Kidde Pegasys 76-100016-001

March 24, 2018 | Author: vimaro24 | Category: Power Supply, Equipment, Electromagnetism, Electronic Engineering, Electronics



July 2003 P/N 76-100016-001PEGAsys™ Intelligent Suppression Control and Fire Alarm System Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual R FM APPROVED Factory Mutual Approval J.I. No. OB2A6.AY LISTED UL Listing File No. S2422 July 2003 P/N 76-100016-001 PEGAsys™ Intelligent Suppression Control and Fire Alarm System Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual .THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Ventilating and Air Conditioning Input/Output Identification Industrial Risk Insurers Liquid Crystal Display Light Emitting Diode Multi-Loop Normally Closed NCCM NIC NFPA NO NR NYC P/N PALM PAS PC PCB PCS PC Line PS RCU RDCM RDM RTC RX/TX SL SLC SPDT UL V Vac Vdc Networkable Central Control Module Network Interface Card National Fire Protection Agency Normally Open Not Registered New York City Part Number PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module Positive Alarm Sequence Personal Computer Printed Circuit Board PEGAsys Configuration Software Power/Communication Line (RX/TX Loop) Power Supply Remote Control Unit Remote Display Control Module Remote Display Module Real-Time Clock Receive Transmit Single-Loop Signaling Line Circuit Single Pole. TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AC ADA AH AI AO AST ATM BIP BPM CCM CCP DC EDP EOC ESD FCP GUI HSSD HVAC I/O ID IRI LCD LED ML NC Alternating Current Americans with Disabilities Act Ampre Hour Addressable Contact Input Device Addressable Relay Output Device Alarm Simulation Test Annunciator Terminal Module Broadcast Indexed Protocol Beats Per Minute Central Control Module Central Control Panel Direct Current Electronic Data Processing Event Output Control Electrostatic Discharge Fire Control Panel Graphical User Interface High-Sensitivity Smoke Detector Heating.FOREWORD Note: This Manual Is To Be Used By Trained Distributors Only This manual is intended to clearly and accurately reflect the PEGAsys Fire Alarm/Suppression Control System. Double Throw Underwriter Laboratories Volts Voltage Alternating Current Voltage Direct Current i . installation and maintenance of the PEGAsys Fire Alarm/Suppression Control System. This publication describes the operation. P/Ns 76-100000-501 for Single-Loop System and 76-100000-600 for Multi-Loop System. PEGAsys Multi-Loop System (P/N 76-100000-600) ii . APPROVALS AND CERTIFICATIONS PEGAsys Single-Loop System (P/N 76-100000-501) • • • • • • • • UL: Underwriters Laboratories Listing File Number S2422. NYC: City of New York Listing Number MEA 454-91-E Vol. NYC: City of New York Listing Number MEA 454-91-E Vol.I.III.III. Number 3005511 CSFM: California State Fire Marshal Listing Number 7165-1076:146. FM: Factory Mutual Engineering Corp. (Factory Mutual System) Approval J. UL: Underwriter’s Laboratories Listing File Number S2422.ACCEPTANCES. (Factory Mutual System) Approval J. FM: Factory Mutual Engineering Corp.I. Number 3005511 CSFM: California State Fire Marshal Listing Number 7165-1076:146. ............................................................. 1-3 Signal Output Module .....................................1 1-1..................2 2-3.......5 1-2........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-5 ATM Series Driver Modules ................................................................................................................................................................................7 1-2............................1 2-3...9 1-2..................7................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) ...............................................................................2 1-2 1-2......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12.......................................................... 1-6 Addressable Contact Input Device ........................... 2-1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-4 City-Tie Module .............................................................................................................2 2-3 2-3..........................................8 1-2...................................................12..........3 1-2................................................................2 1-2.... 1-8 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module ...................1 1-2...........................................................................................................4 1-2........1 1-2........................11 1-2......................................... 1-4 Agent Release Output Module .......................................... viii List of Tables ............................................................... 1-7 Loop Isolator Devices .................... 2-3 Levels of Security ....................................... 2-1 Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................................................1 1-2...................................................................................... x Safety Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 1-6 SmartOne Detector Bases ... 1-4 Relay Output Module .................... 1-3 Output Modules .................................................................................................................................................... 1-6 SmartOne Ionization Detector ............................................................................................................ 1-8 System Specification ...................................... 2-3 System Power-Up ........ 1-7 ORION XT Interface Module ..................4 1-2......................................... 1-5 Network Interface Card ................... 1-6 Intelligent Loop Devices ..........7............................18 1-2......................1 2-2...................... 1-7 Model DH-2000 Air Duct Housing ....... 1-2 Power Supply/Charger Assembly ................... 1-1 System Components ............................................................................... 2-3 System Security ......................................................................................................... vii List of Illustrations ..............3 2-4 2-5 2-5.................... 1-7 Addressable AlarmLine Module .................................. i Terms and Abbreviations .......................... 1-2 Central Control Module (CCM) ................................................................................ 2-4 Menu Structure ...................3 1-2........................................ 2-3 Default Passwords ................................. 1-1 System Description ..........19 1-2........................12 1-2..................................................... 1-1 Component Description ..................................................... 1-2 Display Module ....................................................17 1-2.... 1-5 Standby Batteries .....................................6 1-2...................................................................................................................................................... 1-3 Multi-Loop Motherboard .........1 PAGE General Information ............................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Basic Motherboard ......................... 2-1 Audible Device .............................. 1-1 Introduction ..................................................................... 2-3 System Menus ......................... 1-6 SmartOne Heat Detector ........................................ 1-6 SmartOne Photoelectric Detector .................................................................................................................................7................................................................................. xi PARAGRAPH TITLE 1 1-1 1-1.............13 1-2........................................................... 2-3 Entering Passwords .........16 1-2.......................................................10 1-2.............................................................20 1-3 2 2-1 2-1....................2 1-2.................................................................... i Appendices ....................................................15 1-2..............................TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword .......................................................................................................................1 2-2 2-2..........................3 1-2........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4 Remote Display/Control Modules .......7......................................................................................................................... 2-1 Modes of Operation .........................................................................14 1-2........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1-6 Addressable Relay Output Device .........................................................................................................................................................................12....... 2-4 iii .................................................. 1-8 Operation ...........................2 1-2.................................................................. 2-1 LCD Display ....... ........................................................................................... 3-5 Relay Output Module .................................... 2-16 De-Registering RCUs .....................................................................6 2-8..........1 2-8.................................................................... 2-13 Registering Output Module Assignments ...................................................................................................4 2-5..3 2-8............................................................................................................................................................................... 2-7 Set Menu Function .......................................................................................... 2-10 Supervisory Mode Indication ...1 2-8.............. 2-7 Active Supervisory Mode ............ 2-13 Addressing Output Modules ................................TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont...........................3....... 2-13 Types of Inputs and Outputs .....................................4...............3 3-3................................................................................................................................................ 3-1 Block Diagram ........................ 2-12 System Programming ................................................................................................................... 3-2 Central Control Module .................5 2-8........... 2-12 Enable/Disable RTC Program Line Numbers ......................... 3-1 Functional Descriptions ............2..........................4 2-8................. 2-4 Exiting the System Menus .....3 2-8.............1 2-8............................2 2-8.3................................................7..........................................2 2-6............... 2-16 Functional Description ................................................................... 2-13 System Output Modules ....................................3.................................................................................................................................................... 2-12 RTC Programming ..................................................... 2-12 Listing RTC Programming ..2 2-8................. 2-11 Printing Operation ..........................................1 2-5.................................................................................6 3-3..............4...........................................4...................... 3-2 Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) .................................... 3-6 Agent Release Output Module .................................................................................................................... 2-7 Test Menu Function ..........................3.................................................................................................................2 2-8..................................................................................................7................................................................................................................ 2-4 Isolate Menu Function ...................................................3 2-5..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-14 Registering RCUs .......4..3 2-8..............2 3-3............................................................................................................................................................... 2-12 EOC Programming .....3.5 3-3.......................................................................7........................................ 2-7 Alarm Mode Indications ..................5 2-8............................4 2-6.............3 2-6....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2..................................................................................................................................................4................1 2-6....................5....................................................................................... 3-4 Multi-Loop Motherboard ..................................3............................................ 2-10 Supervisory Mode User Action .......................................................) PARAGRAPH 2-5............................................2. 2-14 Listing Output Module Assignment ................................................................................... 2-14 Addressing RCUs ..............1 3-3................................... 2-13 RX/TX Loops ......................................................7...7.................. 2-4 Menu Functions ........ 2-12 Listing EOC Programming .......................................... 2-7 Alarm Mode User Action ..1 2-8..........2 2-8.............................................2 2-6................................3.........................................................1.... 2-13 System Outputs ...................................... 2-4 List Menu Function ...........................1 2-6.............1 2-6................................................................... 2-7 Modes of Operation ..............4 2-8.............................................................................. 2-15 Detector Registration ................................... 2-16 Listing all Registered RCUs ............................................................................................................................7 3-3.............................2 2-5.................................................1 2-8......................................................... 2-11 Trouble Mode User Action .............. 3-7 iv ..3 2-5......8 TITLE PAGE Accessing the System Menus ............ 3-7 City-Tie Module ..... 2-13 System Inputs ...................................5 3 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-3................................................................................................2 2-7 2-8 2-8...........2 2-6....................................................................................... 2-13 Remote Control Unit (RCU) ........................................................7 2-8...................................................4 3-3.................................1 2-8............................................................... 2-7 Active Alarm Mode .........................................................................2 2-5......... 3-5 Signal Output Module ..................2........................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Introduction ......................... 2-11 Active Trouble Mode ..................................................................................... 2-15 Addressable Monitor Module Registration ................................................................................4................................................... 2-15 Remote Control Module Registration .......4 2-6 2-6.......................4 2-8.......................................... 3-3 Power Supply/Charger Assembly ........................................ 2-11 Trouble Mode Indications ................1 2-6........................................ 2-7 Normal Standby Mode .......................... .................................................................................4 4-3........ 4-4 Arming Release Circuits .............................................................................................................................................................................................................5............................................ 4-1 Loop Device Test ........................21 3-3..............1 5 5-1 5-2 5-2............................................. 4-4 Power-Down Procedure ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 3-3............................................................................10 3-3...............................................................................................................................................................4...........................................................................................) PARAGRAPH 3-3....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 Field Devices .........................4...2 4-3........................ 5-1 Visual Inspection ........................................................................................................................ 5-1 Removal and Replacement .... 3-9 SmartOne Ionization Detector ...............................................................2 4-3.......................................................................................................................................... 4-2 Alarm Simulation Test (AST) .......................2 4-5 4-5...22 4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-3........................ 4-2 Walk Testing Detectors ..................................................... 4-3 Disarming and Rearming Release Circuits ...........2 5-4....................................... 5-2 RX/TX Module .................................................................................................................................18 3-3....................................................................... 3-10 Model DH-2000 Air Duct Housing ........................................................... 4-4 Power-Up Procedure .....12 3-3........................17 3-3....................................................................................................1 5-2..................................................... 4-1 Scheduled Maintenance ................................................................................... 5-1 Standard Fault-Isolation Techniques ....16 3-3.....3 4-3.........................................................13 3-3........................................................................................................ 5-1 Power Checks ..15 3-3........................1 4-3................................................ 3-10 PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module (PALM) ........................................................................ 3-9 SmartOne Photoelectric Detector ................................... 4-4 Powering Down the System .......................................................................................................................................... 6-1 Installation ............ 5-2 Required Tools ..................................................................................................20 3-3..... 4-2 Walk Test ..................................TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont...................................................... 4-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5-3 Parts List ............................................................................................. 4-2 Walk Test Procedure ............................................................................... 4-1 Lamp Test ........ 4-3 Disarming Release Circuits .........................................................................................14 3-3................ 3-11 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module .................... 4-4 Powering Up the System ........... 3-12 Maintenance Procedure ......................1 4-4.......................... 7-1 Materials Required For Installation ..................................1 4-3.. 3-9 SmartOne Heat Detector ...............................................................1 5-4..................................................................... 3-9 Addressable Relay Output Device ....... 4-1 Battery Test .............. 5-1 Troubleshooting ............................. 3-8 ATM Series Driver Modules .......................................................... 5-1 Introduction ............ 4-1 Maintenance Procedures .............................................11 3-3.. 6-1 Introduction ...................................................................... 4-4 Troubleshooting and Corrective Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................1 4-4 4-4.............................................................................................................................................................................................9 3-3...................................................................................................................................... 3-8 Field Devices .... 7-1 v .......................3 5-4...............................................................................................................................4 6 6-1 7 7-1 7-2 TITLE PAGE Remote Display Control Modules ............................................................................................................................ 7-1 Introduction ................................................................................... 4-3 AST Procedure .................. 3-11 Addressable AlarmLine Module ..........................................................................................................................5 4-3.......................................................................... 3-10 Loop Isolator Devices ...............................................................................................................................2 5-3 5-4 5-4............................................................. 5-2 Central Control Module ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-9 Addressable Contact Input Device ..................................................1 4-6 4-6........ 3-8 Network Interface Card ......................................................................................... ................................................ 7-8 Setting and Adjusting Smoke and Heat Detector Sensitivities ......................................................................................................... 7-9 Addressable Contact Input Device Installation .............................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont..........................1 7-7......................... 7-5 Install And Connect DC Power .....................1 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-18............................................................ 7-4 Power Supply Communication Connections .. 7-4 Power Supply/Charger Assembly....... 7-9 Installation Checkout ..................................................3 7-7..........................................................6 7-7......... 7-4 Power Supply/Charger Assembly ..................................... 7-10 Connecting a Terminal or Personal Computer .................................................. 7-1 Installation Procedure For Expansion Enclosures ...................................................... 7-9 Addressable Relay Output Device Installation ............................ 7-2 Installation Procedure For Rx/Tx Module (Multi-Loop Only) ...................................2 7-10 7-10.......... 7-1 Installation Procedure For Output Motherboard ......) PARAGRAPH 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-7...............................2 TITLE PAGE Installation Procedure For Central Control Panel ..................................................................... Expansion Enclosure ............................................................ 7-5 Connecting AC Power ................................................................................................ 7-6 Batteries ........................2 7-7.................................................................... 7-6 Output Signal Connection ..... 7-3 Signal Audible Output Module .................................. 7-2 Installation of Output Modules ...........................1 7-18........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-10 vi ............................................................. 7-6 Battery Enclosure ....................................................................... 7-8 Setting and Adjusting Smoke and Heat Detector Sensitivity Procedure .........................................................................5 7-7................................................................................................. 7-6 Field Device Connection To RX/TX Module ... 7-10 Connecting a Printer ................................................... 7-6 Wiring the RX/TX PC Line ............................................................................................................................................................ 7-8 Detector Installation ........ 7-4 City-Tie Output Module ... 7-10 Connection of Peripherals ..................................7 7-8 7-9 7-9........................................................................................................................................ 7-4 Agent Release Module ......................................................1 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-14...........................................................................................................................................4 7-7.................................................................................................. 7-8 External Power Failure Indicator Connection .1 7-9............................................................................................................................................................................. 7-3 Relay Output Module ............................................................................... ............................................................................ C-1 Reserved for Future Use ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... F-1 Display Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... B-1 Releasing Applications .............................. N-1 Central Station Operation ................................................................. K-1 Remote Display Control Module and Remote Display Module ............................................................................................... E-1 Glossary .......................................... I-1 PEGAsys Network Interface Card ................................................ G-1 Wiring Requirements for PEGAsys Signaling Line Circuit RX/TX ............. A-1 System Expansion ............................................ D-1 Factory Mutual Sprinkler Requirements for Pre-Action and Deluge Type Sprinkler Systems ....................................................................................................................................... O-1 vii ................................................... H-1 System Drawings ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O TITLE PAGE Power Supply Requirements .................. J-1 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module ............................... L-1 Addressable AlarmLine Module ............................................ M-1 Networkable Central Control Module (NCCM) ............................................................... ............................................................................................... 1-2 Display Module Assembly .......................................................................... 1-7 PALM Interface Module for ORION XT HSSD ................... Details ........................................................ 1-3 Signal Output Module ........................... 3-3 Power Supply/Charger Assembly Details ...................................... 3-10 Addressable Relay Output Device ............................................................................................ 1-6 Addressable Relay Output Device .......................................................................... Details ............................................................................................................. 1-7 Air Duct Housing ............ 1-5 Network Interface Card .......................................................... 1-4 Agent Release Output Module ............................................................................................................ RX/TX Mount ..................................................................................................................................... 1-6 6-inch Detector Base .............................................................................................. 2-15 Overall Block Diagram.............................................................. 3-8 RDCM Keypad .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1-7 Loop Isolator........................................................................................................................ 3-6 Relay Output Module................ 1-2 Power Supply/Charger Assembly .................................................... 1-7 Loop Isolator........................................................ 1-3 Basic Motherboard .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Central Control Module..... 1-7 Addressable AlarmLine Module ..................................... 1-4 RDCM Keypad .......................................................................................................................... Details ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-11 Output Module Address Scheme ............................... 3-9 Addressable Contact Input Device ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6-inch Detector Base Mount ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1 Overall Block Diagram.... 3-10 viii ....... 1-0 Central Control Module (CCM) .... 1-6 4-inch Detector Base .................................................................. 3-8 ATM Module ......................................................................... 3-5 Signal Output Module. 1-8 System Front Panel ........ 3-8 Typical Detector ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Details .......................... 1-6 SmartOne Detection Device .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-7 City Tie Module................................. 3-7 Agent Release Output Module................ 1-7 Loop Isolator................ Stand-Alone .............................................................................................................................. 3-4 Multi-Loop Motherboard.............................................................................................................................................. Details ...................................................................................................... 1-6 Addressable Contact Input Device ........................................................................................................... 2-5 Active Alarms Example .................................... Details ...........................LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-20 1-21 1-22 1-23 1-24 1-25 1-26 1-27 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 TITLE PAGE PEGAsys System......................................... 1-2 Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) .......................................................................................................... Multi-Loop System ....................................................................................................... 1-5 Battery Enclosure ............................................................................................... 1-3 Multi-Loop Motherboard ................................ Single-Loop System .................... 2-11 Active Troubles and Pre-Alarms Example ................................................................................................................................ 2-7 Supervisory Example for Supervisory Mode Indication ..................................... 3-2 Receiver/Transmitter Module................. 1-4 City Tie Module ........................................................... 1-4 Relay Output Module ................ 2-13 RCU Registration Screen ........................................................................ Details .......................................................... 2-1 Menu Structure .................................................................................. 1-8 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module ................................................ Overall Diagram ...................................................................................................... 1-5 Module Mounting Dimensions ................. 3-8 Network Interface Card ....................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-11 Addressable AlarmLine Module ............... 7-5 Battery Enclosure .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7-2 Back Plate................................... 5-2 Multi-Loop Installation ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-4 Power Supply/Charger Wiring Diagram for Expansion Enclosure ....................... 3-11 Loop Isolator.................. 7-8 CCM Printer Port .................................................................... 7-1 Back Plate........... Output Motherboard and Four Power Supplies ............................................................ RX/TX Mount .................................................................................................................. RX/TX PC Line Connections ............................................................. 7-5 RS-485 Connection ..... 7-2 Back Plate.................. 3-11 Loop Isolator.............................................. Stand-Alone ........................... 5-2 CCP Installation Drawing .............................................................. 3-12 Single Loop Installation ............................................................................ 7-10 ix .... Two Output Motherboards ............................................................................................................................................... 7-7 Style 6.................. 7-7 Style 6.......... 7-6 Shielded Wire to CCP .................................................................................. RX/TX PC Line Connections with Loop Isolators ............. 7-7 Style 4................................................................................. 7-3 Power Supply/Charger Wiring Diagram ....................................................... 6-inch Detector Base Mount .......................................................) FIGURE 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 5-1 5-2 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-14 7-15 7-16 TITLE PAGE DH-2000 Air Duct Housing ...... 7-8 Style 7.................. 3-11 PALM Interface Module for ORION XT HSSD ....................................................... 3-10 Loop Isolator........................................ 7-2 Installation for Multi-Loop ......................................................................................... 3-11 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module ..............................................................................LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (cont.................................................................................. RX/TX PC Line Connections ............................................................................................. RX/TX PC Line Connection ................. 7-6 Conduit to CCP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Eight Power Supplies ................... .......................................................... 7-5 x ................................................................................................. 7-3 Aux........................................................................................... 2-9 Test Menu Functions ............................................................................................................. 5-1 RX/TX Configuration Selection ......................................................................LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 3-1 3-2 5-1 5-2 6-1 7-1 7-2 TITLE PAGE System Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 2-10 Multi-Loop Motherboard Connectors ................................................................. 1-8 Controls and Indicators ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-3 PEGAsys System Parts List ................. 3-5 Approved Release Output Devices .................................... Power Supply Module Connections to Main Power Supply/Charger Assembly ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6-1 RX/TX Configuration Selection ................................................................................................................... 2-8 Set Menu Function ........................................ 2-8 List Menu Function .... 2-2 Isolate Menu Function ................................................................................................. 3-7 Troubleshooting Index ............................. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment. In addition. However. Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards. circuits. the useful life of the system’s standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature and humidity variations. When possible. Failure to do so can damage circuits. This system contains static-sensitive components. This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0° to 49° C and at a relative humidity of 85% (noncondensing) @ 30°C. system operations. heat detectors. manual pull stations. The use of overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended due to the increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. this system may operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to lightning induced transients. verify that they will not interfere with battery and printed circuit board location. Reacceptance testing is required after any change. System operation and reliability depend upon proper installation. Although no system is completely immune from lightning transients and interference. or software functions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. Do not attempt to install. to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected. reaming. it is not a substitute for fire insurance! An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke detectors. addition or deletion of system components. Disconnect all sources of power before servicing. Consult with the Applications Engineering Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered. and a fire alarm control unit with remote notification capability—can provide early warning of a developing fire. or operate this unit until this manual is read and understood. Like all solid state electronic devices. filing. proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. or punching of the enclosure. service. at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected by the change. All components. Therefore. and programming manuals. operating. Such a system. Control unit and associated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or inserting cards.SAFETY SUMMARY Note: Installation Precautions– Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability. Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling. ! CAUTION System Reacceptance Test after Software Changes: To ensure proper system operation. or interconnecting cables while the unit is energized. Before making modifications. ! WARNING Several different sources of power can be connected to this fire alarm control panel. it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 60° to 80°F. must also be tested and proper system operation verified. up to a maximum of 50 devices. repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. audible warning devices. Follow the instructions in the installation. xi . however. resulting in reduced terminal contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal removal. modules. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies removed from the control unit. make all cable entries from the sides. Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before handling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire. Do not over tighten screw terminals. Over tightening may damage threads. this product must be tested in accordance with NFPA-72 (2002) Chapter 10 after any programming operation or change in site-specific software. or after any modification. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM LIMITATIONS Note: While installing a fire alarm system may make lower insurance rates possible. When working near electricity. should never go unattended. GENERAL SAFETY NOTICES Note: The following must be observed to maintain personnel safety. Adequate written records of all inspections should be kept.Any fire alarm system may fail for a variety of reasons: Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the detectors such as in chimneys. these devices should not be held when taking measurements. 2. 5. do not use metal rulers. the system will operate from standby batteries only for a specified time. overloaded electrical circuits. Some types of measuring devices should not be grounded. A fire alarm system will not operate without electrical power. Before working on electrical equipment. is inadequate maintenance. A second floor detector. Auxiliary equipment used in the system may not be technically compatible with the control panel. children playing with matches or arson. It is essential to use only equipment listed for service with your control panel. Furthermore. The safety precautions in this section must be understood and applied during operation and maintenance. xii . Do not touch live equipment or personnel working on live equipment while holding a test meter. All devices and system wiring should be tested and maintained by professional fire alarm installers following written procedures supplied with each device. NFPA and local regulatory requirements. For this reason. 3. Special precautionary measures are essential to prevent applying power to equipment at any time maintenance work is in progress. escaping gas. TEST EQUIPMENT Make certain test equipment is in good operating condition. Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. in walls. If AC power fails. When connecting a meter to terminals for measurement. metallic pencils or any other objects having exposed conductive material. Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premise to a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily disabled. may not sense a first floor or basement fire. The following general safety notices supplement specific warnings and cautions appearing in the manual. flashlights. the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once per year by a qualified fire protection specialist. 4. This manual is to be used by trained distributors/technicians. all types of smoke detectors—both ionization and photoelectric types—have sensing limitations. The entire manual should be read and fully understood prior to installation. System inspection and testing should be scheduled monthly or as required by national and/or local fire codes. improper storage of flammable materials. or roofs. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS The following general safety precautions are to be observed at all times: 1. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. FIRST AID Any injury. however. No type of smoke detector can sense every kind of fire caused by carelessness and safety hazards like smoking in bed. or on the other side of closed doors. All electrical components associated with equipment shall be installed and grounded in accordance with NEC. Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people if these devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or are located on another floor of a building. for example. The most common cause of fire alarm malfunctions. use a voltmeter to ensure that the system is not energized. Always obtain first aid or medical attention immediately. no matter how slight. violent explosions. use voltage range higher than the expected voltage. .THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. January 2002 PEGAsys™ FIRE ALARM FIRE ALARM Alarm Notification Appliances 1-0 PUSH PULL R RS-485 PUSH / HOLD SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ABORT 76-100016-001 Addressable Suppression System Abort Device Figure 1-1. PEGAsys System, Overall Diagram PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION have Version 60.0, or higher, operating firmware. Pre-networked systems are not covered in this manual. Networkable systems have a modified CCM that can accept a Network Interface Card (NIC) for peer-to-peer control unit operations, and can accommodate Remote Display Modules (RDMs), Remote Display Control Modules (RDCMs) and ATM Series Driver Modules (ATM-L/R). Networkable systems have CCM Version 7X.X firmware. Networkable systems that are directly-integrable with ORION XT HSSDs have Version 8X.X CCM firmware. 1-1.2 System Components 1-1 INTRODUCTION This manual contains the operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, parts listing and installation information necessary to support the PEGAsys™ Intelligent Suppression Control and Fire Alarm System. Note: This manual is to be used by trained distributors only. The entire manual should be read and fully understood prior to installation. Refer to Figure 11 for the PEGAsys System overall diagram. System Description 1-1.1 PEGAsys is a fire alarm/suppression control system which can be used for local, auxiliary, remote protective signaling and releasing device service. The system is a microprocessor based design for use with intelligent detectors and loop devices. The system utilizes distributed intelligent field devices. These devices are typically smoke detectors, contact input devices, relay outputs and signal output modules which represent a single fire alarm initiation/indicating zone. Each device contains its own data transceiver, micro controller, 4K of memory and applicable algorithms which allows each device to operate independently of the control system. These unique devices have the ability to analyze information, make decisions and store information within themselves. They communicate with the PEGAsys system using the BIP protocol which utilizes a two-wire (Style 4), four wire (Style 6) or isolated (Style 7) multiplex trunk. The PEGAsys can support up to 255 device addresses per loop, with a maximum of eight (8) loops, for a total of 2,040 intelligent device points per system. The PEGAsys is capable of controlling a wide variety of auxiliary devices, such as relays, audible/visual indicating signal devices and agent/sprinkler release systems. The system also supports the use of serial printers which provide hard copy of system status information. There are three versions of the PEGAsys currently in service. These three versions are identified as: • • • Pre-Network, Networkable, and Networkable and directly-integrable with ORION™ XT High-Sensitivity Smoke Detectors (HSSDs). The system is comprised of three major components, as shown in Figure 1-1: the Central Control Panel (CCP) which communicates with the field devices and drives output devices such as alarm signals that communicate with central stations and various types of control equipment; a display panel located on the CCP that provides system status LEDs and Control Switches; and an 80-character LCD that provides alphanumeric display of system status information. The single-loop PEGAsys Central Control Panel (P/N 76-100000-501) consists of the Central Control Module (CCM) assembly, one receiver/transmitter (RX/TX) module and one power supply assembly. Optionally the system can add a motherboard assembly which allows for the installation of optional output modules. An auxiliary power supply module can be added which increases the base system power supply capacity to 8.0 Amps at 24 Vdc. In multi-loop form, the PEGAsys ML panel (P/N 76-100000600) consists of a CCM, one (1) power-supply assembly, one (1) RX/TX module and one (1) multi-loop motherboard mounted in the enclosure. The unique multi-loop motherboard provides the ability to connect up to eight (8) RX/TX modules to the system which allows for a full 2,040 addressable points to be connected to the PEGAsys ML system. Auxiliary enclosures are available to allow the system to be expanded. The auxiliary enclosure has the same dimensions as that of the main enclosure, with the absence of the window in the door. There are optional backplanes that install in the expansion enclosure. This allows the number of output modules and system power supplies to be expanded. To allow for maximum system flexibility and expansion, enclosure(s) and backplane(s) can be added to the system. See Appendix B for further system expansion details. Pre-networked systems have operating firmware in the Central Control Module (CCM) that ranged from Version 48.0 to Version 6X.X. All pre-networked systems must now 76-100016-001 1-1 July 2003 PEGAsys™ 1-2 COMPONENT DESCRIPTION SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY The following paragraphs give a brief description of each component used in the PEGAsys system. For functional descriptions of each component, see Chapter 3 of this manual. 1-2.1 Central Control Module (CCM) AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET SILENCE SCROLL R The CCM assembly is the heart of the system and is comprised of two (2) printed circuit board (PCB) assemblies, the display module and the main processor module. The CCM controls the operation and supervision of all the system modules and software within the PEGAsys system. It receives loop device data from the RX/TX module, processes the data based on pre-programmed instructions and transmits output commands to the output modules, field devices and display module(s). 1-2.2 Display Module Figure 1-3. Display Module Assembly 1-2.3 Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) The display module assembly, attached to the main processor PCB, provides the system with the operator interface for control switches, system status LEDs, system trouble/alarm buzzer, an 80-character (2 x 40) LCD display and an integral numeric keypad. The keypad is used for entering the security password and navigating through the user menus. The system buzzer provides two (2) distinctly different signaling patterns for audible warning of system alarms and troubles. The RX/TX functions as the hardware and software interface between the field devices and the CCM. The RX/TX receives control requests from the CCM, and establishes communications with the field devices. The RX/TX receives status changes from the field devices and reports these changes to the CCM. The RX/TX, shown in Figure 1-4, is capable of communicating with up to 255 intelligent devices and complies with the wiring requirements of NFPA Style 4, 6 and 7 (with the use of the loop isolator devices). Style 4 initiation circuit wiring will permit “T” tapping or branch circuitry. 1-2.4 Power Supply/Charger Assembly The power supply/charger assembly (P/N 76-100009-010) is comprised of a PCB assembly and an AC/DC switching power supply unit. The switching power supply unit provides 4 Amps of 24 Vdc from the 120/240 Vac input power. The PCB assembly is a microprocessor based unit which provides the system with: • Battery charging and supervision AC power supervision 24 Vdc supervision Battery load test 24 Vdc ground fault detection (+/-) Auxiliary 24 Vdc outputs SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY • SILENCE SCROLL AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET • • • • R Processor Port PLG2 Display Reset Switch Display Trouble LED BUZZER PLG3 SW1 EARTH FAULT SUPPLY FAULT PRINT PORT DS1 PLG2 PLG1 0V 24 VDC Display Port Loop Isolator for Style 7 24 Vdc from Power Supply JK2 JK3 PC Port Figure 1-2. Central Control Module (CCM) TB6 JK1 Figure 1-4. Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) July 2003 1-2 76-100016-001 However. The bus communications are provided by an RJ-12 (flat phone cable) style connection.PEGAsys™ combinations of RX/TX and output modules that can be used with a Multi-Loop Motherboard are as follows: No. elevator recall. The PEGAsys single-loop panel has the ability to support a maximum of sixteen (16) output modules. phone-type cable to connect the CCM to the motherboard. The modules and the CCM communicate over the RS-485 based bus. J9 RS-485 Figure 1-7. power shut down. in any combination in the system. The ML motherboard is mounted to standoffs on the back of the main system enclosure. Each module occupies one slot in a motherboard assembly. of Output Modules 1–7 1–6 1–5 1–4 1–3 1–2 1 JP10 RS-232 TB11 RET +24V TB8 TB7 TB6 TB5 TB4 TB3 TB2 TB1 RS-485 JP9 Figure 1-5. It distributes 24 Vdc power.7 Output Modules The optional output modules allow the PEGAsys system to interface with external auxiliary devices. The motherboard mounts to standoffs on the back of the main and expansion enclosures with screws which are provided. HVAC systems. The 24 Vdc is provided by the system power supply via a two-conductor wiring harness. agent/sprinkler release system and any other control type output which may need to be interfaced to the system. of RX/TX(s) 1 or 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. Power Supply/Charger Assembly 1-2. The motherboard is mounted to the back of the system enclosure and/or the auxiliary enclosures. Multi-Loop Motherboard 1-2. no more than eight (8) of any one type of module can be used. TB2 R1 W1 COM TBL COM ALM SIG GND 485A 485B RET J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 +24V TB1 Figure 1-6. The PEGAsys multi-loop panel has the ability to support a maximum of twenty-three (23) output modules. The bus communications are provided by an RJ-12 (flat phone cable) style connection. in any combination. A single RJ-12 connection connects the ML motherboard to the CCM for RX/TX communications.6 Multi-Loop Motherboard The multi-loop motherboard assembly (P/N 76-100017001) is an assembly which can accept up to eight (8) RX/TX modules and provide connections for up to seven (7) output module circuit board assemblies. which uses a six-conductor. Basic Motherboard 1-2. The allowable 76-100016-001 1-3 July 2003 . These auxiliary devices can be audible/visual signal devices. The 24 Vdc is provided by the system power supply via a two-conductor wiring harness.5 Basic Motherboard J1 W1 TB10 JP8 JP7 JP6 JP5 JP4 JP3 JP2 JP1 COM TBL COM ALM SIG GND 485A 485B RET J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 +24V TB9 The basic motherboard assembly (P/N 76-100007-001) is an assembly which can accept up to eight (8) output module circuit board assemblies. CCMRX/TX communications for up to eight (8) RX/TX modules and bus communications to the output modules. The following paragraphs describe each available output module in greater detail. remote annunciators. It distributes 24 Vdc power and bus communications to the output modules. The system is limited to one City-Tie Module. no more than eight (8) of any one type of module can be used. The output modules plug into the motherboard assembly located on the backplate of the system enclosure. However. and the system is limited to one City-Tie Module. 2 RELAY OUTPUT MODULE The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) Auxiliary Relay Output cards. Figure 1-8.4 CITY-TIE MODULE The City-Tie (Notification) Module will provide connection and operation for local energy or shunt type master boxes and reverse polarity styles of off-premises reporting. Each Alarm Sounder/Signal Output card is equipped with supervised 24 Vdc outputs which can operate as Class B.PEGAsys™ 1-2. thus providing thirty-two (32) possible Class B. Style "Y" signal circuits.1 SIGNAL OUTPUT MODULE 1-2. Relay Output Module July 2003 1-4 76-100016-001 . dry-contact relay outputs. allowing up to thirtytwo (32) relays.3 AGENT RELEASE OUTPUT MODULE The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) Alarm Sounder/Signal Output cards. 76-100003-001 Figure 1-10. Each Auxiliary Relay Output card is equipped with four (4) Form C.7. providing up to eight (8) release circuits and twenty-four (24) signal outputs on those modules. Style “Y” or Class A. The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) agent release output modules.7. Agent Release Output Module 1-2. The ability to isolate an individual relay output is provided through the system operator menu. Style “Z” indicating circuits (see Figure 1-8).7.7. City Tie Module Figure 1-9. Signal Output Module 1-2. 76-100002-001 Figure 1-11. supervised relays. Alarm. NO. or any combination of these two modules.8 Remote Display/Control Modules Out B Out A In B In A S2 S1 LK16 LK17 LK32 The remote display control modules permit system events to be displayed.PEGAsys™ 1-2.625 5. Module Mounting Dimensions 1-2. SCROLL 5 R 6 7 8 9 0 Figure 1-13.000 +24 V Com PS Flt Earth Gnd A B Trouble Sup.375 5. The system-level LEDs correspond to the following general conditions: Module Power. supervised LED outputs for graphical or tabular annunciators.188 1. Pre-Alarm. The Network Interface Card allows multiple PEGAsys Control Units to be combined into an integrated. and operator intervention.10 Network Interface Card Figure 1-12. and Trouble. Alarm Silence. Sil. Figure 1-14. Model RDCM is a duplicate of the PEGAsys Display/Control Module and allows full operator intervention and system control. R40 U20 1 U19 1 U21 R44 U14 R17 1 R19 R29 R13 U5 C11 + . NETWORK INTERFACE CARD CAT.175 8. Fire Drill. and Lamp Test. Two styles of remote display modules are available. Out Pre Alm Alarm Pwr On Lamp Test Com Ack Reset Silence Drill LK10 LK8 LK6 LK4 16 15 LK13 14 13 12 LK11 11 10 9 LK9 8 7 LK7 6 5 4 LK5 3 2 LK3 1 LK1 LK31 LK29 LK27 LK25 LK23 LK21 32 31 30 LK28 29 28 27 LK26 26 25 LK24 24 23 22 LK22 21 20 LK20 19 18 17 LK30 LK18 LK19 LK2 0. Models ATM-L and ATM-R. peer-topeer network for annunciation. event output control. INC. RDCM Keypad 1-2. 74-200036-001 J1 DS4 DS2 DS3 DS1 B2NA2 B1NA1 B2IA2 B1IA1 N2 C26 N1 I2 I1 1 U12 CR3 D TB4 CR2 TB2 K2 TB3 CR1 K3 TB1 K1 C27 1 U13 U11 C12 U2 1 R10 C13 Y1 GND +5 TP1 TP2 I1 TP3 TP4 TP5 1 U3 C14 U4 C16 1 1 R12 U16 U17 1 U8 1 R26 R28 R27 C17 1 1 R31 C15 R38 C24 C22 R32 U10 C25 C1 RV12 RV11 R23 K4 RV10 R46 R45 RV6 RV4 RV5 RV8 RV9 RV7 RV2 RV3 E1 C20 C23 R24 RV1 E8 + R25 R6 R5 R4 R3 E7 E3 E6 E5 E4 E2 N1 N2 I2 1 R14 C2 + C3 + U7 C4 R22 R20 R41 U18 1 R2 C5 R36 1 R21 TP6 C18 R43 C10 C9 1 C8 R7 R1 U15 U9 R34 The PEGAsys supports up to 16 ATM-L or ATM-R Driver Modules. Event Acknowledgment. along with RDCMs and RDMs. MA 01721 C7 KIDDE-FENWAL. and operator intervention to be accomplished. Alarm Silence. while Model RDM is a display-only module that only permits the viewing of the current system events.9 ATM Series Driver Modules The ATM Series Driver Modules permit third-party graphical annunciators and large numbers of auxiliary relays to be used with the PEGAsys Control Unit. from more than one location in a facility. Supervisory. ATM-L/R W1 LK15 LK14 LK12 4. Network Interface Card 76-100016-001 1-5 July 2003 R33 R15 The Model ATM-R Relay Driver Module can activate up to 32 programmable. The input circuits for functional switches provide for the following operator intervention: System Reset. along with 6 system-level LED outputs and 5 system-level input circuits for functional switches. Two types of driver modules can be used. Q4 Q3 R42 Q1 1 Q2 1 U6 R18 ASHLAND.000 System Status Display AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE 1 SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET 2 3 4 SILENCE Note: Maintain a minumum one-half (1/2) inch clearance around ATM-L and ATM-R Modules when installed in mounting enclosure. that does not exceed 31 total addresses. The Model ATM-L Annunciator Driver Module provides the PEGAsys Control Unit with up to 32 programmable. 5 inch/4-inch electrical boxes. shown in Figure 1-18. INC. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM STANDBY BATTERIES KIDDE Figure 1-15.or 90-hour standby operation. addressable microprocessor-based smoke detection to the PEGAsys system. The contact monitor is also used to interface to manual alarm.14 Figure 1-18. ASHLAND.12. TEMP. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The SmartOne Thermistor heat detector provides true distributed-intelligence.5-inch. The SmartOne series of detection devices use universal mounting bases which are available in three styles: 1. 4-inch Detector Base 2. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX.1 SMARTONE IONIZATION DETECTOR 1-2. The enclosure (Figure 1-15) is a heavy duty steel cabinet that can house up to two (2) 40 AH batteries. Figure 1-16. 1-2. 1-2. 6-inch Detector Base Addressable Contact Input Device The SmartOne Ionization smoke detector provides true distributed-intelligence. microprocessor-based heat detection to the PEGAsys system. The following paragraphs describe each available intelligent detection device.11 Standby Batteries 1-2.13 SmartOne Detector Bases Space is provided within the central control panel enclosure for up to two (2) 12 V. an optional battery enclosure is available. The 4SB is a sub-floor style 4-inch base with an outside diameter that matches that of the low profile SmartOne detectors. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL.1. The SmartOne® Series of Intelligent Fire Alarm Devices provides the PEGAsys control system with smoke and heat detection.12.. 400 MAIN ST. mounts to standard 3 inch/3.3 SMARTONE HEAT DETECTOR The SmartOne Contact Monitor (P/N 70-407008-00X) allows an installer the ability to interface typical NO/NC fire alarm devices (i. 33 AH. 76-100016-001 .PEGAsys™ 1-2. Battery Enclosure 1-2. 60. SmartOne Detection Device 1-2. addressable microprocessorbased smoke detection to the PEGAsys system. sealed lead-acid batteries used for 24-. The 6SB mounts to standard 3 inch/3. addressable. or 100mm electrical boxes. shown in Figure 1-17. and necessary monitoring and control functions required by advanced fire alarm systems. For installation information. manual release and abort stations.12. N/O CAT.2 SMARTONE PHOTOELECTRIC DETECTOR The SmartOne Photoelectric smoke detector provides true distributed-intelligence.e. NO. see Paragraph 7-9. is a traditionally styled detector base with an integral trim ring which provides coverage for any inconsistencies between the electrical box and ceiling material. If additional batteries are required. Figure 1-19. INSTALL. The 6SB model.12 Intelligent Loop Devices Figure 1-17. Addressable Contact Input Device July 2003 1-6 ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED MODEL AI. The 4SB. water flow and tamper switches) to the PEGAsys system. 70-408004-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235577-001 MAX. INC.0). ASHLAND. TEMP. offer optional loop isolation which protects the loop from wire-to-wire short conditions (NFPA Style 7. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM Figure 1-20. PROCEDURES MODEL AO CAT. Air Duct Housing 1-2. Figure 1-25. alarm and trouble status by individual location (i. ASHLAND. NO.16 Model DH-2000 Air Duct Housing R The DH-2000 air duct housing is designed for detecting particles of combustion products in air-handling systems. PALM Interface Module for ORION XT HSSD 1-7 July 2003 .PEGAsys™ SHORT-1 SHORT-2 J1 DS2 DS1 R 1-2. LED LOOP ISOLATOR RX/TX Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 400 MAIN ST. Figure 1-22. Figure 1-21. INC. Loop Isolator. Stand-Alone 76-100016-001 PC PC PC PC (+) (-) (+) (-) DUCT DETECTOR MODEL DH-2000 R 1 2 3 4 N/C 5 COM 6 N/O 7 KIDDE-FENWAL. shown in Figures 1-22 through 1-24. Addressable Relay Output Device 1-2. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 Figure 1-23.. INSTALL. Loop Isolator.17 Loop Isolator Devices The SmartOne series of loop isolation devices. The ORION XT reports pre-alarm. 6-inch Detector Base Mount 1-2. Loop Isolator.18 ORION XT Interface Module The PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module (PALM) permits direct connection of an ORION XT High-Sensitivity Smoke Detector (HSSD) to a signaling line circuit of the PEGAsys Control Unit. RX/TX Mount Underwriters Laboratories LISTED Figure 1-24.15 Addressable Relay Output Device The addressable relay output device (P/N 70-408004-001) provides the PEGAsys system with a Form C dry-contact interface for remote control applications.e. LISTED R TERMINALS 1-4 ARE POWER LIMITED TERMINALS 5-7 ARE POWER LIMITED REFER TO INSTALLATION MANUAL P/N 76-100016-001 FOR MODULE INSTALL. The PALM is housed within the ORION XT HSSD enclosure and plugs into a receptacle on the Detector's printed circuit board. address) to the PEGAsys Control Unit via the PALM. PEGAsys™ 1-2.95 Amps 24 Vdc. 3 Amps 24 Vdc. 4 Amps 26. NO. 50/60 Hz 120 Vac.25 Amps typical *Note: Refer to Appendix A for total system power and AC branch circuit requirements. AUXILIARY MODE P1=2&3 S1=1&2 ON KIDDE-FENWAL.S. ASHLAND. Outputs: (2) CCM Signal Output: Release Output: Relay Contact Rating: Trouble Relay Rating: 24 Vdc. the AAM can be configured to transmit an overheat signal to the Control Unit for those applications that require excessivelyhigh temperature indications. CAT. (4) Form C Contacts. Line Resistance: Max.4 Vdc.19 Addressable AlarmLine Module Table 1-1. The AAM transmits pre-alarm. Addressable Devices: Release Module Release Output 2 Amps @ 24 Vdc 2 Amps @ 24 Vdc each Capable of releasing solenoids (suppression and sprinkler) 26.A. MA 01721 U.S. INC. Style "Y" or (2) Class A Style "Z" 2 Amps @ 24 Vdc each System power specifications are outlined in Table 1-1. alarm. Alternatively. .0 Vdc 0. Voltage: Max. The ASM is designed to mount in a standard electrical box. 2 Amps @ 30 Vdc or 1 Amp @ 120 Vac 5 Amps @ 24 Vdc. Input (Per Module) P. and trouble signals to the Central Control Module via the RX/TX’s signaling line circuit. CHARACTERISTICS 120/220 V. Voltage: Min. System Specifications ITEM Pow er Supply *Power Requirement: P. 1. Charger Output: TM The Addressable AlarmLine Module (AAM) permits an AlarmLine sensor cable to be directly interfaced to the PEGAsys Control Unit. Output (Per Module) Bat. Resistive 500 mA max./AUDIO MODE SETTINGS Signal Output UL R ADDRESSABLE SIGNAL/SOUNDER MODULE (ASM) AUX.20 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module RX/TX Module Max.POWER LIMITED DEVICE ADDRESS # _ _ _ _ A B A B PC LINE TM AUX. OUTPUT CKT. Current Limited 11 mA Master Box Trip Current 0. 70-200200-001 INSTRUCTIONS P/N 06-235717-001 PC LINE TERMINALS .S. 1.9 Amps 220 Vac. 2 Amps 24 Vdc. Addressable AlarmLine Module 1-2. Addressable Signal/Sounder Module 1-3 SYSTEM SPECIFICATION (4) Class B. @ 24 Vdc. July 2003 1-8 76-100016-001 .25 uF 26 Ohms 255 per RX/TX The Addressable Signal/Sounder Module (ASM) permits notification appliances to be controlled via commands issued from the PEGAsys Control Unit’s signaling line circuit. + AUDIO MODE P1=1&2 S1=3 ON + - + - - + Release Output Type: Signal Audible Module Signal Outputs: Relay Module Contact Rating: City Tie Module Shunt Contact: Local Energy Output: Local Energy Supervisory: Local Energy Load: FM APPROVED Figure 1-27.5 Amps each Aux. 2 Amps 1 Amp @ 30 Vdc 1 Amp @ 30 Vdc Figure 1-26.4 Vdc 19. IN TROUBLE CKT.POWER LIMITED ALL OTHERS . Line Capacitance: Max. The "alarm off" condition must be acknowledged to silence the buzzer. all outputs that had been activated previous to the "alarm off" signal will remain on and latched until the panel is reset. the buzzer will sound in a pulsed fashion. the panel would interrupt the discharge time delay sequence of operation. Every individual change of status must be individually acknowledged by pressing the <ACKLDGE> (acknowledge) button to silence the Audible device. 2-2. In the procedure section of this chapter there are several simulated LCD display readouts. the panel will be set to latch all alarm inputs in the system. 2-2 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS The control and indicators of the PEGAsys system are located on the display panel.PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 2 OPERATION 2-1 INTRODUCTION When an alarm returns to a normal state (alarm off). During the "alarm off" condition. In the default operation. The non-latching operation will allow the loop input devices to generate an "alarm off" signal to the panel. Alarm OFF is indicated by a ½-second ON ½-second OFF signal. listing name and functional description. the audible device provides no sound. This option can be enabled using the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) to define if a loop device input is to be non-latching. 2-1. The display panel is mounted on top of the CCM. Table 2-1 lists controls and indicators for the display unit. the "RESET" button will need to be pushed. The LCD display readouts will be used to aid users in the operation of the system. The latching operation will not allow the loop input devices to generate an "alarm off" signal that would possibly interrupt a discharge time delay sequence. It also describes the operating procedures and menu system. When this signal is received. This LCD display is used to present system status. 2. The second mode of operation is non-latching. shown in Figure 2-1.1 Modes of Operation There are two modes of PEGAsys system operation: 1. To gain access to the CCM. and Trouble condition is indicated by a 1 second ON. This allows the intermixing of latching and non-latching devices to protect critical areas where both types may be specified.1 LCD Display The display panel contains an 80-character (2 x 40) alphanumeric display. To return the panel to normal. However. This chapter describes the PEGAsys™ system controls and indicators located on the display panel. and 1 second OFF continuous beeping. System Front Panel 76-100016-001 2-1 July 2003 . The following summarizes the buzzer operation: • • • Alarm condition is indicated by a continuous ON signal. SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET SILENCE SCROLL R Figure 2-1. The advantage of offering latching or non-latching operation per loop input device is that it allows the installer/designer to customize the system. the panel door must be open. or "PRE-ALARM" LED indicator glows steady to indicate that the condition has been acknowledged. or pre-alarm ON condition has occured. "SUPERVISORY". or supervisory condition.PEGAsys™ Table 2-1. Pressing the "SILENCE" switch does not affect the relay output status. indicates that the system is receiving AC input power. The reset button must be pressed once to reset 4-wire smoke and HSSD detectors and once to reset the Control Unit When pressed after acknowledging current alarm. When illuminated. indicates the signal/audible outputs have been silenced. The "ALARM". it silences the control unit's audible buzzer. indicates an AC input power failure has occurred (trouble condition) and the system has switched to a battery standby condition. SWITCH FUNCTION When pressed after an alarm ON (alarm OFF if input device is set for non-latching) trouble. Use to enter password and system information into the menu system. When pressed after all active alarms have been acknowledged and cleared. Turns the "ALARM" indicator off. the system: Resets auxiliary 24 Vdc outputs used to power 4 wire detectors Resets all latched alarm conditions. Used as the Enter key when using the menu system. When illuminated. AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET SILENCE SCROLL NUMERIC KEYPAD (1-0) BACKSPACE RETURN July 2003 2-2 76-100016-001 . will cause the LCD to scroll through the active event buffer(s). indicates a supervisory condition has been reported by a system-input device programmed for supervisory input. supervisory. Controls and Indicators LE D FUNCTION When illuminated. indicates a smoke or heat detector or an HSSD has sensed a level of smoke or heat which exceeds its pre-alarm setpoint. trouble. Use to exit the menu system and to correct wrong entries. Supervisory condition will not allow the troubles buffer to be viewed. When pressed during an active alarm. When illuminated. The "SILENCE" indicator illuminates to indicate that the signal outputs have been silenced. Displays "System Reset" on the visual display. it silences the system signal outputs which have been programmed as silenceable. Returns all relays to their normal state. indicates a trouble condition exists in the system. Subsequent conditions will cause the control unit to resound the above sequence. When off. An alarm condition will not allow supervisory or troubles to be viewed. When illuminated. When illuminated. "TROUBLE". indicates an alarm condition has been reported by an input device. 3. After ten seconds. Press the return (↵) key. 2-3. 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2-4 2:LIST 4:TEST The Display Panel also contains an audible device which generates two separate audible tones: one for alarms and one for all other events. RX/TX 1 NOT REGISTERED ON RX/TX LOOP 1 6. 4. Press zero (0) key. Alphanumeric characters can only be used with the PCS program. 2-3. The user can only access the system by entering a valid password. If alphanumeric passwords are necessary for a particular application. Level Two (system installer) and System Manufacturer (the highest security level—reserved for the system manufacturer). use the AutoLearn function from the menu function or upload the configuration from the PCS program. To clear the below RX/TX message. Verify that the display reads as follows: MAIN PROCESSOR POWER ON 5.2 Default Passwords The PEGAsys system provides protection from unauthorized entry to the system menus by utilizing two levels of default passwords: Level One and Level Two. It also sounds intermittently when a trouble. This feature provides two separate passwords. If using PCS software. Passwords consist of numeric characters (0-9) and allow access to the system from the integral keypad of the CCM. Verify the display reads the incorrect time and date. The above message will be displayed while the system is initializing itself. Press the display module reset switch.3 Entering Passwords The password entry procedure is listed below: 1. Type in three or four digit password into keypad. Verify that the POWER ON and TROUBLE indicators are lit. Connect the backup batteries to the power supply in accordance with the procedure in Chapter 7. Verify that the audible device is silenced. Press the <ACKLDGE> button.2 Audible Device 3. 10. Default passwords are set when the system is shipped from Kidde. as required by UL Standard 864. Note: Use the default password if a new password has not been set. which increase the security of the system. Ensure a pound sign (#) appears for each key pressed. This device sounds continuously when a new alarm condition is received until the condition is acknowledged. Passwords help to lock out any possible entry to the menus through the CCM keypad. Typical valid passwords consist of three or four characters. The above and below RX/TX messages will repeat themselves for each RX/TX module installed in the system.PEGAsys™ 2-2. 2-3 SYSTEM SECURITY 4. Ensure that the audible device is buzzing continuously. 8. supervisory or pre-alarm condition is received until the condition is acknowledged. 1. verify that the correct number of RX/TX loops is enabled in the Loops Topic of the configuration file prior to uploading. 7. This initialization can take up to 90 seconds. Verify that the system status is displayed. These default passwords are: • • Level One = 987 Level Two = 1865 These default passwords are valid until other passwords are programmed into the system. they will lock out any possible entry to the menus from the keypad if used. Perform the installation checkout procedure in Chapter 7 of this manual. 2. After approximately one minute the display will momentarily read: RXTX NON-MONITORING TROUBLE OFF 9. Verify that the display reads: SYSTEM POWER-UP The PEGAsys system provides three distinct levels of program protection. Set time and date as follows: a. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD 76-100016-001 2-3 July 2003 . However. it is recommended that the Level One password be numeric and the Level Two password be alphanumeric so as to allow the user to retrieve system information (system information lists) and also prevent a user from changing any programmed system parameters. Verify that the display reads "Main Processor Power On". Set the circuit breaker for the CCP power to ON. but may be up to eight characters in length. 2-3. verify that the display reads as follows: RXTX NON-MONITORING TROUBLE ON RXTX1 Note: For multi-loop systems only. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD The three security levels are: Level One (system owner). 2.1 Levels of Security The following step-by-step procedure is for initial powerup of the CCP. Press zero (0) key. if the system is normal the display panel should show the time and date as shown in the above step. The feature is typically used to temporarily isolate auxiliary devices during a system test. 2-5. Verify that the display reads: SYSTEM TIME (AM/PM) 1:AM 2:PM f. These formulas provide the path from the main menu to the desired function. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST The main menu for the Level One. Most functions will require additional data to be entered to implement the function. 2-5 SYSTEM MENUS 2-5. press the number two (2) key on the system keypad). Formulas are provided for each access level. Level Two and Manufacturer security level is: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST d. 2-5. Type in the default Level One password (987). The sub-level menus may also contain multiple sub-level menus. which corresponds to the desired function (e. In addition. press the backspace key as many times as required to return to the incorrect data. Note: The top level menu may not be available by using the backspace key while certain types of programming are being performed. exiting the menu and menu functions. such as a device address or desired alarm threshold. Figure 2-1 shows the system menu structure. Verify that the system returns to standby. The power-up procedure is complete at this point. Press the backspace key. higher level menu from a lower level menu by pressing the backspace key. This menu structure has been implemented to aid users with system operating functions. some of the functions require the return key to be pressed to start implementing the function. The choices of available sub menus after a valid password has been entered correspond to the security level password that has been entered. 2-5.4. perform the following steps: 1. The system is now ready for loop device registration and programming which is covered in this chapter.2 Accessing the System Menus Perform the steps in Paragraph 2-3. date and device isolated. When the date menu appears. The display should read: SYSTEM STATUS NORMAL HH:MM MM-DD-YR 40 CHARACTER CUSTOM MESSAGE Note: When exiting the system menus. After the formula is entered. The main menu displays after a valid password is entered.. Type in appropriate selection (1 for AM or 2 for PM). 2. c. Note: If there has been a mistake in the entered data. Isolating any device immediately places the system in a trouble condition and initiates an audible trouble alarm and a printout with the time. Press the return (↵) key. Press the backspace key as many times necessary to reach the top level menu. Type in the time (HH=hours 0-12 and then MM=minutes 0-59). to select the LIST function from the main menu. accessing the menu. The keystroke formula is a sequence of numbers that is entered via the system keypad to access a particular function. Tables 2-2 through 2-5 list and provide a brief description of typical functions that can be performed using the PEGAsys system’s menus. the tables provide the security access levels and a keystroke formula for each function. Lower level functions may also be selected from sub-level menus using the numeric keys. The following paragraphs describe the menu structure. 2-5. The top level menu can be accessed from any sub-level menu almost anytime by pressing the backspace key located on the keypad. described in steps d and e above.1 Menu Structure The PEGAsys menu structure consists of a main menu and multiple sub-level menus. Press the return (↵) key.3. set the date using the same procedure as for time setting. July 2003 2-4 The isolate menu function (Table 2-2) permits the operator to isolate field devices and output modules. Any one of the basic functions listed in a main menu can be selected by pressing the numeric key of the system’s keypad. 76-100016-001 . shown below: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST g.4 PEGAsys has a built-in menu structure.3 Exiting the System Menus To exit the system's menus.1 ISOLATE MENU FUNCTION It is possible to access a previous. Verify that the display reads: SYSTEM TIME (AM/PM) ENTER THE TIME _ _ : _ _ (HH:MM) e.PEGAsys™ b. Menu Functions 11. Type in 3111 on the keypad. then re-enter data from that point.g. PEGAsys™ PLACE FOLDOUT SHEET HERE Figure 2-2. Menu Structure 76-100016-001 2-5 July 2003 . PEGAsys™ BLANK FOR FOLDOUT SHEET July 2003 2-6 76-100016-001 . g. allows the operator to test an individual or a group of field devices.2. Each mode has different indications and actions required.4 TEST MENU FUNCTION The test menu function. the LCD could read: SYSTEM STATUS NORMAL 11:06 AM_05-04-90 40_CHARACTER_CUSTOM_MESSAGE The system provides an option which allows the System Status Normal message to be replaced with a display of battery charging voltage and current for the system standby batteries. but which cannot be reported by a specific device due to a malfunction in communications between the system and the alarmed device(s). no alarm.2 Active Alarm Mode The list menu function (Table 2-3) permits the operator to list various system parameters. indications and actions to be taken. Note: In the Normal Standby Operation state. Zone Alarm–An alarm condition detected by one or several devices. The test procedure in the device is activated by imposing a signal within the device that will cause an alarm output. This is a redundant feature to increase system reliability and is called FailSoft Mode. In this mode. In the Normal Standby Mode.PEGAsys™ 2-5. and reports “Test Result OK” for each device. Figure 2-3. All lists are real-time actual system conditions which are displayed and printed with the time and date. The Control Panel verifies that an alarm output is generated.2. The following paragraphs describe each mode. such as smoke/heat above the alarm threshold level. by providing the alarmed device address for indication to the operator. signal audible signaling devices. if required. The system display will show the time and date.” 76-100016-001 2-7 July 2003 .4. a detector or contact input device can be tested. Press the display panel’s <ACKLDGE> button to acknowledge the displayed alarm condition. For example: PS01_26. trouble or supervisory conditions exist in the system. A few examples are shown in Table 2-4.10_A_ _ _ _ _11:06 AM_05-04-90 40_CHARACTER_CUSTOM_MESSAGE The green AC POWER LED will be illuminated to indicate that the system’s main power source is normal. 2-6.1 Normal Standby Mode • This is the typical mode of the system. Active Alarms Example Note: If the alarm is a zone alarm. 2-5. In this mode. no indicating LEDs will be illuminated other than the “AC POWER. 2-6. control relays for HVAC shutdown or elevator recall). shown in Table 2-5.2 LIST MENU FUNCTION 2-6.1 A device can signal a zone alarm to the system during some communication failures.4. This occurs when the system menus are being accessed either locally or remotely through one of its serial ports. There are two types of alarms which can occur: 1. On command. 2-5. and The 80-character display will cycle between all currently active alarms. 2-6 MODES OF OPERATION The following indicates the system is in its alarm mode of operation: • The red “ALARM” LED will be illuminated and there will be a continuous audible signal by the system buzzer at the panel. The PEGAsys system has four modes of operation.. Note: 2-6. Device Alarm–An alarm in which a device has communicated the alarm status properly to the Central Control Panel. The 80-character display will continue to cycle between any remaining alarms which have not been acknowledged.4. it is possible for the 80-character display to show data other than the time and date. This condition will be indicated by the menu selections being displayed on the display panel.2 ALARM MODE USER ACTION The following steps should be performed when the system is set into alarm: 1. See Figure 2-3 for example. The outputs which have been previously programmed for activation upon alarm by the specific devices will be turned on (e. the Device Address “1000-8000” will be displayed depending on which RX/TX module detects the zone alarm. and results will be printed and displayed at the Central Control Panel. ALARM MODE INDICATIONS The set menu function permits the operator to program various system parameters within the system. 2.0 V_0.3 SET MENU FUNCTION The system enters an alarm mode if a device (or devices) has detected an alarm condition. List all active system supervisory conditions. Isolate Menu Function Function Isolate Loop Device Isolate Module Signal Output Isolate Module Release Signal Output Isolate CCM Signal Output Isolate Module Relay Output Isolate CCM Relay Output Isolate Module Release Output Isolate CCM Agent Release Output Isolate City Tie Output Isolate Digital Input/Output Global Isolate Inputs Global Isolate Outputs Description Isolate/De-isolate an RCU by address Isolate/De-isolate a signal module output circuit by address Isolate/De-isolate a release module signal output by address. M = Manufacturer Level July 2003 2-8 76-100016-001 . 2 = Level Two. modules Isolate/De-isolate all system output modules Formula 1-1 1-2-1 1-2-2 1-2-3 1-3-1 1-3-2 1-4-1 1-4-2 1-5 1-6 1-7-1 1-7-2 Access Level 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 2/M 2/M Note: 1 = Level One. List all active system trouble conditions List EOC program lines List RTC program lines List all loop devices registered into the system List all modules registered into the system Lists PC line voltage levels at each specified loop device Lists specified loop device 9 volt power supply level Formula 2-1-1-1 2-1-2-1 2-1-2-2 2-2-1 2-2-2 2-3-1 2-3-2 2-4-1 2-4-2 2-4-3 2-5-1 2-5-2 2-6-1 2-6-2 2-7-1 2-7-2 Access Level 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M List Isolated Loop Devices List Isolated Modules List Isolated CCM outputs List Event History Buffer (All Events) List Event History Buffer (Range of Events) List a Single Detector List Detector Level List Active Alarm(s) List Active Supervisory Conditions List Active Trouble Condition List EOC Program List RTC Program List Loop Device Addresses List Module Addresses List PC Line Voltage Levels List Loop Device 9 Vdc power supply level Note: 1 = Level One.PEGAsys™ Table 2-2. List Menu Function Function Description List all Loop Devices which are isolated List all modules which are isolated List all CCM outputs which are isolated Lists all recorded event history entries from buffer Lists a user selectable range of event history entries by date Displays a selected detector’s real time smoke/heat level Lists all system detectors pre-alarm and alarm setpoints and present level. Isolate/De-isolate A CCM signal output Isolate/De-isolate a I/O module relay output by address Isolate/De-isolate CCM relay output Isolate/De-isolate an agent release output by output address Isolate/De-isolate an agent release output by CCM output address Isolate/De-isolate city tie module by output address Isolate/De-isolate digital input/output by address Isolate/De-isolate all system input loop devices. List all active system alarm(s). M = Manufacturer Level Table 2-3. 2 = Level Two. Enable port for internal printer connection Disable port for internal printer connection Enable port for external printer connection Disable port for external printer connection Allows user to change device address. 2. 1 = Level One. For installation in the state of California. Allows user to activate the AutoLearn Function Allows user to set the alarm verification function and time period for an individual detector or range of detectors. Allows user to enable RTC program line to function Allows user to disable RTC program line from functioning. Alarm Verification Time must not exceed 30 seconds. 2 = Level Two. M = Manufacturer Level 76-100016-001 2-9 July 2003 . Allows user to set Day/Night periods Allows user to activate Day mode Allows user to set 1st level password Allows user to set 2nd level password. Allows user to adjust Ionization detector pre-alarm and alarm settings Allows user to adjust Photoelectric detector pre-alarm and alarm settings Allows user to adjust Thermal detector pre-alarm and alarm settings Allows user to register loop devices into system configuration Allows user to de-register loop devices from system configuration Allows user to disable detector LED blinking Allows user to enable detector for day function. Allows user to set the positive alarm sequence for devices Allows user to clear event history buffer entries Enables the Global Acknowledge Feature Disables the Global Acknowledge Feature D escrip tio n F o rmu la 3-1-1 3-1-2 3-1-3 3-2-1-1 3-2-1-2 3-2-2-1 3-2-2-2 3-3-1 3-3-2-1 3-3-2-2 3-3-2-3 3-3-3 3-3-4 3-3-5 3-4-1-1 3-4-1-2 3-4-1-3 3-4-2-1 3-4-2-2 3-4-3-1 3-4-3-2 3-4-4 3-4-5 3-4-6 3-4-7 3-8-1 3-8-2 Ac c e s s L e v e l 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M Note: 1. Set Menu Function F u n ctio n Set System Time Set System Date Set Display of Battery (V+I) Set Internal Printer Disable Internal Printer Set External Printer Disable External Printer Set Device Address Set Ionization Detector Sensitivity Set Photoelectric Detector Sensitivity Set Thermal Detector Sensitivity Register Devices De-Register Devices Blink Control Set Day/Night Mode Set Day / Night Periods Activate Day Mode Set 1st level Password Set 2nd level Password Enable RTC Program Disable RTC Program Set AutoLearn Mode Set Alarm Verification Set PAS Function Clear Event Log Global Acknowledge Enable Global Acknowledge Disable Allows user to set system time Allows user to set system date Allow user to set display of battery charging voltage and current.PEGAsys™ Table 2-4. If powering a 4-wire detector from the PEGAsys. After all of the current alarms have been acknowledged. in which case the “Active Troubles” or “Active Supervisories” message will be displayed. The following indicates the system is in the supervisory mode of operation. Note: Only the first 64 alarms will be displayed. the display will indicate the device address and produce an alarm off (AOF) message. The preceding will happen if no active troubles or supervisories are present. the <RESET> button will need to be pushed once to reset the detector and once to reset the panel to a normal condition. This audible is distinctively different from the alarm signal pattern at the CCM. Any subsequent alarms will cause any silenced alarm circuits to reactivate. Once all current alarms have been acknowledged. press the <RESET> button once. When activated. 2-6. the display will read: NO ACTIVE ALARM REMAINS. For latching mode: To return the system to normal. When the system is properly reset. 3. signals or shutdowns). Once all alarms have been cleared in non-latching operation. Test Menu Functions F u n ctio n Lamp Test Loop Devi ce Test Battery Test Enable Walk Test Di sable Walk Test Alarm Si mulati on Test D escrip tio n Enable user to test system LEDs functi onali ty Allows user to acti vate an electroni c test of a detector or group of detectors Allows user to acti vate a battery test to veri fy battery capaci ty Allows user to speci fy a range of devi ces to walk test Allows user to di sable walk test mode Allows i nstaller to veri fy programmed relati onshi p of i nputs to outputs by acti vati ng i nputs and veri fyi ng outputs are acti ve F o rmu la 4-1 4-2-1 4-3 4-4-1 4-4-2 4-5 Ac c e s s L e v e l 1/2/M 1/2/M 1/2/M 2/M 2/M 2/M Note: WARNING: The Alarm Simulation Test must be used with care. See Figure 2-4 for an example. For example: 1080 AOF_ _ _ _PHOTOELECTRIC DETECTOR 40_CHARACTER_LOCATION_MESSAGE Note: If the alarm is a zone alarm.1 SUPERVISORY MODE INDICATION 4. the alarm indicating circuits (audible devices) can be silenced by operating the “SILENCE” switch. ensure that any associated outputs are disconnected or isolated to prevent unexpected outputs (releases.3 Active Supervisory Mode The system enters supervisory mode when it detects an abnormal condition in the system that has been defined to be a higher priority than a common trouble. the system may be reset by operating the <RESET> button. Each additional alarm must be acknowledged before the alarm indicating circuits can be silenced. the address “10008000” will be displayed. • 6. access the event buffer menu using the CCM keypad. 1 = Level One. • The yellow SUPERVISORY LED will be flashing at a one (1) second rate. verify that the display reads: XXX ALARMS REMAIN. When a non-latching device goes out of alarm. 2-6. Before using the AST. time and date. 2. all alarms—regardless of the total—will be processed in the EOC. even when any or all of the first 64 alarms clear. 2 = Level Two.PEGAsys™ Table 2-5. For a complete list of active alarms. The “XXX” represents the total of all active alarms. 5. This type of trouble is usually assigned by the installer/designer to monitor critical parts of the system. The 80-character display will cycle between all currently active supervisory events. Subsequent alarms over the initial 64 will not be displayed. 8. Each device which goes out of alarm must be acknowledged with the <ACKLDGE> button (non-latching).3. July 2003 2-10 76-100016-001 . All active alarms can be viewed on the display by pressing the <SCROLL> button. However. indicating that active device(s) in Failsoft mode on the indicated SLC have gone out of alarm. and there will be a pulsing buzzer at the CCM. At this time. the display will show the System Status Normal message. 7. M = Manufacturer Level The <ACKLDGE> button must be pressed once for each alarm received at the panel. the Alarm Simulation Test (AST) processes pre-programmed outputs which are related to the activated (simulated) input device. and there will be a pulsing panel buzzer at the CCP. The 80-character display will cycle between all currently active troubles and pre-alarms. When all active supervisory events have been cleared. with XXX representing the total number of active troubles. even if any. Refer to Appendix G for a complete list of trouble conditions. only the first 2100 troubles or supervisories will be displayed. 3.2 SUPERVISORY MODE USER ACTION The following steps should be performed when the system enters the supervisory mode of operation: 1. a total of thirty (30) troubles and supervisory events can be acknowledged at one time. For a complete listing of all troubles and supervisories over the initial 300. All current trouble conditions can be viewed on the display by pressing the <SCROLL> button. 2.PEGAsys™ • The yellow TROUBLE LED will be flashing at a one (1) second rate. This will silence the system buzzer. and the 80character display will show the standby message (e.1 TROUBLE MODE INDICATIONS The following indicates that the system is in its trouble mode of operation. However.. This will silence the system buzzer. if the installer wishes to enable this function. Active Trouble Mode Figure 2-5. loss of communications with a smoke detector) or when a pre-alarm condition occurs.g. or all 300 troubles clear.g. all of the active troubles or supervisories will be processed and entered into the event buffer. To silence the supervisory audible signal.g. the 80-character display will read: XXX ACTIVE TROUBLES REMAIN. The panel. it can be done by accessing the "set" menu option using the CCM keypad. For the multi-loop system. As each supervisory condition is cleared. access the event buffer by using the CCM keypad. all current supervisories must be acknowledged by pressing the <ACKLDGE> button. all troubles or supervisories—regardless of the total— will be processed and entered into the event buffer. When all active troubles have been cleared. 2-11 July 2003 2-6. However. Refer to Table 2-4 for more information on stepping through the menus to enable and disable the Global Acknowledge function. access the event buffer by using the CCM keypad.. will require that each trouble and supervisory event be acknowledged individually. Active Troubles and Pre-Alarms Example 2-6. For example: • Figure 2-4. Note: The system has the option to acknowledge both supervisory and common troubles on a global basis. 76-100016-001 . As each trouble condition is cleared.2 TROUBLE MODE USER ACTION The following steps should be performed when the system is in the trouble mode of operation: 1. the display will read one (1) less active trouble until all troubles are cleared. the 80-character display will read: XXX ACTIVE SUPERVISORIES REMAIN. Subsequent troubles or supervisories will not be displayed. Supervisory Example for Supervisory Mode Indication 2-6.3. with XXX representing the total number of active supervisory events. 2-6. and the 80-character display will show the Standby Message (e. When all trouble conditions have been acknowledged. For a complete listing of all active troubles and supervisories. all current trouble conditions must be acknowledged by pressing the <ACKLDGE> button. or all 2100 troubles or supervisories clear. To silence the trouble audible signal. the display will read one (1) less active supervisory event until all supervisories are clear.. 3. However. "System Status Normal"). With global acknowledge. When all supervisory conditions have been acknowledged. the “TROUBLE” LED will be extinguished. All current supervisory conditions can be viewed on the display by pressing the <SCROLL> button. Note: Only the first 300 troubles (supervisory or common) on a Single-Loop will be displayed. by default.4. 2. "System Status Normal"). the SUPERVISORY LED will be extinguished.4. Subsequent troubles or supervisories over the first 2100 will not be displayed. even if any.4 The system enters trouble mode when it detects an abnormal condition that may prevent proper operation (e. This audible signal is distinctively different from the alarm audible signal. can accommodate most any fire alarm control logic applications.1 LISTING EOC PROGRAMMING The system's Event Output Control (EOC) program can be listed using either the owner's or installer's menu functions. the system processes the EOC program and activates any associated outputs as programmed. control content. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 2-7 In addition to the LCD display. edit. 2-8. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details. PRINTING OPERATION c.2 RTC Programming The RTC program permits outputs to be controlled by the system’s real-time clock. retrieve. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. the contents of the parentheses are executed first. time. a total of thirty (30) troubles can be acknowledged at one time.1 LISTING RTC PROGRAMMING The PEGAsys fire alarm system incorporates two unique programming languages that are easy to understand and use. the system will print out all status change information and any system information lists that the user would request from the system using the integral keypad. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. However. When the printer port is enabled and a serial printer is attached. These two versatile programming languages. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. To list the RTC programming: 1. by default. To list the system's EOC programming: 1. week and month time control basis. Example: The simplest event output control (EOC) equation would be: Input = Output A basic equation with one or more inputs would be: Input Operator Input = Output 2. Alarm and pre-alarm threshold levels of all or individual detectors can be increased or decreased in sensitivity (within UL limits) under RTC control. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST The Event Output Control (EOC) program logically combines the system’s input devices with the system's output devices. store and print the entire system configuration program. However.PEGAsys™ Note: The system has the option to acknowledge both supervisory and common troubles on a global basis. Event Output Control (EOC) and Real-Time Control (RTC). verify. Outputs may be programmed to occur on an hour. The program consists of sequentially numbered lines. The PCS program allows the user to configure. The panel. each containing control object. The system will then list all lines of the Event Output Control program on the LCD and send a printout to any attached printer. The system normally processes the EOC from left to right. 2-8 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING 2. 2-8. Press the zero (0) key. download. The program consists of sequentially numbered lines of equations containing input addresses. in equations with parentheses. output module relays and smoke detector pre-alarm and alarm set points. 2-8. output addresses and logic operators. see Paragraph 7-18. Select the RTC program by typing the formula 2-5-2. The system is programmed using a personal computer connected to the system via an interface cable. day. Press the return (↵) key.1 EOC Programming The RTC program can be listed using either the owner's or installer's menu functions. The two programs are constructed by the system engineer/installer using the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) program which is Windows® based. When an input becomes true (active). The system will then list all lines of the RealTime Control program on the LCD and send a printout to any attached printer. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details.2. The RTC programming also provides the ability to control RCU relays. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. c. With global acknowledge. will require that each trouble be acknowledged individually. date and day of week. 2-8. Select the EOC program list by typing the formula 2-5-1. the PEGAsys system information can be viewed using the printer port of the CCM. Press the return (↵) key. For further details. if the installer wishes to enable this function.1. Press the zero (0) key. July 2003 2-12 76-100016-001 . refer to the PCS manual. Refer to Table 2-4 for more information on stepping through the menus to enable and disable the Global Acknowledge function. it can be done by accessing the "set" menu option using the CCM keypad. upload. For detailed information pertaining to connecting an RS232 peripheral device. ZA8 = 8000. a PC Line Short on RX/TX 1 would be displayed as "RX/TX PC Line Short Loop 1"). City Tie output and the power supply module. See note 2. SG – Signal/Audible Output RY – Relay Output CT – City Tie Output AR – Agent Release Output RS – Release Signal Output PS – Power Supply Monitor Module Devices which are classified as system inputs are smoke detectors. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details. RX/TX loop (zone) alarms occur if a loop device alarm initiates under one of the following conditions: Figure 2-6. See note 1. 5. output modules (signal outputs. Each line number of the RTC Program is automatically enabled when entered into the system. city tie outputs) and loop devices (addressable relay output module or signal/ sounder module).3. Select the desired choice and press return. follow the procedure below. The specifier (1000-8000) will appear in cases when trouble conditions are present on a particular RX/TX loop controller (i.4 SYSTEM OUTPUTS Devices which are classified as system outputs are CCM signals and relays (programmable/non programmable). To enable a line number which has been previously disabled.3. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. or Failed input circuit of RCU device. which are discussed in the following paragraphs: 2-8. supervisory and normal) and HSSD detectors reporting via PALM modules. which are connected to the RX/TX loop(s). relay outputs.4 Addressing Output Modules The output modules include: Signal Audible.2 REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (RCU) The RCU input and output devices. Module Address (1-8). manual alarm. Verify the display reads: 1:ENABLE 2:DISABLE 3. The address consists of two (2) alphabetic and two (2) numeric characters which define the module type. Relay Outputs. Output Module Address Scheme 76-100016-001 2-13 July 2003 . manual release.3 Types of Inputs and Outputs The PEGAsys has various input and output devices/modules. SG 1 : 3 I/O Circuit Number (1-4). agent release outputs. 2-8. trouble. The output module address scheme is shown below. waterflow. Once a line number in the RTC Program has been disabled using the procedure below. release signal outputs. Module Type. Agent Release (agent and signal) outputs and the City Tie output.3. See note 3. Select the set RTC program by typing the formula 3-4-3.1 SYSTEM INPUTS An alarmed input device on the RX/TX (in FailSoft mode) can only activate EOC programming if the RX/TX zone is used as a programmed input (ZA1=1000. 2-8. abort..3 RX/TX LOOPS The system specifies the RX/TX loop controller using its loop number followed by three zeros (1000 for RX/TX 1) in single loop systems and (1000-8000) in multi-loop systems.5 SYSTEM OUTPUT MODULES The output modules which the system supports are Signal Outputs. Continue with another RTC line or press backspace key to cancel this function. The output modules communicate with the CCM over the RS-485 communications bus. are specified in the EOC program by their four-digit addresses.3.PEGAsys™ 2-8. 2-8. Output modules refer to any module which installs into the optional output motherboard or multi-loop motherboard with the exception of the power supply module(s). the line will be ignored by the RTC Program until enabled. 2-8. 2-8. heat detectors.2 ENABLE/DISABLE RTC PROGRAM LINE NUMBERS • • • Failed communications between the CCM and RX/TX module (Trouble Condition). addressable contact monitors (alarm. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. Verify the display reads: RTC LINE NUMBER _ _ _ 4. 1. ZA2=2000. Type the three digit line number and press the return key. Agent Release Output. 2. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. address and output circuit number.). Relay Output.2.3. Each module has outputs which can be individually addressed. Press the zero (0) key. select "ENABLE" in step 2. etc.e. (Trouble Condition). 2-8. Failed RX/TX or CCM processor. 1 LISTING OUTPUT MODULE ASSIGNMENT 2. Verify that the display reads: PRESENT LOOP DEVICE ADDRESS _ _ _ _ Note: All new addressable devices have an address of zero (000). they have no need for an output number. Enter the present RCU address and press the <RETURN> button. July 2003 2-14 76-100016-001 . Press the zero (0) key. Added RX/TX Modules in the multi-loop systems are automatically registered by the CCM upon system power-up. There are two ways to address the RCU (Loop) devices.2. Each module uses different numbered switches for module address assignment.5 Registering Output Module Assignments 2-8. 1. Perform the following steps for each RCU: 1. refer to Chapter 3. 2-8.1 for instructions on addressing PALMs. 2. The output module address is set using the three (3) dip switches contained on each PCB assembly. The address is set during the installation procedure by placing the switches into the correct position. The 40-character owner location message cannot be entered using the system keypad. 3. For a functional description of each module. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. SmartOne heat detectors. Refer to the appropriate figure in Appendix I for the correct module and the addressing matrix. Press the return (↵) key. To address RCUs using the “SET RCU Address” menu function. The PEGAsys system can support a total of sixteen (16) output modules for single-loop and twenty-three (23) output modules for multi-loop. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST Output modules are registered into the system configuration through the use of the PCS program. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 3. For example. each unaddressed RCU must be connected to the RX/TX PC line one at a time.6 Addressing RCUs RCUs refer to all devices which connect and operate from the RX/TX PC (Power/Communications) Line.) 2. The system will display the following: TARGET LOOP DEVICE ADDRESS _ _ _ _ 4. The installer would configure all modules in the PCS program file and then upload this file to the system which would then internally verify the existence of the specified modules. Refer to section one “component description” for thorough descriptions of options.PEGAsys™ Note: 1. The switches would be set for each type of module in order. The owner's location message can only be entered and uploaded into the system by use of the PCS program . The RCUs (except PALMs) can be addressed using the Hand Held Programmer (P/N 74-200013-001).5. 2. addressable output modules (AOs or ASMs) and PALM Orion XT monitor modules. This optional unit provides a convenient means of addressing RCUs without using the CCM. Select the list of module address assignments by typing the formula 2-6-2. The system will now change the RCU address if it is different from the previous address. The device is identified by the CCM by these three digits. The only exception being the City Tie module—there can only be one City Tie module in a system at any time. refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015). eight (8) maximum of any one output module type. addressable contact input monitors. Each device has a three-digit numeric address. and by a fourth digit which represents the RX/TX number. The output modules vary in number of outputs. 1. Select the set RCU address function by typing the formula 3-3-1. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. All output modules which are programmed into the system may be listed with the use of either the owner's or installer's menu functions. signal modules would be addressed 1-8 if there were eight (8) in the system. These devices include SmartOne smoke detectors. This address is stored in the nonvolatile EEPROM memory of the device. 2-8. Enter the desired address for the RCU and press <RETURN>. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. c. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. relay modules would be addressed 1-8 if there were eight (8) in the system and the same holds true for the remaining modules. Press the return (↵) key. c. The system will then list all of the registered output module addresses on the LCD and send a printout to any attached printer. Type in the Level 2 password. The user may address the devices individually on the system by performing the procedure listed below. For further details on output module registration. (See Paragraph 3-3. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Power supply monitors only need an address. Press the zero (0) key. 2 ADDRESSABLE MONITOR MODULE REGISTRATION Figure 2-7.1 DETECTOR REGISTRATION Registration is where the device address is joined with the device information in the system's memory. The system would then supervise each device specified. which sets all devices at default values. 1032 001-255 = Device Address (registered) 000 = Device Address (unaddressed/ unregistered) RXTX loop number 1 for single-loop systems. During system configuration (using the PCS program). 1-8 for multi-loop systems SmartOne smoke and heat detectors would be registered in the system in the same fashion as the RCUs explained in the previous section. As the loop devices power up. The owner's location message can only be entered through the PCS program. See below for the specific contact monitor selections. unless otherwise programmed. MP03 and MP04). Optionally. However. To adjust the set points for the detectors. Contact monitor RCUs are also registered into the system through the PCS program. There are four ways to register the RCU (loop) devices into the system: 1. The system will. The CCM will recognize the loop devices as not registered. Manual Release. The addressable contact monitors are registered in the system in the same fashion as the RCUs explained in the previous section. sensitivity levels and input reporting) for the particular device.PEGAsys™ 2-8. the following choices are allowed: Alarm. the alarm and pre-alarm levels. and. Any system alarm received after this time will cause all the CCM outputs (MP01-MP04) to activate. The RCUs can also be registered into the system by using the PCS program. Procedures for registering output modules are provided in the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015.. Setting and Adjusting Smoke and Heat Detector Sensitivities. The 40-character owner location message cannot be entered using the system keypad. detection device application. by default. The user may register all pre-addressed RCUs using the AutoLearn function. The system would then supervise each device specified. The detectors will use the default values. RCU Registration Screen Example: RCU 1032 represents device 32 on RX/TX loop 1. indicating that the control panel has communicated with the device and identified the device as being unregistered. the PCS program will need to be used to configure the system for use with the output modules. Connecting an unregistered RCU address to the RX/TX will result in a "not registered" trouble (TBL NR). The installer would specify each RCU to be connected to the system. There are three specific applications for smoke detector use: Open Area.7. in turn. 4. and latching or non-latching options will have to be selected. any system alarm input activates all system outputs. and then upload the system configuration file to the system. set the response of the device activation to alarm. 2-15 July 2003 76-100016-001 . Trouble. The smoke and heat detector's pre-alarm and alarm set points are adjusted only when necessary if the user desires the set points to be different from the default values for each detector type. see Paragraph 2-8. multiple devices can be attached and registered into the system at one time using either the AutoLearn or RCU Registration function. 2-8. 2-8. Manual Alarm. and will issue a trouble message for each non-registered (TBL NR) device attached. At the conclusion of the register function. The installer would specify each contact monitor RCU to be connected to the system and then upload the system configuration file to the system.4 “Addressing Output Modules”). The user may register the devices individually in the system. Device information is comprised of: device type. 2. To register RCU devices using the register RCU function. attach all pre-addressed loop devices to the PC line of the RX/TX module.g. Power-up the system (if it is not already running). 3. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details on RCU registration. as it automatically enters the devices which it can identify into the system's configuration memory.7 Registering RCUs The AutoLearn function works much the same as the registration function. they will begin to communicate with the RX/TX module. the CCM will automatically register the loop devices into memory and also set each device to default settings (e. The CCM will also set the default operation of the CCM outputs (MP01. and then uploaded into system memory. if the output motherboard and output modules have been installed. the CCM will prompt the user to enter a range of loop device addresses to register as valid system devices. device messages and device settings. the CCM will display the total amount of devices registered. Abort. MP02. During both the AutoLearn and RCU Registration procedures. refer to Chapter 5. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details on RCU registration. Supervisory. If pre-addressed devices are used.7. WaterFlow or Normal. When the register RCU function is enabled. Open Area (High Air Flow) and Duct. The user may register all pre-addressed RCUs at once using the RCU (loop devices) registration function. latches in EOC program until reset 7: Normal–Active input initiates a momentary display but does not latch in EOC program. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. upload the system configuration file to the system and then the system would supervise each device specified. To perform the device de-registering operation: 1. This feature is very efficient because the device maintains its address information which speeds device reregistering after the renovations.3 REMOTE CONTROL MODULE REGISTRATION PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. 5: Manual Alarm–Active input initiates a manual alarm condition at the central control panel. Verify that the display changes to the device menu after five seconds. The owner's location message can only be entered by use of the PCS program and uploaded into system memory. Press the return (↵) key. but does not latch EOC programming and will self restore upon deactivation. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST The addressable output device (AO or ASM) is registered in the same fashion as the previous RCUs. To list all registered RCUs: 1. Verify that the display reads: DEVICE DE-REGISTRATION DEVICE FROM_ _ _ _TO_ _ _ _ 3. 2-8.5 DE-REGISTERING RCUs The system provides the capability to remove a single device or group of devices from the system configuration. 5. perform the procedure which is outlined Paragraph 2-8.7. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. c. The backspace key can be pressed to return to the main menu. Verify that the display and any attached printers list all registered RCU addresses. Removal or disconnection of the device(s) from the PC line will clear the trouble condition(s) in the system. This function removes the device address from the system memory but leaves the address in the device intact. 2-8. The owner's location message can only be entered by use of the PCS program and uploaded into system memory. 6: Manual Release–Active input initiates a manual release condition at the central control panel. but does not latch the EOC. The display will show the following to verify the device de-registration: DEVICE DE-REGISTRATION XX DEVICES DE-REGISTERED 4. Press the return (↵) key. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. latches in EOC program until reset. c. This will delay agent release if countdown has begun.7.PEGAsys™ 1: Alarm–Active input initiates an alarm at the central control panel and is latched in the EOC until the system is reset after alarm has cleared. Verify that the display reads: July 2003 2-16 76-100016-001 . To reregister RCU devices. Performing this operation will cause the system to generate a trouble NR (Not Registered) for any devices which remain connected to the RX/TX PC line. The 40-character owner location message cannot be entered using the system keypad. Press the zero (0) key. 4: Waterflow–Active input initiates a waterflow alarm condition at the central control panel and is latched in EOC program until reset. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. This function would be used during a system retrofit where some devices are to be removed from the system temporarily during a building renovation and then reattached after renovations are complete.7. 2: Trouble–Active input initiates a trouble at the central control panel. Signal outputs will be inhibited from being silenced. 3: Abort–Active input initiates an abort condition at the central control panel. Registering RCUs.4 LISTING ALL REGISTERED RCUs 2. and will self-restore upon deactivation. Press the zero (0) key. It does not latch EOC program and will self-restore upon deactivation. self-restores. The installer would specify each output RCU to be connected to the system.7. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 2. The 40-character owner location message cannot be entered using the system keypad. Select the set RCU De-Registration function by typing the formula 3-3-4. Refer to the PCS manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for further details on RCU registration. Select the List RCU address function by typing the formula 2-6-1. Enter the desired RCU address(es) and press return. 2-8. 8: Supervisory–Active input initiates a supervisory event at the central control panel. There are four (4) styles of abort available for the device. Control modules can also be registered into the system by using the PCS program. All RCUs registered in the system can be listed using either the owner's or installer's menu function. causes instant release of programmed output. 2 AC Input Battery Backup RS 485 24 Vdc Output Module(s) RS 485 24 Vdc Output Module(s) Figure 3-1. Multi-Loop System 76-100016-001 3-1 July 2003 . 2 AC Input Battery Backup Figure 3-2. 1 RS 485 RX/TX . Overall Block Diagram. Single-Loop System Channel 1 24 Vdc ATM Driver Module(s) Network Interface Card 5 Vdc RS 485 RS 485 RS 485 Channel 2 RS 485 To Networked Control Unit(s) RS 485 Remote Display Module(s) RS 485 24 Vdc Display Module 24 Vdc 24 Vdc Central Control Module RX/TX 1 .CCM Communications Receiver/ Transmitter Module (RX/TX) SLC to RCUs (Field Devices) 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RS 485 Output Motherboard 1 RS 485 Output Motherboard 2 24 Vdc RS 485 Power Supply No.PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 3-1 INTRODUCTION 3-2 BLOCK DIAGRAM This chapter provides a functional description of the devices/modules used in the PEGAsys system configuration. 1 RS 485 RX/TX . Each functional description covers one of the blocks shown in Figures 3-1 and 3-2.CCM Communications Multi-Loop Motherboard RX/TX N .CCM Communications 24 Vdc SLC 1 to RCUs RX/TX Module 1 SLC N to RCUs RX/TX Module N Output Module(s) AC Input Battery Backup Power Supply No. The PEGAsys system is divided into ten functional blocks as follows: • • Central Control Module Display Module 24 Vdc ATM Driver Module(s) 5 Vdc RS 485 RS 485 Display Module 24 Vdc 24 Vdc AC Input Battery Backup Central Control Module Channel 1 Network Interface Card RS 485 RS 485 Channel 2 RS 485 To Networked Control Unit(s) RS 485 Remote Display Module(s) 24 Vdc Power Supply No.CCM Communications 24 Vdc RS-485 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RS 485 RS 485 Output Motherboard 24 Vdc RS 485 RS 485 24 Vdc Output Module(s) Power Supply No. Overall Block Diagram. The real-time clock provides the CCM with the ability to display the current time and date on the system LCD and control the system with time-based programming.PEGAsys™ • • • • • • • • RX/TX Module Output Modules RCUs (Field Devices) Power Supply Module Motherboard Remote Display/Control Modules (Optional) ATM Driver Modules (Optional) Network Interface Card (Optional) sion 7X. memory failure. Details July 2003 3-2 76-100016-001 . See Appendix I for further details. networkable. Figures 3-1 and 3-2. See Note 1 SOUNDER 1 A B + + SOUNDER 2 B A + + VOLT FREE RELAYS 1 2 NO NC C NO NC C V/F RELAY FAULT NO NC C REP 1 REP 2 As described in Paragraph 1-1. The CCM provides two RS-232C serial ports for programming and monitoring of the PEGAsys system. the system is available in two configurations: single-loop and multi-loop. etcetera. For example.X firmware and P/N 76-100008-701.C. 3-3. Version 8X. field devices and display module(s).X firmware and P/N 76-100008-800. networkable.1 Central Control Module The Central Control Module (CCM) is available in two versions: single-loop (P/N 76-100008-501.X firmware). Each device/module is described in detail in Paragraph 3-3.2. ORION XT compatible. See Note 2 CCM Reset Button JP4 JP3 JP1 SW1 JP2 JK5 I/O PORT BT1 RX/TX PORT To Output Modules and Power Supplies To RX/TX Loop Controller JK1 JK2 JK3 1 PLG2 TB6 24V 5V 0V EARTH FLT SUPPLY FLT JK4 DISP PORT PRINT PORT P. These ports accept six-wire RJ-12 modular connectors. Version 7X. microprocessor failure. real-time clock. networkable.X firmware) and multiloop (P/N 76-100008-600. RS-232 port troubles. The above devices/modules for both configurations are shown in the Overall Functional Block Diagrams. PORT PLG1 DISPLAY To External Printer To Remote P. watch dog timer and RS-232 serial communication input/output ports. The CCM controls the operation and supervision of all the system modules and software within the PEGAsys system. Central Control Module. networkable.C. 3-3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS The functional descriptions will describe each device or module depicted in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. Version 8X. ORION XT compatible. The PCS program is used to interface to the system for programming purposes. processes the data based on pre-programmed instructions and transmits output commands to the output modules. Ver- TB4 TB5 TB1 TB2 TB3 SKT1 Note 1: The trouble relay contacts are shown in the unpowered state. Figure 3-3 contains the main central processing unit. Internal diagnostics enhance the troubleshooting ability of the system. For Programing 24 Vdc From Power Supply Processor Port Display Reset Switch Display Trouble LED BUZZER PLG3 SW1 PLG2 SUPPLY FAULT EARTH FAULT PRINT PORT DS1 PLG1 PLG2 JK2 JK3 24 VDC TB6 JK1 Display Port 0V 24V 0V 5V 0V PC Port 24 Vdc from Power Supply Figure 3-3. Note 2: Jumpers JP1-JP4 are used to configure MP01 to be signaling (default) or releasing outputs. It receives loop device data from the RX/TX modules. A multi-level password scheme protects the system from unauthorized access. PEGAsys™ Two individually programmable signal output circuits (MP1 and MP2) can be used for signaling devices (horns, strobes, bells) and allow up to 2.0 Amps of 24 Vdc power. One of the two outputs is programmed for releasing solenoid type suppression equipment (Agent and Sprinkler type systems). Two individually programmable relay outputs (MP3 and MP4) are on the CCM for controlling building functions during alarm occurrences. These relay outputs are activated through the EOC programming which allows system inputs to be related to system outputs. Each of these relays have Form C contacts, rated at 1 A, 30 Vdc. One non-programmable trouble relay is supplied, which is normally powered and will transfer on any system trouble, pre-alarm or complete power-off condition. Form C contact rating is 1 A @ 30 Vdc. See Appendix I for further installation details. An event history buffer is provided in the CCM which will store 1024 entries for single-loop and 6100 entries for multiloop of system event information and allow the operator to retrieve this information for review of system operation. The PCS program provides the ability to download, store and print all or a portion of the Event History Buffer. 3-3.2 Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) The RX/TX functions as the hardware and software interface between the loop devices and the CCM. Each installed RX/TX module continually monitors all addressable devices for alarm and trouble conditions. Each device is capable of initiating and sending alarm and trouble messages to the RX/TX module to which it is connected. The RX/TX receives control requests from the CCM and establishes communications with the loop devices. The RX/TX receives status changes from the loop devices and STYLE 6 Signal Line Circuit, with Loop Isolator 24 Vdc (Red) 24 Vdc from Power Supply Loop Isolator RS-232 Port for Communication with CCM Zone 1 Zone 2 Loop Isolator Zone 3 See Note Loop Isolator Loop Isolator CPU Reset PC Line Normal LOOP ISOLATOR Mounted to RX/TX 74-200012-001 CPU Reset PC Line Reset Loop Isolator for Style 7 (74-200012-001) RX/TX Note: Each zone can consist of 30 loop devices between loop isolators STYLE 7 Signal Line Circuit See Note Loop Isolator Loop Isolator Zone 2 Note: Refer to jumper table in Appendix I STYLE 6 Signal Line Circuit 1 2 3 4 STYLE 4 Signal Line Circuit Zone 1 See Note Loop Isolator 4 LOOP ISOLATOR Mounted to RX/TX 74-200012-001 RX/TX Note: Adjacent loop isolators must be within 20 ft. of a device with wiring in conduit to be in accordance with NFPA Style 7 requirements. Figure 3-4. Receiver/Transmitter Module, Details 76-100016-001 3-3 July 2003 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 24V RET 24V RET RX/TX 76-100005-001 Loop Isolator Loop Isolator Zone 3 Loop Isolator 24V RET 24V RET PEGAsys™ reports these changes to the CCM. The RX/TX (see Figure 3-4) is capable of communicating with up to 255 intelligent devices and complies with the Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) requirements of NFPA-72 Style 4, 6 and 7. Style 4 initiation circuit wiring will permit “T” tapping or branch circuitry. Style 7 requires the use of isolator devices. 3-3.3 Power Supply/Charger Assembly • Trouble relay that transfers upon any power supply trouble or power off condition (relay shown in the non-powered state) Two auxiliary 24 Vdc outputs (programmable for switched or non-switched configurations) • The power supply/charger assembly (see Figure 3-5) (P/N 76-100009-010), is comprised of a PCB mounted on an AC/DC switching power module. The switching power supply provides 4 Amps of 24 Vdc power from the 120/ 240 Vac input power. The PCB assembly is a microprocessor-based unit which provides the system with: • • • • • Battery charging (up to 99 AH) and supervision (low voltage battery cutoff is at 19 Vdc) AC power supervision 24 Vdc supervision Battery load test 24 Vdc ground fault detection (+/-) The auxiliary 24 Vdc outputs are rated at 1.5 Amp each and can be used to power four-wire type detection devices such as smoke, flame and gas detectors. Note: Outputs must be sized properly to stay within output current limits. The power supply/charger assembly is addressable and communicates with the CCM over the RS-485 communications bus. The power supply/charger assembly provides terminal connections for an auxiliary power module. This module comes with two different wiring harnesses, as follows: • P/N 76-100009-002. Supplied with a 36-inch harness that is meant to connect a main power supply/charger assembly to the auxiliary power module in the main cabinet. NOTE: SOLDER A 0 OHM, 1/4 W RESISTOR ACROSS W5 WHEN USING 220 VAC POWER. CAUTION: THE VOLTAGE FOR THE TWO BATTERIES IN SERIES MUST BE GREATER THAN 22 VDC BEFORE CONNECTION TO THE PANEL. TWO (2) SEALED LEAD-ACID BATTERIES POWER LIMITED TO 1.5 A DC POWER LIMITED TO 1.5 A DC Figure 3-5. Power Supply/Charger Assembly Details July 2003 3-4 76-100016-001 PEGAsys™ • P/N 76-100009-003. Supplied with an 8-inch harness to mount a main power supply/charger assembly to an auxiliary power module in a expansion enclosure. The RX/TX modules communicate to the CCM via the multiplexer, located on the motherboard. The CCM identifies each of the installed RX/TX modules by the RS-232 connection on the motherboard. Table 3-1 lists each RX/TX communication connection located on the motherboard and the loop number and addresses assigned to the connected module. See Appendix I for installation details. Table 3-1. Multi-Loop Motherboard Connectors C ON N E C T OR JP1 JP2 JP3 JP4 JP5 JP6 JP7 JP8 L OOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AD D R E S S 1001-1255 2001-2255 3001-3255 4001-4255 5001-5255 6001-6255 7001-7255 8001-8255 The addition of an auxiliary power module to the main power supply/charger assembly will provide an additional 4 Amps of current and make the total available current 8 Amps for this assembly. The system can support up to eight (8) main power supply/charger assemblies with the capability of adding an auxiliary power module to each one to provide a maximum available current of 64 Amps. Each additional power supply/charger assembly (P/N 76-100009010) will need to have a separate address to operate in the system. The auxiliary power module shares the same address as the main power supply/charger assembly that it is connected to. See Appendix I for further installation details. 3-3.4 Multi-Loop Motherboard The multi-loop motherboard assembly, P/N 76-100017-001, is an assembly which can accept any combination of nine (9) modules consisting of up to eight (8) RX/TX modules and provide connections for up to seven (7) output module circuit board assemblies (see Figure 3-6). The ML motherboard is mounted to standoffs on the back of the main system enclosure. It distributes the system 24 Vdc power, CCM-RX/TX communications and output bus communications to the output modules. The output bus communications are provided by an RJ-12 (flat phone cable) style connection. A single RJ-12 connection connects the ML motherboard to the CCM for RX/TX communications. The 24 Vdc is provided by the system power supply via a two-conductor wiring harness connected to a terminal block (TB11) and is distributed through terminal blocks (TB1-TB8) for connection to RX/TXs. The 24 Vdc, provided by the system power supply via two-conductor wiring connected to terminal block TB-9, is distributed through receptacles for powering output modules. 3-3.5 Signal Output Module The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) Signal Output modules, shown in Figure 3-7, thus providing thirty-two (32) possible signal circuits. Each Signal Output module is equipped with supervised 24 Vdc outputs, which can operate as Class B, Style “Y” or Class A, Style “Z” indicating circuits. The module will allow for four (4) Class B or two (2) Class A or a mix of two (2) Class B and one (1) Class A. Each circuit is supervised for open, short and ground fault. Individual outputs can be isolated via the system operator menu. JP10 RS-232 TB11 RET +24V TB8 TB7 TB6 TB5 TB4 TB3 TB2 TB1 RS-485 JP9 W1 TB10 JP8 JP7 JP6 JP5 JP4 JP3 JP2 JP1 COM TBL COM ALM SIG GND 485A 485B RET J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 +24V TB9 Note: If the motherboard is the last device on the RS-485 bus, the W1 jumper remains in place. If the motherboard is not the last device on the RS-485 bus, then it must be removed. Figure 3-6. Multi-Loop Motherboard, Details 76-100016-001 3-5 July 2003 7. sounded once as each device is activated. Signal Output Module. 2: Cut Jumpers W9 & W10 when Auxiliary Power Input is used to remove module from motherboard power bus. Each relay output can be individually programmed via the PCS program for operation. Each Auxiliary Relay Output card (shown in Figure 3-8) is equipped with four (4) Form C. Output circuits are listed for use in power limited applications. dry contact relay outputs. rated for 24 Vdc signaling devices up to 2. In Walk Test mode. 10K EOR 10K EOR 4 CLASS B. STYLE "Z” 5 6 7 + 8 + 9 10 11 + 12 + CIRCUIT 1 10K EOR Reset Switch Trouble LED SIGNAL AUD 76-100003-001 { { Module Address Assignment CIRCUIT 3 10K EOR See Note 2 1 CLASS A. Refer to Section 1-2. or Auxiliary power supply input Time) or Coded (Temporal Pattern) operation.0 second pulse. Relation between each relay output and its input source is defined by the panel EOC 3-6 76-100016-001 July 2003 .0 Amp @ 120 Vac.0 Amp maximum per circuit. STYLE "Y" 5 6 7 + 8 + 9 10 11 + 12 + 2 CLASS B. Pulsed 60 or 120 BPM (March- The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) Auxiliary Relay Output cards for up to thirty-two (32) relays . the signal output circuit(s) sounds the test signal (if programmed properly). The walk test signal is a 1. See Appendix I for further installation details. The ability to isolate an individual relay output is accomplished through the system operator menu. 3-3.0 Amp @ 30 Vdc and 1. Careful consideration of alarm strobe in-rush currents has been made to help avoid any potential problems with the increased power requirements in support of the wide range of the ADA/UL 1971 signaling appliances in the marketplace. STYLE "Y" 5 6 7 + 8 + 9 10 11 + 12 + Auxiliary Power NotUsed Sounder Circuits 1-4 TB1 CIRCUIT 1 10K EOR CIRCUIT 3 CIRCUIT 4 10K EOR 10K EOR Note 1: See Appendix I for Jumper Configuration (W1-W8). 10K EOR 3: Only 8 of this Type Module can be used on the system. Relation between each signal output and its input source is defined by the panel EOC logic program. Power for normal standby and alarm operation derives from either of two sources: • • Primary supply up to its capacity. STYLE "Y" AND 1 CLASS A STYLE "Z” 5 6 7 + 8 + 9 10 11 + 12 + CIRCUIT 1 CIRCUIT 2 10K EOR 10K EOR CIRCUIT 1 CIRCUIT 2 10K EOR CIRCUIT 3 CIRCUIT 4 10K EOR CIRCUIT 3 Figure 3-7. STYLE "Z" AND 2 CLASS B. in Chapter 1. The auxiliary relays are rated for 2. Details The alarm output circuits are polarity reversing type.6 Relay Output Module Provision for hardwire input of auxiliary power has been made through the use of hardwire connections between the auxiliary power supply and terminals 1 and 2 of the terminal block of the signal module.PEGAsys™ 2 CLASS A. See Appendix I for installation details. for other limitations. Each circuit can be individually programmed via the PCS program for Continuous. (See Figure 3-9. Details The City Tie Module (Figure 3-10) provides connection and operation for Local Energy or Shunt-type Master Boxes and Reverse Polarity styles of output. short and ground fault conditions. D. The installer must select discharge control type required during hardware and software configuration programming.7. B. Table 3-2 details all devices approved for operation with the agent release module. for other limitations. Refer to paragraph 1-2.8 City Tie Module Signal Circuits 12 Note 1: A maximum of 8 of this type module can be used in the system. Each card is equipped with supervised signaling outputs for three (3) Class B. Careful consideration of alarm strobe in-rush currents has been made. which provide up to eight (8) possible release circuits and twenty-four (24) signal outputs on these modules. Refer to paragraph 1-2. 3-3. 2: W1 and W2 must be cut when the auxiliary power input is used.7. The ability for individual output isolation is provided through the system menus. or Auxiliary power supply input. See Note 2 • Auxiliary Power Release Circuits } TB1 Input of auxiliary power is hard-wired through terminals 1 and 2 on the module's terminal block. Agent Release Output Module. All signaling power is fully regulated. The ability for individual output isolate is provided through the system menus. The circuit is supervised for open or ground fault conditions.PEGAsys™ logic program. The output type is selected by choosing which terminals terminate the field wiring. The module has an amber LED to signify disconnect status.) Reset Switch Trouble LED RELEASE 76-100001-001 1 Module Address Assignment Power for standby and alarm operation of release and signaling outputs shall derive from one of two sources: • Primary supply up to its capacity. RELAY 76-100004-001 Manufacturer Kidde-Fenwal Kidde-Fenwal Kidde-Fenwal Kidde-Fenwal Kidde-Fenwal Kidde-Fenwal Various Manufacturers Solenoids 486500 and 48650001 890181 897494 899175 895630 81-100000-001 FM Groups A.7 Agent Release Output Module The PEGAsys panel has the capacity for a maximum of eight (8) agent release output modules. Details 3-3. for other limitations. 76-100016-001 3-7 July 2003 . Each release output can supervise and activate up to two (2) solenoid control heads. Figure 3-9. E and G Sprinkler Solenoids Figure 3-8. Each signal circuit is supervised for open. the relay output circuit(s) will not operate when the input device(s) under test is activated. The agent release output circuit is rated for 24 Vdc control devices. supervised output which is programmable for solenoid-type discharge controls. In Walk Test mode. in Chapter 1. Style “Y” 24 Vdc polarity reversing type indicating circuits. Table 3-2. Approved Release Output Devices Note: A maximum of 8 Relay Output Modules can be used on the system. Output circuits are Listed for use in Power Limited applications. The ability for individual release output isolate is provided through the system menu. Relay Output Module. in Chapter 1. Each Agent Release Output Module is equipped with a 24 V. INC. City Tie Module. Details Local Energy-Type Output: Monitored output for trip circuit wiring and Master Box coil status (Set/Unset). peer-topeer network for annunciation. Out Pre Alm Alarm Pwr On Lamp Test Com Ack Reset Silence Drill LK10 LK8 LK6 LK4 16 15 LK13 14 13 12 LK11 11 10 9 LK9 8 7 LK7 6 5 4 LK5 3 2 LK3 1 LK1 LK31 LK29 LK27 LK25 LK23 LK21 32 31 30 29 28 27 LK26 26 25 LK24 24 23 22 LK22 21 20 LK20 19 18 17 LK30 LK28 LK18 LK19 LK2 Figure 3-12. 24 Vdc. The initiation of a walk test will create a system trouble. RDCM Keypad 3-3. Figure 3-10. ATM Module 3-3. short and ground fault. Reverse Polarity output circuits are listed for use in Power Limited applications.) Q4 Q3 R42 U8 1 R26 R28 R27 C17 1 1 R31 C15 R38 C24 Q1 1 Q2 1 U6 R18 ASHLAND. the output has provisions for manual disable or isolate through the system menu. MA 01721 C7 KIDDE-FENWAL. and operator intervention.11 Network Interface Card The Network Interface Card allows multiple PEGAsys Control Units to be combined into an integrated. In addition. the city notification outputs shall be disabled. current limited at 550 mA. See Appendix I for further installation details.10 ATM Series Driver Modules The ATM Series Driver Modules permit third-party graphical annunciators and large numbers of auxiliary relays to be used with the PEGAsys Control Unit. NO. In Walk Test mode.9 Remote Display Control Modules U12 CR2 K2 CR1 K3 K1 C27 1 U13 RV11 R23 CR3 RV12 RV10 E1 R24 RV5 RV7 RV1 C23 E8 R25 R6 R5 R4 R3 E7 E3 E6 E5 E4 E2 + C3 1 + R43 C10 R33 C9 1 C8 R7 R1 U15 1 U17 C22 U10 U9 R34 Refer to Appendix L for a complete discussion of the PEGAsys Remote Display Control Module and the Remote Display Module. 24 Vdc resistive. Shunt-Type Output: Unsupervised contact rated at 5. 3-3. Part Number 06-236179-002. Refer to Appendix J for a complete discussion of the PEGAsys Network Interface Card and system networking capabilities. NETWORK INTERFACE CARD CAT. Monitored for open. Sil. (See Figure 3-11. event output control.PEGAsys™ System Status Display AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE 1 SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET 2 3 4 SILENCE SCROLL 5 Note: Only 1 City Tie Module can be connected to the system. 24 Vdc. Reverse Polarity-Type Output: Unsupervised output for trip circuit wiring only. Any system alarm will cause the output to transfer. Refer to the ATM Series Installation and Operation Manual. The City Tie Module will operate during the PEGAsys "FailSoft” mode. R14 R20 R41 R40 U20 1 U19 1 U18 1 1 R21 R2 R36 C2 C18 R13 CITY TIE 76-100002-001 R 6 7 8 9 0 Figure 3-11. current limited at 100 mA. causing the city tie output to transfer to the trouble state. and operator intervention to be accomplished. Figure 3-13. from more than one location in a facility. S2 S1 LK16 LK17 LK32 Out B Out A In B In A ATM-L/R W1 LK15 LK14 LK12 +24 V Com PS Flt Earth Gnd A B Trouble Sup.0 Amp. for a complete description of the ATM Series Driver Modules. 74-200036-001 J1 DS4 DS2 DS3 DS1 B2NA2 B1NA1 B2IA2 B1IA1 N2 C26 N1 I2 I1 1 D TB4 TB2 TB3 TB1 K4 RV6 RV4 RV8 RV9 RV2 RV3 R46 R45 C20 U2 1 R10 C13 Y1 C12 U11 GND +5 TP1 TP2 I1 TP3 TP4 TP5 1 U3 C14 U4 TP6 N1 N2 I2 + U7 C4 R22 C5 C11 U5 1 U21 R44 C16 1 R12 1 R19 R29 + 76-100016-001 . Network Interface Card 3-8 July 2003 R15 U14 R17 U16 R32 C25 C1 The remote display control modules permit system events to be displayed. Manual Alarm. Manual Release. The addressable contact monitor device is programmable to report the following events: Alarm (default).PEGAsys™ 3-3. microprocessorbased smoke detection to the PEGAsys system. (See Figure 3-15. SmartOne Ionization detectors have an unobtrusive low profile look. Each detector is electronically addressable and can be fully field programmed. device address. Each device constantly monitors its surrounding environment and makes decisions in response to that information. Calibration. and are available using the following: • Model THD 7252 SmartOne Heat Detector: P/N 70-404001-100 Addressable Contact Input Device The following three paragraphs describe each type of available detector. A unique sensing chamber permits 360° of smoke entry and response. device address. Waterflow Alarm. which responds to a broad range of smoldering and flaming type fires. This unique utilization of processing power makes possible a system of loop devices with greater capacity and flexibility than any typical addressable device system with centralized processing. microprocessor-based heat detection to the PEGAsys system. and are available using the following: • Model CPD 7052 SmartOne Ionization Detector: P/N 70-402001-100 The PEGAsys Contact Monitor (P/N 70-407008-00X) allows an installer the ability to interface typical NO/NC fire alarm devices. which senses both visible and invisible smoke. Model PSD-7152 is an analog. Supervisory and Normal (Silent input). 3-9 July 2003 76-100016-001 . addressable. A unique sensing chamber permits 360° of smoke entry and response.16 The SmartOne Ionization smoke detector provides true distributed intelligence.) The unit includes a connection for an optional status LED. ionization type detector. Figure 3-14. such as water flow and tamper switches. Typical Detector 3-3.14 SmartOne Photoelectric Detector The SmartOne Series of Intelligent Fire Alarm Devices provides the PEGAsys control system with smoke and heat detection as well as the necessary monitoring and control functions required by advanced fire alarm systems. addressable. Model THD-7252 is an analog fixed temperature. microprocessor-based smoke detection to the PEGAsys system. in trouble condition. and when activated.13 SmartOne Ionization Detector 3-3. the LED will flash every two (2) seconds. the LED will be extinguished. which does not respond to rate of rise conditions until its programmed set point is met.15 Model PSD 7152 SmartOne Photoelectric Detector: P/N 71-402001-100 SmartOne Heat Detector The SmartOne heat detectors provide true distributed intelligence. analog. Its default setting is Alarm when programmed using the AutoLearn function. This “Distributed Intelligence” architecture allows each loop device to make decisions within the monitored area. thermistor-type detector. the LED will flash every nine (9) seconds.12 Field Devices 3-3. Each of the SmartOne devices features an intrinsic microprocessor with 4K of nonvolatile memory. Trouble. The contact monitor is also used to interface to the Manual Alarm. Each detector is electronically addressable and can be fully field programmed. Abort. photoelectric type detector. Model CPD-7052 is a dual chamber. Calibration. The devices then report status as required to the control panel. A typical detector is shown in Figure 3-14. which allows the device to indicate its current operating status. In normal standby mode. to the PEGAsys system. The blink rates and associated status levels are as follows: Blink Rate 9 Second Rate 2 Second Rate Off (not blinking) Operation Status Normal mode Alarm (activated) Trouble condition The SmartOne Photoelectric smoke detectors provide true distributed intelligence. Each loop device communicates with the RX/TX module over the PC (power/communications) line. Each SmartOne device contains a status LED which blinks in various patterns to indicate device status. A unique sensing chamber permits 360° of heat entry and response. Manual Release and Abort Stations. and are available using the following: • 3-3. Each detector is electronically addressable and can be fully field programmed. device address and pre-alarm and alarm sensitivity set points are stored in each detector's nonvolatile memory. Calibration. pre-alarm and alarm sensitivity set points and drift compensation algorithm are stored in each detector's nonvolatile memory. pre-alarm and alarm sensitivity set point are stored in each detector's nonvolatile memory. addressable. SmartOne photoelectric detectors have an unobtrusive low profile look. Unique algorithms are used to compensate for heat rise without problems associated with false alarms due to elevated rates of rise in ambient temperature. SmartOne Heat detectors have an unobtrusive low-profile look. (See Figures 3-18. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. However.O. Addressable Contact Input Device (NC): P/N 70-407008-002. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. The duct housing accepts either the PSD-7152 or CPD7052 smoke detectors. ASHLAND. The isolators will open the loop between two isolators in the presence of a short circuit condition. (See Figure 3-17.0 A @ 30 Vdc (resistive) 1.) • Addressable Relay Output Device: P/N 70-408004-001 Form C contact rated at: 0. The device can be activated through the system EOC or RTC programming. TEMP. ASHLAND.) . a trouble indication for the devices affected by the isolation will be created on the panel. ( See Figure 3-16. the LED will be extinguished. NO.17 Addressable Relay Output Device The addressable relay output device (P/N 70-408004-001) provides the PEGAsys system with a Form C. the system can be programmed to control a variety of devices such as HVAC fans and power shutdown which can prevent unnecessary damage to a facility. 70-408004-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235577-001 MAX. INC. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM PC PC PC PC SW SWLED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PC PC PC PC (+) (-) (+) (-) 1 2 3 4 N/C PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 5 COM 2 6 3 N/O 7 4 5 6 7 8 EOL (10KW Resistor) • • Refer to DH-2000 Installation Manual (P/N 06-235398-001) for further details. 400 MAIN ST. The unit includes an intrinsic status LED. In normal standby mode. Addressable Contact Input Device 3-3. Style 7). which extend into the HVAC duct. DH-2000 Air Duct Housing 3-3. Supervisory Devices Remote LED (Optional) 1 ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED MAX. the LED will flash every two (2) seconds. Sampling of the air in the duct is accomplished through the use of sampling tubes.0 A @ 30 Vdc (inductive) N/O COM N/C 7 6 5 Field Connections (+) PC Line In (-) Figure 3-16.6 A @ 120 Vac 2. and in activated condition. INC. The isolators will return to normal operation when the short condition has been removed from the affected wires. dry contact interface for remote control applications.) • Model DH-2000 Air Duct Housing: P/N 70-403001-100 Model DH-2000 CPDI Air Duct Housing with Ion Detector: P/N 70-403001-052 Model DH-2000 PSDI Air Duct Housing with Photo Detector: P/N 70-403001-152 (+) PC Line (-) In (+) (-) PC Line Out EOL (10KW Resistor) Typical N. SCREW AND O-RING DETECTOR HEAD ION OR PHOTO COVER DETECTOR VIEW PORT Figure 3-17. N/O CAT. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM MODEL AI. INSTALL. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 Figure 3-15. Addressable Relay Output Device July 2003 3-10 76-100016-001 TERMINALS 1-4 ARE POWER LIMITED TERMINALS 5-7 ARE POWER LIMITED MODEL AO CAT. INSTALL.19 Loop Isolator Devices (+) (-) PC Line Out The SmartOne series of loop devices offer optional loop isolation. A transparent Lexan® cover over the detection chamber allows visual inspection of the duct detector chamber and the internal smoke detector status. which protects the loop from wire-to-wire short conditions (NFPA 72. ENCLOSURE END PLUG INLET TUBE (SUPPLY) OR CTCT TE L0 DU DE DE 0 O-20 MH D EXHAUST TUBE (MOLDED INTO ENCLOSURE) MTG. TEMP. 400 MAIN ST. Upon smoke detection. 3-19 and 3-20.18 Model DH-2000 Air Duct Housing The DH-2000 air duct housing is designed for detecting particles of combustion in air handling systems. the LED will flash every nine (9) seconds.C. thus allowing the remainder of the loop to operate normally. in trouble condition.PEGAsys™ • • Addressable Contact Input Device (NO): P/N 70-407008-001. NO. which allows the device to indicate its current operating status. Initiating Devices 3-3. Typical N. The device connects directly to the RX/TX multiplex loop and contains an SPDT relay for control of auxiliary equipment. Its default operation programming is done during the AutoLearn function. Allows the unit to be mounted behind a smoke detector in the 6-inch detector base. In normal standby mode. if the address is set in this fashion.0.PEGAsys™ The loop isolators are offered in three package styles: • • Stand-alone style. PALM Interface Module for ORION XT HSSD The ORION XT HSSD is configured via a computer running ORION Configuration Software (OCS). operation and maintenance manual. Addressable AlarmLine Module LOOP ISOLATOR RX/TX R Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Housed in a single gang electrical box arrangement.) The PALM allows an HSSD to be monitored like a SmartOne initiating device. INC. 6-inch Detector Base Mount. MA 01721 Figure 3-18. However. The single gang mount unit includes intrinsic status LEDs which allow the device to indicate in which direction the short condition is being detected. Loop Isolator. (See Figure 3-22. Both pre-alarm and alarm signals are reported. 3-3. LISTED R REFER TO INSTALLATION MANUAL P/N 74-200016-001 FOR MODULE INSTALL. it must then be 'Registered' at the PEGAsys CCM. Mounts directly onto the RX/TX module. the LED will be on continuously. Version 2. Detailed information about the PALM can be found in the ORION XT installation. PROCEDURES KIDDE-FENWAL. PALM loop addresses may also be set from the CCM (default setting is 1000) in the same fashion as other loop modules. Stand-Alone TM R Underwriters Laboratories LISTED Figure 3-20. the PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module permits direct connection of a High-Sensitivity Smoke Detector (HSSD) to the signaling line circuit of the PEGAsys Control Unit. P/N 06-236005-401. Direct mount. Refer to Appendix M for a full description of this Module. OCS may also be used to set the PALM RX/TX loop address. Loop Isolator. • • • Loop Isolator RX/TX mount: P/N 74-200012-001 Loop Isolator Stand-alone (Single Gang): P/N 74-200012-002 Loop Isolator 6-inch detector base mount: P/N 74-200012-004 SHORT-1 SHORT-2 400 Main Street Ashland. Loop Isolator. 6-inch Detector Base Mount Figure 3-22. (See Figure 3-21.21 PALM addresses cannot be set via the hand-held programmer (P/N 74-200013-001). Addressable AlarmLine Module 76-100016-001 3-11 July 2003 . MA 01721 J1 DS2 DS1 Figure 3-21. RX/TX Mount The Addressable AlarmLine Module (AAM) permits an AlarmLine sensor cable to be directly interfaced to the PEGAsys Control Unit.20 PEGAsys Addressable Loop Module (PALM) • Used in conjunction with an ORION™ XT. ASHLAND. the LED will be extinguished and in activated condition. All configuration data and smoke history is stored in the ORION XT.) Figure 3-19. Note: 3-3. NO.POWER LIMITED DEVICE ADDRESS # _ _ _ _ A B A B PC LINE TM AUX.22 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module The Addressable Signal/Sounder Module (ASM) permits notification appliances to be controlled via commands issued from the PEGAsys Control Unit’s signaling line circuit./AUDIO MODE SETTINGS ADDRESSABLE SIGNAL/SOUNDER MODULE (ASM) AUX.PEGAsys™ 3-3.S. ASHLAND. Addressable Signal/Sounder Module July 2003 3-12 76-100016-001 . + AUDIO MODE P1=1&2 S1=3 ON + - + - - + UL R FM APPROVED Figure 3-23. 70-200200-001 INSTRUCTIONS P/N 06-235717-001 PC LINE TERMINALS . CAT. (See Figure 3-23. IN TROUBLE CKT.A. Refer to Appendix K for additional details on the Addressable Signal/Sounder Module. OUTPUT CKT. INC. MA 01721 U.) AUXILIARY MODE P1=2&3 S1=1&2 ON KIDDE-FENWAL. The ASM is designed to mount in a standard electrical box.POWER LIMITED ALL OTHERS . Verify that the display reads: ***LAMP TEST*** ***VERSION XX. Press the number four (4) key. Press the return (↵) key.1 Lamp Test The PEGAsys system provides a unique detector test function. which allows a user to initiate a test of the detection devices through the use of the system menus and verify that the detection device(s) is operating as intended. Verify the display scrolls through each selected address and reads as below: START DEVICE TEST TESTING (Device Address #) 2. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. 5. and then press the return button. The test actually stimulates the detection chamber of the device and verifies the response from the device. Press the zero (0) key. c.X*** Where XX. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SILENCE The scheduled maintenance of the system should be performed at an established interval. Press the number four (4) key. In the event that system problems are found during the performance of a procedure. Verify that the display reads: 1:LAMP TEST 2:LOOP DEVICES 3:BATTERY TEST SCROLL for more 3. The step-by-step procedure to perform the loop device test follows: Note: Addressable output modules and PALM modules cannot be tested with this procedure. Verify that the display reads: 1:LAMP TEST 2:LOOP DEVICES 3:BATTERY TEST SCROLL for more 3. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 1. The step-by-step procedure to perform the lamp test follows: 1. It will not activate alarm outputs on the system.2 Note: Loop Device Test This test has a pass or fail result. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 2. 76-100016-001 4-1 July 2003 . 4-3.X corresponds to the CCM Firmware Version. These procedures should be accomplished on a scheduled basis. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Press the number two (2) key. Enter the device address or range of device addresses to be tested. This test allows the user to check the system display LEDs. Press the zero (0) key. c. The interval that the maintenance procedures are performed should not exceed any imposed regulations (NFPA 72 or local codes). Press the number one (1) key. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Press the return (↵) key. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. Ensure the following LEDs are momentarily lit: 4-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter contains maintenance instructions for the PEGAsys™. All system outputs must be isolated prior to running this test procedure. 4-2 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE AC POWER PRE-ALARM SUPERVISORY 4-3.PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 4. The CCM will report a result of the test for each device tested. Verify that the display reads: START DEVICE TEST TEST DEVICES FROM _ _ _ _TO_ _ _ _ 4. refer to Chapter 5 for corrective action. 4-3 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The following paragraphs outline general scheduled maintenance procedures to be performed on an as-necessary basis. The system will respond to each activation with a short burst of the programmed signal circuits. Enter the power supply address which the batteries are connected to. The walk test feature can be deactivated two ways: the service person can deactivate it through the user menus. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. Apply smoke to the detector for a minimum of ten (10) seconds.1 When the walk test is active. creates a potentially hazardous practice. the installer needs to enable each signal circuit installed in the system for “Walk Test”. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST with a time and date stamp. the panel will annunciate a trouble condition. Type in the Level 1 or Level 2 password. then proceed through the installation activating the specified devices. The operator can then print out all walk test results for review. Press the number three (3) key.4 Walk Test The PEGAsys system provides a one person walk test function._V 6.4. When a sufficient amount of smoke has entered the device. Press the <SCROLL> button to read the status of each device tested. Verify that the display reads: 1:LAMP TEST 2:LOOP DEVICES 3:BATTERY TEST SCROLL for more 3. use a "punk-stick" or "cotton wick" to generate smoke. This allows the service person to enable a group of devices for walk test. Press the return (↵) key.2 The step-by-step procedure to perform the walk test is as follows: 1. To place a detector into alarm. the system enters each activation • 4-3.4. Verify the display reads: BATTERY TEST TEST ACTIVATED ON PS(_ _) 5. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Heat the detector for a minimum of ten (10) seconds. The status LED of the detector will flash at a two (2) second rate during the alarm period. The system's signal outputs default to walk test disabled. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Use of open flame devices is not recommended as discoloration of the plastic housing is likely. perform the applicable procedure below: • Smoke Detectors–When testing SmartOne® smoke detectors. which in turn. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. 4-3. Press the return (↵) key. 4-3. Type in the Level 2 password.2.4. WALK TESTING DETECTORS Place the system in walk test. Press the number four (4) key. When walk test is activated and carried out. The related signal circuit will only be pulsed if it has been configured for the Walk Test feature when defining it in the PCS software. Press the number four (4) key. Press the zero (0) key. Aerosol smoke simulation may be used if acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. or the walk test function will time out after ten (10) minutes of non-activation (this ensures system response if the service person is called away for an extended period of time). the control panel will respond with an alarm. The step-by-step procedure to perform the battery test follows: 1. Note: 4-3.PEGAsys™ 6. Take care during the heating of the detector to avoid overheating the plastic housing. Maintain a minimum of one (1) foot between the detector and the heat gun nozzle. Verify that the voltage is within allowable tolerances. When a sufficient amount of heat has been detected by the detector. the control panel will respond with an alarm indication. Upon the completion of the test the display will read: TEST ON PS(_ _) COMPLETED >_>_ _. as described in Paragraph 4-3. During the system installation/configuration via PCS.3 Battery Test This test allows the user to activate a battery test to verify battery capacity. When the device testing is completed the display will read: TEST COMPLETED (Address #) TEST (PASSED or FAILED) 7. c. Heat Detectors–When testing SmartOne heat detectors. and if the product is used as directed in the instructions. use of a low powered heat gun is acceptable. Verify that the display reads: 1:LAMP TEST 2:LOOP DEVICES 3:BATTERY TEST SCROLL for more 4-2 76-100016-001 July 2003 . Press the zero (0) key. if desired. The status LED of the detector will flash at a two (2) second rate during the alarm period. Verify that the display reads: BATTERY TEST BATTERY TEST ON PS*_ _ 4. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 2. WALK TEST PROCEDURE 2. c. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 3. IMPORTANT"Testing personnel shall be familiar with the specific arrangement and operation of the suppression system(s) and releasing function(s) and be cognizant of the hazards associated with inadvertent system discharge. Press the number one (1) key and then the return key. Deactivate the AST programming as follows: a. Verify that the display reads: 1:START WALK TEST 2:STOP WALK TEST 5. for the duration of the fire system testing. Verify that the system responds as programmed.1 AST PROCEDURE 2. press the number two (2) key to disable the walk test mode. 76-100016-001 4-3 July 2003 . are understood. 3. 4. The system will respond with an alarm condition when the AST feature is enabled. The user would have to disable the AST when output operation has been verified. Press the number four (4) key. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Repeat steps 2 through 8. the pre-programmed outputs for the activated input(s) will activate. Be sure to observe the above warning. Prior to proceeding." 4-3. Verify that the display reads: 1:LAMP TEST 2:LOOP DEVICES 3:BATTERY TEST SCROLL for more 5. Press the <SCROLL> button. 4. b." "Testing shall include verification that the releasing circuits and components energized or actuated by the fire alarm system are electrically supervised and operate as intended on alarm. 4-3. Press the number four (4) key. Press the return (↵) key. 8. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a. Type in the selected device address and then press the return key. Verify that the display reads: ALARM SIMULATION TEST DETECTOR ADDRESS _ _ _ _ 6. other actions. as appropriate for the specific system. Chapter 10. 2. 4-4 DISARMING AND REARMING RELEASE CIRCUITS The disarming and rearming procedures which follow must be performed when testing the PEGAsys system. The service person would enable the AST function for a particular input and the system would operate the output(s) as it is programmed in the Event Output Control program. Verify that the display reads: 4:WALK TEST 5:ALARM SIM TEST 5. Note: 1. Suppression systems shall be secured from inadvertent actuation. When the AST function is enabled. Press the number five (5) key." "Discharge testing of suppression systems shall not be required by this code. The step-by-step procedure to perform the AST follows: 1. closing of valves.5." "Suppression systems and releasing components shall be returned to their normal condition upon completion of system testing. Type in the Level 2 password. c. be sure the notes below from NFPA 72." "Occupant notification shall be required whenever a fire alarm system configured for releasing service is being serviced or tested. Press number two (2) key and then return (↵). including disconnection of releasing solenoids/electric actuators. Press the <SCROLL> button. After completion of the walk test. Press the <ACKLDGE> button to acknowledge the alarm. 9. Verify that the display reads: 4:WALK TEST 5:ALARM SIM TEST 4. Verify that the display reads: ALARM SIMULATION TEST 1:ACTIVATE 2:DE-ACTIVATE 7. or combinations thereof.5 Alarm Simulation Test (AST) The PEGAsys system provides a feature that allows the system installer/inspector to verify the actual output operation in relation to the input(s) that are programmed to activate the output of interest. Press the zero (0) key. Press the number one (1) key. ! WARNING Any outputs that are controlling critical processes or agent releasing should be physically disconnected from the process or agent container to avoid unwanted shutdowns and/or agent releases.PEGAsys™ 3. Verify that the display reads: START DEVICE WALK TEST WALK TEST STARTED ON LOOP( _ _) 6. Press the display module reset switch. Verify that the display reads "Main Processor Power On". 6. This initialization can take up to 90 seconds. g. July 2003 4-4 76-100016-001 . The procedure to power-down the system is as follows: 1. b. Ensure that the audible device is buzzing continuously. 3. f. ! WARNING 1. 4. Reconnect the control heads or solenoids at the storage containers. 5. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST If alarms do exist during power-down. Also ensure that any supervisory or trouble events have been acknowledged. 2. energize the system by performing the following steps: a. If the system has been powered down. Verify that the POWER ON and TROUBLE indicators are lit. 1. verify that the display reads as follows: RXTX NON-MONITORING TROUBLE ON RXTX1 Note: The RX/TX message will repeat itself for each RX/ TX module in the system while the system initializes itself.i. The system can now be tested without the risk of an inadvertent release of agent. Press the <ACKLDGE> button.PEGAsys™ 4-4. The system is now in full operation in accordance with system programming. Remove AC power second by shutting off the circuit breaker to the panel. Connect the backup batteries to the power supply in accordance to the procedure in Chapter 7. Isolate all agent release circuits using the system menu (refer to Paragraph 2-5. Verify that the audible device is silenced.1). De-isolate agent release circuit(s). If the incorrect time is displayed. Isolate all agent release circuits using the system menu (refer to Paragraph 2-5. all manual activation.4.2 Arming Release Circuits Perform the following step-by-step procedure upon completion of system testing. ! WARNING Use safety precautions when removing solenoids to prevent unwanted discharge or activation. After ten (10) seconds. The suppression system is now fully disarmed from all automatic activation and. 3. 1.1 Disarming Release Circuits 4-6 4-6.4. Verify the display reads the correct time and date. After approximately one minute the display for each RX/TX will momentarily read: RXTX "N" NON-MONITORING TROUBLE OFF Note: "N" will sequentially correspond to each RX/TX in the system. 4-5 4-5.1). 2. c. powerup of the panel will cause a reactivation of the alarm sequence and possible activation of the suppression system.1 POWERING DOWN THE SYSTEM Power-Down Procedure e. in some cases. cc. Verify that all control heads or solenoids are disconnected from storage containers. ! CAUTION h. 2. perform step 2. Set time and date as follows: aa. 4-4. Set the circuit breaker for the CCP power to ON. Ensure that all control heads or solenoids are disconnected from the storage containers to prevent unwanted discharge or activation. Physically remove the control heads or solenoids at the storage containers. i. Press the zero (0) key. Remove DC power first by disconnecting the batteries. Ensure that the panel does not have any active alarms to prevent unwanted discharge or activation. 2.1. 4. Disarm release circuits as per Paragraph 4-4. Type in the default first level password (987). Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD bb. Verify that the display reads as follows: MAIN PROCESSOR POWER ON d. Press the return (↵) key. 3.1 POWERING UP THE SYSTEM Power-Up Procedure Perform the following step-by-step procedure prior to system testing. Ensure the system is free of any alarms to prevent unwanted discharge or activation. 76-100016-001 4-5 July 2003 . Press the return key. Type in appropriate selection (1 for AM or 2 for PM). Verify that the display reads: SYSTEM TIME (AM/PM) 1:AM 2:PM ff. Type in the time (HH=hours 0-12 and then MM=minutes 0-59). Set the date in an analogous procedure.PEGAsys™ dd. gg.2. Verify that the display reads: SYSTEM TIME (AM/PM) ENTER THE TIME _ _ : _ _ (HH:MM) ee. Rearm release circuit per Paragraph 4-4. as in steps dd and ee above. 3. Type in 3111 on the keypad. PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 4-6 76-100016-001 . 6 3-3. Users/technicians can initiate various testing via the use of the system menu (refer to Paragraph 2-5) after entering a valid password. Some faults.1 Visual Inspection When troubleshooting.8 3-3.17 3-3. obtain information about any changes taking place that may affect the system. Troubleshooting Index Module/Device Central Control Module Receiver/Transmitter Module Power Supply Module Multi-Loop Motherboard Basic Motherboard Signal Output Module Detailed Illustration 3-3 3-4 3-5 1-7 and 3-6 1-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 thru 3-20 3-21 3-22 Functional Description Paragraph 3-3.20 3-3.10 3-3. 5-2 STANDARD FAULT-ISOLATION TECHNIQUES Failure of the PEGAsys system to function properly will usually be caused by one or more of the following faults: • • • Failure of the power supply Damaged or faulty wiring Component failure Relay Output Module Agent Release Module City Tie Module Remote Display Modules ATM Series Driver Modules Network Interface Card Field Device Addressable Contact Input Device Addessable Relay Output Device Air Duct Housing Loop Isolators PALM for use with ORION XT HSSD Addressable AlarmLine Module Addressable Signal/Sounder Module When a failure occurs and the cause is not known.21 See Manual 77.2 7-7.16 3-3.5 3-3.7 3-3.3 7-7. 5-2.5 3-3. 5-2.11 3-3.1 3-3.22 Appendix K 76-100016-001 5-1 July 2003 . Table 5-1. Visual inspection is also useful in avoiding damage to the system which could occur through improper servicing methods. such as shorted transformers or wiring.2 Power Checks Many faults on the system can be caused by problems with power.19 3-3.PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTING AND CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE 5-1 INTRODUCTION 5-3 TROUBLESHOOTING The effectiveness of this chapter is greatly increased by first reading the entire manual. and the paragraphs of this chapter for troubleshooting beyond visual inspection. personnel injury.4 1-2. Most system faults can be isolated through the operation of the front panel. check as many of these items as is practical before starting a detailed check.2 3-3.2 5-4.5 and 7-7. or both.9 3-3. can be located by sight or smell. This chapter also provides instructions for the removal and replacement of the replaceable modules/devices of the PEGAsys system. Troubleshooting Index. See Table 5-1.4 7-15 7-16 See Manual Replacement Procedure 5-4. the fault may often be discovered through visual inspection alone.6 and 33. This chapter contains instructions to aid a technician in locating faulty modules/devices.3 7-7.6 All service to panel must be done with panel powered down to prevent damage to panel components.3 1-2.100 Appendix M 7-5 7-7. The service technician must have a sure understanding of the purpose and correct function of the module/device before attempting corrective maintenance. ! WARNING The PEGAsys system utilizes internal programming for continuous system testing.4 Appendix L Manual P/N 06-236179-002 Appendix J 5-4. 3-23 3-3. If possible. Look for loose connections.12 3-3. Check for smoke or the odor of burned or overheated parts.1 7-7. Ensure battery and line voltages are checked prior to troubleshooting the system.18 3-3. with 7 being used with loop isolators. Install new CCM in the reverse order of the removal steps (listed above). The following paragraphs provide required tools and stepby-step replacement procedures for the PEGAsys. 6. 5. Disconnect plug from terminal T1. 3. Remove the two mounting screws from the module and move module to gain access to connected wiring. 2. 1. 7. 5. 3. 2 cross-head Screwdriver Wire Stripper Small Needle Nose Pliers Ground Strap Central Control Module Figure 5-1. Remove CCM from cabinet. ! CAUTION Some components are subject to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). July 2003 5-2 /TX RX DULE MO Figure 5-2. 4. Jumpers on the RX/TX Module are noted by JP x and Wx (x = a single digit) call-outs on the module board. 5-4. 2.) Ensure that the RX/TX jumpers are set properly during the procedure. Ensure all programming is saved using PCS software. These components are not to be removed from their protective wrappings until they are to be installed in their respective equipment locations. Install new RX/TX in the reverse order of the removal steps (listed above). Depending on the system configuration. Single Loop Installation 5-4.2 The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure for replacing the CCM. 5-4. Table 5-2 lists the types of allowable configurations you can select along with their respective jumpers. See Appendix I for the jumper locations on the RX/TX module. Remove new CCM from packing and inspect for physical damage. (See Figure 5-1 or 5-2. 6 or 7). Remove the six mounting screws while holding the CCM in place. 6. and then only by personnel connected to earth ground. Remove all field wiring and internal cables.PEGAsys™ 5-4 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 1. Remove power plug from connector jack J1. Remove the plug from the RS-232 port.3 RX/TX Module LE I/O DU MO The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure for replacing the RX/TX module. Remove new RX/TX module from packing and inspect for physical damage. 4. Ensure jumper configuration is set. • • • • • • Small Flat-Blade Screwdriver 6" Flat-Blade Screwdriver No. Verify that the settings of the jumpers on the RX/TX Module conform to the wiring style of the system being installed. The settings are used to set the wiring style ( 4. The procedures should also be used to assist in module and device installation.1 Required Tools The following tools will be required to perform the removal and replacement procedures. Multi-Loop Installation 76-100016-001 . The RX/TX is shipped from the factory programmed for Style 6 wiring style. Once the system is online. Set the address of the new device to the same as the defective device using the procedure in Paragraph 2-8. 3. The RX/TX module requires the use of one (1) P/N 74-200012-001 isolator module to operate in the Style 7 configuration. RX/TX Configuration Selection Jumper Style 4 Style 6 Style 6 w/ Loop Isolator Shorted Open Open Style 7 W1 and W2 JP2 JP3 Open Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Open Open Note: Style 7 requires the use of field-installed loop isolators. Walk Test (Paragraph 4-3. 76-100016-001 5-3 July 2003 . 2. If device is in alarm. if not accomplished in the previous step.4. Verify that the model number is the same as the defective device. Note: Smoke and heat detectors can be replaced without powering down the system. the panel will need to be powered down. Field Devices 5-4. Perform the appropriate test listed below: • • Loop Device Test (Paragraph 4-3. 4. Use the same detector base or electrical box of the defective device. When adding new loop devices to the system.2) for Detection Devices.PEGAsys™ Table 5-2. Identify the defective device to be replaced. physically remove the device from the system. Remove the defective device from the PC Line. Record the model number and device type. Ensure the new device is an exact replacement. Connect the new device to the PC Line where the defective device was removed.6. acknowledge all current system events and power down the system to re-initialize it. insert the replacement device onto the loop. 5. If the alarm cannot be cleared. 6. the alarm must be cleared prior to removal from the system. 7.2) for AI or automatic initiating device. 1.4 The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to replace field devices in the PEGAsys system. July 2003 5-4 76-100016-001 .PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 6 PARTS LIST 6-1 INTRODUCTION The PEGAsys™ system parts list (Table 6-1) provides a list of all repair parts.. Single-Loop Central Control Module (CCM). one Power Supply/ Charger Assembly and Enclosure) PEGAsys Multi-Loop Control Unit (includes CCM with one Multi-Loop Motherboard. 4 Amp. includes 4 Amp. 4 Amp. Table 6-1. including 36" Wiring Harness (for main cabinet) Power Supply Module. Power Supply RX/TX Module for Single Loop System RX/TX Module for Multi-Loop System Main Enclosure MODULES Agent Release Module Signal Output Module Relay Output Module City Tie Module Motherboard for eight (8) Optional Output Modules Multi-Loop Motherboard for up to eight (8) RX/TX or seven (7) Output Modules Network Interface Card Remote Display Control Module Remote Display Module ATM-L Annunciator Driver Board ATM-R Relay Driver Board POWER SUPPLIES Power Supply Module.. including 8" Wiring Harness (for expansion cabinet) 76-100009-002 76-100009-003 76-100001-001 76-100003-001 76-100004-001 76-100002-001 76-100007-001 76-100017-001 76-100036-500 76-300000-502 76-300000-501 76-200004-032 76-200005-032 76-100008-501/ 76-100008-701 76-100008-600/ 76-100008-800 76-100009-010 76-100005-001 76-100005-002 76-100000-502 76-100000-501 76-100000-600 PART NUMBER 76-100016-001 6-1 July 2003 . PEGAsys System Parts List NOMENCLATURE SYSTEMS PEGAsys Control Unit (includes CCM with one RX/TX Module. one RX/TX Module. Multi-Loop Power Supply/Charger Assembly. one Power Supply/Charger Assembly and Enclosure) MAIN SYSTEM COMPONENTS Central Control Module (CCM). O. for Mounting Motherboard and four (4) Power Supplies Expansion Backplane. for Mounting two (2) I/O Motherboards Battery Enclosure for Additional Batteries Battery 12 V.) Addressable Loop Module for ORION™ XT Addressable Relay Output Device Loop Isolator–1 Gang Box Mounted Loop Isolator–Detector Base Mounted Loop Isolator–RXTX Mounted Alarm Signal/Sounder Module Addressable AlarmLine Module Addressable AlarmLine Module in NEMA-4 Enclosure DUCT HOUSING AND COMPONENTS DH-2000 Duct Housing without Detector Installed DH-2000 PSDI–Duct Housing with Photoelectric Detector Installed DH-2000 CPDI–Duct Housing with Ionization Detector Installed Sampling Tube–12". 12 AH SMARTONE FIELD DEVICES Intelligent Photoelectric Detector. Model THD-7252 6-inch Universal Detector Base. 17 AH Battery 12 V.) Addressable Contact Input Device (N. 33 AH Battery 12 V.PEGAsys™ Table 6-1. Order sampling tubes that approximate duct width. Sampling Tube–24" Sampling Tube–48" Sampling Tube–72" Sampling Tube–96" Sampling Tube–120" Exhaust Tube Kit 6-2 PART NUMBER 76-100000-505 76-100000-006 76-100000-007 76-100000-008 76-100010-001 06-115915-046 89-100052-001 06-115915-047 71-402001-100 70-402001-100 70-404001-100 70-400001-100 70-400001-101 70-407008-001 70-407008-002 77-297103-000 70-408004-001 74-200012-002 74-200012-004 74-200012-001 70-200200-001 73-100001-001 73-100003-001 70-403001-100 70-403001-152 70-403001-052 06-129500-001 06-129500-002 06-129500-003 06-129500-004 06-129500-005 06-129500-006 06-129554-001 July 2003 76-100016-001 . Model 4SB Addressable Contact Input Device (N. Model PSD-7152 Intelligent Ionization Detector. PEGAsys System Parts List (Continued) NOMENCLATURE ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS PEGAsys Expansion Enclosure (order backplane separately) Expansion Backplane. The number of sampling holes vary with tube length. Model CPD-7052 Intelligent Thermal Detector. Model 6SB 4-inch Universal Detector Base.C. for Mounting eight (8) Power Supplies Expansion Backplane. PEGAsys System Parts List (Continued) NOMENCLATURE MISCELLANEOUS Handheld Device Programmer 6-Conductor Telephone Cable with DB25 Adapter (DTE) for Computers and Terminals 6-Conductor Telephone Cable with DB25 Adapter (DCE) for Modems 6-Conductor Telephone Cable with DB9 Adapter (DTE) for Laptop Computers DB25 Adapter (DTE) for Computers and Terminals (use with 6-Conductor Telephone Cable) DB25 Adapter (DCE) for Modems (use with 6-Conductor Telephone Cable) DB9 Adapter (DTE) for Laptop Computer PCS Version 7.X Software PCS Version 8.PEGAsys™ Table 6-1.X Software (for use with ORION XT Detectors) 74-200013-001 74-100016-001 74-100016-002 74-100016-003 06-129341-001 06-129317-003 06-129373-001 76-100035-002 76-100040-001 PART NUMBER 76-100016-001 6-3 July 2003 . July 2003 6-4 76-100016-001 .PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 375" The materials listed below are not supplied with the system. The expansion enclosure maintains the same outside dimensions as the main system enclosure. Tighten the screws. The optional output motherboard and output modules must be installed prior to the system being powered up. The output bus (communications) and 24 Vdc power are attached to connectors located on the output motherboard. but are required for installation: • • • • • 7-3 No. To remove the front door. Tighten the screws. remove the enclosure’s front door. Reinstall the enclosure door at this time. Allow the enclosure to gently come to rest on the screws. It is designed to be surface or semi-flush mounted using No. Carefully place the two key holes over the screws in the wall. 10 or ¼-inch Mounting Hardware Electrical Conduit for AC Input Power 4-inch Electrical Junction Boxes (as required) Wire-Nuts and Crimp-On Terminals (as required) Ground Strap (for handling printed circuit boards) INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR CENTRAL CONTROL PANEL Figure 7-1. July 2003 . Installation consists of installing a complete system. Note: The internal communications bus (RS-485) wiring must be enclosed in a raceway from the main enclosure for a maximum run of 20 feet. The lower set of mounting holes should typically be 44 inches from the floor in order for the display panel to be at a convenient viewing height. 7-2 MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION 28" 25. CCP Installation Drawing With the enclosure held by the top two screws. The type of hardware to be used is at the discretion of the installer. open the door approximately 90º from its closed position and lift it up enough to allow the door’s hinge pins to clear their mating hinge sockets located on the left side of the Central Control Panel. The procedures in this chapter should be accomplished by technicians familiar with fire alarm system installation and the requirements of relevant NFPA regulations. To facilitate mounting the enclosure to its wall position. Disconnect the ground wire before removing the door. Place the mounting screws into the top two holes in the wall. Leave approximately ¼-inch of both screws exposed. but must be in accordance with good electrical and safety practices. 7-4 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR EXPANSION ENCLOSURES (FLOOR) 16" 44" The PEGAsys Central Control Panel enclosure is 28 inches high x 18 inches wide x 5½ inches deep. Ensure the enclosure has its door hinge sockets located to the left as you face the enclosure. 10 or ¼-inch hardware. There are three versions of the backplate: • • • An output module cardcage with mounting provisions for up to four (4) power supplies Mounting provisions for up to eight (8) power supplies Two motherboard cardcages for mounting up to sixteen (16) output modules in the expansion enclosure. Figure 7-1 shows the hole layout of the enclosure mounting area.PEGAsys™ CHAPTER 7 INSTALLATION 18" 7-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter provides information necessary to install the PEGAsys™ system. with expansion enclosures located in the same room as the main enclosure. place the bottom two mounting screws in place. 76-100016-001 7-1 The expansion enclosure (P/N 76-100000-505) uses a backplate installed in the enclosure to meet various system component requirements. Care must be taken when installing the door to ensure that the hinge pins are lined up correctly. Refer to Figure 7-5. Back Plate. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C N DS1 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET AC OUT 1 2 L N N L 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure for installing an RX/TX module. 7 being used with loop iso- L G AC IN DC IN 1 R MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V RET 24V SYSTEM POWER R RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. A W4 S2 S1 2 1 2 1 S3 B + BAT DC IN 2 ASHLAND. 7-6 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR RX/TX MODULE (MULTI-LOOP ONLY) RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. Place motherboard on standoffs in the back of the enclosure. position the back plate in the enclosure and fasten it to the seven studs located in the enclosure using the nuts supplied with the enclosure. Verify that the settings of the jumpers on the RX/ TX Module conform to the wiring style of the system being installed. Ensure the RX/TX jumpers are set properly during the procedure. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C N DS1 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 July 2003 76-100016-001 . Figure 7-3 shows the expansion backplate which provides mounting for up to eight (8) auxiliary power supplies. 2. INC. Two Output Motherboards 7-5 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR OUTPUT MOTHERBOARD The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install an output motherboard into a single-loop system. Connect the 24 Vdc wiring from the power supply to terminal TB1. A B ASHLAND. INC. To install. 1. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C A W4 S2 S1 2 1 2 1 S3 B N DS1 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET 24V RET SHR + - 24V RET RET 24V 24V MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 = Back Plate Mounting Studs (7 Locations) Figure 7-4. The settings are used to set the wiring style (4. See Appendix I for jumper locations on the RX/TX module. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C 06-129562-001 RET 24V RET W4 DS1 S2 2 1 S1 2 1 S3 24V RET SHR N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. The RX/TX is shipped from the factory programmed for Style 6 wiring style. Eight Power Supplies 7-2 06-129562-001 RET 24V RET NO NC C A W4 S2 S1 2 1 2 1 S3 B N DS1 24V RET SHR AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET 24V RET SHR + - 24V RET RET 24V 24V MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. Back Plate.PEGAsys™ Figure 7-2. 6 or 7). INC. Connect the RJ-12 phone style wire from the MOTHER BD connector (on the power supply) to J9 on the motherboard. A W4 S2 S1 2 1 2 1 S3 B + BAT DC IN 2 ASHLAND. Output Motherboard and Four Power Supplies = Back Plate Mounting Studs (7 Locations) Figure 7-3. INC. INC. A W4 S2 S1 2 1 2 1 S3 B + BAT DC IN 2 ASHLAND. INC. Back Plate. 3. Insert and tighten the twelve (12) mounting screws provided with the motherboard. 4. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C N DS1 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. shows the expansion backplate which provides mounting for four (4) power supplies and one (1) output motherboard. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY = Back Plate Mounting Studs (7 Locations) Figure 7-2. Figure 7-4 shows the expansion backplate which provides mounting for two (2) output motherboards. ASHLAND. ASHLAND. Loop 4.1 Signal Audible Output Module The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install a signal audible output module into the PEGAsys system. Install the short. The following paragraphs describe the installation procedure for each available output module type. 7-7. When the circuit boards are removed from the motherboard. To remove an output module from the system. See Appendix I for jumper settings. the communications socket they are connected to will become their address. Install the two mounting screws and tighten until snug. Note: Since the RX/TXs are not addressed by switches. 7. adjacent to its communications socket JP1 to JP8. Remove the signal audible output module from packing and inspect for physical damage. All personnel installing or servicing PEGAsys equipment must wear a grounding strap when working in the Central Control panel to avoid generating static electricity which can destroy integrated circuits.PEGAsys™ lators. Installation for Multi-Loop Table 7-1. Example: An RX/TX connected to JP1 on the multi-loop motherboard will become RX/TX 1. 6-conductor cable from the RS-232 port on the RX/TX to the appropriate RJ-12 sockets JP1-JP8. Remove RX/TX module from packing and inspect for physical damage. Output module printed circuit boards are shipped in antistatic plastic bags and should be kept in these bags until they are installed. 1. Table 7-1 lists the types of allowable configurations you can select along with their respective jumpers. Refer to Table 7-1 settings for wiring styles. After powering up the system. if used. remove terminal block from module. P/N 74-200012-001. 2. RX/TX Configuration Selection Jumper Style 4 Style 6 Style 6 w/Loop Isolator Shorted Open Open Style 7 W1 and W2 JP2 JP3 Open Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Shorted Open Open Note: Style 7 requires the use of field-installed loop isolators. 2. the address would become RX/TX 4. Loop 1. Set jumpers W1-W3 for appropriate A/B wiring styles. ! CAUTION Figure 7-5. 3. Ensure jumper configuration is set. INSTALLATION OF OUTPUT MODULES 7-7 LE I/O DU MO /TX RX DULE MO The output modules can be inserted into the motherboard in any order. Jumpers on the RX/TX Module are noted by JP x and Wx (x = a single digit) call-outs on the module board. Install loop isolator. 3. Connect 24 Vdc wiring from terminal block (TB1-TB8) to 24 Vdc input plug J1. However. NEVER PACK THESE BOARDS IN STYROFOAM OR PLASTIC PELLETS. The RX/TX module requires the use of one (1) P/N 74-200012-001 isolator module to operate in Style 7 configuration. Remove the RX/TX by reversing the installation steps (listed above). Place the RX/TX against the mounting bracket in the PEGAsys. 1. Always disconnect both AC and battery power before installing or removing modules. 6. it is recommended that modules performing like functions be placed adjacent to each other to facilitate identification and field wiring runs. See Appendix I for address switch settings. remove all power. a list of output module assignments can be requested from the system menu to verify the registration and accuracy of module address(es). ! WARNING Output modules should never be installed in a “powered-up” system. The CCM automatically reads the output modules type and address upon PCS configuration upload. The socket selected is dependant upon which slot the RX/TX will be installed into. 4. they should be replaced into the appropriate bags. Set address switches. If the same RX/TX was moved to JP4. 5. remove the two (2) mounting screws and pull out the module. The terminal block which will be used to power the RX/TX will be dependant upon which slot the RX/TX will be installed into. 76-100016-001 7-3 July 2003 . 3 Agent Release Module MAIN POWER SUPPLY (76-100009-010) 1. See Appendix I for address switch settings. Insert and tighten mounting screws. 2.5 Power Supply/Charger Assembly The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install a power supply/charger assembly into the PEGAsys system. 2. Remove the power supply/charger assembly from packing and inspect for physical damage. See Appendix I for jumper settings. Set address switches.2 Relay Output Module The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install a relay output module into the PEGAsys system. See Appendix I for address switch settings. AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY (76-100009-002) Figure 7-6. 1. See Appendix I for switch settings.PEGAsys™ 4. 4. 5. Remove the city-tie module from packing and inspect for physical damage. 7-7. WHT BLK/WHT ORN RED RED BLK BLK VIO SPV RET 24V N L N L attribute ? L N attribute ? G The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install an agent release module into the PEGAsys system. 1. Set module configuration. 1. 6. Remove the agent release module from packing and inspect for physical damage. Ensure the connector mates properly. Insert and tighten mounting screws. 5. See Figure 7-6 to determine the wiring connections between the switching power supply (Aux. Set switches S3 and S4 for solenoid activation. July 2003 7-4 attribute ? attribute ? 24V RET SPV AC OUT 2 1 attribute ? AC IN DC IN 1 attribute ? attribute ? SHARE DC IN 2 WHT BLK/WHT BLK BLK VIO RED RED ORN 76-100016-001 . Ensure the connector mates properly. 2. 3.4 City-Tie Output Module The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install a city tie output module into the PEGAsys system. Insert and tighten mounting screws. 3. Refer to Figure 51 or 5-2. 7-7. Power Supply/Charger Wiring Diagram 7-7. Expansion Enclosure The following paragraph provides the step-by-step procedure to install a power supply/charger assembly into the expansion enclosure. Install module in the desired position on the backplate of the expansion enclosure. 2. Install module into the motherboard. Install module into the motherboard. Cut jumper between W1 and W2 if using an auxiliary 24 Vdc power input. See Appendix I for address switch settings. See Appendix I for jumper settings. 7-7. 5. 4. 6. 2. Install module into the motherboard. Remove the power supply/charger assembly from packing and inspect for physical damage. Ensure the connector mates properly. Refer to Figure 5-1 or 5-2. 5. Install module in the desired position on the backplate of the main or expansion enclosure. See Figure 7-7 to determine the wiring connections between the switching power supply (Aux. 3.6 Power Supply/Charger Assembly. Insert and tighten the four mounting screws/nuts into the four corners of the mounting plate. Remove the relay output module from packing and inspect for physical damage. See Appendix I. Ensure the connector mates properly. 7-7. 6. Refer to Figure 5-1 or 5-2. See Appendix I for address switch settings. 4. 4. Insert and tighten mounting screws. Refer to Figure 5-1 or 5-2. Cut jumper between W9 and W10 if using an auxiliary 24 Vdc power input. Install module in the motherboard. Set address switches. Set address switches. Power Supply) and monitor module (Main Power Supply). Power Supply) and monitor module (Main Power Supply). 3. 4. Set address switches. 1. 3. . Pow er Supply White Black/White Red Black Violet Orange Function AC Input (Neutral) AC Input (Hot) DC Output (Pos. Loop the RS-485 wiring. Table 7-2. ! WARNING High voltages may be present when connecting AC power to the Central Control Panel. July 2003 . The AC power cable is to be run through a conduit from a dedicated. These two examples are accomplished as follows: 1. Ensure that the circuit breaker at the dedicated AC power source is in the OFF position. The power supply unit in the main enclosure of the PEGAsys system communicates with the CCM over a short phone style cable. Note: All Non-Power-Limited wiring must be routed away from Power Limited wiring by a minimum of ¼inch. Remove jumper “W4” on the main power supply to enable the terminating resistor on the motherboard.e. FPLP or FPLR cable per NEC Article 760. Do not use T-tapping.) Supervision Share Main Supply AC Out 2 N AC Out 2 L DC In 2 24V DC In 2 Ret DC In 2 Supv Share attribute ? SPV N G DC IN 1 DC IN 2 Figure 7-8. if installed. See Appendix A for AC branch circuit requirement details. Aux. The bus extends out of the power supply when needed. Figure 7-8. The conduit must be attached to the right side of the Central Control Panel enclosure through one of the knockouts near the upper right corner of the enclosure. i. Power supply in main enclosure to motherboard in main enclosure: a flat 6-conductor phone type cable is attached to “CON 2” of power supply and then inserted into the RJ-12 jack on the motherboard labeled “RS485”. 15 Amp circuit breaker. Jumper W4 must be removed from all power supplies in line. Power Supply Module Connections to Main Power Supply/Charger Assembly Aux. except from the last power supply unit or motherboard in the expansion enclosure. 2. per NFPA and UL requirements. For Power Limited Circuits use Type FPL. This connection allows the installer to connect a twisted-pair. Suitable precautions must be taken to avoid injury.PEGAsys™ N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN attribute ? L N L WHT BLK/WHT attribute ? L MAIN POWER SUPPLY (76-100009-010) attribute ? 24V RET attribute ? SPV SHARE attribute ? 24V RET ORN RED RED BLK BLK VIO AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY (76-100009-003) attribute ? Figure 7-7. and can be connected in different ways.) DC Output (Neg. as shown in 76-100016-001 7-5 AC power must be provided to the Central Control Panel’s internal power supply using three conductors. RS-485 Connection 7-8 CONNECTING AC POWER 7-7. This connection must be daisy-chained to other power supplies in the expansion enclosure. This will maintain the terminating resistor at the end of the RS-485 circuit. which is required to ensure proper operation of the RS-485 communications. 18 AWG cable to terminals A and B of TB1 on the power supply in the main enclosure and connect to the same terminals on the power supply in the expansion enclosure. Attach the three AC power conductors to TB1 on the Central Control Panel power supply PCB (see Appendix I). The terminating resistor is used to ensure good RS485 communications. Power Supply/Charger Wiring Diagram for Expansion Enclosure 6. Insert and tighten the four mounting screws into the four corners of the mounting plate. and all in-line motherboard terminating jumpers must also be removed. Power supplies installed in an expansion enclosure without a motherboard can use the RS-485 terminal block (TB1).7 Power Supply Communication Connections The main power supply communicates with the CCM over the internal RS-485 bus of the PEGAsys system. to a motherboard or other power supply installed in an expansion enclosure. See Figure 7-10 for a conduit to CCP example. Connect the batteries at the end of system installation.1 The RX/TX PC line uses Broadcast Indexing Protocol (BIP) for communications with intelligent loop devices. Total line resistance cannot be greater than 26 Ohms. Twisted. When installing new wiring or using existing wiring.) VENT BOTH SIDES KNOCKOUTS FOR . existing wiring can be used as long as it meets NEC 760 and NFPA 72 requirements. 6 or 7.PEGAsys™ 7-9 INSTALL AND CONNECT DC POWER ! CAUTION Space is provided within the Central Control Panel for two 12 V. One RX/TX module can support up to 255 SmartOne® addressable field devices. Note: All Non-Power Limited wiring must be routed away from Power Limited wiring by a minimum of ¼inch. The cable connecting the field devices to the RX/TX module provides power and bi-directional communications to the loop devices. Battery Enclosure Enclosure Figure 7-10. The enclosure is designed to be surface mounted using only hardware similar to that used on the CCP (see Paragraph 7-3) and must be mounted within 100 feet of the panel. sealed lead-acid batteries. Unshielded Wire TB1 The batteries should be rated for standby power use and fit within the physical dimensions of the respective enclosure.94“ 18“ 12“ * * * * * 20“ 8. 40 AH. Refer to Appendix E for FM Pre-Action/Deluge sprinkler requirements for 90-hour standby periods. and capacitance can not exceed 0.1 Battery Enclosure Do not connect the batteries to the system power supply at this time. The PC Line may be configured in NFPA-72 Style 4.94“ 10“ 0. unshielded. The PC line to the loop devices can be run in conduit to the Central Control Panel cabinet. Tighten the slot screws firmly. shown in Figure 7-9 (P/N 76-100010-001). The PC Line is capable of supporting 255 intelligent loop devices on a 2-wire loop. 7-10 FIELD DEVICE CONNECTION TO RX/TX MODULE A separate UL Listed battery enclosure.17 AH (P/N 06-115915-046) Power Sonic 12330. must be attached through any convenient Central Control Panel enclosure knockout. Conduit to CCP July 2003 7-6 76-100016-001 . Batteries 7-9. These 255 addresses can be any mixture of intelligent loop device inputs and outputs without restriction. 7-9. Route the connection cable to TB1 on the RX/TX PCB and insert the end of each connection cable wire into its proper TB1 slot. 18 AWG minimum twisted. (See Figure 7-9. per NFPA and UL requirements. Connection to the power supply must be according to the instructions in Appendix I.25“ RX/TX Module Figure 7-9. 33 AH sealed lead-acid batteries used for 24-hour standby operation. Note: Wiring for the batteries to the power supply must be sized accordingly to prevent unacceptable voltage drops. See Appendix H for recommended wiring. Wiring the RX/TX PC Line 7-10. is used to house up to two 12 V. if used. FPLP or FPLR cable per NEC Article 760. Recommended battery manufacturers and models are: Standby Time 24 Hours 60 Hours 90 Hours Battery Panasonic LCR 12 V 17AP.50 CONDUIT (3 PLACES) DOOR 0. The batteries must have terminals that accept standard ring-type solderless connectors. In retrofit applications. For Power Limited Circuits use Type FPL. it is necessary to check line resistance and capacitance. 33 AH (2 sets) (P/N 89-100052-001) Power Sonic 12330.25 microFarad. lowcapacitance fire alarm wiring as the connection cable between the RX/TX Module and the field devices.2 Refer to Appendix A for required system power calculations. The conduit. 33 AH (3 sets) (P/N 89-100052-001) Field devices connect to terminal block (TB1) located on the PEGAsys System’s Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/ TX). Kidde recommends the use of No. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. use the system reset switch on the display and control board to reset the PC line to normal once the fault is corrected. do not exceed the SLC resistance and capacitance limitations listed above. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX. If the break is in a single conductor. INC. All conduit and conductors must meet NEC. TEMP. the PC line can be configured in Style 4. Figure 7-15 and the RX/TX Module Installation Wiring Diagram in Appendix I depict a typical NFPA Style 7 installation. each zone is protected from opens and shorts. PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) MODEL AI. unshielded wire. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. N/O CAT. Style 6. T-tapping is only limited by sound installation techniques. if a PC line open trouble is encountered. This address is reserved for unregistered devices and cannot be used as a registered address. 400 MAIN ST. The unaddressed devices must be connected to the RX/TX Module one at a time in order to address them. For Style 6 PC line connections. The isolators on each side of the short will open the PC line. Shielded Wire to CCP Note: All new RCUs are shipped from Kidde with their address set to 000. along with the respective jumper settings for those configurations. Optionally. As described in this chapter. the PC line can be installed in a separate conduit as shown previously. TEMP. Otherwise devices may be pre-addressed or multiple pre-addressed loop devices may be connected to the RX/TX PC line at the same time using the hand-held device programmer (P/N 74-200013-001) . NO. Addressable Contact Input Device ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) MODEL AI. RX/TX PC Line Connections Loop Isolator devices are available to support NFPA-72 Wiring Style 7 and are installed on the PC line of the RX/ TX module. ASHLAND. the control panel will register a trouble condition for each device located between the two affected loop isolators. TB1 of RX/TX Module Figure 7-12. NFPA-72 and any applicable local code requirements. Detector Bases TB1 of RX/TX Module Refer to Table 7-1 for a list of the types of allowable configurations that can be selected. During a short circuit fault condition. Addressable Contact Input Device ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED Figure 7-13. Style 4 configurations allow T-tapping. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX. a short circuit between any two loop isolators will not affect any other zone. N/O CAT. A zone is defined as a group of loop devices. INSTALL. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Detector Bases Note: T-Tap The maximum number of loop devices that can be connected between loop isolators is thirty (30). all loop devices will remain fully operational. thus allowing the PC line to use twisted. See Figure 7-11 for existing shielded cable termination. Grounding Nut Shielded Wire TB1 In the Style 6 wiring configurations. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Enclosure RX/TX Module Figure 7-11. Isolator packages are available for electrical box mount (Single Gang). In this style of installation. 6-inch base mount and an RX/ TX mount. RX/TX PC Line Connections 76-100016-001 7-7 July 2003 . NO. 6 or 7. See Figures 7-12 through 7-15.PEGAsys™ In retrofit applications where existing wiring will be used. Style 4. INSTALL. 400 MAIN ST. the RX/TX automatically transmits data and power bi-directionally when a break in the PC line wiring occurs. INC. By "flanking" each group of loop devices with a pair of loop isolators. ASHLAND. Troubles include: • • • AC Power Failure 24 Vdc Power Supply Failure Battery Failure Ground Fault Communications Failure Figure 7-14. Refer to the respective manufacturer’s literature for specific installation instructions of output devices. The wiring must be brought through any convenient Central Control Panel enclosure knockout. The contact can be used to signal an external power supply trouble indicator. Loop Isolator Loop Isolator LOOP ISOLATOR Mounted to RX/TX 74-200012-001 The wiring to an external power supply trouble indicating device is to be run through a conduit from the indicating device to the Central Control Panel. These outputs are provided on the CCM and optional output modules. as shown in Figure 3-5. 7-8 76-100016-001 .6 for setting addresses and registering RCUs. All field wiring to output devices is to be run from the output device circuit to the field devices. Style 7. Also. per NFPA and UL requirements. FPLP or FPLR cable per NEC Article 760. Figure 7-15. The PEGAsys System provides a 2 A @ 30 Vdc SPDT relay on the power supply monitor module that de-energizes (normally powered) in the event of a power supply trouble. The conduit must be attached to any convenient CCP enclosure knockout. Style 6. EXTERNAL POWER FAILURE INDICATOR CONNECTION Zone 1 Detector Base Loop Isolator Zone 3 Loop Isolator 7-12 TB1 of RX/TX Module Note: Each zone can consist of 30 loop devices between loop isolators. The SmartOne® smoke detectors (Ionization and Photoelectric) were previously programmed for a device application during the registration process. and tighten the slot screws firmly. RX/TX PC Line Connections with Loop Isolators Loop Isolator Loop Isolator Loop Isolator • Loop Isolator Zone 2 • Zone 1 See Note Zone 3 The power supply trouble relay is normally powered so that. Note: All Non-Power Limited wiring must be routed away from Power Limited wiring by a minimum of ¼inch. refer to Paragraph 2-8. Connect wiring to TB1 on the CCP’s power supply PCB. For Power Limited Circuits use Type FPL. 7-14 SETTING AND ADJUSTING SMOKE AND HEAT DETECTOR SENSITIVITIES Set the sensitivity of SmartOne® ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors and heat detectors by setting the threshold alarm and pre-alarm smoke density and temperature levels respectively. of a device with wiring in conduit. Loop Isolator Zone 2 Loop Isolator Instructions for connecting output devices are provided on their respective installation wiring diagrams located in the Appendix I of this manual. Route the wiring to the terminal block July 2003 1 2 3 4 24V RET 24V RET RX/TX Refer to the SmartOne® Smoke and Heat Detector Installation Sheet (P/N 74-212) for installation instructions. in the event of power failure. the relay will transfer to the de-energized state. RX/TX PC Line Connection 7-11 OUTPUT SIGNAL CONNECTION The PEGAsys System provides output signals to drive alarm devices and communicate with central stations and control equipment.PEGAsys™ located on the respective output module. 7-13 DETECTOR INSTALLATION Note: Adjacent loop isolators must be within 20 ft. insert the end of each wire into its proper terminal block slot. 5–1. The system will adjust the sensitivity of all the specified type of detectors which were previously chosen (Ion. Key in the desired alarm level and press the return key. Spacing 80°–155° F 80°–145° F 5.5–3. (64 mm) deep onegang box. c. or a standard 4 in.7 for setting addresses and other parameters. The range can be from 1 to 255. There are three applications which represent the majority of detector use: Open Area. It should only be used if there is a need to change the sensitivity of the device. Verify that the display reads: 1:ISOLATE 3:SET 2:LIST 4:TEST 50 ft.2–3. (64 mm) deep onegang box. by device type. This method is generally used for systems which have been installed and operational for a period of time. are: Device Ionization Photoelectric Device Thermal Open Area 0.6 and 2-8.0 %/FT The step-by-step procedure to perform the sensitivity adjustment is as follows: 1. #16 and #18 AWG wire (1. 7-15 ADDRESSABLE CONTACT INPUT DEVICE INSTALLATION 2. SET DETECTOR SENSITIVITY PREALARM _. Verify that the display reads: 1:IONIZATION 3:THERMAL 2:PHOTOELECTRIC (<) to return 3.5%/FT 0. 7-16 ADDRESSABLE RELAY OUTPUT DEVICE INSTALLATION 4. Also refer to Paragraphs 2-8. Photo or Heat) within the range. After type selection. Open Area (High Air Flow) and Duct. or accepts the default values for the application.5–1.5.0/FT) The alarm sensitivity ranges. Press the return key and the display will read: The Addressable Contact Output Devices are designed to be installed in a North American 2½ in. Access the PEGAsys system menus as follows: a.2–2.0 %/FT 0. Smoke and Heat Detector Configuration.5–1.5 %/FT High Velocity 0.0 and 0. Press the zero (0) key.0 / FT) The Addressable Contact Input Devices are designed to be installed in a North American 2½-in. The installation must comply with national and local electrical codes. 2. Key in the desired pre-alarm level and press the return key. are: Device Ionization Photoelectric Device Thermal Open Area 0.5 %/FT High Velocity 0. After pressing return the display will read: LEVELS SET ON XX DETECTORS 7._ (0. The AI terminal block will accept #14.5–1.5–2. This prompt asks the user for the pre-alarm level for the detector(s) to be set. Select the desired detector style which is to have its sensitivity adjusted. Verify that the display reads: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD b. Spacing 70 ft. square box 1½-in. Press the return (↵) key. Sensitivity Setting Operation.0 %/FT 0. This prompt asks the user for the alarm level for the detector(s) to be set. (38 mm) deep with a two-gang blank cover.PEGAsys™ The smoke detectors have specific sensitivities for particular applications.75 mm2 respectively) with size #18 being a minimum requirement. square box 1½ (38 mm) deep with a two-gang blank cover.0 %/FT 50 ft._ (0. 7-14. This message verifies that the desired sensitivity adjustments were done on XX number of detectors. The sensitivity adjustment is accomplished in one of two ways: 1. Refer to the wiring the diagram in Appendix I for specific connection information.1 Setting and Adjusting Smoke and Heat Detector Sensitivity Procedure The pre-alarm sensitivity ranges. the operator uses the PCS program and selects the application of the detector and adjusts the settings of the alarm and pre-alarm values within the range for the application.2 -3. After pressing return the display will read: SET DETECTOR SENSITIVITY ALARM _. Spacing 135°–155° F 135°–145° F 6. the system displays: SET DETECTOR SENSITIVITY DETECTORS FROM _ _ _ _ TO _ _ _ _ Note: The user would enter the address range of the detectors to be adjusted. or a standard 4 in. The sensitivity for all specified detectors (depending on which type was previously selected) will be as set in this procedure. 1. During the process of configuring.5 -3.5%/FT 0. This procedure is selected from the user menus. by device type. Spacing 70 ft. Select the Detector Sensitivity by typing in 3-3-2. Type in the Level 2 password. The AO terminal block 76-100016-001 7-9 July 2003 . CCM TX Sig. Optional motherboard. CCM configuration jumpers configured correctly to ensure proper operation of the programmable (signal/ release) output (MP1). A 6-wire RJ-12 type modular phone jack (PC port). The installer must enable the printer port for operation. 7-18. See Appendix I for specific connection information. located on the CCM. For Power Limited Circuits use Type FPL. Note: All Non Power Limited wiring must be routed away from Power Limited wiring by a minimum of ¼inch. #16 and #18 AWG wire (1. 5. 1.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 TX Signal Ground RTS CTS N/C RX Connecting a Printer • • • • • The RS-232 printer port of the CCM is a supervised connection.PEGAsys™ will accept #14. Route the connection cable to the RS-232 modular plug labelled PC port jack until it snaps into place.1 Connecting a Terminal or Personal Computer * Note: +8 to +12 Vdc signal needed for supervision if using a graphic annunciator. per NFPA and UL requirements. Output modules. ensure that the following has been completed: • Central Control Module (CCM). CCM Printer Port 76-100016-001 .6 and 2-8.0 and 0. The following diagram represents the cable. RTS CTS* N/C RX PIN 1. provides easy connection. RX/TX Module is connected to the CCM (RJ-12) and system power supply (24 Vdc). CONNECTION OF PERIPHERALS Pin and Function: • • • • • • 7-18. are installed in the motherboard.7 for setting addresses and other parameters. The connector at the terminal end must be of July 2003 7-10 PRINT PORT Figure 7-16. addressed correctly. 6. RX/TX Module and System Power Supply are secured to the back of the enclosure. Gnd. Gnd. 2. configured for appropriate mode of operation and their external wiring is connected correctly. System Power Supply (communications bus and 24 Vdc) and Remote RS-485 peripheral(s) if any. FPLP or FPLR cable per NEC Article 760. if used. CCM is connected to the RX/TX Module. for a DB9 connector for laptops. A connection cable is all that is needed to connect a serial printer to the RS-232 printer port of the CCM. is connected to the CCM (communications bus) and system power supply (24 Vdc). INSTALLATION CHECKOUT the type required by the terminal device. 3. Refer to Chapter 2 for system operations and programming. 4. Perform the Power-Up procedure in Chapter 4. The installation must comply with national and local electrical codes. 7-17 Before powering up the PEGAsys for the first time. PRINTER RX (receive data) Sig. if installed. Display Assembly. The terminal or computer must be located in the same room as the Central Control Panel. The parameters for and connections to the RS-232 PC port are as follows: Parameters: • • • • Note: 9600 Baud 8 Data Bits 1 Stop Bit No Parity These parameters are fixed and not adjustable.5. or P/N 74-100016-001 for a DB25 connector for personal computers). Also refer to Paragraphs 2-8. The enabling or disabling of the printer port would be done by accessing the first or second level menu. The terminal or computer connection cable must have an RJ-12 type modular phone plug that connects to the CCM (use P/N 74-100016-003. JK2 Pin 6 Pin 1 A UL Listed EDP terminal or computer can be connected to the system RS-232 port. Paragraph 4-6. DTR* • • 7-18 The following paragraphs will describe how to connect a terminal or personal computer and a printer.75 mm2 respectively) with size #18 being a minimum requirement. No other equipment may be powered from the fire-alarm branch circuit.9 = 1.95 Amps (max.95 Sum column for AC Branch Current required = = Amps Note: Each additional main power supply and auxiliary power supply added to the system would increase the AC requirement by 0.) 76-100016-001 A-1 July 2003 .9 Auxiliary Power Supply ( ) X 1. which must be labeled FIRE ALARM. AC Branch Circuit Requirements (220 Vac) Number of Devices 1 X Device Type Current Draw (Amps) Total Current per Device Control Panel 0. The PEGAsys™ fire alarm/suppression control system requires connection to a separate dedicated AC branch circuit (120 or 240 Vac). as well as applicable local codes.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX A POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS A-1 AC BRANCH CIRCUIT disconnect devices.95 = 0. without any Table A-1. Over-current protection for this circuit must comply with Article 760 of the National Electric Code. This branch circuit must connect to the line side of the main power feed of the protected premises. NFPA-72.9 Sum column for AC Branch Current required = = Amps Note: Each additional main power supply and auxiliary power supply added to the system would increase the AC requirement by 1. The branch circuit wire must run continuously. Use a minimum of # 14 AWG with 600-V insulation for this branch circuit. AC Branch Circuit Requirements (120 Vac) Number of Devices 1 X Device Type Current Draw (Amps) Total Current per Device Control Panel 1. from the power source to the fire alarm/ suppression control panel.9 Amps (max.95 Auxiliary Power Supply ( ) X 0. When multiple power supplies are installed in the system enclosure(s) they must all be fed from the same circuit.) Table A-2. 025 0.010 0.5A (See Notes 1 and 2) Multi -Loop Mother Board Si gnal Audi ble Output Module Relay Output Module Ci ty Ti e Output Module Agent Release Output Module F IE L D D E V IC E S Ioni zati on Detector Photoelectri c Detector Addressable Contact Input Addressable Contact Output Loop Isolators 0.000405 0.000400 0. July 2003 A-2 76-100016-001 .070 Note: 1. Table A-3. The control panel provides regulated power for operating external devices.070 0.065 S tan d b y C u rren t (Am p s ) 0.030 0.060 X X X X X X X X X X Mo d u le/S ystem 1 = = = = = = = = = = Maximu m S tan d b y C u rren t (Amp s) 0. When using additional main power supplies in expansion cabinets.PEGAsys™ Note: A-2 SYSTEM STANDBY POWER REQUIREMENTS Use Table A-3 (standby or non-alarm) to determine main system power supply and any installed auxiliary power module standby current requirements. Auxiliary Outputs must be considered for total standby alarm loading of the system power supply.000310 0. Max 1.035 0. 2.035 0. The power for operating external devices is expandable.000330 0. system operation. each supply must be evaluated for its loading in the same way as the primary power supply in the main cabinet.5A (See Notes 1 and 2) Auxi li ary Output 2. and standby battery charging. Max 1. Standby Power Requirements (24 Vdc) Mo d u le/D evice Central Control Module RXTX module Power supply Moni tor Auxi li ary Output 1. Use of auxiliary 24 Vdc outputs of during standby operation must not cause the calculated standby current of the system to exceed its rated maximum as defined in the Table A-6.001 X X X X X Sum Column for Standby Load (Notes 2) = = = = = = Amps 0. Each signal circuit can provide up to 2 Amps of 24 Vdc power for signaling device use. Each signal circuit can provide up to 2 Amps of 24 Vdc power for signaling device use. When using additional main power supplies in expansion cabinets. Alarm Power Requirements (24 Vdc) Module/Device Central Control Module CCM MP01 and MP02 Output (See Note 1) RXTX Module Power Supply Monitor Auxiliary Output 1. which must be evaluated for loading.035 0. CCM Alarm condition power requirements must be evaluated for loading of the signaling devices. 76-100016-001 A-3 July 2003 . Max 1.050 X X X X X X X Sum Column for Alarm Load = = = = = = = = Amps 0. each supply must be evaluated for its own loading in the same way as the primary power supply in the main cabinet.000400 0. Each agent release module contains three signaling circuits per module. Momentary solenoids are negligible in their current draws and should not be added into the calculation.150 . Each signal circuit will provide up to 2 Amps of 24 Vdc power for signaling device use. With constant power solenoids.000440 0. the current draw of the solenoid must be added in the calculation. Max 1.000445 0.210 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X = = = = = = = = = = = = Module/System 1 = Maximum Alarm Current (Amps) 0.060 Alarm Current (Amps) 0.210 Note: 1.000380 0. Auxiliary Outputs would have to be considered for total alarm loading of the system power supply.000350 0.135 0. 4.5A (See Note 2) Multi-Loop Mother Board Signal Audible Output Module Signal Module Outputs (See Note 3) Relay Output Module City Tie Output Module Agent Release Output Module Agent Release Module Signal Circuit (See Note 5) Agent Release Module Signal Circuits (Note 4) FIELD DEVICES Ionization Detector Photoelectric Detector Addressable Contact Input Addressable Zone Monitor Addressable Contact Output Loop Isolators (Active) PALM for use with ORION XT HSSD 0. Each signal output module's alarm condition power requirements must be evaluated for loading of the signaling devices.007 0. 5. Table A-4.5A (See Note 2) Auxiliary Output 2. 3.035 0.075 0. There are a total of four (4) signal circuits per module. 2.080 0.PEGAsys™ A-3 Note: SYSTEM ALARM POWER REQUIREMENTS Use Table A-4 (Alarm ) to determine alarm current requirements for main system power supply and auxiliary power supply combination (if used). enter 0.167) ( ) Total Amp Hours Required (Sum of above) (Derating Factor) X 0. 3. NFPA 72–2002 allows four hours of standby battery capacity if there is an automatic starting engine driven generator. 6. NFPA 2001 requires 24 hours of standby and five minutes of alarm activation. if used.PEGAsys™ A-4 CALCULATING BATTERY SIZE REQUIRED Table A-5 sums the standby and alarm loads to arrive at the battery size. If an auxiliary power module is added to the system the batteries must be moved to a separate battery box or secondary enclosure. which is 12 to 99 AH. Using the totals from Table A-3 and Table A-4. enter 0. NFPA 72–2002 Protected Premises or Proprietary fire alarm systems require 24 hours of standby power followed by five minutes alarm activation.084) (10 Min. NFPA 72–2002 Auxiliary or Remote Station requires 24 hours of standby power followed by five minutes alarm activation.1 Total AH Required (Original AH required + Derating Factor) = X = = = = Note: 1. 24. needed to support the control panel. in amp hours (AH). Main system enclosure can house up to two (2) 33 AH batteries (P/N 89-100052-001). 2. Select batteries which meet or exceed the total amp hours (AH) calculated and are within the acceptable range of the system battery charger output. July 2003 A-4 76-100016-001 . Table A-5: Total Battery Capacity Required Total Standby Load (From Table A-3) ( ) Total Alarm Load (From Table A-4) ( ) X Required Standby Time (4. Factory Mutual requires Pre-action and Deluge systems to have 90 hours of battery standby and 10 minutes of alarm activation. There is a maximum battery size which the system power supply (P/N 76-100009-010) is capable of charging. 4. 60 or 90) hours ( ) Required Alarm Time (5 min. 5. complete Table A-5 to determine the total battery (AH) capacity necessary for the power supply. 9 Amps 76-100016-001 A-5 July 2003 .5 3.PEGAsys™ A-5 POWER SUPPLY/BATTERY CAPACITY The system is capable of charging batteries of various capacities up to 99 AH.2 This example is based on the system specified in the previous paragraph. AC Branch Current Calculation Example A-5.5 A. Table A-7.1 Power Requirement Example • • • • • The following power calculations will be based on a the system configuration listed below: Central Control Panel (CCP) with Field Devices: • • • • • • • • Central Control Module Ten (10) Ionization Detectors Two (2) RX/TX Modules Twenty (20) Photoelectric Detectors One (1) Power Supply Module Ten (10) Heat Detectors One (1) Multi-Loop Motherboard Six (6) Addressable Contact Input Devices Two (2) Signal Output Modules. AC Branch Current Calculation Example Device Type Number of Devices 1 X Current Draw (Amps) 1.9 = Total Current per Device 1.4 0. Refer to Paragraph A-1 for additional information.9 Not Allowed for 1 Power Supply 1.2 Not Allowed for 1 Power Supply 0.0 7. has a momentary control head on the releasing circuit and signaling appliances totalling 0. refer to Table A-6 for details concerning battery capacities and charging capabilities. Battery Capacities B attery (B acku p H o u rs) 12 AH (4 hours) 17 AH (4 hours) 33 AH (4 hours) 33 AH (24 hours) 160 AH (24 hours) 66 AH (24 hours) 99 AH (60 hours) 99 AH (60 hours) 160 AH (90 hours) Maximu m Availab le S tan d b y C u rren t Am p s (F o r On e P o w er S u p p ly) 2. Table A-6. This system current calculation is for a 120 Vac main feed.1 Maximu m Availab le S tan d b y C u rren t Am p s (F o r Tw o P o w er S u p p ly) A-5.800A on each Four (4) Addressable Contact Output Devices One (1) Signaling Device.9 Control Panel Auxiliary Power Supply 0 X 1.9 1.6 N/A 1. connected to MP1 of the CCM One (1) Output Relay Module One (1) Agent Release Output Module. with signal appliances totaling .9 Sum column for AC Branch Current required = 0 = 1.6 6. 000400 0.050 0.060 July 2003 A-6 76-100016-001 .060 X X X X X X X X X X 1 1 2 1 Module/System 1 2 1 = = = = = = = = = = 0.035 0.0024 0.000330 0.070 0.PEGAsys™ A-5.025 0.010 0.001 X X X Sum Column for Standby Load X X 10 20 10 6 4 = = = = 0.065 0.030 0.004 0. Refer to Paragraph A-2 for additional information.000310 0. Max 1.000400 0.5A Auxiliary Output 2. Table A-8. Standby or Non-Alarm Power Requirement Calculation Module/Device Central Control Module RX/TX module Power supply Monitor Auxiliary Output 1.035 0.065 Standby Current (Amps) 0.004 0.3 Main Power Supply Loading Examples This example is based on the same system as above.5A Multi-Loop Mother Board Signal Audible Output Module Relay Output Module City Tie Output Module Agent Release Output Module FIELD DEVICES Ionization Detector Photoelectric Detector Heat Detector Addressable Contact Input Addressable Contact Output Loop Isolators 0. Max 1.380 Amps = = 0.070 0.035 0.070 0.0016 0.008 0.010 Maximum Standby Current (Amps) 0.000400 0. 007 Alarm C u rren t (Amp s) 0.210 0.000440 0.075 0.150 0 Usi ng momentary devi ce .000380 0.075 Maximu m Alarm C u rren t (Amp s) 0.035 0.035 0.080 0.0018 0.500 0.5A Auxi li ary Output 2.800 0.135 0.0044 0.0026 0.0044 0.100 0.060 76-100016-001 A-7 July 2003 .000445 0.5A Multi -Loop Mother Board Si gnal Audi ble Output Module Si gnal Module Outputs Relay Output Module Ci ty Ti e Output Module Agent Release Module Agent Release Output Ci rcui ts Agent Release Module Si gnal Ci rcui t F IE L D D E V IC E S Ioni zati on Detector Photoelectri c Detector Heat Detector Addressable Contact Input Addressable Contact Output Loop Isolators (Acti ve) 0. Alarm Power Requirement Calculation Mo d u le/D evice Central Control Module CCM MP01 and MP02 Output RX/TX Module Power Supply Moni tor Auxi li ary Output 1.000400 0.292 Amp s 0. Max 1.210 0.0088 0.270 0.800 0.PEGAsys™ Table A-9.150 0 0.100 0.035 0.070 0.060 0 0 0.500 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sum Column for Alarm Load 10 20 10 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 total 1 Mo d u le/S ystem 1 1 2 1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2. Max 1.000440 0. enter 0.084) Total of both sums equals Amp Hours Required (Sum of Above) (Derating factor) X 0. System Power Requirements when in Alarm is 2. July 2003 A-8 76-100016-001 . 60 or 90) hours (24) Required Alarm Time (5 min.292 Amps. 24.9312 = 10.312 0. Battery Size Requirement is 10.12 X = 0.292) Required Standby Time (4.9 Amps.084) (10 Min.1 Total AH Required (Original total AH required + Derating Factor) X = 9.24 Example Results: The results of the prior calculations are as follows: • • • • Current requirement of the 120 Vac Main Feed is 1.380) Total from Alarm Power Requirement Calculation (2. Refer to Paragraph A-4 for additional information. Battery Size Requirement Calculation Total from Standby Power Requirement Calculation (0. enter 0.241 AH. System Power Requirement when in Standby is 0.1925 = 9.167) (0. Select 12 AH batteries.380 Amps.4 Battery Size Requirement Calculation Example This example is based on the same system as above. Table A-10.PEGAsys™ A-5. The system will support up to sixteen (16) output modules for a single-loop system and twentythree (23) output modules for a multi-loop system. for a maximum of 2040 intelligent addressable points per system. The auxiliary power supply module provides an additional 4 Amps of 24 Vdc power for a total of 8 Amps for system use. The basic system can be expanded as shown in the following paragraphs. MA 01721 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY W2 W3 SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SILENCE SCROLL RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. Single Loop Figure B-2 shows the single-loop PEGAsys system with the optional output motherboard (P/N 76-100007-001) installed. Power Supply/Charger assembly and the system enclosure.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX B SYSTEM EXPANSION B-1 INTRODUCTION The PEGAsys ML (multi-loop) system (P/N 76-100000-600) looks much the same as the system in Figure B-2 with the exception of the multi-loop motherboard (P/N 76-100017001) in the place of the basic motherboard (P/N 76-100007001). with a maximum of eight (8) of any one type of module. INC. The multi-loop motherboard has the ability to connect up to eight (8) RX/TX loop controllers. the system batteries are moved to a battery cabinet (P/N 76-100010-001). The unit would be installed if the system required more than the base system's 4 Amps of 24 Vdc power. INC. N L G N L SHR RET AC IN DC IN 1 24V TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET TBL RELAY C NC W1 TB8 NO ASHLAND. MA 01721 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY W2 W3 SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SILENCE SCROLL RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. When the auxiliary module is installed. AC OUT 1 2 L N R MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V R RET 24V RET RET RET Figure B-1 shows the single-loop PEGAsys system (P/N 76-100000-501). 76-100016-001 B-1 24V 24V SYSTEM POWER The PEGAsys system is capable of substantial expansion in the number of RX/TX loops. The output motherboard provides the system with mechanical and electrical interfaces for up to eight (8) output modules of any style. To install the output modules. AC OUT 1 2 L N 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 N L G N L SHR RET AC IN DC IN 1 24V TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET TBL RELAY C NC W1 TB8 NO ASHLAND. The cabinet is a UL Listed battery enclosure for use with the PEGAsys. which allows for up to 64 Amps of 24 Vdc power. output modules and system output power. insert them into the desired motherboard slot and fasten to the metal bracket with the two (2) provided screws. This includes the Central Control Module (CCM). Receiver/Transmitter (RX/TX) module. The system power supply monitor module can supervise two (2) power supply units (4 Amps each for a total of eight [8] Amps per module). Figure B-1. Figure B-3 could also be a multi-loop system with the inclusion of the multi-loop motherboard and additional RX/TX loop controllers. AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP4 S1 W4 S2 A B 24V 2 1 2 1 Kidde TP3 S3 + - BAT F1 DC IN 2 July 2003 . Single Loop with Motherboard Figure B-3 shows the PEGAsys system with an auxiliary power module (P/N 76-100009-002) installed. AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP4 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 R MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V R RET 24V RET RET RET 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 24V 24V SYSTEM POWER Kidde TP3 S3 + - 24V BAT F1 DC IN 2 Figure B-2. The following diagrams will demonstrate the available ways of expanding the system. This DC power is hardwired into signal and release modules whose loading would otherwise cause more than 8 Amps of 24 Vdc current to be drawn from the motherboard during activation. N L N L G N L N L N L G N L SHR RET 24V AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET TBL RELAY C NC W1 TB8 NO ASHLAND.PEGAsys™ and motherboard) in the expansion enclosure can have its terminating jumper installed. The hardwire option allows the system installer to provide individual modules with their own power source. The communications bus interconnections between the two motherboards are made by using six (6) conductors from the bus terminal block on the motherboard in the main enclosure to connect to the same terminal block on the motherboard in the expansion enclosure. The other two must be configured for inline RS-485 bus supervision. INC. or they can individually support their own set of batteries. Refer to the particular module installation diagram in Chapter 7 and Appendix A for power-supply expansion guidelines. ASHLAND. The main power supply and motherboard in the first enclosure must be configured for in-line RS-485 bus supervision by removing jumpers W4 and JP1. System with Auxiliary Power Supply Module Figure B-4 shows an expanded single-loop PEGAsys system which contains two (2) motherboard assemblies. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 NO NC C A B TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET DC IN 2 W4 TBL RELAY TB8 NO C NC N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 S1 S2 2 1 L N L 2 1 G AC IN N L W1 F1 24V S3 ASHLAND. Note: One main power supply/charger assembly can be used to charge a common set of batteries. The 24 Vdc power for the motherboard (in the expansion enclosure) is derived from one of the power supply assemblies installed within that enclosure and is connected by a two-wire connection. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 NO NC C A B R RET 24V RET W4 DS1 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN L N N L G RET RET 24V 24V L 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 S3 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET DC IN 1 AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 Figure B-3. respectively.. The power supplies need to be tied to the communications bus for supervision purposes. This connection allows complete supervision by the CCM in the main enclosure of all output modules installed on the second motherboard. ASHLAND. MA 01721 RET DC IN 1 W2 W3 SHR RET 24V RET AUX 1 AUX 2 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY R R TP4 24V SILENCE SCROLL RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. The charging circuit on the additional power supply/charger assemblies will have to be disabled by removing jumper W1. three (3) complete power supply assemblies (24 Amps of 24 Vdc power) and up to sixteen (16) total possible output modules. the installer would use a two-conductor cable to connect the communications bus from the motherboard assembly to the power supply. AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP4 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 24V R MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V R RET 24V RET RET RET 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 24V 24V SYSTEM POWER Kidde TP3 S3 + - BAT F1 DC IN 2 SHR RET 24V AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY W2 W3 SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SILENCE SCROLL RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. power supply monitor modules July 2003 B-2 Figure B-4. Only one of the three bus communication components (i. Auxiliary power supplies within the expansion enclosure can share a set of batteries. All other power supply/charger assemblies can be connected to the common set of batteries in parallel for backup DC power only. Be careful not to exceed the maximum charging capacity of the main power supply. 76-100016-001 . AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP3 S3 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 + - BAT W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR + - RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V BAT DC IN 2 R MOTHER BD CCM SYSTEM POWER Kidde 24V RET 24V MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. The second power supply could then be daisy-chained to the first to complete the communications connections. INC. Expanded Single Loop System Figure B-5 shows an expanded PEGAsys system which is capable of having eight (8) output modules of various types and a maximum of 24 Vdc power at 40 Amps.e. In the above example. Expanded System for up to 16 Output Modules and 7 Primary/Auxiliary Power Supplies 76-100016-001 B-3 July 2003 AUX 1 AUX 2 SHR RET 24V RET AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V R R W1 TB8 TB9 24V W1 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V RET 24V RET 24V TB8 TB9 + BAT SYSTEM POWER DC IN 2 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. INC. ASHLAND. INC. A W4 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 S3 B + BAT DC IN 2 ASHLAND. The three non-charging power supplies must have Jumper W1 removed to disable their charging circuits. Refer to Chapter 7 and Appendix A for power supply expansion guidelines. ASHLAND. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C 06-129562-001 RET 24V RET W4 DS1 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 S3 24V RET SHR N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR MOTHER BD CCM RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. In this arrangement. A B 24V + BAT DC IN 2 ASHLAND. one of the four power supplies charges the batteries. SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP3 S3 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 + - BAT W1 TB8 TB9 24V W1 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V RET 24V RET 24V TB8 TB9 + BAT SYSTEM POWER DC IN 2 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 R MOTHER BD CCM SYSTEM POWER Kidde 24V RET 24V MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 W2 W3 AUX 1 AUX 2 TP4 R RET 24V RET 24V R RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V + - 06-129562-001 NO NC C A W4 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 B N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 L N L RET RET G 24V 24V AC IN DC IN 1 N L Figure B-5. INC. INC. Refer to Chapter 7 and Appendix A for more details on power expansion. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C 06-129562-001 NO NC C A B TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET DC IN 2 W4 TBL RELAY TB8 NO C NC N W4 DS1 AC OUT 1 2 S1 S2 2 1 N DS1 L N AC OUT 1 2 S1 S2 L N L L 2 1 G AC IN 2 1 2 1 G N L AC IN N W1 F1 L 24V S3 ASHLAND. ASHLAND. ASHLAND. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET TB8 NO C NC 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY 24V RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. Each power supply must have two of its own conductors connected directly to the battery set to meet code requirements. Figure B-7 shows an expanded PEGAsys ML system which could have up to eight (8) RX/TX loop controllers and nine (9) output modules installed in the two motherboards. MA 01721 R W2 W3 TBL RELAY RET 24V RET 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 S3 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. INC. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 Figure B-6 shows an expanded PEGAsys system which could have sixteen (16) output modules and 56 Amps of 24 Vdc power. Figure B-6 also displays the flexibility to bring all four power supply assemblies in the second expansion enclosure to one set of batteries. The system also has a maximum 24 Vdc power of 24 Amps. Expanded System for up to 8 Output Modules and 5 Primary/Auxiliary Power Supplies N L N L G N L AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 R RET RET RET 24V 24V 24V RET 24V 24V 24V R RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V + - NO NC C A W4 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 S3 B N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N L G N L R RET R RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V + - NO NC C A W4 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 S3 B N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N L G N L R RET R RET RET 24V SHR RET 24V + - SHR RET 24V AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C N DS1 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 L N N L L G R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 . ASHLAND. INC. MA 01721 RET DC IN 1 24V S3 DC IN 1 W2 W3 SHR RET 24V RET RET AUX 1 AUX 2 SHR RET 24V RET AUX 1 AUX 2 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY R R TP4 24V R R AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SILENCE SCROLL RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. 06-129562-001 NO NC C A B TBL RELAY DC IN 2 W4 DS1 S1 S2 2 1 2 1 N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN L N L G N W1 F1 L S3 DC IN 1 ASHLAND. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. ASHLAND. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 NO NC R W2 W3 TBL RELAY NO NC C 06-129562-001 C A B RET 24V RET W4 DS1 S2 2 1 S1 2 1 N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN W4 L N N N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 S1 S2 L L G N L 2 1 2 1 RET RET G 24V 24V AC IN L N 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 S3 24V L RET SHR RET 24V RET DC IN 1 24V S3 RET DC IN 1 Figure B-6. and all four receive standby power from the batteries. INC. SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SILENCE SCROLL BAT AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET TP3 S3 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 + - W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 SYSTEM POWER BAT DC IN 2 R MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V SYSTEM POWER Kidde 24V MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. as shown in the diagram. A B ASHLAND. A B ASHLAND.PEGAsys™ N L N L G N L SHR RET 24V AC OUT 1 2 AC IN DC IN 1 MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 NO NC C B A TB9 DS1 SHR 24V RET RET DC IN 2 W4 TBL RELAY TB8 NO C NC N DS1 AC OUT 1 2 S2 2 1 S1 2 1 L N N L L G AC IN W1 F1 24V S3 ASHLAND. ASHLAND. ASHLAND. BAT AC POWER SYSTEM TROUBLE SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SILENCE SCROLL S3 S1 W4 S2 A B 2 1 2 1 + - W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 R MOTHER BD CCM SYSTEM POWER Kidde 24V RET 24V MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 RET DC IN 1 W2 W3 SHR RET 24V RET AUX 1 AUX 2 SYSTEM STATUS DISPLAY R R TP4 24V PRE-ALARM SILENCE SYSTEM RESET TP3 ALARM SUPERVISORY RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. Expanded ML System for 8 RX/TX and 9 Output Modules AUX 1 AUX 2 R R 24V W1 TB8 TB9 TP3 TP4 F1 RET RET 24V SHR RET SYSTEM POWER 24V RET 24V RET 24V + BAT DC IN 2 July 2003 B-4 76-100016-001 . INC. INC.PEGAsys™ AC OUT 1 2 L N N L G N L SHR RET AC IN DC IN 1 24V MOTHER BD CCM RS485 KIDDE-FENWAL. MA 01721 W2 W3 TBL RELAY 06-129562-001 NO NC C B A R RET 24V RET W4 DS1 S2 2 1 S1 2 1 N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN L N N L G RET RET 24V 24V L 06-129562-001 AUX 1 AUX 2 S3 24V RET SHR RET 24V RET DC IN 1 Figure B-7. INC. including releasing. The timer will not start as long as the abort switch is held. compatible actuating and initiating devices. Release of the abort switch continues the countdown from the initial value. MP1 is the CCM releasing output The soak function is used to automatically shut off the releasing solenoid at a pre-determined time after the mapped inputs activate it. Note: The abort function will not work if a time delay value is not entered in the EOC programming for the protected area. The PCS program is used to program the system for all functions. timer resumes the countdown starting at 10 seconds. This soak function is for use in NFPA 16 applications only. and stops at 10 second mark until release of abort switch. once an alarm exists. It may be programmed as a 10-minute or 15-minute soak period. plus the 90 seconds additional delay. The following features are supported for releasing functions. For complete details. C-5 SOAK The PEGAsys system can support up to nine (9) independently controlled releasing outputs (AR1-AR8 and MP1).PEGAsys™ APPENDIX C RELEASING APPLICATIONS C-1 INTRODUCTION which is optionally programmable to be a signal release output. AR1-AR8 are the agent release I/O modules which are inserted into the I/O motherboard. the PEGAsys system meets the requirements of the following standards: NFPA 12 NFPA 12A NFPA 13 NFPA 15 NFPA 16 NFPA 17 NFPA 17A NFPA 2001 C-2 CO2 Extinguishing Systems (High Pressure) HALON 1301 Extinguishing Systems Sprinkler Systems Water Spray Systems Foam-Water Deluge and Foam-Water Spray Systems Dry-Chemical Extinguishing Systems Wet-Chemical Extinguishing Systems Clean-Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems PROGRAMMING The abort function is a feature which manually stops a discharge time delay. Upon release of abort switch. C-4 DELAY The time-delay period is an installer programmable value which begins to count down after the automatic release criterion has be attained for a particular protected area. refer to the PCS manual. Table C-1. as listed in Table C-1. changes the delay timer to the selected delay. The time-delay can be programmed for activation after one or two alarm occurrences. plus an additional 90 seconds. When used with UL Listed. Once the delay timer has started. with the only exception that the abort will only function if held prior to the receipt of the second alarm. The PEGAsys supports four styles of aborts. The delay timer will not start as long as the abort switch is held. Abort Styles Abort Type Underwriter Laboratories (UL)(Complies with UL 864) Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI) (Non-UL) New York City (Non-UL) Local Jurisdiction (Non-UL) Description Delay timer continues to count down upon abort activation. operation of the abort switch restores the timer to its original value. Operation of the abort switch. C-3 ABORT The PEGAsys system can be used for agent release. C-1 July 2003 76-100016-001 . Functions in similar manner to the UL-type abort. Release of the abort switch continues the countdown. preaction sprinkler and deluge sprinkler control applications. The abort input is not intended to be used for a service disconnect. Maximum allowable delay is 60 seconds as allowed by UL 864. which are used to control releasing functions. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. as explained in Table C-1. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM . 400 MAIN ST. N/O CAT. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX. Addressable Contact Monitor P/N 70-407008-001 Note: Figure C-2. The addressable contact monitor is connected to a Listed abort station. (+) (-) PC Line Out FIRE ALARM FIRE ALARM 10K ohms P/N 06-129025-003 PUSH PULL R P/N 84-100007-00X . 400 MAIN ST. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. Figure C-2 shows the interconnection of the addressable contact monitor and the manual release switch. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: SmartOne TM . Addressable Contact Monitor Interconnection with Manual Release Switch The 10-K ohm resistor must be connected across the manual pull station contacts for supervision. ASHLAND. NO. INC. INC. Addressable Contact Monitor Interconnection with Abort Switch Note: The 10-K ohm resistor must be connected across the abort station contacts for supervision. SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ABORT Addressable Contact Monitor P/N 70-407008-001 Figure C-1.2 Manual Release Switch The manual release switch is an addressable contact monitor (P/N 70-407008-001) which is programmed as a manual release input.PEGAsys™ (+) PC Line (-) In (+) (-) PC Line Out PUSH / HOLD Remote LED (Optional) 10K ohms P/N 06-129025-003 ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED MODEL AI. TEMP. C-2 76-100016-001 July 2003 PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 1 PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 P/N 87875201 tem Abort switch (P/N 87875201). N/O CAT. Failure to install this resistor will result in a "Trouble Open" message for that contact monitor. NO. such as the Kidde Suppression Sys- (+) PC Line (-) In Remote LED (Optional) ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED MODEL AI. Figure C-1 shows the interconnection of the addressable contact monitor and the abort station switch. TEMP. The addressable contact monitor is connected to a Listed manual release station such as the Kidde Suppression Agent Release switch (P/N 84-100007-00X). Failure to install this resistor will result in a "Trouble Open" message for that monitor. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX. ASHLAND. INSTALL. C-6. These devices are: C-6. C-6 SPECIAL MODULE TYPES The PEGAsys provides specific styles of devices which have special releasing functions. INSTALL.1 Abort Switch The abort switch is connected to an addressable contact monitor (P/N 70-407008-001) which is programmed as an abort input with a selected abort style. PEGAsys™ C-7 C-7. The CCM output (MP1) and agent release output modules (AR1-AR8) can be programmed for use with most popular sprinkler solenoids. sounder 1 "A" leg). Refer to Appendix I and the PCS User's Manual for details on configuration of the release outputs. Inputs could be air pressure. An example of the releasing circuit wiring is provided in Figure C-4. For a list of Approved devices. see Appendix I. Wiring Basics C-7.2 Release Module Output Wiring The agent release module that the PEGAsys system uses to provide the release function offers one release output capable of powering two solenoids simultaneously. water level (tank). including the actual device in the circuit. Release Module. etc. see the CCM wiring diagram in Appendix I. Terminal TB4. pump running. All wiring from the agent release module to the release device is fully supervised. refer to Table 3-2 in this manual. For wiring details. as required. for each particular application.1 AGENT RELEASE APPLICATIONS CCM Release Output Wiring C-8 PRE-ACTION SPRINKLER APPLICATIONS The PEGAsys system provides one output on the CCM (MP01. along with all other system parameters. The PEGAsys system can be used to activate and supervise pre-action sprinkler and deluge sprinkler systems for protection of facilities. that is defaulted as a release output. CCM Release Output. Refer to Chapter 2 for details on programming the addressable input device for various reporting styles. SOUNDER 1 REP 1 A B Figure C-3. Wiring Basics 76-100016-001 C-3 July 2003 . An example of the CCM releasing circuit wiring is shown in Figure C-3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Single Solenoid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Two Solenoid Figure C-4. See Appendix I and the PCS User's Manual for details on the configuration of this output. For all wiring detail. waterflow. For sprinkler applications the addressable input module (P/N 70-407008-00x) can be used to monitor and supervise any of the following sprinkler type inputs. PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 C-4 76-100016-001 . PEGAsys™ APPENDIX D Space Reserved for Future Use. 76-100016-001 D-1 July 2003 . PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 D-2 76-100016-001 . PEGAsys™ APPENDIX E FACTORY MUTUAL SPRINKLER REQUIREMENTS FOR PRE-ACTION AND DELUGE TYPE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS E-1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEGAsys™ system installation applications that require Factory Mutual (FM) Approval of pre-action and deluge sprinkler systems must conform to the following guidelines: • SmartOne® Thermal Detectors. Refer to Appendix A. Each output is required to be configured for solenoid activation. See Appendix I for complete RX/TX PC line wiring instructions. Model THD-7252. spacings. Provide 90 hours of standby battery and 10 minutes of alarm operation. The solenoid output on-time period should be set to either “90 seconds” or “on until reset” using the PCS program. Agent release output can be CCM output MP1 or agent release module AR1-AR8. The pre-alarm and alarm setpoint ranges are as follows: Pre-Alarm–80° to 155° F Alarm–135° to 155° F Initiating Circuits (RX/TX-PC line) must be configured for Style 6 wiring. when used. • • • 76-100016-001 E-1 July 2003 . must be installed at 20 ft. July 2003 E-2 76-100016-001 .PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. two programmable signal outputs and three Form C relays. Pertaining to representation by means of a continuous variable and physical quantity. The daily average is stored in a scrolling fashion adding the final day’s average and dropping the average that is 30 days old. two RS-232C serial ports.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX F GLOSSARY Address Addressable Device Addressable Contact Device (ACID) AdministrativeTask AlarmVerification Analog Analog Input Device Central Control Panel Central Control Module (CCM) Digital Device Distributed Intelligence A four digit code indicating the sequence or device number of a smart device. contact-type initiating device. Power Supply. Monitor module that interfaces with an unpowered. located in the Central Control Panel enclosure. An assembly of conventional circuits. Display Assembly. The CPU averages each day’s values and stores the daily average for 30 days. Drift Compensation Display Assembly Event Output Control (EOC) Internal Identifier (I001–I255) Motherboard Loop Loop Isolators Multi drop Line Multiplex (Per NFPA-72) Output Module 76-100016-001 F-1 July 2003 . The values that are stored reflect the unique environmental condition that the detector experiences in daily operation. Typical output modules are Relay. A device with two discrete states. This feature reduces false alarms from environmental influences without reducing sensitivity. A device which provides protection against wire to wire short conditions on the RX/TX PC line. Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX). The PEGAsys display assembly is mounted on the CCM and it communicates with the Central Control Module. releasing solenoids or other devices specified in the system's operational requirements. It contains the main Central Processing Unit. Reports. thus providing greater immunity to EMI and RFI. lists. The sum of the scrolling 30 days is used to establish a reference point for smoke detection under the unique environmental conditions that the detector experiences. This module is the heart of the system. that has the capacity for eight output modules. For example. 1001 + 1004= I001). See Smart Device. etc. The display assembly includes: an indicating 80 character alphanumeric display. The use of one trunk or pair of wires to communicate with one or more devices. This reduces the communication burden on the loop. Watch Dog Timer. A device with the capability to automatically communicate its location and state via a multiplex trunk to a Central Control Panel. status and other housekeeping functions of the Central Control Panel. The EOC programming allows combining of inputs to obtain the desired outputs. A daisy-chained SLC. Meets the NFPA 72–2002 definition. All Alarm and Prealarm decisions are made at the device level. A pre programmed time delay which causes the system to wait for a confirmation signal during the delay period before activating the pre programmed alarm outputs. Line or circuit interconnecting several devices from a central point. %/ft. Conforms to NFPA Style 7. Real-Time Clock. to activate notification appliances. The EOC language is flexible to suit most any fire alarm/suppression application. located in the Central Control Panel. Typical modules are Relay and Signal Audible. Symbols that are used to name or identify a combination of inputs (for example. An enclosure that houses Central Control Module(CCM). 1st digit is the RX/TX loop number and the remaining three digits are the device number. to describe a physical quantity such as voltage. Two device types are available: Normally Open and Normally Closed. and indicating LEDs to display system status. Computing power is distributed to the actual real world device. optional Motherboard and Output Modules. push button switches to control the system. The CPU in photoelectric or ionization detectors measures and stores its detection smoke chamber value 256 times per day. such as a Contact Input or Relay Output RCUs.. The PEGAsys allows 255 devices to communicate on one trunk. Programmable Memory. An optional assembly.0. Signal Audible and Agent Release. 2 Amp polarized signal circuits. There are eight (8) field programmable states a RCU may be programmed to: Alarm. 24 V. All circuits are supervised for an open or short condition. Supervisory and Normal. Also called Signal Line Circuit (SLC). It requires an addressable input or addressable output device to interface with the PEGAsys system (i. Trouble. See Internal Identifier (I001-I255). WaterFlow. If the CPU is operating normally. A maximum of eight (8) modules with thirty-two (32) circuits may be installed in the PEGAsys system. Provides primary and secondary system power. Percent of smoke obscuration per foot. A device with the features of an addressable device but additionally has the computing power to make alarm decisions based on stored calibration and environmental data. Each module contains four individual programmable SPDT 2 Amp 24 Vdc relays. Only allowable in Style 4 configuration. A device without the electronics necessary to tie directly to the multiplex trunk. The stand-by batteries are located in the Central Control Panel enclosure. Also the device transmits and receives analog values. An Output Module located in the Central Control Panel enclosure that interfaces with auxiliary equipment. This timer senses an abnormality in the Central Control Module CPU. A non-programmable relay which operates during any system trouble condition. The Receiver/Transmitter module is located in the Central Control Panel enclosure and functions as a data transmission interface between the Central Control Module and remote control units (RCUs). located in the Central Control Panel enclosure. A code on the display that identifies an RCU’s status. A total of eight (8) Relay Output Modules may be used in the system for a total of thirty-two (32) circuits. July 2003 F-2 76-100016-001 . An addressable or smart field device. that provides two Class A. Manual Release. and condition of the detector. it times out and indicates a system trouble. See multi drop Line. A message on LCD display that identifies the type of device reporting. Smart smoke detectors (ionization or photoelectric) measure smoke level every nine seconds within their smoke sensing chamber. An output module. it periodically resets the timer.PEGAsys™ Ow ner Locations PC Line Memory locations that are programmable by the owner to store a 39-character alphanumeric description of the location of the initiating and control devices and output modules and circuits.. provide DC voltage to the Power Supply in the event of an AC power failure. Style Z or four Class B. Style Y . The message identifies Smoke and Heat detectors and Input and Output RCU devices. Examples would be photoelectric or ionization detectors. Abort. An addressable or smart field device that provides a relay contact to control a device such as a fan. conventional smoke and heat detectors). it sends a pre-alarm or alarm signal to the Central Control Panel. If the timer is not reset. If the detector detects smoke three out of four samples. Power and communication wires originating from the RX/TX Module.e. Relay Output Module Relay Output RCU Remote Control Unit (RCU) RX/TX Module Signal Audible Output Module Smart Smoke Detector Smart Device Standard Fire Alarm Device State System Pow er Supply T-TAP Trouble Relay Type Variable Identifier Module Watch Dog Timer % /ft. Stand-by batteries. After initailly detecting smoke the detector enters an alert state where it measures smoke concentration every two seconds. Manual Alarm. Typically mounts in a 4-inch square electrical box. W.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX G DISPLAY ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation 232 A. POF PRE PRNT PROG R. ALM AOF BAT. P. Meaning RS-232-C Alarm Verification Acknowledge Address Alarm Alarm Off Battery Combinational Logic Contact Detector Error City Tie Disconnect Panel Display Drift Error EEPROM Write Error External Trouble Input Illegal RCU Type Line + 9V Trouble Level Line Voltage Trouble NOV RAM Access Error No good Not Registered Owner Location Abbreviation OF OK OP OR OUT PC P. RTC RY SG SH SPV TBL TE TOF TST UK VOLT. ZA Meaning Off All Right Open Optional Relay Output Power Communications Line Power Supply Password Pre-alarm Off Pre-alarm Printer Program Remote Panel Real Time Control Relay Output Module Signal Output Module Short Supervisory Trouble RCU Test No Good Trouble Off RCU Test Unknown Device Connected Voltage Zone Alarm 76-100016-001 G-1 July 2003 .L.P.L. C. LV NA NG NR O.S.V. CD CT DISCON DISP DR EW EX INP IT L9 LEV. ACK ADDR. PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 G-2 76-100016-001 . 5 18. West Penn Wire West Penn Wire Coleman Cable Coleman Cable Clifford of Vermont. where 1 pf = 10-6 µf) per foot for the RX/TX’s signaling-line circuit. low-capacitance. Belden Wire & Cable Co. West Penn Wire Coleman Cable Coleman Cable Clifford of Vermont.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 27. Inc. Belden Wire & Cable Co.5 22.0 25.0 25..5 29.0 15. BSC C Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems 16 Atlas Wire & Cable Corp. addressable-fire-alarm wire with a nominal wire-to-wire capacitance of approximately 20 pf (i. Inc. Belden Wire & Cable Co. unshielded. picofarads.) 12.e.0 76-100016-001 H-1 July 2003 .0 16. Comtran Corporation Belden Wire & Cable Co. Typical wire types that meet these criteria are indicated below: Wire Siz e (AWG) 18 Manufacturer Atlas Wire & Cable Corp.0 20.0 26.0 20.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX H WIRING REQUIREMENTS FOR PEGASYS SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT (RX/TX) RECOMMENDED WIRE TYPES For best results.0 19.0 15.0 27.0 15. Comtran Corporation Belden Wire & Cable Co.0 20.0 12.0 18.0 12. BSC C Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems Part Number 228-18-1-1TP D 980 60980B 98181 98820 1P18 B1 FPL-M 4184 5320UJ 9571 6320UJ 341802E 4050 4431 4631 228-16-1-1TP D 990 98161 98620 1P16 B1 FPL-M 4234 5220UJ 9572 6220UJ 341602E 4051 4432 4632 Rating FP L FP L F P LP FP L F P LR FP L F P LR FP L F P LR F P LP F P LP FP L F P LR F P LP FP L FP L FP L F P LR FP L F P LR FP L F P LR F P LP F P LP FP L F P LR F P LP Cap (pf/ft.0 13.5 16.0 29. Belden Wire & Cable Co.0 17. use twisted. 5 20. Try #16 AWG next. = 38.000 ft.0 27. 0. Belden Wire & Cable Co.000 ft. P/N 98141 (from Recommended Wire Listing).0 20.500 feet. Coleman Cable Coleman Cable Comtran Corporation Belden Wire & Cable Co. If we select Coleman Cable wire. Coleman Cable wire.0 22. P/N 98141. = 18.0 25. is acceptable. = .000 ft. BSC C Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems 12 Coleman Cable Coleman Cable Genesis Cable Systems Genesis Cable Systems Part Number 228-14-1-1TP 98141 98420 4240 9580 6120UJ 341402E 4052 4433 4633 98121 98200 4054 4434 Rating FP L FP L F P LR F P LR F P LR F P LP F P LP FP L F P LR F P LP FP L F P LR FP L F P LR Cap (pf/ft. The total SLC wiring resistance (38. X 6. The wire-pair length for this SLC is 3.000 feet. and is not the linear distance from the control unit to the most-remote RCU.0 EXAMPLE NO.016 Ω/1.000 ft.0 19.PEGAsys™ Wire Siz e (AWG) 14 Manufacturer Atlas Wire & Cable Corp. Class-B.0 19. and this value is used for the SLC’s capacitance calculation.3 Ω) when using #18 AWG wire exceeds the maximum SLC wiring resistance of 26 Ω.000 ft.) 14. The total wire length is the sum of wiring for the positive and negative SLC legs for both the primary and redundant communications circuits.9 Ω.500 ft. The total wire length is the sum of wiring for the positive and negative SLC legs.075 µf).0 21.0 25. x 20 x 10-12 farads/ft.1 Ω. Use larger wire.525 Ω/1.075 x 10-6 farads (or.750 feet.0 21. July 2003 H-2 76-100016-001 . Style-6 SLC with 100 RCUs and a total wire length 6. Try #18 AWG wire first. X 2. 1 Determine the recommended wire size for a daisy-chained. The total SLC wiring resistance is: 7. Style-4 SLC with 160 RCUs and a total wire length of 7. the total SLC wiring capacitance is: 3.3 Ω. The total SLC wiring resistance is using #18 AWG is: 6. = 24. 2 Determine the proper wire size for a Class-A. Try #14 AWG wire. Note: Capacitance values correspond to a pair of wires as compared to resistance values that correspond to a single conductor.750 ft. and is not the linear distance from the control unit to the most-remote RCU. X 4.0 27.0 29.9 20.385 Ω/1. The total SLC wiring resistance using #16 AWG is: 6. EXAMPLE NO. = . is acceptable.1 Ω) when using #16 AWG wire is less than the maximum SLC wiring resistance of 26 Ω. Coleman Cable wire.000 ft. If we select Coleman Cable wire. x 20 x 10-12 farads/ft.06 x 10-6 farads (or. the total SLC wiring capacitance is: 3.PEGAsys™ The total SLC wiring resistance (24. P/N 98161. P/N 98161 (from Recommended Wire Listing). 0.06 µf). 76-100016-001 H-3 July 2003 . The SLC wiring resistance using #16 AWG wire is acceptable. PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 H-4 76-100016-001 . Component Central Control Module Receiver/Transmitter Module Power Supply Module (Revision XC) Power Supply Module (Revision AC) Agent Release Module Signal Audible Module Relay Output Module City Tie Module Basic I/O Motherboard Multi-Loop Motherboard Addressable Input Device Addressable Output Device Addressable Input Device Addressable Output Device Page No. I-2 I-6 I-8 I-9 I-11 I-14 I-17 I-18 I-20 I-22 I-24 I-25 I-26 I-27 76-100016-001 I-1 July 2003 .PEGAsys™ APPENDIX I SYSTEM DRAWINGS This appendix provides installation diagrams and instructions for various PEGAsys™ system modules. REP 1 REP 2 PEGAsys™ BT1 RS-485 PORT JK1 1 24V 5V 0V 5V 0V TB6 RX/TX PORT TO REMOTE PC FOR PROGRAMMING TO EXTERNAL PRINTER 24 VDC FROM POWER SUPPLY PROCESSOR PORT DISPLAY RESET SWITCH DISPLAY TROUBLE LED BUZZER PLG2 SW1 PRINT PORT DS1 PLG3 0V EARTH FLT SUPPLY FLT DISP PORT PC PORT EARTH FAULT JK1 JK2 JK3 PLG2 SUPPLY FAULT 24 VDC 24V PRINT PORT PLG1 DISPLAY 0V TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram CCM/ Display and Control Assembly (PEGAsys) PLG1 76-100016-001 DISPLAY PORT PC PORT TB6 July 2003 SOUNDER 1 B A + + C V/F RELAY FAULT NO NC C SOUNDER 2 A B + + VOLT FREE RELAYS 2 1 NO NC C NO NC TB4 TB5 TB1 TB2 TB3 SKT1 DISPLAY ASSEMBLY SEE NOTE 1 JP4 SEE NOTE 1 JP3 CCM RESET BUTTOM JP1 SW1 SEE NOTE 1 IC1 JP2 JK5 TO OUTPUT MODULES AND POWER SUPPLIES JK4 I-2 JK2 PLG2 JK3 TO RX/TX LOOP CONTROLLER 24 VDC FROM POWER SUPPLY . A 220 OHM (5W MIN. SIGNAL SOUNDER JP1 JP2 JP3 JP4 ON OFF ON OFF 2. SOUNDER/RELEASE CIRCUITS ARE RATED AT 24VDC.E. THEN MULTIPLY BY TWO. MEASURE THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CONTROL HEAD AND THE CONTROL PANEL TERMINAL BLOCK. I-3 DEVICE PART NO. SUPERVISORY CURRENT . 2A POWER LIMITED.D E. 6. FOR SPECIFIC SIGNAL DEVICE INFORMATION REFER TO FENWAL DATA SHEETS 75. 0.D E. NOT UL LISTED. VOLT FREE RELAYS (PROGRAMMABLE) FAULT RELAY V / F RELAY FAULT NO NC C TB1.5W. NOT UL LISTED. NOT SUPPLIED WITH PANEL. 4. 06-129520-001 (KIT OF 50). "ON" TIME COMMENT AGENT RELEASE OFF ON OFF ON RESISTANCE (min.) RESISTOR COULD BE USED TO SIMULATE THE CIRCUIT IF NO SOLENOID IS CONNECTED.4 A 2. AVAILABLE AS PART NO.9 OHM 103 OHM 103 OHM 59 OHM 108 OHM 46 OHM 52 OHM 34 OHM 57 OHM MOMENTARY MOMENTARY MOMENTARY CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS --— — — — — — FM APPROVED ONLY. RELEASING OUTPUT DEVICES SPECIFICATION 1.FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS. NOT FM APPROVED.D. 8.B. 1A. JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS FOR SOUNDER 1 DEVICE Imax. TB2 NO NC C TB3 NOTE: THE TROUBLE RELAY CONTACTS ARE SHOWN IN THE UNPOWERED STATE. UL LISTED ONLY. 5. NOT FM APPROVED. 890181 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 FM SOLENOID GROUP A B. ALL RELAY OUTPUTS (VOLT/FREE RELAYS AND V/F RELAY) ARE RATED AT 30VDC. CAUTION: DO NOT USE RESISTOR IF SOLENOID IS CONNECTED. THE FOLLOWING TABLE SHALL BE USED. UL LISTED ONLY.) 14 AWG 16 AWG 18 AWG --— — — — — — COMMENT 12 AWG 300 300 300 380 3000 3000 2300 200 200 200 240 2000 2000 1460 800 800 570 800 340 2000 760 480 1200 120 120 120 150 1200 1200 915 3000 1440 1440 940 1570 760 500 760 480 300 525 340 220 370 9.4mA/CIRCUIT 3.) RELEASING 76-100016-001 890181 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 FM SOLENOID GROUP A B. S .5 A 240 mA 240 mA 440 mA 225 mA 520 mA 458 mA 700 mA 420 mA 10 OHM 10. PEGAsys™ July 2003 . — — — 10.G — — — 2.G TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram CCM/ Display and Control Assembly (PEGAsys) MAXIMUM OF ONE #12 AWG WIRE PER TERMINAL. EX: TO DETERMINE THE TOTAL LOOP LENGTH. L .FOR POWER LIMITED CIRCUITS. POSITION OF RELAY OUTPUTS DURING NORMAL STANDBY MODE.NOTES: 7.4 A 2.0 A 1. RELEASING OUTPUT DEVICES SOLENOIDS 890181 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 FM GROUPS SPRINKLER SOLENOIDS A.8 OHM 12 OHM 15.XXX FM APPROVED ONLY.G WIRE LENGTH (FT. IF MP01 IS CONFIGURED AS A RELEASING OUTPUT.2. TO GUARANTEE THE REQUIRED VOLTAGE AT THE RELEASING DEVICE. SIGNAL OUTPUT REQUIRE THE USE OF END OF LINE RESISTOR (EOR) 10K. PEGAsys™ TB4 OR TB5 A + B 3 4 + B 3 4 - 2 CLASS A “Z" STYLE TB4 OR TB5 S L A 2 CLASS B “Y" STYLE EOR EOR = 10K OHM S L N/A 5 + - 5 + - - TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram CCM/ Display and Control Assembly (PEGAsys) July 2003 I-4 76-100016-001 . FOR JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS SEE NOTE 1 ON SHEET 2. 899175 (U.5 OHMS . B. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0.SOLENOID PART NO. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0. FOR JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS SEE NOTE 1 ON SHEET 2.GROUP A 1.GROUP E. 3 + 3 + NOTES: 1. 897494 76-100016-001 SINGLE SOLENOID TB4 TB4 TB4 SINGLE SOLENOID SINGLE CONTROL HEAD GROUPS A. 2. 486500.3 OHMS . FOR JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS SEE NOTE 1 ON SHEET 2.L. 2. E. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 6. G 2. LISTED) SOLENOID PART NO. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0. D.6 OHMS. 890181. LISTED) (U. LISTED) S 2 3 S S L 2 L L 2 - 2 - 1 3 + NOTES: NOTES: 1. 895630 (U. FOR JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS SEE NOTE 1 ON SHEET 2.L. 2. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram CCM/ Display and Control Assembly (PEGAsys) 2. LISTED) SOLENOID PART NO. PEGAsys™ July 2003 .L.6 OHMS. D 2. 1. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE: 2.L. G (U. SOLENOID PART NO.5 OHMS .GROUPS B.7 OHMS.0 OHMS. 486500-01 SINGLE SOLENOID TB4 TB4 SINGLE SOLENOID I-5 BLK BLK L S MICROSWITCH L S BLU YEL 2 - 2 - WHT SAFETY FUSE SOLENOID 3 + NOTES: RED 3 + NOTES: 1. 1. FOR JUMPER ARRANGEMENTS SEE NOTE 1 ON SHEET 2. CPU RESET RXTX. MAXIMUM OF 255 LOOP DEVICES PER RX/TX LOOP. NO MORE THAN 30 LOOP DEVICES BETWEEN TWO ADJACENT LOOP ISOLATORS.PC LINE REST/DISCONNECT 24V FROM TERM. 70-401001-000 70-401004-000 71-401001-000 71-401004-000 JUMPER STYLE 6 SHORTED IN IN OPEN OUT LOOP ISOLATORS: PRODUCT NO.WHEN LOOP ISOLATOR USED: PLUG IN THE LOOP ISOLATOR (RXTX) 74-200012-001 LED1 LED2 LOOP ISOLATOR RX/TX 4. STYLE 4 CONFIGURATION ONLY. 70-407002-00X 70-407003-001 70-407004-001 70-407008-001 70-407008-002 1.0 OHMS 255 100 mV RMS LED 1 .'S RXTX 74-200012-001 ELECT.CPU RESET. STYLE 7 JP2 JP3 RELAY OUTPUT DEVICES: PRODUCT NO.0 VDC 0. RIPPLE VOLTAGE: 26. 3. ASHLAND.1.24 VDC (RED) RET (BLK) RS232 PORT FOR COMMUNICATION WITH CCM. LINE CAPACITANCE: MAX. SMART DEVICES MAY UTILIZE T-TAP WIRING METHOD IN CLASS B. MA 01721 J3 July 2003 24 VDC FROM POWER SUPPLY NOTES: 70-402001-100 71-402001-100 70-404001-100 70-403001-XXX RX/TX MODULE J1 J2 STYLE 4 OPEN IN IN STYLE 6 w/LOOP ISO. LINE RESISTANCE: MAX. 77-297103-000 OPEN OUT SHORTED SHORTED W1 & W2 SEE NOTE 4 W1 W2 PEGAsys™ KIDDE-FENWAL. ANY COMBINATION OF DEVICE TYPE IS ACCEPTABLE. (OPTIONAL) LOOP ISOLATOR 74-200012-001 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS AND INTERCONNECT IT USING FLEX CABLES TO J3 ON PC LINE NORMAL SW1 SHORT-1 CPU RESET SW2 I-6 1 SHORT-2 PC LINE RESET T1 T1 J3 JP3 JP2 12 1 2 3 4 MAX VOLTAGE: MIN. 2. 4. SW 2 . MAXIMUM OF ONE #12 AWG WIRE PER TERMINAL. 2 & 3. BOX 74-200012-002 BASE MOUNT 74-200012-004 ORION XT INTERFACE MODULE PRODUCT NO. 5. MAKE SURE THAT UNEVEN PINS ARE INTERCONNECTED.RED LED INDICATES RXTX RESET WHEN ON. INC. ARRANGEMENTS FOR PC LINE WIRING SMART DETECTORS USED: PRODUCT NO'S.25 uF 26. MAXIMUM 20 LOOP ISOLATORS EXCLUDING ONE ON RX/TX CAN BE INSTALLED ON PC LINE.'S 70-408002-000 70-408003-000 70-408004-001 RX/TX 76-100005-001 RX/TX 4. LED 2 .4 VDC 19. VOLTAGE: MAX.2.STYLE SEVEN (7) REQUIRES THE USE OF LOOP ISOLATORS. NUMBER OF RCU'S: MAX.GREEN LED INDICATES NORMAL OPERATION OF RXTX PC LINE SEE NOTE 4 TRANSMITTER WHEN BLINKING. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Receiver/Transmitter Module (PEGAsys) RX/TX ASSEMBLY 74-200005-001 76-100016-001 . THE RXTX MODULE REQUIRES THE USE OF ONE (1) P/N 74-200012-001 ISOLATOR MODULE TO OPERATE IN THE STYLE 7 CONFIGURATION. CONTACT INPUT DEVICES: PRODUCT NO'S. SW 1 . STYLE 6 (4-WIRE) PC LINE CONFIGURATION IS RECOMMENDED TO FULLY UTILIZE LOOP ISOLATION FUNCTION. PEGAsys™ July 2003 TB1 OF RX/TX LOOP ISOLATOR 74-200012-001 MUST BE INSTALLED ON RX/TX WHEN USING LOOP ISOLATORS. FOR CONNECTIONS TO THE LOOP DEVICES OTHER THAN LOOP ISOLATORS. MAXIMUM 20 LOOP ISOLATORS PER RX/TX LOOP. EXCLUDING ISOLATOR MOUNTED ON RX/TX MODULE. STYLE 4 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT 1 L 2 3 4 L S 1234 S TB1 OF RX/TX I-7 CLASS A. . 5. 3.FOR POWER LIMITED CIRCUITS. SEE DETAILED INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM. 2. STYLE 6 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT W/LOOP ISOLATORS 3 7 LOOP ISOLATOR LOOP ISOLATOR 76-100016-001 ZONE 2 CLASS A. STYLE 7 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT NOTES: LOOP ISOLATOR 3 7 ZONE 2 LOOP ISOLATOR LOOP ISOLATOR LOOP ISOLATOR 1. NO MORE THAN 20 FEET FROM DEVICE. 4. . 6.FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS.CLASS A. STYLE 6 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT 3 3 7 7 3 1 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 3 DETECTOR BASE 4 L LOOP ISOLATOR LOOP ISOLATOR S CLASS B. 3 ZONE 1 SEE NOTE 5 7 ZONE 3 TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Receiver/Transmitter Module (PEGAsys) LOOP ISOLATOR L 1234 S LOOP ISOLATOR NOTE: ADJACENT LOOP ISOLATORS MUST BE WITHIN 20 FEET OF DEVICE WITH WIRING IN CONDUIT. THIS DEVICE IS NOT POLARIZED. DENOTES SMART DETECTOR CONTACT INPUT & RELAY OUTPUT DEVICE. FOR STYLE 7 WIRING BETWEEN DEVICES AND ADJACENT ISOLATORS MUST BE IN CONDUIT. LOOP ISOLATOR DEVICES ARE POLARIZED. SEE INSTALLATION DIAGRAMS OF THE PARTICULAR DEVICE. L S 3 7 . POSITION. 1/4 W ESISTOR ACROSS W5 PADS WHEN USING 220 VAC POWER.AC LINE POWER IN AC NEUTRAL IN EARTH GROUND (120/240VAC. 76-100016-001 . 20. 5.4VDC. CAUTION: THE VOLTAGE FOR THE TWO BATTERIES IN SERIES MUST BE GREATER THAN 22VDC BEFORE CONNECTING BATTERIES TO PANEL.GROUND FAULT (POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE) . .LOW BATTERY .5A 24VDC RETURN 24VDC AUXILIARY POWER OUTPUT #1. THIS RESET MAY BE CAUSED EITHER BY SOFTWARE OR BY MANUAL RESET OF THE MICROCONTROLLER BY PRESSING S3.COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE 15A FUSE W1. ALL RS-485 INTERCONNECTIONS MUST BE WITHIN THE SAME ROOM WITH THE MAIN PANEL.AC FAIL .INSTALL THE JUMPER IF THE POWER SUPPLY BOARD IS HOOKED AS THE LAST DEVICE ON THE RS485 I/O BUS. FROM POWER SUPPLY #1 CURRENT SHARING COMMON FOR BOTH POWER SUPPLIES 24VDC POWER (4.CUT OUT W1 TO CONFIGURE THE POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY SO THAT IT MAY USE A BATTERY PAIR CHARGED BY ANOTHER ASSEMBLY.0ADC) FROM POWER SUPPLY #2 SUPERVISION 24VDC RETURN PEGAsys™ 24V RET SHARE 24V RET SEE NOTE 7 NO GREEN LED TBL RLY C NC SPV SPV N AC OUT 1 2 AC IN L L N G DC IN 1 DC IN 2 L N F ASHLAND. 30VDC (NOTE 1) THE GREEN LED.FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS.0ADC) 24VDC RETURN SUPERVISION NOTES: 1.MICROCONTROLLER FAILURE . I-8 S1 A (2) 12VDC SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERIES S2 15A 24V B 1 2 R RET 24V RS-485 TWISTED PAIR CONNECTION. I/O BUS COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE FROM CCM R RET 24VDC POWER TO CCM FACTORY 24VDC RETURN INSTALLATION 24VDC POWER TO RX/TX 24VDC RETURN 24VDC POWER TO MOTHERBOARD FIELD 24VDC RETURN INSTALLATION I/O BUS COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE TO MOTHERBOARD L L 4.FOR POWER LIMITED CIRCUITS.4VDC TO 26. POWER LIMITED TO 1.POWER SUPPLY FAIL . S3: HARD RESET OF MICROPROCESSOR ON POWER SUPPLY/CHARGER ASSEMBLY BOARD. NEUTRAL OUT TO POWER SUPPLY #1 TROUBLE OUTPUT VOLT-FREE RELAY CONTACTS RATED AT 2A. INC. POWER LIMITED TO 1. WHEN AN AUXILIARY POWER OUTPUT IS CONFIGURED TO BE RESETTABLE. S1 AND S2 USE TO ADDRESS POWER SUPPLY/CHARGER ASSEMBLY. . REMOVE THE JUMPER OTHERWISE. 24VDC AUXILIARY POWER OUTPUT #2. THE TROUBLE RELAY IS SHOWN IN THE UNPOWERED STATE AND WILL TRANSFER UPON ANY POWER SUPPLY TROUBLE OR POWER OFF CONDITION. S L R . DS1. 60/50Hz) 24VDC POWER (4.O.5A 24VDC RETURN FIELD INSTALLATION TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Power Supply (PEGAsys) 7. SHALL REMAIN ILLUMINATED AS LONG AS THE TROUBLE RELAY IS IN THE N. THE OUTPUT SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT 0V AS LONG AS THE MICROCONTROLLER IS HELD IN RESET. 6.FOR REGULATED OUTPUTS. 1 2 BAT RS485 MOTHER BD CCM RET 24V RET 24V 06-129562-002 AUX 1 AUX 2 SYSTEM POWER July 2003 TROUBLES INCLUDE: . (NOTE 5) R RET 24V + - 3. “SYS GND” TERMINAL OF TB6 SHALL BE USED TO INTERCONNECT 24 V RETURNS BETWEEN MULTIPLE POWER SUPPLIES. BATTERIES SHALL BE REPLACED EVERY 48 MONTHS OR AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES. (NOTE 2) (NOTE 2) 2. SOLDER A 0 OHM. S3 SYS GND FIELD INSTALLATION AC LINE OUT TO POWER SUPPLY #2 AC NEUTRAL OUT TO POWER SUPPLY #2 FACTORY INSTALLATION AC LINE OUT TO POWER SUPPLY #1 AC. W4.BATTERY FAIL . THE OUTPUT SHALL TRANSFER FROM 24VDC TO 0V WHENEVER THE MICROCONTROLLER IS IN RESET. MA 01721 KIDDE-FENWAL. WHT BLK/WHT ORN RED RED BLK BLK VIO AC OUT 2 1 24V SPV 24V RET RET SPV MAIN POWER SUPPLY SHARE 76-100016-001 AC IN L L N G DC IN 1 DC IN 2 N L N I-9 WHT BLK/WHT BLK TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Power Supply (PEGAsys) PEGAsys™ AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY BLK VIO RED RED ORN July 2003 . S1 SOL SQB DUAL SINGLE SOLENOID SOLENOID X X X - RELEASING OUTPUT DEVICES SPECIFICATION 7 8 9 10 11 12 SIGNAL CIRCUITS 12 RELEASE MODULE KIDDE-FENWAL. UL LISTED ONLY. MODULE ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT RESET SWITCH SEE NOTE 6 4.1 S3.4 A 2. JUMPERS W1 & W2 MUST BE CUT OUT WHEN AUXILIARY POWER INPUT IS USED. SOLENOIDS COMMENT 890181 1 2 3 4 5 6 RELEASE CIRCUITS DEVICE 18 AWG TB1 PART NO. 0.XXX SERIES 10.D.2. NOT UL LISTED.G 480 300 525 340 220 370 FM APPROVED ONLY.D E. MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENTS: SIGNAL CIRCUIT . MA 01721 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 --— — — — — — 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 890181 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 200 200 200 240 2000 2000 1460 800 800 570 800 340 2000 760 480 1200 120 120 120 150 1200 1200 915 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 1440 1440 940 1570 760 500 760 FM SOLENOID GROUP A B. THEN MULTIPLY BY TWO. TO GUARANTEE THE REQUIRED VOLTAGE AT THE RELEASING DEVICE. 06-129520-001 (KIT OF 50). NOMINAL VOLTAGE 24.0 A RELEASE CIRCUIT . THE FOLLOWING SWITCHES MUST BE SET FOR SOLENOID(S). 5 6 7 8 OFF OFF OFF OFF MODULE ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT 3. EX: TO DETERMINE THE TOTAL LOOP LENGTH.FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS 6. INC. SIGNAL OUTPUT REQUIRE THE USE OF END OF LINE RESISTOR (EOR) .2 ON OFF ON OFF RELEASE 76-200001-001 SEE NOTE 11 SEE NOTE 6 S1 SOL ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 8. THE FOLLOWING TABLE SHALL BE USED.2 ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF S4. A 220 OHM (5W MIN) RESISTOR COULD BE USED TO SIMULATE THE RELEASING CIRCUIT IF NO SOLENOID IS CONNECTED.4 mA/CIRCUIT 2. 890181 899175 895630 897494 486500 486500-01 81-100000-001 06-118329-001 06-118384-001 OFF --— — — — — — FM APPROVED ONLY.G 3000 12 AWG 300 300 300 380 3000 3000 2300 FM GROUPS SPRINKLER SOLENOIDS A. 9.8 OHM 12 OHM 15.4 A (MOMENTARY) . UL LISTED ONLY.G 2.MODULE NOTES: 1 2 1 2 SQB 1 RELEASING July 2003 06-129567-001 1.) "ON" TIME COMMENT MAXIMUM OF ONE #12 AWG WIRE PER TERMINAL.9 OHM 103 OHM 103 OHM 59 OHM 108 OHM 46 OHM 52 OHM 34 OHM 57 OHM MOMENTARY MOMENTARY MOMENTARY CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Release Module (PEGAsys) 76-100016-001 .4 A 2.10K.E. — — — DEVICE Imax.0 A (CONTINUOUS) SUPERVISORY CURRENT . AVAILABLE AS PART NO.0 VDC ON S4 S3 PEGAsys™ 7.B.) 14 AWG 16 AWG I-10 RESISTANCE (min. FOR SPECIFIC SIGNAL DEVICE INFORMATION REFER TO DATA SHEETS 75. ASHLAND.2. — — — SWITCH S3.2. RELEASING OUTPUT DEVICES 1 AUXILIARY POWER 5.0 A 1. CAUTION: DO NOT USE RESISTOR IF SOLENOID IS CONNECTED. MAXIMUM OF 8 MODULES PER SYSTEM. NOT FM APPROVED. NOT UL LISTED.FOR POWER LIMITED CIRCUITS 11. S .1 POSITION ASSIGNMENTS SOLENOIDS 12. MODULE ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 TROUBLE LED SWITCH POSITION S4.D E. FM SOLENOID GROUP A B.2.5W. NOT FM APPROVED. WIRE LENGTH (FT. SWITCH S1 POSITION ASSIGNMENTS L . MEASURE THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE CONTROL HEAD AND THE CONTROL PANEL TERMINAL BLOCK.5 A 240 mA 240 mA 440 mA 225 mA 520 mA 458 mA 700 mA 420 mA 10 OHM 10. NOT SUPPLIED WITH PANEL. NOTES: 1. 1 TO "OFF ". SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION. LISTED) SINGLE SOLENOID TB1 1 L SIGNAL CIRCUITS SINGLE SOLENOID TB1 TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 1 2 S TB1 7 8 + CKT #1 S L I-11 2 2 BLK 3 L MICROSWITCH 2 RED 3 4 S 10K EOR S L BLK 3 BLU WHT 4 + 5 6 BLK 5 BLU WHT S L + - + + - + CKT #1 + RED BLK 4 + CKT #2 RED 5 11 10 S L BLU 3 9 + - CKT #2 S 10K EOR L WHT 4 5 6 YEL BLK + SOLENOID - YEL YEL SAFETY FUSE 6 S BLK L 6 12 + CKT #2 10K EOR NOTES: 1.6 OHMS. SOLENOID PART NO. PEGAsys™ July 2003 . 2. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0. 2. 486500-01 (U. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION. NOTES: 1.L.6 OHMS. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Release Module (PEGAsys) 2. S L 2 + L + 3 L AUXILIARY POWER CONNECTION CKT #1 +24V TB1 1 2 S 4 S 3 2 CKT #1 4 S 1 CKT #1 L 4 5 6 6 + + 2 3 + 5 L + 5 6 1 6 CKT #2 1 CKT #2 - CKT #2 NOTES: 1. 899175 TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 1 1 S L SOLENOID PART NO. 2. 890181 AND 895630 (U. LISTED) SINGLE DUAL 1 CONTROL HEAD S 3 2 TB1 TB1 1 L 76-100016-001 SINGLE SOLENOID TB1 1 TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 1 2 S CONTROL HEAD 2 2 + 3 3 3 + 4 5 RET. SWITCH S3.L. 486500. LISTED) SOLENOID PART NO.SOLENOID PART NO.0 OHMS. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 6. NOTE: JUMPERS W1 & W2 TO BE REMOVED WHEN AUXILIARY POWER USED. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0. 1 TO "OFF ".7 OHMS.1 TO "OFF ". SWITCH S3. SWITCH S3. SWITCH S3. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION.1 TO "OFF ".L. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 0. 897494 (U. L. 2. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 2. SWITCH S3. I-12 GROUP E. .July 2003 FM GROUP SPRINKLER SOLENOIDS GROUP A (U. LISTED) SINGLE SOLENOID TB1 1 2 + TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 1 L S + 2 3 3 CKT #1 L - S + 4 5 - + 4 5 CKT #2 6 S L - TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Release Module (PEGAsys) 76-100016-001 6 NOTES: 1.1 TO "OFF ".5 OHMS. LISTED) SINGLE SOLENOID TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 L TB1 TB1 1 2 2 + 2 S + 2 3 - + 3 3 4 S L 3 CKT #1 L + L - CKT #1 - CKT #1 4 + S S + 4 4 S 5 6 CKT #2 6 - + L 5 CKT #2 - 5 5 - - CKT #2 6 6 NOTES: 1. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION.1 TO "OFF ".5 OHMS. SWITCH S3.1 TO "OFF ". LISTED) SINGLE SOLENOID TWO SOLENOIDS TB1 1 1 1 L S + PEGAsys™ GROUP B.3 OHMS. 2.L. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION. SWITCH S3. 2. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 1. MAXIMUM CIRCUIT WIRING RESISTANCE IS TO BE 2. SWITCH S1 AT "SOL" POSITION.G (U.L. NOTES: 1.D (U. 10. JUMPERS W9 & W10 MUST BE CUT OUT WHEN AUXILIARY POWER INPUT IS USED.0 VDC 3.FOR SUPERVISED CIRCUITS L .1 2 1 2 1 2 AUXILIARY POWER NOT USED 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 KIDDE-FENWAL.1 ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF NOTES: 1. MA 01721 12 76-100016-001 06-129569-001 SIGNAL AUDIBLE MODULE ON RESET SWITCH TROUBLE LED SEE NOTE 4 MODULE ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT SEE NOTE 5 MODULE ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SW1. MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENTS: SIGNAL CIRCUIT . SIGNAL OUTPUT REQUIRE THE USE OF END OF LINE RESISTOR (EOR) . EITHER SOUNDER OUTPUT (2) MAY BE CONFIGURED FOR EITHER 2 CLASS B. STYLE "Y" OR 1 CLASS A. MODULE ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT SIG.5W. USING JUMPER AND DIP SWITCH SETTINGS SHOWN ON SHEETS 2 & 3. ONLY POLARIZED SIGNALLING DEVICES TO BE USED.2. STYLE "Z". S I-13 . 06-129520-001 (KIT OF 50). ASHLAND.2 SW1. NOT SUPPLIED WITH PANEL. MAXIMUM OF 8 MODULES PER SYSTEM. 4.4 mA/CIRCUIT 2. 6. 76-100003-001 TB1 SEE NOTE 8 SOUNDER CIRCUITS 1-4 5.2. FOR SPECIFIC SIGNAL DEVICE INFORMATION REFER TO DATA SHEETS 75.FOR POWER LIMITED CIRCUITS 8.XXX SERIES. INC.2 ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF SWITCH POSITION SW2. AUD. AVAILABLE AS PART NO. NOMINAL VOLTAGE 24.10K.0 A SUPERVISORY CURRENT . 0. MAXIMUM OF ONE #12 AWG WIRE PER TERMINAL. 9. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Signal Audible Module (PEGAsys) PEGAsys™ July 2003 . 7. STYLE "Y" AND 1 CLASS A. STYLE "Y" 2 CLASS B.1 SW3. STYLE "Z" TB1 5 6 7 + 8 + 9 10 10K EOR TB1 5 CIRCUIT 1 L S L S L L S S CIRCUIT 1 10K 10K EOR CIRCUIT 2 6 7 + 8 + 9 10K EOR 10K EOR EOR CIRCUIT 2 L S L S CIRCUIT 3 CIRCUIT 3 10K CIRCUIT 4 L S 10K 10 11 + 12 + SWITCHES W6 W1 ON ON W2 JUMPERS W3 ON W4 OFF W5 OFF EOR EOR 11 + 12 + SWITCHES W6 OFF W7 OFF W8 ON SW2.July 2003 PEGAsys™ 4 CLASS B.2 OFF I-14 W5 ON ON ON OFF ON ON W7 W8 SW2.1 ON SW3.2 JUMPERS W1 W2 W3 W4 ON ON ON OFF AUXILIARY POWER CONNECTION TB1 +24VDC AUXILIARY POWER 1 RET 2 TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Signal Audible Module (PEGAsys) 76-100016-001 . 2 CLASS A.2 ON W1 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF W2 W3 W4 W5 OFF OFF OFF ON OFF TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Signal Audible Module (PEGAsys) PEGAsys™ July 2003 . STYLE "Y" TB1 5 CIRCUIT 1 76-100016-001 6 L S 10K EOR 6 - L S 10K EOR 7 + + 7 8 + 8 + 9 CIRCUIT 3 9 L S L S CIRCUIT 3 10 10K EOR 10 10K EOR 10K EOR CIRCUIT 4 L S - 11 + 11 + 12 + 12 + I-15 SWITCHES W6 W7 W8 SW2.1 OFF SW3.2 JUMPERS JUMPERS W1 OFF W2 OFF W3 OFF W4 ON W5 ON W6 ON W7 ON W8 OFF SWITCHES SW2.1 SW3. STYLE "Z" AND 2 CLASS B. STYLE "Z" TB1 5 CIRCUIT 1 1 CLASS A. PEGAsys™ RELAY 76-10004-001 TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Relay Output Module (PEGAsys) July 2003 I-16 76-100016-001 . PEGAsys™ CITY TIE 76-100002-001 TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram City Tie Module (PEGAsys) 76-100016-001 I-17 July 2003 . PEGAsys™ TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram City Tie Module (PEGAsys) July 2003 I-18 76-100016-001 J9 RS-485 76-100016-001 TB2 W1 COM TBL COM ALM SIG GND 485A 485B RET R1 J1 J3 J2 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 +24V TB1 1. POWER CONNECTIONS: 1). TB1 BRINGS 24VDC POWER FROM POWER SUPPLY TB5 OR TB6 TERMINAL BLOCKS. 2). 24VDC POWER TO RX/TX MODULES (J1) FROM TB5 OR TB6 ON POWER SUPPLY. 3). TERMINAL TB1 CAN BE USED TO BRING POWER TO OUTPUT MODULES IN THE AUXILIARY BOX. I-19 2. COMMUNICATIONS: 1). J9 CONNECTS TO CCM PORT AND PROVIDES OUTPUT MODULES WITH RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. 2). J1 THROUGH J8 TO BE USED TO PLUG IN OUTPUT MODULES AND SUPPLY THEM WITH +24VDC POWER AND RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. 3). RS232 COMMUNICATIONS FOR RX/TX MODULE TO BE PROVIDED THROUGH PHONE CABLE PLUGGED INTO "RX/TX" PORT ON CCM. 4). TB2 TO BE USED TO INTERCONNECT TO AUXILIARY PANELS' MOTHER BOARD AND POWER SUPPLIES TO PROVIDE RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. 1. USE RED WIRES FOR +24VDC AND BLACK FOR RET. 2. JUMPER W1 SHOULD BE IN. MAKE SURE THAT JUMPER W4 ON POWER SUPPLY CONTROL BOARD IS OUT. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Basic I/0 Motherboard (PEGAsys) NOTE: PEGAsys™ July 2003 PEGAsys™ TO CCM RS-485 PORT TO POWER SUPPLY TO CCM RX/TX PORT UT TP LE OU DU MO TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Basic Output Motherboard (PEGAsys) July 2003 I-20 76-100016-001 /TX E RXDUL MO (CONNECTOR NUMBER IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOOP NUMBER). 3. TB1 THROUGH TB8 TO BE USED TO CONNECT 24VDC POWER TO RX/TX MODULES.JP10 RS-232 76-100016-001 TB11 RET +24V TB8 RS-485 TB7 TB6 TB5 TB4 TB3 TB2 TB1 JP9 W1 JP8 JP7 JP6 JP5 JP4 JP3 JP2 TB10 JP1 COM TBL COM ALM SIG GND 485A 485B RET J1 J4 J6 J2 J3 J5 J7 +24V TB9 1. 5). JP1 THROUGH JP8 TO BE CONNECTED TO RX/TX MODULES J2 CONNECTORS TO PROVIDE RS232 COMMUNICATIONS. THE FIRST RX/TX MODULE (LOOP #1) SHOULD BE ALWAYS ON THE FAR RIGHT AND INTERCONNECTED TO JP1 AND TB1. JP10 CONNECTS TO CCM MODULE AND SUPPLIES RS232 COMMUNICATION FOR RX/TX MODULES. INSTALL THE W1 JUMPER IF THE MOTHERBOARD IS INSTALLED AS THE LAST COMPONENT ON THE RS-485 COMMUNICATIONS BUS. 1. 2. 2. USE RED WIRES FOR +24 VDC AND BLACK FOR RET. OTHERWISE REMOVE THE JUMPER. 3). I-21 2). ALL CONSECUTIVE RX/TX MODULES SHOULD BE PLUGGED FROM RIGHT TO LEFT STARTING FROM THE FIRST RX/TX. TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Multi-Loop Motherboard (PEGAsys) NOTE: PEGAsys™ July 2003 . TERMINAL TB9 CAN BE USED TO BRING POWER TO OUTPUT MODULES IN THE AUXILIARY BOX. 3). J1 THROUGH J7 TO BE USED TO PLUG IN OUTPUT MODULES AND SUPPLY THEM WITH +24VDC POWER AND RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. TB9 AND TB11 BRING 24VDC POWER FROM POWER SUPPLY TB5 AND TB6. 2). 4). JP9 CONNECTS TO CCM PORT AND PROVIDES OUTPUT MODULES WITH RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. TB10 TO BE USED TO INTERCONNECT TO AUXILIARY PANEL MOTHERBOARD AND POWER SUPPLIES TO PROVIDE RS485 COMMUNICATIONS. POWER CONNECTIONS: 1). COMMUNICATIONS: 1). PEGAsys™ UT TP LE U O DU MO TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Multi-Loop Motherboard (PEGAsys) July 2003 I-22 76-100016-001 MO /TX E RXDUL . 70-410001-000) OBSERVE POLARITY: ORANGE (ANODE). NO. CONTACT DEVICES 6.O. 9. BUT SHALL NOT EXCEED 255 TOTAL DEVICES PER CIRCUIT. 2040 PER SYSTEM. TYPICAL PULES RATE: NORMAL: ALARM: TROUBLE: 9 SECONDS 2 SECONDS NO LED PULSING 8. WITH ALL WIRING ENCLOSED IN CONDUIT AND A MAXIMUM LENGTH 50FT. 76-100005-001 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR CONNECTION TO SMART DETECTOR MULTIPLEX TRUNK CIRCUIT AND CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS. CAUTION: CONTACT DEVICE MUST BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS ADDRESSABLE CONTACT INPUT DEVICE.’S 70-40XXXX-XXX AND 71-40XXXX-XXX MAY BE MIXED ON THE SAME MULTIPLEX TRUNK CIRCUIT. NO. GRAY (CATHODE) CAUTION: LED MUST BE IN THE SAME ROOM AS ADDRESSABLE CONTACT INPUT DEVICE.. TO REMOTE LED (FENWAL PART NO. REFER TO RX/TX (CAT. 06-129025-001) EOL 2. EOL RESISTOR: 820 OHM . PROTECTIVE COVERING UL LABEL 4. 76-100016-001 TO REMOTE LED NOTES N/O WH EOL SEE NOTE 3 3. LED CIRCUIT IS NOT SUPERVISED. SUPERVISED LINE FOR REMOTE CONTACT DEVICE CONNECTION. WITH ALL WIRING ENCLOSED IN CONDUIT.5 WATT (FENWAL PART NO. AND A MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 150 FT. REFER TO SYSTEM OPERATION MANUAL FOR APPLICATION OF ADDRESSABLE CONTACT INPUT DEVICE.GRAY ORANGE BROWN WHITE BN TO REMOVE CONTACT DEVICE TO CATHODE TO ANODE 1. I-23 EOL WATERFLOW CAT. MAXIMUM CURRENT REQUIREMENTS STANDBYALARM 310uA 380uA TYPICAL CONFIGURATIONS N. -000 -001 DESCRIPTION NORMALLY OPEN NORMALLY CLOSED FOR SUPERVISORY USE ONLY TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Addressable Contact Input Device NO/NC (Obsolete) SEE NOTE 3 PEGAsys™ July 2003 . RED AND BLACK WIIRES ARE NON-POLERIZED POWER INPUTS. MANUAL PULL STATION BK SEE NOTE 1 EOL RD 7. WIRING INFORMATION SHOWN FOR 70-407002-00X THRU 70-407004-00X. SMART DETECTOR PRODUCT NO. 5. REFER TO RX/TX (CAT.L. I-24 LED (SEE NOTE 5) 5. LISTED GANG BOX. REFER TO SYSTEM OPERATION MANUAL FOR APPLICATION OF ADDRESSABLE RELAY OUTPUT 7. 2040 PER SYSTEM. RD BK TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Addressable Relay Output Device (Obsolete) SEE NOTES 1 & 9 76-100016-001 . 120 VAC (RESISTIVE) 3. 9. Number 30-402001-000 & 76-100005-001) WIRING DIAGRAM FOR CONNECTION TO SMART DETECTOR MULTIPLEX TRUNK CIRCUIT AND CIRCUIT CHARACTERISTICS. RED AND BLACK WIIRES ARE NON-POLERIZED POWER INPUTS. MUST BE INSTALLED IN A U. 30 VDC (RESISTIVE) .O. COM.6A. MAXIMUM CURRENT REQUIREMENTS: STANDBY: 325uA PEGAsys™ N.C. N. SMART DETECTOR PRODUCT NO. MOUNTS IN 4“ SQUARE ELECTRICAL BOX. CAUTION: … 2.July 2003 BROWN ( N/C ) ORANGE ( COM ) SEE NOTE 2 FIELD CONNECTION WHITE ( N/O ) NOTES 1. PROTECTIVE COVERING UL LABEL 4. TYPICAL PULSE RATE: RELAY RESET (STANDBY): RELAY SET: TROUBLE STATE: 9 SECONDS 2 SECONDS NO LED PULSING 6.’S 70-40XXXX-XXX AND 71-40XXXX-XXX MAY BE MIXED ON THE SAME MULTIPLEX TRUNK CIRCUIT.. BUT SHALL NOT EXCEED 255 TOTAL DEVICES PER CIRCUIT. RELAY OUTPUTS ARE NOT SUPERVISED. 8. RATING: 2A. WIRING INFORMATION SHOWN FOR 70-408002-000 THRU 70-408003-000. and 4 See Note 3 (+) (-) 3. PEGAsys™ July 2003 .5 mm2) Refer to Control Panel Manual for addressable loop wiring specification. N/O CAT. 7. TEMP.75 mm2) to #14 AWG (1. Maximum 25Ω resistance per wire for initiating circuit. ASHLAND. 10. 8. 4. 11. PC Line In See Note 3 (-) Remote LED (Optional) I-25 See Note 7 EOL (Listed 10KW Resistor) 9. INC. P/N 70-411001-005. Use Listed 10K Ohm end-of-line resistor. N/O PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) AI. (+) PC Line Out Typical N. The initiating device and remote LED annunciator (if used) must be located in the same room as the AI. See Notes: 1. 2. INSTALL. 7 mA Max. 5. 6. All wiring is power limited and supervised. N/O initiating device circuit is NFPA Class B/Style B. Rating on LED circuit: 26 VDC Max. MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: ALL TERMINALS ARE POWER LIMITED TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Addressable Contact Input Device NO/NC AI. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. Maximum 10 VDC @ 1 mA. 400 MAIN ST. Supervisory Devices EOL (Listed 10KW Resistor) 2. Terminal connection supports wiring from #18 AWG (0. For a total circuit wiring resistance of 50Ω max.O. This module will not support 2-wire smoke detectors. The AI. N/C Device is intended for use within the control equipment providing the normally closed contact.SmartOne TM MODEL AI. 70-407008-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235578-001 MAX. N/C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PC PC PC PC SW SW LED LED (+) (-) (+) (-) A B (+) (-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 76-100016-001 Typical N. Initiating Devices NOTES 1. NO. If not used leave terminals open circuit.C. SmartOne TM MODEL AO CAT. Field Connections AO must be installed in the same room as the device it is controlling . MA 01721 DATE OF MANUFACTURE: TERMINALS 1-4 ARE POWER LIMITED TERMINALS 5-7 ARE POWER LIMITED PC PC PC PC (+) (-) (+) (-) 1 2 3 4 N/C 5 COM 6 N/O 7 July 2003 PEGAsys™ N/O 7 6 NOTES COM N/C 5 1. ASHLAND. 4. NO. 400 MAIN ST. 120°F FOR SERVICE SEND TO: KIDDE-FENWAL. 70-408004-001 SEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 06-235577-001 MAX. New Design TITLE Installation Wiring Diagram Addressable Relay Output Device 76-100016-001 . INC. PC Line wiring is power limited and supervised.5 mm2) See Note 3 (+) (-) PC Line Out 3. Terminal connection supports wiring from #18 AWG (0. I-26 SHEET 1 of 1 REVISION - DRAWING No. TEMP. See Note 3 (+) PC Line In (-) Refer to Control Panel Manual for addressable loop wiring specification.75 mm2) to #14 AWG (1. 2. INSTALL. The configuration process is dealt with in more detail in 76-100016-001 J-1 July 2003 . or its cable. INC. Any assignment from 1 to 32 means that the node actively participates in all pre-configured network activity. etc. The NIC mounts as a daughter card on the PEGAsys Central Control Module (CCM). MA 01721 C7 + KIDDE-FENWAL. Via a “dumb terminal. Up to thirty-two (32) nodes may be networked to form groups. Via PCS. Processing of network SILENCE messages: Enabled/Disabled. Each node can be configured independently using any of the three methods described in the following paragraphs. In Style 7 configuration. equipped with a NIC) may be assigned to a designated network group (numbered 1 through 32) or to network group 0. Network Interface Card (NIC) Each PEGAsys control panel which is a network node (i. Node number: 0 to 32. NETWORK STYLE 1 U12 CR2 K2 CR1 K3 K1 C27 1 U13 CR3 D TB4 TB2 TB3 TB1 RV11 R23 • U11 C12 GND +5 TP1 TP2 I1 R10 C13 Y1 TP3 TP4 TP5 1 U3 C14 U4 TP6 N1 N2 I2 RV12 K4 R46 R45 RV6 RV4 RV5 RV8 RV9 RV7 RV2 RV3 C20 • • • • • RV10 R24 E8 E1 RV1 R25 R6 R5 R4 R3 E7 E3 E6 E5 E4 E2 1 R20 R41 R40 U20 1 U19 1 U18 1 R2 R36 C2 R22 1 C5 C11 C18 R21 1 U21 R44 U14 C9 1 C8 R7 R17 R1 U15 1 U17 U16 C22 R32 U10 C16 1 R12 C25 1 R19 R13 U5 R43 C10 C1 R14 + R29 R34 C3 + U7 C23 U2 1 + C4 R33 R15 U9 • J-2.. The PEGAsys™ Network Interface Card (NIC) provides the capability for peer-to-peer communication between PEGAsys fire/suppression control panels (nodes). Processing of network RESET messages: Enabled/Disabled. Note: PEGAsys SL/ML control units may be networked with PEGAsys LV Control Units NETWORK INTERFACE CARD CAT. Logging all events: Enabled/Disabled. the other channel will maintain communications. Note: It is not possible to download configuration information to all the NICs on a network simultaneously. J-2. When an event occurs at a node. Network group number: 0 to 32. Number 0 (the default) means that the node does not participate in any network activity.1. notification of the particular alarm. J-2 J-2. Time resynchronization (resynch) period.1 Q4 Q3 U8 1 R26 R28 R27 C17 1 1 R31 C15 R38 C24 R42 Q1 1 Q2 1 U6 R18 ASHLAND. 74-200036-001 J1 DS4 DS2 DS3 DS1 The operator can set network configuration options on the PEGAsys in three ways: • • • Via the keypad on the Central Control Module.1. trouble. or Redundant Channel (Style 7). NO.” B2NA2 B1NA1 B2IA2 B1IA1 N2 C26 N1 I2 I1 Below are the network options which can be configured for each node and are stored in that panel's memory. or bi-directionally if nodes are connected on either side of the transmitting node.1 CONFIGURATION/ADDRESSING Overview Both of the two independent data channels can be enabled (Style 7). or either one of the channels can be disabled (Style 4). which should be referred to.. Groups are numbered into logical groupings that delineate the extended coverage area and simplify programming. data transfer is redundant so that if there is a failure on one channel. Single-Channel (Style 4).PEGAsys™ APPENDIX J PEGASYS NETWORK INTERFACE CARD J-1 INTRODUCTION the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) Program manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015).2 NODE NUMBER ASSIGNMENT Nodes may be assigned a number from 0 to 32. Central Station.e. Each NIC (node) must be configured independently. will be delivered to each of the other nodes on the network in the form of a message. These data channels transmit network information from one node to the next. Paragraphs detailing each option follow: • Network Style: None. Figure J-1. abort. PROGRAMMING 7. RESET EVENT ENABLE/DISABLE NETWORK RESET ENABLE/DISABLE NETWORK SILENCE LOG ALL GROUP OR ONLY NETWORK EVENTS SET RESYNC: 0(off) OR 1-60000 MIN 1:ISOLATE NODE 2:DE-ISOLATE NODE 6. PRINTER 3.1.7 TIME RESYNCHRONIZATION PERIOD (SET IN MINUTES) Enabling RESET on a node means that it can be reset from any other node in its group. LOG EVENTS 8. If it is assigned to network group 0. RESYNC PERIOD 9.3 NETWORK GROUP NUMBER ASSIGNMENT work group 0. J-2. If a node does not receive a resynchronization message during this interval. NODE NUMBER NODE NUMBER ( 1 TO 64) GROUP NUMBER ( 1 TO 64) 0: STAND ALONE 0: NOT GROUPD 3. If it is assigned to net- A time-resynchronization message is broadcast on the network at intervals determined by the resynch period. ISOLATE Figure J-2. This includes the receipt of an ACKNOWLEDGE from a button on a remote node. it can be silenced from any node on the network." J-2. SET 1.1. it uses its network connection to ask for the time. J-2. A node assigned to network group 0 receives and processes messages received from all nodes only if configured to “Log All Events. Network Menu July 2003 J-2 76-100016-001 .4 RESET ENABLE/DISABLE Enabling “Log All Events” causes all network events to be logged at this node.PEGAsys™ J-2. 3.5 SILENCE ENABLE/DISABLE Enabling SILENCE on a node means that it can be silenced from any other node in its group. GROUP 4. ADD/RMV NODES ADD OR REMOVE NODE#__ TO NODE# __ 5. SILENCE EVENTS 7. it can be reset from any node on the network." A node assigned to groups 1 through 32 will process only those messages from nodes in the same network group unless configured to “Log All (Network) groups. J-2. STYLE CH1: ENABLE/DISABLE CH2: ENABLE/DISABLE 2.1.1. or uses its own locally stored time if its query does not result in a resynch message.RESYNCH NETWORK CLEARS ALL EVENTS INITIATED FROM REMOTE NODES AND REQUESTS A RETRANSMISSION OF ALL EXISTING EVENTS FROM ALL NODES 1. DEVICES 4. TIME:DATE 2. NETWORK 8. Disabling will result in logging events only in it’s own (non-zero) group.1. CLEAR EVENTS 7.6 EVENT LOGGING ENABLE/DISABLE Nodes may be assigned to groups 0 through 32. See the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) Program manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015) for details. L L Yes L N o te: If a node i s i n group 0.1 are configured via the front panel membrane keypad.1. A node in a different non-zero network group configured to log all events will process network message(s) from any node in the entire network.8 CENTRAL STATION OPERATION A node can be configured as a central station if that node is properly connected to a Silent Knight DACT. A node in network group zero. July 2003 Configuration can be performed through the system menus which are accessible using the panel’s built-in membrane keypad and the LCD display panel. depending on its own installed program. L SE SE. L RE RE.4 Configuring Networking Options via a “Dumb Terminal” • Network configuration can be performed through use of the system menus using a “dumb terminal” attached to 76-100016-001 J-3 .2 Configuring Networking Options via the Display/Keypad the serial “PC Port. the default group. a volt-free relay on the CCM. will not be recognized by any other nodes in network group zero for functions other than receiving messages unless it is configured to log all events in PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS). including network parameters. The software will initially use default values. A node which receives the network message from another node in the same non-zero group will process the network message appropriately. Model 5104. J-2. can be accomplished using PCS.PEGAsys™ Table J-1. In addition.3 Configuring Networking Options via PCS • Configuration of all CCM parameters. is configured to activate on any alarm on any node in the network. J-2. or by using the panel’s membrane keypad and LCD display panel. All of the network options listed in Paragraph J-2. The ACKNOWLEDGE function will be automatic. the SILENCE and RESET functions must be enabled in PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS). i t wi ll accept button pushes and events from remote nodes i f All nodes i n group 0 All nodes i n same group All nodes i n di fferent groups L Yes L SE. i t wi ll accept button pushes and events from remote nodes i f confi gured as shown below: All nodes i n all groups L SE. Central Station configuration automatically forces that node to ‘Log All Events’ and also MP04. The software will initially use default values. J-2. however SILENCE and RESET functions must be enabled in PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS)." SE: If node i s confi gured for remote SILENCE Enable. ACKNOWLEDGE is automatic. with networking style set to “None” until changed by an operator. depending on its own installed program. or by using the panel’s membrane keypad and LCD display panel. Whether they are communicating with other panels in their local group. with networking style set to “None” until changed by the operator.” The software will initially use default values. J-2. Network Configuration Table R emo te N o d e L o catio n AC K S IL E N C E R ESET L OG E V E N T S /E OC /R T S N o te: If a node i s i n a non-zero group. the menu provides the ability to add or remove individual or groups of nodes to/from the network. RE: If node i s confi gured for remote RESET Enable J-2. L RE. with networking Style set to “None” until changed by an operator. L RE. or with panels in a remote group. L L L: If node i s confi gured to "Log All Groups.2 PEGAsys Panel Network Menus Table J-1 summarizes these relationships. In more detail: • The menu structure of the PEGAsys has been upgraded to accommodate network configuration. Note: Menus cannot be accessed with an alarm condition in effect. The additions to the PEGAsys menu structure are diagramed in Figure J-2. OPERATION J-3 Networked PEGAsys panels may be configured to communicate differently depending on: • • Whether they are assigned to network group 0 or to groups 1 through 32. 1 DUAL CHANNEL SUPPORT The NIC supports operation of Style 4 or Style 7 channels. and converts it to a form readable by the node’s software. The NIC performs the following functions: • • • • • Dual-Channel Support Messaging Repeater Fail Safe Isolation The NIC acts as a repeater.5 ISOLATION ISOLATED NETWORK MEDIUM TA1 TB1 Rx out Tx in Driver Enable Hardware Repeater Logic Rx/Tx Selection Logic TA2 TB2 Rx out Tx in Driver Enable NON-ISOLATED NETWORK MEDIUM One half of each channel is an isolated. The node-to-node wire must not exceed a length of 4000 ft. In case of a short circuit or a break in any of the connecting wires. the relay passes the network signals directly through the board. July 2003 J-4 76-100016-001 . Figure J-3. J-4.2. no software is needed to control this process. the NIC includes a normally closed (NC) relay which maintains the communications integrity of the network. network communication is divided between the two channels.2 Network Interface Card (NIC) The NIC contains the hardware necessary for data-communication between network nodes. J-4. regenerating bus information as it moves through the NIC. Its bidirectional repeater function is implemented completely in hardware. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION although somewhat more slowly than if both channels are in operation.2. the NIC reads the bus data traffic.4 FAIL SAFE If a power failure occurs in a node. While a node is not transmitting data. J-4.1 Central Control Module (CCM) CPU Board Network Interface Card (NIC) Network Wiring Central Control Module CPU Board When a node wishes to transmit over a network channel. Each node uses one (1) NIC. and must be AWG 18 or heavier gauge. high electrical noise) unshielded. The network communication channels are EIA-485 bus lines. The NIC will either transmit locally-produced data or receive and retransmit bus activity as a repeater. 1 stop bit (8-N-1) and 9600 baud. J-4. This assures that the chassis of any two nodes are physically disconnected. no parity.2.3 Network Wiring RTS Rx Tx 1/2 NETWORK INTERFACE CARD (NIC) To CCM CPU The panels are networked by attaching two twisted. this pass-through function allows all other network nodes to function normally while providing the proper trouble indications. grounded RS-485 transceiver. NIC Block Diagram (Shown with Power to NIC Lost) J-4. Connect panels together as shown in Figure J-4.3 REPEATER (TRANSCEIVER) The CCM board is a slightly modified version of the original CPU board designed so that the NIC will plug in as a daughter board. twisted pairs in conduit may be required. floating RS-485 transceiver and the other half is a non-isolated. J-4. Under adverse conditions (for example. while retaining the ability to detect ground faults.PEGAsys™ Refer to Table J-1 for a summary of these relationships. When the NIC loses power. eliminating the possibility of ground-loop current. either channel by itself can execute all network communications. J-4. unshielded-pair cables between the appropriate NICs.2 MESSAGING J-4 This paragraph describes the hardware used to implement the PEGAsys Network: • • • J-4. • Nodes can be added or deleted from network only via Network Menu. the data is written to the NIC which sends the signals out to the bus for receipt by remote NICs.2. Under normal operation with Style 7. Data communication will be configured on the NIC’s UART as 8 bits. This modification has no effect on normal operation of the PEGAsys panel or system. The transceiver’s transmit and receive switching (in half-duplex mode) is also performed automatically by hardware. While the node without power will not participate in networking.2. Nickel plated 8-32 x 1¼-in. the module should be returned to the factory for repair or replacement. the panels are wired together using twisted. Central Control Module J-7 INSTALLATION The NIC is installed as a daughter board to the CCM board. J-6 PARTS LIST The NIC Installation Kit (P/N 76-100036-500) consists of the following: D escrip tio n Network Interface Card (NIC) Snap-in Nylon Standoff. See following instructions for NIC installation. After this is accomplished. as well as abort-state activation are limited to the originating fire-alarm control panel. some existing panels can be retrofitted with a network interface card. • • • • • • • Small flat-blade screwdriver. 2 cross-head screwdriver. J-7. an open circuit on any network wire will effectively break the network into two separate peer-to-peer networks. As of this date. the new CCM and Network Interface Card (NIC) will be separate. Screw with Washer Installation Sheet P art N u mb er 74-200036-500 06-118142-001 06-118143-001 Many electronic components are subject to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). both functional and both reporting troubles. Following are instructions both for replacement of complete CCM modules. The CCM module consists of both the CPU panel and its attached LCD display and keypad assembly. ¾-in. ! CAUTION NETWORK INTERFACE CARD NETWORK INTERFACE CARD CCM CPU BOARD PEGAsys PANEL CCM CPU BOARD PEGAsys PANEL Note A: Attach the shields on the 'N' side of the network line to the grounding screw on the CCM. Network Wiring J-5 MAINTENANCE AND/OR REPLACEMENT No maintenance is required. For complete information on this aspect of installation. predischarge and release-state activation. Required Tools J-7. 76-100016-001 J-5 July 2003 . two unshielded.3 The PEGAsys panel will be delivered with a separate network interface card.PEGAsys™ Channel 2 J-7. Version 8. Small needle nose pliers.X (or later) of PCS is required for proper configuration. Ground strap (wrist strap) for ESD protection. Wire striper. In the event of failure.1 NIC Installation ! CAUTION Note B Channel 1 Note A B2NA2 B1NA1 B2IA2 B1IA1 B2NA2 B1NA1 B2IA2 B1IA1 PEGAsys system installation applications require that when a NIC is installed. Figure J-4. twisted pair cables must connect each pair of panels.2 06-250116-030 06-235848-001 Some or all of the following tools will be required to perform removal and installation. With single-channel operation. Single-channel operation (using only one twisted pair cable between NICs) is possible and provides Style 4 operation. AWG-18 or heavier.X (or later) of PCS. Note: Determine whether you have a newer or older CCM. No. unshielded-pair cable. and then only by personnel connected to earth ground. Note B: The shields on the 'I' side of the network line are to be cut short and left floating. If the networking upgrade is for an older system. These components are not to be removed from their protective wrappings until they are to be installed in their respective equipment locations. Note: For proper network configuration it is necessary to use Version 7. For full Style-7 operation. IC chip extraction tool. as shown in Figure J-4. First replace the old CCM with the new CCM and then install the NIC. 6" flat-blade screwdriver. 8-32 Theadless Brass Standoff. a new CCM can be recognized by a singleline 20 pin header on the top edge on right side of board. and for installing a NIC in an existing CCM module. see the PEGAsys Configuration Software user's manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015). Install new CCM in the reverse order of removal. Insert the three plastic standoffs that were included with the NIC into the holes shown in Figure J-5. Spacer will separate NIC and the CCM board and screw will go through to the panel.4 Removing and Replacing a Complete CCM Module 10. 8. 7. Attach network wiring as previously described. the RX/TX port. proceed to Step 10. All networked control units must have the same version of CCM Firmware. Carefully plug the NIC into the 20-pin receptacle and onto the plastic standoffs. Make sure pins and receptacle are properly aligned. Replace the display electronics board and reattach the six threaded spacers. No local test functions exist. Put on a properly grounded ESD-protective wrist strap.6 Replacing Firmware Chips Refer to the instructions in the applicable PEGAsys Firmware Upgrade Kit. 4. 11. Remove new CCM assembly from packing and inspect for physical damage. Do not disconnect board—let it hang down. Ensure that the power supply EPROM is of a version compatible with PEGAsys networking. reinstall programming and configure the network using PCS. 2. Secure upper right corner of NIC with long screw and spacer. J-10 SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage Supervisory Current Alarm Current 24 Vdc 50 mA maximum 50 mA maximum July 2003 J-6 76-100016-001 . 9. Apply power. Remove power from the control unit. 3. see the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015).PEGAsys™ J-7. Remove four nylon screws holding membrane keypad and remove membrane by pulling it straight out of its connector. see the PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS) User's Manual. 12. J-7. Refer to Figure J-2. 2. Data and power lines will remain connected.5 Installing an NIC in an existing CCM Module 1. 7. Remove the six threaded spacers that secure the display electronics board and lift board out. 5. Remove the remaining wiring from CCM. make sure that the chassis remains grounded. If undamaged. PORT RX/TX PORT RS-485 PORT PRINT PORT DISP PORT PRINT PORT PC PORT Figure J-5. Remove power from panel but be sure the chassis remains grounded. The following provides the procedure for removing and replacing a complete CCM module. 1. Ensure that all programming is saved using PCS software. Make note of each wire and cable connection for use during reassembly 6. J-9 TESTING Testing is a function of the PEGAsys system in which the NIC is installed. 5. 20-PIN RECEPTACLE FOR NIC The old CCM module can be removed as a whole and replaced with a new module. and the PC port. 4. Apply power. For the proper procedure. Disconnect cables from the RS-485 port. Remove the six mounting screws while holding the CCM assembly in place. For more information on testing the NIC and the network. Carefully plug in the membrane keypad and attach the four screws. 10. LONG SCREW AND SPACER THROUGH HERE INSERT PLASTIC STANDOFFS HERE DISPLAY PORT RS-485 PORT RX/TX PORT P. Ensure that all programming is saved using PEGAsys Configuration Software (PCS). 8. CCM Board Showing NIC Attachment Points J-7. Put on a properly grounded ESD-protective wrist strap. reinstall programming and configure the network using PCS. Refer to Figure J-2. 11. No other power connections are required. 9. J-8 POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS The NIC is powered by the panel to which it is attached via the CCM board. Remove CCM assembly from cabinet. making sure that each wire and cable is properly reconnected. 3.C. 6. the ASM requires little or no maintenance. In the event of a failure. Memory status.7K Ω resistor on the trouble circuit when addressing with the handheld programmer./AUDIO MODE SETTINGS ADDRESSABLE SIGNAL/SOUNDER MODULE (ASM) AUX. INC. A status LED is mounted on the unit and indicates the output circuit status by a two second (active) or nine second (normal) flash interval.A. The ASM can be individually field programmed via hardware to support notification appliances and NFPA Class B. addressing is done via the Kidde hand-held programmer (P/N 74-200013-001) or the PEGAsys control panel menu/keypad. see the ASM Installation Data Sheet (P/N 06-235717-001). Testing is accomplished through the testing capabilities of the PEGAsys panel. The module's 24 Vdc or 25/70 Vac modes can be changed from the factory defaults using switch S1 and jumper P1 (see Figure K-1). the device will transmit a specific trouble status. Connections to loop voltage and communications. A B A B PC LINE TM AUX. for particulars. ASM Front Panel K-2 ADDRESSING AND REGISTRATION The ASM is shipped from the factory as an assembled component. MA 01721 U. As with any SmartOne loop device. + AUDIO MODE P1=1&2 S1=3 ON + - + - - + UL R The output circuit is monitored by reverse polarity and will not actuate into a short. This component is a UL Listed field device. NO. and install a 4. K-5 MAINTENANCE OR REPLACEMENT FM APPROVED Figure K-1. K-4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION For installation details and complete electrical and mechanical specifications. open.POWER LIMITED DEVICE ADDRESS # _ _ _ _ The SmartOne Addressable Signal/Sounder Module (ASM) provides a fully supervised remote-output circuit for connection to either 24 Vdc audible/visual notification signaling devices or 25/70. Style Z operation. short or a relay contact failure. drill mode and silence. The programming process is described in PEGAsys™ Configuration Software (PCS) manuals (P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015). follow the instructions in the ASM Installation data sheet. See Chapter 5. See Figure K-2 for audio/ auxiliary notification appliance switch and jumper selections. K-3 OPERATION The SmartOne® Addressable Signal/Sounder Module (ASM) is an intelligent field device that contains its own microprocessor. For replacement. If the circuit has a ground fault. install a 47K Ω resistor on the output circuit. Internal power supply. CAT.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX K ADDRESSABLE SIGNAL/SOUNDER MODULE K-1 INTRODUCTION Addressing and registration into the PEGAsys system is described in Paragraph 2-8 (and sub-paragraphs) of this manual. AUXILIARY MODE P1=2&3 S1=1&2 ON KIDDE-FENWAL. and is not field serviceable. IN TROUBLE CKT. Once installed and configured. Troubleshooting and Corrective Maintenance.POWER LIMITED ALL OTHERS . A trouble condition inhibits the status LED completely. 70-200200-001 INSTRUCTIONS P/N 06-235717-001 PC LINE TERMINALS . The module provides continuous internal supervision of: • • • • • Alarm contact position. Auxiliary power supply connections and status. Style Y or Class A. non-silenceable (waterflow). Registration of the module at the PEGAsys panel is mandatory to ensure proper operation. Connection is via the SmartOne compatible control panel’s power/communication line. Module-programmable parameters include owner’s-location message. Note: The ASM is not intended to be used as a releasing device and is not compatible with solenoids. 4K of memory and all necessary electronics to provide standard notification or audio output. as described in Chapter 2 of this manual. ASHLAND. OUTPUT CKT.7 V RMS speakers. and NFPA operation Class A and Class B terminal selections. Set the ASM for audio mode. Little or no maintenance is required. the module should be replaced. walk test. 76-100016-001 K-1 January 2002 .S. 0 8.5 mm2. Strip ¼-inch from the ends of all wires that connect to the terminal block of the module.6k 1.0 W @ 70.50 2.7 V RMS 20.0 A max. 47 K Ohms. 1/2 W: P/N 06-250166-596 Installation Data Sheet: P/N 06-235717-001 INSTALLATION Output Circuit Rating 2. Power/Communication (PC) line wiring is power limited and supervised.0 V RMS Maximum Line Resistances (with 12 AWG wire) L o ad (a m p s ) 0. K-7.0 mm2.1 Installation Notes The ASM single printed circuit board is intended for indoor use and can be mounted in a North American 4-11/16" electrical box. ASM volume is 8.0 mm2 respectively). FPLR or FPLP cable per Article 760 of the National Electrical Code (NEC). all three circuits are power limited. Exposing less than ¼-inch of wire may result in a faulty connection. The module terminal block will accept #12.0 2. Refer to the RX/TX specifications in the chapters on Operation and Functional Description for addressable-loop wiring specifications. Size #18 AWG is the minimum requirement.2k Refer to Figure K-2 and to the ASM Installation Instruction Data Sheet. The use of solid wire and an extension ring is recommended.00 1. #16 and #18 AWG wire (4.0k 2. 4.7 K Ohms. @ 30. For power-limited circuits. 1. 1/2 W: P/N 06-250166-452 End-of-Line (EOL) Resistor. Supervision of audio to ASM must be provided by the audio equipment. January 2002 K-2 76-100016-001 . K-7.0 Vdc 20. All are supplied with the ASM.0 4.94 cubic-inches. ! CAUTION *Note: Consider total line lengths from module to field and return. Power limited or non-power limited amplifier outputs are available. auxiliary input circuit and the trouble circuit are non-power limited.0k 5.5 mm2 and 1. Otherwise.00 R esistan ce (o h m s ) 20. • • • • • K-7 Addressable Signal/Sounder Module: P/N 70-200200-001 Front Cover Plate: P/N 06235714-001 End-of-Line (EOL) Resistor. the output circuit.PEGAsys™ K-6 PARTS LIST If the auxiliary notification appliance power source is not power limited. 1/4“ (6. 2.2 Output Circuit Characteristics The following parts are required for installation and operation.0 W @ 25.22 0.7 2.4mm) NTS Figure K-2. The note located on the module's product label (ALL OTHERS-POWER LIMITED) must be removed if the module is connected to a non-power limited supply source. use Type FPL. #14.5k 0.0 L e n g th (fe e t)* 12. or 4-inch square 2-1/8-inch deep box. ¼-Inch Strip Refer to the National Electrical Code for proper box specifications. Exposing more than ¼-inch of wire may cause a ground fault.55 1. 0 mm2) to #12 AWG (4. 3. All circuits are supervised.. the output circuit. If auxiliary power source is non-power limited. Wires determine electrical box depth. Supervision of audio to ASM must be provided by the audio equipment. + . CAT. 2. NO. IN + . 70-200200-001 INSTRUCTIONS P/N 06-235717-001 PC LINE TERMINALS . ALL OTHERS . 5. 1/2W EOL RESISTOR EXAMPLE OF STYLE Y (CLASS B) SHOWING THE ONLY ALLOWABLE EOL RESISTOR POSITION.PEGAsys™ PC LINE IN FOR 24VDC MODE SET P1 JUMPER FROM 2-3 AND SWITCH S1 1 2 3 ON ON OFF FOR AUDIO MODE SET P1 JUMPER FROM 1-2 AND SWITCH S1 1 2 3 OFF OFF ON VERIFY SWITCH AND JUMPER SETTINGS AND TEST PER NFPA 72 PC LINE OUT SEE NOTE 3 KIDDE-FENWAL. Figure K-3.S. 6. Otherwise. + .7K. + REGULATED SUPPLY OR 25/70. 4.+ SEE NOTE 4 + + LISTED 47K.POWER LIMITED DEVICE ADDRESS # _ _ _ _ A B A B PC LINE AUX. Refer to Control Panel Manual for addressable loop wiring specification.0 mm2)./AUDIO MODE SETTINGS ADDRESSABLE SIGNAL/SOUNDER MODULE AUX. Installation Wiring Diagram 76-100016-001 K-3 January 2002 . PC Line wiring is power limited and supervised. 1/2W EOL RESISTOR OUTPUT CKT. MA 01721 U.7 VAC AUDIO AMPLIFIER LISTED FOR FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING SYSTEMS LISTED 4. NOTES: 1.+ LISTED COMPATIBLE 24VDC OR 25/70.A. OUTPUT CKT. Terminal connection supports wiring from #18 AWG (1.7VAC NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES SEE NOTE 6 SUPPLY OUT LISTED 47K.POWER LMTD.+ - TROUBLE CKT. ASHLAND.. all three circuits are power limited. INC. auxiliary input circuit and the trouble circuit are nonpower limited. 1/2W EOL RESISTOR + - TROUBLE CONTACT OPEN FOR NORMAL STATUS EXAMPLE OF STYLE Z (CLASS A) SHOWING THE ONLY ALLOWABLE EOL RESISTOR POSITION. PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. January 2002 K-4 76-100016-001 . Under these conditions. provides remote access to the system and. • • • • Note: Acknowledge: Acknowledge alarms/troubles and silence all local buzzers. The RDCM. The RDCM and RDM communicate with the PEGAsys via an RS-485 interface (one pair #18 AWG. The RDM does not permit operation of the control features (operation is “read only”).1 Operator Interface System Status Display AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE 1 SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET 2 3 4 SILENCE SCROLL 5 R 6 7 8 9 0 Figure L-1. Both modules function as remote addressable adjuncts to the PEGAsys and mimic the main control panel’s LCD and LED front displays. the PEGAsys network panel(s) and menu options via this emulation of the PEGAsys front panel function and numeric keys. attempts to input from another module will prompt a lockout display message on the module attempting the interrupt. Either the PEGAsys control panel or one RDCM can be programmed as the master unit to control the system under alarm or fault conditions. in addition to emulation of the PEGAsys LEDs and LCD display. Operation of an alternate (nonmaster) unit will grant that module exclusive control over the system for 30 seconds. Under all circumstances. The installation can be in any combination of RDCM/RDM modules so long as the maximum quantity for each module is not exceeded. P/N 76-300000-502. L-2. Operator inputs are passed to the PEGAsys for processing. P/Ns 76-014 and 76-015. Silence: Silence signal/audibles after Acknowledge. non-resetable power is required and can be provided by the control panel PSU or a separate UL Listed supply for fire alarm application. The units also contain a buzzer with sequencing that follows the buzzer contained in the control panel. RDM Front Panel Module installers must be fully factory trained in all aspects of the PEGAsys system.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX L REMOTE DISPLAY CONTROL MODULE AND REMOTE DISPLAY MODULE L-1 INTRODUCTION L-2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This manual contains the information necessary to support the PEGAsys Remote Display Control Module (RDCM) (Figure L-1). Scroll: Review active alarms/troubles. Reset: Reset latched alarm conditions. Drill operation is available through the PEGAsys menu. This acts to prevent conflicting inputs. Additional supporting documentation is also contained in this manual and in the PEGAsys™ Configuration Software (PCS) manuals. The RDCM operator-interface function keys are: Figure L-2. P/N 76-300000-501. Remote. remote power is supervised by the RDCM and RDM with failure displayed locally and at the control panel. 76-100016-001 L-1 July 2003 . Additionally. if programmed. In each instance. and Remote Display Module (RDM) (Figure L-2). These controls match the PEGAsys layout. twisted/unshielded wire) in a multi-drop configuration capable of supporting up to fifteen (15) RDCM display/control and sixteen (16) RDM display only modules. RDCM Front Panel System Status Display AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE SCROLL R All operator interfaces are contained in the front panel assembly. the RDCM contains system control switches and a tactile response numeric keypad. The RDCM is key and password secured with the password needed being the one used on the associated PEGAsys panel. the master will be granted immediate system control. ALL CIRCUITS ARE SUPERVISED AND POWER LIMITED. Backspace: Used to exit menu and correct entries. but does not provide the other function keys nor an operable keypad. Indicates RDCM/RDM processor has failed to initialize.3 Addressing The RDCM and RDM operator interface status LEDs for monitoring the PEGAsys and remote modules are: • • • • • • • Alarm: Indicates an alarm condition. Yellow: CPU failure. PEGAsys AUX. Address selection is via setting of the 16-way. it has a scroll key. Before proceeding with operations. RDCM(s) July 2003 L-2 76-100016-001 . from the PEGAsys control panel. L-2. Supervisory: Indicates a supervisory condition.2 Interconnection The RDCM and RDM operate on a shared RS-485 bus which supports wire runs of up to 4000 ft. IF SHIELDED CABLE. Green: Power-on. 24V TB1 PINS + 5 6 TB1 PINS 1 2 7 8 TWISTED UNSHIELDED CABLE PINS 3 & 4 ARE TIED TOGETHER WHEN USING THE PANELS POWER SUPPLY 3 OUT 4 6 5 TB1 PINS PIN 1 OF TB1 IS AT TOP OF CONNECTOR NOTES: 1. Interconnection of PEGAsys Panel. L-2. Power-on: Indicates the system is receiving AC power. The primary RS-485 bus from the PEGAsys will support up to fifteen (15) RDCMs and sixteen (16) RDMs in any combination not exceeding the maximum for each module. Table L-1. especially the sections on Active Alarm Mode. Trouble: Indicates a trouble condition. Be sure to note differences between latching and non-latching Active Alarm Modes. REMOVE JUMPER W2 FROM DCM AND ALL INTERMEDIATE REMOTE DISPLAYS. become totally familiar with PEGAsys Fire Alarm/Suppression Control System manual. 2. 4-bit hexadecimal coded rotary switch. supervisory and pre-alarm. trouble. For RX/TX loop input devices: To set either latching or non-latching. Therefore. SUPPLY (IF REQ'D. Address Switch Settings S w itch S ettin g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R D M/R D C M Ad d ress RDM or RDCM 01 RDM or RDCM 02 RDM or RDCM 03 RDM or RDCM 04 RDM or RDCM 05 RDM or RDCM 06 RDM or RDCM 07 RDM or RDCM 08 S w itch S ettin g 9 A B C D E F 0 R D M/R D C M Ad d ress RDM or RDCM 09 RDM or RDCM 10 RDM or RDCM 11 RDM or RDCM 12 RDM or RDCM 13 RDM or RDCM 14 RDM or RDCM 15 RDM 16 LED colors used to represent indications are: • • • Red: Alarm. Operation of above keys will be hereinafter described. Silence: Indicates PEGAsys signal/audibles have been silenced after Acknowledge.24V TO TROUBLE CONTACTS CLOSED = NORMAL OPERATION Figure L-3. mounted on the printed circuit board. Enter: Used when selecting from PEGAsys menus. Pre-alarm: Indicates a smoke or thermal detector is in pre-alarm condition. INSTALL W2 ON LAST REMOTE DISPLAY ONLY. CPU fail: Mounted on main PCB and available to the installer only. SW1. silence.PEGAsys™ The RDCM operator interface needed to enter the password and access the PEGAsys menu is provided via the alphanumeric keypad: • • • Note: 0–9: Used to enter digits to access PEGAsys menus. 5 6 1 2 4 TB1 PINS UP TO 31 REMOTE DEVICES POWER SUPPLY RDCM/RDM ASSEMBLY IN DCM ASSEMBLY 7 8 RDCM/RDM ASSEMBLY IN 3 AUX. See Figure L-4. refer to the PCS Operations chapter in the PEGAsys Configuration Software manual. 3. CONNECT SHIELD TO CHASSIS/EARTH GROUND. Active Supervisory Mode and Active Trouble Mode. RDM. L-3 OPERATION The RDM functions as read only.) + . and the buzzer to silence. This gives the calling device exclusive control over the system for 30 seconds.) The display will then show how many active alarms are still present in the system (if any). The RDCM will pass the acknowledge input to the PEGAsys causing its LED to go from a pulsing to a steady mode.MANUAL RELEASE Default or user text L-3. The PEGAsys sends out a global lockout command to all other RDCMs. causing all conditions programmed to cancel on reset to de-energize. actuation of the acknowledge input may be separate or programmed to global acknowledge. the module (or control panel) programmed as the system master will be granted immediate system control. Please refer to the PEGAsys Configuration Software manual. When a RX/TX loop device goes into active alarm. If another (non-master) module attempts an interrupt. L-3. assume RDCM address 02. and subsequently display how many active supervisory or trouble conditions are still present in the system (if any). each event must be acknowledged separately. but may be programmed to global acknowledge by accessing the “SET" menu from the PEGAsys or any RDCM. the following lockout message will display for 5 seconds: RDCM 02 IN CONTROL Note: RDCM 02 is the default. the display will show: 1004 ALARM ON . Under all circumstances. This gives the calling device exclusive control over the system for 30 seconds. the actual local time and date will be shown. attempts to input from another module will prompt a lockout display message (see Paragraph L-3. 1004 ALARM OFF . any other module can provide system inputs (unless a module programmed as system master assumes control).1. Multiple alarms must be individually acknowledged. The PEGAsys sends a global command to silence all remote RDCM/RDM buzzers. ALARM OFF. in the case of multiple alarms (either On or Off). all other multiple inputs will default to individual acknowledge. assume the device to be manual release. • After the 30 second control period. The display at the calling device will then show: 1004 ALARM ON ACK .3 RESET After all active alarms and troubles have been cleared. address 1004).1. This message cannot be changed from the RDCM. A maximum of thirty (30) trouble messages can be acknowledged at any one time.1 Switch Functions Again.PEGAsys™ The following example is for latching alarm mode (for these examples. In the case of multiple troubles.1. In Normal Standby Mode. For non-latching sequence. 76-100016-001 L-3 July 2003 . TROUBLE ON/OFF or SUPERVISORY ON/OFF messages must be acknowledged by operation of this switch. This message can be customized in PCS.2) on the module attempting the interrupt to prevent conflicting inputs.2 SILENCE The switch functions are listed in sequence of use: L-3. For these examples.MANUAL RELEASE Default or user text In the event of loss of communications between the RDCM and the PEGAsys on the RS-485 bus. the display will show: SYSTEM STATUS NORMAL 10:00AM 06-08-99 PEGASYS In practice.1. L-3. the local buzzer will sound and the trouble LED will light.MANUAL RELEASE Default or user text (The default or user text is that which is entered at the associated PEGAsys panel. each ALARM OFF will display and must be acknowledged. For example: 001 ACTIVE ALARMS REMAINING When all alarm and trouble conditions have been acknowledged. input devices programmed to the latching sequence will show: XXX ALARMS ACTIVE Input devices programmed to the non-latching sequence will show: NO ACTIVE ALARM REMAINS Operation of the “reset” switch will have the following results: • The RDCM will pass the reset input to the PEGAsys. operation of the “silence” switch will have the following results: • The RDCM will pass the silence input to the PEGAsys causing all outputs programmed for silence to de-energize. The PEGAsys sends out a global lockout command to all other RDCM(s). Under these conditions.1 ACKNOWLEDGE All ALARM ON. With no active events in the system. 1 second off. The calling device (address 02) will then have access to the PEGAsys menu. L-3. • LED Test Feature: With no active inputs.2 LED Status Display The front panel display LEDs will operate in three modes: • • Off: No system activity.4 Password Data Structure The PEGAsys. L-3.4 SCROLL • L-3. Refer to the “Menu Function” and “Menu Structure” sections of the PEGAsys Fire Alarm/Suppression Control System manual for descriptions of the capabilities available through these levels. In the event of an RDCM's microprocessor going into fault condition. All LEDs will light for 5 seconds. The power failure display is: July 2003 L-4 76-100016-001 . Calling device (address 02) will then have exclusive control over the system as described in “reset” above. If during the password entry sequence any key other than the numeric key (except “Backspace”) is pressed before the “Enter” key. These are: Level 1 (User Level) and Level 2 (Installer Level). Please refer to this manual for menu operating instructions. Changing passwords for the system can be accomplished from any RDCM or directly from the PEGAsys. all RDCM/RDMs will display the default message: SYSTEM STATUS NORMAL 10:00am 03-08-99 PEGASYS “PEGASYS” is the default message. press and hold the “scroll” key for 2 seconds. Backspace: Exit system menu or correct wrong entries. Default passwords can be customized in the Level 2 “Set Menu Function”. On Continuously: Acknowledged alarm. supervisory or trouble.1. the PEGAsys will update the RDCM with the default display. and. Please refer to the PEGAsys Configuration Software manual. the display will become: PASSWORD ENTRY FAILED The RDCM will request another password entry request. LCD Display When the “Scroll” key is pressed during any active system event. all modules and the PEGAsys will display the system default message: SYSTEM STATUS NORMAL 10:00AM 03-08-99 PEGASYS In practice.PEGAsys™ • The PEGAsys sends out a global lockout command to all other RDCMs. the actual local time and date will be shown. and no further system events are detected. The RDCM opens the password entry menu and displays: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD Each key entry will then display the “#” character: PLEASE ENTER PASSWORD #### The RDCM/RDM is supervised for failure of the power supply and failure to communicate with the PEGAsys during the polling routine. supervisory or trouble.3 If the password entry is incorrect. the resulting scroll display is sent globally to the system. L-3. System Information Entry Keys: To enter passwords and gain access the PEGAsys menu functions. Each PEGAsys is shipped from the factory with default passwords for Level 1 of 987 and Level 2 of 1865. Note: The RDM scroll key does not provide the global lockout command. actuation of hardware switch S3 located behind the display membrane will cause a hardware reset of the microprocessor. When a “Scroll” key is actuated at any RDCM. if correct. This gives the calling device exclusive control over the system for 30 seconds and displays the following message: SYSTEM RESET If there are no further key entries at the calling device (address 02). RDCMs and RDMs will then be updated by the next event in the buffer. L-3. Enter: Enter information into the system menu. the PEGAsys will send the 30 second global lockout command to all other RDCMs. active alarm. press the “0” key. RDM or the PEGAsys.5 RDCM/RDM Local Trouble Conditions To enter the password. • Two system levels are available from the RDCM. the relevant keys are: • • • Numeric 0-9: Enters password and system function information. the following will result: The PEGAsys sends out a global lockout command to all other RDCM(s). This can be customized by PCS. Pulsing: 1 second on. NO COMMUNICATION WITH MAIN PANEL L-4 SPECIFICATIONS Table L-1.156" H 4 lbs.05" W X 7. a local trouble message will be displayed on the RDCM/RDM. not exceedi ng maxi mum for each module NFPA Style 4. RDCM/RDM Specifications E L E C T R IC AL In p u t vo ltag e S u p erviso ry cu rren t Alarm cu rren t R S -485 n etw o rk 24 Vdc nomi nal 64 mA nomi nal 85 mA nomi nal Up to 4000 ft. 13 oz E N V IR ON ME N TAL Op eratin g temp eratu re Op eratin g h u mid ity 32oF (0oC)–120oF (49oC) 85% non-condensi ng Maximu m R D C M/R D Ms Wirin g style L-5 INSTALLATION See Figure L-4. Class "B" ME C H AN IC AL D imen sio n s Weig h t 12. from PEGAsys control panel usi ng #18 AWG twi sted/unshelded wi re 15 RDCMs/16 RDMs i n any combi nati on. 76-100016-001 L-5 July 2003 .PEGAsys™ REMOTE PSU FAULT “ON” RDCM XX If no communication is detected with the PEGAsys during the polling routine and the PSU is active. Installation of RDM or RDCM July 2003 L-6 76-100016-001 . DS1 SW3 HARDWARE FOR GND. Figure L-4.PEGAsys™ .500 SW1 ADDRESS 1 TO 16 (F) 1/2" & 3/4" COMBINATION KNOCKOUTS (2) LOCATED ON TOP SURFACE (1) LOCATED ON EACH SIDE.250 W1 LED BACKLIGHT ENABLE VR1 LED BACKLIGHT ADJUST VR2 LCD CONTRAST ADJUST PO WE R SU P Y PL IS TW TE D SH IEL D ED CA BL O ET A CH SS IS H RT /EA GR OU ND . 1.190 DIA. NO .000 5.409 MOUNTING FOR #10 (.875 9. CONNECTION CONNECTOR UL R FM VED O PR AP INSTRUCTION LABEL SE R.) SCREWS 12. alarm or overheat output (if enabled) when the resistance drops below the programmed threshold. M-6 INSTALLATION Each AAM is shipped from the factory with the default address of ‘000’. overheat and trouble conditions will be displayed on the Central Control Module (CCM) of the PEGAsys panel. All of the prealarm. The temperature at which the system will alarm is determined by selecting one of 16 configuration settings using the control panel’s configuration software or CCM menu options. M-4 MAINTENANCE OR REPLACEMENT TM The AAM is shipped from the factory as an assembled component and is not field serviceable. Operation and Maintenance Manual (P/N 73.PEGAsys™ APPENDIX M ADDRESSABLE ALARMLINE™ MODULE M-1 INTRODUCTION M-3 OPERATION The Addressable AlarmLineTM Module (AAM) permits an AlarmLine sensor cable to be directly interfaced to the PEGAsys control panel. Figure M-1. which will generate a fault condition. the control panel acts as a central display and control interface. please refer to the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation. the AAM address can be preset with a hand-held programmer (P/N 74-200013-001) after which the module can be connected to the PC line. For more detailed information.04). The AAM monitors the resistance of the sensor cable and generates a prealarm (if enabled). Refer to Chapters 4 and 5 of this manual and to the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation. Addressable AlarmLine™ Module Front Panel M-2 ADDRESSING AND REGISTERING M-5 PARTS LIST Refer to Chapter 9 of the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation. the address can be changed directly at the CCM using the procedure outlined in Chapter 2 of this manual. A change in temperature produces a change in resistance between the loops within the sensor cable (as the temperature increases. This interface will allow for pre-alarm. Alternately. Operation and Maintenance Manual. The use of multiple AAMs allows for flexibility in zoning larger installations for location of alarm and zone output control. resistance decreases exponentially). The appropriate configuration setting for a given set point is established by the use of a nomogram incorporating two known factors: • • Maximum ambient temperature of the alarm zone Length of the sensor cable The integrating (averaging) effect of the sensor cable allows it to detect localized hot spot or a low level temperature increase over the entire length. Operation and Maintenance Manual. July 2003 . Up to 255 AAM modules can be connected to a single RX/TX module. please refer to the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation. alarm and trouble conditions to be transmitted to the control panel via the RX/TX (Receive/Transmit) loop. If a hand-held programmer is not available. 76-100016-001 M-1 Refer to Paragraph 3-2 of the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation. alarm. Little or no maintenance is required. This change is continuously monitored by the AAM. This permits connection to the Power Communication (PC) line without interfering with devices already on the loop. Operation and Maintenance Manual. Operation and Maintenance Manual for further information on maintenance and testing of field devices connected to the PEGAsys panel RX/TX loop. Only one device with this default address should be connected to the PC line at a time. For complete information. which generates an alarm or pre-alarm signal at a predetermined level corresponding to the temperature set point. The module also supervises the AlarmLine cable for opens and shorts. PEGAsys™ M-7 TESTING Refer to Chapter 7 of the AlarmLine Addressable Linear Heat Detector Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. July 2003 M-2 76-100016-001 PEGAsys™ APPENDIX N NETWORKABLE CENTRAL CONTROL MODULE (NCCM) N-1 INTRODUCTION Configuration Software (PCS) is used to program the system. A multi-level password scheme protects the system from unauthorized access. The real-time clock provides the NCCM with the ability to display the current time and date on the system LCD and provides basic information for real-time operations. Internal diagnostics enhance the troubleshooting ability of the system. Examples include: microprocessor failure, memory failure, RS-232 port troubles, etc. Network diagnostics are controlled separately and report to appropriate panels. The two individually programmable signal output circuits (MP1 and MP2) provided are used primarily for signaling devices (horns, bells, strobes) and deliver up to 2.0 Amps of 24 Vdc power. Optionally, the MP1 output can be programmed for releasing applications using solenoid-actuated suppression equipment (agent and sprinkler). Two individually programmable relay outputs (MP3 and MP4) are provided on the NCCM for controlling building functions during alarm occurrences. Relays are Form C, 1 Amp @ 30 Vdc rated. All four NCCM outputs can be programmed via EOC to activate from either panel or, if provided, network inputs. One non-programmable trouble relay is supplied which is normally powered (24 Vdc) and will transfer on any system (or, if provided, network) trouble, supervisory, pre-alarm and complete power-off condition. Relay is Form C, rated 1 Amp @ 30 Vdc. Refer to Appendix I for mechanical installation details. An event history buffer is provided on the NCCM which will store 1024 entries for single-loop and 6100 entries for multiloop system events information. Network option does not alter event limits, however, network events are recorded. The system menu permits operator retrieval of recorded events. The PCS program provides the ability to download, store and print all or a portion of the event history buffer. The NCCM common display module assembly (which is physically and electronically attached to the main processor module) provides the system with the operator interface and, if provided, network interface for control switches, system status LEDs, system trouble/alarm buzzer, an 80 character (2 x 40) LCD display and an integral numeric keypad. The keypad is used for entering the security password and navigating through the user menus. The system buzzer provides two distinct signaling patterns for audible warning of system alarms and troubles. The Networkable Central Control Module (NCCM), shown in Figure N-1, is the heart of the PEGAsys system and is composed of two printed circuit board assemblies: the display control module (DCM) and the CCM printed circuit board. The NCCM is available in two versions: P/N 76100008-501/-701 for single-loop systems and P/N 76100008-600/-800 for multi-loop systems. System Status Display AC POWER ALARM PRE-ALARM SYSTEM TROUBLE SUPERVISORY SILENCE 1 SYSTEM ACKNOWLEDGE SYSTEM RESET 2 3 4 SILENCE SCROLL 5 R 6 7 8 9 0 Figure N-1. Networkable Central Control Module Front Panel The NCCM is essentially identical to the CCM described earlier in this manual, with the same capabilities. However, the CCM printed circuit board has been designed to receive the optional Network Interface Card (see the physical description and menu options in Appendix J of this manual), enabling networked operation. Additionally, the display control module adjunct to the main processor module provides connection to the Remote Display Control Module (RDCM) and Remote Display Module (RDM) described in Appendix L of this manual. N-2 CONFIGURATION/FUNCTION The CCM PCB controls the operation and supervision of all the system modules and software within the PEGAsys system. It receives loop device data from the RX/TX module, and system data from the optional NIC and/or RDCM. It processes the data based on pre-programmed instructions and transmits output commands to the output modules, optional NIC and/or RDCM or RDM modules, loop output devices, and the adjunct display control module. The CCM PCB contains the system CPU, real-time clock, watchdog timer and two serial RS-232 ports: a programming input/output (PC) port and a printer output port. These ports accept 6-wire RJ-12 modular connectors. PEGAsys 76-100016-001 N-1 July 2003 PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. July 2003 N-2 76-100016-001 Silent Knight DACT Model 5104 PCB NO NC C Volt Free Relay 2 NO NC C Fault Relay PegaSYS CCM PCB 4. as shown in Figure O-1. the PEGAsys control panel must be configured for central station use through PCS menu (Network Settings). A Silent Knight DACT—Model 5104—must be wired to the PEGAsys control panel. See the Model 5104 installation manual for information regarding connection of the DACT to the telephone line for alarm and trouble transmission(s).PEGAsys™ APPENDIX O CENTRAL STATION OPERATION O-1 CENTRAL STATION OPERATION For central station operation. Wiring for DACT 76-100016-001 O-1 July 2003 .7k 10 11 12 Zone 4 Trouble Zone 3 Alarm 18 17 16 15 14 13 Figure O-1.7k 8 9 4. July 2003 O-2 76-100016-001 .PEGAsys™ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. COMPANY NAME 12. Fold on dotted line. Comments 220423 . 400 Main Street.TECHNICAL MANUAL USER FEEDBACK FORM (Use this report to indicate deficiencies. PRIORITY OF COMMENT 7. RECOMMENDED CHANGES AND REASON (Use Blank Continuation Sheets as Required) 10. PROBLEM EXCELLENT QUESTION GOOD FAIR POOR COMMENT: (check one) COMPLETE INCOMPLETE SUGGESTION 9. USER EVALUATION MANUAL IS: 8. Action Necessity c. ORIGINATOR 11. PART NUMBER 2. Inc.. 3. CHANGE NO. Received b. TITLE (NOMENCLATURE) 4. Attn. user remarks and recommendations relating to the publication. MA 01721. RECOMMENDED CHANGE TO PUBLICATION PAGE NO. DATE 5. PARAGRAPH LINE FIGURE NO. NO. Ashland. Documentation Manager or FAX to 508-881-8920) DATE: 1. KIDDE-FENWAL USE ONLY a. NO. SYSTEM/EQUIPMENT 6. Priority d. tape and mail to KIDDE-FENWAL. OR REV. ADDRESS 13. VOLUME NO. TABLE NO. MA 01721 Attn.FOLD Place Stamp Here KIDDE-FENWAL. Inc. Documentation Manager FOLD 220423 . 400 Main Street Ashland. . PEGAsys and ORION are trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal. Kidde. AlarmLine. represents that this product is free from defects in material and workmanship. among other things. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. EXCLUDES warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE and liability for CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. please read the entire LIMITED WARRANTY on the Kidde-Fenwal Quotation. Masssachusetts 76-100016-001 Rev. Acceptance of Order and/or Original Invoice which will become part of your sales agreement. and it will repair or replace any product or part thereof which proves to be defective in workmanship or material for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase but not to exceed eighteen (18) months after shipment by Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes. Ashland. Printed in USA . HSSD and SmartOne are registered trademarks of Kidde-Fenwal. Please contact Kidde-Fenwal directly for a return material authorization (RMA) number before returning material to the factory at Ashland. For a full description of Kidde-Fenwal’s LIMITED WARRANTY. operation and maintenance. Inc.. All specifications subject to change without notice. Inc. shipment prepaid. nor do they provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation. BD © 2003 Kidde-Fenwal. which. Inc. Kidde-Fenwal will repair or replace and ship prepaid. Inc.LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT Kidde-Fenwal. These instructions do not purport to cover all the details or variations in the equipment described. Massachusetts. the matter should be referred to KIDDE-FENWAL INC.
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