Kiln Cooler Heat Mass Balance



Page - 1/29PLANT : Binani Cement - 20.06.2003 Kiln Feed Kiln Feed Dividing Flap O2 = 5.3% K1 K2 C1 1.657 kg-Feed/kg-Clk To Raw Mill/Baghouse O2 = 3.2% 0.566 Nm3w/kg-clk 1.449 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.134 kg-Dust/kg-Clk C2 KS Fan 844/82 kW/% K3 K4 C3 ESP 0.884 Nm3/kg-Clk Cooler ESP CS Fan 1930/86.20 kW/% C4 Kiln String Calciner String K5 C5 1.092 Nm3w/kg-clk 185 kW/% Stack 0.020 kg-Dust/kg-Clk K6 C6 Cal. Calciner Firing Kiln Firing 0.072 kg-Coal/kg-Clk 0.044 kg-Coal/kg-Clk 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.508 Nm /kg-Clk 3 T.A. Duct Primary Air 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk KILN KILN 1136 deg.C 3.56 % Inlet O2 False Air a/c KS, Nm3w/kg-clk 0.030 False Air a/c CS, Nm3w/kg-clk 0.052 False Air a/c Cooler, Nm w/kg-clk 0.009 3 4.2 rpm 50 % 0.357 Nm3w/kg-clk Cooler Hot air to PA Fan Clinker 1.889 Nm3w/kg-clk 251515 kg-Clk/hr Page - 2/29 PLANT : Binani Cement - 20.06.2003 K6 C6 Cal. Nm3w/kg-clk kgw/kg-clk Stoi. 0.479 0.613 Exc. 0.048 0.062 Tot. 0.528 0.675 Trpt. Air 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.026 kgw/kg-clk Trpt. Air 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk Pri. Air 0.026 kgw/kg-clk T.A.DUCT 0.025 kgd/kg-clk Water Inj. 0.020 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.020 kg/kg-clk 0.025 kgw/kg-clk 0.508 Vent Air 0.650 KILN KILN 1.092 Nm3w/kg-clk #REF! 1.388 kgw/kg-clk 0.311 Nm3w/kg-clk kgw/kg-clk Stoi. 0.294 0.376 Exc. 0.063 0.081 0.819 Tot. 0.357 0.457 1.048 0.398 COOLAX COOLER 1284-3ME-IN Ist 6 Row CIS False Air 1.070 0.003 Nm3w/kg-clk 1.369 0.004 kgw/kg-clk False Air 0.006 Nm3w/kg-clk 0.007 kgw/kg-clk Excess Air Optimisation (vol%, d) Optimised O2 - Kiln I/L 3.6 Optimised CO2 - Kiln I/L 20.7 Cooling Air Optimised O2 - Cal. O/L 2.417 kgw/kg-clk Optimised CO2 - Cal. O/L 1.889 Nm3w/kg-clk 1.4 39.3 Error Minimisation-1 0.00 Optimised Excess Air, Kiln 21.5 vol%, w Error Minimisation-2 0.00 Optimised Excess Air, Cal. 10.1 vol%, w Error Minimisation-3 0.00 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.xls Pic-2S LU001005-KCP#Ver.1.2D*** 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.xls Pic-2S LU001005-KCP#Ver.2D*** .1. kgd/kg-clk 0.602 0.061 0.663 0.026 kgd/kg-clk 0.025 kgd/kg-clk 0.638 1.349 kgd/kg-clk 0.391 0.369 0.079 0.448 1.029 1.344 0.007 kgd/kg-clk 3.491 0.065 20.703 0.000 1.416 0.027 39.347 0.000 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.xls Pic-2S 2.374 kgd/kg-clk LU001005-KCP#Ver.1.2D*** 0.004 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.xls Pic-2S LU001005-KCP#Ver.1.2D*** kgd/kg-clk kgd/kg-clk 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.xls Pic-2S LU001005-KCP#Ver.1.2D*** 2D*** .1.xls Pic-2S LU001005-KCP#Ver.10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503. Air Draft mmWG -38 Secondary Air Temperature deg.00 Heat-6 0.41 CaCO3 % 75.91 t/m3 1.55 Sodium Oxide (as Na2O) % 0.S Type (L=01m) S1 Pitot Constt.0 Cooler Area Ambient Air Temperature Relative Humidity % 41 Pitot Constt.5 rpm 629/673 Clinker Bed Thickness in Cooler mm 565 KS Fan Load/Speed kW/% Clinker in Cooler tons 71 CS Fan Load/Speed kW/% 1930/86.22 Moisture in Kiln Feed kg/hr 917 Excess Air in Kiln vol%.T.20 BH Dust Returned to Kiln Clinker Density Cooler Fans kWh Cooler ESP/Stack Radiations 31877 1.t.2 Tert.872 Burner .03878 False Air Analysis Raw Mix A/c KS w.Kiln/Calciner 16.45 Sulphur (as pyrites) % 0.04 10. Mix mass%.Coal Annulus m2 0.r.A.O2 Basis mass%.C Miscellaneous Data Dust with Clinker.C 31.87 Fine Coal Temperature deg.80 21. effective mts 4.45 Sulphates (as SO3) % 0.56 Coal Screw Speed .44 mmWG 676/123/84 Cooler Grate-I/II/III speed spm 15. w 5.t.C 1450 Kiln Feed Rate kg/hr 1.55 Kiln Refractory Thickness mm 220 Kiln Diameter.r. .0 kcal/kg-Clk Performance & Efficiency CCR Data Kiln Feed Residence Time in Kiln min (d) 18.C 1109 Hood Draft mmWG Tertiary Air Temperature deg. Kiln % 2.11 Barometric Pressure mmWG 9827 Barometric Pressure mmHG 723 Slope deg.06.m/sec 1188 Cooler ESP Fan Load 2 m /s/m 1.Ref.01262 Burner Axial Area 5 mm withdrawn m2 0.C 2181 Kiln Feed Rate/Dosing Valve Position tpd/m3 6.C 82 Silica (as SiO2) % 20.51 ESP I/L Dust Concn.00 Heat-7 0.00 Water In. Cooler Outlet deg. Tip Velocity m/sec 7. d Water Temp.8/16. .15 416689 Clinker Composition Kiln Dust mass%.23 yes/no no Magnesia (as MgO) % 1.657 Clinker Temperature.Page .3 Potassium Oxide (as K2O) % 0. d Excess Air in Calciner vol%.C 905 Cooler Air 3 Cooler Loading PLANT : Binani Cement .00 Heat-8 0.A.r.10 Combined H2O % 1.C 140 Kiln Feed Temperature deg.0 Raw Mix .5/59.3/29 Kiln Basic Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Site Conditions Equipment Specifications Clinker Production tpd Clinker Production kg/hr Plant Elevation mts +MSL 6036 251515 402 Kiln Length mts 68 Kiln Diameter mts 4. w 6. w 6. Cooler 3 m /hr 5.C/% kW Dust Losses .11 0.00 Heat-5 0.70 A/c Cooler ESP w.08 37 844/82 5.m/sec 928 0 Cooler Grate-I Ch.PH % 1136/50 185 -6 8.O2 Basis mass%.522 382896 539 Kiln Feed Rate kg/kg-clk Clinker Temperature.71 Kiln Speed Clinker Residence Time in Cooler min (d) 17.00 Kiln String O2 % Calciner String O2 % 3 % 3.69 Kiln Feed Elevator Load Theoretical Flame Temperature Kiln Volumetric Loading Burning Zone Loading Mcal/hr-m2 Percent Filling % mmWG tph/% kW 4.50 rpm 4.03 0.24 MgCO3 % 1. Temp. Tip Velocity (AA | RA) Flame Momentum (AA | RA) 73.2003 Burning Zone Temperature/Kiln Torque 69/56/55 Flame Momentum (CTA) deg.2.00 Heat-2 0.S Type (L=03m) S2 % 4 m2 97.I/II/III DP Percent Coal Transport Air % C.51 Cooler ESP Fan Speed % 60 tpd/m2 62.01 CFG Static Pressure deg. 25 deg.883 Burner Radial Area X mm withdrawn m2 Blocked 0.00 Axial Air Contribution. Mix .79 P.6/17.0 Lime (as CaO) % 65. : Amb.70 Iron (as Fe2O3) % 3. Cooler tph 5.52 Loss on Ignition (as LOI) % 35.2*** .83 A/c CS w. w 7.00 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.95 Kiln Feed Diversion .20 Moisture in Kiln Feed % 0. gm/m3-dg 9.00 Heat-4 0.Clinker Ratio kg/kg-clk Water In.Clinker Ratio kg/hr kcal/kg Evaporation Heat 1.xls Kiln-CalcS LU000211-KCP#Ver. % 100 Heat-3 0.C 73 Alumina (as Al2O3) % 6. Mix .05 Carbon in Kiln Feed % 0.20 Cooler Efficiency .0 Raw Mix .Kiln/Calciner 735 415/78 92/71 %/% 40. % Percent Primary Air (AA | RA) % 6.6 Cooler Grate-I/II/III load amps %.65 m/sec 137 0 Kiln Inlet O2 %.t.20. Kiln Outlet deg.m/sec 260 Total Flame Momentum %.11 <<< ERRORS >>> Hot air to PA Fan (Yes/No) yes Heat-1 0. 02 31.73 17.28 1.3 0. dry kg/Nm3 1.110 0.110 0.8 33.21 Gas Flow Rate.CO2.0 20.11 ### 6.1 0.29 1.2*** .H2O kg 6.55 0.00 N2.0 79.051 - - - Pitot Tube Gas Velocity S1/S2/L Duct C.244 0.64 0.40 1. calc.H2O kg/m3 0.59 0. deg.59 30.16 2.96 31.75 3.48 25.78 0.62 47.2 21.263 0.030 0.27 1.47 47.71 3.0 0.57 1..66 1.9 79.29 1.69 19. wet mass % 4.244 0.C - - - 31 25 25 24 - - 15 Dew Point.03 99. dry kg 3.205 - - - - - - Heat Content.85 6. Ps mmWG -575 -864 -753 -40 RMS Pd mmWG - - - - 2.93 CO2.30 10.00 0.21 75.0 Density.88 6.34 0.43 1.91 9.C - - 58 31 25 25 24 - - 16 0.14 1.36 1.62 0.2 - - - m 6.60 1.00 0.00 4.64 49.32 22.7 39.98 1.85 41.34 0.56 1.90 876..38 1.38 22.87 7.24 0.19 1. dust Mcal/hr 927 1467 2394 298 - - - - - - Heat Content.63 2.19 0.7 59.CO2 kg/m3 0.29 66.86 50.0 79.16 7.29 1.20 1.30 0.92 0.6 1.00 3.73 22.4 21.27 222.96 1.9 61.22 0.0 0.69 Density.28 Gas Density.39 0.13 0.75 2.234 0. dry vol % 28.92 1.0 21.28 1.59 0.52 0.01 79.90 23.81 33.29 ### 4. dry kg 24. wet km /hr 336.06 ### 6. tph Gas Flow Rate.1 0.58 32.37 446.98 20. total Mcal/hr 16475 25994 42469 25209 134 117 118 2268 4251 21 Heat Cap.0 62.63 0.03 7.57 19.06 1.0 21. dry tph 174.2 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.0 0. wet kg/m3 0.250 0.233 0. Kiln I/L Cal. gas Heat Content. gas Dust.00 0.07 11.26 0. gas Heat Cap.13 1.49 2.21 0.36 1.C 306 302 304 285 87 73 75 807 811 31 Wet Bulb Temp.62 454.87 1.61 45.87 46.N2 kg/m3 0. dry .263 0.42 10.29 1.43 1.57 0. dry .1 0.88 2. deg.07 Density .52 1.30 1.96 302.32 O2.53 1.1 13.00 1.40 1.53 0.10 Gas Density.54 22.110 Avg. dry kg/m3 0.67 75.40 0.72 2.57 6.59 1.2.46 1.7 27.8 35.03 1.54 1.29 1.47 0.52 0.1 0. wet mass % 50.96 5.2 4.84 Gas Flow Rate. dry vol % 65.02 1. Air False Air String String PH Gas Vent Air Kiln Cal.68 310.03 2.1 13.64 13.59 75.29 Gas Density.21 75.48 12.0 0.94 5.00 0.19 0.19 1.31 6.40 183.88 H2O mass % 9.77 18.264 0.10 27.33 0.60 0.36 1.18 32.81 0.0 75.62 0.244 0. dry km3/hr 280.06 2. wet kg/Nm3 1.255 - - - Water Vapor kg/kg-dg 0.08 29.18 0.81 Gas Flow Rate.C - - - - 30 34 34 - - 22 Dew Point (F4) deg. dry kg 34.08 29.19 - - - 0.28 1.42 74.47 1.021 0.44 22.020 0.55 96.55 Duct Diameter mts 2 O2.89 2.60 0.75 3.0 CO2.21 5. wet kNm /hr 142. wet tph 193.1 0.81 ### 6.32 ### 6.2 79.0 N2.74 2.40 0. dry .0 21. Area 2 Gas Flow Rate.90 539.13/29 Kiln Air Flow Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Flow Analysis Kiln Calciner Total Cooler Primary Coal Trpt.26 1.012 1020 3305 2960 -66 -234 -6 9. wet mass % 34.10 - - - - - - kcal/kg/C 0.19 Gas Density.81 0.38 13.79 5.233 0.82 0.40 84.33 1.98 4.82 0.57 0.14 5.78 4.S. dry vol % 5.xls Kiln-CalcS LU000211-KCP#Ver.255 0.8 50.00 28.37 0.38 504.20 0.58 1.00 Mass .0 79.2 22.Page .N2.44 ### 4.261 0.18 6.012 0.91 9.051 0.012 0.242 Mcal/hr 15548 24527 40075 24911 134 117 118 2268 4251 21 tph 12.24 0. dry kNm3/hr 118.65 2.75 50.61 Mass .74 Mass .91 39.83 0.262 0.69 Mass . by diff.3 3.50 1.10 - - - - L L L - - - m/s 15.O2. dust kcal/kg/C 19.96 727.00 0.34 0.O2 kg/m3 0.88 30.01 55.13 5.73 22.33 0.57 0. O/L Cooler Dry Bulb Temp. deg.17 Gas Flow Rate.0 10.22 364.77 2.87 2.00 9.04 12.0 3.0 21.44 6.91 2.0 3 3 Moisture.80 3.2 0.00 0.51 0.33 0.28 1.49 279.9 28.41 1.021 0.22 Density.35 54. 028210 55 0. liq.018950 40 0.042722 15 0.035150 1930/86.887E-08 ### 6.005790 4 0.733E-07 ### -1. 0.340E-06 4.O2 kg/Nm3 1.284E-06 4.CO2 3 kg/Nm 1.045465 5 0.910E-05 6.2130 7.4445 2.5771 Sp.771E-04 -1.2. Gravity.504E-15 H2O.000E+00 0.032110 60 0.steam 0.1742 1.414E-04 -1.005790 2 0.977 C -37. O2 0.563E-08 ### -8.6/17.016800 35 0.8/16. dry .894E-14 N2+Ar 0.N2 kg/Nm3 1.021150 45 0. Gravity.010610 8 0.0000 Rawmeal 0.804 BURNER AXIAL/RADIAL ANNULUS R/A Withd.008630 6 0. dry .257 Rho H2O-Steam. Gravity.012620 25 0.90 Sp.Coefficients Gas/Mat *T^0 *T^1 *T^2 *T^3 *T^4 0. kg/Nm3 0.283E-07 ### A 23.429 B -4042.024520 50 0. Area 0 0. dry .472E-15 H2O.000E+00 Not used in calc.1906 1.20 5. 1.2060 1.440E-08 ### 5.804 Sp.xls Kiln-CalcS LU000211-KCP#Ver.014690 30 0. Gravity .014E-04 -3.041365 20 0.044088 10 0. Area A/A Withd.046850 0 0.183E-15 CO2 0.6 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.366E-08 ### 5.2465 -3.58 Sp.796E-05 -7.Heat Cap .673E-08 Clinker 0.1244 0.2485 -3.H2O kg/Nm3 0.597E-15 Not used in calc.000E+00 ### 0.2*** . 43 1.89 0. Heat kg/kg-clk deg.028 0.4 62.48 3.29 1.012 0 3.110 1.65 26.61 1.233 - - - - 925 1466 - 24450 200 417 16474 25992 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.C kcal/kg/C kcal/kg-clk Air (ESP I/L) 1.242 1 57 58 ESP Fan Pow.16 7.61 0.07 0.0 1.2 30.0 21.13 174.93 84.20 - 602.24 LU000211-KCP#Ver.99 20.81 - - - - 0.44 1.00 0.80 3.61 1.49 279.28 1.33 Error2 0.250 97 - 4.0000 0.2 0.88 74.2 19.4 - 13.00 20.98 20.07 0.0 79.94 - 575.27 1.110 0.29 1.0 69.234 0.250 0.66 184.14/29 Supporting Gas Analysis Cooler-ESP Air Balancing Ambient ESP False Air To KS CS Air Stack ESP PA Fan Fan I/L Fan I/L 31 265 31 265 305 302 22 53 22 53 80 80 15 40 15 40 60 16 30 16 30 0.83 286.250 99 60 False Air 0.07 - 369.0 0.35 46.14 544.67 40.19 2.27 343.60 0.00 0.75 - Mass Temp.61 0.32 1.10 0.53 223.028 0.34 0.47 451.93 22.106 31 0.263 0.62 14.69 0.00 0.95 0.49 0.250 2 21. - - - 0 0.31 193.45 1.39 0.34 1.025 265 0.88 74.2*** .27 1.39 1.10 0.48 26.6 1.242 0.1 - - 15.0 79.29 1.56 0.95 9.45 4.29 1.68 310.5 21.62 14.61 0.57 - S2 - - S2 S2 - 12.9 34.57 5. Sp.18 24.74 120.62 1.83 0.012 0.68 75.8 - 359.62 - 277.62 0.76 75.00 To PA Fan 0.70 6.79 47.69 0.262 - 24450 200 417 15549 24526 - - - - 12.19 2.32 1.69 1.7 3.Page .02 84.57 22.76 6.242 0.0 24.0 5.84 4.75 9.77 6.93 36.48 25.22 0.2.0 0.75 1.51 Stack 1.73 28.85 - - 6.20 - - 2.38 - 290.69 0.74 31.62 1.51 1.44 6.28 1.0 21.79 47.91 9.95 1.10 0.00 0.0 0.0 79.91 1.81 22.250 0.69 0.68 54.10 0.96 144.69 0.00 30.39 0.495 - - 100 79.53 0.07 2.3 0.51 Error1 0. Heat IN TOTAL OUT TOTAL ESP False Air Optimisation 7.96 23.00 - - 9.0 21.xls Kiln-CalcS Const.4 Radiations - - - 1 0.388 285 0.77 1.07 17.0000 25.89 - 10.81 1.470 265 0.22 0.64 20.41 10.92 1.00 0.99 0.495 - - 100 0 - -610 -910 6.00 0.93 22.59 1. 2*** .10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.2.xls Kiln-CalcS LU000211-KCP#Ver. 00 74.59 2.00 84.2.00 79.081 0.178 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.2*** .245 0.271 1.87 1.681 1.52 0.31.00 0.0 0.100 1.215 1.684 25.44 3.25 22.54 0.293 1.00 1.xls Kiln-CalcS LU000211-KCP#Ver.069 0.0296 -40 21. 20.A.5 6 Kiln Feed.Page . Duct - - - - 995312 4. Comb - - - - 103329439 410.3 9 Water Injection. Cooler 607797 475107 35 0.243 5167950 20.3 2 Dust with PH Exit Gases 33794 - 304 0. of Water.0 9 Evap.2 4 False Air (KS+CS+Cooler) 33423 22885 31 0.4 7 Heat of Reaction excl. TOTAL INPUT 1111418 OUTPUT 1 Preheater Exit Gases 504065 364436 304 0.000 75171 0.06.) 29207 - 73 0.8 c Kiln - - - - 4437254 17.4/29 Kiln Heat & Mass Balance : SLC 6-Stage II-String S.5 3 Cooler Vent Air 349198 274761 285 0. kg/hr Nm3/hr Temp.205 298061 1. Constriants Amount No. Cooler 5000 - 25 1.2003 Ref.6 10 Coal Transport Air (Kiln+Cal.214 7298375 29.6 d T.6 8 Free Water in Kiln Feed 917 - 82 1.262 40074502 159.2 a Kiln String - - - - 2618130 10.5 3 Fuel (Kiln+Cal.C kcal/kg/ oC kcal/hr kcal/kg-Clk INPUT 1 Combustion of Coal - - - - 172787463 687.244 231628 0.00 193072182 767. of Water.3 6 Total Radiations - - - - 11873278 47. Temp. Cp Heat deg.0 2 Cooling Air.0 7 Combustibles in Kiln Feed - - - - 6442978 25.262 559117 2.2 5 Cold Clinker 246420 - 140 0.4 b Calciner String - - - - 3212876 12.192 6610674 26.233 2394225 9. 5000 - - - 3069969 12.6 10 Balance/Losses TOTAL OUTPUT 1144488 PLANT : Binani Cement .000 124999 0.244 134126 0.5 12994 10172 73 0.8 8 Evap.0 deg.89 % . dry 415773 - 82 0.C Mass Error = -2.2 - - - - 2 0.250 24911420 99. Kiln Feed 917 - - - 510611 2. Cooler Inj.0 e Cooler + Hood - - - - 609706 2.242 250376 1.0 5 Primary Air 6307 4938 87 0.0 4 Dust with Cooer Vent Air 5095 - 285 0. .9 193072182 767. 99% 0. liq.00-29.340E-06 0.910E-05 H2O.775E-04 Coal >= 30% 0.0000 Rawmeal 0.5771 B -4042.525E-04 A 23.900E-04 3.00-19.284E-06 H2O.237 Clinker 0.00-24.1906 1.99% 0. 1.400E-04 Coal 15.000E+00 O2 0.2485 -3.2465 -3.245 3.99% 0.2130 7.414E-04 Coal < 14.steam 0.2060 1.90 C -37.237 3.796E-05 CO2 0.254 3.Coeffici Gas/Mat *T^0 *T^1 0.804 .525E-04 Coal 20.00-19.014E-04 Coal 15.99% 0.4445 2.228 3.Heat Cap . kg/Nm3 0.771E-04 N2+Ar 0.58 Rho H2O-Steam.99% 0.1244 0.650E-04 Coal 25.1742 1.262 3. 000E+00 Sp.797E-11 5.000E+00 0.673E-08 0.Heat Cap .000E+00 Not used in calc.366E-08 -2.504E-15 6.000E+00 0.429 Sp.977 Sp. 0. dry .472E-15 -3.563E-08 4.000E+00 0.Coefficients *T^2 *T^3 *T^4 4.000E+00 0.N2 kg/Nm3 1. dry . Gravity .750E-11 5.074E-11 0.440E-08 -2.000E+00 0. -7.000E+00 0. dry .O2 kg/Nm3 1. Gravity.726E-11 6.733E-07 9. Gravity.H2O kg/Nm3 0.257 Sp.CO2 kg/Nm3 1. Gravity.894E-14 4.283E-07 5.597E-15 Not used in calc.887E-08 -3.315E-11 -1.183E-15 -1.074E-11 -8.804 .000E+00 -1. 6 5 Evaporation of Injected Water - - - 3069969 12.250 24911420 99.388 285 0.192 6610674 26.2.C kcal/kg/ C kcal/hr kcal/kg-Clk o INPUT 1 Clinker to Cooler 1. .398 1109 0.388 285 0. Air - - - 65463843 260 9 Max.000 31 0.004 31 0.008 1109 0.7 3 Cooling Air 2. Cp Heat kg/kg-Clk deg.980 140 0.06.020 1450 0. Constriants No.6 2a Dust in Vent/Excess Air.461 416.8 kcal/kg-Clk 140 2 Total Cooler Loss.5/29 Cooler Performance & Efficiency : SLC 6-Stage II-String S.000 140 0.2 6 Cooler Vent/Excess Air 1.95 PLANT : Binani Cement . Mass Temp.286 285 0. Cp kg/kg-Clk deg. Temp.9 4 Dust in Tertiary Air 0.020 31 3a Clinker from Cooler.0 5 Water Injection 0.Amb.264 96340716 383 1 Clinker from Kiln 1. Ref.266 29566604 117.6 2 Dust in Secondary Air 0. .2003 Heat Error 0. Heat Release from Clinker - - - 94949256 COOLER EFFICIENCY. Temp.0oC 31 0.178 -1391460 -6 3 Clinker from Cooler 1.xls Cool-EffS LU000211-KCP#Ver. Std.20.235 662429 2.242 7714 0. Amb.264 1926814 7. Ref. Amb.388 31 0.286 1 Total Cooler Loss.Page .11 105 VDZ Efficiency S.020 285 0. . 0.243 5167950 20.Amb. Std. Ref.000 124999 0.192 -6747366 -27 4 Power to Cooler Fans - - - 1142273 5 5 Excess Air.456 416.Tmp.264 96340716 383. 0. kcal/kg-Clk 112 3 Standard Cooler Loss kcal/kg-Clk 4 Cooler Efficiency.5 4 False Air.020 25 1.5 3.650 905 0.3 OUTPUT 1 Secondary Air from Cooler 0.0 3 Tertiaruy Air from Cooler 0. Temperature 1. Ref.5 6 Power Consumption - - - 1142273 TOTAL INPUT 4.2 8 Clinker from Cooler 0.31 5 Cooler Efficiency.245 2458094 9.250 -24911420 -99 6 Excess Air.0 7 Dust in Vent/Excess Air 0. In 0. % 73.2*** . Out 1.012 905 0.000 1450 0. Constriants No.1 0.245 2653513 10.Tmp.3 9 Cooler Radiation - - - 381650 1.00 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.980 31 0.4 1s Cooler Vent/Excess Air. Amb. 1. Tmp.242 21291 0 7 Surface Losses - - - -381650 -2 8 Heat Absorption by Comb.011 31 0.178 1363271 5. 1.250 23076812 91. 1. Mass Temp.0 2 Dust to Cooler 0.5 TOTAL OUTPUT 3.000 2 Clinker at Amb.262 38695835 153.0oC % 66.178 28189 0.242 513824 2. In 0.417 35 0.8 2s Cooler Vent/Excess Air. .C kcal/kg/ oC kcal/hr Heat kcal/kg-Clk 1450 0.3 1a Cooler Vent/Excess Air. % 378 68.205 298061 1. Mass Error 0.2.xls Cool-EffS LU000211-KCP#Ver.00 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.2*** . 55 2.08 276.117.04 153.04 2.63 2.85 2.85 153.xls Cool-EffS LU000211-KCP#Ver.2.00 10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503.55 117.08 0.2*** .63 276. 2.2*** .xls Cool-EffS LU000211-KCP#Ver.10/04/2015 02:47:03 288628503. 24 .48 - Coal Firing in Calciner 65. Moisture (IM) % 2.43 C6 Feed > Kiln TOTAL 200.710 9.00 62.30 382..) 91.88 - 5.41 33.11 - 43.0772 2256 - - - - Ash 0. kg/kg-Clk 0.72 Coal Consumption (ADB) % 11.50 - 16. kg-Coal/kg-Clk 0.97 Coal Consump.90 10. kcal/kg-Clk 261 426 687 Inher..179 5.111 UHV (manual) kcal/kg-Coal 6089 Ash Absorption.05 - 0.70 237.41 145.09 Feed Ratio.96 K6 Feed > Calciner 33.C6 Cyc.61 Ash Content % 19.000007 HMB Error Sp.Page .40 - 74. Total 38.0205 598 - - 598 - Raw Mix - - - 131145 4937 - Total 1.0052 153 153 - - 305 O 0.00 100.65 - 8. of Cal. of Calcination Feed / Carbon in Coal Rate KS CS KS CS % / wt.0000 29207 58452 200819 14116 305 PH Outlet CO2 Calculations (DB) : Description CO2 CO2 Deg.6506 19002 50672 69674 - - H 0. Fraction Fuel O2 CO2 H2O SO2 kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr C 0.48 - 13..% tph tph tph kNm3/hr kNm3/hr KF > KS (Deg. % Volatile Matter (VM) % 22.48 8. .50 29. kg/hr 92846 151486 244332 Lmin.0326 953 7628 - 8581 - N 0.52 Total Coal Consumption (ADB) kg/hr 29207 Oxygen (O) % 7.0441 0.187 8.06 Clinker Production tpd Hydrogen (H) % 3.571 UHV kcal/kg-Coal 5872 Sp.49 Unburnt Coal Consumption kg/hr 2500 Sulphur (S) % 0.10 26.310 Value in calculations kcal/kg-Coal 5916 Combustion of Coal : Component Wt.) ● kcal/kg-Coal 6100 L.1161 Ash Content % 19.1990 5811 - - - - H2O 0.82 102.365 112766 166783 279549 Calorific Value GCV (calc.81 68. .90 Moisture (IM) % 2. kg/kg-Coal 3.06 11.06 18.79 - KF > CS (Deg. Heat Consumption 6036 kcal/kg-Clk 687 Total O2 Requirement kg/hr 58452 O2 in Coal kg/hr 2256 Net O2 Requirement kg/hr 56196 Proximate Analysis (ADB) Description Kiln Cal.41 134.K6 Cyc.. % - - 2.689 1. kg/kg-Coal 3.6/29 Fuel Combustion Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Ultimate Analysis (ADB) Air Requirement Carbon (C) % 65.861 5.00 Fixed Carbon (FC) % 55.90 Sp.422 0.05 Lmin.29 145.26 Clinker Production kg/hr 251515 Nitrogen (N) % 1. of Cal.99 - - 66.0149 435 - - - - S 0. Air Consp.54 - Coal Firing in Kiln 65.56 - 37.0720 0.05 - 14.) 58.20 - 21.. Heat Consump. kg/hr NCV ● kcal/kg-Coal 5916 L. . 2 . 00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.. % vol.35 36.04 N2 71657 116913 188570 57325 93531 150856 61.37 1.38 47. Mass Flow Rate Vol.20 1.88 53.06.67 100.07 0.76 32.49 1..39 18.14 61.05 0.09 0.% KS CS PH KS CS PH KS CS PH KS CS PH kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr Nm3/hr Nm3/hr Nm3/hr m.00 0.08 0.91 3.00 100.00 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.04 N2 71657 116913 188570 57325 93531 150856 65. dry vol.00 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.95 3.26 H2O 6478 10570 17048 8062 13154 21216 5.00 100.00 0.36 67. False Air : S t d D R Y W E T Comp.00 CO2 37358 134413 200819 19019 68428 102235 27.Page .00 100.00 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.00 63.08 0.00 0.61 46.11 66.70 4.48 48.97 O2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.7/29 Coal Combustion Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Kiln Combustion Gases with Stoichiometric Air : S t d Comp.t.00 0.08 0.60 4.00 0.04 0.03 N2 97446 145903 248114 77957 116723 198491 54.r.38 0.2003 FUEL : South African Coal False air a/c KS w. % CO2 66406 134413 200819 33807 68428 102235 38. % 37358 134413 200819 19019 68428 102235 34.t.00 100.07 0.00 0.84 5.97 57.t.30 2.39 26.98 28.00 100.07 0.66 46.11 O2 7757 8747 17951 5430 6123 12566 4.00 100.76 56.01 Total 171725 289252 467189 117234 191340 313399 100.20.59 51.87 3.33 2. gas.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.39 54.00 0. % vol.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.04 N2 86995 128693 215687 69596 102954 172550 67.78 33.37 30..29 49.05 0.34 7. gas.% 11..00 0.51 7.04 0.00 100.82 H2O 6717 10754 17471 8359 13382 21742 4.00 100. % vol.53 24.76 59.04 0.00 0.00 Kiln Combustion Gases incl.04 0.04 0.95 8.66 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.02 False air a/c PH w.r.44 51.00 100.32 1.58 O2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.95 50.00 100..37 22.20 4.52 3. % m.03 N2 97446 145903 248114 77957 116723 198491 56.31 51.84 35.26 20.23 40. % 53.00 PH Outlet Gas Composition incl.15 7.. Flow Rate Mass% KS CS PH KS CS PH kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr 3 Nm /hr Nm /hr Nm /hr m.03 0.00 CO2 66406 134413 200819 33807 68428 102235 37.03 4.31 1.98 44.70 39. CO2 D R Y W E T Mass Flow Rate Vol.23 50.99 3. % m.00 0.05 57. % 37358 134413 200819 19019 68428 102235 28.76 75.74 Total 178954 300275 485167 126231 205057 335772 100.92 59.39 75.76 69.73 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.44 54.43 45.90 42.67 46.00 0.00 100.03 0.02 3. % vol. % vol. % vol.62 H2O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.04 0..00 100.00 0.07 0.44 53.91 3.11 0.00 PLANT : Binani Cement .00 CO2 37358 134413 200819 19019 68428 102235 32. % vol.00 100.00 100.67 3. CO2 D R Y W E T Mass Flow Rate Vol.00 100.75 50. % vol.06 37.88 Total 135767 277566 442382 100221 187294 302303 100. % vol.04 3.r.00 100. Flow Rate Mass% Vol.45 48.70 .07 0. % m.23 3 3 KS CS Vol.54 33.00 H2O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.69 6.50 61.47 42.08 46.% KS CS PH KS CS PH KS CS PH KS CS PH kg/hr kg/hr kg/hr Nm3/hr Nm3/hr Nm3/hr m.42 2.08 O2 4582 3518 8100 3207 2463 5670 3.00 100.00 Total 109130 251515 389694 76384 162025 253198 100.20 61.44 H2O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.52 False air a/c CS w.11 44.19 SO3 116 189 305 41 66 107 0.00 0..55 1.36 48.00 100.02 Total 129050 266813 424911 91862 173911 280562 100.10 0.55 7.00 100. gas.50 O2 4582 3518 8100 3207 2463 5670 3.% 11.% PH KS CS PH m.52 48.00 0.30 3.00 0.83 3.07 0.00 0.00 Total 115609 262085 406742 84446 175179 274414 100.06 0.00 0.45 H2O 7230 11023 17978 8997 13717 22373 4.76 41.00 100. dry vol. Excess Air : S t d Comp.52 39.71 7.04 N2 86995 128693 215687 69596 102954 172550 64.09 0. % m. % m.41 48.98 36.07 0. dry vol.07 0.00 100.13 6.27 1.19 9.00 100.34 O2 7757 8747 17951 5430 6123 12566 4.73 59.00 0.% 10..03 0. Flow Rate Mass% Vol.00 100. . r.r. mix w.t.11 10.33 9. mix w.t.t. mix 10.r.48 .w. 97 Ash Content % 16.26 Nitrogen (N) % 1.90 Moisture (IM) % 2.90 Inher.28 20.4 8. Moisture (IM) % 2.24 0.00 19.69 38.00 100.05 Total % 100.00 19.00 3.18 10.57 0.00 1.06 Hydrogen (H) % 3.00 0.72 Ash Content % 16.00 100.00 100.05 Total % 100.00 7.49 Sulphur (S) % 0.89 52.52 Oxygen (O) % 5.6 100.00 65.00 Fuel-1 Fuel-2 Resultant Fuel Calorific Value GCV (calc.00 55.00 2.Page .89 52.29/29 Unburnt Coal Combustion Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Ultimate Analysis (ADB) Fuel-1 Fuel-2 Resultant Fuel Carbon (C) % 69.0 Fuel consumption Fuel ratio kg/hr % .00 Fuel-1 Fuel-2 Resultant Fuel Proximate Analysis (ADB) Fixed Carbon (FC) % 56.63 0.00 100.00 22.57 0.82 28.) kcal/kg-Coal 6613 611 6100 NCV kcal/kg-Coal 6412 611 5916 UHV kcal/kg-Coal 6260 1724 5872 UHV (manual) kcal/kg-Coal 6500 1700 6089 26707 2500 29207 91.24 0.00 2.09 Volatile Matter (VM) % 24. 8 K-1 C-1 DP=105 -490 mmWG DP=120 -725 mmWG DT=139 315 deg.C DT=115 322 deg.C K-4 C-4 -220 mmWG DP=80 -360 mmWG DP=126 660 deg.C DT=147 K-3 C-3 DP=84 -304 mmWG DP=120 -480 mmWG DT=90 570 deg.C K-2 C-2 -385 mmWG DP=81 -605 mmWG DP=125 454 deg.C Cal.C PLANT : Binani Cement .C DT=69 811 deg.2003 .C DT=137 584 deg. I/L Draft -45 mmWG Kiln I/L Temp 807 deg.06.C DT=90 K-5 C-5 DP=74 -140 mmWG DP=189 -234 mmWG DT=81 726 deg.30000000000001 -864 mmWG DP=139 302 deg.C DT=19.C DT=116 437 deg.8/29 Preheater Draft & Temperature Measurements : SLC 6-Stage II-String -575 mmWG DP=85 306 deg. I/L Temp 880 deg.C K-6 C-6/Cal.Page . Kiln I/L Draft -66 mmWG Cal.C DT=9.C DT=66 721 deg.20. Page .53 406.1*** .5 6300 - 214 27. Velo.9/29 Velocity Profiles : SLC 6-Stage II-String S Location No.308 0.33 8.00 - 13 C-4 Cyclone - 6600 - 214 9.00 - 5 K-5 Cyclone - 5700 - 214 6.34 8.00 - 7 Kiln Riser Duct 17. Dimensions Height Dim-1 Dim-2 Ref.5 3100 3100 214 7.791 0.00 - 3 K-3 Cyclone - 5700 - 214 6.00 - 12 C-3 Cyclone - 6600 - 214 9.791 0.35 - 9 Kiln (inlet) 68.01 410.627 0.20. Gas Characteristics Vol.20 581.06.212 0.791 0.308 0.93 9.00 - 4 K-4 Cyclone - 5700 - 214 6.085 2 K-2 Cyclone - 5400 - 179 6.97 1. w mts mm mm mm m2 km3/hr m/sec sec 336.0 3000 - 214 5. Time Flow.791 0. Thick. Duct 70.15 10 C-1 Cyclone - 6300 - 115 7. Eff.xls Vel-Prof LU001007-KCP#Ver.40 10.90 21.90 18. Area / Dia.11 2.009 539.00 - 6 K-6 Cyclone - 5700 - 214 6. Ret.40 - 1 K-1 Cyclone - 5400 - 115 5.30 8.14 410.87 31.75 862.A.308 0.1.68 - PLANT : Binani Cement .2003 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.25 18 Kiln Hood (throat) - 5500 5480 300/214 24.00 - 16 Calciner 26.17 17 T.308 0.40 15.0 4550 - 200 13.00 - 15 C-6 Cyclone - 6600 - 214 9.10 8 Smoke Chamber - 4550 3100 214 11.08 814.35 3.00 - 14 C-5 Cyclone - 6600 - 214 9.40 - 11 C-2 Cyclone - 6300 - 179 8. 38 CaSO4 % 0.13 SULPHUR BALANCE AND RAW MIX/CLINKER RATIO Adjusted raw mix.70 TOTAL % 99.66 Ash percent in coal % 19.30 Illit % 100.34 Na2O % 0. 2) Calculated from analysis of solid fuel.49 % F: 1.03 1.13 Volatalised : U = 50% of sulphur in pyrites as SO3 % U: 0. total % T: 66.34 kcal/kg 5916 CaO % 8.3*** .27 Silica-combined CaO % 0.80 Montmorillonit % 0.05 SO3 in clinker (calculated) Raw mix / clinker ratio (loss of dust = 0 %) : F = 100 / (T .92 Net calorific value kJ/kg 24722 Fe2O3 % Fuel percent in clinker % 11.30 0.Page . total % 0.61 Unit Value Sulphur.23 MgO % 1.23 Fe2O3 % 2.06.513 1) Carbon as CO2 is not included.04 K2O % 0.10/29 Heat of Reaction : Chemical Data RAW MIX Chemical Analysis Unit Value Mineralogical Composition Unit Value SiO2 % 13.53 66.13 43.27 0.73 13.02 Kaolinit % 0.10 0.83 CaCO3 % 75.38 K2O % 0. kJ per kg clinker kcal per kg clinker Ash Analysis Sulphur kJ/kg 2871 kcal/kg 687 K2O 2) 2) Na2O 2) RAW MIX ADJUSTMENT Constituents Unit Raw Mix Adjustment Adjusted Analysis from Fuel Raw Mix Analysis SiO2 % 13.39 Na2O % 0.58 SiO2 % 47.08 0.43 4.16 1) FUEL : South African Coal Heat consumption.47 % 0.46 SO3 (total) % 0.00 Al2O3 % 3.43 Carbon % 0.08 2.xls Heat-Rxn LU000303-RMD#Ver.00 Fe2O3 % 2.U) 0.75 Al2O3 % 3.38 CaO % 43.30 0.20 SO3 % 0.27 TOTAL % 64.00 CaO % 43.68 MgCO3 % 1.65 % 2.20 Calculated Values : Loss on ignition (LOI) % 35.02 0. PLANT : Binani Cement . total % 0.01 0.05 MgO % 1.00 % 0.38 0.00 0.10 Water of crystallisation % 1.60 1.43 0.80 0.2003 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.71 Sulphur.90 Al2O3 % 27.23 Sulphur in pyrites % 0.80 CO2 % 34.76 MgO % 1. 87 C3A Al2O3 4.46 5.80 -15.23 Sulphur in pyrites 0.60 19.45 29.75 21.82 70.85 Silica-combined CaO 0.74 107.46 -19.20 327.65 -14.91 MgCO3 1.04 129.18 -41.57 99.05 -42.16 461.1. HEAT OF COMBUSTION (kJ/kg clinker) HEAT OF REACTION excl.11 7.70 -17.62 -2178.83 LU000303-RMD#Ver.84 -67.05 Heat of Combustion : A+B+C: HEAT OF REACTION (kJ/kg clinker) HEAT OF REACTION (kcal/kg clinker) A+B: HEAT OF REACTION excl. CALCULATIONS Contributions to Heat of Reaction Calc.67 Alkali silicates : (K2O + Na2O)rawmix Heat of Decomposition : B: HEAT OF FORMATION Property Component C3S CaO 43.56 -1439. HEAT OF COMBUSTION (kcal/kg clinker) 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.62 -14. Contributions Factor Raw Mix Clinker kJ/kg/% kJ/kg kJ/kg A : DECOMPOSITION INTO OXIDES Raw Mix CaCO3 75.70 -44.13 Water of crystallisation 1.23 1.38 2.21 0.23 -0.04 -18. Raw Mix Heat of Formation : C : HEAT OF COMBUSTION Carbon 0.86 65.82 SO3 in clinker from fuel and pyrites Adj.80 -9.87 0.44 305.21 5.17 7.33 59.71 -17.00 -12.xls Heat-Rxn -1610 -385.14 5.11/29 Heat of Reaction : Calculations Conv.62 445.78 -1345.74 C4AF Fe2O3 2.95 -2036.10 C2S SiO2 13.21 -1717 -410.Page .3*** .43 294.10 -27.89 -30.86 8. 3*** .1.-410.83 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Heat-Rxn LU000303-RMD#Ver. 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.1.3*** .xls Heat-Rxn LU000303-RMD#Ver. 660 3.134 Kiln feed to clinker (calc.160 0.20.007 0.320 0.1. 4.0** .2003 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.65 0. % 0.541 Kiln Fuel (SO3 as Sulphur).95 M S/A C6 stage mat. Vx 0. % 0.30 M S/A input to system 1.618 LOI in BH/ESP dust.764 Clinker. % 2.640 0. Vc 0.83 Raw mix to clinker (calc.990 0.005 0.xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.484 BH/ESP dust.34 0.97 M S/A clinker 0.) 1.730 2.200 0.Page .10 0.450 0..10 0. E = d/b = (b-c)/b Residual Component.29 0.373 Total input on clinker (LFKF). % 35.015 0.470 0. % 1.683 0.500 0. % 35.018 1.71 LOI in K6 stage mat. V = e/d = (a-c)/(b-c) PLANT : Binani Cement . E 0.) 1.66 Excess SO3 in I/P. % 19.87 1. % 0.28 Residual in clinker.37 Concept of Volatile Matter e d V E b c a K R Burning Zone Back End Legends Evaporation Factor.397 0.83 Preheater valve.50 LOI in C6 stage mat.35 Circulation factor.480 0. g/100 kg-clk 684 Fuel consumption. K 2.998 1.. % 0.69 -0. % 11.380 0.015 0.26 0.99 0.270 0.659 BH/ESP Dust.412 Evaporation factor. % 0.12 0.00 0.22 0.201 0.80 40. K = b/a Valve.000 0. kg/kg-clk 0.381 0.88 0.271 0.03 0.374 Lowest Stage.12/29 Mechanism of Volatile Matters in Kiln LOI in kiln feed.444 0. % 14. R = c/a Circulation Factor.550 0.06.90 K2O Analysis Na2O SO3 Cl Cl-free K2O Kiln Feed.15 0.00 Combined valve.005 0.82 1.61 Ash content in fuel.32 BH/ESP valve. R 0.850 0. Vf 1.044 2.00 1. 400 0. C6.880 3.760 Lowest Stage.180 0.540 BH/ESP Dust.059 0.530 0.013 0.220 Lowest Stage.012 0.019 0.210 0.500 0. % 0.420 1.670 - 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.0** . % 0.1.015 0. % 1.140 0.410 0. % 1.130 36.xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.120 35.210 0.930 17.570 0.520 0. % 0. % 0.230 Kiln Fuel (SO3 as Sulphur).120 0.K2O Na2O Cl SO3 LOI Kiln Feed.780 - UBC (SO3 as Sulphur).060 Clinker.043 0. K6.005 1.026 4.720 0. % 0.710 0. 044 Kiln feed.019 ALK(3) 0.811 GVMA(2) 0. % 0.270 RA(3) 0.38 0.985 GVRW 0.0** .055 ALK(2) 0. % 0.005 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.008 RA(1) 0.019 ALC(3) 0.729 GVCA(1) 0.xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.007 ALK(1) 0.27 0.055 ALC(2) 0.427 GVRA(3) 0.424 GVFA(3) 0.005 GVSRW 0.939 GVFW 0.600 GVKA(2) 0.005 GVRA(1) 0.600 GVRA(2) 0.086 Calciner (SO3 as Sulphur).457 GVCA(3) 0.47 0.086 GVCW 0.597 GVFA(2) 0.1.046 GVFW 0.353 GVMA(3) 0.380 RA(2) 0.005 ALC(1) 0.ASW 0.008 GVFA(1) 0.16 0.985 GVKA(1) 0.426 GVKA(3) 0.558 GVCA(2) 0.008 GVMA(1) 1. xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.1.10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.0** . ALK(4) 0.590 ALC(4) 0.590 GVKA(4) 0.316 GVKA(5) 0.590 GVFA(4) 0.315 GVFA(5) 0.586 GVMA(4) 4.251 GVMA(5) 0.844 GVCA(4) 0.508 GVCA(5) 0.549 ALK(4) 0.236 ALK(5) 0.049 ALC(4) 0.236 ALC(5) 0.049 GVRA(4) 0.316 GVRA(5) 0.590 RA(4) 0.200 RA(5) 0.373 GVKW 1.025 VP 11.61 VAS 19.90 2.00 0.41 0.20 0.37 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.1.0** 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Alkali LU010408-KCP#Ver.1.0** Page - 15/29 Water Spray System S. Description Kiln Calciner String String m3/hr 336905 539902 kg/hr 193683 310382 No. A Inlet Gas Conditions 1 Volume flow of gas, wet 2 Mass flow of gas, wet 3 Gas temperature deg.C 305.7 302.2 4 Gas density, wet kg/m3 0.575 0.575 5 Heat capacity of gas kcal/kg/C 0.263 0.261 6 Heat content in gas (calc.) kcal/hr 15547937 24527222 7 Heat content in gas (diff.) kcal/hr 15547937 24527222 8 Error kcal/hr 0.000 0.000 B Water Injection 1 Volume flow of water m3/hr 0.00 0.00 2 Mass flow of water kg/hr -2.51 1.49 3 Water pressure Bar 14.1 15.8 4 Water temperature 25 25 5 Heat capacity of water 1 1 6 Heat content in water kcal/hr -63 37 7 Evaporation of water kcal/hr -1353 802 C Compressed Air Injection 1 Volume flow of air m3/hr 0.0 0.0 2 Mass flow of air kg/hr 0 0 3 Air pressure Bar 7.1 7.1 4 Air temperature deg.C 60 60 5 Air density kg/m3 8.434 8.434 6 Heat capacity of air kcal/kg/C 0.242 0.242 7 Heat content in air kcal/hr 0 0 D Outlet Gas Conditions 1 Volume flow of gas, wet m3/hr 343144 544887 2 Mass flow of gas, wet kg/hr 193680 310384 3 Gas temperature deg.C 305.0 302.0 4 Gas density, wet kg/m3 0.564 0.570 5 Heat capacity of gas kcal/kg/C 0.263 0.262 6 Heat content in gas 15549227 24526458 E Water Balance 1 Water In, gas kg/hr 19196 30757 2 Water In, spray kg/hr -3 1 3 Water In, total kg/hr 19194 30759 4 Water Out, gas kg/hr 19194 30759 5 Water Vapor, PH Exit kg/kg-dg 0.1100 0.1100 6 Error 0.000 0.000 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls H2O-SprS deg.C kcal/kg/C kcal/hr kg/hr LU010522-KCP#Ver.2.3*** 080 0.0 35.0 25.1 28.107 0.095 0.51 0.0 31.61 10.C 25.0 22.7 22.243 0.0 Dew Point.342 0.7 22.243 0. gas kcal/kg/C 0.0 35.0 35.0 513.088 0.089 0.5 46. kg/kg-Clk 0.100 0.1 27.0 25.7 22.C 22.7 Gas Flow Rate.098 0.7 22.0 25.0 22.76 0.32 1.267 0.164 0.0 22.7 22.7 22.0181 0.0 35.7 597.57 1.6 28.0 35.66 0.128 0.0181 0.4 32.148 0.107 1.5 24.7 22.0 36.136 2.0 35.3 Gas Flow Rate.0181 0. m /kg-Clk 0.0 25. calc.4 19.0 25.311 0.0 25.0181 0.243 0.46 0.0 22.0 Wet Bulb Temp.358 0.C 22.0 22.4 42.3 68.7 21.Page .0 35.0 26.49 0.2 31.8 31.0181 0.0 25.211 0.889 Sp.243 0. Sp.0 25.48 0.0 Gas Flow Rate.257 0.5 33.0 25.0 35. Ps kg/kg-dg 0.093 0.0181 0.0181 0.133 0.142 0. deg.111 0.0 35.C 35.1 84. Nm3/kg-Clk 0.53 0.81 Gas Flow Rate.417 Sp.0 22. Air Consmp. dry tph 27.243 234 242 228 219 316 350 766 363 274 519 632 731 291 5168 2765 2757 1341 1342 1371 1365 1412 - - 1475 1488 1475 1489 - Fan Load kW 70 69 89 84 104 107 188 90 75 120 144 122 68 1328 Fan Load amps 108 106 138 130 160 165 291 139 116 185 222 188 105 2053 % 100 Fan Damper 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 - Sp.60 0.0 35.6 20.100 374 374 631 631 946 946 1439 507 507 1014 1014 1099 500 9982 399 412 389 373 539 597 1304 619 467 885 1078 1246 497 8804. Air Consmp.084 0.6 29.296 0.0 25.2 51.243 0.4 56.5 65.7 Water Vapor Avg.0 35.243 0.280 0.0 25.231 0.0 35.243 0. dry km3/hr 23.0181 0. gas Heat Content.243 0.6 62.0181 0. dry m3/min 388 401 378 363 524 580 1267 602 453 860 1047 1211 483 8556 Moisture. dry kg/min 451 466 440 422 609 675 1474 700 527 1000 1218 1408 561 9950 Gas Flow Rate.148 0.4 25.5 88.0 35.110 0.09 1.6 60. by diff.16/29 Cooler Air Flow Calculations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Flow Analysis COOLER FANS FN1 FN2 FN3 FN4 FN5 FN6 FN7 FN8 FN9 FNA FNB FNC FNH Total Dry Bulb Temp.8 76.0 22.0 73.0 22.0 22.0181 0.190 0.129 0.0 25.0 22.243 Mcal/hr Fan Speed rpm 0.243 0.3 24.102 0.0181 0.243 0.4 34.7 22.128 0.7 22. deg.0 22.5 40.8 72.243 0.297 0.0181 0.7 22.0181 mmWG 660 685 866 827 795 788 645 625 640 655 570 515 565 651 tph 0.73 1.113 0.243 0.170 0.086 0.116 0.0 Dew Point (F4) deg.7 22.0 25. Air Consmp.7 22.243 0.3 26.0 22.61 3 .0 22.118 2.7 22. Heat.0181 0.9 21.0 22.0 461. deg.3 36. dry 3 kNm /hr 20. 797E-11 5. liq.597E-15 Not used in calc. *T^4 0.000E+00 0.366E-08 -2.0000 .1244 0.2130 7.910E-05 6.563E-08 4.000E+00 0.1906 1.284E-06 4.2465 -3.000E+00 Not used in calc.726E-11 6. 1.887E-08 -3.183E-15 CO2 0.796E-05 -7.000E+00 0.504E-15 H2O.771E-04 -1.074E-11 -8.315E-11 -1.440E-08 -2.750E-11 5.733E-07 9.894E-14 N2+Ar 0.2485 -3.4445 2.472E-15 H2O.Gas/Mat Heat Cap .340E-06 4.Coefficients *T^2 *T^3 *T^0 *T^1 0.steam 0. O2 0. . . . 00 637 617 9 FN9 0.97 43.246 132 92 134 1450 1407 100 62. g)U.4 %/% e) Hood draft/ESP temp. Sirohi (Rajasthan) Measured on : 20. Air Consp.50 685. Fan Fan kW Fan Speed (rpm) Damper FACTOR mts +MSL mmWG Ps Ps Flow (m3/min) inlet outlet Fan Fan mmwg mmwg Inlet Outlet No.396 180 117 171 1480 1411 100 100.00 564 537 6 FN6 0.81 53. 471 m m2 Rated Run amps Rated Run % 1 FN1 0.159 90 56 82 2900 2616 100 40.90 0.P.56 0.81 81.81 187.503 160 145 212 1485 1476 100 128.24 98.00 481 465 10 FNA 0.00 1270 1242 13 FNH 0.45 0.75 570. Deptt.C I)U. 39.71 0.45 0.80 0.00 392 372 5 FN5 0.00 413 398 2 FN2 0.19 102.396 190 117 172 1480 1394 100 100.81 59. DP-I/II/III deg. 665 mm h) Fan outlet temp FN1 c:\work\prdn\excel\288628503.56 143.C f) Gr.56 0.0 deg.(CIS) 415 tph b) Coal .Cooler Fans Flow : SLC 6-Stage II-String(with transmeter pezo pressure) Kiln Output = 6035 tpd Sp.Binani Cement Ltd. = 9827 I/L Dia I/L Area S.625 Prodn.71 0.13 866.503 160 138 202 1485 1481 100 128.25 640.Kiln/Cal.88 827.50 625.00 731 712 - - - - - - - - 9335 9012 1485 PLANT : Binani Cement.246 90 0 80 62.xls : ClrF-IL 521/525 rpm -4/320 45 96 120 156 112 159 172 164 170 c) Gr.56 0.63 660.56 153.G.00 Ambient Air = 36.C Air Density = 1.086 kg/m3 Barometric Press.246 90 76 112 1470 1496 - 62.88 515.00 624 595 7 FN7 0.00 914 882 11 FNB 0.(CFG) 55/60/52 amps 165/145/97mmWG 760 mmWG 143.90 0.63 565.56 0.G. .24 84.246 90 - - 1485 - 95 62.02.6/61.81 142.Kiln/Cal.56 0.P.00 411 388 4 FN4 0.19 70.I/II/III mmWG/deg.2003 (10:30-11:30 hrs) a) Kiln feed d) DG .38 655. load .636 132 - - 1485 - 100 162.00 427 411 3 FN3 0.88 788. .97 52.159 90 58 85 2900 2663 100 40.00 1366 1319 8 FN8 0.13 645. = 1.80 0.87 Nm3/kg-Clk Plant Elevation = 402.13 795.246 132 90 132 1450 1376 100 62.636 225 202 296 1485 1492 100 162.00 1104 1074 12 FNC 0. 625 Prodn.75 84.25 70. .125 142.FN2 FN3 FN4 FN5 FN6 FN7 FN8 FN9 FNA FNB FNC FNH c:\work\prdn\excel\288628503.Binani Cement Ltd.875 98. .xls : ClrF-IL 146 147 144 137 158 178 160 158 54 52 68 64 55 51 71 58 66 53 62 68 49 47 43 43 43 47 55 50 43 37 33 37 66 64 61 49 55 43 42 43 107 122 122 124 80 80 76 74 139 158 179 152 124 138 130 120 90 100 101 99 67 66 65 62 73 89 107 75 54 53 60 52 118 101 130 135 82 91 80 85 100 105 106 107 63 69 66 63 244 246 205 247 149 139 134 137 153.5 59. Deptt.875 187.5 81.125 52.375 102.125 53.875 43. 64 Emissivity kcal/hr kcal/kg-clk Inclusive of restriction due to kiln tyres and girth gea 5.3 220 56731 5 14.3 1.3 183 42408 3 14.C Production 6036 tpd Kiln Inlet 0.00 14.00 14.3 1. Factor Corr.3 195 46829 27 14.3 1.00 14.3 245 67664 32 14.3 1.3 190 44962 19 14.3 212 53456 25 14.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 313 103567 30 14.00 14.3 251 70454 29 14.00 14.3 1.3 203 49892 28 14.3 346 124813 .00 14.3 1.3 210 52653 2 14.3 227 59684 13 14.00 14.00 14.3 232 61843 7 14.85 Kiln Diameter 4.Page .00 14.C kcal/hr 0 14.3 216 55081 14 14.0 deg.00 14.3 1.00 14..00 14.3 1.3 235 63160 10 14.00 14.3 239 64940 11 14.3 277 83349 4 14.3 242 66294 12 14.3 1.3 201 49118 23 14.00 % Kiln Surface Area Corr.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 177 40274 21 14.3 1.3 1.00 Total Radiation Sp.17/29 Kiln Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Amb.3 219 56316 24 14.3 1.00 14.3 102 17214 6 14. m/s 5.3 216 55081 8 14.00 14.3 1.3 1. Area Temperature Radiation mts m2 - m2 deg.3 1.3 219 56316 16 14.3 319 107227 31 14.00 14.3 200 48732 1 14.00 14.3 1.3 1.00 14.00 14.3 1.00 14. Radiation * * 4437254 17.3 1.3 1.85 Wind Vel.3 1.3 201 49118 26 14.3 1.3 222 57566 17 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.3 1.3 214 54265 18 14.00 14.3 1.00 14.3 1.00 14. Air 31.00 14.55 mts Rest Kiln 0.3 215 54672 15 14.3 178 40626 22 14.00 14.3 180 41335 20 14.00 14.3 1.00 14.3 230 60974 9 14.00 14.00 14. 3 329 113523 36 14.3 85 12760 61 14.00 14.3 240 65389 57 14.00 14.3 1.3 174 39224 64 14.3 1.3 1.00 14.00 14. Avg.3 1.00 14.3 1.3 319 107227 45 14.3 231 61408 66 14.00 14.00 14.3 328 112883 41 14.00 14.3 256 72831 60 14.00 14.3 177 40274 63 14.18/29 Kiln Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Kiln Surface Area Corr.3 1.00 14.3 118 21635 56 14.3 1.00 14.3 1.3 90 14045 34 14.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.00 14.3 332 115461 37 14.3 98 16144 50 14.00 14.00 14.3 323 109716 42 14.00 14.00 14.3 249 69517 67 14.3 285 87594 48 14.3 1.3 163 35478 54 14.00 14.3 317 105997 39 14.00 14.3 1.3 128 24522 51 14.00 14.00 14.3 986.3 318 106611 46 14.00 14.3 256 72831 Total/Wt.00 14.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 245 67664 58 14.3 165 36148 53 14.3 1.3 229 4437254 Page . Area Temperature Radiation mts m2 - m2 deg.3 1.00 14.3 321 108466 43 14.00 14.3 324 110344 38 14.3 160 34483 52 14.3 1.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.3 1.3 1.Page .C kcal/hr 33 14.00 14.3 330 114167 40 14.19/29 .3 1.00 14.00 14.3 1.3 1.3 253 71399 68 14.3 304 98237 47 14.3 190 44962 62 14.00 14.3 1.00 14.3 336 118081 35 14.3 1.3 1.3 184 42769 65 14.00 14.3 256 72831 59 14.3 129 24817 55 14.3 113 20228 49 14.3 1.3 1.3 1.00 14.3 1.3 1. 986. Factor Corr.3 325 110975 44 14.3 1.00 14. 7 1.2 65.7 1.9 90.00 53.0 25703 Conical Inlet 29.00 59.7 1.3 1.0 57314 Riser Rest 79.00 deg.0 12762 Cylindrical Part 122.01 98.0 38643 Conical Part 59.6 75.2 175.00 122.00 56. Avg.01 48.0 78294 Total/Wt.5 1.01 53.0 29941 Vertical Inlet 52.01 87.7 1.0 64730 Riser Rest 96.0 46301 Total/Wt.75 2618130** 10.2 70.C 6036 tpd Preheater 0.9 65.7 75.4 1.00 33.6 1.0 19331 Material Pipes 11.0 28619 Riser Cylindrical 97.01 79. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-3 m - m deg.2 60.5 65.4 70.0 67.1 1.0 35751 Total/Wt.0 44254 Conical Inlet 33.6 71.01 52.4 90.20 32.5 1. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-2 m - m deg.75 kcal/hr Riser Duct 0.0 14560 Cylindrical Part 56.3 1.01 49.9 1.8 303471 2 2 2 2 Page .9 1.2 1.0 42203 Conical Part 53.C kcal/hr Roof 26. Air Production Total Radiation Sp.7 209742 KS Surface Area Corr.01 11.3 90.C kcal/hr Roof 27.4 1.2 76.00 % KS Surface Area Corr. Factor Corr.7 58.5 85.00 25. 394.2 235656 KS Surface Area Corr.20 35.6 84.2 1.2 1.1 1. 369.0 15536 Vertical Inlet 51.01 13.0 24402 Material Pipes 13.9 65.0 22826 Material Pipes 11.0 38720 Conical Part 53.7 66.2 70.4 1.0 25803 Riser Rest 86.6 71.C kcal/hr Roof 29.6 1.01 97. Radiation ** 31.20 31.0 27622 Conical Inlet 25.0 6662 Riser Cylindrical 48.0 18121 Cylindrical Part 63.00 53.3 85.41 Emissivity kcal/kg-clk Exclusive of amount as per FLS norms 5.20/29 Kiln String Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String . Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-1 m2 - m2 deg.2 1.0 120.0 11055 Riser Cylindrical 55.0 1. Avg. 468.00 63.00 29.0 19714 Vertical Inlet 47. Factor Corr.Kiln String Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Amb.0 70.0 475.9 67.6 56.3 376.6 402.01 56. Factor Corr.9 1.01 11.4 1. Avg. 0 1.0 41469 Conical Inlet 33.4 265350 Kiln Surface Area Corr.00 59. Factor Corr.2 1.6 571.10 106.0 57059 Total/Wt.0 35585 Vertical Inlet 52.0 59666 Conical Part 67.C kcal/hr Roof 29.00 33.00 67.00 63. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-4 m - m deg.0 20732 Conical Inlet 33. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-6 m - m deg.1 97.0 1.C kcal/hr Roof 27.15 210.4 1.0 41384 Riser Rest 97.0 89.5 96.1 150.00 63.4 100.3 103.3 100.2 1.4 481.0 124992 Riser Cylindrical 62.21/29 Calciner String Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String .0 17896 Vertical Inlet 69.0 19313 Riser Cylindrical 41.0 46920 Material Pipes 54.0 322.20 32. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-5 m - m deg.2 1. Area Temperature Radiation Riser Duct m - m deg.9 75.2 1. Avg.2 75.20 35.4 1.2 392.8 1.6 130.2 125. Factor Corr.0 42113 Riser Rest 96.0 239268 Rest 183.0 20601 Cylindrical Part 63.3 1.2 1.8 80.4 1.2 123. 483.4 162.6 1.0 18121 Cylindrical Part 63.01 8.3 82.6 375334 KS Surface Area Corr.01 53.2 80.8 99.2 1.2 1.01 69.0 1.0 82517 Material Pipes 8.20 239.C kcal/hr Rectangular Pipe 199.0 108700 Total/Wt.4 75.01 98.2 160.2 70.3 1.2 98.20 35.5 130.00 63.C kcal/hr 2 2 Roof 29. 464. 315.0 38643 Conical Part 59.2 1. Factor Corr. Avg.3 1.0 42352 Conical Part 59.2 76.4 60.0 330299 Smoke Chamber 101.01 68.0 153133 Total/Wt.8 749243 2 2 2 2 2 2 Page .0 42339 Cylindrical Part 63.9 1.5 115.00 59.01 41.00 33.2 1.9 1. Avg.20 121.KS Surface Area Corr.0 179676 Total/Wt.9 1.3 98.01 55.8 70.9 479334 KS Surface Area Corr.0 32213 Conical Inlet 33.0 110.01 53. 384.2 80. Avg.0 34441 Vertical Inlet 52.01 62.2 1. Factor Corr.01 33.0 39825 Material Pipes 67.0 1. 77 Emissivity tpd Preheater 0. Avg.01 47.7 1.0 23806 Vertical Inlet 69.22/29 Calciner String Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String CS Surface Area Corr.0 41582 Conical Inlet 34.00 Production 6036 Total Radiation Sp.20 44.0 25842 Riser Cylindrical 109.3 71.C kcal/hr Roof 39.75 kcal/hr Calciner 0.8 65. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-3 m - m deg.0 11914 Riser Cylindrical 50.8 92. Factor Corr.C kcal/hr Roof 37.7 80.01 70. Avg.9 528.00 78.4 1.10 119.0 1. 504.0 52369 Conical Inlet 45.20 47.8 85.8 1. Factor Corr.0 72.6 75.01 7.0 32485 Riser Rest 132.0 34207 Vertical Inlet 70. 464.1 75.0 48520 Material Pipes 12.C *** 3212876 12.4 1.01 73. Factor Corr.5 458270 CS Surface Area Corr.0 56424 Total/Wt.1 1.6 78. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-1 m2 - m2 deg.8 205.20 43.0 18735 Riser Cylindrical 47.00 41.0 120752 Conical Part 73.3 1.1 1.00 34.5 70.0 1.01 64.0 25117 Cylindrical Part 78.01 50.01 11.01 70.2 1.00 % CS Surface Area Corr.00 45.0 105389 Total/Wt.01 73.8 1.75 kcal/kg-clk Exclusive of amount as per FLS norm 5.0 75.9 628.5 86.1 86. Area Temperature Radiation .0 34774 Material Pipes 11.00 168.0 24340 Vertical Inlet 64.3 72.5 1. 607.Amb.0 50680 Conical Part 72.0 83.5 75.0 42789 Conical Part 65.C kcal/hr Roof 35.0 73611 Total/Wt. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-2 m - m deg.1 82.0 83.3 1.1 1.10 145.00 86. Air 31.01 110.0 374579 2 2 2 2 Page . Factor Corr. Radiation *** deg.4 70.3 125.7 75.7 1.4 98.1 1.0 32851 Riser Rest 118.7 84.0 80.0 1.0 21416 Cylindrical Part 168.1 1.0 32194 Cylindrical Part 86.01 66.2 1.2 1. Avg.7 90.7 266797 CS Surface Area Corr.2 78.3 1.4 485.10 129.0 38588 Conical Inlet 41.01 12.0 59944 Material Pipes 7.3 1.0 91317 Riser Rest 108.0 1.6 1. 01 10.0 80.6 100.0 32194 Cylindrical Part 86. Air 31.0 67656 Riser Rest 132.5 1.Cyclone-4 m2 - m2 deg.2 1.2 591179 Page .C kcal/hr Roof 39. Avg. 635.4 175. Factor Corr.01 47.01 45.3 82.01 108.0 50680 Conical Part 72.00 86.0 63260 Bend Area 67.0 32485 Riser Rest 132. Factor Corr.3 1.TAD Radiations : SLC 6-Stage II-String Amb.10 34.01 70.4 1.0 125.1 1.0 76140 Total/Wt.5 75.10 145.0 85.20 43. 628.5 152. Avg.6 511027 Calciner Surface Area Corr.00 51.01 73.5 95.1 82.3 175. Area Temperature Radiation m - m deg.20 47. 503.0 49272 Cal.0 52369 Conical Inlet 45.3 125.0 121.0 73606 Conical Part 72.0 135579 Cylindrical Part 357.1 1.00 86.4 1.0 92.6 125.0 53915 Material Pipes 107.0 124604 Total/Wt.23/29 Cooler.7 638915 CS Surface Area Corr. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-6 m - m deg.C kcal/hr Roof 39.20 47.0 37726 Cylindrical Part 86.0 1.0 168377 Material Pipes 31. Area Temperature Radiation Cyclone-5 m2 - m2 deg. 362.20 145.5 1.00 86.0 80483 Conical Inlet 45.0 1.1 371.1 1.0 198686 Riser Cylindrical 83.01 70.5 1.01 83. Avg.C kcal/hr 2 2 2 2 Roof 31.0 85.3 1.00 357.9 372108 CS Surface Area Corr.1 90.2 1.0 34207 Vertical Inlet 70.2 1.3 1.9 660.5 85.0 48520 Material Pipes 10.C kcal/hr Roof 36.1 662.5 93.0 77845 Vertical Inlet 90.01 91.1 1.0 83.01 73.C tpd **** Emissivity Cooler 0.1 1.10 145.0 63243 Conical Part 72.6 85.8 90.00 Production 6036 deg.0 105389 Total/Wt.0 101967 Total/Wt.0 16264 Riser Cylindrical 47.7 80.2 1.00 45.8 85.-C6 Duct 121.3 1.3 115.75 .5 1.3 1.0 40716 Vertical Inlet 70.01 31.7 1.00 72.3 1.5 86.0 34574 Cylindrical Part 86.0 241101 Bottom Cone 51.0 52369 Conical Inlet 45.7 145.Hood.6 95.10 74. Avg.3 1.3 99.00 45.3 1.2 526.2 97.1 1.8 85. Factor Corr. 3 1.3 103.5 1. Avg.50 42. Pipe 582.8 645.3 95.50 41.8 187.0 1.9 92.8 143.6 1.0 25492 Grate3-Roof 29.0 150.1 381650 Kiln Surface Area Corr.0 95945 Tert. Area Temperature Radiation Settling Chamb.0 35405 Burner Side 18.10 36.4 995312 2 2 2 2 .30 19.4 899367 Total/Wt.10 24.8 1.8 1.0 1.Total Radiation Sp.0 39360 Grate2-R/Side 22.6 110.C kcal/hr Right Side 13. Factor Corr. Avg. Area Temperature Radiation Hood m - m deg.0 30646 Back End 13. Factor Corr.10 14.10 25.7 122.3 1.0 37932 Kiln Side 12.7 133.0 75007 Grate1-R/Side 33.0 38060 Grate1-Roof 42.5 96.0 19852 Grate1-L/Side 33.75 kcal/kg-clk Exclusive of amount as per FLS nor 5. Factor Corr.5 95.10 25.9 95.8 1.0 38928 Grate3-R/Side 23.00 582.9 1. 287.0 115.50 18. 124.0 46023 Grate2-L/Side 22. Area Temperature Radiation Cooler m2 - m2 deg. Avg.0 21371 Total/Wt.0 100.3 1.0 23636 Left Side 27.6 98.6 102.10 24.3 1.50 20.3 1.7 106.50 27.50 44.0 34510 Roof 53.0 1.0 23256 Grate2-Roof 28.38 Kiln Hood 0. Radiation **** 1605018**** kcal/hr 6.C kcal/hr Connecting Duct 57.10 36.6 115.3 1. m - m deg.0 23656 Grate3-L/Side 23.4 1.50 80.2 113.00 % Grate Surface Area Corr.6 1.10 62.C kcal/hr Front-Kiln End 14.5 142.0 96572 Total/Wt.0 228056 TA Duct & Surface Area Corr.1 359.2 112.5 1.3 115. 639.50 64. 55 39811 48732 3002 4.55 11897 17214 3316 4.55 52142 61843 3088 4.55 32329 40626 2873 4.55 33962 42408 3960 4. Avg.55 32007 40274 2544 4.55 45752 55081 3288 4.55 55086 64940 3459 4.55 40169 49118 3130 4.55 51318 60974 3359 4.55 44985 54265 2716 4.05 >3. Dia.05 2859 4.55 40169 49118 2787 4.55 36314 44962 2573 4.55 48095 57566 3059 4.55 95958 107227 3502 4.55 44226 53456 2873 4.55 38042 46829 2902 4.55 40892 49892 3588 4.55 60350 70454 4474 4.55 92386 103567 4560 4.55 43473 52653 2616 4.55 56376 66294 3245 4.55 46915 56316 3173 4.55 50096 59684 3088 4.55 45752 55081 3073 4.55 46915 56316 3030 4.55 113176 124813 . <= 3.55 72754 83349 3145 4.Wt.55 53393 63160 3416 4.55 47307 56731 1458 4.55 57683 67664 4946 4.55 45368 54672 3130 4.55 32977 41335 2530 4. 55 57683 67664 3659 4.55 87194 98237 4074 4.55 28260 36148 2330 4.55 18258 24817 1687 4.55 101486 112883 4617 4.55 95958 107227 4546 4.55 59453 69517 3616 4.55 11034 16144 1830 4.55 102743 114167 4689 4.55 32007 40274 2487 4.55 98390 109716 4588 4.55 95357 106611 4345 4.55 14375 20228 1401 4.55 99621 110975 4560 4.55 18006 24522 2287 4.55 102113 113523 4746 4.55 51729 61408 3559 4.55 99004 110344 4531 4.64 225563 .55 27656 35478 1844 4.55 104010 115461 4631 4.55 31050 39224 2630 4.55 76860 87594 1615 4.55 61255 71399 3659 4.1286 4.55 62627 72831 3659 4.55 106575 118081 4703 4.55 36314 44962 2530 4.55 34293 42769 3302 4.55 26762 34483 2359 4.55 62627 72831 1215 4.55 62627 72831 3794136 4437254 15.55 8371 12760 2716 4.55 55514 65389 3502 4.09 17.55 15552 21635 3431 4.55 94758 105997 4717 4.55 9369 14045 4803 4.55 97169 108466 4646 4. 812 4025 6662 5878 7.494 25143 38720 3115 8.682 14527 22826 799 3.470 9795 15536 3641 8.230 15848 24402 1150 4.163 58041 78294 217244 303471 34148 .151 7171 11055 3670 8.2137 6.970 26624 38643 3552 8.086 23799 35751 159792 235656 31981 2376 6.897 49710 64730 8808 11.702 20923 29941 4809 8.351 12977 19714 3372 7.248 31686 44254 2324 6.203 40379 57314 5193 10.467 29830 42203 3458 8.502 11709 18121 4803 8.269 12085 19331 1962 3.479 16819 25803 6217 10.138 18344 27622 1675 5.642 7988 12762 6866 12.149 9168 14560 4786 8.778 22258 28619 7393 11.832 16991 25703 1960 6.559 31865 46301 140668 209742 26990 3175 6. 88 10.682 27747 39825 10211 9.369 141331 179676 627284 749243 7.502 13600 20601 5056 8.650 124894 153133 366878 479334 48109 2293 6.502 11709 18121 4803 8.433 28629 41469 3856 6.702 25597 35585 3206 8.248 21886 32213 2324 6.458 11553 17896 5242 9.970 26624 38643 7400 8.248 13111 20732 2490 6.169 84851 108700 278928 375334 38268 3528 6.702 24639 34441 4007 8.534 31501 42339 6194 8.261 30044 41384 10777 11.257 33173 46920 5701 8.944 29444 42113 13857 11.970 44138 59666 5519 9.422 205300 239268 20203 16.41 70733 .3457 6.682 64659 82517 1358 3.267 14516 19313 4141 7.463 280652 330299 19392 12.395 42444 57059 191438 265350 28804 31138 17.970 29622 42352 4736 8.310 102863 124992 5026 8. 027 22508 32851 8437 12.856 38667 56424 181394 266797 34816 3904 7.642 34226 48520 1540 3.322 53040 73611 335533 458270 53141 3093 7.519 15659 23806 5257 9.985 29378 42789 4652 9.612 78924 105389 267890 374579 43820 .689 43725 59944 1594 3.495 35432 50680 5842 9.578 22230 32194 6488 10.079 26519 38588 3075 7.630 91165 120752 6636 9.961 13458 18735 3814 7.495 37514 52369 3698 7.199 23438 34774 1118 3.637 14173 21416 14457 14.739 23762 34207 6018 9.396 16118 24340 4856 9.447 28712 41582 2595 6.877 68572 91317 9301 12.812 7971 11914 3947 8.3108 7.791 22344 32485 12516 13.147 20488 25842 10193 11.225 16795 25117 5638 9. 324 62363 76140 407164 511027 45102 4290 6.082 48192 63260 9254 9.614 105608 135579 30345 21.495 45832 63243 6207 9.595 143544 168377 5497 6.495 37514 52369 3698 7.458 62155 77845 8703 10.578 22230 32194 6488 10.495 54663 73606 12653 9.610 37485 49272 14556 13.739 23762 34207 6018 9.331 49715 67656 13825 13.612 95799 124604 491209 638915 65822 6334 7.495 35432 50680 5842 9.320 189156 241101 5900 8.578 26746 37726 7353 10.709 80857 101967 461298 591179 9.77 64344 .642 34226 48520 1326 3.675 11583 16264 3814 7.752 167799 198686 7545 10.58 12.739 29113 40716 6018 9.800 60303 80483 3872 7.612 78924 105389 266015 372108 43605 4328 7.642 38691 53915 16488 11.616 24135 34574 8045 10.495 37514 52369 4059 7.791 22344 32485 12516 13.3904 7. 589 16474 23656 2512 5.589 16148 23256 4076 7.041 57471 75007 4212 6.829 34411 46023 2330 5.108 75389 96572 171850 228056 21147 8339 8.787 27199 35405 3105 5.713 22198 30646 1798 4.557 27758 38928 2819 5.1898 4.391 28240 39360 2355 5.38 91908 .863 25364 34510 9229 10.247 27154 37932 2700 4.134 16744 23636 3919 7.32 6.916 13771 19852 3736 6.829 27582 38060 7190 9.332 15411 21371 277362 381650 37053 2194 5.240 813103 899367 889625 995312 5.713 17900 25492 4126 7.935 76522 95945 83569 27. 2* . Calciner & Kiln Feed 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.24/29 LU010519-KCP#Ver.CCR Mimic .xls Aux-Pag Page .1.PR_W103 Preheater. 25/29 LU010519-KCP#Ver.CCR Mimic .xls Aux-Pag Page .1.PR_W104 Kiln & Kiln Auxiliaries 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.2* . CCR Mimic .1.PR_W105 Cooler 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.2* .xls Aux-Pag Page .26/29 LU010519-KCP#Ver. CCR Mimic .27/29 LU010519-KCP#Ver.xls Aux-Pag Page .1.2* .PR_W109 Cooler Parameters 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503. xls Aux-Pag Page .1.2* .Kiln Shell Scanner 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.CCR Mimic .28/29 LU010519-KCP#Ver. Give command to Printer for Pages 1 to 5 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Aux-Pag LU010519-KCP#Ver.1.2* . spm : KS Fan Load/Speed./Draft. % Sulphur. % Na2O.847 (P. % CaO. tph/% : KS/CS CO.3* . % Al2O3. kW/% : Gr. %/% : KF Rate / Dosing Valve. deg. deg.sheet 1 of 5 PROCESS. % MgO. % K2O.S. m3/hr : KF Residue +90/+212 µm.C : Sec. % Fe2O3. kW/kW : Kiln Inlet O2/CO. mmWG : Coal Screw Speed. %/% : KS/CS Diversion.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver. % F/C. % S. % K/N. % : Water Spray (ESP I/L). % : Burner Axial/Radial Area./Kiln Torque. kW/% : BZ Temp.. % Fe2O3. % Moisture. No.C : Kiln/Cal. V422) Pitot Constant (L-Type : L=01/02m) : 1. % VM. rpm/rpm : Gr..C/% : sheet 2 of 5 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503. Air Temp.). % Nitrogen. % MgO. % Al2O3. %/% : KF Elev.1/2/3 Speed. % K2O.883 (P.I Static Pressure. %/% : Gr. mmWG : KS/CS O2.6 Stage II String SLC Time : Date : Site Conditions & Constants : Plant Elevation : mts +MSL Ambient Air DBT / WBT : deg.1. % S. m3/hr : ESP I/L Temp. EFFICIENCY & PERFORMANCE MONITORING Section : KILN & COOLER . (Cooler O/L). % CCR Parameters : Kiln Speed. tph : Kiln I/L O2. % SO3. % Na2O. % Ash. deg.C : Raw Mix / Clinker / Coal Parameters : Raw Mix Clinker Coal (ADB) Coal Ash S/A.C/mmWG : Clinker Temp. 601) Pitot Constant (S-Type : L=02m) : 0. % M/LOI. % Hydrogen.. % SiO2. rpm : ESP Fan Load/Speed. Load.000 - Process Parameters : Clinker Prodn.S. deg. % Oxygen. m2 : Cal.1/2/3 DP. No.C Pitot Constant (S-Type : L=01m) : 0./Tert.). % : Water in Cooler (3rd Gr. % S(pyr.1/2/3 Load. % SiO2. % CC/MC.1 Chb. % CaO. Coal Feed Rate. O/L O2. deg. % C/F H2O. amps : CS Fan Load/Speed. % Carbon. kW/% : CFG Gr. tpd : Kiln Feed Temp. dry . dry .3* .1. hh.OPTIFUEL250 vol.C Static Pressure "WG Dynamic Pressure "WG O2. d Time Period KS Fan CS Fan PA Fan Cooler CTA CTA Inlet Inlet Outlet ESP Stack Kiln Cal.C Wet Bulb Temperature deg.%. dry .mm . d O2.%.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver. d sheet 3 of 5 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.ORSAT vol.%.hh.ORSAT vol.Flow Measurement & Gas Analysis : Flow/Gas Analysis Tapping Location Dry Bulb Temperature deg. mm 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.Flow Measurement & Gas Analysis : Flow/Gas Analysis Tapping Location Dry Bulb Temperature deg.C Static Pressure "WG Dynamic Pressure "WG 471FNB amps Fan Load rpm Fan Speed Time Period 471FN4 .C Wet Bulb Temperature deg.3* .C Wet Bulb Temperature deg.xls Mon-Form Time Period Flow/Gas Analysis Tapping Location Dry Bulb Temperature deg.1.C Static Pressure "WG Dynamic Pressure "WG 471FN1 471FN2 471FN3 471FN8 471FN9 471FNA 471FN5 471FN6 471FNC 471FNH 471FN7 amps Fan Load rpm Fan Speed hh. Part Mat. Part Con. Pipes Calciner Roof Cyl. deg. Pipes Riser Cyl. Inlet Cyl. Part Mat.75 Cooler Area Temp.2-L/Side Gr.85 Kiln Length Temp. Part Con.1-R/Side Gr. Pipes Riser Cyl. Part Mat. Part Con. Part Con. Inlet Con. Inlet Con.) 63 64 65 66 67 68 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503. Inlet Cyl. Riser Rest Cyclone-4 Roof Vert. Riser Rest Cyclone-3 Roof Vert.75 Riser Duct 0.C Cyclone-1 Roof Vert. Pipe Smk. Inlet Con. Pipes Riser Cyl. Inlet Con. Pipe LU990611-RMP#Ver. Part Mat. Part Mat. Inlet Con. Part Con. Part Con. Inlet Cyl. mts deg. Inlet Cyl.C Front-Kiln/S Gr.75 Kiln Hood 0.1-L/Side Gr. Riser Rest Cyclone-6 Roof Vert. Riser Rest Cyclone-2 Roof Vert.3-Roof Gr.1-Roof Gr.85 0. Pipes Riser Cyl. Pipes Riser Cyl. Pipes Riser Cyl. deg. Duct Tert. Part Con. Part Con.3-R/Side Back End Hood Right Side Left Side Kiln Side Burner Side Roof TAD Conn. Riser Rest Cyclone-4 Roof Vert. Pipes Kiln Riser Duct Rect. Pipes Riser Cyl.75 Kiln String Area Temp. Inlet Cyl. Chmb.75 Cal. Part Mat. Part Mat. deg. Riser Rest Cyclone-6 Roof Vert.1. Inlet Con. Pipes Riser Cyl. Inlet Cyl. Inlet Con. Riser Rest Cyclone-2 Roof Vert.2-R/Side Gr.C Cyclone-1 Roof Vert. Part Con.2-Roof Gr.xls Mon-Form Preheater 0. Riser Rest Cyclone-3 Roof Vert.C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 sheet 4 of 5 Preheater 0. Inlet Con. Part Con. Inlet Con. Riser Rest Cyclone-5 Roof Vert. Part Mat. Riser Rest Cyclone-5 Roof Vert.3* .75 Riser Duct 0. Rest Cooler 0. Part Con. Rest Kiln (contd. Pipes Riser Cyl. Part Mat. Inlet Cyl. Inlet Con. String Area Temp. Inlet Cyl. Part Con. Pipes Riser Cyl. Inlet Cyl. Part Mat. Part Mat. Part Con.Radiations Kiln Inlet Rest Kiln 0. Inlet Cyl. Inlet Cyl. Inlet Con.Part Bend. Inlet Cyl. Part Mat. Inlet Con.3-L/Side Gr. C deg.C K-4 C-4 mmWG deg.C Kiln I/L Draft mmWG Cal.C mmWG mmWG deg.C deg.C 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.C K-1 C-1 mmWG mmWG deg. deg.C Cal. deg.C K-6 deg.3* .C mmWG mmWG deg.C K-2 C-2 mmWG deg.C K-5 C-5 mmWG mmWG deg.sheet 5 of 5 PH Temperature & Draft Profile mmWG mmWG deg.C deg.C deg.C mmWG mmWG deg.C mmWG deg.C K-3 C-3 mmWG mmWG deg. I/L Temp.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.C deg.C deg.C mmWG deg. deg.C mmWG mmWG deg. I/L Draft mmWG Kiln I/L Temp.C mmWG C-6/Cal.C deg.1. 69  1428 300 0.32  1020 22 4.03 84 9 3.58  3570 3 100 0.16  630 28 0.61  966 100 0.15 420 9 3.66 1848 11 3.9597224 16.3* .80  2772 3 372 0.00  450 10 3.90  3234 3 28 0.1.950884 LU990611-RMP#Ver.00  240 17 4.12  3864 3 300 0.32  1980 23 4.46  690 13 3.00  2760 17 4.77 2156 11 3.87  4074 3 372 0.34 952 11 3.32  2310 24 4.1171451 16.97 2716 8 2.12  336 0.08 224 9 3.32  126 10 3.83  2910 15 3.23 644 12 3.1559028 9.32  2550 21 4.85 2380 11 3.Kiln String Fan Calciner String Fan Cooler ESP Fan PA Fan 2800 3000 4200 400 0.xls Mon-Form 4.00  90 11 3.92 2576 9 3.950884 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503. 3* .10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.1.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver. 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.1.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.3* . 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.1.3* . 1.10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.3* . 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.1.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.3* . 00  10.xls Mon-Form LU990611-RMP#Ver.3* .875 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503.00  10.00  10.00  9.1.PA Fan 400 10.00  11.00  11.00  9.00  8. Flow = 471FN1 3. = 3.Coolax Cooler : 1284-3ME-IN F.26 8.69 646.28 30. eff.73 320. = ### Width of cooler.82 cm2 mts m2 t/d/m2 1. design Density m3/min kg/m3 374 700-800 mmWG Grate Area = Min.33 60 45 45 432 264 312 1008 36 22 26 84 Length of one grate plate.04 1.04 45 1000 83 2900 36 374 1. eff = 330. m2 m3/min m3/min 300-400 mmWG Norms : 10/04/2015 02:47:04 288628503. 11.08 308. Power.04 45 45 600 600 136 136 1485 1485 120 168 1099 1.04 45 500 123 1485 9982 Fan Vol.40 471FNC 14. = 298.P.0 Area of one grate plate.30 27. Fan Press. m3/min kg/m3 Cooler Vent Fan 12370 Primary 176 144 1008 Speed Grate Plates C mmWG kW rpm nos.04 45 700 76 1485 72 1014 1014 1.07 815. Flow = Nor. D.04 1.09 349.12 262. Minimum air flow rates are about 85% of the normal flow rates.62 mm mm Mass flow rate. Power. D.45 407.53 471FN9 7.68 m2 m3/min m3/min 471FN4 450-600 mmWG 471FN7 35.54 693.70 m2 m3/min m3/min 471FNA 11. flow.07 815.33 m2 m3/min m3/min 600-700 mmWG 450-550 mmWG 471FN3 7.70 Air Fan 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Grate I II III Total M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F m3/min 400-500 mmWG 471FNB 16.81 693. nos. normal Grate area Specific load t/24h = 4750 = 99. design 1602 Miscellaneous Fans Density Temp.63 Cooler Grates Length Area Power Plates Rows mts m2 kW nos.04 45 45 900 900 122 122 1450 1450 72 72 946 1.40 500-600 mmWG 4665 471FN5 10.05 99.0 Width of one grate plate.xls Cooler-Pic m2 m3/min Grate-III (RFT) C Total m3/min m3/min 400-500 mmWG Cooler Fans Temp.88 7.44 43. A/S Grate-I (CFG) 471FN2 450-600 mmWG 471FNH 7.33 = 47.56 273.P. eff.L.04 45 800 165 1480 108 946 1. 0.04 45 800 165 1480 108 500 1439 1. Depending upon the particle size distribution of the clinker.56 320 150 455 590 nil 1.64 990.45 407.80 m2 m3/min m3/min 471FN6 Fan 471FN1 471FN2 471FN3 471FN4 471FN5 471FN6 471FNH 471FN7 471FN8 471FN9 471FNA 471FNB 471FNC Grate-II (RFT) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Vol.13 436. min. Smidth & Co.10 1164.18 739. 1.48 762.04 1.67 873. eff.97 m2 m3/min m3/min Speed Grate Plates mmWG kW rpm nos.04 45 700 76 1485 72 507 1. the expected air load for normal operation corresponds to about : a) ~90 kg/m2/min for 1st/2nd part of Grate-I c) ~45 kg/m2/min for 1st Sealing Air Fan e) ~55 kg/m2/min for Grate-II b) ~80 kg/m2/min for 3rd part of Grate-I d) ~35 kg/m2/min for 2nd Sealing Air Fan f) ~50 kg/m2/min for Grate-III 2. o m2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 m2 m3/min m3/min .04 45 1000 83 2900 36 631 631 1.81 512. Fan 507 1.04 45 160 75 2980 nil o m2 m3/min m3/min M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 450-550 mmWG 471FN8 7. min.09 349.04 45 45 300 700 90 225 1470 1485 Press.01 26. Flow. design Miscellaneous Fans Density Temp.04 45 500 136 1485 168 1099 10413 1. Power. Pr.0 Area of one grate plate.46 60 45 45 - 54 348 264 312 924 6 29 22 26 83 Length of one grate plate.69 m2 646.04 45 1000 83 2900 27 373 631 1.04 45 800 165 1480 108 507 1.54 m2 693. Flow = 244 m3/min Nor.97 m3/min Speed Grate Plates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C mmWG kW rpm nos.5 m2 498 m3/min 586 m3/min 471FN7 375 mm WG 11. Smidth & Co. Fan 108 946 1.09 m2 532 m3/min 626 m3/min Grate-III (RFT) Cooler Fans Temp. min.64 26.04 1.04 45 45 1000 900 83 122 2900 1450 27 60 631 1. min. Power.6 m2 CIS 244. Depending upon the particle size distribution of the clinker. 12370 0.29 m3/min 287.09 m2 532 m3/min 626 m3/min 471FN3 765 mm WG 6.56 320 150 455 590 nil 176 1.58 27. = 298. eff.26 8. flow. Minimum air flow rates are about 85% of the normal flow rates.04 45 900 122 1450 60 500 946 1.38 m2 431 m3/min 507 m3/min 471FN6 680 mm WG 10. eff.4 m3/min 471FN4 765 mm WG 6.04 45 45 800 800 76 165 1485 1480 Press.07 m3/min 815. eff. design Density m3/min kg/m3 373 525 mm WG 7.6 m2 Min.97 m3/min Fan 471FN1 471FN2 471FN3 471FN4 471FN9 471FN5 471FN6 471FNH 471FN7 471FN8 471FNA 471FNB 471FNC Total Fan Cooler Vent Fan Primary Air Fan 471FNA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Grate-I (CFG) Vol.04 45 160 75 2980 nil o 471FN8 450 mm WG 7.81 6. the expected air load for normal operation corresponds to about : a) ~90 kg/m2/min for 1st/2nd part of Grate-I c) ~45 kg/m2/min for 1st Sealing Air Fan e) ~55 kg/m2/min for Grate-II b) ~80 kg/m2/min for 3rd part of Grate-I d) ~35 kg/m2/min for 2nd Sealing Air Fan f) ~50 kg/m2/min for Grate-III 2. Fan 1439 507 1.5 m2 498 m3/min 586 m3/min 471FN9 615 mm WG 13 m2 425 m3/min 500 m3/min 471FNH 530 mm WG 21.04 45 45 700 700 225 76 1485 1485 72 72 Grate 1014 1. eff = 330.P. 10/04/2015 02:47:05 288628503. normal Grate area Specific load t/24h = 6100 = 98.Coolax Cooler : 1284-3ME-IN F. A/S Grate-II (RFT) 1 11 471FN1 471FN2 Grate Area = 723 mm WG 3.04 45 700 90 1470 Press.46 = 61.63 m3/min Cooler Grates Length Area Power Plates Rows mts m2 kW nos. nos.81 m2 1065 m3/min 1253 m3/min 1 6 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 471FN5 680 mm WG 10.P.48 m3/min 762. o M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 471FNB 300 mm WG 16. D.67 m3/min 873.62 mm Mass flow rate.04 1.04 45 500 123 1602 1485 144 822 CIS I II III Total Speed Grate Plates Vol.69 m2 646.18 m2 739. = 3. D.04 1.xls Cooler-Pic (2) .48 34. Flow = 287 m3/min Nor. 2. Flow.06 98.4 9.40 m3/min 471FNC 300 mm WG 14.48 m3/min 762.04 45 600 136 1485 120 1446 1.0 Width of one grate plate.57 7. = ### Width of cooler.L. 1.95 mm cm2 mts m2 t/d/m2 Norms : 1.28 31. m3/min kg/m3 C mmWG kW rpm nos. = 723 mm WG 3. xls Cooler-Pic (2) .10/04/2015 02:47:05 288628503. 04 45 160 75 2980 nil o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grate CIS I II III Total 471FN8 450 mm WG 7.P. = ### Width of cooler. eff. Power.66 mm cm2 mts m2 t/d/m2 .63 m3/min Rows m2 nos.35 = 62.09 m2 C 10413 Vent Fan Grate-I (CFG) Vol.0 Area of one grate plate.18 m2 739.04 1. Flow = 244 m3/min Nor.67 m3/min 873. 0.56 320 150 455 590 nil 1.4 m3/min 471FN4 765 mm WG 6. Flow = 287 m3/min Nor. nos.96 30. flow.04 45 500 136 1485 168 1099 1. eff = 330.24 m2 Min.04 45 500 123 1485 1602 Miscellaneous Fans Density Temp. Fan 946 946 1.97 m3/min Fan 471FN1 471FN2 471FN3 471FN4 471FN9 471FN5 471FN6 471FNH 471FN7 471FN8 471FNA 471FNB 471FNC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Density m3/min kg/m3 373 471FN3 765 mm WG 6.04 45 45 900 900 122 122 1450 1450 66 66 500 1.48 34. Note : First 07 rows+1(Zero) Row = Total Eight Rows of CFG replaced with CIS (06 Rows) in the month of Jun -2001 10/04/2015 02:47:05 288628503.69 m2 646. 1. Power. Fan 1439 1.35 54 348 264 312 978 6 29 22 26 83 Length of one grate plate. m3/min kg/m3 12370 176 144 978 Speed Grate Plates C mmWG kW rpm nos.38 m2 431 m3/min 507 m3/min 471FN6 680 mm WG 10. eff. design Total Cooler F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 6 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 = 6100 = 97.5 m2 498 m3/min 586 m3/min 471FN9 615 mm WG 13 m2 425 m3/min 500 m3/min 471FNH 530 mm WG 21. Minimum air flow rates are about 85% of the normal flow rates.P. D.04 1. design Air Fan 532 m3/min 626 m3/min mmWG Fan Primary 525 mm WG 7.22 25.81 m2 1065 m3/min 1253 m3/min 471FN5 680 mm WG 10.09 m2 532 m3/min 626 m3/min M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Cooler Grates Area Plates 471FNB 300 mm WG 16.69 m2 646.48 m3/min 762.40 m3/min 471FNC 300 mm WG 14.L.29 m3/min 471FNA 287. D. = 298. = 3. Pr.97 m3/min Cooler Fans Temp.04 45 45 800 800 165 165 1480 1480 108 108 o 507 1. eff.48 m3/min 762. Speed Grate Plates rpm nos.0 Width of one grate plate. Flow. min. 6.Coolax Cooler : 1284-3ME-IN (Modify with CIS ) F.04 45 800 76 1485 Press. Smidth & Co.04 1.07 m3/min 815.24 m2 CIS 244.04 45 1000 83 2900 27 631 631 1.5 m2 498 m3/min 586 m3/min 471FN7 375 mm WG 11.xls Cooler-Pic (3) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Grate-III (RFT) kW Vol.04 45 1000 83 2900 27 373 1.62 mm Mass flow rate.68 97.04 45 45 700 600 76 136 1485 1485 72 120 1446 1. = 723 mm WG 3.54 m2 693. A/S Grate-II (RFT) 1 11 471FN1 471FN2 Grate Area = 723 mm WG 3.04 45 700 90 1470 Press. normal Grate area Specific load t/24h Norms : 1. min.04 45 700 225 1485 72 507 1014 1. xls Cooler-Pic (3) .10/04/2015 02:47:05 288628503. P. eff.48 34.56 320 150 455 590 nil 176 1.54 m2 693. min.35 54 348 264 312 978 6 29 22 26 83 Length of one grate plate.62 mm Mass flow rate. Smidth & Co.66 mm cm2 mts m2 t/d/m2 Norms : 1.67 m3/min 873. = ### Width of cooler.04 45 45 900 800 122 76 1450 1485 66 Press.09 m2 Cooler Fans Temp.04 45 45 600 500 136 136 1485 1485 120 168 1099 1.xls Cooler-Pic Op.04 1. D.69 m2 946 m3/min Grate Plates C 45 mmWG 1000 kW 83 rpm 2900 nos. = 1000 mm WG 3.L. D. Pr.04 45 800 165 1480 108 507 1439 1.24 m2 Op. nos. Flow. flow. Flow = 373 m3/min Nor.5 m2 631 m3/min 471FN7 375 mm WG 11.35 = 62. 6.09 m2 532 m3/min 626 m3/min Grate-III (RFT) Speed Fan Air Fan 525 mm WG 7. Density 10413 Primary Grate-I (CFG) Vol.24 m2 373 m3/min CIS 471FNA 471FN4 900 mm WG 6.68 97. eff.04 1. normal Grate area Specific load t/24h = 6100 = 97. A/S Grate-II (RFT) 1 11 471FN1 471FN2 Grate Area = 1000 mm WG 3. = 298.63 m3/min Rows m2 nos. eff.04 45 45 700 700 90 225 1470 1485 Press.Coolax Cooler : 1284-3ME-IN ( Modify With CIS ) F.04 45 631 1. design o 1602 Miscellaneous Fans Density Temp.0 Area of one grate plate.22 25.18 m2 739. Depending upon the particle size distribution of the clinker.04 45 1000 83 2900 27 900 122 1450 66 631 500 1. .04 45 160 75 2980 nil o M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 471FN8 450 mm WG 7.40 m3/min 471FNC 300 mm WG 14. Power. 144 978 Speed Grate Plates m3/min kg/m3 C mmWG kW rpm nos. Fan 946 946 1.38 m2 507 m3/min 471FN6 800 mm WG 10. Fan 72 507 1. = 3. 27 373 1.P.04 1. 10/04/2015 02:47:05 288628503.04 45 800 165 1480 108 1.07 m3/min 815.04 471FN5 800 mm WG 10.04 45 500 123 1485 Vol. the expected air load for normal operation corresponds to about : a) ~90 kg/m2/min for 1st/2nd part of Grate-I c) ~45 kg/m2/min for 1st Sealing Air Fan e) ~55 kg/m2/min for Grate-II b) ~80 kg/m2/min for 3rd part of Grate-I d) ~35 kg/m2/min for 2nd Sealing Air Fan f) ~50 kg/m2/min for Grate-III 2. Power.81 m2 1065 m3/min 1253 m3/min m3/min 373 kg/m3 1.04 45 700 76 1485 72 1014 1446 1. min.0 Width of one grate plate. Minimum air flow rates are about 85% of the normal flow rates.69 m2 946 m3/min Fan 471FN1 471FN2 471FN3 471FN4 471FN9 471FN5 471FN6 471FNH 471FN7 471FN8 471FNA 471FNB 471FNC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 532 m3/min 626 m3/min 471FN3 900 mm WG 6. eff = 330. Operating Total Cooler Vent Fan F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1 6 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grate CIS I II III Total M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Cooler Grates Area Plates 471FNB 300 mm WG 16.96 30.5 m2 631 m3/min 471FN9 800 mm WG 13 m2 500 m3/min 471FNH 700 mm WG 21. 12370 0. 756297 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.814967 22.421624 29.Original Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 0.693876 0. .769824 0.xls Cooler-Pic Op.805332 0.616116 1100 1100 1100 1100 23.764936 26. xls Cooler-Pic Op. .10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503. 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.xls Cooler-Pic Op. . Flow 6 5 4 3 2 1 400 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 300 120 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 80 0 0 B 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 400 100 C 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 D 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 E 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 F 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 G 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 H 300 120 300 120 300 120 300 120 400 100 400 100 I 300 120 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 80 0 0 J 400 80 400 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K 300 120 Dp(mmWG) Flow (Kg/Min-m2) Total Area of CIS Blocked Area Eff. Area . Kg/Min-m2) 7.48 .92 1.44 6. 2* .S.m/sec %PA x Tip Velocity LU001016-KCP#Ver.1. Constraint Symbol Unit Formula DoF % 3. Areakiln x L m2 4 Burner Tip BTV m/sec Velocity 5 Combustion Air. C.11594xC + 0.% 6 Percent Primary Air %PA % Primary Air x 100 Lmin 7 Flame Momentum or 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503. Heat Consp. Areakiln m2 kcal/kg-clk TPDclk x Sp.04348xS C.Kiln Performance & Efficiency S.xls Kln-Forml FM or %. 1 Degree of Filling Deff3 x n x S mts 2 Burning Zone BZL Gcal/ kg/hr kcal/kg Coalkiln x NCVcoal hr-m2 Loading rpm % C. S .S. O.S.41 x Coal Mcal/sec kg-air/ 0. Areakiln x 24 x 1000 m2 3 Volumetric Loading VL TPDclk tpd/m3 C. H.2 x TPDclk NO.5 mmWG Lmin kg/sec Minimum 1.34783x(H-O/8) kg-coal + 0. mts 4 x Ps0. m) x GCV 100 x 7000 11 Sulphur-Alkali Q - SO3/80 (K2O/94)-(Na20/62)-(Cl/71) Ratio gms/kg-clk 12 Theoretical Flame TFT deg. Cooler rpm % m2 mmWG 1.D/L) Dust to Kiln 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.2* .8 Relative Impulse RI Feed Residence RT-K %.11 x A x s Comb.478 x (100 .Ash Abs.C kcal/kg-coal Hv Temperature 1. LU001016-KCP#Ver.55 x A x Ps TPDclk 10 Combustion Air CAR kg-air/ kg-coal Requirement % kcal 10.xls Kln-Forml KFR-K 1 . (1 .78 x O2) Exit Gas 14 Kiln Feed Ratio.89 x CO) .Ash Abs. 0. Air Sp. Kiln m/sec mts 19 x L Deff x n x S mts 9 Clinker Residence RT-C min (decimal) Time.LOI) * (1 . Heatcomb.1.29 Hv Vxs Nm3/kg-fuel 13 True CO2 in Kiln T-CO2 % 100 x (CO2 + CO) 100 + (1.(4.38 KFR-S kg-feed/ kg-clk Dust to Silo dec. gas kg/kg-fuel 0. 1 .m/sec min (decimal) Time. [1.1.LOI dec. N2.2* .33 x ((T+t)/2)-0.805 x D-0.351 x v0.1 .724 x (T-t)1.deg.03 x ((T+t)/2)-0. tons kcal/kg-clk % Sp. 15 Ash Absorption AA % tons % Coal Consp..CO)] O2. CO . air vel.O2 17 Major Pluging Problems.333 kcal/hr/m2 28. if 18 Radiation kcal/hr/m2 4*10-8 (T4 . air vel. T & t .xls Kln-Forml kcal/hr/m2 80.21 x ( 100 .CO) N2 .K 19 Convection Forced Convection (if amb. x Ashcoal NCVcoal kcal/kg-coal 16 Excess Air in Kiln EAK % 189 x (2xO2 .0 m/s) 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.195 x (T-t) v=amb.CO2 ) . and t=Amb. Heat Consp.89 x (2xO2 . is more than 3. m/sec LU001016-KCP#Ver.t4) T=Shell Temp. x Ashcoal Clinker Prodn. Air Temp.Kiln exit gas 79 x O2 0. 2* .xls Kln-Forml LU001016-KCP#Ver..1.D=Shell dia. mts 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503. 8*C + Hc wt.% ((Hr .%) kcal/ GCV .Determined by difference 3 4 Gross Calorific Value Net Calorific Value GCV NCV kcal/ 80.% C+H+N+S+O+Ash = 100 NO. m . N.xls Comb-Forml (Yr * 100) / (100 .53*H .52.1119 * mr) * 100) / (100 . S. f "As Fired Basis" CB. S.Proximate Analysis (wt.Ultimate Analysis (wt. 1 Ultimate Analysis O .% 100 .(Yd + Hd) Yc wt.C. S. S.Coal Combustion Analysis S. c "Combustible Basis (moist.89*O kg-coal C.%) ARB. N.35.138*(Ash + m) kg-coal Ash. H.Determined by difference 2 Proximate Analysis PA wt.53*H .(Yc + Hc) Yd wt.1.C. d "Dry Basis" AFB. Constraint Symbol Unit Formula UA wt.45*S + 339.% (Ya * 100) / (100 . N.0. Ash LU981125-KCP#Ver. O .1* .% VM+FC+Ash+m = 100 FC .C.% (Yr * 100) / (100 .% 100 .mr) Od wt. r "As Received Basis" AA. a/ADB "As Analysed" or "Air Dry Basis" where Y . & ash free)" Yd wt.(Ashr + mr)) where Y .% ((Hr-0. Ash Received" to "Dry Basis" 8 Conversion from "As Hd wt.6*m kg-coal 5 6 Useful Heat Value Methods of Expressing Solid Fuel Analysis 7 Conversion from "As UHV kcal/ 8900 .1119*mr)*100)/(100-(Ashr+mr)) Oc wt. Ash Received" to "Combustible Basis" 9 Conversion from "As Analysed / Air Dry 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.% where Y . N.% 100 .n) K2 = (b/3) + c + (a*d/7) .C.% (Hc*(100-(Ashf+mf))/100) + 0.1119*mf Of wt.(Yf + Hf) AA % tons % Coal Consp. x Ashcoal NCVcoal kcal/kg-coal 14 Effect of Coal Ash on % (LOI free Coal Ash x Ash Absorption) + ((100-LOI free Coal Ash) x Theoretical Clinker Composition Clinker) 15 Theoretical Fuel Consumption kg-coal/ (K1*V) / ((K2*W) . Ash Basis" to "As Fired Basis" 12 Conversion from Hf wt.% 100 .1. N. S.% (Yd * (100 .% (Yc * 100) / ((100 . tons kcal/kg-clk % Sp. N.((m*g) / (2500-25*n)) 10/04/2015 02:47:06 / 100) + 0. S.0.1119 * ma) * 100) / (100 .(e/8) + (f/8) K3 = (b/3) .1* .% 100 . Ash Basis" to "As Received Basis" 11 Conversion from "Dry Hr wt.(Yr + Hr) Yf wt.1119 * mf Of wt.(K3*V)) 100 kg-clk K1 = (400 * m)/(100 . x Ashcoal Clinker Prodn.% (Hd * ((100 .mr) / 100) + / 100 where Y . Heat Consp. S. Ash "Combustible Basis" to "As Fired Basis" 13 Ash Absorption Hf wt.Basis" to "Dry Basis" 10 Conversion from "Dry Hd wt.% 100 Od wt.(Yf + Hf) Yf wt.% (Hd * ((100 .% (Yd * (100 .C.(Ashf + mf)) / 100) where Y .% ((Ha .(Yd + Hd) Yr / 100 where Y .xls Comb-Forml LU981125-KCP#Ver.1119 * mr Or wt. L Lmin * 1.41 x Coal Mcal/sec kg-air/ 0.11594xC + 0.478 x SCF kg-coal 19 Combustion Air.1.1* . Extra 20 Theoretical Flame 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503. S . Lmin kg/sec Minimum kcal-kg-coal 1.89xCO . 0.q . H.266 b = %FC in dry coal c = %H in dry coal d = %N in dry coal e = %O in dry coal f = %S in dry coal g = %Ash in dry coal m = %True CO2 in exit gas q = %O2 in exit gas s = %N2 in exit gas t = %CO in exit gas 16 True CO2 in Exit Gas T-CO2 % 100xCO2 + CO 100 + 1.34783x(H-O/8) kg-coal + 0.(t/2) W=p+t where.78xO2 17 Standard Coal Factor SCF - ((100-mf)/100) * (NCVf/7000) % 18 Combustion Air.C kcal/kg-coal LU981125-KCP#Ver.04348xS C. a = constant.V = (a*s) . O.4.xls Comb-Forml TFT deg.% kg-air/ 10.10 Incl. 11 x A x s Comb.xls Comb-Forml 0.1. Air Sp.Temperature Hv 1. gas kg/kg-fuel 10/04/2015 02:47:06 288628503.29 LU981125-KCP#Ver.1* . Heatcomb.
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