KIAS - ICMD 2009 (B13)

March 28, 2018 | Author: IshidaUryuu | Category: Retained Earnings, Dividend, Revenue, Equity (Finance), Financial Accounting



PT Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk.Business Property Company Status PMDN Underwriter PT Makindo Shareholder 2000 PT Ongko Multicorpora  Merryl Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith  Public  2008 PT Mitra Investindo Multicorpora  Public  2001 67.80% PT Ongko Multicorpora                                 9.99% Merryl Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith         22.21% Kaharudin Ongko                                            Cooperative                                                      Public                                                             2002 67.80% 9.99% 1.41% 0.47% 20.33% 2009 67.80% Farrington Inc. 32.20% Concept Link Ltd. PT Mitra Investindo Multicorpora Public 69.31% 25.65% 3.42% 1.62% PT Ongko Multicorpora                                                  Merryl Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith                      Cooperative                                                                        Public                                                                                  2003 67.80% 9.99% 0.50% 21.71% PT Ongko Multicorpora     PT Meridian Capital Indonesia            Merryl Lynch Pierce Fenner and Smith       Cooperative                                                Public                                                           2004 67.80% 17.86% 9.99% 0.47% 3.88% PT Ongko Multicorpora                                  PT Meridian Capital Indonesia                        Diamond Magic Enterprise                              Oxedon Enterprise Ltd.                                     Cooperative                                                      Public                                                             67.80% 17.86% 4.99% 4.99% 0.47% 3.89% Irwan Susanto. Hanafi Onggowarsito President Director Directors Budi Hadidjaja Adrian Kwok Chee Fun. Irwan Susanto. Stephen Herbert. Baby Noviani 700 2004 President Commissioner Vice President Commissioners Commissioners Irsanto Ongko Hardyto Murni Irwan Susanto Stephen Herbert Robby Hendra Mukti President Director Directors Budi Hadidjaja Rusdhyanto Anggoro 648 2008 President Commissioner Vice President Commissioners Commissioners Irsanto Ongko Santoso Arif Gunawan S Budi Hadidjaja. Paulus Heryanto Indrajaya President Director Directors Budi Hadidjaja Adrian Kwok Chee Fun. Noersing. Stephen Herbert. Soeyatno President Director Directors Budi Hadidjaja Soeyatno. Hanafi Onggowarsito President Director Directors Budi Hadidjaja Adrian Kwok Chee Fun. Baby Noviani 700 2003 President Commissioner Commissioners Irsanto Ongko Hardyto Murni. Achmad Widjaja 2. Noersing.Management & Number of Employees Board of Commissioners Board of Directors Number of Employees 2000 President Commissioner Vice President Commissioners Commissioners Kaharudin Ongko Irsanto Ongko Irswanto Ongko. Sugiarto Santoso President Director Directors Rico Susilo Hardyto Murni 2009 President Commissioner Commissioner Sean Lai Choong Chang David Wilyanto President Director Directors Rico Susilo Handono Warih Hassan Themas 1.107 979 . Baby Noviani 700 2002 President Commissioner Commissioners Irsanto Ongko Hardyto Murni.848 2001 President Commissioner Vice President Commissioners Commissioners Irsanto Ongko Hardyto Murni Irwan Susanto. 618.006.767.15 Current Ratio (x) Debt to Equity (x) Leverage Ratio (x) Gross Profit Margin (x) Operating Profit Margin (x) Net Profit Margin (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Total Assets Turnover (x) ROI (%) ROE (%) 1 2 3 4 Growth (%) Indicators Total Asset Share Holder's Equity Net Sales/Revenue Net Provit 43.22) 2000 (8.264 414.499 794.27)                       (3.66) 259.258) 212.750                    43.31) n.000 69.767) (169.a.464                  114.54 (57. n.179 2.568 386.a.569) (274.557) ‐ ‐ 175                          175                          175 Financial Ratios PER (x) PBV (x) Dividend Payout (%) Dividend Yield (%) (0.750                    43.318 7. n.280.144 69.723 480.901 118.166 68.402 12.04 n.608 875.132) (146.098) (718.665 2.599 681.500 (279.511.127 736.05 n.419 1.951 584.940 995.06 (22.264 44.911 2. 1.332 14.20                       (2.a.441.501 538.a.064 98.508) Net Sales Cost of Good Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating Profit Other Income (Expenses) Profit (Loss) before Taxes Profit (Loss) after Taxes 86.247                  158.313 18. n.094 31.899) (148.120)             (1.500 Shareholders' Equity Paid-up capital Paid-up capital in excess of par value Revaluation of fixed assets Retained earnings (accumulated loss) 43.99 22.500 ‐1.419 2.500 (1.116 726.291.16 (22.a.477 Liabilities Current Liabilities of which Bank loans Bank borrowings Short-term debts Trade payables Taxes payable Accrued expenses Current maturities of long-term debt Long-term Liabilities of which Bank borrowings Non-Current Liabilities Minority Interests in Subsidiaries (million rupiah) 2000 2001 2. 2.372) .322 2.05 n.09)                       (1.800 695.04 n. n.368) 175 (646)                           (52)                         (490) (3.a                         2.744 5.a.1998 1999 Total Assets Current Assets of which Cash on hand and in banks Cash and cash equivalents Time deposits Trade receivables Inventories Time deposit Receivable from affiliates Non-current Assets of which Fixed Asset Net Deffered Tax Assets-Net Investments Other Assets 1.880 507.306)                  184.49 (91.08 n.470                  175.23) 0.690. 1.003 (17.97                         0.870) 212.29) 27.473                      8.222.178 (731.79) 1998 1999 (9.55) (72.895 18.176) 212.65) - (1.00 0.509 97.06)                       (0.18 0.406.21) 2.760 353.285.976                      7. 2.065.014)                     (3.327 548.11 (56.06 n.08 (10.548 212.78 0.617 53.874 1.35) 1.539 967.185 435.93 0.353)                 (159.803 36.510.997                    51.750 43.831) (1.97                         0.a                         1.286 8.31 0.33) (21.05) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0.229.10) (0.434 119.11 n.a                         2.841) (347.09)                     (13.06 n.370 142.20                       (2.134.a.908 (340.a.538) 48.272 765.264) 212.428 33.82) 15.920) (726.500 (1.a                         1.967) (494.99 (12.735 139.559.00 388.798) 198.197 4.88) 2.196 32.537.322 36.776 926.032 29.521 42.710) (2.20 0.36) (0.150 1.771 2.22                         0.351                   (42.047 (10. 0.426)             (1.514) (535.866 - - - - (131.92 39.246 252.28 n.80) 112.039 65.198 8.358 103.631)                 (201.04 0.838 102.477) (321.002 (13.a.a.009 37.25                         0.792 139.360 1.73                         0. 2.916 12.112 2.415 526. 2.559.675 26.31 2001 (4. n.831 10.810 88.06)                       (0.814 9.62 (62.a n.22) 0.002 2.368.659 71.581) 212.65) - (0.30 n.295 80.555 390.485                    44.750 (1.71)                         0.567 55.07) - (0.24) (0.887) 106.29 34.262.292 90.297.915 471.010 96.874) (553.018 68.a.257 11.775 19.618 48.573 203.267 3.750 43.a.973                   (22.340 2.a. 1.762                    52.327 (23.003 1.095 1.303.21) (0.401 7.09 n.750 (387. 1.68) 834.429 (58.387.74 6.774 1.33)                       (0.a.44)                         0.096 284.474 298.295 484.066)                     (3.686.678) Per Share Data (Rp) Earnings (Loss) per Share Equity per Share Dividend per Share Closing Price (819) (309) 200 (350) (658) 425 (1.58) (53.500 (1.509                  107.533 40.675 108.103 41.465 51.935 39.984)                 (208.07 n.968 81.611)                  211.816) 147. SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT PT.a 31.580 154.457 38.a n.212.500 43.71 1.644 78.39 (10.06 0.924) (84.01x (June 2009) Financial Year: December 31 Public Accountant : Rasin Tarigan (2007).28 0.472 3.37 0.46) 1.088) Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating Profit Other Income (Expenses) Profit (Loss) before Taxes Profit (Loss) after Taxes 205.579 490.750 (2.786) 212.51 0.a 3.a n.750 (2.071.376.750 (2.318 39.547 51.134.599 19.a n.628) 415.a 119. Kanaka Puradiredja.a 175 3 15 n.a n.979 2.26 18.500 (1.111 486.610.414) 212.398 n.10 0.791 1.751 378.304 77.20 0.a 3.036) 43.155.a n.077) 16.16 n.30 0.38 8.80 0.294 311.688 259.156 599.576 Per Share Data (Rp) Earnings (Loss) per Share Equity per Share Dividend per Share Closing Price n.359 457.564 332.196) (73.51 5.664) 43.a 25.139 2.56) (4.959 115.418 263.13x .949 (23.a n.267 43.527 324.814.298.474 2.996 2.a (0.264 315.88) (0.04) n.711 146.021 536.564 311. PBV = 13.877 445.343 185.a 26.134 85.522 32.a 0.a n.35 0.590 251.577 5.a 3.093 830.60 (17. Suhartono (2008) .899.05 4.549 801.465 58.469) n.85 0.272 (93.723 60.872 21.909 (6.660 14.a 0.13 n.07 n.640 1.979 173.223 452. Keramika Indonesia Assosiasi Tbk (KIAS) 2006 Total Assets Current Assets   of which   Cash and cash equivalents   Trade receivables   Inventories Non‐Current Assets   of which   Fixed Assets‐Net   Deffered Tax Assets   Investments    Other Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities   of which   Trade payables   Taxes payable    Accrued expenses  Non‐Current Liabilities      (million rupiah) 2007 2008 795.06 n.256 708.829 n.a n.316 463.682 n.a n.697 582.500 122.478 61.11 n.50 2.32 21.124 (1.871 32.66) Shareholders' Equity   Paid‐up capital   Paid‐up capital               in excess of par value   Retained earnings (accumulated loss) Current Ratio (x) Debt to Equity (x) Leverage Ratio (x) Gross Profit Margin (x) Operating Profit Margin (x) Net Profit Margin (x) Inventory Turnover (x) Total Assets Turnover (x) ROI (%) ROE (%) PER = 110.128 146.a n.297 83.452) 160.700.a (199) (4.a n.327 17.203 2.a 320 Financial Ratios PER (x) PBV (x) Dividend Payout (%) Dividend Yield (%) n.16 0.162 2.
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