kaydon - catalog300

March 27, 2018 | Author: BPCNL | Category: Bearing (Mechanical), Industries, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Science



CATALOG 300REALI-SLIM ® Ball & Roller Bearings TURNING IDEAS INTO ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Create space, save weight. Now Includes REALI-SLIM TT ™ series turntable bearings. New & Improved Dynamic Capacities! An engineering & product selection guide for thin-section bearings www.kaydonbearings.com REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® — The Industry Leader in Thin-Section Bearings When your design calls for thin-section bearings, call KAYDON, the world's leading manufacturer. Our REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings are designed to create space, save weight, reduce friction, and provide excellent running accuracy. That lets you downsize your design and cut manufacturing costs without sacrificing bearing life or performance. This latest Catalog 300 makes it easier than ever to find the right thin-section bearing for your application. Choose from our wide range of popular cross-sections and bore sizes (up to 40") or specify a custom design. What's New: • Longer Bearing Life – Dynamic capacity ratings have been raised for virtually every bearing, often doubling or tripling the bearing life! For our Type X bearings, the ratings improvements range from 31% to 77%, while Type C and Type A bearings are now rated up to 33% higher. These ratings are not just theoretical computations, like those cited by other manufacturers… they have been proven in exhaustive testing. (See Section 3.) • REALI-SLIM® Turntable Bearings – Our custom REALI-SLIM TT™ series thin-section bearings are now part of this catalog. This new series withstands harsh operating environments and provides compact design, greater accuracy, faster and easier installation, and custom configurations to meet your specific application needs. These are ideal for demanding applications like robotics and radar antennae. • New Sizes – 4 new REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings and 3 new stainless steel REALI-SLIM® bearings are now available with fast delivery to give you even more design options. • Improved RFP Form – The Request For Bearing Proposal Data Form in the back of the catalog lets you provide more application information, so we can get you answers faster. And the form is now perforated for easy removal. We hope you will find the new Catalog 300 even more useful than previous editions. More technical data can be found at our website (see below). Also, the expert design and applications engineering staff at KAYDON is always available for customer support. Greater Dynamic Capacity Means Longer Bearing Life Increase in L10 Dynamic Capacity 100% 125% 150% 175% Prior Ratings New Ratings Prior 1x 2x 3x 5x Bearing Life Improvement 2 | www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 For latest releases — catalog, software, or CAD drawing downloads — visit our website www.kaydonbearings.com. ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Table of Contents Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Page Number - Introduction to REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings ..............................................5 • Product Line Overview • Specification Control • Examples of Design Efficiency • Bearing Load Scenarios • General Information and Availability Chart • General Specifications for Standard Bearings • Part Numbering System Explanation - Selection Tables for Thin-Section Bearings Product Line .................................. 14 • Standard Open REALI-SLIM® Inch Series Bearings, AISI 52100: Types A, C, X • Sealed REALI-SLIM® Bearings, AISI 52100: Types C, X • ENDURAKOTE®-plated ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings • Stainless Steel Open REALI-SLIM® Bearings, AISI 440C: Types A, C, X • REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearings • ULTRA-SLIM™ Series Bearings • REALI-SLIM TT™ Turntable Series Bearings - Applications Engineering ........................................................................................... 65 • Selection Recommendations • Capacity, Life, and Load Analysis • Mounting Recommendations • Precision Classes and Tolerances - Separator Types, Ball Count, and Performance ................................................... 92 • Separator Types • Number of Balls in Standard Bearings • Limiting Speeds • Torque • Axis Deviations • Deflection Curves - Installation and Maintenance ..................................................................................110 • Inspection and Installation Procedures • Lubrication and Maintenance - Other Products ..............................................................................................................115 • Metric BB Series Bearings • Harsh Environment Bearings • KT Series Tapered Roller Bearings - Appendix and Sales Information ............................................................................122 • Terms and Definitions • Warranty Information and Legal Notices • Design Aids and Technical Literature • Request for Bearing Proposal Data Form The design and application information contained in this catalog is for illustration only. Responsibility for the application of the products contained in this catalog rests solely with the equipment designer or user. In spite of our best efforts, the material contained in this catalog may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 3 anti-friction bearing—a need resulting from the modern design concepts of simplicity. Before the introduction of REALI-SLIM bearings.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM®. miniaturization.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 were forced to use bushings or select bearings from the lightest bearings then commercially available. and compactness being applied to a wide variety of rotating devices. and “Extremely Light” series—many of which often had undesirable cross sections. thin-section. shafts. . designers ® 4 | www... “Extra-Light”. and excess weight. REALI-SLIM® bearings overcome the problems of excess weight and size in bearings. and housings. Lightweight Designs of the Future. For Compact. the standard “Light”. satellite and communications equipment • Robotics • Textile machinery • Tube and pipe cutting machines Machine Tools • Semiconductor manufacturing equipment Robotic Silicon Wafer Processing • Sorting equipment Rotary Table Armored Vehicle Sights & FLIRs Textile Printer KAYDON REALI-SLIM® bearings were designed to fill the need for a fully hardened. • Aerospace and astronomy instrumentation • Fixturing and workholding equipment • Food processing equipment • Glassworking equipment • Index and rotary tables • Packaging equipment • Machine tools Semiconductor Fabrication Equipment Radar • Medical devices • Optical scanning equipment • Tire making equipment • Radar. weight reduction. .........11 • Part Numbering System Explanation ..........pg....kaydonbearings..........pg....6 • Examples of Design Efficiency ..... pgs....pg..................8-9 • Product Availability Chart..............pg. pgs..........com| 5 ..................10 • Specifications for Standard Bearings ........©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Section 1— An Introduction to REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings • Product Line Overview .......7 • Bearing Load Scenarios .........12-13 1-800-514-3066 www..... Within these families. Open bearings are available from stock in three configurations (Types A. A specification control drawing provides the user a concise description of the important bearing features and parameters for a specific bearing. A specification control drawing request will generate a unique part number for the standard REALI-SLIM® bearing. To support various load scenarios. toroid. KA. To obtain corrosion resistance consider using KAYDON stainless steel REALI-SLIM® or ENDURA-SLIM® series of bearings. including the commercially available options you have selected. To satisfy these requirements. SPECIFICATION CONTROL In today’s world.)..kaydonbearings. Stock sealed bearings are available in Types C & X only. or series (e. etc. Additional product line variants include: REALI-SLIM MM™ metric series bearings.000 inches. you can generally choose between open bearings for applications where bearings will not be exposed to damaging particulates and sealed bearings for applications where bearings need to be kept clean and well-lubricated. C & X).187 inch to 1. Harsh Environment bearings.187 x . PTFE spacers. separators and other features to meet the most demanding specifications. lubricants. See Section 4 for complete details.000 inch to 40.Se ct ion 1 –I n trodu ction REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Product Line Overview The REALI-SLIM® product line consists of a family of seven open (Figure 1-1) and five sealed (Figure 1-2) series of thinsection bearings ranging in bore diameters from 1. ULTRA-SLIM™ bearings. angular contact (Type A). REALI-SLIM® bearings are available with various separator options to space the rolling elements uniformly and prevent contact between them.g. continuous ring circular pocket. KC. Series range from . available in three basic types: radial contact (Type C).000 inch in cross section. REALI-SLIM® bearings are The Product Line At a Glance Open Bearings — Figure 1-1 Series AA 3 " ⁄16 x 3⁄16" Series A 1 " ⁄4 x 1⁄4" Series B 5 " ⁄16 x 5⁄16" Series C 3 " ⁄8 x 3⁄8" Series D 1 " ⁄2 x 1⁄2" Series F 3 " ⁄4 x 3⁄4" Sealed Bearings — Figure 1-2 Series JHA Series JA 1 " 3 " ⁄4 x 1⁄4" ⁄16 x 1⁄4" Series JB 5 " ⁄16 x 5⁄16" 6 | www. KB. product traceability is extremely important. This provides the customer quick and easy identification of product in the field as well as a concise receiving and inspection document for the factory. ENDURAKOTE® plating provides corrosion protection equal to or better than a full AISI 440C stainless steel bearing and can be supplied with very quick delivery. requesting a “specification control drawing” for a REALI-SLIM® bearing is a valuable option to consider.com 1-800-514-3066 Series JU 1 " ⁄2 x 3⁄8" Series JG 1" x 1" Series G 1" x 1" . Separator types available include: continuous ring “snap-over pocket”. We can provide internal fit up. and KT thin-section taper bearings (Section 6).000 x 1. and BB metric ball bearings. formed wire. and REALI-SLIM TT™ series turntable bearings (Section 2). and four-point contact (Type X)—see pages 8 and 9 for explanations on each type—and in a variety of sizes. and spacer ball separators. This is in sharp contrast to standard bearings in which the cross section increases as the bore diameter increases. Figure 1-5 Figure 1-6 1-800-514-3066 www.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Design Efficiency REALI-SLIM® Bearings Improve Design Efficiency Example 30" diameter In REALI-SLIM® bearings. A large bore. Example 12" diameter For all diameters of this rotary table your bearing envelope stays the same. By using the same series of REALI-SLIM® bearings throughout a product line.kaydonbearings. 1-5. a single four-point contact REALI-SLIM® bearing (Figure 1-6) can replace two bearings (Figures 1-4 and 1-5) compacting the design and simplifying the bearing mounting. this arrangement also creates space and saves weight. Figure 1-4 In many applications. Besides the obvious cost savings of eliminating one bearing.com| 7 Se ct ion 1 –I n troduction ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 . small cross-section REALI-SLIM® bearing permits the use of a large diameter hollow shaft (Figure 1-5) in place of a smaller diameter solid shaft (Figure 1-4). Components such as air and hydraulic lines or electrical wiring and slip rings can then be accommodated within the hollow shaft. each series is based on a single cross section which remains constant as the bore diameter is increased. the designer can standardize on common components. resulting in a neater. Example 4" diameter Figure 1-3 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Make a More Compact Design Additional advantages in application design made possible by REALI-SLIM® bearings can be seen by referring to Figures 1-4. The constant cross section of a REALI-SLIM® bearing is of particular value when designing a product which will be manufactured in various sizes based on shaft diameter and power requirements (Figure 1-3). The use of REALI-SLIM® bearings also provides a stiffer structure by using large diameter hollow tubes to replace solid shafts and by supporting the rotating structure (table) at the periphery. For all diameters of this rotary table your bearing envelope stays the same. and 1-6. king-post design. more efficient design. It is a Conrad-type assembly. the customer has a wider choice of mounting arrangements to meet load. and fourpoint contact (Type X). Radial Contact Bearing (Type C) + + Sr Axis of Rotation St Radial The Type C Radial Contact Bearing (Figure 1-8) is a single row radial ball bearing of conventional design. REALI-SLIM® TYPE C Figure 1-8 Outer Race Resultant M The resultant moment load (M) equation: M = (± T) (St) + (± R) (Sr) Ball Snap-over Separator Inner Race Although the Type C bearing is designed primarily for radial load application. Load can be applied to bearings in either of two basic directions (Figure 1-7). axial loads and moment loads. a set of angular contact bearings should be considered for the specific application. When these loads are offset from either the bearing axis (distance St) or radial plane (distance Sr). KAYDON REALI-SLIM® bearings are available in a variety of types to handle radial loads. But. Radial loads act at right angles to the shaft (bearing’s axis of rotation). stiffness and accuracy requirements in the most efficient manner. if thrust is a concern. it can be configured to accept some axial (thrust) load in either direction. 8 | www. which means that it is assembled by eccentric displacement of the inner race within the outer race which permits insertion of about half of a full complement of balls. a resulting moment load (M) will be created. Figure 1-7 Force R Radial Plane Force T (Thrust) REALI-SLIM® Bearing Types A = angular C = radial X = four-point By using these three types. REALI-SLIM® bearings are available in three basic configurations: radial (Type C).Se ct ion 1 –I n trodu ction REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearing Types Support All Load Scenarios Radial and Axial (Thrust) Loads Types of REALI-SLIM® Bearings Bearings support a shaft or housing to permit their free motion about an axis of rotation. angular contact (Type A).com 1-800-514-3066 .kaydonbearings. Axial (thrust) acts parallel to the axis of rotation. This is accomplished by using balls that are larger than the space provided in the raceways.com| 9 Se ct ion 1 –I n troduction ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 . have some elastic deformation in the absence of an external load. therefore. Because of its counterbored outer race. REALI-SLIM® TYPE X Outer Race Figure 1-10 Contact Angle Ball Circular Pocket Separator Inner Race Outer Race Ball Snap-over Separator Inner Race NOTE: KAYDON does not recommend the use of two Type X bearings on a common shaft. and to support reversing thrust loads. The unique feature about the KAYDON REALI-SLIM® Type X four-point contact bearing line (see Figure 1-10) is that the gothic arch geometry of the inner and outer races enables a single bearing to carry three types of loading (radial. this bearing should be mounted opposed to another bearing to establish and maintain the contact angle. providing a simplified design.kaydonbearings. axial and moment) simultaneously. Standard bearing lines are most often designed to handle either radial or axial load conditions.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 REALI-SLIM® BEARING TYPES SUPPORT ALL LOAD SCENARIOS (continued) Angular Contact Bearing (Type A) Four-Point Contact Bearing (Type X) The Type A Bearing is also a conventional design. It features a circular pocket separator and a 30° contact angle (see Figure 1-9) along with approximately 67% of a full complement of balls. 1-800-514-3066 www. as it could result in objectionable friction torque. The balls and raceways. Type A bearings have unidirectional thrust capacity. REALI-SLIM® TYPE A Figure 1-9 Contact Angle Type X bearings may also be furnished with an internal diametral preload for those applications requiring greater stiffness or zero free play. Thus. The chief benefit of the Type A bearing is that it provides greater thrust capacity than a Type C or Type X bearing. This makes it the bearing of choice for many applications since a single fourpoint contact bearing can often replace two bearings. New sizes are added to stock periodically and updated on our website. REALI-SLIM® Bearings—with non-standard materials. Figure 1-11 This table applies to AISI 52100 standard bearings. duplexing. Order REALI-SLIM® Bearings—by bearing numbers shown in Series Data Tables. Options REALI-SLIM® Bearings—can be optimized for your special requirements. They are manufactured to KAYDON Precision Class 1 and the specifications on page 11. Assistance—in bearing selection will be furnished by our regional sales managers or the KAYDON Engineering Department upon request. tolerances. packaging.com 1-800-514-3066 . 10 | www. lubricants. Series Type JHA Series 3 ⁄16" Radial Section KAA Series 3 ⁄16" Radial Section JA Series 1 ⁄4" Radial Section KA Series 1 ⁄4" Radial Section JB Series 5 ⁄16" Radial Section KB Series 5 ⁄16" Radial Section KC Series 3 ⁄8" Radial Section JU Series 3 ⁄8" Radial Section KD Series 1 ⁄2" Radial Section KF Series 3 ⁄4" Radial Section JG Series 1" Radial Section KG Series 1" Radial Section A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X A C X Bore Diameter In Inches 1 11⁄2 13⁄4 2 21⁄2 3 31⁄2 4 41⁄4 41⁄2 43⁄4 5 51⁄2 6 61⁄2 7 71⁄2 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 22 25 30 35 40 • • • • • • Available from stock. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • ✽ • ✽ ✽ • • • • • ✽ • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ • • ✽ • • ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ • • ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • ✽ ✽ • • • • ✽ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ✽ ✽ ✽ ✽ • • • • • • • • • • ✽ • • ✽ • • • • • • • • • • ✽ Limited Availability – contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. preloading.kaydonbearings. sizes.Se ct ion 1 –I n trodu ction REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 General Information and Availability Chart Standard REALI-SLIM® Bearings—are those listed in the Series Data Tables. Be sure to visit www. data sheets. For stainless steel. please see Section 2.com for latest information. Standard commercial options include: changes in diametral clearance. tagging bearings with actual dimensions as requested. and features are available.kaydonbearings. specifications. separators. etching of high points. Changes—KAYDON reserves the right to change specifications and other information included in this catalog without notice. acceptance testing. etc. We will be pleased to quote on your requirements. : CAGE Code.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Specifications for Standard REALI-SLIM® Bearings ITEM DESCRIPTION REFERENCE SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ANALYSIS RACES & BALLS AISI 52100 Type Steel Vacuum Degassed AISI 440C Stainless Steel ASTM A-295. Wide range of preload or running clearance for matched sets ABMA Standard 26.S. Packaging and Lubrication options. Government IDENTIFICATION Marked on Bearing O. Part Number and Date Code CLEANING Multiple cycle immersion and agitation in solvents and/or aqueous cleaners PRESERVATIVE Preservative Oil PACKAGING Heat Sealed in Plastic Bag & Boxed ISO 9001 MIL-STD-130 NOTE—Also available: Quality Control per MIL-Q-9858. Sufficient diametral clearance to provide clearance after installation with recommended fits Diametral clearance for 30° contact angle in single unmounted bearing under light axial gaging load. AMS-STD-66 ASTM A-756 SEPARATORS C. Fiberglass Reinforced ASTM B-36 or B-134 A BEARINGS R Type—Brass or Non-metallic composite G Type—Nylon. Fiberglass Reinforced ASTM B-36 or B-134 SEALS Nitrile Rubber. and “Clean Room” Facilities.kaydonbearings. AISI 440C—to Rc 58-65 PRECISION RACE DIMENSIONS KAYDON Precision Class 1 ABMA ABEC-1F or better RACE RUNOUTS KAYDON Precision Class 1 ABMA ABEC-1F or better BALLS ABMA Grade 10 ANSI/ABMA/ISO 3290 DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE AND CONTACT ANGLE TYPE C BEARING TYPE X BEARING TYPE A BEARING Sufficient diametral clearance to provide small amount of running clearance after installation with recommended fits Gothic Arch Form for two 30° contact angles under light radial gaging load.D. X BEARINGS P Type—Brass or Non-metallic composite L Type—Nylon. Snapped Over Balls for Retention Circular Ring. 70 Durometer. Self Retained OTHER QUALITY CONTROL KAYDON Quality Control procedures have been approved by major aerospace industries and agencies of the U. 1-800-514-3066 www. Circular Pockets. “KAYDON” ®. Steel Reinforced MIL-R 6855 HEAT TREATMENT RACES Through hardened and dimensionally stabilized for use from -65°F to +250°F (-54°C to +121°C) BALLS AISI 52100—Hardened to Rc 62-66.2 SEPARATOR DESIGN P & L TYPES C. X BEARINGS R & G TYPES A BEARINGS Circular Ring.com| 11 Se ct ion 1 –I n troduction ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 . 375 *Smaller section applies when position 3 is alphabetic—see following explanations of positions 3. Part Number Code Example — Figure 1-12 Position 1 2 Nomenclature Material Series Example K G 3 4 Size 1 2 Position 1 – Material Races/Balls A AISI 52100 Steel Seals.312 J .000 1.000 .875 1.312 C .578 . Shields with One seal—PTFE B AISI 52100 Steel with Two seals—PTFE D AISI 52100 Steel with One shield E AISI 52100 Steel with Two shields F AISI 52100 Steel with One seal—Nitrile rubber LAMI-SEAL® G AISI 52100 Steel with Two seals—Nitrile rubber LAMI-SEAL® H AISI 52100 Steel with One seal—Nitrile rubber J AISI 52100 Steel with Two seals—Nitrile rubber K AISI 52100 Steel with No seals or shields L AISI 52100 Steel with Two seals and ENDURAKOTE® plating M M-50 Steel with No seals or shields N AISI 52100 Steel with No seals and ENDURAKOTE® plating P AISI 17-4PH Steel with Ceramic Balls (see Section 6) Q AISI 52100 Steel with No shields or seals S AISI 440C Stainless Steel with No seals or shields T AISI 440C Stainless Steel with One seal—PTFE U AISI 440C Stainless Steel with Two seals—PTFE V AISI 440C Stainless Steel with Two shields W AISI 440C Stainless Steel with Two seals—Nitrile rubber X AISI 52100 Steel 5 with Ceramic Balls Y AISI 440C Stainless Steel with Ceramic Balls (see Section 6) Z Other 12 | www.375 K . Positions 1-8 iden- tify materials.500 L .500 E .312 .375 .625 X .187 or .625 M .312 .000 H *.727 .750 1. size.750 Y 1.Se ct ion 1 –I n trodu ction REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Identification of REALI-SLIM® Bearings REALI-SLIM® bearings are marked for complete identification with an (8) or (9) digit part number.625 F .250 .kaydonbearings.312 U .187 or .000 S *. 4.312 .750 G 1.625 .500 W .375 D .437 .250 .187 .375 . type.250 I .com 1-800-514-3066 0 6 7 Type Separator X P 8 9 10-13 Precision Internal Fit DFAR Compliance O L -USA Position 2 – Series Cross Section Standard Cross-Sections Extended Width Extra-Extended Width Radial Thickness A *.750 N 1. .000 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Width .187 or .375 V .828 1. Position 9 (optional) identifies non-standard internal fit.656 .375 .500 .250 T .187 .250 B .437 . and 5. and precision.500 . 0000 to . “snap-over” type Formed wire. one-piece ring with circular pockets Nylon strip separator. segmental.225. formed ring “snap-over” type U Stainless steel.0" Bore “15” following “HA” in Positions 2 & 3 = .0010 Clearance C .0005 to .0010 to . slugs.0030 Preload Z Other clearance or preload not specified above • Type X or C = Diametral Preload or Clearance • Duplexed Type A = Axial Preload or Clearance Note: Above internal bearing fits apply to unmounted bearings only. formed ring circular pockets V W X Y Z Brass.0015 Preload P .kaydonbearings.0010 to .0005 Clearance B .0000 to .0040 to .0005 to . “snap-over” type P Standard formed ring “snap-over” type (material—brass or non-metallic composite) Q PEEK. If internal fit is not called out in position 9.187 Series with 1. circular pocket Phenolic laminate. “snap-over” type.187 Series “A” In Position 3 in combination with “H” in Position 2 denotes . formed ring. “snap-over” pocket Brass.0010 Preload N .187 x . “snap-over” type Phenolic laminate.225. circular pocket R Standard formed ring.0020 to .0020 Preload Q . strip or segmental. riveted two-piece ring Nylon. “snap-over” type PEEK.0020 to .187 x . circular pockets Phenolic laminate.0015 Preload R .0010 Clearance D . one-piece ring “snap-over” type Formed wire.187 x .0010 Preload M .0010 to .0" Bore 120 = 12. it will also contain a dash. Example #1: KG120XP0L-USA Example #2: KG120XP0--USA 1-800-514-3066 www. Position 10-13—DFAR Compliance All REALI-SLIM® bearings requiring compliance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFAR) clauses 252.0040 Clearance I .0060 Clearance K . 4 and 5—Size (Bearing Bore) Numeric Characters Nominal bearing bore in inches multiplied by ten Alphabetic Characters “A” In Position 3 in combination with “A” in Position 2 denotes .0050 to . one-piece.250 Series with 1. one-piece ring “snap-over” type Brass. segmental “snap-over” type Full complement bearing—no separator Nylon one-piece ring.0030 to .250 Series “A” In Position 3 in combination with “S” in Position 2 denotes .5" Bore Position 6—Bearing Type (see Section 3) A Angular contact single bearing (not ground for universal duplexing) B Angular contact pair—duplexed back to back C Radial contact F Angular contact pair—duplexed face to face T Angular contact pair—duplexed tandem U Angular contact single bearing—ground for universal duplexing X Four-point contact Z Other Position 7—Separator (see Section 4) C D E F G H J K L M Non-metallic composite. ball in every pocket N Nylon.7016 will contain ‘-USA’ in positions 10-13. circular pocket (material—brass or non-metallic composite) S Helical coil springs T Stainless steel. one-piece ring.0000 to .0005 to . formed ring. spacer balls or others available) Position 8—Precision (see Section 3) (ABEC Specifications are per ABMA Standard 26.0000 to .187 x .com| 13 Se ct ion 1 –I n troduction ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 .0" Bore “10” following “AA” in Positions 2 & 3 = .7014 ALT 1 and 252.0020 Clearance F .0" Bore 400 = 40.0015 Clearance E .2) 0 KAYDON Precision Class 1 per ABEC 1F 1 KAYDON Precision Class 1 with Class 4 Runouts 2 KAYDON Precision Class 1 with Class 6 Runouts 3 KAYDON Precision Class 3 per ABEC 3F 4 KAYDON Precision Class 4 per ABEC 5F 6 KAYDON Precision Class 6 per ABEC 7F 8 Other Position 9—Bearing Internal Fit A . Mounting fits can greatly affect final internal bearing fit.0030 Clearance H .0005 to . strip or segmental.312 Series Examples 040 = 4. circular pockets Other (toroids.187 x .0015 to .0015 to .0050 Clearance J .0025 Preload S .REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 IDENTIFICATION OF REALI-SLIM® BEARINGS (continued) Position 3.0005 Preload L .0025 Clearance G . . 49-52 • Open Bearings Metric Series ..... 62-64 14 | www..... 35-48 • Open Bearings ........... X ..AISI 440C. 53-59 • ULTRA-SLIM™ Bearings Overview & Selection Tables .. C. 15-26 • Sealed Bearings – AISI 52100.. 60-61 • REALI-SLIM TT™ Turntable Series Overview & Selection Tables . Selection Tables ..pgs..pgs... X ..pgs.pgs.Types A... X . C..pgs. C............. Selection Tables ...Types A........ X .. X .pgs.....AISI 52100.... Overview & Selection Tables ........ C.Types A. 27-34 • ENDURAKOTE® ....REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 2— Selection Tables for Standard REALI-SLIM® Bearings • Open Bearings Inch Series – AISI 52100............kaydonbearings......... Selection Tables ...Plated Bearings Overview & Selection Tables .com 1-800-514-3066 ...pgs........Types A..Types C.. 314 7.000 12.320 6.000 7.490 1.000 2.186 4.32 .000 11.500 9.660 1.375 1.280 2.314 9. X.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Angular Contact A deep groove bearing with reduced shoulder on one side of inner or outer race ball path.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous. Land Dia.340 7.000 5.000 8.686 6. These bearings will accept radial load and single direction thrust load and are normally used in conjunction with another bearing of similar construction.861 7.34 .350 9.kaydonbearings.686 8.314 4. KAA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust Bore Outside Dia.640 1.530 1.353 12.810 5.890 1.500 4.186 9.840 8. and Y .814 6.190 2.390 960 1.936 5.310 1.500 4.359 9.186 6.314 6.100 1.41 .20 .940 4.814 8.015 Circular pocket separator 1/8" balls .186 5.072 1.020 2. Static Dyn.861 8.380 12.863 6. Static Dyn.000 2.290 3.500 6.140 1.com| 15 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type A .500 12.500 8. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life. If preferred.314 3.128 2.000 2.820 6.314 10.500 7. Snapover assembly permits use of a onepiece circular pocket ring separator and greater ball complement.17 .470 1.690 1.615 4.365 5. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.314 2.640 2.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.369 2.250 F .000 1.100 2.890 3.580 1. matched sets are available.686 3. KAYDON also offers matched spacers for applications requiring extra precision.21 .370 11.186 12.360 10.12 . Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.780 3.310 5. Stock bearings are individual units and when purchased as such must be adjusted at installation to desired running clearance or preload.274 340 194 970 450 .314 12.800 1. L1 Land Dia.750 5.000 9.235 1.814 5.000 3.25 . Weight in Pounds KAA10AG0 1.045   KA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KA020AR0 KA025AR0 KA030AR0 KA035AR0 KA040AR0 KA042AR0 KA045AR0 KA047AR0 KA050AR0 KA055AR0 KA060AR0 KA065AR0 KA070AR0 KA075AR0 *KA080AR0 *KA090AR0 KA100AR0 *KA110AR0 *KA120AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust Bore Outside Dia.000 4.186 10.000 6.580 1.500 2.014 1.985 2.686 4.500 4.125 1.590 3.190 2.350 1.22 .500 10.500 3.867 4.500 11. L2 C’Bore Dia.869 3.000 5.500 3.115 5.750 5.186 11.349 405 459 507 552 595 616 637 657 676 715 752 788 823 857 890 954 1.1875 F .000 7. L2 C’Bore Dia.750 1.520 600 .250 4.30 .774 480 238 1.550 4.000 4.024 530 251 1.36 .19 . KAYDON® can provide this service direct from the factory.314 5.186 2.54 790 960 1.250 L2 L1 L3  F = .060 5.470 2.50 . For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.355 11.380 560 .686 4.000 3.640 1.814 7.500 6.500 8.875 1.357 10.314 2. L3 Static Dyn.564 4.23 .314 11.810 2.370 2.363 6.735 1.750 2.970 .140 1.436 4.361 7.1875 L2 L1 F L3 = .367 4.230 1.500 4.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing. Weight in Pounds 2.865 5.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.038 KAA17AG0 1. 1-800-514-3066 www.14 .500 7.790 4.280 2. L1 Land Dia.28 .300 4.686 7.186 3.45 .025 KAA15AG0 1. L3 Static Dyn.10 .064 5.240 3.814 3.900 2.250 5. Type A bearings require the application of thrust to establish contact angle.367 3.186 2.540 2.720 2.814 4.290 Circular pocket separator 3/32" balls . Land Dia.500 1.000 10.840 2.186 7.830 7.000 6. 231 20.000 7.47 .  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.410 2.731 7.893 5.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.960 5 .625 2.15 .416 1.85 .670 5.34 .393 6.731 3.250 24.445 14.contact KAYDON product engineering for values. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.380 12.260 3.125 7.630 9.380 1.000 20.900 .038 2.250 4.284 1.100 5.625 14.860 19.231 11.26 1.120 3.400 4.393 3. Land Dia.990 27.200 3.125 5.12 1.893 7.462 3.981 5.231 2.35 . L2 C’Bore Dia.50 .510 3.590 1.088 1.393 2.625 16.625 4.393 7.3125 L2 L1 L3  F = .700 3.500 22. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.231 16.625 10.958 7.890 6.840 6.31 .393 11.27 .57 .240 9.240 2.040 2.760 4.370 1.500 3.54 .231 4.893 6.125 6.750 5.231 5.470 5.730 1.000 4.375 5.235 1.980 3.458 6.875 5.393 4.449 11.231 10.560 2. Weight in Pounds 2.125 8.750 1.439 16.231 7.450 3.540 1.19 .461 1.955 8.958 6.393 9.625 20.910 7.510 5.033 1.231 14.64 .930 2.623 1.125 4.143 5.610 601 675 734 801 865 891 917 951 976 1. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.500 4.393 10.170 2.893 8.200 6.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.com 1-800-514-3066 .625 18.625 9.460 5.000 6.132 1.000 14.890 5.860 4.660 9.kaydonbearings.393 2.000 11.731 8. and Y . Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.625 7. X.500 4.40 Circular pocket separator 5/32" balls .920 8.231 18.000 2.393 20.000 16.500 7.000 3.456 7.625 11.625 3.964 3. A N G U L A R C O N TA C T KB SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KB020AR0 KB025AR0 KB030AR0 KB035AR0 KB040AR0 KB042AR0 *KB045AR0 *KB047AR0 *KB050AR0 KB055AR0 KB060AR0 *KB065AR0 *KB070AR0 *KB075AR0 *KB080AR0 KB090AR0 *KB100AR0 *KB110AR0 *KB120AR0 *KB140AR0 *KB160AR0 *KB180AR0 *KB200AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust  Bore Outside Dia.71 .500 8.40 .840 2.893 4.184 1.643 4.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .447 12.464 2.000 18.000 4.000 12.710 4. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.500 6.440 16.30 .22 . L3 Static Dyn.433 18.767 1.731 4.231 6.453 9.78 .740 2.481 4.340 2.393 14.731 4.393 12.393 5.425 20.150 3.210 5.98 1.231 2.231 9.960 10.625 4.000 5.670 11.340 1.150 2.000 2.210 7.500 2.180 5.231 3. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.460 4.625 8.090 1.893 3.625 6.44 .710 8.250 2.700 14.731 6. L1 Land Dia.000 9.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE A – OPEN R E A L I .760 7.625 12.350 5.393 16.231 12.390 2.3125 F .962 4.990 3.907 2.100 2.kaydonbearings.710 2.240 4.940 4.125 3.393 18.000 10.com 16 | www.451 10.162 3.790 2.120 15.500 6.550 1.37 . Static Dyn. 720 43.950 31.241 3.170 9.000 14.000 30.300 4.536 8.000 10.860 3.000 11.730 19.000 5.830 11.090 5.500 27.58 .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.777 5.80 .750 4.930 4.710 2.540 13.750 6.397 Thrust Static 10. L3 4.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 T Y P E A – O P E N R E A L I .930 11.473 25.000 5.750 30.520 6.931 5.14 1.546 10.420 4.630 4.000 19.880 2.732 7.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .250 8. 4.250 4.720 5.000 18.723 4.280 7.870 5.720 9.302 5.000 8.724 11.04 1.060 4.130 5.52 1.473 20.473 6.820 8.000 7.160 5.000 5.500 9.777 6.570 6.973 7. 1-800-514-3066 www.130 10.720 4.374 1.750 7.100 18.000 22.375 F .113 20.972 11.130 2.180 3.630 9.100 3. and Y .920 10.803 10.630 25.630 11.950 5. Land Dia.500 30.000 6.630 20.533 2.440 5.000 17.527 4.450 3.740 4.000 16.83 4.630 6.375 L2 L3 L1  F = .688 20.380 14.277 9.120 5.000 6.000 21.010 10.720 12.732 8.472 25.080 3.473 12.750 18.000 9.24 1.660 23.380 5.83 2.290 8.500 4.180 46.000 5.29 3.277 7.750 5.65 3. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.200 3.473 16.78 .340 2.84 .880 5.277 4.277 11.720 7.672 24.370 5.820 11.630 16.863 3.000 12.550 2.347 2.750 12.680 10.390 21.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Circular pocket separator 1/4" balls .500 8.277 6.870 8.540 14.000 26.49 .147 2. L2 C’Bore Dia.500 7.500 2.500 33.960 17.548 9.529 18.280 15.870 7.740 2.052 6.500 L2 L1 L3  F = .973 6.630 14.040 24.542 12.220 28.500 6.360 7.473 9.000 4.484 Radial Static 2.000 13.500 4.000 7.973 5.44 .130 6.530 2.030 3.442 8.140 69.288 14.233 3.260 Weight in Pounds .819 4.23 2. L3 Static Dyn.750 5.370 10.490 4.554 4.000 4.000 18.63 1.750 6.942 2.020 3.74 .145 6.510 7.780 9.473 14.000 15.69 1.570 4.133 12.270 8.473 4.370 9.060 37.370 4.370 7.642 1.313 1.238 4.277 10.820 15.550 8.540 Dyn.93 3.88 . * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.130 7.930 17.876 5.370 21.170 6.370 20.718 13.370 11.750 1.320 4.540 15.582 16.250 6.51 .87 2.370 25.64 .040 6.473 11. X.240 19.194 1.750 8.730 9.473 18.277 18.153 1.kaydonbearings.750 5.535 16.630 Capacities in Pounds Radial C’Bore Dia.15 1.738 5.280 51.470 13.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.500 7.44 Circular pocket separator 3/16" balls .000 6.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.710 12.700 16.750 16.020 58.630 21.750 11.047 2.290 2.991 3.000 7.770 3.048 8.990 6.260 10.260 4.550 1.410 34.970 5.98 1.973 8.03 2.140 6.741 3. 1.250 5.223 5.920 2.630 4.630 10.030 14.000 4.519 1.46 .277 5.54 5.000 21.000 11.236 5.000 30.380 21.500 7.500 6.620 42.750 9. Land Dia.630 7. 4.52 3.277 30.630 12.490 9.98 1.234 1.707 2.280 5.473 5.370 4.500 7.84 .730 7.000 10.710 2.320 2. L2 4.552 6.com| 17 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es KC SERIES .060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.250 6. L1 Land Dia.712 14.705 16.770 2.370 16.440 3.277 25.960 8.370 30.000 10.950 1.908 30.150 1.000 12.750 20.000 14.400 11.370 3.777 8.970 12.473 30.870 6.356 21.000 5.630 18.750 14.523 20.247 7.000 12.804 5.027 5.822 1.000 25. L1 Land Dia.277 14. A N G U L A R CONTACT KAYDON Bearing Number KC040AR0 *KC042AR0 KC045AR0 KC047AR0 KC050AR0 KC055AR0 KC060AR0 *KC065AR0 KC070AR0 *KC075AR0 KC080AR0 *KC090AR0 *KC100AR0 *KC110AR0 *KC120AR0 *KC140AR0 *KC160AR0 *KC180AR0 *KC200AR0 *KC250AR0 *KC300AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.900 17.370 14.370 18.777 7.010 7.500 5.02 KD SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KD040AR0 KD042AR0 KD045AR0 KD047AR0 KD050AR0 KD055AR0 KD060AR0 KD065AR0 KD070AR0 KD075AR0 KD080AR0 KD090AR0 *KD100AR0 *KD110AR0 KD120AR0 *KD140AR0 *KD160AR0 *KD180AR0 *KD200AR0 *KD210AR0 *KD250AR0 *KD300AR0 Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia.448 1.290 10.940 26.57 2.500 8.500 F .960 Dyn.580 3.250 5.870 5.250 4.728 9.610 4.370 12.708 1.23 1.734 6.68 .052 5.000 31.277 20.627 9.544 11.130 8.000 25.750 4.370 6.086 13. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.000 20.630 4.06 1.277 12.630 30.346 7.190 4.05 2.750 25.160 Weight in Pounds .277 16.517 25.000 20.880 12.856 18.500 5.473 7.473 10.274 1.561 Thrust Static 7.93 .120 4.680 14.277 4.420 9.140 4.000 16.050 7.870 3.575 1.630 8.750 10.736 5.550 7.000 9.500 8.000 4.42 1.981 4.473 4.43 1.33 1.740 49.54 .850 Dyn.000 11.620 4.990 3.250 7. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.236 6. 2.986 5. 080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered KG SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *KG040AR0 *KG042AR0 *KG045AR0 *KG047AR0 *KG050AR0 *KG055AR0 KG060AR0 *KG065AR0 *KG070AR0 KG075AR0 KG080AR0 KG090AR0 KG100AR0 *KG110AR0 KG120AR0 KG140AR0 KG160AR0 KG180AR0 KG200AR0 *KG220AR0 *KG250AR0 *KG300AR0 KG350AR0 *KG400AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.420 8. L1 Land Dia.480 7.000 37.000 40.034 4.742 8.000 18.210 22.900 125.400 16.242 5.000 30.945 8.680 26.500 36.555 35.761 8.26 2.555 9.000 4.570 38.382 12.500 31.600 7.000 6.987 8.14 2. A N G U L A R C O N TA C T Circular pocket separator 3/8" balls KF SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *KF040AR0 *KF042AR0 *KF045AR0 KF047AR0 *KF050AR0 KF055AR0 KF060AR0 KF065AR0 *KF070AR0 KF075AR0 KF080AR0 KF090AR0 KF100AR0 *KF110AR0 KF120AR0 *KF140AR0 *KF160AR0 *KF180AR0 *KF200AR0 *KF250AR0 *KF300AR0 *KF350AR0 *KF400AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.640 28.258 10. L3 4.102 17.104 15.530 4.140 64.60 16.258 15. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.945 14.000 8.982 19.000 30.400 Dyn.555 10.615 5. 18 | www.742 7.490 37.840 55.945 7.59 2.472 21.020 50. Land Dia.61 3.720 60.992 5.com 1-800-514-3066 . L1 Land Dia.000 12.805 3.142 12.945 18.460 10.060 10.258 5.750 F .630 9.80 L3 L1 1.220 36.730 13.870 18.00 8.04 2.360 81.500 17.000 11.000 32.258 19.580 35.100 31.87 6.742 6.78 7.440 41.250 4.000 6.700 159.500 4.000 9.561 10.480 9. Land Dia.055 8.380 57.950 19.945 40.598 49.420 20.491 5.461 31. L2 C’Bore Dia.310 9. 13.220 15.50 12.950 10.742 22.810 43.280 58.290 15. X.613 7.180 21.000 7.340 19.000 5.000 4.483 12.258 36.000 10.580 Weight in Pounds 1.890 73.000 8.920 46.481 11.320 13.445 7.20 16.562 9.040 43.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.060 17.120 100.000 22.430 Radial Static 9.113 7.41 5.500 26.500 15.000 11. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.242 6.770 12.50 14.100 29.100 34.780 28.258 6.945 5.000 L2 L1 L3  F = .474 19.555 4.060 5.190 65.966 4.000 4.47 10.660 71.330 7.865 6.650 19.242 7.080 93.043 7.742 14.100 28.500 7.000 20.945 20.555 20.438 6.555 18.570 8.500 10.055 7.760 68.742 30.445 5.440 Circular pocket separator 1/2" balls Weight in Pounds 3.500 7.945 35.085 31.870 23.106 13.742 20.695 5.989 6.000 7.489 7.000 224.113 8. 3.115 6.460 32.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.460 21.945 10.000 20.192 7.000 42.115 5.500 8.555 16.258 17.76 6.750 5.945 5.750 5.508 5.000 35.270 14.319 4.060 24. L3 4.805 5.898 13.945 9.000 5.492 5.160 16.742 11.510 11.410 28.500 11.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .533 11.742 9.092 26.420 15.000 14.40 4.540 21.190 14.250 6.850 49.960 20.750 24.980 26.94 3.106 12.700 41.101 4.500 4.000 6.281 6.090 14.481 13.052 5.563 8.000 13.945 12.472 5.16 3.000 24.712 40.500 6.000 11.500 12.72 2.195 5.258 13.500 13.42 4.200 35.510 49.562 6.75 5.555 12.290 17.073 9.096 21.260 9.555 7.61 3.880 17.540 48.945 6.020 39.555 4.220 30.300 41.500 10.258 11.758 6.103 8.73 5.07 5.67 8.17 4.585 10.860 38.305 5.745 6.487 7.758 8.987 9.258 8.055 6.610 9.92 2.730 30.242 8.687 17.39 3.000 40.242 5.90 12.650 11.50 26.487 8.530 15.742 35.240 17.63 18.250 54.20 6.000 11.258 21.365 5.600 197.000 18. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.430 32.153 Thrust Static 27.630 14.000 6.890 6.400 Dyn.500 16.897 7.147 Thrust Static 18.008 6.380 55.000 14.090 7.054 Radial Static 6.945 25.500 4.300 169.555 30.95 4.000 6.95 4.780 46.000 9.640 23.000 16.485 10.360 28.770 10.000 35.250 6.239 16.742 18.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.608 5.027 10.500 21.20 5.40 13.850 22.720 Dyn.47 10.000 9.500 5.000 7.440 25.040 9.500 9.500 19.468 26.790 22.83 3.481 15.555 11.830 35.566 9.750 7.758 7.500 41.000 22. 8.000 7.258 41.258 12.kaydonbearings.500 7.258 26.000 16.856 142.000 27.750 L2  F = .742 4.000 20.500 9.445 8.035 8.200 119.445 6.000 12.620 45.736 3.160 21.451 36. and Y .555 14.742 10.480 25.430 10.090 41.000 10.500 6.734 4.20 29.740 33.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE A – OPEN R E A L I .80 22. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.130 12.945 16.000 25.000 16.612 14.500 8.500 6.758 9.000 12.430 32.350 6.489 6.258 23.000 14.500 8.68 9.742 40.500 8.258 7.258 5.108 11.140 82.000 9.478 17.110 10.303 8.989 7.900 11.000 F 1.240 77.742 12.000 18.220 Dyn.110 17.555 8.37 2.064 41.555 40.360 30.750 6.485 11.900 139.670 13.000 114.742 25.000 25.239 6.050 9.075 36.945 11.020 104.22 8.060 18.54 7.000 5.530 14.468 23.741 5. 6. L2 C’Bore Dia.60 .227 6.250 4.80 15.932 5.555 25.050 20.830 33.220 11.338 12.700 14.258 31.330 31.945 30.098 19.742 16.370 12.555 6.100 19.970 15.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.613 8. 500 2.000 9.500 11.000 8.186 7.186 11. X.436 4.25 .56 . Weight in Pounds 680 830 990 1. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.314 9.520 1.314 10.500 12.000 10.640 1.370 1.500 8.23 . L1 1.500 3.44 .30 .375 1.686 8.026 .686 3.985 Static Dyn.186 9.1875 F .064 5.000 3. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.814 6.110 3.250 F .936 5.078 .500 Land Dia.186 6.015 Snapover separator 1/8" balls Static Dyn.814 4.314 .500 6.350 2.750 1.000 1.314 2.250 L2 L1  F = .500 4.000 7.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.686 4.810 3.814 5.025 1.500 10.900 2.500 4. KA020CP0 KA025CP0 KA030CP0 KA035CP0 KA040CP0 KA042CP0 KA045CP0 KA047CP0 KA050CP0 KA055CP0 KA060CP0 KA065CP0 KA070CP0 KA075CP0 KA080CP0 KA090CP0 KA100CP0 KA110CP0 KA120CP0 2.314 11.686 7.186 2.15 .039 .050 2.200 2.250 5.500 7.045 KA SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.186 10.890 Land Dia.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.500 3.500 4.814 3.590 1.500 4.500 9.140 1.314 5.686 6. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.750 5.735 1.250 4.com| 19 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type C .000 2.186 5.50 .186 12.34 .000 4.13 .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.500 6.186 4.000 6.125 Land Dia. L2 2.500 7.314 12. L1 2.1875 L2 L1  F = .814 7.24 .814 8. Weight in Pounds 290 400 460 188 225 242 .440 1.000 3.500 8.19 .20 .  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Radial Contact A Conrad assembled bearing designed primarily for application of radial load—deep ball grooves also permit application of thrust load in either direction – often used in conjunction with another bearing. L2 1.686 4.kaydonbearings. and Y . KAA10CL0 KAA15CL0 KAA17CL0 1.875 2.750 1.186 3. 1-800-514-3066 www.000 4. Snapover separator 3/32" balls KAA SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.235 1.500 1.22 .410 3.290 1.000 6.000 12.000 5.000 11.564 4.314 4.750 5.31 .314 7.314 3.38 .28 .000 2.000 7.140 1.000 5.10 . Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.52 .720 393 442 487 530 571 591 610 629 648 685 720 754 787 820 851 912 969 1.186 Land Dia.314 6.18 . 539 1.50 .kaydonbearings.810 6.231 16.625 4.500 6.000 11. R A D I A L C O N TA C T KB SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.30 .44 .000 2.34 .950 2.129 1.57 .000 4.231 7.893 7.20 .000 5.481 4.33 .05 1.125 5.386 1.53 .REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE C – OPEN R E A L I .125 4.250 4.231 5.393 14.35 1.830 1.500 4. L2 2.625 9.231 2. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.875 5.393 11.393 18.73 .125 7. KB020CP0 KB025CP0 KB030CP0 KB035CP0 KB040CP0 KB042CP0 KB045CP0 *KB047CP0 KB050CP0 *KB055CP0 KB060CP0 KB065CP0 *KB070CP0 *KB075CP0 KB080CP0 *KB090CP0 *KB100CP0 *KB110CP0 *KB120CP0 *KB140CP0 *KB160CP0 *KB180CP0 *KB200CP0 2.970 3.000 9.393 7.231 10.812 1.340 1.16 .620 7.20 1.393 5.625 10.053 .625 3.170 3.125 8.143 5.231 11.190 4.231 Land Dia.000 3.625 14.231 9.625 18.393 10.393 4.231 14.731 4. and Y .41 .040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.50 .893 8.231 3.680 1.393 Snapover separator 5/32" balls Static Dyn. Weight in Pounds 930 1. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.231 20.981 5.731 7.393 9.000 20.231 6.625 8.440 8.500 8. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.034 1.304 1.47 .175 1.500 3.760 2.464 1.360 2.000 5.893 4.625 12.731 8.231 4.750 5.375 5.780 4.393 12.83 1.3125 L2 L1  F = .500 4.000 2.000 18.393 20.082 1.140 1.38 .  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.731 6.590 5.000 7.contact KAYDON product engineering for values. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.000 10. L1 2.150 2.500 7.625 7.125 6.625 16.393 6.370 3.393 16.com 1-800-514-3066 .S L I M ® B E AR I N G S .893 6.625 11.625 Land Dia.3125 F .231 12.250 577 644 707 767 825 846 880 901 933 984 1.393 2.219 1.000 12.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.625 6.560 2.27 .625 4.231 18.643 4.000 14.030 2.893 5.393 3.31 .125 3.kaydonbearings.893 3.000 16.com 20 | www.936 2.731 4.625 20.000 6. X.75 .750 1.731 3.66 .540 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.24 . 277 30.250 5.688 2.750 9.06 1.427 3.870 8.277 7.000 12.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/4" balls KD SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number .500 9.830 3.000 9.52 1.130 8.473 4. L1 4.630 20.500 6. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.650 14.277 9.321 2.500 L2 L1  F = .000 4.000 5.000 12.100 2.000 7.570 1.000 11.277 4.973 7.340 2.750 8.530 3.63 .310 3. Weight in Pounds 2.130 7.277 14.000 6.00 1.000 9.000 4.777 6.974 2.000 21.420 3.500 7. L2 4.000 5.626 2.83 .148 3.250 7.58 .53 1.277 25.290 12.500 7.000 30.277 10.kaydonbearings.000 6.000 25.com| 21 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Snapover separator 3/16" balls KC SERIES .153 .47 .630 14.000 10.630 10.800 12.000 11.370 25.209 1.06 1.370 18.130 6.500 8.457 1.000 11.000 17.750 16.630 30.630 6.706 17.073 1. L1 4.260 .473 12.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.370 16. KC040CP0 KC042CP0 KC045CP0 KC047CP0 KC050CP0 KC055CP0 KC060CP0 KC065CP0 KC070CP0 KC075CP0 KC080CP0 KC090CP0 KC100CP0 *KC110CP0 KC120CP0 KC140CP0 KC160CP0 *KC180CP0 *KC200CP0 *KC250CP0 *KC300CP0 4.473 7.678 1.755 1.85 4.250 6.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 T Y P E C – O P E N R E A L I .590 2.861 1.500 5.879 1.933 4.020 14.130 5. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.027 5.48 3. 1-800-514-3066 www.787 1.000 15.72 1.750 6.920 11.000 18.962 3.790 4.630 8.120 5.870 7.370 9.880 5.973 6.337 1.25 2.000 5.810 6.000 26.750 12.100 4.870 6.223 5.000 21.164 4.750 11.000 10.370 12.847 3.750 10.000 6.69 3. KD040CP0 KD042CP0 KD045CP0 KD047CP0 KD050CP0 KD055CP0 KD060CP0 KD065CP0 KD070CP0 KD075CP0 KD080CP0 KD090CP0 KD100CP0 KD110CP0 KD120CP0 *KD140CP0 *KD160CP0 *KD180CP0 *KD200CP0 *KD210CP0 *KD250CP0 *KD300CP0 4.176 1.84 .160 2.200 14.777 8.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .620 4.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.750 18.520 2.345 2.950 6.473 30.500 4.840 9.440 20.16 1.88 2.030 4.750 5.500 8.250 5.630 25.48 .750 Land Dia.550 9.473 9.473 14.370 30.973 5.370 14.000 19.750 20.473 20.000 14.04 4.500 7.870 5.689 5.630 16.370 20.860 1.130 5.73 .473 25.250 4.79 5.781 1.870 8.750 14.274 4.180 7.000 13. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.277 11.750 25.370 6.630 4.060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.473 5.73 .500 8.10 3.50 .478 2.500 5. L2 4.434 2.630 18.000 22.59 .688 3.630 21.000 14.154 2.370 7.143 1.000 Land Dia.063 2.88 .630 12.527 4.06 2.22 1.41 1.274 1.723 4.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.94 1.777 7.277 5.250 4.25 1.070 3. X.630 9.000 8.000 31.375 Static Dyn.73 3.080 3.68 .78 .000 5.460 2.370 10. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.277 12.397 1.500 4.277 20.750 5.000 30.16 2.000 18.473 Static Dyn.790 5.610 1.514 1.360 F .777 5.277 16.000 10.964 2.000 20. R A D I A L CONTACT Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.73 1.473 10.94 2.510 4.630 11.375 L2 L1  F = .990 5.254 2.473 18.973 8.370 4.45 .470 5.473 6. Weight in Pounds 3.250 8.000 20.000 16.000 16.370 11.370 21.16 1.500 7.78 .892 1.550 3.000 4.000 12.277 18.450 4.470 5.000 3.380 5.500 F .220 2.750 30.190 3.108 1.750 7.750 5.000 5.277 6.880 8.21 Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia.000 7.000 25.750 6.370 5.370 Land Dia.500 6.760 4.473 16.94 1.000 7.473 11. and Y .277 Land Dia.630 7.910 7.31 1. 5 2.000 14.500 26.555 14.555 18. L1 4.555 25.000 6.000 30.000 5.695 5.000 20.750 F .945 18.742 4.2 7.310 6.742 6.000 16.242 6.060 34.945 7.445 6.555 12.3 4.500 6.061 6.742 30.945 6.742 20.555 Land Dia.742 40.258 Static Dyn.648 10.992 5.500 8.000 5.833 6.487 6.000 13.945 11.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.000 42. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.258 31.890 59.757 42.000 5.555 16.886 11.com 1-800-514-3066 . L1 4.620 8.367 13.500 7.000 25.258 36.420 29.550 5.758 8.000 27.258 15.000 7.0 7.500 41.742 18.500 8.000 4.648 12. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE C – OPEN R E A L I .930 6.060 19.445 8.500 21.258 13.8 5.180 8.691 6.555 9.000 35.555 20.258 23.1 2.130 13.256 5.420 18.742 10.277 6.500 10.258 8.5 7.750 5.000 11.445 7.742 7.758 7. R A D I A L C O N TA C T Snapover separator 3/8" balls KF SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.680 50.000 18.791 4.242 8.742 9.116 4.5 3.2 6.393 7.500 6.000 F 1.6 3.3 10.241 7.500 15.500 9.555 6.000 6.1 6.555 35.591 15.500 4.000 22.8 6.640 5.1 17.190 34.770 16.945 8.500 Land Dia.555 11.000 6.945 10.742 22.700 21.500 31.911 8.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.500 9.9 8.305 5.000 12.258 11.2 .080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/2" balls KG SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia. Weight in Pounds 5.1 7.000 12.000 18.900 21.1 4.9 13.105 6.945 Static Dyn.828 10.750 L2 L1  F = .963 17. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.500 11.805 5.655 3.945 25.210 6.000 25.258 5.945 35. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.195 18.055 8.258 21.000 37.340 24.258 41.kaydonbearings.7 5.250 6.945 14.000 7.2 3.000 8.461 4.945 40.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.000 10.555 40.555 30.750 9.310 9.603 11.963 9.400 11.500 7.500 7.000 22.750 7.104 7.8 4.500 8.000 18.000 7.000 40.242 5.000 11.742 14.160 23.000 6.758 9.350 45.470 37.945 16.555 10.3 27.074 10.555 4.000 10.5 23.000 Land Dia.000 L2 L1  F = .250 4.742 25.210 8.508 5.390 16.500 19.9 3.500 5.750 6.7 2.115 6.258 7.195 5.650 18.3 2.500 6. and Y .500 13.4 3.0 15.307 3.055 6.000 35.250 6.000 32.000 20.9 8.008 6.000 14.000 11.843 3.242 7.130 13.500 36. 22 | www.6 9.258 12.8 12.3 4.000 9.500 12.2 2.8 1.764 7.050 7.000 24.742 35.685 14.9 4.258 26.000 30.040 13.500 10.000 4.758 6.760 9.258 19.742 11.9 2.360 5.490 7.750 5.742 16.000 9.945 12.490 12.742 12.990 3.742 8.945 9.557 7.9 10.986 8.258 10.949 5.945 5.260 14.7 15.945 20.445 5.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.936 4.910 31. Weight in Pounds 8.1 5.000 40.055 7. X.000 12.750 3.1 30.000 12.492 5.000 14.4 5.620 7.500 17.000 9.000 20.302 1.850 7.628 4.555 8.680 14.258 6. L2 4.000 6.620 27.265 8.0 2. L2 5.880 11.742 Land Dia.559 3.204 9.743 9.291 4.044 13.055 5.700 40.8 19.300 9. *KG040CP0 *KG042CP0 *KG045CP0 *KG047CP0 KG050CP0 *KG055CP0 *KG060CP0 KG065CP0 *KG070CP0 KG075CP0 KG080CP0 KG090CP0 KG100CP0 KG110CP0 KG120CP0 KG140CP0 KG160CP0 KG180CP0 KG200CP0 *KG220CP0 *KG250CP0 *KG300CP0 *KG350CP0 *KG400CP0 4.100 67.258 17.3 13.0 4.S L I M ® B E AR I N G S .850 10.210 8.000 8.000 16.250 4.000 9.555 7.500 8. KF040CP0 KF042CP0 *KF045CP0 KF047CP0 KF050CP0 KF055CP0 KF060CP0 KF065CP0 *KF070CP0 KF075CP0 KF080CP0 KF090CP0 KF100CP0 KF110CP0 KF120CP0 *KF140CP0 *KF160CP0 *KF180CP0 *KF200CP0 *KF250CP0 *KF300CP0 *KF350CP0 *KF400CP0 4.000 7.8 16.945 30.000 16.500 4. 210 22.000 KAA15XL0 1.650 1.250 F .289 1.720 514 583 643 701 756 783 809 834 859 908 955 1.640 1.020 7.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Four-Point Contact A Conrad assembled bearing designed for applications involving multiple loads.844 3.120 10. L2 Static Dyn.600 3.52 .686 3.330 12. Pounds KAA10XL0 1.770 434 601 785 986 1.780 8.362 1.1875 L2 L1  F = .500 2.186 5. X.930 6.000 3.730 1.535 2.500 KAA17XL0 1.480 1.500 5. L2 Static Dyn.110 1.520 1. Static Dyn.500 6. L1 Dia.000 6.500 2.25 .kaydonbearings.314 4.186 11. L1 Dia.410 3. Static Dyn.500 6.23 .131 1.10 .010 1.001 1.936 5.000 1. Dia.186 12. thrust load in either direction. individually or in any combination.990 15.440 1.20 .410 3.940 19.020 5.045 KA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KA020XP0 KA025XP0 KA030XP0 KA035XP0 KA040XP0 KA042XP0 KA045XP0 KA047XP0 KA050XP0 KA055XP0 KA060XP0 KA065XP0 KA070XP0 KA075XP0 KA080XP0 KA090XP0 KA100XP0 *KA110XP0 KA120XP0 Dimensions in Inches .814 4.13 .210 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.750 6.125 1.470 2.000 10.com| 23 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type X .250 4.180 5. Static Dyn.735 1.000 7.000 2.130 2.375 1.000 9.089 1. Dia.260 1.000 7.220 3.420 3.590 1.110 3.180 2.910 7.240 2.186 2.000 3.686 5.433 1.314 8.360 4.500 8. 1-800-514-3066 www.693 1.1875 F .28 .260 7.000 2. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.686 4.790 4.321 1.740 3.30 .814 8.186 3. Static Dyn. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.186 10.140 1.890 1.814 5.570 1.186 7.000 4.015 Snapover separator 1/8" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.890 2.050 2. A single four-point contact bearing may replace two bearings in many applications.500 12.31 .314 4.500 5.165 3.120 5.500 4.750 5.500 9.186 8.500 8.44 .540 9.24 .686 6.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.046 1.959 2.000 2.56 .140 1. Unique internal geometry permits application of radial load.810 3.980 9.000 5.710 2.314 3.205 1.18 .814 6.564 5.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.441 1.000 11.587 .186 4.790 3.750 1.314 680 830 990 1.686 2.500 7. Snapover separator 3/32" balls KAA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. Pounds 2.314 10.499 4.350 1.500 4. and moment load.250 L2 L1  F = .090 2.686 7.040 2. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.314 6.314 9.300 790 910 1.980 4.15 .200 2.750 1.350 2.070 3.880 6.22 .38 .320 2.500 3.204 4.235 1.000 6.50 .250 4. and Y .000 5.500 10.600 2.150 1.875 2.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.500 7.34 .186 6.212 1.900 2.814 3.000 12.140 370 460 500 170 340 440 110 187 232 .985 290 400 460 247 296 319 730 1.500 11.026 .810 1.740 5.436 4.750 4.310 1.500 4.314 12.186 9.19 .450 770 1.565 1.039 .500 3.064 5.850 3.314 7.814 7.000 4.290 1.956 5.370 1.314 11.400 1. 140 5.165 1.190 4.850 1.150 2.000 2.393 18.750 17.559 1.231 2.625 7.000 18.375 5.340 2.917 2.16 .576 2.44 .393 14.231 16. Dia.000 16.53 .480 12.000 7.250 758 848 933 1.420 7.560 18.231 12.893 7.393 5.500 4.170 4.393 3.125 6.371 1.231 9.893 5.280 3. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. Static Dyn.20 1.690 5.625 18. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.231 20.850 1.625 11.670 2. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.265 2.38 .810 6.254 9.880 3.57 .570 4.590 20.860 4.350 3.440 1.140 1.125 7.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .470 3.770 4.435 1.000 2.850 8.750 1.kaydonbearings.231 14. Static Dyn.625 4.780 1.121 8.100 2.370 3.130 1.625 9.625 6.731 8.393 16.27 .625 3.31 .580 54.940 3.103 2.625 4.830 1.50 .530 16.250 4.780 4.109 4.234 2.000 3.625 16.620 1.220 2.000 12.000 5.170 3.3125 F .393 7.731 6.580 25.50 .560 2.880 5.600 2.850 12.893 6.393 4.340 1.83 1.720 6.380 5.000 11.41 .625 8.750 5.370 4.625 14.500 8.73 . CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.970 3.893 3.193 1.920 8.430 9.732 1.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.000 9.220 2.446 11.625 20.020 17.590 1.125 5.190 4.720 1.780 658 895 1.900 1.24 .360 2. L1 Dia.000 10.com 24 | www.19 . F O U R .125 3.125 4.893 8.159 1.393 6.400 6.813 .231 2.731 4.760 2.520 4.380 14.090 83.231 5.000 20.045 6.694 20.618 1.000 14.731 4.30 .643 4.844 3. and Y .950 2.05 1.393 10.668 4.600 21. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.450 2.500 3.33 .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.kaydonbearings.014 1.893 4.35 1.75 .045 2.000 6.231 6.231 11.625 2.410 2.731 7. X.120 1.625 10.080 3.770 41.460 11.340 2.393 930 1.875 5.143 5.910 7.840 4.125 8.34 .080 1.840 3.568 5.500 14.020 68.981 5.393 11.231 4.247 3.393 9.393 12.290 1.66 .890 6. L2 Static Dyn.498 1.560 2.620 7.590 5.945 2. Pounds 2.625 12.500 6.3125 L2 L1  F = .080 9.304 1.000 5.970 30.463 2.080 5.500 4.540 1.231 3.450 1.980 2.731 3.091 1.P O I N T C O N TA C T KB SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KB020XP0 KB025XP0 KB030XP0 KB035XP0 KB040XP0 KB042XP0 KB045XP0 *KB047XP0 KB050XP0 KB055XP0 KB060XP0 KB065XP0 *KB070XP0 *KB075XP0 KB080XP0 KB090XP0 *KB100XP0 *KB110XP0 *KB120XP0 *KB140XP0 KB160XP0 *KB180XP0 *KB200XP0 Dimensions in Inches Snapover separator 5/32" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.994 14.231 7.500 7.764 1.050 7.393 20.030 2.410 10.231 18.236 1.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE X – OPEN R E A L I .231 10.440 8.47 .com 1-800-514-3066 .450 10.393 2.000 4.731 2.841 1.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.481 4. 630 9.370 10.600 5.000 19.901 4.473 5.103 3.473 2.649 78.000 11.375 L2 L1  F = .790 5.268 42.48 3.750 10.000 11.518 49.712 26.070 11.670 21.777 5.436 .030 9.790 2.899 5.250 5.930 7.380 2.000 12.650 14.190 3.561 3.88 2.52 1.100 1.750 6.500 L2 L1  F = .790 6.840 3.651 12.000 143.464 4.695 37.338 5.72 1.47 .420 4.916 5.600 6.570 6.500 7.230 53.370 4.473 9.69 3.000 7.130 5.750 9.190 99.50 .770 11.06 1.630 12.450 16.000 25.280 10.110 36.070 1.826 59.06 1.610 52. L1 Dia.620 4.234 4. Pounds 4.007 8.370 6.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.690 22.000 5.280 19.973 3.31 1.450 4.260 5.270 12.940 5.000 16.360 9.060 36.750 25.520 3.770 43.670 9.320 6.630 10.300 9.460 1.931 7.41 1.370 14.370 30.22 1.473 6.277 10.080 3. Dia.690 2.000 6.250 6.670 8.480 81.855 2.910 16.470 13.000 7.277 30.338 3.325 36.086 18. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.920 11.000 4.85 4.750 12.277 18.950 7.777 7.717 4.775 5.900 2.670 3.856 7.000 16.173 19.760 19.370 13.693 14.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/4" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.460 7.250 7.473 2.45 .590 24.755 30.454 2.134 6.600 3.473 14.750 16.870 8.500 30.com| 25 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Snapover separator 3/16" balls KC SERIES .000 11.130 7.10 3.510 36.710 17.880 5.370 11.550 8.270 8.643 12.870 37.16 1.630 11.277 6.560 5.710 30.973 2.000 21.000 10.000 17.277 14.000 14.201 10.710 45.980 11.050 4.500 5.410 10. L2 Static Dyn.970 12.750 4.88 .872 17.277 9.955 22.851 7.370 21.160 6.58 .080 14.341 5.473 4.750 11.991 3.290 2.16 2.220 31.510 2.760 6.190 6.25 1.000 15.550 9.000 30.470 5.860 4.500 5.630 7.000 20.830 154. L2 Static Dyn.250 4.220 1.180 4.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 T Y P E X – O P E N R E A L I .00 1.000 12.020 14.777 8.100 3.690 64.556 5.94 2.060 7.880 3.000 30.78 .100 222.470 2.500 8.000 4.350 12.500 4.000 22.73 .730 9.473 3.776 3. Static Dyn. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.000 8.222 3.260 11.700 7.534 5.520 2.370 4.277 4.277 16.630 8.930 6.68 .762 2.178 4.862 16.540 2.370 7.06 2. Static Dyn.630 25.200 3.592 2.410 3.500 8.277 4.000 9.000 13.550 9.669 10.490 4.870 8.130 8.930 4.473 12.120 5.380 24.83 .000 5.120 11.500 6.710 6.496 2.660 8.980 3.210 2. Static Dyn.870 9.277 7.541 2.910 93.59 . F O U R .295 20.082 9.370 5.750 18. and Y .910 2.830 49.561 45.000 21.174 15.880 17.277 5.840 9.826 8.130 5.800 28.750 6.830 1.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .94 1.760 4.770 3.000 10.277 20.950 8.473 5.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.640 35.000 5.470 10.180 12.226 5.160 3.473 4.860 2.680 14.270 3.941 30.73 3.960 19.750 8.630 16.000 10.750 14.027 5.840 2.610 4.277 11.140 5.110 117.48 .950 2.000 31.622 14.830 9.63 .777 6.473 3.25 2.250 5.180 7.000 20.870 21.370 18.630 30.000 7.250 17.981 4.973 3.94 1.196 4.447 .500 F .600 5.800 221.130 25. Pounds 4.961 7.973 2.500 8.370 16.880 31.000 18.770 6. 1-800-514-3066 www.060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.750 30.130 3.370 9.590 1.417 4.542 7.682 6.630 3.530 3.348 6.750 7.090 24.630 6.000 9.370 5.440 71.890 24. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.79 5.310 14.720 4.223 2.170 7.000 5.326 2.540 16.800 3.100 4.500 7.630 14.250 8.235 6.700 158.000 4.020 4.04 4.750 20.000 12.000 6.725 2.870 7. Static Dyn.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.130 6.P O I N T CONTACT KAYDON Bearing Number KC040XP0 *KC042XP0 KC045XP0 KC047XP0 KC050XP0 KC055XP0 KC060XP0 KC065XP0 KC070XP0 *KC075XP0 KC080XP0 KC090XP0 KC100XP0 KC110XP0 KC120XP0 KC140XP0 KC160XP0 *KC180XP0 *KC200XP0 *KC250XP0 *KC300XP0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.84 .16 1.21 KD SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KD040XP0 KD042XP0 KD045XP0 KD047XP0 KD050XP0 KD055XP0 KD060XP0 KD065XP0 KD070XP0 KD075XP0 KD080XP0 KD090XP0 KD100XP0 KD110XP0 KD120XP0 KD140XP0 *KD160XP0 KD180XP0 KD200XP0 *KD210XP0 *KD250XP0 *KD300XP0 Dimensions in Inches .73 .750 5.810 6.630 21.680 14.750 5.000 5.370 12.890 5.500 7.030 2.580 8.460 2.527 4.440 20.550 1.226 10. Dia.370 20.980 8.750 5.870 6. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.kaydonbearings.990 3.140 8.364 11.434 18.687 6.496 12.370 25.500 9.870 5.551 4.630 18.355 2.420 3.510 5.500 4.400 318. X.277 12.492 25.340 1.000 4.602 4.375 F . L1 Dia.73 1.311 2.000 6.830 13.000 25.500 7.260 4.277 25.226 3.630 4.240 21.310 1.330 5.53 1.78 .723 2.990 2.290 12.473 7.630 20.860 6.000 18.160 5.000 14.380 5.473 4.000 26.500 6.250 4.473 8. 708 189.500 8.793 136.260 11.900 21.550 72.730 14.555 12.742 20.258 12.250 4.910 91.790 40.460 21.258 11.890 59.8 12.130 33.5 23.258 6.970 41.240 50.945 20.555 4.630 19.555 35.520 16.526 12.700 168.850 10.200 70.4 5.8 4. Static Dyn.000 14.064.100 8. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.730 122.250 4.6 3.450 27.190 34.050 7.258 7.500 8.8 1.000 30.8 6.742 10.490 12.528 115.000 5.200 937.832 1.1 30.084 8.500 6.055 7.300 11.945 12.555 6.500 7.210 8.000 25.347 64.195 5.000 12.3 13.242 5.930 6.312 8.000 35.555 30.200 8.000 42.890 23.470 37.650 86.410 25.300 198.620 8.220 17.380.048 5.200 533.000 14. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.9 3.060 18.250 53.258 8.315 14.555 14.250 6.945 40.750 9.258 36.555 16.990 28.200 147.040 13.000 7.350 61.230 12.415 5.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.750 7.758 7.500 31.700 40.500 21.258 15. L1 Dia.9 8.310 9.750 5.260 11.350 45.820 16.000 1.200 53.742 30.980 41.400 15.400 14.258 17.000 L2 L1  F = .445 8.3 4.420 18.200 296.760 42.870 23.242 8.000 32.260 52.000 7.258 21.030 11.530 15.555 40.640 65.3 19.000 16.000 12.742 9.000 434.160 23.210 6.258 26.140 52.492 5.500 7.260 11.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered KG SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *KG040XP0 *KG042XP0 *KG045XP0 *KG047XP0 KG050XP0 *KG055XP0 KG060XP0 *KG065XP0 *KG070XP0 KG075XP0 KG080XP0 KG090XP0 KG100XP0 KG110XP0 KG120XP0 KG140XP0 KG160XP0 KG180XP0 KG200XP0 KG220XP0 KG250XP0 KG300XP0 KG350XP0 KG400XP0 Dimensions in Inches Snapover separator 1/2" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.300 31.000 9.3 10.0 2.000 6.028 10.882 11.620 27.180 8.487 8.7 5.130 13.250 6.530 7.000 6.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .500 6.000 5.696 14.760 100.1 7.640 5.758 8.000 24.410 10.838 246.490 13.896 24.000 13.700 21.500 4.742 25.909 13.000 25.000 14.660 22.258 23.2 3.9 8. Static Dyn.400 243.330 33.000 9.200 22.342 7.945 5.742 11.636 33.666 48. Static Dyn.520 21.568 21.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.758 9.710 13.880 6.930 18.420 29.503 9.152 19.258 41. L2 Static Dyn.000 7.555 4.490 7.500 8.805 5.000 35.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.3 27.260 24.000 6.695 5.0 15.680 14.500 17.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE X – OPEN R E A L I .940 41.830 7.070 18.795 4.945 7.770 12.000 7.742 40.620 25.945 14.258 19.508 5.300 9.742 18.000 20.200 36.000 16.220 45.500 9.527 374.721 21.742 5.037 150.210 8.140 66.500 6.000 14.050 20.com 1-800-514-3066 .445 7.416 11. 26 | www.800 1.923 5.690 27.000 374.700 184.7 2.258 5.845 24.750 12.743 43.2 2.740 29.6 9.750 L2 L1  F = .000 20.000 4.332 20.056 98.180 94.1 5.070 23.3 4.742 35.196 36.592 16.327 30.665 4.742 22.390 16.720 26.000 12.258 13.945 5.910 31.500 41.5 3.500 13.090 14.000 4.360 21.000 18.744 19.000 18.000 30.890 38.300 362.770 16.993 9.410 29.000 10.000 27.305 5.9 10.556 59.770 77.000 18.760 8.400 11.000 22.555 9.917 8.1 6.410 29.000 11.280 23.742 16.775 9.034 13.000 6.500 10.000 11. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.410 43.150 35.742 8.320 118.311 15. L1 Dia.9 2.979 7.080 99.080 26.500 9.000 F 1.750 6.870 10.625 188.555 7.945 18.220 28. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.9 13.445 5.000 12.880 11.106 229.710 29.7 15.100 67.000 4.820 17.040 20.730 30.980 86.510 30.742 6.103 6.500 4.258 31.000 6.000 8.210 77. Pounds 4.000 10.280 24.500 11.242 7.900 788.000 40.650 17.739 13.560 69. Dia.200 554.721 8.945 10.660 33.310 7.5 7.500 15.555 10.956 27.260 14.055 8.900 115.810 15.008 6.000 11.742 14.293 18.555 8.100 32.550 17.555 20.520 20.421 10.258 10.979 9.055 5.040 45.500 7.993 17.780 37.630 9.480 82.750 5.460 9.945 16.000 8.966 15.945 11.500 4.180 21.500 36.373 116.2 6.110 15.205 8.0 7.000 20.190 14.360 5.800 158.935 81.172 5.000 37.500 10.830 34.530 58.050 9. L2 Static Dyn.100 15.555 18.680 50. Dia.055 6.3 2.2 7.000 16.453 25.000 5.520 21.945 6.258 8.945 25.1 2.110 14.8 17.180 14.9 4.945 30.157 12.947 7.760 9.5 2.700 237.140 49.425 16.065 14.500 12.000 40.340 24.060 19.992 5.060 34.620 12.945 8.000 22.945 9. X.500 19.386 17.250 21.550 33. Static Dyn.970 45.530 15.602 11.945 35.750 F .537 82.600 721.500 26.070 7.541 308.700 127.000 6.742 12.P O I N T C O N TA C T KF SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number KF040XP0 KF042XP0 KF045XP0 KF047XP0 KF050XP0 KF055XP0 KF060XP0 KF065XP0 KF070XP0 KF075XP0 KF080XP0 KF090XP0 KF100XP0 KF110XP0 KF120XP0 KF140XP0 *KF160XP0 *KF180XP0 *KF200XP0 *KF250XP0 *KF300XP0 *KF350XP0 *KF400XP0 Dimensions in Inches Snapover separator 3/8" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.2 .535 6.555 25.124 57. Pounds 4.990 4.147 12.608 34.kaydonbearings.390 106.445 6.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.1 4.000 9.032 38.713 10.404 15.200 138.695 10.323 6.758 6.742 4.306 19. F O U R .900 58.620 47.4 3.208 10.1 17. and Y .500 5.651 5.870 19.0 4.650 18.8 5.555 11.256 3.000 9.770 20.500 8.238 156.242 6.742 7.040 25.130 13.762 8.550 24.300 7. and JG double-sealed REALI-SLIM® bearings. The accompanying illustrations are examples by which REALI-SLIM® bearings may be sealed or shielded.e. and operating environment will influence the choice. Where weight and space are at a premium. Position 2). 1-800-514-3066 www. In this catalog these terms have the following definitions: Seal—a contacting closure between the stationary and rotating members. speed. environment) may result in premature lubrication degradation.kaydonbearings. but requires more turning effort (torque). Illustrated in Figure 2-2 is a double LAMI-SEAL® bearing. either integrally or externally.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Seals and Shields Available To realize the full benefits from anti-friction bearings. JB. Note: Sealed REALI-SLIM® bearings are pre-lubricated with a general purpose grease. and as a result. Figure 2-2 Double LAMI-SEAL® bearing Figure 2-5 Single LAMI-SEAL® bearing Integral seals and shields offer a very compact overall design with the additional advantage of protecting the bearing before. Figure 2-1 Figure 2-4 Double-Sealed REALI-SLIM® Single-Sealed REALI-SLIM® bearing bearing A seal is more effective. Shown in Figure 2-3 is a double LAMI-SHIELD® bearing for use where a shield will suffice or is required due to torque limitations or speed. during and after installation. torque requirements. it is important to keep them clean and well lubricated. Shield—a closure for the same purpose as a seal but without positive contact. has a lower speed limit than an open or shielded bearing. the bearing width is the same as that of the open bearing. for retaining lubricant within and excluding foreign material from the bearing. available from stock in the JU series. Seals are retained in the outer race and make positive contact with the inner race. A variety of lubricants are available as options to meet your specifications. The lubricant and lubrication systems. and a seal or shield is required on one side only. Figure 2-3 Double LAMI-SHIELD® bearing Figure 2-6 Single LAMI-SHIELD® bearing Note: Pictures are for illustration only and are not intended for design specification.com| 27 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Sealed REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections . Operating conditions (i. Figure 2-1 shows a double-sealed REALI-SLIM® bearing. In this case. In the case of JA. 2-5 and 2-6 may be supplied. temperature. adding shields and seals requires an increase in the width of the bearing (see page 12. single-sealed or single-shielded bearings as shown in Figures 2-4. speed. generates more heat. time. Seals and shields properly designed and mounted help to accomplish this. Figure 2-8 Annular Grooves 28 | www. as shown in Figure 2-9.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S . While this is a very effective seal. bearings must be isolated from hostile environments and debris. washers made from precision flat stock are ideal.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es SEALED REALI . torque is substantial and speeds must not exceed 1000 feet per minute if continuous. a very effective shield is that shown in Figure 2-8 where annular grooves are cut in the housing shoulder and clamp plate and filled with grease.kaydonbearings. They serve well where weight limitations are strict.com 1-800-514-3066 Figure 2-9 Washer Shield From Precision Flat Stock . Whether or not integral seals or shields are specified. S E A L S A N D S H I E L D S (c o n t i n u e d ) Figure 2-7 shows a nitrile lip-type seal ring available in a variety of cross-sections compatible with the REALI-SLIM® bearing series. Figure 2-7 Nitrile Lip-Type Seal When a separate shield is required. If grease lubrication is used and torque is not critical. 250 5.274 290 188 6110 5 . L2 2.500 4.250 4.230 1.  Torque figures shown are for single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pounds thrust load.750 1.500 4.000 2.10 .290 1.250 F . JHA10CL0 1.380 1.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered 4X  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.) Dimensions in Inches Torque Limiting Weight Max.12 . No Speeds in Load (RPM**) Pounds  (in-oz) 3.148 6.648 4.14 .500 6.774 400 225 4300 5 .20 .856 4.060 JA SERIES ( DOUBLE SEALED) Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.000 Land Dia.500 7.356 4.com| 29 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Sealed REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type C . JA020CP0 JA025CP0 JA030CP0 JA035CP0 JA040CP0 JA042CP0 JA045CP0 *JA047CP0 JA050CP0 *JA055CP0 *JA060CP0 *JA065CP0 2. and Y .052 JHA17CL0 1.23 .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.125 1.220 2.250 L2 L1  F = .500 1.500 4.148 4.858 2.250 F .440 1.000 4.25 .070 6 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 52 61 .450 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.000 6.148 2.) Static Dyn.930 1.500 4.21 .160 1.520 1. 680 830 990 1.148 3.000 1.19 . Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.606 4.148 5.398 4.875 1.000 3.356 2.520 1. L1 Land Dia.856 Radial Capacity (lbs.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. 1-800-514-3066 www.30 .015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/8" balls .260 1.035 JHA15CL0 1.700 1.28 .856 5. X.000 5.kaydonbearings.856 6.22 .356 6.000 4.500 3.750 5. Land Dia.108 1.630 2. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity.370 1.750 5.648 3.648 6.500 2.590 1.900 2. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.750 2.356 5.898 5.356 3.000 5.856 3.000 6.608 1.024 460 242 3750 6 . No Speeds in Load (RPM**) Pounds (in-oz) KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.140 1. L1 2.500 3.648 Land Dia.648 4.17 .000 3. L2 Static Dyn.375 1.106 5.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Radial Contact JHA SERIES Snapover separator 3/32" balls (DOUBLE SEALED) Radial Capacity (lbs. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.1875 L2 L1 F = .610 1.050 393 442 487 530 571 591 610 629 648 685 720 754 Torque Limiting Weight Max.500 6.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing. kaydonbearings.537 8.87 .500 8.199 6.125 6.47 ( D O UBLE SEALED) Radial Capacity (lbs.175 5.295 5.949 5.340 1.150 7.150 1.630 1.000 10.74 .535 Static Dyn.34 .650 7.130 2.4 13.925 6.750 5.000 4.000 12.250 4.030 4.000 6.65 .925 3.699 6.0 8.40 .  Torque figures shown are for single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pounds thrust load. 30 | www.18 1.180 1.500 3.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .514 1.830 1.99 1.150 11.535 10.520 1.900 5.150 6.650 4.375 5.699 4.034 1.150 10.535 12.37 .425 2.315 3.750 Static Dyn.570 1.500 1.360 1. L1 2.150 5. 930 1.500 4.000 11.750 5.030 2.5 3. L1 4.9 4.22 .140 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.27 .000 4.037 7.360 1.699 Land Dia.220 2.037 8.500 5.510 4.750 8.000 920 860 810 720 650 590 540 2.93 .000 5.199 2.535 11.600 1.com 1-800-514-3066 .58 .150 12.274 1.1 7.500 6.500 F .250 5.625 3.425 5.150 2.397 1.500 6.199 4.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.2 3.30 .19 . For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.81 .9 3.31 .500 7.337 1.797 5.545 6.925 JU SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.100 2.540 1.925 4.060 6 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 52 61 . L2 2.199 5.500 2.457 1. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life. 2.150 Torque Limiting Weight Max.44 .550 3.250 7. JB020CP0 JB025CP0 JB030CP0 JB035CP0 JB040CP0 JB042CP0 JB045CP0 *JB047CP0 *JB050CP0 *JB055CP0 *JB060CP0 *JB065CP0 2.000 5.830 3.875 5.675 4.440 1.400 4.925 5.990 5.250 6.55 .950 1.879 1.425 4.750 10. X.108 1.000 9.760 577 644 707 767 825 846 880 901 933 984 1.425 6.0 16.678 1.015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.950 2.080 1. JU040CP0 JU042CP0 JU045CP0 JU047CP0 JU050CP0 JU055CP0 JU060CP0 JU065CP0 JU070CP0 JU075CP0 JU080CP0 JU090CP0 JU100CP0 JU110CP0 JU120CP0 4.640 1.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.250 8.2 22.580 2.35 .699 4.500 4.625 4.150 9.750 9.781 1.240 1. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.547 4.590 2.209 1.900 1.0 19.042 6.3125 F .750 6. L2 4.125 3.625 4.000 4.) Dimensions in Inches Land Dia.125 5.460 2.560 2.000 2.047 5.750 11.070 3.750 5.3125 L2 L1  F = . and Y . No Speeds in Load (RPM**) Pounds (in-lb) 1.790 4.143 1.61 .750 7.449 4.3 5.430 1.082 3.375 L2 L1  F = .470 5.199 3.68 .650 6.) Dimensions in Inches Land Dia.150 4.750 12.425 3.073 1.250 4.000 7.542 7.650 8.8 .500 4.000 3.537 9.699 3.000 5. No Speeds in Load (RPM**) Pounds (in-oz) Land Dia.000 6.1 6.974 Torque Limiting Weight Max.625 6.190 1.2 10.125 ( D O UBLE SEALED) Radial Capacity (lbs.300 1.56 Snapover separator 5/32" balls .750 1.15 .360 2.125 4.340 2.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE C – SEAL E D R E A L I .43 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.06 1.1 9.625 7.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover 4Xseparator 3/16" balls . R A D I A L C O N TA C T JB SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.176 1.31 1. 602 26.620 27.963 17.554 Snapover separator 1/2" balls ( DOUBLE SEALED) Land Dia.554 25.7 15.602 Radial Capacity (lbs.000 18.1 30. R A D I A L CONTACT KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.3 27.340 24.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.kaydonbearings.8 16.367 13.kaydonbearings.470 37. and Y .554 18.000 24.554 22. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.890 59.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.554 35.307 Torque Limiting Weight Max.000 20.000 14.602 19.602 36.602 41.000 16.000 30.602 15. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.554 16.074 10.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.000 27.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .000 16.554 14.602 31.000 32.8 19. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.000 40.com 1-800-514-3066 www.044 13.000 22.  Torque figures shown are for single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pounds thrust load.602 21.591 15.000 14.000 20.8 1.000 Dimensions in Inches Land Dia.3 10.760 42.8 12. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity.602 17.190 34.) Static Dyn.000 L2 L1  F = .000 42.680 50.310 10.554 40.5 23.685 14. 21.195 18. L2 13. L1 12.602 23.554 20. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.648 12.886 11. No Speeds in Load (RPM**) Pounds (in-lb) 140 125 110 100 90 80 75 60 55 50 44 59 76 95 115 139 177 252 339 440 9. X.000 37.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 T Y P E C – S E A L E D R E A L I .554 30.com| 31 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es JG SERIES . *JG120CP0 *JG140CP0 *JG160CP0 *JG180CP0 *JG200CP0 *JG220CP0 *JG250CP0 *JG300CP0 *JG350CP0 *JG400CP0 12.000 35.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.000 22.000 18.000 F 1.100 67.000 25. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.910 31.3 13. 648 2.290 756 1.090 2.856 .060 JA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number JA020XP0 JA025XP0 JA030XP0 JA035XP0 JA040XP0 JA042XP0 JA045XP0 *JA047XP0 *JA050XP0 *JA055XP0 *JA060XP0 *JA065XP0 730 Torque Limiting Weight Max.750 908 1. (RPM**) (in-oz) Pounds Dimensions in Inches Capacities JHA10XL0 1.250 4.441 1.356 3.000 5.520 834 1.001 1.070 3. L2 Static Dyn.052 JHA17XL0 1.20 .148 2.858 2.440 809 1. Dia.360 4.750 2.856 6.500 6. L2 Static Dyn.000 3.000 2. and Y .140 701 1.420 3.375 1.606 4.356 4.22 .1875 L2 L1  F = .310 1.959 2.274 290 247 370 170 110 3.900 955 2.28 .500 3. Static Dyn.740 5.650 770 1.com 1-800-514-3066 .000 4.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.774 400 296 1. L1 Dia.356 5.23 .250 F .250 L2 L1  F = .500 4.500 4.856 3.480 1.000 6.648 3.565 1.140 500 440 232 1.240 2.710 2.14 .035 JHA15XL0 1.398 4. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.21 .19 .130 2.000 4.000 5.790 4.750 5. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. Static Dyn.000 5 .108 1.010 1. Static Dyn.875 1.000 3.150 1. Dia.898 5.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered 4X  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.590 859 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.205 1.350 1. L1 Dia.  Torque figures shown are for single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pounds thrust load.500 4.148 3.600 2.500 1.648 4.356 2.12 .400 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.500 1.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Sealed REALI-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type X Four-Point Contact JHA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Snapover separator 3/32" balls ( DOUBLE SEALED) Torque Limiting Weight Max.024 460 319 1.535 1.910 434 601 785 986 1.125 1. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.000 1.750 5.410 3.250 5.856 4.000 5 .25 .930 6.210 1.148 5.980 4.10 .500 4. 32 | www.648 6. in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Speeds No Load Bore Dia. X.790 3. Static Dyn.020 5.500 3.148 4.000 6.110 1.608 1.17 .856 5.050 1.000 2.470 2.740 3.356 6.570 1.180 5.648 4.500 6.710 6 . (RPM**) (in-oz) Pounds 2.148 6.260 1.250 F Capacities 680 514 830 583 990 643 1.600 3.500 2. in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Speeds No Load Bore Dia.120 790 910 1.kaydonbearings.321 1.500 7.000 460 340 187 2. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity.200 830 710 620 580 550 520 500 450 330 300 6 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 52 61 .106 5.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/8" balls ( D OUBLE SEALED) Dimensions in Inches .220 3.30 .370 783 1.850 3.693 1. 8 .037 7.030 2. L1 Dia.1 9. in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Speeds No Load Bore Dia.100 2.710 6.30 .58 .140 1.750 10.500 8.925 5.3125 F Snapover separator 3/16" balls (DOUBLE SEALED) KAYDON Bearing Number 4.435 JU SERIES 2.9 4. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.844 3.400 6.234 4.540 2.925 6.625 7.750 8.910 1. and Y .34 .150 12.2 22.600 2.2 10.000 12.851 1.830 3.950 2.kaydonbearings.860 4.000 11.000 4.250 6.460 2.65 .56 .560 5.470 13.860 6.930 6.830 1.949 5.510 4.340 2.19 .750 9.250 8.199 5.150 2.4 13.000 6.542 7.265 2.797 5.500 6.830 9.150 10.625 6.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered 4X Torque Limiting Weight Max.340 1.556 1.545 6. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.425 2.080 14.080 5.500 1.150 .449 4.535 .1 6.500 6.410 658 895 1.93 .  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.130 25.35 .170 4.875 5.199 2.380 2. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity.590 2.650 7.150 5.042 6.375 5.000 5.31 1.750 12.541 2.750 5.180 4.0 8.625 4.150 6. Static Dyn.000 2. Static Dyn.470 10.130 1.61 .364 2.070 3.68 .840 3.500 5.542 7.000 4.680 14.440 1.400 4.250 5.304 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.890 6.270 8.880 2.464 1. L1 Dia.236 1.15 .770 1.750 Snapover separator 5/32" balls Capacities 2.44 .P O I N T CONTACT KAYDON Bearing Number JB020XP0 JB025XP0 JB030XP0 JB035XP0 JB040XP0 JB042XP0 JB045XP0 *JB047XP0 *JB050XP0 *JB055XP0 *JB060XP0 *JB065XP0 (DOUBLE SEALED) Torque Limiting Weight Max.750 6.320 6.55 .200 1.120 1.125 3.880 5.770 11.651 12.991 3.990 5.699 4.000 9.550 3.326 2.650 6.22 . X.015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.720 1.750 7.460 2.310 3.900 1.699 2.060 7.537 9.699 4.931 2. (RPM**) (in-oz) Pounds Dimensions in Inches 2.000 10.910 16.925 3.370 13.650 8.31 .925 4.100 2.687 1. F O U R .990 3.193 1.175 5.535 12.425 5.080 1.199 6.764 1. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.340 2.625 4.220 2.350 3.000 3.500 2.500 7.40 .425 4.496 2.81 .070 11.750 1.950 8.570 4.360 2.37 .950 1.460 7.270 12.622 5.371 1.930 4.000 4.650 4.750 5.082 2.125 2.000 710 620 590 550 520 500 450 410 380 6 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 44 52 61 .670 3.463 2.160 6.900 5.535 10.1 7.600 1.717 4.780 1.699 3.560 2.500 4.150 9.150 4.600 5.220 2.007 2.410 3.S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .880 31.535 11.380 5.660 8.850 1.290 2.980 2.470 5.226 3.47 JU040XP0 JU042XP0 JU045XP0 JU047XP0 JU050XP0 JU055XP0 JU060XP0 JU065XP0 JU070XP0 JU075XP0 JU080XP0 JU090XP0 JU100XP0 JU110XP0 JU120XP0 4.417 1.870 21.762 2.300 9.125 4.247 3.250 7.87 .675 4.2 3.014 1.037 8.091 1. Dia. L2 Static Dyn.625 3. Dia.99 1.750 5.450 1.27 .5 3.537 8.250 4.199 4.295 5.103 2.210 2.250 4.590 1.370 4.000 5.74 .425 3.425 6.500 F .  Torque figures shown are single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pound thrust load. in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Speeds No Load Bore Dia.750 11.110 36.940 3.760 758 848 933 1.3125 L2 L1  F = .047 5.925 Capacities  930 1.43 1.540 1.699 6. L2 Static Dyn.125 6.840 2.770 4.830 2.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 T Y P E X – S E A L E D R E A L I . (RPM**) (in-lb) Pounds Dimensions in Inches 4.500 4.226 2.000 6.0 19.870 9.080 9.690 5.030 4.547 4.199 3.341 5.140 5. 1-800-514-3066 www.000 7.201 10.159 1.850 8.150 11.510 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. Static Dyn.270 3.420 4.9 3.260 5.220 2.06 1.150 7. Static Dyn.775 5.290 1.125 5.500 3.18 1.000 5.790 4.0 16.340 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.720 6.500 4.130 3.375 L2 L1 F = .174 620 590 550 520 500 450 410 380 350 330 310 220 200 180 160 2.917 2.165 1.com| 33 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es JB SERIES .668 1.3 5.140 5.690 2. 770 1.300 45.700 33.602 42.838 75 177 19.000 136.000 18.000 35.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.000 374.450 237.000 18. (RPM**) (in-lb) Pounds 13.554 35.700 41.000 14.602 59.8 Dimensions in Inches Outside Land Bore Dia.190 16.000 25.602 50.554 40.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.com 1-800-514-3066 .000 37.000 27.100 22.332 168.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.527 55 339 27.056 125 59 10.kaydonbearings. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.130 434.680 19.900 188.554 25.000 14. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.315 53.980 27.200 98.000 24.280 138.000 16.750 18.360 106.554 22.300 362. Static Dyn.256 50 440 30.410 184.386 77. L2 Static Dyn.410 296.390 31.152 94.000 20.554 20. L1 12.1 41.000 42.910 15. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life. X. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.8 23.000 308.293 86.000 32.780 554.602 27.602 63.000 12.340 13.560 34.7 21.602 37.793 100 95 13.541 60 252 23.8 17. Dia.935 140 44 9.625 80 138 16.404 61.064.200 127.238 90 115 15.000 16.kaydonbearings.425 69. in Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Speeds No Load Dia. Static Dyn.700 64.602 34.300 116.000 30.000 20.  Torque figures shown are for single bearings with standard lubricant at room temperature and under 5 pounds thrust load.554 Snapover separator 1/2" balls Capacities 1.000 L2 L1  F = .700 81.554 16.310 24.554 18.180 29.350 21.000 22.890 21.845 147.P O I N T C O N TA C T JG SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *JG120XP0 *JG140XP0 *JG160XP0 *JG180XP0 *JG200XP0 *JG220XP0 *JG250XP0 *JG300XP0 *JG350XP0 *JG400XP0 Torque Limiting Weight Max.770 25.980 788. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.200 156.470 17.602 24.3 36.602 21. ** Values apply to bearings loaded up to 20% of their dynamic capacity. and Y .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.554 30.620 14. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.970 1.5 31.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es TYPE X – SEAL E D R E A L I .S L I M ® B E A R I N G S .3 19.000 22.200 37.800 246.554 14.602 31.000 F 1.8 26.com 34 | www.380.3 15.373 110 76 12. F O U R .000 40. 20 Steel Brass.com| 35 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es ENDURAKOTE® Plating for Corrosion-Resistant Bearings (Series L. The net result is that we can offer bearings with the capacity of conventional bearing steels and the corrosion resistance of AISI 440C stainless steel from standard AISI 52100 stock components. The micro-surface composition of ENDURAKOTE® plating aids in lubricant dispersion. the extremely hard surface of ENDURAKOTE® plating protects the bearing from surface generated damage which can promote premature failure. Properties and Characteristics A.20 Steel ENDURAKOTE® plating 0.16 Brass. Laboratory and field testing results have proven the benefits of this process. thus leaving no area exposed. over a wide range of installations and environments. and convert them to wear and corrosion resistant bearings. has an equivalent hardness in excess of 70 Rockwell “C. seizing.) Material Against Material Static — Sliding Steel Steel 0. Also.0002 under normal circumstances. including the paths. the host material will modify this measurement to some degree. cost savings can be achieved over more exotic or specialized materials. N) . and will not flake or peel even under the high contact stresses experienced in the bearing paths.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Introduction Application ENDURAKOTE® plating protects bearings from corrosion and provides substantial life improvements in hostile environments. Thus. ENDURAKOTE® plating is applied over conventional bearing materials such as AISI 52100 steel.17 — 0. Other commercial chrome or cadmium coatings normally accepted and used cannot be applied to the path due to the rolling contact stresses. ENDURAKOTE® plating is compatible with most ferrous and nonferrous metal. the bearings are limited by the bearing materials or lubricant used. Advantages ENDURAKOTE® plating effects a buildup of less than .” When measured by conventional micro-hardness methods. Hardness ENDURAKOTE® plating. with their economies. Bronze ENDURAKOTE® plating 0. using other materials for comparison. The hard. Since the coating is capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures. Conventional life testing of AISI 52100 steel bearings with ENDURAKOTE® plating has shown that no life derating is necessary. The coating is applied to each entire bearing race ring.14 — 0.15 — 0. as deposited. electrodeposited by a proprietary process which achieves a true molecular bond. Bronze 0.12 1-800-514-3066 www. etc. This is particularly beneficial for larger diameter bearings or where quick delivery is critical. The coating used for ENDURAKOTE® plating can be applied to any type of bearing and to most bearing materials. enhancing base metals to the degree of reducing or eliminating galling. B. and its quality is constant with any given base metal. stock bearings can have ENDURAKOTE® plating applied for quick delivery.kaydonbearings. dense exterior surface formed by the coating is extremely wear resistant and is excellent in the retention of the lubricant film. Its primary advantage is to utilize stock materials such as AISI 52100.30 — 0. In fact. ENDURAKOTE® plating is normally a final process. insuring design reproducibility. allowing maximum flexibility in selection of base material. and high friction. and offers the benefit of corrosion resistance normally found only in stainless steel bearings. Severe salt spray testing has shown that bearings with ENDURAKOTE® plating withstand corrosion as well as or better than AISI 440C stainless steel. Thus. Coefficient of Friction (Note: Measurements made at 72°F.25 — 0. ENDURAKOTE® plating is hard chromium.13 ENDURAKOTE® plating ENDURAKOTE® plating 0. it can often be applied to stock bearing components which have been specially selected. ENDURAKOTE® plating provides corrosion resistance and is effective in increasing wear resistance in sliding surface contacts such as the lands where the cage pilots. E. REALI-SLIM® bearings with ENDURAKOTE® plating are designed to maintain their operating characteristics over a temperature range from -65°F to 250°F. zinc plate. Restrictions KAYDON does not recommend the use of ENDURAKOTE® plating in any low torque or torque-sensitive applications.kaydonbearings. Adhesion F. but ENDURAKOTE® plating greatly enhances the base material. A comprehensive testing program at KAYDON established that bearings with ENDURAKOTE® plating exhibited load carrying capacities and life expectancy equal to or better than uncoated AISI 52100 steel bearings. Corrosion Resistance ENDURAKOTE® plating resists attack by most organic and inorganic compounds with a pH within the range of 4 and 11. We invite inquiries about and will be pleased to arrange tests to qualify ENDURAKOTE® plating for specific environments. chromates. compound concentration and exposure time to the compound become corrosion factors. These values can be found by looking up the corresponding part number starting with “K” in the standard REALI-SLIM® bearing tables. ENDURAKOTE® plating has a matte or micro-orange peel surface with very good lubricant retention qualities. peel or otherwise separate from the base material under standard bend tests or under conditions where severe heat is induced. Food Industries ENDURAKOTE® plating is used on food processing equipment. Porosity of the base metal. D. crack. AISI 52100 steel with ENDURAKOTE® plating proved equal to fully hardened AISI 440C stainless steel in resistance to rusting.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es ENDURAKOTE® Plating (continued) C. below 4 Ra there is little change. In severe salt spray tests as well as tap water immersion tests. Ra finish will be improved slightly down to about 8 Ra. . Bearing Size Capabilities ENDURAKOTE® plating can be applied to any REALI-SLIM® bearing. I. Effect On Base The purity of the chromium surface will not be less than 99% as deposited. phosphates. Heat Resistance ENDURAKOTE® plating will not flake. chip. Load Capacity ENDURAKOTE® plating does not affect the static or dynamic load capacity of the bearing. H. In many instances.com 1-800-514-3066 G. except sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. The adherence is adequate to withstand the extremely high compressive stresses in the contact areas of ball and roller bearings. black oxide or normal chrome plate. 36 | www. ENDURAKOTE® plating is better for corrosion protection than cadmium plate. Surface Quality ENDURAKOTE® plating conforms to the texture of the existing surface. NAA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust Bore Outside Dia.380 12.365 5.45 .190 2.240 3. L3 Static Dyn. Matched sets are available.7503 4.865 5.5002 2.9998 7.686 NA040AR0 3.186 *NA120AR0 11.840 8.5003 11. Weight in Pounds NA020AR0 2.800 1.936 NA050AR0 4.186 NA100AR0 9.720 2.19 .32 .314 9.038 NAA17AG0 1.115 5.2503 4.9998 11.100 2.10 . L1 Land Dia.9998 10.186 NA035AR0 3.0003 5. L1 Land Dia.350 1.686 NA060AR0 5.861 8.735 1.690 1.470 2.5000 4.314 10. L3 Static Dyn.com| 37 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type A .5003 9. Land Dia. Snapover assembly permits use of a one-piece circular pocket ring separator and greater ball complement.020 2.025 NAA15AG0 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.686 NA030AR0 3.863 6.186 NA025AR0 2.314 6.640 1.314 5.380 560 .814 7.21 .490 1.290 3.370 11.140 1.360 10.5003 8.310 1.9998 9.640 2.250 F .5003 12. and Y .100 1.5000 3.23 .369 2.186 NA055AR0 5.530 1.314 2.34 .349 790 960 1.580 1.9998 6.314 3.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.353 12.686 *NA080AR0 7.014 1.9998 12.357 10.814 8.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.1252 1.390 960 1.314 7.774 480 238 1.355 11.28 .54 Bore Outside Dia.064 5.280 2.045 NA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust Land Dia.900 2.814 6.0000 1.890 3.30 .230 1.2498 4.970 .186 NA065AR0 6.0003 7. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.340 7.520 600 .790 4.274 340 194 970 450 .0002 3.0003 4.41 .810 5. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.250 L2 L1 L3  F = .9998 5.363 6.470 1. These bearings will accept radial load and single direction thrust load and are normally used in conjunction with another bearing of similar construction.814 5.359 9.12 .615 4.310 5.290 405 459 507 552 595 616 637 657 676 715 752 788 823 857 890 954 1.867 4.14 .869 3.1875 F .50 .361 7.235 1.814 3.4998 6.580 1.186 *NA090AR0 8.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.890 1.367 4.0003 6.024 530 251 1.314 2.4998 7.072 1. 1-800-514-3066 www.590 3.750 1.3752 1.20 . Circular pocket separator 3/32" balls .814 4.5003 6.186 NA042AR0 4.820 6.22 .300 4. Weight in Pounds NAA10AG0 1.186 2.0000 3.810 2.320 6.17 .550 4.940 4.0000 2.36 .5002 3.4998 5.128 2.000 2.686 NA070AR0 6.540 2.7500 2. L2 C’Bore Dia.640 1.4998 8.830 7.686 NA047AR0 4.060 5.5003 5.370 2.5003 10. KAYDON also offers matched spacers for applications requiring extra precision.190 2.350 9.0002 2. Stock bearings are individual units and when purchased as such must be adjusted at installation to desired running clearance or preload. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life. Type A bearings require the application of thrust to establish contact angle.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Angular Contact A deep groove bearing with reduced shoulder on one side of inner or outer race ball path.780 3.314 11.kaydonbearings.5003 4.5000 1.25 .7498 5.314 12.436 NA045AR0 4.186 *NA110AR0 10.367 3.9998 8. X.015 Circular pocket separator 1/8" balls .140 1.861 7.9998 4.840 2.1875 L2 L1 F L3 = .985 2.564 4. L2 C’Bore Dia.280 2.314 4.660 1. Static Dyn.5003 7. Static Dyn.8752 1.186 NA075AR0 7. 231 3.670 5.64 .393 2.393 2.27 .453 9.12 1.3125 L2 L1 L3  F = .9998 15.71 .54 .710 2.3125 F .35 .893 7.456 7.731 6.730 1.6252 3.9998 17.31 . Weight in Pounds 2.860 19.450 3.907 2.9998 6. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.710 4. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.6253 12.447 12.0000 2.200 3.6253 10.464 2.416 1. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.000 4.890 6.393 14.231 14.120 15.893 8.1252 4.4998 6.760 4.393 20.9998 11.98 1.180 5.440 16.120 3.78 .100 5.893 6.893 5.449 11.451 10.590 1.960 5 .162 3.2498 4.47 .9998 19.731 4.393 6.34 .Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type A Angular Contact NB SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number NB020AR0 NB025AR0 NB030AR0 NB035AR0 NB040AR0 NB042AR0 *NB045AR0 *NB047AR0 *NB050AR0 NB055AR0 NB060AR0 *NB065AR0 *NB070AR0 *NB075AR0 *NB080AR0 NB090AR0 *NB100AR0 *NB110AR0 *NB120AR0 *NB140AR0 *NB160AR0 *NB180AR0 *NB200AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Radial Thrust  Bore Outside Dia.57 . L2 C’Bore Dia.980 3.231 2.1253 6.9998 5.150 3.550 1.750 1.958 6. Static Dyn.930 2.50 .390 2.184 1.893 4.9998 7.393 16. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.210 5.393 12.410 2.380 1.7498 4.com 1-800-514-3066 .6253 7.760 7.231 6.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.37 .910 7.1253 5. L3 Static Dyn.731 7.9998 4.6253 18.22 .9998 2.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.231 12.481 4.143 5.462 3.231 7.9998 8. L1 Land Dia.6253 20.15 .210 7. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.425 20.393 5.380 12.040 2.231 11.6253 8.461 1.840 6.964 3.731 8.240 2.470 5.960 10.500 6.240 9.6253 9.231 4.460 4.kaydonbearings.150 2.235 1.038 2.500 2.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.460 5.393 9.40 .767 1. and Y .44 .231 16.990 3.393 7.962 4.40 Circular pocket separator 5/32" balls .393 11.231 9.kaydonbearings. X.6253 16.9998 10.890 5.com 38 | www.4998 5.700 14.0000 3.630 9.1253 7.3753 5.250 2.8753 5.9998 9.100 2.433 18.170 2.860 4.231 20.090 1.458 6.958 7.510 3.240 4.955 8.5000 3.6253 4.231 5.660 9.284 1.700 3.990 27.4998 7.19 .5000 3.500 22.940 4.088 1.393 3.6252 4.731 4.260 3.6253 11.033 1.981 5.4998 4.231 18.340 2. Land Dia.30 .6253 14.710 8.610 601 675 734 801 865 891 917 951 976 1.370 1.132 1.540 1.670 11.510 5.560 2.340 1.393 4.6253 6.1252 3.740 2.231 10.840 2.393 10.623 1.26 1.393 18.1253 8.231 2.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.920 8.439 16.790 2.445 14.731 3.200 6.643 4.893 3.400 4.9998 13.250 24.350 5. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.6253 2.85 .900 . 047 12.950 4.734 9.5003 5.238 6.010 7.kaydonbearings.856 4.4998 7.930 4.473 11.7503 12.500 27.180 46.546 5.7503 6.65 3.931 1.708 9.9998 8.9998 6.550 3.542 6.920 10.040 2.991 5.02 ND SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number ND040AR0 ND042AR0 ND045AR0 ND047AR0 ND050AR0 ND055AR0 ND060AR0 ND065AR0 ND070AR0 ND075AR0 ND080AR0 ND090AR0 *ND100AR0 *ND110AR0 ND120AR0 *ND140AR0 *ND160AR0 *ND180AR0 *ND200AR0 *ND210AR0 *ND250AR0 *ND300AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.473 10.260 Weight in Pounds .740 6.630 4.360 7.74 .277 11.0003 11.0003 4.93 3.710 7.9998 17.540 13.090 Dyn.620 4.130 6.com| 39 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type A Angular Contact .060 1.233 30.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.870 5.23 1.7503 18. L3 Static Dyn.380 21.100 18.9998 13.850 Dyn.277 4.822 10.642 8.54 .274 5.620 42.010 10.770 2.7503 4.473 20.160 Weight in Pounds .313 6.9998 7.44 Circular pocket separator 3/16" balls .050 4.7503 9.750 3.630 6.900 3.69 1.720 9.870 8.4998 5.51 .9998 9. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.950 31.630 8.100 3.527 4.730 19.973 7.863 25.290 9.130 5.236 8.370 3.9998 24.973 8.4998 5.147 14. 1.030 2.52 1.9998 29.048 4.9998 10.630 7.450 13.820 8.84 .250 6.133 3.473 Capacities in Pounds Radial C’Bore Dia.9998 5.500 L2 L1 L3  F = .484 17.942 11.630 4.473 14.52 3.561 Thrust Static 7. and Y .688 30.0003 7.860 1.981 20.390 21.130 7.710 1.0003 12.78 .777 7.777 6.43 1.2503 5.630 9.973 6.473 25.720 4.370 21.552 3.870 5.223 5.170 9.732 11.9998 11.9998 6.9998 4.46 .730 12.723 4.120 5. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.420 4.630 16.140 69.610 16.2498 4.0003 8.7503 8.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.570 4.200 3.548 4.750 1.780 9.870 6.9998 8.98 1.0003 31.277 25.060 37.707 20.030 14.570 6.64 . Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.2503 7.630 10.270 8.280 7.302 3.700 25.7503 7.63 1.732 10.880 2.130 5.54 5. L3 3.277 10.370 10.130 10.550 4.9998 7.5003 7.160 5.020 1.960 3. 4.7503 11.234 5.830 11.533 18.277 7.680 2.630 21.705 21.803 2.554 2.277 6.510 7.500 7.473 16.550 1.241 5. X.630 4.490 2.986 2.540 15.170 6.0003 21.820 11.397 Thrust Static 10.720 12.523 10.718 18.519 7.442 2.320 1.9998 24.0003 6.7503 25.370 18.190 16.880 5.720 2.472 4.300 4.370 25.9998 15.870 7.370 6.7503 5.06 1.68 .375 F .448 7.370 14.9998 17.500 8.710 12.930 11. Land Dia.9998 5.630 20.80 .582 3.880 2.380 5.0003 13.5003 5.530 5.145 2.380 14.15 1.630 1.804 2.473 6.940 26.370 7. 1-800-514-3066 www.277 18.908 5.550 3.370 20.517 12.4998 4.277 12.770 3.236 7.346 2.9998 19.870 11.140 1.473 12.0003 5.288 3.9998 5.400 11.960 8.57 2.1.9998 19.370 16.0003 5.247 2.9998 10.672 Radial Static 3.086 13.0003 19.320 6.9998 29.03 2.277 14.627 2.630 12.777 8.9998 11.9998 20.375 L2 L3 L1  F = .9998 9.500 33.370 12.060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.575 8.240 19.04 1.130 8.470 13.820 15.277 30.260 10.930 17.4998 6.580 3. L1 Land Dia.356 4.876 1.630 14.052 2.4998 7.98 1.370 5.153 4.712 20.630 30.347 16.5003 9.370 9.473 7.819 1.7503 10.630 11.23 2.738 7.630 25.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Circular pocket separator 1/4" balls .0003 15.7503 20.7503 14.660 23. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.05 2.9998 15.58 .277 4.9998 13.370 11.724 16.140 24.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 NC SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number NC040AR0 *NC042AR0 NC045AR0 NC047AR0 NC050AR0 NC055AR0 NC060AR0 *NC065AR0 NC070AR0 *NC075AR0 NC080AR0 *NC090AR0 *NC100AR0 *NC110AR0 *NC120AR0 *NC140AR0 *NC160AR0 *NC180AR0 *NC200AR0 *NC250AR0 *NC300AR0 Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia.777 5.4998 4.9998 4.120 4.420 9.14 1.49 .0003 17.0003 10.374 6.540 Dyn.0003 22.020 58.277 20.4998 6.520 1.340 4. L1 Land Dia.277 9.2503 8.740 5.83 4.473 18.960 17. Land Dia.473 5.280 5.84 .29 3.730 7.260 4.736 8.040 24.87 2.24 1.741 4.88 .277 16.280 51.027 5.180 1.052 3.990 6.970 12.490 5.680 14.970 5. 2.536 2.950 1.7503 16.473 30.93 .5003 8.473 4.7503 30. 4. L2 C’Bore Dia.500 F .0003 26.500 14. L2 3.150 4.194 5.280 15.33 1.83 2.630 18.113 4.440 5.740 49.410 34.9998 4.290 2.42 1.290 10.535 8.720 5.728 14.7498 4.972 3.370 4.529 9.7498 4.7503 6.973 5.720 43.220 28.2503 5.2503 6.544 6.370 30.440 .277 5.44 .920 6.370 4.2498 4.540 7.473 9.080 9.990 3. 39 3.440 25.555 30.5003 21.330 7.258 19.580 Weight in Pounds 1.445 8.50 12.760 68.555 14.9998 5.110 10.382 12.840 55.350 6.562 6.090 14.140 82.41 5.562 9.9998 13.770 12. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.960 20.9998 15.0003 37.075 36.540 48.20 29.0003 42.420 20.700 159.945 20. L3 3.0003 6.050 9.055 6.945 11.9998 19.17 4.9998 5.101 4.7498 4.242 5.0003 18.240 17.856 142.472 5.480 25.640 28.115 6.750 24.83 3.0003 16.103 8.20 5.258 31.020 104.380 55.492 5.60 . 40 | www.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.945 14. 8.064 41.950 19.9998 11.2503 6.9998 8.730 13.445 5.75 5.200 119.100 28.830 33.210 22.220 Dyn.060 5.489 7.68 9.610 9.742 18.865 6.220 11.340 19.2498 4.555 6.461 31.100 31.0003 9.22 8.200 35.73 5.043 7.5003 26.258 36.9998 4.9998 29.585 10.810 43.280 58.992 5.490 37.742 7.982 19.805 3.47 10.5003 15.242 6.600 7.758 7.481 13.630 14.0003 12.9998 24.94 3.258 26.0003 4.258 7.445 7.945 12.742 4.4998 5.000 F 1.758 8.742 25.108 11.92 2.750 F .5003 17.2498 4.5003 8.239 16.085 31.900 125.258 11.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.742 14.9998 19.9998 7.14 2.570 38.0003 6.780 28. L3 3.242 8.258 12.945 16.290 15.270 14.4998 6. Land Dia.468 26.47 10.600 197.055 8.240 77.310 9.300 169.742 35.380 57.258 17.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 ® Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE -PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type A Angular Contact Circular pocket separator 3/8" balls NF SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *NF040AR0 *NF042AR0 *NF045AR0 NF047AR0 *NF050AR0 NF055AR0 NF060AR0 NF065AR0 *NF070AR0 NF075AR0 NF080AR0 NF090AR0 NF100AR0 *NF110AR0 NF120AR0 *NF140AR0 *NF160AR0 *NF180AR0 *NF200AR0 *NF250AR0 *NF300AR0 *NF350AR0 *NF400AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.400 Dyn.040 43.400 Dyn.945 10.780 46.80 15.430 10.140 64. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.438 6.092 26.500 16.16 3.9998 15.945 18.720 Dyn. X.758 6.00 8.0003 7.7498 4.555 4.890 6.508 5.898 13.5003 41.035 8.660 71.20 16.153 Thrust Static 27.980 26.78 7.481 15. L1 Land Dia.761 8.242 5.0003 13.54 7.945 6.850 49.5003 5.945 8.742 22.530 4.720 60.67 8.130 12.9998 11.59 2.445 6.054 Radial Static 6.5003 9.40 13.370 12.360 81.9998 8.680 26.420 15.945 9.5003 19.258 13.5003 4.790 22.742 40.734 4.630 9.330 31.555 25.4998 4.9998 9.487 8.487 7.9998 17.805 5.0003 20.258 23.555 4.650 11.483 12.87 6.098 19.63 18.474 19.9998 5.5003 8.700 41.4998 4.258 5.580 35.5003 6.555 16.000 224.239 6. 13.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered NG SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *NG040AR0 *NG042AR0 *NG045AR0 *NG047AR0 *NG050AR0 *NG055AR0 NG060AR0 *NG065AR0 *NG070AR0 NG075AR0 NG080AR0 NG090AR0 NG100AR0 *NG110AR0 NG120AR0 NG140AR0 NG160AR0 NG180AR0 NG200AR0 *NG220AR0 *NG250AR0 *NG300AR0 NG350AR0 *NG400AR0 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore Outside Dia.932 5.9998 10.9998 6.9998 9.491 5.945 25.40 4.485 11.555 10.480 7.920 46.742 10.860 38.5003 10.250 54.620 45.073 9.615 5.555 9.460 10.5003 13.687 17.700 14.0003 22.945 30.950 10.258 5.5003 7.987 9.060 18.100 29.608 5.987 8.300 41.9998 13.555 20.540 21.50 26.258 6.640 23.4998 5.090 41.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.61 3.478 17.9998 6.989 6.113 7.060 10.555 40.533 11.360 30.890 73.472 21.970 15.190 65.530 14.0003 7.000 114.468 23.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.281 6.303 8.2503 6.360 28.770 10.80 L3 L1 1.7503 7.26 2.60 16.566 9.76 6.95 4.0003 27.72 2.742 6.4998 7.319 4.9998 21.147 Thrust Static 18.260 9.9998 34.258 10.290 17.9998 17.555 8.555 11.485 10. 6.5003 11.742 12.850 22.570 8.115 5.0003 8.242 7.0003 14.897 7.945 35.320 13.060 24.430 32.7503 6.050 20.258 8.742 30.9998 39.561 10.830 35.160 21.9998 39.613 8.190 14.110 17.220 15.989 7.20 6.742 11.736 3.695 5.4998 6.742 9.741 5.052 5.400 16.100 34. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.870 23.742 16.9998 4.034 4.0003 11.9998 29.460 21.258 15.598 49.055 7.440 Circular pocket separator 1/2" balls Weight in Pounds 3.142 12.000 L2 L1 L3  F = .742 20.9998 34.07 5.9998 7.740 33.338 12.555 7.365 5.5003 36.113 8.305 5.870 18.258 21.670 13.945 5.0003 9.090 7.712 40.555 12.945 40.42 4.195 5.37 2. and Y . 3.530 15.9998 6.420 8.060 17. L2 C’Bore Dia.5003 12.750 L2  F = .9998 24.451 36.95 4.945 5.61 3. Land Dia.220 36.104 15.5003 10.000 11.180 21.5003 9.742 8.020 39.510 49.0003 24.945 7.880 17.555 18.0003 8.020 50.481 11.0003 32.90 12.160 16.9998 10. L2 C’Bore Dia.50 14.730 30.5003 31.489 6.510 11.192 7.480 9.106 12.4998 7.555 35.745 6.258 41.220 30.096 21.430 32.612 14.080 93.040 9.227 6.008 6.com 1-800-514-3066 .563 8.460 32.758 9.613 7.100 19.04 2.102 17.106 13.900 11.80 22. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.120 100.410 28.900 139.966 4.kaydonbearings.430 Radial Static 9. L1 Land Dia.440 41.650 19.027 10. 290 1.720 393 442 487 530 571 591 610 629 648 685 720 754 787 820 851 912 969 1.890 Land Dia.186 7.686 4.314 11.0003 5.015 Snapover separator 1/8" balls Static Dyn.500 2.31 .9998 7.186 9. NA020CP0 NA025CP0 NA030CP0 NA035CP0 NA040CP0 NA042CP0 NA045CP0 NA047CP0 NA050CP0 NA055CP0 NA060CP0 NA065CP0 NA070CP0 NA075CP0 NA080CP0 NA090CP0 NA100CP0 NA110CP0 NA120CP0 2.1252 Land Dia.5000 1.30 . X.5002 3.410 3.590 1.140 1.5003 12.23 .200 2.5003 Land Dia.186 5.4998 7.2498 4.050 2.314 .520 1.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Radial Contact A Conrad assembled bearing designed primarily for application of radial load—deep ball grooves also permit application of thrust load in either direction – often used in conjunction with another bearing.686 8.314 12.436 4.250 F .936 5. L1 1. NAA10CL0 NAA15CL0 NAA17CL0 1.5003 11.5003 6.026 .814 5.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.440 1.186 11.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.1875 F . Snapover separator 3/32" balls NAA SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.640 1.44 .0002 4.314 10.985 Static Dyn. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.110 3.186 4. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.814 8.814 7.8752 2.9998 5.186 12.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.38 .5002 4.0000 2.810 3.314 2.314 9.56 .686 4.0000 1.4998 5.22 .34 .5003 8. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.0003 7.078 .314 3.686 7. L2 2.9998 10.0003 8.5000 3.kaydonbearings.025 1.0002 3. L2 1.0000 3.314 6.2503 5.370 1.814 6. Weight in Pounds 290 400 460 188 225 242 .186 10.4998 6.5003 4.5003 9.9998 6.15 .186 3.5003 7.814 4.9998 2.5003 10. Weight in Pounds 680 830 990 1.686 6. L1 2.045 NA SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.039 .186 Land Dia.52 .4998 4.9998 8.24 .186 6.50 .7498 4.564 4.0003 6.18 .7500 1.235 1.25 .9998 11.314 7.7503 5.750 1.1875 L2 L1  F = .13 .140 1.5000 3.19 .3752 1.900 2.9998 9.735 1.9998 4.814 3.350 2.314 5.186 2.686 3.314 4.250 L2 L1  F = .com| 41 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type C .  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. and Y .28 . For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis. 1-800-514-3066 www.10 .20 .064 5. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.393 20.082 1.760 2.393 7.6253 14.030 2.140 1.1252 4.304 1.540 1.231 Land Dia.9998 4.170 3.231 20.6252 3.731 4.643 4.731 3.143 5.9998 19.6253 Land Dia.231 10.731 4.9998 2.812 1.33 . L2 2. X.6253 16.231 9.34 .47 .750 1.893 5.360 2.393 14.27 .44 .000 5.6253 4.231 5.893 6.386 1.780 4.393 16.393 5.4998 7.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type C Radial Contact NB SERI ES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.30 .41 .9998 17.66 .231 6.053 .731 8.393 11.393 4.231 3.6252 4.190 4. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.539 1. Weight in Pounds 930 1.810 6. NB020CP0 NB025CP0 NB030CP0 NB035CP0 NB040CP0 NB042CP0 NB045CP0 *NB047CP0 NB050CP0 *NB055CP0 NB060CP0 NB065CP0 *NB070CP0 *NB075CP0 NB080CP0 *NB090CP0 *NB100CP0 *NB110CP0 *NB120CP0 *NB140CP0 *NB160CP0 *NB180CP0 *NB200CP0 2.31 .20 1.231 7.24 .680 1.150 2. and Y .2498 4.393 12.481 4.731 7.9998 9.231 16.1253 6.9998 15.6253 12.35 1.kaydonbearings.53 .50 . Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.57 .4998 5.8753 5.231 11.034 1.6253 7.250 577 644 707 767 825 846 880 901 933 984 1.6253 8.9998 10.83 1.731 6.1253 7.75 .6253 20.0000 3.6253 10.16 .393 3.893 4. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.50 .830 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.340 1.38 .05 1.231 2.393 10.3125 L2 L1  F = .936 2.3753 5.1252 3.231 14.393 6.5000 3.9998 6.440 8.231 18.1253 8.219 1.6253 6.893 7.6253 9.9998 7.5000 3.981 5.9998 11.893 8.393 9.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.1253 5.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.370 3.590 5.231 4.393 18.393 2.950 2. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.7498 4.231 12.9998 13.175 1.9998 5.3125 F .393 Snapover separator 5/32" balls Static Dyn. L1 2.9998 8.620 7.970 3.129 1.73 .com 42 | www.kaydonbearings.893 3.4998 4.6253 11.4998 6.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.0000 2.com 1-800-514-3066 .560 2.20 .464 1.6253 18. 7503 11.688 3. L2 4.370 18.5003 5.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.9998 10.7503 14.840 9.688 2.370 25.58 . L2 4.9998 15.0003 22.570 1.847 3.79 5.870 8.080 3.7503 10. NC040CP0 NC042CP0 NC045CP0 NC047CP0 NC050CP0 NC055CP0 NC060CP0 NC065CP0 NC070CP0 NC075CP0 NC080CP0 NC090CP0 NC100CP0 *NC110CP0 NC120CP0 NC140CP0 NC160CP0 *NC180CP0 *NC200CP0 *NC250CP0 *NC300CP0 3.7503 5.027 5.9998 19.277 6.375 L2 L1  F = .370 5.2503 5.277 12.4998 4.340 2.0003 15.880 8. and Y . Weight in Pounds 3.678 1.9998 7.9998 8.630 21.9998 13.933 4.630 8.723 4.5003 5.06 1.530 3.626 2.153 . X.16 1.370 4.777 7. L1 4.7498 4.277 Land Dia.370 7.0003 17.0003 13.810 6.83 .com| 43 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type C Radial Contact .47 .473 16.130 7.7503 8.5003 7.777 5.100 2.16 2.689 5.7503 9.277 5.130 8.870 6.630 7.964 2.0003 10.630 11.370 30.25 2.473 18.7503 30.4998 5.0003 26.0003 19.9998 11.78 .274 1.973 5.9998 9.706 17.9998 4.630 4.457 1.9998 24.200 14.020 14.277 14.973 7.360 F .69 3.06 2.777 8.510 4.73 3.31 1.100 4.85 4.550 3.9998 15.4998 6.420 3.870 8.9998 4. L1 4.154 2.460 2.0003 21.473 12.830 3.478 2.370 21.260 .2503 8.892 1.380 5.9998 17.9998 10.630 30. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.73 1.277 9.4998 7.470 5. Weight in Pounds 2.030 4.130 5.861 1.9998 29.321 2.176 1.59 .520 2.52 1.9998 17.800 12.7498 4.473 6.777 6.473 10.274 4.0003 12.974 2.473 11.434 2.375 Static Dyn.879 1.370 10.9998 13.787 1.277 4.370 11.277 7.41 1.9998 11.7503 Land Dia.9998 24.370 6.4998 5.277 30.277 18.277 16.190 3.990 5.2503 7.180 7.4998 6.25 1.209 1.590 2.9998 29.04 4.0003 6.870 7.500 F .0003 5.220 2.21 Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia.500 L2 L1  F = .070 3.2498 4.0003 8.397 1.06 1.5003 8.973 6.500 7.473 9.630 12.160 2.130 5.94 1.00 1.060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.9998 5.2503 5.277 20.22 1.440 20.427 3.94 2.63 .345 2.50 .790 4.kaydonbearings.630 9.0003 Land Dia.9998 9.88 .72 1.68 .7503 25.310 3.7503 20.223 5.48 .277 11.950 6.473 4.277 10.973 8.148 3.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Snapover separator 3/16" balls NC SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.630 18.0003 7.10 3.9998 6.630 6.073 1.73 .860 1.7503 18.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.4998 4.7503 12.2503 6. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.063 2.337 1.53 1.108 1.5003 9. 1-800-514-3066 www.920 11. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.9998 6.473 25.78 .73 .0003 11.84 .473 Static Dyn.9998 8.370 16.94 1.277 25.450 4.9998 4. ND040CP0 ND042CP0 ND045CP0 ND047CP0 ND050CP0 ND055CP0 ND060CP0 ND065CP0 ND070CP0 ND075CP0 ND080CP0 ND090CP0 ND100CP0 ND110CP0 ND120CP0 *ND140CP0 *ND160CP0 *ND180CP0 *ND200CP0 *ND210CP0 *ND250CP0 *ND300CP0 3.630 20.630 25.7503 16.473 20.550 9.962 3.130 6.630 10.0003 31.88 2.9998 5.48 3.473 30.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/4" balls ND SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number .473 5.7503 6.9998 20.16 1.790 5.370 14.910 7.4998 7.527 4.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.630 14.650 14.370 12.143 1.45 .0003 5.630 16.473 14.781 1.370 Land Dia.290 12.760 4.164 4.370 9.610 1.470 5.620 4.7503 6.514 1.9998 5.870 5.473 7.254 2.370 20.120 5.755 1.9998 7.000 3.880 5. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.9998 19.2498 4.7503 7. 0003 22.1 6.4998 7.445 5.2 7.055 8.4 5.628 4. 44 | www.1 7.310 6.3 4.555 4.4998 6.850 10.4998 4.008 6.4 3.555 16.258 15.com 1-800-514-3066 .7503 6.3 27.742 35.0003 9.945 10.390 16.210 8.9998 8.9 4.620 8.742 20.758 7.680 14.305 5.742 25.930 6.3 10.9 8.7498 4.5003 9.204 9.680 50.0 15.420 29.195 5.945 12.5003 36.805 5.9998 10.0003 7.115 6.850 7.307 3.5003 41.743 9.350 45.9998 19.7 5.4998 5.1 4. L1 4.260 14.758 6.0003 37.490 12.258 5.760 9.461 4.050 7.900 21.0003 9.256 5.757 42.0003 8.880 11.190 34.5 23.340 24.8 12.160 23.367 13.8 1.620 27.591 15.2498 4.833 6.9 10.116 4.3 4.241 7.555 12.9998 6.074 10.8 19.0003 18.5003 13.2 6.508 5.9998 9.258 13.620 7.742 40.8 5.555 Land Dia.0003 6.945 7.258 26.105 6.557 7.750 9.1 5.0003 27.555 18.949 5.700 21.4998 5.420 18.258 17. and Y .061 6.8 16.258 8.242 8.055 6.000 L2 L1  F = .555 11.9998 11.258 31.5003 10.0003 12.945 20.5003 5.9998 4.555 35.742 30.104 7.kaydonbearings.258 11.0003 13. L2 4.742 16.742 18.655 3.828 10.700 40. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.242 5.5003 7.555 25.0003 11.9998 19.5003 26.764 7.044 13.060 19.310 9.9 3.0003 20.0003 24. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.9998 24.945 8.195 18. *NG040CP0 *NG042CP0 *NG045CP0 *NG047CP0 NG050CP0 *NG055CP0 *NG060CP0 NG065CP0 *NG070CP0 NG075CP0 NG080CP0 NG090CP0 NG100CP0 NG110CP0 NG120CP0 NG140CP0 NG160CP0 NG180CP0 NG200CP0 *NG220CP0 *NG250CP0 *NG300CP0 *NG350CP0 *NG400CP0 3.742 11.258 Static Dyn.555 8.445 8.100 67.265 8.490 7.9998 10.9998 24.470 37.603 11.9998 6.742 9.258 21.555 7.555 6.0003 42.242 7.7 15.9998 17.9998 15.758 8.5003 19.5003 21.945 25.9998 6.945 16.0003 6.9998 7.9 2.5003 11.6 3.445 6.742 22.9998 17.130 13.5003 31.9 8.130 13.691 6.685 14.258 7.945 40.742 4.750 F . L2 5.291 4.886 11.555 20.9998 29.791 4.555 40.986 8.258 10.360 5.000 F 1.945 11.555 9.0003 7.555 10.5 3.242 6.945 14.2503 6.2 3.180 8.060 34.400 11.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/2" balls NG SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.487 6.9998 11.258 6.648 12.9998 5.640 5.1 30.9998 8.9998 13.9998 39.5003 12.5 7.695 5. X. NF040CP0 NF042CP0 *NF045CP0 NF047CP0 NF050CP0 NF055CP0 NF060CP0 NF065CP0 *NF070CP0 NF075CP0 NF080CP0 NF090CP0 NF100CP0 NF110CP0 NF120CP0 *NF140CP0 *NF160CP0 *NF180CP0 *NF200CP0 *NF250CP0 *NF300CP0 *NF350CP0 *NF400CP0 3.302 1.945 Static Dyn.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 ® Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE -PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type C Radial Contact Snapover separator 3/8" balls NF SERIES Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.2 2.9998 15.555 30.0003 32.9998 5.0003 14.4998 7.9998 29.258 19.945 30.650 18.5003 8.742 7.5003 Land Dia.258 36.7498 4.550 5.492 5.555 14.9998 34.9998 5.8 6.742 14.945 5.750 L2 L1  F = .300 9.445 7.758 9.040 13.936 4.742 12.258 12.000 12.559 3.963 17.1 17. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.770 16.0003 8.648 10.945 6.742 10.1 2.945 18.9998 9.945 9.258 23.5003 9.910 31.0 4.2498 4.210 8.9998 39.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.9 13.5003 15.210 6.750 3.393 7.9998 7.9998 34.742 8.963 9.742 6.9998 21.258 41.2503 6.5003 10.3 2.5003 17.911 8.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.7503 7.2 .055 5.6 9.4998 6.843 3.945 35.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.5003 8.5 2.0 2.0003 Land Dia.277 6.0003 16.4998 4.0 7.5003 6. Weight in Pounds 8.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.990 3. L1 4. Weight in Pounds 5.742 Land Dia.8 4.055 7.7 2.3 13.890 59.9998 13. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.992 5.9998 4. 5003 4.720 514 583 643 701 756 783 809 834 859 908 955 1.090 2. Static Dyn.250 L2 L1  F = .480 1. Unique internal geometry permits application of radial load.010 1.5003 6.290 1.5002 3. L1 Dia.814 5.7500 2.8752 1.9998 8.5003 11.500 5.045 NA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number NA020XP0 NA025XP0 NA030XP0 NA035XP0 NA040XP0 NA042XP0 NA045XP0 NA047XP0 NA050XP0 NA055XP0 NA060XP0 NA065XP0 NA070XP0 NA075XP0 NA080XP0 NA090XP0 NA100XP0 *NA110XP0 NA120XP0 Dimensions in Inches .260 7.186 7. Dia.770 434 601 785 986 1.7503 4. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.314 4.kaydonbearings. Pounds 2.0002 3.140 1.436 4.520 1. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.350 2.310 1.410 3.314 11.300 790 910 1.320 2.2503 4.930 6.600 2.330 12.50 .4998 5.23 .110 1.210 22.362 1.1252 1.38 .5000 3.450 770 1.686 3.814 6.314 7.890 2.740 3.314 680 830 990 1.22 .1875 L2 L1  F = .710 2.180 2.570 1.204 4.186 11.186 3.314 12.314 3.814 3.186 6. Static Dyn. and moment load.5003 10. L2 Static Dyn.540 9.31 .321 1.814 8.13 .370 1.9998 9.959 2.314 6.070 3.186 12.186 9.150 1.5000 4.956 5.120 5. L2 Static Dyn.350 1.9998 5.289 1.4998 7.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.000 1.433 1.089 1.5003 7.120 10.565 1.814 7. Pounds NAA10XL0 1.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Four-Point Contact A Conrad-assembled bearing designed for applications involving multiple loads. A single four-point contact bearing may replace two bearings in many applications.250 F .240 2.110 3.186 10.52 .441 1.026 .28 .30 .5003 8.0002 3.990 15. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.186 2.650 1.180 5.564 4.735 1.730 1.880 6.7498 5.24 .814 4.039 . L1 Dia.9998 11.186 2.810 3.314 9.com| 45 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearing Selections Type X .750 1.693 1.56 .470 2.0003 6.686 7.500 2.910 7.19 . Snapover separator 3/32" balls NAA SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia. X.314 10. and Y .5003 5. thrust load in either direction.210 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values. individually or in any combination.9998 6.0003 4.890 1.165 3.4998 8.850 3.4998 6.9998 10.5002 2.980 4.15 .780 8.0003 7.640 NAA17XL0 1.900 2.186 5.040 2.844 3.0000 3.590 1.130 2.050 2.686 4.587 .686 4.5003 2.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. Static Dyn.001 1.790 3.985 290 400 460 247 296 319 730 1.140 370 460 500 170 340 440 110 187 232 .535 2.400 1.205 1.1875 F .0000 2.44 . Static Dyn.212 1.499 4.936 5. 1-800-514-3066 www.5003 9.740 5. Dia.940 19.015 Snapover separator 1/8" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.20 .260 1.420 3.314 2. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.2498 4.600 3.0003 5.0000 1.046 1.9998 4.020 5.3752 1.980 9.064 5.790 4.410 3.5000 1.235 1.10 .186 4.18 .686 6.9998 7.9998 12.200 2.686 8.131 1.140 NAA15XL0 1.750 6.020 7.220 3.360 4.810 1.25 .34 .314 5.440 1. 770 41.50 .Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type X Four-Point Contact NB SERIES Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore NB020XP0 NB025XP0 NB030XP0 NB035XP0 NB040XP0 NB042XP0 NB045XP0 *NB047XP0 NB050XP0 NB055XP0 NB060XP0 NB065XP0 *NB070XP0 *NB075XP0 NB080XP0 NB090XP0 *NB100XP0 *NB110XP0 *NB120XP0 *NB140XP0 NB160XP0 *NB180XP0 *NB200XP0 2.254 9.090 83.231 12.668 4.44 .6253 12.670 2.893 8.0000 2.560 2.9998 5.0000 3.53 .38 .100 2.945 2.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.731 4.234 2.6253 20.8753 5.5000 3.19 .841 1.020 68.393 18.231 2.220 2.4998 5.9998 13.080 9.860 4.6252 3.450 2.41 .570 4.020 17. and Y .50 .463 2.120 1.460 11.850 12.393 6.231 14.600 21.410 10.080 1.893 6.6253 8.893 4. Static Dyn.980 2.440 8.430 9.6253 2.kaydonbearings. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.130 1.9998 7.498 1.250 758 848 933 1.731 3.360 2.560 18.731 4.2498 4.030 2. Static Dyn.9998 17.170 3.3753 5.780 4.231 2.com 1-800-514-3066 .340 2.6253 7.75 .30 .05 1.400 6.720 6.9998 15.9998 11.764 1.140 5.393 930 1.140 1.231 18.393 11.580 54.500 14.6253 18.9998 Snapover separator 5/32" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Dia.480 12.600 2.880 3.4998 6.6253 16.590 1.720 1.760 2.340 2.520 4.045 6.31 .893 5.940 3.590 5. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.994 14.231 16.220 2.57 .393 5.66 .917 2.981 5.576 2.970 3.393 12.850 1.6253 14.231 4. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.050 7.236 1.000 5.4998 4.560 2.5000 3.393 3.780 658 895 1.420 7. Pounds 2.446 11.3125 L2 L1  F = .880 5.kaydonbearings.143 5.231 9.4998 7.900 1.750 17.47 .170 4.9998 9.393 4.643 4.731 7.470 3.231 6.9998 8.6253 6.231 20.690 5.24 .371 1.380 5.34 .com 46 | www.73 .890 6.350 3. L2 Static Dyn.393 16.6252 4.840 4.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.780 1.9998 6.304 1.6253 4.950 2.014 1.280 3.850 1. L1 Dia.9998 19.33 .16 .970 30.393 14.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.193 1.450 10.732 1.540 1.1252 3.731 6.83 1.9998 10.231 3.159 1.231 10.393 7.6253 11.910 7.231 7.9998 4.840 3.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.045 2.850 8.080 3.380 14.618 1.091 1.568 5.770 4.1252 4.393 20. Dia.190 4.265 2.440 1.290 1.35 1.20 1.590 20.813 .1253 8.7498 4.393 2.370 3.190 4.340 1.1253 5.530 16.620 7.231 5.370 4.121 8.481 4.6253 10.393 9.810 6.080 5. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.893 7.1253 6.6253 9.247 3.450 1.165 1.1253 7.580 25.3125 F .731 2.620 1. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.920 8.750 1.435 1.109 4. X.694 20. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.830 1.731 8.27 .893 3.844 3.231 11.410 2.150 2.103 2.393 10.559 1. 717 4.800 28.800 12.630 16.473 30.79 5.910 7.340 2.473 6.2503 5.140 8.980 3.277 14.0003 5.610 52.9998 20.473 12.777 7.9998 11.4998 4.590 24.58 .9998 19.7503 6.790 6.134 6.540 16.436 Weight in Pounds .235 6.760 4. Dia.kaydonbearings.560 5. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.310 3.500 30.230 53.9998 5.955 22.710 30.880 8.490 4.931 2. Static Dyn.630 3.830 3.520 Outside Land Land Dia.7503 8.518 49.0003 6.473 18.0003 26.277 9.9998 10.860 4.370 4.370 21. X.682 6.364 2.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.277 30.870 8.9998 8.901 4.680 14.840 2.2503 7.130 5.473 11.9998 4.870 5.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Snapover separator 3/16" balls NC SERIES Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore NC040XP0 *NC042XP0 NC045XP0 NC047XP0 NC050XP0 NC055XP0 NC060XP0 NC065XP0 NC070XP0 *NC075XP0 NC080XP0 NC090XP0 NC100XP0 NC110XP0 NC120XP0 NC140XP0 NC160XP0 *NC180XP0 *NC200XP0 *NC250XP0 *NC300XP0 3.470 13.860 6.541 2.0003 8.830 13.130 25.48 .710 17.7503 20.890 5.78 .9998 15.9998 .980 11.060 7.080 3.7503 5.551 4.550 9.941 4.295 3.473 16.916 5. 2. L1 Dia.580 8.9998 9.700 7.880 31.970 12.277 6.300 9.9998 7. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.370 20.527 4.9998 7.9998 11.700 158.630 4.620 4.277 4.630 11.16 1.420 3. L1 Dia. Static Dyn. Dia.480 81.7503 7.9998 13.492 3.643 12.473 20.350 12.226 2.360 9.630 6.800 221.277 11.2503 5.270 8.770 1.180 7.370 9.454 2.45 .020 4. Static 4.651 12.277 5.630 12.660 8.090 24.670 8.7503 16.310 14.370 10.2503 8.174 15.78 .103 3.260 11.600 5.790 4.68 .201 10.311 2.370 16.755 30.4998 6.370 14.380 2.220 2.840 9.140 5.630 14.88 2.370 12.370 11.130 7.669 10.190 3.670 9.00 1.777 5.69 3.0003 11.777 8.027 5.930 6.0003 19.270 12.9998 5.4998 7.870 8.160 6.9998 29.900 Dyn.370 5.5003 5.220 31.460 2.190 6.250 17.930 7.473 4.7503 25.440 20.899 5.7503 10.380 5.370 6.10 3.25 2.610 5.973 6.630 10.690 22.180 4.473 5.5003 5.830 49.961 7.370 5.4998 7. and Y .500 F .410 3.9998 4.120 5.770 11.04 4.473 25.400 318.9998 15.173 19.5003 9. Static Dyn.7498 4.9998 29.110 117.0003 10.851 1.9998 24.130 3.550 3.47 .9998 Capacities Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) 2.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.690 64.9998 8.890 24.06 1.25 1.464 1.630 21.0003 22.73 1.910 16.73 3.870 37.9998 19.130 5.277 18.870 6.73 .561 45.020 14.120 11.030 9. Pounds 5.460 7.500 7.330 5.63 .981 4.370 4.600 3.687 1.280 10.447 .4998 4.690 2.775 5.0003 7.5003 7.0003 4.561 3.540 2.473 14.460 2.0003 15.7498 4.770 43.88 .7503 9.0003 31.086 3.7503 12.31 1.94 2.110 36.277 7.534 5.510 36.630 9.500 L2 L1  F = .510 1.693 14.600 1.855 2.600 6.100 4.50 .856 7.320 6.83 .7503 14.590 2.630 25.290 2.338 2.473 9.9998 17. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.4998 6.470 5.630 8.720 4.712 26.370 7.762 2.640 35.222 3.0003 17.260 4.830 9.226 3.950 6.070 3.556 1.22 1.100 3.170 7.06 1.880 17.0003 12.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.070 11.85 4.630 30.440 71.973 8.200 14.991 3.630 20.375 L2 L1  F = .0003 21.326 2.420 4.21 ND SERIES Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore ND040XP0 ND042XP0 ND045XP0 ND047XP0 ND050XP0 ND055XP0 ND060XP0 ND065XP0 ND070XP0 ND075XP0 ND080XP0 ND090XP0 ND100XP0 ND110XP0 ND120XP0 ND140XP0 *ND160XP0 ND180XP0 ND200XP0 *ND210XP0 *ND250XP0 *ND300XP0 3.190 99.950 8.649 78.72 1.060 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.9998 10.348 6.470 10.860 2.872 17.862 3.770 3.240 21.280 19.277 10.830 154. 1-800-514-3066 www.226 5.870 9.290 12.592 2.325 36.695 37.0003 5.710 45.496 2.980 8.16 1.277 12.9998 6.710 6. L2 Static Dyn.082 2. L2 Static Dyn.910 93.48 3.602 4.0003 13.223 5.370 13.4998 5.940 5.450 16.7503 30.777 6.2498 4.260 5.826 59.380 24.2503 6.234 4.520 3.622 2.550 9.760 19.920 11.94 1.725 2.826 8.542 7.277 16.950 7.210 2.7503 11.130 6.94 1.100 222.84 .9998 6.130 8.007 2.840 9.030 4.990 3.59 .450 4.7503 4.9998 9.277 20.7503 6.530 3.630 18.630 7.760 6.41 1.06 2.52 1.338 3.670 21.470 5.417 1.160 3.650 14.723 4.7503 18.730 9.930 4.178 4.473 7.410 10.268 42.4998 5.160 5.370 25.570 6.100 2.375 F .73 .473 10. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.270 3.810 6.776 3.341 5.5003 8.550 8.080 14.com| 47 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type X Four-Point Contact .040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 1/4" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Dia.060 36.973 7.277 4.9998 24.473 1.180 12.9998 17.53 1.680 14.277 25.870 21.880 5.196 4.790 5.000 143.2498 4.510 4.496 2.870 7.370 30.973 5.370 18.990 5.050 4.960 19.434 18.670 3.355 2.9998 13.16 2. 760 42.0 4.5003 10.555 11.8 5.210 6.970 41.445 7.5003 13.293 18.242 5.742 4.9998 7.680 14.065 14.110 14.415 5.300 362.742 22.200 36.311 15.180 14.5003 17.410 10.7 15.1 5.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered NG SERIES Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore *NG040XP0 *NG042XP0 *NG045XP0 *NG047XP0 NG050XP0 *NG055XP0 NG060XP0 *NG065XP0 *NG070XP0 NG075XP0 NG080XP0 NG090XP0 NG100XP0 NG110XP0 NG120XP0 NG140XP0 NG160XP0 NG180XP0 NG200XP0 NG220XP0 NG250XP0 NG300XP0 NG350XP0 NG400XP0 3.923 5.0003 7.028 10.420 29.2503 6.945 30.258 8.0 15.800 158.180 94.258 13.400 243.0003 20.160 23.2 3.460 9.780 37.260 11.050 7.742 11.7503 6.400 14.8 4.555 10.526 12.4998 7.300 198.034 13.410 25.945 25.492 5.556 59.300 11.390 106.9998 34.870 23.330 33.080 26.758 9.530 58.555 12.696 14.400 15.258 15.9998 6.140 49.800 1.390 16.708 189.445 5.993 9.845 24.240 50.210 77.040 20.830 34.200 296.9998 17.555 30.4998 5.0003 37. 48 | www.300 9.832 1.060 18.5 7.000 12.200 138.5003 8.503 9.758 8.172 5.9998 39.056 98.695 5.2 2.140 66.8 6.882 11.315 14.742 35.9998 9.0003 7.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.537 82.7498 4.200 554.000 434.150 35.742 14.0003 9.220 45.421 10.445 6.750 F .730 14.260 52.555 16.721 21.6 3.640 65.323 6.190 34.992 5.510 30.530 7.9998 5.410 43.152 19.140 52.0003 18.650 17.055 6.555 25.530 15.555 14.0003 11.620 47.555 20.680 50.520 20.945 5.695 10.5003 11.5 2.3 19.528 115.106 229.710 13.258 12.700 184.742 12.0003 14.555 35.060 34.410 29.758 6.750 L2 L1  F = .342 7.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Open ENDURAKOTE®-PLATED ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings Type X Four-Point Contact NF SERIES Dimensions in Inches KAYDON Bearing Number Bore NF040XP0 NF042XP0 NF045XP0 NF047XP0 NF050XP0 NF055XP0 NF060XP0 NF065XP0 NF070XP0 NF075XP0 NF080XP0 NF090XP0 NF100XP0 NF110XP0 NF120XP0 NF140XP0 *NF160XP0 *NF180XP0 *NF200XP0 *NF250XP0 *NF300XP0 *NF350XP0 *NF400XP0 3.535 6.310 9.945 7.930 18.910 31.795 4.340 24.4998 6.935 81.2498 4.5003 26.805 5.945 14.620 27.0003 6.993 17.416 11.200 70.739 13.990 28.620 8.790 40.480 82.258 7.450 27.000 F 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.0003 12.650 18.260 11.258 5. L1 Dia.890 59.2503 6.000 374.5003 4.312 8.9998 21.400 11.5003 9.190 14.3 4.608 34.665 4.055 8.830 7.9998 Snapover separator 3/8" balls Capacities Weight in Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Dia.040 45.037 150.350 61.060 19.2 6.130 13.000 1.8 1.541 308.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.970 45.945 18.760 9.320 118.9998 15.242 7.947 7.5003 36.5 3.620 25.7498 4.527 374.000 L2 L1  F = .990 4.9998 39.550 17.620 12.030 11.280 24.651 5.945 16.555 9.945 10.0003 13.940 41.100 67.5003 41.508 5.9998 6.8 12.460 21.560 69. Static Dyn.360 21.9998 11.347 64.555 7.040 13.050 20. L1 Dia.7 5.332 20.9998 15.5003 15.775 9.730 122.050 9.490 7.555 4.710 29.100 32.979 7.700 237.9998 24.750 9.930 6.0003 22.360 5.0003 32.740 29.5003 31.742 6.810 15.9 10.9998 34.9 4.130 33.124 57.742 8.555 18.742 16.200 53.3 13. Static Dyn.3 4.9 8.742 7.410 29.470 37.592 16.453 25.250 53.666 48.820 17.4 5. Pounds 5.306 19.490 12.1 7.5003 9.9 8.kaydonbearings.636 33.900 58.256 3.230 12.9998 17.850 10.5003 10.980 41.258 41.550 72.713 10.770 20.310 7.9 3.730 30.945 8.070 23.742 5.700 168.625 188.200 533.762 8.5003 21.690 27.900 788.660 33. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. X.8 17.720 26.530 15.9998 Snapover separator 1/2" balls Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Dia.386 17.966 15.048 5.721 8.0003 16.084 8.420 18.260 14.210 8.9998 13.550 33.032 38.9998 8.9998 24.744 19.742 40.238 156.760 8.350 45.945 5.000 14.9998 4.4998 5. Dia.956 27.600 721.555 8. L2 Static Dyn.9998 5.3 27.258 10.0003 42.9998 19.070 18.258 6.945 6.5003 5.300 7.742 30.520 16.9998 19.2498 4.945 20.425 16.5003 7. Pounds 6.3 10.1 6.742 9.280 23.220 28.520 21.064.917 8.555 40.300 31.4998 4.770 12.205 8.1 17.195 5.743 43.945 12.103 6.630 19.945 11.9998 4.258 21.110 15.080 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.200 22.910 91.550 24.250 21.760 100.200 147.327 30.870 19. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.404 15.742 20.487 8.555 4.750 12.945 9.100 15.040 25.640 5.1 30.945 35. Dia.5003 12.3 2.9998 29.602 11.258 19.520 21.200 8.157 12.660 22.0 7.070 7.6 9.742 25.260 11.896 24.980 86.700 40.742 18.5003 19.180 21.700 127.380.758 7.555 6.7503 7.945 40.220 17.080 99.650 86.258 36.210 8.890 38.260 24.9998 29.0003 6.0003 24.1 4.0003 8. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.196 36.5 23.2 .900 21.258 17. and Y .900 115.200 937.008 6.9998 7.0003 4.9998 9.9 13.258 31.130 13.258 26.com 1-800-514-3066 .9998 13. L2 Static Dyn.0003 9.373 116.630 9.9998 8.4998 4.880 11.770 77.4998 6. Static Dyn.870 10.700 21.4998 7.9998 10.0 2.5003 6.147 12.055 5.100 8.0003 8.1 2.090 14.0003 27. Static Dyn.242 6.258 23.445 8.742 10.242 8. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.838 246.305 5.7 2.568 21.055 7.979 9.490 13.5003 8.4 3.9998 10.180 8.820 16.909 13.880 6.000 6.9998 11.890 23.9 2.793 136.770 16.2 7.258 11.208 10.258 8. In today's manufacturing environment. ultra-clean bearings with no preservative on them Because any of these requirements would disqualify the use of standard 52100 steel material. KAYDON addressed these issues by offering REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings in AISI 440C stainless steel. Stainless Steel REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings minimize the surface degradation and particulate formation so common in harsh environment applications.com| 49 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Stainless Steel Bearings (Material Code S) . This steel meets the minimum 58 HRc hardness level and can support the same loading as does 52100 chrome steel. All bearings made of this material also utilize balls made of AISI 440C stainless steel.” or fourpoint contact “X” configurations 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 KAYDON stainless steel bearings are used where high precision and corrosion resistance are required. They are available: • in AISI 440C stainless steel races • with brass or non-metallic separators • with either stainless steel or ceramic balls • in popular sizes • in either radial contact “C.” angular contact “A. bearings are often required: • to operate in close proximity to corrosive chemicals • to operate with lubricants which do not protect against corrosion • to be ready-to-use. 19 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore *SB020AR0 2.186 2.100 .Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Stainless Steel REALI-SLIM® Bearings Type A Angular Contact Circular pocket separator 3/32" balls S A A SERIES (3/16” cross-section) KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Bore Capacities in Pounds Radial Outside Land Land C'Bore Dia.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.500 3. L3 Static Dyn.000 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.780 1.964 1.625 Radial Outside Land Land C'Bore Dia. L2 Dia.100 .231 *SB035AR0 3.274 340 194 970 450 .17 4.27 4. L3 Static L3  F = .393 4. 1.462 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.340 675 3.686 *SA040AR0 4.640 1. Static Dyn.893 3.500 1.731 3.314 2.686 2.550 734 4. L2 Dia.625 3. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. 50 | www.231 2.590 .com 1-800-514-3066 .860 1.814 *SA030AR0 3.038 *SAA17AG0 1.140 507 3.867 1.19 3.235 1. L3 Static Dyn.186 Radial Outside Land Land C'Bore Dia.490 595 4. Thrust Static Dyn.890 1.460 2.000 4.12 3.025 *SAA15AG0 1.774 480 238 1.500 4. X.790 1.140 1.15 2.000 2.393 3.350 . Dia.090 601 3.1875 Thrust Weight in Pounds Dyn. L1 Dia.180 1.500 2. Weight in Pounds 790 405 2.045 Dimensions in Inches Capacities in Pounds Bore *SA020AR0 2.893 *SB030AR0 3.250 L2 L1 L3  F = .150 1.375 1. Dia.380 560 . Thrust Static Dyn.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.470 1.985 2.310 552 3.14 3.kaydonbearings.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Circular pocket separator 5/32" balls S B SERIES (5/16” cross-section) KAYDON Bearing Number L1 Circular pocket separator 1/8" balls S A SERIES (1/4” cross-section) KAYDON Bearing Number .3125 L2 L1 L3  F = .875 1.314 4. L2 Dia. and Y . L1 Dia.500 3.735 1. Weight in Pounds .500 4.22 3.393 2.290 1.369 *SA025AR0 2.125 1.814 3.000 2.869 960 459 2.300 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. L1 Dia.231 4.230 .024 530 251 1.500 4.1875 F L2 *SAA10AG0 1.962 1.000 2.280 960 .367 1.500 3.464 *SB025AR0 2.890 2.186 3.314 *SA035AR0 3.250 F .470 .125 *SB040AR0 4.520 600 .015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered .625 2.000 4.040 865 5. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.10 2.000 3.380 .930 .790 801 5.750 2.750 . Dia.3125 F .30 .731 2.125 2.000 3.000 3.367 1. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life. 625 4. L1 Land Dia.231 3.625 3.000 4.393 1.985 460 242 .735 400 225 .500 4.393 1.16 *SB025CP0 2.686 3. L1 Land Dia.340 707 .540 767 .15 *SA035CP0 3.893 1.000 1.27 *SB040CP0 4.1875 F KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.500 4.231 4.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 5/32" balls SB SERIES (5/16” cross section) Dimensions in Inches .731 2.039 *SAA17CL0 1.250 L2 L1  F = .000 2.026 *SAA15CL0 1.045 SA SERIES (1/4” cross section) KAYDON Bearing Number Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia. and Y . L2 Static Dyn.18 *SA040CP0 4. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.000 3.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous. Weight in Pounds *SB020CP0 2.140 530 .000 3.500 3.814 830 442 .186 2. Land Dia. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.500 2.com| 51 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Stainless Steel REALI-SLIM® Bearings Type C .3125 L2 L1  F = .750 2.500 1.231 2.140 644 .140 1. Land Dia.1875 Snapover separator 1/8" balls Weight in Pounds  .©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Radial Contact Snapover separator 3/32" balls S AA SERIES (3/16” cross section) KAYDON Bearing Number Radial Capacities in Pounds Dimensions in Inches Bore Outside Dia.13 *SA030CP0 3.000 2.814 1. X.3125 F . *SA020CP0 2.625 2.314 990 487 .20 *SB030CP0 3.000 2. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.500 3.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.30 .500 4.890 1.kaydonbearings.10 *SA025CP0 2. L2 Static Dyn.500 3.314 680 393 .125 2.640 1.750 825 .  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.24 *SB035CP0 3. Land Dia. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.186 3.235 290 188 .186 4.731 3.375 1.contact KAYDON product engineering for values. L1 Land Dia.000 4. Weight in Pounds *SAA10CL0 1.19 Radial Capacities in Pounds L2 L1  F = .314 1.000 3. 1-800-514-3066 www. L2 Static Dyn.893 1.015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered .125 3.125 1.875 1.250 F .686 2.290 571 .393 930 577 . 500 4. L1 Dia.205 .000 3.040 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.500 4. L2 Static Dyn.10 *SA025XP0 2.590 2. L1 Dia.893 1. X.720 3.625 2. Static Dyn.140 500 440 232 .000 4.686 3. Static Dyn.210 2.3125 F .875 1. Pounds *SB020XP0 2.186 2.140 701 2.850 1.18 *SA040XP0 4.000 3.125 2.500 3.731 2.015 Bearing corners are normally chamfered .contact KAYDON product engineering for values.045 Dimensions in Inches Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.186 4.000 2.130 1.30 .1875 F Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.250 F .375 1.231 3.150 601 .500 4. Pounds *SAA10XL0 1.890 1.625 4.15 *SA035XP0 3.740 1.000 1. Static Dyn.19 *SB030XP0 3.220 1.500 2.130 986 . Dia.770 1.16 *SB025XP0 2.140 1.231 2. Dia.340 1.000 2.625 3.370 1.3125 L2 L1  F = . Static Dyn.314 990 643 2.500 3.220 1.290 756 3.450 .000 2. L1 Dia.731 3.kaydonbearings.1875 Snapover separator 1/8" balls S ERIES SA (1/4” cross section) KAYDON Bearing Number .470 1.080 658 . L2 Static Dyn. 52 | www.039 *SAA17XL0 1. Pounds *SA020XP0 2.540 1.440 2.940 1.860 1.814 1.19 Dimensions in Inches L2 L1  F = .235 290 247 730 370 170 110 .250 L2 L1  F = .231 4.026 *SAA15XL0 1.314 680 514 1.125 3.290 1.000 4.090 910 1.com 1-800-514-3066 .393 1.500 3.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.985 460 319 1.025 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 5/32" balls S E RIES SB (5/16” cross section) KAYDON Bearing Number .893 1.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. and Y .27 *SB040XP0 4. L2 Static Dyn.600 895 .750 2. Static Dyn.710 790 770 434 .393 930 758 2.735 400 296 1.814 830 583 2.764 .000 3.350 1.314 1.393 1.010 1. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.140 848 2.091 4.840 1.125 1. Dia. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.500 1.750 1.186 3.640 1.600 785 .13 *SA030XP0 3.000 460 340 187 . Static Dyn.110 2. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.24 *SB035XP0 3.159 .340 933 3.686 2. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Stainless Steel REALI-SLIM® Bearings Type X Four-Point Contact Snapover separator 3/32" balls S E RIES SAA (3/16” cross section) KAYDON Bearing Number Dimensions in Inches Capacities Weight in Outside Land Land Radial (lbs) Thrust (lbs) Moment (in-lbs) Bore Dia.014 3. 13. Download REALI-DESIGN MM™ software from our website www.com 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.kaydonbearings.com| 53 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearings . These bearings are offered: • in cross sections of 8. However. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www. KAYDON offers the REALI-SLIM MM™ series of bearings. The REALI-SLIM® inchstandard bearing is still the most widely used thin-section bearing in the world. and 20mm • with bore diameters ranging from 20mm to 360mm • with many of the same options found on standard REALI-SLIM® bearings The REALI-SLIM MM™ series may also be customized for special applications with options such as: • ceramic balls • special lubes • integral seals Consult KAYDON engineering or your KAYDON representative for details on customization.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 KAYDON created the thin-section bearing standard of the industry in 1954 based on inch sizes.com to obtain specific load/life and other performance data not shown here.kaydonbearings. for those applications that require metric envelope dimensions or for dimensional interchangeability with other products. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon. 40 Circular pocket separator 5/32" (inch) balls Angular Contact Type A 8mm F 8mm L2 L3 L1  F = 0. Position 10 (optional) identifies non-standard internal fit.33 0.9 75. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.2 787 82.1 2055 192. Static Dyn.8 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.9 305.1 2974 312.13 0.1 260.9 125.2 1815 172.20 0.1 140. L2 35.2 1465 142.9 95. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.2 1706 162.36 0.1 190. X.com 1-800-514-3066 .23 0.1 160.9 325.08 0.9 85.38 0.9 255.9 145.9 Land Dia.contact KAYDON product engineering for values. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.1 170. and are marked only with a 9-digit number.1 4023 372.1 110.1 200.1 210.9 135. Positions 1–9 identify materials.1 60.9 115.23 0.9 155.1 120.9 185. Dia. L3 37.9 345.1 130.1 2296 212.21 0.20 0.2 1137 112. 272 367 408 440 470 505 533 561 587 618 643 667 696 720 742 769 791 897 999 1039 1073 1110 1073 1894 2273 2588 2903 3282 3598 3914 4229 4608 4923 5239 5618 5933 6249 6628 6944 8585 10289 10983 11614 12309 561 819 925 1009 1090 1182 1257 1329 1400 1482 1549 1615 1691 1754 1816 1889 1948 2244 2532 2645 2745 2854 Weight (kg) 0. and precision.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type A Angular Contact How to identify REALI-SLIM MM™ Bearings using our part number code: Standard and optional metric REALI-SLIM® bearings are marked for complete identification with a 9.2 1356 132.2 656 72.15 0.1 370.1 310.0000 to .9 105.2 1246 122.18 0. 54 | www.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.2 1946 182.12 0. L1 41 66 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 266 316 336 356 376 30. either preload or clearance. All dimensions in millimeters.1 3564 332.9 55.09 0.10 0. separator type.1 80.0000 to . Figure 2-10 Position 1 Nomenclature Material Example K 2 3 4 Bore (mm) 0 8 5 6 Width(mm) 0 0 7 8 9 10 Type Separator Precision Internal Fit X P 0 K 8 Explanation of position numbers: 1) K = AISI 52100 steel S = AISI 440C stainless N = ENDURAKOTE® plating 8) P = Standard formed ring snap-over type 7) = A: Angular contact C: Radial contact X: Four-point contact 9) 0 = Precision Class 1 (ABEC 1F) standard R = Standard formed ring circular pocket type 10) empty = Standard (See page 90) A = . size.9 175.1 3805 352.2 1596 152.9 195.9 65.or 10-digit part number.17 0.2 372 62.2 1006 102. Custom and proprietary bearings cannot be identified by code.16 0.1 180.0127 mm preload L = .1 4264 Dyn.2 896 92.1 150.1 2165 202.28 0.0254 mm preload Z = other clearance or preload not specified above 8mm SERIES Dimensions Size (mm) Land Diameters (mm) KAYDON Bearing Number Bore K02508AR0 K05008AR0 K06008AR0 K07008AR0 K08008AR0 K09008AR0 K10008AR0 K11008AR0 K12008AR0 K13008AR0 K14008AR0 K15008AR0 K16008AR0 K17008AR0 K18008AR0 *K19008AR0 K20008AR0 K25008AR0 K30008AR0 K32008AR0 K34008AR0 K36008AR0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Outside Land Dia.0127 mm clearance K = .1 100.1 Capacity Radial (kg) Axial (kg) Land Static Dia.9 365.1 350.14 0.1 70.kaydonbearings.1 330.06 0.1 90. type.22 0.1 2405 262.9 165.0000 to .  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. and Y .9 205. 0 Land Dia.62 0.5 3527 219.20 0.76 0.3 356.7 149.3 Capacity Radial (kg) Axial (kg) Land Static Dia.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.3 186.11 1.25 0.7 369.0 215.0 Capacity Radial (kg) Axial (kg) Land Static Dia.7 59.0 105.0 95.7 159.0 335.51 0.3 136. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.0 185.34 0.90 0.2 6213 379.0 85. Static Dyn.0 345.6 1959 129.28 0.0 195.5 3023 189.0 115.7 259.39 1.7 89.54 1. L2 41.0 205.7 199.3 106.5 2687 169.51 2.42 0.31 0. All dimensions in millimeters. X.0 145.7 109.0 125.0 165.23 2.3 76.3 216.66 Angular Contact Type A 20mm F 20mm L2 L1 L3  F = 1.54 0.0 195. Dia. L3 55 1134 80 1889 90 2141 100 2393 110 2645 120 3023 130 3275 140 3527 150 3778 160 4030 170 4282 180 4660 190 4912 200 5146 210 5416 220 5668 230 6045 280 7431 330 8691 350 9321 370 9824 390 10454 Dyn.0 385.56 0.62 0.7 139. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis. 554 725 782 860 913 964 1013 1061 1108 1171 1215 1258 1301 1342 1382 1422 1476 1659 1840 1904 1978 2038 1778 3070 3555 4201 4686 5171 5656 6141 6625 7272 7757 8241 8726 9211 9696 10181 10827 13251 15837 16806 17937 18907 1075 1547 1706 1906 2050 2190 2324 2455 2583 2748 2869 2987 3104 3217 3329 3439 3583 4100 4618 4804 5017 5196 Circular pocket separator 1/4" (inch) balls Weight (kg) 0.13 0.37 0.7 79.0 75.kaydonbearings.3 166.7 209.0 185.07 20mm SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Bore *K02520AR0 *K05020AR0 *K06020AR0 *K07020AR0 *K08020AR0 *K09020AR0 *K10020AR0 *K11020AR0 *K12020AR0 *K13020AR0 *K14020AR0 K15020AR0 K16020AR0 K17020AR0 K18020AR0 *K19020AR0 K20020AR0 K25020AR0 K30020AR0 *K32020AR0 *K34020AR0 *K36020AR0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Size (mm) Dimensions Land Diameters (mm) Outside Land Dia.7 189.97 1. and Y .3 66.48 0. Dia.5 3359 209.39 0.0 105.3 266.0 135.19 1.45 0.4 4590 319.49 0.56 0.0 365.7 99.0 155.3 196.96 1.2 6550 Dyn.6 1232 89.7 329.3 376.6 1064 79.0 155.0 215.3 96.31 0.7 349.3 206.6 1456 99. 1-800-514-3066 www.3 116.3 336.0 165.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 13mm SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number Bore *K02513AR0 *K05013AR0 *K06013AR0 K07013AR0 *K08013AR0 *K09013AR0 *K10013AR0 *K11013AR0 *K12013AR0 *K13013AR0 *K14013AR0 *K15013AR0 *K16013AR0 K17013AR0 *K18013AR0 K19013AR0 *K20013AR0 *K25013AR0 *K30013AR0 *K32013AR0 *K34013AR0 *K36013AR0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Size (mm) Dimensions Land Diameters (mm) Outside Land Dia.3 5486 339.0 135.46 1.0 265.3 156.59 0.0 375.0 75.0 225.0 275.0 175.7 69.3 126.7 179.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.02 1. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.6 1623 109.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Circular pocket separator 3/8" (inch) balls Weight (kg) 0.91 0.0 355.84 0.77 0.5 3191 199.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.3 176. L1 65 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 290 340 360 380 400 40.3 316.0 315. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.7 Land Dia.0 175.7 129.5 2855 179.04 1.7 119.0 205.4 3750 269.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.0 145.6 1791 119.6 2295 149. L3 44.7 616 69.26 1.32 1.0 95.3 5822 359.0 85. 1155 1460 1547 1633 1717 1851 1929 2005 2080 2154 2226 2339 2407 2474 2540 2605 2706 3041 3317 3454 3556 3685 3272 5454 6181 6908 7635 8726 9453 10181 10908 11635 12362 13453 14180 14907 15634 16361 17452 21452 25088 26906 28360 30178 2115 2973 3231 3480 3720 4067 4290 4507 4719 4927 5130 5427 5621 5811 5999 6183 6455 7408 8222 8615 8923 9300 Angular Contact Type A 13mm F 13mm L2 L3 L1  F = 1.89 2.0 115. Static Dyn.0 325.3 86.0 125.69 0. L1 51 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 226 276 326 346 366 386 34.6 2127 139.7 309.0 65.6 2519 159.22 0.7 169.3 146. L2 50.com| 55 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type A Angular Contact .37 2. 1 180.1 110. K02508CP0 K05008CP0 K06008CP0 K07008CP0 K08008CP0 K09008CP0 K10008CP0 K11008CP0 K12008CP0 K13008CP0 K14008CP0 K15008CP0 K16008CP0 K17008CP0 K18008CP0 *K19008CP0 K20008CP0 K25008CP0 K30008CP0 K32008CP0 K34008CP0 K36008CP0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 41 66 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 266 316 336 356 376 Land Dia.kaydonbearings.1 330.9 85. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.06 0.1 130.1 80. and Y .20 0.9 145.21 0.9 185.42 0.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.1 170.9 365.9 Land Dia. L2 35.9 345.1 70.1 190.9 105.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.9 205.1 370.1 260.11 0.9 305.28 0.1 120.9 65.1 160.9 155.13 0.08 0.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type C Radial Contact 8mm SERIES Dimensions Size (mm) Land Diameters (mm) KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.46 Conrad Assembly Type C 8mm F 8mm L2 L1  F = 0.39 0.1 140.9 135.1 150.9 75. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. X.1 310.15 0.kaydonbearings. All dimensions in millimeters.17 0.9 255.9 125. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.9 175.1 350.14 0.9 165.1 90.09 0.1 210.9 195.8 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous. L1 30.1 Capacity Radial (kg) Static Dynamic 303 556 656 758 859 959 1061 1162 1262 1364 1465 1565 1666 1767 1868 1944 2045 2550 3055 3257 3459 3636 255 350 384 417 448 478 507 534 561 588 613 638 662 686 709 725 748 853 949 985 1016 1050 Snapover separator 5/32" (inch) balls Weight (kg) 0.22 0.9 55. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.1 100.9 325.16 0.com 1-800-514-3066 .9 115.1 60.20 0.18 0.21 0.1 200. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.com 56 | www.35 0.9 95.10 0.20 0. 3 176. 1-800-514-3066 www.7 209.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.7 59.0 355.0 135.3 Capacity Radial (kg) Static Dynamic 517 905 1099 1228 1358 1551 1681 1875 2004 2133 2327 2456 2586 2780 2909 3038 3232 4008 4719 5042 5365 5688 535 697 775 819 862 931 971 1035 1073 1110 1169 1204 1239 1294 1327 1360 1411 1598 1754 1823 1889 1954 Snapover separator 1/4" (inch) balls Weight (kg) 0.0 85.7 309.0 105.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.30 2.7 139.0 215.7 169.0 65.7 189.3 336.51 0.3 96.3 156.0 205.7 Land Dia.3 196.3 106.41 0.0 275.65 0. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.61 0.0 375.7 129.0 85.40 1.7 349.0 95.46 0.3 206.0 135.7 69.75 0.kaydonbearings. L2 41.7 179.7 119.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 13mm SERIES Dimensions Size (mm) Land Diameters (mm) KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.0 Land Dia.3 186.7 89.3 266.0 175.0 325.0 165. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.0 145.0 195.7 149.3 216.0 185.42 2.95 1.0 115.0 335.0 125. L1 34.18 0.54 2.7 109.10 2.3 136.0 165.0 75.20 1.7 199.0 365.0 75.7 259.3 166.49 0.0 115.70 Conrad Assembly Type C 20mm F 20mm L2 L1  F = 1.50 1.3 76.26 0.0 105.94 1.80 0. *K02513CP0 *K05013CP0 *K06013CP0 K07013CP0 *K08013CP0 *K09013CP0 *K10013CP0 *K11013CP0 *K12013CP0 *K13013CP0 *K14013CP0 *K15013CP0 *K16013CP0 K17013CP0 *K18013CP0 K19013CP0 *K20013CP0 *K25013CP0 *K30013CP0 *K32013CP0 *K34013CP0 *K36013CP0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 51 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 226 276 326 346 366 386 Land Dia.3 356.0 195.32 0.3 146.0 265.7 329.29 0.3 66.7 369.01 1.86 0.50 1. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.0 385.0 185.0 215.01 1.30 1.3 116.58 0.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 3/8" (inch) balls Weight (kg) 0.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.7 99. L2 50.72 0.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.0 155.52 0.3 86.34 0.0 345.0 Capacity Radial (kg) Static Dynamic 1018 1600 1745 2036 2181 2473 2618 2909 3200 3345 3636 3781 4072 4363 4508 4800 4945 6108 7272 7708 8144 8581 1178 1410 1452 1573 1617 1730 1773 1880 1982 2023 2121 2161 2254 2293 2383 2470 2507 2821 3111 3213 3312 3408 Conrad Assembly Type C 13mm F 13mm L2 L1  F = 1.15 1.0 95.24 0. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.11 0.3 316.60 2. All dimensions in millimeters.21 0. X.58 0.3 376.0 155.44 0.7 79.com| 57 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type C Radial Contact .38 0.0 125.0 315. and Y .3 126.06 20mm SERIES Dimensions Size (mm) Land Diameters (mm) KAYDON Bearing Number Bore Outside Dia.55 0.08 1.0 225.0 145.89 0. L1 40.35 0. *K02520CP0 *K05020CP0 *K06020CP0 *K07020CP0 *K08020CP0 *K09020CP0 *K10020CP0 *K11020CP0 *K12020CP0 *K13020CP0 *K14020CP0 K15020CP0 K16020CP0 K17020CP0 K18020CP0 *K19020CP0 K20020CP0 K25020CP0 K30020CP0 *K32020CP0 *K34020CP0 *K36020CP0 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 65 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 290 340 360 380 400 Land Dia.7 159.0 175.0 205. kaydonbearings.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type X Four-Point Contact 8mm SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number K02508XP0 K05008XP0 K06008XP0 K07008XP0 K08008XP0 K09008XP0 K10008XP0 K11008XP0 K12008XP0 K13008XP0 K14008XP0 K15008XP0 K16008XP0 K17008XP0 K18008XP0 *K19008XP0 K20008XP0 K25008XP0 K30008XP0 K32008XP0 K34008XP0 K36008XP0 Dimensions Land Diameters Size (mm) (mm) Bore 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Outside Land Dia.1 1666 180.04 0.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.1 3636 Moment (Nm) Axial (kg) Weight (kg) Dyn.21 0.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.1 1363 150.1 1465 160.9 145.9 155.20 0.1 3459 370.15 0.1 1162 130.com 58 | www.9 55.39 0.8 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.9 105. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.1 3257 350.21 0.kaydonbearings.9 95. Static Dyn.1 555 70.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.9 195.1 2550 310.9 185. and Y . All dimensions in millimeters.20 0. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.1 656 80.1 959 110. L2 35.9 255. Dia.1 1767 190.9 205.09 0.1 757 90. X.9 65.1 334 60.9 325.20 0.42 0.14 0.16 0. 331 460 506 549 591 631 670 707 743 778 812 846 878 910 941 963 992 1133 1261 1310 1350 1396 758 1389 1641 1894 2146 2399 2651 2903 3156 3409 3661 3914 4166 4418 4671 4860 5113 6375 7638 8143 8648 9089 469 666 745 819 890 959 1025 1090 1152 1212 1271 1329 1386 1441 1495 1536 1588 1840 2076 2166 2255 2330 49 40 158 98 219 127 290 158 370 191 461 228 562 266 672 307 792 350 923 395 1063 442 1213 492 1373 543 1543 596 1722 651 1888 701 2086 759 3226 1075 4614 1429 5238 1580 5859 1728 6561 1890 0.9 Snapover separator 5/32" (inch) balls Capacity Radial (kg) Land Static Dia.1 2045 260.28 0.19 0.9 165.1 1565 170.07 0.9 115. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. Static Dyn.1 3055 330.46 4 Point Cont act Type X 8mm F 8mm L2 L1  F = 0. L1 41 66 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 266 316 336 356 376 30.9 85.9 75.1 1262 140.35 0.9 365.22 0.1 1868 200.9 305.1 859 100.1 1944 210.11 0.9 175.9 345. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.9 135.1 1060 120.com 1-800-514-3066 .10 0.18 0.13 0.9 125. 0 145.58 2.0 385.3 919 76.54 0.46 0.51 1.0 175.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.3 1228 96.7 369. Static Dyn.3 1358 106. and Y .44 2.3 2780 196.7 99.37 1.0 185.13 0.0 335.0 315.0 95. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.7 Snapover separator 1/4" (inch) balls Capacity Radial (kg) Land Static Dia.3 5042 356.7 309.0 165.0 125.3 2586 186.51 0.  “F” is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius the bearing corners will clear.3 5365 376.7 149. 689 910 1014 1074 1133 1224 1279 1364 1415 1466 1544 1592 1639 1711 1756 1800 1868 2119 2327 2419 2508 2594 1293 2263 2747 3070 3393 3878 4201 4686 5010 5333 5817 6141 6464 6949 7272 7595 8080 10019 11796 12605 13412 14220 869 1226 1436 1547 1653 1808 1906 2050 2144 2235 2368 2455 2541 2666 2748 2829 2948 3403 3794 3966 4133 4298 96 280 393 500 619 784 931 1131 1307 1496 1746 1963 2193 2494 2753 3024 3375 5168 7242 8232 9286 10403 96 211 272 328 388 464 532 617 693 771 869 954 1043 1152 1247 1344 1464 2050 2680 2963 3257 3560 0.0 165.7 159.0 155.43 0.0 Land Dia.0 105.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Snapover separator 3/8" (inch) balls Capacity Radial (kg) 4 Point Contact Type X Moment (Nm) Weight (kg) Static Dyn.57 0.0 325.0 225.3 3232 266.0 185.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 13mm SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *K02513XP0 *K05013XP0 *K06013XP0 *K07013XP0 *K08013XP0 *K09013XP0 *K10013XP0 *K11013XP0 *K12013XP0 *K13013XP0 *K14013XP0 *K15013XP0 *K16013XP0 *K17013XP0 *K18013XP0 K19013XP0 *K20013XP0 *K25013XP0 *K30013XP0 *K32013XP0 *K34013XP0 *K36013XP0 Dimensions Land Diameters Size (mm) (mm) Bore 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Outside Land Dia.0 85.0 115.0 345.73 4 Point Contact Type X 20mm F 20mm L2 L1  F = 1.77 0.15 1.59 0.3 2909 206.3 1551 116.97 1.0 195.7 259.52 0.34 0.66 0.0 355. X. 1518 1845 1906 2071 2181 2473 2618 2909 3200 3345 3636 3781 4072 4363 4508 4800 4945 6108 7272 7708 8144 8581 1503 1827 1887 2050 2111 2263 2323 2466 2603 2660 2791 2845 2970 3023 3143 3260 3309 3731 4119 4255 4388 4518 2545 3999 4363 5090 5454 6181 6545 7272 7999 8363 9090 9453 10180 10907 11271 11999 12362 15271 18179 19270 20361 21452 1789 2418 2562 2839 2973 3231 3357 3601 3837 3953 4179 4290 4507 4719 4823 5029 5130 5906 6633 6897 7154 7408 225 549 685 899 1070 1334 1540 1854 2196 2460 2852 3152 3594 3929 4421 4942 5334 8087 11410 12850 14376 15988 225 470 556 679 777 916 1026 1179 1341 1468 1643 1779 1967 2113 2312 2519 2678 3706 4849 5323 5812 6316 0.0 365.0 Axial (kg) 13mm F 13mm L2 L1  F = 1.0 95.0 75.22 1.7 209.0 75.3 2006 146.34 0.3 2133 156. L1 51 76 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 196 206 216 226 276 326 346 366 386 34. Static Dyn.7 109.3 4719 336. Dia. L1 65 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 290 340 360 380 400 40.40 0.07 1.20 0.28 0.0 115.3 1875 136.7 59.3 2456 176.30 2.94 1.02 1.0 125.3 4008 316.0 145.3 2327 166. L2 41.7 169.0 215.kaydonbearings.91 0.0 265.23 0. 1-800-514-3066 www.0 135.31 0.48 0.60 0.5 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Capacities listed are not simultaneous.87 0.  Static capacities are non-brinell limits based on rigid support from the shaft and housing.7 349.7 329.30 1.0 175.57 2.08 20mm SERIES KAYDON Bearing Number *K02520XP0 *K05020XP0 *K06020XP0 *K07020XP0 *K08020XP0 *K09020XP0 *K10020XP0 *K11020XP0 *K12020XP0 *K13020XP0 *K14020XP0 K15020XP0 K16020XP0 K17020XP0 K18020XP0 *K19020XP0 K20020XP0 K25020XP0 K30020XP0 *K32020XP0 *K34020XP0 *K36020XP0 Dimensions Land Diameters Size (mm) (mm) Bore 25 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 250 300 320 340 360 Outside Land Dia.3 696 66.3 1681 126.0 205.0 195.7 199.3 3038 216.7 119.37 0.0 155.0 135.7 179.7 139.01 1.63 0.7 129.0 85.3 1099 86.0 105. L2 50.0 65.com| 59 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearing Selections Type X Four-Point Contact .80 0.7 189.0 275. * Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement. Static Dyn. Dia. Static Dyn.0 375.10 2. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.73 0. All dimensions in millimeters.44 1.0 205.26 0. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P.0 215.7 79.7 89.7 69.3 5688 Axial (kg) Moment (Nm) Weight (kg) Dyn. radial contact (Type C). and four-point contact (Type X) styles. Given the fact that these bearings will most likely be used in lightly loaded applications where saving weight and space are the main objective.0. This will allow for greater bearing ring movement under load than traditional heavy section bearings. the loading values shown assume that the shaft and housing will also be of light construction. it may be possible for the bearings to support greater loads than the loading limits provided.kaydonbearings.) Hybrid bearings with ceramic balls are available upon request. ULTRA-SLIM™ bearings are available in bore sizes ranging from 35 mm to 170 mm for an array of applications. Precision-engineered ULTRA-SLIM™ bearings are made of stainless steel for corrosion resistance. satellites.0.013 . Position 9—Precision Position 10—Internal Fit A = 0. cameras… anywhere precise positioning and lightweight designs are critical. Positions 5 and 6—Width S = Spacer balls F = Full complement of load balls Nominal radial race width in mm.Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 ULTRA-SLIM™ Thin-Section Bearings Ideal for applications in robotics. If problems are experienced. inspection equipment.0. this movement can create increased stress levels within the bearing. Their compact profile allows you to use ULTRA-SLIM™ bearings in many highly confined spaces. Thus the loading limits for capacity are not based on ABMA standards.025 mm clearance E = 0. They are available in angular contact (Type A).013 mm preload M = 0. .025 .013 . (See selection charts at right.5 mm wide. If the shaft and housing are of sufficient rigidity.com 1-800-514-3066 Depending on the support provided by the shaft and housing.130 mm clearance C = 0.0. 3 and 4—Bore Position 8—Separator Nominal bearing bore in mm. The impact of non-uniform shaft and housing distortions is best found by testing.000 . These configurations are used often when lubrication is marginal or when lower wear generation and/or lower torque levels are required. Distortion of the shaft and housing under load will transfer to the bearing.510 mm clearance K = 0. 60 | www. Figure 2-11 How to identify ULTRA-SLIM™ Bearings using our part number code Position 1 Nomenclature Material Example S 2 3 4 Bore (mm) 1 Explanation of position numbers: Position 1—Material 1 5 6 Width(mm) 0 0 3 7 8 9 10 Type Separator Precision Internal Fit C S 0 K Position 7—Bearing Type S = AISI 440C races and balls (Standard for Series) A = Angular Contact C = Radial Contact X = Four-Point Contact Positions 2. At just 2.000 . causing increased stress levels which could lead to premature failure and/or erratic torque conditions. increased rigidity of the shaft and housing may be necessary.0.025 mm preload empty = standard internal fitup if not specified 0 = KAYDON standard precision class Performance and Application Considerations ULTRA-SLIM™ bearings are unique in that their extremely thin cross section enables them to provide great size and weight reductions for light to medium duty applications with slow or intermittent rotation. 8 2003 1177 756 15.kaydonbearings.2 92.8 711 585 1045 7.2 146 142.8 1407 934 890 13. L1 Dia.2 116 112.8 2618 1401 645 17.2 38. 1-800-514-3066 www.8 3016 1538 601 18.2 156 152.2 77.8 2400 1320 689 17.2 82.8 133.8 1805 1096 801 14.2 62.2 76 72.8 133.2 163.8 173.2 103.0 74 80 76.8 63.4 80 86 82.2 66 62.8 173.2 143. These are based on the assumption that the shaft and housing have adequate strength to support the loads without causing excessive distortion of the bearing rings.8 123.25 Bearing corners are normally chamfered  Static radial capacities are based on maximum allowable contact stresses.2 86 82.6 110 116 112.2 Mass in Grams 5 9 11 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 Full complement or ball spacer ball 1/16" (inch)  F = 0.  Newtons  Nm  35 41 37.8 103.  Higher loading limits may be achieved with sufficiently rigid supports that will better restrict the movement of the bearing races under load.8 2201 1252 734 16.2 113.  Corner size is the maximum shaft or housing fillet radius that the bearing corners will clear.2 166 162.8 83.  Dynamic radial capacities are included for life calculation purposes.2 172.8 63.8 73.8 143. L2 35 60 70 74 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 41 66 76 80 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 37.25 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Full complement or ball spacer ball 1/16" (inch)  F = 0.2 133.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ULTRA-SLIM™ Bearing Selection Data KAYDON Bearing Number *S03503AS0 *S06003AS0 *S07003AS0 *S07403AS0 *S08003AS0 *S09003AS0 *S10003AS0 *S11003AS0 *S12003AS0 *S13003AS0 *S14003AS0 *S15003AS0 *S16003AS0 *S17003AS0 Dimensions in mm Outside Land Land Bore Diameter Dia.2 136 132.8 77.2 80 76.8 1208 847 934 11.8 163.2 140 146 142.2 93.com| 61 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Angular Contact Type A .8 1606 1015 845 14.2 122. L2 Static  Dyn.8 163. L2 38. L1 Dia.25 Bearing corners are normally chamfered Full complement or ball spacer ball 1/16" (inch)  F = 0.9 170 176 172.2 72.8 2818 1470 623 17.2 102.9 60 66 62.2 176 172.8 Capacity Radial Newtons Static Dynamic 418 418 711 605 827 667 875 689 944 725 1062 783 1178 841 1295 894 1412 943 1540 1001 1658 1050 1774 1099 1891 1143 2006 1192 Mass in Grams 5 9 11 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 4-Point Con tact Type X KAYDON Bearing Number *S03503XS0 *S06003XS0 *S07003XS0 *S07403XS0 *S08003XS0 *S09003XS0 *S10003XS0 *S11003XS0 *S12003XS0 *S13003XS0 *S14003XS0 *S15003XS0 *S16003XS0 *S17003XS0 Dimensions in mm Loading Limits Capacity Radial Newtons Outside Land Land Thrust Moment Bore Diameter Dia.8 113.  382 383 1334 649 552 1112 756 609 1068 799 632 1045 863 663 1001 970 716 956 1077 765 890 1183 814 867 1290 863 823 1407 912 778 1514 956 734 1621 1001 712 1727 1045 689 1834 1085 667 Mass in Grams 5 9 11 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 Radial Contact Type C KAYDON Bearing Number *S03503CS0 *S06003CS0 *S07003CS0 *S07403CS0 *S08003CS0 *S09003CS0 *S10003CS0 *S11003CS0 *S12003CS0 *S13003CS0 *S14003CS0 *S15003CS0 *S16003CS0 *S17003CS0 Bore 35 60 70 74 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Dimensions in mm Land Outside Dia.2 132.4 160 166 162.2 73.2 76.2 Land Dia.2 126 122.2 112.8 73. *Contact KAYDON for lead time and minimum purchase requirement.0 130 136 132.6 120 126 122.8 150 156 152.8 Loading Limits Capacity Radial Newtons Thrust Newtons  Static  Dyn.2 162.8 1487 965 867 13.8 83.9 100 106 102.2 153.8 153.2 63.2 83.8 93. Adequate support of the races is assumed to help assure uniform ball support.0 90 96 92.8 3215 1600 578 18.2 96 92.8 113.8 93.8 153.8 103.8 123.2 123.2 142.8 3413 1669 556 19. L1 Diameter 41 37.8 77.8 70 76 72.2 38.2 152.8 143.2 173.2 106 102. Sect io n 2– Select i on Tables REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Only from KAYDON®: REALI-SLIM TT ® Series — the new generation of small-scale, thin-section turntable bearings To save weight, reduce product design envelope sizes and increase design flexibility — without compromising bearing performance and life — customers told us they’d welcome a more compact turntable bearing design. We listened and responded, by designing the first small-scale, thin-section turntable bearings available for such demanding applications as robotics, radar antennae, and factory positioning and inspection tables… REALI-SLIM TT ® Series. The advantages of this new series vs. conventional turntable bearings include: • Custom configurations to meet your application’s specific needs — many drive options, gearing/timing belt, mounting hole types; and • Designed to withstand harsh operating environments — AISI-440C steel races, steel reinforced seals. Figure 2-12 • Significantly smaller size for greater design versatility and reduced weight; • Greater accuracy — extended radial bearing section increases rigidity, and optional preload or clearances to meet application torque or deflection requirements; AISI-440C Race • Easier to use — fast installation and changeout; .125 inch balls Steel Reinforced Seals Geared Race Separator The configurations and specifications you need for more compact, more precise turntable designs Example of part number breakdown T T = 4-point contact radial ball bearing 01 = Ball size in (1/8) inch 00225 = Ball pitch diameter in inches x 100 01 - 00225 E A C Gearing Inner Hole Outer Hole E = External Gear A = Inner Hole Style of through holes A = Outer Hole Style of through holes N = Internal Gear B = Tapped mounting holes B = Tapped mounting holes P = Plain - no gear C = Countersunk mounting holes C = Countersunk mounting holes Holes sized for #4-40 screws, tapped, countersunk, or through gears set at full depth involute, 64 DP., 20° pressure angle Four-Point Contact Bearing (REALI-SLIM TT™ Series) Bearings are most often designed to handle either radial or axial load conditions. The unique feature about the REALI-SLIM TT™ Series four-point contact bearing line is that the gothic arch geometry of the inner and outer races enables a single bearing to carry three types of loading (radial, axial and moment) simultaneously. This makes it the bearing of choice for many applications since a single four-point contact bearing can often replace two bearings, providing a simplified design. 62 | www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 REALI-SLIM TT™ Series bearings may also be furnished with an internal diametral preload for those applications requiring greater stiffness or zero free play. This is accomplished by using balls that are larger than the space provided in the raceways. The balls and raceways, therefore, have some elastic deformation in the absence of an external load. Figure 2-13 REALI-SLIM TT™ Series ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 REALI-SLIM TT™ SERIES TURNTABLE BEARINGS (continued) Basic Part Number Static Dynamic Static Dynamic Static Dynamic Static Torque (in . - lbs.) 680 830 990 1,140 1,290 1,370 1,440 1,520 1,590 1,750 1,900 2,050 520 580 640 700 750 780 810 830 860 910 950 1,000 1,710 2,090 2,470 2,850 3,220 3,410 3,600 3,790 3,980 4,360 4,740 5,120 790 910 1,010 1,110 1,210 1,260 1,310 1,350 1,400 1,480 1,570 1,650 770 1,150 1,600 2,130 2,740 3,070 3,420 3,790 4,180 5,020 5,930 6,910 440 600 780 980 1,200 1,320 1,440 1,560 1,690 1,950 2,230 2,530 3.4 4.4 5.5 6.5 7.4 7.9 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.4 11.3 12.2 Radial (lbs.) T01-00225 T01-00275 T01-00325 T01-00375 T01-00425 T01-00450 T01-00475 T01-00500 T01-00525 T01-00575 T01-00625 T01-00675 Thrust (lbs.) Moment (in. - lbs.) Weight (lbs.) 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.59 0.67 0.70 0.74 0.78 0.82 0.89 0.98 1.05 Torque based on seal drag in addition to a light preload Note: REALI-SLIM TT™ Series turntable bearings are custom designed to meet your application’s needs. Contact KAYDON for lead time. Non-geared Bearings Part Number with Through Holes Bore O.D. T01-00225PAA T01-00275PAA T01-00325PAA T01-00375PAA T01-00425PAA T01-00450PAA T01-00475PAA T01-00500PAA T01-00525PAA T01-00575PAA T01-00625PAA T01-00675PAA 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000 6.500 7.000 7.500 Inner Land Outer Land 2.148 2.648 3.148 3.648 4.148 4.398 4.648 4.898 5.148 5.648 6.148 6.648 2.356 2.856 3.356 3.856 4.356 4.606 4.856 5.106 5.356 5.856 6.356 6.856 Inner Bolt Circle Number of holes Outer Bolt Circle Number of holes 1.813 2.313 2.813 3.313 3.813 4.063 4.313 4.563 4.813 5.313 5.813 6.313 6 8 9 10 12 12 14 14 15 16 18 20 2.688 3.188 3.688 4.188 4.688 4.938 5.188 5.438 5.688 6.188 6.688 7.188 8 10 12 14 15 16 16 18 18 20 22 22 Externally Geared Bearings Part Number with Through Holes Bore Gear O.D. Inner Land Outer Land Inner Bolt Circle Number of holes Outer Bolt Circle T01-00225EAA T01-00275EAA T01-00325EAA T01-00375EAA T01-00425EAA T01-00450EAA T01-00475EAA T01-00500EAA T01-00525EAA T01-00575EAA T01-00625EAA T01-00675EAA 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 5.000 5.500 6.000 3.078 3.578 4.078 4.578 5.078 5.328 5.578 5.828 6.078 6.578 7.078 7.578 2.148 2.648 3.148 3.648 4.148 4.398 4.648 4.898 5.148 5.648 6.148 6.648 2.356 2.856 3.356 3.856 4.356 4.606 4.856 5.106 5.356 5.856 6.356 6.856 1.813 2.313 2.813 3.313 3.813 4.063 4.313 4.563 4.813 5.313 5.813 6.313 6 8 9 10 12 12 14 14 15 16 18 20 2.688 3.188 3.688 4.188 4.688 4.938 5.188 5.438 5.688 6.188 6.688 7.188 Number Gear Number of holes Pitch Dia. of teeth 8 10 12 14 15 16 16 18 18 20 22 22 3.047 3.547 4.047 4.547 5.047 5.297 5.547 5.797 6.047 6.547 7.047 7.547 195 227 259 291 323 339 355 371 387 419 451 483 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 63 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es Four-Point Contact Bearing (REALI-SLIM TT™ Series) REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Se ct ion 2 –Sel ection Tabl es REALI-SLIM TT™ SERIES TURNTABLE BEARINGS (continued) Internally Geared Bearings Part Number with Through Holes Gear I.D. O.D. Inner Land Outer Land T01-00225NAA T01-00275NAA T01-00325NAA T01-00375NAA T01-00425NAA T01-00450NAA T01-00475NAA T01-00500NAA T01-00525NAA T01-00575NAA T01-00625NAA 1.422 1.922 2.422 2.922 3.422 3.672 3.922 4.172 4.422 4.922 5.422 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000 6.500 7.000 2.148 2.648 3.148 3.648 4.148 4.398 4.648 4.898 5.148 5.648 6.148 2.356 2.856 3.356 3.856 4.356 4.606 4.856 5.106 5.356 5.856 6.356 T01-00675NAA 5.922 7.500 6.648 6.856 Inner Bolt Circle Number of holes 1.813 2.313 2.813 3.313 3.813 4.063 4.313 4.563 4.813 5.313 5.813 6 8 9 10 12 12 14 14 15 16 18 6.313 20 Outer Bolt Circle Number Gear Number of holes Pitch Dia. of teeth 2.688 3.188 3.688 4.188 4.688 4.938 5.188 5.438 5.688 6.188 6.688 8 10 12 14 15 16 16 18 18 20 22 1.453 1.953 2.453 2.953 3.453 3.703 3.953 4.203 4.453 4.953 5.453 93 125 157 189 221 237 253 269 285 317 349 7.188 22 5.953 381 The design features and options you asked for Custom REALI-SLIM TT™ Series thin-section bearings are the proven, single four-point contact ball radial design, consisting of a single row of balls with a unique gothic arch raceway and brass separators for low frictional torque. Radial, axial and moment load-capable, the bearings are prelubricated and ready for use; simply position the bearings on the mounting face and tighten the mounting screws! Bearing versions available with optional internal or external spur gear for ease of drive setup, or nongeared designs. Geared options are 64 diametral pitch with 20° pressure angle, No gear with through holes External gear with tapped holes 64 | www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 up to AGMA Class 10, and provide low-backlash service. Builtin seals are a low-torque design, and made of rugged, reliable, steel-reinforced nitrile rubber. Mounting holes are sized for #4-40 UNC fasteners with optional styles — .136 through holes and countersunk holes, and tapped through. Non-geared races have mounting piloting diameters controlled to .0008 inches. The bearings are cleaned and packaged in a Class 10,000 clean room; Class 100 clean room standards are also available. Externally geared bearing with countersunk holes Internal gear with tapped holes ........com| 65 ...pgs.........Load ..REALI-SLIM MM™ Bearings ....ULTRA-SLIM™ Bearings 1-800-514-3066 www......ENDURA-SLIM® Bearings .......pgs.....pgs. Life....Accuracy ...66-70 • Capacity..REALI-SLIM® Bearings .......kaydonbearings...Speed ...........71-74 • Mounting ......pgs....Other Considerations • Precision Tolerances .....80-91 ...75-79 ............................. and Load Analysis ...©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Section 3—Applications Engineering • Bearing Selection ..... without a filling slot. however. thereby offering resistance to such load. the Type C bearing. • Misalignment between shaft and housing and other factors may require the clearance to be adjusted accordingly. In this case. minimizing the dynamic thrust capability. The distinguishing feature of the Type A bearing lies in the method of assembly. and thus greater thrust capacity. Type C bearings perform best with a small amount of clearance between the balls and races (diametral clearance). the bearing is essentially an angular contact rather than a radial contact bearing. With an axial force applied. will accept some axial (thrust) load in either direction. under axial load.kaydonbearings. the faces of the inner and outer rings are approximately flush to minimize preload adjustments. it is proper to adjust the bearing against another bearing of similar construction to reduce axial movement under reversing thrust forces. While designed primarily for radial load application. After insertion of the balls. extra deep ball grooves are used (25% of ball diameter). therefore. Standard bearings are supplied with clearances for: • Interference fitting between bearing races and mounting members. 66 | www. the races are positioned concentrically and the balls are spaced about the entire circumference for assembly of the separator. It is this clearance which allows the balls.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g Bearing Selection Type C—Radial Contact The Type C Radial Contact ball bearing is a single-row radial ball bearing with extra deep ball grooves in both rings (groove depth = 25% of ball diameter). This method permits assembly with up to a full complement of balls for additional load capacity. Type A—Angular Contact An alternate method of assembly is to insert balls through a “filling slot” made by notching the raceway shoulder of one or both races.” is dependent upon the amount of clearance in the bearing after installation. the outer ring can be installed over the inner race.com 1-800-514-3066 Type A Angular Contact ball bearings differ from Type C bearings in that Type A bearings have sufficient diametral clearance to produce a substantial angle of contact for resistance to axial load. there are limitations on the operating conditions and these are discussed under Separator Types. By increasing the diametral clearance beyond the standard amount. is counterbored to reduce one shoulder of the raceway to the extent that with the assistance of a temperature differential between the two rings. Where axial load is present. usually the outer. Its ability to resist axial load. and separator assembly. The Type C radial contact bearing is designed to have ball to race contact in the plane of the ball centers when pure radial load is applied and thrust forces are absent. Normally this bearing is assembled by eccentric displacement of the inner race within the outer race which permits insertion of about half of a full complement of balls. Necessary diametral clearance may be increased or decreased to meet operating conditions. to contact the races at an angle. the Type C bearing can have a greater angle of contact under axial load. . the notches interrupt the ball contact paths under axial load. ball. This contact angle is 30° in the standard bearing. In the case of the bearing with a filling slot. This provides a non-separable bearing capable of carrying greater radial loads while resisting a substantial axial force in one direction. This method of assembly is commonly termed “Conrad Assembly. Used in this manner. however. As in the Type C bearing. rotation of the filling slot bearing must be restricted. • Differential thermal expansion or contraction of steel races. One ring. Sufficient shim thickness is provided initially to allow axial movement of the shaft relative to the In Figure 3-2.” Face-to-face Mounting Figure 3-2 Back-to-back Mounting Figure 3-1 Typical mountings of Type A bearings are shown in Figures 3-1 and 3-2. In Figure 3-1. the bearings are said to be “preloaded.kaydonbearings. the bearings are mounted “face-to-face” with the contact lines converging inward. 1-800-514-3066 www.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 BEARING SELECTION (continued) Because of its uni-directional thrust capability. the bearings are adjustable through the inner races by use of shims under the inner race clamping ring. If the outer race spacer were removed from this assembly. . the bearings could be adjusted by use of shims under the outer race clamping ring.com| 67 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering This assembly method permits the use of a greater complement of balls than is possible in the Type C bearing without filling slots. gives the Type A bearing its greater thrust capacity. the spacers are equal in length and the bearings are furnished as a matched pair with a predetermined internal fit. and together with the sizable contact angle. When two bearings are opposed to each other to the extent that all internal clearance is removed and elastic deformation occurs between the balls and raceways. In this figure. this bearing should be mounted opposed to another bearing such that an axial force is present to establish and maintain the contact angle and to minimize axial movement under reversing thrust loads. housing. Spacers are used between both the inner and outer races and adjustment is possible by varying the length of one spacer relative to the other. The total axial movement can then be measured and the shim thickness reduced by the amount of movement plus any additional amount desired for preload. the bearings are mounted with the lines of contact converging outside of the bearings. however. Normally. This is commonly called a “back-to-back” mounting. respectively. four or more bearings can also be matched where conditions require additional capacity and there is insufficient space radially for larger bearings. Sets of three. • Face-to-face arrangement is more tolerant of misalignment between the shaft and housing and should be considered when there are multiple pairs of bearings along an axis. When the bearings are installed and clamped axially. (Also see Section 3. a face-to-face pair can be mounted in conjunction with another bearing in a “fixed-float” arrangement with the pair in the fixed position. The arrangements shown in Figures 3-3. Figure 3-3 Back-to-back (Type DB) To accomplish this. If required. face-to-face. The pairs shown in Figures 3-3 and 3-4 are normally furnished with the race faces ground to provide preload when installed. The bearings in these sets are matched within close limits for size of bore and outside diameter. Mounting. When single bearings are mounted face-to-face. KAYDON can supply assemblies with matched ground spacers. a gap is provided between the inner races of the pair in Figure 3-3 and between the outer races of the pair in Figure 3-4. and 3-5 are known as duplexed bearings — back-to-back. and tandem. Each set is marked with a“V” across the bores and outside diameters at the high point of radial runout and indicate the proper orientation of the races at installation (Figure 3-5).kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 Figure 3-5 Tandem (Type DT) .) Figure 3-4 Face-to-face (Type DF) 68 | www. 3-4. they must be spaced sufficiently to provide resistance to moment load. When required. the gap is closed producing a preload on the bearings.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g BEARING SELECTION (continued) Duplexed Bearings Type A bearings are furnished as matched sets — available direct from the factory — when they are to be mounted adjacent or with equal length inner and outer race spacers. • Back-to-back arrangement of Figures 3-1 and 3-3 offers greater rigidity under moment loading and should be used when the space between single bearings is small or when a single pair of adjacent bearings is employed. In the Type X bearing the groove in each race has two radii whose centers are offset from the plane of the ball centers (Figure 3-8). Type X—Four Point Contact The Type X Four-Point Contact ball bearing is distinguished from Types A and C by the geometry of its ball grooves. The depth of groove in the Type X bearing is the same as in Types A and C (25% of ball diameter). the centers of the groove radii are offset equal amounts on either side of the plane of the ball centers (Figure 3-7). With a filling slot. universally ground bearings should be considered. On universally ground bearings. The manner in which the bearing accomplishes this is similar to that of a pair of Type A bearings duplexed back-to-back. the outboard faces of bearing sets are not controlled. both the dynamic radial and thrust capabilities are impaired by the interruption of the ball contact path. If outboard face flushness is required for preload purposes. the total radial capacity is considered equal to the single bearing radial rating multiplied by N0. and speed of rotation must be limited. where N is the number of bearings in the set. where N is the number of bearings resisting thrust in that direction.7. In Type C.kaydonbearings. both inboard and outboard faces are matched under a specified gage load to control preload and allow for mounting orientation flexibility. Unless specifically requested.com| 69 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering • Tandem bearing sets have single direction thrust capacity and must be mounted opposed to another bearing or set. making possible four contact points between a ball and the raceways. The deep groove combined with the four-point contact geometry enables this bearing to resist a combination of radial. In Type A with the races and balls in angular contact. thrust. Figure 3-6 Type C Figure 3-7 Type A Figure 3-8 Type X 1-800-514-3066 www. Type X bearings are assembled by the methods described in Type C bearings. . The latter construction gives the Type X bearing its unique “Gothic Arch” configuration. the centers of the radii both lie in the plane of the ball centers (Figure 3-6).7. either Conrad or filling slot.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 BEARING SELECTION (continued) When applying catalog load ratings to matched sets. and moment loading. The thrust capacity in each direction is considered equal to the single bearing thrust rating multiplied by N0. thrust. however. Type X bearings are furnished with an internal preload. an axial force applied to the inner race from right to left is passed from the race to the ball at point B.kaydonbearings. relieving points A and C.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g BEARING SELECTION (continued) Referring to Figure 3-9. For many applications requiring greater stiffness.com 1-800-514-3066 . Directly across the bearing. Use of two Type X bearings on a common shaft could result in objectionable friction torque. the loading on one side of the bearing will pass from point B to D. This is accomplished by using balls larger in diameter than the space provided between the raceways. NOTE: Type X Bearings are designed to be used singularly. the ball load is relieved at points A and C. either ball or roller. As in the case of the Type C bearing. By its ability to resist radial. With an axial force applied to the inner race from left to right. Figure 3-9 Moment or Overturning Load A moment or overturning load is similar to two thrust loads acting in opposite directions at diametrically opposite sides of the bearing. or a combination of thrust and radial bearings. the clearance should be minimized to prevent the angle of contact from becoming excessive. and moment loads in any combination. the load passes from point C to point A. Because of the elastic deformation of the ball and the race grooves along the load-transmission line. The line of action BD forms a nominal 30° angle with the radial centerline of the bearing. 70 | www. Under combined loading the resistance is along both lines of contact with the magnitude of each reaction dependent upon the relationship of the individual loads. It is then transmitted through the ball to point D where it passes into the outer race and support structure. The balls and raceways in this case have some elastic deformation without the presence of external load. Type X bearings are normally supplied with diametral clearance. On the contrary. where thrust or moment loading is considerable. With a moment load. relieving points B and D. The latter bearing. a similar transmission of load occurs between points C and A. permitting smooth rotation around an axis perpendicular to line BD. a pair of tapered roller bearings. A radial load is resisted equally across the lines of contact CA and BD. the Type X bearing is often able to replace two bearings—a pair of angular contact ball bearings. is not dependent upon this clearance for its nominal contact angle and thrust capacity. This gives lower contact stress and longer life. It should be noted that the capacities published in this catalog are best used for comparison purposes. Continuous rotation under these conditions would not normally yield acceptable life.000 revolutions L10 fatigue life. The life of the remaining 10% is unpredictable. including: • It suggested very low bearing life for systems with predominantly axial loads. The capacities are based on 1. the analysis becomes more complicated. The biggest increase is in the radial capacity of four-point contact (X-Type) bearings. Since it is very rare to have a truly radial or axial or moment load. As there are generally three equations (one for radial. However. This is known as the L50 or median life. one of the reactions has been assumed to be zero. the actual static load a REALI-SLIM® bearing can withstand is dependent upon the amount of support provided by the shaft and housing. This is due to the relatively small ratio of ball diameter to pitch diameter in REALI-SLIM® bearings. These changes are also supported by modern bearing fatigue life theory. The published capacity numbers allow the user to quickly estimate the bearing L10 life for a one-dimensional load case. The life which 50% of the bearings may be expected to achieve or exceed is approximately 5 times the L10 life. Load Analysis Previous versions of this catalog have discussed applying the loads from a free body diagram to a bearing system and solving for each of four reactions. as demonstrated by KAYDON testing. It is not advisable to apply loads equal to the dynamic capacities in an actual application. • Internal bearing fitup could not be included in the life calculation. one for axial. Once the remaining reactions are resolved. in this type of bearing the ball loads are distributed over two lines of contact on each race. Life The dynamic capacity values shown in this catalog are based on actual data from fatigue life testing. four-point contact bearings were given the same capacity as radial (C-Type) bearings. Life. when the proper assumptions are considered. Under the old rating system. There is no significant difference between the dynamic capacity for inner race rotation versus outer race rotation.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Capacity. 1-800-514-3066 www. The increased capacities apply to bearings with standard internal clearance.kaydonbearings. The life can be estimated using one of the following equations: Where: L10 = life in revolutions C = KAYDON dynamic rating P = Applied load (effective) or For determining the life in hours at a given speed of rotation the above formula can be changed to read: Where: Lh = L10 life in hours S = Speed in RPM For multiple load cases or non-standard internal fits. and Load Analysis of REALI-SLIM® Ball Bearings Starting with the 2007 edition of this catalog. Static load capacities are shown in this catalog. The increased capacities are based on over five years of actual test data. KAYDON has changed the method used for calculating the dynamic capacity of REALI-SLIM® bearings. the life of the bearing can be determined.com.000. L10 fatigue life is that life which 90% of a representative group of identical bearings can be expected to achieve or exceed before evidence of subsurface material fatigue appears.com| 71 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering Increased Capacity . one for moment loads) and four unknowns. The radial and moment capacities of most REALI-SLIM® bearings have been increased. 9 and ISO-281 calculations. However. these are not normally used for a life calculation. Contact KAYDON Engineering for these cases or consult REALI-DESIGN™ software available on our website www. The new values assume that a certain amount of clearance is left in the bearing after installation. • All loading was assumed to be distributed around the bearing as though it were a pure radial load… regardless of its origin. The actual value of a life calculation is only valid for an individual load case and the internal fitup for which the number was derived. This method had several drawbacks.kaydonbearings. These values are consistent with both ABMA Std. This is the industry standard that was established for ease of calculation. com 1-800-514-3066 90 180 0 270 KA040CP0K with 100 lbs. The method for calculating either a static safety factor or dynamic life requires the use of a computer to determine the individual ball loads throughout the bearing. To better understand these principles. the ball-to-raceway contact area may spill over the edge of the race causing other problems. radial load Clearance in the bearing. Here the ball load distribution and magnitude can be visualized. To complete such an analysis. 72 | www. The actual loads are applied to the bearing and the resultant load on each and every ball in that bearing is determined. There are only three balls supporting this load. with a very high maximum value for the bottom ball. Figure 3-10 To better understand this. 90 180 0 270 Primary Axial and Moment Loading • Larger clearances will permit a higher contact angle than the ball has with the raceway. the bottom middle ball has far less load than the example above. all balls carry the load. This radial bearing has clearance in it. All of the ball loads are used in a weighted analysis to determine the dynamic L10 life. • Larger preloads may overload the bearing before the loads are applied. Illustrated here are the results of this process. LIFE. Figure 3-11 • Larger preloads may again overload the bearing before the loads are applied. the following should be considered: Primary Radial Loading • Larger clearances will have fewer balls carrying the loads.com. AND LOAD ANALYSIS OF REALI-SLIM® BALL BEARINGS (continued) Modern computers and software allow for a more complicated and accurate method of determining life. utilize the KAYDON supplied software — REALI-DESIGN™ or REALI-DESIGN MM™ — available at www. KA040CP0 with 100 lbs. the maximum loaded ball is used to determine a maximum stress level and thus a static safety factor. the higher the loads. When these have been calculated. The higher the peak. few balls carry the load. Since these calculations require a computer. This radial bearing has a light preload in it. the mathematics required are not shown here. radial load Light preload in the bearing.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g CAPACITY.kaydonbearings. and thus better support the applied loading. All the balls have some load on them.kaydonbearings. and as can be seen. From this data. resulting in lower dynamic lives. – However. the static safety factor and dynamic L10 life can be determined. graphical representations of ball distribution around each of three common bearing types are shown in Figures 3-10 through 3-12. . Figure 3-13 Figure 3-15 90 90 180 0 180 0 270 270 KA040XP0 with 100 lbs. 0 270 KA040XP0K with 100 lbs. Axial Load Lower ball contact. 100 lbs. mostly unloaded. Heavy preload.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 CAPACITY. Axial Load 30 Inch-lbs. AND LOAD ANALYSIS OF REALI-SLIM® BALL BEARINGS (continued) • Increased Capacity • Increased Life • Backed by Theory and Testing 90 180 0 270 KA040CP0P with 100 lbs. Axial Load 30 Inch-lbs. Moment Load Figure 3-14 Figure 3-16 90 180 90 0 180 270 KA040XP0 with 100 lbs. KA040XP0 with 100 lbs. radial load. Radial Load. Radial Load. Radial Load. 100 lbs. Similar diagrams are shown below for other instances. All the balls have load on them. and the load on the bottom ball is just as high as the bearing with clearance in the first example. few balls carry the load. Moment Load 1-800-514-3066 www. Radial Load Clearance in bearing. 100 lbs.kaydonbearings. This radial contact bearing has a very heavy preload in it.com| 73 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering Figure 3-12 . LIFE. LIFE. the loads may vary substantially. the individual life under each load case can be calculated alone. AND LOAD ANALYSIS OF REALI-SLIM® BALL BEARINGS (continued) Figure 3-17 shows a typical mounting of two angular contact bearings subject to external forces Fr and Ft.kaydonbearings.kaydonbearings. Variable Load Cases Often a bearing system must operate in several modes such as “idle” and “working.” In this instance. break the loading up into discrete sections which can have their respective percentage of revolutions represented as part of the total. KAYDON software for REALI-SLIM® bearings available at: www.com 74 | www. To perform this calculation.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g CAPACITY. To do this. such as: Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Radial1 Radial2 Radial3 Axial1 Axial2 Axial3 Moment1 Moment2 Moment3 % time1 % time2 % time3 L1 L2 L3 Substitute the individual “Ln” lives into the equation below with “tn” where tn = % timen The total weighted L10 life for this system = Figure 3-17 Load Diagram for a Back-to-Back Duplex Pair Radial Load = Fr Axial Load = Ft Moment Load = Fra .Ftb Consult KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software for resultant load calculations. then combined to provide the system life for a particular duty cycle. It is advantageous to calculate the life of the bearing under the total loading spectrum.com 1-800-514-3066 . and of primary concern. especially within the bearing. Sealed and shielded bearings have this orientation instruction etched on the O. Bearing imperfections consist of radial runout or eccentricity and axial or face runout. So even though the thrust force is within the thrust capability of the Type C bearing. the bearing be positioned with separator pocket openings down or that a shoulder of the shaft or housing be extended as added assurance of retention. Accuracy Three primary sources of displacement should be considered in a bearing application. These are looseness. a Type X bearing exhibits much less axial movement (axial play) than a Type C bearing of the same dimensions. looseness cannot be tolerated.kaydonbearings. The alternative. having the same diametral clearance. preload is not acceptable in the Type X bearing due to increased friction and wear. In some applications. the thrust load will cause axial movement of the shaft relative to the housing. Figure 3-20 Looseness can occur either between the bearing and the shaft and housing or within the bearing itself. are outof-round and out-of-flat mounting surfaces of the mating parts. Corresponding to these.D. Where speed is appreciable. the Type X bearing is the better choice where control of axial movement is important. geometry with “built-in” contact angles. Considering the load condition of Figure 3-19. Because of its unique internal 1-800-514-3066 www. and they offer the advantage of adjustment after installation. deflection and geometric imperfections of the bearing and mating parts. the Type X bearing can be preloaded by using balls of greater diameter than the space provided for them between the raceways. making it possible to remove clearance while minimizing preload. however. then.com| 75 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering Orientation . by an arrow and the word “up” as shown below. is to use the mounting of Figure 3-20 employing two Type A bearings. This is common practice and provides excellent control of axial play.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Mounting It is suggested that in an application where the bearing axis will be within 45° of vertical. it can be seen that with internal looseness (diametral clearance) in a Type C or Type X bearing. Their geometry is more tolerant of preload. Where axial movement must be completely restricted. Figure 3-19 Figure 3-18 Correct bearing orientation is shown. the space between the bearings is most important when considering angular deflection (tilt-of-axis). Bearing precision. Deflection data for the three bearing types is shown on pages 104 through 109.kaydonbearings.0010 No Preload 0. as shown in the load-deflection curve. Deflection can occur in three modes: axial.0005" Preload 0. etc. corresponding to the three types of loads.kaydonbearings. Deflection (the amount of movement associated with compression or stretching of bearing components when placed under load) varies from one type to another within a given series as a function of the contact angle and the number of balls.D. Figure 3-21 KA025XPO Moment Deflection 0. questions as to bearing spring rate (ratio of load to deflection) are common.com . • a wide range of options. In addition. the rate of deflection is higher for lower loads than higher loads. the deflection due to the work load will be markedly less whether preload is relieved or not. Typical load vs. Preloading is also a significant factor in reducing deflection.0012 0.com 1-800-514-3066 The Type A bearing is more tolerant of preload than is the Type X bearing. deflection curves are shown in Figure 3-21. Radial and axial runout. Conrad assembled bearings (C and X types) will exhibit greater deflection than those assembled by “loading notch” or than a Type A bearing since C and X types have fewer balls.0016 0. In Figure 3-21 it can be seen that a deflection is non-linear for the non-preloaded bearing.0008 0. and X bearings of a given precision class. there are three types of spring rates. tolerances. Relief Load 0 100 200 300 400 Moment Load (inch-pounds) Use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software to generate graphics illustrating the effect of shaft and housing fits for all REALI-SLIM® standard bearings. the subsequent deflection follows the same slope as the non-preloaded curve but at a reduced rate. Therefore. KAYDON offers: • a breadth of products.0014 Tilt of Axis (radians) Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g MOUNTING (continued) 0.0004 . If maximum stiffness is required and speed of rotation is significant. When two bearings are spaced apart to support a moment load. radial. Type A bearings are preferred. and angular. To answer them. KAYDON software for REALI-SLIM® bearings available at: www. Moreover. are essentially the same for Types C..0000 Thus if preload is used.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Regarding bearing deflection.0006 0. bore and O. the nature and magnitude of the load must be considered. to the point of preload relief. Deflection for the preloaded bearings is linear up 76 | www. A. deflection in a ball bearing is non-linear and thus the spring rate is not constant.0002 0. • additional information on our bearings through KAYDON Engineering. For loads that exceed the preload relief. which influences accuracy. is independent of bearing type. the arrangement of Figures 3-20. it can be seen that the Type C bearings in Figure 3-24 would be ideal. Speed In bearing selection. consideration must be given to the thrust capability of the bearings.kaydonbearings. They are designed for radial load. and cost. the bearing arrangement in Figure 3-24 will be satisfactory for small thrust loads.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 MOUNTING (continued) Figure 3-23 With a pure radial load such as shown in Figure 3-22. As shown. In the third load condition (Figure 3-23). but where this loading is substantial. require no adjustment at installation. one Type X bearing will accommodate the combined loads while effecting savings in space. Where thrust is significant. weight. one bearing is fixed axially on both races and the other bearing is free to “float” in the housing. With Type A bearings. Referring to Figure 3-19. but their suitability for high speed must be considered. 1-800-514-3066 www. the Type X or Type A bearing is a better choice. The Type X bearing can be used with a Type C bearing as shown in Figure 3-25.com| 77 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering Load . This mounting is the same as that of Figure 3-24 except for the Type X bearing which is used at the “fixed” position to resist thrust in either direction while the Type C bearing “floats” and resists only radial load. Figure 3-22 Figure 3-24 With an axial load applied as in Figure 3-19. In the latter case. the mounting could be as shown in Figures 3-27A and 3-27B. and are available in a wide variety of sizes. arrangements of both Figure 3-20 and Figure 3-25 would satisfy the load conditions. and 3-26 should be considered. Type C bearings will accept some thrust loading. speed of rotation is equally as important as loading. 3-25. This arrangement permits differential expansion to occur between the shaft and housing without imposing axial loading on the bearings. Another possibility is to spring load the Type A bearings of Figure 3-20. Figure 3-27B . In this event preloading must be minimized. This can be accomplished by using a short spacer between the outer races and adjusting the bearings through the inner races. and speed is relatively high.com 1-800-514-3066 .REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g MOUNTING (continued) Figure 3-25 Figure 3-27A . which can be adjusted to provide the optimum internal fit. a pair of Type A bearings as shown in Figure 3-28 would be given preference over the single Type X bearing of Figure 3-26. Figure 3-26 Where space is limited. combined loading exists. 78 | www. If this is the case.kaydonbearings. a “fixed-floating” arrangement can be used as shown in Figures 3-27A and 3-27B with a duplexed pair of Type A bearings at the “fixed” position and a Type C bearing at the “float” position.Back to Back The better arrangement for high speed operation is that using Type A bearings (Figure 3-20).Face to Face There is the possibility of differential expansion creating a problem when two Type A bearings a sizable distance apart are clamped against each other with all internal clearance removed. Type X bearings under combined loading can be expected to have more friction than Type A bearings. ball-to-raceway conformity. For more information. friction. These changes affect accuracy. sleeves. preload should be avoided if possible. or the shaft or housing should be extended as added assurance of separator retention. snapover separators should be positioned with pocket openings down. • When the axis of rotation is within 45° of vertical. lubrication method. Ideal Mounting Conditions • Shaft and housing of material with coefficient of thermal expansion of approximately . For low torque. Load • Static loads within catalog rating after applying the recommended safety factor • Check that dynamic L10 life is sufficient (see page 71). consideration should be given to friction torque. submit Request for Proposal Data form (see page 129 or website) to KAYDON product engineering or consult REALI-DESIGN™ software. Other Considerations Friction Torque In applications where minimum driving force is a requirement. REALI-SLIM® bearings.000007 inch per inch per degree F Speed • Within limits of chart in Section 4 — Consult REALI-DESIGN™ software. See Section 5.kaydonbearings. or clamping rings used for heavy loads • No reliance upon interference fits for resistance to applied axial loads Temperature • Means provided to maintain race temperature between –65°F and +250°F with no appreciable differential across the bearing Lubrication Bearing Mounting • Standard bearings are shipped with preservative oil only. What materials are to be used for the shaft and housing? What range of operating temperatures will be encountered? Will there be a temperature differential between the shaft and housing? The answers to these questions are necessary for proper bearing selection and application. Significant differential expansion will cause marked changes in both the external and internal bearing fits. All Types • Fixed races located axially by positive means • Snap rings used only for positioning and light loads • Shoulders. 1-800-514-3066 www.com| 79 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering Figure 3-28 . Consult REALI-DESIGN™ software. shaft and housing fits and temperature are among the factors influencing bearing friction. The separators. Awareness of a low torque requirement enables the bearing engineer to weigh the compatibility of these factors. and bearing life. • Preserved bearings must be flushed and lubricated with oil or grease suitable for speed and temperature conditions. especially in the case of the thin-section. Additional information on friction torque is in Section 4.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 MOUNTING (continued) • Shaft and housing diameters round within bearing radial runout tolerances • Shoulders flat within bearing axial runout tolerances • Cross sections sufficiently rigid to provide good load distribution within bearing • Suitable sealing or shielding to protect bearing from contamination Typical Arrangements Type C and Type A bearings • Used with a second bearing with sufficient separation to resist moment loads Limiting speeds are given in Section 4. 0016 –. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0030 +.0024 .0004 –.0012 .0010 –.0018 .0010 +.0010 –.0010 –.0020 .0020 .0005 –.0008 –.0020 .0040 –.0004 +.0012 –. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.0014 +.0028 –.0005 –. housing.0014 .0030 +.000 –.0014 –.0012 +.0010 –.0040 –.0010 –.0020 . and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.0008 +.0052 .0032 –.0012 –.0008 +.0040 –.0012 –.0080 .0024 .0010 –.0012 –.0016 .0020 –.0016 .0010 .0060 –0020 –0020 –0020 –.0016 –.0020 –.0020 +.0012 .0028 –.0006 –.0014 –.0005 –.0000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* Housing Bore Nominal Before Installation 010 015 017 020 025 –.010 .0000 +.0040 –.0020 –.0010 +.0006 +.0005 –.0014 –.0010 .0006 –.0010 –.0012 –.0016 .0010 .0036 .0020 +.0018 .0012 +. temperature.0008 +.0016 .0008 –.0016 .0060 . All dimensions in inches.0018 .0020 .0018 .0010 +.0080 .0024 .0010 .0008 –.0020 +.0012 .0024 030 035 040 042 045 –.0005 .0006 –.0060 .0012 –.0016 –.0030 –.0006 –.0008 –.0020 –.0018 –.0060 –.0042 .0010 –.0010 –.0012 –.0012 .0056 .0018 –.0020 +.0010 –. 80 | www.0000 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0012 .0012 .0014 –.0012 . Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0008 .0040 –.0012 .0024 .0006 .com 1-800-514-3066 Race Width Tolerance: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0060 .kaydonbearings.0012 +.0048 110 120 140 160 180 –. ABEC 1F) Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.0028 .0008 –.0006 +.0036 –.0048 .0056 200 210 220 250 300 –.0010 +.0010 .0020 –.0012 –.0020 .0028 .0018 .0006 –.0040 .0030 +.0006 +.0012 –.0010 –.0010 –.0014 .0020 .0006 –.0080 350 400 –.0010 –.005 +.0032 .0018 .0010 –.0018 .0020 .0040 –.0006 +.0020 –.0016 –.0010 +.0005 –.0010 –.D.0010 –.0024 –.0020 .0016 –.0010 .0016 .0016 +.0005 –.0008 .0040 +.0008 –.0024 –.0034 .0012 .0020 –.0014 –.0006 –.0020 –.0034 .0024 .0005 +.0016 –.0020 –.0028 –.0004 –.0008 –.0020 –.0005 –.0024 –.0016 .0012 –.0020 .0008 .0060 .0030 –. and desired performance characteristics.0028 . non-standard diametral clearances.0012 .0024 –.0040 –.0020 .0012 +.0036 .0005 –.0020 –.0042 .0016 .0028 .0018 –. speed.0005 .0018 +.0018 –.0006 +.000 –.0040 –.0016 –.0040 –.0020 .0005 +.0005 –.0034 .0100 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0012 –.0020 +.0012 –.0016 –.0010 .0018 –. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0060 .0012 –.0020 –.0008 –.0024 –.0020 +.0024 .0000 +.0010 .0014 –.0080 –.0014 +.0040 –.0006 –.0005 +.0034 070 075 080 090 100 –.0018 .0016 –.0030 –.0020 .0028 .0040 .0006 –.0014 +.0080 .0005 –.0012 +.0012 –.0020 –.0024 –.0016 .0008 –.0020 .0010 –.0008 –.0005 –.0040 .0012 –.0100 .0020 .0008 –.0040 –.0010 –.0014 +.0020 –.0020 –.0010 –.0020 .0028 .0010 +.0008 –.0006 +.0034 .0018 +.0008 –.0020 +.0014 +.0032 –.0030 –.0016 .0018 .0008 –.0016 .0010 –.0020 .0008 +.0020 .0080 –.0028 –.0016 .0010 –.0030 –.0012 +.0016 +.0028 .0008 +.0014 .0080 .0018 –.0006 +.0012 .0012 .0030 –.0020 –.0012 .0008 .0020 +.0010 +.0005 +.0016 +.0012 –.0012 –.0005 –.0020 .0010 –.0042 .0006 –.0028 –.0030 –.0020 .0010 +.0016 –.0036 .0008 +.0012 +.0006 –.0024 .0006 –.0010 .0040 +.0080 –.0020 .0008 .0020 .0014 +.0030 –.0018 –.0030 .0036 –.0020 +.0060 .0060 –.0014 –.0028 047 050 055 060 065 –.0042 .0010 –.0040 +.0048 .0040 –.0018 –.0014 –.0040 .0020 –.0036 –.0014 –.0012 –.0014 .0005 +.0006 –.0040 –.0018 .0020 .0012 –.–0016 –.0014 –.0018 +.0040 –.0008 .0008 –.0014 –.0014 –.0012 –.0012 .0008 .0020 +.0008 –.0006 –.0010 +.0010 .0008 –.0024 –.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g Precision Tolerances and Recommended Fits for REALI-SLIM® Ball Bearings in Normal Applications TYPE C – PRECISION CLASS 1 (REF.0008 +. 0006 +.0006 +.0012 .0020 –.0005 –.0022 .0020 .0018 –.0036 –.0008 .0016 –.0010 .0008 +.0036 –.0020 –.0020 –.0010 .0016 .0016 –.010 All dimensions in inches.0008 +. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0010 –.0014 –.0005 –.0020 –.0016 +.0014 –.0024 –.0008 +.0014 +.0004 .0005 +.0012 –.0004 .0006 –.0006 –.0020 .0006 –. X.0014 –.0012 –.0036 .0024 .0016 +.0010 –.0012 –.0012 .0010 .0012 +.0016 .0012 .0034 .0038 110 120 140 160 180 –.0018 –.0024 –.0018 +.0012 –.0018 –.0005 –.0024 –.0034 .0014 .0010 .0004 –.0008 –.0005 –.0008 –.0028 –.0008 +.0014 +.0008 +.0014 .0006 .0020 –.0012 . A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +. ABEC 1F) .0010 –. temperature. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0016 . and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.0010 +.0014 .0016 .0005 –.000 –.0040 .0026 .0008 .0016 –.0018 –.0016 –.0040 –.0012 –.0018 .0012 .0018 .0014 –.0010 –.0005 +.0010 .0008 +.0010 –.0010 –.0010 –.0005 +.0016 –.0036 .0036 –.0016 –. 1-800-514-3066 www.0028 . Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.0016 –.0024 –.0018 –.0006 .0018 –.0006 .0014 .0010 +.0016 –.0046 .0008 –.0030 .0020 .0018 .0010 –.0018 +.0018 –.000 –.0012 –.0028 –.0005 –.0008 –.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.0008 .0006 –.0014 +.0012 –.0036 –.0024 .0016 .0005 .0018 –.0020 +.0038 .0012 .0008 –.0016 –.0018 +.0038 .0016 –.0024 –.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR REALI-SLIM ® BEARINGS Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.0005 –.0010 .0014 –.0050 .0036 –.0010 –.0012 +.0010 .0018 –.0020 .0005 .0008 .0018 –.0014 +.0030 070 075 080 090 100 –.0005 –.0006 +.0018 .0018 +.0005 .0010 –.0030 .0046 .0017 .0012 .0012 –.0016 .0010 +.0020 .0010 +.0018 –.0012 –.0008 –.0010 .0006 –.0012 .0010 +.0020 –.0005 –.0012 +.kaydonbearings.0024 –.0006 +.0036 .0016 .0018 .0016 –.0006 –.0012 .0032 –.0018 +.0014 –.–0016 –.com| 81 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering T YPE X AND A – PRECISION CLASS 1 (REF.0028 .0022 030 035 040 042 045 –.0018 .0005 .0006 +.0005 +.0018 –.0020 .0005 . Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0012 +.0018 –. and desired performance characteristics.0020 .0010 –.0004 –.0018 –.0012 +.0016 .0010 .0036 –0018 –0018 –0018 –.0020 –.0028 –.0040 –.0010 +.0018 –.0000 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0020 .0014 –.0018 –.0010 –.0036 .0008 –.0010 –.0012 +.0008 –.0012 –.0020 –.0006 +.0018 +.0046 .0036 .0006 .0012 –.0028 .0034 .0006 –.0042 200 210 220 250 300 –.0012 –.0014 +.0024 .0012 +.0020 –.0032 .0014 –.0016 –.0018 .0036 –.0006 –.0010 –.0046 .0014 .0000 +.0010 –.0008 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0012 –.0010 +.0018 +.0026 047 050 055 060 065 –.0038 .0032 –.0014 –.0012 –.0015 .0008 –.0000 +.0008 –.0018 .0006 .0028 .0012 .0022 .0014 –.0016 +.0012 –.0014 +.0018 +.0036 –.0032 .0005 –.0028 –.0005 –.0016 –.0006 –.0020 –.0018 +.0018 .0014 –.0012 .0020 .0034 .0008 +.0008 .0004 .0010 –.0036 –.0008 .000 –.0014 –.0004 +.0018 .0020 +.0036 .0014 +.0006 +.0014 –.0028 .0024 –.0030 .0008 .005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0005 –.0042 .0050 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0014 –.0010 –.0040 –.0030 .0018 +. speed.0022 .0006 –.0012 –.0008 –.0012 –.0008 –.0016 .0010 –.0012 .0014 +.0014 .0012 –.0010 +.0028 –.0028 –.0010 .0014 –.0008 –.0006 –.0005 +.0014 –.0010 –.0010 –.0032 –.0012 –.0040 .0046 350 400 –.0010 –.0020 +.0014 .0006 –.0026 .0010 –.0014 .0000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X” only) Housing Bore Nominal Before Installation 010 015 017 020 025 –.0020 –.0020 –.0020 –.0020 .D. Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0008 +.0040 .000 –.0008 –.0018 –.0020 –.0010 –.0016 +.0005 +.0006 –.0020 –.0008 –.0020 +. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0006 –.0012 –. housing. non-standard diametral clearances.0024 .0005 .0008 –.0008 .0010 +.0016 –.0006 .0028 –.0026 .0020 –.0032 .0003 . 0012 .0010 .0006 .0005 –.0007 –.0000 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0009 +. All dimensions in inches.0010 +.0012 –.0009 –.0028 .0016 .0004 –.0014 .kaydonbearings.0004 –.0010 –.0005 –.0006 .0005 –.0008 .0004 –.0005 . speed.0008 –.0022 .0008 –.0012 .0009 +.0003 –.0006 –.0009 –.0012 .0005 –.0004 –.0030 .D.0008 +.0014 . non-standard diametral clearances.0014 .0010 .0024 .0004 –.0018 030 035 040 042 045 –.0005 +.0014 .com 1-800-514-3066 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0008 –.0007 –.0003 +.0005 . Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0005 .0004 .0008 –.0020 –.0010 .0004 –.0016 .0008 –.0006 –.0028 .0003 +.0000 +.0004 +.0005 .0007 –.0024 .0006 .0005 –.0018 .0006 –.0022 .0006 –.0008 +.0010 .0018 –.0004 –.0005 –.0024 .0010 –.0009 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0010 –.0012 –.0020 .0005 +.0010 .0010 .0008 .0022 .0004 +.0004 –.0003 –.0004 –.0004 .0007 –. X.0012 .0007 –.0007 –.0012 –.0004 –.0005 –.0000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal Housing Bore Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation 010 015 017 020 025 –.0008 +. and desired performance characteristics.0006 +.0007 .0011 .0004 –.0018 .0008 –.000 –. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.0010 –.0007 +.0008 .0020 .0016 –.0006 –. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0005 +.0006 +.0007 –.0006 +.0012 –.0010 .0008 –.0006 –.0018 –.0002 +.0006 +.0004 .0012 .0012 +.0004 –.0006 .0012 .0016 .0006 –.0004 –.0007 –.0006 –.0007 +.0009 –.0016 –.0003 –.0012 –.0010 –.000 –.0010 –.0024 .0005 –.0004 –.0006 .0005 –.0003 –.0003 –.0005 –.0012 –.0014 –.0005 +.0004 +.0002 –.0006 –.0012 –. A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0009 –. 82 | www.0004 –.0008 –.0006 +.0007 –.0006 –.0006 +.0008 –.0009 .0006 –.0010 +.0006 –.0008 +.0026 .0008 .000 –.0009 –.0007 +.0016 –.0010 .0004 –.0009 +.0006 –.0018 .0016 –.0007 –.0005 –.0010 –.0003 +.0009 –.0006 –.0018 .0018 –.0005 –.0005 .0005 +.0007 +.0010 .0005 .0009 +.0022 .0022 070 075 080 090 100 –.0005 –.0010 –.0020 .0010 –.0014 –.0006 –.0004 +.0008 .0005 .0008 .0004 +.0008 –.0005 +.0006 .0006 +.0014 .REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR REALI-SLIM ® BEARINGS T Y P E C.0004 –.0010 –.0000 +.0008 .0006 .0010 –.0014 –.0009 +.0007 –. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0007 +.0020 –.0004 .0034 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0014 –.0006 –.0004 .0007 +.0020 –.0004 +.0008 –.0008 .0014 .0003 .0005 +.0024 .0016 .0020 047 050 055 060 065 –. ABEC 3F) Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.000 –.0003 –.0010 –.0009 .0004 +.0008 –.0006 –.0008 –.0010 +.0006 –.0008 +.0016 .010 .0008 –.0006 +.0005 –.0004 .0006 .0004 –.0024 .0008 –.0004 +.0012 .0005 +.0020 .0004 –.0026 110 120 140 160 180 200 –. temperature. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.0002 –.0004 +.0006 .0018 +.0018 –.0008 +.0010 .0008 .0007 +.0008 –.0008 –.0005 –.–0010 –.0008 –.0016 .0007 –.0014 –.0006 –.0004 .0010 .0009 –.0008 .0012 –.0030 .0012 –.0014 –.0007 –.0004 –.0014 .0010 .0008 .0012 –.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0014 .0018 .0007 –.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.0012 .0016 –.0004 –.0008 .0008 –.0006 .0008 .0012 . housing.0020 . Series) Nominal Nominal +.0006 –.0004 .0008 . X AND A – PRECISION CLASS 3 (REF.0012 .0008 –.0006 –.0014 –.0005 –. 0008 .0005 +.0007 .0004 –.0018 .0003 –.0003 –.0003 .0005 .0006 –.0005 +.0003 –.0005 –.0003 –.0004 .0003 .0003 –.0002 –.0003 .0006 –.0004 .0005 –.0007 +.0004 .0005 .0005 –.0002 .0003 .0008 .0004 –.0004 .0005 –.0010 .0005 –.0010 –.0012 –.0004 .0010 –.0003 –.0003 +.0006 .0006 .0004 –.0016 .0006 –.0005 –.0003 –.0005 +.0006 .0003 –.0008 –.0003 –.0005 +.0004 .0006 .0006 +.0006 .0008 .0004 –.0005 +.0016 .0007 .0003 .0005 +.0004 –.0006 –.0005 .0002 –.0005 .0003 +.0000 +.0006 .0006 –.0009 .0008 .0005 +.0002 –.0008 –.0008 –.0002 –.0003 –.0005 .0003 –.0004 .0010 –.0004 .0002 .0012 .010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0006 –.0022 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0003 .0004 +.0003 .005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0002 .0010 .0010 –.0007 –.0002 .0005 –.0006 –.0005 +.0004 –.0002 +.0003 –.0005 –.0010 .0005 +.0003 .0006 –.0004 –.0005 .0010 –.0014 .0003 –.0007 –.0004 –.0004 –.0005 .0003 .0005 .0016 .0006 –.0005 –.0010 –.0003 +.0000 Housing Bore Nominal Outer Race Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation 010 015 017 020 025 –.0020 .0007 +.0005 –.0008 .0003 –.0003 +.0010 .0003 .0016 110 120 140 160 180 200 –.0006 . ABEC 5 F ) .0004 . Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0009 .0004 –.0004 .0005 +.0000 +.0012 .0007 .0005 –.0003 –.0002 .0003 –. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0004 –.0014 .0010 –.0006 +.0005 –.0005 –.0006 –.0009 .0005 .0002 –.0003 +.0006 –.0006 .0004 +.0006 –.0003 –.0005 –.0005 +.0008 .0003 +.0009 .0003 +.0010 +.0016 .0004 +.0007 –. 1-800-514-3066 www.0008 –.0006 .0005 –.0016 .©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR REALI-SLIM ® BEARINGS Bearing Diameters Radial & Axial Runout Bearing Size Inner Race (Inch Bearing Bearing O.0016 .0003 –.0010 –.000 –. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required. X AND A – PRECISION CLASS 4 (REF.0005 .0005 .0012 –.0010 –.0004 .0005 –.0004 –.0008 .0008 .0003 –.0003 –.0003 +.0004 +.0003 –.0002 –.0005 –.0004 –. and desired performance characteristics.0004 –.0004 –.0005 –.0010 –.0010 . speed.0003 . Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0010 .0006 .0005 +.0006 .0003 –.0010 .0004 +.0010 –.0010 .0003 .0003 –. housing. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0005 .0012 030 035 040 042 045 –.0018 .0014 .0010 .0006 –.0005 .010 All dimensions in inches.0004 +.0004 .0003 .0009 . A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0003 .0005 –.0006 .0003 .0007 –. X.0005 –.0006 .0008 . Series) Bore Nominal Nominal +.0005 +.0003 –.0004 +.0005 .0006 –.0006 +.0012 .0006 +.0004 .0012 .0014 .0006 –.0003 +.0006 .0002 –.0006 .0004 .0008 .0004 –.0005 –.0004 .0002 +.0004 .0008 –.0012 .0005 +. non-standard diametral clearances.0006 .0010 –.0003 –.0004 +.0005 .0014 .0007 +.0007 .0005 –.com| 83 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering T Y PE C.0008 –.0005 .0004 .0004 .0002 +.0004 –.0006 .0003 –.0006 .0006 –.0004 –.000 –.0007 –.0014 –.0006 –. temperature.0005 .0008 –.0006 –.0005 –.0005 .0004 –.0006 –.0004 .0004 –.0004 –.0003 .0004 +.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.0005 –.000 –.0002 –.0007 .0007 +.0004 .0002 .0020 .0004 .0003 –.0005 –.0005 .0002 .0008 .0016 .0000 Radial Axial Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Radial Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Shaft Diameter Nominal Nominal Nominal Axial +.0005 .0016 .0003 +.0016 .0003 +.0016 070 075 080 090 100 –. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.000 –.0003 .0004 .0008 –.0008 –.0012 .D.0003 –.0006 –.0004 +.0002 .0002 +.0005 –.0006 –.0010 .0008 .0006 –.0012 –.0012 –.0009 .0003 .0003 .0008 –.0012 .0007 –.0005 .0010 –.0012 –.0006 +.0005 .0008 .0004 –.0004 .0005 –.0014 –.0004 –.0004 –.0003 .0005 –.0006 +.0005 –.0003 +.0003 .0003 .kaydonbearings.0010 .0014 –.0006 –.0005 .0007 .0014 047 050 055 060 065 –.0006 –.0005 .0003 +.0005 –. 0006 –.0004 .0004 .0010 .000 –.0004 –.00025 +.0003 .0014 .005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.00015 .0004 –. 84 | www.0018 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0006 .0003 –.0010 .0005 –.0012 .00025 –.0004 .0004 .0004 +.0008 –.0008 –.0005 +.0004 .0006 –.0002 –.00025 –.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR REALI-SLIM ® BEARINGS T Y P E C .00020 –.0010 .0010 –.0002 –.0004 –.0002 .020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.0014 047 050 055 060 065 –.0008 .0005 –.0004 +.0005 –.0003 +.0012 .0002 .0008 .00060 –.0004 –.0004 –.0002 +.0006 .000 –.00020 –.00080 .0002 –.0005 +.0003 –.0008 –.0005 .00050 –.0003 +.0004 –.0002 .0002 +.0004 –.00015 .00030 +.0004 –. non-standard diametral clearances.0000 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0004 .00020 –.0008 .0014 .0003 .D.00015 .0006 –.0004 +.0000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal Housing Bore Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation 010 015 017 020 025 –.0006 –.0005 –. and desired performance characteristics.0002 –.0003 –.0014 070 075 080 090 100 –.0012 .0008 –.00040 –.0003 +.00040 –.0003 –. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0002 –.0004 +.0004 +. X AND A – PRECISION CLASS 6 (REF.0004 –.0002 .00020 +.0003 .0006 –.0008 .0003 .00080 –.0002 .0012 .0004 –. All dimensions in inches.0003 .0004 –.0003 +.0003 +.0004 +.0004 +.0008 –.0002 .0003 .0008 –.0008 .0008 .0002 –.00030 –.00015 –.00015 .0005 –.0000 +.00040 +.0004 .0003 –.0002 –.0003 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0010 –.00020 –.00025 –. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0005 –.0004 –.0004 –.00040 –.0003 –. X.0003 –.0003 –.0002 +.0003 +.0003 .00030 –.0002 –.0006 .00030 –.00040 +.0004 –.0008 –.0003 –.0016 .0005 .0014 .0010 030 035 040 042 045 –.0010 –.0014 .0002 .0005 –.0008 –.00050 –.com 1-800-514-3066 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +. A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0003 .0004 +.0004 +.0010 –.0008 –.0004 –. speed.0014 .0016 110 120 140 –.0014 .0004 .0002 +.0008 .0004 +.00025 –.0004 –.0004 –.0002 –.0002 .0010 . Series) Nominal Nominal +.0002 –.0004 –.0002 –.0005 +.00025 –. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.00040 +.00020 –.0010 –.00025 –.0005 –.0002 –.0003 –.0004 +.0000 +.00015 –.0003 .0004 –.0003 –.0005 –.00025 +.0004 –.0016 .0008 .0003 +.0008 .0008 .00025 –.0002 .0002 .0004 .0004 .0003 –.00050 –.00015 +.kaydonbearings.00040 –.0003 .0004 .0014 .010 .00040 .0004 –.0002 +.0004 .0008 .00015 .0006 –.00020 –.00025 –. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required. housing.0006 –.0010 .00030 –.00060 –.0004 –.00050 –.0005 –.0004 –.0008 .0004 . temperature.0003 .0010 .0008 .0005 –. ABEC 7F) Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.00030 +.0003 +.0006 –.0002 .0002 –.0004 +.0003 +.0004 –.000 –.0002 –.0005 +.0002 –.0004 –.00025 +.0003 .0004 +.0003 .00040 –.0014 .0004 –.00020 –.000 –.0004 .0003 .0004 +.0008 .0002 .0014 .0005 –.0006 .0004 –.0012 .0006 –.0004 .0005 –.00015 .0008 –.0002 –.00020 –.0008 –.0010 –.0005 +.0005 +.00030 –.0005 +.0005 –.0004 –.0003 –.0004 .00025 +. ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR ENDURA-SLIM ® BEARINGS Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.D. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 010 015 017 020 025 030 035 040 042 045 047 050 055 060 065 070 075 080 090 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 210 220 250 300 350 400 -.0006 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0010 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0021 -.0031 -.0031 -.0041 -.0041 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0007 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0021 -.0031 -.0031 -.0041 -.0041 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 .0005 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0006 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0017 .0019 .0019 .0021 .0021 .0021 .0031 .0031 .0041 .0041 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0017 .0019 .0019 .0021 .0021 .0021 .0031 .0031 .0041 .0041 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal -.0006 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0010 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0021 -.0031 -.0031 -.0041 -.0041 -.0012 -.0014 -.0016 -.0016 -.0016 -.0016 -.0020 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0034 -.0038 -.0038 -.0042 -.0042 -.0042 -.0062 -.0062 -.0082 -.0082 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing, housing, and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation, temperature, speed, non-standard diametral clearances, and desired performance characteristics. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required. Housing Bore Nominal -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0007 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0021 -.0031 -.0031 -.0041 -.0041 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0016 -.0016 -.0014 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0034 -.0038 -.0038 -.0042 -.0042 -.0042 -.0062 -.0062 -.0082 -.0082 Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation .0010 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0028 .0028 .0028 .0032 .0036 .0036 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0060 .0060 .0080 .0080 .0016 .0018 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0028 .0028 .0028 .0028 .0034 .0034 .0034 .0034 .0034 .0042 .0042 .0042 .0042 .0048 .0048 .0048 .0052 .0056 .0056 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0080 .0080 .0100 .0100 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C, X, A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 All dimensions in inches. 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 85 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering T Y P E C W ITH ENDURAKOTE ® PLATING – PRECISION CLASS 1 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR ENDURA-SLIM ® BEARINGS TYPE X AND A WITH ENDURAKOTE ® PLATING - PRECISION CLASS 1 Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.D. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 010 015 017 020 025 030 035 040 042 045 047 050 055 060 065 070 075 080 090 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 210 220 250 300 350 400 -.0006 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0010 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0007 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0016 .0016 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0020 .0020 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 .0005 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0010 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0014 .0016 .0016 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0018 .0020 .0020 .0006 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0008 .0010 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0017 .0017 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0021 .0021 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0008 .0008 .0007 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0009 .0011 .0011 .0011 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0013 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0017 .0017 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0019 .0021 .0021 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal -.0006 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0008 -.0010 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0012 -.0014 -.0016 -.0016 -.0016 -.0016 -.0020 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0034 -.0034 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0042 -.0042 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing, housing, and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation, temperature, speed, non-standard diametral clearances, and desired performance characteristics. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required. All dimensions in inches. 86 | www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 Housing Bore Nominal -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0007 -.0008 -.0008 -.0007 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0009 -.0011 -.0011 -.0011 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0013 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0015 -.0017 -.0017 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0019 -.0021 -.0021 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0014 -.0016 -.0016 -.0014 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0018 -.0022 -.0022 -.0022 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0026 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0030 -.0034 -.0034 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0038 -.0042 -.0042 Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation .0010 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0012 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0016 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0024 .0028 .0028 .0028 .0028 .0032 .0032 .0036 .0036 .0036 .0036 .0036 .0040 .0040 .0015 .0017 .0022 .0022 .0022 .0022 .0026 .0026 .0026 .0026 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0034 .0034 .0034 .0034 .0038 .0038 .0038 .0038 .0042 .0042 .0046 .0046 .0046 .0046 .0046 .0050 .0050 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C, X, A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR ENDURA-SLIM ® BEARINGS Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.D. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0000 +.0000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal Housing Bore Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation 010 -.0004 -.0005 .0003 .0004 .0004 .0005 -.0004 -.0008 -.0005 -.0010 .0007 .0011 015 -.0005 -.0005 .0004 .0004 .0005 .0005 -.0005 -.0010 -.0005 -.0010 .0008 .0012 017 -.0006 -.0006 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0006 -.0006 -.0012 -.0006 -.0012 .0008 .0018 020 -.0006 -.0006 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0006 -.0006 -.0012 -.0006 -.0012 .0008 .0018 025 -.0006 -.0006 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0006 -.0006 -.0012 -.0006 -.0012 .0008 .0018 030 -.0006 -.0006 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0006 -.0006 -.0012 -.0006 -.0012 .0008 .0018 035 -.0007 -.0006 .0005 .0006 .0007 .0006 -.0007 -.0014 -.0006 -.0012 .0010 .0020 040 -.0007 -.0006 .0005 .0006 .0007 .0006 -.0007 -.0014 -.0006 -.0012 .0010 .0020 042 -.0007 -.0007 .0005 .0008 .0007 .0007 -.0007 -.0014 -.0007 -.0014 .0010 .0020 045 -.0007 -.0007 .0005 .0008 .0007 .0007 -.0007 -.0014 -.0007 -.0014 .0010 .0020 047 -.0008 -.0007 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0007 -.0008 -.0016 -.0007 -.0014 .0012 .0022 050 -.0008 -.0007 .0006 .0008 .0008 .0007 -.0008 -.0016 -.0007 -.0014 .0012 .0022 055 -.0008 -.0008 .0006 .0009 .0008 .0008 -.0008 -.0016 -.0008 -.0016 .0012 .0022 060 -.0008 -.0008 .0006 .0009 .0008 .0008 -.0008 -.0016 -.0008 -.0016 .0012 .0022 065 -.0008 -.0008 .0006 .0009 .0008 .0008 -.0008 -.0016 -.0008 -.0016 .0012 .0022 070 -.0008 -.0009 .0006 .0010 .0008 .0009 -.0008 -.0016 -.0009 -.0018 .0014 .0024 075 -.0009 -.0009 .0008 .0010 .0009 .0009 -.0009 -.0018 -.0009 -.0018 .0014 .0024 080 -.0009 -.0009 .0008 .0010 .0009 .0009 -.0009 -.0018 -.0009 -.0018 .0014 .0024 090 -.0009 -.0009 .0008 .0010 .0009 .0009 -.0009 -.0018 -.0009 -.0018 .0014 .0024 100 -.0010 -.0010 .0010 .0012 .0010 .0010 -.0010 -.0020 -.0010 -.0020 .0016 .0026 110 -.0010 -.0010 .0010 .0012 .0010 .0010 -.0010 -.0020 -.0010 -.0020 .0016 .0026 120 -.0010 -.0011 .0010 .0014 .0010 .0011 -.0010 -.0020 -.0011 -.0022 .0018 .0028 140 -.0010 -.0011 .0012 .0014 .0010 .0011 -.0010 -.0020 -.0011 -.0022 .0018 .0028 160 -.0011 -.0012 .0014 .0016 .0011 .0012 -.0011 -.0022 -.0012 -.0024 .0020 .0030 180 -.0011 -.0012 .0014 .0016 .0011 .0012 -.0011 -.0022 -.0012 -.0024 .0020 .0030 200 -.0012 -.0014 .0016 .0018 .0012 .0014 -.0012 -.0024 -.0014 -.0028 .0024 .0034 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing, housing, and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation, temperature, speed, non-standard diametral clearances, and desired performance characteristics. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required. Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C, X, A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.000 –.010 All dimensions in inches. 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 87 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering TYPE C, X, AND A WITH ENDURAKOTE ® PLATING – PRECISION CLASS 3 0006 -.0008 .0007 -.0004 -.0007 -.0005 -.0006 .0010 -.0009 .0007 . temperature.0004 .0005 .0008 .0006 .0007 -.0005 -.0007 .0018 .0007 .0006 -.0006 -. X.0014 .0005 -.0009 -.0005 .0012 040 -.0007 .0012 -. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.0007 -.0016 090 -.0014 047 -.0009 -.010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0004 .0016 080 -.0007 .0006 -.0006 .0010 .0005 .0002 .0010 -.0005 -.0006 . A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0018 160 -.0000 –.0007 -.0010 .0004 .0003 .0007 .0008 .0006 .0004 .0006 .0002 .0016 .0006 .0006 -.0004 -.0003 . All dimensions in inches.0016 100 -.0005 .0005 .0006 -.0008 -.0020 .0012 .0005 .0007 -.0010 -.0012 -.0008 -.0005 .0006 .0006 .0006 .0016 075 -.0005 -.0018 140 -.0005 -.0005 -.0006 .0008 -.0008 .0005 .0004 .020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.0002 .0009 .0014 -.0016 120 -.0006 -.0007 .0010 -.0008 .0007 .0007 -.0005 .0007 -.0014 055 -.0007 -.0004 .0007 .0004 .0005 . 88 | www.0012 -.0012 030 -.0005 .0006 -. housing.0005 .0016 070 -.0000 +.0016 065 -.0003 .0003 .000 –.0006 .0005 -.0004 .0005 .0003 .0005 .0005 .000 –.0005 .0008 .0007 -. and desired performance characteristics.0006 .0002 .0012 .0010 .0010 -.0007 .0009 .0004 .0008 -.0012 020 -.0000 Shaft Diameter Nominal Housing Bore Nominal Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type "X" and "C" Only) Before Installation 010 -.0010 .0005 .0004 .0006 -. speed.0006 .0006 .0007 .0005 -. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0006 .000 –.0004 -.0007 -.0005 -.0007 -.0005 .0008 -.0004 .0006 .0007 -.0006 .0005 -.0010 -.0007 -.0006 -.0006 -.0008 -.0004 .0005 .0012 .0016 -.0005 -.0005 -.0010 .0008 .0006 .0007 -.0005 .kaydonbearings.0009 015 -.0003 . AND A WITH ENDURAKOTE ® PLATING – PRECISION CLASS 4 Bearing Diameters Radial and Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Stationary Shaft or Duplex Duplex DF Mounting DB Mounting Bearing Size Bearing Bearing Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing (inch Bore OD Diameter Bore series) Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal +.0014 045 -.0003 .0006 -.0004 .0005 .0005 .0003 .0005 .0003 .0005 -.0003 .0007 -.0006 .0002 .0005 -.0004 -.0004 .0004 -.0005 -.0005 .0014 -.0007 -.0009 017 -.0010 .0010 .0020 180 -.0003 .0004 .0008 .0006 -.0010 .0006 .0016 .0003 .0010 -.0012 042 -.0004 .0007 .0007 -.0005 -.0008 .0004 -.0010 .0005 -.0009 -.com 1-800-514-3066 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +. non-standard diametral clearances.0008 .0005 -.0002 .0005 .0007 .0004 .0007 .0004 -.0008 -.0008 -.0002 .0014 .0005 -.0007 -.0009 .0008 .0010 -.0018 .0007 -.0008 .0022 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0005 .0014 .000 –.0004 .0005 .0010 .0005 .0007 .0005 -.0012 .0005 .0007 -.0004 .0005 .0010 .0008 -.0007 .0007 -.0006 -.0018 -.0005 .0016 -.0000 Radial Axial Radial Axial –.0010 .0004 .0006 .0006 .0007 -.0006 .0008 .0012 035 -.0005 .0005 -.0007 .0014 050 -.0016 -.0008 -.0006 .0004 .0007 -.0012 -.0007 -.0003 .0009 .0010 -.0010 .0004 .0004 .0003 .0007 .0007 -.0003 .0012 -.0020 200 -.0006 .0005 -.0014 .0006 -.0007 .0014 . X.0007 .0005 .0005 -.0009 -.0007 .0002 .0004 .0006 -.0014 .0005 -.010 .0007 -.0005 -.0003 . Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.0016 110 -.0008 -.0003 .0010 -.0014 -.0004 .0008 .0005 .0005 -.0009 -.0006 -.0005 -.0008 .0014 .0014 .0006 -.0012 025 -.0010 .0006 . Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0007 -.0009 .0014 .0010 .0010 .0009 -.0008 .0003 .0004 .0007 -.0016 .0005 .0006 -.0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 .0012 -.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR ENDURA-SLIM ® BEARINGS TYPE C. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.0004 -.0009 .0008 .0014 -.0012 .0014 -.0016 060 -.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0006 -.0004 .0007 .0003 .0003 .0003 .0014 .0005 .0007 -.0008 -.0014 -.0005 .0014 . A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0012 -.0005 -.0006 .0005 -.0004 .0007 -.0008 -.0008 . Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.020 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C. non-standard diametral clearances.0004 .0006 -.0003 .0004 .0006 -.0008 . AND A WITH ENDURAKOTE ® PLATING – PRECISION CLASS 6 .0012 -.0010 -.0002 .0008 -.00045 .0008 Radial & Axial Runout Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Inner Race Outer Race Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.0002 .0012 -.0012 -.0006 -.0004 .0005 -.0008 -.0006 -.0006 .0006 .00035 -.0007 -.0004 .0016 .0005 .0004 .0005 -.00015 .0006 -.0012 .0006 .0002 .0007 -.0006 -. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.0003 .0006 -.0007 -.0009 -.0003 .0004 -.0010 -.0008 . and desired performance characteristics.D. housing.0008 .00035 -.00035 .0004 . X.0010 .0014 -.0007 -.0005 -.0007 .0004 .0006 .00045 -.0006 .0004 -.0002 .010 All dimensions in inches.0009 -.0004 .0003 .0004 -.0002 .0003 .0010 . X.0007 .0006 .©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 PRECISION TOLERANCES AND RECOMMENDED FITS FOR ENDURA-SLIM ® BEARINGS Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (Inch Bore O.0006 .0012 -.kaydonbearings.0012 -.0014 .0006 -. speed.0006 -.0016 Bearing Diametral Clearance* (Type “X”and “C” only) Before Installation .0007 .0006 -.0006 -.0010 -.0014 .0012 .0008 -.0006 .000 –.00015 .0006 -.0006 -.0008 . and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.00045 -.00015 .0004 .000 –.0014 -.0004 .0008 . Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.0005 .0004 .0006 -.0005 -.0005 -.0014 .0006 -.0003 .0007 . Housing Bore Nominal -.0004 .0005 -.0006 -.0010 -.0004 -.0008 -.0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 -.0005 -.0004 -.0002 .0007 -.00045 -.0014 .0012 .0007 -.0008 -.0004 -.0006 .000 –.0012 -.0014 .0007 -.0014 .00045 .0004 .0012 .0014 .0007 -.0008 -.0008 .0005 -.0000 +.0006 -.0004 -.00045 .0005 .0008 -.0006 -.00045 -.0010 -.0006 .0003 .0014 .0008 .0018 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 12" Bearing Bore +.0012 -.0004 .0004 -.0000 010 015 017 020 025 030 035 040 042 045 047 050 055 060 065 070 075 080 090 100 110 120 140 -.0014 -.0014 .0005 -.00045 -.0010 -.000 –.0005 .0008 .0003 .0006 .0005 .0005 -.0005 -.0002 .0004 .0007 -.0002 .0012 -.0002 .010 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.00015 .0004 -. Series) Nominal Nominal +.0004 .0012 -.0006 -.0006 -.0003 .0004 -.0012 -.0008 .0010 .0004 .0014 .0007 .0008 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal -.0012 -.0009 -.00015 .0007 -.0003 .0005 .0014 .0007 -.0009 -.0014 -.0003 .0010 .0007 -.0005 -.0004 .0004 -.0006 -.0007 .0004 .0003 .0000 .0005 -.0005 -.0006 .0004 -.0006 .0004 .0012 -.0014 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.0008 -.0003 .0010 .0008 .0012 -.005 Over 12" Bearing Bore +.0006 -.0006 -.0005 -.0016 .0005 -.0014 -.0007 -.0004 -.00045 -.0004 -.0007 .0002 .0006 -.0006 . Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.0004 -.0016 .0006 .0010 -.com| 89 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering TYPE C.00045 -.0010 -.0008 -.0007 -.0005 .0004 .0002 .00045 -.0005 .0005 .0000 +.00045 .0004 -.0010 .0003 . temperature.0008 . 1-800-514-3066 www.0010 -.0006 -.0004 .0004 .0005 .0008 .0002 .0004 -.0004 -.0004 -.0004 -.0008 -.0006 -.0006 -.0014 -.00015 .0006 .0003 . 071 -.071 0.127 Over 300 mm Bearing Bore +.076 0.066 0.025 0.051 -.025 .015 .0000 +.040 -.020 .071 -.030 +.010 -.030 200 -.025 0.100 0.036 +.036 +.018 +.020 -.025 -.025 +.015 +.025 .056 0.020 -. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.015 .066 0.030 0.061 -.036 +.051 -.015 .013 -.000 –.025 +.015 +.025 +.015 .036 +.020 -.041 0.015 .071 0.036 300 -.071 0.036 -.061 -.012 +.020 .020 -.013 +.015 080 -.015 -.012 -.015 .040 -. temperature.015 -.000 –.036 -.071 -.020 -.030 +.038 0.025 .030 -.030 -.015 -.025 .051 0.051 -.015 .013 .020 -.010 -.010 -.025 -.056 0.056 0.030 .030 -.025 .025 -.036 -.008 .036 -.024 -.061 -.D.036 +.051 0.036 320 -.086 0.071 -.100 Total Width Tolerance—Duplexed Type A Bearings: Up thru 300 mm Bearing Bore +.010 .036 -.036 -.013 . C.046 .036 -.025 +.051 -.036 -.010 .100 0.008 .051 -.013 050 -.015 100 -.076 0.508 Race Width Tolerance—Single Type C.036 -.025 +.051 -.071 0.025 +.100 0.025 -.kaydonbearings.036 -.025 170 -.020 -.071 -.036 +.020 -.020 .015 -.025 -.051 All dimensions in millimeters.036 -.018 +.051 .025 -.030 -.041 0.018 -.000 –.025 -.010 020 -.010 +.030 190 -.036 Shaft Diameter Nominal Housing Bore Nominal -.013 060 -.025 .036 +.025 .036 340 -.040 -.015 +.025 150 -.051 .051 0.036 -.025 .030 -.020 -.051 0.018 +.030 0.025 -.025 +.040 -. non-standard diametral clearances.051 0.100 0. Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance. X.0000 +.025 +.041 0.036 360 Radial & Axial Runout Inner Race Outer Race .036 +.046 . housing.036 -.046 .000 –.030 -.025 -.030 -.015 +.026 -.254 Over 300 mm Bearing Bore +.036 -.051 -.040 -.020 -.020 -.025 -.015 +.066 0.066 0.015 -.020 -.254 .020 -.030 0.020 +.076 0. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.012 -.030 0.025 +. 90 | www. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.025 160 -.071 -.036 -.025 140 -.015 -.041 0.015 +.036 -.020 -.013 .030 -.015 -.010 +.020 +.015 +.025 -.025 .013 +.036 -.020 +.025 -.010 +.036 +.071 0.051 -.061 -. All dimensions in millimeters.071 -.020 +.030 -. Series) Nominal Nominal +.030 180 -.051 -.076 0.046 .025 .056 0.010 -.018 130 -.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 3–Appl ication s E n gin eerin g Precision Tolerances and Recommended Fits for REALI-SLIM MM™ Metric Series Bearings shown on pages 54 thru 59 KAYDON class 1 for A.051 .015 -. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.040 -.025 .030 -. X type bearings Bearing Diameters Bearing Size Bearing Bearing (mm Bore O.071 -.076 0.025 . Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Shaft Housing Diameter Bore Nominal Nominal +.015 .030 +.025 -.013 .015 .051 0.071 * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.020 .0000 -. speed.036 250 -.061 0.com 1-800-514-3066 Bearing Diametral Clearance* -.015 070 -.010 -. A Bearings: Up thru 300 mm Bearing Bore +.030 +.025 -.025 .010 025 -.051 .018 120 -.051 -.036 -.051 -.046 .076 0.076 0.071 Before Installation 0.025 -.010 -.025 -.030 .025 +.0000 +.018 110 -.010 +.015 090 -.025 -.051 0.020 -.030 -.025 +. and desired performance characteristics.025 .015 -.025 -.038 0. 013/-0.000/-0.013 +0.013/-0.013/-0.013/-0.013 -0.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Precision Tolerances and Recommended Fits for ULTRA-SLIM™ Bearings shown on page 61  Radial and  Bore Axial Race Bearing and O.030 0.000 +0.987 165.013 +0.025 0.013 +0.025 0.000/-0.013 +0.030 0.013 -0.013 0.013/-0.987 59.046 0.987 99. All dimensions in millimeters.020 0.013 +0. they cannot be measured with 2 point gauges.030 0.000 +0.000/-0.013 +0.987 125.030 0.013 +0.987 145.015 0.000 +0.987 75.987 119.030 0.000 +0.030 0.000/-0.000 +0.987 65.com 1-800-514-3066 www. and desired performance characteristics.015 0.987 135.987 129.013 +0. X.013 +0.013 +0. Type X & C Before Installation 0.010 0.013/-0.000 035 060 070 074 080 090 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 -0.013 -0.000 Stationary Shaft or Duplex DB Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal 34.000/-0.000/-0.013/-0.kaydonbearings. non-standard diametral clearances.000 +0.987 +0.046 0. speed.000/-0.013 +0. Recommended shaft and housing diameters can change greatly based on orientation.000 +0.015 0.987 89.030 0.015 0.000 +0.046 0.013 +0.013/-0.987 169.030 0.987 69.987 175.987 79.000/-0.000 -. Contact KAYDON for design assistance when required.025 0.987 115.046 0.025 0.000/-0. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.046  Diameter tolerances apply to average dimensions.013 +0.046 0.000/-0.000/-0.046 0.013 -0. and shaft tolerances are at either of their extremes.013 +0.013/-0.000 +0.000 +0.000 Housing Bore Nominal +.013 -0.987 Housing Bore Nominal +0.013/-0.013/-0.046 0.030 0.046 0.013 +0.025 All dimensions in millimeters.987 149.013 +0.000/-0.013 +0.025 0.013/-0.020 0.000/-0.013 -0.030 0.000 +0.000/-0.com| 91 Se ct ion 3 –Appl ications Engineering KAYDON class 1 for A.013 -0.013 -0.000/-0.013 40. temperature.000 +0.000/-0.000/-0.013 -0.013/-0.013/-0.015 0.D.015 0. Due to the thin nature of these bearings.987 79.046 0.013/-0.013/-0.013/-0.013 +0.015 0.013 -0.013 +0.025 0.013 Bearing Diametral Clearance*. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.987 109.000 +0.  The runout values apply to individual bearing races.046 0.013 +0.013/-0.013 +0.000 +0.013/-0.030 0. Rotating Shaft or Duplex DF Mounting Shaft Diameter Nominal +.013/-0.987 139.013 +0.000/-0. X type bearings .025 0.013 0.987 105.020 0.000 +0.013 +0.000 +0. A Bearings: All sizes +.020 0.013 +0.kaydonbearings.013/-0.000/-0.000/-0.000/-0. C.020 0.000 +0.013 -0.987 159.000/-0.000 +0.000/-0.015 0.000 +0.127 Listed shaft and housing diameters are for steel supports with standard bearing diametral clearance.000 +0.000 +0.000 +0.030 0.013 +0.013 0.987 155.013/-0.000 +0.0000 41 66 76 80 86 96 106 116 126 136 146 156 166 176 +0.020 0.987 95. housing.015 0. Runouts Size Tolerances (mm Inner Outer Series) Nominal Race Race +0.046 0.000/-0.013/-0.000/-0.000/-0.046 0. * Diametral clearance after installation theoretically can range rather widely if all contributing bearing.013/-0.000/-0.013/-0.030 0. Race Width Tolerance-Single Type C.013 -0.030 0.987 73.000 +0.046 0.013/-0.0000 35 60 70 74 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 +0.000/-0. Diametral clearances shown do not apply to Type A (angular contact) bearings.000 +0.013 +0.987 85.013/-0.015 0.010 0.013/-0.000 +0.013 -0. ........ Ball Count.... and Performance • Separator Types .....REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 4— Separator Types...................Axis Deviation .... pgs....kaydonbearings..Deflection Curves 92 | www.. ..Limiting Speeds ....... pgs...98-109 .....com 1-800-514-3066 ....Torque ...... pg...93-96 • Number of Balls in Standard Bearings ........97 • Performance ... One piece machined ring with circular pockets. 17-7 PH stainless steel M Formed wire strip or segmental cage with “snapover” pockets. Spacer slugs. Available for all diameters over 4 inches. used in Type A bearings. 1-800-514-3066 www. Used in Type A. Standard ball complement. Not recommended above 250°F. Used in Type A bearing when low torque. Requires loading notch for “C” and “X” bearings. Longer lead time and higher cost than “R” type separators. Vespel® is limited to 500°F. Requires a loading notch for C and X assembly. High torque and low limiting speed due to ball rubbing. and A bearings for maximum capacity and stiffness. Not recommended for temperatures greater than 250°F or speeds in excess of 500 ft/min pitch line velocity. Molded strip with “snap over” pockets Slightly higher ball count. 300 Series stainless steel. Increased ball complement. PTFE or Vespel® SP-1 polyamide plastic. Nylon 12 Molded strip with circular pockets Slightly higher ball count. C. Fiberglass reinforced. Standard ball complement. One piece molded ring with circular pockets. Standard ball complement. (Spacer balls are smaller than load carrying balls.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Overview of Separator Types Used in REALI-SLIM® Bearings Code Letter* Description Design Features Precautions Material Standard ball complement. Available for all diameters over 4 inches. Fiberglass reinforced. Prevents separator wind-up. Comparatively high wear rate. Used in Type C and X KAA cross-section bearings. Consult factory for temperatures below -65°F and above 250°F. Balls. Per for mance One piece formed ring with “snapover” pockets. Steel per ABMA Standard 10. Used in Type C and X bearings for “KA” through “KG” cross-section bearings. ball complement. Longer lead time and higher cost than “P” type separators. 17-7 PH stainless steel W Full complement bearing. One piece molded ring with “snapover” pockets. One piece formed ring with circular pockets. 180°F max suggested operating temp. not recommended for low torque applications. Helical coil spring. Shaft or housing protrusions can grab separator and remove from bearing. Nylon. Brass or non-metallic composite. Comparatively high wear rate. Used in Type C and X bearings for high temperature applications. Consult factory for temperatures below -65°F and above 250°F. Max. Increased assembly cost. Spacer ball. Relatively high torque. Prevents separator wind-up. 150%) and higher temperature. Consult factory for temperatures below -65°F and above 250°F. P Design . Not recommended above 250°F. Nylon 12 One piece molded ring with “snap over” pockets Excellent for vacuums Limited availability PEEK One piece molded ring with circular pockets Excellent for vacuums Limited availability PEEK Formed wire strip or segmental cage with “snapover” pockets. Increased ball complement. Phenolic laminate. Consult factory for temperatures below -65°F and above 250°F. Standard ball complement. Used in Type A bearings for “KA” through “KG” cross-section bearings. Used in Type C or X bearings for low torque.kaydonbearings. Steel (Per ABMA Standard 10). Standard ball complement. Higher torque and lower speed capability than “R” type separators. Used in Type A KAA cross-section bearings. Prevents separator wind-up. Used in Type A bearings for low torque. Used in Type C. Reduced ball complement. 180°F max suggested operating temp. Used in Type C and X bearing when low torque. lightweight or vacuum impregnation is required. Nylon.) R L G D H N J X Q F S Z Z Z *Code descriptions are Position 7 of bearing identification number . Commercial type cage. PTFE tubing Toroid ball spacers. Should only be considered when PTFE spacer slugs cannot be used. Used in Type A bearings for low torque. not recommended for low torque applications. One piece machined ring with “snapover” pockets. Standard ball complement.com| 93 Section 4–Separators. (Example: KA040CZ0 max speed = 450 rpm). Not recommended for dynamic applications. Phenolic laminate. Brass or non-metallic composite. PTFE is limited to 250°F. Used in Type C and X bearings for low torque and high temperature.see page 13. lightweight or vacuum impregnation is required. Low speed capability. Increased ball complement. Slow speed and light load only. used in Type C and X bearings. Use toroid ball spacer when possible. Higher torque and lower speed capability than “R” type separators. Not recommended for speeds greater than 500 ft/min pitch line velocity. and X bearings for greater capacity (approx. Standard ball complement. Loading notches are required for “C” and “X” bearings. X. Commercial type cage. L. KAYDON separators for REALI-SLIM® bearings are designated by a single letter character in coded part numbers (page 13). Different materials are available for unusual operating conditions including stainless steel and non-metallics such as phenolic laminate. the separator becomes outer race land riding or 94 | www. and PEEK. Close control of roundness and wall thickness insures effective piloting in either case. contact KAYDON Engineering. R. by an arrow and the word “up” as shown below. This may affect capacities. Continuous Ring “Snapover Pocket” Separator Figure 4-1 . limiting the use of full complement bearings to slow speed applications where relatively large torque variations can be tolerated. this style is installed after Conrad assembly of the races and balls. Balls. Requirements. For more information on how to use our bearings. It is also desirable in low speed. • Stainless steel separators are used in stainless steel bearings or high temperature applications for corrosion resistance.com 1-800-514-3066 Correct bearing orientation is shown. the bearing be positioned with separator pocket openings down or that a shoulder of the shaft or housing be extended as added assurance of retention.D. The tangs of the alternate “snap” pockets deform elastically to snap over the balls for retention of the separator. may dictate the use of different materials. however. .Snapover Pocket inner race land riding when temperatures cause differential thermal expansion or contraction. Consequent abrasion of the rolling elements and residue of wear in the raceways affect life and torque characteristics. Due to the shape of the rolling elements and the opposite direction of motion of the contacting surfaces. • The “snap-over” non-metallic separator is ideal for highspeed applications of bearings too small in cross section for the two-piece riveted design (bearing Series C and lighter sections). thereby preventing contact between them. minimum torque applications. Centered on the balls at room temperature. Operating temperatures for various separator materials are shown on page 93. For assistance in selecting REALI-SLIM® bearings. standard P. Without a separator some rolling elements will eventually contact each other.kaydonbearings. and G separators have proved to be suitable for a wide range of operating conditions. Per for mance Separator Types The principal function of a bearing separator is to space the rolling elements uniformly. Orientation It is suggested that in an application where the bearing axis will be within 45° of vertical. • Phenolic laminate is used where light weight and/or lubricant absorption is desired. Figure 4-2 Designed for use in bearing types C and X.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 4–Separators. contact KAYDON Engineering. limiting separator “whip” and friction between the separator and race lands for smooth operation. a combination of relatively high contact stress and rapid motion is possible. PTFE. Minute differentials in rolling element motion result from differences in individual rolling element loads and the inherent elasticity of bearing and mounting components. Sealed and shielded bearings have this orientation instruction etched on the O. a shaft or housing shoulder should be extended to assure retention of the separator irrespective of the operating position of the bearing. Designed for use in Type A bearings. variable loading and a vertical axis combine to cause differential ball travel with no “vacation zone. the one-piece separator shown in Figure 4-3 is positioned around the inner race with the balls placed in pockets before the outer race is expanded thermally and dropped over the balls. the selection of the number of segments is made based upon experience. Where very high strength is required. Because A segmental separator may consist of a one-piece open ring or it may be composed of two or more segments. use is limited to Series D and heavier sections. Figure 4-4 . sufficient clearance is provided between the ends of the open ring or between the several segments to allow for this expansion. 1-800-514-3066 www. aluminum. Per for mance As in the case of the continuous ring “snapover” pocket separator. Where torque is of concern. Balls. In all other respects.” torque may become objectionably high or erratic. Also. When larger diameter bearings are subjected to high temperatures. When oscillatory motion. 2. it is furnished in bronze. Designed for use in non-standard bearings of Type C or Type X. in the case of the “snapover pocket” style. expansion differentials between the separator and the races may exceed the normal clearances provided. Where differential expansion creates a problem. stainless steel. nonmetallic composite and reinforced nylon.Riveted Ring Circular Pocket 1. and aluminum. Maximum allowable speed of rotation is reduced due to the centrifugal force (“brake banding”) energized by the segments against the outer race lands.Continuous Ring Pocket of the space required for rivets. Segmenting the separator imposes somewhat greater restrictions on the bearings. both of these styles are centered on the balls at room temperature. Usually machined all over. this style can be furnished in phenolic laminate. . segmental separators satisfy the above descriptions for Continuous Ring “Snapover Pocket” Separators or Continuous Ring “Circular Pocket” Separators. See next page. In addition to the standard separators of brass. this style is recommended in phenolic laminate for very high speeds. Segmental Separators Segmental separators of either the ring or “snapover” design offer advantages for certain applications.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 SEPARATOR TYPES (continued) Continuous Ring Circular Separators Figure 4-3 .com| 95 Section 4–Separators.kaydonbearings. the separator shown in Figure 4-4 is installed after Conrad assembly of the races and bearing and riveted together. becoming either outer race land riding or inner race land riding as the temperature changes. This method of assembly permits the use of more balls than in the Conrad bearing Types C and X. or stainless steel. speeds must be low and loads comparatively light. Applications involving use of these separators should be referred to KAYDON for review and recommendation. Spacer Balls Comparatively high wear rate coupled with relatively light section can cause the wear life of the wire separator to be a limiting factor in the life a bearing. Specially designed toroids (Figure 4-6A). where weight or space are at a premium and the added capacity is an important consideration. A bearing with a wire separator and maximum allowable ball complement has a static load capacity of 180% of the catalog static rating.com 1-800-514-3066 . this separator may be considered a good compromise. where the greater number of balls can be installed without resorting to use of a loading slot. Use in bearing Types C and X should be restricted to very low speed applications. Balls. However. a formed wire separator may be used to avoid the disadvantages of a full complement bearing. spacer balls (Figure 4-6C) or helical compression springs (Figure 4-6D) have proved in a number of such instances to be satisfactory for ball separation—by their nature they give a large amount of individual and cumulative circumferential freedom to the balls. uniformity of torque is more important than the actual mean torque level. To prevent this freedom from being abused. It has been most successfully employed in Type A bearings.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 4–Separators. Figure 4-6C Helical Spring Separators Figure 4-6D Toroid Separators Figure 4-6A In some critical positioning applications. Per for mance SEPARATOR TYPES (continued) Formed Wire Separator PTFE Spacer Slugs Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6B When the need exists for maximum capacity and thus the greatest possible number of balls. PTFE spacer slugs (Figure 4-6B). 96 | www. especially if the loads are high. however.kaydonbearings. Per for mance Boring Size 010 015 017 020 025 030 035 040 042 045 047 050 055 060 065 070 075 080 090 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 210 220 250 300 350 400 .kaydonbearings.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Number of Balls in Standard REALI-SLIM® Bearings Figure 4-7 KAA 28 40 44 KA KB 36 44 52 60 68 72 76 80 84 92 100 108 116 124 132 148 164 180 196 31 38 44 51 58 61 64 68 71 78 85 91 98 105 112 125 139 152 166 192 219 246 273 Type A KC KD KF KG 49 52 55 58 61 66 72 78 83 89 95 106 118 129 140 163 186 209 231 36 38 40 42 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 76 84 92 100 116 132 148 164 172 26 27 29 30 31 34 37 40 43 45 48 54 59 65 70 81 92 104 115 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 44 48 52 60 68 76 84 288 345 204 244 142 170 198 226 92 104 124 144 164 KAA 21 29 33 KA 27 33 39 45 51 54 57 60 63 69 75 81 87 93 99 111 123 135 147 Types C and X KB KC KD KF KG 23 28 33 38 43 45 48 50 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 93 103 113 123 143 163 183 203 35 37 39 41 43 47 51 55 59 63 67 75 83 91 99 115 131 147 163 27 28 30 31 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 57 63 69 75 87 99 111 123 129 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 39 43 47 51 59 67 75 83 15 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 30 33 36 39 45 51 57 63 203 243 153 183 103 123 143 163 69 78 93 108 123 KAYDON software for REALI-SLIM® bearings available at: www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 www. Balls.com| 97 Section 4–Separators. 000. grease lubrication. Balls.9 From Figure 4-10: Type A. Figure 4-10 takes into account some of the factors and assumes proper installation and adequate provision for heat dissipation.com 1-800-514-3066 periods. Separator P. Various complex factors play a part in limiting the speed of rotation. experience in actual applications and in the KAYDON test laboratories can serve as a basis for setting general limits. From Figure 4-8: slimness symbol = I From Figure 4-9: derating factor = 1. If oil is used.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Limiting Speeds The following limiting speed information is provided for reference only. using slingers and/or metering small amounts as a liquid or mist. Charted figure = 9 Calculation: N = (1. use the REALI-DESIGN™ software found on our website. This treatment will permit operation at temperatures up to 400°F. consideration must also be given to possible temperature differential across the bearing. If. Frequency of regreasing must be adequate to insure presence of lubricant at all times. While maximum temperature is important. Per for mance The determination of maximum safe operating speeds is largely empirical. Conditions: light thrust loads (<20%). Examples of Limiting Speed Calculations Example 1 (Standard Bearing) Limited speed calculation for bearing part number KG040XP0. Section 4–Separators. Generally speaking. special attention must be given to lubrication and heat. Please consult lubrication manufacturer. Conditions: loading at 25%. oil lubrication From Figure 4-8: slimness symbol = II From Figure 4-9: derating factor = 0. and the design of the lubrication system then becomes important. For speeds near or over the limits in the table.250 4 Example 2 (High Performance Bearing) Limiting speed calculation for bearing number KD100AH6.kaydonbearings.com. Separator H. Grease.000 revolutions. For actual speeds. Oil. bearing temperature is expected to exceed 250°F for extended 98 | www. however. Windage effects at high speeds can make the introduction of oil to the critical surfaces very difficult.9) (32) (1000) = 2.kaydonbearings. Generally. except for bearings using formed wire and helical spring separators. If a shorter life is acceptable. These limits are based upon achieving the full service life of 1. operating temperature will be limited by the allowable maximum temperature for the lubricant.0 From Figure 4-10: Type X. viscous drag should be minimized by controlling the level. flatness under load) • Lubrication • Ambient temperature and provision for heat dissipation • Seals • Loads • Life requirement While precise speed limits cannot be set. higher speeds may be tolerated. www. Charted figure = 32 Calculation: N = (0. some of which are: • Bearing diameter • Ratio of bearing diameter to cross-section • Bearing type and internal configuration • Ratio of ball groove radius to ball diameter • Bearing internal fit-up (diametral clearance or preload) • Operating contact angle(s) • Bearing precision (runouts) • Ball separator material and design • Precision of mount (roundness. Class 6. The housing fit and the bearing internal clearance before installation must be sufficient to allow for this as well as for the shaft fit if the necessary running clearance is to be realized.0) (9) (1000) = 2. heat is lost through the housing at a higher rate than through the shaft. the bearings should be given stabilization treatment by KAYDON. Class 1.880 10 . Greases should be of types specially formulated for high speed bearings. 0 1.5 P.Charted Figures (C f ) Bearing Type Slimness Symbol from Figure 4-8 C with Diametral Clearance Radial A Radial and/or Thrust Thrust Only Radial Only or Combined Loading Spring Loaded or Axially Adjusted X with Diametral Clearance PRECISION CLASS AND LUBRICATION Load Separator Conditions Type CLASS 1. L. X 8 3. Balls. X P.5 3 2 4 3 2 4.5 2.5 3.5 .5 4 4.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 LIMITING SPEEDS (continued) Figure 4-8 . Per for mance REALI-SLIM SERIES SLIMNESS SYMBOL I Limiting Speeds for Unsealed Lightly Loaded REALI-SLIM® Ball Bearings N = RPM D C B A AA 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 REALI-SLIM BEARING BORE – INCHES 40 Figure 4-9 .kaydonbearings.0 . 3 & 4 GREASE OIL I II III IV I II III CLASS 6 OIL GREASE IV I II III IV I II III OIL MIST IV I II III IV P. L.0 2.5 3 5 3.7 .5 4 1-800-514-3066 www. L.Derating Factor (Fl) For bearings loaded to following percent of dynamic rating 20 33 50 67 100 150 Multiply DN values by following factors 1.Slimness Symbol (Ss) SLIMNESS SYMBOL II SLIMNESS SYMBOL III SLIMNESS SYMBOL IV Limiting Speed (N) = (Fl) (Cf) (1000) D where G F D = Bearing bore in inches E Section 4–Separators.com| 99 .5 3.2 Figure 4-10 . H M 15 12 20 16 8 6 9 12 5 6 8 3 21 28 11 18 15 12 24 20 16 9 8 6 21 18 15 12 27 24 28 24 20 16 36 32 11 9 8 6 14 12 21 18 30 27 24 28 24 40 36 32 11 9 15 14 12 21 28 11 9 7 6 11 10 9 8 11 10 9 8 14 12 11 9 15 14 12 11 4 3.8 .9 . X 15 12 9 6 21 18 15 12 21 18 15 12 27 24 21 18 30 27 24 21 K 20 16 12 8 28 24 20 16 28 24 20 16 36 32 28 24 40 36 32 28 R G. Please consult lubrication manufacturer.kaydonbearings. super-finished ball tracks. closer tolerances should be specified since even a very small amount of localized internal preload (negative clearance) will create surprisingly large ball loads and consequent high torque. The accompanying charts show approximate torque levels of REALI-SLIM® bearings under stated conditions. and environment including temperature together with a print of the intended mounting. If a limit has been set on permissible system error in terms of axis deviation—radial translation. it may be important to know as accurately as possible how much turning effort must be provided. dust. axial translation. and other common contaminants can cause bearing torque to vary several hundred percent in just a few degrees of rotation. speed. Balls. Additional processing is used to achieve the lowest possible torque levels. type. however. In the selection of the lubricant and lubricating system. Cleanliness is extremely important in maintaining uniformity of torque as well as a low level of torque. Very small amounts of microscopic particles of lint. To be considered are operating temperatures. In tolerancing the shaft and housing it is important to set limits for out-of-roundness and out-of-flatness of the bearing seats. High precision races and balls. Information submitted should contain all operating conditions of load. lubricant. speeds of rotation.com 1-800-514-3066 . is defined as the moment required to turn the rotating race with respect to the stationary race. and most of this resistance comes from the more unpredictable ones—separator drag.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Torque Considerations Section 4–Separators. In many REALI-SLIM® bearing applications. showing materials and radial sections. Bearings can be furnished to a maximum torque level specification. internal fit-up of the bearing. In such cases. masses and consequent inertias are slight and the amount of work being done is not great. For normal requirements a good rule of thumb is to use the bearing radial and axial runout tolerances as the respective limits. viscosity and quantity of lubricant. For this reason bearings should be kept in their original unopened package until time for installation. whether or not torque is critical. and housing. Estimates can be furnished for more unusual situations. For critical torque applications. Many factors contribute to the resistance to rotation of a lightly loaded anti-friction bearing. Every effort should be made to protect them from foreign matter. minute deviations from true geometry in the balls. Where torque must be minimized it is important to limit out-of-roundness of housing or shaft to values which will insure against complete loss of internal clearance. or angular rotation (page 102) — this information should also be submitted. as it applies to bearings. X) Slugs 100 | www. and mounting surfaces of bearing. Per for mance Torque. shaft. All are major factors in determining lubricant drag. race ways. and precisely set internal fit-ups assure optimum performance. viscous drag of the lubricant. • Low-torque ball separators Materials • Clean-room assembly Races AISI 52100 (Precision Class 6) • Factory-lubricated bearings Balls AISI 52100 (Grade 10) • ABMA Grade 10 balls Cage (Type A) PTFE or Vespel® toroid ball spacers • Super-finish ball track Cage (Types C. their effects on torque should be kept in mind. and the presence of contaminants. Usually the torque requirement of a ball bearing is only a small part of the demand of a mechanical system. ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Starting Torque vs. Load Computer generated torque curves for mounted REALI-SLIM® bearings can be provided by KAYDON Product Engineering Figure 4-11 Figure 4-13 120 STARTING TORQUE – OUNCE – INCHES 140 TYPE A ALL SERIES 100 120 100 080 80 60 060 40 2 .25 020 0 100 200 300 400 500 700 600 700 800 TYPE X ALL SERIES 120 600 500 100 400 080 300 200 100 16 7 2 .25 0 040 20 800 060 040 100 200 020 300 400 500 600 900 1000 1100 1200 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 RADIAL LOAD – POUNDS RADIAL LOAD – POUNDS Figure 4-12 Figure 4-14 140 120 TYPE C ALL SERIES 120 100 100 80 080 60 060 40 20 2 .25 0 040 020 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 RADIAL LOAD – POUNDS Notes Applying to These Charts 1. Values shown are statistical ratings* based on: • KAYDON Precision Class 1 bearings with some internal clearance remaining after installation • A rigid mounting, round and flat within respective radial and axial bearing runout limits • Light oil lubrication 800 STARTING TORQUE – OUNCE – INCHES STARTING TORQUE – OUNCE – INCHES 160 700 TYPES A AND X ALL SERIES 120 600 500 100 400 080 300 200 100 55 32 7 2 .25 0 060 040 020 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 THRUST LOAD – POUNDS 2. Running torque at speeds up to 10 RPM usually averages from 25 to 50% of starting torque, and increases with increasing speed to as much as 200% at maximum allowable diametral clearance (page 103). 3. Interpolate for intermediate sizes. 4. Curve number indicates bearing bore in tenths of an inch. * Usually not more than 10% of a group of bearings will have torque demands higher than those shown. • Room temperature 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 101 Section 4–Separators, Balls, Per for mance STARTING TORQUE – OUNCE – INCHES 160 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 4–Separators, Balls, Per for mance Bearing Axis Deviation Due to Clearance And Deflection REALI-SLIM® bearings are often used in applications where the position of a rotating part relative to the stationary structure is critical. Knowledge of the displacement of the axis of rotation and the factors contributing to it are thus important. RT = RD + DC 2 The axis of rotation can be displaced from its true position in three ways—radially, axially, and angularly. These deviations are referred to as radial translation, axial translation, and tilt (angular rotation) respectively. AR = MD + AC/PD In addition to the obvious effects of bearing runout, total deviation of bearing axis in any one of the above conditions is due to the effects of bearing diametral clearance and elastic deflection (deformation) at the ball or roller contacts. The diametral clearance after installation changes due to the combined effects of external fitting practice, differential thermal expansion or contraction of the bearing races and mounting structures, and relative rigidity of the races and mating parts. Elastic deflection at the ball or roller contacts results from the externally applied bearing loads and is influenced by ball or roller diameter, race groove radius, raceway diameters, and contact angle. The following three equations are given to aid in determining displacement. The internal diametral clearance (DC) must be calculated or approximated. The remaining independent variables can be obtained from the graphs on pages 104 through 109. AT = AD + AC 2 Where: RT = Radial Translation – in inches AT = Axial Translation – in inches AR = Angular Rotation – in inches/inch or radians RD = Radial deflection due to radial load – in inches AD = Axial deflection due to axial load – in inches MD = Moment deflection due to moment load – in inches/inch or radians DC = Diametral clearance – in inches AC = Axial clearance – in inches PD = Pitch diameter O.D. + Bore 2 – in inches The equations may be used in applications where the radial, axial, or moment load is applied singly or where one type of loading predominates. For assistance in selecting REALI-SLIM® bearings, contact KAYDON Engineering. Computer-generated reports and graphs for REALI-SLIM® bearings are available from KAYDON engineering and from our REALI-DESIGN™ computer software, available for download at kaydonbearings.com. 102 | www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Axial Clearance vs. Diametral Clearance Figure 4-15 Figure 4-16 .0540 .0520 .0500 .0480 .0460 .0440 .0420 .0160 AXIAL CLEARANCE (END PLAY) VS DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE FOR TYPE C BEARINGS ALL DIAMETERS .0140 F .0400 .0380 .0340 AXIAL CLEARANCE IN INCHES AXIAL CLEARANCE IN INCHES G .0120 .0360 D .0320 .0300 C .0280 .0260 .0240 B .0220 .0200 A .0180 Section 4–Separators, Balls, Per for mance AXIAL CLEARANCE (END PLAY) VS DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE TYPE X BEARINGS TYPE A BEARING PAIRS ALL DIAMETERS G F D C B .0100 .0080 A .0060 .0160 .0140 .0120 .0040 AA .0100 AA .0080 .0020 .0060 .0040 .0020 0 .0020 .0040 .0060 .0080 .0100 .0120 .0140 .0160 0 .0020 DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE IN INCHES .0040 .0060 .0080 .0100 DIAMETRAL CLEARANCE IN INCHES CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon, Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.kaydonbearings.com 1-800-514-3066 www.kaydonbearings.com| 103 0003 0. Axial Load Type A Angular Contact For more detailed information.kaydonbearings.500 4. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software Figure 4-17 Figure 4-20 KA020 KA060 KA080 KA100 KA120 0.0001 0.0030 KG160 KC100 KC120 TYPE A SERIES C AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0. Per for mance 0.000 1.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 104 | www.000 2.500 0 4.000 2.0002 KD040 KD060 KD080 0.000 1.0004 0.0001 0.0005 0.0000 500 250 750 1.000 KG400 KG300 KG250 0.0000 0.0006 .0004 0.0010 0.0010 0.0001 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KF200 0 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES TYPE A SERIES D KF160 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.000 15.0003 0.0015 0.0000 0.500 2.000 Figure 4-22 KC040 KC060 KC080 0.0002 0.0008 4.0020 0.0010 KD200 KD250 KD 300 0.000 3.0006 KC200 KC250 KC300 KG060 KG200 KC160 KG040 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 5.0005 0.0007 KF040 TYPE A SERIES B KF250 KB020 KF080 KF100 KF120 Figure 4-18 0.250 0 1.000 2.0009 6.0015 KF400 KB100 TYPE A SERIES F KF350 KB080 0.0008 8.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-19 0.0004 0.0006 0.0000 1.000 Figure 4-21 KB120 KB160 0.000 12.000 KG080 KG100 KG120 500 0 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES Section 4–Separators.0008 0.0002 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 10.000 6.0007 0 14.0014 TYPE A SERIES AA & A KA040 0.0012 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KAA10 KAA15 KD100 KD120 KD160 0.000 3.000 1.500 2.0025 TYPE A SERIES G KG350 0.000 2.0005 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 20.0000 500 1.0005 0.0020 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KB040 0.0003 0.000 0. Balls.0005 KB200 0.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Axial Deflection vs.500 3.0000 0.0006 KF060 KF300 KB060 0.com 1-800-514-3066 0 5.0004 0.000 10.0002 0. 00010 0.00025 KA120 0.00010 0.000 0.00040 1.00015 0.00070 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.00080 TYPE A SERIES AA & A KA040 KAA10 KAA15 0.00040 0.00050 1.00060 0.00080 KF300 KF350 KF400 4.00160 KG350 KC120 0.000 5.00060 KD200 KD250 0.00100 0.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-24 0. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software Figure 4-23 KA020 KA060 KA080 KA100 0.00020 0.500 1.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-28 KC200 KC250 KC300 0.00005 0.00040 0.kaydonbearings.000 4.00100 TYPE A SERIES F KF120 KF160 KF200 KF250 0.00120 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KB040 KB060 0.00140 TYPE A SERIES G 0.00000 0.00120 KG400 KC160 KG060 0.00040 KG040 0.00020 0.00080 0.000 2.00020 0.00030 KD040 KD060 KD080 0. Radial Load Type A Angular Contact For more detailed information.000 1.000 3. Per for mance 0.00010 KF040 KF060 KF080 KF100 0.000 6.250 1.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 1-800-514-3066 www.00020 0.000 7.00030 KB200 0.00050 KD300 0.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 1.00010 0.000 Figure 4-27 KB020 0.00000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 400 500 250 750 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS TYPE A SERIES B KB080 KB100 KB120 KB160 0.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Radial Deflection vs.750 2.00000 0. Balls.com| 105 Section 4–Separators.250 1.00035 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES Figure 4-26 .00000 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 2.000 8.00040 0.500 0 1.00030 0.000 5.00060 0.00180 TYPE A SERIES C RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KC060 KC080 KC100 KG300 KC040 KG250 Figure 4-25 0.00000 0 250 500 750 1.00050 3.00030 0.00020 0.00020 0.000 KG200 200 KG160 100 KG080 0 KG100 KG120 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KD160 0.00000 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KD100 KD120 TYPE A SERIES D 0. 00060 0.00050 KG200 200 KG160 100 KG080 KG100 KG120 0 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES Section 4–Separators.000 2.00070 KA120 0.000 1.00035 0.250 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 106 | www.00010 KF060 0.000 2.00000 0.00015 0.00010 0.00000 0.00005 0.00160 0.000 1.500 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KF300 100 KF250 50 KF200 0 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES TYPE C SERIES D KF160 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.00035 0.000 5.00120 KG400 KC120 KC160 KG040 KG060 KG350 TYPE C SERIES C KG300 0.00040 0.00060 0.500 3.com 1-800-514-3066 0 1.00020 0.00030 KF040 KF350 KB100 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KB060 KB080 0.000 3.kaydonbearings.00040 0.00120 TYPE C SERIES B KB040 0.00025 0.00020 0.500 2.00010 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KAA10 KAA15 0. Balls.00010 0.00045 1.00140 TYPE C SERIES G 0.000 3.00000 0.00100 TYPE C SERIES F 0. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software Figure 4-29 KA020 0.00030 0.000 .500 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-34 KC200 KC250 KC300 0.00040 2. Radial Load Type C Radial Contact For more detailed information.000 4. Per for mance Figure 4-32 0.00040 0.00020 0.00000 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 500 1.00060 KD120 KD160 0.00040 0.00025 TYPE C SERIES AA & A KA040 KA060 KA080 KA100 KD040 KD060 KD080 KD100 0.00080 0.00030 0.00000 0 250 500 750 1.00000 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 0 1.00005 0.00020 0.00020 0.500 4.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 6.00100 0.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KB120 KB160 KB200 0.00180 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KC040 KC060 KC080 KC100 KG250 Figure 4-31 0.000 4.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Radial Deflection vs.00030 0.00080 KF400 0.00015 0.00050 KD200 KD250 KD300 0.00020 0.000 7.000 Figure 4-33 KB020 KF080 KF100 KF120 Figure 4-30 0. Per for mance 0.000 12.750 0 2.0006 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 1-800-514-3066 www.0020 TYPE X SERIES F 0.0010 0.com| 107 Section 4–Separators.000 16.250 1.0004 0.000 18.0020 0.000 0 2.000 1.0014 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.000 Figure 4-40 KC040 KC060 KC080 KC100 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KF300 300 KF250 200 KF200 100 KF160 0 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES TYPE X SERIES D 0.000 4.0005 TYPE X SERIES AA & A KA060 KA080 KA100 KA120 0.0007 5.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-37 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 2.0000 750 1.kaydonbearings.0025 TYPE X SERIES B KB040 0.0000 0.500 3.0035 TYPE X SERIES C AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 10.000 KF350 KB020 0.0010 KD200 KD250 KD300 0.0008 8.0009 3.0003 0.000 KC200 KC250 KC300 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 12.0030 KC120 TYPE X SERIES G KG300 KG040 KG060 0.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Axial Deflection vs.000 14.0004 0.0000 0.0002 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KB060 KF040 KF060 0. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software Figure 4-35 KA020 KA040 KAA10 KAA15 0.000 1.0007 AXIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES Figure 4-38 .0001 0.000 2.0003 0.000 4.500 1.0015 KF400 0.000 6.000 KG250 500 KG200 250 KG160 0 KG080 KG100 KG120 0.0005 0.0008 4.000 1.000 Figure 4-39 KF080 KF100 KF120 Figure 4-36 0.0006 0.000 AXIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KB080 KB100 0.0004 0.0006 0.0000 0.0005 0.0012 KD100 KD120 KD160 0.0002 0.500 2.000 8.0006 KB120 KB160 KB200 0.0010 6.0001 0.0000 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 1.000 2. Balls.0015 0.0004 0.000 10.0000 0 500 1. Axial Load Type X Four-Point Contact For more detailed information.0002 0.0025 KG400 KC160 KG350 0.0008 0.0002 KD040 KD060 KD080 0.0005 0.0010 0. 00005 0.00050 KD120 KD160 KD200 KD250 KD300 0. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software Figure 4-41 0.00020 0.00100 TYPE X SERIES G KG400 KC060 KC080 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.00005 0. Radial Load Type X Four-Point Contact For more detailed information.000 4.00040 0.000 .00030 2.00015 0.00035 0.500 2.00100 KB020 KF080 KF100 KF120 Figure 4-42 0.00020 0.00020 0.000 2.000 2.00030 0.00030 Figure 4-44 0.000 5.500 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS Figure 4-46 0.00120 0.000 3.000 4. Per for mance 0.00010 0.00030 0.00080 0.00050 0.00010 0.000 3.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Radial Deflection vs.00025 KC250 KC300 0.00040 KG080 KG100 KG120 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KA020 0.00000 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 0 1.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 6.00140 KG350 KC040 KG300 Figure 4-43 KG250 100 KG200 0 KG160 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES TYPE X SERIES D 0.500 3.00040 0.00060 KF400 KB120 0.000 Figure 4-45 0.00025 KB100 KF060 KF300 KB080 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES KB060 KF040 0.00000 0 250 500 750 1.500 4.00025 0.00020 KA040 KA060 KA080 KA100 KA120 0.00020 0.00010 0.00060 TYPE X SERIES AA & A KAA10 KAA15 KD040 KD060 KD080 KD100 0.00000 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 500 1.00070 0.00010 KG040 KG060 0.250 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS 108 | www.000 1.00080 TYPE X SERIES F KF350 0.000 7.00090 KF250 TYPE X SERIES B KB040 0.00005 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES Section 4–Separators.00000 0.kaydonbearings.00040 0.00035 1.00000 0.00020 0.00060 0.00015 0.000 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KB160 KB200 0. Balls.000 1.500 RADIAL LOAD IN POUNDS KF200 50 KF160 0 0.00015 0.00010 RADIAL DEFLECTION IN INCHES 0.com 1-800-514-3066 0 1.00030 TYPE X SERIES C KC100 KC120 KC160 KC200 0.00000 0. 00030 KA080 KA100 0.00050 0.000 80.000 0 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS TYPE X SERIES B KB040 0.000 30.00070 Figure 4-49 KC040 20.00070 TYPE X SERIES D KD080 KG040 KG060 0.00010 KD300 0.000 100.com| 109 Section 4–Separators.00050 KD100 0.00060 0.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Moment Deflection vs.00090 0.500 2.00010 KC250 0.00040 KA060 0.00030 KB100 0.00080 0.000 Figure 4-51 MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) KB020 10.00080 KG160 0.00030 KF250 0.00090 .00020 0.000 70. Moment Load Type X Four-Point Contact For more detailed information.00025 0.000 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS KC060 0.000 6.00020 KF300 KF350 KF400 0.500 5.kaydonbearings.00020 KC160 0.00000 8.00005 KC300 0.000 2.00040 KF200 0.000 12.000 5.000 7.000 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS 1-800-514-3066 www.00100 KG120 0.000 1.00030 KD160 0.000 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS Figure 4-48 0.00070 KA020 KA040 0.00000 0 25.00060 KD040 KD060 0.000 100.00040 KG250 0.000 KF100 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS 0.00030 KC120 0.000 50.00020 KB120 KB160 0.00060 KG200 0.500 20.00010 KB200 0.500 TYPE X SERIES F 10.000 60.500 15.000 Figure 4-52 KC080 0 30.00000 5.00050 0.00050 KF160 0.00015 KC200 0.000 90.000 MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) Figure 4-50 0.000 75.00080 KF120 0. Per for mance MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) Figure 4-47 0.000 4.00000 0 1.000 50.00010 0.00040 KD120 0.00040 KB080 0.00020 KG300 KG350 KG400 0. Balls.000 3. use KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ software KAA10 TYPE X SERIES AA & A 0.000 0 0.000 150.00060 KB060 0.000 125.00040 15.000 7.000 KF040 KF060 0.00020 KD200 KD250 0.00000 500 0 1.000 MOMENT LOAD IN INCH-POUNDS MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) MOMENT DEFLECTION IN INCHES/INCH (RADIANS) TYPE X SERIES C KC100 2.00035 25.000 KF080 0.00010 KA120 0.000 20.000 17.00060 KAA15 0.500 10.00000 2.00120 KG080 TYPE X SERIES G KG100 0.000 40. ..........com 1-800-514-3066 ... 113-114 110 | www............ pgs...REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 5— Installation and Maintenance of REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings • Inspection and Installation Procedures ..... pgs...... 111-112 • Lubrication and Maintenance..kaydonbearings. chips. or other proximity devices.  As explained in ABMA Standard 26. The indicator must contact the raceway at the ball or roller contact. measurement is made of variation in individual wall thickness.kaydonbearings. Under no circumstances should a bearing be used as a gage during grinding or machining of mating parts. The mounting surfaces for the bearing must be carefully checked. Work surfaces and tools must be free of dirt. and are nearly impossible to remove from an assembled bearing. and fillet sizes should all be verified. shaft diameter.com| 111 Section 5–Installation & Ma intena nce To determine the true runout of each race. and must be properly positioned for the particular runout (axial or radial) being checked. Unfinished surfaces of castings should be painted or otherwise sealed. . and lightly oiled to ease fitting and minimize danger of scoring. and cutting oil. must be used to hold error from distortion to an acceptable level. conventional two-point measurement of bearing bore and outside diameter must not be used. which may not be the mean of the maximum and minimum measurement. However. Housing bore. Diametral clearance of REALI-SLIM® bearings is controlled by selective assembly of races and balls following measurement with gages specially designed for this purpose. Air gages of the open jet type. Disposable wipers or clean. it is important that the installation be properly done in a clean environment. Installation To realize the potential accuracy and long life of a REALI-SLIM® bearing. and burrs.2 1-800-514-3066 www. The shaft and housing should be thoroughly cleaned. Measurement of Radial Runout of Type C Inner Race Figure 5-1 Standard inspection and quality control procedures at KAYDON meet the requirements of government procurement agencies and major aerospace industries.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Inspection and Installation Procedures for REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings Inspection The unique proportions of REALI-SLIM® bearings make some of the usual gaging practices impractical. This is schematically illustrated in Figure 5-1. shoulder squareness. cleaned. Measurements must be made at enough points to yield a true average size. lint-free cloths should be used. a certificate of compliance to specifications can be furnished if required. chips. This presents no problem since the races will conform readily to a round shaft diameter and housing bore. Cleanliness is vital to satisfactory bearing performance. Just a few grains of grinding grit or chips of metal (soft as well as hard) can seriously damage the precise geometry and finishes of bearing raceways and rolling elements. The bearing should not be removed from its protective package until this preparation is complete and it is time for installation. special attention being given to holes and crevices which could hold dirt. A REALI-SLIM® bearing may be outof-round in the free state more than the ABMA tolerance for its precision class. by excluding the effect of out of roundness. Since very light pressure is sufficient to deflect the thin rings. for a 4” bore it is 60°F. the differential required to eliminate all interference between a maximum diameter shaft and minimum diameter bearing is 90°F. Electrical resistance tape is convenient for the large bearings.000007 inch per inch per degree F for AISI 52100 steel races and . the bearings must be given continued protection from contamination until the assembly is closed. Adherence to these procedures will assure a successful installation. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www. Correct Incorrect After mounting. To calculate the differential required. CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon. since the condition of the part (cleanliness. the use of temperature difference to expand the outer member is recommended to minimize or eliminate the installation force necessary.) will provide important data for failure analysis. etc.kaydonbearings. If it is necessary to return a bearing to KAYDON.com 1-800-514-3066 .kaydonbearings.0000056 for AISI 440C races. For a KAYDON Precision Class 1 bearing of 2” bore to be fitted to a steel shaft. Care must be taken to avoid overheating the bearing. Either dry heat or hot oil may be used. it should be coated with protective oil and wrapped the same as when shipped from the factory to prevent damage during transit. If bearings are being returned after use for a failure analysis. they should be returned in the as removed condition.com 112 | www. lubricated condition. This “V” is located at the high points of race eccentricity so that these may be placed at the low points of shaft and housing eccentricity for the canceling effect. as damage will be done to the balls and raceways. use a coefficient of expansion of . For REALISLIM® bearings. Sectio n 5–Installation & Maintenance If pressure is necessary. Do not exceed 250°F.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR REALI-SLIM® THIN-SECTION BEARINGS (continued) Interference fitting any bearing to the shaft or housing must be carefully done to avoid damage to the bearing. All duplexed bearings are marked with a single “V” on the bores and outside diameters to indicate the proper relative circumferential position of inner and outer races. an arbor press should be used with a suitable pusher to apply the force to the full face of the ring being press fitted — never through the bearing. the coating should be removed by washing with a clean petroleum solvent followed by immediate relubrication with an oil selected for the application. it provides better coverage of the critical surfaces and assists in dissipating heat more readily. KAYDON recommends the selection of the proper lubricant be based on an evaluation by the system design engineer of the operating conditions. The three types of lubricant commonly used are oil. In high-speed applications where the heating effect is more pronounced.kaydonbearings. the lubricant itself serves to exclude contaminants when used in conjunction with labyrinths or close clearances between the rotating and stationary structures. An option is to have REALI-SLIM® bearings factory lubricated with a commercial grease or oil selected by the customer in order to facilitate installation. a channeling type of grease is often selected. and dry film or surface treatment. and to prevent corrosion of critical surfaces. Dry films and surface treatments have been used as bearing lubricants in applications subject to environmental extremes. oil is specified (see page 99). In applications where minimum torque is required. including at a minimum: rotational speed. type and magnitude of loads. oil will usually provide lower friction values. graphite. In many applications. options include Tungsten disulfide. KAYDON recommends that this preservative be removed with clean petroleum solvent prior to lubrication.com| 113 Section 5–Installation & Ma intena nce Grease offers certain advantages of its own. the compatibility of the lubricant with the preservative oil must be confirmed. and Molybdenum disulfide. If the lubricant is not removed.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Lubrication and Maintenance of REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings The lubricant in an anti-friction bearing serves to reduce friction and wear between moving parts. Unsealed bearings are supplied with a coating of preservative-type lubricating oil for the prevention of corrosion during storage. leading to the possibility of early bearing fatigue. Only relatively small amounts of lubricant are necessary to reduce friction and wear if a film can be maintained on all contacting surfaces. Oil normally provides more complete lubrication. Where minimum torque is a requirement. Sealed bearings are packed approximately one-third full with a multi-purpose industrial grease. grease. It is important to note that the quantity of lubricant affects bearing performance under certain operating conditions. Where speed is significant. A wide variety of types are available for selection. the design of bearing housings and seals is simplified. to dissipate heat. particularly where conventional lubricants cannot be tolerated or will not survive. For the higher speeds within the range suitable for grease lubrication. . 1-800-514-3066 www. Exterior surfaces are given a light coating of the same lubricant for protection during storage in the original package. the latter being especially true when circulation and cooling are provided. excessive amounts of oil or grease will result in higher operating temperatures. Because of its liquid state. Because it is more easily retained. and ambient temperature. Wide Temperature Range JU and JG Series . JA. Contact KAYDON for refurbishment instructions for product held beyond two years of receipt. and fresh oil or grease introduced with sufficient frequency to cleanse the bearing and assure adequate lubrication.Synthetic. JB Series . Mineral-Based OILS MIL-PRF-6085 Low Volatility. Shown in the accompanying table are some of the greases and oils more frequently specified.General Purpose. factory lubricated bearings should not be held more than two years prior to use. Wide Temp. KAYDON recommends that the customer’s maintenance instructions and schedules consider the operating conditions and include procedures to assure the bearings are adequately protected against the intrusion of foreign matter of all types.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF REALI-SLIM® THIN-SECTION BEARINGS (continued) Bearings. Several have been developed to meet the requirements of unusual operating conditions.com 1-800-514-3066 200°° F 300° F 400° F 500° F . Figure 5-2 Lubrication Temperature Ranges GREASES INFORMATION ONLY NOT FOR DESIGN MIL-PRF-81322 General Purpose. Instrument MIL-PRF-7808 General Purpose. -100° F 0° F 100° F 114 | www. it is recommended that lubricants be selected with the assistance of a lubrication expert. To realize the full potential of a REALI-SLIM® bearing. Due to the finite shelf life of any wet lubricant. Range Sectio n 5–Installation & Maintenance MIL-L-15719 Light Loads DOD-G-24508 General Purpose MIL-PRF-23827 Heavy Loads MIL-G-25013 Light Loads – Low Speed JHA. can be supplied with optional lubricants.kaydonbearings. Because of this and the variation in cost. Low Temp. with or without seals. Synthetic MIL-PRF-7870 General Purpose. .......... 116-118 • Harsh Environment Bearings ...com| 115 ....kaydonbearings.......................... pgs..........©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Section 6—Other Products • Metric Series Ball Bearings BB Series ...... 119-120 • KT Series Tapered Roller Bearings . pgs. pgs.... 121 1-800-514-3066 www......... Lubrication Options—KAYDON offers a full range of lubricants. the extremely hard surface of ENDURAKOTE® plating doesn’t peel and flake from the bearing race under stress. Internal Fitup—KAYDON can help you optimize internal fitup of our BB Series four-point contact ball bearings to provide the desired operating performance. hot or cold temperatures. custom sealing for extreme environments. torque. and low torque. aerospace. however. availability. and temperature resistance are important in your application. require nonstandard materials or a non-standard separator design. KAYDON bearings can operate at higher temperatures due to our heat treating procedures.com 1-800-514-3066 from silicone or Viton® materials for applications where high temperature or extreme environments are likely to be encountered. KAYDON BB Metric Series four-point contact ball bearings are dimensionally interchangeable with cross-roller bearings. KAYDON can also provide custom seals manufactured 116 | www. it pays to consider BB Series four-point contact metric ball bearings as an alternative to cross-roller bearings. The performance of ENDURAKOTE® plating has been proven in critical military. KAYDON four-point contact ball bearings are available with separator options to meet a wide range of applications. tighter tolerances. Optimize Your Design Options With additional features not commonly available in standard cross-roller bearings. corrosion resistance. This thin. . The additional design flexibility they offer can often help you achieve your design objectives with optimum performance and economy. Unlike many traditional chrome platings. and deep space applications. allowing you to optimize bearing performance in a range of applications with special requirements for moisture resistance.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Metric Series Ball Bearings (BB Series) Drop-in Replacements For Cross-Roller Bearings Additional features not commonly available in standard cross-roller bearings include a protective package for corrosion resistance. dense chrome plating gives AISI 52100 bearing material corrosion resistance equal to or better than that of AISI 440C stainless steel. and diametral clearance is recommended for lower torque applications. BB Series bearings provide greater design flexibility. Separators—The common roller spacer for many cross-roller bearings is a non-metallic composite. vacuum.kaydonbearings. Temperature Capability—Standard cross-roller bearings have a maximum full capacity operating temperature of only 212°F. When factors such as cost. In contrast. ® Seals/Shields—Standard industry seals are generally available from nitrile rubber. ENDURAKOTE plating—For applications requiring superior corrosion resistance we offer our proprietary ENDURAKOTE® plating. Section 6–O the r Prod ucts BB Series Bearings Are Available to Match the Bores and Widths of Common Cross-Roller Bearings. application-specific lubrication and temperature capability. seal/shield options. Pre-loaded bearings are recommended for greater stiffness. High temperature and/or horizontal axis applications. so corrosion resistance is retained and surface wear is minimized. 3 0.013 80 -0.1 0.03 250 -0.025 260 -0.11 0.25 70 -0.015 130 -0. CORNERS Ø "BORE" WIDTH WIDTH Open Bearing Sealed Bearing All dimensions in mm (REALI-SLIM® replacements for RB Series standard cross-roller bearings) KAYDON Part No.12 25 -0.25 4 4 5 5 15709 16887 26846 28307 Dynamic Capacity Axial (kg) Moment (Nm) 675 78 709 90 776 107 839 125 1321 227 1436 279 1601 346 2417 618 2584 718 3480 1102 2097 652 3720 1300 5745 2197 5968 2412 6402 2726 2455 965 6614 2959 9325 4475 7820 4333 10980 6435 13921 8529 8939 5891 12519 8641 15812 11489 9821 7482 17595 14399 17595 14576 20518 20560 20919 21572 23996 29099 24367 30120 26887 29634 47799 51478 37565 47062 86420 101535 Note 1: Capacities listed are not simultaneous.03 250 -0.12 25 -0.035 300 -0.12 13 -0.013 65 -0.05 900 -0.03 300 -0. RAD.5 1." WILL CLEAR "R" MAX.045 500 -0.12 30 -0.12 25 -0. Width “R” (nominal +0) (nominal +0) (nominal +0) BB3010 BB3510 BB4010 BB4510 BB5013 BB6013 BB7013 BB8016 BB9016 BB10020 BB11015 BB11020 BB12025 BB13025 BB14025 BB15013 BB15025 BB15030 BB20025 39318001 39319001 39320001 39321001 39322001 39323001 39324001 39325001 39326001 39327001 39328001 39329001 39330001 39331001 39332001 39333001 39334001 39335001 39336001 BB20030 BB20035 BB25025 BB25030 BB25040 BB30025 BB30035 BB30040 BB40035 BB40040 BB50040 BB50050 BB60040 BB70045 BB80070 BB90070 39337001 39338001 39339001 39340001 39341001 39342001 39343001 39344001 39345001 39346001 39347001 39348001 39349001 39350001 39351001 39352001 0.12 16 -0.05 40 -0.12 10 -0.12 35 -0.D.012 60 -0.5 2 2 2 1 2 2 2.12 13 -0.025 200 -0.04 500 -0.035 480 -0.5 3." WILL CLEAR "R" MAX. FIL.5 1 1.015 120 -0.09 7.02 100 -0.045 10 -0.5 2.05 700 -0.025 150 -0. 1-800-514-3066 www.12 35 -0.27 2.2 45 -0.03 200 -0.015 70 -0.12 16 -0.025 210 -0.61 2.015 90 -0.035 395 -0.54 3.kaydonbearings.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.12 25 -0.045 815 -0.12 25 -0.24 0.015 80 -0.04 600 -0.02 130 -0.7 38.04 400 -0.12 20 -0.045 800 -0.045 950 -0. X.com| 117 Section 6–Other Prod uc ts Model Number .035 300 -0.17 4.25 40 -0.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 METRIC SERIES BALL BEARINGS .03 295 -0.013 90 -0.045 625 -0.04 510 -0.045 55 -0.02 180 -0.36 2.013 60 -0.52 109.04 9.12 40 -0.25 50 -0.018 160 -0. and they are assembled with a light clearance.012 45 -0.02 120 -0.D.D.015 150 -0.025 150 -0. CORNERS Ø "BORE" Ø "O. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. and Y .5 3.BB SERIES (continued) Ø "O.44 12.12 15 -0.013 70 -0.035 405 -0.5 2.12 0.contact KAYDON product engineering for values.045 700 -0.01 35 -0.12 35 -0.025 230 -0.12 20 -0.5 Radial (kg) 497 513 553 591 948 1010 1108 1679 1773 2395 1390 2524 3981 4098 4359 1590 4468 6403 5121 7288 9367 5718 8100 10324 6163 11263 11240 12701 12888 14381 14555 27.03 20.05 30 -0.72 4.13 0. Note 2: Standard bearings are supplied without seals and shields.03 200 -0.25 40 -0.012 40 -0.035 330 -0.013 100 -0.08 4.012 50 -0. For combined loading see discussion of Bearing Selection and Load Analysis.62 0. RAD.03 280 -0.95 98.13 2.66 22.21 0.5 0. Dynamic capacities are based upon 1 million revolutions of L10 life.4 5. Weight (kg) Bore O.25 70 -0.035 355 -0.025 180 -0.24 44.025 150 -0.035 400 -0.12 10 -0.12 40 -0.03 250 -0.05 1050 -0. U = single seal CO = standard clearance CCO = preload TT = double shield UU = double seal CI = greater than standard clearance T = single shield Check for availability.12 10 -0.5 3.12 30 -0.87 600 -0.015 145 -0.99 11. Alternate features can be obtained by adding the following suffix letter to the basic part number.31 0.66 1.8 15.02 110 -0.025 200 -0.12 25 -0.02 110 -0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.02 190 -0. FIL.035 360 -0. 4 EXT.12 13 -0.73 1. 4 EXT.72 8.12 30 -0.025 140 -0.12 25 -0.03 310 -0.12 13 -0. 045 0.12 35 -0.025 260 -0.045 815 -0.03-0.03 200 -0.025 0.02 190 -0.01 0.2 40 -0.066 0.015 0.043 0.12 15 -0.025 0.013 90 -0.035 0.12 25 -0.1 0.09 0.12 10 -0.04 0.013 0.07-0.025 200 -0.07-0.015 0.066 0.015 80 -0.013 0.06-0.025 0.12 25 -0.015 150 -0.035 0.11 0.12 40 0.02 0.015 0.12 0.05-0.015 0.013 100 -0.02 0.25 0.1 0.045 500 -0.025 210 -0.035 0.02 180 -0.07-0.035 395 -0.025 0.08 0.035 0.12 40 -0.041-0.02 130 -0.12 13 -0.08 0.013 0.03 295 -0.02 0.015 0.013 0.12 25 -0.025 230 -0.25 70 -0.015 0.12 25 -0.05-0.12 20 -0.03 0.1 0.03 300 -0.12 25 -0.02 110 -0.03 0.23 25 -0.02 100 -0.035 0.045 600 -0.025 150 -0.035 0.015 90 -0.025 0.05 0.03-0.03 0.08 0.02 0.025-0.056 0.03 0.12 16 -0.08-0.01 35 -0.013 0.045 0.03 200 -0.012 25 -0.012 50 -0.03-0.12 13 -0.03-0.D.06-0.015 120 -0.03 250 -0.05-0.035 0.09-0.01 0.066 0.12 30 -0.015 70 -0.06-0.045 0.09 0.012 40 -0.015 0.066 0.03 0.045 0.015 0.11 0.04 0.056 0.12 10 -0.25 70 -0.04 510 -0.045 700 -0.03 280 -0.09-0.04 600 -0.035 0.025 0. Michigan 49443 Telephone: 231/755-3741 • Fax: 231/759-4102 NEED SERVICE FAST? 1-800-514-3066 Website: www.013 80 -0.01 0.09 0.035 0.05-0.13 CONTACT KAYDON AT— KAYDON Corporation • Muskegon.013 0.04 0.045 0.015 0.05 0.045 0. (nominal +0) Width (nominal +0) Standard Diametral Clearance BB3010 BB3510 BB4010 BB4510 BB5013 BB6013 BB7013 BB8016 BB9016 BB10020 BB11015 BB11020 BB12025 BB13025 BB14025 BB15013 BB15025 BB15030 BB20025 BB20030 BB20035 BB25025 BB25030 BB25040 BB30025 BB30035 BB30040 BB40035 BB40040 BB50040 BB50050 BB60040 BB70045 BB80070 BB90070 30 -0.041-0.035 355 -0.03-0.09-0.018 160 -0.05 55 -0.035 330 -0.025 200 -0.12 0.1 0.com 1-800-514-3066 Radial and Axial Runout Inner Outer 0.025 0.09-0.05 .12 10 -0.com 118 | www.056 0.08-0.1-0.025 140 -0.013 70 -0.12 0.02 120 -0.035 400 -0.035 480 -0.1 0.25 40 -0.03 310 -0.05 900 -0.12 16 -0.12 35 -0.025 0.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 METRIC SERIES BALL BEARINGS .08 0.12 35 -0.025 150 -0.05 1050 -0.045 0.12 0.035 300 -0.035 0.03-0.05 10 -0.015 145 -0.04 0.05-0.012 60 -0.045 0.045 800 -0.07-0.25 40 -0.041-0.013 60 -0.035 0.02 110 -0.015 0.043 0.035 405 -0.12 0.045 950 -0.25 50 -0.025 150 -0.013 65 -0.05-0.kaydonbearings.012 45 -0.045 625 -0.12 20 -0.045 700 -0.25 45 -0.038 0.056 0.015 130 -0.013 0.12 13 -0.kaydonbearings.05 0.12 30 -0.035 360 -0.04 500 -0.07-0.1 0.01 0.03 0.025 180 -0.08 0.08 0.03 250 -0.03-0.BB SERIES (continued) Section 6–Ot her Produ cts All dimensions in mm Model Number Bore (nominal +0) O.035 0.04 400 -0.025 0.07-0.041-0.043 0.12 30 -0.12 13 0.03 250 -0.025 0.09-0.013 0.035 300 -0. high accuracy. brass or non-metallic separators. We offer REALI-SLIM® bearings with a variety of packaged features to meet specific operation requirements for: • High performance/low torque—Q Series Applications requiring low particle generation. Tests have shown that significant reductions in particle generation can be obtained with hybrid designs which incorporate the use of ceramic rolling elements on hardened steel races. high speeds. minimize the surface degradation and particulate formation so common in harsh environment applications.” angular contact “A.kaydonbearings.) • High performance/low particle—X. light weight) provide additional benefits such as improved repeatability.com| 119 . Offered in either radial contact “C. • Chemical resistance/high temperature—P Series (See next page. can benefit from hybrid bearings. high stiffness. and/or which must operate in adverse or no-lube conditions. Tremendous benefits in performance can be obtained by matching not just size but also material to the application. life calculations and stiffness will differ from other products in this catalog. low torque. In addition.” or four-point contact “X” configurations. hardness. and Y) KAYDON stainless steel bearings are used where high precision and corrosion resistance are required. P. These bearings. KAYDON REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearing product line has been expanded to include several additional bearing series specifically engineered to bring the advantages of REALI-SLIM® bearings to designs intended for service in the most severe or extreme environments. (See pages 49-52. the physical properties of the ceramic rolling elements (precision.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Harsh Environment Bearings (Material Codes S. Section 6–Other Prod uc ts 1-800-514-3066 www. Y Series ® Hybrid bearings are very well suited for applications where lubrication is marginal. X. These alternative race and ball materials interact differently than traditional chrome steel bearings. Contact KAYDON for technical characteristics of hybrid REALI-SLIM® bearings.) REALI-SLIM thin-section bearings are available in AISI 440C stainless steel races. Capacities. and your choice of either stainless steel or ceramic balls. and resistance to breakdown under marginal or no-lube conditions. available in popular sizes. These bearings feature AISI 17-4PH steel races and ceramic balls.17 must be applied to the standard dynamic capacity ratings.com 1-800-514-3066 ABMA ABEC-1F or better ABMA ABEC-1F or better ANSI/ABMA/ISO 3290 . or ceramic Cage Type A. fiberglass reinforced } other options. the use of P Series bearings should be carefully reviewed prior to selection to determine if the life and capacity are adequate. an adjustment factor of . Due to the hardening limitations of AISI 17-4PH steel.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 HARSH ENVIRONMENT BEARINGS (continued) Series P—Chemical Resistant In applications where both corrosion resistance and chemical resistance are required. series P bearings may be required. glass. Higher classes available ABMA Grade 10 Stainless steel or Grade 5 ceramic Section 6–Ot her Prod ucts RACE DIMENSIONS RACE RUNOUTS BALLS 120 | www. PTFE or Vespel® toroid ball spacers or 300 series steel ring Types C & X. X BEARINGS A BEARINGS P Type—Brass or non-metallic composite L Type—Nylon. Thus. They’re manufactured to provide a greater level of corrosion and chemical resistance than either KAYDON Series N or Series S bearings. see p. Higher classes available KAYDON Precision Class 1. 93 ASTM A-756 ASTM B-36 or B-134 ASTM B-36 or B-134 PRECISION KAYDON Precision Class 1.kaydonbearings. fiberglass reinforced R Type—Brass or non-metallic composite G Type—Nylon. Materials Races AISI 17-4PH steel Balls Borosilicate. Stainless steel or non-metallic composite ring Specifications for Hybrid REALI-SLIM® Bearings ITEM DESCRIPTION REFERENCE SPECIFICATION MATERIAL ANALYSIS RACES BALLS AISI 440C Stainless steel AISI 440C Stainless steel or ceramic: Silicon Nitride SEPARATORS C. M.438 13.500 ..250 15. This capacity is uni-directional and is realized when the axial force is applied to the wide faces of the races.85 1.125 14.20 14. L-10 T D H1 S2 B KT-070 KT-091 • KT-098 KT-100 H2 KT-110 KT-112 S1 KT-118 d KT-130 KT-132 KT-151 KT-165 KT-180 KT-200 7.500 6. the single row tapered roller bearing is commonly mounted in opposition to another bearing (usually of similar construction) to provide an axial force for establishing and maintaining the angle of contact.688 .57 18.500 4. F.750 18.625 12.843 15.875 13.688 12.812 .937 1.900 2.500 .com| 121 Section 6–Other Prod uc ts C Cone Cup Outside Assem.000 11.722 1. (LB) 8. it does have a reasonable amount of thrust capacity.125 H2 (IN) Bearing Wt.250 11.687 Shoulder Diameters Shaft Housing S1 (IN) S2 (IN) H1 (IN) 7.438 13.88 12.79 1.812 10.M.063 10.002" – .850 11.300 9. When specified.375 16. Rating at 500 RPM for 3000 hrs.625 1.000 12. ±.210 13.625 15.69 1.250 11.500 11.438 20.125 19. 1-800-514-3066 www. KT Series standard tapered roller bearings have races and rollers of through-hardened AISI 52100 steel with a one-piece stamped steel cage. Since this bearing assumes a contact angle of approximately 12° under an axial force. +.125 16.000 18.125 .250 5.000" up to KT-110.750 17.225 10.875 19. Width Factor Bearing Radial Thrust B C K D T d Number (IN) (LB) (LB) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) (IN) .050 2.812 . and large bore diameters includes tapered and radial roller bearings as well as ball bearings.594 .812 .88 11.000 13.875 . The tapered roller bearings in this catalog are of the single-row radial type.625 17.010" up to KT-112.500 18.76 1.06 12.14 19.875 12. which would benefit from the many unique advantages of a thin-section bearing.80 4970 4920 9260 4020 7620 7150 7250 5580 6160 11760 8220 7400 7930 2860 2750 5000 2250 4100 3860 4120 3880 3650 6840 4620 4330 4400 .625 . F.375 10.000 20.687 .875 .250 9.375 9.125 .72 13.125 9.375 1.000 11.86 1. thin sections. Two bearings of this type maybe mounted with the lines of contact converging outside of the bearings (back-to-back) or inside (face-to-face) with the former preferred for stability in the presence of overturning load.875 10.562 .625 .750 . Cone Radial Runout .86 1.750 12.843 .375 20.625 7.750 . the rolling elements are retained in the separator.78 • Available from Stock—check for availability of other sizes.875 15.312 10.19 21.812 .937 14. While of separable construction.500 11.000 14.250 .©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 KT Series Tapered Roller Bearings The KAYDON concept of standard bearings with light weight.320 6.062 11.000 .812 .79 1.875 13.0020" Max.438 11.750 .44 1.125 18.250 18. Width: ±.300 5.69 1.05 10.882 .718 11. KT Series tapered roller bearings offer advantages to those designs requiring a bearing of higher capacity.250 3.001" – .500 1.188 21.63 14.000" for KT-110 to KT-200 Outside Diameter: Same as for bore.000 8. KAYDON Bore Width Width Dia.72 1. KT tapered roller bearings are used to advantage in applications ranging from oil field equipment to machine tool tables where space and weight considerations are meaningful.125 .015" for KT-112 to KT-200 Cup Radial Runout .I.500 12.125 9.0015" Max.562 .812 .625 10. they can be furnished in pairs match ground for use with or without spacers.812 1. As in the case of the angular contact ball bearing.79 16.625 . Tolerances are: Bore: +.812 13.500 .74 1.597 .313 13.062 .11 10.kaydonbearings.000 9.250 6.375 8.78 1.300 8.937 17.300 11.812 21.I.750 .812 . designed primarily for application of radial load.320 13. ..........REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Section 7— Appendix and Sales Information • Terms and Definitions ..Terms and Conditions of Sale .Hazard Notice .pg.............. pg.......................com 1-800-514-3066 ....kaydonbearings.... 124-125 .........Disclaimer ...... pgs........pg......... 126-128 • Request for Bearing Proposal Data Form ......... 129 122 | www.Warranty • Engineering Design Aids and Technical Literature ............ 123 • Warranty Information and Legal Notices .......... also referred to as radial clearance. but the load on the balls increases friction and shortens L10 life. which passes through the center of the rolling elements. Diametral Clearance: Radial Thickness Separator Outer Race Axial Radial Width Ball L10 Life: The theoretical life span of a bearing under a specific set of dynamic operating conditions associated with 90% reliability. The theoretical median diameter of a bearing. Contact KAYDON product engineering. Diameter Tolerance: The range in which the average diameter of a bore or O. and Y.2. 1-800-514-3066 www. Bearings with internal clearance will contain both axial and radial clearance.D. Inner Race Ball Groove Depth Outside Diameter Inside Diameter Moment Load: Load such that when applied to a bearing system. The amount of load placed on the rolling elements before the application of any external loads. Radial Load: Load applied perpendicular to the bearing axis of rotation. may fall. Preload in angular contact bearings is controlled by a “preload gap” between the duplexed races. Runout influences the repeatable location variation of rotating components. Deflection: Runout: The amount of movement associated with compression or stretching of bearing components when placed under load.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Bearing Definitions and Terms Axial Clearance: Pitch Diameter: The total amount of free axial movement between the inner and outer race of a bearing. REALI-SLIM® bearings are considered “non-rigid” rings and all diameters are averaged using multi-point gaging techniques per ABMA Std. REALI-SLIM® pitch diameters are equivalent to: (OD+Bore)/2. 26. The maximum axial or radial race wall thickness variation of an inner or outer bearing race. tends to overturn or bend the axis of rotation in an angular direction. Preload can be created in “X” and “C” type bearings by controlling internal fits of the ball and the raceway at the factory.com| 123 S ectio n 7–App endix & Sa le s Info The total free movement of the inner race relative to the outer race in a radial plane. Axial Load: Preload: Load applied to the bearing parallel with the bearing axis of rotation — also known as thrust load. Capacity: Dynamic capacity is the basic “C” rating which represents a load that the bearing can theoretically endure for 1 million revolutions.kaydonbearings. X. “X” and “C” type bearings are made with some internal clearance as a standard factory internal fit before mounting. Standard bearing nomenclature . Tight mounting conditions will increase the final bearing preload. Static capacity is the approximate load the bearing can endure before permanent deformation occurs on the ball or raceway. Preload stiffens the bearing and eliminates axial and radial play. Published capacities do not apply to hybrid series bearings P. to people or property. Seller reserves the right to ship quantities (or weight. Title to products passes to Buyer and products are at risks to Buyer from and after delivery to the initial carrier. 6) Terms of Payment. SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES. except as expressly stated above.B. whose responsibility it shall be to file claims with the carrier.B. Such written notice shall not be considered received by Seller unless it is accompanied by all freight bills for such shipment. SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR ANY OTHER CLAIM SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCTS OR RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. delivery or use of the products sold hereunder shall be added to the price and be paid by Buyer or. may be hazardous and have the potential to cause serious injury. duties or penalties or other governmental charges fixed or imposed by any lawful authority(s) upon or applicable to the production. Seller's plant. F. Section 7–App endi x & Sa les Info 4) Quantities. shortages and conditions of equipment. Non-accepted products are subject to return policy stated below.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Warranty Information and Legal Notices Disclaimer The design and application information contained in this catalog is for illustration only. including death. The terms and conditions of sale set forth below apply to all quotations made and purchase orders accepted by Seller. Seller warrants the products manufactured by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship only. shipment. and Seller shall not be liable for any overshipment or undershipment within this limit. Seller's agreement to sell the products is made upon the condition and agreement that. THE WARRANTIES STATED IN THIS PARAGRAPH ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WRITTEN OR VERBAL. with agent's notations as to damages. If the work covered by the purchase order is delayed by Buyer. In spite of our best efforts. 8) Warranty. 124 | www. payments shall be made based on the purchase price and the percentage of completion. In the event of any overshipment within this limit.O. In the event of a delay in delivery due to any reason described in Section 16 below. Prices quoted are for acceptance within thirty (30) days from date of quotation unless otherwise stated. Consequently.O. Buyer shall provide Seller with a tax exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authorities. Transportation expenses will be paid by Buyer and risk of loss. there have been no representations or undertakings made by or on behalf of Seller and Seller makes no guarantees or warranties. Buyer shall furnish to Seller written shipping instructions in sufficient time to permit Seller to make shipment at Seller's option within any time or times herein specified for shipment. delivery of the products hereunder shall be made F. at Seller's option. then.B. shortage. or liable for any injury or damage resulting from an application or use of its products. expressed or implied. in fact or by law. . Products will be deemed accepted without any claim by Buyer unless written notice of non-acceptance is received by Seller within thirty (30) days of delivery if shipped F.O. A 1-1/2% (one-and-a-half percent) carrying charge will be applied to all past due amounts. Buyer shall pay for the actual quantity (or weight) shipped. point of destination. excise or similar taxes. 9) Limitation of Liability. the delivery date shall be deferred for a period equal to the time lost by reason of delay. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Seller. Seller shall not be responsible. which permission may be withheld by Seller in its sole discretion. Seller reserves the right to ship to its order and make collection by sight draft with bill of lading attached. The extent of Seller's obligation hereunder is to either repair or replace its work or the defective products. 11) Return of Products. INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.com 1-800-514-3066 7) Taxes. Products and parts not manufactured by Seller are warranted only to the extent and in the manner that the same are warranted to Seller by Seller's vendors and then only to the extent Seller is able to enforce such warranty. as applicable) that are within ten percent (10%) of the quantity (or weight) specified by Buyer. if returned within twelve (12) months after date of delivery. 5) Delivery and Transportation. The purchaser is responsible for evaluating the hazards associated with any part used in their application. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. the amount of any present or future sales. Prices do not include foreign or domestic sales.B. WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. Buyer shall reimburse Seller upon presentation of invoice. containers and seals. such as those described in this catalog. sale. expressed or implied. All orders are subject to acceptance by authorized officials at Seller's division or subsidiary offices.kaydonbearings. or ten (10) days of delivery if shipped F. STATUTORY. Seller shall not be liable for delays in delivery or other defaults in performance of this order arising out of causes beyond Seller's control. at the point of shipment with delivery to the initial carrier to constitute delivery to the Buyer. 2) Acceptance of Orders. or imports. use. the order will be deemed cancelled without liability to Seller. obligated. THE FOREGOING STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY OF BUYER AND THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY OF SELLER. in addition to the prices specified herein. either singly or in combination with other products. excise or other general or specific tax. If shipments are delayed by Buyer. AT SELLER'S SOLE OPTION. If such tax is paid by Seller. Hazard Notice The use of any part. in lieu thereof. in fact or in law. There is no other warranty. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCTS OR ARISING OUT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ORDER. delay or damage to products in transit shall fall upon Buyer. 3) Scheduling. with respect to the products. No product may be returned to Seller without Seller's prior written permission. No allowance will be granted for repairs or alterations made by Buyer without Seller's written approval. the material contained in this catalog may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. In the event such delay shall continue for more than two weeks. 10) Acceptance of Products. use. point of shipment. KAYDON Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale 1) Scope.O. payments shall become due on the date when Seller is prepared to make shipment. Shipping dates are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information. Invoices are due and payable (30) thirty days from the date of invoice unless other terms are shown on the face hereof. Seller's delivery dates are approximate. Responsibility for the application of the products contained in this catalog rests solely with the equipment designer or user. The warranty shall not be construed to cover the cost of any work done by Buyer on material furnished by Seller or the cost of removal or installation of product. In the event suit or other proceeding shall be brought for the recovery of the purchase price. then the terms set forth above shall govern. in addition to any damages provided by law. Seller may terminate the agreement between the parties at any time and without notice. as referenced in Section 2. 20) General . Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the agreement between Buyer and Seller. and Seller's profit margin. the provisions of the agreement between Buyer and Seller are for the benefit of the parties hereto and not for any other person. reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of collection. as referenced in Section 2. 19) Cancellations. all claims or actions must be brought within one (1) year of date of tender of delivery. warranty. quantities so affected shall be eliminated from the contract without liability. or otherwise under patent claims covering combinations of these products or parts with other devices or elements. alteration. strike. manufacturing and sales) in such manner as Seller deems practicable and allocate its supply of such products among such various uses thereof in any manner which Seller deems fair and reasonable. agreement or understanding (including any course of prior dealings between the parties hereto) of any kind other than those set forth above. allocate its supply of such raw material among its various uses therefore (e. Buyer shall pay to Seller.com| 125 S ectio n 7–App endix & Sa le s Info 16) Force Majeure. then Seller may at its option (1) cancel the agreement between the parties or the undelivered portion thereof. as referenced in Section 2. Buyer shall make such deposit not later than the close of Seller's next business day. transportation. specifications or instructions. If Buyer fails to make such deposit. in which case Buyer agrees to pay Seller the difference between the market price on date of cancellation and the contract price. or any unpaid balance or the breach by Buyer of any term of the agreement between Seller and Buyer. Buyer shall hold Seller harmless against any expense or loss resulting from infringement of patents or trademarks arising from compliance with Buyer's design. (e) The terms and conditions set forth above contain all the representations. epidemics. or the breach thereof. by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association. 17) Reasonable Attorneys’ Fees. warranties. stipulations. (d) No waiver by Seller of any breach of any provision of the agreement between Buyer and Seller will constitute a waiver of any other breach. Seller may during any period of shortage due to any of these causes. Buyer may cancel an order only upon written consent and upon payment to Seller of cancellation charges. Irrespective of whether Seller agreed to perform field start-up or any other service after the delivery of the product.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 WARRANTY INFORMATION AND LEGAL NOTICES (continued) 12) Damages to Returned Products. if no tender of delivery is made. 13) Limitations of Actions. or consumption practice of Seller at the time respecting the products covered by the agreement between the parties or in the event of inability to obtain on terms deemed by Seller to be practicable any raw material (including energy source) used in connection therewith. Buyer agrees to accept all risk of damage or destruction of such returned product(s). and shall be construed to be between merchants. acts of God or other contingencies (whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing) beyond the reasonable control of Seller. as though it were executed and performed entirely within the State of Seller's accepting offices. and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. If Buyer elects to return product(s) to Seller for refurbishment. If the terms and conditions set forth above conflict with those of any purchase order of Buyer written in connection with the sale of the products or any portion thereof. and its execution has not been induced by any representation. or admits in writing Buyer's inability to pay Buyer's debts as they mature.kaydonbearings. and Seller shall not be liable for any failure or inability on the part of Seller to complete refurbishment upon any such returned products. 21) Arbitration. or if Buyer shall make an assignment with creditors or if there are instituted by or against Buyer proceedings in bankruptcy or under any insolvency laws or for reorganization. stipulation. labor trouble. estoppel. then Seller may require of Buyer a deposit or suitable security or margin for performance by Buyer in such amount or amounts from time to time as Seller shall specify. Upon requirement of deposit. receivership or dissolution. flood. accident. (a) The agreement between Buyer and Seller and matters connected with the performance thereof shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law of the State of Seller's accepting offices. In the event Buyer shall be or becomes insolvent. 14) Patents. fire. notwithstanding any statutory period of limitation to the contrary. (b) Any assignment of the agreement between Buyer and Seller or any rights or obligation of the agreement by Buyer without written consent of Seller shall be void. agreements and understandings with respect to the subject matter of the agreement between Buyer and Seller. modification or waiver of all or part of the agreement between Buyer and Seller shall be of any force or effect unless in writing and signed by Seller. breakage of equipment. 1-800-514-3066 www. or eighteen (18) months of Buyer's order. in which case Buyer agrees to pay Seller the difference between the resale price and the contract price. riot.g. the imposition of any government price control regulation or any other act of governmental authority. shall be settled in the City and State of the Seller's accepting offices. supply. interfering with the production. If in the sole judgment of Seller the financial resources of Buyer become impaired or unsatisfactory at any time during the term of the agreement between the parties. or (3) otherwise change the terms of payment. which shall take into account among other things expenses incurred and commitments already made by Seller. addition to. (f) No amendment. (2) resell at any time for Buyer's account all or any undelivered portion of the products. 15) Financial Responsibility. The sale of products or parts thereof by Seller does not convey any license by implication. Security title and right of possession of the products sold hereunder shall remain with Seller until all payments due from Buyer to Seller (including deferred payments whether evidenced by notes or otherwise) shall have been made in cash and Buyer agrees to do all acts necessary to perfect and maintain such security right and title in Seller. but the contract shall otherwise remain unaffected. quarantine restrictions. In the event of war. 18) Security Title. (c) Except as may be expressly provided to the contrary in writing. com for latest releases — newest features — and downloads of catalogs.kaydonbearings. Click on Catalogs & Brochures Click on Engineering Software Section 7–App endi x & Sa les Info Click on Models + Drawings 126 | www.com 1-800-514-3066 . software.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Visit our website: www.kaydonbearings. or CAD drawings. • Accurately compute essential life and load analyses.kaydonbearings. The program looks and feels identical to the REALI-DESIGN™ program.com REALI-DESIGN™ and REALI-DESIGN MM™ Engineering Aids for KAYDON REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearings • Save hours of tedious computations. This innovative program is an actual engineering aid designed to apply the calculating power of the computer to your complex power transmission design computations. This program is provided to support the metric sizes for REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings. so a new user can immediately feel at home using it. S ectio n 7–App endix & Sa le s Info 1-800-514-3066 www. Use this program as a supplement to KAYDON Catalog 300.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Download KAYDON REALI-DESIGN™ and REALI-DESIGN MM™ software from our website: www.kaydonbearings. • Determine safe operating speeds. • Calculate load deflections. the REALI-DESIGN™ program group is not simply a catalog on a disk. Unlike some other software programs. • Reduce bearing selection time to seconds.com| 127 . New — Introducing the newest addition to the KAYDON Engineering Program Group — REALI-DESIGN MM™. Use these programs to select the exact KAYDON REALI-SLIM® Thin-Section Bearing for your application. 6. and ULTRA-SLIM™ series. Engineering recommendations for use of KAYDON bearings in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. An illustrated mounting guide for REALI-SLIM® bearings Gives ideas on how to improve designs through better mounting and use of bearing assemblies. Request Catalog 390.kaydonbearings. REALI-SLIM TT™ turntable series. 128 | www. 8 pages. Software also downloadable from www.com. 2. kaydonbearings. 24 pages. Includes data sheets.REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 ©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 Application Information to Help In Your Designs Section 7–App endi x & Sa les Info Also available for download from our website www. including REALI-SLIM MM™ metric series. Request Catalog 315. REALI-SLIM® thin-section bearings catalog Complete engineering and selection information on the entire product line. Request Catalog 300. Corporate capabilities brochure Comprehensive overview of KAYDON Corporation businesses.com 1-800-514-3066 . and CAD-ready DXF library for both inch and metric series. 132 pages. 3. A design engineer’s selection guide for REALI-SLIM® bearings in semiconductor applications 5. Large turntable bearing catalog Complete engineering and selection information on standard and custom turntable bearings. 32 pages.kaydonbearings.com. REALI-DESIGN™ and REALI-DESIGN MM™ software on CD Speeds REALI-SLIM® bearing selection process. Request Catalog 306. 1. life calculations. 4. : ____________ inch-lbs. inches __________ Max. O.com| 129 S ectio n 7–App endi x & Sa les Info KAYDON Precision Class ____________________________ or Radial Runout ___________ Axial Runout _______________ .D.©KAYDON® Corporation 2007 REALI-SLIM® Bearings Catalog 300 Request For Bearing Proposal Data Form Detach and fax completed form or complete and submit online at www.: ____________ pounds Dynamic Axial avg.kaydonbearings. RPM (max) _________ RPM (min) _________ or Oscillation: Angle _________ Bearing axis is (vert/horiz) with the (inner/outer) race rotation relative to load Minimum Hours needed: _________ Duty Cycle _________ □ For a Safety factor calculation: [describe any maximum shock or impact Loads] [Note: Do not include Safety factor in these loading values !!!!] Static Radial Max: ______________ pounds Static Axial Max: ______________ pounds Static Moment Max: ______________ inch-lbs. Attention: KAYDON Sales Date: ___________________________ TO: KAYDON Corporation FROM: ______________________________________ Muskegon.com.: ____________ pounds Dynamic Moment avg. Bore inches __________ Max. □ For determining Shaft and Housing sizes: Shaft Housing Material _______ _______ [Attach proposed mounting sketch if possible] Radial Thickness Low Temperature Normal Temperature _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ High Temperature _______ _______ □ For Accuracy concerns: Mounting Sketch □ For Stiffness or Deflection concerns: Springrate: _________________________________________ or Movement under load: ________________________________ □ For Torque to Rotate concerns: Maximum allowable Starting Torque: ____________________ □ For Other or Environmental Conditions: Operating Temperature Range: ________________________ Vacuum Range: _____________________________________ Proposed Lubricant is : ________________________________ Seals or Shields: _____________________________________ Protective Coating: __________________________________ 1-800-514-3066 www.D. Width inches □ For an L10 life calculation: [Describe loads and/or mass on bearing] Dynamic Radial avg. Michigan 49443 Fax: 231-759-4102 Phone: 231-755-3741 Project Description: Application: _____________________________________________________ Type: ___________________________________________________________ Annual Quantity: ________________________________________________ Quotation Quantity: _______________________________________________ Program Start Date: _______________________________________________ Response from KAYDON Needed by: _________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ □ For a preferred Size and Style of Bearing: Preselected KAYDON Bearing Model #: __________ or Bore: __________ inches O.: __________ inches Width: __________ inches or Envelope Size : __________ Min.kaydonbearings. Fax Request for Bearing Proposal Data Form to: (231) 759-4102 . . KAYDON Corporation 2860 McCracken Street Muskegon.S.com .A. Phone: (231) 755-3741 Fax: (231) 759-4102 Need Service Fast? 1-800-514-3066 Visit our website: www.kaydonbearings. Michigan 49441 U.
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