keeneCatalog 2013

March 25, 2018 | Author: daks4u | Category: Dredging, Pump, Engines, Jet Engine, Diesel Engine



$1.00 ENGINEERING INCORPORATED WORLD’S LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE PORTABLE MINING EQUIPMENT Specializing in Heavy Metal Separation and Stream Restoration Product Catalog Serving The Mining Community for Over 60 Years KEENE ENGINEERING’S LATEST NON-CLOGGING POWER JETS VIRTUALLY ELIMINATES ROCK JAMS! EQUIPPED ON ALL 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 8 INCH DREDGES! W e have taken the standard Power Jet and created a more efficient, easy to use and overall superior jet! The new design involves a slight enlargement of the jet tube, making it a bit larger than the interior of the suction hose. The result of this modification is a smooth, seamless flow from hose to jet. Rock jams and other obstructions are virtually eliminating downtime. The Quick coupling features two side mounted snap levers for quick and easy joining. Each oversized power jet comes with the suction hose quick coupling and is available in 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 inch Jet sizes. HIGH PERFORMANCE BACKPACKABLE DREDGES Picture shown with inflatable pontoons Picture shown with hard Marlex pontoons The Model 2004 (2-inch) Backpackable Dredge This super high powered backpackable dredge is equipped with a lightweight, quiet, heavyduty 2.5hp Honda 4 cycle engine that nearly doubles the power from our previous models. This engine and pump combination produces an unbelievable 100 gallons per minute and up to 160 feet of head pressure. The sluice box is specifically engineered for fine gold recovery and easy clean up. The Model 2004 is constructed with an aluminum frame and is supported with either black inflatable or grey hard Marlex pontoons. Picture above on left is shown with our inflatable pontoons that can be easily deflated and rolled up into a small package making them extremely easy to transport and store. The model 2004 comes equipped with a power jet or optional suction nozzle. The power jet is ideal for most conditions and provides greater suction power. Power Jet All models include 15 feet of suction hose. For extremely shallow water conditions, a suction nozzle is recommended. Please indicate (I) for inflatable or (H) for hard pontoons after model number Model 2004PJF 2004SNF Engine GX50 Honda GX50 Honda Suction Nozzle Shipping Weight 80 lbs. 90 lbs. Pump P90GH P90GH Floatation Sluice Box PFA2 SB2F 43”x 28”x 8” 10” x 36” PFA2 SB2F 43”x 28”x 8” 10” x 36” Type of Pressure Jet Hose Power Jet 1.25” x 4’ Clearflow. PJ20 Suction 1.25” x 17’ Nylobraid Nozzle 2 Fuel Consumption 5 hours Per Gallon 5 hours Per Gallon Dredge Suction Weight Capacity Hose 1.5 Yards 15 Feet 2” 65 lbs. Per Hour SH2 1.5 Yards 15 Feet 2” 66 lbs. Per Hour SH2 NEW MIRACLE MAT After 3 years of development and over 25 prototypes, Keene Engineering has developed the perfect concentrator riffle. The first Hungarian riffle molded into a soft rubber mat. Now included in many Keene products. See the amazing recovery of micro fine gold that this mat produces. Miracle Mat sets under the classifier screen that is placed at the head of the sluice box. Spot ultra fine gold easily and quickly by checking the Miracle Mat. See example of super fine gold concentration on mat. Side view of Miracle Mat (Sold by the linear inch) THE ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT 2.5 - 3 & 4 INCH DREDGES The Ultra Series Dredge has set the standard for smaller size dredges. The unmatched performance of this innovative dredge system is designed for those who operate in extremely remote and challenging locations. It can be easily transported and quickly assembled. Powered by a variety of engines, pumps and compressors, offering a choice of power to fit individual needs. The Ultra Dredge features a wider new high performance sluice box recovery system with a longer woven wire classification screen. Our Miracle Mat is lined in the upper section of the sluice box and miners moss in the lower section for excellent gold retention. Equipped with a shorter oversized power jet and Marlex jet flare for greater suction power and non-clogging features. The one piece ribbed, lightweight Marlex floats and two piece frame provide a compact package for assembly and is smaller and lighter than all previous dredge models. Designed to fit compactly inside the bed of a small pick up truck or SUV. Ultra 2.5” Ultra 3” SIZE 2.5 Inch 2.5 Inch 2.5 Inch 2.5 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 3 Inch 4 Inch 4 Inch 4 Inch 4 Inch MODEL 2604HPJ 2604HSN 2604HCPJ 2604HCSN 3400PH 3405PH 3500PH 3500P 3505P 3505PH 4400P 4400PH 4405P 4405PH PUMP & ENGINE PHP160 GX120 Honda PHP160 GX120 Honda PHP160 GX120 Honda PHP160 GX120 Honda PHP160 GX120 Honda PHP160 GX120 Honda P180 GX200 Honda P180 T875 Intek Pro BS P180 T875 Intek Pro BS P180 GX200 Honda P180 T875 Intek Pro BS P180 GX200 Honda P180 T875 Intek Pro BS P180 GX200 Honda Ultra 4” COMPRESSOR None None T-80 T-80 None T-80 None None T-80 T-80 None None T-80 T-80 JET PJ25O SN25O PJ25O SN25O PJ3O PJ3O PJ32O PJ32O PJ32O PJ32O PJ42O PJ42O PJ42O PJ42O SUCTION HOSE & DEPTH 2.5” X 20’ 20 Feet 2.5” X 20’ 20 Feet 2.5” X 20’ 20 Feet 2.5” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 3” X 20’ 20 Feet 4” X 20’ 20 Feet 4” X 20’ 20 Feet 4” X 20’ 20 Feet 4” X 20’ 20 Feet WEIGHT SHIPPING WT. 130 lbs. 132 lbs. 132 lbs.. 144 lbs. 155 lbs. 165 lbs. 160 lbs. 160 lbs. 170 lbs. 170 lbs. 170 lbs. 170 lbs. 180 lbs.. 180 lbs. 340 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 340 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs.. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 365 lbs. 3 KEENE’S ACCLAIMED 4” 5” & 6” INCH HIGH PERFORMANCE 3 STAGE SLUICE BOX SYSTEM Experience fine gold recovery, in a lighter and more compact dredge, that will out perform any double or triple sluice on the market! Extremely easy to operate, quick and easy clean up. Provides quick identification of values in the primary recovery riffle section. Rolled top edges for greater safety and strength. Heavy duty latches and a longer rubber damper for more even distribution. Currently available on 4, 5, 6, and 8 inch dredges. Stage #1 Recovers 90% of all visible gold in the primary recovery riffles. This section can be removed independently, reducing clean up time. We recommend that stage one be cleaned once a day while other stages may be cleaned as little as once a week. Included is a section of Miracle mat mounted on a plate for easy removal as well as the fast identification of values. A longer rubber damper for more even material distribution. Stage #2 Secondary recovery of coarse gold. This section of the recovery system is designed to capture any gold that may have been embodied with clays in hard packed material. This riffle works very well because it does not become packed with black sand. Stage #3 This portion of the system allows fine material to enter the lower section and protects it from high velocity water. Ultimately, this provides for super fine recovery of gold and black sand. This section creates a low pressure area at the end of the primary recovery system that screens the 1/8” minus out of the main box . 4 INCH DREDGE WITH ENGINE, PUMP OPTIONS AND 3 STAGE Our 4 inch dredge has all of the features you would expect from a larger professional dredge but in a more compact model. These 4 inch dredges are ideal for the prospector requiring a light, portable dredge with capacity to move large amounts of material. Experience the professional recovery features of larger dredges in this package. The 4 Inch Features:  Our 3 stage sluice box for unsurpassed fine gold recovery.  A P180 pump that has proven to be the highest performing pump on the market for its size.  4 Marlex floats with built in tool boxes and drink holders with bottom runners for rocky river bottoms and fast water.  Superior float frame with handle inserts, making it ideal for transporting and picking up and carrying dredge through fast water conditions.  Adjustable jet flare can be raised and positioned at frame level for transporting through rapids and shallow areas. P180 Pump Powered By the Briggs & Stratton Intek or Honda Engine P185 Pump Powered by a GX200 Honda & KAC Compressor Keene has always been dedicated to bringing you the best products possible. Fortunately, the rapid advancements in technology have enabled us to continually work to find ways to improve our pumps. We are certain that you will be pleased with the increased performance that is available with our pumps. Do not be fooled by Our 4 Inch is shown equipped above with our optional Sluice high G.P.M. ratings on other pumps.What makes a dredge perform Bucket Recovery System (SBRS) which aids in fast and is the precise balance of optimum volume and working pressure. easy recovery of concentrates. See page 36 for details Av a i l a b l e w i t h a v a r i e t y o f e n g i n e , p u m p s a n d c o m p r e s s o r c o m b i n a t i o n s . MODEL 4500P 4500PH 4505P 4505PH 4505PSN 4505PHKAC ENGINE T875 Intek Pro Briggs GX200 Honda T875 Intek Pro Briggs GX200 Honda T875 Intek Pro Briggs GX200 Honda PUMP COMP P180 P180 P180 P180 P180 P180 None None T-80 T-80 T-80 KAC SUCTION DEPTH 30 Feet 30 Feet 30 Feet 30 Feet 30 Feet 30 Feet JET MODEL PJ42O PJ42O PJ42O PJ42O SN42 PJ420 JET FLARE PPJF4O PPJF4O PPJF4O PPJF4O PPJF4O PPJF4O SLUICE FUEL ASSEMBLED BOX PER HOUR DIMENSIONS SB4F3 SB4F3 SB4F3 SB4F3 SB4F3 SB4F3 DREDGE CAPACITY 5 YPH 5 YPH 5 YPH 5 YPH 5 YPH 5 YPH WEIGHT 195 lbs. 195 lbs. 210 lbs. 210 lbs. 210 lbs. 215 lbs. SHIPPING WEIGHT 400 lbs. 400 lbs. 420 lbs. 420 lbs. 420 lbs. 420 lbs. 4 .30 .25 .30 .25 .30 .30 73" x 46" x 13" 73" x 46" x 13" 73" x 46" x 13" 73" x 46" x 13" 73" x 46" x 13" 73" x 46" x 13" 5 & 6 INCH DREDGES FEATURE 3 STAGE SLUICE SYSTEM Years of research and development.50 102” x 59” x 38” 9 YPH 325 lbs. as well as valuable customer input went into these 5 and 6 inch models. 420 lbs. Features for the 5 and 6 inch Mini Dredges:  Twin 9 hp Honda Engines with 263 air compressors are available with our 6 inch model dredge and may require additional outrigger flotation for fast or deep water conditions.  3 Stage Sluice Box is the ultimate in fine gold recovery. .55 . The smaller.  Storage indentures provide a place for your tools. fuel economy and portability. This twin engine design has been one of the more popular dredges for decades.55 102” x 59” x 38” 10 YPH 355 lbs. 430 lbs. more versatile engine package can also be used for other devices such as high bankers or smaller dredges. Many engine and compressor options are available to suit your needs and budget. 400 lbs. mask.75 . 420 lbs. 102” x 59” x 38” 10 YPH 327 lbs.5 HP B&S 2/ P180 2/6. All 5 and 6 inch dredges feature our 3 Stage Sluice Box for superior fine gold recovery. This is the ideal dredge for the prospector requiring the most in power. rock pick. 3 Stage sluice screens can be raised or removed to examine for values. A KAC air compressor is used for up to two divers.  Marlex floats have been redesigned in a gray granite Marlex that blends beautifully into the natural terrain. MODEL 5109PH 5113PH 5210P 5211HP ENGINE 9 HP Honda 13 HP Honda PUMP COMPRESSOR P350 P350 KAC KAC KAC KAC MAX DEPTH POWER JET FLOAT PFA5 PFA5 PFA5T PFA5T PFA5T HOSE LENGTH & SIZE SLUICE FUEL PER DREDGE BOX HOUR DIMENSIONS YDS PER HOUR WEIGHT WEIGHT SHIPPING 25’ 30’ 40’ 40’ 40’ PJ53O PJ53O PJ5T2O PJ5T2O PJ5T2O SH5x20’ SB5F3 SH5x20’ SB5F3 SH5x20’ SB5F3 SH5x20’ SB5F3 SH5x20’ SB5F3 .5 Honda engines. 2/6. including fast running and deep water. The picture above shows a typical dredging operation with our new 6218 HM 6 inch dredge featuring the new HP500 pump. powered by twin 6.82 . convenience and easy clean up. 102” x 59” x 38” 10 YPH 317 lbs. These dredges are the perfect size for the serious minded prospector who requires portability without sacrificing professional results. etc. 102” x 59” x 38” 10 YPH 315lbs.5 HP Honda 2/ P180 5211HP263 2/6. The flotation system is designed to operate in most conditions. Model 5211HP This is a powerful and versatile 5” dredge.5 HP Honda 2/ P180 263 5 . These small engines can be transported with ease into remote locations.  Floats with step nose cut and runner bottoms for sliding through fast rocky rivers. 420 lbs. Increased suction power moves a tremendous amount of material. super power and low fuel consumption in remote areas. Quickly determine at a glance. or even the professional.75 gph 0. Also equipped with an new advanced pump priming system. Ideal for heavy duty pay streak location before bringing in larger dredges. if your gravel contains values on the black rubber matting located at the beginning of the sluice box. 425 lbs. These dredges are also equipped with a KAC or a high output 263 air compressor for additional depth and greater air supply for divers.75 gph 16 Yds Per Hr 20 Feet 450 lbs. This model features our new “no-clog” jet system for reduced down-time and greater productivity. 0. Our New HP500 is capable of pumping up to 500 GPM and provides up to 200 feet of head pressure. 600 lbs. The new KAC Compressor provides an air supply for two divers with ample air to spare. Also equipped with our 263 heavy duty air compressor that will accommodate two divers to depths to 40 feet. 435 lbs. PJ6T20 PFA5T 25 Feet GX270 PFA5T 40 Feet GX270 PFA5T 40 Feet PJ6T20 PFA5T 25 Feet 6 0. 450 lbs Shipping Weight 450 lbs. Powered by a 10 horsepower Diesel Engine for greater reliability. Equipped with the 3 Stage Extended Sluice Box system for superior fine gold and gemstone recovery with extended flotation and frame to provide additional increased stability. Increased suction power enables the user to pull rocks from over a foot away and moves a tremendous amount of material.M O D E L 5110DE 5 INCH DIAMOND DREDGE This powerful and efficient dredge has an extended sluice box for increased recovery of gold and gemstones. Optional electric starter and a 12 volt pump for automatic priming is available. This dredge is designed to be dismantled into small portable components for ease of transportation into remote areas. MINI 6 INCH DREDGES WITH 3 STAGE SLUICE This line of 6 inch dredges is our personal favorite. 510 lbs. Model Engine & Pump Compressor Suction Depth 5110 10 hp Yanmar P350 5110DE 10 hp Diesel P350 263 263 30 Feet 30 Feet Sluice Box Maximum Dredge Dimensions Capacity 20” x 5 Feet long 12 Yards per Hour 20” x 8 Feet long 12 Yards Per Hour Float Dimensions 29” x 8 Feet 59” x 12 Feet WNet Weight 350 lbs. Model 6218HM Model 6211M263 Each of our Mini 6 Inch Dredges come with a Model SB5F3. options and pricing. for the serious gold prospector and the professional requiring portability and performance. 520 lbs. The new pump design has duel discharge ports capable of running a “blaster nozzle” to blow out bedrock and clean crevices. requiring portability and performance.55 gph 0.55 gph 14 Yds Per Hr 16 Yds Per Hr 20 Feet 380 lbs. . 500 lbs. Choose from a variety of twin engine assemblies for portability and rugged performance. You will be astonished with the amount of fine values that you will recover with the 3 Stage Sluice Box . Please contact a sales representative for additional specifications. 3 Stage Sluice Box and have assembled dimensions of 118” x 60” x 38” Model 6113H NEW “MINI” 6 INCH DREDGE WITH NEW PUMP & COMPRESSOR “Model 6113H is a dream to operate. For the serious gold prospector. MODEL 6113H 6211M 6218HM ENGINE GX390 Honda 2x GX200 Honda PUMP PHP500 P180 COMPRESSOR KAC KAC KAC 263 263 SHIPPING JET HOSE SUCTION FUEL CONFLOATS DEPTH SUMPTION CAPACITY WEIGHT WEIGHT SIZE LENGTH PJ6T20 PFA5T 30 Feet 0.” This new 6 inch dredge is powered by a 13 hp Honda Engine.75 gph 16 Yds Per Hr 20 Feet 410 lbs. 2x GX200 Honda PHP500 P180 6218GHM 2x GX200 Honda PHP500 6211M263 2x GX200 Honda 20 Feet 430 lbs. This dredge has been upgraded with outrigger flotation to accommodate fast and deep water conditions . 14 Yds Per Hr 20 Feet 390 lbs. Mounted on modular crosslink flotation modules measuring 62” x 21” x 21”.75 gph .6 INCH PORTABLE INDUSTRIAL DREDGES (Gas & Diesel Powered) 6220D Model 6220D Dredging on Niger River in Africa 6226H 6220DE New Suction Breaking Rubber Flap Newly Added walk around platform 13 hp Honda Gas 6220DE 10 hp Yanmar Diesel These new twin engine compact 6 inch heavy duty dredges are “State of the Art" equipment for economy and portability. The smaller Honda gasoline engines are powerful and provide good fuel economy. These dredges can be quickly and easily broken down into small components where two men can transport the dredge manually. They have large carpeted walkways on the decks that can accommodate several divers and provide ease of access around all working parts of the dredge.35 gph . Typically diesel engines are a better choice for overseas operations due to safer transportation and lower fuel costs. The larger 23 hp engines offer greater suction depths up to 60 feet. All frames have been reinforced for a more stable working platform. The models that are equipped diesel engines provide the ultimate in longevity. All 6 inch sluice box dimensions are 26 inches wide and up to 16 feet in length. The first section of our 3-stage sluice box is designed to recover fine gold and the second half is dedicated for the ultimate recovery of gold and gemstones. reliability and superior fuel economy. Flotation dimensions are approximately 8 feet wide and up to 18 feet in length depending upon the number of flotation modules. All dredges are equipped with a 263 compressor for an ample air supply for two divers.35 gph 16 18 16 16 8’x26” 8’x26” 8’x26” 16’x26” 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 1095 1173 1113 1489 1345 1423 1363 1739 .CAPACITY SLUICE HOSE WEIGHT DEPTH SUMPTION YDS PER HR BOX LENGTH WEIGHT 6226H 6246V 6220D 6220DE P350 Vanguard 23 hp P350S Yanmar 10 hp P350 Yanmar 10 hp P350 263 263 263 263 8’ x12’ 8’ x12’ 8’ x12’ 8’ x18’ 35 feet 60 feet 30 feet 30 feet 7 .55 gph . MODEL ENGINE Honda GX390 PUMP AIR COMPRESSOR FLOAT DIMENSIONS SHIPPING SUCTION FUEL CON. Both three stage sluices are equipped with a winch leveling system for precise tilt and sluice box adjustment. The suction system is equipped with an oversized power jet and twin eductor systems to reduce occurrence of rock jams. The sluice box sets at the surface of the water to reduce the water lift and increase suction power. This dredge is also equipped with a secondary dredge system that can vacuum the concentrates from the sluice box while in operation. The ability to clean the sluice box and operate continuously greatly enhances both recovery and productivity. The 8246V and 8246VE are mounted on floatation modules with large carpeted decks. Equipped a 263 air compressor providing an ample air supply for 2 divers.5 gallons per hour making it one of the most economical 8 inch dredges. reliability and economy. Includes separate 5 gallon gas tanks that mount on the float for ease of refueling and extended running time. Featuring a separate deck mounted 10 gallon gas tank. This dredge is one of our newest and most sought after dredges. The engine pump and compressor package weighs under 200 pounds making it the lightest and quietest engine package available today. The 8246VE sluice box has been extended to 16 feet in length. 25 25 SLUICE HOSE SHIPPING WEIGHT BOX LENGTH WEIGHT 8’x 28” 40 Feet 1500 1900 16’x 28” 40 Feet 1900 2400 8140KE Kohler 40 hp P1500 . The suction system is equipped oversized power jet and twin eductors for maximum suction power and to reduce occurrence of rock jams.CAPACITY SLUICE HOSE SHIPPING WEIGHT PRESSOR DIMENSIONS DEPTH SUMPTION Yds Per Hr BOX LENGTH WEIGHT 263 8’ x 12’ 35 .75 gph 25 16’x 28” 40 1900 2300 New! Direct mounted pump This is the lightest of all our professional 8 inch dredges. The first section is our 3-stage sluice box for fine & coarse gold and the second half is dedicated for the efficient recovery of gemstones. Our compact dredge system is powered by a Kohler Command Pro 1000 40 hp engine is direct mounted to a P1500 pump. MODEL 8140 8 INCH DIESEL DIAMOND & GOLD D R E D G E MODEL ENGINE PUMP 8246V Vanguard 23 hp P305 8246VE Vanguard 23 hp P305 AIR COM.CAPACITY DEPTH SUMPTION Yds Per Hr 8’ x 12’ 16’ x 12’ 40 Feet 40 Feet 8 2 gal hr. This dredge provides extraordinary suction power enabling dredging to depths of 40 feet.75 gph 25 8’x 28” 40 1500 1800 263 8’ x 18’ 35 . Both dredges are powered by twin 23 HP Electric start Vanguard commercial gasoline engines.MODEL 8146V & 8146VE 8” DIAMOND & GOLD D R E D G E ( G a s powered) 8246V 8246VE Extended Both dredges are powered by twin engines to increase portability. These models are designed for ease of assembly and operation in the most severe field conditions. 2 gal hr. Both dredges are equipped with a 263 compressor for an ample air supply to accommodate two divers. Engine features a 2 year warranty and operates on approximately 1. The suction system has an oversized power jet and twin eductors to for maximum suction power and reduce the occurrence of rock jams. for long life. The concentrates can then be transported to shore and processed through other separation methods.FLOAT SUCTION FUEL CON. MODEL AIR COMPRESSOR 8140K Kohler 40 hp P1500 263 ENGINE PUMP 263 FLOAT DIMENSIONS SUCTION FUEL CON. The concentrates can then be transported to shore and processed through other concentrating methods. which is several hundred pounds lighter than other diesel engines that power our larger 8" dredges. The dredge deck is 24 feet in length and also provides a spacious deck in front of the engine 8 feet wide by 6 feet long. The ability to clean the riffles and operate continuously. Powered by a lightweight 4-cylinder turbo charged 42 hp Kubota diesel engine that provides extreme high performance. assuring little or no down time for rock jams. The frame is constructed out of a zinc plated steel frame with in. This power package combination weighs only 500 lbs. The first eight-foot portion of the recovery box is designed to capture all the fine & coarse gold.MODEL 8142DE 8 INCH INDUSTRIAL DIESEL GOLD AND GEM DREDGE This is our latest portable 8-inch industrial dredge that is designed for the recovery of both gold and gems. Dredge comes with 30 feet of 8 inch suction hose. It is also the world’s lightest. An air supply for 2 divers provided by a heavy duty 263 air compressor. The flotation is provided by 12 high impact plastic polymer pontoons for ample suspension even in fast and rough water conditions. Powered by an efficient 67 hp Deutz diesel engine driving our high performance P1500 pump. dredge The sluice box contains our world famous 3-stage sluice resystem covery design. This engine and pump combination provides extremely low fuel consumption. The 8160 dredge easily disassembles into small sections for transporting.. The concentrates can then be transported to shore and processed through other separation methods. Equipped with our new advanced jet flare and non-clogging suction system. The last 8 feet is primarily for diamond and gem recovery. The P1500 pump produces 1500 Gallons per minute providing ample suction for depths to 50 feet. Secondary quietest and most compact industrial diesel powered dredge. The modular decks are 8 feet wide and 24 feet long providing more than adequate deck space. greatly enhances both recovery and productivity. 263 45 Feet 28” x 16 Feet Long 28 Yards Per Hour 8 Feet x 24 Feet MODEL 8160D 8 INCH INDUSTRIAL GOLD AND GEM DREDGE This 8 inch commercial dredge is ideal for gold and gem recovery. Superior fuel consumption Model Engine & Pump 8142DE 42 hp Kubota & P1500 Compressor Suction Depth Sluice Box Dimensions Maximum Dredge Capacity Float Dimensions Weight Ship Weight 2600 lbs 3500 lbs. This dredge is equipped with a secondary dredge system that vacuums the concentrates from the sluice box while the dredge is in operation. reliability and economy with a separately mounted 10 gallon fuel tank. The concentrates are then delivered into another clean-up device or into storage containers. The ability to clean the sluice box and operate continuously greatly enhances both recovery and productivity and provides non stop operation. The Kubota diesel engine drives our reliable P1500 pump that produces 1500 gallons per minute providing ample suction for depths to 45 feet. 9 . This dredge also equipped with a secondary dredge system that can vacuum the concentrates from the sluice box while the dredge is in operation.8160D Dredge Operating in Africa with optional canopy door-outdoor ribbed carpet fastened to aluminum decks. The key to recovering diamonds is keeping the sluice box clean of compacted material and the riffles working correctly. This dredge can be disassembled into small lightweight components for transporting and can be easily carried in the back of a truck and a medium size trailer. This dredge is capable of handling a variety of different engine and pump combinations for special applications. The dredge is designed for easy set-up and operation and does not require professional assistance. Allows for removal of material to a secure area for further processing and provides a non stop dredging operation. The dredge is equipped with 40 feet of suction hose and can handle up to 100 foot of suction hose and dredge to depths exceeding 80 feet. The diamond portion of the sluice is simple but has a very effective diamond riffle design that has been perfected over 30 years of building for the diamond field dredges in Africa. We have increased the horsepower to a 95 hp Deutz diesel engine. rubies. The frame is constructed of a zinc plated steel frame with indoor-outdoor carpet fastened to aluminum decks. This three-stage classification system is capable of classifying smaller material for controlled flow for fine gold and gemstone recovery. We pride ourselves in the simplicity of the dredge and its ability to continue to operate on a trouble free basis. We use a four eductor power jet vacuum system providing an increased vacuum for dredging material from deep depths. MODEL 8160D 8195D ENGINE 60 hp Diesel AIR COMPUMP PRESSOR P1500 263 263x2 FLOAT DIMENSIONS SUCTION FUEL CON. Two model 263 air compressors for an underwater air supply for up to four divers and an additional P1500 pump system to increase the vacuum power. The flotation is provided by fourteen high impact plastic polymer pontoons for ample support to accommodate fast and rough water conditions.5 gph 2. With a new oversized “Quad Jet” jetting system you will experience fewer rock jams. Includes the same special suction clean out system as the Model 8160. The jet is designed with heavy double walled reinforcement to extend the life in extreme abrasive conditions. The sluice box is provided with a 20 foot long combination sluice. The fine gold recovery on these dredges are the best in the world. The dredge is equipped with a larger engine for higher performance and equipped with an additional pump to increase capacity. garnet and any gemstone that has a heavier specific gravity than quartz. sapphires. The flotation is capable of accommodating hundreds of pounds of additional weight. for both gold and diamonds. The gold sluice incorporates our world famous 3 stage sluice design. Ideal for the recovery of heavier specific gravity materials including diamonds.MODEL 8195D SUPER 8 INCH INDUSTRIAL GOLD AND GEM DREDGE 8195D Dredge Operating in Africa with optional canopy This dredge is similar to our commercial 8160 eight-inch dredge but more powerful and is capable of working at greater depths and provides greater dredging capacity.6’ x 24’ 80 Feet Container .CAPACITY SLUICE DEPTH SUMPTION YDS PER HR BOX HOSE LENGTH WEIGHT SHIPPING 40 Feet 40 Feet 4000 4700 20’ Ocean 8’ x 24’ 50 Feet 1. We have chosen the Deutz diesel engines due to long reliable life and availability of spare parts in third world countries such as Africa.5 gph 10 30 35 20' x 30" 20' x 30" Container 20’ Ocean 95 hp Diesel P1500x2 12. The dredge is mounted to modular decks system measuring 8 feet wide and 24 feet long providing larger deck space and is also equipped with additional outrigger flotation measuring 45 x 42 inches to support the additional weight. this system can vacuum the values from the sluice during operation and can eliminate the possibility of theft. N E W AUR IC E X P LOR E R 10 O R 12 IN CH CO M M ERCIAL DRED G E AURIC XP LORE New! New! This exciting new Keene large-scale dredging vessel has been developed for extreme global locations such as the Bering Sea bordering Alaska and larger river networks as found in Africa. For those working onboard the vessel features an optional 10’ X 12’ control cabin that can accommodate 2 sleepers. either for more efficient clean up operations or for vessel navigation. The onboard production and recovery system will be powered by a Deutz 120 HP diesel engine operating two of Keene’s largest and most powerful P1500 pumps. a successful mining consultant. Most exciting will be the AE’s sophisticated recovery system with capabilities from a three-stage. Optional vessel propulsion will be provided by twin 225 HP Honda outboard engines providing on-plane speeds nearing 30 knots. all onboard dredge controls and a “two-way” diver-to-dredge operator communications system. we are fortunate to have the technical assistance from some of the industry’s most acclaimed design engineers who have contributed to the dredge’s advanced design. This “Super-Box” will incorporate our new “Miracle Mat” riffle material to process and recover super-fine gold. The ‘super-box’ sluice also features an above-deck lift system that elevates the sluice to a height well above the water’s surface. Providing unique portability the “Explorer” can be disassembled and transported in a 40’ ocean container for economical and safe delivery around the globe. prices and optional features data will be soon available by contacting Keene Engineering. This new dredging vessel (we call it the “Auric Explorer Commercial Series") will be offered with intake sizes of 10 or 12 inches and soon will become recognized as the “state of the art” of commercial “super’ dredges”. We also envision many other industrial applications for this unique and hi-bred dredging vessel. Another feature is the functioning support arm located near the front of the dredge deck providing support and guidance of the dredge’s heavy 40 feet of suction hose. literally anyplace where navigation and large-scale production volume is a requirement. 11 . We expect it to be available beginning the summer of 2012. With help from Dave Knowlen. multi-level sluice box measuring 48 inches in width by twenty feet in length. Still in the final stages of construction and testing. Overall vessel dimensions are 45 feet in length (LOA) by 14 feet in width (beam). The dredge is also equipped with a Keene developed secondary dredging system that literally vacuums the concentrates from the sluice box into another high-bred recovery separation device or can redirect gold-rich concentrates into onboard storage containers for later transportation to onshore operations for more precise concentrate recovery processes. South America and South East Asia. The 8DX has been designed for maximum productivity with minimal bulk. This makes a one-man dredging operation possible.Nessie Model 8DX THE FIRST REAL PORTABLE CUTTERHEAD DREDGE The Nessie 8DX has been hailed as 'The Dredge of the Future" and dubbed a World Class Dredge. One of the keys to the 8DX's versatility is the wide variety of implements that can be easily interchanged. • Low Profile Design provides a low center of gravity for stability and less wind resistance. fully insulated control cabin sits below water level to provide better visibility while affording a quiet. • A step down. there is virtually no Standard New Clay Weed project that the Nessie Bucket wheel Bucket wheel New Auger Clam Grappler Cutterhead Trimmer Light Duty 8DX cannot handle. Capable of dredging up to 200 cubic yards per hour and delivering material up to 3000 feet away! • Furnished with an optional eight wheel tandem trailer appointed with our hydraulic tilt mechanism. making it possible to launch or load with the ease of a small craft. • Stocked with a large solid handling pump. Cutterhead Cutterhead 12 6100 Booster Pump . Just one look at Nessie and you can see that this is a dredge in a class by itself. • Easy to use joystick controls to improve control of all dredging functions. weatherproof working environment for the operator and surrounding environment. From a variety of harvesters. hydraulic 5-inch square spuds can be raised or lowered onto the deck with the ease of fingertip control. Its hydraulic. located at water level for fast and efficient priming. • Our trailer design also provides for superb stability. Nessie 8DX Features: • The "State of the Art Design" features rugged hull construction of unitized steel and fiberglass. • Nessie is designed to fit into ocean export containers for economical freight transportation. The "spuds" provide a solid working platform. allowing unrestricted travel on most highways and roads. High Freeboard design provides efficient operation in areas with up to 2 foot wave action where other dredges could not function. eliminating any need for anchoring cables. automatic oscillation mode can cut up to a six foot wide trench in a single sweep for increased production. • Heavy-duty. • Achieve up to 50% solid content with our 42 inch bucket wheel cutterhead. grapplers and cutterheads to choose from. spacious. • Water mobility is provided by a twin screw propulsion system which allows independent maneuverability. Solid material is dredged into the suction swivel tip attached to the suction hose and is discharged at the end of the short discharge hose. Also commonly used for reclamation and environmental clean-up operations. High lift Systems are relatively low cost and utilize venturi suction components which can eliminate the need for costly gravel pumps. economical and practical dredging system for limited distances. Sizes range from 2 inch to 8 inches in diameter. The pumps are constructed of 650 Brinell hardness high chrome iron. The large deck is ideal for a dive platform and provides ample space for servicing equipment. Powered by a variety of gasoline and diesel engine options. Reclamation . These systems employ a 2 to 6 inch vortex type “through put” solid handling gravel pumps. 13 . Our friendly engineering staff will be pleased to assist you with any of your custom requirements. In most cases it is more effective to operate the dredge with a diver and a hookah system (surface supplied air). A diver can move approximately 3 times more material than an operator moving the suction tip with a pole or handle. for long life. This process creates a powerful suction. longer discharge lengths and higher head capacities. sand and gravel up to 150 feet away at water level.H I G H L I F T P O R TA B L E V E N T U R I D R E D G E S Y S T E M S Portable and cost effective venturi operated dredge systems can transport slurries of rock. Complete with operators instrument console. Operator is Dredging Sand 4” Gravel Pump Dredge 23 HP Power Plant 4” Dredge Discharging Sand Shown above is a “High Lift Dredge System” powered by 23 hp engine. This dredge is commonly used in the fields of Africa in diamond operations to pump material from the depths of rivers to the shore where processing equipment and containment areas are based. at a rate of up to 50 yards per hour and at distances of up 1500 feet away! Equipped with a 95 horsepower Deutz diesel engine and Keene’s own heavy duty 6 inch Nihard vortex pump. A virtual non-clogging pump that will operate continuously. Our gravel pump is jet assisted for fast and efficient priming. High pressure water is pumped into power jet through a high pressure hose. 2 to 6 Inch Gravel Pump Reclamation Systems Pump Gravel 1000 feet and lift material to 100 feet Designed for larger projects requiring high yardage output. Fish & Clam Harvest ing A Typical Dredging System Water is drawn through the foot valve intake assembly into the pump. High Lift Dredge System C U S T O M G R AV E L D R E D G E S This system is capable of dredging gravel up to 6 inches in diameter and up to 100 feet of depth. constructed of 650 Brinell hardness steel. eliminating “down-time”. A very effective.Sand & Silt Removal Marin e P la n t Lif e.Pollution Control . A52 Hand Sluice 2. STE Sluice Trough Extension 5. A52DR Dredging Riffle 8. HBCKH Power Sluice Conversion Kit Marlex hopper with an adjustable classifier.Shipping weight 30 lbs. HBCKF Frame 4. Weight 30 lbs.2 inch or HBCK25. For A51 or A52 sluice. A52DR Dredging Riffle A51DR Dredging Riffle Larger. INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY UP TO 1000% HBCK52 Power Sluice Package Package includes: 1. . HBCKE Engine. suction nozzle and bracket Weight 71 lbs .Shipping weight 35 lbs. . STE SluiceTrough Extension 5. PPJF20 2 inch or PPJFO 2 1/2 inch Jet Flare 5. Weight 4 lbs. A52DR Dredging Riffle 8. intake assembly. 17’ x 1 1/4” pressure hose coupled 7. . pressure hose & 25 feet of nylobraid hose coupled. HBCKF Frame 4. Adapted for Model HBCKH Hopper Shipping weight 4 lbs. 6. Weight 7 lbs. HBCDK2.2 & 1/2 inch Dredge Conversion Kit with 15 feet of 2 or 2 1/2 inch suction hose Incl. Shipping weight 80 lbs. Shipping weight 9 lbs.15’ of 2 inch or HBCDK25 2 & 1/2 inch suction hose and nozzle kit Weight 71 lbs -Shipping weight 95 lbs. HBCKE Engine (P90G) Pump Kit. HBCKF Frame 4. 15 feet of 2 or 2 1/2 inch suction hose. 3. A52 Hand Sluice 2. pump. a 2 or 2 1/2 inch suction nozzle. STE Sluice Extension: A sluice trough extension is necessary when adapting a power sluice hopper (HBCKH) to an A52 Sluice Box. STE2F 2 inch or STE25F 2 1/2 jet flare Adapter. deeper sluice riffle tray for A52 or A51 sluice box riffle for use in dredging. STE2F A52 Jet Flare Adapter Sluice trough extension is necessary when adapting a 2 inch jet flare hopper to a A52 sluice box. . HBCKE P-90G Pump Kit Includes Honda 2. 4 cycle engine and pump. built-in adjustable water flow and pressure port controls.Shipping weight 6 lbs. Weight 4 lbs. . HBCS Classify Screen 9. A52 Hand Sluice 2. Weight 10 lbs. . necessary hardware and clamps. A stable platform with adjustable legs for uneven terrain. HBCKH Hopper 2 inch or 2 1/2 inch coupling 3. HBCKF: Sluice Box Frame with Adjustable Support Legs The quick release frame adapts to an A51 or A52 sluice box in seconds. Weight 2 lbs.A52 & A51 POWER SLUICE BOX CONVERSION KITS CONVERT YOUR HAND SLUICE TO HIGH HIGHLY EFFICIENT POWER SLUICE. Weight 51 lbs.Shipping weight 95 lbs. pump intake assembly & pressure hose 6.Shipping weight 8 lbs. HBCS Classify Screen 9. spray bar. HBCS Classify Screen 6. Provides great power for even a 2 1/2 inch dredge. HBCDK2 or HBCDK25 Dredge Conversion Kit This kit includes an adapter for attaching the suction hose to the hopper. Combination Power Sluice & Dredge Kit HBCK2 2 inch or HBCK25 2 1/2 inch Package includes: 1. HBCKE Engine. Weight 2 lbs . 17’ x 1 1/4” pressure hose & coupled 7. HCCK2 . Combination Jet Flare Dredge Kit HBCKF2 2 inch or HBCKF25 2 1/2 Inch Package includes: 1.Shipping weight 14 lbs. HBCKH Hopper 3.5 hp.Shipping weight 8 lbs STE25F A52 Jet Flare Adapter 2 1/2 inch Jet Flare adapter. Weight 6 lbs . when adapting a 2 1/2 inch jet flare hopper to a A52 sluice box Weight 7 lbs. intake assembly and 25 feet of Nylobraid pressure hose.Shipping weight 4 lbs 14 HBCS Classify Screen For use with A52 and A51 Sluice box riffle for dredging. intake foot valve assembly and 25 feet of 1 1/4 inch nylobraid pressure hose. Shipping weight: 245 lbs. Weight 98 Ibs. Combination units are ideally suited for shallow water areas with the power sluice being so simple to set up and requiring less water then a standard dredge to operate. The sluice box works extremely well for dredging because the material is pre-classified before entering the sluice box.Weight: 82 lbs. Equipped with an adjustable independent leg support system that enables the power sluice to be assembled on any type of terrain in a matter of minutes. Sluice Box Dimensions: 48 inches long x 12 inches wide . Equipped with 50 feet of 1.Weight: 90 lbs.The hopper design washes gravel.Shipping weight 210 lbs. MODEL 173 2 1/2 INCH POWER SLUICE CONCENTRATOR Powered by a 3. Equipped with 25 feet of 1. The spray bar is equipped with a water valve for ease of controlling the flow into the sluice.The sluice itself is constructed with heavy duty latches. A garden hose port on the manifold can be used for cleaning cracks and crevices in the bedrock and assist in cleaning the sluice tray.25 inch pressure hose. Sluice Box Dimensions: 48 inches long x 12 inches wide . . Weight 45 lbs.5 HP Briggs and Stratton engine and PHP160 pump. Can also be operated hundreds of feet away from the water source when used as a "power sluice". Shipping weight: 245 lbs. Shipping weight: 185 Ibs. The 175 model series can also be equipped with an air compressor for diving.POWER SLUICE CONCENTRATOR & DREDGE COMBINATIONS Rather then haul material to the water. 1753 Mounted on PFA45A Float Kit POWER SLUICE CONCENTRATOR & DREDGE 3 Inch Floating Dredge & Power Sluice Model PFA45A Flotation Conversion Kit 15 A Standard "Power Sluice" combination dredge Model 1753 mounted on a sturdy set of floats. MODEL 1753 (Briggs & Stratton) or MODEL 1753H (Honda) POWER SLUICE COMBO 3 INCH DREDGE Model 175 Dredge Conversion with the addition of a 3 inch dredge suction nozzle. Hungarian riffles over miner’s moss for fine gold recovery and expanded metal over ribbed matting for final separation. Convert your Power Sluice. FVA20E Foot valve and hose assembly. Weight: 107 Ibs. efficient power sluice to the source. MODEL 175 3 INCH POWER SLUICE CONCENTRATOR Powered by a 6. you can bring a lightweight. An optional air compressor system for diving underwater is also available making this is an extremely versatile package. clay and debris with a high pressure washing spray bar and all washed material then is classified to minus 1/2 inch in size for selective recovery. .5 HP Briggs and Stratton engine and P-185 pump. This versatile machine can be equipped with a 2 1/2 or 3 inch suction hose for dredging. . The power sluice can process and recover values from remote placer deposits hundreds of feet away from the water source. . FVA25E Foot valve and hose assembly.15 feet of 2. Operate as a floating dredge or bank mount for operation in shallow stream beds. The recovery system features ribbed black rubber matting for quick visual identification of values.5 inch pressure hose.5 inch suction hose and 17 feet of additional pressure hose to extend the suction system. The Power Sluice Combinations MODEL 1753H MODEL 17325 POWER SLUICE COMBO 2 1/2 INCH DREDGE Model 173 Dredge Conversion with the addition of a 2 1/2 inch dredge suction nozzle. rolled top edges and an effective hopper adjustment system.Shipping weight 185 lbs. MODEL 17325 The Power Sluice Concentrator Keene has combined the popular power sluice and portable dredge to create an entirely efficient recovery system that can be used in most any situation. 15 feet of 3 inch suction hose and 17 feet of additional pressure hose to extend the suction system. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where it is washed.5 Foot Valve FVA25E FVA25E FVA25E FVA25E Suction Hose N/A N/A 3” x 20’ 3” x 20’ Weight Shipping Wt. Model 17720 includes the 5 foot extensions that can be added easily and includes support legs. These machines have been commonly used in the fields of Africa and are ideal for pilot sampling prior to starting large scale operations. Designed to be a lightweight. with sluice box extensions that measure 4 feet in length and 12 inches in width.GX200 Honda P185 . Model 175X8 175X12 1753X8 1753X12 Combination Power Sluice Concentrator Concentrator Combination Dredge Combination Dredge Power Sluice Combination Dimensions 8 Feet x 10 inches 12 Feet x 10 Inches 8 Feet x 10 Inches 12 Feet x 10 Inches Sluice Engine & Pump P185 .5 50 ft.GX200 Honda P185 . NH1. The Power Sluice Combination Dredge is equipped with a 3 inch diameter suction system that is 20 feet in length. Designed to accommodate additional extension sluices in 5 foot lengths. 17720CA 17720 177203 .Speciality Power Sluices and Combo Dredge For Gold and Gem Recover y Keene Engineering designs and manufactures a variety of special purpose dredges and power sluices for a variety of applications. NH1.GX200 Honda N/A 50 ft. This system has evolved from our Model 175 and 1753. 172 lbs. 287 lbs. including gold and gemstone exploration. This combination makes it possible to vacuum material directly into a collection hopper where material is washed. Model 17720CA includes only the concentrator less motor and accessory hoses. Shipping Weight 205 lbs. Available as a concentrator for large operations. Model 177203 is equipped with a 3 inch suction nozzle and 20 feet of 3 inch suction hose. separated and classified. 112 lbs.5 50 ft.GX200 Honda Pressure Hose 50 ft. Each sluice extension is equipped with a conversion kit including suspension support legs that give added support for any terrain. Each sluice extension will increase the recovery of values and extend the time between cleaning the sluice of concentrates. 194 lbs 194 lbs 264 lbs 264 lbs HIGH PRODUCTION POWER SLUICE AND COMBINATION DREDGE New! MODEL 17720 This Power Sluice is 20 inches wide and 8 feet long and capable of processing up to four cubic yards per hour. Diamonds or both as they have different riffle configurations. NH1. NH2 50 ft.GX200 Honda P185 . NH2 16 N/A FVA25E FVA25E N/A N/A 20 feet Weight 110 lbs. diamonds and gemstones. 112 lbs. Model Power Sluice Concentrator Complete with Engine & Pump Combo & Dredge Description Sluice Dimensions 8 Feet x 20 Inches 8 Feet x 20 Inches 8 Feet x 20 Inches Engine & Pump Pressure Hose Foot Valve Suction Hose N/A P185 . 192 lbs. Model 17720 comes complete with a P185H motor and pump FVA 25E intake assembly and 50 feet 2 inch Nylobraid hose with couplings to complete the system. portable concentrator that is suitable for the recovery of extremely fine gold and gemstones. Extended Power Sluice is designed for recovery Dredge shown with dredge optional suction system of extremely fine gold. 338 lbs. 183 lbs. 228 lbs. Specify recovery for Gold. separated and classified. NH1.5 50 ft.GX200 Honda P185 . Can be powered by the auxilary outlet on your dredge pump or a (P90G) 2. This is a professional clean up tool constructed of quality parts that are built to last. Shipping Weight 122 lbs. Included with adjustable brackets.Recover micro fine gold down to 300 mesh This new commercial power sluice has been designed and tested in the beaches of Nome Alaska where ultra fine gold recovery and larger capacity is required. NH1. Weight 25 lbs.5 hp Honda & pump. Capacity 1 1/2 cubic yds.00 per linear inch x 35 inches wide. It can also provide excellent recovery in the field as a power sluice concentrator. Equipped with an adjustable spray bar and stainless steel mesh on the hopper. . This sluice is lined with our new rubber molded Miracle Mat Riffle that is acclaimed to be the most effective gold separating device on the market.25 Cubic yds 80 lbs.25 Cubic yds 65 lbs. Designed to accommodate additional connecting sluices for prolonged run time and greater capacity.1/4 N/A 50 ft.5 hp Honda N/A P90G 2. $8. Item #KSCRM. MIRACLE MAT is also sold separately by the inch (up to 35 inches).25 Cubic yds 45 lbs.5 hp Honda Pressure Hose N/A 50 ft. NH1. per hour. SUPER CONCENTRATOR New Riffle Design Recovers MicroFine Gold (Miracle Mat) Close upside view of new Miracle Mat rubber riffle Model KSCR Keene Engineering has developed the perfect concentrator riffle so you can experience fine gold recovery never before achieved with a sluice box. 117 lbs. . Experience amazing recovery with our Miracle Mat sluice riffle. The first Hungarian riffle molded into a rubber mat and built into a portable concentrator sluice measuring 44 inches long by 8 inches wide with built in header box. per hour MODEL 17624CA 176244 Description Sluice Engine & Power Sluice Dimensions Pump Concentrator 6 Feet x 24 inches N/A Combination 6 Feet x 24 inches PHP1604 . MODEL 176124CA 17612425 176127CA 17612725 Description Power Sluice Concentrator Combination Concentrator Combination Sluice Dimensions 4 feet x 12 inches 4 feet x 12 inches 7 feet x 12 inches 7 feet x 12 inches Engine & Pump N/A P90G 2. .NEW CLEAN UP POWER SLUICE WITH MIRACLE MAT New ! Model 176124CA Concentrator 12 inches wide x 7 feet long This light weight and compact machine is designed primarily for cleaning the concentrates for larger dredges.5 Foot Valve N/A FVA20E Suction Weight Hose N/A 65 lbs.GX120 Honda Pressure Hose N/A 50 ft. The sluice box is 6 feet in length and 24 inches wide and breaks down into two connecting sections. Shipping weight 75 lbs. Capacity 100 lbs. two 5 gallon buckets and a 12 volt 1100 GPH pump. each supported by adjustable legs. Check Keene Engineering’s web site for video presentation. 215 lbs.25 Cubic yds 35 lbs. NH1. Battery not included. 20 feet 3 inch 150lbs. HIGH PRODUCTION POWER SLUICES WITH MIRACLE MAT New! MODEL 176244 On the beach at Nome Alaska World’s best system . 117 lbs. The top hopper is designed with 3/16 inch woven wire mesh to classify the size of material entering the recovery box. plumbed with an adjustable flow valve to meter water flow and separate spray nozzle for clean up. 17 . Operates for 8 hours on a typical automobile battery. Shipping Weight 117 lbs.1/4 Foot Valve N/A FVA15 N/A FVA15 Capacity Per Weight hour . Check Keene Engineering’s web site for new video presentation. 117 lbs. Large feed hopper holds up to 2 1/2 gallon capacity. Steel legs fold up into packing position in seconds. Dual action riffle design for any gravel conditions.  Steel legs fold up into packing position in seconds. six foot suction hose.  Super compact. Use as a dry vacuum. Large capacity . High velocity air passes through the concentrator creating an electrostatic charge to attract gold and other metalliferous values. Equipped with an extra large hopper for greater capacity with steeper sides preventing material build up. Model 140HVS (Hi Vac Power System with Model 140) Weight 35 lbs.  Can be assembled in less than one minute. The new riffle design also provides greater convenience for quick and easy cleanups. Get the all the gold that you have been missing! Runs all day on just one gallon of gasoline. Backpack (BP5) not included See page 26 for BP5 Weighs Only 20 lbs. especially in damp ground conditions. Easy to assemble. Shipping weight 70 lbs Model 151 Vibrostatic ® Concentrator with Hot Air induction Patent # 4615797 We are very proud of our Model 151 dry washer and all of its exceptional features. We are certain you will find it easier to set up and achieve performance never before experience in a portable dry processing machine.  Large capacity . Improved riffle design and vibration action will increase production up to 50% and improve fine gold recovery.  Adjustable flow gate controls flow of material over riffle.  Extremely quick and easy to assemble. Achieve excellent gold recovery with electrostatic charge and our oscillating vibration. Adjustable oscillating vibrator. Shipping weight 115 lbs. Complete with all the accessories to start a dry washing operation. A27 crevice tool.10 inch gold pan and Gold Prospector’s Digest. requiring no tools. Shipping weight 70 lbs. Creating increased static electric charge making it possible to process a higher capacity of material. Includes: crevice nozzle. 6 foot suction hose. Save with this perfect match for efficiency and portability. requiring no tools. 2 cycle engine oil.Model 140 Vibrostatic ® Backpacking Concentrator With “New Hi Vac” System 140 Features:  Super light weight construction.  Attaches to pack frame in seconds. snifter bottle.  Operates with a “yard” type leaf blowers system. Kit Includes: Dry vacuum crevice nozzle.vacuum crevice tool. Shipping weight 30 lbs. The hot air from the engine is ducted into the radial blower. preheating the air and concentrator to 50 degrees above ambient temperature. Gold Prospector’s Digest. Honda Engine & Blower with Hot Air Induction Engine GCV160 Honda Radial Blower 4” x 2000 CFM Fuel Fuel ConDischarge Capacity sumption 8’ x 4” Vinyl Hose Capacity 1 Quart 3 Hours per Exceeds 2 Tons per hour gallon 18 .  Large feed hopper holds up to 2 1/2 gallon capacity. weighs only 20 lbs. Comes complete with 8 feet of 3 inch hose and clamps to connect the two units.  Dual action riffle design for any gravel conditions. Adjustable gate controls flow of material over riffles. The adjustable oscillation system creates increased vibration and air flow at lower engine speeds which also increases fine gold production. With new screw on lid with double port and plug.10 inch gold pan. Model 140 Mini Dry washer shown with “Hi Vac System” Super light weight construction. Weight 75 lbs.Up to 3/4ths of a cubic yard per hour. folds down into a 11” x 21” x 31” package.can handle up to 3/4ths of a cubic yard per hour. Shipping weight 70 lbs. The folding frame makes this model a dream for quick and easy set up. folds down into a 11” x 21” x 31” Package. A27 crevice tool. Backpack is shown on page 26 BPS 5 Model 140 Dry Washer Weight 20 lbs. crevices and moss. 2 cycle engine oil. Model HVS The Hi Vac System Weight 15 lbs. A powerful gas powered dry vacuum system that can power an efficient dry washer and also can literally vacuum and clean gold deposits from cracks.  Adjustable oscillating vibrator. Experience precise and smooth speed control with a geared. speed control. battery terminals. Folding design for backpacking REVOLUTIONARY SPIRAL CONCENTRATOR GW25 Pump Terminal Variable Control Battery TermnalPump Switch- Reverse lever Pump Ourlet Motor Cover- Spray bar Complete Kit Professional 25 inch spiral gold wheel produces unparalleled performance. cupped edge riffle. Capacity up to 400 lbs. Weight: 4 lbs. adjust water flow and watch the results. Simply connect it to the port provided on the lower left side of the bowl. This new automatic feeder adapts easily to the Spiral Gold Wheel. Another unique feature is the metered gold tube that easily screws into the back of the wheel to remove values and a black sand collection funnel to collect concentrates during initial run.Shipping weight 70 lbs. . manifold feeder including all hoses and clamps.HAND CRANK OR BATTERY POWERED Mighty Midget Dry Washers are the lightest. Feeder tray with multiple adjustment knobs. Kit includes:multi adjustable arm. Equipped with electrical back panel with replaceable fuse. 5. 19 New! Swing away feeder . an adjustable spray bar and manifold with swing away feature for access to wheel for cleaning. High Production Recovery Design: The Dual Riffle Design enables higher production and improved fine gold recovery. Weight 40 lbs. 5 gallon bucket & battery not included. The heavier material & black sand settles and becomes entrapped behind the riffles. The riffle tray is removed easily with the use of our advanced snap latching system. wash down hose. The water flow tube has metered water jets for precise flow. . you must purchase an additional pump for the kit . nozzle. Shipping weight 40 lbs. Vibrating Shaft and Bellows: Easy turning hand crank or optional 12 volt motor operates the vibrating crank shaft causing the heavier materials to settle faster for improved recovery. Requires one 12 volt battery (not included). Pour your concentrates into feeder trough. most compact and efficient on the market. making the clean up process quick and easy.Shipping weight 50 lbs. per hour Spiral Automatic Feeder Model GWF This unit provides an automatic feed to the bowl. Model GW25 Weight 28 lbs. increases capacity and improves recovery. 2. Operate with either the hand crank mechanism or battery power Principals of recovery: 1. Large Hopper: The oversized Marlex hopper with an adjustable flow control gate provides an even flow of material. pump terminals and on/off switch. Model DW12C: 12 volt electric conversion kit for DW2 (Convert hand crank to 12V electric drive and have both). Requires one 12 volt battery (not included). Attach the three stainless steel legs and connect a 12 volt battery and your ready to witness the most advanced recovery spiral system on the market today. If your unit does not include the new 1100GPH pump.Shipping weight 11 lbs Model DW12V: Combination electric driven and hand crank model. Model DW2: Hand crank model. See special kit pump K1100 gph for additional 12 volt pump with adapter. . multi-bearing spiral wheel. Includes a 750 gallon per hour 12 volt pump. Recover ultra fine gold better than anything you have ever seen before. This amazing recovery is due to its soft rubber spiral wheel that has an extremely sharp. Weight 32 lbs. Weight 8 lbs. Vibration Concentration: The crank action vibration from the bellows assists in settling the heavy values. 3. Shipping weight 10 lbs. plug in battery. 4. Air Gravity Separation: The material is placed in suspension by the blowing action of the bellows passing air up through the cloth.MIGHTY MIDGET DRY WASHERS . Equipped with a flow controled manifold with additional ports for 2 perimeter jets that balance the flow of material entering the bowl. filter sieve and a solid recovery gold pan. Shipping weight 4 lbs. #18. Table has 4 discharge ports: Port #1: Pure Gold . #10. Double stainless steel screens & Pre. Requires 110 Volt power source. Ideal for use with large rock crushers and active placer operations. set it up on its compact folding legs. Take it with you to the field. Dimensions: 43 inches long x 17 inches wide Weight 60 lbs. Illustration may be subject to minor changes. Shipping weight 100 lbs. waters edge or desert areas where water is not available. #14. 20 SUPPORT LEVELING CLIPS Model GCBSLC Support leveling clips for operation of the bowl on a 5 gallon bucket. PROFESSIONAL STACKING SCREENS. PSC 4 THROUGH PSCS12 Complete Set Our newest screen stack and twist lock into place with stainless steel screens and high impact side walls that allow you to use this for sizing gold pieces as well as concentrates. #6. Made of high impact plastic. Can storage tank be used at campsite. .Riffle for checking the contents without removing the lower large riffle out of the box. edge or on dry surface with our new folding storage water container. Equipped with a magnetic agitator that helps liberate the gold and provides superior recovery. (Battery not in included). Dimensions: 31” long x 14” wide Weight: 11 lbs. All eccentrics have ball bearings for long life and precision action. These screens may be purchased individually or as a full 12 piece set. Includes stainless steel adjustable legs and stand with self leveling feet. per hour of placer or hard rock material. The complete set is offered that includes all of the sieves listed below. plus top cap and base. Model ST1B Welded steel base not included Dimensions 30” x 22” x 21” Shipping weight 75 lbs Shown with optional base MINI POWER SLUICE MODEL MPS Model MPS Artistic rendition New self contained 12 Volt recirculating Mini Power Sluice is the of foldng perfect tool for Prospecting-Sampling-Concentrate Clean Up. Part # Size Part # Size PSC4 4 mesh PSC16 16 mesh PSC6 6 mesh PSC18 18 mesh PSC8 8 mesh PSC20 20 mesh PSC10 10 mesh PSC30 30 mesh PSC12 12 mesh PSC50 50 mesh PSC14 14 mesh PSC100 100 mesh PSCS12 Complete Set of 12 Sieves Shipping weight 4 lbs.Port #2: Roughing Port Port #3: Midlings . #50. easy and requires no tools for assembly. They are all 4” in diameter and comes in sizes (#4. . Shipping Weight: 25 lbs. Another feature includes a Pre-Riffle for checking the New product coming soon. stainless steel classifying screens Self levelng foot and the sluice box is lined with our new rubber riffles for superb fine gold recovery. #30. contents without removing the lower large riffle. and #100 mesh) with a lid and a bottom tray. Table will process material as large as 1/4 inch and is equipped with built in nugget traps. or battery powered pump. Model GCB Gold Concentrating Bowl Recover fine gold quickly and easily from water flow of a garden hose.Port #4: Tailings MODEL ST 1 SHAKER TABLE WITH MAGNETIC SEPARATOR Table must be bolted down. #8. Requires screenFor optimum performance use ing for proper use Size: 13 inches x 5 inches stacking screens PSCS112 Weight 3 lbs. #12. Can be used at waters Picture is not an exact repllca. Attach 3 support clips to the top of the bucket enabling the operator to level the bowl. Shipping weight 1 lb. Lightweight and set up is quick. #16. Packed inside its own durable folding storage carrying case that doubles as a water reservoir. They stack together with one another and may be used like a cocktail shaker. Uses only 3 gallons of water per minute. No parts to wear out or replace.RECOVERY EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES This compact shaker table will concentrate gold as well as other values down to 500 mesh and will process up to 250 lbs. #20. Individual shipping weight per sieve is 2 lbs. Requires only 10 gallons of water to fill and is powered by our 1100 gallon 12 Volt recirculating water pump that can be run from any auto or motorcycle battery. engine. 230 volt or 460 volt 3 phase. This unit will handle a maximum rock size of approximately one inch. Over 50 years of manufacturing has proven this model to be a tried and tested reliable work horse.5 hp. schist. All replaceable and wear parts are designed with the operator in mind for easy adjustment and replacements in the field. Over 50 years of manufacturing has proven this style to be a tried and tested reliable workhorse.Shipping weight 100 Ibs. Comes equipped with an optional trailer for easy handling and transportation. this unit provides a very low dust environment. If any uncrushable particles are fed into the unit it will automatically pass them without damage or hesitation. Comes equipped with trailer for easy handling and transportation. Model RC-46 quickly crushes 4" x 6" Rock into ultra fine powder. which reduces the material into fine powder down to 80 mesh. Mounted to a vertical 5 hp. Multiple passes are required for finer grinds. 5 Gallon bucket not included Weight 85 Ibs. This machine is also ideal for crushing black sand concentrates to release any encapsulated micron gold. Size 50" x 48" x 74" Electric. RC-46 Rock Crusher Specifications Model RC46 Jaw Size 4 inch x 6 inch Roller Size Two 6-inch rollers Roller Scraper Spring loaded Wear Plates Replaceable Wear Parts #4340 Hardened Steel Browning Tapered Roller Bearings Capacity Up to 1 ton per hour. Size: 21” x 48” x 43” ROCK CRUSHERS Model RC1 Rock Crusher Model RC-46 Rock Crusher with "Roller Scraper" Amazing 3 Stage Compact Rock Crusher Model RC46E Model RC46T Trailer Mounted Model RC46E Electric Driven Weight 660 Ibs. Shipping weight 630 lbs. Engineered for the professional for continuous duty operation and years of dependable service. Shipping weight 760 Ibs. 21 Model RC-812 Rock Crusher 2 Stage Compact Rock Crusher New! Our new RC-812 is currently under development pending a new gear reduction transmission. the easier it shatters into powder. . Shipping weight 630 lbs. capable of producing up to 100 pounds of grind an hour in a single pass. . The harder the rock. If finer grinds are required you can run the material the 2nd time. The centrifugal force throws the rock into a hardened steel impact wall at speeds in excess of 400 miles per hour. Size 21 ”x 48” x 43” Model RC46T NEW RC-812 SERIES ROCK CRUSHER Model RC-812 quickly crushes 8 inch x 12 inch rock into fine powder. Designed for production with the highest quality material and components available. Built as compact as possible for ease of handling and maneuverability. All replaceable and wear parts are designed with the operator in mind for easy adjustment and replacement in the field. Powered by a 25 hp diesel engine with a 6 to 1 gear reduction transmission for dependable service. Designed primarily as a pilot mill and not a production machine. limestone and much more. or permanent base for stationary applications. When affixed to a five-gallon bucket. Available soon. Material is then processed through an additional roller that further reduces the material down to 150 mesh. Powered by an GX390 Honda engine with a 6 to 1 gear reduction for dependable service. or permanent base for stationary applications. that further reduces the material into “Fine Powder”. Engineered for the professional for continuous duty operation and years of dependable service. Designed for production with the highest quality material and components available. # RC1CB Replacement Crusher Blades are now available. Built as compact as possible for ease of handling and maneuverability. Rock is quickly crushed into 1/4 inch in size through the first stage jaw crusher and automatically delivered into the optional roller mill. base mounted & powered with a heavy duty 7. Weight Base Mounted Weight 570 lbs. Material is then processed through the roller scraper. Weight 570 lbs. Oversize material may require an additional pass.This amazing rock crusher is ideal for the gold prospector who is interested is a light-weight and economical high-speed machine. Rock is quickly crushed into 1/8 inch in size through the first stage jaw crusher and automatically delivered into the roller mill which reduces the material into fine powder. Ideal for crushing all types of quartz. Material is gravity fed into the hopper and drops into the center of a high-speed tube. Shipping weight 14 lbs.5 inches high with 11 inch flare. Weight 5 lbs. Some drilling & assembly required .5 inches high Weight 5 lbs. Weight 1lb. Shipping weight 16 lbs. 2 Year Warranty. Stays straight and rigid. Size: 36 inches long x 10 inches wide x 4. 4. 22 This 12 foot long rock net is a must for any boulder moving operation and takes only a few minutes to set up.High Production Hand Sluice This sluice box has been the standard of the industry for decades.KE E NE ’S F OLDIN O LDIN G SLUICE BOX A52F A super lightweight aluminum folding sluice box that incorporates the newest technology in rubber riffles. Handle for balanced carrying. WRC100 WRC Rock Choker This rock choker is ideal for pulling out large boulders. This model is compatible with our power sluice conversion kits. Set the sluice in a bucket and splash with water to clean. WRN Rock Net This 4 inch snatch block can nearly double the capacity of any winch and has a capacity of up to 7000 pounds! Can be used with either a 5/16" or 3/8" cable. This rugged. Cable measures 18' x 3/8". Shipping weight 12 lbs.Heavy Duty Hand Operated Winch . Handle for balanced carrying. will not buckle or flex. Shipping weight: 15 lbs. It weighs only 9 pounds and folds up into a small package with a strap for carrying or backpacking. Including removable flare for backpacking. The choker simply slips around then tightens like a slip knot. New! Sluic Box Extension Adapter A52EB This adapter connects the sluice box extension to a A52 sluice box.Mini Sluice The standard sluice for lightweight prospecting. Shipping weight 30 lbs. portable pulling power winch is constructed of malleable iron and is equipped with 40 feet of 5/16" industrial steel cable. trees and other large obstructing material. Cable comes 100 feet in length with one end complete with hook and bare end for attaching to the winch.This super heavy duty hand operated winch has a lift capacity of 4000 pounds and a pull capacity of 8000 pounds. Shipping weight 2 lbs. New! KE E NE ’S WORLD FAM O U S SLUICE BOXES Produce quantities of concentrates ten times faster than panning.5 inches high with a large 18 inch flare. Designed with a wider flare for increased flow and made longer for greater capacity. We have taken the best parts of our previous folding plastic sluice and introduced our highly successful rubber riffle design. totaling 63 inches overall.Super Mini Sluice: The lightest most compact sluice box with all the features of a professional sluice. Size: 33 inches long x 6 1/2 inches wide. The rubber riffle design works fantastic in both fast and slow water conditions. Use an additional A52 for the extension. Very easy to set and release with a quick release loop block. We have tested this riffle design for several years and are amazed at its high capacity and exceptional fine gold recovery. Extend your A52 sluice box an additional 3 feet with this extension bracket to double the recovery of concentrates and fine gold especially in heavy black sand conditions. galvanized steel aircraft cable. A51A . Ideal for small creeks and for testing small placer deposits. Our most popular medium size sluice for all around use. Size: 51 inches long x 10 inches wide x 4. Heavy Duty Latches A51 . Shipping weight 30 lbs. Weight 11 lbs. Designed for use with our HDW1 Heavy Duty mechanical winch. Shipping weight 16 lbs. The rock nests securely in the net with only minimal slippage.Shipping weight 8 lbs. (sluices not included) WINCH ACCESSORIES HDHOW . The recovery riflle area is 40 inches in length. WSB .Snatch Block . Can also be upgraded to a power sluice The flare is detachable for storage and packing. A52 . (A52EB). Constructed of 3/8" heavy duty 8000 pound test cable. Heavy Duty Winch Cable 3/8th inch braided. jewelry or relics. True automatic ground balance tracking.75 khz.4 khz.4 OUNCE NUGGET found January 2012 in the Mojave Desert with his GPX 5000 MINELAB 23 . Lightweight . Automatic ground balance for gold prospecting. 20 khz or 60 khz). VFLEX Technology offers detecting in 3. FISHER. PAT KEENE’S 2. GARRET & OTHERS Eureka Gold Model EG The world’s only VLF detector with the versatility power of 3 switchable frequencies (6.METAL DETECTORS FOR GOLD Keene Engineering distributes all of the most popular metal detectors such as MINELAB. Variable notch descrimination to eliminate trash. switch on & go tracking. Comes with two (2) coils. (8 detectors in 1) The greatest depth advantage to find gold (find all gold in all ground conditions).75 khz or 18. MINELAB X-TERRA Model 705 Gold All purpose detecting for gold nuggets. Turn on and go (with automatic functions and preset search modes).easy. coins. Eight (8) Timings. Works where other VLF detectors cannot. The most powerful in its class! GPX 5000 The world’s most advanced pulse induction technology. Soft leather belt sheath holds the gold bottle sniffer on belt or belt loop. Shipping weight 1 lb. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Fits snugly on top of a 5 gallon bucket. Part BCS4 BCS8 BCS12 BCS20 BCS30 BCS50 Size Mesh \ . Made of stainless steel mesh and the same high impact plastic you have come to know and trust from Keene products. Ideal for field use. Lifetime guarantee. This ABS green plastic gold pan features a “gravity trap riffle” design and comes with a lifetime guarantee.Use the “smooth surface” until only gold remains. Lifetime guarantee.05” 20 .The coarse riffled area is used to "rough out" the majority of the material. This feature allows you to stack screens and size your material at one time.08” SIZE MESH 20 . A28A Big Orange Gold Magnet A must for every prospector. Available in two sizes. Shipping weight. GPC6 6" GPC12 12” GPC8 8" GPC14 14" GPC10 10" GPC16 16" Copper Gold Pans Heavy duty gold pans. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping weight 1 lb. The screens can be stacked close together for backpacking into remote areas and is ideal for storage and shipping. 2nd. Designed with riffles.13” 12 CS100 CS12 .GPP17-17”Pan These heavy. Often gold can be held in suspension by oils present in material while panning or using a small concentrator. Improved design with drop center gold trap and wide leading edge for faster and easier panning.50”0 2 The Stackable CS Series Sieves allow you to stack several sieves together for graduated classification.25” CS50 8 CS8 . GPB10 10” Pan GPB12 12” Pan GPB14 14” Pan GPB16 16” Pan New Blue Gold Pans Pan three times as fast as a conventional gold pan.02” 100 . Has three surfaces that perform specialized tasks. Works wet or dry. 1lb. Same Dimensions as CS.PROSPECTING ACCESSORIES Super 3 Stage Gold Pans SP12 & SP14 Ideal gold pan for beginners or pro’s. Classify your material before processing it through your sluice box.Height 4 3/4” Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping weight 1 lb. Gold drop corrects that in a jiffy by doing exactly what the name says! 2 fluid ounces.The textured area is used to pan any remaining black sands.Bottom 11“ . instructions included. SP12: 12 inch diameter 3 Stage Gold Pan SP14: 14 inch diameter 3 Stage Gold Pan Our heavy duty black plastic gold pans have been considered the standard in the industry for decades. Ideal for depositing gold into specimen bottles. . Includes deep ribs for quick panning and small ribs for fast final panning with large base. Shipping weight 2 lbs. . GPS12 12" Shipping weight 2 lbs. A28 Gold Magnet 24 .05” 30 . Ribbed Steel Gold Pans GPS14 14” GPS16 16" GPG10 10" diameter GPG14 14" diameter GPE10 GPE12 GPE14 GPE16 10” diameter 12” diameter 14” diameter 16” diameter CLASSIFYING SIEVES PART SIZE MESH PART CS20 2 CS2 .Bottom 11“ .01” Our popular high impact plastic sieve enable screening out of waste gravel over 3/8 of an inch in size. Available in six sizes.25” 4 . Extracts magnetic sand from gold concentrate or black sand. . Shipping weight 1 lb.03” 30 . Constructed with stainless steal mesh and high impact plastic frame.02” 50 BCS100 .SIEVES . GBS1 Gold Bottle Snifter GBSBS Gold Bottle Sheath This magnet is a must for removing magnetic sand from dredge and dry washer concentrates.01” 100 GD Gold Drop Extract gold and values from a gold pan with suction.. concentrator. Available in four sizes. A handy hole in the rim of the pan for hanging from belt. 1st. Garrett Gold Pans Steel gold pans with riffles spun entirely around the pan. Sieves fit over most 5 gallon buckets.08” 12 . a drop center bottom that will trap fine gold and a textured surface to help prevent a loss of values. The bottom of the pan has a sticker showing basic gold panning instructions.03” 50 . The blue sieves lock into position with a 1 1/2 inch gap between the screens. You can stack 13 sieves in 12 inch tall stack. Dimensions: Top 14” . Squeeze bottle and release to draw gold into bottle. Shipping weight 2 lbs. . gold pan etc. The World Famous Keene Classifying Sieves SGP3 Stackable Relic Sieve NEW BLUE CLASSIFYING SIEVES The sealed retainer ring blue stackable Classifier sieves BCS2 allows stacking several sieves together for graduated classification. sands fall free from Gold Magnet. Shipping weight 2 lbs. 3rd.Height 3” Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Steel Gold Pans GPS6 6" GPS8 8" GPS10 10" A popular gold pan. These beauties can even be used for awards or presentations. Dimensions: Top 14” ..GOLD PANS .13” 8 . Weight 10 oz. Available in three sizes: Original Black Plastic Gold Pans GPP10-10” Pan GPP14-14”Pan .50” CS30 4 CS4 . Depress button to pick up magnetic sand and release button. Virtually cut your panning time in half. Green color. pure copper gold pans are an absolute must for your collection. These sieves fit over most 5 gallon buckets for complete convenience and ease in processing. Shipping weight 1 lb A65A Microscope A53 A71 Cast Iron Mortar & Pestle A53 Capacity 1 pint. Used are the same instruments to extract large specimens from jewelers use for handling extra deep crevices or for scraping. (Part numbers with “P” indicate plastic bottle. 3 oz. gives you 10x to preserve its power magnificahighly polished tion and the case finish.) Sample Bottles 2 dwt. ELD10-10x Hexagonal Achromatic Loupe ELT10-10x Achromatic Triplet 12x power Watchmaker's Loupe. VT6GK Tumbler Grit kit Incl: 5 polish compounds Shipping weight. 10 oz. vial GP3 Cow hide pouch holds 2 oz. Shipping weight 12 lbs. Shipping weight 1 lb. Ideal for displaying gold specimens and your fine gold. 1 oz.10x Economy Magnifier High quality 10x power triplet lens This large loupe Case included.5 oz 4 oz 6 oz. Weight 8 1/2 lbs. GP1 Doe skin pouch holds 4 oz. 3 lbs. 1/2 oz. Gold Pokes High quality skins have a draw string for securing your items in the pouch. tubs. concentrating tables and more. SNAP Snappy Grip Plastic funnels are ideal for easy filling of our sample bottles. Shipping weight 1 lb. serve its highly quality polished finish. 2 oz. polish rocks and gemstones in a fraction of the time of other conventional tumblers. A16 Jeweler's Fine Point Tweezers These stainless steel tweezers Heavy-duty stainless steel. 1/2 oz 1 oz. vial GP2 Doe skin pouch holds 2 oz. Compatible with soap & other surface additives. Measures 5 inches high. A-71: Capacity 1/2 pint. A10 Achromatic Loupe Shipping weight 1 lb Permanent replacement handle for 5 gallon bucket.MORE PROSPECTING ACCESSORIES Part # A17 A18 A18P A19 A19P A20 A72 A73 A86 A87 A88 A89 Capacity Size 1 1/4 ” x 1/4 ” 1 ” x 1/2 ” 1 ” x 1/2 ” 1 3/4 ” x 1/2 ” 1 3/4 ” x 1/2 ” 2 1/4 ” x 3/4 ” 2 1/2 ” x 3/4 ” 2 3/4 ” x 3/4 ” 2 1/4 ” x 1 ” 2 3/4 ” x 1 ” 3 3/4 ” x 1 ” 4 1/4 ” x 1 ” Quality clear glass and plastic vials are used as a standard measure for determining approximate weight of gold. A85 Polypropylene Funnels 60x to 100x power compact and powerful pocket microscope with built-in light. Two handles included per package. for convenient pocket use . Shipping weight 1 lb Model GMCG Clay Gone Drops clay and suspended material from water in seconds. 16x power folding prospector's pocket loupe. 25 A16C Curved Fine Point Tweezers A15A Stainless Steel 12 inch Long Tweezers PST Suction Tweezers Clear polypropylene tweezers are ideal for saving time when extracting tiny gold particles from your gold pan. Shipping weight 8 lbs. fine specimens. Weight 5 lbs. 9 oz.leaving hands free. These tweezers are ideal for handling extra fine specimens requiring needle points. vial A swing-away unbreakable Folding Magnifier with unbreakcase of tough able Plastic Lens Holder and durable plastic has a Aluminium anodized serves both as a cover also. Requires two AA batteries (not included) and comes with its own carrying case.10x Delux Achromatic Gold Triplet EL43 Watchmaker’s Loupe Wide field. Fits comfortably High quality professional 10x power around the eye while triplet comes with its own case to pre. Our most popular loupe iincluded. 7" inches long. Replace old handles with a comfortable carrying handle. 3. EL8-10x Economy Magnifier EL9 . 6 lb capacity Shipping weightt. . VT 6 Vibro Tumbler A vibrating tumbler is a simple and efficient method. Avoid handle fatigue. Clean impurities. Measures 3 1/4 inches high. 7 lbs. Shipping weight 1 lb ELT11 . 7 inches long. Contains two lenses handle and as a protective case. Use in panning. Triple Lens Diameter 25 mm. just imagine all the gold you will capture that may have been A new bulb sniffer that has a measured reservior missed! This model has a port for emptying to visually inspect values. The fingers follow the irregular contour of bedrock and surfaces for ease of digging.25” long x 1. Both visual and audible indicators.Premium Crevice Tool New! New! This snifter with metal tube is an invaluable tool A22 . Can be worn over a baseball cap as shown in the illustration. The scoop will not react to a metal detector.Moissanite & Cubic Zirconium Tester Ideal digging tool for metal detecting. Includes a compact carrying case. 2 lbs. DT2 Diamond . working dry banks.DETECTING DEVICES. Comes with a velcro pouch and easy to understand instructions. halogen and krypton. The comfortable grip with attached lanyard for ease of carrying. Runs on four standard AA batteries. Size: 160mm x 21mm x 30mm.2 oz Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping wt. Operates on a nine volt battery. dredging tube construction and solid strapping for heavy loads up to 75 lbs. Get the gold out! Shipping weight 1 lb. for retrieval of fine scrapings. You will wonder how you ever prospected New compact model. Weighs only 1. Weight 7.Weighs only 4. visually inspect results. TS NEW Treasure Scoop Tool for digging out coins and rings. Provides both long wave and shortwave UV light commonly used by geologists and treasure hunters alike to detect fluorescent minerals. Keene Hat Sold Separately Shipping weight 2 lbs. headlamp with shatter proof lens equipped with 2 lens reflectors and two bulbs. Weight 4 Ibs. 2 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. metal detecting. Take underwater to a depth of 30 feet! Uses 4 standard AA batteries not included. Batteries not included. Shipping weight 5 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping wt.50 lbs. Zinc plated steel tool removes a clean plug from the ground.75” width) Shipping weight 2 lbs. Uses 3 Standard AAA batteries. 8. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Reaches a distance of up to 100 yards with its super bright. Extract small gold spec. Unscrew and remove bottle for cleaning. Easily scours out bedrock and irregular surfaces. A24 . Features a powerful 2 inch x 24 inch vacuum chamber with a 7" crevice tip. clear visible reservoir that A23 . By moving the sliding rod attached to the spring steel rods can regulate the width. Scoop material and pass over detector to verify values. A27 Crevice Tool Constructed from hardened plated steel with a hooked end for meticulous scraping in tight crevices. The adjustable straps are soft and comfortable. Shipping weight 6 Ibs. Size:160mm x 40mm x 22mm (6. 26 Fits over your favorite baseball cap! HL4 . Ideal for our Dry Washers! Padded shoulder and a waist belt top off this deluxe pack with fold down ledge. and more. HL5 . Made of rugged high impact plastic.Metered Bulb Sniffer New! This is a professional grade. easy to understand instructions and has a one year warranty.7oz. Testing tool to determine if your gem is a Diamond.chamber of material. Shipping weight 3 lbs Works just like our regular bulb snifter only features a metal tube. designed for the backpacker or sniper. Adjust Light To: 1.Bulb Snifter New! BP5 Deluxe Ledge Heavy-Duty Backpack A25 .21 LED Headlamp Ultra Bright High Intensity . Flashes with lights as well as a buzzer.Super Crevice Sucker This Backpack frame is heavy allows values (such as gold) to drop into clear This handy tool is wonderful to use when bottle. or 21 LEDs Shipping weight 2 lbs.This portable rugged pocket size tester uses 3 AAA batteries. Has 5 independent spring steel rods pointing downward. Ship Wt. CDS Coin Digger MF1 MAGIC FINGERS This is a tool used for metal detecting.Backpack Super Sucker for extracting small gold specimens underwater.Halogen Miner’s Headlamp This adjustable headset can also be adjusted up and down and is water resistant. long distance beam. waterproof. Moissanite or a Cubic Zirconium. imens with stainless steel probe and instantly Weighs only 3 Lbs. Includes a spooned and scooped end that is extremely handy An indispensable tool for scraping crevices clean of wet or dry material.25” heigth x . dredging and dry washing. A26 .New Deluxe Bulb Snifter Features a 1 1/2 inch x 14 inch in length vacuum chamber. A27A. 2 lbs. PROSPECTING ACCESSORIES & TOOLS New! PPSL Multibank Pocket DT3 The Presidium Diamond Tester Prospector UV Light The most Reliable Pocket Electronic Diamond Tester that meets most industry standards. duty all around with welded Shipping wt 2 lbs. easy to carry and without it! Shipping weight 2 lbs. Light weight and easy to use. The heavy duty blue rubber grip is ideal for underwater use. Shipping weight 6 lbs. Signature Estwing blue molded shock proof grip. Weight 2 lbs. Weight 2. E34: 4. shock proof grip. Measures 1" x 12". high-banking or metal Shipping weight 5 lbs. E322P 22oz.Combination Pick & Shovel . tempered steel chisel. Equipped with a super strong E30 . 1 1/4" x 8. E32: 2. hound for breaking up dried materials DP24. Weight . Features the This cast metal mattock features a hard wood signature blue molded shock proof grip. prying.Estwing Belt Sheath Weight . ERC8 .5". E323LP 23 oz.Estwing Geo Pick Protect your tools with this fine crafted leather belt sheath from Estwing. Ideal for the rock items from the working area. Three sizes to choose from: head. for comfort and visibility.25 lbs. Shipping weight 3 lbs.25 lbs. Long handle Pick This high quality. Shipping weight 7 lbs.Pick-Mattock quality. dredging and sniping. The heavy duty stainless steel trowel folds and slips neatly into its own handy belt sheath. Estwing Supreme Rock Picks Lightweight compact pick that really digs.55 lbs. The ideal tool for prospecting excursions or even camping trips.12 Inch Chisel DIG . Folded.3 lbs Shipping weight 3 lbs. metal detecting. With a simple flick of the wrist the steel construction fully extends into a rugged 23 1/2 inch length. A well balance pick that works great for dry washing.16” Handle weight 1. this compact implement measures a mere 9" x 6" package and easily fits into any backpack.5 lbs Weight 1. Weight 1.U-Dig-It Hand Trowel This is the ultimate hand trowel for prospecting and metal detecting. EHP .50 lbs. DP16.5". Forged steel & "I-Beam" construction gives this pry bar superior strength. Shipping weight 4 lbs. detecting. Weight 3 lbs. This is the best pick that you will ever own.Gad Pry Bar Estwing quality once again with this high A35 .Built with a spring steel head. prospecting and much more.25 lbs. This tempered steel chisel is an excellent choice for working in deep pockets. crack hammers ideal for use with chisels and Prospector’s Pick This 22 ounce pick features a drop forged pry bars. DETECTOR PICKS Forged steel head and 26 inch long nylon grip enables a nice easy long swing. shock proof grip. Measures 5/8" x 12". ERC7 Wide Splitting Chisel New! New! IT’S BACK!! An absolute must for any dredger for ease in splitting. New! This splitting chisel is made of tempered steel and features a molded. when sluicing. E33: 3. Sure to make short work of breaking through hard material or other light duty materials.5 lbs.Backpackers Folding Shovel Both a pick and a shovel in one tool that adjusts with a simple snap and lock.Leather Grip rare earth magnet mounted on the Rock Pick head that quickly removes metallic Heavy duty rock pick.10 lbs Shipping weight 4 lbs. Length 18 inches. Ideal for dry washing.Economy Top notch Estwing construction makes these 3" x 8. Shipping weight 3 lbs.24” Handle Weight 2. Shipping weight 3 lbs. A perfect size. This splitting chisel is made of tempered steel and features a molded. Shipping weight 3 lbs. ERC9 Wedging & Prying Chisel ERC12 . A37 . a heavy duty fiberglass handle and a foam rubber grip. Slip your rock pick into the slot and secure it with the heavy duty snaps.65lbs. tubular handle and rubber grip.MORE PROSPECTING TOOLS E314P 14 oz. Weight 2. Weight 1. heavy duty rock pick is dredger’s choice and will last a lifetime.20 lbs. Estwing Crack Hammers A36 . GP18 . Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping weight 4 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. 27 BFS . Shipping weight 4 lbs. Shipping weight 3 lbs. Shipping weight 4 lbs.75 lbs. Shipping weight 4 lbs. scraping as well as opening seams and crevices.5 lbs. handle and classic GI style pick and blade.Splitting Chisel Weight 1. Excellent for light duty jobs. A must just for the extra hand it gives you in holding your pick! BS1 . accurate and less expensive. XL & XXL. Extremely accurate to one 1000th (. Professional accuracy with Tare Feature. 2 lbs. Crossed Pick & Shovel Green. Features a military style backing. Also is a counting scale. LG. carats & pennyweights An extremely durable scale with lighted digital display. hard folding case. One size fits most.CPPS Camouflage Shipping weight 2 lbs. GS505 Gold & K E E N E ME RCHA NDIS RC HAND IS E. coffee mug with the Available only in beige Keene Engineering logo camouflage. Operates on 4 AAA batteries (included). CO LLECTO R & N OVELTY ITEM S High quality Keene “T shirt” features single pocket styling. Keene Engineering Hooded Sweat Shirt KHJ This unique pin displays a prospector hard at work with his gold pan.37) inch in height. grains. hat or anyEmbroidered Keene New! where you wish to show your Prospecting Pride! Cold Weather Hat KH4 Features a military style backKeep your ears and head warm ing. Measures approximately 70mm (2. grams. ounces & pennyweights The ESG1 gold scale is more compact. Gold Miner Collector Pin CPGM in cold weather with this wool pull down hat Shipping wt 1 lb. ESV1 Digital Pro Velocity Scale grams. carats & pennyweights Compact heavy duty scale with lighted digital display. 90% Cotton 10% polyester. Shipping weight. Weight 129 grams Shipping weight 1 lb. Finely polished wooden case zeroing damper. Lighted Digital Display.50 inches) long x 66mm (2. Weighs tenths of a carat. Features Auto off & add up function. Features: stainless steel tray.75) inch in height.Po r t a b l e G o l d & D i a m o n d S c a l e s ESG1 Digital Pocket Gold Scale grams. 5 year warranty. Operates on 2 AAA batteries (included). Green Camouflage & Beige Collector Pin . grains. Keene Logo & Pick Collector Pin . Measures approximately 128mm (5 inches) long X 77mm (3) inches wide X 20mm (. Colors: Black. Black with gold decal in front and gold Logo on back. Capacity of 10 grams. A professional digital diamond scale. This scale has a maximum capacity of 500 grams.Shipping weight 1 lb.Shipping weight 1 lb.1). grains. Shipping weight 1 lb.CPK Embroidered Keene Wide Brim Hat .Weight 1 lb. compact diamond This classic scale is scale will weigh up to 50 carats and is sensitive to one tenth of a carat equipped with fast (0. Weight 116 grams. Weight 116 grams. Measures approximately 70mm (2. Auto Off. Shipping weight 6 lbs. calibration weights and tweezers for handling small specimens. 3 AAA batteries (included) and auto off feature. Marvelous detail to this pin that is sure to be a treasEmbroidered Keene Baseball Hat . Professional accuracy with Tare Feature and a 5-year warranty. Maximum capacity of 500 grams & Accurate to 1/10th of a gram. ounces. Solid brushed cotton twill with velcro strap clo.KH3 This unique gold tone pin displays the Keene Logo and crossed This stylish hat features miner’s pick. This pin is an elegant accent to any lapel. 3 AAA batteries (included) and auto off. Shipping weight 2 lbs. 5 year warranty. tie. (0. Shipping weight 2 lbs. & pennyweights ESD3 Pro Diamond Scale DS1 Diamond Scale Reloading Scale This precision.001) of a gram with Tare Feature. XL & XXL. Shipping weight. grains. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Available in M. gantly embroidered in our signature gold. Available in M. sure. Beige. Calibration weight included. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Also is a counting scale. LG. the Keene name Keene Coffee Mug KCM elegantly embroidered Quality 11 ounce black in our signature gold. Features: stainless steel platform & removable plastic tray. 1 lb. Professional accuracy with Tare Feature and a 5-year warranty. ESM3 Digital Pro Magnum Scale grams.75 inches) wide x 100mm (4) inches long x 20mm (3/4) inch in height. Dimensions:1 3/8" x 4 3/8" cision stability. carats.75 inches) wide x 100mm (4) inches long x 20mm (3/4) inch in height. Maximum capacity of 150 grams & Accurate to 1/100th of a gram. Gray. Accurate to 1/10th of a gram. ounces. 28 . easy that is small enough to carry in your to read balance beam.1). Comes with a vinyl carryextra large leveling wheel and an improved platform for preing case.KH2 ure in your own collection This stylish hat features the Keene name elefor years to come. ounces. 5 Colors: Black.5) inches wide 35mm (1. Pink and Green. Features: stainless steel platform & removable plastic tray. Accurate to plus or minus one tenth of a grain x 2 1/2" Weight 1 lb. Scale size 115mm (4. pocket. Weight 296 grams. Made in the USA. Size M & L Shipping weight. 2 lbs. Shipping weight 1 lb . Keene Engineering T-Shirts KTS High quality Warm Keene “Hooded Sweat Shirt Jacket” features full pockets and drawstring hood. Folding clear cover to protect from air ventilation. New Industrial heavy duty knee pads feature a single adjustable velcro and neoprene strap.11. This suit has proven to be extremely durable for both recreational and commercial divers. warm and durable. flexible and a highly versatile urethane rubber based compound that exhibits exceptional adhesive and sealant qualities.BT3 An Industrial adhesive that is tough. An absolute must for the gold diver! Shipping weight 8. 8. contoured arms and legs for added ease in movement as well as rolled cuffs.13 Shipping weight 3 lbs.G4K5 . 1 lb.5 lbs. heavy duty insulated gloves in new color dark green. Shipping weight 1 lb. heavy duty exterior nylon lining and a lush interior lining for maximum comfort and mobility.G4K3 5 MM Kevlar Neoprene Gloves . These Skins also make getting in and out of wet suits a breeze! Made from heavy weight. Shipping weight 5 lbs. Features the famous plush Gold Core lining.DH1 This diving hood is constructed of 1/4" superstretch neoprene and has a plush. Bottom line is that this suit is simply a superior suit that any diver or dredger will treasure. This neoprene Diver's Boot is extremely comfortable. The suit is lined with a smooth titanium lining that greatly increases the warmth in the critical area such the chest areas and arms. 29 3 MM Kevlar Neoprene Gloves . Featuring reinforced stitching. Cold Water Diving Hood . two piece "Farmer John" step through style wet suit is a rugged suit that has proven over the years to be a workhorse for the gold dredger. Kevlar on the palms. M. Extremely comfortable with molded rubber cap affording both shin and knee protection. fingers and back of fingertips making these gloves the perfect choice for use while dredging. It is constructed of super flex neoprene rubber with built-in knee pads.G3 New! These new gloves feature textured vinyl coating that is ideal for griping rocks and working underwater while providing flexibility and snag resistance! One size fits most. Sizes: S. Provides for excellent warmth and comfort. Shipping weight 3 lbs. Panner’s Gloves G6 Heavy Duty Knee Pads .10. fingers and backs of fingertips provide for superior abrasion resistance and longer wear. Providing superior warmth and comfort with an ample 5mm thickness. Equipped with reinforced knee pads and the all important relief zipper in the farmer john portion of the wet suit.DH2 This is the ultimate hood for dredging. Available in regular and long sizes. Extend the life of your dive suit. titanium coated smooth skin SCS neoprene 7mm super stretch double sided nylon.5 lbs. Industrial Adhesive E-6000 Underwater Work Gloves . Fabulous for protecting hands in cold water and a must for safety when working with mild chemicals. With a 5 millimeter thickness. This wet suit is constructed out of the latest materials.5” LGE 39-41 33-35 38-40 170 lbs 6’ 29” 29” DV3 . SM CHEST 35-37 WAIST 29-31 HIPS 34-36 WEIGHT 140 lbs HEIGHT 5’8” INSEAM 27” TORSO 27” MED 37-38 31-33 36-38 155 lbs 5’10” 28” 28” M/L 38-40 32-34 160 lbs 5’11” 28. especially at the end of a long hard day. Ideal for suction hose & wet suit repair. Size Chart for Diving Suits L/L 39-41 33-35 38-40 180 lbs 6’3” 31” 31” XL 41-43 35-37 40-42 185 lbs 6’1” 30” 30” XLL 41-43 35-37 40-42 190 lbs 6’4” 32” 32” XXL 45-47 37-39 42-44 200 lbs 6’2” 31” 31” XXXL 45-47 39-41 44-46 220 lbs 6’2” 31” 31” Gold Core Diving Hood .This heavy duty commercial wet suit is extremely warm and especially engineered for the gold diver. Shipping weight 1 lb. Shipping weight 1 lb. Superior abrasion resistance is provided with Kevlar palms. Shipping weight. these gloves are ideal for extreme cold water conditions. Sizes: S. The vulcanized sole has been extended to wrap around to the top of the boot as well for additional durability against wear and tear while dredging.Commercial Dive Suit 5mm DVHS Hotskins The "Lycra Hot Skins" are very highly recommended and are the ideal undergarment to give you better insulation as well as keeping you warm while diving. One size fits most. The suit is also equipped with ankle zippers that makes the wet suit much easier to take on and off. Shipping weight 1 lb. 1lb. L and XL. Professional Dive Suit DV4 DIVING APPAREL & ACCESSORIES This high quality. M. Hard Sole Diver's Boots . L and XL. Shipping weight. The super soft neoprene material glued and blind stitched for minimal leakage and for maximum warmth and comfort. Shipping weight. comfortable interior lining and nylon exterior.A461 This glove is the answer for warmth in cold water conditions with its 3 millimeter thickness. an extra heavy duty zipper. four-way stretch Lycra material that looks as good as it performs.5” 28. Available in sizes: 8. 9. All the panning pro's can be seen wearing these full-length. Gold dredgers typically spend all day in a wet suite so a relief zipper is considered a very important asset. Shipping weight 8. a high collar.12.5 lbs. Diver's Weight -W15 Large Weight Mold . The belt is equipped with a quick release buckle for safety and ease of fastening. tion System. Shot Weight Belt WB4 5 lb. DIVING EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES Professional Mask . low pressure air compressors. Hardline Comunication Head Set and FM5R Full-Face Mask COMMK7 Buddy-Line® - Hard line Underwater CommunicaMicrophone.Removable 2nd stage for easy cleaning and storage.Shipping weight 5 lbs.M5 Dredger's Mask . COMEM Ear & Microphone Assy. Includes OTS Ambient Breathing Valve® and Mask Bag.W5 PSmall Weight Mold - This lead Diver's Weight slips easily onto your weight belt and is contoured for a comfortable fit. This mask actually increases your peripheral vision. You can melt your own lead for cost effective savings and produce up to a 15 pound weight with this mold. Soft. Shipping weight 3 lbs. Can be set up with wireless or hardline communication system. Pull the one large steal ring and you have a 4 point release. Harness .WM15 This belt is constructed of 2 inch wide nylon webbing in an extra long length of 60 inches for heavier weights used in gold diving. light weight tubing and large purge are all features that bring comfort and convenience to diver Shipping weight 2 lbs. Shipping weight 6 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. Clearing your mask is much easier with the featured purge valve system. Weighs 4. Air flow is directed up over the visor to eliminate fogging.Shipping weight 5 lbs. Air Regulator . It will allow Communication line 2 color clear communications. Includes the 100 feet. The clear silicone material provides for additional light around the lens and a better face seal. then this is your mask.H1 New! This is the ultimate professional weight belt. This belt conforms to your body making it extremely comfortable to wear. 30 Weight Belt . Mold your own. This mask is ideal for dredging due to the large exhaust purge valve that allows for easy pressure compensation and clearing. The MK-7 BuddyLine Earphone Communication is a compact.5 lbs Shipping weight 6 lbs. . Shipping weight 2 lbs. Diver's Weight .WB2 This solid 15 pound lead weight is molded from our WM15 weight mold and is contoured for a comfortable fit. Easily slips on to your weight belt or try it on our WB2 belt! Shipping weight 16 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. clear silicone rubber gives you more comfort and a better fit. well designed splash guard. This harness is a must for safety as it prevents pull on the regulator and keeps the air line out of the diver's way.M4 Snorkel SN1 If you want greater visibility as well as comfort and safety. The weight is molded from our Model WM5 weight molds. For use with Hookah style diving equipment only. normal breathing and comfort in cold water. Includes a communications port for easy installation.The M4 mask is made of clear silicone rubber for the ultimate fit and the close to the face design gives a wide field of vision. Shipping weight 2 lbs.R1 This harness consists of an adapter for air line and a quick release buckle. self-contained one or COM100R two-diver air intercom. The MK-7 BuddyLine was specifically designed for commercial diver to have an underwater communication device that needs little set-up time Shipping weight 10 lbs Contact factory for further details and pricing Low pressure hookah diving regulator is designed for easier breathing at lower working pressure for smaller. up to 5 pounds worth. Shipping weight 3 lbs. Accommodates a standard regulator which inserts into mask for unrestricted. with this nifty little weight mold! What could be more cost effective? Molding with lead can WM5 15 lb. Lead shot is placed into individual bags that can be removed and installed in seconds! The belt can hold up to 60 pounds of lead shot too! Shot weights not included. Shipping weight 10 lbs. Shipping weight:15 deluxe headset (with boom mic). Full face mask with low pressure regulator is designed to meet the demanding needs of today's commercial/professional diver. allowing you to keep a close eye on your surroundings. This belt is designed and engineered with the same quick release system that a parachute uses. Carefully sculptured mouthpiece. quick release holder. FM3 Full Face Mask This full face mask features improved silicone construction for longer life and comfort. Mold your own contoured diving weight with this mold.Not compatible with Scuba gear. 100 Ft.RT4 Diving Air Hose Bare 9 Gallon High Pressure Reserve Tank . 10 lbs. colored optic yellow for high visibility and floats on surface of water to reduce tangles. 5 lbs. all stainless steel 9 gallon reserve tank. Equipped with ing standards. suits.RT1 The RT1 is a three gallon Marlex polymer plastic reserve tank that can accommodate two divers. Weight 12 lbs.C1 urethane rubber and has an antiseptic acKeene's very own C1 compound gives a tion to prevent growth of orpatching glue is ideal flexible. The maximum working pressure of 250 PSI with a burst pressure of 1000 PSI. Dimensions: 21" Long x 15" Diameter x 19" Tall. Just one application lasts all day long! Shipping weight 1 lb. reserve tank. Shipping weight 5 lbs 6 lbs 7 lbs. 4 lbs. 18 lbs. brush. wt. 30 Ft. Weight 14 lbs. quick release connectors and all fittings to adapt to your selection. 2 2 50 lbs. Working pressure of 125 PSI. 58 lbs. 1 1 46 lbs. male and female.MC1 This indispensable solution is an anti-fog and lens cleaner for diving masks. Deluxe 9 Gallon High Pressure Reserve Tank . 31 EAR DRY . Equipped with two 1/4" male and female fittings and is available in 30 inches and 12 inches long For use with model T80 air compressors only. two 1/4" ports and has a working pressure of 125 PSI. 1 1 19 lbs. 115 lbs.SE1 . Shipping weight 2 lbs.These kits include a regulator. Shipping weight 35 lbs. Air reserve tanks are essential for safety as well as a continuously smooth air supply during heavy physical exertion. Resists corrosion and rust beautifully. This hose connector is equipped with two 1/4" fittings. 40Ft. heavy duty. Shipping weight 2 lbs. suction preventative against outer hoses and almost This 4 ounce can of neoprene ear infections . 50 Ft. 2x30 Feet 2 2 31 lbs. wt. 30 inches & 12 inchs long. Shipping weight 2 lbs. 1 1 46 lbs. 1x20 Feet 1 1 17 lbs. sport goggles and optical lenses. Shipping weight 9 lbs. 1 1 46 lbs. Dimensions: 21" Long x 15" Diameter x 19" Tall. 50 lbs. 2 2 46 lbs. 4 Gallon High Pressure Reserve Tank . waterganisms that cause for quick repairs on proof patch to wet infection.C2 Wet Suit Patching Super Sea Drops .5" Diameter. Shipping weight. Dimensions are 20" Long x 7. HP4120 1x20 Feet HP4130 1x30 Feet HP4140 1x40 Feet HP4150 1x50 Feet HP41100 1x100 Feet HP4220 2x20 Feet HP4230 2x30 Feet HP4250 2x50 Feet HP42100 2x100 Feet Model Hose Assy Reg Harness Ship. Low Pressure Kits include a RT1 Reserve Tank for T80 & KAC Compressors and High Pressure Kits are designed to be used with 263 Compressors. Shipping weight 30 lbs. For use with model 263 & KAC1 air compressors. harness. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 35 lbs. HOSES.5 lbs. 1x40 Feet 1 1 19 lbs. Comes coupled with 1/4" female on both ends. Weight 5 lbs. 1x30 Feet 1 1 18 lbs.RT9S Part # AH20 AH30 AH40 AH50 AH100 AH300 Length 20 Ft.. air hose. Dimensions: 21" Long x 13" Diameter Weight 7 lbs. 300 Ft Weight 3 lbs. 1 1 46 lbs. 9 Gallon High Pressure Kits Low Pressure Kits High Pressure Kits Kits include a RT4 Reserve Tank. All stainless steel reserve tank is our same high quality RT9 tank but the RT9S comes equipped with pin lock Hanson fittings to accommodate 2 divers and steam hose. any type of rubber or plastic! glue comes with applicator Shipping weight 1 lb. PARTS & ACCESSORIES AIR TANKS. 1x50 Feet 1 1 20 lbs.Fully compliant with federal regulations for breathcommodating either one or two divers. Professional Diving hose that is kink resistant. 2x20 Feet 2x30 Feet 2x40 Feet 2x50 Feet HP92100 2x100 Feet HP92300 2x300 Feet Model HP9220 HP9230 HP9240 HP9250 Hose Assy Reg Harness Ship. A heavy duty Ear Dry dries out moisture Glue . Low Pressure Reserve Tank . This stainless steel reserve tank is capable of ac. 1x100 Feet 1 1 31 lbs. 3. includes two 1/4" ports and has a working pressure of 60 PSI. 2x20 Feet 2 2 31 lbs. 14 lbs. 2 2 46 lbs. 43 lbs. 2x50 Feet 2 2 31 lbs. 8 lbs. Shipping weight 2 lbs. 45 lbs.RT9 High quality. REGULATOR & HARNESS KITS Model LP120 LP130 LP140 LP150 LP1100 LP220 LP230 LP250 Hose Assy Reg Harness Ship. Steam Hose Connector Air Hose Connector This flexible hose connector is for our RT1 reserve tank and connects to low pressure air compressors. A guaranteed wet suits. HC12 HC30 Hose Connector 12 inches long Hose Connector 30 inches long Aquaseal . Working pressure of 125 PSI. wt. Kits include a RT9 Reserve Tank AIR SUPPLY EQUIPMENT. 38 lbs. HCST12 HCST30 Steam Hose Connector 12 inches long Steam Hose Connector 30 inches long This is a flexible hose used for all high pressure compressors that produce higher temperatures and is used to connect the compressors to the air reserve tank. 2 2 46 lbs. 40 lbs. 1/4" Adjustable Pressure Relief Valve Shipping Weight: 1lb. Comes with 4 different springs for different pressure ranges. Shipping weight 1lb. 40 lbs. The compressors are mounted under water for cooling and providing minimum power draw and optimum air output. Shipping weight 1lb.1/4 inch on-off brass ball valve. A5C . Tote Float frame with rubber lanyards only.This 1/4 inch unloader check valve is recommended for use with the 263 compressor. FITTINGS AND PARTS CDAF1 Class D 5 micro filter for T80 CDAF2 Class D air Filters 40 micron for 263 Air Compressor Ship weight 1 lb. A6A .13" x 32"  Running Time . A1 .1/4" x 1/8" regulator to air hose connector.Eliminate cross fittings and elbows with this 3-Way Hose Manifold. A5A . stainless steel hardware. Due to the low center of gravity. Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping weight 1lb. 35 lbs.1/4 inch female tee fitting. Shipping weight 1lb. A5F . Shipping weight 1lb. A5D .1/4 Inch quick release female Hansen fitting with safety lock. 32 263AF Air Filter Assembly for 263 Air Compressor Shipping weight 1 lb.1/4 inch male x female street elbow. Shipping weight 1lb. A5L . This sealed environment of the HydroAir system provides a long lasting and dependable life. Shipping weight 1lb.2 to 4 hours depending on consumer requirements.1/4 inch pipe thread valve stem.Perfect for Sport Diving. Shipping weight 1lb.Air filler valve used for filling inflatable tubes. A8HSS -1/4 inch stainless steel non locking Hansen socket used for extreme salt water conditions.1/4 inch male pipe to pipe connector. Ideal for plugging in multiple divers fittings etc. Equipped with flotation. Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping wt.1/4" x 1/4" male air hose to pipe connector. Treasure Hunting and More! Patent Number 5924416 HydroAir Batter y Powered Diving System . The HydroAir utilizes a group 24 RV marine battery or other similar battery configuration. Shipping weight 1lb.1/4 inch male receptacle for A8H Hansen fittings.HAS Battery Location HydroAir incorporates a lightweight and efficient 12-volt powered air supply diving system. A3 . A5M . The Tote Float This floating wonder securely holds your small compressor system and floats it where you need it. A5I . the HydroAir is extremely stable even in rough water conditions. A5E .Stainless steel and brass 1/4" check valve. Shipping weight 1lb A8HM . Shipping weight 1lb.1/4 inch air hose regulator adapter used for the H2 harness.1/4 inch brass tank drain valve to be used on all our tanks excluding the RT1. A5B . A2B . low center of gravity flotation is facilitated by the molded Marlex shell frame. A9 .23" x 18"  Flotation Dimensions . Supports up to 100 lbs.1/4" to 1/2" bushing adapter used for Reserve Tank RT4. Shipping weight 1lb. 1lb. A stable. with a very clean set up.1/4 inch female pipe to pipe connector. A8H . A5G . Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping weight 1lb. Model TF1 AIR ACCESSORIES. Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping weight 1lb.SCUBA tank adapter conforms 2nd stage valve to standard 1/4" air hose.3/4" to 1/4" bushing used for Reserve Tank RT9. The Tote Float utilizes a truck tube for its flotation and can support up to 100 pounds! The shell provides a rigid form for the inner tube and is anchored by 4 snap lanyards. Each tank requires 2 bushings. Shipping wt. RT9S and RT25. Specifications:  Body Dimensions .1/4" Air hose connector fits standard air hose 1/4" x 1/4" male.1/4 inch air or water pressure gauge has a two inch dial that reads from 0 to 160 PSI. Equipped with a dual air compressor system that maximizes battery life by working only on demand by use of pressure switches. 1/4" female thread. A4 .1/4 inch female cross fitting. A8 . A5J . HydroAir requires virtually no maintenance and is quick. A5K . A2 . easy and fun to use. diving flag. Our standard compressor base plates easily fit onto the 4 shock mounted bolts. A6 . Shipping weight 1lb. straps and built in handles.1/4 inch male receptacle for A8H female Hanson fittings. . Shipping weight 1lb. Shipping weight 1lb. no inner tube. Each tank requires 2 bushings. A5H . Shipping wt.1/4 inch male thread included in this quick release coupling set. Shipping weight 1lb. The HydroAir is constructed of a heavy duty Marlex plastic and is a safety orange in color. a vinyl float cover.  Two Divers can achieve 25 feet in depth  Net weight 29 pounds  Shipping weight 70 pounds Model TF3 Complete Tote Float with 1100 x 20 inner tube.  One Diver can achieve 75 feet in depth. Truly a must-have for any diver. A8HF . Shipping weight 1lb. 6 CFM at free air. Weight 7. making it ideal for mounting on boats equipped with generators. Shock mounted on heavy duty. Powered by the New 2. corrosion resistant base and includes a KAS2 safety air snorkel. dredging. spear fishing ans general sport diving.5hp Honda 4 Cycle with a belt driven T80 or the new KAC Compressor. Weight 63 lbs. corrosion resistant comes complete with base plate. This is a medium duty diaphragm compressor with pressure relief valve. This lightweight aluminum compressor revolutionizes the compressor market. a small economical two diver air compressor without the extra weight. Equipped with a KAS1 Safety Air Snorkel and shock mounted on a heavy duty corrosion resistant base. Shock mounted on heavy duty. Compressor Model Weight Ship wt KAC T80 263 33 KAS3 1 lb. Model KAS2 does not include air filters. boat and dock maintenance. pool repair. Produces 1.T80 Electric Motor Driven Heavy Duty Air Compressor . 3. Weight 31 lbs. 4 HP Honda Driven Medium Duty Air Compressor . Air filters must be purchased separately.8 CFM at 45 PSI. This is one heavy duty.5 lbs.263G This is our 263 Model compressor. 2.5 horsepower Briggs and Stratton engine with recoil starter drives this compressor.8 CFM at 45 PSI.AIR COMPRESSORS & ENGINE COMBINATIONS Model KAC1 Compressor State of the Art Air Compressor that delivers double the air supply of the T80 compressor. Produces 4. Pulley not included. urchin and cucumber diving. 4 lbs.T80E The T80E motor driven compressor is powered by a 1/2 horsepower capacitor start. hull cleaning.T80GH 4 HP Honda Engine Driven Medium Duty Air Compressor . Most snorkel assemblys include an air filter and fittings as pictured. Weight 40 lbs. teflon piston compressor with pressure relief valve. belt driven by a 4 horsepower Honda engine with recoil starter. Shipping weight 50 lbs. The motor can be run on 110 or 220 volts and it is shock mounted. At last.NPT threaded intake port for mounting a variety of air snorkels and a 5/8ths key way nector Hose shaft. Can be mounted in any position. This compressor is recommended for deep diving. Produces a maximum of 125 PSI. (includes adjustable pressure relief valve) Produces up to 6 Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) and up to 60 pounds per square inch (PSI). Weight 19 lbs.5 horsepower Briggs and Stratton engine with recoil starter. corrosion resistant base and includes a KAS2 safety air snorkel.Produces 1. Shipping Weight 70 lbs.5 HP Engine Driven Medium Duty Air Compressor .263 Electric Motor Driven Medium Duty Air Compressor . Shipping weight 36 lbs. KACGHM Lightweight Mini Compressor MODEL T80GHM & KACGHM Weighs Only 27 lbs.8 CFM at 45 PSI. 5 CFM at 40 PSI. KACAF Air Filter KACBG Belt Shroud Model KACAF Air Filter (use only with T80 & KAC Compressors) Model KACAFE Replaceable Air Filter Cartridge Heavy duty 263 teflon piston compressor mounted directly to a 3/4 horsepower electric motor with capacitor start! This little package is very portable and compact. bulk and cost of the Model 263 air compressor. 4 lbs. See page 32 for 263AF filter for KAS2. Gets up to 5 hours on a single gallon of gasoline. Ready to install with fittings and installation brackets. Safety Air Snorkels The purpose of the safety snorkel is to help prevent carbon monoxide inhalation by keeping the air intake away from engine exhaust. hull cleaning. 3.1 CFM at 20 PSI. For single diver use only. 6 CFM at free air. KAS2 2 lbs. Weight 53 lbs. Shipping weight 10 lbs. Produces 1. 115 volt electric motor. Equipped with aluminum base plate belt guard air snorkel and a comfortable carrying handle. Each snorkel is made specifically for an individual compressor and is super easy to install. Shipping weight 50 lbs. 6 lbs. lighter. Engineered to be easily serviced in the field. KAS3 KAS1 KAS2 . Factory recommended RPM is 1800 5/8" key way shaft. A potent 3. belt driven by a 3. Accommodates up to 3 divers.T80G 3. Shock mounted to a heavy duty corrosion resistant base and features a 6 foot cord with switch. Shock mounted on a heavy duty corrosion resistant base and comes with a KAS1 Safety Air Snorkel. and more compact that the Model T80. Equipped with internal and external cooling fans for longer life. Shipping weight 70 lbs.263E Heavy Duty Air Compressor . Produces 1. Typical performance: 4 CFM @ 30 PSI. The T80 compressors are recommended for shallow diving conditions including dredging. 5 CFM at 40 PSI. Shipping weight 25 lbs. This is our 263 Model compressor.5 CFM at 100 PSI Weight 41 lbs.5 CFM at 50 PSI. Shipping weight 50 lbs. Extremely quiet operation. KAS1 1 lb. Maximum RPM 2800. Medium Duty Air Compressor .8 CFM at 45 PSI. This is the lightest and most compact compressor system on the market today. Equipped with two 1/4” discharge pressure ports and a half inch large HC1 Con.5 HP Engine Driven Medium Duty Air Compressor . Weight 40 lbs. Weight 7 lbs Shipping weight 10 lbs Adapter kits are now available for upgrading the T-80 to the new KAC1. weighs 7 pounds and is smaller. boat and dock maintenance. crustacean harvesting. Produces a maximum of 125 PSI. T80GHM Shipping weight 35 lbs. crustacean harvesting and spear fishing! Comes complete with pulley and produces 6 CFM at free air or 5 CFM at 40 PSI. Recommended RPM is 1450.263GH This compressor system features a 4 horsepower Honda engine and compressor. 37 lbs. 170 lbs. 2000 . 79 lb. 18 lbs.2500 5/8” threaded only 200/165 2” x 1. 122 lbs. 28 lbs. 32 lbs. 140 lbs. 78 lbs. 5" x 4" 1450/180 560 610 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs. 45 lbs.6200 425/145 1”thrd or 1” key x 3/8” 16 lbs. 220 lbs. 69 lbs. 42 lbs.2500 1. 150 lbs. 5100 . 5" x 4" 1500/220 800 850 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs. 8200 4” x 3” 600/180 17 lbs.5” x 2” 300/150 6 lbs. 10 lbs. 39 lbs. 80 lbs. 5100 .CENTRIFUGAL JETTING PUMPS & ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS P90GH PHP160 Model Engine & Hp Range Model of Number Description Pump P90 P90 GX50 Honda P90GH25 P90 GX50 Honda PHP160 PHP160 3 to 6 Hp PHP160 PHP1604 GX120 Honda PHP160 PHP1604C GX120 Honda P180 5 to 7 Hp P180 P185 T875 Intec Pro BS P180 P185C T875 Intec Pro BS P180 P185CH GX200 Honda P180 P185CHKAC GX200 Honda P180 P185H GX200 Honda P180 P350 8 to 11 Hp P350 P359BCH GX200 Honda P350 P359H GX200 Honda P350 P3510DE L100V Yanmar P350 P3510DEC L100V Yanmar P350 P3513HE GX390 Honda P350 P3513HEC GX390 Honda P350 PHP500 9 to 23 Hp PHP500 PHP5009H GX200 Honda PHP500 PHP5009HKAC GX200 Honda PHP500 PHP50013E GX390 Honda PHP500 PHP50013E263 GX390 Honda PHP500 PHP50013EKAC GX390 Honda PHP500 P350S 16 to 25 Hp P350S P3523V 23 Vanguard P350S P3523VC 23 Vanguard P350S P150040K Kohler Pro 1000 P1500 p150040KC Kohler Pro 1000 P1500 42 Hp Kubota Diesel P1500 P1500D42C 42 Hp Kubota Diesel P1500 P1500D42 P1500D 60 hp Deutz Diesel P1500 P1500DC 60 hp Deutz Diesel P1500 P1500D2 95 hp Deutz Diesel 2 x P1500 P1500D2C 95 hp Deutz Diesel 2 x P1500 F R E E S TA N D I N G C E N T R I F U G A L P U M P S P359H P150040K P185C P3523V Intake & GPM Compressor Belt Pump Unit ShippingSeries Discharge Head Press & Shaft Size Weight Weight Weight 5/8” keyed 1/4” 1. 23 lbs.6200 400/120 4” x 3” 16 lbs. 20 lbs.6200 KAC & A24 2.6200 2. 5" x 4" 1400/150 175 225 8100 1 1/4 keyway 32 lbs. 156 lbs. 8200 263/ A38 4” x 3” 600/180 17 lbs.6200 400/120 4” x 3” 16 lbs. 180 lbs. 90 lbs.6200 263 & A41 400/120 4” x 3” 16 lbs. 6100 263 & A38 400/170 3” x 2.5” x 2” 300/150 6 lbs. 40 lbs. 42 lbs. 10 lbs. 90 lbs. 130 lbs.6200 263 & A38 425/130 4” x 3” 16 lbs.25” 100/161 4 lbs. 150 lbs. 80 lbs. 5" x 4" 1500/220 1080 1150 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs. 6200 400/170 3” x 2.50’” 5 lbs.6200 500/200 1”thrd or 1” key x 3/8” 17 lbs. 69 lbs. 179 lbs. 2500-3400 200/150 2” x 1. 5 lbs. 149 lbs. 58 lbs.5” x 2” Threaded 3” x 2. 195 lbs. 20 lbs.50” 200/150 5 lbs. 37 lbs. 5100 .5” x 2” 300/150 6 lbs. 10 lbs. 19 lbs. 5100 .5” Threaded 4” x 3” Threaded 4” x 3” Threaded 5” x 4” Threaded P355S Intake & Weight Discharge 9 lbs.25” 100/161 4 lbs.. 5" x 4" 1500/220 1120 1250 8100 PHP165 Model Number PHP165 P195 PHP505 P355 P355S P1500 PHP505 P195 Recommended Gallons Per Maximum Engine Size Minute Head Lift 3-5 5-7 9-20 9-13 16-25 40-60 200 Gallons 310 Gallons 500 Gallons 450 Gallons 600 Gallons 1500 Gallons 200 Feet 180 Feet 200 Feet 150 Feet 185 Feet 220 Feet 34 P355 Shaft Size 5/8 Inch 5/8 Inch 3/4 Inch 3/4 Inch 3/4 Inch 1. 155 lbs..5” x 2” 300/180 5/8thr or 3/4” x 5/16” 6 lbs. 68 lb. 58 lbs. 158 lbs. 240 lbs.6200 4” x 3” T80 & A30 400/120 4” x 3” 16 lbs.5” 17 lbs.5” 17 lbs. 180 lbs. .5” x 2” 300/150 6 lbs. 155 lbs.6200 T80 & A27 2.6200 T80 &  A27 2.25 Inch 2” x 1.5” Threaded 2. 30 lbs. 5" x 4" 1400/150 200 250 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs. 40 lbs. 18 lbs. 17 lbs. P1500 Shipping Weight 14 lbs. 21 lbs.5” 17 lbs. 6 lbs. 69 lbs. 21 lbs. 3500 . 6100 KAC & A30 400/170 3” x 2. 26 lbs. 4 lbs. 67 lbs. 2500-3400 T80  & A27 2” x 1. 20 lbs. 5100 . 3” x 2. 5100 .6200 425/130 4” x 3” 16 lbs. 2000 .5” x 1.5” 17 lbs. 8200 1 1/4 keyway 32 lbs. 3500 .50’” 5 lbs. 5" x 4" 1500/220 850 900 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs.5” 17 lbs. 3500 . 17 lbs.5” x 2” 300/150 6 lbs. 3500 . 3500 .5” 6200 375/160 3” x 2. 250-3400 2.6200 2.5” x 1. 58 lbs. 5" x 4" 1450/180 530 580 8100 Belt Drive 39 lbs. 6200 KAC & A30 375/160 3” x 2. 128 lbs. 24 lbs. 6100 1” Threaded only 4” x 3” 600/180 17 lbs. 5100 . 12 lbs. 15 lbs. 3500 . 1 lb.5 Inch Female PHC15M 1. Standard Bulk Length Length Lay-Flat Pressure Hose Tachometer and hour meter that is ideal for any dredge. Shipping weight 2 lbs These water pump seal kits come complete with seals. Water Pump Seal Kits 1 lb. sealant and a seal tool that makes installation a snap! Ship wt: 1 lb. 100 Ft. 1 lb. per hour Ship wt. 15-20 Ft. Easily installed with double sided tape or sheet metal screws. Part # Size SHC2 2 Inch SHC25 2. 1 lb. NH15 1. 300 Ft. QC2F 2 Inch QC2M 2 Inch QC25F 2. 2. 25-50 Ft.5” FV30 3” FV40 4” FV50 5” NEW Foot Valves with Strainers MODEL PUMP BASES Rubber shock mounted base to align engine. Working pressures from 50 to 75 PSI. H O S E S A C C E S S O R I E S & PA R T S 12 Volt Water Pumps Molded Marlex foot valve includes a plated steel strainer and large filler cap. 25-50 Ft. Kit # Pump Seal # WPK1 WPK2 WPK3 WPK4 P60 P90-P180 P200-P350 P1500 WPS1 WPS2 WPS3 WPS4 Foot Valve Assemblies Assembly FVA14 FVA15 FVA20 FVA25 FVA30 FVA40 FVA50 FVA15E FVA2E FVA40E Hose Size 48” x 1. M OTO R S .TACH Suction Hose Couplings with Clamps 25-50 Ft.5” FV20 2” FV25 2. SA3 SAH4 SA5 SAH65 With 8 Ft.5” 43 lbs. through” capability that visually PHC1M 1 Inch Male shows the water flow in the hose. PHC2M 2 Inch Male 10 Ft. 50 Ft. NH3 3” 62 lbs. 100 Ft. 6-10-20 Ft. unscrew hose connector. Pressure Hose Couplers Heavy duty quick release pressure Part # Size couplings are made QC1F 1 Inch of a solid aluminum QC1M 1 Inch body with brass ears and stainless QC15F 1. To replace rubber seal. RP1100-1100 gal. 100 Ft.5” 25 lbs.1100GPH Ideal for recirculation systems to include gold concentrators.25” FV15 1. 100 Ft. 100 Ft.5 Inch steel pins. 50 Ft. PHC125F 1.25” 20 lbs.5 Inch Male PH2 2” 70 lbs. Made extremely flexible and lightweight with a smooth inside surface. 100 Ft. Hose With 8 Ft. 25-50 Ft.S. Clearflow Suction Hose Made with high tensile polyester yarn reinforced to provide strength and durability while homogeneous virgin PVC construction eliminates separation of tube and cover. This blue colored pressure hose lays flat for easy coil roll up and storage. PHC25F 2. 100 Ft. gaskets. Length Length PHC2F 2 Inch Female PH1 1” 25 lbs. 10-15 Ft. 2 lbs.5” 42 lbs. 4” 110 lbs.5 Inch QC25M 2. 20-30 Ft.5 Inch QC Female QC3F 3 Inch QC3M 3 Inch QC Male QC4F 4 Inch QC4M 4 Inch Quick Release Couplings Type Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male . w/Insert SA65I 6. Hose With 8 Ft.8hp B/S GX200 Honda 16 hp plus Ship wt. Hose 3. 25-50 Ft. Ideal for low to medium working pressures from 75 to 150 PSI.5 Inch Male Weight Standard Bulk Female Coupler Part # Size Per 100 Ft. 8” 330 lbs. 50 Ft.750GPH RP 1100. Available QC15M 1. 300 Ft.25 Inch Male problems in water flow. SPARK ARRESTORS SA3 Forestry approved spark arrestors are equired in most states in the U. 300 Ft. Available for most Honda and Briggs & Stratton engines. 10-15 Ft. 1 lb. 100 Ft. All of these connectors utilize a standard national pipe thread and are available in male Part # Size Type Clearflow Pressure Hose and female PHC1F 1 Inch Female Our pressure hose has a “see sizes . 300 Ft. 3” 62 lbs.5” 36” x 3” 4” elbow w/fill cap 5” elbow w/fill cap 3 feet of hose / fittings included Prime any late model pump easily with this manual priming pump. Engine Compressor 3 to 7 hp 8 to 23 hp P90GH T80-KAC 263 N/A RP 12 . 100 Ft. 6-25 Ft. Length Length 1. pump and compressor properly. 1.P U M P S . Weight Standard Bulk Size Per 100 Ft. NH1 1” 18 lbs. P2 P2B P2C P2H P2G 2.3. 300 Ft. RP12 750 gal. 100 Ft. 3-10 Ft. bowls & small sluice boxes. 3 inch Male PHC3M Male Coupler 35 SH2 SH25 SH3 SH4 SH5 SH6 SH8 SH10 SH12 This hose is made especially for Keene Engineering to withstand extreme temperature changes and deterioration by sunlight. 4-10 Ft. dry washer or power sluice engine.5 Inch Female 6 Ft. 5-10 Ft.25”” 48” x 1. 1 lb.7 B/S GX120 Honda 5hp .P3: Kit includes belt and pulley for mounting to pump for installation of a compressor.5 Inch in male and female.5 Inch SHC3 3 Inch SHC4 4 Inch SHC5 5 Inch SHC6 6 Inch SHC8 8 Inch Clamp # Two SS32 Two SS44 Two SS52 Two SS72 Two SS104 Two HDC6 Two HDC8 The Tiny Tach . Weight Part # Size Per 100 Ft. PHC15F 1. 5” 196 lbs. PH125 1. PHC3F 3 inch Female PH3 3” 115 lbs. 2” 33 lbs. 100 Ft. 6” 230 lbs. per hour Ship wt. This is used to connect sections of hose together with minimal diameter and flow reduction. 1 lb. 20-30 Ft. 50 Ft. PK2 Pump & Priming Kit Part # SAH25 Engine type GX50 Honda 3hp .5 Ft. 100 Ft.25” 35 lbs. PHC25M 2.5” 36” x 2” 36” x 2. 2lbs.5 Yanmar 10hp T80-KAC 263 Compressor Drive Kit . 12” 1043 lbs.25 Inch Female Easy to detect air leaks or other PHC125M 1. Please indicate your existing belt size if possible. NH125 1. 15-20 Ft. NH2 2” 30 lbs. Comes with all required fittings.25” 19 lbs. MODEL SIZE FV125 1. 10” 888 lbs. PH150 1. Monitor engine performance and meter actual hours of use for timely oil changes and maintenance. ozone and mildew. 1 lb. 6 Ft. 3 lbs.5” 23 lbs. 100 Ft. Shipping wt. 100 Ft.5hp Intek Pro SAH8 GX270 to GX390 SA16 FVA25E FVA40E Part # SH125 SH150 These couplers are used to adapt pressure hose to pumps. 25” x 1” 2 lbs 2” x 1” 2 lbs 3” x 1. SS8 8” Sluice Bucket Recovery System This handy clean up system allows you to save time and values when cleaning your sluice! Easily adapts to any dredge from 3 to 4 inches in size.per inch Submersible suction tubes are ideal for moving large amounts of overburden. Attach a one inch pressure hose and crevice blaster or any garden hose attachment and you will be amazed how much this will increase your productivity.5 Inch 3 lbs. 8 lbs.5” 3” 4” 5” 6” requires no tools for tightening. You will not believe the difference of how much more material you can move and how much more gold you will find. all sluices up to 16 inches wide and all of our power sluice models. Nomad Matting is preferred by the serious dredger and professional for fine gold recovery in any sluicing or dredging system. 7 lbs.25” x 1” SP1251K -SP21K . 11 lbs. SP21 Kit MODEL SP1251K SP21K SP31K SP1251 SP21 SP31 WEIGHT 12 lbs 2”x 1” 12 lbs 3” x 1. Weight 1 1/2 lbs. See amazing recovery of micro fine gold. Simply fasten to the end of your sluice with the adapter bracket and you are ready to go! Complete with detachable 2 gallon handled bucket and 3/8" classifying sieve. 6 lbs. Often referred to as Miner's moss. ST3 3 Inch 4 lbs. Suction Hose Dredging Tips Swivel Suction Hose Dredging Tips Nomad Matting The is the ideal matting to allow for quick and easy identification of gold values due to the strong contrast of gold on black. ST5 SST6F 6 Inch 15 lbs. 16 lbs. Shipping weight 10 lbs. Shipping weight 3 lbs. They key is in the small ribs that help capture and trap the fine gold that would have been washed away without it! RM Priced per square foot Standard Ribbed Matting Miracle Mat Submersible Suction Tubes Hungarian riffle molded into a soft rubber mat. Weight is 7 pounds. ST4 4 Inch 5 lbs.5 Inch 2 lbs. NMMR . blaster nozzle and a high volume pressure outlet.SP1251 . Black Ribbed Rubber Matting This is the universal matting for fine gold recovery that is used in all of our sluice and dredge systems. Use only standard suction nozzles and power jets as the units are not oversized.25” 1. heavy Clamps These clamps seduty "T" handle clamps curely grip the helical ribs around the spiral of larger diameter hose.PA R T S & A C C E S S O R I E S These couplings allow you to attach suction hose to the power jet with ease. Coupling must be welded to the jet tube.SP21 . ST2 2 Inch 2 lbs. 70 lbs. SP21K Kit includes 30 feet of 1” pressure hose coupler. hose to jets and foot valves to pumps and hoses. 36 HCT .5” 2” 2. Sold by the linear inch.3 x 20 foot roll. 11 lbs. this matting traps and holds heavy values inside woven vinyl fibers. 3 lbs. Brass valve and heavy duty stainless steel pipe rod with flattened tip for maximum penetration with reverse jet at tip that lifts gold from cracks. SST5 5 Inch 7 lbs.1 x 3 linear feet. Tubes are extremely light and require about a third less horsepower. ST25 2. Models SST6F and SST8F are equipped with “suction breaking flap” for quick redirection and reST5 5 Inch 6 lbs. SST5 SST4 4 Inch 6 lbs. high flow ball valve. 35 lbs. Any restriction is eliminated because the suction hose fits inside the coupling and is locked into place with a swing lever clamp. 70 lbs. Immediately see the gold that has been trapped by this matting right in the sluice! BRRM 1 x 3 linear feet. 4 lbs.Hydraulic Crevice Tool .SP31K . duction of suction.5” 3” 4” 5” Part # HDCS6 HDCS8 Size 6” 8” Part # HDC2 HDC25 HCD3 HDC4 HDC5 HDC6 Size 2” 2. NMM . 7 lbs. 16 lbs. SS5 5” 122” 36 lbs. Mat size is 35 inches x 35 inches. KSCRM . ST15 1. While tubes do sacrifice some fine gold recovery. 8 lbs. ST3 Part # Dredge Size Weight Ship Wt. The 5 inch tips and larger feature a gripping handles. especially in areas with difficult access. SBRS Create high pressure and high volume water from the pump for blasting out cracks. 71” 21 lbs. Part # Size HDC2T 2” HDC25T 2. the volume more than makes up for the minor loss when properly setup. Model Size Length Weight Ship Wt. 10 lbs.SP31 HIGH VOLUME PRESSURE OUTLET SIZE SHIP WEIGHT 15 lbs 15 lbs 20 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 7 lbs SP1251 Hydraulically blast crevices clean with water pressure while scraping. SS6 6” 172” 60 lbs 200lbs.25” 18 lbs 1. 70 lbs. Part # SS16 SS24 SS32 SS44 SS52 SS72 SS104 Size 1. SST3 3 Inch 5 lbs. 6 lbs. moves without turning the hose. The tip features a rolled tip which will reduce rock jams by up to 20%. 8 lbs. 10 lbs. 40 lbs. making handling and maneuverability so much easier! Part # Dredge Size Weight Ship Wt. A very important safety feature.5” HCD3T 3” HDC4T 4” HDC5T 5” HDC6T 6” Our suction hose dredging tip is constructed of plated steel and Swivel Suction Hose Tip is an absolute must for the serious dredger.25” 5 lbs 1. Part # Dredge Size SQC3 3 Inch SQC4 4 Inch SQC5 5 Inch SQC6 6 Inch SQC8 8 Inch Weight Ship Wt. Heavy Duty Spiral Suction Hose Clamps 5 lbs. Ideal for use in fastening jets to jet flares. SST8F SST8F 8 Inch 35 lbs. SST6 6 Inch 13 lbs. SS4 4” 89” 34 lbs. 13 lbs. 5 lbs. 25 lbs. 40 lbs. Up to 3 times performance of the garden hose port on the side of the pump. crevices and loosening debris. Priced per linear inch.Full Mat KSCRM1. Suction Hose Quick Couplings Stainless Steel Hose Clamps “T” Handle Heavy Duty Pressure Hose Bolt Clamps These stainless steel. 35 lbs. 8200 New Oversized Power Jets Limited quantity and availability The most effective way to create suction.5” 2” 1. 19 lbs. 70 lbs. Suction Nozzles Oversized Jet Flares PPJF2O PPJF25O SN251 2. 7 lbs. 70 lbs. Rock jams and other obstructions are virtually eliminated which means less downtime over all.5 lbs. 8065 The oversized jet flare is designed to work with the oversized power jets only. 4 lbs. 30 lbs. 70 lbs. 70 lbs. 3 lbs. 27 lbs. 70 lbs. 10 lbs. 5 lbs. 6000 69” x 22” 72 lbs. a longer rubber damper for more even distribution and an adjustable flow metering plate for the lower sluice.5” and up models only. 30 lbs. 70 lbs. 18 lbs. 12 lbs.25” 1. 70 lbs.5” 3” 3” 4” 4” 4” 4” 5” 5” 5” 6” 6” 8” 8” 1. With the quick coupler feature. 7 lbs.5” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 28” x 10” 2 lbs. Dredge Series 2000 2500 3400-3605 4400 3 Stage Flare Sluice Boxes The 3 Stage Sluice Box is simply the lightest. 19 lbs. 6 lbs. Dredge Series Standard Power Jets PJ2 PJ25 PJ3 PJ32 PJ4 PJ42 PJ43 PJ4T2 PJ5 PJ53 PJ5T2 PJ6T2 PJ6T3 PJ83 PJ8T3 2” 2. miners moss for fine gold recovery and wire mesh screen over ribbed carpet to give you simply the best fine gold recovery one could expect with a sluice box.5” 2” 1. 40 lbs.50” 2” 2” 3” 2” x 2” 3” 2” x 2” 2” x 2” 3” x 3” 3” x 3” 4 lbs 6 lbs. 2000 2500 3500 3500 4500 4500 4500 4000 5000 5100 5200 6200 6200 8000 8000 37 We have taken the standard Power Jet and created a more efficient. The result of this modification is a smooth. 6 lbs. A lighter design for portability as well as rolled top edges for superior strength on 2. Model # Size(OD) Coupling Weight Ship Wt. 50 lbs.5” 3” 4” Length Width New Jet Flare Sluice Boxes with Miracle Mat 36” 40” 40” 40” 10” 12” 14” 16” Weight 11 lbs. 8 lbs. 38 lbs.S L U I C E B OX E S . 45 lbs. 70 lbs. Model # Dredge Size Dimensions Weight Ship Wt. 6200 SB8S 8” 112” 28” 231 lbs. 13 lbs. 9 lbs. 100 lbs. 4 lbs. Each oversized jet comes with the suction hose quick coupler fittings. 16 lbs. 6 lbs.5” SN2515 2. 8 lbs. most compact sluice box you can find for superior fine gold recovery. 6 lbs. 2000 2000 2500 3500 4500 4500 4000 5100 5200 6200 6200 8000 . 40 lbs. 3. 246 lbs. Model Size Coupling Weight Ship Wt.25” 1.5” 2” 2 lbs. This straight collar is longer than the standard jet flare allowing the power jet to be shorter and reduce the overall weight of the dredge and greater suction power. 40 lbs. 7 lbs. 30 lbs. Included is a large classifying screen that covers over half of the riffle section.25” 1. 16 lbs.5” 1. 70 lbs. 2000 28” x 10” 3. This sluice box features heavy duty latches. more mobile and over-all superior jet! The new design involves a slight enlargement of the jet tube. rolled top edges that provide greater strength and safety.5 lbs. 18 lbs. 4500-4505 SB5F3 5” 60” 20” 53 lbs. 5000-6000 SB6S 6” 112” 26” 210 lbs. J E T S . 3600-3605 38” x 16” 8 lbs. 5109 52” x 20” 42 lbs. 5 lbs. 8200 SB8 8” 162” 32” 250 lbs.5” 1. 70 lbs. 20 lbs. 20 lbs. 25 lbs. the suction hose fits inside the Power Jet and is securely fastened in a snap. 3. 7 lbs. 30 lbs.25” 1” 1. 2500 30” x 14” 6 lbs. 80 lbs. 6 lbs. seamless flow from hose to jet. Suction nozzles have the ability to self prime unlike the power jets. 6 lbs. Jet sizes determines suction hose size and allows the hose to fit over the end of the suction tube. 6 lbs.5” 2” 3” 2” x 2” 2” 3” 2” x 2” 2” x 2” 3” x 3” 3” 3” x 3” 4 lbs. 17 lbs. 13 lbs. 10 lbs. 45 lbs. 9 lbs.5” 2” 2. 32 lbs. 10 lbs. 8 lbs. 40 lbs. Dredge Series PJ2O PJ2514O PJ25O PJ32O PJ42O PJ43O PJ4T2O PJ53O PJ5T2O PJ6T2O PJ6T3O PJ84O 2” 2. 150 lbs. SN15 SN2 SN25 1. 14 lbs. 70 lbs. 100 lbs. making it a bit larger than the interior of the suction hose.5 lbs. Model # SB2F SB25F SB3F SB4F Dredge Size 2” 2.25” 1.5” 1” 1. 5 lbs. 240 lbs. 275 lbs. 24 lbs. 5 lbs. 100 lbs.5 lbs. 4500-4505 45” x 20” 15 lbs. 14 lbs. The secret is in our 3 Stage Sluice System that enables us to say that our sluice can out perform any double or triple sluice on the market. J E T F L A R E S & A C C E S S O R I E S Our New Jet Flare Sluice Boxes are designed to adapt to our Jet Flares featuring our new “Miracle Mat” that is placed under the classifier screen for superior recovery. 30 lbs. Dredge Series Ideal for use in shallow water conditions.5” 2. This feature makes them ideal for shallow water dredging. 12 lbs.5” SN3 SN32 SN4 SN42 3” 3” 4” 4” PPJF3O PPJF4O PPJF5O PPJF6O PPJF8O 2” 2. The suction jet produces a strong vacuum to move material and water from one point to another. Model # Size(OD) Coupling Weight Ship Wt. 3. 27 lbs. 22 lbs. Dredge Ship Dredge Model # Size Length Width Weight Wt. Series SB4F3 4” 48” 16” 34 lbs.5” 3” 4” 4” 4” 5” 5” 6” 6” 8” 1. 26 lbs. Ship Wt. 6 lbs. 8 lbs. 90 lbs. with pictures diagrams and maps size 6” x 9” 143 pages. WHERE & HOW TO PROSPECT FOR GOLD DIVING AND DIGGING FOR GOLD . 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” 224 pages. placer prospecting. WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN THE DESERT . Includes the nature of gold. Includes methods.James Klein. electronic prospecting. Information of equipment to help detect and process gold. geochemical prospecting.B164A: . research and testing techniques. illustrating all counties and gold bearing districts. Written by a veteran and mining engineer of over 30 years. One of the most authoritative books covering advanced mining procedures. hiking and more. Fully illustrated. wilderness areas. HOW TO FIND GOLD . Seven chapters of how. charts. 5” x 9” Fully illustrated. care and modification of diving systems. dry washing and panning for gold.Vermont . forests. SUCCESSFUL DRYWASHING . as well as the advanced prospector. Detailed road map and guide to outdoor recreation. etc. laws relating to dredging. Large 8 1/2” x 11” size. Instructions for panning. treasure stories. maps and photos 320 pages GOLD MINING IN THE 21’st CENTURY . recovery techniques. 6. Detailed instructions on how to pan for gold (with many illustrations) includes drawings and instructions on how to build and use a portable sluice and where to look for gold. and identification techniques. Recovery of free gold from small volumes of concentrates. panning. Well illustrated.B3: -Mary Hill A popular book on how and where to find gold. More about gold pay streaks.Lagal. Explores the 125 mile long Mother Lode region extending along the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada. maps. topographic maps and other information sources to find rich pay streaks. when and what equipment you will need. Read about history. hydraulic and drift mines. weights and measures & gold locations.Paul D.B581: Jimmy Sierra Written by a foremost author of electronic prospecting. Fully illustrated with drawing. B137 GOLD FEVER . Detailed book of maps and directions and history of where to find gold placer mining districts in Nevada. From the “Old Pro“ History. “How To” instructions on metal detecting. Features maps and many photos. GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT -B7 . special clothing required. He will show you what special equipment you will need. how and where to prospect for gold. ADVANCED DREDGING TECHNIQUES Volume 2 Part 2 B349B: . and gold dredging.B133: . 56 Color illustrated pages. SUCCESSFUL NUGGET-TEERING IN NEVADA .B310.B2: . where to find it. Covers the origin of gold. modern assaying. One of the best books on how to find gold with a metal detector in the industry. the latest tools and equipment required and much more. A geologist. where.Delos Toole. deep and cold water diving. tips and tricks necessary for effective gold recovery in drywashing. Pictorial of the places and faces of the California Gold Rush. Illustrations. origin and complete maps of key gold producing areas in Northern California illustrating all counties and gold bearing districts. treasure stories. panning for gold. Gives a history and past production of gold. The author has researched historical placer areas and legends and provided extensive maps pictures and guides and even how to build diagrams.McCracken. as well as beach placers and rare earth minerals for the entire state of California. 364 pages DRY WASHING FOR GOLD . staking a claim and much more. New revised edition. electronic detecting. Large 8 1/2” x 11” size. all of the different types of suction dredges that you will see in the field today and how they work. recovery methods. filing a claim. soils engineer and instructor writes about new techniques. History. Prospecting. boulder winching procedures. origin and complete maps of key gold producing areas in the Mother lode. YANKEE PLACER GOLD . Developing a claim. 5” x 9”. covers all of California. Morrison A most complete book of gold placer mines. cleaning. New stories. 38 . 8 ½ x 11 362 pages ADVANCED DREDGING TECHNIQUES Volume 2 Part 1 B349A: . dredging areas. New revised edition. GOLD PANNING IS EASY . dredging. LeGaye. 185 well illustrated pages.James Klein & Jerry Keene.E S.B372 . sampling and procedures that are vital to all gold dredgers. One of the most comprehensive texts on the subject of dry washing and concentrating ore values. WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN CALIFORNIA . FISTS FULL OF GOLD B49 Chris Ralph This book covers all the newest information on metal detecting. tables. GOLD ABC's OF PANNING . Where to sell it and where to get more information and tips by old timers. the internet. Gold areas are printed in red shading. how to sample and develop high-grade gold deposits. where gold comes from and where to find it.B344: Dave McCracken. 192 pages.DeLorme. How to do it right. 79 pages.B317: -James Klein. 84 pages. 8” x 11”. Wilson An excellent and comprehensive guide to prospecting in Arizona.New Hampshire .James Klein (New Edition). 66 pages.B15: McPherson Identify favorable areas. Information for gold in Alaska and Canada.B16: . Chris is also an associate editor of the California Mining Journal. wildlife. stories.B8: . different types of deposits. drawings. Where to find gold and how to pan. How and where to find gold.McCracken. Covers many famous desert gold locations in Southern California and Arizona. A complete map book covering gold producing districts of the Western United States. campgrounds. The latest methods & latest equipment. 110 well illustrated pages. Detailed book of maps and directions of where to find gold in Maine .James Klein. as are locations of key rock and gem shops. More than 20 maps. and illustrations. prospecting. Packed with illustrations. sluicing and prospecting.B137: -De Lorenzo. 112 pages. 153 well illustrated pages. origin and complete maps of key gold producing areas in Southern California illustrating all counties and gold bearing districts. how gold forms into high-grade deposits. Fully Illustrated 5” x 8” 50 pages GOLD DIGGERS ATLAS . will need to know about getting started in gold mining as a hobby or a small scale business. "How-To” for the amateur. The technology of pay streaks. Geology of placer deposits. locations. A fully outlined text of everything the beginner. WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN THE MOTHER LODE . WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA B584: . This atlas covers parks.B583: Delos Toole.B1: .Massachusetts. BLM and Forestry areas and free-use sites. 140 pages. 260 pages. A continued wealth of information about dredging. The legalities. written by the “old pro’s”. 80 pages. selling gold and much more. 90 pages and fully illustrated. Includes methods. including methods. Includes the revised latest equipment in prospecting. laws relating to dredging.Robert Neil Johnson. this book will teach you all the prospecting skills you need to find those locations with good recoverable gold.Connecticut . Local treasure tales are also included. dredging. Completely illustrated with photos & diagrams. An epic journal of classic information. rock hounding. famous hard rock mining sites etc. The latest tools and equipment required and metal detecting tools and procedures. Over 50 years of experience.Robert O. WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA B251: . 80 Pages WEEKEND GOLD MINER . Detailed book of maps and directions on panning. How and where to use a dry washer. A beginners handbook & recreational guide. from Oregon to Mexican Border. how and where they form.Paher.5” x 9” 128 pages FINDING GOLD NUGGETS II . PLACER GOLD DEPOSITS OF THE SIERRA NEVADA .THE LIBRARY:HOW TO PROSPECT FOR GOLD THE PROSPECTOR’S DIGEST . With detailed explanations of placer geology and how pay streaks form.B584A: -Jim Straight. Well documented by numerous mineral resources and surveys. An informative book that lists many locations for desert placers. treasure stories. dredging and sniping locations. 8 1/2” x 11” 140 pages. 8" x 11" Fully illustrated.B582: .B304: . Illustrated. Explains how to recover fine gold and how to build your own dry washer. GOLD! GOLD! . A must for the collector. 34 pages. legal rights. 9” x 12” 48 pages CALIFORNIA ATLAS & GAZETTEER .B276: .B321: -Joseph Petralia. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” 242 pages. dry washing. Gold Dredgers Handbook . MODERN PROSPECTING . Tips on first aid.B249: James Klein. 140 pages. 120 pages. sluicing. Fully illustrated. Discover pay streaks.Ryan. By Dave McCracken Identifying & locating high-grade gold deposits. excursions. equipment. GOLD COUNTRY Early Mining Days of California . hard rock mining. 82 pages. how to operate a suction dredge. mining and electronic metal detecting. Large 15 1/2” x 11” 160 pages. History. laws relating to dredging. An great guide. An informative publication on prospecting for gold. The latest tools and equipment required and much more.B566: -Delos Toole.B367: .Jerry Keene This best seller has been brought back by popular demand. 260 pages. reviews and methods utilizing the latest techniques. It includes how to use GPS. by a man who has spent a lifetime searching to improve the methods of gold extraction. UNFOUND TREASURES OF MEXICO . Northeast of Los Angels.B370 -Walter Schumann . 8” x 10” book 96 pages. topographic quadrangles. 144 pages. WHERE TO FIND ARIZONA’S PLACER GOLD . Filled with charts. The book is half Spanish & half English. testing. ADVANCED PROSPECTING & DETECTING FOR HARD ROCK GOLD . geological map references. purifying and recovering.B570: . Morrison How gold deposits are formed and where find them. 5” x 8” 117 pages. How to safely and efficiently use nitric and aqua regia in separating gold and silver. VDI numbers. Fully illustrated size. Ammen . Gemstones and Prospecting. west of the Nevada border. 5. 5” x 8” 30 pages. tips. Color and fully illustrated. This Handy compact identification guide to the most common kind of rocks and minerals around the world.B537: -Delos Toole.B567: .B95A -Sorrell.WHERE & HOW TO PROSPECT FOR GOLD ANCIENT RIVER OF GOLD . S. dredging and sniping locations. Sheffer. Offering fascinating information on physical & chemical properties. Emphasis on epithermal deposits forming alluvial placers and how to metal detect them. Latest edition that covers the relationship of regional geology to the types of placer deposits. Includes Calico and Randsburg that are little known mines yet interesting jaunts for the prospector and visitor. 6” X 9” 370 pages. This is a reference book (ARBA) One of the 100 outstanding Sci-Tech books of the Year. 5” x 8” 61 pages. Allan and Stark. Includes age of lode & placer mineralization. maps.5” x 8. TREASURE DETECTING CALIFORNIA GHOST TOWN TRAILS. gems and minerals. Invaluable to rock hounds of all ages.excellent quality. collecting and prospecting techniques and tools. BLM. firing and cupeling. mineral formation. Published in a large 8 1/2” x 11” size. A highly informative book on the lost treasures of Mexico. and identify objects. the San Gabriel Range recorded the first gold strike in California. ROCKS AND MINERALS . and techniques not found anywhere else. the Yukon and Alaska. Describes the formation of the ancient river channels and explains how they were formed and what to look for. Discover how a pulse detector can provide 3 times the depth than a normal metal detector in highly mineralized soil. Covers numerous mining districts running across the upper Mojave Desert from Tropico. Kenworthy. simplified method of extracting free gold. Gold Rush . diagrams and glossary. Experiences of a weekend Treasure Hunter. THE OLD TIMER’S GUIDE TO ASSAYING GOLD & SILVER B411: Nola May Carter. ROADSIDE GEOLOGY OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL CALIFORNIA . Recovery & Refining of Precious Metals . Now the average man can safely and efficiently learn how to make and use leaching and recovery systems. PLACER GOLD DEPOSITS OF NEVADA B365 Maureen Johnson.143 photographs 1500 specimens in color plus 166 line drawings.122 pages. Where & when to hunt.B383: -Paul D. Robinson. gems and semi-precious stones. How to fire ore and purify gold or silver safely. Detailed section tells of where and how to find mineral occurrences. Many of the old mines are within sight of our freeways. MINERALS & ROCKS ROCKS & MINERALS OF CALIFORNIA Third Revised Edition. diagrams and glossary. 6” x 9” 73 pages.5” 118 pages other valuable minerals. Reference for minerals collector and prospector contains information on local geology. Offers concise and fascinating information on physical and chemical properties. A quick. 6” x 9” 136 pages MINES OF THE SAN GABRIELS. How to tune. Find more with the MXT by understanding the details about its: audio modes. Beautiful illustrations. GEMS. R.Young Prospectors Guide to Striking it Rich B588 James Klein Where and how to look for gold and GOLD SEPARATION GOLD MINER’S SECRETS ON REFINING GOLD & SILVER B351: Nola May Carter . .(2nd Edition)Back in Print by popular demand. 5” x 8” 60 pages. A complete and practical guide to recovery. Hyndman. Size 5” x 8” 280 pages.B84: John W. as well as beach placers and rare earth minerals for the entire state of Oregon. to the point guide of "How To Do It Yourself" 34 pages. Zip & P. GOLDEN GUIDE TO ROCKS GEMS & MINERALS . Plans on how to build a dry washer. THE EXTRACTION OF FREE GOLD -B11A . bibliography and index. methods of hunting. With photos and maps. This book depicts major placer deposits of Nevada Butte county. search coils. 5” x 8 1`/2” 107 pages. dredging & sniping locations as well as rare earth minerals for the entire state of Arizona.5" spiral bound 114 pages. diagrams.W. Dedicated to locations for bottle collectors and treasure hunting. Minerals.McGowan A practical. maps and other illustrations. maps and illustrations tables. Written in clear simple manner based on the author’s own experience as a professional chemist and metallurgist. diagrams. GOLDEN RULES TO CYANIDE LEACHING & RECOVERY . Size 6” x 9” 441 pages. (57 figures and 18 tables) 11" x 8. British Columbia. Translated in Spanish and English.Abbott.B25 Brown. COIN & RELIC DREDGING . WHERE TO FIND GOLD IN OREGON .B4 C.B33: -Rot and Peggy Miller. Size 4” x 6” 160 pages.Charles A. This book also explains how people became rich and famous in the historic gold rushes around the world. How to find and collect specimens. origins & geologic significance. Informative travel companion about roadside terrain and geology with photos. Detailed book of maps and directions on panning. 5” x 8” 45 pages. ground mineralization tracking and cancellation systems. Includes operational cautions the dangers and also includes equipment and ingredients for firing.B13: Halka Chronic Informative travel companion about roadside terrain and geology with photos.& Donald W. their possible hiding places and clues where to look when searching. Beautiful vivid photographs and illustrations making identification a simple task. The equipment needed to make your treasure hunt a success. Photographs. Size 5 1/2 “ x 8 1/2” 200 pages. GEMSTONES OF THE WORLD . 8 1/2” x 11” size. Covers tertiary channels of the Sierra Nevada. ROADSIDE GEOLOGY OF ARIZONA. A straight forward booklet with easy to read diagrams.B399 Bob Smith. FINDING GOLD AT THE SHORE WITH A PULSE INDUCTION METAL DETECTOR -B598 Clived James Clynick Author with over 30 years of experience has created this guide for the beach comber. Revised & Expanded edition.B536: Delos Toole. 5” x 8” 128 pages. plus 8 pages of color specimens. 6” X 9” 322 pages. both from primary and secondary sources. maps and other illustrations. MINES OF THE MOJAVE . A Beautiful hardbound copy of great value to a jeweler or layman who works with gems.Jim Straight.144 pages. Size 4 1/2” x 6 1/2 “ 160 pages. Learn the old-timers way of assaying. THE MXT EDGE B12 Jeff Foster.B410: Nola May Carter. Fully illustrated. Often referred to as the precious Metal Bible. undocumented features.Written in simple language.B14: David Alt. 39 . origins and geologic significance of gem and semi-precious stones. research and rules and laws governing searches 51/2” x 8 1/2” 120 pages. BLM and Forestry areas and free use sites. Detailed book of maps & directions on panning. and much more.B19 H. A revised and updated handy identification guide to the most common kinds of rock. graphs showing placer gold production etc. extracting and refining precious metals. Fully illustrated 9” x 5” 90 pages. An outstanding book that shows key rock and mineral deposits of California. Large 8 1/2” x 11” size. THE ROCKHOUND & PROSPECTOR’S BIBLE -B587 Ettinger A Reference and Study Guide to Rocks.B51: . Forestry areas and free-use sites. B545: .D The famous historian and renown author Dr. underwater prospecting.VT4 Dave McCracken. winching. Learn how rich deposits containing gold are discovered with modern equipment that the 49r’s left behind. This video combines years of experience with advanced video effects to demonstrates proper panning and sluicing techniques. Fortunes plus arms and ammunition were buried to ideas. Reno.B540: .B10: . Ph. . It covers clean up and refining techniques. 210 pages. 8” x 10” book. A little known part of American 8 1/2” x 11”. (63 minutes) Available in VHS & DVD Please specify University of Alaska and owner of Alaska Exploration Company for the last 25 years.B9: -Dick Stout. Austin. 8 1/4” x 10 3/4” . and much tionnf and techniques of your metal detector and proper use of controls. Filled with color illustrations. Ideal for treasure hunters. Fully illustrated. 8 1/2” x 11”. (60 minutes) 40 The Yuba Experience . (90) minutes. PHD KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE TREASURE SIGNS B597 Roy Willaim Instructional DVDs Successful Gold Dredging Made Easy . A virtual encyclopedia! (90 minutes) Advanced Dredging & Sampling Techniques VT5 Dave McCracken. The perfect companion for the back road explorer. it's specific gravity and easy to understand methods of using a mineral identification key to differentiate it from similar minerals. 64 pages. Roush PHD Reveals information of the KGC and contains stories and information Incredible story about the Knights of the on what the signs may mean. Gold Prospector’s Handbook.the dytector often referred to as Nuggetshooting. Dr. Illustrates the 6 basic methods of finding gold. treasure hunters dream. An incredible story few people know today. electronic prospecting. Mcculouch An excellent book written innon-technical jargon. An informative CD. SPANISH MONUMENTS & TRAIL MARKERS TO TREASURE IN THE U. Second edition in the series & companion to B527. Properties are demonstrated by students using a standard mineral identification key. and much tion.B525: . Kenworthy. Takes place on the Yuba River in California. history is now available.176 pgs. dry washing. TREASURE SIGNS. (70 Minutes) Available in VHS only. Full illustrationed and complete with diagrams.VHS only Sierra Pro- ductions The first in a series of gold mining videos. The most complete guide ever compiled of field monuments. Madonna. Contains an excellent glossary.Charles A.Dr. He has provided a comprehensive examination of the physical properties of gold. high tech recovery systems and testing equipment. centrifuge. 295 illustrations. (34 minutes) McCracken. Atlas Volume One .Charles A. fundamentals and etiquette and legal considerations. A compre- DEATH TRAPS TO TREASURE .Volume One . A must for anyone interested in mining on a commercial scale. Advanced black sand processing. how to recognize the them. Follow Dave through a complete day from start up. Modern Gold Mining Techniques .79 pages New Books & DVDs PLACER GOLD FIELD MANJUAL VT11 Dan Bell. Kenworthy. Includes tips. Fully illustrated. Madonna has developed a systematic and easy to understand approach to the physical identification of valuable ore and rock forming minerals. 5” x 8” 153 pages. Covers every important aspect of how to succeed in gold dredging.VT3 Roy Roush.amalgamator and much more. has been a professor at the The Art of Mineral Identification VT-8 Commercial Gold Dredging & Sampling Techniques . Join this prospector as he journeys for his quest for gold. (103 minutes) above & below techniques of a commercial dredging operation. effective metal detecting. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” Large 8 1/2” x 11” 20 pages MYSTERIOUS & SECRET ORDER of the KNIGHTS of the GOLDEN CIRCLE B594 Roy William Roush. Roy William Roush. This video contains James A. This CD is a read only. Demonstration of a shaker table. Learn the geological background of where to look for gold. Secrets never before revealed. A must for anyone interested in mining on a larger scale. symbols and signs to assist the treasure hunter in his/her quest to locate hidden treasure. Also finance the civil war at a later date since sketches and drawings to include a map they refused to accept the terms of the surrender. WHERE TO FIND TREASURE . Author has been assisting prospectors in the field since 1980. This 40 year veteran discusses theory. Most all the individuals that often discovered that additional treasures were a part of this movement have died off leaving a were buried in the same location. Shows how to find gold bearing areas and where gold accumulates.VT5A Dave McCracken. Contains 35 years worth of field research and investigation from archives and university libraries. The overlay that could possibly show where worth was estimated to be in the billions Includes some other treasures were located. Kenworthy.V. It covers clean up and refining techniques.79 pages.Volume 2 B555 Stan Paher. Golden Circle during the civil war.Treasure Hunting N E VA D A G H O S T T O W N S A N D M I N I N G CAMPS. Includes 121 pages of valuable information and is fully illustrated. Ely and points north. It has been rare and unpublished maps. operation of wet and dry placers. 28 color maps. SYMBOLS. 8” x 10” large 64 pages. 136 pgs. You will relate to similar experiences as you read through this book of short stories based on a lifetime of actual mining adventures.B593: Mike “Hawkeye” Picket.Dr. but covering ]advanced An excellent book on How to Prospect for Gold with an Electronic Metal Detopics. moss sampling. 5” x 8” 249 pages hensive collection of Spanish signs & symbols with explanations. Larson. 8” x 10”.B325 Black. This is the third in the series with a fourth book in progress. Learn the meaning of ground balance and variable senitivity. maps. This video gives visual demonstrations of larger scale commercial gold dredging equipment. hydraulic concentrating. Commercial testing and paystreak evaluation. Spanish and Mexican mine traps. His method of instruction will provide a professional guide to develop valuable information in the field of geoscience exploration. Covers recommended accessories.VT10 . fanning.8” x 10” book. paractice and the latest equipment used in placer gold mining. basics of dredge cleaning. amalgamating gold and much more. The current president of the Federation of Metal Detectors & Archeological Clubs of America has written a valued book of where and how to find treasures. Advanced Nuggetshooting B574 James A. more. to sampling & production through to final clean-up. 70 pgs. Learn how to master the operanamics of stream flow. warning signs and symbols. (90 minutes) DVD The Art of Gold Identification VT-7 James A.Charles A. Roy Roush has written fascinating book of how the Confederate Rebels =buried a huge fortune to be recoverted later. SHADOWS & SUN SIGNS. See actual divers experience a rich find underwater with a Keene 8 inch Dredge. Featuring 55 revised color maps with additional sites and mileages. how to pan for gold. to finance another Civil War.B5 R.& . dredging and available accessories. Demonstrates and explains proper panning and sluicing techniques. The most important thing in gold dredging is how to find pay streaks.Madonna PHD.S. what tools to use.B527: . TREASURE HUNTER’S FIELD NOTEBOOK . Covers various types of monuments & trail markers used by the Spanish settlers. Provides tips and information for the beginning and experienced prospector. Fully illustrated 5” x 8” 145 pages HOW TO FIND THE TREASURES OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE.Covering Northern Nevada. . underwater production techniques.Madonna PHD. Gold Prospecting . A must for deciphering old maps. what tools to use. how to pan for gold. How more.VT2 Some Videos are Available in both VHS and DVD Prospecting for Gold . Learn the geological background of where to look for gold the dyto identify conductive materials such as black sand and common mineralizanamics of stream flow. Peru. Join Chris Ralph. Build your own Gold Suction Tube with the inventor of Snappy Grip Bucket Handles. Search a nearby ghost town for relics with a detector. AIP020 Hard Rock Prospecting & Milling Length: Approximately 1 hour. Tim Crawley. The most exciting underwater gold dredge experiences you will ever see. crevicing.7 ounce nugget found in Southern California! AIP017 How to Build & Use a Gold Suction Tube Approximately 1 hour. Plans are included on the DVD in PDF format.INSTRUCTIONAL DVDS AIP002 Techniques for Desert Prospecting Approximately 30 min Detect. See the story on an 8. old stage coach route. Glorietta. Downieville. gold geology and much more. Go out and see how to use it. Learn how gold deposits in a desert environment. treasure and adventure. where to look. Chris Ralph. Scuba dive northern California rivers for gold nuggets & relics. AIP011 Iron From the Sky: The Meteorite Hunters Approximately 1 hour. Learn the "Maximum Recovery" classification process. Learn not to be fooled by “fools gold”. AIP014 How to Suction Dredge: A Complete Guide Approximately 1. Neighborhood coin & jewelry hunting. big nuggets. See the Blue Bowl. Associate Editor for ICMJ’s Prospecting & Mining Journal at his turquoise mine and learn all about this gemstone.5 Hours Step-By-Step Build your own Sluice Box. See the “Ram’s Head Nugget”. and The Arabian Desert space rock hunts! AIP012 North South California Prospecting with Pat Keene Approximately 45 min. Associate Editor for ICMJ’s Prospecting & Mining Journal as he explains where gold is most likely to concentrate along a river. Includes dredging. AIP005 Texas Prospecting & Relic Hunting with Boo Coo Approximately 45 min Join legendary prospector and entertainer "Boo Coo" and friends. and a mine shaft! AIP006 Horseback Prospecting & How to Read a Desert for Placer Gold Approximately 35 min Pack in on horses on a drywashing adventure. AIP022 Ancient Tertiary Mining Approximately 50 minutes. Lots of underwater action with gold being dredged from the bottom of the river. Drywash and Vacuum for GOLD! Get tips and see some of the best methods to recover desert gold. AIP018 Golden Beaches of Oregon Approximately 1 hour. Prospect the black sand beaches of Oregon for gold. Detect nuggets along the river.000 Iron Palasite Meteorite found while filming this episode! Learn how to identify meteorites and methods to recover. AIP009 How to Read a River for Placer Gold Deposits Approximately 35 min. Yuba River on Pat Keene's Finney Claim. AIP003 Pat Keene’s Finney Claim Approximately 30 min Dredging. sluicing. AIP007 A Complete Guide to Sluicing and Panning Approximately 45 min. Explanation of how to collect gold from the beach and process this concentrate for micron gold. Learn everything you need to know to get started! Gold panning instruction.5 hour Join professional miner Rob Goreman as he walks though a complete instruction on how to set up and operate your dredge for maximum gold recovery. Printable Plans Included in PDF format. Watch in disbelief as large nuggets are being plucked off the ancient bedrock that has been sealed by 30 feet of overburden. and crevicing techniques. AIP004 How to Build and Use a Sluice Box with Plans Approximately 1. 41 AIP013 Mining Turquoise for Jewelry & Ghost Town Relic Hunting Approximately 30 min. See how to process large amounts of hard rock with small scale crushing machines and other equipment. Look for relics. AIP019 Basic Gold Prospecting Techniques & More Approximately 50 minutes. . AIP010 Above & Below Metal Detecting Approximately 40 min. tools. California. Heavy Hitter and more! AIP016 Gold Rush Country Prospecting Approximately 50 min. Falcon. AIP015 How to Process Gold Concentrate: A Complete Guide Approximately 1 hour Join professional miner Rob Goreman as he walks you through the best method to keep all your gold. Join Chris Ralph. including micron. Super Keene Concentrator. from ICMJ magazine. Summary: Head back to Sutter’s Mill and search the area where there is still gold left to be found! Backpack in and sluice with the KEENE A52 hand sluice. explains how to look for gold deposits in rock. Search and explore the Llano River. Prospecting & Dredging East Fork San Gabriel & Yuba River. Dredge with lady dredger Christina Stohlman on California’s Feather River. reading “Pay Layers” & “3 Perfect Panning Techniques” in the California Motherlode Country. $600. New Mexico. homestead. a customer service representative will be happy to assist you. state and federal safety laws. Be sure to include page number. Explore the desert in California to learn geological signs to look where gold can be found. Disclaimer: Keene Engineering will not be responsible for information or claims made by third parties or other manufacturers contained in this catalog. Bank: Boston Private Bank & Trust Co. Saturday 10:00 am . Please contact a customer service representative for specific information regarding these types of purchases. description and price for each item ordered.O. Mail Orders: Please include your name. Bellow type and electrostatic systems are explained and operated in the Mohave Desert. Pricing: Prices are subject to change without notice. typographical errors. All out of state orders are limited to $50. price and quantity For technical or shipping advice. Foreign orders are shipped typically DHL or air freight. please call 818-993-0411. please be sure to have your order ready with the product number. AIP025 Drywashing A Complete Guide Part 2 Approximately 50 min.D. make certain you have consulted all manuals and instructional material. it is the responsibility of the consumer to comply with all All C. application and a complete walkthrough. wire transfer or bank transfer.00.O.4 pm Pacific Standard Time. For telephone orders please call 1-800-392-GOLD (1-800-392-4653) between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday . Consult our order blank to estimate your shipping charges. No cash or personal checks accepted. Before operating dredging equipment.Swift Code: BPTCUS31 . Foreign Orders: All foreign orders require payment in full by cash.Friday. Sales Tax: California residents please add sales tax to your order. a creepy old basement. Orders with shipping charges that are not prepaid will be sent freight collect. Summary: Easy to understand explanation will guide you through the process to owning a mining claim. Boston MA.INSTRUCTIONAL DVDS AIP023 Detecting American History Approximately 1 hour. researching an area. Your customer service representative will be happy to provide you with third party manufacturer contact information upon request.ABA Routing: 011002343 . Please note current tax rate on order form. and a Union Civil War Camp AIP024 Drywashing A Complete Guide Part 1 Approximately 50 min.FW 011002343 Address: 10 Post Office Square. address. Policy: All COD (Cash On Delivery) order in California are limited to $100. using BLM computer software. Orders may be placed by telephone or online at www. Summary: A guide through the principles of drywashing.KeeneEng. . While we strive to maintain the most accurate information possible. catalog number. Liability: Mining activities can be dangerous. 42 KEENE ENGINEERING ORDER POLICY & PROCEDURE Keene Engineering accepts MasterCard. We also recommend that you follow all safety instructions. Explanation of how to set up a drywasher for maximum gold recovery. orders must be paid by money order or cashiers checks. Bank.D. Treasure and Civil War Relics including Mark Twain’s home. description. Corner marking. Email us at TechSupport@KeeneEng. . When ordering by telephone. C.S. Consult with our customer service representative to determine shipping options that are best suited for your particular needs. Before using any equipment. or outdated information contained in advertising found in catalogs. If you have any questions or are having trouble deciding what you need. Information can be obtained directly from the manufacturer's representatives. or magazines does occur from time to time. checks drawn on a U. Detect Coins. ME005 How to Stake a Mining Claim Approximately 50 min. It is always advisable to ask your customer service representative about current pricing prior to ordering.00. Keene Engineering cannot be responsible how items are used in the To: Keene Engineering Account #1042521 Shipping: Shipping methods for online orders are typically limited to United Parcel Service only. zip code and daytime phone number when ordering (please print clearly!). Telephone Orders Paid by Check or Bank Transfer: Keene Engineering accepts personal checks and bank transfers for telephone orders. Visa and Discover. . com Chris Woods Nessie Engineering Chris@KeeneEng. restore. This can provide opportunities and improve the quality of life. within a few blocks of their factory located on Bahama Street in Chatsworth. Jessica Mendez Abe Mendez Marco Cira Customer Service Shipping Manager Traffic Manager John@KeeneEng. Whether you are just seeking some advice.KEENE ENGINEERING THE WORLD'S LARGEST M A N U FA C T U R E R O F P O R TA B L E M I N I N G E Q U I P M E N T SHOWROOM & WAREHOUSE FACTORY Keene Engineering has expanded their facility to include a new Steve@KeeneEng. we at Keene Engineering can help you find a solution to meet your needs. At Keene Engineering we strive to provide our customers with the best quality and service President International Sales Jerry Keene Vice President Engineering & Manufacturing Mark@KeeneEng. please contact us and a customer service representative will assist you with whatever your needs may be. Keene Engineering has dedicated themselves to preserving the rights of the miner as well as protecting our environment. THE KEENE ENGINEERING TEAM CEO@KeeneEng. If you have access to the Internet. It is imperative that we accept the responsibility to help restore and preserve our natural resources. Let our experience of over six decades in the mining business help you make the most out of whatever your project goals may be. or engineering a large scale mining project elsewhere in the world. Recent studies have proven that dredging removes heavy and toxic substances from the rivers and streams. We also have a wide variety of Metal Detectors and accessories available. Through responsible mining practices. This expansion is due to the rise in demand for Keene Tina Shin Controller Tina@KeeneEng. This enables us to help insure a cleaner environment for generations to [email protected] Jessica@KeeneEng. Responsible mining and reclamation can help create a cleaner water environment for our children’s to view all of our quality products and even order directly online. It is our goal to help develop practices that Nereida Magana Accounts Receivable Nereida@KeeneEng. increase revenue from natural resource and protect our water quality. and maintain a safe. Our Showroom. Our staff is committed to assisting you with your project Abe@KeeneEng. We believe that millions can enjoy these activities together and learn a greater respect for nature and wildlife. our showroom is as close as your computer! Visit us on the web at www. protect. multi-purpose system of trails. beautify the region. offices and warehouse located at 8940 Lurline Avenue.KeeneEng. natural areas integrated with roads and waterways. green ways. John Hartman PurchaseAgent Steve Picard Sales Agent 43 . enhance civic pride and encourage environmentally based economic development. offices and manufacturing facility are all conveniently located in the heart of the San Fernando Valley. If you have any questions about our Mark Keene Patrick Keene Sales Manager Pat@KeeneEng. 8940 Lurline Avenue Chatsworth. California 91311 Monday thru Friday 9:AM to 5:30:PM Saturdays 10:AM to 4:PM Showroom Hours Visit us on the World Wide Web at: 818-993-0411 E-mail: Sales@KeeneEng. 91311 USA To: Visit our New Showroom at 8940 Lurline Avenue. New Showroom Mason Factory Telephone Orders: 1-800-392-GOLD (1-800-392-4653) Fax: 818-698-8756 Technical Support: [email protected] For all your Mining and Prospecting needs! Dredges Air Compressors Prospecting Supplies Rock Crushers Scales Diving Accessories Jetting Pumps Reclamation Systems Prospecting Books and more! 8940 Lurline Ave.KeeneEng. CA.Keene Engineering . Chatsworth.
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