is a synonym for !ars+. (alidas attributes to !ercury some other special significations: maternal grand7father. newspaper man. administrators. Nota%le = The association of !ercury with certain planets in some rashis from the lagna is the clue to finding it out. sculptors. men in high position. Nota%le = ome astrologers following the 8hrigu system of Hindu astrology gi$e to !ars the role of a woman in a man’s life. paper merchant etc. popular person and in democracies. con$eyances. the di&ine. the ad$iser in new modern forms become legal e4perts. aturn represents. trouble. Nota%le = In 8hrigu astrology. dance. song. the ad$iser to the king *in ancient times+. fine or commercial. old age. the management e4perts. sorrow. computer7software men and e$en those who deal with flesh7trade fall under the $ast &enusian umbrella. the sacred! (amily = :hildren. poets. meaning that Venus represents. respected elders in the family *whose inter$ention and ad$ice helps sol$e family problems+ Nota%le = In )ttar (alamrita. the bankers etc. dramatists. the perfumers."life of an indi&idual! 5enerally Venus has been treated as wife! 6or those born after sun"rise Venus is said to take the place of Moon and becomes the mother! Nota%le – >enerally &enus represents family prosperity. elder brother. literature. hoteliers. culture and sophistication! (amily = 'epresents the se47life of married partners in a tradition7bound society otherwise. represents. drama. the priest. %upiter represents many new modern professionals. sickness. .Ju#iter Jupiter who is gi&en the honored place of being the guru of gods. 2ewellery. the lawyer. the se. !y best research gi$en in my books emphasise the positi$e side of aturn with many illustrations. are &enus7dominant personalities. Nota%le – In modern conte4t. Sat!rn Hindu astrologers are mostly superstitious in their understanding and treatment of the significations of aturn. Yet in all the great classics of Hindu astrology aturn has been gi$en some other beneficent roles which are o$erlooked. $enus Venus. the psychologists. Society = Traditionally. traditionally the guru of asuras (monsters . True. the scholar. Nota%le = The 2udge. is described as the lord of si. owners of restaurant. the teacher. %upiter is said to represent the husband of a woman 2ust as !ars is said to represent the wife of a man. dancers etc. the other significations gi$en to %upiter are grandsons and also grand7father. all form of arts. poetry being its sole domain.ty" four arts. Society – &enus being representati$e of arts. and precious possessions. democrats. old. ah! -e4t to aturn the most condemned planet is 'ahu. produces in$entors. iron7smiths and also industrialists *in cooperation with !ars+. )nless astrologers do new researches and see the positi$e side of these planets. #or those born at night aturn represents father. an artist in cooperation with &enus. aturn is the seeker of powers through elections to democratic bodies.aternal grand7parents *though )ttar (alamrita also uses 'ahu for maternal grand7parents+. Nota%le – . a psychologist in cooperation with %upiter. dilapidated houses specially made of bricks. (etu. These days when people learn computer it naturally falls under (etu because there is computer language to be learnt. air hostesses. :et! (etu is the most baffling planet in astrology. Society – If the un is the aristocrat. #or instance (etu represents languages and linguists. spiritual. di$ine on the one hand and baffling in a medical sense.(amily – Gld men and ser$ants in the family. are represented by aturn in traditional astrology. Nota%le – ome hints ha$e been gi$en here about the persons represented by different planets some of them are traditional and some of them are additional. (amily – . a sculptor in co7operation with !ercury etc. Society – The foreigner. (amily – 'epresents maternal grand7parents *though )ttara (alamrita takes paternal grand7parents+. the engineer. Gld. sick person in the family and those that become non7 conformistAs. aeroplane pilots and manifold new technical and semi7 technical professions fall in the domain of 'ahu. 3ower classes. taking the place of the un. aturn is the democrat while !ars is the dictator. the politician. the natural significator of father.strologers who fail to seek the $ery wide and sweeping range of all new professions created by aturn will fall into thousands of errors of 2udgments. men dealing with subtle secrets of nature around our world. the slightly unorthodo4 members of the family. more damage will be done to astrology than has already been done so far. crippled persons. the space engineer. These hints help us in making predictions about the type of go$ernment a nation will ha$e at a gi$en point of time. the architect. Society – (etu is the planet which plays key role in shaping a doctor or other men in semi7medical or alternati$e systems of medicine. . In the changed socio7economic times of ours. combined with other planets. old men. the second is . the #our . 8rahmacharya *life of celibacy+ >rihastha *the life of a householder+ &anaprastha *detaching oneself+ from house7holder’s duties+ and anyas *life of renunciation+. and successfully! #rom the first house springs the desire to en2oy peace generally and the tendency to renounce because the first stage of renunciation is physical. the second house Mesha and the twelfth house Kumbha etc! ince spiritual astrology is generally kept a secret and astrologers do not pay attention to it. aspect each other in certain houses from the lagna.urusharthas of classical Indian tradition should be understood. The classical principle should ne$er be o$erlooked and the new meaning must be disco$ered otherwise astrological research will remain stagnant.D. the start should again be made with the spiritual promise of each house! -y each house from the 4agna which is always the first house! /hus. the meaning of this should be interpreted with an open mind. To understand it. inspite of all distractions. shows the beginning of awareness of spiritual side of human life! #f three or more planets are in the first house.If planets combine. The first one is Dharma *religious conduct+.rtha *the desire to earn money+. The scheme of di$ision is the same as in the earlier trines.. can practice self"control with determination. In Hindu astrology therefore starting from the lagna there are four trines for each the purusharthas which are: Dharma Artha :aama 4oksha econd Third house house #ifth house i4th e$enth house house -inth Tenth 5le$enth house house hosue 3agna #ourth house 5ighth house Twelfth house There is anther set of four trines which depends on the di$ision of human life into four parts. +he Spirit!ality Associated With Ho!ses #n delineating the effects of each house. !he %irst &ouse /he first house representing oneself. such persons. emphasis should be laid on this aspect both for the spiritual guidance of the person concerned and for preparation for a fine spiritual era into which mankind will enter after 9009 . Brahmacharya Drihastha 5anaprastha Sanyas . for a person born with Meena lagna the first house is Meena. the third is the karma to en2oy life physically and the last is !oksha to make efforts to get sal$ation. Mars. It is in rare cases that a person with ill health but strong sense of renunciation can be spiritually e4alted. according to !aharshi . (etu particularly through con2unction or aspect. the charity one does with money and gifts are also to be seen from the second house! Note = In this respect the role of the twelfth house is more important. !he Second &ouse /he family en&ironment gi&es to one some spiritual tendencies. which is what the second house represents. Venus.The first house #ifthe house -inth house econd house i4th house Tenth house Third house e$enth house 5le$enth house #ourth house 5ighth house Twelfth house In 2udging the spiritual importance of each of these houses. being the house of Kutumba (or the family one is brought up in ! 6aith in religious and spiritual traditions are inherited and also ac$uired generally from parents! /he second house represents it. these trines should be kept in the mind. the si4th house or the twelfth house+ and must not be afflicted by aturn. 8ut we must proceed on the premise that it is sound health that is the foundation of e$en good spiritual life. !ars. besides.amine whether one has the tendency to speak truth or falsehood! /he second also being the house of earnings. In such a case the health may be bad. monetary gains etc!. including spiritual achie$ements. !he !hird &ouse /he third house known as the house of &alour and courage becomes fa&orable if there is a malefic like Rahu. is the house of upadesha or religious preaching. Saturn. Mercury without affliction to e. Ketu in it! #t shows a determination to apply oneself to spiritual practices with strong will! Note = The third house. It is always important to remember that the lagna and lord must not be ill7placed *in the eighth house.arashara. . the third house represents the part of the palm which is between the thumb and the inde4 finger with which many rituals are performed. !he %ourth &ouse . also being the house of speech! See the planets (particularly Jupiter. 'ahu.ccording to the )ttrta7kalamrita. It is sound health that alone ensures any type of achie$ement in anyone’s life. The third house also is to be seen for short and 6uick pilgrimages. because this house is important in two ways9 in the case of the indi&idual whose horoscope is being e. represents the religious"philanthropic institutions one builds and also the trusts one creates or religious./he fourth house representing buildings. the house on which all astrologers lay greatest stress for spiritual de&elopment is the ninth house! Yet. In the case of a yogi it can represent pranayama or breath7control. a malefic in the si. it is the house of his spiritual merit of his present life! It is a good fifth house that bestows $i$eka or a sense of discrimination and deep spiritual wisdom born both of the reading of scriptures and spirituals practices.amined. such persons find that by mo$ing from one place to another only they can follow their spiritual pursuits.ority of astrologers see the fifth house for the . there is a contro&ersy among astrologers whether it is the ninth house or the fifth house that is to be seen for the spiritual merit of the past life! . !he %ifth &ouse 1n important principle of 7indu astrology is that if a planet aspects its own house. !he Si'th &ouse #n the life of a spiritual practitioner fifteen types of distractions are normal! More often than not these take a person away from the desired spiritual path! /o o&ercome such house is always good! 1s it is. house or ashram with rhythmic regularity. philanthropic and other good trusts with the money one has! In the life of an indi$idual the fourth house represents his desire to pursue his spiritual life in the 6uiet surroundings of a place.hile house is good for ensuring sound health and the tenacity to o&ercome obstacles! #n spiritual life this house helps in de&eloping one pointed concentration! !he Se(enth &ouse /his house of se. 8ut if such a house is disturbed.ual lust gets transformed into lo&e and a sadhak feel the spiritual &ibrations of the rising kundalini! !he )ighth &ouse #t should be noticed that the fourth house is the house of spirituality and sal&ation in the trines gi&en before! /he eighth house is the second of such house. a malefic in the si. yantra.t to the fifth house. is also the house of se. it represents the spiritual merit of his past life and in the case of his father. but being a secret house (eighth house is a hidden house one practices one:s sadhana in secluded and cloistered places! #t is true that this house also represents agonies which must include spiritual disappointments in the act attaining a blissful state of samadhi! !he Ninth &ouse 3e. that house gets strengthened! /his should be seen &ery closely in the case of the fifth house around which re&ol&es the reali8ation of the potency of mantra."sublimination! #t is when the kundalini power rises high that se. as the key7note of religious progress. it is also logical to see that after the eighth house of samadhi that the spiritual merit of this life blossoms out! /he ninth house therefore is to be e. along with the lord of the tenth house. This is a harsh spiritual reality which will not be palatable to many modern young people. after which one can become a guru or a spiritual guide.itro de$o bha$aJ *let father be the god+ is the eternal lesson children are taught to lay poper foundation of their spiritual life. The use of &imshamsha *one7twentieth di$ision horoscope+ will ha$e to be brought into use. the ele&enth house is a &ery enigmatic house! -enefics in it will attract one to worship of many gods and great scriptural scholarship and authorship! Many planets in it will bring. worship of gods! It is the house which represented the last stage of full spiritual de$elopment. the last of the dharma triangle. Yet an astrologer cannot afford to o$erlook this. lot of money as the ele&enth house is the last of the kama triangle or desires! Such desires can be good and e&il! /he ele&enth house is thus the house of the last of the temptations a religious person has to face. These $ery promises are to be e4amined in greater details through many other finer analysis. !he )*e(enth &ouse #n a spiritual sense. which must be o&ercome to reach the final destination. . wins social recognition through his deeds (e&en misdeeds ! #t is for this reason that Jupiter. those who are cruel to their parents cannot hope to be spiritually successful in their practices.amined for all acts of penance. This house also is for father. Note = The fourth house which is the first house of the moksha triangle represents mother which is why ser$ing one’s mother is the ser$ice to adi7guru *the first guru+. spiritual and ritualistic deeds! Note = In the case of a guru the tenth house shows the 6uality of his deeds. the greatest benefic is preferred most in this house for holy deeds because the tenth house is the house of religious. the condition of the twelfth lord and Ketu are the sal&ation gi&ing factors! 1 bad twelfth house can ruin all the spiritual promises of an otherwise good horoscope! Note – "hat has been gi$en so far here is only a bare outline of the spiritual promise inherent in a horoscope. J!atri de$o bha$aJ *let mother be the goddess+ and J. pilgrimage. sal&ation! !he !+e*fth &ouse /he twelfth house.merit of the past life. who is one of the early gurus of a child. !he !enth &ouse /he tenth house is the house of those deeds which are noticed! 1 person who has potentised a mantra and has become a guru.Inferentially. shows the importance of ser$ice to one’s father. The ninth house. as donations to a guru. It is for this reason that the anskrit saying. the early part of life. and business agencies also! !he %ourth &ouse . good or ill"health. short . the most important factor in the spiritual e$olution of a person is to see what *dasha in &imshottari + se6uence one has got in life. The other traditionally associated significations with the houses ha$e been gi$en in detail in many books.amine it for sports. the food one eats.(eeping this forewarning in the mind it will be useful to know what each house represents. fortunately now a$ailable in translation in 5nglish. the money one gets and also death! !he !hird &ouse /raditionally. This mistake is committed by some Indians who do not make an in7depth study of astrology and study other techni6ues.ourneys. do not take any of the interpretations gi$en in them as being dogmatic and unalterable. What is to seen from $hich Ho!se o far what has been gi$en is the spiritual aspects associated with each house from the lagna. spiritual astrology more often than not becomes a wild goose chase. the personal de&elopment of the child and the character as a whole! !he Second &ouse #t is known as kutumba or the family of one:s parents and is to be seen for speech.%aimini astrology should be used before any predictions about anyone’s spiritual life is gi$en otherwise. !he Lagna %ne is born in a particular sign. Together with all this. safe and sound method which an astrologer can adopt is to make a proper use of the na$amsha *one ninth+ di$ision of a horoscope and e4amine the fifth and the ninth lords and houses of na$amsha and then the twelfth lord. The most fa$ourable periods are the periods of the fifth and the ninth lords. not predictions themsel$es. this house is to be seen for brothers and sisters. artistic talents. Note = . These days more and more people ha$e generally two additional 6uestions to ask. which will be discussed later! !he %irst &ouse /he first house represents the physical body. 8ut it is necessary to sound a warning here. which is his lagna and therefore the first house! 7is personality will partake of the characteristics of those signs. letters and $uick writing! -ut these days it is necessary to e. "hat are gi$en in these classics are aids to predictions. the first about their spiritual life and the other about their ailments. accumulation of wealth (it being the second of the artha trine . se. sudden financial gains. trade with a foreign . inheritance. foreign countries. children and the power of discrimination! !he Si'th &ouse +iseases. lo&er. elder brothers and sisters.penditure. respect.tending house is also employment fame. happiness are the traditional sub.ourneys. honors. sports. debts.ual and con. learning.ect to be seen from the fourth house! <. waste etc! are the traditional factors associated with this house! /hese days. se. marriage but these days li&ing together. wills are the positi&e side of this house while the negati&e side is long illnesses. opposition. in. a good ninth house impro&es a horoscope! !he !enth &ouse %ne:s profession (the si. and e$en settlement abroad and death. titles. an artist:s studio. business profits are to be seen! !he !+e*fth &ouse 4oss.ugal life! !he Ninth &ouse /he father (though the tenth house should also be seen spiritual tendencies. pilgrimages. it should be seen for business and business partnership. getting settled in a foreign country. honors. a doctor:s clinic. con&eyances. de&otion. ad&entures and father:s profession are seen from this house! !he Se(enth &ouse /raditionally. cause of death. a philanthropist:s trust and an industrialist:s factories are the modern additions! !he %ifth &ouse #t is the house of education (though some take the fourth house as education intelligence. foreign . association with legal and religious personalities are the commonest factors seen from this house! #t being the house of luck. land. life are associated with this house! These days. e. therefore wife.uries are the negati&e factors associated with this house! %n the positi&e side. !he )ighth &ouse 4egacies. dignity and one:s achie&ements are seen from this house! !he )*e(enth &ouse 1ll types of gains.Mother. imilarly. an old astrologer had gi$en in writing to a famous Indian not to go to hills for some years. imprisonment are necessary and ine&itable e&ents to be gleaned from this house! #or spiritual practitioners this is the most important house for the promise of spiritual life and sal$ation. . "hat has been gi$en here is for day to day use only. the rashis are gi$en directions. In making subtle predictions. caste and it is also e4plained how they rise. . a long list of e$ents and things to be seen from each of the house can be compiled in hundreds of pages. Directions of Planets 5ast outh -orth "est un !ars !ercury aturn outh 5ast &enus outh "est 'ahu -orth 5ast !oon -orth "est %upiter . partly.s has been stated. imilarly the 6uality of a rashi.ail. attwic * pirituality+ 'a2asic *acti$ity+ and Tamasic *inertia+ is also useful in psychological7spiritual. colour. the information is made use of but at an ad$anced stage of an astrological career. !ore than se$en decades ago. His car slid down the hill and he recei$ed multiple The last bit of information about the nature of their rise is made use of for predicting how 6uickly any work is done when a 6uestion is put in prashna astrology *horary+ how soon a work will be done or not and whether there is any promise of auspicious results. 8ut that could not be a$oided as the Indian had to go there to perform his duties. 7sef!l "nformation A%o!t ashis In making predictions about $arious e$ents the most essential information that must be made use of is being gi$en in descripti$e form partly and in chart7form. mental and other characteristics that manifest in the mahadasha and the antardasha running at a gi$en time. That Indian was running the sub7period of a planet in imha. . D. A for (rista or misfortunes of ill health and tragic e$ents. second. fifth. <arlier. S for special aspects.S.A. ninth and ele$enth and of course cords of those houses. . fourth. The method e$ol$ed here helps one grasp the essentials of horoscope well. P. A. if any. . is being e4plained now.A. ).). the lords that should be seen for this are of the first. S. /his is to be applied with the mahadasha and its sub"periods and then transit of planets of predictions! 5ach of the D. D for Dhana or wealth.A.). So the f!ll 4emory +a%let is P.change ome horoscopes ha$e some $ery special features by o$erlooking which we astrologers commit serious mistakes. that one should go into details.A.:+ with the lords of the fifth and the ninth houses. one by one.8.S.R. . R for )a*ayoga or combination for rise professionally and otherwise promise of distinctions in $arious fields. 3ow the full Memory /able is being which # ha&e taught successfully to thousands of students in #ndia and in =!S!1! who ha&e found it working as a sound methodological analysis! /he second half of the memory tablet is D.)&panded 4emory +a%let D. .). ) for +. monetary gains. . eight and twelfth including the lagna in$ariably and its lord. se$enth and tenth and their combinations *. The lords and houses to be seen are the third. It is after this preliminary e4ercise has been done. si4th.S..A. The houses and the lords to be seen are the first. part of Memory /ablet was gi&en. #(strology. 5$en out of these four benefics. <. &enus. is a danger signal for a child if under malefic influence and e$en in adulthood or old age if in ill7placed *in the si4th. heck*ist for Danger Points *! 3atural malefics are Saturn. The malefics are aturn. 'etrograde benefics lose their beneficence particularly if they are aspected by malefics. o against fi$e malefics there are only four benefics. The !oon and !ercury under malefic influences become malefics. %upiter. 'ahu. malefics and benefics. the lagna lord plays the most important role. (etu and the un. Rahu. #or further reading refer to my book. In this way all the death7inflicting planets can be tabulated for all lagnas. the dasha se6uence and transit of planets are important in timing such e$ents.rishta or malefic effects of planets. The lagna lord placed in the eighth. Here as usual. >enerally planets are di$ided into two categories. !ercury as the second lord and !ars as the se$enth lord are to be watched. Mars. The !oon. . The benefics are %upiter. si4th or twelfth house is bad for health. !ars. Destiny and the Wheel of Time#. in childhood.. -e4t to the lagna lord. Ketu and the Sun! 9. Then come into play the si4th house and its lord. the eighth house and its lord and the twelfth house and its lord. the !oon and !ercury can become ineffecti$e or e$en malefic if they are in the company of malefic or come under their influence. when sicknesses and diseases affect an indi&idual! /here are many other principles! 7ere only a &ery easy instance is being gi&en! 7ouse"wise they are9 #or !esha. the !oon is important.A >Arishta or 4alefic "nfl!ences? +he second letter EAE represents . !ercury and the strong !oon *the !oon is neither malefic nor $ery near the un+.s usual. &enus as the second and the se$enth lord. &enus. #or &risha. . Sound !ime !ested Princi#*es . =. !ercury and the !oon. eighth or the twelfth+ house orHand malefic influences. !he Death -nf*icting P*anets /he lords of the second and se&enth houses and planets in the second and the se&enth houses and their dasha periods are the periods to be watched. Then retrograde benefics also lose their natural benefic nature. Is the lagna afflictedI there benefics in the kendrasI 9. house! . before e4amining any horoscope apply the following check7list. Is the !oon afflictedI lagna lord and the !oon ill placed in the si4th. si4th and ele$enth houses. the fourth. Is the mahadasha running along with its sub7period running and the sub7periods to follow promising reco$ery for continuing sickness or misfortuneI 1. 8enefics in kendras *in the malefics in transit harmfulI E. eighth and twelfth houses. 9. si4th and ele$enth housesI . . #inally. se$enth and tenth houses+ and. Is the lagna lord afflictedI ?. . is the opening dasha and its sub7period itself make that start of someone’s life with ill7healthI Arishta "ll!strations -**ustration . /. ./he sound and time"tested principles of good life and health are9 /. !alefics in the *! /he lagna is Simha with two malefics and the lagna lord is the Sun in the si. .re there malefics in the third. <. merica. The child was born in the ma2or period of the un. . 9. There is no malefic in the third or ele$enth house. in the lagna. /. the parents of the child who can afford the best of medical treatment being rich. a killer7house. Two benefics. The only benefic %upiter in the tenth house is retrograde. which is afflicted by aturn *the third aspect+ and !ars *the fourth aspect+ and is in the second house. <.. the lagna lord. aturn and !ars . <. This child born with brain palsy is unable to walk and crawl. The 3agna is afflicted by 'ahu. Though in the )nited tates of . The only malefic in the ele$enth house is !ars which is debilitated. %upiter and &enus are in kendras but are with malefics. retrograde.. there is the period of (etu of se$en years in the se$enth house.fter !ercury. The prediction gi$en was that the child would not sur$i$e. The dasha to follow is of &enus in the second house afflicted by again. =. It is a weak !oon and so badly placed. =. +he Second "ll!stration This young girl was born in the ma2or period of !ercury. The !oon is in the si4th house at fi$e degrees and thirty se$en minutes and within two degrees of the un whose degrees are three and thirty minutes.9. ha$e gi$en up hopes. The last information we recei$ed is that the child is nearing its death */EE<+. which is to be followed by that of the !oon of ten years and of !ars. . . and therefore weak. the second lord.or period of the Sun with a balance of fi&e years.This girl suffering from failed kidney is struggling between life and death when last information was recei$ed. and the boy was doing well in his studies! /hen came the sub"period of Saturn in the ma.or period of the Moon! A! /he picture does not become apparent unless the navamsha (the ninth di&ision is seen! -n the na(amsha – (a /he Moon is the second house with Mars and is aspected by Saturn! . who is also the ninth lord! '! /he lagna lord. Mercury is debilitated but with Jupiter! >! /wo benefics are in kendras. +hird "ll!stration *! /he lagna has malefic eighth lord.t came the period of the Moon. one month and ele&en days! @! 3e. Saturn. Mercury and Jupiter but Mercury is debilitated! ?! /his boy was born in the ma. 3agna lord and the tenth lord. The fifth lord and the tenth lord. 3agna lord and the fifth lord.(b Mercury whose sub"period the boy was running when his paralysis became acute is the eighth lord from the na&amsha lagna while he is the lagna lord of the birth horoscope! (c /he Moon as the second lord of the birth horoscope and being associated with Mars who is also the si. 3agna lord and the fourth lord. The fourth lord and the ninth lord. <. 9. It has been stated earlier that trines are known as 3akshmi sthanas or houses of wealth.. /0. @. /. 1.fter EDE and EAE we now come to E E which represents 'a2ayogas or planetary combinations for rise in one’s work. 3agna lord and the ninth lord. The ninth lord and the se$enth lord. The fourth lord and the fifth lord. It has also been stated the 6uadrants are &ishnu sthanas or the houses of protection. 3agna lord and the se$enth lord. lord of the na&amsha is in the second house! /he boy did not sur&i&e as soon as the Moon"Venus period began! Venus in the twelfth house in the birth horoscope and afflicted by Ketu. a$ocation or profession. . 2ob. =. . There are many ways of e4amining it. . Therefore the 'a2ayogas for each horoscope will ha$e to be seen thus. #irst remember the following three points: /. E. is also afflicted in the na&amsha by Ketu. It has also been stated that the lagna lord is the lord both of the trikona and the kendra. The simplest principle is to see the combination of the lords of trikonas *trines+ and kendras *6uadrants+. Saturn and Mars! > a@ayogas? .. 9. ?. The fifth lord and the se$enth lord. strology. ee whether the planets promising high things in the birth horoscope ha$e deteriorated in the na$amsha or ha$e impro$ed. 9. "hat is necessary to stress is not to undermine the importance of houses other than the kendras and trikonas. . 'ahu and (etu in the kendras beha$e like kendra lords and in trikonas beha$e like trikona lords.. ee what are the 'a2ayogas in a horoscope.strology what is apparent in the birth horoscope may impro$e or deteriorate in the na$amsha. <. -ote the planets with directional strength. %upiter and !ercury are strong in the lagna. It is ne$er safe to make any prediction without using the na$amsha. If they are aspected by %upiter they ac6uire beneficence. Dhanu or !eena are generally good.//. . The !oon and &enus are strong in the fourth house. un and !ars are strong in the tenth house. we shall make use only of directional strength here. Here the so7called e$il houses must ha$e new meaning. /. The =. "mportance of the Na'amsha In Hindu . aturn is strong in the se$enth house. 9. which is to be seen as follows: /. Directional Strength Gut of the si47fold strength of planets popular in Hindu .. 4odern esearches In industrial times so many new opportunities ha$e opened up before today’s generations that one can mo$e from one 2ob to another and keep rising higher. o we will go deeper from here onwards. it is of utmost important to see what dasha one gets at the right time for achie$ing what one has achie$ed. <. Note = 'ahu and (etu in the houses of %upiter. "mportance of the Dasha In $iew of the importance of making careers early in life. . The ninth lord and the tenth lord. check7list is being gi$en here. by which what is meant is the combination of kendra and trikona lords. 3ook out for new meanings in the changed times in which we are li$ing. . =. o$erlooking the JKJ element and gone wrong.n astrologer is not infallible. Gften. This fact is forgotten by many people who blame the astrologer without being sure that their horoscope is correctly cast. I ha$e gi$en predictions about big e$ents. 1. Note = . ome illustrations will be gi$en . a@ayoga "ll!strations )&ample . 3ast will come transit of planets. Yet a sound and detailed analysis of a horoscope will gi$e to him a life a$erage of eighty percent correct predictions. To gi$e e4aggerated importance to transits is to mistake the feather of a bird for the bird itself. ee what is the mahadasha and antar7dasha or ma2or and sub7periods running at a gi$en time. Do not forget to e4amine EAE *arishta+ first. those who e4pect one hour of reading from an astrologer are themsel$es responsible for dri$ing an astrologer into a wrong position. Note = . a horoscope may take hours of $erification for its correctness. Therefore add $argottama planets also. in the book. "here$er necessary use the sub7sub7period also. planet which remains at the same place as in the birth horoscope is called $argottama planet also. E. before launching into a prediction. ?. In ) . ometimes. 9.. Dasha SeF!ence = He got the dasha of &enus of twenty years from the age of fifteen years. -o wonder he has made a $ery good career as a big go$ernment officer in >o$ernment of India. !ars is e4alted. )&ample +$o . The !oon is in his own house. 9. In the na$amsha aturn gets e4alted.In this horoscope *all planets not gi$en+.. . Na'amsha = /. &enus is in its own house. note the following feature: /. %upiter also gets e4alted. &enus has ac6uired directional strength being in the fourth house. . 'ahu with e4alted ninth lord. . 9. is e4alted. !ars the lagna lord combines with the fifth lord %upiter and forms a 'a2ayoga. in$ol$ed in an e4change with &enus. as they ha$e not changed their positions. The e4change of the e4alted !oon. !ars and !ercury are in their own houses while the !oon the lord of ninth house *luck+. Na(amsha – /. 9.. aturn and the !oon occupy their own house. Dasha Se/uence – #rom the age of eight */E. with &enus is another 'a2ayoga.a@ayogas = /. . 'ahu and (etu and the un *the tenth lord of the birth horoscope+ are $argottama. !ore important is the fact that 'ahu is $argottama.?+ he got the dasha of 'ahu of full eighteen years. 2oins in promoting the 'a2ayoga. He made his career in the period of 'ahu and went on rising higher and higher in the period of %upiter. "hy did this happenI Here comes the importance of the sub7sub7period. 8ut being with a $argottama un. aturn with (etu aspected by !ars the si4th lord *opposition+ ga$e him *since e4alted !oon also aspects aturn+ technically. Note = In interpreting the results of the dasha the mutual disposition between the ma2or dasha lord *here aturn+ and the sub7dasha lord *here %upiter + gi$es a $aluable clue whether the work will be done smoothly or not. It became a case of being kicked Jupward to be demoted or o$erlooked. the eighth lord in the eighth house. aturn again contributed to his rise but at the $ery last stage halted his progress when he could not reach the topmost position. %upiter in the si4th house of opposition with the si4th lord !ars is also in the si4th house from aturn. The sub7sub7period lord is !ercury. aturn as we ha$e already seen has to cause him some disappointment at some stage. He was gi$en a higher status and not the co$eted post which e$eryone thought he deser$ed. representing a set7back. a higher post but it was not the co$eted post which he wanted. In #ebruary /E1= when this crucial decision was to ha$e been taken he was passing through: The ma2or period of aturn The sub7period of %upiter and The sub7sub7period of !ercury.J )&ample +hree . it did not cause any serious handicap.He ne4t got the full si4teen years of %upiter who is in$ol$ed in the 'a2ayoga as we ha$e seen. . <. it is called a >a2akesari Yoga promising good rise in life. Dasha = . !ars *the tenth lord+ with &enus the ninth lord in the se$enth house shows that both he and his wife occupy important positions in their business establishments.. The >a2akesari yoga in the fifth house. aturn is e4alted. 9. Na'amsha = un gets e4altedL !ercury is $argottama e4alted while !ars is $argottama. . /. he got the dasha of %upiter and has now been ha$ing the dasha of e4alted.Da@akesari yoga = If %upiter and the !oon are together or in 6uadrants from each other.fter nearly se$enteen years of 'ahu dasha’s balance. like !ercury. aturn in the ninth house of luck. The un and !ercury are also the fifth and se$enth lords forming another 'a2ayoga. the 3akshmi sthana of wealth is most promising. It being the dasha of his fifth lord his children are also prospering. 8ut what is fortune is also misfortune. with Venus being e.alakshana yoga.alted! '! /he aspect of Mars. This horoscope does not promise birth of children. the fifth lord is another Ra.ayoga! 1 prediction was gi&en to him that in the period of Saturn and the sub"period of Venus he would get a &ery dignified position! 7e has been for fi&e years (in *BB? now the head of an #ndian state! >! /he na&amsha continues the promise of Jupiter"Sun combination! Mars and Venus are in their own houses! Saturn is &argottama! /he Moon is Vargottama! <.This will be followed by the dasha of $argottama and e4alted !ercury which will be e4cellent. the lagna lord with Mercury the ninth lord.ayogas are the combination of Venus. )&ample (o!r *! /he combination of Jupiter and the Sun is known as a Ra. the se&enth lord and Saturn. . a promise of regal dignity! /he fifth house is the house of dignity! /he dasha of the fifth lord is the time for such promised dignity to manifest! /he other Ra. S G >Special (eat!res? 5$ery horoscope has some $ery special features. . The second instance is the the fifth e4ample under EDE . In her case the second lord gets e4changed with the fifth lord. is in the ninth house! /his person rose &ery high in his . then 0A0. JThe -ehru Dynasty – .stro7biographical . is the !oon e4alted in the @th house while the (th lord.0 and in the second part we ha&e co&ered 0D0. 9. Venus. It is an e4cellent e4change for material prosperity and attainment of high positions in life.) G >)&change of #ords of Ho!ses? . Indira >andhi’s turbulent career of political rise.ortraitsJ.ob! "ndira Dandhi In my book. and. . finally her assasination by her own bodyguards are well e4plained by the e4change in her horoscope. then 0R0C now we come to 0)D which represents e.A. In the second e4ample under E E the ninth lord of the lagna *&rishchika+..e ha&e so far gone through the first part the memory tablet 0P. <. )nder EAE the first e4ample shows that the second lord in the si4th house ac6uires death7dealing propensities. Here the lord of the lagna. ome instances ha$e already been gi$en of such e4changes earlier. I ha$e gi$en a $ery detailed account of the meaning of such e4changes. the lagna with the se$enth lord and the si4th lord with the ele$enth lord. The second instance under EDE has !eena lagna whose lord %upiter is in the fourth house and the fourth lord !ercury is in the lagna. 6a$aharlal Nehr! >1112G12/-? . special yogas and their intricacies are so baffling that it takes many hours of work of many days to unra$el the planetary mysteries which tell their stories.change! /. %upiter in the fourth house is good e$en otherwise. It is an e4cellent e4change not only between two benefics but also two e4cellent houses the house representing body *lagna+ and the house representing happiness *the fourth house+ . her defeats at the hands of her enemies and many $ictories o$er them. !ars is in the fifth house of goddess 3akshmi and the lord of the fifth is in the lagna.s it is. ruthless and unprincipled crushing of democratic institutions. It is called !allika yoga or the garland of planets. It is a rare planetary position for an emperor. . though. 8ut three e4alted planets. Therefore. Three benefics aspecting his tenth house ha$e kept ali$e his image as an idealist in a world of crooked statesmanship! 4orar@i Desai >112/G122/? 8oth India’s first prime minister and later his daughter Indira >andhi. he. Yet.The first prime minister of India. %awaharlal -ehru was the greatest $isionary and the statesman of his era. It is known a guru7 chandala yoga. herself also an Indian prime minister. %upiter. ga$e to his political career rarest resilience. tried their best to suppress this infle4ibly rigid idealist. %awaharlal -ehru had an e4traordinary horoscope in which there is a continuous chain of planets from the lagna to the si4th house. !ercury *se$enth aspect+ of !ars *the eighth+ and of %upiter *the fifth+. -ehru’s tenth house recei$es the aspects of &enus. guru represents the spiritual. a second feature of %awaharlal -ehru’s horoscope that needs understanding is the aspect of !ars on %upiter with (etu. aturn and !ars. because of his 5uropean unbringing worked against the cultural and religious interests of India. cultural and religious traditions and when he gets afflicted by two malefics he loses that and becomes a chandala *the low grade person+. 8ut the most remarkable feature of the horoscope of !orar2i is that from aturn. (anti 8hai Desai was accused of being corrupt. Then an e4alted %upiter in the second house ga$e to him ma2esty of truth speaking. the lagna lord and &enus in the eighth house with e4alted !ars aspected by an e4alted %upiter has gi$en to !orar2i a long life. a rare $irtue among politicians. !ercury combination 7 all these planets are in kendras from each other e4erting pressure on each other to do their best of the P E ee how each lord of the twel$e houses is placed. to sur$i$e all intrigues against him. +he 8onsolidated 8heckG#ist . *&enus. This bad e4change of the fifth and the eighth lord was his misfortune. He died in /EE? after #ebruary. aturn in his horoscope made his e4periences with his children $ery painful. (anti 8hai Desai. The un in the ninth house is not considered fa$ourable for the longe$ity of one’s father.hat has been discussed so far is being di&ided into different sections in the form of a consolidated check"list.!orar2i was lucky to ha$e got the ma2or periods of %upiter’s. 8orn on #ebruary 9Eth on a leap year in /1E?. followed by aturn again e4alted. The e4change between the fifth lord. it is not strange that !orar2i’s father committed suicide. . which e&ery astrologer must practice before gi&ing a prediction! Section . he entered his hundredth year and was the oldest sur$i$ing statesman of the world. his tenth lord e4alted. Gne daughter of his committed suicide and while his only sur$i$ing son. &enus and the eighth lord. &enus. !ercury and !ars+ and one in the tenth house. Two benefics. !orar2i had the rare greatness to e4cuse Indira >andhi after he became the prime minister and gi$e her ade6uate security to sa$e her from many Indians who might ha$e murdered her and her son an2ay >andhi for the atrocities they had committed during the -ational 5mergency of /E@=7@@ when Indira >andhi was the prime minister of India. A = ee which planet aspects which other planet and the house. 3ater. three planets are in kendra in !akar. ee it from %upiter or from !ars. "ith 'ahu there with the un in the ninth house of father. 8ut is was the misfortune of !orar2i that he found his son. in the !ercury period he become the prime minister of India inspite of the terrible intrigues of Indira >andhi against him. the commonest target of attack at the hands of those of India’s politicians who were known to be on the pay7rolls of many industrialists and e$en Indira >andhi. %upiter. !ercury. = ee how the lords of kendras and trikonas combine to e$aluate the chances of one’s rise in life. It is estimated that only 9000 *one7fifth of a million+ stanFas are a$ailable to us in Indian languages while in 5nglish only a few thousand ha$e been translated. )ao. A = ee how the lagna lord and the !oon and the lords and houses known from malefiscence. the twelfth and e$en the third are in a horoscope. )eading her chart he was able to tell ama3ing details of her life. 2rawley wrote. their relationships. 'ao showed how his . from the most ordinary manAs to the most e4traordinary.. S = 5$ery horoscope has special features. 4oon and <o!r Psychology In writing about my first visit to '-( in . so many manuscripts and with its belief in reincarnation and transmigration of souls alone can be the originator of the science of astrology. losses etc. 8ut many of them are hidden in those manuscripts. #Important Western astrologers came to visit !r.8 = ee which planets are con2unct. Ingrid . to find about the planetary information a$ailable about monetary gains. by one estimate. This is an area of great research. . It is because of this that western astrologers argue $ainly and without any basis that India is not the land of origin of astrology. he turned out in details the psychological sophistication of Hindu . JYet 'ao’s readings were not mere feasts of prediction. Dr. ) = 54changes between the lords of houses ha$e their own mysterious meaning. their lordships for further analysis. including the characters and features of her parents#. in this case. the si4th. one of the most prominent Western astrologers particularly in the field of medical astrology received a reading from !r. fifth. #rawely aslo said. In the same report Dr. the eighth. Yet. special features in a horoscope. nation with so many millions of anskrit stanFas. planets+ gi$e to a horoscope a new and undisco$ered meaning. known as yoga* born of yoga *which means union of two or more. ninth and the ele$enth houses from a . second.: relationship. Section !+o D E ee how the lords of the lagna.aiman. )ao and said that the predictive accuracy of indu system as related by )ao had no real counterpart in Western tropical astrology.ovember /001. To understand it one has to read all the a$ailable classics of Hindu astrology which ha$e. fifty million stanFas in anskrit in many manuscripts which are to be translated into Indian languages.strology which "estern astrologers and their psychology based interpretation tend to ignore saying the Hindu astrology is of predicti$e $alue only. she told me. . !ore than my reading of the horoscope of Ingrid -aiman it was her fine con$ersational ability which pleased me so much. . He was surprised.nd during that period she had an e4traordinary motor car which must ha$e been the en$y of many. If Ingrid is such a fine intellectual it is because of her early unbringing under a scientist father and artist mother which. she told me that her father was a scientist and her mother an opera singer.prediction of e$ents in a person’s life is third stage astrology. That was counselling and gi$en to a well7established and successful psychiatrist. If she e$er wrote about it. which was sensational in many ways. It stunned her completely. is what do they mean by counsellingI !y own ideas are based on my seeing Indians trained in )( or ) . to cap it. as the action is the outcome of an intention and a particular mentality deri$ed through time the circumstances of a person’s life. Then to see what impact some e$ents in their li$es ha$e had on their psyche.merican friends. she told me. as he has written in his book on the -ehru Dynasty. stage by stage. good and bad about the . /. 6uestion to which I would need a $ery clear and specific answer from my . #inally when I told him that he could run into serious difficulties because of some unethical practice.merican could gi$e me till this day any satisfactory answer. and in my other contacts with foreigners who ha$e come to me for consultations is that they insist on being gi$en a psychological reading without first wanting to know about some e$ents of their li$es.J "hat amaFed me in ) . and di$iding the remedial measures into $ery clear categories. because at home I saw my own mother do $ery good counselling after reading the charts of the persons who came to her. . It was India she said. counsellingI -o . to help an astrologer see how a person’s life has been shaped from early childhood. ince she did not want me to discuss her horoscope in any article or book. could ne$er be seen through "estern astrology. In his day long class he showed in detail the psychology operating in the charts of the -ehru family. I had another interesting e4perience when I did on phone the reading of a well7established psychiatrist that he had second wife who was beautiful and perhaps an actress. I rarely felt satisfied with her results. "hen I met Ingrid again in %uly /EE< she spent two e$enings discussing many things. and their techni6ues are $ery well known to me. I had the rare ad$antage of working in my undergraduate days with a woman psychiatrist from >ermany when a professor of mine asked me to help her. as gi$en here. If such influences cannot be seen by an astrologer how could he e$er claim that he could do psychological reading and then. she would be Jbumped offJ. which a good astrologer should be able to read in the chart before making conclusions about a person’s psychology. who could not ha$e known what was awaiting him in future. he was shocked. :ases where the fears had no foundation because the horoscope re$ealed no need for any worry. In retrospect I can say that. Gne was that she had a spell of a 2ob in a foreign country. Totally surprised. In reading her horoscope I started with her childhood and told her that I saw a $ery well7placed father with technical background and a mother with proficiency and distinction in fine arts.merican life. I will only mention some other readings of mine which she liked. It was precisely a difficult eighteen month period. . +he lagna is the body. which people in ) . it takes me many hours of work and not the one hourAs guillitone. /. . . :ases where confrontation had better be a$oided. two different charts are prepared to do readings. she ad&ised remedial spiritual remedies and e&en used some yantras which she had learnt from classical -rahmins of 1ndhra 0radesh in her childhood! She ne&er taught them to me because she was instructed by her -rahmin guru not to teach them to anyone! -ut # saw those &ery simple measures work &ery well! A! 2ases where nothing would work at all! M" Mother1s !echni/ue I ha$e not met any astrologer who made so wide a use of the !oon in a horoscope and the %anma7nakshatra or the birth star. which are – .n e4perienced Hindu astrologer should know that in some cases fi$e minutes will do for counselling and $ery specific guidance while in other cases it may take many days. I ha$e had to learn many dashas other than &imshottari based on the %anma7 nakshatra and e4periment with di$isional horoscopes *harmonic charts+ and %aimini’s si4teen dashas to search light amidst gloom. <. =. 9. but that is the starting point only. The psycho7analytical frame in Hindu astrology is $ery elaborate and e4ceedingly well defined. :ases where the ine$itable should be accepted. It will take a $ery large book to e4plain it. gi$e to their clients. first from the lagna and then from the Moon! #n the south #ndian chart two charts need not to be prepared but the same scientific approach is adopted! "hy then is so much importance igi$en to the !oon must be understoodd. In difficult cases where the ine$itability appeared to be imminent or e&en fatal. :ases where a little patient waiting would help. Why the 4oon A #n the north #ndian style of birth charts if the Moon is a house other than the lagna. To do it. The starting point of this is the e4amination of the !oon. Si& di'isional horoscopes are its si4 limbs.9. :ases where the fears could be o$ercome by using common sense and by taking precautions in time. 8ut one must understand why the !oon is the pi$otal point in the psychology of a man. and physical body. a. +he %irth horoscope is for the study of physical, general and broad understanding of a man’s personality. b. Hora which is a two fold di$ision of a horoscope is to be seen for wealth, though it has some other uses also. c. Dreshkona >Drekkana? is one third di$ision of a horoscope for finding out mainly about brothers and sisters though it has a wide $ariety of uses. d. Na'amsha or the one7ninth di$ision of a horoscope for seeing the subtle, hidden planetary stories but is used mainly for marital and relationship problems. e. D$adashamsha or the Gne7twelfth di$ision is used to know about parents, though it has most e4traordinary uses of other kinds also. f. +rimsamsha, one thirtieth di$ision *actually fi$e di$isions+ for misfortune, though it re$eals a wealth of details about one’s talents also. ;. Gther planets, i.e. !ars, !ercury, %upiter, &enus, flesh and blood of the body. <. The !oon is the life7force and =. The un is the soul. aturn, 'ahu and (etu are the To do astrology without seeing the $ery great role of the !oon in it is to do autopsy, not astrology, of a horoscope. The great &edic seers knew all about it and ha$e used the !oon in so many ways that it will need the efforts of a life7time to comprehend them and use them fully. -o astrologer knows the full uses of the !oon in a horoscope. 8ut a sound Hindu astrologer knows the great importance of the !oon and knows that it is the life force of the horoscope. +he Approach To understand the role of the !oon in a horoscope, one must first understand broad and general category for the psychological understanding of a personality. Then understand it again in a less broad but general way by using the birth7star. .fter that should come the manifold specific influence of the !oon in a horoscope through microscopic $iews. Broad 7nderstanding of 4oonHs "nfl!ence in different Ho!ses /he psychological influences generated by the Moon in different houses starting from Mesha (1ries must be understood first! Moon in Mesha 2Aries3 /. Muick mo$ing and obser$ant eyes *not steady on one ob2ect at one time+. 9. usceptibility to sickness is apparent. ;. Has the tendency to obser$e some religious norms. <. His thighs are generally thicker. =. ?. ense of gratitude is less. a$es himself from sinning. @. Has enough dynamism to win recognition in high circles. 1. "ill be happy to make his spouse happy. E. Is afraid of water. /0. Has clear tendency to be rash, o$er7dynamic. //. :alms down in old age. 4oon in 5risha >+a!r!s? *! #nclinations to en,oy life:s gifts are strong! '! /endency to gift away things is apparent in his actions! >! 5enerally his heart is pure as his emotions are noble! ?! <fficiency in the performance of duty is notable! @! 2an e&en ha&e a &ery high le&el of spritual purity! A! Makes generally a strong personal presence! (! 0rosperity comes to him easily! F! -elie&es in good li&ing and en,oyments! B! ;ill ha&e something magnetic about himself! *)! 7as a wide circle of good friends! Moon in Mithuna 24emini3 *! 7is speech habits are pleasant! '! ;ill ha&e $uick mo&ing and obser&ant eyes! >! 7as a sympathetic heart! <. Is keen on en2oying life se4ually. @! 7as musical, artistic gifts! A! #s prone to de&elop diseases around the neck! (! +esires to be well"known! F! ;ants to be prosperous! B! 7as notable intellectual gifts! *)! ;ill ha&e bright comple.ion! **! ;ill ha&e more than normal height! *'! 7as cle&er speech habits! *>! 5enerally strong"willed! *?! <fficient in the performance of duties! *@! 4o&es to be ,ust in all situations! Moon in 5arka 2 ancer3 *! #s like a &oluntary worker! '! 4ikes to be rich! >! 4ikes to induge in bra&ado! ?! 7as religious tendencies! @! Ser&es his guru! A! /endency to de&elop problems like headaches! (! Very cle&er in his dealings! F! =nderstands the inner meaning of some rituals! B! 4ikes to go on long ,ourneys! *)! 4oses all sense of proportion when he loses his temper! de&elops his own style! Moon in Simha 2Leo3 *! 7as a forgi&ing disposition! '! 4ikes to accept challenges and face them! >! -ecomes unhappy easily! ?! 4ikes to eat food with less sense of discrimination! @! 4ikes to wander from place to place! A! 6ears cold! (! 4ikes to ha&e good friends! F! 1pparently humble but gets angry &ery $uickly! B! Respects his parents! *)! 7as generally some addiction! **! 3urses the desire to be famous! Moon in 5an"a 2$irgo3 *! -elie&es in en.ected! *>! 4ikes to strike friendship with important persons! *?! #n his own house.oying life! '! 5i&es utmost respect to good men and deals with them with pleasant manners! >! #s generally good looking or at least dresses himself up tastefully toappear attracti&e! ?! 7is religious inclinations are transparent! @! -elie&es in charity! A! 2le&er in many dealings! (! 7as poetic talent! F! 4o&es to stick to spiritual path! .eakminded! *'! +e&elops a tendency to get de.**! . usted in his marriage! Moon in !u*a 2Libra3 *! 7as the tendency to lose temper on wrong occasions! '! /endency to be detached and therefore sometimes. unhappy! >! Soft and cultured in his speech! ?! Very kind mostly and therefore gets cheated! @! 7is kindness makes him prosperous sometimes and also almost impo&erished! A! 1sserts himself rarely.B! #s lo&ing and lo&able! *)! 1lmost gets addicted to music and dances! **! 4ikes to li&e in a place other than his birth place! *'! 5enerally is ill"ad. either at home or outside! (! 7is eyes and pupils will ha&e rare mobility! F! Most sincerely spiritual.ercise self"control may fall into life:s temptations &ery easily! >! <yes de&elop yellowish colour! ?! #f unchecked. with no sense of hypocrisy! B! #f he takes to business of financial ad&icing. is &ery imaginati&e and balanced! *)! 4o&es and honours bonds of friendships! **! 7as almost an insatiable wander"lust! Moon in $rishchika 2Scor#io3 *! +e&elops the tendency to mo&e from place to place &ery early in life! '! #f he fails to e. co&ets the wi&es of other persons! @! #s rather haughty! A! #s cruel e&en with his own kith and kin! (! +oes not mind becoming unscruplous in earning money! F! 7as little lo&e for his own mother! . es &ery early! '! #f in lo&e. can listen to the ad&ice of women more! >! 7as &ery scholarly tastes! ?! #s &ery clear in his preference for the non"traditional music and disciplines! @! Succeeds in winning the respect of beautiful women! A! 5ets rich in &ery practical ways! (! 7as charitable tendencies! F! 7as good ser&ants to help him! B! #s kindhearted! *)! #s generally family"lo&ing man! .B! Knows most of the tricks of cheating! 4oon in Dhan! >Sagittari!s? *! #s bra&e! '! 4o&es truth! >! 7as good $ualities! ?! .ould like to promote lo&e and peace! @! 4o&es prosperity! A! 7as a liking for beautiful women! (! Respects his mother! F! #s generous in donating money! B! <mploys many ser&ants! *)! 7as histrionic talents! **! +e&elops corpulence! *'! 7as the dangerous habit of destroying a flourishing family or an institution! Moon in Makar 2 a#ricorn3 *! #s generally not respected in his own family and de&elops comple. uries is &ery strong! @! 7as impressi&e eyes! A! #s mostly courteous! (! 2an work hard to be a scholar or to be rich F! <arns good name for good deeds and lo&ing nature! B! -elie&es in spending the money earned by himself! *)! #s generally courageous! Moon in Meena 2Pisces3 *! #s self"controlled and dignified! '! 7as the capacity to be &alorous! >! #s tactful in speech! ?! 7as inborn leadership $ualities! @! 5ets angry $uickly! A! 7as fear of spending money la&ishly! (! 7as sterling $ualities! F! #s lo&ed by his own family members! B! #s &ery truly spiritual! *)! 7as a tendency to walk $uickly! **! 2an de&elop musical talents! *'! #s respected because of good conduct! .**! #s worried about his own happiness! Moon in 5umbha 2A/uarius3 *! 7as an innate sense of charity! '! /endency to be indolent is what he must o&ercome! >! #s generally &ery helpful! ?! 7is desire to surround himself with wealth and other types of lu. e6uanimous and is always an4ious to grow rich. has thie$ing tendencies and is ungrateful to his preceptors. scholarly and is liked both by the rich and the poor! #or Dhanu 3agna with the !oon: Has generally less longe$ity of life. +hree . is courageous but does not get on well with people generally. #or (umbha 3agna with the !oon: Has a bad health. pendthrift. can be obstinate. #or imha 3agna with the !oon: loses money.'5 . has many good 6ualities. #or !eena 3agna with the !oon: Is miserly. and does lot of work for others.autions . bra$e. #or Tula 3agna with the !oon: Is a born scholar. good natured. /his is the most basic psycho"analytical framework with which a 7indu astrologer should start! /hese should not be applied literally as they undergo at least twenty modifications! 4et one such instance of modification be gi&en here! #or !esha 3agna with the !oon: . #or &risha 3agna with the !oon: 3o$es to be spiritual but is negligent of serious studies. #or (arka 3agna with !oon: "ill be healthy. is weak. scheming but scholarly and has the tendency to cheat others of money. $ery fickle and lo$es to mo$e in the company of the opposite se4.: and D. #or !ithuna 3agna with the !oon: Has a tendency to grow rich. earns fame. sickly in childhood but later happy and becomes prosperous. There are already now nine modifications.. is handsome. #or !akar 3agna with the !oon: Is addicted to e4tra7marital affairs. is $ery cle$er and is prone to sickness.s the fourth lord in the lagna has a good mother and other domestic comforts. #or &rishchika 3agna with the !oon: Is generally lucky. +$o -ow apply to the !oon the full !emory Tablet 7 . does bad planning as a result of which #or (anya 3agna with the !oon: 'ich. )&ample . Hora. (o!r 54amine the !oon in the other fi$e di$isional charts.>o into the subtle meaning of the birth star in which the !oon is positioned.ll this cannot be done in one hour or e$en one day. If e$en some of these are well understood and applied the entire psycho7analytical structure will open out. <o!r Psychology and 4oon "ll!strations Those astrologers who do not know how to e4amine the impact of their natal !oon *as gi$en in their horoscopes+ cannot e$en understand the psychology of an indi$ . . without disclosing full horoscopes. Drekkanna. -a$amsha. (i'e There are subtler uses of the !oon in each horoscope which alone will be around twenty. Si& )ttermost caution is to be e4ercised if the !oon is in the last degrees of !eena or early degrees of !esha. "hile doing their readings. it was I who asked them what I saw and they had not $olunteered the information. in fact an o$er7simplistic $iew of the horoscopes *with full details not disclosed+ in itself is enough to show the importance of the !oon sign. How does the !oon re$eal your psychology and how I did it in the case of some non7 indians is being e4plained now illustrati$ely. These are known as gandanta areas and ha$e many hidden dangers. Dwadamsha and Thrimsamsha. If in the last degrees of (arka and early degrees of imha. are being gi$en here. and if in the last degree of &rischika and early degrees of Dhanu. ome e4amples. Ans$ers to the P!IIles 5asy and simple. #inally. This is done in a $ery detailed way. The fourth lord from corpio is aturn. no. with the si4th lord. the safety $al$e and the inherent danger both. Take !oon as 3agna and its lord also from the !oon. #rom the lunar angle alone a horoscope is analysed in more than twenty ways in Hindu astrology. Here. o there is "hat neither the psychiatrist nor the "estern astrologer would be intereseted in is that psychological analysis of a horoscope starts with pre7destination. the si4th lord -ow see it from the !oon The ne$er7failing Hindu way is to e4amine the fourth house. the karma7 phala of past life *the results of the deeds of past life+ which is reflected in the horoscope of the present incarnation of man. 8ut the fourth lord from the !oon. !ars with a powerful of disease and the se$enth lord of death. e4alted but in the twelfth house and with the si4th lord !ars. "hyI ee the fourth lord from the lagna. &enus. Then. is with two friends. the un and the third and the eighth lord. .Position – The !oon is in the eighth house from the lagna and one must wake up It is at twenty7eight degrees and thirty fi$e minutes and if you know Hindu astrology there will be a ring of a bell in your head. Thus the fourth lord from the lagna and the fourth lord from the fourth house is with enemy. Analysis of the Horoscope – To understand the meaning of the portents the first 6uestion to be asked is: is there any danger to the childI The answer is. "e will use a technical word here – the !oon is in a $icious gandanta. The third way of seeing it is to treat the fourth house as the lagna. remember the planetary friendship N aturn and !ars are enemies. 8ut the birth is of shukla paksha *bright lunar half+ and it is night birth. the fourth lord from the !oon is !ercury the lord of !ithuna. to whomI The answer is to the mother. +he Portents – #rom the theory of re7incarnation the ne4t step is to see what all portents are readable and $isible. aturn. for the mother and e4amine it again. )&ample +$o . which is decided by the birth !oon. Then comes the period of &enus. +he Psychological "mpact – "hat should be the psychological impact of it on him. Thus far and no further. the fourth lord from the !oon. and it is combust and is aspected by aturn. He was satisfied with my reading. he does that. :omes now the sub7period of the !oon in the eighth house representing agony and his mother commits suicide. 8o!nselling – There is $ery good spiritual promise in the horoscope. #rom the !oon. How would he react to women in his own lifeI -ow see the se$enth lord aturn with !ars and the meaning is clear.+he Dasha – The dasha of !ercury is followed by that of se$en years of (etu in the twelfth house aspected by aturn N a $ery painful period for his mother because (etu is in the fifth house of feelings from the !oon representing the mother. Yes. the third and the tenth lord form the lagna. ee the se$enth lord from the !oon. *in this case his own mother+. Hathayoga should be the starting point and then metaphysical studies. &enus is the third and the eighth lord with the un the si4th lord and with !ercury. I am happy. for the rest of his life I He has seen a woman. combust with the un in the fifth house of his own emotions. He has had a two year brief period of married life. in moods of depression. It is specific counselling based on the dasha. ee the se$enth lord from &enus. which is in a dangerous nakshatra and in dangerous degrees. 8ut the spiritual promise and the inclination to study e$en astrology and write books. It is !ercury combust and (etu in the eighth house aspected by aturn. do counselling and sublimate his frustration through music are the definite outlets for pent up frustrations within. (!t!re – How would he shape in futureI ee the dasha se6uence. !oon’s period which is in the eighth house and then that of !ars in the third house. a retrograde Mercury aspected by Mars from the si. 8o!nselling = Do not do such work as will strain the eyes more. though $argottama and two malefics aspecting the lagna. 8ut then will come the period of the spiritual promise ahead in years to come is $ery good. semi7technical and e$en astrology. -ut then will come the period of se&en years of Ketu in the twelfth house with the Sun and. The )'am#*e !hree . Yes. technical. +he Portents – 8orn in the dasha of aturn which is e4alted it must ha$e gi$en him a good start in life. "hat was the nature of his illness I had asked him. The concentration of planets in the twelfth house with afflicted (etu aspected by retrograde !ars would not promise hundred percent impro$ement. as !ercury is the planet for astrology. %upiter is there to sa$e the situation. both (etu and !ercury must ha$e caused damage to the eyes. both eyes. the un in the twelfth with (etu and the aspect of retrograde !ars represents. and most unfortunately. 8eing with (etu and that too in the twelfth house. I am right. The present &enus period is all right.mericans learn Hindu astrology they will do lot of good to their society and in decades to come establish it as the most dependable super7science man has e$er known. Yet the second lord.rishta+ and note that e$en the lagna has not been spared the influences of two malefics the tenth aspect of aturn and the eighth aspect of !ars. together with !ercury.J *. J5yesJ he said and e4plained it himself with the use of &imshottari dasha since he is a Hindu astrologer. It is in its sign of debilitation. his attraction for spiritual practices is $isible and predictable. . health is a weak point. 8ut &enus in the second house is unafflicted. Then came the period of !ercury in his own house aspected by !ars the fifth lord and %upiter gi$ing him $arious opportunities to learn many sub2ects. un in the twelfth. ee the check7list under house! The second and the twelfth house represent eyes in medical astrology In the last sub7period of (etu when the !ercury’s sub7period must ha$e begun.The !oon – Here the !oon is doubly important as the lagna lord and as !oon itself. Analysis of the Horoscope = "ith the lagna lord being weak. some of those family secrets which some Indian astrologers use are present. -ow put your finger on the fourth house. was called young by an 1merican woman! +he 4oon = The !oon in Tula aspected by a retrograde aturn. There are many classical planetary indications. This !oon.nd &enus as the eighth lord also could mean something sudden. is aspected by a retrograde *being the fourth lord+. 'ahu7%upiter and then 'ahu7 aturn. aturn is retrograde. is the mother doubly. aspecting &enus in her fourth house. Did she de$elop distrust in the sincerity of male lo$erI :ould be. she must be called young because #. representing mother.ries and also by !ars from the si4th houseO Then the degrees of the !oon show that in na$amsha it would get debilitated in corpio.ty. representing her mother. "hat happened during 'ahu7 aturn in her own house when she was a young girl of nine or ten yearsI J!y mother killed her lo$er right in my presenceJ. .fter a brief balance of about two years of !ars will come the eighteen years of 'ahu. debilitated in . Portents = uch weak !oon and so hea$ily aflicted needed close look. The story begins to unfold with some $iolence hidden. though not old! #n modern 1merican parlance. sensational. +he Psychological "mpact = Her own married life must ha$e been disturbed. . . The se6uence of the sub7periods will be 'ahu7 'ahu.nd . she said. +he Dasha SeF!ence = . he then told me the stories of her marriage. HowI #rom !akar the se$enth lord is the !oon aspected by retrograde aturn and !ars in the si4th house of aggression. past si.nd aturn who is also the mother aturn the fourth lord both from the lagna and the !oon.She bree8ed into my room gracefully! She seemed to ha&e some old world charm about her. !akar. !y eyes were glued on the retrograde aturn. cannot afford to be imitati$e.. he was happy. the differing dates of daylight changes are craFier. Jdo yoga. aturn in the se$enth has directional strength and &enus in the fourth also has directional strength. To what e4tent the ) astrologers. There may be $ery good and $alid resons for "estern astrologers doing more counselling than predictions. her own spiritual interests. particularly. In the ) .mericans must ha$e started doing in the space. pay some attention also to the $irtuous side of debilitated aturn. starting with yoga will be deeper. the client who comes to consult you is not well informed about the importance of birth with the craFiest e$er corrections in$ol$ing so many time Fones. I was doing the reading of a lady born on Gctober =. /E<< and T sat with . I made use of my knowledge of spiritual astrology by looking into many other details. . "hat about debilitated aturnI -ow notice two features first. "hat about debilitated aturnI "ell. her ninth and twelfth lord. are aware of the most fantastic craFy time corrections re6uired is what they should know. in -ut Jupiter in the eighth house has its positi&e side! 5enuine interest in yoga. You can ne$er be sure that the so7called correct horoscope gi$en to you has all the necessary corrections carried out properly. In the ne4t period of !ercury. with regularity will help her! he told me that she had already been doing it and $ery sincerely. misled me into wrong reading which was not my fault at all.bout fi$e horoscopes gi$en to me at two stations in ) . the best a Tula ascendant can get. I was told. en2oys se4ual lifeJ. the ninth lord with the ele$enth lord. They ha$e to e$ol$e their own style which they can do. "hen she was lea$ing I told her. I ha$e said all this because I remember most gratefully T who told me something $aluable. as ha$e decided to do mainly counselling without understanding the e4traordinary time7 tested techni6ues of predictions. There is %upiter in the eighth house both form the lagna and the !oon. sticks to such norms of beha$iour as one sets for oneself. for god’s sake. The ne4t dasha will be of !ercury. not aerobicsJ. he deser$ed such counselling. JDestroyer of enemies. is reinforced. good position in life with prosperity. to look after her health in aturn7%upiter. . Years ago.mericanised Indian lady remo$ed my ignorance and told me that aerobics is what women do on the ground to impro$e their physi6ue and those who do it walk $ery smartly.8o!nselling = he is passing through the dasha of aturn. the the second house aspected by %upiter. 8ut those of the Hindu astrologers of ) . The prosperity that &enus in the fourth promises. when I had heard the word aerobics I thought it was some new craFy things . he will need un. shine on the face. The time7Fone apart.n . .. with T again sitting with her permission. which can be tabulated thus: /. o it is in ) .. ha$e some neater solution to reduce these complicationsI 9. 'eading his horoscope I asked him how in /E?@7?E period he had come into some sudden windfall gains financially. He himself brought his correct horoscope a day later and I did readings which pleased him. Do not presume that the so called horoscope gi$en to you is correct. "hy cannot ) . who wanted to understand the profundity and the reasoning in Hindu astrology. after getting her permission. T asked me what was the degree of his lagna according to the horoscope gi$en to me. T is one of the few astrologers I met in ) . -e4t. I told him that aturn. his fourth lord represented a trust and his lagna lord. !ars in the second house aspected by %upiter and the !oon from the eighth house was the reason for monetary gains. T came to my rescue. 3ater when another intellectual "estern astrologer wanted me to do the reading of her husband’s horoscope. Do not presume that e$en the daylight sa$ing time is obser$ed by e$ery hospital in ) . This lady felt $ery unhappy with me and told me that I was getting many things wrong. . The time corrections with different time7Fones and daylight sa$ing time is mind boggling. He is himself a sound "estern astrologer.her. He told me that after war7time correction it could not e$en be se$en degrees. both she and T appreciated my reading. ome of those fine patterns of gentleman you meet with are so keenly appreciati$e of Hindu astrology with an open mind. It is most arbitrary in :hicago. He told me that in ) . He said that he had asked me to gi$e the astrological reason. as he had done earlier also in one case in which my readings had come out $ery well. there was also war7time correction to be done in the case of those who were born during the second world war. 8ut then that haunting fear is always there.. I told him that it was more than eighteen degrees in &rishchika. without which any type of counselling is shaky. I thanked T and told this lady that I could not proceed with my readings. resident of Immortals has drawn for each of us an orbit outside which your cannot stray. o belie$e in the !oon7sign and the birth tar. astrology is the only science known to man which helps you see the past without your ha$ing to tell the present as it is. That karma cannot be changed. .nd finally do not belie$e that anyone who can not see an e$ent can e$er do any counselling. . within that pattern only your free7will can be e4ercised and not outside. What then are the elements of astrological co!nsellingA The first is belief in the pattern of destiny as a result of the deeds of past li$es. The . The third.<.nd finally remember that in astrology it is the !oon sign and the birth star that help you see the whirligig of time with the karmic pattern of each one’s destiny unfolding. . The second. and the future that is to unfold.
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