March 26, 2018 | Author: Allen Fourever | Category: Ion, Chemical Bond, Properties Of Water, Ionic Bonding, Chemical Substances



PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM JOHOR 2009-KERTAS 2 Section A Bahagian A Answer all questios in this section.Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. 1 Diagram 1.1 shows the arrangement of atoms in substance X and Y. Rajah 1.1 di bawah menunjukkan atom-atom untuk bahan X dan Y. (a) Based on Diagram 1.1, answer the following questions: Berdasarkan Rajah 1.1, jawab soalan-soalan berikut: (i) Identify which of the substance in Diagram 1.1 is a pure metal. Tentukan bahan yang manakah dalam Rajah 1.1 adalah logam tulen. Pure metal :………………………………………………………………… Logam tulen [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) Explains your answers in (a) (i) Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (a) (i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] [2 markah] (iii) Which of the substance is harder, X or Y? Give a reason for your answer. Diantara bahan X dan Y, yang manakah lebih keras? Berikan satu sebab bagi jawapan anda. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] [2 markah] (b) Diagram 1.2 below shows the structural formula of a polymer. Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi suatu polimer. Based on Diagram 1.2, answer the following questions: Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, jawab soalan-soalan berikut: (i) State the meaning of polymer. Nyatakan maksud polimer. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) Draw and name the structural formula of its monomer. Lukiskan dan namakan formula struktur bagi monomernya. [2 marks] [2 markah] (iii) State on use of the polymer in Diagram 1.2 in our daily life. Nyatakan satu kegunaan polimer pada Rajah 1.2 dalam kehidupan seharian kita. ……………………………………………………………………….................. ......................................................................................................[1 mark] [1 markah] Diagram 2.1 shows the heating curve of solid naphtalene, C10H8. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan lengkung pemanasan pepejal naftalena, C10H8. 2 (a) Name the process involved in this experiment. Namakan proses yang terlibat dalam eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] [1 markah] (i) (i) State the type of particle present in Naphtalene, C10H8. Nyatakan jenis zarah yang terdapat dalam Naftalena, C10H8. …………………………………………………………………………………… (b) Explain why there is no change in temperature from B to C Terangkan mengapa tida perubahan suhu dari B ke C …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………... [2 marks] [2 markah] (c) State how the movement of naphtalene particles changes from C to D during heating. Nyatakan bagaimana pergerakan zarah-zarah naftalena berubah semasa pemanasan dari C ke D. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………...………[1 marks] [1 markah] (d) Diagram 2.2 shows the atomic model proposed by Neils Bohr. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan model atom yang dicadangkan oleh Neils Bohr. (i) Name X and Y. Namakan X dan Y. X :…………………………….. Y :…………………………… [1 marks] [1 markah] Jadual 3 menunjukkan nilai-nilai pH bagi larutan asid hidroklorik. HCl solutions.(e) Table 2 shows the number of protons and neutrons of four different atoms. Atom w x y z Number of protons Bilangan proton 16 16 3 19 Table 2 Jadual 2 Number of neutrons Bilangan neutron 17 16 4 20 (i) Which atoms are isotopes? Atom-atom yang manakah adalah isotop? …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] [1 markah] (ii) Give a reason for your answer in (e) (i).. Berikan satu sebab bagi jawapan anda di (e) (i). Type of solution Concentration Kepekatan pH value Nilai pH Solution I Larutan I 0. HCl yang berbeza kepekatan.1 mol dm-3 1 Solution II Larutan II 0. [2 marks] [2 markah] 3 Table 3 shows pH values of different concentration of hydrochloric acid. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….01 mol dm-3 2 Solution III Larutan III 0.001 mol dm-3 3 . Jadual 2 menunjukkan bilangan proton dan neutron bagi empat atom yang berlainan. NaOH solution in cm3.II and III.II dan III. (i) Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydoxide. NaOH solution. NaOH dalam larutan. NaOH dalam cm3.NaOH 0. ……………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] [1 markah] (b) Solution I is used to neutralise 25 cm 3 of 0. Hitungkan bilangan mol natrium hidroksida.1 mol dm-3 of sodium hydroxide. NaOH in the solution. Namakan satu penunjuk yang boleh digunakan untuk mengukur nilai pH larutan-larutan I. Lukis susunan radas untuk pentitratan larutan natrium hidroksida dengan Larutan I. [3 marks] [3 markah] (iii) Draw an apparatus set-up for the titration of sodium hydroxide solution with solution I. [2 marks] [2 markah] . Hitungkan isipadu Larutan I yang digunakan untuk meneutralkan larutan natrium hidroksida.1 mol dm-3.(iii) Name an indicator that can be used to measure the pH values of the solutions I. [1 marks] [1 markah] (ii) Calculate the volume of Solution I used to neutralise sodium hydroxide. Larutan I digunakan untuk meneutralkan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida. Jadual 7 menunjukkan keputusan bagi satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi magnesium oksida.Mengapa? kita perlu membuka [2 marks] [2 markah] (ii) Table 7 shows the results for the experiment to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide. Rajah 7.24 g 30.64 g 32. determine the empirical formula of Magnesium oxide.24 g Based on the results in Table 7. tentukan formula empirik . Why? Ketika eksperimen dijalankan. O =16] Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 7. Mass of crucible + lid Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup Mass of crubicle + lid + magnesium ribbon Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup + pita magenesium Mass of crucible + lid + magnesium oxide Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup + magnesium oxide 28.Section B Bahagian B [20 marks] [20 markah] Answer any one question from this section. penutup sekali sekala. (i) During the experiment. we need to raise the lid a little at intervals. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida. [Relative atomic mass : Mg = 24. 1 (a) Diagram 7.1 shows an apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide. O =16] [5 marks] [5 markah] (b) Diagram 7. [2 marks] [2 markah] (iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in Part A.Bagi magnesium oksida. [1 marks] [1 markah] . Nyatakan bahan-bahan untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen di Bahagian A. Rajah with Diagram 7.2 shows an apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula of copper oxide. Bandingkan kaedah melakukan eksperimen dalam Rajah 7. [Jisim atom relatif : Mg = 24 .2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula empirik oksida. (i) Compare the method used in experiment in Diagram 7. [4 marks] [4 markah] (ii) State the reactants to produce hydrogen gas in Part A.2 dengan kaedah dalam Rajah 7. Tuliskan persamaan kimia untuk tindak balas di Bahagian A. [6 marks] [6 markah] Section C Bahagian C Answer any one question from this section. Explain your answer. Terangkan perbezaan diantara dua sebatian tersebut dari segi ● ● Jenis ikatan kimia yang terbentuk. Berdasarkan Rajah 9. (a) Based on Diagram 9. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.Y and Z. (1) Diagram 9 shows the atomic structure of three elements X. Rajah 9 menunjukkan struktur atom bagi tiga unsur X. dan Takat lebur dan takat didihnya. [4 marks] [4 markah] . Nyatakan tiga langkah berjaga-jaga yang mesti diambil dalam bahagian B. dua jenis sebatian boleh terbentuk.Y dan Z. two types of compounds can be formed.Terangkan jawapan anda. Explain the differences between the two compounds formed in terms of ● ● Types of chemical bonds.(iv) State three precautions that must be taken in Part B. and Boiling and melting points. Cadangkan satu contoh yang sesuai bagi setiap bahan P dan bahan Q. Lukiskan susunan elektron untuk pembentukan sebatian di antara X dan Y. Kedua-duanya berwarna putih. P dan Q. Include the observations in your answer. Huraikan satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kekonduksian arus elektrik sebatian P dan Q. Describe a laboratory experiment to investigate the electrical conductivity of P and Q. Suggest a suitable example for each substance P and substance Q. [6 marks] [6 marks] (c) You are given two samples of chemical substances. dan terangkan pembentukan sebatian tersebut. P and Q. Anda diberi dua sampel bahan kimia. [10 marks] [10 markah] . and explain the formation of the compund.(b) Draw the electron arrangement of the compound formed between X and Y.P adalah sebatian kovalen dan Q adalah sebatian ion. Both of them are white solids is a covalent compound and Q is an ionic compound.Sertakan pemerhatian yang diperolehi dalam jawapan anda. 1 and diagram 10.1 .2 menunjukkan dua gambarajah aras tenaga tindak balas kimia. [Relative atomic mass of C=12. Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi pembakaran lengkap metana. O=16 ] Metana.1 dan 10.(2) (a) Methane.Hitungkan jumlah haba yang dibebaskan apabila 1 gram metana terbakar dengan lengkap dalam udara berlebihan. The heat of combustion of methane is -898 kJ mol-1 Write the chemical equation for the complete combustion of methane. Rajah 10. [Jisim atom relatif : C =12. Energy Tenaga A + B C + D Diagram 10. Haba pembakaran metana adalah -898 kJ mol-1. CH4 is commonly used as a fuel and is the main component liquefied gas. H=1.2 show two energy level diagrams of reactions. Calculate the amount of heat released when 1 g of methane is completely burnt in air. CH4 adalah bahan api yang biasa digunakan dan ianya adalah komponen utama yang terdapat dalam gas asli cecair. O=16] [4 marks] [4 markah] (b) Diagram 10. H=1.1 Rajah 10. Bandingkan dan bezakan Rajah 10.2 in terms of changes of energy content.2 dari segi perubahan kandungan tenaga.1 and 10.1 dan 10.Energy Tenaga R+S P + Q Diagram 10. heat change and the temperature change for the reactions. [6 marks] [6 markah] .2 Rajah 10.2 Compare and contrast Diagram 10. perubahan haba dan perubahan suhu tindak balas dalam tindak balas ini. Dengan menggunakan data dari Jadual 10. (ii) Explain your answer in (c)(i).(c) Table 10 shows the heat of combustion of four types of alcohol. Jadual 10 di atas menunjukkan haba pembakaran bagi empat jenis alcohol. Berdasarkan data dari Jadual 10 dan graf yang diplotkan. (i) nyatakan perubahan haba pembakaran bagi alkohol yang diberikan. Name of alcohol Nama alkohol Molecular formula Formula molekul CH3OH C2H5OH C3H7OH C4H9OH Raltive molecular mass Jisim atom relatif 32 46 60 74 Heat of combustion Haba pembakaran/kJ mol-1 -725 -1376 -2015 -2676 Methanol Metanol Ethanol Etanol Propanol Propanol Butan-1-ol Butan-1-ol Table 10 Jadual 10 Use data from Table 10. lukis graf magnitud haba pembakaran melawan bilangan atom karbon. Based on the data from Table 10 and graph plotted. (ii) terangkan jawapan anda dalam (c) (i) [10 marks] [10 markah] [PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM JOHOR 2009-KERTAS 2] . (i) State the change in the heat of combustion for the given alcohols. draw the graph of magnitude of heat of combustion against number of carbon atoms. Kemudian suhu asetamida direkodkan setiap setengah minit apabila dibiarkan menyejuk pada suhu bilik.PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM PAHANG 2009-KERTAS 2 Section A Bahagian A Answer all questios in this section. Namakan satu bahan menggunakan kukus air yang takat leburnya boleh ditentukan …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] . Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan takat lebur bagi asetamida dengan memanaskan pepejal asetamida sehingga lebur. (a) What Is the purpose of using water bath in the experiment? Apakah tujuan menggunakan kukus air dalam eksperimen ini? …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (b) Name one substance which its melting point can be determined by using water bath. 1 Diagram 1 shows the set-up of apparatus to determine the melting point of substance X by heating solid X until it melts. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.Then the temperature of substance X is recorded every half minutes when it is left to cool at room temperature. (c) Sodium nitrate has a melting point of 310 oC. (i) State the melting point of substance X? Nyatakan takat lebur bahan X? ………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] . Terangkan mengapa suhu tidak berubah dari Q ke R.…………[1 mark] (ii) Explain why there is no change in temperature from Q to R.……[2 marks] (d) Why do we need to stir the molten substance X when it is left to cool to room temperature? Mengapakah kita perlu mengacau leburan asetamida semasa dibiarkan sejuk ke suhu bilik? ………………………………………………………………………..Bolehkah takat lebur natrium nitrat ditentukan menggunakan kukus air seperti dalam rajah di atas? Terangkan jawapan anda. Graf suhu melawan masa bagi penyejukan leburan bahan X ditunjukkan di bawah. Can the melting point of sodium nitrate be determined by using water bath as shown in the diagram? Explain your answer. Natrium nitrat mempunyai takat lebur 310oC.…[1 mark] (e) The grapf of temperature against time for the cooling of molten substance X is shown below. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….. Rajah 2 menunjukkan simbol-simbol atom bagi unsur U. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (iii) Explain your answer in (b) (ii) Terangkan jawapan anda dalam (b)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] .(f) What is the state of matter for substance X at RS? Apakah keadaan jirim bagi bahan X pada RS? …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………. X (a) Write the electron arrangement of atom W. V.V.W and X are placed in the same period in the Periodic Table. ………………………………………………………………………………….. Bandingkan saiz atom unsur V dan X.W dan X. Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom W. Unsur U. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (b) (i) Element U...[1 mark] (2) Diagram 2 shows the symbols of atom for element U.. W and X.W dan X berada dalam kala yang sama dalam Jadual Berkala.V.V.State the period. [1 mark] (ii) Compare the atomic size of element V and X.Nyatakan kala itu.…. Write the chemical formula for the compound. Tuliskan formula kimia bagi sebatian itu. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (ii) State one physical property for the compound formed. Unsur V boleh bertindak balas dengan unsur W membentuk satu sebatian. (i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (d) When element U react with element W. Apabila unsur U bertindak balas dengan unsur W. Lukiskan susunan elektron bagi sebatian dalam (d)(i) [2 marks] . satu sebatian terhasil. Nyatakan jenis sebatian yang terhasil. State the type of compound that is produced. …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] Draw the electron arrangement for the compund in (d) (i). a compound is produced.(c) Element V can react with element W to form a compound. Nyatakan satu sifat fizikal bagi sebatian yang terbentuk. Huraikan satu ujian kimia untuk menentukan hasil yang terbentuk dalam larutan di elektrod P. (a) What is the function of dilute sulphuric acid? Apakah fungsi asid sulfurik cair? …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………..………[1 mark] (b) On the diagram 3. (c) (i) What is the colour change in the solution around electrode P? Apakah perubahan warna dalam larutan di sekitar elektrod? ………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (ii) Describe a chemical test to determine the product formed in the solution at electrode P.(3) Diagram 3 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the reaction between potassium iodide solution and chlorine water through the transfer of electrons at a distance. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] . lukiskan arah pengaliran elektron. Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menyiasat tindak balas di antara larutan kalium iodide dan air klorin melalui pemindahan elektron pada satu jarak. draw the direction of the flow of electrons. Pada Rajah 3. What is produced at the cathode? Write a halfequation for the reaction. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (f) Suggest another regeant that can replace chlorine water.(d) State the name of the substance that is oxidized in the experiment? Give reason. Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di elektrod Q. [1 mark] Section B Answer any one question. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (e) Write a half equation for the reaction that occurs at electrode Q. Cadangkan satu reagen lain yang boleh menggantikan air klorin. …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (g) What is the change in oxidation number of chlorine in the reaction? Apakah perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bagi klorin dalam tindak balas? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. [Jawab mana-mana satu soalan] (8) (a) Dilute ethanoic acid (vinegar) is electrolyzed using carbon electrodes. Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas tersebut. Nyatakan nama bahan yang dioksidakan dalam eksperimen itu? Berikan sebab. [2 mark} .Apakah yang terhasil di katod. Elektrolisis asid etanoik cair telah dijalankan menggunakan elektrodelektrod karbon. Your answer should consist of the following ●Procedures of the experiment. Rancangkan satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyadur cincin besi tersebut. (c) A student intends to electroplate an iron ring with silver. Seorang pelajar ingin menyadur cincin besi dengan argentum.Sertakan dalam jawapan anda pemerhatian dan setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas di elektrodelektrod kedua-dua sel. Include in your answer the observations and half equations for the reactions at the electrodes in both cells. ●Half equation for the reactions at both electrodes. ●A labeled diagram showing the set of apparatus. (i) State two purposes of electroplating Nyatakan dua tujuan penyaduran.(b) Compare and contrast cell A and B. Jawapan anda hendaklah termasuk perkara-perkara berikut: . Banding dan bezakan sel A dan sel B. ●Observations at both electrodes. [2 marks] (ii) Design a laboratory equipment to electroplate the iron ring. Section C Bahagian C Answer any one question from this section. the meaning of saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Dengan menamakan setiap contoh. [ 8 marks] . ●Nyatakan proses dan keadaan yang diperlukan ●Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang terlibat (i) (b) Alkohol Carboxylic acid Ester Explain briefly how conversion of homologues series above can be carried out. 1 (a) (i) Explain by naming an example each.●Langkah-langkah eksperimen. terangkan sifat-sifat asid karboksilik. (ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbon can be converted into saturated hydrocarbon. By using an example describe the properties of carboxylic acid. ●State the process and the condition needed. Include your answer with chemical equation. ●Write the chemical equation involved. ●Sesetengah persamaan bagi tindak balas di kedua-dua elektrod. terangkan maksud hidrokarbon tepu dan hidrokarbon tak tepu. ●Gambar rajah susunan radas berlabel. Dengan menggunakan contoh. Jelaskan dengan ringkas bagaimana pertukaran siri homolog diatas dapat dilakukan. Hidrokarbon tak tepu boleh ditukarkan kepada hidrokarbon tepu. Sertakan persamaan kimia dalam jawapan anda. (ii) Simple carboxcylic with low molecular mass can dissolve in water to produce acidic solutions. Asid karboksilik yang ringkas dengan jisim molekul yang kecil boleh larut dalam air untuk menghasilkan larutan berasid. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini. ●Pemerhatian di kedua-dua elektrod. .Y dan Z. [1 mark] (ii) What is valence electron of atom X? Apakah elektron valens bagi atom X? . (1) Table 1 shows atom the number of proton and the number of neutron in atom X. …………………………………………………………………………………. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. Jadual 1 menunjukkan bilangan proton dan bilangan neutron dalam atom X. Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom X. [1 mark] (c) (ii) Which atoms are isotopes? Atom-atom yang manakah merupakan isotop? …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. Nyatakan tiga zarah sub atom. Nyatakan radioisotop yang digunakan untuk merawat penyakit tiroid. Y and Z.PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM TERENGGANU 2009-KERTAS 2 Section A Bahagian A Answer all questios in this section. ………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (b) (i) What is meant by isotope? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan isotop? …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark] (iii) State the radioisotope that is used to treat thyroid diseases. [1 mark] (i) Write the electron arrangement of atom X. Atom Atom X Y Z Number of proton Bilangan proton 6 6 8 Table / Jadual 1 Number of neutron Bilangan neutron 6 8 8 (a) State three subatomic particles of an atom. Nyatakan kedudukan unsur bagi atom Z dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur. ………………………………………………………………………………….(d) Write the symbol for atom Y in the form of Tuliskan simbol bagi atom Y dalam bentuk …………………………………………………………………………………. Lukiskan susunan elektron bagi atom Z.. [1 mark] (ii) State the position of element of atom Z in the Periodic Table of Element. [1 mark] (e) (i) Draw the electron arrangement of atom Z. [1 mark] . ... Rajah 2........ Namakan sel X dan sel Y............... …………………………………………………………………………………...............1 shows two types of cell....... [1 mark] ......2 Diagram 2.. Cell X : Sel X :………………………………………………………………………… Cell Y: Sel Y :........1 menunjukkan dua jenis sel............................ Tuliskan formula bagi semua ion yang hadir dalam larutan kuprum (II) sulfat... (a) State the name of cell X and cell Y........... [2 marks] (b) Write the formulae of all ions present in copper (II) sulphate solution... 2 menunjukkan susunan radas apabila sel X digabungkan dengan sel Y. nyatakan apa yang berlaku kepada bacaan voltmeter. …………………………………………………………………………………. Berdasarkan sel X . [1 mark] (ii) Write a half equation for the reaction that occurs at the copper plate Q. [1 mark] (e) Diagram 2.2 shows the set up of apparatus when cell X is combined with cell Y. . …………………………………………………………………………………. Rajah 2.(c) Based on the cell X . (i) State the energy change occurred in cell Y. Nyatakan perubahan tenaga yang berlaku dalam sel Y. (i) What happen to intensity of blue colour of copper (II) sulphate solution? Apakah yang berlaku kepada keamatan warna biru larutan kuprum (II) sulfat? …………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark] (d) Based on the cell Y. [1 mark] (ii) What is the expected observation at the zinc plate S? Apakah pemerhatian yang dijangkakan pada kepingan zink S? …………………………………………………………………………………. Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di kepingan kuprum Q. describe what will happen to the voltmeter reading. …………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark] (iii) If the zinc plate S is replaced by a magnesium strip. Jika kepingan zink S digantikan dengan pita megnesium. Berdasarkan sel Y. lukiskan anak panah untuk menunjukkan arah pengaliran elektron.2.2.(i) On Diagram 2. Pada Rajah 2. Diagram 3 shows the set-up of apparatus for titration of potassium hydoxide solution with sulphuric acid. Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menjalankan pentitratan larutan kalium hidroksida dengan asid sulfurik. draw arrows ( ) to show the direction of the electrons flow. . 3. Didapati bahawa 20.00 cm3 of potassium hydroxide solution. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.. Nyatakan nama garam yang terbentuk dalam eksperimen ini. 1 (a) (i) The rate of reaction is important in industries and in our everyday lives. (a) State the colour change of the solution in the conical flask at the end point. [1 mark] (c) (i) What is the type of reaction occurred? Apakah jenis tindak balas yang berlaku? …………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………….00 cm3 asid sulfurik 0.1 mol dm-3 diperlukan untuk meneutralkan dengan lengkap 50.1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid needed to neutralise completely 50. Nyatakan perubahan warna larutan dalam kelalang kon pada takat akhiir.It was observed that 20.State the four factors that affect the rate of reaction. [3 marks] . [4 marks] (ii) What are the conditons required for the production of ammonia in Haber Process? Apakah keadaan-keadaan yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan ammonia dalam Proses Haber.00 cm3 of 0. Kadar tindak balas adalah penting dalam industri dan kehidupan harian.00 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida. [1 mark] Section B Answer any one question from this section. [1 mark] (b) State the name of the salt formed in this experiment. Seorang pelajar menjalankan dua eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan kepekatan ke atas kadar tindak balas.Diagram 7.1 shows the set-up of apparatus of the expperiments. Experiment Eksperimen I Set-up of apparatus Susunan radas II .Rajah 7.(b) A student carried out two experiments to investigate the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen-eksperimen itu. 20 18.00 5.00 14.00 gas of experiment I/cm3 Isipadu gas bagi Eksperimen I/cm3 Volume of 0. [5 marks] .00 10.00 25. Terangkan perbezaan itu dengan merujuk teori pelanggaran.00 17.00 26.2/ Jadual 7.00 26. Hitungkan kadar tindak balas purata bagi Eksperimen I dan II. [ 4marks] (iii) Compare the rate of reaction between Experiment I and Experiment II. [4 marks] (ii) Calculate the average rate of reaction for Experiment I and II.00 26.30 24.00 21. Lukiskan graf isipadu gas karbon dioksida melawan masa bagi Eksperimen I dan II pada paksi yang sama pada kertas graf yang disediakan.00 26.00 23.2 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen itu.2 (i) Plot the graph of the volume of carbon dioxide gas against time for Experiment I and II on the same axes on the graph paper provided at page 17. Time/s 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 Volume of 0. Bandingkan kadar tindak balas antara Eksperimen I dengan Eksperimen II.00 gas of experiment II/cm3 Isipadu gas bagi Eksperimen II/cm3 Table 7. Jadual 7.00 10.2 shows the result of the experiments.Table 7. Explain the differences in the rate of reaction with reference to the collision theory. X and Y.X dan Y.Hurufhuruf ini bukanlah simbol sebenar bagi unsur-unsur tersebut. 1 (a) Table 9 shows the electron arrangement for atoms W. Jadual 9 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom W. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.These letter are not the actual symbols of the elements. Element unsur Electron arrangement Susunan elektron W X Y .Section C Answer any one question from this section. (i) Compare the atomic size of element X and Y. explain why element Y exists as diatomic molecules. [4 marks] [PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM TERENGGANU 2009] . [ 3 marks] (ii) Based on the information in Table.The two compounds should have different bond type.Terangkan jawapan anda. Kelaskan bahan-bahan ini kepada bahan yang mempunyai takat lebur yang tinggi dan takat lebur yang rendah. Bandingkan saiz atom unsur X dan Y.Explain your answer.Dua sebatian itu hendaklah mempunyai jenis ikatan yang berlainan. Dengan menggunakan Jadual. Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 9.Terangkan jawapan anda.Explain your answer. terangkan mengapa unsur Y wujud sebagai molekul dwiatom. [10 marks] (b) The following is a lsit of chemical substances Berikut adalah senarai beberapa bahan kimia ● Sodium chloride/ natrium klorida ● Napthalene / naftalena ● Carbon dioxide / karbon dioksida ● Zinc Nitrate / zink nitrat Classify these substances into substance that have high melting point and low melting point. terangkan bagaimana dua sebatian boleh terbentuk daripada atom-atom unsur itu berdasarkan susunan elektronnya. [3 marks] (iii) Using the information in Table. explain how two compounds can be formed from these atom of elements based on their electron arrangements. (b)(i) Polymers are large molecules made up of identical repeating units called monomers which are joined together by covalent bonds. (c) The particles move faster . Explanation SECTION A 1 (a) (i) (ii) Pure metal : Substance X Alloy : Substance Y -Pure metal has atoms of the same size / same type which are orderly arranged. H (ii) H C = H C Cl Name of monomer Chloroethane (iii) To make drain pipes /artificial leather /water-proof clothes/shoes/bags/as insulator for electric wiring 2(a)(i) Melting (ii) (b) Molecule The heat energy absorbed by the particles is used to overcome the forces of attraction between the naphthalene molecules / particles. The foreign atoms disrupt the orderly arrangement of the metal atoms and prevent the layers of metal atoms from sliding over each other. (iii) Alloy has foreign atoms Substance Y.JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-KIMIA (JOHOR) Question No. .1 =25 cm3 (iii) Correct diagram of apparatus set-up.0025 mol Volume of HCl = 0. 1 mol of NaOH react with 1 mol of HCl 0.0025 mol of HCl// No.0025 mol (ii) HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O From the equation. Correct label. of mole of HCl = 0.1 1000 = 0.0025 x 1000 0.0025 mol of NaOH react with 0. (i) Number of mole of NaOH = 25 x 0.(d) (i) X : electron (ii) Electron Y: nucleus (e) (i) W and X (i) Has different number of neutrons but same number of protons// has different nucleon number but same proton number. 3(a) (b) (i) Universal indicator // pH paper// pH meter. 6 Number of moles of atoms 2.for the complete combustion of magnesium (b)(i) Magnesium.1 24 16 Simplest ratio of moles 1 1 Empirical MgO MgO Formula Diagram 7.64-28.O 30.1(a) (i) (ii) Section B -To allow the oxygen / air to enter the crucible .24=2.4 32.24-30.1 1.Mg Oxygen.4 = 0.6 =0.2 It involves heating Element Mass(g) Similarty The reaction is between a gas and a solid The reaction is between a gas and a solid Differences Metal oxide is formed Metal is reacted with oxygen gas The mass of the solid increases Metal is formed Metal oxide is reacted with hydrogen gas The mass of the solid decreases (ii) .1 It involves heating Diagram 7.64 =1. (iv) To ensure the oxygen from the air does not oxidise the hot copper to copper (II) oxide. To prevent the water formed during the reaction from flowing towards the hot porcelain dish. Explanation A mixture of hydrogen and air can cause an explosion when lighted. To ensure that all of the copper (II) oxide has been reduced into copper. The heating. SECTION C 1 (a) (i) Types of chemical Compund formed between X and Y Ionic bond is formed because X atom Molecule formed between Z and Y Covalent bond is formed because Z and Y atoms share . cooling and weighing processes are repeated until a constant mass is obtained. the flow of hydrogen is continued.-Dilute hydrochloric acid // or any dilute acid -Zinc // or any reactive metal (iii) 2 HCl + Zn = ZnCl2 + H2 Precaution Dry hydrogen gas is passes through the combustion tube for a few minutes/ throughout the experiment to remove all the air in the tube. During cooling. The combustion tube must be slanted slightly towards the tiny hole. are attracted to each other by a strong electrostatic force. -Y atom with an electron arrangement of 2.Steps 1 to 5 are repeated using solid Q to replace solid P. 3.Switch is turned on and observation is recorded. -A ionic compound XY is formed (c) 1.bonds (ii) Boiling point and melting point (b) donates electrons and Y atom receives electrons to achieve stable electron arrangement // X is metal and Y is nonmetal High because a lot of energy needed to overcome the strong electrostatic forces between ions the electrons to achieve stable electron arrangement // Y and Z are non metal Low because less energy is needed to overcome the weak forces of attraction between molecules Correct electron arrangement of 2 ions. 2. .8. 2.The switch is turned on again and observation is recorded. 6. 5. Two carbon electrodes are dipped in the solid P and connected to the batteries.ion is formed // Y + 2e = Y2-The oppossitely-charged ions.Observations.6 accept 2 electrons to achieve the stable octet electron arrangement.X2+ ion is formed // X X2+ +2e-. Correct charges and nucleas are shown X atom with an electron arrangement of 2. 7. 4.2 donates 2 valence electrons to achieve the stable octet electron arrangement. A crucible is filled with solid P until it is half full. 2. Y2. X2+ and Y2.8.The solid P is then heated until it melts completely.8. 1 Temperature Increase Total Energy A and B / content reactants have higher energy content than its products/ (C and D) Heat Released Diagram 10. CH4 = 12+4 =16 16g of methane releases 898 kJ heat Thus 1 g of methane releases = 898 x 1/16 kJ g-1 = 56.Straight line graph .2 Decrease R and S / Products have higher energy content than its reactants / (P and Q) Absorbed (c) Plotted graph 1. Q light up the bulb in molten state only.Correct axis and labelled 2. P: napthalene // any suitable answer Q: lead(II) bromide // any suitable answer 2(a) CH4+ + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O RMM of methane.All 4 points/values transferred correctly 3.125 kJ g-1 (correct answer and unit) (b) Diagram 10.P does not light up the bulb in both solid and molten states. Number of carbon atom per molecule / mole increases from methanol to to butanol.butan-1-ol Heat of combustion increases Because: 1.ethanol.4. More covalent bonds are formed in the products. 5. Number of hydrogen atoms per molecule / mole increases from methanol to butanol.Consistent scale Heat of combustion of alcohols (kJ mol-1) Number of carbon Heat of combustion increases from methanol ethanol propanol butan-1-ol// methanol. 4. 3. [JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-KIMIA-JOHOR] . More heat is given out. 2. More carbon dioxide / CO2 and water / H2O molecule are formed.propanol. JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-KIMIA (PAHANG) 1 (a) To ensure substance X is heated evenly (b) Naphthalene / Benzoic acid / Palmatic acid / Stearic acid / Acetamide (c) No (d) Sodium nitrate does not melt/ the temperature of bath water is not exceeding 100 ºC / boiling point of water is 100 ºC to avoid supercooling / even heating (e) (i) (ii) 79 ºC Heat loss to the surrounding is balanced by heat energy liberated as the particles attract one another to form solid. 2 (a) 2.7 Period 2 Atomic size of X is smaller than V/ Atomic size of V is bigger than X/ The number of proton in X is more than in V The attraction by the nucleus on electron in atom X is stronger than V (b) (i) (ii) (iii) (c) (i) (ii) VW 4 Has low melting point/ Low boiling point / cannot conduct electricity in any state/ soluble in organic solvent Ionic compound (d) (i) (ii) [Number of electron each shells are correct] [Number of charge and symbol are correct] . 3 (a) (b) To allow transfer of ions (c) (i) (ii) Colorless changes to brown Add starch solution Dark blue is formed Iodide ion/ Potassium iodide Loss in electron / increase in oxidation number Cl2 + 2e Cl- (d) (e) (f) (g) Bromine water/ acidified KMnO4 solution / acidified K2Cr2O7 0 to -1 . H+ and OH. Iron ring is then connected to the negative plate on the battery while the silver plate is connected to the positive terminal of the battery / Iron ring is made as cathode while silver plate is made as anode 2. Both plates are immersed into the silver nitate solution 3. H+ and OHions Anode: Cu Cu2+ + 2e Cathode: 2+ Cu + 2e Cu Anode: copeer dissolves / become thinner Cathode: Copper becomes thicker Ions in electrolytes Half equation Observation (c) (i) Improve the appearance / make it more attractive To prevent / reduce corrosion / rusting Procedure 1. SO42-.ions Positive terminal: Cu2+ + 2e Cu Negative terminal: Mg Mg2+ + 2e Positive terminal: Copper plate becomes thicker Magnesium becomes thinner / dissolve Cell B Electrolytic cell Electrical to chemical Anode: Copper Cathode: copper Cu2+. Hydrogen gas 2. SO42-. The circuit is completed (ii) . 2H+ + 2e H (b) Properties Type of cell Energy Change Electrodes Cell A Voltaic cell Chemical to electrical Positive terminal: Copper Negative terminal: Magnesium Cu2+.SECTION B (a) 1. silver nitrate solution .Functional apperatus set up Label correctly: siver plate. iron ring Cathode: Ag+ + e Ag Observation: Grey / or silvery solid deposited Anode: Ag Ag+ + e Observation: Anode / silver becomes thinner/ dissolve . salt and water 2CH3CH2OOH + ZnCO3 Zn(CH3CH2O)2 + H2O + CO2 (any example) (any cabonate) (ii) a) b) c) d) Carboxylic acid reacts with alkali to produce salt and water 2CH3CH2OOH + NaOH CH3CH2ONa + H2O (any example) (any alkali) pH 3-4.SECTION C (a) (i) Saturated hydrocarbons: hydrocarbons that contain carbon-carbon single bond or single covalent bond Example: Hexane Unsaturated hydrocarbon: hydrocarbons that contain at least one carboncarbon double or triple bond Example: Propene (ii) By hydrogenation process Ethene reacts with hydrogen at 180ºC in the presence of nickel or platinum catalyst to form ethane Accepted chemical equation (b) (i) -Refluxing ethanol / alcohol with an oxidizing agent such as acidified potassium dichromate (VI) solution or potassium manganate (VII) solution -Esterification reaction carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol with the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid as a catalyst Carboxylic acid reacts with metal to produce hydrogen gas 2CH3CH2OOH + Zn Zn(CH3CH2O)2 + H2 (any example) (any electropositive metal – not Na/K) Carboxylic acid reacts with base to produce salt and water 2CH3CH2OOH + ZnO Zn(CH3CH2O)2 + H2O (any example) (any base) Carboxylic acid reacts with carbonate to produce carbon dioxide. sour [JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-PAHANG] e) . SO42-.4 (ii) 4 (d) 14 Y 6 (e) (i) (ii) Group 16. neutron (b) (i) Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of proton but different number of neutron (ii) X and Y (iii) Iodine-131 (c) (i) 2. electron. OH(c) (i) Remain unchanged (ii) Cu2+ + 2e =Cu (d) (i) Chemical to electrical (ii) Becomes thinner /Dissolved (iii) Increase [ From S to P and Q to R] .JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-KIMIA (TERENGGANU) (a) proton. Period 2 (a) Cell X : Electrolytic cell/ Electrolysis cell Cell Y: Voltaic cell/ Chemical cell (b) Cu2+. H+. The concentration of HCl in Experiment II is more/higher than in Experiment I.17 cm3 s-1 (iii) The rate of reaction for Experiment II is higher than in Experiment I.0 210 = 0. .(a) pink to colourless (b) potassium sulphate (c) (i) neutralisation (ii) 2KOH + H2SO4 = K2SO + 2H2O [Formula of reactants and products are correct] [Balanced equation] Section B (a) (i) Size of the reactant/ the total surface area of the reactant Concentration of the reactant Temperature of the reactant Catalyst (ii) Temperature : 450-550 o C Catalyst : iron Pressure : 200 atm (b) (i) ● The axes are labeled together with its unit ● The scale is correct ● The points are transferred correctly ● The curve is smooth 1 (ii) Average rate of reaction for experiment I =26.0 150 = 0.12 cm3 s-1 Average rate of reaction for experiment II =26. atom W needs four electrons while atom Y needs one electron. 1 (ii) To achieve the stable/octet electron arrangement Two Y atoms share a pair / 2 electron single covalent bond (iii) Atoms W and Y form covalent bond To achieve the stable electron arrangement.The number of hydrogen ion / H+ per unit volume of the solution in Experiment II is more than in Experiment I The collision frequency in Experiment II is more than in Experiment I The effective collision frequency in Experiment II is more than in Experiment I Section C (a) (i) Atomic size of atom Y is smaller Proton number of atom Y is more than atom X Attraction of nucleus on the electrons stronger. Thus. atom W shares 4 pairs of electrons with 4 atoms of Y. forming a molecule with the formula WY4 Diagram . Atom X and atom Y form ionic compound To achieve stable octet electron arrangement.are pulled together by strong electrostatic force to form a compound with the formula XY Diagram Substance that have high melting and boiling point -sodium chloride -zinc nitrate (b) The oppositely charge ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces Substance that have low melting point -naphthalene -carbon dioxide Weak forces of attraction between the molecules [JAWAPAN PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN 2009-TERENGGANU] . atom X donates one electron to form a positive ion / equation X X+ + e Atom Y receives an electron to form ion R-/ equation Y+ + e Y Ion X+ and Y.
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