kertas soalan

March 28, 2018 | Author: Fakhirah Ahmad Basri | Category: Malaysia, Najib Razak, Ethnic Groups, Ethnicity, Race & Gender, Race (Human Categorization)



Universiti Malaysia PAHANGEiiifleO1ng 99J • CretMty CENTRE FOR MODERN LANGUAGES AND HUMAN SCIENCES FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE LECTURERS : : : ETHNIC RELATIONS UHM2022IUHM2012 HASNAH BINTI HUSSIIN/ NORADILAH BINTI MD NORDIN/ MUNIRA BINTI ABDUL RAZAK! AHMAD BIN IBRAHIMJ MOHD AZAM BIN MUHAMAD AKHIRJ DR HASMADI BIN HASSAN DATE DURATION : : 03 JANUARY 2012 2 HOURS SESSION 2011/2012 SEMESTER I ALL PROGRAMMES SESSION/SEMESTER : PROGRAMME CODE : INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. 2. 3. 4. This booklet has TWO (2) SECTIONS. Answer all questions in SECTION A and ONE (1) question in SECTION B. Answer SECTION A in the OMR Form and for SECTION B, use the booklet provided. Candidates are not allowed to fold, punch or staple the OMR Form. Candidates are not allowed to bring any material other than those allowed by the invigilator into the examination room. EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. One (1) of the OMR Form One (1) Answer Booklet DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO These question papers consist of TWELVE (12) printed pages including the front page 3. the correct answer by darkening a letter completely in the OMIR Form provided. A. Chinese in Kelantan. is a system of racial segregation enforced by the National Party governments of South Africa between 1948 and 1994. C. 4. B. Malaysians drive the national car. B. B. D. Everybody gives away ang pow during hari raya. Which of the following is CORRECT to describe the meaning of ethnicity? Ethnicity Is A. CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM2012/UHM2022 SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (20 MARKS) INSTRUCTIONS: This part has 40 questions. Students sing Negaraku during the school assembly. C. D. C and D. Each question has four choices of answers which are A. Choose ONE. C. prejudice stereotype assimilation ethnocentrism Which of the following situations describing acculturation in Malaysia? A. people who are united under one legal system and bear same responsibilities people of different racial groups but living in the same area or region a group of people defined by its cultural characteristics original inhabitants of a territory Malays in Thailand. B. C. B. Apartheid Jus Soli Pluralistic Stereotype 2 . Most stalls sell char koew teow. D. D. Baba and Nyonya in Melaka Ethnic and place are matched according to information in the box above implies the concept of_________ A. A process that resulted in each ethnic group recognizes and respects the norms and values of other ethnic groups and still retains their own culture. minimal interaction among the Malays and Chinese. change and have symbolic element Exist in all human groups A. B. A process of ethnic separation and segregation in a country. B. C. 9. B. D. Which of the following is the EXACT definition of acculturation in ethnic relations? A. Amalgamation Acculturation Accommodation Assimilation 7. D. C. accomodation amalgamation assimilation segregation 8. C. Chinese in Indonesia do not have Chinese name because the country practices A. B. identity culture ethnicity perception The following are the causes of May 13. strong desire of the Chinese to show their supremacy. little practice of racism in the community. big economic gap between the Malays and Chinese. Which of the concept below refers to the integration formula: A + B + C = A. B. D. D. C. D. C. A process of acceptance of cultural elements among individuals or groups from other cultures that differ. A process of mergers and consolidation among the different ethnic cultures to form a group with the same culture and identity. 6. 1969 tragedy EXCEPT A. 3 . CONFIDENTIAL 11 121/UHM2O12IUHM2O22 5. The characteristics in the diagram below illustrate Can be learned and shared Have a woridview Variable. the highest laws of the country all the supreme laws of every state in Malaysia the rules to be followed by the House of Representatives and the Senate the highest laws. B. D. The process of industrialization in some areas. C. the Malay world is famous as a centre for education and spread of knowledge in the 15th century. 14. The inclusion of Chinese and Indians into the local society. B. the term 'Raja' originally comes from the Hindu culture and Sanskrit language. D. Modernization is a process that involves all aspects of the following EXCEPT A. B. Imitating the style of modern life in Western Europe. The process of migration to urban areas. is the right to gain nationality depending on the place of birth of the person. Development in economy and politics. A. Gawai Jus Soli Integration Amalgamation 13. The effects of the British feudalism system. The immigration of various ethnic groups in Malaya during the golden era. C. Which of the following is the MAIN factor of the existing pluralistic society in Malaysia at present? A. D. The effects of British colonialism in the Malay Peninsula. B. which function as a reference for all business administration 11. 12. C. C. The following statements are true EXCEPT A. The Malaysian Constitution is a document containing A. the Malay community has accepted elements of Hinduism and Buddhism that are not in conflict with local beliefs. D. B.CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM2012/UHM2022 10. D. pluralistic society is the same in both pre and post colonial era. . C. Promotion of Christian clergy in Europe to protect the security of society. IV. II. Competition for control of trade in the Asia. Indian laborers were brought into the British colonies. D. II. D. start of a new Islamic calendar known as HUrah end of old Islamic calendar known as Hrah Muslim pilgrimage season Muslim fasting month 18. III. Hindus celebrate Deepavali or the festival of lights that symbolizes the triumph of A. Failure and defeat of the West in the Crusader War. the demise of Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad's prophecy Prophet Muhammad's birthday the opening of Makkah 5 . l and li I. l and il II and III I. B. Industrial Revolution in Europe. A. B. C. B. II and IV I. Labor work to meet the needs of western European industries. II and IV 16. III and IV I. What are the driving factors of Western colonization of Asian countries? I. Which statements are CORRECT about imperialism? I. D. D. A. C. B. cultural and political systems of colonized societies IV.CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM20121UHM2022 15. B. II. Colonial system of division of labor is the foundation of the progress of developing countries. C. III and IV 17 Maal HUrah marks the celebration of the A. C. II and III I. rich over poor good over evil might over weak superior over inferior 19 Maulidur Rasul is celebrated to commemorate A. III. D. C. Changing social. Kadazan Dusun of Sabah Bidayuh of Sarawak Dayak of Sarawak Semai of Pahang 23. III and IV 22. C. The graceful Sumazau dancing is a folk dance of the A. III. III and IV I. Which of the following ethnics are related to the Gawai celebration? I. D. C. The Sikh community celebrates A. IV. Always ask permission before taking photographs. C. D. II and IV I. l and li I. B. Visitors have to observe proper attire. B. B. CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM20121UHM2022 20. Visitors have to wear special dress. D. B. A. II. Orang Ulu III. Which statements are TRUE about the general rules of visiting the places of worship? I. l and il I. 111 and IV . Penan A. C. Bidayuh IV. II. II and III II. Visitors are advised to be silent as respect to others. Than II. D. Deepavali Ponggal Vasakhi Thaipusam 21. II and III I. C. education and infrastructure. Formulated by the National Operational Council. D. A special policy formed to strengthen socioeconomic issues. Datuk Seri Najib stresses on A. Constitution of Saudi Arabia Constitution of Medina Constitution of Mecca Constitution of Hijjaz 27. 1971. Increasing salaries among citizens. establishing indigenous commercial elite group. improving standard and quality of life through sport. human rights high sense of tolerance freedom of speech and culture power sharing among ethnic groups 25. C. Which of the following is FALSE about the Malaysia National Ideology (Rukun Negara)? A.. Increasing productivity and income." ". C. Based on the above excerpt. 26.CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM2012/UHM2022 safeguard race relations. D. C.. the society should be mindful of one another's sensitivities and refrain from engaging in acts that could hurt the feelings of other communities. providing a working environment that reflects the racial composition in Malaysia. D. health. Creating more job opportunities. B. B. increasing productivity and income. B. 7 .to (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) 24. D. D. Imposing higher taxes to people. B. 28. Which of the following is NOT appropriate solution to poverty in a community? A. Introduced on August 31. C. Pledge made to support the integration of ethnic groups in Malaysia. The basis of unity formulated by the Prophet Muhammad was based on A. B. The following are The New Economic Policy (NEP) objectives EXCEPT A. II and IV I. Which of the following statements are related to the iMalaysia concept? I. C. Allah created human beings into different races as to A. To promote unity to the different races in Malaysia. IV. avoid prejudice and encourage cooperation in all aspects of life indicate which civilizations are more developed and successful know and learn about one another differentiate people 32. C. IV. B.CONFIDENTIAL 1 11211UHM20121UHM2022 29 The main functions of the Malaysian Constitution are for I. B. Performance Now. III and IV I. I. The following are the major provisions in the Malaysian Constitution EXCEPT A. C. III. II. III and IV 8 . A. III. D. D. II. II and IV l and il 30. D. B. religion citizenship national language the National Cultural Policy According to Islam. A. To inculcate religious and spiritual values in society. The slogan is People First. II. II and III I. D. C. II. III and IV I. To instill the culture of knowledge and innovation in society. 31. B. II and III I. providing legal ordinance maintaining independence ensuring continuity and political stability preventing the abuse of power by the government I. II. . II. A. IV. B. III and IV 36. III. C. The economy has to be strengthened in providing people's needs. A. D. III. II and IV II. IV. each member of society experiences changes. Each ethnic group is represented in the government action plan. C. C. D. and IV I. C. III and IV 34. A. Malaysia is the basis to unite all ethnic groups. Vision 2020 is an axis of national integration. D. CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM20121UHM2022 33. III. B. there is plenty of interactions among members of society. The problems that hinder the process of racial unity after the independence are__________ I. every society has specific culture. society has no social stratification. Multi-ethnicity in Malaysia covers the elements of I. B. III and IV 35. l and il II and III I. III and IV I. II. languages and traditions political ideologies religious beliefs culture l and li II and III II. The following statements described the characteristics of society EXCEPT A. III. similarities in traditions economic imbalance among races unequal placement of different races different mediums of instruction in the education system l and li Il and III II. IV. II. D. Which of the following are key elements to develop Malaysian identity? I. II. B. C. D. B. • UNKO • USNO • Pasok Momogun The above are names of political parties in A. IV. Rukun Tetangga. secure & developed Malaysian society Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia Fostering and developing a mature democratic society Establishing a fully moral and ethical society. Islam as the official religion the Malay special privileges the position of Malay rulers Bahasa Melayu as the national language 40. B. Malaysia Peninsula Sarawak Sabah Brunei 10 . C. D. I. Creating a psychologically liberated. II. National Unity National Cultural Policy Heavy Industries Policy National Development Policy 39. a neighbourhood programme. C. Choose the CORRECT statements of the challenges of Vision 2020. B. C. III and IV 38. was developed by The A. Article 152 in the Federal Constitution refers to A. II and III I. D.CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM20121UHM2022 37. II. A. D. B. III. l and il l and III I. Answer ONE (1) question only. Write your answer in the Answer Booklet provided. QUESTION 1 (20 marks) Explain the above integration process in details using Malaysia as an example. Every essay should include introduction and conclusion of the discussion.CONFIDENTIAL 11121/UHM2O12/UHM2022 SECTION B ESSAY QUESTIONS (20 MARKS) INSTRUCTION: This part consists of TWO (2) questions. 11 . Portun Agong to saf. Discuss the above articles in the context of ethnic relations in Malaysia.guard the spedal posItion of e alys aand th M natIves of an y of the State-s of Sabah and Sarawak an4 the lcgttln. 0 -- KEBANGSAAN . l.. C44z&J&I I ^ V E7.. 9. u a- Article 11 Article 152 It shall be the responsibility of the Yang dl. Article 153 Malaysian Constitution is the supreme law of the country which preserves every right of her citizens.ate Intecests of other torntnunitIes In accordance wIth the previsions of this Article.CONFIDENTIAL 111211UHM2012/1JHM2022 QUESTION 2 (20 marks) Article 3 1 o r . END OF QUESTION PAPER 12 .
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