Khumba Lagna

April 2, 2018 | Author: mahadp08 | Category: Astrological Sign, Intuition, Religion And Belief, Science, Philosophical Science



KUMBHA LAGNASanskrit Name English Name Principle 11 Kumbah Aquarius Responsibility Shins Name Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas) Maha Bhuta T Vayu (Air) Kumbha 11 Aquarius Limb Of Kalapurush Ruling Planet Gender Quality Element Locomotion Dosha Shani(Saturn) Male Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha) Movable Male Fixed Female Dual V/P/K F M Fixed Air Biped Tridosha Body Physiology/Disease Calves, ankles rheumatism, heart trouble, heat in body, mental disturbance, selfindulgence NO NAME ELEMENT MOBILITY GUNA RULER SEX BODY PART DIRECTION CASTE STRONG RISING 11 AQUARIUS AIR FIXED T SATURN+RAHU M ANKLES(EARS) W SUDRA DAY SIGN HEAD Sign Aquarius Element Air Modality Fixed T Polarity Male Guna Tamas Feet Biped Appearance Medium Lord Saturn LORD BACK 11 KUMBHA AQUARIUS Serious deep thinker, contemplative, socially conscious, humane, principled, persevering, of high morals, religious, aiming at reformation but also conservative, reserved, self-controlled, intellectual, intuitive, holistically scientific, good reasoning ability, clear headed, capable of dealing with facts, good researcher, blessed with new and fresh ideas, inventive, altruistic, unselfish, impersonal, happy disposition, brotherly, friendly, has many friends, loves penance. Hora in Aquarius One born in the first half of Aquarius will be endowed with a female and with friends, be a person of tastes, or feelings (or be an alchemist), be soft in disposition, will have a few sons, be virtuous, valorous, will be endowed with physical complexion akin to copper, be radiant and interested in travels. The first Hora in Aquarius is a man who is as black as collyrium. His teeth are dreadful. He is black, and wears a graceful leather garment. He makes juice from the succulent sugar-cane. He knows many desired arts, and his hands are employed in many crafts. A pot is on his shoulders. His thoughts are covetous; he is a friend of those whose emblem is a pot, but is not subordinate (to them). His hands hold dice for gambling. He is beloved as one who desires to defend (his friends). A man born in the first Hora of Aquarius has red, lotus-like eyes and a complexion that glows like copper; he is a hero whose friends and courage are firm, a lazy person with few sons who thinks of drinking, acts wrongly, and is without virtues. If born in the second half of Aquarius, one will have copper-brilliant eyes, be emaciated, firm, very insignificant in appearance, indolent, not outspoken, very dejected, miserly and very crafty. The second Hora in Aquarius is remembered to be a woman adorned with silken garments. Her robes are black, and her hand grasps a noose. Her eyes are as wide as a lotus. She is learned in the sacred texts. Her body is tall and black, her hair reddish and wild. She is by nature clever. Being in the final stage of intoxication, and surrounded by throngs of Water-Raksasis, she commands Fate together with the Night of Doom. A man born in the second Hora of Aquarius has red eyes which are wounded, obstructed, and torn; he is a weak cripple, black and disconsolate, a lazy, dishonest, and wretched rogue. Drekkana in Aquarius One born in the first drekkana of Aquarius will be endowed with wife, honour and fame, be very efficacious, lofty, devoted to his duties, wealthy and will serve a king. The first Decanate in Aquarius is a man who has dreadful teeth. He knows how to practice magic. His is the color of a dark cloud, and his hair is filthy and sticks up. His actions are pitiless. Garbed in an antelope-skin and rags, he has a vile nature. In the first Drekkana of Aquarius is born a wise man who is devoted to firm deeds, fond of life, and pure in tranquility; he is wealthy and wide-eyed, and makes offerings to the gods; but his weaknesses are women and drink, and he has many enemies. If the first drekkan is rising in the ascendant, the eleventh house will be to the fore. The native will always be well off provided Jupiter is powerful. The 35th, 46th and 57th years of life will be important. The first decanate of Aquarius ruled by Saturn The First Drekkana of Aquarius represents a man with a face like that of a vulture, fond of oils, wines, water and food being brought to him and searching for them, appareled in silk cloth and deer skin. This is a Bird decanate and human. Since the first decanate of Aquarius is rising, they will have many sources of income. They may not feel the need for money. They will shine in politics & journalism. Obstacles due to hidden enemies & relatives are to be expected. The most important years in their life are 16, 24, 25, 29, 35, 46 & 57. The first Drekkana of Aquarius ascending implies a refined sympathetic, and humane disposition. Fate depends upon the nature of friends and acquaintances the native gathers around him. He has the ability to read character, and study human nature, but he does not always act upon his own intuition. He must be careful not to let his sympathies over-rule his reason and intuition. The undeveloped Aquarian is often quiet and true, with good and kind intentions, but easily led by companions. He will often agree to do something without considering the results. First Drekkana (1°-10°).—Provided Jupiter is well placed, the native will never feel the want for money. His earnings will be from different sources—particularly from journalism, book publication, practice of occult arts, politics, etc. If Jupiter's disposition is adverse, the monetary success is likely to be of an uncertain nature, subject to great mutations and to serious obstacles due chiefly to relatives and hidden enemies. His generous instincts will launch him into difficulties. He should be careful and cautious if in speculation. Gain through co-operation, partnership-association as well as through marriage is also indicated. There will be a strong desire to acquire and possess wealth, but money will only be a means to an end and not an end in itself. The important years are 16th, 24th. 25th, 29th, 35th, 46th and 57th. If born in the second drekkana of Aquarius, one will be a miser, be skilful, sweet, fair complexioned, tawny and broad eyed, will earn wealth through amusement, will speak unhesitatingly, be intelligent and will be endowed with many friends. The second Decanate in Aquarius is a man with a shining sword. His tawny hair stands up. Covered with garlands of skulls, he wears armor. His is the color of sunset-clouds, and his protruding teeth are fierce. He is covered with the strings of nooses and so forth. One born in the second (Drekkana of Aquarius) is a competent person who is as pale as honey and cream, and whose eyes are large and brown; he is greedy and speaks loudly, but does much for his friends; he knows about sexual intercourse and humor and is fond of singing and dancing. If the second drekkan is rising in the ascendant, the influence of Mercury will be superimposed on that of Saturn and the third house will be to the fore. A powerful Mercury will ensure that the native will take interest in intellectual pursuits and will be involved in literary work. His work may also bring him in close contact with people who are active in the fields of journalism, writing, etc. The native may himself travel a lot in connection with his work. Otherwise the native will be active in the field of business. He may succeed at speculation to some extent. The 26th, 27th, 37th, 38th, and 51st years of life will be important. The second decanate of Aquarius ruled by Mercury The second Drekkana of Aquarius represents a shabbily attired woman in a forest, amidst blooming trees, bearing pots on her head and dragging iron pieces in a burnt cart . This is a female decanate and a fiery decanate. Since the second decanate of Aquarius is rising, they will make excess money. Hotel management and mining will enthrall them. They will indulge in luxury and extravagance. Wastage of money is This man is putting medicinal leaves. be crooked in nature. Fate is affected by marriage or love affairs. There will be a clear inclination towards the mystical side of life. 44th. Much of this influence will depend on the type careers and occupations in which the latter are involved. be endowed with sons and wealth. Important years in their life are 17. short-armed. 49th and 53rd years of life will be important. This Drekkana attracts the native towards the occult and mystical side of life. however. The subject can make money as hotel manager. 38th.—Financial conditions will not be sound.—The results given above will also apply heie. If born in the third drekkana. During the early years. a babbler whose inner self is harsh. The native will face financial stringency in his early life. one will be tall in stature. The third decanate of Aquarius ruled by Venus The Third Drekkana of Aquarius indicates a dark complexioned man. They will shine well in artistic jobs. The quality and characteristics of the sign will be improved and refined. The 33rd. Facing reversals and struggling hard becomes the order of the day. He is prone to take risks in speculation but will be successful to some extent. He will find it difficult to work with others. 22. This is a human decanate. 38. The native will prosper in partnership and his mother may have plenty of immovable property. gums. He will be inclined to indulge in luxury and an extravagant form of life. as it often awakens the clairvoyant faculty. the native will be under the influence of Venus alongwith that of Saturn. but his arms are short and thin and his eyes stiff and torn. 49. When the third drekkan rises in the ascendant. fruits in an iron pot and changing these constantly. 26th. he is an ascetic whose hair is reddish-brown like a monkey’s. It does not. 40. 59th and 67th. His shape is boar-like. 27. 44. crafty. 40th. He will be unsuccessful in gambles of any kind. Third Drekkana (21°-30°). The third Decanate in Aquarius is a man with various weapons wearing a garland of golden Moons. A man born in the third (Drekkana of Aquarius) is tall. 58. will tell many lies. Business will not be good. Second Drekkana (11°-20°). his form frightful. provide sufficient continuity or concentration to qualify for literary or educational work. He will have several reverses. Producing red (?) in Malaya. The third Drekkana ascending improves the Aquarius nature. They will be partially successful in speculation. hard-hearted. The important years in their life are 26. Adversity is to be expected in the first half of life. 53. The seventh house will be to the fore. and knows all about sexual intercourse with be expected. as it renders the mind active and capable of intellectual attainment. Business will generally be good and the subject will also do well in artistic lines. emaciated. but he gets hold of his father’s money. 51. will have afflicted eyes and will have knowledge of sexology. 27th. Fate is often affected by relatives and companions. 58th. Though love or marriage will be prominent in the life of the native he will prefer to remain a celibate. Important years will be 15th. 26. with hairy ears & crowned. Since the third decanate of Aquarius is rising their financial condition will be in an unsettled state. The second Drekkana of Aquarius rising modifies the tendency to day-dream. Landed . 33. Great opportunities will present themselves before the native. 37th. restaurant-keeper or mining engineer. He will do well in real estate business. He should not go in for large schemes. 37. he is a rogue who tells many lies. 51st. yet the native is not inclined towards marriage and he may well prefer a celibate life. providing more balance and a higher standard of intellect with very refined tastes and clear discrimination. 59 & 67. valorous. he will labour under several disadvantages. 55 & 60. First Navamsa: The native will be dark in complexion. he is an excellent person. whose hair is handsome. killing. squinting eyes. crafts. and hair like gold. courageous and be fond of pleasures and sexual enjoyments. be majestic. 49th. be gentle. viz. In the sixth is born a fair-skinned man with large. be tall in stature. he is malicious. and is a drunkard with a bad wife. smoke. he is a proud man addicted to travelling. take baths. 53rd. and practice austerities and vows. thin. interested in carnal pleasures and be splendorous. Saptamsas In the first saptamsa of Aquarius is born a black man whose long body is bent at the head. he is well behaved and speaks little. and deformed. he wanders about. 55th and 60th. nails. good-looking face. red eyes and body. foolish and will have a distinct will bring advantageous returns. be fond of females. he is a famous man whose courage is noble and who speaks loudly. Effects of Navamsas A native’s complexion. and a handsome face. and eyes are split. the Moons Navamsa dispositor and the Navamsa Lagna Lord. and an auspicious. One born in the fifth has a body dark like the rays of the Moon. and dividing. he is fond of sexual intercourse and has no diseases. smooth body. Third Navamsa: The native will have a compact body (limbs sticking close to each other). will destroy enemies. thievery. he has little intelligence and an unsteady character. Important years will be 17th. reddish-brown and with a broad. desiring to worship the gods. be learned in poetry and Shastras. and whose colour is yellow like a ripe dhatriphala. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. will have an emaciated body and prominent cheeks. One born in the seventh saptamsa in Aquarius is a handsome man with long. The effects being stated will depend on the stronger of the two. will have a split face. and drinking liquors. Effects of Navamsas in Aquarius The various Navamsas ascending. In the second (saptamsa) in Aquarius is born one whose nostrils. curved limbs. who is struck in the front of his mouth. will possess the splendor of lapis lazuli. be libidinous. yellowish limbs. Fourth Navamsa: The native will be fond of women. sight and hair. whose limbs are golden like immense dark clouds. be fair in complexion. he speaks softly and seldom. . mouth. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. an intelligent man who talks little. and whose eyes are pale and wide. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. and broad nose and lips. be learned in the meanings of Shastras and will act accordingly. while Aquarius is on the East will produce following effects: Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. 22nd. and wean a large turban. be kind to the helpless. sharp limbs. disposition and appearance can be deduced based on the rising Navamsa at birth. In the fourth is born a man whose nostrils are high and wide. In the third saptamsa of Aquarius is born a man with eyes like a cat’s. and who has rough. 26th. or clouds. 40th. and indulges in war. Second Navamsa: The native will possess coarse skin. weak. 44th. 33rd. handsome eyes. soft brown hair. rough eyes and hair. be soft in disposition. and fingers are unblemished. and a broad head. his jaw is small. resembling that of a goat. tiger. teeth. and fine. will possess unclean and elevated teeth. concealed (not prominent) neck and ears and be dark in complexion. and his nose raised. will suffer diseases of bilious imbalances and be endowed with strength and courage. areas where scientific research is done. ends of the feet. One born in the ninth navamsa in Aquarius is a dark-skinned man with a noble. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. he is an enjoyer of great strength who speaks little. and hair are rough. It is male. Airy. he walks slowly and is a bad artisan. snake etc. short-haired.. elevated cheeks. whose mouth is thin and has a mustache. a clever. thick. In the seventh is born a weak and slender man. be delighted in village life. In the sixth is born one whose nose is split and pierced. high levels. firm be disposition and affection. One born in the eighth has wide ears. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. Sixth Navamsa: The native will have a face. and a thick. Shudra Varna. cruel. a broad row of teeth. will have unchanging aims. and be dear to king. Fixed. Fifth Navamsa: The native will be learned in clear meanings of Shastras and in fine arts. watery eyes with red corners. full-grown legs. Moon Navamsa One born in the first navamsa in Aquarius is a dark. and is dirty. whose eyes are sweet and wide. black eyes. One born in the second is a black man whose skin. whose head is like a jar or a pitcher. and whose body is broad and fat. tall and thin. and the work of the king. will have coarse hair on legs. his intellect is bewildered. West direction. a lazy man.Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. he speaks gently and is addicted to sacrifices. In the fifth is born a thin. lips. whose nose is crooked. whose face is downcast. be an affable speaker and be famous and skilful. be fierce in disposition. One born in the fourth is tall and thin. washes seldom. whose mouth is large. be a warrior with the king. resembling that of a tiger. Seventh Navamsa: The native will have eyes and face. eyes. he is a braggard whose courage is little and lacks determination. handsome eyes. Diwabali. large shoulders. he is very red. or be a king himself. the row of his teeth bright. lower parts of legs in Kala Purusha kundli. he stumbles and accomplishes nothing. he travels on the road acting falsely like a fop. the end of his nose is crooked and the region of his hips is impeded. raised chest and forehead. he talks dishonestly. he is gluttonous and independent. and whose eyes. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. One born in the third has wide. Effects of Aquarius Ascendant. and ears are prominent. be disunited from his wife. nails. black man with a thick jaw and a thin body and long. antique shops. one who speaks harshly and commits evil deeds. he drawls and delights in laughter. communication devices. noble jaw. insulted by females. his eye-brows curved. Ninth Navamsa: The native will be dark in complexion. a fierce nose. will kill living beings viz. be beautiful and will have strong teeth and broad eyes. black hair. . vows. he is a timid man who travels abroad. Shirshodaya. and whose teeth. his eyes inscrutable. and nostrils. deer. raised. and fickle pennon. Eighth Navamsa: The native will possess an un-diminishing strength. children and wealth. black man with a torn face. eyes. symmetrical body. Prussia. ingenuity and faith. Russia Tartary. and gambling. Sūrya’s offspring. humanitarian. friendly. gambling dens. Aquarius/Kumbh described. Aquarius: A pot being poured out (carried) on the shoulder of a man-this. It rules Sudras. philosopher. Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn and tends to exhibit the dark side of Saturn. Kumbha Lagna . . Aquarius: Potters place Shirodaya Biped Fixed Odd Bahya rasi Vegetable Fierce Male West Tank and pond Pot Shudra Vayu Tatwa. can be saintly---Fixed Stars: Fomulhaut can be very treacherous or very benefic. This rasi is also Sani owned. Ruled by Saturn. It possesses creative. It is strong during Day and rises by Head Side (Shirshodaya). intellectual. create new trends. the authorities say. Aquarius: Aquarius is individualistic.. Aquarius or Kumbha the water pot.Lower Legs . Aquarius . It resorts to deep water and is airy. It is a Male sign and its direction is West. It has medium build and is a biped Rāśi. the 4th Varna and the West. not as a sentence to a life of servitude. Its Lord is Saturn/Śani.Aquarius (कुम्भ): resembles a Man in wet clothes holding a picture on his shoulders. Its places are tanks. visionary. Fever Consumption. spirtual etc. It rises with its head and is Tamasic.(Male Saturn . Aquarius is a biped sign and is deep-brown in complexion. futuristic. The Rāśi Kumbh represents a man holding a pot. Kumbha rises head first. Its Lord is Śani. It is very strong in daytime. Interesting to note this sign ( like Scorpio) Is co-lorded. Cough. or a pot containing pickles. It has medium build and is a biped Rāśi. liquor-sellers. the 4th Varna and the West. attractive face.. It rules Sudras.Long neck. humanitarian. (haunts of) birds. Eccentric. humanitarianism. individuality. Its complexion is deepbrown. benevolent Aquarius. KUMBHA: Studious. and scientific. detached. It is ruled by Shani and Rahu. Places where vessels are kept like the kitchen or store rooms. independent. is the eleventh (sign). Its complexion is deep-brown.It moves in gambling houses and resides in drinking dens. It is very strong in daytime. Kumbha: is symbolised by a man carrying a water pot. Kumbha resembles a man wearing wet clothes and holding on his shoulders an empty pitcher. Buttocks. Lord of Aquarius is Saturn. it represents Calves and is a Fixed sign. philantropic. logical. like the odd and unusual. eccentric. unique. intelligent. fond of secret sciences. The Water Bearer. habitation in water. art gallery.. (fields of) poor grain. rebellious. eccentricity. Potters profession.. In this case it is rahu that co-owns Kumbha. Aquarius: (Kumbha) Fixed . unpredictable. It rises with its head and is Tamasic. warehouses and other storage places are indicated by Kumbha in addition to toilets and latrines where water has to be carried for cleansing.Fixed Air) Key: To see their self . it is the shanks. The Sign/Rāśi Kumbh represents a man holding a pot. unique. perceptive. Air . the Water Bearer profund. altruistic. original Kumbha: Mystical. inventive. but also includes sacrifice. It has a medium build and is strong during daytime. outcast. occultism. inventive. submissive. It is vayu tattva and tamo guna. Kumbh described. unconventional. It resorts to deep water and is airy. Abyssinia. especially musical talent.negation and humility as an empowering key to higher awareness. Aquarius is deviation. and (areas suitable for) women. Aquarius (Kumbh): A man holding a water pot. ingenious. honest. progressive. Sun/Sūrya’s offspring. Its inherent nature is Airy and caste is Shudra. mysticism and the occult. ankles. capable of putting up with hard labour or trying journeys. mountain spring. Rheumatism and arthritis are also indicated with age. CBI Dept. astragalus. Aquarius is most definitely a great teacher. etc. neck. defective teeth. spasmodic eruptions. intoxicating drinks. aeronautic machinery. Aquarius Governs: Marshy places. waist.Aquarius. caves. This sign rules shanks. blood circulation. Kumbha Rashi /Aquarius : The 11th sign is Kumbha /Aquarius. central excise dept. Common Diseases for Aquarius: Nervous diseases. the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine. prostitutes and vulgar folk. gambling dens. These factors render the Aquarians independent and prepared to go against the established ways of behavior. in the parts ruled by Aquarius. It is very strong during daytime. Its symbol is a woman carrying pots. butcher shop. Goddess Lakshmi. It has a medium build and is a biped rashi. small eyes. It rules Sudras.Anatomical Parts . Medical astrology. honest. clear complexion. philosophy. Its complexion is deep brown. It gives interest in spirituality. stout and robust body. long face. cancerous diseases and wounds. and Kumbha is fixed. illformed teeth. tall. indulges in sinful acts for the sake of others wives. full stature. Defence service.. The symbol is a man holding a water pitcher. KUMBHA: Psychology. the 4th Varna. bony. hard-working. Administration. Aquarius: Aquarius is an air sign. eyes and breath. This is the mooltrikona sign . bones and muscles of the feet and teeth. Philosophy. Teaching. Religion. rendezvous of debauches. If Aquarius rises as the ascendant. Surya's offspring. Shani's slow and deep qualities are not directed to physical causes like in Makara. coarse hair.. infamous houses. thighs and feet.Blood circulation. the Aquarians enjoy good health. they are susceptible to colds and infections. avaricious.. Aquarius: Ankles. capable of deep thought. both qualities of this sign. Shani /Saturn is the ruler. It may make individuals appear to be exceedingly eccentric in their methodology of action. hazel eyes Kumbha Aquarius: Large face. the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. vineyards. Research and Development. not wealthy himself but utilizes the wealth of others. if they feel that in doing so they are morally correct. though it is through difficulties that the lessons are learned. ankles. Consultancy. brown silky hair. his fortunes wax and wane like the Moon. If Saturn and the Moon are strong. and the west. charity. tibia. Space Dept. and suffer from fractures in lower legs. Astrology. clever in attacking others. inferior grains. Its lord is Shani. fair complexion. It relates to deep water and is airy. handsome appearance. Air Service.Aquarius: Tall. Potential problems if afflicted are poor circulation. indicating a person who shoulders a great burden or does service for other people. tourist guide. skin and nervous disorders. fibula. Aquarius: Middle stature. toddy shops. etc. back stomach. drunkard localities. Jail Dept. Fire Service. It represents a man holding a pot. It rises with its head and is Tamasic. instead it has a mental and philosophical slant. Aquarius and the 11th house govern the power of exhalation. the skin and the calves. fond of good scents and flowers. oval face. Oil and Natural Gas Companies. rough hair on a large body like that of a pitcher. places with water. Holding a water pitcher without dropping it requires steady concentration and fixity of purpose. ears large and with hair. also ruled by Saturn. shin bone. calves. stoic. Bomb manufacturing. airy and male. Otherwise. mines. prominent veins. Aquarius: It is an airy sign ruled by Saturn. the sign Aquarius usually makes their natives willingly to serve. etc. Aquarius are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take special precautions to safeguard themselves against diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather. The influence of other planets on the tenth. persevering and concentrated in work. religious teachers. leaders of the underdog. They lack organizing ability. words. They are pure in heart and are inclined to help others. They have prominent temples. Aquarius is a fixed. talkative and biped sign and signifies characteristics like honesty. cheeks broad with prominent temples and buttocks. Literacy greatness of Aquarius will come before the world when they are quite young and they themselves will not be able to estimate their capacities well.. Usually. Lips of Aquarius are fleshy. fairly handsome. for better or worse. psychology and healing arts. while others find in them something remarkable and extraordinary. and then stick to these ideas and concepts. etc. They are at times timid. is very difficult to change. scientific. ideals and sensitiveness. manners winning. thin body and with prominent veins if Saturn is strong. appearance attractive. The Air element is associated with ideas and concepts. etc. male. psychology and healing sciences. rise like a bulldog but their anger is very soon subsided. Aquarius feel shy to exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most interesting and highly instructive. they are stimulated by what they understand and take bits and pieces of several concepts. long stature. intuitive. They are pure in heart and always inclined to help others. Aquarians have good command of language and can be very witty. full of new ideas. servants. the Air energy in flowing inward. with initiative. tri-dosha. humane. People born under this sign will be tall. fruitful. sympathetic. Depending upon the strength of Saturn. The body description resembles Saturn i. lean. writers. first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. active. disposition elegant. tamasic. decisive. talented and unconventional or stubborn. studious. The emphasis here is on control of the ideas and concepts they live by. and. thinkers. lean. They are generally timid and feel shy to exhibit their talents in public. often manifesting as a philosophical platform. They are good in astrology. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Saturn. Aquarius Horoscope: Some of the great philosophers and seers when born under this Ascendant. fairly handsome. the Sun and Mars. They are highly intelligent and make friends of others very soon. form their own. Those born under Aquarius or Kumbha sign will be tall. helpful. On the whole Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears them to all they come in contact with. Aquarius have no organizing capacity and are devoted to their husbands or wives and never betray the interests of even their enemies. They are intuitive and good judges of character.e.of Saturn. They are peevish and when provoked. courteous. Since the auric pattern is centripetal. attractive appearance. deliberate. Aquarius is a Fixed Air Sign. has to its credit some of the greatest philosophers and seers. In relating to the outer world. They usually excel as good writers and spokesmen. so the ideas and concepts formed by Aquarians are rock solid. when trust is placed in them. rigid and impractical. which are usually very creative and original. They are peevish and when provoked their anger cannot be controlled. . They will specialize in subjects like astrology. according to the strength of its lord. I have found. industrious. which because of the fixed nature of the sign. They shine very well as writers and good spokesman. They are intuitive and good judges. of good manners. They are very intelligent and make friends easily. positive. Aquarians become industrialists. AQUARIUS (KUMBHA) This "Water Bearer" sign in which the birth of an individual is condemned as the birth lord becomes the lord of the house of loss. Aquarians have something subtle in them which endears them to all. They suffer from colic diseases and should avoid cold weather and places. They are slow in understanding things. He will have a body like a water pot. He is talkative. happy and stubborn. I am mentally clever and careful about my work. He will be fond of perfumes and flowers. anger. one who is a stranger to purity. unusual. Aquarians frequently make their mark on the world in terms of their ideas. one whose lazy and jealous sons enjoy the ways of rogues and arc enemies of the weak. They are unselfish. slow at work but leads a happy and contented life. who take no pleasure in righteousness (dharma) in their actions and who are despised. is fickel-minded. or because of sicknesses in his belly. I have a stable home and heart. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. the native is the leader of his family who commits many low deeds and the tip of whose nose is splayed. peevish. a mystic. He will have little wealth. human and impersonal. but a roan who is honored by his cruel brothers. gambling. lightning. speaks clearly. one who is afflicted by phlegm diseases in the heart. deceives his enemies and is haughty. will be greedy and eager to usurp or utilise other people`s money. they can handle them with ease and confidence. They are intelligent. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. have free thinking associates and work hard for spiritual realization. He would devote much time for others care . betterment. I am eccentric. As personalities they can be timid. a lazy and irritable pennon who is fond of quarrels. Achieving harmony is my philosophy. but once they get at them. If Aquarius is in the ascendant. a thirsty man who enjoys women. and harshness. a slanderous and envious person. and chronically unhappy due to Saturn's overpowering . its lagna is said to be Kumbha.They are totally devoted to their spouses and will not betray their enemies if trusted upon. acquire money easily. Bhargavi Samhita: The native born in Aquarius lagna is full of desires. Kumbha lagna Persons born with this lagna are generally tall with full stature. a traveler with many extravagances who possesses a hoard. They are good character readers. They are reserved in nature and great moralists. AQUARIUS: "I stand out in the crowd. a man whose kinsmen and elders are dead. They act carefully after considering the pros and cons of everything. He will endure long marches on road and will be clever in causing hurt to others. fire. and who is thought ill of by others. a tall and black man who is independent of his friends and relatives." Acquarius : The Aquarius born is a middle-statured. His wife will be of dominating nature but he may not care for the same. I admire my partner. who are quarrelsome and harsh and do the work of women. is liked by the world and his family members. Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant): If Aquarius (Kumbha) is the ascendant house in the horoscope. is promiscuous. These persons are steadfast in their affection but they do not display it. a man whose wealth declines and increases and who has a phlegmatic and windy temperament. His financial position will be of a fluctuating nature. A person born in this ascendant has a steady mind. strong person. auspiciousness. I am skilful with the occult. They move in select society. I am rich in knowledge. a man who dies because of women. The married life of an Kumbha native is happy only if his partner is as intelligent as he is. Aquarius Ascendant (Rising Sign) description according to Phala Deepika: The person at whose birth Aquarius is the Ascendant. He is kind and fond of learning. or heat. will commit sinful actions secretly. one with a bad reputation whose people are numerous and clever. favored with great literary or communicative skill. a servant of humanity. water. I am a rebel in society. They are strong. one whose prosperity is ruined and who has no money from his family. Kumbha Lagna /Aquarius Ascendant: Philosophers and idealists by nature. quick in my movements. and restraint. A person with a first house Aquarius is usually detached from almost everything. Such a person is very intelligent but he is cold and calculating when it comes to feelings. miserly and beggarly. freedom-loving. Aquarius ruled by Saturn: With Aquarius in the Ascendant . They like to help others and are good natured. and the occasional need to follow rules. positive. A person with a first house Aquarius can sometimes even be selfish and cold. impersonal. rebellious. At their best. have intelligent ideas and may be found teaching. the person will commit sins secretly. in the body parts as signified by this sign. Many times these people feel insecure in marriage or their relations with the opposite sex. It is a talkative. 1st House Aquarius: A person with a first house Aquarius tends to be altruistic. Their health may be delicate. intuitive and wants to work for the . independent. A person with a first house Aquarius has an unconventional approach to life. Beware of becoming too scathing of the intuitive and emotional side of life. although they enjoy an active social life. If Saturn is weak and the sign Aquarius is associated or aspect by malefic then.influence on their lives. yet detached. Frequently. their health is weak.e. Blue sapphire is known as the best suited for this sign.. Aquarius ruled by Saturn: With Aquarius in the Ascendant . have pecuniary gains and losses. the person will commit sins secretly. although they will work hard at whatever task they are given. Generally they don't wish to be in positions of authority. thin bony and with prominent veins. These people are generally good communicators. ankles. have a pot like body. fracture of lower portion of leg. clever un harming others and with endurance in long marches. Others are generally fond of these folks. human and airy sign and signifies characteristics like ideals and sensitiveness etc. etc. i. Aquarius Rising: The sign Aquarius is under the rulership of the planet Saturn. etc. Such a person requires freedom and can not stand possessiveness. the body description of native resembles to Saturn. Such a person is original. and will be fond of perfumes and flowers. They are quite philosophical and many people have difficulty understanding them. long stature. miserly and beggarly. sociable. they possess great humanitarian instincts. blood and its circulation. possessing intelligence and foresight. He can also not stand jealousy. and will be fond of perfumes and flowers. They like the outdoors and beautiful places. the person stands chances of suffering from cancerous diseases. be covetous. and it rules legs. as per the strength of Saturn. and unusual. well-liked. Aquarius: Saturn rules this sign. Such a person is practical and has a good organizational ability. intellectual. He is also prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. He will have limited means. be covetous. have pecuniary gains and losses. shim bone. Such a person should try to exhibit warmth and should use his heart more than his mind. He will have limited means. The description gets modified due to other influences working both on Saturn and the Ascendant. Such a person views life from intellectual stance. If Saturn is well posited and strong then. They are interested in ancient cultures and sometimes in religion or the occult. wounds. A person with a first house Aquarius always has a different point of view towards everything. humanitarian. Such a person usually works for the benefit of everyone and forgetting about his own personal needs and desires. A person with a first house Aquarius usually possesses a good mind and has a very good intuition. friendly. Such a person always works for the sake of his friends and sometimes even strangers. clever un harming others and with endurance in long marches. Such a person is usually very original and inventive. have a pot like body. They may not always be the most generous people but are friendly. be not agreeable. be a talebearer. Career life will always be good and as your expectations are only to the level of your actions. The person at whose birth Aquarius is the Ascendant. you will do well. beauty and artistic in life. The presence of a first house Aquarius expresses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs. but it does so in a very impersonal and detached manner. In art and culture also. will acquire great wealth and will honor elders. broadminded and curious. be crafty. will have checkered prosperity. But. You are like turtle in the turtle rabbit race and you will win. delays in marriage or trouble in marital life may arise. such a person’s interests may be varied and may include many different areas of life. A person with a first house Aquarius remains totally independent even in a group. 11. heat. you will be a go getter. independent and detached. be base. you may have joint pains. be prohibited (in social circles). Such a person can even be high strung and unpredictable. If your Sun or Jupiter is placed in negative houses. or reforms for the benefit of humankind. will face loss of relatives. speakers & writers. Such a person is modest and he is not an attention seeker. that even Aquarius Vargas are not auspicious (at birth). patience & perseverance. They may be tall with good appearance.common good. They are dangerous when provoked but then they cool off easily. You could be in the field of real estate. Being tolerant. an unusual personality which is different and ahead of its time emerges. Yavanas go a step further. Ascendant . A person with a first house Aquarius enjoys anything that involves helping some segment of society. be principal among the men of his race. Often. will be greedy and eager to usurp or utilise other people's money. be agitated. It’s better to solve it. stating. In family. dust allergies and breathing troubles. His financial position will be of a fluctuating nature. if required. It is a sign that suggests many unique qualities. will not be helpful to relatives. They will shine as teachers. You do more your family. construction. They are highly sympathetic and generous. They are altruists by nature & they consecrate some of their energies for the service of their fellow men. KUMBHA LAGNA OR KUMBHA ASCENDANT You will love nature. At birth Aquarius is not an auspicious Ascendant for ever. will commit sinful actions secretly. be fond of gambling and of base females. will have blown and sharp nose. He will have a body like a water pot. you will not have problems. according to Satyacharya. In health. fire. Such a person cares about people in a very different way but sometimes is accused of neglecting those around him. He will endure long marches on road and will be clever in causing hurt to others. you will be the centre. They generate more friendliness and compassion. while Chanakya does not consider such divisions inauspicious. You always believe growth is there in building relationship with people. inclined to enmity. He will have little wealth. irascible. harsh. If Mars is strong. You will have a moderate family life and nothing to worry about. A person with a first house Aquarius is also fun loving and friendly in an impersonal way. will suffer penury. indolent. will acquire wealth. medicine and positions in the government or in politics too. He will be fond of perfumes and flowers.philosophical outlook. You are bit slow in actions if your Mars become weak. such a person makes significant contributions to group activities. A person with a first house Aquarius wants to be loved rather than be admired. when you become old. One born in Aquarius Ascendant will indulge in mean acts. They may be tall & . Enough precautions are necessary in early ages of life. your brothers and sisters irrespective of their attitudes. Effects of Birth in Aquarius Ascendant . Such a person always has a fear of losing his individuality. be foolish. A person with a first house Aquarius produces a personality that is creative.Aquarius (Kumbha): Aquarius rising gives Saturnine qualities . dissatisfied. They are peevish and when provoked. They leave an indelible impression wherever they go. independent. On the whole Aquarius people have something subtle in them which endears them to all they come in contact with. electrical engineer. lean. It is ruled by the planet Sani (Saturn). KUMBHA (Aquarius) is the 11th sign of the Zodiac. They are pure in heart and always inclined to help others. fairly handsome. yet aware of practicalities of thermals and how to ensure a safe landing. They are highly intelligent and make friends of others very soon. Positive. They are basically humanists & they are likely to be misunderstood. archeologist. broad cheeks and large body like a pitcher. elegant disposition. You will make up your mind to do anything and you will keep on working with remarkable patience and persistence until success comes your way. They are at times timid.handsome. giving stamina and persistence in action. You formulate your own opinions. They have attractive appearance. You are very practical in your approach. They will specialize in subjects like astrology. disposition elegant. Air is what makes the mind and is linked to the ability to think. They are humanitarians. This sign can be likened to a Para glider. Aquarius have no organizing capacity and are devoted to their husbands or wives and never betray the interests of even their enemies. Aquarius (Kumbha): Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. appearance attractive. they tend to remain fixed. inventive and loyal. They suffer due to nervous disorder. manners winning. This "Water Bearer" sign in which the birth of an individual is condemned as the birth lord becomes the lord of the house of loss. You will have a sharp eye on your money and you have immense power and will. Literacy greatness of Aquarius will come before the world when they are quite young and they themselves will not be able to estimate their capacities well. Their love may not be reciprocated & they are likely to be disappointed in love. dropsy and backbone diseases. but once formed. Generally you do not go wrong. They tend to believe that Astrology is a science. rise like a bulldog but their anger is very soon subsided. . Persons born under this sign are handsome. computer programmer. They believe in the essential goodness of humanity. It is the last of the fixed sign. You will be very strong with a determined will. pilot. Airy sign. friendly. Lips of Aquarius are flushy. radiographer and fire service etc. They shine very well as writers and good spokesman. Aquarius are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take special precautions to safeguard themselves against diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather. They are shy when it comes to exhibiting their talents before people interested in their art. fleshy lips. Being a fixed sign. You will be straight forward and natural. Their IQ level & MQ level are praiseworthy. Kumbha is a Fixed. has to its credit some of the greatest philosophers and seers. You are fond of ease. You will argue and convince others. Those born under Aquarius or Kumbha sign will be tall. inventor. you love nature. Aquarius feel shy to exhibit their talents but their conversation will be most interesting and highly instructive. They can shine as authors if they so desire. cheeks broad with prominent temples and buttocks. jumping off the earth to explore rainbow. You will prove to be very stubborn and steadfast. psychology and healing arts. You will help yourselves to maintain good health. You will bide your time till you feel that it is advantageous and wise to act. comfort and feast. They are intuitive and good judges of character. while others find in them something remarkable and extraordinary. The ideas may be unusual or original. Profession connected with astronomer. when trust is placed in them. Anything done is deliberate and well-thought-out beforehand. etc. fair looking with dark hair. anemia. thoughtful and caring cooperative and dependable. He will also have diseases indicated by Cancer in the sixth house. for Saturn. courteous sympathetic.happiness and nine – dharma. He may be connected with hospitals. selfish. . will power and force. generous and active. artistic and wellinformed. Your mind is cultured. His behaviour will appear eccentric and people will not understand him easily. He may live at a place distant from his place of birth. inquisitive. strong belief in humane reforms. tactless and rude. The owner of the first house here is also the owner of the twelfth house. monasteries or asylums. because both Venus and Saturn are materialists. Aquarius Lagna The Jyotish symbol for Aquarius is a pot that contains things (like water) that have been gathered together and stored. amiable. You will have determination. The native will be fond of visiting unknown places and will spend well.Being a positive sign you will be assertive. Being an Airy sign you will be cheerful. He will suffer from high blood pressure and diseases arising out of stress due to his constant preoccupation with his work and lack of relaxation. intensive interest in people. He will love humanity but will tend to neglect his immediate family. Aquarians enjoy gathering knowledge. expressive. the native will commit suicide. bold. Aquarius: The native will be of stable temperament. irritable. You are idealistic. All these are possible only if the planet Sani (Saturn) is comfortably placed in the horoscope. musical. You will be more self expressive. being the owner of the first house and Mars the owner of the third house. the significator of the twelfth house of loss. Saturn.confidence and you will have good executive ability in your profession. are both indicative of the "self". If these two planets afflict factors representing a relative of the native. he will be treated very cruelly by the native. This tendency is less pronounced for Aquarius than for Capricorn because Aquarius is a masculine (and hence archetypally active) rashi. He will be tall. pond. generally well-behaved and level-headed. fond of water sports and female company and liked by them. All these are possible if the planet Sani (Saturn) is comfortably placed in the horoscope. Gains alternate with losses in the lives of Aquarians. stubborn. He will be secretive. perverse and sometime eccentric. flower beds. You will act quickly with unbounded self. well behaved and popular. He will be handsome and proportionately built. active and somewhat offensive by nature. refined and humane in nature. The negative side of this sign is unwilling to share ideas. because Venus is lord of two houses (four . He will be highly strung. As with Capricorn. and less passive in your reactions. You will be tactful in all your dealings. This sign is a rare combination of intellectual genius combined with eccentricity. rules both the first and twelfth houses of this lagna. You have good intellect and fertile imagination. However. If these planets influence the eighth house. oval faced and fair in complexion. He will be so involved in his work that he would not like to take up any other diversionary pursuit. loyal friendship and inventive. greedy and fond of flowers and fragrances. progress in career is slow (Saturn being the slowest planet). independence of thought and action. gentle. or a temple. Aquarians are more often interested in material and scientific expertise than in spiritual wisdom. The native will live near a house in ruins. over curious about other people and their beliefs. The plus side of this sign are communicative. knowledge) and Saturn is exalted in the ninth house. A powerful Saturn improves the qualities of the personality and makes the native long lived. scientific. fond of reasoning. Aquarius Ascendant or Rising sign or Kumbha Lagna | People of Aquarius rising sign The Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna people are true beings as they will appear exactly what they are from the core. however. is Saturn's enemy. Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna are truly kind and generous from the core as they will only think of good of others as malice. they could unknowingly ignore the special care and needs of their closed ones. and Jupiter being the lord of the eleventh house for an Aquarius lagna. They are truly simple and forward in their presentation as there are no worldly shades they would wear. though it has little affinity for money (see above). The Saturnian influence tends to make Aquarians more. introverted than the Martian Aries natives. who has great affinity for social obligations and for friends. Besides this. particularly since Mars. the third lord and significator. they are learned and wiser beings for being known about almost everything or even if they won’t be knowing. The Aquarius Ascendant or Kumbha Lagna are the free souls upon land as they can’t stay in any confinements and seek for the complete liberty at all the places but they are not at all irresponsible because of the same as they carry a truly sincere approach towards life for being serious for all the aspects of life but they don’t pursue the same with strictness like the Capricorns do. the lord and significator of two materialistic houses. is ruled by Jupiter. The natives of Aquarius rising sign enclosure are believed to carry true wisdom and mature understanding for which they are usually preferred for advice besides which their practical vision makes them stay safe for having right decisions and analytical understanding. usually not overly excited by money (another eleventh-house matter) because Jupiter. They are quiet in their attitude but their frank manners makes them easily be with almost everyone around besides which they are truly straight forward in their words as they won’t even alter a single word of them for making the listener like it . Aquarians show interest in friends and in clubs and societies. They might not be equally responsible like Capricorns but they can accomplish their duties with complete responsibility whenever it needs. They are. Natives of Aquarius usually try to hide their idiosyncrasies and keep their activities secret. does not feel at home in either and because Saturn does not indicate money. Saturn's debilitation occurs in the third house of an Aquarius lagna. but for Aquarius the eleventh house is Sagittarius which. The Aquarius rising sign or Kumbha Lagna people appear quiet different due to their unique mannerism and calm temperament as they will remain peaceful even at the most harsh surrounding for which they possess supreme peace of mind. they’ll have a wiser perception. They are vivacious and truly friendly people besides which they are extremely flexible and adaptable to any kind of environment for which they could go with both primitive and western enclosures with only adopting any thing with completely their own wish. hate and meanness have no place in their plate. which promotes timidity and detracts from siblings.Aquarius being the eleventh house of the natural zodiac. since Rahu and Ketu move in a direction opposite to that of the other planets. Saturn does not indicate friends either. there is no difference in between their façade and inner composition as there is a vivid transparency which they carry. One of the most explicit attributes of Aquarius ascendant natives are their being highly humanitarian in their approach as they see at everything with a vision for benefit of human kind for which there is no presence of even little self centeredness in Aquarius natives but in this. Rahu as Aquarius's co-ruler creates (as for Aries because of Ketu) a certain idiosyncratic tinge to the native's behavior. They will put their all efforts to accomplish their work well but it would only be to the required extent and in a practical form. Besides these they may have nerve problem. Aquarius represents a more ideological and communication orientated phase of social awareness and social structure than we find in the preceding sign Capricorn. a man pouring forth water from a jar or urn. the preceding sign. People trust them for their sincere and honest nature. They are not in to work just to pass the time but are punctual about their assignments. They are vindictive when being hurt by an enemy. They are very responsible towards their duties and fulfill them at any cost. Aquarius. medical surgeon. They are equally apt for mechanical business. paint. engineering. mining. pathologist. With their hard work they try to construct new things and attract many admirers. they won’t carry the attribute of eloquence but are enable enough to impress others with their clear speech. They don’t forget the people who have helped them in any point of their life. They are best suited in technical and chemical industry. It is significant. People love and respect them for their helping and warm nature. This sign represents a socially idealistic phase that follows develops from the socially conscious ambitious practicality of Capricorn. techniques. The Aquarius rising sign people are truly loyal and faithful in their relationships besides which they give complete freedom to others and strictly wants the same from others. agriculture. wireless and telecommunication sectors. micro biology. Aquarius is a male sign which rules the west direction. and skin s they may have diseases related to these organs. The symbol of the Aquarius is an image of a person with a pitcher of water. the Aquarius ascendant or Kumbha Lagna people are not at all sensitive from the core and are truly stable at mind for which no one could influence or rule over them and they even don’t have to put any of their efforts for the same. Aquarians get success in these subjects. law and computer studies. According to astrology the Aquarians are very active. They try to bring revolutionary change in society freeing from the shackles of orthodoxy. the planet of structure. rules both Capricorn and Aquarius. that Saturn. Capricorn is the earthy (materialistic) and Aquarius the airy (communicative) expression of Saturn's energy. In the end. They do not fix themselves in age old beliefs but opts for contemporary things. chemistry. Characteristic of Aquarius According to Vedic Astrology Aquarius is the 11th sign in the zodiac. The natives born under the Aquarius sign always look for change in life. Saturn is the lord of this sign. in true words. The soft side of the Aquarians is reflected in their commitments to their family and profession. They are restless people who cannot concentrate on a single matter for a long time. Air is the prime element of this sign. the Water Bearer The sign Aquarius is depicted as the Water Bearer. Astrologers say that the Aquarians should take special care of their legs. They are strong and firm. and make their enemy’s life hell. though. . furniture. According to Indian astrology the natives of Aquarius are perfect for management course. They don’t apply traditional practices in their life but embrace the popular trends. They show the right direction to people. They are attracted to new songs. dropsy and arthritis. They are very lucky people for having good and supportive friends. It is said that the natives of Aquarius has many enemies. They don’t find peace unless until they have defeated their enemy. dresses. Vedic Astrology Signs: Aquarius Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. structures and limitations – when they become externalized . for example. Once we become aware of the enormity of time. though Leo. This is why the Aquarius person naturally has a weak self-image. the sciences and other things that are much larger than our individual needs and much longer than our individual lifetime are all related to Aquarius. Saturn rules the 1st and the 12th. and even quite volatile. ideology or value system. victories and defeats. This kind of Aquarius energy leads to bitterness and resentment in old age because they never expressed themselves powerfully. gains and losses. hence the association with collective social values and communication systems and channels that maintain the collective unity of a group. such as radio stations. Aquarius needs to aspire to express traits more associated with the sign of Leo. politics. as well as the veins. the sign opposite Aquarius represents the complementary balancing principle of Individuality. May times. which corresponds to the sign Aquarius is similarly associated with group activities and friends. But in general. Through Aquarius. that keep people informed and connected. or the Internet. and it has been found in practice that the planet Uranus is very eccentric. boundaries. as well as those social communication channels. The 11th House. but actually. an Aquarius person will have an innate sense of the enormity of time and the willingness to let go of all of our ups and downs. In fact. and “fixed-air” combines the ideas of holding (fixed) with communication (air). it’s just a lack of confidence in disguise. which is thus “an issue” for Aquarians. People with prominent Aquarian influences in their charts are often notably Saturnine in their cool and aloof emotional detachment. an Aquarius seems to be humble. arteries and circulatory system in general. which literally shows a loss of confidence. This is why Aquarius has a humanitarian bent to it. a loss of self. The external nature of Saturn brings the awareness of time into existence. But Aquarius needs to be careful mistaking “humility” for a lack of confidence. in a masculine way. expressing himself in an external way. Aquarius in many respects represents conformism to a set of group ideas or dogmas. and not nearly as wildly eccentric as some of the modern depictions of Aquarius would have us believe. An Aquarius person sees how everything fits into the . Culture.we see how all of the qualities of smaller self must be let go of. Aquarius is very much associated with knowledge and those arts and sciences that express social ideals and humanity's collective pool of knowledge and culture. The association of Aquarius with the blood vessels is complimentary to the association of Leo (the sign opposite Aquarius) with the heart. and many of them are fairly restrained and controlled in the self-expression. We must concentrate on something bigger in order to grow something bigger in our lives. This has led to a tendency to associate the sign Aquarius with these Uranian attributes of unpredictability and unorthodoxy. as it’s his energy that pushes down the glory of the individual in order to show our larger context. Physiologically Aquarius is associated with the shins and ankles.Modern western astrologers associate the planet Uranus with Aquarius. Saturn brings humility and a connection to humanitarian causes here. There’s nothing glorious or dignified about a subservience disguising or masquerading as humility. Aquarius is associated with friendship and groups of individuals that share some or other interest. which is a healthy connection for confidence and individual personal power. Even if there is some truth in this idea it seems to have become a little exaggerated. Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign of the zodiac. This is the quality which makes them . Aquarians bring a natural intuition within themselves which enables them to reach in depth of the matter. you remain personally independent and somehow resist yielding to. concerned with welfare of people. They are less concerned with norms. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. and they don’t bother if these norms contradict with their life style. Workings with large organizations. You have a good mind that is spontaneous. You care about people in a special way. Often. we are not of this Earth. Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) People born with Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) have an objective approach towards life. You are friendly and can always make significant contributions to group activities. Even in a group. so we must make peace with the laws of karma and the march of time. independent and detached. are most suitable for persons with Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant). They used to see several ups and downs in their life. Aquarius-Kumbha Aquarius rising produces a personality that is creative. Kumbh means pitcher made of metal or Kalash. This approach makes them to see life disputes objectively and can come to a thorough conclusion. and unique. You especially enjoy anything that involves helping some segment of society. In night sky stars makes the outline of a pitcher and hence the sign is. It is stationary in nature and its element is air. This awareness makes them more sensitive towards group needs as compared to personal needs. It represents ankle. You are intelligent and in many ways an eccentric. friendliness. originality. People born with Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) tend to love freedom and equality for all people. Yet you may have difficulties with everyday mundane affairs. Your original and free flowing spirit allows you to succeed at most intellectual pursuits. It is a male sign. But they always live in despair as their luck does not favors them always. or becoming part of the establishment. but it does so in a very impersonal and detached manner. They always find good friends in their life and they always help them in poor conditions. an unusual personality which is different. Aquarions are full of magnetic power. These people are good leaders and always have large number of followers and supporters. original. The Aquarius personality expresses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs. These people want to lead their lives in their own styles. Yet you always seem to operate on intuition and impulse. instead of a set plan. and the diverse needs. They are very susceptible for chronic diseases. Kumbha (Aquarius): Its ruling planet is also Saturn like Capricorn. as well. and tactlessness. eccentricity. But Uranus also encourages rebellion and unpredictability. and a love of freedom. People easily get attracted to them and agrees to them rather quickly. versatility. People with Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) are aware with diversity of the social group.larger scheme on Earth and how ultimately. while sometimes being accused of neglecting family and those closest to you. The influence of the Uranus bestows independence. inventive. Its picture is a man having a metal pitcher on his shoulder. Generally they become isolated in order to avoid others. Physical characteristics. Aquarius is considered as an airy sign in Vedic Astrology and it is ruled by Saturn and whereas the tenth zodiac sign Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn. Emotions and passions. they can shine as writers and good spokesmen. people with strong Aquarius in the horoscope normally become great teachers.they have middle stature. These people become too rational sometimes. kind disposition. towards tall. Know Your Signs – Aquarius In Vedic Astrology. The last two padas of the Dhanishtha Nakshatra. it can lead to inflexibility in the nature of Aquarians. light brown hair. all four padas of Shatabhisha Nakshatra and the first three padas of Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra are ruled by this sign called Aquarius. fair complexion. Aquarius being a philosophical sign. They are clever. very good analytical power which can help him make the right decisions and at the same time it can bless the native with a spiritualistic approach due to which the native might have a tendency to indulge in Meditation and other spiritual practices though he may not disclose it to the world and . Native born under this sign may not be very wealthy and their financial position may be fluctuating. Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) has inherent disliking for egoistic behaviors and he takes emotional dependence as a great weakness of human being. and feel uncomfortable with the emotions of other people. highly intelligent and make others their friends very soon. Aquarius is taken as the eleventh zodiac sign among the twelve zodiac signs which are taken into consideration for making astrological calculations based on Vedic Astrology. They are normally reserved but peevish when provoked. can walk longer. If this condition persists. so eventually they try to separate themselves from their emotions. fond of perfumes. but at the same time Aquarius is capable of blessing the planets placed in it with materialistic advantages also though the native may still tend towards the spiritualistic aspect more than the materialistic aspect. They are intelligent with a good memory and intuition but they may lack organizing capacity . well built and strong. writers and lecturers. pure in heart and inclined to help others. lean. sharp nose.When Mercury is placed in the sign Aquarius in the horoscope it gives a lot of insights. meditation and other such paranormal and supernatural phenomenon. Normally they are generous hearted. This condition may become even worse when they experience those emotions themselves. high social status. can bring embarrassing situation for Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant). if not handled properly. Aquarius The house with Aquarius shows the places in your life where you are most original. independent. fairly handsome. there is a difference in the nature and influence of these two signs. scientific approach and progressive ideas to the native. the writing and speaking are very easy for them. Saturn placed in Aquarius gains great strength and a positive Saturn placed in Aquarius in a horoscope can bless the native with high positions in government sector like a Judge. attractive appearance and fleshy lips. good judges of character and capable of dealing with facts. highly sympathetic. They are devoted to their family. For example. Capricorn is more likely to impart certain specific characteristics to the planets placed in it in a horoscope which are likely to help the native with attaining materialistic successes and achievements whereas Aquarius on the other hand imparts certain specific characteristics to some specific planets placed in it in a horoscope which are more likely to help the native with spiritual progress.rebel. ix. They generally attract to opposite sex person of Leo and Libra ascendant. They are very adjustable personality. This is the main drawback of this sign. They are generally shy. They look different from others. You are a philosopher and are very inquisitive. Aquarius (Kumbha) Lagna Palangal You will have a thick neck. Aquarius person has proved their success in every field. You will be lucky from the age of 24-25 years. v. Many successful people are born in Aquarius Ascendant. They sometimes can be unemotional and detached. You have a stout and strong body. Afflictions to Aquarius from some specific negative planets in a horoscope can also make the native suffer from cancerous diseases which may prove fatal for the native depending upon the other important factors present in his horoscope. gentle and patient. vi. x. iv. Many actors have Aquarius Ascendant. Many successful celebrities have born with this ascendant. They have good relation with Gemini. They can be easily identified in the crowd. ii. iii. You will have bad influence from your brothers. Taurus and Sagittarius ascendant person and normal relation with Pisces and Capricorn Ascendant person. You would have had some unhappiness in your childhood but will be happy in the later part of your life. They generally get much success in their life after 27. xii. They can do every type of work. they can easily adjust themselves in any society or any job. xiv. You may face opposition from friends and relatives. viii.may like to keep it as a secret. In this way such a native can look like complete materialistic from the outside but he can actually be very spiritual from the inside depending upon the other important factors of the horoscope. You will get wealth and property in the later part of your life. . Aquarius i. ankles and the parts of body in this region. People of Aquarius Ascendant should analyze themselves and their behaviors. Aquarius can be said the most successful ascendant sign. You may be bald or may have thin hair. vii. sensitive. xi. Anyone can see a big difference between two Aquarius ascendant people. They are generally tall with a thin body. People of Aquarius Ascendant can be easily found in film or in fashion industries. A strongly placed Aquarius in a horoscope blesses the native with good strength of the body parts and organ ruled by this sign whereas the afflictions to this sign from one or more negative planet by virtue of their placement in this sign or by virtue of their aspect to this sign can make the native suffer from problems and diseases in the parts of the body ruled by this sign. You are tall and possess an attractive and dynamic personality. Aquarius rules the calves. You give lot of importance to self-respect. They can be reserved and unpredictable. People of Aquarius Ascendant are generally born in upper middle class or rich family. xiii. You prefer to have an educated and intelligent partner. Aquarius: B. They are intelligent.P. human and impersonal. The married life of an Kumbha native is happy only if one's partner is as intelligent as oneself. They are reserved in nature and great moralists. They act carefully after considering the pros and cons of everything.Lama Parashara: Persons born with this lagna are generally tall with full stature. You also take interest in public institutions. They are good character readers. You do not like to show your emotions or love. they can handle them with ease and confidence. "The Rashi Kumbha represents a man holding a pot.5 Kumbha described. It resorts to deep water and is airy. You like to help others. They are slow in understanding things. You will own land and wealth but are a careful spender. You are fond of sports. You have a sharp memory and are very quick in your thoughts. Its complexion is deep-brown. It has medium build and is a biped Rashi. You are very frank." . Surya's offspring. You are shrewd.You are very learned and peace loving. but once they get at them. It rules Shudra. You are very generous. You are firm in your thoughts and actions. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. You will face many ups and downs. It is very strong in daytime. They are strong. They are unselfish. They move in select society. You keep thinking of all sorts of things. the 4th Varna and the WeSaint Its Lord is Shani. You like to go to parties and clubs and may have a bad reputation. These persons are steadfast in their affection but they do not display it. You face many hardships but are fearless. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. You are very tactful and take interest in politics. Properties of Kumbha Rashi BPHS Chapter 4: 21-21. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. It rises with its head and is Tamasic. and-oranges incommensurable with each other: Rahu + Shani. Shani is the system. between any two objects whether material or conceptual that can conceivably be or become connected. In Jyotisha. or showing-portion General Traits of Kumbha Lagna = Chandra in Kumbha Kumbha = A hollow vessel (verseau) such as a drum." or the 14 lokas spoken of in Sanskrit writings. Pulsation .T.) Public gatherings and marketplace assemblies such as a fayre or mela. the regulation of the body's electrical system. Nearly any graha in Kumbha gives a degree of talent in the creation or management of networks. Laterally ordered entities. according to the graha. the Crowd flesh-body's electrical systems including skin. When represented by numbers. electrical signals. neural transmission networks. around the system. delivery. Rahu = the outsiders who are accepted into the marketplace because they have interesting things to purvey. which can be used to send out electrical impulses such as drum-beats an infinite network that has no center. electronic networks. the word is equivalent to 14.vayu tattva (air or gassy element) Rashi Owners Kumbha = co-owned by Shani (Saturn) and Rahu (Saturn and the Caput Draconis) zirshodaya = shirsho-daya group = head-first = daya = presentation. These may be social networks. The systematic drum beats regulate the movement of the people "complex and elaborately regulated distributive systems" Nerve networks and Maps . the common masses. generations. or conceptual networks. There are far fewer Kumbha-lagna births overall than any other radical lagna. element . atoms. "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" "XI. the Kumbha rashi has TWO planetary rulers and they are utterly apples. Whilst believing in law and order and upholding the most . the marketplace. Subba Row. Kumbha (or Aquarius)." Guna . dreams and spirits. which traditionally meets in the low open spaces. (Thus Kumbha is associated with acupuncture. It can be easily perceived then that the division in question is intended to represent the "Chaturdasa Bhuvanam. civilizations. and brain. Goals and achievements. It is a highly complex and apparently contradictory incarnation. and Shani is the governing law of the assembly or what we now conceive as the law of economics. social movements. and above the system. historical and meta-historical time periods. for objective facts. Kumbha = "hollow" = the marketplace or the agora. (1881). ideas. fundraising networks. nerves.tamo-guna (tamas. the native is blessed with a scientific orientation and appreciation. networks of connection between people. Rahu is the bad-boy trickster who goes under the system. planets.inert) Tattva ("that-ness". However ultimately Shani wins when: Shani occupies 4th from Rahu or 11th from Rahu (because Shani casts drishti upon Rahu but Rahu has no eye upon Shani) Rahu Rahu. festivals. Rahu the Naga King has a snake-like movement. instrumental. who wants an orderly lifestyle marked by regularity of habit and social respect. desire-driven. and other collective assemblies. wise but contradictory. and similarly any important transit of Rahu or transit of Shani will temporarily empower one or the other.. Most importantly.) which is ultimately illegitimated by Shani. adventurous. = Lord Shani who is very elegant and lawful despite being rather humorless and utterly risk-averse. If the lagna = Shatabishaja or Chandra occupies a nakshatra of Rahu (Arudra. He finds a path through the cracks and crevices in the system. He loses attachment (see Rahu-Ketu = myth of beheading) to the object of desire. foreign. Rahu gets smoked out). Swati. The Kumbha native lives their life in a state of constant negotiation due to the complex interior discourse between Shani-Rahu. and often very successful in the short term as He is ambitious. mela. Otherwise additional factors in the nativity must be assessed. Naturally Shani will dominate during Shani mahadasha and Rahu dominates during Rahu mahadasha. crowds. It is quite a challenge to manage both Shani and Rahu in a single flesh-body! Rahu is expedient. and internally incommensurable personality. tribal pow-wow. Naturally. amphitheater concert events. Kumbha's "other half".. plays a powerful role in the destiny of the Kumbha native. Kumbha natives = hard to place socially Generally one is a loner who will blossom in very large gatherings such as fayres. Rahu cannot attach for very long in relationships since He always chooses a taboo object (someone darker. Shani's part = the Inner Regulator. The Kumbha native = a fascinating but peculiar. Although in the fire of the moment Rahu is exhilarating! Kumbha has fun during Rahu periods. Shani works each step up the bricks of the pyramid. Rahu = seduction. forbidden. slides through all the cracks in the brickwork. He exploits "legal loopholes" very cleverly. Shani and Rahu dislike each other: Shani = social conformity and Rahu = an agent of taboo-breaking risk. Rahu is deliriously wonderful in the moment but He cannot sustain His delusion. risk-oriented. and often a thrilling taboo-breaker. Shani = a sober path of karma-yoga. Shatataraka) then Rahu will predominate. Shani = the very icon of Lawful Government. hungry desire. the native is equally prone to acts of illicit or taboo-breaking social disregard.exalted principles of personal and social discipline. Rahu King of Desire is never satisfied. that is for sure. rather likely one's better half. However Rahu is only short-term and He is eventually exposed as a fraud (literally. co-lord of Kumbha rashi. Both Rahu and Shani each have a great deal of power in the nativity. on the other hand. As soon as He gets what He thought He wanted. Rahu. the very icon of Wall Street and oil money. . and His wandering eyes immediately fixate on another desire. Rahu's part of the personality = devious. temple. 11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy-Sahangha befriends "Dhanushya-09" types: the humanistic and ritually religious. General Suitability of Gems for Kumbha Lagna Surya ratna = no. father-figure (mother's male companion). the wisdom-oriented those disconnected (12th-from) concern with reputation and respectability. in the knowledge that the harm-causing agent is merely a projection of one's own unrealized materialism regarding the deeper truth of religious teachings. Considering the systematic. teacher-preachers. If Mangala. inter alia. Periods of Shukra may bring forward an agent in the figure of a father. and the native 's personal goals. Exceptions are caused by the position of Chandra. addicted. a surprising number of friends are preachers and priests. because Surya = L-7 and does not rules any other bhava Chandra ratna = no-no-no. and strong need to be involved with women under the pretext of providing religious guidance. leaders (10th from) in reflective and meditative practice Most of Kumbha's friends are philosophers of one stripe or another. unless person is close to death . or some abstract personage known through wisdom-teachings. professor. such a large gathering should be regulated by pulsating drum-beats. the pious and performers of public ritual. father-role. priest. or Surya occupies Thula. because Chandra = L-6 and does not rules any other bhava Mangala ratna = no. Kumbha is often quite friendly with one's own professors. and temple priests.because Yogakaraka Shukra = L-4 and L-9 Shani ratna = yes. university professors and world travelers. expect some considerable troubles with an overly sensual. religious or moral teacher. depends on Rahu's lord Ketu-ratna = unknown. Guru. because Guru = L-2 and L-11 Shukra ratna = yes almost always. financial . Badhaka-sthana for Kumbha Lagna bhava-9 from Kumbha lagna = Thula= the primary "Badhaka" or harm-causing domain. the active Vimshottari time lords. professor. a willingness to accept money for religious maintenance of the ritual order (bribery and corruption). the apparent sensual permissiveness of the higher philosophies. or woman-afflicted father or teacher during periods of Shukra. Sthira-rashi lagna typically has some trouble from the father. although Brihaspati is a money-maker.Kumbha thrives upon the electricity generated in a large social group. who (often inadvertently) causes harm to the native via self-indulgent or sensually materialistic behavior. guru-haru. depends on Ketu's lord There are exceptions to all of these general rules. guru. where the assembled become configured into a massive and complexly connected nervous system. guru. . those knowledgeable in sacred texts.because Shani = lagnesha and L-2 Rahu-ratna = unknown. because Mangala = L-3 and L-10 Budha ratna = probably yes. In particular for the Kumbha native to feel fully connected and alive. because Budha = L-5 and L-8 Guru ratna = probably not. This badhaka agent must be handled with compassion. religious teachings etc. friends of the younger siblings. esp later in the academic career. scientific inclinations of Kumbha. Raja Yoga for Kumbha lagna Shani + Mangala in Kumbha lagna An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner. and above the system. the bitter enemy of Shani. Shani) and into the more flexible. ~~ BPHS . Shani + Rahu can operate together like a "well-oiled machine". reputation and power. ~~ BPHS . and with hypocritical teachers who substitute beautiful ritual for divine truth.Ch. However Rahu's achievement = only shortterm. 13 If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga . Kumbha's other half. Shani is the machine and Rahu is the oil. In Jyotisha. 40. Rahu is expedient. Genuine revolution is the tool of Vrischika-Mangala. and Shani is the governing law of the assembly or what we now conceive as the law of economics. But their cooperation is limited by the incommensurability of their natures. smoked out). the Kumbha rashi has TWO planetary rulers and they are utterly apples-and-oranges incommensurable: Rahu + Shani. desire-driven. Thus Kumbha is associated with social reform movements. is Lord Shani who is very elegant and lawful and distinguished. Shani + Rahu). Mixed lordship = Shani + Rahu it is so tricky with Kumbha radical lagna (ascendant). instrumental. around the system. Shani is the system. Shani begins to impose rigid and often . Sl. mass power-shifting social movements. but there is a socially progressive element (Rahu) that takes Kumbha out of the rigid. Sl. and often very successful in the short term as He is ambitious. Kumbha = "hollow" and it represents the marketplace or the agora. Shani = the very icon huge orderly global systems like the Roman Empire or its followup the Roman Catholic Church. They will confer high position. Kumbha does however provide the conceptual theory that can energize the physical expressions of violent social revolution. Beliefs and behaviors are conceptually ordered and scientific in character. Kumbha does not facilitate bloody revolution. 5. 41 Shani + Rahu Kumbha features a distinctive mix = Shani + Rahu. Shani represents gigantic international hierarchical + lateral corporations with their massively orchestrated resource distributions systems. Rahu is the outsiders who are accepted into the marketplace because they have interesting things to purvey. Before long. for brief and rare but hugely successful periods. reliable 'social pyramid' model of elite governance (Makara. large-scale assemblies of the people. the very icon of Wall Street and oil money.materialism in the priestly orders. Ch. which traditionally meets in the low open spaces. The chalakaraka is eventually exposed as a fraud (literally. Rahu is the bad-boy trickster who goes under the system. rather likely its better half. Kumbha expresses conventional interpretations of elite-governed social law-and-order plus several unique "Kumbha-esque" tenets of conviction that some social minority or underclass group should enjoy sudden Rahu-style upliftment. less steady 'lateral network' model of popular governance (Kumbha. Difficult graha in occupation of dharma bhava or Shukra drishti upon bhava-9 may exacerbate the badhaka agency. Sometimes. outsider. adventurous. interspersed. Rahu cannot attach for too long in relationships since He always chooses a taboo object (someone darker. forbidden.inhumane laws. Social-regulator Shani is busy being lawful. touch. interconnected. Shani the Slow would like to stop Rahu the Quick's slithery. Most importantly. The electric-blue layer of the astral-body's aura. logical. Rural electrification. rule-driven system whether cosmic.. conceptual philosophyand systems design. complex. intuitive perceptions coming in through the chakra sensors and the material. risk-oriented. Rahula King of Desire is never satisfied. sight. human.and He exploits these very cleverly. Rahu the Naga has a snake-like movement. As soon as He gets what He thought He wanted. and energy networks. In the human "social organism". He loses attachment (see myth of beheading) to the object of desire.meaning an understanding of the elaborate network of connections between all aspects of reality. Yet local community or even large scale national movements are not satisfying. He seeks and finds the cracks and crevices in the system . social reform. foreign. Kumbha rules any large. or conceptual. Kumbha rules "science" in the classical sense of scientia. and often a thrilling taboo-breaker. Collectives. opportunistic behavior but Shani the Law is too rigidly programmed to impose a direct intervention on Rahu the Quick. Kirlian photography. One is ever in search of Infinite Community.Verseau In the human physical body. slides through all the cracks in the brickwork. . electronic. marketplace cooperative associations. Rahu is deliriously wonderful in the moment but He cannot sustain His delusion. The Kumbha native seeks integration with very large social movements. taste). Rahu is seduction. labor unions. (Not 'science' in the handicapped modern sense of "laboratory procedure". Shani steadily labors upward stopping cautiously as each step up the bricks of the pyramid. who wants an orderly lifestyle marked by regularity of habit and social respect. Interlocking. Kumbha governs the marketplace with its complex but orderly networksof interlocking and mutually profitable Association. The human nerve-system pathways provide a network of bridges between the astral. and before long. Shani's part of the Kumbha personality = the Inner Regulator.) although in the fire of the moment He is exhilarating! Aquarius . Rahu. Rahu is hungry desire. Solar power. Kumbha natives live their lives in a state of constant negotiation due to the interior discourse between Shani-Rahu. principled. and His wandering eyes immediately fixate on another desire. on the other hand.. Rahu starts to devise clever ways to evade those laws whilst gaining unearned privilege. huge gatherings. Rahu's part of the Kumbha personality = devious. hoary. Shani follows a sober path of karma-yoga. and respected. taboo. hearing. ) Indeed Kumbha regulates the entire world of Abstract. interactive. interstitial.the "legal loopholes" -. mechanical. Kumbha rules the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems(including the organ of the skin). Similarly. because they are Finite. sense data coming in through the material data collection points (smell. Also affiliated withthe intellectual disciplines of social science such as organizational psychology. science technical manual writing. networks. therefore this native may be frustrated in the search to find one's place in public life. but also the subtle electrical energies of the "electric blue" layer of the human aura. social-change missions (e. George H. It is a bit of an oxymoron to have a central role in a distributive network which by nature has no fixed center.g. computers. heat. sociology. communities and systematic development Hillary Clinton. and the futuristic sciences [Rudolf Steiner ]. Teddy Kennedy . networks. matters of electricity. Bush.especially about very-large-scale "esoteric" Time . economics. pioneering new systems. Mangala-Kumbha = electrical engineering. and the busy-ness of 'knowledge workers' in the various technological applications. economics. wants to shine with genius in intellectual disciplines social science such as organizational psychology. W. Surya in Kumbha = ego identification urge to play a central role with physical science esp. developers ofregulated expansion of social opportunity[Edward "Teddy" Kennedy.. The graha or lagna affiliates with physical science esp. Not only the obvious material varieties of electricity produced from fuels such as coal and sunlight. Franklin Roosevelt. and signaling systems such as electrical engineering and computer science. The scientific character of the graha often emerges less in the sense of modern 'science' and more in the classical sense of 'science'. Swami Shri Yukteswara Giri .. development of orderly distribution of marketplace opportunities Elizabeth I . science writing and media production Al Gore Jr. political science. futuristic science writing and telepathy Edgar Cayce. socially progressive movements in a fashion consistent with the karaka functions of the graha. It is the broader and more authentic sense of Science which will tend to manifest via the energies of the particular graha occupying Kumbha.. Gloria Steinem Guru-Kumbha = science teaching on the topic of Time . matters of electricity. The popular modern usage of the word science more frequently refers to 'bench science' and indicates more the work of engineering sciences. technology. Kumbha = communities and connections between groups. Jimmy Carter ] Budha-Kumbha = computer programming. light. The more classical and educated meaning of Science = 'interconnected knowledge'. political science. computer science. electrification and other material 'development' schemes for communities. Emotionally suited to belongingness in large socialprogressive movements Martin Luther King. USA 'Peace Corps') Princess Diana Spencer. If Budha is weak (in dushthamsha or otherwise handicapped) or Surya is especially strong (in kendra) the native will seek a central technical role within some collective such as a large egalitarian corporation [Steve Jobs] a labor union or a social-change movement [George Washington]. sociology. radiance. Abraham Lincoln . Eric Clapton]. Kumbha natives can be fabulous hands-on aura healers if the doubt caused false scientism of "positivism" does not interrupt their perceptions Surya-Kumbha = if Budha the Articulator is strong. Chandra-Kumbha = emotional comfortin the world of grids and networks. lagna-Kumbha = natural affinity for electrified environments. One becomes involved with large. Socially.Science (Scientia) Graha which occupy the rashi of Kumbha can acquire attributes of Science. Political Science = innovative agents of social change [Marilyn Monroe . innovative research. Martin Luther King. and many other disease results. externally encourages esoteric. the pious and performers of public ritual. intoxicating effect. comforts sacrificed. destroyed barriers. preachers.397 animals" Ketu-Kumbha = Karaka significations of Kumbha: Annihilates personal ego attachments. drinks. orients one towards spirit. H. highly complex systems such as advanced electro-magnetic designs Edgar Cayce. Particularly good in large human systems such as marketplace economy Jack Welch. fixed. ""All told. during the period of L-6. friends of the younger siblings. If other factors suggest impending dissolution of marriage. advance of social civility H. Roosevelt and his companions killed or trapped over 11. grains. flowing water. value-neutral large-scale systems applied toward social management and work tasks. orderly scientific pursuits involving somewhat wild. causing considerable suffering. guru-haru. below Health for Kumbha L-6 = Chandra Kumbha lagna is more likely to have emotionally-based health problems. L-6 = the contract-dissolver. Jr. disruptive or exotic behaviors. Loves large crowds and social-change movements. Likes to sketch on graph paper and design electronic machines. reckless. destroys traditional moorings. and often traceable to conflicts in the dependency (Chandra) relationship with the mother. Edgar Cayce. The physical manifestations can range from nervous and gastric disorders to muscle malfunctions to formation of tumors.. Barbra Streisand (political activist) Shani-Kumbha = scientific. is large-scale social design engineer in some sense. E. sacrificing for others. and sangha bhava-11 = Dhanushya: befriends the humanistic and religious. Ronald Reagan. However the origin of Kumbha's ailment is usually explicitly emotional. long-lasting effects. university professors and world travelers. In contractual relationships. Chandra periods may signal divorce. USA Pres. is permanent. surrender .Swami Shri Yukteswara Giri. Queen Elizabeth II. (this list adapted from Das) Natural communities. inferior. externally inauspicious. Baba Ram Dass . 26 Theodore Roosevelt. vulgarity. those knowledgeable in sacred texts. Rahu-Kumbha produces strong desire for connected. friendship networks. Dalai Lama economics theory Karl Marx Rahu-Kumbha = Rahu is co-ruler of Kumbha thus He gains extra power in Kumbha.frustrating results. prostitutes. machinery for aeronautics. . sacrifice of personal comfort. and temple priests. who according to Wikipedia went on African Safari in 1908 during his Ketu-Rahu period with Rahu in 9 casting drishti upon Mithuna lagna. Albert Einstein Shukra-Kumbha = artistic attraction to electrical networks. must be broken. those less concerned with respectability. USA Pres-40. the wisdom-oriented Marriage See bhava-7 radix and bhava-7 navamsha. Richard Nixon.. lawful. airy. material reactions.not a happy experience. masculine . USA Pres-37. integrated social infrastructure. the native may struggle with depression and a reactive tendency to break promises (6).g. divine push. Kumbha Mela is like their college reunion: once every 12 years they come out of meditation. caste. have a wash (or not). meet distant family and friends. Kumbha rules the Shudra = 4th varna. In the human body. huge groups. For the spiritual ones. Kumbha also has a "low" side. As natural 6th-from-6th Kumbha can delivery intentional poverty such as vows of austerity taken for service to society (Shani) or Kumbha can deliver extraordinary material (Shani) health and wealth due to taking right medicines (6) for all illnesses and breaking of all promises (6) with enemies (6).If Chandra also occupies the Kumbha radix lagna. Results of radical reversal may be superb. hoi-polloi. the common people. utterly filthy. = conceptual. For everyone in between. and rife with petty crime. the Marketplace. egalitarianism. plants. It's been said the Earth and its inhabitants were created as instrumental vehicles for water. . Extreme situations can force intervention or a much-needed separation from dysfunctional dependencies (Chandra). For the mundane ones. Energy. Reflections on Kumbha's Connectedness: Kumbha is the most fascinating of all the rashis because it rules all forms of Connectedness.not to mention planets with stormy weather to distribute it throughout the world. and background. advanced thought and sophisticated neural network processing. Much depends on the role of Lord Shanaicharya. and head down the valley to meet their divinely inspired brethren. which can't travel by itself . Is the substance flowing out of Kumbha's symbolic 'water pot' really water? It might be seen as water. oppressive totalitarian regimes. philosophical. and vice versa.) Kumbha Mela is the every-12-years coming together of both the high and the low: some of the world's greatest spiritual practitioners. Kumbha Mela is extraordinarily chaotic. which can drive the native to take urgent steps toward self-healing. Technology. Kumbha has a "high" side. Kumbha is about amazing ideas. with no moral limits. Kumbha Mela is a huge marketplace and party scene. the masses. Big Brother. Kumbha represents the ideational structure of the material universe. Kumbha is all about the exquisite jeweled network of connection between all things past. and huge masses of people from every possible social class.the coolest parts of post-industrial civilization. new worlds and paradigm shifts. Kumbha rules the Great Neural Networks: nerves and skin (including 'inside' skin such as nerve sheaths and organ linings. The emotional frustration inherent in this configuration may become unbearable. and receive blessings from as many spiritual channels as possible. It is the Great Connection. Kumbha rules rationalization and propaganda. Water as an entity needs people. The good news is that maximum yang becomes yin. and Networks -. His color is the dark brown of the Nazi 'brown shirts' in the negative or of the Christian-service 'friars' in the positive development. occasionally dangerous. Kumbha Mela is a chance to mingle with others free of caste rules. social welfare programming. public surveillance. because water is what connects all living beings. In our "modern" world Kumbha is Science. and animals . the native 's life = fraught with emotional conflict. present and future. It is also magically intense and sometimes downright miraculous. People and water therefore exist in a symbiotic relationshipeach serving the other's purpose. Aquarius Lagna . progress in career is slow (Saturn being the slowest planet). However. Or too much electro-magnetic device interaction On the mental level. The irony of Kumbha may be that while the interconnectedness of the universe is infinite. One uses the interpretive tools of scientific reasoning (methodology. During centuries when knowledge of energy science was suppressed from public view and carried along only in secret tantric lineages. the "water of life" which is a representation of divine love that interconnects and nourishes us at our most essential core. Some suggest that Kumbha's "water" isn't literal water but rather a symbol of wave-form energysuch as electricity. because both Venus and Saturn are materialists. (This scientific orientation may be adjusted toward the intuitive view if Chandra is strong or there is other Meena influence in the chart. This tendency is less pronounced for Aquarius than for Capricorn because Aquarius is a masculine (and hence archetypally active) rashi. but Kumbha has not yet advanced to Meena's level of psycho-spiritual integration through childlike intuition. Predictions from Kumbha's rashi "character" are informed first by the fact of connectedness. anxious illness known to experienced Jyotishi. because Venus is lord of two education houses (four and nine) and Saturn is exalted in the ninth house. particularly with tapping and drumming . Kumbha is subject to Shani's wise "or else" limitations.) This is when the brilliant insights of "connection" can yield too much of a good thing. As with Capricorn. flowing water was the best way to represent this once-esoteric knowledge. rules both the first and twelfth houses of this lagna. nervous. and thus.e. The characteristics of Shani + Rahu will indicate the nature and extent of material gainfulness . Kumbha is always profitable . without the corresponding trust on the psycho-emotional plane. Kumbha natives are "Big Picture" thinkers like Meena. their attempt to realize too many simultaneous connections "blows a circuit" and produces the uniquely peculiar Kumbha type of withdrawn. which can be represented by water's power to assume a wave-form . This Kumbha is associated with the pulsating sounds of music. too much marketplace activity. and later by the level of the native s' consciousness: how and to what are they empowered to connect? As the natural sign of labha bhava. for Saturn. Whatever interpretation seems most resonant to the Jyotishi. Gains alternate with losses in the lives of Aquarians.Kumbha's water may also be seen as spiritual water. Kumbha natives are born to navigate and negotiate multitudinous types and levels of connection. Particularly for Chandra/Kumbha.. the human body-mind is finite. Aquarians are more often interested in material and scientific expertise than in spiritual wisdom. even when one is connecting to less desirable opportunities. Aquarians thus enjoy gathering knowledge.. and peculiar of all the twelve rashi.Light on life by De Fouw & Svoboda Jyotish's symbol for Aquarius is a put which contains things (like water) that have been gathered together and stored. proofs) in preference to direct wholistic intuition. Kumbha is the most pervasive.. Kumbha natives have a natural capacity to recognize connective opportunities. . provocative.i. testing. the significator of the twelfth house of loss. One seeks to develop sources of income via networks of association. connection is always a net gain. In Kumbha we often see "system overload" where the native takes on too much knowledge. Kumbha tends to structure and organize the worldview. which means a pitcher. is Saturn's enemy. They often have much guilt and like to blame themselves. however. They like to take the side of the oppressed. This word is associated with Kumbhaka. which promotes timidity and detracts from siblings. rejected. they can even become underworld leaders. the outcaste or disapproved elements of society. and not protest against the injustice inflicted upon them.Aquarius being the eleventh home of the natural zodiac. They are. the symbol of the eleventh sign of the zodiac. meaning born of a pitcher. Yet by their faith and devotion. the lower legs of the Cosmic Man. they may accept a subservient. In this way their energy can be blocked. the pot or the water bearer. On a higher level. Aquarius Kumbha . since Rahu and Ketu move in a direction opposite to that of the other planets. usually not overly excited by money (another eleventhhouse matter) because Jupiter. On a lower level. Aquarians may be eccentric and scattered in what they do. the third lord and significator. dissipated. If that is the Divine they may become saintly. On a higher level. Saturn does not indicate friend either. For this reason. The Saturnian influence tends to make Aguarians more introverted than the Martian Aries narives. but for Aquarius the eleventh house is Sagittarius which. and Jupiter being the lord of the eleventh house for an Aquarius lagna. 11. which signifies the retention of the breath in yogic practices. they are often successful as religious leaders and teachers. Rahu as Aquarius's co-ruler creates (as for Aries because of Ketu) a certain idiosyncratic tinge to the native's behavior. On a lower level. If it is some criminal group. It also relates to Kumbhaja. Aquarians show interest in friends and in clubs and societies. All these relate the sign with water. is ruled by Jupiter.Astrology of the Seers Aquarius is the positive sign of Saturn. They are prone to do what they are told not to do and to befriend those they are told to avoid. They lack charisma and often fail as political leaders to attract the masses. who has great affinity for social obligations and for friends. Natives of Aquarius usually try to hide their idiosyncrasies and keep their activities secret. Saturn's debilitation occurs in the third house of an Aquarius lagna. Aquarius individuals are the most self-negative of all types. they have more belief in others and tend to denigrate themselves towards the ego demands of others or peer group influences. the lord and significator of two materialistic houses. They act selflessly relative to what they repose their faith in. they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of all and may be strongly humanitarian. they tend more towards sexual deviations than the other signs. they have more faith and the capacity to surrender the ego to the Divine. AQUARIUS: David Frawley . who brought the Vedic teaching to south India and one of the primary guides of this world-age. derived from Latin. servile or even degrading role in life. though it has little affinity for money (see above). particularly since Mars. it indicates the group and the need to understand what individuality really is. confused or darkened. In its geometric diagram. one of the great seers. The Sanskrit name is Kumbha. As sign no. The water they bring is that of truth from their intuitive perception. . the sign is represented by two wavy lines £-. a name for the great sage Agastya.Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology The word Aquarius. unclear as to who they are. refers to a water carrier. fixed air. does not feel at home in either and because Saturn does not indicate money. implying thereby that life emerged from the Great Depth. who rules over the heavenly world where souls dwell as a result of their good karma. A great importance to transformation.Almost all systems of astrology — Indian. accumulated as the result of materialistic desire. The impact of such an inflow of cosmic life-force. water represents the cosmic life-force. was floating on the ocean of pure essence. the worldly man. Aquarius as a pitcher with water flowing from it must be related with the cosmic life-force in an important way. inaugurates a New Era. Latnech. This process. It is only when the life force energizes us from our inner side. In Alchemical symbology. in order to experience the supreme bliss. the life-force contained within it. The individual energy has to merge in the universal or cosmic energy to attain its ultimate goal. reclining on the serpent Naga. is given to the Aquarian impulse because the psychological orientation received under Capricorn must find an outlet. followed by the dawn of a new consciousness in which the general welfare becomes more important than personal gain. Aquarius is related to the great God Indra. The pitcher. while maintaining his separate identity. however. The way this renewal takes place has been expressed through various allusions. It is often represented as a pitcher with water is flowing from it. must release the water. complete annihilation of the past evolutionary course. This mingling occurs under the Aquarian impulse. is experienced as a thorough shake-up at first. which can rejuvenate the individual. At this stage. The association of Aquarius with Kumbhaka. A dip in running water or a holy river purifies the individual and spiritualizes his heart. in everyday life. Chaldean. But. From such a wide use of water in spiritual literature. As a symbol. Under Aquarius the individual. falls from the head of Lord Shiva. or restored into his natural state of innocence. mutation so to say. This symbol. the various changes in manifestation owe themselves to water. water purifies base metal. standing for the mortal tabernacle. The life of Ganymede. the pitcher must be broken for success in this effort. or the individual consciousness. Egyptian or European — have made the pitcher the most common symbol of this sign. In Greek mythology. Vishnu. The creation began with water. the universal solvent. and the birth of a new race or beginning of a new way of life. or when our subjective nature is activated by the divine impulse. This refers to the abandonment of all material attachments and dedicating oneself to the Divine will. that we become able to transcend selfish desires in order to dedicate our efforts to the cosmic good. giving a new spiritual direction to life. Before creation begins. relates to many other mythologies. The Ganges. This is possible only under an entirely different milieu and new approach to the problems of life. the heavenly river. running water. The churning of the ocean symbolizes the manifestative process of the cosmos. is merged in the universal life-wave. the father of Noah. It quenches all thirst and absolves the individual from all sins. The pitcher. retention of breath and regulation of Prana or the lifeforce indicates that the Aquarian impulse has an invigorating effect. Aquarius also relates to two aspects of the creative process. This is emphasized by the symbol of water related to this sign. before it is transmuted into gold. the object of lust personified. The . arising from the importance of water. Moving water has been given great importance in the manifestation of the cosmos. the drop moves out to mingle in the ocean. In Hindu mythology. the evolutionary pilgrimage of purifying and spiritualizing one's nature takes place as a result of water. Assyrian. or a period of fresh regeneration after the deluge (Pralaya of the Hindus). is not necessarily pleasant." In the Hebrew religion. Aquarius stands for a radical transformation involving the purification of the dross. is always a hindrance and source of unhappiness. Ganymede was carried from the earth by Zeus to make him his "cup bearer. is changed by making him the cupbearer of the gods. the individual's restrictive barriers must be broken. we find that water in the Aquarian context expresses the creative purpose. Material propensities become more intense in opposition to the impulse and the consequent frustration is greatly heightened. the seeds of a new civilization. then the Aquarian impulse moves him towards promoting the universal good. the creative energy. Water flowing from a pitcher appropriately suggests this process. . the universal solvent which quenches the thirst of all and transmutes base metal into gold. the great architects assisting Brahma. airy and fixed.father of Noah is the saviour and precursor of a new civilization. In this case the emphasis on the pitcher makes the individual materialistic and self-centered. however. Exoterically. there is reaction and opposition. Wherever Aquarius appears. bestowing frustrating results. The Aquarian impulse activizes both. is associated with human existence. the precious possessions of the cosmos. The physical body is compared to a pitcher. The ocean on which Visnu. the evolving soul hopes to be a conscious cooperator with the universal creative power. Under this sign. the unmanif-est or the Great Depth. and convenience. A human individual is also intended to help and guide others towards their fulfillment. which is by no means a happy experience. The diagram of this sign is a double wavy line. and also reminds us of the changing moods that one feels under its impact. In order to become a conscious cooperator with the universal creative power. It symbolizes the great impulse under which the Builders. this sign is considered inauspicious and unfortunate. The individual under its impact is subjected to fluctuating moods. It is owned by Saturn. there is greater attachment to the outer forms of manifestation. but which impact is perceived depends upon the aspect of life predominant in the individual. it absolves the individual from all sins and purifies his heart. The significance of water and the dual nature of the impact of this sign is highlighted by this emblem. the sign represents the release of the universal life force contained in an individual. the cosmic architect. are engaged in objectifying the subjective images slumbering in the Alaya. The pitcher is the sheath and the water the life-energy dwelling within it. The wavy line represents movement in water. This generally involves the sacrifice of personal comfort. Which aspect will manifest in an individual is difficult to guess. KUMBHA: Bepin Bihari – Fundementals of Vedic Astrology Aquarius is both the water-bearer and the water flowing from the pitcher. The shape of a pitcher is at first conceived in the mind of the potter. Water stands for the cosmic life force. which carry the divine essence. Difficulties arise. pleasure. Similarly. In the same manner. The impulse from this sign. but the sign does not provide suitable conditions either for exaltation or debilitation of any planet. the pitcher. Aquarius is masculine. therefore. the final destiny of a man is carved out for him by God. floats provides the foundation on which future creation can take place. the churning of the ocean provides the various jewels. the Dhyanis. is concerned with both the pitcher as well as the water contained in it. Thus. thus causing considerable suffering. therefore this sign is considered one of the most enigmatic. Esoterically. When affinity is greater with the material component of manifestation. and Demiurges. This is the essential characteristic of Aquarius. The effect of this sign is purposive. But in case his affinity is with the energy content radiating from it. He arouses those creative impulses which are Noah-like. which must be overcome before reaching the next stage on the evolutionary path. In Indian metaphysical thought kumbha. Water conserved in a pitcher sustains life by quenching human thirst or irrigating plants. effective and deep acting. Mohammed Ali Jinnah and General B. abundance and prestigious positions. therefore. Aquarius: The Father of The New Age . Whether in misery. the astrological sign Kumbha must be related to breath which is the very life-force pervading throughout the existence and to the leaders of occult forces who are in charge of ushering new civlisations and new thought-currents. To give the adjective 'enigma' to this sign is an understatement. This sign orients the individual towards attaining this goal. the native belonging to this sign must be extraordinary. Under this sign the turmoil in one's life is immensely increased as the individual begins to work in accordance with the divine plan and annihilate his personal ego. The word Kumbhaka is also related to a practice of holding the breath. it only means a pitcher but the various other words related to this sign give some other significant clues. society or to the environment in which they were born.B. It also assists us in relieving some of the heart-wrenching experiences of our life. It would. The nature of Kumbha Lagna has been bewildering. By ploughing through the literature of ancient scriptures we have come across certain hints and suggestions which when worked out in detail and elaborated upon seem to give certain clues about the character and destiny of this ascendant.Introduction to Esoteric Astrology VARIOUS occult sciences indicate some fundamental truths of astrology which are immensely illuminating. therefore. Working on these suggestions. Saturn is ruthless in achieving its goal. mysterious and occult. having Saturn and / or Uranus as its lords.Morgan cannot and should not be classified together for they have expressed distinctly contradictory qualities excepting the fact that all of them have given a new twist. The effect is also consolidated so that it becomes permanent. be futile to associate commonplace souls with this sign.M. however. The complexity concerning the subject has been increasing with every efforts to understand it deeply. The name of the sign also has a relationship with kumbhaka. Whatever their station in life. It does not simply provide conditions under which others can act. or whatever the age. The very word Aquarius derived from its Latin origin refers to water-carrier. Abraham Lincoln and J. Maharshi Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Prof. Kaul were entirely different personalities. The sign consists of Dhanishta later half. a new direction to the society in which they lived. a new value to the age. all Aquarius ascendants put forth a new influence on human evolution. has abdicated this office in favour of one of his disciples who is now preparing himself for this august office.V. deprivation and humiliation or in prosperity. In this task. Satabhisha and the first three padas of Poorvabhadra owned by Mars. Raman have been different types . whatever the field of operation. Readers of various astrological journals where this sign has often been discussed in great depth and with scholarship know that this sign is rightly stated to be enigmatic. we feel that these suggestions provide a useful key to the understanding of this zodiacal sign. Aurangzeb and Havelock Ellis. The influence of Aquarius is primarily on the psychological plane. A discovery of such truths makes our life meaningful and our action purposeful. Naturally. Evidently. Prophet Mohammed and Karl Marx. In Sanskrit. meaning holding the breath in yogic practices whereby the individual hopes to link himself with the Supreme. but has its own direction. both extraordinary planets. A perusal of notable horoscopes of eminent personalities makes it abundantly clear that Aquarius ascendants are very uncommon and that the persons born under this sign make their impact on the current of world events in a special way. Rahu and Jupiter which indicatesthat the ordinary canons of material prosperity cannot be the guiding principle of this sign. and the word Kumbhaka is related to Rishi Agasthya who is said to be the future Manu but who. It completely destroys traditional moorings.P. A person born under this sign is carried by a gale of the past karma let loose by the Lipikas so that the human child could acquire a new outlook.of egos. the common feature of all is that Aquarius is connected with water though it is said to be an airy sign. whereas Mars is the planet that gives courage and enthusiasm for ascending to divine heights. Saturn keeps a record of all the past deeds and misdeeds of different person so that by arranging the everyday life of the individuals it could create enough impediments so that the individual in surmounting them acquires strength and becomes stronger and more dispassionate. There have been others who have disputed the shape of the pitcher. . Satyacharya considered the Aquarius-born as sorrowful and miserable while Bhattotpala has opined that the individuals born in the Dwadasamsa of Kumbha will be unhappy and poor. The very nature of the ownership of the sign suggests that the persons born under this sign would be very intimately connected with their past lives. Whether we consider the European. But whatever the difference. Jupiter bestows all the auspicious opportunities for the development and fruition of spiritual faculties. Thus in Kumbha sign there is the undercurrent of all the three planets which are greatly connected with all spiritual pursuits in life. its influence is colossal. in his own life and introduce the same in the lives of his fellow-beings. Satabhisha and Poorvabhadra comprising Kumbha are owned by Mars. one has merely to examine the fact that the three Nakshatras. The usual prediction that Kumbha lagna persons are unhappy and miserable implies this fundamental nature that Kumbha people must open themselves to Divine Plan. everything is an event in one's life indicating the disposition of certain divine forces moulding and shaping the character of the ego. namely. Indian. In order to substantiate the conclusion. windy and lazy in nature. to heavenly light. Some have pronounced it as an empty pitcher and others have made water flowing out of it as its symbol. Rahu and Jupiter which are intimately connected with the powerful Karmic forces generated in past lives. Saturn teaches the hard way but he establishes the individual on the path of renunciation more firmly. yellow in colour with fat body. Assyrian. Unless the motivating force making these individuals such powerful personalities is explored and its relationship established with their guiding star. And. the one central cord binding all these individuals together has been that they all have been highly advanced egos having a definite mission in their life. Aquarius has been universally related to pitcher with or without water flowing out of it. we might take the husk for the kernel. Indian scriptures have described Aquarius as a man holding a water pot. otherwise the wisdom imparted by Jupiter. or the influence of impersonal Rahu would force the individual by their own impact to that direction. Such prognostications should be adopted very carefully. To consider this sign as unfortunate would be throwing aspersions on Divine Plan and the benevolence and kindness of Divinity itself. Chaldean. Rahu bestows immortality. Such characteristics are more blinding than revealing. for an astrologer nothing is unfortunate or fortunate. that is why the sign is said to be strong during the day suggestive of the intense activity of the radiance of God. or the sorrow and pain generated in everyday life by Saturn. As a matter of fact. it could be concluded that the individuals born under this sign would do renunciation as a result of powerful karma generated in the past lives and they must turn their gaze homeward. strong during day. resides in the middle of water. and begin predicting external events without touching the inner core of such persons. Human sign. a new direction. probably. and Yavanacharya has even suggested that the fact of Aquarius is the birth sign of a person does not by itself suggest misfortune. Egyptian or any other system of astrology. tall stature but normal in other respects. From these. in the case of the divine force pouring forth through Kumbha Lagna. Nonetheless. Dhanishta. For example. J.Y. Raman is a torch-bearer of occult sciences. The faculty of clairvoyance--one of the siddhis highly coveted by the occultists comesfrom this chakras. The development of Brahmarandhra chakra provides full consciousness of the invisible and visible worlds around the person so that he could uninterruptedly tap the universal consciousness. the object of lust personified. Kumbha Lagna has the head of Kala Purusha in the 3rd house representing courage. In Greek mythology. From these. For Kumbha Lagna. no matter in what sphere of life they are born. Two of the force-centres of Kala Purusha. heroism and mental power of which Aries is the sign and Mars the lord. Brahmarandhra and Ajna chakra located in this house.One must acknowledge the fact that Kumbha has Makara as its twelfth sign. though investigating very mundane subjects approached their subjects from a completely unconventional standpoint. whereas Aurangzeb could be cruelly zealous about establishing his religion and his type of faith in God. they are generally connected with transcendental motivations. the native born under Kumbha Rasi must be intricately related to "life beyond". This is a strange statement. P. From this. prowess. was also burning with intense philanthropic objectives. or Deluge. was carried from earth by Zeus to be his cup-bearer. but it is related to an innate instinct of the individual. he had to forego much of his personal pleasures and comforts and he had to meet difficulties created in many quarters. Ganymedes. The father and the son are said to represent Aquarius and Pisces. Abraham Lincoln established the spirit of liberty. do not only indicate considerable latent faculties for inculcating the idea of Divine Unity in every manifested form of the creation and the capacity for arousing metaphysical ideas in the hearts of the people. Those Aquarius ascendants who do not mobilise all their energies for this purpose are naturally bound to feel their life stifled and therefore miserable. it may be seen that sign Aquarius is intimately connected with that aspect of Divine Plan where the individuals like Ganymede are chosen to be the cup-bearers of gods. Obviously. All these person endeavoured to inculcate new values among the people. but . Lamach means (Lam-the father) the father of the age. Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was motivated in his spiritual search by ardent faith in God. Saturn is important because of its ownership of Lagna and the 12th house. this is a fundamental trait of all aquarius ascendants. Raman made astrology a valid and respectful scientific subject when many persons have been deriding the subject and while doing so. the native is admirably well suited. Morgan. probably one of the richest men in the United States. democracy and equality in the United States though his own personal life was full of thorns. or to be the fathers. In Hebrew religion. Heart of the Aquarius is in the throat of Kala Purusha. The development of Ajna chakra could lead the individual to have waking visions of places and people. Examine it with some of the known horoscopes. In an ordinary individual. Saturn owns both these signs. The 12th is the house of life beyond death and as such. or the father of Noah who inaugurated a new era or a period of creation after the Pralaya. B. and it would be abundantly clear that the ancient mythologies of many important religions knew well the significance of Aquarius as a harbinger of new life and light despite the fact that in doing so they may have to encounter difficulties and personal deprivations. For this.V. or the precursors of Noah who established a new civilisation or gave a new direction in human life. Professor B. Karl Marx as well as Havelock Ellis. but this situation also suggests the fact that the destiny of such individuals lies in energising these force-centres without which they would not feel satisfied. Kumbha Rasi is dedicated to Indra in Hindu mythology and one must recall that Indra rules the domain where the egos dwell as a result of past good deeds. That is another reason why Aquarius ascendants. it is evident that the native can be happy and fulfilling the purpose of his life when his entire energy and interests are directed towards beginning a new cycle of evolution. namely. these may not be so common. Aquarius-born persons cannot expect a peaceful and smooth life. Mercury is the lord of their 5th and 8th houses. If undeveloped and blocked up due to planetary disposition. Aquarius ascendants might become crude and anti-religious to a great extent. he might be non-descript. and the great urge to do good to the human kind. but given the courage to surmount and endeavour to raise oneself from the material plane to that of transcendental heights. This being so.these chakra being in the 3rd house of Kumbha ascendants where the Kala Purusha lays his head. upliftment of human kind is most dear for such ascendants. Obviously. for Aquarius ascendants would be in the 10thhouse. Venus has sway over all kinds of material comforts and pleasures. the humanity has a greater and paramount claim on their heart. otherwise the individual would be averse to all forms of expression-written. were allied to their activities with a view to relieving the miseries of the common people. they could lay down the solid foundation for a future glorious living. which is the sixteen-petalled force centre located near the throat. he would be a miserable man. Aurangzeb the despot. If untutored. it should also be noted that the lord of the 8th house is Mercury. anti-social and the greatest denouncer of all spirituality. comfortable. They want a good life. Notwithstanding other traits of leadership in the realm of thought. They should be mainly preoccupied with producing a new way of living based on their own understanding of the universe and the role of the individual in the same. the karma of the person. Mercury could provide great insight into the hidden mysteries of nature due to its lordship of the mysterious 8th house. When it is said that the Aquarius has its heart in the throat of the Kala Purusha. therefore. for them these would undoubtedly provide great opportunities. the individual would have great emotional upsurge when he hears the woes and sorrows of the world. Kundalini Shakti located at the base of the spine of Kala Purusha. treacherous. If lazy. would be in the 4th house of the native. and he would be sensualist. unless he makes progress towards his own spiritual unfoldment. Impediments would be faced at every level. Venus is the most important planet for the Aquarius people. Such persons just "know" the things without any effort. Mars being the ruler of the 3rd and the 10th houses and being inimical to the Ascendant lord. All of them felt that in some way or the other. Favourably disposed. unchivalrous and . but the fact remains that they are able to get in touch with such powers. pleasant and artistic living for themselves. Generally speaking. the Aquarius born individuals want to obtain a good. the whole constitution and attitude of the person would be distorted. they might develop unconscious psychism. and the founder of communism. Karl Marx the anti-theist. It owns the 4th and the 9th houses and these are the most significant houses for the happiness of an individual. Much of the personality balance of Aquarius ascendants would depend upon favourable disposition and relationship between Saturn and Mercury because of their friendliness and their ownership of most important houses connected with creativity.This is very vital because the urge to creativity. would be to quicken the development of his spiritual nature. paintings and other cultural attainments. vocal or impressionistic. Intuition is often mixed up with such psychic faculties. he would be finding considerable difficulties in the expression of his viewpoint. Provided the past karmas are favourable. Aquarius-born persons have fine taste for good living. desire to comprehend the universal mind of the Divinity. but if it be loaded with undesirable influences. As long as this chakra of the individual is dormant. and. Aquarius ascendants are generally very intelligent. Whatever else the individual born with Aquarius ascendant does. Havelock Ellis the sexologist. The importance of Mars for Aquarius ascendants cannot be minimised. There would be no morality in the individual. they are likely to be surrounded by music. it implies that Visuddhi chakra of Kala Purusha. But. He is very fond of artistic things. it has also created some problems in his professional career. for Aquarius must towards the end make them understand the true values of life and unfold that which is latent in them. However. The native has very good social manners. a lazy and irritable pennon who is fond of quarrels.unable to take initiative in doing good to others. well-furnished house with all modern amenities has clearly fulfilled the attributes of Venus. Those who follow the current of forces flowing through this ascendant would ultimately get to the sublimer heights of spirituality. It is a sign under which leaders of a new age are born. they will only get a miserable existence. has created emotional problems and incidentally. personal. business partners and such others are god-fearing humanitarians and strong egos. Much progress of Aquarius-born individual would depend upon his partner. in his own house and in the 9th house. lord of the 3rd and the 10th and retrograde in the 4th. the water-carrier would do anyhow: whether he does it sweetly and willingly or by the force of the circumstances is immaterial. has greatly reinforced the pleasures of a good life. Mars. he grinds slowly but grinds very fine--the native has been undergoing several pangs of life which can be hardly shared by others. If his wife. and this native is certainly. a tall and black man who is independent of his friends and relatives. to a great extent. the Sun's exaltation sign being Aries. social and professional. his whole life. rather it is a sign of great spiritual significance. the Aquarius ascendant must ascendant at least one ladder up on the golden stairs of spiritual unfoldment. ascending gradually the uphill path of spirituality. A good. the individual would be a bundle of contradictions. would mitigate to a great extent the malefic and depressive effects of Saturnian Aquarius. His wife is an asset to him. the native is the leader of his family who commits many low deeds and the tip of whose nose is splayed. Mercury. but as it is universally true of Saturn. gets upset. . We wish to emphasize that Aquarius is not an unfortunate sign. The water contained in the pitcher must flow out. is located in the 11th house earned a good livelihood by accounting profession. Many examples of eminent Aquarius ascendants have already been discussed above. and that. His unique quality is that he is very different from his other family members. But ultimately. miserable and quarrelsome. The Sun. Aquarius Sign in the Ascendant Dr. A significant feature of this horoscope is the debilitated ascendant lord but Venus. but those who fail to do so. and would be frustrated. Partnership for such individuals cannot be based merely on sexual or personal exploitation. and would merge themselves in the Ocean of Divinity. Shanker Adawal If Aquarius is in the ascendant. altruism and philanthropy would greatly benefit such individuals. could be successful. lord of the 7th in happy partnership. the life of the Aquarian. a commonplace horoscope is given below to indicate some of the points suggested above. but whenever she falls sick. which is likely to be the grave for Aquarius-born individuals. the lord of the 5th and 8th. the 3rd house would also indicate that the partners' influence in arousing initiative. He is motivated by fellow-feeling and has great urge to do every possible humanitarian work. He has been slowly progressing on the spiritual path. She is a moral force in his life. the Aquarius lord. by hard way. It has brown complexion and medium sized body and is biped. It rises with its head and is Tamoguna. fire. will worship the Devas and will suffer from phlegmatic attacks affecting the chest. So long as they are given the freedom to be themselves. It is strong in day. When down to earth. will be of bilious and windy temperament. one who is afflicted by phlegmdiseases in the heart. He will meet his death from pains in the belly by vomiting and by drugs administered by women. while taking for granted their own shortcomings. and harshness. Their great weakness is their tendency to find faults in others. one whose prosperity is ruined and who has no money from his family. independent and unorthodox. Aquarius described: The sign Aquarius is represented by a male holding a pot. It is lorded or ruled by Saturn. and who is thought ill of by others. They are humanitarians and their thoughts constantly delve into the welfare of mankind. and its symbol is the Water-bearer. Aquarius native tend to spend so much time in the clouds that often they are perceived as aloof and detached. a man whose wealth declines and increases and who has a phlegmatic and windy temperament. will acquire much property. Aquarius native frequently argue for the sake of intellectual exercise. A person born when the rising sign is Aquarius. who take no pleasure in righteousness (dharma) in their actions and who are despised. Aquarius is an Air sign. but a roan who is honoured by his cruel brothers. They are easygoing. a slanderous and envious person. They are dreamers and idealists and often come up with schemes to save the world. Their calmness is also deceptive. water. be fond of deeds of wickedness. Aquarius native are amongst the kindest people in the zodiac. one who is a stranger to purity. gambling. though if they have an opinion. and constantly crave the stimulation of people. will be the eldest in the family. Aquarius native hold brotherhood and fraternity nearly as important as intellectual ideas. will never spend money on charity. They are intellectually independent and tend to have little patience with those who either wish to make them conform. One whose lazy and jealous sons enjoy the ways of rogues and are enemies of the weak. now a days Uranus also. will have a nose shaped like the flower of sesamum plant. This is not to say Aquarius native are anti-social. auspiciousness. All of this dreaming takes its toll. will be hated by his kinsmen. one with a bad reputation whose people are numerous and clever. Born under the influence of the planet of change. will be of inactive habits and of harsh nature. will waste his wealth. or because of sicknesses in his belly. Its Varna (race or Caste) is Shudra (Low born). .A thirsty man who enjoys women. and restraint. A man whose kinsmen and elders are dead. resides in deep water and its element is air. however. concealing great bouts of mental anxiety. Aquarius native are the born eccentrics of the zodiac. It is the Lord of the western direction. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn. will assume a show of virtue. anger. or heat. and never boring. reasonable. They would rather dream up grand solutions to the problems of mankind that to involve themselves in the boring details. and many an Aquarian has known the sting of disillusionment with the real world. or simply don’t understand their radical ideas. enemies and friends. Aquarius native live in the future. preceptors. a man who dies because of women. though. they will defend it staunchly to the point where they will simply ignore the opposing arguments. they can be the most entertaining and loyal companions. will have many servants. A traveler with many extravagances who possesses a hoard. Quite the opposite. who are quarrelsome and harsh and do the work of women. lightning. They are reserved in nature and are great moralists. having a moderate interest in women and. as engineers or research scholars. attractive appearance. having windy. Kumbha is an airy sign. He will have little wealth.Predictive Astrology by M N Kedar Airy. possess horses. Male. will . So the Kumbha lagna natives are intelligent. fleshy lips. but once they get at them. sharp nose. They work persistently in all their undertakings. billious and phlegmatic constitution. Many of the saints of our times and great men who have or had sacrificed their lives for the good of humanity. They are unselfish. It resides in the west and resorts to deep water. They are slow in understanding things. fair complexion. They shine best as heads of religious or charitable institutions. They are not carried away by flattery. in commercial institutions. He may commit sinful actions secretly. If Chandra is in Kumbha lagna. were born in Kumbha lagna. On account of their intuitional capacity they become very proficient astrologers. They move in a select society. It represents the Sudra caste and is ruled by Sani (Saturn). They are steadfast in their affection. Those born in Kumhha Lagna are socially conscious and like to participate in group activities which aim at removing social and political injustices.Learn Astrology the Easy Way by G S Kapoor Kumbha lagna or when Chandra is in Kumbha rashi in the birth chart: The persons born in this lagna are generally tall with full stature. Its temperament is tamasic. They prefer secluded places and go in deep meditation. towards tall. fluctuating financial position. Middle Stature. the native will be indolent. They are strong. They act after very carefully considering the pros and cons of everything. is devoid of legs. fairly handsome. but they do not like to display it. He rises with his head. are troubled by their teeth and are unfriendly. can walk longer. human and impersonal. usually well built and strong. Aquarius (Kumbha) . They have inclination towards learning psychic subjects. ±>mel of others' children and honoured in assemblies. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. Kumbha . It is an immovable sign. Those born in this rasi are brilliant. It rises with its head and is very strong during the day. They are intelligent. Kumbha lagna persons are at home in every profession. impatient and inflexible if Sani has difficult aspects. It is an airy sign and is related to the vegetable kingdom. clever in arts. odd. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. an average progeny. They tend to be high strung. pigeon coloured. It is a biped and is masculine.Kumbiia (Aquarius): Jyotisha Siddhant Sara Hindu Astrology Its complexion is deep brown and it has a medium build. windy in constitution. its Lord is Saturn. light brown hair. moves about in forests. affectionate. lean. They develop intuition and inspiration. kind disposition. They are very strong in their likes and dislikes. elephants and wealth. they can handle them with ease and confidence. As Kumbha is a fixed sign. Fixed. hot. the natives stick to their principles. They are good in government service. The married life of Kumbha lagna native is happy only if their partner is as intelligent as they are. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. They are not carried by flattery. He has intuition. strong will and good intellect. strong and forceful. freedom and independence of thought. He has fine literary gifts. literary workers. The native is intellectual and artistic. He is nervous. thereby deceiving others. He is quiet. He is a good manager or inspector. reserved and thoughtful. and will form his judgement after deliberation. His interests are poetry. He does not easily confide in others. Some Aquarians are religious fanatics. He loves humanitarian work. AQUARIUS (i) This sign is described as a man carrying a water pot on his shoulder. He is a good entertainer and a fine impersonator. quick and active. He hates horror and crime. Some of the natives who had Kumbha Lagna : Prophet Mohammed. poets. He has a magnetic personality. With regard to others they face disappointments and disillusionments. bad greedy and eager to usurp or utilise other peoples money. Kumbha: Scientific Hindu Astrology by P S Sastri-1 It is a secretive. He is good at electricity and electrical work. have the ability to be a good judge of men. thus injuring his health. He will be . He is inventive. artistic. Abraham Lincoln. Karl Marx. introspective and reflective sign. The native is refined. scheming type. devoted to their family. He is an intellectual with practical and persevering qualities. It is a tamasik sign. swollen legs. reformers. highly intelligent and make others their friends very soon. have a good memory.V. and egotists. megalomaniacs. He is sensitive and does not demonstrate his feelings and emotions. humanitar-ianism. Under this sign we get railway employees. His ailments refer to ankles. They are subtle and endear to all they come in contact with. astronomers. writing novels and music. He has an average stature. The complexion is good. (ii) Please refer to paragraph (ii) under ARIES above for an important clarification. He is quiet. His inflexible will and mental faculties are used to promote his ambition and personal acquisitions. they are intuitive and good judges of character. Dr. great ideals. cramps. He does not care for principles. artists and secretaries. They lack organising capacity. inclined to help others. gloomy and lonely. pure in heart. highly strung. He tends to make his life sad. Raman. He is a false selfish. humane and faithful. has sudden fits of silence and waywardness. (iii) The native will be intelligent and observant. self-opinionated. He is faithful and deeply attached. He is sceptical. He may appear to be frivolous. musicians. His profound mind is best fitted for literary and scientific work. Aurangzeb. He has originality. In some cases the native is a strong egoist. He is secretive and reserved. He has a long face and magnetic eyes. He longs at times to be left alone. open mind. He dislikes interference and help. revolutionaries. flatulence and nervous disorders. He has a strong power of resistance. The normal Aquarian has fixed ideas. and a deep understanding of mankind. He does not have a very strong constitution. posts and telegraph Radio-Television-engineers. well made body. idealist and thinks ahead of his times. surveyors. and fatty or lean. He has a strong. They shine as writers and good spokesman. fond of perfumes. He loves lecturing to the public. clever in causing hurt to others. The key words are community. They are liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take special precautions to safeguard against Diseases. and ability to grasp the character of others. B. This disposition is elegant. (iv) The native will earn money through his innovative thinking. The personality does not have any charisma. He will not hanker after wealth though he realises its importance in life and therefore will not shun it. This could mean social service. (viii) The native will join a profession that involves contact with a large number of people and working in groups. and infections. According to Sathyacharya. The female of the sign will be beautiful. rivulets flowing through undulating terrain. grounds containing springs. Also Kumbha is the Moolakshaethra of Saturn signifying the sorrow of Kaalapurusha. The sign Kumbha is a controversial sign. Many a time due to his spirit of rebellion and independence. This sign causes susceptibility to colds. His attitude will be dignified. He will boldly be prepared to go against the established ways of behaviour or accepted norms of society. sculpture etc. The native will be a loyal friend and will be helpful to his acquaintances. Troubles are caused in the parts of body enumerated and due to over-exertion. calves. Kumbha is an inauspicious sign. it is the only sign. The native may suffer from coughs and fever.sympathetic. The native will treat his children more as equals and friends and therefore will be loved by them. He will be a man of principles and persevering.A Course in Indian Astrology Muthuswami Kumbha (Aquarius) is the eleventh sign of the zodiac extending from 3000 to 3300 and comprising of the second half of the star Sravishta. supporter of the oppressed. the whole of Sathabhishak and the first three quarters of Poorvabhadrapada. The Sign Kumbha (Aquarius) . He is a man of strong likes and dislikes. working with a group of researchers. clay modelling. and ankles. He will prefer an educated and intelligent spouse. though it may be legally incorrect. The native can succeed at dealing with land and property. The complexion will be brown and the face long. He will be scientific in his thinking. (ix) Caves. if he feels that in doing so he is morally in the right. and at creative arts like painting. His will be a powerful personality in the religious field if he so chooses. places for storage of water or pots relate to this sign. He is not after honour. He will be cheerful and lively in company. ledges. He will bring about harmony but will fight against injustice. He will be inventive and will have the capacity to do detailed and in depth studies. More details relating to the physical characteristics of the sign can be found in paragraph 38 under FIRST (vii) This sign relates to the shins. civil appointments. The female of the sign will like a tidy house and will prefer to have the most modern household gadgets. he associates with such people or espouses such causes which he has been advised to avoid. (v) The native will entertain and be entertained frequently. Rheumatism and arthritis are also indicated with advancing years. and the build stocky and powerful. heading pressure groups or even advertising. He will be good looking. He will have new and independent ideas and will be receptive to such ideas. the lord of which has lordship of the sign twelfth from it. She will however not hesitate to separate from her husband or partner if he does not measure upto her expectations. He will be social and involved in group activities. Teeth may be defective. recently excavated trenches. He practises what he preaches. therefore the native may not succeed as a political leader. (vi) The stature will be middle. outspoken and of a broad outlook. . He will not express his love and feelings. He is very firm in his views though he is prepared to correct himself if he is convinced that he is in the wrong. However Yavanaacharya is not in agreement with Sathyacharya and postulates that only Kumbha dwaadasamsa is inauspicious This is criticised by Vishnugupta who supports Sathyacharya. the reason is obvious. He will have a number of good and steady friends. And they are not susceptible to flattery. interest in others women and other's possessions. and thighs. is described by Parasara thus. familiarity and companionship are long-standing. It is the Moolakshethra of Saturn. Venus is Raajayoaga-kaaraka. governed by Saturn the son of Sun. humane and sociable. once they grasp it they retain it permanently due to enormous retaining capacity. if Venus. flowers and relatives and liking for walking) (Bruhajjathakam XVI-H). strong at day. They have good understanding about their environments and talk frankly and are not at all selfish.brown in colour. Though they are a little slow to grasp any idea or concept. plenty of bristle-like hair. inimical to Sun and neutral to others. is a pot-bearing man. Kumbha natives have a tendency to do sinful deeds and then to keep this concealed to themselves (Pracchannapaapa) and in this respect they resemble Vrischika natives. masculine. 40. Vrischika is described as "Chchannapaapa-Rasi" meaning sin-hiding. Interest in cosmetics. rising by the front of thaamasa quality. inspite of failures they would continue their efforts till they reach their goal. They do not frequently change their attitudes and opinions. moving in the middle of water. Jeevachandrakujah: paapah Sub how Kavya sanaischarow Raajayoagakaroa vidbhirBhargava: samudeeritha: Nighnantheenaara Jeevaasthu Sow myoa madhyaphalaprada: Ghatoadayae prajaathasya Jnaeyam-aethath phalam budhaih (Bruhatparaasarahoaraasasthram XXXV. back side. Though Kumbha natives have a tendency to have an unattractive body. To be different from others even in dress. soodra and dwelling in the west. It is a fixed sign.The sign is symbolised by a man holding an empty pot. Moon and Mars are malefics to Kumbha native while Venus and Saturn are benefics. Kumbha native's general characteristics are described by Varaahamihira thus: (Kumbha native is characterised by camel-like neck. Mars and Jupiter are death inflicting (Maarakaas) while Mercury is neutral. biped. medium body. Their affection. the significator of beauty is favourably related to the sign and if there is no malefic aspects or influence. the native would have handsome features and proportionate body. veins prominent and protruding. day strong. slightly abnormal size for feet. As such they shine in research . Before they do anything they would consider all the pros and cons. Kumbha natives would usually he intelligent and more than that hard-working. They are helpful to others. They can work with all their earnestness in any matter.41) Jupiter. The nature of the behaviour of various planets to Kumbha natives. No planet has exaltation or debilitation in Kumbha. They have an ability to bring together persons separated mentally and they may sacrifice their own interests for that purpose. face and waist defective hearing. tall body. Kumbha. Thula and Kumbha. There is also possibility of brown hair and many Kumbha natives have teeth defects or dental diseases. short and seershoadaya. air-principle. It is the last of the desire-trine (kaama-Trikona) Mithuna. ups and downs in wealth and consequent alternation of luxury and poverty. It is friendly sign of Venus. is a characteristic of the Kumbha native. Russia. cement. Poland. mines. Wednesday and Sunday are inauspicious. Simha sign leads to happiness in worldly matters but being governed by the philosophic minded Saturn Kumbha borns are frequently thinkers. Hilly places. railway. building. ladder. pump sets etc. The watery planet. Sweden and Salisbury are signified by Kumbha sign. Kataka is a watery sign. Due to the lordship of the tenth house by Mars. murder I slaughter. social service. wool. Thus swelling and filariasis are possible. ovens. distillation. petroleum products. Arabia. Therefore they have low withstanding power towards diseases and contagious diseases are possible. robbery. translator service. Children of Kumbha natives would love and respect the parent. surgeons. rooftop. caves. etc. Jupiter (significator) and Mercury (lord of the house) control the matters associated with children of Kumbha natives. brooks. As the pot which travels a long distance down a well and 'then collect the water in a single dip and rise up with filled in water the Kumbha native usually catches hold of a source of earning after continued efforts and then earns well through that source. the Kumbha-native spends with control. Since the Dhana-kaaraka. connected with their kilns. staircase. handwriting identification. industry. Abyssinia. dig out places. Venus ruling over the fourth and ninth houses confers affection and respect to parents. fame and honour. Being the diagonal sign. haircutting. birth and death registration etc. Malaria. Thursday. murder. Friday and Tuesday are good for Kumbha natives. Jupiter governs the second (Meena) house (wealth) and the eleventh (Dhanus) house (gain) they usually have good status with respect to family and wealth. transport. water-based products. another husband. sages. Sun being Saturn's enemy. trenches. Moon is the sixth lord (disease-significator) and the sixth house. are also associated with Kumbha. tunnels. many Kumbha natives have medicine. they would do any sacrifice for them. Moon being the lord of the sixth is malefic and confers mental worries. boat jetty. . laundry. astronomy. If Venus is similarly disposed the native might become a poet. if they do not like the first. musician painter. As water is let out in a controlled way from pot. metals. electric equipment. shipping. Kumbha represents the ankles and calf muscles and hence diseases such as varicose veins and filariasis are also possible. criminal investigation departments etc. Defence department. bus. Lord of the third and tenth houses (Mars) would confer interest in learning. They do not have much ability to withstand cold. window. accountancy. one finds characteristics for Kumbha natives which are opposite to that of Simha. of Simha. but if they like their husbands. Prussia. Blood circulation also may be affected. silk. many Kumbha natives are occupationally connected with metals. are associated with Kumbha sign. If Mercury (lord of 5 and 8) is favourably related to the second and sixth houses Kumbha natives may be involved in trading. chemicals. Women born in Kumbha even choose. surgery. On account of the lordship of the sixth house (service) goes to the Moon. finger print identification. Like the Makara natives. Kumbha natives also do not exhibit their affection and love to their loved ones and they are often misunderstood in this respect. Kumbha natives are not inclined to earn from a number of . are possible. minerals. rheumatic fever etc. press management. astrology etc. Mercury is neutral being the lord of the favourable fifth and the unfavourable eighth. They are neither lavish nor stingy. is not favourable for Kumbha-natives. atheism. fishing trades. silence seekers and sometimes otherworldly.sources. They like to ad and not to preach about service. places where musical instruments are kept. weel. distilleries of spirituous liquors and gambling dens Colors – Variegated.Yellow. left side limbs of kalapurusha Quadruped Body Parts – Body Parts – Left side chest Symbol – A man carrying a water jar Abode Category – Gramya rashi. They must avoid irritating those who approach them.Kumbha Symbol of this Rasi : A man holding a pot. Ghata. deep brown Direction – West Time of Day – Strong at day. of birds. Yellow . Place indicated by this Rasi : Water-pot and the receptacles of vessels in a house. may feel disappointment and tendency to lock up in loneliness if the planets are unfavourable. This tendency should be realised and they must try to be cheerful and engaged in activities. Nile Green. Kumbha natives. Short/medium/long : Short Day or Night strong : Strong during day Rising of Rasi : Seershodaya or rises with its head Watery/Dry Rasi : Water-resorter Foot or padha : Biped Class or Varna : Sudra or Worker Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Vegetables or Moola Body part : Calves Kumbha Name – Hridroga. town or village Abode – Stagnant water. pond. gems and brilliant things. Thoyodhara Element – Air Nature – Male. calm surface of watery places. green. strong at twilight Nature – Mula or vegetable Items – Water products. flowers springing in water Functions – Left arms Aquarius Element : Air Symbol : Water Bearer Quality : Fixed Animals: Color :Electric Blue. Those who are close to Kumbha natives should take care of these precautions. red white and cream are favourable colours while orange. Loneliness should be prevented and they should never feel frustrated. flowers. mongoose color. odd. They may also feel a hatred to others. Krura (fierce) sthira (fixed) Type – Waterry Limbs of KalaPurusha – Ankles. fruits. green and blue are not favourable. places where plenty of grass grows. of women. Turquoise Lucky Colour : Light Blue. Aquarius . Pepper Flower : Orchid Trait : Friendliness Weaknesses : You hate rules and regulations Suitable Profession : Advertising. 6. Romantic. red. Linra Moon’s auspicious degree: 19 Moon’s inauspicious degree: 5. Avoid green. orange . Capricorn. white. Saturn Malefic : Moon. 9. Taurus. Tuesday Lucky gem : Blue sapphire in gold in 2nd finger of right hand Lucky colours : Yellow. 6 Lucky days : Monday. 2. Friday. Intelligent. Sagittarius Most Clashes with : Aries. Mars Badhakathana : Libra (9th) Bandakapati : Venus Yog karaka : Venus Exalted : -Debilitated : -Mooltrikona : Saturn (0-20 degrees) Ideal match sign : Gemini. Interior Decoration. Thursday. Virgo.Ruling House : 11'th House Body Parts : Ankles. Human Keyphrase : I Know ! Principle : Distribution Health Problems : Legs. Dreamer Energy : Yang Keywords : Independent. 8 Lucky Day : Saterday Nature : Positive Trees : All Fruits Trees Herbs : Chilies. Music Composer Special Qualities : Communicator. Mars Neutral : Mercury Marakas : Jupiter. Ankles Most compatible with : Gemini. 7. Cancer AQUARIUS Kumbha Eleventh sign of zodiac Lord : Saturn Symbol : the water-bearer Benefic : Sun. cream. Libra. 12 Lucky perfume : Galbanum Lucky numbers : 3. Sun. Circulation Gems : Amethyst Metals : Aluminum Favourable Planets: Lucky Numbers : 5. Jupiter. blue. Venus. furnaces. sociologist. Bile. stubborn. astronomer. tactless.—They are generally tall and lean with countenance. Male (masculine) Positive. archaeologist. injuries to lower legs. loyal. progressive. blood. good memory and capable of dealing with facts. intellectual sign. worries. cramps. continued struggle. covetous. rise like a bulldog but their anger is easily subsided. inventive. Possible diseases: Achilles tendons. Negative traits: Unpredictable. blood disorders. breath. willing. swollen ankles. astrologer. peevish when provoked. large body like a pitcher. varicose veins. They are intelligent. Lunar sector. wherever goes leaves an indelible impression. Their conversation is always interesting. Positive traits: Humanitarian. nervous disorders. anemia. arteries: Circulatory system. elegant disposition. enigmatic mysterious. Immovable. scientist. highly sympathetic and are always bent upon helping others. Sign of calculated thinking and humanitarian. calves. nerves. rebellious.—They make friends of others very soon. Their lips are flushy. Mystic intellectual. Kumbha (Aquarius) Rising – B. back bone. gloom and pessimism for a good life. people born in it become great teachers. appearance attractive and disposition elegant. West. they are peevish when provoked. eccentric. Glands. If Saturn is in the 4th. They are sometimes timid and funky. capable of hand labour and trying journeys. trees). fixed. Day Sign. fortune waxes and wanes. large features. broad cheeks. idealist. generous hearted. good conversationalist. perseverance sensual. shins. philosophical and intuitive sign. spasmodic eruptions. cheeks are broad and they have prominent temples and buttocks. computer programmer. devoted to life partner. They are peevish and when provoked. make friends very soon.V. local bodies. writers. electrical engineer.—Aquarius being a philosophica sign. Appearance & looks: Handsome countenance. wind. They feel shy to . fire service. limited means.Raman Mental Tendencies. detached and of unconventional thinking. prominent temples and buttocks. thieving. flatulence. and lecturers. Biped. attractive appearance. piolet. musical sign.Day of Fast : Saturday Controls : Breath Characteristics of Aquarius: Airy. writer. rational. broad caster. Diurnal. Voice. provided the sign is free from afflictions. Moola (plants. radiographer. dark hair. Parts of body ruled: Ankles. Semi-fruitful. friendly. poor circulation. independent. fair looking. Profession & trades (career suggestions): Intellectual mental activity. phlegm. Physical Tendencies. odd. original. Uttarayana. sthira rasi. generous. General Tendencies. occult. the chest will be weak with a tendency towards stooping. a malefic (krura). phalguna (15 Feb-15 Mar). inventor. handsome. defence weaponry. Shudre (serving class). eye sight. dropsy. They shine very well as authors and writers. prone to be misunderstood owing to humanitarian doctrine. physical work. fleshy lips. Should avoid solitude. Short ascension. Natives of Aquarius are reserved. Strong by day. Aquarians: Are independent. Musical. Give a helping hand to all but bow their heads to no command Keep their home clean and well furnished and are fond of entertaining friends. watery. You will have something subtle in you which will endear you to all you come in contact with. Eleventh sign of the natural zodiac. always bent upon helping others. You may indulge in sinful acts for the sake of others' married partners. You may have prominent temples and buttocks. They specialise in subjects like astrology and become great upholders of some such cause. Otherwise their health will suffer. You may have a weak chest and you may have a tendency to stooping. You may be reserved. You will not be able to estimate your capacity well. You may have a large face.exhibit their talents before new audiences. You will be prone to be misunderstood. They will be much devoted to their husbands or wives. You will be clever in attacking others. stomach. Your literary greatness may come when you are quite young. Health: You may be peevish and liable to suffer from colic pains. writer or lecturer. They should always be kept happy in life by their husbands or wives. You will be fond of scents and flowers. You may be avaricious. and that of its ruling planet Saturn. chest pain and the like. You will soon make friends. people born in this sign will suffer certain critical setbacks which will jeopardise their reputation. In family life.How to Read a Horoscope by P V R Rayudu Body: You may be generally tall and lean with handsome countenance and attractive appearance and elegant disposition. Unless the planetary positions are otherwise favourably situated. You should always be kept happy in life by your married partner otherwise your health may suffer. they will not have sufficient happiness. You may be timid and funky and at times cowardly also. Basic Nature: . You may have prominent veins. Your ears may be large with hair. thighs and feet. You will be peevish and when provoked you will rise like a bull-dog but your anger will be soon subsided. You will be shy to exhibit your talents before a new audience but your conversation will be the most interesting and highly instructive. You may become a teacher. You will have intuition. Transfers its influence. You may specialise in subjects like astrology. You may have chest pain and the like.Beneath a Vedic Sky by W Levacy Symbol: A man pouring a water pot Key Concept: Believing in the Ideal. Aquarius-Kumbha . Your lips may be fleshy and cheeks may be broad. You will be generous and highly sympathetic. waist. You may have good organising capacity. You will be a good judge of character. Temperament and Personality: You will be capable of putting hard labour or trying journeys. You will be devoted to your partner. You will be highly intelligent with winning manners and elegant disposition. You may have prominent veins. Their literary greatness comes before the world when they are quite young. You may indulge in sinful acts for the sake of others' partners. Your body may be large with rough hair. You will have a good memory and will be capable of dealing with facts owing to your humanitarian doctrines. neck. You will not have sufficient happiness in your family life due to short temper of your married partner. back. You will be capable of acquiring very fine education. You should always be kept happy in life by your partner otherwise you may feel very unhappy. You will betray the interests of even your enemies when trust is placed in you. to the interpretation of the eleventh house of a chart. You will be pure in heart and will always be inclined to help others. They are liable to suffer from colic troubles. Owing to their humanitarian doctrines they are prone to be misunderstood. Aquarius Ascendant. Focus is on innovation. shipping. full of new ideas. prefers both solitude and social activities. good partner in business. Who is the Lord of the Aquarius sign. good memory. monastic. shrewd. unselfish. reasoning faculty. laboratories. occult knowledge. reliable and sincere friend. bony round face. Cause: Vaayu Guna: Rajas It represents unseen power. Aquarius Symbol: Empty water pot with a lid on. intuitive. ankles. self-controlled. Nature: Untidy. export. concentration.An Introduction । Which is the lucky Colour for the Aquarius people Aquarius people are humanitarian and generous. What is the symbol of Aquarius sign Pot is a symbol of Aquarius sign. quick-witted. backbone. Body parts: Lower part of legs. reluctant or incapable of following a routine. mountain springs. does unusual or irregular things. creator or producer etc. unconventional. oval face. intelligent. emptiness. They are friendly and independent. Aquarius : Tall. circulatory system. uniting to objects of amenities of Life. stubborn. well-formed. Appearances: Tall. sympathetic. Let us now get familiar with Aquarius sign. masks their misery with quick laughter or a smile. They are also close to their family. economical. legal. humane. stone quarries. concealed contents. practical. mole. prefers those who are equally social. Aquarius people are loyal to their partners. calves Diseases: Cramps.Favorable: Scientific. tends toward isolation and depression. anaemia. doesn't recognize the value of their own talents. dropsy. lecturer. Unfavorable: Impractical. ankles. has a great desire to study the character and behavior of their friends. pottery. . Saturn is the Lord of the Aquarius sign. and accommodative. intuition. physician. coarse hair. honest & benevolent. studies. prefer intelligent partners. stubborn. shrewd. classroom. nervous diseases Professions: Scientist. brown hair. mine contractor. has talent and ambition. heart. 7 Sign: Aquarius Ruling Places: Rules calves. humane. philosophical rarely loose tempers. uniting. unselfish. kind. new ideas. kind. fleshy face. Match: with signs 3. good executive. fixed and airy. astrologer. slender. Such people are practical in their thoughts. serious. too secretive. psychic. unassuming. paranoid. doesn't dress like others. They are hard-working and believe in their principles. small eyes. Aquarius Sign Meaning | Aquarius. small mouth with ill formed or crooked teeth. unconventional. sympathetic. doesn't seem to fit in. studious. strong likes and dislikes. moral. financial or education advisor. charity houses. outspoken. strong in likes and dislikes. water source. They love their freedom. Straightforward temperament. fond of learning and inspires noble thoughts. Thursday and Friday are the lucky days for the Aquarius people. 3. Tuesday. Works for common and downtrodden. fair complexion. 7 and 9 are the lucky numbers for the Aquarius sign. Interested in deep meditation and concentration. Moon is considered to be auspicious at which degree for Aquarius Moon at 19 degrees is considered auspicious for the Aquarius sign. Which are the Lucky numbers for the Aquarius sign 2. Interested in all progressive things. White and Cream are the lucky colours for Aquarius people. Love for solitude. Consistent in friendship. . studiousness never leave him. Venus and Saturn are considered auspicious for the Aquarius sign. patience. body full of hair. Aquarius sign is Saturn’s Multrikon from 0 to 20 degrees. Which planet is YogaKaraka for the Aquarius sign Venus is Yogakarak for the Aquarius sign. Which fragrance is auspicious for the Aquarius sign Galabnam fragrance is auspicious for the Aquarius sign. Which planet is Badhkesh for the Aquarius sign Venus being the Lord of the Badhak House is Badhkesh for the Aquarius sign. defective teeth. Which are Neutral planets for the Aquarius sign Mercury is neutral for the Aquarius sign. Retentive memory. prominent veins. They develop intuition and inspiration. Love of nature. strong in likes and dislikes. Kind. weighs everything before executes or watches and waits till others execute. Sun and Mars are the Marak planets for the Aquarius sign. concentration. interested in technical education. Reserved. Their conversation is always interesting. research on scientific lines. Jupiter and Mars are considered inauspicious for Aquarius sign. kind disposition. round and handsome face. On Which day should Aquarius people fast Aquarius people should fast on Saturday. Which is the Badhak Bhava for the Aquarius sign Ninth house is the Badhak Bhava for the Aquarius sign. 6. brown shade hair. Which is the lucky stone for the Aquarius people Amethyst Gemstone is lucky for the Aquarius people. Caution. Moon is considered to be inauspicious at which degree for Aquarius Moon at 5 degrees or 21 degrees is considered inauspicious for the Aquarius sign. Which Planets are inauspicious for the Aquarius sign Moon. Aquarius sign is which Planet’s Multrikon. well built and strong. Red. AQUARIUS Physical features: Middle stature. cheeks broad. prominent temples and buttocks. healthy outlook on life and its problems. hands and feet thick. mole or scar in the calf muscle.Which planets are considered auspicious for the Aquarius sign Sun. Which are the lucky days for the Aquarius people Monday. investments and discoveries. Earn money through modern machineries. General: Humanitarian. Which is the lucky Colour for the Aquarius people Yellow. Which are the Marak planets for the Aquarius sign Jupiter. admired by all. to move on a fixed goal. Nakshatras: Dhanistha. its path and goal is fixed and this has a great attraction for them. The symbol indicates that it is sober. then it is not possible to move keeping the pot full of water. a normal talker. tonsils etc. then the water will spill. to cover. and is earnest in its undertakings. They are intelligent. moralistic and have wonderful intuitional capacity. iron or wood during the age of 41to 43. Mahabhuta (Element): Air. They are slow in understanding things. Earnestness. They are reserved in nature. two different kinds. chances of injury by arms. suffers after the age of 68. they will not be satisfied as aquarian may appear to be cold. Quality: Fixed. 33. noisy. conservation. Lagna . Prosperity during the age of 22 to 40. The pitcher is a significant sign. rheumatic. fortunate during the age of 44 to 67. but once they get them. tooth problems. If lovers are passionate. Preferences for equally intelligent and educated partner irrespective of age. Gender: Male. carefulness. the gift of divinity and purification and divinity. but they do not display it. Ruler: Shani (Saturn). KUMBAH (AQUARIUS) Linga (Symbol): A Water bearer. 28. and 64 are the inauspicious years of life. They act carefully after considering the pros and cons of everything. is careless or less earnest.Kumbha (Aquarius) . abundance. It is warm. 2. These persons are steadfast in their affection. Home well furnished having collection of antiques managed in modern fashion.Fondness for home. Liable to suffer from infectious disease. to fill up with water or air. because if it loses its confidence. Do not give expression to their love. The married life of an Aquarius native is happy only if the partner is equally intelligent. calm. Attributes of The Sign: The Water bearer carries water. they can handle them with ease and confidence. has an end in view and always alert and careful. Characteristics of The Ascendant: Natives of Kumbha Ascendant are generally tall with full stature and are strong. Siddhant (Principle): In service to the greater good Limb of Kalapurush: Shins. bilious constitution. human and impersonal. It has confidence in itself. Moreover. For if attention is in any way diverted. self-indulgence. 11. Satabhisha and 3/4 Purva Bhadra. The discipline. They move in select society. gentle. a short figure. selfishness. no doubt. prominent in the upper part of the forehead. They are good character readers. They have a broad outlook and human understanding. to fill up. for others. Their complexion is fair and appearance handsome. 48. fixity of purpose and slow but sure progress of Sani is found in the nature of this Rasi. They are unselfish. heart trouble. you may be slim or athletic in physique. and may be eager to help your close relations during troublesome situations.. and lecturers. provided the sign is free from afflictions . You may also be strongly inclined towards spirituality. They feel shy to exhibit their talents before new audiences. And. Aquarius Ascendant people have been observed to be slim and/or athletic in physique. In family life. generous hearted. sometimes timid and funky. peevish and when provoked. the financial aspects remain safe and secured. cheeks broad. They will be much devoted to their husbands or wives. the life of Aquarius ascendant people is generally observed to be satisfactory. otherwise their health will suffer. From financial and materialistic point of view. Aquarius zodiac sign is Airy in nature. appearance attractive and disposition elegant. chest pain and the like. and unless. they usually show long appearance.. writers. thus.. the chances of Aquarius Ascendant people fat are very less. You may be a God fearing person and may always be looking to improve yourself on every possible aspect of your life.Lord Shani Symbol: empty water pot with lid Guna: rajas (an air and fixed sign) Mental: Being a philosophical sign. quite often. occult. General: They make friends of others very soon. rise like a bulldog but their anger is easily subsided. this attitude of yours may also cause you to face some issues in your relationships and other may consider you encroaching upon their personal matters. Owing to their humanitarian doctrines they are prone to be misunderstood. What my horoscope indicate? | Aquarius Ascendant If you are born in Aquarius Ascendant. people born into it become great teachers.. Physical: generally tall and lean with countenance handsome.. however. You may be quite curious and inquisitive in nature. However. Jupiter. Their literary greatness comes before the world when they are quite young. and religion. You may also be sympathetic in nature. they will suffer certain critical setbacks which will jeopardize their reputation. lips are fleshy. liable to suffer from colic troubles. their conversation is always interesting. Venus and Mercury. and may like to know about views of others about you.. The height may be average or tall.. highly sympathetic and are always bent upon helping others. there are significant weakness on the part of Saturn.. If Saturn is in the 4th. They should always be kept happy in life by their spouse. You may also be spontaneous. and also has the lordship of Saturn. good memory and capable of dealing with facts.. They specialize in subjects like astrology and become great upholders of some such cause. They shine very well as authors and writers.. peevish when provoked. and they have prominent temples and buttocks. Unless the planetary positions are otherwise. they will not have sufficient happiness. the chest will be weak with a tendency towards stooping. intelligent. are reserved. . acting. the role of Mars is not very supportive. fifth or ninth house is also supportive. and. Professional sectors related to police. Moon. As lord of seventh house of your Lagna Chart. Similarly. The best placement of Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) takes place when both these planets are exalted. The union of Mercury with Saturn generates a strong and powerful combination (Yoga). is not auspicious and capable of generating sinful or criminal activities. The planets Mercury. and capable of causing physical or mental sufferings. specifically when it is having relationships with Moon. are usually most suitable for Aquarius Ascendant people. There may also be severe health issues. Jupiter and the Sun on Nodes. Mars and Jupiter are inauspicious planets. preferably related to head. the good placement of any one of these can generate strong positive results during their Mahadasa. You may also have some inclination towards extramarital relationships or more than one relationship at a time. The attitude may be irritating and you may be vulnerable towards picking fights on minor issues. jewelry and skilled professions like mechanic. while. Mars and/or Jupiter. The best part of being born in Aquarius Ascendant is being good-hearted. Exalted Rahu in fourth house can give easy and strong success in financial and wealth. hysteria or chronic skin issues. training and administrative professions is very mediocre and usually generate lack of satisfaction or other problems. The union or mutual relationship between Mars and Jupiter usually results in selfish. famous and caring towards your friends. legs and joints. attitude and wisdom. fashion. Debilitated Rahu. You may be having some amount of proud or egoistic attitude. The only requirement is that there should not be concentrated influence of Moon. the role of Jupiter is not much auspicious for Aquarius Ascendant people. politics. Venus and Saturn are most auspicious planets for Aquarius Ascendant. placed in tenth house of Lagna Chart. is capable of giving positive results in terms of finance. web designer etc. If Moon and Mercury are also weakly disposed. while for other aspects (specifically marriage and health). The combinations of Saturn + Venus and Venus + Mercury are also auspicious for your horoscope. . if strongly placed. while for other aspects. which should be kept under good control. social and having sympathetic attitude towards others. currency. banking. Weak and afflicted Saturn may cause you to commit sins and you may also have criminal tendencies. engineering. And. due to which. Jupiter. You may have strong and dependable social connections. However. the Sun becomes the Marak planet. arrogant and a bit negative shaded personality. capable of damaging the positive attributes of the planets/houses under influence. it may be comparatively easier for you to get things done. finance. intestine. Besides this. The suitability of Teaching. the exalted Ketu in tenth house is also supportive for professional matters. pharmacy. Venus becomes the Yogakaraka planet for Aquarius Ascendant people. and sometimes. Rahu’s disposition in first. The above mentioned positive results are subject to the conditions that the Saturn is well disposed and the first house of your Ascendant is also safe from any malefic planetary influences. medicine. movies. there may be anxiety issues. stomach. and may consider yourself above others in terms of your behavior. Involvement of Moon in such auspicious combinations is capable of destroying the fruitfulness of the positive Yogas as well as generating negative planetary influence instead. Mars. Aquarius ascendant people are usually good nature people. Mars (if strong and well placed) can give some positive results related to professional prospects. it is not only capable of generating auspicious Yogas but cancelling/diluting the other inauspicious planetary influences on the horoscope. specifically when both these planets are well placed and safe from combustion. quite a time. without it being asked for. it becomes difficult for others to digest and accept your cleanliness of heart. Health: Ailments affecting heart and generative system. They persist in a given direction and neither reason nor argument will turn them. this may appear threatening to other people. be quite cautious and careful in your actions and behavior on public places and within your professional/social relationships. Besides this. asthma. and it may also become a routine feature of their lives. giving stamina and persistence in action. Besides this. heart troubles of defective circulation . Due to this. Make up their mind to do anything. The chances of health issues becoming chronic are also more prominent for Aquarius Ascendant people.who could not stand other people’s grievances and try their best to provide some relief with best possible measures. These people are endowed with good executive ability. and may also like to know about the secrets of other people. unrelenting and unbending. They are very firm in their mental attitude and once an opinion has been formed they cling to it with tenacity. The primary reason is the lordship of Moon over sixth house. They will not mind doing anything for one who has won their affection. may suffer from disease like diphtheria. The chances of facing issues in social reputation are usually more prominent for Aquarius Ascendant people. The weak part of your personality and nature is being too much egoistic and full of proud for their generosity towards others. they will keep on working with remarkable patience and persistence until success comes to them. therefore. Besides this. you may also tend to offer your advice or suggestion. Cautions to be exercised: If you are born in Aquarius Ascendant. they tend to lose relationships and also vulnerable towards enmity without any sane or rational reasons. dogmatic. Very fond of comfort. when once won over to a cause they will defend in to the last. bronchitis. self-reliant and reliable and remarkably patient. and you may be suspected of having some ulterior motives behind your moves. Very practical in their approach. Aquarius  Broad Outlook (F) Rouses the desire nature. The vulnerability towards loss of social reputation is more during and after middle age. you may also face problems in doing hard-work on physical grounds. religion and spirituality. Will be outspoken. You should. and may like to prefer work or environment. Health: The health also remains a great cause of concern for Aquarius ascendant people. They are vulnerable of being sick or ill quite frequently. Chronic/organic troubles are threatened. Social reputation: This aspect is to be given due consideration. Very difficult people to convince but. values. And. where physical movement/involvement is not much required. rigid. Very strong and determined will. quite often. you should be extra careful about the following: Inquisitive nature: You may be curious and inquisitive about what other people think about you. Their tendency is to seek solitude and become self-absorbed. On the other side are obstinate. They are pre-eminently thorough. luxury and other refining influences of life. They are also highly inclined towards character. which may also create suspicion in the mind of other people. who may consider you to be unnecessarily encroaching the boundaries. The disturbed state of health and mood may also keep you out of focus in your professional and other prospects. active ambitious. fond of reasoning. Persons influenced by these signs are best fitted in positions that require speed and swiftness. Love changes and like travels. Movable sign on angles (9th) one will be resourceful and alert. Being enterprising and active. agent clerk. Dual sign connected with 2.One will be firm. appearance handsome. Any profession where mind and brain are more exercised than body fits them. He will be slow and plodding but will succeed eventually. When fixed sign are on Kendras . If the cusp of the 11th and 11th lord is in common sign one will acquire doubtful friendships (Asc. Dynamic energy. They succeed through sheer audacity. Requires time to come to a decision. will be indifferent even in regard to accumulation of wealth. Would grasp an idea very quickly. The hair has a brown shade. Mind is cultured. Denotes intellectual pursuits best fitted to be advisers. well informed. lawyers. Offer good intellect. General Predictions: Physical Usually tall with full stature people would born in this lagna. determined dignified and self-reliant. gentle. poets. If 1 & 7 lords are in harmonious aspect or parivartana partnership is advisable.6. Patient persistence in every doing.10 one is best fitted to serve others. he will prove to be its most ardent and reliable advocate. They will exert much. idealistic and often inconstant. And with relatives in general are developed. There may be a mole or scar in the calf muscle. He will succeed in any enterprise. Well informed.Fixed) Nature (A) Connected with mental experience and mind. Affliction denotes one may inherit hereditary diseases. if well connected they show cheerful. Never rest contents until they are in the lead of whatever pursuit they follow. They scorn subordination. Accountants. He will put his talent to the best use. suffer nervous troubles. fertile. one can act as a middleman. get exhausted and due to overwork. inquisitive. artists. Third cusp Movable. Less vitality. scientists. bold and indomitable spirit is indicated. enterprising but changeable. Set back does not daunt him. He will adhere to a method only after being satisfied that it will meet his requirements. Finance is prone to fluctuation. novelists. fertile. political. imagination idealistic and artistic nature. A brave. Will do a lot of travelling about close ties with cousins. sympathetic. complexion will be fair. come what may. courteous. signifies that the mind is often aspiring. For instance. You are strong. neighbor’s etc. refined. The man of dual sign being lazy and indifferent. amiable. religious or educational or any other they will work for that cause with all the vim and vigor of their energetic nature. wit and ingenuity and tact and diplomacy. It is next to impossible to change him but when veered round to cause. Natives ardent in whatever they undertake and they once espouse a cause social. Will not be assertive but tactful. inventors. one will be able to take up pioneer work. Teeth may be not in order either multibuyer or more than the No. well behaved and level headed. Face will be OVAL. lecturers. courteous. . regained and human nature. Active circulation gives plumpy body with complexion good. Bring income to one through service and ordinary means. Artistic and literary minded. reporters. he will shun no effort in order to succeed. Natives are ideally suited to occupy responsible and authoritative positions. Scientific pursuits advantageous.and spinal complaints. a good mutual working arrangement is indicated. hence no gap in between. He is sure to rise in life through fixity of purpose and persistent effort. Majority is talented. which usually become chronic. and editor speaker. to be bold and courageous and finally attain name. knows value of money. very social yet the native selects friends and who are silent workers in any society. Attend immediately after any injury or obtrusions.Characteristics You always prefer solitude. but you never forget as you have good retentive power. tooth trouble and tonsils may cause troubles. Can read the character of others and can find the motives of others. You will make money after using talent. have confidence and work with pleasure. So that you can observe what others do. Legs may swell. give rest to the mind and to the body. You should cultivate activity and promptness specially when repeat the process with greater earnestness when you will surely be successful. and impersonal. Though you are intelligent. and will be every contemplating. abandon and intestine disorders. Can not withstand cold weather you have to warm up the limbs and feet. Always stick on to any principle. money accumulates.. Even . You will not hesitate to do any unusual and irregular things. You should never lack in the push or in the courage. Venus rules 4 and 9 show attachment to both the parents. planning and scheming. They will enjoy the fruits of life in this world. you may act in a way. which indicates that the laws are not intended for you. but a bit slow in grasping and absorbing fresh ideas. Health Susceptible to infectious disease. Guard against varicose veins. It favors research overseas etc. and fame and reputation through ultimate success. if you consider it to be morally all right. good health. You may have sluggish circulation of blood. manifesting in cold hands and feet. works hard. you . Then pleasant life is promised. Very intelligent. Be alert. Consider the merits and demerits of every case purposely slowly. You may not follow the tradition. investment not profitable.. You should know that we have to live in a world where we have to keep up with certain standard and we have to be one in the society. to do research. Should not over-tax yourself. generally you do not relish to be in the midst of a crowd nor work in the midst of a group or workers where there is much noise. are outspoken. Avoid living in malaria infected areas. humane. Will not have satisfactory circulation. but it comes. Mars ruling the 3rd and 10th house. Finance and Fortune Commercial instinct. you have the tendency to vacillate and there by take long time to do a thing since you can not come to a decision before judging the advantage and disadvantage of anything that you have to undertake or do. human understanding. feels fatigue on lateral exertion. You always make efforts to bring about harmony and change any condition. Buddha ruling the 8th and Moon the 6th shows that the native always food for thought. You are best fitted for research work. Even in dress you are a peculiar person. Ankle or limb may be affected. watch and see the results and then act. On some occasions. Should take rest then and there. You try to be lonely but you should know that you would become lazy and lethargic when you are left alone. You have your own individuality and mannerisms. The best remedy would be to have fresh air and good friendship. You are very constant in your friendship. unselfish. which is either undesirable or unhealthy or detrimental for further progress. You do not believe in earning money then and there for the work done. Careful about diet. Higher education etc. gives inclination to study . be patiently working and after finding out some development and novel ones. Can not be fooled. to you. careful about money. Do not be contemplating and planning over and over again. Generally the native is blessed with good family and satisfactory bank position due to Jupiter as second lord. You will not hesitate to do any unusual or irregular dress does not dress like others. Never will you seek for honour. self-made. Money. Have a broad outlook. But you may remain for a long period. It is advisable to walk amidst beautiful scenery with a pleasant companion. independent views. high spirit and cheer. But you adopt all modern ones to save time and trouble. prophetic. You do not find fault with others. You have a store of stories and by narrating them to your children coping with the childish ways. You realise that too much of intimacy will lead to contempt. sports and gains. Domestic Environments Very social. Libra Below average. brown hair. stout. courteous. Wife Physical Features Gemini Tall land upright. Have the talent and also ambition. Speculate on Tuesdays and Thursdays. successful. honest and sincere. becomes bald.. magnanimous and noble and dutiful. Mostly loss. you educate your children. Children are given training in intelligent and novel methods. true. good for astrology. you keep the home clean and tidy so that you can entertain friends frequently. May be a collection of antiques. tolerant. Gives a pleasure to possess them yet more pleasure is enjoyed by demonstrating them to the visitors. is needed for this worldly life. physic experiences. Wednesdays and Sundays are unfortunate days. You encourage children to give their ideas and encourage their aptitude hobbies. etc. What is the result ? Children not only have the greatest affection but also pay more respect to the parents. hates quarrels. Jupiter gives you most reliable. you should behave like a strict teacher. loyal.. deep set eyes. Children You do not pose that you are aged you should be respected. merciful. true and good friends. friends in foreign. tall good health.consider. Come to with any one on Tuesdays and Mondays. Friends and Benefactors You always lively with good humour. good humour. You are both fortunate and unfortunate. Children will be journalists. through profession. Give traditional and old cumbersome troublesome methods. Home will be well furnished. spiritual life. etc. Gemini and Libra borns are best suited to you. You are therefore mostly quiet and unassuming which will help to gain a large number of friends and make the home life pleasant. Fridays. Saturdays offer mixed results. Your partner will be law binding. information officers. With some of them you are somewhat reserved. Romance & Marriage You always prefer educated and equally INTELLIGENT PARTNER. You treat the children as though they are grown up individuals. brown hair. You take everything easy even when you are not properly treated. You are neither economical nor liberal nor extravagant. Great desire to study character and behavior of your friends. Lucky Stars Thursdays. active and clever. which contribute to their courage and confidence.. aims. You are very true to your friends Eventhough a few of them may either be selfish or cheats. arrange in modern finish. Want many friends. Never hesitate to purchase ultra modern electric appliances for the convenience of the workers at home. oval face. You are more dutiful to your relatives. humanitarian. good stature. generous. grows beard. and propagandists. You have strong attachment and also permanent one and as you are unassuming. mathematicians. Tuesdays and Mondays are most fortunate days. Prefer Fridays for entering a college or going overseas. You rectify them and make them versatile. . you do not have loss over the partner. Neither you are very much attached/detached. sympathetic. Avoid Saturdays for purchase and investments. Never speculate on Wednesdays and Sundays. Lucky Colors Yellow, red, white and cream are lucky colors. Yellow colour indicates increased in income, satisfactory bank position, and happy family life. Red: Victory over enemies - reputation - success. White: Good domestic environments pleasure, success in education - success in dealing with foreigners. Cream: Overdraft facility, win in election, victory over enemies. Avoid Orange: Threatens opposition. Avoid Green: Loss in litigation, trouble, and danger. Avoid Blue: Unexpected loss, treachery etc., Lucky Numbers : 3,9,2,8 in multiples like 12, 21, 18, 81, 27, 72, 63, 45, 54. Avoid 1, 4, 5, 8 ...... 1, 10, 19. Points to be kept in mind: You always prefer solitude; generally you do not relish to be in the midst of a crowd nor work in the midst of a group of workers where there is much noise. You try to be lonely but you should know that you would become lazy and lethargic when you are left alone. You should cultivate activity and promptness especially when things do not shape as you expect. What is the use of getting worried or feeling gloomy. Does not be a pessimist; but you have to repeat the process with greater earnestness when you will surely be successful. You should never lack in the push nor in the courage. Be alert, have confidence and work with pleasure. You may not follow the tradition; you may act in a way, which indicates that the laws are not intended for you. You will not hesitate to do any unusual and irregular things. Even in dress you are a peculiar person. You have your own individuality and mannerism. You should know that we have to live in a world where we have to keep up with certain standard and we have to be one in the society. On some occasions, you have the tendency to vacillate and thereby take long time to do a thing since you cannot come to a decision before judging the advantage and disadvantage of anything that you have to undertake or do. You may have sluggish circulation of blood, manifesting in cold hand and feet. The best remedy would be to have fresh air and good friendship. It is advisable to walk amidst beautiful scenery with a pleasant companion. Do not be contemplating and planning over & over again; give rest to the mind and to the body. Then pleasant life is promised. Kumbha (Aquarius) Characteristics Physical Appearance No doubt that this sign is of short ascension yet the people born under this sign are tall with full stature. Strong, well-formed,tendency to stoutness in middle age, good, clear complexion, oval face,handsome appearance, brown shade hair, mole or scar on calf-muscles.Fleshy face good looking and friendlycountenance. Mental Tendency Intelligent, good memory and reasoning faculty. Very capable of dealing with facts, possess good concentration, kind, humane, self controlled. Constant, preserving, happy disposition, inventive and also psychic. Have many friends. Can read other’s characters, broad outlook and like solitude. They often become physicians. Personality Aquarians are serious, quite, thoughtful and of contemplative nature. Defective teeth, intelligent, cautions, prudent, economical and practical. Outspoken, unselfish, humane and impersonal. They are very social but very choosey about friends. Hardworkers, have organising capacity, of profound thoughts, also shrewd, clear headed, quick-witted and wide awake. Blessed with new and fresh ideas, use own thinking and discretion,originate new ideas. Will do all things which are morally right. They have their own individually and speciality. Constant in friendship, stick to a principle. Best fitted for research and Physics. Aquarians are strong in their likes and dislikes. Stubborn but not fool hardy. they develop intuition and good concentration. They do not preach others but act themselves. They observe fast, penance etc. and sound financial position. Aquarians are prone to infectious diseases. Cannot withstand cold, they should attend immediately to an injury, should not overtax themselves and take plenty of rest. Venus isbadhakasthana whereas Jupiter and Sun are Maraka planets. Honour, wealth come to them. But they are both fortunate and unfortunate. They are neither very much attached nor detached with their family. Gemini and Libra born ladies are best suited as their partners. They will have good children The result indicated for Aquarius ascendant are firm and general for the different planets in the different houses. They are to be suitably modified.according to the aspects and conjunction with other planets. Health and Diseases Aquarians are succeptable to infections diseases. One should not overtax oneself but take rest. The heart may cause trouble, it may be rheumatic or cause blood pressure. Tooth, throat and tonsil,swelling of legs, ankles feet and left ear troubles are also denoted. One may suffer from eye troubles. One should immediately consult a doctor in the case of even a minor trouble or ailment and one will recover from them when the disease is as indicated by Moon, but the diseases caused by Jupiter, Sun,Mercury and Venus in their conjoined period or sub period will be fatal.Moon causes dropsy and common ailments during its period being a lord of 6th house and planets posited in Dhanishta threatens high fever, malaria, high blood pressure fractures etc. Whereas planets in Satbhisha causes poor digestion or one suffers from constipation, blood pressure and insomnia.Planets in Poorvabadhra produce dropsy, defective blood circulation eczema, skin troubles, ulcerated gums etc. Venus is Bhadhaka-Sthana Adhipati Lords of 2nd and 7th are Maraka sthana adhipatis, they are Jupiter and Sun which affect longevity. Love and Marriage Aquarians are intelligent and always prefer educated and equally intelligent partners. They move with all very freely but with those who are social equals they are shrewd and studious. They prefer permanent and strong attachments. They are unassuming, they do not boss over the partner. In case the person is not upto their standard they may slowly and without assigning any reasons discontinue the love relations and friendship.Aquarians do not show love and are cold, so the partners if are passionate they will not be satisfied. The partners will be law biding, true, honest and sincere, dutiful, magnanimous and noble. They care peace, harmony and happiness.Those who marry Aquarians, find them very humane, kind, sympathetic and accommodative and generous and gracious. Ideal Match Aquarians can suit best to Gemini and Libra born persons. Husbands Aquarian husbands are intelligent and ever think and carry research in science etc. so they have little time to pay full attention to the wife and family and may not be taken as a drawback and lack of interest to such wives who are selfish. Otherwise they are very humane, kind, sympathetic, accommodative, generous and genius. They are harmonious husbands contributing for happy life.They are strict teachers and treat their children as grown up individuals who are respectful and affectionate to the parents. They educate them and encourage them to be bold and expressive. They become clever and versatile,but expect respect from them. Traits to be Corrected If either the ascendant or Saturn, the lord the ascendant,is afflicted by the adverse aspect from any planet. 1. The native will be lazy and lethargic, and hence he should cultivate activity, promptness etc. 2. He should avoid solitude. 3. He should not be worried, gloomy and pessimist. 4.He should be pushful and alert. 5. He should not be very rigid towards those whom the Aquarians dislike. Finance and Fortune Honour comes to them, Aquarians never seek them.They are both fortunate and unfortunate. They work hard and wait patiently for some development and novel results and then only expect money. To money, they consider, that it is only needed for worldly life. Domestic Environments Aquarians are very social, they keep the home clean and tidy, well furnished, modern fashionable home. Fond of entertaining friends and collecting more and more antiques. They are in the habit of adaptability.Unconventional but adopt modern methods to save time and trouble. They prefer society and solitude, more dutiful to their relatives, they are neither much attached nor detached. Friends Aquarians are always lively, good humorous, high spirited and cheerful. They want many friends, and are almost reliable, sincere and good but with some of them they might be somewhat reserved. They are not in habit of finding fault with others but take everything easy. Good partners in business. They should be careful for selection of friends and some of them may not be selfish or cheat and so avoid too much intimacy with others and all Aquarians should be quite and unassuming which will enable them to make a large number of friends and make the home pleasant. Professions 2nd house lord Jupiter indicates the professions for Aquarians can be scientist, good executive, position in large office or concerns, a lecturer, astrologer, legal, financial or education advisor. Mine contractor, or dealer in shipping and export.6th house lord Moon indicates one may practice in medicine, social service,shipping, sailor, submarine, pump set dealer, export and import business of liquids.10th house lord Mars denotes the professions of building construction,chemicals, mechanical engineering, brick kiln owner, cement dealer, surgeon,dealer in lead, copper and steel or C.I.D. officer. The professions will also be of the planets forming good aspects with cusps of 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. Lucky Days, Numbers, Colours and Stones etc. Thursdays, Friday,Tuesday and Mondays are favourable and lucky days. Wednesdays and Saturday are unfortunate whereas Sunday offer mixed results.Lucky Colours. Yellow, Red, White and Cream are lucky and favourable colours. Avoid orange, green and blue.Lucky Numbers. Favourable and lucky numbers 3,9,2 and 7. But unfavourable number are 1,4,5 and 8. Passive number is 6.Lucky Stone. Blue sapphire is lucky stone for Aquarians and should be used in gold or in five metals ring and be worn in 2nd finger of right hand on Saturday morning after offering payer.In case Saturn in unfavourable or afflicted one should use Blue Sapphire,blue Red Coral or Blue Sapphire plus emerald as above. Aquarius Woman Physical Appearance swelling of legs. Good looking and friendly countenance. sandy or light brown. kind. You will never fiercely protect your children. To money. handsome appearance. Very capable of dealing with facts. Honour comes to you. likely to be blonde. wandering expression and often blue. Strong. has also detachment and lack of emotion. so please think first for motherhood then be mother. green or grey. with a dreamy. quite thoughtful and of contemplative nature. Your demand for freedom is insistent. good clear complexion. Your eyes contain some magic and mysterious knowledge. You may suffer from eye troubles.It is Airy and fixed sign of Zodiac. broad outlook and like solitude. but your allegiance to anyone who can accept romance with you within such limits is boundless. Finances and Fortune You work hard and wait patiently for the result.. One will notice a marked nobility of profile Features are finally chiselled. You are very social but very choosy about friends. Children Average Aquarian Woman may be bewilfered by motherhood in the beginning. well formed body. mole or scar on calf muscles. You damsels are generally tall with full stature. You may behave like a clumsy bear in romantic situations. You may move with all freely. Heart may cause trouble. Your eyes are typically vague. blood pressure or rheumatic. as marriage even is confusing you. Preserving. you consider is only needed for worldly life and not for accumulation. One wants to enter in to romance with you should remember that you are paradoxical lover as you are in everthing else. outspoken. One can make happy relation with you if he leaves you free to pursue your myriad interests and circulate among your friends. Complexion is pale and height is usually taller than average. The girl is faithful in love but not demonstrative. humane and impersonal. If one is looking for a passion flower. tendency to stoutness in middle age. Even in case of minor trouble or ailment you should consult the doctor immediately. possess good concentration. Such girl is not interested in one’s bank balance but will surely expect his man or friend to be respected in some way for his intellectual achievements. You are both fortunate and unfortunate as fanances are concerned. happy disposition. Mental Tendencies Intelligent. mother at second stage. humane and self controlled. Cautious. unselfish. When one sets up to catch a butterfly like you damsel in his net. Have many friends. good memory and reasoning faculty. Hair is frequently straight and silky. Money is never the prime consideration of the typical Aquarian woman. Passion is not your forte. Can read other’s character. You belong to every one. oval face. pain in teeth. She can not demonstrate warm affection outwardly to them but devoted to off springs. prudent and economical. and yt to no one. A peculiar behaviour. ankle and feet are the troubles indicated. you are intelligent and always prefer educated and equally intelligent partner. Practical. You need to become wife first. Romance and Marriage Shrewd and studious. and yet to no one. Fleshy face. should remember that you will never spend your unpredictable life with a man who is not true to himself. You will think physical love is . he has picked up wrong daisy. brown shade hair. inventive and also psychic. Health and Diseases You are suceptiable to infectius diseases. Personality You Aquarian damsels are serious. throat. Take rest and not overtax yourself. You belong to every one. You prefer permanent and strong attachments. but with those specially who are equally social and intellectual. tonsils. Fond of entertaining freinds and collecting more antiques. unselfish. But after discovery of Uranus Western astrologers assigned this sign to Uranus. Though they are intelligent they bit slow in grasping and absorbing fresh ideas. except first true and honest love for a life time. Yellow. They are strong. Aquarius – Kumbha Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Physical Features: The people born in Aquarius are tall with full stature. complexion will be fair. White and Creamare lucky Colours. A dishonest relationship goes against your chemistry. You do not seek or enjoy divorce. On the whole Aquarians are very social. promptness etc. So one should cultivate activity. your marriage is usually model of happiness. Whereas 1. 2 and 7 numbers are favourable and lucky. 3. 5 and 8 are unfavourable. Saturday will give mixed results. humane . Teeth may be defective. it it is not overemphaszed. Ideal Match Gemini and Libra born persons suit best to Aquarians. She should be alert and pushful. human understanding. They have a broad outlook. You are also capable of forgetting the past and wipe the slate clean of memories. Saturn ruling the airy sign shows that they consider the merits and demerits of every case purposely slowly. Avoid Orange green and blue. Before the discovery of Uranus both Hindu sages and Western astrologers assigned this sign to Saturn. but can disappear overnight and never look back. once you find the right male. outspoken. that is all right too. but they never forget as they have good retentive power. and then they act. married life will remain satisfactory to good depending on both the partners. They can read the character of others. Day of fast is Saturday for good luck. It is symbolized with pouring out water from a vessel. so that they can observe what others do. unconventional but adopts modern ways to save time and trouble. One cannot fool them by flattery and serve their purpose. watch and see the result. You can respond to love making with a haunting. She should not be worried. Red. Traits to be Corrected if either the Ascendant or its lord Saturn is afficted by the adverse aspects from any planet then The native will be lazy and lethargic. Mental Tendencies: As Aquarius is an airy sign so they will be intelligent. Passive number is 6. Lucky Days. Rarely you will involve in extra marital affairs. She should not be very rigid towards those whom the Aquarians dislike. Wednesday and Sunday are unfortunate. There may be a mole or scar in the calf muscle. keep the home clean tidy well furnished and modern fashionable home. 4. 9. “Out of site out of mind” proverb can be applied to Aquarians. gloomy and pessimist. Friday Tuesday and Monday are favourable days for you. Neither much attached nor detached.pleasant enough. So under the above circumstances. but if one prefers to keep it platonic for long periods of time. Adomptability. Numbers And Colors Thursday. deep intensity. The hair has a brown shade. and appearance will be handsome. Domestic Environments You Aquarian girl has peculiar advancement. Face will be oval. Otherwise she should avoid solitude. A Man Pouring Water From a Pot Ruling Planet – Saturn Birthstars . it may be rheumatic or there may be blood pressure. Slowly and without any reason. Lucky Days: Thursday. The heart may cause trouble. humane. Planets in Dhanista star causes high fever. Aquarius are idealists and innovators. inventions and discoveries. 9. insightful into others character. They always make efforts to bring harmony and change in any condition which are undesirable. It also can be difficult for others to understand Aquarians' philosophical values. music. They usually have a positive attitude toward life.and impersonal. Aquarius – Kumbha Symbol . They never want to hurt anyone. one ankle or limb may be affected. however others have difficulty in figuring them out as Aquarians can behave quite different under any circumstance. One may suffer from eye trouble. They are not susceptible to flattery and they have great memories. As Aquarius is the 11th sign of Zodiac. able to juggle many sides of life. they will discontinue the friendship and love with one if the person does not come up to the standard they expect. Health and Disease: As Aquarius opposes the sign of sun. clear headed. They are always far ahead with fresh ideas. unhealthy and detrimental to the further progress. beautiful places. Friday. They are neither economical nor liberal nor extravagant. loving helping others. and secretive. Tooth trouble and tonsils may cause problem to them. facture etc. unserious. thoughts and new approach to problems. As they have a strong attachment and also permanent one. Unfavorable traits of Aquarius include the ability to be inflexible. Though they are very social they are selective while making friendship. spiritual people who want to change the world and are extremely dedicated to social and political causes. They are both fortunate and unfortunate. They are hard. The legs may swell. They are stubborn but not fool hardy. Often they are intelligent. They do not preach to others but they practice. they do not have loss over the partner. dedicated workers. talented. Planets in Sathabisha cause poor digestion and constipation. They will not hesitate to do uncommon and unusual thing. Romance and Marriage: As Aquarians are intelligent they always prefer educated and equally intelligent partner. and travel. skin trouble and ulcerated gums. They move with all very freely but yet they prefer those who are equally social. strong in likes and dislikes. they are unassuming. Shatabhisha. unconventional. They never seek for honour but it comes to them. stubborn.Dhanishtha. unsure of themselves. the outdoors. dance. Tuesday and Mondays are lucky days. Finance and Fortune: Aquarians make money by their talent. Aquarians are susceptible to infectious disease. peculiarity and specialty. scientific. a loner. who usually like to not be in charge and will persevere in spite of failure. They can be fixed in attitudes and opinions and prefer to earn income from a . Uranus being the other owner of this sign. high blood pressure. They always originate new ideas. shows not only they are shrewd. incapable of following a routine. shrewd and studious. 2 & 7 are lucky number. quick witted and wide awake but they also want to improve the mental standard of all. Afflicted Venus causes skin disease. They generally make money by modern machinery. however ignite their temper and they can be ferocious. They are well liked by other people. Planets in Poorvabhadrapada cause poor circulation of blood. They have their own mannerism. and intuitive. Lucky Number: 3. Purva Bhadrapada Favorable traits of Aquarius include the ability to be helpful to others. They have talent and ambition. Dr. visions and hallucinations.V. anthropologist. artistic and humane. Aquarius Mental Qualities You will have a quiet. social worker. They fall into two catagories: one shy. Your inventive faculty applied to research in medical fields. blue eyes and flaxen hair. You may have defective teeth and/ or dental problems. Zodiac Sign Aquarius Aquarians basically possess strong and charming personalities. devoid of unruly passion and excess. They are long standing in affection and companionship. Raman. You will be changeful in fancy. astrologer. you will surely be a success. You have a taste of construction and will gain property. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions. Morgan. you will have a tall. You will have interest in classic literature and theoretical sciences. They are interested in innovative projects and they enjoy meeting others whom are committed as they are and with whom they can exchange ideas. Your characteristics are extreme patience and great depth of thought. Alexander Graham Bell. Professions which are best suited to Aquarius include: researcher. penetrating mind and a capacity of assimilation. inclined to the lugubrious. You have an independent spirit. Karl Marx. technologist. Your mind is bent on scientific and psychological pursuits. lively and exhibitionist. Janice Joplin Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Aquarius Aquarius Appearance According to your Horoscope. the other exuberant. cheerful. You may have interest in singing and music too. astronomy and occult subjects will be productive of success. The shank proportion of your legs ( left in the case of male and right in the case of female) may have some afflictions. surgeon. happy disposition with love for humanising influences. Gayatri Devi Vasudev. which may create a tendency to lock themselves up in isolation. well-proportioned figure with clear complexion. Aquarius Special Characteristics You are a sober and placid in temperament. You are even and temperate. medicine. disposed to solitude and nocturnal life / work. Many times they feel insecure in intimate relationships or their relations with the opposite sex. sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. You may have peculiar and fantastic appetites and some women may try to cause you harm. sensitive. Although slow. Alfred Hitchcock.P.single source. mathematics. Your eyesight may be somewhat affected. Whitney Houston. humane and patient. You will enjoy a fair name and good reputation. to strange terrors and weird experiences. They have the ability to bring together persons of difference and may sacrifice their own interests for that purpose. You will be choosy in selecting friends and will have lasting friendship with a few people. Famous People: Abraham Lincoln. You are likely to have long distance or overseas journeys on professional. cultural or religious errand. bright. civil rights worker and activist. Frequently they experience health problems due to their high strung nature. You will be kind. You will excel in industrial sciences and decorative arts. Astronomy and cosmology may be of interest to you. You will figure in institution re-unions and social gatherings. B. though as they seek truth above all . surrounding and pursuits. You will be melancholic individual. gentle and patient. You will be fond of solitude and of learned society. J. Sri Ramakrishna. They detest interference by others. of other people. sometimes ethereal.specifying Aquarius' energies . humanitarian. serving. they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers. lack of self-confidence. They may excel in photography. ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. and broadcasting. they are usually honest enough to change their opinions. though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. and are also gifted in the arts. frank. active and persevering without being selfassertive. or as welfare workers and teachers. once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love. Jupiter Upagraha Gulikaa is supposed to have his own Raashi in Aquarius.are: Mars. Raahu. however helpfully intended. Both types are humane. selfless. and will accept it only on their own terms. . feeling guilty or worthless. working for the benefits of others. They have a feeling of unity with nature and a desire for knowledge and truth that makes them admirable scientists. serving. electronics . P-Bhaadrapad (3/4) Their lords .neglecting own personality. air) the energetic impulse . a dry humor. especially drama. sacrifices. and express themselves with reason. * Starstone of Aquarius is TURQUOISE. On the arts and humanities side their progressive tendencies can be expressed in writing. especially astronomers and natural historians. selfnegating. of groups and to learn serving others resulting in . Aquarius is Mool-trikon of Saturn and Uranus. Aquarians work best in group projects. Aquarius/Kumbh (fixed. after the manifestation of the individual will and power in Capricorn period now there is need to include the needs of the society. serious minded. genial. They are quick.aviation and everything technical. radiography. music and art. moderation and sometimes.anything connected with the electrical and radio industries . * The color of choice for Aquarius is GREEN.things. easy to manipulate. balance own individuality with living in society or partnership. especially poetry. Nakshatra posited in Aquarius: Dhanishthaa (1/2). seeing needs of others. Likes * Fighting for Causes * Dreaming and Planning for the Future * Thinking of the Past * Good Companions * Having Fun Dislikes * Full of Air Promises * Excessive Loneliness * The Ordinary * Imitations * Idealistic Some more interesting facts about your sign: * Your ruling planet is URANUS. Shatabhishaa. refined. progressive attitude.subordination of own interests and person under the needs and necessities of others. and idealistic. Normally they have good taste in drama. no charisma Saturn and Uranus spread this energy in Zodiac. The Nakshatras of Dhanishtha. where ideals and ideas form the soul. Many geniuses are Aquarius born. It is also the zodiac ruled by stern and gloomy Saturn. According to Vedic astrology. a stranger is also a good potential experimental subject for psychological analysis. Especially when there is no one around to understand his breakthrough ideas or sensitivity. once they have formed an opinion of their own they are quite stubborn to consider things otherwise.Upaketu is supposed to be in exaltation here. and as cutting to a king. Then they come out again. this zodiac is also ruled by the planet Saturn. This deceptive zodiac provides people with dream and innovations. and still he is essentially a loner. which deals in ideas. But an Aquarian can rarely put that kind of trust in someone. this sign is all about exploring life with fearlessness. They are often very good analyst and reach the corners where no one has even trodden. yet the paradoxical ability to analyse and grasp reality in full depth. Although an Aquarian is very open and receptive to other`s ideas and opinions. they wont change it even for a million bucks. For them. impractical. An Aquarian is all about people. Hence. and liberated thinking gifted by this sign? Aquarius is truly the zodiac that belongs to mankind!! Health . the sign is far from being materialistic. His love for humanity knows no discretion. Speaking of bucks. This is a gentle sign. It`s almost telepathic. Once they form an opinion. As a result. And yet. Another inconsistency being that an Aquarian is the man of the masses. knowing that an Aquarian will never judge and will always understand. It is known as "Kumbha" in Hindi. extremely erratic. abstracts. cheerful disposition and innovation. observation. replenished again to take in the world and its people. Otherwise how will we be thankful for so many inventions. yet no fools. At the same time this sign also inflicts the zodiac born with inherent anxiety and mental breakdowns. Barring a few rare Aquarians who seem timid and emotional. An Aquarian can be as warm to a street sweeper. Money is often the accidental part of the work. which creates its own set of ideals irrespective of dogmas of the society. The sign provides the one born in it with almost intuitive grasp of feelings and ideas. No wonder everyone confides their smallest troubles and deepest desires to them. Maybe it`s the reason that they often follow their instincts rather than cold logic and practicality. Shatabhishak and Purva Bhadrapada lie beneath this sign. often he is forced to take a break from this world to go in sudden spells of loneliness. there are the phases where his originality and unique thinking compels him to go inward and share a few things just with himself. Many of Aquarians can foretell the future or what`s going on in the depth of our mind with uncanny capability. People in this sign are at times eccentric. Aquarius Astrology Aquarius is the eleventh Zodiac in the belt. The zodiac of Aquarius is truly contradictory and complicated. Research and new avenues excite him. Sun transits through this zodiac from January 20th to February 18th . Aquarius is an air sign. He can be funny. crowd and friendships. It is highly intellectual sign. People born in this sign are highly independent individuals. twist and turns of the path given by this zodiac are varied and sometimes. basking in new discoveries and adventures most of the times. you will always have a trustworthy. but will have objectives for his fellow men. and fixed in that he finds it difficult to adapt himself to other ways. lodges and societies will be more congenial than personal bonds. . and romantic gestures coming in every now and then. but the allegiance to those who will accept a friendly association with the limits of such a condition. or even to see that there are other points of view besides his own. sexuality is the aspect that comes only after mental bonding. The Pure Aquarius Native He is freedom-loving and perverse and original and independent. frequently of the very old or the very new. as compared with the so-called normal individual.Aquarius rules lower limbs and ankles. Aquarians have inclinations for whirling romance with an Arian or Gemini. Only such freedom in love can coax an Aquarian to enter in a long-term relationship. They just cannot commit to the marriage very easily. Career Aquarian`s curious and unique thinking makes them good researchers. no matter what the Outcome of this hurricane romantic affair remains. All the while. and will seek to circulate his ideas through groups and in widespread ways. But the minute. On the positive side. romance is a great interest to follow till the time curiosity persists. but he is limited in that he often stresses his ideas to the neglect of all else. They go well with Pisces. For Aquarians. The demand for personal freedom is insistent. Membership of clubs. even if they are a complete volte-face from those he held a few years before. Sometimes they confuse love and friendship to make things go in a complicated fashion for years. Others must learn to be tactful and self-effacing. romance start yielding to confinement. if they are to live in harmony with the typical Aquarian. Romance For every Aquarian. with all the flattering curiosity about you. Aquarians and Leos tend to have good balancing relationship. composers. scholars. to bear his stubbornness and eccentricity and let him go to his phase of loneliness whenever he desires. the lover is the most important person on earth. Not to mention the unexpected surprises. The objectives will be out of the ordinary. fixed in his ways and ideas. It is then obvious that the Aquarius native will have something of the Saturn’s gravity but. he will not apply it mainly in a self-seeking way. With other signs. and sooner or later achieve one form of distinction or other. They are also vulnerable to nervous disorders and breakdowns. One is usually shocked to find that an Aquarian can actually be a friend with many of his ex`s. Even a romantic affair with Aquarius requires believing in dreams and living in reality. scientist and technicians. Human contacts are thus made in an impersonal. They will use each and every romantic gestures in the book. is faithful and sincere. writers and psychotherapists. And to blend the two in a beautiful union called love. as with all the latter six signs. detached manner. Since the Saturn principle is now expressed through Air and not Earth. Libran and Cancer. Many of them are also good artist. rather than with the ardour of the Fire signs or the emotion of the water triplicity. other factors in the compatibility matters. an Aquarian love suddenly turns cold and disinterested. They can be pretty determined in whatever field they choose. your pains and desires. It is very important to respect Aquarian`s individuality in a relationship. studies will be of the unusual. it will take a less severely practical form. they will still be your friends. dependable person to lean on. astrologers. Still. People from this zodiac might suffer in these organs as swollen legs and pain in the ankles. He will become a malcontent. having brain to train and the swift flash of genius to bring ideas for the trained brain to use.In love he is as paradoxical as ever. Photography. Ankles noticeable. but the detachment and lack of emotionality of Air. He is the fanatical reformer or the agitator type. The Saturn side will then manifest as depression and isolation since there will be disappointment that the objectives cannot be reached. hardening of the arteries. radiology. A happy partnership can be maintained if “the other” realizes that the Aquarian does want to be free to pursue his mental interests and must circulate amongst his club or society friends. Overstress or misuse of these traits will produce a rebel from everything. is also the significator of fractures. galvanic type. whereas his opposite number. Uranus. electrical work. the inventor of the new. He is likely to be a brilliant. Way of living: The Aquarian is at his best in any sphere where his natural urges can be reasonably expressed. varicose veins. study of unusual subjects such as archaeology and astrology are his best occupations. and to the study of everything necessary for its . that these bones and the joint they form are those most frequently broken or sprained. this is probably the best looking of the signs. Injuries are likely to be to the shin and ankle and it is confirmatory of the traditional connection. Diseases: Those of the circulatory system. was the creator. Outspokenness will become rude tactlessness. quick at lessons and it may be necessary as with the Leo. makes him ready to engage in any study which uses these. He is usually good-looking. training being given which will be a foundation on which to build his edifice of thought. the Aquarian naturally tends to its use. Physical Characteristics: The bodily system being the circulatory. radio. but with less polish and often with a deliberate and intentional oddness in the clothes or way of doing the hair. Originality will be mere crankiness. dull. science in all its branches. and of everything to do with light. As one of the most revolutionary inventions since the discovery of Uranus is that of the aeroplane. the complexion is usually fresh and well coloured. then. and he will become perverse and eccentric. As a child the Aquarian is healthy and happy. radiography. Inhibition of his natural instincts will be caused by being subjected to an over-conventional. He is. For Saturn/Uranus. It is no use making an emotional appeal to an unemotional. a person whose fixed idea is that the customary is wrong and that his ideas for drastic alteration are what the entire world should accept. which is different from mere emotion. Without training. Next to Libra. The Saturn ruler-ship gives a good bony framework but shows as a difference from the Leo opposite by the longer shape of the face. since he has something of the Sunniness of his opposite sign. his temperament will be ruined by too conventional a life but he is one of the most trainable of people. he will be a sincere friend. His good circulation keeps him warm and fit. Often like a Leo. to teach him not to show off. he can express himself best through science in its many inventions. Being naturally a rebel. He will have original and inventive ideas which should be encouraged in every way possible. and readiness to change its decisions if new light is thrown on any question. the Leo person. so his elders are proud of him. the source of the new in life. but once his heart is gained. new ideas. ruler of Aquarius. He is therefore better away from mental. aloof child. scholastic or personal restrictions of a too hidebound or conventional nature. Since the time of the discovery of his planet. his tendency to originality is apt to become a rebellious insistence that he knows best and that all customary ways and ideas are old-fashioned. having all the faithfulness of Fixity (to the loved one of the moment). The understanding of the wave theory. hidebound life. Such a person is usually very original and inventive. Such a person is original. unless Saturn has good influence on it. the people born in this ascendant can be said to be lucky. Such a person usually works for the benefit of everyone and forgetting about his own personal needs and desires. i. If. If they aspect the 7th house and Venus the native is very cruel to his wife. they are out to kill themselves. and have much property. impersonal. Thus these planets represent the deliberate self of the native. intellectual. wealthy. 1st House Aquarius: A person with a first house Aquarius tends to be altruistic. For example. such people deliberately take steps to avoid having progeny.. From the angle of the lordship of Jupiter. and unusual. Hobby: These are usually connected with his work or in some other expression of Aquarius native. . Beware of becoming too scathing of the intuitive and emotional side of life. He is also prone to uncertain and sudden impulses. they are prone to commit suicide. freedom-loving. in other words. If Mars and Saturn afflict the 5th house and its lord. therefore. "Votaries" of family planning. He can also not stand jealousy. People born in this Ascendant have Saturn as the lord of the house that stands for the self viz of the 1st house. Such a person views life from intellectual stance. in which case they are very wise. Such a person is practical and has a good organizational ability. different from whatever is the usual manner of his day. A person with a first house Aquarius usually possesses a good mind and has a very good intuition. conveyance etc. it aspects the 4th house and its lord. which may be exposed to their combined influence in a representative manner. A person with a first house Aquarius is usually detached from almost everything. and Mars becomes the lord of the 3rd house which again represents the deliberate "Self" of man. intuitive and wants to work for the common good. and the occasional need to follow rules. A person with a first house Aquarius always has a different point of view towards everything. He is Fixed and he likes to go on in his chosen ways. Politically. Such a person requires freedom and can not stand possessiveness. because it has the lordship of two houses of finance viz the 2nd and the 11th house. Such influences should always be taken into account during the house matching of the horoscopes of the boys and girls for the purpose of marriage. the native is deadly opposed to his elder brothers. A person with a first house Aquarius has an unconventional approach to life. If. A person with a first house Aquarius wants to be loved rather than be admired. if they afflict the 11th house and Jupiter.manufacture and improvement.himself that is prone to act inimically towards the party. for example. A person with a first house Aquarius is also fun loving and friendly in an impersonal way. independent. The planet Jupiter in the birth chart of such people is of special significance. Such a person is modest and he is not an attention seeker. and is himself the significator of finance. humanitarian. Such a person is very intelligent but he is cold and calculating when it comes to feelings. Similarly if the two planets are influencing the 8th house and its lord. rebellious. Aquarius Ascendant – Sign in Houses Aquarius Ascendant. They are. it is instrumental in making the person rich in landed property. Such people are spend thrift. A person with a first house Aquarius can sometimes even be selfish and cold. rather mean and selfish. sociable. long lived. Such a person always works for the sake of his friends and sometimes even strangers.e. yet detached. friendly. Jupiter aspects any house and its lord that house is bound to get it's prospects enhanced. he is likely to have advanced ideas. Such a person should try to exhibit warmth and should use his heart more than his mind. Communication has thus been given an entirely new meaning as a correlative of Air. A powerful Saturn improves the qualities of the personality and makes the native long lived. and large-scale meetings such as political election conventions. The native will be fond of visiting unknown places and will spend well. He may live at a place distant from his place of birth. bhava-1 signifies personal competition for social validation through a winning combination of physical behaviors and traits. In particular. Saturn. stubborn. pond. huge social networks.A person with a first house Aquarius produces a personality that is creative. are both indicative of the "self". The Kumbha native seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with science and conceptual. fayres. or a temple. He will also have diseases indicated by Cancer in the sixth house. independent and detached. Often.AppearancesKumbha = Aquarius = principled systems Lagnesha Shani + Rahu rule a natural Bhava = swabhava of enemy Mangala. but it does so in a very impersonal and detached manner. such a person makes significant contributions to group activities. You have a spontaneous. Such a person can even be high strung and unpredictable. Being tolerant. He may be connected with hospitals. If these two planets afflict factors representing a relative of the native. marketplace connections including fundraising for progressive social causes. flower beds. The owner of the first house here is also the owner of the twelfth house. He will be handsome and proportionately built.will realize one's desires in this life. e. Kumbha mela. . the Kumbha native . Kumbha = Bhava 1 . But. or reforms for the benefit of humankind. relationship to elders and mentors. an unusual personality which is different and ahead of its time emerges. or social networks. fulfilling (by peculiar or eccentric means) a remarkable range of spiritual goals. greedy and fond of flowers and fragrances. large gatherings such as festivals. If these planets influence the eighth house. inventive and creative mind. electronic. He will be tall. The presence of a first house Aquarius expresses the most humanitarian instincts of the signs. such a person’s interests may be varied and may include many different areas of life. He will be secretive.thought one's path may be difficult . It is a sign that suggests many unique qualities. generous and active. he will be treated very cruelly by the native. A person with a first house Aquarius remains totally independent even in a group. innovative engineering development.g. Such a person cares about people in a very different way but sometimes is accused of neglecting those around him. irritable. The native will live near a house in ruins. Aquarius: The native will be of stable temperament. A person with a first house Aquarius enjoys anything that involves helping some segment of society. Details can be seen in paragraph (vii) under the relevant sign in the Chapter on Signs. He will be highly strung. fond of water sports and female company and liked by them. Aquarius: Aquarius rising on the cups of the first house produces a personality which is different and ahead of its time emerges. the native will commit suicide. He will love humanity but will tend to neglect his immediate family. being the owner of the first house and Mars the owner of the third house. well behaved and popular. broadminded and curious. Such a person always has a fear of losing his individuality. The social personality has an inherent affinity for conceptual and theoretical science. His behaviour will appear eccentric and people will not understand him easily. monasteries or asylums. oval faced and fair in complexion. He will be so involved in his work that he would not like to take up any other diversionary pursuit. He will suffer from high blood pressure and diseases arising out of stress due to his constant preoccupation with his work and lack of relaxation. elf-like. However when Rahu dominates. In general the Kumbha native needs to be moving constantly in order to prevent Rahu. the native is aware of interpsecies connections and if too much vocal about this awareness may find oneself ostracized. etc. If lagna = Dhanishtha Nakshatra . even somewhat deranged appearance. Kumbha produces a small-scale. or shrunkenabout the overall physique.g. one prefers an lawful response to life. and find that one's inner direction creates health problems (due to Chandra L-6) plague Kumbha-lagna folk will have a vata Or slightly blue-colored cast to their complexion. eccentric.. Satabhishaka in lagna has a tendency toward chronic depression which can be alleviated through movement. compressed.sign. the native is juggling Shani's signal to conform and reduce one's size in order to be more efficient. or brilliant moves. the Kumbha native will appear thin. a very slightly opaque bone-colored patina. Kumbha is a common birth lagna amongst gifted psychics. the native may even "hear voices" at times when the conflict between Shani and Rahu reaches a peak. even staunchly conservative. Rahu gives Kumbha natives a peculiar. Rahu's lord owns unfavorable Bhavas.(whether favorably or not). The appearance changes over time.) Kumbha's intuition comes from Shani = L-12 and also L-1. eccentric.Kumbha-1 is particularly influenced by one's elder sibling. As a general rule. Shani. But even with the striving to appear regular. One strives to maintain a competitive but regulated personality and physical appearance. often far ahead of its time. socially progressive folk who have a strong sociolegal interest in developing new theories and pointing out the complexity of connections between objects of material reality and objects of through. There is something gnarly. the Kumbha native may be an excellent dancer. and . Kumbha natives are generally scientific. (Moon's sign and characteristics also influence appearance. . Dhanistha in lagna or Chandra is associated with crazed eating behaviors and marvelous dancing abilities (Kumbha = drums and pulsing beats). When Shani dominates in the Vimshottari Dasha or by result of a strong transit. the Makara native is short-statured and slim. sinewy. companion planets. Due to the Shani-Rahu combat they are quirky and scientific and can make sudden. Tendency to manifest the Rahu element of Kumbhu which gives exotic scientific knowledge. Bhava. the native may take enormous risks to address a driving passion. or conflicted appearance. Typically the native is hardworking. wiry. if Shani aspects the lagna. and Mangala from going to war inside the personality. sometimes dramatically. or the Shani is otherwise cramped.) Appearance Appearance depends significantly on the Shani + Rahu condition . the native may be perceived as crazy or highly polarized in personality. E. relative to their gene pool. terrible. eccentric. versus Rahu's desire to quest for new experiences and enjoy the thrill of risk. peculiar. Rahu tends to destroy Shani's physical stability. the native looks and acts quite conventional. (IMO Kumbha natives have had elfin incarnations in their recent past. but one has a universalist viewpoint that promotes personal work as a vehicle for social change. The Kumbha native has been said to look gnome-like. drishti. the author of "Deva Keralam" has said that: If in a nativity with Aquarius as the ascendant. His mother loses her elder brothers. he loses much wealth in life. A person with a second house Pisces spends most of his money on dreams and schemes that might be unreal ad unpractical. Jupiter represents "Value" in such a case and boosts the life and financial prospects of the house etc. it is your generous spirit that often brings you good luck when it comes to finance and money related matters. With the presence of a second house Pisces. Can be spacey and abstract. interest. 2nd House Pisces: A person with a second house Pisces tends to be lax and impractical when it comes to his personal financial affairs. Hence. such a person is usually upset when these dreams do not come true and when the schemes fail to yield profits. But. A person with a second house Pisces is usually confused about money making matters and faces difficulty in making the ends meet. by association or aspect. A second house Pisces requires faith and commitment. the first five and even the intuitive ones. A person with a second house Pisces has a very generous spirit. Jupiter is in the second house and Venus in the 11th. Because of the simultaneous lordship of the 11th house.Kumbha's perceptions focus on large-scale patterns of human reality. For a person with a second . This is because such a person thinks that he would not be attracted to anything else as he does not possess anything. then the man becomes rich in spite of any other bad yoga present in the horoscope. A person with a second house Pisces thinks that he can let go and enjoy all his senses. Sometimes. Jupiter in such a case indicates the existence of the elder brothers. the positive thing is that this love for beautiful and good things never makes such a person greedy. Natural scientists. Such a person has a sense of appreciation for the better things in life. the presence of a second house Pisces lends a sense of timing and intuition that may be an asset financially. shares etc. With the presence of a second house Pisces. such a person feels secure with having nothing as he thinks that he would lose nothing since he has nothing. But. such a person should carefully read the documents and other papers before signing them. The reason is clear. Once functioning in the working world. Such a person always values his sense of compassion. the native becomes very rich. but may not be able to articulate their findings due the eccentric nature of the methods employed. there is a tendency to be a laxity and impracticality in professional and money matters due to excessive generosity. and afflicted by malefic. Jupiter as a significator of wealth and as the lord of the house of wealth will be in dignity in the second house and will be still further strengthened by the square aspect from the 11th house of Venus. the native earns through. a person with a second house Pisces has to acknowledge his sixth sense. and Jupiter is strong. While dealing with the Aquarius ascendant. He is also benefited financially from his elder brother. who it must be noted is "Yoga karaka" for the Aquarius ascendant. A person with a second house Pisces sometimes feels secure with surrender and sacrifice. On the other hand if Jupiter is weak. But. Pisces in the Second House. and will earn respect from the government. and he is at daggers drawn with his elder brothers. of the mother of the native. On the positive side. and also makes it valuable. there is a sense of safety with knowing that you are at the mercy of the Universe. when it comes to financial matters. A person with a second house Pisces loves the beautiful and good things in life. a person with a second house Pisces is never materialistic in his nature and is never greedy. If the sign Pisces falls in the second house. Moreover. A person with a second house Pisces is usually very careless when it comes to financial affairs. whom it aspects. rent. unable to acquire the full means of their own support (unless Shani is quite strong or Moon is independent). If Aries falls in the 3rd house. through buried treasury. the first sign falls in the 3rd house. Pisces: Gets wealth through inheritance or from other hidden sources by doing fasts and taking remedial measures. Collections. You appreciate for the better things in life but you are never greedy and materialistic. without faith in the unknown and faith in his ability to create something tangible out of his dreams. He will earn through education. on the other hand. periods of L-2+L-11 Guru generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. the limb denoted by it will suffer. Acquisition. In other words the planets represent fully the various limbs of the younger brother. When Pisces is placed in the second house the native is blesstd with wealth earned through his own fast and other religious acts. rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofenemy Shukra. You spend on your dreams. Pisces: Jupiter is the karaka for wealth and owns the second and eleventh houses. schemes and projects but become emotionally disturbed and upset when you do not get desired results. Bhava 2 . Song Guru. Since the sign Aries i. Hoards. or through wealth earned by his mother and / or king.e. Guru's animosity toward Shukra's sensuality creates conflict in this Bhava. Values are broadly compassionate. It will therefore indicate wealth and worth fully here. For Kumbha lagna. Mars who is the natural significator of the younger brother. Despite auspicious implication for expansion-karaka Guru ruling the money and values Bhava. Mars also has the lordship of the 10th house. You should be very careful while signing financial contracts and documents and scrutinize them very well before you sign them. these factors are weak and afflicted the native is denied younger brothers. Speech.Meena = Pisces Values. Face. with special concern for welfare of children and the disenfranchised. and by locating treasure troves. The native will have steady income and steady expenditure. If Mars is strong the native takes active part in the affairs of the state. Banking. You have a very generous spirit. they have extremely charitable views that cause them to give away their own wealth to those in need . Its influence on any other house will imbue the matters represented by that house with worth and make them prosper. If. Accrual. much . as well as via earned income from the marketplace of goods and services. through his learning. if Guru is auspiciously placed. success will be minimal. the native has many younger brothers. In case any planet is heavily afflicted. Pisces. History. Aries in the Third House.thus plunging the native into need themselves! Not overly identified with their personal birth families. always dependent. Knowledge. He will have wealth. the planets become the lord of the same number as the sign counted from the 3rd house. This can be analysed in the manner similar to Virgo above and Sagittarius in the eleventh house in Chapter Five. If Mars is strong and well aspected along with the 3rd house. himself becomes the lord of the 3rd house. Wealth. Such a person must believe in himself and in ideals that are tangible. presuming that Guru is fairly well disposed. Languages. Depending on condition of Guru in D-1/D-9. Pisces: You may be lax and impractical in your financial matters. The second marriage may be very supportive yet accommodating the free spirit. Often remain childlike. due to their cosmic perspective which places them more in the human family. Since Aries is a movable sign . The owner of the third is also the owner of the tenth house here. Mars will denote short life to the younger brother of the native.The native will not suffer from manglik dosha as Mars is not related to the 7th house of marriage. second. Similarly the Sun will become the lord of not only the 5th sign but also of the same number of house viz the 5th and would represent the belly and heart of the younger brother. tenth or eleventh house. it planets join or aspect Mars or occupy / aspect the third house. In the event of severe affliction of the 5th house and the Sun. He talks well but is not a good listener. The native is likely to take up service in the military or a uniformed force. the 3rd house being the 8th to the 8th house . The native’s younger brothers will be be very wealthy or extremely poor depending on the avastha of Mars in the horoscope. the younger brother of the native will suffer from troubles in the belly and the heart.Bhava means feeling and in short it represents what kind of feelings the native will have towards a particualr area of life denoted by the particular house of bhava. the native will be associated with the affairs of the State and earn from it. The 3rd house is also an upchaya for the 10th house and an auspicious influence on the 3rd house denotes constant improvement in career. the natives 3rd house affairs will don the qualites of Mars .efforts. experiences related to third house will manifest late in life. the native will have high zeal and will be very proactive in removing obstacles and fighting enemies for advancement in career. Aries: The native will have knowledge of several branches of learning. from diseases of the chest and the lungs. He may not get along well with his younger brothers/sisters.neck. the native will not be particularly affectionate towards his younger siblings. Since the third house represents the self and the tenth represents the State.loss of mother. It can also cause severe . be courageous.e. The updaesha from the guru may be recieved in a foreign land. Mars is lord of 3rd house and Since lagna lord Saturn does not like Mars . and the 3rd house is the 11th from the 5th house . Aries in Third House::Sahaj Bhava in Vedic Astrology The Third House is also known as Sahaj Bhava and represents siblings.wife’s fortune. If weak.It also represents the throat.courage. Since Aries is a prishtodaya rasi . Mars is an adverse planet for the native. The principle may he extended to the other houses of the younger brother of the native and the results declared as adverse for the younger brother in so far as the limb represented by the house of the brother is concerned. the native will gain by chanting short and high energy mantras. Since the eight bhava is responsible for the longevity and vitality of the native. elder brother’s children and one’s longevity and vitality. He will have the ability to invent things but will be argumentative. He will be honoured by the government. A weak and badly placed Mars will be the cause of death of younger brother/sister and the father. For example if the 4th house from the 3rd and Moon are weak and afflicted the younger brother of the native will suffer from troubles relating to the 4th house i.short journeys. These qualities and attributes of Aries lording the third house may get modified . also denotes the longevity and thus directly influences the vitality of the native. fiery and will always undertake short journeys and be on the move.particularly when the sign of which it is the lord is also afflicted by malefic influence. if Mars is placed in the first. He will have the ability to convey his ideas effectively through written or electronic media.arms and right ear from the physical perspective. as Mangal is the ruler of Aries. Houses are also known as Bhavas in jyotisha.Since the sahaj bhava is also the 6th from the 10th house of profession . When Aries or Mesha Rashi occupies the third house/sahaj bhava .The native’s wife will find fortune in foreign lands and the brothers will also benefit from east direction.For Aquarius ascendant . The native will hot and harsh in temperament . high learning.. liked by State or people in power. Mangala keeps the native scheming about new ideas and new plans for their worldly success. charitable disposition. hairstyling and beauty culture. Innovation. You are an aggressive learner who always sees new ideas and knowledge. purity. publications. Self-made wealth (when available) via making development plans for individuals to change their minds and/or bodies. If Venus is strong the native acquires fine conveyances as also good amount of property. and extremely attractive body. his father is short lived i. the trouble in their limbs can be analysed in the manner similar to Aries in the first house above. 4th House Taurus: Fourth house Taurus produces a strong urge in a person to provide security to his family. product development. Such a person takes part in politics. The third house is the house representing the younger brother/sister. His luck shines through his public activities. Sahaja Bhava 3 = Mesha = Aries Mental Process. The native's younger brother/sister will be short lived. alert and capable mind to make quick decisions. intelligent. They tend to create a comfortable space/home for their family members. commerce. teamwork. Taurus in the Fourth House. or to achieve more independent lifestyles.e. and impatience. narrative. Kumbha natives endure a prolonged adolescence. If for these relatives of the native we take this house as the ascendant. They have a strong instinct to provide material pleasures and luxuries to their family. must be strong. conferrer of affluence and power. otherwise there will be very little of gain. The reason for the short life of the father lies in the fact that Venus becomes the lord of the 3rd and the 8th houses from that of the father. such as body-shaping exercise. When Mars is not dignified. If Mars is located in the third house there is a possibility that the native may suffer loss of younger brothers. Aries: Aries in the third house shows that you have an active. individual sports that focus on personal speed or musculature. Likes to talk. Venus. When favorably placed+ L-3 Mars gives success in "new ideas" business such as sales. reaching well into adulthood. Venus becomes the lord of the 4th and the 9th houses and as such under the rules laid down by Maharshi Parashar becomes "Raja yoga Karaka" i. Aries: Fond of company of religious persons. however. Such people make sure that their . This shows you were mentally competitive in your early years of life. siblings. Extremely independent-minded. Likes to socialize around the theme of physical prowess. If Venus is weak and under malefic influence. have a strong need to communicate with others and do very well when it comes to express yourself. writing. Such a person suffers in life through adverse fate i. ingenuity. a million new ideas burst into flame and die because Kumbha lagna lacks the ego drive to push concepts to completion. Mesha as the 3rd Bhava is indicative of association with scholars. advertising etc.e. and as such represents his longevity in full manner. in its sub-period. communications. Thinking process is positive but impatient for results. business administration. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus in the tenth house in Chapter Five. conversational interaction Kuja rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofBudha Mental health is volatile with warrior Mars at the helm. does good deeds. You are an independent thinker. through circumstances beyond his control. truthful in speech. athletic dance. traders and soldiers. his father dies when the native is quite young. Works best in a team that can assume detailed follow-through after Kumbhadharahas birthed the cosmic concept. marketing.e.accident to his first child. but may not be able to explain where their ideas come from. God fearing and charitable. It becomes a social center for relatives and friends. bold. A weak Venus will curtail the longevity of the father. He will get patrimony and vehicles. by vows and discipline. These people strive for stable home arrangements and life. Taurus: Taurus in the fourth house denotes your love for your home and a strong instinct to provide materially for your family. will do well in the field of fine arts. It also suggests that people with fourth house Taurus will travel quite a bit during the last years of their life. harmony. This placement indicates long. Peace and harmony are two important factors that keep them fit and healthy. has many loyal friends. the person is happy in getting several gifts by his valour. You would prefer to live in an area where you can experience a sense of nature in your environment. may be with the younger sister of his wife. There is much love for home and family background. easygoing home environment. They feel proud of themselves seeing the beauty of life and tend to surround themselves with beautiful flowers. Taurus: The native will have much comforts and luxuries. The native will be highly educated and may undertake to write a learned thesis on the basis of research that he would carry out. and harmony. Peace of mind also helps them to express their creative minds freely. Taurus well placed in the fourth house determines the success of the marriage on the basis of their financial condition. You want a beautiful and attractive house. They prefer to live in a place large enough to allow them to create a personal garden and provide a sense of intimacy with nature.home is attractive and well insured. serenity. The early growing years of people with fourth house Taurus may have been happy and filled with love by those around them. easygoing environment. Financial matters play a prominent part in the trend of affairs at home. People with fourth house Taurus enjoy the comfort of home. fond of following religious customs. If Taurus is the 4th Bhava. happy and a peaceful life. They are easy going and can adapt to the environment without much hassles. Bhava 4 = Home. and graciousness in later years. natural things and artistic objects. which is also the owner of the ninth house. then the person enjoys a very pleasant. reverence to Brahmins. The home of the native will be a meeting place for groups of like minded people and there will be regular entertaining. His first born child will be sensual and if Venus is well placed and strong. Taurus: Gain from State. if the Venus is well aspected in the fourth house with Taurus. The mother will be affectionate but will have much say in the household. Also. security non-moveable wealth Vrishabha = Taurus needs luxurious home properties ideally near the splendidly green fields and forests Security is almost completely defined by material money-bank and property may practice cattle-related and banking or collecting activities in the home pleasant females in the home and homeland . Members of the family may fill the house with music and beauty. and earn wealth and property without much effort. The native will become religious at the close of his life. People with fourth house Taurus will allow to put down roots and become as stable as society. royal service. You like very pleasant. serenity and graciousness in your latter life. He may study abroad. He will be mentally well evolved and will be imaginative. People with this placement are subject to change their sudden and drastic nature. The owner of the fourth house here is Venus. People with fourth house Taurus share tender relationship with their parents ans relatives. family. Vrishabha = emotional (Chandra's Bhava) need to establish security via acquisition of lands, Bhavas, and vehicles. Whether male or female, this native takes the conservator-collector role at home. For Kumbha lagna, bhava-4 is ruled by Shukra = Enemy of Chandra ; therefore, some complication along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life. Shukra + Chandra = "spoiled" patterns of emotionally triggered sensual indulgence. Problems in the childhood home or with the parents are often related to ostentatious materialism of the parents which results in exaggerated luxury entitlements in the child they have raised. Home and Vehicle Ownership Although general a positive placement for sensual happiness via ownership of non-moveable wealth (shelters and lands) + moveable shelters (vehicles), some combinations spell loss. Common patterns of property loss through "champagne taste on a beer budget" = Shukra occupies 12th-from-4th (3); Shukra = neechcha (Kanya); or Shukra = asta (moudhya, combust) . Parents = sweets The parents are property-owners Lands-management or deeds of title to various buildings is a core feature of their social identity. the native feels sentimental affection for the parents even if the caretakers have harmed them. This is a sweet position for relationship to the parents and home culture under almost all circumstances, except when Shukra = neechcha. If Shukra is strong, parents may hold numerous properties and vehicles. the native 's sense of normalcy is based on sheltered, non-moveable wealth of buildings and vehicles. However proportional to the size of the holdings, one must manage a large herd or many fields or a large Bhava with occupants. Shukra must be not combust and Chandra should be emotionally stable showing dedication to shelters in order for this venture to succeed. If Shukra is awry, tendency toward ostentatious or flamboyant pseudo-luxurious decor. Can be a compulsive collector of expensive vehicles if Rahu or other twist the native may need to collect money (Vrishabha) for an extended period of time to securely purchase one's ultimate grand property. Also favors the ownership of rental properties. . Shukra in 4 (Malavya Yoga) or Chandra (uchcha) in 4 favors the acquisition of luxurious estates, palatial Bhavas, and highly expensive vehicles. If rental properties are owned, tenants should be females such as school-teachers, mothers, and other pleasant ladies. Sweetness in the roots of home and homeland. Depending on Shukra's condition, tend to have tastefully decorated homes where they enjoy nice dinners. Like to share their extended family feeling of abundance and luxury, inviting neighbors and colleagues into their lush homes. Quality and location of home is very important; ideally it should have a natural setting in field or forest, and home design reflecting the natural environment., Comfort and luxurious furnishings are hallmarks of their home style. Characteristics of Shukra will determine how this aesthetic is expressed. E.g., if Shukra occupied Kumbha the home decor will be quite eccentric or even 2nd-hand-chic, but if Shukra is in Vrishabha the home will be comfortable, cushioned, and traditional. Gemini in the Fifth House. If Mercury is normal and not very strong it does not give much benefit as it has the simultaneous lordship of the worst house in the horoscope namely the 8th house. If, however, Mercury is extra strong, there are chances for the native to get a prize or lottery amount. The native is well educated and wise. If Saturn etc. are aspecting the 5th house, its lord Mercury and its significator Jupiter; the native is likely to be denied a male issue, provided the 9th house and its lord are also weak. In that event the native is subject to trouble of wind in the belly. The 5th house is 8th from the 10th, and the 10th house, being 4th from the 7th house represents the mother of the relation, represented by the 7th house i.e., mother of the wife or the husband according as the horoscope belongs to a male or a female person. When the 5th house and its lord is afflicted by cruel planets like Mars, the mother of the wife or the husband is likely be short lived. 5th house Gemini: A fifth house Gemini indicates Versatility. This placement produces a person with a cool and intellectual approach towards romance. Such a person usually has large variety of casual affairs before he settles down. He believes in variety, but is not really passionate in love matters. Gemini in the fifth house denotes a person who likes to play at love and enjoys having a number of affairs and amorous contacts. The native's efforts to attract the opposite sex are often highly creative, romantic and courageously daring. These efforts have merit in the field of entertainment and other pleasure-seeking activities. Such a person is often known as an entertainment package in his social circle. He has a natural tendency to attract others with his talent of using right words at a right time and in front of a right person. A person with a fifth house Gemini is romantic and equally creative. His mental energies produce some of the best creative endeavors. Such a person usually makes a good writer or a philosopher. This placement frequently produces very talented and expressive people. Writing and communications of all sorts is are natural creative talent that come from within. Such a person likes to express his creative talent in a variety of ways. There is a tendency of producing a combination of many hobbies and enjoyable activities. Such a person usually finds it hard to choose one career path. He is often stuck between his hobbies and education. A fifth house Gemini indicates a small family or no children at all. His children are likely to exhibit the duality associated with Gemini. Therefore, wit and intelligence are the two attributes which can be seen in the native’s children. A person with a fifth house Gemini is often blessed with twins. Such a person has a strong affinity for children and can easily feel like a child himself in the company of children or youngsters. This placement indicates profits through stocks, bonds, newspapers and business related to computers. A person with a fifth house Gemini tends to take an intellectual approach in the affairs of the heart. His practical side is more active than his emotional side. Such a person is not usually bounded by strong emotional needs and has the ability to think over things in a clear and logical way. Courtship is a time when he tries to know about the other person and discovers his interest level in him/her. Communication is an important aspect in his relationships that helps him to establish the bond of intimacy. Others like to be in his company since he is easy going and light hearted in nature. Gemini: The children will be handsome, intelligent, virtuous and capable but they will be born late as the native will take time to decide as to when he should have them. He may not be able to devote enough time to his children due to other preoccupations. The owner of the fifth, Mercury, is also the owner of the eighth house. The children of the native may be short lived and the elder sister may have a miserable married life, if Mercury is weak and afflicted, the fifth house has adverse influence and Jupiter is also not in a good condition. His mother will be a proficient musician. His younger brother/sister may suffer from diseases in ear, throat, or arms. Gemini: The influence of Gemini on the cusp of the fifth house produces creative talent and mental energies which you use for creative endeavors. You express your creative talent in a variety of ways but never delve deeply in a specific area. You have a cool and intellectual approach to romance and extremes in passion never seem your style. Your children are witty and intelligent. When Gemini is the 5th house, the person is happy with his children and is intersted in Dharmic activities. He sings songs full of beauty, profundity, and feeling. Bhava 5 - children, creative intelligence, genius, politics, theatre, games, performance arts Mithuna = Gemini Budha rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofSurya Self-expression channels naturally along literary lines. If Budha is well disposed, the native may be an excellent writer of narrative script, e.g. film script, novels, any type of documentation or story-telling. Children are intelligent and talkative. If Budha is well disposed, success in political campaigns, speculation and prediction, theatrical performance, promotion of creative literary works, sports coaching. Likes literature and authorship, languages and talk about languages, political discussions, current events, and the company of articulate people. Cancer and the Sixth House. A strong Moon is conducive to the good number of sisters to the mother. If weak the number is very small indeed. A weak Moon indicates trouble in the chest of the younger brother of the native's mother, as the sign Cancer represents chest. If Moon is strong and well aspected the native is fair and kind even to his enemies. If Moon is in the 8th house, the native is contaminated with vice and engages himself in dubious acts. 6th House Cancer: A sixth house Cancer makes the native deeply and emotionally involved in work. Such a person is very responsive to his duties and obligations. He tends to neglect his personal affairs for his work. His work usually revolves around activities that could benefit others. This placement suggests that the native is directly involved in fulfilling the needs of people through his employment. His sensitive and emotional nature brings him in contact with others who need love, understanding and true friendship. Sometimes the native may become overly concerned about the needs of others that adversely affects his health. The emotional association with others should not drain the native’s inner strength and energy. If the native is dissatisfied with his work, then he is likely to suffer from emotional upset that can adversely affect his health. A person with a sixth house Cancer is very understanding and concerned about the welfare of his employees as a supervisor. A sixth house Cancer does not provide a strong physical body to the native. There is a great deal of receptivity to environmental conditions. Health can get affected by worrying too much about domestic upheavals. The nature of work being done can also cause emotional or mental discord. The native’s performance in work greatly depends upon the cleanliness and comfort in his surroundings. The general health of a person with a sixth house Cancer is very dependent upon the conditions in and around his home. He seeks comfort and sense of security both in workplace and at home. The native with this placement tends to work in or around home since his caliber depends upon the environmental conditions. He looks for a comfortable and secure place to work and may have an office in the home itself. Such a person is susceptible to any discord around that can bring problems with stomach or bowels, inclined to gastric or intestinal trouble. A person with a sixth house Cancer is prone to suffer from breast problems. On the other hand, men may suffer from gynecomastia. A person with a sixth house Cancer has a great desire to serve others. Such a person is best suited for professions like a psychological counselor, medical technician, food service controller/worker or real estate consultant. Pets tend to play an important part in the life of the native. There is a tendency to nurture animals to satisfy his own emotional needs. Such a person will treat his pet as a victim of severe debt or social conflict (even war). Cancer: The influence of Cancer on the cusp of the sixth house shows a tendency to involve yourself emotionally and deeply with your work rather than your personal life. upheaval. A female native may suffer from cysts. whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will fluctuate. chest. The native will suffer from digestive disturbances and troubles in his chest. but will continue to hold a grudge emotionally due to the ironically comforting effects of constant disagreement (a signal of security and belonging). The child intuitively absorbs the mother's chronic (often unspoken) argumentation. or struggling with health problems. Naturally. His maternal uncle will be demagogic and may be in a job involving people at large. You may have interest or enjoy working in the fields related to the health and welfare of human beings as you are tuned to the needs of the people.It is especially difficult for the Kumbha native to break out of adversarial relationships. scholars and highly placed persons. depending on the mood of the Moon. the native may have difficulty finding the emotional steadiness necessary to maintain long-term commitments such as marriage vow. lymph). politicians. Lords of the 6. there can be noticeable health effects due to emotional holding onto the past.) If the lord of belief systems+ L-9 Shukra. heart. Mother Kumbha natives tend to be born to mothers who are engaged in exploitive service work. a mutual disaffection is emotionally comforting (traceable to the pre-natal state. Debt and illness cycles fluctuate significantly. Chronic Emotional conflict Depending on condition of Chandra. will tend to have a very deep emotional attachment to one's own enemies. When exaggerated. The enemies will not be able to harm him physically because they will be timid but they will try to harm him clandestinely. or in a state of marital disagreement. tumours and cancer in the breast. due to this implicit expectation that emotional security must be purchased at the cost of exploitation and ill health. Kumbha has trouble in emotional relationships throughout life. You may get emotionally upset if you are not able to get a job of your choice and this may even affect your health. If Chandra is compromised. Watch the Vimshottari periods of Soma for ebb and flow of the Ocean-tides of internal argumentation. He will like royal personages and will oppose big people. A weak and badly placed Moon will make the mind of the native sinful and he will contract enmity with females. and loss Unless Chandra is located in a socially conservative rashi. You are very concerned and understanding to your subordinates. Bhava 6 * Karka = Cancer Chandra rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofBudha Healthh will inevitably fluctuate. Cancer: Native will have brothers and children. and in kendra. Cancer: His son will be the cause for his enmity with government. .his own child and will be protective of him. there is the danger to treat one’s cat or dog as if it were one’s child. There will be imbalance of fluid in the body. 8 and 12 from Chandra cause emotional illness. particularly around the 4th chakra (breast. the Kumbha native may believe (mentally) in the power and reality of Forgiveness. The son will be handsome and dignified. The most likely situation is that the Kumbha native is born to a mother who accepts a state of chronic dissatisfaction in her marriageby internalizing her grievances. is favorable. If Sun is weak. household budget and other important matters. wife is short lived. leaving the native free to express his intellectual qualities. Your marriage partner may be dominating in nature and efforts to remake or change the . rather than resolution or cure. strong. If Sun is aspected by Moon and a strong Jupiter. A seventh house Leo indicates a strong bond of marriage. A person with a seventh house Leo is very proud and loyal to his spouse irrespective of how he is being treated by his partner. Usually they care deeply about health. Such a person is sudden in love affairs and takes each relationship very seriously. 7th House Leo: A seventh house Leo suggests the native’s tendency to think about getting married at a very early age. influential. social standing and community reputation could influence his choice of mate. The ideal relationship can be maintained when the partner is allowed to run the business.they're pretty nice folks. but their loving heart and normally good intentions of healing everyone into the great human family get them off the hook. Leo: Leo influence on the cusp of the seventh house produces a need for dynamic.e. The native with this placement can be dominating at times. He seeks a partner who is ethnic. wife becomes bold.Instinctive pull toward challenging human service positions. using good intentions and generous feelings where solid logic and a real plan are needed to solve basic human problems . Leo in the Seventh House. A seventh house Leo encourages the feeling of natural desire for affection in the native. but in such a matter weakness of Venus is also a necessary condition. Over ambitious and jealous co-partners can cause numerous problems. The native tends to be attracted to a partner who is dynamic. Govt). emotional. strong and vital partner. the more likely he will be inclined to marry a person with same qualities. However. or social conflicts. They get into trouble during periods of the 6th lord just like everyone else.) Even when they bumble through wrong-headedly. The position in the society also increases after marriage. while continuing to practice repetitive emotional behaviors that might not be too healthy at all. The native does not like to be controlled or work under someone else’s supervision. or other ministries of service in which palliative treatment is expected. but there is also an eye to the prestige that the partner presents. Sun being the lord of the 7th house. Marvelous placements for those working in geriatric medicine. (Except when Chandra occupies Scorpio or is yuti a malefic .then it's "me first". The stronger his ego and sense of self-esteem. Partnerships must be avoided since the native wants to be his own boss and make his own decisions to run the business. There is a need to let the partner assume the reins of leadership. and vital. If the native's sense of self-esteem is not strong. As far as partnerships are concerned. belongs to a high family say of Raja or Nawab. but tends to respect his partner’s feelings as well. cultural and possesses a stable financial circumstances. dramatic. He tends to marry for love. It implies that the ambitions of the native will determine the types of relationships he will seek. where one can become involved in chronic physical. the wife or husband as the case may be. Such a person is inclined to seek a mate who is a close reflection of his nature and lifestyle. the native is advised to be prudent and cautious while dealing with his partner. There is a possibility of unforeseen conflicts in the marriage because both native and his partner will possess willful nature to express themselves freely. If the Sun is strong the native wins favours from the govt: as Sun himself is a governmental planet and becomes the lord of the house 10th to 10th (i. theirs and others'. and aristocratic in nature. then he gets attracted to a person with similar deficiencies. Such a person tends to have a successful marriage. nature may not be very successful. attention-hungry Kumbha native. in which the only acceptable behavior of spouse and partner. His first wife was not a stage performer. and she did not participate in his theatrical life. Cash however loved the applause. sex pervert and independent ambitious life partner. 2). Bhava 7 * Simha = Leo and 7th navamsha Surya rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofenemy Shukra Surya vs Shani + Rahu Kumbha "Hridroga" = 'enemy of the heart'. Example: singer-songwriter-performer Johnny Cashwas married to a woman of plain. She will be hard hearted and hard working. Centrality Entitlement Ego The best partnering style = Shukra = balanced. The native's father will gain from the government if the Sun is strong and well placed. The spouse will be dominating. paired. he partied loud for public attention. is that which directs praise and applause upon the center-stage native. Surya vs Shukra Due to the adversarial relationship between Shukra. Leo: The spouse will be impressive to look at and if the Sun is powerful she will be from a family higher than the native's. The native will have to be careful in dealing with his spouse otherwise there may be tension in domestic life. Other-oriented. are both bitter enemies of Surya lord of Simha. opportunistic. Most of the ego-dominating praise-seeking behaviors which troubled Cash's first marriage were not present i the second union. Shani + Rahu. agreeable. it may manifest in a partnership culture of exaggerated entitlement. unassuming character while his music became nationally famous. Yet. Ravi rules only one bhava. tough but generous. the native may develop a self-righteous (Ravi) style of conduct in alliances that is selffocused. and politicized rather than equitable and balanced. End of drama is helped if no graha yuti Surya or if beneficial graha in bhava-2. with Surya. Leo: Beautiful but short-tempered wife. even when at home. Kumbha = in many ways the single most difficult lagna for purpose of satisfaction in relationships. whether business partnership or marriage. partnership for Kumbha lagna is fraught with internal inconsistency of expectation and outcome. equable. intolerant. two-parts If Surya the brilliant and confident karaka of Truth should become compromised by unfortunate association. therefore (usually) most of drama is contained within the first marriage. She stayed at home out of the limelight while raising their four children. His second marriage to songwriter-performer June Carter is well known for its tolerance and religiosity (Meena. His maternal uncle will not be rich. The second marriage may be easier. both personal and professional. Kumbha can "act out" via applause-seeking in the first marriage. both of you hoping the other will control the reins. career oriented. the natural regulator of center-stage genius and the divine ideal. . lords of Kumbha. intelligent but shrewd for self motives. The native will try to enter into partnership with highly placed persons. There can be conflict in the marriage because both of you have willful natures. ego and a strong sense of self esteem. committed to maintaining equity of investment and returns. The creativity of the partner may be stifled by a dominating. If such a Surya disability develops. who wishes the public to see one as the 'Brilliant' Partner. the natural regulator of alliance and unions. theatrical. radiating light and divine genius to everyone in their court. the native will marry a confident. future-oriented Kumbha native . the spouse can become an egomaniac. managing the partner's affairs in a dutiful (Shani) background style. a much-married individual is Kumbha. Yet. If Surya is disadvantaged by rashi or drishti. a tragic pattern of quick marriages or hot-Bhava romances ending in cancelled engagements will dog the Kumbha native throughout life. Generally it is a bit easier when the person with Simha on 7th navamsha is female with a male partner. nearlygodlike. This dilemma is not a problem with domination but rather a politicizing of the issues in the marriage and a self-centered "acting out"which over-emphasizes the natural theatrical talents of Simha. morally neutral. one admirer amongst many. the Kumbha native tends to distance oneself. amusing. beautifully appointed in ornament and dress. Particularly when Simha rules the 7th navamsha. Kumbha is attracted to partners with strong.The partner is typically one of brilliant.The Kumbha native is a member of this group. can control a room. Shukra in Kumbha can have some similar results. entertaining intelligence. Kumbha is Surya the Self rules the Bhava of His bitter enemy Shukra the Partnership. ego-driven personalities. demanding constant attention and presuming that the marriage partner orbits around their royal self. since Surya indicates a male Kumbha functions a bit like a stage-manager for the partner. complex-systems worldview does not readily admit a "central" position because Kumbha operates in the framework of distributed systems. only to find out rather quickly that the partner is indeed merely human. Kumbha as lord of navamsha is particularly troublesome unless some pragmatic force such as Shani in Kumbha corrects the idealization error. Kumbha begins to lose intereSaint Often. center-stage. and opportunity to express the natural genius in some literary. Kumbha natives project attributes upon life partner which are highly idealized. or political setting. One who naturally takes the center position in any group.and basking in the light of the spouse's theatrical. This partner requires admiration and applause. is confident. as soon as the normal range of human flaws in spousal behavior begin to emerge over the course of Time. A Kumbha male in particular will retreat into goal- . literary. golden and radiant.The single leading cause of unhappiness in the Kumbha partnership behavior is a theatrical tendency to idealize the basic animal mating-collecting behaviors. intelligent. selfpossessed. Kumbha does have a psychological predisposition to find a partner who is in some fashion the charismatic Center of a web that has no center. Under stress. blinded by the light of the partner's apparent charisma. noble partner. Yet as difficult as the axis of Kumbha-Surya can be. retreating into work. the native tends to rush into marital commitment. and seems to bring the Light of divine beauty wherever this splendid person goes. If Surya is well disposed in the Kumbha-lagna nativity. the company of friends or large-scale social change projects. Kumbha = overall seeking to partner with a kingly-queenly type of personality: one who enjoys attention. Kumbha's broad. If Surya is poorly placed. or political talent. Marriage = conflicted when the partner's need for immediate recognition and praiseis not being met by the abstractthinking. As a result of becoming quickly enamored with the "star qualities" of the Other . idolize a perfectionist concept of marriage and deify the human partner. a locale which requires less ego and more concern with the interests of the other in order to be a happy place. into self-centeredness. and resources. The downside of this arrangement can develop when stress forces Surya's characteristics to take their negative expression. piled up with duties and schedules. unless they are super-intellectual visionaries and truly capable in the world. 2 4 Shloka 12 . friendly. agreements. the husband will be very mild and will do various works (some take it: . and possessed of considerable resource. can only be seen in the mirror of the partner. One embarks into the duties of marriage on a istinctively idealistic basis. Marriage "If the sign Leo or the Sun's Navamsha be descending." ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. Divorce is common. creative. These stronger unions will weather most of the polarizing effects by jointly working in community service and periodic holiday outings into strong sunlight. There are many exceptions to the negative forecast. versus the Sun's desire for personal. Does better with an older or more conservative spouse whose self-image is also invested in public role-playing. All intimate partnerships are psychic mirrors. Certain parts of ourselves. Intimacy problems. The more Surya influences yuvati bhava (in D-1 or D-9) the more deceptive this exaggeration of personal power can get. future-oriented and scientific. immediate centrality. Spouse can be made into a workhorse. treated as a fixture in public life. the partner's bravado might range from dramatic bragging to outright criminal deception. such as compulsive behaviors and unrecognized beliefs. or sulking and withdrawn in a ploy for dramatic sympathy. rather than measurable emotional harmony or joint family responsibilities.oriented gainfulness .will indulge in much sexual union). The main indicator of success and indeed of the personality of the intimate partner (sexually intimate or financially intimate as a business partner) will be the disposition of Ravi in the radix and any graha in bhava-7. as Kumbha retreats into the natural spacey. Kumbha's partners. networking and group-oriented social behaviors. but also business unions where two partners deeply share a vision. If Surya is also rising and thus casting drishti upon kalatra bhava. who prefers to have the partner manage their worldly affairs. a royal rage for attention may ensue. Kumbha tends to engage intensively with others who promote themselves as worldly. opinionated. all types of advising are typically distasteful to Kumbha. emotionally ignored. because of Kumbha's rational response to conflict. are likely bore the native . capable. removing oneself from competition for time in spotlight. However normally there is simply an excess of dramatic energy in Kumbha's 7th Bhava. After a courtship noble and intelligent. Contracts. Partnerships are founded on shared ideals and a vision for the future. Self-possession can deteriorate.who rather quickly moves on. while the attention-deprived spouse may become flamboyant and demanding. under duress. Kumbha can easily focus upon long-term goals and earnings with no need to receive personal attention. which is distinctively hard-working. Should the Surya partner perceive a threat to their center-stage entitlement. Thus. particularly when the two lunar Nakshatra are well matched and the radix Chandra of partner-A occupies the navamsha of partner-B and vice versa. neutral. The relationship can become inflexible due to the polarization of Kumbha's understanding of the world. legal discussions. Not only sexual unions. confident. He is likely to benefit from the death of a partner or business associate. the cause of death cannot be easily determined until the last phase of his life. Such a person is more concerned and critical in handling financial affairs. Such a person can succeed in occupations that requires good observation and investigative skills such as . The outcome of a will or inheritance may not leave behind as much as was originally indicated. The native may contract debts. This is not good for the longevity of the children especially the first born. As far as inheritance is concerned. Virgo: The owner of the eighth house here is also the owner of the fifth house. its Mooltrikona sign falls in the 8th house (worst house). If Mercury is weak."If at woman's birth.There is a tendency of Ulcers and this possibility is intensified with too much worries. in the 5th house. There are increased probabilities of contracting disease or injury connected to the native’s work place. You become judicious and want to be adequately insured and protected. An eighth house Virgo is favourable in terms of opportunities that the native is likely to get to earn money. There is a tendency of spending much on travel and transportation costs or on unexpected litigation. The native is often more considerable when it comes to family expenditures and handling other’s money. If Mercury and Jupiter are weak and afflicted there will be loss of children. The native with this placement is prone to suffer from diseases related to stomach and intestines. the native with this placement is doubtfully fortunate. psychologist or detective. A person with an eighth house Virgo possesses a strong hold on life. Such a person should not worry much over small issues to avoid overload on intestines. The native is good with observing and analyzing things to its root level. 8th House Virgo: An eighth house Virgo makes the native compulsive and over critical in nature. Virgo: Virgo influencing the affairs of the eighth house may make you more concerned and critical in the conduct of joint financial affairs. but according to the nature of this planet the gains in volume and frequency will fluctuate. 80." ~~ BPHS Ch. shloka 22-25 Virgo in the Eighth House. the native's younger brother is likely to be a lowly paid clerk in a business establishment. The fate usually intervenes to bring benefits out of worn-out situations by the tide of circumstances. As an independent planet Mercury is not very auspicious as even though one of its signs falls in trine. If Mercury is weak and afflicted one is liable to suffer from loss of consciousness during its Dasa or sub-period. since they are extremely sensitive areas of the body in this position. This placement also suggests problems with intestines. her husband will be exceedingly soft in his disposition and will be very hard working. when it comes to family expenditure and handling joint financial affairs. A person with an eighth house Virgo tends to have a restrained or constrained sex life. The native . This is yoga for early overseas travel also. spleen and nervous system. One also suffers physically in the boyhood. The native also suffers losses through his progeny. Such a Mercury will be good for making the mother of the native a good musician. the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that of Simha. Such a person dies a calm and a peaceful death. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Gemini in the fifth house in Chapter Four. A powerful and well placed Mercury will make the wife of the native gain enormously.chemist. There is a slight chance of some gain through family members in certain ways other than monetary terms. He keeps himself adequately insured and protected as far as finances are concerned. She may earn well from games of chance or speculation. Mercury becomes the lord of the house no: 5 and 8. Such a person tends to be very critical and particular of maintaining his accounts and is well known among his partners to keep them in an appropriate fashion. lusty. comforts. depending always on fluctuations of Mercury. The cause of death can be his excessive way of living. There may be few opportunities for long distance travel or visits to foreign countries.. the indication is that the native will not have much desire to travel the world anyway. If Venus is strong and the 4th house is aspected by Jupiter. law and philosophy.e. Normally it's easy for Ghata-lagna to access deep healing modalities such as psychotherapy. and other regenerative modes. The spouse is normally from a family of equal social standing to the native . If Venus is weak and afflicted the native suffers emotional set backs due to sudden loss of fortune. The native is often successful at negotiating with impressive people in power or older people. He admires the opinions and views of his guardian’s philosophical principles. The personal desire for travel is not too intense and the native tends to take it lightly without making much of a fuss. He eventually formulates his own ideas and opinions. He is also popular with the masses. a woman or indigestible food. Spouse is usually the one who determines or plans the travel for the native. A strong Venus denotes that the wife of the native has quite a number of younger sisters. Such a person is opposed to being self-employed or working in a large corporation. thinking. selling etc. occultism. but is not fully satisfied by them. spouse's contribution to joint assets is normally gainful for career. conveyances etc. Outer appearances of the native reflects innermost attitudes. power and affluence. relative to their birth cultures. The native is balanced in his views regarding life and tends to have a strong sense of justice on serious matters. 9th House Libra: A ninth house Libra suggests native’s significant interrelationship between outward appearance and moral code.will die in his native place. as Budha's mental grasp of concepts can be fato permuthentic psycho-emotional change. The native possesses an open-mind throughout his life. which adds to his own stature and impresses others. (Remember. Bhava 8 * Kanya = Virgo Budha rules a natural Bhava = swabhava of Kuja Joint assets of marriage are modest. A ninth house Libra indicates a career on partnership with someone. Virgo: fond of luxuries. A person with a ninth house Libra has a considerable inclination for education. He will be mourned by his kith and kin and will be accorded all the due funerary rites. . The public demeanor is harmonious and easygoing. They latch onto therapeutic concepts quickly. and immerse themselves without< resistance. the native gets all sorts of comforts of property. Venus becomes the lord of the best trine (9th house) and an angle the 4th house. The native may sometimes feels caught up in a sense of history. selfish nature. deep emotional healing may evade them. Cooperation and a strong sense of social justice are shown in this placement. therapeutic massage.) Whatever wealth s/he possess comes from mental/verbal work . The spouse may be helpful in promoting public identity (8th Bhava is 11th-from-10th. The native tends to have a philosophical outlook on life and may have the knack for adjusting to many changing conditions with little disturbance towards his well balanced nature. However. travel. On the other hand.counting. Budha is the illegitimate son of the Moon!) Libra in the Ninth House. A person with a ninth house Libra is interested in teaching and converting others to the principles and laws that he believes in and that more or less follow established traditions. writing. Such a person always tries to display the good side of his appearance and crude things put him off. But will not even leave nay opportunity if the conditions are right. Hence it gives in its Dasa and sub-period good results of Raja yoga i. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus in the fourth house and Aries in the ninth house. Libra: The native's father will be mild mannered. If Mars is strong the native earns honour through the instrumentality of his younger brothers and friends. A weak Venus will make the mother ailing. there may be less happiness in the dharma.or. You have an easy going and harmonious attitude. The father's character depends on Shukra's condition. You considerably appreciate education. good looking and fond of a good life. The mother of the native will be house proud. Libra: Prosperous. The owner of the first house is Saturn which is a friend of the owner of the ninth house here. Guru. many pilgrimages. status and comforts. Firstly Saturn would remain strong by virtue of being in a angle and secondly Saturn as the lord of the Ascendant would be aspecting Capricorn one of its signs with the result that the benefit will accrue to the Ascendant as well. An easy faith arises in their lives. Divine Law The inspiration and consolation of Religion is easily accessible to Hridroga-lagna. wealth etc. the Temple. thereby bringing into fructification the good traits of Ascendant such as honour. the father short lived and the native mentally disturbed due to losses. The reason is two fold.Libra: The influence of Libra on the cusp of ninth house suggests balanced views and ideas on serious issues of life and a strong sense of justice.sometimes simultaneously . loving and a friendly person who would like luxuries and comforts. The native will be known for his knowledge and intellectual bent of mind. Mars ceases to be malefic in nature by virtue of the fact that it owns a angle but since it assumes at the same time the lordship of the 3rd house. However as always if Shukra is compromised. World travel Ceremonial Religion. Therefore unless there are adverse indications the native will have good relations with his father. Father. That is probably the reason why the author of "Deva Keralam" has said that: . Kanya. Priesthood. as well as whatever is happening in 9th-fromMoon. A powerful Venus will therefore be an asset since it will be the owner of a triangular house and an angular house and will confer on the native wealth. Wisdom. longevity. Religious teachers and beliefs. Bhava 9 * Thula = Libra Shukra rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofGuru. gets name and fame. However in general. religion and philosophy. more abstractly. travel.esp. or Makara. impersonal sign like Kumbha. it again becomes malefic for the native and gives bad results in it's Dasa and sub-period. Saturn in Scorpio in the 10th house should be considered as quite beneficial in spite of it's location in an inimical sign. Ninth house with no other influence will tend to give only younger sisters to native's wife. They enjoy the company of religious teachers and appreciate the fellowship of their sangha. A strong Venus will also be conducive to high status for the brother/sister of native's wife. Some tendency for father and guru to have multiple marriages and families . A feminine quality is present in their teachers and religious traditions. the father and guru live balanced lives. charitable. due partly to their love of religious art forms and intellectual attachment to the concept of harmony. She and the native's father will be long lived. when Shukra occupies a dry. often centered on a female deity . Professor. University. religious. loving towards each other and healthy. Scorpio in the Tenth House. The owner of the ninth house here is also the owner of the fourth house. on the intentional balance of yin and yang energies. Mars trine Pluto with Scorpio on the Tenth will give endless vitality and a never-say-die attitude towards the accomplishment of any and all career and life goals. In case the Scorpio is negative. The native will be a self made man and if Mars is powerful the native will show excellent work in his chosen field. He will be intense and determined throughout his career and professional life. But. He is determined and does not let anyone or anything come between his way to success. This eventually destroys such a person.If the ascendant be Aquarius. he does not disobey any orders given by his superiors until he has an authority to do so. You want to succeed in whatever you set out to do. Such a person acknowledges others as his masters till he is capable of displaying some leadership qualities. A person with a tenth house Scorpio is determined towards goals and objectives. the native is rich from the very birth and does not see poverty at any time during his life. Bhava 10 * Vrischika = Scorpio . but also determined to succeed in his life. 10th House Scorpio: A person with a tenth house Scorpio has an urge to be successful in this world. He should not leave any opportunity to excel in life. On the other hand. A person with a tenth house Scorpio is inventive. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Aries in the third house and Taurus in the tenth house above. these areas are the best that a person with a tenth house Scorpio can choose. a person with a tenth house Scorpio has an urge to be successful even through wrong means and deeds. Pluto in trine or sextile with Saturn will definitely aid one to achieve one’s goals over time and with a lot of hard work. A tenth house Scorpio indicates that a person will be wanting to make his mark in the world. cruel and does not believe in normal customs. A tenth house Scorpio indicates that a person can be an excellent agent and an employee. A tenth house Scorpio indicates that a person should choose a medical or a dental career. Not only he is inventive. A tenth house Scorpio gives a person the necessary drive and determination to successfully pursue any career. he can still pursue any job related to hospitals. investigation and chemistry will attract the native. A career in the medical field is the most appropriate for a person with a tenth house Scorpio as such a person will be looking towards helping people if he is morally sound. Such a person also surrenders in any situation of gravity which he thinks is important. Career in the areas which are related to research and development will be best choice for you. and Saturn is located in the 10th house. But. Such a person is able to project himself to the world in a very powerful and confident way. He has an urge to be successful in life. This can actually be a deadly combination as such people have a never dying hunger for success. the amsha is "Gada". Scorpio: The fields of surgery. A person with a tenth house Scorpio should try and look for some research work in which he can dig out some important information that might be useful in solving some major problems. A person with a tenth house Scorpio is also able to revive a dying business or an enterprise. Scorpio: The influence of Scorpion in the tenth house gives an intense drive and determination to succeed with an ability to project yourself in a powerful and confident way to the world. psychology. A person with a tenth house Scorpio is usually at the disposal of the command of a person who is also able to make significant changes. Such a person’s success or failure totally depends on his moral values. Scorpio: Fond of doing good to all does not hesitate to spend on charitable and religious purposes. Such a person is always driven towards success and will be able to impress everyone through the abilities of his mind. The owner of the tenth house here is also the owner of the third house. The native will be hard hearted and arrogant. Even if such a person is not able to pursue these specific careers. For example if the above type of Jupiter aspects Sun and Mars it would confer ruling powers on the native.. Brainstorming their ideas with groups of multi-talented friends. He may prefer travelling or exploring the world with his friends or a group of people. which such a total representative of value and wealth aspects would become highly rich and valuable in whatever it represents. Sagittarius in the Eleventh House. a person is a very enthusiastic and fun loving friend.Kuja rules a natural Bhava = swabhava oflagnesha Shani. It would thus be seen that people born in the Aquarius ascendant are comparatively more fortunate than others in so far as the finance conferring qualities of Jupiter are concerned. Some people unnecessarily decry birth in the Aquarius ascendant. and adaptation of the the wealth-collection systems. the house of wealth and as such represents "Value" and wealth par-excellence. = Kumbha lagna containing a dramatically empowered swakshetra Shani). so that Kumbha-haru cannot continue the lineage-channeled wealth accumulations of Vrishabha. property land etc. 11th House Sagittarius: In the presence of an eleventh house Sagittarius. Kumbha lagna should acknowledge their own ego and their own ideas. Kuja must be in a good Bhava and sign. Kumbha Leads and Governs: knowledge-collection and wealth-banking (Vrishabha) Kumbha = leaders (10th-from) of knowledge-collection and wealth-banking (Vrishabha) Kumbha folk are characteristically very alert to the role and importance of wealth-hoard in the society. A person with an eleventh house .e. Similarly if the above type of Jupiter aspects both the 4th house and Venus. Although their style is distributive and due to Rahu's involvement also taboo-breaking. but the gap between conception and execution may be caused by investing too much of their life force in the partner's view. but also their deep need to express themselves through grand social visions. (Karl Marx. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius makes his own set of goals and objectives for the future. It is in the second place the lord of the house of gains or value.. Hridroga-lagna has plenty of energy to invest in career development. Such a person also enjoys the company of famous and optimistic friends who inspire him to greater accomplishments.. they can capture the prey of worldly success in a team effort with those who share their universal healing vision. motivates Kumbha lagna to put much energy into doing something on the world stage. the famous political philosopher of communist economics. for their world vision to manifest. As always. conveyances. Hridroga has plenty of physical energy for public works. Not only is the ego (L-7 Surya) generally wanting to promote the concepts of balance and partnership in society. Such a person does not hold himself back while trying to make new friends. Tempting as it always is to promote their partner's cause (i. to hide their ego behind the image of their partner). A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius is also outgoing and socializes a lot. Kumbha is a VERY materialistic rashi that is committed to alteration. And again Jupiter becomes the lord of the second house i. This is mainly because of his outgoing and extrovert kind of nature. Such a person likes to travel a lot. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius usually has numerous friends. Jupiter here is already in himself a significator of "Wealth". It is now not difficult to see that the house etc. expansion. not destruction of them.e. With Kuja as the 10th lord. Such a person is not easily influenced by anyone when it comes to his goals and dreams. as Sun is the significator of Ruling powers and Mars is the lord of the 10th house which stands for ruling powers. the native will have all sorts of comforts in life. Unless Guru is fallen in Makara (which cramps optimism) . Because Guru rules bhava-11 of income and also bhava-2 of stored wealth (savings. Such a person rarely imposes any demands on his friends and enjoys casual relationships without any feeling of formality. The personal hopes and dreams of such a person concern his position in society. optimistic. food pantries. Hence. He will be clever and rich. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Virgo and Pisces in the second house. Luck also favours him throughout his life. such a person always looks for friends who are in some way different from him. Sagittarius: Fears from enemy and harm through animals. Jupiter is the owner of the eleventh and the second houses here. This fact is very crucial for a person with an eleventh house Sagittarius. For example if Jupiter is connected with the Sun and the tenth house. Bhava 11 * Dhanusha = Sagittarius Guru rules a natural Bhava = swabhava oflagnesha Shani Guru rules Kumbha-lagna's 11th Bhava of friendships and marketplace associations. and how well people react to him. He will have a large number of friends and companions and will have the ability to work with them easily. will have property and live in comfort. the native's mother will be long lived. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius believes in the philosophy ‘live and let live’. An eleventh house Sagittarius provides a person with a natural friendliness and a desire to be in the company of people.) . Such a person does not feel ashamed to ask for any kind of help from his friends. You believe in 'live and let live philosophy' and it makes you comfortable with the people around you. Hence. Such a person considers it important to be accepted and liked by people. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius often looks for support and help from friends in order to achieve his goals and objectives. the native will rise to a high position. Through popularity. Guru's natural compassion and open-mindedness brings Kumbha-lagna into the company of humanistic. people enjoy your company. Such a person is usually well accepted and has friends from various different areas of life. Jupiter will also have the ability to improve the prospects of matters that it influences through their significators or houses. If Jupiter is powerful. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius enjoys exchange of ideas with his friends. good-humored folk. historical records.Guru's conditionwill accurately predict their wealth accumulation levels. The placement of Sagittarius in the eleventh house is very likely to bring good luck and fortune naturally. such a person tends to obtain the necessary support to achieve his goals and objectives in life. The elder brothers of the native will be scholarly. His friends fulfill the empty spaces in his life. Hridroga folk truly enjoy socializing. They have expansive networks of family and friends. Sagittarius: He will be a companion of the highly placed persons and will earn by his own efforts. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius is highly fortunate. He patterns and organizes himself according to his inherent desire to be accepted. You are very tolerant and liberal in the matters of friendship moreover you enjoy free wheeling exchanges of ideas with them and rarely impose your demand on them. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius has a keen interest in sports and many of his friends may belong to this area.Sagittarius usually joins many large organizations. Sagittarius: The influence of Sagittarius in the eleventh house suggests a wide friend circle. He does so in order to expand both personally and professionally. hoards. etc. A person with an eleventh house Sagittarius has friends who may have what he lacks. The native will earn well through teaching or legal practice. Even when there are no difficult situations. Persistence with faith and a positive mental and emotional attitude is something that such a person should try to adopt. Such a person often sees a goal. and setbacks to become more or less permanent in that you fail to keep going and may not realize much real success in life. they are rarely short of money. For Kumbha lagna. Our submission is that according to the basic principles enunciated by Maharshi Parashara. Hence.This is not a favorable signature and there may be loss in combat. a person with a twelfth house Capricorn thinks that he is going through some hardship in his life. This means that such a person seems to be always facing difficulties. if such a person fails once while doing something. A wise person with the presence of a twelfth house Capricorn would try to stay out of politics.father of Indian Astrology. this placement can serve to provide what is a very deep-seated sense of responsibility. the lord of the 12th house gives the effects of the house. This is because of the fact that a restrictive Saturn rules this sector of such a person’s chart. as said above. Sometimes. Hence. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn feels that one failure is simply a guarantee of other failures. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn can be trusted with secrets. and periods of Guru can bring considerable wealth. presuming that Guru is fairly well disposed. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn has subconscious feelings of limitation and inadequacy deeply ingrained in the psyche. In the presence of a twelfth house Capricorn. he never tries anything else in order to succeed. Such a person. The presence of a twelfth house Capricorn implies very little liability to friends. Depending on the aspects of the ruling Saturn. periods of L-2+L-11 Guru generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. Such a person is usually very smart and shrewd and can not be easily taken advantage of. as well Aquarius is an unfortunate Ascendant. Such a person understands his societal and professional positions. 12th House Capricorn: A person with a twelfth house Capricorn is usually subconsciously restrictive and conservative. We do not subscribe to this view. this person would have any enemies. The person falls prey to all kinds of confrontational matters. and as such Saturn will give the effects of Ascendant. as well as via earned income from the marketplace of goods and services. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn may even show that he is constantly streaming upstream. and is very careful not to create any unnecessary friction. Capricorn and the Twelfth House. The person will have Aquarius as his ascendant. In such a case. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn could be paranoid and will mostly ignore his inner urges. Capricorn . Such a person is sometimes limited by . This means that such a person has these traits but these characteristics are not evident when such a person is in public. Such a person needs to integrate himself with the thoughts that he has concealed or has cut himself off from. makes plans and gives up when he starts facing any difficulties. such a person is usually very responsible in whatever he does. and the experience also holds the same. even the person himself does not know that he possesses these traits. but would be positively good. which cannot be bad. In the case under consideration the other sign of the lord of the 12th house falls in Ascendant. is more conservative than he really adapts. disappointments. in which its other sign falls. A person with a twelfth house Capricorn may choose politics as a career.they enjoy great abundance of friendship. Some authors are of the opinion that since Saturn owns the 12th house. Such a person takes a stand for doing everything responsibly in the best possible manner. there may be a pronounced tendency to allow temporary failures. peevish. He will spend money on tanks. expressing their sense of order. The native may gain from agriculture. Rather. Capricorn: Water sports will be the favourite past time for the native. If you are hosting one of these folks. Kumbha-lagna will endure the discomfort . economy. Kumbha-lagna do not enjoy being away from familiar rules and customs. Bhava 12 * Makara = Capricorn Shani rules a natural Bhava = swabhava ofneutral Guru. A powerful and well placed Saturn may assist the native in showing good academic results at college. and duty. Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) Characteristic tendencies: Philosophers and idealists by nature. Unless Shani occupies vyaya bhava or there is some favorable setup. spa-type deep relaxation are generally too time-wasting. Kumbha folk may never relax enough to meditate or pray. Vyaya bhava is also the Bhava of bed pleasures and other private imaginative enclosures. The owner of the twelfth house is also the owner of the first. At their best.unconscious fears and his hidden strength is something that allows him to work secretly or behind the scenes. Capricorn: The influence of Capricorn in the twelfth house shows a conservative and restricted attitudes and a feeling of limitation and inadequacy hidden in your subconscious and psyche which may not be very apparent in your conscious personality. the planet of restriction is the ruler of this house. after a productive day of socially approved labors. Animals prove helpful. As personalities they can be timid. He will be alternately extravagant and careful with his money. . Capricorn: One is arrested by the enemies while fighting or some loss is caused in quarrels. living and thinking according to the Old Rules. surrounded by familiar imagery. Aquarians frequently make their mark on the world in terms of their ideas. Kumbha = disconnected (12th-from) spiritual guidance and reflective intuition. Unless strong planets occupy vyayasthana. Kumbha-lagna prefer to relax in the dignity of well-earned sleep. Their health may be delicate. The native will be fond of going away on pleasure trips abroad or to distant places for a break. Their bed pleasures and holiday getaways might become overly routinized. One exception to Kumbha-lagna's dislike is that they enjoy cultural and religious ceremonies. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Aquarius in the first house.particularly if such tenure promotes their career. Should a Shani period enforce extended residence in a foreign land. favored with great literary or communicative skill. Body-calming. they possess great humanitarian instincts. The meditation and inner sanctuary Bhava is somewhat repressed by Shani's relentless demand for duty and responsibility. Kumbha-lagna resists foreign travel. This is because Saturn. take them around to public events! Kumbha natives are happiest at work. efficiency. wells and waterbodies. and chronically unhappy due to Saturn's overpowering influence on their lives. Sukra rules Fortune Lord of House 10 is .Budha rules Children Lord of House 6 is .Guru rules Wealth Lord of House 3 is .Sani rules Health Lord of House 2 is .Kuja rules Livelihood Lord of House 11 is .Guru rules Desire Lord of House 12 is .Ravi rules Partner Lord of House 8 is .Kuja rules Help Lord of House 4 is .Sukra rules Comforts Lord of House 5 is .Budha rules Longevity Lord of House 9 is .Sani rules Loss .The Lord of Houses if your Lagna is Kumbha Lagna (Aquarius Ascendant) Lord of House 1 is .Chandra rules Enemies Lord of House 7 is . 11th and 12th houses Mercury: 1st. fulfillment & other 11th house themes Good Placement of Planets for Aquarius Ascendant: Sun: 3rd. 10th and 11th houses Saturn: 1st. 3rd. 9th. 3rd. losses. 9th. 9th. 10th and 11th houses Moon: 2nd. courage. 4th. 9th. 5th. and other 3 rd house matters vehicles. 11th and 12th houses Jupiter: 1st. 2nd. 6th and 11th houses Mars: 2nd. Creativity and Speculations: Mercury  Planet of Health and Work: Moon  Planet of Home and Family Life: Venus  Planet of Travel. IX : Yogakarak Lord of I expenses. 2nd. enterprise. 3rd. parental issues elder siblings.Planets and the Aquarius zodiac sign  Ruling Planet: Saturn  Career Planet: Mars  Love Planet: Sun  Money Planet: Jupiter  Planet of Fun. 10th. easy money. 4th. 3rd. 5th. Education and Religion: Venus Planet Houses Ruled Jupiter Second & Eleventh Mars Third Venus Fourth Venus Jupiter Fourth & Ninth Eleventh Saturn Twelfth Signified Themes financial matters and status younger siblings. 8th. 5th. 11th and 12th houses Venus: 1st. suffering . 11th and 12th houses Aquarius Ascendant PLANET BENEFIC/ MALEFIC Sun Malefic Moon Malefic Mars Malefic Mercury Benefic Jupiter Malefic Venus Benefic Saturn Benefic REASON Lord of VII Lord of VI Lord of III Lord of V Lord of XI Lord of IV. 7th. conveyances parents. 9th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 10th. Budh gives meddling effects. become Yoga Karakas. does not become a Maraka. Mercury being Panchamesh and Ashtamesha in the ascendant gives mixed results. by himself. Aquarius Lagna: Venus being Chaturthyesha and Navmesh in Aquarius ascendant becomes yoga karaka and gives good results. Moon Mercury Venus Mars 9th lord Aquarius: Jupiter. the Moon and Mars are malef ics.Moon. Sukra is the only Grah. . Jupiter and the Moon are malefics and Mercury is a neutral. Jupiter or Moon. Venus is the only strongest Rajayoga karaka( being lord of 4th and 9th). Mars and Jupiter Mars and Venus. Chandra and Mangal are malefics. is a benefic.Mars is a Trityesha .Rashi Benefic Malefic Neutral Yogkarka Maraka Badhak Aquarius Venus. Guru. the Moon( 6th lord) and Mars(lord of 3rd and 10th) are malefics. Jupiter. Guru. that causes Raj Yog. Venus and Saturn are auspicious. Mars Jupiter. the Sun and Mars may act as killers.—Venus is the benefic. cause death. Aquarius Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic Benefic.Jupiter is Ekadshesh and Dwitiyesha. if Maraka. Mercury is medium( may give mixed results). Saturn is a Lagnesh in Aquarius sign and thus . while Sukra and Sani are auspicious.Sun is a Saptmesha . Jupiter.Moon is a Shashtesha and is not benefic. if conjunct. and is not even benefic. Kumbha (Aquarius). Mars. Grahas/planets and Kumbh (Aquarius) Lagna. Jupiter (lord of 2nd and 11th houses). Surya and Mangal are killers. The Sun and Mars are also benefics.All these three planets are not benefic for Aquarius ascendant.Venus alone is a benefic for this Ascendant Malefic. Sun. If the Sun is weak and afflicted. etc. Jyotisha writer B. There may be a preference for contract-based professional service. In case Sun is well aspected or associated with benefic it would give nice results in regard to be seventh house i. Raman dramatist-activist George Clooney (Ketu in lagna) singer-songwriter Johnny Cash Surya = karaka for the rational and creative self. Sun. The Sun as the 7th lord turns neutral and Kendradhipatya Dosha does not occur to him. who is a leader. There will be good fortune. L-7 Ravi: when Surya is strong. diplomacy and balancing skills. he is essentially a Maraka but not endowed with as much Maraka powers as a natural benefic like Jupiter or Venus owes.loss of vitality and lack of will power. Weak and afflicted Sun: Disturbed marital life. vitality. In case Sun is weak the contrary will be the case and the native would suffer at the hands of Government. They usually marry superiors or take an inferior role towards their partners. engage the native in a big business or associate him with a high level partner in life. coordinated work such as partner dancing. The Sun is generally inauspicious here (though some consider that it benefits by being a malefic lord of an angle). as ruler of house 7. bargaining and alliance-construction. advising. As the 7th house lord. As for the Sun ruling the seventh house they will have a successful spouse.Lord of seventh angle ceases to be malefic. But this will not prevent him to act as killing planet. Lord of 7th house Sun give moderate to good results as a lord of angular house. and various types of business partnerships are validating expressions of Surya when the Great Light is well placed. but hey can be overbearing and egotistical. & gives good results. Sun: Lord of 7th (Kendra) house become benefic. A strong Sun blesses them with a spouse from a well connected family. one feels confident(Surya) to undertake career roles and professional placements which feature consulting. Favour from Govt. mediation. There will be loss of vitality and enthusiasm and the person could suffer with problems with the heart or blood pressure. and lord of 10th radix. Career The dominant indicator of career is lord of 10th navamsha. Ravi controls the marriage house. therefore for Kumbha lagna the condition of Ravi in the nativity becomes a strong indicator of the character of the spouse. 7th lord Sun if weak will be bad for wife & other 7th house matter. shows the tendency of Aquarius types to become dominated by others and to seek refuge through partnership or relationship. ability to ensure equity. A strong and well placed Sun can bring about good marital life as the spouse could be from a well-connected family. V. and one's ability to channel divine intelligence. soul. arbitration. if strong & well aspected then wife will be bold. partner skating. magnetism and enthusiasm for the individual. Business partners can be very beneficial as well as success with living in a foreign land. or at least a role of service. The mooltrikona sign for the Sun is Leo placed in the seventh house. Surya L-7 Ravi = pride in one's relationships. however Surya = a lesser karaka for career and public recognition.e. counseling. Marriage . professional tennis. If well aspected by benefic then gives more good results for 7th house. The Sun can be damaging to marriage and relationships.Planets for Aquarius Ascendant – Karaka and Maraka Sun: The Sun. Paired. then there will be marital problems as well as business difficulties with partners. Kapoor notes. radiantly confident. It also shows their tendency towards disease from overly sensitive feelings and too much mental activity. The spouse is charismatic. because Kumbha native tends to marry a strong-willed and self-determined spouse (s). if the Sun is lord of Seventh in his own sign. S. Close conjunction/aspect of the Moon with functional benefics or the mid point of the houses puts them to a disadvantageous position due to disputes and diseases. shows their strong capacity to put their minds and emotions into work and service. Because bhava-7 is also a maraka bhava. represents a high-performing. It is generally inauspicious and often causes health problems. G. If strong then good for Mother’s siblings & native is kind to his enemies. According to 'Bhawath Bhavam'theory of Hindu Astrology. intelligence. due to the L-6 Chandra). The spouse's own career and the spouse's leadership within the core partnering of marriage may significantly frame the native 's career choices. As Dr. the better is the chance of Surya-ratna having a positive effect on the development of that infrastructure of consulting and advising relationships which underlies every successful public career. Remedial Ratna for Surya . the seventh house is 10th to10th house and wearing of Ruby in addition to enhancing the good effects of the Seventh house. will also help. The larger the native 's network (Kumbha) of association. 90 "For the Aquarius (Kumbha) Ascendant. New Delhi. therefore. it is generally not recommended to use remedial ruby except in special circumstances. as ruler of house 6. The Kumbha native often expects the spouse (whether male of female) to possess a more dominant or more professionalized career than oneself. The Moon as the 6th (Tiishadaya) house lord is inauspicious in her Dasa.Manika (pure Ruby) Dr. (1994). advisable for the native s of this Ascendant not to wear Ruby. Surya. it is malefic. attention-seeking spouse. If in 8th house being 6th lord then person will have the habit of steeling the things. A well placed and unafflicted Moon giving little impact or aspect on any other planets will protect the person from . The Moon ruling the sixth house can cause digestive problems. However. Ruby may be worn in the major period of Sun. a karaka for center-stage attention.The Kumbha native often becomes the 'lesser partner' in marriage due partly to emotional volatility of Chandra = L-6. the Sun is lord of the Seventh. Sun is also an enemy of the lord of the Ascendant: It will be. In the event of divorce (which is sadly a common occurrence for Kumbha. one of those special circumstances could be a very focused professional drive toward promotion or recognition in the institutional hierarchy. a Maraka house (house of death)." Moon: The Moon. Moon: Lord of 6th house. The mooltrikona sign for the Moon is Cancer placed in malefic sixth house. Kapoor. Moon. but the spouse should be the dominant partner.Moon is lord of sixth house and is declared as a malefic by Parashar. If weak then bad for sibling of Mother side. Gems and Astrology . most of the jointly held friends of the couple will stay with the more 'fun' partner (who is certainly not Kumbha). Husband-and-wife teams can be successful. p. and the life of the party. Ranjan Publications. If it is weak then gives good results. Check the Strength & placement of Moon. A service-oriented profession is likely working with women. Lord of 6th house Moon give bad results. One seeks moksha but an underlying emotional illness may prevent spiritual relaxation and release.conflicts and health breakdowns. and politics Disagrees with male (Ravi) privilege.debts. If Moon is weak. Animals and Servants = Emotional Protective Instinct Chandra's Emotional Protective Instincts embrace and nurture denizens of bhava-6. Kumbha lagna is a fairly difficult life placement. Kumbha natives will be found in satisfying emotional relationships to their house pets. The immune system can also suffer. the indebted. the mother is plagued by sickness and regrets. The Kumbha native = often a spiritual aspirant with emotional and financial problems. the impoverished. Kumbha lagna nativities are somewhat less commonly distributed. If Rahu in 6 or Rahu involved with Chandra. Weak and afflicted Moon: Indifferent health. operators of animal shelters and rescue groups. the native may feel oft beset with jealousy and mood swings. cats dogs and horses. Being owner of a malefic house. special. Similarly. Chandra lord of mahadusthamsha Ripu bhava breaks promises and ruins agreements. While the child is growing up. central to the scene. it is desired not to have the Moon aspecting any planets. or above human law bhava-7 = alliances. the only partner who can really understand Kumbha is another Kumbha. and the native may find that when human companions disappoint. claims of divine right. agreements and trusts. defeat in disputes. The lagnesha Shani also rules the retreating. Often. loss of mental peace. digestive problems and body pain of emotional origin. Due to awkward lordship for Chandra. and financial problems due to indebtedness also originating in emotionally charged taking of loans. who are primarily animals and servants. pretenders to royal charisma May feel victimized by those who claim to be brilliant. One may be taken from the homeland (Chandra) at a tender age. Mental turbulence will be less and the Aquarius ascendant will have fewer chances of debts. king. workers and the dispossessed. then there will be loss of mental peace and they will be involved in disagreements and opposition and often will be defeated in their stance whether they are right or wrong. higher likelihood of criminal extremes such as human trafficking. Chandra = L-6 = "The Problematizer" Inimical view of father. Blame-the-victim is a parental strategy to maintain emotional control over a child who is being used as a servant. an animal companion will remain supportive and steadfast. bhava-6 = 12th-from-7th = dissolution of contract. Kumbha may enjoy success as animal trainers. In a mood. as well as even emotionally sensitiveprotective engagement with kine (cattle) sheep and beasts of burden. Kumbha feels a great sympathy for the victim. and victimized or exploited by caretakers or parent-figures. making divorce and disagreement a common emotional reality for this lagna. emotionally protective relationships with servants and dispossessed or marginalized persons can easily developed. Trust Issues with Parents. Nurturers and Caretakers . the native will withdraw into one's imagination or travel to a distant place to get away from the emotional stress. and the ill. reclusive Vyaya bhava. disagreement and distruSaint Most acute results during Chandra Mahadasha or Vimshottari periods of graha in 6/8 angle to Chandra. The child may be accused of causing one's own problems. Hasta. provides a significant challenge to one's attempt to achieve lasting agreements in emotional relationships. and the flow of parenting energy may be only intermittent. For both men and women.Mal-parenting It is a dilemma that is profoundly acute and often painful for Kumbha: the parents.g. especially the mother = manipulative.) Rahu drishti to Chandra or Rahu in Karkata can exacerbate the outcome. distrust of the mother of one's children. The very force of maternal caring and (ideally) unconditional acceptance by the mother is oppressed into service as the disagreeable L-6. Often the mother is separated from her children by her feeling that she is not quite capable of providing daily routine and shelter. will be present. a temporary companion of the mother addressed as 'uncle'. Kumbha natives may attempt multiple marriages and marriage-type commitments in the fond pursuit of a lasting agreement. Chandra well disposed in radix or navamsha may compensate socially with a stable public marriage but even a good placement of Soma cannot quickly erase the deep karma of early childhood harm by the parents. As L-6 for Kumbha lagna. This success begins to accelerate when one understands and accepts the karmic predicament of Kumbha's emotional constitution in this life. blaming the victim for failure to maintain trust and unwillingness to honor the terms of contracts. lifelong 'problematicity' (a repeating argument involving several interlocked problems) with betraying women. The parents may (consciously or more often unconsciously) victimize the native . Parents-caretakers may then become accusers. Sravana). Extreme examples of parents involved with human trafficking of their own children are unfortunately not hard to find.. They may exploit the native . A fundamental lack of trust in nurturers. Even when Chandra is blessed with a gracious rashi and bhava. Kumbha lagna and Kumbha chandra are both good indicators of success in monastic spiritual life. at base the native is challenged to extract . but even the most lovely Moon Marriage and Alliances . and in those who have assumed caretaker or protector roles in the current incarnation. Especially acute with Chandra in a nakshatra of Chandra (Rohini. the highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra provides consistently frustrating emotional challenges in life. unbalanced Ripu Bhava. unreliable and disagreeable. esp one's own mother For a male. Abuse by the maternal uncle (6 = 3rd from 4th) or someone posing in that role (e. the may be deep issues with animosity and distruSaint Although these feelings (Soma) may be masked by a veneer of emotional responsiveness to others. For a female. Unless Chandra is very well placed. forcing one into service. in the present life one's very core of support and nurturing is polluted by the parents (esp mothers') adversarial feelings. Extreme results can be criminal. However human emotional relationships with their complex and relentless expectation of compassionate nurturing acceptance will be systematically disappointed. Due to the past-life unfinished business. one's own nurturing capabilities are oddly handicapped by relationship breakdown. Chandra ruler of Core Emotions controls the awkward. The most satisfying emotional relationships happen between the Kumbha native and the ishtadevata. the fundamental emotional distrust and disappointment-in-advance regarding marriage partner behaviors. aunts. and grandmothers = may breakpromises or fail to protect school teachers and camp counselors.) Typically these natives suffer a good deal of internal emotional conflict in their own lives. it will fluctuate according to the nature of Chandra. purveyors of medicines. Chandra's radix and navamsha rashi's and any drishti to Chandra will show the native 's specific style of pursuing security and emotional fulfillment. Chandra is an especially difficult graha for Kumbha nativities in which Chandra = L-6 from both radix lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance): e. Emotional mandate (often unconscious) toward multiple marriages or no marriage. etc. One tends to get in and out of relationships very quickly.Chandra unbalances relationships between individual partners. regulate social power imbalances etc. criminal defense. Seeks shelter. Agents of breakdown of trust = virtually any person (male or female) vested in a parental. health workers. . human rights. Chandra occupies swakshetra-6. ruled by Surya service role in entertainment etc. They feel deep empathy for animals wild and domestic. Kumbha radix lagna + Kumbha Chandra (a fairly rare type of nativity) Chandra rules house-6: for Kumbha lagna. A peculiar pattern of matching energy occurs in the Kumbha marriage. protection. ruled by Shani gives service roles in law enforcement. leading to an exceptional career in maternal-child medicine or the care of the service class. They tend to acquire debt during their pursuit of security and fulfillment. and for all types of victims. (e. L-6 Chandra = women in the parenting or caretaking roleare problematic in the lifetime. and between the individual and society. Yet the spouse's imagination (12th from 7th) is so overcharged with animosity due to their own childhood. Mothers. Also good results may possibly arise from Chandra in the uchcha Vrishabha bhava-4.. All partnerships with women are colored by a fundamental unerlying disappointment in the moral weakness of women as a class. due to the chronic emotional need to find one's place in life but followed shortly by the emotional reaction to the inevitable loss of agreement that is the hallmark of the lord of Ripu Bhava. such as police. However no matter what material contentment the Kumbha native may find. wants a caretaker spouse. Kumbha natives are emotionally oriented toward providing service in exchange for security and protection. and nourishment yet this native is attracted to Simha-type spouses who are somewhat self-centered. They are happiest in service roles that manage conflict. protect victims. Underlying search for compensatory parenting. it will be his high challenge to see these women. The Kumbha man will in particular feel outraged by the criminal (or nearly so) actions of the most motherly women in his life. Social isolation or Fringe identity The Kumbha native feels that one does not quite belong. In the best case. that when combined with the native 's own (matching) self-accusation and internalized blaming from the parents that sustaining a marriage may be an overwhelming emotional challenge. where the native may become a happy and prosperous owner of a great many real-estate properties. They are unusually prone toward illnesses and accidents.. between individuals and various groups. Moon ruled by Shukra gives service roles in beauty and fairness.g. supposed to be queenly fountains of unconditional love (Chandra) as mere humans and frankly of the lowest human genre (6). social welfare. protective trust.g. Ranjan Publications.babysitters. However we can surmise that he would agree on the no-exceptions proscription against Mukta for the Kumbha lagna. 94. as ruler of houses 3 and 10. One's own mother = victimizedby exploitive or domineering others. if and only if Soma occupies Chandra in bhava-6. or step-parents = may become exploitive or abusive nurses in home-care and hospitals. She might have suffered a chronic illness or been obliged to repay another's debt. nurturers deprive one of nourishment the ocean and marine workers = imbalance in all things from the ocean. ethnic minorities. Seva: The disabilities of L-6 Chandra can be mitigated via selfless service to ignorant. have no Jyotisha empowerment and they may be worn happily without interference to the psychic signal system. p. or victimized women. Chandra = enemy of lagnesha Shani. No matter how fortunate Chandra's character by other measures. one's friend's mothers. Other times they work against them as revolutionaries. Perhaps she was forced to abandon a career she enjoyed in order to follow her husband's wishes. including friends of the parents. G. The Soma-negative situation is similar to Makara lagna. It is generally impulsive and inauspicious. to the point of allergies to sea-food and ailment after ocean bathing. One may feel that the mother's taste in husbands was degrading in some sense. New Delhi. (1994). shows their strong energy towards authorities and institutions. Under special circumstances of a great commitment to the Sevaof medical or human services practice benefitting outcastes. prostitutes. . plus Chandra = unfortunate lord of the maha-dusthamsha Ripu bhava. schools and schoolteachers may misbehave. and avoid decorating the person with natural pearls if possible False pearls. Mars as a lord of 3rd and 10th give moderate results.neighbors who watch the children.Mukta moti = pure natural Pearl for the L-6 Chandra It is generally not recommended to apply natural Pearls for remedial purposes. The easiest practice for Kumbha natives = to avoid wearing Mukta (pearl) for the lifetime. be domineering. Gems and Astrology. Mars: Mars. S. Kumbha natives face an underlying karma of disappointment from women in general. Otherwise. assign task-lists of busywork. Kapoor would agree that Kumbha lagna natives should scrupulously avoid wearing Pearl. Presumably Dr. learning feels like slave-work. Kapoor. and other suffering members of the exploited victim classes. Remedial Ratna for Chandra . Moon = the highly inauspicious agent of "emotional discord" as L-6 not to mention a karaka for disagreements with or exploitation by the Mother. even the high-priced electronically dipped artificial pearls. The Pearl recommendations for Kumbha are missing from Dr. perhaps her servitude is more oppressive. then a pearl may immensely strengthen the emotional reserves necessary to undertake such saintly pursuits. Kumbha is prone to be sea-sick.Moon = an enemy of Saturn. Sometimes they work for them as selfless workers. the lord of the ascendant. best to avoid the Mukta for life. enslaved. drug addicts. good for children. navamsa or constellation.Mars becomes the lord of the 10th and 3rd houses. It is generally auspicious but tainted by its rulership of the eighth (it is usually less auspicious than it is for Capricorn). If Mars is weak and ill aspected. Mars is exalted in llth and debilitated in 6th house. it gives mixed results. p. Gems and Astrology. If Mars is weak or afflicted. Mercury as a lord of 8th house will not directly affect but transfers its malefic powers to other planets positioned in its sign. Mars is in his own sign in the 10th. A strong Mars." Mercury: Mercury.Mars: Lord of 3rd. Mars. then there will be unsuccessful ventures and difficulties with the younger brothers or sisters. ambiguous or dark. They can be selfish and argumentative with associates as they will lack patience. as ruler of houses 5 and 8. Quarrelsome Kuja L-3 / L-10 Vital and competitive Kuja controls daily mental process and leadership roles. They can be a bit aggressive in getting what they want. Being Kendra lord it is benefic but as 3rd house lord. it is benefic. he becomes inauspicious. it may be OK to apply coral and other gems of Kuja.. it is malefic. There would usually be good relations with younger brothers and sisters and they would have good direct communication with associates bringing success in the work environment. good education. turns them to the field of communications which suits their general nature of a thinker. If. Remedial Ratna for Kumbha lagna According to Dr. During Kuja's period if the native has strong administrative business inclinations and Kuja is reasonably auspicious at birth. but shorten life span & ruin career. this disposition will give rise to Ruchaka Yoga . however. Again by owning the 3rd (Trishadaya) house. Therefore. Mars has its moolatrikona sign Aries in the third house making them people of great initiatives if Mars is strong and well placed for the Aquarius ascendant. and the native can wear a Red Coral with advantage whenever necessary. shows their capacity for profound intelligence. aspected then gives good results. Check the Strength & placement of Mercury if strong then gain in lottery prize. Red Coral can be worn in the major period of Mars for promotion and success in the professional field. deep and philosophical thinking and understanding the mysteries of the psyche. Weak and afflicted Mars: Unsuccessful ventures. (1994). lack of younger brothers. Hence a weak and afflicted Mars would give nice results in regard to matters financial. will give good and bad results. whose Mooltrikona sign falls in the third house. Ranjan Publications. Mars is lord of 3rd and 10th houses. Lord of 5th house. Mercury gives good results.. Their minds are profound. it is malefic and lord of 10th. Speculation. selfish. G. As lord of 10th it ceases to be a natural malefic but as lord of third it again assumes its malefic role. New Delhi. lack of courage. Kapoor. 98 "For the Aquarius Ascendant Mars will be lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Mercury: Lord of 5th and 8th houses. it gives good wealth. Mars owns the 10th house and as natural malefic owning a Kendra leaves his maleficence and becomes neutral. it gives mixed results. They may also suffer through children. Parasara Rishi has declared it as a natural Planet. wise. . as the third house represents younger siblings and house of work and initiatives. S. Mars rules the third and the tenth giving an ambitious drive for a professional career. If Mars is weak and ill. Mercury. Conversationally active and sexually curious.depth research. Divine Intelligence. Mercury owns the 8th house therefore he is evil but then he is also the 5th (Trikona) house lord. revelation. or psuedo-scientific way. It will ward off accidents which are one of the significations of the eighth house as well. Budha the Analyzer will give mixed results over the period of a lifetime. articulate. Parashar has declared it as a natural. plunging. constipation. If Mercury is weak. A strong Mercury blesses them with good inheritance but at the same time its close connection with any other planet or mid point of a house is highly undesirable due to Mercury's functional nature being malefic. then the long life span is threatened as well as the nervous system. 8th is more malefic in nature than what 5th could be in benefic nature. Weak and afflicted Mercury: Middle life span. A strong Mercury that is not aspecting any planets or houses being that it is the most malefic planet for the Aquarius ascendant. A combust Mercury endangers the smooth continuance of married life. drilling. instruct. Remedial Ratna: Flawless Emerald (panna) for Budha . hence auspicious. superficial. But Mercury being natural in character it would imbibe the good or and qualities of the planets with which it is associated by contact or aspect. excavating. Prestige.Festivals . Perhaps in our reading Mercury is not considered for the reason that his Moolatrikoni sign falls in the 8th house and he might have been considered more evil than auspicious. will enhance the life span of the individual. weak health. explain. nervous. This also seems to be appealing. Awards and Trophies fortune and luck. transformative process. discriminate. Budha's rulership of Mangala's natural bhava-8 is somewhat problematic because Budha and Mangala are enemies. If Budha is not well disposed. confidential information. privileged information.It becomes lord of 5th and 8th houses. discoveries. a Rajayoga is caused by the exchange of houses by the 4th and 5th house lords.winning prizes. disasters. creativity.Divine Light. Kumbha may acquire a social reputation as the "New Age type" who seems to babble on (Mithuna) about occult topics in a confused. penetration. accidents or operations. politics. The mooltrikona sign for Mercury is Virgo which is placed in the malefic eighth house. plumbing. and announce re: matters of bhava-8 and bhava-5 = Intelligence and the Occult: Children. secret instructions. Their curiosity leads them to in. emergence. classify. insider knowledge. charisma (5): games and gambling . If Mercury aspects any planets. performance arts. Like Leo Ascendants they may have trouble with having children. games and amusements. Fame. fashion. mining. analyze. There can be weak health. surgery. fashion. It will ground or balance the nervous system and therefore the mind. detection.Mercury as the ruler of the fifth and eighth houses makes for a deep thinker. detecting hidden resources and making transformative changes. Budha wants to talk while Mangala wants to act. Theatre center-stage roles. Celebrations . then it will damage the significations of those planets bringing about disruptions and obstacles. Speculation . operations Budha L-5 / L-8 Intelligence and the Occult Budha wants to talk-about. Hence it is some what bad. creative arts + literature. psychology.Amusement . Self-Expression Destruction and Rebirth (8): emergencies. rejuvenation. Good results for children. If Venus is placed in the 5th house and Mercury in the 4th house. the native may develop a reputation for blustering and boasting about knowing occult secrets. digging. reconstruction. accidents. it enhances the longevity of mother. Similarly beneficial will be the combination of Emerald and Diamond As the ruler of the latter Venus being a friend of Mercury is a yoga karaka for this Ascendant on account of his lordship of the 4th and the 9th houses. Jupiter gives wealth doubly for Aquarius ascendants for it is the Karaka for wealth as well as the ruler of the Dhana houses (two and eleven). and associations for humanitarian purposes. it boosts longevity of father. For example. Jupiter: Being a lord of 2nd & 11th houses. Jupiter is Significator of wealth so Jupiter will act as a great factor of wealth. Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 11th houses. when it aspects fourth house and Venus it gives valuable vehicle When it aspects the fourth house and Mars it helps the acquisition of valuable house? When it aspects fourth house and Moon it enhances the longevity of mother. . friends. it boosts the father's longevity. Jupiter is a little inauspicious by house rulership. as ruler of houses 2 and 11. planet etc. Hence Jupiter will act as a great factor of wealth and value and boost much the house. Kapoor. particularly when the factors so influenced are in turn representative in character. G.~~ Dr. which it influences by association or aspect. The lord of this Ascendant Saturn is a friend of Mercury. New Delhi. planet etc. Therefore. When it aspects ninth house and Sun. Govt. carrer. income and value and boosts much the house. Powerful connection of a strong Jupiter with the house of profession." Jupiter: Jupiter. (1994). if Emerald is worn with blue sapphire it will prove very beneficial to the native . particularly when the factors so influenced are in turn representative in character. When it aspects 9th house and Sun. it helps in the acquisition of valuable house. If he acquires killing powers to a great extent then he would surely be the killer. Aquarius types have a great capacity for material gain through their work once they get beyond their selfsubordination in life as they are capable of saving their resources until they can accumulate to the point of being really worth something. Jupiter is inauspicious vide Sloka6 because he owns the 2nd (Maraka) house and 11th (Trishadaya) house. for wealth. They will slave away for what they believe in and this may give them great rewards in time. 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter is a killing planet. Jupiter. p. career government favour and so on. Mercury is lord of the 5th and 8th houses. On account of his lordship of a trine Mercury is accepted mostly as an auspicious planet for this ascendant. it is malefic for health & good for wealth more the stronger person will have more wealth its aspects to the house as well as the Karka of the house gives benefic result. For example. Gems and Astrology. Wealth comes easily to them. Each house stands for wealth. They speak eloquently with wisdom. it blesses the native with valuable conveyance and when aspects 4th house and Mars. finances or any other house indicates progressing future during the periods of Jupiter. It is malefic for health. 102 "For the Aquarius Ascendant. is a great planet of wealth and income. The same applies in the case of Capricorn Ascendant where also Venus is a yoga karaka planet on account of his lordship of the 5th and 10th houses. when it aspects the 4th house and Venus. Jupiter as the ruler of the eleventh brings in money. favour and so on. S. If strong will bless the native with good wealth. When 4th house and Moon.Jupiter himself significator of wealth becomes lord of two houses each of which stands. Ranjan Publications. which it influences by association or aspect. For Kumbha lagna. then there will be financial losses and lack of happiness from friends and elder siblings. Kanya. Via the "elder brother" or someone in a mentoring role. and money) . or Mithuna. weak liver. According to BPHS ch 43. hoards. A strong and well-placed Jupiter will enhance the Aquarius ascendant in financial gains. lack of happiness from friends/elder brothers. Otherwise. In addition to substantial wealth. Kumbha. Weak and afflicted Jupiter: Loss of income. knowledge of history. Dr. presuming that Guru is fairly well disposed. Kapoor notes.The mooltrikona sign for Jupiter is Sagittarius placed in the eleventh house. New Delhi. There could lack of children and possible health difficulties pertaining to the hips or liver. (1994). there will be positive achievements from the husband. 5 = gambling or speculative wins. Guru will normally not kill the native early in life. "pukhraj"is good to wear. S. Guru material wealth = L-2 + L-11 Guru family. Gems and Astrology. Wealth according to the bhava and the rashi. In a female chart. appreciating that L-2 is a powerful marakaalso. unless Brihaspati is also lord of 2nd or 7th from Chandra. Although a maraka graha. Therefore Kumbha natives should avoid the "Pukh-raj" when Chandra occupies Vrischika. Guru and Shani are neutral toward each other. periods of L-2+L-11 Guru generate considerable wealth via family-of-origin hoarded assets and knowledge-values. "pukhraj") for Guru Apply the pukharajaratnawith caution. 108: . There will be successful friendships as well as success for one's older brothers and sisters. all periods of Guru including any bhukti wherein Guru occupies a favorable angle from the mahadashapati can also be expected to bring the realization of clearly articulated goals and objectives in life. speech. both financial and interpersonal as well as happiness from children. music. G. as well as via earned income from the marketplace of goods and services. p. accumulations) and bhava-11 (gains of income and achievement of goals). therefore during periods of Guru the pushkaraja. If Jupiter is weak and afflicted. Wealth Optimistic and inclusive Brihaspati becomes a highly auspicious L-2 + L-11 wealth generator for Kumbha lagna. the period of Chandra-Guru can be fatal. and 11 = earned income. The husband for a female chart could suffer from too much ego and pride and there will be lack of success. food (2) values (2) knowledge of history and languages (2) marketplace earnings (11) associative distributive networks (11) There are four main wealth houses: 2 = banked savings. face. 9 = assets provided to be used for acts of faith. as Dr. Kapoor. the native will receive generous help in bringing one's goals into material reality. However the Yellow Sapphire is generally prescribed ONLY in periods of Guru. those not under imminent threat of death may enjoy the fruits of wealth and a broad network of friendly association by enhancement from the Guru Ratna. Wise and expansive Guru controls wealth in this nativity via bhava-2 (savings. Remedial Ratna: yellow sapphire (pushkaraja. Mahadasha of Guru emphasizes values both scholarly and material (language. Ranjan Publications. art. to gain wealth. a best Planet for power and wealth conveyance etc. Venus is not only lord of 9th (badhaka for fixed ascendants). Venus. promises good fortune and a noble wife. a great Rajayogais produced for then the two planets function as the 9th and 10th house lords in house exchange. those who are apprehending death because of old age or some illness or on account of indication of short life in their horoscopes. the lord of this Ascendant. On a lower level. Venus is a yoga karaka for this ascendant and during its period will give benefic results in respect of status and finances. Venus is a very auspicious planet and gives Raja Yoga. The mooltrikona sign falls in ninth house.e. comforts. is an enemy of Jupiter. Venus becomes single lord of a Kendra and a Trikona. If Venus is weak or afflicted. Weak and afflicted Venus: Trouble to father and wife. When it comes to 9th lord Venus. If weak then results are small type. If however. Shukra = usually religiously minded. A strong Venus. Shukra L-4+ L-9 Religion Because Thula = Shukra's moolatrikona rashi = identical to Kumbha's dharmasthana. and a literary artistic flair. A well placed Venus promises good fortune. educational degrees and an appreciation for art and beauty. Still yellow sapphire can be worn in the major period of Jupiter particularly when it is in his own sign in the 2nd or the 11th.Venus becomes lord of a angle and a trine and hence it becomes a Rajyoga karaka Planet i. Jupiter will be lord of the 2nd and the 11th houses. If Venus occupies the 10th house and Mars is posited in the 9th house. Their homes (fourth house) are a place of beauty (Venus) with displays of places travelled. is a death inflicting planet for this Ascendant. Through it. there is a peculiarity here. Venus is very weak it would denote the loss orabsence of car and a house and the set back in position due to public opposition. loss of comforts. as ruler of houses 4 and 9. They have a quest for knowledge. shows their basic sensitive and spiritual nature. Venus becomes lord of fourth and ninth house i. This malefic nature operates here and Venus cannot give good results as both the lordships are harmful. they can gain power and success in life by manifesting the ethical ideals of their faith or belief. However. respects. should not wear Yellow Sapphire as Jupiter being lord of the 2nd house. Venus: Lord of 4th and 9th houses becomes Rajyoga Karaka. this may just be social pretence and adaptation to a group that may be devoid of ethics. of a quadrant and trine house. but also 4th having kendradhipathya dosha for natural benefics. then there will be difficulties to one's father and in a male chart also to one's wife. Hence he is declared Rajayogakaraka.e."For the Aquarius Ascendant. hence neutral. Venus also own the 9th (Trikona) house and becomes auspicious. although in a predictably orthodox fashion which is more oriented to ." Venus: Venus. Long distance journeys will not be as favourable. If strong then gives results of 4th and 9th houses like conveyance. Venus owns the 4th (Kendra) house. Therefore. property. Good fortune will be damaged and spiritual inclination will be less or marred. The mooltrikona sign for Venus is Libra placed in ninth house. Thus. The person's father could have affluence and there will be favourable long distance journeys as well as positive spiritual inclination. children and other comforts. Venus as the ruler of the fourth (Kendra) and the ninth (tricona) makes for charming social parents.. however. wealth etc. Saturn. in its periods. For ladies with Shukra/Mithuna: . Surya is by character a rather self-concerned graha. The marriage partner of the Kumbha lagna native is materially represented (partly) by Surya lord of Simha-7. creativity. multi-cultural. equity. relationships with priests and professors (9). genius. bargaining. graciously religious L-4+L-9 Shukra is a powerful Yogakaraka for Kumbha lagna. celebrity. royalty. self-expression. A good position of Shukra in the Kumbha lagna chart can compensate for many other difficulties. occupies bhava-5. etc. partner-positive Shukra in Suta Bhava thus paradoxically needs a great deal of attention! one often obtains the most attention not from the partner but from an admiring public who are entertained and amused by one's drama in the realm of contracts and relationships. 7th from a changeable lagna.harmonizing. ) Special note on Shukra/Mithuna/5: Shukra. and privilege of access to sacred teachings (9). architectural practice and also from global scholarly travels in the context of alliance-building and acquisition of higher knowledge. attainments in arts and music (Shukra). winning. partnered relationships. but especially in lagna where it makes the person physically attractive and brings much happiness from property ownership.) periods of Shukra are usually very beneficial for the Kumbha native. theatre. but by nature such a spouse is rather more concerned with his or her day-to-day ego activities than with catering delicately to the marriage partner's pleasure. teacher training etc. and female companions. Shukra is best in any kendra. The spouse is a wonderful person no doubt. Mithuna is a sexual rashi therefore much of the attention is derived from sexual interest.seeking professional development. beauty. or nondescript marital life. bhava-5 = natural terrain of self-referential Surya other-oriented. there is a good deal of dramatic brilliance which generate the contents of at least a few page-turning novels It is probably not realistic to expect that the needs of literary. As a natural benefic L-4+L-9. negotiating. interior decorating. and 11th from a cardinal lagna. Native going back to school. peaceful. agreement-making (Shukra) expressions of public piety and less to the quiet. invisible realm of private prayer which is governed by L-12 Shani. licenses. the karaka of luxury. L-9 Shukra = the badhaka lord for Kumbha lagna (Badhakaor"harming"houses = the 9th from a fixed lagna. conversational. and sensually sensitive Shukra would be met within entirely by the marriage partner. White Diamond is very auspicious for this native. fashion. drishti. certificates. and applause. Shukra in bhava-2 = the entire family = graciously religious Shukra + Chandra = partner + mother = graciously religious Shukra + Surya = partner + father = graciously religious Shukra + Mangala = partner + brother = graciously religious Shukra + Shukra = partner + sister = graciously religious Shukra + Shukra = partner + siblings and cousins = all together. speculation. Particularly good for schooling. rather. sweet and sensual Shukra becomes a potent and positive Yogakaraka in control of schooling (4). it is not a Shukra placement which bodes a boring. Also deed of title to property. linguistic. property and vehicle ownership (4). diplomas. games. the site of self-empowerment. Depending on Shukra's full character (rashi. entertainments. fashionable. For a lady in Shukra bhukti who was feeling touch-deprived. Ranjan Publications. Therefore. Many women find that their need for delicate touch is met more successfully in a spa environment. cousins. as ruler of houses 1 and 12. Lord of ascendant and 12th house Saturn gives good results. coworkers. Shukra-Mithuna is a completely lovely planet whose periods bring many blessings and delights. On a lower level. skin etc. so long as Budha is well-disposed. Day spa treatments. Saturn is generally auspicious as the lord of the ascendant but as the ruler of the twelfth it becomes perhaps the weakest of the ascendant lords. nails. shows the Aquarian tendency towards self-negation. Also. nails and face. S. could all be very pleasant methods of receiving the delicate. In the major period of Venus. design. a woman with heavy sole-provider responsibilities might be forced to deprive herself of all luxuries. a series of regular beautification treatments for hair. either sexual lovemaking itself or the experience of conversing about the details of relationships. to enjoy female companionship (sisters. or other beautification. not only for themselves. .It is much more realistic for most women to enjoy having a good part of one's sensual need met. Kapoor. this can be selfless service or the negation of the ego into the divine. can all be found in the company of sensitive women who are trained to beautify and soothe the physical body. skin. wearing of a Diamond is a 'must' for those who have faith in the divine power of gem stones. thus she might see Shukra's indulgence as foolish and wasteful. delicate care of the hair. pleasurably and with a light touch.Gems and Astrology. without in the least endangering one's marriage. The results will become pronounced if Diamond is worn along with Blue Sapphire. Venus is considered an excellent and Yogakaraka planet for these Ascendants. color. p. an afternoon at an ayurvedic day spa. If it is a faith in a human group. 113: "For the Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants. healing touch that the Shukra-Mithuna body craves. Both men and women with Shukra in Mithuna are sensual beings! (And the ultimate sensual experience for these natives is. (1994). it is greatly destructive. Venus will respectively be lord of the 5th and 10thand the 4th and 9th houses. If it is a faith in God. the native s of these Ascendants will do well in every sphere of their life by wearing a Diamond. it is greatly exalting. but also for others." Saturn Saturn. with massage therapy appointments. talk of relationships (Shukra) and beauty (texture. like the mafia. Shukra-Mithuna occupies the fortunate 5th-from lagna. balance in all things). all varieties of massage. Less sensitive men often perceive these feminine environments as quite foolish. bhava-5 is all about appearance! Remedial Ratna for Shukra: Flawless Diamond (hira) for Kumbha Lagna Dr. During Shukra-Mithuna period. and Shukra = Yogakaraka From a Jyotisha perspective. the abuse of self. and to receive attention for the balanced loveliness of your appearance..) For Kumbha lagna. sensual. housemates. it can be servility and self-degradation. in the company of women. lady friends from all sources) . yet respectful and appreciative of her busy and responsible husband: It seems like a massage appointment. it is essential to receive a delicate touch (Mithuna rules the Hands = a "conversation of touch"). Whatever they have faith in they are willing to sacrifice all for. New Delhi. G. In a higher sense. usually. arthritis. p. loss of status. If Saturn is weak and afflicted. then there will be loss of status and breakdown in health.It owns 12th and first house. ability to see the common traits in all sentient beings. Dream recognition and comprehension of symbolic communicative meanings will increase. various material losses and dissolution (12). Saturn. New Delhi. happiness and success in their ventures. rheumatic pains. and a dedicated meditation practice. Periods of Shani often evoke foreign travel (12). hospitalization or long sanctuary in meditation (12). wealth. S. the native is prone toward meditation and pilgrimage. If Saturn is favorable placed there will be longevity in life. honour. When Saturn is weak in the chart this makes Aquarians lethargic and suspicious in nature. accidents. The fixed quality can make them a bit stubborn. animosity from the spouse (12). pragmatic service to others. (being Lagna Lord). Health will be protected from serious disease and the person's status will also be protected and augmented. new appearance. Kapoor. Since the mooltrikona sign for Saturn is Aquarius which is the ascendant. of the first house. or new social attributes (1). G. prosperity. There could be joint pains. undertaking long sojourn abroad during Shani period is easy for the Kumbha native due to the identity-dissolving effects of 12 combined with the new-clothes or newattributeseffect of 1. 117 "For the Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants Saturn is the lord of the Ascendant. Saturn placed in the 12th house is more a 12th house lord and hence less auspicious. Ranjan Publications. long life. Blue Sapphire should be worn by the native s of these Ascendants as a protective charm all their life. bed pleasures (12). While not granting extraordinary vitality in the physical body (such as the lagnesha can normally do) Shani may help the native to cultivate a practice of mature withdrawal from the frenzy of modern life. Saturn as the ascendant ruler makes one serious and identity via new clothing. As lord of Ascendant (which is considered a angle and a trine). breathing problems. Weak and afflicted Saturn: Joint pains. Gems and Astrology. Dr. Saturn as the Lagna and 12th house lord gives results only as the Lagna lord. as well as one's inclination toward meditation and austere spiritual retreat.e. It will bestow good health. loss and of identity (12). Shani L-1+ L-12 Pragmatic and conventional Shani controls both identity and loss of identity. long life can be expected. Shani may be the agent of acquisition of a great inner peace. . melancholy and secretive nature.Blue Sapphire (Nilam) One may cautiously apply the Nilamand Shani's lesser stones during Shani periods. (1994). heightened nervous sensitivity (1) and increased clairsentience (12). fractures. Remedial Ratna for Shani . Saturn as the ruler of the ascendant and the twelfth houses makes for a private. Shani for Kumbha lagna plays a special role in the lifetime. leg fractures and accidents. According to rules of Parashar it has to give the effects of the house other than the 12th i. then when Saturn is strong and unafflicted. Restrictions in promotion and a shorter life span could be expected.Saturn: Lord of Lagna and 12th houses gives good results for finances. longevity. it boosts finances honour longevity etc. Shani-ratna may increase the native 's intuitive awareness of the existence and psychic traffic along the bridge between the astral and material planes. Even in middle age. is worn along with it. Mangala = enemy of lagnesha Shani Budha = temporal lord of 8-Kanya. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exiSaint (More details in the summary provided by Dr. to predict the effects of Ketu Mahadasha. In addition. Ketu = 8 + 10 Ketu's effects depend significantly on Ketu's bhava. . prescribe the Ketu-ratna only if the lord of bhava-3 and its occupants are auspicious. R-K will give good results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. G.The effects of Blue Sapphire will be strengthened if a Diamond. Rahu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Rahu's house. Under certain carefully assessed circumstances. and a "scattering" non-discriminating effect could be perhaps helpful. Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd. if the lord of bhava-10 and occupants of karma bhava are auspiciously placed. and incoming drishti. some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vrishabha-Vrischika (per BPHS). Even for those special purposes. who is a Yogakaraka for these two Ascendants. Lord Ketu = associated with Mangala = temporal co-regulator of 10 + natural co-regulator of 8. Ketu-ratna Vaidurya is unlikely to be a beneficial gem except for matters of selfexplanatory narrative esp mystical-transformative writing and publication. Kapoor .) Remedial Ratnatones Rahu-ratna Rahu is co-lord of kendra bhava-1 Kumbha. 6th. rashi. measure: the influence of Ketu's planetary lord the disposition of both Budha and Mangala Mangala can be an engine of self-destructive sexual coupling (Mangala-Budha) for Kumbha nativities. Ketu = temporal co-lord of bhava-10 = 3rd-from-8th = Vrischika Ketu = the natural co-regulator of bhava-8. see Ketu in 12 bhava. and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. the Cat's Eye might aid special cases of iconic public recognition (10). For Kumbha lagna.S. Rahu's effects for Kumbha lagna depend significantly on Rahu's bhava. rashi. rashi. and drishti.if and only if the lord of bhava-1 and its occupants are auspiciously placed. Mangala = enemy of Budha. the gem stone of Venus. and incoming drishti. and also Rahu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. " Rahu Rahu's effects for Kumbha lagna depend significantly on Rahu's bhava. chidakaraka Ketu un-connects the effect of any graha sharing Ketu's house Ketu scatters the effects of His planetary lord For more detailed evaluation. therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) may be a beneficial gem for matters of personality development and the vitality of the physical body -. These are rare circumstances but they do occur. thinkers. etc. The fast moving planets. democratic. Saturn and Venus (rulers of houses 1 and 9) give more spirituality or integrity. industrious.affluent sections of society and industrialists. and Venus. red coral. in the body parts signified by this sign. smoke grey and green. They are comparatively more concerned about the ends in comparison to means. servants. As a result of this. If Saturn is weak and the sign Aquarius is afflicted by functional malefics. or in a subterranean manner. who rules the physical health of Aquarians fully. recurrent short lived distrubances are more in the lives of Aquarians. are functional malefics for Aquarians besides the nodes. yellow and all shades of shining blue. They are invariably not content with their possessions. particularly when combined with Mars (ruler of house 10). Favourable Stones Blue sapphire.ankles. Yet this tends to be a rather worldly combination. Aquarius. Aquarians are very active. Unfavourable colours White. though malefic. linked with groups. human and airy sign and signifies characteristics like honesty. depending upon the strength of Saturn in the nativity. Mercury is the 5th and 8th Lord is a favorable planet but can also bring sudden adversity and transformation. Philosophical. it can crown the native with success when it transits the trines to the Arudha Lagna.Overall Venus produces Raja Yoga. As Saturn is a significator for longevity. Its planets act with mystery and ambiguity.. Aquarius Ascendant: R. as a fixed and air sign. etc. leaders of non. The diamond or a substitute like Zircon is a good choice for this Lagna. It is opposite for the same transit of Ketu. ruby. the native stands chances of suffering from cancerous diseases. Kumbha/ Aquarius Lagna: Lorded by both Shani and Rahu. shows a consistency of belief that is often unaware of practical realities. wounds. Shukra is Yogakaraka and gives excellent results. fracture of lower portion of leg. This sign is so expansive. positive.Choudhry . shin bones. etc. Weak Saturn makes Aquarians suspicious and lethargic.Impact of Ascending Signs The sign Aquarius is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn. its strong position in the chart blesses the native with long life. red. orange.V. Aquarian concerns are usually not with the visible world but with the matters of faith and association. An interesting pint to note here is that despite Rahu’s bad reputation. They are traditional in their approach but can resort to even undesirable means to achieve their ends. Favourable colours Shining black. leaders of non-affluent sections of the society and courteous. Mercury and Jupiter together (rulers of 2 and 5) give good intelligence or good income. the Moon and Mercury. deliberative. Aquarius is a talkative. . It rules legs. Aquarius: The friendly planets are Saturn. ideals and sensitiveness. blood and its circulation. Aquarians are writers. Jupiter can be a wealth planet for this Lagna as it lords the 2nd and the 11th Houses for the chart. the most benefic planet gives results akin to exaltation. that Guru. Mercury. diamond and yellow sapphire. steel grey. 5.Verma . Venus + Mercury. indicating a talkative person and signifying characteristics such as honesty and sensitivity. These malefics may also bring health factors and opposition from others when it transits over the benefic planets and houses. 6.P. 2. both spoilt 2. while not afflicting other planets in the chart for a long period of time. only Sun spoilt. Venus + Mars. only Mercury spoilt. 3. kill when endowed with Maraka powers. and represent houses that signify health. a great combination. Moon and Mars are evil for Aquarius Lagna. difficulties and obstructions for them are short-lived. Since it is the Moon and Mercury who are the functional malefic planets for Aquarius ascendants. This is due to the Moon ruling Cancer in the Aquarius ascendants sixth house. thinkers. only Venus is auspicious. 4. Spoilt Yogas: 1. one should guess the results for Aquarius Lagna native. Moon and Mercury. They are writers. pearl and emerald. opposition. It rules the physical health of the Aquarius native. Mercury spoilt. Saturn + Venus. ]upiter Mars etc. but recurring. Fruitful Yogas: 1. Mars + Mercury. Mars produces Rajayoga. Aquarius is an air sign. servants and industrialists. As they are fast moving. this makes the Aquarius person prone to some emotional instability. obstructions and accidents then the . If Saturn has malefic influences then the people born under this sign suffer with health problems. They can be idealistic. the house of health and disputes. never staying on the exact point of the planet they are aspecting for more than a day. This yoga should not occur in the 12th house. problems are short lived but constant as the planet's transit reoccurs often. Saturn + Mercury. Since these functional malefic planets signify the functional mind and the emotional mind. When Saturn is weak in the chart this makes Aquarians lethargic and suspicious in nature. The main hindrance for Aquarius ascendants is that the malefic planets. and may be active industrious leaders of society. Venus + Sun. Thus. Sun + Mercury.Unfavourable Stones Gomedh. eat's eye. Since the malefics Moon and Mercury signify the emotional and functional mind. both spoilt. If Saturn is favorable placed there will be longevity in life. They are deliberate in their nature and can plod along slowly but surely. Aquarius Ascendant/ Khumba This sign is the moolatrikona sign for Saturn which rules the ascendant. Aquarius Lagna – O. and Mercury ruling the eighth house of obstacles. only Mars spoilt. when gets related to Venus. significator of the body. constantly reappear and become a constant irritant in the person's life. Aquarian's are basically traditional in their approach to things but can resort to undesirable means to achieve their goals.Laghu Parasari Jupiter. Venus alone is Rajayogakaraka. Functional Malefics: Moon and Mercury Ruler: Saturn Exaltation: - Debilitation: - Body Parts: legs and ankles. etc. Aquarians are writers.. ideals and sensitiveness. due to disputes and diseases. in the body parts signified by this sign. who rules the physical health of Aquarians fully. fracture of lower portion of the leg. turns them to the field of communications. positive. Weak Saturn makes Aquarians suspicious and lethargic. They are invariably not content with their possessions. A strong Mars. leaders of non-affluent sections of the society. A strong Mercury blesses them with good inheritance but at the same time its close connection with any other planet or mid point of a house is highly undesirable due to Mercury's functional nature being malefic. red. whose Mooltrikona sign falls in the third house. yellow and all shades of shining blue. and courteous. besides the nodes. recurrent short lived disturbances are more in the lives of Aquarians. Aquarians are very active. Powerful connection of a strong Jupiter with the house of profession. Finding inner stability and emotional balance is a definite battle for the Aquarius ascendant. deliberative. servants. orange. A strong Venus. blood circulation. are functional malefics for Aquarians. thinkers. and signifies characteristics like honesty. Close conjunction/aspect of the Moon with functional benefics or the mid point of the houses puts them in a disadvantageous position. Aquarius is a talkative. Shining black. etc. promises good fortune and a noble wife.general peace of mind for the individual is constantly threatened. which suits their general nature of a thinker. As Saturn is a significator for longevity. finances or any other house indicates progressive future during the periods of Jupiter. eyes. 5 Emerald. blood and its circulation. human and airy sign. shin bones. As a result of this. depending upon the strength of Saturn in the nativity. etc. A combust Mercury endangers the smooth continuance of married life. industrious. the native stands chances of suffering from cancerous diseases. The fast moving planets. A strong Sun blesses them with a spouse from a well connected family. its strong position in the chart blesses the . the Moon and Mercury. smoke gray. If Saturn is weak and the sign Aquarius is afflicted by functional malefics. They are comparatively more concerned about the ends in comparison to means. 6 Diamond Unfavorable Green. It rules legs. and breath Aquarius Lagna Colors: Numbers: Gem Stones: Favorable royal Blue. wounds. in its periods. gomedh and cat's eye Remedial Measures Charities to poor students (Upaya) Fasting on Tuesday The sign Aquarius is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn. leaders of non-affluent sections of society and industrialists. steel gray and dull colors. ankles. Jupiter in Ascendant with Saturn in Pisces will see mixed results during the Jupiter dasa and an ordinary time during the Saturn dasa. especially during the Sun dasa when the native enjoys power.In major period of Jupiter.For Aquarius Ascendant with Mercury-5th lord. The Mercury dasa will be better. but can resort to even undesirable means to achieve their ends. For both Aquarius and Leo ascendant natives. If Saturn and Venus are in Sagittarius. 4. Saturn in 1st Mars in 6th. 5. Sun Venus in a good house. there will be Mixed results if there is exchange of signs between Jupiter and Saturn viz Saturn in 2nd and Jupiter in Ascendant. 3. Jupiter in a good bhava. in 5th. 2. Y-4.Prosperity and wealth will occur in Major period of Mercury if Mercury. Mercury. 2. The Influence Planets Placed in Aquarius Ascendant If you are born in the Aquarius Ascendant then let us see how placed planets in the 1st house effect your Kundli in: . Y-1b. Mars. Mercury in 5th. If Sun and Mars are in Virgo. If Venus and Rahu are in Ascendant with Sun in Scorpio. 5. in 11th. Saturn in 10th. Y-2. Dhan yogas for Aquarius lagna 1. 10. yoga will be caused in the dasas of Rahu and Jupiter. the native suffers during their dasas. 6. the native will amass some sizeably good wealth. Y-5. the mere association of the 9th and 10th lords doesn’t confer any rajayoga. Mars and Sun are placed in 8th for this Ascendant. Saturn in 10th. Jupiter aspects 2nd and Saturn aspects lagna. the Venus dasa proves fortunate. Moon. They are traditional in their approach. 4.Benefic Moon Moon in 2nd denotes natives who swiftly change their gaze (habitually and quickly). during the major period of Mercury. 8.Major period of Rahu will prove highly auspicious if Rahu is in 10th of Aquarius Ascendant whilst Sun and Venus are placed in Ascendant. 3. 9. Jupiter in 2nd Venus in 11th. Aquarius: Yogas from Bhavartha Ratnakar etc. Jupiter11th lord. 6. 1. 7. Saturn with Rahu or Kethu in 2nd. and Sun-7th lord. A Sun-Mercury-Jupiter combine in Aries is good. Venus-9th lord. Jupiter’s dasa is often better than Saturn’s for amassing wealth.Benefic Moon in 6th (own house) denotes shrewd intellect. Opposite results will be experienced in major periods of Sun and Mars involved in this Yoga.Major period of Venus will cause death of native if Venus and Saturn are both placed in the 11th. Yogas for Aquarius Ascendant Y-1a.native with a long life. Y-1c. Y-3. It gives good results when it placed in the Kendra house. Their state of mind would be unstable and unsteady. a person will be clever and knowledgeable. If the 7th lord or Mars is maledic or under inauspicious influence then there is no happiness in the fields related to the 7th house. It also gives an unsteady and disturbed nature. These people are very brave and will make their best efforts to combat and overcome any difficulty they face. As Mercury is the 8th lord. As the 8th lord Mercury in the Ascendant is said to cause diseases. it has a malefic influence. Married life is quiet good for people with this combination. . Mars plays a malefic role in Aquarius Ascendant. They would be honoured in the society. A person would be clever and educated because of the presence of Jupiter in the Ascendant. cough and digestive problems due to Moon placed in the 1st house. Sun in Aquarius Ascendant makes a person pretty and attractive. Because of its presence in the Ascendant. Sun in this positions makes the person successful in business. Moon in Aquarius Ascendant Moon becomes malefic due to its ownership of the 6th house when placed in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. The aspect of Moon is on Leo. A person would be very strong and rigid because of Mars in this ascendant. it helps in getting benefits from father and happiness from progeny and life partner. Because of this aspect the life partner will be beautiful and self-dependent. They have an interest in music and in singing. Jupiter Placed in Aquarius Ascendant Jupiter is a malefic planet in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. These aspects of Jupiter are good for relatives. because of this conflicts and quarrel may occur with the life partner.Sun Placed in Aquarius Ascendant Sun is the 7th lord in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. If Mars aspects Taurus in the 5th. They get full co-operation from their father. 7th and the 9th house when it is placed in the Ascendant. Jupiter becomes the lord of the 2nd and the 11th house. The person would be blessed with helping friends and will get active co-operation from partners. the person may have psychological problems and problems may occur in dasha period of Mercury. Due to the aggressive nature. they may be involved in quarrels. Possibilities of extra-martial affairs are also present. Mercury in the 1st house aspects Leo in the 3rd house. He or she will achieve success in the field of education. It gives the native the power to influence people with words. the own-sign of Sun which is in the 7th house. Jupiter aspects the 5th. He/She may face health related problems. Leo in the 7th or Virgo sign in the 8th house then the life partner would be virtuous and of a good nature. There may be conflicts and fights in the family. though it might not make the person very rich. A person would suffer from cold. They are experts in the art of money saving and because of this they will never face any economic problem. People of Jupiter ascendant are self-confident and self-dependent. The person will have a natural love for water and will love to take boatrides and journeys on water. They are generally good speakers. Mars in Aquarius Ascendant Mars is the lord of the 3rd and the 7th houses in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. and gives him or her a stable economic condition. Mercury in Aquarius Ascendant Mercury is the 5th and the 8th lord in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. Life partner will be cooperative and beautiful but there may be occassional conflicts to spice up the married life. Ketu in Aquarius Ascendant Ketu gives instability when it is placed in a Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. As Venus is the 7th lord. He/She would be able to get respect in the society because of his/her nature and self dependence. it aspects the Leo sign. strong. harsh in speech. Indications of Planets in Aquarius Sun – Surya: Has no happiness from his sons. The relationships of the native with other persons creates conflict in the family. does not feel happy. large hands and feet. It makes the native confident. large face and waist. ill-tempered but may have financial challenges.Venus Placed in Aquarius Ascendant Venus is the 4th lord and the 9th lord in the Kundli of Aquarius Ascendant. There are low chances to get any benefit from a partnership. Jupiter – Guru (Brihaspati): Hard hearted. She will have an interest in worship and in religious work. has friends who take advantage of the subject. Conflicts may occur with parents. proves an unreliable friend. She will be able to get land. But the subject has great stamina Moon – Chandra (Soma): General indicators of Moon in Aquarius (especially if in the ascendant) prominent nose. because of this there might not be very much happiness in the married life. dry skin. Saturn gives a healthy built to the person in its own sign. People may face problems in business. Saturn – Shani: Unless there be mitigating influences. vehicles and houses. greedy. Saturn aspects Aries in the 3rd house. The people with this combination have a special interest in the people of opposite gender. They have many love affairs and like to enjoy luxury. Ketu’s malefic effect is reduced. Conflicts may occur with the life partner. Rahu in Aquarius Ascendant Presence of the 8th planet Rahu in the 1st house creates health related problems. The subject is wealthy and gets a good position in life. fiery tempered. Venus – Shukra: Good appearance. fond of drinking. She will get affection and co-operation from friends. prefers the company of subordinates. irreligious. a person would have a beautiful and attractive personality. Aspect of Rahu on the sign of the enemy planet reduce the happiness from the married life. They have an interest in secret arts and studies. he/she might not get much help from brothers. it also has a bad influence on the married life and there may be frequent conflicts with the spouse. If there is a combination of benefic planets with Ketu or an aspect. Venus becomes an important benefic influence when placed in the Kundli of this ascendant. Because of their low self confidence they face some difficulties in taking their own decision. . Leo in the 7th house and Scorpio in the 10th house from this position. A job is better than business for these people. the sign of Sun in the 7th house. is the head of his group. Aspect of Ketu on the 7th house reduces the happiness from married life. large head. liable to heart troubles. She will be clever and virtuous and will have a deep interest in academics and studies. Mars – Mangal (Kuja): Financial challenges. fond of and clever in artisanship. There is a chance of stomach related issues during the period of Rahu in the Mahadasha. in general argues with everyone. Because of the presence of Venus in this Ascendant. Rahu aspects Leo. emotional. Due to this aspect of Saturn. Saturn Placed in Aquarius Ascendant Saturn becomes the lord of the Ascendant and of the 12th lord in Aquarius Ascendant. liable to bend the facts to suit one’s objectives. poor eyes. quarrelsome. The Moon in Aquarius makes native fair looking. softness and greater delicacy. large teeth. and places are Marshy. The direction of Aquarius is North The Lord of Lagna is the Saturn that makes the native industrious and perseverance. esoteric. Mars in lagna gives a fair ruddiness and healthy constitution. impulsive. The natives are vanquished by enemies. Saturn in its own sign Aquarius makes native practical. Aquarius is the Eleventh Rashi of the 12 Rashis. In the study of Mundane Astrology Aquarius governs buttocks of kalapurusha. Aquarius is an Airy sign and male gender. writers. Their literary greatness comes before the world in when they are young. greedy. reflective. poor. Dragon’s tail – Ketu: May lose money by gambling in races or speculation. Mercury in Aquarius gives middle stature. Jupiter in Aquarius makes native learned. proud. if the Sun is in the Lagna it adds nobleness. Presence of planet can modify the results. unlucky. But is practically implemented only if there is no planet in the first house or Lagna. Jupiter adds the fair complexion. The Mental Tendencies of Aquarius are philosophical. able. attractive and elegant disposition. low belly and sensual. . combative. conventional and wandering.They are intelligent. toddy shops. That means that this rashi gets stronger during the day time. youngish. popular. The Sun in Aquarius makes native stubborn. The colour of Aquarius brown and place where water containers are kept. frank. Aquarius is Diwasbali. has little enjoyment in life. physical and personal characteristics. well formed body. humanitarian. prudent. Venus adds beauty. They are shy in initially in exhibiting their talents. unhappy. licentious. placement of Saturn in the 4th house will give weak chest and tendency towards stooping. the Moon adds better proportion and greater delicacy. unhappy.. blood circulation. large eyes and dignifies stature. vineyards. It also develops artistic taste. intoxicating drinks. lecturers. Physically Aquarius are tall. tendency to deceive others. chaste. for example. In the Medical Astrology Aquarius governs legs and ankles. Aquarius Ascendant Each Zodiac sign when ascending carries its own definite mental. Mars in Aquarius makes the natives poor. . Generally natives born in Aquarius are quick in making friends. mystical and healing power in Aquariuns. tall. philosophical. Saturn makes a man tall. persuasive. diplomatic.Mercury – Budha: Lack of luck. eyes. They are good conversationalist. and breath. witty. They don’t get much happiness from their family. handsome appearance. Dragon’s head – Rahu: Addicted to the good life. calm and helpful. inactive. good memory and capable of dealing with the facts. scholar and weak constitution. Their cheeks are broad and lips are fleshy. But the degree and its effectiveness also depends on the Rashi. Venus in Aquarius makes natives like-able. lean. Mercury makes the stature proportionate and well shaped. It is fixed in nature. Somtimes they act timid and funky. independent. happy. intellectual. controversial. handsome. meditative and dreamy. gain from other people. They are peevish and when provoked they rise like a bulldog but their anger is easily subsided. generous highly sympathetic They are born to become great teachers. Enmity with people. Pleasure through children and speculation. then reverse results. partnership. reverse results. Loss of wealth in youth. can over come obstacles and enemies. Danger of imprisonment or disablement requiring hospitalisation. Connections with the process of law. Lazy and wastes family property. Limited ambitions. Motor Parts Industry owners. gain through mother and Govt. honours through merit. victory over difficulties. But the native is inclined to malacious sex acts. Mercury. If afflicted. then sickness through irregularity. Departments. automobile engineering. good health. loss through enemies. voyages and wife’s relations. Gain through the matters of dead. If weak afflicted and combust. educational and scientific affairs. Mars. The native will be respected. these people for the sake of entertainment seduce other's wife. Illicit relations with some other women. amorous and fond of company of women. It adds power to the personality. Courier companies. Fond of teasing girls on the road and passing remarks. vile deals. Sun is lord of 7th house when posited in Lagna and aspects own sign of the 7th house indicates late marriage. If weak and afflicted.The Aquarius is a sign ruled by Saturn. learning. Venus. Favour through religious. many enemies. writings. Public enemies. law or political economy. Money comes readily. Long journeys. Trouble through disease. political economy. Takes interest in domestic science. Kumbha Lagna – Aquarius Ascendant First House Sun. Traveling Agencies. Gain through real friends and supporters. gain through occult power and studies. This position of Venus otherwise is fortunate and gives inheritance. Last part of life will be happy. Builders. high ambitions. foreigners. Contented. gain through lands and property and mother. confers fortunate inheritance. journeys and removal. reverse result will be realised. Rahu. Skilled and fond of arts. Interest in domestic science. Saturn. law and science. no permanent residence and will remain in journeys and diseased. harmony. The native will be gloomy. leather industrialists. accumulation of money. If afflicted.Here Venus will be in Aquarius. oil and Natural gas Dept. secret sorrows. concern with affairs of brothers and neighbours. They love each other. sad. Venus is a yogakarka planet for this ascendant and when posited in Lagna. success through efforts. property and parents. a friendly sign owned by Saturn. Fortunate in long journeys and gain from strangers. Natives are successful contractors. financial position will be average. wealthy reputed and respected. unions. may get short life. gain through land. Blessed with children. reverse results are expected. Early life will be happy. Interest in science. love of women and benefit through them. reverse results than good. . Weak health and of short age. learning and accomplishments. servants prove troublesome or unprofitable. A long fortunate life. Very careful for his respect. It gives an ordinary education but his wife is well educated and devoted to husband. Many love affairs. If afflicted and weak. In the life some woman helps. Fortunate and successful in hopes. reputed and blessed with long life. Despite of having such an educated and devoted wife. Bestows honour and wealth. 1 House . Jupiter. Two marriages and secret diseases. Blesses the native with dignity and victory over enemies. Fortunate with strangers. Preferment and dignities. Moon. Aquarians are successful in Govt. devoid from comforts of brothers in middle life. wisdom and prudence. If afflicted. diseased and little education. learned and intelligent native. Average length of life. licentious and adulterous. long life. The native becomes untruthful. Blue eyes and sexy by nature. Respect and comfort in old age. gain through women in middle part of life. science and learnings and increase in possessions. . reverse results. property. Native will be well educated and can be poet and expert in art of writing. Rahu. He is learned and gains through writing. Avaricious. Loss and trouble through enemies and opponents. sorrow. Gain by marriage. Blessed with conveyance. If afflicted loss and trouble through other matters. insincere and talkative. tribulations. chief post etc. volumptuous and worried. Unfortunate in finances. fortunate through women. Money through educational affairs. science. trouble on short journeys. in second part of life and particularly after second wife joins the native. travel or banking. Bestows fortunate heredity. then loss of money through unions. fears and worry concerning money matters. publication and foreign merchants. He is an expert writer. Strained relations with brothers. second marriage and more daughters. office. sweet and soft spoken. Opposes others. He is happy till the end of life. He is religious. learning. Licentious and under the influence of opposite sex. No domestic happiness. loss and scandals. Gain through dealings of land and property. Fond of food. Sea voyage and gain through foreign things. licentious. Clever and intelligent. Money is wasted being cheated by others. children and other’s money. Early life will be unhappy. loss and damage to estates. Money through service. Third House Sun. Eyes and face and be afflicted. then financial losses through sickness and servants. If afflicted. industrious. publication. Fond of music and dance. Ketu. Venus. Mouth diseases. gain by legacy and gifts. Bold and energetic native. reverse results add troubles with relations over money matters. foreign merchants. legislative interest or through own hard work and planning. Author of books. heavy losses and much work but little gain. Money and business through friends. drinks and playing of musical instruments.This house will fall in sign identical with Pieces owned by Jupiter. Limited brothers and the native may become cause of worry for them specially for the elder brothers. Second House Sun. employees and small animals. Fortunate in realising debts and gain through the dead. Difficulty through writings or contracts. trade profession of Govt. If afflicted. Gain of money through hard work and industrious efforts. pleasure. and music. Moon. Mercury. Legal or religious disputes. Gain through investment. Of not commendable character and of vile habits. Gain through industry. acquisition of property. May expect assault from enemies. charitable and serves others. Mars. Less marital happiness. Destroyer of ancestral property. Gives short life. writings. Endowed with children. wealth. When afflicted. contracts. If afflicted. wealthy but with afflicted eyes. Also gain through secrecy and occult. If weak and afflicted. Last part of life will be happy. Jupiter. Saturn. 2 House . indebtedness. less happiness from wife.Ketu. law suits and women. Fond of music and dance. partnership. May cause some defects in eyes. Gain of money through land. Death of partner and public enemies. short journeys. Average education and wealth. optimistic and valorous. Progress through travels. If afflicted or combust. short journeys. writings and brothers. gains from relatives.Here Venus will be in Aries sign owned by Mars. The native will be intelligent. One has fixity of purpose. Comforts from relations. obstinate. Gain through learnings. Interest in studies and in industrial economy. Gain through brothers neighbours. These people being very choosy in selection of girl as partner. writings and accomplishments. courageous. journeys. travels or writings. business trips. reverse results will be experienced by the native. happy relations with brothers and relatives. drama and adventure. If afflicted. He is healthy and blessed with wealth and brothers and sisters. Pleasure through children and relations. religious instinct. Friends and gain through writings and journeys and friendship through relations and neighbours. Rahu. attractive and haughty. less comforts from brothers and unprofitable journeys. Investigation about death and the continuity of life. Mental anxiety. Saturn. Many brothers and the native will be under the influence of opposite sex. Gain in honour and advancement through partner’s relatives. Fourth House . Learnings. Long life but injury and wound to arm is indicated. ups and downs in life. commission etc. More sisters than brothers unless Moon is not aspected by Jupiter. He is fond of music and dance. Honours through short journeys. explorations. Jupiter. The health of brothers will be afflicted and native has to make many journeys on this account. Blessed with comforts and happiness. reject a number of girls proposed for marriage. Profitable business. writings and publishing. We have seen enough of results arising out of mutual reaction of Venus and Mars in marital and sex life. Wife intelligent. writings. Love life up-to the age of 20 years and prefers love marriage but frustrated. progress through travel. He is crooked. Liking for travels. Psychic and mysterious experiences. However native despite being not very educated carries out work smoothly. investigations. courageous and destroyer of enemies. Venus. May go for prostitution. investigations. respected and famous and will have successful hopes. short journeys. Good for finances. Will leave the house at the age 10 or 12 years. sports. Gain through business. Mars. May depend on his sister for livelihood. Spiritual up-lift and advancement in quality to the mentality and educational matters. May become victim of bronchitis or impotency. If afflicted. Govt. accomplishment.Moon. intelligent. explorations. The native will be learned and intelligent. Wealthy and comfortable life. Respected among relations and neighbours. brothers. Strained relations with brothers but gain form a few. If Venus is afflicted relations with women condemned by society. Unhappy in old age. loss of brothers is indicated. Early age will be comfortable. reverse than good. As Saturn is lord of 12th house posited in 3rd house it will give some disappointments and sorrows. Obstinate. Opportunities delayed. Parental help inheritance. Mental development. losses and reverse results. good health and wealthy. vicious and union with other women. neighbours and short journeys. Many brothers and sisters and fond of music and dance. attains good fortune and longlived. In this process even a number of beautiful girls are rejected and thus an opportunity to have a charming wife slips out of his hands and finally marries an ordinary girl. 3 House . Also gain through education. proud. travel or writings. Suffer from number of diseases of indigestion and defective semen. Occult learnings. Ketu. Mercury. The native will remain happy unless Moon is not weak and afflicted. pain in the ears. land and property. Success and comforts in old age. orchards and own house. Rahu. death at home. learned and blessed with land and orchards. then adverse results. Comforts and gain from fortunate children. No happiness from brothers and sisters. land and property. architecture and archaeology. This gives the tendency of the native to have relations with a number of women. Here in general it can give parental happiness. horticulture. Gain in property. A yogakaraka planet for Aquarius Lagna posited in own house. Gain through parents in latter part of life and from children. colonization. no gain of property. Trouble over inheritance. Secret sufferings and sorrows. danger through fall of buildings. Gain and pleasure through women. Journeys home to die. hard hearted. Help from father and gains from wife's relatives. auspicious functions. A man of power. Gain of property through old people and antiques. Noble ideas and simple living. many secret enemies. Restrictions and limitations at end of life. property. Mars. If afflicted. Loss through land and buildings. Death at home. Jupiter. a kingly status in life. authority and rank. . loss. reverse results. co-operative movements. Knowledge of law. he will be fond of opposite sex. Gain and honour through parents. Grief of children in middle age. weak or afflicted then death of parents. land and conveyance. People consider him a man of good morals. Fond of opposite sex. Troubles through father or mother-in-law. all 4th house matters will be benefitted. Famous. May cause. Gain through other’s property and conveyance. mining. 4 House . occult investigations. land. Name and fame in business. Less pleasure from mother or she dies early. Unexpected gain and also through property. difficulties and troubles through them. Fortunate in property. However. Gain through the property of the dead. Mercury. Devoid from benefits through parents. Gain by marriage. early death of parents. Blessed with life. famous and man of power and authority. In case Mercury is conjucted with Venus then the death will take place abroad. Blessed with wealth and property. respected. Diseases like involuntary emission of semen at nights. deceptive and worried Stomach disease. Moon. Intelligent. Disrepute on account of women. Gain in property and through old people and antiquities. flood and storms. worried. Sickness of parents through changes and worries. happy end of married life. gain and profit through partner’s relations. inheritance. Learned. If afflicted. Any work or business will be more successful if established at birth place. There can be delayed or second marriage. Many unproductive journeys. Interest in reclamation. Love of home.Sun. It has been found by experience that mostly education is not complete. Ketu. defective semen and diabetes. Miser and selfish. Assistance of father and benefit at birth place. Venus. Marital life not very happy. All comforts of life.Here Venus will be in its own sign Taurus and benefic results especially in matters of finance are expected. land and conveyance. Trustworthy. Intelligent. Gain through mines. He will also get money out of them. Travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. If Ketu is exalted and well-aspected. Earns money through artistic works. Gain from Govt. Family troubles. Gain through maternal relations. learning. Gain through land. Fortunate in discovery or in findings. Saturn. if afflicted. Loss through opponents and enemies. intelligent and blessed with gardens. Partner is not very attractive but ordinary. Worried due to debts of father. Troublesome home or domestic affairs and troubles through servants. Gains pleasure through women. The native is learned. a good partner. Many opponents and enemies. and intelligent. may be devoid from parental property. If combust. learned and famous. Scientific inheritance. Love for father and inheritance through friends. mines or household goods also through parents. He has knowledge of number of subjects like Astrology. Male issues are more. Mars. Mercury. The native is intelligent. Venus. Moon. foreign investments and speculation. Intelligent. learned and cheerful. reverse results. No comforts from son. association with entertainments and long voyages. children and acquaintances. philosophy (vedantic). Less comforts from parents. Loss by speculation or gambling. In a females chart this position indicates menstrual trouble. 5 House . Respected and learned. love affairs and adventures. speculations. social. sports. speculations and children and success through them. Death or grief of children. progenic bliss. foreign journeys and voyages. young people. native of unconventional ideas in regard to unions. Fond of opposite sex and occult science. learned and respected native. Become famous because of published works. Despite having wife and children. famous and a native of authority. They are religious.Here Venus will be in a friendly sign Gemini owned by Mercury. remain worried on this account. A man of power. Unsatisfied with wife’s uneducated and abortions. Blessed with wealth and property and gain of others’ property. Prosperous children and gain through them. If native is married with a girl without above characteristic he will not only feel frustrated but find such a woman and maintain illicit relations with her.Speculations and investments. Comforts and pleasure from children. Delight in pleasures. He will be writing in this subject and be a successful teacher. Gain by speculation. entertainments. If Mercury is afflicted and combust. voyages. reading study and travel to pleasure resorts. philosophy. moennorrhagia or barrenness. Danger through excessive pleasures and there may be death and grief if children. If afflicted. not much happiness from them. Respected and intelligent. investments. Much pleasure. watch repairing. amusements. Learned. Journeys on account of children. . Pleasure and gain through women. May be only one daughter. Respects women in general. Devoid from worldly comforts. journey. The relations with children will be strained and grief through them during middle age. sickness and ill health due to over indulgence of pleasure and sports. Pleasure through wife. Fond of poetry or may be a poet. The children will remain sick but rise to honour. pleasure. These people can be teacher. Gain through speculations. Believes in free living and is of unconventional ideas in regard to sexual unions. Blessed with comforts of life. Birth of more daughters than sons. Highly licentious and sexual. Pleasure through children. strained with father. air flights. In any one subject he will have mastery and highly learned. entertainments. Early demise of father and long life to mother. If afflicted. The mother will be from good family. Takes pleasure in science. happiness. reverse results will be experienced. Thus in general the native will be endowed with fortunes. Child by strange consort. The native is very fond of having an intelligent and educated companion who should be well dressed. brothers. If afflicted. reserved and unreliable. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love. Diseased children. professor or writer. Fond of sciences. brothers and sisters. maternal bliss. Jupiter. gambling. reverse results. young people and children. death of young son and reverse results. An important person in family. Financial condition will not be good. sports or stage. learning. Free living. tailoring and composing poems. investments in foreign projects. merits of past birth. Saturn. voyages.Fifth House Sun. Gain and pleasure through parents. sports. Rahu. The native will get relief form many troubles and calamities, pleasure, sports and other recreations. Gain through public employment or office. Timid but hard hearted, stomach, abdomen or belly diseases, to female troubles of uterus. Sons late in life, disturbed peace of mind. Ketu. Denial or shortage of children, little happiness through them as they will be disobedient, excessive or irregular pleasure will bring much harm. Evil nature, stomach disease, influence of evil spirits, good education, intelligent but worried. Sixth House Sun. Marriage below status, sickly and ill-disposed wife. Troubles through employees. Many enemies and opponents. Of rash temperament, father will be diseased. In middle of life, one will face troubles and worries from enemies. Moon. Many opponents and enemies, illness, troublesome for maternal relations. Diseased and troubled mother. If Moon is strong and well-aspected, the native will have usually good health, success in service and employment, medicine or social service. Mars. Wound or scar mark on body, disrespect in middle age, sickness or injury through journeys. Difficulty through brothers. Modest worldly position, gain and honour through service and employment, the practice of healing, army or navy affairs. Mercury. Money through careful speculations, weak health and constitution. A man of magisterial authority, pleasure in hygienic method and hobbies. Loss of money, and through those in whose keeping it may be. Jupiter. Respected and native of authority but disliked by his superior friends among working people and those in army, navy or air service. Interest in Social welfare. Concerned with sickness among friends. Faithful servants and gain through them. If afflicted, reverse results. Venus. Danger from water but escape from drowning. Loss of possession through sickness. May build his own house. Difficulty through work in foreign lands, or in export business. Diseased body, diabetes is indicated. Grief through wife. May become under debt. 6 House - Here Venus will be in unfavourable sign of Cancer owned by Moon. In general this position gives a number of diseases. Makes the native debauchee but highly educated and learned. The life is miserable and becomes burden. There is decline in fortune and he will be troubled by unending debts. Dangerous escape from drowning. Loss of wealth in sickness. These are the general results of the Venus in Sixth house in Cancer. He will be well educated, artistic, reserved, balanced, sweet tongued, benevolent and imaginative. He may not have much success as a philosopher or dramatist. Always in some trouble or other and with disturbed mind. Maternal uncle dies. Wife with masculine ideas. Second marriage is possible. Few issues. Failures in business specially in areas of which Venus is a promoter. Failure in business is more if it is with own investment. May build his own house. Difficulties and problems in work in foreign lands or in export business. Unfavourable for maternal uncle and aunts. Disturbed married life because of loose morals and licentiousness. Fond of having secret love, intercaste marriage or marriage with a widow. He marries for the sake of money. Frustration in love. Suffers from number of diseases on account of woman and wine. Saturn. Gain through food, clothing and employees. Limitation on account of sickness. Worried and under debt, rheumatic pains, loss through enemies, may be imprisoned, ill health and danger from bite of reptiles. Rahu. Valorous and long-lived but is oppressed by enemies and evil planetary influences. He however overcomes his enemies and evil planetary influences. Suffers from teeth, ulcer, wound and also from anul diseases. Early period of life unhappy. Faithful and honest. Gain through service. Fortunate by means of father’s kindred. Ketu. The native suffers because of various physical afflictions, loss through servants. Many enemies, but one will overpower them. Danger through reptiles or animals. Eye and teeth troubles. Famous, strong, fixity of purpose, over all good health. Early life will be unhappy. Liked by relatives but uncordial relations with his maternal uncles. Seventh House Sun. Success in law suits. Marriage in good family. A prepossessing partner, but likely one who grows cold or proves untrue or hostile. The native will be respected and learned. Careful for respect. Respect in middle age. Gain in trade. But not if the sun is debilitated, if aspected by malefic, reverse results will be indicated. Moon. Gain from land, average life and quarrels or law suits with servants. Trouble with employees, difficulties with disreputable women and sickness. Unprofitable journeys. Loss through trade and business. Mars. Rash temperament, diseased and worried. Many women. Loss in trade and business. Marriage as a result of journeys, writings or to one of relations. Gain through law suits, and dealing with the public generally. Honours and reputation assisted by honourable marriage and partnership in responsible concern. If afflicted reverse results. Mercury. Love with wife, fond of travels, knowledge of laws, gain through business. Discord with children. Loss by theft. Dangerous sickness. Subject to other check more than one marriage is indicated. If afflicted, reverse results and troubles and loss through love affairs. Jupiter. Marriage in a respected family, intelligent and wife of sanguine temperament. Wealthy and respect. comforts from conveyance. Gain by marriage, contracts, business and dealings with others especially with women. Success in law suits. Desirable friendships and social connections. If afflicted, reverse results. Venus. Gain through marriage, land and women generally. Marriage to a stranger, whose relation may oppose. A thoughtful native. Changeable professions. Average financial conditions. Relations with women. Danger to respect. Grief through wife, public enemies through religious, scientific people. If afflicted, reverse results. 7 House - Venus again will be in unfavourable sign in Leo owned by Sun, but being a royal sign the results will be both •good and bad. The native is educated, skilled, singer, romantic, poet, handsome, reserved and attractive to women. He will acquire an amicable, chaste and beautiful wife who will be an instrument in getting him property. She will be corpulent and intelligent. Wife will be more attached to worldly pleasures. Delayed marriage but only one marriage. Wife is of independent nature and not passionate. Marriage in a prosperous family. Settlement and fortunes after marriage. Not inclined to do service. Good for domestic peace. Happy life, one or two sons and more daughters. Native is licentious and debauchee. Gains money through other women. Lucky till wife is alive. Stability and success does not come till the age of 40 years. The native is considerate towards his wife. The financial condition is average. Fond of singing, instrumental music, composing and reciting of poems. Troubles in sea voyage. There are pubic enemies. If Venus is afflicted, in general all results are malefic but particularly native may have illicit relation with other women with consequences of loss of money and reputation. Saturn. Partnership and close association with others. Fond of opposite sex, troubles through deceit and treachery concerning unions, partnerships, contracts and law suits, sickness, discord and opposition of partners, generally trouble through women. Abortion, short life, will be of rash temperament and of opposite views to others. Under debt and loss in business particularly in export. Rahu. The native is self-willed, proud and independent. Reduces the number of enemies, increases profit through dealings with others and pretends delight and gain through women, whose influence may benefit the native. It is a testimony for wise and wealthy partner. The native is clever, fickle minded and inclined to have liasion but in male nativity, may lose money through contracts, or liasions with women. Conduct not commendable. No peace of mind. If afflicted, reverse results. Ketu. Troubles through enemies and opponents, troubled married life. Destruction of enemies, aimless travelling, sickly wife, may cause separation from wife. Illicit connections with women avaricious, adulterous, worried and heavy expenditure. Loss of vitality and fear from thieves. Eighth House Sun. Money or property by marriage, death of partner, difficulty over inheritance. Cruel, rash temperament but obliging the people. Will face many troubles, may be devoid from comforts of parents in old age and disobedient. Diseases of bloods are indicated. If Sun in afflicted, loss of money through marriage and partnership. Moon. Mental trouble, short life, financial reward for faithful service. Dangerous illness. Death of servants, troubled and worried life, may be under debt due to extravagance. Average financial position. Mars. Rash temperament, unsuccessful hopes, proud, unhappy and ill health, losses and troubles through enemies. Death of brothers, journeys on account of troubles, false accusation. Gain and honour in handling the estate or money of others, also through law suits, inheritance, legacies, insurance etc. of deceased persons. Mercury. Many enemies, diseased and troubled, grief from children. Incomplete education. A natural death, gain by the dead. A comfortably fixed partner. Spiritual experiences. Loss through speculations. Jupiter. Early part of life will be comfortable. Under debt. Troubled and worried. Gain by legacy and goods of dead or through money of partner. Death of friends. An easy demise, gifts or legacies from friends. Grief due to death of wife. Birth of son after middle age from second wife. Venus. Psychic experiences, gain by long journeys concerning legacies and goods of dead. Persecution regarding religious, scientific or educational convictions, also through publications. If afflicted, loss of inherited property, death of father, troubles through wife, danger to mother during confinement. 8 House - Venus here will be positioned in its sigh of debilitation, Virgo. He will be a subject of a very short life and will never be happy. In general unfortunate after marriage and financial troubles. No success in business. Always under debt. More disciplined and educated as compared to Venus in Seventh house as above but even in this case no high paper degrees. However education is not much and without proper occupation. Wife clever in conversation. Worried regarding wife and children, relations with girls from low community and gets money through them. Clever in talking to women. Highly frustrated with life which hangs heavy. There are psychic experiences and these people are found with the matters connected with dead like legacies, goods of dead, religious function connected with dead body and also establishing relations with ghosts and spirits. There could be danger to mother during confinement. He is vicious and believes in getting money through evil acts for his conceptions and irreligious activities. Troubles in journeys. Suffers from secret diseases like diabetes etc. publishing or research. Testimony for gifts and legacies and gain from the deceased. Unsatisfactory end. turmoils. happy married life. He will earn name and respect but his reputation gets blemished. Rahu. When Mercury is afflicted or weak. many misfortunes. long journeys. He will earn name a respect but his reputation gets blemished. Gain through trade and business. Loss of wealth if Moon is weak or afflicted. Promotes health and condusive to longevity. wealth . Cruel and rash temperament. enmity with relations. Generous and respected. writing. Gainful to people. Mars. Religious and charitable. its own sign. learned and intelligent. He has a few sons. Pleasure in foreign lands. If aspected by benefic. Mercury. Loss of goods through fraud. results will be reversed. Friendship through travel and learning. reverse results will be realised. Gain by partner’s relatives. Honourable voyages. honour through learning. Ninth House Sun. Marriage to a stranger from afar. Travelling for education scientific or religious purposes. Extravagant. enlargement of glands are indicated. Comforts through conveyance and blessed with property. Generous and may give his wealth in charity. Brothers may travel to foreign countries and marry there. Comforts from children in old age specially. Blessed with all comforts. gain through philosophy. Death through irregularity. gain through culture and development. Blessed with long life. Early death of parents. Learned. mediumistic. writers and inventors and gain through them. dutiful children who travel and give pleasure and learning to the native. religion. diseases of wind. Fond of religion. Wounds and separation from dear ones. Work in connections with foreigner’s affairs. waste of ancestral property. Sudden or violent death affecting the longevity. Stomach troubles and opposition of enemies. Ketu. artist and skilled. ministers. Moon. Gain of money after obstruction. Death in distant land by drowning or on voyages. benefic results will be reversed. Long journeys. the native gets wealth and is long-lived. Even if education is not much these people impress as being highly learned. Worried. They are attractive. Pilgrimages and long journeys. secret enemies die. charitable sweet tongued and prosperous. They are dear to all. Blessed with landed property. publishing and science. Venus. The native has desires for other’s property and wives. Offsprings become preachers scientists or explorers. Death of relations of father. 9 House — Here Venus will be located in Libra. The native is dilatory in work. The partner will have troubles on money matters with wife’s relatives. Financial conditions are mixed. Jupiter. Partner’s journeys to foreign lands. connection with criminals and decocts.Grief from parents. This placement of Venus in general is highly auspicious and native is religious. He is oppressed by enemies. conveyances. Financial conditions are mixed. Gain by books. An evil position for mental aptitude and physical health. Intelligent and knowledge of law. Grief from parents in early age. If Sun is weak or afflicted. cheerful. Prophetic dreams. If afflicted waste of ancestral property and reverse results. if afflicted. troubles over inheritance. Concern own affairs of dead and with finances of others and money of partner. Religious or intellectual parents. professional journeys. litigations and poor. many fine qualities. They are proficient in vocal and instrumental music and fond of scented coloured dresses. Last part of life will be financially happy.Saturn. Builder of charitable institutions and helpful to others. stomach. experiences. If weak and afflicted. resorts to unhappy acts and inclined to much sexual activity. export business. Will impart education ot other. Builder of inns and property. science and wife’s relations. educations. polite. well behaved and literary. If afflicted or weak then turns a cheat. Shipwreck. Tenth House Sun.and are victorious over enemies. If afflicted public disgrace or scandal through a union or enemy. Liking for law. Secret missions. Troubles with foreigners and religious. renown in speculations. intelligent. Their ambition is to occupy the top post. pleasure and honour through father-in law or mother-in-law. employment. Fond of religion and travelling for education. gain of money through illegal means. He will suffer in respect of father. the evil effects will be mitigated. trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign land. gain through commodities of iron if afflicted reverse results. He is blessed with many fine qualities. Respected and famous. Professional and honourable journeys and gain through them. Blessed with brothers and sisters. She is of pleasure seeking nature and interested in drama and poetry. beautiful. If afflicted and weak. Respected and wealthy. then sickness through dishonour. Honours or renown through writings or other accomplishments. Mars. religious or psychic experiences. curious dreams. honorary office of Govt. He is keen lover of nature and fond of scented things and environment. Honourable children. courageous and wealthy. Hard earned ancestral property will be destroyed but he will regain after much hard work. Interested in cultural and development programmes. If weak. legal or educational affairs. greedy. Money and fame through poems. Fair in complexion and cheerful. Fruitless and dangerous voyages and experiences in foreign land. scientific and religious purposes. If this Venus is associated with a benefic it indicates proficiency in music. Pilgrimage. proud. brothers will cause mental anguish. Devoid from the service of parents at death-bed. hypocrite. Similarly daughters are more than sons. Difficulties with relations. Saturn. Blessed with property. Long journeys. Mercury. Ketu. miser. True dreams and prophetic intution. mathematician. He has fixity of purpose. Wife good. She is not much attached to world and also not much desire for issues. Fond of pilgrimages. Improves mental qualities and gives success in education. opposed to father and less happiness from him. Gainful to people. danger of violent death. afflicted or combust then death of mother and employer. religion and men of science. Rahu. . training and efforts. Religious preceptor and preacher. fame. Worried and religious. if well-aspected. Favourable for voyages and foreign affairs. Moon. writing and drama etc. unhappiness from brothers. Intelligen. Honours through service and leaning or through municipal or national activities. wealthy and polite. Fortunate after marriage. religious and scholar of Astrology. Success aided by mother’s care. stories. legal or religious studies. Brothers are more. invention and all matters connected with higher mind. For worldly prospects like name. sorrows. religion. business enterprises. He is cheerful. intelligent. or worried on account of mother or father-in-law. Unfortunate voyages. secluded research. Prophetic dreams or visions. Learned. science. fond of travels. Wealthy and comfortable. sacrifice for science or religion. Bold and determined. Native gives an impression of being not very enthusiastic. but is not fortunate in respect of sons. love for brothers. wealth and splendour this is an excellent position. Gain and honours through profession. drama. Enjoys peaceful and happy life. gain through partner’s relative. An honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. writing and cinema and it is in these fields that native gets name and fame. Spends money on virtuous works. Rise through inheritance. Natural aptitude for acting. troubles through enemies. dance and drama. who is either condemned by society or from depressed money. strained relations with elder brothers. industry and ability. Economical. no gain to any body from him. If afflicted. Miser. No happiness from father or vice-versa. If Moon is weak or afflicted. . fond of struggle and strifes. rank. credit and high position through hard work. many troubles and turmoils. position. powerful enemies.Here Venus will be in Scorpio owned by Mars. Intelligent learned but averagely respected. If afflicted. In male birth charts liasion with widows and fond of opposite sex. socially popular but addicted to woman and wine. Of questionable character.. However in general the native is generous. the results will be reverse. literature or travels. Helpful to associates and others. It gives incomplete education. there is not much success and in that case service will pay high dividends and more success. Mars. Careful for his respect. Successful hopes and wishes through progressive studies. Long journeys. Fortunate through brothers. In some cases wife helps the native in profession. treachery and adverse public conditions. he may do well. Does not have reliable friends. Blessed with wealth. If in service gains authority and power. Gain by occupation. Eminent friends among legislators and from persons in authority and gain through them. Property. In case he does business with other's money or borrowed money. One or two sons. Philosophical bent of mind. Worried mind. Loss of position due to deception. changes or failures. gain of lost ancestral property. If married marital life is not happy. retirement or seclusion. Native achieves honour. Gain by travels. Marriage to a widow or widower with children but trouble through them. political and social welfare. Liability to disgrace. Ketu. Fond of music. Such as sudden depressions. Fond of music. position rank. Courageous. reverse results. Settlement in life after marriage. Troubles are there. Wealth. friends through journeys. social and professional position. happy with happiness of parents. Ambitious ideals. Friendship and gain from those in good position. The native is fond of authority and power. Not on good terms with wife.Jupiter. public or Govt. Life full of turmoils and difficulties. Happiness from parents is impaired. honour and fame. there are relations with other women. However the native is always more inclined to run his own business. authority and property. reverse results. If Venus is afflicted. Fall from a high place. Accident from conveyance and animals. If afflicted. Friends will become enemies or opponent. Business or Government service but more progress in Government service. Merit honour and success. Gain by trade. As the age advances he acquires more authority. Interest in legislative activities. Blessed with property. The evil of being in Mar's house is not much because Venus is Yoga Karaka and benefic for this lagna. reverse results. authority as the age advances. Eleventh House Sun. profession. Venus. Benefits and honour through science. Govt. A few sons. Troubles with in-laws. wealthy and comfortable. Not much happiness from children. Expenditure because of women. 10 House . Native is also lazy. He in fortunate after marriage. Success in foreign affairs. obstacles but will overcome them. business. Comforts and respect in latter part of life. Proud and fearless. The enemies will be crushed. or in-laws. many journeys and travels. Economical and accumulates money. popular and brilliant. work or by fruits or earth. Moon. Early marriage. Saturn. Rahu. Rise to high. discredit from superiors and persons in authority. Financial gains are there but no savings. pushing. If he runs business independently with his own investment. Success in foreign affairs. dance and theatrical companies. Ungainful journeys. popular. many hopes and wishes attained in old age. Average financial position. Venus. reverse results. assistance from them in realization of hopes and wishes. If afflicted. 11 House — Here Venus will be in Sagittarius sign owned by enemy Jupiter. These people are successful artist and get income from two sources. Gainful voyages. Blessed with property. If afflicted. Undesirable associations. Happy through water journeys and voyages. Sufferings on account of religious or other convictions etc. Afflicted health. Gain through speculations. blessed with long life and God fearing. Knowledge of many foreign languages. Fear from enemies. friendships. unhappy marriage provided Venus is also afflicted. Courageous. well-defined hopes and wishes. Partners or opponent may cause fear of or imprisonment. limited number of brothers. false friends. A good Astrologer and debater. Has to support the elder brother. also through legacies and friends. few sons. legislators. Twelfth House Sun. Sometimes there are even no male issue and so the native are worried about male issue. Acquaintances among scientists. Contacts and aquanteses with educationist. avaricious and will appropriate other’s wealth. Success both in service and business. Long lived. The native is long lived. A comfortable life. A very comfortable life. If afflicted. intelligent and will have good handwriting. loss of opportunities and failure of hopes. orchards. legislators and travellers. Fond of pleasures. effects of Vipreet Raj yogas will be realised. then loss through deceitful friends and losses through their advice. wealthy. famous. Accidental fortune. native of power and authority. Financially not a happy situation. Life is comfortable and gain through friends. Lucky and learned. Gain through friends. Ketu. reverse results. One may remain under debts. . Gain through large circle of friends. Wealthy. Jupiter. Much pleasures in life. Wealthy and long-lived. More daughters and only one or two sons. conveyance. legislators. Gain through there’s advice. good authority gain and success. If Venus afflicted illegal relations with other women and loss of money and reputation. Fond of poetry. If afflicted. Rahu. lot of travels. A native of authority to the rank of judge. worries from children. Blessed with property and orchards. loss of respect and wealth etc. Loss and troubles through enemies. money and fame. meritorious. Intelligent. respect and fame and will be cause of advancement of his family. hopes and wishes often attained.Mercury. ambassadors and sportsmen. diseases of stomach and anus are indicated. reverse results. successful hopes and wishes. good service but subordinates may irk you. Here Venus is highly auspicious and more so if conjunct with Saturn. friends. friends among foreigners and in foreign lands. Friends among foreigners and in foreign countries. and industrious. gain by success of employer. intelligent and blessed with property. The native gains authority and sometimes are found to be judges. Great attachments between the native and his children. acquaintances. Performs good deals and commands respect. Profession in foreign concerns or lands or export business. scientist. reverse results. In advanced age ear trouble or deafness is indicated. If afflicted or combust. He will become licentious. If well aspected. Heroic in strifes and overcomes his enemies. It gives good education. Danger of death at the hands of enemies if Mercury afflicts. ministers and actors etc. Moon. Few sons. A good health on the whole. Gain through friends. Saturn. 6th lord in 12th house indicates worried mind. Ambitions are realized in old age. Secret sorrows. traditions and customs. Sweet speech. sufferings and misfortune etc. Ketu. devoid from ancestral property. Liability of improvement and restrictions. If afflicted. loss of money and ancestral property etc. Rahu. generous and of charitable nature. Difficulty over inheritance death of secret enemies. 12 House . death or imprisonment through enemies etc. naval. Great sorrows through brothers. Danger of enmities and imprisonment while travelling. Secret sufferings. great sorrows. good friends through occultists. Saturn. occult and mystic sciences. pleasure in peaceful. or deal with arms. For this purpose he may undertake long journeys. Afflicted health. These people are not happy with their marriage if money does not come along with it and try to maintain illegal relations with some woman who can give money.Difficulty and sorrow through religion. deprived of ancestral property. Difficulty in employment. Unsuccessful in love. anus or eye-diseases. In general he is unfortunate. Many long journeys. quite. It gives dull intelligence and education with interruption. Mercury. Frustrated initially but success finally. Powerless enemies. sinful deeds. In middle or latter part of life will seek seclusion for the development and advancement of occult science and will undertake long journeys for the same. Loss of office.Mars. Jupiter. Under debt. He will have foreign voyages. Politician. seclusion or estrangements from brothers. But gain through the business. Many travels. Gain through occult affairs and secret mission. fear of imprisonment. He is weak and volumptuous. More expenditure. bad health secretive. weak eye-sight. He will have to undergo many or deals in regard to landed properties. Success in middle life. Occult learnings. harmonious or secluded places. victorious in disputes. Eye troubles in middle of life. Venus. windy complaints or heart trouble etc. not very wealthy and average status in life. Aquarius Saturn + Fixed Air . No progress in Government service and remains in low status say clerk. secret investigations. secret unhappiness. Will serve in army etc. In middle or later part of his life will seek seclusion for development and advancement of spiritualism. Worried.Here Venus will be in Capricornus owned by bosom friend Saturn. If afflicted. enmities. Native is of irritable nature if powerless and becomes hot tempered. If combust or afflicted with Sun. journeys and science. Differences with maternal uncle. Pleasure through investigations and research work. sufferings through deceitful friends. Success in business in foreign countries. unfavourable for position of pleasures of beds as Rahu is of separative nature. Gain by secret methods or in seclusion. suffers at the hands of parents. Afflicted health. Difficulty relieved through occult science. The native may have secret marriage and indulge in sexual immoralities. Unfortunate environments and conditions. obstacles and adversities will be blessings in disguise. Has to live out of country. Eye troubles in middle of life. success in occultism. Worry about enemy and debt. sweet speech. Because of greed for money does not marry till he gets a wealthy wife. Gain through secret affairs. He is always in search of a woman who can support him and meet domestic expenditure. Loss and trouble through secret enemies. Long journeys. Diseases of Feet. Troubles from step mother. honour and prestige through business associates who become secret enemies. Difficulty and sorrow through religion. blessed with land and orchards. Courageous. and likes to travel . they are prone to experimentation. Aquarius encourages enduring curiosity and humble patience in discovering the many different facets of life and its ultimate meaning. The pot is a place to collect various things collected in ones travels throughout life. VITAL SIGNS: • Due to their unusual ideas that set them apart from the rest. detached. Forward-Thinking and Impulsive. bikers or just about anything they want to be! Aquarius (February 12th to March 13th) The element of Aquarius is Air. those born under this sign are rather extraordinary. like Saturn. Asymmetrical cuts appeal to their offbeat sensibilities. WORK-WISE: Their rebellious nature makes them prone to outrageous behavior! They could be rock stars. you can never stop being surprised by an Aquarian. relationships and mundane activities. inventive. perceptive and anxious. Charismatic. The bearer of the pot is a servile person. I find the older symbol more useful. • Aquarians are not very emotional and may brusquely (almost) detach themselves from an excessive show of emotion. This sign often shops at vintage stores. intuitive. in turn leads them to be constantly restless. As far as their sexual life goes. they may accuse you of overreacting! • They like to live by logic and can be blunt to the point of appearing ruthless. • They are easily disillusioned by betrayal and may refrain from ever trusting strangers at all. Detached. which reflects that Saturn’s humility is available in Aquarius. Aquarius QUALITIES: Contemporary. sociable. and planet is Saturn and Uranus. • When a new trend sets in. the trailblazer is likely to be an Aquarian! • Want to start a revolution? Rope in a rebel Aquarian. Chances are. Aquarians are pre-occupied with working for equality in society. But the air mode causes Saturn to be less stubborn. They are often prone to impulsive behavior. The fixed mode resonates well with Saturn’s patient tenacity. verbal outburst and violence which may be an outlet of pent-up emotions. Rebellious. This would enhance their beauty and add grace to them. The forehead is small and face less attractive. And as concerns jobs. This. but the older symbol is of a man filling the pot – water flowing into the pitcher. A pot symbolizes this quite well. Water-bearers are fashion mavericks. • They are fiercely independent and cannot be pinned down for long. and have a deep care for humanity. • Try to control an Aquarian and chances are they'll consider you a threat to their freedom. STAR QUIRKS: These unpredictable folks will keep you guessing at all times. Some say the symbol is of a man pouring a pot – water flowing out of the pitcher. and more curious. People with this sign are energetic. due to which the early lives of these individuals were checkered and unstable. • It is possible that their parents underwent a messy divorce or traveled a lot.Now consider the same interests of Saturn expressing themselves instead through fixed air. original. They are more spiritual and would at times attire themselves with spiritual colors and ornaments. and. The Ascendant often reveals physical mannerisms and even choice of dress. even when the parts that make up the whole seem like a puzzle with unusual pieces--especially when it comes to groups of people. Their personality quirks generally go over quite well with others. Aquarius rising people can be a little standoffish while also coming across as humanitarian and kind. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. albeit quietly. as it shows how people present themselves to the world. Because these people seem so open to new ideas. it may be surprising when you encounter their decidedly stubborn streak. There's a distinct inflexibility with Aquarian rising people. Light red and white will enable you to earn name and fame. The energies of the sign and condition . They often feel like they are on the outside looking in. They've seen it all. All bright colors will prove to be good whereas all dark colors may disrupt mental peace. fluorescent hues. They are often attracted to partners who possess self-confidence and ardor. their somewhat cool and detached curiosity about all that goes on around them appeals to most. people from all walks of life as equals. Often turned to for advice. in both science and metaphysics--anything that involves advancement of the human race holds much appeal. They often are curious. Aquarius Rising Sign How unique and original Aquarius rising natives come across! These individuals are just that -. get a rise out of others. as a rule. there can be a resistance to change that seems to belie the native's generally progressive nature. stick to this color for both charm and luck. after all. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. and with Aquarius rising. and they won't let you forget that fact. Some natives born with Aquarius on their Ascendant can be quietly provocative and irreverent. Aquarius is a fixed sign.individuals. these natives possess intellectual poise and savvy. a tendency to want to force their opinions on others. In fact. Not that they are flamboyant by nature. The ascendant sign shows how individuals react to new situations. natives sometimes have a quirkiness to their manner. And. This sets them apart as managers and team leaders. sometimes. Aquarius Ascendant. they often enjoy shocking others. They generally give others quite a bit of freedom--accepting. Curiously. and quite learned. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. or at least want you to think they have. It's hard to shock an Aquarius rising. Ash is a color that brings luck for you. With Aquarius here. They're also adept at getting things to work. violet and all the bright colors of the rainbow are favorable. Turquoise blue. Aquarians can wear any dress and apparel you like. Often labeled as independent and original children. and some dress in a slightly offbeat manner--not enough to make them stand out like a sore thumb. Make-up is just not for you. but they do like to. Most people with this Ascendant are quite friendly and likable. but just enough to express their original temperament. Sky blue. electric blue. The Aquarian color is aquamarine. shocking pink. With their eye to the future of mankind as a whole.back in time with horn-rimmed glasses and platform shoes. Aquarians have a weakness for spandex and vinyl. Aquarius rising natives often feel a little "different" or "special" throughout life. and their ability to observe and deduce is often uncanny. some people born with an Aquarius Ascendant overlook the more personal needs of the people closest to them. An innate and genuine humanitarianism and altruism are the high side of this. Ruled by both Saturn. also with a Aquarius Ascendant. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus. Aquarius Rising with Uranus (Ruler of Aquarius) in the Signs The following interpretations incorporate the position. you will investigate. Also. a person with a Aquarius Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will "behave" differently than someone with a Aquarius Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. the planet of pure mind. and invent new ways of "sharing the wealth". Similarly. natural reaction to new people and situations. You focus is on the power of the group which transcends the individual. and methods of communicating are an important part of your generation's contribution to the world at large. The characteristics of an Aquarius Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant. you must bring your ideas and ideals into a real. For example. and the rest of your birth chart. or . Aquarius Rising . the planet of form. or children is an important part of your contribution to the world at large. livable form. and future. for awakening new thought. offbeat. The sign position of Uranus modifies your Aquarius Ascendant characteristics. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun. but whose Uranus is in Scorpio. new ideas.General Your personal destiny and soul function is ultimately related to the impulses toward progressive change. practicable. You may be ambivalent about personal ownership. and more flexible work or lifestyles may be a part of this. finances. Spiritual unity and weaving individuals into harmonious cooperative groups are the ideals that you are intended to embody. As such. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Gemini Your Uranus is in Gemini: New technologies. planets that aspect the Ascendant. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. of families. of Uranus. The Ascendant shows an individual's first. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Aries Your Uranus is in Aries: You are iconoclastic. and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past. present. Different kinds of families or homes. Uranus. the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past. invent. the Moon. Leadership and/or a rejection of all external authority is part of your life pattern and your contribution to life. or rising sign. The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT. creative thinking which reside in the collective psyche of your generation. a person with a Aquarius Ascendant with its ruling planet. and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. independent. or different. and prone to radical experiments and solutions. in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person. the ruling planet of Aquarius. experimentation and innovative. You are a conduit for change. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Taurus Your Uranus is in Taurus: Experimenting with and implementing innovative ideas about economics. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Cancer Your Uranus is in Cancer: Changes and advancement in the status of women. and uncompromising dogmatic social ideology is the other extreme. by sign. daring. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. and by Uranus. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report. you will always be seen as a bit avant garde. new languages. and are written from an esoteric viewpoint.of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. and using the Earth's resources are a part of your generation's task. 2. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Virgo Your Uranus is in Virgo: You are to support change and awakening by reforming "the system" from within. even dangerous. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Aquarius Your Uranus is also in Aquarius. about the right to life for all. Changing people's world-view or are least challenging it . daring. but you must find some like-minded people with whom you can pursue your ideals and dreams. Self-serving personal aggrandizement that shifts into the service of humanity. "Fitting in" is not really an option for you. religious or otherwise. Self-conscious activity on the interpersonal level that changes to broader humanitarian awareness. and combining in new new ideas in the field of health and healing. and work behind the scenes for change and reform. Materialism is an anathema to you. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Libra Breaking down the walls of prejudice and other habits that keep people separate is an important part of your life pattern. and you have a streak of self-righteous fanaticism. will all take a back-seat to your humanitarian or global concerns. Recycling. You thus reject outside spiritual authority or life-inhibiting philosophies. or the right to die may all be keys. most innovative and free-spirited ideas. . Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Sagittarius Your Uranus is in Sagittarius: You rebel against all part of your life pattern. reusing. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Capricorn Your Uranus is in Capricorn: You are a practical idealist. A thrill-seeker. Selfish attention to material superficiality that transforms into spiritual activity to serve a divine purpose. so you are a true citizen of the universe. You may hide your deepest. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Leo Your Uranus is in Leo: The rejection of all external authority or tyranny is a theme in your generation. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Scorpio Your Uranus is in Scorpio: You are forceful. your personal allegiances or background. and inclined to radical. life-inhibiting beliefs and philosophies. you enjoy living close to the edge. and you may have very unconventional ideas about money and ownership. A Spiritual Interpretation of Aquarius Rising "You pursue your spiritual path along three distinct lines: 1. Your personal life. Aquarius Rising and Uranus in Pisces Your Uranus is in Pisces: You may have mystical or spiritual adventures that make traditional views about religion and the nature of the Universe obsolete (for you). learning to use "waste" may be part of this. You have a gift for organizing group endeavors and leading efforts for individual's rights. one who can implement changes from within the system rather than attacking it from without. Passion about your causes can lead you to be reckless. Part of your task involves doing the clean-up work for previous generation's excesses and indiscriminate use of natural resources. endeavors. You may reject previous "norms" of social behavior or styles -crossing over. Changing society's ideas about sexuality. and FREEDOM of self-expression is your deepest impulse. blending. 3. you are a person who supports change." Famous People with Aquarius Rising: . race. and are always relating personal issues to some larger framework. You are also very independent and refuse to be possessed by any individual. You see the political or social ramifications of personal actions. more so than by parental or family influences. color your whole outlook and approach to life. Allow the metaphor of circulation to pervade your interactions with others and your communion with yourself. and much of your closeness with others is based on a sharing of common ideals and principles. who is objective. personal sharing may take a back seat to your work or outside social involvements. your emotional attachments. You have the capacity to think through situations. for you tend to be very rational. Though you have little patience for conservative narrow-mindedness. and it may be difficult to sort out what your lower and higher motivations are at any given time. etc. Permit the possibility in all your activities that your perceived goal is not the end of a process. familial heritage. You need to have a life outside of the personal. especially if they do not conform to your ideals of how one SHOULD feel or act. Others see you as a good friend and comrade. You are strongly influenced by your peer group and the flavor of the times in which you grew up. You do not often show your emotions. You are extremely aware of the interconnection and interdependence of all people. rather than on emotional ties. desires. relationships. you encounter situations where your spiritual motivation is paired with a self-serving method. You can work with your physical desire motivations. fairness. brotherhood. the latest advances in human thought and development. On a personal level. sharing of child rearing responsibilities. etc. You are involved and active in groups. and close. and you wish to contribute something of value to the world. you yourself are sometimes dogmatic about your beliefs and ideologies. etc. not the precise content or direction. It is the movement that is important. limited identification based on nationality. fair. and you are eclectic and cosmopolitan in your tastes. you have the opportunity to change your tactics. and human advancement. You are attracted to the avant-garde. You probably have many acquaintances but few really close friends. The nurturing of family ties. Your rising sign governs the circulation of blood through your body. The ideals of equality. innovation. As you do this. and feelings. but simply a milestone along the larger path. social justice. domestic sphere and to be involved with people on a broader scale. You may consider yourself a "global citizen" rather than claiming a narrow. You are not comfortable with traditional sexual roles and are inclined to have "liberated" views about marriage.Each of these three tendencies is expressed in alternating activities. and rather detached emotionally. you are friendly and express a kind of impersonal good will towards others. or at least to your community or group. cultural and progressive movements. When this happens. deep. Sometimes you may overlook or ignore your own and others' personal needs. human rights." Aquarius Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: "Forward-looking and progressive. You are truly interested in the good of the whole and not only your own personal well-being. and your mental processes to discern your typical behaviors and their motivations. and you are often strongly committed to a humanitarian cause or social improvement. and may be unsure how to respond to others' emotional expression. community efforts. Uranus in Aries) Billie Holiday (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Bill Moyers (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Billy Ray Cyrus (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus) Henry Winkler (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Cancer) Matt Damon (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Capricorn) Henri Rousseau (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Roseanne Barr (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus) Alicia Silverstone (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Yves Saint Laurent (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Libra) Alan Arkin (Aquarius Ascendant.Casey Affleck (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aquarius) Janis Joplin (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Cancer) Belinda Jo Carlisle (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Martin Sheen (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Harry Chapin (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus) Sean Flanery (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Audrey Hepburn (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Hopalong Cassady (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Cancer) Meat Loaf (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Virgo) Andy Gibb (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Libra) Ritchie Valens (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Larry Hagman (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Pisces) Roy Rogers (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Willem Dafoe (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Gene Hackman (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Kim Novak (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Leontyne Price (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus) Bon Scott (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Scorpio) Tori Spelling (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Stefanie Powers (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Virgo) Kirk Douglas (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Evel Knievel (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Whoopi Goldberg (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Tammy Wynette (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Libra) Matt Dillon (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Gemini) Jim Morrison (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Leo) Wayne Gretzky (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aquarius) Roberta Flack (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Aries) Shaun Cassidy (Aquarius Ascendant. Uranus in Taurus) . Uranus in Taurus) Rush Limbaugh (Aquarius Ascendant.
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