HISTORY INFORMATION FOR THE FOLLOWING MANUAL: SERVICE/TRAINING MANUAL AZ2-UK Chassis ORIGINAL MANUAL ISSUE DATE: 9/2011 Version Date 1.0 9/27/2011 Segment: P-2F Subject Original Manual Release Date. LCD Digital Color TV 9-883-865-01 SERVICE/TRAINING MANUAL AZ2-UK Chassis Segment: P-2F KDL-32BX311 LCD Digital Color TV 9-883-865-01 MODEL LIST MODEL KDL-32BX311 COMMANDER DESTINATION RM-YD065 LA MODEL KDL-32BX311 COMMANDER DESTINATION RM-YD065 CHILE/PERU 9-883-865-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Safety and Features.................................................1 Warnings and Cautions - English ...............................................1 Safety-Related Warnings............................................................. 3 Safety Check-Out .......................................................................4 Self Diagnosis Function .............................................................6 Overview ....................................................................................7 Features .....................................................................................7 Section 3 - Chassis Overview ..................................................13 Overview ..................................................................................13 Overall Circuit Description........................................................14 Main Board (A Board) ................................................................ 14 Scene Select ............................................................................... 7 Power Supply Board (G13 Board)............................................15 Switch Unit ...............................................................................15 IR Board ...................................................................................15 LCD Panel Assembly ...............................................................15 USB Input .................................................................................... 7 Inverter ...................................................................................... 15 LightSensor™ Technology .......................................................... 7 TCON Board.............................................................................. 15 5 HD Inputs ................................................................................. 7 BRAVIA® Sync™ Compatible ..................................................... 7 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV .............................................................................8 Section 2 - Software Requirements.........................................10 Overview ..................................................................................10 Software Updates for Customers .............................................10 Software Updates for Servicers ............................................... 11 Section 4 - Troubleshooting.....................................................17 Overview ..................................................................................17 Updating the software ............................................................... 17 Video Failures ..........................................................................17 No Video .................................................................................... 17 Video Distortion ......................................................................... 18 Software Update Responsibility .................................................11 Audio Troubleshooting .............................................................19 Power Supply Troubleshooting ................................................20 Checking the Software Version ..................................................11 Completely Dead Set ................................................................ 20 Examples of Software Correctable Symptoms .......................... 12 TV Won’t Power On ................................................................... 20 Backlight Issues .......................................................................20 No Backlight, No Shutdown....................................................... 20 Protection Shutdown ................................................................21 Standby LED Flash Count ......................................................... 21 KDL-32BX311 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Diagnostic Code Descriptions ..................................................23 Clearing the Self Check Diagnostic List .................................... 25 Exiting the Self Check Diagnostic Screen ................................. 25 Test Points................................................................................25 Section 5 - Flow Charts and Diagrams ...................................26 Video Information .....................................................................26 Power Supply Information ........................................................28 Protection Information ..............................................................29 Section 6 - Disassembly/Part Number Information ...............31 Table-Top Stand Assembly Removal........................................31 Rear Cover and Speakers Removal ........................................32 A (Main) Board, G13 (Power Supply) Board and LCD Panel Removal ...........................................................33 Section 7 - Service Adjustments .............................................36 Overview ..................................................................................36 Updating the Software..............................................................36 Accessing Service Adjustment Mode .......................................36 Accessing the Panel Selection .................................................. 38 Accessing Factory Adjustment Mode...................................................................................38 Adjusting the Color Temperature ............................................... 39 Appendix A - Triage Sheets.................................................... A-1 Cleaning the LCD Panel ............................................................ 33 Screws .....................................................................................34 Connectors ...............................................................................34 Accessories and Packaging .....................................................35 Miscellaneous ..........................................................................35 Optional Accessories................................................................35 Remote Commander ................................................................35 Wire Dressing...........................................................................35 KDL-32BX311 ii SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS - ENGLISH CAUTION 7KHVH VHUYLFLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV DUH IRU XVH E\ TXDOL¿HG VHUYLFH SHUVRQQHO RQO\ 7R UHGXFH WKH ULVN RI HOHFWULF VKRFN GR QRW SHUIRUP DQ\ VHUYLFLQJ RWKHU WKDQ WKDW FRQWDLQHG LQ WKH RSHUDWLQJ LQVWUXFWLRQV XQOHVV \RX DUH TXDOL¿HG WR GR VR CARRYING THE TV Disconnect all cables when carrying the TV. arry the TV with the adequate number of people; larger size TVs require two or more people. orrect hand placement while carrying the TV is very important for safety and to avoid damage. WARNING!! An isolation transformer should be used during any service to avoid possible shock hazard, because of live chassis. The chassis of this receiver is directly connected to the AC power line. SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING!! ! &RPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ VKDGLQJ DQG ! mark on the exploded views are critical for safe operation. Replace all components with Sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements published by Sony. It is essential WKDW DOO FULWLFDO SDUWV EH UHSODFHG RQO\ ZLWK WKH SDUW QXPEHU VSHFL¿HG LQ WKLV PDQXDO WR SUHYHQW HOHFWULF VKRFN ¿UH RU RWKHU KD]DUG &LUFXLW DGMXVWPHQWV WKDW DUH FULWLFDO IRU VDIH RSHUDWLRQ DUH LGHQWL¿HG LQ WKLV PDQXDO Follow these procedures whenever critical components are replaced or improper operation is suspected. NOTE: Do not modify the original design without obtaining written permission from the manufacturer or you will void the original parts and labor guarantee. KDL-32BX311 1 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES CAUTION : Do Not use paper towels, any type of abrasive pad, rags, rubber or vinyl materials to clean the screen. Using these materials could easily scratch the screen which may result in permanent damage. : Do Not use any cleaning product containing alkaline/acid cleaner, scouring powder, or volatile solvent, such as alcohol, ammonia, benzene, thinner or insecticide. Using any of these harsh cleaners may result in permanent damage to the screen. : Do Not spray water or detergent directly onto the TV screen . If liquid drips into the bottom of the screen it may cause a failure. CLEANING THE LCD PANEL CAUTION: When cleaning the TV, be sure to unplug the power cord to avoid any chance of electric shock. Clean the cabinet of the TV with a dry soft cloth. Wipe the LCD screen gently with a soft cloth. 5 Stubborn stains may be removed with a cloth slightly moistened with a solution of mild soap and warm water. 5 If using a chemically pretreated cloth, please follow the instruction provided on the package. 5 Never use strong solvents such as a thinner, alcohol or benzine for cleaning. 5 Periodic vacuuming of the ventilation openings is recommended to ensure to proper ventilation. KDL-32BX311 2 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES SAFETY-RELATED WARNINGS USE CAUTION WHEN HANDLING THE LCD PANEL When repairing the LCD panel, be sure you are grounded by using a wrist band. When installing the LCD panel on a wall, the LCD panel must be secured using the 4 mounting holes on the rear cover. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do not press on the panel or frame edge to avoid the risk of electric shock. Do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects. Do not leave the module in high temperatures or in areas of high humidity for an extended period of time. Do not expose the LCD panel to direct sunlight. Avoid contact with water. It may cause a short circuit within the module. Disconnect the AC power when replacing the backlight or inverter circuit. (High voltage occurs at the inverter circuit at 650Vrms.) 7. Always clean the LCD panel with a soft cloth material. 8. Use care when handling the wires or connectors of the inverter circuit. Damaging the wires may cause a short. 9. Protect the panel from ESD to avoid damaging the electronic circuit (C-MOS). 10. During the repair, DO NOT leave the Power On for more than 1 hour while the TV is face down on a cloth. KDL-32BX311 3 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES SAFETY CHECK-OUT After correcting the original service problem, perform the following safety checks before releasing the set to the customer: 1. Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and bridges. 2. Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are “pinched” or touching high-wattage resistors. 3. Check that all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps, and mounting hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain that you have replaced all the insulators. 4. Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors, that were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. 5. Look for parts which, though functioning, show obvious signs of deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their replacement. 6. Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. Recommend the replacement of any such line cord to the customer. 7. Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, “metallized” knobs, screws, and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage as described below. KDL-32BX311 4 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES LEAKAGE TEST To Exposed Metal Parts on Set The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and from all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a return to chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA(500 microamperes). Leakage current can be measured by any one of three methods. 1. A commercial leakage tester, such as the Simpson 229 or RCA WT-540A. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions to use these instructions. 2. A battery-operated AC milliampmeter. The Data Precision 245 digital multimeter is suitable for this job. 3. Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of a VOM or battery-operated AC voltmeter. The “limit” indication is 0.75 V, so analog meters must have an accurate low voltage scale. The Simpson’s 250 and Sanwa SH-63TRD are examples of passive VOMs that are suitable. Nearly all battery-operated digital multimeters that have a 2 VAC range are suitable (see Figure A). AC Voltmeter (0.75V) 0.15 µF Earth Ground Figure A. Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage. HOW TO FIND A GOOD EARTH GROUND The cover-plate retaining screw on most AC outlet boxes is at earth ground.Verify the AC outlet box retaining screw ground by connecting a 60-to 100-watt troublelight (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the receptacle and the retaining screw. Try both slots, if necessary, to locate the hot side on the line; the lamp should light at normal brilliance if the screw is at ground potential (see Figure B). Trouble Light AC Outlet Box Figure B. Checking for earth ground. KDL-32BX311 5 Self Diagnosis Supported model SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES SELF DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION 7KH 79V LQ WKLV PDQXDO FRQWDLQ D VHOI GLDJQRVWLF IXQFWLRQ ,I DQ HUURU RFFXUV WKH 67$1'%< /(' ZLOO DXWRPDWLFDOO\ EHJLQ WR ÀDVK 7KH QXPEHU RI WLPHV WKH /(' ÀDVKHV WUDQVODWHV WR D SUREDEOH VRXUFH RI WKH SUREOHP $ GH¿QLWLRQ RI WKH 67$1'%< /(' ÀDVK LQGLFDWRU LV OLVWHG LQ WKH 2SHUDWLQJ Instruction manual for the user’s reference. If an error symptom cannot be reproduced, the remote commander can be used to review the failure occurrence data stored in memory to reveal past problems and how often these problems occur. For complete information, refer to “Section 4 - Troubleshooting” on page 17. KDL-32BX311 6 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES OVERVIEW The AZ2-UK chassis is one of several designs for the 2011 model line of Sony Bravia® LCD televisions. This manual covers the following models: KDL32BX311 The chassis design revolves around the video processing circuits located on the A board. The key difference between models is determined by the size of the LCD panel and its manufacturing source. This manual will describe the new circuit features and individually describe the models based on these differences. FEATURES Several new features are introduced in this chassis model lineup along with some carryovers from the previous year. SCENE SELECT Easily manage your settings for the best HDTV experience with Scene 6HOHFW &KRRVH IURP ¿YH GLIIHUHQW SDFNDJHV HDFK ZLWK SUHFRQ¿JXUHG picture and audio settings, including Sports, Photo, Game, Cinema and Music. USB INPUT Share your photos on the big screen or listen to your favorite music. Simply connect your digital camera, USB-enabled MP3 player, or USB storage device directly to your HDTV’s USB input. LIGHTSENSOR™ TECHNOLOGY Enjoy customized picture brightness and save energy without lifting D ¿QJHU 7KH EXLOW LQ /LJKW 6HQVRU DXWRPDWLFDOO\ DGMXVWV WKH SLFWXUH brightness based on the amount of light in the room. 5 HD INPUTS *HW YHUVDWLOH +' FRQQHFWLRQ RSWLRQV ZLWK ¿YH +' LQSXWV LQFOXGLQJ two HDMI™ inputs, two HD component inputs provide added HDcapable connectivity in addition a PC input (HD-15 pin) lets you use your HDTV as a computer monitor. BRAVIA® SYNC™ COMPATIBLE Conveniently operate and control other BRAVIA® Sync™ compatible devices - including BRAVIA® HDTVs, Blu-ray Disc™ Players, surround sound systems, Handycam® camcorders and Cyber-shot® digital still cameras, all with one remote control. HD 720P RESOLUTION PANEL Enjoy crisp, detailed and vibrant images in 720p picture quality while watching movies, sports and primetime HD television broadcasts via the 16:9 wide screen panel (1366 x 768). KDL-32BX311 7 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS Sistema Sistema de TV Cobertura de canales Sistema del panel S al i da de boci nas NTSC: Estándar de TV estadounidense ATSC (8VSB terrestre): 8VSB compatible con ATSC QAM por cable: ANSI/SCTE 07 2000 (No incluye la funcionalidad de CableCARD) Terrestre analógico: 2 - 69 / Terrestre digital: 2 - 69 Cable analógico: 1 - 135 / Cable digital: 1 - 135 Panel LCD (pantalla de cristal líquido) 8W +8W Tomas de entrada/salida CABLE/ANTENNA VIDEO IN 1/2 Terminal externo de 75-ohm para entrada de señal de radiofrecuencia VIDEO: 1 Vp-p, 75 ohm no equilibrado, sincronización negativa AUDIO: 500 mVrcm (Típico) / Impedancia: 47 kilo ohm COMPONENT IN AUDIO OUT YPBPR(video componente): Y: 1,0 Vp-p, 75 ohm no equilibrado, sincronización negativa / P B : 0,7 Vp-p, 75 ohm / P R : 0,7 Vp-p, 75 ohm / Formato de señal: 480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p AUDIO: 500 mVrcm (Típico) / Impedancia: 47 kilo ohm H D M I : V i deo: 480i , 480p, 720p, 1080i , 1080p, 1080/24p Audio: PCM lineal de dos canales 32; 44,1 y 48 kHz; 16; 20 y 24 bits, Dolby Digital Entrada de PC 500 mVrm (típico) DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) Salida de audio óptica digital (PCM/Dolby Digital) PC I N S ubmi ni atura D de 15 contactos, R G B anal ógi co, 0, 7 V p-p, 75 ohm, posi tiva Consulte la tabla de referencia de la señal de entrada de la PC para PC y HDMI IN. Minitoma estéreo, 500 mVrm, (Típico) / Impedancia: 47 kilo ohm HDM I I N PC/HDMI IN 1 AUDIO INPUT KDL-32BX311 Información de licencias Macintosh es una marca comercial de Apple Inc., registrada en EE. UU. y otros países. HDMI, el logotipo de HDMI y High-Definition Multimedia Interface son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de HDMI Licensing, LLC en los Estados Unidos y en otros países. Fergason Patent Properties, LLC: N° de patente de EE.UU. 5.717.422 N° de patente de EE.UU. 6.816.141 Fabricado bajo licencia de Dolby Laboratories. Dolby y el símbolo de la doble D son marcas comerciales de Dolby Laboratories. Blu-ray Disc es una marca comercial. “BRAVIA”, , BRAVIA Sync, y son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Sony Corporation. “PlayStation” es una marca comercial registrada y “PS3” es una marca comercial de Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. La clase 32 ofrece un tamaño de imagen de 31,5 pulgadas (80,0 cm) (medido en sentido diagonal). 8 SECTION 1 - SAFETY AND FEATURES Nombre del modelo Corriente y otras especificaciones Requisitos de alimentación Consumo energético en uso en espera KDL-32BX311 110-240 V ca 50/60 Hz 115 W M enos de 0, 25 W con 120 V ca y con 240 V ca menos de 0, 35 W Tamaño de pantalla 31,5 (32 clase) (medido diagonalmente) 80,0 (cm) R esol uci ón del moni tor 1 388 puntos ( hori zontal es) × 768 l í neas ( verti cal es) B oci na/G ama compl eta ( 2) ( mm) 40 × 100 D i mensi ones con soporte ( mm) 800 × 528 × 220 si n soporte ( mm) 800 × 496 × 91 patrón de los orificios de 200 × 200 montaje mural (mm) tamaño de tornillos de M6 (8-12 mm) montaje mural (mm) P eso con soporte ( k g) 10, 7 si n soporte ( k g) 9, 1 Accesorios suministrados Control remoto RM-YD065 (1) / Pilas tipo AA (2) / Manual de instrucciones (1) / Guía de configuración rápida (1) / Tarjeta de garantía (1) / Manual de seguridad (1) / Licencia del software (1) / común para todos los Guía de ensamble de la base de soporte (1) / Soporte de sobremesa (1 juego) modelos modelos individuales Tornillos (7) Accesorios opcionales Cables de conexión / Kit de correa de soporte / Soporte de montaje mural: SU-WL500 • La disponibilidad de los accesorios opcionales dependerá de las existencias. • El diseño y las especificaciones están sujetos a cambios sin previo aviso. KDL-32BX311 9 SECTION 2 - SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW There are 2 reasons for updating the software on the TVs. ‡ Software updates for customers These updates are for enhancements or improvements that have been made to the software after the TV was released. ‡ Software update for servicers 7KHVH XSGDWHV DUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU VHUYLFHUV WR XVH GXULQJ D service call. SOFTWARE UPDATES FOR CUSTOMERS The subject of software updates is a very important. The televisions of today have advanced to the point where they are not simply a television anymore. They are evolving into devices that are designed to integrate with numerous other devices found in the home. Some examples are: Portable audio and video devices, still cameras, home computer networks and accessing the internet to name a few. Communications with these varying devices requires that the television be compatible with varying communications protocols. Although standards are detailed for each of these protocols, the real world dictates that occasional errors may occur that could prevent devices from operating or communicating properly. Keeping the software in the television up-to-date is a procedure that is normally handled by the owner of the television. Most customers who own computers and other digital devices are familiar with and are accustomed to updating the software in their products. If a customer contacts the Sony Customer Support Center and it is deemed to be correctable with a software update, the issue is handled at the customer level. KDL-32BX311 10 SECTION 2 - SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SOFTWARE UPDATES FOR SERVICERS The models in this manual utilize a “generic” type main board. In the past, many different main boards needed to be stocked due to differences in software requirements. The software loaded on the ERDUG ZDV VSHFL¿F WR WKH PRGHO DQG LWV IHDWXUHV DORQJ ZLWK WKH W\SH of LCD panel installed during production. Replacement main boards are now stocked with basic software. Once the replacement board is installed in the unit, the most current software needs to be installed using a USB thumb drive containing the necessary software downloaded. 7KLV QHZ PHWKRG RI VXSSO\LQJ PDLQ ERDUGV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ UHGXFHV WKH complexity of replacing LCD panels and main boards. Information about the LCD panel is stored on the TCON circuits. This information is automatically loaded onto the main board when the TV is powered up. With the correct software version the main board and/or the 7&21 RU /&' SDQHO FDQ EH UHSODFHG PRUH HI¿FLHQWO\ In addition to software installation, service adjustment information PD\ QHHG WR EH PRGL¿HG RU YHUL¿HG WR FRPSOHWH WKH VHUYLFH RI WKH TV. Service adjustment information is covered in “Section 7 - Service Adjustments” on page 36. SOFTWARE UPDATE RESPONSIBILITY Software updates are designed to be performed by the customer. Warranty repairs in which the issue can be resolved by a software update are not reimbursable. Most issues involving software updates are handled by the customer service center and should not be directed to an authorized service center. It is the responsibility of the servicer to prevent service calls for issues that involve software updates. Exceptions to this are certain cases whereby the customer is unable or unwilling to perform the task. In this situation, WKH VHUYLFHU ZLOO EH QRWL¿HG DQG UHFHLYH WKH SURSHU DXWKRUL]DWLRQ IRU reimbursement. It is the servicer’s responsibility, however, to make certain that any TV requiring a legitimate service is running the latest software version and to install it if necessary. CHECKING THE SOFTWARE VERSION The easiest way to check the version of software that is currently on the TV is to access the Contact Sony screen by using the customer menu. FIGURE 2-1. SOFTWARE VERSION ON THE CONTACT SONY SCREEN KDL-32BX311 11 SECTION 2 - SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS EXAMPLES OF SOFTWARE CORRECTABLE SYMPTOMS Most symptoms that are correctable by software updates involve communications issues with other devices or minor glitches in WKH RSHUDWLRQ RI D VSHFL¿F IXQFWLRQ %HORZ LV D OLVW RI VRPH RI WKH symptoms that may be corrected with a software update: ‡ Fluctuations in picture brightness ‡ Intermittent picture freezing or noise ‡ Problems with certain inputs (especially HDMI) ‡ Intermittent or distorted audio ‡ Erratic remote control operation ‡ Unit turns on and off by itself ‡ Loss of color ‡ Internet connectivity ‡ Certain features not working correctly SKRWR RU YLGHR ¿OH YLHZLQJ KDL-32BX311 12 SECTION 3 - CHASSIS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The primary circuits contained in the AZ2-UK chassis consists of a Main Board (designated as the A Board), Power Supply Board (designated as the G13 Board), the IR Board (H Board), the Switch Unit and the LCD Panel Assembly which includes the TCON Board. NOTE: For connector part number information, refer to “Connectors” on page 34. For Wire Dressing information, refer to “Wire Dressing” on page 35. A G13 SWITCH UNIT H FIGURE 3-1. CIRCUIT BOARD LOCATION KDL-32BX311 13 SECTION 3 - CHASSIS OVERVIEW OVERALL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION “Figure 3-2. Block Diagram” on page 16 provides an overview of the AZ2-UK chassis. Below is a description of the components and their functions. MAIN BOARD (A BOARD) Common to all models utilizing the AZ2-UK chassis, the Main Board (A Board) contains most of the video processing circuitry along with all audio processing. Control of the television is accomplished via a CPU embedded within the MT5388 processor. Below is a list of the key components located on the Main Board. TUNER The tuner is a combination ATSC/NTSC unit. It can receive traditional analog NTSC signals via cable or terrestrial along with ATSC digital signals via terrestrial (8VSB) or cable (64 or 256 QAM). Audio Processing: Analog audio sources are selected and A/D converted directly by U3. The audio information is then processed digitally. Digital audio from the tuner and HDMI sources is also input DQG SURFHVVHG &ODVV ' DPSOL¿HU 8 SURYLGHV WKH GULYH IRU WKH speakers. HDMI Input and Switching: The customer can select the HDMI1 or HDMI2 input. Each HDMI input contains a dedicated EDI NVM (not shown) to provide display information data to any device connected via the HDMI inputs. CPU: The CPU internal to the MT5388 processor controls all aspects of the television functions. Input from the user along with monitoring of critical circuits is also performed by this CPU. LVDS Transmitter: Integrated into U3 is a Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) transmitter. This circuit converts the 8-bit parallel RGB video information into a set of high speed serial lines for noisefree transmission to the TCON circuits located internally to the LCD panel. MT5388 PROCESSOR IC U3 performs the majority of the necessary audio and video processing on the A board. Analog Video Input Switch: All analog video sources are selected and A/D converted and scaled (if necessary) to 1280 X 720p 60HZ resolution. Digital Audio and Video Decoder: The MPEG2 and Digital Dolby audio streams are received from the tuner for decompression. All video sources which are not native 1280 X 720p 60HZ are scaled to this resolution. Digital audio content is RXWSXW WR WKH FODVV ' DPSOL¿HU IRU SURFHVVLQJ DQG DPSOL¿FDWLRQ KDL-32BX311 14 SECTION 3 - CHASSIS OVERVIEW POWER SUPPLY BOARD (G13 BOARD) LCD PANEL ASSEMBLY The Power Supply Board for this model is designated as the G13 Board. The LCD Panel Assembly includes the LCD Panel, TCON Board, and LED Backlight system. There are 2 distinct sections on the power supply: 7KH /&' 3DQHO FRQWDLQV WKH DFWXDO OLTXLG FU\VWDOV FRORU ¿OWHUV DQG polarizers. The liquid crystals are manipulated by the applied voltage WR SDVV D VSHFL¿F DPRXQW RI OLJKW IURP WKH EDFNOLJKW GHSHQGLQJ RQ the level of voltage applied. Standby Supply: Continuously operational as long as AC power is applied, the standby supply generates 3.3VDC for the circuits requiring power while the unit is turned off. An unregulated 15-volt line is present to provide power to the main relay, PFC and main power supply at turn-on. Main Supply: Once the power supply receives a power-on command from the CPU on the A board, the main switching supply is turned on to provide a regulated 12V source, a dedicated un-regulated 15V for the audio circuits and an unregulated 24V source for the inverter circuit. The TCON performs all the control, timing, charge, and discharge functions driving the operation of the LCD Panel. A new LCD Panel assembly from parts will include the following items. LCD Panel TCON Board LED Backlight System SWITCH UNIT This board contains the power, channel, and volume up/down and menu buttons. IR BOARD Designated as the H Board, the IR Board contains the power, standby, and timer LED’s are located on this board along with the IR remote receiver and light level sensor. INVERTER The inverter receives the unregulated 24V from the power supply board and generates the required high voltage AC to power the backlight lamps. A control line to turn on the inverter (backlights on) is used in conjunction with a dimmer control to vary the light level of the CCFL lamps. As of the writing of this manual, the inverter is not available as a replacement part. The LCD panel assembly must be replaced. TCON BOARD The TCON Board communicates between the LCD Panel and the microprocessor on the Main Board. (NOTE: The TCON Board is not available as a replacement part for all models.) KDL-32BX311 15 SECTION 3 - CHASSIS OVERVIEW RF TUNER U8 CLASS D AUDIO AMP COMPOSITE OR COMPONENT 1 L R COMPONENT 2 HDMI 1 HDMI 2 ANALOG AUDIO OUT U3 MT5388 A/V DECODER A/V PROCESS CPU OPTICAL AUDIO OUT LVDS PC HD15 INVERTER USB2.0 LCD PANEL A SWITCH UNIT LED IR RX H AC IN 24V B+ AND CTL POWER SUPPLY G13 FIGURE 3-2. BLOCK DIAGRAM KDL-32BX311 16 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING OVERVIEW Most troubleshooting for this chassis focuses on the 3 major components used: x The Main Board (A) x Power Supply Board (G13) x LCD Panel This chapter provides practical troubleshooting procedures based on the various symptoms that will appear when a particular circuit fails to operate properly. Typical failure symptoms will be discussed LQ WKLV FKDSDWHU ZLWK WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ ÀRZFKDUWV IRU HDFK V\PSWRP LQ the “Section 5 - Flow Charts and Diagrams” on page 26. UPDATING THE SOFTWARE As mentioned in “Section 2 - Software Requirements” on page 10, there are several issues that may be resloved by updating the software to the latest version. For a list of possible correctable issues see “Checking the Software Version” on page 11. VIDEO FAILURES Problems that develop in the video circuits can appear as subtle or major distortions, a loss of one or more colors, improper video level, or a complete loss of video. When troubleshooting LCD display devices the problem must be isolated to 2 major components: The main board where the video processing is performed or the LCD panel. In some cases the TCON may not be available as a separate component and replacement of the LCD panel is required to rectify a TCON problem. Distortion in the video signal that affects all inputs can be challenging at times since any of the above mentioned components can be the cause. Fortunately, each of these components tends to generate unique symptoms when a problem occurs. Some distortions may occur that could be caused by either of these components but a good understanding of the circuits and further investigation will isolate the suspected circuit. The following sections will cover the various scenarios of problems that may occur in the video processing circuits. NO VIDEO A “no video” complaint can be caused by a number of reasons. The ¿UVW VWHS LV WR GHWHUPLQH LI WKH FRQGLWLRQ LV SUHVHQW IURP DOO LQSXW sources. If any video source is working properly, the TCON (located within the LCD panel) can be assumed to be OK. The backlights are also functioning properly. Although it is unusual for a backlight failure to cause a complete loss of video (the TV will shut down if a backlight power or open LED is detected) there have been cases where the backlights have failed to turn on without the unit shutting down. KDL-32BX311 17 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING If the loss of video occurs on all inputs, the problem will require additional diagnostic work. The presence of audio is an important sign to check for. Missing audio accompanying a loss of video helps to eliminate the TCON as the cause and would point to the main board as the culprit. If audio is present, the next step is to determine if the video loss is occurring in the video process circuits on the main board, or the LVDS cable link from the main board to the LCD panel. VIDEO DISTORTION 7KLV LV SHUKDSV WKH PRUH GLI¿FXOW IDLOXUH WR GLDJQRVH ,W LV GLI¿FXOW when talking to the customer on the phone because an accurate description of the problem must be obtained in order to determine ZKLFK SDUW RU SDUWV WR EULQJ WR WKH ORFDWLRQ ,W PD\ DOVR EH GLI¿FXOW for the technician when the problem is witnessed. Service Tip: If a service call is made for a “no video” complaint, a warranty repair would require the technician to bring the main board to the location. Install the main board and if the video problem is not resloved it is safe to assume the problem might reside in the TCON. If the TCON is not available as a replacement part, this issue would require replacing the LCD panel. ,I WKH SUREOHP LV VSHFL¿F WR RQH RU PRUH LQSXWV LW VKRXOG EH HDV\ WR determine if the fault lies on the main board or a device that is plugged into it. If the distortion occurs at all inputs it must be analyzed based on what appears on the display and isolated to the main board, TCON, or LCD panel. These components usually cause distortions WKDW DUH XQLTXH WR WKH VSHFL¿F FLUFXLW %HORZ LV DQ H[DPSOH RI WKH typical distortions: HINT: One method to test a TCON, which works rather well in most cases, is to remove the LVDS connector at the panel connection while the TV is running. Be certain to release the lock tabs and handle the connector carefully to avoid damage. If there is any tape securing the cable to the panel near the input, temporarily remove the tape to allow free movement of the cable. Main Board (A Board): Since the video signal is processed on a frame-by-frame basis it is very unlikely that a distortion that is RFFXUULQJ RQ D VSHFL¿F SDUW RI WKH GLVSOD\ SDQHO LV RULJLQDWLQJ KHUH Distortion problems originating in the video process circuits tend to affect the entire picture. The following are some examples: Carefully insert and remove the connector while slightly rocking it. Observe the screen as you do this. If any activity appears on the VFUHHQ ÀDVKHV OLQHV RU SDWWHUQV 7KH 7&21 LV 2. 7KH 79 PD\ VKXW down within a 10 to 20 second period because the protect circuits have detected a TCON failure. If this happens, simply re-insert the LVDS connector, turn the TV back on, and try the procedure again. Normally, you should be able to detect something on the screen within a matter of seconds. “Figure 5-2. Video Distortion Flowchart” on page 27 provide assistance in isolating the cause of the video loss. KDL-32BX311 should x Improper color reproduction or no color x Improper luminance levels x Lack of detail in the picture x Distortions that change with movement in the video x Diagonal lines x No video 18 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING TCON: Since the TCON allocates the RGB video information based RQ VSHFL¿F WLPLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ WKH GLVWRUWLRQV WHQG WR EH ¿[HG DQG usually appears as symmetrical patterns that occupy most (or a VLJQL¿FDQW SRUWLRQ RI WKH GLVSOD\ 7KH 7&21 FLUFXLWV LQ WKLV FKDVVLV are integrated within the LCD panel which requires replacement of the entire panel to remedy a TCON failure. Some examples of TCON errors: x Any single, thin vertical line (regardless of color) x $Q\ WKLQ YHUWLFDO OLQHV LVRODWHG WR D VSHFL¿F DUHD RI WKH VFUHHQ x A singe vertical column of lines of any color or containing distorted video x $Q\ ¿[HG KRUL]RQWDO OLQHV x No video x Blotches of black or improperly colored areas x Thin vertical lines spanning most or all of the display x x More that one column of wide vertical columns which may appear black or any color, or may contain distorted video. Ghosting of images in which the entire image is repeated one or more times x Multi-colored vertical line patterns with a repetitive pattern Service Tip: Whenever vertical lines of distortion appear, select an inactive input or disconnect the antenna in the tuner mode. The idea LV WR QRW KDYH D KLJK GH¿QLWLRQ VLJQDO DV WKH VRXUFH 7KLV DOORZV WKH picture zoom functions to operate. Change the zoom mode from the remote commander. If the lines follow the normal and zoom modes the problem resides on the main ERDUG ,I WKH OLQHV UHPDLQ ¿[HG WKURXJKRXW WKH YDULRXV ]RRP PRGHV the TCON is at fault. LCD Panel: Distortions originating from the LCD panel tend to be localized with the exception of horizontal line issues. A failure of a gate driver can cause a horizontal distortion with all video content below that point appearing distorted. Depending on which gate driver has failed, the distortion may only cover a small area of the bottom of the screen if the driver failed near the bottom of the panel, or a large area of the screen if the driver failed near the top of the panel. With the exception of visible physical damage, the following are some examples of LCD panel related distortions: KDL-32BX311 A thorough understanding of how the video is processed throughout the chain of circuits all the way to the panel is important. A past article written for the Sony Newsletter described, in detail, how this process works. “Figure 5-2. Video Distortion Flowchart” on page 27 will assist in isolating which component is causing the distortion. AUDIO TROUBLESHOOTING 6LQFH DOO DXGLR VLJQDOV DUH LQSXW SURFHVVHG DQG DPSOL¿HG E\ WKH main board, any issue involving the loss of audio or audio distortions which are present at all inputs would dictate that the issue can be resolved by replacing the main board. It is possible that a software update might also resolve the issue, but it is very unusual for a software update to affect all sources. $XGLR SUREOHPV WKDW DUH LQSXW VSHFL¿F HVSHFLDOO\ WKH +'0, DQG digital sources such as the USB input and tuner) are more likely to point to the need for a software update and this is especially true if the problem is intermittent. 19 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING POWER SUPPLY TROUBLESHOOTING Failures in the power supply circuits that prevent the TV from turning on are caused by one of the following scenarios: BACKLIGHT ISSUES x Complete failure of the standby and main power supplies. Under normal circumstances, any failures in the backlighting system will cause the unit to shut down. If any section of the inverter circuits fails to operate properly, the unit will shut down and blink the standby LED in groups of 6. x Failure of the main supply including the main switching regulator, PFC circuit, main relay and other components required to turn the circuits on. ,I RQH RU PRUH RI WKH ÀXRUHVFHQW EDFNOLJKWV IDLOV WR OLJKW WKH RYHU voltage protection circuit of the inverter is activated. The inverter shuts down and the same 6-blink protect event occurs. x The power supply is not receiving a turn-on command from the CPU. The recommended approach for a 6-blink shutdown is to determine if the backlights are turning on before the shutdown. The easiest way to determine this is to watch for the Sony logo to appear on the screen. The television will make 2 or 3 attempts to achieve proper lighting of the lamps. If the Sony logo appears, the backlights are turning on and the problem is likely due to one of the lamps not lighting. If the lamps never turn on and no Sony logo appears on the screen, the inverter is the likely suspect. COMPLETELY DEAD SET A complete power supply failure is generally the result of severe transients in the AC line such as those incurred during an electrical storm. This model line utilizes a red standby LED located on the lower left front bezel that is lit whenever the TV is receiving AC power and is turned off. If it is not lit, and AC power to the television LV FRQ¿UPHG UHSODFHPHQW RI WKH SRZHU VXSSO\ ERDUG VKRXOG UHFWLI\ the problem. TV WON’T POWER ON This situation assumes that the red standby LED is lit when AC power is applied to the TV. A lit standby LED indicates that the standby power supply is operational, and the CPU on the main board is at least partly operational. In this case it is likely that the main power supply is either not being turned on or it has failed. Use the power-on button on the right side of the TV to attempt a turn-on and eliminate a defective remote control system. “Figure 5-3. Power Supply Flowchart” on page 28 will assist in isolating the power problem. KDL-32BX311 NO BACKLIGHT, NO SHUTDOWN It is possible for a symptom of no backlighting to occur that does not cause the television to go into protective shutdown. Dynamic dimming control of the backlights is performed by monitoring information from the TCON circuits. This is in the form of data and determines the brightness level of the backlights based on video content. If the TCON fails to process the RGB video data, or if the dimmer data line fails, the backlights will not turn on. Audio will be present if the selected input has it available. The television will remain on LQGH¿QLWHO\ ZLWK WKH JUHHQ 3RZHU /(' OLW ,Q WKLV VFHQDULR WKH /&' panel must be replaced. 20 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING PROTECTION SHUTDOWN STANDBY LED FLASH COUNT Self Diagnosis Supported model Critical voltages and circuit operations are monitored by the CPU on the main board. If a fault is detected the Self-Diagnostic function in the TV will force the TV to shut down by the CPU. The monitored FLUFXLW LQ ZKLFK WKH IDXOW RFFXUUHG ZLOO FDXVH WKH &38 WR ÀDVK WKH Stand-By LED in groups of repeating sequences. The number of EOLQNV LQ WKHVH JURXSV LGHQWL¿HV ZKLFK YROWDJH RU FLUFXLW FDXVHG WKH protection event. Not all of the available protect codes are used in every model. For example, models that are LED backlit do not use the 4-blink balancer HUURU DV WKLV FLUFXLW LV IRXQG LQ PRGHOV WKDW DUH EDFNOLW ZLWK ÀXRUHVFHQW lamps. The following list contains the protect circuits and diagnostics codes used in the models listed in this manual. “Figure 5-4. Protection Shutdown Flowchart” on page 29 provides guidance in locating the possible component causing the shutdown. FIGURE 4-1. LED DISPLAY 2 times 5 times LED ON 0.3 sec. LED OFF 0.3 sec. LED OFF 3 sec. FIGURE 4-2. BLINK COUNT KDL-32BX311 21 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING 2X Blink - Main Power Error 6X Blink - Backlight System Failure A loss of REG12V from the power supply triggers this protect event. This symptom is usually remedied by replacing the power supply board. If the error continues after the power supply board is replaced, suspect excessive loading which is causing the power supply to shut down. This is usually caused by a failure of the inverter circuits. Unplug the inverter and turn the TV back on. If a 6X error is displayed, the inverter (or LCD panel) must be replaced. If the inverter circuits fails to generate high voltage or one or more of the backlight lamps fails to light, the television will shut down and display this diagnostics error. Observing for the presence of backlighting is crucial in determining which component is likely at fault. 3X Blink- DC Regulator/Audio Error The REG 5V and D3.3V source originating on the main board is monitored for low-voltage conditions by the CPU. A failure causing a 3X shutdown would require replacing the main board. 5X Blink - TCON Error A communications error with the timing control circuits (TCON) has occurred. If the TCON is available for replacement, replace the TCON. If the TCON is not available, the LCD panel must be replaced since the TCON circuit is part of the LCD panel assembly. In rare cases a loose or defective LVDS cable could also be the cause. KDL-32BX311 If the backlights turn on before the 6X shutdown occurs, it is safe to assume that the inverter circuits are functioning and one of the lamps failed to ignite. Replacing the LCD panel is necessary. If the backlights never turn on before the 6X shutdown, the inverter has failed. If the inverter is available for replacement, replace the inverter. If the inverter is not available, replace the LCD Panel. 7X Blink - Temperature Failure A digital thermometer IC located on the main board provides a temperature reading of the chassis and LCD panel. If the temperature exceeds a pre-determined point the TV will shut down. If this problem occurs immediately at turn-on, the temperature sensing IC has failed and replacing the main board is required. If this occurs after the TV has been running for a while, check for ventilation issues that could cause the TV to run hotter than normal. 22 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING DIAGNOSTIC CODE DESCRIPTIONS The Diagnotic Table provides an overview of the number of times the Standby LED blinks and the possible location. Diagnostic Item MAIN_POWER DC_ALERT AUD_PORT BALANCER TCON ERR BACKLITE TEMP_ERR Diagnostic Item Description Main Power Over Voltage Protection DC Alert Audio Error Detection Panel Balancer Error TCON Error Backlight Error Temperature Error Number of times Standby LED blinks 2 Possible Location G13 Board 3 A Board 4 5 6 7 NOT USED LCD Panel LCD Panel A Board FIGURE 4-3. DIAGNOSTIC TABLE KDL-32BX311 23 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING VIEWING THE SELF CHECK DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY ,W LV SRVVLEOH WR EULQJ XS SDVW RFFXUUHQFHV RI D IDLOXUH IRU FRQ¿UPDWLRQ RQ WKH 6HOI &KHFN GLDJQRVWLF KLVWRU\ VFUHHQ 7KLV IHDWXUH LV XVHIXO IRU failures which are intermittent or when the customer is not sure what is causing the television to shut down. 1. TV must be in standby mode. (Power off). 2. Press the following buttons on the Remote Commander within a second of each other: POWER . DISPLAY Channel 5 Volume * NOTE: This differs from accessing Service Adjustments Mode (Volume +) SELF CHECK Back 002 003 003 004 005 005 005 005 006 007 00000 MAIN_POWE AUD_PORT DC_ALERT BALANCER TCON_ERR HFR_ERR P_ID_ERR PANEL_POWE BACKLITE TEMP_ERR 00010 00000 << 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 indicates an error was detected 000 indicates no error was detected [Menu] Exit Panel Operation Time by Hour (max 99999) Boot Count (max 99999) Total Operation Time by Hour (max 99999) KDL-32BX311 24 SECTION 4 - TROUBLESHOOTING CLEARING THE SELF CHECK DIAGNOSTIC LIST Since the diagnostic results displayed on the screen are not automatically cleared, always check the self-diagnostic history after you have completed the repairs to be sure you have cleared the result display to “0”. 1. To clear the Error history and Error count: Press the Channel 8 Channel 0 . To clear the Panel operation time: Press the Channel 7 Channel 0 . TEST POINTS “Figure 5-5. Power and Control Block Diagram” on page 30 contains the board-to-board connector and pin information to identify voltages, signal and control lines for troubleshooting purposes. All critical voltages and control signals are easily accessed at the power supply board. Use this drawing in conjunction with the previously GLVFXVVHG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ WHFKQLTXHV DQG ÀRZFKDUWV DYDLODOEH LQ “Section 5 - Flow Charts and Diagrams” on page 26 for testing operating voltages and control signals. EXITING THE SELF CHECK DIAGNOSTIC SCREEN 1. To exit the Self Diagnostic Self Check screen, turn off the power to the TV by pressing the POWER button on the remote or the POWER button on the TV. KDL-32BX311 25 SECTION 5 - FLOW CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS VIDEO INFORMATION No Video Backlights turned on? No TCON (LCD Panel) Yes Any OSD graphics present? Yes Main Board No Unplug LVDS connector at TCON while unit is running. This may need to be done more than once Any flashes seen on screen? No TCON (LCD Panel) Yes Main Board FIGURE 5-1. NO VIDEO FLOWCHART KDL-32BX311 26 SECTION 5 - FLOW CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS Video Distortion Is distortion across entire screen? Yes No Improper of missing colors? Yes Main Board Any horizontal lines? Yes No Vertical lines or bars? Yes Lines move when widemode changed? No Yes Main Board No TCON (LCD Panel) LCD Panel No Any single or isolated vertical lines? Yes LCD Panel No More than 1 vertical band? Yes TCON (LCD Panel) FIGURE 5-2. VIDEO DISTORTION FLOWCHART KDL-32BX311 27 SECTION 5 - FLOW CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS POWER SUPPLY INFORMATION No Power Does red standby LED on front panel light? Yes Press power button while monitoring pin 3 of CN6401 on power supply board No Is standby LED blinking? No Power Supply Board High (3.3V) on pin 3? Yes Power Supply Board No Yes See protection flowchart High (3.3V) on pin 2? Yes Main Board No Power Supply Board FIGURE 5-3. POWER SUPPLY FLOWCHART KDL-32BX311 28 SECTION 5 - FLOW CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS PROTECTION INFORMATION Protect Shutdown. Standby LED Blinking Yes 2X Power Supply Board No Yes 3X Main Board No 6X After a While 7X No Check room temperature and ventilation around unit Immediately Yes No 5X Main Board Yes LCD Panel “SONY” logo appears before shutdown? No Power Supply Board Yes LCD Panel FIGURE 5-4. PROTECTION SHUTDOWN FLOWCHART KDL-32BX311 29 SECTION 5 - FLOW CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS CN6402 1~5 UNREG24V 6~10 GND 11 BL_ERR 12 BL-ON AC IN (N) 1 13 N/C AC IN (H) 2 14 DIMMER TO INVERTER CN6401 CN202 1 STBY3.3V REG 12V 1,3 2 AC_OFF_DET GND 2, 4, 6 3 POWER_ON AUDIO_12V 5 4 AUDIO_12V N/C 7 5 AUDIO_GND DIMMER 8 6, 7 REG12V_GND BL_ERR 9 8, 9 REG12V BL_ON 10 10 BL_ERR TCON_12V 11 11 BL_ON AC_FF_DET 12 12 DIMMER TCON_ON 13 13 N/C STBY 3.3V 14 14 TCON_12V N/C 15 15 TCON_ON POWER_ON 16 G13 A FIGURE 5-5. POWER AND CONTROL BLOCK DIAGRAM KDL-32BX311 30 SECTION 6 - DISASSEMBLY/PART NUMBER INFORMATION TABLE-TOP STAND ASSEMBLY REMOVAL &RPSRQHQWV QRW LGHQWL¿HG E\ D SDUW QXPEHU RU GHVFULSWLRQ DUH QRW VWRFNHG EHFDXVH WKH\ DUH VHOGRP UHTXLUHG IRU URXWLQH VHUYLFH A Remove 4 screws from Table-Top Stand Assembly B Lift up TV set to detach from Table-Top Stand Assembly 7KH FRPSRQHQW SDUWV RI DQ DVVHPEO\ DUH LQGLFDWHG E\ WKH UHIHUHQFH QXPEHUV LQ WKH IDU ULJKW FROXPQ RI WKH SDUWV OLVW DQG ZLWKLQ WKH GRWWHG OLQHV RI WKH GLDJUDP * ,WHPV PDUNHG ZLWK DQ DVWHULVN DUH QRW VWRFNHG VLQFH WKH\ DUH VHOGRP UHTXLUHG IRU URXWLQH VHUYLFH ([SHFW VRPH GHOD\ ZKHQ RUGHULQJ WKHVH FRPSRQHQWV 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ D UHG RXWOLQH DQG D PDUN FRQWDLQ FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 6SHFL¿F LQVWUXFWLRQV PXVW EH DGKHUHG WR ZKHQHYHU WKHVH FRPSRQHQWV DUH UHSDLUHG DQG RU UHSODFHG 6HH $SSHQGL[ $ (QFU\SWLRQ .H\ &RPSRQHQWV LQ WKH EDFN RI WKLV PDQXDO 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ VKDGLQJ DQG ! PDUN DUH FULWLFDO IRU VDIHW\ 5HSODFH RQO\ ZLWK SDUW QXPEHU VSHFL¿HG A B 4 1 2 3 C Gently place the TV set face down onto a soft cloth C Soft Cloth 5() 12 1 2 3 4 KDL-32BX311 3$57 12 '(6&5,37,21 >$66(0%/< ,1&/8'(6@ X-2546-143-1 BASE (M3B) ASSEMBLY 4-175-850-01 COVER, NECK (M3B) 4-175-852-01 NECK(M3B) 2-580-608-01 SCREW, +PSW M5X16 (SCREWS TO ATTACH TABLE-TOP STAND TO LCD TV) For product protection and safety reasons, Sony strongly recommends that you use the screws provided with the TV CAUTION: These screws cannot be used to secure the TV to the Wall Mount Brackets 5() 12 3$57 12 '(6&5,37,21 >$66(0%/< ,1&/8'(6@ 2-580-608-01 SCREW, +PSW M5X16 (SCREWS TO ATTACH TABLE-TOP STAND TO LCD TV) For product protection and safety reasons, Sony strongly recommends that you use the screws provided with the TV CAUTION: These screws cannot be used to secure the TV to the Wall Mount Brackets 31 SECTION 6 - DISASSEMBLY/PART NUMBER INFORMATION A B C D E F G H I J K L M 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ D UHG RXWOLQH DQG D mark contain FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 6SHFL¿F LQVWUXFWLRQV PXVW EH DGKHUHG WR ZKHQHYHU these components are repaired and/or replaced. See Appendix A: Encryption Key Components in the back of this manual. 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ VKDGLQJ and ! mark are critical for safety. Replace only ZLWK SDUW QXPEHU VSHFL¿HG REAR COVER AND SPEAKERS REMOVAL Remove 9 screws from Rear Cover Remove 1 screw from Side Bracket position Remove 1 screw from Terminal Area position Remove 2 screws from Rear Cover Gently lift up Rear Cover from bottom side to detach from Bezel Lift up AC Power Cord and disconnect 1 connector from G13 Board to detach from Under Cover Remove 1 screw from Under Cover Remove 1 screw from Left Speaker Bracket to detach from Bezel Remove 2 screws from Speaker to detach from Left Speaker Bracket Release clips and disconnect 1 connector to detach H Board from LED Guide Remove 1 screw from Right Speaker Bracket to detach from Bezel Remove 2 screws from Speaker to detach from Right Speaker Bracket Lift up Switch Unit and disconnect 1 connector to detach from Bezel 57 56 54 53 56 58 J 52 55 I 51 A H G L M F REF. NO. B K PART NO. ! 51 52 4-288-558-11 1-838-993-11 ! 52 1-838-980-11 53 54 55 56 57 58 4-288-561-01 4-264-313-21 4-264-312-21 1-858-572-11 1-895-019-11 1-489-627-11 C D E KDL-32BX311 DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] REAR COVER (GF32) POWER SUPPLY CORD (FOR CHILE/PERU MODELS) POWER SUPPLY CORD (WITH CORE) (FOR LATIN MODELS) REF. NO. PART NO. 7-685-647-79 7-685-648-79 2-580-640-01 2-580-595-01 2-580-600-01 DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] SCREW, +BVTP2 3X12 SCREW, +BVTP 3X12 TYPE2 IT-3 SCREW, +BVTP2 4X16 SCREW, +PSW M3X12 SCREW, +PSW M4X8 COVER, UNDER (GF32) BRACKET, SP (GW32L) BRACKET, SP (GW32R) LOUDSPEAKER (4.0X10.0CM) H BOARD, MOUNTED SWITCH UNIT 32 SECTION 6 - DISASSEMBLY/PART NUMBER INFORMATION A (MAIN) BOARD, G13 (POWER SUPPLY) BOARD AND LCD PANEL REMOVAL A B C D E F G H 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ D UHG RXWOLQH DQG D mark contain FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 6SHFL¿F LQVWUXFWLRQV PXVW EH DGKHUHG WR ZKHQHYHU these components are repaired and/or replaced. See Appendix A: Encryption Key Components in the back of this manual. 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ VKDGLQJ and ! mark are critical for safety. Replace only ZLWK SDUW QXPEHU VSHFL¿HG Remove 4 screws and disconnect 5 connectors from A Board to detach from LCD Panel Release 2 clips and slide-out Side Bracket to detach from A Board Remove 4 screws and disconnect 3 connectors from G13 Board Remove 2 screws from MB Bracket to detach from LCD Panel Remove 2 screws from Vesa Brackets to detach from Bottom Frame Remove 2 screws from Bottom Frame to detach from LCD Panel Slide-out 2 Support Panel Brackets to detach from Bezel Carefully lift up LCD Panel to remove from Bezel 102 101 G 103 104 H A 105 Main Board Bracket B 107 106 D Bottom Frame E F C REF. NO. CLEANING THE LCD PANEL CAUTION: When cleaning the TV, be sure to unplug the power cord to avoid any chance of electric shock. Clean the cabinet of the TV with a dry soft cloth. Wipe the LCD screen gently with a soft cloth. : 6WXEERUQ VWDLQV PD\ EH UHPRYHG ZLWK D FORWK VOLJKWO\ PRLVWHQHG ZLWK D VROXWLRQ RI PLOG VRDS DQG warm water. : ,I XVLQJ D FKHPLFDOO\ SUHWUHDWHG FORWK SOHDVH IROORZ WKH LQVWUXFWLRQ SURYLGHG RQ WKH SDFNDJH : 1HYHU XVH VWURQJ VROYHQWV VXFK DV D WKLQQHU DOFRKRO RU EHQ]LQH IRU FOHDQLQJ : 3HULRGLF YDFXXPLQJ RI WKH YHQWLODWLRQ RSHQLQJV LV UHFRPPHQGHG WR HQVXUH WR SURSHU YHQWLODWLRQ KDL-32BX311 101 102 103 104 PART NO. DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] 4-288-557-01 BEZEL (GF32) 4-166-126-11 SUPPORT, PANEL BRACKETS N/A LCD PANEL FOR ALL LCD PANEL AND TCON BOARD PART NUMBER INFORMATION REFER TO THE LCD PANELS SERVICE MANUAL 4-264-318-11 BRACKET, SIDE (US) (GW) REF. NO. 105 106 107 PART NO. DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] 1-895-115-11 A BOARD, COMPLETE AFTER REPLACING THE MAIN BOARD OR THE LCD PANEL, YOU MUST UPDATE THE SOFTWARE TO THE LATEST VERSION AND COMPLETE ANY SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS 4-288-571-01 BRACKET, VESA (GF32) 1-474-297-12 G13 BOARD, COMPLETE 2-580-592-01 2-580-599-01 SCREW, +PSW M3X8 SCREW, +PSW M4X6 33 SECTION 6 - DISASSEMBLY/PART NUMBER INFORMATION 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ D UHG RXWOLQH DQG D mark contain FRQ¿GHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 6SHFL¿F LQVWUXFWLRQV PXVW EH DGKHUHG WR ZKHQHYHU these components are repaired and/or replaced. See Appendix A: Encryption Key Components in the back of this manual. 127( 7KH FRPSRQHQWV LGHQWL¿HG E\ VKDGLQJ and ! mark are critical for safety. Replace only ZLWK SDUW QXPEHU VSHFL¿HG SCREWS KDL-32BX311 · ¶ µ ´ ³ ² ° ¯ P/N DESCRIPTION REMARKS 2-580-608-01 7-685-647-79 7-685-648-79 2-580-640-01 2-580-595-01 2-580-600-01 2-580-592-01 2-580-599-01 SCREW, +PSW M5X16 SCREW, +BVTP2 3X12 SCREW, +BVTP 3X12 TYPE2 IT-3 SCREW, +BVTP2 4X16 SCREW, +PSW M3X12 SCREW, +PSW M4X8 SCREW, +PSW M3X8 SCREW, +PSW M4X6 TABLE-TOP STAND(4) SPKR-L(2), SPKR-R(2) RC to TRMNL AREA(1), RC to SIDE BRKT(1) RC(9), SPKR BRKT-L(1), SPKR BRKT-R(1) RC to PNL(2) UNDR CVR(1) A BOARD(4), G13 BOARD(4), MB BRKT to PANEL(2) VESA BRKTS(2), BTM FRM(2) TOTAL 4 4 2 11 2 1 10 4 CONNECTORS 151 A INV SWITCH UNIT G13 SP SP H REF. NO. * KDL-32BX311 151 PART NO. 1-910-103-43 DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION [ASSEMBLY INCLUDES] (LVDS) CONNECTOR ASSY 32 WXGA FFC 30P 34 SECTION 6 - DISASSEMBLY/PART NUMBER INFORMATION ACCESSORIES AND PACKAGING * * * 3-299-071-05 4-410-704-31 4-410-703-31 4-291-757-11 WIRE DRESSING FLYER, SAFETY GUIDE, QUICK SET UP MANUAL, INSTRUCTION SUPPLEMENT(STAND INSTALLATION) MISCELLANEOUS 4-290-626-01 SHEET, INSULATION (GF32) B ORDER THIS PART WHEN REPLACING THE LCD PANEL 4-290-627-01 SHEET, INSULATION (GF32) G ORDER THIS PART WHEN REPLACING THE LCD PANEL 2-580-608-01 SCREW, +PSW M5X16 (SCREWS TO ATTACH TABLE-TOP STAND TO LCD TV) For product protection and safety reasons, Sony strongly recommends that you use the screws provided with the TV CAUTION: These screws cannot be used to secure the TV to the Wall Mount Brackets OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES X-2348-140-3 SUPPORT BELT KIT REMOTE COMMANDER 1-489-459-11 KDL-32BX311 REMOTE COMMANDER (RM-YD065) 35 SECTION 7 - SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS OVERVIEW As mentioned in “Section 2 - Software Requirements” on page 10, the models in this manual utilize a “generic” type Main Board, therefore certain service adjustments settings must be changed or FRQ¿UPHG ZKHQ HLWKHU WKH 0DLQ %RDUG /&' 3DQHO RU 7&21 %RDUG are replaced. ACCESSING SERVICE ADJUSTMENT MODE 1. 79 PXVW EH LQ 6WDQGE\ PRGH 3RZHU 2Q 2. 3UHVV WKH IROORZLQJ EXWWRQV RQ WKH 5HPRWH &RPPDQGHU ZLWKLQ a second of each other: ',63/$< &KDQQHO 5 9ROXPH + 32:(5 32:(5 UPDATING THE SOFTWARE ',63/$< $IWHU UHSODFLQJ WKH 0DLQ %RDUG /&' 3DQHO RU 7&21 %RDUG \RX 0867 83'$7( WKH 62)7:$5( WR WKH ODWHVW YHUVLRQ. 2QVFUHHQ FXUVRU and select button 5 92/80( RM-YD065 KDL-32BX311 36 SECTION 7 - SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS 4. $IWHU FKRRVLQJ WKH 6HOI 'LDJQRVLV +LVWRU\ VHOHFWLRQ WKH 6HOI &KHFN VFUHHQ DSSHDUV Service Mode Sound Adjust… Wide Band Tuning Range Scan… Self diagnosis history Status Information… LVDS Spectrum(%0) DPMS Low of HPD TVD_MCDONE_CNT Demo Special Bypass AVI Info Detect Panel Selection >> >> >> >> >> 20 Off 5 20 >> Off SONY_WXGA_32 <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ SELF CHECK ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> [</>]Set [Menu] Exit 3. 7R DFFHVV WKH 6HOI 'LDJQRVLV +LVWRU\ SDJH SUHVV Self diagnosis history is highlighted, and then press until . 00000 Service Mode Sound Adjust… Wide Band Tuning Range Scan… Self Diagnosis History Status Information… LVDS Spectrum(%0) DPMS Low of HPD TVD_MCDONE_CNT Demo Special Bypass AVI Info Detect Panel Selection <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ >> >> >> >> >> 20 Off 5 20 >> Off SONY_WXGA_32 Back 002 003 003 004 005 005 005 005 006 007 MAIN_POWE AUD_PORT DC_ALERT BALANCER TCON_ERR HFR_ERR P_ID_ERR PANEL_POWE BACKLITE TEMP_ERR 00010 00000 << 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 [Menu] Exit 5. 7R H[LW 6HUYLFH $GMXVWPHQW 0RGH SUHVV 32:(5 to turn off. WKH 79 ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> [</>]Set [Menu] Exit KDL-32BX311 37 SECTION 7 - SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS ACCESSING FACTORY ADJUSTMENT MODE ACCESSING THE PANEL SELECTION 1. 79 PXVW EH LQ 6WDQGE\ PRGH 3RZHU 2Q 2. 3UHVV WKH IROORZLQJ EXWWRQV RQ WKH 5HPRWH &RPPDQGHU ZLWKLQ a second of each other: ',63/$< 3. 3UHVV &KDQQHO 5 32:(5 9ROXPH + Service Mode >> >> >> >> >> 20 Off 5 20 >> Off SONY_WXGA_32 <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ 087,1* 087,1* +20( Factory Mode ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> [</>]Set [Menu] Exit 4. Using the table below, press the or 2QVFUHHQ FXUVRU EXWWRQV WR VHOHFW WKH FRUUHFW SDQHO FRGH IRU WKH 3DQHO ,' Model Name Panel Code Panel Type Panel ID KDL-32BX311 SONY_WXGA_32 SLCD LTY320AN01 5. 7R VDYH WKH FKDQJHV SUHVV WKH 79 1. 79 PXVW EH 21 2. 3UHVV WKH IROORZLQJ EXWWRQV RQ WKH 5HPRWH &RPPDQGHU within a second of each other: to select Panel Selection. Sound Adjust… Wide Band Tuning Range Scan… Self diagnosis history Status Information… LVDS Spectrum(%0) DPMS Low of HPD TVD_MCDONE_CNT Demo Special Bypass AVI Info Detect Panel Selection )RU WKLV PRGHO DGMXVPHQW GDWD LV FKDQJHG LQ )DFWRU\ 0RGH and 32:(5 to turn off Input Source Aging Mode Internal Pattern EDID WP Site Air Channels Site Cable Channels Panel_ID Color Temp ADC Calibration Factory Reset (limited) Auto Phase Factory Reset (default) System Model Name Serial Number Picture Quality Audio Quality Panel Panel Info <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ TV Off Off Protection Off Off Off >> >> Off Off Off ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> 0.12.300D KDL-32BX311 See rear or side of TV PQ0.009 AQ4.1000 SONY_WXGA_32 S-LCD LTY320AN01 [</>]Set [Menu] Exit KDL-32BX311 38 SECTION 7 - SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTING THE COLOR TEMPERATURE 7KH GHIDXOW :KLWH %DODQFH GDWD YDOXHV DUH VHW IRU RSWLPDO YLHZLQJ 7KH following instructions are for technicians who have been requested to customize calibrations for their customers. 1. 79 PXVW EH 21 2. 3UHVV WKH IROORZLQJ EXWWRQV RQ WKH 5HPRWH &RPPDQGHU within a second of each other: 087,1* 3. Using the 087,1* +20( button, scroll down to select Color Temp. Factory Mode Input Source Aging Mode Internal Pattern EDID WP Site Air Channels Site Cable Channels Panel_ID Color Temp ADC Calibration Factory Reset (limited) Auto Phase Factory Reset (default) System Model Name Serial Number Picture Quality Audio Quality Panel Panel Info <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ TV Off Off Protection Off Off Off >> Off Off Off Off ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> 4. 3UHVV to access Color Temp adjustments. Factory Mode --Color Temperature-- Back Color Temp R Gain G Gain B Gain R Offset G Offset B Offset Recall Data Data Backup <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ >> Cool 443 443 443 512 512 512 Off Off ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> [</>]Set [Menu] Exit 5. 3UHVV WKH or buttons to select the Color Temp type. &RRO 1HXWUDO :DUP RU :DUP 6. $IWHU WKH FRUUHFW &RORU 7HPSHUDWXUH LV VHOHFWHG SUHVV WKH WR VHOHFW WKH 7HPSHUDWXUH W\SH WKDW QHHGV WR EH PRGL¿HG ]> ]> ]> 0.12.300D KDL-32BX311 See rear or side of TV PQ0.009 AQ4.1000 SONY_WXGA_32 S-LCD LTY320AN01 7. $IWHU WKH FRUUHFW 7HPSHUDWXUH W\SH LV VHOHFWHG SUHVV WKH to increase the data value, or press to decrease the data value. 8. &RPSOHWH WKH GDWD YDOXH DGMXVWPHQWV WR WKH UHPDLQLQJ temperature items within the selected temperature type. 127( &KDQJHV WR WKH GDWD YDOXH PXVW EH VDYHG ZLWKLQ WKH 7HPSHUDWXUH W\SH VHOHFWHG EHIRUH PDNLQJ FKDQJHV WR RQH RI WKH RWKHU 7HPSHUDWXUH W\SHV [</>]Set [Menu] Exit KDL-32BX311 39 SECTION 7 - SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS 9. 7R VDYH WKH FKDQJHV SUHVV WKH then press to select Data Backup, . Factory Mode --Color Temperature-Back Color Temp R Gain G Gain B Gain R Offset G Offset B Offset Recall Data Data Backup <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ <[ >> Cool 443 443 443 512 512 512 Off W/B ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> ]> [</>]Set [Menu] Exit 10. 'R RQH RI WKH IROORZLQJ a. 7R PDNH FKDQJHV WR RQH RI WKH RWKHU 7HPSHUDWXUH types, repeat steps 5 through 9. b. 7R H[LW )DFWRU\ PRGH SUHVV 32:(5 . KDL-32BX311 40 is a trademark of Sony Electronics Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved Sony Corporation 9-883-865-01 KDL-32BX311 Sony Technology Center Technical Services Service Publication Department English 2011IJ74WEB-1 Printed in USA © 2011.9 41 APPENDIX A - TRIAGE SHEETS Sony KDL32BX311 Technical Triage Summary Sheet Before you make the service call… 1. Confirm the symptom from the customer. 2. Select that symptom from the chart. 3. Bring all the boards listed for that symptom. 4. Follow the troubleshooting charts in the technical guides to isolate the board. 5. Chart Color Code RED DOT: Most likely defective part BLUE TRIANGLE: Secondary possible defective part BLACK TEXT: Board and Part # that may correct the symptom Power LED blinking red diagnostics No Power Reference 2 5 6 z A BOARD G13 BOARD 3 z x 7 No Green Power LED (Dead Set) z x Video - missing or distorted Stationary colored lines or dots Video 2 0nly Tuner Only No video all Inputs z z z Problem z POWER POWER PANEL z INV x 9/12/11 No Remote No Audio Part # REF # z 1-895-115-11 105 1-474-297-12 107 1-895-019-11 57 z x LAST UPDATED: Audio H BOARD LCD Panel AZ2UK Remote z x CHASSIS: x SEE LCD PANEL MANUAL TEMP FIGURE APPENDIX A-1. KDL-32BX311 KDL-32BX311 A-1
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