
March 21, 2018 | Author: oceanmist0101 | Category: Kafir, Ali, Caliphate, Theology, Abrahamic Religions



The formation of Kharijites and the doctrine of Kharijites and its significance1. History of khawaarij Al-Khawarij is a derivative from the Arabic verb kharaja meanin „to go out‟ . They were called khawarij because they withdrew from Ali‟s camp after the Battle of Siffin in 658. After the arbitration agreement between Ali and Muawiyah, two men from from Ali‟s camp came out and called „No judgement except God‟s‟. This was the first Khariji battle cry. Then more people came forward and shouted the same. These were some twelve thousand men. Al-Khawarij accused Ali of Kufr and announced their animosity towards him. They departed to Harura . When Ali realized the danger posed by these people, he sent Abdullah Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, to debate them and expose their erroneous ways. Ibn Abbas argued with them and refuted the arguments supporting the positions they took. Many of them abandoned the camp of Al-‟Haroriyyah and rejoined the camp of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib. However, their leaders and those who remained with them refused to abandon their rebellion against the righteous Khalifah, Ali. They announced that their campaign of war against their adversaries will continue. Ali bin Abi Talib then decided to meet them himself. He called upon them to rejoin the ranks of the Khalifah and abandon their deviant ways. He also refuted their arguments and nullified their misguided way of understanding the religion. However, they persisted in their defiance of the Khalifah and camped their forces at the area of An-Nahrawan. On their way to An-Nahrawan, Al-Khawarij met Abdullah -- the son of Khabbab bin Al-Aratt, a noble companion of the Messenger Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, and seized him. They said, “What do you say with regards to At- Ta‟hkim ?‟ He said, “I say that Ali has better knowledge in the Book of Allah, is more careful with the religion, and has more wisdom than you!” They said, “You do not follow the Truth and Page 1 of 5 “This Quran (which you carry) around your neck commands us to kill you. I will kill them as the people of ‘were killed. furthermore. idiotic people will rise. he led an expedition of four thousand soldiers to arrest those who committed this atrocity. and slit open her stomach.” They then said to him. they brought Abdullah bin Khabbab closer to the river. The basic doctrines Using the words „No judgement but God‟s‟ . who was pregnant.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. They will deviate from Islam (as fast and clean) as an arrow pierces the game. 1. and slit his throat. “Whoever the Quran preserves his life. Ali prepared to fight them. They will deviate from the religion as fast as an arrow pierces the game. He further said. Rather. When Ali bin Talib heard what Al-Khawarij did to Abdullah bin Khabbab and his family. “Just before the end of time. They will recite the Quran. they were to continiue fighting agaisngs Muawiyah until God gave them victory. Associated with this slogan are several of their other doctrines: 1.Guidance. 2. “From among the offspring of this man there will rise a people who will read the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats (meaning it will not enter their hearts). young.” Then.” He said. They will say words similar to (the good words) of the best people.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. “We all killed him. said regarding a man who once accused him of injustice. Page 2 of 5 . If you meet them. you preserve his life in turn. And. Then. And whoever the Quran sheds his blood.” Then. When he reached their area. you follow men according to their fame. If I live to witness their appearance. for killing them will bring about a reward from Allah on the Day of Resurrection for whoever kills them. They said to Ali‟s emissary. Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam. Every grave sinner was an unbeliever and excluded from the community. give him death in turn. kill them. but it will not go beyond their throats. he asked them to deliver those who killed Abdullah. if we catch you (meaning Ali) we will kill you too.1 Hadith regarding Khawarij The Messenger of Allah. killed his children and also his wife. They will kill Muslims and spare Idol-worshippers. but the punishment would not be in Hell and would not be eternal and he would finally enter Paradise. These Kharijites Page 3 of 5 . Fundamentals included knowledge of God and his messengers. 4. 2. This means that anyone who has different views can be killed and their properties are lawful to take. their views are similar to those of Mu‟tazilah such as they all hold that Quran was created.2. They also believed that single sins like theft does not make them people of Hell. except Jews . 2. The properties of those who are of different views are permissible. Therefore. can be lawfully robbed or killed. etc who had officially received protection (dhimmah) from Islamic community as a whole . In ilm al kalam. Hence they made distinctions between fundamentals and non-fundamentals in religion. Furthermore. Consequently. this also applies to the wives and children of of these people since the families of unbelievers are also unbelievers. 2. and agreed on the Mu‟tazilah view of qadr. They also disagreed with Azraqites that those who „sit still‟ are not unbelievers but munafiqun. But persistence in sin even in lesser sins made a man mushrik and is excluded from the community. Sufriyya. the occasional sinner might be punished by God. those who did not oppose or actively associated themselves with the group prosecuting the struggle against the unbelievers were themselves breaking a divine command and hence unbelievers. three sects of Khawarij emerged: ibadiyyah. Al-Imamah: The Kharijites believe that imamah can be from ouside Quraysh and if the imam deviates from justice. and acknowledgement that life of every Muslim was sacred.3 Other sects of Khawarij and their doctrines In Basra. then he must be removed and killed. and bayhasiyya. His doctrines were also influence by the above slogan. everyone.1 The Azraqites These are the followers of Ibn al Azraq who was killed by the Muslim army in 658. This means that true Muslims are only in the camp of Azraqites. Christians. acceptance of revealed scriptures. However. 3.2 Najda and Najdites The Najdites accepted responsibility to maintain order of large areas and hence it was impossible to impose the punishment of exile or death for every instance of sin. Shukri Mustafa of Jamaat al Muslimin holds the same opinion. The Khawarij believe that the position of imam is a right for Muslims and anyone who is qualified can hold the position. The Sufriyyah did not regard „sitting still‟ as unbelief. but believe that is only applicable to the early Islamic period and not applicable to our present time. However. then we judge him with kufr…”. Others regard those hadith as authentic. the latter made a man kafir whereas the former like adultery made the the man an adulterer but not a kafir. This position of Khawarij is one of the most widespread views of the Khawarij in the world. Salih Siriyyah says: “we judge iman based on three pillars as the salaf said: acceptance by heart. and acting out the pillars.were not rebellious and were prepared to live under a ruler who did not share their principles. for them. This is also an influential view in contemporary Islamic thought. speech and action. Consequently. They also agree on the characterisitics of the imam except that the imam had to be from Quraysh. The Ibadiyyahs considered other Muslims as monothiets but not believers or muminun. If one of them is omitted. Scholars have different views regarding this issue with some saying that the hadith is not authentic. 3. Some scholars view that the jamaat takfir of present day and the Khawarij has a connection in terms of thought. some Sufrites view that a grave sin made a man unbeliever or kafir. 3.2 al-Takfir: The Khawarij believe that iman is through belief.1 al-Imamah: Both Ahl al Sunnah and Khawarij (except Najdiyya) view that the position of imam is a mandatory. then he is a kafir. Others distinguished between sins which had prescribed punishement in the Quran with those with no fixed punishment like omitting salat or fasting. Similarly. Page 4 of 5 . Hence if one element goes missing. they would make takfeer (render someone a kaafir) of anyone who commits a major sin and claim that he will forever abide in the Fire of Hell. Effects of Kharijite doctrine in contemporary Islamic thought 3. speking by tingue. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. William Montgomery Watt. Heterodoxy and culture: The legacy of the Khawarij in Islamic history. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. According to the Khawarij. Dar al Muhadditheen. 2002. The formative period of Islamic thought. However this does not mean that man cannot rule byhimself but it is within the limits of the Shariah. Page 5 of 5 . This is based on several verses of the Quran. The Khawarij in modern Islamic historiography. those who does not rule according to what Allah reavealed then he is a kafir.3 al-Hakimiyyah. Bibliography Abd al Tawwab Muhammad Uthman. Jeffrey Thomas. Ahl. Athar Ara al Khawarij fi al Fikr al Islami al Muasir. Kenney. 1999 Timani.3. Hussam Sunnah believe that Allah is the hakim and there is no hukm but His.
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