Spherical plain bearings, plain bushes, rod endsCatalogue 238 238 Spherical plain bearings, plain bushes, rod ends Since the introduction of the spherical plain bearing, ELGES spherical plain bearings and ELGES rod ends have had a decisive influence on the development and technological progress of these precision components. This led to extensive product innovations and many pioneering applications only became possible due to the know-how of the company group. Furthermore, the new maintenance-free ELGOGLIDE® bearings – as spherical plain bearings, cylindrical bushes or combinations of radial, angular contact and axial bearings – continue the tradition of this product group and at the same time represent state-of-the-art engineering and economical bearing solutions. Spherical plain bearings are ready-to-fit, standardised machine elements. The concave outer ring bore and the convex inner ring geometry allow spatial adjustment motion. The bearings can support static loads and are suitable for tilting and swivel motion. They can compensate for shaft misalignment, are not subject to edge stresses under misalignment and allow substantial manufacturing tolerances in the adjacent construction. Rod ends are spherical plain bearing units. They comprise a rod type housing, into which a spherical plain bearing is integrated, and have an external or internal thread. Rod ends are used as connecting levers and connecting rods and as connecting elements between cylinders and their adjacent parts in hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders. Spherical plain bearings and rod ends are available in numerous designs, dimension series and versions. The ELGOGLIDE® types are maintenance-free – the types requiring maintenance are easily maintained – and extremely reliable in operation and have a long operating life. Catalogue 238 describes the range of ELGES spherical plain bearings and ELGES rod ends. It has been completely revised from Catalogue 236. Any information in previous editions which does not concur with the data in this edition is therefore invalid. The principal changes relate to the maintenance-free sliding material ELGOGLIDE®. These are: ■ increased basic load ratings ■ extended sliding travel. This gives a significant increase in bearing life. In addition to the catalogue, the INA CD medias® professional represents a further service. This CD is designed as an advisory system. It contains an information section giving detailed product descriptions, selected application examples with design guidelines, calculation software and a lexicon of terminology relevant to rolling bearing technology. Please contact INA for a copy of this CD. Schaeffler KG Herzogenaurach (Germany) Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes ZGB GE..DW GE..DW-2RS2 GE..PW GE..PB GE..ZO GE..HO - 2RS GE..LO GAKFR..PW GIKFR..PW GAKFR..PB GIKFR..PB 117 201 117 205 117 195 117 198 FO .K....UK ..UK Maintenance-free rod ends 117 206 GAR..DO -2RS GIR.2RS GAR.2RS GIR...AW GE..K...FW GE..LO Hydraulic rod ends 117 204 Appendix Other products .DO Rod ends requiring maintenance 117 202 GF.FO GE.DO ...SX Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings 117 197 GAR.UK GIR..UK .2RS GE...UK ...DO GK.DO GIR.Technical principles GE.DO GIHR .DO GIHN ..2RS GE..FW -2RS GE..SW GE.AX GE..DO .2RS GE...2RS GAR.DO 117 200 Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Large radial spherical plain bearings 117 196 GE.UK Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Large radial spherical plain bearings 117 199 Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings GE. Contents Page 2 2 8 12 13 14 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 Product range Overview Product index Ordering designation Index of suffixes Symbols and units Technical principles Load carrying capacity and life Spherical plain bearings and rod ends Cylindrical plain bushes Concentric constant load F Equivalent load Combined radial and axial load Variable bearing load Calculation of rating life Basic load ratings, contact pressure Basic dynamic load rating Basic static load rating Contact pressure Predimensioning Bearing motion, life Motion parameter – swivel angle and tilt angle Rotary motion Frequency of motion Intermittent operation Life Operating life Friction Friction behaviour of spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance, maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Lubrication Functions of the lubricant Grease lubrication Running-in phase Relubrication Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings, plain bushes and rod ends 28 28 28 29 29 29 4 Page 30 30 30 30 32 33 34 34 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 44 46 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 Internal clearance and operating clearance Internal clearance Radial internal clearance of radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance with steel/steel sliding contact surface Axial internal clearance Internal clearance of cylindrical plain bushes Fits related to practical use for spherical plain bearings Operating clearance Influence of interference on the radial internal clearance of radial spherical plain bearings Calculation example Design of bearing arrangements Radial location of spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Application as locating bearings Application as non-locating bearings (between shaft and bearing bore) Axial location of spherical plain bearings Location of bearing rings Design of adjacent components Chamfer dimensions Quality of shaft and housing bore Sealing Fitting and dismantling Fitting Delivered condition Storage Removal from packaging Tools for heat assisted fitting Checking the adjacent construction Rules and guidelines Dismantling Operating temperatures Materials Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Rod ends ISO tolerances 5 Contents Page 54 54 54 56 56 58 58 58 58 59 59 60 63 64 66 67 70 72 72 73 74 75 75 76 90 90 92 92 94 94 94 94 95 97 97 98 100 Product range Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings/ maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Criteria for bearing selection Radial spherical plain bearings Features Angular contact spherical plain bearings Features Axial spherical plain bearings Features Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Features Design and safety guidelines Calculation of rating life for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material PTFE composite for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material PTFE-bronze film Calculation examples Calculation of rating life for maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Calculation example Accuracy Special designs Ordering example and ordering designation Dimension tables Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Criteria for bearing selection Radial spherical plain bearings Features Angular contact spherical plain bearings Features Axial spherical plain bearings Features Design and safety guidelines Calculation of rating life for radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings with steel/steel sliding contact surface for steel/bronze sliding contact surface Calculation examples 6 Page 104 105 105 106 124 124 126 126 128 129 130 131 131 131 132 140 140 142 142 142 142 146 148 149 150 150 150 152 168 168 Accuracy Special designs Ordering example and ordering designation Dimension tables Maintenance-free rod ends Criteria for bearing selection Maintenance-free rod ends Features Design and safety guidelines Calculation of rating life Calculation example Accuracy Special designs Ordering example and ordering designation Dimension tables Rod ends requiring maintenance/hydraulic rod ends Criteria for bearing selection Rod ends requiring maintenance Features Hydraulic rod ends Features Design and safety guidelines Calculation of rating life Calculation example Accuracy Special designs Ordering example and ordering designation Dimension tables Appendix Other products 7 . left hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4..PW 143 158 GAKFR. dimension series K.AX 8 . sliding contact surface steel/steel. type M. type M. type M.UK 127 134 GAR. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free axial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-3. left hand thread. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®.DO 143 154 GAR. left hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. dimension series E. shank with external thread. dimension series E. left hand thread. type M. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®. shank with external thread. shank with external thread.PW 143 154 GAL.. left hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface steel/steel 127 138 GAKFL.. sliding contact surface steel/steel.UK-2RS 58 94 86 122 GE.UK 127 134 GAL. type M. sliding contact surface steel/steel.. right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® Axial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-3. type M. right hand thread. shank with external thread. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film... right hand thread. type M... lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. dimension series E.PB Description Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. type M. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. left hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4.. lip seals on both sides Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. dimension series E.PB 127 138 GAKFR.DO-2RS 127 134 GAR. shank with external thread. shank with external thread. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film. right hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite. dimension series K..DO 143 154 GAL.. shank with external thread. type M. type M.DO-2RS 127 134 GAL. sliding contact surface steel/bronze. right hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite. shank with external thread. dimension series E.Product index sorted alphanumerically Features Tables Page from page 143 158 Type GAKFL. sliding contact surface steel/steel. dimension series E. shank with external thread. sliding contact surface steel/bronze. shank with external thread. shank with external thread. type M. dimension series K..UK-2RS 143 154 GAR.AW GE. type M. dimension series E... right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. dimension series K. dimension series E. shank with external thread. wider inner ring. dimension series G. lip seals on both sides Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance. dimension series E... dimension series G. dimension series C.LO 93 118 GE. dimension series C (excluding radial internal clearance). dimension series C (excluding radial internal clearance). sliding contact surface steel/steel.FW 57 80 GE..Features Tables Page from page 92 106 Type GE.PB 57 82 GE.FW-2RS 92 114 GE.DO Description Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1.. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free large radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1.DW-2RS2 93 110 GE.FO-2RS 56 80 GE.. sliding contact surface steel/steel..FO 93 110 GE. wider inner ring.HO-2RS 93 112 GE.. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® 92 106 GE.. dimension series W. mounting dimensions as for tapered roller bearings to DIN 720. wider inner ring Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. sliding contact surface steel/steel. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®. dimensions to DIN 24 338 for standard and hydraulic cylinders Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1.SW 9 .. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite. sliding contact surface steel/steel. large radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. wider inner ring Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1. lip seals on both sides Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1. 320X. dimension series E. sliding contact surface steel/bronze Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1.PW 58 84 GE. dimension series K..DW 57 78 GE.DO-2RS 57 78 GE. sliding contact surface steel/steel.. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. dimension series G. cylindrical extensions on inner ring. bore dimensions to standard sizes. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® Maintenance-free large radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film Maintenance-free angular contact spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-2.. dimension series K. lip seals on both sides for increased sealing action Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1. sliding contact surface steel/steel. sliding contact surface steel/steel Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1. dimension series G.. inch sizes.LO 145 162 GIHR-K.PW 142 152 GIL... dimension series K.DO 144 160 GIHN-K. dimension series E. sliding contact surface steel/bronze. DIN 24 333. type F.. sliding contact surface steel/steel. sliding contact surface steel/steel Hydraulic rod end requiring maintenance. sliding contact surface steel/steel. lip seals on both sides 56 76 GE.DO-2RS 10 . mounting dimensions as for tapered roller bearings to DIN 720.Product index Features Tables Page from page 94 120 Type GE. ISO/DIS 6 022. shank with internal thread. for standard hydraulic cylinders to Cetop recommendation RP 88 H.. for hydraulic cylinder bases Hydraulic rod end requiring maintenance to DIN 24 338. internal thread.ZO GF. left hand thread. lip seals on both sides Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance.. sliding contact surface steel/steel. right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4.UK 57 76 GE. sliding contact surface steel/steel.. ISO 6 982. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film.SX Description Angular contact spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 2402. left hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. right hand thread Hydraulic rod end requiring maintenance. right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4.. with thread clamping facility. dimension series K. shank with internal thread. type F.DO 142 152 GIL. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. dimension series E. type F. dimension series K.DO 142 156 GIKFL. DIN 24 336. dimension series K. type F.PB 126 136 GIKFR. ISO/DIS 6 020 I. shank with internal thread... heavy-section design with square welding face. left hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4.. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®... shank with internal thread.PW 142 156 GIKFR. left hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. type F.. type F.UK-2RS 93 145 116 166 GE. dimension series E. sliding contact surface steel/bronze.PB 126 136 GIKFL. dimension series E. sliding contact surface steel/steel. shank with internal thread. 320X. sliding contact surface steel/steel Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film. internal thread. shank with internal thread. right hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. shank with internal thread. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®. shank with internal thread. right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. right hand thread.UK 126 132 GIR. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®.. sliding contact surface steel/PTFE-bronze film..UK Description Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4.UK-2RS 144 164 GK. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite. sliding contact surface steel/steel. dimension series E. dimension series K. type S. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. shank with internal thread (fine pitch thread for standard pneumatic cylinders to DIN 24 335). circular welding face... dimension series E. lip seals on both sides Hydraulic rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. shank with internal thread. sliding layer made from ELGOGLIDE® 126 132 GIL.DO 142 152 GIR. sliding contact surface hard chromium/PTFE composite. dimension series E. type F. type F. for piston rod ends and cylinder bases Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bush to ISO 4 379.. right hand thread. type F. lip seals on both sides Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. concentric locating pin on shank base and 45° welding chamfer. dimension series E. type F.. shank with internal thread.PW 142 152 GIR.. shank with internal thread..Features Tables Page from page 126 132 Type GIL. dimension series E. type F. type F. left hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. type F.DO 59 88 ZGB 11 .UK-2RS 126 136 GIPFR.DO-2RS 126 132 GIR. right hand thread Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface steel/steel. left hand thread. right hand thread Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. sliding contact surface steel/steel. dimension series E. dimension series E. shank with internal thread. The designation consists of several parts. lip seals on both sides 2RS ■ special designs. It indicates: ■ the design – the type of product (spherical plain bearing. see page 8.Ordering designation The ordering designation gives an abbreviated description of the product. e. Designation (Figure 1 and 2) Every product has a designation. It consists of: ■ the designation and ■ suffixes.g. This is given in the dimension tables and describes the standard design of the bearing. Special designs are possible only by agreement. lip seals on both sides – designation and suffixes d GIR 40 UK-2RS Figure 2 · Maintenance-free rod end. Ordering the product (Figure 1 and 2) Ordering procedure: ■ determine the product type required ■ take the ordering designation from the dimension table. Index of suffixes. see page 13. Product index. They supplement the designation and indicate: ■ variants on the standard design. The correct sequence of characters must be observed when ordering. Marking on the product Do not use the marking on the bearing for ordering. GE 40 DO-2RS d Figure 1 · Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance. plain bush) ■ the dimensional component – the bore diameter ■ the type of sliding contact surface. Further ordering examples are given in the product sections. It may be incomplete or not sufficiently specific. lip seals on both sides – designation and suffixes 12 118 077 117 137 . Suffixes (Figure 1 and 2) The suffixes are placed after the designation. rod end. Index of suffixes Suffixes C2 C3 2RS 2RS1 2RS2 F10 W3 W7 W8 Description Radial internal clearance smaller than normal (for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance) Radial internal clearance larger than normal (for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance) Lip seals on both sides High performance seals on both sides Increased sealing action on both sides for large radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearing GE. dNew = d 13 .08 Inner ring bore with ELGOGLIDE® lining..SX with lubrication groove system for oil bath lubrication Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing with inner ring made from corrosion-resistant steel Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing. giving dNew = d – 1. inner ring bore with ELGOGLIDE® lining. radial Normal internal clearance Internal clearance smaller than normal Internal clearance larger than normal Shaft diameter or bore diameter of inner ring Sphere diameter Ratio between diameter of bearing locating bore and outside diameter of housing Contraction of outer ring measured on sphere diameter Factor for expansion of housing Oscillation frequency or speed. the values used in this catalogue have the following designations. PTFE-bronze film Relubrication factor. units and definitions: a mm Expansion of inner ring when using solid shafts – measured on sphere diameter Factor for cross-section of inner ring Factor for cross-section of outer ring Basic dynamic load rating. axial Basic dynamic load rating.Symbols and units Unless stated otherwise in the text. axial Basic static load rating. dependent on Load direction factor Temperature factor Load factor Bearing design factor Load type factor (maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and plain bushes) Material factor (spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance) Swivel or oscillation angle factor b c Ca C0a Cr C0r CN C2 C3 d dK DA/DG – – N N N N mm mm mm mm mm mm e f f fb fv fH fHz f f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 mm – min–1 – – – – – – – – – – f5 f6 – – 14 . radial Basic static load rating. frequency of motion Load factor Sliding speed factor for ELGOGLIDE®. dependent on frequency Factor for variable load Relubrication factor. PTFE composite. Axial bearing load Radial bearing load Maximum bearing load Minimum bearing load Specific load parameter Maintenance interval between two lubrication operations Maintenance interval between two lubrication operations Theoretical life with single initial lubrication (spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance) Theoretical life under constant load (maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and plain bushes) Theoretical life under constant load (maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and plain bushes) Theoretical life taking account of variable conditions Theoretical life with single initial lubrication (spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance) Theoretical life with periodic relubrication Theoretical life under variable load Theoretical life for individual time periods Theoretical life with periodic relubrication Theoretical life under variable load Bearing frictional torque Equivalent bearing load Contact pressure (specific bearing load) Load frequency Permissible load on rod end Mean roughness depth Sliding distance Operating clearance Lh h Lh Lh LhN LhW Lh1. Nm N N/mm2 Hz N m m mm 15 . Lh2 LN LW M P p PHz Pperm Rz s S h h h h h osc.FA FR Fmax Fmin K lW lhW L L N N N N N/mm2 osc. osc. osc. h osc. t2 ÜA Ül v X °C h or % m m mm/s – Operating temperature Duration of individual operating time period Effective interference (on outer ring) Effective interference (on inner ring) Mean sliding speed Axial load factor for radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings Radial load factor for axial spherical plain bearings Tilt angle .from centre to right Swivel or oscillation angle (between two extreme points) Motion angle corresponding to sliding distance Friction factor Total operating time (t1 + t2 + t3 . + tn) Relative internal clearance in fitted condition Y 1 2 – ° ° ° ° – t 1 h or % – 16 .Symbols and units t t1.from centre to left Tilt angle .. constant radial load F F Figure 2 · Concentric. constant radial load F F Figure 3 · Concentric. F F Figure 1 · Concentric. Cylindrical plain bushes The principal factors influencing the dimensioning of cylindrical plain bushes and their life calculation include: ■ the magnitude and type of load ■ the motion of the bearing ■ the frequency of motion ■ the load frequency under pulsating or alternating load. The load carrying capacity is measured in terms of: ■ the basic dynamic load rating Cr (page 20) ■ the basic static load rating C0r (page 21).Load carrying capacity and life Spherical plain bearings and rod ends The size of spherical plain bearing or rod end required depends on the requirements for: ■ load carrying capacity ■ motion ■ rating life ■ operational reliability. constant axial load F 17 151 184 151 571 151 185 . the load value F for life calculation is identical to the calculation value P (F = P). axial direction only on axial spherical plain bearings (Figure 3) ■ their magnitude and direction does not change during operation. angular contact spherical plain bearings and cylindrical plain bushes (Figure 1 and Figure 2) ■ they act in a concentric. In this case. The load carrying capacity is measured in terms of: ■ the basic dynamic load rating Cr (Ca) (page 20) ■ the basic static load rating C0r (C0a) (page 21). Concentric constant load F Load values can be used directly in the life calculation if they meet the following criteria: ■ they act in a radial direction only on radial spherical plain bearings. The direction and type of load determine: ■ the bearing type ■ the sliding contact surface. 1 Figure 4 · Radial spherical plain bearings – combined load 3.0 A 0 1 FA = 0 – 2.2 0.5 151 182 FA FR 3 151 181 FA FR 0. 21.Load carrying capacity and life Equivalent load Combined radial and axial load If spherical plain bearings are subjected simultaneously to radial and axial loads.009 . 2.5 FA 2.0 2.35: X = 1. The value P is determined using the following formulae: ■ radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings (Figure 4 and 5): P = X ⋅ FR ■ axial spherical plain bearings (Figure 6): P = Y ⋅ FA P N Equivalent dynamic bearing load FR N Radial bearing load FA N Axial bearing load X – Axial load factor for radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings Y – Radial load factor for axial spherical plain bearings.4 0.75 FR FA 1.4714 FR FR FA FA = 2.546 FA FR 0.3 .6966 FR FR FR F 2 Figure 5 · Angular contact spherical plain bearings – combined load 1.998 .35 – 3. the equivalent calculation value P must be used in the life formula.2 Y = 0.25 1.6254 Figure 6 · Axial spherical plain bearings – combined load 18 151 183 FR FA 0.1 FR FA 0.0 0 X = 0.7678 .0 FR X 1. 1.3 0.978 . + 0.5 FA 1.0 0 0.0: X = 0.5 1. 2.5 Y 1. This value has the same effect on the life as the combined loads themselves.5 2.0 X 1. + tn) Lh1..+ -----------------. P = F min + F max ----------------------------------2 2 2 P N Equivalent dynamic bearing load Fmax N Maximum bearing load N Fmin Minimum bearing load. This value has the same effect on the life as the variable bearing load itself. P Fmin. Figure 8 · Maximum and minimum bearing load P Load P Swivel angle Frequency f P P f f f P P P f f f t Time t6 150 141 t1 t2 t3 6 t 1 t4 t5 Calculation of L h1. Calculation of rating life Where bearings are subjected to differing loads and motions. the equivalent calculation value P must be used (Figure 7 and 8). t2 h or % Duration of individual operating time period t h or % Total operating time (t1 + t2 + t3 . L h3.Variable bearing load If the load varies in a linear manner during swivel motion. Figure 7 · Bearing load with linear variation Fmax.. the life can only be calculated in approximate terms. 1 L h = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t2 t3 tn t1 -----------------. according to calculation principle L h1 L h2 L h3 L h4 L h5 L h6 Figure 9 · Life under specified load and motion spectrum 19 151 180 151 186 .+ -----------------.+ -----------------t ⋅ L h1 t ⋅ L h2 t ⋅ L h3 t ⋅ L hn Lh h Theoretical life taking account of variable conditions t1 . Lh2 h Life for individual time periods.. The following information must be available (Figure 9): ■ the load ■ the motion ■ the duration of individual operating time periods. L h2. C = projected load-bearing area ⋅ specific load parameter The basic load rating C is the maximum permissible dynamic load. plain bush or rod end is subject to dynamic load if.Load carrying capacity and life Basic load ratings Contact pressure The load carrying capacity is measured in terms of the basic static and dynamic load ratings. Calculation of basic dynamic load rating The contact pressures actually occurring in a spherical plain bearing or a plain bush are dependent on: ■ the load ■ the sliding contact surface ■ the osculation conditions ■ the installation situation. increases wear and causes material fatigue. . Basic load ratings are always defined by the manufacturer of the bearings. Any relative motion between the sliding surfaces. It is dependent on the sliding contact surface and has a significant influence on the life of spherical plain bearings. rod ends and plain bushes. It must always be: ■ allocated to the dynamic load case ■ taken into consideration in the life calculation. Basic dynamic load rating The basic dynamic load rating Cr (Ca) is a parameter for calculating the life of: ■ spherical plain bearings. They cannot therefore be compared in a simplistic manner with data from other manufacturers. tilting or rotary motion. under load ■ it undergoes swivelling. axial direction only on axial spherical plain bearings. The basic dynamic load ratings (dimension table) therefore include (Table 1): ■ a load parameter K specific to the material ■ the projected load-bearing area. rod ends and plain bushes – acts in a concentric. 20 Table 1 · Sliding contact surface and specific load parameter K and K0 Sliding contact surface Specific dynamic load parameter K N/mm2 Steel/steel Steel/bronze Hard chromium/PTFE composite Steel/PTFE-bronze film Hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® 1) Specific static load parameter K0 N/mm2 500 125 250 250 500 (400)1) 100 50 100 100 300 For maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes ZGB. The basic load ratings can only be fully utilised if the load: – acts in a radial direction only on radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings. Due to the influence of these factors. Dynamic load A spherical plain bearing. even if superimposed on the main motion. it is not possible to determine the pressures precisely. rod ends and plain bushes under dynamic loads. 21 . The permissible load on rod ends is lower for pulsating or alternating loads.2 in relation to the yield point of the housing material. plain bush or rod end can support at room temperature without damage to the sliding surfaces. Under extreme loading conditions. It is the decisive criterion for assessing the suitability of a plain bearing in the particular application. the specific bearing load must be matched to the actual operating conditions. Please consult INA for further information. elastic deformation of the bearing and housing may lead to contact pressure concentrations. the value p for bearing pressure is used to calculate the frictional energy generated in spherical plain bearings. The p · v value (N/mm2 · mm/s) is: ■ the product of the bearing pressure and the sliding speed. the basic static load rating C0r indicates the load carrying capacity of the rod end housing under static tensile load. plain bushes and rod ends ■ are subjected to load while stationary. the shaft and housing must be made from high-strength materials. It indicates the load that a spherical plain bearing. If the basic static load rating C0r (C0a) is used to the full.Basic static load rating The basic static load rating C0r (C0a) is used if spherical plain bearings. At room temperature. The specific bearing load indicates the contact pressure in the bearing. Contact pressure If the required life is to be achieved. Rod ends In this case. page 146. p · v value In conjunction with the mean sliding speed. P p = K ⋅ ----Cr P p = K ⋅ -----Ca p N/mm2 Contact pressure K N/mm2 Specific load parameter (Table 1) P N Equivalent dynamic bearing load Cr (Ca) N Basic dynamic load rating (dimension table). calculation of maintenance-free rod ends using load factors fb: see Table 1. page 128. This is subject to the precondition that the components adjacent to the bearing must prevent deformation of the bearing. Calculation of rod ends requiring maintenance using load factors fb: see Table 1. The contact pressure p of a spherical plain bearing is calculated from: ■ the basic dynamic load rating Cr (Ca) ■ the specific material parameter K ■ the equivalent bearing load P. for example a high axial load acting on radial spherical plain bearings. the basic static load rating includes a safety factor of at least 1. .... values are stated for the ratio Cr (Ca)/P (Table 2 and Table 3). this allows preliminary selection of the appropriate bearing size (Figure 10).. Table 2 · Ratio Cr (Ca)/P for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings under dynamic load – guide values Series Alternating load Cr (Ca)/P GE. This is indicated by: ■ the ratio Cr (Ca)/P. Depending on the application and bearing type. The degree to which the basic load rating is utilised should therefore always be matched to the required operating life.LO GE.DW-2RS2 GE.UK-2RS GE.DO-2RS GE.. it is between 1 and 10.ZO GE.SX GE.AX 3 to 1 Unilateral load Cr (Ca)/P 4 to 1.Load carrying capacity and life Predimensioning If the basic dynamic load rating Cr (Ca) is used to the full.FW GE...DO GE.5 – 4 to 2 4 to 2 22 .7 3 to 1..HO-2RS GE..7 3 to 1 3 to 1 4 to 1 4 to 1.UK GE. The ratio Cr (Ca)/P must be not less than 1.SW GE.. Predimensioning is not a substitute for more extensive bearing calculation..FO GE...AW restricted suitability suitable suitable suitable restricted suitability suitable restricted suitability suitable 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 to 1 5 to 1 3 to 1 3 to 1 5 to 1 Unilateral load Cr (Ca)/P 5 to1 Table 3 · Ratio Cr (Ca)/P for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance under dynamic load – guide values Series Alternating load Cr (Ca)/P GE.FO-2RS GE. this often leads to a severe reduction in the operating life of bearings with metallic sliding surfaces..DW GE. For the purposes of predimensioning. In conjunction with the diagram.PW GE..PB GE....FW-2RS GE. .FO 1) GE.mm 200 180 160 140 120 100 70 60 50 45 40 35 200 190 180 170 160 200 150 190 140 180 130 170 120 160 110 150 140 100 130 90 120 80 110 70 100 65 90 60 55 80 50 70 45 65 40 60 35 55 30 50 28 45 40 25 35 30 28 25 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 70 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 76 69 63 57 50 20 17 15 30 44 38 34 25 31 22 20 25 18 22 16 14 19 12 250 200 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 160 125 110 100 90 80 70 63 280 260 240 220 200 300 180 280 260 160 240 140 220 200 120 110 180 160 100 140 90 120 80 110 100 90 80 70 60 45 40 35 70 60 50 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 110 100 90 80 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 25 20 20 17 17 15 12 10 8 6 20 17 15 12 10 8 30 25 Nominal size 30 25 50 45 40 50 45 40 35 30 25 30 40 32 25 35 30 25 20 20 17 15 12 30 10 25 22 20 20 17 15 20 17 15 10 18 16 14 12 10 8 10 8 16 12 12 6 5 10 8 6 12 10 8 6 5 6 6 GE.... =2 (C a )/P =1 70 50 100 Bearing load 500 1000 kN 5..DO GE.000 1) = also valid for 2RS design Figure 10 · Bearing size. a )/P (C =5 Cr ..ZO GE.LO 1 5 10 Cr .AX GE...FW-2RS GE.... (C a )/P Cr . a )/P (C a )/P = 3 Cr .000 40.SX GE.PW GE. load and ratio Cr (Ca)/P for predimensioning 23 151 171 .UK-2RS GE..FW GE. =1 (C 0 Cr ..000 10.SW GE.000 20.PB GE.AW GE..UK GE..HO-2RS 1) GE. The axes of the relevant bearing rings intersect at the tilt angle (Figure 12). Combined swivel and tilt motion The motion angle 1 corresponding to the sliding distance can be calculated for linear and ellipsoid motion (Figure 13). Motion parameter – swivel angle and tilt angle Swivel motion is defined as the oscillating motion of the two bearing rings in relation to each other about the axis of the bearing. These are essentially characterised by: ■ the magnitude of the motion ■ the speed of the motion ■ the frequency of the motion. based on full utilisation of the basic load ratings. The term “bearing motion” describes the dynamic conditions in the bearing. Tilt angle In tilting motion. 117 103 Figure 13 · Swivel and tilt motion – motion angle 1 24 117 102 117 101 .Load carrying capacity and life Bearing motion Rating life Spherical plain bearings are principally intended to support high loads under oscillating motion. This describes the motion between the two extreme points. Swivel angle The centring angle described by the two extreme points of the motion is defined as the swivel angle (Figure 11). The permissible tilt angle is given in the dimension tables. the inner ring or shaft locating washer moves relative to the outer ring or housing locating washer in a direction transverse to the bearing axis. Linear motion: 1 Figure 11 · Swivel motion – swivel angle 1 2 = 2 2 +( 1 + 2) 2 Figure 12 · Tilt motion – tilt angle Ellipsoid motion: 1 ⋅ ⋅ ( 1 + 2) + ( – 1 – 2) = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1+ 2 2 ° 1 Motion angle corresponding to sliding distance ° 1 Tilt angle – from centre to left ° 2 Tilt angle – from centre to right. Life calculation: ■ Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings (page 63 to 71) ■ Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes (page 72. Intermittent operation In this case. The theoretical life calculations are valid for the products described in this catalogue. Calculation of the theoretical life gives comparative values for the bearings. an angle = 180° should be used for rotary motion in life calculation. the mean sliding speed during one motion cycle must be used. 129) ■ Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance (page 97 to 99) ■ Rod ends requiring maintenance (page 97 to 99 and 146 to 148). Under no circumstances can they be transferred to other products. Operating life The operating life is the number of motion cycles or operating hours achieved in practice by a spherical plain bearing or a cylindrical plain bush. coefficient of friction and the magnitude of the motion.Rotary motion The sliding distance covered in a motion cycle – motion from the start point to the return point and back – corresponds to twice the arc length of the angle or . Frequency of motion The number of motions per time period – the frequency – has a significant influence on the life of spherical plain bearings and cylindrical plain bushes. Life Calculation of the theoretical life is based on a large number of laboratory tests and assumes certain operational data: ■ lithium soap multi-purpose greases with solid additives are used in spherical plain bearings with a steel/steel sliding contact surface. As a result. Calculation programs are available which may be used on request. They can be used to assess the greater or lesser performance of the bearings selected. For this reason. The frequency can only be used for calculating the mean sliding speed in applications with continuous operation or periodic stationary periods. the calculation principles can be programmed. It may differ from the calculated theoretical life. the operating life achieved may therefore differ significantly. It is dependent on the relevant sliding contact surface and must not exceed the permissible p · v values. The life is defined as the number of swivel motions or operating hours that can be achieved by a sufficiently large number of spherical plain bearings or cylindrical plain bushes under identical operating conditions before certain failure criteria are met. eliminating the need for time-consuming manual calculation work. 73) ■ Maintenance-free rod ends (page 63 to 71 and 128. The operating life is dependent on factors including: ■ the type and magnitude of load ■ any shocks occurring ■ the sealing arrangement ■ corrosion ■ contamination ■ maintenance. Under identical operating conditions. The frictional energy generated in the bearing is influenced by the frequency of motion as well as the load. Calculation service The influences that must be taken into consideration in calculation are expressed as mathematical functions. The failure criteria are defined by the manufacturer as test limit values related to: ■ an amount of wear dependent on the bearing size or ■ an upper friction limit which is exceeded. 25 . The amount of wear and increase in friction are dependent on the sliding contact surface and the application. 25 0.2 0. 0.08 0.22 0. M = P⋅ ⋅ d K ⋅ 0.1 0. 26 117 104 . If the bearing is subjected to combined load (radial and axial). the maximum values should always be used for calculating the drive power (Table 1).⋅ -----------------------Sphere diameter 1000 mm M Nm Bearing frictional torque P N Equivalent dynamic bearing load – Friction factor (Table 1) dK mm Sphere diameter of spherical plain bearing (dimension table).0005 Figure 1 · Load on spherical plain bearing Table 1 · Friction factor for spherical plain bearings and plain bushes Sliding contact surface Friction factor min.2 0. Steel/steel Steel/bronze Hard chromium/PTFE composite Steel/PTFE-bronze film Hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® 0. this may have the following consequences: ■ wear may increase ■ the bearing temperature may rise ■ the function of the bearing may be impaired.0005 takes account of -----------------------------------------. The values are significantly higher during the running-in and failure phases. use d instead of dK = d (see dimension table). For safety reasons.05 0. If the friction value exceeds the maximum value. the bearing frictional torque is calculated by integration of the standard loads. maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes The friction behaviour changes during the operating life. The lowest friction values are found with bearings that are well run in.02 max.2 Sphere radius 1m 0.Friction Friction is principally dependent on: ■ the sliding contact surface ■ the load ■ the sliding speed ■ the bearing temperature ■ the lubrication condition ■ the quality of the sliding surfaces. Friction behaviour of spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance. Bearing frictional torque The bearing frictional torque M (from the formula) is valid for (Figure 1): ■ radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings under radial load ■ axial spherical plain bearings under axial load.05 0. For maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes. = f (v) Friction coefficient = f (T) = f (P) Figure 2 · Friction factor as a function of sliding speed. load. temperature Failure phase 150 155 Running-in phase Main wear phase Wear Life Figure 3 · Wear behaviour of maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and plain bushes 27 151 179 Sliding speed v Load P Temperature T . the bearing frictional torque may be significantly higher during the early running-in phase due to: ■ plastic transfer of the PTFE material to the surface structure of the opposing running surface ■ the incomplete internal bearing tribology and the deposit of PTFE particles on the opposing running surface/ functional surface (PTFE/PTFE friction). With new spherical plain bearings. The wear behaviour of maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and plain bushes is shown in Figure 3.Friction behaviour of maintenance-free plain bearing materials based on PTFE Figure 2 shows the friction factor as a function of: ■ the sliding speed ■ the load ■ the temperature. short lubrication intervals. However. – Even under high contact pressure. corrosion-inhibiting. corrosion-inhibiting. EP additives and solid lubricant additives. protect the bearing against contamination and moisture. Lubricating greases with MoS2 additives or other solid lubricants must not be used. Functions of the lubricant The lubricant should (Figure 1): ■ reduce friction ■ prevent corrosion ■ form a lubricant film which is capable of supporting loads between the contact points ■ if grease lubrication is used. water-repellent lithium soap greases of normal consistency. The lubricant must always be chosen in consultation with the lubricant manufacturer. 3% MoS2 or ■ solid additives based on calcium and zinc phosphate compounds. these additives separate the sliding surfaces from each other.Lubrication Spherical plain bearings and rod ends with a steel/steel sliding contact surface requiring maintenance are given a special surface treatment and are provided with MoS2. It is more important to use a suitable lubricant than to provide generously defined. Suitable lubricants contain: ■ approx. Steel/bronze sliding contact surface The following are suitable: ■ conventional. high-pressure greases with a lithium soap base. the function and wear of spherical plain bearings and rod ends is heavily influenced by the quality of maintenance. Criteria for lubricant selection The following must be taken into consideration: ■ the load ■ the load direction ■ the swivel angle ■ the sliding speed ■ the ambient temperature ■ the environmental conditions. n or r osi o C Figure 1 · Functions of the lubricant 28 155 208 . Grease lubrication Steel/steel sliding contact surface The following are suitable for standard applications: ■ conventional. old grease is replaced by fresh grease. Bearings with steel/steel sliding contact surfaces must be periodically relubricated. If relubrication is carried out too frequently. the grease flushes wear debris and contaminants out of the bearing. plain bushes and rod ends During the running-in phase. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings. Spherical plain bearings are therefore manganese phosphated and treated with MoS2. this damages the smoothing effect previously achieved. If this is not possible. This increases the contact area and reduces the load on the material. During running-in ■ the surfaces of the contact zones are smoothed ■ the contact zones are elastically bedded in. plain bushes and rod ends that have been subjected to dry running-in are subsequently lubricated. PTFE particles are transferred from the outer ring sliding layer to the opposing running surface of the inner ring. since the friction of spherical plain bearings always increases for a short time after relubrication. If spherical plain bearings. The relubrication intervals should not be established arbitrarily but determined by calculation or in consultation with the lubricant manufacturer. This fills in the areas of slight roughness in the inner ring surface. Preconditions ■ the grease should be the same as that used for initial greasing – if different greases are used. their miscibility and compatibility should be checked ■ relubrication should be carried out – with the bearing still warm from operation – before the bearing comes to rest if safe to do so – before extended breaks in operation. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings. plain bushes and rod ends must not be relubricated. Greasing During the running-in phase. The PTFE particles to be transferred do not adhere to oily surfaces. Correct lubrication is of particular importance at this point. the operating life of the bearing may be reduced. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings. At the same time. 29 . The wear occurring during the running-in phase proceeds all the more favourably the more MoS2 is embedded in the porous-crystalline manganese phosphate. Lubricant therefore prevents the necessary smoothing of the surface. A long operating life is only achieved with this tribologically smooth surface. the pressure in the bearing is particularly high. plain bushes and rods ends do not have any facilities for relubrication.Running-in phase The running-in phase has a significant influence on the later wear behaviour of the bearing. the initial greasing must be metered carefully in order to avoid flushing an excessive quantity of MoS2 out of the bearing. Relubrication During relubrication. This process is at its most effective if the bearing: ■ is subjected to about ten swivel motions under load without additional greasing ■ is then provided with an initial greasing. Bearings with a radial internal clearance C2 and C3 differ from the standard design. the bearings are also available with (Table 1 and Table 2): ■ internal clearance larger than normal – where tight fits are used or there are large temperature differences between the inner and outer ring ■ internal clearance smaller than normal – for bearing arrangements with very small clearance. Suffixes Spherical plain bearings with normal internal clearance do not have a suffix. They are ordered using a suffix. Radial internal clearance larger or smaller than normal In order to meet the requirements arising from different operating or installation conditions. Relubrication only possible with tilt angle 30 117 117 intern AAxial intern al le ra ccleaara ncee 117 116 Radial internal Radia clearance cleara . Figure 1 · Radial internal clearance Figure 2 · Axial internal clearance Table 1 · Radial internal clearance groups Group C21) smaller than normal 1) CN normal C3 larger than normal = 0°. Normal internal clearance The normal internal clearance gives an optimum operating clearance under normal operating conditions if the recommended fits (see Design of bearing arrangements. Axial internal clearance The axial internal clearance is defined as the amount by which the inner ring can be moved in an axial direction relative to the outer ring from one extreme position to the other (Figure 2). apart from the correction of geometrical inaccuracies. causes no dimensional changes in the bearing. It is dependent on the bearing geometry and is in a direct relationship to the radial internal clearance. Example Spherical plain bearing GE 60 DO with reduced internal clearance: GE 60 DO-C2.Internal clearance and operating clearance Internal clearance Radial internal clearance Radial internal clearance of radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance with steel/steel sliding contact surface The radial internal clearance is defined as the distance by which the inner ring can be moved in a radial direction relative to the outer ring from one extreme position to the other (Figure 1). Seite 37) are used. it may be several times greater than the radial internal clearance. This assumes that the bearing is mounted in a housing bore that. The radial internal clearance is divided into three groups (Table 1 and Table 2) and is given in the dimension tables. Depending on the bearing type. max.DO-2RS GE..Table 2 · Radial internal clearance groups Series GE. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 72 72 72 72 85 85 85 85 85 100 100 100 110 110 110 125 125 125 125 72 72 72 72 85 85 85 85 85 100 100 100 110 110 110 125 125 125 125 142 142 142 142 165 165 165 165 165 192 192 192 214 214 214 239 239 239 239 142 142 142 142 165 165 165 165 165 192 192 192 214 214 214 239 239 239 239 212 212 212 212 245 245 245 245 245 284 284 284 318 318 318 353 353 353 353 mm 63 70 80 90 – 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 – 220 240 250 260 280 300 For further internal clearance values see dimension tables.LO Bore d mm 6 8 10 12 – 15 16 17 20 – 25 30 32 35 – 40 45 50 60 – – 12 15 – 17 – 20 25 30 – – 35 40 45 50 – 60 GE.FO GE..HO-2RS GE.. min... 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 18 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 72 32 32 32 32 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 72 68 68 68 68 82 82 82 82 82 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 142 68 68 68 68 82 82 82 82 82 100 100 100 100 100 120 120 120 120 120 142 104 104 104 104 124 124 124 124 124 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180 212 Bore d mm – 70 80 – 90 100 110 120 – 140 160 180 200 220 – 240 260 280 – min..FO GE..DO GE. max. max.HO-2RS GE. min. min.FO-2RS Radial internal clearance in m C2 CN C3 Bore d mm 6 8 10 min.FO-2RS Radial internal clearance in m C2 CN C3 (continued) Series GE. min. max.LO Bore d GE. 31 .. max. max...DO GE...DO-2RS GE. S = ⋅d S Figure 3 · Internal clearance of cylindrical plain bushes Table 3 · Bore diameter and relative internal clearance in fitted condition – guide values Bore diameter mm d 80 1‰ d 80 to 120 0. the operating clearance S must not exceed defined limits. Load distribution is also improved. especially during running-in. Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes have an integral solid lubricant supply. These ranges can be used: ■ due to the standard tolerances of the plain bushes and ■ if the housing bore and shaft are manufactured to the “average tolerance”. Fitting without clearance has particular advantages. guide values are given in Table 3.5‰ S m Operating clearance ‰ Relative internal clearance in fitted condition d mm Shaft diameter or bore diameter of inner ring. especially with alternating load directions.75‰ d 120 to 200 0. In order to achieve the largest possible load-bearing angle. For bore diameters d = 30 mm to 200 mm. 32 117 131 .Internal clearance and operating clearance Internal clearance Internal clearance of cylindrical plain bushes Bearings requiring maintenance must have a minimum radial internal clearance for lubrication. They do not therefore require this minimum radial clearance for lubrication purposes. The clearance can be expressed as a function of the relative internal clearance (Figure 3 and formula). due to the larger load-bearing areas. .SW.. diameter 50 m6. GE.LO. 10 +4 +1 –4 –8 +4 10 18 +5 +1 –5 –10 +5 18 30 +6 –1 –7 –14 +6 30 50 +7 0 –8 –16 +7 50 80 +10 0 –9 –18 +10 80 120 +12 –1 –11 –21 +12 120 150 +15 +1 –11 –23 +15 150 180 +18 +4 –8 –20 +18 180 250 +22 +5 –8 –22 +22 250 315 +27 +7 –9 –23 +27 315 400 +31 +8 –9 –25 +31 400 500 +34 +8 –10 –27 +34 Example: Housing bore.. probable interference 0.. 3 6 0 –6 –9 –12 –16 6 10 0 –7 –9 –15 –19 10 18 +1 –7 –9 –17 –22 18 30 +1 –8 –14 –20 –27 30 50 +2 –9 –16 –23 –31 50 80 +2 –10 –20 –28 –37 80 120 +1 –13 –24 –34 –44 120 180 0 –14 –28 –40 –52 180 250 0 –17 –30 –47 –61 250 315 –2 –17 –33 –53 –67 315 400 –2 –20 –38 –59 –75 400 500 –2 –22 –42 –65 –82 Example: shaft.SX. 2) Not applicable to series GE. Table 5 · Fits for housing bores – interference ÜA or clearance in m1) 2) Bearing outer ring/housing Nominal deviation range in m Designation J7 K7 M7 N7 J7 1) over 6 incl. probable interference 0. GE. diameter 75 M7. 33 . GE.SW..PB.SX.009 mm.PW.Fits related to practical use for spherical plain bearings Tables 4 and 5 show the tolerances and clearances which result from the corresponding ISO fits in conjunction with normal bearing tolerances to ISO 12 240-1 to -3 when the actual dimensions correspond to “average tolerance”: ■ – indicates interference ■ + indicates clearance..023 mm. GE.. GE. 2) Not applicable to series GE. Table 4 · Fits for shafts – interference Ül in m1) 2) Bearing inner ring/shaft Nominal deviation range in m Designation h6 j6 k6 m6 n6 1) over incl. .9 a m Expansion of inner ring when using solid shafts – measured on sphere diameter b – Factor for the cross-section of the inner ring (Table 6. f c b Figure 4 · Factor b and factor c Table 6 · Factor for the cross-section of the inner ring Bore d mm d mm Series GE..84 GE.LO1) GE..FO/GE.PW1) b 0.FW-2RS GE..85 GE.72 0.UK-2RS c 0.9 – Factor for the roughness.. page 31) ■ the change in the radial internal clearance due to interference and temperature influences in a fitted bearing.7 20 25 35 40 280 300 – 0.. 10 20 70 140 300 Contraction of the outer ring With ring-shaped housings. ovality and unevenness of the supporting component surface. page 33) 0...83 – 0.HO-2RS GE.UK-2RS b 0.FW/GE.UK GE.... e = Ü A ⋅ f ⋅ 0.HO-2RS GE.Internal clearance and operating clearance Operating clearance The operating clearance is determined on a fitted bearing still warm from operation...UK GE.9 e m Contraction of the outer ring – measured on the sphere diameter c – Factor for the cross-section of the outer ring (Table 7. page 33) 0.79 0.DO-2RS GE.DO-2RS GE.. It is calculated from: ■ the radial internal clearance (Table 2.78 over 6 12 25 80 160 1) incl..83 – 0.65 0..DO/GE..71 0..75 0.81 – 0.. Figure 4) f – Factor for the expansion of the housing (Figure 5) ÜA m Effective interference (Table 5. Table 7 · Factor c for the cross-section of the outer ring Bore d mm d mm Series GE. ovality and unevenness of the supporting component surface.. Influence of interference on the radial internal clearance of radial spherical plain bearings The radial internal clearance changes due to the fit as a result of: ■ expansion of the inner ring ■ contraction of the outer ring. The expansion is dependent on the wall thickness and is included in calculation using the factor f..FO-2RS GE..PW c – 0.FW/GE.64 0.FW-2RS GE.DO/GE.PB GE.FO-2RS GE.PB1) GE..85 – over 6 6 8 25 30 40 45 incl.55 0.. expansion of the housing must be taken into consideration. Figure 4) ÜI m Effective interference (Table 4.80 0. Expansion of the inner ring a = Ü I ⋅ b ⋅ 0.9 – Factor for the roughness. – 34 117 094 .FO/GE.LO GE. Dimension Ül is not listed in Table 4.81 – 0. 9 1 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.81 c = 0.1 0 Figure 5 · Factor f for expansion of the housing DG DA 117 095 Figure 6 · Housing bore diameter DA/ housing outside diameter DG 35 .8 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.83 c = 0.= bearing locating bore diameter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------housing outside diameter DG 0.4 0.3 DA DG 151 192 c = 0.Calculation of the factor f for expansion of the housing The following are taken into consideration (Figure 5 and 6): ■ the cross-section of the bearing ring ■ the ring thickness of the bearing locating housing. DA ------.7 c = 0.5 f 0.6 0.85 0. 9 (Table 4.988 mm (minimum diameter to DIN 620). The smallest possible initial clearance is 0.03 mm · 0. Locating bore: Bearing outside diameter: 74.019 = 0.006 mm.015 mm in the fitted condition.97 mm (minimum diameter to 75 M7) 75 mm (maximum diameter to DIN 620). page 33) Ül = 0.060 mm –0.037 mm · 0. page 34) DA⎞ (Figure 5. 1) Ül max = 0.9 e = 0.79 · 0..= 0. Required Radial internal clearance in fitted condition. Assumption: production to “average tolerance” Expansion of the inner ring (measured on the sphere diameter) a = Ü · b · 0.9 = 0. Maximum possible reduction in radial internal clearance with “favourable production” Solid steel shaft: 50.009 Solid steel shaft 0 75 +0. DA f as a function of -----.85 (Table 7.006 mm = 0.025 mm (maximum diameter 50 m6) Bearing bore: 49.9 emax = 0.037 mm amax = Ül max · b · 0. Max. The internal clearance in the least favourable case is 0.045 mm.9 a = 0.025 50 +0.019 mm.06 mm.79 · 0.72 ⎝ D G⎠ e = 0.72 · 0. The radial internal clearance in the unfitted condition is 0.03 Locating bore Radial internal clearance 60 m to 120 m.9 amax = 0.016 mm. 0.009 mm c = 0. 120 f c b 75 50 117 173 Figure 7 · Factor b and factor c 36 .022 mm. If the remaining internal clearance of spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance is 0.045 mm Minimum internal clearance 0. page 33) ÜA = 0.72 · 0.023 mm b = 0.06 mm to 0. Contraction of the outer ring (measured on the sphere diameter) e = ÜA · f · 0.9 = 0.026 mm.03 mm emax = ÜA max · f · 0. reduction in radial internal clearance in fitted condition: amax + emax = 0.009 mm · 0.016 mm + 0.023 mm · 0.9 (Table 5. Ralu = a + e = 0. ÜA max = 0. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings have a very small internal clearance.015 mm.026 + 0. page 35) f1) = f ⎛ ------. page 34) a = 0. This may lead to preloads in the bearing once it is fitted.Internal clearance and operating clearance Operating clearance Calculation example Given Radial spherical plain bearing with steel/steel sliding contact surface GE 50 DO Fit between locating bore and shaft: M7/m6 Housing outside diameter 120 mm +0.79 (Table 6.12 mm. a bearing of another internal clearance group (in this case C3) must be selected. DG Calculate the reduction in the radial internal clearance by adding a and e. ■ Tight fits prevent damage to the adjacent construction.. These elastic deformations of the bearing rings reduce the internal clearance of the bearing (see Influence of interference on the radial internal clearance.Design of bearing arrangements Radial location of spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes In spherical plain bearings. Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance should then only be lubricated via the shaft. The recommended fits are given in Table 2. GE. page 38). sliding motion should occur between the spherical sliding surfaces of the inner and outer rings – the quality and treatment of the surfaces are matched to this purpose. Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance The operating life of spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance is reduced by: ■ preload on the sliding surfaces ■ excessively small load-bearing areas on the sliding surfaces due to unacceptably large internal clearance. friction is lower than with steel/steel sliding contact surfaces. the bearing rings must be secured against axial sliding motion on the shaft or in the housing (Axial location.PB: housing/shaft K7/m6. If tighter fits are required. If a tight fit is not possible. Application as locating bearings The shaft and bore fits must be selected such that no sliding motion occurs on the shaft or in the bore.PW: for shaft m6. 37 .. The recommended fits are given in Table 1). The internal clearance and osculation of the sliding surfaces must therefore be in a balanced relationship. page 34). Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings can have a lining of sliding material ELGOGLIDE® in the inner ring bore. however. suffix W7. W8 (page 13). page 34). it must be noted that: ■ interference between the housing and outer ring causes contraction of the outer ring ■ interference between the shaft and bearing bore causes expansion of the inner ring.. Table 2 · Shaft and housing fits for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings/ maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Radial spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes 1) Bore d Material Housing/shaft Housing/shaft mm up to 300 over 300 – Steel/steel K7/j61) J7/j6 M7/m6 Light metal/steel M7/j61) – – – – M7/m6 H7/f7 – – GE. When using tight fits. for example due to high impacttype loads. Application as non-locating bearings (between shaft and bearing bore) The surface of the shaft must be wear-resistant as follows: ■ surface hardness 56 HRC ■ maximum surface roughness Rz10. the operating clearance must be checked by calculation (see Influence of interference on the radial internal clearance.LO: for shaft r6. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Looser fits may be used with maintenance-free bearings: ■ due to the hard chromium/PTFE sliding contact surface. Table 1 · Shaft and housing fits for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings 1) 2) Internal clearance Group C2 CN (normal) C3 – Material Housing/shaft Steel/steel K7/j61) M7/m6 1) 2) M7/m61) M7/n6 Housing/shaft Light metal/steel M7/j61) N7/m61) 2) N7/m61) – – M7/n6 – GE. Location of bearing rings The following are suitable for location (Figure 1. As a result. 2 and 3): ■ retaining rings – the bearings can thus be easily fitted and dismantled ■ spacers between the bearing ring and adjacent construction if: – the shaft must not be weakened by the use of annular grooves – the bearings are to be axially preloaded – this prevents rotary motion between the bearing ring and adjacent construction even with a loose fit. Figure 1 · Location by snap rings Figure 2 · Location by snap rings and spacers Figure 3 · Location by snap rings and spacers 38 117 191 117 118 117 119 . In order to prevent axial displacement. the bearing rings can creep in an axial direction despite a tight fit. Non-locating bearing side The axial displacement should occur between the shaft and bearing bore because: ■ the length/diameter ratio of the guidance is more favourable at this point than on the outer ring of the bearing ■ the axially split outer ring expands under axial load and can therefore jam in the bearing location ■ no wear should in general occur in the housing bore. the bearing ring must always be located axially.Design of bearing arrangements Axial location of spherical plain bearings Spherical plain bearings under high load undergo elastic deformation. This leads to relative micromovements on the seating surfaces. radial axial r s max r s min rs 117 121 Figure 4 · Chamfer dimensions Table 3 · Roughness values for the bearing seating surface – spherical plain bearings and rod ends Roughness m Rz16 Rz10 Bearing seat Housing bore shaft Table 4 · Roughness values for the bearing seating surface – maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Roughness m Rz10 Rz1 to Rz 1) Bearing seat Housing bore 41) shaft Recommended: Rz 1. The geometrical accuracy of the seating surfaces should be within the tolerance ranges of the recommended fit. If larger roughness values are present. Quality of shaft and housing bore The seating surfaces of the bearing should be such that the loads transmitted through the bearing: ■ do not cause unacceptable geometrical deviations of the shaft and housing ■ do not cause permanent deformation of the spherical plain bearing. page 72 and in Figure 13. Note the guidelines on page 62. please consult INA. the shaft and housing must be checked. The largest radius of the shaft/housing locating face must therefore not be larger than the smallest chamfer dimension r1s /r2s of the spherical plain bearing (Figure 4 and dimension table).6. The bearing rings must be in contact with the shaft and housing shoulders. r s min rs r s max 39 . This makes fitting of the bearing easier.Design of bearing arrangements Design of adjacent components Chamfer dimensions Spherical plain bearings have a convex transition between the outside surface and bore to the end faces. In the case of highly loaded spherical plain bearings with p 80 N/mm2. The recommended surface quality values are given in Table 3 and 4. Only available by agreement ■ For very high requirements and long maintenance intervals ■ Protection against coarse and very fine contaminants ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +200 °C 117 124 2RS2 seal ■ On both sides with increased sealing action ■ Large radial spherical plain bearings ■ For very high requirements and long maintenance intervals ■ Protection against coarse and very fine contaminants ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +120 °C 117 216 External seal ■ Simple but very effective seal ■ Partially cellular polyurethane elastomer sealing rings ■ Standard seal from individual sealing ring manufacturers ■ Specially developed for radial spherical plain bearings to ISO 12 240-1. a grease collar is formed on the end faces of the spherical plain bearing 2RS seal ■ Polyurethane lip seal ■ Radially preloaded seal lips ■ Higher demands for sealing action ■ Favourable for indoor applications ■ Operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C 117 123 2RS1 seal ■ Lip seal with outer sealing shield ■ Radially preloaded seal lips ■ Special design. account must be taken of: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Features the operating and environmental conditions the rotary motion of the bearing the tilt angle of the bearing the available space the costs and work required.Sealing In selection (Table 1). Application ■ Bearings requiring maintenance ■ Proven for aggressive operating conditions in conjunction with daily maintenance ■ Temperature usage according to grease selection Table 1 · Seals Seal type Grease collar 117 122 ■ Simple and effective sealing ■ Due to frequent relubrication. dimensions series E ■ Suitable for integration in adjacent construction as external seal ■ Lower seal friction if sealing rings are worked in oil or flowable grease before assembly ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +100 °C 40 117 125 . 5 mm to 0. the operating clearance may increase – under high alternating loads. During the operating life. this may be by 0. Features ■ Solid rubber body on shaft ■ Single seal lip. preloaded by alloy steel coil spring ■ Seal shoulder with cotton-reinforced nitrile mixture ■ Seal on projecting part of inner ring spherical surface ■ Easy handling ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +120 °C. the plain bushes are not relubricated. Furthermore. up to +150 °C for short periods 117 128 Rotary shaft seals ■ Proven standard rotary shaft seal ■ Plastic ring with seal lip and steel reinforcement ■ Seal lip preloaded by coil spring ■ For small tilt angles with grease and oil lubrication ■ Grease lubrication: seal lip facing outwards ■ Oil bath lubrication: seal lip facing inwards ■ Oil bath lubrication: rotary shaft seal with additional dust lip facing outwards ■ Temperature usage dependent on the seal material 117 129 41 . axially preloaded ■ Resistant to grease.8 mm. Seals (continued) Seal type V ring seal 117 126 These points must be taken into consideration in the design of the seal and seal environment – the suitability of the seal must be agreed with the seal manufacturer.Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Suitable seals are shown in Table 1. oil and ageing Application ■ Suitable for relatively large tilting motions ■ Particularly user-friendly ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +100 °C V ring seal ■ Seal lips on both sides ■ Inside diameter of ring in contact with spherical surface of inner ring ■ Simple sealing ■ Operating temperatures from –40 °C to +100 °C 117 127 Two component seal ■ Seal lip made from PTFE/modified nitrile mixture. rod ends and cylindrical plain bushes should only be fitted by personnel with sufficient and appropriate training. Spherical plain bearings. rod ends and cylindrical plain bushes should only be removed from their original packaging immediately before fitting. irrespective of the bearing type. Delivered condition Spherical plain bearings and cylindrical plain bushes are supplied with the surfaces (except the bore) protected by a preservative. clean rooms with the temperature as constant as possible ■ at a relative humidity of max. They must be handled very carefully both before and during fitting. Hands should be kept clean and dry and gloves worn if necessary. If the original packaging is damaged. Bearing failures will lead to: ■ machine downtime ■ expensive repairs. Bearings must not be treated or cleaned using trichloroethylene. no liability can be accepted. rod ends and cylindrical plain bushes are high precision machine elements. they must be wiped with a clean cloth only. Depending on their design. Removal from packaging Perspiration from handling leads to corrosion. Problem-free functioning is substantially dependent on the care taken in fitting. the products must be checked. 65%. Any change. Storage Bearings should only be stored: ■ in the original packaging ■ in dry. petroleum spirit or other solvents. please consult INA. Substances containing oil will change the characteristics of the bearing. If the products are contaminated. perchloroethylene. 42 . Spherical plain bearings. If bearings are fitted incorrectly. In case of doubt.Fitting and dismantling Fitting Spherical plain bearings. rod ends are supplied protected by a preservative or with a zinc plating. will reduce the operating life of the bearing. The bearing temperature must be monitored using a thermometer ■ information in the INA catalogue and manufacturer’s data on grease and seals must be observed.Tools for heat assisted fitting In order to reduce the forces required for fitting. These have the following advantages: – uniform heating – no contamination of the components – long preheating periods are not required. the spherical plain bearings can be heated: ■ avoid localised overheating. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes should be fitted such that no lubricant or other substances used to aid fitting can reach the sliding surfaces. IN I A A Figure 1 · Heating using an induction heater INAtherm® 10 – 20˚ IN I A A 10 – 20˚ Figure 2 · Lead chamfer 43 117 065 141 057 . Suitable devices for heating include: ■ heating cabinets with a controllable thermostat ■ the induction heater INAtherm® (Figure 1). Checking the adjacent construction (Figure 2) ■ Quality of bearing seating surfaces – shaft and housing bore ■ Dimensional and geometrical accuracy of seating and locating faces ■ Shaft and housing seating ■ Lead chamfer on shaft/housing bore between 10° and 20° ■ Any burrs must be removed ■ If tight fits are used or the fitting conditions present difficulties – the surfaces of the shaft and housing bore should be lightly oiled. Mechanical and thermal assistance ■ Direct blows using a hammer and drift on the end faces of the bearing rings must be avoided – incorrect handling can damage the bearing and lead to microcracks in the bearing. ■ Fitting forces must always be applied to the inner ring (Figure 3) – if these forces are directed through the sliding surfaces. Simple impact type tools are no longer sufficient in these cases. ■ The bearings must be protected against moisture and aggressive media. Figure 3 · Fitting forces and bearing ring to be fitted 117 069 Figure 4 · Simultaneous fitting on shaft and in housing Figure 5 · Special fitting device 44 117 070 117 067 . there is a direct or indirect hazard to personnel. ■ Larger bearings must be fitted using special fitting equipment (Figure 5) – the fitting forces required increase with the diameter. Thermal assistance ■ Spherical plain bearings must not be heated above +130 °C – higher temperatures damage the seals ■ Spherical plain bearings must not be heated in an oil bath – this impairs the tribological system of maintenance-free bearings – it changes the molybdenum disulphide concentration on the sliding surfaces in bearings with a steel/steel sliding contact surface ■ Bearings must not be heated using a naked flame – the material undergoes excessive localised heating and its hardness is reduced. ■ The bearings must always be located concentrically. ■ If radial spherical plain bearings are fitted on the shaft and in a housing at the same time. Furthermore. ■ The assembly area must be kept clean and free from dust. the bearings may jam during fitting.Fitting and dismantling Fitting Rules and guidelines The information given must be adhered to. the product and/or the adjacent construction. fitting tools must be used which act simultaneously on the end faces of the inner and outer ring (Figure 4). stresses are induced in the bearing – the seals could melt – maintenance-free sliding surfaces could be damaged. If it is not. Main load direction Joint 90˚ . it is not necessary to use adhesive on the bearing rings. For easier fitting. welding currents must not be allowed to pass through the spherical plain bearing. Adhesives may only be used on spherical plain bearings with steel/steel sliding contact surfaces under the following conditions: ■ the surfaces to be bonded must be clean and free from grease ■ the raceways must be cleaned using a cleaning agent and well lubricated using a paste with a high MoS2 content ■ it must be checked that the lubricant ducts and lubricant holes are not blocked by adhesive. In the case of plain bushes with integral seals (2RS versions). 45 117 192 117 074 Fitting by refrigeration The inner rings of radial spherical plain bearings with a steel/steel sliding contact surface undergo structural change at temperatures below –61 °C.. large axial spherical plain bearings have threaded holes on the end faces of the shaft and housing locating washers. This allows good lubricant distribution in the load zone area. lubrication holes Figure 7 · Transporting large radial spherical plain bearings Fitting orientation for GE. Please consult INA in this case. maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes can be cooled in liquid nitrogen (–196 °C) for short periods. Due to the change in the tolerances. Radial bearings have threaded holes on the end faces of the inner and outer rings. Transporting the bearings (Figure 7) Large spherical plain bearings must only be transported using the eye bolts supplied. the joints are offset at 90° from the main load direction (Figure 6) ■ the lubrication holes of bearings requiring maintenance are thus positioned in the load zone. since this will immediately damage the sliding surfaces. the bearing rings can be supplied with appropriate heat treatment.Lubrication holes Adhesive bonding of bearing rings If the recommended fits are adhered to.. Main load direction In radial spherical plain bearings with split outer rings. Welding currents If welding work is carried out on the adjacent construction. main load direction. This makes subsequent dismantling easier.DW.DW-2RS2 During fitting. the correct seating of the seals in the undercut must be checked after refrigeration. Figure 6 · Joint. This may cause a volume increase. GE. the bearing may then jam ■ if this fitting method is to be used. it must be ensured that the screw connection on one side of the outer ring halves is facing towards the open side of the bearing. Depending on the level of interference. the inner ring will contract and the outer ring will expand. Motion Figure 8 · Contraction of the inner ring and expansion of the outer ring Figure 9 · Threaded holes in the shaft 117 073 Figure 10 · Threaded holes in the housing and milled areas for extraction device 46 117 072 117 071 . The extraction forces also increase with increasing interference.Fitting and dismantling Dismantling Even if the load is applied to the ring to be dismantled in accordance with the specification. this will make dismantling of the bearings easier: ■ a threaded hole for an extraction screw in the shaft (Figure 9) ■ threaded holes for extraction screws in the housing (Figure 10) ■ milled areas on the stud for the jaws of the extraction device (Figure 10). the frictional contact of the other ring due to the fit presents difficulties in dismantling (Figure 8). If the following precautions are taken during design. If sealed bearings must be used at high temperatures...ZO GE.DO GE..FW GE. Table 1 · Operating temperatures for spherical plain bearings and maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Spherical Series plain bearings/ plain bushes requiring maintenance GE...Operating temperatures The permissible operating temperature is dependent on: ■ the sliding contact surface ■ the sealing arrangement. The influence of temperature on life is taken into consideration by means of temperature factors..UK-2RS2) GE. If the operating temperature exceeds the values in Table 1. this will reduce: – the life of the bearing – the efficacy of the sealing arrangement.UK GE.PB GE.DO-2RS1) GE.FW-2RS2) GE.. Life calculation: ■ Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings (page 63 to 71) ■ Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes (page 72.AW ZGB 1) 2) Temperature °C from –60 –30 –60 –30 –60 –60 –30 –60 –60 –60 –50 –30 –50 –40 –50 –30 –50 –50 –50 –50 to +200 +130 +200 +130 +250 +200 +130 +200 +200 +200 +200 +130 +150 +120 +200 +130 +200 +150 +150 +150 Reduced life °C from +150 – +150 – +150 +150 – +150 +150 +150 + 95 –20 –20 –20 + 95 –20 +100 –20 –20 –20 Without seals: for temperatures from –60 °C to +200 °C.AX maintenancefree GE...HO-2RS1) GE.DW-2RS22) GE.FO GE...SW GE..SX GE.. 73) ■ Maintenance-free rod ends (page 63 to 71 and 128..PW GE. Without seals: for temperatures from –50 °C to +150 °C..FO-2RS1) GE.DW GE... ˚C Figure 1 · Unsealed spherical plain bearing with external seals 47 117 130 . an unsealed bearing with external heat-resistant seals can be used (Figure 1).LO GE. 129) ■ Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance (page 97 to 99) ■ Rod ends requiring maintenance (page 97 to 99 and 146 to 148)... series GE. The flow behaviour of the sliding layer is.. in combination with the bush.. Sliding layer (Figure 1): ■ ELGOGLIDE® fixed by adhesive in the outer ring spherical surface.AW): ■ Hardened rolling bearing steel. these are: ■ ELGOGLIDE® – the highest performance sliding layer (Figure 1) ■ PTFE-bronze film (Figure 2) ■ PTFE composite (Figure 3) These materials form the slideway of the outer ring. Large radial spherical plain bearings.FW-2RS Inner ring: ■ Hardened and ground rolling bearing chromium steel ■ Spherical surface finished or polished (from 240 mm) and hard chromium plated. Outer ring: ■ Split at one point in – GE.SW)/housing locating washer (in GE. radially split and held together by axially arranged screws and dowel pins on one side. The bond is resistant to moisture and swelling. Sliding layer (Figure 1): ■ ELGOGLIDE® fixed by adhesive in the outer ring spherical surface..Materials Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings have special sliding layers based on PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene).DW/GE.. is embedded in resin and fixed to the bush by a high strength bond.. polished and hard chromium plated.UK-2RS up to shaft diameter d = 140 mm – GE.FW-2RS up to shaft diameter d = 120 mm ■ In larger bearings. They transmit loads and provide lubrication – the bearings must not be lubricated by any other means.DW-2RS2 Inner ring: ■ Hardened rolling bearing steel. almost negligible even under very high load. Features of ELGOGLIDE® The sliding layer comprises a 0. polished and hard chromium plated. spherical surface ground – in GE 160 AW. the outer ring is split at two points and held together using heavy-section retaining rings. GE. Outer ring: ■ 42CrMo4-TQ to EN 10 083-1. Sliding layer (Figure 1): ■ ELGOGLIDE® fixed by adhesive in the outer ring spherical surface. spherical surface ground. housing locating washer made from unhardened steel. 117 132 PTFE fabric composed of Teflon® and supporting fibres Resin Adhesive on steel substrate Supporting fibres Figure 1 · ELGOGLIDE® – cross-section Series GE. In descending order of performance.. 48 ..AW Inner ring/shaft locating washer: ■ Hardened rolling bearing steel. Outer ring (in GE... Series GE.5 mm thick layer of ELGOGLIDE®..UK-2RS.SW. GE. spherical surface ground. The metal lattice is made from high strength bronze and acts as a stabiliser for the sintered PTFE compound. outside surface subsequently precision machined. PTFE compound Bronze Substrate Figure 2 · PTFE-bronze film – cross-section PTFE compound Sintered bronze Figure 3 · PTFE composite – cross-section ELGOGLIDE® is a registered trade name of Schaeffler KG.. Herzogenaurach.PW Inner ring: ■ Hardened and ground rolling bearing steel. GE. Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Substrate: ■ Steel.UK. Sliding layer (Figure 3): ■ PTFE composite sandwiched between inner ring spherical surface and outer steel surface. outside diameter precision machined. outer steel surface subsequently precision machined. Series GE. Outer ring: ■ Brass..FW Inner ring: ■ Hardened rolling bearing steel. Sliding layer (Figure 1): ■ ELGOGLIDE® fixed by adhesive in the substrate. Outer ring: ■ Formed around inner ring by special upset process from two bushes pushed into each other.. 49 117 133 Sheet steel 117 134 . Sliding layer (Figure 2): ■ PTFE-bronze film (metal lattice material) fixed in outer ring spherical surface.Series GE. spherical surface finished and hard chromium plated. spherical surface finished. formed about inner ring. Germany. FO. hardened.. spherical surface finished..FO-2RS. outside surface subsequently precision machined.. GE.HO-2RS. The surface treatment – manganese phosphating with subsequent molybdenum disulphide coating of the sliding surfaces – gives excellent wear resistance.. forgings or rolled parts.DO-2RS. formed about inner ring. Hydraulic rod ends with welding faces Series GK. Outer ring: ■ Bronze. Series GE. dimension series E to ISO 12 240-4 ■ Drop forged construction steel E355J2G3 to EN 10 025 ■ Surfaces preserved.. The steel bearing rings are turned. Series GE.DO. the raw materials are in the form of tubes.DO ■ Forged or rolled construction steel E355J2G3 to EN 10 025 ■ Surfaces preserved.DO. spheroidal graphite cast iron GJS 400-15 to EN 1563 ■ Surfaces preserved.SX and GE.AX Inner ring and outer ring. Depending on the bearing size. GE. shaft and housing locating washers: ■ Martensitic or bainitic hardened structure with low residual austenite content. Hydraulic rod ends with internal thread ■ d = 50 mm.. GE.Materials Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance These spherical plain bearings are made from high quality rolling bearing steel. Series GF. GE...ZO. 50 .. GE.PB Inner ring: ■ Hardened and ground rolling bearing steel. The sliding contact surface is: ■ steel/steel or steel/bronze.... ground on all sides and surface treated.LO. The effective separation of the metallic surfaces gives optimum running-in characteristics. GE. drop forged quenched and tempered steel C45-TN to EN 10 083-2 ■ d = 50 mm. Rod ends Rod ends of dimension series E and K to ISO 12 240-4 ■ Drop forged quenched and tempered steel C45-TQ to EN 10 083-2 ■ Surface zinc plated. GE. upp. upp. low. low. upp. A o = Upper deviation A u = Lower deviation T g = Standard tolerance. upp. low. upp. low. low. low. 6 10 10 18 18 30 30 50 50 80 80 120 120 180 180 250 250 315 315 400 400 500 500 630 630 800 800 1000 1000 1250 1250 1600 Bore deviation in m +20 +5 +15 0 +22 0 +36 0 +5 –4 +8 –7 +5 –10 +6 –16 0 –15 –4 –19 +24 + 6 +18 0 +27 0 +43 0 +6 –5 +10 –8 +6 –12 +8 –19 0 –18 –5 –23 +28 +7 +21 0 +33 0 +52 0 +8 –5 +12 –9 +6 –15 +10 –23 0 –21 –7 –28 +34 +9 +25 0 +39 0 +62 0 +10 –6 +14 –11 +7 –18 +12 –27 0 –25 –8 –33 +40 +10 +30 0 +46 0 +74 0 +13 –6 +18 –12 +9 –21 +14 –32 0 –30 –9 –39 +47 +12 +35 0 +54 0 +87 0 +16 –6 +22 –13 +10 –25 +16 –38 0 –35 –10 –45 +54 +14 +40 0 +63 0 +100 0 +18 –7 +26 –14 +12 –28 +20 –43 0 –40 –12 –52 +61 +15 +46 0 +72 0 +115 0 +22 –7 +30 –16 +13 –33 +22 –50 0 –46 –14 –60 +69 +17 +52 0 +81 0 +130 0 +25 –7 +36 –16 +16 –36 +25 –56 0 –52 –14 –66 +75 +18 +57 0 +89 0 +140 0 +29 –7 +39 –18 +17 –40 +28 –61 0 –57 –16 –73 +83 +20 +63 0 +97 0 +155 0 +33 –7 +43 –20 +18 –45 +29 –68 0 –63 –17 –80 +92 +22 +70 0 +110 0 +175 0 +35 –8 +46 –22 0 –70 0 –110 –26 –96 –44 –114 +104 +24 +80 0 +125 0 +200 0 +38 –9 +52 –24 0 –80 0 –125 –30 –110 –50 –130 +116 +26 +90 0 +140 0 +230 0 +42 –10 +58 –26 0 –90 0 –140 –34 –124 –56 –146 +133 +28 +105 0 +165 0 +260 0 +48 –10 +64 –29 0 –105 0 –165 –40 –145 –66 –171 +155 +30 +125 0 +195 0 +310 0 +54 –11 +72 –33 0 –125 0 –195 –48 –173 –78 –203 G7 H7 H8 H9 J6 J7 K7 K8 M7 N7 upp. upp. low.ISO tolerances Table 1 · ISO tolerances for bores (to ISO 286-2) Designation Nominal bore diameter in mm Nominal devitation over incl. low. low. Tg = A o – Au A g = Fundamental tolerance (minimum distance from zero line) Ao Tg Ag = Au A Housing E Au 0 H J JS A g = Ao 0 Ao R ZC Tg Au 51 152 118 . upp. upp. low. upp. upp. upp. upp. upp. low. low. low. low. low. 3 6 6 10 10 18 18 30 30 40 40 50 50 65 65 80 80 100 100 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 200 200 225 225 250 Shaft deviations in m –20 –32 –10 –22 –4 –12 0 –8 0 –12 0 –18 +6 –2 +8 –4 +9 +1 +12 +4 +16 +8 +20 +12 +23 +15 –25 –40 –13 –28 –5 –14 0 –9 0 –15 0 –22 +7 –2 +10 –5 +10 +1 +15 +6 +19 +10 +24 +15 +28 +19 –32 –50 –16 –34 –6 –17 0 –11 0 –18 0 –27 +8 –3 +12 –6 +12 +1 +18 +7 +23 +12 +29 +18 +34 +23 –40 –61 –20 –41 –7 –20 0 –13 0 –21 0 –33 +9 –4 +13 –8 +15 +2 +21 +8 +28 +15 +35 +22 +41 +28 –50 –75 –25 –50 –9 –25 0 –16 0 –25 0 –39 +11 –5 +15 –10 +18 +2 +25 +9 +33 +17 +42 +26 +50 +34 +60 +41 –60 –90 –30 –60 –10 –29 0 –19 0 –30 0 –46 +12 –7 +18 –12 +21 +2 +30 +11 +39 +20 +51 +32 +62 +43 +73 +51 –72 –107 –36 –71 –12 –34 0 –22 0 –35 0 –54 +13 –9 +20 –15 +25 +3 +35 +13 +45 +23 +59 +37 +76 +54 +88 +63 –85 –125 –43 –83 –14 –39 0 –25 0 –40 0 –63 +14 –11 +22 –18 +28 +3 +40 +15 +52 +27 +68 +43 +90 +65 +93 +68 +106 +77 –100 –146 –50 –96 –15 –44 0 –29 0 –46 0 –72 +16 –13 +25 –21 +33 +4 +46 +17 +60 +31 +79 +50 +109 +80 +113 +84 e7 f7 g6 h6 h7 h8 j6 j7 k6 m6 n6 p6 r6 upp. low. upp. low. upp. low. low. low. low. upp. upp. low. upp. 52 . upp. upp.ISO tolerances Table 2 · ISO tolerances for shafts (to ISO 286-2) Designation Nominal shaft diameter in mm Nominal devitation over incl. low. upp. h8 low. n6 low. upp. upp. upp. upp. j7 low. upp. f7 low. r6 low. upp.250 280 280 315 315 355 355 400 400 450 450 500 500 560 560 630 630 710 710 800 800 900 900 1000 –110 –162 –56 –108 –17 –49 0 –32 0 –52 0 –81 +16 –16 +26 –26 +36 +4 +52 +20 +66 +34 +88 +56 +126 +94 +130 +98 +144 +108 –125 –182 –62 –119 –18 –54 0 –36 0 –57 0 –89 +18 –18 +29 –28 +40 +4 +57 +21 +73 +37 +98 +62 +150 +114 +166 +126 –135 –198 –68 –131 –20 –60 0 –40 0 –63 0 –97 +20 –20 +31 –32 +45 +5 +63 +23 +80 +40 +108 +68 +172 +132 +194 +150 – – – – –22 –66 0 –44 0 –70 0 –110 +22 –21 – – +44 0 +70 +26 +88 +44 +122 +78 +199 +155 +225 +175 – – – – –24 –74 0 –50 0 –80 0 –125 +24 –23 – – +50 0 +80 +30 +100 +50 +138 +88 +235 +185 +266 +210 – – – – –26 –82 0 –56 0 –90 0 –140 – – – – +56 0 +90 +34 +112 +56 +156 +100 +276 +220 upp. upp. upp. m6 low. A o = Upper deviation A u = Lower deviation Tg = Standard tolerance. j6 low. upp. upp. p6 low. e7 low. k6 low. h6 low. h7 low. Tg = A o – A u A g = Fundamental tolerance (minimum distance from zero line) r 0 h Ao Au Tg a a e e j js Ag = Au Au 0 zc Tg Ao Shaft A g = Ao 152 119 Designation Nominal devitation 53 . g6 low. upp. upp. PW Cr Load carrying capacity C 0r Comparison of load carrying capacity for identical shaft diameter (exception: GE.UK-2RS GE....FW GE..DW).Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Criteria for bearing selection Radial spherical plain bearings GE..UK GE. 54 117 135 .FW-2RS GE.. .Axial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Large radial spherical plain bearings GE.AW GE...DW-2RS2 GE.SW ZGB Ca C 0a Cr C0r Cr Load carrying capacity C0r 55 117 136 ..DW GE. .FW ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-1............ the outer ring is split at one point.FW-2RS with a bore diameter up to 120 mm. Sealed maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings ■ are protected against contaminants and water spray by – lip seals...... 75 Ordering example and ordering designation .. the outer ring is split at one point........Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Page Design and safety guidelines ..g....... dimension series E ■ hard chromium/PTFE composite sliding contact surface ■ for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 30 mm 76 GE.... 75 Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Radial spherical plain bearings Features Radial spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising inner rings and outer rings with maintenance-free sliding layers – the inner ring has a cylindrical bore and a convex outer slideway – the outer ring has a cylindrical outside surface and a concave inner slideway... 60 Accuracy .......UK ■ to ISO 12 240-1...... dimension series G hard chromium/PTFE composite sliding contact surface larger tilt angle due to wider inner ring for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 25 mm 80 56 117 097 117 076 . e. lubricant leads to a considerable reduction in bearing life ■ are used where: – there are particular requirements on bearing life under maintenance-free operation – bearings with a metallic sliding contact surface are not suitable for lubrication reasons............ for a bore diameter 140 mm.........DW and GE. 74 Sp........ In series GE.... PTFE-bronze film or ELGOGLIDE® ■ are preferably used to support radial loads ■ are completely maintenance-free – in bearings with ELGOGLIDE®........... the outer ring is radially split and held together axially by screws and dowel pins – sliding layers comprising PTFE composite.DW-2RS2. Special designs.............. the outer ring is split at two points and held together by heavy-section retaining washers.. GE.......... for a bore diameter 160 mm.....UK-2RS with a bore diameter up to 140 mm.................. under unilateral load.... In series GE. In series GE.. the outer ring is split at two points and held together by heavy-section retaining washers............ . for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ for shaft diameters from 17 mm to 300 mm 76 78 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-1..DW GE.DW-2RS2 ˚C 117 078 ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-1... dimension series E hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surface suitable for alternating loads up to p = 100 N/mm2 lip seals on both sides. dimension series G large radial spherical plain bearings hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surface suitable for alternating loads up to p = 100 N/mm2 GE. dimension series G hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surface suitable for alternating loads up to p = 100 N/mm2 larger tilt angle a due to wider inner ring lip seals on both sides..DW-2RS2 with increased sealing action on both sides for shaft diameters from 320 mm to 1000 mm ■ GE.. dimension series K steel/PTFE-bronze film sliding contact surface operating temperatures from –50 °C to +200 °C for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 57 117 081 117 219 .UK-2RS GE.GE. for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ for shaft diameters from 30 mm to 280 mm 82 ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-1.PW ˚C 117 080 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 80 to ISO 12 240-1.FW-2RS ■ GE. 75 Ordering example and ordering designation .. Axial spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising shaft and housing locating washers with ELGOGLIDE® – the shaft locating washer is supported in the ball socket-shaped sliding zone of the housing locating washer – the housing locating washer has ELGOGLIDE® secured by adhesive ■ are preferably used to support axial loads ■ are suitable for use as support or base bearings ■ can be combined with radial spherical plain bearings of dimension series E to ISO 12 240-1 ■ are maintenance-free throughout their operating life – the use of lubricant leads to a considerable reduction in bearing life.................AW ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-3 hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surface for shaft diameters from 10 mm to 360 mm from d 220 mm................... to support high loads in conjunction with small motions – they are a plain bearing alternative to tapered roller bearings ■ are maintenance-free throughout their operating life – the use of lubricant leads to a considerable reduction in bearing life........... 74 Sp. 320X ■ hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surface ■ for shaft diameters from 25 mm to 200 mm 84 Axial spherical plain bearings GE......... 75 Angular contact spherical plain bearings Features Angular contact spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising an inner ring and outer ring with ELGOGLIDE® – the inner ring has a convex outer slideway – the outer ring has a concave inner slideway and ELGOGLIDE® secured by adhesive ■ can support axial loads as well as radial loads – they are thus suitable for alternating dynamic loads ■ can be used in paired arrangements as preloaded units ■ are used........... classified as large axial spherical plain bearings 86 58 117 092 117 091 ......... Special designs....... GE.Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Page Design and safety guidelines ....... 60 Accuracy .... for example.................SW ■ to ISO 12 240-2 ■ mounting dimensions as for tapered roller bearings to DIN 720......................................... . 74 Sp........................... bronze and plastic plain bearings – the plain bushes can support higher loads than conventional plain bearings ■ can support very high radial loads with unilateral load direction and high static loads ■ are used with high alternating loads and swivel motion ■ have low friction ■ have good damping characteristics ■ allow some axial motion ■ are easy to fit – they are simply pressed into the housing bore – no further axial location is required ■ can also be combined with separate.... 60 Accuracy..... ZGB ■ dimensions to ISO 4 379........................................... Special designs ................ additional seals.......... diameter series 2 and 3 ■ operating temperatures from –50 °C to +150 °C ■ for shaft diameters from 30 mm to 200 mm 88 ■ 59 117 098 ....Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Page Design and safety guidelines........................ 75 Ordering example and ordering designation ............ 75 Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bush Features Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes ■ are radial dry plain bearings comprising a cylindrical steel bush and ELGOGLIDE® – the steel bush gives protection during handling and fitting ■ are maintenance-free throughout their operating life – the use of lubricant leads to a considerable reduction in bearing life ■ can be used to replace steel... Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Design and safety guidelines Note the ratio Cr (Ca)/P (Predimensioning, page 22 and Table 1). The permissible ratio is decisively dependent on the operating conditions, lubricant and the required operating life. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings are, depending on type, only suitable for alternating dynamic loads in certain cases (Table 1). The parts of different bearings are not interchangeable with each other. Table 1 · Ratio Cr (Ca)/P for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings under dynamic load – guide values Series Alternating load Cr (Ca)/P GE..UK GE..UK-2RS GE..DW GE..DW-2RS2 GE..FW GE..FW-2RS GE..PW GE..SW GE..AW restricted suitability suitable suitable suitable restricted suitability suitable restricted suitability suitable 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 to 1 5 to 1 3 to 1 5 to 1 117 110 Unilateral load Cr (Ca)/P 5 to1 3 to 1 Figure 1 · Bearings in pairs in O and X arrangements Angular contact spherical plain bearings If angular contact spherical plain bearings are to transmit axial and radial loads, the bearings can be installed in pairs in an O or X arrangement (Figure 1). 60 d K Axial spherical plain bearings If axial spherical plain bearings are to be combined with radial spherical plain bearings of dimension series E to ISO 12 240-1 in order to support radial loads, the axial and radial load must be distributed over both bearings. In order to achieve this: ■ the pin must have a radial release of approx. 1 mm in the shaft locating washer (Figure 2) or ■ the pin must only be in contact with the large end surface of the shaft locating washer (Figure 2). From a bore diameter of 160 mm, the bearing must be fitted in a closed housing. The diameter D of the axial bearing corresponds to the inside diameter of the housing. F dK FR FR 1mm 117 220 Figure 2 · Combination of axial and radial spherical plain bearing 61 Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Do not lubricate the sliding layer. Lubricant increases wear and considerably reduces the operating life of the bearing. Plain bushes should not be used for movement involving spatial alignment. Any skewing of the shaft reduces the bearing life. For applications involving contact with water, plain bushes with a corrosion-resistant steel bush must be used. The “flushing effect” will considerably increase wear of the sliding layer. If movement is infrequent, however, the operating life may nevertheless be sufficient. The design of the plain bush and its suitability should be agreed with INA first. If plain bushes come into contact with chemical media, special measures will often be required for the bush material or the surface treatment. The design of the plain bush and its suitability should be agreed with INA first. Design of bearing arrangements The shaft and housing bore should conform to Figure 3. ■ For optimum conditions, the shaft should be hardened and hard chromium plated or corrosion-resistant steel should be used. ■ The shaft roughness should not exceed Rz1 if possible. Higher roughness values will reduce the operating life of plain bushes. Roughness values Rz4 should be avoided. If plain bushes are combined with outer seals, it must be taken into consideration when designing the sealing arrangement that: ■ the internal clearance will increase due to wear of the sliding layer ■ the plain bush cannot be relubricated. Fitting Plain bushes should be pressed in using a fitting arbor (Figure 5). The chamfer of the fitting arbor must have rounded corners or ends: ■ dD = d – (0,3 mm to 0,5 mm). Sharp corners on the entry side of the shaft and arbor will damage the sliding layer and reduce the operating life of the plain bush. Shaft rounded Rz1 15˚ 15˚ Housing dwf 7 DAH7 Rz10 153 062 rounded 5 Figure 3 · Design of adjacent components D p7 dH8 B h12 Figure 4 · Tolerances of plain bushes Fitting arbor dD 153 064 Figure 5 · Fitting by means of an arbor 62 153 063 . 48 ISO tolerances ................ low sliding speeds and low bearing loads can result in very high calculated life values................ In some cases...................................... Wear of the sliding surface is therefore the principal failure criterion in life calculation........ Please consult INA in this case........... Due to wear....... 28 Internal clearance and operating clearance .......... 30 Design of bearing arrangements ..... 26 Lubrication........ 37 Sealing ............................. The operating life of large spherical plain bearings of series GE.................. parameters that are not taken into consideration in calculation can have a considerable influence on the life. The actual life may therefore differ considerably from these values.................. these include: ■ vibration ■ contamination ■ moisture ■ corrosion ■ ageing........................ This leads to wear................................................................ particular attention must be paid to the surrounding constructions and operating conditions...................... the sliding surfaces are in direct contact due to the lack of lubricant......... 47 Materials......DW-2RS2 cannot be determined using the calculation method presented here – particular attention must be paid to the specific environmental conditions in each application...... 40 Fitting and dismantling ......................... 42 Operating temperatures .DW and GE............ In the case of axial bearings with d 220 mm.. 17 Friction..... Further information Page Load carrying capacity and life............. however. Please consult INA in this case.....Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Calculation of rating life In maintenance-free spherical plain bearings......................... the friction increases towards the end of the operating life...................... With very long running times..................... 51 63 .............................. at fv 0.2.0 mm 64 .Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Life calculation for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Scope ■ Radial spherical plain bearings 17 mm d 300 mm ■ Angular contact spherical plain bearings 25 mm d 200 mm ■ Axial spherical plain bearings 10 mm d 200 mm ■ Temperature range –50 °C t +150 °C (note the restrictions in Table 1. without lubrication ■ Angular contact spherical plain bearing set axially free from clearance ■ Sliding speed factor fv 0. good heat dissipation required.5 mm by 1. Failure criteria Increase in radial internal clearance with: ■ unilateral load direction ■ alternating load direction by 0.8. page 47) ■ Contact pressure – constant load 5 N/mm2 p 300 N/mm2 – variable load 5 N/mm2 p 100 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 296 mm/s ■ Bearing dry. page 69) (Figure 12 and Table 2.6 fv =0.05 0. 5 Factors K.3 fv =0.4 fv =0. f5 Sliding distance “s” 10 151 175 5 0 0.1 0.5 1 Load frequency P Hz 2 3 4 5 Hz 10 Figure 7 · fHz values for ELGOGLIDE® 65 .6228 f v = --------------------------------------------0.2 0.31876 v⋅p 1.5442 = ------------------------------P Hz ⋅ p 1.004243 p 50 – 300 N/mm2 1.0 Sliding speed fv =1. = f Hz .8 fv =1.3 0 = f Hz 4 0.000295 f 6 = 0.6228 f v = -------------------------------v⋅p 1.4 0.0171 (Figure 7) (Figure 6) (Figure 6) fv =0. ⋅f ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ mm/s 300 250 200 150 100 80 v 50 40 30 20 15 10 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 151 575 p = 5 – 50 N/mm2 1.7579 ⋅ 1. page 68).91 ⋅ 10 –4 If p 25 N/mm2 please consult INA.⋅ -------.Calculation of rating life Constant load P P p = K ⋅ ----.5 fv =1.⋅ 14 f6 v L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 Variable load (pulsating and alternating load) f Hz 0. f Hz = f Hz L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 L hW LW = ----------f ⋅ 60 (Table 3.4 fv =1.0093 f2 ⋅ fv s ⋅ f L = -----------. f4.2 fv =0.3 0. f2.2 fv =1.6 10 N/mm2 30 50 80 120 160 200 300 Bearing pressure p Figure 6 · fv values for ELGOGLIDE® 100 N/mm2 50 40 30 p Bearing pressure 20 1 0.2 0 = f Hz . = 0.or p = K ⋅ -----Cr Ca v = 2. 433 – -------------------------.3 0.05 0.30 mm 5 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f (Figure 8) v ⋅ 1. page 69) Factors K.8 1. f2. constant load 5 N/mm2 p 100 N/mm2 ■ Variable load 5 N/mm2 p 60 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 398 mm/s ■ Bearing dry.1 0.255 s⋅f L = f 2 ⋅ f v ⋅ -------. good heat dissipation required. Figure 9 · fHz values for PTFE composite 66 151 191 Sliding speed Life calculation for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material PTFE composite Scope ■ Radial spherical plain bearings 6 mm d 30 mm ■ Temperature range –50 °C t +200 °C ■ Unilateral contact pressure.4 f v 1. 2 fH z z = 0.(Figure 9) 447.15 1.15 mm by 0.4 0. page 68).0399 x = --------------------------236. without lubrication ■ Sliding speed factor fv 0. 3 z= H 0.91 ⋅ 10 –4 p by 0.1048 ----------------x 2.5 Load frequency PHz 1 Hz 2 3 4 5 L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 (Table 3.2 0.4. 1 10 Variable load (pulsating and alternating load) f Hz P Hz ⋅ p = 0.9 v f = 0 . 0. f5 Sliding distance “s” (Figure 12 and Table 2.0 10 5 Failure criteria Increase in radial internal clearance with: ■ unilateral load direction ■ alternating load direction Constant load P p = K ⋅ ----Cr v = 2.⋅ 14 v L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 Figure 8 · fv values for PTFE composite 60 N/mm2 40 30 p Bearing pressure 20 151 189 10 Bearing pressure p 1 50 N/mm2 100 (Figure 8) fH z = fH 0.8 1.89 f v = 2.Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Sliding speed factor 2. at fv 1.6 400 mm/s 100 50 1.4 0.6 0. 4 z = fH 0.0 1.2 1.25 5 0 0. 151 187 Constant load P p = K ⋅ ----Cr v = 2.5 Load frequency PHz 1 Hz 2 3 4 5 Variable load (pulsating and alternating load) P Hz ⋅ p f Hz = 0.2 1.91 ⋅ 10 –4 p 2 5 10 Bearing pressure p 1 50 N/mm2 100 Figure 10 · fv values for PTFE-bronze film ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f (Figure 10) 50 N/mm2 40 30 20 p Bearing pressure 10 x = v ⋅ 1. 3 z= (Figure 10) = 0.5 L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 Factors K. f5 (Table 3. good heat dissipation required.25 mm ■ alternating load direction by 0.433 – ----------------------790.3 0.1.4 0. 4 z = fH 0.1 0.255 s⋅f L = f 2 ⋅ f v ⋅ -------.771 f v = 2. 300 0. 2 f 0 Hz = fH z 0.8 1. f2.4 0. at fv 1. page 68). the sliding material can be displaced by approx.6 f v 0. 1 5 0 0.2 0.0305 --------------------------109.0 5 Failure criteria Increase in radial internal clearance with: ■ unilateral load direction by 0. 0.⋅ 14 v L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 fH z = fH 0.4.4 1.1 mm without wear (plastic deformation).8 1.05 0. page 69) Sliding distance “s” (Figure 12 and Table 2.0 1.9 10 2.6 (Figure 11) Figure 11 · fHz values for PTFE-bronze film 151 188 Sliding speed Life calculation for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material PTFE-bronze film Scope ■ Radial spherical plain bearings 5 mm d 30 mm ■ Temperature range –50 °C t +200 °C ■ Unilateral contact pressure. without lubrication ■ Sliding speed factor fv 0.1048 ----------------x 2.6 v mm/s 100 50 Sliding speed factor 67 . 1.50 mm – under alternating loads p 10 N/mm2. constant load 2 N/mm2 p 100 N/mm2 ■ Variable load 5 N/mm2 p 50 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 211 mm/s ■ Bearing dry. 0291 – 4 510 227 s = -----------------------1.01599 13 717 016 s = --------------------------1.81025 p 68 151 173 .69947 p 24115 273 s = --------------------------1.Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings 300 N/mm2 280 260 240 220 200 180 p Bearing pressure 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 6000 10000 50 000 100000 Sliding distance “s” 500000 1 000 000 m PTFE composite PTFE-bronze film ELGOGLIDE R 3000000 Figure 12 · Sliding distance “s” Table 2 · Mathematical functions for Figure 12 Sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Contact pressure p N/mm2 100 to 300 65 to 100 45 to 25 to 5 to 2 to 65 45 25 5 ----------------------s = 1408185 p 1.22302 p – 791020s = ----------------------p 1.568 p – – PTFE composite PTFE-bronze film --------------------------s = 42 052 415 1.61789 p 6 837121 s = -----------------------1.75829 p s = 32 897 507 --------------------------1.2263 p -----------------------s = 3 500 000 0. Figure 9. Lh h Theoretical life under constant load oscillations LW Theoretical life under variable load LhW h Theoretical life under variable load t °C Operating temperature ° 1 Tilt angle from centre to left ° 2 Tilt angle from centre to right. Figure 11.4 Alternating load pulsating load For predominantly swivel motion. Cr radial. page 68) L oscillations Theoretical life under constant load = 180°. for rotary motion see page 24 and 25. Figure 8.5 – 0. page 66.64 –50 to +100 1 – – +100 to +200 1. use = 1) f min–1 Oscillation frequency or speed PHz Hz Load frequency – fHz Factor for variable load (ELGOGLIDE®.9 0.Table 3 · Factors for life calculation Sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Factor Basic load rating factor K N/mm2 300 100 100 PTFE composite PTFE-bronze film Temperature factor Temperature range °C –20 to +150 f2 f2 1 Bearing design factor f4 Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings1) Axial spherical plain bearings1) Load type factor f5 1) –20 to –50 0. Figure 6. use f4 = 1. For predominantly elliptical tilting motion. Symbols. PTFE-bronze film. PTFE composite.7 1 1. contact pressure P N Equivalent dynamic bearing load Cr (Ca) N Basic dynamic load rating (dimension table.7 –50 to +95 1 – – +95 to +200 163 341 · t–2. page 65. 69 . Figure 7. page 67) – f2 Temperature factor (Table 3) – f4 Bearing design factor (Table 3) f5 – Load type factor (Table 3) f6 – Swivel or oscillation angle factor (formula) (page 65) – fv Sliding speed factor (ELGOGLIDE®.4 – 1 1. page 67) s m Sliding distance (Figure 12 and Table 2. Figure 10.4 – 1 1. units and definitions p N/mm2 Specific bearing load. PTFE-bronze film. page 66.005 · t 1 0. Ca axial) K N/mm2 Basic load rating factor (Table 3) v mm/s Mean sliding speed dK mm Sphere diameter (dimension table) ° Swivel or oscillation angle (from end position to end position. PTFE composite. page 65. ⋅ --------------------------------.5 L = ---------------------.8 1.004243 f 6 = 0.76 ⋅ 30.= 276.31876 v⋅p 1.7579 · 1.05 kN 2 2 2 2 2 P = P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 276.05 2 p = 300 ⋅ ----------------.76 0.125 Hz t = 0 °C – 45 °C Bearing data: Radial spherical plain bearings ■ Basic Cr dynamic load rating dK ■ Sphere diameter Factors K (Table 3.004243 1.= 582 058 m ----------------------p 30.⋅ 14 v f6 1 ⋅ 1. alternatively calculated using function from Table 2.313 0. = GE 120 UK-2RS = 2685 kN = 160 mm = 300 N/mm2 = 1 = 1 = 1.31876 16.8 N/mm2 from Figure 12.8 1.7579 ⋅ 1.182 16.76 mm/s 70 .4 = 2 891057 osc.8 1. page 68 ⇒ 582 000 m.009348 = 1.= 30.182 s (ELGOGLIDE®) for p = 30.⋅ 14 = 4 050 688 osc.5 min–1 PHz = 0.0291 1.125 ⋅ 30. 1408185s = 1408185 = -------------------------.5442 f Hz = ------------------------------P Hz ⋅ p 1. page 69) f2 f4 f5 Required Expected life.Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Calculation example for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Given Linkage of an articulated lever.0171 0. 1. pulsating load in constant direction.313 582 058 ⋅ 7.91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2.0171 L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW = 4 050 688 · 0.6228 f v = -----------------------------------------------------------.5 ⋅ 60 FR min = 33 kN FR max = 389 kN = 48° f = 7.5 = 16. page 68.8 N/mm 2 685 v = 2.0291 f2 ⋅ fv s ⋅ f L = -----------.5098 · 1.5442 f Hz = -----------------------------------------.6228 f v = --------------------------------------------0.= 0.91 · 10–4 · 1 · 160 · 48 · 7. Operating parameters: Bearing load Swivel angle Swivel frequency Load frequency Operating temperature 1.0093 f6 = 0. LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 L hW = 2 891057 = 6 424 h -----------------------7.= 1.4 Calculation examples for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® P = F min + F max ----------------------------------2 33 + 389 ----------------------------.⋅ -------.5098 0. = 0.5 · 27 · 12 = 3.Calculation example for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings – PTFE composite sliding contact surface Given Linkage bearing arrangement of a transfer unit. Calculation P = X ⋅ FR FA ----.89 3.075 ------FR 16 X (Figure 4.64 Required Required life approx.⋅ 14 v L = ( 163 341 ⋅ t –2.64 L = 3 827 970 oscillations L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 L h = 3 827 970 = 5 316 h -----------------------12 ⋅ 60 Lh = 5 316 h – a safety margin of 1. page 68 ⇒ 44 000 m. Operating parameters: Bearing load Swivel angle Swivel frequency Operating temperature Bearing data: Radial spherical plain bearings ■ Basic dynamic load rating ■ Sphere diameter Factors (Table 3.= 44 567 m --------------------------1.0399 x = --------------------------------------------.5 mm dK = K = 100 N/mm2 f2 = 163 341 · t–2.1048 f v = ---------------------------.= 38.23 · 16 = 19.89 f v = 2.0641 2. page 68.63 N/mm2 from Figure 12.0399 x = --------------------------236.35 ⋅ 1.7 2 p = 100 ⋅ ---------.91 · 10–4 · 35.63 p FR = FA = = f = t = 16 kN 1. page 69) v ⋅ 1.63 s⋅f L = f 2 ⋅ f v ⋅ -------.63 N/mm 51 v = 2.255 s (PTFE composite) for p = 38.998 0.64 38.1048 ----------------x 2.= 1.255 2. unilateral combined load.23 P = 1. 13 717 016 s = 13 717 016 = --------------------------. alternatively calculated using function from Table 2.35 L = ( 163 341 ⋅ 100 –2.91 ⋅ 10 –4 s⋅f ) ⋅ f v ⋅ -------.35 mm/s 71 .06.568 1. ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2.7 kN P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 19.0641 236.568 p 38.= 1.2 kN 27° 12 min–1 +100 °C = GE 25 UK Cr = 51kN 35.2 = 0.998 ⋅ ---------------------------. 5 000 h. page 18 ⇒ = 1.⋅ 14 v 44 567 ⋅ 12 ) ⋅ 1.⋅ 14 3. f2.6 0. Shaft requirements: ■ Roughness Rz1 to 4. no tilting loads.357 ⋅ 0.737 Rz (Figure 13) fR Roughness faktor 1 0. page 65) by 0. without lubrication.⋅ 10 v f6 L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 Roughness R z Figure 13 · Roughness factor fR for shafts 72 . corrosion-resistant steel ■ No clearance.7 0.5 3 3.91 ⋅ 10 p = 5 – 50 –4 Variable load 0. carbon steel.0171 L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 Factors K. page 65) 1. page 68).000295 f R = 1.004243 p 50 – 300 N/mm2 1.Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Life calculation for maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Scope ■ Cylindrical plain bush 30 mm d 200 mm ■ Temperature range –50 °C t +150 °C ■ Contact pressure 5 N/mm2 p 300 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 296 mm/s ■ Bearing dry.7579 ⋅ 1. page 69) (Figure 12. (Figure 7.5 mm by 1. ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f N/mm2 (Figure 6.0 (increased life with Rz = 1) ■ Hardness 55 HRC ■ Hard chromium surface.5 m 4 151 176 f 6 = 0. f5 Sliding distance “s” (Table 3.0093 f2 ⋅ fR ⋅ fv s ⋅ f L = --------------------.31876 v⋅p 1.6228 f v = -------------------------------v⋅p 1. page 68 and Table 2. Failure criteria Increase in radial internal clearance with: ■ unilateral load direction ■ alternating load direction Constant load P p = K ⋅ ----Cr v = 2.5 0.9 0.4 1 1.8 0.6228 f v = --------------------------------------------0.5 2 2.⋅ -------.5442 f Hz = ------------------------------P Hz ⋅ p 1.0 mm If p 25 N/mm2 please consult INA. = ----------------------------.83 f 6 = 0.34 1.0093 f6 = 0. Operating parameters: Bearing load Load direction Swivel angle Swivel frequency Load frequency Temperature range f R = 1.⋅ 10 = 13 371841 osc.14 0. 1 3.6 Bearing data: Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bush Bore diameter d Outside diameter D Width B Basic dynamic load rating Cr Basic load rating factor K (Table 3.34 N/mm2 from Figure 12.= 33.6 = 0.558 0.737 Rz fR = 1.6228 f v = --------------------------------------------0. The plain bush is suitable. F = P = 120 kN = alternating = 30° f = 6 min–1 PHz = 0.009330 = 1 f2 = 1 (Table 3.357 ⋅ 0.7371.0171 f5 = 1 (Table 3.1 ⋅ 33.34 1.= 1.0291 f2 ⋅ fR ⋅ fv s ⋅ f L = --------------------. 1408185 1408185 s = ----------------------. roughness depth = Rz1.⋅ --------------------------. page 69) s (ELGOGLIDE®) for p = 33. page 69) Required Required life 10 000 h.7579 · 1.004243 1.14 ⋅ 33.357 · 0.5442 f Hz = ------------------------------P Hz ⋅ p 1. page 68 ⇒ 540 000 m.⋅ 10 v f6 1 ⋅ 0.514 · 1 = 6 873 126 osc. page 68.= 0.5442 f Hz = --------------------------------------.1 s–1 t = 0 °C to + 30 °C Housing bore/shaft: Locating bore DA = 70 H7 Shaft diameter dW = 60 f7 Shaft surface hard chromium plated.⋅ -------.83 ⋅ 1. Calculation P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 120 2 p = 300 ⋅ ------------.91 · 10–4 · 60 · 30 · 6 = 3.6228 f v = -----------------------------------------------------------.7579 ⋅ 1.33 1.0171 0.= 541158 m p 33. alternatively calculated using function from Table 2.31876 3.514 0.14 mm/s 1. LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 L hW = 6 873126 = 19 092 h -----------------------6 ⋅ 60 LhW = 19 092 operating hours.004243 73 .34 N/mm 1080 v = 2. page 69) L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW = 13371841 · 0.91 ⋅ 10 –4 = ZGB 60 70 60 = 60 H8 = 70 p7 = 60 h12 = 1080 kN = 300 N/mm2 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2.0291 1.558 541158 ⋅ 6 L = -------------------------------------.Calculation example for maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes – sliding material ELGOGLIDE® Given Highly loaded pivots on an angled lever.31876 v⋅p 1. Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes Accuracy The main dimensions conform to ISO 12 240-1 to -3. The roundness of the outer ring is restored once it is fitted in a housing bore produced in accordance with the specifications (Figure 14). The dimensional and geometrical accuracies conform to ISO 4379 ■ Dimensional and tolerance values are arithmetic means. Dimensional inspection is carried out in accordance with ISO 8 015. Dimensional inspection is carried out in accordance with ISO 8 015. The outer rings become slightly out of round due to splitting. Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes The main dimensions conform to ISO 4 379. The dimensional and geometrical accuracy of the inside and outside diameters corresponds to ISO 12 240-1 to -3 ■ Dimensional and tolerance values are arithmetic means. Measurements taken of the outside diameter of the unfitted bearing cannot be used as the original actual values for the outside diameter. Spherical plain bearings with split outer ring The outside diameter is within the deviations given in the tables before surface treatment and splitting. D 117 108 + D D Figure 14 · Out of roundness before fitting and correct roundness after fitting 74 . ordering designation 75 117 138 117 109 + . for: shaft 30 mm. Ordering designation: GE 20 UK-2RS (Figure 15). for: shaft 20 mm. Ordering example and ordering designation Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing to ISO 12 240-1-dimension series E.Special designs Available by agreement (see also page 13): ■ maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings with inner ring made from corrosion-resistant steel – suffix W3 ■ maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings. sliding contact surface hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE®. lip seals on both sides. Ordering designation: ZGB 30 36 30 (Figure 16). B ZGB 30 36 30 + d D Figure 16 · Ordering example.08) – suffix W7 ■ maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearing. ordering designation Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bush to ISO 4 379. inner ring bore with ELGOGLIDE® lining. inner ring bore with ELGOGLIDE® lining (dNEW = d) – suffix W8. bore diameter smaller than nominal dimension (dNEW = d – 1. Sp. GE 20 UK-2RS d Figure 15 · Ordering example. 5 39 50.008 17–0.02 110–0.25 105–0.025 160–0.008 10–0.018 150–0.035 320–0.3 36–0.009 30–0.12 14–0.009 22–0.011 0.02 100–0.7 8.12 35–0.8 100–0.3 22–0.007 0.53 0.025 200–0.35 155–0.24 5–0. 76 117 053 r1s .6 80–0.2 2.24 6–0.01 30–0.009 35–0.011 42–0.5 70–0.2 70–0.015 80–0.035 300–0.25 105–0.6 80–0..35 4–0.8 120–0.7 4.UK Sliding material: PTFE composite GE.24 18–0.013 90–0.4 26 35.013 68–0.035 280–0.2 90–0.008 12–0.02 120–0.7 76.5 70–0.6 13.03 260–0.011 47–0.12 10–0.24 12–0.03 240–0.2 4.24 16–0.UK Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 1) Designation Mass Dimensions d D B C dK Degrees 6–0.5 55–0.4 45–0.018 160–0.01 35–0.012 60–0.3 25–0.015 130–0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 180 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 13 15 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 7 6 7 without seals GE 6 UK GE 8 UK GE 10 UK GE 12 UK GE 15 UK GE 17 UK GE 20 UK GE 25 UK GE 30 UK – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – GE 17 UK-2RS GE 20 UK-2RS GE 25 UK-2RS GE 30 UK-2RS GE 35 UK-2RS GE 40 UK-2RS GE 45 UK-2RS GE 50 UK-2RS GE 60 UK-2RS GE 70 UK-2RS GE 80 UK-2RS GE 90 UK-2RS GE 100 UK-2RS GE 110 UK-2RS GE 120 UK-2RS GE 140 UK-2RS GE 160 UK-2RS GE 180 UK-2RS GE 200 UK-2RS GE 220 UK-2RS GE 240 UK-2RS GE 260 UK-2RS GE 280 UK-2RS GE 300 UK-2RS kg 0.12 44–0.5 55–0.35 165–0.04 400–0.24 9–0.015 120–0.016 0..15 55–0.012 45–0.027 0.8 64.013 62–0.24 20–0.15 60–0.06 0.3 150–0.5 40.009 26–0.012 40–0.011 55–0.015 70–0.03 260–0.015 105–0.12 32–0.3 140–0..045 6–0.8 17.12 12–0.008 8–0.12 9–0.008 15–0..013 75–0.24 7–0.12 20–0.02 140–0.2 85–0.3 135–0.5 2.24 10–0.025 210–0.035 290–0.04 430–0.12 16–0.3 0.3 28–0.39 0.25 130–0.Radial spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-1.04 370–0.03 230–0.04 340–0.008 16–0.015 90–0.2 70–0.7 100–0.7 Basic load rating for bearing design GE.12 8–0.12 22–0.01 25–0.UK-2RS Sliding material: ELGOGLIDE® B C dK D d r2s GE.22 0.035 14–0.004 0.12 25–0. dimension series E Sliding contact surface: hard chromium/PTFE Series GE.98 1.8 110–0.4 50–0.025 180–0.14 0.012 50–0.15 49–0.7 100–0.8 120–0.UK-2RS.1 10.4 40–0.025 180–0.03 220–0.008 19–0.11 0.9 10 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.12 28–0.037 0.008 20–0. UK – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.3 0.1 0 – 0.1 r2s min.085 0 – 0.1 0 – 0.04 0 – 0.6 0.2 39.06 0 – 0.9 66.05 0 – 0.3 0. 9..5 265. 0.06 0 – 0.085 0 – 0.1 1. 8 10.4 98.7 Da min.9 18.1 0 – 0.7 45 50.085 0 – 0.6 0.3 0.4 20.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 14.072 0 – 0. C0r N 9 000 14 600 21 600 28 500 44 000 56 000 78 000 127 000 166 000 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 81 2001) 112 0001) 212 0001) 275 0001) 350 0001) 462 0001) 600 0001) 737 0001) 1 150 0001) 1 475 0001) 1 875 0001) 2 300 0001) 2 862 0001) 3 075 0001) 4 475 0001) 5 025 0001) 6 400 0001) 7 200 0001) 10 000 0001) 11 000 0001) 12 000 0001) 14 250 0001) 16 750 0001) 18 000 0001) 156 149 r1s Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.11 0 – 0.06 0 – 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.032 0 – 0.3 313.1 1.3 0.5 17.7 24.UK-2RS GE.3 0.1 1.1 1.1 1.032 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.7 55..072 0 – 0.06 0 – 0.6 0.8 77.05 0 – 0.3 0.11 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 77 .5 155.032 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.1 1.5 51 57 63 75 87 99 108 123 134 150 173 191 219 239 267 295 319 342 370 Basic load ratings dyn.1 109.UK-2RS – mounting dimensions GE.6 0.3 288.1 1.3 0.072 0 – 0.B C dK D d Da da 117 054 r2s GE.1 29.2 135.9 213.6 12.5 33 38 44.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0 – 0.8 89.085 0 – 0.3 34. 0.3 0.04 0 – 0. Cr N 3 600 5 850 8 650 11 400 17 600 22 400 31 500 51 000 65 500 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 48 7001) 67 5001) 127 0001) 165 0001) 210 0001) 277 0001) 360 0001) 442 0001) 690 0001) 885 0001) 1 125 0001) 1 380 0001) 1 717 0001) 1 845 0001) 2 685 0001) 3 015 0001) 3 840 0001) 4 320 0001) 6 000 0001) 6 600 0001) 7 200 0001) 8 550 0001) 10 050 0001) 10 800 0001) stat.5 121.11 0 – 0.1 1..5 21 24 27.3 0.04 0 – 0.1 0 – 0.5 239.3 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1 Mounting dimensions da max.2 13.5 15.1 1.2 198.6 0.6 0.3 0.8 170.8 336. 9 135–0.075 710–0.04 420–0.05 540–0.045 480–0.7 3.05 560–0.075 800–0.9 135–0.6 3.8 3.DW GE.4 190–0.05 620–0.1 1000–0.1 215–1...125 1180–0.05 600–0.05 650–0.1 195–1.05 560–0. 3) Basic load ratings for bearings with seals.DW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 530 560 600 630 670 710 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Designation1) Mass Dimensions d without seals GE 320 DW GE 340 DW GE 360 DW GE 380 DW GE 400 DW GE 420 DW GE 440 DW GE 460 DW GE 480 DW GE 500 DW GE 530 DW GE 560 DW GE 600 DW GE 630 DW GE 670 DW GE 710 DW GE 750 DW GE 800 DW GE 850 DW GE 900 DW GE 950 DW GE 1000 DW with seals GE 320 DW-2RS2 GE 340 DW-2RS2 GE 360 DW-2RS2 GE 380 DW-2RS2 GE 400 DW-2RS2 GE 420 DW-2RS2 GE 440 DW-2RS2 GE 460 DW-2RS2 GE 480 DW-2RS2 GE 500 DW-2RS2 GE 530 DW-2RS2 GE 560 DW-2RS2 GE 600 DW-2RS2 GE 630 DW-2RS2 GE 670 DW-2RS2 GE 710 DW-2RS2 GE 750 DW-2RS2 GE 800 DW-2RS2 GE 850 DW-2RS2 GE 900 DW-2RS2 GE 950 DW-2RS2 GE 1000 DW-2RS2 kg 76 80 86 124.1 260–1.1 1000–0.6 3.4 160–0.7 4 3.05 630–0.075 750–0.075 670–0.2 3.075 750–0.3 340–1.1 900–0.45 243–0.045 480–0.1 950–0.6 3.045 460–0. If the load is greater.045 530–0.7 3.5 258–0.45 230–0.2 275–1.5 272–0.2 280–1. Basic load ratings for bearings without seals.2 300–1.04 360–0. 78 117 055 r1s .9 160–1 160–1 160–1 185–1 185–1 195–1.75 335–0.125 1250–0.75 355–0.1 1060–0. the outer ring halves must be supported by lateral clamping covers.8 3. dimension series C Sliding contact surface: Hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® Series GE.125 1320–0.75 365–1 375–1 400–1 438–1 135–0.075 800–0.4 160–0.5 The screw design is only valid for the basic load rating C.3 3.1 205–1.4 190–0.04 400–0.4 190–0.DW-2RS2 B C dK D d r2s GE. 1) 2) Price and delivery on request.1 950–0.45 218–0.5 300–0.1 440–0.045 440–0.075 850–0.045 500–0.16 160–0.8 3.045 460–0.3 370–1.45 218–0.1 3.3 310–1.6 380 400 420 450 470 490 520 540 565 585 620 655 700 740 785 830 875 930 985 1040 1100 1160 D B C dK Degrees 4 3.7 3.045 520–0.3 320–1.45 230–0..9 3.6 4.1 900–0.05 600–0.1 230–1.3 3.5 131 143 194 199 234 243 291 342 409 542 594 698 784 920 1058 1192 1431 1755 320–0.9 3.2 260–1.04 380–0.5 308–0.075 710–0.7 3.075 850–0.4 3.05 670–0.75 325–0.04 340–0.Large radial spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-1.125 1120–0. 5 1.3 407..125 0 – 0.17 0 – 0.135 0 – 0.6 388.6 1074.4 722 763.17 0 – 0.16 0 – 0.135 0 – 0.145 0 – 0.135 0 – 0.6 472 494 516 537.8 570. 361 382 403 426 447 469 491 513 536 557 591 624 667 698 746 789 834 886 940 995 1052 1105 Basic load ratings dyn.5 914.5 Mounting dimensions da max.1 1.145 0 – 0..17 0 – 0.145 0 – 0.6 366.5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 r2s min.3) Cr kN 12 920 13 600 14 280 18 680 19 510 20 340 24 490 25 430 28 300 29 300 32 920 36 740 42 420 51 500 54 630 60 850 65 460 75 160 82 560 90 290 102 100 118 110 stat.1 1.135 0 – 0.145 0 – 0.16 0 – 0.8 970 1024.2) C0r kN 25 650 27 000 28 350 36 000 37 600 39 200 48 100 49 950 55 080 57 030 63 550 70 410 80 500 96 200 102 050 114 120 122 500 139 500 152 670 166 400 187 000 214 600 dyn.DW – mounting dimensions Detail Chamfer dimensions r1s min.1 1.5 7.195 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 530 560 600 630 670 710 750 800 850 900 950 1000 79 117 056 r1s .DW-2RS2 GE.8 451. 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7.2) Cr kN 15 390 16 200 17 010 21 600 22 560 23 520 28 860 29 970 33 050 34 220 38 130 42 240 48 300 57 720 61 230 68 470 73 500 83 700 91 600 99 840 112 200 128 760 stat.145 0 – 0.7 808.16 0 – 0..3 602 644.9 429.5 1.1 Da min.125 0 – 0. 344.DW-2RS2 – mounting dimensions GE.3) C0r kN 21 540 22 680 23 810 31 140 32 520 33 900 40 820 42 390 47 170 48 840 54 870 61 240 70 700 85 840 91 060 101 420 109 110 125 270 137 600 150 480 170 170 196 850 Radial internal Shaft clearance diameter d 0 – 0.B C dK D d Da da 117 214 156 150 r2s GE.17 0 – 0.9 676.16 0 – 0.17 0 – 0.5 1.3 859.5 1. 1.17 0 – 0. 03 260–0.035 320–0.008 17–0.025 160–0.7 100–0.02 120–0.03 220–0.013 90–0.03 240–0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 180 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 21 21 18 18 16 19 17 17 17 16 17 15 17 17 16 14 15 14 12 16 16 16 14 15 16 15 15 15 without seals GE 6 FW1) GE 8 FW1) GE 10 FW GE 12 FW GE 15 FW GE 17 FW GE 20 FW GE 25 FW – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – – – – GE 30 FW-2RS GE 35 FW-2RS GE 40 FW-2RS GE 45 FW-2RS GE 50 FW-2RS GE 60 FW-2RS GE 70 FW-2RS GE 80 FW-2RS GE 90 FW-2RS GE 100 FW-2RS1) GE 110 FW-2RS1) GE 120 FW-2RS1) GE 140 FW-2RS1) GE 160 FW-2RS1) GE 180 FW-2RS1) GE 200 FW-2RS1) GE 220 FW-2RS1) GE 240 FW-2RS1) GE 260 FW-2RS1) GE 280 FW-2RS1) kg 0.6 5.8 64 81.9 33.012 40–0.53 0.03 230–0.2 130–0.025 180–0.6 24.25 155–0.015 120–0.24 9–0.12 25–0.8 110–0.009 22–0.4 50–0.9 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.012 50–0.008 12–0.04 370–0.035 280–0.025 180–0.6 18.24 18–0.FW-2RS Sliding material: ELGOGLIDE® B C dK D d r1s r2s 117 057 GE.035 16–0.8 120–0.009 30–0.12 28–0.3 28–0.035 290–0.3 175–0.12 16–0.045 9–0.3 22–0.009 35–0.5 55–0.015 105–0.018 150–0.013 68–0.8 120–0.012 60–0.011 42–0.01 30–0.036 0.014 0.082 0.8 100–0.12 56–0.049 0.012 45–0.12 15–0.24 6–0.008 10–0.5 55–0.6 80–0.2 100–0.02 100–0.35 210–0.3 36–0.3 165–0..02 110–0.FW Sliding material: PTFE composite GE.4 2.3 25–0.2 115–0.15 70–0.24 12–0..04 400–0. dimension series G Sliding contact surface: hard chromium/PTFE Series GE.7 50.01 35–0.025 200–0.12 32–0.Radial spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-1.018 160–0.FW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 1) Designation Mass Dimensions d D B C dK Degrees 6–0.28 0.5 40. 80 .24 16–0.2 0.12 43–0.008 19–0.3 6 9.6 80–0.35 205–0.025 210–0.12 20–0.2 85–0.16 0.015 130–0.008 20–0.15 75–0.009 26–0.38 0.24 20–0.4 40–0.35 5–0.013 75–0.25 135–0.02 140–0.5 70–0.015 70–0.015 80–0.015 90–0.2 85–0.01 25–0.04 340–0.8 96.24 7–0.008 15–0.04 430–0.02 0.4 45–0.009 0.03 260–0.15 63–0..12 12–0.7 100–0.12 40–0.011 55–0.12 11–0.24 10–0.12 35–0.3 190–0.67 1.011 47–0.008 8–0.6 44.5 Price and delivery on request.5 70–0.8 14.1 3 3.013 62–0. 2 21 25.085 0 – 0..4 16 19.FW-2RS – mounting dimensions GE.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 0.072 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.1 Mounting dimensions da max.05 0 – 0.085 0 – 0.8 138.6 0.7 50 57.1 1.06 0 – 0.1 1.6 0.032 0 – 0. 0.1 1.04 0 – 0.3 0.085 0 – 0.FW – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.3 0.05 0 – 0.3 0.04 0 – 0.B C dK D d Da da r1s 117 058 r2s GE. 12.3 0.6 0.1 1.5 34.072 0 – 0.04 0 – 0.6 0.1 r2s min.11 0 – 0.1 0 – 0.1 1.5 17.5 51 57 63 75 87 99 108 123 134 150 173 191 219 239 267 295 319 342 370 Basic load ratings dyn.1 0 – 0.085 0 – 0. C0r N 14 600 21 600 28 500 44 000 56 000 78 000 127 000 166 000 350 000 462 000 600 000 737 000 1 150 000 1 475 000 1 875 000 2 300 000 2 862 000 3 075 000 4 475 000 5 025 000 6 400 000 7 200 000 10 000 000 11 000 000 12 000 000 14 250 000 16 750 000 18 000 000 156 152 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.3 0.11 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 81 .1 1.1 98.1 1.6 13.3 111. 9.1 0 – 0.6 263.3 0.5 15.032 0 – 0.1 0 – 0.5 33 38 44.2 29..3 0.4 39.4 151.072 0 – 0.6 Da min.6 310.7 44.1 0 – 0.9 180 196.3 11.032 0 – 0.6 0.1 67 78.6 283. 0.3 0. Cr N 5 850 8 650 11 400 17 600 22 400 31 500 51 000 65 500 210 000 277 000 360 000 442 000 690 000 885 000 1 125 000 1 380 000 1 717 000 1 845 000 2 685 000 3 015 000 3 840 000 4 320 000 6 000 000 6 600 000 7 200 000 8 550 000 10 050 000 10 800 000 stat.06 0 – 0.1 220 243.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.06 0 – 0.5 21 24 27.1 1.3 0.2 87.3 0.1 1.FW-2RS GE..3 0.1 1.1 0 – 0.1 1.2 124.6 0.06 0 – 0.3 0. 5 –0.079 0.008 16–0.75 34.011 40–0.05 22.24 –0.5 –0.12 19–0. dimension series K.12 6 9 –0.043 0.925 38.112 12.8 6.1 0.011 47–0.027 0.12 12–0.12 14–0.Radial spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-1.012 8+0.24 13 13 14 13 13 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 10.15 0.24 15 –0.015 10+0.008 19–0.009 22–0.75–0.013 8–0.021 30+0.018 14+0.24 16..018 18+0..019 0.12 37–0.0092) 32–0.38 11.12 9–0.021 13–0.24 13.875 19.24 12 –0.85 50.3 Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).24 0.009 26–0. dimension series K Sliding contact surface: Steel/PTFE-bronze film Series GE. 3) Price and delivery on request.575 31.7 15.021 25+0.12 23–0.012 6+0.018 20+0. Deviating from ISO 12 240-1.12 28–0.24 –0.12 16–0.24 18 –0.PW D d B C dK r1s r2s 117 059 GE.011 55–0.011 35–0.24 20 22 25 –0.5 –0.PW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 1) 2) Designation3) Mass Dimensions d1) D B C dK Degrees 5+0.4 28.12 21–0.18 0.24 –0.01 0.018 16+0.015 12+0.021 22+0.011 42–0.054 0.12 31–0.006 0.24 kg GE 5 PW GE 6 PW GE 8 PW GE 10 PW GE 12 PW GE 14 PW GE 16 PW GE 18 PW GE 20 PW GE 22 PW GE 25 PW GE 30 PW 0.009 28–0.1 42. 82 .12 25–0.225 25. 9.9 10.3 r2s min.035 0.006 – 0.3 12.3 0.6 0.8 24.8 11.5 14 17 19.006 – 0.035 0.3 0.4 16.035 0.3 0.9 15.3 25.8 29.035 0.035 0.3 0.006 – 0.3 0.3 0.006 – 0.3 0.5 22.3 0.035 0. C0r N 15 000 19 300 32 000 45 000 60 000 76 500 96 500 118 000 140 000 170 000 212 000 285 000 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0.035 0. 0.8 19.5 34 38.035 0.3 0.3 0.5 25.006 – 0.5 31.035 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 83 . 0.7 8.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 34.035 0.3 0. Cr N 6 000 7 650 12 900 18 000 24 000 31 000 39 000 47 500 57 000 68 000 85 000 114 000 stat.6 0.006 – 0.006 – 0.006 – 0.5 28.3 0.5 46 156 153 Basic load ratings dyn.035 0.6 Mounting dimensions da max.006 – 0.3 0.006 – 0.Da da GE.3 21.3 0.006 – 0.3 0.035 0.6 0. 7..006 – 0.8 Da min.PW – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min. 2 17–0.25 0.35 0.3 205.5 211.5 61–0.035 290–0.4 42–0.1 2.9 59.8 9.02 150–0.3 3. 84 .5 103.35 0.24 19–0.02 120–0.5 2.1 75.5 48–0.018 110–0.3 22–0.2 23.25 0.016 75–0..25 0.025 180–0.4 46.13 0.03 225–0.012 45–0.35 0.5 47 50 56 60 66 74 80 86 92 102 115 130 140 160 170 190 200 213 225 250 260 275 290 31.5 13 17.025 150–0.018 95–0.016 80–0.24 22–0.35 0.5 42–0.012 40–0.02 100–0.015 60–0.2 15–0.1 6.016 90–0.18 0.5 42–0.5 45–0.3 114.035 280–0.27 0.25 0.41 0.24 19–0.015 65–0.03 240–0.016 62–0.6 14–0.25 0.014 52–0.4 194.67 0.7 36.4 36–0.2 17–0.24 19–0.3 24–0.03 210–0.6 170.25 0.6 82.25 0.3 22–0.9 6.025 180–0.016 55–0.025 160–0.3 27–0.015 70–0.4 30–0.012 28–0.016 68–0.02 140–0.3 25–0.25 0.3 24–0.25 0.25 0.24 18–0.9 181.25 0.3 30–0.35 42.2 15–0.4 7.03 47–0.5 61–0.5 45–0.4 36–0.4 148 160.012 50–0.77 1 1.25 0.24 22–0.8 229.24 19–0.33 0.2 16–0.1 62 68.5 54–0.3 22–0.025 170–0.012 30–0.2 90.7 3.45 0.8 135.4 36–0.35 0.5 54–0.5 61–0.015 90–0.6 66–0.03 200–0.4 18.012 35–0.015 80–0.018 125–0.35 0.02 170–0.25 0.21 0.SW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 25 28 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 1) 2) Designation Mass Dimensions d D T dK D1 B C kg GE 25 SW GE 28 SW1) GE 30 SW GE 35 SW GE 40 SW GE 45 SW GE 50 SW GE 55 SW1) GE 60 SW GE 65 SW1) GE 70 SW GE 80 SW GE 90 SW GE 100 SW GE 110 SW1) GE 120 SW GE 130 SW1) GE 140 SW1) GE 150 SW1) GE 160 SW1) GE 170 SW1) GE 180 SW1) GE 190 SW1) GE 200 SW1) 0.012 55–0.035 310–0.035 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 23 23 23 25 29 32 32 38 38 45 45 48 51 57 64 64 70 0.2 16–0.3 30–0.03 260–0.4 42–0.1 42.8 52.6 66–0.3 125.24 18–0.5 48–0.3 22–0.4 30–0.4 36–0.25 0.. Basic load ratings in radial direction.5 61–0.02 110–0.6 Price and delivery on request.3 27–0.018 100–0.25 0.25 0.2 14–0.025 190–0.025 200–0.4 35.35 0.Angular contact spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-2 Sliding contact surface: Hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® Series GE.025 140–0.02 130–0.SW D d s T C dK D1 B r1s r 2s r1s 117 060 r 2s GE.72 0. 6 0.7 1.5 1.6 1. 0.4 80.3 1.6 r1s min.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 0.5 4 4 5 5 7 10 11 12 15 17 20 20 21 21 27 21 29 26 2.6 0.4 34.6 0.2 0.7 1.9 60.1 177.1 2 1.5 2.8 1.7 57.3 2. Cr N 143 000 172 000 193 000 235 000 272 000 319 000 354 000 447 000 481 000 520 000 626 000 733 000 939 000 1 010 000 1 400 000 1 490 000 1 860 000 1 990 000 2 290 000 2 610 000 3 260 000 3 950 000 4 110 000 4 640 000 stat.2 132.6 1.7 66.1 45.5 1.5 42 45 50 54 60 67 71 77 83 92 104 118 128 146 155 174 184 194 206 228 240 252 268 Da min.4 1.4 1.5 1.9 1. 34 40 40.6 0.5 1.9 143.SW – mounting dimensions Detail 117 061 Chamfer dimensions s Degrees 1 1 2 2 1.8 1.3 0. 39.5 47 52 58 65 70 76 84 90 99 112 123 135 145 158 171 184 195 208 220 226 244 Db min.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mounting dimensions da max.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 r2s min.9 167.4 1. 0.9 156.5 57 61 67 75 81 87 93 104 117 132 142 162 172 192 202 216 228 253 263 278 293 Basic load ratings2) dyn.5 2 2 2.9 1.3 1.5 1.7 2.7 207.9 74.D b db d a Da 156 154 GE.9 88 100.5 2.5 51.6 0.6 41.9 224.5 1.7 1. C0r N 239 000 287 000 323 000 392 000 453 000 532 000 590 000 745 000 802 000 867 000 1 040 000 1 220 000 1 560 000 1 690 000 2 340 000 2 490 000 3 110 000 3 310 000 3 820 000 4 360 000 5 440 000 6 590 000 6 850 000 7 740 000 Shaft diameter d 25 28 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 85 .4 201.3 0.3 0..8 112 123.1 34.7 190.1 1.4 2.3 0.3 0.6 0.5 50.6 0.6 0.3 1.6 0.3 0.3 1.5 2.1 db max. 43 47. 30. 5 69 84 98 112 122.7 56.012 45–0.8 31.4 42.9 13 18.5 32 38.03 220–0.025 180–0.05 540–0.025 200–0.035 320–0.16 0.5 34.8 32 37 45 50 60 66 80 98 114 130 140 160 170 194 220 245 272 310 335 358 388 420 449 480 490 540 550 575 27.26 0.015 105–0.4 26 –0.7 116 –0.5 24 28 33.015 70–0.6 97 –0.03 240–0.01 25–0.4 50 –0.018 150–0.04 340–0.012 40–0.008 17–0.6 115 –0.4 15 –0.04 400–0.4 32 –0.5 34. 86 117 062 .025 160–0.5–0.5 111 117 132 10–0.05 560–0.7 110 –0.5–0.02 120–0.008 20–0.04 340–0.5 19.01 30–0.03 230–0.4 50 –0.4 28 –0.6 103 –0.4 72 –0.035 290–0.4 36.011 55–0..3 23.015 130–0.045 520–0.04 360–0.4 59 –0.011 42–0.4 64 –0.9 43.5 168 195.015 100–0.5–0.009 35–0.7 44.4 4.035 320–0.AW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 1) 2) Designation Mass Dimensions d D T dK d2 d3 D1 kg GE 10 AW1) GE 12 AW1) GE 15 AW1) GE 17 AW GE 20 AW GE 25 AW GE 30 AW GE 35 AW GE 40 AW GE 45 AW GE 50 AW GE 60 AW GE 70 AW GE 80 AW GE 100 AW GE 120 AW GE 140 AW1) GE 160 AW1) GE 180 AW1) GE 200 AW1) GE 220 AW1) GE 240 AW1) GE 260 AW1) GE 280 AW1) GE 300 AW1) GE 320 AW1) GE 340 AW1) GE 360 AW1) 0.8 116 –0.4 45 –0.038 0.025 210–0.39 0.8 125 –0.04 30–0.5–0.015 120–0.5 87 –0.AW s r 2s T C r 1s r1s r2s B D1 D d2 d3 d dK GE.5 140 149.05 9.02 140–0.011 47–0.01 35–0.013 75–0.12 0.018 160–0.012 60–0.025 180–0.07 0.013 90–0.045 460–0.035 280–0.013 62–0.4 16 –0.5 77 –0.03 260–0.4 22.04 430–0.5 214 244 272 300 321 350 382 409 445 460 500 510 535 21 24 29 34 40 45 56 66 78 89 98 108 121 130 155 170 198 213 240 265 289 314 336 366 388 405 432 452 16.3 84 88.7 7.2 10.7 110 –0.4 20 –0.65 1 1.008 15–0.5 44 52 59 68 69 86 95 108 133 154 176 199 224 246 265 294 317 337 356 380 380 400 Price and delivery on request.9 71.03 260–0.035 300–0.012 50–0.008 12–0.5 86 –0.. Basic load ratings in axial direction.7 5.015 80–0.6 2.4 13 –0.045 480–0.04 370–0.Axial spherical plain bearings maintenance-free ISO 12 240-3 Sliding contact surface: Hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® Series GE.4 50 57.5 3. 5 27.5 70 –0.3 –0.24 –0.6 –0.5 30 35 35 42.3 0.3 0.24 31 –0.8 115 –0.7 100 –0.6 95 –0.7 105 –0.3 0.5 65 –0.6 0.5 –0.24 r1s min.3 40 –0.4 –0.24 –0.3 0.2 0.24 33.2 0.3 –0.6 0.5 82.5 1.5 3 3 4 4 4 r2s min.5 1.3 0.7 –0.6 0.8 87 .3 0.5 38 39 49 57 64 74 75 92 102 115 141 162 187 211 236 259 279 309 332 355 375 402 402 422 dyn.6 0.3 0.6 0.7 –0.4 –0.24 –0.4 61 –0.5 65 67.1 1.24 18 –0. 18.6 82 –0.5 4 4 4 11.5 26 30. 21 24 29 34 40 45 56 66 78 89 98 108 121 130 155 170 198 213 240 265 289 314 336 366 388 405 432 452 Da min.24 11.da Da 156 155 117 063 GE.5 –0.2 0.5 –0..3 0.5 –0.24 –0.6 –0.7 –0.24 37 –0.5 14 17.24 14.24 22 –0.3 0.6 –0.4 52 –0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. C0a N 122 000 162 000 261 000 296 000 375 000 645 000 848 000 1 290 000 1 860 000 2 430 000 3 250 000 3 670 000 4 030 000 5 180 000 6 020 000 6 220 000 8 170 000 9 460 000 10 630 000 11 780 000 14 220 000 17 170 000 18 010 000 28 560 000 28 800 000 35 180 000 39 460 000 42 460 000 Shaft diameter d 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 7 8 10 11 12.2 0.6 0.6 0.3 50 –0.9 –0.5 –0.3 –0.24 –0.5 21.24 19. 0.5 –0.6 87 –0.7 100 –0.5 –0.24 –0.8 6 9 11 13 17 20 22 25 32 33 36 36 42 45 50 52 60 60 67 73 80 85 90 91 91 95 –0.3 0.5 52.5 1.3 –0.1 da max.24 –0.6 0.5 74 –0.AW – mounting dimensions Detail Chamfer dimensions Mounting dimensions Basic load ratings2) B C s Degrees 7.24 16 –0.5 45 52.5 80 80 95 95 95 10 9 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 7 6 7 4 3.8 –0. Ca N 73 200 97 200 156 000 177 000 225 000 387 000 508 000 777 000 1 120 000 1 450 000 1 950 000 2 200 000 2 420 000 3 110 000 3 610 000 3 730 000 4 900 000 5 670 000 6 380 000 7 070 000 8 530 000 10 300 000 10 810 000 17 130 000 17 280 000 21 110 000 23 670 000 25 470 000 stat.5 1.3 –0.6 1 1 1.5 70 75 77.24 10.3 0.5 22 24.3 42 –0.8 –0.3 0. 0.8 105 –0.24 27 –0.24 –0.6 0.24 –0.1 1.5 1.7 –0.24 9.5 1. Cr N 270 000 315 000 480 000 540 000 750 000 1 080 000 1 470 000 1 920 000 2 160 000 3 000 000 3 300 000 4 320 000 6 300 000 7 200 000 9 720 000 10 800 000 stat.051 +0.25 50–0.4 150–0.5 0.039 40+0.59 0.05 +0.032 70 +0.9 2 2.7 0.026 +0.36 1.05 ZGB 90 105 ZGB 100 115 100 ZGB 110 125 100 ZGB 120 135 120 ZGB 140 155 150 ZGB 160 180 150 ZGB 180 200 180 ZGB 200 220 180 Plain bushes with special dimensions and plain bushes sealed on both sides are available by agreement.9 6 8 8.043 155 +0.072 0.5 1.3 80–0.054 110+0.037 90 +0.046 70+0.4 180–0.051 41 +0.16 0.3 80–0.039 60+0.033 35+0.054 120+0.043 +0.072 +0. C0r N 360 000 420 000 640 000 720 000 1 000 000 1 440 000 1 960 000 2 560 000 2 880 000 4 000 000 4 400 000 5 760 000 8 400 000 9 600 000 12 960 000 14 400 000 kg ZGB 30 ZGB 35 ZGB 40 ZGB 45 ZGB 50 ZGB 60 ZGB 70 ZGB 80 36 41 48 53 58 70 80 90 30 30 40 40 50 60 70 80 80 0.5 0.17 0.039 50+0.4 1.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48 +0.043 135 +0.032 80 +0.3 70–0.21 40–0.062 +0.043 180 +0.096 200+0.21 30–0. 88 117 064 . B.062 +0.6 3.037 105 +0.051 36 +0.7 0.026 53 +0.083 +0. D.037 125 +0.75 1.037 115 +0.062 +0.096 200+0.083 +0.039 45+0.7 0.072 +0.032 58 +0.063 0.046 90+0.Maintenance-free cylindrical plain bushes1) to ISO 4 379 2) ELGOGLIDE® lining Series ZGB d B f 15º D ZGB Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 1) 2) Designation Mass Dimensions d D B f Basic load ratings dyn.25 60–0.063 160+0.054 100+0.5 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 0.35 150–0.44 0.24 0.25 40–0.4 180–0. Reference only to nominal value of dimensions d.072 +0.35 120–0.3 100–0.35 100–0.063 200+0.046 80+0.054 140+0.083 +0.063 180+0.072 +0.026 30–0.8 30+0.083 +0.072 +0. 89 . LO GE...FO-2RS GE.DO-2RS GE..Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Criteria for bearing selection Radial spherical plain bearings GE.HO-2RS Cr C 0r Load carrying capacity Comparison of load carrying capacity for identical shaft diameter..DO GE..FO GE. 90 117 100 .. ZO GE..SX Cr Load carrying capacity Ca C 0a C 0r 91 117 120 .PB GE...Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings GE. ......HO-2RS ˚C ■ inside and outside diameters and outer ring width as GE...... spacers are not required if the bearing is fitted in a clevis ■ lip seals on both sides.DO for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 200 mm..PB..........Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Page Design and safety guidelines ......... 95 Accuracy .........DO-2RS for shaft diameters from 15 mm to 300 mm GE...... As a result.. 104 Sp.... From d = 320 mm...DO-2RS ˚C 106 – to ISO 12 240-1... Special designs..... GE. for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C – GE........... the outer ring is split at two points and held together by retaining rings – in series GE.............DO GE........ the outer ring is made from bronze ■ can support radial loads ■ can transmit motion and loads with low moment levels – they can thus keep bending stresses away from the adjacent structure ■ are particularly suitable for alternating loads with impact type and shock type stresses ■ can support axial loads in both directions ■ are lubricated via the outer and inner ring – with exceptions (dimensions) – under alternating load. one side is relieved........DO ■ cylindrical extensions on inner ring.. dimension series E.. 105 Radial spherical plain bearings Features Radial spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising inner rings and outer rings with a steel/steel or steel/bronze sliding contact surface – the inner ring has a cylindrical bore and a convex outer slideway – the outer ring has a cylindrical outside surface and concave inner slideway... Sealed radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ■ are protected against contaminants and water spray by – lip seals... dimension series C – suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides.... large radial spherical plain bearings to ISO 12 240-1............................ 105 Ordering example and ordering designation ....... for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ for shaft diameters from 17 mm to 80 mm 114 92 117 087 117 161 ....... This zone is lubricated as a result of the swivel motion.. large radial spherical plain bearings for shaft diameters from 320 mm to 1000 mm – GE.. FO for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 12 mm ■ GE.. dimension series W ■ bore dimensions to standard sizes. classified as large radial spherical plain bearings ■ GE.LO ˚C ˚C 117 162 ■ to ISO 12 240-1...GE. dimension series K ■ steel/bronze sliding contact surface ■ for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 116 118 93 117 085 117 086 .FO-2RS for shaft diameters from 15 mm to 280 mm 110 112 ■ to ISO 12 240-1..75 inches (19. for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ GE.2 mm) ■ to ISO 12 240-1.ZO ■ GE.FO-2RS GE.FO GE... dimension series G ■ larger tilt angle due to wider inner ring ■ suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides.PB ˚C ˚C 117 088 ■ inch sizes ■ for shaft diameters from 0. dimensions to DIN 24 338 for standard hydraulic cylinders ■ for shaft diameters from 12 mm to 320 mm ■ bore nominal dimension identical to inner ring width nominal dimension ■ d = 320..05 mm) to 3 inches (76. .................................. 104 Sp..... 120 GE.. Axial spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising shaft locating and housing locating washers with a steel/steel sliding contact surface – the shaft locating washer is supported in the ball socket-shaped sliding zone of the housing locating washer ■ can support axial loads ■ can transmit support loads into the adjacent construction with low moment levels ■ can be combined with radial spherical plain bearings of dimension series E to ISO 12 240-1 – in order to support radial loads ■ are lubricated via the housing locating washer......... 105 Angular contact spherical plain bearings Features Angular contact spherical plain bearings ■ are complete units comprising an inner ring and an outer ring with a steel/steel sliding contact surface – the inner ring has a convex outer slideway – the outer ring has a concave inner slideway ■ can support axial loads as well as radial loads – they are thus suitable for alternating dynamic loads ■ are used... 95 Accuracy .... for example.......Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Page Design and safety guidelines ...AX ■ to ISO 12 240-3 ■ for shaft diameters from 10 mm to 200 mm 122 94 117 090 117 089 .......... 105 Ordering example and ordering designation ............................ Special designs....... where loads acting in conjunction with small swivel angles would damage rolling element bearings – they are a plain bearing alternative to tapered roller bearings of series 320 X to DIN 720 ■ can transmit motion and loads with low moment levels – they can thus keep bending stresses away from the adjacent structure ■ are designed as standard for grease lubrication – are lubricated via the outer ring.......SX ■ to ISO 12 240-2 ■ for shaft diameters from 25 mm to 200 mm Axial spherical plain bearings GE............................ 7 117 107 3 to 1. The permissible ratio is decisively dependent on the operating conditions. page 22 and Table 1). If fitting is carried out with the aid of refrigeration by means of dry ice or liquid nitrogen.. If oil lubrication is to be used.SX GE.FO-2RS GE.. The parts of different bearings are not interchangeable with each other.DO-2RS GE.LO GE. The relubrication intervals must be observed.5 – 4 to 2 4 to 2 Figure 2 · Bearings in pairs – X arrangement Angular contact spherical plain bearings If angular contact spherical plain bearings are to transmit axial and radial loads.DO GE.05 mm).. page 13).7 Figure 1 · Bearings in pairs – O arrangement 3 to 1 3 to 1 4 to 1 4 to 1. Table 1 · Ratio Cr (Ca)/P for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance under dynamic load – guide values Series GE.FO GE.1 0.Design and safety guidelines Note the ratio Cr (Ca)/P (Predimensioning. The precondition is: axial clearance (0. the material may undergo a volume increase that may eliminate the bearing clearance in certain circumstances.. the bearings must be provided with different lubrication groove systems (suffix F10. 95 117 105 ....AX Alternating load Cr (Ca)/P 3 to 1 Unilateral load Cr (Ca)/P 4 to 1. lubricant and the required operating life....HO-2RS GE.ZO GE. the bearings can be installed in pairs in an O or X arrangement (Figure 1 and Figure 2).PB GE. ............................................ 30 Design of bearing arrangements............................................. the axial and radial load must be distributed over both bearings.... 28 Internal clearance and operating clearance........... 26 Lubrication ........... 51 dK F FR FR d K 1mm 117 212 Figure 3 · Combination of axial and radial spherical plain bearing 96 ........................................... Further information Page Load carrying capacity and life .............. 40 Fitting and dismantling .......................................... 47 Materials .................................. 37 Sealing ...Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings If axial spherical plain bearings are to be combined with radial spherical plain bearings of dimension series E to ISO 12 240-1 in order to support radial loads....... 1 mm in the shaft locating washer (Figure 3) or ■ the pin must only be in contact with the large end surface of the shaft locating washer (Figure 3)...................................... 42 Operating temperatures ......................... 17 Friction ......................... 48 ISO tolerances .................................. In order to achieve this: ■ the pin must have a radial release of approx............................................................................ 004 · d ■ a substantial increase in friction 0.28 ⎝ lW ⎠ The precondition is: 1 L⎛ ---.– 1⎞ ⎝ lW ⎠ 35 35 ⇒ use 35. Failure criteria If the load direction is unilateral. failure can occur due to: ■ a significant increase in the radial internal clearance 0. 10 5 4 3 2 N/mm2 1 p mm /s 1 2 3 4 5 v 10 20 30 40 50 100 mm/s Figure 4 · p · v value – steel/steel sliding contact surface 97 .– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.121 + 1. If the load direction is alternating.21 – 0.5 · L The precondition is: Lf H = ⎛ ---.91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f 0. lW 0.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ f 1 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ ------------------------------------. page 47) ■ Contact pressure 1 N/mm2 p 100 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 100 mm/s ■ p · v value 1 N/mm2 · mm/s p · v 400 N/mm2 · mm/s ■ Initial lubrication necessary ■ Grease lubrication.22.⋅ ----0.5 0.Life calculation for radial and angular contact spherical plain bearings with steel/steel sliding contact surface Scope ■ Radial spherical plain bearings 6 mm d 300 mm ■ Angular contact spherical plain bearings 25 mm d 200 mm ■ Temperature range –60 °C t +200 °C (note the restrictions in Table 1.66 7° 30° If is larger/smaller ⇒ use 7° or 30°.– 1⎞ ⎝ lW ⎠ 100 60 50 40 30 20 Unilateral load p.64 P f3 ⋅ ( f4 ⋅ dK ) L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 With periodic relubrication l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 The precondition is: LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH f = ⋅ 0. L If ⎛ ---. R Calculation P p = K ⋅ ----Cr v = 2. v= 40 150 137 Oscillating load 0N LN L hN = ----------f ⋅ 60 /m m 2.2 Cr 7 v ⋅ L = 1. failure almost always occurs due to: ■ fretting of the sliding surfaces. 727 5° 60° If is larger/smaller ⇒ use 5° or 60°.26 ⎝ lW ⎠ The precondition is: 1 L⎛ ---.4 ⋅ 10 ⋅ ---------------------------------. lW 0.055 + 0.2 Cr f1 ⋅ f2 ⋅ v L = 1.m m/ s p N/mm 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 10 v 20 30 40 50 100 mm/s Figure 5 · p · v value – steel/bronze sliding contact surface 98 .Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Life calculation for steel/bronze sliding contact surface Scope ■ Radial spherical plain bearings 5 mm d 30 mm ■ Temperature range –60 °C t +250 °C ■ Contact pressure 1 N/mm2 p 50 N/mm2 ■ Sliding speed 1 mm/s v 100 mm/s ■ p · v value 1 N/mm2 · mm/s p · v 400 N/mm2 · mm/s ■ Initial lubrication necessary ■ Grease lubrication. 50 40 30 20 10 5 4 3 2 p. R Calculation P p = K ⋅ ----Cr v = 2. v= 150 138 L If ⎛ ---.⋅ ----0.5 · L The precondition is: Lf H = ⎛ ---.– 1⎞ ⎝ lW ⎠ LN L hN = ----------f ⋅ 60 40 0N /m m2 . failure almost always occurs due to: ■ fretting of the sliding surfaces.8 P f3 ⋅ ( dK ⋅ ) L L h = ----------f ⋅ 60 With periodic relubrication l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 The precondition is: LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH f = ⋅ 0.– 1⎞ ⎝ lW ⎠ 20 20 ⇒ use 20.91 ⋅ 10 8 –4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f 0. If the load direction is alternating. failure can occur due to: ■ a significant increase in the radial internal clearance 0.25. Failure criteria If the load direction is unilateral.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.14 + 1.004 · d ■ a substantial increase in friction 0. dependent on frequency.5 – 50 42 4.8 t 200 °C to 250 °C – 0.48 p0.9 0. 99 .Table 2 · Factors for life calculation Sliding contact surface Basic load Load direction factor rating factor K f1 Temperature factor f2 t 150 °C to 180 °C 0. units and definitions p N/mm2 Specific bearing load.48 – Bearing design factor f4 Radial spherical plain bearings 1 – Angular contact spherical plain bearings 0. dependent on = 180°.9 – Unilateral Alternating t load load 150 °C N/mm2 Steel/steel Steel/bronze 100 50 1 1 2 2 1 1 Symbols. fH – Relubrication factor.6 p= 50 – 100 p1. for rotary motion see page 24 and 25.7 0.5 Load factor f3 p= p= 1 – 12.9 t 180 °C to 200 °C 0. use = 1) f min–1 Oscillation frequency or speed f1 – Load direction factor (Table 2) – f2 Temperature factor (Table 2) f3 – Load factor (Table 2) f4 – Bearing design factor (Table 2) L oscillations Theoretical life with single initial lubrication Lh h Theoretical life with single initial lubrication LN oscillations Theoretical life with periodic relubrication h LhN Theoretical life with periodic relubrication lW oscillations Maintenance interval between two lubrication operations lhW h Maintenance interval between two lubrication operations – f Relubrication factor.5 12.6 p1. contact pressure P N Equivalent bearing load Cr N Basic dynamic load rating of bearing (dimension table) K N/mm2 Basic load rating factor (Table 2) v mm/s Mean sliding speed dK mm Sphere diameter (dimension table) ° Swivel or oscillation angle (from end position to end position. 91 · 10–4 · 1 · 66 · 35 · 6 = 4. The precondition is: lW 0.66 = 5.66 30° ⇒ use 30° f = 30 · 0.807 · 25 kN = 45.= 12 577 h 6 ⋅ 60 LhN = 12 577 h 12 000 h required X (Figure 4.18 kN P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 2 45.5 L is fulfilled f = ⋅ 0.96 L = 169 920 osc.5 0.156 L = 1.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.2 = 1.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 ⋅ -------------------------------------------------------.64 45.5460.= 28. Calculation P = X ⋅ FR FA 5 kN----.Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Calculation example for steel/steel sliding contact surface Given Pivot of a linkage rod.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ f 1 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ ------------------------------------.⋅ ----0.5 0.807 or X = 0. page 18) ⇒ = 1.64 · 4.18 p = 100 ⋅ -------------.21 – 0.64 Lf H = ⎛ ---.2 Cr 7 v ⋅ L = 1. l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 0.= -------------.64 P f3 ⋅ ( f4 ⋅ dK ) FR = 25 kN 5 kN FA = = 35° f = 6 min–1 lhW = 16 h = –20 °C to +60 °C 4.978 · 21.96 N/mm 156 100 .91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2. Operating parameters: Bearing load Swivel angle Swivel frequency Maintenance interval Ambient temperature v = 2.2 Bearing data: Radial spherical plain bearings ■ Basic dynamic load rating Cr dK ■ Sphere diameter Basic load rating factor (Table 2) K Load direction factor (Table 2) f1 ■ Alternating load Temperature factor (Table 2) f2 Bearing design factor (Table 2) f4 ■ for radial spherical plain bearings Required Minimum life of 12 000 h.121 + 1.–1⎞ ⋅ 0.033 ⋅ 35 7 .28 ⎝ lW ⎠ 169 920 f H = ⎛ -------------------.48 0.033 mm/s 0.⋅ -------------1.2 25 kN FR = GE 50 DO = 156 kN = 66 mm = 100 N/mm2 = 2 = = 1 1 lW = 16 · 6 · 60 = 5 760 osc.807 P = 1.28 = 4.21 – 0.546Fa/Fr = 0.18 ⋅ ( 1 ⋅ 66 ) 28.121 + 1.978 · 21.728 = 4 527 830 osc.= 0.728 ⎝ 5 760 ⎠ LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH LN = 169 920 · 5. LN L hN = ----------f ⋅ 60 4 527 830 L hN = -----------------------. 8 24.5 v = 2.26 ⎝ lW ⎠ 151993 f H = ⎛ ------------------.66 ⋅ 0.04 kN 2 2 2 2 2 Cr dK f1 = GE 25 PB = 47.= 4 685 h 20 ⋅ 60 ⋅ 0. lW 0.4 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 1 ⋅ 1 ⋅ ----------------------------------------------------------.727 f = 45 · 0.14 + 1.9 ⋅ 45 ) L = 151993 oscillations with single initial lubrication Influence of relubrication l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 ⋅ ED 0.04 2 p = 50 ⋅ -------------.04 25.055 + 0. Operating parameters: Bearing load p · v = 25.6 0.8 P f3 ⋅ ( dK ⋅ ) 11.14 + 1.⋅ ----0.31 N/mm2 · 11.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.2 FR min = 16 kN FR max = 30 kN Swivel angle = 45° Time required for indexing operation = 3 sec Swivel frequency f = 20 min–1 ■ required for calculating the mean sliding speed within one motion cycle Maintenance interval lhW = 40 h Bearing data: Radial spherical plain bearings Basic dynamic load rating Sphere diameter Load direction factor for unilateral load (Table 2) Operating duration: 3 s/cycle gives 20 cycles/min with 100% utilisation 300 cycles/h gives 5 cycles/min 5 cycles/min Operating duration ED = ----------------------------------.055 +0.= 25. condition fulfilled Cr 8 v L = 1.5L = 1.5 · L.727 = 3.5 kN = 42.2 Lf H = ⎛ ---.25 LhN = 4 685 h 4 000 h required.25 20 cycles/min Required Minimum life Calculation P = F min + F max ----------------------------------2 16 + 30 ------------------------.24 mm/s 101 .9 mm = 1 lW = 40 · 20 · 60 · 0.47.91 · 10–4 · 42.91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2.24 8 .89 LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH LN = 151 993 · 3.2 0.26 ⎝ 12 000 ⎠ fH = 2.2 · 2.= 24.31 ⋅ ( 42.25 = 12 000 osc.31 N/mm 47.5 N/mm2 · mm/s p · v 400 N/mm2.= 0.4 ⋅ 10 ⋅ f 1 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ ---------------------------------.24 mm/s p · v = 284.14 + 1.⋅ -------------0. LhN = 4 000 h P = P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 24. LN L hN = -----------------------f ⋅ 60 ⋅ ED 1405 631 L hN = --------------------------------.89 = 1405 631 osc.9 · 45 · 20 = 11. condition fulfilled f = ⋅ 0.26 = 11.Calculation example for steel/bronze sliding contact surface Given Indexing plate for indexing station on a packaging line. 64 53 13.21 -0.9 ⋅ -----------------------------------------------------------.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 0.= 13. page 99) FR = 53 kN FR = 88 kN FR = 120 kN = 50° = 5° f = 5 min–1 3 min–1 f = f = 2 min–1 lhW = 24 h = up to +180 °C Cr dK f1 f2 f4 = GE 80 DO = 400 kN = 105 mm = 2 = 0.2 mm 70 90 mm 70 90 L = 1167 104 osc.638 ⋅ 50 400 L = 1.Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Calculation example for steel/steel sliding contact surface Given Transfer rake for rolled slabs of different cross-sections in a three-shift rolling mill.⋅ ----0.64 102 .91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2. 1 L h = ------------------------------------------------------------------------t2 t3 t1 -----------------.⋅ --------1.+ -----------------. The precondition is: lW 0.66 = 5.5 0.5 L is fulfilled f = ⋅ 0. 2.66 105 105 Required Time interval between bearing replacements.21 – 0. Operating parameters: Bearing load Calculation ■ LhN for load case 1.2 Cr 7 v ⋅ L = 1.9 = 1 v = 2.638 mm/s p · v = 13. 2.25 ⋅ ( 1 ⋅ 105 ) 0. l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 lW = 24 · 5 · 60 = 7 200 osc.638 = 101. 3 on piston rod side ■ LhN for load case 1.5 0.25 N/mm 400 Swivel angle of piston rod Swivel angle of cylinder base Swivel frequency Maintenance interval Ambient temperature Bearing data: Radial spherical plain bearings Basic dynamic load rating Sphere diameter Factors (Table 2.64 P f3 ⋅ ( f4 ⋅ dK ) Motion and load spectrum of slabs – dependent on cross-section Slab cross-section % frequency of operating duration ED 45 30 25 Bearing load FR kN 53 88 120 Swivel frequency f min–1 5 3 2 7 7.+ -----------------t ⋅ L h1 t ⋅ L h2 t ⋅ L h3 Load case 1: Piston rod side ■ FR is constant during motion P = F P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 2 53P = 100 ⋅ --------.2 N/mm2 · mm/s = permissible 0.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ f 1 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ ------------------------------------.91 · 10–4 · 1 · 105 · 50 · 5 = 7. 3 on cylinder base side ■ Total life taking into consideration the % frequency according to the formula. since 30° use 30° f = 30 · 0.48 0.25 · 7. + --------------------------.– 1⎞ ⇒use 35 ⎝ lW ⎠ fH = 35 · 0.64 · 5.28 ⎝ lW ⎠ L ⎛ ---.– 1⎞ = ⎛ 1167104 – 1⎞ = 161 ----------------------⎝ lW ⎠ ⎝ 7 200 ⎠ Ld a = ⎛ ---.121 + 1.28 = 5. LN L hN = ----------f ⋅ 60 L hN = 36 304102 = 121013 h --------------------------5 ⋅ 60 Further results Load case 2: Piston rod side Load case 3: Piston rod side Load case 1: Cylinder base side Load case 2: Cylinder base side Load case 3: Cylinder base side Total life for piston rod side LhN = LhN = LhN = LhN = LhN = 44 427 h 24 543 h 3 968 h 1 160 h 653 h 1 L h = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 30 25 ---------------------------------.515 = 36 304 102 osc.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0. Longer running times could only be achieved by using a larger bearing.121 + 1.Lf H = ⎛ ---.+ ----------------------100 ⋅ 3 968 100 ⋅ 1160 100 ⋅ 653 Lh = 1324 h The life result for the cylinder base linkage reflects the negative influence of small swivel angles and thus low sliding speeds on the life of spherical plain bearings with a steel/steel sliding contact surface. 103 .515 LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH LN = 1167104 · 5.+ ------------------------------100 ⋅ 121013 100 ⋅ 44 427 100 ⋅ 24 543 Lh = 48 408 h Total life for cylinder base side 1 L h = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 30 25 ---------------------------.+ ------------------------------. D 117 108 + D D Figure 6 · Out of roundness before fitting and correct roundness after fitting 104 .. Spherical plain bearings with split outer ring The outside diameter is within the deviations given in the tables before surface treatment and splitting. However. Dimensional and tolerance values are arithmetic means. The roundness of the outer ring is restored once it is fitted in a housing bore produced in accordance with the specifications (Figure 6). The tolerances of spherical plain bearings with a steel/steel sliding contact surface may differ slightly from the stated values due to the surface treatment applied. The exceptions are: ■ radial spherical plain bearings GE. The dimensional and geometrical accuracy of the inside and outside diameters corresponds to ISO 12 240-1 to -3. this does not affect the fitting and operating characteristics of the bearings. The outer rings become slightly out of round due to splitting.Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact spherical plain bearings Axial spherical plain bearings Accuracy The main dimensions conform to ISO 12 240-1 to -3.HO-2RS ■ spherical plain bearings in inch sizes. Dimensional inspection is carried out in accordance with ISO 8 015. Measurements taken of the outside diameter of the unfitted bearing cannot be used as the original actual values for the outside diameter. Special designs Available by agreement (see also page 13): ■ radial internal clearance other than normal, e. g. C3 – suffix C3 (see Table 2, page 31) ■ series GE..SX with lubrication groove system for oil bath lubrication – suffix F10. Sp. Ordering example and ordering designation Radial spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-1, dimension series E, sliding contact surface steel/steel, lip seals on both sides, for: shaft 20 mm. Ordering designation: GE 20 DO-2RS (Figure 7). GE 20 DO-2RS d Figure 7 · Ordering example, ordering designation 105 117 113 Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-1, dimension series E Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE..DO GE..DO-2RS B C dK D d r2s GE..DO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 16 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 1) 2) D B C dK Degrees without seals GE GE 6 DO1) 8 DO1) with seals – – – – – – GE 17 DO-2RS GE 20 DO-2RS GE 25 DO-2RS GE 30 DO-2RS GE 35 DO-2RS GE 40 DO-2RS GE 45 DO-2RS GE 50 DO-2RS GE 60 DO-2RS GE 70 DO-2RS GE 80 DO-2RS GE 90 DO-2RS GE 100 DO-2RS GE 110 DO-2RS GE 120 DO-2RS GE 140 DO-2RS GE 160 DO-2RS GE 180 DO-2RS GE 200 DO-2RS GE 220 DO-2RS GE 240 DO-2RS GE 260 DO-2RS GE 280 DO-2RS GE 300 DO-2RS kg 0,004 0,007 0,012 0,017 0,027 0,044 0,041 0,065 0,12 0,15 0,23 0,32 0,41 0,53 1 1,5 2,2 2,7 4,3 4,7 8 11 14 18,2 28,3 35,4 39,4 51,1 64,6 77,3 6–0,008 8–0,008 10–0,008 12–0,008 15–0,008 16–0,008 17–0,008 20–0,01 25–0,01 30–0,01 35–0,012 40–0,012 45–0,012 50–0,012 60–0,015 70–0,015 80–0,015 90–0,02 100–0,02 110–0,02 120–0,02 140–0,025 160–0,025 180–0,025 200–0,03 220–0,03 240–0,03 260–0,035 280–0,035 300–0,035 14–0,008 16–0,008 19–0,009 22–0,009 26–0,009 30–0,009 30–0,009 35–0,011 42–0,011 47–0,011 55–0,013 62–0,013 68–0,013 75–0,013 90–0,015 105–0,015 120–0,015 130–0,018 150–0,018 160–0,025 180–0,025 210–0,03 230–0,03 260–0,035 290–0,035 320–0,04 340–0,04 370–0,04 400–0,04 430–0,045 6–0,12 8–0,12 9–0,12 10–0,12 12–0,12 14–0,12 14–0,12 16–0,12 20–0,12 22–0,12 25–0,12 28–0,12 32–0,12 35–0,12 44–0,15 49–0,15 55–0,15 60–0,2 70–0,2 70–0,2 85–0,2 90–0,25 105–0,25 105–0,25 130–0,3 135–0,3 140–0,3 150–0,35 155–0,35 165–0,35 4–0,24 5–0,24 6–0,24 7–0,24 9–0,24 10–0,24 10–0,24 12–0,24 16–0,24 18–0,24 20–0,3 22–0,3 25–0,3 28–0,3 36–0,4 40–0,4 45–0,4 50–0,5 55–0,5 55–0,5 70–0,5 70–0,6 80–0,6 80–0,7 100–0,7 100–0,8 100–0,8 110–0,8 120–0,8 120–0,9 102) 132) 162) 182) 222) 252) 252) 292) 35,5 40,7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 180 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 13 15 12 11 8 10 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 7 6 7 GE 10 DO1) GE 12 DO1) GE 15 DO GE 16 DO4) GE 17 DO GE 20 DO GE 25 DO GE 30 DO GE 35 DO GE 40 DO GE 45 DO GE 50 DO GE 60 DO GE 70 DO GE 80 DO GE 90 DO GE 100 DO GE 110 DO GE 120 DO GE 140 DO GE 160 DO GE 180 DO GE 200 DO – – – – – No relubrication facility. No lubrication groove on inner ring spherical surface. 3) Also available in groups C2 and C3. 4) Price and delivery on request. 106 117 044 r1s B C dK Da D d da 117 045 r2s GE..DO-2RS GE..DO-2RS – mounting dimensions GE..DO – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min. 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 r2s min. 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,6 0,6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 Mounting dimensions da max. 8 10,2 13,2 14,9 18,4 20,7 20,7 24,1 29,3 34,2 39,7 45 50,7 55,9 66,8 77,8 89,4 98,1 109,5 121,2 135,5 155,8 170,2 198,9 213,5 239,5 265,3 288,3 313,8 336,7 Da min. 9,6 12,5 15,5 17,5 21 24 24 27,5 33 38 44,5 51 57 63 75 87 99 108 123 134 150 173 191 219 239 267 295 319 342 370 Basic load ratings dyn. Cr N 3 400 5 500 8 150 10 800 17 000 21 200 21 200 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 1 080 000 1 370 000 1 530 000 2 120 000 2 320 000 2 550 000 3 050 000 3 550 000 3 800 000 stat. C0r N 17 000 27 500 40 500 54 000 85 000 106 000 106 000 146 000 240 000 310 000 400 000 500 000 640 000 780 000 1 220 000 1 560 000 2 000 000 2 450 000 3 050 000 3 250 000 4 750 000 5 400 000 6 800 000 7 650 000 10 600 000 11 600 000 12 700 000 15 300 000 18 000 000 19 000 000 156 145 r1s Radial internal clearance3) CN Shaft diameter d 0,032 – 0,068 0,032 – 0,068 0,032 – 0,068 0,032 – 0,068 0,04 – 0,082 0,04 – 0,082 0,04 – 0,082 0,04 – 0,082 0,05 – 0,1 0,05 – 0,1 0,05 – 0,1 0,06 – 0,12 0,06 – 0,12 0,06 – 0,12 0,06 – 0,12 0,072 – 0,142 0,072 – 0,142 0,072 – 0,142 0,085 – 0,165 0,085 – 0,165 0,085 – 0,165 0,085 – 0,165 0,1 0,1 0,1 – 0,192 – 0,192 – 0,192 6 8 10 12 15 16 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0,11 – 0,214 0,11 – 0,214 0,125 – 0,239 0,125 – 0,239 0,125 – 0,239 107 Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-1, dimension series C Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE..DO D d B C dK r2s GE..DO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation2) Mass Dimensions d d 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 530 560 600 630 670 710 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1) 2) D B C dK Degrees kg GE 320 DO GE 340 DO GE 360 DO GE 380 DO GE 400 DO GE 420 DO GE 440 DO GE 460 DO GE 480 DO GE 500 DO GE 530 DO GE 560 DO GE 600 DO GE 630 DO GE 670 DO GE 710 DO GE 750 DO GE 800 DO GE 850 DO GE 900 DO GE 950 DO GE 1000 DO 76,4 81,6 84,2 129 133 138 193 200 237 244 289 325 407 525 594 693 779 920 1047 1184 1420 1742 320–0,04 340–0,04 360–0,04 380–0,04 400–0,04 420–0,045 440–0,045 460–0,045 480–0,045 500–0,045 530–0,05 560–0,05 600–0,05 630–0,05 670–0,075 710–0,075 750–0,075 800–0,075 850–0,1 900–0,1 950–0,1 1000–0,1 440–0,045 460–0,045 480–0,045 520–0,05 540–0,05 560–0,05 600–0,05 620–0,05 650–0,075 670–0,075 710–0,075 750–0,075 800–0,075 850–0,1 900–0,1 950–0,1 1000–0,1 1060–0,125 1120–0,125 1180–0,125 1250–0,125 1320–0,16 160–0,4 160–0,4 160–0,4 190–0,4 190–0,4 190–0,45 218–0,45 218–0,45 230–0,45 230–0,45 243–0,5 258–0,5 272–0,5 300–0,5 308–0,75 325–0,75 335–0,75 355–0,75 365–1 375–1 400–1 438–1 135–0,9 135–0,9 135–0,9 160–1 160–1 160–1 185–1 185–1 195–1,1 195–1,1 205–1,1 215–1,1 230–1,1 260–1,2 260–1,2 275–1,2 280–1,2 300–1,3 310–1,3 320–1,3 340–1,3 370–1,6 380 400 420 450 470 490 520 540 565 585 620 655 700 740 785 830 875 930 985 1040 1100 1160 4 3,8 3,6 4,1 3,9 3,7 3,9 3,7 3,8 3,6 3,7 4 3,6 3,3 3,7 3,7 3,8 3,6 3,4 3,2 3,3 3,5 Da max = Da min + 20 mm. Price and delivery on request. 108 117 148 r 1s 6 472 494 516 537..32 – 0.8 570.195 – 0. 361 382 403 426 447 469 491 513 536 557 591 624 667 698 746 789 834 886 940 995 1052 1105 156 162 Basic load ratings dyn.135 – 0.1 1.17 – 0.145 – 0.145 – 0.6 366.135 – 0.5 1.17 0.17 0.145 – 0.405 109 .5 Mounting dimensions da max.405 0.3 859.5 7.16 0.285 0.8 451.7 808.35 – 0.239 0.9 429.3 407.1 Da1) min.4 722 763.261 0.285 0.5 914.5 1.32 – 0. Cr kN 4 400 4 650 4 800 6 300 6 550 6 800 8 650 9 000 9 800 10 200 11 400 12 700 14 600 17 600 19 000 21 200 22 800 26 000 28 500 31 000 35 500 40 500 stat.DO – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.261 0.35 – 0.135 – 0. C0r kN 22 000 23 200 24 000 31 500 32 500 34 500 42 300 45 000 49 000 51 000 57 000 64 000 73 500 88 000 95 000 106 000 114 000 129 000 143 000 156 000 176 000 204 000 Radial internal clearance CN Shaft diameter d 0.261 0.6 388.17 0.285 0.285 0.145 – 0. 344.125 – 0.32 – 0.405 0.8 970 1024.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 r2s min.Da da GE.35 – 0.3 602 644.5 1.32 – 0.125 – 0.35 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 530 560 600 630 670 710 750 800 850 900 950 1000 0. 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7.6 1074.285 0.9 676.16 0. 1.145 – 0.1 1.239 0.16 0.261 0.16 0.195 – 0.1 1.195 – 0.135 – 0. 009 22–0.25 155–0.02 110–0.15 70–0.012 40–0.03 230–0.01 25–0.8 120–0.12 25–0.68 1.3 36–0.015 120–0.013 62–0.6 80–0.24 16–0..15 63–0.12 28–0.2 85–0.7 100–0.8 120–0.01 30–0.12 12–0.035 280–0.4 45–0.24 10–0.02 100–0.35 205–0.034 0.38 0.025 180–0.4 50–0. 4) Also available in groups C2 and C3.4 44.15 0.6 15.02 120–0.3 25–0.2 100–0.5 70–0.15 75–0. Can only be relubricated via the outer ring.4 40–0.008 17–0.8 24.012 60–0.24 18–0.008 10–0.FO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 1) 2) D B C dK Degrees without seals GE 6 FO1)5) GE 8 FO1)5) GE 10 FO1)5) GE 12 FO2)5) – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – with seals – – – – GE 15 FO-2RS 5) GE 17 FO-2RS5) GE 20 FO-2RS GE 25 FO-2RS GE 30 FO-2RS GE 35 FO-2RS GE 40 FO-2RS GE 45 FO-2RS GE 50 FO-2RS GE 60 FO-2RS GE 70 FO-2RS GE 80 FO-2RS GE 90 FO-2RS GE 100 FO-2RS GE 110 FO-2RS GE 120 FO-2RS5) GE 140 FO-2RS5) GE 160 FO-2RS5) GE 180 FO-2RS5) GE 200 FO-2RS5) GE 220 FO-2RS5) GE 240 FO-2RS5) GE 260 FO-2RS5) GE 280 FO-2RS5) kg 0.01 35–0.012 45–0.7 35.025 160–0.03 220–0.12 56–0.25 135–0.009 35–0.12 11–0.Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-1.2 85–0.12 43–0.5 6–0.025 180–0.5 40.008 12–0. 5) Price and delivery on request.5 70–0.04 370–0.6 80–0.011 42–0.FO GE.009 26–0.35 5–0.011 47–0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 180 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 21 21 18 18 16 19 17 17 17 16 17 15 17 17 16 14 15 14 12 16 16 16 14 15 16 15 15 15 No relubrication facility.12 35–0.025 210–0.5 55–0.009 30–0.5 5.018 160–0.25 130–0.9 81.046 0.3 175–0.008 15–0..7 96.24 12–0.015 130–0.03 260–0.03 260–0.12 32–0.04 340–0.FO-2RS B C dK D d r1s r2s 117 046 GE.014 0.19 0.3 22–0.018 150–0.29 0.011 55–0.045 9–0.8 100–0..12 40–0.015 105–0.008 19–0.12 20–0.013 75–0.03 240–0.24 6–0.4 2 2.12 15–0.2 115–0.9 133) 163) 183) 223) 253) 293) 35.015 70–0.077 0.24 7–0.3 165–0.5 55–0.35 210–0. 3) No lubrication groove on inner ring spherical surface.02 140–0.008 0.12 16–0.54 0.013 68–0. 110 . dimension series G Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE.9 64.025 200–0.3 28–0.4 5.012 50–0.1 18.035 320–0.035 290–0.24 20–0.9 3.015 80–0.04 430–0.9 9.008 20–0.015 90–0.008 8–0.04 400–0.7 100–0.3 190–0.013 90–0.8 110–0.02 0.24 9–0.8 50.035 16–0. 5 33 38 44.3 0.6 13.1 1.05 0.6 0.1 0.165 0.165 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.032 – 0.7 50 57.125 – 0.2 87.6 283.12 – 0.1 1.165 0.2 21 25.239 0.6 0.6 310.5 51 57 63 75 87 99 108 123 134 150 173 191 219 239 267 295 319 342 370 Basic load ratings dyn.05 0.6 0.068 0.032 – 0.3 111.05 0.1 67 78..1 1.082 – 0.3 0.3 0.239 111 .3 0.085 – 0.239 0.1 r2s min.1 1.4 39..FO-2RS – mounting dimensions GE.192 – 0.9 180 196.165 0.3 0.192 – 0.082 – 0.4 16 19.072 – 0.3 0.FO-2RS GE.1 Mounting dimensions da max.4 151.6 0. 9.082 – 0.068 0.072 – 0.068 0. Cr N 5 500 8 150 10 800 17 000 21 200 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 1 080 000 1 370 000 1 530 000 2 120 000 2 320 000 2 550 000 3 050 000 3 550 000 3 800 000 stat.2 124.7 44.214 – 0. C0r N 27 500 40 500 54 000 85 000 106 000 146 000 240 000 310 000 400 000 500 000 640 000 780 000 1 220 000 1 560 000 2 000 000 2 450 000 3 050 000 3 250 000 4 750 000 5 400 000 6 800 000 7 650 000 10 600 000 11 600 000 12 700 000 15 300 000 18 000 000 19 000 000 156 141 Radial internal clearance4) CN Shaft diameter d 0.5 34.2 29.3 0.1 0.6 0.1 1.032 – 0.6 Da min.06 0.1 1.1 1.1 1.142 0.5 15.072 – 0.1 0.1 – 0.3 0.3 0. 0.214 0.3 0.3 0.04 0. 12.12 – 0.142 0.3 11..1 1.5 21 24 27.1 220 243.125 – 0.192 – 0.1 98.6 263.04 0.142 0.11 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 0.B C dK Da D d da r1s 117 047 r2s GE.06 0.6 0.1 1.1 – 0.3 0.06 – 0.085 – 0.12 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0.125 – 0.1 – 0.1 1.5 17.085 – 0.04 0.085 – 0.06 0.3 0.FO – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.8 138.11 – 0.12 – 0. 25 63–0.013 75–0.7 120–0.035 100+0.03 290–0.35 100–0.046 320+0..5 80–0.021 25+0..025 63+0.24 9–0.017 0.011 42–0.018 160–0.018 150–0.3 80–0.18 16–0.59 1.57 7–0.046 250+0.4 45–0.3 36–0.03 80+0.18 20–0.5 102 224 12+0.6 100–0.4 50–0.35 110–0. dimension series W Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel B C dK Series GE. No relubrication facility.015 130–0.24 16–0.04 520–0.009 35–0.25 50–0.5 55–0.Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-1.03 90+0.46 320–0.035 110+0.4 40–0.025 180–0.46 250–0.009 28–0. dimension series W.3 90–0.LO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 70 80 90 100 110 125 160 200 250 320 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) D B C dK kg GE 12 GE 16 LO2) 4) LO4) 5) 0.05 12–0.25 40–0. Cylindrical throughout.24 12–0.8 32.35 125–0.035 0.013 62–0.33 0.5 70–0.013 95–0.5 55–0.6 3 4.4 200–0.015 105–0.21 32–0.3 1.025 40+0.3 22–0.6 2.21 0.025 230–0.021 32+0.015 120–0.03 70+0.24 18–0.025 50+0.1 15.018 16+0. Not included in ISO 12 240-1. 112 .LO D d2 d r1s r2s 117 049 GE.035 125+0.21 25–0.3 28–0.12 0.018 20+0.3 70–0.011 52–0.8 160–1 18 23 29 35.04 200+0.04 160+0.5 8. Also available in groups C2 and C3.4 160–0.7 5.035 400–0.057 22–0.5 44 53 66 83 92 105 115 130 140 160 200 250 350 450 GE 20 LO5) GE 25 LO GE 32 LO GE 40 LO GE 50 LO GE 63 LO GE 70 LO3) 6) GE 80 LO GE 90 LO3) 6) GE 100 LO GE 110 LO3) GE 125 LO GE 160 LO6) GE 200 LO6) GE 250 LO6) GE 320 LO6) Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).067 0. Price and delivery on request. No lubrication groove on inner ring spherical surface. 5 23 27.05 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.3 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.085 – 0.1 4 156 143 Mounting dimensions Da min.06 – 0.082 – 0.1 – 0.12 – 0.142 0. 17.165 0.06 0.5 79 91 99 113 124 138 177 221 317 405 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r1s min.239 0.3 0.142 0.072 – 0.04 0.6 0..165 0. Cr N 10 800 17 600 30 000 48 000 67 000 100 000 156 000 255 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 1 370 000 2 120 000 3 550 000 6 100 000 stat.5 33 42 51 63 78 87 99 108 123 134 150 191 239 342 438 Basic load ratings dyn.3 0.082 – 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 0.032 – 0.1 2.1 – 0.LO – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions d2 = da max Degrees 15.085 – 0.1 1.05 0.5 2.085 – 0.1 – 0.5 20 25 30 38 46 57 71.072 – 0. 0.192 – 0.5 r2s min.125 – 0. 0.12 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 70 80 90 100 110 125 160 200 250 320 0.165 0.068 0.142 0.Da da GE.3 0.04 0.261 113 . C0r N 54 000 88 000 146 000 240 000 335 000 500 000 780 000 1 270 000 1 560 000 2 000 000 2 450 000 3 050 000 3 250 000 4 750 000 6 800 000 10 600 000 18 000 000 30 500 000 Radial internal clearance7) CN Shaft diameter d 0.192 0.072 – 0.135 – 0.3 0.072 – 0.142 0. 012 60–0.013 90–0.015 24 29 30 35 38 40 43 54 65 74 0.015 105–0.5 40.2 0..43 0.01 35–0.55 1.24 20–0.011 42–0.HO-2RS D d2 d B C dK r2s GE.012 40–0.015 35–0. 114 117 050 r1s .015 80–0.3 0.24 18–0.3 25–0.3 0.12 0.013 68–0.6 2.3 36–0.069 0.011 47–0.3 0.HO-2RS Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B C dK kg GE 20 HO-2RS GE 25 HO-2RS GE 30 HO-2RS GE 35 HO-2RS GE 40 HO-2RS GE 45 HO-2RS GE 50 HO-2RS GE 60 HO-2RS GE 70 HO-2RS GE 80 HO-2RS 0.4 291) 35.3 0.3 0.4 40–0.01 25–0.013 62–0.26 0.3 0.015 70–0.15 0.Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE. Also available in groups C2 and C3.015 120–0.1 1.3 22–0.3 0.24 16–0..7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 No lubrication groove on inner ring spherical surface.3 0.4 45–0.012 50–0.32 0.3 12–0.5 20–0.011 55–0.013 75–0.012 45–0.01 30–0.3 28–0. 7 78 90 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 r1s min. C0r N 146 000 240 000 310 000 400 000 500 000 640 000 780 000 1220 000 1560 000 2000 000 Radial internal clearance2) CN Shaft diameter d 0.05 0.HO-2RS – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions d2 = da max Degrees 24 29 34.3 0.04 0.05 0.2 0.06 – 0.2 40 45 51.142 115 .082 – 0.12 – 0.5 33 38 44..3 0.3 r2s min.05 0. Cr N 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 stat.5 67.06 0.3 0.072 – 0. 0. 27.1 – 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 156 144 Mounting dimensions Da min.12 – 0.1 – 0.3 0. 0.5 56.06 0.06 0.142 0.3 0.072 – 0.3 0.1 – 0.12 – 0.Da da GE.12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.5 51 57 63 75 87 99 Basic load ratings dyn. 1875 80.800 2.875 22.687 42.4 1.187–0.750 19.250 57.084 0.15 2.0130–0.100 1.500 38.011 1.750 44.887–0.750 19.15 1.662–0.01 0.531 38.050–0.24 0.187 55.4 2.375–0.150–0.9 73 82 92 100 109.012 1.3 1.013–0.500 2.575–0.050 0.150–0.850–0.500 63.5 45.015 3.937 23.050–0.150 2.29 0.550–0.662–0.5 27.2500 31.875 47.4 2.675–0.62 0.925 1.013 2.656 16.250 31.3750 111.24 0.750 1.011 1.112–0.012 1.5630–0.4375 61.312 33.125 28.765 19.9130–0.4375 36.750 69.250 57.500 38.625 66.3 1.750 44.325–0.8125 71.100–0.062 52.850–0.625–0.800–0.762–0.925–0.013 2.1250–0.012 1.187 30.500 63.015 4.100–0.5130–0.12 0.000 50.400–0.7500–0.2750–0.12 0.000 25.4880–0.000 76.875 22.3 1.562 14.7500 120.875 22.275–0.24 0.12 1.250 31.Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance inch sizes Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 kg GE 19 ZO GE 22 ZO GE 25 ZO GE 31 ZO GE 34 ZO GE 38 ZO GE 44 ZO GE 50 ZO GE 57 ZO GE 63 ZO GE 69 ZO GE 76 ZO 0.450 2.500–0.250 57.15 2.6250 41.015 2.800–0.01 1.8000–0.015 3.431–0.3 1.659 16.3 3 Price and delivery on request.400 1.750 44.15 2.4 0.4380–0.1875 55.5 49 53 63.375 34.015 1.150–0.225–0.225–0.12 0.9630–0.015 2..92 1.ZO D d B C dK r1s r2s 117 075 GE.000 50.5 32 35.031 26.093 27.12 1.15 0. 116 .0000 50.4 1.013 2.375 34.015 4.750 19.200–0.6500–0.22 0.321 33.12 1.12 1.5625 90.051 0.450–0.6 1.225 1.12 1.01 1.015 3.500 38.000 25.325–0.750–0.750 69..015 2.406 61.012 2.9375 100.200 1) Designation1) Mass Dimensions d D B C dK Degrees 0.969 50.ZO Dimension table · Dimensions in inch/mm Shaft diameter d 0.018 0.011 2.013 3.000 76.450–0.7 2.850 3. 2 – 0.3 79.6 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mounting dimensions da max.2 0.18 0.000 50.6 0.800 2.6 0.500 63.08 – 0. 21.08 – 0.08 – 0.250 57.18 0.7 57.ZO – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.08 – 0.500 38.18 0.400 1.08 – 0.050 0.Da da GE.5 57 65 73 82 89 98 156 158 Basic load ratings dyn.5 46.6 0. 0.5 31.250 31.3 0.18 0.850 3.18 0.150 2.750 69.6 0.1 0.500 2.6 0.9 73.08 – 0.18 0.100 1.8 Da min.225 1.1 – 0.3 0. 0.08 – 0.2 – 0.4 27.750 19.375 34.1 86. C0r N 94 200 127 000 162 000 259 000 307 000 363 000 511 000 667 000 843 000 1050 000 1250 000 1500 000 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0.1 0.2 50.18 0.750 1.8 25.750 44.6 36 38.08 – 0.18 0.6 1 1 1 r2s min.000 76.5 28. Cr N 31 400 42 600 54 100 86 600 102 000 121 000 170 000 222 000 281 000 350 000 419 000 500 000 stat.5 40.925 1.9 64.200 117 .1 0.6 41.2 – 0.5 43.6 0.875 22.6 0.3 0..450 2.000 25. 24. 015 12+0.011 42–0.018 18+0.008 19–0..011 47–0.011 55–0. dimension series K.12 31–0.3 Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).12 19–0.021 25+0.24 13.24 18 –0.12 23–0.05 22.24 –0.75–0.018 16+0.PB D d B C dK r1s r2s 117 048 GE.24 –0..12 28–0.043 0.5 –0.Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-1.24 13 13 14 13 13 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 10.018 0.1 42.008 16–0. 4) Price and delivery on request.12 14–0.12 6 9 –0.12 37–0.38 11.021 13–0.24 16. No relubrication facility.4 28.018 14+0.011 40–0.006 0.1 0.12 16–0.112 12.PB Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 1) 2) Designation4) Mass Dimensions d1) D B C dK Degrees 5+0.5 –0.12 9–0.24 12 –0.013 8–0.018 20+0.24 20 22 25 –0.021 30+0.15 0. 3) Deviating from ISO 12 240-1.18 0.24 kg GE 5 PB2) GE 6 PB GE 8 PB GE 10 PB GE 12 PB GE 14 PB GE 16 PB GE 18 PB GE 20 PB GE 22 PB GE 25 PB GE 30 PB 0.009 22–0.24 –0.08 0.24 0.925 38.12 25–0.12 21–0.5 –0.009 26–0.009 28–0.01 0.7 15.021 22+0.75 34.011 35–0.055 0. dimension series K Sliding contact surface: Steel/bronze Series GE.575 31.027 0.0093) 32–0.12 12–0.015 10+0.8 6.875 19.85 50.012 6+0.225 25.24 15 –0. 118 .012 8+0. 006 – 0.3 0.035 0.035 0.6 Mounting dimensions da max.006 – 0.5 34 38.3 12.9 15.035 0.5 25.PB – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions r1s min.035 0.3 0.3 0.006 – 0.3 0.3 0.006 – 0.3 0.3 0. 0. C0r N 8 500 10 800 18 000 25 000 33 500 43 000 54 000 66 500 80 000 96 500 118 000 160 000 Radial internal clearance3) Shaft diameter d 0.3 0.006 – 0.8 Da min.3 0.8 19. 0.035 0.3 0..5 31.6 0.035 0.035 0.3 0.3 0.3 0. 9.035 0.006 – 0.3 0.3 0.5 34.Da da GE.5 22.5 28. Cr N 3 250 4 300 7 200 10 000 13 400 17 000 21 600 26 000 31 500 38 000 47 500 64 000 stat.8 29.006 – 0.3 r2s min.035 0.035 0.3 0.3 21.035 0.006 – 0.5 14 17 19.3 0.6 0.9 10.5 46 156 142 Basic load ratings dyn.8 11.006 – 0.3 0.006 – 0. 7.6 0.3 0.006 – 0.4 16.3 25.006 – 0.8 24.035 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 119 .7 8. 5 7.6 66–0.9 9.3 25–0.24 19–0.016 75–0. 120 .25 38 0.5 61–0.3 22–0.02 140–0.025 150–0.03 240–0.3 27–0.025 180–0.24 19–0.2 16–0.24 22–0.5 48–0.025 170–0.03 200–0.33 0.018 95–0.5 42–0.2 16–0.4 30–0.4 194.035 290–0.SX D d s r1s r 2s B A dK D1 r 2s r1s 117 051 C T GE. Basic load ratings in radial direction.5 103.5 45–0.016 62–0.02 130–0.9 4 6.25 19 0.2 15–0.02 100–0.02 150–0.4 30–0.015 65–0.6 170.8 229.21 0.012 50–0.1 1.012 35–0.5 45–0.015 80–0.5 48–0.5 18.4 36–0.012 55–0.25 45 0.9 59.Angular contact spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance.03 47–0.24 22–0.8 135.35 70 0.27 0.5 61–0.03 260–0..3 23.25 32 0.24 18–0.7 36.016 80–0.5 211.3 205.25 29 0.1 6.025 160–0.025 190–0.4 35.25 23 0.35 51 0.3 30–0.25 17 0.3 114.2 15–0.02 120–0.035 310–0.35 64 0.18 0.2 90. ISO 12 240-2 Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE.2 17–0.012 40–0.6 14–0.SX Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 25 28 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 1) 2) Designation1) Mass Dimensions d D T dK D1 B C kg GE 25 SX GE 28 SX GE 30 SX GE 35 SX GE 40 SX GE 45 SX GE 50 SX GE 55 SX GE 60 SX GE 65 SX GE 70 SX GE 80 SX GE 90 SX GE 100 SX GE 110 SX GE 120 SX GE 130 SX GE 140 SX GE 150 SX GE 160 SX GE 170 SX GE 180 SX GE 190 SX GE 200 SX 0.025 140–0.016 55–0.4 36–0.9 181.25 38 0.3 22–0.24 19–0.4 148 160.5 61–0.3 22–0.3 30–0.73 0.014 52–0.016 68–0.5 2.3 24–0.015 90–0.012 30–0.03 225–0.5 54–0.018 125–0.25 23 0.02 110–0.6 Price and delivery on request.14 0.1 62 68.012 28–0.025 180–0.015 60–0.3 22–0.015 70–0.4 42–0.25 32 0.4 13 17.5 47 50 56 60 66 74 80 86 92 102 115 130 140 160 170 190 200 213 225 250 260 275 290 31.5 61–0.6 82.3 27–0.25 20 0.25 23 0.012 45–0.4 36–0.35 45 0.1 75.46 0.1 42.3 3.035 15 0.4 42–0.6 66–0.1 2.035 280–0.24 18–0.25 25 0.4 46.25 20 0.24 19–0.03 210–0.35 64 0.3 125.5 42–0.25 16 0.5 54–0.3 24–0.35 57 0.018 100–0..25 18 0.016 90–0.02 170–0.025 200–0.8 52.35 48 0.2 14–0.018 110–0.4 36–0.2 17–0.68 0.35 42.77 1.42 0. 1 2 1.4 1.1 db max.9 88 100.9 156.7 190. 0.6 0. 43 47.5 1.SX – mounting dimensions 156 146 Chamfer dimensions Mounting dimensions s A Degrees 1 1 2 2 1.9 224. 34 40 40.5 12.4 201.5 28. C0r N 239 000 287 000 323 000 392 000 453 000 532 000 590 000 745 000 802 000 867 000 1 040 000 1 220 000 1 560 000 1 690 000 2 340 000 2 490 000 3 110 000 3 310 000 3 820 000 4 360 000 5440 000 6 590 000 6 850 000 7 740 000 Shaft diameter d 25 28 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 121 .1 1.2 132.7 57.6 0.3 1.9 1.6 0.5 2 2 2.5 11.8 112 123.3 0.5 2.5 57 61 67 75 81 87 93 104 117 132 142 162 172 192 202 216 228 253 263 278 293 Basic load ratings2) dyn.7 1.5 11. 0.4 34. 39.9 1.9 167.7 2.5 47 52 58 65 70 76 84 90 99 112 123 135 145 158 171 184 195 208 220 226 244 Db min.4 80.1 34.3 1.7 1.6 41.6 0.6 0.5 14.5 4 4 5 5 7 10 11 12 15 17 20 20 21 21 27 21 29 26 7.3 0.9 143.6 1.3 1.6 0.9 60.1 177.5 16 16 19 19 22.5 1.5 42 45 50 54 60 67 71 77 83 92 104 118 128 146 155 174 184 194 206 228 240 252 268 Da min.3 0.5 32 32 35 2. 30.5 8 8.4 1.5 2.5 1.6 r1s min.4 1.5 10 10 11..5 9 9.5 51.7 207.8 1.2 0.6 0.4 2.6 0.5 1.5 1.6 1.3 0.6 0.3 2.6 0.3 0.3 0.Db db d a Da GE.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 r2s min.9 74.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 da max.8 1.5 1.5 2.5 24 25.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Cr N 47 800 57 500 64 600 78 500 90 600 106 000 118 000 149 000 160 000 173 000 208 000 244 000 313 000 339 000 469 000 498 000 622 000 663 000 764 000 872 000 1080 000 1310 000 1370 000 1540 000 stat.5 50.3 1.5 22.1 45.7 66.7 1. 015 100–0.7 7.5 –0.24 11.39 0.071 0..7 2.24 10.24 –0. Basic load ratings in axial direction.7 5.5 –0.9 31.AX Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter d 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 1) 2) Designation Mass Dimensions d D T dK d2 d3 D1 B kg GE 10 AX GE 12 AX GE 15 AX GE 17 AX GE 20 AX GE 25 AX GE 30 AX GE 35 AX GE 40 AX GE 45 AX GE 50 AX1) GE 60 AX1) GE 70 AX1) GE 80 AX1) GE 100 AX1) GE 120 AX1) GE 140 AX1) GE 160 AX1) GE 180 AX1) GE 200 AX1) 0.012 50–0.24 –0.3 –0.4 –0.012 40–0.4 50 57.5 –0.4 –0.008 20–0.16 0.5 –0.008 17–0.5 –0.4 42.4 45 50 50 59 64 72 77 86 87 –0.039 0.7 –0.5 140 149.4 32 37 45 50 60 66 80 98 114 130 140 160 170 194 220 245 272 310 335 358 27.035 320–0.24 –0.5 44 52 59 68 69 86 95 108 133 154 176 199 224 246 7.012 45–0.4 –0.01 25–0.4 –0.03 230–0.4 4.025 180–0.4 –0.02 120–0..011 55–0.01 30–0.01 35–0.040 9.AX s r2s T C r1s r1s A B r 2s D1 117 052 d2 d3 d dK D GE.24 –0.12 0.03 30–0. 122 .26 0.4 13 15 16 20 26 28 32 –0.9 13 18.6 23.035 290–0.025 200–0.2 10.4 36.4 –0.5 32 38.5 19.5 24 28 33.015 80–0.013 62–0.015 130–0.4 –0.5 –0.018 160–0.5 168 195.24 16 18 22 27 31 37 40 42 50 52 61 65 70 74 –0.011 42–0.9 43.008 12–0.4 –0.015 120–0.Axial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-3 Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GE.5 214 244 272 300 321 21 24 29 34 40 45 56 66 78 89 98 108 121 130 155 170 198 213 240 265 16.24 22.4 –0.025 160–0.013 90–0.4 –0.24 –0.013 75–0.24 9.008 15–0.025 210–0.3 –0.009 35–0.3 –0.5 –0.5 3.5 –0.012 60–0.5 69 84 98 112 122.011 47–0.6 35 10–0.018 150–0.015 70–0.4 –0.65 1 1.24 14.4 –0.5 –0.5 34.5 –0.025 180–0.3 –0.4 –0.015 105–0.040 340–0.3 –0.5 –0.02 140–0.03 260–0.5 33.5 –0.9 –0.6 Price and delivery on request. 5 27.24 –0.5 13.4 –0.24 Mounting dimensions da max.24 –0.5 –0.6 123 .3 0. 21 24 29 34 40 45 56 66 78 89 98 108 121 130 155 170 198 213 240 265 Da min.3 –0.5 14 17.24 19. 18. 0.3 0.2 0.24 –0.6 0.5 1.5 30 35 35 42.2 0.5 45 52.5 38 39 49 57 64 74 75 92 102 115 141 162 187 211 236 259 Basic load ratings2) dyn.24 –0.3 –0.3 0.6 0. 0.4 –0.6 0. Ca N 24 400 32 400 52 200 59 200 75 100 129 000 169 000 259 000 373 000 486 000 650 000 735 000 806 000 1 030 000 1 200 000 1 240 000 1 630 000 1 890 000 2 120 000 2 350 000 stat. C0a N 122 000 162 000 261 000 296 000 375 000 645 000 848 000 1 290 000 1 860 000 2 430 000 3 250 000 3 670 000 4 030 000 5 180 000 6 020 000 6 220 000 8 170 000 9 460 000 10 630 000 11 780 000 r1s min.5 70 3 4 5 5 6 6 8 8 9 11 10 12.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.3 0.5 65 67.3 0.2 0.5 1.3 0.6 0.24 –0.5 26 30.3 0.6 Shaft diameter d 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 7 8 10 11 12.5 –0.5 1.3 0.3 –0.24 –0.3 0.24 –0.da Da 156 147 GE.5 –0.6 0.5 15 16.5 23 23 26 27 10 9 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 11.5 r2s min.5 21.24 –0.5 –0.5 –0.5 14.24 –0.5 52.3 0.5 22 24.3 0.AX – mounting dimensions Chamfer dimensions C s A Degrees 6 9 11 13 17 20 22 25 32 33 36 36 42 45 50 52 60 60 –0.6 0..3 0.2 0. 124 118 070 .UK GAR..Maintenance-free rod ends Criteria for bearing selection Maintenance-free rod ends GIR...UK-2RS GAR..UK GIR.UK-2RS Load carrying capacity Cr Bearing C0r Housing Comparison of load carrying capacity for identical shaft diameter. PW C r Bearing C0r Housing Load carrying capacity 125 118 071 .Maintenance-free rod ends GIKFR...PW GAKFR. ..UK-2RS (left hand thread) ˚C ■ to ISO 12 240-4......PW 136 for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 126 118 057 118 056 ....... dimension series K. 131 Sp.UK-2RS and GIL.PW and GIKFL...UK-2RS 132 for shaft diameters from 35 mm to 80 mm GIKFR....... for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ GIR..UK (right hand thread) GIR........UK-2RS ■ are protected against corrosion by a zinc plating ■ are maintenance-free – in bearings with ELGOGLIDE®..UK for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 30 mm ■ GIR.UK or GE..................Maintenance-free rod ends Page Design and safety guidelines . dimension series K ■ incorporate a radial spherical plain bearing GE... 131 Maintenance-free rod ends Features Maintenance-free rod ends are complete units comprising a housing with an integral shank and a maintenance-free spherical plain bearing – the integral shank has an external or internal thread – the spherical plain bearing is firmly seated and located in the housing ■ can support radial loads in a tensile or compressive direction ■ can transmit slow movements with small or moderate swivel angles ■ are suitable for unilateral loads – they are suitable for supporting alternating loads in certain cases – they are suitable for alternating loads in combination with bearings GE..UK-2RS ■ have hard chromium/PTFE composite or hard chromium/ELGOGLIDE® sliding contact surfaces ■ have a right hand or left hand internal or external thread ■ the thin walled design of the eye housing allows compact adjacent constructions.UK and GIL............................. Rod ends to ISO 12 240-4...... Sealed maintenance-free rod ends ■ are protected against contaminants and water spray by – lip seals.....PW has a fine pitch thread shank for standard pneumatic cylinders to DIN 24 335 ■ GIKFR....UK (left hand thread) GIL...... 131 Ordering example and ordering designation ...... type F ■ shank with internal thread ■ suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides.... Rod ends to ISO 12 240-4....PW ■ have a steel/PTFE-bronze film sliding contact surface ■ have a right hand or left hand internal or external thread...... Special designs.PW (right hand thread) GIKFL........... 128 Accuracy ..PW (right hand thread) GIPFR............ dimension series E ■ are fitted with radial spherical plain bearings GE........ type F ■ shank with internal thread ■ GIPFR... GIR......PW for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm ■ GIPFR..UK-2RS (right hand thread) GIL...PW (left hand thread) ■ to ISO 12 240-4. lubricant leads to a considerable reduction in bearing life... dimension series E. UK (right hand thread) GAR.UK (left hand thread) GAL..PW (right hand thread) GAKFL. dimension series K.UK-2RS (left hand thread) ˚C ■ to ISO 12 240-4.....UK for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 30 mm ■ GAR. type M ■ shank with external thread ■ for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 138 118 059 127 .UK-2RS 134 for shaft diameters from 35 mm to 80 mm ■ GAKFR.UK-2RS (right hand thread) GAL.. for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ GAR.GAR...UK-2RS and GAL. dimension series E... type M ■ shank with external thread ■ suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides.PW (left hand thread) 118 063 ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-4.UK and GAL. Basic static load rating The basic static load rating C0r (dimension table) of the rod end refers only to the load carrying capacity of the rod end housing. It represents a factor used for calculating the bearing life. The reduction factors fb must therefore be used for these operating conditions in calculation (Table 1). Permissible loading of rod ends The permissible loading of rod ends depends on the type of load.UK1) GIKFR.25 3 2.. other transverse forces act in an axial direction to the shank. It indicates: ■ the maximum constant tensile load when utilising 83% of the material yield strength in the most highly stressed cross-section.25 3 Time 151 542 Alternating load +Fr Time –Fr Pperm = permissible rod end load N C0r = basic static radial load rating of rod end N = load factor fb 1) C 0r P perm = ------fb fb values are also valid for sealed designs (-2RS).Maintenance-free rod ends Table 1 · Load factors fb Design and safety guidelines Basic dynamic load rating The basic dynamic load rating Cr (dimension table) refers to the spherical plain bearing when fitted.PW 151 541 2. The equivalent bearing load and additional bending stresses in the shank area are taken into consideration if: ■ in addition to radial load in a tensile or compressive direction. 128 ...UK1) GAR. Load type Series 151 540 Load factor fb 1 Unilateral load +F r All series Time Pulsating load +F r GIR. In rod ends with the sliding material ELGOGLIDE®..PW GAKFR. the basic static load rating C0r of the housing is less than the basic dynamic load rating Cr of the bearing. Pulsating or alternating loads subject the material to greater stress than constant loads. ............ The equivalent bearing load P must not exceed the permissible load on the rod end Pperm....................... 40 Fitting and dismantling ................ Further information Page Load carrying capacity and life............. 17 Friction...................... 26 Lubrication............. 28 Internal clearance and operating clearance ...................... 48 ISO tolerances ........................................................................Calculation of rating life Two calculations must always be carried out: ■ the permissible load on the rod end ■ the life of the spherical plain bearing.......................................................................................................................... 37 Sealing ............................................ 30 Design of bearing arrangements ...... C 0r P perm = -------fb Pperm N Permissible load on rod end – fb Load factor (Table 1) C0r N Basic static load rating (radial) of rod end.............. 47 Materials........... 51 129 ............................................ 42 Operating temperatures .......................... = 306 045 p 59.09 ⋅ 59.= 59.01599 1.497 0.⋅ --------------------------------.= 55.75 1. 13 000 h.7579 · 1. 1.= 0.5442 f Hz = ------------------------------P Hz ⋅ p 1.75 kN.⋅ 14 = 7 655 720 osc.91 ⋅ 59.171 3.91 ⋅ 10 –4 FR max = 75 kN = unilateral = pulsating load = 2.171 s (ELGOGLIDE®) for p = 59.515 306 045 ⋅ 5.⋅ -------.7579 ⋅ 1.25 = 168. page 68. 791020791020 s = ----------------------.Maintenance-free rod ends Calculation example Given Swivel arm pivot of the feed device of a continuous furnace.5442 f Hz = -----------------------------------------.6228 f v = -----------------------------------------------.6228 f v = -------------------------------v⋅p 1.4 min–1 PHz = 0. Calculation of rating life (see page 65) Radial spherical plain bearing GE 40 UK-2RS Cr = 277 kN dK = 53 mm P = P = F min + F max ----------------------------------2 22 + 75 ------------------------.27 2 p = 300 ⋅ -------------.09 Hz t = 110 °C ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2. The rod end GIR 40 UK-2RS with a rod end basic load rating C0r = 194 kN is suitable for the application.86 N/mm 277 v = 2.91 · 10–4 · 1 · 53 · 47 · 5.91 0.25 fb FR min = 22 kN FR max = 75 kN = 47° f = 5.UK-2RS = 300 N/mm2 = 1 = 1 = 1.4 = 3.4 Required Rod end size with a bearing which allows a life of min.4 L = ---------------------..⋅ 14 v f6 1 ⋅ 1. Calculation of rod end size C 0r P perm = -------fb C 0r min = F R max ⋅ f b C0r min = 75 · 2.515 3.0171 L W = L ⋅ f Hz ⋅ f 5 LW = 7 655 720 · 0.86 1. Operating parameters: Load Load direction Load type Load factor Bearing load Swivel angle Swivel frequency Load frequency Operating temperature Bearing data: Maintenance-free rod end Factors for maintenance-free spherical plain bearings (Table 3.= 1.0171 0. alternatively calculated using function from Table 2.009347 = 1.0093 f6 = 0.4 = 5 326 850 osc.000295 f 6 = 0.497 · 1.01599 f2 ⋅ fv s ⋅ f L = -----------.86 1.27 kN 2 2 2 2 2 130 .91 mm/s 1.000295 1. page 68 ⇒ 306 000 m.86 N/mm2 from Figure 12.4 ⋅ 60 K f2 f4 f5 = GIR. page 69) P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 55.= -------------------------------. LW L hW = ----------f ⋅ 60 L hW = 5 326 850 = 16 440 h -----------------------5. Special designs Available by agreement: ■ rod ends with special threads ■ rod ends with different anti-corrosion protection. based on normal chamfering practice for the thread of the mating component. The stated thread length is the minimum usable length. Sp. ordering designation 131 118 082 . central tolerance class. Ordering designation: GIR 15 UK (Figure 1). 6g. 6H.Accuracy The main dimensions of these rod ends conform to ISO 12 240-4. GIR 15 UK d Figure 1 · Ordering example. All connecting threads have metric dimensions to DIN 13. type F for: shaft 15 mm. dimension series E. Ordering example and ordering designation Maintenance-free rod end to ISO 12 240-4. ...12 9–0.1 29.01 35–0.Rod ends maintenance-free ISO 12 240-4.015 70–0.008 20–0.12 14–0.6 12 6–0. type F Sliding contact surface: hard chromium/PTFE Series GIR.2 13.15 49–0.12 10–0.5 3.15 55–0.008 15–0.015 80–0.4 20.5 M24 2 M30 2 M36 3 M39 32) M42 32) M45 32) M52 32) M56 42) M64 42) 10 12. In rod ends with the sliding material ELGOGLIDE®.008 17–0.12 22–0.012 50–0.UK.UK-2RS Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft Designation1) diameter Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 h1 without seals GIR 6 UK GIR 8 UK GIR 10 UK GIR 12 UK GIR 15 UK GIR 17 UK GIR 20 UK GIR 25 UK GIR 30 UK – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – – – – – GIR 35 UK-2RS GIR 40 UK-2RS GIR 45 UK-2RS GIR 50 UK-2RS GIR 60 UK-2RS GIR 70 UK-2RS GIR 80 UK-2RS kg 0.8 89.).5 40.93 1. dimension series E.7 55.7 45 50.01 25–0.4 21 24 29 34 40 46 53 64 73 82 92 102 112 135 160 180 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 1.5 33.12 25–0.008 12–0.7 24.UK Sliding material: PTFE composite GIR.UK-2RS Sliding material: ELGOGLIDE® d1 d B C1 r1s dK D d2 l7 h1 l3 118 041 l4 d3 W d4 d5 l5 GIR.12 32–0.008 8–0.039 0.5 40 47 52 58 62 70 80 95 30 36 43 50 61 67 77 94 110 125 142 145 160 175 200 230 For a left hand thread.2 39. 3) Basic load rating of housing.5 8.18 0.12 20–0.3 34.12 8–0.5 15 17.12 35–0.5 21 24 27.012 40–0.12 44–0. 132 .3 2 2.8 77.2 14..01 30–0.008 10–0.12 16–0.35 0.012 60–0. the basic static load rating C0r of the housing is less than the basic dynamic load rating Cr of the bearing.5 5..9 66. Thread runout or thread groove at manufacturer's discretion.15 10 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.015 14 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 6–0.061 0. the R is replaced by an L (example: GIL.012 45–0.096 0.9 18.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 8 10.12 12–0.12 28–0.021 0.64 0.22 0. GIR. 3 0.06 0 – 0.06 0 – 0.032 0 – 0. 0.6 0.6 0.5 126 146.6 0.072 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 133 .3 0.04 0 – 0.3 0.04 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.6 1 1 1 Basic load ratings dyn.06 0 – 0.04 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.6 0.4 6 7 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 38 42 47 13 15 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 11 15 20 23 30 34 40 48 56 60 65 65 68 70 80 85 40.5 8 10 10 12 15 15 18 20 20 20 20 25 12 14 15 18 20 23 27 32 37 42 48 52 60 75 87 100 13 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 50 58 65 70 75 88 98 110 11 14 17 19 22 27 32 36 41 50 55 60 65 75 85 100 l3 l4 l5 l7 d5 W r1s min. C0r3) N 10 200 16 000 22 000 30 400 44 800 56 500 75 600 104 000 138 000 159 000 194 000 259 000 313 000 485 000 564 000 689 000 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.5 6.3 0.5 166 188 196 216 242.5 67 81 90 103.05 0 – 0. Cr N 3 600 5 850 8 650 11 400 17 600 22 400 31 500 51 000 65 500 210 000 277 000 360 000 442 000 690 000 885 000 1 125 000 stat.06 0 – 0.3 0.5 48 57.072 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.5 280 320 5 5 6.6 0.Chamfer dimension C1 Degrees 4.3 0.3 0.05 0 – 0. 5 M24 2 M30 2 M36 3 M39 3 M42 3 M45 3 M52 3 M56 4 M64 4 For a left hand thread.015 14 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 6–0.4 21 24 29 34 40 46 53 64 73 82 92 102 112 135 160 180 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 1.8 77.008 10–0. the basic static load rating C0r of the housing is less than the basic dynamic load rating Cr of the bearing.14 0.012 60–0.UK-2RS Sliding material: ELGOGLIDE® d1 d B C1 r1s dK D d2 l7 l2 h l1 d3 118 031 GAR.12 32–0.4 1.7 55.015 70–0.12 25–0.008 15–0. 134 .086 0.4 20.9 8.015 80–0.4 5.12 9–0.15 10 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.56 0. Basic load rating of housing.15 55–0.UK Sliding material: PTFE composite GAR.).008 17–0.9 66...12 14–0.12 10–0.01 25–0.9 18.12 22–0.012 40–0.017 0. the R is replaced by an L (example: GAL.7 24.12 44–0.6 3.01 35–0. GAR.UK-2RS Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation1) Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 without seals GAR 6 UK GAR 8 UK GAR 10 UK GAR 12 UK GAR 15 UK GAR 17 UK GAR 20 UK GAR 25 UK GAR 30 UK – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – – – – – GAR 35 UK-2RS GAR 40 UK-2RS GAR 45 UK-2RS GAR 50 UK-2RS GAR 60 UK-2RS GAR 70 UK-2RS GAR 80 UK-2RS kg 0.UK.15 49–0..19 0.2 39. type M Sliding contact surface: hard chromium/PTFE Series GAR.12 28–0.31 0.12 35–0.012 45–0.89 1.051 0.008 20–0...2 13.01 30–0.029 0.008 12–0.2 14.012 50–0.12 20–0. In rod ends with the sliding material ELGOGLIDE®.2 12 6–0.12 16–0.7 45 50.1 29.Rod ends maintenance-free ISO 12 240-4. dimension series E.12 12–0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 8 10.12 8–0.3 34.5 40.8 89.008 8–0.8 2. 0.06 0 – 0.5 181 196 214 241 277. C0r2) N 6 920 12 900 20 600 30 100 41 500 56 500 75 600 104 000 138 000 159 000 194 000 259 000 313 000 485 000 564 000 689 000 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.6 0.032 0 – 0.032 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.3 0.04 0 – 0.3 0.072 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.05 0 – 0.3 0. Cr N 3 600 5 850 8 650 11 400 17 600 22 400 31 500 51 000 65 500 210 000 277 000 360 000 442 000 690 000 885 000 1 125 000 stat.Chamfer dimension h C1 Degrees 36 42 48 54 63 69 78 94 110 140 150 163 185 210 235 270 4.5 71 83 92 104.6 0.6 0.3 0.032 0 – 0.072 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 135 .5 126 146.6 0.3 0.3 0.04 0 – 0.4 6 7 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 38 42 47 13 15 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 18 22 26 28 34 36 43 53 65 82 86 94 107 115 125 140 46.04 0 – 0.5 315 360 12 14 15 18 20 23 27 32 37 42 48 52 60 75 87 100 l1 l2 l7 r1s min.06 0 – 0.6 1 1 1 Basic load ratings dyn.6 0.5 54 62.06 0 – 0.06 0 – 0.3 0. 225 22.8 24.5 34.021 30+0. Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).018 20+0.5 40 40 For a left hand thread.25 M12 M12 1.12 19–0.).PW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft Designation 1) 2) diameter Mass Dimensions d3) d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 GIKFR 5 PW – GIKFR 6 PW4) GIKFR 8 PW4) GIKFR 10 PW – GIKFR 12 PW – GIKFR 14 PW GIKFR 16 PW – GIKFR 18 PW GIKFR 20 PW4) GIKFR 22 PW GIKFR 25 PW4) GIKFR 30 PW – 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 kg – GIPFR 5 – – – GIPFR 10 PW4) – GIPFR 12 PW4) – – GIPFR 16 PW4) – – – – – GIPFR 30 PW4) PW4) 0.12 9–0.012 6+0.5 M24 2 M30 2 M27 2 8.018 14+0.12 31–0...575 31.PW GIPFR.3 12.925 38.022 0.5 M22 1..PW d1 d B C1 r1s dK D d2 l7 h1 l3 d3 W d4 d5 l5 l4 GIKFR.8 19.018 16+0.021 25+0.015 10+0.5 15 15 17.12 23–0.8 34.7 15.012 8+0.75 34.1 0.05 22.12 21–0.021 13 13 16 19 22 22 26 26 285) 32 32 35 40 42 47 55 55 8–0.8 7.12 25–0.8 50.42 0.225 25.54 0.5 21 22 22 25 27.047 0.12 14–0.9 15.85 50. type F Sliding contact surface: Steel/PTFE-bronze film Series GIKFR.7 8.021 30+0.32 0.012 5+0. Also in accordance with ISO 8139.22 0.575 28.12 37–0.3 21.1 42. Deviating from ISO 12 240-4.1 1.12 16–0.25 M14 M16 M16 1.7 7. the R is replaced by an L (example: GIKFL.12 37–0..73 1.4 15. dimension series K.112 11.9 12.9 10. GIPFR..16 0.5 M20 1.3 19.8 18 18 20 24 28 28 32 32 36 42 42 46 50 54 60 70 70 M 5 M 4 M 6 M 8 M10 M10 1.016 0.Rod ends maintenance-free ISO 12 240-4.016 0.015 10+0.1 0.12 16–0.018 16+0.077 0.5 8.12 12–0.. dimension series K.4 16.PW.018 18+0.018 12+0.PW has a fine pitch thread to fit standard pneumatic cylinders to DIN 24 335 (right hand thread only).12 8–0. Series GIPFR.112 12.1 5+0.015 12+0.5 M18 1.077 0.12 11. 136 118 032 .5 30 33.22 0. Basic load rating of housing.4 28.5 10 12.8 29.3 25.5 17.05 19.12 21–0.875 19.12 28–0.12 14–0.021 22+0. 3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.5 12 12 13.3 0.5 10.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0. 0.035 0 – 0.3 0. Cr N 6 000 6 000 7 650 12 900 18 000 18 000 24 000 24 000 31 000 39 000 39 000 47 500 57 000 68 000 85 000 114 000 114 000 stat.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.75 9 10.3 0.5 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 10 10 11 13 15 15 17 17 18 23 23 25 26 29 32 37 37 11 11 13 16 19 19 22 22 26 28 28 31 35 38 42 50 50 9 9 11 14 17 17 19 19 22 22 22 27 30 32 36 41 41 l3 l4 l5 l7 d5 W r1s min.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.5 6.035 0 – 0.Chamfer Basic load ratings dimension h1 C1 Degrees 27 27 30 36 43 43 50 50 57 64 64 71 77 84 94 110 110 6 6 6.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0. C0r6) N 9 180 9 180 8 000 13 100 18 500 18 500 20 800 20 800 32 000 45 200 45 200 46 900 45 600 61 100 72 800 95 900 95 900 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.3 0.5 18 20 22 25 25 13 13 13 14 13 13 13 13 16 15 15 15 14 15 15 17 17 10 10 12 16 20 20 22 22 25 28 28 32 33 37 42 51 51 36 36 40 48 57 57 66 66 75 85 85 94 102 111 124 145 145 4 4 5 5 6.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.5 6.035 0 – 0.035 18 20 22 25 30 14 16 12 6 8 10 5 137 .3 0.3 0.3 dyn.035 0 – 0.5 6.3 0.5 15 15 16.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.3 0. 8 7.7 8.12 23–0.015 12+0.015 10+0.12 14–0.05 22.Rod ends maintenance-free ISO 12 240-4.4 16.PW d1 d B C1 d2 r1s dK D l7 l2 h l1 118 033 d3 GAKFR.012 6+0.5 M24 2 M30 2 33 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 94 110 For a left hand thread.. dimension series K. Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).9 10. type M Sliding contact surface: Steel/PTFE-bronze film Series GAKFR.12 25–0.8 29.112 12.12 37–0.925 38.5 34..085 0. 3) Deviating from ISO 12 240-4.8 24.018 18+0.3 25.12 31–0.5 M20 1..018 16+0.013 0.28 0. 138 .75 34.12 16–0.12 12–0.021 25+0.012 8+0.055 0.8 18 20 24 28 32 36 42 46 50 54 60 70 M 5 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 1.3 21.5 M22 1.).021 22+0. dimension series K.038 0.7 15.12 9–0.48 0. 4) Basic load rating of housing.018 20+0.14 0.02 0.1 5+0.1 42.8 19.225 25.64 1. the R is replaced by an L (example: GAKFL.021 30+0.12 11.021 13 16 19 22 26 283) 32 35 40 42 47 55 8–0.12 21–0.12 19–0.PW Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation1) Mass Dimensions d2) d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 h kg GAKFR 5 PW GAKFR 6 PW GAKFR 8 PW GAKFR 10 PW GAKFR 12 PW GAKFR 14 PW GAKFR 16 PW GAKFR 18 PW GAKFR 20 PW GAKFR 22 PW GAKFR 25 PW GAKFR 30 PW 0.38 0.9 15.4 28.3 12.875 19.575 31.12 28–0.85 50.21 0.018 14+0. C4) N 4 890 6 920 12 900 18 500 20 800 32 000 45 200 46 900 45 600 61 100 72 800 95 900 Radial internal clearance Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.035 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 139 .3 0.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.5 12 13.5 15 16. 0.Chamfer dimension C1 Degrees 6 6.3 0. Cr N 6 000 7 650 12 900 18 000 24 000 31 000 39 000 47 500 57 000 68 000 85 000 114 000 stat.035 0 – 0.3 Basic load ratings dyn.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.75 9 10.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.5 18 20 22 25 13 13 14 13 13 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 19 21 25 28 32 36 37 41 45 48 55 66 42 46 54 62 70 78 87 95 103 111 124 145 – – – – – 18 23 25 26 29 32 37 l1 l2 l7 r1s min.035 0 – 0. Rod ends requiring maintenance Hydraulic rod ends Criteria for bearing selection Rod ends requiring maintenance GIR.DO GAR..DO-2RS GIKFR..DO GIR.DO-2RS GAR... 140 118 072 .PB GAKFR...PB Load carrying capacity C r Bearing C0r Housing Comparison of load carrying capacity for identical shaft diameter. .Hydraulic rod ends GIHN-K.DO C r Bearing Load carrying capacity C0r Housing 141 118 073 .DO GK..LO GIHR-K...DO GF. ..... Sealed rod ends requiring maintenance ■ are protected against contaminants and water spray by – lip seals........PB with a steel/bronze sliding contact surface ■ have a right hand or left hand internal or external thread ■ have funnel type lubrication nipples to DIN 3405 on the eye housing. dimension series E............DO (right hand thread) GIR......DO-2RS (right hand thread) GIL........DO-2RS (left hand thread) ˚C to ISO 12 240-4......DO (left hand thread) GIL............... Rod ends to ISO 12 240-4.... dimension series E ■ are fitted with a radial spherical plain bearing GE. 150 Ordering example and ordering designation .................DO-2RS for shaft diameters from 35 mm to 80 mm 152 ■ ■ ■ ■ GIKFR...... Page Design and safety guidelines ..........PB (left hand thread) ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-4.. 150 Rod ends requiring maintenance Features Rod ends requiring maintenance ■ are complete units comprising a housing with an integral shank and a spherical plain bearing requiring maintenance – the integral shank has an external or internal thread – the spherical plain bearing is firmly seated and located in the housing ■ can support radial loads in a tensile or compressive direction ■ can transmit motion and loads with low moment levels ■ are suitable for alternating loads – they are suitable for supporting unilateral load in certain cases ■ are protected against corrosion by a zinc plating ■ the thin walled design of the eye housing allows compact adjacent constructions...... Rod ends to ISO 12 240-4........... dimension series K ■ are fitted with a radial spherical plain bearing GE.DO-2RS and GIL.DO or GE.... for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ GIR. 146 Accuracy ....DO and GIL.... type F steel/steel sliding contact surface shank with internal thread suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides... 150 Special designs.......PB (right hand thread) GIKFL.......... GIR.....DO for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 30 mm ■ GIR........ type F steel/bronze sliding contact surface shank with internal thread for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 156 142 118 047 118 046 ....DO-2RS with a steel/steel sliding contact surface ■ have a right hand or left hand internal or external thread ■ have taper type lubrication nipples to DIN 71412 ■ can be relubricated via the lubrication nipples or the housing bore.Rod ends requiring maintenance Hydraulic rod ends Sp... dimension series K. DO-2RS (left hand thread) ˚C to ISO 12 240-4. for operating temperatures from –30 °C to +130 °C ■ GAR..PB (left hand thread) 118 048 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ to ISO 12 240-4....DO (left hand thread) GAL.DO for shaft diameters from 6 mm to 30 mm ■ GAR. type M steel/steel sliding contact surface shank with external thread suffix -2RS: lip seals on both sides. dimension series K.GAR.DO-2RS (right hand thread) GAL...DO-2RS for shaft diameters from 35 mm to 80 mm 154 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ GAKFR.PB (right hand thread) GAKFL. type M steel/bronze sliding contact surface shank with external thread for shaft diameters from 5 mm to 30 mm 158 118 049 143 .DO-2RS and GAL...DO and GAL.. dimension series E.DO (right hand thread) GAR. .....DO ■ to ISO 12 240-4.... dimension series E.... ISO/DIS 6020 I. DIN 24333.......Hydraulic rod ends Page Design and safety guidelines ...... 150 Sp... 146 Accuracy ................ ISO/DIS 6022 ■ spherical plain bearing located in the housing by retaining rings ■ thread clamping by means of two hexagonal socket screws to EN ISO 4 762 160 ■ for shaft diameters from 12 mm to 200 mm GK................DO – rod ends GIHR-K... 150 Ordering example and ordering designation ...... 150 Hydraulic rod ends Features Hydraulic rod ends ■ are fitted with radial spherical plain bearings GE... UK.LO ■ to DIN 24 338......................... FW-2RS..LO or GE.............. FW ■ have a steel/steel sliding contact surface ■ can support radial loads in a tensile or compressive direction ■ can transmit motion and loads with low moment levels ■ are suitable for alternating loads ■ can be screw mounted using the thread in the shank ■ can be welded in place by means of round or square welding faces – rod ends with a circular welding face have a 45º welding chamfer and a centring option by means of a concentric locating pin – rod ends with a circular welding face are particularly suitable for piston rods – rod ends with a square welding face are particularly suitable for cylinder bases ■ are slotted on both sides up to d 50 mm and on one side from d 50 mm ■ can be relubricated via taper type lubrication nipples to DIN 71 412...... GIHN-K..... Special designs...DO are also available with maintenance-free spherical plain bearings GE.... type S – circular welding face ■ concentric locating pin on shank base and 45º welding chamfer ■ spherical plain bearing located in housing by staking on both sides ■ for piston rod ends and cylinder bases 164 ■ for shaft diameters from 10 mm to 80 mm 144 008 054 118 050 ..............UK-2RS.. ISO 6982 ■ for standard hydraulic cylinders to Cetop recommendation RP 58 H.......... DIN 24336.. .UK-2RS. can be dismantled ■ for hydraulic cylinder bases ■ for shaft diameters from 20 mm to 120 mm 166 118 055 145 .FW 162 ■ for shaft diameters from 20 mm to 120 mm retaining rings to EN ISO 4 762 utilisation ■ GF.....DO ■ especially for hydraulic cylinders ■ very small linkage distances with maximum stroke ■ thread clamping by means of two hexagonal socket screws ■ spherical plain bearing located in the housing by ■ also available with maintenance-free spherical plain bearings GE.GIHR-K.DO 118 052 ■ ■ heavy-duty design with square welding face ■ spherical plain bearing located in the housing by retaining rings. GE.FW-2RS..UK and GE. GE. DO GIKFR.DO GF.. Maintenance Rod ends requiring maintenance must be lubricated.DO GK.PB 2 2..LO GIHR-K. Permissible loading of rod ends The permissible loading of rod ends depends on the type of load. Rod ends to ISO 12 240-4. dimension series E – bore diameter d = 15 mm to 20 mm – are relubricated via a hole in the rod end eye housing (Figure 1). These rod ends are indicated in the dimension tables. They have relubrication facilities. Basic static load rating The basic static load ratings C0r (dimension table) of rod ends refer only to the load carrying capacity of the rod end housing.DO GIR.DO1) 1) Time GAR. The equivalent bearing load and additional bending stresses in the shank area are taken into consideration if: ■ in addition to radial load in a tensile or compressive direction. Tightening torques for fixing screws in hydraulic rod ends The fixing screws must be tightened according to the scheme (Table 2. Figures 2 and 3... except for smaller rod ends of some series that do not have lubrication grooves and lubrication holes. Pulsating or alternating loads subject the material to greater stress than constant loads.PB GAKFR.75 2. other transverse forces act in an axial direction to the shank. For reasons of housing strength.75 2. They are based on tensile/compressive loads acting across or in the direction of the rod end shank. They represent a factor used for calculating the bearing life.. The tightening torques must be adhered to.Rod ends requiring maintenance Hydraulic rod ends Table 1 · Load factors fb Design and safety guidelines Basic dynamic load rating The basic dynamic load ratings Cr (dimension table) refer to the spherical plain bearing when fitted. page 147).75 3 3 3 3 C 0r P perm = ------fb fb values are also valid for sealed designs (-2RS). these rod ends do not have lubrication nipples... Figure 1 · Relubrication via holes 146 118 074 . Load type Series 151 540 Load factor fb 1 Unilateral load +F r All series Time 151 541 Pulsating load +F r Time –Fr Pperm = permissible rod end load N C0r = basic static load rating of rod end N = load factor fb 1) 151 542 Alternating load +Fr GIHN-K.. The reduction factors fb must therefore be used for these operating conditions in calculation (Table 1). 9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.64 1.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.2 1. 2.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10. D – – – – – – – – – 46 80 195 80 195 195 385 385 660 385 660 1350 A B C 118 075 D 118 076 Figure 2 · Slots on both sides Figure 3 · Slot on one side 147 .2 1.9 10.9 10.26 0.9 10.9 8 13 32 32 32 64 64 64 110 46 80 194 80 195 195 385 385 660 385 660 1350 A+B 0.9 10.6 4. 3. 4 C.2 2.Table 2 · Tightening torques for fixing screws – hydraulic rod ends Designation Fixing screw Dimensions Grade Tightening torque Steps 1 to 4 (tightening torques in Nm) Figure 2 1 Nm GIHN-K 12 GIHN-K 16 GIHN-K 20 GIHN-K 25 – GIHN-K 32 – GIHN-K 40 GIHN-K 50 – GIHN-K 63 GIHN-K 70 – GIHN-K 80 GIHN-K 90 GIHN-K 100 GIHN-K 110 – GIHN-K 125 GIHN-K 160 GIHN-K 200 – – GIHR-K 20 GIHR-K 25 GIHR-K 30 – GIHR-K 35 GIHR-K 40 GIHR-K 50 GIHR-K 60 – – GIHR-K 70 GIHR-K 80 GIHR-K 90 GIHR-K 100 GIHR-K 110 GIHR-K 120 – – – M 5 M 6 M 8 M 8 M 8 M10 M10 M10 M12 M10 M12 M16 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 M20 M24 M30 10. D. C.2 – – – – – – – – – – – – 2 A 2.9 10.3 11 11 11 21 21 21 36 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3 B 8 13 32 32 32 64 64 64 110 – – – – – – – – – – – – 4 A 8 13 32 32 32 64 64 64 110 Figure 3 1.64 0.16 0.64 0. .............. 17 Friction.................. 30 Design of bearing arrangements........... Further information Page Load carrying capacity and life ................................................................................ 47 Materials ..... 37 Sealing......................................................... The maximum equivalent bearing load P must not exceed the permissible load on the rod end Pperm (formula).. 28 Internal clearance and operating clearance...................... 48 ISO tolerances ..................... 26 Lubrication .................................................. C 0r P perm = -------fb Pperm N Permissible load on rod end – fb Load factor (Table 1................. 42 Operating temperatures ................................... 51 148 ................................................Rod ends requiring maintenance Hydraulic rod ends Calculation of rating life Two calculations must always be carried out: ■ the permissible load on the rod end ■ the life of the spherical plain bearing......................................... page 146) C0r N Basic static load rating (radial) of rod end............................. 40 Fitting and dismantling ...... – 1⎞ ⋅ 0.79 N/mm 315 Pmax = 160 kN = alternating = 2.02 mm/s p · v = 50.– 1⎞ ⋅ 0.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ f 1 ⋅ f 2 ⋅ ------------------------------------. Calculation of bearing life.2 Cr 7 v ⋅ L = 1.5 0.= 50.28 = 2.28 ⎝ lW ⎠ 31824 f H = ⎛ ---------------.64 P f3 ⋅ ( f4 ⋅ dK ) 7 4.79 0.496 ⎝ 2 880 ⎠ LN = L ⋅ f ⋅ fH LN = 31824 · 4.315 L = 1.64 160 ⋅ ( 1 ⋅ 92 ) 50. l W = l hW ⋅ f ⋅ 60 lW = 8 · 6 · 60 = 2 880 osc.91 ⋅ 10 –4 ⋅ f4 ⋅ dK ⋅ ⋅f v = 2.48 0. The precondition is: lW f = ⋅ 0.Calculation example Given Linkage bearing arrangement in a conveyor system.59 · 2.121 + 1.5 0. condition fulfilled 0. LN L hN = ----------f ⋅ 60 L hN = 364 596 = 1013 h -------------------6 ⋅ 60 The rod end GIHR-K 70 DO with a rod end basic load rating C0r = 440 kN is suitable for the application. alternating load varying over the swivel angle. f = 25 · 0.02 ⋅ 25 . Operating parameters: Load Load direction Load factor Bearing load Swivel angle Swivel frequency Maintenance interval Bearing data: Hydraulic rod end C0r Spherical plain bearing Basic dynamic load rating Sphere diameter Factors for spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance (Table 2. 149 .75 fb Fr min = 20 kN Fr max = 160 kN = 25° f = 6 min–1 lhW = 8h v = 2.2 = = = = = GIHR-K 70 DO 440 kN GE 70 DO 315 kN 92 mm L = 31 824 osc.5 · L is fulfilled = 100 N/mm2 = 2 = 1 = 1 Required Suitability of rod end size.79 · 4. page 147) Cr dK K f1 f2 f4 Calculation (see page 97) P = Fmax = 160 kN (under alternating load) P p = K ⋅ ----Cr 2 160 p = 100 ⋅ --------.19 N/mm2 · mm/s.21 – 0.91 · 10–4 · 1 · 92 · 25 · 6 = 4.66 0.28 ⋅ 10 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 1 ⋅ -------------------------------------------------------.121 + 1.21 – 0. Calculation of rod end size C 0r P max perm = -------fb C 0r min = P max ⋅ f b C0r min = 160 · 2.66 = 4.496 = 364 596 osc.75 = 440 kN C0r = 440 kN.⋅ ----0.59 Lf H = ⎛ ---.02 = 204.⋅ --------1. 6H. Ordering designation: GIR 15 DO or GAR 15 DO (Figure 4). based on normal chamfering practice for the thread of the mating component. Sp. central tolerance class. GIR 15 DO d Figure 4 · Ordering example. All connecting threads have metric dimensions to DIN 13. 6g. The stated thread length is the minimum usable length.Rod ends requiring maintenance Hydraulic rod ends Accuracy The main dimensions of these rod ends conform to ISO 12 240-4. for: shaft 15 mm. Ordering example and ordering designation Rod end requiring maintenance to ISO 12 240-4. Special designs Available by agreement: ■ rod ends requiring maintenance with internal clearance larger or smaller than normal – suffix C2 or C3 ■ hydraulic rod ends requiring maintenance with other types of lubrication nipple or threaded connector for central lubrication ■ hydraulic rod ends with maintenance-free spherical plain bearings ■ rod ends with special threads ■ rod ends with different anti-corrosion protection. dimension series E. ordering designation 150 118 069 . 151 . 01 25–0.015 14 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 6–0.15 55–0.12 8–0.008 10–0.2 13.7 45 50.9 66..012 40–0. 5) Basic load rating of housing. the R is replaced by an L (example: GIL.8 89.012 50–0.5 M24 2 M30 2 M36 3 M39 34) M42 34) M45 34) M52 34) M56 44) M64 44) 10 12.35 0.12 20–0.12 28–0.4 21 24 29 34 40 46 53 64 73 82 92 102 112 135 160 180 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 1.17 0.065 0.8 77.5 15 17.5 40 47 52 58 62 70 80 95 30 36 43 50 61 67 77 94 110 125 142 145 160 175 200 230 For a left hand thread.15 10 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.12 12–0.015 70–0.5 8.2 14.12 9–0.2 39. dimension series E.DO.DO GIR.6 12 6–0.039 0.12 32–0.01 35–0.15 49–0.12 10–0..12 44–0.7 55.7 24.5 3.96 1.12 22–0.098 0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 8 10.015 80–0.008 15–0.DO-2RS Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft Designation1) diameter Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 h1 without seals GIR 6 DO2) GIR 8 DO2) GIR 10 DO2) GIR 12 DO2) GIR 15 DO3) GIR 17 DO3) GIR 20 DO3) GIR 25 DO GIR 30 DO – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – – – – – GIR 35 DO-2RS GIR 40 DO-2RS GIR 45 DO-2RS GIR 50 DO-2RS GIR 60 DO-2RS GIR 70 DO-2RS GIR 80 DO-2RS kg 0.DO-2RS d1 d B C1 r1s dK D d2 l7 l4 h1 l3 d3 W d4 d5 l5 GIR.Rod ends requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-4.. GIR. No relubrication facility.4 20...012 60–0.3 34.5 21 24 27.3 2 2.65 0.12 35–0. type F Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GIR.008 17–0. 4) Thread runout or thread groove at manufacturer's discretion.008 8–0.1 29.25 0.5 5.5 33.022 0.12 16–0.9 18. 3) Relubrication via lubrication hole in housing.5 40.01 30–0.12 14–0.008 12–0.008 20–0.).012 45–0. 152 118 028 .12 25–0. 3 0.023 – 0.023 – 0.12 0.082 0.5 67 81 90 103.12 0.6 0.3 0.037 – 0.043 – 0.043 – 0.3 0.6 1 1 1 Basic load ratings dyn.5 48 57.Chamfer dimension C1 Degrees 4. C0r5) N 10 200 16 000 22 000 30 400 44 800 56 500 75 600 88 200 119 000 159 000 194 000 259 000 313 000 485 000 564 000 689 000 Radial internal clearance CN Shaft diameter d 0.5 126 146. 0.030 – 0.5 6.082 0.1 0.5 8 10 10 12 15 15 18 20 20 20 20 25 12 14 15 18 20 23 27 32 37 42 48 52 60 75 87 100 13 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 50 58 65 70 75 88 98 110 11 14 17 19 22 27 32 36 41 50 55 60 65 75 85 100 l3 l4 l5 l7 d5 W r1s min.055 – 0.6 0.6 0.030 – 0.12 0.023 – 0.068 0. Cr N 3 400 5 500 8 150 10 800 17 000 21 200 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 stat.6 0.068 0.043 – 0.5 280 320 5 5 6.142 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 153 .3 0.142 0.6 0.3 0.037 – 0.068 0.030 – 0.023 – 0.082 0.1 0.043 – 0.3 0.1 0.037 – 0.12 0.055 – 0.4 6 7 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 38 42 47 13 15 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 11 15 20 23 30 34 40 48 56 60 65 65 68 70 80 85 40.3 0.5 166 188 196 216 242.068 0. 054 0. No relubrication facility.2 39.12 14–0.2 12 6–0..6 3.8 2.).9 8.7 45 50.008 15–0.3 34.008 12–0.9 66.DO-2RS d3 GAR.2 0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 8 10. 3) Relubrication via lubrication hole in housing.086 0.008 17–0.DO.15 55–0.15 49–0.012 50–0.008 20–0.012 40–0.8 89.015 80–0.4 21 24 29 34 40 46 53 64 73 82 92 102 112 135 160 180 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 1.12 35–0..5 40.89 1.4 5.DO GAR.12 20–0. 154 .1 29.008 8–0.12 8–0. dimension series E.2 13. 4) Basic load rating of housing.31 0.12 16–0.01 30–0. the R is replaced by an L (example: GAL..8 77.12 44–0.7 55.DO-2RS Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation1) Mass Dimensions d d 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 without seals GAR 6 DO2) GAR 8 DO2) GAR 10 DO2) GAR 12 DO2) GAR 15 DO3) GAR 17 DO3) GAR 20 DO3) GAR 25 DO GAR 30 DO – – – – – – – with seals – – – – – – – – – GAR 35 DO-2RS GAR 40 DO-2RS GAR 45 DO-2RS GAR 50 DO-2RS GAR 60 DO-2RS GAR 70 DO-2RS GAR 80 DO-2RS kg 0.5 M24 2 M30 2 M36 3 M39 3 M42 3 M45 3 M52 3 M56 4 M64 4 For a left hand thread.018 0.7 24.01 35–0. type M Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel d1 d B C1 d2 r 1s dK D l7 l2 h l1 118 034 Series GAR.012 60–0..008 10–0.12 9–0.15 10 13 16 18 22 25 29 35.56 0.12 10–0.4 20.12 32–0.012 45–0.12 28–0. GAR.4 1.14 0.015 70–0.12 22–0.12 12–0.Rod ends requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-4..032 0.9 18.01 25–0.015 14 16 19 22 26 30 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 6–0.2 14.12 25–0. 6 0.023 – 0.082 0.043 – 0.023 – 0.3 0.043 – 0.023 – 0.5 315 360 12 14 15 18 20 23 27 32 37 42 48 52 60 75 87 100 l1 l2 l7 r1s min.6 0.6 0. Cr N 3 400 5 500 8 150 10 800 17 000 21 200 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 stat. C0r4) N 6 920 12 900 20 600 30 100 41 500 56 500 75 600 88 200 119 000 159 000 194 000 259 000 313 000 485 000 564 000 689 000 Radial internal clearance CN Shaft diameter d 0.5 71 83 92 104.6 0.037 – 0.4 6 7 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 38 42 47 13 15 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 18 22 26 28 34 36 43 53 65 82 86 94 107 115 125 140 46.1 0.1 0.Chamfer dimension h C1 Degrees 36 42 48 54 63 69 78 94 110 140 150 163 185 210 235 270 4.12 0.068 0.3 0.082 0.3 0.082 0.068 0.055 – 0.3 0.068 0.043 – 0.037 – 0.3 0.1 0.12 0.023 – 0.055 – 0.068 0. 0.12 0.6 0.5 54 62.043 – 0.142 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 155 .037 – 0.6 1 1 1 Basic load ratings dyn.142 0.3 0.5 126 146.030 – 0.5 181 196 214 241 277.030 – 0.12 0.3 0.030 – 0. 3 12.015 12+0.12 9–0.9 15.012 8+0.875 19.22 0. dimension series K.1 42..).12 11.015 10+0.85 50.5 15 17.5 M22 1.PB d1 d B C1 r 1s dK D d2 l7 h1 l3 l5 W 118 029 l4 d3 d4 d5 GIKFR.016 0.018 16+0.018 20+0.225 25. type F Sliding contact surface: Steel/bronze Series GIKFR.8 7.5 40 27 30 36 43 50 57 64 71 77 84 94 110 6 6.12 19–0.8 19.12 14–0.12 31–0.8 18 20 24 28 32 36 42 46 50 54 60 70 M 5 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 1.012 6+0.12 12–0.12 25–0.73 1.5 10 12.54 0. Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).9 10.12 28–0.925 38.3 21.5 21 22 25 27.12 23–0.12 16–0.12 37–0.5 12 13.PB Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation1) Mass Dimensions d2) d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 h1 C1 kg GIKFR 5 PB4) 0.42 0..16 0.7 8. the R is replaced by an L (example: GIKFL.021 13 16 19 22 26 283) 32 35 40 42 47 55 8–0.32 0.1 5+0.8 29.077 0.5 18 20 22 25 GIKFR 6 PB GIKFR 8 PB GIKFR 10 PB GIKFR 12 PB GIKFR 14 PB GIKFR 16 PB GIKFR 18 PB GIKFR 20 PB GIKFR 22 PB GIKFR 25 PB GIKFR 30 PB For a left hand thread. 156 .. 3) Deviating from ISO 12 240-4.018 18+0.75 9 10.5 34.5 M20 1.575 31.5 30 33.5 15 16.022 0. 5) Basic load rating of housing.018 14+0.047 0.1 0. dimension series K.Rod ends requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-4.8 24.12 21–0.021 25+0.7 15.021 30+0.021 22+0.5 M24 2 M30 2 8.05 22.4 28. 4) No relubrication facility.4 16.112 12.75 34.3 25. C0r5) N 9 180 8 000 13 100 18 500 20 800 32 000 45 200 46 900 45 600 61 100 72 800 95 900 Radial internal clearance3) Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.3 Basic load ratings dyn.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.Chamfer dimension l3 Degrees 13 13 14 13 13 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 10 12 16 20 22 25 28 32 33 37 42 51 36 40 48 57 66 75 85 94 102 111 124 145 4 5 5 6.035 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 157 .035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.6 6.035 0 – 0. 0.035 0 – 0. Cr N 3 250 4 300 7 200 10 000 13 400 17 000 21 600 26 000 31 500 38 000 77 500 64 000 stat.035 0 – 0.5 8 8 10 10 12 12 15 10 11 13 15 17 18 23 25 26 29 32 37 11 13 16 19 22 26 28 31 35 38 42 50 9 11 14 17 19 22 22 27 30 32 36 41 l4 l5 l7 d5 W r1s min. 8 18 20 24 28 32 36 42 46 50 54 60 70 M 5 M 6 M 8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 1.12 21–0. 3) Deviating from ISO 12 240-4. 158 .012 8+0.018 20+0.7 15.018 16+0.7 8.02 0.8 29. 4) No relubrication facility.75 34.12 11.225 25. the R is replaced by an L (example: GAKFL.013 0.PB d1 d B C1 r1s dK D d2 l7 h l1 d3 118 030 l2 GAKFR.28 0.12 16–0.48 0.12 19–0.12 9–0.64 1. 5) Basic load rating of housing.12 28–0.015 12+0. Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value). dimension series K.12 25–0.018 18+0..12 12–0.8 24.575 31.038 0..5 M24 2 M30 2 GAKFR 6 PB GAKFR 8 PB GAKFR 10 PB GAKFR 12 PB GAKFR 14 PB GAKFR 16 PB GAKFR 18 PB GAKFR 20 PB GAKFR 22 PB GAKFR 25 PB GAKFR 30 PB For a left hand thread.3 12.8 7.21 0. type M Sliding contact surface: Steel/bronze Series GAKFR.9 10.12 31–0.38 0.5 M22 1.9 15. dimension series K.4 28.021 13 16 19 22 26 283) 32 35 40 42 47 55 8–0.875 19.085 0.925 38.018 14+0.12 37–0..012 6+0.1 5+0.05 22.3 25.3 21.021 30+0.8 19.12 23–0.).PB Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation1) Mass Dimensions d2) d 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d3 kg GAKFR 5 PB4) 0.021 22+0.Rod ends requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-4.12 14–0.021 25+0.4 16.112 12.5 M20 1.1 42.015 10+0.14 0.055 0.5 34.85 50. 035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.5 18 20 22 25 13 13 14 13 13 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 19 21 25 28 32 36 37 41 45 48 55 66 42 46 54 62 70 78 87 95 103 111 124 145 – – – – – 18 23 25 26 29 32 37 l1 l2 l7 r1s min.5 12 13.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0. C0r5) N 4 890 6 920 12 900 18 500 20 800 32 000 45 200 46 900 45 600 61 100 72 800 95 900 Radial internal clearance3) Shaft diameter d 0 – 0.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.035 0 – 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.75 9 10.5 15 16.035 0 – 0.3 0.3 Basic load ratings dyn.035 0 – 0.Chamfer dimension h C1 Degrees 33 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 94 110 6 6.3 0.3 0.035 0 – 0.3 0. Cr N 3 250 4 300 7 200 10 000 13 400 17 000 21 600 26 000 31 500 38 000 47 500 64 000 stat.3 0. 0.035 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 30 159 .3 0.3 0. 1 4.018 16+0.Hydraulic rod ends requiring maintenance DIN 24338.. ISO 6982 Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GIHN-K.03 70+0. Basic load rating of housing.021 32+0.025 63+0.6 9.4 7.025 50+0.03 90+0.2 2.04 200+0.4 200–0.6 13 17 21 27 32 40 52 57 66 72 84 88 102 130 162 GIHN-K 20 LO GIHN-K 25 LO GIHN-K 32 LO GIHN-K 40 LO6) GIHN-K 50 LO6) GIHN-K 63 LO6) GIHN-K 70 LO3) 6)7) GIHN-K 80 LO6) GIHN-K 90 LO3) 6) GIHN-K 100 LO GIHN-K 110 LO3) GIHN-K 125 LO GIHN-K 160 LO7) GIHN-K 200 LO7) Bore tolerance: H7 (arithmetic mean value).4 0.35 125–0.2 0.3 80–0.LO d1 d B C1 d2 r1s 5) dK D l7 h1 l3 d3 d4 MA d5 C2 l4 Section GIHN-K.021 25+0. Not included in DIN 24 338. No relubrication facility.035 100+0.35 110–0.03 80+0. Price and delivery on request. Values in dimension table.25 M 14 1.21 25–0.3 90–0.35 100–0.5 38 46 57 71.25 40–0.5 20 25 30.25 50–0.025 40+0..035 125+0.04 160+0.018 20+0.66 1.5 44 53 66 83 92 105 115 130 140 160 200 250 15.5 14.035 110+0.5 17 28 32 43 80 165 12+0.5 M 16 1.25 63–0. 160 118 026 .5 M 27 2 M 33 2 M 42 2 M 48 2 M 56 2 M 64 3 M 72 3 M 80 3 M 90 3 M100 3 M125 4 M160 4 16.LO (d 50 mm) Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft Designation1) diameter Mass Dimensions d2) d 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 70 80 90 100 110 125 160 200 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 h1 C1 kg GIHN-K 12 GIHN-K 16 LO2) 4) LO4) 0.18 20–0.21 32–0.1 0.18 16–0.046 22 28 35 42 52 62 75 95 105 120 130 150 160 180 230 290 12–0. page 113.3 70–0.5 M 20 1.5 21 25 30 38 47 58 70 80 90 100 110 125 135 165 215 38 44 52 65 80 97 120 140 160 180 195 210 235 260 310 390 10.46 18 23 29 35. Thread runout or thread groove at manufacturer's discretion.5 79 91 99 113 124 138 177 221 32 40 47 58 70 89 108 132 155 168 185 210 235 262 326 418 M 12 1.4 160–0. Cylindrical throughout. 043 – 0.065 – 0.037 – 0.065 – 0. C0r8) N 24 000 35 300 41 400 69 900 98 800 175 000 268 000 320 000 475 000 527 000 660 000 840 000 1100 000 1393 000 2080 000 3456 000 Radial internal clearance 118 027 Nominal cylinder force kN Fixing screws EN ISO 4 762 M 5 M 6 M 8 M 8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M24 12 16 20 20 25 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 60 70 80 Tightening torque MA Nm Shaft diameter d 8 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 70 80 90 100 110 125 160 200 0.065 – 0.142 0..142 0.030 – 0.165 0.6 13 17 17 22 26 32 38 42 48 52 62 62 72 82 102 l4 l7 d5 C2 dyn.1 0.1 0.5 174 211 245 270 296 322 364 405 488 620 14 18 22 27 32 41 50 62 70 78 85 98 105 120 150 195 32 40 47 54 66 80 96 114 135 148 160 178 190 200 250 320 10.142 0. Cr N 10 800 17 600 30 000 48 000 67 000 100 000 156 000 255 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 1370 000 2120 000 stat.065 – 0.082 0.165 0.192 8 12.043 – 0.B C1 d2 r1s 5) d1 d dK D l7 h1 l3 d3 d4 MA d5 C2 l4 Section GIHN-K.055 – 0.082 0.065 – 0.12 0.055 – 0.030 – 0.LO (d 63 mm) Basic load ratings l3 Degrees 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 19 23 29 37 46 57 64 76 86 91 96 106 113 126 161 54 64 75.055 – 0.192 0.023 – 0.037 – 0.165 0.5 20 32 50 80 125 200 250 320 400 500 635 800 1250 2000 13 32 32 64 64 110 80 195 195 195 385 385 385 660 1350 M30 100 161 .068 0.2 94 115 141.12 0.055 – 0.142 0. GE.7 47 53 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 24.2 29 35.UK.12 25–0.12 22–0.12 20–0.9 66.DO d1 d C1 B d2 r1s 1) dK D l7 h1 l3 118 045 l4 Section d3 d4 d5 GIHR-K..DO (d 50 mm) Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation3) Mass Dimensions d d 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 GIHR-K 20 DO GIHR-K 25 DO GIHR-K 30 DO GIHR-K 35 DO GIHR-K 40 DO GIHR-K 50 DO GIHR-K 60 DO GIHR-K 70 DO GIHR-K 80 DO GIHR-K 90 DO GIHR-K 100 DO GIHR-K 110 DO GIHR-K 120 DO kg 0.012 50–0.015 90–0.43 0. 1) 2) Values in dimension table.48 0.5 121.5 56 56 64 78 94 116 130 154 176 206 230 265 340 M 16 1.1 29.2 70–0. thread runout to DIN 76.8 5.2 70–0.02 120–0.5 12 21.5 M 80 2 M100 2 M110 2 M120 3 M130 3 25 25 32 40 49 61 75 86 102 124 138 152 172 D B dK d1 d2 d3 d4 For rod ends of sizes 20 mm.5 M 58 1.UK-2RS.5 M 16 1.02 35 42 47 55 62 75 90 105 120 130 150 160 180 16–0.FW-2RS.Hydraulic rod ends requiring maintenance Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GIHR-K.8 89.1 109.01 35–0.2 39..2 2 3. GE. Basic load rating of housing.8 77. the basic dynamic load ratings Cr then correspond to the values on page 77 and 81.015 80–0.012 40–0.15 60–0. 25 mm and 30 mm.4 8.5 40.012 60–0. GE.02 110–0.02 100–0..01 30–0.5 M 28 1. page 107.5 M 35 1. 162 .5 M 45 1.3 34.2 85–0.5 M 22 1.74 1..12 35–0.5 27.5 40.015 70–0.01 25–0..15 55–0. 3) These hydraulic rod ends are also available with maintenance-free spherical plain bearings GE.15 49–0.FW. In this case.4 98.2 135.12 28–0..5 76 20–0.7 45 55.5 M 65 1.12 44–0. C1 B d2 r1s 1) d1 d dK D l7 h1 l3 118 044 l4 Section d3 d4 d5 GIHR-K.12 0.12 0.082 0. C0r2) N 81 100 65 400 96 700 140 000 227 000 333 000 326 000 440 000 550 000 810 000 920 000 1382 000 2373 000 Radial internal clearance CN Fixing screws EN ISO 4 762 M 8 20 M 8 25 M 8 25 M10 30 M10 35 M12 35 M10 45 M12 50 M16 50 M16 60 M20 60 M20 70 M24 80 Tightening Shaft torque diameter MA Nm d 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.12 0.055 – 0..DO (d 60 mm) Basic load ratings h1 Degrees 50 50 60 70 85 105 130 150 170 210 235 265 310 9 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 17 17 23 29 36 46 59 66 81 101 111 125 135 78 78 92 109 132 163 200 232 265 323 360 407.065 – 0.037 – 0.043 – 0.037 – 0.030 – 0.142 0.1 0.043 – 0.1 0. Cr N 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 stat.055 – 0.1 0.5 490 25 25 30 38 45 55 65 75 80 90 105 115 140 41 41 46 58 66 88 90 100 125 146 166 190 217 19 23 28 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 l3 l4 l7 d5 C1 dyn.165 0.165 0.142 0.165 32 32 32 64 64 110 46 80 195 195 385 385 660 163 .055 – 0.142 0.043 – 0.065 – 0.065 – 0.037 – 0. 12 44–0.015 80–0.Hydraulic rod ends requiring maintenance ISO 12 240-4.7 10–0.15 49–0.008 12–0.12 14–0.012 45–0.DO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 d6 h2 kg GK 10 DO1) 4) GK 12 DO1) 4) GK 15 DO2) 4) GK 17 DO2) GK 20 DO2) GK 25 DO GK 30 DO GK 35 DO GK 40 DO GK 45 DO GK 50 DO GK 60 DO GK 70 DO GK 80 DO 0.12 12–0..015 70–0.8 89.5 3.008 17–0.3 1.64 0.8 77.96 1.9 66. dimension series E.012 60–0.008 20–0.5 21 24 27.9 18.8 2.015 19 22 26 30 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 9–0.7 24.4 20.12 28–0.2 14.12 20–0. 4) Price and delivery on request.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 13. 164 118 039 d7 l8 .1 29.23 0.12 35–0.12 25–0.01 30–0.9 6..12 10–0.012 40–0.012 50–0.5 33.066 0.12 0.12 16–0.01 35–0.43 0.7 55. Relubrication via lubrication hole in housing.6 8. 3) Basic load rating of housing.15 16 18 22 25 29 35.5 40 47 52 58 62 70 80 95 24 27 31 35 38 45 51 61 69 77 88 100 115 141 No relubrication facility.4 29 34 40 46 53 64 73 82 92 102 112 135 160 180 15 17.12 22–0.041 0.5 40.19 0.15 55–0. type S Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GK.2 39.7 45 50.3 34. 5) Deviating from ISO 12 240-4.008 15–0.DO d1 d B C1 d2 r1s dK D l7 l6 h2 45˚ d6 6 GK.01 25–0.12 32–0. 5 44 51 58 64.082 0. 0. Cr N 8 150 10 800 17 000 21 200 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 stat.030 – 0.6 0.3 0.023 – 0.6 0.030 – 0.043 – 0.037 – 0.068 0.12 0.5 102 115 128 144 167. C0r3) N 15 600 21 500 31 800 40 100 52 400 70 800 95 600 127 000 155 000 208 000 251 000 389 000 510 000 624 000 Radial internal clearance5) CN Shaft diameter d 0.043 – 0.055 – 0.12 0.5 195 231 15 18 20 23 27 32 37 42 48 52 60 75 87 100 2 2 2.3 0.3 0.043 – 0.043 – 0.6 0.6 0.082 0.023 – 0.12 0.1 0.6 1 1 1 Basic load ratings dyn.037 – 0.055 – 0.142 0.12 0.5 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 8 10 10 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 l6 l7 l8 d7 r1s min.082 0.Chamfer dimension C1 Degrees 7 8 10 11 13 17 19 21 23 27 30 38 42 47 12 11 8 10 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 38.037 – 0.1 0.3 0.030 – 0.1 0.142 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 165 .068 0.5 77 87.3 0.6 0. 015 80–0.9 66.5 31.01 35–0.12 25–0.8 89.5 121.1 10.02 120–0.02 110–0.5 15 23.4 4..1 109.87 1.2 70–0.015 90–0.01 25–0.12 28–0.7 45 50.015 70–0.7 55.15 49–0.012 50–0. 166 . Price and delivery on request.53 0.12 32–0.12 22–0.7 47 53 60 66 80 92 105 115 130 140 160 24.02 100–0.5 2..5 50 55 65 83 100 110 123 140 164 180 226 250 295 360 38 45 51 61 69 77 88 100 115 141 150 170 185 210 Basic load rating of housing.2 85–0.15 55–0.01 30–0.012 40–0.DO Dimension table · Dimensions in mm Shaft diameter Designation Mass Dimensions d d 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 1) 2) D B dK d1 d2 h2 kg GF 20 DO GF 25 DO GF 30 DO GF 35 DO GF 40 DO GF 45 DO GF 50 DO GF 60 DO GF 70 DO GF 80 DO GF 90 DO2) GF 100 DO2) GF 110 DO2) GF 120 DO2) 0.4 7.2 29 35.DO d1 d C1 B d2 r1s dK D l6 h2 118 040 GF.15 60–0.4 3.5 40.8 77.5 48 79 20–0.3 34.35 0.12 35–0.2 70–0.2 135.2 39.12 44–0.4 98.Hydraulic rod ends requiring maintenance Sliding contact surface: Steel/steel Series GF.012 60–0.1 29.012 45–0.12 20–0.02 35 42 47 55 62 68 75 90 105 120 130 150 160 180 16–0. 037 – 0.043 – 0.5 102.055 – 0. Degrees 9 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 63 72.037 – 0.1 0. Cr N 30 000 48 000 62 000 80 000 100 000 127 000 156 000 245 000 315 000 400 000 490 000 610 000 655 000 950 000 stat.3 0.065 – 0.6 0.6 0. C0r1) N 65 500 68 700 115 000 193 000 305 000 386 000 441 000 558 000 724 000 804 000 1 352 000 1 516 000 2 340 000 3 510 000 Radial internal clearance CN Shaft diameter l6 r1s min.065 – 0.142 0.12 0.12 0.165 0.030 – 0.6 0.1 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 167 .043 – 0.5 83.1 0. 20 24 29 31 36.5 119 132 149.12 0.12 0.5 52.5 41.6 0.6 0.5 170 197 231 263 295 332.055 – 0.165 0.165 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0.5 58 63 69 74 85 95 a Basic load ratings dyn.055 – 0.5 41.5 390 d 0.082 0.142 0.037 – 0.043 – 0.Chamfer dimension C1 nominal 19 23 28 30 35 40 40 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 C1 max.142 0.065 – 0.043 – 0. In order to achieve the most favourable solution in technical and economic terms using products from this range. shafts or anti-rotation devices on the customer's part (leading to cost savings). for example for fitting on the piston side to a hydraulic cylinder ■ are made from high strength forged materials ■ are easy to fit and service – the lug is fixed to the moving part by cap head screws ■ can be quickly and easily fitted and are more easily dismantled than conventional pin arrangements due to the screw connection ■ require no precision fixtures. There is therefore no need for clearance adjustment by the customer. This prevents edge stresses in the part of the bearing under axial load ■ are supplied preadjusted. the development should be discussed and agreed as early as possible in the project with the manufacturer's engineering service. . Figure 2 · Locating bearings for articulated frame steering 168 117 141 117 140 Special rod ends ■ comprise a rod end and spherical plain bearing whose inner ring is in the form of a mounting lug ■ can be combined with a hydraulic rod end.Other products Other products in the range: ■ are special products which differ from the catalogue range in type and design ■ are products for special bearing arrangement problems ■ are produced exclusively for specific customers or orders. Figure 1 · Special rod end Locating bearings for articulated frame steering ■ are used as locating bearings in frame steering systems for construction machinery ■ can support high radial and axial loads ■ have sliding zones of a special geometrical design. preventing eccentricity of the elastically coupled shafts. Figure 4 · Flanged spherical plain bearings Joint connecting rods ■ are used in brake actuation systems ■ contain maintenance-free spherical plain bearings. Figure 5 · Joint connecting rod 169 117 217 117 218 117 142 . Figure 3 · Prop shaft centring bearings Flanged spherical plain bearings ■ are used in clutch actuation systems ■ are maintenance-free.Prop shaft centring bearings ■ are movable cardanic centring elements ■ are used to damp vibrations in rear and four wheel drive vehicles in the centre of the coupling between the gearbox and prop shaft ■ support the prop shaft mass on the coupling. The set position is then fixed using a locknut.Other products Spherical plain bearings for clearance-free bearing arrangements ■ are used in clearance-free bearing arrangements for control elements such as gear levers ■ have a plastic/steel sliding contact surface ■ compensate wear up to 0. 117 147 Figure 8 · Brake pedal linkage 170 117 146 . Figure 7 · Gear lever bearing arrangement Brake pedal linkages ■ are spherical plain bearing units ■ connect the brake pedal to the brake servo unit ■ give positive transmission of the brake pedal stroke and pedal force moment-free by means of a coupling on both sides ■ have a rod end at one end fixed to the aluminium linkage rod to prevent rotation ■ have a rod end on the other end with a thread for adjusting the rod length. 117 145a Figure 6 · Spherical plain bearings for clearance-free bearing arrangements Gear lever bearing arrangements ■ are developed to meet the specific requirements of the vehicle manufacturer ■ give continuous compensation of the operating clearance ■ have a constant tilting moment ■ are maintenance-free for the life of the vehicle ■ can be combined with noise and vibration damping measures. A sheet metal safety lug is formed about the pressure pipe and spot welded.4 mm due to the use of preloaded rubber elements ■ have preload values comparable to a new bearing even after a long operating life ■ are maintenance-free throughout their operating life after initial greasing. 171 . 172 . 173 . 174 . 175 . 176 . CD medias® professional 199 128a . The advantages of this type of presentation include: ■ less reading is required ■ the required information can be accessed more quickly ■ a direct comparison between alternative bearings is possible.Each section in Catalogue 238 begins with a description of the product series and their features. The essential characteristics of the spherical plain bearings. there is a direct or indirect risk to the product and/or the adjacent construction . Definition of pictograms Pictogram Description The spherical plain bearings can perform spatial oscillating motion even under load The rod ends can perform spatial oscillating motion even under load The bearings can support radial forces The bearings can support axial forces in one direction The bearings are greased The bearings can be relubricated The bearings are sealed on both sides ˚C The permissible operating temperature differs from the standard values This pictogram indicates the dimension table 70 If this information is not adhered to. maintenance-free plain bushes and rod ends are indicated by means of pictograms. MATNR 002050722-0000 / 238 / GB-D / 2008022 / Printed in Germany by Hofmann Druck Schaeffler KG Industriestrasse 1–3 91074 Herzogenaurach (Germany) Internet www.com E-Mail info@schaeffler. © Schaeffler KG · 2008. February This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced without our permission. We reserve the right to make technical changes.ina. 238 GB-D .com In Germany: Phone 0180 5003872 Fax 0180 5003873 From Other Countries: Phone +49 9132 82-0 Fax +49 9132 82-4950 Every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions. Catalogue 238 Spherical plain bearings · Plain bushes · Rod ends .
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