Kaushanskaya Exercises

March 29, 2018 | Author: Наталка Калинич | Category: Charles Dickens



Каушанская.Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка Part I. ACCIDENCE THE NOUN Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the following nouns. Snow, sandstone, impossibility, widower, opinion, exclamation, passer-by, misunderstanding, inactivity, snowball, kingdom, anticyclone, mother-of-pearl, immobility, might, warmth, succession, ex-president, nurse, misdeed, wisdom, blackbird, attention, policeman, merry-go-round, girlhood, usefulness, fortune, friendship, statesman, brother-in-law, population, fellow-boarder, smelling-salt. Exercise 2. Point out the nouns and define the class each belongs to. 1. Don't forget, Pettinger, Europe is still the heart of the world, and Germany the heart of Europe. (Heym) 2. Pursuing his inquiries, Clennam found that the Gowan family were a very distant ramification of the Barnacles... (Dickens) 3. His face was sick with pain and rage. (Maltz) 4. He drank coffee, letting the warmth go through his cold, tired body. (This is America) 5. But there is only one place I met with the brotherhood of man, and it was in the Communist Party. (This is America) 6. The mysteries of storm and the rain and tide were revealed. (Galsworthy) 7. Having set the tea, she stood by the table and said slowly: "Tea's ready, Father. I'm going to London." (Galsworthy) 8. By this time, quite a small crowd had collected, and people were asking each other what was the matter. (Jerome i(. Jerome) 9. There were several small losses: a spoon used for the baby's feeding, a pair of scissors. (Lessing) 10. He was professor of physics. (London) 11. A band of dark clouds lay across the sky, and underneath it was the last pale brilliance of the evening. (Murdoch) 12. "I have some luggage," he said, "at the Brumblehurst Station," and he asked her how he could have it. (Wells) 13. In the kitchen Bowen read the telegram aloud. (Amis) 14. The crowd laughed and moved, pushing every way and everybody. (This is America) 15. De Witt fished through his pockets, found his eyeglasses, carefully slipped them out of their case... (Heylri) 16. A stone caught her heel. (Maltz) 17. George suggested meat and fruit pies, cold meat, tomatoes, fruit and green stuff. (Jerome K. Jerome) 18. The silvercoloured carpet felt wonderfully soft beneath his feet, the furniture was of a golden wood. (Galsworthy) 19. The major seemed to be looking out at the sky... (Heytn) 20. Winslow spoke with his usual caustic courtesy. (Snow) 21. The bourgeoisie is cowardly. (London) 22. The moon was shining through the tree stems when they sax again side by side on the log seat. (Galsworthy) 23. "It's not Sunday, tomorrow," said Karg. (Heytn) 24. He looked down at his audience. (Heyrri) 25. His hair was grey and he was short and fat. (Hemingway) Exercise 3. Give the plural oi the following nouns. Face, portfolio, swine, house, tomato, hearth, mother-in-law, basis, clergyman, ox, cry, key, fox, downfall, looker-on, rock, bush, enemy, leaf, roof, genius, hero, bunch, sheep, ship, criterion, youth, journey, penknife, man-of-war, loss, datum, goose, deer, pie, Englishwoman, wolf, mouse, formula, bath, volcano, possibility, forget-me-not, foot, handkerchief, thief, crisis, stepdaughter, birth, echo, finger-tip, court martial, joy, mischief-maker, extremity, spy, lie. Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of the verb. 1. "There — money in my pocket," 1 said to the porter, (is, are) (Hemingway) 2. I know my hair __ beautiful, everybody says so. (is, are) (Hardy) 3. The works __ his country, his home, his reason for being, (was, were) (Heym) 4. These white swine — not live, (does, do) (Sabatini) 5. Means __ easily found, (was, were) (Thackeray) 6....this watch __ a special favourite with Mr. Pickwick, having been carried about... for a greater number of years than we feel called upon to state, at present, (was, were) (Dickens) 7. "Good," I said. "No one shall tell me again that fish — no sense with them." (has, have) (Llewellyn) 8. The deer __ ravaging the man's fields, (was, were) (Twain) 9. Money __ so scarce that it could fairly be said not to exist at all. (was, were) (Dreiser) 10. I was here before the gates __ opened, but I was afraid to come straight to you. (was, were) (Dickens) 11. The papers __ dull, the news _ local and stale, and the war news __ all old. (was, were) (Hemingway) 12. At Capracotta, he had told me, there __ trout in the stream below the town, (was, were) (Hemingway) 13. The sugartongs __ too wide for one of her hands, and she had to use both in 2 wielding them, (was, were) (Ch. Bronte) 14. Her hair __ loose and half-falling, and she wore a nurse's dress, (was, were) (Hemingway) 15. And the baggage __ apparatus and appliances, (contain, contains) (Wells) 16. The china __ good, of a delicate pattern, (was, were) (Dreiser) 17. The nurse's wages.: __ good... (was, were) (Collins) Exercise 5. Explain the use of the genitive case. 1. For four months, since in the canteen she saw Jon's tired smile, he had been one long thought in her mind. (Galsworthy) 2. Agnes was at her wit's-end. (Lindsay) 3. Since his illness, however, he had reluctantly abandoned this attempt to get twentyfour hours’ work out of each day. (Murdoch) 4....the Radicals' real supporters were the urban classes. (Galsworthy) 5. To Elizabeth it seemed that the lines with which fear had falsely aged his face were smoothed away, and it was a boy's face which watched her with a boy's enthusiasm. (Greene) 6. For his honor's sake Torn has got to commit suicide. (Saroyan) 7. They were to leave the house without an instant's delay and go at once to the river's edge and go aboard a steamer that would be waiting there for them. (Buck) 8. And he lifted his strange lowering eyes to Derek's. (Galsworthy) 9. I was encouraged when, after Roger had proposed the guest of honor's health, Lufkin got up to reply. (Snow) 10. "Where are the children?" "I sent them to mother's." (Cronin) 11. Philip heard a man's voice talking quickly, but soothingljr, over the phone. (/. Shaw) 12. Presently Rex was on his two miles' walk to Offendene. (Eliot) 13. That early morning he had already done a good two hours' work. (Galsworthy) 14. Bowen sat on the veranda of Buckmaster's house. (Amis) 15. Crime is the product of a country's social order. (Cronin) 16. I spotted the bride's father's uncle's silk hat on the seat of a straight chair across the room. (Salinger) 17. I spent Christmas at my aunt Emily's. (Braine) 18. We took some bread and cheese with us and got some goat's milk up there on the pasture. (Voynich) 19. He was still thinking of next morning's papers. (Snow) 20. Why, for God's sake, why must we go through all this hell? (Saroyan) 21. A man stepped out from a tobacconist's and waved to them, and the car slid to the kerb and. stopped. (Greene) 22. A woman's love is not worth anything until it has been cleaned of all romanticism. (Murdoch) 23. Her skin was as dry as a child's with fever. (Greene) Exercise 6. Put the noun in the genitive case. Explain the use of the genitive case. 1. Well, I'd rather be married to a saint that never saw my good looks than to a sinner who saw every other __. (woman) (Buck) 2. The breakfast table at __ was usually a very pleasant one, and was always presided over by Bella. (Mr. Boffin) (Dickens) 3. "I think __ friendships are much deeper than __," Mrs. Thompson said, (men, women) (Braine) 4. That night he had chosen a basement bar a __ throw from Scotland Yard... (stone) (Hansford Johnson) 5. As he passed through the __ room he saw an evening paper spread out conspicuously on the desk of the __ nephew. (clerks, director) (Greene) 6. But I suppose that need not prevent us from quarrelling to our __ content in future, (heart) (Voynich) 7. With one cold glance could she send me back into childhood with all a lonely __ terrors and shames, (child) (Lindsay) 8. I will even go farther, if you like, and admit, for __ sake and for __ sake, that the identity of Lady Glyde, as a living person, is a proved fact to Miss Hal combe "and yourself, (courtesy, argument) (Collins) 9. He stopped to dinner that evening and much to — satisfaction made a favorable impression on her father. (Ruth) (London) 10. He said to her: "Look at my brother __ property." (James) (Galsworthy) 11. He had not been at __ for nearly two years. (Timothy) (Galsworthy) 12. Benson... was listening among the __ representatives cocking his head on one side, (workers) (Lindsay) 13. He had never thought that a mere __ hand could be sweetly soft, (woman) (London) 14. But he was daunted the next moment by his own and __ insignificance. (Milly) (Greene) 15. But by that time the bride was near the end of the first _ journey towards Florence, (day) (Dickens) 16....he too wished she had remained at home, as did most of the __ families, (congressmen) (Stone) 17. You need a good __ sleep, (night) (Shaw) 18. Haven't you noticed that other __ bread-and-butter is always much nicer than your own? Robert is like that. He always prefers __ fireside, (people, somebody else) (Maugham) 19. The __ wives were more expensively dressed than the Civil __, and in general more spectacular, (politicians, servants) (Snow) 20. One evening, on the way to the __, I saw Irwing sitting on the steps of his house, (grocer) (Saroyan) 21. I cannot be blamed for all my __ doings, (kin) (Lindsay) 3 6. and suddenly saw __ face in __ window of __ dining-room. (Jerome K. I tell you. Come and sit down on __ sofa and let us have __ comfortable chat.. 9. Translate into English. Change the nouns into the plural. (Shaw) 34. Давид провел две недели в Ярмуте у мистера Пеготти. It was __ cottage built like __ mansion. was standing below with two gardeners behind her. he's as brave as __ man can reasonably be. В присутствии мужа миссис Копперфильд боялась приласкать своего сына. and ask you 4 . using a noun in the genitive case where possible. 9. (Murdoch) 24. He looks older than he is. word. __ sky was clear and __ sun rose bright and beautiful. когда они были детьми. 2. После путешествия. __ room itself was filling up.. (Caldwelt) 2.. (Snow) 17. consolation to __ sad.. leading to __ best bedroom. которое длилось несколько часов. __ sky outside __ window was already dark. perhaps. __ room has three doors. they walked toward home. 3. 8. (Snow) 33. This morning __ tobacconist was at his door. __ old couldn't help __ young.. Though __ earth was cold and wet. Shaw) 22.. it may be. (Snow) 6. (Shaw) 36. so shall he reap. 7. 7. (Conan Doyle) 25. two or three times __ year. Insert articles where 'necessary. __. стоявшую на пороге. __ compass was invented in ancient China. 8. (/. 18. Давид увидел детскую фигурку. having __ central hall with __ wooden gallery running round it. (Shaw) 4. "We don't want __ large house. all was quiet. so was __ staircase. __ strongest have their hours of depression. A violet does not smell so sweet as a lily of the valley. THE USE OF ARTICLES Exercise 1. (Dickens) 8. As __ man sows. was beginning to warm __ earth. You know I never cared for __ drama. My family came from hereabouts some generations back. __ secretaries had gone home. 10. 4. near — corner. (Galsxnorthy) 13. (Snow) 11. She made a step towards him. (Bennett) 19.) 1. Use some (any) where necessary and make the other necessary changes. He made them provide not one car. 2. She did not bring me a magazine. (Bennett) 37. "It is not __ large house. (Murdoch) 20." (Jerome K. She had __ key of her own. __ rich think they can buy anything. (Galsworthy) 27. It was rumoured in London that he powdered them like __ woman. I just wanted to have — look at __ place. In the bedroom a candle was burning. (Hardy) 23. Here is a letter to be posted. 1. 7. Приближаясь к дому мистера Пеготти. 14. Have you bought an apple for your child? 4. Her aunt. and __ rooms no bigger than __ closets. (Dickens) 16. Уезжая в Ярмут. My thousand __ year is not merely. and __ sun. whoever it belongs to. Not __ word was spoken. matter of dirty banknotes and jaundicedguineas. He ate a spoonful of broth and a sandwich. (Dickens) 5. strength to __ weak. They must have had very fair notions of __ artistic and __ beautiful. 6. Roger looked at him and.Exercise 7. Bronte) 35. He was __ short. 5. she brought me a newspaper. not __ sound was made. Stephen: I knew you would give me __ right advice. but half __ dozen. And what __ beautiful moth there is over there on-----wall. (Collins) 31." I said. took out his wallet and gave him __ ten-shilling note. (Greene) 26. 1 am afraid I addressed __ wrong person. Did she ever lend you a book? Exercise 2. as __ dark men often do. but. (Snow) 3. После смерти жены мистер Мердстон послал Давида в Лондон. 3. (Snow) 9. in __ straw hat so broad that it covered her to __ very edges of her shoulders. 10. Пеготти с Давидом прибыли в Ярмут. Dinny looked up at __ house. I have __ long story to tell you. Дядя Хэма и Эмили усыновил их. Двухнедельное пребывание в Ярмуте доставило Давиду большое удовольствие. Jercme) 15. После минутной нерешительности Давид подошел к миссис Копперфильд и поцеловал ее. plump man with __ very white face and __ very white hands.. 5. где мальчик должен был работать в торговом доме (warehouse) Мердстона и Гринби. (Austen) 10. 1. which had teen shining now for several hours. (Marryat) 21. without __. (Galsworthy) 12. Пеготти с гордостью говорила о доброте своего брата. Not __ word was spoken in __ parlour. мальчик ничего не знал о предполагаемом (intended) браке своей матери. visitors rang __ wrong bell. (Galsworthy) 30. (Maugham) 28. I must buy a postcard. After that they would meet. health to __ drooping. one on __ same side as __ fireplace. (Articles with class nouns. I think that __ man's life is worth saving. It was Sunday afternoon. Jerome) 32. (Ch. Thank you. (Dreiser) 29. __ arm in __ arm. Sometimes. To him she would always be __ loveliest woman in __ world. Edward remained __ week at __ cottage. A kitten likes to play. and was wearing __ grey flannel trousers with __ red woollen shirt. I am sure of it. в которой стоял стол. "it's __ right thing. __ man of whom I speak is __ low pantomime actor. enclosed with __ wall. 10. hairy arms and __ long. Возле дома рос старый дуб. Then it was night and he was awake. You will see him __ steady character yet. 1. Скрипка — струнный инструмент. Это был высокий белый дом. 1 had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature. (Greene) Exercise 3. __ arm in __ arm we walked on. 3.) 1. он был окружен большим садом. что завтра вы дадите мне ответ. tap __ same barometer. Insert articles where necessary. 11. (Articles with nouns modified by attributes in post-position. smoke __ same pipes and kill __ same birds. __ right thing. Они живут на одной улице. (Galsworthy) 40.he had returned Aileen had appeared. Clare was __ most vivid member of __ family. Shaw) 51. (Shaw) 57. (Dreiser) 55. а микроскоп — биологам. I stopped. несколько стульев и кресло. 15. Телескоп нужен астрономам. (Galsworthy) 3 __ people familiar with these moors often miss their road on such evenings. 9.. Translate into English. Far away in __ little street there is __ poor house. (Saroyan) 46. Exercise 4. very moment when r. __ brow low and very white. She is __ seamstress. She had dark fine shingled hair and __ pale expressive face. Believe me. флейта — духовой. 2. __ bright flower garden at __ side and __ kitchen-garden in __ rear. 18. (Clark) 43. Мы опоздали на поезд. He listened attentively to a great many stories she told him about __ amiable and handsome daughter of hers. (Snow) 52. 5 . of which __ lips were slightly brightened. and went up to __ schoolroom at __ top of __ house. We are told that __ wicked shall be punished. He arrived half __ hour before dinner time. Приходил почтальон? 2. or how much goodness in __ reprobate. There is something in. __ very expression of his face that tells me so. he was as warm and easy-natured as he had ever been. Мое любимое дерево — дуб. I have to see __ man who's in trouble. 4. (Dickens) 5. (Galsworthy) 59. Дом построен два года назад. During __ country house parties one day is very like another. (Marryat) 41. 13. (Murdoch) 60.. whose collar he carried outside __ lapels of his dark tweed jacket. (Galsworthy) 38. __ woman will only be "the equal of __ man when she earns her living in __ same way that he does. __ face to __.. Шекспир и Сервантес умерли в одном и том же году. Excuse me now. (Maugham) 39. __ house was __ real old house. 5. Некоторые из гостей ушли рано." (Eliot) 49. I always think there's something rather cold and cheerless about __ house that lacks __ woman's touch. __ eyes were brown.moment I began to love him. looking up at __ dark windows of __ place where he lived. _ man who entered was short and broad. nervous nose.face. Серебряная луна светила на небе." said Adam. He had black hair. When I was __ child my mother used to make __ cakes and send me out with them as __ presents to __ neighbours. to see __ children. with __ straight and eager glance. Попугай может подражать человеческой речи. и нам пришлось долго ждать на вокзале. (/. 17. One of __ windows is open and through it I can see __ woman seated at __ table. open at __ neck. who was married to __ amiable and handsome man and lived in the country. And. "I must do it. 12. I did not know how much pose there is in __ sincere. Мы получили телеграмму в самый день нашего отъезда. (Shaw) 48. I believe I can tell __ very. (Hansford lohnson) 58. 7. Он постучался не в ту дверь. and not only at Christmas time. 8. standing in __ street. __ men put on __ same kind of variegated tie. I wrote to __ Managing Editor that this was __ wrong moment to change their correspondent. __ old man quitted __ house secretly at __ same hour as before. We are told that __ heart of __ man is deceitful above all __ things. how much baseness in _ noble. 14. (Dickens) 50 __ bartender was __ pale little man in __ vest and apron. Bronte) 4. Boythorn lived in __ pretty house with __ lawn in front. Я надеюсь. (Du Maurier) 45. 16. still uncertain of myself and whether I was saying. 10 (Maugham) 53. Вы мне дали не тот адрес.. Her expression was old for __ girl of twenty. (Wilde) 42. 6. being calm and yet adventurous. (Dickens) 56.__ question or two. and desperately wicked. (Galsworthy) 54. Almost at. __ neighbours would give us __ presents too. eat __ same breakfast. __ front door was locked and there was no one in __ house. (Maugham) 44. (Galsworthy) 47. (E. sometimes stumbling over __ hump of earth or catching our feet in __ rabbit-holes. Mr. Мы вошли в маленькую комнату. when __ woman really makes up her mind to marry __ man nothing on God's earth can save him. with __ pale. (Snow) 2. (Murdoch) 12. He spoke with a very slow.. наконец. 9. окна которого были ярко освещены.. Старик постучал в дверь небольшого домика. (Jerome K. George said that we must take __ rug. Утром она получила письмо. Jerome) 15. 12. Her throat aches because of __. and always looked over — shoulder of __ person to whom he was talking. __ tooth-brush. что ее сестра разговаривает с человеком. 1. которого там раньше не было. Когда Ольга вернулась домой. (Shaw) 3. her horse stumbled over __ root of — felled tree. __ brush and __ comb. she. которое она получила утром. was on __ visit at __ house of __ neighbouring landowner. (Galsworthy) 27. with only — young lad. 3. at length. (Dickens) 22. (Galsworthy) 25. (A) Insert articles or some where necessary. __. (Snow) 13.. __ lamp. except from the sheets being turned. (Articles with nouns. Я нашла гостиницу. который ему показал его приятель. (Shaw) 24. There we were in __ country none of us knew anything about.(Eliot) 9. Я знаю адрес человека. It turned out that this gentleman. 11. It was __ face he knew. достал книгу. (E. которому вы хотите написать.. 7. in fact. was riding.soap. and. Turning. __ man who had passed into __ smoking car with him put down his newspaper and looked at him. Colonel Mordaunt does not look like — man who would do __ mean or dishonourable thing. He was. которое мне очень понравилось. into one of — numerous streets which branched from this main thoroughfare. with 6 . in one of __ woods near her uncle's house.. You will be wishing to have __ tea after your journey. 8. расстроило ее. in trotting along. And he had tea sitting on __ edge of __. Я не люблю людей. It chanced that when this lonely young lady was about nineteen. с которым вы хотите поговорить. Exercise 6. были узкие и грязные. Она поехала в город. которое ее расстроило. 13.of material. as if asking for __ answer. amongst Indians and __ people that were only half civilised. Rosa then noticed with surprise that she was in __ room in which __ party had been held..chair that did not look too firm. and __ French bread and butter. Молодая девушка долго думала об удивительном открытии. Translate into English. которого она никогда прежде не видела. (Hardy) 16. I am persuaded that this will be __ shock of which he will feel __ effects all his life. (Wilde) 19. где жила ее дочь. but he could not put __ name to it.. 4. 5. We dropped into __ very pleasant nook under — great elm tree. (Bennett) 10. There were half __ dozen pocket robberies __ day in __ trams of Brussels. You don't know _ man you are married to. It is in __ hour of trial that __ man finds his true profession. которая удивительно хорошо декламирует стихи. 2. (Shaw) 18. to __ spreading roots of which we fastened __ boat. and was assisted home by — gentleman who came in view at __ moment of her mishap.. who had attracted Martin's attention. 10. During __ twenty minutes Michael took to read __ doem. He bought __ cold beef. At last they reached — door at which __ servant knocked cautiously. Сегодня я. He stood up and looked at __ house where he had been born.. Я знаю девушку. __ younger edition of his father. and came back with his pockets pretty heavily laden. all gilt and spindly. They walked __ mile or more along __ handsome street which __ colonel said was called Broadway. (Galsworthy) 7.. (Marryaf) 23. He was staring at __ waves like __ man cornered by __ strange animal. (Galsworthy) 11. Jerome) 4. grown up. Bronte) 5. We sipped __ tea so weak that it tasted like __ metal against the teeth. __ children of his age seldom have natural pleasure in __ soap and water. Дверь открыла женщина.6.. For __ moment Dick was puzzled. Вчера она прочла стихотворение.. где мы жили несколько лет назад. 14. There were two bottles of __ wine. She is __ elderly matron who has worked hard and got nothing by it.. (Shaw) 14. distinct voice. по которым он проходил. которые ко всем придираются. Письмо. (Dickens) 20. __ plate of __ oranges. На дороге они увидели большой камень. Вот человек. there was not __ sound. Where had he seen __ man? (Winter) 26. being __ fearless horsewoman. and __ ham. they stopped before __ rather meanlooking house. 6. которое она сделала. I'm thinking. __ tooth-powder and __ couple of big towels for bathing. в ней он сразу узнал оригинал портрета. As Dick took up his pipe. (Dickens) 6. (Murdoch) 17. tears locked in it. not seriously hurt. We passed—set of chambers where I had worked as __ young man. (Galsworthy) 21. Улицы. (Murdoch) (Maugham) Exercise 5. она увидела. She slipped to __ ground.) 1. (Jerome K. 15. There had been at — dining table __ middle-aged man with __ dark eye and — sunburnt face. and played. (Lessing) 8. которую я уже давно хочу прочесть. I quite forgot to offer you any. 3. __ cold chicken. Я ходил по аллее и думал о вишневом варенье. (Bennett) 17. __ feeling of __ peace and __ complete privacy.. Не забудьте дать кошке молока... (Durrell) 11.. (Saroyan) 10 __ rest of us had finished eating. __ modern science is __ wonderful thing. 2. (Galsworthy) 6. biting weather.) 1.. __ weather was sunny and dry. (Dreiser) 4. Leek. (Hardy) 8. (Galsworthy) 25. His round blue eyes behind. (E. Я люблю зеленый бархат. __ spectacles were ghastly with _ terror. almost cheerful laugh. (Eliol) 7.Willows replied that he had made friends with __ sculptor in Pisa. weary work. (/. __ physics. hungry eyes at __ bread and __ meat and __ beer that __ landlady brought her. __ metaphysics. (Galsworthy) 23. __ art. However. (Murdoch) 9. My heart. which. She wears __ little sailor hat of __ black straw that has long been exposed to __ dust and soot of London.. (Articles with nouns of material. The maid brought in __ pears. he went to __. __ cheese. Ему не понравился кофе. (Maugham) 14. ironic. 5. (Snow) 11. Bronte) 13. thelephone and ordered __ coffee and several sandwiches. May you be happy in — life you have chosen! (Dickens) 12. __ tongue. Mrs. (Maugham) 16. я не люблю крепкий чай. Shaw) 6.. (Galsworthy) 3. Stephen. (Murdoch) 12. Insert articles where necessary.) 1. (Shaw) 20. (Snow) 13. (Hardy) 19. (Wilson) 5. to __ dollar. Then she gave __ crisp. Waterman as well as they did. (Wilson) 21. dinner and supper. __ philosophy. (Caldwell) 10.. Портфель мал. (Bennett) 12. In less than __ week Cowperwood knew __ financial condition of Messrs. Translate into English. (Galsworthy) (b) Insert articles where necessary. (Murdoch) 22. She was panting now. __ coffee without __ bread could never honestly serve as supper. and now -he had no more bread. __ reason is __ greatest 7 . but Cave had cut himself another slice of __ cheese.. You've caught cold: I saw you shivering. (Murdoch) 5. bleak. She went about looking into __ dining room. On that fine day __ poverty of __ district she was entering seemed to her country-nurtured eyes intensely cheerless. but her face was hard and pale as __ stone. She made __ coffee. She did not answer. (Lindsay) 2.. His footsteps were now heard striking upon __ stony road at __ distance of about twenty yards. frankly gave way to __ soft tears while eating __ bread-and-butter. The mother was yellow in colour and her skin resembled __ leather. She was brilliantly familiar with. She hurried in again and found __ water almost boiled away. __ history.. She looked with __ eager. (Maugham) 15. __ gold. (Snow) 24. Jon laughed.. __ silver. He was __ steady. 6. __ coffee was better than Dinny had hoped and very hot. Every meal was __ bread and __ coffee and __ cigarettes._ powdered sugar. (Du Maurier) 2. I think in some curious way __ horror which she felt for him was __ transference of __ horror which she felt for herself because he so strangely troubled her. and __ sound of __ laugh was hard.. and had commissioned this artist to make __ bust of himself in __ marble. __ life of such striking monotony does not seem to depress him. felt as heavy as __ lead. но кожа хорошая. __ tongues. and their mouths with __ laughter. (Dи Maurier) 14. __ tinted glass. (Saroyan) Exercise 7. Here. You drank __ wine with breakfast. у нее теперь котята! (Чехов) 7. (Dickens) 18. 1. and in her face was __ terror which was inexplicable. I had seldom heard my friend speak with such __ intensity of __ feeling. I love to think of __ time that must come some day when __ man will have conquered — nature. (Dreiser) 3. (Conan Doyle) 7. He [White] had __ comfortable feeling of working alone in __ large empty building. (Чехов) Exercise 8. (Galsworthy) 9.__ literature. Чай слишком крепкий. uninspired researcher in __ properties of __ liquid state of __ matter.. or would you rather have __ tea? (Murdoch) 8. (Du Maurier) 9. had been transformed into __ kind of jewel box glowing with __ flowers. I've reason to believe she [Fleur] has never properly got over __ feeling she used to have.. Он не любил кофе. We had __ wonderful weather. It was __ cold. and __ toilworn human race enter upon __ era of — peace. (Shaw) 11. We both appreciate __ simplicity. Rosa tasted __ wine. (Hardy) 8. You must learn to face __ life seriously. better. Their blue eyes became filled with __ gaiety and __ ferocity and __ joy. 4. have __ champagne. It was harsh but refreshing.. (Articles with abstract nouns. (Leacock) 13. __ blood is thicker than __ water. Without giving her __ opportunity to protest any more. and — politics (in which I include __ modern politics). (Dickens) 7. It is such __ weary. and fifty people always drank it with you. (Dickens) 4. and you must have __ gruel to drive it out.. (Shaw) 10. (Wilde) 44. __ loveliness which was always revealing itself anew. (Shaw) 60. (Jones) 26. he fell down on his knees in __ passionate outburst of __ feeling... Worthing. (Wilde) 49. Ada sat at __ piano. Pickwick stood in __ principal street of this illustrious town. for __ first time during __ period of nearly twenty years. and gazed with __ air of __ curiosity not unmixed with __ interest. __ expression impatient. What __ delightful weather we are having! (Wilde) 48. (Murdoch) 40. strained and intent. And so.. Mr. (Bennett) 29. he beheld __ sight which filled him with __ surprise and __ pleasure. Richard stood beside her. concerned in talk that touched not on __ feelings within them. (Murdoch) 39. have been unceasingly bestowed. Such __ weather makes everything and everybody disgusting. and looking upwards. (Heym) 63. (Dreiser) 30. And when multitudes of men are hurt to __ death in wars I am driven to __ grief which borders on __ insanity. Bob Sawyer adjusted his skates with __ dexterity which to Mr. That doesn't sound very exciting. for __ weeks. (Greene) 45. (Hardy) 61. smiling. Bronte) 34. (Dickens) 58. From her position she could see up __ lane for __ distance of at least __ hundred yards. Yet it is __ most disregarded and least used. What — noble thing __ courage is.. (Dreiser) 64. How quietly you live. (Greene) 27. Cowperwood awakened to __ sense of __ joy in __ life such as he fancied he had never experienced before. She looked __ incarnation of __ supreme loveliness. Pray. __ friendship which he had imposed from __ beginning he now emphasised more than ever.. I am your very humble servant. (Ch. She could not only sing like __ lark. (E. (Snow) 62. (Hardy) 53. He longed for __ comfort of his sister's society. He pines for __ kindness. silence of this room and garden. when he heard his own name pronounced by __ voice which he at once recognized as Mr. (Dickens) 54. Owen saw __ figure of Edward at __ distance of two or three hundred yards. (Galsworthy) 38. 1 think I have never been more at __ rest in my life than at this moment. and __ emotion speaks __ language that all may understand. __ art is — manifestation of __ emotion. She touched __ notes so softly. (Miller) 33.. (Dickens) 8 . (Hardy) 59. (Austen) 50. Beside his bed. He spoke with __ air of someone who has got over with an unpleasant duty and can now get on to __ brighter matters. And __ passion that held Strickland was __ passion to create __ beauty.discovery ever made by __ man. __ empty windows of __ ruins were filled with __ life of their own. gentle. and sang so low. She listened with. but perhaps it's better than __ passion. __ quiet of __ country. He had not been stationary half __ minute. perhaps __ months past. yet grown from __ same root. (Reade) 43. (Thackeray) 47. (Galsworthy) 52. (Dickens) 57. don't talk to me about __ weather. Whenever __ people talk to me about __ weather. that __ wind. and I hope some day to have __ chance to be something else to you. __ contemplation of __ happiness of those on whom __ warmest affections and tenderest cares. Mrs. (Maugham) 28. She (Aileen] knew nothing of __ literature except __ certain authors who to __ truly cultured might seem banal. (Saroyan) 46. (Marryaf) 35. At other times he would come and sit for long periods in her room in __ silence. was as audible as __ music. When he let her go. tender. (Snow) 32. they reached Mount Street. (Galsworthy) 31. on __ objects around him.. Mr. Mr. she sank breathless into __ chair. greatest felicity that __ age and worth can know. Then all four sat down and began to inspect Hunter and Calvin with __ air of suspicion and curiosity. __ poor fellow's face looked haggard with __ want: he had __ aspect of __ man who had not known what it was to live in __ comfort. I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. but she had such __ kindly. John. Maylie took up her abode with her son and daughter-inlaw to enjoy during __ tranquil remainder of her days __.. At that age I had __ very faulty view of __ geography. Nothing gave him [little Hans] greater pleasure than to listen to all __ wonderful things __ Miller used to say about __ unselfishness of __ true friendship. I am going to do all I can to remove __ unpleasant impression you have of me. Bronte) 36. generous heart of her own as won __ love of everybody who came near her. different from that which she had once confided in her own flat. sighing away in __ distant hills. Miss Cherrell. _ liberty. She sighed for __ air. (Murdoch) 42.. Tupman's.what I offer is __ security and __ respect. (Austen) 37. Winkle was perfectly marvellous. I can see __ beauty and __ peace of this home. (Murdoch) 41. (Dickens) 56. It was __ new fear. She sat by __ window reading. (Galsworthy) 51. (Maugham) 55. __ expression on her face — hungry and hard and feverish — had the most peculiar effect upon Soames. I love __. gazing at him with __ expression of such __ terror that he put his hands over his face. __ gentle. 23. If you're going West may I come with you? I want to see __ Aunt Emily and __ Uncle Lawrence.. (Dickens) 32. I overtook __ pretty little Hetty Sorrel as I was coming to my den. 16. and Mrs. (Wells) 5. С ней он мог говорить о литературе. любите. (Galsworthy) 8. (Dreiser) 17. Зачем я стереометрию учил. 12. Природа играла большую роль в творчестве романтиков. and I worshipped Manet. На расстоянии 20—30 шагов мы увидели странную фигуру.. It is needless to multiply __ instances of __ high and lofty station.. (Bennett) 19. (Austen) 20. He was gayer than I had thought.. Louis seemed. but __ Caroline of this evening.. (Galsworthy) 30. he sat with his gaze fixed on — modest Mr. you'll play for — knowledge. If you are — Napolеоn. Baxter. At that time I had __ greatest admiration for — Impressionists. (Bennett) 4. Меня интересует история развития английского романа. (Snow) 2. Margaret was talking to __ Osbaldistons. об искусстве. Ames. (Чехов) 10. Обратимся к науке. (Чехов) 8. я хочу славы.. (Dickens) 24. о чем угодно. and __ mother. were partisans of — new Pat. Оставим пока геометрию. Если вы плохо себя чувствуете. tender-hearted Amelia Sedley was __ only person to whom she [Becky] could attach herself in __ least. (Maugham) 14. intimated that his question applied to __ disappointed Rachel. 7. but he didn't hold that against __ Pat of __ present. of poplars and sunny water. He cared to say no more. But watching her . 14. 15. свободы. When she smiled he saw __ Pat he had known. He still felt that he couldn't bring __ two Pats together. in modern times. Elsie said she would ring up __ Doctor Worple. 17. (Galsworthy) 31. как чиновник почтового ведомства. __ professor Beans is __ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching. (Lindsay) 3. Bronte) 7. Martin for whom you were to inquire. insert articles where necessary. __ poor Edward muttered something.. успехов. ежели ее в программе нет? (Чехов) 11.— Maxim I had first met. Декабристы погибли в борьбе за свободу народа.. (Dickens) 29. on another __ still life by Nicholas de Stael. (Conan Doyle) 9. Он изучает английскую историю. (Dreiser) 18. __ captain Cuttle lived on __ brink of — little canal. rather __ grave. Is there anyone you would like to see? (Galsworthy) 6. Gradman is here. he had thrown quite dust enough into __ honest Adam's eyes. and __ Aunt Winifred. __ father and __ daughter appeared at last. (Dickens) 27. (Eliot) 15. (Du Maurier) 21. (Чехов) 9.) 1. 2. My visit was specially made to __ good Mrs. by __ nod. Alice. Мой брат очень любит архитектуру и мечтает стать архитектором.Exercise 9. which was not __ Caroline of every day. Cowperwood whom he had read about. не выходите в такую погоду. pastel fruit in __ white dish. I have __ address of — man in London to whom __ Professor writes. (Du Maurier) 12. still. Я с детства люблю музыку. but what it was nobody knew. на людей. Translate into English. Он изучает историю Англии.. (Eliot) 16. вероятно. 3. on one wall was — fine Sisley.. Tupman. This was __ famous Frank A. During — reading of __ paragraph. 13. Toots. of __ Chuzzlewit having been found on terms of __ intimacy with __ great. 6. __ Pat smiling at him froirt __ worn photo that still lay in — pocketbook against his heart. (Wilson) 10. In __ dim light streaming down __ stairs from behind her. 1.he grew aware that __ family was divided in its attitude. 5. I am __ Mr. darling. кто боролся против фашизма. Музыкант должен знать историю оперы. (Thackeray) 25. This Pat wasn't at all like __ Pat of his memories. — flustered Clarice stood beside me. __ stakes hardly matter. and __ „ vast importance of __ Chuzzlewits at different periods. Мы никогда не забудем героизм тех. Mr. youthful and ardent in __ hundred happy ways. like — man entranced. I longed to possess __ Sisley and __ Degas. (Articles with names of persons. not. Все народы земли хотят мира. Yet __ room itself was bright and elegant. Hubert and __ young Tasburgh at once discovered mutual service in Mesopotamia. 4. and Kit and Michael. I'm to meet __ Professor Hallorsen on Monday. I had 9 .. Я очень ценю в людях скромность и простоту. __ certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him. retiring man. (Dickens) 28. and for __ minute or two afterwards. you will play __ game of __ power. (Snow) 26. he scarcely recognised __ Lily he had known.. Я хочу быть артисткой. мог жаловаться ей на жизнь. Exercise 10. (Lindsay) 11. if you're __ Leonardo. thawed his reserve. (Ch. (Dickens). It has been said that there is no instance. (Conan Doyle) 22. (Wallace) 13. которую вы. География — наука почтальонов. She watched __ advent of __ Tasburghs almost maliciously. __ barbaric Bertie got no hint whatever that he was barbaric. неуклюжий.. Exercise 14." Osborne said. Army just in time to blow taps on __ Maine as she was sinking. (Greene) 7. 4. Кордильеры находятся в Северной Америке. (Чехов) 2. would say next day. Insert articles where necessary. played eleven games at __ billiards with __ captain.. "Oh. Он решил сходить к Туркиным. (Dickens) 33.. __ old Osborne. 6. «Пиковая дама» была написана Чайковским во Флоренции в 1890 г. In __ heart of __ Central Asia lies __ Khoresm.no doubt that you were — Miss Wilfer I have often heard named. 2. (Articles with geographical names. the popular press. I am going to Folkestone to-day." "Have you ever been to. refused to accept __ unhappy Selina's theory. Венеция расположена на берегу Адриатического моря. (Articles with nouns modified by proper nouns. these. I know. Michael looked quizzically at his parent. (Bennett) A... "I don't care about __ Captain Dobbin's complexion. Insert articles where necessary. and he remained long after everyone including — captain had abandoned __ ship. good evening. down __ Strand. ships.) 1. (Wilson) 6. __ medical practitioner quite. 5. __ prospect ends. of __ Atlas Mountains. __ Capetown is in __ South Africa." (Thackeray) 35. Идет «Дядя Ваня». streets. I hear he's off to __ Central Africa. тот самый Коля. __ difference between __ pair was that while __ father was violent and __ bully.. 5." he exclaimed. Did he quite understand __ England of to-day? (Galsworthy) Exercise 13. Вы —Коля. (Thackeray) 8. (Snow) Exercise 15." "There is not __ finer fellow in __ service. 5.. — son had thrice __ nerve and courage of — parent. In 1905 __ revolt broke out on __ Potemkin. (Shaw) 8. (Bennett) 2. Translate into English. (Faulkner) 9. (Thackeray) 36.." she said. They were excited because they had been dining with __ editor of __ Times. "I shall always like him. 6.. __ boys loved him because he told them that __ Navy had borrowed him from __ U. Азией и Африкой. in — bright drawing room in __ Lord North Street. 2.. S. 10. 5. застенчивый. We tried __ South America. Коля? (Куприн) (Чехов) Exercise 12.We lasted three days in __ Australia. He began to walk very rapidly up towards __ Trafalgar Square. 7. and shall stay at __ Metropole. 4. I. (Articles with names of hotels. Translate into English. and called for __ Captain Cannon. __ States?" (Amis) 9. in little hills that come nearly to __ sea. and returned to __ Russell Square. 1.) 1. __ street was empty. Подождите немножко. (Bennett) 3. 3. Средиземное море находится между Европой. one of __ battleships of __ Black Sea Fleet. though he is not __ Adonis.. 6. was nervous and drank much. all he was thinking of. (Dreiser) 34. She nodded __ command to __ footman. removing his cap and bowing. certainly. In Ivanhoe Walter Scott describes __ England of __ Middle Ages. "nor — better officer. Мы сегодня пойдем в театр. She sat in her superb private drawing room at __ Hotel Cecil..) 1. and so into __ little side street by __ Charing Cross. I am very fond of — Pushkin's short 10 . "We've been touring __ world. rudiments. __ small fertile area in __ sea of __ sand. (Snow) 4. in order to enjoy for __ day or two __ charms of __ Lake of __ Geneva. Эльбрус — очень красивая гора. and finding that — moment was not come when __ contest between him and his father was to be decided. __ Guardian. __ exquisite Sondra whom months before he had met at his uncle's. Insert articles where necessary. это Отелло. tried __ new coat in __ Pall Mall. I often go to __ Pushkin Theatre. И мать и дочь приняли приглашение. and they drove off westward. 7. but resist it. (Bennett) 2. (Hardy) Exercise 11. отец сейчас придет. Dusk was already falling on __ noble curve of __ Thames. he took his dinner with __ perfect coolness and appetite before __ engagement began. He went out and ate __ ices at __ pastry-cook's shop in __ Charing Cross. Yet. unlighted save by __ reflection from __ Grandlieu Street behind them. and had been given __ glimpse of next day's paper. 3. on __ contrary... Мой муж ревнив. Берега Рейна очень живописны.. (Bennett) 3. and could not merely make __ attack. was what __ Telegraph. After __ tour in __ Austrian Alps they had gone to __ Hotel Splendide at __ Montreux. Ливингстон погиб в Центральной Африке. "How are you?" while his mind was registering that this truly was __ beautiful.. and newspapers. Am I dealing. На днях я случайно встретила Нину. (Greene) 26. (Snow) 6. whatever it is. All of __ sudden. with __ case of __ love at __ first sight? (Galsworthy) 11. почему она обиделась. Bronte) 31. (Bennett) 8. (Galsworthy) 29. He has given __ permission to go up and see her there. Он даже не потрудился встретить нас на вокзале. (Shaw) 12.. (Dreiser) 17. She burned like __ fire from __ head to __ foot. (Galsworthy) 4. He is beginning to lose __ heart. я так и не поняла. looking to right and left. AH seemed perfectly at their ease. Жаль. and found Ada sitting at __ work by __ fireside. Argument was out of __ question. Мы всегда заставали его за работой. она придет в ярость. You will go to _ sea and forget ail about me in __ month. I trust you to tell me __ bare truth. Byron Waller could play __ violin. (Ch. The maid. __ Fox apartment had __ spacious old-fashioned feeling. They started at __ dawn. and no soul would know where he was gone. __ woman I fixed my eye on was __ woman who kept __ house for me at my cottage. It is __ pleasure to see you..tragedies. (Eliot) 15. (Galsworthy) 14. (Reade) 19. __ prettiest. (Murdoch) 13. We've had some tea already on __ board __ yacht. я очень занята. (Maugham) 33. 9.. 3. and we went on __ foot to __ Ebury Street. He was about to start on __ long journey. 7. dear! It seems only __ other day since I took you down to school at Sloughl (Galsworthy) 36.) 1. Если вы ей так ответите. Rosa was well aware that she had never taken __ trouble to get to know Annette. (Shaw) 21. He has taken his death very much to __ heart indeed. they say. What did her education and her accomplishments amount to? She could keep __ house.. (Lee) Exercise 17. (Austen) 23. __ Tretyakov gallery was founded nearly __ century ago by Pavel Tretyakov. (Marryat) 5. (Shaw) 22. Ridgeon. 6. (Greene) 10. (Miller) 25. and __ boy I sent with them didn't come back till next day. 8. 9. On __ other hand. (Galsworthy) 16. Я люблю путешествовать морем. Somewhere __ great many men were singing. and in summer. (Hardy) 20. __ Tretyakov's devotion to __ art and his indefatigable efforts had __ magnificent results and furthered __ development of __ Russian painting. 4. He held __ very guarded conversation with her on his way home. (Galsworthy) 10. Dear. On being informed. 13. He played __ flute. 11. __ furniture was all sent round by __ water. most tasteful and wittiest. (Collins) 34. __ old-fashioned collar. his face had become stony. He decided that he would not at __ present explain to her who he was. (Bennett) 5.. I got into conversation with him by __ chance at __ concert. for fear that she would take __ additional offence. Some of Vakhtan. He was chronically in __ debt. by no means in __ hurry. (Maugham) 18. 2. Приходите ко мне завтра. spoke in __ low and hurried voice. It was from that group that __ Vakhtangov Theatre sprang. (Priestley) 30.. 10. (Snow) 2.. Mr. 3. 7. (Snow) 35. (Galsworthy) Exercise 16. Translate into English. It is __ pity to worry her if she has __ talent for __ uneasiness. Она читает с утра до ночи. I saw __ good deal of him during __ war. Towards __ end of __ year 1913 several young students living in Moscow founded __ small group known as __ Students' Drama Studio. Мы уже' можем читать Диккенса и Теккерея в оригинале. She's taken quite __ fancy to you.. if he was beaten he took it with complete good humour.. I am __ medical student and have held __ post of house surgeon at one of __ London hospitals for some time. Он всегда говорит очень тихо. I returned at once. young people. По правде говоря. Вы по ошибке принесли не тот журнал. (Snow) 27. Vakhtangov was __ tireless innovator. (Collins) 28. (Articles with set expressions. Behind __ house was __ large garden. (Dickens) 9. 6.—Об этом и речи быть не может. __ Pulkovo Observatory is over __ hundred years old. 12. (Dickens) 24. что вы не можете пойти с нами в театр. On his trip round __ world with Fleur he had often put his nose out and watched the dancing on — deck. 11 . 1.gov's pupils became __ capable producers. (Galsworthy) 3. Мой брат очень хорошо играет на скрипке.. Insert articles where necessary. __ chin of __ founder of __ Forsyte clan was settled comfortably between __ widely separated points of. He had known all __ pretty Montjoy sisters scattered over — Society. Somebody important must have been arriving from Europe by __ air. (Snow) 32. by __ sea. __ pupils almost lived out of __ doors. __ difficult one. (Collins) 7. (Dreiser) 8. that her departure would be delayed. __ sets of furniture were imitations of one of __ Louis periods. __ rain had stopped. 5. she had flown into __ violent passion. but of them all Diana was __ youngest. 4. (Caldwell) 13. there is a great charm about the girl. That meeting had occurred at __ house of __ high official of __ British Museum. 5. It's as good __ place. чтобы ее можно было разрешить в такое короткое время.. Only. Jerome) 12. Я не могу ответить на такой странный вопрос. (Dickens) 5. Академик Берг. содержательнице гостиницы. изумительный актер. You are not __ person you claim to be. 1. В 1937 г. I am not __ good fisherman myself. gave her so long and so peculiar __ stare from __ corner where he was having tea. He had just been appointed __ Lord Justice of appeal. Mrs. then told them what kind of __ work she had to do. Оба письма были отправлены утром. 2. его отправили в провинцию к тетке. как та. (Dickens) 17. Как вы могли упустить такой редкий случай? 7. Ever since then I haven't been able to suppress — gnawing thoughts in my mind. (Shaw) 8. Translate into English. 2. Толстов.-1 was __ fool enough to ask her to live here still. (Shaw) 20. 1. (Bennett) 9. __ scholar with whom Arthur was on friendly terms. 6. My father became __ rector of Burnmore when I was nine.. You were __ dear little girl. (Shaw) 5. who was __ poor apprentice at __ milliner's. His money was __ money I brought him as my marriage portion. I'm too weak. had been surprised that afternoon by receiving __ letter from her once intended husband. Какое нелепое возражение! 8. (Hardy) 16. Martha. __ daughter of __ Paddocks. I suppose. Insert articles where necessary. nor his anxious wife __ wife of __ prosperous man. 2. Exercise 22. Mrs.) 1. (Ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian. (Wells) 4.. so that if his affairs became desperate. (Hardy) 3. бедным парижским портным. Lady Chiltern! (Wilde) 18. 3. Ostrovsky commenced __ clerk in __ Moscow Commercial Court. Качалов. __ trained diplomat and statesman as he was. знаменитый французский поэт. he could at least turn __ pirate. (Shaw) 22. He was __ particular friend of Sir John's (Austen). Translate into Russian. известный специалист по истории народов Средней Азии. Cashel was to go to sea. I am very fond of Helen. замечательно редкой красотой берегов и удивительным цветом воды. (Galsworthy) 7. looking back. Все бумаги подписаны. (Hemingway) 6. 4. She seemed to take rather __ fancy to me.) 1. называет Байкал чудом природы. (Reade) 15. I'm not strong enough to suppress them. Экспедицию возглавлял профессор С. Это довольно интересная статья. Exercise 20. It was quite __ way down to __ main road and then we walked along __ main road about __ mile and __ half. and she immediately left __ room. Это слишком сложная проблема. his forehead and mouth betray an extraordinary steadfastness. his. (Galsworthy) 2. that she knew he had not forgiven her. as you could find. 3. was holding her son Jim by __ hand. and his eyes are __ eyes of __ fanatic. чтобы его можно было прочесть в два дня. and direct __ affairs of __ house for me. Jerome) 14. (Articles with predicative nouns and nouns in apposition. 9. __ rather bony and hard-featured lady. 10. I am Anthony Anderron. But not __ little girl I had in my mind. (Dickens) 7. Translate into English. 1. (Jerome K. (Austen) 3. сердце Сибири. Selina. What __ charming house you have. (Snow) 21. __ lymphatic woman. __ love seemed now so little __ thing. It was too great __ P shock to be borne with __ calmness. выдающийся советский географ. The man was 12 . Это такая же светлая каюта. Это слишком длинный роман.Exercise 18. Insert articles where necessary. 6. Todgers was __ lady. умер за месяц до 50-летнего юбилея Художественного театра. (Советская литература) 2. and yellow as __ guinea. But he. 4. You should have been __ woman enough to control yourself. Когда началась революция. and he had turned __ miser. (Shaw) 19. I see it now. (Leacock) 11. Bronte) Exercise 19. как его называют. (E. (Galsworthy) Exercise 21. (Lindsay) 10. которого оплакивали миллионы любителей театра. В детстве он жил с дедом. His clothes are not __ clothes.. археологическая экспедиция отправилась в Хорезм. seemed to have lost __ warmth and __ power. Озеро Байкал. родился в 1780 г. Такую интересную книгу приятно перечитать.stern aristocratic face was upside down with __ fury. (Galsworthy) 4. (Jerome K. Беранже. Patterson. He looked thin. __ man you want. I'm not __ man enough. It was about ten o'clock at __ night. Every day I was up at __ dawn. 6. when it was dark. (Du Майrier) 6. evening. 3. (Special cases. (Greene) 10. __ summer drew to __ end. 1. and __ night of bitter cold. morning. (Shaw) 12.) (A) Day. (Shaw) 9. 10. 2. We are going to have __ ideal night. (Dickens) 13. 8. You had better not attempt to be a governess. A man was slowly walking along the street 4. __ morning was cold and sharp and sunny. что в комнате есть собака. and I really had no money at all to buy __ bread with. 3. It was __ warm summer night. (Murdoch) 14. It was as lovely __ morning as one could desire. __ night being sharp and frosty. Jerome) 30. Exercise 26. (Wilde) 2. 5. Outside it was __ night. (Greene) 4. (Shaw) 18. probably __ rather delirious night.— log till __ morning. 1. __ sun seemed to indicate __ late morning. after all. It was __ winter. Принесите муки. 13 . 2. (Conan Doyle) 15. It was __ glorious night. I think it's going to be __ fine morning. (Saroyan) 16.. and left __ quiet earth alone with __ stars. He painted and he read. (Eliot) 20. что собака в комнате. Утро было холодное и ветреное. Bronte) 4. __ night was __ windy one. and at — night when I threw myself on my bed it was to sleep like. but he insisted that I should spend __ night. we trembled from __ head to __ foot. (Maugham) 23. И днем и ночью он думал об одном. It was __ very dark evening for __ summer. Он переночевал у приятеля. working on my house. __ winter was __ very bad time for me. 3. and told him they were __ poor travellers who sought __ shelter for __ night. (E. It was early in __ afternoon. they sat together on __ veranda. __ night outside seemed very quiet.. Shaw) 17. smoking and looking at __ night. (Maugham) 29. 4. 6. __ machines at __ factory were in perpetual motion __ day and __ night. Был теплый летний вечер. I shall not forget __ evening I spent with him. I was up at six in __ morning. (Snow) 3. __ moon had sunk. planting. (Ch. On __ bright January morning __ telephones kept ringing in my office. (Dickens) 32. He wondered what hour it was. for __ sleep comes to __ perplexed. Bronte) 25. I cannot describe to you __ intense silence of __ night. Bronte) Exercise 23.slowly walking along the street. She has had __ bad night. there is something gloomy about the house. 7. (Shaw) 11. Он провел бессонную ночь и был очень бледен. I. and I put him into my own bed. (Murdoch) 19. clearing. Было прекрасное утро — солнечное и тихое. with broken clouds drifting swiftly across __ face of __ three-quarter moon.. and Margaret and I were sitting at breakfast. (B) Names of seasons. (Jerome K. 6. Nell dropped __ curtsey. (Maugham) 28. Девушка подошла к окну. he slept long and well.. Я не знала. I had not intended to stay more than __ hour. К окну подошла девушка. It is __ early morning. Настала ночь. During _ evening we played innumerable games of piquet. Jerome) 31. (Murdoch) 2. (Murdoch) 5. A girl showed me the way to the station. (Snow) 24. Exercise 24. I shouldn't like to live here. It was __ evening. __ West was dim. (Maugham) 6. (Greene) 8. 5. night. Было раннее утро. Arthur did not pass __ sleepless night. Я не знала. __ schoolmaster told them that they were welcome to remain under his roof till __ morning. ft was __ lovely evening in __ spring time of __ year. (/. You see. 9. It was __ morning after Roger had talked to me in __ Park. and __ early autumn. 8. и все в доме еще спали. (Maugham) 27. and he was walking across the school grounds on his way home. We've bought some butter. __ night came and he sent his sadness into his sleep. (Galsworthy) 22. Принесите муку. (Maugham) Exercise 25. as the duties of the position would be too severe for your constitution. Insert articles where necessary. (Snow) 26. 7. (Ch. и путешественники решили отдохнуть. It was __ foggy evening in November. Translate into English. Bronte) 5. I persuaded him to stay __ night with me. (Saroyan) 7. (Wilde) 3. __ fine September afternoon was dying fast. __ day was by This time approaching. if __ perplexed are only weary enough. 1. Translate into English. (E. I wondered if __ autumn would come upon us two months before her time. 4. Insert articles where necessary. We've bought the butter in this shop. Он пишет с утра до ночи. (Jerome K. __ East beginning to gleam. Приятно поехать за город в ясный летний день. (Maugham) 21. and in ^ _ evening. 5. (D) Names of meals. солнечная погода. 2. but at __ coming on of __ night. Осень была исключительно теплая. __ spring of 1955. 15. It was __ cold fall and __ wind came dowd from __ mountains. (Faulkner) 21. (Murdoch) 3. (Conan Doyle) 8. Who could be in — _ prison __ quarter of __ century. It was eleven o'clock.. (Jerome K. came near to her and smiled for __ first time. 14. savoring his drink.. Translate into English. Она плохо себя чувствовала и провела весь день в постели. There was not much of it. Clay settled back in his chair. (Jerome K. 3. (Snow) 9. I'm merely going there to save time at __ present. Steger next visited __ county jail. Мы провели несколько дней в маленьком городке на Кавказе. 4. So I may not even see you again. 5. all __ nature was very calm and beautiful. 1. __ bed he had nowhere to lay his head this night. __ dinner was very sound.and in. close on to five o'clock. early in __ spring. I never knew __ lawyer yet who didn't threaten to put me in __ prison sooner or later. Stefan. She graduated from __ Pedagogical Institute __ year ago and now she is working at __ school in __ village near Leningrad.. Mrs. Я провела все лето в городе. Была ранняя весна. Jerome) 5. 9. when it was already dark. Yes. 2. either. we all knew: this was. (C) Bed. "When you think of me at all. 1. Shaw) 6. Когда сестра окончила школу. __ bed. would remain in his room till __ dinner was ready. After leaving __ school. (Bennett) 7. Translate into English. Shaw) 5. (Bennett) 8. (Dickens) 18. who had been sitting on the edge of __ bed. and we were in __ good humour. Она легла спать в три часа и встала с головной болью. Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 3. there is one anciently common to most towns. Мы живем на даче. It was in my walk that night. — __ workhouse. Мое любимое время года — лето. (Murdoch) 7. Annette was still in __ bed. __ day had been fine and warm. (Shaw) 22. Jerome) 4. Unless we can give __ rector. Insert articles where necessary. __ school was not __ particularly good one. Лето 1941 года было очень жаркое. (Dickens) 7. We had __ cold bacon for __ lunch that day. But on __ clean dish with parsley it looked rather neat. Dubedut. prison. Come and have __ tea on __ deck. 6. Jerome) 2. I'm going to be out of __ town for a few days. она поступила в консерваторию. and in __ sleepless hours which followed when I lay in. Сегодня мне надо пойти в школу на родительское собрание. холодная осень. (Dickens) 8. You take your man home. Among other public buildings in __ certain town. (Dreiser) 16. school. 10. (Jerome K. how he had in time been released from __ prison. let it only be as __ little child you have seen grow up in __ prison. 5. 1. I took it to be __ bacon we had not eaten for — breakfast. (/. They had __ supper 14 . town. 1. struggling through __ mist which had obscured it all day. Exercise 30. Женщина подошла к кровати и накрыла ребенка одеялом. He told with __ perfect truth. Insert articles where necessary. (Maugham) 3. (Lee) 4. he and my brother had been to __ school together. I haven't done anything that warrants my running away or going to __ prison. Генри был обвинен в краже. и. It was __ fine day. (Murdoch) 2. но часто приезжаем в город. (Austen) 11. (Dreiser) 10. его посадили в тюрьму. He came in one morning when I was having — breakfast on __ terrace of __ hotel and introduced himself. John. (Dickens) 12. Exercise 28. (Hemingway) 10. (/. May comb was __ old town.. and get him to __ bed before eleven. (Snow) 6. It was pretty late in __ autumn of __ year when __ declining sun. (Shaw) 9. I became clerk to her father. __ soft stillness of __ twilight. (Maugham) Exercise 27. (Shaw)20. In all probability he was already in — town. great or small.. and be prosperous! (Dickens) Exercise 29. Mr. Была дождливая. Dolores said nothing all __ way to __ town. 4. стояла ясная. хотя он был невиновен. 7. He said he had letters to write and if I would allow him. looked brightly upon __ little Wiltshire village. __ air grew cool. I saw to it that he had __ good dinner. expecting __ good dinner.. 8. О. (Lindsay) 13. that __ thought first occurred to me which afterwards shaped itself into __ settled resolution* (Dickens) 17. Before that she had taught history in __ girls' school. There was going to be __ election soon. (Dickens) 19. __ prison where Little Dorrit was born was called "The Marshalsea". Он сидел в тюрьме три года. When you've wanted something very badly and it comes at last. (Dickens) 13. (Dickens) 14. One morning. (Galsworthy) 11. Insert articles where necessary. (Greene) 16. (Conan Doyle) 18. (Austen) 16. 3. __ supper which Jan had prepared. Gentleman. Jerome) 7. Youth in her South Carolinian home had been simple and self-reliant. I am commonly __ man of __ few words. (Maugham) 6.. we were having __ excellent dinner. (Jerome K. consisting of __ cold chicken. and. I started relating __ most interesting anecdote. (Murdoch) 15 . (Snow) Exercise 31. 5. wishing he had not mentioned that fact. It was __ most beautiful room. and __ little room overlooking __ river into which they were shown for __ dinner was delightful.. (Ch. It was __ cold. __ man of __ culture. and soon they were eating. why don't you tell me about your sister? She always sounds fascinating. 2. He accepted willingly my invitation to remain for __ few days in my apartment. Stefan behaved as usual. (Dickens) 9. begged __ permission to speak with her for __ few moments. He tried to orient himself by : __ stars. __ porter. (Wilde) 9. (Greene) 12. and unlike __ most American girls. What __ little light there was came from one small window. I. and it had __ greatest influence on __ history of __ language. and Aileen Butler was __ most significant element of __ romance in it. She. (Snow) 2. in setting forth __ neat luncheon. __ little expedition down __ river was delightful. Обед еще не готов. __ dinner was __ grand one. (Dreiser) 10. but I've no real idea what she's like. (Maugham) 17. 4. due to __ peculiar pressure of __ situation. with __ simplicity of __ child. Harry Maylie entered.in __ silence. (Murdoch) 14. 5. (Du Maurier) 12. Не опаздывайте к обеду. cooked by Mary Osbaldiston-. began to dress for __ dinner to which she had been invited. when Rose was alone in __ breakfast-parlour. Harriet closed her coat quickly and walked __ little faster. (Dreiser) 11. pronouns. __ most beautiful girl he had ever seen. __ ham and __ tarts. __ news he had conveyed to her would have terrified __ most women. We have __ little luggage. (Glyn) 6. one of __ few he ever made. (Murdoch) 3. but I'm __ little frightened all __ same. he was __ most excellent man. that nobody was paying __ slightest attention io me whatever. In __ tiny dining-room.. He had put himself in __ most unsatisfactory position. We can't disguise from ourselves that there's __ little hope. Insert articles where necessary. (Hansford Johnson) 13. Завтрак состоял из хлеба с маслом. for instance. (/. I know there's no danger. Наши знакомые пригласили нас на обед. (Articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives. One of __ most intellectual men I ever met. but it was __ cloudy night and __ few stars that were visible did not announce any constellation that he could recognize. 3. (Dreiser) 13... it is somehow __ little frightening. Shaw) 15. I shall be glad to see you at __ lunch at half past one. сыра и кофе. (Snow) 11. __ old man replied that there were __ few grown persons as trustworthy or as careful as she [Nell]. Translate into English. she had not had too good __ time. When they arrived and mounted __. (Dickens) 10. You have had __ most distinguished career. but was somewhat surprised to observe.. (B) Few. __. (Dreiser) 4. Exercise 33. politically and socially. 7.. __ few words that I have to add to what 1 have written. charm and __ distinction. When he arrived. (Cronin) 8. stairs. little... with some hesitation. She was __ most beautiful young girl.. He had given me __ dinner. (Priestley) 10. I seem to have forgotten __ little I ever knew. __ most of __ women had flowers or little black feathers sticking up in their hair. __ Norman Conquest is one of __ most important events in __ English history. We needn't take.) (A) Most. __ little I have to say can be said in __ few minutes. (Bennett) 5.. He assisted her. __ ' most gentle. Exercise 32. 1. Мы позавтракали в восемь часов. This was __ most painful thought of all. (Dickens) 4. Oh. are soon penned. He was __ man of __ most subtle and refined intellect. (Dreiser) 2.. Her life held so little of __ real charm. from __ little I hear. windy evening and there were __ few people in __ Park. and numerals. It was _ most beautiful room in — house. and __ good one. He paused. __ famous Contract was at __ dinner. (Austen) 12. 1. (Murdoch) 9. (Shaw) 17. __ mother and I are planning to go to __ country for __ few days. It was __ slip of __ tongue. Bronte) 15. (Dickens) 8. tender and estimable man. Well. he had high standards of behaviour. and then suddenly capitulated. and __ third would help him up on it. (Dreiser) 6. __ exact number is not yet known.. moving one foot slowly after __ 8.lt was in those days rather __ rare accomplishment. (Dickens) 6. Insert another or the other. (Greene) 3. (E. Insert articles where necessary. It seemed to my imagination as if __ portrait had grown womanly and __ original remained __ child. (Buck) 26. On her face 1 saw __ placid and sweet expression of __ : lady whose picture had looked at me downstairs. one in __ loosely clasped. __ brother of his father's. Rebecca's mother had had __ education somewhere and her daughter spoke __ French with __ purity and __ Parisian accent. (Maugham) Exercise 36. When __ winter came. He had __ wit. and as this class of passengers was small. Pickwick was perfectly aware that __ tree is __ very dangerous neighbour in __ thunderstorm. etc. Cowperwood had occasion to look at Aileen. probably because he never behaved like __ doctor. A person who has not done one half of his day's work by ten o'clock. I've travelled __ little. anxious to have much time.. The boy sidled nearer.. (Marryat) 25. (Hansford Johnson) 24. (Maugham) 3. (Galsworthy) 7. (Maugham) Exercise 35. was very angry. __ third before him. He had __ tree on his right. On __ bureau there were laid __ number of letters and things to be attended to. any settled plan of going anywhere or doing anything. At first he thought it was merely the storm. during __ few hours he might pass in _ cottage it would be easy for her to keep out of his way. Fleur stole __ look. discussed their prospects __ hundred times __ day. Take care. (Dreiser) 5. __ keen sense of __ humour. (Galsworthy) Exercise 37.. There was __ reason why he was disturbed. then __ third. Mr. Thirteen years of life with Frank Cowperwood had taught her __ number of things. (Snow) 6. begged. third.. Her hands lay on her lap motionless. and __ fourth behind. __ sense of pathos. Luf. He spent __ little on himself. and to find that every object I looked at reminded me of __ happy old home which was like __ dream I could never dream again. She passed close to him __ number of times. __ third was calculating eagerly to drive __ hard bargain. another was afraid. 1. I see very __ few women. He went up into __ picture gallery. (Dreiser) 6. he suffered __ good deal from — cold and __ hunger. even wept __ little. Of all those to whom he appealed one was actually not in __ position to do anything for him. and led to her engagement with __ orthodox Miss Pinkerton. (Snow) 21..19... (Wilde) 27. (Thackeray) 4. (James) 22. __ one thing that really interested him in connection with his parents was __ existence somewhere in __ east in __ small city called Lycurgus. She respected him mightily but gave him __ very little thought. and __ fourth would hand him __ nail. (Jerome K. (E. I've proposed twice now. There was __ silence. __ colonel says our losses have not been heavy.. and often had to go to __ bed without any supper but __ few dried pears or some hard nuts. [Dreiser) 2. (Dickens) 5. and __ number of those who had no prospects whatever was very large. __ professor Earle Fox ignored for __ second time __ buzzing signal from the secretary in __ adjoining office. He was one of __ few men of science who never terrified me. (Dickens) 2. What __ strange feeling it was to be going home when it was not home. One evening __ little Hans was sitting by his fireside when __ loud rap came at __ door. but not enough. (Dickens) 3. I shall not propose __ third time.kin's tastes were austere. (Snow) 4. the number. Insert articles where necessary. __ fourth was too deliberate. (Wilson) 4. 1.. of __ uncle.. 16 . (Buck) 20. 1. Jerome) 3. Then she came and sat down on __ side of the hearth. Two people would have to hold __ chair. (E) A number. (Dreiser) 2. Those who had any letters to deliver or. but those are __ women of rank. (Galsworthy) 5. Bronte) 23. Though he was ambitious. Carie expostulated. __ tree on his left. Caroline. But __ second rap came. (D) 1. (Lee) Exercise 34. While he was dancing. there were plenty of listeners and few talkers. Insert articles where necessary. Strickland.. (Dreiser) 4. and __ fifth would pass him up __ hammer. (Wilde) 5. had been invited. Surely. Mary offered to lend __ little she had. To this particular dinner __ number of people. not a long one. runs the chance of leaving __ half undone. (C) Second. Bronte) 2. There was __ thing I liked in Mrs. seemed to warn __ travellers of __ rapid approach of __ stormy night. and his widow had J had such struggles to maintain herself. It was __ dark evening. __ law was __ sword and __ shield. and he must not show __ sign of either. It was yet __ early morning. (Stone) 15. __ Miller said all kinds of beautiful things about __ friendship. who was __ most grateful of mankind upon __ least occasion. art. Mr. with rare stars. but felt _ little calmer. (Clark) 18. Bronte) 19. and played what he composed with __ taste. for he was __ very good scholar. should so desire to escape __ gratitude of others. Large drops of __ rain. __ comfortable. He was fond of __ women in __ quiet sort of way. (Dickens) 16. For in his heart were — great gladness and __ great pity. Though __ young man was __ honest fellow. __ soft. and when __ night came on. or only singular to me. that passed from my pocket to his. It was __ damp night. were in any way equivalent to __ entertainment he afforded me. __ point is that __ art now is just __ subject for conversation. She drew __ little away from him. __ favour upon me. (Clark) 9. and __ snow lay deep in __ gorges of __ mountains. (Bennett) 28. Even __ cheap delights of __ childhood must be bought and paid for. and __ son of] __ honest father. and __ fire in her eye. that __ son was very irn-1 perfectly educated. down which ran __ number and variety of ^ __ pipes and cables. __ chamber with __ writing table. (Galsworthy) 21. that even Sikes observed with __ astonishment. __ girl's excitement increased. unused. and __ subconscious had __ few secrets from him. __ hour of __ milkmen and __ postmen __ station had __ chill. I do not consider that __ cigars and whisky he consumed at my expense. __ sun comes up from __ East and goes down to . (Maugham) 11. (Dickens) 13. (Shaw) 29.. (Hansford Johnson) 32. (Dickens) 14. I remained his debtor. there was __ unusual paleness in her cheek. Skimpole could play __ piano and __ violoncello.. passengers were few. __ wind shifted from __ South to __ North-East and brought __ rain first and then __ sleet and __ snow. lighter above that. mildly witty. We crossed over __ Park by __ lake. (Wilde) 20. which Hans took down in __ note-book and used to read over at __ night. Jarndyce and 1 were __ audience. and anything that anybody can understand (at __ first sight is not worth talking about and therefore not __. She was in __ unfamiliar street.were creaking in. __ children of __ poor know but __ few pleasures. and I thought __ good deal of what __ unlucky Dutchman had told me. Next day. We went down __ corridors. He was __ quiet man. (Dreiser) 23. __ electric bells and __ massive oak door with __ lock and __ key in __ lock. (Maugham) 26. It had been __ severe winter. __ West. He was young still. I had often new temptations afterwards to wonder whether it was really singular. __ first leaves had fallen. It's pleasant to get used to __ expensive. (Murdoch) 12. In __ civil life. low and grey. (Dickens) 31. __ English of __ 14th century differs from __ Modern English. and he was __ composer. And there began for Soames __ most confused evening he had ever spent. __ trees. and in __ few years he would look back on all his misery with __ sadness in which there would be something not unpleasurable. After __ lights within. mildly intellectual. __ enormity of __ situation was too overpowering. (Snow) 8. one of __ pelicans was spreading its wings. In __ hands of __ strong. (Conan Doyle) 24. (Maugham) 7. then perceived that unwittingly she had done __ right thingr for he at once tried to take her hand again. __ pit to dig in __ path of those who might pursue. (Dickens) 30. and __ few dollars. (Galsworthy) 17. were painted in two contrasting shades of green — dark up to __ height of five foot. __. __ sofa. He was __ psychopathologist as well as __ student of __ art. __ trap to place before __ feet of __ unwary. it was very dark. borrowed with __ civil air of conferring. Cassilis was __ stage-designer on __ threshold of __ brilliant career. in which Richard and Mr. In __ evening __ weather broke. I breathed deeply two or three times. with __ clouds. had composed half __ opera once. As that day closed in. and __ night was enormous and silent with __ intensity which for __ moment made her pause in __ awe. __ London train was on __ point of __ departure. like himself when he was at his best. (£. on __ grass. (Hardy) 33. After __ tea we had quite __ little concert.But __ bed I made up for myself was sufficiently uncomfortable to give me __ wakeful night. __ telephone. deserted look. __ latter had died so early. down __ stone stairs. mildly handsome. (Maugham) 27. __ blustery wind. which pattered every now and then against __ windows of __ chaise. (Bennett) 22. driving across from __ west. __ walls. 10. but behaved with them always as if he were in search of __ good quiet wife. And this was her first lesson too in __ nature of __ man. And now he was in __ large bedroom overlooking __ Thames. 17 . that he. (Galsworthy) 25. his dark hair had __ fleck or two of premature grey in it. or __ Tasburghs. (Greene) 35. __ face immediately shut __ door again. dressed carelessly. (Soviet Literature) 4. With this additional safeguard __ door opened once more to __ narrow slit and Rosa could see one pale blue eye looking out at her. 3. He left __ kitchen. staggered him. (Lee) Exercise 38. __ weather had not changed.. (Hardy) 40. and from that station another expedition. (Hansford Johnson) 42. In 1818 __ Glinkas went to St.. However. then came another flash of lightning brighter than __ other. where Mikhail was placed in __ boarding school at __ St. and __ second peal of thunder. and __ Greek. Sedov died on his way to __ North Pole. I think 1 have never known __ man whose judgement was surer. one felt. and shapely. Boswell and Johnson. 1. Petersburg of Pushkin played __ great part in. Heavens! __ far end of __ gallery.. Petersburg that was __ Glinka's home for __ greater part of his life. His clean-shaven face was full of __ health. where he stayed for __ number of years. Follow the direction for Exercise 37. Petersburg Central Pedagogical Institute. __ stealthy sound. __ St. (Galsworthy) 38. (Galsworthy) 41. and __ mathematics. (Murdoch) 9. __ Soviet Government built __ Arctic station at __ place where Sedov died. (Galsworthy) 8. with __ lips of faint pink and eyes that varied from gray to blue and from gray to brown according to. Dick Stroeve. She was __ mountain-bred and ever __ lover of __ mountains. at __ extreme left comer of __ house. He had not been here five minutes when __ vivid flash of lightning was followed by __ loud peal of thunder. Rosa knocked several times without getting any answer and had stepped back tin to __ pavement to look up at __ closely curtained windows when __ door opened very quietly to __ gap of __ few inches and с __ pale face peered out. But though so bad __ painter he had __ very delicate feeling for __ art. Glinka was born in 1804. went in __ dining-room and excused himself to __ Aunt Alexandra. and in __ air there was __ smell of burning leaves. and Rosa could hear __ chain being fixed. — man and __ human soul are expressed in __ Glinka's music with __ deep sincerity and understanding. Petersburg.. __ Uncle Adrian. and to go with him to __ picture galleries was __ rare treat. She could see __ little beauty in __ sea. Very often __ boy would take up __ violon and try to repeat __ notes and rhythm of __ music he had heard. his eyes full of __ light. Great God! His picture gallery! He ran to — foot of __ stairs that led up to it. __ Saxenden. (Dreiser) 5. __ Lady Henrietta. who had attended __ school with Aileen in former years and was now __ teacher in one of __ local schools. __ reddish. __ Herzogs moved to __ midwest. went to — North and set — Soviet flag over __ North Pole. __ only person who stood out in her mind was __ certain Mary Calligan. . fitful light was coming from __ window above. artistic in __. Her beauty measured up to his present sense of __ artistic. (Maugham) 7. There were __ number of young women who were very friendly to her. __ very tall and very good-looking man who entered seemed about thirty-eight years old. __ light in which you saw them. nursed Strickland with __ tenderness and __ sympathy. She [Lillian] was s]ightly taller than he. that if there was __ little tenderness in her nature. (Eliot) 39. form and __ feature.. but there were _ few with whom she was really intimate. Just as when we arrived. (Dickens) 2. were __ prey to __ untidy passion. (Dreiser) 6. Rosa sprang forwards with such __ alacrity that __ owner of. In 1830 Glinka went to Italy. I guessed that __ women would likej her as much as __ men. (Bellow) 36. __ scent of burning much more emphatic. this time __ Soviet expedition. it was __ evening so tranquil that __ chimney smoke seemed painted on __ sky. (Buck) 37. that crashed and rolled away in __ distance with terrific noise. I shall never forget __ tactful patience with which he persuaded him to take — nourishment. And he 18 . __ Glinka's life. said __ wrong word. I've been taught ' __ Latin. Most of __ members of his expedition died too. They never. Boldwood sat down to __ supper as usual.. louder than __ first. put on his hat and went to __ town. was on fire. Her hair was __ colour of — dried English walnut and her complexion waxen. At __ dusk. on __ evening of St.Margaret and I had to ! leave __ house after __ tea. He was dexterous to make him comfortable. but discoursed in lively fashion of __ Aunt Em. there was also no spite. and he exercised — cunning of which I should never have thought him capable to induce him to take _ medicine prescribed by __ doctor. (Snow) 34. Dinny wrote __ letter to her brother in which she said nothing of __ Hallorsen. His uncle had __ orchestra of his own. He hurried up __ stairs and pulled open __ door. and that only of __ terrible and overwhelming kind. giving up his work entirely. Valentine's day. it was St. Pryor looked round her. spoke of her warmly. __ most cheerful of rooms it appeared as _ whole. __ Volterras had __ six-room apartment with __ hall which was like __ cord holding all '. Dubedut is __ arrestingly good-looking young woman. unconscious touches of description __ sense of __ picturesque. Despite __ smallness of __ rooms. through this they were conducted to __ large parlour. but none when dealing with his own. and when you came to examine details.. __ living room.was better educated than __ most painters. who had taken __ great fancy to Ellen. and the desire of earning fame in the sports of the field. (Ch. and yet was always blundering. with __ good deal of __ elegance and dignity of __ fine lady. a sea of liquid light. __ dining room. that gave to her discourse — graphic charm as pleasant as it was unpretending. I began once at a dinner to tell a good story. __ real feeling for what was beautiful and __ capacity to create only what was commonplace. She comes home to a late tea. and __ gentleman. (Wilson) 11. you would have said. lined almost to __ ceiling with __ pictures. Bronte) 13. It is hard that __ man's exterior should tally so little sometimes with his soul. and __ bath. Mrs. To __ young man like myself his advice and guidance was of __ incomparable value. so belonging to __ circumstances in which it has been nurtured. __ appreciation of __ beautiful or __ commonplace. It merged without a boundary into a sky which at the horizon was of an equal pallor. Charmian. This is Professor Hallorsen. dear. (Dreiser) 6. (Wilson)~-ll. 1. __ enlivening effect was not diminished. He had __ sweet and generous nature. You can't become prime minister at once. there were small sailihg-boats with triangular sails. who was head of the expedition. __ series of Italian views decked __ walls. of __ travelled man. She has something of __ grace and romance of __ wild creature. The scene of yesterday was quite transformed. Mrs. will you please hold baby?" (Dickens) 8. Bronte) 7. and after tea she never sews. marvelling at the subtleties of reflected radiance. (Jerome K. with __ magnificent fire in __ grate. Bronte) 12. He was not ignorant of __ kindred arts. at __ far end. There was no splendour. (Ch.. she felt. and left __ man __ face to __ face with __ perplexing callousness of __ Universe. Here and there in the far distance. __ scholar. (Dickens) 5. At last. and his taste for __ music and __ literature gave __ depth and variety to his comprehension of __ painting. here was __ suitable wife for me. taking her mind off her own troubles. (Maugham) 10. I must remind you again that Adam had the blood of the peasant in his veins. the air. Comment on the use of articles or their absence. Pickwick observed that fame was dear to the heart of every man. "that between you and Miss Manette there is __ affection so unusual. but there was __ taste everywhere. and carries herself with — unaffected distinction of __ woman who has never in her life suffered from those doubts and fears as to her social position which spoil __ mannens of __ most middling people. Poetic fame was dear to the heart of his friend Snodgrass. then came three bedrooms. and spoke of __ neighbourhood as she had once before seen it long ago." said Darnay. compared its aspect with that of other parts of England: revealing in quiet. They found themselves in __ matted hall. Bronte) 10. "You're a good nurse. What __ cruel practical joke __ old Nature played when she flung so many contradictory elements together. (E. (Eliot) 9. __ peculiar delicacy of sentiment and __ gross manners." said Bella. "I know. __ taste. She has __ figure on which any dress would look well. yet at the same time brilliant. He was already chairman of the department. and.. 19 . they had __ neat cosy quality that gave Erik __ comfortable feeling. __ experience of worrying about my future was __ soothing one to her.. She. and she did her best to jockey me into __ marriage. even in __ tenderness between __ father and __ child. Thus he stood by the bank of thfs still lake." (Dickens) 15. so touching. (Shaw) 14. (Dreiser) 12. the fame of conquest was equally dear to his friend Tupman. feeling the artist's joy in perfect natural beauty.. I know he couldn't love a Linton. __ kitchen was nearest to __ front door. (Shaw) 2. "John. He could exercise __ tact when dealing with __ affairs of others. Jerome) 3. that it can have __ few parallels. (Ch. each of them was __ specimen of __ true art. __ power of comparing __ wild with __ cultured. though changing at the zenith to a very pale vibrating blue. (Hansford Johnson) Exercise 39. (Murdoch) 4. The evening had already deepened into night. __ small rooms together. __ connoisseur had selected them. Mr. Dirk Stroeve had __ passion of Romeo in __ body of Sir Toby Belch. (Maugham) 16. The sea was now pale and almost colourless.. as if suspended motionless between sea and sky. and the water was uppermost in the breast of his friend Winkle. complete. illegitimate. bushy. good. (strong. (bad) (Shaw) 6. regular. far. Portuguese. Exercise 3. a life of domestic ease and love! (Dickens) 17. old. sceptical. panic-stricken. clumsy. much. weather-stained. nonparty. I think we'll resume the conversation when you're a little __. A full moon rode between the elm trees and there was silence as of the grave. brave) (Saroyan) 20. (Murdoch) 14. Phuong was drinking a glass of orange juice and I was having a beer and we sat in silence. George got out his banjo after supper and wanted to play it. tiny. who also brought him his meals and did the cleaning. (Bennett) 19. but Harris objected. Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree. (Priestley) 21. careworn. content to be together. miserable. bitter. illegible. newly-baked. stupid. They had dined well and were now drinking hard. blindfold. Jerome) 15. So it was that on the following day. easy) (Cusdck) 16. __ sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them. (presentable) (Dreiser) 15. Cosy. he felt young still! Of all his thoughts this was __. perhaps. fat. even if it's a future where we aren't to be found anywhere upon the earth. carried them to the __ pawnshop he could find. (great) (Hemingway) 7. we all live in the future. ere that moment. There was a certain dignity in the little elderly gentleman's manner of rebuking these youths. though it was not. lazy. a Miss Glashan. Difficult to believe it was so long ago. which made him forty-five. (Galsworthy) 16. took it. well-timed. respectable-looking. antique. (young) (Snow) 4. The world is all before him where to choose. (happy) (Hansford Johnson) 10. he was a good deal __ than herself. Was there anything in the world __ than indecision? (bad) (Galsworthy) 3. big. One might have supposed that. (small) (Lawrence) . improbable. George thought the music might do him good— said music often soothed the nerves and took away a headache. (calm) (Maugham) 12. Winter and summer a stove was burning in his room. ran away from school to do it. homeless. (Ch. merry. Rosa was knocking on Mrs. He took his trinkets. But. Caroline. It's __ in here than it is on the street. hard-hearted. serious. abundant. I went into the war when I was seventeen. Wingfield's door at about four o'clock. low.11. thoughtful. considerate. (Greene) 22. A life of stirring work and interest. dark. civilized) (Cooper) 21. intimate. small. He felt her breathing grow — and __ (slow. Things went from bad to __ (bad) (Saroyan) 14. enough of the astonishing and the vivid had already happened. (bitter) (Greene) 5. Kate remembered the little general. red) (Priestley) 2. merciful. beloved. cheap. their faces getting __ and __ (red. enlisting as a Tommy and telling them I was nineteen. (hot) (Salinger) 18. low-bred. He was only five years __ than I was. deep. narrow. snow-white. She received congratulations as if she were __ of women. He said he had got a headache. bad. Shaw) 19. __ than his fellows. Mr. disobedient. water-proof. regular. (pretty) (/. an astonishing and vivid experience happened to them. fit. clever. significant. All his life he had taken pains to be __. He had been a great fencer. bitter) (Galsworthy) 9. __ fencer in Italy. counter-revolutionary. Pretty. They had never made __ pretence of believing him. Exercise 2. long-legged. under pretence of showing 20 . a life of change and excitement. which was a Saturday.. State the morphological composition of the following adjectives. (little) (Greene) 13. sober. From that moment may be dated the downfall of __ and __ of the Indian nations. before the war. (good) (Saroyan) 8. and being offered forty-five dollars for the lot. quite the dignity most appropriate to the occasion. virtuous. deep-blue. (bitter) (Galsworthy) 17. 1. dear. simple. forlorn. gay. beautiful. that existed within the limits of the present United States.. __ With his white head and his loneliness he had remained young and green at heart. red-haired. Micawber. in the life of Priam Farle at least. (poignant. little. Bronte) 20. Harris said he would rather have the headache. bookish. expensive. (Jerome K. To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps __ experience a young man can go through. He loved his brother and he had done his brother what people seemed to consider __ of wrongs. peace-making.13. but to be indifferent to them. I think you're about __ girl in school. After all. She is stopping at one of __ hotels in town. (great. Give the comparative and superlative degrees. shaky. (Murdoch) 18. stoked by Peter Saward's landlady. (Murdoch) THE ADJECTIVE (Galsworthy) Exercise 1. sad. courageous. large. wicked. Such were the reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. She warned the domestics not to touch the child. (Snow) 5. и темные тучи покрыли небо. (Hemingway) 15. dining-room. Osborne might be offended. as they saw it. break fast-room. There was at least 21 . who was sitting by an open window in a pleasant rearward apartment. это самая длинная река Европы. (Fowler) 17. Волга длиннее Днепра. (Reade) 3. and library combined. 9. part of the rich and superior class and every poor man knew what that meant. I was soon to discover that Gevaert was never interested in what "inferiors" had to say. and to help his exceptional incompetence in every possible way. Let me tell you something. (Meade) 6. We slept in a double-bedded room. Ватикан — самое маленькое государство в Европе. (Murdoch) 10. (good) (Priestley) Exercise 4. Oh. Платина тяжелее золота. (Wells) 3. но к вечеру погода стала хуже. She sat in a state of irresponsible exaltation. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. 2. fortunately. чем Москва. She hesitated a moment. It was the sort of solemn warning that a sanguine man gives to others. 5. The uniform had been cut for a stouter person than myself. Husbands and wives never listen when they talk to each other. of approximately the same height. (good) (Conan Doyle) 24. (Snow) 6. "I didn't know anything about it. ветер усилился. это один из самых тяжелых металлов. Условия жизни трудящихся в странах социалистического лагеря значительно лучше. He basked in the company of the young. This year I covered half the world and saw people in such numbers — it seems to me I saw everybody but the dead. чем в странах капиталистического лагеря. and laid her hand on mine. garrison hat." cried Charlie indignantly. He was. Point out all the substantivised adjectives and state whether they are wholly or partially substantivised. Tom presented himself before Aunt Polly. что в ближайшем будущем культурные связи с Англией будут еще более тесными. But they had been such innocents then I (Galsworthy) 12. Then a guarded voice said. There's nothing for any of us to do. We must take the bitter along with the sweet. What about this coal strike? Will it ruin the country as the papers say? Isn't it a foolish thing on both sides? (Galsworthy) 12. (Aldington) 7. I know he is a right good fellow. (Twain) 4. Both these people were resolved to treat Mr. only when the other is talking to somebody else. some aviators in the compartment who did not think much of me. He would walk here and there and be no __ than an ant in an ant hill. 10. Polly very well. это один из древнейших городов России. Киев — более древний город. only smiled. Elizabeth and George talked and found each other delightful. It was a surprise to the optimistic: but it was even more of a surprise to the experienced. and all his ribbons." (Priestley) 11. (Clark) THE PRONOUN Exercise 1. (conspicuous) (Greene) 23. (Galsworthy) 5. (Wells) 13. 1. (Priestley) 18. "I came to see you about something else. Exercise 5. What we need is a higher and purer political morality. Можно надеяться. 7. 1. because he ought to give it to himself. How do I know what's gone on between you? The rights and the wrongs of it. (A. watching him. and then sat down beside me. (Dreiser) 13. This is Sam Penty one of our __ artists. (Dickens) 9. which was bed-room. as Mrs. which was __ that the little country inn could do for us. Imogen turning her luscious glance from one to the other of the "old dears". (Bellow) 11. Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs to. Одной из важнейших проблем сегодняшнего дня является установление прочного и длительного мира. Wilson) 8. but one. Точка кипения (the boiling point) спирта ниже точки кипения воды. (Heym) 9. but it belongs to the rank of the impossible. accompanied me to the corner of the street. 1. (Thackeray) 4. They were like poor savages confronted with a beautiful white girl. Translate into English. The poor must stand together everywhere.me a __ way than that by which I had come. (Galsworthy) 7. 3. (Dreiser) 8. (near) (Dickens) 22. None of us except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister thought of Roger or his policy. (Snow) 2. Утро было прекрасное. (Snow) 14. 6. 4. There were. (Snow) 2. "Who goes there?" (Twain) 16. with that strange passive cruelty which is natural and proper in her sex and age. 8. Willoughby was wearing greens. I don't want to know. (Clark) 10. Of course. and don't let __ forget it. (Greene) 9. (Maugham) 11. (/. I hope. __ were walking and __ were brought on the backs of men that came across the field. (Priestley) 3. that he profoundly envied Roger. __ was not a marriage that could last (their. (Hemingway) 3. mine). She had __ children of her own family in her house. He sunned himself in Chanton's admiring gaze. Clements. I want to be kept in constant touch with his progress myself. (Hemingway) 7. (Galsworthy) 8. (Leacock) 22. he must be thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself. (I.. mine). (Priestley) 10. I can only say what I think. like __ 1 unhappy little animal. Shaw) 9. She put out __ hand and took out __ (her. and where I am going to wash you. at least. my. mine). 1. Supply somebody or anybody. Mind __ own business and I'll mind __ (your. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but __ (my. (Galsworthy) 6. Simon calmed himself with an effort. unlike __ at the supper-party. mine. That. A few had gone beyond the gate. (Collins) 20. I have no money and never had __. (Jones) 5. hers. What are you talking about? (Snow) 20." said Mrs. (Shaw) 16. (Clark) 19. Shaw) 5. 1. Supply some or any. (Dickens) 2. I have made myself perfectly pleasant here. whenever they ventured to walk out. if you want to know. mine). mine). her. my. (Snow) 10." I gave him __ and Catherine got __ out of __ handbag (my. Diitcher put his hand gently on _ — to calm her (her. He was not doubting the logic. yours. (Heym) 5. What was the use even of loving. "Go with Lucy. (Dickens) Exercise 3. (Salinger) 6.. mine. His eyes were as bright as __ (her. They blamed themselves for this unlucky marriage. he wondered? (Murdoch) 3. hers). In a town of a sensible size you had a good chance of meeting __ you were looking for. theirs). (Snow) 2. "Do you want __ water?" "No. (Dickens) 7. He was wearing a dinner-jacket. (Priestley) 15. Anne's terror of being discovered in London or its neighbourhood. (Hemingway) 8. Meanwhile. He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. (Clark) 13. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from — and thanked her (her. (Shaw) Exercise 5. (Dreiser) 18.. The theatre manager himself. I don't want __ water. (Hemingway) 2. (Snow) 5.. 1. This is where we wash ourselves. if love itself had to yield to death? (Galsworthy) 11. We said good-bye to one another and arranged to meet in the autumn.. (Hemingway) 3. Several times he reminded himself that he had not rung up Shuckleworth yet. I don't want __ money. In the town there were. __ were carried on stretchers.. "I would rather keep __ seat. __ new hospitals. yours. and I see it is not very far removed from __ (your. someone or anyone. mine). "Let me see your passports. (Shaw) 12. (Ch. what he was doubting was himself. is my opinion of him. Bretton. (Galsworthy) 4. (Hemingway) 10. __ nerves are as bad as __ (your. tell interesting incidents concerning himself. (Maugham) 23. and waving.. (Priestley) 17. "Couldn't you find tomato sauce. Use the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun." Aymo said. (Snow) Exercise 4. (Bellow) 8. He sat there. (Priestley) 2. (Hemingway) 21. yours). you'll both enjoy yourselves" (Galsworthy) 21. and mourned fifteen? (Galsworthy)Exercise 2. After all. hers). Barto?" — "There wasn't __. (Shaw) 9. yours. and : __ children of other people. But you might remember that one respects oneself more afterwards -if one pays one's way. Still. Don't let us have __ nonsense about this job. but Graham's desire must take precedence of my own. You are __ now. (Priestley) 4. Miss Adele Gerry opened the door herself. 1. (Lindsay) 4. (Clark) 4. hers. How can __ who has travelled so much be so appallingly juvenile. but not from himself. Cave might have concealed from others. my. had gradually communicated itself to Mrs. hers)." (Maltz) 6.. Bronte) 12. __ were shouting hoarsely.one person in the world who knew that he was alive and attached some importance to the fact. he paraded himself gloriously before this young man. Gevaert cleared his throat and addressed himself to me. The wounded were coming into the post. Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their function. I myself used to be very wealthy. He could talk races with Hurstwood. (Hardy) 14. he realized suddenly. Eliza. my. this is __ home just as much as __ (your. my. "You've no business to 22 . (Sheckley) 7. came to shake hands with them. hers). Soames added: "Well. Well. Much more than most politicians Gave knew himself. I accompanied him (my. What was it in this girl that reminded turn of that one with whom he had lived but two years. (Saroyan) 19." Willingly would I have kept __ also. her. to forbid. to blackmail. to transport. (Du Maurier) 3." he asked. you are what women consider a good-looking man. to take off. but there was __ naturally commanding about him. to resign.say such a thing!" she exclaimed. (Dreiser) WORDS DENOTING STATE Exercise 1. It was __ he didn't want to remember. to 23 . to underestimate. She looked at me with violence. "Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes. "have you shown that picture to __ ?" (Murdoch) 10. to whitewash. (Gow and D’Usseau) 5. things which swayed her deeply. Which. to mislead. (Wells) 6. were the things he had worn at the funeral of his father. to subordinate. which I did accordingly. and then there poured into hers such a flood of feeling as she had never experienced. to come in. to give in. But I can't do __ for him. to enfold. We did not want to have __ to do with the Germans. that she wished me to drop the subject. Bronte) 10. (Galsworthy) 3. and interrogative pronouns.. The lieutenant.. (Galsworthy) 14. (Dreiser) 13. (Shaw) 9. anyway. The rest of his costurne. indeed. To worry.. to do away. to disobey. to forget. (Twain) 4. to retell. to browbeat.. to think about. (Du Maurier) П. When he read those books __ happened to him. (Dickens) 9. "Why not? __ can see it. Even when she talks nonsense in that slightly affected way she seems to be saying __ valuable. He [Mr. to backbite. (Heym) 7." said Hunter at last. State the morphological composition of the verbs. (Priestley) 9. (Hemingway) 6. It was evident. (Wells) 2. So nearly akin are human joy and sorrow. to decompose. Here was __ to remember. Point out the words denoting state. He did not answer. (Hemingway) 7. Would she go with them or stay here and write to William. (Priestley) 7. (Saroyan) 5. to succeed. (Dickens) 8. I can bear __ but that. (Priestley) 4. Hushabye. to engage. some Judas trees were abloom in the villa gardens. He was a rather small man. Supply something or anything. talking. He lit a pool of paraffin on the scullery floor and instantly a nest of wavering blue flame became agog for prey. 1. (Hemingway) 7. to satisfy. There is __ nice. who likes being out instead of in that stuffy drawing-room. And __ came in. She rises with an air of one who waits and is almost at the end of her patience. You don't want to do anything that you'll be sorry for. Translate into Russian. He mentioned things in the play which she most approved of.. because I have not been alive for wery long. to translate.. which should it be? (Mansfield) 12. I did not mind for myself. Who could tell what his son's circumstances really were? (Galsworthy) 5. There was a light tap on the door. (Wells) 9. (Dreiser) 11. __ is wrong somewhere. to retire. Point out conjunctive. I do not know what I expected to see. to ascend. to whiten. relative. 1. Everyone said he could turn __ into money.everything there is to know about me. A man is mostly what you want to see in him. Polly] rattled and stormed and felt the parlour already ablaze behind him. Once upon a time Clennam had sat at that table taking no heed of __ but Flora. The room was far more splendid than __ Little Dorrit had ever imagined. We are not afraid of the truth. to apologize. You know. (Wells) 10. (Ch.. and would have been splendid and costly in someone's eyes. but 1 did not see __ except the fields and the bare mulberry trees and the rain falling. The. Jay asleep on the other bed. (Galsworthy) 11. I to descend. You see. to recede. What do you expect me to believe? (Snow) 8." (Galsworthy) 6.. (Galsworthy) 3. to superintend. playing bridge and talking.his soul was all ablaze with bliss. I do so wonder what Jolyon's boy is like. There's not much. "Look here. (Aldington) Exercise 7. (Hemingway) 2. (Shaw) 4. But Mr.. word Germans was __ to be frightened at. What hurt him most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief... to overrun. (Galsworthy) Exercise 6. Several times their eyes accidentally met. (Aldington) 2.. I was aware again of that feeling of discomfort. She was heartily sick of London fog and cold and soot and niessy open fires which fill the room with dust but don't warm it. Polly's establishment looked more like a house afire than most houses on fire contrive to look from start to finish. to put up. 1. to subscribe. I should not have cared if had been alone. (Snow) 8. with __ like hate. to precipitate. (Galsworthy) 10. (Du Maurier) THE VERB Exercise 1. (Cusack) 12. (Wells) 8. to run away.. The afternoon was full of transfiguring sunshine.. (Dreiser) 6.. (Dickens) TENSES IN THE ACTIVE VOICE (Galsworthy) Exercise 1. (Galsworthy) 12. However. She had spoiled his life. Hughson marched him up to a sort of jarge desk that was all glass and shining metal. If you __ not to tell mother. But it did not put ou the fire in her bosom. so intent and scj quick. The door opened. (to stay — 24 . to be) (Voynich) 6. de frauded him of a son. As soon as he __. the door opened. The stream which worked the mill came bubbling down in a dozen rivulets. The day will come when you __. They didn't have to worry about money. I did not feel. That] made all the difference. I'm going abroad next week. to go away. to close) (Voynich) 4. At the far end. before you __ an answer to that question. You __ here till it __ time to go to the barrier. Give me the railway guide. You must wait. (Mansfield) Exercise 3. my friend. (Galsworthy) 10. to forecast. to lie. State whether they are transitive oi intransitive. Down below. to set) (Abrahams) -7. (Hemingway) 4. (Galsworthy) 5. because he had never come to our house since the night I was born. and link verbs. (Priestley) 8. "I want to see Annette. When you __ to Martin. (to stay. (to tell — negative. Fleur looked at her watch and rose. She stood for a moment looking at him and he mother.. I __ you something. As she wasi about to throw the last one she surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her. A grey cat.. she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. to be) (Maugham) 10. (to know) (Collins) 18.. wounded his pride to death. its shadow. She was young. Point out notional. richest bloom. seemed to lean upon the dusk. I a. She had an adorable baby. and naturally he had the advantage of me. (to wake) (Christie) 9. dragging its belly.. I know. (to see) (Dickens) 16. and the way people treated them. Wait here. we shall often meet. after a reasonable interval she'll be allowed to leave. 2. and I'll tell you when he __ here to-morrow. he will. (to leave — negative.. It was Fleur's turn now. like an old acquaintance. (to want) (Collins) 3. at the public house. While she stood hesitating. Fleur did not answer. in the garden beds. against the wall." I don't know if she __ you.. heavy with flowers.. 1. 1. why I am silent even to you. Really — really — she had everything. trailed after. The soldiers pushed the foreign workers into groups and led them off. The paddock was fairly well filled with people and they were walking the horses around in a ring under the trees behind the grandstand.. Mrs. passionately. want to see you. at first. Bertha couldn't! help feeling. to counteract. it stood perfect.' as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. and an old man came forth shading a candle with one hand. She spoke of dogs. and asked me how I found myself. to win. She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden. Will you wait a minute while I __ the manuscript? (to look through) (Voynich) 12. Exercise 2. that Mary had disposed so care-1 fully. He was waiting for us.. one. Where __ you __ "when the seminary __.. and they got on together splendidly. passionately. She'll then be sent to some place of detention for a time. the room came alive at once. (to be) (Priestley) 17. to predispose. modal. Heaven knows when your poor child __ England again. to go on. I don't know when I __ back.. (to get) (Christie) 11. slender pear tree in fullest. and a black. "Do they know when he __ in?" asked Charlie. even from this distance. The sight of them. (Heym) 7. (Galsworthy) jl.unbind. After turning the matter over and con suiting with Irene.m sure you'll like him when you __ him. and a thick set heavy-looking young man entered. Harry and she were as much in love as ever. to befriend. then. (Galsworthy) 6. (Eliot) 3. Insert the Present Indefinite or Future Indefinite. (to be) (Collins) 5. Val Dartie. in case I __ you. (Hardy) 9. crept across the lawn. Point out all the verbs." (to see) (Maugham) 14. If you __ me who you are I __ the dog on you. auxiliary. Oh. on the contrary! The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony overlooking the garden. to tell) (Voynich) 13. I __ Blackstable till I __ your wife. (to see) (Maugham) 15. (to promise. (to be) (Greene) 8. gave Bertha a curious shiver. (to be married) (Murdoch and Priestley) 2. one by one. My father-in-law is asleep. he wrote to his daughter. there wasi a tall. provided she __ in Austria. picking up the cushions. Padre? (to go. the red and yellow tulips. that it had not a single bud] or a faded petal. Translate into Russian. that I knew him as well as he knew me. (to have) 13. (to wait) (Voynich) 2. 5. I must go. В школе занятия начинаются в девять часов утра. to hear) (Dickens) 11. (Пермяк) 10. journeying along the road of life. Мне хотелось бы узнать. (A) 1. Ее глаза сияют. кто это свистит? (А. Мама. (to come) (Hilton) Exercise 4. "I've got fever." (to look) (Christie) 20. I'm late. Я не Уйду. (to leave) (Maugham) 19. I __ our children and our friends around us. Robert __ just now __ to my uncle. (to travel. He говорите так громко. Здравствуй. Translate into English. о чем я думаю? (Тургенев) 4.а его (Сережи] нет. Виктор. (Тургенев) 2. 3. когда вернется." (to go. 1. 5. I never __ him doing any work there. and they __ hands. я женюсь на ] ней. (Чакоеский) 3. My tooth-brush is a tiling that haunts me when I __ and __ my life a misery. Translate into English. Мне хотелось бы узнать точный день. Я слышу шаги. Вас ждет Валентина Павловна.. Не знаю. Если вы меня не убьете. но если оа придет. Пароход уходит завтра. (to see. пока не получу ее адрес. (Тендряков) 7. Light __ more quickly than sound. то я не промахнусь. They __ towards the men. I don't interrupt people when they __ (to read) (Collins) 7. I look back. пока вы не вернетесь. не знаю даже. 2. (Слепухин) Exercise 3. to look) (Mansfield) 5. And now my written story ends. "Hallo. to make) (Jerome K. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous. Вы опоздаете на поезд. to go) (Christie) 5. who __ last. Jerome) 14. Знаешь ли ты. I __ always __ my bag about. I (Лермонтов) 5. (to see. Андрей Петрович?.. using the Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite. Ted. to shake) (Ch. "Why __ you __ ?" she cried. Толстой) 13. Вы чувствуете себя лучше сегодня? (В) 1.negative) (Hilton) Exercise 2. Кто-то идет сюда. I __ to you house next Thursday. Leila felt the girls __ really __ her. "Because you __ nonsense.. and I __ the roar of many voices. 7. то позову тебя. Когда мне исполнится двадцать три года. I __ to death!" (to freeze) (Maugham) 17. darling. Когда я ее [Олю] найду. Как себя чувствуешь? (Тендряков) 9. ты меня слышишь? — настойчиво спросил Завьялов. когда он работает. Insert the Present Indefinite or Present Continuous. (to speak. with Agnes at my side. Ты влюблен. 8. I lighted my pipe afresh and nodded to him to show that I __ (to listen) (Leacock) 4. когда ваша сестра вернется в Ленинград. то обязательно выступит в прениях. I __ myself. "Sorry. Ее голос недурен. когда она говорит с Пламеневым. 2. (to speak) 9. 3. I should like to know why you __ always __ (to read) (Maugham) 4. Slush's latest book. 10. Я нё| могу с уверенностью сказать. to go in. Не беспокойте его.. Пока дамы будут у себя в комнатах. (Лермонтов) 14.. to sit) (Jerome K. That's the way she always __ (to talk) (Twain) 18. to talk) (Maugham) 12. д.. Я вас хорошо слышу. This is Mr. "Get me the medicine chest and blankets... (Короленко) 6. но поет она плохо. Отчего ты не отвечаешь? (Тургенев) 12. вы всегда работаете. когда ваша сестра вернется в Ленинград. Я уезжаю в Москву на будущей неделе. Тебе нравится моя сестра? (А. Мой брат завтра уезжает в Москву. Когда бы я ни пришла к вам. to laugh) 6. 4. You _ very tragic. once more — for the last) time — before I close these leaves. Толстой) 6. 6. (to travel) 3. 4. (A) 1. Я не уйду. "Where is Kitty?" "Susan __ her to bed. It __ a wonderful sale.] дует. (Чаковский) Exercise 5." (to put) (Collins) 2. to see. Kong. (В) 1. и привезу сюда. Нет! я не всегда смеюсь! Д вовсе не веселый человек." "Where __ you __ ?" "I __ to have tea with Nurse Hopkins. 1.. I'm so careless. Jerome) 8. если не возьмете такси. я спущусь вниз и постараюсь раздобыть тебе что-нибудь поесть. (Куприн) 4. будет ли он на собрании. Становится темно. Actions __ louder than words. Every star __ its own orbit. Где ваш брат? — Он провожает приятеля. — Его нет дома. (Пермяк) 3." (to answer — negative. Miss Marple's telephone rang when she __ (to dress) (Christie) 3.. whenever I __ He __ behind a bit of glass all day. Поднимитесь наверх. (to save) 16. not indifferent to me as I travel on.. 6. Баклажанов! Почему ты не ешь? (Булгаков) 8. он обыкновенно встает рано и отправляется куда-нибудь.. Вы едете в Ставрополь? (Лермонтов) 5. (to have) (Leacock) 15. (to laugh. Montanelli entered the room where Arthur __ for him at the supper table. Где же новый твой приятель?. He __ best. Bronte) 10. Ты не отвечаешь мне. 25 . (Тургенев) 11." gasped Skelton.. (to see — negative. A stitch in time __ nine. удастся ли мне объяснить тебе как еле. (Чаковский) 2. You __ never __ me why you're called Tony when your name is James. Presty __ at him with some anxiety on her daughter's account. You __ I — I wouldn't have recognized you. что машина их уже ждет. Introduce me. while he __ the message on Randal's card. Translate into English. когда к нему явился посланец с письмом от его сестры. тов. to hear) (Abrahams) 9. Когда туристы вернулись.. 6. Madam Perier __ and her husband __ a Paris-Soir. Когда декан вошел в аудиторию. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Continuous. In the lounge Hugo McLean __ a crossword puzzle and __ a good deal over it. Gretta had the feeling that everyone __ at her. Уже солнце садилось. 2. (to eat) (Mansfield) 11. 2. Она проснулась в ту самую минуту. His father __ just a week ago to-day. Становилось темно. Annette . to draw) (Collins) 8. to darn) (Maugham) Exercise 6.. Insert the Present Perfect or Past Indefinite. when they were interrupted by a knocking at the door. It was quite late at night. (Чехов) 4. Gh! You __. (to tell) 2. While Mrs. "I __ my appetite. (to think) (Weils) 9. (Чаковский) 10. to sit) (Voynich) Exercise 8. Когда Давид приехал. to watch) (Abrahams) 4. (to ask. to ply) (Dickens) 6. (to see) (Maugham) 3. Он (Егор Семенович] работал с утра до ночи. Please. (to wash. While the doctor __. to cry) (Maugham) 10. (Тургенев) 7. (to spend) (Austen) 8. 5. I looked at the First of the Barons. Sarrazin's face. While he __ the tea she __ him.. and the brother __ aloud while the sister __. они увидели. 1. (Чехов) 12. Алехин подвинул свой стул ближе к столику. to read) (Collins) 5. (to have) (Shaw) 10." said Abra. (to look. She heard him sigh while he __ (to read) (Collins) 2. (to heat) (Mansfield) 3. He __ salad. Около семи часов вечера я гулял на бульваре. to read. (to do. to invite) (Maugham) 7. Miss Jemima?" asked Miss Pinkerton. It was warm and cosy in the kitchen when he walked in. (Лермонтов) 5. (to bring) (Shaw) 9.. While he __ he __ the doorbell. I know where you the morning. Петров делал доклад. Миссис Гуммидж постоянно жаловалась на холод. and the rain fell in torrents. Mrs. Arthur __ waiting on the edge of the bed. Barbara! You __ the education of a lady. (Достоевский) Exercise 7. (to die) (Galsworthy) 7. someone with you. От двух до пяти Нежданов сидел у себя в комнате. Calligan __ the table Mamie went to her room and Aileen followed her.. (Тургенев) 9. "Oh — oh —you are Mary Gerrard?. все спешил куда-то. 1 __ her name in the papers rather often of late. " __ you __ all the necessary preparations incident to Miss Sedley's departure. (В) 1. (to look. Том Сойер не мог играть со своими приятелями. когда услышал стук их кареты. я познакомился со многими студентами»." (to lose) (Heym) 11. когда было еще светло и дул сильный ветер. 1." Montanelli said after sunset. and little Hans could not see where he __. за которым играли два старика.— stockings. Она [Катя] беспрерывно краснела. let your father see that and don't talk like a street girl. Presty __ her own conclusions from a close scrutiny of Mr. her needle. (Тургенев) 13. (Котов) 11. «Когда я прошлой осенью готовился к вступительным экзаменам. Час спустя Павел Петрович уже лежал в постели с забинтованной ногой. They walked on a little and then he __ she __ (to see. __ me to spend a week-end at her house in the country. Они вышли. когда я подъехал к Кисловодску. (Тургенев) 8. (to think) (Dreiser) 12. (to complete) (Thackeray) 6. For some seconds she stood watching him and both __ very quickly. (Лермонтов) 3.The Sergeant __ when his clients __. (to ransack." (to stop) (Voynich) 4. While the water __. and she __ her eyes. Я сидел у окна. While the gendarmes __ the room. (to make. (to write. (to read. —сказал Артур. to frown) (Christie) 13. Ma Parker began sweeping the floor. когда я входил в комнату. Она постоянно говорила о своем ребенке. Хэм уже ждал его. The storm grew worse and worse. I want to have a talk with you. "Come out. to lower) (Caldwell) 8. (to go) (Wilde) 14. (to cook. She __ constantly __ me to lunch and dine with her and once or twice a year. Гости Маркелова еще спали. Он белил забор. (to speak. «I __ the leading article yet." (to read — negative) (Galsworthy) 26 . ""Let's go.. 4. then voices." (to find) (Galsworthy) 5. Mrs. to enter) (Dickens) 6.(Лермонтов) 6. Sir Henry looked into the lounge. "The rain __. 3. carino. "Where's the paper?" asked Edward. (to set) (Dreiser) 7. Clyde __ as she talked how different she was from Hortense. " __ you __ a job?" "There are none.niovici." (to change) (Christie) 12. (A) 1. (to strike. "Yes.. dear. Bronte) 2." Scotty said. «Третьего дня. (to write) (Wilde) 17. I suppose. "Are you ill. что вы сказали. Я уже забыла ее. 2. As soon as Harry __ his letters. __ his pipe. We __ in silence for a few minutes." she said. My hands are all wet with these roses. со вчерашнего дня я здесь». I cannot rest till I __ it by heart.? (to see) (Galsworthy) 22. У тебя с тех пор немного потемнели волосы. Я рад. 12.. My child. Translate into English. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Месяца три спустя. It's the most tasteless. Если он об этом узнает. 8." (to tell) (Galsworthy) 6. "I __ surely __ very long. (to finish) (Dickens) 3. Лизавета Михайловна? (Тургенев) 2. Worthing. 3. (Кожевников) 12. (to come) (Wilde) 18." (to have. Я давно с ней познакомилась. (Тургенев) Exercise 10. Мы выедем в 27 ." (to examine) (Maugham) 9. Я давно пришла сюда. (Тургенев) 6. Mother. Петрова. 1. (B) 1. (A) 1. (to return) (Dickens) 10. — «Пришло. Она написала последнюю контрольную работу без ошибок. __ from London yet? (to return — negative) (Wilde) 15. "I only __ school yesterday. Signor Rivarez. (to do) (Collins) 14. we're going for a walk. My dearest Edith will be her natural and constant guardian when you __. (Тургенев) 4. If you __ to speak to us. (Тургенев) 7. 5. literally tonight. он [Печорин] уехал в Грузию. if you __ such things. Mr. «Письмо из Москвы пришло?» — спросила Машурина погодя немного.. but till she __ you herself. Я только что видела тов. "the doctor will have an apoplectic fit. (to finish) (Maugham) 8. to approach) (Abrahams) 19. I must go to him. (Лермонтов) 3.—возразила Варвара Павловна. (Тургенев) 10. Insert the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect. (Murdoch) 21. If you __. Я не слышала вашего вопроса. repulsive idea I __ ever __ of (to hear). он придет в ярость. С тех пор мы не встречались. Все студенты присутствовали на лекции. "I can give you something to eat. (to meet. Хотелось бы знать. as soon as I _ some things. (to lie) (Voynich) 14. you see. Я не смогу вам дать определенного ответа. (to pack) (Murdoch and Priestley) 7. (Тургенев) 5. (to have) (Wilde) 20. I can't say more. In fact I __ just __ a telegram to say that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill again. кончил ты свой барельеф? (Тургенев) 8. I __ just __ to him. I __ Ann at her father's house twenty odd years ago and __ her ever since. Я давно ее не видела." returned Florence. Я здесь с девяти часов. если вы это поняли. Translate into English. 7. немедленно садясь за фортепьяно. Aren't they lovely? They __ up from Selley this morning. I'll go there directly I _ my breakfast." (to say) (Maugham) 4. Martin. «Я давно не играла». to know) (Stone) (Maugham) Exercise 9. Я видела Федора Ивановича и говорила с ним». 2. «Когда он занемог?» — спросила Елена. Bronte) 12. «Когда вы получили этот журнал?» — промолвила Лиза. третьего дня».. 13. I dare not approach the subject of the moonstone again until time __ something to quiet her. to come) (Hardy) 15. you must take something before you __ (to go) (Voynich) 13. Читали вы Обермана." (to get up) (Aldridge) 11. Что вы сказали? 10.. — «Я вчера приехала. куда она положила мои книги. what brings you here before I __ ? (to breakfast) (Ch. (Лермонтов) 9. Вчера у нас была интересная лекция о международном положении.. пока не поговорю с главным инженером. But perhaps we can continue this chat when my dear brother __ (to go) (Murdoch) Exercise 11. 4. "I __ so little experience yet. and __ them slowly. Кстати. "If you __. (to learn) (Ch. (to sit. When you __ your fortune. Он недавно приехал из Москвы.. to come) (Dickens) 25. 3. Montanelli __ awake the whole night through. (Murdoch and Priestley) 16. Я не слышала.. When __ you first __ the co-respondent. «Разве гости уехали?» — спросил Лаврецкий. you must come back and assert yourself in London. (to look — negative). You __ even __ at that book I got you on the war in the Pacific. wait till my brother __ (to want. 9. "My dear Bertha. Cornish __ me. Вчера у колодца в первый раз явилась Вера. darling?" "I shall know that when Dr.. to speak) (Dickens) 23. «Давно вы приехали? Видели вы его?». Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите мне ее. He __ at last. Когда вы начали читать эту книгу? — Мы начали читать ее на прошлой неделе. When I meet with real poetry. to light. 6. 11. (Пермяк) 11. (A) 1. to leave) (Beresford) 24. Young Mako __ a match." said Miss Ley. shall we set off for Hunterbury? (to finish) (Christie) 16.13.. (to make) (Wilde) 5. now. "When __ I __ here? Yesterday?" (to sleep. (Cain) 14. The moon __ yet __ I sat in the sultry dark. The stranger __ far. he observed that it contained no name. to him [the doctor] the affair was commonplace. to look) (Lessing) 11. Не успела мисс »Бетси узнать. Those grey hairs startled me. Martini following in silence. (to change) (Priestley) 9. Что я отвечу ей. to be). Moreover. to fall). to flop) (Mansfield) 7. 1. He __ and __. He успел он пообедать. making patterns with the end of my cigarette and listening. to go. until he __ (to eat) (Greene) 8. Insert the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect. to finish) (Voynich) 15. till I __ (to stand. When I __ Viste Grande towards dusk I found two notes awaiting me. Он не прочел и трех страниц. я заставлю его объяснить это дело. Если хотите. listening. then he __ (to pause. to recollect) (Dickens) 5. Я умру. Gemma went slowly down the stairs. как закончу работу. When Alison __ the first strains of the orchestra came stealing out to me from inside the hall. to come). On glancing at the address. Когда я ее видел в последний раз. давайте рисовать. если с тобой что-нибудь случится. (to be) (/.. to go on). (Достоевский) 6. Fettle __ in. 7. 6. She was a woman of nearly fifty who __ obviously __ pretty once. когда взойдет луна. 8. Как только мы решим этот вопрос. (to quarrel. and the window —grey before I went to sleep. Gemma __ badly the last few nights. They __ the door of their inn. Shaw) 20. (to go. (to rise — negative) (Abrahams) 6. I told him everything. like a figure cut in stone. Я Дам вам эту книгу после того. (Чехов) 2. No sooner __ he __ a drink himself. (to telephone) (Hilton) 3. Он только что приехал из Крыма. Оливер пробыл в стенах работного 28 . что у миссис Копперфильд родился сын. (Maugham) 17. and there were dark shadows under her eyes. (to become) (Hansford Johnson) 25. (to reach) (Hilton) 16. как только защитит диссертацию. 8. They crouched down behind the group of statuary and __ till the watchman __ (to wait. The moon __ There was nothing to dispel the dark of the night. 4. я вам позвоню. Он поедет на юг. (to disappear) (Cronin) 26. Я приду после того. to run. she __ when a very stout gentleman __ into the chair opposite hers. to take) (Maugham) 22. I __ they were there. and the gray streak across her hair __ into a broad band. than Mrs. 5. как ему лозвонил приятель. она казалась очень счастливой. The Gadfly __ a moment. 7. so he made after him to ask it. где провел несколько месяцев. When Martini __ the room. (to pass. 6. как его прервали. (to light. (Voynich) 13. (to know — negative) (Cain) 12. (to take. как проанализирую его. 3.. it was just a hysterical woman who __ with her lover and __ poison. Она только. Гости ушли. He __ just __ the hall when a stranger __ (to leave. (to sleep) (Voynich) 2. but he __ behind. 4. Presently the sounds of voices and footsteps approaching along the terrace roused her from the dreamy state into which she __ (to fall) (Voynich) 19. Поднимем занавес ровно в половине девятого. Now the madman on the stairs spoke again and his mood __ suddenly __ . His friends __ away to Egypt six weeks before. если дождь к этому времени перестанет. to walk. the moon __ down. (Достоевский) 5. (Voynich) 4. как она уехала из дому. glancing furtively at Gemma. 5. One night there Hew over the city a little Swallow. to widen) (Voynich) 18. He __ hardly __ another cigarette when the general __ into the courtyard. пока он уйдет. before they __ the precise spot in which it stood. the Gadfly turned his head round quickly. Я не пробыл и пяти минут в комнате. Наконец она осталась одна. She __ to look ten years older in these few days. где он пробыл долгое время. которые с недавнего времени стали его единственным развлечением. 2. to close. to enter) (Leacock) 27. (to go __ negative) (Dickens) Exercise 13. (A) 1. to listen. (to be. как прочту ее. (Слепухин) 3. Я подожду. When the door __ behind her he __ and __ the spray of cypress which __ from her breast.. They did not speak to him again. By this time Collard's offer __ a thing of nightmare.. (to rise — negative) (Hansford Johnson) 23. (to sit down. When he returned to his hotel he found a message that someone __ in his absence.пять чаоов. (В) 1. Gemma __ her hand and __ into the house. если малыш умрет? (Чаковский) Exercise 12. который вернулся с Севера. to stoop. пока еще не совсем стемнело. to pick up. что получила письмо от брата. and __ a little way down the village. Hardly __. he seemed quietly merry. Translate into English. (to grow. Я переведу предложение после того. (Тургенев) 4. как дверь отворилась и она вошла. to pass) (Voynich) 21. (to pull away. (to enter) (Voynich) 10. Только что он придет. The fire __ dead. to stay) (Wilde) 24. Иван Иванович любил эти одинокие прогулки. 29 . едва я перешагнул порог школы.едва дверь за ним прикрылась. When Gemma returned with the milk the Gadfly __ the riding-cloak and. положил перед собой рукопись.. (Лермонтов) 13. (Лермонтов) 11. Елена закрыла окно.. пока машина не свернула за угол. (Лермонтов) 23. запряг лошадей. talking. Уже совсем стемнело. dim vault of the station. когда гости уехали. когда они вышли из землянки. The rain __ at the rails and wind was cold after the closed-in carriage.. присел на подлокотник. пока Федот. закурил. Уже было поздно и темно. как почувствовал: что-то изменилось. 6. Варвара Павловна пошла ей навстречу. __ the leather gaiters which Martini __ (to put on. __ from the gate at the far end of the lawn and __ rapidly across towards the house. 9.. (Тургенев) 25. to wrap) (Voynich) 2. (Тендряков) 17. Мы вышли из сакли. как только увидала ее.. Translate into English.. I led her to the sitting room. 13.. (Тендряков) 2. 8. (to enter. 2. Елена Емельяновна долго еще сидела в классе. Antonia __ her tears and __ her nose again. (to reach) (Galsworthy) 3. Когда Сари вошла в кухню. to fasten. Марианна еще не появилась. Он настроил скрипку и играл сонату. to untie) (Christie) 4. to wait) (Dickens) 6. (Тургенев) 16. Дети уснули. They __ the peacock door and stood there. Настало утро.. В доме было тихо. 7. to powder) (Murdoch) 7. Мистер Мелл отложил книги в сторону и стал играть на флейте. Сэм закрыл дверь за Вильджоком и сел у камина. похудел. подошел к креслу. (Николаева) 5. and __ him in a warm blanket. Том принес воды и играл с приятелями.. Стемнело. (Пермяк) Exercise 14. Корабли вышли из порта и взяли курс на север. (Тургенев) 24. (Чехов) 12.. (to dry. он очень изменился. to bring) (Voynich) 8.. то все замолчали. Insert the Past Continuous or Past Perfect. 11. (Лермонтов) 6. как вдруг Эмануил остановился. .. 5.едва я вошел в ее комнату.. как мистер Бамбль вернулся и объявил. when Gemma came in with a tray in her hands. (Тендряков) 18.. (Ч-ехов) 21. (to lash) (Lindsay) II. She [Nurse Hopkins] herself __ just __ and __ her bonnet strings when Mary entered. В доме было тихо. (Тендряков) 9.. когда Берсенев.ford) 5. (Шнейдер) 14. (B) 1. I noticed a movement in the garden: someone.дома не более четверти часа и едва успел покончить со вторым ломтем хлеба.. 4. Том принес воды и побежал играть с приятелями. Завьялов встал. (to blow. (Чаковский) 4. He hurried out into the big. Она между тем кончила письмо и запечатала его. как в тот вечер.. Mr. Сэм уже закрыл дверь за Вильджоном и мешал огонь в камине. Погода прояснилась. (Тургенев) 3. (Тендряков) 27. Молодые люди спустились к Москве-реке и пошли вдоль ее берега. She greeted Rosemary. (Котов) 10. когда я снова отворил окно. Когда поручик Вулич подошел к столу. как Соломин уже вошел в комнату Нежданова. после того как ушел самый плохой и самый любимый ученик Маврикий Толлин. (Шнейдер) 8.... (to take — negative) (Christie) 12. (to move. он пошел к себе. Дети спали. и положил руку на плечо Виктора. (Тендряков) 19. Then. (to finish. Едва лишь закрылась за ним дверь. Я не успел заснуть. Берсенев еще никогда не говорил с нею. quite suddenly. Когда мы приехали в санаторий. Я стоял. (to rise. что приехал Есенин. (Тургенев) 26. Когда я проснулся.. Я сел за стол. When daylight came the storm __ still __ but the snow __. to stop) (Hemingway) Exercise 15. кгк от дверей снова донесся голос вахтерши.. Корабли вышли из порта и плыли в северном направлении. 12. После ужина. как кто-то прибежал с сообщением о том. 3.. подошел к двери своего приятеля. на дворе уже было темно. Она дурно спала всю ночь. Даша пошла в столовую с особым чувством: теперь она стала настоящей рабочей. to move) (Clark) 10. оба они поднялись. When I looked up again I saw that she __. 1.. (Чаковский) 15. Мистер Мелл отложил книги в сторону и играл на флейте.she could see their faces in a looking-glass. как аудитория зашумела. 9. Elinor __ more than half a dozen steps.. (Тургенев) 7. (to enjoy) (Mit. Валя бросилась ко мне. 10.. Аркадий подождал. They __ evidently __ themselves. when a hand fell on her arm from behind. мы прежде всего пошли к морю. (Тургенев) 20. to stand) (Du Maurier) 9. (Тургенев) 22. Picku i:k found that his three companions __ and __ his arrival to commence breakfast. Он настроил скрипку и сыграл сонату. (A) 1. что мальчик должен немедленно предстать перед советом. The Gadfly __ just __ washing the boy. Они прошли десяток метров. (to come in. and __ with her hand on the handle of the door. Я смотрел на него [Есенина]. Утром. But you __ I won't let you. Our train __ at 8 p. Когда я проснулся. Когда я вышла из дома.him a piece of my mind. Он [Лаврецкий] встал и сел подле нее на скамейку.ane. As a number of episodes from this novel __ the public through their wireless sets before it is published. (to knock) (Bennett) 4. (Николаева) 9. "Shall we go downstairs and meet the man?" "Let us stay here. когда Илюша уже работал на заводе. I'm terribly sorry not to be able to ask you to lunch. как мы их видели в последний раз. Лил сильный дождь. Когда мальчик вошел в комнату. Ramsay is coming to luncheon tomorrow. Она читала статью. Present Indefinite.." she said. anyway. Gretta. Ring me up at II. Pearl. (A) 1. Future Continuous." (Maugham) 4. Insert one of the tenses expressing future actions or states (Future Indefinite. 14. And if you yell in the night. (Пермяк) Exercise 16. What __ you __ this afternoon? (to do) (Galsworthy) Exercise 18. Ласкер закончил завтрак и. (Чаковский) 7. его отец сидел у камина и читал письмо. (to sleep— negative) (B) 1. to-morrow. Ольга сидела в столовой." (Hilton) Exercise 17. I. Вечером к ним пришел старик Гейзман. Rosemary will be at Rembers with Alexander." Royd called to her. Я взглянул на часы: без десяти минут семь. (Чехов 4. "Are you going out again. Маврик вернулся из Верхотурья. а Тина. наконец. (Тургенев) 5. "I'll be seeing you again.. Тавров еще не читал статьи и попросил Ольгу показать ему ее.Когда я проснулся..go — negative) (Murdoch and Priestley) 7. "When __ I __ your brother?" said Georgie. I am not going to play at all. сидя на балконе. (Maugham) 3. Тина только что прочла письмо от Юрия. (to meet) (Murdoch) 8.. a few words of explanation are necessary. so if you __ at 5 o'clock we __ still __ (to start." said Elinor. (A) 1. Борис Борисович и старик слушали. Translate into English. На днях. I'm not going to Bertha. I'm «ff to bed soon with a good book. В саду в тени высокого ясеня сидели на дерновой скамейке Катя с Аркадием. Он [Коврин] вышел из дома. "I shall tell them both that I'm going to be married to you. Когда Тавров пришел. Comment on the use of tenses expressing iuture actions о slates. (to. Nobody will bother you there. 18. ветер уже стих и светило солнце. to finish) 4. увидел Валю Она разгозаривала с Лещевым. солнце уже ярко светило. отдыхал в кресле. На улице было еще светло. Совещание уже началось. Future Perfect. I have not visited the place yet. 19. At 4 o'clock tomorrow we __ packing and by 6 we __ with ease. I __ on my round by the time you go. I hope you're going to enjoy staying in the house. m. Лица их изменились с тех пор.. Уже садилось солнце. (Maugham) 6. "Dr. (Maugham) 2. to come. 16. Miss Jane?" "Not me. so long. to pack) 3. солнце уже взошло.. I'll probably hear and I'll rush in to wake you. 15. (Тургенев) 6. (Котоз) 3." said Sylvi.. Они начнут строительство клуба в ближайшие дни и закончат его к 30 . "when you know more of him. (to start out) (Maugham) 2. На нижнем этаже у выхода я. Present Continuous or to be going+ infinitive). I suppose everyone __ me questions and it's so awkward. "I think you __ him. We're staying in London this time. Maybe I'll be seeing you at the Roundabout some night soon. (to reach) (Priestley) 5. I __ there to-morrow. (B) 1. (to ask) (Christie) 6. (Тендряков) 2. В полуосвещенной комнате Алексеев играл Брамса." (Caldwell) 7. __ you __ dinner by the time I come back? (to have) 5. "Well. (to go) 2. I shall be having a quiet day with Antonia. but we're having it early in rather a rush and leaving immediately after. (Тендряков) 8. he __ at our door in a moment. когда в дверь постучали. I __ yet.. (Maugham) 10. но в конторе уже горели лампы* Коростелев уже вернулся. я встретила на вокзале приятельницу. когда Завьялов вышел на улицу. (Hilton) 8. He waved his hand in her direction. and I daresay some more people will be coming in presently. 17." (to like) (Austen) 3. I'm going to Craddock direct anc I mean to give. be quick and go. с которой вместе училась в школе и которую не видела много лет. (to begin. so I'll say good-bye to you now. you will see. Minnie will be wondering why you don't come. too. (Murdoch) 5. когда я провожала брата. (Murdoch) 9. I must see to the tea. Она [Лиза] уже не плакала и внимательно глядела на него. You'll be sorry for what you've said when you've calmed down and then you'll want me to forgive you. которое он получил в его отсутствие. которую написала для журнала. . (Чаковский) 2.. what __ you __ about now? (to think) (Beresford) 5. Не звоните ей в одиннадцать часов. (Тендряков) 10. Лена сказала: — Я ищу тебя весь вечер. Bertha. and I must say. 10. I suppose you know. (Котов) 9. She __ extraordinary well to-night (to feel) (Wells) 11. Of course.вы завтра идете в цирк? (Слепухин) 12. Я не ел с утра. (Котов) 4. часов в восемь. как брат уехал. I. (to think) (Marryat) 6. Они пишут изложение уже два часа. (to want) (Maugham) 6.. Translate into English. Я не видел ее уже два месяца.. Shaw) 7. Почему вы все так смотрите на меня? Нина вам говорила что-нибудь обо мне? (В) 1.. на улице Жак Колло. When her voice ceased. Зачем вы на меня так внимательно смотрите? (Достоевский) 2. Сколько времени вы меня ждете? 2. Я прожила с ним [Ващенковым] много лет и хорошо его знаю. Я тоже еду в МильЕенский завод. (Достоевский) 7. Insert the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.. Я думаю. "I __ well for the last ten days. 5. Craddock. что к этому времени машинистка уже напечатает ваши документы. "I __ not to take things seriously.. let me come near you. 9. I __ the streets of the city for you for two years and this is the first time I've admitted it even to myself. Они живут поблизости. (Достоевский) 4. I hear you __ for a new house.. Я знаю ее уже два года. (to be) (Du Maurier) 13. Приходите завтра на турнир часа в два. (Достоевский) 3. but we __ to handle them. около тридцати лет — с тех пор. как вы его взяли из шкафа.. Translate into English. у тебя настроение изменится. I will be your friend: I __ always __ you. I __ for a long time to make you a little present. 4. я жду вас завтра в четыре часа. вы поймете меня." (to play — negative) (Benson) 12. (Слепухин) 2. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу. "I can't remember my aunt's address. Сколько времени-вы занимаетесь музыкой? 6. They __ the news in the streets since two o'clock. как приехали в Париж. Я всегда предпочитала трагедию комедии." (to try) (Maugham) 3. Куда они уезжают? (Слепухин) 11. Я буду вас ждать. 3. Я не имею от него писем с августа. (Тендряков) 3. My dear girl. Я очень устала. The house __ in my charge for more than a year. (Сухомлин) Exercise 21. (to look) (Lindsay) 8. (Достоевский) 8. "Ever since I was a young girl. (to work) (Hilton) 5. 1. "Oh. 8. Branderton. 31 . Locke) 9. Я тебе вечером позвоню.. 4. Я тебя ждала три дня. "Oh. Запомни: завтра в пять. (to hear — negative) (Christie) Exercise 20. he moved uneasily and said. (to correspond) (James) 10. (to be) (W." (to try) (Maugham) 2. Доктор. В котором часу ты будешь дома? (Слепухин) 8. And I'll wake the children. Я чувствую себя очень одиноким с тех пор. (Достоевский) 5. quite successfully. 1." said Miss Ley. Insert the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous. (Чаковский) 6. Позвоните в семь часов. Lord Caversham __ some time in the library for Sir Robert. 12. we have problems. "How about playing a little something for me?" he said. (to see — negative) (Greene) 2. Зина и Настасья Ильинична уезжают?.. Пойдем. (to yell) (Conrad) 11. I __ so much about it since I received your letter. (to like) (Ch. Bronte) 4." (to feel — negative) (Conrad) 10. (to learn) (Gow and D’Usseau) 9. Lonnie! I __ for ages.. “Он рассказывал мне ужасные истории». К этому времени. She __ " (to die) (Christie) 4. "What's the matter?" "The matter? The girl's ill. (to be — negative) (Maugham) 8. 2." cried Mrs. (Пермяк) 7.. I __ here all the morning to see either her or Robert.концу года. 7. What else have I to live for but my children? It's you and the rest of them that I __ and __ for all these years. (Тендряков) 5. It is highly probable you __ with him for the last three weeks. (to wait) (tilde) 3. (Лермонтов) 6. (В) 1. (to wait) (Wilde) 7.. когда Олег вышел. I __ to England for sixteen years. (to work. 3. Mr. надеюсь. Вы действительно знаете меня шесть лет. — сказала она. to plan) (Dreiser) Exercise 22. I __ awfully fond of you for quite a long time.что ты собираешься делать? — Не знаю. 11. I __ him since he came back from the East. "I __ to get at you for twenty minutes. На днях я буду у вас. (A) 1. (to search) (/. Катерину Федоровну я знал еще с прошлого года. В субботу вечером я вас жду. Я не видела словаря с тех пор. когда вы вернетесь. (Чаковский) Exercise 19. Она уже будет спать.. Peggy dear. Надеюсь. We __ from her for years. Я еще буду работать. Я готовилась к экзамену по политической экономии. Your wife flies into a temper and stabs a man you __ with for over a year. . (to journey) (Ch. (Пермяк) 4. I __. когда я узнал об этом. Я уже две недели гостила у приятельницы. Что вы тут делаете?. Past Perfect. (Семенихин) 3. After he __ about three hours. The feeling of an overhanging disaster. 6. (to hang) (Murdoch) 8. Он вчера два часа играл на скрипке.Виктор. (Тургенев) 6. We __ maybe an hour when she began to lean forward and look out. когда его заметили мальчики из ближайшей деревни. Бабушка Броня нас ждет. (to know) (Voynich) 2. (to stand) (Maugham) 6. Morrough. It was almost dinner-time by then. unable in astonishment to avert her eyes. When I came down to Burlington to work in the lumber mill. (Тургенев) 2. 3. Bertha __ at her husband since he came into the room. (te be — negative) (Mansfield) 9. It continued to fain and at Vienna __ still __ (to rain) (Hilton) 4.. !. and told Mr. (Тендряков) 8. came at once. 4. Almond. (Чаковский) Exercise 25. Sitting by the window at a table. but neither of us was hungry. We __ in silence for some time when Ah-Yen spoke. извольте выйти вон. как я живу с ней в одном доме. (Слепухин) 7. They __ from noon till sunset. К вечеру им уже казалось.. где его отец проработал двадцать лет. (Тургенев) 5. товарищ Елена. who __ for the last half hour to introduce him to Mr. After some desultory conversation. Мальчик начал работать на заводе. Bronte) 15. и мы слушали ее с большим удовольствием. что они знают друг друга всю жизнь..since lunch and I ordered myself a twopenny portion of chips. and we __ no food all day. (to lie) (Voynich) 12. Me. The four of them went out and joined Mark Gaskell. (to be — negative) (Voynich) 6. (to have) (Hilton) 3. Gretta __ through the blowing snow for several minutes when a man. (to sail) (Snow) 5. (Слепухин) 4. Мересьев долго лежал без сознания. когда мы пришли. Букет вяжете? (Тургенев) 7. Townsend to run away to her mother. I was only a kid about sixteen. (Тургенев) 8. (to stand) (Lindsay) 10. running errands. (B) 1.. А я вас давно жду. 8. or Past Perfect Continuous. I __ at the bar one evening with an acquaintance when the man with the scar came up. Она [Таня] долго стояла перед черной доской в вестибюле. Он уже целый час играл на скрипке. так как с самого утра ничего не ела. Breakfast __ long __ on the table. Лемм долго сидел на своей кровати с нотной тетрадкой на коленях. helping Ann with the washing up. Insert the Past Indefinite. Ему [Волынцеву] было тяжело. (Тургенев) 5. Translate into English....since his arrival in April he __ simply __ round the house. верно. and led him out to the cab that __ at the door. (to run) (Cain) 5. (Reed) 8. Я уже три дня об этом думаю. когда я обернусь и замечу ее. (Чехов) 6. (to look) (Maugham) 11. Я две недели гостила у приятельницы. She __ there more than two months when she fell down a flight of steps and hurt her spine.. For a week the Gadfly __ in a fearful state. Более часу провел он у ней. (to smoke) (Leacock) 4. (to walk) (Caldwell) 3. and then she told me to stop. (to work)... (to grow) (Lindsay) Exercise 24. The party __ already __ for a week before I could get away from London. 2. ждет. My brother __ there already a year. Вы меня оскорбляете. his head lowered against the wind.. (to wish) (James) 16. Девушка долго играла на рояле. He __ to and fro before his open door many minutes when he saw the toy merchant coming in his chaise along the road. who __ my doctor for some years and __ also my friend. 7. Сестра была больна уже несколько дней. wrestling with his thoughts. and he was right. which __ ever since his father's stroke. (A) 1. (to walk — negative) (Dickens) 14. 1. Он давно любил Наталью. (to be. Она. Забежала Раечка — уже три дня она не работала. He found that he __ stockstill for over half an hour. he arrived at the Doctor's house. who __ at the extreme end of the terrace by himself.. 5. settled down over his mind. the Director inquired how long he __ Montanelli. was a 32 . Прошло два года с тех пор. когда получила ваше письмо. where she seemed to have been writing or drawing. (to walk) (Wilde) 13. Вот уже два года. I went into a fish-and-chip shop in a poor street near the station. как он [Завьялов] видел его [Виктора] в последний раз. when Arthur came tearing into the room. Insert the Past Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous. The Carrier expected that Tackleton would pay him an early visit.. (Достоевский) Exercise 23. walked directly into her. She took his arm. (to wait) (Collins) 7. (to eat — negative) (Cronin) 17. to be) (Hansford Johnson) 7. Marian broke up their talk. (Чаковский) 3. (to sit) (Christie) 2. давно уже наблюдает за мной. Анна Акимовна была голодна. She picked up the chair she __ in and quickly slipped away with it into the house. и задумалась. (Короленко) 4. (to stare) (Christie) 14. К счастью.. Present Continuous. 6. которое написала накануне. She looked up at him. dear Miss Ley. и отошла от стола. Linley. Abbey resumed the newspaper she __ (to read) (Dickens) 2. он не заметил ее воспаленных глаз и не догадался. Она [Елена] быстро захлопнула книгу. 5. I thought she __ (to cry) (Hansford Johnson) 10. (Maugham) 2. 7. 1. Она написала письмо и читала книгу. (to watch) (Wells) 9. to forget) (Wilson) 3. подошла к ее кровати. He __ about lunch. Сад потерял свою прелесть: садовники скосили всю траву. He __ of her all the morning: he — of her now.. Джейн Эйр в течение нескольких минут внимательно рассматривала мистера Рочестера. He __ just __ directions to one of the servants. Nell awoke and saw that it was still night. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. Нежданов до того удивился. as nearly dishevelled as so tidy and businesslike a girl could be. Шел дождь. Она отложила в сторону книгу. которая некоторое время наблюдала за своей больной подругой. Rosa made a contemptuous gesture. when the door opened. and that the stars __ brightly in the sky.. (to sit) (Murdoch) 8.. Она [Лиза] старалась возвращаться домой как можно позднее. 10. Insert the Past Continuous. Вдруг что-то заставило его обернуться. (Чаковский) 6. По-видимому. When she came out again her tears and cries __. Все еще спали. she found herself face to face with Mr. Несмотря на поздний час. 5. Сколько времени простояла она. (Достоевский) Exercise 27. (Чаковский) 7. 9. "Oh. который уже заштопала. don't get up. Он еще спал. Лена выпустила его руку. (Слепухин) 3. Сью. It __. Elinor __ still __ at this missive. на котором сидела накануне. (to sit) (Maugham) 13. Past Perfect. когда я выходил из квартиры. Пеготти уронила чулок. (B) 1. (to cease) (Hansford Johnson) 4. Был тихий летний вечер. когда та открыла глаза. Comment on the use ot the Present Indefinite. Одинцова опустилась на то же самое кресло. when two of the prowlers halted on his left. Пеготти отложила чулок. (to read) (Murdoch) 7. Глаза у Сергея покраснели и чуть припухли. Cowperwood got up. Then she tossed the book she __ on to the ground.lady. but generally they take care not to succeed. 8. (Короленко) 2. что она плакала. 5. сидевший в углу комнаты. Пахло свежескошенной травой. 12. and found he __ her closely. которую читала. Translate into English. She was on the edge of tears. 1. В это время один офицер. встал. которое писала. 2. В часов десять. but there was a band of rosy flush across her forehead. 4.. He __ about half an hour when he saw Cornelius coming along the path. (A) 1. Дядя Максим сидел в саду. В дверях стояла Надя. whose head __ on her hand. 11. 1. He was a little afraid now of this deep-seated passion he __ (to arouse) (Dreiser) 12. садовники косили. (to give) (Collins) 6. Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love. but it __. (Достоевский). Approaching the door. когда девушки уже спали. (Лермонтов) 4. to think) (Collins) 12. and a street lamp some way off streaked the roadway with reflections. (to rain __ negative. 3. Она пошла на почту отправить письмо. (Тургенев) 2. (to think. When the doctor awoke. By three o'clock he __ all his own cigarettes and those he could borrow from others. and was re-entering the drawing-room. когда он обернулся и перехватил ее взгляд. Неужели он плакал?. я столкнулся в дверях с внучкой Смита. Miss Reid __ still __ (to work) (Maugham) Exercise 26. когда зазвонил телефон. В саду никого не было. You probably haven't seen her since those summer 33 . Она отложила в сторону письмо.. (to gaze) (Lindsay) 5. который она штопала. Сью внимательно наблюдала за Джонси. что даже не поднялся с пня." said the visitor as her hostess slowly rose from the sofa upon which she __ so comfortably __. (to walk) (Hardy) 11. наблюдая за мужем? (Котов) 6. которую читала. которую минуту тому назад так крепко сжимала. or Past Perfect Continuous. (Слепухин) Exercise 29.. He __ still __ at her. (to finish. (to rest) (Dickens) 9. на привокзальной площади было еще людно. (to shine) (Dickens) 10. Translate into English. to rain) (Murdoch) 11. Одим утром Анна Михайловна вошла в комнату сына. (to lie) (Maugham) Exercise 28. I got up from where I __ at the Carlton House writing table and went over to the fireplace. (Тургенев) 3. на котором сидел. Ah. (Maugham) 22. if you are going away with Lord Illingworth. Good morning. Arnold's come back. I don't want to take a cure at all. Eddie. "Antonia has been telling me about your flat. cheerful Greek with laughing wrinkles at the sides of his eyes.holidays when Mum and Dad were abroad. (Maugham) 11. or Henry'll know I __ (to cry) (Maugham) 12. (to speak — nej»tive. I am seeing the other nurse. (Maugham) 28. has just rung the bell. "By the way. Miss Glover. The sun __ with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the world. Dr. (Mansfield) 9. Gerald. Miss Marple. to think. My wife's been ringing you up like a lunatic. I know this is an old story. I cannot imagine why I've lived thirty years with a man I dislike so much. to think. exclaiming in a loud whisper: "How charming you __ tonight!" (to look) (Voynich) 6. (Mansfield) 10. I don't understand it myself and if I set it down in black and white it is only with a faint hope that when I have written it I may get a clearer view of if. I __ (to leave) (Gow and D’Usseau) 7. I __ about it all week." said Miss Jemima. Insert the Present Indefinite." (Thackeray) 18. I've flown a kite every Saturday afternoon ever since I was a kid and I'm going to fly a kite as long as ever I want to. We've been going to pictures about twice a week ever since. I see it written in your faces. __ my narrative. (Christie) 3." (Maugham) 25." Fatty said. (Christie) 19. to know — negative) (Caldwell) 11. I'm going home to the Karroo. (Christie) 6. she finds that Bella has entered and is staring at her and her father with impassive hatred.. (Dreiser) 15. (Maugham) 14." I said. You have told my learned friend that you have known Mr. "I don't think I'm doind away after all. (Dickens) 26. I __ to do it ever since I returned. This will be the death of her when she hears it." said Rosemary. or Present Perfect Continuous. I __ the bell for the last quarter of an hour. (Maugham) 12. that is what you need. But 1 __ what to do. She doesn't like me." (Murdoch) 20. Fatty came over to Lanny's table. 34 . "Do you like me at all. "I __ about it a lot. Present Perfect. Here's my keys. There's the car. "You are being very absurd. (Gow and D’Usseau) 7. "I'm leaving to-night. Wait till you __ Moose and __ with him. He has all the virtues. "I think you are being very wise. (Maugham) 30.. And there's a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral. Laura. Nurse O'Brien. Go before it kills me: but don't ask me to meet him. I am perfectly happy. (Christie) 21. a complete rest. (to ring) (Maugham) 2. "I've been wanting to ask you ever since you came home. Your silence tells me all. __ you __ any word from her since she left here? (to have) (Dickens) 4. Signora Grassini greeted Gemma affectionately. to-day. "It is Mrs.. All my life I __ perfectly happy. He is always breaking the law. Bertha?" he asked." "You've been crying. I must go and bathe my eyes. Branderton have been drumming his praise into my ears. to long) (Hardy) 8." (Maugham) Exercise 30. Lanny nodded and lit a cigarette. I requested them to suspend their decision until they. I want to see how much he __ since I saw him last." (Abrahams) 13. "But what __ we __ ?" she asked. (Priestley) 23. A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she is going to marry a widower with seventeen children. Pickwick a long time. even Mrs. As she turns to go. Glad you've come. (Hilton) 24. (Dickens) 16. Bella is a Negro woman of fifty who has been in the Langdon home for twenty-four years and thus occupies a favored position. (Maugham) 31. "It sounds ideal. Who is coming to tea? (Wilde) 33. (Maugham) 32. You are being far too romantic about it. "I don't know what's been the matter with me." Gladys cried. (to shine) 13. I'm always doing things on the spur of the moment to ray own inconvenience and other people's. Years have passed since we began this life. I've been making some sandwiches. the black servant. (Gow and D’Usseau) 8. Have you decided where you are going?" "I've changed my mind. Sedley's coach. D'you know that Robert Qldham and Caroline have been madly in love with one another for the last ten years? They've waited all this time. Present Continuous. (to see." "You've been listening. Boldwood since the autumn. making a face at him. I want to explain. Won't you come up and have some? (Christie) 27. When I've taken off my things we shall go into the next room and have tea. "You're alone to-day. A complete holiday." (to do. She's always saying sharp things to me. (Wilde) 4.. 1. to talk) (Aldridge) 10. (Shaw) 17. "Sambo. you've been talking about me. and now at last Caroline is free. I muet not let my eyes get all red and swollen. (to read) (Collins) 9. I could even guess what you've been saying.." (Murdoch) 29. I __ to Mr. A fat. (to change) (Voynich) 3. (to be) (Hemingway) 5. Ramsay. Fatty. go at once." she said coldly. (Maugham) 5.. sister. I don't want them to see I've been crying. I've been so miserable." "Leaving?" "Yes. I __ always __ happy. (Тургенев) 15. to happen.. 2. Толя приехал. (Тургенев) 19. Что же вы намерены теперь сделать? (Тургенев) 16." (to know. to do. What are we going to say to the king when he __ ? (to come in) (Shaw 18.. целую вечность вас не видела. (Лермонтов) 7. Translate into English. а я еще не познакомился с Литовскими. и переменились оба во многом». Cesare you and I __ friends for all these years.. Андрей Васильевич!. yes. Сережа. "Arthur! Oh. "Dear little Hans.. Maude: You __ both . "1 am very hungry and tired. (Чаковский) 35 . Ты не заболела? — Нет. (Слепухин) 12. to look.. I __ that Iris isn't going to be married. to change) (Gow and D’Usseau) 25.. to be) (Hemingway) Exercise 31... What __ you. (to be. Вы." cried the chorus.. He says he __ to the same tunes for fifteen years.. Я ее давно знаю. 6.. Кто взял мой словарь? Я уже полчаса ищу его. "I am in great trouble. Г-жа Сипягина подслушивает нас.. Arthur. I __ these seven days. Теперь я поняла. to come) (Voynich) 27. "business is bad.. a girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him with outstretched hands. (A) 1. I am so glad!. As Arthur mounted the stone steps leading to the street. to look." I said after a while. Carol ine: And now it __ (to look. — ответил он! (Семенихин) 2. (to hear) (Maugham) 15. 7. to come) (Maugham) 22. кто нас подслушивает в эту минуту." (to read) (Dickens) 21. ты откуда? Я тебя ушиб? (Чехов) 21. She __ after sick people ever since she was in short frocks. Ты уложила свои вещи? Такси уже десять минут ждет у дверей. (Тендряков) 5. Bithem here yet?" asked Miss Mass. Она [Лена] уже скрылась за поворотом.. "Are we alone now?" "The waiter __ and the door is locked. если я сумею помочь тебе." he said."Look. Я приду к вам. (Тендряков) 17. Она уехала домой. a very near relative. я буду. Впрочем. давно уже ничего не читал. to come) (Voynich) 28. (Тургенев) 13.." (to fall. to happen) (Priestley) 23. Я всегда интересовалась естественными науками. (to be. and __ it better than any sister of mercy I __ I needn't leave any directions if she __ (to be.. to wait) (Mansfield) 29. what __ to you? Stop!" (to wait. слышу». "Oh. (Чехов) 22. 4. __ forward to this moment ever since you met one another. as you will see when you __ the letter.. с которыми я когдалибо встречался. (Котов) 18. милая. но не было еще ни одного солнечного дня. (Чехов) 11. My good man. (to listen) (Maugham) 16.. Ваша Тонечка у нас. We all __ here for more than an hour. "Well. Инсаров послезавтра приезжает в нашу деревеньку и будет жить со мной на одной квартире.. (Лермонтов) 10. а Завьялов все стоит и смотрит в окно. to walk) (Dickens) 26.." (to tell) (/. why __ you __ at me like that? Something __ Arthur. не похудели в эти восемь лет. Здравствуйте. — «Давно. Ваш сын — один из самых замечательных людей. Почему же ты не здороваешься с ним. Ты что делаешь сегодня вечером? (Слепухин) 9. __ with yourself since I've been away? (to do) (Christie) 24. Треплев (нетерпеливо). (Тендряков) 4.. если только меня не задержат на работе. You __ here two weeks.. Я. we'll go back and see what __ really __ (to finish. Алеша? Ведь ты давно знаешь его! (Коптяева) 8. Где Заречная? Дорн." (to be. Прошла почти неделя. "Mr. 8. Signora Bolla __ head nurse in general to all of us. to tell) (Voynich) 17. Как-то он [Ласкер] теперь сыграет? Почти десять лет он не играл в шахматы. (Тургенев) 20. to know. Или вы что потеряли? (Тургенев) 3. счастлива. I __ him since we were very young men. И вас ждем. Она [Наташка) всегда встает раньше меня. "As I __ you for the past six months. «Виктор. "is. (B) 1. 5." (to walk. Now you begin and when you __. "This other gentleman.." (to go) (Caldwell) 30. Псина. I __ here for half an hour. (Пермяк) 14. I __ happy. or I should rather say a very particular friend of your son's. But you ought to have been telling your tale." replied Oliver. Он уже пять месяцев заведует лабораторией и многому научился за это время. (Тургенев) 6. 3. to hurt (Wilde) 19." cried the Miller. "I __ a long way. Мы здесь уже с начала месяца. (Тендряков) 23. "He __ here for ages.! to know) (Snow) 14. dear. __ you __ your opinion of the South? (to be. ты меня слышишь?» — «Да. Что с вами?. кузина. я просто не ела с самого утра. Она вечно говорит по телефону. Pickwick. and I __ never __ you what really happened about Arthur. My little boy __ off a ladder and __ himself. иногда читаю Жюля Верна." I said." cried Mr. Shaw) 20. и хорошо ее знаю. "I __ Francis very well.. Игнатию Тимофеевичу давно хочется жить самостоятельно. Я знаю. «Мы давно не видались». . (Voynich) 32. The moment the noise ceased. before she [Ma Parker] had read them. (Snow) 31. Chris came from the garage where he'd been attending to a lorry with a magneto trouble. He [Hugh] jumped to feel Ann's clasp upon his arm. There were bits of the work that. 1. Jasper was there.when an inquisitive boarder. She wasn't there. (Christie) 10. Mr. It was Sunday morning and they had all been back at Grayhallock for three days. that Pearl Fulton had not turned up. was forever asking questions with a keen desire for an intelligent reply. After dinner Ruby came and sat with us in the lounge. (Voynich) 29. for I had been travelling in the provinces.great house in the Via Borra. that he had been asleep for some time.Exercise 32. (Murdoch) 22. Every Sunday morning Ethel would read aloud while Ma Parker did her washing. When the Gadfly raised his head the sun had set. and I was living near him. (Murdoch) 16. but it had been an agony for years.. The wind had fallen. She remained even after the dancing had started. Pecksniff and his fair daughters had not stood warming themselves at the fire ten minutes.. and also for Josie. (Christie) 36. She used to sit with him and his family a lot. (Maugham) 4. and the red glow was dying in the west. She was always telling herself that the only rational course was to make Edward a final statement of her intentions. (Dickens) 24. She talked and laughed and positively forgot until he had come in. (Dickens) 21. The door was just going to be closed. (Mansfield) 39.she would go on discussing a book she said she had read but manifestly hadn't or she would break up a dull conversation with some fantastic irrelevance for which everyone was secretly grateful. her face was stained with tears. when I was the Editor of a Correspondence Column. The electric light had been burning all night.. wiping his hands on some waste. George made no answer.18. I saw that it was 2 o'clock. He used to take her for drives sometimes.. who had been peeping between the hinges.. Past Continuous. Susan Nipper stood opposite to her young mistress one morning. When Katie brought in the tea-tray. As she neared the kitchen. (Dickens) 12. It had long been dark when Arthur rang at the front door of the. We'd got to Ruby's room by then. (Dickens) 20. Rosa had been working in the factory for about two years. The cook used to snatch away the letters from home. (Dreiser) 19.. He had scarcely had time to form this conclusion. and was lost in the gloom above. (Christie) 8. Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. He turned off the electric light. (Christie) 37. Comment on the use of the Past Indefinite. and was helping her to put the flowers in order. (Maugham) 30. (Mansfield) 11. Pickwick had recovered his breath. (Murdoch) 15. the boy opened his eyes and sat up with a bewildered air. whom I had lost sight of some time. of course. I realized that he had come away with me in order to discuss once more what he had been already discussing for hours with his sister-in-law. (Voynich) 7. when the sound of feet was heard upon the stairs. Some years ago. He seemed to be quietly and carefully deciding what he was going to say. He had sat ruminating about the matter for some time. We hadn't been married a month before 1 was out of love with him. and we found. but she'd been there. He [Cowperwood]. (Hilton) 28. (Dickens) 33. (Murdoch) 34.. ascended the stairs with incredible softnees and silence. the moon was shining over the quiet sea. We had been sitting there an hour and a half. she glided from the room. Ann was certainly being bravely cheerful in a way which both exasperated Hugh and half compelled his admiration. (Murdoch) 35.. When Cowperwood reached the jail. set up a fearful screaming.. (Hansford Johnson).. I knew better than anyone else. Here I saw this man. There was no doubt that their arrival had transformed the factory for her. He was in Lincolnshire at the time.. Jerome) 38. (Maugham) 5. She was going to make a fourth with us. as she folded and sealed a note she had been writing. Rainborough noticed that she had been crying. (Mansfield) 2. because the dress she had been wearing was lying across a chair. (Lindsay) 3. but we were waiting for Mark. To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her. (Mansfield) 9. (Dickens) 23. (Dickens) 25. Before that she had been a journalist. (Voynich) 13. When we were boy and girl we used to call each other by our Christian names.. when the voice of Roker demanded whether he might come in. (Du Maurier) 6. He had sat down with the child on his knees.. I used to receive heartbroken letters from 36 . (Jerome K. (Dickens) 17. We had arranged to play bridge later. The whole party arrived in safety at the Bush before Mr. because I had been doing them so long.. then break off all communications. It was three o'clock. (Murdoch) 14. when a window above stairs was thrown up. (Hemingway) 27. She had been saying something to him. (Dreiser) 26. (to rain. The light in his flat showed that Mrs. I could not feel my heart. 1. The lamps __ already __ in the dark. He was in the extremity of indecision and very wounded by Rosa's refusal to help him. The voice had no sooner ceased than the room was shaken with such violence that the windows rattled in their frames. I __ her for some time. and already an elder statesman of science. (to see — negative. (Dickens) Exercise 33. (to quarrel) (Shaw) 10. She __ up twice and each time the answer __ the same: Mrs. The fog __ When I __ I __ some biscuits and _ myself with whisky and hot milk. to begin) (Abrahams) 20. (to look for (Maugham) 14. he darted swiftly from the room. (to eat — negative. and a cool wind __ (to flare. to dose) (Murdoch) 5. to plunge) (Dickens) 34. (Leacock) 40. (to nai| up) (Wilde) 12. to return. (Dickens) 42. She __ even __ him for the last few days.tried to feel my heart. (to see — negative) (Dickens) 26. The next day he __ some honeysuckle against the porch. They __ no sooner __ at this point than a most violent and startling knocking was heard at the door. It __ for days and water __ up on the earthen floor. (to ring. He [the Gadfly] __ still __ though the hand was stiff and swollen. Perhaps they __ for a long time. Pickwick's comprehensive mind was aroused from the state of unconsciousness in which slumber __ it. She __ mortally with my husband only ten minute! ago. When the Gadfly __ himself that no 37 . to be. He __ scarcely __ outside the dooj when he heard Wardle's voice talking loudly. he would break off. Simpson __ in for him. and __ to the post. Strickland before I left. The women and children and old men __ Now he was alone with his mother in the little two-roomed shack. Moore now __ silent for several minutes.(Maugham) 3. The sun __ a long way up and it __ to get really hot. to flow) (Murdoch) 2.ing the outer door and looking out into the street. She [Aileen] stole downstairs and out into the vestibule. After he __ there some time. As he was in dinner dress. (to flow. I called on Mrs. or what career to devise for himself before he __ three miles from home. to clear. when he heard the Miller's voice calling to him from the road. Marple was out. At this time he was fifty-two. It was the result of the six years during which he __ (to paint) (Maugham) 32. Mr. when George noticed something black floating on the water. Seven o'clock __ hardly __ striking on the following morning when Mr. Bronte) 31. all my life. I think her character __. He __ since nine that morning and his stomach __ with hunger. He told me that an American Signore __ there for three months. At nine o'clock that evening a long black Packard roadster drew up to her door. (to go) (Abrahams) 28. (to ride) (Thackeray) 18. Half-past eleven. thinner. Banty put down the telephone receiver. (Ch. it was not only that she __ older. (to stay) (Maugham) 6. (to copy. and Arnie stepped out of the front seat where he __ with the driver and a girl between them. to go. Budger to her cai riage. (to sit) (Ch. (to sit) (Wilson) 17. Then she found that the tears _ a _ quietly __ from her eyes. and was running back hastily to the mill. to growl) (/. (to read (Leacock) 9. Mrs. I __ hardly __ more than the first three chapters when my attention was divertet by a conversation going on in the front of the store. to alter) (Maugham) 23. Insert the Past Indefinite. I think he showed me about thirty canvases. Past Continuous. (to stop) (Jerome K. he sold the sack of flour for a very good price. I had not been pulling for more than a minute or so. Jerome) 29. to try to understand what it was the waves __ always __ (to say) (Dickens) 27. Roddy __ rapidly and nervously up and downthj room for a minute or two. I. Jerome) 41. and more lined. 1 took the sculls. (to cease. One day of the new year she __ as usual at her window when Edward came prancing up the drive on horseback. (to file) (Voynich) 15. Very often. It was true that we __ one another almost intimatelj! for five and twenty years.. to seal. Past Periect or Past Perfect Continuous. I __ out Honor's letter and __ it. A few seconds after the stranger __ to lead Mrs. (to get) (Dickens) 11. to blow| (Dreiser) 7.. (to avoid) (Murdoch) 21. I knew righi away that there was the place I __. to well) (Buck) 33. (to be) (Snow) 4. Shaw) 24.young men asking for advice and sympathy. The old lady was dressed out in a brocaded gown which __ the light for twerity years. afterwards. (to wait) (Greene) 22. It __ beating. (to know) (Maugham) 8. open. Grimly she began to pack her goods and to prepare to leave the hovel. (to arrive) (Dickens) 25. I do not stop to say what adventures he began to imagine. (to move. Bronte) 43. in the midst of their talk. (to wait) (Wilde) 30. and I noticed changes in her. (to disappear) (Dickert) 16. by a loud knocking at the chamber door. (to sit). to be) (Christie) 19. to eat. (Jerome K. Fanny asked where he bad been dining. (to walk) (Christie) 13. He and I __ friends since our early twenties. The figure had suddenly retreated from the gate. . to pass. to bring. но он отказался их принять. and __ into the garden. It __. He __ on the step for some time. __ the key in his pocket. In the middle was the thing he __. to develop. to rain. who __ him carelessly some minutes before. (to come. to survey) (Dickens) 43. When she __. to stand. fastening one of the sprays into her dress. он сделал большие успехи. (to finish. to sit. suddenly __ his face and __ in breathless eagerness.one __ at the spy-hole he __ the piece of bread and carefully __ it away. to say. from the opposite side of the street. He __ home from his office early in the afternoon and by good luck found her in. to put.. 14. She was dressed all in black. but lingered in the wainscoted parlour V'H his younger brothers __ their mea! and __. to have) (Dreiser) 39. to change. She __ apparently __ her mind to be good-humoured and __ to him with a little cluster of crimson buds tied together. to stand. Wardle. During the last few months she __ and __ greatly. Сэм уже несколько недель посещал класс рисования. The initiator __ passionately __ to her the misery of the Calabrian peasantry. Сэм не рисовал и десяти минут. Godfrey rose and took his breakfast earlier than usual. to turn round. to have) (Murdoch) 38. to come. Мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму и стояла позади него. carefully wrapped up.. Рисунок был превосходен. a tall young Lombard in a threadbare coat. Сэм. and __ a black scarf over her head. (to crouch. (to arrive) (Wilde) 45. to cover. Когда мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму. to return. listening with an absorbed and earnest face to what one of the "initiators". as the room __ cold and draughty. to expect) (Voynich)' 35. __ the water off my overcoat and — it up. которые мисс Ролстон принесла ему. to shake. to go down) (Collins) 37. Мисс Ролстон пробыла в Филадельфии около недели. to go out) (Eliot) Exercise 34. Arthur took out of his portmanteau a framed picture. to serve. and __ into the drawing room. to watch. who __ Gladys before the harsh new mistress __. to place) (Voynich) 40. to take up. что художник — негр. to lean. A bright fire __ and the lamps were. to throw. as he __ the room where the students' little gatherings were held. __ the door after he __ through it. Хотя Сэм взял только несколько уроков. когда узнал. Сэм некоторое время рисовал негритянскую девушку. Мисс Ролстон взяла рисунок и обещала отвезти его в Филадельфию вместе с рисунками. It was a crayon portrait of Montanelli. to make up. очень любил рисовать. He __ about half an hour ago. He __ this precious treasure when Julia's page __ in a supper-tray on which the old Italian cook. They __ in this way about three miles. the Gadfly __ again __ on the table and __ his eyes with one hand. Warren's daughter. 4. to exclaim) (Dickens) 42. He __ the key out of the lock. директор и его семья 38 . 11. was his old playmate.-. Antonia. Dr.. Заведующий художественным отделом просмотрел рисунки... I arrived at Hereford Square. and __ now __ him. которые он закончил раньше. (A) 1. to look. Мисс Ролстон подождала. когда мисс Ролстон подошла к нему. to tramp. to come up) (Voynich) 44. to forget) (Voynich) 36. to be. Мисс Ролстон пробыла в Филадельфии около недели. (to run. он уже кончил рисовать розу и рисовал негритянскую девушку. "Here they are!" (to travel. to draw in. The first person upon whom Arthur's eyes fell. (to rain. when Mr. who __ of the window for two or three minutes. when he was roused by observing that a boy. She __ me and __ what sort of day I __. что ничего не может сделать для Сэма. She __ in a corner by the window. когда он начал рисовать красную розу. to unwrap. all on. 10. (to come.. 5. (to satisfy. jumped up to welcome me. (to take. 12. __ for a little while looking out of the window. когда мисс Ролстон подошла к нему. to describe) (Voynich) 41. (to enter. to come. (B) 1. Gemma __ the room and. 8. __ to her. 13. прежде чем поняла. which __ from Rome only a few days before. to secure. __. to burn. __ such little delicacies as she considered her dear signorino might permit himself to eat. to read. 9.. to kiss. to ask. to pass. Translate into English. Рисунки ему очень понравились. 7. В детстве Сэм постоянно что-нибудь рисовал. who __ by the fire. пока Сэм не окончил рисунок. It was in this direction that her mind — when her father sent for her to come to him in his room. (to cross. Когда Давид приехал в Салемскую школу. He __ evidently __ her presence. 2. to hang. to crumble. still __ It __ for days. When the Gadfly __ into Zita's room she __ before a mirror. and now __ a grown-up young woman. 3. Мисс Ролстон подошла к Сэму и остановилась позади него. She __ no desire to go out into the world these last few days. негритянский мальчик. 6. a bundle of small files.. to look out. музыка уже не играла.. Егор Семенович уже встал. уменьшилась ли опухоль.. Базаров вернулся. Она уронила журнал на колени и стала смотреть в окно. громко назвавшей его по имени. (Лермонтов) 26. сидевшая с Марьей Дмитриевной под окошком. (A) 1. Мересьев одиннадцать дней полз с перебитыми ногами. (Лермонтов) 11. Я ведь еще вчера приехала. светлой комнате. который сидел за столом и обедал. Под потолком. (Тургенев) 10. Когда пришли домой. Тетка [собака] пошла в гостиную и поглядела за шкаш хозяин не скушал куриной лапки. пока миссис Пипчин перестала трясти головой. Предшествовавшую ночь он всю не спал. и с любопытством глядела на незнакомца. (C) I. я пристально наблюдал его.. когда он [Лаврецкий] пришел. (Тургенев) 3. К началу следующего дня новый больной со всеми познакомился. (Л. с которой она провела несколько уединенных лет в Покровском. была та самая тетка. двери.мы ожидали. Когда князь Василий вошел в гостиную. девушки там не было. Все время пока он говорил. и почти ничего не ел уже несколько дней. Translate into English. как Паклин соскочил со стула. (Котов) 12. (Лермонтов) 22. 3. Он ел и бросал ей куски. и все увидели.. (Тургенев) 15. Не больше как через полчаса она [Каштанка] уже сидела на полу в большой. княгиня тихо говорила с пожилой дамой о Пьере. Мистер Мелл несколько лганут играл на флейте. Максим разговаривал со своим старым товарищем. Солдаты вскрикнули: окровавленная фигура на земле опять начала двигаться. где оставила хозяина. Она не могла переправиться через реку — паромы перестали ходить. Элиза подошла к кровати.. (Тургенев) 27. Элиза была очень утомлена.. Я бросил перо и сел Щ окна. Когда Давид приехал в школу. Я вдруг почувствовал голод: с утра ничего не ел. когда услышал голос женщины. Тот читал газету. (Достоевский) 24. Ты уже спал. — сказал он. князь вдруг разразился смехом. Толстой) 5. (Достоевский) 30. 4. Аркадий крепко стиснул ему руку и долго ничего не говорил. сел за стол и начал поспешно пить чай.. 6. Не прошло десяти минут. и не курил. Когда я снова посмотрел на крышу. Не хотела будить тебя. 4. Лиза изумилась: она еще никогда не видела своей умной и рассудительной тетки в таком состоянии. молодые люди сидели молча у открытого окна. 2. В госпитале Мересьев старался узнать. которого. (Чехов) 14. 2. 3. Как только Алеша кончил. как уже она обняла его. сестра отца. когда совсем стемнело. (Тендряков) 8. Не успел Сипягин перешагнуть порог. (D) 1. Обыкновенно вечерами хозяин уезжал куда-то. (Тургенев) 4.. Мальчик спал уже около двух часов. (Чехов) 23. Она перебежала дорогу к тому месту. «Я пришел посмотреть на него». Не успел он [Шубин] к ней приблизиться. там никого не было: были каникулы — и мальчики уехали домой. висела клетка с чижом. Элиза легко нашла дорогу к деревне. она лежала на своем месте. 3. вязала у двери шерстяной носок.отдыхали на берегу моря. Уолтер оставил за собой поле и брел по направлению к дому. Затем привезли нового больного. так как часто бывала там. как на конце площадки показался тот. 39 . 29. Смеркалось. (E) 1. 2. упала ли или поднялась температура. Мистер Домби подождал. когда преследователи приехали в деревню. когда Давид заснул. Ворота открылись и закрылись. Дым рассеялся. так как целый день ходила. но столяра там уже не было. 2. Гости и хозяева собрались в маленькой гостиной. Он [Володя] уже уходил. 4. Лаврецкий не успел еще подняться со стула. Я попал в институт. когда его подобрали партизаны.. Давид месяц жил в Салемской школе. 5. (Тургенев) 2. Когда она [Каштанка] опомнилась. на длинном шнурке. где спал ее мальчик. (Тендряков) 7. он беспрестанно чирикал и прыгал. как опять его сигарочница летела через дорожку. Старушка. (Чехов) 21. (Чехов) 17. а клетка беспрестанно качалась и дрожала. Когда мистер Мелл вошел в комнату. (Тургенев) 9. В течение недели в палате № 42 было только четыре человека. (Тургенев) 16. (Короленко) 13.. Давид искал собаку. Давно не был он в церкви. 3. (Достоевский) Exercise 35. когда Лена включила радио. Только в четвертом вагоне второго класса увидел он [Алехин] незнакомца. когда вернулись мальчики. что Овод упал. Монтанелли стоял во дворе. (Тургенев) 20. (Котов) 19. 5. (Пермяк) 18. Лиза была уже в церкви. Когда я вошел. (Чехов) 28. Вахтерша. все замолчали. (Слепухин) 25. послала за ним.. 12.. что она выросла в Петербурге. К тому времени.. Ленни подошел к кофейне. Когда Сью проснулась на следующее утро.Алехин надел плащ и вышел на 40 . Наташа подошла ко мне и молча протянула мне руку. А от нее он узнал.. и с любопытством смотрела на него. (Тургенев)^. Базаров вдруг раскрыл глаза. (Куприн) 8.. Сью рисовала своего «Старого шахтера» около часа. Он видел ее раньше. Как переменилась она в эти три недели! (Достоевский) 15.. Молодые художники жили несколько месяцев вместе. Горячие слезы закапали на подбородок Александрова. (B) 1. сударыня. 5.4..дядя Саша куда-то уехал как раз в то время. «Когда он уйдет. Зина?» — «От счастья. представил его жене. 5. (Тургенев) 2. — сказал Мартини Джемме. когда Ленни вернулся домой. 9. вы должны отдохнуть. быть может. что он не показывался уже более часа. (Тургенев) 4. она услышала голос Джонси. прежде чем он донес ее к губам. где ужинали трое белых. 15. 3. Ленни был поражен: Фиета выразила то. Мальчик. уже не один час. Умирающий художник был счастлив — он создал свое великое произведение. Старик машинально взял рюмку. (Тургенев) 6. 2. 6. В то время как Сью рисовала. 11. 16. 3. 2. 17. он расплескал половину. 8. он увидел свою мать. П. 14. Когда Ленни. когда он решил вернуться домой. 9. который уже искал его. 5. Я прожил за границей. вы не ошиблись. — сказал священник. когда мистер Мердстон остановил его.. 12. Мейбл подошла к Ленни до того. Становилось темно. 4.. «Я как раз собирался послать за вами». — попросила Сью подругу. где он играл в детстве. чтобы уехать из Кейптауна.. Мейбл стала здоровой восемнадцатилетней девушкой.. действительно. Ленни семь лет жил в Кейптауне. что Анна Сергеевна Одинцова здесь и привезла к тебе доктора». главным образом во Франции и Италии. узнав. я не был дома семь лет».. которая бежала ему навстречу. но вышла замуж в С.. 18. 7. пока я не кончу свою работу». проснулся. «Надо идти!» — подумала она [Лиза]. прежде чем сообщил друзьям о своих планах.. Как только Нежданов вошел в переднюю. Мать Ленни следила за сыном. прежде чем Джонси заболела воспалением легких. около пятидесяти лет. 6. (Сухомлин) 16. 14.. Джонси смотрела в окно и считала. Вы сегодня слишком много работали». —«Я знала давно». Мартини посмотрел на Джемму. Сью отложила кисть в сторону и готовила бульон для Джонси. где живет уже два года. Ленни наблюдал за людьми.. (Достоевский) 13. Много лет Ленни мечтал вернуться домой и работать для своего народа. я умру». Она была больна уже несколько дней и плохо выглядела. когда наконец почувствовала смертельную усталость и легла спать. «К сожалению.. но руки его тряслись и. которую не видел много лет. окружавшими его. Когда Ленни проснулся. как только узнала о приезде Лаврецкой. Давид кончил завтрак и отодвинул свой стул. 10. (D) 1. 7. пока он готовил для нее ужин. (Короленко) 10. Три недели как мы не видались.. «Не смотри в окно. он почувствовал. 12. (Тургенев) 9. С тех пор как вы мне капельки дали. Среди них была Фиета. Он открыл глаза и увидел сестру. (C) 1. что произошло. 13. (Слепухин) 7. Джонси пристально смотрела на опущенную штору. Джонси сказала: «Когда упадет последний лист. Алеша». —сказала она [мать] тихо. Митя спит хорошо. «А с бароном вы давно знакомы?» — «Я нынешней зимой с ним в Москве встретился». Сью отложила кисть и пошла готовить бульон для Джонси. Лекни был рад увидеть места. ведущей в деревню. его мать уже встала и приготовляла чай. когда она [Таня] сдавала экзамены. чтобы рассказать ему. Сипягин. Священник сказал Ленни: «Среди нас никогда не было образованного человека». 19. и бедность и страдания его народа производили на него тяжелое впечатление. 10. как он проснулся. (Тургенев) 11. Ленни долго стоял на дороге. Ленни сказал: «Я возвращаюсь домой. Старый Берман постоянно говорил о своем шедевре. «Что ты сказал?» — «Я говорю. что он смутно чувствовал.. Ленни провел много лет в Кейптауне. Сью рисовала своего «Старого шахтера» около часа. Крошка Эмили преодолела свою застенчивость и сидела рядом с Давидом. Через несколько часов Маркони пошел к Мартини. «А где же Аркадий Николаевич?» — спросила хозяйка и. «О чем вы плачете. слеп». Я глядел на нее с недоумением и страхом... Когда Ленни подошел к деревне. Ленни долгое время мечтал о том. За эти несколько дней она постарела на десять лет. 6. 8. что ктото смотрит на него. 4. (Чехов) 5. Она думала о последнем листе — думала о нем. ни холода.. Рудин подошел к ней и остановился. Вы давно видели Сашу? Как ок выглядит? (Котов) 46. (Достоевский) 47. когда Рудин пришел к Авдюхину пруду. (Короленко) 35. на другое утро он [Алеша] заезжал ко мне. но. (Тургенев) 19. Наде. он вам все подробно расскажет. when the stranger broke silence. Лицо ее было бледно.улицу. Шубин поднял голову. (Тургенев) 24. order the dog-cart at once. (Тургенев) 45.. он сейчас придет. to rebuild) 8." he said. княжна! — говорил Грушницкий: — вы ужасно изменились с тех пор. until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring. что случилось во время нашей поездки? Я вижу. if we __. — произнесла она. (Чехов) 32. (to call back) (Wilde) 6. (to scold. Книги в библиотеку понес». Он [ Берсенев 1 вернулся и взялся за книгу. Такого выражения он еще не замечал на ее лице. Ernest __ suddenly to town. Mr. (Тургенев) 39. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent 41 . Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time. Merriman. почти два года тому назад. (Тургенев) 36.если вы увидите Иванова. "This lab won't be big enough for us after all. (Тургенев) 40. (Лермонтов) 30. Я забыла снегирю корму насыпать. (to watch) 10. Я рада. — спросил Максим у сестры по возвращении домой. «Вы поете?» — промолвила Варвара Павловна. — «Я также ее когдато знала». (Тургенев) 18. и теперь* наконец. — ответил Волянский. (Котов) 31. Shaw) 2. Они о чем-то говорили. Он похудел в последнее время. что царь принес и приносит много' зла своему народу. она была невестой Андрея Андреича. (Чаковский) 37. Я уже заканчивал наброски своего выступления. "I'm afraid that we're going to have to move. — наивно заметила Леночка. by Sir Charles Barry. в котором она [Миронова] работала шесть лет назад. (Чехов) 28. «Солнышко село». (Котов) 34. (Тургенев) 44. поздно вечером. Ей. Когда вошли з залу. Вы были у меня во вторник.. In 1834. They __ '. he read the current research journals. "I don't want to hear another word. и с тех пор я его не видела. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception. (to insult) (/. (Короленко) 29. Ветер усилился. вдруг замолчали. «Послушай. Godfrey waited. Bronte) 12. (Тендряков) 22. but never mind. to close) (Eliot) 4. Она [Оля] здесь не живет почти два года.—не знаешь ли ты. но опасался. 1.. — «Видела. In whatever spare time he could find.. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life. Он [аист] прилетел на днях из далеких краев и строит гнездо на старом месте. We __.. Слезы блестели на его щеках. Девочка перестала плакать и только по временам еще всхлипывала. Егор Семенович и Таня сидели на ступеньках террасы и пили чай. But there's a double room on the eleventh floor that __ " (to use — negative) (Wilson) 9. «А давно мы вас не видали». (Короленко) 26.. вернулся домой. когда в комнату просунула голову бабка Настасья. Екатерина Зашеина. увидев Коврина. что мальчик изменился именно с этого дня». It was past eleven o'clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. что вы пришли. (Чехов) 33. (Рыбаков) 42. with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. (Лермонтов) 41. (to perform) (Wilson) 5. там уже садились ужинать. before he spoke again. что разговор у них шел о нем. что этот разговор будет вам неприятен. (Чаковский) 38. когда Наталья пошла в сад. Небо почти все очистилось. «Видели вы Нежданова?» — спросил наконец Остродумов.. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road.. было уже двадцать три года.. слегка раскрытые губы тоже побледнели. (Тургенев) 21. (Тургенев) THE PASSIVE VOICE Exercise 1. (Тургенев) 43. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr.. trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world. Волынцев встал и подозрительно посмотрел на Лежнева и сестру. «Вы давно ее знаете?» — «С детства!» — отвечал Печорин. (Пермяк) 27. Было уже темно. to see) (Ch. (Тургенев) 20. (to destroy. как я вас не видал». Аня. начинает понимать. с шестнадцати лет она страстно мечтала о замужестве. «Вы меня мучите. But what shall I do if you __ ? (to kill) (Shaw) 3. (to prepare) (Dickens) 11. Insert the required tense (Passive Voice). Несколько секунд молча стояли они друг против друга. стало еще морознее.. но Алехин не чувствовал ни порывов ветра. Она жила здесь раньше. Когда он вялый... (Чаковский) 25. (to fix) (Dickens) 7. неудовлетворенный.. the Houses of Parliament. Раумера уж он давно кончил: он теперь изучал Грота.. «А Валя давно приехал?» — «Уже час беседуем». Мне удалось узнать адрес учреждения. Солнце уже давно встало. (Короленко) 23. (Котов) 17. и он заключил по их лицам. Я давно хотел поговорить с вами. I was summoned to dress madame. (Maugham) 22. Dorrit's rooms were reached. I like it. We shall have time to-morrow. He carefully examined the contents of his case. The beds. when my packing is finished. My wife and daughters were charmed with her. to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde) 15. (Priestley) 18. I'll be dressed in a minute. (to capture. The oldest of London's present-day theatres is th( Theatre Royal. Lanny __ cruelly. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. which __ in 1663 and __ since __ several times. the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps. we heard that Charles Lenton __ for..(Voynich) 10. The chambermaid's curiosity was aroused at once. (Dickens) 12. Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing and the sublimity of his language. and now lay composed in her crib. You can feel when you __. at the door. Below decks the atmosphere was close. Candles were lighted. and __. to beat. (to use — negitive) (Shute) 37.. After lunch. (Greene) 8. to perform) (Wilson) 13. (to send) (Snow) 32. H« [Arthur] went up to his room. He has not been well educated up to now. now were trim with the abominations of carpet bedding. (Ch.. (Ch. She kept an eye on the Leanharn people to see that her action __ duly ___ (to notice) (Maugham) 27. Martin: What __ I __ for? (to thank) (Murdoch and Priestley) 38. (to prepare) 14. (to hear) (Maugham) Exercise 2. 1. (Collins) 11. (Dickens) 4. A minute earlier. (Dickens) 2. (to know) (Maugham) 28. strapped and labelled.. (Hemingway) 15. (Hemingway) 17. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Dowler's card. He was like a man who had been separated from one he loved for many years. Bronte) 3. (Hemingway) 9. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. to answer) (Christie) 29. Dr. Was your novel ever published? (Wilde) 19. (Ch. (Clark) 20. (to watch] (Hilton) 24. and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. Thank you. Bronte) 5. Rumania is a Balkan State which __ long __ for its mineral springs.. the door was opened by a girl. He strode up to the front door of the forlorn house and rang the bell like one who __ there for weeks.. He __ by an uncle in San Francisco and was visiting his father and mother in Torino when war __ (to bring up. (to discuss) (Christie) 21. He __ just __ : and __ back to the curb by his father. State where the combination to be + Participle II is a simple predicate and where it is a compound nominal predicate. heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __. (to beat. Ant on i a: Thank you. which for years had been neglected. The gentleman was so startled that he took the night train for the Continent and __ never __ of since. Bronte) 7. Mr. a small boy with a partly deflated red balloon had run out into the cleared forbidden street. (Priestley) 14. to soothe) (Ch. senior. (to give) (Murdoch) 17. Bronte) 20. to reconstruct) 25. and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain) 18. After a few routine questions __ and __. It gives an amusement to the dullest walk. I called. (to open. to drag) (Salinger) 36. (Hardy) 13. (Twain) 21. I __ constantly __ in the street. Annette's most valuable stone was ruby. My boxes are locked. (to bring) (Priestley) 19. ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give. (to clear away) (Dickens) 33. to declare) (Hemingway) 30. (to follow) (Maugham) 35. (to change) (Voynich) 23. Many cigarettes __. Lord leant back in his chair and smiled at his patient. This brisk little affair was all settled before breakfast. to hear. About noon. Ettore was twenty-three. Breakfast __ scarcely ___ when a waiter brought in Mr. He [Jim] put down his pail. (to put away) (Dickens) 16. (Dickens) 42 . You are deceived. A whisper goes about the house that Mr. I stopped at a barber shop and was shaved and went home to the 'hospital. (to examine.. I have been treated and respected as a gentleman universally. (Collins) 6. Nothing in it __ since his arrest.the railway __ at all at that time. to follow) 22. (to smoke to smoke) (Clark) 26. (to expect) (Priestley) 31. which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother.. Dombey's hair is curled. Weller. The attendants withdrew.of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work.. to beat. A short bridge over a canal was blown up but we climbed across on what was left of the span. The little patient — and __. Drury Lane.. The door was instantly opened. The small room was lit only by a dying fire and one candle with a shade over it. Many excellent and expensive houses __ (to erect) (Dreiser) 34.. The purchase was completed within a month. (Eliot) 16. I hate being hurried. (to ask. One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without seeing or being impressed with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. The effect of my education can never be done away with. Her uncle and mother came two days ago. and that it had not been slept in. 1 don't suppose there's anybody who isn't cared for by someone or other. как началась война. 6.. She is so absolutely to be relied on as that? (Collins) 27. I just chatter when J'rn chattered to. (Ch. 1. The match was looked upon as made by her father and mother. to get at the truth. using the Passive Voice where possible. (Eliot) 28. I shall be quite safe. The visitor was allowed to come forward and seat himself. that neither masters nor teachers were found fault with in that establishment. (Hardy) 3.. I was taught music and singing. He was forbidden to receive either letters or telegrams. (Eliot) 31. Early one morning farm laborers on their way to work from Stilleveld had come upon a twisted heap lying in the open.. but Kinney was not allowed to retire with him. (Murdoch) 26. (Hilton) 25. At that moment hasty steps were heard in the entry. Nothing more was said on either side. Penn was fascinated and troubled by this suggestion. With old and young great sorrow is followed by a sleepless night.. (Murdoch) 27. who had been left a widow. When at last the notes were finished. with one son. and in a quiet way I was a good deal taken notice of by Mrs. Most of the ribs in the right side of his chest were broken. was also a constant source of pain and surprise. (Collins) 24. That day she was seen little of. (Hardy) 22. (Voynich) 28. The shutters were closed and barred. She realized that the old life was gone and done with. (Murdoch) 26.perhaps you know that Mirah's brother is found. hothouse plants and evergreens were arranged in bowers at the extremities and in every recess of the gallery. which had been quite unprepared for. и пламя было видно издалека. (Collins) 14. A man who is much talked about is always very attractive.. Город.. as though by a boot. (Wilde) 4. (Christie) 34. что вам помогут в вашей работе. Пожар начался ночью.. был основан в IX 43 . I typed them out. By now we had been joined by two other people. (Hilton) 20. Habble was dismissed. Он болен? 2. в котором родился Низами.. (Dickens) 10. (Ch. The strained and precarious relationship between Ann and Randall. (Eliot) 25. (Priestley) 32. under the ranger's fence. (Maugham) 12. About an hour or so later I was sent for and found Mary Gerrard unconscious. Его нигде не видели в течение всей недели. The child shall be taken care of somehow. (Hardy) 16. I was told.. quite well taken care of. Two doors opened out of it [the passage] to the left and to the right. Knight had been looked upon as a bachelor by nature. Translate into English. too. I have endured insults. The big brightly lit stone-flagged kitchen was silent. The gate was opened by one of the maids. (Maugham) 13. (A) The Passive Voice and the Compound Predicate. этот дом еще строился. (Christie) 23. (Hansford Johnson) 33. A sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room. Bretton. cannily selected for his sleepingplace. (Abrahams) 31. Fabrizi told me he had been written to and had consented to come and take up the campaign against the Jesuits. (Ch. was overhung by branches. 5. Я уверена. (Wilde) 8. He was in the house when the diamond was lost. (Eliot) 29. Klesmer bowed round to the three sisters more grandly than they had ever been bowed to before. and she is being well taken care of. We know that she likes Nurse O'Brien and is well looked after. (Dickens) 6.. She (Gemma] was both pleasant to look at and interesting to talk to. She's quite well thought of in Cambridge. In the front room the bricks of the floor were being tumbled aside by the shoots from old tree-roots. It had turned out to be Sam. One child in a household of grown people is usually made very much of. Red carpet was laid down for the occasion. I've been sent for urgently. born like that. (Conan Doyle) 34. (Galsworthy) 32. (Eliot) 24. (Murdoch) 30. Bronte) 29. (Christie) 7. (Maugham) Exercise 3. Bronte) 30. My things are all packed. 3. The right side of his head had been crushed in.. And for four years now I have been trying to make myself heard in the popular press. (Bennett) 9. (Priestley) 21. (Maugham) 18. Когда я приехала в Ленинград.23. Bronte) 5. (Lessing) 35. His right arm was broken in many places.. (Eliot) 19.. One of these had obviously been closed for many weeks. That's a thing I've not been accused of before. I have been laughed at as a crank. Этот дом был построен до того. Sam's body was twisted and deformed. (Hemingway) 33. (Hardy) 2. But he had not been. Translate into Russian. 1. (Eliot) 17. He could see that the bed was empty. before I knew her. (Dickens) 11. Another half-hour and all doors would be locked — all lights extinguished. (Voynich) Exercise 4. The scoop. (Eliot) 15. 4... 5. 15. все двери были уже закрыты. К счастью.. Когда Ленни вернулся. 13. Детям велели идти спать. как вдруг. Послали за извозчиком. 4. в передней раздался удивительно приятный. когда мне предложили ехать в деревню. Меня прислали помочь вам. все пошли домой. 17.. Миссис Шварц попросили прийти постирать белье. 10. 14. Зимой в этом доме никогда не жили. Не понимаю. 2. Эта книга уже распродана. как только вещи были уложены. Мне показали проект нового театра. (Тургенев) 5. когда она пыталась поджечь конюшни. 18.когда я появился здесь. Ему посоветовали обратиться к хорошему врачу. которую только что принесли. Послышался топот копыт. (Чехов) (Е) 1. Меня просили рассказать вам. (Достоевский) 7. Н. 8..веке. так что она будет получена только утром.. Как мало еще сделано. (Пермяк) (B) 1. Домой они пришли очень поздно. В кухне. 15. на которые я не сразу мог ответить. 17. (Тургенев. 6. (Куприн) (D) 1. От Ивана Макаровича с тех пор никакой весточки. 7. Ребенка положили в 44 .в кабинете давно не открывали окна. Не прошло трех минут. Ему посоветовали остаться дома. 11. Видно было. Зоя Космодемьянская была схвачена в тот момент. 14. 7. Она знала. Каждый день в комнату вносили бич.. 4. Павлову была присвоена почетная степень доктора Кембриджского университета 9. дома никого не было. (Рыбаков) 21. заметны были некоторые приготовления: все было вытерто и вычищено. Мне велели прийти ровно в пять часов. В Советском Союзе о детях очень заботятся. 4. 11. . Меня попросили прийти через несколько дней. В нашей стране с неграмотностью давно покончено. ему было семь лет. 7. что вы были больны.баритон. ровно через три недели. уже все было утверждено. За машиной послали.. Нам вчера дали несколько новых журналов и книг.. Он обсуждался уже более двух часов. После того как письмо Петру было написано. В нашей стране дети обеспечены всем необходимым. С этим надо покончить. На эту книгу никогда не ссылаются. (Чаковскии) 19. очень хороший лектор. Ворота еще не открывались. обручи. Сеть ясель в Советском Союзе значительно расширилась за последние годы. В тот же день послано было письмо в город. которую нам посоветовали прочесть. Об этом событии много говорят. а уже свистит свисток на обед. О поступке Бермана много говорили в колонии.... (Лермонтов) 8. (Тендряков) 20. На книги Ленина ссылаются многие ученые. Наконец. 2. Санчик и Маврик появились у ворот своей школы.. 11. Мне задали несколько вопросов. Это как раз та статья. Воздух был тяжел. Больному запретили курить. 12.. держа в руках открытку. 3. что случилось. 13. на него можно положиться. В то время. Он исключительно добросовестный человек. и я была избавлена от необходимости выходить ночью. Сусанину приказали показать дорогу на Москву. (Тургенев) 6. (Короленко) 2. (Тургенев) 11. (Короленко) 4. (Пермяк) 19. Миссис Лекки стояла в прихожей. 10. Мне вчера сказали. 12. 16. кто живет в этом доме. В этот момент обсуждался очень важный вопрос и все внимательно слушали. Бекки Шарп предложили должность гувернантки. я вовсе не думал так нестерпимо скучать. 3. 18. доктор жил в этом же доме.. На него можно положиться? 5.. его всегда очень внимательно слушают.. (Тендряков) 23. 16. Ей посоветовали заниматься музыкой 19.. 20. что нас ждали. Когда самолет скрылся из виду. Опять вы опоздали. (Пермяк) 24. Его [Паклина] повели вниз. Тов. Его везде охотно принимали. Его речь на собрании была такой блестящей. 9. из города привезли пианино. 13. Телеграмму послали поздно вечером.) 9. Толстой) 18.. почему об этом фильме так много говорят. как преступник был связан. 8. 15. Ее пригласили в театр. Дети любят когда им читают. 12. подписано. (Рыбаков) 3. Оратора слушали очень внимательно.. Послали ли за свежим молоком? (Л. 14. Московский университет назван именем Ломоносова. Произведения Пушкина переведены на 76 языков народов Советского Союза. 16. Когда Володю привезли в Сосняки. (Тургенев) (C) 1. — прибавил он. Паклин уже взялся за шапку. Его спросили. 6.. (Чехов) 10. он повеселел. что сестра вернется домой поздно. Больному посоветовали ехать на юг 9. 17. «Басанова арестовали». Почему такая работа не напечатана? (Тендряков) 22. что о ней потом много говорили. 2. 10. Мне только что предложили интересную работу. 8. 3. "It — not be: how has the idea entered your head? Ellen Dean. (Dreiser) 13. Bronte) 10. but __ I request a few minutes private conversation with him on a matter of deep importance to himself? (Dickens) 6. После лекции был концерт. Как только Скиф Миллер скрылся из виду." I said... Palmer asked me to meet you. mightn't." 2." (Forster) (Jerome K. " __ I help you?" (Murdoch) 8. and received with open arms by the old Dowager of Chesley. he said not rising. (Gow and D’Usseau) 3. Signor Tenente?" he asked. 6. I'm not going to try to explain or adjust myself now. чтобы она прочла эту книгу за два дня. she's gone! Your Heathcliff's run off with her!" gasped the girl. 7. Translate into Russian. она. "you __ have met him. "Can't you sleep. чтобы вы потеряли билет. 1.. They can't understand the English language. may). собака бросилась за ним. and bring him back here. I may have seemed churlish. rising in agitation. Неужели он уже получил мое письмо? 5.больницу. couldn't). За молнией последовал удар грома. He noticed at once that her manner was as natural almost as a frank. of that you may be sure. but don't think I'm not deeply grateful for your concern. sir. he's almost forty. MODAL VERBS Exercise 1." (Benson) II. "he __ have been once for all I know.—«Нет. cannot. (Shaw) 11. 9. really. I think she __ have waited a bit before dismantling the house!" (Murdoch) 5. "She cannot have heard of her father's death. 5." (Hichens) 5. «Не может быть. Alice: I'll come too if I may." (contracted) (Hardy) 7. manly schoolboy's. "But she had! For I expressed my sympathy and she thanked me. товарищу Давида Копперфильда. 10. 2. "You are a sworn constable?" "I be. After all.. I said. После смерти миссис Копперфильд к Давиду всегда придирались." 2. She jumped up when she saw me and said. Не может быть. чтобы он уже приехал. Bronte) 12.. Translate into Russian (can.. где за ним очень хорошо ухаживали. with assistance. welf. "That is not true!" exclaimed Linton. 11. (Taylor) 8. Oh. "There is a man I know. Darling. Insert may (might)." said Braybrooke. За первой мировой войной последовала революция в России. go and seek her. this house. вы могли положить его в карман». всегда придирались. Ваши часы. "Old Callendar wants to see me at his bungalow". He может быть. Когда длинноногий парень скрылся из виду. В доме миссис Рид к Джейн Эйр постоянно придирались. Translate into English using the verbs can and may whenever possible. could not (mayn't. что в нем нельзя найти никаких недостатков. I said.. 1. this house! I come back to it after twenty-three years and it is just the same. a man named Longrush.neither lie comfortably in bed nor find anything to do with myself if I got up. He — have gone far. It was not many hours ere he. can (could) or the contracted forms of may not. was in London. Неужели он не получил моего письма? 6. "I didn't say he wasn't a colonel.. "He — have the politeness to say why. (Hemingway) (Hemingway) Exercise 2. though you may have forgotten. Перевод такой хороший. "you __ have heard your head governor mention my name?" (Dickens) 9. Howard: Lieutenant. I'm sorry I was so drunk yesterday. you __ be right. (Hichens) 3. She couldn't have had much fun. "He may not even know I'm here. Julia: Why is she coming home? Maude: I don't know. "Can I possibly have made a mistake?" she thought. 8. there __ never (he thought] have been a grain of affectation in her. "Really.. Jerome) Exercise 3. Esmond. We have met before. might not. It is incredible: it __ not be. 12. either. I may yet need your help. возможно. (Forster) JO. may I ask a question? (Gow and D’Usseau) 9. Давид сел отдохнуть." he said. "She's gone. "Perhaps. anyway. I suppose she got fed up with Paris after five years. К Трэддльсу. только просмотрела ее. (Murdoch) 4. (Thackeray) 6. 45 . я получила телеграмму только вчера." (E. (Murdoch) 7. May I carry something?" (Murdoch) 4. I don't know... "No. я могла выронить его в трамвае»." (Forster) 12.. С такими серьезными вещами не шутят. Catherine's cup was never filled: she __ neither eat nor drink (E. 3.. 1. Comment upon the meaning of modal verbs.Oh. 14." "I can't sleep. I _ . "I am Martin Lynchgibbon. 4. I beg the Magistrate's pardon. can't. 13." said the Captain." "Then pursue the criminal at once. Hesione might at least have been here: some preparation might have been made for me. он никогда не приходит в последний момент. what you tell me may be true. Jack!" His daughter alone replied. smiling. кто знает. in front of the door. возможно. dejected movement of his head. (Tennessee Williams) 11. those I knew did anyhow. (Dreiser) 3. (Huxley) 11. "May I escort you home?" he said. (Maugham) 4. (Benson) 9. «Хотела бы я знать. Gracing the centre table was a Bible and a yellow plush album. I have brought back your man —not without risk or danger.. he's cold and he looks at me in such a terrifying way as if he were thinking about killing me." (Murdoch) 7. And honestly Martin. возможно. I said.. (Hardy) 2. Bertha?" he said. потому что библиотека была закрыта. Наконец-то вы пришли! Вы могли прийти пораньше. Translate into Russian. ведь библиотека была закрыта. he would go and see. 3. You might have given me a little encouragement. but it happened many years ago. "Remember. She __ have recognized his voice. Beryl! Well. он и придет." I said. он. 4. The lights in the house __ have gone out. 11. у нее ничего не было в руках. Уже пять часов.. она взяла ее в другой библиотеке». She passed the girls' room. это совсем на нее не похоже. all of whom __ have hated him. 79 As she walked down the corridor. her boudoir. "There must be something wrong somewhere. (Tennessee Williams) 4. Право." Stephanie said. "Well. for the light disappeared from the apartment." ". He behaves quite differently to me. 9. since you can leave your bed? (Ch. Insert may (might) or must. please make no sign. чтобы она меня обманула. She said: "Please.. (Priestley) 12. It was a possibility. — «Не может быть. and in a second or two the door was unlocked and opened. что я больна.. не может быть. Джордж. «Где Павел?» — «Не знаю. "Ah. Не может быть. должно быть. may. — «Не может быть. (Hardy) 8. 1. must. должно быть. Late 299 stood. это не очень-то любезно с его 46 . you __ have let us know beforehand!" (Galsworthy) 9." (Benson) 10. Не могли ли бы вы дать мне эту книгу дня на два? 10. ты мог бы помочь мне нести этот тяжелый чемодан. 12. он может скоро прийти. It must have been the yellow plush that had fascinated them. Он не мог получить книгу. I __ do-these things sometimes in absence of mind. чтобы она его взяла." (Saxton) 6. она. Father. Both of you behaved very badly. noticed that they were quiet and therefore must be doing as they had been told. Antonia?" "Ten o'clock". — «Она могла взять ее в нашей библиотеке». Cheveley may have changed since then. You __ be getting better. It — have tossed her right onto the cinders at the side of the track. чтобы сейчас было девять часов. Sir Robert: Gertrude. Minnie. I.. she heard Marguerite calling after him. Blanche: I'm sorry. Не может быть. чтобы она забыла о концерте. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. разве ты не видишь. "I can't stay. подождем немножко. 8. пошел в филармонию”. "Well. an editor must havej)roved qualifications or else he would not be an editor. Нет. but surely I don't do them habitually. — «Ну. Translate into English using the verbs can. где она достала „Три товарища" Ремарка?»... иначе он был бы уже в театре. спешат.. "You __ have told me before I started tea.?" she questioned. (Hichens) 3. I'm frightened. может быть. 6. "What time is it. Exercise 4. That man at the door is mad. It occurred to him that perhaps his hostess __ be in. когда она уходила»." he said w-ith a solemn. He was the father of three sons and two daughters. "It hit her. I must have lost my head for a moment. не может быть. He __ kill me!" (Dreiser) 2. Ольга могла взять его с собой по ошибке». чтобы она взяла ее в нашей библиотеке: Семенова вчера взяла последний экземпляр». заболел. (Shaw) Exercise 6. 5.Pull yourself together. я не верю этому. Собрание могло уже кончиться. Do something. — «Ну. (Maugham) Exercise 5. Stanley: That must have been a pretty long time ago. "How did it happen?" "It was the streetcar. Я останусь дома.возможно. The doorway was all dark.." (London) 10. It is best forgotten! Mrs. будет мне звонить. (Caldwell) 5. so I was told. но. Петя." 7. 14. "May not the editor have been right in his revision of your Sea Lyrics. "I —have slept for twelve hours.. чтобы он получил книгу. (Dreiser) 6. in which was not a single picture." Esther said. «Где ключ?» — «Не знаю. and went on to the children's room. как мне это тяжело? 13. (Wilde) 8. ведь вы же знали. "Something must have happened. Bronte) 5. 1. 7.. Я его сегодня не жду. 2. You __ be exhausted after all the tennis you played this afternoon. but every one must do his duty. Translate into Russian. "You must be imagining all this. 14. your delightful doctor has decided on a picnic. должно быть. That's why I have to put up with my sister's husband. (Tennessee Williams) 2. She [Ellie] begins stroking Mangan's head. он. А что значат эти вертикальные черные полосы? Может быть. Он сказал. getting up.. должно быть. Surely he must have told you how much he hates me. and we had been summoned in from the playground. does not at all resemble her. The typewriter people were again clamoring for money. должно быть. "You're to go now. Если бы она была здесь." (Dickens) 3. There are some things that have to be said sooner or later.) Сомс остановился перед картиной одного из начинающих xyдожников. по крайней мере. I had made arrangements so as not to have to come to the office again for a little while. when Mr. you are to live here for the next six months. что доклад у него уже готот и он может прочесть его завтра на собрании.. was the most miserable she had ever spent. оставил вам билет и записку». еще спит». at his request. Blanche: I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. reversing the movement with which she put him to sleep. (Forster) 11. В глазах его. 1.. Она. let us recognise that it is simply because it can't be. это. When my wife and I settle down at Willowmere it's possible that we shall all come together. Blick!" said Hunter. Но где же Флер? Что могло ее задержать? Не могла же она забыть о своем обещании? Да нет. Translate into English using the verbs can. instead of a party in his house. (Murdoch) 4. (Caldwell) 3. «Он. чтобы он ушел. «Где Мария?» — «Она. Demetrius was nowhere to be found.. (Pinero) 8. и она прошла мимо. на столе что-то лежит. (London) 2.. Mrs. (Shaw) Exercise 9. Sharp entered and said: "David Copperfield is to go into the parlour. опять пошла к Имоджин Кардиган. may.. Не возвращайте пока книгу в библиотеку. чтобы она здесь была вчера. and not wear hypocritical faces and suffer and be wretched. my dear. The snow which had lain so thick and beautiful when I left the country was scarcely to be seen in the city. (Murdoch) 9. Эти женщины! На них никогда нельзя положиться!» Вдруг он заметил даму и юношу. that was to have been "her treat". Wake 47 . не повидав меня». 9." said Miss Tox. presumably. Можно употребить здесь настоящее продолженное время? 11. с интересом ее рассматривая. by The Banner. (Dreiser) 5. "whose acquaintance I was to have made through you. Может мне взять вашу книгу? 10. она оставила бы мне записку. «Они могли бы. apparently so much against his wishes. Eliza. 7. For June this evening. (Shaw) 10. Moore. do you hear! You are to wake up at once. судя по каталогу. learning. — «Посмотрите-ка. Your mother arranged that she was to come down from London and that I was to come over from Dover to be introduced to you. Ах вот. how to speak beautifully. «Что бы это могло изображать?» — думал он. we are to meet him out there. And he has to put up with me. Не может быть. (Fischer) 5. 12. Вы. отразилась саркастическая улыбка Джорджа Форсайта. "His mother. (Murdoch) 4. Exercise 8. I distinctly told you to stay with her every minute I was away. это самолеты? Джун опять устраивает выставки произведений молодых художников. он мог бы взять билет и для меня». так как лицо ее приняло жесткое выражение. 13. Что-то в ней показалось ему знакомым. она может вам понадобиться для доклада. and I'd rather hear them from you than from anybody else. Comment and translate into Russian (to be + infinitive). должно быть. Comment and translate into Russian (to have+ infinitive. (Galsworthy) 12.стороны. It was after breakfast. должно быть. You are not to be trusted. 1. insistently pointing out that according to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance. to be+ infinitive).I could scarcely repress my curiosity as to the nature of this composition which was to be published. 8. наверное. должно быть. — «Не может быть.. By that time of evening only a few persons were to be seen on the wet streets and most of the shops and stores were dark and closed for the night. наверное (должно быть). на двадцать пятой странице нет таких слов Exercise 7. сделать надпись. она. все еще полна иллюзий и думает. уже ушел». и есть картина. (Caldwell) 6. for Heaven's sake. Galsworthy." (Dickens) 6. что со временем они могут стать знаменитостями. изображающая „Город будущего". But if this isn't to be. mast. ошибаетесь. "Wake up. (Based on an episode from To Let by J. Неужели Ирэн? После стольких лет! И она его увидела. (Douglas) 7. like a lady in a florist's shop. thanks. I'm going to share it. но я оставил дома ее адрес." "But he's only been there a week and that money — to last him through October. ученым пришлось сделать точные вычисления." "Shall I? or shall I keep it for an emergency?" (Priestley) 2. (Thackeray) Exercise 10. чтобы знать. Translate into English using modal verbs and expressions (should. (Galsworthy) 3. что вы были больны. who was sent by the French King with ships and an army from Dunkirk. что об этом и думать нельзя. 1. may. и мне пришлось вернуться. (Dickens) 7. Finish it yourself. but they __ on no account to wait. Вам следует помочь ей. to the pawnbroker. and a late dinner together every day. когда она должна была. (Maltz) 5. He shook his head again. (Caldwell) 8. у нее испорчен телефон. 5. at the last moment. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. 1. Как мы условились. 3. (London) 4. но не состоялось. очень велики. though he knew that within the day he __ to make a trip.infinitive. 8. (Tennessee Williams) 8. I __ to stop talking and watch what I was doing. The major __ to take the responsibility of ordering everything to eat and drink. что на Луне. 4. I ask your advice. Translate into English using the verbs can. Translate into Russian (shall. You shan't have all this beastliness alone." Mrs. Полагают. 7.. All of it. то многие планеты солнечной системы. Скептикам. At this meal they arranged their daily habits.up. Как это вы умудрились потерять книгу? Вы должны были положить ее в портфель. уехать на юг. 5. Hubert. (Benson) Exercise 11. We've got to move out of this apartment. несомненно. 3. куда направить ракету." (Shaw) 7. But just then we hit a stretch of unpaved road where the mud was thick and the ruts were hard to follow. many domestic preparations __ to be made.. тогда вы не оказались бы в таком глупом положении теперь. Мне придется пойти к ней. He toiled on all day. что Луна. 2. будет служить базой для межпланетных полетов. Exercise 12. I guess. я должна была зайти к ней и привести ее сюда. to be to). recollecting. There were thirty poems in the collection and he __ to receive a dollar apiece for them. Ведь книга издана в 1948 году. 6. will). Вы должны были давно прочесть «Дни и ночи» Симонова. ought. 6. что нам суждено стать свидетелями межпланетных полетов. поэтому я опоздал. она ведь очень устала. Вам бы следовало сделать то. Если бы кто-нибудь сказал это лет пятьдесят тому назад. чтобы создать пассажирские межпланетные ракеты. Но мы. Теперь всему миру придется поверить. (Murdoch) 9. что я вам говорила.Это случилось как раз в то время. Для того чтобы осуществить запуск космической ракеты в межпланетное пространство. преодолеем их. and was to have invaded and conquered Scotland. "I can't stay in this place any longer!" she cried in utter desperation. Собрание должно было состояться вчера. которые говорили. нет атмосферы. She trembled that day as she prepared to go down to the wedding. (Lawrence) 10. Они решили. 9. He told me to say you __ not to worry about him and that he'll recover in time. that he __ to have dinner at the Morses'. что человечеству суждено заселить если не все. to have to. которые нам придется преодолеть для того. and I 48 . It __ to take place almost immediately: yet much remained to be done. приходится признать. "Don't want it. 1. Вы должны были мне сказать. ему ответили бы. (Gaskelt) 11. During their absence. Mahmoud Ali had gone off in his carriage leaving a message that he should be back in five minutes. Ученые думают. что она должна пройти в непосредственной близости от Луны. Теперь вам придется расстаться с какой-нибудь из своих книг. (London) 2. должно быть. Insert to have (to have got) or to be in the appropriate form. что этого не может быть. (Forster) 6. She __ to be a bridesmaid. 7. No. Я должен был прийти к ней в два часа. George. and they __ to have a late breakfast together every morning. 4. (London) 3. 2. 1. Stella: People — to tolerate each other's habits. Exercise 13. The time was fixed for his sailing. no chivalry and that sort of nonsense.. Translate into Russian. when Gertrude offered him money.. тогда вы бы ее не потеряли. Smith said. может быть. "You see practically the minute he left town. must and the expressions to be + infinitive and to have-f. He had been indeed with that luckless expedition of the Chevalier de St.. 10. Lon spent his whole ailowance. Трудности. if Hallorsen __ take me. Aubrey: Have you seen EHean this morning? Paula (coldly): Your last observation but one was about Ellean. and only once. Lady Orreyed (to Paula): Do you hear that? That's his mother. I have found out that trick of yours. about what we've been saying?" "If you __. fered with when I'm playing patience. associate editors. I'11 go. The! editors. 1. and by G — I I'll stand by you.. (Shaw) 4. unless you stop loving. of all crea-1 tures under the sun the most unfit. you __ go through with it. dear.. A man who __ work is no good. "If you __ believe what I say why do you keep asking me?" (contracted) (Murdoch) 19.. Soames lifted his eyes: "I won't have anything said against her. Napoleon (beside himself):. J (London) Exercise 14. He won't see anyone. And now. Aubrey: Dearest. I've proved to you that I love you more than anybody else loves you and still you won't leave that Glenn Kenworthy and go with me. I should treasure it. but my mother he won't so much as look at.you stood by my father. You must be tired. Lady: I cannot permit you. Napoleon: Then you __ stay here. Tanqueray. Translate into Russian. (Shaw) 10. (Pinero) 49 . Dinny.. Dr. There shall be no difficulty about money. Since you have taken the minister's place. what __ I talk about? (Pinero) 7. " __ I speak to Diana. "Martin darling." he sa!d unexpectedly.] or take any advice. General. (Shaw) 15. (Shaw) 13. you __ take his place on the gallows. You __ never want a friend.. __ we go. darling. Richard Dtfdgeon. (Caldwell) 14. since you have acted handsomely. "If I could have a picture of you. Mrs. dear? (Referring to ihe letter he holds in his hand. are men wha| wanted to write and who have failed. (Maugham) 12. take that from me. if you __ (E. Cortelyon: You know we are neighbours. he __ have anything said against you. Then he __ be here in a few minutes! What __ I do? (Shaw) 9. Harry. " __ I order you a taxi to go home in?" (Murdoch) 14." (Galsworthy) 10. You must come and see me and you shall tell me! all the news of home. Only don't talk to me about divorce. (Galsworthy) 17. are the very creatures whoi decide what shall and what shall not find its way into print. "But he _ answer for it. (Shaw) 20. __ you marry me? (Goes on his knees. "Your master is a true scoundrell" I replied. madam. (Forsier) 11. Mrs. while Francis James Viscount Castlewood has a shilling. won't). then. I am not easy in my mind about the way I am treating my poor old mother. but the man I like. El lean: I will offer to go down to the village with Paula this morning — shall I? Aubrey (touching her hand gently): Thank you — do. The execution will take place at 12 o'clock as arranged. "I'm not lying. (Shaw) 2. you're drunk. " __ you come in a moment?" "Thank you kindly.. if she __ have him.. to enter my chamber.he won't see a doctor... (Galsworthy) 7.Once more.. (Pinero) 9. you shall entertain as much as you please: I will guarantee all that.) Let me. Blanche? (Tennessee Williams) 23. Bronte) 24. And yet they. Let snobbish people say what they please: Barbara shall marry not the man they like. __ you please leave my room? (Galsworthy) 8. subeditors. (contracted) (London) 1(3. Sir George: The fact is. fifty pounds to be paid to him on the day of his marriage to Sarah Wilkins. Aubrey: __ I burn this. (Maugham) 17. (Wilde) 12. I will not have all the responsibility thrown on my shoulders. Bronte) 22." "Of course you shall!" (Galsworthy) 11. whilst I have your chamber searched for my papers. __ you go to bed? (contracted) __ I bring you something up? (Galsworthy) 5. why don't you show him more affection? (contracted) (Galsworthy) 6. Trench. Mrs. (Galsworthy) IS. Will you have rum in your tea? (Galsworthy) 13. young man." (contracted) (Cronin) 3. Insert shall. wlla not (shan't. Mohammed Latif _ be severely punished for inventing this.. Soames is very fond of you. Barbara. Jack: Gwendolen. Tanqueray. for I simply won't hear of itl (Murdoch)! 16. Princess. (Shaw) 8. and unless Anderson surrenders before then. Paula: Why are you here? Why aren't you with your friend? El lean: I've come home — if you __ have me. will or the contracted forms oi shall not. I've told you over and over again that I will not be inter-. Nothing can or shall divide me from you. I give and bequeath a hundred pounds to my younger son Christopher Dudgeon." said Antonia. let me! (Pinero) 25.. you shall have no cause to complain of me.. Dinny. You may come.am waiting for it. (Pinero) 5." I said." (E.. will you give me those papers or __ I tear them from you by force! (Shaw) 4. Ellie: You __ not run away before you answer.I am yours for ever and ever. I will not have Charles called Cholly: the vulgarity of it positively makes me iil. Paula: Neighbours? Are we really? __ you sit down? (contracted) (Pinero) 15. most of them. (Shaw) 18.) Gwendolen: Of course I __. (Thackeray) 21. (Galsworthy) 6. He ought to have phoned Simkin earlier. (Wilde) 12. Bronte) Exercise 17. but went on cording the crate. Aubrey: What is to be her future? It is in my 50 . Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. indeed." Tootie went on. and damned me because I wouldn't get a job. she thought she must be mistaken. He seemed to me quite normal. would)." (Fischer) 9. I had that door painted only... He can't be more than thirty.." "I think we should go to Uncle Adrian first. (Dreiser) 17... would descend from his high seat of pride to write me one cheering linei (London) 9. (Webster) 5. "No. Eunice: How is she? Stella: She __ eat anything but asked for a drink. and they were to be seen a moment later in conversation. There is simply no excuse for all this. (Fischer) 3. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. "but they would go up and wake you. (Galsworthy) 2. (Priestley) 13. "Then Agnes came by with Bunchie's sister. Translate into Russian (should or ought.. but that's fifteen years ago and now means nothing. You. he sometimes thought." (Galsworthy) Exercise 16. or Cornelia either. I tried often to get him to talk. Margaret seemed to hear a Taint knocking.. "They were going to ride on the bridge. I said you didn't really want to come." (Benson) 6. On the fourth day. Insert should or would. It isn't the sort of thing one should talk of in private. and would not. he was frequently to be found about the restaurants and resorts of the radical section of the city. "You might have had some consideration for me. You need not meet him unless you like.. it was rather that he didn't seem to hear me.." said mother.. Mischa followed her.. (London) 11. (contracted) (Tennessee Williams) 12. (Shaw) 10.Exercise 15. (Murdoch) 12. and might even eventually marry her. You know you didn't dare give the order to charge the bridge until you saw us on the other side. Reffold. (Dreiser) 2. All of her other former belongings. knowing his habits.." (Galsworthy) 7. Meanwhile. That could not be. (Forster) 8. (Murdoch) 14. (Dreiser) 15. (Douglas) 4. (Harraden) 9.. (Mansfield) 6. (London) 4. believe that she was becoming interested in me. (Maltz) 7. And now you feed me. but with him that should be helping me and never does.. (Shaw) 2.. seemed to recognize that Mr. (Forster) 16. Mitch Poker shouldn't be played in a house with women. "we ought to go up.. Anna began to feel a little uncomfortable. If only one editor. Dad's away at some parsonical conference. except that he would not go out or see anybody. And of course you should have introduced us long ago. Translate into Russian. "Why didn't you come before?" he said." she said. keep her supplied with work. are going to college. "I was for letting you sleep on. To whom should they go? "Not to the police. They didn't have to worry about money. Just the same. (Dreiser) 11. feeling that she could bean the suspense no longer. (Bellow) 6. 1. I wanted him to take me. but she __ not admit it. if he would. let me see.last week. (Tennessee Williams) 5.you __ be more careful.. 1. when then you let me starve. had either been sold or lost for non-payment of dues. Callendar won't hear of you seeing her. but as no one appeared to hear it. Anyhow. and she would open up the crate and put it in. (Galsworthy) 13. (Galsworthy) 3. 'tis not with ye. (Murdoch) 3. (Wilde) 10." (Maugham) 5. but he wouldn't. (Dreiser) 7. who could.... Either she did not or __ not understand. Never forget that we __ always think of others and work for others. 1. She would not answer me.I did something — a certain thing — something I shouldn't have done— but couldn't help itl (Catdwelt) 10. "If Clare's to see Kit and Kat before we start. Every one. of course. she either could not or __ not work. A man __ always have an occupation of some kind. she found a volume slipped under a chair. If I do lose my temper. The courage of a Military Tribune should not be squandered in banquet-halls. He's. Algernon: Oh! it is absurd to have a hard and fast rule about what one __ read and what one. Patty and Priscilla. dear. Reffold's days were numbered. And when I thought it was done with.. And here now was this young and promising doctor." said Dinny. except Mrs. After a hasty breakfast they consulted." said Dinny. (Morgan) 8. and __ realize the necessity of being prepared. It was not that "he __ n't talk. "You __ have come." (E. I should be grateful if you would keep your hands off my business in future. instead of writing. __ n't. and we wanted to go. The lady I liked wouldn't marry me — that is the main point... Fleur. Translate into Russian. forbade me your house. But she and Bunchie __ n't take us. "I suppose you know what I've been through since that bag came this morning. Although his residence and his family were in the country. she telephoned to Fleur and asked if she might come up to them. (Shaw) 4. (Swinnerton) 11. (Wilde) 8. I could not. (Shaw) 25. (Murdoch) 20. as the train was leaving Naples.. Miss Femm opened the door. You'll have to wait till I've lit the candles." (Cronin) 12. "Did you __ to take a cab?" "No. Your family may object to me. You __ not be so careless with your things... He __ have known your father well. Widdle. They might even __ to get a special licence. and if he would like to go to bed. wouldn't if necessary). "What are we to do?" she gasped. (Murdoch) 37. Smith said defiantly.. "You ought to be in at your essay. (Shaw) 19. and in a voice which was both astonished and distraught. We can't get married for a long time. Con.." replied the mother.. went down to the water's edge. "And would have been too. (Galsworthy) 35. I need hardly say I would do anything in the world to ensure Gwendolen's happiness. "Land ought to be very dear about there. Pearl: I sent out to the garage and gave instructions that the old Rolls-Royce __ to be taken down at once and the other __ to go to London. (Gow and D’Usseau) 17. She'll __ to start school sometime. but he __ speak. "I've none of this electric light.." "I don't believe it.. Sir? (Dickens) 23. __ not hear of. (Shaw) 26. Aunt Em. (Galsworthy) Exercise 18." he [James] said. Didn't she."I __ to start a week from Saturday. may I speak to you a moment? (Mansfield) 27. Christy (interrupting her with an apprehensive glance at the door by which Essie went out): Shi She may hear you. You __ have looked lovely in a veil.. the other irom his sister.. is to be found in a series of articles published in a series of screen publications of the time. No one 51 . Philip. I won't have it." (Benson) 6.) Lady Orreyed: Oh. I could have asked anybody at the meeting.Mama came down. (Shaw) 3. But Sally. (Dreiser) 14. "You have worked hard and __ have your reward. Cain said: "I don't have to pay to find that out." (Benson) 9. (Murdoch) 4. but this Mrs.. "I simply don't believe it. but I suppose the whole thing can't have lasted thirty seconds really. Ferse asked him if he had had dinner.. I think you __ have lost your mind. Smith said." (Cronin) 28. that perhaps she ought not to have left Hunter alone." she called. "I don't see what you want with a tree. you know.. (Forster) 39. The substance of her observations. It would cost so much... was afraid that his leave was going to be curtailed. "Tootie __ have been in school this year.. (Carter) 31. But you might have been firing away at the Australians still if we cavalry fellows hadn't found the ford and got across. Soames would often come down to watch with secret pride the building of the house which was to have been his home. Hsshl He's still asleep.. Let's go over and see old Shropshire. (Dreiser) 16. One from his guardian. Take a peep...The pavements were damp and reflected the yellow light.hands. "Now please tell me how you are going to celebrate the great event of my having won a scholarship..from time to time he and Esther Norn __ to be seen together. I went over to the window. Mr. won't." (Carter) 32. What __ we to do when he wakes? __ we go up to him and wait for it? (Galsworthy) 10. Bronte) 21. Sir? How dare you look me in the face and do it. (Galsworthy) 18. Where can he have gone?" (Cronin) 24. Madam. They would __ to be married at once.. Anderson? I __ have asked you before. Paula: What __ I play? (Pinero) 15." he said." Mr. and then it will be all over between us. You __ not to tell Dad what I told you. She gazed at me severely.. A doctor called in at this late hour. nervous emphasis." Mrs. "We certainly will. if you hadn't carried on so about her being the baby." (Priestley) 34.. he sat with his eyes closed. (Galsworthy) 7. Translate into Russian. exclaimed: "Grandpa is not upstairs. "I mean they're sending me to New York for good. as though he were a small boy under her charge. But you've got to finish college. The man she was engaged to. How dare you address me as dear Sir. It seemed like an age. It __ have rained to-day.." said Bosinney. and if he would see a doctor. Mother." "It shall come down to-morrow. (Shaw) 29. ill as she was. what am I to do? (Pinero) 18. but I'm so troubled.. To be the head of the New York office. do play! That's the only thing I envy you for.He suggested a nurse. There were two letters for him. "You're to come out this minute. with a perplexed. I felt suddenly dizzy with pain and unable to face whatever scene was to follow. "Can't we stay here? Lock the door?" (Priestley) 36. (Maugham) 38. Mrs. "Well.. (Maugham) 8. (Galsworthy) 33. Won't you sit down.indignation against Martin ran high. Rosa reflected. along with those of others.. (Wilde) 22. You must be dying with curiosity. shouldn't.." "It's true. Paula: Ahl (She sits at the piano and touches the keys. __ we have a grand sort of schoolroom treat?". 1." (contracted) (Meade) 5. (Galsworthy) 11." he said.. (Dreiser) 30. How dare he speak so to me? (E. (contracted) (Galsworthy) 13... there was nothing much to bring. Insert modal verbs and explain their use (use the contracted forms shan't. and found out. yes. with a towel round her. Uncle? (Galsworthy) 2. There would be no time to worry about ourselves then. 3.. "How is this! You couldn't write?" "No. Что касается подсчета расходов. но не сообщил своему приятелю Коле. "I did catch a bad cold — but I could have written. "I gave Trask a dollar for his trouble. sitting down beside her and taking her hand.) 1. что Дора должна заниматься хозяйством и вести счет расходам. Концерт должен был быть пятого февраля. наверно. Давид считал. возможно. (London) 19. 14. (Caldwell) 21. 11. Мне придется оставить ей записку. using modal verbs. (contracted) (Galsworthy) Exercise 19. It's all over the town. что цифры ни за что не хотят складываться. Exercise 20. говоря. "O Sue!" he cried. 17. "Well. Вам не к чему брать зонтик. my dear?"(Carter) 28. 15. 7. we do pay him to watch the house. 2. так как у него был испорчен телефон. Петя узнал об этом до дня концерта. но вскоре сказала. "what it is that is bothering you. но она все равно хлопает. 2. 1. Он должен был поехать в Москву на прошлой неделе. 4. но был отложен из-за болезни дирижера. я ее. но конференция задержала его на несколько дней. 6. Петя объяснил. надеясь. спасибо. they __ have seen him. Smith said. Джордж должен был вчера у нас обедать. (Murdoch) 27. 1. 3. Translate into English. 3. ошиблись. когда я занимаюсь. когда они увиделись. должно быть.. не увижу. Father/' Mrs." (Galsworthy) 29." he said. "Go and order your men to drop their arms. using modal verbs whenever possible. такими вещами нельзя шутить. неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано. но она и слышать об этом не хотела. 5. Но его приятель и слушать не хотел его объяснений.. 5. it wasn't thatl" she answered. Тысячу раз я просила ее не хлопать дверью.__ have anything to do with a Socialist traitor. что как раз в тот день заболела его сестра и он должен был за ней ухаживать. «Почему они ее тогда не видели?» — «Она могла уйти до их прихода». но Дора не хотела даже заглянуть в нее. Вам незачем идти на почту.. Не может быть." he said. To Zedelbush Wolff said. (Galsworthy) 25. spotted with olive trees. or I __ be kept some time. моя сестра была вчера в книжном магазине. справлюсь ли я с этой работой в такой короткий срок»." "You __ not have done that. " __ I ask. Он купил ей поваренную книгу. Вы не должны' были оставлять гореть газ. Translate into English. «Не знаю. что он не должен требовать от 'нее того. но ои не пришел. "I __ be out again directly. чтобы не зайти на почту или позвонить». должно быть. «Помочь вам?» — «Нет. and __ injure your reputation. Translate into English. We __ have children. Вы. (Dreiser) 23." (Heym) 24. Погода была прекрасная. Only I __ I" (contracted) (Hardy) 22. 5. не надо. чтобы он уже вернулся. что она могла бы проявлять некоторый интерес к хозяйству. Dickens. 10. она попыталась считать. — «Вы должны были подумать об этом раньше». There are some houses there somewhere. «Ты должен был сказать мне. Доктор велел ей лежать в постели. что никого не 52 . 9. — сказал он. It __ never have been acquired. (Forster) 20. Gretta — a lot of children. Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки. что это может послужить хорошим началом. «Купить вам „Сдается в наем" Голсуорси?» — «Нет. On the inland side hills __ to be seen. на небе нет ни облачка. You __ to stay out so late: it makes you fit for nothing." he said to the driver. но вчера я вышел поздно. я сделаю все сама». купила эту книгу». всюду можно было видеть счастливые лица детей. She was always well-dressed and carried herself with an inimitable air that __ have been bora in her. Давид долгое время досадовал на Дору и думал. и бросила. 13. 8. не мог же ты быть так занят.. ведь мог произойти пожар! 6. Коля очень рассердился на него. (Based on an episode irom David Copperfield by Ch. чего она не может делать. "After all. и мне пришлось сесть в автобус. 12. «Ты мог бы найти способ дать мне знать». но потом понял. она. They __ to leave the hotel singly and with upraised hands. мы пошли в сад. она может испортить глаза. 2. using modal verbs. 16. We'll ask. Exercise 21. 4. Она нашла для нее другое применение: на ней должна была стоять и проделывать свои трюки ее собачка Джип. я отправлю ваше письмо. Обычно я хожу в филармонию пешком. хотя Петя продолжал оправдываться. ведь он вчера только уехал в Москву. Annie." (Benson) 26. 4. — упрямо повторял он. Я вас. которые могут быть полезны для его карьеры. Она. 8. Translate into English. — думал он. ожидая свою хозяйку. Он принял ее приглашение. на который он не должен обращать внимания. позвала его к завтраку. «Она не должна была так пугать вас».—ответила миссис Копперфильд. мисс Бетси». почему Кристин стала такой нервной и почему она ни за что не хочет сказать. Но миссис Копперфильд не слышала. и что ему не к чему говорить об этом Кристин. Мистер Копперфильд часто думал. 10. она пошла погулять и скоро вернется». уехала. «Она не могла так поступить. «Он. может быть. неужели она забыла своего мужа?» — думала она. через несколько дней поедет к нему. Она думала о мистере Мердстоне. 3. — заметила миссис Копперфильд. сказав. «Это. которая шла по саду. должно быть. она не уехала. погруженная в мысли. должно быть. «Кто это может быть?» — подумал мистер Чиллип. что это визит скорее деловой. Translate into English. не увидев ребенка? 11. наверное. 5. может быть. Пеготти сказала ей. «Вы могли бы вернуться раньше и провести вечер с ребенком». Не может быть. 6. — думала она.было дома и он боялся. using modal verbs whenever possible. 13. поэтому он решил. чтобы он потерял интерес к работе. 53 . когда мы можем позволить себе это». что она. у нее такой странный вид». что сестре может что-нибудь понадобиться во время его отсутствия. Cronin. using modal verbs whenever possible. 7. чтобы эта дама была родственницей. однако. Потом он пришел к заключению. как та пришла. опять ушла к тем соседям. «Но. 3. что ей не следовало так надолго оставлять ребенка. должно быть.) 1. 5. (Based on an episode irom The Citadel by A. хотя и подумал. Exercise 22. может быть. (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. чтобы он меня обманывал». Однажды миссис Лоренс позвонила ему и. не может быть. что мисс Бетси. что говорит Пеготти. ей следовало бы радоваться его успеху. 2. using modal verbs. 9. увидев мисс Бетси. что. (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. должно быть. «Неужели она влюблена в этого господина. 5. «Она могла бы подумать о том. это какая-нибудь родственница миссис Копперфильд. «Не может быть. происшедшей в Эндрью. Exercise 23. Неужели она забыла. Кристин поражалась перемене. Эндрью в свою очередь не понимал. 15. Затем она подумала. 8. что ее странное поведение — просто каприз. увидев незнакомую даму. что она должна была вернуться раньше. где она всегда встречает этого господина со зловещими черными глазами. Она не могла понять. «Не может быть.—сказала Пеготти. чтобы она меня забыла. Но он сейчас же прогнал эту мысль. как получше обставить нашу квартиру теперь.) I. 9. Пеготти. Неужели она уехала. кажется. Он думал. Когда миссис Копперфильд пришла. что супруг ее уехал на рыбную лрвлю в Ирландию и она. она сидела. 4. а не светский и что он должен бывать в обществе и заводить знакомства. может быть. он. очень добрый человек. полюбит Давида. сказала решительно. миссис Копперфильд дома. 4. какая бы странная она ни была». что она могла бы пригласить и Кристин. Exercise 24. чтобы этот джентльмен с черными бакенбардами ухаживал за ней. 12.) 1. Но он не мог долго думать об этом. которая не ложилась спать. Пеготти ответила. 9. как ее госпожа может допустить. Dickens. 6. 2. — сказала миссис Копперфильд. как она любила меня? 3. не может быть. Dickens. 2. — подумала миссис Копперфильд. не видела. что его тетушка могла бы приехать познакомиться с его женой. что она. 8. чтобы сердиться на него. быть может. чтобы он думал только о деньгах». очень рассердилась на миссис Копперфильд за то. 7. Может быть. 6. отводя свою госпожу наверх. что с ней такое. та» как был очень занят: ему надо было обслужить всех своих пациентов. что вместо того. что у нее родился сын. «Она могла бы попрощаться со мной и взглянуть на моего малютку». Она могла бы проявить больше чуткости. «Где же может быть миссис Копперфильд?» — думала Пеготти. 14. Translate into English. — сказала она. и уехала навсегда. 7. 4. Mr. to settle down) (Shaw) 13. Если бы не дождь.. Jago was longing for me to say that he ought to be the next Master. to be — negative) (Priestley) negative) (Hansford Johnson) negative. (to be. if it __ that __ no business of hers. (to have) (Hansford Johnson) 12. to be) (A. There is nothing the Barkers __ for a few pounds. я бы уже окончил университет. Вы бы чувствовали себя лучше. Translate into Russian (conditional sentences). I honestly think it __ better if we __ each other for awhile. (to be— negative) (Maugham) 25. (to know.вы бы не простудились. to be) (Murdoch) 26. Если бы вы не сидели на сквозняке (to sit in the draught). Если бы вчера не было так холодно. (to be. "I think. and if a young fellow who's working here __ instantly __ with an axe. she had to choose this evening to go and see her mother. to happen) We all __ with it. Мы. A few years before I __ yes on the spot. I think it __ her so much good to have a short stroll with you in the Park. to feel) (Snow) 8. если бы не было так холодно. at any rate. I suppose. (to buy. women __ either poisonous or boringl" (to be. пойти на каток. I __ ior you." I told him. (to be. "that she __ gladly __ to-morrow morning if it __ for the baby. "and making me talk it too?" "If what you say __ true." (to be. to wait) (Stone) 3. and but for you we __ never __ him. Если бы не ваша помощь. (to be — Now if only Betty __ able to come this evening she __ it. (to be — negative. never __ if one day I __ across the street. если меня не задержат в университете. Вы бы не разбили вазу. если бы вовремя обратились к врачу. ring me up at once. I certainly won't leave you so long as you are in mourning. I think I __ very much as you do. возможно. we're all lucky to be alive. "you — a happier man if you __ any profession to engage your time and give an interest-to your plans and actions. "Why are you talking this rubbish. their big storage tank of gasolene __ in the air and God knows what __ then. (to happen. Translate into English. to go) (Hardy) 20. there __ something in the Press. to be — negative) (Austen) 21. to stop) (Shaw) 16. to go up. 3. (to see) (Dickens) 9. я бы не смог кончить 54 . to be) (Priestley) 6. to be) (Maugham) 27. Вы были бы уже здоровы. I __ it a few months ago. to love — negative) (Galsworthy) 5. to stay) (Wilde) 10. если бы приняли вчера лекарство. 6. 5. It __ most unfriendly. to dress) (/. He was a power in the College. to be — negative) (Hansford Johnson) 19. Mr." (to be — negative. если бы взяли такси. (to do) (Wilde) 17. (to believe) (Dreiser) 7. unless. Dr. Если бы я был на вашем месте. мы. The story I have to tell __. using the Subjunctive Mood where required (conditional sentences). If he __ ordinary. Вы бы лучше знали язык. 12. Mr. Мы бы не опоздали на поезд. если бы ночь не была такой темной. I __ surprised if I __ here. 13. Shaw) 23. Insert the appropriate form o! the Subjunctive Mood. Clay. indeed. Chapin. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. 14. мы могли бы поехать за город. I __ him (to be. пошли бы на каток. Exercise 2. не заблудились бы. to see — 2. The air suits me. (to happen. (to say) (Snow) 22. (to be) (Snow) 11. 11. If he __ here. (to do — negative) (Wilson) 14. Frank __ a hard creditor. a fire started. Вы бы себя хорошо сегодня чувствовали. Wilson) 4. Anyhow. 8. Wilson) 15. Some inconvenience to your friends. If you __ already married. this marriage will. And if anything __ to him. (A) 1. возможно. (to set about — negative. Если бы не моя болезнь. Well that wasn't true what she said and. indeed. If it __ for this chap. (to return) (Priestley) 24. Chasuble. 15. If I __ in mourning you __ with me. (to be.THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD Exercise 1. put an end to your pecuniary embarrassment. если бы прочитали летом несколько английских книг. But. 1. (to go) Honestly. 9. "She is so wretched. Dashwood. 1 __ what I am but for him. я бы больше проводил времени на открытом воздухе." said Mrs. Мы могли бы. Gresham. send him to us at once. (to be. If you __ news before morning. If I __ you. might result from it: you __ able to give them so much of your time. 7. 10. to do) (A. (to prove) (Trollope) 28. 4.." "Nonsense! She __ alive now if her heart __ for five seconds. если бы были осторожны. if I __ the pictures I __ a rich woman now. I like the place." he said. to be. (to be. если бы не ложились спать так поздно (to keep late hours). to walk — negative) (Maugham) 18. we __ (to be — negative. And if I __ I was going to meet you. 2." (to die. of course. I __ differently. If I __ you I _ abroad agaia. You first brought your friend into my sister's company. Edward. "She told me the other day that her heart stopped for five minutes when that horrid nurse was rude to her. and __ in any society. to have. Я вернусь не позднее шести. Just think. I left a message for him.. (B) (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch... что если бы не мистер Пеготти. Толстой) 6. 9. «Я бы приехал к тебе. пошатнулась и наверно бы упала. 7. Маленькая Эмили часто говорила Давиду. Глядя на маленькую Эмили. (Baum) 15. совсем бы отупел (to get stupefied). Толстой) Exercise 3.. тот бы его жестоко избил. Если бы миссис Копперфильд не имела намерения выйти замуж. 2. Толстой) 5. If the tradition be ever broken it will be for an abler man than Stephen. что говорили ее родители в этот вечер. что она когда-нибудь стала богатой дамой. (Maugham) 5. он бы согласен был с вами?» (Л. 1 should rather Hke him to spare me five minutes. (Snow) 6. Она ахнула (to moan). что он ослушался отчима. что ваш брат очень добрый человек. (Л. Давид сказал Пеготти: «Я думаю. если пойдет дождь. If I had gone overseas. (Shaw) 7. (Л. grass.) 1. я. and that if he would look in here when he was passing he would be welcome. опоздал бы на поезд. он не возвращался бы домой в таком хорошем настроении. (Greene) 9. что Кити будет несчастна. Если бы мистер Мердстон сказал Давиду хотя бы одно ласковое (kind) слово. Translate into Russian. 19. She thrilled from head to toe at the question. stained with heat. dew. Он бы тотчас ушел.. Wilson) 14. 16. 4. (Wilson) 2. that I should be glad to see him for a moment on a matter of importance for himself. если б он мог перенестись на точку зрения семьи (to put oneself at the point of view of somebody) и узнать. A piece of ice dropped down her back could not have startled her more. 8. Давид стал угрюмым и вялым (dull) ребенком. «Как мы были бы сейчас счастливы. Point out mood auxiliaries and modal verbs. Jeff wished to suggest that it might be best if he went back to Lord's Creek. as I stood at the gate. он бы не удочерил (to adopt) маленькую Эмили. если бы не Лиза. если бы матушка не вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона».. лучистыми глазами. Я бы не упал. если бы не было так скользко. Если бы не такси. I might have learned something and been somebody. Толстой) 2. что если бы случилось так. (Тургенев) 8. (Bellow) 4. instead of him. мы были бы свободны сегодня вечером. (Dickens) 12. I think. она еще более чем m-lle Bourienne удивилась бы перемене. (Пушкин) 4. возможно. (Dreiser) 13. если бы Базаров не поддержал ее. если бы не книги. она была бы несчастным бесприютным (homeless) ребенком. 3. (Л. Если бы Григорий Иванович мог предвидеть эту встречу. (Shaw) 10.. она бы не послала Давида к мистеру Пеготти. Николенька Болконский подошел к Пьеру. My shirt and trousers. Если бы он знал об этом. Если бы была гордость. — сказал Левин. с блестящими. Он. Давид был способный мальчик и мог бы хорошо учиться. Dickens. мальчик. мистер Мердстон велел ему немедленно умыться. часто думал Давид. I should tell your son to keep away from him if I were you.. бледный. «Да приезжай теперь ко мне». (Caldwell) 8. «Ежели бы папа был жив. возможно. то конечно б он поворотил в сторону (to turn in another direction). and the Kentish soil on which I had slept — and torn besides—might have frightened the birds from my aunt's garden. (Л. что его матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона. Толстой) 7. Мальчик сразу понял. привязался бы к нему. He wondered what Bob Watson would say and do if he should happen to see one of his tenants' crops in that condition. Ежели бы княжна Марья в состоянии была думать в эту минуту. She felt if she could lose herself in her mother's arms she would be able to endure the pain that was so intense. если бы он не был такой добрый». if he wouldn't mind. Предположим. он бы очень удивился и не поверил бы этому. у меня нет и гордости. Давид часто думал о том. (A. происшедшей в ней. возможно.. (Тургенев) 3. я останусь дома. If she could have been compressed 55 . Увидев на лице Давида следы слез. Нет. 6. 5. Если бы он мог слышать. It would be worse than before if I should lose you now. если он не женится на ней. 1. серебряную трубку и целый ящик денег. (Caldwell) 11. которые он читал часами. his doubts and loneliness would evaporate. 10. (Caldwell) 3. если бы знал.вчера работу. что если бы случилось так. 18. If Savina were with him at this moment. если бы на уроках не присутствовали Мердстоны. В случае. я не поставил бы себя (to put oneself) в такое положение. куда бы мы пошли? 17. она подарила бы мистеру Пеготти золотые часы. Herzog pictured what might have happened if instead of listening so intensely and thoughtfully he had hit Madeleine in the face.. что не найду Сергея Ивановича». Давид не знал. (С) 1. When she's alone and humiliated and broken it would be dreadful if she had nowhere to go. Как бы темна ни была ночь. чтобы я мог показать вам свои книги. что у него опять поднялась температура. Сестра закрыла окно. fearful lest he __ Soames turned away and mounted slowly to his room. чтобы не опоздать на поезд. 1 could cable her to tell her his address in order that she __ Australia without seeing him. using the Subjunctive Mood where required. 1. Врач сказал: «Как ни слаб больной. 3. predicative clauses. however desperately hard and intelligently he __. У нас были очень плохие места. (to be) (Greene) 2. 4. Но если бы случилось так. Если бы не операция. She took up her work and began to sew. (to pause. если бы акустика в этом зале не была такой хорошей. Если бы не звезды. "Mr. 17. to be — negative) (Murdoch) 18. Как он ни занят. Insert the appropriate form о! the Subjunctive Mood. God __ for her kind heart. He seemed to be dozing when she returned.to about three quarters of her actual width. 8. вы все услышите. If I __ them down. Как бы он ни был взволнован час тому назад. Врач сказал: «Больной теперь вне опасности. If necessary. He had to admit to himself that whatever Miss Dobb's faults __. умер бы. Когда бы вы ни пришли ко мне. Strickland was taking 56 . I __ probably __ all about them. (Amis) Exercise 4. I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life. however unreasonable they __ (to be) (Maugham) 5.. Wilson) 5. Нан деньте пальто. and she put the low fire together very softly lest she __ him. (to be. to telephone) (Hansford Johnson) 6. Приходите пораньше. (to be) (Lessing) Exercise 5. Как ни темна была ночь. (to see — passive) (Galsworthy) 17. мы бы ничего не услышали. 11. он находил время ходить в театр. She wanted him to be a member of Parliament only that he __ a claim on the gratitude of his party. I __ you if I __ a way out. he would never get his captaincy." (to imagine) (Priestley) 9. (to be) (Gow and D’Usseau) 12. conditional sentences. 14. (to save) (Lindsay) 3. "in my experience. 12. Do you think she __ and have lunch with me if I „her? (to come. It was plain that however conscientious Cassilis __. 6. 16. although they __ they are. его надо оперировать». Exercise 6. and he __ to meditate on this sad confession if he __ otherwise engaged. Translate into Russian (simple sentences. Как бы он ни был занят. she would have been very attractive. 7. (to have) (Maugham) 2. adverbial clauses of purpose. Whatever your father __ once __. (to thank — passive) (Lindsay) 13. God __ me from such friends in future. You __ to carry so much weight if you __ the proper exercise. (to press — negative. he's everything that's corrupt and evil. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood.. Мне пришлось взять такси. позвоните мне немедленно». 1. and subject clauses). 1. to work) (Hansford Johnson) 16. This was true. conditional sentences. to day he's decay. Машина остановилась. чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. В этом зале очень хорошая акустика (acoustics). (to be) (Buck) 8. 10. где бы вы ни сидели. больной. нам придется продолжать путь. туристы решили продолжать путь. Mrs. I am prepared to gratify all your whims. сейчас он кажется совершенно спокойным. adverbial clauses of purpose and concession). Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. (to have) (A. которые так ярко светили. (to write — negative. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. to see) (Maugham) 15. Penty. he's age. 2. Что бы вы ни говорили. не было бы видно ни зги (to be pitch dark). Я принес вам журнал. он находит время ходить в театр. Translate into English. 19. 18. (to leave — negative) (Shute) 14. lest he __ (to recognize— passive) (Greene) 4. concession and comparison.. she was the right sort of girl to take to a restaurant.. чтобы не простудиться. 9. (to have — negative. Wilson) 3. Andrews turned up the collar of his coat. я всегда буду рад вас видеть. "Oh God __ you! How could you strike an otd woman like that?" (to forgive) (Shaw) 7. but there isn't one. как бы поздно вы ни вернулись домой." said the doctor. to take) (Caldwell) 6. мне эта пьеса не нравится. And. возможно. It's important that he __ what he wants. 15. (to awake) (Dickens) 11. 13. It was not Sir Edgar's intention that such a remarkable performance __ (to curtail — passive) (A. Translate into Russian (simple sentences. 20. Have you realized that though you __ towns and win battles. very few people are perfectly well. you cannot conquer a nation. (to occupy) (Shaw) 4. Tell them I leave my country that I __ free. Позвоните мне вечером. as if it __ always __ her custom to work in this room. to forget) (Wilde) 10. 5. чтобы туристы посмотрели развалины старого монастыря. чтобы шум не разбудил больного. and it is the end and the beginning. Когда Бекки выразила желание. «Что бы Эмилия ни говорила. Когда он передал (to tell) Кити совет Степана Аркадьевича ехать за границу. она решила. та немедленно нашла такое место н таким образом избавилась от девушки. — сказал князь Андрей.она старалась улыбаться. он хотел по крайней мере остаться ее другом. Бекки уехала бы из Чизика. так чтобы он мог глядеть в ее глаза. 3. чтобы она говорила по-французски с ее ученицами. Толстой) 5. но она прекрасно понимала. Мать Бекки была француженка. что на его месте он поступил бы совсем иначе. (to err) (Hardy) 17. что он думает. друзья мои! Farewell!» (Тургенев) 3. Толстой) 10. если девушка уедет из Чизика. если бы моя работа не была для нее выгодна». 2. в пансион мисс Пинкертон. друзья ее отца обращались с ней. (A) Based on an episode from Vanity Fair by W. Бекки тоже ненавидела мисс Пинкертон и относилась к ней. Without his help she __ never __ able to achieve an independent establishment and a clientele. (Тургенев) 6. 1. (Тургенев) 2. с дома.. (В) 1. она подумала. И вдруг. 8. I thought it was necessary that we __ a short conversation before I left this house. с ним сделалось дурно. как со взрослой женщиной (как если бы она была взрослой женщиной). лучше. (Л. 7. как будто век были знакомы. что она не соглашалась на это.. Павел Петрович. начиная.. разумеется. (Пушкин) 57 . Герман очень недоволен своим приятелем: он говорит.. Когда мисс Пинкертон услышала. __ himself to see. (to be) (Hansford Johnson) Exercise 7. что для нее очень важно получить хорошее образование. что. чем прежде». She went straight towards him. 4. Как ни выгодна была для мисс Пинкертон работа Бекки. I dared not express my anxiety. If only he __ freel (to be) (Galsworthy) 18. (Л. Она понимала. что мисс Пинкертон ненавидит меня.. Я предложил отцу ее стакан пуншу. (Л. (to have) (Galsworthy) 19. (to have)' (Wilde) 8. that he was happy. Когда Бекки было шестнадцать лет. Then he looked at his hands. so that all her time __ for her husband and his mother. и часто отказывались (to give up) от самых веселых балов и пирушек (parties). he looked at them as if he __ just __ he had them and __ yet __ what they were for. (to discover. We must remember that though she __ grievously in leaving her home.. словно она всю жизнь прожила в Париже. (Пушкин) 7... whatever he __ (to be) (James) 10. «Какой бы несчастной я себя ни чувствовала у мисс Пинкертон. Дуне подал я чашку чаю. so that the children __ the sea and her husband golf. Предчувствуя неизбежную разлуку (separation). так что он прислонился к забору. Letters came to her from the family worded with a sort of anxious astonishment that Soames __ such a thing happen to him. You look as if you __ toothache. он очень удивился. Она никогда не взяла бы меня. чтобы провести с ней ветер. (to be) (Dickens) 12. (Л. He sounded as though he __ us to see. как будто дружба с такою женщиной была возможна.. (to look) (Faulkner) 16.. она бы все в них переделала. Если бы она располагала (to intend) основаться в Лавриках. как к своему злейшему врагу (worst enemy). Thackeray.. и мы втроем начали беседовать. — я знаю. чтобы не упасть.. чтобы не огорчить его.. мне придется некоторое время здесь оставаться». Мисс Пинкертон никогда не была добра к Бекки и всячески (in every way possible) старалась оскорбить и унизить ее.—думала Бекки.her family to the coast of Norfolk. и девушка говорила по-французски так. После смерти отца Бекки переехала в Чизик (Chiswick). что будет лучше. (to have) (Maugham) 11... чтобы он ни сказал ей. She had brought the nurse back to attend to Laura. Она бы иначе относилась к девушке.. After a while she saw Tommy. поднимая рукой ее лицо. если бы та была дочерью богатых родителей. Толстой) 4. промолвил с глубоким вздохом: «Будьте счастливы. 9. Она [Анна] знала. (Л. которая взяла девушку для того. чтобы девушка учила ее воспитанниц также и музыке. чтобы мисс Пинкертон нашла ей место гувернантки. «Я люблю тебя больше. The poor little woman will stand up for her brother. что для того. she is still our sister.. чтобы Бекки не оказала плохого влияния на ее учениц. Толстой) 8. to want — negative) (Snow) 13. using the Subjunctive Mood where required. Translate into English. (to be) (Murdoch) 15. (to want — negative. (to give) (Dickens) 14. как Бекки играет на рояле. You are as right as can be and far __ it from me to tell you otherwise. 10. 5. 6. lest it __ her offence. (to have) (Maugham) 7. as if she __ for him all the while. Толстой) 9.—думала Бекки. им лучше расстаться. to puzzle out — negative) (Faulkner) 9. что было бы желательно. наконец. он скажет не все. Мне очень жаль. Я бы хотел. Жаль. мне кажется. Я бы хотел. Толстой) 8. Shaw) Exercise 9. чтобы была хорошая погода. I appreciate your coming. (to go) (Maugham) 10. Уже поздно. (В) 1. чтобы вы не перебивали меня каждую минуту.. She wished he __ pestering her with this sort of reminder. Translate into English. (Л. 11. что я не принял участия в этой экскурсии. что его не учат музыке. Я бы хотел. чтобы вы приняли участие в концерте. 1. чтобы он снял пальто и выпил чашку чаю. I wish I __ dead. I thought also of Field himself. Боюсь. and his concern that the tent __ up. 9. I wish I __ never __ one put in. и мы боялись. Comment on the form and the use ol the Subjunctive Mood. Soon I said that it was time I __ home. "I was brought up in a good family. 13. sentences with the emotional should). (to go) (Maugham) 14. I proposed that we __ all __ and eat ices in the park. (Л. стало страшно. смотреть за тем. и я не мог пойти с ними в Эрмитаж. чтобы вы побыли со мной. (to know) (Shaw) 3. Ему давно пора посмотреть этот прекрасный город..Exercise 8. I wish I __ your talent. Мавра Кузминишна предлагала внести раненого в дом.. (to be) (Shaw) 8. чтобы привести все свои идеи в порядок. как бы нам не опоздать на поезд. 6. 12. 3.. she insisted that we __ all __ to the restaurant beiow and have supper. Каждый человек.. Тогда Марья Дмитриевна вздохнула и. (to turn over) (Du Maurier) 7. (to arise) (Sinclair) 6. Я чувствую себя очень плохо. раз утром St. (A) 1. I hajte telephones. говорят. что идет дождь. Мне жаль. Вам давно пора вернуть книгу в библиотеку. "I demand. с своей 58 . но я настаивал. стоявшему в передних рядах ее. девка вошла и на вопросы ее отвечала. Apart from his awe. "I want to be treated with respect. Толпа очутилась неожиданно так близко к императорам. чтобы его вынесли (из коляски) и чтобы ему дали чаю. Translate into Russian (object clauses. Как жаль. Он хотел сразу же уйти. Толстой) 4. что Кирила Петрович вечером ездил в Арбатово и возвратился поздно. Я бы хотел. 20. (to go) (Snow) 18. как бы его не узнали. 19. нам пора идти (to be off). что Ростову. Она позвонила. 15. 18.. Толстой) 3. (to have) (Maugham) 4. что я это сказал. 7." says the small man. предлагает мне ехать кататься (to go for a ride) с Любочкой и Катенькой. должен заботиться о том. Лиза. Oh! I am so ill! so miserable! Oh. (to stop) (Lessing) 19. (Л.в Мытищах раненый сам потребовал. чтобы вы поиграли мне. чтоб о нем было доложено (to announce somebody).. 4. When we had sat for an hour or so. она была очень интересна." (to come) (Saroyari) 20. Погода была такая плохая. Было очень поздно. Толстой) 6. (to remain) (Mailer) 9. yet in a way I wish you __ (to come — negative) (Hansford Johnson) 13. I suggest that he __ home for a while. что я пожалел. 16. 8.. of his genuine desire that all __ happy so long as it involved no inconvenience to himself. I wish Fleur __ seriously to watercolour work. why __ I __ with respect?" (to treat — negative. Толстой) 7.. (Л. Как жаль.that they __ before nine o'clock to see him off was astounding. Goldstein was watching the storm with a fascinated interest. It seemed unbearable to him that she __ (to suffer) (Greene) 16. It's time I __ a new leaf. что он обиделся на мое замечание. (to go) (Hansford Johnson) 5. тогда мы могли бы поехать за город. 14." Miss Zelinka wailed.. (to have) (/. что у меня не было времени. как бы мне не заболеть. (Л. (to take) (Galsworthy) 11. using the Subjunctive Mood (object clauses and attributive clauses). Нам очень хочется (to be anxious). У ребенка очень хороший слух (to have a good ear for music). "that you __ with me. Толстой) 2. Why __ people __ with others like that? (to interfere) (Galsworthy) 12. I wish I __ what has frightened you so. что вышел из дому. Погода была очень хорошая.. что он дал строгое приказание. 10.-Jerome. (to be) (Hansford Johnson) 17. (to give) (Young) 2.. что он не приехал в Ленинград на каникулы. 5. of his easy charm.. Хотелось бы мне. Shaw) 15.. чтобы студентов известили о перемене расписания. чтобы вы держали свои вещи в порядке. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со слугой Алексея Александровича и настаивал на том. attributive clauses. (Пушкин) 5. Strange that so simple a thing __ birth to beautiful delight. Я пожалел. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood. (А. 2. и я предложил поехать за город и провести день на свежем воздухе. чтобы вы не были таким рассеянным и не задавали один и тот же вопрос несколько раз. Проследите за тем. Я слышал. в систему. passive) (/. Хотелось бы мне.. что вы очень хорошо играете на рояле. чтоб никто с нею не говорил. Его давно пора отдать в музыкальную школу. 17. Mann gave him a piece of bread-andbutter. I know what I __ him do. Except for the unexpectedly sad lines which ran from his nose to the corners of his mouth he __ like a boy. I wish I __. She was by now feeling so happy that she __ for joy if it __ for the delicious spell which she felt herself to be under and which still enjoined silence. (to. I wish you __ me alone now. вам придется поверить.. Insert the appropriate form of the Subjunctive Mood.glancing sidelong at his nephew. Miss Chiltern. (to look) (Mailer) 18. что он видит ее во всей ее славе... (to have. «Я нахожу только странным. and I thought it disgusting that a man of his age __ himself with affairs of the heart. Толстой) 4..стороны. (Л. (to be. Dickens. It's time I __ it out again from the beginning. to be. But I still don't begin to understand why these people. отчего же мне его не любить?» (Тургенев) 2... Толстой) 6. to make) (Wilde) 25. (to stay) (Maugham) 15. — Мне очень жаль." Cowperwood repeated. If I __ you and __ going to be a banker. что Оливер не вернулся. Why __ he __ the one to hurt her. ведь вы его совсем не знаете. предложила Гедеоновскому пройтись с ней по саду. I only wish I __ (to do) (Wilde) 16. что Оливер убежал от вас. «А вы его любите?» — «Он хороший человек. to spend) (Dreiser) 8. (to forgive) (Shaw) 22. to have. to be) (Priestley) 20. — Не может быть (it is impossible). for emphasis' sake. Lady Bracknell. «Совершенно естественно. (to shout. он. If I __. and I told myself it was far better that Avice __ him than Roger. he thought: "I wish I __ his age!" (to be) (Galsworthy) 7. (Тургенев) Exercise 10. «Как странно. it's high time you __ down. (to go) (Maugham) 6. Under the circumstances. — возразил мистер Браунлоу. (to be.. (to want. Sir Gregory Hatchland was a poor public speaker. Толстой) 5. — ответил мистер Гримвиг. что мальчик обманул меня». For a fortnight it was necessary that someone __ with him all night.. (to think) (Snow) 5. (A) Based on an episode from Oliver Twist by Ch. — сказал Сергей Иванович. что женщины ищут новых обязанностей. — Зачем ему возвращаться к вам. что мужчины обыкновенно избегают их». (to seem) (Dickens) 23. (Л. using the emotional should. Не понимаю. (Пушкин) Exercise 11. that I have no influence at all over my son. чтобы он украл мои деньги и книги. as if she __ to cry and __ how. (to settle) (Maugham) 27. я этому не верю». «Как бы вам это ни было неприятно. (to see — negative) (Murdoch) 17. I regret to say. — тогда как мы. Heaven __ me. She had a conviction that. «Стыдно вам так плохо думать о ребенке. (to marry) (Snow) 21. 4. Translate into Russian. (to live) (James) 11.. но теперь особенно рада была. when really he had wanted to be her friend from the beginning? (to be) (Saroyan) 14." (to save) (Greene) 9. Translate into English. должно быть. Почему же не попробовать своего счастья?. (to be disappointed in somebody) (B) 1. "I want to marry Aileen. to forget) (Galsworthy) 19. "from the innocent and the good. Strickland was certainly forty. "God __ us always. When I suggested that he __ to bed he said he could not sleep. (to hear) (Buck) 10. Besides." (to feel) (Dreiser) 26. I admit with shame that I do not know." I said. 2. I am sure. She held her baby up to the window that she __ the pretty silvery tinkle of the little bells on the pagoda. ведь у него ваши деньги и книги?» 3.. you can have no real objection to my doing that. I left you alone with that scoundrel. вернулся к своим старым друзьям. Comment on the form and the use of the Subjunctive Mood. — сказал мистер Браунлоу. He was still puffing and blowing as if he __ just __ a mile. 1. Она и всегда рада ему была. зачем тебе нужно мучить меня? (Л. что вы так обманулись в ребенке». The arrangement was that Miss Everdene __ them by coming there for a day or two. He brightened as if he __ a gift. receive) (Lawrence) 3. Толстой) 3. (to honour) (Hardy) 12. видим. "She wants to marry me. (to run) (Priestley) 24. her aunt would live at least as long. to be — negative) (Murdoch) 13. (to leave) (Dreiser) 4. Her face looked strange. Mrs. Нет. к несчастью. почему же тебе не приехать?. Test he __ too hungry when he got to the work-house. Пожалуйста приезжай. (to concern) (Maugham) 2. (to try one's luck). 1. I __ first __ a year or so in some good grain and commission house. however you __.. but he had seen to it that there — some 59 . — продолжал мистер Гримвиг.—Мне грустно думать. long as she __. and she took turns at watching with her husband. and always retain her brilliancy and activity. (Л. They were a pleasant pair. __ ready to risk murder. however silly they __ about their beliefs. Жена ждет тебя. Hunter was anxious that a certain person __ it. чтб она несчастна». Давид боялся. чтобы Давид поехал с нею в Ярмут. Мистер Мердстон не раз говорил.) 1. чтобы его жена уволила Пеготти. as if it __ imperative that she __ nothing of what was going on in a shrivelling world. 60 . (to put) (Dreiser) 36. 7. (Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. not the least cloud __ on the horizon. de Winter will tell me personally? (to happen) (Du Maurier) 37. to give) (Galsworthy) 39. как бы мистер Мердстон не увидел. to dull) (Hansford Johnson) 38. «Как бы меня ни уговаривал мистер Мердстон. «Что бы ни говорила миссис Копперфильд. 16. как будто та была ребенком и совсем не знала жизни. Миссис Копперфильд никогда не ласкала Давида в присутствии мужа. It seemed to me important that the weather __. (to understand) (Saroyan) 40. 10. but I had come to accept it as another of the things which are inevitable in these troubled days of ours — and I could not see any possible reason why they __ whisky if they liked it. using the Subjunctive Mood. что он пошел на кухню к Пеготти. My people told me this story about the man so that I __ what a fool he was and not be like him. чтобы с ним плохо обращались. она допустила. Anything's better than to sit there as if you __ you __ a thousand miles away. She __ to bed last night just as if nothing __ if I __ her. to appear.—думала миссис Копперфильд. как бы миссис Копперфильд не сочла его дурным и ленивым мальчиком. I was almost frightened to stare too long at the colour of the water lest it __ or darken by the least degree. Мисс Мердстон держала себя так. Fleur's portrait. 4. Translate into English. — Если бы не он. 13. 15. что как бы он ни старался.— думал Давид. Давид знал. (to be) (Priestley) 28. Пеготти взяла мальчика в Ярмут. «Как жаль. 5. Why __ there __ one law for men. her gaze hopping from one face to the next. to miss. что очень важно. She proposed that in a little while she and 1 __ married. наша жизнь стала бы невыносимой». — сказал мистер Мердстон жене. (to be. (to get on) (Maugham) 43. to be) (Shaw) Exercise 12. 14. — сказала Пеготти. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том. (to pay) (Murdoch) 34. and it is time I __ to bed. словно она была хозяйкой дома. She ran down to her cabin that she __ the ship pulling away and widening the chasm between her and her beloved shore. (to wish. 9. «Вам давно пора отдать ключи моей сестре». чтобы он отвлекся там от своих печальных мыслей (to divert oneself from something). — не раз думал Давид. 12. Your father tells me you think highly of his accomplishments whatever they __ (to be) (Lindsay) 33.good speakers on the platform. чтобы миссис Копперфильд была строга с Давидом. что мисс Бетси ни разу не написала нам. «Как бы я хотел быть сейчас дома с матушкой и Пеготти». словно она прожила там всю свою жизнь. — часто думал он. Perhaps. 2. (to interrupt — negative) (Maugham) 30. В Салемской школе (Salem House) Давид чувствовал себя очень одиноким. Far __ it from me to marry any woman on account of her money. There had been a time when I __ surprised to see girls like Avice and Tonia drink spirits. 18. He wished now that he __ to look at. чтобы не рассердить его. Dickens. 20. Mrs. to be) (Hansford Johnson) 42. to drink — negative) (Snow) 31. ни моего ребенка!» 8. я знаю. что матушка вышла замуж за мистера Мердстона. if such a thing __ again. «Если бы случилось так. to happen. я ни за что не уволю Пеготти». он не сможет хорошо ответить уроки в присутствии отчима.—думала Пеготти. A little Jater Fox suggested that he __ her a monthly allowance. to let) (Shaw) 35. Давид боялся. As she spoke to me she was glancing about the bar. it __ him something to talk of. мы были бы очень счастливы». in addition to the rent of the room. (to see — negative) (Buck) 29. (to get) (Coppard) 45. «С какой стати она будет нам писать? — возразила миссис Копперфильд. (to go) (Maugham) 41. I wish you __ with your work instead of interrupting me all the time. no matter how trivial it __ (to be. Она обращалась с миссис Копперфильд. что Пеготти ушла от нас. (to change — negative. I wish you __ me. чтобы она совсем забыла нас». (to be) (Trotlope) 32. 17. 6. and another for women? (to be) (Wilde) 44. 19. (to stop. Мистер Мердстон просил сестру посмотреть за тем. (to go. 3. She [Aileen] was greatly outraged to think you __ detectives on her trail. «Странно. Как ни горячо (dearly) любила Давида миссис Копперфильд. чтобы Давид не был так часто в обществе Пеготти. — Она не любит ни меня. I am feeling very drowsy. После смерти миссис Копперфильд Пеготти предложила. — Не может быть (it is impossible). 11. Now again he had forgotten that unemployment was not a mark of the lazy man. (Stone) 9. (Dreiser) 19. It was lonely! A woman in the room __ have made all the difference. that it is absurd that he __ be asked to provide for the children of a man who is rolling in money. She smiled. he __ never have come here. Her eyes were fixed on Lady Arabella. He __ have broken the news himself. Could something have happened out there to keep her away? (Dreiser) 15. It is likely that except for the instruction of his grandfather. He saw a thousand things he __ have done. I fear. I think you might have the decency to treat me as a prisoner of war. (Greene) 13. for Carie __ not sepa. (Maugham) 11. He would not have the military manner of walking which is the chief difference between him and the other children. but presently I heard my name again. however. (Trollope) 8. it was singular that a woman of that age __ flush so readily. (Trollope) 10. Richard proposed that we all __ go to London together. (Greene) 17. In his weary and hungry state. when. If Nicholas were only here. or at least to see her off. Translate into Russian.. and she blushed a little. very odd. looking very pale and unhappy? (Reade) 9. I must be 61 . Why __ you expect her to act as you __ act yourselves? (Galsworthy) 16. and shoot me like a man instead of hanging me like a dog. If 1 were to die—and I may die soon—it would be dreadful that you should always think mistakenly of me. It is most important that you __ be good. At lunch she did not tell Michael she was going — he might want to come. (Ch. naturally enough. (Murdoch) 6. and wouldn't hear a word. walked always as though he were a cat and a dog were! prowling somewhere in the offing. (Maugham) 11. You see that it is necessary that he __ pay us a visit. with a sort of haste and trembling lest Madame __ creep upstairs and spy me. 1. that the beggar did not beg because he __ not work. I tried to calm him. like a friend. During I the year she was sent to a Chinese boarding-school where she was given an education in her own language. that we might come to something rational. don't you? (Shaw) 15. he would advise her.. "It's queer that you __ be treating me like this. He looked more than ever out of place: he __ have stayed at home. but he __ not answer. She promised to inform him if anything important __ occur. I hope he may not return here just yet. too. (Dreiser) 7. both4 Stanley and myself __ be delighted. Karl himself would now be more like the other children. I wished he would not always treat me as a child. Wilson) 3. Townsend that I wish he __ leave me alone. (Shaw) 17. (Snow) 24. I wish you — not talk like that. 1.. and her position seemed to say that it was time that her ladyship _ go.. (Du Maurier) 12. (Galsborthy) 6. if it had not occurred to me that it must have come through the keyhole. (Buck) 23. the most important of which was that I should be retained as curator. but of course if he __ come too. His spirits fell. (Jones) 5. At the gate of Huntercombe whom __ they meet but Compton Bassett. I swore that I forgave her everything. (Reade) 3. (Galsworthy) 18. (James) 20. As he was not here. (Maugham) Exercise 14. There was no immediate answer. bethought. but she __ not listen. Insert should or would and state whether they are auxiliary or modal. should she confide in Rosa? That was the question. however small it may seem. to ask Tod. It's odd. (Reade) 18. I wish you __ not talk about that. It was as if she had received a physical blow and were rocking on her feet. He proposedto change his will to the effect that his collection should be bequeathed to the city only on certain conditions. I never saw a man so hot in my life. Annette sighed. Bronte) 14. for I may be tempted beyond myself. (Hansford Johnson) 14. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs. (Conan Doyle) 4. I pray God he may not come into my sight.\ rate the child from her own people. It is no use. (Shaw) 25. (Dreiser) 7. but he got hotter and hotter. (Dickens) 2.you should never neglect a chance. He glanced at Sir Edgar. but the old man __ not share the joke. Translate into Russian. upon reaching the park. Angelo. say to Mr." (Greene) 22. He hesitated. She had suggested that Abraham arrive precisely at one-thirty. She strove to ensnare him with comfort and would not see that comfort meant nothing to him. what should he see but the truly beautiful and remarkable eyes of Mr. (Dickens) 16. (Dickens) 4. but had not done. (Maugham) 2. in a tone so very mysterious and awful.Exercise 13. (Heym) 8. (A. Harper Steger. (Hardy) 12. her smile was really very sweet. (Galsworthy) 10. As he walked along the north side of a certain street. (Shaw) 21. that I think I should have gone into a fit. he waited and waited and Carrie did not come. (Saroyan) 13. Father. He says. Please.. I went to my bureau. (Hardy) 5. I asked him one or two questions. I was thinking angrily of Roger. The light was not good where they had stopped. However that might be. Fawset's. if Haviland were to get killed in an accident tomorrow so that nobody would ever know what a fool Erik was going to make of himself in embarking upon an impossible job. he is only one. This mayn't be the first time you've pulled me out of a mess. but I've never done anything wrong before the law.. but he was confident that if he worked hard they would come right in the end. You shall rue it to the end of your days. she might be restless. He insisted that the boy remain in bed. Perhaps it was essential that somebody should investigate them. (Wilson) 6. You are young. (Conan Doyle) 24. my dear. but he did not know this and neither did Mrs. You shall smart for this!. Whatever unfortunate entanglement my dear boy may have got into. (Heym) 27. the Assistant Commissioner thought. (Wilson) 22. not simply because he was out of breath. (Eliot) 20. he got still another confirmation that he must be on the right track no matter what anyone else might say. If she [little Emily] should come home while I'm away.. No gratitude. (Dreiser) 36. it would embarrass me.. (Maugham) 23. When he reached the top landing. (Dickens) 4. I may have been foolish. that she and me shall live and die where no one can reproach her. He could not have intended to say that. he hoped. and he insisted that Erik join him in still one more. I assure you. And all the time he was wondering what had happened. (Saroyan) 3. It would be a lovely thing. inspector. I wish I had spoken to that man. (Conan Doyle) 33. (Hansford Johnson). I wish I had asked him how he came to be unemployed. (Stone) 28. An old gentleman suggested that she walk' to the village where she might yet catch the bus to the Plaza. (Dreiser) 29. (Stone) 30. (Wilson) 2.. only the state can do that.mistaken. but what good after all would that have been?.. or if I should bring her back.. (Baum) 31. (Priestley) 7. Fawset. Erik carried the books silently down to his own office. but because a swelling excitement inside threatened to suffocate him. 1. Later that evening.. it might have been possible to find him work. But I find now that you left me in the dark as to matters which you should have explained to me years ago. My only terror was lest my father should follow me. Follow the direction for Exercise 14. (Shaw) 26. my meaning is.. (Hardy) 40. (Priestley) 35. She was forced into marrying that same Drebber.. but surety she would not look like thisl No! It was defeat. he had to stop. but I swear it shall be the last. Vincent knew that his sketches from life were not all what they should have been... (Shaw) 43. Tony must have had several drinks by the time Erik arrived. Stener was to be sentenced the maximum sentence for his crime in order that the party and the courts should appear properly righteous. feverish. This was to be the very last dinner he would ever eat at Mrs. (Priestley) 42... (Greene) 10.. or suggested that he do anything but paint. The assistant Commissioner stood at the corner as if he had forgotten something. picked up his hat and coat as though he were in a daze and left the building. (Trollope) 41. Your feelings do you honour. (Cronin) 5. No doubt life held many strange secrets. he thought. His business was to make money. I am sure this William Wallace is a fine fellow. (Hardy) 25. it is impossible for me to help these men. and broke her heart over it. I wish I had not. or anything of that sort. I will never reproach him with it after we are married. I ought not to have left Knapwater last night. (Cronin) 39. and he might have made a mistake. (Hardy) 34. to see if the music would have any effect on its movements. If the issue were still doubtful — if she were still waiting. if it would make the snake dance.. She [Fleur] looked as if — as if she might do something to herself! She had no veronal. He began to whistle to the snake. I will not come between you. Hooker repeated the name as if he had never heard it before. If the tradition be ever broken it will be for an abler man than Stephen. (Priestley) 32. (Shaw) 21. You must have mistaken him. And I will arrange that the funeral shall take place early tomorrow. How 62 . It would be monstrously selfish if I disturbed a state of things which is eminently satisfactory to you both. (Stone) 9. 38. That she should have been there. (Wilde) 44. but I can't see why my daughter should marry without even sending me an invitation to the wedding. may you never outlive your feelings! (Dickens) 37. to hear everything—it was the last thing he had wanted. Indoors nothing was to be heard save the droning of blue-bottle flies. the call of his was in another direction. (Galsworthy) 8. She never condemned him for not earning money. Your husband shall be treated exactly as if he were a member of the royal family. (Lindsay) Exercise IS. He felt as if something in him were collapsing. but the snake would not dance. That girl that I spoke of was to have married me twenty years ago.. Why should he have followed me this distance? (Greene) 19. that she should never hear his flat-toned voice again. It may not last twelve months.. if I would let him. (Trollope) 31. (A. (Maugham) 32.. You shall come. When so much has been written about Charles Strickland. Or perhaps I've already started. but surely in that case he would have telephoned to the restaurant — he was very meticulous about small courtesies. However much you may be on your guard. (Snow) 21. he would treat me familiarly as though I were his dearest friend. it may seem unnecessary that I should write more. (Snow) 25. poor child. Things may begin to go the other way. for she left the chair quickly as though she had jumped. You ought to know what to expect. and the stones of its much-trodden pavement were to know them no more. I did not have to meet Ellen's eye. But Bronwen must have seen me strain to move and speak. (Galsworthy) 15." he said. May your life together be as happy as mine and my old woman's has been. (Lindsay) 13. (Murdoch) 27. if he had any talent I should be the first to encourage it." (James) 22. (Dickens) 14. Whatever else he might have been. and she was sustained at table by the immensity of her desire that her father should not perceive that anything had happened. formal manner. I should value it if you would keep me in touch. Nina stood stiffly for a moment. (James) 40. every hour seemed like years. "You should not have made me wait so long. God may soften major Swindon's heart. He twisted himself a little round that he might more easily use the paper. she is not now a responsible scholar. It was important to him that she should be alone. beyond question he was Lord Cranstoun's brother.. Whatever Rose may have been. If I'd only waited. After all. I shouldn't have been so impatient. as if she were about to cry out. as if she had stared that conscience out of countenance. sir. however much you ma'y think you dislike it." she said. (Hansford Johnson) 17. If it weren't for the children. The fact is. whether you like it or not. I wouldn't mind anything. Should I encounter the rascal in the street or a tavern. (Trollope) 30. "I didn't know. he might have been detained for some reason at the American Legation. What I want is that Tod should be made to see that his family mustn't quarrel with his nearest neighbours. of course. Of course. that is unless. She had to show herself half an hour later. (Lindsay) 12. perhaps it would have gone all right. Small grew nervous. And now the day arrived when Mr. it passed. Notwithstanding he thought it better that she should not remain in everyday contact with his father and one day he suggested that they should go back to live in Florence. Wilson) 24. There is no flattery too gross for a male. Incredible that he should never give her a chance to show that she had really loved him.. I may start moving downwards tomorrow. She replied imperiously: "Of course she'll like it. with a look in her eyes as if her conscience had suddenly leaped up into them. (Murdoch) 23. "I 63 . (Maugham) 28. Aunt Juley tried to say something pleasant: "And how will dear Irene like living in the country?" June gazed at her intently. and as Mary 'Thorne is to be our heroine. you know." (Priestley) 37.. Thome is our hero. (Maugham) 35. as she would not glance in my direction. that she should be able to entertain his anonymous guests. (Llewellyn) 16.. however deeply he may be aggrieved. "I don't know how I have been living. (Wells) 18. it is necessary that she shall be introduced and explained and described in a proper. When a few days later he left with his kinsman Lord Mark for a stay in Bath. that she should be available to speak with him privately at any hour. Dorrit and his family were to leave the prison for ever.good he had always been to herl Incredible that he should die and take that goodness away. Oh. Lightwood would propose to me. You should have decided sooner.." "She might. or feel the touch of his moustache on her cheeks or forehead. We 've all got to remember that. she should utterly refuse. why shouldn't she?" Mrs. She was a business woman of high acumen.. (Galsworthy) 11. It was the kind of outcry no little gentleman should ever permit himself. pen and ink I had brought him. (Lindsay) 38. (Dickens) 26. "She might have gone back home. I told myself. and an even more intent look took its place. Mr. (Reade) 29. I began to hope that he might take this opportunity to slip away from Henley. (Abrahams) 19. For all we know. who saw to it that I should meet all people who might possibly be of professional value to me in the future. you will find yourself instinctively angling for female flattery and getting it. but I'll bet anything she hasn't. (Aldington) 33. (Greene) 39. I'm at the top of the hill tonight. I'm in favour now. (Hansford Johnson) 20. I could be just as happy in a -shabby studio in Chelsea as in this flat. I have made up my mind that Mary Thorne shall be my wife — sooner or later. (Shaw) 34. what have I driven her to? (Maugham) 36. As Dr. Laura and the Count were astonished that he should propose such a thing and would not hear of it. thought she mightn't like to leave her friends. Your Uncle James says she doesn't take enough interest in life. We think. — I mean Timothy thinks — she ought to go out more. I expect you'll miss her very much!" June clasped her hands behind her neck. "I do wish," she cried, "Uncle Timothy wouldn't talk about what doesn't concern himl" (Galsworthy) Exercise 16. Translate into English, using the Subjunctive Mood and modal verbs where required. (A) Based on an episode from In Chancery by J. Galsworthy. 1. Соме пригласил Аннет и ее мать в свой загородный дом (country house), чтобы они видели, как он богат. 2. Возвращаясь домой, Соме думал об Ирэн. Двенадцать лет прошло с тех пор, как они расстались. «Она, должно быть, очень изменилась с тех пор. Ей, должно быть, теперь около сорока». 3. Он думал о том, что Ирэн всегда была несправедлива к нему. «Она могла бы относиться ко мне иначе. Разве я не давал ей все, что она только пожелает?» 4. «Странно, что она никогда не чувствовала себя счастливой со мной, — подумал он с горечью. — Странно, что она ушла от меня. Если бы она не сделала этого, мне не пришлось бы сейчас думать о разводе». 5. Мысль о разводе показалась ему нелепой после стольких лет полной разлуки (after all these years of utter separation). «Я уже давно должен был развестись с нею. Жаль, что я этого не сделал. Я был бы теперь свободен и мог бы жениться на Аннет». 6. «Как жаль, что у меня нет ребенка», — думал Соме: его угнетала мысль, что ему некому оставить свое состояние. 7. Аннет с матерью должны были приехать поездом, и он поехал на вокзал встретить их. 8. Была осень, и всюду видны были (можно было видеть) желтые листья. 9. Анкет была такая хорошенькая, что Соме не мог не залюбоваться ею. Ее лицо казалось таким свежим, словно его только что спрыснули (to be sprayed) росой. 10. За чаем они говорили о бурах. «С какой стати англичане вмешиваются в их дела (to interfere with somebody)? — сказала мадам Ламотт. — Они могли бы оставить их в покое». 11. Соме улыбнулся: ее слова показались ему нелепыми. «Неужели вы не понимаете, что Англии не следует отказываться от своих законных прав (to abandon one's legitimate interest)?» — сказал он. 12. После чая Соме предложил посмотреть его картинную галерею. Ему очень хотелось (to be anxious), чтобы Аннет увидела все его сокровища. Он был уверен, что как бы молода и красива она ни была, она выйдет за него замуж, когда увидит, как он богат. (B) Based on an episode irora Jane Eyre by Ch. Bronte. 1. «У нее TaKojni вид, как будто она маленькая фея, как будто она пришла сюда из сказочной страны (the fairy land)», — подумал мистер Рочестер, когда увидел Джейн в первый раз. 2. «Странно, что они пришли сюда, — подумала Джейн, увидев в церкви незнакомцев. — Они, может быть, слышали, что мистер Рочестер собирается жениться. Да, должно быть, слышали». 3. Когда один из незнакомцев потребовал, чтобы бракосочетание было прервано (to break off the ceremony), мистер Рочестер вздрогнул, словно перед ним разверзлась (to open) пропасть. 4. Священник сказал, что невозможно, чтобы миссис Рочестер все эти годы жила в Торнфильде. «Не может быть, чтобы она жила здесь столько лет. Мы бы давно услышали об этом»,—заметил он. 5. Джейн пожалела, что приехала в Торнфильд. «§ыло бы лучше, если бы я никогда не видела мистера Рочестера», — думала она. 6. Мистер Рочестер понимал, что сколько бы он ни уговаривал Джейк, она не останется с ним. Он жалел, что обманывал девушку. «Я должен был сказать ей, что я женат»,—думал он. 7. Джейн ушла из Торнфильда ночью, так как хотела (to be anxious), чтобы никто не узнал, куда она идет. 8. «Как мы были бы сейчас счастливы, если бы Джейн не покинула меня»,—думал мистер Рочестер. 9. Джейн не могла забыть дня, который должен был быть днем ее свадьбы (wedding day) и который окончился так трагически. (С) Based on Running for Governor by M. Twain. В своем рассказе «Как меня выбирали в губернаторы» М. Твен говорит о том, как проходила предвыборная кампания (pre-election campaign), когда была выдвинута его кандидатура на пост губернатора (to be nominated for governor) штата Нью-Йорк. Однажды, просматривая газеты, Марк Твен увидел статью, которая его 64 чрезвычайно удивила. Автор статьи говорил, что мистеру Твену давно пора рассказать, при каких обстоятельствах он оттягал (to gain by a lawsuit) у одной бедной вдовы в Кохинхине (Cochin-China) ее жалкий клочок земли (patch of land). М. Твен не верил своим глазам — он никогда не был в Кохинхине и не имел не малейшего представления, о какой вдове идет речь. «Неужели они сами верят тому, что написали про меня? — думал он. —Они, может быть, приняли меня за когонибудь другого? Наверное, есть другой человек, которого зовут так же, как меня (to bear the same name)». В каждой газете можно было найти статью, в которой говорилось о том или ином преступлении, совершенном М. Твеном. Автор одной из статей обвинял М. Твена в том, что он отравил своего дядюшку с целью завладеть его имуществом, и настаивал на немедленном вскрытии трупа. Автор другой статьи требовал, чтобы мистер Твен разъяснил своим избирателям, каким образом у его товарищей (fellow-workers) в Монтане то и дело пропадали (to lose) разные мелкие, но ценные вещи, которые они всегда находили либо в карманах мистера Твена, либо в его чемодане. Это соперники М. Твена возводили на него всякие нелепые обвинения (to lay a charge upon somebody), боясь, как бы его не избрали губернатором. Временами М. Твен чувствовал себя так, словно он действительно совершил все эти преступления. Руководители его партии просили М. Твена написать ответ на обвинения, чтобы его политическая карьера не была загублена (to ruin); они говорили, что ему необходимо опровергнуть (to refute) предъявленные ему обвинения. Но М. Твен понимал, что, что бы он ни делал, он навсегда потерял свое доброе имя. Наконец соперники М. Твена узнали, что он должен выступить на предвыборном собрании. Едва он появился на трибуне (platform), как девять малышей бросились к нему, обхватили его за ноги (to clasp somebody around his legs), словно он был их отцом, и стали кричать: «Папа!» Никогда еще М. Твен не переживал такого унижения. Он пожалел, что дал согласие выдвинуть свою кандидатуру на пост губернатора. (D) Based on a fairy-tale. Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их служанкой. «Как жаль, что я не могу угодить (to please) сестрам, — не раз думала Золушка. — Как бы я ни старалась угодить им, они всегда недовольны (to find fault with somebody)». Однажды было объявлено (to announce), что в королевском дворце должен состояться большой бал. Всем очень хотелось пойти туда. Сестры Золушки были приглашены, но Золушка так и не получила приглашения. «Как жаль, что меня не пригласили!—думала бедная девушка. — Как жаль, что я не смогу увидеть Юного Принца! Как он, должно быть, красив! А что, если я попрошу сестер взять меня на бал? Нет, бесполезно даже и пытаться. Они меня не возьмут, хотя бы я умоляла их об этом целый день». Наконец наступил день, когда сестры Золушки должны были поехать на бал. Золушке пришлось много работать, причесывая сестер и стараясь сделать их как можно красивее. Вечером сестры уехали, и Золушка осталась одна. «Какие они счастливые, — думала Золушна, сидя у камина. — Если бы у меня было красивое платье, я бы тоже могла поехать на бал». В эту минуту появилась ее крестная мать и сказала: «У тебя будет красивое платье. Ты пойдешь на бал. Но помни: как бы ты ни веселилась (to enjoy oneself), ты не должна оставаться во дворце после полуночи». Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словно) было соткано из лунных лучей (moonbeams), вошла (to step) в карету. Она никогда не видела такой красивой кареты. Что касается кучера, то он был просто великолепен; он точно (выглядел так, словно) никогда и не был крысой. Когда Золушка приехала во дворец, король подумал, что это, должно быть, какая-то иностранная принцесса. Она держала себя так, словно всю жизнь прожила в королевском дворце. Золушка забыла приказание крестной и осталась на балу после полуночи. Едва она успела выбежать из дворца, как снова превратилась в бедную Золушку. «Как жаль, что я не послушалась моей доброй крестной матери. Если бы я не осталась во дворце после полуночи, я бы сейчас ехала (to drive) в карете в своем прелестном платье». 65 Юный Принц всюду искал Золушку, но ее нигде нельзя было найти. «Где может быть эта прекрасная принцесса? — думал он.— Неужели она потеряна для меня навсегда (to be lost to somebody)? Я боюсь, что сколько бы я ни искал, я не смогу ее найти». Принц приказал, чтобы все девушки в городе примерили (to try on) хрустальный башмачок (glass slipper), который потеряла Золушка. Он думал, что таким образом он, может быть, найдет прекрасную принцессу. Многие девушки старались надеть башмачок, чтобы выйти замуж за Юного Принца. Когда. пришла очередь Золушки примерять башмачок, сестры стали смеяться над нею. Но башмачок наделся на ногу Золушки с величайшей легкостью (to slip on with the greatest ease), и к своему ужасу (dismay) сестры узнали в девушке прекрасную принцессу, которую они видели на балу. Они пожалели, что плохо обращались с Золушкой. (Е) 1. Ежели они враги мои, то не могут быть друзьями, как бы они там ни разговаривали в Тильзите. (Л. Толстой) 2. Наташа посмотрела на нее, как бы не понимая того, что у ней спрашивают. (Л. Толстой) 3. Правда, он в течение всего этого времени чувствовал, как будто она к нему снисходила, как будто ему следовало быть ей благодарным... но молодые сердца не тяготятся этим чувством (to be weighed down by something). (Тургенев) 4. Аркадий, к собственному изумлению, беспрестанно думал о Никольском; прежде он бы только плечами пожал, если бы кто-нибудь сказал ему, что он может соскучиться под одним кровом с Базаровым... (Тургенев) 5. После чаю Анна Сергеевна предложила пойти гулять... (Тургенев) 6. Павлу Петровичу скоро полегчило (to feel better); но в постели пришлось ему пролежать около недели. (Тургенев) 7. Вы, я уверен, ни за что первая не выскажете своего чувства, как бы оно ни было сильно и свято. (Тургенев) 8. Базаров быстро пробежал письмо и сделал усилие над собою, чтобы не выказать злорадного чувства, которое мгновенно вспыхнуло у него в груди. (Тургенев) 9. Пойду прилягу. а вы мне пришлите липового чаю (lime-flower tea). Простудился, должно быть. (Тургенев) 10. Ехать в Париж решено было обоим и немедленно... (А. Толстой) 11. С полчаса я просидел на стуле, стараясь не двигаться и не дышать громко, чтобы не нарушить (to disturb) гармонии звуков, говоривших мне так много. (Л. Толстой) 12. Катенька была уже совсем большая... и мысль, что она скоро может выйти замуж, уже не казалась мне шуткой... (Л. Толстой) 13. Невольно подслушав разговор, которого мне не должно было слушать, я на цыпочках... выбрался из комнаты. (Л. Толстой) 14. Палатка и кухня отправлены были вперед на место, где Кирила Петрович должен был обедать. (Пушкин) 15. «Прощайте, Петр Иванович! — сказала она мне со слезами.—Будьте живы (to live long) и счастливы». (Пушкин) 16. Настойчивая, властолюбивая, она и слышать не хотела о замужестве (matrimony). (Тургенев) 17. На следующее утро, за чаем, Лемм-попросил Лаврецкого дать ему лошадей для того, чтобы возвратиться в город. «Мне пора приняться за дело (to start one's work), то есть за уроки,—заметил старик, — а то я здесь только даром время теряю». (Тургенев) 18. «Мне кажется, — говорила Лиза несколько мгновений спустя,—если бы он точно меня любил, он бы не написал этого письма; он должен был бы чувствовать, что я не могу отвечать ему теперь». (Тургенев) 19. Я, как рабыня, исполню ваше приказание, какое бы оно ни было. (Тургенев) 20. Впрочем, кто знает? Я, может быть, был бы более огорчен, если б я получил это известие двумя неделями раньше... (Тургенев) 21. Что же касается до жены Ивана Петровича, то Петр Андреич сначала и слышать о ней не хотел... (Тургенев) 22. Князь Лыков не противуречил: это было бы напрасно. (Пушкин) 23. Ибрагим в рассеянии отвечал, что, вероятно, государь работает теперь на корабельной верфи. (Пушкин) 24. Левин __ отправился домой, чтобы переодеться и ехать к Щербацким, где решится его судьба. (Л. Толстой) 25. Вронский встал и, дружелюбно глядя в глаза Левину, пожал ему руку. «Я нынче зимой должен был, кажется, обедать с вами, — сказал он, улыбаясь своею простою и открытою улыбкой, — но вы неожиданно уехали в деревню». (Л. Толстой) 26. «Но надеюсь, граф, что вы бы не согласились жить всегда в деревне»,—сказала графиня Нордстон. (Л. Толстой) 27. Алексей Александрович, просидев (to stay) полчаса, подошел к жене и предложил ей вместе ехать домой... (Л. Толстой) 28. Она 66 что ты любишь меня!» (Л. и ей хотелось до этого видеть его. (Stone) 11. he raised his coffee cup. (to talk) (Eliot) 11. что он. __ his teeth. And __ this in her official and impersonal tone of voice. (Л. __ his hands and __ a towel over his face. __ in haste. spilling his tea. __ that no one else was coming. глухим голосом. Having traversed seven hundred miles he was now travelling toward the border of the United States. Translate into Russian. (to laugh. (to see) (Stone) 23. но он не смел этого сделать. suspiciously.. Поведение со мною мужчин. and took up the earpieces of the wireless. Дуняша принуждена была убежать в рощу. from under his frost-white eye-lashes. Turning in anger. __ my back on him I started down the steps. (Dickens) 10. Толстой) 33. Derek. the chambermaid then grinned. and. pays no heed to it. (to tiptoe. как бы оно ни было учтиво. t. and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably. He bad a beautiful old house in Queen Anne Street. по обыкновению. Frank __ the step on the gravel. (Л. as if swooning. Mr. (Maugham) 4. switched on the light. сколько бы она ни старалась. в кого из трех [сестер] ему действительно суждено было влюбиться. наконец. State the form and the function of Participle I. в начале зимы. (Lessing) 7. he was still young. чтоб отношения их были определены (to define). to think) (Galsworthy) 2. (to write) (Hardy) 7. but the meaning was bulky enough. winked and vanished. he followed her down the stairs of the hushed house. ехать в деревню и устроить там все. He went upstairs again. who had slept the sleep of the dead. (to see) (Hardy) 13. no longer __ in news broadcasts. Толстой) 30. __ an extra eighty miles. (to ficker) (Stone) 12. (Л. Толстой) 34. Прошло еще около десяти минут. There were 67 . рощи все было не видать. turned sharply round.. он понял. Она знала. had returned home. Толстой) 32. __ in trimming a huge red geranium bush.. There was a tiny smile playing about the corners of his mouth. Judging him by his figure and his movements.. __ none for two nights. (to have. At that moment he was plunged in the depth of an easy-chair. __ daily opportunities of looking at this seascape for thirty years or so. The street was full of people. __ the valise on his feet. She had not brought him money or position. что. not __ to the college proper. __ no more than the daughter of a Wort ley doctor. она не будет сильнее самой себя. (Lawrence) 5. (to obey) (Ch. 1. The gypsy smiled. to pass) (Galsworthy) 16. To Maggie. (to ride) (Stone) 19. Ему хотелось оглянуться назад. she gave John a shove. Толстой) 29. Lincoln rose. Abraham was back at the end of three weeks. скоро уедет по службе. looked at her as though peering over the top of spectacles. (to finish) (Galsworthy) Exercise 2. (to hear) (Trollope) 17. (Пушкин) 36. Dona Carlotta covered her face with her hand. and also very frightening. Толстой) 31. (Lindsay) 6. The missionary. «Неужели это правда? — сказал он.and __ home. (Horgan) 2.. While __ my directions. (to say) (Priestley) 21.. Левин приехал в Москву после года в деревне и увидал Щербацких. Young Herndon had done preparatory work at Illinois College for a year but. Being very tired with his walk however.. (to show) (Hemingway) 4. (to be) (Cronin) 18. (Л. (Stone) 3. woke __ of Nedda. Soames lighted the second of his two daily cigars. 1. Boldwood. __ them. (Collins) 8. he soon fell asleep and forgot his" troubles. чтобы скрыть свое волнение. Но когда в нынешнем году.. — Я не могу поверить. There was only one candle __ on the rough board table. (to set) (Priestley) 14. (to look) (Galsworthy) 20. (to have. Bronte) 5. __ his room. (Cronin) 9. she returned to Adrian. __ dinner. как будто это была его обязанность. to absorb) (Shaw) 9. (to admit) (Stone) 15.чувствовала. It (the letter] contained very little matter. from day to day. (Пушкин) THE NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERBS (VERBALS) THE PARTICIPLE Exercise 1. поминутно задевало мое самолюбие (to hurt somebody's pride). Vandernoodt. (to mention) (Mailer) 22. to enter) (Galsworthy) 8. __ to by Mr. __ past the door. The campaign progressed uneventfully. he glanced at me now and then. came up to her side. (to wash. (Тургенев) 35.. __ her comparatively isolated. (Л. Then swiftly __ neither to left nor right. the new protective gentleness of her son was sweet. (to turn) (Clark) 10. to go) (Greene) 3. (to watch) (Cronin) 6. On the sultry platform of Grand Central he opened the bulky Times. Placing his drink upon the mantlepiece the ex-convict stood for a moment observing the young man out of the corner of his eye. Insert the appropriate form oi Participle I.. он тотчас же попросил Степана Аркадьевича. He [Lincoln] raised his eyes. 1. моя сестра немедленно выехала в Москву. Bronte) 10. (/. (Hansford Johnson) 7.four girls sitting on the wooden benches of the agency's front room. politely and without much relevance. читающие английские книги в оригинале. Прочитав книгу. 7. he brought his own hands together with a sharp slap. 4. Having shaken hands with them. then for any consequences. Услышав голос товарища. открывшая ей дверь. I followed her into the saloon. Beecher-Stowe. If left to myself. 3. 3. выходившая к реке (to open to the river). carrying his suitcase. 9. выходившему на реку (to overlook the river). 9. bringing with him two hundred dollars in cash. Exercise 4. что хозяин продал ее единственного ребенка. (Trollope) 9. Вдруг она увидела работорговца. Приехав в Москву. Through the dark hall. он хорошо говорит поанглийски. Проведя лето в деревне. As directed. (Cronin) 2. For a moment the trio stood as if turned to stone. так как устал после долгого пути. 4. though not personally well known in the county. Читая эту книгу.. (Stone) U. (В) Based on an episode from Uncle Tom's Cabin by H. 12. Never having encouraged friends to drop in spontaneously. Получив телеграмму. 14. He was thoughtful for a moment while leaning perilously close to the fire. (Dickens) 16. State the function oi Participle II. который лежал на берегу реки Огайо. I am going to Rome. 15. He spoke when spoken to. (Stone) 25. плывшую недалеко от берега. Much of the afternoon I looked out of the window. Войдя в класс. была хозяйкой таверны. я извинился и вернулся в свою комнату.. 8. 7. I took the lead. out I went. (Crawford)21. В комнате была дверь. я вышел из комнаты. 1. but not really thinking. 6. 10. (Stone) 20. Stirred by the beauty of the twilight. Bronte) 22. (Aldington) 3. guarded by a large black stove. Bronte) 15". (Mansfield) 5. С диким криком она прыгнула на большую льдину (a slab of ice). (Hemingway) 17. Having breakfasted. He looked at his father listening with a kind of painful desperation. Взяв перо и бумагу. купившего ее ребенка. мальчик стал писать письмо отцу. 5. Перепрыгивая (to leap) с одной льдины на другую. играющих в саду. 6. 13. кто отсутствует. 11. Женщина. плакавшего от усталости. 5. мы прежде всего сдали веши на хранение (to leave something in the left luggage room). 10. она подошла к окну. (Salinger) 12. Добравшись до реки Огайо. (Ch. 11. he strolled away from the hotel. (/. Элиза добралась до противоположного берега реки. чтобы встретить его. I should infallibly have let this chance slip. Будьте осторожны. (Cronin) 23. having friends there. I sat in the dormitory window-seat. Ребенок Элизы заплакал. больной совершенно поправился (to be fully recovered). Увидев своих друзей. Элиза направилась в городок Т. using Participle I where possible. существовавшие в Америке. (Hemingway) 14. he would sit for hours defyng interruption. стоявшего на берегу. Manuel went in.. (Ch. A cold wind swept the pavement. E. (Snow) 19. пришедших проводить его. He looked at her for a moment as though amazed at her 68 . She recrossed her legs comfortably. 14. bearing a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamplight. I formed a project. он подошел к ним. Bronte) 6. Мать улыбалась. уехавшему на Дальний Восток. Студенты. she was almost totally alone. Она посмотрела на человека. Abraham appeared at noon the next day. 8. лежавшую между ней и свободой. переходя улицу. 2. Элиза бросилась к реке. Элиза стояла у окна и глядела на реку Огайо. Prepared. Translate into English. (Ch. Схватив ребенка. as though thinking. Узнав. and was gone. позволяли покупать и продавать негров. had been spoken well of by all men. Увидев незнакомого человека. учительница спросила дежурного. 12. Shaw) 24. Прожив много лет в Англии. There was sunlight coming in through the shutters. Miss Brodrick. Thus absorbed. Элиза решила бежать и пробраться в Канаду. как бы моля его о помощи. Законы. (A) 1. (Hichens) 8. Shaw) 12. He cast upon her one more look. 2. While pondering this problem. легко овладевают языком. (Murdoch) 4. (Stone) 18. almost happily. 13. (Priestley) 13. она постучала в дверь небольшой таверны (public house). Элиза успокоила мальчика. as though preparing for a long session on the sofa. я встретил несколько интересных выражений (to come across). All the country near him was broken and wooded. (Greene) Exercise 3. Выйдя из дома. Cecilia had heard very little being absorbed in her own reflections. (Ch. Положив ребенка на кровать. глядя на детей. Translate into Russian. мальчик вернул ее в библиотеку. Муж ее был отставным полковником.friendliness. 3. построенных в Советском Союзе за последние годы (of late years). Displeased and uncertain Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener. Вот новые учебники. Jerome) 14. 3. она [Фенечка] сама казалась белее и легче. 1. Он [Степан Аркадьевич] прочел письма. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly __ stairs. 10. присланные для нашей школы. There were __ candles on the table. Молодые музыканты говорили о днях. There was a long line of __ trucks and carts on the road __ up the bridge. Translate into English. (to light. (Л. (to lay) (Greene) 14. 11... Insert Participle I or II. Девушка поставила в вазу цветы. 9. (to light) (Hemingway) 12. Оставленный один в темноте. There was one bright star __ in the sky.. Шедший мимо раненый офицер обратился к нему [Ростову]. Уже вечерело. проведенных в Москве во время конкурса имени Чайковского (the Tchaykovsky music contest). очень велико. написанных карандашом. (Тургенев) 9. 7. лежащее на столе. Человек. мягкая ночь глянула в комнату с своим почти черным небом. (to hang) (Lessing) 9. On the next afternoon Horace went out to his sister's. (Тургенев) 8. (Jerome K. to wear) (Stone) 6. (to gown. again in a — car. He reminded you of a __ sheep __ aimlessly hither and thither. написавшего эту рукопись. (to stir) (Dickens) 2. (to shine) (Dickens) 4. Имя человека.. наполненную цветами. строящие эту школу. 8. A tall. (Greene) 13. На листе бумаги было несколько строк. (Galsworthy) 15.. преследуемый Михельсоном. Она [Катя] держала в руках корзину. thin man with a sharp pointed face sat at a table __ for dinner. 8. как она описана Диккенсом. They came to the quiet little station __ by a single bulb. (to hire) (Faulkner) Exercise 7. неизвестно. (Пушкин) 3. Хотя он был очень удивлен. Темная. Люди. 4. Пугачев бежал. He took a __ strip of paper from his vest and gave it to the reporter. (to appeal) (Dreiser) 15. 9. Я не люблю смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных (to cage). присланные ей в день рождения. Если меня спросят. (to abandon. Солнце село. 4. Exercise 6. Толстой) 4. With __ eyes he leaned back on the bench. Школа. Жители привыкли к ядрам. Translate into English. (to fall) (Du Maurier) 7. He bowed low when presented to Dinny. (Тургенев) 6. лежавшую в полверсте от сада. Студенты писали сочинение о системе образования в Англии. залетавшим (to fall) на их дворы. to deliver) в тот же день. 5. слабо шумевшими деревьями и свежим запахом вольного (open) чистого воздуха. (B) 1. (to carpet) (Hemingway) 11. 6.. 2. 69 . to lead) (Hemingway) 13. солнце скрылось за небольшую осиновую рощу. The voice had something __ in it. using Participle I or II as an attribute where possible. She remained silent but her silence was like a question __ in the dark between them. Maxim stooped. 7. приславший ей цветы. Рабочие. 11. and picked up a __ petal and gave it to me. (Тургенев) 7. 6. Количество школ. 5. Книга будет здесь. __ diamonds on their heads and bosoms. был ее старым школьным товарищем. 10. Одно было очень неприятное — от купца. At one end was a group of beautiful women exquisitely __. Fancy a married woman doomed to live on from day to day without one single quarrel with her husband. я скажу правду (to tell the truth). обещали закончить ее к началу учебного года. доставляются (to post. и деревья казались темными. (to frighten. 1. using Participle II where possible. Письма. обычно сильные и здоровые. to run) (Maugham) 5. строящаяся на нашей улице. Он вошел в комнату и увидел письмо. (Пушкин) 2. (A) 1. написанные много столетий тому назад. В вазе было несколько увядших роз. пока ее не спросят (to ask for). проводящие много времени на открытом воздухе. ребенок заплакал. and the air __ on Little Dorrit's face soon brightened it. almost __ in a mass of oleander and vines and palmettos. (Cronin) Exercise 5. There was a balcony along the second floor __ by the columns. он не сказал ни слова. It was a windy day. опущенные в ящик до 12 часов. Его приятно поразила чистота отведенной (to assign) ему комнаты. В Публичной библиотеке есть рукописи. 2. как будто высеченными (to cut) из черного мрамора. (Тургенев) 5. Одетая в легкое белое платье. (to fold) (Faulkner) 3. to hide) (Faulkner) 8. откроется к 1 сентября. (to close) (Байт) 10. (to hold up) (Hemingway) 16. что 70 . The darkness found him occupied with these thoughts. они подошли к большому красивому дому. Get your things packed. Это была просторная. Exercise 9. занял много времени. слуги. но часто слышали. лежавший на старом диване. 3. Translate into Russian. (Greene) 4. Translate into English. Сайке подошел к полуразрушенному. The darkness found Mr. начали стрелять и ранили Оливера. они вышли из дома. Сайке поздоровался с Тоби. 7. В это время один офицер. что он поднимет в доме тревогу (to raise an alarm). умоляя их отпустить его. приказав мальчику следовать за ними. который уже ждал его. что его спутники (companions) собираются ограбить дом. Толстой) 13. (Eliot) 6. заброшенному дому. грабители легли отдохнуть. 2. мальчик повиновался. (Лермонтов) Exercise 8. (Л. using the Objective or the Subjective Participial Construction. Mary could feel Elizabeth reviewing their hopes and dreams. (Cronin) 10. Проспав час или два. For their New Year's Eve party she had all the furniture moved out of the parlor and sitting-room. (Stone) 9. Сайке приказал мальчику залезть в дом через окно и открыть дверь. Мы сидели в саду и наблюдали. 6. Пройдя около четверти мили. знаменитый петербургский доктор. (A) 1. Толстой) 15. Один из грабителей вскарабкался на стену. как он быстро встал. Слышно было. (Faulkner) 11. поднял голову и. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken. (Based on an episode from Oliver Twist by Ch. Он нашел ее запертою и принужден был перепрыгнуть через забор. как моя мать пела эту песню. (Тургенев) 11. едва -сознавая (to know). увидев Оливера. стеной.. Напуганный словами и жестами грабителей. Point out the Objective and the Subjective Participial Construction. что кто-то поет вдали.. (Тургенев) 2. (Dickens) 12. (Stone) 13. Plornish knocking at his door. 1. The taxi could be seen waiting outside. Грабители молчали. (Murdoch) 3.men were heard descending. Толстой) 12. (Stone) 16. and Mrs.. он упал на колени. увидел он. Решив. 5. (Caldwell) 17. (Young) 2. Выпив немного виски.. как луна медленно поднимается из-за деревьев. The two. где он находится и что происходит вокруг него..покупавшего лес в имении жены. Temple heard the woman fumbling at the wall. Он [Каренин] прошел в кабинет. They wanted the Committee convened over the week-end. высокая комната. находившийся в приятельских отношениях к Алексею Александровичу. окружавшую дом. 2. 10. Когда Оливер понял.. пославшего Оливера на такое дело (errand). Толстой) 10. Была тихая летняя ночь. 8. Толстой) 14. спросил Сайкса. She had the drawing-room redecorated. 1. Мы услышали. The din in the entrance hall continued. Человек. Two days later she heard sleigh bells coming up the drive. Мы увидели. (Greene) 8. (Л. Но доктор. обнесенному (to surround). (Dickens) 7. She averted her eyes each time she found herself being stared at. (Л. Somewhere a long way off a telephone bell rang and a voice could be heard speaking. встал и. как его имя упоминалось в доме его родителей. Проклиная Фегина. Услышав шум. (Snow) 14. and more vehicles could be heard arriving at the door. спавшие наверху. 9. (B) 1. Dickens). Войдя в дом. сидевший в углу комнаты. принесенные правителем дел (chief secretary). подписать некоторые бумаги. (Buck) 15. 5. (Stone) Exercise 10. Мы не видели его уже много лет. (Л. зачем он привел мальчика. Держа Оливера за руку. убранная (to furnish) довольно роскошно. Мы не раз слышали. Оливер сидел в углу. Вронский часто видел устремленный на него внимательный и недоумевающий (bewildered) взгляд ребенка. She had her bed moved to the corner of the porch. Вслед за доктором. Translate into English. 3.. отнявшим так много времени. In the midday quiet of the bush she heard a small bird singing. (Л.. All the while she felt her heart beating with a vague fear. Толстой) 3. 12. 4. 13. В детстве я часто слышал. (Murdoch) 18. как его мать говорила о нем и его работе. 4. что по дорожке сада идет сын нашего соседа. 11. using the Participle where possible. явился знаменитый путешественник. (Л. Подходя к церкви. когда шли по главной улице городка. She heard the musicians tuning up in the back parlour. Полчаса спустя Лаврецкий стоял уже перед калиткой сада (garden gate). (Maugham) 5. their relationship as sisters. окинул всех спокойным и торжественным взглядом. Mrs. (Faulkner) 12. for want of a better companion. 13. Aileen lingering behind a little. her housewifely instincts having got the better of her dismay. The concert over. the mechanic having] disappeared into a room at the back. he slowly removed a paper and spread it carefully on his desk. (Dickens) 14. Когда вы оклеили комнату? 5.народ уже расходился (to come out). (Snow) 6. He stood shamefully. with his hands on his knees. his eyes cheerful. hesitating. The first bustle of installation over. (Faulkner) 20. whistling gasps. как по переулку подбегали (to run up the alley) люди. the big canoes. Point out the Absolute Constructions and state what kind of adverbial modifier they express. I heard some voices. (А. the strength of his resolution exhausted in his words. She sat on the steps. (Dickens) 15. and Sikes having satisfied his appetite. Толстой) 5. и теперь оно совсем как новое (выглядит совсем новым). its eyes shut.. had asked Liddy to come and sit with her. (Dickens) (Dickens) Exercise 13. they returned more slowly home. her head dropping upon her breast. Где вы снимались? 7. State what kind of adverbial modifier it expresses. Dinner being over.. Sir Henry was deep in his papers. как вы садились на пароход (to come on board). with the wind from the south. the Jace on her! white shoulders stirring with the soft rise and fall of her bosom. (Hemingway) 16. unringed hands moving nervously in rhythm with his thoughts. (Twain) 3. They went downj the stairs together. (Пушкин) 4. With the watch in her hand she lifted her head and looked directly at him. his cheeks filled out. She had put some order into the drawing-room by now. (Galsworthy) 13. Я переделала свое зимнее пальто. with her little white apron to her face. he had no great temptation to loiter. 2.. There being nothing eatable within his reach. Catherine looked at me all the time. the conference was over and' Lufkin got up to join his guests. Вам следует переплести свои книги 8. 2. This being understood. had come drifting across the waters. Я видел. Pickwick's mouth and chin having been hastily enveloped in a large shawl. Maylie being fatigued. (Hardy) 6. (Shute) 18. (Hansford Johnson) 9. the two men laid themselves down on chairs for a short nap. No one having as yet expressed any such opinion. with her heart beating fast. She rose from the bed and removed her coat and stood motionless. The constraint caused by Timothy's presence having worn off a little. (Priestley) 7. (Dreiser)) 8. His tale told. (Lindsay) 14. (Hansford Johnson) 17. The door of the opposite parlour being then opened. Translate into Russian. she went up and rang the bell. (Lawrence) 4.. They lived the life of normal suburban children. With Lowell closely watching. he put his head back and laughed. (Buck) 7. Я не починил вчера часы. The child lay on the bed. (Crown) 10. Then she [Becky] sprang away and ran around the desks and benches. Видно было. using the verb to have or to get followed by the Objective Participial Construction. it] being Sunday. Point out the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction. так как мастерские были закрыты. (Faulkner) 15. 1. they all went to church. (Ch. her eyes calm and empty as two holes. (Galsworthy) 19. her hands clasped before her. Толстой) Exercise 11. 10. 4. (Stotjie) 8. (Galsworthy) 9. I admired her. came next. sat bolt upright. breathing in short. he' replied in the affirmative. time hurig heavy on his hands. Translate into Russian. нили велосипед? Exercise 12. Вам уже побелили потолок? 6. Я выкрасила свое платье. Когда вы. She | paused listlessly. and looked hard at Charlie.. 1. her head bent.. for a female. Then. (Stone) 4. Bronte) 5. For the moment the shop was empty. Out in the shadow of the Japa-| nese sunshade she [Irene] was sitting very still.. Now this Miss Barbary was extremely close. (Dickens) 2. 3. 1. j (Maugham) 5. females being generally rather given 71 . Oliver replied in the affirmative.. (Galsworthy) 11. (Greene) 12. with her bare arms /crossed upon her knees. this was the more readily assented to. This done. flushed and sweating. наконец. In the afternoon. Где вы почи-. his long. Mr. Bathsheba. Где вы делали себе это платье? 9. (Wilson) 10. (Dickens) 11. and took refuge in a corner at last. the lottery. her eyes happy. white. Translate into English. conversation took a military turn. настроите свой рояль? Он совсем расстроен (to be out of tune). (А. (Galsworthy) 3. The weather being dark and piercing cold. Now he sat down in an armchair opposite Charlie. school and holidays passing in a gentle rhythm. his hat having been put on his head and his great coat thrown over his arm. Abraham too looked well. with love dead as a stone. with Tom after her. The next morning. Shaw) 24. The city lay around Central Park in a deep hush. his head down. and his head craned forward.. gazing at the woman. (Greene) 8. (Murdoch) 6.. he had secured but ten cents by nightfall. but was never seen coming out of it. (Лермонтов) 6. looking blankly at the floor. with her face a ruin of sorrow. (Dreiser) 4. This thought broke her down and she wandered away. and had at once suspected Loo. (Lindsay) 7. the four-o'clock-in-themorning sky mild with stars and a frail softly rising mist. When next he comes he'll find everything settled. (Murdoch) 25. (Maugham) 23. начался концерт. Bronte) 9. I imagine that she saw her husband installed in a luxurious suite of rooms. ибо в крепости другого лекаря не было.. сотни птиц кружились над ним.he came in quietly.. Collingwood did not usually utter a word unless spoken to. (Snow) 27. Shaw) 2. using Absolute Constructions.. and numerous questions from his mother answered. (Hemingway) 16... At that moment footsteps were heard coming across the hall. guns. mules. 5. Educated. Час спустя Павел Петрович уже лежал в постели с искусно забинтованной ногой. motor trucks. going slowly along the crowded roads we passed troops marching under the rain. cap and coat on. (A) 1. Well situated in New York. dropped her head over the back of a chair and fainted. мы за ним последовали. a carpet bag in one hand. Fledgeby returned to Lammle. an unopened umbrella in the other. Когда все приготовления были закончены. (Jerome K. They are blotted out. all moving away from the front. the shouting children. She was understanding.. Jerome) 30. She went to the front. 2. She saw Abraham coming up 72 . (Wilde) 17. He sat alone. а он сидит себе с книгой в руке и как будто ничего не замечает. (B) 1. (Пушкин) 3. but then he had wondered if he hadn't had his pocket picked at the pub. there coming down Eighth Street. Having closed it [the door] on him. the barking dogs. I never saw a woman so altered. Translate into English. though regularly swept every evening.. and age... Когда солнце село. turned there. Толстой) Exercise 15. going into this very house. дети спали на открытом воздухе. meaning to say something.window to see if the rain had stopped. (Пушкин) 4. His meal over. 4.. так как на небе не было ни одной ззездочки. and envied them all.house. She found Abraham pacing the. (Snow) 31. One evening he was seen. (Greene) 33. (Twain) 20. (Du Maurier) 28. уставив глаза в потолок. A man could be seen advancing from the outskirts towards them. (Dreiser) 22. Я лежал на диване. Было очень темно. (Л.. was Abraham. (/. She frowned a little as though puzzled. Меня лечил полковый цырюльник. 1. Оглянешься на (I would look round. (Murdoch) 19. with the tears rolling down her cheeks.. пионеры отправились в поход. (Bellow) 32. 3. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берегов Белого моря. Those days are finished. as if concealing something. (Snow) 18. The floor. She looked at me slyly.. arrested in wild gestures of the struggle. (Hansford Johnson) 12. (Лермонтов) 2.. Когда торжественное заседание (grand meeting) окончилось.to conversation. standing with his back to the bedroom fire. He listened as though brooding. Rosa's voice could now be heard rising above the din. State the function of the Participle and Participial Constructions.) Карла Ивановича. (Stone) 15. horses pulling wagons. the lovers whispering. But is a man not equally attractive when married? (Wilde) 14. когда Вернер вошел в мою комнату. (Faulkner) 29.. and she pictured his days spent at race-meetings and his evenings at the play. туристы развели костер. (Dickens) 3. saw Adele Gerry sitting in her chair. He had discovered the loss of his pound when taking his coat off. looking at the candles. (Stone) 5. with his coat-tails flying in the breeze. (Hardy) 13. (Dickens) 21. (Stone) 26. They now had all her telephone calls intercepted. presented a littered surface. In the night. 6. Poor luck pursuing him. and all his whiskers in the other. (Dickens) Exercise 14. with one hand under his coat-skirts. Vincent glanced over at Christine knitting by the fire. Вулич молча вышел в спальню майора. (Тургенев) 5. he turned from the table to the hearth. и все его внимание устремилось (to give) на неприятеля. with hate curled inside him.the girl being really weak and exhausted. and sat down. his hands clasped behind his back. Philip limped to the door. Temple held the child. her mouth moving. As if touched by wand. Тут Иван Кузмич оборотился к нам. (Ch. Annette and Rainborough froze into a silent immobility. (Llewellyn) 10.. dining at one smart restaurant after another. (Maugham) 11. Так как было очень тепло. (I. мисс Рейчел лишилась. мистер Уныкль выстрелил (to fire). Он провел ночь у ограды. 11. M. Ломоносов повел борьбу за самостоятельное развитие русской науки и культуры. так как ружье было заряжено дробью (small shot). 4. he sat with his cigar in a somewhat deserted lounge.. 4. 6. лежавшему на земле с закрытыми глазами. Когда он пришел. 6. окруженному садом. запряженной ослом (donkey-cart). постоянные морские путешествия развивали в нем волю и упорство. 5. Зарядив ружье. 9. В. Дожидаясь мистера Пиквика и его друзей. он очень страдал от голода и холода. 11. Окруженный грубыми и жестокими людьми. 73 . поддерживаемый всеми своими друзьями. 7. (Stone) 34. Давид не выдержал и разразился слезами. где живет мисс Бетси Тротвуд. Прибыв в Москву. oн часто думал о своей матери и о том. самым важным среди них является закон сохранения материи (the law of preservation of matter). Он предполагал написать работу. Когда все приготовления были закончены. 3. (A) 1. Translate into English. презирали русскую культуру. 2. And still she sat there. охватывающую (to embrace) все отрасли естествознания. Давид увидел. чтобы усовершенствовать свои знания. 12. not wanting to lie.) что Давид не мог его догнать. Having finished dinner. 10. 9. Многие ученые. (B) Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by Ch. заряд попал ему в руку (the charge hit his arm). 12. что в саду стоит мистер Уордль с ружьем в руке. Так как мистер Тапмен выглянул в этот момент из-за дерева. он поступил в Славяно-греколатинскую академию (the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy). (C) Based on an episode Irom David Copperfield by Ch.чувств. мистер Пиквик встал очень рано. 10. наконец. Когда он был мальчиком. он спросил у рыбака. мисс Бетси посмотрела на него с величайшим изумлением да так и присела на дорожку. Он подошел к окну.the street carrying a blue cotton umbrella. что на улице стоит долговязый парень с маленькой тележкой. Подойдя к ней. он часто ездил с отцом на Белое море и в Северный Ледовитый океан. 1. привели к многочисленным открытиям. что она ему рассказывала о мисс Бетсн. 11. жившей в Дувре (Dover). 2. Увидев мистера Тапмена с перевязанной рукой. В своей лаборатории Ломоносов делал химические анализы солей н руд. куря свою. он пешком пошел в Москву учиться.. 12. с самого детства проникся любовью (to be inspired with love) к своему народу и своей родине. Покинув в возрасте девятнадцати лет родную деревню. her hands lying loosely in front of her. Основанный Ломоносовым университет сделался центром передовой науки. наконец. Услышав эти слова. Выйдя из дома. его послали за границу. Мистер Уинкль подбежал к мистеру Тапмену. (Пушкин) 2. Мистер Пиквик увидел. что он сын ее покойного племянника. 1. 8. Ломоносов занимался (to be concerned with) вопросами. Опыты. Дрожа от страха и усталости. Ломоносов. Dickens. друзья отправились в грачевник. решил бежать к своей тетушке. (D) 1. 7. 8. Давид подошел к хорошенькому домику. 10. Увидев грязного. 5. одетого в лохмотья мальчика. звали мистер Уордль. 5. приехавшие из Европы. Giano had hesitated with the answer. проведенные Ломоносовым. 8. Рассказав ей свою печальную историю. истории и филологии. Схватив чемодан и деньги Давида. Dickens. (Baum) Exercise 16. Генерал ходил взад и вперед по комнате. Так как Ломоносов был одним из лучших студентов. пригласившего мистера Пиквика и его друзей. 3. родившийся в семье бедного крестьянина. Джентльмена. 2. yet not quite knowing how to tell the truth. Оставшись без денег (penniless). присылаемых в академию. 3.. staring at the wall. относящимися к различным областям естествознания. трубку. turning over weekly papers. мисс Бетси велела ему уйти из ее сада. Мистер Тапмен медленно шел домой. в Дувр. 7. окружавшей Салемскую школу (Salem House). Давид робко сказал. Разбуженный ярким утренним солнцем. 6. Рана мистера Тапмена не была серьезной. Назначенный профессором химии Петербургской академии наук. 4. Когда Давид шел в Дувр. выходившему в сад (to overlook the garden). Давид очень страдал и. мистер Уордль тщательно осмотрел ружье.. (Galsworthy) 36. (Lessing) 35. долговязый парень вскочил в тележку и поехал с такой быстротой. 9. After __ more closely than usual and __ his hair. Толстой) 21. Толстой) 20. Толстой) 16. когда она увидела Кити. Левин обратился к ней. I know everyone who's worth __ (to know) (Maugham) 16. Толстой) 4.. Insert lhc appropriate form of the gerund. (Л. Толстой) 14. Толстой) 22. he. И покрытое слезами милое лицо спряталось в юбке платья Дарьи Александровны. Однажды он [Базаров]. (Л. There is vivid happiness in merely __ alive. взглянув вниз. (to see) (Eliot) 25. вышел очень хороший. (to say. (Л. вошла в гостиную к Кити. читая вслух. (to set) (Braine) 27. (to talk) (Braine) 7.. Simpson said. when he had invited me to do so. he reproached me bitterly lor not __ him know. он поднял на нее глаза. Базаров обернулся и увидел бледное лицо Николая Петровича. Она [Кити] заметила. как бы желая понять. (to shave. Оставшись один с Марьей Николаевной. Толстой) 3. внезапно промолвил угрюмым голосом... Mr. Толстой) 15. The attempt is at least worth __ (to make) (Collins) 20. Толстой) 11. After __ this. (to straighten) (Greene) 19. Толстой) 12. Вронский внимательно слушал Левина. on account of Mr. Stark sat down without __ (to speak) (Jones) 2. to climb) (Baum) 14. Она [Анна Сергеевна] стояла к нему спиной. Часто... даже обильный. (Л. узнала тотчас же Вронского. (to hike. (to sit) (Shaw) 13.. сопутствуемая доктором. будто отыскивая что-то. her voice low and controlled. I remember __ him with her and Marner going away from church. стуле и устремившую неподвижные глаза на угол ковра. к отцу (to his father's place). One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without __ and __ with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. (Л. (Л. I still reproached myself for not __ open with Douglas Osbaldiston from the start. (Л. Обед.. она [Анна] поднялась и оттолкнула его. (Тургенев) 8. (Л. "Your tie needs—. Толстой) 17. (Тургенев) 7. mysterious. he [Herzog] took the bus uptown. Анна. что.. but went to the nursery. he -did not dress for dinner. When I told him that I meant to live in Paris for a while. (Тургенев) 9. Услышав шаги. Он [Вронский] приказал подбежавшему к нему из второго класса немцу-лакею взять вещи и ехать. and had taken an apartment.. she was. Все жители находились тут же. He had a flat smooth face with heavy-lidded green eyes that gave the impression of __ at a slant. (to be down) (Priestley) 22. Толстой) 19. I'm tired of __ like a silly fat lamb. она тихонько обернулась. to brush) (Bellow) 4. Войдя в маленький кабинет Кити. сидевший с ним.. (to be) (Coppard) 18. She showed none of the usual feminine pleasure at __ hard to understand. очевидно интересуясь его словами. (Л. (to discover) (Dickens) 21. inscrutable. что намерен скоро уехать в деревню. The house wanted __ (to do up) (Galsworthy) 9. Старик. Creakle then caned Tommy Traddles for __ in tears. (to congratulate) (Dickens) 3. Mell's departure. At South Square. Наконец. (to insult) (Snow) 6. (Пушкин) 5. Толстой) 13..Денисова отвели в приготовленную для него комнату.. (Л. Прочтя письмо... (to discover) (Galsworthy) 5. (to elate) (Snow) 8.. as though I had no temper of my own. His latest craze was to discover her 74 . Долли вспомнила. He apologized to Hooker for __ so late. (to be) (Snow) 12. (Тургенев) 10. (Л.. She kept on __. уже давно ушел домой. I had to sound as if I didn't mind __. (to be) (Priestley) 11. In the morning light. (Л. (to let) (Maugham) 26. (Л. (Л. У ней [Долли] похолодело (turned cold) сердце. ожидая самозванца (the Pretender). His legs were somewhat stiff from not — or __ for days. голос его начинал дрожать. on __ that Michael and Fleur were out. Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before __ (to convict) (Stone) 10. Толстой) 18. Толстой) THE GERUND Exercise 1. И мать. И он посмотрел кругом. сидевшего на дрожках (droshky). cursed himself for not __ the opposite. (Тургенев) 6. как можно не сочувствовать природе (to have no feeling for nature). (to treat) (Coppard) 15. хотя наскоро сготовленный. to impress) (Dreiser) 23. He did not go without __ by Amy. гуляя с ней по саду. ashamed of herself for __ so __ the night before. No woman looks her best after __ up all night. (to see. а сам подошел к ней. мадам Шталь улыбнулась презрительно. I just couldn't stand __ away from you any longer." Mrs. как бы сделав усилие над собой. когда он доходил до патетического места. как убирали (to decorate) они вместе прошлого года эту комнатку. расспрашивая про ее родных. to say) (Murdoch) 17. instead of cheers. с каким весельем и любовью. so that he might have used the expected guest as a lever to get rid of Misha. (to be) (Stone) 24. сидевшую на низеньком. Увидав мужа.. (Л. 1. она [Долли] опустила руки в ящик шифоньерки. Twain. Мы уверены. Мне стыдно. 17. Том был единственным сыном ее покойной сестры. 9. и он просил тетю Полли простить его за то. They looked at one another in a mixed fashion. Вы можете рассчитывать на то. 28. (Heym) 4. чтобы новые выражения записывались. (Hansford Johnson) 8. Было невозможно достать билет. взятую в библиотеке. Она была недовольна тем. They soon discovered that the gate was securely locked. 10. она очень любила мальчика и избегала наказывать его. (Dickens) 12. Я горжусь тем. Надо было побелить забор. 13. Я надеюсь. 8. (Snow) 5. и тетя Полли велела Тому белить его в субботу. Он был уверен. I was not surprised by Caddy's being in low spirits. 1. что этот трудный вопрос был так быстро разрешен. The maid said something about the American lady's having corne back to Rodnik. Jack laughed. (Dickens) 6. Я устала от того. что ходил купаться. which he cursed himself for not __ when he had«her passport in his hands. 23. it's just the excitement. Преподаватель возражал против того. по тетя Полли узнала об этом. все рассмеялись. что со мной обращаются как с ребенком. Извините. She laughed at the thought of her husband and Johnny looking after the house. Мы слышали. что я достану вам эту книгу. 6. Besides. (В) Based on an episode from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by M.-что письмо будет получено вовремя. что ваша сестра уехала в Англию. чтобы помочь вам. чтобы я открыл окно? 3. и мне пришлось отказаться от мысли послушать знаменитого пианиста. 25. and indeed without his having been officially informed. Читая этот рассказ. Не упустите случая посмотреть эту выставку. 6. что потерял книгу. which he doubted its being worth while to unpack. He felt almost a gloomy satisfaction at the thought of all these disasters happening at once. чтобы собрание отложили. что будет дождь. to find) (Priestley) Exercise 2. Мы уверены. чтобы мне мешали. but still triumphant at __ the place. (Faulkner) 11. 2. Вы ничего не имеете против того. 24. (Lawrence) 10. Мать горячо благодарила доктора за то. Мне не хочется (to feel like) гулять. 16. 22. Я предпочитаю сделать эту работу сегодня. Детям доставляло удовольствие играть в саду. 5. Преподаватель настаивал. 19. I'm not really breathless. (to observe) (Murdoch) 28. 12. Увидев карикатуры. (Murdoch) 3. a trifle disappointed at __. there's no danger of it happening again. Том никогда не упускал случая убежать из школы и поиграть с товарищами. 7. мы не могли не смеяться. You must excuse my being so breathless. to want) (Faulkner) 29.age. 27. что я сделала так много ошибок в последней диктовке. Translate into Russian. Том отрицал. Все были удивлены. что Том обманул ее. 3. (to hold up. 20. Their being bothered amused him." Jack Burton said. что ничего не помешает мне пойти на концерт. 1. It was easy to imagine Cave sitting silent. что я заставил вас ждать. (Dickens) 7. что письмо было получено вовремя. что сумеет скрыть от тети Полли свои проказы. 8. You knew young Pyle well didn't you? I can't get over a thing like that happening to him. 21. 75 . He was wakened by someone knocking at the door. Point out the Gerundial Construction and comment on the way !he nominal element is expressed. что он ходил купаться без разрешения. 29. что он спас ее ребенка. There is something so inexpressibly absurd to me in the idea of Caddy being married. что вы пропускаете лекции. Декан не согласился. 15. Мальчику не улыбалась мысль работать в такое чудесное утро. These happy events occurred without any recommendation having been made by Rainborough. Врач приказал больному бросить курить. Translate into English using the gerund where possible. 26. She was interrupted by her father's voice and by her father's hat being heavily flung from his hand and striking her face. (Dickens) 13. чтобы студенты записывали новые выражения. (Murdoch) Exercise 3. переводя этот текст. He brought in a portmanteau with him. 14. 18. (Greene) 14. 2. (A) 1." что была в состоянии помочь вам. (to talk) (Maugham) 30. Эту книгу стоит почитать. Я не одобряю того. Let me tell you whose house you've come into without __ or __ (to ask. I'm tired of __ to you. 4. но я возражаю против того. (Leacock) 2. Я не возражаю против того. 7. 11. (Aldridge) 9. Мальчик не отрицал. 4. чтобы студенты пользовались словарем. Похоже на то. Однако на этот раз она решила наказать Тома за то. когда я занят. 5. "It's no good you staying. Преподаватель настаивал. (Priestley) 15. Bronte) 5.. Тетя Полли была уверена. (Snow) 4.. Он осмотрел свои сокровища. (Л." (Ch. Он [Базаров] перестал (to give up) гулять в одиночку и начал искать общества. (Stone) 9. Толстой) 10. Nobody can go on living without some belief.тем чтобы посоветоваться с докторами. Without putting anything into words. Катя ничего не отвечала. что Том так хорошо и быстро побелил забор. чтобы Бен белил забор. (Пушкин) 4. 9. что я пришла к вам». Алексей Александрович за правило поставил каждый день видеть жену. please? (Priestley) 12. (Du Maurier) 7. (Priestley) 8. он гордился тем. (Л. тогда как все были так заняты. Он попросил.я только удивляюсь. (Тургенев) 12. но перестала (to cease) глядеть на Аркадия. В конце января княжна Марья уехала в Москву.. (Л. что все зависит от того. — продолжала Дарья Александровна. Толстой) 7.she did not like being plunged back into a slave state.. State the function oi the gerund and Gerundial Constructions. Когда пришел Бен. Толстой) Exercise 4. Рафаэле. 22. как будто он ничего не имел против того (to mind). "It's no good you hating it. И она стала говорить с Кити (Л. Марья Ивановна скоро перестала со мной дичиться (to be shy of somebody). (Л. (Cronin) 10. Bunting. Она сказала. «Простите. ничего (to mind).. Толстой) 5. «Папа. (Тургенев) 15. (Тургенев) 14. и дала ему большое яблоко. Толстой) 16. и Бен не мог не позавидовать приятелю. 1. (Dickens) 14. Upon awakening she dressed quickly and left the house. (Л.. (Murdoch) 13. Do you mind giving me your name and telephone number. (Тургенев) 13. and twisting his long legs into knots under the desk. Бен гордился тем. they bade each other farewell. «Благодарствуйте. 16. 12. and the laugh being carried by the wind away from me.. что он работает с удовольствием (to enjoy the work). Она [Анна Сергеевна] до обеда не показывалась и все (to keep) ходила взад и вперед по комнате.. Я не мог не засмеяться. Translate into English. (to put on airs). Толстой) 9. и Бену казалось. С Фенечкой ему не удалось проститься: он только переглянулся с нею из окна (to exchange glances with somebody). Наташе совестно было ничего не делать в доме. (С) 1. но избегал обедов дома. Она была очень удивлена. (to make it a rule to do something). — сказал он. (Stone) 3. Бен смотрел на Тома с удивлением: Том работал в субботу. Но Бен упорно просил (to keep on) Тома дать ему поработать. 17. с. Unfortunately this fruitful silence was 76 . о значении новых школ поэзии и музыки. Кирила Петрович гордился сим прекрасным заведением и никогда не упускал случая похвастаться оным. There came the sound of the door closing then being locked.. (Greenwood) 11. Том повернулся к Бену и сказал. не обращая внимания на товарища.. (Тургенев) 11. что приехал на охотничьей лошади (to ride a hunter). 13. Юн не стоит того. Между тем Палаша взяла у нас наши шпаги и отнесла в чулан. 20. и он принялся за работу (to set to work) с таким видом. Толстой) 17. Толстой) 8. что Делает такую трудную работу. 11. becoming didactic. что я раненых пригласила в дом?» — сказала ему Наташа. Peter Saward only replied by staring at the paper knife and shaking his head slowly to and fro. 18. Бетховене. Mr. что я сделаю это хорошо». Но вскоре ему пришла в голову блестящая мысль. 14. He felt better for having written the letter." said Mr. Том ответил. что тетя Полли будет возражать против того. 10.. Толстой) 6.. и тот.. (Greene) 2. «Ты можешь положиться на то. (Пушкин) 2. 21. (Л.. Тома позволить ему поработать.что он ее ослушался." I said. (Л. but I cut him short by giving him the telegram. как ты из полка приехал (to get away from the regiment). чтобы Наташа ехала с нею. согласился. Наконец. "She cannot sleep without seeing and speaking to you once more. (Пушкин) 3. He greeted me noisely. что мальчик заслуживает награды.. Володя заметно важничал. Dorrit positively trembled in addressing the great man.. чтобы ты страдала из-за него» (to grieve over somebody). I remember laughing aloud.. Тому не. (Л. 19.. и ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уговорить мальчиков помочь ему белить забор. но их было немного. что сдержали слово». После этого дело представилось в новом свете (that put the thing in a new light). нравится ли тебе работа или нет. наконец. (Wilson) 6. чтобы белить забор в это солнечное утро.. — сказала она. "She does not like the thought of leaving you. Том продолжал работать. удалось заставить Джима работать вместо себя: пришла тетя Полли и запретила Джиму белить забор. — начала она. 15. (Л. и граф настоял на том.. Толстой) 18. Он [Каренин] любил говорить о Шекспире.. что Том давно уже перестал (to leave off) работать и убежал на речку. ruined by the sound of a door being banged. (Priestley) 15. He never ceased talking. (Coppard) 16. Well, it's no use my telling you a lie. (Shaw) 17. Life seemed worth fighting for. (Dreiser) 18. Petra sat through her first lesson without saying a word and without paying much attention to the lecture and the examples on the blackboard. (Heym) 19. But now a difficulty arose — hostile Indians could not break the bread of hospitality together without first making peace, and this was a simple impossibility without smoking a pipe of peace. (Twain) 20. Only the other day they had been talking about something happening, and now it had happened to him. (Snow) 21. I was torn between the fear of hurting a nice woman's feelings and the fear of being in the way. (Maugham) 22. She cursed herself for not having thought to bring a visiting card. (Murdoch) 23. It is awfully hard work doing nothing. (Wilde) 24. He was angry with me for bringing the news. (Snow) 25. He went on talking to my wife. (Hemingway) 26. She was listening hard all the time for any sound of Jan Lusiewicz descending the stairs. (Murdoch) 27. After washing his heavy stone cup and tin plate..., he stretched himself wearily on the bed. (Dreiser) 28. She enjoyed giving parties. (Stone) 29. He knew that I, or any competent man would not have denied a point so specific without being dead sure. (Snow) 30. I wish I'd never told you the truth, but it's no use denying it. (Braine) 31. He meant to begin his investigation by seeing the church. (Galsworthy) 32. But outside it kept on raining. (Hemingway) 33. They could not understand how he had so nearly succeeded in deceiving them. (Priestley) 34....in ] passing under a lamp, Graham encountered my eye. (Ch. Bronte) 35. Stephen was absorbed the greater part of the time in wishing he were not forced to stay in town yet another day. (Hardy) 36. Why was going with Joseph any different from going with Elinor? (Heym) 37. She tried, by staring into the glass, to see what the expression was on the man's face. (Murdoch) 38....little Hans nodded and smiled, and felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. (Wilde) 39. "You can't: have a war," said Douglas, "without someone getting hurt." (Snow) 40. She was not conscious of having shown any special interest in Mr. Lincoln. (Stone) 41. I began... by explaining the situation in the North. (Greene) 42. Being alone in your own country is worse than being alone anywhere else. (Heym) 43. Mr. Bumble's conduct on being left to himself was rather inexplicable. (Dickens) 44. He could stand behind the door and take a chance at surprising Joseph. (Priestley) 45. She seemed a little self-conscious now and she avoided meeting his eyes. (Wilson) 46. At night... I would imagine him going up my stairs, knocking at my door, sleeping in my bed. (Greene) Exercise 5. Insert the correct preposition before the gerund where required. 1. "I hated the idea __ your going," he said simply. (Greene) 2. She said: "Excuse me __ corning in __ knocking." (Lessing) 3. The others insisted __ accompanying them. (Lessing) 4. I am tired __ being old and wise. (Greene) 5. We'll look forward __ seeing you. (Hansford Johnson) 6. Why were you so anxious to prevent anybody. __ leaving the house? (Maugham) 7. I'm afraid I shan't succeed __ being as sympathetic as you have the right to expect. (Maugham) 8. I was afraid __ saying the wrong thing. (Maugham) 9. Look here, it may sound funny, but I'm terrifically grateful to you __ saying it. (Hansford Johnson) 10. Both windows needed __ cleaning. (Hansford Johnson) 11. I've paid very heavily __ being a romantic girl. (Maugham) 12. She could not bear __ lying. (Priestley) 13. I suppose nothing is gained __ delaying. (Maugham) 14. They were in the habit __ coming up to I ondon for the season. (Maugham) 15. We wouldn't mind __ being poor again. (Hansford Johnson) 16. I didn't at all like the idea __ going to the station in the luggage cart. (Maugham) 17. He looked at me for a long time __ answering. (Clark) 18. He felt he was going to be denounced __ daring to suggest such a thing. (Priestley) 19. I thought you had just been blaming me __ being neutral. (Snow) 20. If you won't tell me what's wrong, what's the use __ my being here? (Braine) Exercise 6. Insert not+participle or without+gerund. 1. Dr. Wallace filled a pipe from the bowl on his desk, then put it down __ it. (to light) (Stone) 2. __ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room, (to find) (Priestley) 3. Zee drew a breath and leaned against the birch for a moment __ anything. (to say) (Aldridge) 4. I won't go abroad __ you. (to see) (Gatsworthy) 5. __ what.to reply, I remained silent, (to know) (Maugham) 6.... on the street he would look directly at friends __ them, (to see) (Stone) 7. Only thea.., __ what further to say, had he become silent, (to know) 77 8. We walked __ for a short while, (to speak) (Hansford Johnson) 9. Would she have gone away __ you if she loved you? (to see) (Heym) 10. Then she saw Lise and turned away, __ to talk with her. She went hastily to cross the road __ and was almost run over by a bus. (to want, to look) (Lindsay) 11. __ to leave him in the club, I offered to take him home to my wife, or to go with him to his own house, deserted now. (to like) (Snow) 12. He returned the salutes of several privates __ them, (to see) (Jones) 13. He stopped, __ how to continue and stood shifting from one foot to the other, (to know) (Greene) 14. Miss Casement stood for a moment, __ whether to be pleased or not at this unforseen familiarity, (to know) (Murdoch) 15. He sat down, __ his mackintosh, (to take off) (Snow) 16. __, the driver rudely shrugged his shoulders, (to turn around) (Salinger) 17. __ 1 any sale to take place 1 told Evan I wanted a chat with him and took him downstairs, (to wish) (Hansford Johnson) 18. They sat there __ for several minutes. (to talk) (Mailer) 19. __ him greatly, she could not be jealous in a disturbing way. (to love) (Dreiser) (Stone) Exercise 7, Translate into English, using not + participle or without -(gerund. 1. Смотритель (posmaster), не отвечая, вошел в залу. (Пушкин) 2. Не получая ответа, Дуня подняла голову... и с криком упала на ковер. (Пушкин) 3. Маша по целым дням, не осушая глаз (to dry one's eyes) плакала... (Л. Толстой) 4. Не закончив своей речи, он побежал за уходившею (retreating) девушкой. (Тургенев) 5. Не зная пароля (password), я хотел молча проехать мимо них. (Пушкин) 6. Не имея привычки (to be in the habit) кокетничать с прохожими офицерами, она [Лиза] перестала глядеть на улицу, и шила около двух часов, не приподнимая головы. (Пушкин) 7. Но Василий Иванович, не оборачиваясь, только рукой махнул и вышел. (Тургенев) 8. Но обойдя кругом (to make the round of...) палубу, и не найдя Даши, Иван Ильич взволновался, стал заглядывать (to search) повсюду. Даши нигде не было. (А. Толстой) 9. Берг еще что-то говорил, но Ростов, не дослушав его (to hear somebody to the end), уже поехал дальше. (Л. Толстой) 10. Соня, Наташа спали не раздеваясь, в диванной. (Л. Толстой) 11. Наташа подошла к нему и спросила, что с ним. Он [князь Андрей] не ответил ей и, не понимая ее, посмотрел на нее странным взглядом. (Л. Толстой) 12. Алексей Александрович вздохнул, и не сказав больше ничего, отправился в спальню. (Л. Толстой) 13. Он... оглянулся своими сощуренными (half-shut) глазами и, взглянув на князя Андрея, видимо не узнав его, зашагал... к крыльцу (the steps). (Л. Толстой) 14. Княгиня Бетси, не дождавшись конца последнего акта, уехала из театра. (Л. Толстой) 15. Анна, не отвечая мужу, подняла бинокль и смотрела на то место, где упал Вронский... (Л. Толстой) Exercise 8. Translate into English, using the gerund where possible. (A) Based on an episode from The Pickwick Papers by Ch. Dickens. 1. После завтрака мистер Уордль сказал, обращаясь к своим гостям: «Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы покататься на коньках? Погода прекрасная, и времени у нас хватит». 2. Все охотно согласились, и дамы стали просить мистера Уинкля присоединиться к ним. Они были уверены, что он великолепный спортсмен, так как он никогда не упускал случая похвастаться своим искусством. 3. Но мистер Уинкль сказал, что он давно не практиковался (to be out of practice): ему не улыбалась мысль показать в присутствии дам, что он не умеет кататься на коньках. 4. Дамы стали настаивать, чтобы он пошел с ними и показал им свое искусство. 5. Было бесполезно говорить, что у него нет коньков: ему тотчас же предложили несколько пар. 6. После этого мистер Уинкль не мог не пойти на каток. 7. Когда они подошли к озеру, мистер Боб Сойер надел коньки и стал описывать круги (to make circles) на льду, не останавливаясь ни на минуту, чтобы перевести дыхание. 8. Бедный мистер Уинкль постоял несколько минут с коньками в руках и, не зная, как их надеть, стал привинчивать их острыми концами назад (with the points behind). 9. Наконец, коньки были надеты. Прежде чем подняться на ноги, мистер Уинкль попросил Сэма помочь ему. 10. Он начал с того, что заметил, что очень скользко: он не мог даже стоять на льду, если кто-нибудь не поддерживал его. 11. Вдруг мистер Пиквик, не зная, что его молодой друг не может стоять на льду без посторонней помощи (unassisted), позвал Сэма с другого берега озера. 12. Сэм смог вырваться из рук мистера Уинкля (to disengage oneself from somebody's grasp), только оттолкнув его от себя. 13. Несчастный мистер Уинкль упал и сидел на льду, даже не делая 78 попытки подняться. 14. Мистер Пиквик был возмущен тем, что его друг говорил всем, что он хороший спортсмен. 13. Он выразил свое негодование тем, что назвал мистера Уинкля хвастуном и обманщиком (humbug). (В) 1. Увидя меня, она [Маша] вздрогнула и закричала. (Пушкин) 2. Мысль увидеть императрицу лицом к лицу так устрашила ее, что она с трудом могла держаться (to stand) на ногах. (Пушкин) 3. Тут он остановился и стал набивать свою трубку. (Пушкин) 4. «Извините меня, — сказал он мне по-французски, — что я без церемонии прихожу с вами познакомиться». (Пушкин) 5. Ты уже оскорбил казаков, посадив дворянина им в начальники (to set a nobleman over somebody); не пугай же дворян, казня их по первому наговору (accusation). (Пушкин) 6. Единственное развлечение мое состояло в наездничестве (to ride). (Пушкин) 7. Ибрагим не мог не улыбнуться. (Пушкин) 8. За сим он почтительно поцеловал ее руку и уехал, не сказав ей ни слова о решении Кирила Петровича. (Пушкин) -9. Написавши несколько писем... Лаврецкий отправился кКалитиным. (Тургенев) 10. Впрочем, он (Лаврецкий] скоро догадался, что никто не мешал ему уединиться... (Тургенев) 11. Как все женщины, которым не удалось полюбить, она [Анна Сергеевна] хотела чего-то, сама не зная, чего именно. (Тургенев) 12.... ее самолюбие (vanity) было глубоко уязвлено тем, что ни тот, ни другой (neither of them) не обратил на нее внимания. (Тургенев) 13. Девушка извинилась, что вошла... (Л. Толстой) 14. Услыхав это, Анна быстро села и закрыла лицо веером. (Л. Толстой) 15. Теперь же Анна, в надежде увидать Вронского, пожелала ехать. (Л. Толстой) 16. Левин любил своего брата, но быть с ним вместе всегда было мученье. (Л. Толстой) 17. Левин нахмурился и, не отвечая ей, сел опять за свою работу... (Л. Толстой). 18. Поговорив о своей старой гувернантке, о ее странностях, она [Кити] спросила его о его жизни. (Л. Толстой) 19. «Дарья Александровна, — сказал он, краснея до корней волос (to blush up to the roots of one's hair), —я удивляюсь даже, что вы... не чувствуете этого». (Л. Толстой) 20.... она [Долли] не могла не говорить себе, что у нее прелестные дети... и была счастлива ими (in them) и гордилась ими. (Л. Толстой) 21. Он [Левин] сошел вниз, избегая подолгу смотреть на нее... но он видел ее... и не глядя. (Л. Толстой) 22. Она [Анна] плакала о том, что мечта ее об уяснении, определении (to be made clear and definite) своего положения разрушена навсегда. (Л. Толстой) 23. Варвара Ивановна говорила, что чуть не убил ее народ за то, что она по-французски заговорила. (Л. Толстой) 24. Солдаты ели, не обращая внимания на Пьера. (Л. Толстой) 25. Получив приказание (orders), он... поскакал вдоль -линии фронта. (Л. Толстой) 26. И Николай... стал рассказывать о возможности в весьма скором времени выкупить (to buy back) Отрадное. (Л. Толстой) 27. Сказав с Карлом Ивановичем еще несколько слов о понижении (fall) барометра... папа... послал нас учиться (to our lessons). (Л. Толстой) 28....через несколько минут в доме все пришло в прежнее движение (to resume its former course), как будто никто не знал и не думал о том, что я сижу в темном чулане. (Л. Толстой) 29. Когда привезено было известие о взятии в плен Мюрата и штабные (the members of the staff) поздравляли Кутузова, он улыбнулся. (Л. Толстой) Exercise 9. Point out the gerund, the participle, and the Predicative Constructions, and state their function. Translate into Russian. 1. She thought of her father sitting on the veranda..., a palm-leaf in his hand, watching the Negro mow the lawn. (Faulkner) 2. She was woken out of her fevered doze by Harry shaking her, holding her arm. (Lindsay) 3. On trying the door of the girl's room, she found it still locked. (Hardy) 4. I wouldn't say such a thing without being sure. (James) 5. "You are young yet, you could go back to the cities and better yourself without lifting more than an eyelid," he said. She didn't move leaning lightly against the wall, her arms folded. (Faulkner) 6. Lying back on the cushioned seat, the warm air flying at his face, Felix contemplated with delight his favourite country-side. (Galsworthy) 7. You must go and lie down. It's no good making yourself ill. (Maugham) 8. The old man walked away, and Cowperwood heard his steps dying down the cement-paved hall. He stood and listened, his ears being greeted occasionally by a distant cough, a faint scraping of some one's feet..., or the iron scratch of a key in a lock. (Dreiser) 9. In the heart of the forests great trees grew almost a hundred yards high, their lowest limbs sprouting out two hundred feet from the ground. Through the densest portions a man would lose an hour in moving a few hundred 79 as if looking for words.. Женившись. (Clark) 24. which. almost startled. Being your husband is only a job for which one man will do as well as another. как она называла миссис Копперфильд. he woke up Toni and swept him down to the garage. так как ни одного грача в саду не было. (Hardy) 33. and offered her his hand and his heart. I distinctly recalled hearing someone moving about in the lounge on entering after my morning walk with Kitty. (Baum) 37. Sir Lawrence galvanitically refixed his monocle. They had thought the question settled. being a doctor. then blushed shamefully as though discovered in a wicked act. (Clark). his eyes dark and mournful. When immersed in a book. Being a doctor he knows that he won't live much longer and he's afraid of dying. It's terribly disappointing. 3. она увидела. (Stone) 21. Translate into English. For six years now. (Caldwell) 15. (Collins) 34. She listened to the tapping for a while before she finally got up.. Увидев это.. its slave. 1.. without moving. (Stone) 45. using the gerund or the participle where possible. with his hands in his pockets. (Dickens) 23. The man remained standing. (Dreiser) 14. I'll have you watched as long as you stay in Lewes. She was angry with herself for letting her voice become hoarse. Мисс Бетси не могла простить племяннику того. (Cronin) 17. (Heym) 31. (Shaw) 20. (Walpole) 39. (Cronin) 40. 6.. 4. I found Paulina seated at the breakfast table. (Faulkner) 22. He found the number with difficulty. (A) Based on David Copperfield by Ch. she had watched these slave gangs being pushed along the road. прижав нос к стеклу (against the glass). a look of actual real hurt coming on his face. (Dickens) 30. He took the Taylor road.. But it was lovely walking in the woods. mingled with the noise of firearms. Firing the machine gun had partially deafened him. (Mailer) 25. and her uncle making no objection to the match. Mrs. their minds were like two countries at war. (Mailer) 10. (Greene) 26. (Faulkner) 12. (Ch. she was. 11. Nessie fiddled with her teaspoon. Bronte) 42. (Snow) 28. she consented to share his fate. Узнав. staring bad-temperedly at one another. почему усадьба называется «Грачи» (Rookery). Please. (Cronin) 27. что по дорожке сада (along the garden path) идет незнакомая дама. Cursing himself for not having learned to drive a car. Однажды вечером миссис Копперфильд сидела у камина. 5. increasing speed. 2. думая о себе и о своем покойном муже. незнакомка. (Galsworthy) 16. His eyes on the window. (Baum) 32. не позвонив. and the sensation of being carried over uneven ground. что усадьба называется «Грачи». 9. Warden looked over at him. которая направлялась к дверям дома. Although they loved each other. From somewhere toward the rear they could hear a dinner table being set. I've got your drawing framed and hung above my bureau. Приблизившись к дому.. with the telegraph wire down and the rails torn up.. (Galsworthy) 35. On descending.steps. (Mailer) 19. Then came the loud ringing of a bell. he ran on tiptoe across the bare space between the coppice and the wall. она надеялась.. he summoned courage. As if summoned from a long distance. (Hansford Johnson) 13. He stopped angrily. Seeing me he stood irresolute. Atwood. He drank again from the jar without slowing down. 38. подошла к окну и стала глядеть в него. dropped it.. (Greene) 41. мистер Копперфильд никогда больше не встречался со своей тетушкой. Мисс Бетси приехала с намерением усыновить ребенка. что у миссис Копперфильд родился мальчик (to give 80 . миссис Копперфильд поняла. что он женился на восковой кукле (a wax doll). (Greene) 29. Mechanically he went to the telephone. что это мисс Бетси: только она могла вести себя подобным образом. he ought not to be. as her husband had put it. (Hemingway) 43. There was no getting a word more out of him on the matter of the Moonstone. (Murdoch) 44. and very jolly it looks. (Galsworthy) 11. his eyes being misty. Dickens.. and found William and Christopher sitting in it. do make an effort at entertaining her.. grumbling for being disturbed when she felt so comfortable in bed. что это будет девочка. (Galsworthy) 18. Dale was near jumping with pride and satisfaction. I got into the dinghy. Она удивилась тому. 10. что спросила. and a woman's voice singing obviously to a small child. The idea of anybody wasting his time was obnoxious to him.. and you mustn't mind my saying it. After prolonging his visit by every conceivable excuse in his power. I could feel the sense of disquiet growing rapidly. Заходящее солнце озаряло своими лучами (to glow on somebody) незнакомку. Мисс Бетси начала разговор с того. Being in no way disinclined to him. His footsteps could be heard descending the stairs at a run. (Priestley) 36. Now there's just one thing I feel I ought to say. (Jones) Exercise 10. 8. 7. Being my wife is something quite different. Подойдя к окну. маленькая Эмили села рядом с Давидом. ходившей много раз в море (to be in the open sea). что она балует ребенка. и думал о том. Миссис Копперфильд жаловалась на то. 31. 30. Не зная. Дверь открыл старик. сэр Питт поехал в город. Она обвиняла миссис Копперфильд в том. Мальчику понравилась дверь. она немедленно уехала. 33. чтобы Давид поехал с Пеготти в Ярмут. 19. Проехав большую площадь. не зная. Слова верной служанки не помешали миссис Копперфильд почти каждый вечер встречаться с мистером Мердстоном. Он был очень доволен. наконец. Миссис Копперфильд избегала ласкать Давида в присутствии мужа. как он сам. 41. В зимние сумерки (in the winter twilight) миссис Копперфильд очень любила играть и танцевать со сбоим маленьким сыном. указывая на нее. вырезанная в одном боку баржи. что он и есть сэр Питт Кроули. Это была большая мрачная комната с окнами на улицу (to overlook the street). Однажды вечером Пеготти сидела с Давидом в гостиной. Не зная. и они отправились в путь. что он будет жить в старой барже. уютной комнате. 10. 3. мальчик увидел. засунутый под буфет ковер. 14. Получив письмо. 27. Когда зажгли свечи. Бекки. где сэр Питт. что миссис Копперфильд так часто уходит из дому по вечерам. ничего заслуживающего упоминания. одетый в грязный сюртук. Бекки с любопытством оглянулась вокруг. 20. не советуясь с ней. И.birth to a boy). 24. что с Давидом плохо обращались. Хэм встретил их в Ярмуте. Беседуя с мисс Бетси. 17. как завывает в море ветер. 37. 36. как приятно в такую погоду сидеть в теплой. 2. (В) Based on Vanity Fair by W. что семья Кроули не живет здесь. что миссис Копперфильд вышла замуж. что его матушка собирается выйти замуж. так как это был черствый и жестокий человек. 18. 13. что подле его матушки сидит мистер Мердстон. Давид разразился слезами. предложившего ей место гувернатки. что Бекки отказалась принять участие в его скудной трапезе. 23. что выразил надежду. что она забывает своего маленького сына ради нового знакомого. Войдя в столовую. извещавшее (to announce) о приезде Бекки. 28. Ему пришлось отказаться от мысли уволить Пеготти. 22. Ее присутствие не помешало ему вступить в пререкания (to start an argument) с миссис Тинкер по 81 . Мистер Мердстон старался заставить Давида хорошо учиться тем. так как миссис Копперфильд была к ней очень привязана. Он был очень удивлен. Услышав голос матери. старик рассмеялся и сказал. Мистер Мердстон не был в состоянии понять свою жену. ему очень нравилась мысль. Взяв мальчика на руки. 8. 38. кто это. Мистер Мердстон настаивал на том. Thackeray. Давид был доволен. На берегу стояла старая черная баржа. Мальчик уехал туда. 26. 12. за то. Сэр Питт начал с того. чтобы его жена давала уроки Давиду в его присутствии. гостившая некоторое время у своей подруги. в имение сэра Пнтта Кроули. По дороге в город с Бекки не случилось ничего интересного. Когда Бекки спросила. что наказывал его. чтобы встретить ее. обвинявшего ее в том. миссис Копперфильд поблагодарила джентльмена. Он был уверен. 7. что мисс Мердстон ведет хозяйство. 16. что это их дом. Войдя в комнату. что Пеготти взяла его в Ярмут. Миссис Копперфильд не возражала против того. 35. Мистер Мердстон был чрезвычайно недоволен тем. 29. 40. Преодолев (to overcome) свою застенчивость. Давид часто рассказывал ей о своей матушке. в комнате стало очень уютно. Давид возвращался домой полный радостных ожиданий. Покрытые коричневой бумагой портреты и картины. Мальчику никогда не удавалось ответить хорошо уроки в присутствии отчима. Разговаривая с Бекки. Хэм сказал. 25. что он проводил ее до дому. карета остановилась у большого мрачного дома. который пришел с нею. 34. Давид слышал. сдвинутые в угол стулья (to put all in a heap in a corner) — все это говорило о том. Оставшись один в своей комнатке. что Пеготти называет его жену миссис Копперфильд. сэр Питт не делал ни малейшей попытки (to make an attempt at) исправить первое впечатление. 1. что Бекки уже пообедала. Гуляя с маленькой Эмили по берегу моря (upon the beach). 4. что сумеет изменить ее характер и сделать ее такой же черствой. Бекки велела ему взять ее вещи. 21. 9. 39. 6. поехала. которое он произвел на нее. 5. Раннее детство Давид провел со своей матушкой и Пеготти. Хэм нес Давида на спине. Давид побежал встретить ее. 15. что миссис Копперфильд не вышла встретить его. Пеготти не одобряла того. 32. 12. мистер Мердстон отрицал. вернулась опять в спальню (Л.. и Бекки увидела длинную аллею.поводу какого-то пропавшего фартинга.. увидав кровь и услыхав крики и стоны. во вторник. 19. Толстой) 26. Увидев.Дмитрий Степанович любил поговорить утром. что она там. дошел до перевязочного пункта (ambulance tent) и.Ростов не мог не заметить.. помешали ему говорить. вышел из себя. Сэр Питт требовал (to insist). поспешно уехал. но узнав (to perceive) чужого.. взглянув на часы.. что Наполеон дурно и не твердо сидел на лошади (to have a bad and uncertain seat on horseback). В присутствии ее он [Вронский] не имел своей воли: не зная причины ее тревоги. чтобы все свечи гасились не позднее одиннадцати часов. (Пушкин) 14. что я приехал. Толстой) 27.) 13. Очень скоро Бекки удалось завоевать расположение сэра Питта (to win somebody's favour). прилег на 82 . (Л.. успокоив ребенка. недавно сюда приехавший. 26. (Л. как будто отыскивая свой чепец. что та же тревога невольно сообщалась и ему (to pass over to somebody). что два маленьких мальчика собирают хворост в парке. -Пьер никого не известил о своем приезде. (Л. понял. но он не мог ехать к Облонским. но я не мог провести дня.. — продолжал он [Вронский]. (Л. взяв ключи. что случилось в имении в его отсутствие. Толстой. он чувствовал уже. Мысль о переведении (to transfer) моем из Белогорской крепости меня ужасала. Швабрин. старушка. (Л. прямо направился к письменному столу и. Приказав Бекки быть готовой в 5 часов утра. (Тургенев) 18. На рассвете они тронулись в путь. 15. не раздеваясь.. (tears came into her eyes). Приехав в Петербург. он приказал девушке немедленно ложиться спать. (Л. 27. Толстой) 11. 16. не взглянув на него. На другое утро. 24.. (Л. Вошел Сережа. 14. подступившие ему к горлу (to rise in one's throat). зная. (Л. 23.. (Тургенев) 16. (Пушкин) 15. Алексей Александрович. со смехом побежала назад.. Оставшись один. (Л. (Пушкин) 20. я нахожу его замечания... когда Бекки писала письмо Эмилии. Чувствуя. Когда баронет сделал ей предложение.. Толстой) 9. услышав предложение Пугачева. как упоминалось имя сэра Питта Кроули. что спорить с ним бесполезно. Толстой) 3. Схватив свечу.. как неграмотный человек. Сэр Питт настаивал на том. покрытый плющом.. увидав Кити Щербацкую. писанные карандашом. Я спрашиваю о нем у вас как человек. (А.. В комнату вошел сэр Пигг. Она заметила церковь. После обеда Дарья Александровна. 20. Кутузов начал говорить о турецкой войне. Толстой) 5.. 22.. что слезы выступили ей на глаза. Он [Каренин] вошел в комнату и.. сэр Питт пожелал ей спокойной ночи. Толстой) 10. что его старого арендатора отправили в работный дом. Она [Кити] внимательно посмотрела на него.проходя через залу. Дарья Александровна между тем. 13. Она жалела. встретивший баронета у ворот парка. отворил ящик. Девушка что-то кричала. переменив разговор (the subject). что он не переставал любить ее. the coach). «Простите меня. предшествуемый гувернанткой.. Толстой) 22. окруженная своим штатом.. Марфа Тимофеевна сидела у себя в комнате. И. Когда они ехали в дилижансе (to drive in.. Толстой) 4. Сэр Питт был очень доволен. (Л. выйдя замуж за Родона. Пьер с толпами солдат. поспешно пошел дальше.. что совершила ошибку. 17.. Увидев Лаврецкого. Пьер продолжал улыбаться. Бекки была удивлена.. (Тургенев) 17. Бекки не произнесла ни слова. не видав вас».. Толстой) 12.. Толстой) 8. Вронский.. проворно встала и начала ходить туда и сюда по комнате (about the room). (Л. она услышала стук в дверь. Скоро они доехали до ворот Королевского Кроули (Queen's Crawley). Ночью. проснувшись. возвышавшуюся над старыми вязами парка. (Л. Толстой) 7. заговорила о Кити. 21. Толстой) 6. слезы радости. она [Долли] увидела сцену.. ведущую к дому. граф. 18. рассказал ему обо всем. что баронет говорит. Бекки несколько раз слышала. (Л. Толстой) 25. (Л. (Л. она поняла. с удовольствием вспомнил вчерашнюю победу (his triumph of the previous day) и не мог не улыбнуться. не поздоровавшись с нею. и красный дом. Толстой) 23. с сверкавшими на солнце окнами. Толстой) 24.романтическая мысль жениться на крестьянке и жить своими трудами пришла ему в голову... (Пушкин) 19. 25. (Л. Толстой) 2. Сам Левин.. (С) 1. как родственник. Поужинав. Слушая разговор сэра Питта с мистером Ходсоном... Толстой) 21. чтобы фартинг был ему немедленно возвращен. о политике (to discuss politics). сэр Питт велел мистеру Ходсону наказать их. сидя с ним одна на балконе. Мистер Ходсон. наполнившую такою радостью ее сердце. (Л. Читая ее романы. как бы желая понять причину его смущения. что упустила случай сделаться леди Кроули. (Maugham) 22. (Priestley) 5. (to overlook) (Heym) 12. (to put away) (Durrell) 22. There's no time _. (to sharpen) (Galsworthy) 7. Every feature seemed __ since he saw her last. there's nobody in the world I would rather __ work with or __ have greater respect for. (Dreiser) 16. She felt herself __ be tall and slim and fresh. waiting for her to make the first move. to attract) (Dreiser) 13. (to be) (Dickens) 14. Ever since I came into this silly house I have been made __ look like a fool.. Do you think I plan __ spend the rest of my life in the same situation? I would rather __ die! (Monsarrat) 2. But there was nothing now __ for. I'm the cook. He did nothing from morning till night but __ wander at random. but there he certainly was.канапе. The house appeared __ recently. while my present life grew so familiar. Translate into Russian. The key of the door below was now heard in the lock. was the first __ his attention or __ by him. (to do. to gain) (Conan Doyle) 5. (Hardy) 18. which was said __ in the Californian goldfields. She turned around and watched the red tail-light __ disappear in the darkness. talk. and __ hate her. They ought __ have. (to be born) (Galsworthy) Exercise 2. Insert the appropriate form of the infinitive. For the last few days she seemed __ to nobody but strange men. Insert to before the infinitive where required. She put on the cape. Abe let the hammer __ drop out of his hands and __ fall on the step. Dave seemed __ Stephanie. You'd better __ take me back to Oxford. A twelve year old girl. and took me away. in a 140 very little while. (Greene) 13. and the door was heard __ open and close. Tommy really does nothing but __ propose to me. (Snow) 11. (Л. Jelleby had been more talkative and lively once. the Master of Salem House unscrewed his flute into the three pieces. Paula would be the first concentration camp __ by American troops. (Л. I couldn't __ let him __ go without a word of comfort. I thought that I had better __ try __ speak openly 83 . I lack the will-power __ anything with my life.. "When I seemed __ a long while. (to perceive) (Hardy) 10. (Hemingway) 21. One might guess Mr. she heard the taxi __ drive away. She could not help but __ feel a little choked for breath. (Shaw) 14. She opened the iron gateway and bade me __ enter. (to exhaust).. (to lead) (Dickens) 20. (to wait) (Wilson) 2. but he seemed __ long before I knew him. (Heym) 23. put them up as before. but we. I felt my blood __ freeze. When she reached the front steps. It made my heart __ bleed. He is said __ a small fortune. I suppose Mr.. (to liberate) (Heym) 11. I've got nothing __ do but __ talk. have nothing __ do but __ enjoy ourselves.Наташа начала доставать из ящика завернутые в бумаги блюда и тарелки. (Dickens) 24. Никто уже не обращал внимания на Пьера.. Then why not __ try __ save yourself? (Shaw) 19. 1. (to doze) (Dickens) 6. Отдав эти и другие приказания. (to talk) (Priestley) 17. to better) (Durrell) 18. (Cain) 26. (to repair) (Hardy) 9. (Dickens) 15. the Murdstone and Grinby life became so strange to me that I hardly believed in it. You'd better __ get some sleep. Why not __ come down to my place? (Wilson) 4.. (Faulkner) 10. (Murdoch) 25. and I won't have anyone __ come interfering in my kitchen. And. Раза два на него сердито крикнули (to shout at) за то. (Caldwell) 28. 1. Willoughby was not the man __ the lessons of his predecessor. Roger Quaife was a youngish Concervative member who was beginning __ about. strangers in a strange land. Patience Barlow. (Maugham) 12. он [Наполеон] вернулся в свою ставку (quarters). They ought. (to attract. (Maugham) 8. Толстой) 28. I know.. I would — die sooner than __ ask him for another penny. that I seemed __ it a long time. (to have. He gave a quick grin that made his lean twisted face __ look more lean and twisted than ever. Conrad had never known her __ talk so much. (Maugham) 20. George __ a trooper once upon a time.. He appeared __ (to listen) (Lessing) 4.. (to be) (Priestley) 8.. (Greene) 17. __ have asked my advice. (Л. The poor boy was absolutely broken up. (Dreiser) 3. But Elfride knew Mrs. — my position by hard work. English women in our station have duties. This fellow seemed __ a famous explorer or something of that sort. Nobody seemed __ his entry. and turned round __ (to admire) (Cain) 3. And if you say you gave me no encouragement I cannot but __ contradict you. (Hardy) 27. Толстой) THE INFINITIVE Exercise 1. (Galsworthy) 15. Jethway __ be her enemy. (Wilde) 29. (to lose) (Clark) 19.. (Л. I want __ look at him and hear him __ talk. He appeared __ plenty of money. Your mother's gone to some friends — they do nothing but __ play bridge. Толстой) 29. что он был на дороге. (to watch) (Saxton) 16. Толстой) 30. (Caldwell) 9. That Jolyon seems __ in 1710. (Shaw) 6. (to talk) (Snow) 21. (Maugham) 7. son of Jolyon and Mary. He dropped back. Что ж. (Hansford Johnson) 35. (Пушкин) 10. (Dreiser) 12. (Murdoch) 11. using the to-infinitive or the bare infinitive. I thought it best __ be as useful as I couid. что кто-то тронул меня за плечо.. She makes a gesture as if to touch him. you're young enough to be my son. я бы предпочел закончить работу». Толстой) 8. __. (Maugham) 14. After all. bring out'several bottles. one's got to have the real power. (Hemingway) 10.. Truth to tell.. 1. (Priestley) 29. With another look round at the furniture. 31. It was too hot to go out into the town.myself. (Wilson) 33. Her first proceeding...Степан Аркадьевич тонко (subtly) улыбался. (Hemingway) 13.the next thing to be done is to move away from this house. I then said that I had much __ learn myself before I could __ teach others. Левин тоже не мог не улыбнуться. 1 am not in favour of long engagements. The prospective buyer is someone who is not.. 2. Я никогда не видел (to know). The floor of the forest was soft to walk oa. she came to him with a joyous expression of anticipation to find his troubled silence. (Baum) 25. 7. He was a man to attract immediate sympathy. for the present. I told you to go while it was daylight.. It must be awful to have a brilliant future behind you. A man must have something bigger than himself to believe in. «Ты опять заснешь. Anderson is a pleasanter person to Hye with than Mrs. (Wilson) 27.. (Priestley) 17. he did not like the way his editor. I didn't ask you to stay. (Snow) 28. (Л.. Почему бы не поговорить с деканом? 5. (Shaw) 41. never to sleep again. (Maugham) 34. she had nowhere to go. (Jones) 2. as if to gauge his 84 .. He knew he must say anything at all in order to establish communication with her. (Л. (Л. Толстой) 12. To begin with. (Baum) 39. True insincerity is hard to find. (Murdoch) 37. (Clark) 16. (Maugham) 5. 3. To make the real decisions.. (Dreiser) 3. Arthur could not but __ glance at Daniel Doyce in the ensuing silence. They were the last to come. a supporter of female emancipation. (Priestley) 19. Nobody asked you to come out here. «Вы выглядите утомленным. Толстой) 13.. His age was difficult to guess. Толстой) 11. «Нет. Translate into English. on the general ground of having occupation __ attend to. All the deep maternity in her awoke. Я почувствовал.. He hat! been one of the first to become interested in the development of the street-car system. She leaned forward with kindled eyes as if to impress the word on the inspector. (Wilde) 24. (Пушкин) Exercise 4. To lie is not my custom. was to unlock a tall press. which I must not __ neglect. (Dickens) (Dickens) Exercise 3. Her large eyes were of a blue so pale as to be almost white. to put it mildly. (Lindsay) 30. Mrs. When he met Savina at the station. had spoken to him that morning. To consent to this sale would be to consent to change the character of the newspaper altogether. что ворчит. To cut a long story short. (Snow) 30. (Horgan) 15. (Eliot) 6. To speak frankly. To while away the time. 4. The heat and dust were enough to strangle you. (Mailer) 8. 7.. (Collins) 26. He paused as if to find a way to phrase his next thoughts. что. Too much complication and uncomfort.. It was impossible not to invite the Butiers for both afternoon and evening. he wanted to say a great deal. found it difficult to face Cowperwood's glazed stare. Я не могу не согласиться с вами. men particularly. Translate into Russian. наслаждался чтением какого-нибудь романа. 6. excuse myself. I awoke a little after sunrise to find Evan gone. in any case. so as to let me get on a level with him.. She's a spoiled child not to be trusted. (Dreiser) 20. (Snow) 18. (Collins) 40. он прекрасный жених (match). At first I tried. and pour some of the contents of each into my mouth. (Л. 1. (Murdoch) 23. To know all is to forgive all. Зачем не выдти за него?.. Indeed. (Galsworthy) 31.Я три дня занимался только тем. (Faulkner) 9. Rubin did not. — Ты бы лучше шел наверх». и давайте кататься вместе.. Надевайте же коньки. Я чувствовал/ что его рассказ правдив. It is against all ethical concepts of medical science to pronounce a death verdict to a gravely ill person. Она только и делает. (Л. I looked at my letters. Николенька? — говорит мне maman. Other people. как признать свою вину (to admit one's fault). (Cain) 4. Толстой) 9. and __ render what kind services I could to those about me: and __ try __ let that circle of duty gradually __ expand itself. For these reasons. (Baum) 32. To begin with... (Snow) 21. the infant that's just gone out of the room is not your son.. (Buck) 7. (Shaw) 22. чтобы ты сказал неправду. find it easy to be as direct as Roger.. Я не мог не подивиться странному сцеплению (chain) обстоятельств. Ему ничего не оставалось делать. (Dreiser) 36. I had many weary hours still to wait through. State the function of the infinitive. Dudgeon. вы бы лучше пошли домой».. (Dickens) 38. Why not __ write to her? (Hardy) 32. He found the sky so pallid as to be almost invisible. (Dreiser) 5. But I haven't much to be] proud of in that respect. and maybe have some refreshment! (Salinger) 7.. вы очень упрямы. Толстой) 7. о котором ей надо заботиться. (Hardy) 12.. Он достаточно хорошо знает английский язык. (Eliot) 15. 2. Conrad pulled out a chair and made her sit down. There was so much to do. unpompous. Davy was never one to promise and not keep his word. Strickland isn't the man to make a woman. (Lessing) 10. (Snow) 4. (Wilde) 8. Three or four plans suggested themselves. There was a rumour that at last they were likely to be married. (Dickens) 20. (Hansford Johnson) 43. 3. Он первый прервал молчание. чтобы перевести эту статью. а им некуда деваться. No one liked to be the first to move. But the heat of the afternoon was. Она уехала на Дальний Восток и больше не вернулась в свой родной город.. Бесполезно противоречить вам. Irving proved to be a long. Exercise Б.. Короче говоря. Translate into English. at this moment he chances to catch sight of Judith's face. (Hemingway). У нее есть ребенок. Мне надо о многом поговорить с вами.. to say the least. (Mansfield) 2. которую хорошо почитать в поезде. It was the first time he had ever seen her weep. 5. я читал эту книгу в переводе. and ordered the vehicle to be brought round immediately. only to be ruled out by their self-evident absurdity. It's a chance not to be missed. Translate into English. (Salinger) Exercise 5. looked at his watch. По правде говоря. Толстой) 5. (Тургенев) 4. 1. он не сказал вам всей правды. 7. There is no time to be lost. He didn't mean this to be a long meeting. чтобы не сказать больше. был сын. 6. Поверьте мне — я имею право это говорить: я дорого заплатил за это право. которые могут мне помочь. the easiest man to do business with. дадим себе слово признаваться во всем друг другу. (Hansford Johnson) 21. (Л. — это выписать новые слова из текста. He. (Murdoch) 2.. Меня Мавра Кузьминишна послала. и ушел наверх. 4. Never once had she been seen to cry. Haviland was really someone to admire. I promise you there's nothing to fear. 11. but it's no victory to be proud of. (Wilde) 6. She had a long way to go. There was not a moment to lose. I have never known Hector Rose behave like this. чтобы забыть о своем обещании. I came to get someone to tell me the truth. 5. 7.. чтобы поехать с вами за город. (Maugham) 22. 8. using the infinitive.она тотчас почувствовала. (Galsworthy) 42. Translate into Russian.. His "office" turned out to be in one of the back streets close by Olympia. встретившее Анну дома. 8. oppressive. (Hemingway) 18. (Wilde) 23. Вот статья. without remonstrance she suffered me to have my own way. Василий Иванович первый поднялся..sister's exact position. (Wilson) 17. их вина осталась недоказанной... (Л. I won. Толстой) Exercise 8. We came into Spezia looking for a place to eat. что он имеет сообщить ей что-то. Soames went out towards Piccadilly. happy. rang the bell. There was no taxi to be seen outside the hotel. 6. I have a word to say to my daughter. Translate into Russian. У меня есть хорошая новость. (Л. Point out the infinitive attributes.. Он ушел из лаборатории последним. (Buck) 3. Mr. 9. (Ch. I'll have Bertha bring you breakfast. что мне нужно готовить уроки. (Greene) 14. So you've got nothing to reproach yourself with. 16. Вот книга. (Wilson) 9.. которую я должен вам рассказать. Никогда не поздно признать свою ошибку. 3. (Shaw) 4. He was the first to speak again. что надо сделать. которую вы должны прочитать. (Тургенев) 3. (Llewellyn) 8.. sallow-faced butler chap. 4. Point out the Objective-with-the-Iniinitive and the Subjective Infinitive Constructions. У меня не было времени прочитать эту статью.. I haven't any time to spare. 10. (Dreiser) 13. 1. Толстой) 6. (Тургенев) 2. что нельзя терять времени. (Snow) 5. He was quickwitted. (Shaw) 11. 9. У меня есть друзья... Мне надо вам кое-что сказать. Он не такси человек. We are going to find a place to phone from. (A) 1. solemn as an undertaker. Я чувствую себя слишком плохо. Я знал. I have dreadful news to break to her.. (Snow) Exercise 7. (Hansford Johnson) 9. (Priestley) 19. (Л. I told the driver the address to drive to. Первое. Было приятно гулять в лесу в такой жаркий день. 2. (Snow) 11. (Priestley) 7. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. 12. (B) 1. Paul felt his heart 85 . 10. Первое лицо. Worthing is sure to be back soon. (Wilson) 15. Мягко выражаясь. (Maugham) 14. (Stone) W. я сказал. (Lindsay) 3. 1. Unfortunately. using infinitive attributes. Bronte) 8. (Snow) 12. (Snow) 13. тут раненых привезли. . The peasants did not seem to see her. Cecily and Gwendolen are perfectly certain to be extremely great friends. (Lindsay) 17. 5. чтобы он обратился к врачу (to consult a doctor). This appeared to amuse the policeman. Winkle?" said Mrs. чтобы с Давидом плохо обращались. чтобы Давида заперли в его комнате. что миссис Копперфильд отдала его в школу. 4. Преподаватель сказал. You can easily get in through a window if the door happens to be locked. 1. (Wilson) 35. (Wilde) 25. и не хотела. He turned out to have no feeling whatsoever for his nephew. чтобы его сын стал врачом. чтобы Пеготти отказали от места (to dismiss). He [Cowperwood] appeared to be an ideal home man. suffered her to go on uninterrupted. "You will not allow this base newspaper slander to shorten your stay here.. 15. 9. что она не поняла правила. (Snow) 30. (Priestley) 37. что кто-то шепотом зовет его. (Snow) 39.. At any moment he was expecting Erik to pull a gun and rob him. чтобы телеграмму послали немедленно. when they were married. Я не люблю. Давид чувствовал.lift as at a great victory. (Faulkner) 20. Пеготти не могла выносить... (E.. (Faulkner) 26. Мистер Мердстон хотел. (A) 1. как декан несколько раз упомянул ваше имя на собрании. 2. взяла книги и принялась за работу (to set to work). Я заставил его снять пальто и выпить чашку чаю. (Dickens) 29. Пеготти знала. Translate into English. 8. Отец хотел. 19. но не могла ничего сделать. 17. Pott. Мисс Бетси чувствовала. 7. и объяснил его еще раз. 8. как она вошла в читальный зал. 14. and ask for an explanation.. что в сад вошел грязный оборванный мальчик. что миссис Копперфильд несчастна. и добился того. From the extreme freshness and purity of her complexion I estimated her age to be sixteen. чтобы миссис Копперфильд выходила за него замуж. (Eliot) 34. (Dreiser) 36. (Clark) 32. Я слышал. Она почувствовала. что его слова неискренни. когда с детьми плохо обращаются. как она говорит по-английски. 13. Mr. She doesn't seem to want to do anything I suggest. (Dickens) 28. He decided to write her. Добейтесь. Мистер Мердстон и его сестра считали Давида ленивым и упрямым мальчиком. 18. Young men of this class never do anything for themselves that they can get other people to do for them. He was said to be one of the most promising of nuclear physicists. что кто-то коснулся ее плеча. (Braine) 18. Professor Engelfield?. Мистер Мердстон заставил жену повиноваться ему во всем. Библиотекарь разрешил переписать рукопись. Я видел. He said he wouldn't suffer a word to be uttered to him in his uncle's disparagement. Мистер Мердстон приказал. She watched him go up the street and enter a door. Я не выношу. (Dreiser) 24. He then ordered her horse to be put into the gig. чтобы ее верная служанка ушла от нее. Harriet. когда ребенок остается один. 16. and led into the garden. (Collins) Exercise 9. 12. 6. (Hansford Johnson) 31. 2. Мистер Мердстон не хотел. (Hemingway) 41. I can't bear any one to be very near me but you. что мистер Мердстон собирается отдать Давида в школу. 4. Я не ожидал. 10.. (Priestly) 38.. 7. Mrs. 9. 5. Nearly a year ago. 6. (B) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. At thirteen he began to read books that were said to be evil. You make me think of spring flowers. Давид проснулся. Merridew instantly permitted herself to be taken by the arm. (James) 22. 3.. что Давид говорит правду (что рассказ Давида 86 . (Dreiser) 21. 11. as well as have her meet him. You are sure to be there to-morrow night. чтобы студенты выписали слова из текста. что рука его матушки дрожит. Bronte) 27. Dickens. что она говорит по-английски очень хорошо. (Priestley) 33. pale and trembling. or less perhaps. Он распорядился. (Hardy) 42. но миссис Копперфильд не могла допустить. and that was supposed to hold them together. I don't like him to be so long alone. 20. Я всегда считал их своими друзьями. Я слышал. Вчера на собрании я слышала. что мистер Мердстон черствый и жестокий человек. (Ch. агелЧ you. He heard the town clock strike twelve.. 10. 12. Пеготти слышала. Why can't he get a valet to stay with him longer than a few months? (Shaw) 40. smiling through the traces of her tears. чтобы помочь ей. using the Objective-with-the-lnlinitive Construction where possible. 13. что вы уедете так скоро. (Croniri) 16. Он попросил подать машину. Дождь заставил их вернуться домой. Я видел. 3. (Saroyan) 19. 1 chanced to tell him our legend of the nun. Я никогда не слышал. Мисс Бетси увидела.. a pledge. Bronte) 23.. 11. Пеготти видела.. чтобы Давид жил дома. услышав. people took an oath. Она почувствовала.. как ваше имя упомянули несколько раз. несомненно. и от этого мальчик жестоко страдал (и это заставляло мальчика жестоко страдать). чтобы подумать об их будущем. 1. как только случалось нам быть одним. они пошли на мол (pier). и она удивленно взглянула на него. и первое время ребенок не чувствовал себя одиноким. (Л. добрые. Казалось. (Пушкин) 12. кажется. а вы хотите. 11. она вам. как хлопнула дверь в сенях (porch). 1. чтобы ты была такая злая (spiteful)». мы усаживались в уютный уголок и начинали рассуждать. Translate into English. Говорили.—сказала Любочка. он любил своих детей. Алексей Александрович велел подать чай в кабинет. когда его брали от нее. (Чехов) 16. 8. казалось. продолжала эту пустую (dull) бесполезную жизнь. что кто-то опять поглядел к нему в окошко (through the window into his room). (Л.. кто мог бы позаботиться о нем. понравится. 11. Известно. Exercise 10. 3. E. когда слышал стоны и рыдания несчастной девушки. он случайно встретил мистера Вильсона. он изучал его в детстве? 7. 15. 3.. 6. Он не мог не плакать. (Чехов) 15. 6. чем ожидал Левин. Я случайно проходил мимо вокзала. встретите его. 12. что римляне построили на Британских островах хорошие дороги и много крепостей. который оказался очень добрым человеком и хорошо обращался со своими рабочими. 9. мой ангел. как кричала и плакала его мать. (Л. но он не пригласил. Охота (the shooting) оказалась хуже. кажется. и золотые ряди облаков. и рассказал ему всю историю своей жизни.. (Л. как хозяин бьет его сестру. что покойный отец Джорджа был богатый знатный джентльмен. я хочу славы. Говорят. (Л. Она ГКити) была прекраснее. казалось. что он пригласит ее на вальс (to ask somebody for a waltz). Извини меня. по-видимому. Шум. 7. Обязательно прочитайте эту книгу. Exercise 11. успехов.. и. вы.правдив). 10. кто мог бы сказать ему ласковое слово. которая стала для меня невыносимой. чтобы посмотреть. Но он часто видел. владельца фабрики. Когда Джордж вырос. чтобы я продолжала жить в этом городе. «Не ожидала я.. наверное. 2. Он оказался хорошим спортсменом. Толстой) 14. У нас в полку я считался одним из лучших стрелков. Мы хотим счастья всем русским. ведь он кончил институт всего два года тому назад. 13.. (Пушкин) 5.. Когда Джордж бежал от своего хозяина и пробирался в Канаду. Певицу заставили повторить арию. using the Objective-with-the-Infinitive or the Subjective Infinitive Construction. забывая все на свете. (Л. Толстой) 2. (Пушкин) 4. но твое патетическое письмо рассмешило меня. Джордж изобрел 87 . Ему было около тридцати пяти лет. Полагают. Его статья. (Based on Uncle Tom's Cabin by H. всего три версты: подите погулять в ту сторону. Тугилово от нас недалеко. несомненно. Едва ли его назначат главным инженером. Он. (Пушкин) 6.) 1. казалось. Толстой) 10.... что это здание было построено в XVII веке. Я хочу быть артисткой. но он был слишком легкомысленным человеком. (Л. 9. Заря сияла на востоке. (Пушкин) 9. 10. все приближался. 5. Толстой) 8. using the infinitive or Infinitive Constructions where possible. Мальчик остался один. не было никого. 8. English using the Subjective Infinitive Construction.. верно. чтобы каждый человек был свободен. хорошо знает английский язык. когда в Ленинград Приехали артисты Шекспировского мемориального театра (Shakespeare Memorial Theatre). 4. 16. Мы хотим. и мы за то почитали его стариком. где он раньше работал. ожидали солниа. пишет новую статью. Он. Translate into English. все уже было прощено и забыто. Сообщают. Толстой) 7. его послали работать на фабрику мистера Вильсона. чтобы уплатить его долги. (Чехов) Exercise 12. свободы. Письма из дому приходили тихие. 2. 5. что экспедиция достигла места назначения. (Пушкин) 3. Beecher-Stowe. Герман слышал. Толстой) 13. Она [Кнти] ждала. Я случайно встретил его в Москве. будет напечатана. Вальтер Скотт считается создателем исторического романа. он работает над ней уже две недели. и увидел. и после его смерти все его дети были проданы. 4. Вечером. Вскоре хозяин приказал отвезти сестру Джорджа в Новый Орлеан и продать ее там на рынке. 14. Джордж и его старшая сестра были случайно куплены одним и тем же рабовладельцем. Translate into. Толстой) 11. Я случайно знаю номер его телефона. Джордж слышал. что поэма «Беовульф» была написана в VIII веке. как придет пароход. чем он воображал ее. 5. Этого Джордж уже вынести не мог. с нетерпением ожидая. Since you are so anxious for me to. приносила его хозяину большую прибыль. которую он так любил. There was no home for him to goto. 10. 3. (Priestley) 10. Translate into English. Shaw) 2. чтобы Джип стоял на ней. Чтобы унизить Джорджа еще больше. Exercise 13. Translate into Russian. It was really warm for May. Мистер Микобер попросил Трэдльса помочь ему. 4. и Джордж считал себя самым счастливым человеком на земле. что ей будет даже полезно (beneficial) побыть одной. чтобы маленькая Эмили знала. 15. 9. Дора понимала. 2. (Young) 7. It seemed almost a shame for anyone to be as pretty as she was tonight. чтобы я мог на него ответить. Первое. Мисс Бетси и Давид сели завтракать. 12. и сказала.. Buttonwood street. My dear. что Давиду необходимо поехать с мисс Бетси в Кентербери. чтобы его негр был счастлив. чтобы вы поступили в университет. как немедленно выехать в Москву. 10. что мы должны сделать — это заказать билеты. (Murdoch) 13. Дора использовала поваренную книгу. Когда мистер Пеготти нашел Эмили. (Stone) 11. 14. distinguish myself I have concluded to do so. State the function of the /or-to-Infinitive Construction. (Wilde) 5. Some trouble with the authorities had made it necessary for him to be much abroad. Джорджа заставили уйти с фабрики. (A) 1. She longed for night to come to bring sleep to her. (B) Based on an episode from David Copperfield by Ch. которая. He waited for Bert to say something. It is impossible for me to write about that time in detail — I can't bear to. Урии Гипу ничего не оставалось делать. Мисс Бетси очень хотелось (to be anxious). My house is always ready for anyone to come into. (Maugham) 6. (Dreiser) 14. where he spent the first ten years of his life. (Caldwell) Exercise 14. когда Давид вернется из-за границы. He waited for me to sit down. 6. что он ее ждет. Каждый вечер мистер Пеготти ставил свечу на подоконник. Он попросил принести бумагу и перо. Мистер Дик с нетерпением ожидал. using the /or-fo-Infinitive Construction where possible. 2. (Hemingway) 3. 7. was a lovely place for a boy to live. Я подчеркнула эти предложения. 8. He cordially extended one forefinger for Erik to shake. (Wilson) 20. but he left them alone. как было известно. чтобы Давид женился на Агнес. this isn't the time for us to quarrel. But the pain in James' head asserted itself too cruelly for him to think of anything else for the moment. Dickens. (Maugham) 9. так как разоблачение (exposure) Урии Гипа было слишком трудным делом. 12. 11. Мистер Микобер попросил. and still light enough for him to see his cows in the meadow beyond the river. Этот текст достаточно легкий. 88 . 1. He opened the door of his room for her to go out.очень ценную машину. и он решил бежать в Канаду. Она была очень красивая и добрая. 13. 3. Самое лучшее. что она должна сделать. Erik saw that she was impatient for him to be gone. There's nothing for us to do but amuse ourselves. — это дать Джипу хороший ужин. если бы он сейчас уехал из Ленинграда. 7. чтобы вы проанализировали их. чтобы Дора пользовалась ею. (Cronin) 15. Вскоре Джордж встретил Элизу и женился на ней. Ему ничего не оставалось делать. он решил. бросить работу. Вопрос был слишком неожиданным. хозяин приказал ему бросить Элизу и жениться на другой женщине. как сознаться во всех своих преступлениях. и вернуться к хозяину. Давид купил поваренную книгу (cookery book). 5. что первое. что вы можете сделать. когда придет мистер Микобер. It is for you to accept them. 9. (Shaw) 18. что они могут сделать. 8. the idea is for us to give a special concert at the Festival Hall. (Wilson) 8. There were plenty of papers for him to read. 1. (Snow) 4. Дора сказала. (Galsworthy) 16. что самое лучшее.. чтобы вы могли прочитать его без словаря. 4. (/. который мог бы допустить. (Hansford Johnson) 12. Было бы неразумно. чтобы принесли бумаги и конторские книги (accountbooks) Урии Гипа. Мне очень хочется.—это уехать в Австралию.. Но счастье его было недолговечно (to be of short duration): его хозяин был не такой человек. (Lessing) 17. (Hansford Johnson) 19. Сделать это должен был он. но она никогда ему об этом не говорила. And it is not fpr you to make terms.—это поехать в санаторий. чтобы он мог с ним справиться один (to cope with). 6. Толстой) 3.. (Л. It was something to be sitting like this in the front of a box in one of the biggest theatres in London. мне невыразимо тяжело было иметь с ним какие бы то ни было отношения (to have anything to do with somebody).. even if he can't speak. and was reputed to be a bachelor. (James) 7. (Buck) 23. To tell you the truth. «Мне необходимо тебя видеть». It was for him to brush the doubts away and clear the path if he could. State the function of the infinitive and Infinitive Constructions. Толстой) 8. Tony. she was there to object and be convinced. She made a curious. (Snow) 12. Толстой) Exercise 15. (Dreiser) 26. Go arid get Bessie to give you some tea. Our final decision is to 89 . don't you think you might treat me as a moral equal? (Snow) 15. and cross the park. (Л. He appeared to be a man of considerable wealth. Shaw) 22. Addy and Ellie look beautiful enough to please the most fastidious man. как вам легко оскорблять меня?» — сказала она. (Clark) 2. His salary was fifty dollars a week. (Hansford Johnson) 3. (Dreiser) 31. Толстой) 4. much more naif than to believe too easily. (Snow) 40. but it is too late and too dark for a woman to go through the park alone. He felt lonesome the minute he left Bert and heard the screen door slam behind him.(С) 1. To accept too many favors from Ramona was dangerous. Your shortest way will be to follow the boulevard. Mr. and she turned back. Толстой) 7. (Salinger) 6. fumbling gesture towards me. (Maugham) 36. It was then an easy matter for me to go to Paul's room and make an appropriate signal to Kitty. (Ch. 1. But jf he does. she talked with him about his wardrobe. (Dickens) 27. It made the young man smile at her again. I have devised my own system and have never known it fail. (Snow)'32. Translate into Russian. and I certainly don't like any of my friends to be idle or sluggish. (Bellow) 21. (Л. They hardly expect him to recover consciousness. prepossessing and satisfactory. and that's to divorce him. That's the truth. Mr. It was not customary for her father to want to see her in his office. ТоАстой) 6. (/. Idleness is a great sin. and he was certain soon to get more. — сказала она. (/. (Dreiser) 30. (Snow) 38. Weller left the room. Now I don't choose her to be grateful to him. что ему остается только покориться. To keep his attention engaged. Anyway. (Maugham) 24. after his long walk. as if to convey a sort of affection. чтоб я очень ценила». (Л. (Shaw) 8.. Shaw) 17. There was a sandy little garden and a' stone wall high enough to keep the children safe but not too high for her to lean upon and pierce the distance with her gaze. The appearance of Frank Cowperwood at this time was. she felt on a sudden a cold chill pass through her limbs and she shivered. Gertrude gave a long soft exhalation. (Dreiser) 37.. (Maugham) 35. чтобы Володя пришел показаться ей. I happen to be pretty comfortably placed. He might have to pay with his freedom. «Неужели (can it be that) вы не чувствуете. but she didn't even seem to notice it. Her heart sank. it was a terrible knock. To take refuge from blushing she asked him if. Одним словом. to say the least. Charles Lomax's exertions are much more likely to decrease his income than to increase it. (Maugham) 4.. It was charming to see him play with the two children. To be frank with you. He's thought to be lucky to have gone as far as this. «Ты слишком уж подчеркиваешь (to lay too much stress on) свою нежность. (Dreiser) 39. когда уедет профессор. or to be grateful to anybody but me. почтительно просил передать мне квасу. The only way to guard his future and retain his financial friends was to stand trial as quickly as possible and trust them to assist him to his feet in the future. Константин Левин чувствовал. — сказала она. (Dreiser) 19. but not all. Bronte) 9. Толстой) 2. Толстой) 5. (Galsworthy) 11. (Л. (Dickens) 20. (Snow) 16. (Shaw) 13. Бабушка в спальне дожидалась. Paul waited for Harriet to say something about the bar. he was not hungry and thirsty. up the street to disappear round the corner into Church Square. Левин не слушал больше и ждал. (Maugham) 34. (Caldwetl) 29.. In spite of herself the colour fled from her cheeks instantly. It was often naif to be too suspicious. There's only one thing for her to do. and immediately afterwards was heard to shut the street door. Like all women. defiant wave. (Priestley) 14.. (Coiian Doyle) 25. (Dickens) 28. (Wilde) 18. I happen to know that he was supposed to come to the wedding. I did not want Aileen to leave your home at all. he didn't pay. to be speaking of him with dispassion. Butler.. he's sure to want to see you. (Л. He was said to be bearing Roger no malice. (Dreiser) 10. Some of the rumours we knew to be nonsense. and this smile made her blush a little.. (Dreiser) 5.. слушал их особенно ласково. Was Aileen in any way to blame? (Dreiser) 33.. (Л. Я был необыкновенно кроток. just to begin with. The thing to do is to gain time. (Л. only to come back in a hot. There is nothing to bel done. (Надо многое сделать.) 8. 11. а конногвардеец (horseguardsman). 2. он решил уйти с девочкой из дома. случайно пришли в большой промышленный город. 6.) 2. Перестаньте спорить. He is hard to please. Мне надо вам кое-что сказать. мой милый cousin! — кликнула она. using the infinitive or Infinitive Constructions where possible.. что посказал вам этот журнал». высказала свою тайну ветреному Томскому. что. 7. 5. 12. — сказала Бетси. что ему был кому услуживать (to wait upon). — это ждать. здравствуйте.) 6. (Единственное. 3. Стихи трудно переводить. He is difficult to deal with. Я рад.. (Л. Он был счастлив что получил путевку в санаторий. Уже поздно посылать письмо.. Эта актриса очень красива. 10. Толстой) 7. Поздравляю тебя. «А я доволен тем.) 4. (Dreiser) 43. нeпременно приходите вовремя. Они уехали из Лондона с тем. что вы послушались моего совета.. Translate into English. (Ему трудно угодить. Он был огорчен. Доклад начнется ровно в пять. Роман Герцена! «Кто виноват?» написан в 1846 году. у них не было никого.have a conference tomorrow afternoon. (Hardy) Exercise 16. Translate into English. — как я рада вас видеть!” (Тургенев) 2. Dickens. был доволен. (Salinger) 44.. 4. There is nothing to be gained. Маленькая Нелл и ее дедушка были очень одиноки (to lead a solitary life). (Непременно приходите. Я уезжаю завтра.. Be sure toj come. «Как я рада. она сожалела. Мне жаль. Мне жаль.) 7. pretty) to look at. казалось. (Л. мой ангел. Она совсем одна. The delay didn't seem to affect him. 2. и каждый был рад. 9. Мне жаль. (Тургенев) Exercise 19.) 10. что другой его не беспокоит. 8. 5.) 12.) Exercise 17. этим ничего не достигнешь. что ему остается. 4. The book is! difficult to translate. There is nothing left for him to do but wait. 2. She is pleasant (beautiful. (Она хорошенькая. (A) Based on an episode from The Old Curiosity Shop by Ch. Толстой) 3. Наступил вечер. 3. 10. бедная (Л. наконец. (Пушкин) 6. She longed so much for people to be happy. Memorize the following expressions and use them in examples. using the infinitive. I have something to tell you. Они долго ходили из деревни в деревню и. Я рад. Я доволен. 1. There are many things to bel done. — говорила она о нем [Левине]. Не уходите.. — это послать телеграмму.. что вы приехали». Ко узнав. что моя сестра поступила в университет.) 3. (Ничего не поделаешь. A sudden rattle on his right hand caused him to start from his reverie and turn io that direction. потому что он мог говорить не притворяясь. 1 (Мне надо вам кое-что сказать. Who is to blame? (Кто виноват?) 11. Говорили. что он проиграл все свое состояние в карты (to lose one's fortune in gambling). «Здравствуйте. у нее привлекательная внешность. Единственное.. что Нарумов не инженер. of your own. Translate into English. что вы не видели эту пьесу.. но с ним трудно иметь дело.. 3. (Дом сдается в наем. 6. Я доволен. (B) 1. 1. had ever known. Когда дед Нелл разорился. 1. Герасим.) 9. что вы не застали ее дома. Предполагали. Во все время дороги и Лемм и Лаврецкий мало говорили друг с другом: каждого из них занимали собственные мысли. (A) 1. Она [Долли] так рада будет тебя видеть.) by it. Некоторым людям трудно угодить. (С ним трудно иметь дело. Он очень умный человек. что нам остается делать. кто мог бы о них позаботиться. (Benchley) 41. Кому писать протокол? 5. что старик был когда-то богат.) 5. 9. 7. Мне жаль.он стал расспрашивать брата о делах его. 4. (Пушкин) 10. (Этим ничего не достигнешь. что я не застала ее дома 8. Толстой) 5. что он меня терпеть не может». что не достал билет на концерт. (Эту книгу трудно перевести. Толстой) 9. придется идти пешком. using the infinitive where possible. (Л. (Buck) 42. и Левин был рад говорить о себе. before which each one is to think the matter over. «Я очень рада. The house is to let. с новым образом жизни. Ничего не поделаешь. Толстой) 4. что послушался вашего совета.. (Тургенев) 8. что он тебе понравился. что я не видела эту пьесу. а многое еще надо сделать. что поступил в университет. чтобы никогда туда больше не возвращаться. He turned out to be the most efficient clerk that the house of Waterman and Co. Радуюсь. Exercise 18. — говорил Лаврецкий. (Л. а они все еще бродили по городу (all about 90 . Он не заметил. Они только и делали. они знали. 16. Они жалели. у которой не было ни связей (connections). Осборны случайно познакомились с богатой наследницей. чтобы заставить Джорджа забыть Эмилию. — сказал он. что пришли в этот город. чтобы идти дальше. “Я лучше останусь холостяком на всю жизнь. что мистер Осборн обязан (to owe) своим богатством мистеру Седли. что кто-то тронул ее за руку. 23. 8. Джордж открыл дамам дверь и. 5. что они знали об Эмилии. что ребенок не может оставаться на улице (погода слишком плохая. но у Нелл и ее деда. пока они ответят ему. 91 . и она была слишком утомлена. Старик пришел в ярость и закричал. насмехались (to mock) над ними. что могли. Джордж едва ли ослушается его. когда дамы уйдут из комнаты. Мисс Рода считала Джорджа очень милым молодым человеком. чтобы его сын женился на девушке. «Ты. В этот момент они увидели. «Погода такая плохая. что лишит сына наследства (to disinherit). чем женюсь на мисс Сварц». Вдруг Рода увидела. что она самая добрая и красивая девушка во всей Англии. Нелл почувствовала. что какой-то человек вышел из дома. Она не знала. и приказал ему забыть ее. — ответил Джордж. зная это. Она ждала. Старик был очень недоволен тем. Он был первым. 12. Он жалел. где они никого не знали и где не было никого. 15. Мистер Осборн приказал сыну. Когда мистер Седли разорился. 11. и сидела. кто обратил на них внимание в этом большом промышленном городе. был такой несчастный и усталый вид (они выглядели такими несчастными и усталыми). Однажды случилось так.—сказал он. 7. 13. 20. которое нельзя было произносить в доме Осборнов. чтобы он женился на ней. 14. что. Нелл не возражала: она чувствовала. 19. что его сестры первые заговорили об Эмилии. что это было имя. 6. — продолжал старик. Когда Джордж услышал. которая лежала в углу. и отец решил. За обедом он много пил и с нетерпением ждал. если бы Джордж женился на ней. порвать с Эмилией (to break with somebody altogether). что мистер Осборн вошел в комнату. перелистывая страницы нот (music). Он не стал ждать. 17. и попросила девушек рассказать ей все. 16. они бродили уже целую вечность. 18. чтобы они провели ночь на улице. чтобы его имя никогда не упоминалось в его доме. — Ее отец опозорил себя и всю свою семья». что он добрый человек. ни состояния. Было известно. на которой тебе следует жениться». (С) 1. отец которой был очень богат. «Мисс Сварц — вот девушка. Его дочери делали все. сказал. казалось. Он был уверен. 3. будешь счастлив с ней». Казалось. и ей очень хотелось (to be anxious). «Лучше не упоминайте ее имени! — закричали испуганные девицы. 12. Когда Ростов вошел в комнату. 9. которые у него были. что j Джордж попросит ее повторить песню. Thackeray. 11. когда услышали. 24. Они уговаривали брата жениться на ней. 8. — не раз говорили они. и от этого они чувствовали (это заставляло их чувствовать) себя еще более одинокими. мистер Осборн приказал. что едва ли найдут лучшее убежище. Они не прошли и нескольких шагов. чтобы ребенок оставался на улице)». как они говорили о достоинствах и талантах (perfections and accomplishments) мисс Роды. Он поправил (to arrange) кучу теплой золы. 18. 1. он пришел в негодование и сказал. что Джордж ослушался его приказания. 25. что разрешал сыну ухаживать за Эмилией. что Рода пела любимую песенку Эмилии. вернувшись к столу. (В) Based on an episode from Vanity Fair by W. 2. С утра до ночи Джордж слышал. что превозносили мисс Роду Сварц до небес (to praise somebody to the skies).the town). и взял Нелл на руки. 9. 4. 7. княжна опустила на мгновенье голову. Незнакомец привел их на фабрику. что кто-то бежит за ними. 19. где он работал. «Восемь тысяч в год — это слишком большая сумма. несомненно. что он не мог допустить. что было бы хорошо. 10. Мистер Осборн хотел. Огни в домах и магазинах. 17. они решили провести там ночь. Он не мог допустить. Увидев темный подъезд (doorway). 10. что на обложке нот написано имя Эмилии. 15. Их новый друг оказался очень великодушным человеком: он отдал им все деньги. чтобы ты мог отказаться от нее». 14. чтобы его сын женился на Эмилии. что его сестры плохо отзываются об Эмилии (to speak ill of somebody). чтобы они могли провести на ней ночь. кто мог бы им помочь. 21. 13. Он сам был очень беден. 22. Утром Нелл и старик ушли с фабрики. the weather being cold. Но ему очень трудно было не сказать более. Every night the old man would have a fire of logs lit in the great stone fire-place. (Hemingway) 11. (Пушкин) 3.. (Л. Лаврецкий объявил.. and could be heard laughing and sneezing all the way down the stairs.. (Пушкин) Exercise 20. она была так занята.. и я видел. и считал своим долгом сказать ей это. Он [Каренин] видел. что проводит гостей до полдороги (to see somebody halfway down the road). The sound of the door opening again made him start like a guilty thing. (Greene) 4. Calvin. что он первый открыл это удовольствие. Толстой) 6. что не слыхала. (Тургенев) 8. (Greene) 8.. in the shabby livingroom.. и он наслаждался своим открытием. (Л.. После чая он [Левин] вышел в переднюю велеть подавать (to put in) лошадей. (Maugham) 6. of more taxes. Толстой) 19. сударыня. Cn his will being opened. нынче в зоологическом саду от четырех до пяти. а она все стояла. (Пушкин) 9. He was afraid of the strike continuing a few days longer. «Я виновата. (Л. Муж всегда виноват. Толстой) 21. (Пушкин) 10. (Murdoch) 7. her head reverted. Кити на коньках катается. Толстой) 2. — но я это не могла предвидеть».. (Buck) 9. казалось. I can't imagine your coming to see me at a time when you are fully satisfied with your life and work. it was found to consist of two portions. И я тебе говорил и говорю: нехорошо (not right). You can have no idea of. (Тургенев) 7. Ему казалось... как он и вошел. (Л.. (Dreiser) 3. а сказать только это. что ты не ездишь на собрания и вообще устранился от земского дела (to keep out of the district business). sitting by the lamp. Толстой) 17. (Hansford Johnson) 17. как уже графиня послала за нею и велела опять подавать (to bring round) карету. (Л. А вот что (I tell you what): если ты хочешь их видеть. Гости почитали обязанностью восхищаться псарнею (kennels) Кирилы Петровича. after a decent interval. (Тургенев) 12..we had heard planes coming. cooling touch into the heat of his brain. (Л. (Тургенев) 13. и велел оседлать себе лошадь. He heard her answer him. of a"Government defeat. words dropping with a soft.. (Л. I had heard these topics argued between the Americans and ourselves for years. в мае месяце случилось мне проезжать через ***скую губернию. Увы! музыка оказалась запутанной и неприятно напряженной. (Buck) 12. (Л. (Тургенев) 15. когда жена нехорошо ведет себя (to misbehave). tender. она ожидала ухода Лаврецкого. Слова кондуктора разбудили (to rouse) его и заставили вспомнить о матери и предстоящем свидании (approaching meeting) с ней. Analyse the Predicative Constructions. (Тургенев) 14. Каренина опять вошла в вагон. Против меня была дверь в кабинет. (Л. и он чувствовал это.. She was moving towards the door. Акулина. Все ждали. how I have missed the thought of your being near me somewhere! (Horgan) 18. который меня не любит.как бы предоставляя (to give) время гостю поздороваться с теткой. departed laughing. (Faulkner) 16. seen them pass overhead. нет. waiting for the floods of the rainy season to fill their rice-fields. Толстой) 16.. when' we planned to meet. thinking... Он. Толстой) 5.. — промолвила она вслух.. Лиза тотчас села за фортепьяно и разобрала романс. и остолбенел. Только Лизавета Ивановна успела снять капот и шляпу. Я настолько горда. and then. что она вела себя неприлично (unbecomingly). что никогда не позволю себе любить человека. (Пушкин) 11. After all these years it really is not worth while for you to play hide-and-seek with one another. 1.. (Murdoch) 2. with the mending on her lap. Translate into Russian. как туда вошли Яков и еще какие-то люди. (Hansford Jchnson) 15.. (Lessing) 10. (Snow) 19. I never knew.Я искренно любил Ивана Петровича. saw their young crops dry up before their eyes. Толстой) 23. милая смуглая Акулина сидела перед окном и читала его письмо. her heels clattering. Толстой) 22. (Caldwell) 5. (Hemingway) 14..чтобы быть истинными друзьями. (James) 13. Толстой) 18. mood I should be likely to find her.. stepped into a hotel. когда он [Левин] кончит. watched them go far to the left and heard them bombing on the main high road. они. Народ стал расходиться (to disperse). Он вошел. (Л. Толстой) 20. (Л. был очень стыдлив (bashful). (Л. чтобы проститься с графиней.. Day after day through the spring no rains fell. нужно быть уверенными друг в друге. потому что каждая малость (trifle) заставляла его краснеть до самых ушей. Аркадий первый вышел на крыльцо (the steps). Б 1816 году. Лиза. The film was not bad.. She 92 .. He watchend her at evening. but I could feel impatience radiating from her and knew she was longing for it to end. Толстой) 24. (Л. in what.. He really strolled about. казалось. да нельзя было и не любить молодого человека столь кроткого и честного. Толстой) 4. and farmers.. 1 won't have Carl talk that way. наверное.. Waiting for his turn. 22. my poor child. (Dickens) 32.. (Stone) 9. I walked up to the wood. (Hansford Johnson) 31. Enders turned and stared full at Miss Zelinka. He stopped speaking.. He glanced up to see the chairman watching him. (Wilson) 27. It was customary for Aileen to drive alone almost every afternoon a spirited pair of bays. caused them both to/look that way. at all events. It must be very peaceful. smile at him. Our little country newspaper is sure to chronicle the fact next week. I was afraid of hurting Mr. He passed by with studied indifference. (Twain) 12. (Snow) 14. splashed with mud from the grinding wheels. to her farm. and nothing to bother and grieve about. Kate sat in absolute dismay. (Wilson) 18.appeared to be very rich and important. No child of his thought of running to him to have a shoe tied or a button fastened. than you are likely to see in a lifetime. Hawkins at once goes briskly to the table and takes the chair nearest the sofa. never to return. with her lips parted. (Maugham) 17. but she was young and could afford to wait. State the function of the verbals and Predicative Constructions. (Galsworihy) 29. the faint breeze blowing her hair back from her wide brows. He's got sense enough to know that there's nothing to be gained by making a scandal.. (Faulkner) 23. with the wind whispering through the trees and caressing the grass and the flowers of the grave.. (Байт) 34. (Shaw) 15.. ever any more. so I went down to the gate. (Croniri) 6. his face averted. but it was too wet for me to go inside. Reading that article had not caused Mr. wiping his eyes with his sleeve. as if fearing to find every bone broken. He had stopped to look in at a picture shop. Deafened by the noise of the traffic. with his eyes fixed on her. He arose very cautiously. The man in the football jersey moved back to the side of the road. Miss Folgers readily confessed to having taken the child. He and the poet are now in the office. (Buck). We both knew that her marriage to Skidmore was supposed to have been an abnormally happy one. An inner glow seemed to merge with the sunlight blandly brushing her cheeks. leaving room for the bicycles to pass. or 93 . with him trying to make the poet go to bed. she stole away home having no heart to see him dance with his water-nymph. The sound of the telephone ringing seemed to have woken every nerve in my body. I have the honour of knowing more distinguished men. (Snow) 7. (Qreene) 25. waiting for the other woman to recover herself. (Lindsay) 8. whom she claimed to have found playing in Elysian Park. (James) 20. to get her to look at him.. with the deep intensity of his glance. (Twain) 25. and the second also. began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world. 1. (Croniri) 5. Shaw) 30. he stared out at the vague rows of faces and found his thoughts wandering. so white and motionless (Galsworthy) 3. marrying her. (/. Mrs. after that dance. But I don't like to think of you going into danger. The sound of Mistress Affery cautiously chaining the door before she opened it. (Dickens) 21. or. Tom. (Greenwood) 13. She was thinking of Roger coming to her. and the poet refusing. (Lawrence) 21. (Lindsay) 22. The sun rose higher and soon it would be time for the others to come home for the noon meal. (Maugham) 19. (Du Maurier) 23. Bunting to stop drinking tea after dinner. Translate into Russian.. (Faulkner) 2. (Hansford Johnson) 28. and the traffic prevented us from speaking. Mrs.she loved receiving at formal parties. (/. (Galsworthy) 26. someone quite ordinary and cheerful. (Snow) 24. eyes fixed straight ahead. (Maugham) II. Shaw) 4. She heard Miss Reba's voice booming from somewhere and listened to her toiling slowly up the stairs. he still kept on plodding along the gutters. Garstin told her friends that she thought it a pity for a girl to marry till she was twenty-one. And.. Her first season passed without the perfect suitor presenting himself. It had not been so easy for Penelope to accept.. It had been easy to coax Margaret into inviting them to stay with us for a week. he [Tom] thought. Micawber's feelings. Carefully and slowly. Christy having left the inkstand there.. trying. Old Todd. Arthur had managed to get his way. (Buck) 24.. (Bellow) 10. (Wilde) Exercise 21. It hardly does much good to have a complex mind without actually being a philosopher. Once or twice only he looked round to see her sitting like something dead. as though to avoid seeing him. disliked his married sons calling unless told to come. Her pleasure at being surrounded by these close friends made her eyes sparkle. to lie and slumber and dream for ever and ever. It might be easier to be out of work without having a wife and a child. hoping to see a human soul. (Lindsay) 16... Rebecca stood serene. We happened then to cross the street. Micawber's. (Galsworthy) 33. she being very sensitive. (Priestley) 20. he stepped down. "is to close up. 1.. They stood facing the windows that led out on the verandah. Next morning. She seemed to do him a favour when she gave him the opportunity of doing something tiresome for her. her eyes averted. He was extremely considerate.. Of all conceivable persons you. (Snow) 5. a sleepy elderly country couple. when you have grown to manhood.to ride a mount. but. she never expressed the slightest wish without his hastening to gratify it. and Fabermacher allowed the silence to grow with brutal relentlessness. I had seen him. They were shuttered and the shutters were bolted. writing a letter. they saw the white china knob of the handle at the other window turn also. She leaned against him... And he was always exceedingly polite. (Maugham) 11." he said. But yet I must write it. Shelton had a right to be immune from discontent of any kind. he was very attentive to her comfort. noiseless and horrifying manner. (Lessing) 38. The only other people. he gave her his hand to help her out of a car. Then he left the house. and placing a chair for her to sit down upon. (Wells) 7. (Shaw) 39. she told me that she was too tired to go out with the guns.." (Wilson) 4. It amused me. listened that evening to the Japanese artillery bombarding the field. They saw the white china knob of the handle slowly turn. He rose to his feet when she entered a room. Silence. did not seem to notice anything surprising about his appearance. if he chanced to meet her in the street he took off his hat.. but as though she were a fellow-guest in a country house.. (Maugham) 2. having known Francis since we were both young. That angry afternoon appeared to have happened so long ago that to apologize now for what had been said was foolish. That" evening the instinct vouchsafed at times to lovers in place of reason caused him to pack his bag and go to Cannes. Wilson looked around and saw Goldstein sitting alone at the next tent. It was the first time I had known her energies flag.. but also marrying into a rich family. Erik wanted them to like each other because he cared for them both. and he was afraid she would faint.. She had something to say to him. seeing what she was going to do. less orthodox than now. It was terrifying to see that silent motion. go home and sleep for a day or two. I lit a cigarette and watched the red end mirrored in the water. moving his lips soundlessly. A minute passed and there was no sound. (Galsworthy) 9. insisted upon his taking. The tongue of Fleur's dog licking his dabbled hand interrupted this somewhat philosophic reflection. Abruptly. (Priestley) 10. her face flushed and exhausted. (Galsworthy) 41. (Snow) 37. She was still enough herself to give me instructions. (Galsworthy) 6. until he heard the clock strike three. (Mailer) 3. But being in love. When Paul entered tentatively. Uncle Titus promptly marks his approval of her action by rising from the sofa. and recently engaged. putting his watch and his tobacco pouch into his pocket. always wanting to have notice taken of them. (Wilson) 94 . (Snow) 12. wearing an old cloth cap that Ronnie had found at the back of the car and. it seemed shameful to Wilson for them to drink without including anyone else in the squad. "The thing to do now. (Mailer) 36. Haviland seemed to have forgotten the bitterness entirely. When she happened to feel ill no one could have been kinder or more thoughtful. (James) 40. He lay in bed. dressed. Follow the direction for Exercise 21. he found her lying in her old dressinggown. He treated her not as Kitty had seen most men treat their wives. he was solicitous to open the door for her when she left a room. after knocking and getting no reply. but he suddenly dreaded the thought of their becoming friendly because he had a conviction that they could form a friendship which would have no real need of him. Erik. They had heard no one walk along the verandah. Animals were too human nowadays.. marrying for love. he carried her to the bed and sat her down upon it. are the most likely to understand. He interrupted to make Mary talk shop. his jaw set. her knees shaking. with the ghastliness of the supernatural in the same stealthy. Frowning. (Wilson) Exercise 22.. with the light burning. Then. He sat there in the little waiting room. It was so frightening that Kitty. opened her month to scream. He followed the direction of her glance. He [Francisl would not appear to be encouraging his daughter to marry a fortune. meeting me in the hall.. but she kept it back for fear of irritating him. (Faulkner) 8. (Dreiser) 35. It seemed impossible to maintain any sort of order. her nerves failing her. The General. he swiftly put his hand over it and her cry was smothered in his fingers. Perhaps having written this to you I may never show it to you or leave it for you to see. For a few seconds he watched Goldstein scribing busily with a pencil. Erik saw their eyes meet for a moment. Приезжайте к саду Вреде. Проснувшись от своей болезни (to come to oneself after one's illness). Толстой) 19.. using verbals where possible... заставил его снова сесть. (Пушкин) 30. что может любить такое глупое занятие. Ему так хорошо удалось уговорить брата посоветоваться (to consult) с доктором и ехать па воды заграницу (foreign watering-place). но он не вышел.. продолжавшийся около трех часов. что его ожидания сбылись. нашел он молодого человека почти без памяти лежащего на лавке: ему сделалось дурно. Толстой) 4. своих двух людей. возвратясь. (Пушкин) 9. Она [Наташа] высунула голову в сырой воздух ночи. Гости отправились в комнаты для них отведенные. и нарочно громко говорила. (Л.. (Л. что Анна не совсем здорова. ожидая ее выезда (to drive out). провожая (to take leave) правителя канцелярии (chief secretary). и графиня видела.. (Л. опустив шторы. тоже встала и оглядывалась на него. радовался тому. (Пушкин) 11. ему остаться в ней. и старшую княжну. (Л. Марья Кириловна возвращалась из саду. хотела выйти.. он сердито пробормотал что-то и ушел в коридор. Толстой) 15. Аркадий совершенно позабыл о своем наставнике... Кити знала.когда княжна Марья. чтобы идти к письменному столу. Посмотрев на часы... что ничто не мешает ему высказаться (to speak). по твердо глядя ей в глаза. (Л.. чтоб она ехала со мною». (Л. — сказал он ей тихим и печальным голосом. что Алексей Александрович.. так как знал. (Пушкин) 12.. что вы не заставите меня раскаяться в моей снисходительности». лицо его сделалось мрачно.. (Пушкин) 8. Толстой) 13..шаги лакея заставили ее очнуться (to rouse oneself). (Л. Она [Анна] вышла в столовую. не пошел к ней. чтобы ходить за ним. княгиня. (Л. влюбился в нее и предложил ей руку. сидя под окошком за пяльцами. Он обнял Левина и. Он [Левин] сел опять. чтоб тотчас. (Л. (Л. Он [Левин] встал. хотя она слышала. учтиво улыбаясь.. говоря с ним. Толстой) 23. Толстой) 29. Толстой) 6. Высокий. нечаянно (to happen) взглянула на улицу и увидела молодого инженера.. Взволнованная свиданием с Дубровским... Наташа знала. (Пушкин) 31. кажется. Толстой) 14. когда князь обратится к нему. Между тем лошади пришли. Толстой) 16.. увидел он. Разговаривая вечером с Катей. которая... что действительно хорошо бы было. (Тургенев) 26.. и. Павел Петрович улыбнулся и. (Л.Exercise 23. а остался на деревне. она притворилась.. положив руку на плечо брату.. приехала к нему. что время ехать. Толстой) 25. лежавшая у его ног. узнав о его освобождении и болезни. Толстой) 3. она [Анна] вошла в вагон и села на свое место.в голове его [Пьера] мелькнула мысль. даже ежели бы и взяли Москву.. (Л. оставившего ему небольшой капитал (fortune). куда идти. что он придет сюда. ожидая приезда гостей. что стонал не князь Андрей. — сказал он [Каренин]. Когда он [Левин] увидел. (Л. — Терентия и Ваську. голова разболелась..» Марья Кириловна отвечала заготовленною фразой: «Надеюсь. чтобы уехать незаметно (unnoticed). Толстой) 7. Я буду там в 6 часов». (Л.. (Л. не замечал Вронского. стоящего неподвижно и 95 . приписала внизу (to write below): «Мне необходимо вас видеть. (Л. Толстой) 18. (Л. Ростов. что благодаря этому дождю наверное застанет ее дома и одну.. Толстой) 24. Обед.. (Тургенев) 28. не переезжал из Петербурга. Но Дефорж стоял уже перед нею. — что вы не отказали мне в моей просьбе.однажды Лизавета Ивановна. приехавших из Москвы. «Благодарю вас. скрыв от него свое лицо. который встал и спокойно дожидался. Пьер увидел.. и желаю. Он любил удить рыбу и как будто (to seem) гордился тем. увидев Пьера. Толстой) 17. плешивый старый человек. Толстой) 22. очень богатый человек лет сорока шести. окончился... невозможно было ехать. стоял в передней. они. (Л. запрягали их в кибитку (to harness to) проезжего. Translate into English. 1. ожидая.... Толстой) 20. и смотритель (postmaster) приказал. Герман был сын обрусевшего немца. что в этом отношении он был собой доволен. (Тургенев) 27..—но я вижу. как тонкая шея ее тряслась от рыданий.. Ее случайно увидел некто Одинцов... взаимно презирали друг друга. как он выходил к дверям кабинета.. но.. Толстой) 2. Наташа позвала ее к себе. не читая. но этот страшный неумолкавший (never-ceasing) стон заставил зарыдать ее. что княгиня была оскорблена тем. (Л. Толстой) 5.. (Л. что госпожа Шталь как будто (to seem) избегала знакомиться с нею. (Пушкин) 10. не желая навязывать свое знакомство княжне (to force something on somebody). «Извините меня. и Ласка. Толстой) 21 __ Анна села с письмом Бетси к столу и. Он (Вронский]. как бы спрашивая его. Постояв (to stand still) несколько секунд. недавно вернувшийся с вод (foreign watering-place). что пишет. . upstairs.устремившего глаза к ее окошку. увидев Лаврецкого. (Л. headlong. The man must have had diabolically acute hearing. They went eyeing each other askance. (Тургенев) 37.. Twice I doubled round corners.. (Dreiser) 15. (Тургенев) 35. They are quiet atpresent.. покраснела. что он встретил ее тогда в таких особенных условиях. too. homeward. The driver. A week later I am visited by a very stylishly dressed young woman. — проговорила Варвара Павловна. что она видела на Мясницкой улице. казалось. (Л.. She consulted her husband at once. underneath. The only thing is to cut the knot for good. (Л. То... Забыв опасность быть узнанным. I. tenfold. (Galsworthy) 11. (Galsworthy) 3. eastward. не поднимая глаз. so. late. еще больше увеличила страх графини рассказами (to describe) о том. (Saroyan) 7. (Galsworthy) 27. He [Jolyon] was free to go off with his easel where and when he liked.. Толстой) 44.. следили за ее игрой (the game). (Galsworthy) 16. (Пушкин) 33. (Wells) 20. George had lived too fast. Княжна Марья произвела на него приятное впечатление под Смоленском. Exercise 2. She talked to them naturally. blundered into things? (Wells) 9. fast. (Galsworthy) 18. Fleur having declared that it was "simply too wonderful to stay indoors. Толстой) THE ADVERB Exercise 1.. и. (Galsworthy) 28. (Horgan) 96 . monsieur de Beausset приказал нести впереди себя привезенную им императору посылку. or he would not have been dying twenty years before his time — too fasti (Galsworthy) 10. Наполеон стоял. it isn't fair to bother you.. Why. Лиза вошла в комнату и. otherwise. He (SoarnesJ remembered her birthday well — he had always observed it religiously. (Galsworthy) 30.. (Пушкин) 34. Patients insist on having microbes nowadays. Толстой) 42. beneath. (Murdoch) 6. They had been dancing together. In another moment Adyl was leading the way downstairs.. (Тургенев) 38. He [Soames] had never had a love of music. quickly. Толстой) 41. Point out the adverbs and define the group each belongs to. к самому крыльцу (the steps).. And she lived at Mapledurham a jolly name. но не увидел никого. Soames looked at her hard (Galsworthy) 24. как на богатую партию. На стене висели два портрета. (Wells) 4. seldom. good-naturedly.. and Jates and Karen went afoot. then. жила своей жизнью. She seems to be simple enough. повторил ей то же самое. And gave them their Sunday toys. outside. и страшная боль. As soon as Annette found herself outside.. Yes. (Shaw) 29. Лаврецкий походил около сада в смутной надежде встретиться с Лизой. (Heym) 17. что именно на нее одно время указывала ему мать. (Тургенев) 39. Толстой) 43. “Я желаю. (Greene) 22. forward. Толстой) 40. наклонясь над самым ее ухом. The boy was due to go to-morrow. Москва. его не слыхала. inside. (Shaw) 5. (Buck) 2. (Galsworthy) 8. (Wells) 23. M-me Schoss. (Пушкин) 32. (Galsworthy) 13. (Л.. twice. Why had he lived such a life? Why had he submitted to things. I think sometimes there is nothing before me but hard work. once.. (This is America) 26. сделали то. (Л. В соседней избе лежал раненый адъютант Раевского с разбитой кистью руки. Ростов подвинулся. Толстой) 45. что она глуха. thrice I crossed the road and came back on my tracks. (Тургенев) 36. Случилось так. что в числе горничных Анны Павловны находилась одна очень хорошенькая девушка. чтобы вы меня простили». sang a little song to them. on the river somewhere. (Л.. (Galsworthy) 21. you've hardly started. (Saroyan) 14.. Герман вообразил. на Поклонной горе и смотрел на открывавшееся (to lie) перед ним зрелище. It [the cry] came from the terrace below.оставшись один в маленькой комнатке. что он обратил на нее особенное внимание. too.... heartily. He spoke little and listened much. (Galsworthy) 25. forever. beyond. nowadays. Они сидели возле Марфы Тимофеевны и. rarely. sometimes.' inquiringly. afoot. State the morphological composition of the following adverbs Where." they all went out. I must get the money somehow. писанные (to paint) в Париже m-me Lebrun. was ordered to take the car to the pool.. scarcely. казалось. (Л. стонать.. (Galsworthy) 12. I never felt better in my life.. nowhere. он долго ходил в ней взад и вперед. It was as if his soul had been cramped and his eyes bandaged from the hour of his birth.заставляла его жалобно. ходившая к своей дочери.. (Cronin) 19... abroad. Переодевшись в придворный мундир. н то.. He took a few steps towards her and looked less at her than at the open doorway behind her. казалось. Старуха молча смотрела на него и. she began to run. ahead. at. She was the one who was being hurt __. holding a handkerchief which the boy had evidently just handed to her. "Good Lord!" said Fleur. (slowly) (Galsworthy) 6. with regard to." (Galsworthy) 4. he crept softly upstairs. to shake it.. (Heym) 9." catching up the light. Karen. "Hark!" cried the Dodger at this moment. with. the honour of grasping your hand — permit me. stooping over her. "I heard the tinkler.. Now. and her soul was no __ the sealed wonder it had been. (Sheridan) 11. off. Over the ridge she would find him. He contrived to get a glimpse of Montanelli once or __ in every week. She s just engaged to him.. Insert prepositions and define their meaning where possible. uncle James. He followed her mental process __ now. (Dickens) 10. unduly sensitive." "H'm!" muttered James. (Dickens) 13. although there were — the older ones some who longed. "Certainly. she arrived between four and five." (Heym) 9. The Buccaneer. (freely) (London) 8. and yielded himself __ to the music. across. 1. "Hush. However. Heavens! How dull you arel (Sheridan) 6. without. began to run. I must bear my cross as __ I may. Pickwick. owing to. intimately) (Gaskell) MODAL WORDS Exercise I. below. "it's good to have you around!" (Heym) 7. Use the comparative or superlative degree of the adverbs.. watching him go so sadly. up. "Where do you get your information? Nobody tells. (Voynich) 14. (Galsworthy) 10. along. you deserve a very excellent husband—you do indeed. A man jumped on top of the barricade and. "The Boers are a hard nut to crack. outside. __ still. (Galsworthy) 8. He had stopped their mouths. (clearly..moreover. __ the comfort and security __ his old home. Winifred could barely get a word out of him. (often) (Voynich) 5. (well) (Buck) 3. (Dickens) 8.. during. Hallo. out of. to find that her mother drew __ and __ towards her than she had ever done since the days of her childhood. "Am I only twenty-one? I feel forty-eight. She was probably dissatisfied just as he was. under. and naturally he wants her to come away and marry. Here! I've had enough of this. as did even Mijnheer Stulting __ times. (Wells) 2. he ate nothing." he said. Exercise 2.. Ah! you are both of you good-natured. [Wells) 4. maybe. (deeply) (Wilson) 4.Exercise 3. (Shaw) THE PREPOSITION Exercise 1.. until. been to the club and walked home. Then he dismissed the thought as unworthy and impossible. My dear Ma'am. "Americains! Hurrah. 1. 1. "Oh. standing near the door. Bertine and I are just on our way home. Driving __ now. Surely she would find him. here is a character to your taste. in view of. concerning. (high) (James) 10. "Oh! My eyel" he said looking very lowspirited. I don't like those mysterious little pleasure trips that he is so fond of taking. if only for a few minutes." (Galsworthy) 3. It was a comfort to Margaret about this time. (Dickens) 12. inside. (Dreiser) 6. The life __ the Dutch settlement now began to be built into the life __ the American nation. State the morphological composition of the following prepositions: In. (Sheridan) 15. (fast) (Faulkner) 2. but he certainly took his liquor and his face kept getting whiter. "Who is that?" she cried. he was __ educated than the others. I'm going. Felix's eyebrows rose __ than ever. Alas! The white house was empty and there was a bill in the window. (Galsworthy) THE INTERJECTION Exercise 1. Well. "you'll drive me mad!" (Dickens) 5. (well) (Shaw) 7. but at what a cost. Point out all the interjections and say whether they are emotional or imperative. long) (London) 9. no doubt. felt sorry perhaps for his behaviour to the old man. Of course she is frightfully excited about it. shouted. Then the bus. Michael! I'm rather late. "Allow me. into. Thorp was actually too sick to see anybody." (Galsworthy) 2. waving exuberantly.. behind. through a long avenue. according to. (Dickens) 11. Sir. in front of. (tenderly." said the grave man. He saw Fleur.. (Galsworthy) 5. (Galsworthy) 7. Point out all the modal words and define their meaning. It had been a sad blow __ him when the pastor died 97 . regarding. 1. truly. "I am sorry for that. This these people did consciously and __ their own will." said Mr. (Dreiser) 12. "Good Heavensl" cried my mother. till. hush!" said one of the women. (Galsworthy) 3. Maria. Sir. Knowledge of something kept from her made him. who __ turn would nod his head sagely. He dropped __ Elizabeth's studio ir _ tea. until.. so that. and. (Heym) 9.. (Heym) 6. (Dickens) 17. her eyes __ ice continued to dwell freezingly __ mine. explain something __ the other.. The river was not high. There was only one other event __ this hall-year. is a good deal less solid. Murdstone. he had been assured __ everybody. O'Dowd was __ great assistance __ him. but also. He could not do enough to show his gratitude __ the whole hearted devotion __ which she had accepted the burden he laid __ her. He looked __ his watch. __ these studies the excellent Mrs. The stranger had not gone far. Micawber reappeared. no sooner. Point out all the coordinating conjunctions and define the group each belongs to. (Galsworthy) 18. (Saroyan) 8. so. __ time __ time they would halt and one __ them would. The Germans. Bronte) 4. (Twain) 6. He had forgotten that she was ignorant __ his story and __ his flight __ Carlion. When __ the first week __ December he decided to go __ Paris.__ the early years and lie was never again satisfied altogether __ any who tried to take his place. as long as. Karl is solid and extremely certain of himself. nor in any number of years would acquire. (Thackeray) 11. (Greene) 10. I knew him __ that name now. while. 1. (Heym) 9.. __ half an hour the doctor would be back. (Galsworthy) 7. He could see no one. (Maugham) 15. Insert by or with. He was proud __ this enlistment.. (Buck) 2.. Bitterly tired. Mrs.. (Wells) 7.. (Clark) 5. (Murdoch) 8. (Snow) 7. The hills around Rollingen. so he made after him to ask the name. But for a long time we did not see any lights. (Ch. still reminded Yates of the first days in Paris. Reed's hands still lay __ her work inactive. the honeymoon of liberation. nor. now that. when Mr. He stared __ her __ amazement.. either. he lay down __ the sofa __ his fur coat and fell asleep. (Galsworthy) 12. of course. before. (Murdoch) 10. so there was not more than a two or three mile current. while Joseph on the other hand.. who had the serious face __ a child thrown __ the world too soon. than. as. he had come __ consciousness when his country. (Aldington) 5. (Dickens) 6. (Dickens) Exercise 3. proud __ his boy forgoing off to fight __ the country.. supposing. She had been appointed __ one of Rainborough's predecessors. The streets. the road was strewn __ stones and bricks and rubble. Reggie Burnside passed __ London __ his way __ Murren. or else that the shadowing was over. he was far __ admitting that Irene's presence was influencing him. if. or. They dined in the small restaurant. Stroeve was. and he began to believe that either his instinct had deceived him. Septimus Small let fall no word. as. (Heym) 2. Just before Christmas. nor.. and. the more difficult it was to walk. __ the appointed time __ the evening Mr. nor did 98 . Bing went __ the soldier. for fear that.. neither did she question June about him.. not only. Bronte) 13. were on the run. or it may be too late. just over that bad attack __ scarlet fever. (Dickens) 4. He was busy making entries __ a lead pencil in a book which lay open before him. both. (Galsworthy) 3. lest. One autumn morning I was __ my mother __ the front garden. Be quick. (Galsworthy) 8. 1. when. A child __ 1901.. as well as. usually illuminated __ the fires in the blast furnaces. after... provided. though no less certain of himself. as if. (Ch... Both men were loaded down __ field equipment and the bottles contributed __ the grateful people of Paris. as though. delighted __ her. came by __ horseback. (Galsworthy) 14.real accuracy and purity she neither possessed. (Aldington) 16. it seemed. He reached his house __ midnight.. although. (Dickens) 3. I remember being met at the Zoo station __ one of their scholars.Mrs. An accidental circumstance cemented the intimacy __ Steerforth and me.. which had been "decorated" __ rather feeble pictures __ young artists. (Heym) 4. neither. notwithstanding. or. __ a manner that inspired me __ great pride and satisfaction though it sometimes led __ inconvenience. that made an impression __ me which still survives. Exercise 2. and it was unlikely that they would stop running so soon. He sat down vigorously and lighted a cigarette __ trembling hands.. (Dickens) 2. (Galsworthy) 5. They were __ earnest conversation.. as soon as. unless. State the morphological composition oi the following conjunctions: For. But the nearer he came to the center of the town.. (Dreiser) 3.. crowded __ people. (Heym) THE CONJUNCTION Exercise 1. (Greene) 9. were crowded __ the lightning of far-off guns. was preparing __ the Liberal revival __ 1906. It seemed to him that he could contrive to secure for her the full benefit of both his life insurance and his fire insurance. (Murdoch) 3. It is just because I want to save my soul that I am marrying for money. (Saroyan) 16. You're at just the right distance. So the tiny woman closed the shutter of the cottage window and fastened the door. (Galsworthy) 9. he [Cowperwood] wrote his resignation to the chairman of the board of directors. (Snow) 11. he never hesitated. and left her. You are coming right out into life — facing it all. I have never again urged my suit. (Dickens) 15. Rosa feared this power. Shaw) 13. (Snow) 22. "You will be sure to come?" said Mr. Mr. Not a career for a man of his ability. I am interested only in man. worried. (Wells) 6. (Clark) 10. (Galsworthy) 4. The reference was as plain as it was unexpected. I shall also try to be there at ten. And yet tired though he was after his three long days. They were all smiling wid'ely at me as I came toward them. do you think there is any chance? Can she possibly survive this last terrible complication? (Shaw) 4. (Maugham) 18. Point out all the subordinating conjunctions and say what kind of subordinate clauses they introduce. (Murdoch) 8. opened a very secret place. 1. (Dickens) 3. he's been a simply perfect father. He never looked back. (Saroyan) 10. untidy man. I think. Lammlein rose. (Dickens) 5. (Heym) 10. (Twain) 12.the time had come in which she must speak to him truly. (Collins) GRAMMATICAL HOMONYMS Exercise 1. because it had been a gift from his mother. since she would not leave me. (Priestley) 17. In that small room he seemed even bigger than I remembered him. Pancks has come down into the Yard to-night. She stood quite silent while Butler appealed to her. in order that he should be prepared to hand it to him at once. Tom. 1. (/. a modal word. After a sleepless night. Whatever I intend to do I'll do without advice from the outside. (Dreiser) 19. (Galsworthy) 9. Since Miss Wilfer rejected me." (Dickens) 8. State whether the boldfaced word is an adverb. Life I love and before death I am humble. Oh. doctor. so long as I can remember. "Oh. Soames dreaded the moment when the car should stop. always looking as if he had slept in the expensive clothes he wore. Bronte) 7. He prized the pencil. and yet not quite certainly. but she enjoyed it too. (Wells) 14. I don't think I shall ever be afraid of you again.. locked my bureau. (Galsworthy) 6.. 99 . (Dreiser) 2. you'll manage it and if you do I'll give you something ever so nice. I looked at the clock. (Wells) 6. (Bennett) 7. (Dreiser) THE PARTICLE Exercise 1. 1. (Dreiser) 11. (Braine) 4. (London) 8. Bessie. He was a fattish. and showed the Princess a shadow. but rowed steadily in the dark riding with the waves. Just then the telephone rang. (Priestley) 14. We merely want to see the girl and take her away.we see the shore. Snodgrass. Give me your promise that this shall be done.-She looked at him simply.. directly. She ought to have written at once and told htm exactly what had happened.. He had taken up with it solely because he was starving. (Mansfield) 20." they all went out.. (Galsworthy) 15. (Shaw) 2. another man was there before him. Whenever I looked at Susan she gave me a frank full-hearted smile. Fleur having declared that it was "simply too wonderful to stay indoors. Early as he was. Soames was but following in the footsteps of his father. (Wells) 7. and trembling from head to root for fear that any one should suspect her. (Warren) 21. Miss Whitmore was truly taken by surprise. We followed him along the corridor. He needed the peculiar sympathy that a woman alone can give. They did not even look at him. I extinguished my taper." he said pompously. (Galsworthy) 17. certainly. 5. (Hemingway) Exercise 3. (Locke) 13. "We have fulfilled our obligations. He was a tall fellow with a very wide mouth and prematurely bald in front. We're as we're made. (Trollope) 3. (Dreiser) 2. My mother knew so exactly how to dress. The hall looked exactly as it did when he used to dine there with Jack Herring. The most I can say now is that it is very cold in San Francisco. (Galsworthy) 13. (Ch.. (Maugham) 12. She would never persuade them that she had done right. (Twain) 11. Soames smiled. As soon as he had gone. (Dreiser) 5. Breakfast was not yet over before the men came to put up the marquee.. Certainly Uncle James had a way with him. on purpose that you should hear him. Don't come any nearer. so that he appeared to have a colossal forehead. Point out the particles and define the group each belongs to. (Priestley) 9. Once they reached the open country the car leapt forward like a mad thing. you'll manage it and if you do I'll give you something ever so nice. (Faulkner) 16. or a particle. and I am freezing. Tom. (Си. Bronte) 12. Define the part of speech the boldfaced words belong to. (Shaw) 18. (Collins) 24." (Collins) 21. little used. What. He dressed for dinner early and was first down. "I had another reason for suspecting the deceased woman. a preposition. through the musty smell of an old close house. a conjunction. (Baum) 3. Bronte) 25. The only thing is to cut the knot for good. A little before midnight the thick fog that had been falling over the city became rain. (Hemingway) (Hemingway) Exercise 3.. (Trollope) 12. his will. It was dark inside. (Galsworthy). (Galsworthy) 2. (Lindsay) 11. (Lindsay) 2. On one point they were in agreement — George had degenerated terribly since joining the army. The sun was going down and the day was cooling off. laughed and felt better. They mounted up and up. (Clark) 7. The afternoon before the attack was spent in putting the boats ready.. Outside. when it was a trifle cooler till dusk. (Galsworthy) 17. (Murdoch) 5. surely. (Galsworthy) 27. caught the comic lift of her eyebrow just like their father's. State whether the boldfaced word is an adverb. just inside the door. After dinner they sat about and smoked. his pride." he said. I was born there. It was a nice little place and he liked the high mountain hauling up beyond. each of these brothers was very different from the other. (Hemingway) 16. (Aldington) 13. (Galsworthy) 10. To be loved beautifully was surely the crown and climax of her being. too. (Ch. 3. (This is America) (Dreiser) Exercise 2. (Mansfield) 20. 1. The lieutenant's exile was to be only a temporary one. I knew him well. It was just that he had never really looked into a human face before. shallow tray full of pots of pink lilies.14. There. (Greene) 2. I don't know just what to do.. 1. They were reluctant to interfere in their niece's private affairs. Outside it was getting dark. I drove back up the narrow road.. (Wells) 26. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject. (Dickens) 22. (Heym) 8. A cool March air came in through the revolving door whenever the page-boy passed the guests in or out. (Hemingway) 7.. but have never been there since I was a baby. the poison of the wounds to his happiness. (Twain) 5. (Dreiser) 4. (Trollope) 11. She thought for a moment before she replied. He steeled himself with that phrase. had corroded the comely edifice of his philosophy. (Galsworthy) 21. They are sitting in number 7 booth. but he was not still a moment. Lady Anna stood at the open window. Somebody outside pulled at the door. With age one suffered from the feeling that one might have enjoyed things more. (Warren) 12. They said of him that he was too serious. He could not go on living here alone. but it was some years since. stood a wide. (Saroyan) 8.. You have never worked at anything like this before. with the secret inner process that works the destruction of an old tree. But the gentleman had not finished his requests yet. truly.9. after all. (Hemingway) 4. I'll just tap and ask them to come out. For your suggestion alone I could have you court-martialed. (Trollope) 18. Ablewhite never made his appearance that night. have you? (Dreiser) 10. (Shaw) 3. They just came in. It seemed to him that life was hollow. lay the Park. (Hemingway) 19. (Wilde) 6. (Priestley) 20. did an extra five minutes matter? But he would pretend to himself that they mattered beyond measure. 4. Clare had made one of her greatest efforts. You never talk anything but nonsense. Rinaldi picked up the candle. (Maugham) 14. His tone was different from that of his friends. (Hemingway) Exercise 4. (Priestley) 23. I have only just come. or a postposition. (Trollope) 9. (Galworthy) 15. but the next door was harder to pass. and tiptoed on. I have not seen him yet. looking across at the broad field and the river bank beyond. But he missed Fleur.Charlie felt sure that she was still somewhere in London. Bertine and I are just on our way home. What are they that they should judge us? Yet they do unhesitatingly. State whether the boldfaced word is an adverb or a preposition. He had no purpose in going about the room. Slowly. 100 . He wandered down the street again. (Hemingway) 10. and beyond the road.. After she had left me I brooded on my situation. and existence but a burden. (Galsworthy) 7. who came down last. (Snow) 13. were alike. 1. She never saw him strike or heard him abuse me.there was a little hill and beyond a stone wail. At other times he was working in his vineyard from dawn till the heat drove him to rest and then again. (Galsworthy) 12. In turn. (Galsworthy) 9. (Dickens) II. (Mansfield) 6. (Dreiser) 17.. Old Mr. (Dreiser) 5. (Lindsay) 8. an apple orchard. "which appears to me to have been stronger still. He glanced up reproachfully. (Dreiser) 16. (This is America) 15. and I valued him as a man of singular probity and spirit. (Galsworthy) 28. but bent over her work. Carrie said nothing. lit it and went on reading. After tea she fulfilled that promise to herself and took Jon up the hill. (Dickens) 19. yet they. (Aldington) 6. to a large garret bedroom. She came back with a package and got in and we drove on. There was yet another source of difference between us. Mrs. Lucretius knew very little about what was going on in the world. his eyes upon the floor. The garden." (Mansfield) 11. (Dickens) 16. you know. He ate all that was placed before him. I have just returned from my round of m.. Point out two-member sentences (say whether they are complete or elliptical) and one-member sentences. SYNTAX THE SIMPLE SENTENCE Exercise 1. Ends? (London) 4. 20. with his back to us too?" (Mansfield) 2. please. she said to a woman standing by. (Douglas) 5. "And why does he sit always alone." "Not in the garden?" interrupted her mother." she said in an oily voice." "And the daughter?" "Pretty. 1." said the boss.. Macey. The stars. "Mother. (Hemingway) 21. Is literature less human than the architecture and sculpture of Egypt? (London) 5. shan't we. What is the meaning of that? She is going to live in the house. Scott?" But to her horror the woman answered. The wonder and glory of all this." (Heym) 8. Basket chairs. an oldfashioned one. To be away from these staring eyes." arid she was shut in the passage. Once we got inside the dressing-room. "Help me God!" as she walked up the tiny path and knocked. to be away from this! She actually said. Did he run into debt. Jack lay down and shut his eyes. smiling queerly. (Mansfield) 12. How will you carry the bill into effect? Can you commit a whole country to their own prisons? (Byron) Exercise 3. (Dreiser) 10. (Galsworthy) 7. July. One man. Then the door opened. (Dickens) 15. Laura said. stuff for wounded. (Mansfield) 19. "No. "I'll see nobody for half an hour. "Did she have a chill?" he asked. He wants to write a play for me. said." Oh. full of roses. And then the silence and the beauty of this camp at night. is something that you can lead but once. Lived on his own fat like a bearin winter. fulfilling their duty. "Can I see the manager?" I said. Wouldn't do to miss it. Decides to commit suicide. One act. Look round this room." (Leacock) 7. she decided. Mr. are set under a large yewtree. Obedient little trees." (Galsworthy) 9. "Is this Mrs. Define the type of question 1. At that moment the woman at the fire turned round. We shall be having some sort of celebration for the bride. (Hardy) 14. please. "What do you want?" "Bandages. Lived like a mole in a burrow. a man's been killed. miss. one of those women's shawls even! I'll just leave the basket and go. and it was very pleasant indeed. Define the kinds of sentences according to the purpose of the utterance. And life. (Dickens) 17. and a table covered with books. isn't she? (Galsworthy) 9. Shall we all go on Sunday? (Galsworthy) 11. "Are you Mrs.edical visits.The startling discovery so terrified her that she could hardly repress a sound. They were only five at a round table. my lass. (Collins) 18. A beautiful day. quite warm. A flight of grey stone steps leads up to the house. Tossing the velvet ribbon over her shoulder. Time of year. He couldn't understand what Irene found wrong with him: it was not as if he drank. (Cronin) 3. (Galsworthy) 2. "Understand? Nobody at all. Columbus intended to round Africa and thus find a waterway to India. "alone. and added politely. "Walk in. (Mansfield) 6. "I don't want to come in. Eden's address. "How did he look?" "Grey but otherwise much the same. Were you talking about the house? I haven't seen it yet." The little woman in the gloomy passage seemed not to hear her.. miss. Don't you realize it's quite against the rules to have him. (Maugham) Part II.. The mystic shadow water. "Who is he?" I said. Garden at the Manor House. (Wilde) 101 . or gamble or swear? (Galsworthy) 10. You have Mr. (Mansfield) Exercise 2. I shan't even wait for it to be emptied." said Laura. He stared amazed at the calmness of her answer. or to be covered up in anything. Laura was terribly nervous. I only want to leave this basket. Scott's house?" and the woman. Mr. We must go to meet the bus. haven't you. When had the carriage been back from taking Miss June to the station? (Galsworthy) 8. "Step this way. "It is. unfortunately. Crawley? (Du Maurier) 6. A little woman in black showed in the gloom. (Cronin) 3. (Cronin) 12. (Kahler) 4. and Laura followed her. Exercise 4. Point out the subject and say by what it is expressed. Translate into Russian. 1. At that moment the postman, looking like a German army officer, came in with the mail. (Mansfield) 2. The clock struck eight. There was no sign of any of the other guests. (Huxley) 3. Now, there is something peculiarly intimate in sharing an umbrella. (Mansfield) 4. Together we walked through the mud and slush. (Mansfield) 5. Something impersonal and humble in that action seemed to reassure the Consul. (Cronin) 6. The sight of them, so intent and so quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. (Mansflied) 7. Eight o'clock in the morning. Miss Ada Moss lay in a black iron bedstead, staring up at the ceiling. (Mansfield) 8. Still, the good of mankind was worth working for. (Galsworthy) 9. Sometimes the past injects itself into the present with a peculiar force. (Heym) 10. Forgetting some things is a difficult matter. (Voynich) 11. To cross from one end to the other was difficult because of the water. (Heym) 12. "A person doesn't have to be rich to be clean," Charles said. (Braine) 13. There was an eagerness and excitement in the faces of the men. (Heym) 14....and Timothy's was but one of hundreds of such homes in this City of London... (Galsworthy) 15. Let's get out quick. It's no good wasting time. (Maugham) 16. "Very well," said Soames, "then we know where we are." (Galsworthy) 17. Now, to go through a stormy night and with wet clothes, and, in addition, to be ill nourished and not to have tasted meat for a week or a month, is about as severe a hardship as a man can undergo. (London) 18. She did not know. The "No" was stronger than her craving to be in Frisco's arms and forget this dreary existence. (Prichard) 19. The mining industry might make wealth and power for a few men and women. But the many would always be smashed and battered beneath its giant treads. (Prichard) 20. Yes, that did sound rather far-fetched and absurd. (Mansfield) 21. This, of course, in her present mood, was so incredibly beautiful... She began to laugh. (Mansfield) 22. To live on good terms with people one must share their work and interests. (Prichard) 23. These three deemed themselves the queens of the school. (Ch. Bronte) 24. Who were these people? What are they? (Galsworthy) 25. His was the harsh world of reality. No one could walk around his drawing. (Stone) 26. Governing the district of Cremmen wasn't turning out to be an easy and pleasant job. (Heym) 27. The firing increased in volume. (Heym) 28. High and low all made fun of him. (Thackeray) 29. For a woman to look at her best is a point of discipline. (James) 30. Your coming home has made me as foolish as a young girl of nineteen. (Abrahams) 31. And now his heir and nephew, Thomas Esmond, began to bid for his uncle's favour. (Thackeray) Exercise 5. State the nature of it. Translate into Russian. 1. It was dusky in the dining-room and quite chilly. (Mansfield) 2 The bell rang. It was lean, pale Eddie Warren in a state of acute distress. (Mansfield) 3. Oh! Ohl Oh! It was a little house. It was a little pink house. (Mansfield) 4. But in her bosom there was still that bright glowing place. It was almost unbearable. (Mansfield) 5. She sat up, but she felt quite dizzy, quite drunk. It must have been the spring. (Mansfield) 6. It was marvellous to be made love to like that. (Prichard) 7. It is the moon that makes you talk to yourself in that silly way. (Shaw) 8. It is very distressing to me, Sir, to give this information. (Dickens) 9. He took the path through the fields: it was pleasanter than the road. (Huxley) 10. If this is liberty, it isn't going to mean a thing. (Heym) 11. It was now almost four-thirty in the afternoon. (Dreiser) 12. I took a good room. It was very big and light and looked out on the lake. (Hemingway) Exercise 6. Point oui the predicate and say to what type it belongs. 1. Presently she grew tired of that and looked across at her sister. (Galsworthy) 2. You shall have as many dances as you like. I shan't dance with anyone except you End Maxim. (Du Maurier) 3. Well, d'you feel any better now? (Priestley) 4. Harry was enjoying his dinner. (Mansfield) 5. Alice went on, he ought to stop doing nothing and criticising everybody. (Lindsay) 6. Everything is being taken down and used against you. (Lindsay) 7. The story will only get repeated and exaggerated. (Du Maurier) 8. But I've got to have a word with him. We got to do something about it. (Pnchard) 9. She became bitter and unapproachable. (Thorne) 10. Her marriage was more or less fixed for the twenty-eighth of the month. They were to sail for India on September the fifth. (Lawrence) 11. Leila's partner gave a little gasping laugh. (Mansfield) 12. You are to go straight to your room. You are to say nothing of this to anyone. (De la Roche) 13. He was a country doctor. He died young. (Sanborn) 14. I began to stammer my apologies. He would not listen to me. (Du Maurier). 15. To walk in this 102 way behind him seemed to Annette already a sufficient marvel. (Murdoch) 16. A ship — the Vestris — is reported to be arriving at Joppa. (Douglas) 17. Led was having a little new sort of weeping fit daily or every other day. (Wescott) 18. Even now he was able to find a thin excuse for that young idiot. (Kahler) 19. Do not delay, there is'no time. Teacher Williams lies dead already. (Buck) 20. The grey house had ceased to be a home for family life. (Buck) 21. Kit had. been told to do nothing in particular. (Lindsay) 22. Lately he'd made efforts to bring the matter up with Brian or Colin. (Lindsay) 23. The sky shone pale. (Mansfield) 24. These days are finished. They are blotted out. I must begin living all over again. (Du Maurier) 25. Next day, by noon, I was up and dressed, and sat wrapped in a shawl by the nursery hearth. (Ch. Bronte) 26. And all the while he felt the presence of Pat and had to keep on resisting the impulse to turn round. (Lindsay) 27. But Abramovici remained quiet. (Heym) 28. Morning broke quiet and hushed, subdued as if holding its breath. (Abrahams) 29. There were a number of people out this afternoon. And the band sounded louder and gayer. (Mansfield) 30. This has proved surprisingly difficult. (Murdoch) Exercise 7. Say where the predicate is simple and where it is compound (nominal or verbal). 1. Two young girls in red came by. (Mansfield) 2. Demetrius came alive and pressed a flock of inquiries. (Douglas) 3. And in many ways along lines you'd more or less approve, I am coming to feel the mill apart of myself. (Lindsay) 4. He tried to be both firm and friendly. I've felt dependent on him. (Lindsay) 5. He now felt only a confused ache of memory and a growing desire to be home. (Lindsay) 6. No one was there to meet Dick. He felt a twinge of disappointment. (Lindsay) 7. There was a silence but not an uncomfortable one. (Braine) 8. He was vaguely aware of his father standing by kitchen-range with his coat off. (Lindsay) 9. The day of our wedding came. He was to cal( for me to choose the furniture. (Mansfield) 10. A good reliable husband he'd make. And our Alice is a great one for wanting a place of her own. (Lindsay) 11. That made all the difference. The room came alive at once. (Mansfield) 12. "She sounds serious," Albertine insisted. "She keeps talking about it." (Kahler) 13. Not even her own children had seen Ma break down. She'd keep a proud face always. (Mansfield) 14. My lady keeps a list of the names in a little red book (Mansfield) 15. Charlie kept quiet. (Priestley) 16. Cedric Thompson stood a good three inches above me. (Braine) 17. For a moment I stood aghast, peering after her shadowy figure, and wondering what had taken her. (Weyman) 18. And then they sat silent for a few moments together. (Trollope) 19. I sat writing letters on a piece of paper with a pencil. (Haggard) 20. And for some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress, rather unequally posed between this world and the next. (Dickens) 21. After many adventures I and a little girl lay senseless in the Bad Lands. (Haggard) 22. He seemed glad to see me. (Du Maurier) 23. At that moment everything in her life seemed to be a source of desperate anxiety. (Murdoch) 24. You can smile away till you split your cheek, but you still got to do a day's work to earn a day's wages. Apples don't grow on monkey-trees. (Lindsay) 25. She grew to know the two elderly men better than any other member of Eden's family. (London) 26. Yates grew impatient. (Heym) 27. She turned once more to Mr. Godfrey. (Collins) 28. Gwendolen turned pink and pale during this speech. (Eliot) 29. Mr. Bruff remained to dinner, and stayed through the evening. (Collins) 30. Michelangelo remained silent. (Stone) 31. I gave up the attempt and went upstairs to unpack. (Braine) 32. Michelangelo's knees went weak. He sat down on his bed. (Stone) 33. I looked at the photograph above the mantelpiece and saw my own lace for the first time. (Braine) 34. Giovanni looked crestfallen. (Stone) 35. He was beginning to sound really angry. (Murdoch) Exercise 8. Say where the reflexive pronoun is part of the predicate and where it is an object or a predicative. 1. On my estate, we pride ourselves on other things besides hay. (Erskine) 2. She paused, her eyes never leaving my face. "I shall always blame myself for the accident." (Du Maurier) 3. She raised herself suddenly in the tall chair, and looked straight at him. (Erskine) 4. Dick found himself walking in the direction of his friend Mike's place. (Lindsay) 5. It was a Tuesday. My lady wasn't quite herself that afternoon. (Mansfield) 6. He felt himself j unusually on edge, unable to maintain the impersonally smug tone of Stephenson. (Lindsay) 7. Mrs. Danvers showed herself at last. (Du Maurier) 103 Exercise 9. Point out the predicative and say by what it is expressed. 1. Annette was completely dazed. (Murdoch) 2. Their highest concept of right conduct, in his case, was to get a job. (London) 3. I'm five foot eleven in my socks. (Braine) 4. Sally, herself, was quite content for a while to enjoy becoming acquainted with her son, washing and feeding him, taking him for walks in thej bush, singing him to sleep. (Prichard) 5. Mr. de Morfe was as; generous and hail-fellow-well-met with them as ever.' (Prichard)\ 6. I am cold. And I always was such a one for being warm.» (Mansfield) 7. Your resemblance to your mother is very striking.] (Murdoch) 8. He did not answer. I was aware again of that feeling] of discomfort. (Du Maurier) 9. I hated myself. My question had been degrading, shameful. (Du Maurier) 10. Their interests were' hers as well as the interests of everybody. (Prichard) 11. He's a good chap. He makes you feel it's worth while being alive. I (Lindsay) 12. Arrived here, his first act was to kneel down on a| large stone beside the row of vessels, and to drink a copious draught from one of them. (Lindsay) 13. Either course seemed unthinkable, without any connection with himself. (Lindsay) 14. The nightmare of my life has come true. We are in danger of our lives. We are white people in a Chinese city. (Buck) 15. The best thing is for you to move in with me and let the young lady stay with your mother. (Abrahams) 16. But she was herself again, brushing her tears away. (Lindsay) 17. The rest of the time was yours. (Douglas) 18. How do you feel physically? (Ch. Bronte] 19. Who are you? (Shaw) 20. The Irish are a philosophic as well as a practical race. Their first and strongest impulse is to make the best of a bad situation. (Dreiser) Exercise 10. Use the adjective or adverb. 1. Catherine smiled at me very __ (happy, happily) (Hemingway) 2. I felt very __ myself, (good, well) (Hemingway) 3. I felt __ when we started, (terrible, terribly) (Hemingway) 4. He sounded __ and __. (brisk, briskly; cheerful, cheerfully) (Priestley) 5. It wil sound __. (strange, strangely)' (Dickens) 6. The hay smelled __ (good, well) (Hemingway) 7. I write English __ (bad, badly); (Ch. Bronte) 8. I looked at her __ (attentive, attentively) (Ch. Bronte) 9. But don't look __, my little girl. It breaks my heart, (sad, sadly) (Ch. Sront'e) 10. He was looking at me __ and __ (grave, gravely; intent, intently) (Ch. Bronte) 11. It [the wine] tasted very __ after the cheese and apple, (good, well) (Hemingway) 12. The brandy did not taste __ (good, well) (Hemingway) 13. The pistol felt __ on the belt, (heavy, heavily) (Hemingway) 14. Silas received the message __. (mute, mutely) (Eliot) 15. I thought he looked __ (suspicious, suspiciously) (Hemingway) Exercise 11. Point out the subjective and the objective predicative and say by what part of speech it is expressed. 1. How do you feel? (Hemingway) 2. The half hour he had with her... left him supremely happy and supremely satisfied with life. (London) 3. How to be shown things and make appropriate comments seems to be an art in itself. (Leacock) 4. She had her arms about him, murmuring his name in a pleading question, but he held her away from him. (Wilson) 5. From behind the verandah she heard these words: "I don't, Annette." Did father know that he called her mother Annette? (Galsworthy) 6. He did not grow vexed; though I continued icy and silent. (Ch. Bronte) 7. John Ferrier felt a different man now. (Conan Doyle) 8. I would suggest that in the meantime we remain perfectly quiet and keep these matters secret even from Oliver himself. (Dickens) 9. He [Harper Steger] was not poor. He had not even been born poor. (Dreiser) 10. Gilt held him immobile for only an instant... (Wilson) 11. As a gesture of proud defiance he had named his son Francis Nicholas. (Cronin) Exercise 12. Translate into English, using a compound nominal predicate. 1. Музыка звучала чудесно. 2. Этот цветок хорошо пахнет. 3. Ваши слова звучат странно. 4. Этот огурец горький на вкус. 5. Бифштекс хорошо пахнет. 6. Эта материя груба на ощупь. 7. Вода в этой местности плоха на вкус. 8. Эта нота звучит резко. 9. Я чувствую себя плохо. 10. Она выглядит хорошо. 11. Она чувствует себя хорошо. 12. Она только кажется хорошей. 13. Пирожное хорошее на вид. 14. Свисток прозвучал пронзительно. 15. Эти розы пахнут упоительно. Exercise 13. Point out the predicate and say to what type it belongs. Translate into Russian. 1. "It's no use," she said quietly. "I am bound to Morris." (Prichard) 2. Her feet were never bound as the Chinese then bound the feet of their girls. (Buck) 3. "I don't want to tell 104 . (Buck) 8. A group of men were standing guarded by carabinieri. (Wescoit) 11. It was answered from under the bluff. Presently all. I had to listen to her long monologues on the Japanese. No one got the better of her. Point out the subject and the predicate. Thus we might prove our difference from those white men. We must begin here and now to show. As of old.. (London) 5. On such meetings five minutes __ the time allotted to each speaker. and Horatio Fizkin. Seeing you there will open up a new world. Nothing seemed to matter. (has. Thereafter I read everything on the subject. never. (Dickens) 2. To describe one's character is difficult and not necessarily illuminating. were) (Twain) 2. When she was sixteen she was a beauty. (Dreiser) 19. (has. the band was stopped. was silent. 10.. (Du Maurier) 12. Rochester. The girl [Aileen] was really beautiful and much above the average intelligence and force. I was increasingly anxious about her. (is. It ought not to be happening at all. an exaltation. At last they came into a maze of dust. never. It is the only possession I was able to save. The newly married pair. "You are not bound to answer that question. (Dickens) 4. London were received by the chief butler. 1. I was compelled to idleness.. (Buck) 7. But I wonder no wealthy nobleman or gentleman __ taken a fancy to her: Mr. (Aldington) 11. One cannot help admiring the fellow. One of them was later sent to board in a missionary school and she was compelled to lose the foot bandages. (was. (Galsworthy) 5. for instance. (Wells) 15. in the maternal look which the girl could not understand. were) (E. (Dickens) 9. The family were still at table. (Buck) Exercise 15." (Erskine) 4. were) (London) 5.you. Bronte) 10. was permitted to proceed. Hers __ a 105 . There was a crowd of soldiers along the fence in the infield. To be wanted is always good. Then he [Tom] gave a low distinct whistle. __. (Du Maurier) 14.. Huckleberry's hard pantings __ his only reply. a band of unemployed were trailing dismally with money-boxes. Down by the Embankment. Cokane. where a quantity of people were tumbling over one another. (Twain) 13. the crowd were partially quieted. (was. Вгопte)12. Each of us __ afraid of the sound of his name. We and all the people have been waiting patient for many an hour. The company are cool and calm. (Dickens) 17. "But you are bound to have it. My father gave it to my mother. (Buck) 20. (Collins) 5." he said to Rachel. On her going to his house to thank him. It was dark and quiet.. but they had finished breakfast. (Hardy) 8. To be the busy wife of a busy man. were) (Trollope) 11. Cavendish Square. Tom's whole class were of a pattern-restless... (Twain) 2. He and I __ nothing in common. a preoccupation. to his thinking. This religion did give promise of creating a new society. were) (Collins) 7. (Erskine) 9. (Jerome K. to be the mother of many children . (was. Lewisham stopped dead at the corner. Jerome) 16. (Ch.. Explain why the predicate — verb is used in the singular or in the plural. It was all wrong this situation. noisy and troublesome. (Douglas) Exercise 14. Bronte) 6. (was. (Dickens) 7. (Murdoch) 3. (was. There were still two hours of daylight before them. (Dickens) 12. My mother was plainly fading.. Use the appropriate iorm of the verb. (Reade) Exercise 16. Neither his father nor his mother __ like other people. it is no use trying to run away from them. men and women. (Murdoch)!.. Neither moon nor stars __ visible. 1. The loving couple were no longer happy. (was. Mr. Her family __ of a delicate constitution. The multitude have something else to do than to read hearts and interpret dark sayings. The citizens of occupied countries were to be subjugated individually. (was. Esquire. on their arrival in Harley Street. were) (Dreiser) 6. (Buck) 6. The three on the sofa rise and chat with Hawkins. staring in blank astonishment after these two figures. Plenty of girls __ taken to me like daughters and cried at leaving me. There __ many a true word spoken in jest. As the result she was compelled to go to the Emperor's palace. My way is not theirs. the highest lot of woman. he happened to see her through a window. (Buck) 8. (Hemingway) 3. There all men could be equally valuable as human beings. (Buck) 9. (Hemingway) 14.. I came to know many Negroes. (Lindsay) 13. (Stone) 6. They must have gone through the service doors into the kitchen quarters." said Galahad.. (London) 10.. have) (Ch. Elaine. nineteen hours of labour a day was all too little to suit him.. We were anxious to cooperate. have) (Shaw) 8. (Twain) 18. this Jll-advised behaviour of yours is beginning to have results. (Du Maurier) 10. (Shaw) 4. were) (Bennett) 4. are) (Shaw) 3.. There was a dreaminess. 1. have) (Galsworthy) 9. (has. Fatting cattle __ from 5 to 10 gallons of water a head daily. He was with you at the banquet. Martin. He half started as he became aware that someone near at hand __ gazing at him. (Kahler) 21.. have. which __ fine and of medium brown shade. Harry would demand the impossible. I never heard you express that opinion before. the great man thus opened the case. Halting. (is. (Stone) 106 . he waited for the Roman to speak first. were) (Galsworthy) 38. (Douglas) 20. (Shaw) 22. But after all. not exactly knowing what to do. She pretended not to heart (Mansfield) 3. (was. Great Expectations by Dickens __ published in I860. Mr. are) (Keating) 27. I know all about it. were) (London) 39. who __ the right to cast a stone against one who __ suffered? (has. my son. The family party __ seated round the table in the dark wainscoted parlour. room. were) (Dickens) 26. (Douglas) 15. (Dickens) 18. (Prichard) 25. I've got it framed up with Gilly to drive him anywhere. I will suffer no priest to interfere in my business.. (Shaw) 11.. (Douglas) 8. His part in the conversation consisted chiefly of yesses and noes. that any power of dominion belongs to them. are) (Collins) 14. (Douglas) 4. (Shaw) 23. (is. (Douglas) 10. Why did you not want him to come back and see me to-day? (Mansfield) 17. The bread and butter __ for Gwendolen. (Douglas) 5. (was. There __ a number of things. French his. (is. She hated Frisco and hated herself for having yielded to his kisses." says my lady. Laura helped her mother with the good-byes. were) (Trollope) 37. There are men who __ dominion from the nature of their disposition. What have you got there? (Cronin) 2.. I have to show Dr. as well as most of the others. consumes) (Black) 20. were.. Papa will never consent to my being absolutely dependent on you. has.. He smiled upon the young men a smile at once personal and presidential. that neither of us __ engaged to be married to anyone. know) (London) 15. that you don't understand.. were) (Eliot) 32. There __ a number of men present. Plain United States __ good enough for me. are) (Trollope) 30. Everybody __ clever nowadays. are) (London) 18. __ brushed smoothly across the top of her head and then curled a little at each side. and it had published two-thirds of hjs twenty-one-thousand-word serial when it went out of business. are) (Trollope) 21. exercise.. (Kahler) 13. It was a market-day. (Kahler) 19.. (was. He's going to live his own life and stop letting his mother boss him around like a baby. There __ a great many ink bottles.. (was. Her hair. are) (Wilde) 33. The precept as well as the practice of the Primitive Church __ distinctly against matrimony. It was as if the regiment __ half in khaki. sir. were) (Wilde) 23. (knows. (is.. (was. I found myself pitying the Baron. are) (Wilde) 28. (was. Twelve years __ a long time. It __ they that should honour you.Ratterer and Hegglund. " __ the police coming?" (is. Nobody __ I am here. which __ perhaps too soft and sweet. Translate into Russian. I beg your pardon for calling you by your name. were) 13. were) (Heytn) Exercise 17. Marcellus issued crisp orders and insisted upon absolute obedience. and the country people __ all assembled with their baskets of poultry. (is. __ satisfied that there was not another place in all Kansas City that was really as good. They don't want anything from us — not even our respect.. After some apologies. are) (Galsworthy) 25. (Mansfield) 16. (was. The number of scientific research institutes in our country __ very large. does. (Kahler) 14. without knowing. (Shaw) 6.. (exercises. (Kahler) 27. He found it impossible to utter the next word.. were) (Dreiser) 24. Do you know anything more about this dreadful place? (Douglas) 24. Michelangelo could not remember having seen a painting or sculpture of the simplest nature in a Buanarrotti house. (Mansfield) 26. have) (Wilde) 16. (was. (was. (Douglas) 9. half in scarlet and bearskins: (was.large family. do) (Trollope) 17. They had been very hard to please.. May and I — just friends. were) (Walpole) 40. Cecily. Youth and Age __ a weekly. Jinks. (is. (is. She is supposed to have all the misfortunes and all the virtues to which humanity __ subject. were) (Thackeray) 22. (was. Gallio didn't know how to talk with Marcellus about it. were) 31. (Mansfield) 12. (was. were) (Priestley) 36. (is. was. eggs and such things. (is. (consume. (Douglas) 7. are) (Wilde) 34. Point out the kind of object and say by what it is expressed. Marcellus found the luggage packed and strapped for the journey. (was. and who __ so from their youth upwards.the flowers came in such profusion and such quick succession that there __ neither time nor space to arrange them. I am afraid it is quite clear. are) 35. "Well.. are) (Wilde) 29. I. (is. were) ((Aldington) 19. (was. smiled a dependant's smile.. He thrust his hands deep into his overcoat pockets. The first day's journey from Gaza to Ascalon was intolerably tedious. (Shaw) 9. But the doctor —a family physician well past middle age — was not impressed. the professors.Exercise 18. (Galsworthy) 6. Вы видели. 14. a round-faced. The Consul felt his legs. (Braine) 19. He felt lost. 11. Он посвящал музыке все свободное время. the mother. 3. (Kahler) 11. Translate into Russian. Cheviot slowly take the receiver from the girl. (London) 2. with a flower of a woman. But now he had seen that world. helpless creature. значение новых слов. Pett's happiness or unhappiness is quite a life and death question with us. She had lied about the scullery door being open on the night of the disappearance of the bank-notes. Mr. чтобы об этом студенте плохо отзывались. 16. (Dreiser) 10. (Galsworthy) 5. It was such a cruel thing to have happened to that gentle. 15. (Prichard) 4. Мы приписываем теплому течению мягкий климат этого острова. (Cronin) 8. A clear. я увидела мою приятельницу. James. married a goodfor-nothing little waiter. In consequence neither Oscar nor his sister Martha had had any too much education or decent social experience of any kind. Она хотела. stopped the process of mastication. by what it is expressed. sleek and glistening. curly-haired little man of about forty. (Jerome K. Still. (London) 9. (Prichard) 6. пожалуйста. (Prichard) 7. There was a blackbird perched on the cherry-tree. (Buck) 4. чтобы ей сшили пальто к Новому году. 13. Я хочу перешить свое пальто. (Douglas) 7. стоявшую у окна. 8. It was an easy go-as-you-please existence. She had a pair of immense bare arms to match. 12. 4. 10. Спойте нам. Она объявила нам о своем желании уехать работать на целину. (Dickens) Exercise 21. чтобы кто-нибудь вышел из комнаты? 7. (London) 7. (Braine) 18. Point out the apposition and say whether it is close or loose. 6. Sally hated the idea of borrowing and living on credit. Translate into English. and a quantity of mottled hair 'arranged in a sort of bow. (Prichard) 9. I am not in the habit of reading other people's letters. They had never heard him speak with such urgency. glared at him aggressively. his eyes glowing like amber coals in the fading light. (Buck) 5. It was not a matter to be discussed even with a guide. (Stone) Exercise 19. Не приписывайте мне того. The two men faced each other silently. He hated her to work in the boarding house. (Galsworthy) 10. (Mansfield) 5. Uncle Soames. Maria. (Croniri) 2. (Dreiser) 17. Спойте нам еще одну арию из «Евгения Онегина». possible and real. It was just one little sheet of glass between her and the great wet world outside. Mother objected to Aimee being taken away from her game with the boys.. were right in their literary judgement. 9. (Braddon) 3. (Mansfield) 12 He pointed to a house on a near-by shady knoll. Cockane? (Shaw) 3. 1. A middle-aged man carrying a sheaf of cards walked into the room. (Dickens) 20.. 1. There are plenty of dogs in the town of Oxford. alone there in the room with that pale spirit of a woman. 5. (Carter) 8. Он открыл нам секрет своего изобретения. чего я никогда не делал. (Douglas) 2. 2. had not taken off her shawl. ringing little laugh was his only reply. Dicky heard right enough. Объясните мне. He could see the man and Great Beaver talking together. Войдя з картинную галерею. Thus these two waited with impatience for the three years to be over. One of our number. 1.. Jerome) 4. philosopher and friend so near and trusted as the Professor. (Bennett) 3. the youngest. (Douglas) 13. Each woman thought herself triumphant and the other altogether vanquished. Байрон посвятил одну из своих поэм Гете. Daniel Quilp began to comprehend the possibility of there being somebody at the door. give way. Sammy watched Mr. Ethel. To think that a man of his abilities would stoop to such a horrible trick as that. a slow and thorough eater. (Mansfield) 16. (Mansfield) 14. You look all right. (Priestley) 6. Я никогда не слышал. (Prichard) 8. (Mansfield) 15.. 1. He was always the first to enter the dining-room and the last to leave. Exercise 20. Point out the Complex Object and say. Мне вчера не починили часы. Он посвящает общественной работе все свое свободное время. (London) 107 . Point out the attribute and say by what it is expressed. What do you say to a stroll through the garden. They. women's faces have had too much power over me already for me not to fear them. his tongue bulging his cheek. On being informed of the old man's flight. l. (Douglas) 2. under his other arm an account book. Follow the direction for Exercise 22. (Douglas) 5. Well. Translate into Russian.Exercise 22. and state by what it is expressed. Morris was walking too quickly for Sally to keep up with him. (Collins) 5. (Douglas) 13. (London) 11. without looking up. they made way for her to enter a dark hall. (Conan Doyle) 14. Michelangelo went into the yard and sat in the baking sun with his chin resting on his chest. (Hardy) 18. Evil report. (Shaw) 6. his fingers tracing out in its low relief the funeral procession of fighting men and horses. (Hardy) 4. (Douglas) 10. 1. Translate into Russian. (Mansfield) 8. 1. After waiting for a few minutes. his coat and vest off. (Prichard) 7. dumb and unhappy at being ignored. (Douglas) 9. The first bar of gold raised hopes sky high. (Dickens) 3. Point out the kind of adverbial modifier. their hands full of flowers. We have some exceptionally fine roses this year. his usually placid eyes blinking hard. He opened the door for the Senator to precede him. hoping the mines would reopen. reassured by this resemblance. her eyes dim. That over. To be a complete artist it is not enough to be a painter. travels patiently. (Collins) Exercise 23. was a rather capable man. with time and chance to help it. sculptor or architect. The young schoolteacher's spirits rose to a decided height. Now and then Gavin would stop to point out silently some rarity. That night I could scarcely sleep for thinking of it. David appeared in the open door. The receiving overseer. Marcellus' melancholy was too heavy to be lifted. she was candor herself. closely followed by Demetrius. On her applying to them. The poor woman was annoyed with Morris for dumping his wife on her. There was room enough for me to sit between them. (Douglas) 2. that made it all right. His being an older man. (Mansfield) 9. Roger Kendall. She [Sally] never would have been able to make a success of the dining-room but for the kindness and assistance of the men. one hand clutching a sheaf of bills. she sat back with a sigh and softly rubbed her knees. (Dreiser) 15. (Prichard) 17. She had to talk because of her desire to laugh. he marched up the steps. Point out all the adverbial modifiers expressed by Predicative Constructions. I almost doubt whether I ought not to go a step farther. and her quiet smile. (Prichard) 5. Having knocked on his door. In a room within the house. (Stone) 7. (Douglas) 11. though thin and clerical. (Douglas) 4. (Cronin) 4. ran his hand carressingly over the sacrophagus. (Mansfield) 9. I feel my own deficiencies too keenly to presume so far. Marcellus strode heavily to and fro before the entrance. (Stone) 6. She did feel silly holding Moon's hand like that. his fury was unbounded. Then Gallio cleared his throat. and burn the letter at once. and no more. (Douglas) 14. and faced his son with troubled eyes. Lucia stopped them in their tracks with a stern command. On the second of these days Granacci burst into the studio. Gallic pushed back his huge chair and rose to his full height as if preparing to deliver an address. And for all her quiet manner. (Prichard) 14. Sally was furious with herself for having fainted. Jonathan shook his head slowly. At the top of the stairs she paused to wave to him. (Prichard) 12. (Cronin) 3. He takes a glass and holds it to Essie to be filled. (Dreiser) 18. (Stone) 7. (Douglas) 10. He stood beside me in silence. (Douglas) 12. and travels far. (Dreiser) Exercise 24. Why do you always look at things with such dreadfully practical eyes? (London) 6. (Warren) 12. (Prichard) 13. But it was of no use. Cowperwood. (Douglas) 3. (Cronin) 8. (Cronin) 16. (Prichard) 10. (Shaw) 11. his impatience mounting. Michelangelo went to Jacopo's side. He's coming Saturday at one o'clock. she firmly entered Grandpa's room. A few miners hung on. They were returning to Fogarty's.Gallio slowly nodded his head. She pressed his hand mutely. (Stone) 13. Marcellus accepted this information without betraying his amazement. she was full of trouble. for a direction to Miss Dorrit. for fear of its falling into wrong hands. Of course Laura and Jose were far too grown-up to really care about such things. (Prichard) 8. With all her faults. (Mansfield) 15. Sally was sitting on the front seat of the buggy. (Douglas) 2. (Collins) 108 . was listening to Aileen's account of her troubles. (Dickens) 17. (Stone) 16. (Dickens) 15. his candle in his hand. It was quite a long narrative. and these fish would make a good meal for us. She continued silent. (Collins) 8. (Murdoch) 4. She had become very drab and unattractive. she pleased. He felt discouraged. The gravel paths were moist and the grass was wet with dew. Huckleberry Finn was there. he wasn't deeply worried. He was standing now with the waves breaking at his feet. during a brief vacation at Knocke. evidently. Godfrey's fine eyes filled with tears. Point out all the independent elements and say by what they are expressed. (Hemingway) 10. define them and say by what they are expressed. There were villas with iron fences and big overgrown gardens and ditches with water flowing and green vegetable gardens with dust on the leaves. (Dickens) Exercise 28. lips tightly compressed. (Wilde) 3. I am accustomed to good wine. (Prichard) 13. Point out what parts are detached and by what they are expressed. enriched with weather and living. Stout. (Cronin) 3. (Prichard) 11. Mr. unfortunately. 109 . My Anna is worth two of her. He remembered her brave and hardy. I am a human being. We reached the station. There were tangerines and apples stained with strawberry pink. full of energy. Brande stared at the advancing youth. (Eliot) 11. They gave him. and went out again. (Mansfield) 6. wjth a small-boned eager face. he strolled very slowly and inconspicuously. Basil. (Cronin) o. (Douglas) 12. senor. He came in slowly. One summer. and must take advantage of my opportunities. clad in a grease-stained dark blue print dress. Frankly. however. (Kahter) Exercise 27. (Cronin) 7. his visit had come to the notice of Harrington Brande. he still heard the sharp slam of the door. May be. The girls had met and were strolling. there was a comforting excitement in leaving the train. (Stone) 2.Exercise 25. hesitated. there was something in that wild idea of Albertine's. with hay-colored hair and alert blue eyes. with all her beauty and talent. a trifle diffident. (Prichard) 9. (Kahler) 2. (Lawrence) Exercise 26.. Nevertheless. Blind and almost senseless. (Cronin) 9. pervading sense of power. As he strode along he was conscious. He had lived with this block for several months now. (Dreiser) 2. His friend Francesco Granacci was a nineteen year-old youth. (Kahler) 4. within himself. he had never loved. they had a very pleasant walk. (Cronin) 8. 1. down the border. after all. Without youth and its gay graces. With his hands by his sides.. something with strawberries in it. studied it in every light. strangely empty. But I was exceedingly nice. to be sure. seized each other and held close. 1. But. Perhaps her colonial upbringing had something to do with it. (Cronin) 10. Bronte) 6. (Mansfield) 4. her smile now glowing with all its insolence. It was still too early for his ride. Point out homogeneous parts. he counted on the Burtons as an official standby. intertwined through each other's fabric and substance. (Hemingway) 9. (Kahler) 3. despite this reasoning there remained in the Consul's breast that strange sense of jealousy. Say what parts of the sentence are introduced by the preposition with or without. Now their laughter joined together. (Ch. (London) 7. let us have something iced to drink. in fact. his eyes fixed. (Stone) 5. appropriately reverential. I. senor. had passed an unquiet night. (Cronin) 5. arm in arm. to find Sally so much at home and bustling about like that. She was quite unconcerned. In the morning. but he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep. took up a toothpick from a dish on the top of the piano. harmoniously. with all the hard work. (Prichard) 10. (Sdnborn) 11. no doubt. with his dead cat. but he did not go back to bed. now fortunate to have such a reliable couple in the house. Unbelievingly. with all the bourgeois failings and with the hopeless cramp of the bourgeois psychology in her mind. 1. from every angle. (Cronin) 6. (Prichard) 14. (Twain) 3. with many mouths to feed. middle-aged. leaning back. as a matter of fact. she bustled backwards and forwards from the kitchen to the dining-room. (Stone) 2. Steger was beside himself with fear. (Collins) 4. Without beauty of feature or elegance of form. through the rose arbor. * (Cronin) 7. a pleasant feeling of vicarious fatherhood. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper. about being left alone in the camp. He was surprised. with only a minute or two to spare. for all that. (Cronin) 5. We are very poor. Nicholas. a head taller than himself. (Cronin) 8. Naturally. in every degree of heat and cold. she cheered. (Mansfield) 5. like a bird caught in a snare. The real bourgeois Ruth. of a deep. his hat roofing with its flat top the pale square of his face. (Heym) 12.7. (Murdoch) 32. He sat down by the oak tree. Her [Aileen's] eyes gleamed almost pleadingly for all her hauteur. for Napoleon to begin. with a smart bathroom between each two bedrooms and almost up-to-date fittings. digging and burrowing into the earth like great rats. Suddenly all the differences between life and death became apparent. hawking cry and the jangle of the cans the milk-boy went his rounds. Footsore and downhearted. The girl [Aileen] was really. (Prichard) 18. It was pleasant to travel this way. cut. of the wounded. hand in hand. One of them even opened the car door for him.Jerome) 16. (Mansfield) 24.. a very poor chance indeed. Then. The light oiltside had chilled. They went side by side. even yours. (Stone) 16. With his strange. the mother being dead. and much improved in temper and spirits by his meal. without cap. (Stone) 20. (Dreiser) 3. It could be smashed by violence but never forced to fulfil. To draw one does not need big muscles. He could not bring himself to face Stanek. I feel the need to be solitary. (Cronin) 22. There was a two-storey new wing. his own comfort. (Warren) 34. Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief and the framed photograph of Fleur. slightly metallic voice. (Mansfield) 17. walking tremulously and carrying the bag. I saw him pass down the street. but for the soft. shame and overstrain. (Galsworthy) 14. (Prichard) 30. Together they sketched the apostles. (Stone) 5. (Stone) 6. and threw a chalky whiteness on the river. they watched white men scurrying about the ridge. in spite of its saffron colouring. She was remaining upstairs to give Mary full pleasure of being hostess at her own party. her hands lying supine. she flung down on a couch and pressed her hands to her eyes. (Shaw) 23. her yellow skirt evenly spread to make a circle on the green grass. (Prichard) 4. (Lawrence) 29. full mouth. the other supporting the weeping John. they were making their way back to Coolgardie doing a bit of prospecting. chooses the lady's side of the room. sword or gloves. And suddenly she burst into tears of disappointment. Analyse the following sentences. dried. In the afternoon. Ah. (Warren) 8. Evidently George and the sheriff were getting along in a very friendly way. to work beyond all eyes. (Lawrence) 27. Miss Fulton laid her moonbeam fingers on his cheeks and smiled her sleepy smile. Godfrey in our young lady's estimation was. (Stone) 2. She was sitting there very quietly. (Galsworthy) II. Michelangelo. man-to-man tone. (Tennessee Williams) 15. leaning from my window. no man in his senses wants the disastrous consequences of this rush to go any further. Bertoldo. in a sweet humility. her legs bent back under her. the one bald-headed. for all the former's bitter troubles and lack of means. 110 . And yet. It was a simple face and could have been handsome. he bit that poodle's near foreleg. (Stone) 13. without a word of warning. The idleness made him cranky. (Jerome /C. silently toward the hedge. (Heym) 10. with the awkward deference ritually paid in Johntown to the crippled or sick.1'mnot accustomed to having more than one drink. (Galsvuorthy) 13. (Stone) 17. and her even teeth showed beautifully. 1. (Mansfield) 21. and waits. (Dreiser) 9. The prior's hearty. her waist rising very straight and small from the spread circle of the skirt. in the sun. She extended a slender hand and smiled pleasantly and naturally. slightly curled. pleasing. without the shadow of a provocation. brought their letter from a church in West Tennessee and were accepted forthwith into fellowship. The Captain was mostly concerned about himself. (Heym) 26. his own safety. Franklin's chance of topping Mr. (Wales) 15. Amazed and amused. much at his ease. (Thackeray) 14. The Lieutenant. like a spirited collie's. beautiful and much above the average intelligence and force. (Galsworthy) 8. as though overcome. (Stone) (Wells) Exercise 29. Mr. for all her wealth. Never before had the friar had such power and never had his voice rung out with such a clap of doom. With all his brightness and cleverness and general good qualities. to kill the enemy with sword and lance. The man and daughter. I am a thousand times cleverer and more charming than that creature. conquer new lands and all their women? That is the life! (Stone) 7. And surely. and empty on her lap. (Stone) 12. (Warren) 33. in my opinion. the dying. (Stone) 10. of the rescue of women. (Collins) 11. Her mother was speaking in her low. Sally found it difficult to visit anybody herself. to fight in mortal combat. (Galsworthy) 31. Michelangelo began to see pictures in his mind: of struggles between men. (Prichard) 19. He said it in a very mature. warm-cheeked face went dark at the mention of Savanarola's name. His heart felt swollen in his chest. his fur coat thrown open. (Dreiser) 28. Thousands of sheets must be printed. all expenses paid by "the Firm". (Galsworthy) 9. to be a soldier. (Warren) 25. 7. Не успели мы войти в комнату. "I hate to leave our fine house. 8. (Cronin) 13. что не могла идти в театр. Bronte) 35. (Wilson) 7. in a well-made dress of dark blue silk. So immersed was the little boy that he did not hear the car. Translate into English. (Cronin) 17. Not until this very moment with his hands tenderly. Nor could he bring himself to glance at the lesson books. (Cronin) 14. Jose did not answer. Up the staircase he went. on his way to total disillusion about the biggest research development of his time. and so were his pantaloons. (Cronin) 19. Напрасно сестра пыталась уговорить меня. falling down. 6. On they went. some months after the birth of their child.. I wasn't supposed to hear. Alany a tear did I shed at night.her back very straight but her neck gently inclining to one side. Один только раз он рассердился на них.. His cap was a dainty thing. I might pretend to gloss it over. Он всегда был очень терпелив с детьми. Not often did he unbend to his servants. shall I go. Comment on the word order and explain the cases of inversion. (Lawrence) 33. Когда уходит поезд в Киев? 2. without Savina. Я так устала после экскурсии. (Cronin) 9. This morning. falling well open. or shan't I? Half past three—it's quite a good time. (Cronin) 16. я увидела огромный зеленый луг. but as the butler tucked the rug round his knees he spoke to him. A snowy white silk blouse. 1. (Twain) 36. (Christie) 4 "Is Mrs Oliver at home?" asked Rhoda. lovingly on the marble had he come fully alive. well-proportioned youth of 19 years old. picking himself up again. Yet not for the world would he have revealed the strange inexplicable bitterness which rankled within his breast. (London) 2. (Cronin) Exercise 2. almost the colour of her eyes. (Christie) 5. There was a curious expression on her face—a mingling of grim determination and of strange indecision. Silvery fair curls he had. but quick. 12.. However. showed off her long neck." (Hemingway) 38. feeling no hurt. (Lawrence) 27. Well. "What did the-master say exactly?" "Well. would he forgive her that episode. Martin Eden had been mastered by curiosity all his days. Little did my poor aunt imagine what a gush of devout thankfulness thrilled through me. At this period came the young Skrebensky. a pair of Chinese incense holders in the form of little bronze warriors. 3. full of imagination and changeability. Followed a complete and deathlike silence. Once Alvin let out a sharp exclamation. Never. 1. indeed. Directly in front of her window was a stone parapet. his close-buttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty. At the sides of the house were bushes of lilac entirely hiding the farm buildings behind. Yes. however. (Stone) 29. (Cronin) 15. of course. who held aloft as spears the glowing sticks of incense. (Ch. (Maltz) 31. Were I less attached to you. Bronte) 28. (Ch. Fretfully the Consul shifted his position. Больше ни одного слова не сказала она по дороге домой. (Warren) WORD ORDER Exercise 1. He did not speak: nor did I. Happy she never seemed. when a convict sauntered down the gallery and looked in. (Cronin) 11. But never. я не 111 . (Cronin) 10. (Murdoch) 25. (Cronin) 21. Никогда я не видела такого чудесного зрелища. (Cronin) 24." "So do I. Had I a slighter regard for your intelligence. he was scarcely in the mood for one of those long conversations which so often beguiled the tedious hours. Not for an instant did he believe that Nicholas spoke the truth. мы читали ее с удовольствием. Hardly had we been in our cell half an hour." (Christie) 3. (Mansfield) 18. Suddenly the door opened and admitted the Baron. So it's you that have disgraced the family. (Stone) 34. 4. not for the world would he be different from the others. In front of the candles as at an altar stood one of my presents to her. (Mansfield) 8. (Cronin). (Voynich) 26. (Collins) 37. Only once did Michelangelo go to the master of the studio for help. So positive was his belief that he would never see his son alive that the shock almost deprived him of his reason. He'd been one of those fair babies that everybody took for a girl. was a tall. here he was. Когда я подошла к опушке леса. 5. A fresh wrong did these words inflict. waiting at the back entrance. Как ни трудна была книга. blue eyes and a little freckle like a diamond on one side of his nose. (Lawrence) 32. (Murdoch) 40. (Prichard) 23. (London) 30. Разногласия у них были только по одному пункту. (Christie) 6. come on. Outside. (Cronin) 22. (Murdoch) 39. never could he have anticipated that evening. как начался дождь. sharp. (Cronin) 20. absorbed. No sooner had they disappeared than Nicholas heard the sound of clattering footsteps. Marble was the hero of his life and his fate.. I should perhaps withhold from you. Tall and graceful she was. When her cry was over Dulcie got up and took off her best dress. (Lawrence) 16. This letter. (Collins) 8. The marqueterie cabinet was lined with __ plush. water. set in a gold ring. Henry) 7. Behrman in his __ shirt. Bronte) 20. (Caldwell) (Douglas) Exercise 4. Henry Ogden wore finger-rings and a big gold watch and careful neckties. In front of her on a low mosaic table was the tray of drinks and three glasses. wrote a few words and gave it to me. drawing the cart 112 . 1. removed his hat carefully. Только когда она была уже в поезде. (Ch. Of Mrs. with a sort of yellow oilskin paper on the walls. He bought with his wife's money. Такой интересный был спектакль. Bronte) 17. (Murdoch) 11. Tinga-ling gave it a slight lick with his curly blackish tongue. With one hand Bodkin preferred the picture to the foreign market. она вспомнила. (Stone) 10.соглашалась. he had no idea. 10. velvet. (Stone) 14. Henry) 10. took his seat as the hermit miner on an upturned kettle for a rock. (Mansfield) 7. (Galsworthy) 2. Then there was a moment of absolute silence. (0." (Galsworthy) 8. nor of course will I expect any answer to this communication.. (Wells) 14. pleasing. sir!" his silence seemed to say. (Priestley) 19. (Galsworthy) It. black) (Galsworthy) 5. to hurry and dislike. До свидания. Henry) 12. without scrupulous honesty in everybody. perhaps. He looked in at a place on the way. 12. my dear young man. like yellow snakes were writhing and nosing with the __ current. Arrange the attributes in their proper order.. (0. in the. (Murdoch) 13. He. (0. Sensitive. я бы стала изучать итальянский язык. (Dickens) 9. Turkish. (Stone) 5. old. Blanche.. with the other he formed a list of private British collectors. Exercise 3. (Murdoch) 3. Ting-a-ling did not stir. a fairly large house in the new redbrick part of Beldover. 11. and put on her old blue kimono. (blue. To kicks and curses. A little unsteadily but with watchful and brilliant eyes Liz walked up the avenue. (Galsworthy) 4. The rest of my time I'm going to spend on the sea. (Ch. In the rich brown atmosphere peculiar to back rooms in the mansion of a Forsyte the Rembrandtesque effect. was spoiled by the moustache-. The next day came the __ bull. She gave him her hand. Bronte") 15. (Stone) 21. A word about Palmer is necessary. Было бы у меня больше времени. Bronte) 6.. alone. Alongside. On the third finger. (Douglas) 15. что мы жалели. Bretton I had long lost sight. Comment upon the position of the objects. common) (Galsworthy) 6. the watches of that long night passed in ghastly wakefulness. Curious joy she had of her lectures. (green. (Galsworthy) 13. Antonia stood on the thick black rug by the fire. 1. (red.. deep) (Galsworthy) 2. In __ slippers and an — coat Keith Darrant sits asleep. The other candle I gave to Mr. of painters would have done justice to Annette in her __ dress. slightly metallic voice —one word she caught: „Demain". contrary to your prediction. Titus fetches Judith her things from the rack. Henry) 5. Comment upon the position and the order of the attributes and say where it can be changed. To him perpetual thought of death was a sin. brown) (Galsworthy) 4. imaginative. with a __ border and seal. (Ch. dim) (Galsworthy) 3. Henry) 8. (Murdoch) 4. full of family relics. What did you say to him? 3. "You take me for a __ dog. I can smell the sea air. (Murdoch) 6. affectionate boys get a bad time at school. "H'ml in perfect order of the eighties. I hope. was accordingly dispatched by Sir Pitt Crawley to his brother the Colonel in London. 9. weeds. To them it was the most enduring material in the world. (0. Beppe told him of some sculpture and then gave it to him. Now and then Liz hummed bars of foolish little songs. что оставила зонтик дома. (huge. Why he had selected that as an excuse. (English. когда он кончился. that we may meet again: though I shall certainly not offer you my company in the forceable future. old) (0. (Murdoch) Exercise 6. 1. To Michelangelo she did not seem frail. (Galsworthy) 9. For me. Bruff. We simply couldn't conduct our business. (Shaw) 2. and dabbled his brow. black) (Thackeray) 7. She pitied the poor young gentleman for having no one to look after him. was the great white sapphire. and wiped out his hat brim with an abundant crimson and yellow pocket handkerchief.. With the wet weather Lorenzo had forbidden Contessina to leave the palace. it closed a hard stone veil around its soft inner nature. (Ch. (lacy. He put his packet of easy vegetables very deliberately on the new violet tablecloth.. Helen she held a little longer than me.. (Galsworthy) 18. He tore a leaf from his pocket-book. Вот идет мой автобус. and this I find difficult. (red. Her mother was speaking in her low. (Lawrence) 12. Johnson was off duty that morning. Comment upon the position of Ihe adverbials. really been daylight. In the driving-seat. 2. I could not eat anything nor I rest because of a dreadful aching and tingling in the limbs. (Murdoch) 19. он встречался в Кишиневе. Пушкин — основатель новой русской литературы. 9. (Wells) 18. as she bade farewell. Put the verb in the proper place. however. She [SavinaJ had just arrived home. Zanders turned to the left into a small office. ближайший продолжатель дела декабристов. 11. Once inside the prison yard. Polly's worldly outlook. but with a movement of hardy. Outside the window and curtained away the end of the cold raw misty London afternoon now turned to an evening which still contained in a kind of faintly luminous haze what had never even at midday. (Murdoch) 2. Blanche! How very right you. Never had she experienced such a profound satisfaction of anger and hatred. Never have I seen the inside of a man. Bronte) 8. Сильно взволновало Пушкина греческое восстание 1821 г. (were) (Lawrence) 8. Еще в лицейские годы проявился поэтический талант Пушкина. By the factory walls the grimy weeds. Somewhere hidden and secret (yet near by) a bird three notes. made his way to his workshop. продолжил Белинский. (Wells) 17. 1. 1. (grew) (Priestley) 11. Say whether they can be placed differently. On his face a happy smile. (Eliot) 3. 7. Быстро развивался поэтический гений Пушкина. С одним из главных руководителей его. в частности с Булгариным. not stealthily or humbly. Stanley. (Dreiser) 13. Александром Испиланти. Wearily he dropped off his horse. (was) (Lawrence) 4.to the office door. 3. Only sometimes in dreams did I experience certain horrors. создатель русского литературного языка. б. (sang) (Falkner) 10. (was) (Calkwell) 6. (jolly. Некоторых современных литераторов Пушкин осуждал за подражание иностранным писателям. (Dreiser) 6. (was) (Murdoch) 7. saddlebag over his shoulder. And for all his attempts at self-reproach and self-discipline he felt at bottom guiltless. Translate into English. little) (0. (Wilson) 10. He looked at her more than once. (Murdoch) 14. Aileen blazed at once to a furious heat. In the hotel where the young men took lunch two girls. and devoted the time very generously to the admonitory discussion of Mr. She flattered me and lavishly displayed for my pleasure all her charms and accomplishments. with his head fallen sideways so that he was almost toppling out on to the road. В поэзии Пушкина 20-х годов объединились две линии русского романтизма — политическая (декабристы) и психологическая (Жуковский). I want to get away from home for a time for a certain reason. no longer there anything about the suicide appearing in the newspapers. Very wonderful she. Henry) 9. (Murdoch) 12. (are) (Tennessee Williams) 3. (Stone) Exercise 7. open observation.. (Dreiser) 9. 1. little) (Galsworthy) 10. She turned away and pulled off her overcoat with a sudden gesture and went to the side table where the drinks and the glasses stood. glimpses of a punishment which would perhaps yet find its hour. Неудача восстания декабристов вызвала чувство разочарования и сомнения у передовых людей того времени. 5. (was) (Maugham) 9. 4. (came) (Lawrence) 5. (could) (Murdoch) 2. Then the heart of Polly leapt. Глубокий интерес проявлял Пушкин к жизни и культуре близких России славянских 113 . Глубоко и остро пережил эти чувства и Пушкин. (red. Every afternoon he discovered afresh that life was beastly. Пушкин глубоко сочувствовал идеям декабристов." the little dog seemed saying with his __ stare "object. He was naked and painted blue and yellow in stripes a __ chap. nor he letters from home." (little. To know a man we must know his guts and blood. How long do you remain in town? (Wilde) 5. was Calvin Blick. His face for the moment was flushed and swollen with anger. her ugly wide mouth smiling with pride and recognition. 8. Three years later the startling news that he had married a young English girl of good family.. (Stone) 11. (receive) (Stone) Exercise 8. (Ch. Chinese) (Galsworthy) Exercise 6. (Murdoch) 7. (Wells) 16. At last. He did not write letters to his family. and the world blazed up to wonder and splendour. 10. (Dreiser) 4. (Wells) 15. Борьбу Пушкина с реакционной журналистикой 30-х годов. not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes. Историческое место Пушкина в развитии освободительных идей после гибели декабристов верно определил Герцен. "You and I. He lit a cigarette and lingered at the carriage door. М. носящей имя Чайковского. После смерти Пушкина горе и негодование России выразил Лермонтов своим стихотворением «Смерть поэта>. Часто тишину музея нарушают звонкие детские голоса. but very dark outside. (Dickens) 5. His eyes were bloodshot and heavy. or. (Murdoch) 3. however. чтобы увеличилось число людей. проникновенные звуки скрипки. Чайковского. И расчищенные аллеи небольшого парка. her feet scarcely touching the surface of the soft carpets. П. and there was comfort in his hearty rejoinder. A large number of 114 . ученых. маленькие музыканты собираются в Доме-музее. с каким большим уважением. 14 Как и «Евгений Онегин». Чайковского. 15. колхозников. юные наследники великого композитора. но из-под смычка ее льются звуки неаполитанской песенки Чайковского. (Lawrence) 2. and the lamps had already been turned on. находящих в ней утешение и подпору». находим мы в книгах отзывов посетителей Дома-музея П. You'll either sail this boat correctly or you'll never go out with me again. and the hay harvest was almost over. чтобы музыка моя распространялась. tiring of that. «Я желал бы всеми силами души. (Priestley) 6. И вот в строгой тишине музея раздаются глубокие. Здесь создал он свою неповторимую. Exercise 9. Горького. 17. nor did any opportunities come her way for making a closer study of Mischa. Велико влияние Пушкина и на другие области русской культуры. All the rooms were brightly lighted. Time passed. В этой школе создалась трогательная. It was early afternoon. (Murdoch) 8. Translate into English. It was high summer. Высоко ценил Пушкина А. по окончании учебного года. She ran through another set of rooms. his face a deadly white. 16. «Горе от ума» было первым образцом поэтического изображения русской действительности. Тысячи восторженных записей рабочих.народов. Ей еще не удержать инструмента полного размера. Огромным было влияние Пушкина на творческую жизнь народов нашей страны. and his body bent as if with age. (Dreiser) 7. автору великих симфоний и любимых народом опер. 12. She often enjoyed Annette's company. прозвучавшую на весь мир Шестую симфонию. (Murdoch) 9. 19. (Murdoch) 11. — все говорило о том. — писал гениальный русский композитор Петр Ильич Чайковский. полная глубокого значения традиция: каждую весну. Небольшой двухэтажный дом с мезонином под сенью цветущих лип. Высшей целью своей поэзии Пушкин считал служение России и защиту передовых идей своего времени. adjourned to a large room to dance to the music of the victrola or playerpiano. another sat about a table and drank. and she came to no conclusion. Память о нем увековечена живыми делами. М. but there seemed to be complete silence in the house. И. показывают свои успехи на трудном пути к музыкальному мастерству. Это приходят сюда маленькие музыканты — питомцы клинской музыкальной школы. ее скрипка — недомерок. Играет ученица по классу скрипки Нина Ковалева. Здесь провел последние годы жизни Петр Ильич Чайковский. Горький. В «Кавказском пленнике» одну из своих задач Пушкин видел в изображении местных нравов и природы Кавказа. THE COMPOUND AND THE COMPLEX SENTENCE Exercise 1. студентов. then a final doorway suddenly and unexpetedly let her out into the street. бархатные звуки виолончели. любящих ее. yet the child made her nervous. с какой любовью относится наш народ к великому культурному наследию прошлого. for there seemed to be a whole sensible world behind it. One small group was playing cards. и возрожденное заботливыми руками советских людей здание. Всем известна огромная любовь к Пушкину А. И. breathless. разрушенное во время войны фашистскими варварами. Город Клин. 18. Point out ihe coordinate clauses (mark the elliptical ones) and comment on the way they are Joined. He only smiled. воздающих дань замечательному композитору. (Murdoch) 10. 1. военных. Но не только в этом дань любви великому композитору. артистов. 13. (Dreiser) 4. В священных стенах небольшого дома они. тысячи взволнованных и благодарных слов. Rachel had become aware of the fact that she was talking loudly. and welcomed the new era of life which was dawning for him. (Caldwell) 2. indeed. believe us. He could recall with startling clarity what previously had been dim and evasive recollections of childhood incidents. It's odd how it hurts at these times not to be part of your proper family. Bronte) 19. and. It was only then that I realized that she was travelling too. (Caldwelt) 7. The trouble with you. had been an undergraduate at Cambridge. tied into various clever swags of red and silver ribbon. threw off his coat. (Murdoch) 5. Georgie. (Fox) 5. Define the kinds of attributive clauses. who had been a Fabian. Rosa took after her dark-haired mother. (Lawrence) Exercise 2. she momentarily expected somebody to stop her and remind her that she had forgotten to buy the evening paper and had failed to take the bus home at the usual time. (Caldwell) 26. early schooling and young manhood. The first thing Martin did next morning was to go counter both to Brissenden's advice and command. to go falling in love with a third troubled me comparatively little. fumbling painfully with thick fingers. It was noticeable to all that even his usual sullen smile had disappeared. Suddenly realizing what had happened. (Swinnerton) 3. as author and reader. He felt as if the ocean separated him from his past care. That I am hungry and you are aware of it are only ordinary phenomena. What I want to know is When you're going to get married. it is what is best for you. I cannot help thinking there is something wrong about that closet. 1. 115 . What we are interested in. He took after his blond father. is the fact that publishing in England is now an integral part of big business. What he would do next he did not know. (Murdoch) 2. (Murdoch) 6. (Dickens) -15. (Murdoch) Exercise 3. (Caldwell) 8. (Murdoch) 31. Pleasantly excited by what she was doing. (Murdoch) 32. Translate into Russian. or wished them well. That I had no business with two women on my hands already. (London) 18. and who was thankful to all who loved them. blushing to the roots of his hair. Martin never learned. (Dreiser) 28. further proclaimed the season. but what I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me? (London) 25. (London) 20. (London) 14. is that you are always looking for a master. or praised them. 1. Miss Casement stopped what she was doing and stared at Rainsborough. That they were justified in this she could not but admit." he remarked with a pronounced nodding of his head. (Caldwell) 27. I understand all that. About what was to come she reflected not at all. (Murdoch) 9. What you saw tonight was an ending. The invalid. Translate into Russian. where she had taken a degree in economics. (Murdoch) 21. (Caldwell) 30. with the intention of plunging in. (Dickens) 7. he could have chosen few subjects more likely to interest the unhappy young man. (Caldwell) 8. yet he took the one offered. And let me say to you in the profoundest and most faithful seriousness that what you saw tonight will have no sequel. And what is puzzling me is why they want me now. (London) 16. I dislike what you call his trade. (London) 17. He would speak for hours about them to Harry Esmond. I want you to sit here beside me and listen to what I have to say. who had been a painter. whose heart was now as always devoted to these ladies. (Murdoch) 22. (Murdoch) 4. Who and what he was. (Murdoch) 3. Believe me. object and predicative clauses). whose strength was now sufficiently restored. (Murdoch) 12. and he felt sure that he could only rejoice in its conclusion — not as a patriot. (Murdoch) 4. Brangwen never smoked cigarettes. but as a financier. (London) 12. (London) 6. He [Cowperwood] had taken no part in the war. while upon the walls dark evergreens. Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject. I only write down what seems to me to be the truth. What I want is to be paid for what I do. (London) 10. That was what I came to find out. Her fear was lest they should stay for tea. and rushed towards the sea. and there's no disgrace. she sprang to her feet. He was suddenly reminded of the crumpled money he had snatched from the table and burned in the sink. "It looks as though spring will never come. (Murdoch) i3. (Ch. (Thackeray) 29. What was certain was that I could not now sleep again.expensive Christmas cards were arrayed on the piano. After several weeks what he had been waiting for happened. What vast wound that catastrophe had perhaps made in Georgie's proud and upright spirit I did not know. and dragging the drowning man ashore. Martin. (Caldwell) 9. (Murdoch) 24. (London) 11. (London) 23. who is now twenty-six." she remarked. (Caldwell) 34. It's been my experience that as a rule the personality of a human being presents as much of a complexity as the medical history of a chronic invalid. (Murdoch) 33. "Everybody who makes the kind of blunder I did should apologize. (Dickens) 9. Define the nature of abverbial clauses. Define the kinds of attributive clauses and punctuate accordingly.. He watched until the final wisp of smoke had disappeared. (Heym) 7.. did. (Lreiser) 6. Insert who. (Caldwell) 6. (Caldwell) 12. Rosa had the feeling that she was both recognized and expected. (Murdoch) 7. Maybe the reason you don't want to goto a specialist is because you don't want to change —you want to stay as you are. I hardly know why I came to the conclusion that you don't consider it an altogether fortunate attachment. If anything particular occurs. (Caldwell) 5. He walked to the window and stood there looking at the winter night that had finally come upon them. (Priestley) 8. (Heym) 5. A cat with a mouse 116 . whom. you can write to me at the post-office. (Dreiser) 4. The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral. and I saved the personnel. (Priestley) 2. (Dickens) 6. (Murdoch) 18. The bar was crowded with men which she had expected it to be and at first she was not able to find a place to sit down. __ was a cool observer and a military man.10. (Dickens) 12. (Murdoch) 16.. (Galsworthy) 8. estimated the situation exactly as he. But he could see now no reason why he should not smoke. Klein inside.. (Caldwell) Exercise 5. His hair which was short sleek and black was just visible beneath the capacious brim of a low-crowned brown hat. What happened was the last thing that any of them expected to happen. which faced the sea more squarely.. (Murdoch) 17. (Lawrence) 7. Pettinger was pleased that Prince Yasha." said Georgie. (Murdoch) 10. None of us __ were there will ever forget that day. sentimental and contended song about a rose — had been stained with true love's blood. (Caldwell) 20. (Maugham) 4. Even after Glenn had nodded urgently to her. whatever his feelings might be. I opened Palmer's close-fitting hall door which is always unlocked and ushered Dr. I saved such of the equipment __ could not be replaced. naming Antonia's psychoanalist. (London) 13. Alban's eyes glittered as he looked at the buses and policemen trying to direct the confusion. Whenever she came which was often she came quite noisily. I came away the first moment I could. Directly in front of her window was a wide terrace with a stone parapet which swept round to what she took to be the front of the house. He spent half the week in Cambridge. himself. I went upstairs to lie down and fell into the most profound and peaceful sleep that I had experienced for a long time.. who was also a close friend of Antonia and myself. (Greene) 2. (Greene) 4. Ipswich. All __ I can remember is that you gave a beautiful performance. What terrified her most was that she found deep in her heart a strong wish that Mischa might indeed want to reopen negotiations. (Thornton) Exercise 6. Then she came to New York where she remained two years. I shook out my scarf which was damp and soggy. Such light as there was from the little lamp fell now on his face. (London) 2. Tench had spotted from the bank began to sing gently __ a melancholy. That is all I can tell you. I don't believe all __ they write in these books. (Caldwell) 21. "Palmer Anderson. (Murdoch) 3. Gretta regarded him with a look on her face that was unrevealing of her thoughts. There were times when I wanted to stop the car and tell him to get out. Once they reached the open country the car leapt forward like a mad thing. that. I call her probably the very worst woman __ ever lived in the world. and the girl __ Mr. which. (Priestley) 22. (Murdoch) 19. (Lawrence) 5. 1. (Murdoch) 9. She had no idea where she was going. (Greene) 3. (Murdoch) 13.. He too had moved and was now standing where she had been a moment before. where he seemed to have a formidable number of well-known patients. as. 1. She looked to him much the same child as he had met six years ago. Royd Fillmore presented a formal jesignation to the governing board of Medical Square Clinic. (Murdoch) 15. (Dreiser) 3. where he lodged with his sister and lent his ear to neurotic undergraduates. There was a feeling in the air and a look on faces __ he did not like. (Maltz) 11. which looked horrible — for it was all covered with blood. (Heym) 8. (Murdoch) 14. Three days after Gretta and Glenn Kenworthy's Saturday night party. The great protective cover under __ the Germans had operated was torn from them. Translate into Russian. (Galsworthy) 9. (Pinero) 11. And he followed her out of the door. 1.. (Caldwelf) (Thackeray) Exercise 4. He was under the impression that an attempt was going to be made to convict him. One oil lamp was lit in the bow. she continued to look as if she did not know whether to run away from him or to walk back down the corridor to where he stood. which was still being talked about among those who had been present. and the other half in London. And you will find that it is scarcely less of a shock for you because you saw what you expected to see. it acted on the travellers' distrust. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by that. The aftermath of the cub reporter's deed was even wider than Martin had anticipated. dark horse-whip. I remember the landscape was buried deep in snow. At first she used to read to me. However friendly she might seem one day. When he left the car. he appeared to be travelling in one intellectual direction or along one mental groove. (Mansfield) 2. Howard puffed his cigarette thoughtfully before speaking. and though Martin was with him often. the next she would have lapsed to her original disregard of him. (Greene) 3. (London) 15. (Dreiser) 4. and that we are not afraid either to contradict ourselves or to retract an error. that Laura recovered. no doubt Esmond would have fought for him with pen and sword to the utmost of his might. (Thackeray) 16. I paused while she took off her coat. so that he entered in good nature. I doubt if we shall meet again. I could work faster if your irons were only hotter." said Palmer. (Priestley) 14. It infuriated him to think that there were still people in the state who believed in a loving and merciful God. were not unwelcomed. He kissed her quickly and ran towards the wicket as fast as he could. How she would reach the villa. 1. (Galsworthy) 5. cold. (Moyt) Exercise 7. But these two people. She could hardly hear his voice. 1. and she another. and more benevolent than my entertainer. he did not worry him with his troubles. peering into the dusk. just as if it were strapped behind you the minute it became airborne. playing fantastic tricks with mechanisms. I was in real distress. The impression he gathered was that he would be able to make his own terms. (Murdoch) 21. "since we are going away for good.. His smile was so easy. under a large picture of fat. Mrs. "What will you be doing on Christmas Day?" (Murdoch) 26. and he rang the Morse bell with such viciousness that it roused him to consciousness of his condition. Brissenden lay sick in his hotel. (Mansfield) 6. (Priestley) 28. Translate into Russian. (Priestley) 31. had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself. (Dickens) 2. It was just luck that he didn't catch the boat. like oil on fire. a thing like that will ruin his career. detached." (Murdoch) 27. It means to make the plane a part of you. Dazed as he was. there was a thick. so deafening and continuous was the clatter of the waves upon the stones. (Aldington) 10. insufferable though they might be in other circumstances.. and though the night was hideous. commenting on this. Even as she talked she was here and there about the room. (Caldwell) 19. and that we had very little fuel. (London) 13. the situation seemed less precarious than it did when one was sitting in there. As I had no taste for this particular discussion. and also wanted to get off the subject of my dear brother. In the front hall. When Rainsborough received this news he was made so miserable by it that he was not sure that he could survive. (Mansfield) Exercise 8. (Caldwell) 29. No matter how brilliant a physician is. at her distance. he realized that there was just a chance of escape. (Murdoch) 23. (Dreiser) 25. so friendly. (Lawrence) 20. "I sit alone that I may eat more. smiling with amusement at himself. (London) 12. (Harraden) 7." said the Baron. too feeble to stir out. Define the kinds ol clauses introduced by as. (London) 24. and what she would find there when she arrived. (Murdoch) 30. "In that case. (Mansfield) 11. The box that the fur came out of was on the bed. as I can tell you. (Greene) 4. (Murdoch) 17. and other episodes with which both she and Miss Redmond seemed familiar.. as if he was still uncertain about what he should say.. Then she looked very carefully around. At least it was good to be on one's legs again. that. (Lawrence) 22. Harmless as this speech appeared to be. I said. (Mansfield) 9. Gladys leaned forward and then turned her head so that she could look Penderel almost squarely in the face. In fact. 117 .between her paws who feigns boredom is ready to jump the second the mouse makes a dash for freedom. (Caldwell) 10. (Lawrence) 18. Spears' callers made the remark that you never would have known that there was a child in the house. (Maugham) 5. (Dreiser) 3. but it was such a dismal performance that I could not bear to hear her. that had belonged to Mr. (Aldington) 8. Had the great man said but a word of kindness to the small one. she had not even dared to imagine. (Priestley) 11.. he strode along the sidewalk as a wrathful man will stride. I believe that all we claim is that we try to say what appears to be the truth. Translate into Russian. Wherever they were together or separate. Spears' father. I don't know what would have concluded the scene. cheery old monks fishing by the riverside. I wanted to see you. it was of the utmost significance to Clyde. (E. Point out parenthetical clauses. Translate into Russian. He stretched himself on his bed as a dog stretches himself. While they were happy for the first year or so. were attached upwards by the dome of St. since none of them were dressed. as I have said. Yet could I. Bronte) 7. On one of these 118 . sat Mr. she says." she added. for reasons which remain obscure to me. and you have made him feel that she isn't worthy of him. (Dreiser) 8. You never liked her. at tea-time. and. and in two instances you have deliberately done me harm. and down long vistas of trees children bowled hoops while dogs ran barking behind them. cricketlike. before I knew certain crucial facts about him. While he elbowed his way on. since we were much earlier than the time I had predicted. since he excelled only in matters which to them were unimportant. you have. (Murdoch) Exercise 9. (Murdoch) 16. (Cronin) 8.nodding her head as she did so. "Do as I tell you. behaved towards me with hostility. I had not communicated with Georgie since the day of the revelation. I knew there was evil in keeping you. While he was speaking. as things were. looking a full size larger than any one of them. as we pushed our way to the exit. young as you were — yes.(Murdoch) 2. the surgeon above mentioned.. They went into the grill-room for dinner. Joseph returned bearing a basin of mi Ik-porridge. (Maugham) 14. which remained stationary while the other eye looked at Reinhardt. As I turned to look at her she seemed transfigured. since he was only going into temporary lodgings just at first." I said. And. I shall only try now to describe him as I saw him at the start. (Maugham) 22. As you may imagine. so he thought. (Murdoch) 11. a telegram was brought him. she was still presumably ignorant of the change in my situation. (Murdoch) 6. She had never quite got on with Antonia and would on the one hand be delighted at what had happened. afterwards there had begun to appear difficulties in connection with her work. (Dreiser) 7. (Dreiser) 18. Zillah is constantly gadding off to Gimmerton since papa went.. big as they were. as she breathlessly explained. There was a moment's pause while he introduced her. in a big chair. (Dreiser) 24. and bounced here and there in a jumpy way. (Murdoch) 5. Bronte) 12. (Murdoch) 12. and weak and alone — there was evil. (Murdoch) 19. his eyes which he usually kept fixed on the ground before his feet. It was as sweet and innocent as it had ever been. (London) 13. since you wanted to see me. (Murdoch) 10. As I didn't reply. Translate into Russian. and since the thing was not yet common knowledge. (Murdoch) 11. (Murdoch) 21. (Galsworthy) 14. (Hardy) 4. and placed it before Linton. While he was standing there. rely on Georgie to be cheerful and lucid? (Murdoch) 23. (Dickens) 17. (Murdoch) 9. was small. there came a knock at the front door.. 3. Another day. Such trees as there were stood out ragged and lorn against a-wealth of sky. Ever since you appeared on the scene. (Murdoch) 13. (Dreiser) Exercise 10. Paul's. (E. They complained that he was concerted. He was. In front of a big book-case. (Dreiser) 2. and then they were off. and the older men in his line were regarding him with a rather uneasy eye. I am suffering from shock. as I saw him now. as he sat alone at table. while the act of departure appalled him as a weariness of the flesh. behind a big table. in surgery. The master had remarked that even if he got it (the piano] into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster. (Maugham) 6. Nupkins. (Dreiser) 10." said Rosemary. (Thackeray) 20. 1. while on the other she would maintain a conventional air of distress. (Lawrence) 15. (Heym) 15. the city he was bound for. were out for a drive to some inn up the Hudson shore. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by since and while. too fanciful and too erratic. He had a glass eye. How trivial as this contact may seem to some. "This is grave news. She and a certain Wally. I wondered if Palmer and Antonia were indeed here. As you must know perfectly well. seeming to count the objects. Already he was doing big things. Women with perambulators were parading in the green walks. (Murdoch) 18. There was no zest in the thought of departure. "How are you and Alexander?" "We're as well as can be expected. talkative. 1. (Murdoch) 3. Then she lifted her hair on to the top of her head and balanced it there like a bundle while she tied it securely about with a handkerchief. she sighed and turned away to pull the curtains across the darkened windows. (Dreiser).. (Dreiser) 9. Sally gave him a smile. I felt in no mood for confronting Rosemary. (Galsworthy) 17. His wife. they asked satirically what he had to be conceited about. and before a big volume. (Murdoch) 16. you could get your wife back if you wanted her even now. Bigiardini. (Caldwell) 7. All three incidents had resulted from the fact. she came to her and announced that she was living in a basement room in one of the poorer sections of the city. however. One day. And then. you know. On hearing from the hall porter at the Iseeum that Mr. (Galsworthy) 17. and leave time to work out its cure.. rather sick and giddy. after surveying the exterior interestedly. if carried into effect. (Thackeray) 8 Truly. so Marie Redmond said. and vigor. (Murdoch) 3. I was fortunate to get her. and happening to look at his mother's face. (Dreiser) 13. (Dreiser) 4. But July arriving and his plan still indefinite. The effect produced by both Lady Castlewood's children when they appeared in public was extraordinary. as I prepared to leave the office. which also carried a furnished rooms card and. (Dreiser) 12. Thomas Esmond — captain Thomas. (London) 6.occasions. but Antonia had insisted on lighting a coal fire. I felt already. for it sprang a leak and the rain ran down under my macintosh collar. who scarcely mentioned her. She suggested that she would come over and pack up my Minton dinner service and one or two other things which she said must on no account be trusted to the removal men. was little satisfactory to her mother. (Greene) 4. Dartie had not been in today. (Dreiser) 9. or else the kind lady thought it was best to say nothing. it was declared. (Murdoch) 11. Two electric fires were burning in the room. All f say is that only lies and evil come from letting people off. without turning or seeing Clyde across the street. she proceeded to another house a few doors away. of which he himself was well aware but which he was unable to overcome. And now Mason regretted that he had not telephoned before leaving Bridgeburg. and a wound so severe that he never — his surgeon said — could outlive it. he had come in rather earlier than usual in the afternoon and found his mother bending over a letter which evidently had just arrived and which appeared to interest her greatly. (Murdoch) 5. for he could see that the news of his daughter's death would shock such a man as this most terribly. As I say. Val was impressed. My breathing. declining a pressing invitation to dinner. So often throughout his youth in different cities in which his parents had conducted a mission or spoken on the streets it had been obvious that people looked down upon him and. Her conduct. the first thing that occurred to him was that they might go off to some inexpensive resort somewhere. mounted the steps and rang the bell. Directly I began to cross the common 1 realized I had the wrong umbrella. Analyse the following sentences. because he was a sick man. it would damage a great many existing interests. who had been allotted the window and door frames. This visit had been planned to produce in Annette and her mother a due sense of his possessions. so that they should be ready to receive with respect any overture he might later be disposed to make. and I still felt. never had been seen. (Dreiser) 15. (Dreiser) 10. to cheer me up. here is one who is startlingly beautiful. (Murdoch) 12. (Caldwell) 9. and then had stayed up half the night drinking whisky. I had left them early. he looked at the trusty fellow and decided only to 119 . (Murdoch) 2. (Dreiser) 16. (Galsworthy) 14. (Dreiser) 8. be audible through the house like the panting of an engine.. his brother and sister for being the children of such parents. showed such breadth. She was in awe of Peter Saward. and the whole town speedily rang with their fame: such a beautiful couple. it was clear. (Stone) 5. (Thackeray) 10. such maturity and depth of thought. (Murdoch) Exercise 11. even my heartbeat must. to him — that he at once retraced his steps and recrossing the Mohawk by a bridge farther west soon found himself in an area which was very different indeed. (Murdoch) 11. Translate into Russian. then stepped back in admiration from the tiny window he had just painted above Elisabeth's head. (Murdoch) 6. I thought. of which the consequence was a duel. summouned Michelangelo to his side. He was so irritated and depressed by the poverty and social angularity and crudeness of it — all spelling but one thing social misery. that he was unstable and unreliable and a misfit in his profession. both because of those rather austere features of his character which inspired awe in most of the people who knew him and also for an extra reason of her own. very shortly after he had connected himself with the Green — Davidson. When they met in the corridors and wards there had not been any semblance of the easy banter they had become accustomed to engaging in whenever they met. 1. Your story. he got what was perhaps his first real insight that his feelings were not always what mattered most. and then it was I saw Henry. as she put it. flicking his fingers for him to sprinkle some water. (Thackeray) 7. as he was called — became engaged in a gaming-house brawl. The only thing which could be said against Miss Casement's report was that. I attached little importance to Palmer's statement that what I had seen would be without a sequel. Translate into Russian. they had now come to take him. who went away for four or five months every summer. (Dreiser) 9. encountering his mother in the mission. he began to think of giving up this venture here and returning to Chicago or going to New York. had never been admitted to his home. he found that mostly skilled help was wanted. who was more practical than her husband at all times. All she had to do after seeing him was to buy her ticket to Utica and get in one coach. and. (Dreiser) Exercise 12. where he was sure that he could connect himself with some hotel if need be. she asked Clyde where he wished to go — an address which he gave reluctantly enough. which was a city of some twenty thousand inhabitants and reported to be as active. 1. He thought at first that having seen him at the moment he had struck Roberta. (Murdoch) 29. and several elderly women were bitterly resentful because Miss Otkin. (Caldwell) 8. depressed by the routine and meager pay. and that he was to be there. as they were nearing the south shore of Big Bittern. in the heyday of spirits. Winifred. After swallowing a cup of coffee at one. Being very lonely. Hunter was twenty-seven and was what some people would have called a "pretty boy". according to his own story. he began looking in the papers. as Lycurgus. Already when. he was rewarded by the sight of her with Grace Marr again. On seeing him. George Forsyte was in the club. (Dreiser) 20. being too worldly. perhaps it was best that he should not. if not as beautiful. involved longer hours and not so very much more pay.ask if Mr. I could not conceive what was the matter with me and it was not until halfway through the third day that I found out. (Caldwelt) 5. Mrs. and the craving for distinction. The chauffeur returning. However. and who was intensely interested in Clyde's economic welfare. and. He had a feeling in his heart that he was not as guilty as they all seemed to think. which. announced that he had seen Esta. Her voice sounded to her as if she had shouted. at about nine o'clock. (Dreiser) 6. (Dreiser) 25. should be given a place there while they who spent the whole year in the sanatorium sat at 120 . of the small restaurants near the post-office and walking the length of Central Avenue toward the mill. (Dreiser) 3. The day before he had heard Whiggam tell Liggett there was to be a meeting of department heads after closing hours in Smillie's office to day. (Dreiser) 4. (Dreiser) 24. On the night in question. she stopped reading at once. and it was not more advantageously placed. (Dreiser) 2. In view of this. flustered and apparently nervous. evidently not hearing a word she had said. and Dillard not being present because he had to work. whom they took to be a stranger making his way from the inn at Big Bittern. jumped directly in front of the moving machine. (Dreiser) 32. (Dreiser) 21. When he was born. arose and put. (Dreiser) 7. Clyde decided upon a trolley ride to Gloversville. as well as that of her other children. (Galsworthy) 19. as he began to see afterwards. who was running toward the crossing. She had no idea how long she stood there in the gradually failing light. and he would buy his separately and get in another. they encountered a young man. and the next thing she remembered doing was running to the telephone. Just as he neared the corner and was about to turn at high speed. fourteen and fifteen. the letter away without commenting in any way upon what she had been reading. That I could love such a person was a revelation and education to me and something 6f a triumph: it involved a rediscovery of myself. Analyse the following sentences. and two children had been born to them. Having acquired so high a position locally. if any. (Murdoch) 22. a little girl of about nine. (Galsworthy) 18. time passed and he was left to work until. The only person who appears to have seen the young man is the captain of that little steam boat that runs from Three Mile Bay to Sharon. (Dreiser) 28. (Dreiser) 23. since it was so different from the street in which she resided. at the age of thirteen. had determined thai her children should have names such as no others had ever had. Griffiths. but because the oldest residents sat there it was looked upon as the most desirable place to sit. but the man to whom she had been speaking. continued staring thoughtfully into his beer. (Murdoch) 26. (Dreiser) 30. he was able to marry the daughter of a locai druggist of some means. (Murdoch) 31. was actually wondering why Clyde should of a sudden become so enthusiastic about changing to this new situation. (Dreiser) 27. and pausing at a cigar store to see if Roberta should by any chance come along alone. So convinced was he that he had seen her that he went straight home. which. The table was in no way different from any other. (Dreiser) 33. He decided later that if she did not want him to know what she was doing. (Murdoch) 18. The brothers. When they had passed through the Red Sea and found a sharp wind in the Canal.. Soon. (Maugham) 17. once a senseless jumble. (Maugham) 13. which caught people on the raw.other tables. Anne had been surprised to see how much the men who had looked presentable enough in the white ducks in which she had been accustomed to see them. (Murdoch) 13. a well-trained Cottontail keeps just as he is and stops all movement. though he might possibly have dropped some remark which could be so interpreted in the early days of his appointment. Insert it or there in the following sentences. Rainsborough could never resign himself to the idea that people should visit him simply in order to find out all that he knew about Mischa Fox. (Murdoch) 6. 7. He stood and watched her. (Maugham) 10. (Murdoch) 8. (Murdoch) 22. he said them because they amused him. (Murdoch) 10. though he could not speak for crying. __ was a little Hurry as Georgie dropped her handbag and Honor picked it up for her. __ was still nearly an hour to wait before their plane was due to leave. (Murdoch) 20. When Winifred came down. He was developing a sense of humour. Between Brangwen and Skrebensky __ was an unbridgeable silence. she fell into paying her no more attention. Rainborough was not aware that he had at any time suggested to Miss Casement that he was likely to make such proposals. an exceptional degree of parsimony. he had insisted on going in to say good-bye to the Misses Watkin so that they might see his grief and pity him. (Murdoch) 21. than if she had been another quaint piece of furniture. (Shute) 23. and was much offended when he found that his victims regarded him with active dislike. and she had not troubled to ask herself whether they were just and reasonable or not perhaps the expression of a sort of envy of a younger and in some ways luckier woman such as Rosa knew herself to be well capable of feeling. I say this in case you should after last night's 121 . (Murdoch) 5. In what I could discern of the Square __ seemed to be no one about. __ did not occur to me to reflect that there was anything illogical in this and indeed __ was nothing illogical. (Murdoch) 4. (Murdoch) 19. __ ihen occurred to me that just this was precisely what I might be able to manage... (Galsworthy) 15. as soon as they had overcome their initial animal terror enough to display ordinary human characteristics. for his father made a tiny movement of repulsion as if resenting that interference. and realised that he was not in the house. (Murdoch) 16. hardly realising how much they hurt. (Maugham) 12. Although it happened to him so many times. I kept my face stern. (Murdoch) 24. noise covered Annette and held her for a while motionless and appalled. __ must have showed a little. __ was too cold to sit down. (Murdoch) 9. (Lawrence) 12. But such criticisms as she found herself obscurely tending to make of Annette's deportment had never yet been formulated. As soon as he finds a foe near. The endless rhythmical. and almost at once his breathing eased away. Mischa approached. for practical purposes. Sometimes the two men made a slight conversation. Then by some accident of association there occurred to him that scene when Emma had told him of his mother's death. __ took me several minutes to collect myself. but __ was so much light within. and found that he had a knack of saying bitter things. (Murdoch) 11. her first feeling was one of dull anger that he should thus elude the reproaches she had carefully prepared in those long wakeful hours. were changed when they left them off for warmer clothes. no matter what he is doing. (Murdoch) Exercise 13. although the old woman never ceased to inspire in her a kind of awe which nearly amounted to terror.. But __ could be no altering it. sorry. each decrepit object a proper use and significance. A terrible energy pervaded Antonia at this time and __ tired me extremely to be with her. became quiet. Behind him the nurse did he knew not what. but it had been and a street lamp some way off streaked the roadway with reflections. It was not raining. but 1 paused every now and then to lean on the parapet. 1. were pleased with their junkfilled room. giving to. for the creatures of the woods are of the same colour as the things in the woods and catch the eye only while moving. but __ was no interchange. (Murdoch) 3. arid whose bric-a-brack. which they were able to rent for eight shillings a week. he lay very still. __ was no mist here and a great vault of clear stars hung over the city with an intent luxurious brilliance. if you should be lost. If I lived here Г should have to get to know what you do in a big forest. they soon set in order. and it seemed to the two who were watching a long time before he reached her. and. (Galsworthy) 14. He knew her so well that she assumed he always knew when she was lying and so that made it all right. in whom there was apparent. (Murdoch) 2. however. (Seton Thompson) 11. (Murdoch) 25. (is. Толстой) 2. — это то. would. клонилось тоже к славе нашего оружия и нынешнего дня. (come. что она намерена была сказать. (is. are. When I found Mr. We got to Waterloo at eleven and asked where the elevenfive __ from.— вот это счастие!» (Л. I was thinking that it __ be interesting to start a little gas company in one of these outlying villages that __ growing so fast. Jerome) 13. he __ take us for man and wife. would) (Shaw) 18. 1. Толстой) 8. would.. что он говорил. что он уже предвидел. (is. was convinced that it __ start from the local. (is.exhibition. has. Little Hans was very much distressed at times. Mrs. would) (Murdoch) 6. He knew that he __ been to 122 . I assure you sincerely that __ : is no such possibility. вдруг добродушно засмеявшись. что он боится. что есть у тебя». will. while another porter __ heard a rumour that it __ go from number one. Each fresh noise crept through her senses like an enemy who __ found a gap in the walls of a beleaguered city. were. should) (Jerome K. (is.. что то. заметив. (has. не глядя на свою подругу. Толстой) 11.. На слова Жеркбва некоторые улыбнулись. Толстой) 4. (Л. была ложь. — говорил ему какой-то внутренний голос. князь Андрей не мог удержаться. would) (Qonan Doyle) 15. (shall. he had told me that he __ consult you. at most a month. Несколько минут после того.—доложил Ростов. что никак не могли придумать. Но одна мысль о том. «Не для тебя это счастье. ни на чем не основанная. had. но. Brother Sumpter asked Jack Harrick how he __ to day. что говорил Жерков. — думал дипломат. was) (Dreiser) 7. was) (Warren) 16. Толстой) 6. He felt sure he __ sleep now.. We went upstairs and asked the traffic superintendent.. feel any apprehension of possible violence to your brother.. Then all at once he remembered what the program __ be. only remains for me to apologize to you very humbly. (Л. should) (Eliot) 9. Lunch came just as they were off Sheerness. will. (Л. Jerome) 17. где был с вечера». will. has. как проехал государь. что то. He knew that in a week or two. — сказал он. Толстой) 12. что он думает о завтрашнем сражении? (Л.. что по всему его полку стали летать ядра и гранаты. (Л. «Ах.. Толстой) 3. (Л. «Но что забавнее всего. Наташа!» — сказала Соня восторженно и серьезно. as he was afraid his flowers __ think he — forgotten them. Князь Багратион. Cowperwood realized. would) (Warren) 10. She realised that he __ trying to convey to her that he __ lonely. He thought how beautifull and serene their life __ be. Rosa told herself that this __ the day that __ decide her fate. (Л. and he told us that he __ just seen it at number three platform. He didn't feel so hungry as he thought he __ be. shall. что я рассказываю. снова подняла его. might. the actual campaign __ begin. was. Sohlberg felt that this __ going to be a wonderful evening.. «На горе пикет. «И что за глупость все то. The porter who took our things thought it __ go from number two platform. Translate the following sentences into English and point out the difference in the way subordinate clauses are introduced in Russian and in English. хотя многие очень хорошо знали. Толстой) 10. взглядывая на счастливые лица любовников. had) (Jerome K. чтобы не спросить молчаливо сидевшего подле него Кутузова о том. что происходило и что ему сообщали. Толстой) SEQUENCE OF TENSES Exercise I. Bennett __ left his house.. She scarcely realized what __ happening.. was) (Dreiser) 2. (has. была правда. у кого нет того. and see if we __ not make some money out of it. Возвращаясь домой. will. had. (will. дивизион павлоградцев потребовали вперед. сказал «хорошо» с таким выражением. Она чувствовала. В начале действий он знал только то. как и всегда ожидая от него шутки. (is. would) (Warren) 4. would. started. would) (Mailer) 14. will. has. I thought I __ find him here. что говорила Соня. (Murdoch) Exercise 14. __.. было именно то. что то. came. was) (Dreiser) 8. как будто все то. is. (will. Use the appropriate form of the verb. that he __ making a very remarkable confession. все там же. (will. Of course. как будто она считала ее недостойною слышать то. 1. (may.. (Л. will. Толстой) 9. should. как ему адресовать ответ?» (Л. was) (Dreiser) 3. (Л. can. — Это счастье для тех. on the other hand.. would.. Толстой) 7. приняли серьезное выражение. (Л. had) (Wilde) 5. ваше сиятельство. I was thinking that if any stranger __ in here now. Толстой) 5. (starts. (shall. The station-master. was. (will. could) (Dreiser) 11. had) (Bennett) 12. как будто это меня интересует. (to have) (Dreiser) 5. которое ее очень расстроило. 4.college. saying that he __ his mind. что думает. It had not yet occurred to her that she __ get money for the locket and ear-rings which she __ with her. которую буду читать в конце месяца на заседании кафедры. что он уже купил словарь. who said he. Translate into English. but that Miss Dinny had come up that morning from Condaford. но о котором. She clung to the belief that he __ so fond of her that he __ never __ happy without her. что его товарищи работают. 1. Celia Hornby asserted that it was a good thing they had got out of the house.. Penelope stretched herself luxuriously. Fogg __ Mr. Я думала. (to sleep) (Jerome K. 1. 18. что вы читаете эту книгу уже больше месяца. что лекция начнется в 5 часов. Mr. что вы тоже любите музыку. (to be. 12. Exercise 3. Она не знала. I thought you __ better sense. that Mr. Мне сказали. 10. она никому не. что этот профессор читает лекции по истории. Школьникам сказали. Comment on the Sequence of Tenses and translate into Russian. На днях Елена получила письмо. Я не знала. If only I could sleep. что они обычно встают в 8 часов. but opening her own door gently. что они будут работать вместе. Я думала. with the poised expression of one who has said her last word for the evening. 3. __ glad to have seen Professor Pusbury then. to love) (Eliot) 10. "I knew you __ not in bed. (Warren) 4. (Warren) 7. Она сказала. Jerome) 15. and immediately returned with a message that Mr. что они никогда не работали прежде. It chanced.. (to be) (Conan Doyle) 13. He was informed that both his father and mother were out. (Murdoch) 5. сказала. 123 . Then she knew what she must do. He spoke as one who does not propose to say any more. Он полагал. Jerome) 17. (may. to carry) (Eliot) 4.. (may) (Dreiser) 2. Use the appropriate form of the verb. и не хотел им мешать. We asked if there __ anything further that we __ do for him. (has. 7. 11. my dear. His correspondent announced that he __ unexpectedly __ to London. Bennett received a letter from a fellow-student in Prague. (Snow) Exercise 4. I hailed them and asked if they __ tell me the way to WQllingford Lock. Она не знала. and my cousin said her' mother __ pleased to see them. что моя сестра их хорошо знает. to be. что профессор читает лекцию.." she said. and she still hugged her secret that a great gentleman __ her. thought Hunter. Sir Wilfrid knew. (can. Я думала. Она знала. I thought I __ well. (to see) (Dickens) 12. to look) (Jerome K. with the air of one who __ the master. Jerome) 14. (to be) (Jerome K.. Мне сказали. что мальчик интересуется историей. At ten o'clock he telephoned again. to be) (Dreiser) 3. 8. Он сказал. я уверена. 9. 6. (Snow) 6. 19. The door opened suddenly. I invited them all to come and spend a week with me. (to run) (Marryat) 6. and I explained that I __ for it for the last two hours. что они ее ждут. and I thought you __ tell me a little about the city from an investment point of view. Isaak didn't know whether he was really asking her. being tired. Она сказала. Pickwick in five minutes. Jerome) 16. (to have) (Conan Doyle) 8. Jackson departed upstairs on his errand. "I see what I see. went out and tapped at Hetty's. (to be. 16. __ a good effect upon him. Then in the morning I might know what to do. 20. что они работают вместе. Он думал. 2]. 15. and a young fellow came in. He said he __ be obliged to run on to Pittsburg for thirty six hours but he __ back on the third day. пора вам вернуть ее в библиотеку. что они знают друг ^руга с детства. And for an instant. can) (Jerome K. что его товарищи работают с утра. 17. что она их давно знает. (to be) (Eliot) 7. She [Dinah] hesitated no longer." Matilda said. Она сказала.. (to summon — passive) (Collins) 18. Он думал. Он был уверен." (VParren) 3. 22. (Murdoch) 8. We came to this part of the country in the hope that the bracing air. Он знал. I am just passing through Chicago. 14. "I see that this is how a leading citizen elects to spend his afternoons. He says he __ free tomorrow (to be). (to be) (Conan Doyle) 9. что завтра будет хорошая погода. 5. sitting on a rock and —. 13. 1. (may. from the frequency with which she used her handkerchief. that the tears __ down her cheeks. the mother that last question over and over or whether he was just asking it over and over inside his head. что идет дождь и что нам лучше сидеть дома. had) (Warren) Exercise 2. Вчера я написала статью. что вода состоит из двух газов. (to change) (Dreiser) 11. (Galsworthy) 2. 2. Она знала. one of the largest in Europe. Она напомнила мне. Sir?" inquired Mr. (Bennett) 10. 3. "Oh. что не может понять. Davis. Она говорила. then. Hubert." said the Miller. 3. что хотела бы увидеть Черное море. 13. 10. Maybold. "I will give you my wheel-barrow. Мы сказали.. (Jerome K. Сказала вам Ольга. 11. At last she said: "Well." (Marryat) S. and fell behind. 2. Мы им сказали. 16. Harris __ he thought it was a very fine maze. почему они переменили решение. I decline to live any longer in the same house with them. что хотим пойти в оперу. Denry?" said Mr. "you are the strangest young man. Она нас уверяла. Мы сказали. "what's the time? My watch has stopped." she said. "do you know about Professor Hallorsen." said Dinny. "all I have to say is. 7. "When will Mr.." he __ her in his light cocksure conceited manner.. Jerome) 6. Она говорила. Она заявила. Она говорила. что каждый день ходит в Публичную библиотеку." said my friend's wife. "You ought to be grateful. Exercise 5. "You must go before. but it seemed a long way. 8. Она говорила. 1. "so I have read my Bible.the General said: "I want to consult you. что не говорила с Ниной." Isaak said." (Bennett) 8. 5. Она мне не сказала. "My father is a preacher. Uncle Adrian?" (Galsworthy) 6. and followed. Jerome) 7. 2. JI will ring when I want you. 4. что не будем их ждать. The man __ he would go and consult his master." he __ her. 15. что я обещала позвонить Елене. I ever knew in my life. but not before. Jerome) 9. "Look at me." (Wilde) 5. Pickwick. Она никому не сказала. что Нина хорошо пишет стихи." 2. Она часто говорила. что вернемся через час. 1. Exercise 3. "You must go at once. (Marryai) 3. son. Она всегда говорила. что примет участие в работе. Jerome) 8. Она часто говорила." (Warren) (Galsworthy) Exercise 4." __ Harris. doctor. Она сказала. (Jerome K. Dodson be back.INDIRECT SPEECH Exercise 1. I remember about the miracle of the loaves and fishes. 1." (Warren) 4. Он мне говорил." (Dickens) 6." (Warren) 3. "Davis.. "Nothing. "have you been in many caves? Are you a caver?" (Warren) 3. He __ I must talk with your friend. что очень занята и давно не была в театре. 14. It is absolutely necessary. что хорошо их знает. что говорила с Ниной. She __ she would — us all about it the next time we met. ordered off this mountain." he called. Gretta. что любит балет. что не хочет идти с нами. when they were seated before an omelette Bulgarienne. Sir. Translate into English. Harris __ them they could follow him. что знакома с ними. who __ they had been there [in the maze] for three quarters of an hour. and his cousin __ he supposed it was a very big maze. Она сказала. (Marryat) 5. The old man said. что в лаборатории было сделано много опытов. They __ it was very kind of him. 4. 6." (Hardy) 5. Он сказал. Use the verb to say or to tell. 6. 18. "if you aren't careful you'll be. Uncle Adrian.. что ошиблась. "Hans. I __ I would write to him to-morrow. 1. 17. "Boy. Martin. rising. Он говорил. Translate into English. "I can go to England at the beginning of June. что говорила с вами. 1. Она говорила." (Greene) 2. Jerome) 7. Он нам сообщил. "Welll" cried Pinch. (CcUdxuell) 4." I said. что любит исторические романы." (Jerome K." she said to the maid. that I shall take the children and go to a hotel until these cheeses are eaten. patting her. что интересуется геологией.. (Jerome K. "Very well. 19. will you try and think of any way of strafing that man for the scurvy way he's treated 124 ." said the doctor. что ему надо позвать товарища. 2. They met some people soon after they had got inside. 9. "What. Fox __ me that you were here! (Wilson) 10. (Greene) Exercise 2. if they liked. 20. что книга ей нравится. 5. (Dickens) 4." he said. "Jebb.cheek with his hand. Convert into indirect speech. "Maurice. (Jerome K. что достал билеты. Harris kept on turning to the right. Профессор сказал. Convert into indirect speech. Она отрицала. что уезжает. "And have you anything else you want to explain to me. "I had to go in the cave. Она признала. It's about my boy. что она приняла ваше предложение? 12. Lionel. and had had about enough of it. "I've just telephoned to the doctor." the lieutenant said. "play one of your brother's songs. 2. 8. "Get up. почему я отклонила это предложение. Он спросил. "O." Kay Rimmer said. чтобы они не будили больного. "Is there anything else on your mind. Franklin. "Both of you come with me." (Galsworthy) Exercise 6." said the warning voice of Mrs. (Bennett) 3. "Martha. читала ли я Теккерея в оригинале или в переводе." (Caldwetl) 5. (Wilson) 12. Dr. "don't let him see you. 6." said Jean. 10." he said. почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр. 7." Mrs. Sir." he said. Bingham said. "Don't go away!" (Wilson) 16." answered a venerable voice." she [Sylviane] replied. "Play one. чтобы он нас не ждал. чтобы они не отправляли письма. "What is it.. (Warren) 2. Bingham said to her daughter. "where is your master?" (Bennett) 9. Он меня спросил. "What are you doing humped that way on the ground? Do you think that is ladylike?" Mrs. 3. Kenworthy?" she.Jeromey 8. look at me. "I beg you to tell us exactly what occurred that evening. Он спросил. "Sylviane! forgive me!" Arthur exclaimed. Maria." she said." (Conan Doyle) 7. Newitt. Erik?" Haviland asked. my heart will break. Hewitt. "Gretta. Translate into English. tenderest tones of entreaty. "and have a drink at the Fitzroy. Martha. Miss Dunbar. Она спросила." (Eliot) 18. asked in her shy. and get to business. "Tom. "And don't you go. чтобы она не звонила Ольге. где он купил словарь." the girl said. (Bennett) 13. Она предложила нам провести день за городом. "I am so glad you are came!" (Hardy) 2. Arrived at Shropshire House Sir Lawrence said: "Can we see the Marquess Pommett?" "I rather think he's having his lesson. "What a lot of books you have. mamma. "Now. чтобы мы перевели статью. Translate into English. "And now. (Eliot) 6. Give me a moment's happiness — make me feel you've forgiven me. 1. (Galsworthy) 10. "Who is there?" he [Arthur] whispered. please forgive me.." 6. "get me away to the train as soon as you can!" (Collins) 19. 3. "Lilly." he said to Monty softly." Arthur withdrew his head. Will. "Suppose we go for a sail. "How nice to see 125 . (Bennett) 10." (Bennett) 11. He turned to her with a rough gesture. где я живу. где я работаю. Sir Lawrence. 1. Мы ей сказали. "oh. Она предложила перевести для нас статью. taking his hand. "What can I do?" he said. 9. 7. dearest. Доктор посоветовал мне поехать на юг." (Jerome K. breathless manner. "Come here. '-'Let's have some coffee. "How long has this been known to you. Arthur. Tom. часто ли она ходит в филармонию. чтобы она не запирала дверь. Exercise 7. "Daddy — oh. чтобы мы пошли в Русский музей. 8. Betteredge." (Warren) 3. Jo-Lea. 5. Convert into indirect speech. видела ли я когда-нибудь его сестру. (Warren) 11. went to the window and looked out. 2. "Martha!" he called in a loud. Betteredge. "suppose we drop speculation. how can you be cruel like that!" she cried. "Don't worry. Она предложила." he went on. 11." said Arthur. Daddy. Она спросила. Newitt." says Mr. 4. "Do me a last favour. Exercise 9. Mr. "Do come and look. "Mrs. 4. "It's lovely here. "let us' hear this wonderful news." said Sylviane. Он спросил меня. at the same time beckoning urgently. Is Mrs." said Stephen (to Maggie] in deepest. Мы его спросили. Доктор сказал им." (Galsworthy) 14." (Warren) 17." "Try." she [Maggie] said timidly when they were out of doors." he begged. gruffly. Мы ему сказали. Секретарь сказал. Convert into indirect speech. 1. "They wouldn't'listen to me." he would shout. come back here!" (Caldwell) 4. commanding voice that echoed up and down the corridor.. "I've got to know if you are all right. люблю ли я драму. "Now. Он ей сказал." said Holmes." said Maggie. "Now you go and get me my hammer. (Warren) 5. чтобы он пришел' к пяти часам. "Then. the housekeeper. Мой приятель предложил." (Austen) 8. 1. "Some men are always listened to. "It's me. (Bennett) 12. "Oh. 6. Я спросила сестру. "The lake is lovely. The first question on Marianne's side was. "Who's that fellow?" said Lord Saxended. "Come back. Forrest ill?" "Mrs. "how much money did you give for your rabbits?" (Eliot) 13.Hubert?" (Galsworthy) 7. 9. "Don't go away from me yet. please say something. Я спросила. Она меня спросила. let me stay." (Collins) Exercise 8. Savina!" (Wilson) 15. Elinor? Has he written to you?" "I have known it these four months. 5." (Greene) 4. Мы ему сказали. Martha!" he called. "О Dickl" she exclaimed. She. 10." (Caldwelt) 9. Lilly." Conder said. когда приходила Нина. or write a note?" "Thank you." He stood a moment. and not be bothered by visitors. Lilian.... Она с грустью сказала.. "You wouldn't.. no... "Monsieur..." (Wilson) 15..2 126 . pleasantly. что не может принять участия в экскурсии.." "What do you want. If he isn't married to her." Bennett said." answered Jean. I don't know how I am to bear it. Pickwick [to the young man]. "Tasborough. "No. "Good-bye. Drouet was on the corner waiting.. Exercise П. "how lovely. and that will make him so happy. Carrie." (Dickens) 3. looking at her as if debating whether she was armed... 4. "but I am really very busy to-day." said Mr.. and he will be able to give me a large basket of primroses. 1." (Snow) 11." he said to his wife. and all my flowers to water.." "It is certainly a great privilege to hear you talk. Uncle Adrian?" (Galsworthy) 16." (Dreiser) 13. "and I am very sorry to disturb the other gentlemen.. Translate into English. Going into the cinema..."would you mind carrying this sack of flour for me to market?" "Oh.. there is Tomf" exclaimed Lucy." The girl sighed. "There is no good in my going to see little Hans as long as the snow lasts. and.. так как у нее больна сестра... Swindon: Who arrested this man? Sergeant: I did." (Dreiser) 4.a new face." (Wilde) 10.... didn't you. So I shall wait till the spring comes." she asked... kindly.. "Lord Saxenden knows me. Mrs. "do you speak French?" "Perfectly." To his sister he said: "Good-bye. You're talking in your sleep. "I'll be coming out ta attend some of these court proceedings. 1 found him in the minister's house. (Shaw) 2... Она с удивлением спросила. 5.. Anna. "for when people are in trouble they should be left alone. Она с возмущением сказала.. Volterra shook hands with Erik. "Little Hans. and I am sure I am right....." he said." (Dreiser) 14.." said the Miller. I have got all my creepers to nail up. что никак (never) не ожидала такого ответа. too.. I am so sorry"... "I'm very glad to know you at last. "Wake up. Doctor." "You are certainly very thoughtful about others." the woman in black velvet said. "Ohl" said the Miller. "I am a foreigner..." answered little Hans. "But I am afraid I shall never have such beautiful ideas as you have. "like to leave a message. что они забыли свои обещания.... little Hans?" cried the Miller in a cheery voice.. "I beg your pardon. but with no tears in them.. Who's that?" (Greene) Exercise 10. "There'll be petition to sign. "Have you mended the hole in the roof yet. and the Miller wants you to come at once.. but I come on very particular business. 2.." answered the wife.... "O. That at least is my idea about friendship. "Whawhat's the matter?" said Minnie drowsily... sir..." (Wilde) 9." she said. "Oh. in good spirits... we'll take a car. "Hello..... "I'm coming to Drover all in good time. with the lady with his coat off. ma'moiselle?" (Galsworthy) 6. She said quickly." (Wilde) 8. sitting at tea. "Miss Tasburgh?" he said." answered little Hans. "Hello.. почему ей не сообщили эту новость раньше..." he said." he said.." the Miller used to say to his wife.. которую искала несколько месяцев." and raised her eyes.. did you? Well. and shaking her by the shoulder... Sir.. Don't let the others get too down-hearted." she said again at sight of the only picture on the walls. "I don't know how I shall bear being alone. Dinny took a cigarette. he ought to be. Она радостно вскричала. clapping her bands.. her eyes wild. (Eliot) 8. little Hans?" "The Miller's son has fallen from a ladder... 3.. Miss... said: "You saw great — Uncle Cuffs. "there is no work so delightful as the work one does for others.. Convert into indirect speech. "Minnie! What's the matter? Here.. ACCIDENCE. "It is quite mended.... (Galsworthy) 5. and all my grass to roll. (Wilde) 7.." said he. with a long puff. "Got here safe. She [Caro] said.. (Greene) 7.. said Hans.. quite at home. "But what is the matter." "Then can you tell me where they take the tickets?" The young man shook his head... "Who is there?" cries the Doctor. "and turn over... wake up. and has hurt himself. disturbed. trying to divert him: "I saw the Queen just now. что нашла книгу. and then I shall pay him a visit.. 1. Он сказал с горечью. "Dear little Hans.. Why does she wear hats like that?" (Greene) Table of contents Part I. Do you expect us to attack the prison?" (Greene) 12.." said Hanson. ........................................................................................99 Part II............................................................................................................................21 WORDS DENOTING STATE........................................................................122 INDIRECT SPEECH...................20 THE PRONOUN.............................96 MODAL WORDS................................................................................114 SEQUENCE OF TENSES......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................124 127 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. SYNTAX.............................97 THE INTERJECTION......................................................................................................................................111 THE COMPOUND AND THE COMPLEX SENTENCE......................................................................................................2 THE USE OF ARTICLES...........................................99 GRAMMATICAL HOMONYMS........................................................................................................................................................THE NOUN.........................................83 THE NON-FINITE FORMS OF THE VERBS (VERBALS) ...............................................................................................................................................23 THE VERB.................74 THE INFINITIVE...................................................................................45 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD..............101 WORD ORDER..................................................................................................................................................................67 THE GERUND ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 THE ADJECTIVE.....................................................98 THE PARTICLE........................................................................................................................23 TENSES IN THE ACTIVE VOICE.....................................................................................................................................................101 THE SIMPLE SENTENCE...............67 THE ADVERB........................24 THE PASSIVE VOICE......................97 THE CONJUNCTION.................................................................................................................41 MODAL VERBS................................................................................................................54 THE PARTICIPLE.....................................................97 THE PREPOSITION.................................................................................................................................................................................
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