Karnataka Government Education Circulars
1PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ¸ÀPÁðgÀ ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ rĒ¬»°c° :ococ :¬ :¬¬:o oc:n·.° : c¬°-o ·.:. :.:°n-Ē°ce :oc± (¬¬o;°ooo:.o) c¬¬' - ì o' o'um¯ ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»° oo·..° o:° , c°oceno. - cco oot 2 o¬Ē¯tt: õo' m oĒ¬æ¯ m'o¬' e' o'::o':¸o +o¯¸Ē¯.- • tocooo rĒ¬»°o:...¸ :¬<:Ē¬º¬° • rĒ¬»°o:.. tce :¬¬:o ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ce..¸ ·.:. soo »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce c¬e:·..¸ oc ;¬¬°-𬠬.°-oce ·..»¬o:o ··:±:.c ¬°. • = ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ce. o¬~.¬ oe co c¬¬.oo:.ce ·¬.<c° ·e;¬.: ¬°. oĒ¬æ¯o:': c',ao¯sto'.- • :¬·:¬~¬ .¬.o:. ·¬º:.· ·~ .o :·:¬~¬ ·Ē¬ ·c:¬·ocn e.¸: ð¬ æ·..¸ ;¬°o:..· o·¬¬oce..¸ ¬o :.·¬.. • c¬¬.s:ce..¸ e: ·. .¬co-¬o¬º on<:o. c¬¬.s:ce :·::°n-·..æ o~ ·,c. • e.¸: ð¬ æco¬ ·.±e°o:.o ·.:. ¬.c:o ·c:¬ :co-¬oæ. oĒ¬æ¯o:': ec¯ ta'¬'u':.- • ;¬c ð¬ æ¬o c.æ·.· ·..¸ ±°· :.·¬.. • ;¬c ð¬ æ ·oo:.¬ cc° o:°n-~.°ce..¸ on<:.·¬. ±¬cn ·°.-o ·¬o¬° ·.:. :·.. o:. ¬°¸c°ne. ·¬.. • cc¬ o°¸¬ æ ¬ ¬¬o:.:¬·.ce ·..»¬o:o e;.¬.:¬o ·.:. c¬¬.s:ce ·:¬.· :o;.n,o o~ ·,c . • :¬¬:o ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ce :¬;.°, o~·,c ·.:. c¬e:. • »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce ¬¬o:.:·°¸æoo:. ·°.-o ·¬o¬° ·.:. ·°-:.¬..¬¬.·..¸ o¬~. :¬¬:o¬ ·-co:.o:° ·¬º:.·¬.. • ; cc¬·o: ·.:. cs:¬·¬º ¬.c:oo¬¬ c¬¬.s:cec° c¬¬.s:·°-:. ·¬º:.·¬. ·.:. ;°n -:¬ ± ·-¬.·¬.. • o¬~.¬ co c¬¬.·oo:.ce., o:..~: ·.:. .¬.¬· :o:° ce°n¬.° :oo:°n-~.°. • o¬~.¬ :¬¬:o ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.cec° ·.nocn: :¯¬o:.:ce..¸ ·¬º:.·¬.. • c°n-¬ ¬o. ·.:. c°n-¬ ¬°-:oo .°-·.¬¬c ·.:. :°-·¬ c;o:.ce ··:±¬°. 3 • c¬e:·..¸ c¬ .·-¬oæc°ne: r-c¬e:·..¸ ~¬oc°ne:.·¬.. • o°¸¬ æ¬ ·oo:.¬o ±°n: ¬°n-:.:ce..¸ oe·o: o~ ·,c ;o:.·¬.. m'o¬'e' .- rĒ¬»°o:.. ±o· ;cc;o ¬¬o:.:¬ ·.ce..¸ o..;¬ .c°ne:¬., rĒ¬»°o:.. :¬;.°c°no¬ .o:o ·°n¬o.°- c¬oc° rĒ¬»°c° :oco¬;· coo«o ·o°º. :¬¬:o c¬°-oce., :.:°n -Ē°ce., oc :n·.°ce..¸ ¬°n -o -¬o: c¬e:·..¸ e.¸c-¬o:.· ·~ .o ±¬cn ·:¬±c ±¬. oc ·o:.·.·..¸ ;o¬¬·.¬¬oo::¬º ~¬oc°ne:o. ·o¬. :oc ±·..¸ ·o¬. :o;.·ceo ±°no:o.· ¬¬o:.:¬ ·.·..¸ ±c.,¬°neĒ¬º¬°. =c ±°no:oĒ¬ºo.· :oc ±¬ ·o¬. :o;.·ce. rĒ¬»°o:. oc ¬¬oce., c°n-¬ ¬o., c°n-¬ ¬°-:oo., :¬·:~·¬oc° :¬¬:o¬ ·-c, rĒ¬»°o:.. o..;¬ .c°ne:.co.· ¬¬o:.:¬ ·.ce. ·.:. c¬°-oce cc° ±°·. ·:¬±c ·¬º: e;o:°n-c¬o·¬c.·¬°o¬. cð:Ē¬º¬°. = :oc ±·..¸ ±°no:o.·o o c.:¬ rĒ¬»°o:. oc ¬¬oce., :c oc·c:¬·o. ±¬cn :¬¬:o ·..¬ ¬¬oo:.¬ oc ¬¬o ·.:. :c oc ·c:¬·oc° ¬,:~ :°o:...¸ o<::.:¬-- ·..oco.· ·;:ceo ; c ·;:· ±°noo:.· c¬°-oce :oc ±·..¸ ±°no:o¬. c¬e: ±:¬,< o.o¬ ; cc :¬c:o. ¬ ·. ·±:.· c.o :¬c :Ē¬c.·¬. ·o¬. :± ·o-÷ :Ē¬º¬°. c°oceno. tc-oc-cooc 4 --e m'o¬'e'o'o':¸ e¯so'o'o':o'o a'o:oc' o¬Ē¯tt: õo'm oĒ¬æ¯o:': eoo¬o / oc oo o'¬'rc'o'o' oo'o' t ð -·.c: ·o. c. ~o:.oc, ·.·.·:·, co:..¬ o. c ;°n:¬°.c.¬°n-¬o¬o¬·.o:.., ·¬°-:o¬o. s ð -.o.o:..¬eo¬··, ¬°.·.·:·., ±oc. ~o~ ·¬°-:o¬o. (c¬e:) (±¬o ··,:o.) « ð -. ~:°-o¬ .¬o:.¬·, ¬°.·.·:·., ±oc. ·..æ. c¬e:¬c ¬¬o c ð -·.c.·o.c.:¬cc , ¬°.·.·:·., ±oc. ·..æ. c¬e:¬c ¬¬o c ð -.¬°.±°··..o~°-c¯¬, ¬°.·.·:·., ±oc. ·..æ. c¬e:¬c ¬¬o (±¬o ··,: o.) / ð -.c.~.c·¬¬o, ¬°.·.·:·., ·..æ.c¬e:¬c ¬¬o e ð -.co·.ooc¬ ¬·.o:.., :±¬o:.¬ ·¬°-:o¬o., (±¬o ··,: o.) o ð -.·Ē·.o¬~c°n-;¬Ē·, oe:o¬: co:°. o° -æ e;.¬.:¬o., :¬¬:o c~¬ . ¬¬Ē°-~., c°oceno.. to ¬¬:±°··.·°o¬·°-o; , :o:: co:°. o° -æ e;.¬.:¬o., :¬¬:o ¬Ē¬ ¬¬Ē°-~., c°oceno.. tt ð -.ð -¬¬o: ·.¬.¬.o, co:°. o° -æ c oe;¬o¬o., :¬¬:o c~¬ . ¬¬Ē°-~., c°oceno.. tc ð -.c.c;° -:¬ c., c°~°·°¬· ·:¬..°-~o·, :¬¬:o ; e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~., c~o:..co, c°oceno.. ts ð -.~.·:¬.; , c°~°·°¬· ·:¬..°-~o·, :¬¬:o ; e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~., ¬°no·c°o°. t« ð -.¬°.¬°n-·o:.., c°~°·°¬· ·:¬..°-~o·, (±¬o ··,:o.) tc ð -.·o.;¬o:¬ c., oc -¬ ¬o., ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ co:..¬ o ¬.°-o, c°oceno., tc ð -.¬°.·:·.o÷ -;c, oc -¬ ¬o., :¬¬:o c¬o¬o ¬¬Ē°-~., ¬°n-Ē¬o. t/ ð -.~.·.·.¬.·:¬o·, oc -¬¬o., ·.±¬o¬æ o÷ ,- o·.,æ ·.±e¬ ¬¬Ē°-~., c°oceno.. te ð -.oo°n-¬ o°~ , oc -¬ ¬o., ·.·.·o.¬°.co·.c.·.±e¬ ¬¬Ē°-~., c°oceno.. to ð -·.c.;.;¬ ·c, ð-: o<c¬oo., ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ co:..¬ o ¬.°-o, c°oceno., co ð -.o¬·.¬,; , cc-o:. ¬~°: :±¬o:.¬o., ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ co:..¬o ¬.°-o, c°oceno., ¢£ÁAPÀ:16-05-2006 5 o'o¬ruo' m'o¬ro' o¬Ē¯tt: õo'm oĒ¬æ¯¬¯ m'ocoooc' m'o¬ro eom'sc'o¯ . ec¯ta' . m':o¯stĒ¯¬'u' m'o¬'e' (o¬oo¯ooo:':o) c¬¬' – ì tu'o¯stu o'o':.. m'oæ¯-. oa'o:': m'sc o'u m'oæ¯- t ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·,o¬ ·.:. .°-·.¬¬c ·o:.·.ce., ±.¬°ce :,~.° ·.:. r:o° c¬°-oce. oot-oc« c ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. c¬e:¬:,¬ ·.:. ±æ¬¬:. oc ¬¬o ; :¬.o:°n-~.° cc° ±°noo:o.· ·.:. r:o° :¬¬:o¬ c¬°-oce. occ-t«« s »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce o..¬¬. :o±:° ·.:. r:o° c¬. ;oce. t««-tcc « »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce :c occ° c.¬o¬: ot-to-to// oo¬ .°-o ·°-:.¬..¬¬.¬ cc° c¬°-oce. ·.:. r:o° c¬. ;oce. tcc-cco c »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo :c occe .°-o .°-·.¬¬c ·.:. co c° :oco¬ ;· c¬°-oce. cco-ccc c :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce e;.¬.:¬o.ce ot-ot- ec ·.:. ot-ot-oc o o:...~.:. ·°-:.¬° :ococ:¬ c¬°-oce. ·.:. c¬.;oce. ccs-s«c / c.¬o¬ ot-ot-ec ·.:. ot-ot-oc oo¬ :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce coe;¬o¬o. ·.:. ¬°¸±¬ 𬠬o.cec° o. o.:o.· o:...~.:. ·°-:.¬° :ococ:¬ o¬°-oce. ·.:. c¬. ;oce. s«c-sct e :¬¬:o ·.:. »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo :c occe .°-·.¬¬c ·.:. co c° :ococ:¬ c.-:Ē¬c c¬°-oce. scc-«cc o :¬¬:o ·.:. »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo o..¬o;¬. o:. .°-·.¬¬cc° :ococ:¬ c¬°-oce. «cc-««t to o:...~.: ·o:.·:¬·ece., .¬.¬· ·.:. e.¸: ð¬ æ¬o c.æ·.· :.¬¬o¬°c° :ococ:¬ c¬°-oce. ««t-«ot 6 c¬¬' -ì (ì) o¬Ē¯tt: õo'm oĒ¬æ¯o:': o',oc' o':o': o¯to':o¬o oo:':o':¬'u':, e':c¯¬'u' m',to¯ o':o': oo'o¯ ec¯ta'¬'u': o'. m'o oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯/ ec¯ta'/ m':o¯stĒ¯/ o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 24-01-1962 GAD-40-ORR-61 Recruitment / promotion of Typists and Stenographers in the pay scales of Assistants Junior Assistants / Clerks with grant of special pay 001 2 30-07-1964 GAD 47 CRR 64 sanctions the Establishment of the State Services Cadres in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department). 003 3 30-07-1964 GAD 48 ORR 64 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964. 005 4 05-04-1965 ED 134 DIP 64 Amendment to the Notification No.GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th July 1964 011 5 14-12-1966 ED 145 DIS 66 Amendment to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 012 6 14-12-1966 ED 145 DIS 66 Amendment to the Notification No.GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 20 th July 1964 014 7 01-02-1967 ED 120 DIS 66 Amendment to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964 014 8 15-02-1967 ED 14 DIP 65 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1967. 015 9 05-07-1967 ED 49 DIP 65 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment), (Amendment) Rules, 1967. 019 10 27-05-1970 ED 13 DLS 68 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Ist Amendment) Rules, 1970 020 11 30-11-1970 ED 72 DCE 70 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) For the amendment Rules, 1970. 021 12 07-07-1971 ED-20-DCE-71 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Ist Amendment) Rules, 1971. 022 13 26-08-1971 ED 28 UEC 70 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (2 nd Amendment) Rules, 1971. 023 14 22-02-1972 ED 69 DCE 71 Amendments to Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated 30 th July 1964 023 7 15 22-02-1972 ED 69 DEC 71 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1972. 024 16 24-03-1973 ED 30 DCE 72 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1973. 025 17 12-07-1973 ED 33 DCE 71 Aendments to the Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th Day of July 1964 025 18 12-07-1973 ED 33 DCE 71 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1973. 026 19 08-03-1974 ED 58 DCE 73 Aendments to Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated 30 th July 1964 027 20 08-03-1974 ED 58 DCE 73 Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1974. 027 21 12-07-1975 ED 33 DCE 71 Aendments to the Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th day of July 1964 028 22 31-03-1978 ED 51 UEC 77 Strengthening of the Department of Collegiate Education- Plan Scheme 028 23 03-03-1979 DPAR 18 SCR 79 Promotional opportunities to Typists-Change of Cadre. 029 24 26-04-1979 DPAR 26 SCR 79 Promotion of Class IV Government servants to the posts of Drivers in respective Departments. 030 25 29-08-1980 ED 54 MUN 8 (II) Department of Collegiate Education – establishment of Regional Offices-sanctioned. 031 26 16 19-10-1982 ED-22-UEC-82 Creation of a new cadre of “Senior Typists” in the Department of Collegiate Educaion, Bangalore 032 27 17-12-1982 ED 26 UEC 81 Upgradation of the post of Office Superintendents in the Government Colleges to Group 'B' Gazetted Cadre with a designation as Registrars 032 28 01-02-1985 ED 74 UEC 84 Department of Collegiate Education-Creation of Audit Staff in the Directorate of Collegiate Education for Audit of Private Aided and un-aided Law Colleges. 033 29 15-02-1985 ED-16-MUN-84 Department of Collegiate Education-Establishment of two Regional Offices at Mangalore and Gulbarga. 034 30 03-08-1985 ED 158 DCE 83 Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1985. 035 31 10-06-1987 ro tce ·oo:..·.· ec ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ ·¬°:-o.¬oo:.¬o ±.¬°ce ·:¬;¬:¬. ±¬cn c¬°-oc -¬oæ 036 32 20-08-1987 ro ss« o:r e« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:.o ts ;¬·¬o:.:o. ±¬cn so ;··¬o ±.¬°ce..¸ :,< ·:¬¬.· cc° – c¬°-o. 037 8 33 14-10-1991 ED 117 DCE 81 Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1991. 038 34 24-05-1995 ðr c o:r oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:.. ;¬¬°-ð¬ e; ·¬°:-o¬o ±.¬°ce.. ~o~ ·¬°:-o¬o ±.¬°ce°o¬. ;..o· .¬·.¬oæ ·:¬¬.· cc°. 039 35 31-05-1996 ro ec o:°n-o:°n-¬ oc ð¬æ rĒ¬»°o:. tooc-o/.°- :¬o. ·..o¬.·o¬ ¬¬o:.:¬·.¬oo:.o ±c.,¬°nooo.· ±°n: o:°n-~.°cec° o..·°n-¬.° 040 36 10-09-1996 ED 181 UEC 96 Directorate of Collegiate Education-Upgradation of one post of Driver to that of Senior Driver. 042 37 24-02-1997 ro ssc o:r oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. c¬e:·..¸ co;o:o. ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ co:..¬ o ±.¬°o:°no¬..¸ :,~:.· cc° c¬°-o. 042 38 19-03-1997 ED 130 UEC 94 Upgradation of the post of Office Superintendents in the Government First Grade Degree Colleges to Group-B Gazetted cadre with designation as Registrars and Re-designation as Managers. 044 39 07-05-1997 ro to/ o:r o/ ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ co:..¬ o..¸ ;¬¬. rĒ¬»¬ ·..æ.: o°o¬. :°n-<:.· cc°. 045 40 15-09-1997 ro t« o:..r: o/ ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ co:..¬ o o; o¬»° cc¬c¬° :ococ :¬o:°, ±.¬°ce..¸ :,~:.· cc°. 046 41 17-09-1997 ¬¬ðr-s«- o:°n-~.°-o/-oe co:..¬o c; o¬»°c° oc ±.¬°ce..¸ cc: ·:¬¬.· cc°. 046 42 19-11-1998 DCE 30 EAP 92 Creation of Encadre post of Principals in all Colleges-Reg. 047 43 02-08-1996 ro tcc o:r o« :¬¬:o,o..¬¬·: ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ;¬oo.;¬oo ¬°-¬o..¸ :,<:.· cc°. 047 44 23-03-1999 ro «/ o:r oo ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o co.· cc :¬¬:o ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo \ ;¬oo.;¬oo. c°-¬·-c ±.¬°ce..¸ :,~:.· cc° c¬°-o. 048 45 17-04-2000 DPAR 31 SRR 98(P) Ban on direct recruitment. 050 46 02-06-2000 ro teo o:r cooo co:..¬o ±.¬°o:...¸ c ·;:¬ o·cc° ·..o¬.·o°:.· cc°. 050 47 16-08-2000 FD 02 BEM 98 Economy in Government Administrative Expenditure- Economy in the use of Telephones-regarding. 051 48 28-02-2001 ro ste o:r cooo ce¬ oo:. :¬¬:o ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~c° ·.o~no¬ºo.· ;¬oo.;¬oo c°-¬·-t ±.¬°o:...¸ ;¬oo.;¬oo c°-¬·-c ±.¬°c° e.¸c-¬o:.· cc° c¬°-o 052 49 17-10-2001 FD 03 BEM 2001 Austerity measures in Government Expenditure. 053 50 28-11-2001 cr toec ~- c,coot o.c:. ¬no·¬æce..¸ :¬¬:o¬° o¬.<::.· cc°. 055 51 06-09-2003 ro cc o:..·.·r coos coos-coo«.°- :¬o.o :¬¬:o ¬¬Ē°-~.ce :¬;.° ·:¬¬.· cc°. 055 52 18-12-2003 ro ee o:r :¬¬:o ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ocs e;.¬.:¬o.ce..¸ 058 9 coos .°-·.¬ ·:¬o¬°ne.·o ;¬o:c°-¬¬¬ ¬¬o:.:c¬ ¬.. 53 09-01-2004 cr s ~r·o coot (c¬c-III) :¬¬:o¬ ·°·ceo ¬·. ·~. cs:¬ c.:·.o:. ¬·.ce ;¬o.° cc°. 059 54 15-03-2004 :c:.r cc :°.°· coo« :·.n± 'o` .¯¬oo »¬o:.o;n·: o·co:...¸ :°n-<:.· cc°. 060 55 16-03-2004 FD 02 BEM 2003 Austerity Measures for 2003-2004. 060 56 28-04-2004 ¬¬ðr cot ·Ē·: :cc coos-o« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o¬ c°oceno. :¬¬:o c~¬. ¬¬Ē°-~. ±¬:Ē· ·.:. :¬¬:o ¬Ē¬ ¬¬Ē°-~. ±¬:Ē· :cocce..¸ o¬o:·¬º :·:¬~ ¬Ē¬.æ rĒ¬»°c° ·c¬:o.:.· cc°. 061 57 19-06-2004 ro oc o:r coo« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°c° :ococ:¬o:° o°-.coo;. ±.¬°ce..¸ o¬.c°ne:.· cc°. 063 58 05-07-2004 cr c ~r·o coos :¬¬:o¬ ·°·ceo c.:·.o:. ¬ ·.ce. 065 . o»o : (n, a»otæ: ea= ao»rc: : saøa»a a o :a : ±=a»so ooa»o na»·c:atæo no ±aooso :o o :a : aa o s a»roo sotoo e : ao : s cr· oo»ca oos an o , soto , s :aato , n a s cr· oac: : n u s cr· 1 15-12-1980 DCE 83 EAP 80 Delegation of Financial and Administrative powers and assignment of duties to the Deputy Directors of Collegiate Education of the Regional Offices at Bangalore, Mysore and Dharwad. 066 2 30-01-1988 ED 2 UEC 88 Distribution of Administrative and Financial powers among the Director, Additional Director and Joint Director of Collegiate Education in the Directorate of Collegiate Education. 067 3 25-01-1991 DCE 2 GMS PCC 91 Delegation of powers to Deputy Directors of Regional Offices for transfer of employees in Private Aided Colleges-reg. 071 4 27-01-1992 DCE 6 BUD I 91- 92 General delegation of common financial powers to heads of Departments and others. 072 5 29-04-1981 FD 3 TFP 80 General delegation of common financial powers to Heads of Departments and others-Review of-Notifying the Officers of Government Departments for exercising the powers at Divisional / District/Sub-divisional Taluk levels. 072 6 16-09-1991 FD 7 TFP 91 General Delegation of common financial powers to Heads of Departments and others-Review of 072 10 7 08-06-1994 ¬¬ð· tt/ ··:·· oo :c c :¬¬:o ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. o¬ ¬.;¬o.ce..¸ cc¬ coc¬¬.oo:.ce. ·;:o:.· °oo:.o·°-o.· : o;°;o· ¬°n-:·:ceo c¬c·±:o. o..·.c ·-¬.· cc°. 085 8 29-05-1996 ro-tes-o:r-oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ;¬¬°-ð¬ ~o~ ·¬°:-o¬o.cec° ¬°o· oc ¬¬o ; :¬.o:°n-~.° ¬.o:.-c¬°-o. 085 9 03-03-1997 ro-oo-o:..<:- o/ »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce c°n-¬ ¬ ±¬cn c°n-¬¬°-:o :cocce o..·°n-¬.° oc¬¬o·..¸ c¬°-oc -¬o:.· cc°. 086 10 05-03-1997 ro-t-o:..r:-o/ ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ co:..¬oc° ¬¬o:.:c¬o·..¸ ±o·.· cc°. 087 11 22-01-1998 ro-tes-o:r-oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ;¬¬°-ð¬ ~o~ ·¬°:-o¬o.cec° oc ¬¬o c¬°-oc-¬oæ¬ ±.°¸Ē°o:.o ·.:;. oc¬¬o ;:¬.o:°n-~.° ¬.o:.-c¬°-o. 087 12 17-5-1999 FD 2 TFP 98 General Delegation of common Financial Powers to Heads of Departments and Others-review of notifying the officers of Government Departments for exercising the powers at Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional / Taluk levels. 088 13 20-10-2000 cr s« ·..c· cooo :¬·:¬.. cc;. ·c »¬:°o.o¬ :¬o ·..oc¬ : c ¬co: ooð¬ ooc·. ±æ ·¬;:¬c :oco¬ oc¬¬o ;:¬.o:°n-~.° cc°. 110 14 20-10-2000 ¬¬ðc ±;¬c tee ;c~ cooo-coot ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ;¬¬°-ð¬ ~o~ ·¬°:-o¬o.cec° ¬°o· oc ¬¬o ; :¬.o:°n-~.°ce..¸ ·-oo.· cc°. 110 15 05-03-2001 ::r:st:ro< (:¬·:¬..) coot rĒ¬»°o:. ·..æ.: o.cec° :¬·:¬.. ±æ¬¬:. ; :¬.o:°n-~: oc ¬¬oce..¸ ·-oo.· cc°. 111 16 02-02-2001 FD 1 TFP 2001 General delegation of common financial powers to Heads of Departments and Others -Review of 111 17 21-05-2001 ::r:st:ro< (:¬·:¬..) coot rĒ¬»°o:. ·..æ.: o.cec° :¬·:¬.. ±æ¬¬:. ;:¬.o:°n-~: oc¬¬oce..¸ ·-oo.· cc°. 122 18 20-04-2001 FD 9 TFC 2000 Karnataka Financial Code (V Amendment) Rules, 2001. 123 19 12-07-2001 FD 3 TFP 2001 Delegation of special powers to the Heads of Departments in respect of Computers-Amendment to Item No. 2 & 3 reg. 130 20 12-06-2003 FD 1 TFP 2003 Delegation of enhanced financial powers to Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of the Administrative Dept. of Government. 130 21 21-01-2003 ¬¬ðr cce :°- ;:c c cooc :¬cĒ¬o. ·°·¬oo:.o ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo o;oæ: oo°¬¬o¬ ‘o’ cn;· .¯¬oo .°-·.¬¬c ±¬cn :oc ¬·.° ·-¬.· cc°. 131 22 19-06-2003 FD 8 BRS 2003 Re-appropriation by Secretaries and Heads of Departments 131 23 17-01-2004 FD 25 BPE 2003 Budget Control and Implementation Order – III. 132 11 24 22-01-2004 FD 02 FR 2003 Bills for Grant-in-aid claims 133 25 21-02-2004 FD 156 AaKhaEe 2001 Entitlement functions of Gazetted Officers including All India Service Officers in the state 136 26 01-03-2004 ·¬;o:.. tst ·¬;~¬ coos :¬¬:o¬ ·Ē¬ rĒ¬»°ce. ·c·. ·.o¬ece. ;¬ c¬¬oce. (·:¬o.¬·°o:.o :¬ ·:.ce ·:¬o¬·cec° :ococ :¬o:° ·.·±o:.· :o:°ce..¸ ±°no:.;o:) :e-o:. :o:°ce. ~Ē¬ ;o·¬o:.:· ¬¬o::¬:oo:.ce., ;c¬°ceo ;¬~:c°-¬¬c.· :·., ·Ē¬ ~¬±-o¬:.ce..¸ ¬¬¬o:.·¬º ·¬:¬: rĒ¬»°o:. ·..»¬o:o·°- ~¬.c¬° ·:¬¬.· cc°. 138 27 19-05-2004 :c:.r «c ð·¬·- coos :··o., o¬~.:··o., oce°-o:. :o:°o:. ·.:. :··¬oo:.¬ ¬¬o:.:¬ð:ce ·.:. r:o° oc¬¬oo:.·o ce¬°c° ·¬º:o.· ·¬±.ce..¸ »¬:º ¬¬o::¬:c¬oco¬ ¬.o: ·:¬o:.· cc°. 141 28 05-10-2004 ¬¬ðr cce :°-: :c«-o« :¬cĒ¬o. ·°·¬oo:.o ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo o;oæ: oo°¬¬o¬ ‘o’ cn;· .¯¬oo .°-·.¬¬c ±¬cn :oc ¬·.° ·-¬.· cc°. 144 29 09-03-2000 ro c«/ o:r oe :¬¬:o ·.:. o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. e;.¬.:¬o.ce..¸ co:o¬ ·c¬:·¬° ·:¬¬.· cc°. 145 o»o : (s, r»s o oo :o»oa a»o tæ:o e oo :o»o s cæa o :a : aa o so :n oo e : o'. m'o oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯ / ec¯ta' m':o¯stĒ¯ / o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 30-01-1968 ED 27 UGH 67 The Grant-in-Aid code of Karnataka Collegiate Education Department w.e.f.1967-68 145 2 09-04-1981 ED 12 MES 81 Amendments to Grant-in-Aid Codes of Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Sectors-approved. 157 3 28-07-1984 ED 91 UPC 84 Amendment of Rule 10-A of Grant-in-Aid Code. 159 4 28-10-1985 ED 48 UPC 85 Amendment to Grant-in-aid Code applicable to Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education. 159 5 07-11-1985 ED 110 UPC 85 Department of Collegiate Education-Payment of Salary Grants to Un-aided Degree/Composite Colleges-Increase of Non-grant period from 5 years to 7 years Issue of orders regarding 160 6 19-03-1986 ro cee ·:··Ē·~ ec o..¬¬·: »¬:º ;¯¬o¬Ē°ce..¸ :¬¬:o¬ ·o¬° :°c°¬.¬°ne.· cc°. 160 7 04-07-1986 ED 92 MES 86 Amendments to grant-in-aid Codes of Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Education – clarification issued 161 12 8 05-01-1988 ED 98 UPC 87 Amendments to grant-in-aid Code applicable to Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education 162 9 31-12-1988 RDP 260 ZPS 87 Aided Staff shall contest elections under 10 A of the grant in aid code - clarification 163 10 04-04-1996 ro-cc-o:..<:- oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ ·¬°:-o.¬oo:.¬ ·¬.<c°ne;¬.· »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. toec-e/.°- :¬o.o ;¬ oo~ :¬ ¬°o· ¬°n-:.: : c;o:.ce..¸ ·°-:. o..¬¬.¬ ·¬.<c° ·e;o:.· cc°-c¬°-o. 163 11 21-09-1996 ro:tcc:o:..<:: oc ¬.·°o;. ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~., ·.¸;·æ ro. ::.o¬: ·.:. ;¬ æo¬: c;o:.ce..¸ ·°-:.¬..¬¬.¬° ·e;o:.· cc°. 165 12 25-09-1997 o.:. ;: :o»°. : ro cc« o:..<: o/ toe/-ee.°- :¬o. o.o:o ;¬ oo~:Ē¬¬ ð¬ æ :o:°ce..¸ ±¬cn o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ±°n:¬¬º ;¬ oo~:Ē¬¬ ¬°n-:.: : c;o:.ce..¸ o¬o: o..¬¬.o±: ¬°n-:.:ce.¬¸º ;ocæ:o.· cc° 165 13 02-09-1999 ro coo o:..<: oo c°oceno. ·:¯o·· ¬¬·.:Ē· ¬¬Ē°-~.o ;.¬.:¬o¬ºo.· ð-·.c ; c¬ :o;:· ±¬cn r:oo :°-·°o:...¸ .°-·.¬¬c c.¬o¬co¬ ;ocæ : :¯oc.ce..¸ ·-¬.· cc°. 166 c¬¬' -ì (4) æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u' oc oo¬¯ oo¬oo'. oì-ìo-ìo·· ooc' o¯to' o¯to'o¬o':c¬o'c' c¬¯ ec¯ta'¬'u': o':o': oo'o¯ oc':o'o¬'u': o'o': m'oæ¯- oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯ / ec¯ta' / m':o¯stĒ¯ / o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 06-10-1977 141 UPC 76 Direct payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and Teachers’ Colleges. 167 2 17-06-1985 ED 69 UPC 85 Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and Teachers Colleges-Authorisation to draw amount. 178 3 22-01-1986 ED 39 UGH 85 Management to utilise the surplus in the College Account on the specified items of expenditure upto a total of 10 per cent of the annual salary bill 178 4 05-01-1988 ED 98 UPC 87 Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education 179 5 00-06-1988 ED 117 UPC 87 Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and B.Ed. Colleges- Amendment to the orders passed. 179 6 21-07-1989 ¬¬ð· t« ¬¬· »¬¬¬c eo o..¬¬·: »¬:º ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ±°·.·o cc¬cce..¸ ±¬cn ±°n: c;o:.ce..¸ ;¬ oo~ :o. :¬¬:o¬ o..·.c ;¬°o:..· cc°. 180 7 15-04-1994 ro ctc o:..<: os o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. ¬°n-:.:, c;o:.ce..¸ ·°-:. o..¬¬.¬ ·¬.<c° ·e;o:.· cc° 181 13 8 03-05-1995 ro cs o:..<: o« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬æ rĒ¬»° - .°-·.¬¬c, ;¬°n-.¸c, ·c¬:·¬°ce., ·o:°n-~.°ce., r:¬.c-o..¬¬·: ·.:. o..¬¬. o±: :oo:..¬ ¬¬Ē°-~.ce.-c¬.;o. 182 9 04-01-2000 o:r:se:~·o~:<: : c:oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o co.· »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ·.o~no¬¬ ·°-:.¬..¬¬.¬° ·e;~ o.· »¬o ±.¬°ce..¸ cc: ·:¬¬.·¬c, e;.¬.:¬o. ¬¬Ē°-~.o .°-·.¬¬c ±°noco.· c.¬o¬co¬Ē°- :°-·°o:...¸ ;ocæ:.· cc° 183 10 22-11-2000 a± =c. c.:::s .ccc u.::s-¬ 5÷= :c::=u .:c .:·:÷ss:=.:, ·.s¬:· :a·-:u :÷s-c: u.:·a::. :¬c.::· ·: 184 11 07-08-2003 ED 551 UPC 99 Karnataka Educational Institutions (Collegiate Education) Rules, 2003 184 c¬¬' -ì (o) æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u'o oc oo¬'u' o¯to' o¯to':o¬o o':o': co¬¯ m'ococ'o'u ec¯ta'¬'u': o'o': m'oæ¯- oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯ / ec¯ta' / m':o¯stĒ¯ / o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 13-01-1971 ED 157 UPC 69 Department of Collegiate Education – staffing pattern in respect of teachers working in Private aided Colleges – Orders regarding the 222 2 03-08-1977 ED 111 UPC 73 Department of Collegiate Education Recognition of Appointments / promotions of certain teachers made prior to 13-1-1971 in private Aided Colleges for the purpose of grants-approval of 222 3 06-06-1977 ED 16 UPC Grant-in-Aid code of the Mysore Collegiate Education Department-Staff pattern. 223 4 31-12-1977 ED 161 UPC 77 Department of Collegiate Education-appointments, transfers, fixation of pay deputation etc-Aided Colleges- Guidelines-Issue of 224 5 22-04-1978 ED 161 UPC 77 (A) Department of Collegiate Education-Appointments of Pass Class Master’s Degree holders Lecturers in Aided Colleges on and after 13-1-1971 Recognition for the purpose of grants-orders regarding 228 6 07-10-1978 DCE/6/GIC/I/78 Transfer of staff-Private Aided Colleges Regarding 229 7 07-10-1978 DCE/1/GIC/I/78 Selection Committee for appointment-1978-79 Stop-gap appointments –reg. 229 8 05-12-1978 DCE/6/GIC-I/78 Transfer of employees of the Private Aided Colleges under the same Management. 231 9 03-10-1981 ED 146 UPC 79 Department of Collegiate Education-Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputation etc., Aided and Unaided Degree/Composite Colleges-Guidelines-issue of 231 10 07-04-1986 ED 35 UPC 86 Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputations etc - Aided and 242 14 Unaided Degree / Composite Colleges - guidelines - issue of 11 22-12-1986 ED 49 UPC 85 Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputations etc., - Aided and Unaided Degree / Composite Colleges - guidelines - Issue of amendments 242 12 04-06-1987 ro t«c o:..<: ec ð¬æ rĒ¬»° - ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ - o..¬¬·: ·.:. o..¬¬. o±: ;¬c : :oo:..¬ ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo., .°-·.¬¬c, ;¬°n-.¸c, ·c¬:·¬°, o:°n-~.° r:¬.cce cc° ·:¬c::n· - ·:¬;:o:.c¬° - c¬°-o - = cc°. 243 13 02-07-1988 ro t« o:..<: ec ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. o..¬¬. ;¬°o:..co.· »¬:º ¬¬Ē°-~.ce ;¬¬ ¬.;¬o.ce..¸ ±oo:. ;¬¬¬.;¬o.ce¬º co ¬°n¬.· cc° c¬°-o. 244 14 04-03-1991 ED 207 UPC 88 Appointment of Principals in Private Degree Colleges managed by the Minority Educational Trusts - regarding. 246 15 20-04-1991 ED 20 UPC 90 Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputation etc., Aided and Un- aided Degree / Composite Colleges - Issue of Amendment - reg. 245 16 10-12-1991 ED 54 UPC 90(A) Changing the designation of staff of Libraries working in the Private Aided Colleges 246 17 12-03-1993 ED 171 UPC 92 Enhancement of age limit for appointment in the Aided / Un-Aided Degree / Composite College under the Department of Collegiate Education - regarding. 247 18 23-09-1993 ED 39 UPC 92 Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Transfers, Deputations etc. - Aided and Un-aided Degree Composite Colleges - Guidelines - Amendments for the Recruitment / Promotion for the post of Library Assistants - Orders regarding. 248 19 27-06-1998 ED 09 UEC 98 Declaring Librarians working in Universities, Government and Aided First Grade Colleges as "Teachers (non-vacational) - regarding. 248 20 22-06-2000 ¬¬ðo sc ·o:°n-~.°:cooo-ot = rĒ¬»°o:. c°oceno. ;¬¬°-𬠬.°-oo:. ·¬.<c° ·e;· »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ¬¬o:.:c¬oco¬ e;.¬.:¬o.ce ·o:°n-~.° cc° . 249 21 23-11-2000 ro «tc o:..<: oo »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo o.· ·o¬. oc-¬ ¬o ±.¬°ce ;°¸÷ ·o¬..¸ ·:¬..°-~o· ±.¬°o::¬º ·°.-o~°:c°-o:.· ¬.o:.. 250 c¬¬' -ì (e) m'o¬ro e¬¬'s æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u' eo'o¬-m'o'o':¬'u' oì-oì-ee o':o': oì-oì-oe o' o:'::.c.o. o¯to'o'o¯ m'ocoooc' ec¯ta'¬'u': o':o': oc':o'o¬'u': ao : s cr· oo»ca oos an o , soto , s:aato , n a s cr· oac: : n u s cr· 1 02-01-1971 ED 36 MUN 68 (II) Implementation of Revised Scales of Pay of Librarians and Directors / Instructors of Physical Education in 253 15 Universities and Government and Aided Colleges. 2 05-04-1971 ED 27 UEC 71 Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1970 Application of - to the teachers of Colleges (Government and Aided) drawing the Revised Scale of pay (1966-71) recommended by the University Grants Commission - Instructions in the matter of - issued 262 3 30-03-1990 ED 88 UNI 88 Extension of the benefit of the Revised U.G.C. Scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education 262 4 28-01-1991 ED 25 UNI 90 Extension of the benefit of the Revised U.G.C. scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education - Extension of further benefits - regarding. 269 5 04-01-1992 ED 315 DCE 91 Extension of the benefit of Revised U.G.C. scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education 271 6 20-05-1994 ro stc o:r ot ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o co.·o: ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ¬::·. ··:±:.co.· e;¬¬¬.o:.o.cec° o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:. c: o¬° - c.¬o¬ st.tc.eco ·o°c° ¬¬oc.c ;¬°n-.¸c : ¬¬oc.c co o:°n-~.°o:...¸ ·..o¬.·o:.· ¬.o:. - c¬°-o 271 7 02-06-1994 ED 162 DCE 93 Counting of past service rendered by Contract / Local Candidate Lecturers for Career Advancement under UGC pay scales - Orders thereon. 272 8 03-06-1994 ED 186 DCE 93 According deemed date of promotion to Demonstrators as Lecturers - Demand of the Federation of University and College Teachers Association - Orders Reg. 273 9 06-05-1995 ro cs o:r oc ·,c ;¬°n-.¸c (¬¬.oo· o¬¬.··°.o··) ±°no¬o. o;°;o· ¬°n-:·:ce. : c°-:c° c¬¬. :o:°ce. r·ceo c¬c·±:o. ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ce e;¬¬¬.o:.o.cec° ¬¬Ē¬·¬¬o·..¸ c:o:.·¬..¸ ¬.o:.. 274 10 25-04-1994 D.O.No.F.1-6/90 (ASC+ER) Clarification reg- participation of Refresher Course 274 11 21-12-1996 ro cto o:r o« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o co.· ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo ±o¬° ¬°·:¬.·:° -·o· ce¬º ¬::·. ··:±:.c¬. .o:o e;.¬.:¬o¬º co ;¬°¬. ¬::·. ··:±:.co.··oc° :¬· ±o¬° ¬°·:¬.·:°-·o·ce¬º :o :¬ :°-·°o:...¸ o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:.o :¬·-¬o欰 ;ocæ :c°-¬°oc cc° - c¬°-o. 275 12 17-11-1997 ro ccc o:r oc o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:.o ±oo:. o°-æ ±¬cn co:°. o°-æ e;.¬.:¬o.ce.¬¸º :¬ ·-¬oæc°ne:.· cc° - ;..o·c·.ð:: c¬°-o. 276 13 11-02-1998 ¬¬ðr-co-o:..~: : oc-o/ c.¬o¬ ot-ot-ec oo¬ o..;¬ .c°ne:o.· toeco ;o;: o:...~.:. ·°-:. o°-æceo ·.no ·°-:. ·cc;o:.· :oco¬¬o e¬··¬ºo.· o:oc:°ce cc°. 287 14 27-03-1998 ro to/ o:r oc o:...~.:. ·°-:. ;¬°o:..c o.· coc¬¬.oo:. ·.:. ;¬c ¬¬Ē°-~. o¬ ¬.;¬o.cec° ·.¬.o:o ;o±¬o ·.o~no¬c 288 16 ¬.o:.. 15 10-12-1998 CCE-197-TRG-98-9 Equivalance of Course. 290 16 21-04-1999 ED 23 DCE 99 Rescinding the Government Order No. ED 162 DCE 93 dated 2.6.94 which provides for counting past service rendered by contract Lecturers and Local Candidate Lecturers who were later regularised in Degree Colleges coming under the purview of Collegiate Education Department for placement in UGC pay scales - orders reg. 290 17 04-11-1999 ¬¬ðr /t :< ¬ oo oo:o¬ ;¬oo.;¬oo.cec° c°n-¬.¬ ¬¬o:.: ±o·.· cc°. 291 18 22-12-1997 ¬¬ðr /t o:..~: co:o¬ o/ e;.¬.:¬o. , ¬°¸±¬ ð¬æ c°n-¬¬o. , coe;¬¬ooc° ;o;: o:...~.:. ·°-:. o°-æce ±oo:. ·°-:. o°-æ oe·¬ co:°. ·°-:. o°-æcec° :¬·-¬oæ oe·¬ ·,c ;¬°n-.¸c ±°no¬o. o:...~.:. ·o:.·:¬·ece ;¬¬o ·cc;o:o.· o;°;o· ¬°n-:·: oe·¬ °oo:.o·°-;.· ¬°n-:·:ceo c¬c·±:.· cc°. 291 19 08-01-1999 o:r-cc-r<co·- oc(c) ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. e;.¬.:¬oc° o·o :e-o:. oc.s: :°-·°o:...¸ ;ocæ : ·-¬Ē¬º¬ :¬ ·-¬oæ·..¸ ±o:°c°¬.¬°no¬ .o:o o·o.ce. :°-·°o:.o :¬·.c°no¬ c.¬o¬ceo¬ o.o:.·¬c.·o:° ±oo:. o°-æc° :¬ ·-¬oæ ·-¬.· :oco¬¬o :¬¬:o· :<-¬oæ ·-oo.· cc°. 297 20 16-12-1998 ro cc o:r oe ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. e;.¬.:¬oc° o·o :e-o:. oc.s: :°-·°o:...¸ ;ocæ : ·-¬Ē¬º¬ :¬ ·-¬oæ·..¸ ±o:°c°¬.¬°no¬ .o:o o·o.ce. :°-·°o:.o :¬·.c°no¬ c.¬o¬ceo¬ o.o:.·¬c.·o:° ±oo:. o°-æc° :¬ ·-¬oæ ·-¬.· :oco¬¬o :<-¬oæ ¬.o:.. 298 21 15-11-1999 ED 188 DCE 99 Extension of UGC pay scales as revised from 1-1-1996 to Teachers, Librarians and Physical Education Directors of Government and Aided Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education- Orders-Issued. 299 22 04-07-2000 ¬¬ðr-sc-cc¬- cooo-oo:o¬ :¬¬:o ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. e;.¬.:¬o. °oo:.o·°-;.· ±¬cn o°;°oo· ¬°n-:.:ceo c¬c·±:o. ¬¬o:.: c·..÷c°ne:.· oc¬¬o·..¸ ;:¬.o:°n-~.° ·:¬¬.· cc°. 308 23 29-07-2000 ED 183 DCE 99 Extension of UGC Pay Scales as revised from 1-1- 1996 to teachers, Librarians, Physical education directors in the Government/Aided Colleges. 309 24 23-8-2000 ::r c rcco· (oo:o¬) oc c.¬o¬ st-tc-oc ·.:. o¬¬n ·°n¬o. ±oo:. ·°-:. o°-æc° e ·;: ±¬cn co:°. ·°-:. o°-æc° tc ·;:ce »¬o:.o :°-·¬ o·co:...¸ ;no°¸:.· e;.¬.:¬o.ce. ·cc;o:o.· ·o¬. o°;° ;o· ¬°n-:·: : °oo:.o·°-;.· ¬°n-:.:ce..¸ ;¬°o:..c¬°o.o¬ c.¬o. ·-¬.· cc°. 311 25 29-09-2000 ::r cc r<co· (oo:o¬) oc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce e;.¬.:¬o.ce. ±oo:.·°-:. o°-æc° ·cc;o:o.· ·o¬. °oo:.o·°-;.· ¬°n-:.: ·.:. ·o¬. 311 17 o°;°;o· ¬°n-:.: ±¬cn co:°. o°-æc° ·cc;o:o.· ·o¬. o°;°;o· ¬°n-:.:ce..¸ c.¬o¬ st.tc.cooo¬ ·ec° 欬o:.·¬º ;no°¸:.· cc° 26 14-09-2000 ro tes o:r oo ¬oo-;.Ē· :¬·-¬oæ ;¬°¬. st-tc-cooo o ·ec° o°;°;o· , °oo:.o·°-;.· ¬°n-:.:ce..¸ ;no°¸:co.··o cc° :< -¬oæ 312 27 28-03-2001 ro tos o:r o/ ¬o¬o. c¬¬o: ·.:. : e-o:. :°-·°o:...¸ :¬·-¬o欰 ;ocæ :o. o·¬¬oco co.· cc° 313 28 06-07-2001 ::r so o:..~: ·°-· oo ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo <.±°··.o ;¬c ;¬°¬ e;.¬.:¬o.cec° tooco ;o;: o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:..o:. c ·°-:. co ·-¬.· cc°. 314 29 06-07-2001 CDC/PUAC/2001- 2002/ Exemption from Orientation/Refresher Courses for Teachers holding Ph.D degree in University/Colleges for promotion under career Advancement Scheme to Lecturer (Sr.Scale). 314 30 26-06-2001 ::r:cc:r<co· (c¬e:) oc. :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce e;.¬.:¬o.cec° :¬ ·-¬oæ¬ cc° :;.°. 315 31 19-06-2001 ED 100 UNE 2001 Exemption from Orientation/Refresher Courses for teachers holding P.hD degree for promotion under CAS. 316 32 12-06-2001 F.2-7/97(PS) Orientation/Refresher Courses-Cut off date beyond 31.12.2000. 317 33 JUNE-2001 F.2-7/97(PS) Regarding exempting Orientation Course for lecturers who have done two Refresher Courses. 317 34 08-01-2002 ED 183 DCE 99 Govt. Order No.ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-90 - Corrigendum 318 35 21-03-2002 ¬¬ðr sc cc¬ cooo c¬e: :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ;e·. ¬~°: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo. e;.¬.:¬o. ·cc;o:¬ °oo:.o·°-;.· ±¬cn o°;° ;o· ¬°n-:.:ceo ·:¬: c¬c·±:o. ¬¬o:.:c·..÷c°ne:.· oc¬¬o·..¸ ;:¬.o:°n-~.° ·:¬¬.· cc°. 318 36 22-03-2002 ED 265 UPC 98 Time Bound Advancement Scheme and Senior Scale of Pay Scheme with pay fixation benefit and these automatic movement to higher scale of pay has been availed and provided relief.(K.M.Patil - Demonstrator Case) 319 37 31-05-2002 ¬¬ðr c¬e: oo <±°··o ·« cooc o:...~.:. ·°-:. o°-æ o:.o c.¬o¬: ot-ot-oc÷o: ;n·:¬o <.±°··.o. ;¬°¬ :°-·¬ ·o: o¬¬.;¬o.cec° ·°-:. ·..ococe (Advance Increments) ·.o~no¬c cc°. 320 38 06-04-2002 ro s« o:..·.·c cooc o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:.o c.¬o¬: ot-ot-tooc¬° ·°n¬o. <.±°··.o ;¬°¬ :°-·¬ ·o: o¬ ¬.;¬o.cec° ·°-:. ·..ococe (Advance increments) ·.o~no¬c. 319 18 39 27-09-2002 ::r so o:..~: ·°-· oo :ct o¬Ē¯tt: õo'm oĒ¬æ¯-m'o¬ro / æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o'c'o o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u' eo'o¬-m'o'o':¬'u¬¯ oo'c¯to¬c' o'oa' oc¬-e'ro¯o:': c¬¯. 321 40 03-09-2002 ED 100 UNE 2002 (P) Extension of UGC pay scales to University Teachers 321 41 31-07-2002 F.1.1/2002(PS) Exemp. University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in universities and institutions affiliated to it) (Ist Amendement) Regulations 2002 322 42 17-10-2002 F-2-16/2002(PS) Date for doing Refresher Courses be extended upto 31 st December, 2004 & who are superannuating within next three years be exempted Refresher Courses-U.G.C Letter 323 43 07-11-2002 CDC/UGC/2002- 2003 Regarding Extension of date of Participation of College Teachers in Refresher Courses and relaxation of Marks for appointment of Physically and Visually Handicapped persons in appointment as Lecturers in the Universities and colleges 323 44 16-04-2003 ED 100 UNE 2002 Central Assistance for sanction of Advance Increments to Lecturers who have acquired Ph.D. degree prior to and on/or after 1-1-96 in the Universities and Colleges. 324 45 31-07-2003 ::r so o:..~: ·°-· oo(·) ::-t e;.¬.:¬o.cec° o°;°;o· ¬°n-:.:ceo c¬c·±:o. o·co:...¸ c.¬o¬:st-tc-coo«o ·o°c° c: o:.· cc° 325 46 Jun-2003 F-2-2/2001(PS) Request to extend the date for participation in Orientation course upto 31.12.2004-Regarding. 325 47 01-11-2004 F.27-1(vi) Equiv / 2000(ASC/ER) Equivalence of Courses-reg. 326 48 24-12-1998 No.F.3-1/94(PS) Minimum qualifications for the appointment of teachers in universities and Colleges, and measurers for the maintenance of standards. 326 49 27-07-1998 NO.F.1-22/97-U.I. Revision of pay scales of teachers in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. 338 50 April, 2000 D.O. NO. F-I-6/98 (PS) Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master’s degree prior to 19 th September, 1991, a relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level to be eligible for NET. 340 51 04-04-2000 D.O. NO. F-3-1/2000 (PS) UGC Regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment and for Career Advancement of Lecturers, Readers and Professor in the Universities and Colleges. 340 52 March,2000 No.F.3-1/2000 (PS) UGC Regulations, 2000 Regarding Minimum Qualifications for Appointment and Career Advancement of Teachers in Universities and Colleges 341 19 c¬¬' -ì (·) oo¬oo' oì-oì-ee o':o': oì-oì-oe ooc' m'o¬ro e¬¬'s æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u' ¬'om'o¬oo'o': o':o': c¯¸+o' õo'o'o':¬'u¬¯ eo'o:oo':o' o:'::.c.o. o¯to'o'o¯ m'ocoooc' ec¯ta'¬'u': o':o': oc':o'o¬'u': ao : s cr· oo»ca oos an o , soto , s :aato , n a s cr· oac: : n u s cr· 1 13-08-1975 ED 134 UEC 72 Revision of pay scales to the Librarians in the Government and Aided Colleges with effect from 1- 1-1970 – Sanction to 348 2 April, 1987 F.1-96/81 (CPP-1) Upgradation in Salary scale of Librarians in College. 349 3 05-04-1991 ED 15 UEC 89 Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 U.G.C. scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-regarding. 353 4 25-06-1993 ED 34 UEC 92 Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-regarding. 354 5 16-09-1993 ED 34 UEC 92 Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-regarding. 355 6 08-02-1994 ED 354 UPC 93 Extension of Revised UGC Pay Scales w.e.f. 1- 1-1986 to the Lecturers/ Physical Culture Instructors/Librarians working in the Private Aided Composite Degree Colleges coming under the administrative purview of the Directorate of Collegiate Education Amendment to the G.O.No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981. Reg. 357 7 26-03-1997 ED 03 UEC 96 Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-regarding. 360 8 25-04-1997 o:r s« r·< oc(s) ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. :¬¬:o ·.:. »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo :°-·°o:.o o.· ¬°¸±¬ ð¬ æ c°n-¬¬oc° toeco ;o;: o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æo:...¸ ·.o~no. ·:¬¬.· cc° ;o;: :¬¬:o c¬°-o. 361 9 04-12-1999 ::r so o:..~: (·°-·) oo ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. :¬¬:o ±¬cn »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ce e;.¬.:¬o.cec°: coe;¬o¬oc° : ¬°¸±¬ ð¬ æ ·¬°-:o¬oc° tooco ;o;: o:..~: ·°-:. o°-æce..¸ ~¬oc°ne:.· cc°. 361 10 01-06-2000 ¬¬ðr t/ o:..~: cooo oo:o¬ coe;¬o¬o. ±¬cn ¬°¸±¬ ð¬æ c°n-¬¬oc° ;o;: o:..~: ·°-:. ·cc;o:.· cc°. 362 11 23-10-2001 ED 100 UNE 2001 Extension of other benefits under the UGC package in terms of revision of UGC pay scale from 1-1-96 to DPE/DDPE/ADPE and Librarian/ Deputy Librarian/Librarian/Assistant Librarian in the Universities and Colleges. 363 c¬¬' -ì (e) 20 m'o¬ro o':o': æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u'o oc oo¬'u' o¯to':o¬o o':o': co¬¯ m'ocoooc' o:tm'Ē¬o ec¯ta'¬'u': ao : s cr· oo»ca oos an o , soto , s :aato , n a s cr· oac: : n u s cr· 1 27-04-1978 DPAR 29 SBC 77 Reservation for persons belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes under Article 16(4) of the Constitution in specified categories of promotional vacancies. 364 2 30-08-1979 DPAR 22 SBC 79 Reservation for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under Article 16(4) of Constitution in specified categories of promotional vacancies 365 3 28-01-1987 o<·co· c ·:·~: e« ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°, :¬oc ¬ ð¬æ rĒ¬»°, ·°¸¬.÷-o:. ð¬æ rĒ¬»° ·.:. :¬¬:o ÷oo:. ¬¬Ē°-~.ce c°n-¬¬ ·c:¬ ±.¬°cec° c.-:Ē¬c c¬°-o o.o.: oc.s:ce..¸ co:°. ·:¬¬.· c¬ ¬.¬ cc°. 366 4 31-01-1995 :¬r cct ~:· o« ¬.¬:·¬ o¬~. ;oð; ~¬c , ;oð; ;oc¬ ±¬cn r:o°- ±o¬.e¬ ·c:ce ~.¬oc¬·oc° o¬~¬.c -. :°-·°ceo. .°-·.¬¬cc° c¬o: :oc¬¬.¬ o..·° -¬ tc(«)o ·°.-o°c° c.-:Ē¬c ·cc;o:.· ¬.o:. - c¬°-o. 367 5 08-02-1995 :¬r «o ~:· oc c.¬o¬ st-c-oco·o°cc° .°-·.¬¬c :¯oc.ce..¸ ;¬°o:..·o o..:o:c°-¬¬¬ c.-:Ē¬c ·o:.·:¬·ece. - = :¯oc.·..¸ ;¬°o:..·o :o:c°-¬¬ºo.· :°n-;¬¬ ;: , ;oð-o.¬ ;·:¬æ;:ce - ·cc: .·.n.° ¬.o:. - c¬°-o. 369 6 21-04-1995 ro cc/ ·:·r< o« »¬:º ð¬ æ :o:°ceo c.-:Ē¬c ·o:.·.ce..¸ ;¬o:¬° ro.· .°-·.¬¬cceo. o°n-: o· eo o:.° ·..¬¸ ·:¬¬.· cc°. 386 7 20-06-1995 :c:.r oe :°±·. oc c¬o: :oc¬¬.¬ o..·°-¬ tc(«)o o.o:. o¬~. :cĒ· :°-·°cec° .°-o .°-·.¬¬co:.o c.-:Ē¬c 387 8 16-11-1995 :c:.r ct :°±·°. oo c¬o: :oc¬¬.¬ o..·°-¬ tc o.o:. o¬~. :cĒ· :°-·°cec° .°-o .°-·.¬¬co:.o ·.:. coo:.o c.-:Ē¬c-·o¬°- ±.¬° ro.· ·,o¬ceo- cc° 392 9 25-11-1995 :c:.r se :°±·. oc c¬o: :oc¬¬.¬ o..·°-¬ tc(«) o.o:. o¬~. :cĒ· :°-·°cec° .°-o .°-·.¬¬co:.o c.-:Ē¬c 392 10 20-05-1996 ro /c o:..<: oc »¬:º ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo c.-:Ē¬c ·o:.·.ce..¸ ;¬o:.· cc° 396 11 15-07-1996 su::a a= : .- c. :÷s-u ::·:= .:c .:·:÷ssc.:u ·:±=c.:u: ·:::uusc:· u÷ :s.:=.:, :s- ·.s¬:· ·: ·:¬: ··: ·:::uss:=.:, ÷sc.:-:¬:ao::· ·: :a:÷c= 397 12 28-08-1997 ro-ccc-o:..<:-oc ·o¬. ·,o¬¬o ·o¬°- ±.¬°ro.· :o¬c:ceo c.-:Ē¬c ·o:.·. ;¬o:.·¬o cc° - :< -¬oæ. 400 13 10-01-1997 ro eo ·:··Ē·~ oc »¬:º o..¬¬·: ð¬ æ :o:°ceo c.¬o¬ : t.c.oco ;n·:¬o ·:¬¬Ē¬ºo.· .°-·.¬¬cceo ·o:°n-c.c 401 21 :oo:.· cc°. 14 07-09-1998 :c:.r c/ :°±·. o/ c¬o: :oc¬¬.¬ o..·°-¬ tco.o:. o¬~. :cĒ· :°-·°cec° .°-o .°-·.¬¬co:.o ·.:. coo:.o c.-:Ē¬c - ·o¬°- ±.¬° ro.· ·,o¬ce cc°. 402 15 02-01-2001 ro to ·:·~~ o/ :¬¬:o ð¬ æ :o:°ceo ·.:. :¬¬:oco¬ .°o· ;¬°o:..co.· ð¬ æ :o:°ceo :-·.ce..¸ oocc¬ooc° c.-:o¬.· cc° 403 16 12-02-2001 ro ec cc¬ cooo ·.±e°o:.oc° ro.· e¬°n.-c c.-:Ē¬c ·o:.·.ce..¸ o..¬¬·: :o:° ð¬æ :o:°cec° o. o.:.·o:° c: o:.· cc° 404 17 21-11-2001 DPAR 13 SBC 2001 Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2001. 405 18 27-02-2002 DPAL 8 SHASANA 2002 The Karnataka Determination of seniority of Government servants promoted on the basis of Reservation (To the posts in the civil services of the state) Ordinance, 2002 410 19 28-02-2002 :o·o¬r e o¬:. Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) Ordinance, 2002 411 20 30-03-2002 SWD 225 BCA 2000 Reservations for admission to the Educational Institutions as per Article 15(4) and Employment as per Article 16(4) of the Constitution of India and New Creamy Layer Policy Orders....reg. 411 21 01-06-2002 DPAR 13 SBC 2001 Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled Vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment (First- Amendment) Rules, 2002. 423 22 19-12-2002 ro sc/ o:..<: cooc ¬¬Ē°-~. ð¬ æ rĒ¬»°o:. ·¬.<o:.o co.· »¬:º o..¬¬·: ¬¬Ē°-~.ceo c c: ·:¬¬Ē¬c¬ ;oð; ~¬c: ;oð; ;oc¬¬ c¬.¬· Ē¬c· ±.¬°ce..¸ cc;.¬o :.oc.· ¬.o:. 424 23 06-10-2003 DPAR 15 SBC 2002(P-1) Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) (.... Amendment) Rules 2003 425 24 19-03-2004 SAMVYASHAE 39 SHASANA 2003 THE KARNATAKA SCHEDULED CASTES, SCHEDULED TRIBES AND OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (RESERVATION OF APPOINTMENT ETC.,) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2004 426 25 14-07-2003 :¬¬r t«e ·:··o cooc ;oð; ~¬co:. ;~ o:.o ¬·.:o»°.:/eoo MOGER ~¬co:...¸ ;oð; ~¬co:. ;~ o:.o ;ocæ:o.· cc° 427 26 23-03-2004 SAMVYASHAE 74 Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and 428 22 SHASANA 2003 other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) (Second Amendment) Act, 2004 c¬¬' -ì (o) m'o¬ro o':o': æ¬m'n eo':c¬oo' o¬Ē¯tt:¬'u'o eo':o'oo'c'o'o:': o¯to':o¬o¬¯ m'ocoooc' ec¯ta'¬'u': o'o': m'oæ¯- oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯ / ec¯ta' / m':o¯stĒ¯ / o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 19-09-1987 DPAR 43 SCA 87 Appointment on Compassionate grounds of widow/son/unmarried Daughter / near relative of a Government Servant who dies while in service – revised instruction reg 431 2 08-03-1989 :c:.r c :°-o.°- eo :¬¬:o¬ cc¬ rĒ¬»°ceo o..¬o;¬.o:. .°-o .°-·.¬¬cc°no¬ .¯¬oo ~°-;:°o:...¸ ·cc;o:.· cc° :n·.°ce.. 432 3 12-09-1996 DPAR 100 SCA 95 Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 434 4 19-11-1996 DPAR 100 SCR 95 Forms for compassionate Ground appointments (Notification) 435 5 21-11-1996 ro oe ·:·~~ oc ¬.¬:·¬ .¬co-¬ :°-·¬ (o..¬o;¬ c¬¬o¬ .°-·.¬¬c) ·o:.·.ce. tooc..¸ o..¬¬·: ð¬ æ :o:°cecn c:o:.· cc° 437 6 07-12-1996 o:r-s/-r·<-oc- :c-« o..¬o;¬ c¬ ¬o¬ ·°.-Ē° ·.,: :¬¬:o .¯¬o.:e o·oo~:oc° .°-·.¬¬c ·-¬.· cc° 438 7 31-03-1999 DPAR 11 SCA 97 Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Amendment) Rules, 1998 439 8 02-09-1999 :c:.r t« .°-c.°- oo ¬.¬:·¬ :cĒ· :°-·¬ (o..¬o;¬ c¬¬o¬ ·°.-Ē° .°-·.¬¬c) (c¬.;o) ·o:.·.ce., tooeo cc° : < -¬oæ 441 9 24-11-2000 DPAR 19 SCA 99 Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2000 442 10 02-03-2002 ¬¬ðr ec r:o° (»¬±.·:¬) c¬e: cooo :°-·°o:.o¬¬cĒ°- ·.,:o¬¬ :¬¬:o o·oo~:oc° o..¬o;¬ c¬ ¬o¬ ·°.-Ē° .°-·.¬¬c ·-¬.· cc°. 443 11 01-02-2002 ro c«c o:..<: coot :°-·°o:.o¬¬cĒ°- ·.,:o¬¬ :¬¬:o .¯¬oo o·oo~:oc° o..¬o;¬ c¬¬o¬ ·°.-Ē° .°-·.¬¬c ·-¬.· cc° 444 12 28-05-2002 DPAR 11 SCA 2001 Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on compassionate Grounds) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2002 444 13 06-10-2003 DPAR 20 SCA 2003 Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment of the Family Members of Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes 445 23 or Scheduled Tribes who die in atrocities on Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, on Compassionate Grounds) (Special) (Amendment) Rules, 2003. 14 21-07-2004 ro tce o:..r: coos o..¬o;¬ c¬ ¬o¬ ·°.-Ē° cn;· ''o`` ±.¬°c° .°-·.¬¬c ·:¬¬o. roc°-¬¬¬ c¬¬.±::°o:. cc° :< -¬oæ ¬°n-o 446 c¬¬' -ì (ìo) o:'::.c.o oo:':o':¬o'u¬'u':, o¬-o¬ o':o': eo'¸o' õo'mc'o ¬':mo':u m':c¬o'm¯¬¯ m'ocoooc' ec¯ta'¬'u': o'o': m'oæ¯- oo¬oo' eom'sc'o¯ / ec¯ta' / m':o¯stĒ¯ / o'o' m'oæ¯- oa'o:': o'u. m'oæ¯- 1 20-09-2002 ¬¬ðr oo ·:··Ē··:· (TQM, .cc. e.¸: ð¬ æ¬o :·.c c.æ·.· ··:±¬°c¬º (T.Q.M) ¬¬Ē°-~. ·.·¬o ¬¬o:.:¬e·..¸ o·:.· cc°. 447 2 21-02-2003 ¬¬ðr o°¸.c cet c.c¬°n- coos ¬¬Ē°-~.ce .¬.¬· ·:¬..:° ±¬cn c.æ·.· :.¬¬o¬°c¬º o¬~.·.·¬ c.æ·.· co·:°o:. ¬°n-o·..¸ o·:.· cc° 457 3 24-10-2002 ro tce o:..co·: cooc ¬.¬:·¬ o¬~.¬o o.· ¬¬Ē°-~.ce c.æ·.· ·.:. ¬~°:o:...¸ e.¸c-¬o欬 º .¬.¬· :÷o::¬ o:°n-~.°o:. ooo:.o o..;¬.c°ne:o. o¬~. ·.·¬ :·..o:. :c.c, c.æ·.· co·:°o:. ¬°n-o ·.:. ;¬¬°-ð¬ :c.cce o·.°ce cc°. 458 4 24-10-2002 ro tce o:..co·: cooc .¬.¬· ;o;:··o¬ :¬¬:o , o..¬¬·: , »¬:º ¬¬Ē°-~.ce ooº-¬¬o 462 5 THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 (3 of 1956) University Grants Commission Act, 1956. (As modified up to the 20th December, 1985) 464 6 UGC 10 th Plan (2002- 2007) Guidelines for Development Assistance to colleges during 10 th plan period (2002 - 2007) 487 K.R. Nijalingappa, Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Investment). 1 S.O. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE CHIEF SECRETARIAT GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT (ORGANISATION AND METHODS SECTION) G.O. No. GAD 40 ORR 61, dated 24 th January 1962 (Magha 4, Saka Era 1883). -------- Recruitment / promotion of Typists and Stenographers in the pay scales of Assistants / Junior Assistants / Clerks with grant of special pay Issues further clarifying instructions re……………. Read- 1. Government Order No. FD 17 SRP (1) 61, dated 27 th February 1961. 2. The Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1961. 3. Government Order No. FD 51 SRP (1) 61, dated 23 rd June 1961. 4. Letter No. Nil, dated 6 th December 1961, from the Secretary, Mysore Government Secretariat Stenographers’ Association. PREAMBLE- In the Government Order of 27 th February 1961, passing orders on the Report of the Pay Committee, it was directed that Typists and Stenographers should thereafter be recruited in the clerical scales only with emoluments as under:- Typists … Pay Scale of a Second Division Clerk plus Special Pay of Rs. 10 p.m. Stenographer (Junior) … Pay Scale of a Second Division Clerk plus Special Pay of Rs. 20 p.m. Stenographer (Senior) … Pay Scale of a First Division Clerk plus Special Pay of Rs. 30 p.m. In para 6 of the Government Order of 23 rd June 1961, it has been clarified that new entrants to Government service or promotees on or after 1 st January 1961, are entitled only to the revised scales of pay. The Stenographers and Typists who were in service prior to 1 st January 1961, have been representing that the benefits of Special Pay admissible to new entrants/promotees should be allowed to them also. ORDER NO. GAD 40 ORR 61, DATED, BANGALORE, THE 24 TH JANUARY, 1962 (MAGHA 4, SAKA ERA 1883). In further clarification of the rules and orders read above, the following instructions are issued in the matter of recruitment / promotion of typists and stenographers and of allowing Special Pay to them:- (1) Typists and Stenographers recruited or promoted as such on or after 1 st January 1961:- Typists recruited on or after 1 st January 1961 will be fixed in the pay scale of Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks only and allowed a Special Pay of Rs. 10 p.m. Junior and Senior Stenographers recruited/promoted on or after that date will similarly be fixed in the pay scales of Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks and Assistants/First Division Clerks, respectively. Stenographers appointed by direct recruitment will draw also the special Pay attached to the posts, viz., Rs. 20 p.m. in the case of Junior Stenographers and Rs. 30 p.m. in the case of Senior Stenographers. So far as Stenographers appointed on promotion are concerned, they will draw such Special Pay only if they possess the qualifications referred to in sub-para (3) infra. (2) Typists and Stenographers recruited or promoted as such prior to 1 st January 1961:- Typists and Stenographers in service prior to 1 st January 1961 who wish to elect the pay scale of Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerks as the case may be, should furnish an option to that effect, in writing. The form of option is given in the Annexure to this Order. The option form, duly signed, 2 should be furnished to the Head of the Office on or before the 30 th June 1962. Their fixation in the revised scales of pay of Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerks will be governed by Rule 8 of the Revised Pay Rules, 1961. Such of the Typists/Stenographers as have elected or are deemed to have elected the revised scales but do not specifically opt to the pay scales of Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerks will be fixed in the revised scales of pay of Typists/Stenographers only, as the case may be. Neither they nor those who have not elected the revised scales 1961 will be entitled to the Special Pay. Whether they opt to the pay scales of Assistants or not, the seniority of all (pre-1961) Senior Stenographers for purposes of promotion will continue to be governed by the Rules in force on 31 st December 1960 in that behalf. In other words, for regulating their promotions to the higher grades, seniority lists of pre-1961 Senior Stenographers will continue to be separate. In regard to Typists and Junior Stenographers in service prior to 1 st January 1961, their position vis-à-vis that of Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks for the purpose of promotion to the higher grade, will be determined according to instructions to issue separately. (3) Other conditions for drawal of Special Pay:- To be eligible for the Special Pay of Rs.30p.m., Senior Stenographers electing the Assistant / First Division Clerks scale under sub-para (2) supra should have passed the Senior Typewriting and Senior Shorthand Examinations. To be eligible for the Special Pay of Rs. 20 p.m., Junior Stenographers electing the Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks scale under sub-para (2), should have passed Senior Typewriting and Junior Shorthand Examinations. There will be no relaxation whatsoever of the above conditions for the purpose of allowing Special Pay. Temporary exemption granted to such officials at the time of promotion will not entitle them to the Special Pays so long as they do not acquire the prescribed qualifications. (4) Position of allocations already finalized:- In the case of Typists and Stenographers who have already been allocated in the Revised Scales of Pay of Typists and Stenographers and who now opt, in the manner prescribed, to the Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerical scales, their pay will be refixed in the respective scales of pay with effect from 1 st January 1961 in accordance with Rule 8 of the Revised Pay Rules, 1961, cancelling the allocations already made. (5) Scales to be adopted:- The pay scales of Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerks referred to above are those applicable to the Departments to which the officials belong. (6) Main prerequisite for drawal of Special Pay:- Payment of Special Pays under this order is subject to the main condition that in every such case there is a sanctioned post of Typist or Junior/Senior Stenographer and that the official actually discharges the duties thereof. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, P. VENKATRAMAN, Deputy Secretary to Government, General Administration Department (Organisation and Methods). No. GAD 40 ORR 61, Dated 24 th January 1962 ANNEXURE Form of Option of Typists and Stenographers to the Junior Assistants/Assistants/Clerical scales agreeably to para (2) of Government Order No. GAD 40 ORR 61, dated 24 th January 1962. I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………. hereby opt to the revised scale of pay of Junior Assistant/Second Division Clerk/Assistant/First Division Clerk, with effect from 1 st January 1961. Signature. Designation. Date: Countersigned Head of Office 3 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. GAD 47 CRR 64 Mysore Government Secretariat, General Admn. Department (O & M) Bangalore, Dated 30 th July, 1964. NOTIFICATION The Government of Mysore hereby sanctions the Establishment of the State Services Cadres in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department). The strength of each of the said cadres and the number and character of the posts borne thereon shall be as follows: Sl. No. Category of Posts No. of Posts Scale of Pay (Rs.) 1 2 3 4 CLASS I POSTS 1. Director of Collegiate Education 1 1100-50-1500 2. Deputy Director of Collegiate Education 1 350-25-650-30-800 3. Professors (Selection Grade) 6 600-40-1000*** 4. Professors (one post of Professor of Mathematics is a deputation posts in the department of Technical Education) 25 400-30-700-40-900 5. Accounts assistant to the Director of Collegiate Education 1 350-25-550-30-800 CLASS II POSTS 6. Readers (one post of Assistant Professor of Mathematics is a deputation post in the Department of Technical Education). 72 300-20-400-25-600 7. Part-time Professors 2 Rs. 325/- (fixed) P.M. Mercantile Law Rs. 100/- (fixed) PM Insurance 8. Part-time Readers 1 Rs. 250/- (fixed) p.m. CLASS III POSTS 9. Lecturers including 5 posts of Lecturers in Geology, English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in the Department of Technical Education 669 230-20-350-25-500 10. Demonstrators and Tutors 143 150-8-190-10-300 11. Full time or part-time Lecturers in Hindi and Music 13 Rs. 100/- (fixed) p.m. if the work-load exceeds 4 hours per week 12. Part-time Lecturers in Accountancy, auditing and Mercentile Law at Government College, Mangalore 2 200 (fixed) pm Part-time Doctors 3 1-Rs. 50 (fixed) p.m. 2-Rs. 100 (fixed) p.m. 13. Physical Culture Instructors Grade-I 3 180-10-320 14. Grade-II 5 150-8-190-10-250 15. Grade-III 20 100-5-150-6-180-10-200 16. Curator 1 250-10-320-15-440 17. Foreman 1 100-5-150-8-190-10-320 18. Photo artist 1 140-5-150-8-190-10-250 19. Glass Blower 1 140-5-150-8-190-10-250 4 1 2 3 4 20. Laboratory Assistant 1 140-5-150-8-190-10-250 21. Librarians 8 6 in 150-8-190-10-270 1 in 150-320 1 in 180-320 22. Manager (Head Office) 1 225-10-285-15-375 23. Superintendents Accounts Superintendents 4 220-10-320-15-440 (only in Head Office) 24. Office Superintendents in Head Office, Head Clerk and Accountant, Central College, Bangalore 5 180-10-320 25. I Division Clerk a) Accounts Clerks b) I Division Clerks including Manager, Government College, Mercera 12 51 120-5-150-8-190-10-240 110-5-150-6-180-10-220 26. II Division Clerk: a) II Division Clerks (including One Hostel Manager and Seven Metrons for Women’s Hostels) b) Shroff 120 1 80-3-110-4-130-5-250 Equated Grade 27. Stenographers 2 110-5-150-8-190-10-260-15-320 28. Typists (Grade II) 28 80-3-110-4-130-5-180 29. Compounder Pharmacist 2 80-3-110-4-130-5-140 30. Micro Technician 1 100-5-150-6-180-10-200 31. Mechanics 12 10 in 80-3-110-4-130-5-150 2 in 100-5-150-6-180-10-200 32. Carpenter 2 80-3-110-4-130-5-140 33. Taxidermist 1 80-3-110-4-130-5-150 CLASS IV POSTS 34. a) Attenders b) Jamedar c) Fieldman d) Mutchi e) Daffeders 282 1 1 1 6 280 in 60-1-70-2-90 2 in 55-1-65-2-75 Equated Grade Equated Grade 55-1-65-2-75 55-1-65-2-75 35. Section Cutters 2 55-1-65-2-75 36. Peons: Peons, Sweepers, Scavenger, Watchmen, Gardeners, Cycle Orderlies, in Head Office, Cooks 298 50-1-60 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, P. VENKATARAMAN, Deputy Secretary to Government, General Administration Department, (Political and O & M). *** Note: A Professor or an Assistant Professor (Reader) discharging the duties of Principals of First and Second Grade Colleges will get Special Pay of Rs. 100 per month and Rs. 75/- per month, respectively. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. GAD 48 ORR 64 Mysore Government Secretariat, 5 Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 30 th July, 1964. Shravana 8, SE 1886. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all previous rules on the subject, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following Rules namely:- (i) These Rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964. (ii) In respect of each category of posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule, the methods of recruitment and the minimum qualifications, and the period of probation, if any, shall be as specified in the corresponding entries of columns 2 and 3 of the said Schedule. Schedule Category of posts Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification and Period of Probation 1 2 3 1. Director of Collegiate Education By promotion by Selection from among Professors (Selection Grade) or by appointment of an I.A.S. Officer 2. Deputy Director of Collegiate Education By deputation of a D.E.O. from the Department of public Instruction. If no suitable D.E.O. is available then by deputation of an Under Secretary from the Mysore Government Secretariat 3. Professors (Selection Grade) By promotion by selection from the cadre of Professors. If no suitable person in the Cadre of Professors is available then by Direct Recruitment. For Direct Recruitment 1) A Second Class Master’s Degree 2) A Research Degree of a Doctorate standard or published work of a high standard. 3) Five years’ of teaching experience for Degree and post Graduate classes and guiding Research. 4) Age: 45 years. No age restriction for persons in service. 5) Probation: One year 4. Professors 25% by direct recruitment and 75% by Selection from the cadre of Readers in the respective subjects. For Direct Recruitment: 1) In subjects. A Second Class Masters Degree with teaching experience of degree classes for atleast five years. Preference to be given to candidates possessing a Doctorate degree or published work a high standard. 2) Professor of Commerce M.Com. II Class with 2 years teaching experience for degree classes or Ph.D. with basic 1 2 3 4 B.Com. Degree with 3 years 6 teaching experience for degree classes. 3) Professor in Accountancy. A University Graduate with R.A. or A.C.A. and 5 years teaching experience to degree classes or 5 years Professional standing. Age: 45 years. No age restriction for persons in service. Probation: One year 5. Accounts Assistant to the Director of Collegiate Edn. By Deputation of an Assistant Controller from the State Accounts Department. 6. Readers 40% by direct recruitment and 60% by promotion on the basis of seniority cum-merit from the lecturers in the respective subjects. For Direct Recruitment: a) Essential:A II Class Master’s Degree or a II Class Honours Degree with a Research Degree of Doctorate Standard and 5 years’ experience of teaching in degree or post graduate classes. b) Desirable: Publication of work of high standard or a Research Degree. Age: 40 years No age restriction for persons in service. Probation: One year 7. Part-time Professors a) Part-time Professor or Accountancy b) Part-time Professor of Insurance c) Part-time Professor of Mercentile Law By Direct Recruitment on a tenure basis for a period of 3 years By Direct Recruitment on a tenure basis for a period of 3 years. By Direct Recruitment on a tenure basis for a period of three years Should be a Chartered Accountant of good standing and a minimum of 5 years Professional standing. Should be an associate of Actueries with a minimum experience of 5 years’ either in an Insurance Company or L.I.C. or Mysore Government Insurance Department. A Lawyer with B.A. or B.Sc. or B.Com. and B.L. or LL.B. (II. Class qualifications) with at least 10 years of professional experience in Civil Courts or a Lawyer, with M.L. or LL.M. degree with specialisation in any branch and professional experience in Civil Courts. 1 2 3 4 (d) Part-time Professor of By Direct Recruitment on a Should possess a Degree of an 7 European Language tenure basis for a period of three years Indian or foreign University in the appropriate language with teaching experience or years. 8. Part-time Readers: a) Part-time Reader in Mercentile Law b) Part-time reader in Accountancy By Direct Recruitment on a tenure basis for a period of 3 years. Same qualifications as required for Professors with professional or teaching experience of 3 years and in the case of M.L. or LL.M. 2 years 9. Lecturers 50% by direct recruitment 50% by promotion of demonstrators and Tutors subject to their possessing a II Class Master’s degree in the respective subjects. For Direct Recruitment I or II Class Master’s degree. Age: Relexable upto 33 years in case or persons with teaching experience. No age limit in case of Government Servants in service. Probation: One year 10. Demonstrators and Tutors By Direct Recruitment For Direct Recruitment: A Second Class B.A. or B.Sc. in the optional group M.A. and M.Sc. being preferred. Age: Relexable upto 33 years in case of persons with teaching experience. No age restriction in the case of Government servant in service. 11. Full-time or Part-time Lecturers in Music and Hindi By Direct Recruitment or Part- time appointment on a tenure basis for a period of 3 years. Full Time Lecturers: A degree of a recognised University with Music as Optionals and a pass in Proficiency Examination in Music. Age: 28 years Probation: 2 years Part-time Lecturers SSLC and a pass in Proficiency examination in Music. 28 Age: 28 years 12. Physical Culture Instructor Grade I By promotion from among the Physical Culture Instructors (Grade II) on the basis of Seniority-cum-Merit. 13. Physical Culture Instructor Grade-II By promotion from among the Physical Culture Instructors (Grade III) on the basis of Seniority-cum-merit. 14. Physical Culture Instructor Grade III By direct recruitment General: Intermediate Course or pass in the Pre-University examination. Technical: A diploma in Physical Education. Note: If Diploma holders are not available, certificate holders may be appointed. 1 2 3 4 15. Curator By Direct Recruitment General: A. B.Sc. degree with 8 Botany, Zoology, Chemistry or Geology as Optional subjects. Technical: A Diploma or certificate in Horticulture and in fine arts, photograph Drawing and painting. Preference will be given to those possessing 3 years practical experience in the above subject. Probation: 2 years 16. Foreman By direct recruitment General: A pass in the SSLC of Higher Secondary Examination. Technical : A Diploma in Mechanical Engineering of a recognised institution with two years’ experience as a Mechanic. 17. Photo-Artist By direct recruitment General: A degree of a recognized University. Technical : Diploma in Cinema tography of S.J. Polytechnic or any other recognised institution with two years experience in Photography and Cinemato- graphy and also scientific Photo- grapy and Copying and Leterns slide making. Age: 30 years Probation: 2 years 18. Glass Blower By direct recruitment General : A pass in SSLC or Higher Secondary Examination. Technical: A diploma in Glass Technology from a recognised institution with practical proficiency of scientific Glass blowing to be assessed by a practical test by the appointing authority. Age: 35 years Probation: 2 years 19. Laboratory Assistant By direct recruitment General: B.Sc. degree with Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Geology as one of the Optionals, as per the laboratory in which the appointment is to be made. Probation: 2 years 20. Librarians By direct recruitment General: A degree of a recognised University Technical: Diploma in Library Science. Probation: 2 years 1 2 3 4 21. Manager (Head Office) By Promotion from the cadre of A pass in the prescribed 9 Superintendents, Head Clerks, Accountants in the grade of Rs.180-320 on the basis of Seniority-cum-merit. Departmental Examinations. 22. Superintendents: Accounts Superintendents By deputation of Superintendents from the State Accounts Department 23. Office Superintendent in Head Office, Head Clerk and Accountant in Central College, Bangalore By promotion from the cadre of I Division Clerks A pass in the prescribed Departmental Examination. 24. 1 st Division Clerks: a) Accounts Clerks b) 1 st Division Clerks including Manager, Government College, Mercara. By deputation of 1 st Division Clerks from the State Accounts Department. 50% by direct recruitment. 50% by promotion from the cadre of II Divison Clerks. For Direct Recruitment: As per the Mysore Ministerial Services (Assistants and I Division Clerks) Recruitment Rules, 1963 For Promotion: Must have passed the Departmental tests. 2) A pass in SSLC or equivalent examination essential. 25. II Division Clerks a) II Division Clerks (including Hostel Manager and Metrons for Women’s Hostels) b) Shroff 90% by direct recruitment 10% by promotion from the cadre of Attenders and other Class IV servants For Direct Recruitment: As per the Mysore Ministrial Services (Junior Assistants, II Dn. Clerks) Recruitment Rules, 1963). For promotion Pass in the VIII (new or old VIII Standard Examination (Must have passed Primary School final examination) and pass in departmental test and who have put in 5 years of service. 26. Stenographers 66-2/3% by direct recruitment 33-1/3% by promotion from the cadre of II Grade Typists. For Direct Recruitment: As per the Mysore Ministerial Services (Stenographers) Recruitment Rules, 1964. For Promotion: Same as for direct recruitment. Note: A Typist who has put in a minimum service of 5 years and who has passed Junior Shorthand Examination only may be promoted as Stenographer subject to the condition that he should qualify himself by passing the examination prescribed by Government within a period of 5 years from the date of such promotion, the said period being extended by Government in its discretion in deserving cases by two years. 27. Typist By direct recruitment For Direct Recruitment: As per the Mysore Ministerial Recruitment (Typist) Rules, 1964. 1 2 3 4 28. Compounder / Pharmacist By direct recruitment i) Standard VII (Old) or new VII 10 Standard (Must have passed Primary School Final Examination) ii) Compounders’ Training Certificate granted by the Medical Department or equivalent qualification. Probation: 1 year Age: Must not be above 30 years 29. Micro-Technician By Direct Recruitment General: VIII Standard (old) or new VII (Must have passed primary school-final examination) Technical Experience in rock grinding and section making Probation: One year 30. Mechanics: Gas Mechanic/Gasmen By direct recruitment General: IX Standard Technical: Certificate Course in Mechanical Engineering or practical experience. Age: 30 years Probation: One year 31. Carpenters By direct recruitment General: Primary V year. Technical: Certificate in Carpentry issue from a recognised or stablished institution or practical experience in carpentry to be assessed the Practical test held by the appointing authority. 32. Taxidermist By direct recruitment For direct recruitment: a) General Qualification: Pre-University or higher Secondary with Chemistry, Botany, Zoology as optional. b) Technical: Experience of having worked with the staff of Zoological gardens Mysore or Madras with an established taxidermist. Probation: One year 33. Attenders Head Attenders, Laboratory, Attenders, Library Attenders, Record- Keeper, Jamedar, Sports Marker, Fieldman, Mutchi, Daffedar 50% by direct recruitment and 50% by promotion of literate class IV staff on the basis of seniority-cum-merit. For direct recruitment: As per Mysore Ministerial Service (Recruitment) Rules. 1 2 3 4 34. Section Cutter 50% by direct recruitment. 50% General: VIII Standard (old) or 11 by promotion of literate class IV staff on the basis of seniority cum-merit. new VII Standard (Must have passed primary school Final Examination) with experience in section cutting. 35. Peons: Peons, Sweepers, Scavangers, Watchman, Gardeners, animal catcher, laboratory boys, book bearers. By direct recruitment by the head of office. Note: 1) Any inclusion of a new post or a change in the number of posts or pay thereof even if finally agreed to by Government had notified, shall not come into effect automatically unless the concerned department make out a case separately and obtains the sanction of Government with the concurrence of the Finance Department and 2) Any revision of the scale of pay that may be agreed to by Government in the manner indicated in (1) above shall come into operation only on a change of the incumbent of the office. It shall not automatically reduce or enhance the pay of the existing incumbent according to whether the scale of the post is lowered or enhanced. In other words, it does not give such an incumbent the right to claim the enhanced scale of pay though the post may have been shown as upgraded in the “Cadres Notification of the particular. 3) The Senior most professor or Assistant Professor as the same may be will be the Principal of the college. 4) Only Women shall be eligible for appointment as Principals of Women’s College. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, P. VENKATRAMAN, Deputy Secretary to Government, General Administration Department Political and O & M. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 134 DIP 64 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 5 th April 1965 Magh Saka Era 1886 NOTIFICATION The Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following amendment to the Notification No.GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th July 1964 sanctioning the establishment of State Service Cadres and their strength in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely:- I. In column 2 of the said Notification, under the heading “Class I Posts” in respect of the Category of posts of Professors, for the words in the bracket “One post of Professor of Mathematics is a deputation post in the Department of Technical Education” the words “Three Posts, one Professor of Mathematics, one Professor of Physics and one Professor of Chemistry are deputation posts in the Department of Technical Education” shall be substituted. 12 II. In column 3 of the said Notification under the Heading ‘Class I Posts’ against the entry' “Professors” under the category of posts in column 2, for the figures “25”, the figures “27” shall be substituted. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, T.R. Jayaraman, Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 145 DIS 66 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 14 th December 1966 Aghn. 23 Saka Era 1888. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the Powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title:- These ruels may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1966. 2. Amendment of the Schedule:- In the schedule to the Mysore Education Department Service (Collegiate Eduction Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964 for the entries in serial number 11, relating to the category of posts of “Full-time or part-time Lecturers in Music and Hindi the following entries shall be substituted namely:- *11. Lecturers in Music By promotion of a part-time lecturer in Music and if no suitable person is available among part-time lecturers in Music, then by direct recruitment. For Promotion: A Candidate must have passed (i) the degree examination of a University established by law in India: and (ii) the Proficiency examination in Vocal Music conducted by the Department of Public Instruction, Government of Mysore. For direct recruitment: A candidate must have passed (i) the degree examination of a University established by law in India and (ii) the proficiency examination in vocal music conducted by the department of Public Instruction, Government of Mysore. Age: Must not have completed thirtyfive years of age. Probation: 2 years 13 11-A Part-time Lecturer in Music By direct recruitment on a temporary basis for a period of three years. For direct recruitment:- A candidate must have passed (i) the secondary school leaving certificate examination or an examination considered as equivalent thereby the State Government. (ii) the proficiency examination in Music conducted by Director of Public Instruction, Government of Mysore. Age: Must not have completed thirtyfive years age. 11-B Lecturers in Hindi By promotion of a part-time Lecturer in Hindi and if no suitable person is available among part-time lecturers in Hindi, then by direct recruitment. For Promotion: The candidate must have passed (1) the degree examination of a University established by law in Indian: and (ii) the Hindi Rathna Examination conducted by the Mysore Hindi Prachar Parishad, Bangalore or the Praveen examination conducted by the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras or an examination recognised by the State Government as equivalent thereto. For direct recruitment: The candidate must have passed (i) the degree examination of a University established by Law in India and (ii) the Rathna examination conducted by the Mysore Hindi Prachar Parishad or Praveen examination conducted by the Dakshina Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras, or an examination recognised by the State Government as equivalent thereto. Age: Must not have completed thirtyfive years of age. Probation: Two years. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, S.N. Sreenath, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. 14 GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 145 DIS 66 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 14 th December 1966 Aghn. 23 Saka Era 1888. NOTIFICATION The Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following amendment to the Notification No.GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 20 th July 1964 sanctioning the establishment of State Service Cadres and their strength in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely:- 1. For the entries in columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 relating to the category of posts of “Full-time or Part-time Lecturers in Hindi and Music" at serial number 11, the following entries shall be substituted:- 11 Lecturers in Music 5 Rs. 230-20-350-25-500 11-A Part-time Lecturers in Music 1 Rs. 100/- (fixed) per month, if the work-load exceeds four hours per week. 11-B Lecturers in Hindi 2 Rs. 230-20-350-25-500 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, S.N. Sreenath, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 120 DIS 66 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 1 st February 1967 Magh 12 S.E. 1888 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to the Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title: These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Service (Collegiate Education Department) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 1967. 2. Amendment of the Schedule:- In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Service (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules 1964. i) in the entries in serial number three relating to the category of posts of “Professors” (Selection Grade) in the entries in column 3, the words “No age restriction for persons in service”, shall be omitted. ii) in the entries in serial number four, relating to the category of posts of “Professors” in the entries in column 3, the words “No age restriction for persons in service”, shall be omitted. 15 iii) in the entries in serial number six, relating to the category of posts of “Readers” in the entries in column 3, the words “No age restriction for persons in service”, shall be omitted. iv) in the entries in serial number nine, relating to the category of posts of “Lecturers”for the entries in column 3, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “For direct recruitment:- The candidate must be a holder of a degree not lower than a second class Master’s degree of a University established, by law. Age: Thirty-five years in respect of recruitment to post of lecturers in Home Science:twenty-eight years in respect of posts of lecturers in subjects other than Home Science, but the said age limit is relaxable upto thirty three years in the case of candidates possessing teaching experience in the subject concerned. Probation: Two years. v) in the entries in serial number ten, relating to the category of posts “Demonstrators and Tutors” in the entries in column 3, the words “No age restriction in the case of Government servants in service” shall be omitted. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, S.N. SREENATH, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 14 DIP 65 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 15 th February 1967 Magh 26 Saka Era 1888 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore hereby Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title: These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1967. 2. Amendment of the Schedule:- In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules 1964. i) in serial number 3 in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Professors (Selection Grade)” in column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation” the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “5. "Probation:- Two years”. ii) in serial number 4, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Professor”, in column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely;- “Probation:- Two years". 16 During the period of probation, the candidate should pass the following examinations, namely:- 1) Accounts Higher 2) General Law (Part I and II) 3) University Acts and Grand-in-aid-code for colleges”. iii) In serial number 6, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Readers”, in column 3:- a) in the entries relating to recruitment for the entry relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “Probation: Two years" During the period of probation, the candidates should pass the following examinations, namely:- 1) Accounts Higher 2) General Law (Part I and II) 3) University Acts and Grand-in-aid-Code for Colleges”. b) after the entries relating to direct recruitment, the following entries shall be added, namely:- “For Promotion: Must have a passed the following departmental examinations:- 1) Accounts Higher 2) General Law (Part I and II) 3) University Acts and Grand-in-aid-Code for Colleges”. iv) in serial number 9, in the entries relating to category of posts of “Lecturers”, in column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “Probation: Two years". During the period of probation, the candidate should pass the following examinations: 1) Accounts Lower 2) General Law (Part I and II) 3) University Acts and Grand-in-aid-Code for Colleges”. v) in serial number 10, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Demonstrators and Tutors, in the entries in column 3, under the heading “For Direct Recruitment”, the following entries shall be added at the end, namely:- “Probation: Two years". During the period of Probation, the candidate should pass the following departmental examinations, namely:- 1) Accounts Lower 2) General Law (Part I and II) 3) University Acts and Grand-in-aid-Code for Colleges”. vi) in serial number 14, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Physical Culture Instructor Grade III” in column 3, the following entries shall be added at the end, namely. “Probation: Two years". vii) in serial number 16, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Foreman” in column 3, the following entries shall be added at the end namely:- “Probation: Two years". 17 viii) in serial number 24, in item (b) in the entries relating to the category of posts of “1 st Division Clerks including Manager, Government College, Mercara, for the entries in column 3 relating to Direct Recruitment, and Promotion, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “For Direct Recruitment: (a) As specified in the Mysore State Civil Services (Recruitment to Ministerial Posts) Rules, 1966. (b) Probation: Two years. During the period of probation, the candidate should pass the following departmental examinations:- 1) Accounts Higher 2) General Law (Part I) 3) Manual of Office Procedure 4) University Acts and Grant-in Aid Code for Colleges”. For Promotion: a) A pass in SSLC or an examination by the State Government as equivalent thereto. b) Minimum service of five years in the cadre of II Division Clerks. c) Must have passed the following Departmental Examinations. 1) Accounts Higher 2) General Law (Part I) 3) Manual of Office Procedure 4) University Acts and Grant-in Aid Code for Colleges. ix) (a) in serial number 26, in item (a), in the entries relating to the category of posts of “II Division Clerks (including Hostel Manager and Matrons for Women’s Hostels)” for the entries in column 3, relating to Direct Recruitment and promotion, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “For Direct Recruitment:- a) As specified in the Mysore State Civil Services (Recruitment to ministerial Posts) Rules, 1966. b) Probation: Two years. During the period of probation, the candidate should pass the following examinations, namely:- a) Accounts Lower For Promotion: a) Pass in the VII Standard (New) or VIII Standard (Old) Examination. b) Five years service as Attender or other Class IV employee. c) Must have passed the Accounts (Lower) Examination. 18 ix) (b) in serial number 25, in item (b), in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Shroff” in column 2 the following entries shall be inserted, namely:- “Same as in the case of II Division Clerks”. x) in serial number 26, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Stenographers”, in column 3, for the entries relating to Direct Recruitment, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “For Direct Recruitment. (a) As specified in the Mysore State Civil Services (Recruitment to the post of Stenographers, Junior Stenographers and Typists) Rules, 1966. (b) Probation: Five years”. xi) in serial number 27, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Typist”, in column 3, for the entries relating to Direct Recruitment, the following entries shall be substituted namely:- “For Direct Recruitment: As specified in the Mysore State Civil Services (Recruitment to the post of Stenographers, Junior Stenographers and Typists) Rules, 1966:- Probation: Two years. (xii) in serial number 28, in the entries relating to the category of posts of "Compounder/Pharmacist", in column 3, for the entries relating to "Probation", the following entries shall be substitute, namely:- Probation : Two years. (xiii) in serial number 29, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Micro Technician” in column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- Probation: Two years. xiv) in serial number 30, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Mechanics/Gas Mechanic/ Gasman” in column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- Probation: Two years. xv) in serial number 31, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Carpenters”, below in column 3, the following entries shall be added at the end, namely:- Probation: Two years. xvi) in serial number 32, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Taxidermist”, in the column 3, for the entries relating to “Probation”, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- Probation: Two years. 19 xvii) in serial number 33, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Attenders”, in Column 3, for the entries relating to “Direct Recruitment” the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “For Direct Recruitment: a) As specified in the Mysore State Civil Services (Recruitment to Ministerial Posts) Rules, 1966. b) Probation: Two years. xviii) in serial number 34, in the entries relating to the category of posts of “Section Cutter”,in column 3, the following entries shall be added at the end, namely:- Probation: Two years. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, S.N. SREENATH, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 49 DIP 65 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 5 th July 1967 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title: These Rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment), Amendment) Rules, 1967. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964: i) for the entries in column 2 of the entries relating to the category of the posts of “Professors” the following entries shall be substituted namely:- ii) “By promotion from the cadre of Readers in the respective subject on the basis of seniority-cum-merit, and if no suitable person in the cadre of Readers in the respective subject is available, then by direct recruitment. iii) for the entries in column 2 of the entries relating to the category of post of “Readers” the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “50% by direct recruitment and 50% by promotion on the basis of Seniority-cum-merit from the cadre of Lecturers in the respective subject”. iv) for the entries in column 2 of the entries relating to the category of post of “Lecturers” the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “75% by direct recruitment and 25% by promotion of Demonstrators and Tutors on the basis of Seniority-cum-merit, subject to the their possessing a II Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject; 20 Provided that in the absence of suitable demonstrators or Tutors for promotion, the posts set apart for promotion also may be filled up by direct recruitment". By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, S.N. Sreenath Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 13 DLS 68 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 27 th May 1970 Jyst. 6 Saka Era 1893 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) Recruitment Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Ist Amendment Rules, 1970. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964: (1) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Professors, in column (a) before the entries under the heading ‘For Direct Recruitment’ the following entries shall be inserted, namely:- “for Promotion: Should be holder or a Second Class Master’s degree in the respective subject of a University established by Law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto and experience of not less than seven years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes as a Reader or should be holder or a Doctorate in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto; and experience of not less than five years in teaching the respective subject to degree class as a Reader”. (b) in the entries under the heading “For Direct Recruitment” for the entries “Age 45 years”, the entries “Age: No age limit” shall be substituted, (2) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Readers, in column 3:- (a) in the entries under the heading “For Direct Recruitment” for entries “age 40 years”, the entries “age: no age Limit” shall be substituted: (b) the existing entries under the heading “For Promotion” shall be numbered as item (3) thereof and before the entries as so numbered the following entries shall be inserted, namely:- 21 “(1) should be holder of a Second Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto; or Should be holder of a Doctorate in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto. (2) Should have experience of not less than eight years in teaching the respective subjet to degree classes as a Lecturers. (3) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Lecturers: (i) in column 2, the words “on the basis of seniority-cum-merit subject to their possessing II Class Master’s Degree” shall be omitted: (ii) in column 3, before the entries under the heading “For Direct Recruitment”, the following entries shall be inserted, namely: “For promotion: (1) Should be holder of a Second Class Master’s Degre in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto. (2) Should have experience of not less than three years as a Demonstrator or Tutor in the respective subject”. DHARMA VIRA Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, HARISARVOTHAM RAO, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 72 DCE 70 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 30 th November 1970 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) For the amendment Rules, 1970. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publications in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964 in the entries relating to the category of posts of Professors in Column 3, under the heading “For promotion” for the words “experience of not less than seven years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes as a 22 Reader”, the words “experience of not less than ten years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes” shall be substituted and for the words “experience of not less than five years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes as a Reader”, the words “Experience of not less than seven years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes shall be substituted. DHARMA VIRA Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, M.I. HUSSAIN, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 20 DCE 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 7 th July 1971 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the order of the President of India GSR 458 dated 27 th March 1971, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Ist Amendment) Rules, 1971. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964: 1) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Professors, in column 3, under the heading ‘probation’ item (3) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted. 2) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Readers, in column 3, (a) under the heading ‘Probation’ item (3) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted. (b) under the heading ‘For Promotion’ item (3) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted. 3) In the entries relating to the category of posts of Lecturers, in column 3, under the heading ‘Probation’, item (3) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted; 4) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Demonstrators and Tutors, in column 3, under the heading ‘Probation’ item (3) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted; 5) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Ist Division Clerks including Manager, Government College, Mercara in column 3,- a) under the heading ‘Probation’ item (4) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted, and 23 b) under the heading ‘For Promotion’ in clause ( c) item (4) shall be and shall be deemed always to have been omitted. DHARMA VIRA Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the President Of India, Under Secretary to Government, (I/c), Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 28 UEC 70 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 26 th August 1971 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the order of the President of India, GSR 458 dated 27 th March 1971, the Governor of Mysore hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (2 nd Amendment) Rules, 1971. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, in the entries relating to the category of posts of Lecturers, in column 3, under the heading “For Promotion in item (1) for the words “Second Class” the words “Third Class” shall be substituted. Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the President of India, S.V. Kashipathy, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 69 DCE 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 22 nd February 1972 NOTIFICATION The Government of Mysore in exercise of the powers conferred the order of the President of India, GSA 458 dated 27 th March 1971 hereby makes the following further amendments to Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated 30 th July 1964, sanctioning the establishment of the State Service Cadres in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely:- 24 In the said notification under the heading “Class III Posts” after the entries relating to the category or posts of II Division Clerks, the following category of posts and entries shall be inserted, namely:- “25A II Division Clerks-4 Rs. 90-4-110-5-170-EB-6-200. Cum-Typists. Mohanlal Sukadia, Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the President of India, M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 69 DEC 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 22 nd February 1972 NOTIFICATION-2 In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India read with the order of the President of India GSR 458 dated 27 th March 1971, the Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1972. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, after the entries relating category of posts of II Division Clerks the following category of posts and entries shall be inserted namely:- “24A-II Division Clerks Cum- Typists By Direct Recruitment (i) Must have passed SSLC examination/equivalent qualification. (ii) Must have passed junior Typewriting Examination in the concerned Language conducted by the Department of Public Instruction/equivalent qualification. Mohanlal Sukadia Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the President of India, M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. 25 GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 30 DCE 72 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 24 th March 1973 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1973. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, in the entries *3, under the heading For Direct Recruitment’ in the entries under sub-heading “2 Professor in Commerce’ for the figures and word “2 years” the words “not less than five years” shall be substituted. “relating to the category of posts of Professors, in column. Mohanlal Sukhadia Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 33 DCE 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 12 th July 1973 NOTIFICATION-I The Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following further amendments to the Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th Day of July 1964, sanctioning the establishment of State Service Cadres in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely:- In the said Notification under the heading ‘Class III Posts’ for the entries relating to the category or the posts of Librarians the following categories of posts and entries shall be substituted, namely:- “20 Senior Librarians 18 Rs. 250-10-300-15-420-EB-20-500 “20-A Librarians 15 Rs. 175-10-275-15-350-EB-20-450 20-B Library Technical Assistants 12 Rs. 90-4-110-5-170-EB-6-200”. Mohanlal Sukhadia Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. 26 GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 33 DCE 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 12 th July 1973 NOTIFICATION-II In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Mysore, have makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1973. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, for the category of posts of Librarians and entries relating thereto, the following categories of posts entries shall be substituted, namely:- “20.Senior Librarian Seventy five percent by promotion from the cadre of Librarians. Twenty five percent by promotion from the cadre of First Division Clerks Must be holder of a degree of a University established by Law in India/equivalent qualification and must be holder of a degree in Library Science of a University established by Law in India / equivalent qualification. 20-A Librarian Twenty five percent by promotion from the Cadre of Library Technical Assistants. For Promotion: Must be holder of a degree of a University established in India / equivalent qualification, and If no suitable candidate is available for promotion, by direct recruitment. Must be holder of a Diploma in Library Science, awarded by the Board of Technical Examinations, Department of Technical Education / equivalent qualification. Twenty five percent by promotion from the cadre of II Division Clerks. If no suitable candidate is available for promotion, by direct recruitment. Fifty percent by direct recruitment. For Direct Recruitment Must be holder of – (i) a degree of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification and (ii) a diploma in Library Science awarded by the Board of Technical Examinations, Department of Technical Education or equivalent qualifications. 20-B Library Technical Assistant By Direct Recruitment i) Must have passed SSLC Examination or equivalent qualification; and ii) (a) Must be holder of a certificate in Library Science awarded by the Department of Public Libraries. (b) Must have passed Training in Library Science in a recognised Institution. Mohanlal Sukhadia Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore, M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. 27 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 58 DCE 73 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 8 th March 1974 NOTIFICATION The Governor of Karnataka hereby makes the following further amendments to Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated 30 th July 1964 sanctioning the establishment of the State Services Cadre in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely:- In the said Notification, under the heading “Class III Posts” (1) before the entries relating to the category of posts of Stenographer the following category of posts and entries shall be inserted, namely:- “25 A Selection Grade Rs. 250-15-310-20-350-EB-25-500” Stenographer (2) in the entries relating to the category of posts of Stenographers for the entries in columns 2 and 3, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:- “Stenographer”- I By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 58 DCE 73 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 8 th March 1974 NOTIFICATION-II In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Karnataka, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement: (1) These rules may be called the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (First Amendment) Rules, 1974. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule: In the Schedule to the Mysore Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, before the entries relating to the category of posts of Stenographers, the following category of posts and entries shall be inserted namely:- “25-A Selection Grade Stenographer By Promotion from the Cadre of Stenographer Must have put in not less than three years of services in the cadre of Stenographer”. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M.I. Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. 28 GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE NO. ED 33 DCE 71 Mysore Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 12 th July 1975 NOTIFICATION-I The Governor of Mysore, hereby makes the following further amendments to the Notification No. GAD 47 ORR 64, dated the 30 th day of July 1964, sanctioning the establishment of State Service Cadres in respect of the Mysore Education Department (Collegiate Education Department) namely: In the said Notification under the heading ‘Class III posts’ for the entries relating to the category of the posts of ‘Librarians, the following categories of posts and entries shall be substituted, namely:- “20 Senior Librarians 18 Rs. 250-10-300-15-420-EB-20-500 20-A Librarians 15 Rs. 175-10-275-15-350-EB-20-450 20-B Library Technical Assistants 12 Rs. 90-4-110-5-170-EB-6-200”. Mohanlal Sukhadia Governor of Mysore, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore M.I Hussain, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Strengthening of the Department of Collegiate Education-Plan Scheme. Preamble: In September 1975 the DPAR (AR) inspected the office of the Director of Collegiate Education and suggested a re-organised set-up to improve the functioning of the Department. The suggestions made by the DPAR have been implemented by the Director of Collegiate Education by transferring the Grant-in-Aid sections and the Cash Section to the Administrative wing and by retaining the Budget Section, T.B.S. Section-and Audit parties in the Accounts wing. With the transfer of work to the Administrative wing the work of the Chief Accounts Officer had considerably reduced and the DPAR had suggested to convert this post into that of Deputy Director to give relief to the Deputy Director. The Director of Collegiate Education has, on a further examination of the reorganised set up, suggested a further line-up on the administrative side involving the creation of a new more posts of Superintendents, First Division Clerk etc. These have been again examined by the DPAR (AR) in the light of the last inspection and the suggestions now made by the Director of Collegiate Education. They have accordingly suggested creation of the following posts: 1. One Deputy Director in lieu of the existing post of Chief Accounts Officer. 2. One Assistant Director by upgrading the post of the one Superintendent/Manager. 3. Two Superintendents 4. Nine First Division Clerks and 5. One Typist. 29 Consequent upon the transfer of Grant-in-Aid sections to the Administration side, the DPAR (AR) has observed that the post of Accounts Superintendent and one First Divison Clerk which constitute the Technical section in the Accounts wing are redundant. They have accordingly suggested the transfer of these posts to the Administrative wing. Since the post of Accounts Superintendent is hold by the Superintendent of State Accounts Department, this post will have to be converted into that of Office Superintendent in the Administrative wing to be manned by the Department staff. All these suggestions have been accepted. ORDER NO. ED 51 UEC 77 BANGALORE, DATED 31 st March 1978 Sanction is accorded to the creation of the following posts for a period of six months in the first instance. 1. One post of Deputy Director in the scale of Rs. 900-1750 (This post will be in lieu of the existing post of Chief Accounts Officer which stands abolished) 2. One post of Assistant Director in the scale of Rs.750-1525 (Post of Manager to be upgraded) 3. Two Superintendents in the scale of Rs. 500-1120 4. Nine First Division Clerks in the scale of Rs. 400-900 5. One Typist in the scale of Rs. 300-700 2. In addition, the post of Accounts Superintendent of the Technical Section shall be converted into that of Office Superintendent and transferred along with the post of First Division Clerk to the Administrative side. The Director of Collegiate Education is directed to take action to repatriate the Accounts Superintendent to the State Accounts Department. 3. As the posts now created do not meet the requirement of the Director of Collegiate Education, DPAR (AR) will be requested the inspect the Department once again and furnish the report on the staff requirement. 4. The expenditure on this account is debitable to the Budget Head “277-Education-E-1-I Director of Collegiate Education (Plan). 5. This order issues with the concurrence of F.D. vide their U.O. Note No. FD/458/Exp.VIII/78, dated 23-2-1978. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka B.S. MUDDAPUR Under Secretary to Government, Education and Y.S. Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 18 SCR 79 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 3 rd March 1979 Circular Sub: Promotional opportunities to Typists-Change of Cadre. Provision has been made to allow Typists to change their cadre to that of Second Division Clerks/Junior Assistants if they have put in not less than 5 years, service excluding the period of probation and possess the qualification prescribed for the posts of Junior Assistants / Second Division 30 Clerks, in addition to passing Kannada Language Examination and Service Examinations, if any, prescribed. 2. It has, however, been represented to Government that the authorities concerned are not permitting Typists to change their cadre even though they applied for such change of cadre after they became eligible for change and thereby they are denied promotional opportunities to next higher cadres. 3. Provision made in the Karnataka Civil Services (Typists and Junior Assistants / Second Division Clerks/ (Change of Cadre)Rules, 1964, is with a view to give an opportunity to them to get relief from routine type of work and to provide for some legitimate prospects for promotion to next higher cadre. Having this in view, all Heads of Departments are requested to ensure that as and when typists apply for change of cadre after being eligible for change of their cadre to that of Second Division Clerks/Junior Assistants, they should be allowed to change the cadre without undue dalay. H.P. DHARANENDRANATH Deputy Secretary to Government, D.P.A.R. (Service Rules). GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 26 SCR 79 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 26 th April 1979 Official Memorandum Sub:- Promotion of Class IV Government servants to the posts of Drivers in respective Departments. At present, provision is made in certain departments only for promotion of Class IV employees with driving licence to the cadre of Drivers. 2. It has therefore been represented to Government that Class IV employees, especially the cleaners, should be made eligible for promotion to the cadre of Drivers if such Class IV employees possess the requisite driving licence. 3. Government desire that the Secretaries to Government may review the recruitment rules in respect of the field departments coming under their administrative control and take action to amend the rules to provide for promotion of Class IV Government servants in the respective departments to the cadre of Drivers if such Class IV Government servants possess the requisite valid driving licence if such a provision does not already exist in the rules of recruitment. It may also be provided in the rules that only in the absence of availability of eligible and suitable Class IV Government servants, the posts of Drivers shall be filled by direct recruitment. 4. All Secretaries to Government are therefore requested that the recruitment rules in respect of the field departments under their administrative control may be reviewed accordingly immediately. H.P. DHARANENDRANATH Deputy Secretary to Government, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, (Service Rules). 31 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject:- Department of Collegiate Education – establishment of Regional Offices- sanctioned. Government Order No. ED 54 MUN 80 (II), Bangalore, Dated 29 th August 80 Preamble: In the Plan sanctioning Committee meeting under the Chairmanship of the Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department held on 10-7-1980, in which a representative of the Finance Department, Planning Department and also the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore, were present, the “On-Going” scheme of strengthening the Department of Collegiate Education was considered since the work in the Department of Collegiate Education has increased considerably and with a view to tone up the administration with efficiency, it was decided in the meeting that 3 Regional Offices in the Department of Collegiate Education, one each at Dharwad, Mysore and Bangalore, with additional staff should be established. Accordingly sanction of Government has to be accorded. ORDER Sanction is accorded to the establishment of Regional Offices, in the Department of Collegiate Education, as detailed below: Name of the Regional Office Head Quarters Work assigned i) Regional Office of Collegiate Education, Bangalore Bangalore Matters relating to Bangalore University ii) Regional Office of Collegiate Education, Dharwad Dharwad Matters relating to Karnataka University. iii) Regional Office of Collegiate Education, Mysore Mysore Matters relating to University of Mysore. 2. Sanction is also accorded to the creation of additional posts for each of the above said Regional Office, till the end of VI Five Year Plan Period i.e., 31-3-1983, as detailed below: Sl.No. Designation No. of Posts sanctioned Pay Scale Rs. 1. Deputy Director of Collegiate Education One 900-1750 2. Accounts Officer One 900-1750 3. Assistant Director of Collegiate Education One 750-1525 4. Second Division Clerk One 300-700 5. Typist One + S.P. of Rs. 30/-p.m. 3. The expenditure on this account is debitable to the head “277-Education-E. University and other Higher Education-I. Direction and Administration-1. Director of Collegiate Education (Plan)”. 4. This order issues with the concurrence of finance department vide their U.O. Note No. FD/DS/III/3033, dated 24-7-1980. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka Y.R. ACHYUTA RAO Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. 32 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject:- Creation of a new cadre of “Senior Typists” in the Department of Collegiate Educaion, Bangalore. Order No. ED/22/UEC/1982, Bangalore, Dated the 16/19 October 1982 Read:- (1) Government Order No. FD/66/SRP/81, dated 17-12-81. (2) Letter No. DCE/46/EAP/82, dated 19-4-82 from Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble: The Government in the Order cited (1) above created a new cadre of “Senior Typists” in the scale of Rs. 400-20-500-25-600-30-750-50-900 by upgrading 20% of the permanent posts of Typists. The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore in her letter cited (2) above, has reported that there are 62 permanent posts of Typists in the Department and requested to upgrade 12 posts of Typists to that of “Senior Typist” in the corresponding new scale of Rs. 630-20-650-25-800-30-950- 50-1200. ORDER Sanction is accorded to the upgradation of Twelve permanent posts of Typists in the Department of Collegiate Education, Bangalore as Senior Typists in the scale of Rs. 630-20-650-25- 800-30-950-50-1200, with immediate effect and reducing the strength of permanent posts of Typists to forty. The posts in the new cadre shall be filled by promotion of Typists, who have put in not less than 10 years of service in the cadre of Typists on the basis of seniority-cum-merit after getting option from the Typists as annexed to this Order and who have passed Kannada Language Examination or who have been exempted from passing the said Examination for having passed an examination declared as equivalent. This order issues as per the delegated power vide Government Order No. FD-66-SRP-81, dated 17-12-81. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka KISHEN RAO Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Order No. ED/26/UEC/81, Bangalore, Dated 17-12-1982 Sub: Upgradation of the post of Office Superintendents in the Government Colleges to Group 'B' Gazetted Cadre with a designation as Registrars. Read:- (1) Letter No. DCE 66 EAP 81 dated 30-7-82 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. (2) Representation dated 7-8-1982 from the Non-Teaching Staff Association of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore. Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore in her letter cited (1) above, has recommended for ungradation of one post of Manager in the scale of Rs. 860-30-950-50-1200-60- 1500-75-1650 in the Head Office and 32 posts of Superintendents in the scale of 750-25-800-30-950- 50-1200-60-1500 in 32 Government Colleges of the State to Class-II Gazetted Cadre and to designate the upgraded post as “Registrar” as recommended by the Tukol pay Commission during the year 1966-68. The Non-Teaching Staff Association of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore in its representation cited (2) above has also represented for upgradation of the post of Manager and Superintendents. 33 ORDER Twenty three posts of Office Superintendents in the scale of Rs. 750-25-800-30-950-50- 1200-60-1500 in each of the 23 Government Colleges mentioned in the Annexure to this order where the students strength is 1000 or more are upgraded to Group-B Gazetted cadre and designated as “Registrars” in the scale of Rs. 920-30-950-50-1200-60-1500-75-1725, with immediate effect. This order issues with concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O. Note. No. FD/2227/ Int/Exp-81/82, dated 20-10-1982. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M.R. NEELAKANTA Under Secretary to Government, I/C, Education and Youth Services Department. ANNEXURE TO G.O. No. ED 26 UEC 81, BANGALORE, DATED: 17-12-1982 1) Government Arts College, Bangalore. 2) Government Science College, Bangalore. 3) Maharani's Arts College for Women, Bangalore. 4) Maharani's Science College for Women, Bangalore. 5) R.C. College of Commerce, Bangalore. 6) Smt. VHD Central Institute of Home Science, Bangalore. 7) Govenrment College, Kolar. 8) Government Arts College, Tumkur. 9) Government Science College, Tumkur 10) Maharani's Arts College for Women, Mysore 11) Maharani's Science College for Women, Mysore 12) Government College for Boys, Mandya 13) Government College for Women, Mandya 14) Sri. Mahadeswara College, Kollegal 15) Government Arts College, Chitradurga 16) Government Science College, Chitradurga 17) Sahyadri College, Shimoga 18) Government College, Hassan 19) Government College, Madikeri 20) Government College, Mangalore 21) IDSG Government College, Chikmagalur 22) Government College, Gulbarga 23) Government College, Karwar. M.R. NEELAKANTA Under Secretary to Government, I/C, Education and Youth Services Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Department of Collegiate Education-Creation of Audit Staff in the Directorate of Collegiate Education for Audit of Private Aided and un-aided Law Colleges. Order No. ED 74 UEC 84, Bangalore, Dated 1 st February 1985. Read:- Correspondence ending with letter No. DCE/21/Plan/84-85, dated 15-6-1984 from the Director of Collegiate Education Bangalore. 34 Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education has reported that there are 32 Private Law Colleges in the State and their Audit work from 1-10-1977 has to be taken up. The Directorate has got only 4 Superintendents and 6 Auditors to audit the work of 45 Government Colleges, 18 Government Hostels and 200 Private Colleges. The office is feeling very difficult to audit the accounts of these Government Colleges, Hostels and Private Colleges and it will be very difficult to take up the audit work of the 32 Private Law Colleges in the State with the limited staff. The Director of Collegiate Education, has, therefore, requested for creation of 3 posts of Superintendents, 9 posts of auditors and 1 post of Second Division Clerk temporarily for a period of one year and to draw the officials from the State Accounts Department for audit work. ORDER Sanction is accorded for creation of the following posts in the Directorate of Collegiate Education for auditing the accounts of the Private Law Colleges in the State for a period of one year- 1. Superintendents - 3 2. Auditors - 9 3. Second Division Clerk - 1 The audit staff may be filled up from deputation of officials of the State Accounts Department. The expenditure on the above is debitable to Head of Account “277-Education-E-University and other Higher Education-1-Direction and Administration-1-Collegiate Education-Plan”. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 1800/Int/Expr-8/84, dated 25-1-1985. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka A.R. Prasad, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Department of Collegiate Education-Establishment of two Regional Offices at Mangalore and Gulbarga. Read:-Letter No. DCE/1/PPL/81-82, dated 22-4-81 from Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble: In Government Order No. ED 54 MUN 80(i) dated 29-8-80, Government approved establishment of Regional Office of Department of Collegiate Education at Bangalore (Bangalore University Area), Dharwad (Karnataka University Area and Gulbarga University Area) and (Mysore and Mangalore) with a view to tone up the administration efficiently, and supervise Colleges coming under their jurisdiction. The Director of Collegiate Education in her letter dated 22-4-81 intimated, that in view of the creation of two Universities at Mangalore and Gulbarga in September 1980 two more Regional Offices of the Department of Collegiate Education at Mangalore and Gulbarga are necessary to attend to the increase in work relating to constitution of selection Committees, approval of appointment of staff, sanction of pension and D.C.R.G. under Triple Benefit Scheme to Grant-in-Aid institutions and 35 sanction of various types of scholarships at Division Level Office, etc., and requested for establishment of two more Regional Offices. Order No. ED 16 MUN 84, Bangalore, Dated 15 th February 1985 Sanction is accorded to the establishment of Regional Offices of the Department of Collegiate Education as detailed below: Name of the Regional Office Head Quarters Work Assigned I. Regional Office of the Collegiate Education, Mangalore Mangalore Matters relating to Colleges affiliated to Mangalore University (work transferred from Regional Office, Mysore) II. Regional Office of the Collegiate Education, Gulbarga Gulbarga Matters relating to Colleges affiliated to Gulbarga University (work transferred from Regional Office Dharwar). 2. Sanction is also accorded to the creation of following posts for each of the above Regional Offices, upto 31-3-86, in the first instance. Sl.No. Designation No. of Posts sanctioned Pay Scale 1. Deputy Director of Collegiate Education One Rs. 1200-2175 2. Accounts Officer One Rs. 1200-2175 3. Assistant Director of Collegiate Education One Rs. 1050-1950 4. Second Division Clerk One Rs. 490-950 5. Typist One Rs. 490-950 The expenditure in this regard shall be debited to the head “277-Education-E-University and other Higher Education-E-Directions and Adm-1-Director of Collegiate Education (Plan)”, and shall be met within the budget allocation of the Department made available to Education Department for 1984-85. 3. These posts will continue under plan during the VII Plan period. The Director of Collegiate Education shall send proposals to renew these posts as “On-going’ schemes during 1985- 86. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide No. FD 144 Int/ Exp-8/85, dated 31-1-85. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka Y.R. ACHYUTA RAO Special Officer and Ex-Officio Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 158 DCE 83 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Visvesvaraya Mini Tower, Bangalore, Dated 3 rd August 1985 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Karnataka 36 Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement:- These rules may be called the Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1985. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule:- In the Schedule to the Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, in the entires related to the category of posts of Readers, in column 3 under the Promotion, for the words “Second Class Master’s Degree words ‘Master’s Degree’ shall be substituted. ASOKE NATH BANARJI Governor of Karnataka, By Order and in the name of the Governor A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. dâ}ÖËrdâ ÉâdÖËpâ{â }âvâÀâùgâÔâ° ÆÍâÌâ°: dÖÈê©m° údâ_x ¾{êË©µâ}Ö·Ìâ°{â¶[ Ýâ°{êMgâÔâ ÀâÃÖ~ÖËvâ° ÝÖgâ³ Ædꩪ¬Z©dâpâx e{âÈÖÐ{ê: dâZÀâÃÖªdâ ÚûE 56 EUû 85, ¬}Öªdâ 27.10.1986 ¾{êË©µâdâpâ°, dÖÈê©m° údâ_x EÈÖfê. ~âZÉÖKÀâ}ê: Àê°©·"ªvâ IÈê[©Ù ¬}Öªdâ 27.10.1986pâ ~âyâZ{â¶[ dÖÈê©m° údâ_x EÈÖfê ¾{êË©µâdâpâ° yâÀâ°W ¾{êË©µâ}Ö·Ìâ°{â¶[ dê·Éâ{â ayâKvâÀâó %ºdâÀÖÐpâ°Àâó{âîª{â %{âdê" yâdâ"Íâ°D %ºdÖpâ ÀâgâË{â dê³pâyê Epâ°Àâ dÖpâx %~âpâ ¾{êË©µâdâpâ Àâ°yâ°K aª{â° ÉâÝâ ¾{êË©µâdâpâ Ýâ°{êMÌâ°}â°Q É⽸Dû, A ÉâLÔâgâÔâ¶[ uê©ÍâFyêÌâ°¶[ %yâXªyâ þîÌâ°pÖ{â ~ÖZkÖÌâ°Ëpê³±Tîgê Àâ°yâ°K a±T ~ÖZkÖÌâ°Ëîgê ±ÚK ¾©Ú }ê©Æ°ÉâÏê©dêª{â° d곩îpâ°yÖKpê. A¼Ëdâ EÈÖfê Àâ°yâ°K û±Tª¬ Àâ°yâ°K Avâùyâ Éâ°|ÖpâÇÖ EÈÖfêgâÔ곪¬gê o Àê°©¶}â ÀâÉâ°K ûL»Ìâ°}â°Q ~âîú©¶ÉâÈÖÐ{ê. 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(-c¬c l¯l! .¬ c:^c.¬ ·. c: .¬.o.) = ¬...c¬ .¬.o.c.. ¬t:c l¯· ¬:÷:cc., +l+ ¬¬:÷tc ., ..¬ .¬c../-. ¬.c.oc:^c.¬ l::¯ .¬.:·tc ¬.¬ / :tc: :c..t.. ¬:. !·+ ¬¬:÷tc ¬.¬ /-., ·l ¬:÷:c ¬.¬ /- . :¬. ¬ o· t:c.../-. ¬:cc.¬:¬:/ ¬ .c.oc:^c.¬ l¯· ¬¬:÷tc ¬.¬/-. . ..., .¬ c:^c.¬ ·. c: .¬.o. ¬t:c , ¯¯ ¬÷. ¬c ¬:÷:cc ¬:/o l¯) ¬÷.¬c ¬:¬:÷tc ¬.¬/-.. · .·..t:^¬. :· lº¯+c. :.:ct !!.!.lº¯+c :¬.: ·c. :. ¯! c...:· ¯¯c. !+¯ ¬¬.:.·..c/-/ ..¬ .¬c../-. .¬.:· tc ¬.¬/ .. ¯.¬c:^¬ . =¬c/ = !+! .¬.:·tc ¬.¬/-.. ¬ /=..t ·.c·c:^c... =/ ·¬c !+¯ .¬.:· tc ¬.¬/- .. l::¯ .¬.:·tc ¬/= ..¬. ·.c·c:^¬. :¬c ¬c...t l¯ ¬÷.¬c ¬:÷:cc ¬:/o ¯º ¬÷.¬c ¬:¬:÷tc ¬.¬ /-., = :¬.:t ./.·c.¬ -. ..c¬¬. ·o.·c.¬ ..¬ .¬c../-. ·.c..:/..t:^¬. ·¬c l¯ ¬.:. ¯º ¬.¬/-. ¬.... :c.t .c¬c. .¬ .o:·c.¬ ¯¯ ¬:÷:cc ¬.:. l¯) ¬¬:÷tc ¬.¬/-. ·.c·. .¬. .c: .¬c../-.. ¬c:..· t-tc¬ :¬.:¬.. ¬oc.·c:^¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 111 2.¬ s1, ocr=nc., Os:ct :º.s.Iºs¨ ¬o¬.. ¬c:¬:^, .c¬ . ¬¬=/- -¬:c..¬c/ ¬ .:: :t~:c¬ l¯ ¬:÷:cc ¬.¬/- .. ¬.:. :.~ co. !+¯)-¯¯-!º))-º)-¯¯¯)-l))-¯º¯)-l!)-+lº) ¬.:. ¯º ¬:¬:÷tc ¬.¬/-.. ¬.:. :.~ co. !!))-¯)-!¯))-¯¯-!º))-º)-¯¯¯)-l))-¯º¯)-l!)-+)¯)c. ·. ¬.:¬.. ·ct:c¬ ¬.c.oc:.c... . ¯.¬c:^¬. = :¬.:t ./.·c.¬ -...c¬¬. ·o.·c.¬c: .¬c..¬:c. ¬:÷:c..=c ¬ .:. ¬¬:÷tc ¬.¬/-.. .c/.·c:^¬. 38 = :¬.:¬.. ::=t :c:.c.. :.¯. ·c. .¬. ¯l! ¬÷-· :.:ct l.+.·¯c. .. / ¬¬¬. ¬oc.·c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :::. .·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. 2.:s¯. :.cz.s:±¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, (¬. :c) .¬: :c:.. ·t:rc oc:t ·c: ¬2 111 2.¬ s1, Os:ct :º-s-Iºs¨t ss..cc ·. c..:¬ ¬.¬/- ·c. t¬. ·c. .¬c.. ¬:÷:cc. ¬¬:÷tc. l. .-:::· ! : !. c·:c... ::· + l! ¯. ·· ::· ¯ º +. ¬:~ ::· ¯ º ¯. /¬ .::. l ¯ ... l¯ ¯º 2.:s¯. :.cz.s:±¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, (¬. :c) .¬: :c:.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. ED 117 DCE 81 Karnataka Government Secretariat, M.S. Building, Bangalore, Dated 14 th October 1991 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, I, Khurshed Alam Khan, Governor of Karnataka, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964, namely:- 1. Title and Commencement:- These rules may be called the Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) (Amendment) Rules, 1991. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of the Schedule:- In the Schedule to the Karnataka Education Department Services (Collegiate Education Department) (Recruitment) Rules, 1964,- (1) for the category of posts of Deputy Director of Collegiate Education and the entries relating thereto, at Sl.No. 2, the following shall be substituted, namely:- "Deputy Diretor of Collegiate Education (a) One-third by promotion from the cadre of Assistant Director on the basis of seniority-cum-merit AND (b) Two-thirds by posting of:- For Promotion:- (a) Must be holders of a degree from a recongised University. (b) Must have put in a service 39 (i) Suitable Readers of the Collegiate Education Department OR (ii) Officers borne on the Karnataka Administrative Service (Junior Scale) OR (iii) Under Secretaries to Government from the Karnataka Government Secretariat Service of not less than two years in the cadre of Assistant Directors" (2) after the category of posts of Lecturers and the entries relating thereto at Sl.No. 9, the following categories of post and entries shall be inserted, namely:- "9A. Assistant Director of Collegiate Education (a) Fifty percent by promotion from the cadre of Registrars on the basis of seniority- cum-merit. (b) Twenty five percent by posting of suitable Lecturers of the Collegiate Education Department and (c) Twenty five percent by direct recruitment. For Promotion:- Must have put in a service of not less than three years in the cadre of Registrars. For Direct Recruitment: Must be holder of a Degree from a recognised University. (3) after the category of posts of Assistant Director of Collegiate Education and the entries relating thereto at Sl.No. 9A, the following category of posts and entries shall be deemd to have been inserted with effect from the 17 th day of December, 1982, namely:- "9B. Registrars (a) Eighty percent by promotion from the cadres of Managers/ Wardens/Superintendents, and (b) Twenty percent by direct recruitment. For Promotion:- Must have put in a service of not less than two years in the cadre of Managers/Wardens/Superintendents. For Direct Recruitment: Must be holder of a Degree from a recognised University. KHURSHED ALAM KHAN Governor of Karnataka, By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, PARMESH PANDEY Deputy Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c... ¬:¬.:t .¬ ¯¬=.:tc ¬.¬/-.. .c. ¯¬=.:tc ¬.¬/-c¬. ¬..c .:¬.tc~ ¬.:¬ .¬ ./ . :cc:õc. ·t:=c¬ :¬.: ·c. :: ¯ .·: º¯, :.:ct l+.¯.º¯. ±·::s. ¬..c:~·¬ ·t:=c¬ :¬.: :.:ct l+.¯.lºº¯c. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. :¬-::: t ¬.¬/-. -c¬c ·¬:c..t ¯¬=.:tc ¬:/o -¬-c: ¬...:=c.. ¬.¬ /-.. ·.¬: :.¬ : :¬ c· .¬.:·tc.. ¯c.o..· ..= ¬.:¬.¬c: :¬.:·c:^¬. = t:c~/-c¬ t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t .¬ ¯¬=.:tc ¬.¬/-.. .c. ¯¬=.:tc., .c¬. ¬..c .:¬ .tc~ ¬.:¬.¬¬cc¬ 40 ·t:=ct ::=t ¬oc ..-.¬:.. :¬c -c: ¬ ¬..c .:¬.tc ~:c¬:^ ·:¬=.¯tc ¬.c... ..: ·:.¬.:. ¬:/o ¬:c:.¬:.c ./-c¬ .: ¬ . ¬:.·..tc.... ¯c.-·.¬.¬.. :¬cc¬ ·t:=c¬: ·¬ ¬:¬.:t t..c/ ¬.. -:t:c¬ .. .t.c:.tc·.. ·¬:c..t¬:/.¬¬.. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. c¬ ã 2.¬ ºã, ocr=nc., Os:ct :1.ã.Iººã. = .c: t:c~/ -c¬ ·t:=c¬ t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. .c/-oc., ¬.¸·oc., ¬.c/-oc., ¬:c¬:¬ ¬.:. /.. /:= ¬:¬.:t t..c/- .¬ ¯¬ =.:tc./- ¬.¬/-.. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tcc¬. = ¬.o.t ¬..c .:¬ .tc~ ¬.:¬.: ¬. = :¬.:¬ .cc.. :.~ .¬.:·tc./-.. ¬:¬.:t t..c/- ¬..:·c:^ ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :: ¯ .·: º¯, :.:ct l+-¯-lºº¯c -.c.. . .= ¬.:.¬ :.:ct:c¬ ::c/ .c .:¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c -¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. :c. v:.:t¯ ·t:=c¬ -¬c t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... :t ~ :c:.c.. lºº:-º¯.. ·:.. ¬..c¬ .¬c¬ t:c..=t¬.¬.c... ¬..toc.c.¬ ¬o· c.o.../-/ -..¬o.¬.. :cc:õc.(l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. ¯¯ c.o.c.o.t º:, :.:ct l!-+-º:. (!) -¬c ¬..: t:c..=¬:= ¬:/o ¬¬:. t:c..=¬:=, ::=t :c:., :¬c -¬t:c... :.:ct l¯-¯-º:cc¬. .¬¬ ·. c.. .¬ ¬-. ±·::s. lºº:-º¯.. ·:... :t ~ :c:.c.. -:..t .-¬¬.¬ t.: :c:./- ..¬ t:c..=t¬./-/ ¬..c¬.¬c¬ :¬.:¬. . :.:ct l!-+-lºº:c ¬...c¬ (l)c. :¬c:¬ ·t:=c. :¬.:¬. ¬oc.·c:^:.. = ¬..c¬.¬c¬ t:c..=t¬./-. ¬o· ¬.t/-/ ·c.c:·¬c: -..¬o.¬. ¯.¬.¬ ·..¬:^ ·.c¬ ·.c.. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ .¬ ¬-c... ·...c... -..¬o.¬. ¯..¬. ·¬c. ¬o· ¬.t/-.. t:c..:=..¬:./o-·.¬ ·..¬:^ :¬.: ¬oc.·.¬ .¬c..¬.. ·t:=c¬ ¬c:..·¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 sã c.n:c.n:t º(, ocr=nc., Os:ct 1I.ã.Iºº( ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. ¯¯ c.o.c.o.t º¯, :.:ct l!-+-lºº:c. -..¬o.¬. ¯.¬c:^c.¬ :t ~ :c:.c.. -.c.... :c:./- ¬..c¬.¬c¬ c.o...: t:c..=t¬./- t-/ .c.¬ ¬o· ¬.t/- t:c..:=..¬: .t:^ = ¬.o.t -..¬o.¬. ¯.¬c:^¬. ·¬c -..¬o.¬.c... :.:ct l!-+-lºº:c :. ¯¯ c.o.c. o.t º:c :¬.:¬. .:·c.¬ ¬c:./ -/ .-¬.·c:^¬. -..¬o.:·c:^c.¬ ..¬ ¬o· ¬.t/-/ = :¬.:¬ -...c¬¬. .¬c¬:^ :o.c·c:^¬. :c.: ¯c..¬./-.. ÷:÷ o :¬ ¬. ¬:.·:t¬.. ¬:/o :c..: t:c..=t¬.t -..¬:.-c: ¬./ :÷.= ¬.:. -..· ¬.¬=. to.c.:c¬.. :c..: :c:./-. ¬:¬ . :c.:/ ·c.c:·¬c: ¬:. :c.¬ ¬-c.. -..¬c...t ¬:¬ ./- .. ¯ .c/-o-/:^ ¯c..¬.:..·:c .c.¬:c ¬.:¬.¬ ¬c..oc:/ ¬:¬./- :c.:c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬c:^¬. = :¬.:¬.. ::=t :c:.c.. -.:t: .¬ ~ ·c. :: :º· ¬÷-·-º:, :.:ct !¯-¯-º:c. ¯..¬ ·¬¬..c...c.. ¬oc.·c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. :c. ±ctz .:.¬::t:c ¬.:. ¬¬¯..: ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. (c.o...). 41 ·t:rc oc :t ·c: ¬2 sã c.n:c.n:t º(, Os:ct 1I-ã-Iºº(t ss..cc t:c :z. ct~ ¬c:: (l) c.o... ¬.:. ct :..=t :¬¬o/¬. ¬o· ¬:¬.:t t..cc.... ¬:cc.·.¬ ./. !!)!-)¯-))l-)l t.¬c¬. .:.¬:¯.c..¬ -.c... .c.¬ .:·^ t:c.../- ¬¬¬:c/-.. .o..to- .. :¬¬o/¬. t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t t..cc.... = t-tc¬ ¬.¬/- ·..:.c¬ ¬:cc.·.. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. ¬.¬c.. ¬ ·c. ·c. l. .c. ¯¬=.:tc. l !. ·¬:c..t ¯¬=.:tc. l ¯. ct::t:c l +. -:.ttc. ct ..:/ l ¯. -:.ttc. :¬-: ..:/ l :. ¬¬¬. ¬: = ·¬:c..tc. + ¯. :..c.. ¬:= ·¬:c..tc. ! ·. .c-÷./:c l º. ¬:¬ . ÷:.t l l). -.c¬c ! ¬..c ·.·c:¬ .c: ¬.¬/-.. ¯c..¬.:..·:c ..= ¬.:.to- .o ·¬: -..¬.. ¯.¬c:^¬. (!) c.o...c.. ¬·c. ¬.:. ct :..=t .¬::= ¯.c../-/ ¬.o..o: ·-.. .¬^·.¬ ./ . !!)!-)¯-·))-)l-)¯ t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:.c.... l¯ .¬::=¯.c../-/ -¬/- -/:¬.. -...-· ¬.o..o: ·-../-:¬ -./ -¯., ·o.c:c ...c -./ ¬::/-.,¬.c÷, t..= ::::/-.. co. l.)) .t¬ ...c... .¬^·.. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬ c:^¬. (¯) c.o...c.. ¬·c. ¬.:. ct :..=t .c/-oc., ¬.¸·oc., ¬ :c ¬:¬ ¬:¬.:t t..c/ :c: .c¬cc: ..¬./- :c.: !!)!-)¯-))l-)l ¯¬=.:. ¬.:. :¬ -: .c/-oc., ¬.¸·oc. ¬.: . ¬ :c¬:¬ ¬:¬.:t t. .c/-/ =/:/c. .¬^·c.¬ ¬ -c.. ¬:¬ ./-/ ¯c..¬.:..·:c :c..... ·.=.t.. ::::/- .. ¬¬¬. .c.¬:c ¬.:¬.¬ ¬c./o-¬.. ¯ ¬o· ..¬./-.. to- .. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. = ¬.oc. ¬:¬./-/:^ -/:¬:/.¬ ¬.oc. ¬:¬. ÷:.tc ¬.¬ c.... ·.· . .= ¬.:.to-. ¬ ./ = .c¬ ÷:.tc ¬.¬/-.. ·.·.¬c..¬.. :.:¬.·¬ .c:c¬. . .= ¬.:.to-. ¬ ¬c./o-¬.. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. (+) c.o...c.. ¬·c. ¬.:. ct :..=t ·t:=c .::. t:c.../-/ ¬c.o./:.c.. .¬tc~/-.. .¬^·.¬ ./. !!)!-)¯-l)¯-)!-)l c....· .c.¯c¬ c·:c...::·¬. :.co.c . :c..:c·c.¬ -./-.. ·t:=c. ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-/ ¬oc¸·.. :c:. ¬:-toc.c.¬ t:c..=t¬.t ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. ¬. t:c../ :c: l),)))-)) co..c:, ¯.:) .t co./- .. ¬÷ ¬.:¬.. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. :c. ±ctz .:.¬::t:c ¬:/o ¬¬¯..: ·t:=c¬ .¬ t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. (c.o...). 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Directorate of Collegiate Education-Upgradation of one post of Driver to that of Senior Driver. Read:-1) Letter No. DCE/05/EAP/94/CV4, dated 26-7-96 from Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore-560 001. Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore, in his letter dated 26-7-96 read above, requested for the upgradation of one permanent post of Driver to that of Senior Driver and to fill up the same by promotion of a Driver who have put in not less than ten years of service in the department on Seniority-cum-merit basis subject to fulfilment of the conditions stipulated in Government Order No.FD/54/SRP/87, dated 10-8-1987. Government Order No. ED 181 UEC 96, Bangalore, Dated 10-9-1996 Sanction is hereby accorded to upgrade one Post of Driver in the Directorate of Collegiate Education to that of Senior Driver to be filled by promotion of Drivers who have put in not less than ten years of service in the Department on the basis of Seniority-cum-merit, subject to fulfillment of conditions as issued in G.O.No. FD/54/SRP/87, dated 10-8-87. This Order is issued in exercise of powers delegated. Vide G.O. No. FD 54 SRP 87, dated 10-8-1987 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.V. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. :¬-:¬ .. ..¬.·.. t:c... :t~ :c...t c ¬.¬c.oc¬.. ·.·.¬ ./ :¬.:. ±·::s. t:c... :t~ :c:.c... ::c :c:./-:¬ ·:¬ =.¯t :t~ :c:., -.t:c :c:., ¬:~. :c/ :c:., t. :c:., tc¬:c.. :c:. :::: :c:./-c: .c¬. .¬: :c:.c..:^¬., -..t ¬::c-: ¬.:. ¬::c-:c.¬ ·. c:c.... .-/oc.¬. ¬·.: t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. :¬-: ¬:.c... l+· ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../-., !·º -..¬:¯: t:c.../-., ¯!+ -..¬:. c.: t:c.../-., )· -..¬:¯: t:.o.. t:c.../- ., ¯l -..¬:. c .: t:.o.. t:c.../-. ¬.:. )l ·t:=c t:.o.. t:c... .c.:¬. ¬. ¬¬=¬: ·¬ c:.¬. c.¬ ): .:.¬:¯.c../- ¬.o.t -..t t:c.../- . ¬o· ¬c .¬c../-.. ¬:cc.·.. ¬:/o ¬o· t:c.../ -.. :cc.... -·c.:: -.=/-. .c..¬., :¬cc¬:^ t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. t:c..=¬:.c... ¬.¬¬= ::·c..:/..¬. t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. ::c .¬:.:c/-c¬c -. .¬:.t ·c.c:·¬ .¬c../-., .¬::= ¬.:., ¬:·../- ¯¬=¬ ¬ , ¬c:¬ ::. ¬.:. ¬c:¬ ¬c/¬¬ .¬::=/-/ .:.¬ :c/./- .. :c.../-.. .¬·.¬¬., ·t:=c t:c.../-. ¬.: . ¬:·c/ -/ ·c.c:·¬c: .o·::.. ¬:/ o t.¬ ¯¬.:=~ t:c..=¬. . t¸/o-. ¬¬., ·t:=c t:c.../-/ ..co.¬tc~ ¬.:. ¬c.o./ ::c .¬tc~/-.. ·c.c:.. ¬.:¬.¬¬., t.c¬ ¬ .c· : c.o.../-.. -. .¬: ./o-·.¬¬. :::: t:c... :t~ ¬:.c... .c..¬., :c:.c... / .c.:c ¬:¬ .¬:.:cc.... ¬oc:c.:¬. t:c... :t~ :c:.c... ¬.:. -¬c -:..¬ . .c.¬ ): ¬:¬.:t t..c/-/ ·c.c:·¬c: c.o... ¬ .:. c.o....:c ct :..=tc...c... ·.¬.:c. l¯¯ to.. co¬::./- -..¬:.¬.. .¬^·¬., = -..¬:.¬.. ·¬.¬=¬:^ ¯¬=.· ..t:/.:¬. 43 t:c... :t ~ ¯¬=.:t c. t.:=.t c:. .: .¬:¯.c.. -:¯c..¬. lº¯:c.c... .:.¬:¯.c..¬ -t:¬..t t-¯c, ·c.t.. ¬.:. ·... .:c..c ¬¬¯..: ·¬·c:^¬., .c: ·./-/ ¬:.c:/.¬¬. t¬:c..¬:^c.: ¬. -¬. ¬ ¬o·¬:^ t:c.../ - ·cc.o... ¬.:. ...tc~t ·c.c:·¬c: t:c... :t ~ ¯¬.=: tc.. ·-.c.. :¯.: ·...c.. -¬tcc¬. .:¬.tc ~ ¬.:¬. .¬. = t:=¬¬: ·¬ t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc/ ¬ .·. .c.:¬. c:.¬.. ·t:=c ¬.:. -..¬:¯: t:c.../-. ·.¬.:c. ¯ .t .¬::=/-. ¬:·c/ ¬.:¬..¬., ¬c:¬ ::. ¬.:. ¬c:¬ ¬c/¬¬ .¬::=/- )· ¬:·c/-., )¯ .:.tc ¬:·c/-. ¬.:. )¯ .:.-c..c ¬:· c/-. t:c... :t~ ¯¬.=:tc ¬:.c... .c..¬., :¬/-. ·.¬.:c . +º)) .¬::=/-. ¬:·c/ ¬.:¬..¬:c. :c:.c. . ¬:.c... l),)))to ¬... .. .o.¬t ¬c¬ ¬.:. :,))) to ¬... .. .o.¬t.:c ¬c¬¬ .c.: ¬. ¬..c .¬c·c:¬ -..t t:c..=¬:.c... t:c... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc -:..¬ . .c..¬., .::. t:c..=¬:.:.c¬:^ t:c... :t~ ¯¬ =.:tc .¬. ·¬.c..¬ :¬-::: t ·¬.·/-/ .¯c.o.^·..t:^¬., : ¸t~ t t:c..=t.:t ¬÷. /¬.. ¯.¬c:/:c.¬¬. ¬:·.t ·c/.. .:.¬:¯.c.. ¬. · ¬:c.. :c.o./¬ ¬.:/=· o./-. ¬.: . c.o...c.. -.c.. ..: :t ~t ·c.c:·¬c: :¸t ~t t:c..=t.:t -. ¬.¬: ¯.¬..t:^¬ ., t:c... :t~ ¯¬ =.:tc/ :¬-::: t t:c..=t.: .::.¬:^c .¬¬cc¬ :¸t ~t /.~¬.. t.·c....c .¬¬o ·¬ .c¬. t:c~¬:^¬. -¬c ¬.. -¬:c... ·./-. , ÷÷ =/ -. ¬:/o :¬-:::t t:c..=t.:/-. :¬:·¬ t¸/o-. ¬¬cc¬ :¸t~t ÷ ..¬.t/-/ ¬:¯c...c.:/ ..¬. ¬.to. ¬c¬:¬.¬ . .c..¬.:.¬. :¬.¬c/ t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc.. .o.¬t ¬c¬:c¬c. ..¬.t ¬.:¬c:/..¬., .o.¬ t ¬c¬t :¬-.:::t t:c..= ÷..¬.t/-.. ¯.¬c:/..c.¬¬cc¬ :¸t ~t /.~¬.. t.·c....c.¬ t:c~:c¬:^ = ¯... :¸t~t :.:¬.. ·:: ·.. c....· ¬.:/=·o./-.c.. ¬ ÷. .:. ¯.¬..t:^¬. ¯¬ =.:tc/ :¬-::: t t:c..=. :c¬.. t.¬./o-·.¬¬. -¯¬:c..=¬c¬. ·t:=c¬ .:.·¬. t:c... :t~ :c:.c..c:c... -/:¬ t:c..=¬:. c.... ¬oc:c.¬ ·:¬=.¯t :t~ :c:.c... .:c..c.. :¬-: ·.¬c.. -:t:c/- ..::¬. · ¬.¬=¬:^ t:c..=¯¬ =.·..¬., t:c... :t~ :c:./o ·¬ . :c: :¬-: ·.¬c. . -:t:cc.o. c.. ..¬.t ¬.:¬.¬¬. ·ot¬ : ·¬.c.·¬: .c¬. ·t:=c .:.·.:¬. -¬cc¬:^ = t-tc¬c: :¬.:·c:^¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 11( 2.¬ º(, ocr=nc., Os:ct :1-:-Iºº¨ ¬·:¬.c... .¬c·c:¬ ..cc... t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. :¬-:¬. . ..¬.·.¬ ·..¬:^ t:c... :t ~ :c...tc ¬.¬ c.oc¬.. :.:ct l-l-º¯cc¬ -.c..¬:/ .¬c: ¬¬¬. ¬ .oc. ¬¬=/- -¬:/ ¬c.o./::t¬:^ ·.·c:^¬. ¬ ...c¬ ¬.¬c.... . :c..c.. :¬-: ·.¬c.. ·o¬c .¸¬. ¬.:. :.~ c.. -:t:c ¬c¬:c¬ :.c.:t¬.. = ·c.c¬¬:^ ·t:=ct :/..¬ ¬÷¬ .. t:c... :t ~ :c:./ .¬^·c.¬ ct :..=t !!)!-)¯-))l-)-)l'' c.o... -.c... .c·:t¬.. ·¬c :¬.:¬.. t¬.¬:^ ·. c: ¬.:. :¬-: ·.¬ :c¬ :c:.c.. ¬.:. ::=t :c:.c.. .¬ ~ ·c. ·:·.: ·¯¯ ·-· º:, :.:ct º-l!-º: ¬.:. :: l¯+) ¬÷ ·º:, :.:ct l¯-!-º¯c ¬..c/ ¬oc.·c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. :.±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Upgradation of the post of Office Superintendents in the Government First Grade Degree Colleges to Group-B Gazetted cadre with designation as Registrars and Re-designation as Managers. Read:-1) Letter No. DCE/98/EAP/94, dated 17-11-94 and 7-9-95 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. 2) Representation dated 27-5-1995 from the Non-Teaching Staff Association of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore. 3) Letter No. GEA/6152/96-97, Dated 10-12-96 from the President of Karantaka State Government Employees Association, Bangalore Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore, in his letters read at (1) above, has recommended for upgradation of the posts of Superintendents in the Pay Scale of Rs. 1720-3300 to that of Registrar in the Group-B Gazetted Cadre in the Pay Scale of Rs. 1900-3700 in the Government First Grade Degree Colleges to facilitate effective management of the College Administration. The Non-Teaching Staff Association of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore in its representation read at (2) above and the President of Karnataka State Government Employees' Association, Bangalore in his letter read at (3) above has also made the similar request in this behalf. The proposal has been examined and the following orders issued. Government Order No. ED 130 UEC 94, Bangalore, Dated 19-3-1997 Forty Seven Posts of Office Superintendent in the Pay Scale of Rs. 1720-3300 in each of the Forty Seven Government Colleges mentioned in the Annexure to this order where the students strength is above 500 are upgraded as Registrar in Group-B Gazetted Cadre and Re-designated as "MANAGERS" in the Pay scale of Rs. 1900-3700 with immediate effect. The Commissioner for Collegiate Education, Bangalore, shall send proposal for consequential amendment to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules to re-designate the posts of Registrar as Manager. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide its UO Note No.FD 780 Exp-8/96, Dated 2-12-96 and No. FD-1746-Exp-8/96, dated 11-2-1997. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka Mohamed Khaleelur Rahman Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Annexure to the Government Order No. ED/130/UEC/94, Dated 19-3-1997. 1. Government College, Sira 2. Government College, Chintamani, 3. Government College, Chikkballapura 4. Government College, Mulbagal 5. Government College, Challakere 6. Government Womens College, Kolar 7. Government Arts College, Hassan 8. Government College, Karwar 9. Government College for Women, Mandya 10. Government First Grade College, Pavagada 45 11. Government First Grade College, Bellary 12. Government First Grade College, Channapatna 13. Government First Grade College, Kunigal 14. Government First Grade College, Koratagere 15. Government First Grade College, Turuvekere 16. Government First Grade College, Srinivasapura 17. Government First Grade College, Siddlaghatta 18. Government First Grade College, K.R. Nagar 19. Government First Grade College, Konanur 20. Government First Grade College, K.R. Pet 21. Government First Grade College, Channagiri 22. Government First Grade College, Shikaripura 23. Government First Grade College, Davanagere 24. Government First Grade College, Ajjampura 25. Government First Grade College, Hirekerur 26. Government First Grade College, Shahapur 27. Government First Grade College, Hosadurga 28. Government First Grade College, Hunsur 29. Government First Grade College, Bidar 30. Government First Grade College, Sindhanur 31. Government First Grade College, Kushalnagar 32. Government First Grade College, Holenarasipur 33. Government First Grade College, Gubbi 34. Government First Grade College, Naragund 35. Government First Grade College, Yadagir 36. Government First Grade College, Malur 37. Government First Grade College, Bhadravathi 38. Government First Grade College, Koppa 39. Government First Grade College, Devanahalli 40. Government First Grade College, Hoskote 41. Government First Grade College, Yallapura 42. Government First Grade College, Soraba 43. Government First Grade College, K.R. Puram, Bangalore 44. Government First Grade College, Akkialur 45. Government First Grade College, Sagar 46. Sir M.V Arts and Commerce College, Bhadravathi 47. Sir M.V. Science College, Bhadravathi ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... t:c... :t~ :c...tc.. ¬¬:. :c:.: ¬ ..:·cc¬. ¬o..·.¬ ./. :cc:õc. l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .-¯¯:-.·:-º:, :.:ct !+-!-º¯ !) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-l c...:· º¯, :.:ct ¯-¯-º¯. ±·::s. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !+-!-º¯c :¬.:¬. t:c... :t~ :c...t c ¬.¬c.... ·.· :¬.: ¬oc.·c:^¬. ¬:/o :.:ct ¯-¯-º¯c :¬.:¬. t:c... :t ~ :c...tc/ t:c... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc. -¬c/ ¬::c.o..·c:^¬ .c: -:t:c/ -.o t:c... :t~ :c...tc/ ¬.·c:^¬. :: c¬:¬.¬:^ t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬. ¬c:¬-lc ¬¬:. :c:.: ¬..:·c ¬./ .¬.¬. -/:.c.: ¬ . :¬cc¬ t-tc¬c: :¬.:·¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 Iº¨ 2.¬ º¨, ocr=nc., Os:ct ¨-ã-Iºº¨ ¬..c .¬c·c:¬ ..cc... t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬. ·(!l)c -.c... ¬c:¬-lc. t¬. ·c. +!c -.c... t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc.'' .c:c.¬¬.. :.:ct l-l-º¯ cc¬ -.:.·.¬c: t:c... :t~ :c...tc.'' .c¬. .¬.· ·¬cc..¬c.. ¬¬ :. :c:.: ¬..:·cc¬. ¬o..·¬. 46 ::=t :c:.c... t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬. ¬c:¬-lt ¬:.t .¬.¬. ¬oc.·.¬¬.. ·¬c :¬.:¬ .. ::=t :c:.c.. ·¬¬.. ·c. :: +¯: ¬÷ ·º¯, :.:ct !º-+-º¯c ¬..c ¬oc.·¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. :.±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. ts:r:t · t:rc t¬.:ct :. l+ c...:· º¯ t.:=.t ·t:=c¬ ·.¬:.c.., .¬:. ·-¬ , .c/-oc. :.:ct l¯-º-lºº¯ ¬¬:. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:., t.:=.t ·t:=c , .c/-oc .-¯:) ))l :¬c/, t:c... :t~ :c...tc., .c/-oc.. ¬.:.c, .±c... t:c... :t~ :c...tc -¬ ::. ..:/t ·c.c:·¬c:, ¬.¬/-. . ·.·.¬ ./. vc ::. :.:ct l¯-¯-º¯c ¬: ·c. t:::-¯+-c.o...-º+-º¯º¯-º·. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t ·c.c:·¬c:, :.:ct ¯-·-º¯c ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. l!) c.o.c.o.t º¯c t¬ :¬. /¬.. ·-c..c:^¬. ·¬c :¬.:¬. :¬. :¬ ::./ ... )¯ ¬.¬/-.. ·.·.. ¬.: . :.c... ¬ .c.oc:. ¯.¬c:^¬. = ./ ¬..c:. ·ot t¬. t¸/o-. ¬c: :¬... to.c.. ¯¬.=::.:^¬... :¬. .c../c.., :.±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. ts:r:t · t:rc t:c :z. ct~ ¬c:: s>: -tr=. .±c... :c...tc :¬ ::./ )¯ ¬.¬/- .. ..= ¬ .:¬.¬ ./. vc ::. ·t:=c¬ :¬.: ·c :.-l!)-c.o.c.o.t-¯¯, :.:ct ¯-·-º¯. ±·::s. t:c... :t~ :c...tc :¬ ::./ (l) -:.ttc. (co. l¯!)-¯¯))) .c¬. (!) :.¬../:cc. (co. l!·)-!¯¯¯) .c¬. (¯) .c-÷./:cc. (co. l)+)-lº))) .c¬. (+) ¬:¬ . ÷:.tc. (co. l)+)-lº))) .c¬. (¯) /o¬ . (co. ·+)-l¯+)) .c¬. .:. nc. ±.cr=. 47 ·t:=c¬ .c ..·c.¬ ¬:¬. ·.· ..= ¬.:¬ .. ¬.c.oc:. ¯.. ·¬c ¬.¬/-/ co.!.¯¯ .t :c..¬c.. -..¬:.¬.. .c·.. -..¬.. ¯..c.¬ ..cc... = :¬.: ¬oc.·c:^¬. oc:t ·c:. t:c¬-11-c.n:zs -º¨-ºs, ocr =nc., Os:ct I¨-º-º¨. :c...tc :¬ ::./ ¬·:¬.c... .-·c.¬c: )¯ ¬.¬/- .. ·.·c:^¬., ·¬ c ¬.¬/- .. :.¬¬:^ :c...tc :¬ ::./ ..= ¬.:¬.. = ·c.c¬ :/..¬ ¬÷¬.. ct :..=t !!)!-)¯- ))l-)l-¯¬.=:. ¬.:. :¬-:¬. .c·.. ¬.c.oc:.c.oc:/ -..¬.. ¯.¬ c:^¬. t:c... :t~ ¯¬.=:tc.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DCE 30 EAP 92 Office of the Commissioner for Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore-1, dated 19-11-98 CIRCULAR Sub:- Creation of Encadre post of Principals in all Colleges-Reg. Ref:-1) Govt. Order No. ED/126/DCE/94, dated 2-8-96 2) This office letter of even No. dated 26-8-96. In this office letter under Ref (2) above, copy of the aforesaid Government Order was communicated to all the Principals and Joint Directors of Collegiate Education. 2. It is brought to my notice that no follow-up action is taken in this regard. Government Order is reproduced below with instructions to implement the Government Order urgently. 3. The Joint Directors of Collegiate Education of all the regions are directed to ensure the compliance of the Government Order and send a status report within 30 days from today. Commissioner for Collegiate Education. ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... ·t:=cí-..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. ¬:c: .¬:.c t.¬c.. ·.·.¬ ./. :cc:õc. l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-¯¯-.·:-ºl, :.:ct l:-¯-º+. !) :.:ct !¯-l)-º+cc¬. · ...c... ·t:=ct ·.·¬ ¬c:. ±·::s. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct l:-¯-º+c ·t:=c :¬.:¬., ·t:=c ¬.: . -..¬:¯: t:c.../-. ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬c¬¬.. ·. ·.¬ ./ to.ct¬ ¬c:... .¬· ¬c:c.oc¬.. ·.·.. ·t:=c¬ ¬¬ :. t:c..=¬:=/-. :t ~ :c:., :¬c -¬t:c... .c¬. -:t: ·...c. ... c.·c:^: .. = ·...c... :.:ct !¯-l)-º+cc¬. · t:=ct :. ¬c:c.... · .·¬. ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. -c^.t: ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬ .¬c.. toc::.c¬:^ ¬.¬:c. :¬-::: t ·¬.·/-. .¬ ¬¬:^¬ .c..¬.. · ...c... ¬../c.¬. .c c:./-:¬ :..-..:¬ . ¬:/o t.c- c:./-. .¬::=/- ·c. t.:=.t¬.c.¬ .¬::=/- ... ·c.c.o¬. ¬o..·¬. t.¬. :¬co ·¬ : c:./- t:c.../-. ¬: c:.¬:.c ¬.¬ c... -·: ¬.c.: ¬. ·...c... = .c: -c:/-.. to.ct¬¬:^ ¬c:..· ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.:. ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬- ! .c¬. .c¬. ¬c¬/-.. .¬::=/- ·c./ -../.~¬:^ c.· .¬.¬c¬. -.¬:c..¬.¬. = ·...c.. ¬c:c.... ·t:=c¬ .c: ¬ .to../-c¬ ¬c:..·¬ ¬.:. = t-tc¬c: :¬.:·¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 I:( 2.¬ º1, ocr=nc., Os:ct :-s-Iºº( 48 ·t:=c ¬.:. -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../-. ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬c¬¬ .. (t.¬c..) = t-tc¬ ¬c:./o-¬.. ·.·.. ·t:=c¬ ¬.c.oc:. ¯..¬. (l) .c: ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l -¬¬: ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬.¬/-.. -·:¬.c.¬ .o.¬t ¬c¬:c¬ ·¬c ¬.¬/-.. ....tc·.¬¬cc¬ ·.·c:/ .¬¬. ¬:/o :¬cc¬:^ ... .o.¬t ¬ c¬¬ ..¬. c..:¬¬. .¬c:¬¬ .c.:/:t¬ .. (!) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.¬ c.... ¬o¬.. .¬::=/- ·c.c.... ¬c/~./ :/ ¬.to- ¬. .¬.:·tc. (:c.. :.~) ¬c¬:c¬ :.c.:t¬. .c:c .¬::=/- ·c.c... l)))to ...c¬ ·c¬.=/-. ¬.:: ¬:c:.¬:.c /.¬-l ¬ .¬c.... ....tc· .. ¬...:c:c ¬:c:.¬:.c /.¬-! ¬.¬c.... :.c.:t¬.. (¯) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.: . ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬ .¬c... ¬.:. ¯/:.tc~/o-·.¬:/ t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬. +!-.c.... -..·c·:t¬.. (+) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.¬c.. ¬.:. :.~c... c o.¯¯))-l!¯-+º¯)-l¯)-¯¯)) :c:t¬. ¬.:. = ¬.:. :.~ c... ¬:cc.t ¬.:.¬ .. t¯¬ co. +!)) ¬c:¬. ¯/:¬.·c:/.¬¬.. (¯) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬c... co. +¯))-l¯)-¯¯))-!))-¯¯)) :c:t¬.. (:) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.¬c.... :.c..¬. .¬.:·tc. t¯¬ ¬t l! ¬¬ =/- ·cc...t -¬=:: ·.¬c.... ·.·c:t¬.. ¬.:. :.¬ :c.. :¬:c¬ ¬..c :.c.:t¬.. -¬. c.. ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬c.... t¯¬ l· ¬¬=/- ·cc...t -¬=:: ·.¬c. ... ·.·¬ .¬.:·tc. (:c.. :.~) c¬cc¬ :.¬ :c.. :¬:c¬ ¬..c ..:.c¬ :.c.c:/.¬¬.. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬c¬ ¬.:. ..¬.t:. ¯c..¬./-/ = ·c.c¬ ¬:.t .¬.¬.c.... ¬oc.·c:/ .¬¬.. ·¬c :¬.:¬.. ::=t :c:.c.. ·¬¬.. ·c. .¬. +¯¯ .:c· -c¬ .·-IIíº:, :.:ct l:-¯-º:c -.c.. ¬oc.·c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c -¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. t... ±·:c¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. ts:r:t · t:rc .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:.c... .c.¬ !! ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../ -. ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬/- .. ·.·.¬ ./ :¬.:. :cc:õc. l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-l!:-.·:-º+, :.:ct !-·-º:. !) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-!)·-.·:-º¯, :.:ct ·-l)-º¯. ¯) ¬: ·c. ··:-¯)-:.. (:c:ct) º!, :.:ct º-!-ºº t:c... :t~ :c...tcc¬. ±·::s. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !-)·-º:c :¬.:¬. ·t:=c -..¬:¯: ¬¬ . t:c.../-/ ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.:. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬c¬¬.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:.¬. -¬cc: =/:/c. ¬..c (l)c. :¬ c:¬ :.:ct ·-l)-º¯c :¬.:¬. l+º ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l ¬.¬c.... l+º ·t:=c ¬¬. t:c.../-/ ·.·c:^¬. :.:ct !-·-º:c ·t:=c :¬ .:¬ -.c.. :c..: t:c.../-.. /.c ..· ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬ .¬ c.... ....tc· ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬c... . ·.·.¬.¬:^¬. ¬..c (¯)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct º-!-ººc ¬:¬. t:c... :t ~ :c...tc. ·t:=ct ¬c: ¬.:. .¬::=/- ·c. l))) ...c¬ !! t:c.../ -.. /.c..·c .::c. 49 = t:c.../-. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬ .¬c.... ·.·.¬.¬c¬. :¬:c·. ¬.:.c.::c. t:c... :t ~ :c...tc ¬·:¬.c.... ¬c:..·¬. l+º ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../ -. !! ¬.¬/- .. ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬c..:^ ¬c¬.=·.¬¬cc¬ l!¯ ¬.¬/-. ¬.:: ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬.¬c... -·:t .c .:¬. !! t:c.../-. ¬:. t: =¬¬.c.¬ ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l :¬c./-. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬- ! ¬.¬c.. ¬.:. :.~c... ¬·.: ¬ .:c .:/ ¬.:: -¬=cc.::c ¬:/o t-tc¬c: :¬.:·¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 1¨ 2.¬ ºº, ocr=nc., Os:ct :1-1-Iººº ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. l!: .·: º+, :.:ct !-·-º:c -.c.. .¬::=/- ·c. l))) ...cc.¬ = t-tc¬ !! ·t:=c ¬¬. t:c.../-.. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l ¬.¬/- .. co. +¯))- l¯)-¯¯))-!))-¯¯)) c......·. ¬.:. :.~ (lº·:c ¬c¬: c......·. ¬.:. :.~c...) ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-! ¬.¬/- .. to¬c. ::c/ .c.¬c: ....tc·¬. l. ·t:=c .: :. t:c..., . c/-oc. !. ¬.¬:c:~ ¬..-: tc: t:c..., .c/-oc. ¯. ¬.¬:c:~ ¬..-: .: :. t:c..., .c/-oc. +. :.¬.. ..¬÷... t.c:.c.. /¬ .::. t:c..., .c/-oc. ¯. ·t:=c tc: t:c..., .c/ -oc. :. ·t:=c .:.tc t:c..., to.c:c ¯. ·t:=c ¬..-: t:c..., to.c:c ·. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., .c::¬.~ º. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., .t.-: ¬.c l). ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., ¬..-.:^.. ll. ·t:=c tc: t:c..., :.¬.toc. l!. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., :c: l¯. ¬.¬:c:~ ¬..-: tc: t:c..., ¬.¸·oc. l+. ¬.¬:c:~ ¬..-: .: :. t:c..., ¬.¸·oc. l¯. ·t:=c .:.tc t:c..., ¬ .c¬ l:. ·t:=c ¬..-: t:c..., ¬ .c¬ l¯. ·t:=c tc: t:c..., ¬:· . l·. ·c .c... tc: ¬.:. ¬:~. t:c..., .¬:¬. lº. :....·. .. ·t:=c t:c..., .t¬./ -oc. !). ·t:=c .: :. t:c..., .:¬./= !l. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., ÷ - tc !!. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., .:¬./= ¬...c¬ ¬.¬/-.. :.¬ : c.. :¬:c¬ ¬..c ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l ¬c¬:c¬ l· ¬¬=/- ·cc...t -¬ =:: ·.¬ ·. ·¬ .o.¬tcc¬ .. ¬...:c:c :.c.:t¬.. = ·t:=c :¬.:¬ ::=t :c:.c.. -.:t: .¬ ~ ·c. .¬. l))¯ ¬÷ ·º¯ :.:ct !¯-º-º¯c. ¯..c.¬ -. ¬:c.. ·¬¬ ..c.oc:/ ¬oc.·¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. :.±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Ban on direct recruitment. G.O. NO. DPAR 31 SRR 98(P), BANGALORE, DATED 17-4-2000 Read:- Government Order No. DPAR 07 =t:- 98 dated 20-5-1999. Instructions have been issued with regard to the abolition of 20,142 posts in the Civil Services of the State as per the Government Order dated 20-5-1999, read above. 2. Government, now, intends to review certain provisions relating to recruitment to the posts in the civil services of the State. It is, therefore hereby directed that no vacancies shall be notified/advertised for recruitment until further orders are issued by the Government in the matter. 3. The following further orders are also issued:- (a) In cases, where the selection is based upon the marks secured in the qualifying examination and the process of selection has already been initiated but select list not published, it shall not be proceeded with any further; (b) In cases, where the selection is based upon the marks secured in the qualifying examination and interview and the process of selection has already been initiated but interviews are not held or are under progress or completed but select list not published, the same shall not be proceeded with any further. In cases, however, where interviews have already been held, no select list shall be finalised and published; c) In cases, where the selection is based upon the marks secured in the competitive examination and the process of selection has already been initiated but select list not published, it shall not be proceeded with any further; and d) In cases, where the selection is based upon the marks secured in the competitive examination and interview/viva-voce/personality test and the process of selection has already been initiated but the competitive examination/interview/viva-voce/personality test is not held or is under progress or completed but select list not published, the same shall not be proceeded with any further; e) No select list (except the select lists including the provisional/additional select lists covered by the Circular no. DPAR 31 SRR 98 dated 22-12-1999 read with the subsequent Circular No DPAR 31 SRR 98 (p) dated 10-2-2000 shall be operated until further orders. 4. In cases , however, where vacancies are required to be filled by direct recruitment in the externally aided projects and in the departments of Government providing essential public services, specific and prior approval of the Cabinet shall be obtained to relax any of the aforestated stipulations. 5. The Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Government are requested to bring the aforesaid instructions to the notice of all the appointing authorities coming under their purview. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka S. CHANDRASHEKARAPPA Under Secretary to Government-I, D.P.A.R.(Service Rules). ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬.¬c.... .c¬. ¬¬=¬ -¬ :/ ¬..c¬.¬c·.¬ ./ . :cc:õc. l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-¯¯:-.·:-º:, :.:ct !+-!-º¯ !) ··: )l :.. (:c:ct) º¯ ·c.c.. :.:ct !)-ll-ººc -c ·t:=c ¬: t:c... :t~ :c...tcc¬. ±·::s. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ ·t:=c :¬.:¬. t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. :¬-:¬. . ..¬.·.¬ ·..¬:^ t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬ .¬c.oc¬.. :.:ct l-l-º¯cc¬ ::c/ .c.¬c: ¬¬¬.: ¬.oc. ¬¬=/- -¬:/ ¬c.o./::t¬:^ ·.·c:^¬. ·¬c ¬.¬ c.... .:c: :¬-: ·.¬c.. 51 ·o¬c.¸¬. ¬.:. :.~ c.. -:t:c ¬c¬:c¬ :.c.:t¬c¬. :¬.:·c:^:.. ¬..c (!)c. :¬c:¬ -c ·t:=c ¬:¬ . t:c... :t~ :c...tc. t:c... :t~ :c:.c... ::c :c:./-:¬ ·:¬=.¯t :t~ :c:., -.t:c :c:., ¬:~. :c/ :c:., t. :c:., tc¬:c.. :c:. :::: :c:./-c: .c¬. .¬: :c:.c..:^¬., ·:.c:c. ¬::c-: ¬:/o ¬c::-:c.¬ ·. c:c.... .-/oc.¬. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. :¬-: ¬:.c... l¯) ·t:=c !º) -..¬:¯: t:c.../-., ¯ºº -..¬:. c.: t:c.../ -., ¯! -. .¬:¯: t:.o.. t:c.../- . ¯) -..¬:. c.: t:.o.. t:c.../-¬., -..¬:¯: t:c.../-/ c. o..., c.o....:c -.c... ·.¬.:c. l¯¯ to.. co¬::./- ::=t ¬¬¬:c ¯¬=¬¬c.... ·¬.¬ =t¬:^ ¯¬=.· ..t:/.:¬ . ¬:/o t:c... :t ~ :c...tc. .¬ -¬. ·¬.c.. :¬-::: t · ¬.·/-/ .¯c.o.^·..t:^¬ ¬:/o :¸t ~t t:c..=t.:t ¬ ÷. /¬.. ¯.¬..t:^c.¬¬. ¬:· .t ·c/.c..:¬cc¬ , t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tco. c/ :¸t~t ¬:/o :¬-::: t .¬:.:cc.... ¯¬=.·.¬¬. ·:¬¬:/.¬:.¬:¬ cc¬ , :¸t~t ·-../- .. ·:: ·.. ¬:/o :¬-::: t t:c..=. :c¬. . -.¬:¬.·.. t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬.¬ c.... ::: :¬:^ ¬..c¬.¬c·.¬¬. ·¬.c.·¬:^¬ .c¬. .-·.::, t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬.¬c.... ::: :¬:^ ¬..c¬.¬c·.¬ ./ ·ot ·t:=c :¬.: ¬.. ¬oc.·.¬c: to.cc.::c. t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬·:¬.c.... to.ct.¬¬:^ ·t:=c¬ ¬c:..·¬., t-tc¬c: :¬.:¬.. ¬oc.·¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 Isº 2.¬ :ººº, ocr=nc., Os:ct :-(-:ººº ¬·:¬.c... .¬c·c.¬ ..cc... t:c... :t ~ :c...tc ¬.¬c.... :.:ct l.l.!))) cc¬ ::c/ .c.¬c: ¬.. .c¬. ¬¬=¬ -¬:/ ¬ ..c¬.¬c·c:^¬. = ¬.¬c.... .:c: :¬ -: ·.¬c.. ·o¬c.¸¬. ¬.: . :.~ -:t:c:.c¬ :.c.:t¬.. ::c.c¬ ·t:=ct :/..¬ ¬÷¬.. t:c... :t ~ :c:./ .¬^·c.¬ ct :..=t !!)!-)¯-))l-)-)l'' c.o... -.c... .c· .¬.¬:^¬. = :¬.:¬.. ·. c: ¬.:. :¬-: ·.¬ :c¬ :c:.c.. -.:t: .¬ ~ ·c. ·:·.:- !¯¯-·:· !))) :.:ct l:l¯-¯-!)))¬. ¯..c.¬ ·¬¬..c...c.. ¬:/ o ::=t :c:.c... :¬-: :c:.c.. t:c..=¬:=/-/ -..¬.. ¯..¬c..c¬. ¬c/~ · ¯~=:.·.. ¬::c.o..·c:¬ -:t:c¬.c.. ¬oc.·c:¬ ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .¬. l ..¬. º: :.:ct l)-¯-º:c.c.. ¬oc.·c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. t.:·¯. : :~.rn:±:c¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No: FD 02 BEM 98 Karnataka Government Secretariat Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, Dated 16-8-2000 CORRIGENDUM Sub:- Economy in Government Administrative Expenditure-Economy in the use of Telephones-regarding. Ref:-1. G.O. No. FD 02 BEM 98, dated 5-11-98. 2. G.O. No. FD 02 BEM 98, dated 23-7-99. 3. Corrigendum No. FD 02 BEM 98, dated 31-7-99. 4. Corrigendum No. FD 02 BEM 98, dated 27-1-2000. In the Government Order No. FD 02 BEM 98, dated 5-11-98, at (1) above, the officers who were in the pay scales of Rs. 3300-5300 and above were entitled to have official Telephone. In the Corrigendum dated 27-1-2000 at (4) above, the officers who were in the pay scales of Rs. 3825-5825 and above were entitled to have residential telephone. 52 As the pay scales of Government Servants have been revised, the pay scales indicated in the said orders have also to be revised. Therefore, in modification of the Government Order dated 5-11- 98, under heading (a) Entitlement of Official Telephone, for the words “All Officers who are in the pay scale of Rs. 3300-5300 and above”, the words “All Officers who are in the pay scale of Rs. 9580- 14200 and above” shall be substituted and in the Corrigendum dated 27-1-2000, under the heading (b) Entitlement of residential telephones, for the words “All Officers who are in the pay scale of Rs. 3825-5825 and above”, the words “All Officers who are in the pay scale of Rs. 10620-14960 and above” shall be substituted. This shall come into effect from 1-1-1999, the day on which the revised pay scales were given effect to: N. MAHADEVA Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Bud-2). ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .¬c.. .-: cc.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c../ ¬.c.oc:^c.¬ ¬:c:.¬:.c /.¬-l ¬.¬c... . ¬:c:.¬:.c / .¬-! ¬.¬ / ....tc·.¬ ./ :¬.:. :¬c:^¬ l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-l!:-.·:-º+, :.:ct !-·-º: !) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-!)·-.·:-º¯, :.:ct ·-l)-º¯ ¯) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-+¯-.·:-ºº, :.:ct !¯-¯-ºº +) ¬: ·c. ··: ¯) :.. (:c:ct) :.:ct !¯-º-!))) t:c... :t~ :c...t c., .c/-oc. :¬cc¬. ±·::s. l. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !-·-º:c :¬.:¬. ·t:=c -..¬:¯: ¬¬. t:c.../-/ ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l ¬.:. ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬c¬/-.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:.¬. !. ¬..c (!)c. :¬ c:¬ :.:ct ·-l)-º¯c :¬.:¬. l+º ¬:c:.¬:.c /.¬-l ¬.¬c... . l+º ·t:=c ¬ ¬. t:c.../-/ ·.·c:^¬. ¯. ¬..c (¯)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !¯-¯-ººc :¬.:¬. ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. l!: .·: º+, :.:ct !-·-º¯c -. c.. .¬::=/- ·c. l))) ...cc.¬ !! ·t:=c ¬¬. t:c.../-. . ¬:c:.¬:.c . /.¬-l ¬ .¬c.... ....tc·, ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬.¬ c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:.¬. +. ¬..c (+)c. :¬c:¬ t:c... :t ~ :c...tc. :.:ct !¯-º-!)))¬ ¬:¬ . .-:cc.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬ . ¬: = t:c.... !)))-!))l.. ·:./ ·c.c:·¬c: .¬::=/- ·c. l¯¯· .-/oc.¬., ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !-·-º:c ¬t:c .¬::=/- ·c.c... l)))to ...c¬ ·c¬.=/-. ¬.:: ¬:c: .¬:.c /.¬-l ¬.¬c... . ....tc· .. ¬...:c:c ¬:c:.¬:.c /.¬-! ¬.¬c.... :.c.: t¬. .c..¬ :¬.:¬ ..cc... .-: cc.. · t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.... .¬::=/- ·c.c... l)))to ...cc.¬¬cc¬, ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. !)· .·: º¯, :.:ct ·-l)-º¯c. .-: cc.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c../ ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-l ¬.¬c... ¬.c.oc:^¬., ·¬c ¬.¬c.... ....tc·.¬ ¬ .o.t ¬:c:.¬:.c. /.¬-! ¬.¬ ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬c: t:c... :t~ :c...tc. ·t:=c¬. . to.cc.::c. ¯. t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬·:¬.c.... ¬c:..· t-tc¬c: :¬.:·c:^¬. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. ¬2 1Is 2.¬ :ººº, ocr=nc., Os:ct :s-:-:ººI .-: cc.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.... .¬::=/- ·c. l)))to ...cc.¬ ..cc... ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. l!: .·: º+, :.:ct !-·-º:c. ·¬c t:c... ¬.c.oc:^c.¬ / .¬-l ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬.¬c.... ....tc·.¬ ¬.o.t /.¬-! ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬.¬c... . ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬c:^¬. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬.::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. t.:·¯. : :~.rn:±:c¯ ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. 53 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub:- Austerity measures in Government Expenditure. Read:-1. FD 1 BEM 89, dated 22-1-90. 2. FD 4 BEM 90, dated 16-3-92 3. FD 3 BEM 90, dated 14-12-90 4. FD 4 BEM 91, dated 31-1-91. 5. OM FD 38 BGL 89, dated 7-2-91. 6. FD 1 BEM 92, dated 4-7-92 7. FD 1 BEM 93, dated 26-3-93 8. FD 8 BEM 92, dated 27-3-93 9. FD 8 BEM 93, dated 27-5-93 10. FD 16 BEM 93, dated 14-12-93 11. Circular FD 1 BEM 96, dated 29-3-96 12. Circular FD 1 BEM 98, dated 23-10-98 13. G.O. FD 3 BEM 98, dated 5-11-98. 14. Circular FD 1 BEM 98, dated 10-6-99. Preamble: There are several economy orders issued in the past pertaining to various subjects. In order to facilitate all the orders to be available, in one order it is proposed to bring a comprehensive order in supersession of all these orders. A few more economy measures were also proposed to attend non- plan expenditure as mentioned in the Budget speech. This is only to conserve resources, so that they can be utilised in the plan expenditure. The following are the comprehensive order inclusive of all the previous orders. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD 03 BEM 2001, BANGALORE, DATED 17-10-2001 (1) Stores and Stocks: The purchase of stores, raw materials, instruments, materials, medicines, equipment etc., may be reduced to the minimum requirements. The purchase of supplies shall be regulated on actual requirement within the budget provision. Only fast moving item of urgent nature must be purchased and minimum level of inventory to be maintained at all times. One month’s stock only shall be maintained. Any requirements beyond one month’s stocks shall be with the concurrence of the Heads of Departments. Purchase of raw materials, furniture, materials, instruments and equipment in the last quarter of the year merely to exhaust the available provision of the budget shall be stopped forthwith. The concerned officers/controlling officers shall review the stock position at the end of each month, and then only the programme for further proposals shall be drawn. (2) Furniture and Fixture: Purchase of furniture and Fixtures, photocopying machines, under non-plan shall be deferred during 2001-02. However the purchase of such equipment are permitted in respect of new offices to be established during the year with the prior concurrence of the Finance Department. No furniture shall be purchased to utilise the budget provision. No furniture and fixture purchase in the month of March. (3) Electricity / Water Charges: The expenditure on Electricity, Water charges shall be limited to the budget provision or to the level of last year expenditure, whichever is less. Utmost economy measures to be followed in use of electricity and water facilities. (4) Deputing outside for Training: Deputing officers outside the State for training shall be strictly only with the prior concurrence of the Finance Department. Deputing for training more than two officers/officials at a time shall be discouraged. 54 (5) Tour: All Officers attending meetings in Delhi should necessarily stay in Karnataka Bhavan. Only if the office of the Resident Commissioner confirms about there being no vacancy in Karnataka Bhavan, can accommodate in hotels be taken up. They shall be ensured to use the offices of the Resident Commissioner at Delhi for Secretariat services to the extent possible. The Heads of the Department / Deputy Commissioners/Chief Executive Officers and those who have been provided with the designated vehicles, as and when they visit to Delhi and other places outside the State, are permitted to hire yellow board taxis as per the existing guidelines. The tours within the State linking to week ends and General Holidays shall be discouraged. 6) Usage of Petrol: Consumption of Petrol and Diesel in Government vehicles including staff cars etc., should be reduced by 20% of the consumption of last year. However, this will not be applicable when Government vehicles are deployed for emergencies. Usage of vehicles on holidays are discouraged. The Secretaries to Government shall fix allocation of Petrol/Diesel for each officer, offices of the departments coming under their Administrative control. However, while allocating Petrol/Diesel limiting it shall not be more than 80% of the last years consumption. The officers who are provided official cars in their work place coming to Bangalore from far of Districts shall travel by train. They may hire yellow board taxies for local conveyance in Bangalore subject to a limit of Rs. 600.00 per day. The expenditure on hiring of vehicles shall be met out of office expenses of the concerned office. 7) Purchase of Vehicles: A total ban on purchase of vehicles is imposed until further orders except in essential circumstances with prior approval of Government in Finance Department. However, these instructions are not applicable in respect of Externally aided projects, where vehicles are envisaged in scheme guidelines. 8) Telephones: Entitlement of Telephones shall be regulated as per the provisions of Government Order No. FD 2 BEM 98, dated 5-11-98, 23-7-99 and 16-8-2000. Telephones provided to the officers who are not entitled for the telephones as per the Government Orders mentioned above shall be surrendered forthwith. No mobile phones shall be provided until further orders. 9) Creation of Post/filling up of Posts: No posts under the plan as well as non-plan shall be created. If creation of posts are imminent, in such cases it shall be only with the concurrence of the Finance Department. If the creation of posts are envisaged in the guidelines of the plan schemes either from Government of India or externally aided projects, in such cases there should first be an exercise to abolish an equivalent number of plan / non-plan posts of the department. Only then should the posts be created. Vacant posts either by recruitment or by promotion both under plan and non-plan shall be filled only with the prior concurrence of the Finance Department. While filling so it may be ensured 80% of the vacant posts as on 1-4-2000 under each cadre shall be kept vacant. However, filling up of the posts on compassionate grounds are exempted. No re-appropriation will be allowed out of savings under salaries component for any additional expenditure. While continuing the temporary posts, the concerned Secretaries to Government shall review and if it is necessary then only the posts shall be continued. 2. The above instructions shall be followed by all the departments. 3. These instructions shall also be observed by all Zilla Panchayaths Universities, autonomous bodies obtaining substantial finance from Government funds and also applicable to State Public Sector and Commercial undertakings. 55 4. Finance Department will undertake a detailed review of economy measures implemented by each department during end of this year. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, C. GOPAL REDDY Additional Chief Secretary And Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department. ts:r:t · t:rc ·c. :: lº·! .-!í!))l t.:=.t ·t:=c¬ ·.¬:.c.. .¬:. ·-¬ , .c/-oc., :.:ct !·-ll-!))l :¬cc¬ ·t:=c¬ ¬¬ :. t:c..=¬:= ::=t :c:., t.:=.t ·t:=c , .c/-oc.-¯:) ))l. :¬c/ ·t:=c¬ .c: :c:.: ¬ ¬:. t:c..=¬:=/-.ít:c. .=¬:=/-. ¬.:.c, .±c... -./: ¬oc¬:~/-.. ·t:=ct -¬.=·.¬ ./ . ·t:=c¬ :¬-: ¬÷ /-. ..:¬c.. ·::·.¬ ·..¬:^ ::=t ..:¬c.. :¬.:/-.. ¬oc.·c:^¬. ..:¬c.. :¬.:¬.. ·t:=c :c:./-. ·c¬o~=¬:^ ::c/o-·.. .¬.:·c:^¬. ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .¬.. ! .:.c º·, :.:ct ¯-ll-lºº·c. -:t:c/-/ -¬c ¬.:. :.~c.... :¬c·, -:t: ¬oc¬:~c.... .¬^·.¬ ./ ·o÷ ./ -.. ¯.¬c:^¬. ¬oc¬:~ .¬^·.¬. ..:¬c.. :¬.:/-.. ¬oc.·¬:/o :c:./- . ¬oc¬:~ ¬oc¬.. ¯/:¬.·c:¬ ¬.:. :.~c...c¬ -:t:c/-/o to¬ -:t: t..c ¬.:. ¬·. ¬oc¬:~/- .. .¬^·c.¬¬. ·t:=c¬ /¬..t .c:c.:¬. :¬.¬cc¬ :c:./-. :c¬¬ ¬oc¬:~/-. ¬:/o -.:¬:t¬c¬. tc¬..c¬ l)-l¯ ¬oc¬:~/- .. /.c..·, ·t:=ct -¬.=·..tc¬. :¬. -:..¬.c.¬ :c:.: ¬..:·c/ ·o.·..tc¬. to.c.. ¯¬=.:·. .¬... :¬. .::·, :s¯. :.±c:: ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c..=¬:=, ::=t :c:. 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(·.¬: ¯c..¬./-.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Austerity Measures for 2003-2004. Read: Government Order No. FD 2 BEM 2003, dated 29-9-2003. PREAMBLE: In the Government Order read above several austerity measures have been prescribed to conserve resources and exercise economy in non-plan expenditure to make more funds available for plan. These measures include among other things, a total ban on journey by air, outside the State. However, in exceptional cases journey by air has been allowed to the Heads of Department and Secretaries to Government only with the prior concurrence of Chief Secretary. Further, Ministers are allowed journey by air outside the State with the prior permission of Chief Minister. Now, the Government feels that there is necessity to modity these measures. Hence the order. Government Order No. FD 02 BEM 2003, Bangalore, Dated 16-3-2004 Government is pleased to issue the following modifications to the para (4) of the Government Order No. FD 2 BEM 2003, dated 29-9-2003: a) Heads of the Major Departments and Secretaries to Government shall undertake journey by Air outside the State only with the prior concurrence of Chief Secretary. 61 b) All other Officers who are eligible for Air Journey shall take prior concurrence of Finance Department for undertaking journey by Air outside the State. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, T.P. NARASINGA RAO Under Secretary to Government Finance Department. (F.R. & C.C.) ts:r:t · t:rc t:c :z. ct~ oc...tc to:cc.. s>:-r=. .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:.c...¬ .c/-oc. ·t:=c .:: . t:c... ¬:·c ¬.:. ·t:=c tc: t:c... ¬:·c ·. c:/ -.. ::::¬:^ ·¬.:. tc:~ :c:./ ¬/:=:.·.¬ ./. vc ::. l. :.:ct l¯-º-!))lc ·c. :. l¯¯ c...:· º¯c ·t:=c :¬.:. !. t.:=.t :¬-: .:c..¬.c¬-, .c/-oc., :.c.. -.= ·c. ¯:+º cc¬ ¯:¯¯í!))!c ¬..c :.:ct !º-·-!))¯cc¬. ¯..c.¬ ..¬.=. ±·::s. .c.: (l)c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. = :c:.c.. :¬-: ¬:.c...¬ .c/- oc. ·t:=c .:: . t:c... ¬:·c ¬ .:. ·t:=c tc: t:c... ¬:·c/-. t:c..= ¯¬ =.·..¬ = t-tc¬ ·. c: ¬/=¬¬c./-.. ::::¬:^ ·¬.:. tc:~ :c:./ ¬/:=:.·.. :¬.:·c:^:.. ·t:rc .a:¸s t:c :z. ±:· c¯, ocr=nc. t¬. ·c. ·. c: ¬/=¬¬c ¬·c. :.:.¬.. ¬¬.:¬. l. ¬..¯c..¬ ·. ¬:¬=. !. .:c:c..~·:.. t.:c. :..c.. ¬:= ·¬:c..t ¯. ÷-¬¬ -./c..¬c. +. .:c:c..~ .... -./c..¬c. ¯. :ctcc.. .c. ·.¬c :. ·¬c:.. ·.¬c ¯. :¬.c/c.. ·:¬c.c ·. ¬..cc..¬. ¬..¬ ·¬ =c. º. ./:.: ¬c÷:ct l). /c/c:.. :./o. ll. .o¬.= ¬..c :./o. l!. c:.. t. :./o. ·t:rc tc: t:c :z. ±:·c¯, ocr=nc. l. .:/¬ t..c. ¬:¬=. !. ·:¬¬ = :..c.. ¬:= ·¬:c..t ¯. ÷-¬c.. -./c..¬c. +. /o..c¬ t.. -./c..¬c. ¯. ¬..·:.. -./c..¬c. :. ..:c. -./c..¬c. ¯. /o..c¬c.. ¬c÷:ct ·. .c·c¬c.. ¬c÷:ct º. .-. ¬.¸¬ ·¬=c. l). .t¬ . ¬.¸¬ ·¬=c. ll. ..¬:¬ ¬.¸¬ ·¬=c. 62 l!. ¬o¬.~ ¬.¸¬ ·¬=c. l¯. ·..¬.~ ·:¬c.c l+. .c·c¬.. ·:¬c.c l¯. .¬:÷.c.. ·.¬c l:. ·.c.: ·. ·.¬c l¯. ¬t:: ... ·.¬c = ·t:=c :¬.:¬.. ¬:· :. ·. ¬..¯c..¬ ¬.:. ::cc. t.:=.t :¬-: .:c.. ¬.c¬-, .c/-oc., :. -.= ·c. ¯:+º cc¬ ¯:¯¯í!))!c. -.= ·.·¬. ·¬c -.=c.... :.:ct !º-·-!))¯c. t.:=.t :¬-: .:c..¬.c¬-c... ¬::/o-·c .:¬. ¬...c¬ ·. c:/-. ·t:=c tc: t:c... .¬::=¯.c..¬ t¬. ·c. 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(...c.. ·.¬:c ¬: ¬.:. /~t to.:). 66 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA PROCEEDINGS OF THE DIRECTORATE OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION IN KARNATAKA Subject: Delegation of Financial and Administrative powers and assignment of duties to the Deputy Directors of Collegiate Education of the Regional Offices at Bangalore, Mysore and Dharwad. Ref: Government Order No. ED 54 MUN 80 (II) dated 29-8-80. PREAMBLE: Since the work in the Department of Collegiate Education has increased considerably and with a view to tone up the administration with efficiency, Government of Karnataka, in the above cited Government Order have accorded sanction to the establishment of the Regional Offices at Bangaore, Mysore and Dharwad, each to be headed by a Deputy Director of Collegiate Education. Accordingly, the Regional Offices at Bangalore, Mysore and Dharwad have started functioning during November 1980. In order to facilitate smooth and efficient functioning of these Regional Office it is imperative that the Deputy Directors of Collegiate Education of these Regional Offices should be immediately delegated with the required financial and administrative powers. Order No. DCE 83 EAP 80, Bangalore, Dated 15-12-80 I FINANCIAL POWERS: 1. Sanctioning of all the bills connected with the establishment of the Regional Office, sanction of Pay, Increment, Travelling Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Advance of Pay, Festival Advance, Leave (upto 2 months), etc. to the ministerial and menial staff working in the Regional Office. The Gazetted Officers should send their T.A. and D.A. bills to the Head Office. 2. To sanction local purchase of stationery articles in offices Rs. 300-00 each time and Rs.5000-00 per annum. 3. Approval of salary statements of the employees of the Private Aided Colleges of the respective region as on 1 st January each year, with the concurrance of the Director of Collegiate Education. 4. Sanction and release of quarterly salary grant to the Private Aided Colleges of the respective region with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education. 5. Sanction and release of Maintenance Grant / Balance Maintenance Grant, with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education subject to the local verification. 6. To release the salary arrears, surrender leave salary, etc. to Private Aided Colleges of the respective region. 7. Approval of salary of the staff appointed through the Selection Committee with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education. 8. Reimbursement of salary in respect of temporary and part-time Lecturers. 9. To purchase the office equipment coming under contingency within the provision of Budget. II ADMINISTRATIVE POWERS:- 1. Approval of the appointments made by the Selection Committee, only with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education. 2. Sanction of approval of the deputation of the staff of Private Aided Colleges of the respective region for higher studies under the University Grants Commission's Faculty Improvement Programme, with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education. 3. Approval of promotions and fixation of pay, only with the concurrence of the Director of Collegiate Education. 4. Surprise visits and administrative inspection of the Private Aided Colleges of the respective region, under intimation to "Director of Collegiate Education. 5. Approval of leave sanctioned to the staff of Private Aided Colleges upto two months." 67 NOTE: All the policy matters relating to the grant-in-aid are to be referred to the Deputy Director of Collegiate Education, Regional Office, who inturn will refer them to Director of Collegiate Education for her action. III. OTHER DUTIES OF THE REGIONAL DEPUTY DIRECTORS OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION. 1. To help the Government Colleges in utilising grants given by the State and University Grants Commission. 2. To improve the academic standard or quality of the education both in Private Aided and Government Colleges of the respective regions. 3. Confidential Reports and Establishment matters of the concerned Regional Office. 4. Confidential Reports of Private Aided Colleges of the respective regions. Director of Collegiate Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Distribution of Administrative and Financial powers among the Director, Additional Director and Joint Director of Collegiate Education in the Directorate of Collegiate Education. Read: 1) Government Order No. ED 168 MUN 86, dated 10-6-87. 2) Letter No. DCE 56 EAP 85, dated 31-7-87 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. PREAMBLE: Sanction was accorded for conversion of one post of Senior Professor as Additional Director of Collegiate Education and one post of Professor as a Joint Director of Collegiate Education in the Department of Collegiate Education vide Government Order dated 10-6-1987 read at Sl.No. 1 above. The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore in her letter dated 31-7-87 read at Sl.No.(2) above has proposed distribution of Administrative and Financial Powers among the Director, Additional Director and Joint Director in the Directorate of Collegiate Education. Order No. ED 2 UEC 88, Bangalore, Dated 30-1-1988 Government are pleased to distribute the Administrative and Financial powers among the Director, Additional Director and Joint Director in the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Bangalore as detailed in the Annexure-I, II and III to the Government Order. The files from the concerned section shall be put up to the three officers directly: A case in which Director alone is Competent to take decision should not be routed through Joint Director and Additional Director. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, LEELA GEORGE Under Secretary to Government Education Department. 68 ANNEXURE-I Annexure to the G.O.No. ED 2 UEC 88, dated the 30 th January, 1988 Distribution of powers in the Department of Collegiate Education DIRECTOR In Cash Section 1. Sanction of loans and advance to all Officers and Officials of the Department and countersigning of the Loans and Advances Bills. 2. Sanction and countersigning of T.A. Bills, HTC Bills, LTC Bills and Medical Reimbursement Bills in respect of Senior Professors. IN P.G. CELL 3. To attend to the grievances of the Senior Professors. 4. To attend to the papers received from P.G. Cell of the Karantaka Government Secretariat regarding grievances of Senior Professors. IN ESTABLISHMENT-III 5. Disciplinary proceedings against Senior Professor. 6. Annual property statements in respect of Senior Professors. 7. Accordal of permission to purchase or acquire movable and immovable properties by Senior Professors. 8. Sanction of Home Travel and Leave Travel Concessions to Senior Professors. IN PERSONAL SECTION 9. Review of Confidential Reports in respect of Senior Professors BUDGET 10. Authorisation of Principals of Government Colleges and Deputy Directors of Regional Offices and Head Office to be 'Drawing Officers'. 11. Sanction of permanent advances (Impresent amounts) to Government Colleges and Regional Offices. 12. Starting of new Government Colleges, Hostels and Regional Offices. 13. Bifurcation of Government Colleges. IN INSPECTION CELL 14. Special Inspection of Government and Private Aided Colleges and Regional Offices. IN P.C. CELL 15. Issue of directions to Regional Offices regarding administration of Private Colleges (both aided and unaided). 16. Constitution of Selection Committees in Private Colleges (both aided and unaided) for appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff. 17. Approval of appointment in Private Colleges (both aided and unaided). 18. Forwardal of proposals to Government to bring Private unaided Colleges under Salary Grant after they complete stipulated period of 5 years or 7 years depending upon the date of starting of the Colleges. 19. Approval of transfers in respect of teaching and non-teaching staff of Private Aided Colleges. 20. Release of State Government grants to Universities outside Karnataka. IN GENERAL SECTION 21. Annual Administration Report of the Department. 22. Supply of materials regarding this Department for inclusion in the Governor's speech and Finance Minister's Budget speech in the State Legislature. IN ESTABLISHMENT-II 23. Sanction of all kinds of leave to Senior Professors. 24. Retirement of Senior Professors on attaining the age of Superannuation or on medical grounds or on their own request and settlement of their pension and gratutity. 25. Re-employment of Senior Professors (who retire in the middle of academic year) till the end of that academic year. 26. Forwardal of proposals to Government for sanction of the following to Senior Professors: a) Stagnation increment. b) Deputation for higher studies or foreign service. c) No objection certificate to go abroad. 69 27. Refund of Family Benefit Fund to Senior Professors on their retirement. 28. Payment of amounts under Group Insurance Scheme to Senior Professors on their retirement. 29. Issue of No objection certificates to Groups 'C' and 'D' officials to go abroad. 30. Accordal of permission to Senior Professors to go on other duty within the State. IN ESTABLISHMENT-I 31. Appointment and promotion in Government Colleges, Regional Offices and Head Office. 32. Postings and transfers in Government Colleges, Regional Offices and Head Office. 33. Cadre and Recruitment Rules of the Department. 34. Delegation of powers to officers in the Department. LEELA GEORGE Under Secretary to Government Education Department. ANNEXURE-II ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR IN CASH SECTION 1. Sanction and countersigning of T.A. Bills, HTC Bills, LTC Bills and Medical Reimbursement Bills in respect of Gazetted Group 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. 2. Countersigning of loans and advances bills in respect of Gazetted Group 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. P.G. CELL 3. To attend to the grievances of the public as well as Gazetted Group 'A' Officers of the Department except Senior Professors (both Government and Private Aided Colleges). 4. To attend to the papers received from the P.G. Cell in Karnataka Government Secretariat regarding grievance of Group 'A' Officers except Senior Professors (both Government and Private Aided Colleges). IN ESTABLISHMENT-III 5. Disciplinary proceedings against all Officers and officials of the Department except Senior Professors. 6. Fixation of pay in respect of Group 'B' Officers. 7. Declaration of probationery period in respect of Group 'B' Officers. 8. Processing and forwardal of proposals to Government regarding sanction of T.B.A. to Group 'B' Officers. 9. Annual property statements in respect of Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers excluding Senior Professors. 10. Condonation of delay in preferring claims. 11. Accordal of permission to purchase or acquire movable and immovable properties by Group B' and 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. 12. Sanction of Home Travel and Leave Travel Concessions to Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. IN PERSONAL SECTION 13. Acceptance of Confidential Reports in respect of Group 'B' Officers. 14. Review of Confidential Reports in respect of Group 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. IN PLAN SECTION 15. Purchase of furniture and equipment to Government Colleges and Offices of the Department. 16. Construction and repair of buildings of Government Colleges, Hostels and Offices of this Department. 17. U.G.C. Grants and implementation of U.G.C. developmental schemes in Government Colleges. IN TRIPLE BENEFIT SCHEME 18. Sanction of pension and D.C.R.G. in respect of Private Aided Colleges. 19. Accordal of permission to withdraw amounts from the Provident Fund accounts in respect of Private Aided Colleges. 20. Enforcement of implementation of T.B.S. Rules in Private Aided Colleges. 70 IN INSPECTION CELL 21. Regular annual inspection of accounts of Government and Private Aided Colleges and all Offices including Head Office. IN GENERAL SECTION 22. Stock Verification reports of all Government Colleges and Regional Offices. 23. Stock Verification in the Directorate. 24. Sanction of indents of Government Colleges for purchase of chemicals and laboratory equipments. 25. Supply of uniforms to Class IV staff. 26. Permission to spare Government College buildings and premises for conducting examinations by K.P.S.C., U.P.S.C., Nationalised Banks and for shooting films by producers. 27. Affiliation to Government Colleges by Universities. 28. Permission to introduce new courses and combinations in Government Colleges. 29. Admissions in Government Colleges. 30. Matters relating to Government College Hostels (Other than regular establishment). IN ESTABLISHMENT-II 31. Sanction of all kinds of leave to Group 'B' and 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. 32. Retirement of Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers, except Senior Professors, on attaining the age of superannuation or on medical grounds or on their own request and settlement of their pension and gratuity. 33. Re-employment of Professors, Readers, Supernumerary Reader, and Lecturers (who retire in the middle of the academic year) till the end of that academic year. 34. Forwardal of Proposals to Government for sanction of the following to Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers except Senior Professors. a) Stagnation increments. b) Deputation for higher studies or foreign service. c) No objection certificates to go abroad. 35. Refund of Family Benefit Fund to Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers, except Senior Professors, on their retirement. 36. Payment of amounts under Group Insurance Scheme to Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers, except Senior Professors, on their retirement. 37. Maintenance of Service Registers of Group 'B' Officers of the Directorate. 38. Sanction of normal as well as stagnation increments to Group 'B' Officers of the Directorate. 39. Forwardal of applications of Groups 'B' and 'A' Officers except Senior Professors, 40. Sanction of charge allowance to Group 'B' Officers. 41. Accordal of permission to Group 'B' and 'A' Officers, except Senior Professors, to go on other duty within the State. IN ESTABLISHMENT-II 42. Preparation and publication of Gradation lists of all cadres. 43. Regularisation of services of local candidates. 44. Maintenance of Vacancy Registers. 45. Maintenance of Reservation Rosters regarding direct recruitments as well as promotions. LEELA GEORGE Under Secretary to Government Education Department. ANNEXURE-III JOINT DIRECTOR In Personal Section 1. Acceptance of Confidential Reports in respect of Group 'C' officials. 2. Review of Confidential Reports in respect of Group 'B' Officers. In Budget Section 3. Release of grants to Government Colleges and Regional Offices under various Heads of Account under the Main Head of Account "277 Education". 4. Control of expenditure (reconciliation of Departmental expenditure). 71 5. Preparation of Budget estimates of the Department. 6. Appropriation accounts and audit reports of Public Accounts Committee. 7. Preparation of revenue receipts and reconciliation of revenue receipts. 8. Preparation of performance Budget. In Planning Section 9. Implementation of welfare schemes of Government in respect of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes students. 10. Monthly multilevel review of plan schemes. 11. Taking over of Municipal First Grade Colleges to Government Control. In Recovery Cells-I and II 12. Recovery of Government of India National Loan Scholarship amounts and maintenance of account. 13. Recovery of educational loans and maintenance of account. 14. Reconciliation of accounts with Accountant General. IN GOI SCHOLARSHIP SECTIONS 15. Sanction of Government of India National Loan Scholarships-Fresh and Renewal. a) post-matric courses b) post-PUC courses c) post-Graduate Courses. 16. Sanction of Government of National Merit Scholarships-Fresh and Renewal. a) Post-Matric Courses b) Post-PUC Courses c) Post-Graduate Courses. 17. Sanction of Government of India National Scholarships for children of School Teachers- Fresh and Renewal. 18. Sanction of Government of India Hindi Scholarships-Fresh and Renewal. 19. Sanction of the following Government of Karnataka Language Scholarships-Fresh and Renewal. a) English Scholarships. b) Kannada Scholarships. c) Sanskrit Scholarships. 20. Sanction of Government of Karnataka Scholarships for International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-Fresh and Renewal. LEELA GEORGE Under Secretary to Government Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DCE 2 GMS PCC 91 Office of the Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore-560 001 25 Jan 91 ORDER Subject: Delegation of powers to Deputy Directors of Regional Offices for transfer of employees in Private Aided Colleges-reg. Ref: 1) Government Order No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-81. 2) This Directorate's Order No. DCE 16 GMS PCC 90, dated 24-7-90. 3) Government Order No.ED 7 UPC 91 dated 11-1-91. In view of the amendment made to the Government Order cited at reference (1) vide Government Order cited at reference (3), the powers delegated to the Deputy Directors of Regional Offices with regard to the transfer of employees from one Private College to another Private College is hereby withdrawn. 2. In future they are required to sent proposals to this Directorate for onward transmission to the Government for approval. Director of Collegiate Education. 72 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DCE 6 BUD I 91-92 Office of the Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore-560 001 27 Jan 92 CIRCULAR Subject: General delegation of common financial powers to heads of Departments and others. Ref: 1) Government Order No. FD 3 TFP 80 Bangalore dated 29-4-91 2) Government Order No. FD 3 TFP 80 Bangalore dated 29-4-81. 3) Government Order No. FD 7 TFP 91 Bangalore dated 10-9-91. The Government in its Order cited at ref. (1) had indicated the General delegation of common financial powers to heads of Departments and others. In the Annexure appended to the said Government Order the Regional Deputy Directors and the Principals of Government Colleges have been classified under the Divisional Level Officers and District level Officers category respectively for the purpose of exercise of common financial powers. Further, in the Government Order cited at ref. (3) above, the Government has enhanced the common financial power as specified in the Annexure to the said Order to all the Heads of Departments and other Departmental Officers. A copy of the Government Order alongwith the Annexure is herewith forwarded for your guidance. It is instructed that the respective Officers would adhere to and exercise the powers as notified in the Annexure. Director of Collegiate Education. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: General delegation of common financial powers to Heads of Departments and others-Review of-Notifying the Officers of Government Departments for exercising the powers at Divisional / District/Sub-divisional Taluk levels. ORDER NO. FD 3 TFP 80, BANGALORE, DATED 29-4-81. Read: Government Order No. FD 3 TFP 80 dated 7-10-1980 PREAMBLE: In response to para 6 of G.O. No. FD 3 TFP 80, dated 7-10-1980 some of the Heads of Departments have intimated the designations of Officers under them who will exercise the powers of the Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional/Taluk level officers as delegated by aforesaid G.O. ORDER Government are pleased to notify the officers of Government Departments as in the Annexure to this G.O., who would exercise the common financial powers delegated by G.O. No. FD 3 TFP 80, dated 7-10-1980 at the Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional / Taluk levels of their respective Departments with immediate effect. 2. Other Heads of Departments are requested to furnish the requisite information to this Department as per G.O.No. FD 3 TFP 80 dated 7-10-1980. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, M.B. PRAKASH Additional Secretary to Government, Finance Department. 73 ANNEXURE TO G.O. NO. FD 3 TFP 80, DATED 29-4-81 Name of Department Divisional Level Officer District level officer Sub-Divisional level officer Taluk level Officer IV. Education and Y.S. Department 3. Director of Collegiate Education Regional Deputy Directors Principals of Government Colleges - - PLN RAU Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget). GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA FINANCE DEPARTMENT General Delegation of common financial powers to Heads of Departments and others-Review of Read: 1. Government Order No. FD 3 RFP 74, dated 27-11-1974 2. Government Order No. FD 24 RFP 76, dated 17-1-1977 3. Government Order No. FD 3 TFP 80, dated 7-10-1980 Order No. FD 7 TFP 91, Bangalore, Dated 16-9-1991 The question of enhancement of common financial powers delegated to the Heads of Departments and other Departmental Officers has been under consideration of Government for sometime past. The "Delegation of Authority" is one of the Pancha Sutras announced by the Governor in his speech on the floor of the House for making the administration more responsive and to enable the officers to discharge their duties expeditiously and in a more efficient manner. Hence, it is considered necessary to review the subject of delegation of powers. Accordingly, a review has been undertaken and it is considered necessary to enchance the existing powers to provide more functional flexibility at all levels of administration. Government are pleased to delegate common enhanced financial powers as specified in the Annexure to this Order to all the Heads of Departments and other Departmental Officers. 2. Subject to provision of para 6 hereunder, these orders are in supersession of the delegation of powers as contained in Part-III of the Manual of Financial Powers 1967 and all subsequent orders issued on the subject. 3. The exercise of these powers are subject to strict compliance with the directions embodied in Part-II of Manual of Financial Powers, 1967. 4. No authority can delegate any of the financial powers delegated to it to any other Authority, wholly or partly. 5. These orders shall come into force with effect from 1 st October, 1991. 6. The Heads of Departments who have not intimated the designation of officers who will exercise the powers of the Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional / Taluk level officers are requested to intimate to Finance Department immediately the designation of officers who will exercise the powers of the Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional / Taluk level officers delegated by this Order. On receipt of this information, the officers at such levels who would exercise the powers would be notified by Government separately. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, P.S. NAGARAJAN, Under Secretary to Government-II, Finance Department. 74 ANNEXURE Powers Delegated to the Heads of Departments and other Departmental Vide G.O. No. FD TFP 91, dated 16 th September 1991 Sl. No. Description of powers Heads of Department Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. To Sanction arrears claims of subordinate non-gazetted Government servants (vide Art. 20(a) of KFC) Full Powers 6 years each case 3 years each case 3 years each case - 2. To sanction promotion, permanent or officiating and other arrangements involving alternations in the pay of subordinate, non-gazetted Government servants, not sanctioned by them within one year from the earliest date on which they could be sanctioned (vide Article 20(d) of KFC and Rule 20 of KCSRs). 6 years 5 years 5 years 5 years - 3. To sanction payment of arrears claims on account of contingent charges (including supplies and services) TA to non- officials for attending meetings and monthly recurring grant in aid not exceeding Rs.3000 in each case preferred one year after their becoming due (vide Article 21 Note 1 of KFC) 3 years 3 years 3 years - - 4. To sanction refunds of revenue including fees fines etc., admissible under Rules (vide Article 142 to 144 of KFC) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers - 5. To declare stores as obsolete, surplus or unserviceable and dispose them of subject to fixing responsibility for the loss where they Full Powers Rs. 5000 each time and Rs.15000 per annum Rs. 3000 each time and Rs. 10000 per annum Rs. 1000 each time and Rs. 7000 per annum - 75 have become obsolete, surplus or unserviceable owing to negligence or fraud etc., on the part of individual Government Servants (vide Article 168 of KFC) 6. To sanction house buildings, house purchase of house repair advances to subordinate non-gazetted Government servants (vide Article 216 of KFC) Full Powers Full Powers - - - 7. To sanction Bicycle purchase advances to subordinate non- gazetted Government servants (vide Article 233 of KFC) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 8. To sanction advances to subordinate non- gazetted Government servants for purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/ Mopeds/Cycle fitted with power packs (vide Article 225(a) of KFC) Full Powers subject to budget allotment Full Powers subject to budget allotment - - - 9. To sanction writes off of the following subject to quarterly statement of such writes off being submitted to Government in the case of Heads of Departments in other cases for review: 9. (i) Vaues of Stores or Government money lost other than by fraud or negligence of individual Government Servants. (ii) Irrecorable items of departmental revenues. (iii) Irrecoverable amounts of loans and advances (vide Article 306 of KFC) Rs. 20000 in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 200000 per annum Rs. 5000 in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 50000 per annum Rs. 1000 in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 10000 per annum - - 76 10. To sanction reappropriation from one detailed head of account to another within the same major head in the Departmental budget provided it does not involve. a) A diversion of provision from the plan to non-plan items b) Diversion of provision for schemes eligible for assistance from Central Government or other institutions to other schemes c) The undertaking of a recurring liability. d) An increase in the allotment for secret service expenditure. e) Expenditure on a New Service f) An increase on an item the provision for which has been specically reduced by a vote of the Legislature. g) From charged item to voted and vice versa Rs. 100000 between two units of appropriati on under same major head and within the same demand - - - - h) Diversion of funds for purposes other than that provided in the Budget. (Article 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314 of KFC) 11. To prescribe in the case of subordinate staff security for the custody of Government cash or stores and fix the amount in cases not covered by specific provision in the rules or G.O. (vide Article 353 of KFC) Full Powers - - - - 12. To sanction permanent advances for contingent expenditure to drawing officers sub-ordinate to them upto the amount Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers - 77 advised by the Accountant General as appropriate (vide Rule 24 of MCE) 13. To sanction expenditure on publication of official advertisement in news paper (vide Rule 55(1) of MCE) Upto Rs. 10000/- each case Upto Rs. 2000/- each case Upto Rs. 1000/- each case Upto Rs. 300/- each case Upto Rs. 100/- each case 14. To sanction the employment of unskilled part-time menials payable out of contengencies in subordinate offices for a total period not exceeding 3 years (vide Note 2 below Rule 7 and 55(2) (b) of MCE) Upto Rs. 300/- per month for each employee Upto Rs. 250/- per month for each employee Upto Rs. 200/- per month for each employee Upto Rs. 150/- per month for each employee Upto Rs. 100/- per month for each employee 15. To sanction charges for repairs to office bicycles (vide Rule 55(7) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Rs. 50/- each time 16. To sanction the purchase of books of reference relating to special work of particular departments including periodicals like magazines and journals and books for their departmental libraries and for granting prizes, and to Full Powers Full Powers Rs. 10000 per annum Rs. 1000 per annum Rs. 250 per annum sanction the free supply of purchases of Government publications required for reference in officials under their control from the Government Book Depot (vide Rule 55(9) and (45) of MCE) 17. To purchase, if absolutely necessary for official purposes, Government of India publications and copies of administrative reports and the like issued by corresponding department of other State Governments if they are not supplied free or on exchange basis (vide Rule 55 (9) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 78 (d) of MCE) 18. To sanction the purchase of furniture (vide Rule 55(11) and 28 of MCE) Rs. 10000 each time &Rs. 100000 per annum Rs. 2500 each time & Rs. 25000 per annum Rs. 1500 each time & Rs. 15000 per annum Rs. 1000 each time & Rs. 5000 per annum Rs. 250 each time & Rs. 1500 per annum 19. To sanction the purchase of office equipments Rs. 10000 each time & Rs. 50000 per annum Rs. 2500 each time & Rs. 25000 per annum Rs. 1500 each time & Rs. 15000 per annum Rs. 1000 each time & Rs. 5000 per annum Rs. 250 each time & Rs. 1500 per annum 20. To sanction for conveyance of office records in excess of 11 paise per kilometre in maidan tracts and 16 paise per kilometre in malnad tracts according to local circumstances (vide Rule 55(17) of MCE) Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power 21. To sanction charges for section writing i.e. copying manuscript by piece work (vide Rule 55(18) of MCE) Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power 22. To sanction repairs of calculators, furniture and other articles of office equipment (vide Rule 55(28) of MCE) Full Power Full Power Full Power Rs. 500 each time Rs. 200 each time 23. To sanction charges for insurance on special goods of Government such as mathematical and scientific instruments, articles made of glass and other fragile articles when such insurance is a condition of transport (vide Rule 55 (32) of MCE) Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power Full Power 24. To sanction the purchase of topor sheets and maps for use in offices (vide Rule 55(37) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 25. To permit in special circumstances the remittance at the expense of Government of pay, travelling allowance and Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 79 contingencies of Government servants employed out of way places even when the M.O. commission exceeds the travelling allowance payable to a peon (vide Rule 55(39)(b) of MCE) 26. To sanction the hiring of private building including lands for departmental use in consultation with the House Rent Controller (if there is one) or the Executive Engineer of the Division (vide Rule 55(46) of MCE) Rs. 7500 each case per month Rs. 3000 each case per month Rs. 2000 each case per month Rs. 1000 each case per month 27. To sanction local purchase of stationery articles in offices (vide Rule 55(48) of MCE) Rs. 5000 each time and Rs. 100000 per annum Rs. 2000 each time and Rs. 20000 per annum Rs. 1000 each time and Rs. 10000 per annum Rs. 300 each time and Rs. 3000 per annum Rs. 100 each time and Rs. 500 per annum 28. To sanction charges for shifting telephone from one office building to another (vide Rule 55(53) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 29. Sanction repairs of Government tents (vide Rule 55(54) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 30. To sanction repairs to typewriters including duplicators of Offices vide Rule 55(56) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Rs. 500 each machine per annum Rs. 250 each machine per annum Rs. 150 each machine per annum 31. To sanction expenditure for participating in Dasara Exhibition or other similar important State Exhibitions, within the State Rs. 25000 per annum Rs. 7500 per annum Rs. 5000 per annum Rs. 2000 per annum - 32. To sanction expenditure for participating in Dist. and other exhibitions within the State. Rs. 25000 per annum Rs. 7500 per annum Rs. 5000 per annum Rs. 2000 per annum - 33. To sanction charges in connection with the publications of hand books and leaflets Full Power Full Power Rs. 1000 each case Rs.500 each case Rs. 250 each case 34. To sanction refund of wrong or excess credits provided (vide Article 142 of KFC) i) Each claim is supported by Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 80 treasury certificate or original credit and its non-payments ii) The claim is preferred within 3 years of original credits iii) it is clearly established that it was a case of wrong or excees credits. 35. To authorise subordinate Government servants to proceed on duty beyond the limits of their charges but within the State (vide Rule 16(a) of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 36. To authorise subordinate Government servants to proceed on duty beyond the limits of their charges outside the State within India (vide Rule 16(b) of KCSRs). 1. Non- gazetted Full Powers 2. Gazetted 15 days 15 days in case of non- gazetted 15 days in case of non- gazetted - - 37. To sanction the acceptance of remuneration by Government servants under their control for work as examiners for various examinations conducted by Government Depart- ments or bodies set up by Government or Universities within the State in accordance with the scales sanctioned (vide Rule 20(d) of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 38. To sanction the acceptance of fees by Government servants under their control from a private person, a private body or a public body whose funds are administered by Government when not covered by any rules, special or local law or orders of Government (vide Rule 28 and 29 of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers (NGOs) Full Powers (NGOs) - - 81 39. To sanction in-charge arrangements in posts which are vacant on the incumbents of which are absentees and the filling up of which requires the sanction of a higher authority (vide Rule 32, 68, 192 and 196 of KCSRs): Government servants who are in the scale of pay of: (i) Rs. 2200-4070 and above (ii) Rs. 1720-3170 and above but below Rs.2200-4070 (iii) Rs.780-1040 and above but below Rs.1720-3170 4 Months 6 Months Full Powers 3 Months 4 Months Full Powers 2 Months 3 Months Full Powers - 2 Months Full Powers - - Full Powers 40. To sanction the extension of joining time to subordinate non – gazetted govt. servants (vide Rule 82 of KCSRs) upto 15 days Upto 15 days - - - 41. To sanction maternity leave to married female Government servants (vide Rule 135 of KCSRs) (i) Gazetted (ii) Non-Gazetted Full Powers - do - Full Powers - do - Full Powers - do - Full Powers - do - Full Powers 42. Sanction of leave other than special disability leave to sub-ordinate Government servants (vide Rule 192 and 196 of KCSRs):- Government servants who are in the scale of pay of:- (i) Rs. 2200-4070 and above (ii) Rs. 1720-3170 and above but beow Rs.2200-4070 (iii) Rs. 780-1040 and above but below Rs.1720-3170 Note:- The powers to sanction leave as above includes the powers to Full Powers 4 Months 6 Months Full Powers Full Powers 3 Months 4 Months Full Powers Full Powers 2 Months 3 Months Full Powers Full Powers - 2 Months Full Powers Full Powers - - Full Powers 82 sanction leave preparatory to retirement but does not include the power to refuse earned leave applied for as leave preparatory to retirement 43. Sanction of encashment of earned leave once in block period of two years in accordance with Rule 118 of KCSRs Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 44. Encashment of earned leave at the time of retirement or at the time of death while in service in accordance with rule 118(A) of KCSRs. Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 45. To sanction disbursement to subordinate non- gazetted Government servants of arrears of leave salary arising as a result of the sanction or commutation of leave more than one year from the date of relief (vide Rule 198 of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 46. To order the retirement on invalid pension of non-gazetted Government servants appointed by them or by a lower authority, who by bodily or mental infirmity are permanently incapacitated from the public service (vide Rule 273 of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers - - 47. To sanction in exceptional cases, road metreage both ways for road journeys made by subordinate Government servants between places connected by rail vide (Rule 462 (h) of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers - - - 48. To sanction daily allowance for halts on tour exceeding 10 days at a place to subordinate Government Servants (vide Rule 516 of KCSRs) (1) 30 days in the case of Gazetted Officers (2) 90 days in the (1) 20 days in the case of Gazetted Officers (2) 60 days in the (1) 15 days in the case of Gazetted Officers (2) 30 days in the - - 83 case of non- gazetted Officers case of non- Gazetted Officers case of non- Gazetted Officers 49. To allow subordinate Government servants on transfer, the actual cost of transort by rail or other craft or their, conveyance at owner's risk (vide Rule 532 (3) (A) (1) (4) (2) of KCSRs) Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 50. To accord administrative approval to works to be executed by the public works department against funds provided in the Budget. Note: In the case of major works estimated to cost Rs. one lakh and above, the powers approved to only works for which there is specific provision in the Budget Rs. 10 lakhs each work Rs. 2 lakhs each work Rs. 2 lakhs each work Rs. 50000 each work - 51. To order the casual and emergent purchase of stores which should normally be purchased through the Stores Purchase Department without reference to the Stores Purchase Department. Rs. 20000 each time subject to Rs. 1 lakh per anum - - - - 52. To accept tenders for purchase of stores ordered directly by the Departments. (a) Where the lowest tender is accepted and the prescribed terms of tenders are followed (b) In other cases Full Powers Rs. 50000 each case Rs. 100000 each case Rs. 15000 each case Rs. 25000 each case Rs. 2500 each case - - - - 53. (a) Major overhauls of vehicles (Rules 55 40(A) (3) (b) of MCE) (b) Minor overhauls of Vehicles (Rule 55 (40) (A) (3) (c) of MCE) Full Powers Full Powers Rs. 6000 per heavy vehicle and Rs.3000 per light vehicle each time Rs. 4000 per heavy vehicle and Rs.2500 per light vehicle Rs. 3000 per heavy vehicle and Rs.2000 per light vehicle each time Rs. 2000 per heavy vehicle and Rs.1000 per light vehicle - - 84 (c) Petty repairs including replacement of missing or worn out parts except tyres and tubes (Rule 55 (40) (A) (3) (d) of MCE) Full Powers each time Rs. 5000 per annum per heavy vehicle and Rs.3000 per annum per light vehicle each time Rs. 2000 per annum per heavy vehicle and Rs.1500 per annum per light vehicle 54. Rule 55(42) of MCE states that Government prescribe from time to time, the periodicals and journals to be subscribed for by each Department. "News papers" is an essential item for all offices. In the scheme of decentralisations of powers it is best left to the heads of Departments to prescribe the news papers and journals to be subscribed by the heads of offices under his control and by his own office. The following guidelines are laid down. The Heads of Departments are empowered to prescribe the newspapers and periodicals to be subscribed by head of offices of various ranks under their control in field offices and as well as to their office. The Head of the Department shall not subscribe to more than two news papers/periodicals to their own office and one news paper / periodical to each subordinate offices. The supply of news papers and periodicals as specified above shall be restricted to only Heads of Offices and the Officers who are not heads of Offices shall not be entitled to get news papers/ periodicals. K.R. Nijalingappa, Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Investment). ts:r:t · t:rc ·c. t::¯ ll¯ ..·. º) ·. ! t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc t ..c, 85 .c/-oc., :.:ct ·-:-º+. ·.:o.c .±c... ·t:=c t:c.../-.. -¬:¬tc./-.. ..¬ .: .¬:.c../-. :¬=.·.¬ :cc..c..:. c¬ ¬c t o.·=/-. .:/¬.·.. -..¬.. ¯.¬.¬ ./ . ¯¬.=:.:.c..¬ :.:ct l!-¯-ºl, ¯)-º-ºl, !+-º-º! ¬.:. ¯-l)-º¯c ·¬. ·c.c.. ·.:o.c/- t¬ /¬ .. · -c...:: ·¬c ·.:o.c/- . ·t:=c t:c.../-. t:c..=¯¬=.·..c.¬ -¬:¬tc./-/ ..¬ .:.¬:.c../-. :¬=.·.c.¬ c¬¬c :cc..c..:. to.·.=/-. .:/¬ .·.. -..¬.. ¯.¬.¬ ./ ¯¬=.:.:.c..:c¬ -¬:¬tc./-. -.=/ -.. c¬:¯·..tc¬. ¬:/o -..¬ ..c.... ¬¬c....tc¬. ·o.·¬ ¬ c:.. ¬.:¬=.· :.. ¬..c¬ = t-tc¬ ¬c:./-/o-¬.· t:c... .¬.:·tc./- .. c..:¬¬. c..c.. ·t:=c¬¯¬=.: .:.c..¬ ¬.:.c¬ ::=t ¬oc:..¬ c¬¬c :cc..c..:. to.·=.. .:/¬.· .. -..¬.. ¯.¬.¬ -:t:c¬.. :c..: t:c.../- .¯¬:.c./ -/ ¬/:=:.·c:^¬. l. -¬:¬tc./-. t¯¬ :¬. ¬¬=/- ·:: ·.¬c.... ¬oc¸·c..t.. !. -¬:¬tc./-. . ·:¬¬:¬ ¬. ..·/ -¬ ¬: ¬.¬ :¬: c:/-. ¬.:: c¬¬c to.·=.. .:/¬ .·.. ¯c.o..·.¬¬.. t:c... ¬:c ¬¬÷./ -/ :oc¬cc..:/.:c¬.. ¯. .. .¬.:·tc. .:/¬ .·.¬ .c¬. c¬ ¬c to.·=/o ¬.:. :.oc¬. c¬ ¬c to.·=/o t¯¬ .c¬. ¬¬=¬ -c:c.c..t.. +. .¬.:·tc ¯c.o...:.c¬ ¬c.t: t.· t:c. .=/-/ t:c... ¬¸.c:. t.· t:c..=/-/ ¬tc..:/.¬:.¬c..¬. . ¬:c:.¬:.c. ¬../c¬:/ ¯c.o..·.¬ .¬.. ·o.·c.¬ ¬c:./-.. ..c:· t¬. t¸/oc¬. ·c.c¬¬. t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c./-. ¬¸c..-t .¬:.:cc:^c.:: cc. -c:¬.. ·¬ .-c..¬.·c:^¬. t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc.. ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.: tc./-/ t.¬ -:t:c ¬::c.o... t.c:.-:¬.:. :cc:õc. l) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. :.-!-c...:·-··, :.:ct ¯)-l-··. !) -c ·t:=c ¬: ·c. .·:-+)-:..-º¯, :.:ct !¯-¯-º¯ t:c... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc. -¬cc¬. ±·::s. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct ¯)-l-··c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. ¯¬=.:tc., ¬÷.¬c ¯¬ =.:tc. ¬.:. .c. ¯¬=.:tc. /-/ =/:/c. t.¬:c¬. -:t:c ¬::c.o...c.. :¬.:¬.. ¬oc.·¬., ·¬c :¬.: t ¬..c¬.¬ctc..:^ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-/o · ¬ t.¬:c¬. -:t:c ¬::c.o... ¯.¬.¬¬. -/:¬c¬. ·t:=c¬ ¯¬ =c·¬. :¬c .¬ .:¬..c¬c c:.¬ ¬oc ¬oc¬ .c/-c¬ :c:.c.. .-tcc . ·~ ¬.. ·.¬: .¬c../-/ t.c¬ t..c/ .c.¬¬., -¬¬:... · .·.¬¬., ::::/-.. :¬c...¬¬. :^c.:¬. = ..cc... = t-tc¬c: :¬.:·c:^¬. oc:t ·c:. ¬2-Is1-2.¬-ºã, ocr=nc., Os:ct :ºs: :.: Iºº( ¬·:¬.c... .¬c·c:¬ ..cc... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-/ = t-tc¬ -:t:c ¬::c.o...c... . = to¬c. ::c/ .c.¬ c: :¬.:·c:^¬ l. ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .¬.-¯-..¬.-ºl :.:ct l:-º-ºlc .../o-¬.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- ·. c:/ ·c.c:·¬c:, ¬c..:~ .:, ·/:¬. ¬c..:~ . : (¬÷...·), c: :¬:c¬ ¬c..:~ .: (.c...·.) ¬.:. ¬¸¬-.c.. ¬÷¬ ¬.c.¬:¬. .../-.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬¬.. ·¬c .¬.:/ -/ ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-.. ¯c..c:¬::t:c/ -c¬. . :.·c:^¬. !. -·:¬ :c ~ c:c.... ¬oc:.¬.· ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- ·. c:/ ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .¬. l¯ .·:c. º+ :.:ct !l-º-º+c .../o-¬.. ¬:/ o t.:=.t 86 .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬.¬ .c... .:·c:¬ ¬c./o-¬.. .c: .¬¬:¬ c:c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬¬.. :¬c. -¬: ...c¬ ¬tc ~/-. .:.¬ ¬-.=. c: (Special Disability Leave) -c:¬ ¬ tc~/-.. ·t:=c¬ ¬.c.oc:./:^ t- ..·.¬¬.. ¯. t.:=.t ::=t ·c.: -.=tc !)(.) -.c... ¬¬:¬:¬c: ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c... ¬::c-:c.¬ ·. c:/ (·¬.o¬ · ¬.:. .) ·c.c:·¬c: ): (:c.) ¬¬=/- -¬:/ ...c¬c: .c: t.¬../- ¬..c .-c. ¬..: ¬.:¬.¬¬.. +. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c... /o¬-. -:t:c/-/ t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬.¬ -.c... ¬c./-/o-¬.. ¬.:c .:c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬¬.. ·¬c .¬.:t -.:.·.¬c: ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tc.. ¬.c.. ¬..¬ -:t:c/-c¬. . :.· c:^¬. ¯. .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c... .c: ¬/ =¬ ·. c:/ t.:=.t .:/c.t ·.¬: ¯c..¬.¬ -.c.... c: ¬.c.oc:.c.. ¬c./o-¬.. , ¬:/o t:.t:.t ·t:=c¬ ¯.¬.¬ ·o÷.c.. .../o-¬.. .c: .¬¬:¬ c:c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬¬ .. = .¬.:t:^ ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬=.:tc.. ¬.c.. ¬..¬ -:t:c/-c¬. .:.·c:^¬. -¬c. -¬: ...c¬ ¬tc~/ -., .:.¬ ¬-.=. c: :¬/-.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬.=:tc. ·¬.¬ =cc.¬:.. :. .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../ - 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FINANCE SECRETARIAT Subject:- General Delegation of common Financial Powers to Heads of Departments and Others-review of notifying the officers of Government Departments for exercising the powers at Divisional / District / Sub-Divisional / Taluk levels. Read:- G.O.No. FD 7 TFP 91, dated 16 th September 1991. Preamble: In response to para 6 of Government Order No. FD 7 TFP 91, dated 16 th September 1991 some of the Heads of Departments have intimated the designations of the officers under them who will exercise the powers of Divisional/District/Sub-divisional/Taluk level officers as delegated by aforesaid Government Order. G.O. No. FD 2 TFP 98, Bangalore, Dated 17-5-1999 Government are pleased to notify the officers of Government Departments as in the Annexure to this Government Order, who would exercise the common financial powers delegated by Government Order No. FD 7 TFP 91 dated 16 th September 1991 at the Head of the Departments/ Divisional/District/Sub-divisional/Taluk levels of their respective Departments with immediate effect. 2. Other Heads of Departments, which are not covered in this Government orders, as requested to furnish information immediately to the Finance Department. 3. This Order is only for exercise of financial / administrative powers and does not bestow any equality of administrative status of officers among different departments. 4. If any post is abolished / upgraded / downgraded, the department should immediately inform F.D. for suitable amendment. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, ARVIND SHRIVASTAVA Deputy Secretary to Government (B & R), Finance Department. 89 ANNEXURE TO G.O. No. FD 7 TFP 91 BANGALORE, DATED 16th SEPTEMBER 1991 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 DPAR Director, ATI, Mysore Joint Directors of ATI, Mysore 1. Deputy Directors 2. Principals of DTI's Director General, Bureau of Investigation Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore. a) Inspector General of Police, (Admn.) Bureau of Investigation Karnataka Bangalore. a) S.P. of Police (SE & A) Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore. a) Dy. S.P.-I, Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore City Division, Bangalore. b) Inspector General of Police – wing,` Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore. b) S.P. of Police Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore City Division, Bangalore b) Dy. S.P.-II, Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore City Division, Bangalore. c) S.P. of Police Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore Division. c) Dy. S.P. (Spl. Cell), Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore City Division, Bangalore d) S.P. of Police, Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Mysore Division, Mysore d) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore Division. e) S.P. of Police, Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Belgaum Division, Belgaum e) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Chitradurga. 90 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer DPAR f) S.P. of Police, Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Gulbarga Division, Gulbarga. f) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Mysore. g) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Mangalore. h) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Gulbarga. i) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bellary j) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Belgaum k) Dy. S.P. Bureau of Investigation, Karnataka Lokayukta, Dharwad DPAR Registrar, General High Court of Karnataka (Judicial Department) 1. District and Sessions Judge. 2. Principal Judge City Civil and 1. Civil Judge & CJM. 2. Civil Judge and JMFC. 3. Chief Metropolitan Magistrate. 1. Munisff. 2. Munisffs & JMFC 3. JMFC 4. Metropolitan Magistrate. Nil 91 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Sessions Judge. 3. Chief Judge, Court of Small Causes. 4. Principal Judge, Family Court, Bangalore City. Agriculture and Horticulture Department *1) The Commissioner for Agriculture - 1) Joint Director of Agriculture wherever his jurisdiction is a district. Deputy Directors of Agriculture wherever his jurisdiction is a sub- division/part of a district. 1. All Assistant Directors of Agriculture (Jr-Class-I) in all Taluks under Agricultural Extension Projects. 2) The Director of Agriculture - 2) Other officers of equivalent status incharge of Training Centre of Department 2. Agriculture officers (Class II) incharge of School/Farms / Soil Testing Laboratories 3) Director of Horticulture Joint Director (wherever the jurisdiction is a division) 1) Joint Director (Head Quarters) 1. Assistant Director Horticulture 2) Deputy Director of Horticulture 2. Sr. Asst. Director Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department Director of Husbandry and Veterinary Services Bangalore. Joint Director Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service (4 divisions) Deputy Director – Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. 1) Joint Director SFDA 2) Regional Deputy Directors Assistant Directors, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services 92 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 3) Project Officers 4) Superintend ent, Large Scale Sheep Breeding Farm, Chellakere. (Hospital/ Field). Director of Fisheries 1) Joint Director working as Co-ordinator (Malpe) 1) Senior Asst. Director of Fisheries, Incharge of Districts (ZPs) 1) Assistant Director of Fisheries Grade-II. 2) Joint Director of Fisheries (HQs). 2) Deputy Director of Fisheries. 2) Assistant Director of Fisheries Grade I & Grade II, Incharge of Reservoirs/far ms. 3) Assistant Director of Fisheries (Grade-I) Incharge of Districts. (Bidar & Chikamagalur) 3) Assistant Director of Fisheries Grade II (C & T) / Survey (Training) Technology. 4) Curator, Government Aquarium, Bangalore. Commerce and Industries Department * a) Commissioner for Industrial Development & Director of Industries and Commerce. 1) Joint Directors 1) Deputy Director (KVI) (ZPs) 1) Assistant Director of Taluks. b) Addl. Director I & C 2) Deputy Director Chamarajendra Technical Institute, Mysore. 2) Industrial Promotional Officers of Taluk. 93 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 3)Super- intendents of Taluk. 4) Agricultural Development Officer, Bangalore and Madikeri. Director of Sericulture 1) Joint Director of Sericulture 1) Deputy Director of Sericulture (ZPs & State Sector) 1) Asst. Director of Sericulture. (ZPs/ State Sector) 2) Project Engineer (Engg. Cell) 2) Principal Sericulture Training School. 3) Silk Market Officer, Silk Exchange, Bangalore. 3) All Executive Engineers (Engg-Cell) Director of Mines & Geology. 1) Joint Director, Bellary and Mysore Regional Office. 1) Senior Geologist. 2) Geologist. Handloom and Textile Department Commissioner of Textile Joint Director, Handloom & Textile, Central Office. Deputy Directors (Handloom and Textile) of Mysore, Dharwad, Belgam, Gulbarga, Bijapura, Chitradurga and Bangalore (Rural) Districts Nil Nil 94 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Assistant Directors (Handloom & Textiles) of Bellary, Bidar, Chikmagalur, South Kanara, Hassan, Kolar, Mandya, Kodagu, North Kanara, Shimoga, Tumkur Districts Co- operation Department Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Bangalore. Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies Divisions and JRC's of Head of Office. Deputy Registrar of Co- operative Society in the Districts. Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Society Sub- Division & other equivalent officers. Nil Director of Co- operative Audit in Karnataka. Joint Director of Co-operative Audit. Deputy Directors of Co- operative Audit. Asst. Chief Auditors of Co-operative Societies. Marketing Department 1) Joint Chief Marketing Officers Executive Engineers 1) D.M.O. 2) Chief Auditor, Marketing, Bangalore. 2) Spl. Auditors Audit Cell (Marketing) 3) A.E.E. 4) Technical Assistants including Personal Assistants. 5) Assistant Project Managers World Food Programme. Education Department Commissioner of Public Instructions. Joint Directors of Public Instructions. Deputy Director of Public Instructions. -- 1) Head Masters of Govt. High School. 95 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Director of Technical Education. I) Joint Directors of Technical Education. -- -- 2) Assistant Educational Officers. 3)Superintend ent /Teacher Training Institute. II) Principals of Engineering Colleges (BDT) College of Engineering, Davangere and S.K.S.J.T. Institute S.J. (Govt. Polytechniqu e), Bangalore. Principals of Polytechnics and other Institutions and all Assistant Administrative Officers, Assistant Directors. --- Principals of Junior Technical Schools. Administrati ve Officers of DTE. Director of Libraries. --- --- --- Chief Librarians of Districts and City Central Libraries. Director of Vocational Education. --- Deputy Directors of Vocational Education, Bangalore, Shimoga, Raichur, Dharwad and Mangalore. --- --- Director of Printing Stationery and Publications, Bangalore. Joint Director 1) Senior Deputy Director, Deputy Director (Tech.) in case of Government Branch Presses. 96 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 2) Deputy Director- Technical/Non- Technical Government Central Press and Sub-urban Presses, Bangalore. -- Assistant Director /Technical/N on- Technical Govt. Central and Suburban Central Press, Bangalore & Govt. Text Book Press, Mysore. Asst. Director in case of Government Branch Presses. ED contd. Director of Mass Education, Bangalore. --- --- District Audit Education Officer. Project Officer of Adult Education. Director of Collegiate Education. Regional Deputy Directors. Principals of Government Colleges. --- --- Energy Department Chief Electrical Inspector to Government. 1) Electrical Inspector Bangalore Division. Deputy Electrical Inspector of each Sub- Divisions. --- Asst. Electrical Inspectors (Independent) 2) Electrical Inspector Shimoga Division. 3) Electrical Inspector Dharwad Division. 4) Electrical Inspector Gulbarga. Finance Department Department of State Accounts Controller --- I. Assistant Controllers of Accounts. --- --- II. 1) Government Auditor University of Mysore, Mysore. 97 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 2) Government Auditor Bangalore University Bangalore. 3) Government Auditor, University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore. FD contd. 4) Government Auditor, University of Karnataka, Dharwad. 5) Chief Accounts Officer, Upper Krishna Project, Krishnapur, Gulbarga. 6) CAO, Ghataprabha Project, Hidkal, Belgaum District. 7) Accounts Officer/ Branch Accounts Officers, Upper Krishna Project, Bijapur District. 8) Assistant Controller, Special Circle, Bangalore. Director of Treasuries -- Joint Directors/Depu ty Directors incharge of Treasuries and the District Treasury Officers incharge of Treasuries. -- Gazetted Sub- Tresury Officers and the Sub- Treasury Officers incharge of Sub- Treasuries. 98 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Director of KGID All Deputy Directors All Asst. Directors and District Insurance Officers. -- -- FD contd. Director of Small Savngs All Deputy Directors (7 Divisions excluding 3 at HQs) All Asst. Directors of Districts. -- -- Commissioner of Commercial taxes Joint Commissioner 1) Deputy Commissioner CT (HQRS) Asst. Commissioner of CT (Assessments) Asst. Commercial Tax-Officers. 2) Deputy Commissioner of CT (Admn.) Asst. Commissioner of CT (Appeals) 3) Deputy Commissioner (Intelligence) 4) Addl. Deputy Commissioner of CT (Appeals) 5) Deputy Commissioner (Appeals) Commissioner of Excise Divisional Level Officer Addl. Commissione rs Deputy Commissioner (Excise) of Districts Superintende nts of Excise Deputy Superintende nt of Excise Deputy Commissioner of Districts (Revenue) 1) Joint Commissioner of Excise (Admn. & Hars) 2) Joint Commissioner of Excise (Distilleries & Breweries) 99 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer FD contd. 3) Joint Commissioner of Excise (enforcement and Inspection) 4) Joint Commissioner of Excise (State E.I.B.) Food and Civil Supplies Department Director of Food and Civil Supplies Chief Accounts Officer JD (Acs) and JD (PDS) -- Food Assistant to Deputy Commissioner -- Legal Metrology Deputy Controllers -- Assistant Controllers -- Forest, Ecology and Environmen tal Department * Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Conservator of Forests Deputy Conservator of Forests (Group A Senior) Assistant Conservator of Forests (Group-A) Range Forest Officers (Group-B) Health and Family Welfare Department Director of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy -- 1) Deputy Directors 1) Administrativ e Officers Head Office/ A/cs Officers 1) Lay Secretaries/ Gazetted Asst. 2) Deputy Director, Government Central Pharmacy, Jayanagar Bangalore. 2) Physician Grade-I Yoga and Naturopathy 2) Physician grade II of Government Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy Hospitals. 3) Principals of Colleges and attached Hospitals 3) Physician Grade-I of Government Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy Hospitals. 100 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer H & F W contd. 1) * Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare 2) Director of Health & Family Welfare Services. 3) D.M.E. Joint Directors / Administrati ve Officer Deputy Director/ District Health & Family Welfare Officers/ Dist. Surgeon. Assistant District Health & Family Welfare Officer/ Health Officer (Class I Junior) Incharge of Institutions. Taluk Level Medical Officers/ Sr. Medical Officer/Specia list/ Dy. Medical Officer, Dist. Health Laboratory/ Medical Officers. Addl. Dir. (MCH & FW) Addl. Dir. Aids/Addl. Dir. Project/CMD /Addl. Dir K.H.S.D.P. Dvsl.JDs/Pri ncipals of Medical & Dental Colleges Chief Admn. Officer/Dir Min. to Rural Institute of Opthalmology. Medical Officers/ Superintende nts incharge of Institutions, Principals of Health and Family Welfare Training Centres/ Assistant Administrativ e Officers/ Superintende nts of non- Teaching Hospitals. Drug Controller, Dept. of Drugs Control. Principal, Government College of Pharmacy, Bangalore/D y. Drugs Controller. Asst. Drug Controllers. -- Drugs Inspectors incharge of Dist. Offices. Home Department 1) Director General and Inspector General of Police. 1) Superintendent of Police. 1) The Dy. Supts of Police of all Districts. HD contd. 2) Director General of Police (Crime & Training) 2) Additional S.P. 2) Asst. Commissioner s of Police in Bangalore, Mysore, Hubli- Dharwad Cities and other equal rank officers in Police The Circle Inspectors of Police who are incharge of circles in Districts and Cities. 101 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Department. 3) Additional Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police. -- 3) Director FSL and FPG. 4) Commissioner of Traffic and Road Safety. -- 4) Deputy Commissioners in Cities in Bangalore, Mysore and Hubli-Dharwad. 5) Commissioner of Police Bangalore, Mysore and Hubli- Dharwad Cities. -- 5) Asst. Inspector General of Police in Chief Office. 6) Range Deputy Inspector General of Police. 6) Principals, Police Training Institution of Channapatna KSRP and other Rank Officers in the Police Department. HD contd. 7) Other Deputy Inspector General of Police (in Chief Office COD in the office of the DGP and CP Bangalore City and in the Office of the IGP (Intelligence) and in Training Institution & other units. HD contd. 2) Director General of Police and Commandant General Home Senior Staff Officers- cum-Deputy Commandant General (HG) 102 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Guards. & Ex-Officio Deputy Director Civil Defence. 3) Director of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement. -- Deputy Directors excepting powers 2, 4, 7, 12 and 46. 4) The Director, Karnataka Fire Services. -- Deputy Director (ADM) 5) Commissioner of Transport. Joint Commissioner of Transport. RTO of Districts. Deputy Commissioner of Transport. Assistant Regional Transport Officers. ITY Dept. Director Information & Publicity. 1) Jt. Director (HQs) All District Information & Publicity Officers. 1) All Assistant Directors of the Sub- divisions of the State for Information. -- 2) Jt. Dir. South Region Mysore North Region, Belgaum. 2) Asst. Director of State Information Centre, Bangalore. ITY Dept. contd. 3) Deputy Director, Bangalore Division. 3) Asst. Director of State Information Centre Hubli. 4) Deputy Director, Mysore Division. 5) Deputy Director, Belgaum Division. 103 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 6) Deputy Director, Gulbarga Division. 7) Deputy Director, Karnataka Information Centre, New Delhi. Principal, Govt. Flying Training School, Bangalore. -- -- -- -- Director, Tourism -- Deputy Directors (Mysore/Bangal ore) -- Assistant Directors Commissioner, Department of Youth Services & Sports. Joint Directors. Deputy Director Gulbarga & Bangalore (R) Dist. Youth Service and Sports Officer. Deputy Director General NCC Directorate (Karnataka & Goa) Bangalore. Group Commander NCC Group HQs Commanding Officer NCC Units. ITY cond. (Director of Tourism) Commissioner & Director of Tourism. Deputy Directors. Asst. Directors/Touri st Officers where Asst. Director's post are not there in the Dist. Director of Youth Services and Sports. Deputy Directors District Youth Service and Sports Officers of all Districts. Irrigation Department Chief Engineer WRDD, Bangalore. Superintendi ng Engineers. Executive Engineers. -- Assistant Executive Engineers. 104 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Chief Engineers Irrigation (South) Mysore Zone. All Superintendi ng Engineers of Irrigation (South) Zone. All Executive Engineers of Irrigation (South) Zone. -- All Assistant Executive Engineers of Irrigation (South) Zone. Administrator CADA UKP Bheemarayang udi 1) Land Development Officer (Engg) 1) Deputy Director of Agriculture 1) Executive Engineer 1) Asst. Executive Engineer. 2) Land Development Officer (Agri) 2) Senior Geologist GWSU - 2) Agricultural Officer 3) Land Development Officer (WDP) - - 3) Assistant Director of Agriculture 4) Land Development Officer (Co- operation) - - - Chief Engineer ID UKP Almatti Superintendi ng Engineers Executive Engineers Assistant Executive Engineers. -- Irrigation Department contd. Chief Engineers ID Irrigation (North) Belgaum. Superintendi ng Engineers 1) Executive Engineers 1) Assistant Executive Engineers -- 2) Project Director World Food Programme, Bagalkot. 2) Assistant Project Director. CE, MI (North) SEs EEs W.F.P. AEEs CE, MI (South) SEs EEs AEEs CE, CMO Bangalore SEs EEs AEEs Labour Department 1) Commissioner of Labour 1) Addl. Labour Commissioner 2) Joint Labour Commissioner Deputy Labour Commissioner Assistant Labour Commissioner -- 2) Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers - 1) Joint Chief Inspector of Factories & Boilers 1) Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories 1) Senior Inspector of Factories 105 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 2) Deputy Chief Inspector of Boilers 2) Senior Inspector of Boilers 3) Inspector of Factories 4) Inspector of Boilers 5) H.Q. Assistant Labour Department contd. 3) Director of Employment and Training. Additional / Joint Director of Employment & Training. 1) Deputy Directors of Directorate. Planning, Institutional Finance, Science and Technology Department. Director, Bureau of Economics and Statistics. 1) Administrati ve Officer Head Office, DES, Bangalore. District Statistical Officers of all Districts. -- -- 2) Joint Director of Agricultural Census, Head Office of DES Bangalore. P.W.D. 1) Chief Engineers PWD Communication and Buildings. Superintendi ng Engineers. Executive Engineers of Division. -- Assistant Executive Engineers. 2) Chief Engineers National Highways Bangalore. Superintendi ng Engineers of National Highways Circle. Executive Engineers of National Highways Division. -- Assistant Executive Engineers of National Highways Sub-Division. 3) Chief Architect P.W.D. Offices -- Deputy Architect, Dharwad. -- -- 106 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 4) Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport. 1) Port Officer, Mangalore. 2) Port Officer, Kundapur. 3) Port Officer, Honavar. 4) Port Officer, Karwar. 5) Port Engineer, Mangalore. 6) Port Engineer, Karwar. 7) Marine Engineer, Karwar. 8) Deputy Director IWT, Karwar. Regional Executive Officer, Bangalore. -- -- Revenue Department 1) Divisional Commissioner s of 4 Revenue Division of the State. 2) Deputy Commissioner s of all Districts. 1) Asst. Commissioner 1) Tahsildars - 2) Spl. Asst. Commissioner for Land Reforms. 2) Spl. Tahsildars. - 3) Spl. Land Acquisition Officers. 3) Addl. Spl. Tahsildar. 4) Headquarters Assistant to Deputy Commissioner 107 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer RD contd. 5) District Development Assistant to Deputy Commissioner. 6) Addl. Special Asst. Commissioner for IRF. Department of Religious and Charitable Endowments. -- -- 1) Asst. Commissioner of Sub Divisions old Mysore Area. 1) Tahsildar of old Mysore- Hyderabad Area. 2) Assistant Commissioner HR & CE Mangalore / Bellary & Mysore. 2) Muzrai Assistant to Muzrai Works, Corporation Area, Bangalore. 3) Assistant Commissioner (Charity) Belgaum. 3) Charity Commissioner Belgaum. - - - - 4) Director of Survey Settlement and Land Records. 1) Joint Director of Land Records. 1) D.D.L.R.S. 1) A.D.L.Rs (Exe) - 2) Principal, Survey Settlement Training Institute, Mysore. 2) D.D.L.R. CTS 2) A.D.L.Rs (Adm) - RD contd. 3) J.D.L.R. (Tech) 3) E.Os 4) D.D.L.R. (KAS) 5) D.D.L.R. (Admn) 108 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer 5) Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps in Karnataka. -- 1) Asst. Inspector Genl. of Registration (Head Office Admn.) -- All Sub- Registrars 2) All District Registrars including District Registrars Incharge of Undervaluation of stamps. -- -- Chairman, Karnataka Appellant Tribunal. -- Registrar of Karnataka Appellate Tribunal -- -- RD & PR 1) CEOs/Zilla Panchayats. Superintendi ng Engineers of PHE Circles. 1) Executive Engineers. -- Asst. Executive Engineers of Sub-Division. 2) Chief Engineer P.H.E. 2) E.Es of Zilla Panchayats Engineering Division (World Bank) & Netherlands. Social Welfare Department 1) Director of Social Welfare -- District Social Welfare Officers -- Taluk Social Welfare Officers 2) Director of Backward Class and Minorities. Urban Development Director of Town Planning Joint Director of Town Planning Deputy Director of Town Planning Assistant Director of Town Planning -- 109 Admn. Dept. Name of the Dept. or HOD Divisional level Officer District level Officer Sub- Divisional level Officer Taluk level Officer Women and Child Development Department Director of Women and Child Development 1) Joint Director, WCD Assistant Director of the Districts, including Asst. -- 1) Super- intendents 2) Deputy Director, WCD Director (Administration) at Head Quarters -- 2) Child Devpt. Project officers at Block level under ICDS/IFWS. ARVIND SHRIVASTAVA, Deputy Secretary to Government (B & R), Finance Department. 110 ts:r:t · t:rcc s>:-r = . .±c... ·:¬.:. ..¬ ¯: .:::.c¬ ·:. ¬..c/¬ . :/: -c:t -c.¬. ¬~ ¬:¬·:. ·c.c¬ -:t:c ¬::c.o... ./. ±·::s. ·t:=c .-tcc ·:¬.:. . .¬ ¯: .:::.c¬ ·:. ¬..c/¬ .:/: -c:t -c.¬. ¬~ ¬:¬·:. ·c.c¬ =^c.¬ -:t:c ¬::c.o...c... . ¬c¬c·..tc¬. ¬.¬:c. :c:./-c¬ ...t .c..¬. ·t:=c¬ :¬.. ¬c:..· ¬c¬: -:t:c¬.. ..¬ ¬c:¬ :c:.: -:t:c/-/ ¯.¬.. ¯¬=c·¬. -¬cc: = :¬.:. ·t:rc oc :t ·c:. o¬ 11 :...¯ :ººº, ocr=nc., Os:ct :º-Iº-:ººº ·:¬.:. ..¬ ¯: .:::.c¬ ·:. ¬..c/¬ .:/: :c:t -c.¬. ¬~ ¬:¬·:. ·c.c¬ ..¬ ¬c:¬ :c:.: -:t:c/-/ = t-tc¬c: -:t:c ¬::c.o... c.... ¬c¬c·¬. 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No. FD 4 TFP (2) Bangalore dt: 15.10.1999. 112 Preamble : The question of common financial powers delegated to the Heads of Departments and other departmental officers has been under consideration of Government for some time past. Meanwhile several requests have come from Heads of Departments to enhance delegation of financial powers given to them. This matter was also discussed in the KDP meeting and it has been assured that financial powers of Heads of Departments would also be soon revised. Since the delegation of financial powers have been issued as back as in 1991, and due to escalation of prices, it has become necessary to revise the delegation of financial powers. Accordingly, a review has been undertaken and it is considered necessary to enhance the existing powers in certain items for more functionable flexibility at all level of administration. GOVERNMENT ORDER No: FD 1 TFP 2001, BANGALORE Dt: 2 nd FEBRUARY 2001. 1. After careful consideration Government are pleased to delegate common enhanced financial powers as specified in the annexure to this order to all the Heads of Departments and other departmental officers. 2. Subject to provision para 6 hereunder, these orders are in supersession of the delegation of powers as contained part-III, Manual of Financial Powers 1967 and all orders issued as read above. 3. The exercise of these powers are subject to strict compliance with the directions embodied in part-II of Manual of Financial Powers 1967. 4. No authority can delegate any of the financial powers delegated to them, to any other authority wholly or partly. 5. These orders shall come into force with effect from financial year 2001-2002. 6. The designated officers as per G.O. No. FD 2 TFP 98 dt: 17.5.99 will exercise the powers as specified in the Annexure. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka J. Raghavendrachar Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget-I) ANNEXURE POWERS DELEGATED TO THE HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS VIDE G.O. NO. FD 01 TFP 2001 DT: 2-2-2001. Sl. No. Description of power Heads of Department Divisional level officer District level officer Sub- Divisional level officer Taluk level officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. To sanction arrear claims of subordinate non-gazetted Govt. servant (vide Article 20(a) of KFC) Full powers 6 years each case 3 years each case 3 years each case -- 2. To sanction promotion, permanent or officiating and other arrangements involving alterations in the pay of subordinate non-gazetted Govt. servants, not sanctioned by them within one year from the earliest date on which they could be sanctioned (Vide Article 20(d) of KFC and Rule 20 of KCSRs). 6 years 5 years 5 years 5 years -- 113 3. To sanction payment of arrear claims on account of contingent charges (including supplies and services) TA to non- officials for attending meetings and monthly recurring grant-in-aid not exceeding Rs. 3000 in each case preferred one year after their becoming due (vide Article 21 Note 1 of KFC) 3 years 3 years 3 years -- -- 4. To sanction refunds of revenue including fees, fines etc., admissible under Rules (vide Articles 142 to 144 of KFC) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers -- 5. To declare stores as obsolete, surplus or unserviceable and dispose them of subject to fixing responsibility for the loss where they have become obsolute, surplus or unserviceable owing to negligence or fraud etc., on the part of individual Govt. servants (vide Article 168 of KFC) Full powers Rs. 5000/- each time and Rs. 15000/- p.a. Rs. 3000/- each time and Rs. 10,000/- p.a. Rs. 1000/- each time and Rs. 7000/- p.a. -- 6. To sanction house building, house purchase or house repairs advances to subordinate non-gazetted Government servants (vide Article 216 of KFC) Full powers Full powers -- -- -- 7. To sanction bicycle purchases advances to subordinate non-gazetted, Govt. servants (vide Article 233 of KFC) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 8. To sanction advances to subordinate non-gazetted Govt. Servants for purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/Mopeds Cycle fitted with power packs (vide Article 225(a) of KFC) Full powers subject to budget allotment Full powers subject to budget allotment 9. To sanction writes off of the following subject to quarterly statement of such writes off being submitted to Government in the case of Heads of Departments and to Heads of Depts in other cases for review; i)Values of stores or Rs. 20,000 In each Individual Case & Maximum of Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 5,000 in each Individual Case & Maximum of Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 1,000 In each Individual Case & Maximum of Rs. 114 Government money lost other than by fraud or negligence of individual Government servants ii) Irrecoverable items of departmental revenues. iii) Irrecoverable amounts of loans and advances (vide Article 306 of KFC) p.a. p.a. 10,000/- p.a. 10. To sanction re appropriation from one detailed head of account to another within the same major head in the Departmental budget provided it does not involve. a) A diversion of provision from the plan to non-plan items b) Diversion of provision for scheme eligible for assistance from central Govt. or other institutions to other schemes c) The undertaking of a recurring liability d) An increase in the allotment for secret service expenditure e) Expenditure on a new service f) An increase on an item the provision for which has been specifically reduced by a vote of the legislature. g) From charged item to vote and vice-versa h) Diversion of funds for purposes other than that provided in the Budget (Article 308 to 314 of KFC) Rs. 2,00,000 between two units of appropriation under same major head and within the same demand 11. To prescribe in the case of subordinate staff security for the custody of Government cash or stores and fix the amount in cases not covered by specific provision in the rules of Govt. Order (vide Article 353 of KFC) Full powers -- 12. To sanction permanent advances for contingent expenditure to drawing officers subordinate to them upto the amount advised by the A.G. as appropriate (vide Rule 24 of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 115 13. To sanction expenditure on publication of official advertisement in newspaper (vide Rule 55(I) of MCE) Upto Rs. 20,000 each case Upto Rs. 4,000 each case Upto Rs. 2,000 each case Upto Rs. 600 each case Upto Rs. 200 each case 14. To sanction the employment of unskilled part time menials payable out of contingencies in subordinate offices for a total period not exceeding 3 years vide Note 2 below Rule 7 and 55(2)(b) of MCE) Upto Rs. 600 per month for each employee Upto Rs. 375 per month for each employee Upto Rs. 300 per month for each employee Upto Rs. 225 per month for each employee Upto Rs. 150 per month for each employe e 15. To sanction charges for repairs to office bicycles (vide Rule 55(7) of MCE Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Rs. 50 each time 16. To sanction the purchase of books of reference relating to the special work of particular departments including periodicals like magazines and journals and books for their departmental libraries and for granting prizes, and to sanction the free supply of purchases of Government publications required for reference in offices under their control from the Government book Depot. (vide Rule 55(9) and (45) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Rs. 10,000/- per annum Rs. 1000/- per annum Rs. 250/- per annum 17 To purchases if absolutely necessary for official purposes, Government of India publications and copies of administrative reports and the like issued by corresponding department of other state Governments if they are not supplied free or on exchange basis (vide Rule 55(9)(d) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 18. To sanction the purchase of Furniture (vide Rule 55(11) & 28 of MCE) Rs. 20000 each time & Rs. 2.00 lakh p.a Rs. 5000 each time & Rs. 50000 p.a Rs. 3000 each time & Rs. 30000 p.a Rs. 2000 each time & Rs. 10000 p.a. Rs. 500 each time & Rs. 3000 p.a 19. To sanction the purchase of office equipments Rs. 20000 each time & Rs. 1.00 lakh p.a. Rs. 5000 each time & Rs. 50000 p.a Rs. 3000 each time & Rs. 30000 p.a Rs. 2000 each time & Rs. 10000 p.a. Rs. 500 each time & Rs. 3000 p.a 20. To sanction for conveyance of office records in excess of 11 paise per kilometer in maidan tracts and 16 paise Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 116 per kilometer in malnad tracts according to local circumstances (vide Rule 55(17) of MCE) 21. To sanction charges for section writing i.e. copying manuscript by piece work (vide Rule 55(18) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 22. To sanction repairs of calculators, furniture and other articles of office equipment (vide Rule 55(28) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Rs. 500 each time Rs. 200 each time 23. To sanction charges for insurance on special goods of Government such as mathematical and scientific instruments, articles made of glass and other fragile articles when such insurance is a condition of transport (vide Rule 55(32) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 24. To sanction the purchase of topo-sheets and maps for use in offices (vide Rule 55(37) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 25. To permit in special circumstances the remittance at the expense of Government of pay, travelling allowance and contingencies of Government servants employed out of way places even when the M.O. commission exceeds the travelling allowance payable to a peon (vide Rule 55(39)(b) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 26. To sanction the hiring of private building including lands for departmental use in consultation with the House Rent Controller (if there is one) or the Executive Engineer of the Division (vide Rule 55(46) of MCE) Rs. 10000 each case per month Rs. 4000 each case per month Rs. 2700 each case per month Rs. 1300 each case per month --- 27. To sanction local purchase of stationery articles in offices (vide Rule 55(48) of MCE) Rs. 10000 each time & Rs. 2.00 lakhs per annum Rs. 4000 each time & Rs. 40000 per annum Rs. 2000 each time & Rs. 20000 per annum Rs. 600 each time & Rs. 6000 per annum Rs. 200 each time & Rs. 1000 per annum 28. To sanction charges for shifting telephones from one office building to another Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 117 (vide Rule 55 (53) of MCE) 29. To sanction repairs of Government tents (vide Rule 55(54) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 30. To sanction repairs to typewriters including duplicators of offices (vide Rule 55(56) of MCE.) Full powers Full powers Rs. 500 each machine per annum Rs. 250 each machine per annum Rs. 150 each machine per annum 31. To sanction expenditure for participating in Dasara Exhibition or other similar important state exhibitions, within the State Rs. 25,000/- per annum Rs. 7,500/- per annum Rs. 5,000/- per annum Rs.2,000/- per annum 32 To sanction expenditure for participating in District and other exhibitions within the state Rs. 25,000/- per annum Rs. 7,500/- per annum Rs. 5,000/- per annum Rs.2,000/- per annum 33. To sanction charges in connection with the publications of hand books and leaflets Full powers Full powers Rs. 1000 each case Rs. 500 each case Rs. 350 each case 34. To sanction refund of wrong or excess credits provided (vide Article 142 of KFC) i) Each claim is supported by treasury certificate or original credit and its non- payments ii) The claim is preferred within 3 years of original credits iii) It is clearly established that it was a case of wrong or excess credits. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 35. To authorize subordinate Government servants to proceed on duty beyond the limits of their charges but within the State (vide rule 16(a) of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 36. To authorize subordinate Government servant to proceed on duty beyond the limits of their charges outside the State within India/vide Rule 16(b) of KCSRs) 1 Non gazetted Full powers 2 Gazetted 15 days 15 days in case of non- gazetted 15 days in case of non- gazetted 37. To sanction the acceptance of remuneration by Government servants under their control for work as examiners for various examinations conducted by Government departments or Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 118 bodies set up by Government or Universities within the State in accordance with the scales sanctioned (vide Rule 20(d) of KCSRs) 38. To sanction the acceptance of fees by Government servants under their control from a private person, a private body or a public body whose funds are administered by Government when not covered by any rules, special or local law or orders of Government (vide Rules 28 and 29 of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers (NGOs) Full powers (NGOs) 39. To sanction in-charge arrangements in posts which are vacant or the incumbents of which are absentees and the filling up of which requires the sanction of a higher authority (vide Rule 32,68,192 & 196 of KCSRs) Government servants who are in the scale of pay of: i) Rs. 7400-13120 and above ii) Rs. 5575-10620 and above but below Rs. 7400-13120 iii) Rs. 2500-3850 and above but below Rs. 5575-10620 4 months 6 months Full powers 3 months 4 months Full powers 2 months 3 months Full powers -- 2 months Full powers -- -- Full powers 40. To sanction, the extension of joining time to subordinate non gazetted Government servants (vide Rule 32 of KCSRs) Upto 15 days Upto 15 days 41. To sanction maternity leave to married female Government servants (vide Rule 135 of KCSRs) i) Gazetted ii) Non-gazetted Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 119 42. Sanction of leave other than special disability leave to subordinate Government servants (vide Rule 192 and 196 of KCSRs):- Government servants who are in the scale of pay of:- i) Rs. 7400-13120 & above ii) Rs. 5575-10620 but below Rs. 7400-13120 iii) Rs. 2500-3850 & above but below Rs. 5575-10620 Note: The powers to sanction leave as above includes the powers to sanction leave preparatory to retirement but does not include the power to refuse earned leave applied for as leave preparatory to retirement. 4 months 6 months Full powers 3 months 4 months Full powers 2 months 3 months Full powers 2 months Full powers Full powers 43. Sanction of encashment of earned leave once in block period of two years in accordance with rule 118 of KCSRs Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 44. Encashment of earned leave at the time of retirement or at the time of death while in service in accordance with rule 118(A) of KCSRs Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 45. To sanction disbursement to subordinate non-gazetted Government servants of arrears of leave salary arising as a result of the sanction or communication of leave more than one year from the date of relief (vide rule 198 of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 46. To order the retirement on invalid pension of non- gazetted Govt. servants appointed by them or by a lower authority, who by bodily or mental infirmity are permanently incapacitated from the public service (vide rule 273 of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers Full powers 120 47. To sanction in exceptional cases, road metreage both ways for road journeys made by subordinate Government servants between places connected by rail vide (rule 462 (h) of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers 48. To sanction daily allowance for halts on tour exceeding 10 days at a place to subordinate Government servants (vide rule 516 of KCSRs) i) 30 days in the case of gazetted officers ii) 90 days in the case of non-gazetted officers i) 20 days in the case of gazetted officers ii) 60 days in the case of non- gazetted officers i) 15 days in the case of gazetted officers ii) 30 days in the case of non- gazetted officers 49. To allow subordinate Government servants on transfer, the actual cost of transport by rail or other Craft or their conveyance at owner’s risk (vide rule 532(3)(A) (1)(4)(2) of KCSRs) Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers 50 To accord administrative approval to works to be executed by the public works department against funds provided in the Budget NOTE: In the case of major works estimated to cost Rs. One lakh and above, the powers approved to only works for which there is specific provision in the Budget. Rs. 20.00 lakhs each work Rs. 4.00 lakhs each work Rs. 4.00 lakhs each work Rs. 1.00 lakhs each work --- 51. In order the casual and emergent purchase of stores which should normally be purchased through the Stores Purchase Department without reference to the Stores Purchase Dept. Rs. 20,000/- each time subject to Rs. 1.00 lakh per annum. 52. To accept tenders for purchase of stores ordered directly by the Departments a) Where the lowest tender is accepted and the prescribed terms of tenders are followed: b) in other cases Full powers Rs. 1.00 lakh each case Rs. 25,000/- each case 121 Rs. 50,000/- each case Rs.15,000 /- each case Rs. 2500/- each case 53. a) Major overhauls of vehicles (Rule 55 (40)(A) (3)(b) of MCE) Full powers Rs. 6000/- per heavy vehicle & Rs. 3000/- per light vehicle each time Rs. 3000/- per heavy vehicle & Rs. 2000/- per light vehicle each time. 53 b) Minor overhauls of vehicles (Rule 55(40)(A) (3)(c) of MCE) c) Petty repairs including replacement of missing of worn out parts except tyres and tubes (Rule 55(40)(A)(3)(d) of MCE) Full powers Full powers Rs. 4000/- per heavy vehicle & Rs. 2500/- per light vehicle each time. Rs. 5000/- per annum per heavy vehicle & Rs. 3000/- per annum per light vehicle Rs. 2000/- per heavy vehicle & Rs. 1000/- per light vehicle each time. Rs. 2000/- per annum per heavy vehicle & Rs. 1500/- per annum per light vehicle 54. Rule 55(42) of MCE states that Government prescribe from time to time, the periodicals and journals to be subscribed for by each department. ‘News papers’ is an essential item for all offices. In the scheme of decentralizations of powers it is best left to the heads of Departments to prescribe the news papers and journals to be subscribed by the heads of offices under his control and by his own office. The following guidelines are laid down. The Heads of Departments are empowered to prescribe, the newspapers and periodicals to be subscribed by head of offices of various ranks under their control in field offices and as well as to their office. The Heads of the department shall not subscribe to more than two news papers/periodicals to their own office and one newspaper/periodicals to each subordinate offices. The supply of news papers and periodicals as specified above shall be restricted to only Heads of offices and the officers who are not heads of offices shall not be entitled to get news papers/periodicals. 122 55. The powers have been delegated to the Heads of Department to accord sanction for payment of advance deposits in respect of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ officials and officers for undergoing treatment in the following Hospitals subject to fulfillment of the conditions stipulated in Karnataka Civil Services (Medical Attendence) Rules, 1963; 1) NIMHANS, Bangalore 2) Kidwai Institute of Oncology, Bangalore. 3) Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology, Bangalore rA J. Raghavendrachar Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget-1) ts:r:t ·t:rc t:c:z. ct~ ¬c:: ·c. ··:¯l:.. (·:¬.:.) !))l t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c t..c, -¬t ./:. )¯ ¬:- /-. .c/- oc.-¯:) ))l, :.:ct !l-¯-!))l. ¬:cr. l) .c: · t:=c ¬ ¬ ¬. ¬: = t:c .../ - ¬:c:.¬:.c./ - .. !) .c: ¬:¬.:t t. .c/ - .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-.. :.:sc, .±c.. .- :c:.c.. ¬..:·c./-/ ·:¬ .:. ¬~t:·. ¬ ::c. o..: -:t:c/-.. ¯..c.¬ ./. vc:: .- :.:ct !)-+-!))lc · c. .¬.. º ...¬.· !))) ·t:=c -: ·o÷. . ---- :c:.: ¬..:·c. ¬:/ o :: c -:t:c/-/ ¬ ~t:·. ¬ ::c. o..: -:t:c / -.. ¬c¬c·c.¬ ./ .c ..: ·t:=c -: ·o÷. c... :¬ .:·c:^¬ . ¬ c. ..t :.:ct !)-+- !))lc ·t:=c -:·o÷ .c.... = ¬ :¬oc:/ ./ . ·c:^¬ . · ¬c · t:=c -: ·o÷.c... .¬ c·c.¬ ¬~t:·. ¬ ::c.o..: -:t:c/-/ ·c.c: ·¬c: :¬ . : ¬ . ¬c: ¬. ·ot t¬.t¸/o-. ¬ c: ·o.·c:^¬ . :¬. .c../c.., t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc.. 123 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FD 9 TFC 2000 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated: 20-4-2001. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred under Clause (2) of Article 283 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Karnataka Financial Code, 1958, namely:- 1. Title & Commencement:- These rules may be called the Karnataka Financial Code (V Amendment) Rules 2001. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment to Article 20:- In Article 20 of the Karnataka Financial Code 1958, (hereinafter referred to as said Code):- (1) in Clause (a), after the words “Heads of Department are authorized to sanction the investigation of arrears claims of the Government Servants appointed by them “the words “The Divisional level Officers are authorized to sanction the investigation of arrears claims of Government servants appointed by them which are not six years old in each case. District level officers and sub-divisional level officers are authorized to sanction the investigation claims of Government servants appointed by them which are not three years old in each case” shall be inserted. (2) In Note I of clause (d), the following shall be inserted at the end, namely:- “Divisional Level Officer, District Level Officer and Sub-Divisional Level Officer are empowered to sanction permanent or officiating promotion and other arrangements involving alteration in the pay of subordinate non-Gazetted Government servant within five years from the earliest date on which they could be ordered. They are empowered to sanction investigation into the claims for arrears of increments with one year of the date on which they become payable”. 3. Amendment to Article 21:- In Article 21 of the said Code, in Note 1, after the words “Heads of Departments” the words “Divisional Level Officer and District Level Officer” shall be inserted. 4. Amendment to Article 84A:- In Article 84A of the said Code,- (1) in Note 1, for items 1 to 11 the following items shall be substituted namely:- 1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Assam 3. Bihar 4. Goa, Diu and Daman 5. Gujarath 6. Jammu and Kashmir 7. Kerala 8. Madhya Pradesh 9. Tamil Nadu 10. Maharashtra 11. Nagaland 12. Orissa 13. Punjab 14. Rajasthan 15. Uttara Pradesh and 16. West Bengal (2) in Note 2, after the words “Bihar” the word “Goa, Diu and Daman” shall be inserted. Amendment of Article 84B:- After clause (1) of Article 84B of the said code the following shall be inserted namely:- 124 “(2) The Government servants claiming the benefit of combined service shall be categorized as follows:- (i) Those having been retrenched from the service of Central/State Government secured on their own are employed under State/Central Government either with or without interruption between the date of retirement and date of new appointment. (ii) Those who while holding temporary posts under Central/State Government apply for the posts under State/Central Government through proper channel with proper permission of the administrative authority concerned; (iii) Those while holding temporary posts under Central/State Government apply for the posts under State/Central Government direct without permission of the administrative authority concerned and resigned the previous posts to join the new appointments under Central/State Government. The benefit of combined service may be allowed to the Government Servants in categories (i) and (ii) above. When the employee under category (ii) is required for administrative reasons for satisfying a technical requirement to tender resignation from the temporary post held by him before joining a new appointment, a certificate to the effect that such resignation has been tendered for administrative reasons and/or to satisfy a technical requirement to join with proper permission the new posts may be issued by the authority accepting by resignation. A record of this certificate may also be made in his service book under proper attestation to enable him to get this benefit at the time of retirement. Government servants under category (iii) will not be entitled to count their previous service for pension”. Amendment of Article 142:- For Note 1 of Article 142 of the said Code, the following Note shall be substituted namely:- “Note 1:- Head of Departments, Divisional Level Officers, District Level Officers and Sub- Divisional Level Officer exercise full powers of sanction refunds of revenue”. 7. Amendment of Article 168:- In clause (a) of Article 168 of the said Code, for the words “Heads of Department may declare stores as obsolete, surplus or unserviceable and dispose them upto Rs. 1,000/- each time and Rs. 5,000/- per annum. Joint Director/Controlling Officers may declare Stores to the extent of Rs. 200 each time and Rs. 1,000/- per annum as obsolete, surplus or unserviceable and dispose them of the words “Heads of Departments may declare stores as obsolete, surplus, unserviceable and dispose them of. Divisional Level Officers may declare stores as obsolete, surplus, unserviceable and dispose them of to the extent of Rs. 5000/- each time and Rs. 15000/- per annum. The District level Officer may declare stores as obsolete, surplus, unserviceable and dispose them of to the extent of Rs. 3000/- each time and Rs. 10000/- per annum. The Sub- Divisional Level may declare stores as obsolete, surplus, unserviceable and dispose them of to the extent of Rs. 1000/- each time and Rs. 7000/- per annum”. Shall be substituted. 8. Amendment of Artilce 211:- In Article 211 of the said Code:- (1) in clause (b),- (b) for the figures and words “70 months pay” the figures and words “50 months pay” shall be substituted; (c) in item (i), (ii) and (iii), for the letter and figures “Rs. 3,00,000” the words “Rupees five lakhs” shall be substituted. (2) in clause (c) for the words and figures “40 months pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,20,000” the words and figures “25 months pay subject to a maximum of Rupees two lakhs” shall be substituted. 9. Amendment of Article 216:- In note 2 of Article 216 of the said Code, after the words “Heads of Departments” the words “and Divisional Level Officer” shall be inserted. 10. Substitution of Article 219:- In Article 219 of the said Code, for the words and figures “Rs. 3,500” in two places where they occur the words and figures “Rs. 10,100” shall be substituted. 125 11. Amendment of Article 220:- In clause (a) of Article 220 of the said Code for item (i) and (ii) the following shall be substituted, namely.- “(i) A Government servant, including an officer of the All India Service borne permanently on the State cadres of the IAS/IPS/IFS drawing a pay of Rs. 10,100 or more per month may be granted advance for purchase of motor car as under:- A First Occasion Rs. 1,50,000 or 16 month’s pay or the price of the Car to be purchased, which ever is less. B Second or subsequent Rs. 1,50,000 less the profit earned on the sale of the previous Occasions vehicle purchased with a Govt. loan (i.e., the excess of the sale proceeds over the price paid at the time of its purchase) or 16 month’s pay or the price of the car to be purchased whichever is less. (ii) A Government servant, including an officer of the All India Services borne permanently on the State Cadres of the IAS/IPS/IFS drawing pay of Rs. 5,325 or more per month may be granted advance for purchase of motor cycle/scooter as under:- A First Occasion 8 month’s pay subject to a maximum of Rs.25000 for purchase of a new vehicle. Or 8 month’s pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 25000 for purchase of a used vehicle. B Second or subsequent 8 month’s pay to a maximum of Rs. 25000 for purchase of a Occasions new vehicle Or 8 month’s pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 25000 for purchase of a used vehicle. 12. Amendment of Article 225:- In clause (a) of Article 225 of the said Code, for the words “Heads of Departments can sanction” the words “Heads of Departments and Divisional Level Officers can sanction subject to budget allotment” shall be substituted. 13. Substitution of Article 226:- For Article 226 of the said Code the following shall be substituted, namely:- “226. A Government servant drawing pay below Rs. 4,450/- per month may be granted an advance upto a maximum amount of Rs. 1,500/- or the cost of the bicycle whichever is less for purchase of bicycle”. 14. Omission of Article 228:- Article 228 of the said Code shall be omitted. 15. Amendment of Article 233:- In clause (i) of Article 233 of the said code, for the words “Heads of Departments may sanction” the words “Heads of Departments, Divisional Level Officer, District Level Officer, Sub-Divisional Level Officer and Taluk Level Officers may sanction” shall be substituted. 16. Amendment of Article 236-A.- In Article 236A of the said Code, in clause (c) of the words and figures “Rs. 5000” the words and figures “Rs. 10000” shall be substituted. 17. Insertion of Article 236-C:- After Article 236B of the Code the following Article shall be inserted, namely:- 126 “236-C Computer Advance” Amount of Advance The cost of the personal computer or Rs. 50000/- whichever is less. Eligibility A permanent Government servant, including an officer of the All India Services borne permanently on the State cadres of the IAS/IPS/IFS drawing a basic pay of Rs. 10500 or more per month. Rate of Interest 8.5% per annum Repayment (i) The advances sanctioned to a Govt. servant shall be recovered from his salary in such number of monthly installment as he may elect, but such number shall not exceed the number of installments indicated below:- (a) Principal : 72 months (b) Interest : 28 months (ii) The recovery of the amount of advance shall commence from the first issue of the pay after the advance is drawn. (iii) The monthly installment of recovery of advance/interest shall be fixed in whole rupees. Sanctioning Authority The Authority competent to sanction the advance shall be the Head of the Department. However where the Government servant himself is the Head of the Department, the authority competent the sanction the advance shall be the Government in the Administrative Department concerned. Security (1) The Computer purchased by the advance shall be considered as the property of the Government, till the advance with interest is fully repaid. A proviso to this effect should be included in the order sanctioning the advance. (2) A Government servant who draws an advance for the purpose should, within one month from the date of drawal of the advance, furnish a certificate giving full particulars of the computer purchased after the advance and produce cash receipt thereof: (3) The outstanding balance the advance with interest remaining unpaid, if any at the time of retirement or death of the Government servant shall be recover from the arrears of salary, DCRG, Insurance amount from KGID, the amount due under the Karnataka State Employees Group Insurance Scheme or General Provident Fund.” 18. Amendment of Article 306:- For Note 2 of Article 306 of the said code the following shall be substituted. Namely:- “Note 2. To sanction writes off of the following subject to quarterly statement of such writes off being submitted to Government in the case of Heads of Departments and to Heads of Departments in other cases for review:- 127 Head of the Department Divisional Level Officer District Level Officer (i) Values of Stores or Government money lost other than by fraud or negligence of individual Govt. (ii) Irrecoverable items of Departmental revenues. (iii) Irrecoverable amounts of loans and advances. Rs. 20000/- in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 200000- per annum. Rs. 5,000/- in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 50000- per annum. Rs. 1,000/- in each individual case and maximum of Rs. 10000- per annum. 19. Amendment of Article 353:- In Article 353 of the said code, after Note 3 of the following Note 4 shall be inserted namely:- “Note 4. Heads of Departments may prescribe in the case of subordinate staff security for the custody of Government cash or stores and fix the amount in cases not covered by specific provision in the rules or Government orders”. 20. Substitution of Appendix-I:- For Appendix I to the said code the following Appendix I shall be substituted, namely:- Appendix-I Rule 2(12) List of Officers declared to be Heads of Departments. I) Major Heads of Departments:- 1) The Secretaries to Government 2) The Secretary of Karnataka Public Service Commission. 3) The Registrar, Lokayukta. 4) The Secretary, Karnataka Legislature. 5) The Divisional Commissioners. 6) The Commissioner of Excise, Bangalore. 7) The Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Bangalore. 8) The Commissioner for Religious and Charitable Endowments. 9) The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. 10) The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Development). 11) The Chairman, Karnataka Appellate Tribunal 12) The Inspector General of Registration and Commissioner of Stamps. 13) The Secretary to Governor 14) The Registrar, High Court. 15) The Advocate General 16) The Inspector General of Prisons. 17) Director General and Inspector General of Police. 18) The Director of Health and Family Planning Services. 19) The Chief Engineers. 20) Director of Town Planning. 21) The Director of Public Instruction. 22) The Director of Technical Education. 23) The Director of Agriculture. 24) The Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. 25) The Commissioner for Industrial Development and Director of Industries and Commerce. 26) The Additional Director of Industries and Commerce. 27) The Director, Rural Industrialization. 28) The Director of Food and Civil Supplies 29) The Commissioner of Labour. 30) The Director of Mines and Geology. 128 31) The Director of Social Welfare. 32) The Director of Food Supplies. 33) The Commissioner for Transport. 34) The President, Stores Purchase Committee. 35) The Director of Karnataka Government Insurance Department. 36) The Controller, State Accounts Department. 37) The Additional Development Commissioner for Community Projects and National Extension Service Blocks. 38) The Registrar of Co-operative Societies. 39) The Director of Agricultural Marketing. 40) The Director, Survey Settlement and Land Records. 41) The Adviser to Government, Tuberculosis Sanatoria, Bangalore. 42) The Director of Collegiate Education. 43) The Director, Bangalore Diary. 44) The Special Commissioner of Karnataka, New Delhi. 45) The Director of Treasuries. 46) The Commandant General, Home Guards. 47) The Director, Fire Force. 48) The Director, Stores Purchase Department. 49) The Director of Employment and Training. 50) The Director of Horticulture. 51) The Vice Chairman, State Planning Board. 52) The Controller of Legal Metrology cum Director of Consumer Protection. 53) The Director of Economics and Statistics. 54) The Additional Director of Public Instruction. 55) The Chief Architect to the Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. 56) The Director, School of Mines, KGF, 57) The Director, Water Resources Development Organisation. 58) The Administrator, Tungabhadra Project, Munirabad. 59) The Director, Pre-University Board. 60) The Director of Prosecutions and Government Litigation. 61) The Director of Co-operative Audit. 62) The Commissioner of Public Instructions. 63) The Director of Tourism. 64) The Additional Chief Secretary to Government. 65) The Chairman, Karnataka Administrative Tribunal. 66) The Commissioner for Sericulture Development and Director of Sericulture. 67) The Director of Medical Education. 68) The Additional Director of Public Instruction (Special) Bangalore, 69) The Director, Administrative Training Institute, Mysore. 70) The Director, Printing, Stationary and Publications, Bangalore. 71) The Director of Sugar and Additional Registrar of Co-operative Societies. 72) The Administrator, Ghataprabha and Malaprabha Projects. 73) The Director, Indo-Danish Project, Hesaraghatta. 74) The Additional Director of Public Instruction and Director, State Educational Research and Training. 75) The Director of Women and Childrens Welfare and Chief Inspector of Certified Schools. 76) The Director, India Population Project. 77) The Chairman, Hyderabad-Karnataka Development Board and Ex-Officio Additional Chief Secretary to Government. 78) The Commissioner for Textiles of the Directorate of Textiles and Handloom. 79) The Director of Municipal Administration. II Others 1. Deputy Commissioners of Districts. 2. Special Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore. 3. Chief Secretaries of Zilla Parishads. 129 4. Additional Deputy Commissioner (Harbour and Railways) South Canara, Mangalore. 5. The Director of Central Sericulture Research Institute. 6. The Director of Archaeology and Museums. 7. The Principal, Government Flying Training School. 8. The Director of Information and Publicity. 9. The Superintendent of Census Operations. 10. The Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers. 11. The Director of Literary and Cultural Development. 12. The Chief Electoral Officer and Ex-officio Secretary to Government D.P.A.R. 13. The Director of Fisheries, Bangalore. 14. The Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport. 15. The Electrical Inspector to Government. 16. The Principal, Government Law College, Bangalore. 17. The Joint Director, Small Scale Industries. 18. The Chief Editor, Karnataka State Gazetteer. 19. The Drugs Controller. 20. The State Librarian. 21. The Joint Controller of Weights and Measures 22. The Director of Youth Services and Sports. 23. The Joint Director of Agricultural Marketing. 24. The Director of Translations. 25. The Director of Sainik Welfare and Resettlement. 26. The Director, Karnataka Engineering Research Station, KR Sagar. 27. The Administrator, Rehabilitation Project, Sindhanoor. 28. The Director of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy. 29. The Trade Agent for the Government of Karnataka in London. 30. The Project Family Planning Officer, India Population Project. 31. The Project Officer, Pilot Intensive Rural Employment Project, Harihar. 32. The Director, Karnataka Government Computer Centre, Bangalore. 33. The Director, Karnataka State Archives, Bangalore. 34. All Conservators of Forests. 35. Director of Vocational Institution. 36. Director, Employees State Insurance Scheme (Medical) service. 37. The Director of Kannada and Culture. 38. Director, Karnataka Government Secretariat Training Institute. 39. The Special Deputy Commissioner, Urban Land Tax, Bangalore. 40. The Secretary, Karnataka Legal Aid Board, Bangalore. 41. The Deputy Inspector General of Police of the Police Department. 42. The Director of Small Savings and State Lottery. 43. Principal, Engineering Personnel Training College, K.R. Sagar. 44. Director, Directorate of Disabled Welfare. 45. The Charity Commissioner, Belgaum”. 21. Omission of Appendix-VI- Appendix VII of the said Code shall be omitted. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka J. Raghavendrachar Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget-1) 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Delegation of special powers to the Heads of Departments in respect of Computers- Amendment to Item No. 2 & 3 reg. Read: Government Order No. FD 3 TFP 89 dated 11-5-1990. Preamble:- In the Government Order read above, special powers have been delegated to the Heads of Departments in respect of maintenance of Computers in their offices. Since the G.O. was issued long back and same Departments approach the Government for enhancement of items 2 & 3 hence the order. GOVT. ORDER NO: FD 3 TFP 2001 BANGALORE Dt: 12 th July 2001. Government are pleased to amend special powers to all the Heads of Departments in respect of maintenance of computers installed by them to their offices for item No. 2 & 3 only on following:- Sl.No. Description of powers Powers delegated to the Heads of Departments in respect of Computers. 2 Acceptance of Annual tenders and sign agreements for the purchase of continuous stationery without routing through Purchase Department. Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a. 3 Purchase of other computer consumable articles such as magnetic paper, Printer ribbons of various types, floppy disks, wheels etc. Rs. 2,00,000/- p.a. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka J. Raghavendrachar Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget-1) PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Delegation of enhanced financial powers to Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of the Administrative Dept. of Government. Read: (1)G.O. No. FD 1 TFP 96 dated 10-7-1996. (2) G.O. No. FD 12 TFP 2000 dated: 15-11-2000. (3) Budget control and implementation order No. FD 25 BPE 2003 dated: 31-5-2003. Preamble:- The item No. 39 of the Government Order dated: 10-7-96 read at (1) above, is modified as follows vide Government Order dated: 15-11-2000 read at (2) above. “Sanction of expenditure upto Rs.30-00 lakhs in each case subject to availability of budget provision. Such expenditure may also be given in cases of local bodies/institutions wherever Government approval is necessary as per Law (This power does not cover “New Schemes” items of “New Service” and purchase of vehicles”. Further, in the High Power Committee meeting held on 28-1-2003, under the Chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary to Government DPAR has recommended to enhance the existing financial powers from Rs. 30-00 lakhs to Rs. 50-00 lakhs to the Principal Secretaries/Secretaries to Government. In the budget control order read at Sl. No. (3) above, certain instructions have been issued regarding release of funds and implementation of schemes. Hence the following orders. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD 1 TFP 2003 BANGALORE, DATED: 12-6-2003 In the circumstances explained above. Government are pleased to direct that the modified item No. 39 of the Government Order No. FD 12 TFP 2000 dated: 15-11-2000 shall be modified as follows, with immediate effect. “Sanction of expenditure upto Rs. 50-00 lakhs in each case subject to availability of budget provision and further subject to maximum of Rs. 300-00 lakhs per month. Such expenditure sanction may also be given in cases of local bodies/institutions wherever Government approval is necessary as 131 per Law (This power does not cover “New Scheme” items of “New Service” and purchase of vehicles)”. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka Bhavani Devi Under Secretary to Government, Finance Department (Budget-1) ts:r:t ·t:rc t:c:z. ct~ ¬c:: ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:) ))l !!l!:¯!, !!l!º+l :.:ct !l-l-!))¯ ·c. t::: !:· · . ¬ ·. ! !))! ·.: n :c .±c.. . ·::c: c. ¬÷¬ .c... t:c.../ -. -¬ c~: -ct:.t ‘.’ / o ¬ .-tcc ..¬.t:. ¬:/o ·c. :¬ . ¯.¬.¬ ./ . vc:: . (l) ·t:=c ·.:o .c ·c. ·:·.:-l¯-..·--ºl :.:ct l¯-+-º¯. (!) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. .¬.-¯ ..¬.-·) :.:ct !º-+-·l. (¯) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. .¬.-l-..¬ .-º¯ :.:ct !¯-:-º¯. (+) = t. .cc.. ·.:o .c ·c. t:::-!+-..¬ -º·-¬.¸... : l·-+-º·. .c .: (l)c. ·::c:c. ¬ ÷ :c¬ .c·.¬ ¬o~=t:.t .-tc c . .¬ .t:.c.... ¯¬.: ·c:^¬ (¬. ./. ·¬ ). ¬:c:.¬:.c., : ¬ . t:c .... c. .:¬ ¬ . ‘.’ / o¬ .-tc c. :. :c.¬ ·c¬ .=/-. ¬.:: , -c t:.t -.·c ’’ .’’ / o¬ .-t cc . . ¯ ¬¬=/-/ ...c¬c: . .¬.t:. ¬.:.to- .. .c .: (¯)c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. -¬ t::.¬., -¬ cc: t.·t : /¬.to-. ¬:/, “employment of unskilled part-time menials” .c. ¬¬¬.. ·c.o.: ·:t¬., · ¬c ¬¬ / -.. .¬c.o.^·¬. :¬ . ¬:/ o ¬ ..c¬ = ·c.c¬ · ¬.· .c.:¬. ·c.c¬ ¬ . ¬:c:.¬:.c. ¬¸c..- t¬:^ ¬ o¬/:cc:/.:: c . .c .: (!)c :¬ .: ¬. ¬:c:.¬:.c./ -.. .c: ¬.. ¬ -:t:c/ -c¬ . ¬c/~·c.¬ ..cc... =/:/c . -¬c/ -:t:c¬ .. ¬::c.o..·c:^¬ ., -¬ cc: , t ¬ . t¸/o-. ¬c: ·o.·.:: , ¬ .:. .¬ ./¬/:^ = t..cc.. :c..¬c.. .. :/t ...t · . ·.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬ . t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:t c.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FD 8 BRS 2003 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated: 19-6-2003 CIRCULAR Sub: Re-appropriation by Secretaries and Heads of Departments. In G.O. No. FD 25 BPE 2003 dated 31-5-2003 orders have been issued regarding comprehensive procedure for utilization and monitoring of the Budget. The Demands for Grants have been framed department-wise from the current year and consolidation of object heads has been carried out. 132 !. In view of the above process and the enhanced delegation of financial powers, it has been decided that delegated powers of Secretaries and Heads of Departments regarding re-appropriation of the grants for the year 2003-2004 would be kept in abeyance with immediate effect and until further orders. B.K. DAS Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department. PROCEEDINGS OF GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Budget Control and Implementation Order – III. Read: (1) G.O. No. FD 25 BPE 2003 dated 31.5.2003 (2) O.M. No. FD 16 BPE 2003 dated: 31.7.2003 (3) G.M. No. FD 02 BEM 2003 dated : 29.9.2003. Preamble:- To ensure predictability in flow of funds, Budget Release orders have been issued, from time to time, releasing in suitable instalments, the budget provisions for each scheme/item, for which, otherwise concurrence of Finance Department is required. Government, in Order read at (1) above, issued authorization to incur expenditure till the end of July 2003, Authorization to incur expediture for full financial year 2003-04 was released in OM read at (2) above. The objective of these orders was to simplify budget releases as well as avoid lumping of expenditure at the end of the year. The Director of Treasuries has brought to notice of Government that the treasuries in the State received about 2.55 lakh bills under various categories for the month of March 2003 and about 1.37 lakh bills were received on the last two days of March 2003. Government, in OM read at (2) above, has issued instructions to see that expenditure to be incurred is spread over evenly in all the months and to avoid incurring of large expenditure at the close of the financial year. Audit has also been commenting on the rush of expenditure during March every year in the Reports of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. All 216 Treasuries in the State have been computerized and are now online. In the current system it may be difficult to handle this rush at the last moment due to the limitations of systems and staff at the Treasury and the Sub treasury levels. The accounting of the expenditure being machine managed, it will not be possible to let the work spillover to the next year since from the first day of the next financial year, new budget automatically comes into force and any bill being handled automatically gets accounted for in the next financial year. Unlike under the manual system the accounts for the year will close on 31 st March 2004 automatically. Government had to enforce strict economy/austerity measures in Order read at (3) above to curtail government expenditure in view of wide spread drought for the third consecutive year and the unprecedented distress and hardship to farmers. Government has also issued orders enforcing cut out of the budgetary allotment for 2003-04 in various Demands/Major Heads. These measures were necessary to meet the substantial drought relief expenditure. Government, therefore, to avoid any lumping and rush at the end of the fiscal year, proposes to prescribe the dates by which Government shall make all releases to enable field departments to incur expenditure in time and by which the departmental officers shall submit various categories of bills to streamline the presentation of bills; their scrutiny by the treasuries and release of cheques. The proposed dates will also enable the treasuries to avoid delay in rendering accounts to the Accountant General on the due dates. The accounts for the Financial Year of 2003-04 will close on 31 st of March and the next year’s budget will be operational from the next day onwards. It is therefore necessary to provide for early release of funds for the last quarter and timely submission of bills. Hence, the Order. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD 25 BPE 2003, BANGALORE, DATED 17 TH JANUARY 2004. (1) All releases except those relating to Externally Aided Projects, Centrally Sponsored and Central Plan Schemes shall be made by the concerned Departments before 14 th February 2004. 133 (!) All Travelling Allowance bills of travel up to 14 th February 2004 shall be submitted to the treasuries by 28 th February 2004. (¯) All AC bills shall be presented to the treasuries by 10 th March 2004. (+) All DC bills for expenditure incurred till 14 th February 2004 shall be presented to the treasuries by 28 th February 2004. (¯) Bills for expenditure incurred after 14 th February 2004, shall be presented to the treasuries before 15 th March 2004. (:) All salary bills of March 2004 shall be presented to treasuries between 15 th & 20 th March 2004. (¯) All LoCs shall be issued by 10 th March 2004 and all departments operating on LoC should ensure that all reconciliations are completed by the year end. (·) The Heads of the Departments and their Drawing & Disbursing Officers shall follow the austerity measures in travel expenses, procurement of stores, furniture & fixtures, payment of telephone bills and expenditure on petrol, fuel and maintenance of vehicles including purchase of new vehicles. (º) The revised estimates communicated to the departments shall be adhered to and in no case, the final expenditure shall exceed the revised estimates. (l)) The treasuries shall not keep open the accounts of March 2004 beyond 31 st March 2004. (ll) 1 st April 2004 shall be a non-transactions day for the treasuries throughout the State to finalize the accounts for March 2004. (l!) The treasuries shall arrange to render accounts for March 2004 to the Accountant General (A&E) so that the provisional accounts for 2003-04 are available to Government before 10 th May 2004. (l¯) These dates must be strictly followed by all departments, Drawing and Disbursing officers and treasuries. By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, G. GURUCHARAN Secretary to Government (B&R), Finance Department. PROCEEDINGS OF GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Read: 1. Letters dated 19.4.2002 and 21.3.2003 from the Director of Treasuries, Bangalore. 2. Circular No. FD 2 TAR 2003 dated 19.9.2003. 3. Circular No. FD 2 FR 2003 dated 21.11.2003 Preamble:- Bills for grant-in-aid claimed on payee’s receipt (Form CTS-8) are drawn enclosing a copy of the order of sanction and signed or countersigned by the competent authority of the department concerned. The Director of Treasuries in letters read at (1) above, has brought to the notice of Government that some of the grant-in-aid institutions in the departments of Education, Social Welfare, Women & Child Development, and Welfare of Physically Challenged have preferred fake bills and have drawn funds from Government. The grant-in-aid institutions do not have the system of enclosing tokens (KTC 65-A) to the bills as they are drawn by non-government institutions. But, the bills are presented to the treasuries direct after countersignature of the competent authority and the cheques are also delivered to the institutions direct by the treasuries. Such a system has resulted in presentation of multiple bills, and inflated claims after countersignature of the competent authority. Government, therefore, issued Circular read at (2) above directing the countersigning officers to attach tokens (KTC 65-A) before presentation of the bills to the treasuries and an annexure showing the name of the institution in whose favour the cheque is to be drawn. The countersigning officer has to obtain the cheque from the treasury and issue the same to the institution. It was, however, seen that bills drawn by some of the institutions duly countersigned by the Secretariat Officers without any field level departmental officers could not attach tokens to the bills as the countersigning officers were not drawing and disbursing officers having token books issued by the treasuries. Government, therefore, in Circular read at (3) above exempted such institutions from attaching tokens to the bills presented to the treasuries in the interim while the system of attaching tokens and annexures to the 134 payee’s receipt/grant-in-aid bills was being examined in detail by government to streamline drawal of all the bills on the treasury accredited to a Drawing and Disbursing Officer for accounting and reconciliation of expenditure. This has been examined, Hence, this order. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD 02 FR 2003, BANGALORE, DATED 22 ND JANUARY 2004 (1) Each grant-in-aid institution shall be accredited with a Drawing & Disbursing Officer. (2) The grant-in-aid bills/payee’s receipts of institutions, which have no field level departmental officers, shall be countersigned by any of the competent officers in the administrative Secretariat. (3) The Under Secretary or the Officer in charge of R & I Section in all the departments shall be issued token books by the treasuries. (4) The Under Secretary or the Officer in charge of R & I section shall attach token and annexure to the countersigned grant-in-aid bill/payee’s receipt indicating in whose favour the cheque is to be issued and arrange presentation of the same to the relevant treasury. (5) The Under Secretary or the Officer in charge of R & I section shall obtain the cheque from the treasury and deliver the cheque to the institution after getting proper acknowledgement. (6) In respect of grant-in-aid bills/payee’s receipts of the institutions which have field level departmental countersigning officer, the countersigning officer shall attach token and annexure to the bills, present the bills to the treasury and deliver the cheques to the institutions under proper acknowledgement. (7) In case, the countersigning officer is the Drawing & Disbursing Officer in one treasury but the grant-in-aid institution has to prefer the claims from another treasury, the treasury on which he is the countersigning officer, shall, on requisition, supply token books only for purposes of attaching tokens to the grant-in-aid bills/payee’s receipts and in no case, the countersigning officer shall be the Drawing & Disbursing Officer on that treasury. (8) The countersigning officer shall attach tokens and an annexure to indicate the name of the institution in whose favour Cheque/Demand Draft has to be drawn by the treasury. (9) In respect of institutions situated locally, the treasury shall draw cheques and the institution shall credit the cheque to its bank account. (10) In respect of institutions situated outside the State Headquarters/District Head quarters, the treasury shall issue a cheque in favour of the Agency Bank to the countersigning officer. The countersigning Officer has to obtain demand drafts from the Agency Bank and forward the demand draft to the concerned institution. The institution shall credit the demand draft to its bank account and arrange payments. (11) The countersigning officer and the Under Secretary or the officer in charge of R & I Section in Secretariat shall maintain a register giving the details of bill number and date, sanction order, institution, details of grant, amount, cheque number & date and date of handing over the cheque to the institution with acknowledgement. (12) The system shall come into effect from 1.2.2004. The existing system of exemption allowed in Circular dated 19.11.2003 shall continue till 31.1.2004. (13) The institutions listed in the Annexure shall be exempted from attaching token to the bills presented at the treasury till 31.1.2004 only. By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, AMLAN ADITYA BISWAS Deputy Secretary to Government (B&R) Finance Department. ANNEXURE List of Institutions drawing funds on Grant-in-Aids bills countersigned by Secretariat Officers and with no Departmental Implementing Officers. Sl. No. Name of Institution / Organisation 1. Programme Co-ordinator, Vivekananda Youth Federation 2. Institute for Socio Economic Change 135 3. Renewable Energy Development Board 4. KARNIK-Karnataka Rajya Nirmana Kendra 5. Jawaharlal Nehru Planetorium 6. BASE-Bangalore Association for Science Education 7. Bangalore International Airport Project 8. KREDL 9. Karntaka State Government Employee’s Association 10. Ideck 11. National Institute of Public Finance & Policy, New Delhi 12. Karnataka State Remote Sensing Centre 13. Director General, EMPRI 14. Lake Development Authority 15. Karnataka State Pollution Board 16. Bio-Diversity Board 17. Karnataka State Vignana Parishat 18. Universities 19. KPTCL 20. KUWSDB 21. KUIDFC 22. KPCL 23. Karnataka Energy Reforms Commission 24. BMRTL 25. Karnataka State Temperance Board 26. Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Ltd., 27. Hassan-Mangalore Rail Development Company Ltd. 28. Karnataka Warehousing Corporation 29. Bangalore Development Authority 30. Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority 31. Karnataka Housing Board 32. Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board 33. Bangalore City Corporation 34. The Member Secretary Karnataka Legal Service Authority 35. Managing Director, Karnataka Land Army Corporation Ltd. 36. Chief Executive Officer, Karnataka Board of walks, B’lore 37. Karnataka Road Development Corporation, B’lore 38. Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Science, Bellary 39. Karnataka Institute of Medical Science, Hubli 40. University of Agriculture Sciences, Dharwad 41. Karnataka Sheep & Wool Development Corporation Ltd, B’lore 42. Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology. 43. Drought Monitoring Cell 44. TECSOCK 45. Dharwad Regional Science Center Society 46. Karnataka Science City Society, Bangalore 47. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 48. WALMI, Dharwad 49. University of Agricultural Science, Bangalore 50. CADA of Malaprabha & Ghataprabha, Kaveri River Basin, Bhadra, Tungabhadra, Upper Krishna Project and Irrigation Plan Zone Gulbarga. 51. Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Ltd. 52. Director, Health and Family Welfare Services, Bangalore (till 31.1.2004 only) R. Suri Babu Under Secretary to Govt., FR & BCC Finance Department. 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Entitlement functions of Gazetted Officers including All India Service Officers in the state Read: 1. G.O. No. FD 01 TAR 99 dated 24 th July 1999. 2. G.O. No. FD 04 TFC 2001 dated 28 th May 2001. Preamble:- There are about 77000 Gazetted Officers in Group-A and Group-B in the State. The Accountant General (A & E), Karnataka is dealing with about 20000 Gazetted Officer’s entitlements in his office. The entitlement functions of the remaining Gazetted Officers is already with the respective departments of the State Government. In order to have uniformity in the drawl of claims of Gazetted Officers throughout the State, the IRLA system of drawal and disbursement was dispensed with effect from 1-10-1999 by G.O. Read at (1)above. The system of Gazetted Officers drawing their salary and other personnal claims as self drawing Officers on the treasuries has also been dispensed with from 1-11-2001 by G.O. Read at (2) above. The Government of India based on the recommendations of the Central Administrative Reforms Commission, introduced a scheme dispensing with the issue of pay slips by the Accountant General/Pay and Accounts Officer and authorizing Head of Offices to draw and disburse the pay and allowances to the Gazetted Officers, as they do for Non-Gazetted Staff. Most of the States have also switched over to the similar system. Introduction of such a system in the state was also under active consideration of Government. The proposal was discussed with the Accountant General (A & E) in several meetings to work out a scheme for taking over of the entitlement functions from the Accounts Office by the State Government. The C & AG of India was also informed of the desire of the state government to take over the work relating to pay and allowances of Gazetted Officers in the State during discussion the Hon’ble CM had with the C & AG on 21-01-2004. Government has now decided that the system as in the case of non-gazetted staff be allowed for drawal and disbursement of salaries to Gazetted Officers dispensing with the issue of pay slips by the Accountant General ( A & E). Hence the Order. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. FD 156 AaKhaEe 2001, BANGALORE DATED 21 ST FEBRUARY 2004 1) The system of the drawal of salary of Gazetted Officers on pay slips issued by the Accountant General (A&E), Karnataka, Bangalore shall be dispensed with effect from 1 st June 2004 i.e., from salary for the month of June 2004. 2) The procedure to be followed by the Accountant General (A & E), Karnataka, Bangalore. Heads of Departments and Heads of Offices for maintenance of service Records and entitlement functions of Gazetted Officers in pursuance of the new system is set out in Annexure 1 to this order. 3) The time schedule to be followed in implementation of the new system is given in Annexure- II to this order. 4) The existing procedure for maintenance of service records and entitlement functions in respect of certain Gazetted Officers like Secretariat Officers in State Secretariat and Legislature Secretariat, Gazetted Officers who are not covered under pay authorization system of Accountant General (A & E) for drawal of salary shall continue as at present. 5) Suitable amendments to the provisions contained in the Karnataka Financial Code shall be issued in due course. 6) Doubts if any, in switching over to the new system shall be referred to the Finance Department for clarification. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka G. Gurucharan Secretary to Government (B & R) Finance Department. 137 ANNEXURE-I THE PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED FOR AUTHORISATION OF PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF GAZETTED OFFICERS FROM 1 ST JUNE 2004 1. The Scheme of dispensing with pay slips applies to all Gazetted Officers including All India Service Officers and Heads of the Department. 2. The Service Records of all Gazetted Officers, including the Head of Office are required to be maintained by the Head of the Office. 3. As the Service Records, viz., Leave Account, History of Service, etc., which are hitherto being maintained by the Accountant General (A & E) are required to be maintained by the Head of Office under the new scheme even for Gazetted Officers, a Service Book is to be opened and entries made therein in the same manner as in the case of Non-Gazetted Officers and attested by the Head of the Office. To enable the Head of Office to open Service Register, the Accountant General (A & E) will furnish him a complete history of the services upto the date upto which the entitlements of such Government servants were authorised by the Accountant General. He will also furnish the up-todate leave account. 4. The Accountant General ( A & E) will send the service particulars of the Gazetted Officer to the Head of the Department concerned who will in turn forward it to Head of Office where the Officer is working. 5. Where Gazetted Officer working in districts are transferred from one place to another, the procedure now being followed in respect of Non-Gazetted Officers should be followed and the Certificates of transfer of charge of the Officers need not be sent to the Accountant General hereafter. There is however, no change in the procedure of communicating to the Audit/Accounts Office sanctions relating to Appointments, Transfer Orders of Gazetted Government Servants, etc. 6. In order to see that the payments to Gazetted Officers covered by this scheme are properly made and service records properly maintained, the Heads of Departments should nominate an officer superior in status to the Heads of Offices under his control to post-check periodically and systematically the payments made to the Gazetted Officers and also verify whether service records are maintained up-to-date. In respect of Offices regularly inspected, the Head of the Department should entrust this job to the internal audit parties. If there are no internal audit organisation, the Head of the Department may entrust the above duty of post-checking the entitlements and maintenance of service records to the inspecting officers by evolving a suitable questionnaire and should satisfy themselves that there has been no irregularity in drawals or improper maintenance of service records. The importance of such a post-check during the experimental period need not be overemphasised. ANNEXURE-II TIME SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION OF VARIOUS OPERATIONS INVOLVED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION THE SCHEME 1. Obtaining a complete list of Gazetted Officers (other than All India Service Officers) working in the Districts before 15 th April 2004. (Action : Heads of the Departments) 2. Arranging despatch of transfer documents by the Accountant General (A & E), Karnataka to Heads of Department concerned well in advance and in any case not later than, 1 st May 2004. (Action : Accountant General ( A & E), Karnataka and Heads of Departments) 3. The Accountant General (A & E) may, as far as possible, finalise authorisations of all payments becoming due to the Gazetted Officers coming under the scheme upto 30 th April 2004 will have to be made as per the procedure spelt out in Annexure-II) (Action : Accountant General (A & E), Karnataka) 138 4. Opening of Service Registers by Heads of Offices and taking entries of each Gazetted Officers from the records transferred by Accountant General and getting the entries attested by an officer designated by the Heads of the Department for the purpose by 31 st May 2004. (Action : Heads of Departments) 5. Transfer of Service Register by 15 th June 2004 to the Heads of Offices/Drawing Officers where the pay and allowances of the particular Gazetted Officer are proposed to be drawn. The service documents sent by the Accountant General may be retained permanently in the Heads of the Department and carefully preserved. However, the Leave Account as furnished by the Accountant General may be forwarded to the Head of Offices. (Action : Heads of Departments) 7. Nominating an Officer by the Head of Department to test check the payments made to the Gazetted Officers under the scheme and indicating the group or group of officers earmarked for each such nominated officer. This work to be completed by 30 th June 2004. (Action: Heads of Departments) 8. The DPAR will have to take over the work relating to the issue of pay slips and maintenance of Service Records of All India Service Officers and all Heads of Departments after drawal of salaries for May 2004. This work should be completed by 15 th June, 2002. The DPAR will issue authorisation in respect of claims arising on or after 1 st May 2004. The Treasury Officers will continue to pay on the authorization already issued by the Accountant General (A & E) in respect of All India Service Officers and all Heads of Departments till their validity ceases or a fresh authorisation is received from the DPAR whichever is earlier. (Action : DPAR, KGS & Treasury Officers) ::::r, ±::·n:c:. :.:. c...:zs · ::: · >::cc.. .±c.. . ·t:=c¬ .c: :c:./-. ¯/ ¬. ¬.c¬-/ -. ¬: :t:c/ - . 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(·:¬ .:. ..¬.t:.) ¯c..¬./ -. lº¯¯c ¯c..¬. l¯(l)(.) (ii) c . c.. ::c. t .¬:¬=: . .t:/.¬ ·t:=c :c:./ - .. ¬.¬/-/ c..:¬¬ . ¬.o.:c¬ /.. / :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c ....· .¬.¬:^¬., -c: ¬ c. .:¬¬ . .¬ .:·tc ¬.¬/ ::c.t .¬:¬=:c. .. . ¯/:¬.·¬. , -c: ¬ ¬.¬/-/ -..¬:¯: t:c.../-c¬ ·t:=c t:c ../ / .. / :¬ :c¬ ¬..c/ . ...·.. t ¬. t¸/o-. ¬c: to.c.. .:.. ¯¬=.::.:^¬... :¬. .c../c.., :..±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c..=¬:= :t ~ :c:.. GRANT IN AID CODE PREFACE The Grant-in-Aid code of Karnataka Collegiate Education Department, applicable to the Aided Arts, Science, Commerce and Law Colleges affiliated to the Universities of Mysore and Karnataka and to the constitutent Colleges of the Bangalore University, has been brought into force with effect from the financial year 1964-65. The fresh efforts made now are only to re-print the Grant-in-Aid Rules of the Collegiate Education Department as originally sanctioned in Government Order No. ED 22 UGC 60, dated 7 th August 1964, embodying the amendments issued upto date. Part II of this Re-print of the Grant-in-Aid Code comprises of the Rules pertaining to grant-in-Aid in respect of Private Hostels run for the benefit of the students studying in Arts, Science, Commerce and Law Colleges which come within jurisdiction of the Mysore, Karnataka and Bangalore Universities, as approved in the Government Order No. ED 27, UGH 67, dated 30 th January 1968. This is brought into force with effect from the Official year 1967-68. Part-III contains the Karnataka State Aided Colleges, Provident Fund Rules, as sanctioned in the Government Order No. ED 77 UPC 66, dated 26 th October 1968 and brought into force with effect from 1 st April 1969 duly incorporating the latest amendments. With the issue of the re-print of the Grant-in-Aid Code along with the Rules pertaining to Grant-in-Aid to Private Hostels and the Provident Fund Rules for Aided Colleges, the long felt need 146 for incorporating all the relevant rules of this Department in a book form for ready reference, has been met and it is hoped that this will facilitate the authorities concerned to run their educational Institutions more efficiently and smoothly. S. MOHD A. HAMEED, Place: Bangalore, Director of Collegiate Education Date: 16-4-1975. in Karnataka, Bangalore-1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part I – Grant in Aid-Code of Mysore Collegiate Education Department Pages Rules Chapter I Introduction 1 1-5 Chapter II Definitions 2 6 Chapter III General conditions of Grant-in-aid 3 7-12 Chapter IV Grants to Colleges :- (i) Teaching (Maintenance Grant) 5 13-19 (ii) Grant towards loss of Fee income 20-21 (iii) Building Grants 22-32 (iv) Equipment Grant 33-40 Appendix I Statement showing item of approved 18 17 expenditure and Receipts. Appendix II Financial Statement of Accounts 22 18-19 Appendix III Rules Governing Building Loans 24 22(Note) Appendix-IV Details of Articles of equipments 26 33 recognised for grants. Form CGC 1 Application Form for On account 26 18-19 and Maintenance grant. Form CGC 2 Application form for grant of loss of fee income 27 20 Form CGC 3 Application form for building grant 29 24 Form CGC 4 Bond form to be executed 30 30 Form CGC 5 Mortgage deed of property 31 30 Form CGC 6 Application form for equipment grant. 35 38 Part II – Rules for grant-in-aid to private Hostels for students of Arts, Science, Commerce and Law Colleges. Pages Rules Rule I Conditions of grant 34-36 Rule II Calculation of grants payable 36 Rule III Warden 36 Rule IV Rates of Grants 36-38 Form CGC 7 Application form for Grants-in-aid for Maintenance 38-39 of Hostels. Form CGC 8 Statement of students strength 40 Form CGC 9 Statement of equipment purchase 41 Part III – The Mysore State Aided Colleges Provident Fund Rules Rules 1 to 3 Definitions to whom applicable and the object of Rules 42 Rule 4 Rate of subscription and Depositing of amounts 42-43 Rules 5 and 6 Transfer of prior contribution and General 43-44 Admission of Funds. Rule 7 Retirement 44 Rule 8 Nomination 44 Rule 9 Advances 45-46 Rule 10 Partial / Final withdrawal 46-47 Rule 11 Transfer of P.F. Accounts 47 147 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA GRANT-IN-AID CODE OF THE MYSORE COLLEGIATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Chapter I Introductory With the object of encouraging private enterprise in higher education, provision is made annually in the State Budget for payment of grant-in-aid to affiliated Colleges under private management. The payments of such grants are subject to the rules in this Code. 2. Grant-in-aid cannot be claimed as a matter of right. 3. The grants are sanctioned by the Government except where the power is vested in the Director himself. 4. The rules in this Code shall be deemed to be supplementary to the rules laid down in the Karnataka financial Code. Where the State Government is satisfied that the operation of any of these rules causes undue hardship to the concerned institutions, it may, by order for reasons to be mentioned in the order, dispense with or relax the requirement of the concerned rule to such an extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with any case in a just and equitable manner. 5. The Government reserve to themselves the right of changing these rules and of interpreting their meaning in case of dispute. Government also reserve to themselves the right to refuse or to withdraw any grant at their entire discretion, notwithstanding the rules contained in this code. Chapter II Definitions 6. Unless the context requires otherwise, the following words and phrases used in the Code have the meanings hereby assigned to them:- (a) ‘Colleges’ means a private Arts, Science, Commerce or Law Colleges affiliated to the University of Mysore or the University of Bangalore or to the Karnataka University under the rules of such University and imparting sound secular instruction. (b) ‘Institution’ means a college with a hostel or without hostel as context may imply. (c) ‘Local Body’ means a duly constituted local authority and recognised by Government as such. (d) ‘Management’ means a person, a body of persons, a local body or a Registered Association, a Managing Committee or Committees, maintaining one or more colleges and hostels and registered and recognised as such by the Government. (e) ‘Director’ means the Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka. (f) ‘Prescribed’ means prescribed under the rules in this code. (g) ‘Year’ means academical year or financial year as the context may imply. (h) ‘University’ means the University of Bangalore, Mysore or the Karnataka University to which the College is affiliated. Chapter III General Conditions of Grant-in-aid 7. Every institution on behalf of which grant-in-aid is sought shall be under the control of a ‘Management’ which shall undertake to be answerable for the maintenance of the Institution and for the due fulfilment of all the conditions of aid, as they stand from time to time. 8. The management shall vest, in the Principal of the institution to transact with the Department the current business of the institutions on its behalf. 9. Every ‘Management’ shall be responsible:- (i) to strictly fulfil in the case of a College, the conditions of affiliation as laid down in the Statutes and Ordinances of the University; (ii) to report to the Director without delay all changes in its Constitution and in the personnel of the Principals of the Colleges; (iii) to subject the colleges to the inspection of the officers of the department designated for the purpose; 148 (iv) to afford all convenience to the officers of the State Government and of the Indian Audit Department deputed to audit the initial and other accounts of the institutions and of the management; (v) to strictly abide by the instructions or verdict of the inspecting or auditing agencies referred to at (iii) and (iv); (vi) to keep such accounts and render to the Department such returns and reports as may be prescribed by the Director from time to time; (vii) to give effect to any policy decision of Government. 10. No grant will be payable to : (i) a College which has not been affiliated; (ii) A College in respect of a new Department or Course which has not been affiliated; (iii) an Institution which refuse admission to any pupil merely on the ground of the caste or community to which he belongs or because the pupils have secured a low percentage of marks; (iv) to an Institution which takes part in political agitation directed against the authority of the Government, or inculcates opinions tending to excite feelings of political disloyalty or dissaffection among the pupils; (v) To an Institution which is found guilty of falsification of its accounts or other records, of misrepresentation of facts including presentation of false claims and or of commission of any other fraud or irregularity. Note.- This is without prejudice to the discretion of the Department to deal with the management according to law. (vi) to an Institution which spends any portion of its income for purposes unconnected with the Institution. Note.- In case falling under clauses (iii) to (iv) supra, the Department reserves the right to withdraw, withhold, or reduce even grants already sanctioned. 10-A.No College shall be eligible for grant under these Rules, if an employee of such College; (a) engages himself/herself or participates in any demonstration which in prejudicial to the interests of the soverignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with neighbouring or foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or which involves contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence; (b) becomes a member of or otherwise associates with any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics or takes part in or subscribes in aid of or assists in any manner, any political movement or activity. (c) Contests any election to or becomes a member of any House of State Legislature or any House of Parliament or any Local Authority; 11. The payment of grants is subject in all cases to the availability of funds in the State Budget under the detailed head concerned. 12. Applications for grant-in-aid shall in all cases contain a declaration signed by the Principal of the Institution on behalf of the Management, to the effect that the rules in this Code governing the payments of grants-in-aid are being and will be observed by the management, fully and faithfully. CHAPTER IV Grants to Colleges 13. The following are the different types of grants payable to colleges subject to the general conditions laid down in Chapter III and the special procedure prescribed in this Chapter:- (i) Teaching Grant (maintenance grant). (ii) Grant towards loss of fee income. (iii) Building Grants. (iv) Equipment grants. 149 14. Any surplus or balance on hand to the extent of Rs. 1 lakh or more excluding the outstanding liabilities on items of approved expenditure, shall be utilised with the prior approval of the Director of Collegiate Education. 15. Applications for the grants shall be made in the prescribed forms and in the manner indicated in respect of each. Supplementary instructions to be complied with in making such applications are indicated in the forms themselves. After sanction, the grants should be drawn in Grant-in-aid Bill Form. (vide Art. 162 K.F.C) supported by such additional information or document (s) as may have been prescribed and duly countersigned by the competent authority. Note.- “No grants due during the year will be released till the audited accounts of the College for the previous year, duly got approved by the Governing Council of the College, are submitted to the Department. In the case of the managements of the colleges, coming under the purview of the Mysore Societies Registration Act, 1960, a certificate has to be submitted to the Department, detained from the Inspector General of Registration in Karnataka, Bangalore for having complied with Section 13 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 and Rule 7 of the Karnataka Societies Registration Rules 1961 in respect of the accounts of the Society for the calendar year, previous to the year expired”. (i) Teaching Grant (Maintenance Grant). 16. (a) The amount of grant to be paid in any one year to the college shall not exceed 80 per cent of the excess of the ‘approved maintenance expenditure’ over the ‘direct receipts’ (as detailed in Rule 17 infra). (b) The payment of grants is, however, subject to the following conditions:- (i) that the College had an average daily attendance per term of not less than eightly pupils; (ii) that the college worked during each term for not less than the number of working days fixed by the University; (iii) that the scales of pay of staff in each category were not less than those specified for similar staff in Government Colleges of the same category were not more than those prescribed for similar staff and work respectively in Government Colleges of the same category and that dearness allowance was paid at the rates and in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Government for their servants provided that if the management has paid higher scales of pay dearness allowance, the Government rates of pay and dearness allowance for similar staff will be the basis for sanctioning these grants; (iv) that the qualifications of the members of the staff were the same as those prescribed for corresponding posts in Government Colleges and their service conditions were not more favourable than those applicable to similar staff in Government Colleges of the same category; “Note 1.- The age of superannuation of teaching staff in the Private Colleges will normally be 58 years as in Government Colleges. However, if the members of staff in these Colleges are pysically and mentally fit, continuance of service upto 60 years, will be admitted for grants, provided they obtain the prior approval of the University concerned. No grants will be paid towards the pay of the teachers who are retained in service beyond 60 years of age. These conditions, however, will not apply to such of those teachers who were in service on or before 13 th June 1967 and whose service conditions were protected by the erstwhile Mysore University. “Note 2.- The provision of Note 1 will apply also to the non-teaching staff members working in private affiliated Colleges. In view of the fact that service in private Aided Colleges is non- pensionable, the concession for serving up to 60 years, if required by the management may be extended to the non-teaching staff. However, instead of the approval of the University, approval of the Director of Collegiate Education shall be obtained. (v) ‘That no College will eligible for grant-in-aid during the first three years after starting; (vi) ‘That in respect of Colleges which are other-wise eligible for Grant-in-aid, grants on new courses of study will be admissible only with effect from the date of completion of three years from the date of introduction of such courses”. “Note.- If the margin of surplus, representing the difference in the amount of fees actually charged and the amount of fees reckoned for calculation of grant according to standard rates fixed, exceeds 10 per cent of the total amount of admissible expenditure, after meeting the management share 150 of deficit, then the excess should be treated as receipt of the institution for purpose of sanctioning the grant for the next year. 17. The items of expenditure that are to be treated as ‘Approved Maintenance Expenditure’ and the items of receipts which are to be considered as ‘Direct Receipts’ for this purpose are detailed in Appendix I. 18. The teaching grant or maintenance grant for a year will be calculated on the ‘Approved Maintenance Expenditure’ of the year as certificated by the approved auditors and accepted by the Department. As the figures for this purposes will become available only after the close of the year after the accounts of the College for the year are audited, ‘on account’ grants equal to 60 per cent of the probable grant due for that year based on the Budget Estimates, as scrutinsed and approved by the Director of Collegiate Education, of the year may normally be paid in October. Such ‘On account’ grants paid should be adjusted out of the final grant sanctioned and paid during the following year. “Note.- The application for on account grant shall be made in form C.G.C. 1 so as to reach the Directorate on or before 30 th September of each year duly supported by the Budget estimates for the year in Appendix II together with such details as may be called for by the Directorate. Incomplete applications or those received after the prescribed date of 30 th September, will be rejected. 19. The application for the grant shall be made in Form C.G.C. 1 on or before the 1 st August of the following year duly supported by the audited financial statement of accounts for the year in the manner laid down in Appendix II. In the case of new College (s) requiring ‘On account’ grants for the first time, the application in Form C.G.C. I will be supported by their budget estimates for the year for which the grants are required. “Note.- Applications not supported by the Audited Financial Statement/Budget Estimates and such other particulars as may be called for form time to time by the Director, will not be entertained. The claims for maintenance grant received after the prescribed date of 1 st August shall be subject to penalty by way of reduction of grant by two per cent for each month of default or part thereof commencing from August of every year. (ii) Grant towards loss of fee Income 20. A grant equal to the loss in its fee income at the prevailing rate as approved by the concerned University may be paid to a College on account of award of fee concessions, educational concessions, all schemes of Scholarships carrying freeships or half-freeships including refund of fees. For this purpose, “Fee income” shall be the fees actually charged by the College and approved by the University. 21. The grant shall be claimed in an application in form C.G.C. 2. Compensation for loss of fee income as per Rule 20 will be paid to a college before the 31 st March in every academic year in which such loss is incurred by the award of the concessions scholarships carrying freeships or half freeships including refund of fees. Such compensation should be claimed in two instalments after the freeship and scholarship lists are published. (iii) Building grants 22. A grant not exceeding half of the total expenditure may be sanctioned to a College:- (a) to acquire lands or buildings for the Colleges (s) or Play grounds or for other purposes connected with the College; (b) to construct a new building or improve or extend the existing College building or Canteen buildings Cycle Stand, Staff quarters (if the policy of providing staff quarters in such colleges has been approved by Government), for lay-out of play-grounds sports Pavilion, etc. The management shall either own a site for the construction of the buildings or be in possession of a site as a grantee or a lessee and shall produce satisfactory evidence of title or the right to possession as the case may be and also the evidence that the site is free from encumbrance. Provided that where the management is in possession as a grantee or lessee, the unexpired period of the grant or the lease, on the date of drawal of the last instalment of the grant shall be not less than forty years and that the deed of grant or lease permits the grantee or the lessee to construct a building on the site granted or leased. (c) In cases of new buildings, extensions or alterations, the Director or Government must have been convinced of their necessity and have approved their character. Works commenced 151 before obtaining the special permission of the Director or Government, as the case may be, will not be eligible for grant. Such grants are subject to a ceiling limit of Rs. 50,000 per year to any single college. Note.- If building grants cannot be given for wants of funds, loans may be given for the same purpose subject to availability of funds. Rules governing such loans are given in Appendix III. 23. Where private benefaction has been received for the purchase or construction of such buildings, the management is permitted to reckon it as part of its share of cost. Should the benefaction be in excess of the management’s share of cost, such excess shall go to reduce the Government share of cost. 24. An application for the grant shall be made in form C.G.C. 3. In the application, the management should furnish information as to how much money it has at its disposal, and whether the Government Grant applied for will be sufficient for the purchase of the land, etc., or for the construction of the building and completing it within the time prescribed by the department. The application should be supported by Plans, estimates and specifications, and indicate the manner of calling for and acceptance of tenders in the case of construction of buildings. Note.- If the lowest tender cannot be accepted in any case, the departure should be made in consultation with the Executive Engineer or other higher authorities of P.W.D. having jurisdiction over the area. 25. (a) In the case of grants for construction, improvement, or extension of buildings, every reasonable opportunity shall be afforded by the Management to the Officers of P.W.D., during the progress of the work, to inspect and examine the materials used; to take measurements and to verify whether the building is being constructed on the lines of the plan approved previously so as to enable them to issue the prescribed certificates. (b) If required, the grants may be paid in instalments as the work progresses, the amount so paid being at no time more than the proportionate grant payable on the value of work actually done, as certified by a Divisional Officer of the P.W.D., supported by details as in a public Works Running Account Bill. (c) The grant, or the last instalment of it when the grant is paid in instalments, shall be payable only on completion of the work, on the basis of an account of expenditure incurred, furnished in the P.W. Running Account Bill Form by an Officer of the P.W.D., not below the rank of an Assistant Engineer. The Bill should contain a certificate to the effect that the building has been completed generally in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, Note.- The last instalment would be so fixed that amount together with the instalments paid previously does not exceed the grant payable for the building on the basis of actual expenditure. 26. The Order sanctioning the grant shall specify the date by which the building should be completed. In case the building is not completed within the period specified above, the Department may call upon the management to explain the delay in construction, and in the event of sufficient cause not being shown, may require the Management to refund within a reasonable time prescribed, such portion of the grant as may have been drawn and if the Management fails to do so, summarily enter upon and take possession of the incomplete structure with the site on which it stands and all the building and materials lying thereon and take such steps and do such acts as the Department may deem necessary for the recovery of the grant drawn. 27. Where work is executed on piece work system or by engaging daily labourers, the management is responsible to see that the work is got supervised by qualified Engineers. For the purpose of drawing the grant or instalments, the expenditure should be certified by officers of P.W.D. (vide Rule 25.) The rates adopted in the bill should not exceed the corresponding rates in force in the P.W.D. in any case. 152 28. Grants may be made under these rules for the purchase of building or for improvements and extension of existing buildings also, whether or not they were originally constructed or purchased with the assistance of Government Grants. 29. When the grant applied for is for purchasing a building, the Director should satisfy himself; (a) Whether the right, title and interest in the building of the seller is established and whether the property will be made over to the College authorities immediately on payment; and (b) Whether the building is suitable for the purpose in regard to sanitation, lavatory fittings, water supply, ventilation, lighting, adequacy of accommodation, size of rooms, furniture, play-grounds etc. 30. Before a grant is paid, the management should execute a bond in Form C.G.C. 4 binding itself to abide by the conditions governing the payment of the grant. Where the grant exceeds Rs. 10,000, the management shall execute, in lieu of the above bond, a deed of mortgage of the property in favour of Government in Form C.G.C. 5. 31. It shall be competent for the Department to forbid the use of such buildings or any portion thereof, for such purposes as are considered by the Department to be inconsistent with the object of the grant. 32. The management of a College shall be bound to refund the whole or a portion of the building grant drawn by it, if a building for the acquisition, construction, extension or improvement of which a grant has been drawn, ceases to be used for the purpose for which the grant was drawn within a period of forty years from the date of the final payment of the grant, the amount refundable bearing the same ratio to the grant drawn as the period still required to complete 40 years of use of the building bears to 40 years. (iv) Equipment Grant 33. Grants may be sanctioned for the purchase of articles of equipment required for the bonafide use of a College upto 50 per cent of their value. The articles of equipment recognised for the purpose, are detailed in Appendix IV. Such grants are subject to annual ceiling limits as under:- 1. First Grade Colleges (Degree Colleges or Pre-University and Degree Colleges). Thereafter per annum 1. Colleges First Four years per annum Student strength upto 500 Student strength above 500 and upto 1000 Student strength above 1000 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 1. Arts and Science Colleges. 20,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 2. Arts and Commerce Colleges. 11,500 5,000 6,500 8,000 3. Law Colleges 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4. Arts Colleges 7,500 3,000 4,000 5,000 5. Commerce Colleges 7,500 3,000 4,000 5,000 6. Science Colleges 17,000 7,500 9,000 10,500 7. Science and Commerce Colleges 20,000 10,000 12,500 15,000 8. Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges 28,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 II. Second Grade Colleges (PUC Colleges) The Ceiling limit for II Grade Colleges shall be 50 per cent of the ceiling limit fixed for corresponding First Grade Colleges. When a College introduces Arts, Science, Commerce course afresh (for example, an Arts and Commerce College introduces Science course or Arts and Science College introduces commerce course etc.,) the ceiling limit for equipment grant shall be what the college would have got but for introducing the new course the additional amount as indicated under 1,4,5, and 6 above, as the case may be for the new course. 153 These limits are subject to revision from time to time at the discretion of the Government and depend upon the availability of funds. 34. (1) Grants not exceeding Rs. 1,000, in each case, may also be sanctioned for expenditure on equipment of a Capital nature of essential type, such as installation of Telephone, installation of water supply, pumping set, construction of overhead tank, fencing for garden, etc. (2) Grant towards the purchase of books furniture or appliances shall not be paid until the Department is satisfied that the purchase in aid of which the grant is payable has actually been completed by making payments in full and that the books, furniture or appliances purchased after obtaining approval of the Department are properly accounted for in the Registers of the College. (3) Grants shall not be given to meet the cost of seats or desks of a pattern which has not been approved by the Department. (4) Grants shall not be given for the purchase of articles regarding which the Department has not been previously consulted and for which aid has not been promised. (5) The grant payable for the year towards the purchase of equipment articles during the year will lapse if the purchase of the articles approved for the year and in aid of which the grant is payable is not completed before the end of the financial year. 35. Deleted. 36. Where a management receives private benefaction (s), it shall be entitled to take full credit for the same in arriving at its share of cost of the equipment. When, however, such benefaction is in excess of the management’s share of cost, the excess shall go to reduce the Government share of cost. Note.- In the application for grant, a management should furnish a certificate specifying the total amount of benefactions received in respect of the equipment (s). 37. Where a management has built up a Development Fund out of its savings earmarked for purpose of equipment amount amounting to more than its share of the cost of equipment to be purchased, such excess shall go to reduce the Government share of cost. 38. The application for grant in form C.G.C. 6 together with other details as called for by the Director should normally reach the Directorate on or before 16 th August of each year. It should be supported by a certificate of essentiality by the Head of the Department of the particular subject of, that college countersigned by the Principal. Note.- Claims for equipment grant duly supported by the vouchers, statement of actual purchase made and the certificates as called for by the Director should reach the Directorate on or before 30 th November of the same year. The claims received after the prescribed date of 30 th November of the same year, will be subject to levy of penalty by way of reduction of grant by 2 per cent for each month of default or part thereof commencing from December. 39. For purchasing of article of Furniture and laboratory requirements, the Colleges should obtain competitive quotations. In respect of heavy purchases of each group of articles costing more than Rs. 500, the system of calling for competative quotations from at least 3 firms approved by Stores Purchase Department and accepting normally the lowest quotation, unless there are recorded reasons to the contrary, shall be adopted. Where articles are got manufactured, the working rate should not exceed the current market rates. In respect of articles for which there are S.P.C. rate contracts, rates higher than these rates will not be recognised for the purpose of the grant. 40. If a College which has received aid for purchase of equipment under the above rules is closed or diverted for purposes other than those for which such grants are admissible, within 10 years from the date on which the last grant was drawn, the Director shall be competent to take over Government the articles for the supply of which Government grant was paid, or direct that the articles be sold in auction. In the latter case, the proceeds shall be credited to Government subject to payment to the management of such portion of the proceeds as the Government may deem proper. APPENDICES Rule 1. Appendix I Statement showing items of approved Expenditure 17 and Receipts. 2. Appendix II Financial statement of Accounts. 19 3. Appendix III Rules governing building loans 22 (note) 4. Appendix IV Details of articles of equipments 33 recognised for grants 154 FORMS No. Rule 1. Application form for maintenance grant. CGC 1 1 2. Application form for grant for loss of fee income CGC 2 20 3. Application form for building grant CGC 3 24 4. Bond form to be executed on payment of building grant. CGC 4 30 5. Mortagage deed of property CGC 5 30 6. Application form for equipment grant. CGC 6 38 APPENDIX I (Rule 17) Items of direct receipts and approved maintenance expenditure. Items of Direct Receipts (a) and (b) (a) Fees and fines- (i) Tution fees. (ii) Tutorial fees. (i) and (ii) At standard rates prescribed by Government for calculation of grant-in-aid. While calculating the receipts from these fees, the total strength of students as on rolls has to be taken into account. (iii) Laboratory fees. At standard rate prescribed by Government for purpose of calculating grants. Any laboratory fees in excess of the standard rate would be taken under Note to Rule 16(b)(v) as excess fee receipts. (iv) Library fees. (v) Admission fees. (vi) College examination fees. (vii) Transfer certificate fees. (viii) Fees from Ex-students. (ix) Any other fees, for the college proper. (x) Fines. (xi) Excess of fees [vide note below Rule 16(b)(v)]. (xii) Recoveries towards cost of books lost. (xiii) Recoveries towards breakages of laboratory articles. (b) Other miscellaneous receipts: (i) Any charges collected from the students for specific services, (e.g., cycle stand charges, etc.) (ii) Rent recovered in respect of any of the College buildings (excluding Hostels, Gymkhana and residential quarters). (iii) Fees for extra curricular activities. (iv) Any other miscellaneous receipts for the maintenance of the college. Items of approved expenditure: (1) Actual salary of teaching, clerical and inferior staff paid or salary at Government rates whichever is less. (a) Payment of leave salary on account of Surrender of leave as contemplated in Government Orders No. FD 59 SRS 70, dated 29 th January 1971 and 18th February 1971 to the Principals, Librarians, members of the Ministerial Staff and class IV employees of the Private Aided Colleges provided they are not enjoying the vacation and their earned leave is regulated as per Rules 112 and 115 of K.C.S.R’s. (2) Allowances of special nature such as Dearness Allowances H.R.A.,etc., at the Government rates or management rates which ever are lower. (3) Travelling allowances of the members of staff of the college in connection with the work of colleges in accordance with specific rules as approved by the Government not exceeding the rates admissible as per K.C.S. Rules subject to annual limit of Rs. 1,000. (4) Management contribution for staff Provident Fund schemes approved by Government. 155 (5) Rents of College buildings. (a) Rent including ground rent paid to the Land-lord for college buildings, if the college does not own its building. (b) Deleted. (c) In respect of the building constructed or purchased from Funds as grants from Government, Government of India, Local authority or from ear-marked donations; from loans and the UGC Grants”. (i) Municipal and other taxes paid on College Buildings. (ii) Actual maintenance and repairs including special repair charges to a maximum of 3 per cent of the capital cost of the College Buildings. (6) Contingencies (i) Light and Water. (ii) Printing and Stationery. (iii) Gas. (iv) Postage Telegram and Telephone charges. (v) Advertisement charges. (vi) Clothing to servants on prescribed scale not exceeding Government scale. (vii) Audit fee (at rates approved by competent authority) [Approved Rates:- For an institution with a strength of 400-Rs. 150, 401 to 800 –Rs. 250 and above 800- Rs. 300]. (viii) Affiliation fees. (ix) Repairs to furniture, typewriters and office equipment. (x) Other miscellaneous items (7) Interest on loans approved by Government. (8) Insurance premium on property upto Rs. 1,000 per year. (9) Expenditure on tours or excursions at prescribed rates for the Government Colleges subject to the maximum of Rs. 1,000 per annum. (10) Expenditure on consumable articles for laboratories. II. Expenditure on N.C.C. activities: (i) Salary of the teacher undergoing N.C.C. Training. (ii) Rent in respect of armoury, store-room and N.C.C. Office as certified by the Public Works Department authorities provided they are not constructed out of Government grants. (iii) Pay and allowances of the night watchman, if so employed specifically for N.C.C. Upto a minimum of 500 students strength ---6,000 From 500 to 750 students strength --- 8,500 From 750 to 1000 students strength --- 11,000 Above 1000 students strength --- 13,500 (This upward revision is based on sanction of extra amount of Rs. 2,500 for every additional number of 250 students admitted to a college). • Total expenditure on contingent items to be limited to Rs. 6,000 per annum. This will be raised in deserving cases up to a limit of Rs. 13,500 as follows:- APPENDIX II (Rule 19) COLLEGE Financial Statement of Accounts for the Year 19 - 19 Receipts Expenditure 1 2 Fees due at standard rates prescribed by Government April 19 to March 19 Rs. P. statement attached)- Audited Expenditure on:- 1. Amount brought forward from last year’s account.- 1. Salary of Teaching staff as shown in the detailed statement attached. 156 2. Income from donations, i.e., interest on donations. 2. Salary of Ministerial and Menial staff as shown in the detailed statement attached.- 3. Subscriptions and donations. 3. Travelling Allowances. 4. Actual receipts by Fees : (a) Tuition fees (b) Admission and Re. Admission fees.- (c) Fees and Penal fees (d) Laboratory fees (e) Library fees 4. (a) Rents (should be supported by a certificate granted by the House Rent Controller or Executive Engineer, P.W.D. as to the reasonableness of the rent). (b) Taxes 5. Grant-in-Aid Received:- (a) Maintenance (b) Building (c) Equipment (d) Compensation for loss of fee income (to be specified). 5. Building Repairs and Depreciation Fund. (ii) Contribution to Depreciation Fund. (ii) Ordinary repairs and up-keeping not exceeding 3 percent of the buildings including special repairs. 6. Miscellaneous Fee Receipts 6. Contingencies: (a) Light and Water (b) Stationery and Printing (c) Gas (d) Postage, Telegram and Telephone (e) Advertisement charges (f) Clothing to servants (g) Audit fees (h) Affiliation fees (i) Repairs to furniture, Typewriters and office equipment. 7. Scholarships 7. Scholarships 8. Loans 8. Refund of tuition fees 9. Expenditure on construction of buildings. 10. Expenditure on purchase of furniture. 11. Purchase of laboratory equipment. 12. Purchase of library books, etc 13. Repayment of Loans 14. Outlay not falling under the above heads (to be specified). 9. Amounts contributed by the Management for the runkeep of the College during the year. 15. Amount carried over to Next Year’s Account. Total Total Certificate.- 1. On behalf of the Management, I hereby certify that the expenditure shown above has been actually incurred and that no part of it relates to Scholarships or to articles for which a special grant is sanctioned under the Grant-in-aid. Principal. 2. I certify that I have audited the accounts of the College for the year 19 19 and that the receipts and expenditure shown in the above statement are correctly stated and supported by proper vouchers. Auditor. APPENDIX III [Rule 22 (note)] Rules regulating the grant of loans for construction or/and purchase of buildings. Loans- Loans for construction or purchase of College buildings may be given to aided management on the following conditions:- 157 (1) The management shall either own a site for the construction of the buildings or be in possession of a site as a grantee or a lessee and shall produce satisfactory evidence of title or the right to possession, as the case may be and also evidence that the site is free from encumbrances. (2) The maximum period for the repayment of loan shall be 20 years and shall carry interest at the rate fixed by Government at the time of sanction of the loan. (3) The Department should be satisfied about the ability of the management for the repayment of the loan according to conditions of the loan. (4) The management shall mortgage the site, the building and, if considered necessary by the Department its other assets also as security for the payment of the loan and execute necessary mortgage bond. (5) The conditions regarding plans and estimates and procedure for the construction of the buildings shall be the same as for the construction of the building for which grant is sanctioned. (6) The loan shall be paid in four instalments on the production of bills relating to completed works certified by the Public Works Department. The first instalment shall be paid in advance after an Agreement bond is executed, adjustments being made if necessary in the succeeding payment. (7) The Government grant for the construction of the College building and the loans to be sanctioned should not together exceed 50 per cent of the estimated cost of the College building. (8) The loan granted under these together with interest accrued thereon, shall be repaid in half-yearly instalments within 20 years. (9) Repayment of the loan released in instalments shall commence after two years from the date of drawal of the first instalment. (ii) Interest on the instalments of the loan disbursed shall be charged from the dates of drawal of the instalments, such interest being deemed to be due for payment at the six months from the dates of drawal of the instalments. (iii) The buildings, for the construction of which the loan is sanctioned, should ordinarily be completed within a period of 2 years from the date of drawal of the first instalment the building remains in an incomplete condition and is unsuitable for use, penal interest shall be levied on the amount of the loan drawn. This penal interest will fall due for payment at the sixth month reckoned after a period of two years from the date of drawal of the first instalment. (10) In case of delay in the repayment of the amount of loan together with interest, the amounts so due will be adjusted against the amount of grant due to the institution. (11) The recovery of interest at ordinary or penal rates, etc., would be in accordance with instructions contained in Chapter XII of K.F.C. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Amendments to Grant-in-Aid Codes of Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Sectors- approved. Read: 1) Government Order No. ED 1 PGC 64, dated 18-10-1969 approving uniform grant- in- aid Code for Aided Primary Schools. 2) Government Order No. ED 13 SHS 67 dated 17-6-1967 approving grant-in-aid Code for Secondary Schools. 3) Government Order No. ED 22 UGC 60 dated 7-8-1964 approving grant-in-Aid Code for Colleges. Preamble : 1. Government have approved grant-in-Aid Codes for Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Sectors from time to time as referred to above. 2. The need to amend these codes to bring in uniformity and rationalize the existing patterns was under consideration of the Government for some time. 3. Formal Orders regarding the decisions taken are now issued. ORDER NO. ED 12 MES 81, BANGALORE, DATED 9 TH APRIL 1981 1. Government approve amendments to Grant-in-Aid Codes as indicated below:- 158 Sl. No. Reference For the words Substitutes 1. Primary GIA Code Chapter IV para 22 (iii) a Second Sentence. Para 22 IV No School will be eligible for grant-in-Aid during the first three years of starting. No School shall be eligible for grants until and unless it has completed three years. No School will be eligible for grant-in-Aid during the first five years of starting. No School shall be eligible for grants until and unless it has completed five years. 2. Primary GIA Code Chapter IV Para 26 V There shall be one teacher for every forty pupils on the roll and thirty pupils on the average attending the School. Where these norms are exceeded by fifty percent in any Sections i.e., where the pupil strength in a class exceed sixty on the roll with forty five attending on the average the section shall be bifurcated, and an additional teacher sanctioned. There shall be one teacher for every sixty pupils on the roll and fifty pupils on the average attending the School where these norms are exceeded by one third in any section, i.e., where the pupil strength in a class exceed eighty on the roll, with seventy five attending on the average, the Section shall be bifurcated and an additional teacher sanctioned. 3. Secondary GIA Code appendix IV (Rule 9 and 21). The requirement of teaching staff in Secondary Schools (excluding the Head Master) shall be regulated in proportion to the pupil teacher ratio of 40:1 and the number of standards or sections and the Craft or special subjects taught. The requirement of teaching staff in Secondary Schools (excluding the Head Master) shall be regulated in proportion to the pupil teacher ratio of 60:1 and the number of Standards or Sections and the Craft or special subjects taught. 4. Grant-in-Aid Code for Colleges Chapter IV para 16(b) V That no Colleges will be eligible for grant-in-Aid during the first three years after starting. That no College will be eligible for grant-in-aid during the first five years after starting. 5. Para 16 (b) VI That in respect of Colleges which are other-wise eligible for grant- in-aid grants on new courses of study will be admissible only with effect from the date of completion of three years from the date of introduction of such courses. That in respect of Colleges which are otherwise eligible for grant-in-Aid on new courses of study will be admissible only with effect from the date of completion of five years from the date of introduction of such courses. 2. This order comes into effect from 1-4-1981. In respect of institutions which have completed only three years of existence as on 31-3-81, these amendments will apply, and the grant-in-aid will be admissible to such institutions in 1983-84 only and not with effect from 1981-82. 3. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 662/Int/Exp.8/81 dated 13-3-1981. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, Y.R. Achyuta Rao, Under Secretary to Government, Education & Youth Services Department. 159 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Amendment of Rule 10-A of Grant-in-Aid Code. PREAMBLE : Under Chapter III-General conditions of Grant-in-aid the following condition was including as Rule 10-A (c) Rule 10-A: No College/Technical Institution shall be eligible for grant under these Rules, if any employee of such College; (c) Contests any election to or becomes a member of any House of State Legislature or any House of Parliament or any Local Authority- The above restriction seems to be unreasonable and many not satisfy the concept of the reasonable restriction with reference to the provisions of Article 14 of the Constitution of India. It is, therefore, felt necessary to delete the said clause. G.O. NO. ED 91 UPC 84, BANGALORE, DATED THE 28 TH JULY 1984. After careful consideration, Government are pleased to delete sub-rule (c) of Rule 10-A of Grant-in-Aid Code applicable to the Colleges, coming under the Control of Department of Collegiate Education and Department of Technical Education. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Amendment to Grant-in-aid Code applicable to Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education. ORDER NO. ED 48 UPC 85, BANGALORE, DATED 28 TH OCTOBER 1985. After Rule-12, under Chapter-III of the Grant-in-Aid Code applicable to the Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education, the following shall be inserted as Rule-12A, namely- Rule-12A: Appointment of Special Officer: (1) If, in the opinion of the Director of Collegiate Education (a) the Managing Committee of any Educational Institutions for which the grant-in-aid is paid under this grant-in-aid Code, persistently makes default or is negligent in the performance of the duties imposed on it by the Grant- in-aid Code or Rules of recruitment or committs any act which is prejudicial to the interest of the teaching and non-teaching staff and the student community in general or if otherwise not functioning properly; or (b) the Managing Committee of any institution for which the grant-in-aid is paid is not functioning in accordance with the agreement entered into by the Managing Committee for the purposes of salary grant of any directions issued by the State Government or the Department of Collegiate Education, the Director of Collegiate Education may, after hearing the Managing Committee, by order, remove the said Managing Committee and appoint a Special Officer to manage the affairs of the said Educational Institution for a period of one year and it may extend the period for one more year. Exception : Nothing in this rule shall apply to Educational Institutions established and administered by the minorities. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. 160 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Department of Collegiate Education-Payment of Salary Grants to Un-aided Degree/Composite Colleges-Increase of Non-grant period from 5 years to 7 years Issue of orders regarding- GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. ED 110 UPC 85, BANGALORE, DATED 7 TH NOVEMBER 1985. Read: G.O. No. ED 12 MES 81, B’lore, dated 9 th April, 1981 PREAMBLE : 1. In Govt. Order read above Government has issued amendments regarding Grant-in-aid Code increasing the non-grant period to 5 years among other things. 2. The question of further increasing the non-grant period in respect of Un-aided Degree/Composite Colleges was under consideration of Government for some time past due to various reasons. ORDER 1. Government after a careful consideration of the issue, accords approval for increasing the Non-grant period from 5 years to 7 years in respect of Un-aided Degree/Composite Colleges coming under the control of Director of Collegiate Education, as indicated below:- i) No College will be eligible for grant-in-aid during the first seven years after starting; ii) In respect of colleges which are otherwise eligible for grant-in-aid on new courses of study will be admissible only with effect from the date of completion of seven years from the date of introduction of such courses; iii) The above conditions are in addition to the Grant-in-aid Code rules applicable to the institutions coming under the control of Director of Collegiate Education. 2. This order comes into force from the academic year 1985-86. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rc ct~ · >::cc.. .±c.. . -..¬:¯: .:·^ ¬- ¬::c/ -.. ·t:=c¬ ¬:t : /¬.to-. ¬ ./. vc:: . :c...t c., ·:¬ =.¯t :t ~ :c:., .c/-oc., :¬ c ¬: ·c. . :(.) .:::·¬ ·+-·¯-l .¬ ÷.· !¯í·l-·!, :.:ct º.. · ¬c.c lº·¯ c. ¯c.c.¬ ¬¬ ¬:c. ±·: :s. -..¬:¯: .¬: ·c·c. . :¬-: ¬.c¬-c..¬c. ·t:=ct ¬...c.... ·. ·, -:. :¬:c..¬ t:c~ -¬ c ::c / -.. . ¬ ·toc¬. ¬o./.. .¬ - t ¬ ¬:/ .¬ ¬ .. :¬cc¬ : ::c / -.. ·t:=c ¬ . ¬ .·to-.. to.c¬:c. 161 = .¬ c..¬ . ·:¬=.¯t :t ~ :c...t c -.¬:c..¬.. t .-c::.:.. -..¬:¯: .:·^ ::c/- ·.c: ¬/=¬ · c.- /-/:^ : .t¬: . oct . occ ¬ . ¬ ~¬. . ·t:=c:c¬ =/ t o¬c:/.. ¬ . :¬cc¬ ·c.-¬ .¬c..¬. ·t:=ct ¬ ÷ ¬ .. o .c .¬ :. ¬.:. :: c :÷.=/-/:^ ¬ . ::c/ ¬. ¬ ¬=t ·.¬.:c. l¯)) co./ -¬. :÷.= .c.: ¬. :¬.¬ cc¬ -..¬:¯: .¬: · c·/ - :¬-: ¬.c¬-c..¬ c ¬ .. .c. .. . ¬ c:..· .:·^ -..¬:¯: ::c / -.. ·t:=c¬ ¬ :t ¬ .·to- .. :c...t c. :¬ :c · ¬ .:. · t:=c¬ :¬ .: ¬.. to.c¬:c . oc:t ·c: ¬2 :ss :·¯:c¯O s:, ocr=nc., Os:ct Iºs: :.:>¯r Iºs( = .¬c..¬.. ·t:=c ¬ to.ct.¬ ¬:^ ¬c:..· -. .¬:¯: .:·^ ¬- ¬::c / -.. = t-tc¬ ¬ c:. /-/o- ¬.. ·t:=c ¬ .·t o- .. ..¬ .:=¯·c:^¬ .- -) -..¬:. ¬¬c.... c.¬ ::c / -.. ¬.:: ·t:=c¬ ¬ :t :/¬.to-. ¬¬.. ¬c:..·c:/.¬¬.. :) ::c c... :.¬ . :¬ ·c: ::c: t. ¬ ¬:/o :.¬ ¬ .¸¬:. ¬.. ¬oc:c:t ¬., :. :· ./ · ¬¬:¬ ¬ t. . ¬oc:c . .t .. :) ::c c... ·.·. :¬:¬ ¬c.o./ ::c ¬.:. ¬.· t .c¬:c ¬oc:c . .t., :¬-: ¬.c¬-c... c..:¬¬ . :c ¬ ¬ :tc:c ./-c.:c ¬ .. -¬. ·c¬o~=¬:^ .c¬ . :¬-: ¬.c¬-c.. ¯c..c: ~¬. c:t ¬ .. =) c..:¬¬ . ¬o¬/:ct :. ¬, :. .c: :· c.oc:/ . .¬ c:: ^ ::cc. ... ·t:=ct ¬/:=:.· .. :¬-: ¬.c¬-c... · ¬ c c:¬ ¬ .:¬ . .t .. .) ::c c.... ·t:=c ¬ ¬: t to¬.¬ :¬ ·¬¬ c / :¬-: ¬ .c¬-c. .. .....·. (..¬ ·-..) ¬c./c.... ¬:¬ . ¬.:.c . .t.. .) ·t:=c¬ ¬:t :/¬.toc¬ ::c: ·.c: ·t:=c ·.¬c... ....¬:¬ :.:ct:c¬ · .¬: :.¬ :c.... ¬¬c. ..¬c .. :c:. c. .. c.¬ · .¬: .c:. ¬.c.. to.c... = .-t cc ¬ · c. . ·.c·c:/ .¬ ¬ .. ¬...c¬ ¬ c:. /-.. ¬ oc¸·.¬ ¬.c. oc¬. -. .¬:¯: .:· ^ ¬- ¬::c/ -. . ·t:=c ¬ .·to-. ¬ ./ ¬ ·: ¬.c.... ·t:=ct · . ·.. :c. ..t c. . t o.c¬. ¬:/ o .-. ¬..¯·¬cc¬c. . ¬·.. c.¬ ¬- ¬::c / -.. · ¬ -¬ c t o.ct ¬ o¬ c. ·. ·¬ ¬t ¬ . -c: ¬ ¬- ¬::c/ -.. · t:=c¬ ¬ .·to- .¬.¬.. = :¬ .:¬.. -.:t : .¬~ ·c. :: ¯)+ :. ¬÷ ·í·: :.:ct l¯.. ¬. ¬ c lº·: ¬~t:·. :c:.c..¬c · ¬ ¬.. ¬ ¬¬. ¬oc .·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬ .::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬ ·c.. , r. :..¯c..± ·t:=c¬ t:c..=¬:=-!, :t ~ :c:. . PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Amendments to grant-in-aid Codes of Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Education – clarification issued- Read: 1) Government Order No. ED 87 PGC 85, dated 18-4-85 and subsequent clarification dated 23-6-85, regarding grant-in-aid for Primary Education. 2) Government Order No. ED 143 SOH 85, dated 27-11-85 and subsequent clarification dated 16-5-86, regarding grant-in-aid for Secondary Education. 3) Government Order No. ED 110 UPC 85, dated 7-11-85 and subsequent clarification dated 23-5-86, regarding grant-in-aid for Collegiate Education. 162 Preamble : Government decided to raise the non-grant period from five to seven years from the year 1985-86 and Government orders cited above were issued to amend the Grant-in-Aid Code of Primary, Secondary and Collegiate Education. Government have received several representations seeking clarifications and correct inter- pretation of the above orders. It is felt necessary to issue a clarification to avoid confusion and discrepancy in implementing the orders. ORDER NO. ED 92 MES 86, BANGALORE, DATED 4 TH JULY 1986. It is hereby clarified that non-Government Educational Institutions (Primary, Secondary, Pre-University Colleges and Degree Colleges) started during the academic year 1985-86 (i.e. after 1-6-85) are governed by the seven year grantless period rule, and are eligible for grants after seven years. Educational institutions (Primary, Secondary, Pre-University Colleges and degree Colleges) started prior to the academic year 1985-86 (i.e. before 1-6-85) are governed by the five year grantless period rule, and are eligible for grants after five years. There is no change in the separate rules prescribed for SC/ST/BC managed educational institutions. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, Y.R. ACHYUTA RAO Special Officer and Ex-Officio Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Amendments to grant-in-aid Code applicable to Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education. – Read: Government Order No. ED 48 UPC 85 dated 28.10.85. Preamble : In the Government Order dated 18.10.1985 read above, Rule 12 A has been included in the Grant-in-aid Code of Karnataka Collegiate Education Department. It has come to the notice of Government that in some of the aided Colleges, the managements are not following the Government Orders. ORDER NO. ED 98 UPC 87, BANGALORE, DATED THE 5 TH JANUARY 1988. After Rule 12A under Chapter III of the Grant-in-aid Code applicable to the Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education, the following shall be inserted as Rule-12B namely:- “Rule – 12B:- The Managing Committee of any Education Institution for which the grant-in- aid is paid under this Grant-in-aid Code, the Director shall have power to operate the joint Account in any manner he may decide, including amending, cancelling with-holding or postponing any payment of deduction ordered by the Principal. In case of violation of Government Order, circulars, Director’s orders and circulars, in approval of appointments, transfers etc the Director shall have power to stop the Principal’s salary or salary grant to the College/Colleges”. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, Leela George Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. 163 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA ORDER NO. RDP 260 ZPS 87, BANGALORE DATED: 31.12.1988 Sri M. Renukarya, Member, Zilla Parishad, Tumkur. Respondent, Petition under Section 155(2) of the Karnataka Zilla Parishads, Taluk Panchayat Samithis, Mandal Panchayats and Nyaya Panchayats Act, 1983. 1. A show cause notice was issued to the above mentioned Respondent under Section 155(2) of the Karnataka Zilla Parishads, Taluk Panchayat Samithis, Mandal Panchayats and Nyaya Panchayats Act, 1983 (hereinafter called the Act) directing him to show cause as to why action should not be taken to declare that his seat in the Zilla Parishad has become vacant, as it has come to the notice of the Government that the Respondent is working as a Lecturer in the Tiptur Pallagati Adavappa I Gr. College and is entitled to receive a salary from the said institution. The learned counsel for the Respondent was heard on 10.12.1988 and the documents put in by him along with the reply to the notice filed were taken on record and perused. 2. The power of the Government under Section 155(2) of the Act has been delegated to the Secretary to Government of Karnataka, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department by the Minister for Rural Development vide his order dated 2 nd April 1988. 3. The learned counsel for the Respondent admitted that Sri Renukarya is working as a Lecturer in Tiptur Pallagatti Adavappa I Gr. College, an institution established and controlled by the Kalpatharu Vidya Samsthe, a private institution registered under the Karnataka Registration of Societies Act, 1960. He however submitted that the said College is neither run or controlled by the Government eventhough the said institution has been receiving grant-in-aid from the Government of Karnataka. He also submitted that the Government of Karnataka vide their order dated 28 th July 1984 have been pleased to delete sub-rule (c) of Rule 10(A) of grant-in-aid Code applicable to College which prohibited grant-in-aid in respect of College/Technical institutions, any of whose employee contests any election to or becomes a member of any House of State Legislature or any House of Parliament or any local authority, on the ground that such a restriction would be unreasonable and may not satisfy the concept of reasonable restriction under Article 14 of the Constitution of India. He therefore submitted that it would not be proper to hold the office of lecturer in an aided College as an office of profit. 4. In Lalithabai vs. Returning Officer City Municipal Council and others reported in Mysore law Journal, 1969(2) page 115, the Hon’ble High Court of Mysore have held that “a teacher in a private school managed by a Committee registered under the Societies Registration Act, but which received grant from Government is not the holder of an office of profit under any local or other authority under the control of the Government and is not disqualified from standing for election to the Municipal Council under Section 16(1) (c) of the Municipalities Act.” Section 154(1)(h) of the Act is similar to Section 16(1) (c) of the Municipalities Act, the said judgement would apply equally in the instant case. Since it has been held by the Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka that a teacher in a private school run by a Society receiving a grant-in-aid from the Government cannot be held to hold an office of profit, it would not be proper to hold that Sri Renukarya is disqualified to be a member of the Zilla Parishad, Tumkur in the instant case. Accordingly, further proceedings are dropped and the notice issued by this office in No. RDP 260 ZPS 88 dated 17.11.1988 is hereby withdrawn. Secretary to Government, Rural Dev. & Pan. Raj Dept. ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. . t:c... :t ~ ¯¬=.:.:.c..¬ ¬:. / o- ¬¬.¬ .:·^ -. .¬:¯: t:c .../ -. . lº·:-·¯.. ·:.. . ¬: cc. ·¬ t.¬ to.·.= .¬c../ -.. ¬ .:. -..¬:.¬ ¬:. / .- ¬.·.¬ ./ -:¬ .: . 164 :cc:õc . (l) ¬: ·c. t::¯-l!-..c.·-.··-º¯-º+ :.:ct !·-l!-º¯ ¯¬=.:t c., t:c ... :t ~ :c:., .c/ -oc., :¬cc¬. ±·: :s. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc ., .c/ - oc., :¬c. ¬..c :¬ c:¬ :.:ct !·-l!- º¯c ¬: ¬. lº·:-·¯c ¬¬=¬. .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../- . --¬ .·c .¬ ¬:cc. ·c.¬ t.¬ t o.·.= .¬c../ -.. ¬ .:.:. .¬:.¬ ¬:. / .-¬ .·.¬ ./ ·.·c.¬ ¬ ·: ¬.c.... ·t:=c¬ ¬ c:..· : .¬ .. ·.c ..:, /~:::· .¬.:·t c ., ·.-¬ .¬co ¬o.cc..c t:c..., :¬ c/ c:. ¬.:. : .~c. .. ¬ .:. ¯.¬.¬c: ¬.:. :. t . : .¬:¬, tc¬ o.c ·¸. .¬.:·t c., ..c. .: t:c ..., .c/ -oc., :¬ c ..¬.t:.c.... :.:ct !l.ll.ºl cc¬ ¬ c/~· c......·. ¬ .: . : .~c. .. ¬.:. ¯.¬.¬c: = t-tc¬c: :¬.: ¬oc.·¬. ·t:rc oc:t ·c: . ¬2-:ã-c...:.-º(, ocr = nc., Os:ct 1s: ::c¯ Iºº( t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:t c., .c/-oc., :¬ c. · . ·c.¬ ¬·: ¬ .c.... :¬ c·, ¬c:..·, t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. -..¬:. ·c.:c. .. c o.·c:^c .¬ ¬c:. ¯.c¬ ./ .-¬.. ¬.:. = ¯.. . :^c¬:/ ¬oc .·c.¬ .¬ .¬./-/. ./ .~¬:^ .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. lº·:-·¯c . -¬¬: .c¬ ¬: cc. ·c.¬ t.¬ to.· .= .¬c../- . t:=¬¬. c.¬ : .¬.. ·.c ..:, /~:::· , .¬.:·t c ., · .- ¬ . ¬ c o ¬.¬o.cc..c t:c ..., :¬c/ c:. ¬.:. :.~c... ¬.:. ¯.¬.¬c: ¬ .: . :. t . :.¬:¬ , tc¬ o.c ·¸. .¬.:·tc., ..c. . t:c ..., .c/ -oc., :¬c ..¬ .t:.c. .. . :.:ct !l-ll-ºl cc¬ /~./ :/¬.toc¬. :¬c/ c......·. ¬ .:. : .~c. .. ¬ .:. ¯.¬ .¬c: = t -tc¬ ¬c :. /-/ .-¬.. :.:ct l-!-º: cc¬ ::c/ .c.¬c: ¬ .:.:..¬:. t .- ¬.·¬. l. :¬ .: · c. :.-l+:-c....·-¯º, :.:ct ¯-l)-·l ¬.:. = ¯.. . :^c¬:/ ¬oc .·c.¬ .¬.¬. ¬:/o · ..tc~/-/../.~¬:^ ¯/:¬.·¬ t:c. .=. :c ¬.. ¬oc:c:t ¬.. -. ¬ ¬ ..c¬ ·t:=c .: ·.¬.¬:¬ c. .:¬ ¬ . ¬ c. /o-¬ .c:t ¬.. !. :.. ¬..c¬ . .¬:..·:c ..= ¬.:¬ . .t:^c.¬ ¬ .¬ /-/ ·t ¬ . -:t:c:.c¬ ¬o¬:=..¬..c.... ¬¬ c..:t¬.. 3. ..c . .¬.t:., .. ¬ .:. .¬::=/- ¬ ¬ .: .¬c. .¬. t:.t:.t ¬ oc.·.¬ ·t:=c :¬ .:/ -.. t..¯.: ^ ¬:.·:t¬.. 4. ¬¬ .::¬t::¬. ¯/ :¬.·c.¬ .¬::=/- t¯¬ ¬ ¬ .:~¬. . ¯:c¬:^ -..· c·:t¬.. ¯. ¬..c¬ .¬.·.¬ ¬.¬/-.. .:tc:/ ct ·:./ -c¬ . ¬ c/~ · -¬ / -. . ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬c/ ¬ /- ...· c:.c.. -..¬::¬ -.c.. ct ·:. :.c..¬ :.t ¬..c¬.¬c· . .¬.t:. ¬ .:¬:t¬. ¬.:. = ::c... ·t:=c :^c¬:/ ¬ oc.·c.¬ ¬oc.·.¬ :¬ .:/ -.. ¬:.·:t¬.. 6. = :¬ .: ¬. . -..¬:.¬ . .¬:.c..¬:^¬., c..:¬¬ . t:c~t o .c:. .:-c.... ¯.¬:t ¬. to.c:t ¬. . 165 7. ·¬c t:c.../ - 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Preamble : The question of direct payment of salaries to the employees of Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and Teacher’s Colleges has been under the Consideration of Government for sometime past and Government have decided that salaries be paid directly to the employees of these institutions, subject to the fulfilment of certain duties and responsibilities both by the managements and employees of these institutions. Accordingly, Government are pleased to make the following order. Order No. ED 141 UPC 76, Bangalore, dated the 6th October 1977 Salaries of the employees of the Aided Institutions referred to above, which execute an Agreement with Government as in the form attached shall be paid in accordance with the provisions and subject to the conditions contained in the Agreement. The salaries for the month of October 1977 shall be paid on 1 st November 1977 and thereafter from month to month. 2. For the judicious exercise of the powers and duties of Managements in the matter of maintaining order and discipline among their employees, it is necessary that they prescribe a Code of Conduct for their employees. For this purpose, the managements shall obtain from each of their employees an Agreement duly signed by him in the form contained in Schedule II of the Agreement. 3. Certain grants hitherto being made under the provisions of the Grant-in-Aid Codes are discontinued from 1 st October 1977 as indicated under “General provisions” in the Agreement. As a result, these Codes require modification and action should be taken in this direction immediately. 4. Government reserve to themselves the right of not executing the Agreement with any Institution referred to above. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FC 3851/77, dated 30 th August 1977. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, B.S. MUDDAPUR Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. AGREEMENT Articles of Agreement made and entered into this the …………………………. 197….……….. between the Governor of Karnataka (hereinafter referred to as “The Government”) of the one part and the Management of the …………………………………………………………………………. (name of the private aided institution) (hereinafter referred to as “The Management” which expression shall, when the context so admits include also its legal heirs, representatives, executors, administrators and assign) of the other part; Whereas the Management is the owner of and is in full control and management of the Institution mentioned and described in the Schedule I hereto (hereinafter called the “Institution”) together with all properties moveable and immovable belongings or appeartaining to the Institution. Whereas the Management exercises its authority to maintain order and discipline among the employees and students of the Institution and has obtained from each employee an Agreement in the form contained in the Schedule II hereto binding him to the faithful observance of the Code of Conduct prescribed therein. Whereas the Management and the Government have agreed to certain terms and conditions with regard to (1) the payment of salaries to employees of the Institution (2) the collection and use of fees from students (3) recruitment of employees and admission of students (4) certain powers and duties of Management as herein contained; Now these presents witness and it is hereby mutually agreed as follows:- In this Agreement- 1. “Bank” means a Commercial or Co-operative Bank designated by the Director. 168 2. “Director” means the Director of Collegiate Education or the Director of Public Instruction or the Director of Pre-University Education or the Director, State Educational Research and Training as the context may require. 3. “Employee” means an employee, teacher or otherwise, appointed by the Management to a post in the Institution and approved by the Director subject to such conditions as he may prescribe consistent with rules approved by Government from time to time relating to the appointment of employees in private institutions and who executes an Agreement with the Management as provided in clause 2 of Section IV herein. 4. “Institution” means a private aided college, Junior College or Higher Secondary School having an average daily attendance of not less than eighty students in a term. 5. “Management” means a person, a body of persons, a local body or a Registered Association, a Managing Committee or Committees, maintaining one or more Institutions and registered and recognised as such by the Government. 6. “Miscellaneous Fees” means all fees levied on students other than tuition fees, Laboratory fees and Specific Fees. 7. “Principal” means the teacher of the Institution appointed as such by the Management. 8. “Specific Fees” means fees levied on students for a specific purpose other than tuition fees and laboratory fees and which involve corresponding expenditure of the same order for such specific purpose. 9. “Standard Rates” means rates of tuition fees and laboratory fees prescribed by Government for levy on students in Government Institutions. 10. “TBS” means the Triple Benefit Scheme promulgated by Government under Government Order No. ED 65 SES 62, dated 24 th August, 1983 and Order No. ED 176 UPC 75, dated 18 th August, 1976 and such further orders as Government may Pass. 1. Payment of salaries to employees (1) The Director shall pay to the Management, in the manner provided herein, a grant called the “salary grant” equal to the salaries and allowances of such employees of the institution as may be approved by the Director from time to time and at the same rates as are prescribed for appointees to similar posts under Government. While granting such approval the Director shall prescribe the minimum qualifications and the minimum number of hours of instruction for full time and part-time employees and for the purpose may also require that they shall be engaged in another institution under the same Management, wherever possible or that they shall be engaged only as part-time employees. (2) The Director shall approve before the 1 st January of each year, a statement of monthly salaries, allowances and increments payable during that year to each employee and shall forward copies of the statement to the Principal and the Bank. The Director shall also forward in like manner supplementary statements relating to employees appointed or terminated during the year. (3) The Director shall open a Joint Account in the Bank in the names of the Director and the Principal duly authorised by the Management; the Principal shall cause every employee to open an individual account in the same Bank. (4) The Director shall, through direct credit by Government or remittance of fees under clause 4 of Section II, arrange to maintain a minimum balance in the Joint Account equal to two month’s salaries and allowances of the employees. (5) The Principal shall authorise the Bank, through a consolidated salary bill in such form as the Director shall prescribe, to transfer on the first day of each month from the Joint Account to the individual account of each employee a net amount equal to the salary and allowances of the whole or part of the previous month during which period he was on duty, reduced by the amounts to be deducted towards life insurance premia, provident fund, professional tax, income tax. The Principal shall also authorise the Bank to transfer the deductions so made to the respective Government agencies for credit to the accounts of the employees. The Principal shall send copies of all authorisations to the Director. (6) The Principal may deduct from the salary any other amount with the prior approval of the Director but shall not authorise payment of any amount not included in or in excess of the amount approved in the Statement or of any arrears. The Principal shall have no authority to operate the Joint Account for any other purpose. (7)The Director shall have power to operate the Joint Account in any manner he may decide, including amending, cancelling, withholding or postponing any payment or deduction ordered by the Principal. In particular, the Director shall have power to stop the Principal’s salary for violation of 169 any duties cast on him under this Agreement or for any payment to employees who are not in service or on duty with the prescribed instruction load. (8) The Management shall have power to appoint in accordance with lawful procedures and pay from its own funds any person other than an employee as defined in the agreement for a short time subject to and pending approval of the Director under clause I of this Section. The Director shall reimburse to the Management the payment so made if any the extent the appointment and the salary and allowances are approved by him. (9) All transfers, remittances and reimbursements made under this section shall be deemed to be payments of salary grant made to the Management. The Management shall not pay any other salary and allowances to employees included in the Statement. (10) No salary grant shall be paid in respect of any new Institution or any new course of study in an Institution during the first three academic years after the commencement of the Institution or the course of study. The Director shall prescribe the minimum number of students per subject or combination of subjects for the eligibility of grant. II. Collection and use of Fees from students (1) The Management shall collect tuition and laboratory fees from the students at rates not exceeding twice the standard rates prescribed by the Government. (2) The Management may collect Specific Fees for the following purpose, namely, library, college examination, medical examination, magazine, sports, reading room. Association/Union at such rates as will be adequate for the purpose of meeting expenditures for such purposes and such fees shall be utilised only for the purpose or which they are intended and for no other purpose. (3) The Management may collect miscellaneous Fees for application form, admission, registration, transfer, scrutiny and such other purposes and at such rates as it may determine. (4) The Management shall authorise the Principal to remit to the credit of the Joint Account on the same day as when any fees referred to in clause I of this Section are collected, the tuition fee and/or laboratory fee at standard rates: Provided, the Director may grant exemption from remitting the laboratory fees on satisfaction that the Management has not collected tuition fees and/or laboratory fees in excess of standard rates and has not received per capita fees or donations of any kind on behalf of any student. (5) Management shall credit all fees collected in excess of the standard rates, all Specific Fees and Miscellaneous Fees, fines, per capita fees or donations received by it on behalf of any student and all other receipts and income, by whatever name called, received by it into a separate amount called the College Account opened in the same Bank. The Management shall authorise the Bank to furnish to the Director a monthly statement of the College Account. (6) The Management shall remit on the first day of each month from the College Account to the credit of the individual Post Office Account of each employee an amount equal to 3 per cent on basic pay of the employee towards the Management’s contribution to the TBS pertaining to the previous month. (7) Subject to paras 2 and 6 of this Section, the current maintenance expenditures of the Institution on (1) contingencies (2) consumable materials and (3) replacement of laboratory and office equipment shall be met from out of the balance available in the college account. (8) If a surplus is left in the College Account after meeting the expenditure in clause 7 of this Section, such surplus, upto 10 per cent of the total annual salaries, may be used for expenditures on (1) the payment of rent and interest on loans approved by Government (2) repairs (3) construction of buildings and (4) the purchase of new equipment, furniture and library books and (5) such other purposes as may be approved by Government. (9) Any surplus in excess of 10 per cent of the total annual salaries shall be credited to the Joint Account. (10) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, the Management shall remit from the College Account to the credit of the Joint Account at the end of March, June, September and December any difference existing on those dates between the amount of fees due to be remitted under clause 4 of this Section in respect of students enrolled and the amount of fees actually remitted. The Director may, by order in writing, exempt the remittance of the whole or part of any fees charged by the Management in respect of students to whom fee concessions, educational concessions, all types of scholarships carrying full/half freeships have been granted or fees have been refunded. (11) The fees and any other amounts collected on behalf of the students of an Institution shall be utilised only for the purpose of that Institution and not for the purpose of any other Institution. 170 (12) All fees, receipts and other incomes and all expenditures shall be fully exhibited in the annual financial statement which shall be submitted to the Director prepared in such form as he may prescribe duly audited by the Chartered Accountant, before the end of July of each year. The Management shall, if it is governed by the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960, submit to the Director a certificate of compliance under Section 13 thereof and Rule 7 of the Rules thereunder in respect of the accounts of the Society for the calendar year previous to the year expired. (13) The expenditure on items referred to in clause 8 of this section shall be separately furnished in such form as may be prescribed by the Director. (14) The Management shall be deemed to have vested in the Principal all powers necessary for the discharge of his functions under this Section and for the transaction of all the administrative business of the Institution with the Director. (15) If the Management/Principal fails to discharge its/his obligations under this Section, the Director shall have power to require that all fees and other dues shall be paid by students directly into the Joint Account and/or to reduce the direct credit by Government of the salary grant by the amount of fees remaining to be remitted under clauses 4 and 10 of this Section. III. Recruitment of employees and admission of students (1) The Management shall follow such rules or orders as may be made by Government from time to time regarding the reservation of SC/ST and other backward classes in (a) the recruitment to the posts of employees and (b) the admission of students and also follow such rules of procedure as may be prescribed by the Director. (2) The Management shall, subject to clause I, admit students strictly on the basis of merit and domicile as may be defined by Government from time to time but shall be entitled to fill up 10 per cent of the seats at its discretion. The Management shall not refuse to admit any students merely on the ground of the caste or community to which he belongs. IV. Certain powers and duties of Management (1) The Management shall be in full control of the Institution and shall be responsible for its maintenance. It shall exercise its authority to maintain order and discipline among its employees and students at all times. (2) The Management shall obtain from each employee an Agreement, in the form contained in the Schedule II hereto, that he will faithfully observe the Code of Conduct prescribed therein and recognises the Management’s right to exercise disciplinary control over him in accordance with lawful procedures in the event of a violation of such Code by him. (3) The Management shall appoint no employee and shall dispense with the services of every employee who (a) engages himself or participates in any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interests of the soveriegnty and intergrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with neighbouring or foreign States, public order, decency or morality or which involves comtempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence; (b) becomes a member of or otherwise associates with any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics or takes part in or subscribes in aid of or assists in any manner any political movement or activity; and (c) contests any election to or becomes a member of any House of State Legislature or any House or Parliament or any Local Authority. (4) The Management shall not take part in political agitation directed against the authority of the State Government or foster opinion tending to excise feelings of disloyalty or disaffection among the students. (5) The Management shall. (a) Strictly fulfil, in the case of an Institution, the conditions of affiliation as laid down in the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University; (b) report to the Director without delay all changes in its constitution and in the personnel or the principals of the Institution; (c) subject the Institution to the inspection of the officer of the Director designated for the purpose; (d) afford all convenience to the officers of the State Government and of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department deputed to audit the initial and other accounts of the Institution and of the Management; 171 (e) strictly abide by the instructions or verdict of the inspecting or auditing agencies referred to at (c) and (d) above; (f) keep such accounts and render to the Director such returns and reports as may be prescribed by him from time to time; and (g) give effect to any policy decision of the Government. V. General provisions The Teaching Grant, the Grant towards the loss-of-fee income and in the Equipment Grant that were being made to the Management by the Government all other payments under the Grant-in- aid Code heretofore in force shall be discontinued with effect from 1 st October 1977 and the Management shall be eligible to receive from Government only the payments provided for in this Agreement. The Management shall continue to discharge its obligations in respect of all assets acquired out of grants-in-aid received pertaining to the period before 1 st October 1977. (1) Any arrears of Grant-in-Aid pertaining to the period before 1 st October 1977 will be paid by Government after such claims are sanctioned by the Director. (2) The Management shall refund to the Government any excess payment that has been made to the Management towards the grant-in-aid pertaining to any period prior to 1 st October 1977 if and when such excess is found after the audit of accounts for the period concerned. (3) The Management shall discharge all liabilities relating to the period prior to 1 st October 1977 in respect of the arrears of salary, allowances, provident fund and all other claims of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Institution/s and also in respect of all dues to the Government and the Universities or any other persons. (5) The Management shall be responsible and liable for the due and prompt observance of and compliance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement except those which are to be observed by the Government. (6) In case the Management commits breach of all or any of the terms and conditions herein contained or if it falsifies its accounts or other records or misrepresents facts or commits fraud, the Government shall have the power and authority to stop, discontinue or withhold all or any of the payments to the Management and/or to the employees under this Agreement and also to recover from the Management the amounts found due to the Government under this Agreement. (7)If it is found at any time that any wrong payment has been made by the Director to the Management by mistake or otherwise, the Management shall refund the same to the Government immediately on demand. (8) All sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of this Agreement shall be recoverable from the Management and its properties, movable and immovable, under the provisions of the Land Revenue Act for the time being in force, as though such sums are arrears of Land Revenue and also in any other manner as the Government may deem fit. This agreement is executed in duplicate, the original shall be with the Government and the duplicate copy with the Management. The stamp duty shall be borne by Government. The executants hereof, on behalf of the Management namely Shri (name of executants) …………………… hereby declare that they have full powers and authority to execute. These Presents on behalf of (name of Management) …………………………… by virtue of the power vested in them under (Resolution No.) …………………………………………….. In Witness Whereof Shri (name of executants) …………………………………………… for and on behalf of the Management namely (Name of Management) …………………………………………….. and the Deputy Secretary to Government in the Education and Youth Services Department for and on behalf of the Governor of Karnataka have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. Signed by Shri ……………………………………………………………. For and on behalf of ………………………………………. In the presence of Witnesses: (1) (2) 172 Signed by Shri ……………………………………………………………. Deputy Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department for and on behalf of the Governor of Karnataka. In the presence of Witnesses: (1) (2) SCHEDULE I (Here enter name and other details of the Institute under the Management). SCHEDULE II AGREEMENT (On non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 4-50) This deed made ……………………………………. Day of ……………………… between Sri …………………………….. son of …………………………………….. hereinafter called “employee” of the one part and the Management of the (Name of Institution) ………………………….. hereinafter referred to as the “Management” (which expression shall, when the context so admits, include its successors and assigns) of the other part. Whereas the Management is the owner and is in full control of the (name of the private institution) ………………………………………………………….. together with all its properties, moveable or immoveable, belonging to the Institution. Whereas the Management and the Government have agreed by Agreement to certain terms and conditions with regard to the direct payment of salaries to employees of the Institution and certain powers and duties of the Management. Whereas Clause 2 of Section IV of the said Agreement provides that the Management shall obtain from each employee an Agreement that he shall faithfully observe the Code of Conduct prescribed and recognise the right of the Management to exercise disciplinary control over him in accordance with lawful procedures. Now it is hereby agreed as follows:- The employees hereby agrees that he shall faithfully observe the Code of Conduct specified in the Annexure to this deed and also recognise the right of the Management to exercise disciplinary control in accrodance with lawful procedures. The employee also agrees and hereby declares that in the event of any violation, non- observance or breach of the Code of Conduct the Management shall be entitled to take disciplinary proceedings as per lawful procedures. In witness whereof the employee has signed this deed the day, month and year first above written. Employee Witnesses: 1. 2. ANNEXURE Code of Conduct for Employees of Educational Institutions 1. General.- (1) Every employee shall at all times- (i) maintain absolute integrity; (ii) maintain devotion to duty; and (iii) to nothing which is unbecoming of an employee of an Educational Institution. 2. (i) Every employee holding a supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all employees for the time being under his control and authority; (ii) No employee shall, in the performance of his official duties or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his best judgment except when he is acting under the 173 direction of his official superior and shall, where he is acting under such direction obtain the direction in writing, where practicable, and where it is not practicable to obtain the direction in writing, he shall obtain the direction in writing, he shall obtain written confirmation of the direction as soon thereafter as possible. Explanation.- Nothing in clause (ii) of sub-rule (2) shall be construed as empowering the employee to evade his responsibilities by seeking instruction from or approval of a superior officer or authority when such instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution of powers and responsibilities. 2. Professional duties.- (1) Every employee shall, (i) be punctual in attendance in respect of his work and any other work connected with the duties assigned to him by the head of the Institution; (ii) abide by the rules and regulations of the Institution and show due respect to constituted authority. (2) No employee shall, (i) knowingly or wilfully neglect his duties; (ii) while on duty in the institution, absent himself (except with the previous permission of the head of the Institution) from the Institution; (iii) remain absent from the Institution without leave or without the previous permission of the head of the Institution; (iv) show sustained neglect in correcting class-work or home-work done by students; (v) indulge in or encourage, any form mal-practice connected with examinations of any other, school activity; (vi) accept private tuition other than in accordance with the same conditions and restrictions as are applicable to a Government teacher; (vii) prepare or publish any book or books, commonly known as keys, or assist, whether directly or indirectly, in their publication without the permission of Management. 3. Communal activity.- No employee shall, (i) practice, propagate or incite any student to practice, propogate casteism, communal or sectarian activity or untouchability; (ii) discriminate against any person on the ground of caste, creed, language, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them. 4. Behaviour in public.- No employee shall, (i) misbehave with or ill-treat any parent, guardian, student, teacher or other employee of the Institution; (ii) behave or encourage or incite any students, teacher or other employee to behave in a rowdy or disorderly manner in the premises of the Institution; (iii) indulge in any violence, or any conduct which involves moral turpitude; (iv) organise or attend any meeting during the hours of the Institution except when he is required or permitted by the head of the Institution to do so; (iv) cause or incite any other person to cause, any damage to school property. 5. Taking part in politics and elections.- (1) No employee shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with any political party or any organisation which takes part in politics nor shall be take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity (2) It shall be the duty of every employee to endeavour to prevent any member of his family from taking part in, subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner any movement or activity which is, or tends directly or indirectly to be, subversive of the Government as by law established and where an employee is unable to prevent a member of his family from taking part in, or subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner, any such movement or activity he shall make a report to that effect to the Management. (3) If any question arises whether a party is a political party or whether any organisation takes part in politics or whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of sub-rule (2), the decision of the Management thereon shall be final. 174 (+) No employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere with or use his influence on connection with or take part in, an election to any legislature or local authority; Provided that- (i) an employee qualified to vote at such election may exercise his right to vote, but where be does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted; (ii) an employee shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this sub-rule by reason only that he assists in the conduct of an election in the due performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time being in force. Explanation.- The display by an employee on his person, vehicle or residence of any electoral symbol amount to using his influence in connection with an election within the meaning of this sub-rule. 6. Joining of Association by employees.- No employee shall join, or continue to be a member of an Association the objects or activities of which are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India or public order or morality. 7. Demonstrations and strikes.- No employee shall- (i) engage himself or participate in any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or which involves contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence, or (ii) resort to or in any way instigate, incite or abet any form of strike by any member of employees. Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, “strike” means cessation of work (including any unauthorised absence from duty) by a body of employees acting in combination or a concerted refusal, or a refusal under a common understanding of any number of employees to work. 8. Criticism of Government.- No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or in any document published in his own name or anonymously pseudonymously or in the name of any other person in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion- (i) which has the effect an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Government of Karnataka, or Central Government or any other State Government; Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply to bonafide expression of views by any employee as an office bearer of a trade union or asssociation of such employees for the purposes of safeguarding the conditions of service of such employees or for securing an improvement thereof; or (ii) which is capable of embarassing the relation between the Government of Karnataka and the Central Government or the Government of any other State; or (iii) which is capable of embarassing relation between, the Central Government and the Government of any foreign State; Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statement made or views experessed by an employee in his official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to him. 9. Subscriptions.- No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Management ask for or accept contributions to, or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any collections in cash or in kind in pursuance of any object whatsoever. 10. Canvasing of non-official or other influence.- No employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service under the Management. 11. Gifts.- (1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, no employee shall accept, or permit any member of his family, or any person acting on his behalf to accept, any gift. Explanation.- The expression gift shall include free transport, boarding, lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage when provided by any person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealings with the Management. Note I.- A casual meal, lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to be a gift. Note II.- An employee shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual having official dealings with him or from industrial or commercial firms or organisations. 175 (2) On the occasions, such as weddings, anniversaries, furnerals or religious functions, when the making of a gift is in conformity with the prevailing religious or social practice an employee may accept gifts from his near relatives but he shall make a report to the Management if the value of any such gift exceeds;- (i) Rs. 500 in the case of member of the teaching staff. (ii) Rs. 250 in the case of member of the ministerial staff; and (iii) Rs. 100 in the case of others. (3) On such occasions as are specified in sub-rule (2) an employee may accept gifts from his personal friends having no official dealings with him but he shall make a report to the Management if the value of any such gift exceeds- (i) Rs. 200 in the case of a member of the teaching staff. (ii) Rs. 100 in the case of a member of the ministerial staff. (iii) Rs. 50 in the case of others. (4) In any other case, an employee shall not accept any gift without the sanction of the Management if the value thereof exceeds- (i) Rs. 75 in the case of member of the teaching staff; and (ii) Rs. 25 in the case of others. 12. Public Demonstration in honour of employee.- No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Management, receive any complimentary or valedictory address or accept any testimonial or attend any meeting or entertainment held in his honour or in the honour of any employee; Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to – (i) a farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal character held in honour of an employee or any other employee on the occasion of his retirement or transfer of any person who has recently quit the service of any Institution; or (ii) the acceptance of simple and inexpensive entertainment arranged by public bodies or institutions. 13. Private trade or employment.- (1) No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Management engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or negotiate for or undertake any other employment; Provided that an employee may, without such sanction, under-take honorary work of a social or charitable nature or occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, subject to the following conditions, namely: (i) he shall, within a period of one month of his undertaking any such work, report to the Management giving full details; (ii) his official duties do not thereby suffer; and (iii) he shall discontinue any such work, if so directed by the management. Provided further that, if the undertaking of any such work involves holding of an elective office be shall not seek election to any such office without the previous sanction of the Management. Explanation I.- Canvassing by an employee for a candidate or candidates for an elective office referred to in the second proviso shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-rule. Explanation II.- Canvassing by an employee in support of the business or insurance agency or commission agency, owned or managed by his wife or any other member of his family shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-rule. (2) Every employee shall report to the Management if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or business or own or manages in insurance agency or commission agency. (3) No employee shall, without the previous sanction of the Management, except in the discharge of his duties, take part in the registration, promotion or management of any bank or other company which is required to be registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act I of 1956) or any other law for the time being in force or any co-operative society for commercial purposes: Provided that an employee may take part in the registration, promotion or management of a Co-operative Society substantially for the benefit of employees, registered or deemed to be registered under the Karnataka Co-operative Societies’ Act, 1959 (Karnataka Act 11 of 1959) or of a literary, scientific, or charitable society registered or deemed to be registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 (Karnataka Act 17 of 1960). 176 (4) No employee may accept any fee for any work done by him for any public body or any private person without the general or special sanction of the Management. 19. Movable, immovable and valuable property.- (1) Every employee shall on his first appointment to any post and thereafter at the interval of every twelve months, submit a return of his assets and liabilities and of all members of his family in such form as may be prescribed by the Management giving the full particulars regarding- (a) the immovable property inherited by him or any member of his family or owned or acquired by him or any member of his family on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person; (b) shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by him or any member of his family or similarly owned acquired or held by him or any member of his family; (c) other movable property inherited by him or any member of his family or similarly owned, acquired or held by him or any member of his family; (d) debts or other liabilities incurred by him or any member of his family directly or indirectly. Note.- In all returns, the value of items of movables worth less than Rs. 1,000 may be added and shown as a lumpsum. The value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, crockery or books need not be included in such returns. (2) No employee or any member of his family shall, except with the previous knowledge of the Management, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family; Provided that the previous sanction of the management shall be obtained by the employee if any such transaction is- (i) with a person having official dealings with the employee. or (ii) otherwise than through a regular or reputed dealer. (3) Every employee shall report to the Management every transaction concerning movable property owned or held by him or any member of his family either in his own name or in the name of a member of his family, if the value of such property exceeds Rs. 1,000 in the case of a member of the teaching staff or Rs. 500 in the case of others: (4) Every employee shall report to the Management every transaction concerning cash received by him or by any member of his family from sources other than the employee’s salary and allowances, insurance or provident fund. If such case exceeds Rs. 1,000 in the case of a member of the teaching staff or Rs. 500 in the case of others. (5) The Management may at any time, by general or special order, require an employee to furnish, within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or any member of his family or on his behalf or by any member of his family as may be specified in the orders. Such statement shall, if so required by the Management, include the details of the means by which, or the source from which such property was acquired. 14. Authorship of text-books for use in recognised schools.- No employee who is a member of the text book committee shall write or edit any text-books for use in a recognised school during his membership of the committee. 15. Proper use of amenities.- No employee shall misuse, or carelessly use, amenities provided for him by the management to facilitate the discharge of his duties. 16. Use of services without payment.- No employee shall, without making proper and adequate payment avail himself any service or entertainment for which a hire or price or admission fee is charged. 17. Investment, lending and borrowing.- (1) No employee shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment. Explanation.- Frequent purchase or sale or both, of shares, securities or other investments shall be deemed to be speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule. (2) No employee shall make or permit any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf to make, any investment which is likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his duties. (3) If any question arises whether any transaction is of the nature referred to in sub-rule (1), or sub-rule (2), the decision of the Management thereon shall be final. 177 (4) No employee shall, save in the ordinary course of business with a bank or a firm of standing duly authorised to conduct banking business either himself or through any member of his family or any other person acting on his behalf: (b) lend or borrow money as principal or agent, to or from any person within the local limits of his authority or with whom he is likely to have official dealings, or otherwise place himself under any pecuniary obligation to such person, or (c) lend money to any person at interest or in a manner whereby return in money or in kind is charged or paid; Provided that an employee may, give to or accept from, a relative or a personal friend, a purely temporary loan of an amount not exceeding his total monthly emoluments free of interest, or operate a credit account with a bonafide tradesman or make an advance of pay to his private employee. 18. Insolvency and habitual indebtedness.- An employee shall so manage his private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. An employee against whom any legal proceedings is instituted for the recovery of any debt due from him or for adjudging him as an insolvent shall forthwith report the full facts of the legal proceeding to the Management. Note.- The burden of proving that the insolvency or indebtedness was the result of circumstances which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence the employee could not have foreseen, or over which he had no control and had not proceeded from extravagant or dissipated habits, shall be upon the employee. Explanation.- For the purpose of this Rule- (1) ‘`lease’’ means, except where it is obtained from, or granted to, a person having official dealings with the employee, a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. (2) the expression “movable property” includes- (a) jewellery, insurance policies, provident fund, shares, securities and debentures; (b) loans advanced by such employee whether secured or not;” (c) motor cars, motor cycles, horses or any other means of conveyance; and (d) refrigerators, radios, radiograms, televison sets, tape-recorders and transistors. 20. Restrictions in relation to acquisition and disposal of immovable property outside India and transactions with foreigners, etc.- Notwithstanding anything contained in sub- rule (2) of rule 19, no employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Management. (a) acquire, by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family any immovable property situated outside India; (b) dispose of by sale, mortgage, gift, or otherwise, or grant any lease in respect of any immovable property situated outside India which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family; (c) enter into any transaction with any foreigner, foreign Government, foreign orgainsation or concern- (i) for the acquisition by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, of any immovable property. (ii) for the disposal by sale, mortgage, gift or otherwise of or the grant of any lease in respect of, any immovable property which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family. 21 Guardianship of minors.- An employee may not without the previous sanction of the Management act as a legal guardian of the person or property of a minor other than his dependent. Explanation.- A dependent for the purpose of this rule means an employee’s wife, children and step-children and children’s children and shall also include his sister, brother, brother’s children and sister’s children, if residing with him and wholly dependent upon him. 22. Personal representations of the Employee.- Any respresentation by an employee shall only be made through proper channel. 23. Bigamous marriage.- (1) No employee who has a wife living shall contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Management notwithstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable, to him. 178 (2) No female employee shall marry any person who has a wife living without first obtaining the permission of the Management. 24. Consumption of intoxicating Drinks and Drugs.- An employee shall- (a) strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being; (b) take due care that the performance of his duties is not affected in any way by the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug; (c) refrain from consuming any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place; (d) not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication. (e) Not habitually use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess. Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, “public place” means any place or premises (including a conveyance) to which the public have, or are permitted to have, access, whether on payment or otherwise. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and Teachers Colleges-Authorisation to draw amount. PREAMBLE : In G.O. No. ED 141 UPC 76 dt. 29 th October 1977 the Director of Collegiate Education, the Director of Public Instruction, the Director of Pre-University Education and the Director of State Educational Research and Training have been authorised to draw equal salary in grant-in-aid bill and to remit it to the Joint Account of the institution under their control. Due to the difficult ways and means position of State it is desirable that the Heads of Departments be permitted to draw only the amount equal to one month’s salary in grant-in-aid bill and to remit it to the Joint account of the Institution under their control. ORDER NO. ED 69 UPC 85, BANGALORE, DATED 17-6-1985 In partial modification of G.O. No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 29-10-1977, sanction is accorded to permit the Heads of Departments to draw bill amount equal to one month salary instead of three months salary in grant-in-aid bill and to remit the same to the Joint Account of the institution under the control of Director of Collegiate Education, Commissioner of Public Instruction, Director, Pre- University Education and Director, State Educational Research and Training until further orders. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. ED 39 UGH 85 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Visvesvaraiah Mini Tower, Dated : 22-1-86. From: Secretary, Education Dept, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore-560 001. To The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Madam, Sub: Call attention notice No. DC/66 by Sri. Basavaraj Horatti, MLC. I am to invite a reference to your letter No. DCE 22 LC/66/PCC/85 dated 25-7-85 to Government in Education Dept. regarding call attention notice no. LC 66 by Sri. Basavaraj Horatti, MLC on remittance of unspently/surplus amount left in College Account under Section-II(8) of the Agreement to Joint Account etc., by the Private colleges etc. 179 Item II (8) of the agreement authorises the management to utilise the surplus in the College Account on the specified items of expenditure upto a total of 10 per cent of the annual salary bill. No time limit has been prescribed for incurring such expenditure. After meeting the current maintenance expenditure referred to in item II (7), the surplus upto 10 percent of the annual salary bill should therefore be allowed to be retained in the college account, and the balance of surplus if any, should only be credited to the joint account after the close of each financial year. It is also to be noted that expenditure on items (2), (3) and (4) of II (8) of the agreement will not require specific sanction of Government. If the accounts of aided colleges in the Hyderabad, and Bombay Karnataka areas have been regulated in any other manner, suitable instructions may be issued to the concerned officers of your department. Yours faithfully (Under Secretary) PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education. Read: 1. Govt. Order No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6.10.1977 2. Govt. Order No. ED 98 UPC 87 dated 5.1.1980 Preamble : In the Government Order dated 6.10.1977 read at 1 above only have been issued regarding direct payment of salaries to the employees of private aided colleges under the Department of Collegiate Education. The agreement to be executed by the Management of the colleges is also annexed to the said Government Order, consequent upon amendments issued to the Grant-in-aid Code of the Department of Collegiate Education it has become necessary to amend “V-General Provisions” in the agreement annexed to Government Order No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6.10.1977. After detailed examination Government issued the following order: ORDER NO. ED 98 UPC 87, BANGALORE DATED THE 5 TH January 1988 In the Agreement annexed to Government Order No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6.10.1977, the following shall be inserted as item (9) under General Provisions V namely: “General Provision V (9): The Managing Committee of any Education Institution coming under the Department of Collegiate Education for which the Grant-in-aid is paid under this Grant-in- aid Code, the Director of Collegiate Education shall have the power to operate the joint account in any manner he/she may decide, including amending, cancelling with-holding or postponing any payment or deduction ordered by the Principal. In case of violation of orders instructions, circulars, in approval of appointments, transfers etc, issued by the Government and or the Director of Collegiate Education, the Director shall have the power to stop the Principal’s salary or salary grant to the Colleges. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, LEELA GEORGE Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Direct Payment of salaries in Private Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and B.Ed. Colleges- Amendment to the orders passed. Read: 1. Order No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6.10.1977 2. Para 6.6 of the Audit Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Civil) for 1980-81. 180 3. No. DCE 1 GMS PCC 87-88 dated 3.7.87 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble : In Government Order No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6.10.77, it was directed that the salaries of the Aided Colleges, Junior Colleges and B.Ed. Colleges which execute an agreeement with the Government as in the Form attached there to shall be paid in accordance with the provisions and subject to the conditions in the Agreement. 2. “In the Audit Report read at Sl. No. 2 above, the Accountant General has observed that, under the existing provisions of the agreement form, introduced with effect from 1.10.1977, except for the direct payment of salaries to the staff, the Managements of the Colleges would not be entitled to get from the Government any other grants including reimbursement of loss of fee income suffered by them on account of grant of fee concessions or freeships to students. On a review of the grants released during 1979-80 by the Director of Collegiate Education, the Accountant General has also pointed out that in the absence of an amendment to the Government order dated 6.10.1977 and the agreement form appended thereto, the payment of about Rs. 19 lakhs towards reimbursement of loss of fee income was irregular. The Director of Collegiate Education has in her letter dated 3.7.1987 read at Sl.No. 3 above, as suggested by the Accountant General retrospectively, not only would the above payments be regularised, but also the future payments facilitated”. GOVT. ORDER NO. ED 117 UPC 87, BANGALORE DATED THE JUNE 88 In paritial modification of the Agreement appended to the order No. ED 146 UPC 76 dated 6.10.77. “In the agreement form, under Section V-I General provisions, delete the words “the grants towards the loss of fee income. This modification is deemed to have come into effect from 1.10.1977. This order issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide U.O. Note No. FD 109 Exp.8/88 dated 22.4.1988. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, D.N. MANJUNATH Under Secretary to Government, I/c Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rc .c. t::¯. l+.t:¯...:t:..·º t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc t..c, .c/- oc., :.:ct !l-¯-·º ·.: n :c .±c.. . -..¬:¯: .:· ^ t:c.../ -. ¬ ÷.¬ c .. ://- .. ¬:/ o ¬ o· .¬c../ -.. ¬: cc. ·.. ·t:=c ¬ -..¬.. ¬ ¬c...¬ ./. -..¬:¯: .:·^ t:c .../ -. :.. ¬..c¬ ¬ ¬. ¬:/ o ¬¬ . ¬ o¬ = :c/./-. ¬ ÷.¬c .. :/ /-.. (-.¬ .c ·t.) :cc. ... ¬:/ o ¬ o· .¬c. ./-. . ¬: cc.·.. ·t:=c¬ ¬o¬:=..¬.. ¬¬c...¬¬. -:/ :¬:^c.: ¬ . ¬:/ · t:=c¬ ¬ o¬:=..¬.. ¬¬c..¬ ¬o· .. :/ /-.. ¬ o· .¬c../ -.. ¬:cc. ·¬. : .. ://-/ , -c¬ .¬c../-/ ¬.:.to-. ¬ ..¬.t:./ -.. ¬ .:.:. .¬:. ·c.:/ -c^.t c·c:/ .¬:.. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:tc.. 181 ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. . t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬=.:.:.c..¬ ¬:. /o-¬¬.¬ .:·^ -. .¬:¯: t:c .../ -. . t.¬ to.·.= .¬c../ -.. ¬.: . -. .¬:. ¬ ¬:. / .-¬.·.¬ ./-:¬.: . :cc:õc. ¬: ·c. 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Education Secretariat Notification No. ED 551 UPC 99, Bangalore, dated 7th August, 2003 Whereas the draft of the Karnataka Education Institutions (Collegiate Education) Rules, 2003 was published as required by sub-section (1) of section 145 of the Karnataka Education Act, 1983 (Karnataka Act 1 of 1995) in Notification No.ED 551 UPC 99, dated: 18.3.2003 in Part-IVA No.280 of the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary dated: 18.3.2003 inviting objections and suggestions from the persons likely to be affected thereby. Whereas said Gazette was made available to the public on 18.3.2003. And whereas no objections and suggestions have been received in this regard by the Government. Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 145 of the Karnataka Education Act, 1983 (Karnataka Act, 1 of 1995) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely.- 185 Rules Karnataka Educational Institutions (Collegiate Education) Rules, 2003 Chapter – I General 1. Title, application and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Educational Institutions (Collegiate Education) Rules, 2003. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules made under the Karnataka Education Act 1983 (Karnataka Act 1 of 1995) these rules shall apply to all Government, Local authority, Private Aided affiliated colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka. Where the provision of these rules are silent on any aspect of regulation, the provisions contained in other rules made under the Act may with the previous approval of the Government be applied to private aided institutions under the Department of Collegiate Education, with the modification that the Commissioner of Collegiate Education or the Director of Collegiate Education as the case may be shall be the Head of the Department of Collegiate Education. 2. Definitions: (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,- [a] "Act " means, the Karnataka Education Act, 1983. {Karnataka Act 1 of 1995}; [b] 'Additional Director ' means the Additional Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [c] 'Assistant Director ' means the Assistant Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [d] 'College ' means a Government, Local authority or a Private Aided Arts, Science, Commerce or Law College affiliated to the University under section 59 of the Karnataka State Universities Act, 2000 (Karnataka Act 29 of 2001) imparting sound and secular instruction; [e] 'Commissioner ' means the Commissioner of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [f] 'Department ' means the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [g] 'Deputy Director ' means the Deputy Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [h] 'Director ' means the Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [i] 'Form ' means a Form appended to these rules; [j] 'Government ' means the Government of Karnataka; [k] 'Institution ' means a College with or without hostel, as the case may be; [l] 'Joint Director ' means the Joint Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [m] Lecturer - Selection Grade, Senior Scale or Lecturer means, Selection Grade, Senior Scale or lecturer in the Department of Collegiate Education; [n] 'Management ' means a Governing Council or a Managing Committee by whatever name called of a educational institution to which the affairs of the said institutions are entrusted; [o] Principal Grade - II; means Principal Grade-II of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [p] Principal Grade - I; means Principal Grade-I of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka; [q] 'Section ' means a section of the Act; [r] 'University ' means a University established under section 3of the Karnataka State Universities Act, 2000 (Karnataka Act 29 of 2001); [s] 'Year ' means academic year or financial year as the context may imply. (2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to them under the Act. Chapter – II Officers of the Department of Collegiate Education in Karnataka 3. The powers and functions of the Officers of the Department shall be as follows.- 186 (1) Commissioner.- The Commissioner shall have over all responsibility for the efficient and smooth functioning of the department. He shall review the functioning of the department keeping in view the administrative problems and introduce scientific measures for improving administration in the department. He shall exercise such powers as are necessary to implement the policies and programmes of the Government. He shall issue such general or special directions from time to time to the officers in charge of administration to attend the matters relating to their sections in accordance with the administrative orders. The Commissioner may call any papers/file relating to any section and pass such orders, as he deems fit. The Commissioner may delegate such administrative powers to such officers as he considers necessary. (2) Director.- The Director shall have such powers and shall perform such functions as entrusted by the Commissioner for efficient and smooth functioning of the department. He shall assist the Commissioner in all administrative and academic matters. (3) Additional Director.- Additional Director shall have such powers and shall perform such functions as entrusted by the Commissioner. He will assist the Commissioner/Director in administrative and academic matters. (4) Joint Director.- Joint Director shall discharge such duties as may be entrusted to him by the Commissioner or Director. He is responsible for strict compliance of the rules and procedures in the transaction of Government Business. He shall place all relevant facts relating to the case and send necessary suggestions either in writing or orally before or at the time of passing final orders by the Commissioner or Director. He will invite the attention of the Commissioner or Director to rule or law or the declared policies of the Government and suggest course of action to be taken. He shall exercise such powers as are necessary to execute the directions/instructions of the Commissioner or Director. (5) Deputy Director.- The Deputy Director is subject to the general control and supervision of such Officers as may be determined by the Commissioner or Director or Joint Director will be in charge of a particular section. He shall take such decisions as are necessary for disposal of all cases as per rules. He shall be responsible for the efficient and smooth functioning of the section assigned to him. He is authorised to issue orders in the name of the Commissioner or Director after proper processing of cases and approval of the Commissioner or Director. He shall exercise such powers as are entrusted to him by the Commissioner or Director. (6) Accounts Officer.- The Accounts Officer shall exercise such administrative powers as are assigned under relevant rules, regulations, notifications and Government orders. The Account Officer shall also exercise such administrative powers, as are entrusted to him by the Commissioner/Director. He shall be responsible for maintenance of proper accounts in the Regional Offices. He shall also issue instructions, guidelines etc., to the colleges for proper maintenance of accounts. (7) Assistant Director.- He shall exercises control over the section or sections under in his charge both in regard to the transaction of business and in regard to discipline and control. It is his duty to avoid superfluous noting and verbosity of language whether in notes or draft in observance of all rules pertaining to office notes, drafting, referencing, indexing, recording etc., and to ensure that the careless and dilatory subordinates are admonished by the Director. He may pass orders approving a proposal, which is statistical in nature. In other cases, he shall refer the file for orders duly expressing his views on the issue involved in the case. (8) Gazetted Manager.- Is primarily responsible for the efficiency of his section and for the efficient and expeditious dispatch of business at all stages. He shall be well acquainted with Government Orders, Rules and Procedures and shall guide the section and advise his superior Officers in accordance with rules. He shall perform any action as may be assigned by the supervisory Officer/Government. (9) The Commissioner/ Director may issue such work allocation specifying the powers and functions of all Officers and staff of the Department. Chapter - III Management of Aided Private Educational Institutions and Local Authority Institutions 4. The Management of Aided Private Educational Institution.- (1) The Governing Council shall have the power to appoint the head of the institution with prior approval of the competent authority in the Department. 187 (2) The Governing Council shall have the power to take disciplinary action against the head of the institution. (3) The Managing Committee shall consist of at least two representatives of parents selected in the manner specified below:- (a) if the nomination exceeds two the parents shall be invited to elect the Representatives on a specified date and time; (b) on the date and time scheduled for election the nomination may be read out to the parents present at the meeting ; (c) the voting shall be by raising of hands; the two persons securing more number of votes shall be declared as elected and will be the Representatives of parents in the Managing Committee. 5. President and Secretary:- (1) There shall be a president and a secretary for every Managing Committee appointed from among its members. The powers, duties and functions of the president and secretary shall be as follows:- (a) The President shall be the chief controlling authority. He shall preside over all meetings of the Managing Committee. (b) He shall supervise the work of the secretary and shall from time to time issue such instructions as may be necessary for the due performance of the duties of the secretary and for convening and holding the meetings. (c) The secretary shall, subject to the general superintendence and control of the Managing Committee be the Chief Executive of the institution in all matters pertaining to the institution and all acts done by the secretary in connection with the affairs of the educational Institution shall be binding on the Governing Council Provided that the Governing Council may within a period of fifteen days from the date of the aforesaid acts of the secretary, modify or cancel such act. (d) Besides the duties as may be entrusted to him/her by the managing committee the following shall be the duties of the Secretary, namely:- (i) he shall be responsible for the orderly working of the office of the managing committee; and (ii) he shall be responsible for due implementation of all resolutions passed by the managing committee. (e) The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the property and records of the institution and shall be responsible for their proper custody, maintenance and safety. He shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be entrusted by the President from time to time. 6. Meeting of the Managing Committee.- (1) The managing committee shall meet at least once in three months. In the cases of emergency it may meet any number of times as the circumstances demand. (2) The quorum at the meeting shall be one-third of the number of members or five whichever is higher. (3) The member secretary in consultation with the president shall give at least fifteen days notice to all the members of the Managing Committee clearly stating the date, time, venue and the agenda of the meeting. In the case of emergent meeting the members shall be given at least five days notice. (4) Every point on the agenda shall be thoroughly discussed at the meeting and decisions shall be arrived at by a simple majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the case of equality of votes, the person presiding shall have the right to exercise a second or casting vote. Chapter - IV Grant-in-Aid 7. Definitions.- For the purpose of this chapter,- (a) ' Bank' means a commercial or a Co-operative bank designated by the Director. (b) ' Employee' means an employee, Teacher or otherwise, appointed by the management to a post in the institution and approved by the Director subject to such conditions as he may specify consistent with rules approved by Government from time to time relating to appointment of Employees in private aided institutions. 188 (c) 'Institution' means a private aided college which has an average daily attendance of not less than 80 students in a term in one discipline. (d) ' Principal ' means the teacher of the institution appointed as such by the management and he is the head of the institution. 8. Grant -in- Aid.- (1) All private educational institutions established or permitted to be established prior to the first day of June, 1987, and started functioning from the academic Year 1987- 88 and onwards and also subjects/colleges established or permitted to be established with effect from first day of June 1987 shall be permanently ineligible for grant-in-aid. (2) Vacant and unapproved posts of non-teaching staff as on 1.3.2001 shall be permanently unaided. Any vacancies in the non-teaching posts which as arisen after 1.3.2001 on account of retirement, resignation, removal, dismissal and death etc., are to remain permanently unaided. Such vacancies which are unaided shall be filled by the management and salary and other allowances shall be paid from its own resources. (3) Grant-in-aid cannot be claimed as a matter of right. 9. General Conditions of Grant-In-Aid.- Every Institution on behalf of which grant-in-aid is sought shall be under the control of a ' Management ' which shall undertake to be answerable for the maintenance of the Institution and for the due fulfillment of infrastructure etc., as per appendix-II to these rules or production of minimum B grade status accreditation certificate issued by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. 10. Vesting of Management.- The Management shall vest, in the Principal of the institution, the power to transact on its behalf with the department the current business of the Institution. 11. Responsibility of Management.- Every management shall be responsible,- (a) to strictly fullfill in the case of College, the conditions of affiliation as laid down in the statutes and ordinance etc., of the concerned University. (b) to report to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education without delay all changes in its constitution. (c) to subject the colleges to the inspection by the officers of the Department designated for the purpose; (d) to afford all convenience to the officers of the State Government and of the Indian Audit Department deputed to audit the initial and other accounts of the institutions and of the management; (e) to strictly abide by the instructions or verdict of the inspecting or auditing agencies referred to at clause (c) and (d); (f) to keep such accounts and render to the Department such returns and reports as required under these Rules. (g) to appoint the Principal on the basis of Government orders issued from time to time; (h) to give effect to any policy decisions of Government from time to time. 12. Government to withhold, withdraw or reduce grants.- (1) Annual Grants payable to existing private aided colleges may be withdrawn, withheld or reduced by the State Government under these rules having regard to the funds at the disposal of the state government and conduct and efficiency and the financial condition of such institutions under the following circumstances, namely:- (a) has been disaffiliated by the concerned University. (b) in respect of a Department or course which has not been affiliated by the concerned university; (c) denies admission to any pupil merely on grounds of creed, class, caste, gender or all of them or because the pupils have secured a low percentage of marks despite having vacancies. (d) Allows any employee of the institution to take part in any agitation intended to bring or attempt to bring into hatred or contempt or intended to excite or attempt to excite disaffection towards the Government established by law in India; (e) which takes part in political agitation directed against the authority of the Government, or inculcates opinions intending to excite feelings of political disloyalty or disaffection among the pupils; 189 (f) directly or indirectly, encourages any propaganda or practice of wounding the religious feelings of any class of citizens of India or insults the caste or religion or the religious beliefs of that class; or which acts in a way prejudicial to the national interest. (g) which is found guilty of falsification of its accounts or other records, of misrepresentation of facts including presentation of false claims and/or of commission of any other fraud or irregularity. (h) which spends any portion of its income for purposes unconnected with the institution. (i) violates orders passed from time to time by the competent authority or by the State Government. (j) fails to remedy within such reasonable time as specified by the competent authority the defects in the maintenance of accounts pointed out by the auditors; (k) fails to restore, within the time specified by the competent authority, an employee whose services have been wrongfully dispensed with or fails to pay him arrears of salary or other benefits when directed to do so by the competent authority. (l) fails to provide the infrastructural facilities specified in appendix-II to these rules or fails to produce the minimum B grade certificate issued by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. (2) The payment of grants is subject in all cases to the availability of funds in the State Budget under the head concerned. (3) Applications for annual grant-in-aid shall in all cases contain a declaration signed by the Principal of the Institution on behalf of the Management, to the effect that the rules in these rules governing the payment of grant-in-aid are being and will be observed by the management, fully and faithfully. 13. Opening of Joint Account.- The Managing Committee of any Education Institution for which the Grant-in-aid is paid under these rules, the Director shall have power to operate the joint Account in any manner he may decide, including amending, canceling, withholding or postponing any payment of deduction, ordered by the Principal. In case of violation of Government Order, circulars, Commissioner/Director's Orders and circulars, in approval of appointment, transfers etc., the Commissioner for collegiate Education / Government shall have power to stop the Principal's salary or Salary grant to the College/Colleges. 14. Types of Grants to Colleges.- The following are the two types of grants payable to colleges subject to the general conditions laid down in these rules,- (a) Salary Grants to Teaching and Non-teaching staff ; and (b) Grant towards loss of fee income; 15. Salary Grants.- (1) The payment of salary grant is subject to the following conditions, namely:- (a) That the college had an average daily attendance per term of not less than eighty pupils; (b) That the college worked during each term for not less than the number of working days fixed by the University; (c) That the qualifications of the members of the staff were the same as those prescribed for corresponding posts in Government Colleges; and (d) The college has submitted the detailed report in respect of infra-structural facility as detailed in APPENDIX - I appended to these rules. (e) Every college shall have the infrastructural facilities as specified in Appendix-II. Such of those colleges which do not conform to the requirements of infrastructural facilities as detailed in Appendix-II shall fulfill the requirements within two years from the commencement of these rules failing which Grant-in-aid would be withdrawn. (f) Every college shall obtain a B grade certificate of Assessment and Accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council within the period specified by the Government. (2) The application for salary grants shall be in form 1. 16. Grant towards loss of fee income.- (1) A grant equal to the loss in its fee-income at Management rates or Government rates whichever is less may be paid to a College on account of award of fee concessions, scholarships carrying freeships or half-freeships including refund of fees. 190 For this purpose ' Fee income ' shall constitute such items of fees as are taken into account under the Defence Scholarship and SC/ST Scholarship and Tuition fees, examination fees in respect of those whose income is less than Rs.11,000/- per annum or any other Scholarships for the time being in force. (2) The grants shall be claimed in application in Form-2 compensation for loss of fee income at Government rates will be paid to a College before the 31st March in every academic year in which such loss incurred by the award of fee concessions, scholarships, carrying freeships or half freeships, including refund of fees. Such compensation should be claimed in two installments after the freeship and scholarship lists are published. 17. Payment of salaries to employees.- (1) The State Government may pay to the employees salary grant the quantum of which shall be as determined by the state government from time to time. (2) The Commissioner may approve before the 1st of January each year, a statement of monthly salaries, allowances and increments payable during that year to each employee and shall forward copies of the statement to the Principal and the Bank. The commissioner of Collegiate Education shall also forward in like manner supplementary statements relating to employees appointed or terminated during the year. (3) The Director of Collegiate Education may open a Joint Account in the Bank in the names of the Director and the Principal duly authorised by the Management, the principal shall cause every employee to open an individual account in the same Bank. (4) The Principal shall authorise the bank, through a consolidated salary bill in such form as the Director shall prescribe, to the transfer on the first day of each month from the Joint Account to the individual account of each employee a net amount equal to the salary and allowances of the whole or part of the previous month during which period he was on duty reduced by the amounts to be deducted towards life insurance premia, provident fund, profession tax, Income tax and other statutory salary deductions. The Principal shall also authorise the bank to transfer the deductions so made to the respective government agencies for credit to the accounts of the employees. The principal shall send copies of all authorisations to the Director. (5) The Principal may deduct from the salary any other amount with the prior approval of the Director but shall not authorise payment of any amount not included or in excess of the amount approved in the statement or of any arrears. The Principal shall give no authority to operate the joint account for any other purpose. (6) The Director shall have power to operate the joint account in any manner he may decide, including amending, Canceling, Withholding or postponing any payment or deduction ordered by the Principal. In particular, the Director shall have power to stop Principal's salary for violation of any duties cast on him under these rules or for any payment to employees who are not in service or on duty with the prescribed instruction load. 18. Collection and use of fees from students.- (1) The managing committee shall collect tuition and laboratory fees from the students at rates not exceeding twice the standard rates fixed by the Government or as fixed by the Government from time to time. (2) The managing committee may collect specific fees for the following purposes, namely, library, college examination, magazine, sports, reading room, association / Union at such rates as will be adequate for the purposes of meeting expenditure for such purpose for which they are intended and for no other purpose (3) The managing committee shall authorise the Principal to remit fees collected to the credit of the joint account on the same day as the fees are collected. (4) The managing committee shall credit all fees collected under sub-rule (1) to the Joint account and collected under sub-rule (2) to the college account opened in the same bank out of the fees collected. The management shall authorise the bank to furnish to the Director a monthly statement of the college account. (5) Subject to sub-rule (2), the current maintenance expenditures of the institution on (a) Contingencies (b) Consumable materials and (c) Replacement of laboratory and office equipment shall be met out of the balance available in the college account. (6) If a surplus is left in the college account after meeting the expenditures in sub-rule (6) of such surplus, upto 10% of the total annual salaries, may be used for expenditures on (a) The payment 191 of rent and interest on loans approved by Government, (b) Repairs , (c) Constructions of Buildings and (d) Such other purposes as may be approved by the Government. (7) Any surplus in excess of 10% of the total annual salaries shall be credited to the joint account. (8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, managing committee shall remit the total amount from the college account to the credit of the joint account at the end of March, June, September and December any differences existing on those dates between the amount of fees due to be remitted under sub rule (4) in respect of students enrolled and the amount of fees actually remitted, the Director may, by order in writing exempt the remittance of the whole or part of any fees charged by the management in respect of students to whom fee concessions, all type of scholarships carrying full or half freeships have been granted or fees have been refunded. (9) The fees and any other amounts collected on behalf of the students of an Institution shall not be used for the purpose of any other Institution. (10) All fees, receipts and other income and all expenditure be fully exhibited in the annual financial statement which shall be submitted to the Director prepared in such form as he may specify duly audited by a chartered accountant, before the end of July of each year. The Managing committee shall, if it is governed by the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960, submit to the Director a certificate of compliance under section 13 there of and Rule (6) of the rules made there under in respect of the accounts of the society for the calendar year previous to the year expired. (11) The expenditure on items referred to in sub-rule (2) shall be separately furnished in such form as may be specified by the Commissioner. (12) The Managing Committee shall be deemed to have vested in the Principal all powers necessary for the discharge of his functions under this rule and for the transaction of all the Administrative Business of the Institution with the Commissioner. (13) If the Managing committee or Principal fails to discharge their obligations, the Commissioner shall have powers to restrict that all fees and other dues shall be paid by students directly into the joint account and/or to reduce the salary grants by the amount of fees remaining to be remitted under these rules. (14) The Managing committee shall not take part in political agitation directed against the authority of the State Government or foster opinion intending to excite feelings of disloyalty or disaffection among students. (15) The management shall,- (a) Strictly fulfil, in the case of the Institution, the conditions of affiliation as laid down in the statutes, ordinances and regulations of the University; (b) Report to the Director without delay all changes in its constitutions and in the personal or the Principals of the Institutions; and (c) Subject the Institution to the inspection by the officers of the Department designated for the purpose. (16) The managing committee shall be responsible and liable for the due and prompt observance of the compliance with all the terms and conditions of rule. (17) In case the managing committee commits breach of all or any of the terms and conditions herein contained or if it falsifies its accounts or other records or misrepresents facts or commits fraud, the Government shall have the power and authority to stop, discontinue, withhold all or any of the payments to the management and / or to the employees under these rules and also to recover from the management the amounts found due to the Government under these rules. (18) If it is found at any time that any wrong payment has been made by the Director to the management by mistake or otherwise, the management shall refund the same to the Government immediately or on demand. (19) All sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of these rules shall be recoverable from the management under the provisions of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act as though such sums are arrears of Land revenue and also in any other manner as the Government may deem fit. Chapter - V 192 Accounts, Audit, Inspection and returns 19. Competent Authority.- (1) The Regional Joint Director of Collegiate Education shall be the competent authority for this chapter. (2) The maintenance of Accounts, Audit of Accounts, Inspection and submission of returns of all Private Aided Colleges receiving grants out of state funds and other sources shall be in accordance with the Indian Audit and Accounts manual. Chapter - VI Ancillary Services 20. Medical Examination and Health Service.- (1) Every Institution shall arrange Medical Examination of the students by a Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon of Government Hospital or a registered Medical Practitioner with a minimum qualification of M.B.B.S. After the examination the Medical Officer shall make entries in the health records of every student. (2) It shall be the duty of the Head of the Institution to maintain the health records and make facilities for medical check up. (3) The head of the Institution shall get the approval of the Competent Authority for appointing a doctor other than a Government Doctor, for Medical Examination and to provide medicines to the student. (4) The expenses in respect of Medical Examination of the students and the medicine given to students shall be met out of the medical fees collected from the students. Any short fall shall be borne by the Institution. (5) The Head of the Institution shall maintain accounts of all such expenditure and shall submit it for verification to the Competent Authority at the time of inspection (6) Every institution shall give proper attention to all factors relating to health of students and make them health conscious. In addition to these provisions and subject to other rules made in this behalf, the institutions shall give particular attention; [a] to the personal and social hygiene of students. [b] for making provision, in the time table for intervals of rest. [c] to take measures for safety. [d] to provide for pure drinking water. [e] to take steps to stop sale of unhygienic or harmful food, drinks or eatables in or near the premises of the institution. 21. Recreation and Physical Training.- It shall be the responsibility of the managing committee of every Institution to provide facility for physical educational activities, such as different sports and games, summer camps, vocation classes, mass activity and such other activities which may include discipline. In addition to the above the managing committee may endeavor to provide facilities for physical fitness and encourage the students to gain courage, patriotism and the spirit of co-operation. The managing committee may with the help of parents and if necessary with the co- operation of Non-Governmental Organizations conduct special camps to students, to enable them to know about cleanliness, hygiene, spirit of group living, mutual trust and brotherhood etc. 22. Guidance Service.- The Managing committee of every Institution shall endeavor to provide for guidance and conducting appropriate courses. To achieve this the management may create a guidance cell, which shall consist of two most senior teachers and of whom one shall be a woman. The cell shall meet once in two months to identify the problems of the students and to discuss the remedial measures. The cell may utilize the services of Non-Governmental Organizations, Doctors etc., as they deem fit. The Managing Committee shall provide necessary guidance materials like brochures, leaflets etc., to the students. 23. Library Service.- (1) The Managing Committee of every Institution shall provide adequate library facilities to the students. (2) A separate building or rooms shall be provided for the purpose of providing Library facilities. The number of books in the library shall be commensurate with the strength of the students. The books may include textbooks of varied interest. The books shall be selected according to the age group and interests of the students. 193 (3) The books shall also include reference books, textbooks, maps, dictionary and such other books as may be necessary for reference for the teachers and students. (4) The library and the reading room shall be open for the students at least one-hour before commencement of the classes and one hour after the closure of classes on all the working days. (5) For Supervision and development of the library every Institution shall appoint a librarian with necessary qualification or a teacher with attitude and qualification may be placed in additional charge of library and it will be the duty of such person to maintain the library. Chapter - VII Terms and Conditions of Service of Employees in Private Aided Educational Institutions 24. Definitions.- In this Chapter unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) " Heads of the Department " means: (i) Commissioner for Collegiate Education; (ii) Director of Collegiate Education; (b) " Controlling Authority " means Commissioner for Collegiate Education and Director of Collegiate Education in case of Colleges including evening colleges and Law Colleges ; (c) Words used but not defined shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Karnataka Civil Services Rules or rules made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990). 25. Qualification and conditions of Service of employees.- The minimum qualification for recruitment, age of recruitment and retirement for employees in Private Educational Institutions receiving aid from the State Government shall be the same as those applicable for the corresponding category of employees in the Government Educational Institutions. 26. Age.- No employee, who is not within the age limit prescribed for recruitment to corresponding posts in the Government Educational Institutions shall be eligible for appointment to any post in any Institution. 27. Pay and allowances of teachers and other employees.- The scale of pay of an employee of an Institution shall not be lower than the scale of pay of an employee of a corresponding post in the Government Educational Institutions. 28. Schedule of employees and method of recruitment.- (1) Every private education institution shall maintain a schedule of employees indicating therein the name, grade of pay and other particulars in respect of each employee, as in Form-6. 29. Period of Probation .- A person appointed under rule 29 shall be on probation for a period of two years : Provided that the board of management may extend the period of probation by a further period of six months. 30. Seniority.- The Management of the Institution shall prepare and maintain every year a separate seniority list of employees of each category of posts in the institution. The management which run more than one institution shall prepare and maintain a combined seniority list of employees of each category of posts. 31. Termination and Resignation.- (1) The services of an employee employed for a specified period not exceeding three months or a part-time employee employed for a specified period of less than a year for a specified period may be terminated at the end of the specified period without assigning any reasons. (2) Any employee may resign from service by giving one month's notice in writing to the appointing authority or one month's salary in lieu thereof. A copy of such notice shall be sent to the Head of the Department or a person authorized by him, who shall call the employee to appear before him for verifying the contents of resignation notice and shall forward it to the Appointing Authority for acceptance, if the resignation is found to be voluntary. The Appointing Authority shall not accept the resignation until the notice is forwarded to it by the Head of Department. Discipline 32. Nature of Penalties.- One or more of the following penalties for good and efficient reasons and as herein after provided may be imposed on the employees namely:- (i) fine , in the case of peons and attenders only; 194 (ii) censure ; (iii) withholding of increments; (iv) Withholding of promotions; (v) recovery from pay of the employees in whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by negligence or breach of orders of the Board of Management, the State Government, the Central Government or any other State Government, any person, body or authority to whom the services of the employee had been lent; (vi) reduction to a lower stage in a time scale of pay for a specified period with further direction as to whether or not the employee will earn increments to pay during the period of such reduction and whether on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not have the effect on postponing the future increments of his pay; (vii) reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade, post or service which shall, unless otherwise directed, be a bar to the promotion of the employee to the time scale of pay, grade, post or service from which he was reduced with or without further directions regarding.- a) seniority and pay in the scale of pay, grade, post or service to which the employee is reduced; (b) conditions of restoration to the scale of pay, grade or post or service from which the employee was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to the scale of pay, grade, post or service; (viii) compulsory retirement; (ix) removal from service which shall not be disqualification for future employment; (x) dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment: Provided that in the absence of special and adequate reasons to the contrary to be mentioned in the order of the disciplinary authority, no penalty other than those specified in clause (vi) to (x) shall be imposed for an established charge of corruption: Provided further that every order of private management regarding suspension, dismissal or removal from service etc., shall be issued after prior approval by the Competent Authority which approved the appointment. Explanation :- 1. For the purpose of this proviso, the expression "corruption " shall have the same meaning assigned to the expression " criminal misconduct in a public servant in of Section 13 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 {Central Act 49 of 1988} or the meaning assigned to the expressions " taking gratification other than legal remuneration in respect of an official act " and " obtaining valuable thing without consideration " in Sections 165 respectively of the Indian Penal Code. Explanation :- 2. The following shall not amount to be penalty within the meaning of this rule.- (i) non-promotion, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity of an employee after consideration of his case to a grade or post for promotion to which he is eligible; (ii) reversion to a lower service, grade or post of an employee officiating in a higher service, grade or post on the ground that he is considered after trial to be unsuitable for such higher service, grade or post or on administrative grounds connected with his conduct {such as the return of the permanent incumbent from leave or deputation, availability of a more suitable officer}; (iii) reversion to his permanent service, grade or post of an employee appointed on probation to another service, grade or post during or at the end of the period of probation in accordance with the terms of his appointment or the rules and others governing probation; (iv) compulsory retirement of an employee in accordance with the provision relating to his superannuation or retirement; (v) termination of service.- (a) of an employee appointed for three months or less; (b) of a part-time employee appointed for a period less than a year; (c) of a person employed under an agreement in accordance with the terms of such agreement. 195 (vi) retrenchment of an employee. 33. Disciplinary Authorities.- (1) The Board of Management may impose any of the penalties specified under Rule 32 on any employee. (2) Without prejudice to the provision of sub-rule (1) but subject to the provisions of sub-rule (3); (a) the head of the institution may impose any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) and (ii) of rule 32; (b) the Board of Management may impose any of penalties specified in clauses (iii) to (v) of rule 32. (3) The Board of Management shall be competent to impose penalties (i) to (x). (4) Not withstanding anything contained in these rules, no penalty specified in clauses (vi) to (x) of rule 32 shall be imposed by any authority lower than Appointing Authority. 34. Suspension.- (1) The appointing Authority may place an employee under suspension under the following circumstances and conditions after obtaining the necessary permission from the controlling authority failing which the management shall be held responsible for all the consequences which may arise in future.- (i) a disciplinary proceeding against an employee is contemplated or pending ; or (ii) a case against an employee in respect of any criminal offence is under police investigation or Court trial; or (iii) a preliminary inquiry against an employee has made not a " Prima facie " case which would justify disciplinary proceeding or criminal prosecution against him and the proceedings are likely to end in his conviction and or dismissal or removal from service; and The disciplinary proceeding or criminal offences involves one or more of the following misdemeanor:- (i) moral turpitude; (ii) corruption, embezzlement or misappropriation of the Institution's money, possession of assets disproportionate to one's known sources of income, misuse of official powers for personal gain; (iii) serious negligence and dereliction of duty resulting in considerable loss to the Institutions; (iv) dereliction of duty; (v) refusal or deliberate failure to carry out written orders of superior authority; and The conditions in office of the employee; (i) will prejudice the disciplinary proceeding, criminal investigation or trial; or (ii) is likely to seriously subvert discipline in the office in which he is working ; or (iii) is likely to lead to a public Scandal. (2) An employee shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of Appointing Authority; after given the information of the order of the private management to the controlling authority. (a) with effect from the date of his detention, if he is detained in custody whether on criminal charge or otherwise for a period exceeding forty-eight hours; (b) with effect from the date of his conviction, if in the event of a conviction for an offence, he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment exceeding forty-eight hours and is not forthwith dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired consequent to such conviction; Explanation.- The period of forty-eight hours referred to in clause [b] of this sub-rule shall be computed from the commencement of the imprisonment after the conviction and for this purpose, intermittent periods of imprisonment, if any, shall be taken into account. (3) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon an employee under suspension is set aside in his appeal or on review under these rules and the case is remitted for further inquiry or action or with any other directions, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders. 196 (4) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon an employee is set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or by a decision of a Court of Law and the Disciplinary Authority on a consideration of the circumstances of the case, decides to hold further inquiry against him on the allegations on which the penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement was originally imposed, the employee shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by the Appointing Authority from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain under suspension until further orders. (5) (a) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule shall continue to remain in force until it is modified or revoked by the authority to do so. (b) Where an employee is suspended or is deemed to have been suspended {whether in connection with any disciplinary proceeding or otherwise any other disciplinary proceeding is commenced against him during the continuance of that suspension}, the authority competent to place him under suspension may for reasons to be recorded by him in writing, direct that the employee shall continue to be under suspension until the termination of all or any of such proceedings. (c) An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule may at any time be modified or revoked by the authority which made or is deemed to have made the order or by any authority to which that authority is subordinate. 35. Subsistence allowance during suspension,- (1) Every employee placed under suspension shall be entitled to the following payment, namely.- (a) Subsistence allowance at an amount equivalent to Fifty per cent of the pay drawn immediately prior to the date of suspension, for the first six months after the date of suspension, additional dearness allowance, if admissible, on the basis of the amount of such subsistence allowance: Provided that where the period of suspension exceeds six months, the authority made or deemed to have made the order of suspension shall be competent to vary the amount of subsistence allowance for any period subsequent to the period of first twelve months as follows. (i) the amount of subsistence allowance may be increased to an amount equal to seventy five per cent of the pay drawn immediately prior to the date of suspension if in the opinion of the said authority the period of suspension has been prolonged for reasons to be recorded in writing not directly attributable to the employee; (ii) the amount of subsistence allowance to be reduced by suitable amount not exceeding fifty percent for first twelve months, if in the opinion of the said authority the period of suspension has been prolonged due to the reasons to be recorded in writing directly attributable to the employee; (iii) the rates of dearness allowance will be based on the increased or as the case may be the decreased amount of subsistence allowance admissible under sub-clause (i) or (ii): (a) Provided further that when an employee is convicted by a Competent Court and sentenced to imprisonment, the subsistence allowance shall, pending the result of a appeal to a higher Court, be reduced to the nominal amount of one rupee per month and the question of paying him pay or allowance either in full or in part for the period of conviction and sentence till the decision of the Appellate Court in the event of an appeal being filed be considered by the Board of management after the appeal is decided. (b) Each claim, for subsistence allowance should be supported by a certificate by the employee concerned to the effect that he was not engaged in any employment, business, profession or vocation during the period to which the claim relates. (2) Where an employee who has been dismissed, removed compulsorily retired or suspended or reinstated or would have been suspended, the authority competent to order the reinstatement shall consider and make a specific order.- (a) regarding the pay and allowances to be paid to the employee for the period of his absence from duty or for the period of suspension ending with the date of retirement on superannuation as the case may be; and (b) Whether or not the said period shall be treated as the period spent on duty. (3) Where such Competent Authority holds that the employee has been fully exonerated the employee shall be given the full pay to which he would have been entitled had he not been dismissed, 197 or removed from service and the period of absence from duty shall be treated as a period spent on duty for all purposes. (4) In other cases, the employee shall be given such proportion of such pay and allowance, as the Competent Authority may prescribe and the period of absence from duty shall not be treated as period spent on duty unless the Competent authority specifically directs that it shall be so treated for any specified purpose: Provided that the payment of allowance under sub-rule (2) or (3) shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are admissible: Provided further that such proportion of such pay and allowance shall not be less than subsistence allowance and other allowance admissible under these rules. (5) Where on the conclusion, of the inquiry against an employee placed under suspension, the authority competent to impose any punishment.- (i) makes an order fully exonerating or acquiting him the period during which he was under suspension pending the enquiry shall be deemed to be the period of duty and the employee to be entitled to full pay and allowance as if he had not been under suspension; (ii) makes an order imposing any penalty other than the penalty or compulsory retirement, removal from service, or dismissal from the service, the employee shall be paid for the period of suspension such proportion of his pay and allowances as the said authority may in its discretion specify; and where no such proportion is specified, the employee shall be entitled to subsistence allowance admissible under these rules and the period of suspension shall count as duty unless the said authority has otherwise directed; (iii) makes an order imposing the penalty of compulsory retirement, removal from service or dismissal, shall be paid for the period of suspension such proportion of his pay and allowance as the said authority may in its discretion specify and where no such proportion is specified, the subsistence allowance admissible under these rules and the period of suspension shall not count as duty for any purpose unless the said authority has otherwise directed. 36. Leave while under suspension.- (1) Leave of absence for a definite period is not admissible to an employee who has been suspended from duty without obtaining the permission of the authority competent to fill up the appointment of an employee under suspension should not leave the station where his office is situated. (2) No payment of subsistence allowance shall be made unless the employee continues to reside in the station where his office is situated or in the station in which he is permitted by the authority which made or which is deemed to have made the order of suspension. 37. Authority to institute Proceedings.- (1) The Board of Management may impose on the employee any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (v) of Rule 32 after.- (a) informing the employee in writing of proposal to take action against him through articles of charges and of imputation of misconduct or misbehavior on which it is proposed to be taken and giving him a reasonable opportunity making such representation as he may make against the proposals; and (b) such representation or explanation, if any, is considered by the Board of Management, Manager or the Head of the Institution as the case may be. (2) The record of proceedings in such cases shall include.- (i) a copy of the intimation to the employee of the proposal to take action against him; (ii) a copy of the statement of imputation of misconduct or misbehavior communicated to him; (iii) his representation, if any; (iv) the evidence produced during the inquiry, if any; (v) the findings on imputation of misconduct, Articles of charges or misbehaviour; and (vi) the orders on the case together with reason there for. 38. Procedure for imposing major penalties.- (1) No order imposing any of the penalties specified in clauses (vi) to (x) of Rule 32 shall be made except after an enquiry is held, as far as may be in the manner provided in this rule. (2) Wherever the Management is of the opinion that where there are grounds for inquiring into the truth of any imputation of misconduct or misbehavior or breach of any provision of the code 198 of conduct specified in these rules against an employee, it may appoint an Enquiry Committee consisting of one or more persons not having any dealings of whatever nature with the management or any member thereof or with any employee in the Institution or elsewhere. When an Enquiry Committee consists of two or more members, the quorum shall be two. (3) Where an order of suspension has been made, the enquiry committee shall, before proceeding with the enquiry record in writing, whether the said suspension is " Prima facie " in accordance with sub-rule (1) of Rule 34. (4) The Disciplinary Authority shall frame definite charges on the basis of the allegations on which the enquiry is proposed to be held. Such charges, together with a statement of allegations on which they are based shall be communicated in writing to the employee and they shall be required to submit within such time as may be specified by the Enquiry Committee, a written statement of his defense and also to state whether he desires to be heard in person. (5) The employee shall for the purpose of preparing defense be permitted to inspect and take extracts from such records as he may specify: Provided that permission may be refused if, for reasons to be recorded in writing in the opinion of the Enquiry Committee such records are not relevant for the purpose and it is against the interests of the institution to allow his access thereto. (6) On receipt of the statement of defense in writing by the employee or if no such statement is received within the time specified, the Enquiry Committee shall proceed with the enquiry. (7) The Disciplinary Authority may nominate any person present in its case before the Enquiry Committee . The employee may present his case with the assistance of any other person approved by the Enquiry Committee, but may not engage a legal practitioner for the purpose unless the person nominated by the disciplinary authority to present its case is a legal practitioner or the enquiry committee having regard to the circumstances of the case so permitted. (8) The enquiry committee shall, in the course of the enquiry consider such documentary evidence and take such other evidence as may be relevant or material in regard to the charges. The employee shall be entitled to cross-examine witnesses examined in support of the charge and to give evidence in person. The person presenting the case in support of the charges shall be entitled to cross - examine the employee if he opts to become a witness for himself in the enquiry and the witnesses examined in his defense. If the enquiry committee declines to examine any witness on the ground, that his evidence is not relevant of material, it shall record its reasons in writing. (9) At the conclusion of the inquiry, the inquiry committee shall prepare a report of the enquiry, record its findings on each of the charges together with the reason therefor . If in the opinion of the enquiry committee, the proceedings of the enquiry establish charges different from those framed, it may record findings on such charges: Provided that findings on such charges shall not be recorded unless the employee had an opportunity of defending himself against them. (10) The record of enquiry shall include,- (i) the charges framed against the employee and the statement of allegations furnished to him; (ii) his written statement of defense, if any; (iii) the oral evidence taken in the course of the enquiry; (iv) the documentary evidence considered in the course of the enquiry; (v) the orders, if any made by the Disciplinary Authority and the enquiry committee in regard to the enquiry; (vi) a report setting out the finding on each charge and the reasons therefor; and (vii) any suggestion of the enquiry committee, if it considers necessary for the imposition of any penalty. (11) The Board of Management shall consider the report of enquiry and record its findings on each charges. (12) If the Board of Management having regard to its findings on the charges is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clauses (vi) to (x) of Rules 31, should be imposed, it shall, furnish to the employee, a copy of the report of enquiry committee and a statement of its findings if any. 199 (13) The Board of Management shall consider the representation, if any made by the employee in response to the notice and determine what penalty, if any, should be imposed on the employee and pass appropriate order in the case. (14) If the Board of Management having regard to its findings is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clauses {i} to {v} shall be imposed, it shall pass appropriate orders in the case. (15) Orders passed by the Board of Management under sub-rule (14) shall be communicated to the employee. Any appeal against any of the penalties imposed by the Disciplinary Authority shall lie to the Educational Appellate Tribunal. 39. Non payment of salary arrears in certain cases.- If the orders of the disciplinary authority imposing penalty of dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement or reduction in rank etc., is subsequently set aside by the court or appellate authority, the government shall not be liable to pay salary and pension arrears and such arrears of salary and pension shall be paid by the Management only. In case the management takes disciplinary action against any employee without obtaining the approval of the controlling authority of the department of collegiate education or contrary to these rules the management will be held solely responsible for all the consequences that may arise due to non-compliance of rules. 40. Communication of Orders.- Every order of the Disciplinary Authority or Board of Management imposing any penalty or otherwise affecting his conditions of service to his prejudice, shall be communicated to the employee by the Manager by registered post acknowledgement due, and a copy of the order be sent to the prescribed authority at the same time. Code of Conduct for Employees of Educational Institutions 41. General.- (1) Every employee shall at all time.- (i) maintain absolute integrity; (ii) maintain devotion to duty; and (iii) do nothing which is unbecoming of an employee of an educational institution. (2) (a) Every employee holding a supervisory post shall take all possible steps to ensure the integrity and devotion to duty of all employees for the time being under his control and authority; (b) No employee shall, in the performance of his official duties or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his best judgment except when he is acting under the direction of his official superior and shall, where he is acting under such direction obtain the direction in writing where practicable and where it is not practicable to obtain the direction in writing he shall obtain written confirmation of the direction as soon thereafter as possible. (3) Professional duties.- Every employee shall,- (a) be punctual in attendance in respect of his work and any other work connected with the duties assigned to him by the head of the institution; (b) abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and show due respect to the constituted authority. (c) No employee shall.- (i) knowingly or willfully neglect his duties; (ii) while on duty in the institution absent himself {except with the previous permission of the head of the institution} from the institution; (iii) remain absent from the institution without leave or without previous permission of the head of the institution; (iv) neglect correction of class-work or home-work done by students; (v) indulge in or encourage any form of malpractice connected with examinations or any other college activity; (vi) give private tuition ; (vii) prepare or publish any book or books, commonly known as keys, or assist or guides whether directly or indirectly, in their publication without the permission of Management. (4) Communal activity.- No employee shall,- (i) practice, propagate or incite any student to practice, propagate casteism, communal or sectarian activity or untouchability; 200 (ii) discriminate against any person on the ground of caste, creed, Religion, language, place of origin, social and cultural background or any of them. (5) Behavior in public.- No employee shall,- (a) misbehave with or ill-treat any parent, guardian, student, teacher or other employee of the Institution; (b) behave or encourage or incite any student, teacher or other employee to behave in a rude or disorderly manner in the premises of the Institution; (c) indulge in any violence or any conduct which involves moral turpitude; (d) organize or attend any meeting during the hours of the institution except when he is required or permitted by the head of the Institution to do so; (e) cause or incite any other person to cause, any damage to college/public property. (6) Taking part in politics and elections.- (a) No employee shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with any political party or any organization which had taken part in politics nor shall take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity. (b) It shall be the duty of every employee to endeavor to prevent any member of his family from taking part in, subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner any movement or activity which is, or tends directly or indirectly, to be subversive of the Government as by law established and where an employee is unable to prevent a member of his family from taking part in or subscribing in aid of or assisting in any manner, any such movement or activity he shall make a report to that effect to the Management. (c) If any question arises whether a party is a political party or whether any organization takes part in politics or whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of clause (b) the decision of the Government thereon shall be final. (d) No employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere with or use his influence in connection with or take part in an election to any legislature or local authority: Provided that,- (i) an employee qualified to vote in such election may exercise his right to vote, but where he does so, he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted; (ii) an employee shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this sub-rule by reason only that he assists in the conduct of an election in the due performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time being in force. (7) Joining of Association by employee.- No employee shall join, or continue to be a member of an association the objects or activities of which are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignity and integrity of India or public order or modesty. (8) Demonstration and strikes.- No employee shall,- (i) engage himself or participate in any demonstration which is prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or which involves Contempt of Court, defamation or incitement to an offence; or (ii) resort to or in any way instigate, incite or abet, any form of strike by any member of employees. Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, " Strike " means cessation of work (including any unauthorized absence from duty) by a body of employees acting in combination or a concerted refusal or a refusal under common understanding of any member of employees to work . 42. Criticism of Government.- No employee shall, in any radio broadcast or in any document published in his own name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion,- (1) which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy in action of the State Government or Central Government or any other State Government: 201 Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall apply to bonafide expression of views by any employees as an office bearer of a trade union or association of such employees for the purpose of safeguarding the conditions of service of such employees or for securing an improvement thereof; or (2) which is capable of embarrassing the relations between, the State Government and the Central Government or any other State; or (3) which is capable of embarrassing relations between, the Central Government and the Government of any foreign State: Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statements made or views expressed by an employee in his official capacity or in the due performance of the duties assigned to him. 43. Subscription.- No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Management ask for or accept contributions to, or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any collections in cash or in kind in pursuance of any object whatever. 44. Canvassing of non-official or other influence.- No employee shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service under the Management. 45. Gifts.- (1) Save as otherwise provided in this rule, no employee shall accept, or permit any member of his family, or any person acting on his behalf to accept, any gift. Explanation.- The expression gift shall include free transport, boarding, lodging or other service or any other pecuniary advantage when provided by any person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealings with the Management. Note I :- A casual meal, lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to be gift. Note II :- An employee shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any individual having official dealings with him or from industrial or commercial firms or organizations. (2) On the occasions, such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions, when the making of a gift is in conformity with the prevailing religious or social practice, an employee may accept gifts from his near relatives but he shall make a report to the Management of the value of any such gift exceeds,- (a) rupees five hundred in the case of a member of the teaching staff; (b) rupees two hundred and fifty in the case of a member of the ministerial staff; and (c) rupees one hundred in the case of others. (3) On such occasions as are specified in sub-rule (2) an employee may accept gifts from his personal friends having official dealings with him but he shall make a report to the Management if the value of any such gift exceeds.- (a) rupees two hundred in the case of a member of the teaching staff; (b) rupees one hundred in the case of a member of the ministerial staff; and (c) rupees fifty in the case of others. (4) In any other case, an employee shall not accept any gift without the approval of the Management if the value thereof exceeds,- (a) rupees seventy five in the case of a member of the teaching staff; (b) rupees twenty-five in the case of others. 46. Public Demonstration in honour of employees.- No employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Management, receive any complementary or valedictory address or accept any testimonial or attend any meeting or entertainment held in his honour or in the honour of any employee: Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to.- (a) a farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal character held in honor of an employee or any other employee on the occasion of his retirement or transfer or any person who has recently quit the service of any Institution; or (b) the acceptance of simple and inexpensive entertainment arranged by public bodies or institutions. 202 47. Private trade or employment.- (1) No employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Management engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or negotiate for or undertake any other employment: Provided that an employee may, without such sanction, undertake honorary work of a classical or charitable nature or occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, subject to the following conditions, namely:- (a) he shall, within a period of one month of his undertaking any such work, report to the Management giving full details; (b) his official duties do not thereby suffer ; and (c) he shall discontinue any such work, if so directed by the Management: Provided further that, if the undertaking of any such work involves holding of an elective office he shall not seek election to any such office without the previous sanction of the Management. Explanation I :- Canvassing by an employee for a candidate or candidates for an elective office referred to in the second proviso shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-rule. Explanation II:- (a) Canvassing by an employee in support of the business or insurance agency or commission agency owned or managed by his wife or any other member of his family shall be deemed to be breach of this sub-rule. (b) Every employee shall report to the Management if any member of his family is engaged in trade or business or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency. (c) No employee shall, without the previous sanction of the Management, except in the discharge of his duties, take part in registration, promotion or management of any bank or other company which is required to be registered under the Companies Act, 1956 {Central Act 1 of 1956} or any other law for the time being in force or any Co-operative Society for commercial purposes: Provided that employee may take part in the registration, promotion, management of a Co- operative Society substantially for the benefit of employees registered or deemed to be registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 {Karnataka Act 1 of 1960} and Karnataka Co- operative Societies Act,1959. (d) No employee may accept any fee for any work done by him for any public body or any private person without the general or special sanction of the management. 48. Authorship of text-books for use in recognized Educational Institutions.- No employee who is a member of the text-books committee shall write or edit any text-book for use in a recognized educational institution during his membership of the committee. 49. Proper use of amenities.- No employee shall misuse or carelessly use, amenities provided for him by the management to facilitate the discharge of his duties. 50. Use of services without payment.- No employee shall, without making proper and adequate payment avail himself any service for entertainment for which a hire or price or admission fee is charged. 51. Investment, lending and borrowing.- (1) No employee shall speculate in any stock, share or other investment. Explanation:- Frequent purchase or sale or both of shares, securities or other investments shall be deemed as speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule. (2) No employee shall make or permit any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf to make, any investment which is likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his duties. (3) If any question arises whether any transaction is of the nature referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the decision of the Management thereon shall be final. (4) No employee shall, save in the ordinary course of business with a bank or a firm of standing duly authorized to conduct banking business, either himself or through any member of his family or any other person acting on his behalf,- (a) lend or borrow money as principal or agent, to or from any person within the local limits of his authority or with whom he is likely to have official dealings, or otherwise place himself under any pecuniary obligation to such person; or (b) lend money to any person at interest or in a manner whereby return in money or in kind is charged or paid: 203 Provided that an employee may, give to or accept from a relative or a personal friend, a purely temporary loan of an amount not exceeding his total monthly emoluments free of interest, or operate a credit account with a bonafide tradesman or make an advance of pay to his private employee. 52. Insolvency and habitual indebtedness.- An employee shall so manage his affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency of an employee against whom any legal proceeding is instituted for the recovery of any debt due from his or for adjudging him as an insolvent shall forthwith report the full facts of the legal proceeding to the Management. Note:- The burden of proving that the insolvency or indebtedness was the result of circumstances which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence, the employee could not have foreseen or over which he had no control and had not proceeded from extravagant or dissipated habits, shall be upon the employee. 53. Movable, Immovable and Valuable property.- (1) Every employee shall on his first appointment to any post and thereafter at the interval of every twelve months, submit a return of his assets and liabilities and of all members of his family in such form as may be prescribed by the Management giving the full particulars regarding. (a) the immovable property inherited by him or any member of his family or owned or acquired by him or any member of his family on lease or mortgage either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person; (b) shares, debentures and cash including bank deposits inherited by him or any member of his family similarly owned, acquired or held by him or any member of his family; (c) other movable property inherited by him or any member of his family or similarly owned , acquired or held by him or any member of his family; (d) debts or other liabilities incurred by him or any member of his family directly or indirectly. Note:- In all returns, the valuable items of movable worth less than rupees one thousand may be added and shown as a lumpsum. The value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils. crockery or books need not be included in such returns. (2) No employee or any member of his family shall, except with the previous knowledge of the Management, acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family: Provided that the previous sanction of the Management shall be obtained by the employee if any such transaction is,- (i) with a person having official dealings with the employee; or (ii) otherwise than through a regular or reputed dealer. (3) Every employee shall report to the Management every transaction concerning movable property owned or held by him or any member of his family either in his own name or in the name of a member of his family, if the value of such property exceeds rupees one thousand in the case of a member of the teaching staff or rupees five hundred in the case of others: Provided that the previous sanction of the Management be obtained if any such transaction is,- (i) with a person having official dealings with the employee; or (ii) otherwise than through a regular or reputed dealer. (4) Every employee shall report to the Management every transaction concerning cash received by him or by any member of his family from sources other than the employee's salary and allowances, insurance or provident fund, if such cash exceeds rupees one thousand in the case of a member of the teaching staff or rupees five hundred in the case of others. (5) The Management may at any time, by general or special order, require an employee to furnish, within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or any member of his family or on his behalf or by any member of the family as may be specified in the order, such Statement shall, if so required by the Management, include the details of which, or the source from which such property was acquired. 204 Explanation:- For the purpose of this rule:- {1} " lease " means, except where it is obtained from, or granted to, person having official dealings with the employee, a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any term exceeding one year or reserving a yearly rent. (2) The expression " movable property " includes.- (a) Jewellary, insurance policies, provident fund, shares, securities and debentures; (b) loan advanced by such employee whether secured or not; (c) Motor cars, Motor cycles, or any other means of conveyance; and (d) Refrigerators, Radios, Radiograms, Television sets, Tape recorders and Transistors. 54. Restrictions in relation to acquisition and disposal of immovable property outside India and transactions with foreigners, etc.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule {2} of the Rule 54, no employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Management.- (a) acquire, by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or other-wise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, any immovable property situated outside India; (b) dispose of, by sale, mortgage, gift or otherwise, or grant any lease in respect of any immovable property situated outside India which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family; (c) enter into any transaction with any foreigner, foreign Government, foreign organization or concern.- (i) for the acquisition by purchase, mortgage, lease, gift or otherwise either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, of any immovable property; (ii) for the disposal by sale, mortgage, gift or otherwise of or the grant of any lease in respect of any immovable property which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family. 55. Guardianship of minor.- An employee may not without the previous sanction of the Management act as a legal guardian of the person or property of a minor other than his dependent. Explanation:- A dependent for the purpose of this rule means an employee's wife, children and step children and children's children and shall also include his sisters, brothers, nephews and nieces if residing with him and wholly dependent upon him. 56. Personal representations of the employees.- Any representation by an employee shall only be made through proper channel. 57. Bigamous marriage.- (1) No employee who has a wife living shall contract another marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Management not withstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable to him. (2) No female employee shall marry any person who has Husband living without first obtaining the permission of the Management. Not withstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable to her. 58. Consumption of intoxicating Drinks and Drugs.- An employee shall,- (a) strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area ; (b) take due care that the performance of his duties is not affected in any way by the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug; (c) refrain from consuming any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place; (d) not to appear in a public place in a state of intoxication; (e) not habitually use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess. Explanation:- For the purpose of the rule, ' public place ' means any place or premises {including a conveyance} to which the public have or are permitted to have, access, whether on payment or otherwise. 59. Leave Rules.- Leave Rules as are applicable to government employees according to the provisions of Karnataka Civil Service Rules (KCSR) as amended from time to time shall apply to employees under these rules. 60. Compensation .- An employee of the Institution who has been confirmed and whose services have been terminated by the management for reasons other than as a measure of punishment shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of fifteen days salary for every completed year of service, subject to minimum of three months salary and maximum of fourteen months salary. 205 Chapter - VIII Control of private educational institutions 61. The duties and the code of conduct for the Governing Council.- (1) It shall be the duty of the Governing Council,- (a) to uphold the dignity and integrity of the nation; (b) to ensure that none of the employees of the institution engage in private tuition, anti-social activities or active politics; (c) to endeavor to promote the education of the weaker sections and the handicapped; (d) to adhere to and act in accordance with provisions of the act, the rules made thereunder, and orders made or instructions given by the Head of the Department from time to time; (e) to follow the curricula, syllabi and text books for any course of instruction prescribed by the Government from time to time; (f) to make necessary arrangements like sparing the building furniture etc, for conduct of any type of examination conducted by the Department / Government and not to encourage any kind of malpractice during the period of the above mentioned examination; (g) to levy or collect any fees or charges or any payment by whatever name it is called only as provided in the rules made by the State Government in this behalf; (h) to utilise the amounts levied or collected by the Educational Institution in accordance with such rules as may be made by the State Government; (i) to intimate the details of receipt of voluntary donations within ninety days from the date of receipt to the competent authority; (j) to utilise all moneys received for the purpose for which they are intended and shall be accounted for; (k) to hold and protect the interest of the staff and students of the institution; (l) to make available all the account books and other documents to the inspecting authority at the time of inspection or enquiry; (m) not to open or teach Subject/Courses than those for which affiliation/ recognition is accorded; (n) not to transfer the immoveable property related to the Educational Institution without prior permission of the State Government; (o) to make the provisions for contingent expenditure, in case Government makes provision for midday meals and such other incentives schemes; (p) to abide by the rules and regulation in respect of recruitment, appointment and service conditions of its employees framed by the State Government from time to time; (q) not to close down the institutions run by them without prior and proper intimation to and approval of the State Government; (r) to hand over all its properties, records to the officer authorised by the Government on its closure; (s) not to sell, mortgage, lease, pledge, transfer or otherwise its immoveable properties without previous permission in writing of the State Government on an application made in this behalf. (2) The Governing council shall be governed by the code of conduct prepared by it with respect to the matters not covered in the code of conduct. However such code of conduct is subject to the prior approval of the State Government. 62. Furnishing of list of properties.- (1) Every institution shall send on or before the first January of each year to the competent authority, the statement in triplicate in Form-3 of details of desks, benches, tables and of movable properties the value of which individually, is Rs. 5000 or more and of all immovable properties. In respect of immovable properties the statement shall contain the following particulars and shall be authenticated by the educational agency,- (a) Name of property. (b) Description, address and location. (c) Area / extent together with survey number. (d) In case of cultivable land, its classification, and the crops grown. (e) Market value (f) Annual income derived from the property (g) Remarks, if any Explanation :- A certificate from an officer of the Revenue Department not lower in rank than that of a Tahsildar shall be obtained in respect of (e) and (f) above at the time of the first 206 submission of the statement. When there is any change in the movable or immovable properties such changes should be indicated in the statement. (2) The movable and immovable properties referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be the movable and immovable properties for the purpose of section 107. 63. Utilisation of funds and properties of the Institution.- (1) The funds of the institution shall be utilised for the bonafide purposes connected with the institutions only with prior permission of the competent authority. If any donations are collected with the previous permission of the competent authority they shall be utilised only for that purpose . Balance if any shall be credited in the funds of the institution. (2) An institution may deposit funds not required for immediate use in the following Banks,- (a) State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of India Act, 1995 ( Central Act 23 of 1995) or, (b) In a subsidiary Bank as defined in the State Bank of India ( Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 (Central Act 38 of 1959) or, (c) In any corresponding new Bank as defined in the Banking companies ( Acquisition and Transfer of undertakings)Act, 1970 (5 of 1970) or Post Office Saving Bank ; or (d) In any other schedule bank as approved by the competent authority. 64. Accounting of deposit of institutions funds.- (1) All funds properties grants etc collected in the name of institutions whether from the government or the public or private individual shall be brought to account in the case book and financial statement of that institution and it shall be used for any other purpose without approval of the competent authority. The fees, grant from Government and their income shall be pooled together as institution's funds. (2) Funds not required for immediate use shall be deposited in the nationalised bank referred to above on behalf of the institution and not in the name of any individual. Every institution shall maintain day to day accounts, registers and their records are at all times open to Inspection by the competent authority. 65. Closure of Institutions etc.- Notice under section 105 shall be in Form 4 or 5 as the case may be appropriate. Every such notice shall set out the alternate arrangements proposed to be made for the continuance of institutions. 66. Appeal under these rules.- (1) Every appeal shall be either presented by the party making such appeal or by his recognised agent in the office during office hours or be sent by registered post addressed to the authority to whom it is presented by designation. (2) Every appeal shall clearly state the grounds of appeals. 207 Department of Collegiate Education Form-1 (See Rule-15) Application for the Salary Grants Items of Direct receipts (a) and (b):- (a) Fees and fines:- (i) Tuition fees (ii) Tutorial fees (i) and (ii) At standard rates prescribed by………………………………………….Government for calculation of grant-in-aid. While calculating the receipts………………………………………….from these fees the total strength of ……………….students as on rolls has to be taken into account. (iii) Laboratory fees. (iv) Library fees. (v) Admission fees. (vi) College examination fees. (vii) Transfer certificate fees. (viii) Fees from Ex-students (ix) Any other fees, for the college purpose. (x) Fines (xi) Excess of fees Vide note below Rule 16(b) (v) (b) Other miscellaneous receipts:- (i) Any charges collected from the students for specific services [e.g., cycle stand charges, etc.] (ii) Rent recovered in respect of any of the College buildings [excluding Hostel, Gymkhana and residential quarters.] (iii) Fees for extra curricular activities. (iv) Any other miscellaneous receipts for the maintenance of the college. Items of approved expenditure:- (1) Actual salary of teaching, clerical and ministerial staff pay or salary at Government rates whichever is less. (2) Allowances of special nature such as Dearness Allowance, H.R.A. etc., at the Government rates or management rates whichever are lower. Form-2 (See Rule 16) Application for Grant for Loss of Fee Income (A) 1. Name of the College. 2. Number of Students who enjoyed full freeships. 3. Rates of freeships allowed in each case. *4. Total amount of full freeships granted. (B) 1. Number of Students to whom half freeships was allowed or sanctioned. 2. Rates of half freeships sanctioned in each case. *3. Total amount of half freeships. (C) Refunds of Fees:- 1. Number of students to whom fees are refunded 2. Rates. *3. Total amount fees refunded. (D) Amount of grant Claimed (a) On account of full freeships allowed. (b) On account of half freeships allowed. (c) On account of refund of fees. Total: 208 Remarks, if any:- * NOTE :- Full details showing the names of pupils, their classes, cost against each of them and native place should be given in support of the total amount of freeships, half freeships or refunds of fees allowed including refunds of fees {with relevant authority for their sanction}. Declaration: On behalf of the management of the college. I hereby declare that the conditions of affilication and aid laid down in the Karnataka Education Institution (Collegiate Education) rules are being and will, continue to be fully observed and that I am prepared to subject the institution, together with its current donations and trust accounts, its establishment, time table and registers to inspect and to furnish such returns as may be required by the Department. Certificate:- 1. Certified that the amounts of grant preferred in respect of freeships and half freeships were actually allowed to the students during the previous years. 2. Certified that the students for whom the grants are claimed had been on the rolls during the previous years. 3. Certified that the freeships and half-freeships have been allowed as per conditions prescribed by Government in this respect. 4. Certified that the claims preferred are correct and based on relevant records. PRINCIPAL. Form-3 (See Rule 62) Sl.No. Name of Property Immovable Description of Property How acquired When acquired Value of purchase 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Signature of the Secretary/ Correspondent with seal. Form-4 (See Rule 65) Form of notice to be given by the management to the competent authority in case of closure or discontinuance of private education institution. 1. Date of opening of the Institution. 2. Name of the educational Institution. 3. Whether it is located in own building (rented) rent-free. 4. Mention the media of instruction in the Institution. 5. Name of educational district. 6. Names of other recognised institution of similar type of functioning within a radius of 5 K.M. from the institution under reference. 7. Details of standards now functioning in the institution (Subject/Course wise strength particulars of boys and girls as on 1 st September of the year in which notice is given should also be furnished. 8. Nature of recognition/affiliation enjoyed by the institution. If temporary, period up to which the recognition/affiliation has been granted and conditions laid down for grant of provisionally recognition/affiliation etc. 9. Particulars of staff employed as approved by the Department (Teaching and Non-teaching should be furnished separately). 10. Whether the constitution of the educational agency provides for the closure of the institution Furnished an extract of the constitution. 11. Reasons for the closure to be given clearly. 209 12. Alternative arrangements made or proposed to be made for the continuance of instruction to the pupils. 13. Cash balance in the general fund account on the date of notice. 14. Details of endowments created. Full details to be given in respect of immovable property and cash endowment. 15. Details of public contribution realised for the benefit of the institution. Cash/Kind: Rs. Present Value Rs.P. Movable: Immovable: 16. Liabilities if any to be discharged by the management. Details to be specified. The arrangements made to settle them to be furnished. 17. Grants other than staff grant received from State Government should be furnished in detail,- a. Amount of Grant b. Date of drawal c. Purpose for which granted d. Authority Number and date of orders sanctioning of grant. (Copy of sanction order to be furnished). 18. Whether the educational agency proposes to run any other educational institution anywhere else in the state? If so, the details may be furnished. 19. How the endowed property movable/immovable, Cash balance in the general fund account is proposed to be used for educational purposes. 20. Whether the educational agency is prepared to refund the full amount of grant drawn from State Government. 21. Whether the educational agency is willing to transfer to State Government unconditionally the site, buildings, furniture, endowment, Staff of the institution, in case a State Government Institution is opened to provide alternative arrangement for catering to the educational needs of the locality. 22. Whether any special scheme of Scholarship, etc., has been instituted for the benefit of students of the institution. Full details of the scheme to be given. 23. Whether there are any orders passed by the Department as appellate authority remaining without compliance. 24. Whether there is any case pending in a Court of law concerning the institution 25. Whether any action against the institutions pending. 26. The date of notice signed by the Secretary/Correspondent of the Institution. Declaration 1. I agree that the institution will be closed only after obtaining the prior permission of the competent authority and the closure shall take effect from the date of expiry of an academic year, as specified by the competent authority. 2. I agree to make alternative arrangements for the continuance of instruction to the pupils in the course of study for which they have been admitted. 3. In case the permission required for closure is refused by the competent authority, I shall continue to run the institution. 4. In the event of closure of the institution with the permission, I shall abide by the orders of the competent authority with regard to transfer of institutional staff, properties, settlement of accounts etc. Place: Date: Signature of the Applicant. Secretary/Correspondent of the Institution with seal Form-5 (See Rule 65) Form of notice to be given by the management to the competent authority in cases or discontinuance of class/Subject/Course of Institution in a private educational Institution 1. Name of the Institution. 2. The media of instruction in the institution. 3. Name of the educational district. 4. Details of standards /sections now functioning in the institution. (Subject/Course wise strength (boys/girls) should be furnished.) 210 5. Details of course / medium introduced in the institution. The dates from which such courses are offered. 6. Details of recognition/affiliation accorded to each Subject/Course. Period up to which recognition/affiliation accorded should also be noted. 7. Particulars of approved staff employed in the institution including non-teaching staff for the class or course of instruction or medium of instruction proposed to be closed. 8. Whether the proposal is for closure of- a) Class/Classes/Subjects/Courses b) Courses of instruction 9. Reason for such closure. 10. Alternative arrangement made/proposed to be made for the continuance of instructions to the pupils of the class /course of instruction. 11. The date of notice signed by the Secretary /Corresponding of the Institution. Declaration 1. I agree that the class/subject/course will be closed only after obtaining the prior approval of the competent authority and the closure shall take effect from the expiry of an academic year. 2. I agree to make alternative arrangements for the continuance of instruction to the pupils in the course for which they have been admitted. 3. In case the permission requested, refused by the competent authority, I shall continue to conduct the class/subject/course of instruction. 4. I shall abide by the conditions /rules that are specified by State Government from time to time for the closure of class/subject/course of instruction. 5. If due to the proposals of closure of class/course of instruction any staff is rendered surplus, their service will not be dispensed with and they will be allowed to continue in service till further orders are received regarding their absorption in needy Institutions. Place : Date: Signature of the Applicant Secretary /Correspondent of the Institution with seal. Form-6 (See Rule-29) Schedule of employment and Method of Recruitment Sl. No. Particulars Name Qualification Grade of Pay Other 1 2 3 4 5 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, K.S. Venugopal Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. APPENDIX-I I GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE INSTITUTE (a) YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT, (b) AFFILIATION-UNIVERSITY, (c) COURSES OFFERED; 2. NAME OF THE TRUST/SOCIETY (a) IF REGISTERED-REG.NO AND DATE (b) IF UNREGISTERED-REASONS 211 3. Please furnish the details of Members of the Trust/Society. Sl.No. NAME OF MEMBERS DESIGNATION IN THE TRUST EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION MAIN OCCUPATION ANNUAL INCOME RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MANAGING TRUSTEE 4.Names and Educational Qualification of the Principal. Relationship, if any with either the Managing Trustee or any other Member Trustee. 5. Name and addresses of other institutions in Karnataka run by the above Trust/Society. 6. Names and addresses of any other Trusts/Societies in Karnataka in which any of the members of this Trust./Society are members or Managing Trustee. 7. Please furnish the details of members of Advisory Council/College Development Council, if any: Sl.No. NAME OF MEMBERS DESIGNATION IN THE COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION OCCUPATION II EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES 7.(A) Land and Building: Own/Rented/Leased (Strike out whichever are not applicable). i) If it is rented, Amount of rent paid per annum ii) It it is leased, Amount of annual lease rent and its period. 7.(B) Please furnish the details of the building own/rented/leased. Sl.No. SITUATION (LOCATION) AREA OF LAND NO OF FLOORS WITH PLINTH AREA OF THE BUILDING NO OF ROOMS DIMENSION 7.(C) if it is own building please furnish the following details: HOW ACQUIRED CONSTRUCTED FROM Sl. No. APPROX. COST DONATED NAME OF THE DONOR OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 7.(D) Do you feel that the Land and Buildings are adequate for your purpose and activities. If no, please furnish your future plans and extension. 8.(A) Furniture and Fittings ; Class rooms and Laboratories: HOW ACQUIRED Sl. No. APPROX. COST DONATED NAME OF THE DONOR OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 8. (B) Furniture and Fittings: Staff Rooms, Library, Office including Principal’s Room 212 HOW ACQUIRED Sl. No. APPROX. COST DONATED NAME OF THE DONOR OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 8. (C) Laboratory Equipment including computer lab: HOW ACQUIRED Sl. NO. Name of the LAB EQUIP PED FOR NO. OF STUD ENTS APPROX. COST DONATED OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRI- BUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16a. 16b 16c 16d 16e 16f. PHYSICS CHEMISTRY BOTANY ZOOLOGY GEOLOGY ELECTRONICS SERICULTURE INSTRUMENT- ATION COMPUTER BUSINESS LAB BIO-TECH ENV.SCIENCE HOME SCIENCE GEOGRAPHY PSYCHOLOGY ANY OTHER 9. (A) LIBRARY: BUILDING MAIN LIBRARY REFERENCE SECTION READING ROOM Plinth area Used 9.(B) BOOKS: VOLUMES ADDED DURING PREVIOUS YEARS Sl.No. SUBJECTS SUBJECTWISE TOTAL NO.OF BOOKS I II III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 213 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 9.(C) APPROXIMATE COST OF BOOKS PURCHASED DURING THE CURRENT YEAR. Sl.No. SUBJECT WISE COST DONATED OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.(D) Please give a list of Journals, Newspapers and Magazines purchased and approximate amount spent on these during the current year. Sl.No. SUBJECT WISE COST DONATED OWN FUNDS GOVT. GRANTS PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION UGC GRANTS ANY OTHERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.(E) SPORTS GROUNDS: GROUNDS AVAILABLE FOR VARIOUS GAMES BOTH INDOOR/OUT DOOR. Area of sports ground available per student in SQ. Mts. 10.Please furnish any other infrastructural facilities provided in the college like Educational aids, Intercom, TV, VCR, OHP, CLASS ROOM TV’S, XEROX, FAX, COMPUTER FOR ALL STUDENTS,etc., III FUNDS INFLOW AND OUTFLOW: 11.FINANCIAL RESOURCES: PLEASE FURNISH THE DETAILS: PREVIOUS YEARS I II III SL. NO. (A) CAPITAL RECEIPTS CASH IN KIND CASH IN KIND CASH IN KIND 1. 2. 3. Contributions by Trust/Society Members Public Donations Donations Collected from Students and Parents for 214 4. 5. 6. a) Building b) Library c) Laboratory d) Sports e) College Development Fund f) Any other Government Grants UGC Grants Any other Sources PREVIOUS YEAR SL.NO. (B) REVENUE RECEIPTS I II II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Contributions by Trust/Society Members Public Donations Fees collected from students a) Admission Fees b) Tuition Fees c) Reading room Fees d) Laboratory Fees e) Sports fees f) Student Union fees g) Students magazine fees h) Examination fees i) Any other, Please specify Govt : a) Grants b) Salary reimbursement UGC Grants Sale of old News paper etc., Financial assistance received for special Programmes Any other (Specify) (C) AMOUNT COLLECTED ON CAPITAL AND REVENUE ACCOUNTS ARE CREDITED TO: 215 RECEIPTS MANAGING TRUSTEE/ ANY OTHER MEMBER ACCOUNT TRUST ACCOUNT PRINCIPAL’S COLLEGE A/C JOINT ACCOUNT WITH GOVERNMENT ANY OTHER SPECIFY CAPITAL RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS III (B) FUNDS OUTFLOW CAPITAL EXPENDITURE: PREVIOUS YEARS SL. NO. HEAD OF EXPENDITURE I II III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Land Building Furniture a) Class Room and Lab b) Staff/room, Library, office Books Computers Educational aids, VCP, VCR Machinery Research equipments Sports equipments Laboratory equipments a) b) c) d) Sports field development Any other (Specify) III (C) REVENUE EXPENDITURE: PREVIOUS YEARS SL.NO. HEAD OF EXPENDITURE I II III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Staff salary: Teaching /Non-Teaching Office expenses Rent of the building Rent of Furniture and other equipment Printing and Stationery a) General b) College Magazine c) Question papers Postage and Telegram Telephone Charges Laboratory recurring expenses- Subject wise a) b) c) 216 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. d) e) f) g) Hospitality expenses Repairs and maintenance expenses of Building and furniture Reading room expenses Journals, Newspaper etc., Sports and Tournament expenses Water and Electricity Charges Tests, Examination, etc., Expenses relating to cultural activities. Prizes: Extra curricular activities. Any other, Please specify. III (D) PLEASE ATTACH COPIES OF YOUR 1.RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT 2. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE A/C AND 3. BALANCE SHEET FOR THE LAST THREE YEARS ALONG WITH THE SCHEDULES ATTESTED BY A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT III(E) PLEASE GIVE THE PARTICULARS OF THE BANK ACCOUNTS OF THE COLLEGE INSTITUTION/TRUST/COMMITTEE/SOCIETY MAINTAINED IN THE NAME OF SL.NO. NAME OF THE ACCOUNT HOLDER NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE BANK TYPE AND ACCOUNT NO. BALANCE ON THE DATE OF LAST BALANCE SHEET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. COLLEGE TRUST/SOCIETY MANAGING TRUSTEE/PRESIDENT SECRETARY PRINCIPAL INDIVIDUAL TRUSTEE/MEMBER a) b) c) d) e) ANY OTHER RELATED III (F) PLEASE GIVE THE DETAILS OF SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. SL.NO. TYPE OF SCHOLARSHIP NO.OF BENEFICIARIES AMOUNT RECEIVED AMOUNT DISBURSED BALANCE IF ANY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MERIT SCHOLARSHIP LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP HINDI SCHOLARSHIP GOVT. OF INDIA SCHOLARSHIP DEFENCE SCHOLARSHIP BACKWARD CLASS AND MINORITIES SCHOLARSHIP 217 7. 8. 9. 10. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED SCHOLARSHIP LABOUR DEPT. SCHOLARSHIP SPONSORED BY VARIOUS COMMUNITIES AND OTHER ORGANISATIONS. a) b) c) d) e) ANY OTHER a) b) c) d) III (G) HOSTELS A. PLEASE MENTION WHETHER THE HOSTEL IS RUN BY i. College ii. Trust/Society iii. Any other Agency B. PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: BUILDING STUDENTS SL.NO. LOCATION PLINTH AREA NO OF ROOMS DIMEN SIONS NO., CAN BE ACCOMODATED ACTUAL STRENGTH EMPLOYEES- NO. WARDEN FAND OTHER STAFF III (H) NCC: PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING NCC OF YOUR COLLEGE: AMOUNT NAME AND DESIGNATION OF NSS OFFICER STUDENTS NUMBER SANCTIONED STRENGTH ACTUAL NUMBER RECEIVED (Rs.) SPENT (Rs.) BALANCE (Rs.) III (I) NCC: PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING NSS OF YOUR COLLEGE: AMOUNT NAME AND DESIGNATION OF NCC OFFICER STUDENTS NUMBER SANCTIONED STRENGTH ACTUAL NUMBER RECEIVED (Rs.) SPENT (Rs.) BALANCE (Rs.) 218 III. (J) PLEASE FURNISH A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE NSS AND NCC ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE CURRENT YEAR ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER: III. (K) CANTEEN: A. PLEASE MENTION WHETHER THE CANTEEN IS RUN BY a) College b) Trust/Society c) Any other agency B. IF IT IS RUN BY ANY OTHER AGENCY, PLEASE MENTION ANNUAL RENT OR LEASE RENT OR ANY OTHER AMOUNT RECEIVED. C. IF IT IS RUN BY COLLEGE/TRUST/SOCIETY, PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION. NAME AND DESIGNATION OF THE PERSON INCHARGE BUILDING PLINTH AREA ANNUAL RECEIPTS Rs. ANNUAL EXPENDITURE Rs. PROFIT Rs. LOSS Rs. IV. STAFF AND STUDENTS: PREVIOUS YEARS STRENGTH OF THE COLLEGE I II III A. STAFF 1. Teaching: 1. Principal 2. Professors (a) Permanent (b) Part time (Retired) 3. Readers (a) Permanent (b) Part Time (Retired) 4. Lecturers (a) Permanent (b) Temporary (c) Part time 5. Visiting/Guest faculty 6. Computer Instructors II. Non-Teaching: 1) Physical Education Director 2) Office Superintendent. 3) Senior Librarian / Librarian 4) Accounts Superintendent 5) First Division Assistants 6) Second Division Assistants 7) Library Assistants 8) Laboratory Assistants 9) Typists 10) Clerk-cum-typists 11) Computer Operators 12) Attenders 13) Peons/watchman 219 14) Sweepers/Scavengers / Gardeners 15) Any other PREVIOUS YEARS B STUDENTS: STRENGTH I II III I PRE-UNIVERSITY COURSES IF ANY: (Please furnish the information Combination wise) PUC I YEAR: PUC II YEAR: II DEGREE COURSES: (Please furnish the information Combination wise) B.A. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR B.Sc. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR B.Com. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR B.B.M. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR B.H.M. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR III POST GRADUATION COURSES: M.A. I YEAR II YEAR M.Sc. I YEAR II YEAR M.Com. I YEAR II YEAR 220 M.B.A. I YEAR II YEAR III YEAR VOCATIONAL COURSES ANY OTHER COURSE. (a) (b) (c) (d) SPECIAL PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED IN THE COLLEGE: SL. NO. PROGRAMMES THEME PERIOD FROM-TO FOR WHOM CONDUCTED EXPENSES INCURRED SOURCE OF FINANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CONFERENCE SEMINARS/SYMPOSIA WORKSHOP CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES: FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES: (a) FIP (b) Refresher Courses (c) Fellowship Programmes MAJOR AND MINOR RESEARCH PROJECTS: DISTANCE/EXTENSION EDUCATION INNOVATIVE PROGRAMMES/YOGA VALUE EDUCATION, ETC., COSIP: COLLEGE SCIENCE PROGRAMME: COHSSIP: COLLEGE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMMES: SAP: SCHEMES OF SPECIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMES: ANY OTHER (SPECIFY) 221 CERTIFICATE (To be furnished by both the Principal and the Managing Trustee/President together). Certified that the financial and administrative information/particulars given above are complete, true and correct. It is Certified that no other types of donations/fees, etc., have been collected from the students/parents in any manner/amount not disclosed at the proper place in the above proforma. It is understood that if any falsehood or deliberate mistakes are found in the above information/particulars by the Department of Collegiate Education/Government of Karnataka, the College, its Principal, the Management and its individual Trustees/Members would be liable for being Prosecuted under the provisions contained in particular in Chapters X, XV and XVII of the Karnataka Education Act 1983 (Karnataka Act No.1, 1995.) PLACE: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DATE: PRINCIPAL MANAGING TRUSTEE/PRESIDENT. APPENDIX-II (See rule 9) Infrastructural Facilities The College shall fulfill the following requirements: 1 BUILDING : The Building in which the College is to be located shall be suitable for academic pursuits and each lecture room shall be well built and ventilated. There shall be adequate accommodation and furniture and the number of students in each section. As regards rooms in the College, floor space shall be as under: (1) For three years Degree Course in B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. (For one Section) Description Size B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. (a) Lecture Halls 25’X30’ 3 3 3 (b) Smaller Halls 25’X15’ 3 3 3 (c) Library 25’X30’ 1 - - (d) Staff room 25’X30’ 2 1 1 (e) Principal’s room 25’X30’ 1 - - (f) Office room 25’X30’ 1 - 1 (g) Ladies room 25’X15’ 1 - 1 (h) Store room 25’X30’ 1 - - (i) Reading room 25’X30’ 1 - - (j) Sports room 25’X30’ 1 - - (k) NSS room 25’X15’ 1 - - (l) NCC & Students counselling room 25’X15’ 1 - - 2. SCIENCE BLOCK : (Where Science subjects are taught) Description Size (a) Practical Hall (Physics) 25’X45’ (b) Computer room 25’X45 (c) Science, Stores 25’X15 3. DRINKING WATER FACILITY: 4. SANITARY ARRANGEMENTS – Separate for Boys and Girls students depending on the student strength as per PWD norms. 5. CYCLE STAND AND STAND FOR TWO WHEELERS: 6. CANTEEN FACILITY: 7. ONE AUDITORIUM TO HOLD ALL STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OR 500 STUDENTS WHICHEVER IS LESS: 8. SPORTS FIELD – 300’ X 300’} Areas other than Corporation 9. GARDEN – 100’ X 100’ } areas, in Corporation areas ¼ acre. 10. LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS & CHEMICALS: Chemicals worth atleast Rs. 25,000/- for Chemistry. Rs. 10,000/- for Physics & Rs. 10,000/- for Biology as per standard list to be prescribed 222 11. LIBRARY: A duly qualified Librarian in Library Sciences as per the UGC norms. There shall be adequate Furniture and atleast 10,000 volumes. K.S. Venugopal Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE Sub: Department of Collegiate Education – staffing pattern in respect of teachers working in Private aided Colleges – Orders regarding the – ORDER NO. ED 157 UPC 69: BANGALORE DATED: 13 TH JANUARY 1971 In the Government Order No.ED 85 DCE 69, dated 31 st July 1970, Government have prescribed the staffing pattern in the ratio of 1:3:12 i.e., Professors, Readers, Lecturers, in respect of the teachers of Government Colleges. 2. According to the provisions of Rule 16(b) (iv) of the Grant-in-aid code of the Mysore Collegiate Education Department, the qualifications of the members of the staff (of Private aided Colleges) were the same as those prescribed for corresponding posts in Government Colleges and their service conditions were not more favourable than those applicable to similar staff in Government Colleges of the same category. 3. The Director of Collegiate Education in Mysore, Bangalore has sent proposals in the correspondence ending with her letter No.Ac. III/ GIA/St. Pn/70-71, dated 11/14.9.1970, for extending the orders of staffing pattern in respect of Government Colleges, to the staff of Private Aided Colleges. 4 The Director of Collegiate Education has also stated that not withstanding the introduction of the new staff pattern in the ratio of 1:3:12 the appointments of Professors and Readers already approved for purposes of Maintenance Grant as per Government Order No.ED 16 UPC 66, dated 6.6.1966, will be continued to be recognised until the incumbent now holding the post retires or leaves the post, and that all the appointments /promotions made after 1.4.1968, which have not been approved so far, will be examined after the above proposals are approve in the light of the staffing pattern in the ratio of 1:3:12 and such of those cases, which are in accordance with this staff pattern, will be recognised by the Department. 5 The Governor has been pleased to direct that the staffing pattern as prescribed in respect of the teachers of Government Colleges in the ratio of 1:3:12 for Professors: Readers: Lecturers sanctioned in Government Order No.ED 85 DCE 69, dated 21 st July 1970 shall be extended to the teachers of Private aided Colleges under the Department of Collegiate Education. For a unit of 16 teachers, there shall be one Professor, 3 Readers and 12 Lecturers, treating each college as a separate unit irrespective of the Departments and irrespective of the fact whether the subject offered is a major subject or otherwise. 6 This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department-vide their Un-Official Note No.FD 3201/SCR/70, dated 21 st December 1970 S.V. Kashipathy, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department, PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Department of Collegiate Education-Recognition of appointments/promotions of certain teachers made prior to 13-1-1971 in private Aided Colleges for the purpose of grants-approval of- READ: 1. Government Order No.ED 157 UPC 69, dated 13 th January 1971. 2. Correspondence ending with letter No.AC.III/ GIA/St.Pn/70-71, dated 5 th February 1977 from the Director of Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore. 223 PREAMBLE: The question of recognising the appointments/promotions of certain unqualified teachers in private Aided Colleges made prior to 13.1.1971 for the purpose of grants under the Grant-in-Aid Code was under consideration of Government for some time past. 2. The Director of Collegiate Education has reported that during the period from 1 st April 1968 when the Cadre and Recruitment Rules came into effect to 13.1.1971 when the staffing pattern order read at (1) above was applied to the private aided colleges, some of the teachers who possessed only pass Class Masters Degree were promoted as Readers and Professors by the respective managements, but such promotions could not be recognised by the Department for purpose of grants as they were not according to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules. Some of the promotions were made even prior to 1.4.1968. Such appointments/promotions will have to conform to the staffing pattern ratio of 1:3:12 and at the same time the Universities were also the authorities to recognise the appointments/promotions in the affiliated colleges under the then respective Act of the University. 3. In the above circumstances, the Director of Collegiate Education has recommended that the said appointments/promotions of the teachers of the aided Colleges be considered favourably and that in future such cases should not be entertained. ORDER NO.ED 111 UPC 73, BANGALORE, DATED 3 RD AUG. 1977 After considering all aspects of the case, Government are pleased to direct that the appointments/promotions of teachers in private aided colleges under the Department of Collegiate Education, who have been promoted from Lecturer to Reader and from Reader to Professor before 13.1.1971, be recognised for purpose of grants under the provisions of the Grant-in-Aid Code, subject to the following conditions: 1) The appointments/promotion of the teacher concerned should have been recognised by the University concerned. 2) Such promotion should not exceed the ratio of 1:3:12 mentioned in the Government order dated 13 th January 1971. 2. It is further directed that persons appointed as Lecturers after 13-1-1971 should possess the minimum qualifications prescribed as per the Cadre and Recruitment Rules. BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF KARNATAKA (B.S. MUDDAPUR) Under Secretary to Government, Education & Youth Services Department. GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE Sub: Grant-in-Aid code of the Mysore Collegiate Education Department-Staff pattern. READ: Letter No.IC III /GIA-M 16-25/64-65, dated 25.2.1966 from the Director of Collegiate Education in Mysore, Bangalore. Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education in Mysore, Bangalore stated that detailed schemes regarding the staff pattern in Government Colleges has been prepared and would be forwarded to Government shortly. Sanction to the scheme for staff pattern in Government Colleges would take some time as it involves financial expect and scrutiny is necessary. To avoid wrong payment of maintenance grant to private colleges, prescription of a pattern of staff for the aided Colleges of Arts, Science and Commerce was considered necessary for purpose of Rule 13(b)(iii) of the Grant-in-Aid Code of the Mysore Collegiate Education Department, pending sanction to the scheme of staff pattern in Government Colleges. ORDER NO.ED 16 UPC. DATED. BANGALORE THE 6 TH JUNE 1977/JYSTA 16 S.V.1/886 Government are pleased to direct that the following pattern of staff be prescribed for the private affiliated colleges of Arts, Science and Comerce for purpose of calculation of maintenance grant, pending sanction to the scheme of staff pattern in Government Colleges. Professor in Grade Rs. 400-30-700-40-900. One post in every colleges. The Professfor will also be the Principal subject to payment of special pay of Rs.100/- in the case of I Grade Colleges and Rs.75/- in the case of II Grade College (i.e. 224 Colleges with Pre-University Classes only) for doing the duties of the Principal. Assistant Professor or Reader-in grade Rs.300-20-400-25-600. One post for such subject offered as major subject provided the minimum number of students taking up the major subject other than languages is 10 and for languages it is 5. Lecturers-in grade Rs.230-20-350-25-600 and Demonstrators-in Grade Rs. 160-8-100-10- 300. The number to be fixed according to the maximum work load prescribed by the University concerned. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Mysore. S.N. SREEKANTH, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Subject: Department of Collegiate Education-Appointments, transfers, fixation of pay deputation etc-Aided Colleges-Guidelines-Issue of- PREAMBLE: With the implementation of the scheme of direct payment of salaries to employees of aided Institutions vide G.O.No./ED/141 UPC 76, dated 6 th October 1977. Government consider it necessary to issue an order indicating guidelines on the method of appointment, grant of certain concessions for higher studies, deputation of teachers under certain schemes, transfer of employees under the same management etc. in aided colleges. It has also come to the notice of Government that a number of past cases relating to the approval of appointments, promotions, deputation to higher studies, transfer of employees, etc., remain to be dealt with for want of such guidelines. Government are, therefore, pleased to make the following order in accordance with para 3 of the above G.O. ORDER NO.ED 161 UPC 77 BANGALORE, DATED 31 ST DECEMBER 1977 (1) Appointments of all employees shall be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Appendix ‘A` and G.O. No. ED 157 UPC 69. dated 13 th January 1971. (2) An employee of a college may apply for appointment in another college through the Management which shall forward that application once a year. If he is appointed to the same category of post in another college, his pay shall he fixed on the minimum of the time-scale of the post and his previous employment shall not be reckoned for any purpose other than for the benefits in accordance with the T.B.S. If he is appointed to a higher category of post, his pay in the higher post shall be fixed at the next stage of the higher scale taking into consideration his pay in the lower post. (3) Appointments/promotions made till 1 st October 1977 but not recognised shall be governed by the following rules:- (a) All appointments/promotions made by the private aided colleges in accordance with Government Order No.ED 16 UPC 66, dated 6 th June 1966 as further clarified by GO.No. ED 111 UPC 73 dated 3 rd August 1977 up to the issue of orders prescribing the pattern of staff under G.O.. No. ED 157 UPC 69 dated 13 th January 1971 would be recognised irrespective of the provisions of the Rules of Recruitment and any excess of posts when compared with the staffing pattern will be counted against future vacancies. Appointments/promotions made after 13 th January 1971 and till 1 st October 1977 should conform to the number of posts as per the staffing pattern and to the Rules of Recruitment applicable to posts in Government Colleges. (b) Where an employee had resigned his post for any reason in one aided college and secured employment in another aided college in the same cadre, the pay of such employee on the date of his fresh appointment shall be fixed by the Director as if his service was continuous; provided. (i) The gap between the two periods of employment did not exceed 15 days. (ii) The employee produces evidence of a firm offer of employment made by the successor college. (iii) Previous service will not count for seniority and the employee will be placed immediately below the junior most recognized employee in the particular cadre. (c) In all cases, the pay that the employee would have drawn as on 1 st October 1977 shall be authorised but no claim for arrears shall be entertained. II. Concessions for Higher Studies, etc :- A teacher in Government service is eligible for the following concessions for prosecuting higher studies/research. 225 (a) Study leave for prosecuting higher studies leading to Ph.D within and outside India after fulfilling the conditions laid down in Rule 5 of Appendix II of the K.C.S.Rs. (b) Part-time Research work without detriment to the normal teaching hours in the college. (c) Deputation of teachers (Readers, Lecturers and Demonstrators) to the Faculty Improvement Programme under the University Grant Commission Scheme leading to M.Phil (one year) and Ph.D. (three years). Government are pleased to extend concessions to the teachers in private aided colleges as indicated below against each category:- (a) Deputation for Higher Studies:- The Management may depute their teachers for higher studies without the prior approval of the Director and without any financial commitment whatsoever of Government on the following conditions:- (1) The teacher must have served at least for three years in the college. (2) The course of studies should be useful to his department on his return. (3) The period of deputation shall be the period necessary to complete the course of studies successfully at the first attempt. (4) The teachers should be sanctioned all kinds of leave at his credit and remaining period should be treated as leave without allowances. (5) The teacher should execute a Bond similar to that prescribed in Annexure (C) of the K.C.S.Rs. and agree to serve the Institution for at least five years on his return. (6) The management should forward a copy of the order issued by it and a copy of the Bond to the Director. The pay of the substitute will be admitted for salary grant only when condition (6) above is complied with by the management. The deputed teacher will be allowed to retain his lien in the college an I will be allowed increments as per K.C.S.Rs. No extension of the period of deputation shall be granted by the management without the prior approval of the Director. (b) Deputation for part-time research work The management may without the prior approval of the Director, extend the concession to its teachers without detriment to the normal working hours of the college. (c) Deputation under U.G.C. /Govt. Schemes When the deputation of the teacher for higher studies is under a UGC scheme or the Government of India Scheme to sponsor Indian teachers to help the Afro-Asian Countries or any other Government Scheme the management shall take the prior approval of the Director. The conditions of deputation shall be as stipulated by the U.G.C. or the Government as the case may be. III. Transfers under the same management: If managements running more than one institution wish to transfer their employees from one institution to another in the same cadre, such transfers may be made by the management. (a) between two aided institutions without the prior approval of the Director. The Director should, however, be furnished with a copy of the Order, the date of relief from the Institution and the date of reporting in the institution to which he is transferred. Provided the Director may cancel the transfer if he finds that it is not for a bonafide reasons. (b) from an unaided recognised Institution to an aided Institution with the prior approval of the Director who shall examine each case with reference to the method of recruitment in the un-aided College and the period of service in the cadre in which the person is proposed to be transferred. If the transfer is approved, the Director shall authorise the pay of the employee at the rate he would have drawn had he been initially appointed in an aided Institution at the minimum pay of the time scale of the post from the date of his un-interrupted service with the management in an aided or un-aided recognised Institution. IV. Typists-Change of cadre: Typists may be permitted to change to the clerical cadre in accordance with terms and conditions enumerated in Government Order No.GAD 2 SCR 72, dated 12/18 th March 1973 vide copy attached (Appendix-B) V. Non-teaching Staff: (i) Class III The Director shall recognize appointments to class III posts in accordance with the pattern prescribed by G.O. No. ED 7 UGC 72, dated 30 th October 1974. (ii) Class IV. 226 The Director shall recognise appointments to class IV posts in accordance with the following pattern. (a) Laboratory attenders. One attender for thirty-five hours of practical laboratory work per week. For example, if there are 480 hours of practical work in a college, the number of attenders would be 14 (480 divided by 35) (b) Peons:- No. of posts For a College with less than 250 day students - 4(four) For a College with 251-500 day students - 6 (six) For a College with 501-750 day students - 7 (seven) For a College with 751-1000 day students - 9 (nine) For a College with more than 1001 day students - 11 (eleven) The number of posts shall include those of Daffedar/ Attender/ Peon/ Gardener/ Watchman/ Sweeper/ Scavenger, but not more than one post of Daffedar or Attender shall be recognized in a College. The Director of Collegiate Education is requested to forward two copies of this Order to the Principal/Management of all Aided Colleges for guidance. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, B.S. MUDDAPUR, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Deptt. APPENDIX-A RULES RELATING TO APPOINTMENTS IN AIDED COLLEGES 1. Appointing Authorities: All appointments to the posts in a college shall be made by the Management or such authority as the Management by order authorise in that behalf. 2. Qualifications: No employee shall be eligible for an appointment to any post in any college unless he possesses the minimum qualifications indicated in the Annexure. 3. Age: (1) No person, other than an applicant from another college under Para 1(2) or a person on transfer under Para III of this Order, shall be eligible for recruitment to any post in any college, if he is not within the age limit prescribed for recruitment to a corresponding post in the Government Colleges. 2. The date of compulsory retirement of an employee is the date on which he attains the age of fifty-five years. 4. Method of recruitment : (1) Any appointment for a period of more than three months in a college other than that by transfer under Para III of this Order shall be made by selection from among persons who had applied in pursuance of an advertisement in newspapers. (2) For the purpose of recruitment under Sub-rule (1) the Management shall constitute:- (a) a selection committee for the appointment of the teaching and non-teaching posts other than the post of the Head of the College consisting of the following:- (i) The President or the Head of the Management or his nominee (ii) The Director or his nominee (iii) The Head of the College (iv) An educationist or an expert in the subject to which recruitment is to be made, to be selected by the Management from a panel of names furnished by the Director. (b) a selection committee for the appointment of the Head of the college consisting of:- (i) the President or the Head of theManagement or his nominee; (ii) the Director or his nominee; (iii) an educationist to be selected by the Management from a panel of names furnished by the Director. 3. The selection committee shall select and recommend in the order of merit a panel of three names eligible for appointment to each post. 4. The Management shall make the appointment in the order of merit out of the panel containing the names recommended by the selection committee. 5. Any appointment for a period of three months or less in a college shall be made, subject to approval of the Director within one month from the date of appointment, by the Management, or such authority as the Management, by order, may specify in that behalf. The Director may, for reasons 227 to be recorded in writing, refuse approval for the said appointment and the services of the person so appointed shall be terminated forthwith. ANNEXURE Name of the Post and Minimum qualification Professor Should be holder of a Doctorate in the respective subject of a University established by the law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto and have experience of not less than seven years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes. OR Should be holder of at least a II Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto and have experience of not less than ten years in teaching the respective subject to degree classes; (Pass Class Master’s Degree Holders appointed as Lecturers before 13 th January 1971 are also eligible.) Reader (a) Essential-Should be holder of at least a II Class Master’s Degree or a II Class Honours Degree with a Research Degree of Doctorate standard and five years experience of teaching to degree or post-graduate classes. (b) Desirable-Publication of work of high Standard or a research degree. OR Should be holder of at least a II Class Master’s Degree (in the respective subject) of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognised by Government as equivalent thereto and have experience of not less than eight years in teaching the respective subject in degree classes as a Lecturer. (Pass Class Master’s Degree Holders appointed as Lecturers before 13 th January 1971 are also eligible) Lecturer Shall be holder of at least a II Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject other than Hindi of a University established by law in India. Lecturer in Hindi Should have passed the Degree Examination of a University established by law in India and the Ratna Examination conduted by the Karnataka Hindi Prachar Parishad or Praveen Examination conducted by the Dakshina Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha Madras or any Examination recognised by the State Government as equivalent thereto. Name of the Post and Minimum qualifications Superintendent A pass in a Degree Examination of a University established by law in India or any other examination recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto with a minimum of five years service as a I Division Clerk in a Degree College. OR A pass in S.S.L.C. or any other examination recognised by Government as equivalent thereto with a minimum of ten years service in clerical duties in a degree college of which at least five years must be as a First Division Clerk. 1 st Division Clerk A pass in a Degree Examination of a University established by law in India or any other examination recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto. OR A pass in S.S.L.C. with a minimum of five years service as a IInd Division Clerk or Clerk- cum-typist in a degree college. IInd Division Clerk A Pass in S.S.L.C. or any other examination recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto. Typist (a) A pass in S.S.L.C. examination or equivalent qualification and (b) A pass in Senior Typewriting examination. Clerk-cum-Typist A pass in S.S.L.C. Examination or equivalent qualification and a pass in Junior Typewriting. Laboratory Attender 228 A pass in VIII standard examination with three years experience as peon in degree college. Attender A pass in VIII Standard examination with three years experience as peon in degree college. Peon A pass in VIII standard examination. APPENDIX-B The Karnataka Civil Services (Typists and Junior Assistant/Second Division Clerks) (Change of Cadre) Rules, 1964. (As amended upto 15 th August, 1974) GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Notification Bangalore, dated 26 th September 1964. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution and with the previous approval of the Government of India as required by the proviso to sub-section (7) of Section 115 of the State Reorganisation Act, 1956 (Central Act 37 of 1956), the Governor of Karnataka hereby makes the following Rules, namely:- 1. Title:- These rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Typists and Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks) (Change of Cadre) Rules, 1964. (2) Change of Cadre:- Not withstanding anything in the rules of recruitment specially made in respect of any service. (i) a Typist possessing the qualifications prescribed for the post of Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerk may change his cadre to that of a Junior Assistant/Second Division Clerk, as the case may be, and (ii) a Junior Assistant/Second Division Clerk possessing the qualifications prescribed for the post of Typist may change his cadre to that of a Typist. *Provided however such persons shall not be promoted till they have put in not less than one year of service in the changed cadre. (*Inserted vide Notification No.GAD 6 SCR 69, dated 2 nd June 1970) 3. Procedure-(1) Persons desiring to change their cadre under rule 2 shall make an application to the authority who appointed them requesting for the change of cadre. (2) On receipt of the application under sub-rule(1), the appointing authority may if satisfied that the applicant is entitled to change the cadre, pass orders granting the request. 1. Permission to be granted only once:- No Government servant shall be permitted to change his cadre under rule 2 more than once. 5. Effect of Change of cadre:- Notwithstanding anything contained in the Karnataka Government Servants Seniority Rules, 1957 or any other rules, the previous service rendered by persons permitted to change their cadre shall count for purposes of leave, pension and seniority, **provided that no person shall be eligible to change his cadre unless he has put in not less than five years of service excluding the period of probation in the cadre of Typists or as the case may be Junior Assistant/Second Division Clerks. (** Inserted Vide Notification No.GAD 2 SCR 72, dated 12/18 th March 1973). PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Department of Collegiate Education- Appointments of Pass Class Master’s Degree holders Lecturers in Aided Colleges on and after 13-1-1971 Recognition for the purpose of grants-orders regarding. READ: 1) G.O.No.ED 157 UPC 71 dated 13-1-1971 2) G.O.No.ED 111 UPC 73 dated 3-8-1977 3) G.O.No.ED 161 UPC 77 dated 31-12-1977 4) Letter No.DCE 144 GES I 78 dated 8-3-1978 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble: In Government Order read at (1) above, it was indicated that the qualifications of the members of the staff of Aided Colleges should be the same as those prescribed for corresponding posts in Government Colleges. The Director of Collegiate Education in her circular No.AC/III/DCE/12/OAG/70-71 dated 22-4-71 has also informed the Aided Colleges that the minimum qualification for a post of Lecturer is a second Class Master’s Degree. In Government order read at (2) above, it was directed that persons appointed as Lecturers after 13-1-1977 in Aided Colleges should possess the minimum qualification (Second Class Master’s Degree) as per the Cadre and Recruitment Rules of Department of Collegiate Education. In Government Order read at (3) 229 above, it was reiterated, among other things, that appointments promotions made after 13-1-1971 and till 1-10-1977 should conform to the number of posts as per the staffing pattern and Rules of Recruitment applicable to the posts in Government Colleges. Notwithstanding the above instructions, several Aided Colleges have appointed persons possessing only a Pass Class Master’s Degree and these Lecturers have represented to the Government that as they are appointed some years ago their appointments may be regularised. In the letter read at (4) above, the Director of Collegiate Education has stated that appointments of Lecturers who possess Pass Class Master’s Degree and appointed by the Aided Colleges on or after 13-1-71 have not been admitted for salary grant with effect from 1-1-1978. She has further stated that as per the records of the Department of Collegiate Education there are 35 Lecturers who are Pass Class Master’s Degree holders and who have not been admitted for salary grants. She has added that there may be a few more and in any case she expects that the number of such Lecturers may not exceed 50. She has received representations from Aided Colleges for reconsideration of the cases of these Lecturers in view of the 5 or 6 years service rendered by them and more convincingly for the reason that they have been admitted for the maintenance grants till the issue of the Government Order read at (3) above. In view of the Government Order dated 13-1-1971 and the Director’s Circular dated 22-4-1971 referred to above, the Aided Colleges should not have appointed Pass Class Master’s Degree holders as Lecturers on or after 13-1-1971. However, in view of the fact that the teachers already appointed will suffer if the orders are strictly enforced, Government, after examining all the aspects of the case sympathetically, make the following order. ORDER NO.ED 161 UPC 77 (A) BANGALORE: DATED:22 ND APRIL 78 In partial modification of Government Order dated 31-12-1977 referred to above, Government are pleased to direct that the appointments of pass Class Master's degree holders as Lecturers made in Aided Colleges till 30-9-1977 be recognized for the purposes of teaching grant and such appointments admitted to the salary grant system with effect from 1-10-1977 in accordance with Government Order No.ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6-10-1977. Those appointees shall also be eligible for posts of Readers just like those appointed before 13-1-1971. 2. The Director of Collegiate Education is requested to bring this order to the notice of all Aided Colleges immediately. 3. The Universities are also requested to ensure that only persons with a minimum Second Class Master’s Degree are appointed as Lecturers in Colleges affiliated to them BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF KARNATAKA B.S. MUDDAPUR Under Secretary to Government Education & Youth Services Department GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION IN KARNATAKA, BANGALORE-560001. No.DCE/6/GIC/I/78 DATED: 7 TH October 1978. CIRCULAR Sub: Transfer of staff-Private Aided Colleges Regarding. -v- The managements of Private Aided Colleges in the State have been permitted to make transfers of their employees from one Aided Institution to another Aided Institution under the same Management without prior approval of the Director of Collegiate Education as per provisions of Section-III of the Govt. order No.ED/161/UPC/77 Dated 31.12.1977. Some of the Managements are effecting transfers of their employees from the Junior Colleges to Degree Colleges and vice-versa and approach this Directorate for the recognition of such transfers for the purpose of Salary Grant in this Directorate. The transfers of employees from one Institution to another institution under the same management envisaged under Section-III of the Govt. Order No.ED/ 161/UPC/77 Dated 31.12.1977 refer to transfers from and to the institutions (under the same management) coming under the 230 jurisdiction of this Directorate only. This is clear from the fact that the said order has not been endorsed to the Director, Pre-University Education Board or the Director of Public Instruction who control the Junior Colleges and composite Schools respectively. The Managements of Private Aided Colleges are informed that the transfers of employees from the Junior Colleges/Composite Schools to First Grade Colleges of Composite Colleges under the control of this Directorate is beyond the competence of the Management though both the institutions belong to the same Management and hence irregular. Hence such transfers ordered by the Management will not be accepted for the purpose of Salary Grant. Further it has come to the notice of this Directorate that employees working in unaided institutions/Managements’ office are also being transferred to the Aided Colleges. The Managements of Private Aided Colleges are requested to keep in view the above instructions and such irregular transfers if any made by them will not be approved. Receipt of this Circular may be acknowledged. DIRECTOR OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Office of the Director of Collegiate Education In Karnataka, Bangalore-1. No.DCE/1/GIC/I/78 Dated: 7 th October 1978. CIRCULAR Sub: Selection Committee for appointment-1978-79 Stop-gap appointments –reg. Ref: i) G.O.No.ED 141 UPC 77 dated:6-10-1977. ii) -do- ED 161 UPC 77 dated: 31-12-1977. While clause I(8) of the ‘Agreement’ provides for appointment of temporary staff by the Management the Annexure to the G.O.No.ED 161 UPC 77 dated: 31.12.1977 stipulates that such temporary appointments should not be for a period exceeding three months pending regular selection through the Selection Committee. Suitable instructions in this regard have been issued in Circular No.DCE 160 GMS 78 dated: 12.6.1978. Instructions have also been issued for the payment of salary to the temporary staff appointed from out of the funds of the Management in the first instance and for subsequent reimbursement as per provisions of clause I(8) of the agreement vide circular of even number dated 15.6.1978. Under G.O.No.DPAR 61 SBC 77 dated 25.11.1977 Government have permitted posts in Government Departments being filled up by making temporary appointments on a consolidated salary equal to Rs.10/-less than the minimum of the scale of such post, till the posts are filled up by candidates selected through the recruiting Agency viz. the K.P.S.C. etc. what is Karnataka Public Service Commission for the Government Departments; the Selection Committee is for the Private Aided Colleges. The Managements of the Private Aided Colleges are therefore requested to make full-time temporary appointments, pending regular appointments through the Selection Committee in future only on a consolidated pay equal to Rs.10/- less than the minimum of the pay scale of such post. As regards full time temporary appointments already made after 1-10-1978 they are requested to regulate their pay accordingly with effect from 1-11-1978 as only consolidated pay as prescribed above will be liable for reimbursement. The temporary appointments should not be prolonged to a maximum period of three months in a routine manner and in no case should they go beyond three months, without prior approval. DIRECTOR OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION 231 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORATE OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION IN KARNATAKA BANGALORE No.DCE/6/GIC-I/78 Dated: December 5 th , 1978 CIRCULAR Sub: Transfer of employees of the Private Aided Colleges under the same Management. Ref: 1. G.O.No.ED 161 UPC 77, dated: 31.12.1977 2. This Directorate Circular of even number dated 7.10.1978 It has been brought to the notice of this Directorate that there is considerable delay in the disbursal of pay of the transferred employees. This is mainly due to the fact that all the relevant information is not transmitted to this Directorate along with the copy of the Transfer order of the concerned employees. The Principals of the Private Aided Colleges are hereby requested to furnish the following documents whenever transfers are effected, to avoid the delay in payment of salary to the transferred employees at the new place of posting. 1) A copy of the Transfer order issued by the Management. 2) A copy of the relief order issued to the employee along with a copy of the pay extract approved for salary grant duly indicating the date upto which the pay has been drawn and credited to the employee’s account. Copies of both should also be forwarded to the Principal of the College where the employee is transferred. 3) The Principal of the College at the new station should send the following information:- a) A copy of the duty report of the employee at the new station. b) Pay fixation statement in triplicate, indicating the pay fixed at the new station along with the permissible deductions, as sometimes the pay is required to be refixed because of the varying rate of allowances, to enable this Directorate to authorise the Bank to disburse the pay at the new Station. The receipt of this Circular may be acknowledged. DIRECTOR OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Department of Collegiate Education-Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputation etc., Aided and Unaided Degree/Composite Colleges-Guidelines-issue of:- READ:- (i) G.O. No. ED 141 UPC 76 dated 6 th October 1977. (ii) G.O. No. ED 161 UPC 77 dated 31 st December 1977. PREAMBLE:- Consequent on the introduction of the direct payment of Salary Scheme with effect from 1 st October 1977, guidelines were issued in the Government Order No.ED 161 UPC 77, dated 31 st December 1977, read at (ii) above in the matter of appointments, transfers, etc. In the light of the experience gained during the last two years, some modifications are considered necessary. Government are therefore pleased to make the following order in supersession of the Government Order No.ED 161 UPC 77, dated 31 st December 1977. ORDER NO.ED 146 UPC 79 Bangalore, dated the 3 rd Oct. 81. I. 1. All appointments and promotions of all employees made till 31 st December 1980 shall be governed by Government Order No.ED 161 UPC 77 dated 31 st December 1977. With effect from 1 st January 1981 all appoints and promotions of all employees shall be in accordance with this order 2. This order comes into effect with reference from 1 st April 1981. For a unit of 16 teachers, there shall be one professor, 3 Readers and 12 Lectuterers treating each management as a separate Unit irrespective of the Department and irrespective of the fact whether the subject offered is a major subject or otherwise, for Colleges under the same Management. Promotion of teachers shall be made as per the combined seniority list of teachers of all the Colleges relating the particular Management. 232 3. An employee of a College may apply for appointment in another College through the Management which shall forward the application once a year. If he is appointed to the same category of post in another College, his pay shall be fixed on the minimum of the time scale of the post and his previous employment shall not be reckoned for any purpose other than for the benefits in accordance with the Triple Benefit Scheme. If he is appointed to a higher category of post, his pay in the higher post shall be fixed as per Rule 41-A of the K.C.S.Rs. 4. Appointments/Promotions made till 1 st October 1977 but not recognised shall be governed by the following rules: a. All appointments/promotions made by the Private Aided Colleges in accordance with the Government Order No.ED 16 UPC 66, dated 6 th June 1966, as further, clarified by Government Order No. ED 111 UPC 73, dated 3 rd August 1977 upto the issue of order prescribing the pattern of staff under Govt. Order No.157 UPC 69, dated 13 th January 1971, would be recognised irrespective of the provisions of the Rules of Recruitment and any excess of posts when compared with the staffing pattern will be counted against future vacancies. Appointments/promotions made after 13 th January 1971 and till 1 st October 1977 should conform to the number of posts as per the staffing pattern and to the Rules of Recruitment applicable to posts in the Government Colleges. b. Where an employee had resigned his post for any reason in the Aided College and secured employment in another Aided College in the same cadre, the pay of such employee on the date of his fresh appointment shall be fixed by the Director as if his service was continuous; provided (i) the gap between the two periods of employment shall not exceed 15 days; (ii) the employee produces evidence of a firm offer of employment made by the successor College; (iii) previous service will not account for seniority and the employee will be placed immediately below the junior-most recognized employee in the particular cadre. c. In all cases, the pay that the employee would have drawn as on 1 st October 1977 shall be authorized but no claim for arrears shall be entertained. II. DEPUTATION FOR HIGHER STUDIES:- III. The Management may depute their teachers for higher studies without the prior approval of the Director and without any financial commitment whatsoever of Government on the following conditions:- (1) The teacher must have served at least for three years in the College. (2) The Course of studies should be useful to his department on his return. (3) In the case of teachers desiring to go abroad for higher studies they should be relieved only if they take up the course of studies in an accredited University. If the course of studies is available in India the teacher should not be permitted to go abroad. (4) The period of deputation shall be the period necessary to complete the course of studies successfully at the first attempt. (5) The teacher shall be sanctioned all kinds of leave at his credit and remaining period should be treated as leave without allowances. (6) The teacher should execute a bond similar to that prescribed in Annexure (C) of the K.C.S. Rs. And agree to serve the Institution for at least five years on his return. (7) The Management should forward a copy of the order issued by it and a copy of the bond to the Director. (8) The deputed teacher will be allowed study leave concessions retention of his lien in the College and increments as per K.C.S. Rs. Only if he complies with the condition stipulated above before his relief. No extension of the period of deputation shall be granted by the Management without the prior approval of the Director. NOTE: In all cases of deputation for higher studies, the Management should require the teacher to produce evidence of his being admitted to the Course of studies, the duration of the course etc., before relief. (b) Deputation for Part-Time Research work: The Management may, without the prior approval of the Director, extend this concession to its teachers without detriment to their normal work in the College. (c) Deputation under University Grants Commission/Government Schemes: When the deputation of the teacher for higher studies is under a University Grant Commission Scheme or the Government of India Scheme to sponsor Indian teachers to help the Afro-Asian countries or any other Government scheme the management shall 233 take the prior approval of the Director. The conditions of deputation shall be as stipulated by the University Grants Commission or the Government as the case may be. III. Transfer Under the Same Management: If management is running more than one Degree/Composite Aided (i.e., coming under the Salary Grant Scheme) College in the State wish to transfer their employees from such a College to another such a College in the same cadre, such transfers may be made by the Management. (a) Without the prior approval of the Director: The Director, should however be furnished with a copy of the transfer order, the date of relief from the College and the date of reporting in the new College to which he is transferred and a fresh salary statement enforceable at the new place of duty. (b) From an Unaided recognised Degree/Composite College to an Aided Degree/ Composite College with the prior approval of the Director of Collegiate Education who shall examine each case with reference to the method of recruitment in the unaided College and the period of service in the cadre in which the person is proposed to be transferred. If the transfer is approved, the Director shall authorise the pay of the employee at the rate he would have drawn had he been initially appointed in an aided Institution at the minimum pay of the time scale of the post from the date of his un-interrupted service with the Management in the un-aided recognised Institution and his previous service shall not count for seniority. (c) The transfer of employees from a College outside the State to a College in this State and vice-verse is not permitted though the Colleges in both the States are run by the same management. (d) The transfer of employee from a Junior College/ Composite School/ or from an Engineering College etc., to a Degree/Composite College even under the same Management is not permitted. (e) Transfer of staff from the Management Office to the College Office and vice-versa is not permitted. IV. Deputation to other Colleges: In case any Management desires to appoint as head of the College a Professor Readers from another Colleges on deputation for want of experienced persons in its own Colleges, such deputation will be only for a period of two years with the prior approval of the Director subject to the consent of the lending Institution. The deputationist will be appointed to the same cadre on his pay and allowances. He will not be entitled to any deputation allowance. A Lecturer will be appointed on a temporary basis to handle the work load of the deputationist provided the work load cannot be shared by the existing staff members. The vacancy should not be filled in any other manner. NOTES: No incharge arrangements are permissible against any vacancy. V. Staffing Pattern: (i) For Office: 1. For Colleges having students Strength below 500: Superintendent (Administration) - 1 First Division Clerk - 1 Second Division Clerk - 2 Second Grade Typist - 1 2. For Colleges having students Strength above 500 & below 1000 Superintendent (Administration) - 1 Superintendent (Accounts) - 1 First Division Clerks - 2 Second Division Clerks - 4 Second Grade Typist - 1 3. For increase of every 800 students Above 1000 students: First Division Clerk - 1 234 Second Division Clerk - 1 Second Grade Typist - 1 NOTE: Proposal for sanction of additional posts shall be considered only when the mean in the students strength between the lower and the upper limit is reached. (ii) For Libraries: For Colleges having less than 1500 students: 1 Librarian 1 Library Assistant 1 Clerk-cum-Typist 2 Attenders For Colleges having more than 1500 students: 1 Senior Librarian 1 Librarian 1 Clerk-cum-Typist 3 Attenders NOTE: 1. In case it is not possible to fill up the post of Senior Librarian for want of qualifying service the Management may recruit an additional Librarian. 2. The existing appointments made prior to the issue of this order are to be regularised in the light of the existing Government Orders by treating the scales of pay as personnel to them. (iii) For Physical Culture Instructors: For Colleges having less than 1500 students: Physical Culture Instructor Grade-II Rs. 500-25-600-30-750-50-1000-60-1120 For Colleges having more than 1500 students: Physical Culture Instructor Grade-I by promotion after 10 years Physical Culture Instructor Grade-II by Direct recruitment. NOTE: 1. In case it is not possible to fill up the post of Physical Culture Instructor Grade-I for want of qualifying service, the Management may recruit an additional Physical Culture Instructor Grade-II. 2. The appointments made prior to the issue of this order are to be regularized in the light of the existing Government Orders by treating the scales of pay as personal to them. Class IV Employees: (a) Laboratory Attenders : One attender for thirty-five hours of practical Laboratory work per week. For example : If there are 480 hours practical work in a College, the number of attenders would be 14 (480 divided by 35). (b) Peons: For a College with less than 250 day Students 4 Posts For a College with 250-500 day students 6 Posts For a College with 501-750 day students 7 Posts For a College with 751-1000 day students 9 Posts Note: One additional post of peon shall be allowed for every increase of 400 students over and above 1000. The number of posts shall include those of Daffedar /Attender/Peon/Gardner/Watchman/ Sweeper/Scavenger, but not more than one post of Daffedar or Attender shall be regularised in a College. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka SRINIVASACHARYA Under Secretary to Government, Education & Y.S. Department. 235 ANNEXURE-I Rules Relating to Appointment…. / Promotions in Aided and Un-aided Degree Colleges 1. Appointing Authorities: All appointments and promotions in a College shall be made by the Management or such authority as the Management by Order authorise in that behalf. 2. Qualification: No employee shall be eligible for an appointment in any College unless he possess the minimum qualifications indicated in the Annexure at the time of his selection. 3. Age: No persons other than an applicant from another College under para 1(2) shall be eligible for recruitment to any post in any College, if he is not within the age limit prescribed for recruitment to a corresponding post in the Government Colleges. NOTE: 1. In the case of Christian Institutions, the prescribed age limit is relaxable by the number of minimum years, a prospective applicant is required to work as a priest/ sister provided he/she has possessed the minimum qualifications prescribed for the corresponding post within the age limit prescribed for open recruitment. 2.The date of compulsory retirement of an employee is the date on which he attains the age of superannuation as fixed by the Government for a corresponding post in the Government Colleges provided in the case of teachers deputed from the Universities with consent of the concerned University and the management, the age of superannuation shall be the same as fixed by the University for a corresponding post in the concerned University. However the benefit of extension of service or re-employment after the date of superannuation as per the University Rules will not be available to such employees. 4. Method of Recruitment: 1. Any appointment for a period of more than three months in a College shall be made by selection from among the persons who had applied in pursuance of an advertisement in newspapers. 2. For the purpose of recruitment under sub-rule(1) of the teaching and non-teaching posts consisting of the following: (i) the President or the head of the Management or his nominee; (ii) the Director or his nominee; (iii) The District Social Welfare Officer of the District in which the College is situated; (iv) the Head of the College; (iv) an expert in the subject to which recruitment is to be made, to be selected by the Management from a panel of three names furnished by the Director; (v) for selection of Readers the subject experts shall be a Professor; (vi) for selection of the Head of the College the Selection Committee shall consists of only i, ii, iii mentioned above. 3. ``The Selection Committee shall select and recommend in the order of merit a list of eligible candidates for appointment in accordance with G.O. No. DPAR 42 SBC 81 dated 6.10.1981”. 3. (a) “The list of selected candidates shall be announced in the Institution/Regional Deputy Director’s Office/Director of Collegiate Education Office for the information of the candidates”. vide ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1965. 4. The Management shall made the appointment in the order of merit recommended by the Selection Committee. The tenure of all teaching appointments is subject to availability of the prescribed work load. The work load shall be as prescribed in Government Colleges. [Deleted by G.O. ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1985]. 4.A ``For purposes of seniority among the Direct recruits, the selected list prepared by the Selection Committee in accordance with Sub-Rule 3 of Rule 4 of Annexure-1 to G.O. No.ED 146 UPC 1981 should be taken into consideration and not the date of issue of appointment orders” (Inserted by G.O. ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1985). 5. Any appointment for a period of three months or less in a College shall be made, subject to approval of the Director within one month from the date of appointment by the Management or such authority as the Management by Order, may specify in that behalf. Such temporary appointments may, however, be continued for a further period of not more than three months, with one day’s break when selection through the Selection Committee is likely to take time. The Director may, for reasons to be recorded in writing refuse approval for the said appointment and the services of the persons appointed shall be terminated forthwith. NOTE: Sub-rules 1-4 of this Rules will not apply to minority Institutions. 236 Promotions: 1. The vacancies for appointments by promotions shall be as provided in the Annexure. Promotions shall be made by the Management or such authority as the management by order may specify in that behalf on seniority-cum-merit and as per the Government order prescribing the Reservation of Vacancies from time to time. Provided where the seniormost employee in relevant cadre is not selected for promotion, the Management such authority as the Management by order may specify in that behalf, shall record in writing the reasons for supersession. 1A. The seniormost Professor or Reader or Lecturer as the case may be shall be the Principal of the College and the person who discharge the duties of the Principal shall get special pay of Rs. 100/- per month [Incorporated by Addendum No.ED 142 UPC 85 dated 16.9.1986 clarified by GO ED 142 UPC 85 dated 4.6.1987, the Principals appointed by Management under Aided or Un-aided College prior to 16.9.1986 shall be continued and all future Principal shall be appointed on seniority basis only. Further, State Government clarified as: ``Government are pleased to exempt all the First Grade Private Colleges managed by the minority Educational Trust in the State from the purview of the GO No.ED 142 UPC 85 dated 4.6.1987 order passed by State Education Department vide ED 207 UPC 88 dated 4 th March, 1991.” 2. ``Promotions in the teaching cadre shall be made with reference to the teaching strength in the Colleges as included in the annual salary statements, as and when the promotional vacancies occur in the respective subjects in the order of seniority”. (Substituted by GO ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1985). NOTE: 1. For application of the ratio of 1:3:12 fractional vacancies will not be taken. Eg. there will be a Professor only after the teaching cadre has 16 members of staff and multiples thereof, a Reader only if there are 5 Lecturers and multiples thereof. 2. The first batch of promotions under this order shall be made after reopening of the College for the academic year 1981-82 taking into consideration the work-load, as it then exists after the admissions are over. Thereafter during 1984-85 in similar manner and so on. 3. If no SC and ST candidates are available for promotion such promotional posts be filled-up by direct recruitment from persons belonging to SC/ST and Backward Tribes. 6. Reservation of Vacancies: Orders of reservation issued by GO NO DPAR/1/SBC/77 dated 4.3.1977, as modified by GO DPAR 21 SBC 79 dated 16.5.1979, 9.7.1979 and GO DPAR 28 SBC 79 dated 25.9.1979 in respect of D.R. appointments, and GO DPAR 29 SBC 77 dated 27.4.1978, as modified by GO DPAR 22 SBC 79 dated 30.8.1979 in respect of promotions and orders issued by Government from time to time in this behalf shall be adhered to while making appointments and promotions to all categories of posts” (Substituted by GO ED 21 UPC 84 dated 15.2.1984). 7. Transfers: ``The Director of Collegiate Education shall obtain orders of Government on all proposals of transfers of staff of Private colleges in the state” (Inserted by GO ED 7 UPC 79 dated 11.1.1991 and deleted the provisions of Rule (7) sub-rule (1) & (2) of GO ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.1981 under Annexure-I with immediate effect). 8. The teaching and non-teaching staff whose appointments have been approved by the Department of Collegiate Education cannot be removed from service/dismissed/retrenched/suspension without the prior approval of the Director of Collegiate Education. However such prior approval shall not be refused in the case of Minority Institutions unless the removal or dismissal/retrenchment/suspension from service is violative of the Principles of natural justice or is malafide or is intended for the victimisation of teachers. (Inserted as Rule 8 by GO ED 48 UPC 85 dated 22.12.1986). SRINIVASACHARYA Under Secretary to Government Education & Y.S. Department. 237 ANNEXURE-II (VOCATIONAL CADRE) Sl No. Category of post and Scale of Pay Method of Recruitment Minimum Qualification 1. Professors Rs. 1000-60-1300- 75-1825 By promotion from the cadre of Readers on the basis of combined seniority- cum-merit For promotion: Should be a holder of a II Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject of a University established by law in India or any other qualification recognized by the Govt. as equivalent thereto and should have experience of not less than Ten years in teaching the respective subject to Degree Classes. OR Should be a holder of a Doctorate in the respective subject of a University established by Law in India, or any other qualification recognized by the Govt. as equivalent thereto; and should have experience of not less than Seven years in teaching the respective subject to Degree classes. Pass class Master’s Degree holders appointed as Lecturers before 30 th September 1977 are also eligible provided they have made their qualification by holding M.Phil. Degree in the subject. 2. Professor in Commerce By Direct recruitment A II Class Master Degree in Commerce with not less than five years of teaching experience for degree classes or Ph.D with basic B.Com., degree with three years of teaching experience for degree classes. No age limit. 3. Professor in Accountancy By Direct Recruitment Master Degree in Commerce with Accountancy or A.C.A. and 5 years of teaching experience in degree classes OR 5 years professional standing. 4. Part-time Professor in Accountancy Should be Chartered Accountant of good standing and a minimum of five years Professional standing. 5. Part-time Professor in Insurance Should be an associate of Actuaries with a minimum of 5 years, either in an Insurance Co., OR LIC OR KGID. 6. Part-time Professor in Mercantile Law A lawyer with B.A., OR B.Sc., OR B.Com., and B.L., OR LL.B., (II Class qualification) with atleast 10 years of professional experience in Civil Courts or a Lawyer with M.L. OR LL.M. degree with specialisation in any branch and professional experience in civil courts.(Inserted by G.O. ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1985) 7. Professors (Selection Grade) Rs. 3650-4550 (1:10 ratio of Professors) By Promotion from the cadre of Professors on the basis of seniority- cum-merit. If no suitable person in the cadre of Professors is available then by 1. A Second Class Master’s Degree 2. A Research Degree of a Doctorate Standard of published work of a high standard 3. Five Years’ of teaching experience for Degree and Post-graduate classes and guiding Research. 4. Age: 45 years. No age restriction for persons in service. 238 Direct Recruitment 5. Probation: One Year (Inserted by G.O. ED 14 UPC 86 dated 2.7.1988) 8. Readers Rs. 900-50-1000- 60-1300-75-1750 50 per cent by Direct Recruitment and 50 percent by promotion on the basis of combined seniority-cum-merit from the cadre of Lecturers. A Second Class Master’s Degree or a Second Class Honour’s Degree with a Research Degree of Doctorate standard and five years of experience of teaching of Degree Classes or post graduate classes. Desirable: Publication of work of high standard or Research Degree.(Substituted by GO ED 131 UPC 84 dated 22.5.1985) Direct recruitment vacancies should be advertised in the subjects of which there are no Readers in the event of having readers for all the subjects then on the basis of the largest number of students taking the subjects. Part –time Readers Same qualification as required for part-time In Mercantile Law Professors in the respective subjects with Part-time Readers Professional experience OR teaching experience In Accountancy of 3 years and in the case of M.L. or LL.M. 2 years Age: Must not have attained the age of 45 years in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, 42 years in the case of Backward Caste or Backward Community and 40 years in the case of any other person on the last date fixed for the receipt of applications or on such other date as may be specified by the appointing authority in the Notification advertising the vacancies, provided that in case of a candidate possessing teaching experience in a Degree College or a Junior College or IX or XII Standard of a composite school the maximum limit may be enhanced by the number of years of such teaching experience or by five years whichever is less. For Promotion: (1) Should be a holder of a Degree not lower than a II Class Master’s Degree in the respective subject of a University established by Law in India or any other qualification recognised by the Govt. as equivalent thereto. OR Should be a holder of a Doctorate in the respective subject of a University established by Law in India or any other qualification recognised by the Govt. as equivalent thereto. (b)Should have served as Lecturer for not less than Eight years in the same College/Management. NOTE: Pass Class Master Degree holders appointed as Lecturers before 30 th September 1977 are also eligible provided they have improved their qualification by acquiring M.Phil., Degree in the subject. 9. Lecturers (Others than Hindi, Music By Direct Recruitment Should be a holder of a Degree not lower than a Second Class Master Degree in the respective 239 and Secretarial Practice) Rs. 750-50-1000- 60-1300-75-1525 subject of a University established by Law in India or any other qualification recognised by the Govt. as equivalent thereto. Age: Must not have attained the age of forty years in the case of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes or Backward Tribes; Thirty Eight years for backward caste or backward community and thirty five years in the case of any other person on the last date fixed for the receipt of applications or on such other date as may be specified by the appointing authority in the Notification advertising the vacancies; provided that in the case of a candidate possessing teaching experience in a Degree College or a Junior College or XI and XII standard of a Composite School, the maximum age limit may be enhanced by the number of years of such teaching experience or by five years whichever is less. 10. Lecturers in Hindi Rs. 750-50-1000- 60-1300-75-1520 By Direct Recruitment The candidate must have passed (1) The Degree Examination of a University established by Law in India and (ii) The Rathna Examination conducted by the Karnataka Hindi Prachara Parishad or Praveen Examination conducted by the Dakshina Bharath Hindi Prachara Sabha, Madras, or an examination recognised by the State Govt. as equivalent thereto. Age: As in the case of Lecturers. 11. Lecturer in Music Rs. 750-50-1000- 60-1300-75-1525 By Direct Recruitment A candidate must have passed (i) A Degree Examination of a University established by Law in India and (ii) Proficiency Examination in Vocal Music conducted by the Dept. of Public Instruction of the Govt. of Karnataka. Age: As in the case of Lecturers. 12. Lecturers in Secretarial Practice Rs. 500-25-600- 30-750-50-1000- 60-1220 (Tukol Pay Scale 200-420) By Direct Recruitment For Direct Recruitment –B.Com., with Senior Shorthand and Senior Typewriting or Diploma in Secretarial Practice. Age: As in the case of lecturers. 13. Demonstrators Cadre is abolished-Existing Demonstrators to improve their qualifications for being absorbed as Lecturers or to continue as Demonstrators till superannuation. NON-TEACHING BUT VOCATIONAL CADRE 1 2 3 4 1. Physical Culture Instructor Grade I. Rs. 600- 30-750-50-1000- 60-1240 By promotion For Promotion: The candidate should possess a Degree in Physical Education and should have put in not less than 10 years service as Physical Culture Instructor Grade-II 2. Physical Culture Instructor By direct recruitment The candidate should possess a degree in Physical Education. Age : Must have attained the age of 18 (Eighteen) years and not attained the age of- 240 Rs. 500-25-600- 30-750-50-1000- 60-1120 a. Thirtyfive years in the case of a candidate belonging to any of the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribes or Backward Tribes. Thirty three years in the case of a person belonging to any of the backward caste or backward communities. Thirty years in the case of any other person on the last date fixed for the receipt of applications or on such other date as may be fixed by the appointing authority in the notification advertising the vacancies or any other age as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time. NON-TEACHING AND NON-VOCATIONAL CADRE 1. Senior Librarian Rs. 600-30-750-50- 1000-60-1240 By promotion on the basis of Seniority cum merit from the cadre of Librarian Must be a holder of a Degree of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification and must be a holder of a degree in Library Science of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification and must have put in not less than 10 years of service as Librarian. 2. Librarian Rs. 460-20-500-25-600- 30-750-50-1000 By direct recruitment Must be holder of a Degree of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification; and must be a holder of a degree in Library Science of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. 3. Library Assistant Rs.300-10-340-15-400- 20-500-25-600 Extn. 20-700 By Direct Recruitment (i) Must have passed SSLC Examination or equivalent qualification and (ii) Must be a holder of certificate awarded by the Dept. of Public Libraries OR Must have passed training in Library Science in a recognised institution. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor 4. Superintendents Rs. 500-25-30-750-50- 1000-60-1120 By promotion from the cadre of First Division Clerk Should have put in Five years of Service as First Division Clerk. 5. First Division Clerk 50% by direct recruitment and 40% by promotion from the cadre of Second Division Clerk and 10% by promotion from the cadre of Clerk-cum- Typist on the basis of seniority cum merit. For Direct Recruitment: Must be a holder of Bachelor’s Degree of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. For Promotion: Must have passed SSLC or Equivalent Examination and must have put in 5 years as Second Division Clerk or Clerk-cum- Typist as the case may be. (Inserted by Order No.ED 20 UPC 90 dated 20 th April 1991) 6. Second Division Clerks Rs. 300-10-340-15-400- 20-500-25-600 Extn. 20- 700 75% by direct recruitment 25% by promotion from the cadre of For Direct Recruitment: Must have passed SSLC or equivalent Examination. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. 241 Class IV and Drivers on the basis seniority cum merit Seniority being determined by treating the person holding a post carrying higher scale of pay as senior to a person holding a post carrying a lower scale of pay, seniority interse. Seniority interse among persons holding posts carrying the same scale of pay being determined on the basis of length of service in the respective cadre For Promotion: i. Must have passed SSLC or equivalent examination. ii. A minimum service of 5 years from the time of entry into Class IV service or to the post of Driver in the case of the Driver and have passed SSLC or equivalent examination before entering the service and not less than 5 years of service from the date of passing SSLC or equivalent examination in the case of others. 7. Clerk-cum-Typist Rs. 300-10-340-15-400- 20-500-25-600 Extn. 20- 700 By Direct recruitment (i) Must have passed SSLC or equivalent examination. (ii) Must have passed Junior Typewriting examination in the concerned language conducted by the Dept. of Public Instruction or equivalent examination. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. 8. Typist Rs. 300-10-340-15-400- 20-500-25-600 Extn. 20- 700 By Direct Recruitment By Direct Recruitment : (i) Must have passed SSLC Examination or equivalent examination and (ii) Must have passed Senior Typewriting Examination in the concerned language conducted by the Director of Public Instruction or equivalent examination. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. NOTE: Typist must be permitted to change to the clerical cadre in accordance with terms and conditions enumerated in the KCS (Typists and Junior Assistants/Second Division Clerks) (Change of Cadre) Rules 1964. 9. Attenders Rs. 280-5-300-10-340- 15-400-20-500 50% by direct recruitment 50% by promotion from the cadre of Class IV servants. For direct recruitment : Must have passed VIII Standard Examination. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. For Promotion: Must have passed Primary IV Standard examination and must have put in five years of service as a Peon. (Substituted by Order No.ED 35 UPC 86 dated 7 th April, 1986) 242 10. Peon Rs. 250-5-300-10-340- 15-400 By Direct Recruitment Must have passed Primary IV Standard examination. Age: As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. 11. Sweepers/ Watchman/Gardners Rs.250-5-300-10-340- 15-400 By Direct Recruitment Literate Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputations etc - Aided and Unaided Degree / Composite Colleges - guidelines - issue of - Read : 1) G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dt: 3.10.1981. 2) Letter No. DCE 27 GES-PCC-85 dt: 26.12.1985 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. ORDER NO. ED 35 UPC 86, BANGALORE, DATED 7TH APRIL 1986. For the entries relating to the minimum qualification prescribed for the post of Attender against the promotional quota appearing in the Annexure-II to G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dt: 3.10.1981, the following shall be substituted namely :- "Must have passed Primary IV Standard Examination and must have put in five years of service as a Peon". For the entries relating to the minimum qualification prescribed to the post of Peon against the Direct Recruitment, the following shall be substituted, namely : "Must have passed Primary IV Standard Examination". By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputations etc., - Aided and Unaided Degree / Composite Colleges - guidelines - Issue of amendments - ORDER NO. ED 49 UPC 85, BANGALORE, DATED 22ND DECEMBER, 1986 The following shall be substituted in place of the orders issued in Govt. Order No.ED 49 UPC 85 dt. 9th May, 1985 with immediate effect. After the existing Rule 7 of Annexure-I to Government Order No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3rd October, 1981, the following shall be inserted as Rule-8, namely ; Rule-8 The teaching and non-teaching staff whose appointments have been approved by the Department of Collegiate Education cannot be removed from service / dismissed / retrenched / suspension without the prior approval of the Director of Collegiate Education. 243 However such prior approval shall not be refused in the case of Minority Institutions unless the removal or dismissal / retrenchment / suspension from service is violative of the Principles of natural justice or is malafide or is intended for the victimisation of teachers. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka A.R. PRASAD Under Secretary to Government Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. :t ~ :c:. - t:c... :t ~ - -..¬:¯: ¬.:. -..¬:. c.: ¬¬ . ·cc...t t:c .../ -. . , ..¬.t:., ¬ ¬o..., ¬ /:=¬¬ , c.o... ::::/ - ./ ¬.:/=· o. - ¬.:¬=.·..t - :¬ .: - = ./. :cc:õc l) : ¯.l).·l c :. l+: c....· ¯ºc ·t:=c :¬.:. !) : l:.º.·: c :. l+! c....· ·¯c ¬ ÷.¬ c ·o÷. . ¯) : !l.:.·:, !¯.·.·: ¬.:. !:.ll.·:c ·c. t::: :) ..c. - .·· - ·¯c t:c... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc ¬: / -.. ±·: :s . c:.¬. ¬.¬:c. -..¬:¯:, -..¬:.c .: ¬ ¬. ¬:/ o ·cc. ..t t:c.../-¬., -¬/ -. ¬ c :¬-:¬ .c¬ . c..c..¬:^c..tc. .¬ .: :c¬ ¬ ..c (l) c. :¬c:^c.¬ :.:ct ¯.l).·lc ·t:=c :¬ .: ¬. , · ¬c t:c .../ -. . . .¬ .t:., ¬¬ o..., ¬ /:=¬¬ , ¯c.o... , ::::/- ./ ¬.:/=¬:=c.... ·o.· :¬ .: ¬ oc .·c:^¬. ..^¬co · ¬, ¬.¬:c. .:· ^ t:c .../-. ¬¬o... ¬.:¬.¬:/ . c. .:¬ c..c. . t .. ¯... ¬:.·¬. -¬=c/ :oc¬cc..:/.. c.¬¬.. ·t:=c ¬ /¬ ..t .c:¬ . = ·¬ .· ¬:c:.¬:.c.. ....·.¬ · c¬ .=/ -. ¬ ÷: ^ tc¬. .c¬., :¬ cc¬ -¬ :¬t ¬c¬ ¬. -· ¬.:¬ :.t¬ to.., :t ~¬ ¬...o, .¬::=/ - ¬...o, t . ¬c¬:¬ . .c.. ¬ .:¬ .. ¬. -. ¬, .:·^ t:c .../ - :¬-: ¬.c¬-/ -., :tc o¬ ¯.. ·c.:c. .. . -. .· c·.. ¬:/o : .¬ : c... .cc..c:¬¬ c/ .:c.. ·/.¬c: ¬.:¬.., · t:=c ¬ ¬..c (!) c. :¬c:^c.¬ :. :.:ct l:.º.·:c ¬ ÷.¬c ·o÷ .c.... ¬oc.·, t:c .../ - ¬:c: .¬:.c ¬ .¬ /- . . :.c..., : t:c ... : .¬ : c... -:c: .cc..c:¬ ¬:¬:¬ t c. -¬ ¬: ¬ ¬:÷t c . -¬¬: .¬ .:·tc.. ·c¬. =t..·:c¬:^, t:c... ¬:c:.¬:.c:^ . ...·..tc¬ o ¬:/ o ¬: c: .¬:.c:^ t:=¬ ¯¬=.·.¬ -:t:c/ ¬ .:¬c..:. c o. l))-)) .:.¬ . :¬.. to¬ . .tc¬o :¬ .:·c:^¬ . :.:ct l:.º.·:c :¬ .: ¬oc .·¬ . c: c t.¬ .:·^ t:c... :¬-: ¬.c¬-/-. :¬. ·c·/ -. , =^c.¬ ¬:c:.¬:.c./-. :.¬ :c... .cc. .c. :¬ c o, -¬=co, ¬t co :^¬. ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬.¬ c.... -:c: · ¬.¬=t ¬:^ ¯-· ¬ ¬=/-c¬ ¯¬ =.·.. ¬., :.:ct l:.º.·:c ¬÷. ¬c ·o÷.c..c:, -¬c.. =/ ¬:c:.¬:.c ¬.¬:.c¬ :/ c...¬¬. ·:¬¬:/¬ c¬o, :¬cc¬ ·c·/, .¬::=/-/ ¬:/o ·:¬=.¯tc/ : oc¬c :/.: ¬c¬o ·t:=ct ¬... ¬.:., =^. ¬¬ ·c.... ¬..c¬.¬c·.. -¬t:: t o¬ . .tc¬ . to.c¬c.. = ./c.. .c: .¬c../-.. ·t:=c to.ct.¬¬:^ ¬ c:..·, .:·^ t:c.../ - ·¬.·c.... ¬c/~·, = t-tc¬ :¬ .: ¬.. ¬ oc.·c:^¬ . 244 ·t:rc oc:t t:.:ct . ¬2 I1: c...:. sã, ocr =nc., Os:ct. 1.(.Iºs¨ ¬...c¬ ·c¬. =¬ . , · t:=c¬ :.:ct l:.º.lº·:c :. l+! c....· ·¯c ¬÷.¬ c -: ·o÷.c.... .c: /¬ .toc.¬ . ¬.:. . :.:ct l:.º.lº·:t ¬o¬.. . .¬.t/ oc¬ ¬:÷:c..=c./ -.. ¬:/ c... ¬..c¬.¬c·.. -..¬.. ¯.¬c:^¬ . :.:ct l:.º.lº·:c .c:c .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬.:. .:· ^ -..¬:.c .: t:c .../ -. ¬:÷:c..=c ¬.¬ /-/ . .¬.t ¬.:¬.¬:/ t:c... : .¬ :c... .cc..c:¬ ¬:¬ :¬tc . -¬¬: ¬ ¬:÷tc. -¬ ¬: .¬.:·t c.. ·c¬ . :=..·:c ¬:^ ¬:c:.¬:.c:^ . ...· -c:¬ . .¬ .tt , ¯¬ .=:tc., t:c ... :t ~ :c:. , .c/ -oc., :¬ c ¬ o¬:=..¬ .. ¬ ¬ ¬. ¬ .:¬. .tc¬ . ·t:=c :¬ .:·¬. -. ¬, ¬:/ ¬:c:.¬:.c:^, . .¬.t/oc.c.¬ ..¬ .t/ o- .¬ ¬ c/ ¬ .:¬ c. .:. c o. l))-)) -.. .: .¬ .:¬:^ to¬. .tc¬o :¬ .:·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :: :..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬ · c.. , :.oc¯. ±·:c¯ ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c.. -..¬:. ¬¬c.... c.¬ .:·^ t:c.../ - ¬: ¬ :¬t c./ -.. .cc.. ¬: ¬ :¬tc./ -:^ .. t o¬.¬ ./ :¬ .: . :cc:õc l) : !·.l!.¯¯ ¬:/o !º.¯.¯+c ·c. :. l: c....· ¯¯c ·t:=c :¬ .: / -.. !) : ¯.l).·lc ·c. :. l+: c....· ¯ºc ·t:=c :¬.: . ¯) : !:.l!.·¯, l¯.l.·:, l!.·.·:c ·c. .·:-!:-.:.·-.··-·¯c t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c.. ¯¬ .=:t c ¬:/-.. ±·: :s . ¬..c lc . :¬c:¬ · t:=c :¬ .: / -. ·t:=c t:c .../ -. ::. c. .. :¬ ·ct . / .¬ ¬o ¬ ·c ¬.¬/ - -..t o.: / -.. .:·^ -. .¬:. ¬¬c. ... c .¬ t:c .../-/o .·c·c:^:. . lº¯¯t ¬..c÷ .:·^ -..¬:. ¬¬c.... c.¬ t:c .../- . : ·ct . / .¬ ¬o¬ · c ¬.¬/-. :¬. -¬ c./-. lº¯¯-c: ¬..c÷ ¯¬ .c. .:¬ c .. ¬ ..c (!)c . :¬c:¬ :.:ct ¯.l).·lc ·t:=c :¬ .: ¬. .:· ^ -..¬:. ¬ ¬c. ... c .¬ ¬:/ o -. .¬:. ¬¬c..¬ t:c .../ -. ..¬.t:., ¬..c.., ¬/:=¬¬ ::::/- ./ ¯c. .¬ ./-. . ¬ oc.·c:^¬ . = :¬ .: ¬. .:·^ -..¬:. ¬ ¬c.... c.¬ t:c.../ -. .cc. . ¬:¬ :¬t c ./ - ¬.¬/-. :c.¬:. . .¬.: . lº¯¯-c: ¬..c÷ :¬ .cc. . ¬: ¬ :¬t c./ -. ¯¬. ¬oc:¬cc¬ , = ¬.¬/ -. -. ¬:¬c¬. ¬ c/~ · = ¬.¬/ -.. lº·lc :¬.:¬. · .c·. . .c:c -. .t .:·^ t:c.../ - ·c¬/-c¬.o, .¬ :. ·. : ·¬ · cc¬ .o, .¬ :. ¬c¬. . ·¬·c./-c¬.o, ·t:=c t:c.../ -.¬c: -..¬:. ¬ ¬c.... c.¬ t:c .../ -.c..o ¬: ¬ :¬tc. (·ct . /.¬) ¬ .¬/-/ -¬t::¬ .:.t o¬. .t c¬. ·t:=ct -. .t ¬.. ./ -. .c:¬ . .c: .¬c../ -.. ·t:=c to.ct ¬¬:^ ¬ c:..·, ·t:=c t:c .../- . c .¬c: c... ¬:¬ :¬t c (·ct . /.¬) ¬.¬/- -¬t::¬.. .:·^ -..¬:. ¬¬c. ... c .¬ t:c .../-. t. · . .tc¬. ·t:=c ..¬.:=¯·¬ . · t:=c t:c .../ -.c .¬c: l) .. ¬:¬ :¬tc./- ¬.¬/ l ¬:¬ :¬tc (·ct . / .¬) ¬.¬c.. -¬t:: t . · . .tc¬. ·t:=c ..¬ .:=¯·¬. = ./ :¬ .: ¬oc.·.¬ c: t:c... :t ~ ¯¬ .=:tc. · ¬ t o.c¬:c. .c: .¬c. ./ -.. ¬c:..· t-t c¬ :¬ .: ¬.. ¬oc .·¬ . ·t:rc oc:t ·c: ¬2 I1 c...:. s(, ocr = nc. Os:ct :.¨.Iºss 245 :.:ct ¯.l).lº·lc ·c. :. l+: c....· ¯ºc ·t:=c :¬.:t . :/: . .¬.¬. ¬.:¬.:: c:.¬. . .:·^ -..¬:. ¬ ¬c.... c.¬ t:c .../ -. t - tc¬ ¯.c¬. /-/ .-¬.. ¬:¬ :¬t c (·c t . /.¬) ¬.¬/-/ -¬t:: t .· .. ·t:=c ¬ .c.oc:. to.¬ . l) ¬: ¬ :¬t c (·ct . / .¬) ¬.¬/-. ¬ .:. : .~ co. ¯:¯)-l))-¯º¯)- l!)-+¯¯) ¬ .:. :c:t¬.. !) ·t:=c t:c.../ -. :¬c: ¬. l) ¬:¬ :¬t c ¬ .¬ / l ¬:¬ :¬tc (·ct . / .¬) ¬.¬c... :c :t¬.. (l)l ·.c: c o.tc... :c :t¬.) ¯) = -¬t::¬ ¬ . t:c../o -¬ ¬: .c¬-c: ¬ ÷ . t:c .../ -.. .¬ ·.. c.¬ .c¬ . :¬-: ¬.c¬-c.. t:c .../-/o -. :.· .: ¬ . +) ¬: ¬ :¬t c (·ct . / .¬) ¬.¬/ - . .¬.t:. ¯c..¬ . ¬:/ o .¬:¬=: t-t c¬c: :c.: ¬ . Professors (Selection Grade) By promotion from the cadre of Professors on the basis of seniority-cum- merit. If no suitable person in the cadre of Professors is available then by Direct Recruitment. For Direct Recruitment 1. A Second Class Master's Degree 2. A Research Degree of a Doctorate standard of published work of a high standard. 3. Five Years' of teaching experience for Degree and Post Graduate classes and guiding Research. 4. Age : 45 years. No age restriction for persons in service. 5. Probation - One year. t:c .../ -. ¬:/o :¬-: ¬.c¬-c..¬ c. co. ¯:¯)-+¯¯) ¬.: . :.~c.. ¬:¬ :¬t c (·ct . / .¬) ¬.¬/ -.. ¬...:=/ :c· .¬ ¬t t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c.. ¯¬ .=:t c -..¬.. ¬ ¬c..:t¬.. = :¬ .:¬.. ::=t :c:.c.. -.:t: .¬ ~ ·c. ::-¯!:-¬ ÷-·-··c -.c... -..¬.. ¬¬¬. ¬oc.·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬ .::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬ · c.. , ::c: a:a¯r ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Appointment of Principals in Private Degree Colleges managed by the Minority Educational Trusts - regarding. Read : 1) G.O. No. ED 142 UPC 85 dated 4.6.1987. 2) Letter No. DCE 47 MARUVI, PCC-87 dated 26.4.1989 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble : According to the Government order read at (1) above, all the private degree colleges are required to fill the post of Principal with the senior most teacher of the college. This Government order came into effect from 16.9.1986 and all the appointments made from that date should be in accordance with that order. Against this, some of the colleges managed by the Minority Educational Trusts have represented to the Government to exempt their colleges from the purview of the Government order dated 4.6.1987 on the ground that the minority institutions are enjoying the special status under the Constitution and Government cannot compell them to appoint the senior most teacher as a Principal. The Director of Collegiate Education in his letter dated 26.4.1989 read at (2) above has also recommended that the colleges of the minority educational trusts be exempted from the purview 246 of Government Order dated 4.6. 1987 as the post of Principal is very important in a college and the seniormost teacher may not be in a position to discharge the duties attached to the post effectively. The matter has been examined and the following orders are issued. ORDER NO. ED 207 UPC 88, BANGALORE, DATED THE 4TH MARCH, 1991 Government are pleased to exempt all the First Grade Private Colleges managed by the minority education trust in the State from the purview of Government Order No. ED 142 UPC 85 dated 4.6.1987. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K. Channe Gowda Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputation etc., Aided and Un-aided Degree / Composite Colleges - Issue of Amendment - reg. Read : 1) G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.1981. 2) Letter No. DCE 59 GMD PCC-1/90 dated 3.10.1990 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble : In the Government Order dated 3.10.1981 read at (1) above, guidelines have been prescribed regarding Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, Deputation etc., for employees working in aided and un-aided degree / composite colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education. The Director of Collegiate Education in his letter dated 3.10.1990, read at (2) above, has sent proposal to provide for promotion of Clerks-cum-Typists to the Cadre of First Division Clerks. The proposal has been examined and the following orders are issued. ORDER NO. ED 20 UPC 90, BANGALORE, DATED THE 20TH APRIL, 1991 Under the heading "NON-TEACHING AND NON-VOCATIONAL CADRE" in Annexure-II to Government Order No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.1981 for the category of post at 'Sl. No. 5, First Division Clerk', the following shall be substituted with immediate effect :- "5. First Division Clerk : 50% by Direct recruitment and 40% by promotion from the cadre of Second Division Clerk and 10% by Promotion from the Cadre of Clerk - cum-Typists on the basis of seniority -cum-merit. For Direct Recruitment : Must be a holder of Bachelor's Degree of a University established by law in India or equivalent qualification. Age : As in the case of Physical Culture Instructor. For Promotion : Must have passed SSLC or Equivalent Examination and must have put in 5 years as Second Division Clerk or Clerk-cum- Typist as the case may be". By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.CHANNEGOWDA Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Changing the designation of staff of Libraries working in the Private Aided Colleges. Read : 1) G.O. No. ED 33 DCE 71 dated 7.11.1972. 2) Correspondence resting with letter No. DCE 64 MYS PCC-90 dated 27.2.1991 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. 247 Preamble : In the G.O. dated 7-11-1972 read at (1) above, the designations of post of Librarian in the scale of Rs. 250-500 and the post of Asst. Librarian in the scale of Rs. 175-450 have been changed as "Senior Librarian" and "Librarian" respectively in the same scales of pay. This G.O. is applicable only to the staff of Libraries working in Govt. Colleges and the benefit of the said G.O. was not extended to the staff of the Libraries in Private Aided First Grade Colleges. With the introduction of the scheme of direct payment of salaries to employees of Aided Institutions in October 1977, the guidelines for appointments in Private Colleges were prescribed in G.O. No. ED 161 UPC 77 dated 31-12-77. Lateron this G.O. was replaced by another Order No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.81. In G.O. dated 31-12-77 the method of recruitment to each cadre of posts was not specified. However in G.O. dated 3.10.81 the norms to have Librarians, and Senior Librarians posts are linked to the strength of individual Colleges. Prior, to issue of G.O. No. ED 161 UPC 77 dated 31-12-77, the staffing pattern that was in existence in Govt. Colleges was also adopted and followed in aided Colleges in terms of Rule 16(b) (iii) of the Grant-in-aid Code. Taking these facts into consideration, the Dirctor of Collegiate Education in his letter dated 27.2.91 read at (2) above, has recommended to the Government that the change of designations ordered in the case of the library staff of Govt. Colleges in G.O. dated 7.11.1972 read at (1) above may also be extended to the Library staff of the aided Colleges with effect from 7.11.1972. After examining the matter, it is considered necessary that the benefit of change of designation ordered in the case of the library staff of Government College in G.O. dated 7.11.1972 be also extended to the staff of Libraries of Private Aided First Grade Colleges in the State. According to the following orders are issued. ORDER NO. ED 54 UPC 90(A), BANGALORE, DATED: 10-12-1991 Government are pleased to extend the benefit of change of designations of the staff of Libraries ordered in G.O. No. ED 33 DCE 71 dated 7.11.1972 to the Library Staff of the Private Aided First Grade Colleges w.e.f. 7.11.1972 to 31.3.1981. The other norms regarding the posts of Sr. Librarians and Librarians prescribed inter-alia, in G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.1981 shall remain un-altered as the same came into force w.e.f. 1.4.1981. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.CHANNEGOWDA Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Enhancement of age limit for appointment in the Aided / Un-Aided Degree / Composite College under the Department of Collegiate Education - regarding. Read : 1) Notification No. DPAR 21 SRR 91 dt. 30.10.1991. 2) Letter No. DCE 144 GMS PCC-91 dt. 30.01.1992 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble : In Notification No. DPAR 21 SRR 91 dt. 30.10.1991, the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977, have been amended enhancing the age limit for appointment under the Government Service. The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore, in his letter dt. 30.01.92 read at (2) above, enclosing the representation received from the General Secretary, Karnataka State Aided Colleges Non -Teaching Staff Association (Regd), Bangalore has recommended to consider the representation of the Association for enhancement of age limit for appointment in the Aided / Un-Aided Degree / Composite Colleges in the State under the Director of Collegiate Education on par with the Government service. ORDER NO. ED 171 UPC 92, BANGALORE, DATED 12TH MAR, 1993 Sanction is hereby accorded to amend Annexure-II to G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dt. 3.10.1981 enhancing the age limit for appointment in respect of vocational staff and non-vocational staff in the Aided / Un-Aided Degree / Composite under the Department of Collegiate Education w.e.f. 1.4.1993, as detailed below : (a) Thirtyeight years in the case of a person belonging to any of the Scheduled 248 Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Backward Tribes. (b) Thirtysix years in the case of persons belonging to any of the Backward Castes or Backward Communities. (c) Thirtythree years in the case of any other person on the last date fixed for the receipt of application or on such other date as may be specified by the appointing authority. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka R.S. RAMASANJEEVAIAH Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Department of Collegiate Education - Appointments, Transfers, Deputations etc. - Aided and Un-aided Degree Composite Colleges - Guidelines - Amendments for the Recruitment / Promotion for the post of Library Assistants - Orders regarding. ORDER NO. ED 39 UPC 92, BANGALORE, DATED THE 23RD SEPT, 1993 In the Annexure of G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79 dated 3.10.1981 for the existing entries under the heading 'Non Teaching and Non Vocational Cadre' at Sl. No. 3, the following entries shall be substituted and it shall come into force on the date of publication in the Official Gazette. 3 Library Assistant Rs. 960-1760 1) 50% by promotion from the cadre of Group 'D' Officials on Seniority / merit basis i) Must have passed the SSLC Examination or possess equivalent examination ; ii) Must be a holder of Certificate in Library and Information Science granted by the Department of Public Libraries or equivalent qualification ; iii) Must have put in not less than 7 (Seven) years of service in the cadre of Group 'D' service. 2) 50% by Direct Recruitment i) Must have passed the SSLC Examination or possess equivalent examination. ii) Must be a holder of Certificate in Library and Information Science granted by the Department of Public Libraries or equivalent qualification. NOTE : (1) i) Provided that if the number of posts of Library Assistants is less than 4 (four), the same may be filled by promotion alone from the cadre of eligible Group 'D' cadre. (2) If no suitable / qualified candidates are available, the same shall be filled up by Direct Recruitment. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANASWAMY Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Declaring Librarians working in Universities, Government and Aided First Grade Colleges as "Teachers (non-vacational) - regarding. Read : 1) Letter dated 1.12.97 of the Secretary, Karnataka State College Librarians Association, Bangalore. 2) Letter dated 7.1.98 of the President, Karnataka State University Librarians Association (R), Bangalore. 3) The Proceedings of the meeting of Inter University Board held on 13.12.1996. 249 4) Letter dated 8.6.98 No. F-1-9/96(PS) from University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Preamble : 1) The Secretary, Karnataka State College Librarian's Association (Regd), Bangalore in his letter dated 01.12.1997 has requested the Government to declare the Librarians working under the Department of Collegiate Education and Technical Education in the State as "Teachers" as the Librarians are like Lecturers who performs the academic functions like user Education, user studies, conducting training programmes for the apprentice trainees, etc., 2) He has further stated that, 'Library Science' has been introduced as an optional subject to educate and teach the usage of library resources as a part of Academic Curriculum wherein the Librarian functions as a fulltime teacher apart from the routine functions like, lending, reference, reprographic, condensation of trend reports, current awareness services, transalation, searching of information through internet etc., for the support of students and staff's academic work. 3) The Government has extended UGC scales of pay to the Librarians working in Universities and Government and Aided First Grade Colleges. The President, Karnataka State University Librarians Association (Regd), Bangalore in his letter dated 07.01.1998 read at (2) above, has requested the Government to consider Librarians working in various Universities in Karnataka as "Teachers" in view of the explanation given in pre-paras. 4) The Inter University Board in its meeting held on 13.12.1996 has resolved to consider the Librarians working in Universities and Government and Aided First Grade Colleges as Teachers (non- vacational) in consultation with UGC. 5) The UGC while recommending pay scales for University Librarians, staff i.e., University Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Assistant Librarians has also recommended, status on par with Teachers i.e., Professional Readers and Lecturers etc., Subsequently on 8.6.1998 UGC has classified that, Librarians should be treated as academic and Non-Vacational Staff. 6) The matter has been examined in detail. Hence the following order. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. ED 09 UEC 98, BANGALORE, DATED 27.06.1998 The Government are pleased to order that, Librarians working in Universities and in their constituent colleges, Government Colleges and Aided Colleges are treated as academic and (Non- vacational) staff. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka MOHAMED KHALEELUR RAHAMAN Under Secretary to Government Education Department. t:c:z. ct~ oc...tc to:cc.. s >: -r =. .±c.. = :c:.c.. .c/- oc . ¬:¬.:t t . .cc.. ¬:. / .-¬ . .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../ - . t:c..=. :c .. ¬ .¬ .:·tc./- ¯c.o... ./. vc:: l) · c. :.-:+-c...:·-!))) :.:ct l!-+-!))). !) ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬ .=:tc., .c/-oc. :¬ c ¬ ·: ¬. · c. t:::-¬:t.c-l¯(.) :c: ct !)))-)l ¬.: . t:::-¬:t .c-l¯- :c: ct !)))-)l :.:ct )·-):-!))) ¬.:. :-:-!))). ¯) ¬.o . .c. !¯·)º¯ :.:ct l)-)¯-º¯. +) ·c. :.-l+:-c....·-¯º :.:ct ¯-l)-·l. ::»t . ·o.: .¬ c..t ·c.c¬¬ .c: .c .: (l)c ¬.o.t :c. .:c. . ¬: ¬.:t t..c ¬:. c... .c.¬ .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. t:c..=. :c.. ¬ · .¬c... 250 ¬..c¬.¬cc.... c.¬ .¬.:·t c./ -.. :¸t ~t .:¬ . :.c¬ t:c. .=.:c.c .¬ :: c .:· ^ -..¬:¯: ·t:=c ¬ ¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-/ ¬.¯c. o..· .. t ¬ . t ¸/ o-. ¬c: ·t:=c ·o÷. ¯..¬ . .c .: (!)c. ¬: ¬ .:t .c. ¯¬ .=:tc., .c/ -oc. :¬ c. : ¬. t. .c ¬:. c... .c.¬ .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. t:c. .=. :c.. ¬ ·t:=c¬ ¬ .:.:..¬:. ¬¬c.... c.¬ .¬.:· tc ¬ .c.... :c..:c·, .c/- oc . .. :/ ¬ o-/ -¬ c./ -.. t:c..=. :c .c.¬ .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬.:. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬ := t:c .../-/ ¯c. o..·.¬ ./ ¬ ·: ¬./-.. ·. ·¬:c . ·¬c ¬·: ¬ ./ -. . t o.ct¬¬:^ ¬ c:..·¬ . .c .: (¯) c. . .¬:¬¬=t ·c¬ tc: ¬.:. ¬:~. t:c..., -: o c . :¬t ·c.c¬¬ . c. -.= ·c. !··)º¯ .. : l)-)¯-º¯ cc¬. .c. ¬ .:¬.:: , ¬.:. t.:=.t c:. .÷ .:c..:.c.. = :c:./ .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../-. t:c. .=. :c .. ¬ :c.¬ .¬.:·t c./ -.. t:c..=. :c .c.¬ :: c .:· ^ -. .¬:¯: t:c .../-/ ·¬ c t:c .../- :¬-: ¬.c¬-/- .. / :.. ¬c..o, ¬ /:=¬¬ ¬.:¬ .¬ -:t:c¬ . . ¬ .c· c·¬. :¬cc¬ = :¬ .: . oc :t ·c:. t:cs-1:-¯c.n:zs.:ººº-ºI . ocr= nc., O. ::-(-:ººº ..ctc... .¬c·¬ -c:/ -.. ¬c/~ ·, ¬: ¬.:t .c. ¯¬ .=:tc., .c/- oc. :¬ c. .c .: (!)c . .. ·¬ ¬ ·: ¬.c... . .c/- oc . ..:/¬ .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. t:c..=. :c .. ¬ .¬.:·tc./-. . ¬..c:. :¬.:¬¬ c / -¬c./ -. -¬ c¬c ¬.o. t:c .... c... ¬.:·t ·c.-¬.. ¬¬ c...¬ ¬.:. ::c ·.¬: ¬c :./-.. to¬ ·¬c t:c .... c... t::c· -...c¬-l, ! ¬.:. ¯ c. .¬ c·¬c: ¯c.o..·.. = ¬.o.t -..¬o.¬. ¯.¬c:^¬. t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c.. ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. c.¬ .c ¬. -: .t tc ¬.¬/- ¬¸- .c¬.. ¬.:...c ¬.¬c..:^ ¬...:=/.c·.¬ t.c: .. vc:: l) -¬t c., t .:=.t c:. -..¬:¯: t:c .../ - :t t.:cc ·c¬ (c), t.:c. c · , .c/ - oc. -¬c :.:ct )l-)!-ººc ¬: . !) t::: +l t c:.: -·:·c..-º¯ :c: ct :.:ct !)-)¯-º· ¬.:. !¯-):-ººc ¬: / -. t:c ... :t ~ :c...t cc¬. ¯) t::: ++ tc:.: -.:· c.c º¯ :.:ct !¯-)·-!)))c ¬: - t:c ... :t ~ :c...tcc¬. ±·: :s . ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ ¬ :¬. -¬ t c., t.:=.t c:. -..¬:¯: t:c.../- :tt.:c ·c¬ (c) :¬ c. -c:. ¬.:. ..: :t ~ · .¬ c/ ¬ .. .c. oc¬. . ·. ·.:: , ·t:=c t:c .../ -. .c¬. -: .t tc ¬.¬c.... c.·:cc..c¬ . ¬ ...:=/ .c· c o. º!)-l¯!) c ¬.:. : .~c... ¯/:¬ .· :.:ct l¯-)!-·!c . ·t:=c :¬ .: ¬.. ¬ oc.·c:^¬ . :.:ct ll-ll-·!c. ·t:=c¬ t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. :¬ c . ·c¬¬ ¬¬::t:c/ -o¬. ÷ .=·¬c: ·t:=c t:c.../ -. :c.¬c: c.·:c ¬ .¬ c. oc¬. . .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../-/o .·c·.. ·ot t¬. t¸/o-. ¬c: ·t:=c¬. . t o.cc .:: c . ¬ ..c¬.¬c¬. t.:=.t c:.¬ . ·.¬.:c. l!) .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../ - . ¯)) cc¬ l))) .¬::=/ -. :¬.. ¬. = ¬¸- .c¬ . .cc. . -: .t tc ¬.¬c... . ¬.:. : .~ c o. lº))-¯¯))¬. ¬...:=/ .c·.¬c: ¬:/o ·t:=c t:c .../- . c.¬c: c.·: c ¬ .¬ c. ... ¬.:...c ¬.¬c...:^ ¬.. c ¬¬ .:...t c·.¬c: ·t:=c¬ .. t o.cc .:: c . 251 :: c.c¬ ¬ c:..· · ot ¬.:..c.... ¯.¬ .¬c: t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..tc.. to.cc:^:. . t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c. ¬..c :¬c:¬ (!) ¬ .: . 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Os:ct. :1s : s :c.c¯ :ººº ¯))to ¬÷. .¬::=/ - ·c. :c.¬ -...c¬ ¬. · o.·c.¬ ¯¯ .:· ^ -. .¬:¯: t:c .../ -.. ¬.c.oc:¬ .c¬. -:.t tc./- ¬ .¬ /-. .c¬ . -:.t tc ¬.¬c.... ¬.:...c ¬.¬c..c¬. ¬.: . : .~ ¯¯¯¯-l!¯-¯¯))-l¯)-¯!))-!))-··))-!:)-l):!) c. ¬...:=/.c· :¬ .: ¬oc.·c:^¬ . = :¬.:¬, :¬.: ¬ oc .·¬ :.:ct:c¬ ::c/ .c.: ¬ . -:.t tc./-/ ¬..c.. ¯.¬.¬ · ¬.c..¬. = t-tc¬ · o÷. / -. . ¬:.·:t¬.. l. ·¬c t:c .../-. · .¬: :.¬ :c... .cc..c:¬ -: .t tc.. ¬.:...c ¬.¬/ .. ¯.¬.. ¬c/~·:t ¬. . !. ¬.:...c :^ ¬..c.. ¬oc¬.. -: .t tc ¬.¬c... t¯¬ ¬.oc . ¬¬=/ - ·.¬: -. ..¬ ¬oc:c:t ¬. . = :¬ .: ¬.. ::=t :c:.c... :. -. :t: .¬ ~ ·c. :: º: ¬÷ -·!))) :.:ct !º-)+-!)))¬. ¯..c.¬ · ¬¬..c...c. . ¬oc .·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬ .::..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬ · c.. , t.:·¯. rn:±:ct¸± ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . ·t:=c :¬ .: · c. :. +l: c....· ºº :.:ct !¯.. . ¬c.c !)))t -...c¬ l .:¬.c t:c ..., .· ¬ ./.., .c/ -oc.-+ ! ..c.. t:c ..., .· ¬. / .., .c/ -oc.-+ ¯ ¬.-c. t:¬.=c ¬..-: t:c ..., -c ¬.. c · , .c/- oc .-¯! + .c.:..·. t:c ..., ¬.c .: cc, . c/ -oc.-¯ ¯ :. ./ ¬.c. c .~.t:÷:c..= t:c ..., c .·to.·= c· , .c/ -oc.-º : :÷:c..= ¬:c ::c: ¬:~ . t:c ..., ...:c. t:c o.¯, .c/- oc.-lº ¯ :÷:c..= ¬:c::c: · c: t:c ..., ...:c. t:co.¯, .c/ - oc .- lº · .·. ¯..c/¬ t:c ..., !.. .: t, c:::../c , .c/ - oc.-l) º ...c..·. ¬..-: t:c..., .· ¬./.., .c/ -oc.-+ l) :o.. ¯¬:· ¬..-: t:c..., ¬o·oc. c· , . c/ -oc .-º¯ ll :c--.... t:c ..., . c/ -oc.-!¯ 252 l! t¸· t:c ..., ¬o· oc. c· , .c/ -oc.-!º l¯ ¬.¬:c:~ .- -¬.~ ¬..-: t:c ..., .c/-oc.-l! l+ ·c: :o.·¬ c tc: ¬.:. .: :. t:c ..., .c/- oc.-l l¯ :.¬::¬.cc t:c ..., . c/ -oc.-!) l: ....c.t .:c... ¬..-: ¬ ¬¬. ¬:= t:c..., ¯.. .: t, .c.../c , . c/ -oc.-ll l¯ .¬ .t:.c¬ ¬¬ ¬. ¬ := t:c ..., !. . ¬c:, c:::../ c , .c/- oc.-¯¯ l· .·..·..c.:c... t:c ..., !+. . ¬..:c· , l. . ¬ . , :,.. ./c , .c/- oc.-¯· lº ¬:· . .¬:¯t .:. ¬..-: t:c ..., ¯, ¬:~ .c:· c· , .c/- oc.-+ !) :. ·¬/c/: t:c..., :.¬.toc.-¯¯!l)! !l :. ·¬/c/: ¬..-: t:c..., :.¬.toc.-¯¯!l)! !! ¬. / . -¬¬¬ t:c ..., .¬.oc.- ¯¯!!)! !¯ ·c: .co....: t:c ..., ¬.¸·oc.-¯¯))l¯ !+ .. ...¬.c.. t:c..., !)!, .o ·c. .:.c:¬ c· , ¬ .¸· oc .- ¯¯)!)+ !¯ .c.c... ¬..-: t:c ..., ¬.¸· oc.-¯¯))ll !: :..·..·. t:c..., .. c · , ¬.¸·oc.-¯¯)))+ !¯ ..:..·. t:c ..., ¬.c¬ -¯¯l+)l !· ::c. t:c..., ¬.- ¬- -¯¯l+¯) !º . :c . t:c..., .:c../ c, ¬.- ¬- ::.o t.-¯¯l+!! ¯) -ct./ o¬. ¬ c¬c:... t:c: ¬. ¬..-: t:c ..., ¬:·.-¯¯¯!)l ¯l c:c .¬¬ oc ¬.:. .·... ·o... : . t:c ..., ·:/ c-¯¯¯+)l ¯! .·.: ..c. t:c ..., .: ¬./=-¯¯¯¯)l ¯¯ .·.: ...t. t:c ..., ¬c¬ c-¯¯¯:)l ¯+ :.¬.. :.:c.t ..·. ¬¬ ¬. ¬:= t:c ..., ¬c¬ c-¯¯¯:)l ¯¯ ..:c.: . t:c ..., ¬:¬ ~/c-¯¯¯))+ ¯: ·c: -co..c..· t:c ..., ¬.c/-oc.-¯¯¯))¯ ¯¯ ·c: :/.· ¬..-: t:c..., ¬.c/-oc.-¯¯¯))¯ ¯· .·c. ¬..-: t:c ..., ¬.c/ -oc.-¯¯¯))¯ ¯º ·c: .co....: t:c ..., .co....: ./c , ¬.: oc.-¯¯+!)! +) ..c.. t:c ..., ¬...-¯¯+l¯+ ¬.c/ - oc. ::.o t. +l /o..c¬ ¬:· t:c ..., ·oc:tc-¯¯+l¯·, ¬.c/- oc. ::.o t. +! :. ¬ ¬.=·- ¬.c...:¬.: c t:c ..., ..c -¯¯+!+), .- c/ . ::.o t. +¯ ¬ct.c ¬.~·:.. t:c ..., .c.: - -¯¯+!ll ++ ¬.¬:: /:c: ·:ct t:c..., .¬..-¯¯:l)l +¯ ¬o~=¬ : : t:c ..., .¬..-¯¯:l)l +: ..¬. .c¬ t:c ..., t:t =--¯¯+l)+ 253 +¯ .c¬:ctc t:c ..., t.c¬:¬.c -¯¯:!)l +· :..·..·. ..:ctc ¬.:. ::c.t.¬.:c /.. t:c ..., .¬:^c, ¬:c ¬:¬-¯·)))+ +º ·..·.:. t:c ..., ¬ :c¬:¬-¯·)))l ¯) :.: . t:c ..., ¬..- -¯·))!l ¯l :. t:¬ ·¬.: c ¬.:. ¬ ÷..·. to:: c.c ·c· t:c..., ¬ ..-- ¯·))¯l ¯! ..·. .... t:c..., .¬:. /c , ¬..- -¯·))¯l ¯¯ .¬c. t:c ..., /c. .tc , ¬..- ¯·))!) ¯+ .·.: ..c... ¬..-: t:c..., .c..÷:¬.c:.. / c, ¬..- ¯·))!) ¯¯ /.¬ ¬ ¬- t .c t:c ..., ¬:¬.c ¯·lll) ¯: :c...:. ·c· t:c..., c:~ .. oc. ¯·lll¯ ¯¯ ¬:. .... .:-/: tc ¬.:. .: :. t:c ..., t.¬... ¯·l¯+¯ ¯· .c..c. t:c ..., ·c· ¯·l+)! ¯º /o.:c :: ¬.:. o.: ¬ t:c ..., -ct o.. ¯·l¯l+ :) -c..¬.:. t:c..., ..c ¯·l¯!) :l .c/ c:. t:c ..., . - /:c ¯º)))l :! /o..c¬c:c ·t .cc..: t:c ..., ..t ¬:., . -/:c ¯º))): :¯ :c..... t:c ..., . -/:c ¯º))): :+ /o./ . t:c ..., ..t¬:., . - /:c ¯º))): :¯ :c..c. .: :. ·c· t:c ..., . - /:c ¯º)))l :: :.:. .:/ .¬:. t:c ..., ¯¬: ~ ¯ºl!¯¯ .to.. ::.o t . :¯ ..:..·. tc ¬.:. ¬:~ . t:c ..., /o.t:t ¯ºl¯)¯ :· t.:c.·.:. t:c..., .¸.¬oc/. ¯ºll)! :º .·... ¬.:. t.·... t:c ..., .::¬.c ¯·:l)l ¯) .c....... t:c ..., ¬..¬..¬:- ¯·:!l! ¯l .·¬.: c .: :. t:c..., .:/.to.. ¯·¯l)l ¯! ...c...:...¬ ÷..·. ¬.:. ...... t:c ..., .¬.:c. ¯·¯¯)! ¯¯ :.¬.. .... ¬..-: t:c..., /../:= ¯·¯l)! ¯+ ..c:¸¬ t:c ..., .-: c ¯·¯l)+ ¯¯ :.¬.. -.¬. ·.¬.c/ .¬. ·:ct ¬..-: t:c ..., /:c:. / c, .-: c ¯·¯l)¯ ¯: ..c.../ c t:c ..., ¬ o·¬.. ¯·¯!)l ¯¯ to.o c .: c t:c ..., t.¬.^ ::.o t., to.oc. ¯·¯l¯+ GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE EDUCATION AND YOUTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT G.O. No. ED 36 MUN 68 (II), dated 2nd January 1971 Implementation of Revised Scales of Pay of Librarians and Directors / Instructors of Physical Education in Universities and Government and Aided Colleges. Issues orders re.- 254 Read : 1 Letter No. F. 29-20/66-U1, dated 6th September 1968 from the Deputy Educational Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, New Delhi. 2 Letter No. F. 1-38/69-U1, dated 21st August 1970 from the same Officer. 3 Letter No. 1-1/70-U1 (11), dated 14th October 1970 from the Assistant Educational Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, New Delhi. 4 Government letter No. ED 36 MUN 68(ii), dated 10th December 1970 to the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, New Delhi. 5 Letter No. 29-9/66-U1, dated 21st December 1970 from the Deputy Educational Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, New Delhi. Preamble : The Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services in their letter No. F. 30-35/66-U. 5, dated 7th April 1966, accepting the recommendations of the University Grants Commission for the improvement of salary scales of College and University teachers, laid down certain general principles in their letter dated 2nd December 1966 for the State Governments to formulate proposals for the revision of pay scales of College and University teachers. 2. In Government Order No. ED 86 MUN 67, dated 20th April 1968 sanction was accorded for the implementation of the revised University Grants Commission scales of pay for the teachers of Government and Aided Colleges. For implementing the revised scales of pay and for fixing the pay in the revised scales of pay certain clarifications were issued in Government Order No. ED 142 MUN 68, dated 15th November 1968 and Government letter No. ED 31 MUN 69, dated 22nd August 1969. 3. Similar sanctions were accorded extending the benefit of the revised scales of pay to categories of teachers as follows :- (a) Mysore and Karnataka Universities in Government Order No ED 36 MUN 68, dated 11th June 1969 ; (b) Constituent colleges of the Mysore and Karnataka Universities and such other institutions managed by the Universities imparting only instruction at Pre-University Course and Under Graduate level in Government Order No. ED 3 MUN 69, dated 20th August 1969 ; (c) Government and Aided Colleges of Education under the control of the Director of Public Instruction in Government Order No. ED 38 MUN 69, dated 24th March 1970 ; and (d) Bangalore University, in Government Order No. ED 10 MUN 70, dated 15th October 1970. 4. In the reference read 1 above, the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, accepting certain recommendations made by the University Grants Commission regarding the revision of salary scales of (a) Directors / Instructors of Physical Education and (b) Librarians in the Universities and Colleges, requested the State Government to adopt the revised scales of pay as recommended by the University Grants Commission for Librarians and Directors / Instructors of Physical Education in Universities and Colleges under the scheme of revision of salary scales of University and College teachers with effect from 1st April 1966. 5. The Government of India were consulted regarding relaxation of qualifications for existing Librarians and Physical Instructors, and they have accordingly reviewed the recommendations in respect of Librarians only. ORDER NO. ED 36 MUN 68 (ii), DATED BANGALORE, THE 2ND JANUARY, 1971 255 In accordance with the above recommendations as finally accepted and communicated by the Government of India in the Ministry of Education and Youth Services, the Governor has been pleased to sanction the revised scales of pay to the Librarians and Directors / Instructors of Physical Education in the Universities and Government and Aided Colleges in the State with effect from 1st April 1966. 2. The revised scales of pay as now sanctioned for these categories of staff with the terms and conditions on which the revised scales of pay are appended to this order in Appendices I and II with an Annexure. 3. Fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay shall be as per para 9 of Government Order No. ED 86 MUN 67, dated 20th April 1968. 4. The difference due to the revision of pay scales of teachers from 1st April 1966 to 31st March 1971 will be made available to the University and the Government and Aided Colleges as a special grant-in-aid by the State Government. The grant-in-aid so paid will be got reimbursed to the State Government from the Government of India up to 80 per cent as the Government of India will bear 80 per cent of the additonal cost involved in the implementation of the revised scales of pay with effect from 1st April 1966 up to 31st March 1971, while the balance of 20 per cent will be borne by the State Government during the said period of five years. 5.The Universities and the Colleges, both Government and Aided, should furnish detailed information, including date of appointment, qualification, pay as on 1st April 1966, advance increments and annual increments, total emoluments as on 1st April 1970 or the date of next increment as per option if any by the incumbents, on the revision of pay scales as now sanctioned by 15th February 1971 latest, the actuals being worked out and furnised by the Universities and the Director of Collegiate Education institution-wise both Government and Aided Colleges. 6. The Director of Collegiate Education in Mysore, Bangalore, should also furnish a certificate on the basis of the audited statements of accounts of the Universities and Colleges, Government and Aided, to the effect that the grant released by Government of India towards revision of salary scales of Universities and other colleges has been fully utilised for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. 7. The Director of Collegiate Education and also the Director of Public Instruction requested to ensure that the admissible quantum of Central assistance in regard to this and the various revision of pay scales referred to in the preamble is lifted during the current financial year (1970-71) itself, 8. The Universities and the other units referred to in the preamble should also furnish in triplicate through the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore, by 15th February 1971 the information required by the Government of India as per copy of certificate and pro forma enclosed for ready reference and use. 9. The expenditure on the implementation of the revised scales of pay as sanctioned above shall be debited to the head of account "28. Education.- A. University A.O. Grants to Universities - Improvement of salary scales of University teachers". This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 2 SCR 71, dated 2nd January 1971. P. LAKSHMANAN, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. 2 5 5 A P P E N D I X - I S t a t e m e n t s h o w i n g t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s o f p a y f o r L i b r a r i a n s i n U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e s , G o v e r n m e n t a n d A i d e d . S l . N o . C a t e g o r y o f p o s t S c a l e o f p a y r e c o m m e n d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s C o m m i s s i o n R e m a r k s 1 2 3 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( S e n i o r ) . . . ( P r o f e s s o r ) P r o f e s s i o n a l ( S e n i o r ) . . . ( R e a d e r ) P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) . . . ( L e c t u r e r ) R s . 1 , 1 0 0 - 5 0 - 1 , 3 0 0 - 6 0 - 1 , 6 0 0 7 0 0 - 5 0 - 1 , 2 5 0 4 0 0 - 4 0 - 8 0 0 - 5 0 - 9 5 0 A - U N I V E R S I T I E S S u b j e c t t o t h e f u l f i l m e n t o f t h e c o n d i t i o n s r e g a r d i n g e d u c a t i o n a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s a n d e x p e r i e n c e a s i n A n n e x u r e . I n t h e c a s e o f e x i s t i n g s t a f f , h o w e v e r , t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s o f p a y m a y b e g i v e n t o t h o s e w h o a r e a l r e a d y g e t t i n g t h e s c a l e s o f p a y r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s C o m m i s s i o n d u r i n g t h e T h i r d P l a n p e r i o d i r r e s p e c t i v e o f t h e p r e s c r i b e d e d u c a t i o n a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n a n d e x p e r i e n c e . B u t i n t h e c a s e o f P r o f e s s i o n a l J u n i o r t h e q u a l i f i c a t i o n p r e s c r i b e d a b o v e m u s t b e i n s i s t e d u p o n a n d t h e r e v i s e d g r a d e s m a y b e g i v e n t o p e r s o n s w h o a s a n d w h e n i m p r o v e u p o n t h e i r q u a l i f i c a t i o n . T h e i r p l a c e m e n t i n t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s m u s t b e s u b j e c t t o t h e s c r e e n i n g b y a d u l y c o n s t i t u t e d C o m m i t t e e o f e x p e r t s . * * A s a g a i n s t t h i s s t i p u l a t i o n , i t h a s b e e n d e c i d e d t h a t i n U n i v e r s i t i e s , t h e L i b r a r i a n P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) ( L e c t u r e r ) R s . 4 0 0 - 4 0 - 8 0 0 - 5 0 - 9 5 0 w h o w e r e i n p o s i t i o n a s o n A p r i l 1 , 1 9 6 6 ( i n c l u d i n g t h o s e a p p o i n t e d s u b s e q u e n t l y a g a i n s t p o s t s w h i c h r e m a i n e d v a c a n t f o r N O T M O R E T H A N S I X M O N T H S a s o n t h a t d a t e ) s h a l l b e e x e m p t e d f r o m t h e p r e s c r i b e d e d u c a t i o n a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n o r s c r e e n i n g t h e m t h r o u g h t h e e x p e r t C o m m i t t e e . 256 ANNEXURE (1) Professional (Senior) (Professor) (a) First or Second Class M.A./M.Sc./M.Com, plus a First or Second Class B. Lib. Science or a Diploma in Lib. Science. The Degree of M.Lib science being a preferential qualification. (b) At least 10 years' experience as Librarian or in a responsible professional capacity in a University Library. (c) Good academic qualifications and research experience (with publications). The selection must be made by a duly constituted Committee of experts. The qualifications must be, in general, comparable to those of Professors in the Universities. (2) Professional (Senior) (Reader) (a) First or Second Class M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. plus a First or Second Class B, Lib. Science or Diploma in Library Science. The Degree of M. Lib. Science being a preferential qualification. (b) At least 7 years' experience as Librarian or in a responsible professional capacity in a Library. (c) Good Academic qualifications and research experience (with publications). The selection must be made by a duly constituted Committee of experts. The qualifications must be in general, comparable to those of Readers in the Universities. (3) Professional (Junior) (Lecturer) First or Second Class B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Degree and a First or Second Class M. Lib Science Degree. or First or Second Class M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. Degree and a First or Second Class B. Lib, Science or Diploma in Library Science. P. LAKSHMANAN, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. 257 CERTIFICATE CERTIFIED that out of the total Central Grant of Rs. .............. received during the period 1966-67 to 1969-70, a sum of Rs. .................................. has been utilised and a sum of Rs......................... was lying unspent with the State Government (University / Director of Collegiate Education) as on June 30, 1970. Name ................................................. University / Director of Collegiate Education. Deputy Secretary to the Government.............................................. Department of ................................................... Dated at .......................... the ..........................1970. ... The amount of Central grant to be paid finally during 1970-71 is arrived at as follows :- Rs. (i) Total Central grant received from 1966-67 to 1969-70 ... (ii) Total expenditure up to 1969-70 ... (iii) Balance remaining with the State Government (i)-(ii). ... (iv) Total anticipated expenditure during 1970-71 (Grand Total of column 8) ... (v) Deduct balance as at (iii). (-) ... (vi) FINAL balance (v)-(vi) to be paid as Central grant to the State Government during 1970-71, being the final year of operation of the scheme of revision of salary scales (1966-71) of College and University teachers. 2 5 8 A P P E N D I X - I ( c o n c l d ) . S t a t e m e n t s h o w i n g t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s o f p a y f o r L i b r a r i a n s i n U n i v e r s i t i e s a n d C o l l e g e s , G o v e r n m e n t a n d A i d e d . S l . N o . C a t e g o r y o f p o s t S c a l e o f p a y r e c o m m e n d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s C o m m i s s i o n R e m a r k s 1 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) . . . ( L e c t u r e r ) R s . 3 0 0 - 2 5 - 6 0 0 B - C O L L E G E S M u s t p o s s e s s a d e g r e e o f M . A . , / M . S c . , / M . C o m . , p l u s o n e y e a r D i p l o m a i n L i b r a r y S c i e n c e o r B . L i b . S c i e n c e . I n t h e c a s e o f e x i s t i n g s t a f f , p e r s o n s w i t h B . A . / B . S c . / B . C o m . d e g r e e a n d a D i p l o m a i n L i b r a r y S c i e n c e o r B . L i b . S c i e n c e w i t h o r d i n a r i l y a t l e a s t f i v e y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e a s L i b r a r i a n m a y b e g i v e n t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s . T h e q u a l i f i c a t i o n p r e s c r i b e d a b o v e m u s t b e i n s i s t e d u p o n a n d t h e r e v i s e d g r a d e s m a y b e g i v e n t o p e r s o n s w h o a s a n d w h e n i m p r o v e u p o n t h e i r q u a l i f i c a t i o n . T h e i r p l a c e m e n t i n t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s m u s t b e s u b j e c t t o t h e s c r e e n i n g b y a d u l y c o n s t i t u t e d C o m m i t t e e o f e x p e r t s . * * A s a g a i n s t t h i s s t i p u l a t i o n , i t h a s b e e n d e c i d e d t h a t i n C o l l e g e s , A i d e d a n d G o v e r n m e n t , t h e L i b r a r i a n : P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) ( L e c t u r e r ) R s . 3 0 0 - 2 5 - 6 0 0 w h o w e r e i n p o s i t i o n a s o n A p r i l 1 , 1 9 6 6 ( i n c l u d i n g t h o s e a p p o i n t e d s u b s e q u e n t l y a g a i n s t p o s t s w h i c h r e m a i n e d v a c a n t f o r N O T M O R E T H A N S I X M O N T H S a s o n t h a t d a t e ) s h a l l b e e x e m p t e d f r o m t h e p r e s c r i b e d e d u c a t i o n a l q u a l i f i c a t i o n s o r s c r e e n i n g t h e m t h r o u g h t h e e x p e r t C o m m i t t e e . N o t e : * * T h i s i s h o w e v e r , s u b j e c t t o t h e c o n d i t i o n t h a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y / C o l l e g e c o n c e r n e d i s s a t i s f i e d t h a t t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e a n d q u a l i t y o f w o r k j u s t i f y t h e i r b e i n g p l a c e d i n t h e r e v i s e d s a l a r y s c a l e s . I n t h e c a s e o f p e r s o n s a p p o i n t e d o n p o s t s c r e a t e d o n o r a f t e r A p r i l 1 , 1 9 6 6 a s w e l l a s i n t h e c a s e o f p r o m o t i o n s o f t h e e x i s t i n g i n c u m b e n t s , t h e p r e s c r i b e d q u a l i f i c a t i o n w o u l d a p p l y w i t h o u t a n y m o d i f i c a t i o n s . P . L A K S H M A N A N , U n d e r S e c r e t a r y t o G o v e r n m e n t , E d u c a t i o n a n d Y o u t h S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t . 2 5 9 A P P E N D I X I I S t a t e m e n t s h o w i n g t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s o f p a y o f D i r e c t o r s / I n s t r u c t o r s o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n A . U n i v e r s i t i e s C a t e g o r y o f p o s t S c a l e o f p a y r e c o m m e n d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s C o m m i s s i o n R e m a r k s D i r e c t o r / I n s t r u c t o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n R s . 4 0 0 - 4 0 - 8 0 0 - 5 0 - 9 5 0 M u s t p o s s e s s t h e m i n i m u m q u a l i f i c a t i o n o f a P o s t G r a d u a t e D i p l o m a o r C e r t i f i c a t e o r a D e g r e e i n P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . N o t e : D i r e c t o r s o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n i n U n i v e r s i t i e s m a y b e a p p o i n t e d i n t h e s c a l e o f p a y o f R e a d e r s ( R s . 7 0 0 - 5 0 - 1 , 2 5 0 ) i f t h e U n i v e r s i t i e s s o d e s i r e . B . C o l l e g e s C a t e g o r y o f p o s t S c a l e o f p a y r e c o m m e n d e d b y U n i v e r s i t y G r a n t s C o m m i s s i o n R e m a r k s ( 1 ) D i r e c t o r / I n s t r u c t o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n R s . 3 0 0 - 2 5 - 6 0 0 M u s t p o s s e s s t h e m i n i m u m q u a l i f i c a t i o n o f a P o s t - G r a d u a t e D i p l o m a o r C e r t i f i c a t e o r a D e g r e e i n P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . D o R s . 2 5 0 - 1 5 - 4 0 0 F o r t h o s e n o t p o s s e s s i n g t h e m i n i m u m q u a l i f i c a t i o n s i n d i c a t e d a g a i n s t ( 1 ) a b o v e . P . L A K S H M A N A N , U n d e r S e c r e t a r y t o G o v e r n m e n t , E d u c a t i o n a n d Y o u t h S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t . 2 6 0 S c h e m e o f R e v i s i o n o f s a l a r y s c a l e s ( 1 9 6 6 - 7 1 ) o f U n i v e r s i t y a n d C o l l e g e T e a c h e r s N a m e o f t h e S t a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S l . N o . C a t e g o r y o f T e a c h e r s S c a l e o f P a y T o t a l n u m b e r o f p o s t s i n e x i s t e n c e a s o n 1 - 4 - 1 9 6 6 ( i n c l u d i n g t h o s e l y i n g v a c a n t f o r n o t m o r e t h a n 6 m o n t h s a s o n t h a t d a t e A c t u a l e x p e n d i t u r e f r o m 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 u p t o 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 i n t e r m s o f a d d i t i o n a l c o s t o f f i x a t i o n o f p a y i n t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s ( * ) A r r e a r p a y m e n t s t o b e m a d e d u r i n g 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 o n a c c o u n t o f f i x a t i o n o f p a y i n t h e r e v i s e d s c a l e s , i n r e s p e c t o f t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r s , i . e . , 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 t o 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 ( * ) P a y m e n t t o b e m a d e o n a c c o u n t o f r e v i s i o n o f s c a l e s i n r e s p e c t o f t h e y e a r 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 ( * ) T O T A L a n t i c i p a t e d e x p e n d i t u r e d u r i n g 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 ( * ) ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) 1 . U n i v e r s i t y T e a c h e r s R s . 1 P r o f e s s o r ( S e l e c t i o n G r a d e ) . . . . . . 1 , 6 0 0 - 1 , 8 0 0 2 P r o f e s s o r . . . . . . 1 , 1 0 0 - 1 , 6 0 0 3 R e a d e r . . . . . . 7 0 0 - 1 , 2 5 0 4 L e c t u r e r . . . . . . 4 0 0 - 9 5 0 T o t a l ( 1 - 4 ) . . . I I . P o s t - g r a d u a t e C o l l e g e T e a c h e r s 5 P r i n c i p a l ( i ) . . . . . . 8 0 0 - 1 , 2 5 0 6 P r i n c i p a l ( i i ) . . . . . . 1 , 0 0 0 - 1 , 5 0 0 7 S r . L e c t u r e r / R e a d e r . . . . . . 7 0 0 - 1 , 1 0 0 8 L e c t u r e r ( S e n i o r S c a l e ) . . . . . . 4 0 0 - 8 0 0 9 L e c t u r e r ( J u n i o r S c a l e ) . . . . . . 3 0 0 - 6 0 0 1 0 D e m o n s t r a t o r / T u t o r . . . . . . 2 5 0 - 4 0 0 T o t a l ( 5 - 1 0 ) . . . I I I . U n d e r g r a d u a t e C o l l e g e T e a c h e r s 1 1 P r i n c i p a l . . . . . . 7 0 0 - 1 , 1 0 0 2 6 1 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) 1 2 L e c t u r e r ( S e n i o r S c a l e ) . . . . . . 4 0 0 - 8 0 0 1 3 L e c t u r e r ( J u n i o r S c a l e ) . . . . . . 3 0 0 - 6 0 0 1 4 D e m o n s t r a t o r / T u t o r . . . . . . 2 5 0 - 4 0 0 T o t a l ( 1 1 - 1 4 ) . . . . . . I V . L i b r a r i a n s i n U n i v e r s i t i e s 1 5 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( S e n i o r ) ( P r o f e s s o r ) . . . . . . 1 , 1 0 0 - 1 , 6 0 0 1 6 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( S e n i o r ) ( R e a d e r ) . . . . . . 7 0 0 - 1 , 2 5 0 1 7 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) ( L e c t u r e r ) . . . . . . 4 0 0 - 9 5 0 ( T o t a l ( 1 5 - 1 7 ) . . . . . . V . L i b r a r i a n s i n C o l l e g e s 1 8 P r o f e s s i o n a l ( J u n i o r ) ( L e c t u r e r ) . . . . . . 3 0 0 - 6 0 0 ( T o t a l 1 8 ) . . . . . . V I . D i r e c t o r s / I n s t r u c t o r s o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n i n U n i v e r s i t i e s 1 9 D i r e c t o r / I n s t r u c t o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . . . . . . 4 0 0 - 9 5 0 ( T o t a l 1 9 ) . . . . . . V I I . D i r e c t o r s / I n s t r u c t o r s o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n i n C o l l e g e s 2 0 D i r e c t o r / I n s t r u c t o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . . . . . . 3 0 0 - 6 0 0 2 1 D i r e c t o r / I n s t r u c t o r o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n . . . . . . 2 5 0 - 4 0 0 T o t a l ( 2 0 - 2 1 ) . . . . . . G r a n d T o t a l . . . . . . N o t e : ( * ) T h e f i g u r e s i n t h e c o l u m n s ( 5 ) t o ( 8 ) i n c l u d e t h e C e n t r a l a s w e l l a s t h e S t a t e s h a r e o f t h e a d d i t i o n a l c o s t i n v o l v e d . 262 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MYSORE Subject : Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1970 Application of - to the teachers of Colleges (Government and Aided) drawing the Revised Scale of pay (1966-71) recommended by the University Grants Commission - Instructions in the matter of - issued - ORDER NO. ED 27 UEC 71, BANGALORE, DATED: THE 5TH APRIL 1971 The revised scales of pay (1966-71) as recommended by the University Grants Commission and accepted by the Government of India have been made applicable to the teachers of College (both Government and Aided) under the control of Directorate of Collegiate Education and the teachers of Training Colleges (both Government and aided) under the control of the Directorate of Public Instruction in Govt. Orders No. ED 86 MUN 67 dated 20-4-1968 and No. ED 38 MUN 69 dated 24-8- 1970 respectively. The pay of these teachers in the revised pay scales has to be regulated under the Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1970, in accordance with the orders issued in Govt. Order dated 4-12-1970 regulating their fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay 1970. Consequently Government have considered the whole issue do novo. After careful consideration and in supersession of the orders issued in Government Order No. ED 155 MUN 70 dated 4-12-1970, the Governor is pleased to direct that the revised scales of pay (1966-71) drawn by the teachers of colleges (both Government and aided) as on 31-12-1969 as per Government Orders dated 20-4-1968 and 24-3-1970 referred to above, be treated as "Existing Scales" of pay for purposes of Rule 2(2) of the Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay). Rule, 1970 and the pay of the concerned teachers shall be fixed in the revised payscale of 1970 as indicated below : (i) If the pay of the incumbent in the existing scale i.e., University Grants Commission Scale is less than the minimum in the revised scale, his pay shall be fixed at such minimum ; (ii) If his pay in the existing scale represents a stage in the revised scale, his pay shall be fixed at that stage in the revised scale ; (iii) If his pay in the existing scale does not represent a stage in the revised scale, his pay shall be fixed at the lower stage by treating the difference between the lower stage and the pay drawn by him on 31-12-1969 as Personal Pay to be absorbed in future increments ; (iv) If the basic pay is above the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of the pay scale, the difference being treated as Personal Pay till the date of his further promotion or further revision of pay scales on the lines of the orders issued in Govt. Order No. FD 54 SRP (1) 70, dated 20-5-1970. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their Unofficial Note No. FD 4009/JS 71, dated 26-3-1971. S.V. Kashipathy Under Secretary to Government, Education & Youth Services Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Extension of the benefit of the Revised U.G.C. Scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education. Read : 1 Letters No. F-1, 21/87-UI dated 17-6-1987, 14-7-1987, 7-9-87, 30-6- 1988 and 22-7-1988 from the Government of India, New Delhi. 2 Govt. Order No. ED 60 UNI 87 dated 5-12-87 and 15-11-1988. 3 Govt. Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 21-4-88. 4 Letters dated 2-1-89, 10-1-89, 17-1-89, 11-2-89 of the President and General Secretary of the Federation of the University and College Teachers Association in Karnataka, Bangalore. 5 Letter No. F-1-32/87-UI dated 10-3-89 of the Government of India, New Delhi. 263 6 Govt. Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 25-3-89. 7 Govt. Order Nos. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 24-4-1989, 9-6-1989. 8 Report of the Committee headed by Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa, Vice- Chancellor, Bangalore University. Preamble : The U.G.C. scales of pay were first extended to the Teachers of the Universities with effect from 1-4-1966. They were also extended to the teaching staff of the Department of Collegiate Education as well as the Aided Colleges from the same date. The scales of pay thus extended were the Fourth Plan U.G.C. scales of pay. 2. The scales of pay in the State Government were revised with effect from 1-1-1970 following the recommendations of the Tukol Pay Commission. As the State scales of pay were found to be more beneficial, most teachers in the Department of Collegiate Education as well as in Aided Colleges opted for the State scales of pay. The teachers in the Universities, however, continued on the U.G.C. scales as those scales were higher. 3. The benefit of the revised U.G.C. scales of pay introduced from 1-1-1973 was extended to the teachers of the Universities with effect from 1-1-1973. The U.G.C. scales of pay have been further revised upwards with effect from 1-1-1986, in the wake of the recommendations of Prof.R.C. Mehrotra Committee set up by the University Grants Commission. The benefit of these revised scales of pay has also been extended to the teachers of the Universities with effect from 1-1-1986. 4 The teaching staff of the Department of Collegiate Education as well as the Aided Colleges has received the benefit of general pay revisions of State Government as and when these have taken place. 5 The U.G.C. scheme is a composite scheme as it embraces within its fold and not only the University Teachers but also the teaching staff of the Colleges. The Government of India has informed that it would assist the State Government to adopt and implement the scheme of revision of pay scales, subject to the following conditions :- (i) The Central Government will provide assistance to the State Government to the extent of 80 percent of the additional expenditure involved in giving effect to the revision of scales of pay ; (ii) The Central assistance to the extent indicated above will be available for the period January, 1 1986 to March 31, 1990. (iii) The State Governments will meet the remaining 20 percent of the expenditure from their own resources and will not pass on the liability or any portion thereof to the Universities ; (iv) The State Governments will take over the entire responsibility for maintaining the revised scales of pay with effect from April 1, 1990. (v) Central assistance will be restricted to the revision of pay scales of the posts which were in existence on January 1, 1986. 6 The Government of India has also informed that the State Government after taking local conditions into consideration, may also decide at its discretion to introduce scales of pay different from those mentioned in the U.G.C. scheme and may give effect to the revised scales of pay from 1st January 1986 or a later date. In such cases, prior approval of the Government of India is required to be obtained. The payment of Central assistance is, however, subject to the conditions that the scheme of revision of pay scales together with all the conditions attached to it is implemented by the State Government as a composite scheme without any modification, except with regard to the date of implementation and the scales of pay. 7. On the representations made by the Karnataka Government College Teachers Association and the Federation of the University and College Teachers Association for extending the benefit of the revised U.G.C.scales of pay with effect from 1-1-1986, a Committee was set up to examine all aspects of revision of pay scales of college teachers accordance with the U.G.C. scheme based upon the recommendation of Prof. Mahrotra Committee. This Committee has recommended adoption of the revised U.G.C. scales with certain modifications for the teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education. 8. The Federation of the teaching staff has given an undertaking that the Teachers of the Degree Colleges would permenently opt to remain outside the purview of State Pay scales. The Federation has also agreed for absorption of the existing Readers including supernumerary Reders in the cadre of Lecturers (Senior Scale) and the existing Professors in the cadre of Lecturers (Selection Grade). They 264 have also agreed for investment of the arrears of pay and allowance on account of fixation of pay in the modified U.G.C. scales of pay, in National Savings Certificates. 9. In the light of the recommendations made by the Committee, the State Government had requested the Government of India to convey its approval to the adoption of the revised U.G.C. scheme with certain modifications for the teachers of the Degree Colleges (Arts, Science and Commerce Colleges) under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education with effect from 1-1-1986. Necessary clarifications in this behalf have been received from the Government of India (vide letter No. F-1-32/87-UI dated 10-3-89 read at (5) above). 10. After detailed examination, Government has issued orders vide Government Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 25-3-1989 sanctioning revised U.G.C. pay scales and the scheme of Government of India with certain modifications to the teachers of the Arts, Science and Commerce Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education (both Government and Aided Colleges) with effect from 1-1-1986. The Lecturers according to the said order, are sanctioned a pay scale of Rs. 2000- 3750, Lecturers (Senior scale) Rs. 2750-4550, Lecturers (Selection Grade) Readers Rs. 3000-5000 and Principals Grade-I Rs. 3700-5300. 11. In the Government Orders dated 24-4-1989 and 9-8-1989, read at (7) above, orders have been issued extending the time to give option in writing to the Readers / Supernumerary Readers / Professors who desired to keep themselves out of the scheme till 24-8-1989. 12. The Government of India has released a sum of Rs. 16-00 crores being the 80% of its share towards extra-expenditure incurred on this account (vide letter No. F1-32/87-UI dated 28-3-1989) and a sum of Rs. 10.00 crores (vide letter No. F.1. 32/87-UI dated 5-12-1989). 13. The College Teachers have rejected the Government Order dated 25-3-1989 and their demands is for extension of the U.G.C. pay scales in toto and adoption of the Government of India scheme in its entity and also for retention of the designations of Readers / Professors and Senior Professors. 14. The State Government had held several detailed discussions with the Federation of the University and college Teachers association in Karnataka, Bangalore, Karnataka Government College Professors Forum, Bangalore and Karnataka Private College Professors Forum, Bangalore. The State Government had also constituted a Committee for formulating the workload of College Teachers consequent upon the implementation of the revised U.G.C. pay scales to that effect. 15. After detailed examinations of the demands and views expressed by various Teachers Organisations and taking all aspects into consideration, Government are pleased to issue the following orders ; ORDER NO. ED 88 UNI 88, BANGALORE, DATED 30-03-1990 In supersession of the Government Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 25-3-1989 read at (6) above, Government are pleased to sanction the revised 1986 U.G.C. pay scales to the teachers in the First Grade (Degree) Colleges, i.e. Government Colleges and those Aided by Government as per the Grant-in-aid Code under the Directorate of Collegiate Education with effect from 1-1-1986. The scheme of extension of revised 1986 U.G.C. pay scales for the college teachers shall be as follows :- (1) COVERAGE : The scheme applies to teachers in all the First Grade (Degree) Colleges both Government Aided and Government Colleges under the Directorate of Collegiate Education. This scheme shall, however, not apply to those who specifically exercise an option in writing to remain out of it. All teachers appointed after the date from which the scheme has been given effect to will be governed by the provisions of the scheme. (2) DATE OF EFFECT : The revised scales of pay will be effective from 1-1-1986. (3) PAY SCALES : Consequent upon the introduction of the revised U.G.C. pay scales, the existing staffing pattern in the aforesaid Degree Colleges will undergo complete change and in future, the college teachers will consist of the following cadres with the pay scales noted against them : Sl. No. Designation Revised U.G.C. Pay Scale 1 Lecturer Rs. 2200-75-2800-100-4000 2 Lecturer (Senior Scale) Rs. 3000-100-3500-125-5000 3 Lecturer (Selection Grade) Rs. 3700-125-4950-150-5700 (a) The existing Supernumerary Readers and Readers in the State scale shall be designated as Lecturers (Senior Scale). (b) The existing Professors shall be designated as Lecturer (Selection Grade). 265 (c) The existing Senior Professors shall be designated as Lecturers (Selection Grade) and they shall be given the benefit of one increment for every block of five years of completed service as Senior Professor in the pay scale of Rs. 3700-5700. (d) The existing practice of appointing the seniormost teacher in the College as Principal will continue and no posts of Principals Grade-I mentioned in the G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 25-3-1989 shall be created. (4) RECRUITMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS : (a) Recruitment to all the teaching posts in the aforesaid colleges shall be on the basis of merit through All-India advertisement and selection, provided that Lecturers who fulfil the criteria prescribed in this scheme will be eligible for promotion to the posts of Lecturer (Selection Grade). (b) The minimum qualifications required for appointment to the posts of Lecturers, Lecturer (Senior Scale) and Lecturer (Selection Grade) will be those prescribed by the U.G.C. from time to time. Generally, the minimum qualification for appointment to the post of Lecturer in the scale of pay of Rs. 2200-4000 shall be Master's Degree in the relevant subject with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade and good academic records. (c) Only those candidates who besides, fulfilling the minimum academic qualifications prescribed for the post of Lecturer, have qualified in a comprehensive test, to be specially conducted for the purpose will be eligible for appointment as Lecturers. The detailed scheme for conducting the test including its design, the agencies to be employed in the conduct of tests, contents, administration, etc., will be worked out by the U.G.C. keeping in view the requirements of the media of instruction followed by the different States / Universities / College, and other relevant considerations. (d) In order to encourage research, in continuation of post-graduate studies, candidates who, at the time of their recruitment as Lecturers, possess, Ph.D or M.Phil, degree, will be sanctioned three and one advance increments respectively in the scale of Rs. 2200-4000 alongwith the benefit of corresponding years of service for the purpose of promotion. The existing Lecturers without research degrees, and those similarly situated recruited in future will be eligible for a similar benefit in service for the purpose of promotion as and when they acquire research degrees, but will not be eligible for advance increments Existing Lecturers with research degrees will also be eligible for a similar benefit. (5) CAREER ADVANCEMENT :- (a) Every Lecturer will be placed in a Senior scale of Rs. 3000- 5000 if he / she has :- i) completed 10 (ten) years of service after regular appointment with relaxation as provided in para (4)(d) above ; ii) participated in two refresher courses / summer institutes, each of approximately 4 weeks' duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the U.G.C. ; iii) consistently satisfactory performance appraisal report. Explanation : Every Lecturer who has completed 10 (ten) years of service on 1-1-1986, will be placed through a process of screening / selection as indicated in para (6) (d) below, in the scale of Rs. 3000-5000. The benefit of service provided in para (4) (d) will be available for the initial placement also. (b) Every Lecturer in the Senior scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade) in the scale of pay of Rs. 3700-5700 if he / she has ; i) Completed 8 (eight) years of service in the senior scale ; provided that the requirement of 8 (eight) years will be relaxed if the total service of the Lecturer is not less than 18 (eighteen) years ; ii) Obtained a Ph.D. degree, or an equivelent published work ; iii) Made some mark in the areas of scholarship and research as evidenced by self- assessment reports of referees, quality of publications, contribution to educational renovation, design of new courses and curricule, etc. iv) Participated in two refresher courses / summer Institutes each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programme of comparable quality as may be specified by the U.G.C. after placement in the senior scale ; and v) Consistently good performance appraisal reports. (c) Promotion to the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade) will be through a process of Selection by a Selection Committee to be set up under the statutes / ordinances of the University concerned or other 266 similar committees set up by the appointing authorities in accordance with the guidelines to be laid down by the U.G.C. Posts of Lecturers (Selection Grade) will be created for this purpose by upgrading a corresponding number of posts of Lecturers in the Universities and Colleges. (d) Those Lecturers in the Senior scale who do not have Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards of Lecturer (Selection Grade) but fulfil the other criteria mentioned in para (5) (b) and have good record in teaching and / or participation in extension activities, will be placed in the grade of Rs. 3700-5700 subject to the recommendations of the Committee mentioned in para (5) (c) above. They will be designated as Lecturer (Selection Grade). Posts in the selection Grade will be created for this purpose by upgrading the posts held by them. (6) CONTINUING EDUCATION AND APPRAISAL OF PERFORMANCE : (a) Participation of teachers at regular intervals in appropriate continuing education programme is envisaged as an integral part of the professional development of teachers. The University Grants Commission, the Indira Gandhi National Open University, the State Government and other appropriate agencies will be advised to take steps to introduce programmes of continuing education for this purpose through a veriety of means, while there cannot and need not be any rigid requirement of participation in formal programmes, evidence of commitment to continuing education of any recognised means, as may be specified by the U.G.C. will be an essential requirement for carrer advancement. Pending the organisation of such programme on the quality and scale required for giving effect to the implementation of the measures envisaged in para (5) (a) to (d) relaxation from the requirement of participation in such programmes for specific periods and for specific categories of posts, will be granted by the University concerned in accordance with guidelines to be laid down by the U.G.C. (b) Regular and systematic appraisal of performance of teachers is to be an essential element in the management of education and this has been taken into account in the design for the career development of teachers. The U.G.C. has been requested to formulate the guidelines for the evaluation of performance of teachers, taking into account the statement contained in the National Policy on Education- 1986. Till it becomes operational the existing screening mechanism / selection procedures or those prescribed on a provisional basis by the University / State Government concerned will apply to the placement / promotion referred to in para (5) (a) to (d). (7) Other conditions of service : (a) Probation : The period of probation of teacher shall not exceed a period of 24 months. A lecturer appointed on probation should ordinarily be confirmed only after he / she has completed appropriate short-term orientation programmes and his / her performance appraised reports are satisfactory. The U.G.C. has been required to make arrangements to ensure that facilities are available for organising orientation programmes to cover all Lecturers appointed in and after 1986-87. (b) Superannuation : The age of Superannuation for the teachers in degree colleges shall be as applicable to the employees of State Government. (c) Grievance Redressal Mechanism : Appropriate mechanism for the redressal of Teacher's grievances will be established in all Universities and colleges, in respect of which guidelines will be issued separately. (d) Code of Professional Ethics : The U.G.C. will prepare a code of professional Ethics for teachers in consultation with the representatives of national level associations of teachers ; all concerned should see to the observance of the code. (8) Pay Fixation : The Pay of the Teachers in Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education who joined service prior to 1-1-1986 and were in service as on that date i.e. as on 1st Jan. 1986, may be fixed in the revised U.G.C. pay scales in the following manner ; (a) an amount representing 15 percent of basic pay in the pre-revised scale (i.e. 1982 State Pay Scale) shall be added to the existing emoluments ; (b) after the 'existing emoluments' have been so increased, the pay shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount thus computed, provided that ; (i) If the minimum of the revised scale is more than the amount so arrived at, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale ; (ii) If the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of that scale revised. B. The existing emoluments of a Teacher in a Degree College on 1st January 1986 shall include - 267 (a) Basic Pay : (b) Dearness allowance on the basic pay sanctioned upto the index level of 608 points i.e. Dearness allowance sanctioned (vide G.O. No. FD 11 SRP 86 dated 2nd May 1986). (c) The first instalment of interim relief admissible on the basic pay in accordance with Government Order No. FD 36 SRP 85 dated 27th July 1985. (d) The ad-noc dearness allowance, if any, admissible on the basic pay in accordance with Government Order No. FD 70 SRP 85 dated 30th October, 1985 ; and (e) The second instalment of interim relief sanctioned with effect from 1st June 1986 under G.O. No. FD 54 SRP 86 dated 18th August, 1986, notionally taken into account. C. The pay of the Teachers in Degree Colleges who joined service on or after 1st January 1986 shall be fixed under the normal rules. D. The Degree College Teachers shall be eligible for dearness allowance, house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance at the rates that are applicable to State Government employees who are drawing corresponding pay in the State scales of pay. E. For the period 1st January 1986 to 31st December 1986, the Degree College Teachers will be eligible for dearness allowance at the following rates - Rate of D.A. a) 1st January 1986 to 31st march 1986 -- nil -- b) 1st April 1986 to 31st May 1986 1.5% of pay, subject to minimum of Rs. 16/- p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 48/- p.m. c) 1st June 1986 to 30th June 1986 3% of pay, subject to a minimum of Rs. 32/- p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 96/- p.m. d) 1st July 1986 to 31st December 1986 4.5% of pay, subject to a minimum of Rs. 48/- p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 144/- p.m. NOTE: 'Pay' for this purpose would mean pay drawn in the 1982 State Pay Scale. F. The three instalments of dearness allowance at 4.5 percent of pay specified at (d) above shall be treated as fixed D.A., and taken into account for the purpose of calculation of dearness allowance under the revised D.A., formula, with effect from 1st January 1987. The dearness allowance payable under the revised formula shall be calculated with reference to the basic pay in the revised scales of pay. G. The arrears of increase in pay and allowances payable for the period from 1st January 1986 upto 31st December 1988 shall be invested in National Savings Certificates VIII Issue. H. Consequent on the revision of scales of pay with effect from 1st January 1986, there will be no change in the entitlement of the Degree College Teachers so far as H.R.A. and C.C.A. are concerned for the period from 1st January 1986 upto 31st December 1986. (9) Anomalies : Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of the scheme may be brought to the notice of Government for clarification. (10) Cadre Strength : The total cadre strength of Lecturer, Lecturer (Senior scale) and Lecturer (Selection Grade) shall be equal to the existing cadre strength of Lecturer, Reader (including Supernumerary Reader), Professor and Senior Professor, Amendments to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules shall be issued separately. (11) Cadres : Consequent upon the introduction of the revised U.G.C. scales of pay, the existing staffing pattern in the Degree Colleges will undergo complete change and, in future, the College Teachers will consist of the following cadres : Cadre Scale of Pay (1) Lecturers Rs. 2200-4000 (2) Lecturers (Senior scale) Rs. 3000-5000 (3) Lecturers (Selection Grade) Rs. 3700-5700 12. DISCONTINUANCE OF THE EXISTING SCHEME OF TIME BOUND ADVANCEMENT AND TIME BOUND PROMOTION : a) Consequent on the introduction of the revised U.G.C. scales of pay, the scheme of Time-bound advancement introduced by the State Government with effect from 1-4-1982 will not be applicable to the Lecturers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education. In 268 the case of Lecturers who have already been sanctioned the select scale under the scheme of Time- bound-advancement, their pay be fixed in the revised U.G.C. scale of pay ignoring the increment allowed to them while fixing their pay in the selection scale. b) The scheme of time bound promotion from Lecturer to Supernumerary Readers introduced w.e.f. 1-7-1985 will cease to exist from 1-1-1986. In the case of Lecturers who have been allowed the Time-bound promotion on or after 1-1-1986, promotion granted to them shall be ignored. 13. Such of those existing Readers / Supernumerary Readers / Professors who do not opt for the revised pay scales and scheme and new designations may retain their existing designations on existing State Government scales of pay. The Readers / Supernumerary Readers / Professors who desire to keep themselves out the scheme should give their option to this effect in writing within one month from the date of this order to the accountent General through the Director of Collegiate Education. Option once exercised shall be final and irrevocable. Such Readers and Professors will not be eligible for any further promotions. 14. Necessary orders / rules / regulations / guidelines etc., for giving effect to the scheme of recruitment, career advancement, appraisel of performance and regarding other conditions of service envisaged in this order will be issued seperately. 15. Necessary action should be taken by the Department of Collegiate Education for amending the Cadre and Recuritment Rules of the Department to be in conformity with this order. 16. WORK LOAD : Consequent upon the extension of the revised U.G.C. pay scales to the College Teachers, the work load structurers for each cadre shall be as follows :- (1) LECTURERS : In subject where no laboratory work is involved, a Lecturer has to take a minimum of 16 hours of lectures and 4 hours of tutorials. In subjects which involve laboratory work a lecturer is expected to take 16 hours of lectures and a minimum of 4 hours practicals and 2 hours of tutorial work. (2) LECTURERS (SENIOR SCALE) : A senior scale Lecturer in all laboratory subjects is expected to take 14 hours of Lectures in a week. In subject with no laboratory work, they have to take 4 hours of tutorials. However, in subjects with laboratory work they have to take a minimum of 4 hours of practicals and 2 hours of tutorials. (3) LECTURERS (SELECTION GRADE) / READERS : Teachers of this cadre are to take 12 hours of lectures per week in non-laboratory subjects. They are expected to take 4 hours of tutorials and in subjects with laboratory work they have to take a minimum of 4 hours of practical and 2 hours of tutorials. (4) In case of subjects with laboratory work, the hours prescribed for Lecturers lab-work, and tutorials should be flexible within the total hours of workload, i.e. in such subjects the total workload of a Lecturer (Lectures + lab. work + tutorials) should add-up to a minimum of 22 hours. In case of a Lecturer (Senior scale) and Lecturer (Selection Grade) / it should add upto minimum of 20 hours and 18 hours respectively. (5) The senior-most teacher in a college works as the Principal of the institution. Keeping in view his other commitments such as administrative work etc., the Principal's workload will be as per the cadre from which he comes i.e., Lecturer, Lecturer (Senior Scale), Lecturer (Selection Grade). However, he / she shall be entitled to an exemption of 4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials. In case of colleges where post-graduate classess are being conducted, a conversion formula shall be adopted prescribing the equivalance between 1 hour of lecture in P.G. Class with 2 hours of Lecture in under-graduate course. For teachers taking exclusively P.G. Classes the work-load will be 10 hours of lectures and 4 hours of tutorials, in case of non-laboratory subjects. Whereas in case of laboratory subjects apart from 10 hours of lectures, there shall be a minimum of 4 hours of practical classes and 2 hours of tutorials. (6) In respect of teachers who are involved in guiding research projects, an exemption of 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of tutorials shall be allowed. (17) This order issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 298 PRC & SII/90 dated 26-3-1990. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka MUNIYELLAPPA Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. 269 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Extension of the benefit of the Revised U.G.C. scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education - Extension of further benefits - regarding. Read : i Government Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-1990. ii Letters No. F-1-21/87-U1 dated 17-6-1987, 14-7-87, 7-9-1987, 30-6- 1988 and 22-7-88 from the Government of India, New Delhi. iii Representations dated 6-4-1990 and 25-4-1990 of the Federation of University and College Teachers Associations in Karnataka. Preamble : In the Government Order dated 30-3-1990 read at (1) above, sanction was accorded for extension of the U.G.C. Pay-scales effective from 1-1-1986 to the College Teachers coming under the administrative control of the Department of Collegiate Education. By representations dated 6-4-1990 and 25-4-1990 read at (3) above, the Federation of University and College Teachers Associations in Karnataka have stated that the benefits extended by the Government Order read at (1) above, are inadequate and not in accordance with the orders of the Government of India in the matter as contained in the letters of Government of India read at (2) above. Further, the Federation had also represented that various anamolies as pointed out by them inherent in the scheme envisaged in the Government Order dated 30-3-1990 be set right and also extend the benefit of bunching system and weightage as envisaged in Note to explanation to item 2 of Annexure-II to Government of India letter dated 22-7-1988. The representation of the Federation has been examined in detail taking into account various aspects of the situation such as the revision of pay-scales that were extended to the College Teachers in the State scales since 1970 and onwards etc, and the Government are pleased to issue the following order in continuation of the orders dated 30-3-1990. ORDER NO. ED 25 UNI 90, BANGALORE, DATED 28TH JANUARY 1991 1. The pay of the teachers in degree colleges may be fixed in the revised U.G.C. pay-scales in accordance with the fitment table appended to this order. The initial pay shall be fixed at the stage specified in column 2 of the table corresponding to basic pay in the existing scale appearing in column 1 thereof. After the intial fixation of pay, if the pay, of a teacher drawing pay at more than 5 consecutive stages in an existing scale gets bunched, that is to say, gets fixed in the revised scale in the same stage, the pay in the revised scale of such of the teachers who are drawing pay beyond the first five consecutive stages in the existing scale shall be stepped up to the stage where such bunching occurs, as under, by the grant of increment(s) in the revised scale in the following manner, namely : (a) for teachers drawing pay from the 6th upto the 10th stage in the existing scale - by one increment ; (b) for teacher drawing pay from the 11th upto the 15th stage in the existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 10th stage - by two increments ; (c) for teachers drawing pay from the 16th upto 20th stage in the existing scale, if there is bunching beyond the 15th stage - by three increments. If by stepping up of the pay as above, the pay of a teacher gets fixed at a stage in the revised scale which is higher than the stage in the revised scale at which the pay of a teacher who was drawing pay at the next higher stage or stages in the same existing scale is fixed, the pay of the latter shall also be stepped up only to the extent by which it falls short of that of the former. The next increment of a teacher whose pay has been fixed in the revised scale (as above) shall be granted on the date he would drawn his increment had he continued in the existing scale. Provided that in cases where the pay of a teacher is stepped up (as indicated above) the next increment shall be granted on the completion of qualifying service of 12 months from the date of stepping up of the pay in the revised scale". 2. The existing terms, conditions, regulating fixation of pay and the scheme etc., envisaged in the Government Order No. ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-1990 shall remain unaltered. 270 3. This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their Note No. FD 1168 PRC&S II/90 dated 14.8.90 and FD 7 PRC & SII/91 dated 21-1-91. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. Narayana Swamy, Under Secretary to Government Education Department. ANNEXURE TO G.O. NO.ED 25 UNI 90, 28TH JAN 1991 Existing scale : 1050-50- 1200-60-1500-75-1950 (Lecturer) UGC scale: 2200-75- 2800-100-4000 (Lecturer) Existing scale : 1200-60- 1500-75-2175 (Reader / Supernumerary Readers) UGC scale: 3000-100- 3500-125-5000 (Lecturer Sr. scale). Existing scale : 1320- 60-1500-75-2250 (Professor) UGC scale : 3700-125- 4950-150-5700 (Lecturer Selection Grade) Existing scale : 1950- 75-2250-100-2450 (Senior Professor) UGC scale : 3700- 125-4950-150-5700 (Lecturer Selection Grade) Stage of Basic pay in the existing scale Fixation of pay in the UGC scale Stage of Basic pay in the existing scale Fixation of pay in the UGC scale Stage of Basic pay in the existing scale Fixation of pay in the UGC scale Stage of Basic pay in the existing scale Fixation of pay in the UGC scale 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1050 2200 1200 3000 1320 3700 1950 3700 1100 2200 1260 3000 1380 3700 2025 3700 1150 2200 1320 3000 1440 3700 2100 3700 1200 2200 1380 3000 1500 3700 2175 3700 1260 2200 1440 3000 1575 3700 2250 3825 1320 2200 1500 3000 1650 3700 2350 3950 1380 2275 1575 3000 1725 3700 2450 4200 1440 2425 1650 3000 1800 3700 2550 4325 1500 2500 1725 3000 1875 3700 2650 4575 1575 2650 1800 3000 1950 3700 2750 4825 1650 2725 1875 3100 2025 3700 1725 2900 1950 3300 2100 3700 1800 3000 2025 3400 2175 3700 1875 3100 2100 3500 2250 3825 1950 3300 2175 3625 2325 3950 2025 3400 2250 3750 2400 4075 2100 3500 2325 3875 2475 4200 2175 3600 2400 4125 D. Narayana Swamy Under Secretary to Government Education Department. 271 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Extension of the benefit of Revised U.G.C. scales of pay to the Teachers of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education. Read : 1. Govt. Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30.3.1990. 2. Govt. Order No. ED 315 DCE 91 dated 7.12.1991. Preamble : In the Government Order read at (2) above, para 5(a) (i) of the Government Order read at (1) above has been modified reducing the qualifying service of ten years of service of Lecturer to eight years of service as a Lecturer for placement in the senior scale. However, the explanation under the said para and also para 5(b) (i) has not been modified. Accordingly, the following orders issued :- ORDER NO. ED. 315 DCE 91, BANGALORE, DATED: 4TH JANUARY, 1992. Government are pleased to modify the explanation to Para (5) (a) of the Government Order No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30.3.1990 as follows :- For the figure and words "10 (ten) years" appearing in the explanation to Para (5) (a), the figure and words "8 (eight) years" shall be substituted. Further for the figure and words "18 (eighteen) years" appearing at para (5) (b) (i) the figure and words "16(sixteen) years" shall be substituted. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANA SWAMY Under Secretary to Government Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .¬c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c. . ¬:. c. .. .c .¬ c: ¬¬. t:c .../ -. t:=¬ ¯¬=.· .. c .¬ .¬:¬ :c. .c ./-/ c. ...· ¬ .:. : .~c.. .· c¬ - :.:ct ¯l.l!.·¯c ¬ c / t:.... ¬¬ o.. . t:.... .. c.o...c.... ¬..c¬ .¬ c· .¬ t .c: . - :¬ .: :¬c:^¬ l) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. . :. ·· c. ....: ··, :.:ct ¯).¯.º) !) ·t:=c ¬: ·c. . :. !¯ c. ....: º), :.:ct lº.:.ºl. ¯) t.:=.t ¬.¬:c .:¬:.tc ¬: ·c. .: ·c-ll · !¯, :.:ct ·.!.º¯ oc :t ·c: . ¬2 1Iã 2.¬ ºI, ocr =nc., Os:ct. :ºs: :.: Iºº1 ±·: :s . ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ · t:=c :¬.: ·c. :. ·· c.....: ·· :.:ct ¯).¯.º) c :c.t l!c . c....· ¬.:. : .~c. ..c. .. :.:ct l.l.·: cc¬ ¬o¬:=.c..¬:/.¬ c: ¬.:. ¬.. ¯/: ¬.·.¬:/ t:.... ¬¬ o.. . t:.... .. c.o...c... ¯.¬c:¬ ·-.. ¬.. t.: /o-· ¬.:. ¬.. ¯/:.tc·..t c¬ . ·o.·c:^¬ . ¬..c (!) c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct lº.:.ºlc ·t:=c ¬ :¬ . :.:ct ¯l.l!.·¯c¬c / t:.... ¬ ¬o... ¬:/ o t:.... .. c. .. ¯.¬c:¬ ·-.. ¬. . c- · .¬.¬ c¬o, t:.... ¬¬o... ¬.:. t:...... c. o...c. .. :.:ct l.l.·: cc¬ ÷:. c... c.¬:. ¬c¬o .c¬. · ..tc~¬.. ¯.¬c:^¬. t.:=.t ¬.¬:c.:¬:.c. ¬ ..c (¯)c. :¬c:¬ ¬:¬. ·t:=c ¬ :.:ct lº.:.ºlc ¬: ¬. ¯.¬c:¬ · ..t c~¬ -· ¬ ¬c¬ o -. ¬ · t:=c :¬ .: ¬ :c¬t ::=t ¬÷ . c·.¬ t.c::¬ .¬c..¬ . ·t:=c ¬ : ¬ :c¬c ¬ ..... · ..tc~ ¯..c.¬¬. :¬. t. .c/ -·¬.:¬:¬cc¬ ·t:=c ¬ ¬ c:..· = ./ · ot :¬ .: ¬ oc.· ..tc¬ . · o.·c .:: c. 272 .¬c..¬.. .. ¬. to.~:c¬.o ·¬ ./ ¬:^ ¬c:..·¬ ¬.:. t-tc¬c: :¬ .:·¬. o c: t t:.... ¬¬ o... ¬ .: . t:.... .. c.o...c... ¬¬. t:c ... .¬:¬ :c..c./-/ :.:ct ¯l.l!.·¯ c¬ c / ¯.¬c:¬ ·-.. / -. . c. ...· ¬.:. : .~c... ¬.:. ¬.. ¯/ :.tc·.¬ ·c¬. =¬ . /~./ : /¬ .t o- :t¬.. = t:c ~ :.:ct ¯).¯.º)c ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. :. ·· c. ....: ·· :¬c . . :c.t l! :¬ .. :. .-·c.¬ ·..../ .-¬ .. ¬.:¬=.·c:^¬ . :.:ct l.l.·: cc¬ t:.... ¬ ¬o... t:.... .. c.o...c... ÷:. c... c :t¬. . ·¬c :¬ .: ¬.. ::=t :c:.c. . · ¬¬ .. ·c. :....¬... l¯!· .:c· ¬.:. .·-!º·, :.:ct !).¯.º+c ¬ ..c ¬ oc.·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬ .::. .·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬· c. . , 2. s:c:c..~·: .. ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Counting of past service rendered by Contract / Local Candidate Lecturers for Career Advancement under UGC pay scales - Orders thereon. Read : 1. Notification No. ED 202 DCE 83 dt. 07.08.86. 2. Notification No. ED 96 DCE 91 dt. 01.06.91 3. D.O. letter No. F. 1-6/90 (P.S.Cell) dt. 29.01.90 of Prof. S.K. Khanna, Secretary, UGC, New Delhi. 4. D.O. letter No. F.1-6/90 (P.S. Cell) dt. 27.11.90 of Sri P.L. Malik, Deputy Secretary, UGC, New Delhi. 5. Memorandum dated, 01.01.93 of the Government First Grade College, Local Candidate and Contract Basis Lecturers Joint Action Committee. 6. Memorandum No. 1/93 dated 10.09.93 of the Federation of University & College Teachers Associations in Karnataka, Bangalore. ORDER NO. ED 162 DCE 93, BANGALORE, DATED: 2ND JUNE 1994 Government are pleased to order that in accordance with UGC guidelines the past service rendered by the lecturers prior to regularisation for the purpose of placement as lecturers (senior scale / selection grade) may be taken into account subject to the condition that Government has already agreed to count such services for pay fixation and pension. However, the services rendered as local candidates / on contract basis prior to regularisation shall not be counted for the purpose of seniority. Further, the lecturers shall satisfy the following conditions prescribed by the UGC in its letter dt. 27.11.90 read at (4) above :- (a) Previous service should be without any break as a lecturer or equivalent in a University, College, National Laboratory or other Scientific Organisations (CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, etc) and as a UGC Research Scientist ; (b) the post was in an equivalent grade / scale of pay as the post of a lecturer ; (c) the qualifications for the post were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for the post of lecturers ; 273 (d) the lecturers concerned passessed the minimum qualifications prescribed by UGC for appointment as Lecturers ; (e) the post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down by the University / State Government ; AND (f) the appointment was not adhoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD/ 1328/,PRC & SII/93 dated 20.05.94 and 01.06.94 and Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANA SWAMY Under Secretary to Government Education Department. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : According deemed date of promotion to Demonstrators as Lecturers - Demand of the Federation of University and College Teachers Association - Orders Reg. Read : 1. G.O. No. ED 72 UEC 73 dated 22.2.74. 2. G.O. No. ED 72 UEC 73 dated 27.6.74. 3. Letter No. DCE 16 EPR 88 dated 17.5.89 from the DCE B'lore. 4. Memorandum No. 1/93 dated 10.9.93 of the F.U.C.T. Association. PREAMBLE : In the Government order dated 22.2.1974 read at (1) above, orders have been issued to abolish the posts of Demonstrators in the Degree Colleges coming under the purview of Directorate of Collegiate Education in a "phased manner" on yearwise basis and the modalities for abolition of the posts of Demonstrators, have been specified in the said order. In the Government Order dated 27.6.74, read at (2) above, orders were issued to promote the existing qualified Demonstrators then prevailing in two batches on 50:50 basis during 1974-75 and 1975-76. In pursuance of the Government Orders read at (1) and (2) above, 45 Demonstrators were promoted on 30.9.74 and another 47 on 14.5.75. The remaining qualified Demonstrators were promoted as Lecturers during the years 1977 to 1982 in the phased manner, as specified in Government Order dated 22.2.1974 read at (1) above. One of the demands of the Federation of University and College Teachers Association has been to accord deemed date of promotion to those Demonstrators promoted between 1977 to 1982 from a retrospective date as soon as they have acquired eligibility. The matter has been throughly examined in consultation with the D.P.A.R. and Finance Department and following orders are issued. ORDER NO ED 186 DCE 93, BANGALORE, DATED 3RD JUNE 1994. Government are pleased to order that the Demonstrators be promoted as lecturers subject to the following conditions :- (a) Those Demonstrators who became eligible after 27.6.1974 but before the date of direct recruitment in 1976 will be given the benefit of pay fixation in the Lecturers' cadre with effect from that date in 1976 on which the order of appointment of the directly recruited Lecturers were issued ; (b) On no account those Demonstrators shall be given the benefit of an earlier date, since the second batch of Demonstrators who were eligible as on 27.6.1974 were given the benefit of upgradation only in 1975-76 (i.e. on 14.5.1975). (c) They will not be given seniority over the directly recruited Lecturers. 2. Those Demonstrators who became eligible after the date of direct recruitment in 1976 will be given the benefit of upgradation with effect from 1st of January of the year immediately following the date on which they acquired eligibility ; 274 3. The pay fixation for the past period will be notional and no arrears are payable. The monetary benefit will be prospective i.e., with effect from the date of issue of this order. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O.Note No. FD. 958 S-1/94 dated 2.6.1994 and DPAR vide their U.O. Note No. DPAR 88 INT 94, dated 23.5.94. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANA SWAMY Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. :. ¯¯ .·: º¯ t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c. ., · .¬:.c..-!, .c/- oc., :):-)¯-lºº¯ ·t:=c¬ ¬¬ :. t:c. .=¬:=/- ., :t ~ :c:. , t.:=.t ·t:=c , .c/- oc.. :¬ c/ ¯¬ .=:t c., t:c ... :t~ :c:. , .c/- oc.. ¬.:.c , .±c.. ¬. ¬ ¬o... (t:cc -¬:. ¬ .c.) ¬ oc¬.. c¬ ¬ c to.·=/-. ..·/ .¬: ·c· /- . :¬ / -. . :/ ¬ .·.. ¬ ¬. t:c .../ - .¬:¬ :c. .c ./-/ t:c:¬t:: ¬. . .· c· .¬¬ .. t.c:.. vc:: :¬. ¬: ·c. .·: ¯+ :.. º! :.:ct l)-!-º¯ t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc. -¬ cc¬. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t · c.c:·¬c: .-c. .¬ .· .¬ ¬ ..c¬c, .: .¬:¯.c.. ¬ . · ¬:c.. :c.o./ , .¬ ¬ ¬ ., :¬ c . :¬ . ¬: ·c. .... .c. .¬ l-: ...·.· :.:c :.:ct !¯-+-º+ (¬: ..¬ ÷..·. c:¬ -¬ c -c ·t:=c ¬: ) :¬ c. .: .¬:¯.c.. ¬. · ¬:c.. :c.o./¬ t:c ... -¬ :¬ tc ./- . c¬¬c to.·.=/ -. . .·/ :c . .. ·c·/ -. :¬/ - . ¬. , ¬¬c.... t¬: c. .¬:^ ¬:.c:/. .tc. ¯.c¬. c.... :.:ct ¯l- l!-º¯ c ¬c/ ·¬.·c:^¬c..c¬ . .-·c .¬ ¬cc¬ = ./ c:. ·t:=c¬ ¬:.t :¬.: ¬oc .·.¬ -/:.c.¬:. ¬c¬. .-·.. .:. . ¯¬.=::.:/.: ... :¬. .c../c.., 2. s:c:c..~·: .. ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-2 Dr. P.H.S. Rao, Joint Secretary D.O.No.F.1-6/90 (ASC+ER) 25th April 1994 Dear Sir, You may kindly recall that the Universities / Colleges provide among other things guidelines that the Lecturers should have participated in two Refresher Courses / Summer Institute each of 275 approximately Four weeks duration or one Orientation and One Refresher Course or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programme of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC. It has been further provided in the guidelines that lecturers who were in service before 1-1-1986 and who are eligible for placement in the senior Scale / Selection grade / Reader in accordance with the provisions of the scheme may be placed accordingly by relaxing the above requirements ensuring that such lecturers participate in Refresher Courses by 31-12-1993. The Commission at its meeting held on 9-3-1994 considered the issue again and agreed to relax the condition for participation of lecturers in the Refresher courses / Summer Institutes for placement in the Senior Scale / Selection grade / reader who were in service before 1-1-1989 may attend the courses upto 31-12-1995. With regards, Yours faithfully, P.H.S. Rao ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .±c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c. . ¬:. c. .. .c .¬ ¬¬ . t:c .../ -. .c¬ ¬¬.:.· ..c / -:^ t : =¬ ¯¬=.· .. ¬ . .c:c .¬.:·tc:^ .. ¬¬ ¬. t:=¬ ¯¬=.· .. c .¬¬ c/ ::¬ .c¬ ¬¬.:.· ..c/ -:^ ·. ·¬ · .¬c... . c. ...· ¬ .:. : .~c. .. ·:¯.t c~t ¬c/~·. .t c. ./ - :¬ .: . vc:: l) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. . :. ¯! c. ..:· ¯¯, :.:ct !¯.)!.lº¯+. !) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. . :. ·· c. ....: ··, :.:ct ¯).)¯.lºº). ¯) t.:=.t .: .¬:¯.c.. ¬.:. t:c... -¬ :¬t c ·c¬/ - .to.¬ ·t:=ct ·. ·¬ ¬ .. . ·c. .¬ c. ..·..t ¯)! º+ :.:ct l¯.ll.º+. +) t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc ¬ ·: ¬ ·c. .·: )! :.:c º+ :.:ct ):-)¯-º¯. ±·: :s . ¬..c (!)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct ¯)-)¯-º)c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. · t:=c ¬.:. -..¬:¯: ¬¬. t:c .../- .¬ .:·t c ./-/ :.:ct )l.)l.·: cc¬ ¬ o¬:=.c..¬:/.¬c: c......·. ¬ .:. :.~c.... ::c/ o-·c:^¬ . c......·. c.o... -.c.. t.¬ :c¬. ¬c :. /o-¬ .. ¬¬ . t:c... .¬.:·t c . t ¬ .¬:^ )·(.c..) ¬¬= ¬ .:. l: (¬:.:c.) ¬¬=/ - · .¬ · . ·¬ .c:c .cc. . : .~ ¬ .: . :c.. :.~c... ·:¯.t c~/ o- .. -¬=cc.:: c . ¬..c (¯) c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct l¯.ll.º+c ¬...c... t.:=.t .: .¬:¯.c.. ¬.:. t:c ... -¬ :¬t c ·c¬/ - .t o.¬ ::¬ .c¬ ¬¬.:.·..c/ -:^ · . ·¬ · .¬c.... c......·. ¬ .: . :.~c. .. ·:¯.tc~t ¬c/~·. .tc¬. ¬...c.... ·. ·¬. ¬..c (l)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct !¯.)!.lº¯+c ·t:=c :¬.:¬ . ¬ ¬. t:c ... ¬¬.:.· ..c ¬.¬/- .. c¬./ o-·, -¬ c ./- . ·::to.: c ¬ ¬. ¬ oc:¬. ¬.oc ¬¬=/ - · .¬ ·. ·¬. -¬ c.. .¬.:·tc ./ -.:^ ¬c: ¬c:¬:^ .. ¯.¬ .¬.¬c¬. :¬ .:·c::.:.. -¬c c: -¬=c¬ .c: ¬¬ .:.·..c/ -.. .c:c ¬ ¬¬=/ - . .¬.:·t cc¬. .. ¯.¬c::.: .. :.:ct l¯.ll.º+c ¬.. .c... .t o.¬ = .c¬ ·t:=c¬ l¯ ¬¬= ¬ oc¸·¬ .¬.:·t c/ · o¬c .o¬.c c c.¬ c :^ .. ¯..¬ ·c¬. =¬ . ::¬ ·. ·¬ .o.c ¬ .: . ¬¬ .:.· ..c · .¬c.... ¬c/~· .. ¯.¬c:^: c¬o, :¬c , = ·.¬c. .. . c. .....·. ¬ .: . : .~c... ·:¯.tc~t ¬c/~·. ¬:¬cc¬, :¬./ :.c.c:¬ . ¬ .c.:^¬c... ¬. :¬.^c: · .¬c... -cc..c:¬ -. .t .¬.:·t c./ -. :¬.^c: ¬ .. ¬ .:. ¬ ¬c.... ¬ . :¬ . ::c: ¬ .t .¬ ¬.:.t o. ¬c..c¬. ¬.. . ¬.:.¬ . : ¬ .^c: .¬:¬ =:c... t.¬. :c.¬ ¬¸.t :t ~ .o.¬ tc. ¬:/o /c¬ ¬:.tc./-/ ·t:=c¬ c. .....·. ¬.:. :.~c. ... ¯..¬. ::¬ 276 -/ : .¬:¬=: ¬.:. -...¬ ¬oc:¬ c o · ¬ -¬. . /~./ : /¬ .t o- ¬. ¬ ¬.:.·..c · .¬c.... ·:¯.t c~t ¬c/~·:c .¬ ¬ . : .c.c:c¬ ¬:¯c.... .c.. ¬.:.¬c..c¬. .-·c.:: c. -. ¬ . c c:.¬:¬ :..- ..:¬ . ·t:=c ¬ :.:ct !!.)!.·º cc¬ . ¬¬.:.· ..c/-. ¬.:. .o.c / -:^ · . ·¬ ::::.t ·.¬c...o · ¬ c......·. ¬.:. :.~c...c... ·:¯.tc~t ¬c/~· .¬ .¬c¬ . :¬.: ¬ oc .·¬ c:. · t:=c¬ ¬ .:: :¬. to.ctc.... ¬c/~ ·. ¬ c¬. ¬... ¬ .:.c .:: c . ¬..c (+)c. :¬c:¬ :.:ct ):.)¯.º¯c ¬ : ¬. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc. ¬ c: ¬.:¬.:: , .to.¬ : . ¬...c. .. ¬ ·: .·c .¬ -c: / -. ¬:· ¬:c:/-c¬ t o.¬., ·t:=c¬ ·ot :¬ .: ¬. . to.cc .:: c. ·t:=c¬, -¬ :¬t c./ - .t o.¬ ·. ·c.¬ ¬.. . ¬:/ o t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:t c. ¬·: ¬ ¬.. to.ct ¬¬:^ ¬c:..·¬ . = .c¬ lº¯¯-¯+ ¬:/o .c:. ¬¬=/ -. -¬= .¬.:·t c toc: :.c¬:^ ¬¬.:.· ..c/- -/ : .¬:¬=: ¬.:. .o.¬.: -... ¬ ¬oc:¬. -¬c. .o.¬t cc¬. t:=¬ ¯¬=.·.. -¬t:: t. ·¬ . ¬:· .t ·c/. ¬:/o ¬¬.:.· ..c/-. t.¬c. ¬:t c .. ¬ ¬ .c... o · ¬ ¬ ¬ :c.¬¬. · ¬ .¬:^c.: ¬. = .c¬ ·t:=c¬ l¯ ¬¬=/ - ¬ o~= ·.¬ ·. ·¬., . o.¬.: -... ¬ ¬oc:¬ .¬.:·t c.. ·o¬c.o¬.cc c.¬ c/ -:^ .. ¯..¬ ·c¬ .=¬. .o.c ¬¬.:.· ..c/- · .¬c. ..o ·¬ /~./ :/¬ .t o- c:^:. . ¬...c¬ .c: -c:/- .. cc. .. ·t:=c¬ = t-t c¬c: :¬.:·c.: ¬. ·t:rc oc:t ·c: . ¬2 :Iº 2.¬ º1, ocr = nc., Os:ct. :I.I:.Iºº( t:c ... :t ~ ¬:. c... .c .¬ ¬ ¬. t:c... .¬.:·t c. ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. :. ¯! c...:· ¯¯ :.:ct !!.)!.¯+ c. c. . ::¬ .¬.:·t c:^ ..../o-. ¬ ¬o¬.. ¬¬.:.· ..c/-:^ ·. ·¬ ·.¬c. .. . = t- tc¬ ¬c:. /-/o-¬ .. c. .....·. ¬ .:. :.~c...c... .cc.. :.~ ¬:/ o :c. . : .~c... ·:¯.t c~ ¬oc¬.. ¬c/~· .¬.¬:^¬c..c¬ . :¬.:·c:^¬. 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GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. CCE-197-TRG-98-99 Office of the Commissioner for Collegiate Education, Palace Road, P.O. Box No. 5045, Bangalore - 560 001. 10-12-98 CIRCULAR Sub : Equivalance of Course. Ref : Letter No : F-1-6/90 (ASC/ER) dated : 03-12-98. The University Grant Commission in their letter cited under reference above, have agreed to consider "three weeks training programme for the College Teachers, in students counselling, conducted by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore" as equivalant to one Refresher course. This equivalance is valid only in the case of teachers in the discipline of Psychology, Education and Human Development who are actually engaged in counselling. COMMISSIONER FOR COLLEGIATE EDUCATION PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub : Rescinding the Government Order No. ED 162 DCE 93 dated 2.6.94 which provides for counting past service rendered by contract Lecturers and Local Candidate Lecturers who were later regularised in Degree Colleges coming under the purview of Collegiate Education Department for placement in UGC pay scales - orders reg. Read : 1. G.O. No. ED 162 DCE 93 dated 2.6.94. 2. Orders passed by Hon'ble KAT on 4.4.96 in A.No. 2929 to 2943/94 and other connected matters. 3. Orders passed by Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in SLP (Civil) No. 22555-22578/96 and connected cases on 21.4.97. PREAMBLE : 291 In Government Order dated 2.6.94 read at (1) above, it was ordered to count the previous service rendered by contract Lecturers and Local Candidate Lecturers in Government Degree Colleges of Collegiate Education Department who were later regularised for placement in the revised UGC scales of pay of 1986. This Government Order was challenged before KAT in A.No. 2929 to 2943/94 and connected applications and KAT in its order dated 4.4.96 has quashed the impugned order dated 2.6.94. The appeal filed against the KAT order was also dismissed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in its order dated 21.4.97 read at (3) above. However it is since reported that some of the Universities in the State are still sending proposals adopting the impugned order dated 2.6.94 and giving benefit of this Government Order. As the said Government Order is no longer in force, the following orders are issued. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. ED 23 DCE 99, BANGALORE DATED: 21 APRIL 1999 The Government Order No. ED 162 DCE 93 dated 2.6.94 is hereby rescinded. Consequently if any benefit has been given based on this Government Order, the same may be recovered in suitable instalment's. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, MOHAMMED KHALEELUR RAHMAN Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c t::: ¯l · .t ºº -c:ct t:c... :t ~ :c. ..t c t..c, .c/- oc., : )+-ll-ºº oc :t .±c.. ¬:c:.¬:.c./-/ . o.¬ .: t:c. .= ¬c÷ .¬ ./ . vc:: ·t:=c¬ ¬: ·c. :. ¯l .·: ºº, : ):-)º-ºº. ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -. .¬:¯: ¬ ¬ ¬ .¬ := t:c .../ -. t:c..=¯¬ =.·.. c.¬ / .¬-! ¬:c:.¬:.c., / .¬-l ¬:c:.¬:.c. ¬ .: . ¬ . :c ¬:c: .¬:.c ./- . :. . ¬..c¬ ::¬ . o.: · .¬.¬:¬ .¬c../ - . .. .c .¬. ¬:ct ): ¬c. t:c..=. :c ¬.. ¬..c:. :¬ .: ¬ ¬c ./o ¯¬=.· .¬c: = ¬ .o.t · o.· c:^¬ . t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c.. ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. t:::í¯líc....·í:c:ctíº¯ t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c t..c, .c/- oc., :.:ct !!-l!- º¯ ·.: n :c .±c.. .¬.:·t c. í ¬ ¸.t :t ~ . o.¬ tc . í / c¬¬:t.c/ ¬c¬: c......·. ¬ .:. : .~/ - .cc.. ¬.:. : .~ -¬¬: :c. . ¬.:. :.~ /-/ ·:¯.tc~ -¬¬: ¬ . ¬¬ o.. . ¬ oc¬.. c......·. ¯c..¬.:¬-/ - ¬ t:c ¯/:¬.·c .¬ c¬ ¬ c to.·= -¬¬: :cc..c. .¬ . t o.·=/ -. . :/¬ .· .¬ ./ . vc:: l) :.:ct ¯)-)¯-º)c ·c. :.í··íc. ....:í··c ·t:=c :¬ .: . !) :.:ct lº-)º-ºlc ·c. .¬ .l ll-·¯ (·..) c....·c.. -: ·o÷. 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(!) :.:ct ¯l-l!-lº·¯c ¬:/ o -¬c ¬ o¬=¬ . ·t ¬ . ..¬ .t:. ¬oc:c.¬ .¬.:·tc . :.:ct ¯l-l!-lº·¯t -¬ ¬: -¬t o ¬ ..c÷ l: ¬¬=/ - · .¬c... . ¬ oc ¸·¬. -c¬ ¬c . :c. . ¬.:. : .~/ ·:¯.tc~ -¬ ¬: ¬ . ¬¬ o.. . ¬¬c. ... + ¬:c/ - c¬ ¬ c -¬¬: .cc..c. .¬ . t o.·=/-. . :/ ¬ .·. .tc. c. .....·. ¯.c¬ .c. . ¬t:c ..::.. ¯.¬c:^¬. (¯) :.:ct ¯l-l!-lº·¯c . c:c .:c. .c .¬.:·t c:^ . .¬ .t:. ¬ oc:¬., + ¬:c / - ! c¬¬ c í :cc. .c. .¬ . t o.·=/ -. . :/ ¬ .·¬. :¬co · ¬ .cc.. ¬ .:. : .~ c. .. ·:¯.tc~ -¬¬: ¬ . ¬¬ o... : ¬: ^ ¬¬ :c.¬¬. c......·. ¯c. .¬ .:¬-/-/ .c .¬¬:^¬ . -c¬¬c . + ¬:c /- c¬¬ c í :cc. .c..¬ . t o.·=/-. t¬: c..¬:^ . :/¬ .·c . . .t:^:. -c¬ :¬: ^ ·:¯.tc~ ¬¬:c .¬ .¬.:·t c .¬c..¬:c. ¬. c.... to¬c . :c. ..t c t. .c/ ·. · .¬ ¬ .. (+) :.:ct ¯l-l!-lº·¯c ¬o¬ =¬. ..¬ .t:. ¬ oc:¬ . :.:ct ¯l-l!- lº·¯t .cc.. ¬ .:. : .~ .¬.:·tc:^ ·:¯.t c~ ¬¬ :c.¬¬ c/ + ¬:c /- ! c¬¬ c í :cc. .c..¬. t o.·=/ -. . ¬¬ c.... t:c:¬t::¬ cc..::.. ¯..c.¬ ¬ . ·cc. .¬ . :¬c , :.:ct ¯l-l!-lºº¯t -¬¬: -¬t o ¬o¬.. l: ¬ ¬ =/- · .¬c. .. . ¬ oc ¸·, + ¬:c / - c¬ ¬c í :cc..c. .¬ . t o.·=/-. . :/ ¬ .·¬. :c. . ¬.:. : .~/ :¬: ^ ·:¯.tc~ -¬¬: ¬ . ¬ ¬ o.. . ¬¬:c .¬ ¬ . c. .....·. ¯c..¬.:¬-/ - ¬t:c .c.¬¬:^¬ . -c¬ .¬ .:·t c . .cc. . ¬.:. : .~c... ·:¯.tc~ í ¬. ¬¬ o.. . ¬ ¬¬ .c: c + ¬:c / - ! c¬ ¬ c í :cc..c. .¬ . t o.·=/-. . :/ ¬ .·. .t:^: . . :.:ct )l-)l-lº·:c ¬o¬ =¬. .:c. .c ..¬ .t:. ¬ oc:¬ .¬.:·t c ./ - ./ c. .....·... :. .c .: (:) c -c ·t:=c ¬: ¬. c¬ ¬ c í :cc..c. .¬. to.·=/-. . :¬¬ .·.. t:c:¬t:: ¬. . .· c·c:^. . :¬ c, c......·.c... .c .: (º) c :. -c ·t:=c ¬ : ¬ ¬t:c + ¬:c/- ! c¬ ¬c í :cc. .c. .¬ . t o.·=/ -. . :/ ¬ .·.. t:c:¬ t::¬.. :.:ct ¯l-l!-lºº¯c . c:c ¬: .· c· .¬ ./ ¯/:: -¬:c. o-/ ·¬c to.·.=/- . .:/ ¬ .·¬ , ·:¯.t c~ í ¬ . ¬¬ o.. . ¬ ¬¬ .¬.:·tc ¬. c.... t-..·t o¬.. · o.·¬. :¬ cc¬ = .. cc... -c¬ 295 .¬.:·t c (.cc. . ¬ .:. : .~ ¬ .: . :c. . ¬.:. : .~) ¬ .c.... to¬c . = t. .c/ t - ..· .¬c: · o.·c:^¬ . (¯) :.:ct )l-)l-lº·: cc¬. -¬¬: : ¬.c: c .:c. .c . .¬ .t:. ¬oc:c.¬ .¬ .:·t c ./-/ ·:¯.tc~ í ¬ . ¬¬o... .¬c..t ·c.c:·¬c: c. .....·.c. ... c. .:¬ ¬ . c..c. . t:c:¬t:: ¬.. í ..::..c.... ¯..c .¬ :. . :¬ t:c~ · ¬¬=/ - t:. -¬ ¬: ..¬ ÷... ¬¬. ¬ oc:c .¬¬c/ ¯ ¬¬=/ - t:. -¬¬: .c..c ¬ ¬. ¬oc:c.¬¬c/ ¯ ¬¬=/- t:. ¬ oc ¸·¬ c o · ¬ , -c¬ ¬¬ c. + ¬:c / - ! c¬¬c í :cc. .c..¬ . t o.·=/ -. . :/¬ .· .¬ ¬c/ .cc.. ¬.:. :.~ / ·:¯.t c~ í ¬ . ¬ ¬ o.. . ¬¬c. ... c. .....·. ¯c..¬.:¬-/ - ¬t:c -¬=c:^c .¬ :. . c. .:¬ :.:ct¬c¬ . .¬.:·t c. t¯¬ ¬t · ¬¬=/ - · .¬c.. : o: + ¬:c/- ! c¬ ¬c í :cc..c. .¬. to.·=/-. . :/¬ .· .¬ ¯.c¬ . ¬ oc ¸· .:: co., : :.:ct:c¬ ¬..c:. :c.. : .~/ ·:¯.t c~ í ¬ . ¬¬ o.. ./ ¬..c:. · ¬ ¬=/- · .¬c.. -¬ :c... . /~./ ¬ c/~·c:/.¬ ¬.. VI. ¬...c¬ .c: .¬.:· tc . í ¬ ¸.t :t ~ . o.¬ tc. í /c¬¬:.t c/ c¬ ¬c í :cc. .c. .¬ . t o.·=/ -. .¬ .c . :/ ¬ .·.. -¬t:: ·/.¬¬. t¬ ¬:/ .¬ .¬ .. :¬ .¬cc¬, · .¬: .c:.¬ .. -¬:c.. ¬..c ¬c/~·, .¬.:·t c./ -/ c¬¬ c í :cc. .c..¬ . t o.·=/-/ ¬:.c:/.. -..¬ .. ¯.¬. .t c¬ . ·c.c¬ ¬ . t:c .../ - .¯ ¬:.c./-/ t..¯.:^ ·o.·c:^¬. VII. .¬.:·t c. c¬ ¬c í :cc. .c. .¬ . t o.·=/ -/ :c..c. .:^¬co · ¬ :¬-:::t t:c¬:c: c/-c¬ ·¬c t o.· .=/-/ . :/ ¬ .·.. :c:.:.c¬:/. -¬¬: :¬-: ¬ .c¬-:.c¬:/. .¬./ ¬c. .:/ :¬ ¬t ¬. -c¬ .¬.:·tc ./- ¬ tc~/-. . -..tc¬¬ ¬..c ¬·: ¬ .c.... = t..c/ ·. ·¬ . -¬ / -.. c......·.c. . ¬o¬:=..¬../:^ ¬ ·: ¬ ./ -. . t- ..·c:/ .¬¬ .. VIII. t.¬:c¬. .¬c. ./ -. .¬:¬c¬/ ·c.:::· , .¬.=, ¬.¸to..c..:.., ·c· : , ¬ ...::· tc¬ o.c · ¸. , .ct:¯t , ¬¸.t :t ~, c¸. c·¸. , ¬:~ ::· :::: .¬c. ./-/ ·c.c:·¬c: c¬¬c to.·=/-. . :/ ¬ .· .. c:.¬ c. .:¬ ¬ . .: .¬:.c../-. -¬¬: ·:¬ -t:¬..t ·c· / -. =¬c/ o c¬ ¬c í :cc..c..¬. to.·=/-.. .¬· .¬ ¬ c. .: ¬ .:.. ¬c. -c: ¬. . -¬ :¬t c · c¬/ -. .c .: (l!)c :¬ . ¬: /-. .-·c.:: c. ·¬ c .¬ c. .t ·c.c: ·¬c: .c: .: .¬:¯.c. ./ - . í -t:¬..t t:c.../ -. ¬¬ · t. ·.¬ :¬:=¬. ¬.:¬.¬ t ¬ ./ -. . :/ ¬ .t o- c:/ .¬ ¬ .. IX. :.:ct )l-)l-lº·:c ¬ o¬=¬. .:c. .c . .¬ .t:. ¬ oc: :.:ct ¯l- l!-lºº¯ -¬ ¬: -¬t o ¬ o¬ .. .cc. . -¬ ¬: :c.. ¬ .:. : .~ ·:¯.tc~ í ¬. ¬ ¬ o.. .c. .. . c¬ ¬c t o.· .=/ - . . :/¬.· ¬. :¬co · ¬ : ¬: ^ ¬ ¬:¬ . . -c¬ ¬c ¬ .c. ... ·. ·.. ¬:¬ .:t .c. ¯¬ .=:t c./-/ í ¬:c: .¬:.c ./-/ ¬.c.... :.:ct l¯-)l- lºº·c .- / ·. ·.. · o.·c:^¬ . · ¬ c ¬ .c. .. . .c .: (º)c ¬ :¬. -¬ .- ·c.¬c: c. .....·./ t - ..· -¬c -.¬:c..¬.. = ./ ¬¬c..c:/.¬¬.. 296 :c...t c., t:c ... :t ~ :c:. . DEPARTMENT OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION U.G.C. PRESCRIBED ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR APPOINTMENT / PROMOTION / SELECTION / PLACEMENT For Appointment / Selection For Placement as Lecturer (Senior Scale) S.S.L. For Placement as Lecturer (Selection Grade) S.G.L. For promotion as Reader (By promotion) 1 2 3 4 (A) UPTO 18-09- 1991 55% Minimum Marks in Post-Graduate (B) From and After 19-09-1991 Minimum 55% Marks in Post- Graduate + Pass in NET / SLET Eligibility Test should have been conducted by U.G.C., CSIR or (any other) similar test accredited by the U.G.C. Subject to : exemption from NET / SLET in respect of people who had submitted their Ph.D./ M.Phil. This is on or before 31-12-1993. (1) Completion of 8 years of service after Regular appointment. RELAXATION Provided that :- candidates, who at the time of their appointment as Lecturers, possess Ph.D./ M.Phil. Degree will be :- (a) Sanction three and one advance increments respectively, alongwith (b) being given the benefit of the corresponding (three and one) years of service for the purpose of promotion Further provided that :- Lecturers without research Degree & those similarly situated who are recruited in future (i.e. on or after 19-9- 1991). will also be eligible for a similar benefit in service for the purpose of promotion as and when they acquire research degrees. 1. Lecturers (already) in Senior Scale, who do not have Ph.D. Degree or equivalent published work, and who (thus) do not meet the scholarship and research standards, but fulfil the following criteria to have a good record in teaching / or participation in extension activities, can be placed in the Selection Grade :- (1) Completed 8 years of service in the Senior Scale, provided that the requirement of 8 years will be relaxed if the total service of the Lecturer is not less than 16 years. (2) Made some mark in the areas of Scholarship and Research, as evidenced by self- assessment reports of referees, quality of publications contribution to educational renovation, design of new courses and curricula. (3) Participated after placement in the Senior Scale in two Refresher Courses/Summer Institutes of approved duration or engaged in appropriate continuing education progress of comparable quality as (A) Guidelines of UGC vide this letter No.F.1-6/ 90 (PS Cell) dated 29-11- 1990 shall apply. (B) Every Lecturer in the senior Scale will be eligible for the post of Reader if he / she has :- (1) Completed 8 years of service in the Senior Scale, provided that the requirement of 8 years will be relaxed if the total service of the Lecturer is not less than 16 years. (2) Obtained a Ph.D. Degree or an equivalent published work ; (3) Made some mark in the areas of Scholarship & Research, as evidenced by self- assessment, reports of referees, quality of publications, contribution to educational renovation, design of new courses and curricula. 297 Provided further that :- Counting of previous service for the purpose of placement in Senior Scale / Selection Grade will be in accordance with the U.G.C. Guidelines issued vide Circular No.F.1-6/90 (P.S.Cell) dated 27-11- 1990. 2. Participated in two refresher Courses / Summer Institutes of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing education progress of comparable quality, as may be specified by the U.G.C. 3. Consistently satisfactory perfor- mance appraisal reports. may be specified by the UGC and (4) Consistently good performance appraisal reports. However, they can offer themselves for fresh assessment for promotion as Readers after obtaining Ph.D. and / or fulfilling other requirement (for promotion as Readers). (4) Participated after placement in the Senior Scale in two referesher courses / summer institutes of approved duration or engaged in appropriate continuing education programme of comparable quality as may be specified by the U.G.C. and (5) Consistently good performance appraisal reports. However : Promotion to the post of Reader will be through a process of selection by a Selection Committee, to be set up under the Statutes / Ordinances of the University concerned, or other similar Committees set up by the appointing authorities. t:c:z. ct~ ¬c:: .·:-!¯-:.:c-º¯(!) t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c t..c, .c/- oc.-¯:) ))l. :.:ct ·-)l-lººº. (l) .c: · t:=c ¬ ¬¬. ¬:= t:c .../ - .¯ ¬:.c ./ - ., (!) .c: ¬:¬ .:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬ .=:t c ./ - . ¬.:.c , .±c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:. c. . .¬.:·t c/ -¬ c ·-.c.. -. := · .¬c.... ¬c/~· ¯.¬ c:^¬ ·:¯.t c~¬. . .c:/ ¬.toc¬ .c:c -¬ c./ -. ·.¬c. .. ·t ¬./oc¬ :.:ct/-c¬ -. c. .¬:/ .¬c: .cc.. :.~ / ·:¯.tc ~ ¯.¬ .¬ ·c.c¬ ¬. ·t:=c ¬ · . .tc~ ¯..c.¬ ./. vc:: :.:ct l:-l!-º·c ·c. :.-¯:-.·:-º·c ·t:=c ¬: . t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c... = .c¬ · -.c. . -.:= .¬.:·tc:^ ..¬.t:. ¬oc:¬., .c: c :.:ct ¯-)·-·:cc¬. · .¬c... ·t ¬ ./ oc¬ l¯) .¬ .:·tc . : ¯-)·- º+c .- / ¯/ :¬ .·c.¬ :cc..c..:. c¬ ¬c t o.·.=/ -.. ¬..^·¬. ¬.:: -¬ c./ -. : ¯-)·-º+t .cc.. :.~ / ·:¯.t c~ ¬¬ c. ... -¬=: ¬ ¬c. ..:: c .c¬ . .c ..: 298 ·t:=c ¬: ¬. · ..tc· c:^¬ . .c¬ . ¬ .- ¬ ...c¬ .¬.:·t c./ -. · ¬c : ¯-)·-º+c .-/ ·¬ c ! to.·.=/ - .. ¬..^· ¬ . :¬ ¬t ¬ . : :.:ct¬ .c:c c. .:¬ :.:ct/ - c¬. ! to.·.=/ -.. ¬..^·.:: co. -c¬c !. . t o.·=. . ¬ ..^·¬ :.:ct:c¬ ¬.:: -.c..¬:/.¬c: .cc.. ¬.:. : .~/ ·:¯.t c ~ ¬¬c.... -¬=: ¬ ¬c...:: cc¬. · ¬c ·t:=c ¬: ¬. · . .t c·c:^¬ . :¬ cc¬ .c ..: ·t:=c ¬: ¬.. = ¬:¬oc:/ ./. ·.:: ·-.c.. -.:= .¬.:·t c:^¬ ., : ¯-)·-·:cc¬. · .¬ c... ·t ¬ ./oc¬ .¬.:·t c./ -. :¬. : ¬. t:c.../ - . · .¬c. .. ¬ ¬t ¬. -¬ c./ -. : ¯-)·-º+c .- / ¯/:¬.·c.¬ ! to.·.=/-.. ¬ ..^· ¬ . :¬ . -¬c./ -. ·¬ c ¯-)·-º+t .cc.. : .~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¬¬c.... -¬=cc.¬:. , .¬./ : :.:ct¬ .c: c c..:¬ :.:ct ¬c¬. !.. to.·=.. ¬¬c...:: co., : :.:ct:c¬ ¬ .:: -.c..¬:/.¬ c: -¬ c./-. .cc.. : .~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¬ ¬c.... -¬=: ¬¬c...:: c . = ¬ ...c¬ · . .t c~/ -. . / ¬ ..¬ . ..toc¬. -¬ c./-/ ·:¯.tc~ ¯.¬.. ¬·: ¬. t - ..· .¬c: ·o.·c:^¬ . :¬. .c../c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c.. ts:r:t ·t:rc t¬.:ct :. ¯: .·: º· t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c.. .¬ :. ·-¬ , .c/- oc . :.:ct l:-l!-º·. :c¬, t:c..=¬:=, t.:=.t ·t:=c , . c/ - oc . - ¯:) ))l. :¬ c/, t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c., .c/- oc.. ¬.:.c , .±c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:. c. . .¬.:·t c/ -¬ c ·-.c.. -. := · .¬c.... ¬c/~· ¯.¬ c:^¬ ·:¯.t c~¬. . .c:/ ¬ .t oc¬ .c:c -¬ c./ -. ·.¬c. .. ·t ¬ ./ oc¬ :.:ct/-c¬ -.c..¬:/.¬c: .cc.. : .~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¯.¬ .¬ ·c.c¬ ¬. · . .t c~ t.c:.. vc:: :¬. ¬: ·c .·: !¯ :.:c º¯(!), :.:ct l+-l)-··. ¬.... .¬ c.. ¬:/o .c ..: : ¬ . ¬: ¬: /¬ .. · -:¬ . ·-.c.. -.:=/ -:^ · .¬ ·. ·.. ¬ .¬.:·t c. :¬ . ¬c :c. .c: :.:ct ¯-·-·:cc¬. ·.¬: ·t ¬./oc.c.:: c. .c: .¬.:/-/ · .¬: ·t ¬ ./ oc¬ :.:ct ¬.. . .¬.t:. :.:ct¬ c¬. ¬c/~·. .t:^¬., = :.:ct¬ :.:ct l-l-·:c .c:c ¬ :.:ct ¬:¬ cc¬ = .¬.:·t c/ c¬ ¬c t o.·.=/-c¬ ..::.. ¯.¬.. .c .¬ :. . -. ¬ c....· c... :. :.:ct !¯-+- º+c ¬: ¬. :.:ct l-l-·ºc . · .¬c... :c.¬ .¬.:·tc/ t .¬ . :.:ct ¯l-l!- º¯c ¬c / c¬ ¬c to.· .=/- . . :/ ¬ .·.. t:c:¬:c.... .· c·c:^¬ .. . c..:¬¬. ¬: ¬. c¬ ¬c to.·.=/-c¬ ·c¬ o~= ..::.. ¯..c.¬:. . :.:ct !¯-+-º+c c......·. ¬: · c .¬.l-:º) (..·· :-c) c . ¯/ :¬ .·c .¬ -¬ :c. .. · ¬ ¬..t: c../oc.c.¬¬cc¬ ·:¯.t c~ ¬ ¬c. ... :cc..c..¬. t o.·.=, c¬ ¬c to.·.= ¬¬c...¬¬. t ¬: c..¬:^c.: ¬ . :¬ cc¬ :.:ct ¯-·-·:cc¬. · .¬: · t ¬ ./ oc¬ ·-.c.. -.:= .¬.:·tc. c¬¬ c to.· .=/ -. . ¬ ..^·¬c:. :c. .: :.:ctt -. :.·.¬c: ·:¯.tc~ ¬oc¬.. -¬ =: ¬¬c. ..:: cc¬ . :¬ ./ · . .tc·.. .:.. ¯¬ .=::.:^¬.. . 299 :¬. .c../c.. :..±:.c¯ :::c.c±:s¯ ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Subject: Extension of UGC pay scales as revised from 1-1-1996 to Teachers, Librarians and Physical Education Directors of Government and Aided Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-Orders-Issued. Read: 1. GO No. ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-1990 extending UGC Pay Scales to Teachers of Department of Collegiate Education. 2. GO No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-1991. Extending UGC Pay Scales to Librarians and Physical Education Personnel of Department of Collegiate Education. 3. GO No. ED 25 UNI 91, dated 28-1-1991. 4. Letter No. F.1-22/97 U-1 dated 6-11-1998 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, New Delhi. 5. Notification No. F.3-1/94 (PS) dated 24-12-1998 of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 6. Letter No. F.1-22/97 U-1 dated 27-7-1998 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, New Delhi. 7. Letter No.F1-22/97 U-1 dated 17-11-1998 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, New Delhi. 8. Letter No. F1022/97U-I dated 24-3-1999 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, New Delhi. 9. F.209/97 (PS) dated 17-4-1999 of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 10. G.O. No. ED 188 DCE 98, dated 7-1-1999. 11. The Official Committee report dated 25-4-1999. 12. Government Letters No. ED 119 DCE 99, dated 4-9-1999 and 4-10-1999. 13. Letters No. F.1-29/98-UI dated 27-9-1999 and 15-10-1999. Preamble: 1. Under reference (1) and (2), the UGC pay scales as revised from 1-1-1986 had been extended to the teachers, librarians and physical education instructors in Government and aided colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education in consultation with Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education, New Delhi. The DA, HRA, CCA as admissible thereon were regulated in terms of the orders of the State Government as applicable to State Government employees issued from time to time. The expenditure with respect to the additional salary component to the extent of 80% was borne by the Government of India for a period of 51 months from 1-1-1986 to 31-3-1990. 2. A Pay Review Committee was constituted by the University Grants Commission (under the Chairmanship of Prof. R.P. Rastogi) in pursuit of the upward revision of UGC pay scales which were in force from 1-1-1986. Its report was considered by the University Grants Commission and later by Government of India, which decided to revise the pay scales of teachers, librarians and physical education directors in Government and aided colleges, subject to various provisions as stipulated by it and the regulations framed by the UGC. It was circulated among the State Governments to consider extension of the revision after taking into consideration local conditions and at their discretion to introduce the revision of pay scales either from 1-1-1996 or from a later date. 3. In the meantime, the notification regarding revision of pay scales, minimum qualification for appointment of teachers in universities and colleges and other measures for the maintenance of standards was published by UGC in its letter dated 24-12-1998. Consequent to this, the State Government constituted a committee in GO No. ED 188 DCE 98, dated 7-1-1999 under the 300 chairmanship of the Secretary to Government-I, Education Department to suggest the modalities of the scheme to extend revised UGC scales. Based on the recommendations of the committee, it has been decided to adopt and enforce the norms, guidelines and the standards enshrined in the said notification as indicated in this order. 4. The extension of UGC pay scales as revised from 1-1-1996 to the teachers, librarians and physical education directors in Government and aided colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education has been examined in consultation with the Finance Department of Government of Karnataka. Approval of the Government of India which is a pre-requisite, has also been obtained. Order No. ED 188 DCE 99, Bangalore, Dated 15 th November 1999 5. Government is pleased to revise the pay scales of teachers, librarians and physical education directors in Government and aided colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education as detailed below. 6. Coverage: This scheme applies to Lecturers, Lecturers (Senior Scale), Lecturers (Selection Grade), Librarians, Librarians (Senior Scale). Librarians (Selection Grade), Director of Physical Education, Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale) and Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade). Principals Grade-I and Principals Grade-II. 7. Date of Effect: The revised UGC pay scales will be retrospectively effectice from 1 st January, 1996, and other benefits prospectively from the date of this order. 8. Pay Scales: (a) The scale of pay which shall come into force from 1-1-1996 shall be as under: Sl.No. Category Existing scales of pay Revised scales of pay 1. Lecturer 2200-75-2800-100-4000 8000-275-13500 2. Lecturer (Senior Scale) 3000-100-3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 3. Lecturer(Selection Grade) / Reader 3700-125-4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 4. Prinicipal Grade-I 3700-125-4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 (effective from 2-8-1996) 5. Prinicipal Grade-II 4500-150-5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900-500-22400 (effective from 2-8-1996) 6. Librarian (Selection Grade) Director of Physical Education (selection Grade) 3700-125-4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 7. Librarian(Senior Scale) Director of Physcial Education (Senior Scale) 3000-100-3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 8. Librarian/Director of Physical Education 2200-75-2800-100-4000 8000-275-13500 (b) The revised scales of pay are inclusive of basic pay, DA, interim relief and fixed dearness allowance admissible as on 1.1.1996. 9. Fixation of pay and allowances: (a) The pay of teachers, librarians and directors of physical education in the Government colleges and in aided colleges coming under the Department of Collegiate Education, who joined service prior to 1 st January 1996 and were in service as on 1 st January 1996 may be fixed in the following manner:- (i) An amount representing 40% of basic pay in the existing scale shall be added to the “existing emoluments”. (ii) After the existing emoluments are so increased, pay shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount thus computed. Provided that, (a) if the minimum of the scale is more than the amount so arrived at, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale; (b) if the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of that scale. “Existing emoluments” as on 1-1-1996 shall include (a) Basic pay 301 (b) D.A. on the basic pay sanctioned upto the index level of 1510 points i.e. D.A. sanctioned vide G.O. No. FD 8 SRP 96, dated 8-5-1996. c) Fixed DA, if any. (d) The two instalments of interim relief sanctioned to teachers @ Rs. 100/- and 10% of basic pay. b) the pay w.e. from 1-1-96 in the revised scale will be fixed after giving the benefit of one increment for every three increments earned in the pre-revised scales. c) The initial pay in cases where there is no element of fixed DA shall be fixed in the revised pay scale applicable in respect of the posts held as on 1-1-1996, at the stage specified in Col. No. 7 of annexures I to III corresponding to the basic pay in the revised scales appearing in col.no. 1. (d) The initial pay in cases where there is an element of fixed DA shall be fixed in the revised pay scale applicable in respect of the posts held by them as on 1-1-1996 as per the illustrations given in annexures IV and V. (e) In the event of appointment after 1-1-1996 the pay shall be fixed in the revised scales as applicable to the post in which appointed. (f) In the event of promotion on or after 1-1-1996 to any post, the pay shall be fixed in the revised pay scales applicable to the post prior to 1-1-1996 and on the basis of the pay so fixed, the pay in the promoted/appointed post shall be re-fixed under the normal rules. (g) Lecturers (selection grade) with five years service drawing pay at the sixth stage, viz. Rs.4325/- in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 3700-5700 will be fixed at the stage of Rs. 14940/- in the revised scale of Rs. 12000-420-18300. The lecturers drawing pay at 6 th , 7 th , 8 th and 9 th stage (viz first four stages of bunching) will not be eligible for the benefit of bunching. Accordingly, in their case, the date of next increment in the revised scale will be the date on which they would have drawn increment had they continued in the pre-revised scale. The lecturers drawing pay at the 10 th , 11 th , 12 th and 13 th stage in the pre-revised scale will become entitled to one increment in the revised scale w.e.f. 1-1-1996, and the lecturers drawing pay at 14 th and 15 th stage of in the pre-revised scale will become entitled to one increment in the revised scale w.e.f. 1-1-1996, and the lecturers drawing pay at 14 th and 15 th stage of the pre-revised scale will become entitled to two increments in the revised scale on 1-1- 1996. As the lecturers drawing pay from 10 th to 15 th stage will get the benefit of bunching, they will become entitled to the next increment in the revised scale on completion of 12 months from the date of stepping up of their pay viz. 12 months from 1-1-1996. (h) The basic pay of Principals (Grade-I) appointed subsequent to 1-1-1996 shall be fixed at a minimum of Rs. 12840/- in the scale of Rs. 12000-420-18300. (i) The basic pay of Principals (Grade-II) appointed subsequent to 1-1-1996 shall be fixed at Rs.17300 in the revised pay scale of Rs. 16400-22400. (j) For the period from 1-1-1996 to 31-3-1998 they will be eligible for DA at the following rates, on the basic pay, in the pre-revised scale of pay:- (i) 1 st January 1996 to 30 th June, 1996 Nil (ii) 1 st July, 1996 to 31 st December, 1996 (a) Basic pay up to Rs. 3500/- p.m. : 11% of basic pay. (b) Basic pay between Rs. 3501 to Rs. 6000/- p.m. 8% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.385/- p.m. c) Basic pay above Rs. 6000 p.m. : 7% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 420/- p.m. (iii) 1 st January, 1997 to 30 th June, 1997 (a) Basic pay up to Rs. 3500/- p.m. : 22% of basic pay. (b) Basic pay between Rs. 3501 to Rs. 6000/- p.m. 16% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 770/- p.m. c) Basic pay above Rs. 6000 p.m. : 14% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 840/- p.m. (iv) 1 st July, 1997 to 31 st December 1997 (a) Basic pay up to Rs. 3500/- p.m. : 33% of basic pay. (b) Basic pay between Rs. 3501 to Rs. 6000/- p.m. 24% of basic pay subject to a minimum of 302 Rs. 1155/- p.m. c) Basic pay above Rs. 6000 p.m. : 21% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 1260/- p.m. (v) 1 st January 1998 to 31 st March 1998 (a) Basic pay up to Rs. 3500/- p.m. : 40% of basic pay. (b) Basic pay between Rs. 3501 to Rs. 6000/- p.m. 30% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 1400/- p.m. c) Basic pay above Rs. 6000 p.m. : 26% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 1560/- p.m (k) The DA payable under the revised DA formula with effect from 1-4-1998 shall be calculated with reference to the basic pay in the revised pay scale at the rates specified in para-1 of G.O. No. FD 4 SRP 99, dated 18-1-1999 and para-1 of GO No. FD 20 SRP 99, dated 7-5-1999. The provisions of para-9 of GO No. FD 4 SRP 99, dated 18-1-1999 stands modified to this extent. (l) Consequent on the revision of pay with effect from 1-1-1996 there will be no change in the entitlement so far as HRA and CCA are concerned for the period from 1-1-1996 upto 31-3-1998. The HRA and CCA payable in accordance with annexure-III of GO No. FD 48 SRP 98, dated 18-1- 1999 shall be calculated with reference to the basic pay in the revised scale of pay with effect from 1- 4-1998. The orders contained in para 9.1 of the said G.O. dated 18-1-1999 stands modified to this extent. 10. Mode of payment of arrears: (a) The arrears of pay and allowances during the period from 1-1-1996 to 31-5-1999 shall be invested in the NSC VIII issue in multiples of Rs. 100 to the extent of 80% of the amount, the balance amount being paid in cash. (b) In case of employees who cease to be in service due to death, retirement or resignation the arrears shall be fully payable in cash. 11. Recruitment and Qualification: (a) Recruitment to the post of Lecturer, Lecturer (SS), Lecturer (SG), Librarian, Senior Scale Librarians, Selection Grade Librarians, Director of Physical Education, Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale), Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade), Principal Grade-I and Principal Grade-II shall be as prescribed in the UGC Notification on Revision of pay scales, Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers in Colleges and Other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards, 1998, published vide F3-1/94 (PS) dated 24-12-1998 of the UGC, as amended and supplemented from time to time. (b) Selection shall be by duly constituted recruitment bodies specified by the State Government. c) The reservation roster as applicable to the recruitment shall be adopted as per prevailing Government orders. 12. Incentives for Ph.D. and M. Phil: (a) Four advance increments will be admissible for those who hold Ph.D. at the time of recruitment as lecturers. Candidates with D.Litt/D.Sc. should be given the same benefits as Ph.D. holders. (b) Two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold M.Phil. and M.Litt. at the time of recruitment as lecturers. Provided that such of the candidates who are already in service as on 1-1-1996 holding Ph.D./M.Phil/D.Ltt/D.Sc. shall not be eligible for such incentives. (c) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment. (d) A lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when he moves into selection grade under the career advancement scheme. Provided that a lecturer who is sanctioned four advance increments at the time of recruitment shall not be eligible for grant of two advance increments on moving to the selection grade. (e) A lecturer will be eligible for two advance increments as and when he acquires a Ph.D. in his service career. Provided that a lecturer who is granted four advance increments at the time of recruitment or two advance increments on moving to selection grade shall not be eligible for sanction of two advance increments for acquisition of Ph.D. in his service career. 13. Career Advancement: 303 (a) The minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (senior scale), would be four years for those holding Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil. and six years for others. The eligibility for movement to the grade of Lecturer (selection grade), would be a minimum of five years of service in the senior scale. (b) The selection committee for career advancement shall be the Placement Committee duly constituted by the State Government for each category. 14. Procedure for Selection as Lectuter (Senior Scale): (a) A lectuter will be eligible for placement through a procedure for selection by the Placement committee duly constituted by the State Government. (b) The eligibility criteria for selection will be completion of six years of service after regular appointment with relaxation of one year for those with M.phil. and two years for those with Ph.D. He/she should have participated in one orientation course and one refresher course of approved duration and engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the UGC from time to time. Those with Ph.D are exempted from one refresher course only. (c) They shall have consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports. 15. Procedure for Selection as Lecturer (Selection Grade): (a) A lecturer in the senior scale without a Ph.D. or equivalent published work and who does not meet the scholarship and research standards shall be eligible for placement through a procedure of selection by a placement committee duly constituted by the State Government. (b) The eligibility criteria for selection will be completion of five years of service in the cadre of lecturer in the senior scale. (c) They shall have a good record in teaching and preferably should have contributed in various ways such as to the corporate life of the institution, examination work or to extension activities. (d) They shall possess consistently good performance appraisal reports. 16. Orientation and Refresher Courses: (a) The requirement of participation in orientation/refresher courses/summer institutes, each of at least 3 to 4 weeks duration, and consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports, shall be a mandatory requirement for career advancement from lecturer to lecturer (senior scale) and from lecturer (senior scale) to lecturer (selection grade). Wherever the requirement of orientation/refresher courses has remained incomplete, promotions would not be held up but these must be completed by the year 2000 (31-12-2000). The requirement for completing these courses would be as follows: (i) From lecturer to lecturer (senior scale), one orientation course would be compulsory for university and college teachers. Those without Ph.D. would be required to do one refresher course in addition. (ii) Two refresher courses are required for promotion from lecturer (senior scale) to lecturer (selection grade). (iii) Senior teachers like lecturers (selection grade) shall attend two seminars/conferences in their subject area and present papers as one aspect of their promotion/selection to Principal Grade-II or attend refresher courses to be offered by Academic Staff Colleges for this level. (b) If the number of years required in a feeder cadre are less than those stipulated in this order, thus entailing hardship to those who have completed more than the total number of years in their entire service for eligibility in the cadre, they may be placed in the next higher cadre after adjusting the total number of years, provided that the minimum number of years required for placement from senior scale lecturer to selection grade lecturer shall be maintained at five years in all cases. This situation is likely to arise as in the earlier scheme, the number of years required in a feeder cadre were much more than those envisaged under this order. 17. Counting of past service: (a) Previous service without any break as lecturer in a university, college, national laboratory or CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UGC, ICSSR, ICHR and as a UGC research scientist shall be counted for placement as lecturer in senior scale/selection grade. (b) Counting of such past service shall be subject to the following conditions. (1) The post was in an equivalent grade/scale of pay as the post of lecturers. 304 (2) The qualifications for the post were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by the UGC for the post of lecturer. (3) The candidates should have applied for direct recruitment through the proper channel. (4) The concerned lecturers possess the minimum qualification prescribed by the UGC for appointment as lecturer. (5) The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selection procedure as laid down in the prevailing State Government orders. (6) The appointment was not ad-hoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration. (7) Ad-hoc service of more than one year duration can be counted provided. (i) The ad-hoc service was of more than one year duration. (ii) He/she was appointed on the recommendation of the board of appointment or duly constituted selection committee. (iii) He/she was selected to the permanent post in continuation of ad-hoc service without any break. Provided that the local candidates/contract lecturers are not eligible for counting of service in view of the decision of the Karnataka Administrative Tribunal in application No.2929 to 2943/94 dated 4-4-1996 and in SLP (Civil) No. 22555-22578/96 dated 21-4-1997. Also, the previous service rendered as stop-gap lecturers before regularization is not counted for placement. 18. Probation: (a) The minimum period of probation shall be two years in terms of rules/regulations governing the conditions of service. 19. Deputation to Orientation and Refresher Courses: (a) The Department of Collegiate Education may devise a mechanism for ensuring that the college Principals sponsor the teachers for the required orientation and refresher course. Such opportunity shall not be denied ordinarily to the teachers except on sufficient grounds. (b) If the teachers of the colleges complain that they did not get admission to the courses for which they had applied for, this shall be brought to the notice of the UGC, duly indicating the name of the teachers, department in which he is working, course applied for in Academic Staff colleges or the department, date of the course and the reasons for refusal. 20. Teaching Days: The colleges must observe at least 180 actual teaching days, i.e., there should be a minimum of 30 weeks of actual teaching in a 6 day week. Of the remaining period, 10 weeks may be allowed for admission and examination activities and non-instructional days (e.g. for sports, college day, etc.), 10 weeks for vacation and 2 weeks for various public holidays. The above is summarized as follows: No. of weeks Teaching 30 (180 days) Admissions/Examinations/Preparation for Examinations 10 Vacation 10 Public Holidays (to increase and adjust teaching days accordingly) 2 Total 52 21. Work load: The workload of the teacher in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks (180 teaching days) in an academic year. It should be necessary for the teacher to be available for at least 7 hours daily and for 5 hours on Saturdays in the college, for which necessary space and infrastructure should be provided by the college. The direct teaching hours should be as follows: Lecturer 16 hours Social Science subjects Lecturer Senior Scale 20 hours Science subjects/subjects with practicals Lecturer Selection Grade } Provided a teacher who is recognized as a guide and is involved in guiding a research project and/or is involved in teaching a post-graduate course shall be eligible for relaxation of a maximum of two hours of workload in a week. 22. Superannuation: The age of superannuation shall be 58 years. 305 23. Service Agreement: (a) Every lecturer, librarian, director of physical education, in Government colleges and aided colleges shall, at the time of recruitment, execute a service agreement signed between themselves and the Deparment of Collegiate Education. (b) The self-appraisal of performance should be a part of the service agreement. 24. Code of Professional Ethics: The code of conduct of employees of aided educational institutions presented vide GO No. ED 141 UPC 76, dated 6-10-1977 shall continue to apply. In respect of Government colleges the KCS (Conduct) Rules, 1966 shall continue to apply. 25. Accountability: (a) The self appraisal of performance should be adopted as a mandatory part of the career advancement scheme and should be implemented with the revised pay scales within the time frame of one year, if not already implemented. (b) It would be optional for the colleges to consider introduction of student evaluation as a method of assessment of the teachers. 26. Anomalies: Anomalies and disparities, if any, in the implementation of the revised UGC pay scales shall be brought to the notice of the State Government which could consider them in consultation with the UGC. 27. Non-Application of UGC Pay Scales: The Government shall not extend the UGC pay scales to any of its employees except those having coverage under these orders. 28. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance department vide UO notes No. FD 11 SRP 99, dated 7-5-99 and 30-8-99, and FD 22 SRP 99, dated 27-10-1999. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka VATSALA WATSA Secretary to Government, (Higher Education), Education Department. Annexure - I Department of Collegiate Education Pay Fixation in 1996 UGC Pay Scales Lecturer Pre-Revised Scale Librarian Rs. 2200-4000 Physical Education Revised Scale Director Rs. 8000-275-13500 Basic Pay as on 1-1-96 40% weightage IR-I Rs.100 p.m. IR-II 10% D.A. as on 1-1-96 Total Column (1 to 5) Pay in UGC revised scale 2200 880 100 220 3036 6436 8000 2275 910 100 228 3140 6653 8000 2350 940 100 235 3243 6868 8000 2425 970 100 243 3347 7085 8275* 2500 1000 100 250 3450 7300 8275* 2575 1030 100 258 3554 7517 8275* 2650 1060 100 265 3657 7732 8550* 2725 1090 100 273 3761 7948 8550* 2800 1120 100 280 3864 8164 8550* 2900 1160 100 290 4002 8452 8825* 3000 1200 100 300 4140 8740 8825* 3100 1240 100 310 4278 9028 9100 3200 1280 100 320 4416 9316 9375 3300 1320 100 330 4554 9604 9650 3400 1360 100 340 4692 9898 9925 306 3500 1400 100 350 4830 10180 10200 3600 1440 100 360 4830 10330 10475 3700 1480 100 370 4830 10480 10750 3800 1520 100 380 4830 10630 10750 3900 1560 100 390 4830 10780 11025 4000 1600 100 400 4830 10930 11025 *Vide para 9(b) and third proviso to Rule 7(1) of CCS (RP) Rules, 1997. Annexure - II Department of Collegiate Education Pay Fixation in 1996 UGC Pay Scales Lecturer (Senior Scale) Pre-Revised Scale Librarian (Senior Scale) Rs. 3000-5000 Director of (Senior Scale) Revised Scale Physical Education Rs. 10000-325-15200 Basic Pay as on 1-1- 96 40% weightage IR-I Rs.100 p.m. IR-II 10% D.A. as on 1-1-96 Total Column (1 to 5) Pay in UGC revised scale 3000 1200 100 300 4140 8740 10000 3100 1240 100 310 4278 9028 10000 3200 1280 100 320 4416 9316 10000 3300 1320 100 330 4554 9604 10325* 3400 1360 100 340 4692 9898 10325* 3500 1400 100 350 4830 10180 10325 3625 1450 100 363 4830 10368 10650 3750 1500 100 375 4830 10555 10650 3875 1550 100 388 4830 10743 10975 4000 1600 100 400 4830 10930 10975 4125 1650 100 413 4830 11118 11300 4250 1700 100 425 4830 11305 11625 4375 1750 100 438 4830 11493 11625 4500 1800 100 450 4830 11680 11950 4625 1850 100 463 4830 11868 11950 4750 1900 100 475 4940 12165 12275 4875 1950 100 488 5070 12483 12600 5000 2000 100 500 5200 12800 12925 *Vide para 9(b) and third proviso to Rule 7(1) of CCS (RP) Rules, 1997. Annexure - III Department of Collegiate Education Pay Fixation in 1996 UGC Pay Scales Lecturer (Selection Grade) Pre-Revised Scale Librarian Rs. 3700-5700 Director of Revised Scale Physical Education } Rs. 12000-420-18300 307 Basic Pay as on 1-1-96 40% weightage IR-I Rs.100 p.m. IR-II 10% D.A. as on 1-1-96 Total Column (1 to 5) Pay in UGC revised scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3700 1480 100 370 4830 10480 12000 3825 1530 100 383 4830 10668 12000 3950 1580 100 395 4830 10855 12000 4075 1630 100 408 4830 11043 12420* 4200 1680 100 420 4830 11230 12420* 4325 1730 100 433 4830 11418 12420* 4450 1780 100 445 4830 11605 12840* 4575 1830 100 458 4830 11793 12840* 4700 1880 100 470 4888 12038 12840* 4825 1930 100 483 5018 12356 13260* 4950 1980 100 495 5148 12673 13260* 5100 2040 100 510 5304 13054 13260 5250 2100 100 525 5460 13435 13680 5400 2160 100 540 5616 13816 14100 5550 2220 100 555 5772 14197 14520 5700 2280 100 570 5928 14578 14940 *Vide para 9(b) and third proviso to Rule 7(1) of CCS (RP) Rules, 1997. Annexure-IV Illustration-I UGC Pay Fixation 1. Designation Lecturer Senior Scale 2. Pay Scales (Pre Revised) 2200-4000 3000-5000 3. Pay Scales ( Revised) 8000-13500 10000-15200 4. Fixation Formula (a) Basic pay as on 1.1.1996 2650 (b) Add 40% of basic pay as on 1.1.1996 1060 (c) I.R-I @ Rs.100/- P.M. 100 (d) I.R-II @ 10% of basic pay 265 (e) DA as on 1-1-1996 3657 (f) F.D.A. 68 Total of (a) to (f) 7800 5. Stage next above in the revised UGC scale 8000 6. If one increment is ensured in the revised UGC scale for every three increments in the existing scales, the stage in the revised UGC scale. (two increments for six increments in the existing scale). (two increments for eight increments in the existing scale) 7. Pay to be fixed in the revised UGC scale (stage of pay at SL. No. 5 or 6 whichever is higher) 8550 308 Annexure-V Illustration-II UGC Pay Fixation 1. Designation Selection Grade Lecturer 2. Pay Scales (Pre Revised) 3700-5700 3. Pay Scales ( Revised) 12000-18300 4. Fixation Formula (a) Basic pay as on 1.1.1996 4450 (b) Add 40% of basic pay as on 1.1.1996 1780 (c) I.R-I @ Rs.100/- P.M. 100 (d) I.R-II @ 10% of basic pay 445 (e) DA as on 1-1-1996 4830 (f) F.D.A. 74 Total of (a) to (f) 11679 5. Stage next above in the revised UGC scale (i.e., minimum of the UGC scale) 12000 6. If one increment is ensured in the revised UGC scale for every three increments in the existing scales, the stage in the revised UGC scale. 12840 7. Pay to be fixed in the revised UGC scale (stage of pay at SL. No. 5 or 6 whichever is higher) 12840 ts:r:t · t:rc t:c :z. ct~ ¬c:: t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, .c/-oc. ¯:) ))l ·c. t:::-¯!-..¬ -!)))--c:ct :.:ct +-¯-!))) l. .c: ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬ := t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c./ -.. !. .c: ¬:¬.:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬.=:tc./-.. ¬.:.c, .¬c.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c .../-.. .¬.:·tc. :cc..c..¬. ¬:/o c¬ : c to.·.=/-. .:/¬.·.. t:c..= .¬..-/o-·.¬ -:t:c¬.. ¬::c.o... ¬.:¬.¬ ./ . .c.: :.:ct !·-!-!)))¬c¬. .¬¬ -c:c .:.¬:.c.. ¯¯.. ·.c.. .¬¬-c... . :¬:c·. ·c. !¯í!))). .c.:¬.. :.:ct !·-!-!))) ¬c¬. .¬¬ -c:c .:.¬:.c.. ¯¯.. ·. c... -c^.tc·¬ :¬ :c·. ·c. !¯í!)))c. .¬c·. .c.¬c: ·t:=c t:c.../-.. -¬ :¬tc.. .:.¬:.c../- -t:¬..t ·:¬ t:c.... .¬c...¬ :cc..c..¬. c ¬:c to.·.=/-. .:/¬ .·.. ¯c.o..·.. :c. ..tc. ¬.:: -:t:c ¬ oc:c.::c. .¬.:·tc. c¬¬c to.·.= ¬:/o :cc..c..¬. to.·.=/-/ ·c.c:·¬ -t:¬..t ·:¬ t:c..¯c¬ :c..c..:¬:/ t:c..= .¬..- ¬¬c.... :c...tc t..cc.... ·c¬-=· -..¬.. ¬¬c.... -./: .-c.¬:/.¬ ·c. ¬.c.: ¬. ¬:/o :c...tc t..c/ t.·¬ ¬oc ¬÷:/.:¬. :¬.¬cc¬ ·¬c t:c... :¸t~t ¬¬·, t:c. .=.:c ¬ oc¬:~t/-.. ¬ c:..· ·c.c:·¬ ¬:c:.¬:.c. :¬. t:c ... .¬.:·tc./-.. t:c..=.¬..-/o-·.. = ¬.o.t -:t:c ¬::c.o... ¬.:¬c:^¬. :¬. .::·, t:c... :t~ :c...tc.. 309 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA Sub: Extension of UGC Pay Scales as revised from 1-1-1996 to teachers, Librarians, Physical education directors in the Government/Aided Colleges. Read: 1. Government Order No. ED 188 DCE 99, dated 15-11-1999 2. Letter No. F.1-12/99 U.1, dated 16-8-99 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education. 3. Letter No. DO F.3-1/94 (PS) dated 27-10-99 of the UGC 4. Letter No. F.1-20/99-U.1 dated 16-11-99 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education. 5. DO Letter No. F.1-29/98-U.1, dated 5-11-99 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education. 6. Letter No. F.1-22/99-U.1 dated 5-12-99 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education. 7. DO letter No. 5-2/99 (PS) dated 23-2-2000 of the UGC 8. DO letter No. F.1-21/99-U.1 dated 29-2-2000 of the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education. 9. Letter No. F-1-5/99 (PS) (PF) dated June 2000 of the UGC. Preamble: 1. Revised UGC pay scales have been extended to the Teachers, Librarians and Physical Education Directors in the Government/Aided Colleges of the Collegiate Education Department in GO read at (1) above. Subsequently various clarifications have been issued by the Government of India and UGC on the implementation of the revised UGC Pay Scales. These have been examined and considered in consultation with Finance Department and accordingly following orders are issued. Government Order No. ED 183 DCE 99, Bangalore, Dated 29 th July 2000 2. In partial modification of Government order No. ED 188 DCE 99, dated 15-11-99, the following amendments are made which shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 15-11-99 save or otherwise provided specifically in these orders. 3. The sub-para (g) of para 9 of the aforesaid Government order dated 15-11-99 shall be substituted by the following: (g) Fixation of pay of Lecturer (Selection Grade):- (i) Lecturers (Selection Grade) who were selected strictly in accordance with the rules and regulation of the UGC with 5 years service drawing pay at the sixth stage, viz., Rs. 4,325/- in the prerevised scale of Rs. 3700-5700 will be fixed at the stage of Rs. 14,940/- in the revised scale of Rs.12000-420-18300. The lecturers drawing pay at 6 th , 7 th , 8 th and 9 th stage (viz., First four stages of bunching) will not be eligible for the benefit of bunching. Accordingly, in their case, the date of next increment in the revised scale will be the date on which they would have drawn increment had they continued in the pre-revised scale. The Lecturers drawing pay at the 10 th , 11 th , 12 th and 13 th Stage in the pre-revised scale will become entitled to one increment in the revised scale with effect from 1-1- 1996 and the Lecturers drawing pay at 14 th and 15 th stage of the pre-revised scale will become entitled to two increments in the revised scale on 1-1-1996. As the lecturers drawing pay from 10 th to 15 th stage will get the benefit of bunching, they will become entitled to the next increment in the revised scale on completion of 12 months from the date of stepping up of their pay viz., 12 months from 1-1- 1996. (ii) The fixation of pay of lecturers (Selection Grade) in the pre-revised scale of Rs.3700- 125-4950-150-5700 who were selected strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the UGC and who were in position as (Lecturers (Selection Grade) as on 1-1-1996, will be made in a manner that they get their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs. 14,940/- in the revised scale of Rs. 12000- 420-18300 as and when they complete five years in the grade. 4. Below sub-para (b) of para 9, the following shall be inserted. Instruction: The benefit so given should be added to the minimum of the revised scale and if the stage arrived at is higher than the stage as per para 9 (a), this pay should be fixed in the revised scale; 5. After para 9 the following new para shall be inserted:- 310 “9A (1) Where in the fixation of pay under para 9, the pay of a Lecturer, who in the existing scale was drawing immediately before 1-1-96 more pay than another lecturer junior to him in the same cadre gets fixed in the revised scale at a stage lower than that of such junior, his pay shall be stepped up to the same stage in the revised scale as that of the junior”. (2) In cases where a Senior Lecturer promoted to a higher post before 1-1-96 draws less pay in the revised scale than his junior who is promoted to the higher post on or after 1-1-96 the pay of the Senior Lecturer shall be stepped up equal to the pay of his junior in that higher post. The stepping up shall be effected from the date of promotion of the Junior subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions, namely:- (a) Both the junior and senior should belong to the same category and the post to which they have been promoted should be identical in the same category. (b) The pre-revised and revised scales of pay of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical. (c) The senior at the time of promotion has been drawing equal or more pay than the junior. (d) The anomaly should be directly as a result of the application of the provisions of KCRS’s or Orders regulating the pay fixation on such promotion in the revised scale. If, even in the lower post the junior lecturers was drawing more pay in the prerevised scale than the senior by virtue of any advance increments sanctioned to him, these provisions shall not be invoked to step up the pay of the senior. (3) The order relating to refixation of pay of the senior in accordance with the above provisions shall be issued under the provisions. The senior shall be entitled to the next increment completion of his required qualifying service of one incremental period of 12 months w.e.f. the date of stepping up of pay. 6. After para 27 relating to Teachers of the Collegiate Education the following new para 27A shall be inserted, namely:- 27A Revised Pensionary Benefits: (1) UGC Scales as revised from 1-1-96 have been linked to the index level of 1510 points in as much revised pay scale structured includes the D.A. admissible as on 1-1-1996 to the extent of 138% of basic pay. As on 1-1-96 the pensionary benefits under the State Government had not been revised. The revised pay scales of the State Government employees came into force from 1-4-98 by merging the D.A. as on 1-1-96. The pensionary benefits were also simultaneously revised w.e.f. 1-4- 98. Therefore, the revised pay drawn in the U.G.C. pay scales for the period from 1-1-1996 upto 31- 3-98 shall not be taken as emoluments for the purpose of pensionary benefits. Accordingly, (a) In respect of teachers drawing U.G.C. Pay Scales who have retired during the period from 1-1-96 to 31-3-93 they shall be eligible for the benefit of the fixation of pay and arrears under the revised U.G.C. scales of pay only. There shall not be any change in their pensionary benefits with reference to the revised UGC pay and the retirement benefits already sanctioned in the pre-revised UGC pay scales will not undergo any modifications. However, they shall be entitled to the benefit of fixation of revised pension/family pension as comtemplated in GO No. FD (Spl.) 2 PET 99 dated 15-2-1999 only w.e.f. 1 st April, 1998.Para 6 of Go No.FD (Spl.) 2 PET 99 dated 15-2-99 stand modified to this extent. (b) In respect to Teachers drawing UGC pay scales and who have retired on or after 1-4-98, the pay drawn in the revised UGC pay scales shall be counted for the purpose of pensionary benefits and the orders revising the pensionary benefits vide GO No.FD (Spl.) 1 PET 99 dated 15-2-99 shall be made applicable. 7. After para 27-A relating to Teachers of the Collegiate Education the following new para 27-B shall be inserted, namely:- 27-B: Discontinuance of Examination remuneration: Under Section 28 of the Karnataka Education Act, 1983 discharge of Examination work is mandatory notwithstanding anything contained in any law or contract or judgement/decree awarded by the Court. There has not been any provision for the payment of any extra remuneration to carry out the examination related works of Universities and Colleges. Lecturers shall discharge their examination related duties including valuation and tabulation work as part of their academic function and will not be entitled to payment of any extra remuneration. However they shall be entitled to T.A. / D.A. as admissible under KCSR’s for the journeys performed by them for examination work. 311 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.S. VENUGOPAL Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t · t:rc ·c: ..¬ ã( ¬:oc¯ (oc:c:t) º( t:c :z. ct~ oc...tc to:c ocr=nc.-ã(º ººI Os:ct :1-s-:ººº ·.:n:c .¬c.. :.:ct ¯l-l!-º¯ ¬.:. -¬to ¬o¬.. .cc.. ¬.:. :.~/ · ¬¬= ¬:/o :c.. ¬.:. :.~/ l: ¬¬=/- .:c..c ·.¬: -¬:c.... ¬oc¸·.¬ .¬.:·tc./-. ¯/:¬.·c.¬ .c¬. c¬¬c t o.·= :cc..c..¬. to.·.=/- .. ¬¬c....t:.c¬ ..::. ¯.¬.¬ ./ . .c.: l) :.:ct l)-·-º·c ·c. :.-l!¯-.·:-º·c ·t:=c¬ -c ·t:=c ¬:. !) = t..cc.. :.:ct !)-·-º·c ·c. ··:-)l-· ¬.:. .-::c-º·-ººc ¬:. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../- . .:c..c .¬.:·tc./-:^¬., :.:ct ¯l-l!-º¯t ¬.:. -¬ to ¬o¬c. c....· ¬.:. :.~/- .cc.. ¬.:. :.~/ )· ¬¬=/- ¯cc:c ·.¬ ·.·¬ . ¬ .:. :c.. ¬.:. :.~/ l: ¬¬=/- ¯cc:c ·.¬: -¬:c.... ¬oc¸·c.¬ .¬ .:·tc./- . .c .: (l) ¬.:. 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BANGALORE UNIVERSITY NO.CDC/PUAC/2001-2002/ Office of the Director, College Development Council, Prasanna Kumara Block, Palace Road, Bangalore-9. Dated: 6-7-2001. The Principals of all the Government and Aided Colleges affiliated to Bangalore University. Sir/Madam, SUB: Exemption from Orientation/Refresher Courses for Teachers holding Ph.D degree in University/Colleges for promotion under career Advancement Scheme to Lecturer (Sr.Scale). REF:1. UGC Letter No. F.2-9/97(Ps) dated 17 th May 2001. 2. Letter vide No. F.147/UGC/SWRO/ 2001-02 dated 22 nd June 2001. from the Regional Head, U.G.C., S.W.R.O., received on 6-7-01. **** 315 With reference to the above, I write to state that, U.G.C. has taken the decision regarding promotion of college teachers under career advancement scheme to leturer (Sr. seale): The following decision has been taken by the U.G.C: No.1. A PhD holder may be exempted for not having attended one course whether refresher or Orientation course as regards the eligibility for promotion under the career Advancement Scheme to Lecturer (Sr. Scale). 2. Mphil cannot be equated to Ph.D in this regard. As such, the Principals of the colleges are hereby requested to kindly bring the contents of this letter to the teachers of your college and oblige. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Director. t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t~ :c:. ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:) ))l !!¯)+¯·, !!l!º+l :.:ct !:-:-!))l ·c. ··:¯::.:c(:¬-:) º:. l. .c: ¬:¬.:t t:c... :t~ t..cc.. .c. ¯¬.=:tc¬c/, !. .c: ·t:=c.:·^ -. .¬:¯: t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c ./-/. ¬.:.c, .¬c..·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- .¬.:·tc./-/ ·:¯.tc~¬ ./ · ¬. .c.: l) ·t:=c¬ .¬ t:c..=¬:=c..¬c. :t~ :c:. .c/-oc. :¬c ¬:¬ ·c.:.l))c.....:!))l, :.:ctlº-):-!))l. !) .¬ t:c..=¬:=c..¬c. c......·., .¬¬¬., :¬c ¬:¬ ·c. .¬ -!- ºº¯ (..·) :.:ctl¯-)¯-!))l. ·t:=c.:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../ - . ·.¬ ·.·..c.¬ .¬.:·tc./-/ ·:¯.tc~ ¯.¬.¬ ·c.c¬¬. ·t:=c¬ .¬ t:c. .=¬:=c..¬c., :t~ :c:., .c/-oc. ¬.: . .¬ t:c..=¬:=c..¬c., c......·., .¬¬¬., :¬cc¬ .c:c.¬ .c..: ¬: /-.. ¬.:.. ¬:/o ·ot t¬.t:^ :¬coc:/ ./.·c:^¬. ·: ¬: /-.. .¬c..¬. . ·c.c¬¬. .c: .¬.:·tc./- -¬/:¬ ./ :c.¬c: = ¬.o.t ·o.·c:^¬. :¬. .::·, t:c... :t~ ¯¬.=:tc.. 316 Geetha Ramesh Telephone Office: 2262508 Deputy Secretary to Government, Education Department Sachivalaya-II Room No. 551 5 th Flor, Multistoreyed Building Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore-560 001 No. ED 100 UNE 2001 Dated : 19-6-2001 To: 1) Dr. S.N.Hegde, 2) Dr. A.M. Pathan, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Mysore University, Karnataka University, MYSORE-570005. DHARWAD-580003. 3) Dr. K. Siddappa, 4) Dr. M.V. Nadakarni, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University, Gulbarga University, BANGALORE-560056. GULBARGA –585106. 5) Dr. S. Gopal, 6) Dr. S.P. Hiremath, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Mangalore University, Kuvempu University, MANGALORE-574199. B.R.PROJECT-577451. 7) Dr. H.J. Lakkappa Gowda, 8) Dr. N.S. Ramegowda, Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Kannada University, Karnataka State Open University HAMPI-583276. MYSORE-570006. 9) Dr. K. Balaveera Reddy, Vice Chancellor, Vishveswaraiah Techological University, BELGAUAM-590010. Sir, SUB: Exemption from Orientation/Refresher Courses for teachers holding P.hD degree for promotion under CAS. Ref: Letter No: F-02-09-1997(PS) dated: 17-05-2001 of the DS, UGC. ----------- 1) It has been clarified by the UGC in its letter under reference that the Ph.D holder may be exempted from not having attended a course whether refresher or orientation courses as regards the eligibility for promotion under the CAS (Senior Scale) and M.Phil cannot be equated to Ph.D in this regard. 2) A copy of the UGC letter is appended for information and further guidance. Yours faithfully, GEETHA RAMESH Deputy Secretary to Government, Education Department (University) UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-110002 317 F.2-7/97(PS) 12 JUNE, 2001 Sh. H.Hanumanthappa Deputy Secretary Education Department Government of Karnataka Sachivalaya-II, Room No.631 6 th Floor, M.S.Building Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore-560001. Sub: Orientation/Refresher Courses-Cut off date beyond 31.12.2000. Sir, With reference to your letter No.ED-312/DCE-2000 dated 8.2.2001 on the subject cited above, I am directed to inform you that the Commission regrets its inability to extend the cut off date for doing refresher course beyond 31.12.2000. Yours faithfully, Narain Singh Under Secretary. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG, NEW DELHI-110002 JUNE, 2001 F.2-7/97(PS) Sh. H.Hanumanthappa Deputy Secretary Education Department Government of Karnataka Sachivalaya-II, Room No.631 6 th Floor, M.S.Building Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore-560001. Sub: Regarding exempting Orientation Course for lecturers who have done two Refresher Courses. Sir, With reference to your letter No. ED-312/DCE-2000 dated 30.12.2000 on the subject cited above, I am directed to inform you that the Commission regrets its inability to extend the time limit to attend the Orientation/Refresher courses beyond 31.12.2000. I would also like to inform you as under:- 1. "A Ph.D. holder be exempted for not having attended one course whether Refresher or Orientation course as regard the eligibility for consideration of Promotion under Career Advancement Scheme". 2. "M.Phil can not be equated to PhD. in this regard" Yours faithfully, (Narain Singh) Under Secretary. 318 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO.ED 183 DCE 99 Karnataka Government Secretariat, M.S.Building, Bangalore, dated: 08-01-2002. CORRIGENDUM 1. In Government Order No.ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-90 the following corrections are Notified for General information: At para 5(B) "Senior Scale will be eligible for PROMOTION to the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade)" may be read as "Senior scale will be eligible for PLACEMENT to the post of Lecturers (Selection Grade)" At para 5(C) "PROMOTION to the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade)" may be read as "Placement to the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade)" at para 11 "CADRE" may be read as "DESIGNATION" 2. In Government Order No.ED 188 DCE 99 dated 15-11-99 the following corrections are notified for General information. At Para 16(1) (ii) "Two refresher courses are rquired for promotion from Lecturer (Senior scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade)" may be read as "Two Refresher courses are required for placement from Lecturer (Senior scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade)" By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.S.VENUGOPAL Under Secretary to Government Education Department. t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t~ :c:. ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c... :t~ :c...t c t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:)))l !!¯)+¯·, !!l!º+l :.:ct !l-)¯-!))!. ·c.t:::¯!..¬!))):¬-:, / l. .c: ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬ . ¬:= t:c.../- ¬:c: .¬:.c./- .. ¯. .c: ¬:¬.:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬.=:tc./-.. +. ¬.:.c, .¬c..- ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬ ¬. ¬:= t:c.../-.. .¬.:·tc. ¯/:¬ .·¬ :cc..c..¬. ¬:/o c¬¬c to.·.=/-. ¬.:: .:/¬ .·.. t:c..=.¬..-/o-·.¬ -:t:c¬. . ¬::c.o... ¬.:¬.¬ ./. .c.:- :.:ctl¯-ll-ººc ·c.:.l··.·:ººc ·t:=c :¬.:. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -. .¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬ := t:c.../-. ·.¬ ·.·..c.¬ .¬.:·tc./ -/ .c .:(l)c ·t:=c :¬.:¬ tc.t l:c .¬ tc.t .(l) c. .¬.:·tcc¬ .cc.. ¬.:. :.~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¬ oc¬.. .c¬. c¬.¬c ¬:/o .c¬. :cc..c..¬. to.·=.. ¬:/o .(ll)c. .cc.. ¬ .:. :.~:.c¬ :c.. ¬.:. :.~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¬oc¬.. .c¬. c¬¬c to.·.=/- -/:.c.:¬ .c¬. ·o.·¬. = ..cc... ¬c:..·.¬¬:¬c -..t ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬ . ¬:= t:c.../-. .¬.:·tc./-. :¬. .cc.. :c.. ¬.:. :.~/ ¯/:¬.·c.¬ c¬¬c :cc..c..¬. to.·.=/-^c: -:t to.·.=/-.. 319 ¬.:¬.. ..¬ .:.¬:.c../-/ -.=c.... ·.· :c. ./oc¬. to.·.=/-.. ¬..^·c.¬¬ . :c:.c.. /¬..t .c:¬. :¬. t:.o¯. c.. ·:¬ ¬. ¬:/o :¬cc¬ t.¬ :c¬. .¬.:·tc/ -¬t:::c¬ ¬c.:c:/.:: c. ¬:/o .¬::=/- ¬:c ¬¬÷./-/ :oc¬cc..:/ .:¬. :¬cc¬ ·t:=c :¬.:¬. .cc.. :c.. ¬.:. :.~/ ·:¯.tc~ ¬¬c.... ¯/:¬.·c.¬ -/: to.·.=/-/ ¬.:: .¬.:·tc./-.. t:=¬:c¬ .¬./¬/o-·..tc¬. .c¬o¬. -/:-c: ¬÷. to.·.=/- .. ¬.:¬ .. :c-.. .c..·¬. -c:¬ .o.¬tc/ -¬t:: ¯.¬.:c¬c¬. = ¬.o.t ·o.·c:^¬. :¬. .::·, t:c... :t~ ¯¬.=:tc.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO.ED 265 UPC 98 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Multi-Storied Building, Bangalore, dated: 22-03-2002. ENDORSEMENT The representation dated:12-1-2001 filed by Sri K.M.Patil, Demonstrator, Collegiate Education Department now retired, for sanction of UGC pay scales has been examined in detail by the Government. The UGC has evolved a promotional scheme for in service Demonstrators and Tutors as Lecturers subject to acquisition of UGC qualification i.e. Master's degree with 55% marks. This promotional avenue for in service Demonstrators has not been utilized by acquiring post-graduate qualifications. Your inability to acquire post- graduate qualification with 55% marks means that you cannot claim UGC scales of pay applicable to the post of Lecturers. It is also pertinent to state that you are eligible for movement to the next higher scale of pay after completion of 10 and 15 years of service under the Time Bound Advancement Scheme and Senior Scale of Pay scheme with pay fixation benefit and these automatic movement to higher scale of pay has been availed and provided relief to you. In view of the above circumstances, your request for extension of UGC pay scales cannot be agreed to, as you are not eligible. Sri K.M. Patil House No. 76/3B Sri Gurubasava Housing Colony Kaladagi Road, Bagalkot-587 101 K.S.VENUGOPAL Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Copy to : Commissioner for Collegiate Education, Bangalore for information. t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t~ :c:. ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:)))l !!¯)+¯·, !!l!º+l :.:ct ¯l-)¯-!))!. ·c.t::::¬-:)º.¬÷..+!))! :¬c/ l) .c: ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬. t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c./-., 320 !) .c: t:c... :t~ ¬: ¬.:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬.=:tc./-.. ¬.:.c, .¬c.. c......·. ¬.:. :.~c... :.:ct )l-)l-º:-c: ¬o¬=¬. ..¬ ÷... ¬¬¬ ·.¬: ¯c: -¬ :¬tc ./-/ ¬.:. ¬..c../- (Advance Increments) ¬.c.oc:. ./. .c.: (l) :.:ct !-l!-!))lc ·c. :.l·¯.·:ºº(¬) ·t:=c ¬:. (!) :.:ct )l-)l-!))!c ·c. ··:¯)c....·¬.¯ :¬-: = t..c ¬:. (¯) :.:ct l!-)+-!))!c = t..cc.. ·¬. · c.c.. :¬.:. (+) :.:ct ):-)+-!))!c ·c. :.¯+c......!))!c ·t:=c ·.:o.c. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t ·c.c:·¬c: :¬. -¬/:¬ ./ :c.c..·.¬¬..c¬c .c.: (l)c ·t:=c ¬:¬ ..cc... :.:ct )l-)l-º:-c:.o ¬o¬.. ..¬÷... ¬ ¬. ¬¬:¬., ·¬c ¬¬.c.. ::c.c¬¬:^ c. .:¬¬. ·:¯.tc~ ·-.. ¬.. ¬¬c..¬. :c.¬ -¬= .¬.:·tc./-c¬ .c.: (!)c. -/: ¬·: ¬.c.... ·.tc·c:^:.. · ¬c ¬·:¬./-.. ¬c:..· ¯º -¬= ·t:=c t:c.../- :c.. :.~ .¬.:·tc./-/ :.:ct !¯-)¯-º·cc¬ -.c..¬:/.¬ c: )! ¬:.=t ¬.:. ¬..c.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:. :¬.: ¬oc.·c:^:.. .c.: (+)c ¬..c¬.¬c¬. :.:ct :-)+-!))!c ·t:=c ·.:o.cc... · o.·¬ ¬t:c :.:ct)l-)l-º:c ¬o¬=¬. ..¬÷... ¬¬. ¬¬¬ .¬.:·tc./-/ )! ¬:.=t ¬.:. ../-.. ¬ .c.oc. ¬.:. :¬.: ¬oc.·¬ ¬t¬. ¬:/o )! ¬:.=t ¬.:. ..c... . ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬ ·c.c¬ ¬·:¬./-. ¬c:..·.¬ ¬c:¬.¬ c -¬/-.. ¬..c:. :¬.: ¬¬c/ :¬..c.... ·o.·¬. ¬:/o :.:ct ):-)+-!))!c ·t:=c ·.:o.cc.... = ¬:¬oc:/ ./.· ¬..c:. -/: t¬.t:^ t-..·c:^¬. :¬. .::·, t:c... :t~ ¯¬.=:t c.. t.:=.t ·t:=c ·c.¯+ c...... !))! t.:=.t ·t:=c¬ ·.¬:.c.. .¬.¬.¬. t.¬, ·.¬:.c..-!, .c/-oc.-¯:)))l, :.:ct ):-)+-!))+. ·.:o.c .¬c.. c....· ¬.:. : .~c... :.:ct )l-)l-lºº:t ¬o¬.. ..¬÷.. ¬¬¬ ·.¬: ¯c: -¬ :¬tc./-/ ¬.:. ¬..c../- (Advance increments) ¬.c.oc:.. l) .:.¬:.c.. ¬.:. .:.¬:.c..¬ ¬.t t:c.../- -¬:¬tc./-/, /c¬ ¬:.tc./-/ ¬.:. ¬¸.t :t~ ¯¬.=: tc./-/ :.:ct )l-)l-º:cc¬ ::c/ .c.¬c: ¬ c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~c.... .·c· -¬c ¬:t....c.¬ ::c .c: ·-../-. . :.:ct l¯-ll-ºº cc¬ ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬c:^¬, :.:ct ¯l-)·-!))lc c....· ¬:¬. :.:ct)l-)l-º: c ¬o¬=¬. ·.¬c...¬ . .¬÷. ¬¬¬ -¬:¬tc./-/ :.:ct !¯-)¯-º· cc¬ -.c..¬:/.¬c: ! ¬..c/¬ ¬.:. ¬..c../-.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.. -¬t:: t. ·c:^¬. !) ¬...c¬ ..cc... :.:ct )l-)l-º:c ¬o¬=¬. .¬÷. ¬¬¬ c....· ¬.:. :.~¬:cc/ c..:¬ :.:ct :c¬ ¬..c/¬ ¬.:. ¬..c../-.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬..t. ¬.:. ::=t ·-../-.. c..:¬ :.:ct:c¬ ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬ ..t. ¬:/o ·¬c -¬: . :.-¬.c./-., .¬.:·t, .cc.. :.~ .¬.:·t ¬.:. :c.. :.~ .¬ .:·tc¬c./-/o ·¬ -.:.·.: ¬c... .c. · ..tc~¬.. ¯.¬.¬c: .:.¬:.c../-. to.c¬. 321 ¯) :.:ct ¯l-)·-!))lc ::=t :c:.c.. ·¬.:co.÷.c.oc:/ ¬.:. .:c: ·t:=c¬ ·¬¬.. ¬¬¬. ¬·.: .· c¬:.c¬ .c.:/.¬ ¬÷ ¬.. ct:÷:c ¬.:. -¬ c ·): c¬.. . :c: ·t:=c:c¬ -. .¬:.¬. . ¬¬¬. .¬.t¬:¬ ·t:=c :¬.:¬.. ¬oc.·..t:^¬. +) :.:ct )l-)l-lºº:c ¬o¬=¬. ·.¬: ¯c:c:^¬ ., ..¬÷.. ¬¬¬ .¬ .:·tc./-/ ¬..c/¬ ¬.:. ¬..c.. (:¬:. :.-¬.c.) ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬ .¬c..¬ . :.:ct ¯l-)·- !))lc c....· ¬:¬. ¯..c.¬ ¬.:/ =·o./-. ¬c:...c...¬. ·¬c .¬c..¬., ::=t :c:.c.. ·¬.:co.÷.c.oc:/ ¬.:. . :c: ·t:=c¬ ·¬¬.. ¬¬¬ . :¬.: ¬oc.·.¬¬c/ -c:¬ ¬.:. ¬..c../ -.. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.. -¬t::... :¬cc¬ ·t:=c¬ :¬.:¬.. ¯c.-·.¬c: = ¬.o.t ·o.·c:^¬. t.:=.t ·t:=c¬ c:.¬:.c :: :..·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c.. , ^.:: c¬..: ·t:=c¬ .¬ t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. (.:.¬:.c..). t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t~ :c:. ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:)))l !!¯)+¯·, !!l!º+l :.:ct !¯-º-!))! ·c. ··:í¯)íc....·í¬.¯íººí·.l :¬c/ l. .c: t:c... :t~ ¬:¬ .:t .c. ¯¬.=:tc./-.. !. .c: ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c ./-.. ¬.:.c, .¬c.. t:c... :t~ :c:.-·t:=c ¬:/o .:· ^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬. t:c.../- .¬.:·tc./-/ :c ..t:¬ t¯¬ .¬:¬=:c.. ./. .c.:(l) :.:ct )¯.)º.)!c ·c. :. l)) c.....: !))!(.)c ·t:=c¬ ¬ :. (!) :.:ct ¯l.)¯.)!c ·c. .¬ l-l!))! (..·) .t:¬.c .:.¬:.c.. ¬.·¬:c.. -c.o./¬ -:·o÷.. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t ·c.c:·¬c:, .c.: (l) ¬.:. .c .: (!)c. ¬·:.·c:^c.¬ ¬:/-.. = ¬:¬oc:/ ./.· -¬/:¬. ¬:/o ¬ ..c:. -/: t¬.t:^ t-..·c:^¬. (tc¬. :c...-c¬ -..¬o.:·. .¬) :¬. .::·, -¬t ¯ ¬:-/-. t:c... :t~ .c. ¯¬ .=:tc.. t.:=.t ·t:=c ts:r:t · t:rcc ·>::cc.. .c:s ·`c , ocr=nc.. t:.:ct. ED 100 UNE 2002 (P) Os:ct º1.ºº.:ºº:. ¬cc, t:c..rccr Higher Education, ts:r:t · t:rc , ocr=nc.-ã(ºººI. 322 :¬c/, (1) The Commissioner for Collegiate Education, Bangalore-560001. (2) The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore-560001. Sir, Sub:- Extension of UGC pay scales to University Teachers. I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the UGC Notification No. F.1- 1/2002(PS)Examp. dated 31.07.2002 containing the UGC (Minimum qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in the Universities and institutions affiliated to it) (I Amendment), Regulation, 2002 for their strict enforcement. Yours faithfully, S.NAGARAJU Under Secretary to Government Education Dept. (University). University Grants Commission(Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in universities and institutions affiliated to it) (Ist Amendement) Regulations 2002 To be published in the Gazette of India Part III, Section-4 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002 F.1.1/2002(PS) Exemp. 31 st July, 2002 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) & (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 26 read with Section 14 of University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), and in supersession of the Regulations issued under University Grants Commission letter No.F.1- 93/74(CPP) Part (v) dated 13 th June, 1983, No.F.1-11/87(CPP-II) dated 19 th September, 1991 and No.F.1-11/87(CPP) dated 21 st June, 1995 and Notification No.1-93/74(CP) dated 19 th February, 1985, 26 th November, 1985 and No.F.3-1/94(PS) dated 24 th December, 1998 and UGC Regulations No.F.3-1/2000(PS) dated 4.4.2000, the University Grants Commission hereby makes the following Regulations to amend the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in universities and institutions affiliated to it) Regulation.2000, namely:- Short Title. Application and Commencement: (i) These regulations may be called University Grants Commission(Minimum Qualification required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in Universities and institutions affiliated to it) (Ist Amendment) Regulation, 2002. (ii) They shall apply to every university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the university concerned under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, and every institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act (iii) They shall comes into force with immediate effect In the University Grants Commission (Minimum Qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in Universities and institutions affiliated to it) Regulation, 2000, wherever the following para occurs: 323 "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31 st December, 1993 are exempted from appearing in the NET examination." It should be substituted with the following para. "NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil degree by 31 st December, 1993 or have submitted Ph.D. thesis to the university in the concerned subject on or before 31 st December, 2002 are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. In case such candidates fail to obtain Ph.D degree, they shall have to pass the NET examination." Dr.Tilak R. Kem Additional Secretary UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002 F-2-16/2002(PS) October 17, 2002 Registrars (All Universities) Secretary, M/HRD & Education Secretaries All State Government & Union Territories Sir/Madam, The Commission at its meeting held on 25 th September, 2002 considered the issue to extend the date for participation in Refresher Courses beyond 31.12.2000 in respect of eligible teachers for the purpose of promotion/placement under Career Advancement Scheme and decided as Under:- 1. Date for doing Refresher Courses be extended upto 31 st December, 2004. 2. The teachers who are superannuating within next three years be exempted from attending Refresher Courses This may please be brought to the notice of the Colleges affiliated to your University. Yours faithfully, (Dr. K.P. Singh) Deputy Secretary. BANGALORE UNIVERSITY No.CDC/UGC/2002-2003/. Office of the Director, College Development Council, Prasanna Kumara Block, Palace Road, Bangalore-560009, DATED: 7-11-2002. To: The Principals of all the Colleges affiliated to Bangalore University. Sir/Madam, SUB: Regarding Extension of date of Participation of College Teachers in Refresher Courses and relaxation of Marks for appointment of Physically and Visually Handicapped persons in appointment as Lecturers in the Universities and colleges. 324 REF:1. Letter No. F.2-16/2002 (PS) dated 17 th October 2002 from the Deputy Secretary, U.G.C., New Delhi, 2. Letter No. F.3-1/2000 (PS) P/H dated 17 th October 2002. With reference to the above, I write to state that the University Grants Commission at its meeting held on 25 th September 2002 has considered the issue to extend the date for participation in Refresher Courses beyond 31.12.2000 in respect of eligible teachers for the purpose of promtion/placement under career advancement scheme and has decided, that, the date for doing Refresher Courses be extended upto 31 st December 2004 and the teachers who are super-annuating within next three years be exempted from attending the Refresher Courses. Further, the U.G.C. in its letter cited under reference No.2 above has stated that in continuation of its earlier office letters D.O.No. F.3-1/2000(PS) dated 4.4.2000 and NO. F.1-1/2002(PS) Exemp dated 31-7-2002 there to UGC regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment and career advancement of teachers in Universities and Colleges were issued and now the comission has decided to grant relaxation of five percent (5%) (from 55% to 50%) of marks at the Masters Level to the Physically and visually handicapped persons in appointments as lecturers in the Universities and colleges. Hence, kindly bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all the college teachers. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, DIRECTOR. ·t:rcc v± t:c..rccr cnc::~ . ::(:ãºs ct~ ¬c:: Telephone : 2262508 Deputy Secretary to Government ts:r:t ·t:rcc ·>::cc. . Education Department ãs: :.±2, .±.:.±2 t: > >: O.oc¯. sco:>c¯.:O ocr=nc.-ã(ºººI. Karnataka Govt. Secretariat 5 th Floor, Multistoreyed Building Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore-560001 ED 100 UNE 2002 Dated 16-4-2003. To, 1) The Registrar, Mysore University, Mysore-570005. 2) The Registrar, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056. 3) The Registrar Karnataka State Open University, Mysore-570006. 4) The Registrar, Mangalore University, Mangalore-574199. 5) The Registrar, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585106. 6) The Registrar, Kuvempu University, B.R.Project-577451. 7) The Registrar, Karnataka University, Dharwad-580003. 8) The Registrar, Kannada University, Hampi-583276. 9) The Registrar, Vishveswariah Techonological University, Belguam-590276. 10) The Commissioner for Collegiate Education, Bangalore-560001. 11) The Director of Technical Education, Bangalore-560001. 12) The Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore-560001. Sir, Sub: Central Assistance for sanction of Advance Increments to Lecturers who have acquired Ph.D. degree prior to and on/or after 1-1-96 in the Universities and Colleges. I am directed to forward herewith a copy of letter No. F 125/2002/US date 16-10- 2002 of MHRD and to inform that since the Government of India has expressed its inablitiy to provide 80% of the additional expenditure on this account, the Government of Karnataka regrets its in-ability to accept the proposal to allow the benefit of grant of advance increments from 27-7-1998 to those teachers who acquired Ph.D., prior to 1.1.1996. 325 Yours faithfully Geetha Ramesh, Deputy Secretary-1, Education Department. t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t~ :c:. ¬:t )·)-!!·¯¯¯·, !!llº): t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, ¬oc¬:~ )·)-!!:¯¯!¯ .c/-oc.-¯:)))l. !!l!:¯!, !!l!º+l :.:ct ¯l-)¯-!))¯. ·c.··:¯)c....·¬.¯ºº(.)··-l :¬c/, l. .c: ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../- ¬:c:.¬:.c./-/. !. .c: ¬:¬.:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-/. ¬.:.c., .¬c.. .¬.:·tc./-/ :cc..c..¬. to.·=.. .:/¬.·.. -¬:c.... :.:ct ¯l-l!-!))+c¬c/ .·c·.¬ ./ . .c.:l) :.:ctl¯l)!))! c ·c..·!-l:!))! (..·)c....· c..¬c ¬:. !) .o. !))¯ c ·c..¬ !-!!))l (..·) t c....· c..¬c ¬:. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ¬:.c... .c.¬ .¬.:·tc. ·:¯.tc~ ¬oc¬.. -/:.c.¬ c¬¬c to.·.=/-. . :/¬.·..t t:c:¬:c.... :.:ct¯l-l!-!))+ c¬c/ .c.:(l)c c....· ¬:¬. .· c·c:^¬. :¬c = ·-.. ¬.. :cc..c..¬. to.·.=/-. .:/¬ .·.¬¬c/ .· c·c:^.¬c..¬. . .c.:(!)c c....· ¬:¬. .-·c:^¬. .c.: (!)c c....· ¬:¬ ¬.c.... = ¬:¬oc:/ ./. ·¬. = ¬.:..c.... .c: .o.¬t c /¬..t :c.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬. (tc¬. ¯¬.=:tcc¬ -. .¬ o.:·. .¬) :¬. .c../c.., .c. ¯¬=.:tc. (:¬-:). University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110002 F-2-2/2001(PS) June,2003. The Director of Collegiate Education Government of Karnataka Officer of the Commissioner for Collegiate Education 5 th Floor, I Stage Multi Storeyed Building Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi Bangalore-560001. Sub: Request to extend the date for participation in Orientation course upto 31.12.2004-Regarding. Sir, With reference to your letter No.CCE-34-OCR-2003-EST-I dated 25.3.2003 on the above subject, I am directed to inform you that the UGC vide its letter No.F.2-16/2002(PS) dated 17.10.2002, has extended the date for doing refresher courses upto 31.12.2004. However, no such exemption has been granted for Orientation Courses. Yours faithfully for Mrs. Urmil Gulati Under Secretary 326 University Grants Commission Bahadurshah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002. No. F.27-1(vi) Equiv./2000(ASC/ER) October, 2004 The Director of Collegiate Education, 1 st November 2004 Office of the Commissioner for Collegiate Education in Karnataka, Bangalore-560002. Subject: Equivalence of Courses-reg. Sir, This refers to your letter No. CCE-246-Placement/2003-04/PCC-I dated 5 th July 2004 requesting for grant of equivalence of the courses conducted by Proficience in Indian Institute of Science to that of Refresher Course alongwith a request dated 15.5.2004 of Smt. Usha Raghunath, Lecturer in Electronics, Mount Carnel College, Bangalore in this regard. In this connection, it may please be noted that the U.G.C. has decided not to grant equivalence to the Courses/Programmes other than those UGC-sponsored Refresher Courses/Orientation Programmes conducted by UGC-ASCs and RCCs for the purpose of career advancement. Yours faithfully, Dr.N.K. JAIN Joint Secretary. UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION, NEW DELHI G.D.SHARMA UNIVERSTIY GRANTS COMMISSION Secretary BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110002. No.F.3-1/94(PS) 24 December,1998 To, The Vice-Chancellors of all the Universities Education Secretaries of all the States/Union Territories. Sub: Minimum qualifications for the appointment of teachers in universities and Colleges, and measures for the maintenance of standards. Sir/Madam, Kindly find enclosed a copy of the UGC Notification, 1998, on the revision of pay scales, minimum qualifications for the appointment of teachers in the universities and colleges, and other measures for the maintenance of standards. These will be notified as Regulations shortly. 1.0 These shall apply to every University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the concerned University under Clasue (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, and every institution Deemed to be a University under Section 3 of the said Act. 2.0 These shall come into force with immediate effect. 327 3.0 Qualifications and other service conditions: 3.1 No person shall be appointed to a teaching post in the university or in any institution including constituent or affiliated college recognized under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or in an institution Deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act, in a subject if he/she does not fulfil the minimum qualifications and other conditions of service as indicated in the notification. 3.2 Provided that any relaxation in the prescribed qualifications can only be made by a University in regard to the posts under it, or any of the institutions including constituent or affiliated colleges recognized under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the aforesa Act or by an institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act, with the prior approval of the University Grants Commission. 4.0 Consequences of failure of the Universities to comply with the recommendations of the Commission, as per provision of Section 14 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956: If any University grants affiliation in respect of any course of study to any college referred to in sub-section (5) of Section 12-A in contravention of the provisions of that sub-section, or fails within a reasonable time to comply to comply with any recommendations made by the Commission under Section 12 or Section 13, or contravenes the provisions of any rule made under clause (f) of sub-section (2) of Section 25 or of any regulations made under clause (e) or clause (f) or clause (g) of sub-Section (1) of Section 26, the commission after taking into consideration the cause, if any, shown by the University for such-failure or contravention, may withhold from the university the grants proposed to be made out of the fund of the Commission. 5.0 The University Grants Commission expects that the entire scheme of revision of pay scales, together with all the conditions attached to it, would be implemented by the State Governments as a composite scheme without any modifications, except the date of implementation and the scales of pay as indicated in Government of India notification No.F.1-22/97-U.I. dated 27.7.98, 22.9.98 and 6.11.98 It shall be necessary for the Universities and the management of Colleges to make the necessary changes in their statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations,etc. to incorporate the provisions of this scheme. 6.0 The UGC has sent the following schemes to the Ministry of Human Resource Development for consideration. 1. Scheme for providing incentives to lecturers for professional development. 2. Creation of posts of Professors in colleges. 3. Scheme for rewarding meritorious teachers. a) Super Time Scale to Professors. b) Meritorious teachers who do not have M.Phil/Ph.D. As soon as the required approval is received the schemes would be formally notified. 7.0 The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged. Yours faithfully G.D. SHARMA 328 UGC NOTIFICATION ON REVISION OF PAY SCALES, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND OTHER MEASURES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS, 1998. The scheme of revision of pay scales, minimum qualifications for appointment, other service conditions of University and College Teachers, Librarians, Directors of Physical Education and Registrars of Universities as a measure for the maintenance of standards in higher education. 1.0.0 COVERAGE 1.1.0 The scheme applies to University and College Teachers, Librarians, Directors of Physical Educaton and Registrars of Universities (excluding Agricultural Universities), and Colleges (excluding Agricultural, Medical, and Veterinary Science Colleges) admitted to the privileges of the Universities unless they specifically exercise an option in writing to remain out of this scheme. However, the scheme will apply to the Teachers in the Faculty of Agriculture, Medicine and Veterinary Science in the Central Universities. 2.0.0 PAY SCALES 2.1.0 The revised scales of pay, as decided by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (Dept. of Education) may be seen at Appendix-1. 2.2.0 Pay scales for academic staff of the Departments of Adult and Continuing Education, Women's Studies, Academic Staff Colleges and University Science Instrumentation Centre should be equivalent to those of the Teachers of the corresponding levels and they should have same designation and channel of promotion provided that they have equivalent qualifications. 3.0.0 RECURUITMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS 3.1.0 The direct recruitment to the post of Lecturers, Readers and Professors in the Universities and Colleges shall be on the basis of merit through all India advertisement and selections by the duly constituted Selection committees to be set up under the Statutes/Ordinances of the concerned university. Such Committees should have a minimum of three experts, the head of the concerned Department and the Principal of the concerned College (in case of selection of college teachers). 3.2.0 The minimum qualifications required for the post of Lecturers, Readers, Professors, Principals, Assistant Directors of Physical Educaton, Deputy Directors of Physical Education, Directors of Physical Education, Assistant Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Librarians, Assistant Registrars, Deputy Registrars and Registrars, will be those as prescribed by the University Grants Commission from time to time. 3.3.0 The minimum requirements of a good academic record, 55% of the marks at the master's level and qualifying in the National Eligibility Test, or an accredited test, shall remain for the appointment of lecturers. It would be optional for the University to exempt Ph.D. holders from NET or to require NET, in their case, either as a desirable or essential qualification for appointment as Lecturers in the University Departments and Colleges. The minimum requirement of 55% should not be insisted upon for Professors, Readers, Registrars, Deputy Registrars, Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Directors of Physical Education, Deputy Directors of Physical Education for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, these marks should be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside and those at the entry point of Lecturers, Assistant Registrars, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Director of Physical Education. 3.4.0 A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks, at the master level for the SC/ST category. 3.5.0 A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master's degree prior to 19 th September, 1991. 3.6.0 B in the 7 points scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F shall be regarded equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed. 329 3.7.0 The Ph.D. should continue to be a compulsory requirement for the designation of Reader. However, for other categories, like those of Registrars, Librarians and Physical Education Directors, the Ph.D. should be a desirable and not an esssential qualification. 0.0 DIRECT RECRUITMENT 1.0 PROFESSOR An eminent scholar with published work of high quality , actively engaged in research, with10 years of experience in postgarduate teaching, and/or experience in research at the Unversity/National Level institutions, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level. OR An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge. In exceptional cases, the teachers with 15 years of UG teaching/research experience could also be considered. 4.2.1 PRINCIPAL (Professor's Grade) 1. A Master's Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O,A,B,C,D,E&F. 2. Ph.D. or equivalent qualification. 3. Total experince of 15 years of teaching/research in Universities/Colleges and other institutions of higher education. 4.2.2 PRINCIPAL (Reader's Grade) 1. A Master's Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O,A,B,C,D,E&F. 2. Ph.D. or equivalent qualification. 3. Total experience of 10 years of teaching/Research in Universities/Colleges and other institutions of higher education. 4.3.0 READER Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who join from outside the university system, shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an quivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level. Five years of experience of teaching and/or research excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degrees and has made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula. 4.4.0 LECTURER 4.4.1 Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Commerce, Education, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Law. Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or, an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level, in the relevant subject from an Indian University, or, an equivalent degree from a foreign Univeristy. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC. 4.4.2 Journalism and Mass Communication Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks, or, an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level in communication/mass communication, journalism, from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligiblity test (NET) for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC. At least 55% of the marks, or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level in the Humanities, Social Sciences/Sciences/with at least a second class Bachelor's Degree, or Post-graduate 330 Diploma in communication/mass communication or journalism, from a recognized Indian University/National Institute. Besides fulfilling the above qualification, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar tests accredited by the UGC. 4.4.3 Music Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks, or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master's degree level, in the relevant subject or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC. SEVEN POINT SCALE GRADE GRADE POINT PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENT 'O'= Outstanding 5.50-6.00 75-100 'A'= Very Good 4.50-5.49 65-74 'B'= Good 3.50-4.49 55-64 'C'= Average 2.50-3.49 45-54 'D'= Below Average 1.50-2.49 35-44 'E'= Poor 0.50-1.49 25-34 'F'= Fail 0-0.49 0-24 A traditional or a professional artist with a highly commendable professional achievement in the concerned subject. For Professional subjects like education, social work and performing arts etc., a separate detailed regulation on qualifications would be issued. Till then, the Regulations, hitherto in force for direct recruitment to the post of Lecturer, Reader and Professor, will continue. The minimum qualifications for the post of Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Assistant Librarians may be seen at Appendix-II. The minimum qualifications for the post of Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar may be seen at Appendix-III. The minimum qualifications for the post of Director, Physical Education, Deputy Director, Physical Education and Assistant Director, Physical Education may be seen at Appendix-IV. 5.0.0 SELECTION COMMITTEES University Grants Commission has separate guidelines on constitution of Select Committees which may be referred to by Universities/Colleges (copy enclosed as Appendix-V). A representative of the SC/ST, women and physically handicapped persons, should be in the Selection Committee whenever a candidate from any of these categories appears for the interview. It is optional for the University or College to utilise the Seminar or Colloquium method for the selection of Lecturer, Reader or Professor. 6.0.0 INCENTIVES FOR Ph.D./M.Phil, 6.1.0 Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and degree, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with M.Phil D.Litt/D.Sc. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D. and M.Litt on par with M.Phil. 6.2.0 One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D within two years of recruitment. 6.3.0 A Lecturer with Ph.D will be eligible for two advance increments when she/he moves into Selection Grade/Reader. 6.4.0 A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when she/he acquires a Ph.D. degree in her/his service career. 7.0.0 CAREER ADVANCEMENT 7.1.1 Minimum length of service for those eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with 331 M.Phil, and six years for others at the level of Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. 7.1.2 For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). 7.1.3 A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service in that grade will be eligible to be considered for appointment as a Professor. 7.1.4. The Selection Committees for Career Advancement shall be the same as those for Direct Recruitment for each category. 7.1.5 The existing scheme of Career Advancement for non academic staff namely, Assistant Director of Physical Education, Assistant Registrar, Assistant Librarian would continue. 7.2.0 LECTURER (SENIOR SCALE) A Lecturer will be eligible for placement in a senior scale through a procedure of selection, if she/he has: (i) Complete 6 years of service after regular appointment with relaxation of one year and two years, respectively, for those with M.Phil. and Ph.D. (ii) Participated in one orientation course and one refresher course of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission. (Those with Ph.D. degree would be exempted from one refresher course). (iii) Consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports. 7.3.0 LECTURER (SELECTION GRADE) Lecturers in the Senior Scale who do not have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work, and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards, but fulfil the other criteria given above for the post of Reader, and have a good record in teaching and, preferably, have contributed in various ways such as to the corporate life of the institution, examination work, or through extension activities, will be placed in the Selection Grade subject to the recommendations of the Selection Committee which is the same as for promotion to the post of Reader. They will be designated as Lecturers in the Selection Grade. They could offer themselves for fresh assessment after obtaining Ph.D. and/or fulfilling other requirements for promotion as Reader and, if found suitable, could be given the designation of Reader. 7.4.0 READER (PROMOTION) 7.4.1 A Lecturer in the Senior Scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of Reader if he/he has: (i) Completed 5 years of service in the Senior Scale; (ii) Obtained a Ph.D. degree or has equivalent published work; (iv) Made some mark in the area of Scholarship and research as evidenced e.g. by self-assessment, reports of referees, quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula and extension activities. (v) After placement in the Senior Scale participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission, and (vi) Possesses consistently good performance appraisal reports. 7.4.2 Promotion to the Post of Reader will be through a process of selection by a Selection Committee to be set up under the Statutes/Ordinances of the concerned University of other similar Committees set up by the appointing authorities. 7.5.0 PROFESSOR (Promotion) In addition to the sanctioned position of Professors, which must be filled in through recruitment through all India advertisements, promotions may be made from the Reader to that of Professor after 8 years of service as Reader. 332 7.6.0 The Selection Committee for promotion to the post of Professor should be the same as that for direct recruitment. For the promotion from Reader to Profesor, the following method of promotion may be followed. The candidate should present herself/himself before the Selection Committee some of the following: a) Self-appraisal reports (required). b) Research contribution/books/articles published. c) Any other academic contributions. The best three written contributions of the teacher (as defined by her/him) may be candidate sent in advance to the Experts to review before coming for the selection should be asked to submit these in 3 sets with the application. d) Seminars/conferences attended. e) Contribution to teaching/academic environment/institutional corporate life. f) Extension and field outreach activities. 7.7.0 The requirement of participation in orientation/refresher courses/summer institutes, each of at least 3 to 4 weeks duration, and consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports, shall be the mandatory requirement for career Advancement from Lecturer to Lecutrer (Senior Scale) and from Lecturer (Senior Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade) Wherever the requirement of orientation/refresher courses has remained incomplete, the promotions would not be held up but these must be completed by the year 2000. The requirement for completing these courses would be as follows: i) For Lecturer to Lecturer (Senior Scale), one orientation course would be compulsory for University and College teahers. Those without Ph.D. would be required to do one refresher course in addition. ii) Two refresher courses for Lecturer (Senior Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade). iii) The Senior teachers like Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) and Professors opt to attend two Seminars?Conferences in their subject area and present paper one aspect of their promotion/selection to higher level or attend refresher could be to be offered by ASCs for this level. 7.8.0 If the number of years required in a feeder cadre are less than those stipulated in notification, thus entailing hardship to those who have completed more than the number of years in their entire service for eligibility in the cadre, may be placed in next higher cadre after adjusting the total number of years. This situation is likely to arise as, in the earlier scheme, the number ofyears required feeder cadre were much more than those envisaged under this notification. 8.0.0 COUNTING OF PAST SERVICE Previous service, without any break as a Lecturer or equivalent, in a university, collnational laboratory, or other scientific organisations, e.g. CSIR, ICAR, DRDO, UCICSSR, ICHR and as a UGC Reserch Scientist, should be counted for placements lecturer in Senior Scale/Selection Grade provided that: 8.1.0 The post was in an equivalent grade/scale of pay as the post of a Lecturer; 8.2.0 The qualifications for the post were not lower than the qualifications prescribed by UGC for the post of Lecturer, 8.3.0 The candidates who apply for direct recruitment should apply through proper channels. 8.4.0 The concerned Lecturers possessed the minimum qualificatins prescribed by the You for appointment as Lecturers; 8.5.0 The post was filled in accordance with the prescribed selectin procedure as laid down the University/State Government/Central Government/Institutin's regulations; 8.6.0 The appointment was not ad-hoc or in a leave vacancy of less than one year duration Adhoc service of more than one year duration can be counted provided:- (a) the adhoc service was of more than one year duration; (b) the incumbent was appointed on the recommendation of duly constituted Selection Committee; and 333 (c) the incumbent was selected to the permanent post in continuation to the adhoc service, without any break. 9.0.0 MERIT PROMOTION Merit Promotion Scheme of 1983 which was terminated in 1987 for those who did not opt for it, stands abolished. However, Professors who were governed by the old merit promotin scheme of 1987 would be eligible for full scale of Professor w.e.f. 01.01.1996. The University can discuss in its academic body and decide inter-se- seniority between the merit promotees and direct recruits, based on the date of selection, and as per the existing/amended Acts and Statutes of the University. 10.0.0 REWARDING MERIT 10.1.0 A supertime scale of Rs.22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence who will be directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service in accordance with the scheme to be approved by the Government of India. 10.2.0 Meritorious teacher, who may not have M.Phil. or Ph.D. but who have made outstanding contributions, would be rewarded and recognized as per the scheme to be approved by the Government of India. 11.0.0 PERIOD OF PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION 11.1.0 Keeping in view the practice in some of the Universities, the minimum period of probation may continue to be 1 year, extendable by a maximum period of 1 more year in case of unsatisfactory performance. However, the Universities which are already having probation period of 2 years may continue to do so. 11.2.0 It is optional for the universities to introduce the provision that a teacher may offer herself/himself for assessment at any point of time for confirmation within the period of two years but the University may consider a minimum period after which such cases would be considered. At senior positions, it is optional for the university to decide on confirmation at any time, from the time of appointment to the end of the statutory period of probation. 11.3.0 The confirmation should not be linked to the completion of orientation course, but efforts should be made to send the teacher either before joining, or immediately thereafter, but, in any case, the orientation course should be completed within a period of the first two years. 11.4.0 Since the time required for Career Advancement has now been reduced, an extension may be provided till 31.12.2000 to all candidates for completing refresher courses. 11.5.0 The University may devise a mechanism for ensuring that the Head of the University Department/College Principal sponsors the teacher for the required orientation and refresher course, and such opportunity is not denied to the teacher, except on sufficient grounds to be specified in writing to the university. The university should also bring to the attention of the UGC any complaints received from university or college teachers that they did not get admission to the courses for which they applied with details (name of teacher, name of institution where employed, course applied for, ASC or Department where applied, dates of course and reasons given for refusal). 12.0.0 PART-TIME TEACHERS The minimum qualifications for appointment of part-time teachers should be the same as that of regular teachrs and selected by regularly constituted Selection Committees. The part-time teachers should be appointed only in exceptional circumstances when it is appropriate to the requirements of the institution in terms of subjects to be taught or workload. They can be appointed on a contract appointment if only for a short period or as permanent half-time/proportionate time employees against half/proportionate salary of the scale(and should include proportionate increments, dearness allowance and any other permissible benefits). Such permanent part-time teachers will also be entitled to the scheme of Career Advancement from Lecturer to Senior Scale Lecturer, Selection Grade Lecturer/Reader, and Professor. However, they will be entitled to half/proportionate amount of the basic of the scale and proportionate increments, dearness allowance and any other permissible benefits. 334 13.1.0 UGC-recognized autonomous colleges may create posts of Professor on the basis of felt needs. In general, I post of Professor may be created in there are alredy at least 4 Readers and 12 Lecturers and it is felt that creation of a post of Professor is academically necessary. The procedure of selection of Professor will be through direct recruitment as in the university. Other colleges of similar standard will be identified by the UGC as per the scheme to be approved by the Government of India. 14.0.0 TEACHING DAYS The Universities/Colleges must observe at least 180 actual teaching days, i.e., there should be a minimum of 30 weeks of actual teaching in a 6-day week. Of the remaining period, 12 weeks may be devoted to admission and examination activities, and non-instructional days (e.g. for sports, college day, etc.), 8 weeks for vacation and 2 weeks may be attributed to various public holidays. If the University adopts a 5 day week pattern, then the number of weeks should be increased correspondingly to ensure equivalent of 30 weeks with a 6 day week. The above is summarised as follows: No. of weeks University College Admissions/examinations and Teaching 30 (180 days) 30 (180 days) Preparation for Examinations. 12 10 Vacation 8 10 Public Holidays 2 2 (to increase and adjust teaching days accordingly) Total 52 52 In lieu of curtailment of vacation by 2 weeks, the university teachers may be credited with 1/3 rd of the period of Earned Leave. However, the colleges may have an option of a total vacation of 10 weeks in a year and no Earned Leave except when asked to work during the vacations for which, as in the case of University teachers, 1/3 of the period will be credited as Earned Leave. 14.0.2 WORK LOAD The workload of the teacher in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week for 30 working weeks (180 teaching days) in an academic year. It should be necessary for the teacher to be available for at least 5 hours daily in the University/College for which necessary space and infrastructure should be provided by the University/College. The direct teaching hours should be as follows: Lecturer/Sr.Lecturer/Lecturer(Sel.Grade) 16 hours Readers and Professors 14 hours However, a relaxation of two hours in the workload may be given to the Professors who are actively involved in Research, Extension and Administration. 16.0.0 SUPERANNUATION AND RE-EMPLOYMENT OF TEACHERS 16.1.0 Teachers will retire at the age of 62. However, it is open to a University or a college to re-employ a superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. 16.2.0 Age of retirement of Registrars, Librarians, Physical Educaton personnel, Controllers of Examinations, Finance Officers and such other university employees who are being treated at par with the teachers and whose age of superannuation was 60 years, would be 62 years. No re-employment faciltiy is recommended for the Registrars, Librarians and Directors of Physical Education. 17.0.0 SUPERANNUATION BENEFITS 17.1.0 The benefit in service, up to a maximum of 3 years, should be provided for the teachers who have acquired Ph.D. degree at the time of entry, so that, almost all teachers get full retirement benefits which are available after 33 years of service, subject to the overall age of superannuation. 17.2.0 Other conditions with respect to Superannuation Benefits may be given as per the Central/State Government rules. 335 Central/State Government Rules 18.0.0 LEAVE RULES The leave rules, as laid down by the University Grants Commission, may be followed for the University and College teachers (See Appendix-VI). 19.0.0 SERVICE AGREEMENT At the time of recruitment in Universities and Colleges, service agreement should be signed between the University/College and the Teacher which should be lodged with the Registrar/Principal with a copy to the concerned teacher. The self-appraisal of performance should be a part of the service agreement. 20.0.0 CODE OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Each University should evolve its own professional ethics after full discussion in the academic bodies and associations and should incorporate it in its Act, Statutes and Ordinances and it should be applicable to all teaching and non-teaching staff including administrators. 21.0.0 ACCOUNTABILITY The Self-appraisal of performance should be adopted as a mandatory part of the Career Advancement scheme and should be implemented with the new pay scales within the time-frame of 1 year, if not already implemented: It would be optional for the institution to consider introducing student evaluation as a method of assessment of the teacher, particularly in small institutions, post-gruaduate departments, professional colleges and autonomous colleges. 22.0.0 ANOMALIES Anomalies, if any, may be brought to the notice of the UGC who would consider them with the help of a Committee constituted by University Grants Commission. Appendix-I Consolidated Statement based on letters No.F.1-22/97-U.I. issued on 27 th July, 1998, (Annexure I), 22 nd September, 1998 (Annexure II) and 6 th November, 1998 (Annexure III) by Ministry of Human Resource Development. Subject: Revision of pay scales of teachers in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. 1.(i) Pay Scales A statement showing the existing and revised scales of pay is attached. The revised scales of Demonstrators/Tutors is for the existing incumbents only. No fresh recruitment shall be made to the cadre of Demonstrators/Tutors. (Annexure I) (ii) Incentives for Ph.D./M.Phil.(Annexure I) (a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. (b) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment. (c) A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when he moves into Selection grade as Reader. (d) A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when he acquires a Ph.D. degree in his service career. (iii) Career Advancement (Annexure I) (a) Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others as a Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. (b) For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those teachers without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). 336 (c) A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service will be eligible for consideration for appointment as a Professor. (d) For every upward movement, a selection process would be evolved, for which appropriate guidelines would be laid down by the UGC in consultation with the Government. (iv) Rewarding the Merit (Annexure-I) (a) A supertime scale of Rs.22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence who are directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service. The eligibility criteria and the selection process will be determined by the UGC. (b) University Grants Commission would prepare a specific scheme in consultation with Government to reward and recognise meritorious teachers who may not have M.Phil or Ph.D. but who have made outstanding contributions in teaching and research. (v) Allowances, effective date and fitment formula (Annexure 1) (a) The revised scale of pay as contained in the Annexure will be effective from 1.1.1996. (Annexure I,II,III) (b) The fixation of pay of Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Readers in the pre-revised scale of Rs.3700-125-4950-150-5700/- who were selected strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the UGC and who were in position as Lecturers (Selection Grade)/Readers a on 1.1.1996, will be made in a manner that they get their pay fixed at the minimum of Rs.14940/- in the revised scale of Rs.12000-420-18300 as and when they complete five years in the grade. (Annexure III) (c) The pay of Readers and Professors who were in the pre-revised scales of Rs.3000-5000/-and Rs.4500-5700/- will be fixed at the appropriate stage of the revised scales of Rs.1000-325-15200 and Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400/- respectively as on 1.1.1996. (Annexure III) (d) Pay with effect from 1.1.1996 in the revised scale of pay will be fixed after giving the benefit of one increment for every three increments earned in the pre-revised scales as stipulated in Rule 7 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, and governed by other relevant provisions of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, as applicable. (e) Pay in the Revised scales of pay as at Annexure of this letter shall be fixed at the same stage with reference to the stage admissible vide para (c) above. In cases where the same stage is not available, the pay may be fixed at the stage next above the pay admissible vide para (c) above. (f) The Payment of arrears will be made in one instalment. (g) Teachers in Central Universities will be entitled to Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance and other allowances at the same rates and dates as applicable to the Central Government employees. (vi) Age of Superannuation (Anexure I) The age of superannuation of university and college teachers, Registrars, Librarians. Physical Education personnel, Controller of examinations, Finance Officers and such other university employees who are being treated at par with the teachers and whose age of superannuation was 60 years, would be 62 years and thereafter no extension in service should be given. However, it will be open to a university or college to re-employ a superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. (Annexure I and III). (vii) Professors for colleges (Annexure I) Posts of Professor will be created in UGC recognized Autonomous Colleges in the ratio of 1:4:12 for Professors, Readers and Lecturers. The procedure of selection of Professor will be the same as that in the university. Other colleges of similar standard will be subsequently identified by the UGC as per the norms developed by the Commission in consultation with the Government. (viii) Scheme for professional development incentives to Lecturers. 337 The UGC will formulate a Scheme, in consulation with the Government, for giving professional development incentives in the form of cash allowances or assistance in kind or both to those Lecturers who register for M.Phil/Ph.D and whose pursuit of research is considered satisfactory by their guides. (Annexure III). (ix) Other terms and conditions of service of teachers. (Annexure I) Other terms and conditions of service of teachers shall be notified by the UGC by way of Regulations incorporating the approved pay scales and other related conditions on the line of existing scheme(s) with the approval of Government. ANNEXURE SCALE PAY OF TEACHERS AND OTHER ACADEMIC STAFF IN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. SL. NO Category Existing scales of pay Revised scales of pay. 1. University and College Teachers Lecturer 2200-75-2800- 100-4000 8000-275-13500 2. Lecturer (Sr.Scale) 3000-100- 3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 3. Lecturer (Sl.Grade)/Reader 3700-125- 4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 4. Professor 4500-150- 5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900- 500-22400 5. Principals of Colleges (i) (ii) 3700-125- 4950-150-5700 4500-150- 5700-200-7300 (i) (ii) 12000-420-18300 (Minimum to be fixed at 12840) 16400-450-20900- 500-22400 (Minimum to be fixed at 17300) 6. Pro-Vice Chancellor 5900-200-7300 18400-500-22400 7. Vice Chancellor 7600 (fixed) 25000 (fixed) 8. For Universities Registrar/Librarian/Director of Physical Education/Controller of Examinations/Finance Officer 4500-150- 5700-200-7300 16400-450-20900- 500-22400 9. Dy. Registrar/Dy.Librarian/ Dy. Director of Physcial Education/ Dy. Controller of Examination/ Deputy Finance Officer 3700-125- 4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 10. Asst.Librarian /Asstt.Documentation Officer(Sr.Scale)/Asstt. Director of 3000-100- 3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 338 Physical Education(Sr.Scale) 11 Asstt.Registrar/Asstt.Librarian/Asstt Documentation Officer/Asstt. Director of Physical Education/ Asstt. Controller of Examination/ Asstt. Finance Officer 2200-75-2800- 100-4000 8000-275-13500 12 For Colleges College Librarian (Sl.Grade)/ Director of Physical Education (Sl.Grade) 3700-125- 4950-150-5700 12000-420-18300 13 College Librarian (Sr.Scale)/ Director of Physical Education (Sr.Scale) 3000-100- 3500-125-5000 10000-325-15200 14 College Librarian/Director of Physical Education 2200-75-2800- 100-4000 8000-275-13500 15 Demonstrator/Tutors 1740-60-2700- EB-75-3000 5500-175-9000 NO.F.1-22/97-U.I. Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Education) To New Delhi, the 27 th July, 1998. The Secretary University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi. Sub: Revision of pay scales of teachers in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of Fifth Central Pay Commission. Sir, I am directed to say that the Government of India have, after taking into consideration the recommendations made by the University Grants Commission, decided to revise the pay scales of teachers in the Central Universities. The revision of pay scales of teachers will be subject to various provisions of the Scheme of revision of pay scales as contained in this letter, and the regulations to be framed by the UGC in this behalf. The revised pay scales and other provisions of the Scheme are as under: (i) Pay Scales A statement showing the existing and revised scales of pay is attached as Annexure. The revised scales of Demonstrators/Tutors is for the existing incumbents only. No fresh recruitment shall be made to the cadre of Demonstrators/Tutors. (ii) Incentives for Ph.D./M.Phil. (a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. (b) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D. within two years of recruitment. (c) A Lecturer with Ph.D. will be eligible for two advance increments when he moves into Selection grade as Reader. (d) A teacher will be eligible for two advance increments as and when he acquires a Ph.D. degree in his service career. (iii) Career Advancement (a) Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D., five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others as a Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade 339 of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, the mininum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. (b) For movement into grades of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those teachers without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). (c) A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service will be eligible for consideration for appointment as a Professor. (d) For every upward movement, a selection process would be evolved, for which appropriate guidelines would be laid down by the UGC in consultation with the Government. (iv) Rewarding the Merit (a) A supertime scale of Rs. 22000-500-24500 will be given to such Professors of Eminence who are directly recruited and have completed 28 years of service. The eligibility criteria and the selection process will be determined by the UGC. (b) University Grants Commission would prepare a specific scheme in consulation with Government to reward and recognise meritorious teachers who may not have M.Phil or Ph.D. but who have made outstanding contributions in teaching and research. (v) Allowances, effective date and fitment formula (a) The revised scale of pay as contained in the Annexure-I will be given prospective effect from the date of issue of this letter. (b) For the period from 1-1-96 to the day on which these decisions take effect, the pay will be fixed in the replacement scales recommended by the UGC appointed pay Review Committee as per Annexure-II (withdrawn later vide letter dated 6 th November, 1998 of Ministry of Human Resource Development). (c) Pay with effect from 1.1.96 in the revised scale of pay will be fixed giving the benefit of one increment for every three increments earned in the Pre-revised scales as stipulated in Rule 7 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, and governed by other relevant provisions of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997 as applicable. (d) Pay in the revised scales of pay as at Annexure_I of this letter shall be fixed at the same stage with reference to the stage admissible vide para (c) above. In cases where the same stage is not availabe, the pay may be fixed at the stage next above the pay admissible vide para (c) above. (e) The payment of arrears will be made in one instalment. (f) Teachers in Central Universities will be entitled to Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance and other allowances at the same rates and dates as applicable to the Central Government employees. (vi) Age of Superannuation The age of superannuation of university and college teachers would be 62 years and thereafter no extension in service should be given. However, it will be open to a university or college to re-employ a superannuated teacher according to the existing guidelines framed by the UGC up to the age of 65 years. (vii) Professors for colleges Posts of Professor will be created in UGC recognized Autonomous Colleges in the ration of 1:4:12 for Professors, Readers and Lecturers. The procedure of selection of Professor will be the same as that in the university. Other colleges of similar standard will be subsequently identified by the UGC as per the norms developed by the Commission in consultation with the Government. (viii) Other terms and conditions of service of teachers. 1. Other terms and conditions of service of teachers shall be notified by the UGC by way of Regulations incorporating the approved pay scales and other related conditions on the line of existing scheme(s) with the approval of Government. 2. In the meantime, the revised scales of pay including arrears of salary may be given to teachers pending issue of the Regulations by the UGC. 340 3. The above scheme will be applicable to the teachers in all the Central Universities and Colleges thereunder and the Deemed to be Universities whose maintenance expenditure is met by the UGC. The implementation of the revised scales will be subject to the acceptance of all the conditions mentioned in this letter as well as the Regulations to be framed by the UGC in this behalf. The Universities may be advised to amend their statutes and ordinances in line with Regulations within three months from the date of issue of this letter. 4. These orders are subject to the conditions as contained in para 4 of Ministry of Finance O.M. No.7(34)/E.III-A/97 dated 2.12.1997 on pay revision of employees of quasi Government/autonomous organisations, statutory bodies, etc., set up and funded by the Central Government. 5. It is requested that necessary action may please be taken to revise the pay scales of teachers in the Central Universities and other institutions as per the conditions laid down in the instant letter and the Regulations to be framed by UGC. 6. Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of the Scheme may be brought to the notice of the Deparment of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development for clarification. 7. The receipt of this letter may kindly acknowledged. Yours faithfully, LALMALSAWMA Director Dr, (Mrs.) PANKAJ MITTAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Deputy Secretary BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG Phone: 232055 NEW DELHI-110 002 D.O. NO. F-I-6/98 (PS) April, 2000 Dear Sir/Madam, In continuation to this office letter of even number dated 4 th April, 2000 vide which the UGC Regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment and for Career Advance of lecturers, readers and professors in universities and colleges were issued, it is to inform you that for the Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master’s degree prior to 19 th September, 1991, a relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level to be eligible for NET. This may also be brought to the notice of the colleges affiliated to your university. With regards Yours sincerely, PANKAJ MITTAL Dr, (Mrs.) PANKAJ MITTAL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION Deputy Secretary BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 D.O. NO. F-3-1/2000 (PS) April 4, 2000 Sub: UGC Regulations on minimum qualifications for appointment and for Career Advancement of Lecturers, Readers and Professor in the Universities and Colleges. Dear Sir/Madam, In supersession of UGC Regulation No. F-1-11/87 (CPP-II) dated 19 th September, 1991 and Notification No. F3-1/94 (PS) dated 24 th December 1998, the UGC has made the Regulations for minimum qualifications required for the appointment and career advancement of teachers in universities and institutions affiliated to it. 341 The Regulations have been sent to Assistant Controller (Commercial), Government of India, Department of Publication, (Urban Development and Employment) Civil Lines, Delhi, for publication in the Gazette of India. The provision contained in the UGC Notification of 24 th December, 1998 mentioning that it would be optional for the university to exempt Ph.D. degree holders from NET or to require NET in their case as a desirable or essential qualification for appointment as lecturer has been withdrawn. NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil. degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject up to 31 st December,1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. The provisio in the Regulation, 1991 which reads as follows:- Provided that any relaxation in the prescribed qualifications can only be made by a University in regard to the posts under it or any of the institutions including constituent or affiliated colleges recognized under clause (f) of Section 2 of the aforesaid Act or by an institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act with the prior approval of the University Grants Commission. Has been droped and is replaced by the following proviso:- Provided that any relaxation in the prescribed qualifications can only be made by the University Grants Commission in a particular subject which NET is not being conducted or enough number of candidates are not available with NET qualifications for a specifed period only. (This relaxation, if allowed, would be given based on sound justification and would apply to affected University for that particular subject for the specifed period. No individual applications would be entertained.) The Regulations issued by the UGC are mandatory in nature and all the universities are advised to strictly comply with them. It shall be necessary for the universities and the management of colleges to make the necessary changes in their statues,ordinances, rules, regulations, etc. to incorporate these Regulations. A copy of the Regulations is enclosed for information and necessary action. It is requested that the contents of the above letter may be brought to the notice of the colleges affiliated to your university. With regards Yours sincerely, PANKAJ MITTAL UGC Regulations, 2000 Regarding Minimum Qualifications for Appointment and Career Advancement of Teachers in Universities and Colleges To be published in the Gazette of India Part III Sector 4 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI-110 002 No. F.3-1/2000 (PS) March, 2000 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (e) & (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 26 read with Section 14 of University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), and in supersession of the Regulations issued under University Grants Commission letter No. F.1- 93/74 (CPP) (Part (v) dated 13 th June, 1983 and No. F.1-11/87 (CPP-II) dated 19 th September, 1991 and Notification No. 1-93/74 (CP) dated 19 th February, 1985, 26 th 342 November, 1985 and No. F3-1/94 (PS) dated 24 th December 1998, the University Grants Commission hereby makes the following regulations, namely:- 1. Short Title, application and commencement: (i) These regulations may be called the University Grants Commission (minimum qualifications required for the appointment and Career Advancement of teachers in Universities and institutions affiliated to it) Regulations, 2000. (ii) They shall apply to every university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, every institution including a constituent or an affiliated college recognized by the Commission, in consultation with the university concerned under Clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and every institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act. (iii) They shall come into force with immediate effect: 2. Qualifications: No person shall be appointed to a teaching post in university or in any of institutions including constituent or affiliated colleges recognized under clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or in an institution deemed to be a university under Section 3 of the said Act in a subject if he/she does not fulfil requirements as to the qualifications for the appropriate subjects as provided in the Annexure. Provided that any relaxation in the prescribed qualifications can only be made by the University Grants Commission in a particular subject in which NET is not being conducted or enough number of candidates are not available with NET qualifications for a specified period only. (This relaxation, if allowed, would be given based on sound justification and would apply to affected Universities for that particular subject for the specified period. No individual applications would be entertained). Provided further that these regulations shall not be applicable to such cases where selections of the candidates having had the then requisite minimum qualification as were existing at that time through duly constituted Selection Committees for making appointments to the teaching posts have been made prior to the enforcement of these regulations. Consequences of failure of universities to comply with recommendations of the Commission, as per provisions of Section 14 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. If any university grants affiliation in respect of any course of study to any college referred to in sub-section (5) of Section 12-A in contravention of the provisions of that sub- section or fails within a reasonable time to comply with any recommendations made by the Commission under Section 12 or Section 13, or contravenes the provisions of any rule made under clause (f) or clause (g) of sub-section (2) of Section 25 or of any regulations made under clause (e) or clause (g) of sub-section (1) of Section 26, the Commission after taking into consideration the clause, if any, shown by the university for such failure or contravention, may withhold from the university the grants proposed to be made out of the Fund of the Commission. R.P. Gangurde Secretary Annexure Minimum qualification for the post of Professors' Principals, Readers and Lecturers in subjects other than Fine Arts, Management, Engineering and Technology in Universities or Colleges for appointment of persons through open advertisement and for their Career Advancement. 1.0.0 Direct Recruitment 1.1.0 Principal (Professor’s Grade) 1. A Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grade O, A, B, C, D, E and F. 2. Ph.D. or equivalent qualification 3. Total experience of 10 years of teaching/Research in Universities/Colleges and other institutions of higher education. 343 1.2.0 Principal (Reader’s Grade) 1. A Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E, & F. 2. Ph.D. or equivalent qualification 3. Total experience of 10 years of teaching/Research in Universities/Colleges and other institutions of higher education. 1.3.0 Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Commerce, Education, Physical Education, Foreign Languages and Law. 1.3.1 Professor An eminent scholar with published work of high quality, actively engaged in research, with 10 years of experience in post graduate teaching, and/or experience in research at the University/National Level institutions, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level. OR An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge. 1.3.2. Reader Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who join from outside the university system, shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master's degree level. Five years of experience of teaching and/ or research excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degrees and has made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula. 1.3.3 Lecturer Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or, an equivalent grade of B in the 7 points scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master's degree level, in the relevant subject from an Indian University, or, an equivalent degree from a Foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test, (NET) for lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC. Note: NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidates who have completed M.Phil. degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31 st December, 1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. 1.4.0 Journalism and Mass Communication 1.4.1 Professor An eminent scholar with published work of high quality actively enagaged in research with 10 years of experience in post graduate teaching and/or research at the university/ national level institution including experience of guiding research at doctoral level in Communication/Journalism. 1.4.2. Reader Essential 1. Ph.D. degree in Communication/Mass Communication/Journalism from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. Or Published work of doctoral standard or media production work of excellence. 2. Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade) at Master's level in the subject. 3. Eight years experience of teachers and/ or research including upto three years for research degree and having made a mark in the area of scholarship as evidence by quality of publications, contribution to education innovation, design of new courses and curricula. OR 10 years full time work experience in any area of Mass Communication (News Paper accredited with ABC, National News Agencies, radio or televison, film media, reputed 344 advertising agencies, Public Relation Officers of the Government, Public Sector Undertakings and established Industrial and Commercial Houses). 1.4.3 Lecturer Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or a equivalent grade) at Master's degree level or an equivalent qualification from an Indian or foreign university/recognised institution in Communication/Mass Communication/Journalism Candidates, besides fulfilling the above qualification, should have cleared the eligibility test for lecturers conducted by UGC or similar test accredited by the UGC. Note: NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidate who have completed M.Phil. degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject up to 31 st December,1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. Desirable 1. Ph.D. degree in Communication/Mass Communications/Journalism from an Indian university or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. 2. Two years full time teaching/research/experience in any area of Mass Communication (News papers accredited with ABC, National News Agencies, radio or television, film media, reputed advertising agencies, Public Relation Officers of the Governments, Public Sector undertaking and established Industrial and Commercial Houses). 1.5.0 Social Work 1.5.1. Professor An eminent scholar with published work of high quality actively engaged in research with ten years experience in post-graduate teaching and/or research at the University/national level institution including experience of guiding research at doctoral level in Social Work. 1.5.2. Reader Good acdemic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. Evidence of being activity engaged in (1) or (2) innovation in teaching method or (3) production of teaching materials. Possess at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade at Master's degree level. About eight years experience of teaching and/or research provided that at least five of these years were as Lecturers or in an equivalent position. OR 10 years of experience in field practice and professional publication based on work experience, and experience in training and/or field instruction. Experience in consultation and documentation. 1.5.3 Lecturer Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks (or an equivalent grade) at Master's degree level or an equivalent qualification from an Indian or Foreign University. Candidates, besides fulfilling the above qualification should have cleared National Eligibility Test for lecturerss (NET) conducted by UGC or similar test accredited by the UGC. Note: NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D degree. However, the candidate who have completed M.Phil, degree or have submitted Ph.D. in the concerned subject thesis up to 31 st December, 1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. 1.6.0 Music 1.6.1 Lecturer Good academic record with atleast 55% of the marks, or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master's degree level, in the relevant subject or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates should have cleared the eligibility test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC. 345 A traditional or a professional artist with a highly commendable professional achievement in the concerned subject. Note: NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidate who have completed M.Phil degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31 st December, 1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. [For Ph.D. degree holders who had passed Master's degree prior to 19 th September, 1991, relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master's level to be eligible to appear for NET (vide UGC letter No. DO No. F.1-6/98 (PS) dated April, 2000). 2.0.0 Career Advancement 2.1.0 Minimum length of service for eligibility to move into the grade of Lecturer (Senior Scale) would be four years for those with Ph.D. five years for those with M.Phil, and six years for others at the level of Lecturer, and for eligibility to move into the Grade of Lecturer (Selection Grade)/Reader, the minimum length of service as Lecturer (Senior Scale) shall be uniformly five years. 2.1.2 For movement into grade of Reader and above, the minimum eligibility criterion would be Ph.D. Those without Ph.D. can go up to the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade). 2.1.3. A Reader with a minimum of eight years of service in that grade will be eligible to be considered for appointment as a Professor. Seven Point Scale Grade Grade Point Percentage Equivalent 'O' = Outstanding 5.50-6.00 75-100 'A' = Very Good 4.50-5.49 65-74 'B' – Good 3.50-4.49 55-64 'C' = Average 2.50-3.49 45-54 'D' = Below verage 1.50-2.49 35-44 'E' = Poor 0.50-1.49 25-34 'F' = Fail 0-0.49 0-24 2.1.4 The Selection Committees for Career Advancement shall be the same as those for Direct Recruitment for each category. 2.2.0 Lecturer (Senior Scale) A lecturer will be eligible for placement in a senior scale through a procedure of selection, if she/he has; (i) Completed 6 years of service after regular appointment with relaxation of one year and two years, respectively, for those with M.Phil and Ph.D. (ii) Participated in one orientation course and one refresher course of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission. (Those with Ph.D. degree would be exempted from one refresher course). (iii) Consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports. 2.3.0 Lecturer (Selection Grade) Lecturers in the Senior Scale who do not have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work, and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards, but fulfil the other criteria given above for the post of Reader and have a good record in teaching and, preferable, have contributed in various ways such as to the corporate life of the institution, examination work, or through extension activities, will be placed in the Selection Grade, subject to the recommendations of the Selection Committee which is the same as for promotion to the post of Reader. They will be designated as Lecturers in the Selection Grade. They could offer themselves for fresh assessment after obtaining Ph.D. and/or fulfilling other requirements for promotion as Reader and, if found suitable, could be given the designation of Reader. 2.4.0 Reader (Promotion) 346 2.4.1. A Lecturer in the Senior Scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of Reader if she/he has: (i) Completed 5 years of service in the Senior Scale; (ii) Obtained a Ph.D. degree or has equivalent published work; (iii) Made some mark in the areas of scholarship and research as evidenced e.g. by self-assessment, reports of referees, quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula and extension activities. (iv) After placement in the Senior Scale participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes of approved duration, or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified or approved by the University Grants Commission, and possesses consistently good performance appraisal reports. 2.4.2 Promotion to the Post of Reader will be through a process of selection by a Selection Committee to be set up under the Statutes/Ordinances of the concerned University or other similar Committees set up by the appointing authorities. 2.5.0 Professor (Promotion) In addition to the sanctioned position of Professors, which must be filled in through direct recruitment through all India advertisements, promotions may be made from the post of Reader to that of Professor after 8 years of service as Reader. 2.6.0 The Selection Committee for promotion to the post of Professor should be the same as that for direct recruitment. For the promotion from Reader to Professor, the following method of promotion may be followed. The candidate should present herself/himself before the Selection Committee with some of the following: a) Self-appraisal reports (required) b) Research contribution/books/articles published c) Any other academic contributions The best three written contributions of the teacher (as defined by her/him) may be sent in advance to the Experts to review before coming for the selection. The candidate should be asked to submit these in 3 sets with the application. d) Seminars/Conferences attended. e) Contribution to teaching/academic environment/institutional corporate life. f) Extension and field outreach activities. 2.7.0 The requirement of participation in orientation/refresher courses/summer institutes, each of at least 3 to 4 weeks duration, and consistently satisfactory performance appraisal reports, shall be the mandatory requirement for Career Advancement from Lecturer to Lecturer (Senior Scale) and from Lecturer (Senior Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade). Wherever the requirement of orientation/refresher course has remained incomplete, the promotion would not be held up but these must be completed by the year 2000. The requirement for completing these courses would be as follows: i) For Lecturer or Lecturer (Senior Scale) one orientation course would be compulsory for University and College teachers. Those without Ph.D. would be required to do one refresher course in addition. ii) Two refresher courses for Lecturer (Senior Scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade). iii) The senior teachers like Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) and Professors may opt to attend two Seminars/Conferences in their subject area and present papers as one aspect of their promotion/selection to higher level or attend refresher courses to be offered by ASCs for this level. 2.8.0 If the number of years required in feeder cadre are less than those stipulated in this notification, thus entailing hardship to those who have completed more than the total number of years in their entire service for eligibility in the cadre, may be placed in the next higher cadre after adjusting the total number of years. This situation is likely to arise as in the earlier scheme, the number of years required in a feeder cadre were much more than those envisaged under this notification. 3.0.0 Selection Committees recommended by the UGC 3.1.0 Lecturer in Private College 347 1. Chairperson of the Governing Body of the College or his/her nominee to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee. 2. The Principal of the concerned College. 3. One senior teacher/Head of the Department ( of the concerned subject) preferably having not less than 10 years of services as a teacher. 4. Two nominees of the Vice Chancellor of the affiliating University of whom one should be a subject expert. 5. Two subject-experts not connected with the college to be nominated by the Chairperson of the governing body out of a panel of names approved by the Vice Chancellor. For Government Colleges, the State Public Service Commission must invite three subject experts for which the State Public Service Commission will involve the University in the selection. The Principal and Head of Department should be necessary included in the Selection Committee. The quorum for the meeting should be five of which at least two must be from out of the three subject experts. 3.2.0 For the post of University Lecturer At the University level, all selections must be done within the system with the Vice Chancellor as the Head of the Selection Committee. 1. The Vice Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Commitee. 2. Three experts in the concerned subject to be invited on the basis of the list recommended by the Vice Chancellor and approved by the Executive Council/Syndicate. 3. Dean of the concerned Faculty/Head Chairperson of the Department 4. An academician nominated by the Visitor/Chancellor. An Quorum should be four, out of which at least two outside subject experts must be present. 3.3.0 For the post of Reader The process of the selection should involve inviting the bio data and reprints of three major publications of the candidate before interview and getting them assessed by the same three external experts, who are to be invited to interview the candidate. The Selection Committee should have the following composition:- 1. The Vice Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Commitee. 2. An academician nominated by the Visitor/Chancellor. 3. Three experts in the concerned subject to be invited on the basis of the list recommended by the Vice Chancellor and approved by the Executive Council/Syndicate. 4. Dean of the Faculty. 5. Head/Chairperson of the Department. At least four members, including two outside experts, must constitute the quorum. 3.4.0 For the post of Professor The process of the selection should involve inviting the bio data and reprints of three major publications of which one could be a book or research report, before the interview, and getting them assessed by the same three external experts who are to be invited for the interview. The assessment report must be placed before the Selection Committee. The composition of the Selection Committee for the post of a Professor will be the same as proposed for the post of a Reader. It may be ensured that the process of selection in every case is transparent and credible. In the case of posts of Readers and Professors in Colleges, besides the Chairperson Governing Body, the Principal of the College, and the Head of the Department, there will be two University representatives, one of whom will be the Dean of College or equivalent position in the University, who will substitute the Visitor's nominee and the VC should be substituted by the VC's nominee. 3.5.0 For the post of Principal 1. Chairperson of the Governing Board as Chairperson. 2. One member of the Governing Board to be nominated by the chairperson 3. Two Vice Chancellor's nominees, out of whom one should be an expert. 348 4. Three experts consisting of the Principal of a college, a Professor and an accomplished educationist not below the rank of a professor (to be nominated by the Governing Board) out of a panel of experts approved by the Vice Chancelor. At least four members, including two experts, should constitute the quorum. The process of selection should involve the following: a) Assessment of aptitude for teaching and research. b) Ability to communicate clearly and effectively c) Ability to analyse and discuss. d) Optional: Ability to communicate may be assessed by requiring the candidate to participate in a group discussion or by exposure to a class room situation/lecture, wherever it is possible. Notes: 1. A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master's level for the SC/ST category. 2. A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master's degree prior to 19 th September, 1991. 3. B in the 7 point scale with latter grade O, A, B, C, D, E and F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed. 4. NET shall remain the compulsory requirement for appointment as Lecturer even for candidates having Ph.D. degree. However, the candidate who have completed M.Phil degree or have submitted Ph.D. thesis in the concerned subject upto 31 st December, 1993, are exempted from appearing in the NET examination. 5. The minimum requirement of 55% shall not be insisted upon for Principal, Professors, Readers, Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Directors of Physical Education and Deputy Directors of Physical Education, for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, these marks should be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside and those at the entry point of Lecturers, Assistant Registrars, Assistant Librarians, Assistant Directors of Physical Education. 6. A relaxation of the minimum marks at the PG level from 55% to 50% for appointment as Lecturer may be provided to the candidates who have cleared the JRF examination conducted by UGC/USIR only prior to 1989, when the minimum marks required to appear for JRF exam were 50%. Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Revision of pay scales to the Librarians in the Government and Aided Colleges with effect from 1-1-1970 – Sanction to - Read: 1 Mysore Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1970 2. G.O. No. ED 27 UEC 71 dated 18-2-1972 3. G.O. No. ED 200 SRP (1) 70 dated nil 4. G.O. No. ED 189 MUN 69 dated 12-8-1970 5. Letter No. Misc. 71-72 dated 25-7-73, from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore Preamble: The Director of Collegiate Education in her letter dated 25-7-1973 read at (5) above has stated that there are certain anomalies in the scales of pay of the Librarians in view of the above said Government orders read at 1 to 4 above and therefore she had requested sanction of suitable scales of pay to the Librarians. Order No. ED 134 UEC 72, Bangalore, Dated the 13 th August 1975 After careful consideration of the proposals of the Director of Collegiate Education and in amplification of the Orders in respect of Librarians, Government are pleased to sanction the following scales of Pay with effect from 1-1-1970 to the librarians working in the College Libraries of both Government and Aided under the Department of Collegiate Education and the Department of Technical Education and Department of Public Instruction:- 1) Those having basic Degree plus Degree in Library Science .. Rs. 250-500 2) Those having basic Degree plus Diploma in Library Science .. Rs. 175-450 349 3) Those in University Grants Commission Scales .. No revision The Karnataka Pay Commission is requested to treat the said scales of Pay, as existing Scales of pay, as on 1-1-1970. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 2418/S.III/75 dated 4-8-1975. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka B.S. Muddapur I/c, Under Secretary to Government, Education and Youth Services Department. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No. F.1-96/81 (CPP-1) April, 1987 To The Registrar, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560 056 Subject: Upgradation in Salary scale of Librarians in College. Sir, I am directed to say that the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Education) and the University Grants Commission have been receiving representations from College Librarians and their Organisations for a relaxation in the following qualification prescribed for placing the existing librarians in the pay scale of Rs.700-1600:- "First or second class MA/M.Sc/B.Com degree plus a first or second M.Lib. Sc. Degree OR First or Second Class MA/MSc/M.Com., degree and a first or second class B.Lib.Sc. or a diploma in Library Science." These representations have been considered by the Government of India, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development in consultation with the University Grants Commission and on the recommendation of the University Grants Commission, it has now been decided by the Government of India that the existing incumbents of the posts on or before 31-12-1972 may be sanctioned the upgrade scale of Rs. 700-1600 in relaxation of the prescribed qualifications as referred to above without insisting on a first or second class in the degree, diploma or other prescribed educational qualifications. The above relaxation is however subject to the condition that the college concerned is satisfied that the experience and quality of work of the College Librarians justify their being placed in the upgraded salary scale of Rs. 700-1600. In case of persons appointed on posts created after 31-12-1972, the prescribed qualifications would apply without any modifications. The relaxation indicated above would have retropsective effect from 1 st April, 1980. A copy of the Circular letter No. F.2-3/84-U, I dated 16 th January, 1987 issued to the Education Secretaries of the State Governments by the Government of India in this regard is enclosed. The above decision may please be communicated to the colleges affiliated to your university which are receiving assistance from the Commission. Yours faithfully, C.M. RAMACHANDRAN Deputy Secretary. 350 Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 U.G.C. scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education- regarding. Read: 1 Letter No. F-1-21/87-U-I dated 22-7-88 of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Education Department), Government of India, New Delhi. 2. G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-90. 3. G.O. No. ED 176 UNI 88, dated 30-3-90. Preamble: On the basis of the recommendations of Prof. R.C. Mehrotra Committee set up by the University Grants Commission, the Government of India has revised the pay scales of the teachers in Universities and Colleges and also the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel in the Universities and Colleges with effect from 1-1-86 (vide letter dated 22-7-88 read at (1) above). After detailed examination of all aspects, the State Government have issued orders extending the benefit of the revised U.G.C. pay scales to the University teachers vide Government Order No. ED 60 UNI 87, dated 5-12-87 and also to the College teachers under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education (vide G.O. dated 30-3-90 read at (2) above). Similarly, the State Government have issued orders extending the benefit of revised pay scales to the Librarians and Physical Education teachers of the Universities in the State (vide G.O. dated 30-3-1990 read at (3) above). The question of extension of revised 1986 U.G.C. pay scales to the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel working in the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education has been examined by the Government in detail and the following orders are issued. Government Order No. ED 15 UEC 89, Bangalore, Dated 5 th April, 1991 Government are pleased to sanction the revised 1986 University Grants Commission pay scales to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel in the First Grade (Degree) i.e., Government Colleges and those aided by the Government as per the Grant-in- aid Code under the Department of Collegiate Education with effect from 1-1-1986. The scheme of extension of revised 1986 U.G.C. pay scales for the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel in Degree Colleges shall be as follows:- 1. Coverage: The scheme shall apply to librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors working in First Grade Government Colleges and those aided by Government which come under the control of Department of Collegiate Education and who possess the qualification prescribed by the U.G.C. from time to time. The scheme shall, however, not apply to those who specifically exercise an option in writing to remain out of it. All the Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors appointed after the date from which the scheme has been given to, will be governed by the provisions of this scheme. II. Scales of Pay Sl.No. Designation UGC Scales of pay with effect from 1-1-86 Librarians (i) College Librarian Rs. 2200-75-2800-100-4000 (ii) College Librarian (Senior scale) Rs. 3000-100-3500-125-500 (iii) College Librarian (Selection Grade) Rs. 3700-125-4950-150-5700 Physical Education Personnel (i) Director of Physical Education Rs. 2200-75-2800-100-4000 (ii) Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale) Rs. 3000-100-3500-125-5000 (iii) Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade) Rs. 3700-125-4950-150-5700 Note: (i) The 1986 UGC pay scale of Rs. 2200-4000 will be admissible only to those Librarians and Physical Education Personnel who possess the qualification prescribed by the UGC from time to time. The 1986 UGC pay scale of Rs. 2200-4000 is not admissible on the basis of designation alone and it is keeping in view the qualification prescribed by the UGC from time to time. All the terms and conditions for revision of pay scales for degree 351 College teachers mentioned in G.O.No. ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-1990 read at (2) above shall apply to the revision of pay scales of Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in the First Grade Degree Colleges. III Date of effect: The aforesaid 1986 UGC scales of pay shall be effective from 1-1-1986. IV Recruitment and Qualifications: (a) Recruitment to the posts of Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in Colleges shall be on the basis of merit through all India Advertisement and Selection. (b) The minimum qualifications required for appointment to the posts of Librarians and Physical Education Director / Instructors in Colleges will be those prescribed by the UGC from time to time. Generally, the minimum qualification will be Master's Degree in the relevant subject with atleast 55% marks. (c) As in the case of recruitment of Lecturers in First Grade Colleges, only those candidates who, besides fulfilling the minimum academic qualification prescribed for the post of Librarian and Physical Education Directors/Instructors, have qualified in a comprehensive test, will be eligible for appointment to these posts. The detailed scheme for conducting that test, including its design, the agencies to be employed, will be worked out and communicated by the UGC. (d) Candidates, who, at the time of their recruitment as Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors possess M.Phil or Ph.D. degrees in Library Science or Physical Education as the case may be, will be sanctioned 1 and 3 advance increments. respectively in the scale of Rs. 2200-4000 alongwith the benefit of corresponding years of service for the purpose of promotion. The existing incumbents without research degrees and those similarly situate, recruited in future, will be eligible for a similar benefit in service for the purpose of promotion as and when they acquire research degree, but will not be eligible for advance increments. Existing incumbents with research degrees will also be eligible for similar benefits. V. Career Advancement: (a) Every Librarian and Physical Education Director / Instructor in a First Grade College who is in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 2200-4000 will be placed in the senior scale of Rs.3000-5000 if he/she has; (i) Completed 10 (Ten) years of service after regular appointment with relaxation as provided in para IV(d) above. (ii) Participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes, each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC. (iii) Consistantly satisfactory performance appraisal report. Explanation Every Librarian and Physical Education Director/Instructor who has completed 10 years of service as on 1-1-86 will be placed through a process of screening/selection as indicated in para (c) below in the senior scale of Rs. 3000-5000. The benefit of service provided in para IV (d) above will be available for the initial placement also. (b) Every Librarian and Physical Education Director / Instructor in a First Grade College who has been placed in the senior scale will be eligible for promotion to the post of LIbrarian/Physical Education Director/Instructor (Selection Grade) in the scale of pay of Rs.3700-5700 if he/she has; (i) Completed 8 years of service in the senior scale, provided that the requirement of 8 years will be relaxed if the total service of the Librarian/Physical Education Director/Instructor is not less than 18 years. (ii) Obtained a Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work. (iii) Made significant contribution to the development of Library Services/Physical Education in the College as evidenced by self assessment reports of referees, professional improvement in the library service/physical education activities etc., as the case may be. (iv) Participated in 2 refresher courses/summer institutes each of approximately 4 week's duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC after placement in the senior scale and; (v) Consistently good performance appraisal reports. 352 (c) Promotion to the post of Librarians and Physical Education Director/Instructor (Selection Grade) will be through a process of selection by a Selection Committee to be set up under the statutes/ordinances of the University concerned or the similar committees set up by the appointing authorities in accordance with the guidelines to be laid down by the UGC posts of Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors (Selection Grade) will be created for this purpose by upgrading the correspondent number of posts of Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in Colleges. (d) Those Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in the senior scale who do not have Ph.D. degree or equivalent published work but fulfill the other criteria mentioned in para v (b) above, will be placed in the grade of Rs. 3700-5700 subject to the recommendations of the Committee mentioned in item (c) above. They will be designated as Librarian and Physical Education Director/Instructor (Selection Grade). Posts in the selection grade will be created for this purpose by upgrading the posts held by them. VI Pay Fixation The pay of Librarians and Physical Education Personnel working in first Grade Government and Aided Degree Colleges under the control of Director of Collegiate Education who joined service prior to 1-1-86 and were in service as on that date i.e., as on 1 st January 1986 may be fixed in the UGC scales of pay in the following manner:- (A) an amount representing 15 percent of basic pay in the pre-revised scale (i.e.) 1982 state pay scale) shall be added to the existing emoluments; (B) after the existing emoluments have been so increased, the pay shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above the amount thus computed, provided that (i) If the minimum of the revised scale is more than the amount so arrived at, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale; (ii) If the amount so arrived at is more than the maximum of the revised scale, the pay shall be fixed at the maximum of that scale revised. The existing emoluments' of a Librarian, Physical Education Director/Instructor in a First Grade College on 1 st January 1986 shall include:- (a) basic pay; (b) dearness allowance on the basic pay sanctioned upto the index level of 608 points i.e. dearness allowance sanctioned vide G.O. No. FD 11 SRP 86, dated 2 nd May 1986; (c) the first instalment of interim relief admisible on the basic pay in accordance with Government Order No. FD 36 SRP 86, dated 27 th July 1985; (d) the adhoc dearness allowance, if any, admissible on the basic pay in accordance with G.O. No. FD 70 SRP 85, dated 30 th October 85; and (e) the second instalment of interim relief sanctioned with effect from 1 st June 1986 under G.O. No. FD 54 SRP 86, dated 18 th August 86 notionally taken into account. (C) The pay of the Libraians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in Degree Colleges who joined service on or after 1 st January 1986 shall be fixed under the normal rules. (D) the first Grade College Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors shall be eligible for dearness allowance, house rent allowance and city compensatory allowance at the rates that are applicable to State Government employees who are drawing corresponding pay in the State scales of pay. (E) For the period 1 st January 1986 to 31 st December 1986, the Degree College Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors will be eligible for dearness allowance at the following rates:- (a) 1 st Jaunary 1986 to 31 st March 1986 - Nil (b) 1 st April 1986 to 31 st May 1986 1.5% of pay, subject to minimum of Rs. 16/- p.m and a maximum of Rs. 48/- p.m. (c) 1 st June 1986 to 30 th June 1986 3% of pay, subject to a minimum of Rs. 32/-p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 96/-p.m. 353 (d) 1 st July 1986 to 31 st December 1986 4.5% of pay, subject to a minimum of Rs. 48/- p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 144/- p.m. Note: 'Pay' for this purpose would mean pay drawn in the 1982 State pay scale. (F) The three instalments of dearness allowance at 4.5% of pay specified at (d) above shall be treated as fixed D.A. and taken into account for the purpose of calculation of dearness allowance under the revised D.A. formula, with effect from 1 st January, 1987. The dearness allowance payable under the revised formula shall be calculated with reference to the basic pay in the revised scales of pay. (G) The arrears of incrase in pay and allowance payable for the period from 1 st Janauary 1986 upto 31 st December 1988 shall be invested in National Savings Certificate VIII issue. (H) Consequent on the revision of scales of pay with effect from 1 st January 1986, there will be no change in the entitlement of the First Grade College Librarians and Physical Directors/Instructors so far as HRA and CCA are concerned for the period from 1 st January 1986 upto 31 st December 1986. VII Discontinuance of the existing scheme of time bound advancement Consequent on the introduction of the revised UGC scales of pay, the scheme of Time-Bound-Advancement introduced by the State Government with effect from 1-4-82 will not be applicable to the Librarians and Physical Education Directors/Instructors in First Grade Government and Aided Degree Colleges coming under the control of Department of Collegiate Education. In the case of Librarians/Physical Education Directors/Instructors who have already been sanctioned the selection scale under the scheme of Time-Bound- Advancement, their pay may be fixed in the revised UGC scale of pay ignoring the increment allowed to them while fixing their pay in the selection scale. VIII Anomalies Anomalies, if any, in the implementation of the scheme may be brought to the notice of Government for clarification. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No.FD 1091 PRC and SII/90 dated 6-2-1991. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K. CHANNE GOWDA Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Annexure-I Department of Collegiate Education Fixation of Pay in the Revised UGC Scales from 1 st January 1986 Librarians Existing Scale: 675-25-800-30-950-50-1200- 60-1320 UGC Scale: 2200-75-2800-100-4000 College Librarian Existing Scale: 860-30-950-50-1200-60- 1500-75-1650 UGC Scale: 3000-100-3500-125-5000 College Librarian (Senior Scale) Existing Scale: 920-30-950-50-1200-60- 1500-75-1725 UGC Scale: 3700-125-4950-150-5700 College Librarian (Selection Grade) Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 675 2200 860 3000 920 3700 700 2200 890 3000 950 3700 354 725 2200 920 3000 1000 3700 750 2200 950 3000 1050 3700 775 2200 1000 3000 1100 3700 800 2200 1050 3000 1150 3700 830 2200 1100 3000 1200 3700 860 2200 1150 3000 1260 3700 890 2200 1200 3000 1320 3700 920 2200 1260 3000 1380 3700 950 2200 1320 3000 1440 3700 1000 2200 1380 3000 1500 3700 1050 2200 1440 3000 1575 3700 1100 2200 1500 3000 1650 3700 1150 2200 1575 3000 1725 3700 1200 2200 1650 3000 1260 2200 1320 2200 . Director of Collegiate Education. Annexure-II Department of Collegiate Education Fixation of Pay in the Revised UGC Scales from 1 st January 1986 Physical Education Personnel Existing Scale: 750-25-800-30-950-50-1200- 60-1500 UGC Scale: 2200-75-2800-100-4000 Director of Physical Education Existing Scale: 860-30-950-50-1200-60- 1500-75-1650 UGC Scale: 3000-100-3500-125-5000 Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale) Existing Scale: 920-30-950-50-1200-60- 1500-75-1725 UGC Scale: 3700-125-4950-150-5700 Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade) Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale Stage of Basic Pay in the existing scale Fixation of Pay in the UGC Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 750 2200 860 3000 920 3700 775 2200 890 3000 950 3700 800 2200 920 3000 1000 3700 830 2200 950 3000 1050 3700 860 2200 1000 3000 1100 3700 890 2200 1050 3000 1150 3700 920 2200 1100 3000 1200 3700 950 2200 1150 3000 1260 3700 1000 2200 1200 3000 1320 3700 1050 2200 1260 3000 1380 3700 1100 2200 1320 3000 1440 3700 1150 2200 1380 3000 1500 3700 1200 2200 1440 3000 1575 3700 1260 2200 1500 3000 1650 3700 1320 2200 1575 3000 1725 3700 1380 2275 1650 3000 1440 2425 1500 2500 . 355 Director of Collegiate Education. Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education- regarding. Read: 1 G.O. No. ED 15 UGC 89, dated 5-4-1991 2. Representation dated 25-3-1992, 27-3-1992 and 3-8-1992 from the Federation of Karnataka State College Librarians and Physical Education Directors, Bangalore. 3. G.O. No. ED 34 UGC 92, dated 8-2-1993. 4. Letter No. DCE 34 EAP 92, dated 11-2-1993 and 3-3-1993 by the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. 5. G.O. No. ED 34 UGC 92, dated 15-2-1993. Preamble: 1. In Government Order dated 5-4-1991 read at Sl.No. (1) above, sanction was accorded for the extension of revised 1986 University Grants Commission Pay Scales to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel in the First Grade (Degree) i.e. Government Colleges and those Aided by the Government as per the Grant-in-Aid Code under the Department of Collegiate Education with effect from 1 st January, 1986, subject to the conditions stipulated thereto. 2. Representations have been received by Government from Associations of College Lecturers, Librarians and Physical Education Teachers requesting certain amendments and modifications in the above Government Order dated 5-4-1991. These have been examined. The views of the Director of Collegiate Education in this regard have also been obtained. After detailed consideration of the entire issue in consultation with the Finance Department, the following orders are passed. This is in supersession of the earlier Government Order No.ED 34 UEC 92, dated 8-2-1993 and 15-2-1993. Order No. ED 34 UEC 92, Bangalore, Dated the 25 th June 1993 In supersession of the Government Order No. ED 34 UEC 92, dated 8-2-1993 and 15-2-1993, sanction is hereby accorded to extend the benefit of the revised University Grants Commission Scales of Pay to the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel working at Government as well as Aided First Grade (Degree) Colleges with effect from 1-1- 1986 as contemplated in Government Order No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-1991 subject to the fulfilment of the qualifications indicated in the statement infra with reference to the respective dates of appointment. Sl. No. Date of Appointment Qualification for Librarians Qualification for Physical Education Personnel 1. Persons appointed prior to 31-12-85 BA/BSC/Bcom Degree plus M.Lib Science Degree OR MA/MSc/MCom Degree and B.Lib Science Degree or Diploma in Lib Science Seperate Order will be issued in due course 2. Persons appointed between 1-1-86 to 5-4- 91 II Class Master's Degree in the respective subject II Class Master's Degree in the respective subject 3. Persons appointed on or after 5-4-91 Master's Degree in the respective subject with not less than 55% marks and as prescribed by the UGC from time to time Master's degree in the respective subject with not less than 55% marks and as prescribed by the UGC from time to time. 356 2. The provisions of (1) Government Order No. ED 57 UNI 91, dated 11-6-91 (ii) Government Order No. ED 315 DCE 91, dated 4-1-1992 issued in respect of Lecturers of Degree Colleges relating to relaxation in Career Advancement and Refresher Courses for Placement in Senior Scale and Selection Grade thereunder respectively, are hereby extended to the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel of Government and Aided Degree Colleges also. 3. This oder issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. Note No. FD 406 PRC and S II 93, dated 13-5-1993. 4. In respect of Physical Education Personnel appointed prior to 1-1-1986 separate orders will be issued in due course. 5. Necessary amendments to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules will be issued in due course. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANASWAMY, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education- regarding. Read: Government Order No. ED 34 UGC 92, dated 25-6-93. Preamble: In Government Order dated 25-6-1993 read at above, sanction was accorded to extend the revised UGC pay scales to the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel working at Government as well as Aided First Grade (Degree) Colleges w.e.f. 1-1-1986 as contemplated in Government Order No. ED 15 UGC 89, dated 5-4-1991 subject to the fulfilment of the qualification indicated in the said Government Order. In respect of persons appointed prior to 31-12-1985 it was spelt out in column below the caption "Qualification for Physical Education Personnel" and in para 4 of the order portion that separate Order will be issued in due course. Order No. ED 34 UEC 92, Bangalore, Dated the 16 th September 1993 In furtherance of Government Order dated 25-6-1993, it is ordered that the qualification for Physical Education Personnel who were appointed prior to 31-12-1985 shall be as indicated herein below. Sl. No. Date of Appointment Qualification of Physical Education Personnel 1. Persons appointed prior to 31 st December 1985 Post-Graduate Diploma or Certificate or a Degree in Physical Education. 2. The other conditions laid down in the Government order dated 25-6-1993 shall be applicable. 3. Necessary amendments to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules will be issued in due course. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANASWAMY, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Extension of Revised UGC Pay Scales w.e.f. 1-1-1986 to the Lecturers/ Physical Culture Instructors/Librarians working in the Private Aided Composite Degree Colleges coming under the administrative purview of the Directorate of Collegiate Education Amendment to the G.O.No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981. Reg. Read: 1. G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981. 357 2. G.O. No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-1991 3. G.O. No. ED 34 UEC 92, dated 25-6-93 and 16-9-93 4. Letter No. DCE 29 GMS PCC 92, dated 15-7-1993 and dated 16-11-93 from the Director of Collegiate Education. Preamble: In G.O. dated 3-10-1981 read at Sl.No. (1) above, guidelines were laid down in the matter of appointment/promotions, etc., in respect of the Aided and Un-Aided Degree/Composite Colleges coming under the administrative purview of the Directorate of Collegiate Education. In G.O. dated 5-4-91 read at Sl.No. (2) above, sanction was accorded to the revised 1986 UGC Pay Scales to the Librarians and Physical Education Personnel in the First Grade Degree Colleges i.e. Government Colleges and those aided by the Government as per Grant-in-Aid under the Directorate of Collegiate Education with effect from 1-1-1986. The Director of Collegiate Education in his letter dated 15-7-1993 read at Sl.No. (4) above, recommended to amend the G.O. No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981 in line with the G.O. No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-91 and G.O. No. ED 34 UEC 92, dated 25-6-93 and 16-9-93 coming under his administrative purview and the same has been examined and considered. Order No. ED 354 UPC 93, Bangalore, Dated 8 th February 1994 Government are pleased to amend the provisions of Rule in the Annexure to G.O.No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981 to the extent specified in the Annexures to this Government Order with immediate effect. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka D. NARAYANASWAMY, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Annexure to G.O. No. ED 354 UPC 93, dated 8 th February 94 (Amendment to the Annexure to G.O. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-81 Annexure-I (1) In Rule No. 5 under the heading 'Promotions' in Annexure-I to G.O. No. FD 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981 for the existing entries 1 and 2 the following entries shall be substituted:- (1) The vacancies for appointment by promotions in the non-teaching and non- vocational cadres shall be as provided in Annexure-II. Promotions shall be made by the management or such authority, as the management by order may specify in that behalf, on seniority cum merit and as per the Government Orders prescribing the reservation of vacancies from time to time. Provided where the Senior most employee in relevant cadre is not selected for promotion, the Management or such authority, as the management by order may specify in that behalf, shall record in writing the reasons for supersession. (2) CAREER ADVANCEMENT: - PLACEMENT: (a) Every Lecturer will be placed in a senior scale of Rs. 3,000-5,000 if he/she has i) completed 8 (eight) years of service after regular appointment with relaxation as provided in para (4) (d) of G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88, Bangalore, dated 30-3-1990. ii) participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes, each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the University Grants Commission. iii) Consistently satisfactory performance appraisal report. Explanation: Every Lecturer who has completed 8 years of service as on 1-1-1986, will be placed through a process of screening/selection as indicated in (6) (d) of G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-90 in the scale of Rs.3,000-5000. The benefit of service provided in para 4(d) of the G.O.No. Ed 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-90 will be available for the initial placement also. 358 (b) Every Lecturer in the senior scale will be eligible for placement as Lecturer (Selection Grade) in the scale of pay of Rs. 3,700-5,700 if he/she has i) completed 8 (eight) years of service in the senior scale, provided that the requirement of 8 (eight) years will be relaxed if the total service of the Lecturer is not less than 16 (sixteen) years, after regular appointment. ii) obtained a Ph.D. Degree or an equivalent published work. iii) made some work in the areas of scholarship and research as evidenced by self-assessment reports of references, quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc., iv) participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engages in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC after placement in the senior scale and v) consistently good performance appraisal reports. c) Placement as Lecturer (Selection Grade) will be through a process of selection by a Selection Committee to be set up by the Government in accrodance with the guidelines laid down/ to be laid down by the UGC. Posts of Lecturers (Selection Grade) will be created for this purpose by upgrading a corresponding number of posts of lecturers in the Colleges. d) Those lecturers in the senior scale who do not have Ph.D. or equivalent published work and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards of Lecturer (Selection Grade) but fulfill the other criteria mentioned in para 5(b) of G.O.No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-90 and have good record in teaching and/or participated in extension activities, will be placed in the grade of Rs. 3,700- Rs. 5,700, subject to the recommendations of the committee mentioned in para 5(c) of the Government Order dated 30-3-90. They will be redesignated as Lecturer (Selection Grade). Posts in the selection grade will be created for this purpose by upgrading the posts held by them. In G.O. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981 in Annexure-I under Rule 2 the connected Note 1, 2 and 3 are deleted. a) Every Librarian and Physical Culture Instructor in a First Grade College, who is in the scale of pay of Rs. 2,200-4,000 will be placed in the senior scale of pay of Rs. 3,000-5,000 if he/she has i) completed 8 (eight) years of service after regular appointment with relaxation as provided in para IV (d) of G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-90. ii) participated in two refresher courses/summer institutes, each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC. iii) consistently satisfactory performance appraised reports. Explanation: Every Librarian/Physical Culture Instructor who has completed 8 (eight) years of service as on 1-1-1986 will be placed, through a process of screening/selection as indicated to para 5(c) of G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88, dated 30-3-90 in the senior scale of pay of Rs.3,000-5,000. The benefit of service provided in para 4(d) of the said Government order dated 30-3-90 will be available for the initial placement also. b) Every Librarian/Physical Education Instructor who has been placed in the senior scale will be eligible for placement as Librarian/Physical Education Instructor (Selection Grade) in the scale of pay of Rs. 3,700-5,700 if he/she has, i) completed 8 (eight) years of service in the senior scale, provided that the requirement of 8 (eight) years will be relaxed if the total service of the Librarian/Physical Education Instructor is not less than 16 years after regular appointment. ii) Made significant contribution to the development of Library service/Physical Education in the College as evidenced by self assessment reports of references, professional improvement in the Library service/Physical education activities etc. as the case may be. 359 iii) participated in 2 refresher courses/summer institutes each of approximately 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programmes of comparable quality as may be specified by the UGC after placement in the senior scale and iv) consistently good performance appraisal reports. c) Placement as Librarians/Physical Education Instructor (Selection Grade) will be, through a process of selection by a selection committee to be constituted by the Government in accordance with the guidelines laid down/to be laid down by the UGC. The posts of Librarians/Physical Education Instructor (Selection Grade) will be created for this purpose by upgrading the corresponding number of posts of Librarians/Physical Education Instructors in the College. d) Those Librarians/Physical Education Instructor in the Senior Scale who do not have Ph.D. Degree or equivalent published work and who do not meet the scholarship and research standards of Librarians/Physical Culture Instructors but fulfill the criteria mentioned in para 5(b) in the G.O. No. ED 88 UNI 88 dated 30-3-90, will be placed in the Selection Grade of pay of Rs. 3,700-5,700, subject to the recommendations of the committee mentioned in para 5(c) of the said Government order dated 30-3-90. They will be designated as Librarians/Physical Education Instructors (Selection Grade) Posts in the Selection Grade will be created for this purpose by upgrading the posts held by them. In Rule No. 6 under the Heading "Reservation of Vacancies" Annexure-X to G.O.No. ED 146 UPC 79, dated 3-10-1981, the following entrie shall be substituted: Orders of reservations issued in G.O. No. DPAR 1 SBC 77, dated 4-3-1977 and G.O. No. DPAR 29 SBC 77, dated 27-4-1978 and orders issued by Government from time to time in this behalf shall be adhered to while making appointments to all categories of posts and promotions to only non-teaching posts except Librarians and Physical Culture Instructors. Annexure-II (1) IN THE ENTRIES RELATING TO THE POST OF LECTURERS AT SL.NO. 3 IN ANNEXURE-II TO G.O. NO. ED 146 UPC 79, DATED 3-10-81, THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES SHALL BE SUBSTITUTED:- Lecturers Minimum Qualifiation No person shall be eligible for recruitment as a Lecturer unless he/she has a) obtained a Master's Degree in the respective subject, with atleast 55% marks or its equivalent grade and a good academic record, from a University established by law in India. b) qualified in the National Eligibility Test conducted/to be conducted for this purpose at the State Level/National level by the UGC/CSIR or any such test accredited to by the University Grants Commission. AGE: Attained the age of 21 years but not have attained the age of a) 40 (forty) years in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Group-A b) 38 (thirty eight) years in the case of candidates belonging to Group B and C. c) 35 (thirty five) years in the case of others. Note: Provided that in the case of a candidate possessing experience in teaching Degree Classes, the maximum age limit may be enhanced by the number of years of such teaching experience or by ten years whichever is less. (2) IN THE ENTRIES RELATING TO THE POST OF PHYSICAL CULTURE INSTRUCTOR UNDER THE HEADING "NON-TEACHING BUT VOCATIONAL CADRE AT SL.NO. 2 IN ANNEXURE-II TO G.O. NO. ED 146 UPC 79, DATED 3-10-1981, THE FOLLOWING ENTRIES SHALL BE SUBSTITUTED: Physical Culture Instructors Qualification: Obtained a Master's Degree in Physical Education of a University established by law in India or an equivalent qualification with atleast 55% marks in the discipline and as prescribed by UGC from time to time. Age: As in the case of Lecturers. (3) IN THE ENTRIES RELATING TO THE POST OF LIBRARIAN UNDER THE HEADING "NON-TEACHING AND NON-VOCATIONAL CADRE AT SL.NO. 2 IN ANNXEURE-II TO G.O.NO. ED 146 UPC 79, DATED 3-10-1981, THE FOLLOWING SHALL BE SUBSTITUTED:- 360 Must have obtained a Master Degree in Library and Information Science of a University established by law in India or its equivalent qualification with atleast 55% marks in the discipline and as prescribed by the UGC from time to time. Age: As in the case of Lecturers. D. NARAYANASWAMY, Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. Proceedings of the Government of Karnataka Subject: Extension of the benefit of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges under the control of the Department of Collegiate Education-regarding. Read:1. Government Order No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-91. 2. G.O. No. ED 34 UEC 92, dated 25-6-93 and 16-9-93 3. G.O. No. ED 148 UEC 94, dated 28-1-95 4. Representation dated 13-9-95 from the President, Karnataka Government College Teacher's Association, Bangalore. 5. Letter No. DCE 34 EAP 92, dated 17-7-96 from the Director of Collegiate Education, Bangalore. Preamble: In Government Order dated 5-4-1991 read at (1) above, sanction was accorded for the extension of the revised 1986 UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and Physical Culture Personnel in the Government First Grade Colleges and those aided by the Government as per the Grant-in-aid Code which are under the administrative control of the Directorate of Collegiate Education, w.e.f. 1-1-86 subject to conditions stipulated therein. 2. In Government Order dated 25-6-93 and 16-9-93 read at (2) above sanction was accorded for the extension of the benefit of 1986 revised UGC scales of pay to the Librarians and Physical Educational Personnel working in the Government as well as aided First Grade Degree Colleges w.e.f. 1-1-86 as contemplated in Government Order No. ED 15 UEC 89, dated 5-4-91, subject to the fulfillment of the qualification mentioned in column 4 of the said Government Order viz., Second Class Master's Degree in the respective subject. 3. In Government Order dated 28-1-95 read at (3) above sanction was accorded for the extension of the benefit of the revised UGC pay scales to the Librarians. And persons appointed between 1 st Janunary 1986 to 5 th April 1991 who do not possess the required qualification with reference to the date of appointment, have been given five years time to acquire the required qualification at their own cost. 4. The Karnataka Government College Teachers Association in their representation dated 13-9-95 read at (4) above have requested the Government to extend the similar benefit of allowing five years time for those Physical Education Personnel appointed between 1-1-86 and 5-4-91 as already extended to the Librarians vide Government Order dated 28-1-95. The Director of Collegiate Education in his letter dated 17-7-96 has recommended for extension of the benefit of five years time to acquire the required qualification to the Physical Education Personnel also. 5. In the light of the above, the matter has been examined and the following orders are issued. Government Order No. ED 03 UEC 96, Bangalore, Dated the 26 th March 1997 In furtherance of Government Order dated 25-6-1993, those of the Physical Education Personnel of the Degree Colleges coming under the purview of Directorate of Collegiate Education and appointed between the period 1 st January 1986 to 5 th April 1991 and who do not possess the qualification mentioned in Column 4 of the said Government Order dated 25-6-1993 shall be given five years time to acquire the said qualification prescribed by the UGC to get UGC scales of pay at their own cost. The benefits as specified in para 2 of the Government Order dated 28-1-95 are extended. 361 The other conditions laid down in Government Order dated 25-6-93 continues to be applicable. Necessary amendments to the Cadre and Recruitment Rules will be issued in due course. This order issues with concurrence of the Finance Department vide UO Note No. ED 1496 Exp-8/96, dated 25-1-1997. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka MOHAMED KHALEELUR RAHMAN Under Secretary to Government, Education Department. ts:r:t · t:rc ·c. .·: ¯+ :.. º!(¯) t:c... :t~ :c...tc t..c, .c/-oc., :.:ct !¯-+-º¯ :¬c/, l. .c: ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬: = t:c.../- .¯¬:.c ./-. !. .c: .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../- .¯¬:.c./-. ¯. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. .c: ¬:¬.:t t..c/- .c. ¯¬=.:tc./-. :.:sc, .±c... t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬.:. .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../-. ·.¬c...c.¬ ¬ ¸.t :t ~ .o.¬tc/ lº·:c ¬c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬ ./ ¬ c¬: ·t:=c :¬.:. vc ::. :.:ct !:-¯-º¯c ·c. :. )¯ c...:· º:c ·t:=c :¬.:. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../-. ·.¬c...c.¬ ¬¸.t :t~ .o.¬tc/ lº·:c ¬c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~c.... ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.¬¬t ·c.c:·¬c: -¬c./-. ¬¬ c....t:¬ .¬:¬=:/- ./ :¬.:·c:^c.¬ .c..: ¬c¬: ·t:=c :¬.:¬.. = ¬:¬oc:/ ./.· t-..·c:^¬. :.:ct !¯-:-º¯c ·c. :. ¯+ c...:· º!c ·t:=c :¬.:¬ ¬t:c :.:ct l-l-·¯ cc¬ ¯-+-ºlc ¬c/ ..¬.t:. ¬oc:¬ ¬¸.t :t~ .o.¬tc./-. ¬¬c....t:^¬ .¬:¬=: (.c...:.. :.t¬ ¯) ¬.:. :.t¬ ¯¯)/-.. .c..: ·t:=c :¬.:¬ ¬t:c ¬..c¬ ¯ ¬¬=/- t:c:¬:c.o-/ -¬c ·c: :.=.. ¬¬c...¬ ¯.c¬./o-¬.· co. !!))-+))) ¬.:. :.~c... ¬.:: c....· ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬.. :¬.:·¬. -c¬c :.:ct !·-l-º¯c ·t:=c :¬.:¬ ¬:c: !c. ·o.·c.¬c: :c:.c.. /c¬¬:.tc/ -¬c./-. ¬ ¬c....-¬ -/: .¬:¬=:/-.. ¬¬c.... =/:/c . ¬..c¬ ¯ ¬¬=/- t:c:¬t::¬.. ¯.¬c:^c .¬c: :c:.c.. ¬¸.t :t~ .o.¬tc/o · ¬ :.:ct !¯-:-º¯c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. ·o.·c.¬ -/: .¬:¬=: .c...:.. ¬¬.c.... ¬¬c.... ¬..c¬ ¯ ¬¬=/- t:c:¬t::¬.. ¯.¬c:^¬. :¬cc¬ ·¬c .c...:. .¬:¬=: ¬¬c..¬. :¬.¬c./o c......·. ¬.:.¬.. ¬¬c..¬. :c.¬ ¬¸.t :t ~ .o.¬tc. :¬. :¬. t:c.../-. ·.¬c...¬ ¬t¬. -/: ¬·:¬.c.... -¬c./- ·.¬: ¬.· t¬oc:/ = :c...tc t..c/ t-·.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬. :¬. .c../c.., ./:. !¬:-/-. t:c... :t~ ¯¬=.:tc.. ts:r:t · t:rc t:c :z. ct~ ¬c:: ·c. ··: ¯) c....· (¬.¯) ºº t:c... :t~ :c. ..tc t..c, .c/-oc., :.:ct +-l!-lººº. ·.:n:c .±c... t:c... :t ~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../- .¬.:·tc./-/ /c¬¬:.tc/ ¬ ¸.t :t~ ¯¬ .=:tc/ lºº:c ¬c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~/- .. ::c/o-·.¬ ./ . 362 vc ::. l) :.:ct l¯-ll-ººc ·c. :. l·· .·: ººc ·t:=c :¬.:. !) :.:ct ¯-l!-ººc ·c. :. l·· .·: ººc ·t:=c .¬.¬.. t:c... :t~ :c:.c.. ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../- .¬.:·tc./-/ ¬¸.:..o.¬tc//c¬¬:.tc/ lºº:c ¬c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~/- .. :.:ct l-l-º: cc¬ -.c..¬:/.¬c: .c..: :.:ct l¯-ll-ººc ·t:=c :¬.:¬. ¬.c.oc. ¬.:¬c:^¬. ¬c...t l¯-ll-ººc ·t:=c :¬.: ¬.:. :.:ct ¯-l!-ººc ·t:=c .¬.¬.c.... = ·.:o .cc.oc:/ ./.·.::, ·¬c ·t:=c :¬.:¬.. ::c/o-·.¬ -..¬: ./o-·.¬ ·c.c¬ ¬. = t-tc¬ ·o÷./- .. ¯.¬c:^¬- l) lº·:c ¬·t c....· ¬.:. :.~c.. co. !!))-+))) t¯¬ ¬.:. :.~c... c.¬ ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- .¬.:·tc./-/ ¬¸.:. . o.¬tc/ /c¬¬:.tc/ lºº:c ¬c¬: c....· ¬.:. :.~c.. co. ·)))-l¯¯))c ¬.:. :.~c... ¬.:. ¯/:¬.·.¬ ¬-c..c.... :c..: ·t:=c ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../- .¯¬:.c./ -. ¯c..¬.:¬- ¬t:c :¬. ¬c:¬ . t¬. t¸/o- .. ·o.·c:^¬ (:¬.:¬ -. ..c¬ -l -.. ¬c/~·.¬¬.). !) .c¬.c..¬:^ = :c:.c.. -:..to-¬¬.¬ .:·^ -..¬:¯: ¬¬¬. ¬:= t:c.../-. ·.¬ ·.·.. ¬., lº·:c ¬·t c....· ¬.:. :.~/-.. ¬oc:c .¬ .¬.:·tc.¬¸.:. .o.¬tc./c¬¬:.tc., .¬.:·tc.¬¸.:. . o.¬tc./c¬¬:.tc. 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No. Point of Doubt Clarification 1. How the pay of Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) is to be fixed in the revised scale. In the case of Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) Having five years of service in the grade as on 1-1-96, the pay may be fixed initially in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 1997. If the pay so fixed as on 1-1-96 is less than the stage of Rs. 14,940/- it may be stepped up to the stage of Rs. 14,940/- 2. Whether the benefit of fixation of pay on completion of five years in the case of Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) at the minimum of Rs. 14,840/- in the revised scale of pay of Rs. 12000-420-18,300 is available to other categories of employees who are in the same scale of pay The benefit of fixation of pay at the minimum of Rs. 14,940/- is available only to Readers/Lecturers (Selection Grade) on completion of five years in the grade, This benefit is NOT available to any other category of employees. Extract of the letter No. F.1-22/97-UI. Government of India. Ministry of Human Resource Development (Department of Education) New Delhi, Dated 24-3-1999. ¬.... · ..tc~¬.. t:c..=/:/o-·.. ·t:=c¬ :¬.: ¬:/o -..¬ ..c... t::.c· ¬. ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬.=:tc./-. :¬. ¬.c..¬ ¬:.c.... .:·^ t:c.../-. . :c.. :.~ ¬¸.t :ttc. ¬:/o /c¬¬:.tc. = ·-.. ¬¬:¬. :.::=^ .c¬. /c... ¬·o. ¬.:. .c. .::/ .¬.: ¬.:¬ .¬ t¬. t¸/o-. ¬¬.. ·t:=c t:c.../ - .÷:c ¬. = ./ ¬.¬:c.:¬:.tc., t.:=.t c:. :¬c. t¬. t¸/o-. ¬c.. :c...tcc¬ -..¬o.:·. .¬ t:c... :t~ :c...tc ¬c ¬:^ Government of Karnataka No. ED 100 UNE 2001 Karnataka Government Secretariat, M.S. Building, Bangalore, dated 23 rd October 2001 CIRCULAR Subject: Extension of other benefits under the UGC package in terms of revision of UGC pay scale from 1-1-96 to DPE/DDPE/ADPE and Librarian/ Deputy Librarian/Librarian/Assistant Librarian in the Universities and Colleges. Ref: DO L No. DPAR (T) 2001/3862, dated 19-9-2001 of Karnataka University. (1) Clarifications have been sought for whether the Director of Physical Education/ Deputy Director of Physical Education/Assistant Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade); Assistant Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale) / ADPE and Librarian /Deputy Librarian/Assistant Librarian (Selection Grade) Assistant Librarian in the Universities and Director of Physical Education / Director of Physical Education (Selection Grade) / Director of Physical Education (Senior Scale) and Librarian/Librarian (Selection Grade) / Librarian (Senior Scale) in the Colleges who were on UGC pay scale and / or AICTE pay scales were entitled for fixation of pay at Rs. 14,940 and other benefits. It is hereby clarified that they have been extended only the revision of UGC / AICTE pay scale retrospectively from 1-1-96 withholding all other benefits, on the recommendation of the Government of India, including fixation of pay at Rs. 14,940 on completion of the 5 years in the cadre of SGL / Reader / Assistant Professor. Until the Government of India clears extention of other benefits they will not be entitled to the benefit of aforesaid fixation of pay at Rs. 14,940. Promotion/Placement under CAS, Advance increments etc., as laid down in GO No. ED 100 364 UNE 99, dated 15-11-99, ED 99 UNE 99, dated 15-11-99, ED 188 DCE 99, dated 15-11-99 and ED 117 DTE 98, dated 16-6-2000 and subsequent GEs which do not have coverage for Physical Education and Library Staff. 2. Until further orders of the Government extending other benefits flowing from 1996 revision of UGC pay scales, such of the aforesaid Physical Education and Library Personnel drawing UGC pay scale shall not be granted other benefits contained in the Government Orders extending UGC pay scales as revised from 1-1-96. GEETHA RAMESH Deputy Secretary to Government, Education Department. Reservation for persons belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes under Article 16(4) of the Constitution in specified categories of promotional vacancies. Order No. DPAR 29 SBC 77, Bangalore, dated 27 th April 1978 The question of making reservation under Article 16(4) of the Constitution in promotional vacancies has been engaging the attention of Government for some time past. After considering all aspects of the matter Government have decided to make reservations in favour of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in promotional vacancies also, to the extent indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. 2. Government are accordingly pleased to direct that there shall be reservations for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at 15 per cent and 3 per cent respectively of vacancies to be filled by promotion in all the cadres upto and inclusive of the lowest category of Class I posts in which there is no element of direct recruitment, and if there is an element of direct recruitment, such element of direct recruitment does not exceed 66.23 per cent. 3. The reservations shall be made for each category of posts under each promoting authority according to the percentage indicated in para 2. For the purpose of calculating the vacancies to be reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, rotation of 33 vacancies shall be followed for each category of posts under each authority competent to order promotions. 4. The rotation of vacancies shall be as indicated in the annexe to this order, and shall be a running account until the 33rd vacancy is reached. For example, if on the first occasion of promotion 21 posts have been filled, on the next occasion of promotion the classification will start from the 22nd point, and so on. All authorities competent to order promotions shall maintain a separate register indicating the promotional rotation for each category of posts under them. 5. In giving effect to these orders, against vacancies reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, the senior-most qualified and suitable persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and against vacancies reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes, the senior most qualified and suitable persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes shall be promoted irrespective of their ranking in the overall seniority list of the cadre from which promotion has to be made. 6. If on any occasion of promotion, qualified and suitable Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes candidates for whom vacancies are reserved are not available, such vacancies shall be filled by promotion of qualified and suitable persons for amongst others in accordance with the rules of recruitment. The vacancies lost to persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes on account of such promotions shall not be carried forward and future vacancies shall be filled up according to rotation as indicated in the Annexe to this Order. 7. Inter-se seniority amongst persons promoted on any occasion shall be determined in accordance with Rule 4 or 4A (as the case may be) of the Karnataka Government Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1957. 8. Government are also pleased to direct that all institutions receiving grants or aid from Government, other than the educational institutions established and administered by minorities based on religion or language shall also be required to make reservations in employment under them in accordance with the provisions of this order. 365 9. Under Government Order No. GAD 6 SBC 75, dated 3rd May 1975 as amended, and G.O. No. DPAR 1 SBC 77, dated 4th March 1977, the Secretaries to Government were requested to issue directives to companies, Statutory Boards, Corporations, etc., under their administrative control whether fully owned or partly owned by Government to make reservations for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes. The Secretaries to Government are requested to issue, in the same manner, additional directives to the Companies, Boards, etc., to follow the provisions of this order also. The draft of the directive which was forwarded to the Secretaries to Government under Government Order dated 3rd May 1975 should be modified suitably to include, the provisions of this Order. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, N. NARASIMHA RAO, Chief Secretary to Government. ANNEXURE 1 Unreserved 18 Unreserved 2 Scheduled Caste 19 Unreserved 3 Unreserved 20 Unreserved 4 Unreserved 21 Unreserved 5 Unreserved 22 Unreserved 6 Unreserved 23 Unreserved 7 Unreserved 24 Scheduled Caste 8 Unreserved 25 Unreserved 9 Scheduled Caste 26 Unreserved 10 Unreserved 27 Unreserved 11 Unreserved 28 Unreserved 12 Unreserved 29 Unreserved 13 Unreserved 30 Unreserved 14 Unreserved 31 Scheduled Caste 15 Unreserved 32 Unreserved 16 Scheduled Tribe 33 Unreserved 17 Scheduled Caste Reservation for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under Article 16(4) of Constitution in specified categories of promotional vacancies Read :- 1. Government Order No. DPAR 29 SBC 77, dated 27th April 1978. Preamble :- In the roster annexed to Government Order read above, the first point was unreserved and the second point was reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and the sixteenth point was reserved for persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes. In view of inadequate representation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Services in the State, Government considers necessary to revise the roster to provide for reservation of first and second vacancies in the roster in favour of persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. Order No. DPAR 22 SBC 79, Bangalore, dated 30th August 1979 Government are accordingly pleased to direct that roster annexed in Government Order No. DPAR 29 SBC 77, dated 27th April, 1978 shall be substituted by the roster annexed to this Order and the roster annexed to this Government Order shall be followed with immediate effect. 2. If in respect of any cadre, vacancies have been classified in accordance with the roster annexed to Government Order dated 27th April 1978, and some appointments are already made accordingly and the roster has not been operated beyond the 16th point, the previous roster shall be followed till the sixteenth vacancy in the cycle is filled up ; and thereafter the new roster prescribed and annexed to this Government Order shall come into operation starting with the first vacancy in accordance with the roster prescribed under this order. 366 By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, N. NARASIMHA RAO, Chief Secretary to Government. ANNEXURE 1 Scheduled Caste 18 Unreserved 2 Scheduled Tribe 19 Unreserved 3 Unreserved 20 Unreserved 4 Unreserved 21 Scheduled Caste 5 Unreserved 22 Unreserved 6 Unreserved 23 Unreserved 7 Scheduled Caste 24 Unreserved 8 Unreserved 25 Unreserved 9 Unreserved 26 Unreserved 10 Unreserved 27 Scheduled Caste 11 Unreserved 28 Unreserved 12 Unreserved 29 Unreserved 13 Unreserved 30 Unreserved 14 Scheduled Caste 31 Unreserved 15 Unreserved 32 Unreserved 16 Unreserved 33 Unreserved 17 Unreserved ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .¬c.. t:c ... :t ~ :c:. , ::c.t :t ~ :c:., ¬ ¸¬ -.c.. :t ~ :c:. ¬.:. ·t:=c -cc. . t:c .../ - . o.¬ t ¬/ =¬ ¬.¬/-/ ...·c:. :¬ .: -. :.· -. :=/-. . :c.. ¬.:¬.¬ .¬ :.¬ ./ . ·t:rc oc:t ·c: 2::oc¯ ã :·¯O. s1, ocr= nc., Os:ct. :ss : zs:c Iºs¨ :¬c:^¬ l) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. ...:c l .·.· ¯¯ :.:ct +-¯- lº¯¯ !) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. ...:c +! .·.· ·l :.:ct :- l)-lº·l ¯) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. ...:c +! .·.· ·l :.:ct !- l!-lº·l +) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. ...:c +! .·.· ·l :.:ct :- l-lº·! ±·: :s. ¬..c :¬c:¬ t ¬. ·c. l c. c .¬ :.:ct +-¯-lº¯¯c :¬ .: ¬. ¬c:¬ ::., ¬c:¬ ¬c/ ¬ ¬.:. :: c .c¬.-¬ ¬ /=/ -¬c/ · .¬/ - . ·:./- ...·c:. ./ :¬.: ¬oc .·c:^:. . t ¬. ·c. !, ¯, ¬ .: . + c. c .¬ :.:ct :-l)-lº·l, !-l!-lº·l ¬.:. :- l-lº·!c :¬ .: / -. t:c... :t ~ :c:., ¬ ¸¬ -.c.. :t ~ :c:. / - .o.¬t ¬ /=¬ ¬.¬/ -. ¬.:. ·:¬=.¯t :t ~ :c:.c. . .¬.:·t c ¬.¬/-/ ¬.:¬.¬ . .c ..¬.t:.c... -. :=/ -.. :c. . ¬ .:¬ .¬:/ ¬c:¬ ::., ¬c:¬ ¬c/¬ ¬.:. :: c .c¬.-¬ ¬ /=/- -.:=/-/ ...·c:^c·¬ ·:./-/ :c..: ¬/=¬ -. :=/ -. . :c.. ¬.:¬.¬¬t:^ c..:¬ .¬ :. ¬. . -. .· c· ..t . .c¬. ¯¬ .=: . ¯.¬c:^:.. = ¯¬ .=:. / -.. -..· c· t:c... :t ~ :c:. c. . .¬.:·tc ¬.¬/ -/ t.:=.t co.t 367 · .¬: :c.o./¬ ¬.:.¬ -.:=/ - :c.. ¬ .c.. t ¬ ..¬ :c. .. . c. -.= · c. l¯)º:·¯ ¬.o.t t.:=.t .÷ .:c. .:.c. .¬ . -. := ..c. ¬ :·¬c .. = c. -.=c.. ¬..c ..¬.= ¯..¬ c:. .÷ .:c. .:.c. .¬ ¬ ..c .c ..·¬ :.:ct :-l)-·l ¬.:. !- l!-·lc :¬ .:/ -.. -. .·c· t.:=.t c o.t · .¬: :c. o./¬ ¬ .:.¬ :c.. ¬ .c.... -.o.=:/ o-·:. ¬ .¬.:·t c ¬ .¬ / -. . ...·c:. co.·c ¬t:c ¬ ^.=t c·.¬:/ ¬.c. oc¬. .¬c..¬. ¬:.t¬:^ c o.· c -. :.· ¬.¬/- ...·c:.c.... .¬c..¬:c. ¬.:¬.¬c: :¬.: ¯..:.. c:. .÷ .:c. .:.c. .¬ ...=. .c.¬ :¬ .: to.c c:. ·t:=c¬ .:c: ·¬:.=.: .:c. .:.c. .¬. .:.¬ ¬.... . -.= · . ·¬. c:. .÷ .:c..:.c..¬ ...=/ : ¬c..:: ¯.¬ .¬c: t o.c ·t:=c¬ ·.·¬ -.=c.... ·¬ :.=.: .:c..:.c..¬ .c · c·¬cc¬ c:. ·t:=c¬ .: .¬ ¬.... . ¬..c · ¬:.=.: .:c..:.c..¬ ¯.¬.¬ -c.¬. ..¬=. . t::c· c:. .÷ .:c..:.c..¬ ..¬=.. ::c/o-·.¬¬t ·t:=c ¬ ..¬.:=¯·: .. oc :t ¬·:¬ .c... .c ..·c .¬, c:. ·t:=c¬ .: .¬ ¬ .... .c.. ¬..c · ¬:.=.: .:c..:.c..¬ ¯.¬.¬ -c.¬. ...=/ .- ¬ .. t:c ... :t ~ :c:. , ¬¸¬-.c.. :t ~ :c:., ::c.t :t ~ :c:. ¬.: . ·t:=c -cc. . t:c .../ - .¬.:·t c ¬.¬/-/ ¬.:. :: c c..:¬¬ . :c:.c... c .¬ .¬:¬ -¬ . c..c. . ¬.¬/-/ . .c . .¬.t:. ¬.:¬.¬¬t ...·c:. ¬ c: ¬. 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(¬ .:. : .~) (!) ....¯. .¬c /-. (¯) :: c. ¬.o./-c¬ l). :¬:c.. : c/ ¬:¬ .¬:c c . ¯ ll. ·c¬:. :c/ ¬:¬.¬:cc . ¯ l!. ¬.:c:. :c/ ¬:¬.¬:c c. ¯ ±:.:~ :t¸: ±n:± n = ¬..c .¯c¬ .¬ ^·c:¬ ¬ .:../ - . .. / .-¬ ¬../ ·:¬c¬. = ¬.o.t ¬¬.:~ .t c· ¬o..·.: ... ·- :¬. .¬ .c.. :.:ct (-.:=c. . ·.) ¬..c .¬^·c:¬ ¬.:../ - . · : ¬:^c .: ¬ .c¬ . ¬¬.:~ .t c·.:: = ¬.:../ -. -·:¬c¬. ¬¬¬.. -¬c:¬ .÷:c¬ / .¬ .:^c .: .. . :c¬ í :::. í ¬ o.¬tc . (:c¬ í :::. ..¬c: ¬:^c :¬ . ) ¬c¬. í /c¬ :¬c · . ¬.c. · -:c.. ·::r=. -.:= ¬.:. :c¬ í :::. í ¬ o.¬t c . í /c¬ í ¬c¬. :¬c.. ¬.:. :¬ c · ./-.. .:¬ /.c..·.: .¬ . 374 ·:- / - · . l. (¬o~= .-:·¬oc:/) !. ±cc:cs: ±:.:~± : l. : . í : .¬.. .................................................................... :¬ c ¬ ./ í ¬ ./ - . í ¬c¬ . í /c¬ , : . í :.¬.. í t.¬.:c .................................................. .c..¬¬ c. t.:=.t c:.¬ .............................................. .c c. . í .. :/ ........................................... /: ¬ . í ¬ .~ í ./ c¬. ·:¬.:. ¯¬:·c..:^¬:cc¬ . ¬ .: . :¬ c . ................................... ::.c.. í .¬ ::./ · .c¬¬c:^¬., ::c .c¬ .-¬ ¬ /=/- ................................. ¬/=t ·.c¬¬ c:^c.:: c . !. : . í :.¬.. í t.¬ .:c ............................................... :¬c :c¬ í :::. í ¬o.¬t c. í ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. .·¬ .o . !¯l .·. º+ .c/- oc., :.:ct ¯l-l- º¯c. c.. .c¬.-¬ ¬ c. ¬..c¬.¬c¬¬c:^c . ¬ :. ¬c¬. ¬¬.:~.tc·c:^¬. ·- :.:ct : ¬:.c:c ....................................... ::.o t . ·o÷. l :¬ c. .¬c.o.^·c:^c .¬ ·:¬ .:. ¯¬:·' .c. ¬ ¬¬ lº¯)c .. :: ¬:.¯¬ t::.¬c.. !). . -..÷ .¬¬ . . -¬=¬. . ¬ oc:c .: ¬ . ·o÷. ! ¬c:...: ¬ ¬.:~ ¬ : ¯.¬.. -: t : -:t:cc. .. ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. .·¬.o . !¯l .·. º¯ .c/ - oc., :.:ct ¯l-l-lºº¯c. c.. .c¬ .-¬ ¬c. ¬ ..c¬ .¬c ¬¬c.. /.c..·.. ¯/ :¬ .· c:^c.¬ -c:/- . . .¬c¬:^ :.: ¬.·toc¬ .c: c¬ . ¬ ¬.:~ ¬: ¯.¬:t ¬.. ANNEXURE-I CATEGORY-I Government Order No. SWD 150 BCA 94 Dated 17-9-1994 Sl. No . Name of the Caste Sl. No . Name of the Caste 1. Agamudi (x) Kharvi 2. (a) Ambalakaran (y) Koli (b) Ambalakarma (z) Kolimahadev 3. Bavandhi (aa) Maddar 4. (a) Bavaji (ab) Meenagar (b) Atit (ac) Mogaveera (c) Bairagi (ad) Moger (d) Bavani (ae) Mukkavan (e) Byragi (af) Parivara (f) Daurigosayi (ag) Siviyar (g) Davari (ah) Sunagara (h) Gosayi (ai) Thoreya (i) Gusai 6. (a) Bhamta (j) Helava (b) Bhompta (k) Helova (c) Paradeshi-Bhampta (l) Holeva (d) Takari (m) Nandiwala (e) Bhomptra (n) Nathapanthi (f) Uchillian (o) Pichigunta 7. Bhatraju 375 (p) Pichguntala 8. (a) Bogad (q) Pichiguntala (b) Begadi (r) Bava (c) Bagali (s) Byaragi (d) Bogadi 5. (a) Bestha 9. (a) Budubuduki (b) Ambiga (b) Bududki (c) Barki (c) Chhetri (d) Besthar (d) Devari (e) Bhoyi (e) Garadi (f) Bunde-Beshtar (f) Giddidki (g) Daalji (g) Joshi (h) Daavat (h) Kichagara (i) Gabit (i) Killikyata (j) Galadakonkani (j) Modiga (k) Gangemakkalu (k) Pansa (l) Gangakula (l) Panasa (m) Gangamatha (m) Pingale (n) Gangamathastha (n) Sadajoshi (o) Gangaputra (o) Budbudkala (p) Gowrimatha 10. Chunchar (q) Bunde-Bestha/Gunde bestha 11. (a) Dasari (r) Harakanthra (b) Chakravadya-Dasa (s) Jalagara (c) Dang-Dasar (t) Kabbera/Kabber (d) Dombi-Dasaru (u) Kabbaliga 12. (a) Devadasi (v) Kabbili (b) Basavi (w) Kahar (c) Bhavin Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 12. (d) Bogam 22. (a) Katabar (e) Ganika (b) Katabu (f) Kalavant 23. (a) Katik (g) Nat (b) Aray (h) Natuva (c) Are Kasai (i) Patramela (d) Ari Katikelu 13. (a) Ghisade (e) Kalal Khatik (b) Ghisadi (f) Kasab 14. (a) Goniga Mane (g) Kasai (b) 24 Mane Telugu Shetty (h) Maratti (c) Goni Chetty (i) Suryavamsha Kshatriya (d) Sadusetty 24. (a) Kolari (e) Salaparu (b) Kalayiri 15. (a) Gurav (c) Koleri (b) Tamballa 25. (a) Kolla (c) Tambli (b) Kollala 16 Gurkha 26. Kotari 17 (a) Halawakki Wakkal 27. Kudubi (b) Halakki Vakkal 28. (a) Kurma (c) Atte Vokkalu (b) Kurmi (d) Gam Gawada 29. (a) Ladaru / Ladara / Ladar (e) Gam Vokkal (b) Lad (f) Grama Vokkalu (c) Yelegar (g) Halakki Vokkalu 30. Malaya (h) Kare Vokkalu 31. (a) Medara (i) Kunchavakkal (b) Batter 376 (j) Shilwakkal (c) Burned (k) Vakkal (d) Gauriga (l) Gavada (e) Gouriga (m) Gam Gawda (f) Gowri (n) Gram Vakkal (g) Gowrimaratha 18. (a) Hawadiga (h) Gowriga (b) Hawgar (i) Medari (c) Howgar (j) Burud 19. (a) Jogi 32. Mudhar (b) Brahma Kapali 33. Otari (c) Jogar 34. Pamlor (d) Jogtin 35. (a) Pangual (e) Kapali (b) Pangusal (f) Raval 36. Panika (g) Ravalia 37. (a) Raya Rawath (h) Sanjogi (b) Ravat (i) Sanyasi 38. Reinudas (j) Joger 39. Sansia 20. (a) Kanjirbhat 40. Satarkar (b) Kanjar 41. Siddi (c) Khanjar Bhat 42. (a) Sikkaligara 21. (a) Kashikapadi (b) Shikalgar (b) Kashikapdi (c) Shikkaligar (c) Tirumali Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 43. (a) Somavamsha Arya Kshatriya 53. (a) Bailpatar (b) Chitara (b) Bailapatar (c) Chitragar (c) Bilapatar (d) Digwan 54. (a) Bajania (e) Jeeragara (b) Bajenia (f) Najabund 55. Balasanthoshi (g) Nalabund 56. Bazigar (h) Tambat 57. Deria 44. Takankar 58. (a) Bhardi 45. (a) Tewar (b) Bhargi (b) Kalari 59. (a) Chara (c) Kallar (b) Chhar (d) Maravar (c) Chhara 46. (a) Tilari 60. (a) Chapper Band (Muslim) (b) Tirali (b) Chapper Banda 47. (a) Uppara 61. Chitrakathijoshi (b) Beldar 62. Darvesu (c) Chunar 63. Dholi (d) Gavadi 64. (a) Durgamurga (e) Goundi (b) Burburcha (f) Kallu Kutiga Uppara 65. (a) Modikara (g) Lonari (b) Modikar (h) Melu Sakkreyavaru 66. (a) Gondali (i) Melusakkare (b) Ghondali (j) Namada Uppara (c) Gondaliga (k) Padit/Padti (d) Gondhali (l) Padithi (e) Gondhalli (m) Sagara 67. Vagri 377 (n) Sunnagara 68. (a) Javeri (o) Sunna Uppara (b) Jawari (p) Uppaliga 69. Johari (q) Uppaliga Shetty 70. (a) Kamatti (r) Uppaliyan (b) Kaman (s) Uppera 71. (a) Kanjari (t) Yakalara (b) Kanjir (u) Yekkali 72. (a) Kalkari, Kelkari 48. Vaidu (b) Khelkari 49. Vasudev 73. (a) Kolhati 50. (a) Veer (b) Kolhatigi (b) Veeramasti 74. Masania Yogi (c) Vir 75. Full Mali 51. Yeralu 76. Sarania 52. (a) Yerkala 77. (a) Sarordi (b) Erakala (b) Saroda (c) Kaikadi 78. Vadi (d) Koragar 79. Bedaru (e) Kormasetty 80. (a) Golla (f) Kunchi (b) Yadav (g) Korwari (c) Asthanagolla (h) Yerukala (d) Yadava Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 80. (e) Adavigolla 83. Daveri (f) Gopala 84. (a) Garudi (g) Gopali (b) Garudiga (h) Gouli (c) Garadiga (i) Gauli 85. Paradhis (j) Gavali 86. (a) Girini Waddar (k) Gavli (b) Tudug Woddar (l) Anubaru (c) Kallu Vaddar (m) Atanabaru (d) Mannu Voddar (n) Hanabar (e) Bhandi Voddar (o) Kavadi 87. (a) Bhoi (p) Kolayan (b) Boyi (q) Konar (c) Harikanthra (r) Konnur (d) Kharia (s) Krishna Golla (e) Bhovi (t) Maniyani 88. Pinjara (u) Urali 89. S.C. Converts to Christianity 81. (a) Banjari (b) Brinjari (c) Vanjara (d) Wanjari (e) Lambaid (f) Gore or Goria 82. (a) Bendar (b) Berad (c) Boya (d) Naikamakkalu (e) Naikwadi (f) Palegar 378 (g) Remoshi (h) Talawara/Talwar Boya (i) Valmikimakkalu (j) Vedan (k) Parivara Nayaka (l) Myasa Nayaka (m) Urs Nayaka (n) Byada (o) Haranshikari (p) Chigari Betagar (q) Vaghri (r) Wagiri (s) Nirshikari (t) Bargi (u) Baori (v) Phasachari (w) Hirshikari ANNEXURE - II CATEGORY II (A) Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 1 (a) Agasa 4. (a) Kumbara (b) Chakala (b) Chakrasali (c) Dhobi (c) Gunaga (d) Madivala (d) Ganagi (e) Mannan (e) Koyava (f) Parit (f) Kula (g) Rajaka (g) Kulala (h) Sakala (h) Kumbar (i) Vannan (i) Kumbard (j) Velluthedan (j) Kummara (k) Sakajavadu (k) Kusavan 2. (a) Devadiga (l) Moolya (b) Devali (m) Sajjan Kumbara (c) Moyili (n) Khumara (d) Padiar (o) Kumbhar (e) Seregara (p) Khumbhar (f) Servegar (q) Kulalar (g) Sheregar 5. (a) Kuruba (h) Suplig (b) Bharwad 3. (a) Idiga (c) Dhanagar (b) Bandhari (d) Goraya (c) Belchad (e) Halumatha (d) Billava (f) Kurab (e) Deevar (g) Kuruban (f) Desha Bhandari (h) Kurumba (g) Devar (i) Kurub (h) Devaramakkalu/Divara Makkalu (j) Kurumban (i) Ediga 6. (a) Nayinda (j) Eliga (b) Ambattan (k) Ezhava (c) Bajanthri (l) Gamalla (d) Bandari (m) Goundla (e) Chouriya (n) Halepaikaru (f) Hadapada 379 (o) Hale Paik (g) Hajama (p) IIIavan (h) Kavutian (q) Kalal (i) Kelasi (r) Malayali Billava (j) Kshaurika (s) Nadar (k) Kshowrad (t) Namadhari (l) Mahale (u) Thiyan (m) Mangala (v) Iliga (n) Melagara (w) Goondla (o) Nadiga (x) Tiyan (p) Napitha (q) Navalig (r) Navi Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 6. (s) Nayanaja Kshatriya (af) Sonar (t) Nhavi (ag) Sony (u) Savitha (ah) Sutar (v) Nayanaja Kshatri (ai) Tacehan (w) Nadig (aj) Viswa Brahmin (x) Kshowrik (ak) Thattan (y) Kshowrika (al) Aksali 7. Buddhists (am) Kamasal 8. (a) Tigala (an) Badagi (b) Agni Vamsha Kshatriya 10. (a) Aghori (c) Agnivanni (b) Karkarmunda (d) Agnikula Kshatriya 11. Agnani (e) Dharmaraja Kapu 12. Ambalavasi (f) Palli 13. Anduran (g) Shambhukula Kshatriya 14 (a) Atari (h) Thigala (b) Athari (i) Vanniar 15. Bahurupi (j) Vannikula Kshatriya 16. Bakadra (k) Tigler 17. (a) Bathal (l) Kurovan (b) Battal 9. (a) Viswakarma (c) Batter (b) Achari 18. Bawtar (c) Akkasale 19. (a) Bhaat (d) Ausala (b) Bohrot (e) Badigar 20. Binapatta (f) Badiwadla 21. Bingi (g) Bailapatar 22. (a) Bagadi (h) Bailu Akkasali (b) Bagaadi (i) Bailu Kammara (c) Bagdi (j) Bogara 23. (a) Chaliyan (k) Chaptegar (b) Teruvan (l) Charodi (c) Challiya (m) Daivagnya Brahmin 24. Chamboti (n) Gejjigara 25. Chambukutti (o) Kambar 26. Mestha (p) Kammalan 27. Jingar (q) Kammara 28. Ghadi (r) Kamsala 29. (a) Ghadsi 380 (s) Kamsan (b) Ghadshi (t) Kanchagar 30. Pingle (u) Kanchora 31. (a) Gosavi (v) Kanchori (b) Gosain (w) Kanchugara 32. (a) Gujar (x) Kansar (b) Guzar (y) Kasar 33. (a) Gurava (z) Luhar (b) Gurou (aa) Mesta 34. (a) Gabbit (ab) Panchal (b) Gapit (ac) Pattar (c) Gaabit (ad) Silpi (d) Daalija (ae) Sohagar 35. (a) Hanbar (b) Hanabaru Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 36. Handevazir 56. (a) Pandaram 37. Handervut (b) Pandar 38. Honniyar (c) Pandara 39. (a) Hoovadiga 57. Panaba (b) Hugar 58. Pannekara Konkani (c) Hoogar 59. Patra (d) Maalgar 60. Pichati (e) Mali 61. Pullavan (f) Phool Mali 62. (a) Rajapuri (g) Phul Mali (b) Rajpur (h) Phulari (c) Balavalikar (i) Phoolari 63. Saniyaar (j) Jeer 64. Shanan 40. Kadu Konkani 65. (a) Sudir 41. Karikudumbi (b) Sudra 42. Karuva 66. Sutsali 43. (a) Khatik 67. Tachayiri (b) Katuka 68. Tilvi (c) Katuga 69. (a) Gavandi 44. Bogar (b) Govandi 45. Kasbin 70. Vettuvan 46. (a) Kolayiri 71. (a) Yeklar (b) Kolyiri (b) Yaklar 47. (a) Kanisan (c) Egalika (b) Kaniyar 72. (a) Gatti / Gattiyavaru (c) Kaniyaru (b) Poledava / Poladavaru (d) Kaniya 73. Gudigara (e) Kaniyan (Other than Kollegal Taluk of Mysore Dist.) 74. (a) Darji (f) Kanyan (b) Bhavasar Kshatriya 48. (a) Kanbi (c) Chippi (b) Kulwadi (d) Chippiga (c) Kunbi (e) Simpi 49. Kutuma (f) Shimpi 50. Marta (g) Sai 51. (a) Marayan (h) Miral (b) Maravan (i) Rangari 52. Murrari (j) Rangrez 53. (a) Nadora (k) Nilari 381 (b) Uppu Nadar (l) Namdev (c) Torke Nador (m) Namdev Simpi (d) Nador (n) Rangare (e) Nadavar (o) Neelagar (f) Nadava 75. (a) Devanga (g) Uppunador (b) Devang 54. Nalki (c) Koshti 55. Osthan (d) Hutgar / Hutkar Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 75. (e) Jed 91. (a) Kalavanthi (f) Winkar (b) Bhogam / Teluga (g) Julohi 92. (a) Kanakan (h) Hulkar (b) Kanakar (i) Hatagar 93. (a) Kotegara 76. (a) Neygi (b) Koteyar (b) Kuruhina Setty (c) Kothati (c) Bili Magga (d) Kottegara (d) Thogata (e) Kotteyara (e) Soniga (f) Kumara Kshatriya (f) Jam Khana (g) Kumara Panth / Komarpant / Komarpaik Kshatriya Komarpant (g) Ayiri (h) Rama Kshatriya (h) Avir (i) Rama Raj Kshatriya (i) Sale (j) Serugara (North Kanara) (j) Padma Sale (k) Servgar (South Kanara) (k) Saale (l) Kote Kshatriya (l) Kaikolan 94. Kshatriya / Kshatri (m) Neikar 95. Malawa (n) Jadar 96. Maleya (o) Jandra 97. Aryan (p) Sakula Sale 98. (a) Raju Kshatriya 77. (a) Pategar (b) Raju-Raju (b) Patvekari (c) Rajuwar / Rajavar / Rachevar (c) Pattegar 99. Somavamsha Kshatriya (d) Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya 100. Stanika 78. (a) Ganiga 101. (a) Tulu (b) Teli (b) Tuluva (c) Gandla (d) Vaniyan Annexure III 79. Rajput Category II (b) 80. Amma Kodava 1. Muslim 81. Anappan 82. (a) Andi Annexure IV (b) Andipandaram Category III (a) 83. Baandhi 1. (a) Vokkaliga 84. (a) Bolahallala (b) Vakkaliga (b) Ballala (c) Sarpa Vokkaliga 85. (a) Bhatial (d) Hallikar Vokkaliga (b) Bhattia (e) Namdhari Vokkaliga 86. Chakkan (f) Gangadkar Vokkaliga 382 87. Dogra (g) Das Vokkaliga 88. Gulli (h) Reddy Vokkaliga 89. Hindu Sadru / Sadaru (i) Marasu Vokkaliga 90. (a) Jetti / Jatti (j) Reddy (b) Mallaru Malla Kshatriya (k) Hallikar (c) Mushtiga (l) Kunchitiga Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste Category III (a) Category III (b) 1. (m) Gouda 2. (a) Maratha, Marata (n) Kapu (b) Are Kshatri, Are Maratha, Arya Maratha (o) Heggade (c) Arya, Aryaru (p) Kamma (d) Konkan Maratha (q) Reddy (e) Kshatriya Maratha (r) Gownder (f) Kulavadi 2. Kodagaru 3. Christian 3. (a) Balija 4. (a) Bunt/Bant (b) Balajiga / Banajiga (b) Parivara Bant (c) Naidu 5. Jains (Digambaras) (d) Bogam Teluga 6. (a) Satani (e) Telaga Banajiga (b) Chattada Srivaishnava (f) Setty Balija (c) Kadri Vaishnava (g) Kasban (d) Sameraya (h) Munnur / Munnar (e) Sattadaval (i) Mutrasi (f) Sattadavan (j) Maracha (g) Vaishnava (k) Janappan (l) Balegara (m) Banagara Annexure V Category III (b) 1. (a) Veerashaiva Lingayath (b) Lingayath Sub-groups of Helava, Ambiga, Bhoyi, Gangamatha, Sunagara, Agasa, Madivala, Kumbara, Kuruba, Bajanthri, Bandari, Hadapada, Kshaurika, Navalig, Navi, Akkasale, Badigar, Kammara, Kamsala, Panchal, Medara, Uppara, Gowli. C.H. Devaraj, Dy. Secretary to Govt., Social Welfare Department. 383 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under Sub-Section (2) of Section 1 of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 (108 of 1976). SCHEDULED CASTE PART VII - KARNATAKA 1. Adi Andhra 33 Dom Dombara, Paidi, Pano 2 Adi Dravida 34 Eilamalwar, Yellammatawandlu 3 Adi Karnataka 35 Ganti Chores 4 Adiya (in Coorg District) 36 Garoda, Garo 5 Ager 37 Godda 6 Ajila 38 Gosangi 7 Anamuk 39 Haller 8 Aray Mala 40 Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar 9 Arunthathiyar 41 Handi Jogis 10 Arwa Mala 42 Hasla 11 Baira 43 Holar, Valhar 12 Bakad 44 Holaya, Holer, Holeya 13 Bant (in Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwar and North Kanara districts) 45 46 47 Holeya Dasari Jaggali Jambuvulu 14 Bakuda 48 Kadaiyan 15 Balagai 49 Kalladi 16 Bandi 50 Kemparis 17 Banjara, Lambani 51 Kolupulvandlu 18 Bathada 52 Koosa 19 Bede Jangam, Budga Jangam 53 Koracha 20 Bellara 54 Korama 21 Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli 55 56 57 58 Kotegar, Metri Kudumban Kuruvan Lingader 22 Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Chamar, Chambhar, Chamgar, Harailayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigor, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi, Muchi, Telugu, Mochi, Kamati, Mochi, Ranigar, Rohidas, Rohit, Samagar 59 60 61 62 63 Machala Madari Madiga Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu Mahyavanshi, Dhed, Vanker, Muru Vankar 23 Bhovi 64 Maila 24 Bindla 65 Mala 25 Byagara 66 Mala Dasari 26 Chakkiliyan 67 Mala Hannai 27 Chalavadi, Chalvadi, Channayya 68 Mala Jangnam 28 Chandala 69 Mala Masu 29 Chenna Dasar, Holaya Dasar 70 Mala 30 Dakkala, Dokkalwar 71 Mala Sanyasi 31 Dakkaliga 72 Mang, Matang, Minimad 32 Dhor, Kakkayya, Kankayya 73 Mang Garudi, Mang Garo 74 Manne 87 Pambada 75 Masthi 88 Panchama 384 76 Mavilan 89 Panniandi 77 Meghval Menghvar 90 Paraiyan, Paraya 78 Moger 91 Paravan 79 Mukri 92 Raneyar 80 Mundala 93 Samagara 81 Nadia, Hadi 94 Sumban 82 Nalkadaya 95 Sapari 83 Nalakeyava 96 Silekyathas 84 Nayad 97 Sindhollu, Chindollu 85 Pale 98 Sudugadu Sidha 86 Pallan 99 Thoti 100 Tirgar, Tirbanda 101 Valluvan SCHEDULED TRIBES - PART VI - KARNATAKA 1 Adiyan 23 Konda Kapus 2 Barda 24 Koraga 3 Bavacha, Bamcha 25 Kola 4 Bhil, Bhil Garasia, Dholi, Bhil, Dungri 26 Koya, Bhine Koya, Rajkoya Bhil, Dungri Garasia, Mewasi Bhil, 27 Kudiya, Melakudi Rawal Bhil, Tadvi Bhil, Bhagalia, 28 Kuruba (in Coorg District) Bhilal, Pawara, Vasava, Vasave 29 Kurumans 5 Chenchu, Chenchwar 30 Maha Malasar 6 Chodhara 31 Malikudi 7 Dubla, Talavia, Halpati 32 Malasar 8 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavehi, Padvi, 33 Malayekandi Valvi, 34 Maleru 9 Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 35 Maratha (in Coorg District) 10 Gowdalu 36 Marati (in South Kanara District) 11 Hakkipikki 37 Meda 12 Hasalaru 38 Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala, Nayaka, 13 Irular Kapadi Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, 14 Iruliga Nanr Nayaka 15 Jenu Kuruba 39 Palliyan 16 Kadu Kuruba 40 Paniyan 17 Kammara (in South Kanara district and 41 Pardhi, Acvichincher, Phanse Pardhi Kollegal Taluk of Mysore district) 42 Patelia 18 Kaniyan, Kanyan (in Kollegal taluk of 43 Rathawa Mysore district) 44 Sholaga 19 Kathodi, Kahtori Dhor Kathodi, 45 Soligaru Dhor Katkari, son Kathodi, son Katkari 46 Toda 20 Kattunayakan 47 Varli 21 Kokna, Kokni, Kukna 48 Vitolia, Kotwalia, Barodia 22 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha, Kolgha 49 Verava APPENDIX - I G.O. No. SWL 213 SAD 85, dated 23rd March 1987 Form of Certificate to be produced by a candidate belonging to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe in support of his Claim FORM OF CASTE CERTIFICATE This is to Certify that Sri / Srimathi */Kumari* .................................................................Son / Daughter* of ......................................... Village / Town* ................................................... in District / Division** ...................................... of the State / Union Territory* ................................. belongs to 385 the ...................................... Caste / Tribes* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe*. Under : *The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950. *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1950. *The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories) Order, 1951. *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) Order, 1951. (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) Order, 1956, the Bombay Re-organisation Act 1960, the Punjab Re-Organisation Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970 the North Eastern Areas (Re-Organisation) (Act, 1971) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Acts 1976. *The Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956. *The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959. *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order, 1962. *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1962. *The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order, 1964. *The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Castes Order, 1967. *The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968. *The Constitution (Goa, Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1968. *The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970. *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order, 1978. *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1978. Application in the case of Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes persons who have migrated one State / Union Territory Administration : This Certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe Certificate issued to Shri / Shrimati .................................................... father / mother of Shri / Shrimati / Kumari ..........................................................* of Village / Town ................................................................... in District / Division ...................................................... of the State / Union Territory* ............................. ...................... who belongs to the ........................................... caste / tribe* which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe*. In the State / Union Territory* .............................................. issued by the ................................ (name of prescribed authority) vide their No................................ dated ............................................. to Shri*/Shrimati*/Kumari ........................................................and / or his / her* Family ordinarily reside(s) in village / town* ..................................... of .........................................District / Division of the State Union Territory of ......................................... ................................ Signature **Designation (with seal of office) Place : State Date : Union Territory 386 *Please delete the words which are not applicable. *Please quote specific Presidential Order *Delete the paragraph which is not applicable *Note :- The term Ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the Representation of the People's Act, 1950. **List of authorities empowered to issue Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes certificates :- 1. District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / 1st Class Stipendary Magistrate / City Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner. (not below the rank of 1st class Stipendary Magistrate). 2. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. 3. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tashildars. 4. Sub-Division Officer of the area which the candidate and / or his family normally resides. 5. Administrator / Secretary to Administrator / Development Officer (Lakshadweep Island). ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .¬c.. .:·^ :t ~ ·c· / - . ...·c:. ¯c. .¬ ./ -. . ¬:.·¬ :c.¬ ..¬.t:./ - . . c o.· c .. c¬. ¬ ..: ¬ .:¬ .¬ ./ . :¬c:^¬ l) ·t:=c ¬ :¬ .: ·c. :. ¯¯+ ..c· º! :.:ct !).ll.º¯. !) ·t:=c¬ :¬ .: · c. :. ! .·:. º+ :.:ct ¯l.·.º+. ¬.:. ¯.º.º+. ±·: :s. ·t:=c:c¬ -..¬:. ¬ ¬c. ..¬ .:·^ :t ~ · c· / -. ·.c: ..¬.t:. .¬ c..¬. ·t:=c¬ t:.t:.t ¯/ :¬.·.¬ ...·c:. ¯..c. ... -..·c· . .t:/.: ¬. :¬ c .¬-¬. ·c·/ -. ·.c:, ..¬.t:.c... ...·c:. ¯..c.... -. .· c·. . :¬ cc¬ :c: ¬ · c·/ -. .¬ ·.. c.¬ ::c t:c .../-.. ¬.:. -. .¬:.t .-¬ .·.¬¬t ¬.:. ·.c: . .¬.t:. -..¬o.¬.c.... ¬.:¬ .¬¬t ·:¬ ¬:^. . :¬cc¬ = ·c·/-. .¬ -¬. ¬¬=/-c¬ t:c..= ¯¬=.·.. c.¬ ·.c: ¬/=¬¬c/ : oc¬c c..:^¬ . :c:¬ :t tc : oc¬ cc.... ¯¬:c·.¬ ¬.:.c¬ ¬ ..c :¬c:¬ :¬ .: / -. l.l.º)c ¬c ^. ..¬.t:./ -. . ...·c:. .. c¬.c.... ¬..: ¬.:¬.. ·t:=c¬ :¬ .:·¬. t.:=.t ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬c/¬ ¬.:. ::c .c¬.-¬ ¬/=/ - (. .¬ .t:./ - . ...·c:. ::::) -: ¯c..¬. lºº) ::c/ .c¬ :.:ct :c¬ -c¬ c l.:.º!c .c:c ...·c:. ¯c..¬./ -.. .. c¬. ¬.:. . .¬.t:. ¬.:.t oc¬ . ·c.c: ·¬¬c .c .¬ ¬c¬.: t ¬ . t ¸/ o- .. -¬t:: .¬ . · ¬c -:¯c..¬.¬ ::c/ .c.¬ :.:ct¬¬ c/ -c¬ c l.:.º!c ¬ c / :^c.¬ ...·c:. .. c¬./-.. ¬..: ¬.:¬.¬ ./ ¬ .¬:c. ¬.../-. .c:¬ ., ·t:=c¬ -¬ / -.. ¬ c:..· t-tc¬c: :¬ .: ¬oc .·¬ . ·t:rc oc:t ·c:. ¬2 ::¨ :·¯¬: º1, ocr = nc., Os:ct. :I.1.Iººã .c: -..¬:¯: :t ~ ·c· /- . l.:.º!-c: ¬ ..c.: ¬:^ . .¬.t:. ¬.:.toc¬ .o.¬ t ¬.:. .o.¬t.: c . .¬.t:./ -. . ...· c:. .. c¬.c.... ·t:=c¬ = t -tc¬ ¬c :. /-/o- ¬.. ¬..: ¬.:.¬. ¬c :. /-. l. :c: ¬ ¬tc~/- . ¬ ..c¬ .¬ ¬¬:/ .¬ ¬ .¬ /-.. .:tc:/ ¬.¬/ -c¬. ¬ c/~· ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c/ ¬ ¬ -. .¬:: ·c¬o^·.¬¬c / ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬c/ ¬¬ -.:=/-c¬c. :.c.:t ¬.. 387 !. ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c/ ¬¬ ·c·/- . ¬ ..c¬ .¬ .· .¬ ¬ .¬ / -. . ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c/ ¬¬ -. :=/-. . . .¬ .t ¬.:.t oc¬. : .t ¬: ¯)c -..¬:: ¬.. · c¬ o^·:t ¬ .. ¯. c..:¬¬ . t:c~t o :.:ct l.:.º!c .c: c ¬.:.to- c:¬ ..¬.t:./ - . ...·c:. .. c¬.c.... ¬ ..: ¬ .:¬.. -¬t::.. . +. ·.c:c.. ..¬.t:.c. .. :: c .c: ·:¬ .:. ¯c. .¬./ - ¬oc¸t :^c. .t.. ¯. ..¬.t:. -..¬ o.¬. t .c: . ·t:=c t:.t:.t ¬oc.·¬ :: c .c: · o÷./- .. t¬: c. .¬:^ ¬:.·c. .t .. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c ::: . .·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬· c. . .. zrO:tc.. ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. . ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. ..cO :.:. o> -: ·.c:cn · >::cc.. .±c.. . . :c : ·c.¬ :.¬ -. .÷ .¬ l:(+)c -. c. . c:. ·.c · .¬ /-/ ..c . .¬ .t:.c. .. ...·c:.. :cc:õc . l) ·t:=c :¬ .: · c. ·:· .: ¯: · .¬ . º+, :.:ct ¯-ll- lºº+. !) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. ·:· .: lº · .¬ . ·º, :.:ct l!-¯- lº·º. ¯) ·t:=c :¬ .: ·c. ·:· .: lº · .¬ . ·º, :.:ct !!-¯- lº·º. +) ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. ·t: !¯l .·. º+, :.:ct ¯l-l- lºº¯. ±·: :s. ¬..c t:~ ·¬ :.:ct ¯l.. ..¬ c lºº¯c ·t:=c :¬.:¬. .c¬.-¬ ¬ /=¬¬ c ...·c:. ¬¬.:~¬.. :.t¬: ¯)t ¯/ :¬.·¬ .. cc... , c:. ·.c · .¬ / - , ·t:=c¬ -: .. ¬. .c.¬ · .¬ /- -¬¬: ¬ .¬ / - ..¬ .t:.c. .. . :c: ·c.¬ :. ¬ l:(+). . -..÷ .¬¬ ¬t:c --¬.·..t:¬ c o.· c ./ ¬ c:..·c:^¬ . -¬ c ¬ c¬:¬.¬:^, = t-t c¬ :¬ .: ¬. . ¬ oc .·c:^¬ . oc :t ·t:=c :¬.: ·c. ·:·.: )· · .¬. º¯, .c/- oc ., :.:ct !).. .o. lºº¯. ¬.... 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GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DPAR 13 SBC 2001. Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated : 21.11.2001. NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2001 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No. DPAR 13 SBC 2001 dated : 6th August 2001 in Part IV-A of the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary No. 1505 dated : 6th August 2001 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Whereas the said Gazette was made available to the public on 6th August, 2001. And whereas the objections and suggestions received have been considered. Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), the Government of Karnataka hereby make the following rules, namely : RULES 1. Title, commencement and application :- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2001. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. (3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the rules of recruitment specially made in respect of any service or post or any other rules made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), the provisions of these rules shall apply for the purpose of filling up the unfilled vacancies existing on the date of commencement of these rules. 2. Definitions :- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, 406 (a) "Appointing Authority" means the appointing authorities as specified in rule 7 or column 2 of Schedules II & III of the Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957 and in case, it is not so specified, the head of the department ; (b) "Qualification" means the minimum qualification for recruitment to any service or post prescribed in the rules of recruitment specially made in respect of that service or post or in any other rules made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) ; (c) "Selecting Authority" means the Karnataka Public Service Commission for the purpose of selection to the posts in Group-'A' and Group-'D' and the Head of the Department concerned for selection to the posts in Group-'C' and Group-'D'. - (d) "Unfilled vacancies" mean and include, - (i) the backlog in direct recruitment as contemplated in the Government Order No. DPAR 19 SBC 89 dated: 12th July 1989 read with subsequent G.O. bearing the same number and dated 22nd July 1989 existing as on the date of commencement of these rules ; (ii) the vacancies to the extent they were not filled by the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes as the case may be, as per the classification of the vacancies in accordance with the orders of reservation applicable to direct recruitment while regularising the services of the daily wage employees as per the Government Order No. DPAR 2 SLC 90 dated: 6th August 1990 and the daily wage diploma and graduate engineers as per the Government Order No.DPAR 13 SLC 94 dated: 28th September, 1994, existing as on the date of commencement of these rules ; and (iii) if even after taking into account the unfilled vacancies mentioned in clauses (i) and (ii) above, the percentage of representation of the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in any cadre, to which the orders of reservation in direct recruitment under clause (4) of Article 16 of the Constitution are applicable, does not reach 15% in respect of the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and 3% in respect of the persons belonging to the Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, of direct recruitment vacancies, then such shortfall of the unfilled direct recruitment to vacancies existing as on the date of commencement of these rules. (2) Other words and expressions used in these rules but not defined shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977. (3) Age :- Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977, or the rules of recruitment specially made for recruitment to any service or post, the candidates for recruitment to any service or post under these rules must have attained the age of eighteen years but not attained the age of forty years. (4) Release of vacancies to fill up the unfilled vacancies :- (1) The Appointing Authorities concerned shall release the unfilled vacancies, subject to their availability, to the Selecting Authority, for the purpose of recruitment under these rules. (2) The Appointing Authorities concerned shall presume the concurrence of Finance Department for the purpose of releasing of vacancies to fill up as referred to in sub-rule (1), to the Selecting Authority. 5. Mode of recruitment :- (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977 or the rules of recruitment specially made for recruitment to any service or post, recruitment under these rules shall be made by the Selecting Authority. (2) The Selecting Authority shall, for recruitment to the category of posts referred to in rule 4, cause to invite applications from the candidates possessing the qualification by publishing in the official Gazette and in more than one widely circulated regional newspapers, of which, at least, one sshall be in Kannada. 6. List of Selected Candidates :- (1) The Selecting Authority shall, from among the candidates who have applied in pursuance to the publication inviting applications under rule 5 and who have attained the age of 29 years but not attained the age of 40 years, prepare a list of candidates for each category of posts in the order of merit on the basis of percentage of total marks secured in the qualifying examination and taking into consideration the reservation for women, ex-servicemen, Physically handicapped and project displaced persons in accordance with the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977 and the rural candidates in accordance with the Karnataka Reservation of Appointments or Posts (In the Civil Services of the State for Rural 407 Candidates) Act, 2000. If, however, sufficient number of candidates, who have attained the age of 29 years but not attained the age of 40 years and not available, the candidates, who have attained the age of 18 years but not attained the age of 29 years shall also be included in the select list in accordance with the provisions specified above to the extent of such insufficient number : Provided that if two or more candidates have secured equal percentage of total marks in the qualifying examination, the order of merit in respect of such candidates shall be fixed on the basis of their age, the one older in age being placed higher in the order of merit. The number of candidates to be included in such list of eligible candidates shall be equal to the total number of vacancies notified under these rules. (2) The list prepared in accordance with sub-rule (1) shall be published in the official Gazette and shall be valid till all the candidates suitable for appointment notified under these rules are appointed. 7. Appointment of candidates :- (1) Candidates whose names are included in the list prepared under rule 6 may be appointed by the appointing authority in the vacancies in the order in which their names appear in the list after satisfying itself after such enquiry as it may consider necessary that each of the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment. (2) The inclusion of name of a candidate in the list published under rule 6 shall not confer any right of appointment. 8. Application of other rules :- The Karnataka Civil Services Rules, the Karnataka Civil Services (Probation) Rules, 1977 and such other rules for the time being in force regulating the conditions of services made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules shall be applicable to the persons appointed under these rules. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, K.L. JAYARAM Under Secretary to Government-2, D.P.A.R. (Service Rules). 408 Notification No. DPAL 8 SHASANA 2002, Bangalore, dated 27 th February 2002 Ordered that the Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants promoted on the basis of reservation (to the posts in the Civil Services of the State) Ordinance, 2002 promulgated by the Governor of Karnataka in the fifty third year of the Republic of India, be published as Karnataka Ordinance No. 2 of 2002 in the Karnataka Gazette for general information. KARNATAKA ORDINANCE NO. 2 OF 2002 THE KARNATAKA DETERMINATION OF SENIORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT SERVANTS PROMOTED ON THE BASIS OF RESERVATION (TO THE POSTS IN THE CIVIL SERVICES OF THE STATE) ORDINANCE, 2002 (Promulgated by the Governor of Karnataka in the fifty-third year of the Republic of India and First published in the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary on the twenty seventh day of February, 2002) An Ordinance for Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State: Whereas the Government of Karnataka has introduced the policy of reservation in promotion in favour of the Government Servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as per the Government Order No. DPAR 29 SBC 77 dated 27.4.1978. Whereas paragraph 7 of the Reservation Order stipulates that the inter-se seniority amongst persons promoted in accordance with that order on any occasion has to be determined, in the manner provided in rule 4 or 4-A, as the case may be, of the Karnataka Government Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1957. Whereas the Supreme Court of India, in its Judgement dated 1-12-2000, in the case of M.G. Badappanavar and Another Versus State of Karnataka and others in Civil Appeal Nos. 6970-6971 of 2000 with Civil Appeal No. 6972 of 2000 (AIR 2001 SC 260) while dealing with the issue of determination of seniority inter-se between the persons belonging to the reserved categories and the general category, in pursuance of the ratio of the decision of the Constitution Bench in Ajit Singh and Others (II) Vs State of Punjab and others-(1999) 7 SCC 209- has examined rule 2(c), rule 4 and rule 4-A of the Karnataka Government Servants’ (Seniority) Rules, 1957 and has observed that there is no specific rule therein permitting seniority to be counted in respect of a person promoted against a (reserved) roster point. Whereas while it is true that rules 2(c), 4 and 4A of the Karnataka Government Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1957 donot specifically provide for giving seniority in respect of promotions made on the basis of roster, paragraph 7 of the Reservation Order introducing the policy of reservation in promotion stipulates the manner of determining the inter-se seniority amongst persons promoted on any occasion of promotion (on the basis of reservation). This provision is independent of the said rules contained in the Karnataka Government Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1977 as the Reservation Order is a self-contained code regulating promotions on the basis of reservation. Whereas subsequently, the Parliament has enacted the Constitution (Eighty Fifth Amendment) Act, 2001 with retrospective effect from 17-6-1995 providing for consequential seniority in the case of promotion on the basis of reservation. Therefore, it is considered necessary to remove any ambiguity and to clarify that the Government Servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes promoted in accordance with the policy of reservation in promotion contained in the Reservation Order shall be entitled to seniority as it is available to the Government Servants belonging to the other categories. Whereas the Karnataka Legislative Council is not in session and the Governor of Karnataka is satisfied that the circumstances exist which render it necessary for her to take immediate action for promulgation of an ordinance for Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) for the purposes hereinafter appearing. 409 Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Karnataka is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance, namely:- 1. Short title and commencement.- (1) This Ordinance may be called the Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the basis of Reservation (to the posts in the civil services of the State) Ordinance, 2002. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the Seventeenth day of June 1995. 2. Definitions.- In this Ordinance unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) “Government” means the Government of Karnataka. (b) “Government Servant” means a person who is a member of the Civil Services of the State of Karnataka or who holds a Civil post in connection with the affairs of the State of Karnataka and includes any person whose services are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Government of India, the Government of another State, a local authority, any person or persons whether incorporated or not. (c) “Reservation Order” means the Government Order No. DPAR 29 SBC 77 dated 27 th April 1978 containing the policy of reservation in promotion, as modified from time to time. 3. Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the basis of Reservation.- Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the Government Servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes promoted in accordance with the policy of reservation in promotion provided for in the Reservation Order shall be entitled to consequential seniority. Seniority shall be determined on the basis of the length of service in a post. Provided that the seniority inter-se of the Government Servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes as well as those belonging to the unreserved category, promoted to a cadre, at the same time by a common order, shall be determined on the basis of their seniority inter-se, in the lower cadre. Provided further that where the posts in a cadre, according to the rules of recruitment applicable to them are required to be filled by promotion from two or more lower cadres,- (i) the number of vacancies available in the promotional (higher) cadre for each of the lower cadres according to the rules of recruitment applicable to it shall be calculated; and (ii) to the number of vacancies so calculated in respect of each of those lower cadres, the roster shall be applied separately. Provided also that the serial numbers of the roster points specified in the Reservation Order are intended only to facilitate calculation of the number of vacancies reserved for promotion at a time and such roster points are not intended to determine inter- se seniority of the Government Servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes vis-a-vis the Government Servants belonging to the unreserved category promoted at the same time and such inter-se seniority shall be determined by their seniority inter-se in the cadre from which they are promoted, as illustrated in the Schedule appended to this Ordinance. 4. Power to make rules.- (1) The State Government, if it deems necessary, may by notification make rules to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance. (2) Every rule made under this Ordinance shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made before each House of the State Legislature, while it is in session for a total period of thirty days, which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the session, immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Houses agree that the rule should not be made the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so however that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. 5. Power to remove difficulties.- (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Ordinance, the Government may by order published in the official Gazette, 410 make provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance as appear to it be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty: Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of commencement of this Ordinance. (2) Every order made under this section shall as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of the State Legislature. SCHEDULE If three vacancies of Assistant Commissioner are to be filled by promotion at the same time, by a common order, classification of vacancies would be as follows : 1 st ... Scheduled Caste 2 nd ... Scheduled Tribe 3 rd ... Unreserved If the seniority of persons in the cadre of Tahsildars who are eligible and qualified and whose cases are to be considered at that time is as indicated below, A ... Scheduled Caste B ... Unreserved C ... Scheduled Tribe D ... Unreserved E ... Unreserved then, on promotion, their inter-se seniority in the cadre of Assistant Commissioners, will be as follows : A ... Scheduled Caste B ... Unreserved C ... Scheduled Tribe If on the other hand the seniority of the Tahsildars at that time is as indicated below, A ... Unreserved B ... Unreserved C ... Unreserved D ... Scheduled Caste E ... Scheduled Tribe then their inter-se seniority, on promotion, in the cadre of Assistant Commissioners will be as follows A ... Unreserved D ... Scheduled Caste E ... Scheduled Tribe V.S.RAMA DEVI GOVERNOR OF KARNATAKA By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, M.R.HEGDE Secretary to Government, Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation. Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation Secretariat Notification ÉâªfêX ÉâªÀâXµÖE 8 µÖÉâ}â, ÏêªgâÔâ³pâ°, ¬}Öªdâ 28}ê© Áê±ZÀâî 2002 The Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the basis of reservation (to the posts in the Civil Services of the State) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002 :: . c: c ¬c.:: -: .¯ . ¦-.. c.:·· ¬: · ÷.:.: -.-. . ..c . ¦-.. o¬. c.: · :÷: .¯ !))! c . ¦-.. :::.¬ ¬.: ¯ /¬: . ·÷. .c¬: . c:.:. 411 KARNATAKA ORDINANCE NO.3 OF 2002 THE KARNATAKA DETERMINATION OF SENIORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT SERVANTS PROMOTED ON THE BASIS OF RESERVATION (TO THE POSTS IN THE CIVIL SERVICES OF THE STATE) (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE, 2002 (Promulgated by the Governor of Karnataka in the fifty-third year of the Republic of India and First published in the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary on the twenty eighth day of February, 2002) An Ordinance to amend the Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) Ordinance, 2002 for the purposes hereinafter appearing; Whereas the Karnataka Legislative Council is not in session and the Governor of Karnataka is satisfied that the circumstances exist which render it necessary for her to take immediate action for promulgation of an ordinance for Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the Basis of Reservation (to the Posts in the Civil Services of the State) for the purposes hereinafter appearing. Now, therefore in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 213 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Karnataka is pleased to promulgate the following Ordinance, namely:- 1. Short title and commencement.- (1) This Ordinance may be called the Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the basis of Reservation (to the posts in the civil services of the State) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2002. (2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the Seventeenth day of June 1995. 2. Insertion of new section 3A.- After section 3 of the Karnataka Determination of Seniority of the Government Servants Promoted on the basis of Reservation (to the posts in the civil services of the State) Ordinance, 2002. (Karnataka Ordinance 2 of 2002) the following section shall be inserted, namely:- 3-A: Protection of consequential seniority already accorded from 27 th April, 1978, onwards.- Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance or any other law for the time being in force, the consequential seniority already accorded to the Government servants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes who were promoted in accordance with the policy of reservation in promotion provided for in the Reservation Order with effect from the Twenty Seventh Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy Eight shall be valid and shall be protected and shall not be disturbed. V.S.RAMA DEVI GOVERNOR OF KARNATAKA By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, M.R.HEGDE Secretary to Government, Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation. SOCIAL WELFARE SECRETARIAT Sub: Reservations for admission to the Educational Institutions as per Article 15(4) and Employment as per Article 16(4) of the Constitution of India and New Creamy Layer Policy Orders....reg. Read: 1. G.O. No. SWD 150 BCA 94 Dated: 17-09-94 2. G.O. No. SWD 251 BCA 94 Dated: 31-01-95 3. G.O. No. SWD 394 BCA 94 Dated: 14-02-96 4. Letter No. KSCBC:MS/Reports/2000-01 Dated: 14-12-2000 of the Member Secretary Karnataka State Commission for Backward Classes. Preamble: In Govt. Order Dated: 17-09-94 read (1) above, Govt. have formulated reservation policy for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes for admissions to professional courses for the year 1994-95 as per the lists of castes enclosed thereto as follows: CATEGORY-I 4% CATEGORY-II (A) 15% 412 CATEGORY-II (B) 4% CATEGORY-III (A) 4% CATEGORY-III (B) 5% SCHEDULED CASTES 15% SCHEDULED TRIBES 3% 2. Under the said order Dated: 17-09-94 it has also been stated that no person other than belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Category-I of Backward Classes shall be entitled to the benefit of reservation for admission to professional courses unless he/she satisfies the conditions of the creamy layer specified there under. 3. In G.O. Dated: 31-01-1995 read at Sl. No. 2 above, the aforesaid reservation and creamy layer policy envisaged in the order Dated: 17-09-94 read at Sl. No. (1), has been made applicable to the employment too, under Article 16(4) of the Constitution of India. 4. In G.O. Dated: 14-02-96 read at Sl. No. (3) above the Creamy Layer Policy existed as on 01-01-95 for the purpose of admission to the professional courses was also made applicable to employment with retrospective effect from 01-01-94. 5. In Writ Petition No. 438/94 the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India have passed an interim order stating that the reservation in any case should not exceed 50%. Similar writs bearing No. 417/94, and 694/94 are pending disposal before the Hon'ble Supreme Court. Therefore, in G.O. No. SWD 61 BCA 95 Dated: 28-12-95 the currency of the 50% reservation specified in G.O. Dated: 17-09-94 and 13-01-95 has been extended till the final decision in WP No. 438/94, 471/94 and 694/94 is taken by Hon'ble Supreme Court. 6. Now the Karnataka State Commission for Backward Classes have submitted special report and 71 advices vide their letter Dated: 04-12-2000 read at Sl. No. 4 above. Pending consideration of the entire report, the Government have examined in detail the Creamy Layer Policy contained in the Special Report and 71 Advices, relating to inclusions, deletions, correction of spellings etc. and have made the following orders. Government Order No. SWD 225 BCA 2000, Dated: 30th March 2002 After careful consideration of the above proposal the Government are pleased to make the following orders: 1. The quantum of Reservation Specified in G.O. Dated: 17-09-1994 and 31-01-1995 read at Sl. No. (1) & (2) respectively is continued for admission to Educational Institutions and Employment. 2. The revised list of Backward Classes enclosed to this order as at Annexure-I, incorporating recommendations of the BC Commission, is brought into force with immediate effect. 3. A new comprehensive Creamy Layer Policy as detailed in Annexure-II to this Government order is brought into force with immediate effect. This Creamy Layer Policy does not apply to SCs/STs and Category-I of the Backward Classes. Candidates belonging to Category-II(A), II(B), III(A), and III(B) shall be entitled to reservation in the manner specified in the new comprehensive Creamy Layer Policy. By Order and in the name of Governor of Karnataka, D.M. AGA Deputy Secretary to the Government, Social Welfare Department. Government Order No. SWD 225 BCA 2000, Dated: 30th March 2002 ANNEXURE-I CATEGORY-I Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 1. Agamudi 5. (g) Davari 2. (a) Ambalakaran (h) Gosayi (b) Ambalakarma (i) Gusai (c) Mutrasi (j) Helava 413 (d) Mutracha (k) Helova 3. Baggaru (l) Holeva 4. Bavandhi (m) Nandiwala 5. (a) Bavaji (n) Pichigunta (b) Atit (o) Pichguntala (c) Bairagi (p) Pichiguntala (d) Bavani (q) Bava (e) Byragi (r) Byaragi (f) Daurigosayi 6 (a) Bestha 6. (ae) Moger (b) Ambiga/Ambi (af) Mukkavan (c) Barki/Barika (ag) Parivara (d) Besthar (ah) Siviyar (e) Bhoyi (ai) Sunagara (f) Rajabhoi (aj) Thoreya (g) Bunde-Beshtar (ak) Pagi (h) Daalji 7. (a) Bhamta (i) Daavat (b) Bhompta (j) Gabit (c) Paradeshi-Bhampta (k) Galadakonkani (d) Takari (l) Gangemakkalu (e) Bhomptra (m) Gangakula (f) Uchillian (n) Gangamatha 8. Bhatraju (o) Gangamathastha 9. (a) Bogad (p) Gangaputra (b) Begadi 6 (q) Gowrimatha (c) Bagali (r) Bunde-Bestha/Gunde bestha (d) Bogadi (s) Harakanthra 10. (a) Budubuduki (t) Jalagara (b) Bududki (u) Kabbera/kabber (c) Chhetri (v) Kabbaliga (d) Devari (w) Kabbili (e) Garadi (x) Kahar (f) Giddidki (y) Kharvi/Konkan Kharvi (g) Joshi 6 (z) Koli 10 (h) Kichagara (aa) Kolimahadev (i) Killikyata (ab) maddar (j) Modiga (ac) Meenagar (k) Pansa (ad) Mogaveera (l) Panasa 11. Chunchar (m) Pingale 12. (a) Dasari (n) Sadajoshi (b) Dasaru (o) Budbudkala (c) Chakravadya-Dasa 18 (e) GamVokkal (d) Dang-Dasar (f) Grama Vokkalu (e) Dombi-Dasaru (g) Halakki Vokkalu 13. (a) Devadasi (h) Kare Vokkalu (b) Basavi (i) Kunchavakkal (c) Bhavin (j) Shilwakkal (d) Bogam (k) Vakkal (e) Ganika (l) Gavada (f) Kalavant (m) Gam Gawda (g) Nat (n) Gram Vakkal (h) Natuva 19. (a) Hawadiga (i) Patramela (b) Hawgar 414 14. (a) Ghisade (c) Howgar (b) Ghisadi 20. (a) Jangala 15. (a) Goniga Mane (b) Telugu Jangama (b) 24 Mane Telugu Shetty (c) Pakanathi Jangama (c) Goni Chetty 21. (a) Jogi (d) Sadusetty (b) Brahma Kapali (e) Salaparu (c) Jogar 16. (a) Gurav (d) Jogtin (b) Tamballa (e) Kapali (c) Tambli (f) Raval 17. Gurkha (g) Ravalia 18. (a) Halawakki Wakkal (h) Sanjogi (b) Halawakki Vakkal (i) Sanyasi (c) Atte Vokkalu (j) Joger (d) Gam Gawada (k) Natha Panthi 23. (a) Kashikapadi 22. (a) Kanjirbhat (b) Kashikapdi (b) Kanjar (c) Tirumali (c) Khanjar Bhat 33. (a) Kurma 32 (c) Kanbi (b) Kurmi 24. (a) Katabar 34. (a) Ladaru/Ladara/Ladar (b) Katabu (b) Lad/Kshatriya Lad/Sugandhi Lad 25. (a) Katik (c) Yelegal (b) Aray 35. Malaya (c) Are Kasai 36. (a) Medara (d) Ari Katikelu (b) Batter (e) Kalal Khatik (c) Burned (f) Kasab (d) Gauriga (g) Kasai (e) Gouriga (h) Maratti (f) Gowri (i) Suryavamsha Kshatriya (g) Gowrimaratha 26. Kodagu Kapala (h) Gowriga 27. (a) Kolari (i) Medari (b) Kalayiri (j) Burud (c) Koleri 37. Mudhar 28. (a) Kolla 38. Nairi/Nairy (b) Kollala 39. Otari 29. (a) Kotari 40. Pamlor (b) Kotary 41. (a) Pangual (c) Kottary (b) Pangusal (d) Kottari 42. Panika 30. Kudubi 43. (a) Raya Rawath 31. Kumbri Marati (Uttara Kannada District) (b) Ravat 32. (a) Kunbi 44. Reinudas (b) Kulwadi 45. Sansia 46. Satarkar 53 (k) Padit/Padti 47. Siddi (l) Padithi 48. (a) Sikkaligara (n) Sagara (b) Shikalgar (o) Sunnagara (c) Shikkaligar (p) Sunna Uppara 49. (a) Somavamsha Arya (q) Uppaliga 415 Kshatriya (b) Chitara (r) Uppaliga Shetty (c) Chitragar (s) Uppaliyan (d) Digwan (t) Uppera (e) Jeeragara (u) Yakalara (f) Najabund (v) Yekkali (g) Nalabund 54. Vasudev (h) Tambat 56. (a) Veer 50. Takankar (b) Veeramasti 51. (a) Tewar (c) Vir (b) Kalari 57. Yeralu (c) Kallar 58. (a) Yerkala (d) Maravar (b) Erakala 52. (a) Tilari (c) Kaikadi (b) Tirali (d) Koragar 53. (a) Uppara (e) Kormasetty (b) Beldar (f) Kunchi (c) Chunar (g) Korwari 53. (d) Gavadi (h) Yerukala (e) Goundi 59. (a) Bailpatar (f) Kallu Kutiga Uppara (b) Bailapatar (g) Lonari (c) Bilapatar (h) Melu Sakkreyavaru 60. (a) Bajania (i) Melusakkare (b) Bajenia (j) Namada Uppara 61. Balasanthoshi 62. Bazigar 78. (a) Kalkari, Kelkari 63. Deria (b) Khelkari 64. (a) Bhardi 79. (a) Kolhati (b) Bhargi (b) Kolhatigi 65. (a) Chara 80. Masania Yogi (b) Chhar 81. Full Mali (c) Chhara 82. Saranta 66. (a) Chapper Band (Muslim) 83. (a) Sarordi (b) Chapper Banda (b) Saroda 67. Chitrakathijoshi 84. Vadi 68. Darvesu 85. Bedaru 69. Dholi 86. (a) Golla 70. (a) Durgamurga (b) Yadav (b) Burburcha (c) Asthanagolla 71. (a) Modikara (d) Yadava (b) Modikar (e) Adavigolla 72. (a) Gondali (f) Gopala (b) Ghondali (g) Gopali (c) Gondaliga (h) Gouli (d) Gondhali (i) Gauli (e) Gondhalli (j) Gavali 73. Vagri (k) Gavli 74. (a) Javeri (l) Anubaru (b) Jawari (m) Atanabaru 75. Johari (n) Hanabar 76. (a) Kamatti (o) Kavadi (b) Kaman (p) Kolayan 77. (a) Kanjari (q) Konar (b) Kanjir (r) Konnur 416 86 (s) Krishna Gavali 88 (s) Nirshikari (t) Krishna Golla (t) Bargi (u) Maniyani (u) Baori (v) Urali (v) Phasachari (w) Telugu Gowda (Chickmagalur & Hassan Dists) (w) Hirshikari 87. (a) Banjari 89. Daveri (b) Brinjari 90. (a) Garudi (c) Vanjara (b) Garudiga (d) Wanjari (c) Garadiga (e) Lambaid 91. Paradhis (f) Gore or Goria 92. (a) Girini waddar 88. (a) Bendar (b) Tudug Woddar 88. (b) Berad 92. (c) Kallu Vaddar (c) Boya (d) Mannu Voddar (d) Naikamakkalu (e) Bhandi Voddar (e) Naikwadi 93. (a) Bhoi (f) Palegar (b) Boyi (g) Remoshi (c) Harikanthra (h) Talawara/Talwar Boya (d) Kharia (i) Valmikimakkalu (e) Bovi (j) Vedan 94. (a) Pinjara (k) Parivara Nayaka (b) Pinjari (l) Myasa Nayaka (c) Nadaf (m) Urs Nayaka (d) Ladaf (n) Byada (e) Dudekula (o) Haranshikari (f) Mansoori (p) Chigari Betagar (g) Mansuri (q) Vaghri 95. S.C. Converts to Christianity (r) Wagiri CATEGORY -II (A) Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 1 (a) Agasa 4 (m) Ezhava (b) Chakala (n) Gamalla (c) Dhobi (o) Goundla (d) Madivala (p) Halepaikaru (e) Mannan (q) Hale Paik (f) Parit (r) IIIavan (g) Rajaka (s) Kalal (h) Sakala (t) Malayali Billava (i) Vannan (u) Nadar (j) Velluthedan (v) Namadhari (k) Sakajavadu (w) Thiyan / Thiyya 2 Banna (Kodagu District) (x) Iliga 417 3 (a) Devadiga (y) Goondla (b) Devali (z) Tiyan / Thiyyan (c) Moyili 5 Kodagu Heggade (Kodagu Dist.) (d) Padiar 6 (a) Kumbara (e) Seregara (b) Chakrasali (f) Servegar (c) Gunaga (g) Sheregar (d) Ganagi (h) Suplig (e) Koyava 4 (a) Idiga (f) Kula (b) Bandhari (g) Kulala 4. (c) Belchad 6. (h) Kumbar (d) Billava (i) Kumbard (e) Poojari (j) Kummara (f) Deevar (k) Kusavan (g) Hala Kshatriya (l) Moolya (h) Desha Bhandari (m) Sajjan Kumbara (i) Devar (n) Khumara (j) Devaramakkalu/Divara Makkalu (o) Kumbhar (k) Ediga 6 (p) Khumbhar (l) Eliga (q) Kulalar 7 (a) Kuruba 8 (w) Savitha (b) Bharwad (x) Nayanaja Kshatri (c) Dhanagar (y) Nadig (d) Goraya (z) Kshowrik (e) Halumatha (aa) Kshowrika (f) Kurab 9 Buddhists (g) Kuruban 10 (a) Tigala (h) Kurumba (b) Agni Vamsha Kshatriya (i) Kurub (c) Agnivanni (j) Kurumban (d) Agnikula Kshatriya 8 (a) Nayinda (e) Dharmaraja Kapu (b) Pariyala (Dakshina Kannada & Udupi) (f) Palli (c) Ambattan (g) Shambhukula Kshatriya (d) Bajanthri (h) Thigala (e) Bandari (i) Vanniar (f) Chouriya (j) Vannikula Kshatriya (g) Hadapada (k) Tigler (h) Hajama (l) Kurovan (i) Kavutian 11 (a) Viswakarma (j) Kelasi (b) Achari 418 (k) Kshaurika (c) Akkasale (l) Kshowrad (d) Ausala (m) Mahale (e) Badigar (n) Mangala (f) Badiwadla (o) Melagara (g) Bailapatar (p) Nadiga (h) Bailu Akkasali (q) Napitha (i) Bailu Kammara (r) Navalig (j) Bogara (s) Navi (k) Chaptegar 8. (t) Nayanaja Kshatriya 11 (l) Charodi (u) Nhavi (m) Konkani Achar (v) Vajantri (Uttara Kannada District) (n) Daivagnya Brahmin 11 (o) Gejjigara 17 Bahurupi (p) Kambar 18 Bakadra (q) Kammalan (r) Kammara 19 (a) Bathal (s) Kamsala (b) Battal (t) Kamsan (c) Batter (u) Kanchagar 20 Bawtar (v) Kanchora 21 (a) Bhaat (w) Kanchori (b) Bohrot (x) Kanchugara 22 Binapatta (y) Kansar 23 Bingi (z) Kasar 24 (a) Bagadi (aa) Luhar (b) Bagaadi (ab) Mesta (c) Bagdi (ac) Panchal 25 (a) Chaliyan (ad) Pattar (b) Teruvan (ae) Silpi (c) Challiya (af) Sohagar 26 Chamboti (ag) Sonar 27 Chambukutti (ah) Sony 28 Mestha (ai) Sutar 29 Jingar (aj) Tacehan 30 (a) Ghadi (ak) Viswa Brahmin (b) Gadiga (al) Thattan (c) Gunagi (am) Aksali 31 (a) Ghadsi (an) Kamasal (b) Ghadshi (ao) Badagi 32 Pingle 12 (a) Aghori 33 (a) Gosavi (b) Karakarmunda (b) Gosain 419 13 Agnani 34 (a) Gujar 14 Ambalavasi (b) Guzar 15 Anduran 35 (a) Gurava 16 (a) Atari (b) Athari (b) Gurou 36 (a) Gabbit 48 (g) Kanyan (b) Gapit 49 Kutuma (c) Gaabit 50 Marta 36 (d) Daalija 51 (a) Marayan 37 Handevazir (b) Maravan 38 Handervut 52 Murrari 39 Honniyar 53 (a) Nadora 40 (a) Hoovadiga (b) Uppu Nadar / Upa Nador (b) Hugar (c) Torke Nador (c) Hoogar (d) Nador (d) Maalgar (e) Nadavar (e) Mali (f) Nadava (f) Phool Mali (g) Uppunador / Upa Nadavar (g) Phul Mali 54 Nalki (h) phulari 55 Osthan (i) Phoolari 56 (a) Pandaram (j) Jeer (b) Pandar 41 Kadu Konkani (c) Pandara 42 Karikudumbi 57 Panaba 43 Karuva 58 Pannekara Konkani 44 (a) Khatik 59 Patra (b) Katuka 60 Pichati (c) Katuga 61 Pullavan 45 Bogar 62 (a) Rajapuri 46 Kasbin (b) Rajpur 47 (a) Kolayiri (c) Balavalikar (b) Kolyiri 63 Saniyaar 48 (a) Kanisan 64 Shanan (b) Balyaya (Dakshina Kannada & Udupi Dist) 65 (a) Sudir (c) Kaniyar (b) Sudra (d) Kaniyaru (c) Kulawadi Marati (e) Kaniya 66 Sutsali (f) (g) Kaniyan (Other than Kollegal Taluk of Mysore Dist.) Athari 67 Tachayiri 68 Tilvi 76 (a) Neygi 69 (a) Gavandi (b) Kuruhina Setty 420 (b) Govandi (c) Kurni 70 Vettuvan (d) Bili Magga 71 (a) Yeklar (e) Thogata / Thogataru / Thogatiga/ Thogataveera / Thogatagera / Thogataveera Kshatriya / Thogaja Pushpanjali 71 (b) Yaklar 76 (f) Soniga (c) Egalika (g) Jam Khana 72 (a) Gatti / Gattiyavaru (h) Ayiri (b) Poledava / Poladavaru (i) Avir 73 Gudigara (j) Sale / Patta Sale 74 (a) Darji (k) Padma Sale / Padma Shali / Padma Sali (b) Bhavasar Kshatriya (l) Saale / Pattasali (c) Chippi (m) Kaikolan/ Sengundhar (d) Chippiga (n) Neikar (e) Simpi (o) Jadar (f) Shimpi (p) Jandra (g) Sai (q) Swakula Sali / Swakula Sale (h) Miral 77 (a) Pattegar (i) Rangari (b) Patvekari (j) Rangrez (c) Pattegar (k) Nilari (d) Somavamsha Sahasrarjuna Kshatriya (l) Namdev 78 (a) Ganiga (m) Namdev Simpi (b) Teli (n) Rangare (c) Gandla (o) Neelagar (d) Vaniyan 75 (a) Devanga (e) Jyothi Nagara / Jyothi Nagara Vysya (b) Devang 79 Amma Kodava (c) Koshti 80 Anappan (d) Hutgar / Hutkar 81 Rajaput (e) Jed 82 (a) Andi (f) Winkar (b) Andipandaram (g) Julohi 83 Baandhi (h) Hulkar 84 (a) Bolahallala (i) Hatagar (b) Ballala 85 (a) Bhatial 93 (g) Kumara Panth / Komarpant / Komarpaik Kshatriya Komarpant (b) Bhattia (h) Rama Kshatriya 86 Chakkan (i) Rama Raj Kshatriya 87 Dogra (j) Serugara (North Kanara) 88 Gulli (k) Servgar (South Kanara) 89 Hindu Sadru / Sadaru / Sadumata / Sadkula / Sadar (l) Kote Kshatriya 421 / Sadu Gowda / Sadu Gowdar / Sadara / Sadari / Sadara Gowda 90 (a) Jetti / Jatti 94 Kshatriya / Kshatri (b) Mallaru Malla Kshatriya 95 Malawa (c) Mushtiga 96 Maleya 91 (a) Kalavanthi 97 Aryan (b) Bhogam / Teluga 98 (a) Raju Kshatriya 92 (a) Kanakan (b) Raju-Raju (b) Kanakar (c) Rajuwar / Rajavar / Rachevar (c) Karunika 99 Somavamsha Kshatriya 93 (a) Kotegara 100 Stanika (b) Koteyar 101 (a) Tulu (c) Kothati (b) Tuluva (d) Kottegara 102 Ushtama (Dharwar, Belgaum, Bijapur, Gadag Dist) (e) Kotteyara (f) Kumara Kshatriya CATEGORY-II (B) Name of the Caste 1 Muslim CATEGORY-III (A) Sl. No. Name of the Caste Sl. No. Name of the Caste 1 (a) Vokkaliga 1 (c) Sarpa Vokkaliga (b) Vakkaliga 1 (d) Hallikar Vokkaliga 1 (e) Namdhari Vokkaliga 2 Kodagaru (f) Gangadkar Vokkaliga 3 (a) Balija (g) Das Vokkaliga (b) Balajiga / Banajiga / Gowda Banajiga (h) Reddy Vokkaliga (c) Naidu (i) Marasu Vokkaliga (d) Telaga Balija / Telaga Banajiga (j) Reddy (e) Setty Balija / Setty Banajiga / Banajiga Setty (k) Hallikar (f) Dasara Balija / Dasara Balajiga/ Dasara Banajiga / Dasa Banajiga (l) Kunchitiga (g) Kasban (m) Gouda / Gowda (h) Munnur / Munnar / Munnur Kapu (n) Kapu (i) Balegara / Bale Banajiga / Bale Balajiga / Bale Chetty / Banagara (o) Heggade (j) Reddy (Balija) (p) Kamma (k) Janappan (q) Reddy (l) Uppar (Balija) (r) Gownder (m) Tuleru (Balija) (s) Namadhari Gowda (t) Uppina Kolaga / Uttama Kolaga CATEGORY-III (B) Sl. Name of the Caste Sl. Name of the Caste 422 No. No. 1 (a) Veerashaiva Lingayath 2 (f) Kulavadi (b) Lingayath Sub-groups of Helava, Ambiga, Bhoyi, Gangamatha, Sunagara, Agasa, Madivala, Kumbara, Kuruba, Bajanthri, Bandari, Hadapada, Kshaurika, Navalig, Navi, Akkasale, Badigar, Kammara, Kamsala, Panchal, Medara, Uppara, Gowli. 3 4 5 6 (a) (b) (a) (b) Christian Bunt/Bant Parivara Bant Jains (Digambaras) Satani Chattada Srivaishnava / Chattada Vaishnava / Sattada Vaishnava/ Sattada Srivaishnava 2 (a) Maratha, Marata (c) Kadri Vaishnava (b) Are Kshatri, Are Maratha, Arya Maratha (d) Sameraya (c) Arya, Aryaru (e) Sattadaval (d) Konkan Maratha (f) Sattadavan (e) Kshatriya Maratha (g) Vaishnava D.M. AGA Deputy Secretary to Government, Social Welfare Department. ANNEXURE-II to G.O. No. SWD 225 BCA 2000 dated 30 th March 2002 NEW COMPREHENSIVE CREAMY LAYER Under Article 15(4) and 16(4) of the Constitution of India, the following persons shall not be eligible for reservation of seats of posts categorised under IIA, IIB, IIIA and IIIB. NOTE: 1. This rule will not apply to direct recruitments to posts which insist on a prescribed period of service in a lower post or experience in a post, profession or occupation as a qualification or eligibility. 2. This rule applies to son(s) or daughter(s) of the persons specified below: 1 (a) President of India (b) Vice President of India (c) All functionaries holding Cabinet rank in Government of India or Government of any State or Union Territory. (d) Chairmen of Council of States and the State Legislative Councils (e) Governors of States (f) Speakers of Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies (g) Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts (h) Chairmen of Public Service Commission (i) Attorney General of India (j) Advocate General (k) Chief Election Commissioner (l) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (m) Members of Parliament atleast for a period of five years - during the period of 423 their office. (n) Members of State Legislature atleast for a period of five years - during the period of their office. 2 The Candidate and either of whose parents / guardian is a Group-A or Group B officer in the services of the Government or holds an equivalent post in public sector undertakings or an employee of a private industry / Institution and draws a salary which is not Less than that of a Group B officer (Pay scale Rs. 6000-11200) 3 The Candidate and his/her father's mother's/Guardian Gross Annual income exceeds Rs. 2.00 lakhs. 4 The candidate and his/her father, mother / guardian holding 10 units of Agricultural Land as Specified in the Karnataka Land Reforms Act 1961, and such of those holding more than 20 acres of plantation land. D.M. AGA Deputy Secretary to Government, Social Welfare Department. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 13 SBC 2001 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 01.06.2002 NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) (..... Amendment) Rules 2002, was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No. DPAR 13 SBC 2001 dated 08.04.2002 in Part-IVA of the Karnataka Gazette Extra- ordinary N. 524 dated: 12 th April 2002 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of its publication in the official Gazette. Whereas the said Gazette was made available to the public on 12 th April, 2002. And whereas the objections and suggestions received have been considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely:- RULES 1. Title, commencement and application:- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment (First- Amendment) Rules, 2002. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the official Gazette. 2. Amendment of rule-4:- In rule 4 of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2001 (hereinafter referred to as said rules), in sub-rule (1), the words "subject to their availability" shall be and shall always be deemed to have been omitted. 3. Amendment of rule-6:- In rule-6 of the said rules, after sub-rule (2), the following sub- rules shall be and shall always be deemed to have been inserted, namely:- 424 "(3) The Selecting authority shall, in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), also prepare an additional list of names of candidates not included in the list prepared under sub-rule (1), in which the number of candidates to be included shall be equal to the number of vacancies notified. (4) The list prepared in accordance with sub-rule(3) shall be published in the Official Gazette. The candidates, whose names are included in the list prepared under sub-rule (3) may be similarly appointed, only in case and to the extent the candidates whose names are included in the list prepared under sub rule (1) and to whom order of appointment has been issued to not assume charge of the posts to which they are appointed by the appointing authority, within the joining time stipulated by it." By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka K.L. Jayaram Under Secretary to Government-I, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Service Rules) ts:r:t ·t:rcc s>: -r=. .¬c.. t:c ... :t~ :c:. c. . ¬:. c. .. .c .¬ .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c .../ -. . .= ¬ .:¬c:/ ¬ ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬c/¬¬ .:t c:/ ¬.¬/-.. . .¬ ¬ . : .c..¬ t .c: .. :¬c:^¬ t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c ¬: ·c. t:::-º)-.:t:.-¯)!))!-)¯ :.:ct l:.l!.!))! ±·: :s. t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c.. ¬:. / .c .¬ .:· ^ -..¬:¯: t:c.../ - . ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬c/ ¬ ¬¬ c/:^ .:t c:/ ¬ .¬ / -. . / .c..·c:^¬., ¬.c.oc:¬ .:. ¬.¬ -¬ ¬: ¯/:: t:c..=. :c :. :c .¬ . o.¬ t ¬ c¬¬ . !¯: .:t c:/ ¬.¬/-. ¬:/o ¬.c.oc:¬ ¬.¬ :. ¬ ¬:/o -/: t:c..=. :c :. ¬ . o.¬ t .:c ¬ c¬¬ . ¯º¯ ¬.¬/ -.. ¬·. : ·c¬. =¬ . . .= ¬ .:¬ .. ·:¬.. ¬ ¬c...t . .¬¬. .:. :/ .¬.¬:¬ .c: ¬.¬/- .. ¬c:¬ ::. ¬ .:. ¬c:¬ ¬c/ ¬¬¬cc¬c . . .= ¬.:¬ . .t:^c.¬¬. -/: tc¬..c:¬. = ·c.c¬ ¬ ..c :¬c:¬ :.:ct l:.l!.!))!c ¬: ¬. t:c ... :t ~ :c...t cc¬ .c¬ ¬ ·: ¬.c.... ¬ c:..·c:^, .o.¬t ¬ c¬¬. ¬c:¬ ::.c..¬c/:^ l¯· ¬ .¬ / - ., ¬c:¬ ¬ c/ ¬¬ ¬ c/:^ º· ¬.¬/-. ¬:/o .o.¬ t.: c ¬c¬¬. ¬c:¬ ::.c. .¬c/:^ l¯+ ¬ .¬ /- ., ¬c:¬ ¬ c/¬ ¬ ¬c/:^ !!¯ ¬.¬/ -.. t::.c·..t:^¬ . ...·.c·. .t:¬ .:tc:/ ¬.¬/ - t:c ...¬:c. .¬ c ¬. c.... .o.¬t ¬c¬t ·c.c:·¬c: -. ..c¬-lc. c..o, . o.¬ t .: c ¬ c¬ t ·c.c:·¬c: -...c¬-!c. c..o .¬c·c:^¬ . = ¬ .:../ -. . t:c .../- :¬-: ¬.c¬-/-. /¬.. ¬. c·, :¬.¬ ·:¬ /:¬ .¬.:·t c./ - · .¬c.... ·t ¬./o-·.. ¯¯¯ .:t c:/ ¬.¬/ -.. .-·c:^c .¬ ¬ cc¬ = .:t c:/.. · ¬ :.c... . .¬¬ . ¬.¬:c. t:c~/-c¬:^ .¬.· .¬ .¬:¬ .:. ¬ .¬/-/ :¬: ¬..c ..= ¬.:¬:t¬c¬. ..¬.:=¯· = t- tc¬c: :¬ .:·¬ . ·t:rc oc:t ·c: . ¬2 1㨠c...:. :ºº:, Os:ct Iº.I:.:ºº: 425 ¬·:¬ . . :/¬. .¬c·c.¬ t:c~/-c¬:^ = :¬ .: t -. ..c: · -. ..c¬ -l ¬.:. -...c¬ -!c . ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬ c/¬ ¬¬c/:^ ...·c:^c·c.¬ .:t c:/ ¬.¬/ -.. ¬t.·c:^¬ . -¬/- -c- -c: = t-tc¬c.¬ . .o.¬ t ¬ c¬ .o.¬t .: c ¬ c¬ ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬ c/ ¬ ... ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬ c/ ¬ ... l¯· º· !¯: l¯+ !!¯ ¯º¯ ·: ¬ /:¬ .¬.:·t c./- ·.¬c. .. . ·t ¬ ./ o-·.. .:. .. .¬ ¯¯¯ .:t c:/ ¬.¬/ -.. .- ·t o- c:^¬ . ¬c:¬ ::. ¬c:¬ ¬ c/ ¬¬¬c/ ¯.¬ . .t:^c.¬ .:tc:/.. :.c... ¬:/o ¬ ..c .¬c·c:^c .¬ !¯: + ¯º¯ = :¯¯ .:tc:/ ¬.¬/ -.. ¬:/o ¯¯¯ ·: ¬ /:¬ ·t ¬ ./ o-·¬ ¬c ¬¸- :c.¬ .:t c:/.. :.c... ..¬¬. c..:¬ ¬ . t:c~/-c¬:^, .¬:¬c¬ /, ¯¬. .. c:...:¬., ¯¬. , · :÷: ¬:/o t¬: c.. ¯¬ . t.·:c¬ ¬:: ¬ .:¬ .¬ ¬cc¬, ¬/:=¬¬:.c¬ ./. ·¬ -...c¬ -l ¬:/o !c ·c·/ -. .¬.·.¬ .:. ¬ .¬ / -/ ·t ¬. ¬::t:c¬ ¬ o¬:=..¬.. ¬¬¬. :¬: ¬..c :c..: :¬ -: ¬.c¬-/ - . ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬ c:¬ ¬c/¬ ¬ -.:=/-c¬ ¬.:: ..= ¬.:¬.. t ¬. t¸/o- :t ¬c¬ . :¬ .:·c:^¬ . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :¬ .::. .·:c ¬ .:. -¬ c ¬ ·c.. oc¯. .·:c:z. ·t:=c¬ -¬ c t:c. .=¬ :=, :t ~ :c:. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DPAR 15 SBC 2002(P-1) Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 6th October 2003. NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) (.... Amendment) Rules 2003 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act. 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No. DPAR 15 SBC 2002 (P-1), dated 9th July, 2003 in Part IV-A of the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary No. 804, dated 16th July 2003, inviting objections and suggestions from persons likely to be affected thereby within fifteen days from the date of its publication of the draft in the official gazette. Whereas the said Gazette was made available to the public on 16th July 2003. And whereas the objections and suggestions have been received and considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) the Government of Karnataka makes the following rules namely :- Rules 1. Title and Commencement .- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) (Second Amendment) Rules. 2003. 2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of rule 3.- In the Karnataka State Civil Services (Unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2001, after rule 3, the following proviso shall be inserted namely :- 426 "Provided that the maximum age limit of appointment in respect of a candidate working as Assistant Engineer or Junior Engineer as the case may be, in the Department of Public Works Engineering Service or Department of Water Resources, on contract basis, as per the Government Order No. co.: 550 ·.· - 2001, dated 5-4-2003 shall be enhanced by the number of years of service put in as contract Engineer by holding such post or by five years whichever is less." By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, P.K. BABURAO Under Secretary to Government-I, D.P.A.R.(Service Rules).. PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND LEGISLATION SECRETARIAT NOTIFICATION No. SAMVYASHAE 39 SHASANA 2003, Bangalore, dated 19th March, 2004. Ordered that the translation of t.:=.t -..· o.: ::./-., -..· o.: ..¬ t.. / -. ¬.: . ::c .c¬ .-¬ ¬/=/- (..¬.t:. ¬..c::¬ ¬/- ...·c:.) (.¬.¬.) -:¯c..¬., !))+ (!))+ c t.:=.t -:¯c. .¬ . ·c. ¯) in the English language, be published as authorised by the Governor of Karnataka under clause (3) of Article 348 of the constitution of India in the Karnataka Gazette for general information. The following translation of t.:=.t -..·o.: ::./-., -..·o.: ..¬t.. /-. ¬.:. ::c .c¬ .-¬ ¬/=/- (..¬.t:. ¬..c::¬.¬/- ...·c:.) (.¬.¬.) -:¯c..¬., !))+ (!))+c t.:=.t -:¯c..¬. · c. ¯) in the English language is published in the Official Gazette under the authority of the Governor of Karnataka under clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India. KARNATAKA ACT NO. 7 OF 2004 (First Published in the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary on the twenty third day of February, 2004) THE KARNATAKA SCHEDULED CASTES, SCHEDULED TRIBES AND OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (RESERVATION OF APPOINTMENT ETC.,) (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2004 (Received the assent of the Governor on twenty second day of February, 2004) An Act further to amend the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) Act, 1990. Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) Act, 1990 (Karnataka Act 7 of 1991) for the purposes herein after appearing ; Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the fifty fifth year of the Republic of India as follows :- 1. Short title and Commencement .- (1) This Act may be called the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) (Amendment) Act, 2004. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may be notification appoint. 2. Amendment of section 13 - In section 13 of the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) Act, 1990, after sub-section (2) the following shall be inserted namely :- "(3) Every rule made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of the State Legislature, while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions and if before expiry of the session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following the session or successive sessions aforesaid both Houses agree in making any modifications in the rule or both Houses agree that the rules should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule". 427 The above translation of t.:=.t -..· o.: ::./-., -..·o.: ..¬t.. /-. ¬.:. ::c .c¬ .-¬ ¬/=/- (..¬.t:. ¬..c::¬¬/ - ...·c:.) (.¬.¬.) -:¯c..¬., !))+ (!))+ c t.:=.t -:¯c..¬. · c. ¯) be published in the Official Gazette under clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India. T.N. Chaturvedi Governor of Karnataka By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, M.R. Hegde Secretary to Government, Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. ·t:: l+· .·.. !))! t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c. . .¬.¬.¬ ./ - t.¬ .c/- oc., :.:ct l+.)¯.!))¯ ·.: n :c . :c : ·t:=c ¬ -: ·o÷. ·c. BC-12016/34/76-SCT-B :.:ct !¯.)¯.lº¯¯c ¬c:¬ ::.c.. ¬ .c... t¬.·c.¯·c. MOGER ::.c.... ¬c:¬ ::.c. . ¬ .c. .. ·.c·c:^¬ . t.:=.t -..·o.: ::./- ., -. .· o.: ..¬t ../-.. ¬.:. ::c .c¬.-¬ ¬/=/- (..¬.t:. ¬..c::¬¬/ - ...·c:.) .¬ .¬. -:¯c..¬. · c. .·¬ .o . l¯! .·.. !))) :.:ct )·.)!.!)))c ¬ tc~ ¯.(:) ¬..c/ ·c.c¬¬. : ¬ :.c:c c. -:¯c..¬.¬. .-·¬ ¬ ..c / :¯. ¬ .:. -.= · .tc·¬ .c¬. .c/ - ./- .- /:^ ::. -¬ ¬: :¬:c.. ¬.:. ::. ¬ ¬ .:~ ¬ : /-.. t o¬ . .t. -¬ ¬: to.ct c.... .c ·c·..tc¬. ·¬ ¬:^ .-·c:^¬ . ¬ ..c:^ ¬ tc~ ¯· c -.c... ¬tc~ +. ¬..c/ ¬oc .·¬ ::. ¬¬ .:~¬: -¬.. c ¬ .¬.· .¬ ¬c/ ::cc... c.: ¬ .c¬ o · ¬ ¬.·c:^¬ . MOGER ¬c:¬ ::./ · .c¬ ¬ ¬ .:~¬ : ¬. . ¯.¬.. t.¬ ·t ¬. ¬:: t:c/-. ¯c:tc·.. c.¬ -c:¬ · t:=c¬ /¬ ..t .c:¬ . MOGER ¬ c:¬ ::. ¬ ¬.:~¬: t:^ -.= ·. ·¬:/ t .:=.t -..·o.: ::./ -. ¬.:. -..· o.: ..¬t ../- ¬ .: . :: c .c¬ .-¬ ¬/=/ - (. .¬.t:. ¬..c::¬ ¬/- ...·c:.) .¬.¬. ¯c..¬./ -. !))) ¬. c. . .. .c.¬ .c: ¬.o./-c¬ ¬o¬=. :. :¯. ¬.:., -.=¬:cc . MOGER ::./ · .c¬¬ cc¬ . ¬ ¬¬ . .c:c -c: ¬ -.=¬:cc/ ¬c:¬ ::. ¬¬.:~¬: ¯.¬:t ¬ .. MOGER ::./ ·c.c: ·¬c: ::. · ·c¬.: ¬ ¬.:~¬: ¯.¬¬ .-c. ¬ .:¬ .. c.¬ ¬.:..c... ·t:=c ¬ / ¬ ..t .c:¬. :¬cc¬ ::. · ·c¬ .: ¬¬.:~¬: ¯.¬ .¬ .c: ·t ¬ . ¬::t:c /-., . :c: ·t:=c¬ -..¬o.¬. ¯..¬ ::. ¬ .c. . ¬ t:c¬:^ ¬ ¬.:~¬:/ -.. ¯.¬ :t ¬.. :c: ¬ ¬-c.. .c.^·.¬¬ c. ..:t:c~ c. .:¬ ¬ . t ¬ . t¸/o- ¬. .-c. ¯.. -..·c·¬ . · ¯c..¬.:..·:c -.= ¬c:..·¬ , ·t ¬ . ¬: :t:c/ -.. / .c ..·, -c: ¬ ¬: :t:c/ - ¬..c ::·. .¬ t¬. .c.^·.¬ ¬:^ = ¬ .o.t ·t:=c · o÷. ¯..¬. :c.:·¯. :.c.=.cc.. ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:= ·¬.:. tc:~ :c:. 428 PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND LEGISLATION SECRETARIAT NOTIFICATION NO. SAMVYASHAE 74 SHASANA 2003, BANGALORE, DATED 23 RD MARCH 2004 Ordered that the translation of t.:=.t -..·o.: ::./ - ., -. .· o.: ..¬t ../ -. ¬.:. :: c .c¬.-¬ ¬ /=/- (..¬ .t:. ¬ ..c::¬ .¬/- ...·c:.) (.c¬. . .¬.¬.) -:¯c..¬. !))+ (!))+c t.:=.t -:¯c. .¬ . ·c. ·) in the English language be, published in the Official Gazette under the authority of the Governor of Karnataka under clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India. KARNATAKA ACT NO. 8 OF 2004 (First published in the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary on the twenty third day of February, 2004) THE KARNATAKA SCHEDULED CASTES, SCHEDULED TRIBES AND OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES (RESERVATION OF APPOINTMENT ETC.,) (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2004 (Received the assent of the Governor on twenty second day of February, 2004) An Act further to amend the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) Act, 1990. Whereas it is expedient further to amend the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) Act, 1990 (Karnataka Act 7 of 1991) for the purposes herein after appearing; Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the fifty fifth year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. Short title and commencement,- (1) This Act may be called the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.,) (Second Amendment) Act, 2004. (2) it shall come into force at once. 2. Amendment of section 2,- In section 2 of the Karnataka Schedule Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc) Act 1990 (Karnataka Act 7 of 1991) (hereinafter referred to as the principal Act), after clause (7), the following shall be inserted, namely:- "(8)" Unfilled vacancies" means and includes – (i) the backlog in direct recruitment as contemplated in the Government order No. DPAR 19 SBC 89 dated 12 th July 1989 read with the subsequent Government Order of even number, dated 22 nd July 1989 and sub section (2) of section 4 in respect of a service or post in an establishment in public sector existing as on the date of commencement of the Karnataka Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes (Reservation of Appointment etc.) (Second Amendment) Act, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the Second Amendment Act, 2004) ; (ii) the vacancies to the extent they were not filled by the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, as per the classification of the vacancies in accordance with the orders of reservation applicable to direct recruitment while regularising the services of the daily wage employees in an establishment in public sector in accordance with the Government Order issued in this behalf or any rule, statue, bye law, regulation or order etc, issued by any establishment in public sector, and existing as on the date of commencement of the Second Amendment Act, 2004; and (iii) if even after taking into account the unfilled vacancies mentioned in clauses (i) and (ii) above, the percentage of representation of the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled tribes in any service or post in an establishment in public sector to which the order of reservation in direct recruitment under clauses (4) of Article 16 of the Constitution are applicable, does not reach fifteen percent in respect of the persons belonging to the Scheduled 429 castes and 3% in respect of Scheduled tribes, as the case may be, of direct recruitment vacancies, then such shortfall of unfilled direct recruitment vacancies existing as on the date of commencement of the Second Amendment Act, 2004" 3. Amendment of Section 4,- In section 4 of the principal Act, after sub-section (1) the following shall be inserted, namely:- "(1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the appointing authority shall identify unfilled vacancies reserved for the persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in any service or post in an establishment in public sector as existing on the date of commencement of the Second Amendment Act, 2004 and take action to fill them as a one time measure within a specified time. The manner in which the number of vacancies is to be computed, the procedure for filling such vacancies and the time within which action is to be taken shall be as specified by notification by the State Government: Provided that the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply to any unfilled vacancy in Karnataka State Civil Services or post in respect of which provisions have been already made: Provided further that where the appointing authorities covered under this sub-section have already filled all or part of the unfilled vacancies before the date of coming into force of the Second Amendment Act, 2004 by making appointment of persons belonging to the Scheduled castes and the Scheduled Tribes, then such appointments shall not be affected. 4. Substitution of Section 4D.- For section 4D of the principal Act, following section shall be substituted, namely:- -4D Appeal.- (1) Any person aggrieved by an order passed by the Verification Committee under section 4C may, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order appeal;- (i) to the Commissioner / Director, Social Welfare in case the verification certificate relates to a person belonging to the Scheduled Castes ; (ii) to the Director, Tribal Welfare in case the verification certificate relates to a person belonging to the Scheduled Tribes ; (iii) to the Director, Backward Classes Department, in case the verification certificate relates to a person belonging to other Backward Classes ; In such form and in such manner and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed. (2) The Appellate Authority shall after giving to both the parties an opportunity of being heard pass such order in appeal as it deems fit. (3) Any appeal under this section pending before the Divisional Commissioner or any other officer or other authority on the date of commencement of the Second Amendment Act, 2004 shall stand transferred to the respective Appellate Authorities referred to in sub-section (1) and they shall dispose them off as if they were filed before them." The above translation of t.:=.t -..· o.: ::./- ., -. .· o.: ..¬t ../-. ¬.:. :: c .c¬.-¬ ¬/ =/- (. .¬.t:. ¬ ..c::¬¬ / - ...·c:.) (.c ¬. . .¬ .¬.) -:¯c..¬., !))+ (!))+c t.:=.t -:¯c..¬. ·c. ·) be published in the Official Gazette under clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India. T.N. Chaturvedi Governor of Karntaka By order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M.R. Hegde Secretary to Government, Department of Parliamentary Affairs and Legislation 430 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 43 SCA 87 Karnataka Government Secretariat Vidhana Soudha Bangalore, dated 19.9.1987 OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM Subj: Appointment on Compassionate grounds of widow/son/unmarried Daughter / near relative of a Government Servant who dies while in service – revised instruction reg - Ref: Official Memorandum No. DPAR 30 SSR 84 dated 22.8.1985 - * - On the basis of representations received for a relaxation of certain conditions relating to appointments on compassionate grounds, the scheme has been examined again and the following modifications to the Official Memorandum referred to above are made. (1) In paras 2(2) of the Official Memorandum dated 22.8.85 after the existing entry (d) the following entry shall be added. "(e) A brother or a Sister of the deceased Government servant (if there is no widow/son/unmarried daughter / brother of the widow) Eligible to accept employment under Government". (2) In para 2(5) of the Official Memorandum dated 22.8.85 after the existing provision the following shall be added. "However while making appointments to Group-D posts; (a) relaxation upto four years in the lower age limit and upto five years in the upper age limit can be made; and (b) educational qualification may be excepted. (3) For the existing para 2(17) in the Official Memorandum dated 22.8.85 the following para shall be substituted. "Powers are delegated to Heads of Departments to deal with all applications for appointments on compassionate grounds within the framework of the instructions issued by Government in this regard and to take decisions. Recommendations for further relaxation of the conditions in each individual case, in future, are prohibited. 4. The above modifications may be applied with immediate effect to all pending cases and to applications received in future. If, however, any of the cases already rejected come within the purview of the modified instructions issued in this Official Memorandum, Government have no objection for the reconsideration of such cases in accordance with these modified instructions by the competent authority subject to other conditions being satisfied. M.M. Naik Additional Secretary to Government, Dept. of Personnel & Admni Reforms (Service Rules) 431 ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. ·:·.: ¯ · .-.. ·º t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c. ., .¬ :. ·-¬ .c/- oc., :.:ct )·.. ¬ .:÷= lº·º sOt¸: a¸:± s .¬c.. ·t:=c¬ ..¬ :c:./- . -. .t c¬ ¬. c. . ..c ..¬.t:./ oc¬ .-tc c : .¬ : c. .. . ¯/:¬ .· .¬ ./ ·o÷. / -.. * * * -:t: : :¬. ·c. ...:c ¯) .·.·:c ·+ :.:ct !!.)·.·¯c ·o÷./ - ¬t:c ·t:=c¬ ·.¬c... ¬:/ ¬.: c:/ .¬ -¬¬: ¬ ¸¬-.c.. t:c~/- ¬ ..c / .t.:: ¯¬. ¬oc¬.¬ .-tc c -¬.c.: c/ -. .t c¬ ¬. c. . ..c . .¬.t:. ¯.¬ .¬.¬:^¬ . :.:ct !!.)·.·¯c -:t: : :¬ .¬ ·o÷. !(·) c ¬ t:c /o¬ '·' ¬.:. / o¬ '.' ¬ c¬ ¬. c..:¬ ¬ c¬/-/ ..c ..¬.t:. ¬ .:¬.. -¬t:: .¬c.o. : ¬ c¬¬. ¬.:: -..tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c . .c ..¬.t:. ¬ .:¬ .¬ .¬:^¬. t.¬. .. :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c :.c..¬ ¬.¬/-/ -..tc¬¬ :¬:c¬ ¬ ..c ..¬ .t:. ¬ .:¬.. -¬t:: .. . :¬c . .c ..¬.t:. ¬.:. .. = .c ¬o .. ://-/ ..¬ .t:. ¬ .:¬.. -¬ t:: :c.¬ ¬ .¬/-/ -. .tc¬ ¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:. ¬.:.¬:/ : . .¬ .t:.c. .. . ..c . .¬.t:. .. :/t .- ¬.·..t . -¬¬: .. .. :/t .- ¬ .· . .t . .c. ¬ : .¬ .· -¬c ./ t.¬:c¬. :c:./ -. ·. .tc~¬.. to.cc.: ¬. !. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c ..¬ .t/ oc¬ -. :=/- . .. ¬ oc:¬ ¬cc¬. ¬ .-.. ·:¬¬:/c:c ¬.. -¬c . ..c . .¬ .t:./ -. :.· .¬ ¬-c. .: ¯c..¬./- ¬t:c . .¬.t ¬oc:¬¬ co :^c.¬:. . ¯. ¬...c¬ -c: / -.. /¬ .¯·, -. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c . .¬.t:. ¬ oc:¬ -.:=/ -.. . .c . .¬.t:. .. :/ ¬. :/ .., .. c.. .. :/¬. c..:/.. · .c· ¬ . -¬c.. ¬:.t¬:^ ¬ c/~ · :t ¬. .c¬. ..¬ .:=¯·c:^¬. . .c ..¬.t:. ¬.:. .. :¬c ¬t o -¬t::.c.¬ ¬.¬/ -.. ..= ¬ .:¬.¬:/ -..tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c . .¬ .t:. ¯.. . .= ¬.:¬. . ct ·:./ -.. ... ct ·:./ -. t- ¬. .-¬ ct ·:./-.. ¬.:: ..c ..¬.t:. ct ·:./ -. ¬ .:. ¬..c.. ct ·:./- . .c¬. .c/ .·:t ¬.. +. ·t:=c¬ .c: t:c..=¬:=/- . ¬:/ o :c:.: ¬ ..:· c ./- . = ·o÷./ -.. t..¯.:^ ¬:.·.¬¬. ¬ -¬c -: .. -:t:c/-/ o ·ot ·o÷. ¯.¬..t.. :c.:c. s:c..¯ ·t:=c¬ -¬ c t:c. .=¬:= ·.c: ¬.:. :¬-: · .¬ :c¬ :c:. (· .¬: ¯c..¬./ -.) 432 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 100 SCA 95 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 12.09.1996 NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section(2) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No. DPAR 100 SCA 95, dated 23 rd March, 1996 in Part IV Section 2C(i) of the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary dated 23 rd March 1996 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of the publication of the draft in the Official Gazette. Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 23 rd March 1996. And whereas the objections and suggestions received have been considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely:- RULES 1. Title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977 and rules of recruitment specially made in respect of any service or post or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) these rules shall apply in respect of appointment of the dependent of a deceased Government servant on compassionate grounds. 2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires.- (a) "dependent of a deceased Government servant" means his widow, son and unmarried daughter who were dependent upon him and were living with him; (b) "family" in relation to a deceased Government servant means his or her spouse and their son and unmarried daughter who were living with him. (2) Words and expressions used but not defined shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977. 3. Eligibility for appointment.- (1) Appointment on compassionate grounds under these rules shall not be claimed as a matter of right and shall not be given as a matter of course. (2) Appointment under these rules shall be restricted to the dependent of a deceased Government servant in the following order of preference, namely:- (a) Widow; (b) a son, if widow in not eligible or for any valid reason is not willing to accept the appointment; (c) an unmarried daughter, if the widow and son are not eligible or for any valid reason they are not willing to accept the appointment. (3) An adopted son or daughter of a deceased Government servant shall not be eligible for appointment under these rules. (4) Conditions of appointment.- Appointment on compassionate grounds under these rules shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:- (1) The family of the deceased Government servant should be in a financial crisis or destitution. Explanation.- (a) Family of a deceased Government servant shall be considered to be in financial crisis or destitution if the recurring monthly income of the family from all sources is less 433 than the total emoluments including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance admissible at Bangalore on the average of the minimum and the maximum of the scale of pay of the post of the First Division Assistant, as on the date of making application for compassionate appointment. For calculating such monthly income the income from family pension, lumpsum pensionary benefits and interest earned thereon shall be excluded. (b) Recurring monthly income from all sources other than family pension, lumpsum pensionary benefits and the interest earned thereon, of the family for the purpose of this rule shall be computed by the Head of the Office or the Head of the Department or the appointing authority; (i) on the basis of the last annual property return filed by the deceased Government servant and if, for any reason, it is not available, on the basis of a certificate of income issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar; and (ii) in case any member of the family of the deceased Government servant is employed in any State or Central Government service or a public or private sector undertaking or a private establishment, on the basis of a certificate issued by his employer and in case such member is self employed on the basis of a certificate issued by a revenue officer not below the rank of Tahsildar. (2) Person seeking appointment shall be within the age limit specified for the post in the relevant rules of recruitment specially made in respect of any service or post read with sub-rule (3) of rule 6 of the Karnataka Civil Service (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977 and where it is not so specified such person shall be within the age limits specified in the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977. (3) Person seeking appointment should possess the minimum qualification specified for the post in the relevant rules of recruitment specially made in respect of any service or post. (4) Appointment shall be confined to the post of Assistant, First Division Assistant or Second Division Assistant or equivalent grade post in Group 'C' and any Group 'D' post depending upon the qualification specified for the post but excluding such posts as may be specified by the Government from time to time. (5) Appointment shall be made only against a direct recruitment vacancy, but for the purpose of calculation of quota between direct recruits and promotees it shall not be taken into account. (6) Appointment shall be made in the department in which the deceased Government servant was working; Provided that if no vacancy is available in that department subject to any general order that may be issued by the Government, appointment may be made in any other department of the Government where the vacancy is available. 5. Application for appointment.- Every dependent of a deceased Government servant, seeking appointment under these rules shall make an application within one year from the date of death of the Government servant, in such form, as may be notified by the Government, from time to time, to the Head of the Department under whom the deceased Government servant was working. Provided that in the case of a minor, application shall be made within a period of one year after attaining majority. 6. Appointment by the Competent Authority.- (1) On receipt of the application under rule 5, the Head of the Department, if satisfied that the applicant fulfills all the conditions specified under these rules, shall appoint, where he is the appointing authority, and if not direct the appropriate appointing authority to issue the order of appointment. (2) The appointment under sub-rule (1) shall be made as far as possible within a period a three months from the date of receipt of the application under rule 5. (3) Consultation with the Finance Department shall not be necessary for appointment under these rules. (4) Appointment once made under these rules shall be final and no fresh appointment to a different post or higher post under these rules shall be permissible. 434 (5) The appointment under these rules shall not be made in the case of the dependent of a deceased person who at the time of death was re-employment or was employed as local candidate, Stipendiary Graduate or Daily Wage Worker or employed in any work charged establishment or on casual employment. 7. Seniority.- The seniority of the persons appointed under these rules shall be determined from the date of their reporting to duty. 8. Application of other rules.- All other rules regulating the conditions of service of Government Servants which are made or deemed to have been made under the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in so far as they are not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules shall be applicable to the persons appointed under these rules. 9. Transitional Provision.- (1) All applications for appointment on compassionate ground made prior to the twentieth October, 1994 and the applications made on or after that date but before the date of commencement of these rules and which are pending on the date of commencement of these rules shall be disposed of in accordance with these rules within a period of three months from the date of such commencement; (2) Where any application could not be made for any reason during the period between twentieth October, 1994 and the date of commencement of these rules, by the dependent of a deceased Government Servant who died subsequent to twentieth October, 1993 but before such commencement, the dependent of such a deceased Government servant may make an application within a period of one year from the date of such commencement and such application shall be deemed to have been made within the period specified under rule 5 and shall be considered for appointment subject to the other provisions of these rules. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M. VENKATARAMAIAH Under Secretary to Government-I, Dept. of Personnel & Admn. Reforms (Ser. Rules) GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 100 SCR 95 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 19.11.1996 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 5 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 the Government of Karnataka hereby notify that the form for the purpose of the said rules shall be in the Form annexed to this notification. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M. VENKATARAMAIAH Under Secretary to Government-I, Dept. of Personnel & Admn. Reforms (Service Rules) 435 ANNEXURE ss..cc · .¬c... c.¬:/ ¬.:c:¬ ·t:=c .-tc c -¬.c.: c/ t.:=.t .:/ c.t · .¬/ -. (-..tc¬ :¬ :c ¬ . .¬.t:.) ¯c. .¬ ./- . lºº: c . c. . ..¬.t:./:^ -.= :¬ c/ .:.., -..tc¬ :¬ :c ¬ ..¬ .t:./:^, .. -.=c. ... = ¬.o.t ·. ·.. ¬.. . l. (-) -.=¬:c. ¬·c. 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(=) ..¬.t ¬.:¬c:¬ ¬.¬ ¬ .: . ¬.:. : .~ (.) -¬..-¬ -. ¬.: ·t:=c .-t c. oc:/ ¬ ./ ·c.c¬ ¬ oc:¬:. -¯ (.) ¬.: c -¬.c.: c. c..:c:¬c . -..tc¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c = .c¬ ..¬.t/oc.c.¬c¯ (a.) -.= · . ·¬ :.:ct (a.o) ..¬.t:. :¬.:¬.. ¬oc.·c:¬ :.:ct ·- :c:.: ¬..:·c · . ¬:/ o :.:ct ¬o~= ¬¬ .:¬. :¬ c/, ·t:=c¬ · ¬t:c..=¬:=, ·.c: ¬ .: . :¬-: ·.¬:c¬ :c:. (·.¬: ¯c. .¬ ./ - .) 437 ts:r:t ·t:rc .¬c.. t.:=.t .:/ c.t · .¬: (-. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ..¬.t:.) ¯c..¬./ -. lºº:. . -. .¬:¯: :t ~ ·c· /-/ o .· c·.¬ ./ :¬c:^¬ ·t:=c :¬.: t ¬ .:ct ...:c l)) .··. º¯ :.:ct l!.º.º: * * * ±·: :s. ¬..c :¬c:¬ ·t:=c :¬ .: :.:ct l!.º.º:c . ·.¬c... ¬:/ ¬.:c:/.¬ ·t:=c .-t cc -¬.c.: c/ -..tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c t.¬ ¬ c:. /-/ .-¬ .. ..¬.t:. ¯.¬ .. ¬.c.oc:. ¯..¬ . = :¬.:¬. . .c: -..¬:¯: :t ~ ·c· /-/ o .· c·.¬ ¬. ·¬.c.·¬ c¬. · t:=c ¬ ../c.¬ . ·t:rc oc:t ·c: ¬2 ºs :·¯:O º( ocr = nc . Os:ct :I.II.Iºº( ¬·:¬ .c... .¬c·c.¬ .. cc. .. · .¬c. .. ¬:/ ¬.:c:/.¬ .-tcc -¬.c.:c/ -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:. ¯.¬.. t.:=.t .:/ c.t ·.¬: (-..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ..¬.t:.) ¯c..¬./ -. lºº:c ./ :.:ct l!.º.º:cc¬. ¬oc .·c.¬ -: ·o÷. ·c. ...:c l)) .··. º¯c. . ¯c. .¬ ./ -. . .c: -. .¬:. :t ~ ·c·/-/o .· c·c:^¬ . = ¯c..¬./ -. c.. -..tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c / ¬ .c.oc:¬ ¬.¬/ -. ..¬.t:. ¬.:¬ .¬.¬.. :¬ c = .¬.:t:^ ¬ o· ¬ .¬ / -. . c..:¬ ¬ . ¬ c¬¬ . ·.·.¬c.. . t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :: :. .·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬· c.. ±>¯.:. ±..:= ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. 438 ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. .·:-¯¯-:..-º:-·.-+ t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc t..c, .c/- oc., :.:ct )¯.l!.º: /, l. .c: ·t:=c t:c .../ - .¯ ¬:.c ./-/ !. .c: ¬: ¬ .:t t. .c/ - .c. ¯¬.=:t c./-/ ¬.:.c , .¬c.. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c ¬ .: ·t:=c .-t c. - -¬.c.: c/ . .¬ .t:. ¯.¬ .¬ ./ :¬c:^¬ :.:ct l!.º.º:c ·c...:c-l))-.··.-º¯c ·t:=c -: ·o÷. · .¬c... c.¬:/ ¬.:c:¬ ·t:=c .-t c.- -¬ .c.: c/ -..tc¬¬ :¬:c ¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:. ¯.¬.¬ ./ ¬ oc.·c.¬ .c ..: ·t:=c -: ·o÷.c.. ¬.c. ... = ¬:¬o¬. ./. · t-..· to¬c:^¬ . ·¬ c -:· o÷.c. .. . :¬. t:c ...t. .cc.. .c: ·.c: ¬/=¬¬c /¬..t : c.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬ . = -: ·o÷.c. . ¬c..c. .. .c .¬ :¬. t:c ... . . ¬tc~/-/ ·c.c:·¬c: -. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c . .¬.t:. to.c · . ·.¬ -.=/-/ ::¬ . :.¬:^ / ¬.. ¬ c· ¬ .:c t ...c.¬ -¬.c.:c/ = ./ · ot ¬.:/=¬:=. ¯.. ¬...c¬ -: · o÷.c.o¬. t -..·c .¬ .¬ .o.c. . lc ¬ .c. .. . -¬c/ ¯.. -¬ c. · c¬o~= ¬.:..c. o¬. -.=c. .. . ·. ·.¬c: ·o.·.¬ ¬ .. !. .c ..: -: ·o÷.c.. tc.t ¯c .¬tc.t (!)c. .-·c.¬ t ¬.¬ .. -..·c· ¬.: c -¬.c.: c.. -..tc¬¬ :¬:c ¬ ¬ .... ..¬ .t:./ (¬ .: c ¬ . ¬ ./ -.¬:.: ¬./ -.) ¬ c/~ · . .t.. ¬ .:c ¬ .c. ..¬ -¬c ¬ ./ ¬./ -. ..¬.t:./:^ -.= ·. ·¬ . = ./ ¬.: c ¬ . :¬ :c·. ¬.:. ¬ ... ·. ·. .t .. ¯. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c ..¬.t:. to.c · . · .¬ -.=c. .. . :¬ . ¬c: ¬c . to.ct.¬ ¬:^ ¬c:..· -¬ c. :¬ . , · .- . , ¬ o.·, ¬c÷. / - ..:¬ c. .¬ :¬. tc¬. .c¬. .÷:c¬ ¬.:. ¯.¬:¬ ¬ .:../-. . ¬ .:: = t..c/ ¯.¬.¬c:c..o ·o.·¬ . ¬:/..:¬ co ¬.:..c... :¬. /-¬c .¯¬:.c. = ·c.c¬ ¬. .¬:.:cc:/.::c . +. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c -.= ·. · .¬:/ -.= ·. ·¬ -.:=c.. = t -tc¬ .c: -ct¬. ¬¬.:~ ¬: /- ¬./ -. . :¬ . ¬ ..tc~¬oc:/ : ¬ ./ -. · . ·.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬ . l. .¬.o.-lc . ·c¬o~= ¬.:.. (:¬ . · . ¬:/ o ¬ o¬c. oc:/ .) !. .. :.:ct¬ ./ .·..·..c.·. -ct¬ .c. . ¬ . t.¬.c ..¬ ct:.=. ¬. -¬¬: ::c: ..·.c.. ¬ .. ¯. .¬:¬ =:c.. ./ -ct¬ . ¬ .: . ¬ ¬ .:~ ¬: ¬ ¬ ./-. +. -.:=c.. ::. :¬:c. .¬ ./ ¬ ¬ .:~ ¬ : ¬ ¬ .. ¯. :¬c/: ·t:=c .-tc. ¬.c~¬ ./ ·¬ .¬=.: ¬: ¬ ¬.. :. ·c.c:·¬ : ¬ ·.c:c -¬ cc¬ ¯.¬.. :¬c/:c t...c.¬ .: c ...: ·¬ ·c ¬. c.. ¬.. ¯. :¬c/: c t...c.¬ ¬.:·t :¬:c..¬ ./ .¯ ¬:.c . .c. ¯¬ .=:tcc¬ ¬¬.:~ ¬: ¬:/o ·c.c: ·¬ :¬ :.c:c -¬ cc¬ ¯.¬. . t...c.¬ :¬:c..¬ ./ ¬¬.:~ 439 ¬: . ¯. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c ..¬ .t:. ¯.¬ .¬ t ¬ .¬ ¬.: c t...c.t :t ~¬ ¬c¬:c ¯.¬.¬ ·..¬:^ ¬.:¬.¬¬cc¬ = .¬c. .¬. .-c. ¬.:¬ ¬ . ¬.: c t...c.¬ -¬.c.: c. -.= ·. ·¬ to¬c. ¬ c:..· :¬ . · ot :¬ :c · .oc:/ ¬·: ¬ .c.... = ¯¬ .=:.:.c..t t -..· to¬.¬c: · o.·c:^¬. :¬. .c../c.. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA NO. DPAR 11 SCA 97 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 31.03.1999 NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka State Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Amendment) Rules, 1998 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section(2) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in Notification No. DPAR 11 SCA 97, dated 24 th March, 1998 in Part IV Section 2C(i) of the Karnataka Gazette Extra-ordinary dated 24 th March 1998 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of the publication of the draft in the Official Gazette. Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 24 th March 1998. And whereas the objections and suggestions received have been considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely:- 1. Short Title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Amendment) Rules, 1998. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of rule 2:- In rule 2 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in sub-rule (1), for clause (a), the following shall be substituted, namely:- (a) "dependent of a deceased Government servant" means (i) in the case of deceased male Government servant, his widow, son and unmarried daughter who were dependent upon him and were living with him; and (ii) in the case of a deceased female Government servant, her widower, son and unmarried daughter who were dependent upon her and were living with her." 3. Amendment of rule 3:- In rule 3 of the said rules, in sub-rule (2), for clauses (a), (b) and (c), the following shall be substituted, namely:- (i) in the case of the deceased male Government Servant; (a) the widow, (b) a son, if widow is not eligible or for any valid reason she is not willing to accept the appointment; (c) an unmarried daughter, if the widow and son are not eligible or for any valid reason they are not willing to accept the appointment; ( ii ) in the case of the deceased female Government Servant; (a) a son, 440 (b) an unmarried daughter, if the son is not eligible or for any valid reason he is not willing to accept the appointment; (c) the widower, if the son and daughter are not eligible or for any valid reason they are not willing to accept the appointment." 4. Amendment of rule 4 :- In rule 4 of the said rules :- (1) after sub rule (3), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely :- (Provided that nothing in this sub rule and sub-rule (5) of rule 5 of the Karnataka Civil Services (General Recruitment) Rules, 1977, in so far as it relates to educational qualification shall apply to appointment under these rules to any group 'D' post." (2) in sub-rule (5), the words "But for the purpose of calculation of quota between direct recruits and promotees it shall not be taken into account" shall be omitted. 5. Amendment of rule 5:- In rule 5 of said rules, for te proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely :- "Provided that in the case of a minor he must make an application within one year from the date of the death of the Government Servant and he must have attained the age of eighteen years on the date of making the application. Provided further that nothing in the first proviso shall apply to an application made by the dependent of a deceased Government Servant after attaining majority and which was pending for consideration as on the date of commencement of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Amendment) Rules, 1998." 6. Amendment of rule 9 :- In rule 9 of the said rules : (1) In sub-rule (1), for the words "disposed of in accordance with these rules within a period of three months from the date of such commencement", the words "deemed to have been made within the period specified in rule 5 and shall be considered for appointment subject to other provisions of these rules" shall be deemed always to have been substituted ; (2) after sub-rule (1), the following shall be inserted, namely :- "(1A) where any application made under sub-rule (1) is rejected on the ground that it is not made within the period specified in rule 5, it shall be reconsidered for appointment subject to other provisions of these rules." (3) for sub-rule (2) the following shall be substituted namely :- "(2) where an application could not be made for any reason between the twentieth day of October 1994 and the date of the commencement of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Amendment) Rules, 1998 by a dependent of the deceased Government servant who died after the twentieth day of October, 1989, the dependent of such deceased Government Servant may make an application within a period of one year from the date of such commencement and such application shall be deemed to have been made within the period specified in rule 5 and shall be considered for appointment subject to other provisions of these rules : Provided that this sub-rule shall not be applicable in the case of a widower." By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka M. VENKATARAMAIAH Under Secretary to Government-I, Dept. of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Service Rules). 441 ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. ·:·.: l+ . .:.. ºº. t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c.., .¬ :. ·-¬ , .c/- oc., :.:ct !-º-lººº. ·.: n :c .±c.. t.:=.t ·.c · .¬: (-. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:.) (.¬.¬.) ¯c. .¬ ./ - ., lºº·c ./ · ..t c~. vc:: :.:ct ¯l-¯-lºººc -: ·o÷. · c. ...:c ll ..·. º¯. ¬..c .c ..·¬ :.:ct ¯l-¯-lºººc -: · o÷.c... , t.:=.t ·.c · .¬: (-..tc¬¬ :¬:c ¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:.) ¯c. .¬ ./ - ., lºº:c ¯c..¬. ºt .¬.¬. ¬ .:¬c:^¬ . : .¬.¬.c.. ./ ¬.¬ :c:. /- . · ..t c~ to.c.. c.¬¬cc¬, = t -t c¬ · . .t c~/ -.. ¯.¬c:^¬ - (-) ¯c..¬. ºc .¬¯c..¬. (l)c ./ -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c . .¬ .t:./:^, :.:ct !)-l)-lºº+c ¬..c.: ¬:^ -¬¬: : :.:ct¬ : c .¬:c. ., :¬ c, t.:=.t ·.c ·.¬: (-..tc¬¬ :¬:c ¬ ¬ ..c . .¬ .t:.) ¯c. .¬ ./ - ., lºº: ¬: cc.¬:¬ :.:ct, -c¬c, :.:ct l¯-º-lºº:-c: ¬o¬.. ·. ·¬ ¬:/ o : :.:ct¬ c¬. (-c¬ c, :.:ct l¯-º-º: c c¬.) .:- :¬ .c: -.=/ -.., ¯. . ¯c. .¬ .¬. ¯:=¬ ¬ .·¬ -¬ :c. o-/ ¬.:¬c:¬.¬c¬. . :.· :t ¬ . ¬ .: . -¬ / -. ., : ¯c..¬./ - ::c .¬ .c¬ /-/ .-¬ .·, ¬c:..· :t ¬.. (:) ¯c..¬. ºc .¬¯c. .¬ . (l.)c ./ lºº:c · ¬ c ¯c..¬ ./- ¯c. .¬ . ºc .¬¯c. .¬ . (l)c. t:~ ·c.¬c: , :.:ct l¯-º-º: cc¬. .:- :¬ -.=/- ¬ ¸- c. .:¬ ¬:¬c. -.=c...., ¯c..¬ . ¯c . ¯:=¬ ¬.·¬ -¬:c. o- / , -c¬ c , ·t:=c .-t c.. ¬.: c:¬ .c¬ . ¬¬=¬. -¬¬: -. :=c... ¬:¬ ¬ c..· .:¬ .c¬. ¬ ¬=¬. . .¬ .t:./:^ -.= · . ·. ¬c. t:c~t:^ ¬ .:: :.:ct l¯-º-lºº:c .c:c .c · c·¬ . , -c: ¬ -.=/-. . · ¬c ¯c..¬./- :: c .¬ .c¬ /-/ .- ¬.·, ¬..c¬c:..· :t ¬ . ¬ .: . (:) ¯c..¬. ºc .¬¯c. .¬ . (!)c ./ :.:ct !)-l)-lº·ºc .c:c ¬ .: c:¬ ·t:=c .-t cc -¬.c.:c., ..¬.t:./:^, :.:ct !)-l)-lºº+ ¬:/o t.:=.t ·.c ·.¬: (-..tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c . .¬ .t:.) (.¬ .¬ .) ¯c..¬./ -., lºº· ¬: cc.¬:¬ :.:ct -c¬ c , l-+-lºººc -¬:c... -.= · . · ¬ . :¬. , -c: ¬ ¬ .: ·t:=c .-t c. -¬.c.: c. ·¬c .¬.¬. ¬: cc.¬:¬ :.:ct :c¬ .c¬ . ¬¬=¬ o- / (-c¬c :.:ct ¯l-¯- !)))c .-/ ) -.= ·. · .¬ .¬:^¬ . ¬:/ o -c: ¬ -.=c... . ¯c. .¬. ¯ c . ¯:=¬ ¬.·¬ -¬:c. o-/ ·. ·c:^¬ c. .c¬ . . :.· :t ¬. ¬.:. -¬/ -.. lºº:c · ¬ c ¯c. .¬ ./- ::c .¬ .c¬ /-/ .-¬.· ¬c:..· :t ¬.. t..c. .c..c:¬ . ·t:=c¬ -:.. t:c. .=¬:=-!, ·.:.·..:. (·.¬: ¯c..¬./- .). 442 Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Service Rules) NOTIFICATION No. DPAR 19 SCA 99, Bangalore, dated 24th November, 2000 Whereas the draft of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (............... Amendment) Rules, 2000 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section-3 read with Section-8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990). In Notification No. DPAR 19 SCA 99, dated 14-8-2000 in part VI-A of the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary dated 11th October, 2000 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of publication of the draft in the Official Gazette. Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 11th October, 2000; And whereas the suggestions and objections received have been considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section - 3 read with Section - 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely :- 1. Short title and Commencement .- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2000. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of rule 2 .- In rule 2 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in sub-rule (1) ,- (i) in clause (a), in sub-clauses (i) and (ii), for the words “and unmarried daughter” occurring in two places, the words “unmarried daughter and widowed daughter” shall, respectively, be substituted. (ii) in clause (b), for the words “and unmarried daughter” the words “unmarried daughter and widowed daughter” shall be substituted. 3. Amendment of rule 3 .- In rule 3 of the said rules, in sub-rule (2), after clause (c), the following shall be inserted, namely :- “(d) a widowed daughter, if the Widow, Son and unmarried Daughter are not eligible or for any valid reason they are not willing to accept the appointment”. 4. Amendment of rule 4 .- In rule 4 of the said rules, for sub-rule (4), the following shall be and shall always be deemed to have been substituted, namely :- “(4) Appointment shall be confined to any post in Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ depending upon the qualification specified for the post but excluding the posts carrying the pay scales higher than the scale of pay of the post of Assistant in the Karnataka Government Secretariat as may be revised from time to time and any other post in either of the groups as may be specified by the Government from time to time”. 5. Amendment of rule 5 .- In rule 5 of the said rules, for the first proviso, the following shall be substituted, namely :- “Provided that in the case of a minor he must have attained the age of eighteen years within one year from the date of the death of the Government Servant and he must make an application within one year, thereafter.” 6. Amendment of rule 9 .- In rule 9 of the said rules, after the proviso to sub-rule (2), the following shall be inserted, namely :- “Provided further that the widowed daughter of the deceased Government Servant may make an application within one year from the date of commencement of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2000 and such application shall be deemed to have been made within the period specified in rule 5 and shall be considered for appointment subject to the other provisions of these rules”. By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, S. Chandrashekarappa Under Secretary to Government-1, Department of Personnel and Admnv. Reforms, (Service Rules). 443 t:c:z. ct~ ¬c:: ·c. t:::·!::c (.:¬.¬ .:):¬-: !))) t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c t..c, .c/- oc.-¯:) ))l, :.:ct !-)¯-!))!. :¬ c/, .c: ¬:¬.:t .c. ¯¬.=:tc ./-/. ¬.:.c .±c.. · .¬c... ¬:/c . ¬ .: c:¬ ·t:=c -¬.c.: c/ -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c ..¬ .t:. ¯.¬ .¬ ./ . vc:: :.:ct l-)!-!))!c ·t:=c ¬: ·c. :. !+: c....· !))l. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t · c.c:·¬c:, .:· ^ -. .¬:¯: t:c .../ -. .-t c c. · .¬c... ¬:/c . ¬.c~ ¬oc:¬c , -¬ c -¬.c.: c/ -..tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c . .¬.t:. ¯.¬.¬ ./ .c .:¬. c .¬ · t:=c ¬: ¬. · . .t c~¬.. ¯.¬c:^¬., ·¬c ¬: ¬ ¬.c.... = ¬: ¬oc:/ ./ . ·.:: , :¬c ./ : ¬ . ¬c: ¬ . c. .. ¬ c:..·, .c.c ¬ ¯.., = t . .c/ ¬c : t -..·.¬c: ·o.·c:^¬ . :¬. .:: ·, t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:tc .. ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. :. !+: c....· !))l t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ · .¬:.c.. .¬ :. ·-¬ , .c/ -oc., :.:ct )l-)!-!))!. :c¬, ¬¬ :. t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. , t.:=.t · t:=c, .c/- oc. - ¯:) ))l :¬ c/, t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c., .c/- oc .. ¬.:.c .±c.. · .¬c... ¬:/c . ¬ .:c:¬ ·t:=c .-t cc -¬.c.: c/ -. .tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c ..¬ .t:. ¯.¬.¬ ./ . vc:: l) :¬. ¬: ·c. t::: ·! ::c (.:¬ .¬ .:) :c: ct !))), :.:ct !l-)¯-!))l. !) ¬: ·c. t::: :¯ :.. ºº ¬ .¸. :.:ct ):-)¯-!))l. ·o.: .¬c..t ·c.c: ·¬c:, .:·^ -. .¬:¯: ·c·/- . . .-tc c. · .¬c. .. ¬:/ ¬.c~ ¬oc:¬ c -¬ c -¬.c.:c/ -. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c . .¬ .t:. ¬.:.¬c = t-t c¬ -c: / - ..cc. .. -..t / oc¬./ - . .c.:/.¬ ·c. ¬ :c.: ¬. l) ·t:=c¬ :c:. /-. -. .tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c /c¬ ¬¬ ¬. ¬ := · ¬:c..t -¬¬: :: ¬ .:. : .~c. . ¬ .¬ ¯.¬ .¬ .¬ . ¬oc:. ¬ .. ¬.:. :.~c... ..¬ .t:. ¬ .:¬ .. ¯c. .¬ ./ -. -¬t:: :c.¬:. . !) -..¬:. ¬ ¬c.... ¬ .-tc. . ¬ .c~¬ oc:¬ c -¬. ·c·c... .-t c. 444 ¬.: ¬.. c..:c:¬c . .. c/ (¬ ¬ ¬ . ¬:= · ¬:c..t , :..c.. ¬:= · ¬:c..t -¬¬: : : ¬ .:. : .~c. . ¬ .¬ / -) t.· ¯.¬..t:/.: ¬ . :¬c, -. ¬.¬ .:. :. :¬ c ¬÷ .¬cc. .:^ ¬ .c.oc . ¬.:¬.. ¯c..¬./-. :· ¬ .c.¬:. . ¯) . .c -..¬:¯: ·c· /- . ..¬ .t:. ¬ .:¬ .. c. .¬ ¬ . :: c ·c·/-. .¬. ¬:. . +) .¬. .:· ^ -..¬:¯: ·c· / -. . .-tc c/ -. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬..c ..¬.t ¬.:.to- .. -. .¬ .. ¯..¬c .c: c · c· / -. ¬.¬/ -. .:. :. :¬c o ¬ .. ¬.¬ · .· . .¬ .t ¬ .:.t o- .. .: ¬ .c.: ¬ . :¬. ·t:=c¬ ¯../ .c .¬ ¬:/ .: ¬ . -. ¬ ·t:=c ¬ . ot·t ¬ . . ::=t ¬occ..:/.: ¬. ¬..c .¬ c·c.¬ t:c~/ - .. cc. .. .:·^ -. .¬:¯: :t ~ ·c·/ -. · .¬c... ¬:/ ¬.c~ ¬ oc:¬ .-t c. -¬.c. :c/ -. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c . .¬.t:. ¬.:¬.. -¬t:: .. . ¬:/o c..:¬ ¬ . t:c~ .: ¬/-c¬ :¬t ..:¬ c. .. / ¯..¬ . :¬. ¬..c¬t -. .t c..c.. / oc¬./-/ ¬:cc..:^ : :o¬ -.. ·t:=c¬ . ·..-toc¬c::/.: ¬ . :¬ t:c~ -. .tc¬ ¬ . .¬ .t:. ¬ ·: ¬.c.... c..:¬¬ . t:c~to ¬c/~· to¬¬c¬. ¬.: . · ¬¬:^ :¬ . . :c:. c. .. :. ¬c:¬ . .c ·c· . .tc¬. .-·.. .:.. ¯¬ .=::.:^¬... :¬. .c../c.., t.:·¯. ::~.r n:±:c¯ ·t:=c¬ -: .. t:c. .=¬:=, :t ~ :c:.. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DPAR 11 SCA 2001 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 28th May 2002. NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (..... Amendment) Rules, 2002 was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 3 read with Section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), in Notification No. DPAR 11 SCA 2001, dated 4th April 2002, in part-IV A, of the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary dated 4th April 2002 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within thirty days from the date of publication of the draft in the Official Gazette. Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 4th April 2002. And whereas the suggestions and objections received have been considered by the State Government. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section-3 read with section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely :- 1. Short title and Commencement .- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on compassionate Grounds) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2002. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 445 2. Amendment of rule 3.- In rule 3 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) Rules, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as said rules), after sub-rule (3), the following shall be inserted, namely :- "(4) A person against whom at the time of making application a criminal case is under investigation of trial, on the charge of having committed murder of the deceased Government servant or for abetting the Commission of such offence shall not be eligible for appointment under these rules." 3. Amendment of rule 9.- In rule 9 of the said rules, after sub-rule (2), the following shall be inserted, namely :- "(3) All applications for appointment on compassionate grounds made between the thirteenth day of September 1996 and the date of commencement of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment on Compassionate Grounds) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2002 by the dependents of the Goverment servants who died on or after twentieth october 1989 (other than the applications made by such dependents after the first day of April, 1999 and till the date of such comencement in contravention of the first proviso to rule5) which are - (i) rejected on the ground that they were not made within the period specified in rule 5, or (ii) pending on such date of commencement, shall be deemed to have been made within the period specified under rule 5 and shall be reconsidered or as the case may be considered for appointment subject to other provisions of these rules." By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, K.L. JAYARAM Under Secretary to Government-2, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (Service Rules).. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DPAR 20 SCA 2003 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 6th October 2003. NOTIFICATION Whereas the draft of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment of the Family Member of Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes who die in atrocities on Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, on Compassionate Grounds) (Special) (Amendment) Rules, 2003, was published as required by clause (a) of sub-section (2) of Section 3 read with Section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990), in Notification No. DPAR 20 SCA 2003, dated 26th August 2003, in Part-IV-A, of the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary dated 28th August 2003 inviting objections and suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within fifteen days from the date of publication of the draft in the Official Gazette. Whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 28th August 2003. And whereas no suggestions and objections have been received by the State Government on the said draft. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section-3 read with Section 8 of the Karnataka State Civil Services Act, 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely :- RULES 1. Title and Commencement :- (1) These Rules may be called the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment of the Family Members of Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes who die in atrocities on Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, on Compassionate Grounds) (Special) (Amendment) Rules, 2003. 446 (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of Rule 4 :- In rule 4 of the Karnataka Civil Services (Appointment of the Family Members of Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes who die in atrocities on Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, on Compassionate Grounds) (Special) Rules, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules),- (1) for sub-rule (2), the following shall be substituted, namely :- "(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall on receipt of such application verify the particulars of the application with facts and if on such verification he finds that the said applicant is entitled for appointment under these rules, he shall forward the application to any one of Heads of the Department within three months from the date of receipt of such application with his recommendation, depending on the availability of the vacancy in that department." (2) Sub-rule (3) shall be omitted. (3) in sub-rule (4), for the words "Divisional Commissioner", the words "Deputy Commissioner" shall be substituted ; (4) in sub-rule (5), for the words "Divisional Commissioner of the concerned Revenue Division", the words "Head of the Department" shall be substituted ; By Order and in the name of the Governor of Karnataka, P.K. BABURAO Under Secretary to Government-I, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (Service Rules).. ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c. :. l¯· c...:· !))¯ t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ · .¬:.c.. .¬ :. ·-¬ , .c/ - oc ., :.:ct !l-¯-!))+. :c¬, ¬¬ :. t:c..=¬:=/ -., :t ~ :c:. , t.:=.t · t:=c, .c/- oc. - ¯:) ))l :¬ c/, t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c., .c/- oc.. ¬.:.c .±c.. -..tc¬ ¬ :¬ :c¬ ¬ ..c / o ¬ .'' ¬ .¬ / ..¬ .t:. ¬.:¬.. :c . .t:¬ .¬:¬=:c. . ./ · . .t c~ t o.c. vc:: :¬. ¬: ·c. t::: !¯+ -:. . ·.-! !))!, : l¯-º-!))¯. ¬...c¬ .¬c..t ·c.c:·¬c: : ¯l-¯-lºººc -: ·o÷. ·c. ......:c. ll .··. º¯c. t.:=.t ·.c · .¬: (-. .tc¬¬ :¬ :c ¬ ¬..c ..¬.t:.) ¯c..¬./ -., lºº:c ¯c..¬. +t ¬.:.c.¬ .¬ .¬.c. .. c. ., -. .tc¬ ¬ . .¬.t:. ¯c..¬ ./ -.c. .. .'' /.c.. ¬.¬/-/ ¬.:¬.¬ . .¬.t:./-/ .¬:¬ =::.c¬ ..::.. ¯.¬ c:^¬ .c¬. :¬./ .-·.. .:.. ¯¬ .=::-:^¬.. . :¬. .c../c.., 447 :.:c a:c..¯ ·t:=c¬ .¬ t:c. .=¬:=- l, ..: :t ~ :c:.. ..to.· ¬. ¬ c¸ . :.:.· .., t:c ... :t ~ :c...t c. ·c. t:::)º.·.c.·(TQM) !))! -c.¬ .·c. ¯)!º .c/- oc.-¯:) ))l :.:ct !)-)º-!))!. ·.: n :c .±c.. ..: :t ~¬. · ¬ ./ / .~¬ .. ¯¬=¬¬/:^ (T.Q.M) t:c ... ¬..¬ . t:c. .=¬-¬.. c .·.¬ ./. t- ¬ ¬.:÷= .c/-.. ¯¬ ./ t - ..·c:¬ · .: o .cc... ..: :t ~¬ /.~¬.. ¬¬=./ ·.¬/ -.. t.-c:^:. :¬t ¬ oct¬:^ c:.¬ .c: .c / - ¯· t:c .../-c¬ .¬ - .¬c...t ¬:¬ · .¬ / -. .c:¬ . = ¯¬ . ·.¬ /-/ ¬.¬:¬ /- . = ·.¬ /-.. t:c..=/: /o-·.¬ . :c:.c... ¬.¬:c . ¬ ¬ ¬ c. .:/ -.. ¬.:¬.. ¬. .¬::=/ -. .¬. . c ¬·c. . . --. :.¬/ - .. .¬: ·c·/ -. -¬ c/ .:-c.. .:c..t c:/.. :c . ..c.... ¯.¬.¬ ¬.: t .:/- .. :t ~ t .: ¬ . .:¬ : o¬^·c .¬ .¬ : .c¬¬:-¬ c:.¬.. ¬ ¬c....t:¬. , . ¬ . -¬ :¬t c. .¬::=/- ·¬=:o.¬..: ·:¬.¬=¬.. ¬ . ·.¬ . ¬:/o / .~¬ .. :t ~¬. . ¬c¬:¬.t:cc..:^·.¬ . :tc:/..t:^¬, ¬. ¬c ¬:^ ¬.:. ¬¸c...- t¬:^ .¬ :c. .. . . - ·t o- .. · c. .c ¬ .c¬ ¬ ¬c... .t:^¬ . ¬·. : ·c¬ .=¬. :t ~¬. / .~¬ ..¬ :.:: -. ¬.. ¬:¬..::c.... ¬¬:¬ . :t ~ ¬:=. '' (Eduvision) !))!c ::c..¬ . c o.·c:^c .¬ ¬ / .c.. ¬ .:/=.t c... ..: :t ~¬ ·¬./ /.~¬.. ¯¬=¬¬'' (Total Quality Management) ¬.:. ¯cc: c ¬ /./:^ -. .t t:c..=t¬./ -.. ¬ ..t o- .. c. o..·c:^¬. = :t ~ ¬:=. ¬.. ·:: ·.. /.~¬.. :t ~¬. :¬... :o¬ ^·to- .. -¬ :¬t c ¬:/ o -¬ :¬t.:c ·¬ .o¬ ¬. . :. · ¬:c..t :c¬.to-. ¬ ·:c·t ·¬:c.. -/: .¬. .¬c:/.. c.¬ = ·¯¬.:¬. .¬ . t:c. .= ¬t : ¬.:. .¬::=/ - ./ :c.¬ ¬.to.. / -. .¬c:/ . .t:^¬ . = .¬c:¬¬/ .:¬ · c:·. .t:^¬ . :¬ .¬cc¬ .¬. .o.¬ t ¬.:. .o.¬t .:c c/ · .¬ :c¬/-. . -- ¬.·t o- .. ¯cc:c :c . .. ¯.¬.¬¬. -:¬:¬:^¬ . :c¬. ·:c¬ ¬::.t ¬:¬ ¬ ¬./ -. . ¬¬¬ .¬. .¬::=/-/ .¬o./¬ ¬.:c.t .c... · :=·.. ·:¬¬:/.. . . :¬ c. . ¬ . ¬ c .¬::=/-/ ¬o..·¬. -/ :.c.¬ t-:. ¬.:. ·ot : :. ¬ t:c~ .¬ o./ /-·to- .. .¬.¬:/.. ¬:c. .¬. ¬ct¬.¬ -¬ c./-/ -/ :.c.¬ t-:./ -.. ¯.¬.¬ ·¬=:o.¬..: :t ~ ¯.¬.. .¬.¬:^c.¬¬. · ¬ t:c~¬:^¬ . :¬ .¬cc¬ -¬ :¬t c .¬:.:cc... :c:. ·c¬. =¬. .¬ - ¬: ¬..:¬:^¬. t:c ... :t ~ :..c. .. .¬::=/ -, :t tc ¬ .: . ¬:¬ ..t ¬..¬ ·c·/- ·¬=:o.¬..: .- ¬~ // ¬oct¬:¬ t:c. .=t ¬./ -.. ¬:-toc.¬. = ·c¬. =¬ . :c:.c... t¸/oc.c.¬ t.¬ t:c. .=/ -. . ¬ ·: .·.. ¬.. . .c: t:c .../-/ ¬: .c¬. t:c ... -/:/ -.. t.c:. -. ¬:c. . t .-c:^¬ . ¬.. .c/-. . )! :./ - .÷:c ·c-c~¬.. t ..c.:. ·c·c.. ·¬c. o./¬ o¬. .. : :t ~¬. / .~¬ ..¬ t.c:.'' 448 .-/:.c... :c.o..· c:^:. . .:t. · ¬c. o./¬ oc:/ :/ · .c/ -.. .c/-oc.. .c¬. :.¬ ·¬.:co.÷ .: ·. c. .. . .¬·c::.: .. :¬.c:c ..¬ .c /-c¬ :c.. +! .. -¬ :¬tc. í -¬ :¬t.:c c/ ·¬ ./ / .~¬ .. ¯¬=¬¬'' (T.Q.M.) ¬.:. ¬.:. ¬ ·c¬.o. -.¬ :c... l! :./ - :c. ..c. .. . ¯.¬c:^¬ . :¬c./ -. .cc.. T.Q.M. t:c..=/- ¬·.. ..c./ -:^c.:: c . :¬. ¬ :c:.c... ¬ .c.oc¬. .c c... c..o .c¬. t:c .... ¬¬:=t t:c ...'' (Lead College) .c¬. /.c..·¬ . ·¬ c t:c ... .c c. . · ¬./ :t ~ /.~¬.. ¯¬=¬¬ t.c: ÷ ..¬ .t / -. . .c: ¬..¬ t:c..=¬¬c.. ¬.:/=¬:=. ¬. .¬ ·.¬ . = .c: ¬.. ¬ t:c..=¬¬c. .. .c: :t:c/ -. ¬o.¬t c:^¬ ., .c c. . :t ~ :. c., t¸/:cto.¬../ -., ·t:=c .: c ·c· /- ¬ .¯:/- ., NAAC . ¬.¯: / -. ¬:/ o /~¬- / -. ·¬·c:^c.:: c. :¬. ¬ , t:c.../ - . : c. .. ¬ oc:¬ ·cc.o..tc., ¬ ·.. ..c./ - .c¬.. ¬¬c...¬.¬:^¬. .c c. . ·c¬. o.¬ : .c c. . ¬- /-c . :c.: ¬. -c: ¬ ·c¬.o.¬.. .- ·to- . ¬. ·c· c. . ¬ ..:· c:¬ ¯¬. ¬..c .c¬:¬ ¬o¬ /:ct :c.: ¬ . :c . .. ¬ ¬:c.¬ ¬ ·.. ..c ./-. . ¯¬ . t:c ../ tc · · . .¬ · t:c ... -. ¬:t:c..=/-.. ÷ .=·, -¬ c . c ¬. . ¬ ¬c. ..¬.¬.. :¬ c :o: : c... ¬oc:¬ ¯¬. .c c.. -¬ :¬t c ¬ · c., .-:·¬. . ¬:/ . t ¸/o- .¬.¬:¬ t:c..=t¬./ - ¬ .c.... ./. ·¬ . ¬.c. oc¬. t:c ... ¬:/ o .. :// -. t.c¬ /-.. (Quality Circles) ·c¬ .: ¬ct¬.¬ ÷..¬ .t/- :o: / c. o..· . .t:^¬. ¬ - : .t ·. , ·c:o.¬ ., .¬o./ ¬ ./ ¬.:/=¬:=. , .¬::=/-/ :¬ ·.¬ ¬ ..c::¬ ÷..¬.t/ -. :t ~¬ /.~ ¬..¬.. ¬ . ·.¬ ¬. ¬. :t ~¬ ¬:.:t .¬ . -¬ .o. t o¬ ./c. .:^¬. :¬ .¬ cc¬ ..: :t ~¬ ·¬./ /.~¬.. ¯¬=¬¬ c... ¯¬ . ·c¬ o~= · ¬t:c, .¬:c.... .:¬ ¯c.- ·.: .¬ . .oto.· ¬. ¬c ¸ t:c ... :t ~ :c. ..t c .. 449 t.:=.t ·t:=c t:c... :t ~ :c:. :c...t c t..c t.:=.t¬ . t:c... :t ~¬. · ¬./ /.~¬.. ¯¬ =¬¬ ¬ .:/=.t ·c- ¬ .¬c :t ~ ¬ :=. !))! - :t ~ c.o... 450 ::»t .¬::=/ -. .¬. . c ¬·c. . . --. :.¬/ -.. .¬: ·c· / - . -¬ c/ .:-c.. .:c..t c:/.. : c...c.... ¯.¬ .¬ ¬ ./ ../- .. :t ~ t .:¬. .:¬ : o¬^·c.¬ .¬: .c¬¬:-¬ c:.¬.. ¬¬c....t:¬. . .¬ . -¬ :¬t c. .¬::=/- · ¬=: o.¬..: ·:¬.¬=¬.. ¬ . ·.¬ . ¬:/o /.~¬.. :t ~¬. . ¬c¬:¬ .t:cc. .:^· .¬ . :t c:/..t:^¬, ¬. ¬c ¬:^ ¬.:. ¬¸c...- t¬:^ .¬ :c. .. . . - ·t o- .. ·c..c ¬ .c¬ ¬ ¬c... .t:^¬ . ¬·. : ·c¬ .=¬. :t ~¬. / .~¬ ..¬ :.:: -. ¬.. ¬:¬..::c.... ¬¬:¬ . :t ~ ¬:=. '' (Eduvision) !))!c ::c..¬ . c o.·c:^c .¬ ¬ / .c. . ¬ .:/=.t c... ..: :t ~¬ ·¬./ /.~¬.. ¯¬=¬¬'' (Total Quality Management) ¬.:. ¯cc: c ¬ /./:^ -. .t t:c..=t¬./-.. ¬..to- .. c. o..· c:^¬ . = :t ~ ¬:=.¬. . ·:: ·.. /.~¬..¬ :t ~¬. : ¬... :o¬ ^·t o- .. ·¬ c:¬ ¬.:. .¬c:¬ -¬ :¬tc ·¬.o¬ ¬.. :. · ¬:c..t :c¬.to-. ¬ ·:c·t ·¬ :c.. -/ : .¬ . ¬¬..: ¬.:. :.::=¬ t:c. .=c. o... / - ¬ o¬. ¬c: ¬. c:., .c ¬ .: . ·c·/ - ¬..¬ . t:c..=¬- (Task Force) ¬.. c.· c:/ .¬ ¬ .. :t ~¬. / .~¬ .. ·::·.¬ t:c~t:^ : c... ¬ oc:¬ ¬ .: . ¬ .c¬ ¬¬¬ · cc.o..tc -¬ ¬: ¬ ·.. ..c c (Facilitator) .c¬. :c¬ t:c..=¬ - -¬¬: ·¬..c.. ·.../ .c ¬:/ .: ¬ . = ¬.:. ¬ ·c¬.o. -.¬ :¬ cc. c:. ¬ .: . .c: ¬ ..¬ t:c..=¬ - / - ::c..¬. ¬.t -¬¬: t:c ... ¬..¬ . /.~¬ ..¬ :.: :c. .. . :c .¬ ¬t:^ ¬.¬:c. :c ... ¬:/o ¬. ¬ c -. ¬: t:c..=t¬./ -. . ¬..t o- . ¬c .. ¬c¬:¬ .¬:^ -¬ :¬tc . - .¬::=/ -. ¬.:. :: c :· t c .¬:c.. ¬.., ·:¬ .:=t/- -. ¬ :, ¬¸c..- t t-:., ¬o· .:: ¬ ¬.:. ¬..o.. :¬ :¬ / -. t~/ t:~.¬c: ¬ ¬:/ o ¬ o..· .o.¬.¬c: ¬ .¬c:¬¬ t:~.¬.¬.. ¬ct¬., .¬ c.., ¯c o¬¬, . o.¬ .: :c: , ¬c.t: ¬¬., /~tc..c: t.:.: ¬..c::¬¬ /- . .:¬c ¬ : c:/ .c. . .¬c:¬ ¬/-:/.. ¬. = ·c¬ .=¬. t:c..=¬ - c.·.¬ ¬.o.t ·:c·t .¬c:¬¬c. . t:c. .=:c: ¬.:. -¬t · ¬:c. . ¬ .:¬.¬ ¬·.. ..cc.. co.·.¬ ¬c..:¬. . t:c ... :t ~ :c:. t¸/ oc.¬ . ..c ¯:c¬:^ t .:=.t c:.¬ :t ~ t .: ¬. :·t c:¬ .. c . c..o, .. ¬c:¬ . c..o :c.¬ .::·:¬=:, .¬ : ¬ .: . ¬ .c¬/ - toc: :.c¬ ¬oc .c . .t:^¬ . :o: / .: .¬:.c.. -. .¬:. :c. o./ ¬ (c. .....·.) ·-.:. / -.. ¬¬ c...¬¬t:^ c:. .c.. ¬.-.¬.:¬ . ¬.:. -¬ =:: ¬ c¬ . . 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I(s c. ..oc¯. :ºº:, ocr=nc., Os:ct. :1-Iº-:ºº: l) ..: :t ~¬ / .~¬ ..¬. . · .¬ :c· .¬ .:¬ . :.c¬:^ .c: t:c .../ -. ¬.:. .: .¬:.c. ./- . -. .t ¬ .¬:^ !))¯.. .· c.c ¬.:. !))!.. .·c.c /¬ ... o-/:^ -c^.t:c ¬ oc¬ .¬ ¬. 460 -:/:¬c¬. ·t:=c¬ ¬c/~ ·¬. !) .:t. ¬.-. ¯¬ =c¬, -c^.t:c .c: c ¬ c. o.../- ÷..¬ .t / - .·. ¬:c ¬.:. ¬ .:/=¬:=.t:^ t.:=.t c:.¬. ..: :t ~ · .¬ c /-c¬ -¬ t :c... ¬.:. .:t. ¯¬ .=: tc t:c. .:=¬ t :c. .. ¬.:. :t ~ :c:.c. . t:c. .=¬:=/- . (.. : :t ~) · ¬ -¬t :c... , = t-tc¬ .c .: ¯.c¬ . / - oc:/ , .c¬ . c:. ¬ ..¬ · ¬..c.. ·...c.... = ¬ .o.t c.·c:^¬ i) -c: c:..c.. ¬..¬. .. t o- .¬ .¬:¬ / .~¬ .. ·:¬ ./ t.:=.t¬. c.¬ .. : :t ~ ·c· / - . t ¸/. t o- .¬.¬:¬ /.~¬.. . c¬· ÷ ..¬ .t/ - ./ .:t/ · .¬ ¯.¬ .¬¬.. ii) .: .¬:.c.. ¬. · ¬:c. . :c. o./¬ · o.·c .¬ /¬... o-/ ·cc. o..: t:c .../- ¬ .-. ¯¬ =c¬ ¬ .: . -c^.t:ct ¯/:¬.·c:^c.¬ / .cc. .. . ¬ ..... .:t/ · ¬:c.. ¬.:¬.¬¬.. iii) ..: :t ~ ·c· /- . t¯¬ / .~¬ ..¬. . t:c. ..t oc.c.¬ ./ .-¬.to- .. ¬ .: . :¬t:^ · ot t ¬./ -. . ¬:cc. ·.. c:. ·t:=ct ·.¬ ¯.¬ .¬ ¬ .. iv) :.¬ :¸t ~t /.~¬ .. ¬ oc:c .¬ ·c· /-/ · ot ¬ .:.: ¯.. -¬/ -.. .: ..· .¬ ¬ . ¬ .: . -c^.t:c¬ .c: c¬ /.~¬..¬.. t::.c·t o- . ¬ t ¬ ./ -. . ¬ .: . .:t c.o.../ -.. c o.· .¬ ¬ .. ¯) c:.¬.. ¬ ·¬.. c. . · ...c. . ¬: cc.t ¬c: ¬. . ÷..¬ .t / -. ¬.:. ::t:.¬ t:.... = t-tc¬c.¬ - i) .:t ¯c¬ -c^.t:c :. o ¬ ¬c. .¬. :c .¬ ·cc. o..: t:c .../ - ¬¬: , .....:, -¬t::/-. ¬.:. -. ::ct/- .: .¬¬: ÷..¬ .t / - oc:/ ¬ o¬... ¬ c:¬ -c. .: c.o...c... -to ..c !))! cc¬ ¬:cc. ¬:/ : t ¬ .. ii) !.. ¬c:¬ -c. .: c. o...c. .. c:.¬ ..¬ ¬ .:. ¬: ¬.:t ·... (.:t¯c¬ c .·. ¬ .¬) /- · ¬ c. o./¬oc:/ ¬.:.. .: .¬¬ ./ t.c: .t :¬:^c .: ¬ ¬ .: . ¬ oc:c. .t:¬ t¯¬ -:/: ·-.. / - . ¬:/ o / .~¬ ..¬ . o.¬ . ¬.:. t.c....tc.. ¬-c. ./ t . · . .t:¬ ·-.. / -. . t:c.../-/ .-·.¬¬.. (.¬c.c !))!) iii) .. t¸..cc..:/ -.. ¬ oc ¸·c .¬ t:c .../-/ ·c.c:·¬c: .:t¯c¬ ¯¬=c¬ (assessment) ¬.:. -c^.t:c ¬ -c. .c. .. . ¬..c¬.¬cc...¬¬ .. iv) ·cc. o..: t:c .../ - . . ·¬ .· ¬ .: . c:. ·t:=c ¬ .: .¬ ¬:^ t:-.¬ .·. .t:^c .¬ c: ¬ (areas of concern) t .: / - ./ .c¬. · ¬ ./ ¬:¬ ¬ c :c. .. . ·. · .¬ ¬. (!))! .·c.c). c:.¬.. ¬ ·...:.c¬ :.. .: .¬ :./ - ¬c:... ¬.:. ¬..c:. :c. .c/-.. .:t. -c^.t:c t ·:¬.¬ = ¬oc:c.¬ t:c.../-. . / .c ..· .¬ ¬.. 461 +) c:.¬.. ¬ · ¬.. c. . ·...c. . ¬-=c/ / o ¬. . ·¬ = t -tc¬c: t.:=.t c:. ·t:=c¬ c.·¬ - l) ·t:=c¬ t:c..=¬:=/ - . (.. : :t ~) :t ~ :c:. -¬t c. !) ¯¬ .=:t c., .:t · ¬--¬ t c. (cvo Chairperson) ¯) t..· .¬ c., .c/ - oc . .: .¬:.c. . ·¬·c. +) ¬:. .c... t ¬·:.., · ¬ t:c. .=¬:= ¬ .: . .·¬ .o :c. . ¬ ..:· c ., c. ...·, .c/- oc. ·¬·c. ¯) t:c ... :t~ :c...t c . ·¬·c. :) ¯¬ .=:t c., t:c... :t ~ :c:. ·¬·c. ¯) ¬:. :t.c:. t:, ¬o¬ ·c .c/- oc. .: .¬:.c. . ·¬·c. ·) ¬:c:.¬:.c., ·t:=c ¬ .¬:c:~ ¬~.¬ .t - t:c ..., .c/- oc. ·¬·c. º) ¬:c:.¬:.c., : . ¬.¬:..c : ¸. t:c... .c/- oc. - ¯:) ))º ·¬·c. l)) ¬:c:.¬:.c., :c -.... t:c ... .c/- oc. - ¯:) ))º ·¬·c. ll) ·.¬ /:c c., .:t, .c/ - oc . ·¬·c. ¯) c:.¬.. ¬. . .c: .. : :t ~ ·c· /- .:t -c^.t:c¬.. t.c: -c..: c.o...c. .. . ¬c¬:¬ .t:cc. .:^ -. .¬:./ o-·.¬¬.. = ¬-=c/ /o¬ :.:¬.·t o- . : ¬ . :) .:t. · ¬c.o./ ¬ oc:/ .. : :t ~ ·c· /- -c^.t:c .: .¬ :. / -. . ¬/ .c. .. . .· . ¬:c ¬ .:¬.. t:c... :t ~ :c...t c ..c -:..¬ . t:c. .= ¯¬=.·.. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:.:.c..¬ . SLCC c.. .c¬. /.~¬.. .c¬ · t o.:¬. . (QAC) c.·.. = ¬.o.t ·t:=c :¬ .:·¬. .c. t:c ... :t ~ ¯¬.=:t (:¸t ~t) c¬ c.. .o.¬c -:t:cc. .:^ ....·c:^¬. · c¬ o~=¬:^ ::::.t í /.. / :¬ :c ¬ ¬ ..c .:t ·c· c. . :.c. tc¬o.c ¬o ./:c¬.c/ -.. ¬.:. .. / o¬-. .-t c c.. .c.. ·.c:c..:^ .¬ ^· .¬ ¬ .. -c. .: c. o...c. . -. .¬: . ¬.:. .:t :c^.t:c t.c:c: :^c .¬ ¬ / .c. . ./ ¬ . .c/ -. l). . ::c.-.c¬. /.~¬ .. . c¬ · t o.:¬ ¬ -=c/ / o¬. -¬ t c./-/ ¬c : · . · :t¬.. ¯) to.:¬ t:c..=÷..¬ .t/- . = t-tc¬c.¬ l) c:.¬. . ·t:=c ¬ .: . ·t:=c .: c t:c .../ - ¬ .-. ¯¬=c¬ ¬.:. -c^.t:c ¬ -c. ./ ÷:.. ¯.¬ .¬ ¬ .. -¬/-.. ·¬..c../o-·.¬ ¬ .. !) ¬.¬:c. .¬ c../ - ./ .:t . oc:/ · ¬ .. c. . t:c. .= ¯¬=.·.¬¬.. 462 ¯) c:.¬. . t:c .../-c¬ · c. .c--¬ c... ¬ ·: ¬ ./ - ·. t. +) .:t ¬ ·¬:.=: ¬ :c¬ ¬ . ..c. . .¬ .:t:^ ¬.¬:c. t:c .../ -.. .../ o.· .¬ ¬ .. ·) .c/- oc., ¬.¸· oc., ¬ .c/ - oc ., ¬ :c ¬:¬, / ../:= ¬.:. :¬¬o/ ¬. : c: .c¬ . ¬:¬ .:t · ...c. .. . .:t c .·.. t .:=.t ·t:=c¬ ¬.c.oc:.c. .. . = ¬ .o.t ¯.¬c:^¬ . t:c ... :t ~ .c. ¯¬ .=:t c. = ¬: ¬.:t ·...c. . -:t:c/ -:^c.:: c ¬.:. = ¬: ¬ .:t · .../ - . . .c¬:^ c:. ¬ .. ¬ ·¬ .. c.. ·...c.. -: .. ¬. c.: ¬. º) c:. ¬.. ¬ ·¬.. c. . · ..., ¬-=c/ / o ¬, / .~¬ .. . c¬ · to.: ¬.:. ¬:¬ .:t ·.../ - t:c. .= ÷ ..¬ .t / - ·c¬o~= ¬÷¬.. .:t .c·:t¬. ¬.:. :¬t:^ c:. ·t:=c:c¬ c. .:¬ ¬ . .¬: :c.¬:. . :.:ct ¯l.¯.!))¯ c o-/ ·t:=c t:c .../ - ¬:c:.¬:.c. .:t -c^.t:c¬. . t o.c -.= ·. · :t ¬ .. l)) ·t:=c t:c.../- . .:t -c^.t:ct ¬:¬.· . .t:¬ :..¬.. c:. ·t:=c¬ .:t t. .c/ ¯.¬c:/ .. c .¬ .:./ ¬o: ¬. ·c¬o^·:t ¬.. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :: :. .·:c ¬.:. -¬c ¬·c. . , :.¬.. ..c...:· c ·t:=c¬ t:c..=¬:=, :t ~ :c:. (.. : :t ~). ts:r:t ·t:rc ·c :. l:· c...:c· !))! t.:=.t ·t:=c ¬ ·.¬:.c.., .¬. ¬.¬. t .¬ .c/- oc., :.:ct !+-l)- !))! ·.: n :c .±c.. .:t ¬ c¬: ¯c¬ ·t:=c í -. .¬:¯: í .:·^ t:c .../ - -c^.t:c. l) .:t .c¬. c.....·.c. . ·:c. .: ·c· c. .:^¬ ., t:c .../-. ¬.:. .: .¬:.c../ - t:c..= ¯¬ =¬¬ ¬.-.¬.:¬. ¬ .:¬ .¬ ¬ .:c¬.... ¬oc:¬. ¬.-. ¯¬=c¬ ¬.o.t t:c .../ - ¬.:. .: .¬:.c../ -. ¯.¬c:/ .. c .¬ :t ~¬ /.~¬..¬ ¯~=c.. ¬:/o = ¬.o.t ..: :t ~ ¬.c..¬. / .~¬ .. ¬ .: . .: ¬ :c.... :.: ¬.·t o- :t ¬ ., t:c ... ¬.:. .: .¬:.c../-. . ..¬ : ¸t ~t ÷ ..¬ .t /-. ¬.:. /.~¬..¬.. t:c...to-. ¬ ·:¬./-/ :¬. .c.. ¯.¬.: ¬. -¬ . .. : :t ~ ¬.c..¬. . ·c·/-c¬ .:¬ ·c·/ -. t:c..=¯¬=¬¬: ¬.-.¬.:¬.t -. .t o.¬:/ .¬c: , · c..c -¬ c... ¬c :/- · . t/ ¬.:/=¬:=. ¯.¬.: ¬ . -c^.t:c ¬ -c. .:.c¬ ¬ oct .¬.¬:¬ ·-../ -/ ·c.c:·¬c: ::/ . t:c..=t ¬./ -.. · ¬ . ¬ · .: ¬ . !) :.:ct !¯-l!-!))! ¬.:. ¯l-l!-!))¯ = / ¬... o- / -. .t ¬.¬:^ .: .¬:.c../-. ¬.:. ·cc. o..: t:c.../- . .:t -c^.t:ct .- ¬ ¬. .tc¬. c......·. ¯:=¬ ¬.·¬. 463 ¯) ..: :t ~¬. :.¬ : ¬ .: . / .~¬ ../-. . · .¬ :c· .. .c: t:c .../-. .:t -c^.t:c¬.. ¬oc¬.¬¬. -:/: ¬:^¬. +) ·cc.o..: t:c.../- .: .¬¬ , -¬ c. .., ¬ .-. ¯¬=c¬ (assessment) ¬.:. -c^.t:c ¬-c..c.... .·c.c !))¯c ¬ .-/ = .c: .¬ :. /-.. ·cc. o...: t:c .../ -. !))¯c .·c.c -c: ¬ o- / ¬ o~=/o-·.¬ · ..¬:^ ·t:=c ¬ .:t. · ¬c.o./ ¬oc:/ = t - tc¬ -c. .: c. o...c. .. . co.·¬. i) .:t¯c¬ -c^.t:c :. o ¬¬c. .¬ . :c .¬ ·cc. o..: t:c.../ - ¬¬: , ..... : , -¬t:: / - . ¬ .: . -. -::ct/ -. .:.¬¬c. oc:/ ¬o¬ .. . ¬c:¬ - c. .: c. o...c. .. -t o ..c !))!cc¬ ¬:cc.¬:/:t¬.. ii) .c¬. . ¬c:¬ - c. .: c. o...c. .. -c---c: /- .:.¬¬c. .. . .:t, c:. ¬..¬ ¬.: . ¬:¬.:t ·... t ... (NAAC ¯c¬ c.·. ¬.¬) /- · ¬c.o./ ¬oc:/ . ¬ ·, /.~¬..¬ . o.¬ . ¬ .: . t.c. ...tc. . .¬ :. ¬.. --¬.·t o- .. . .t:¬ ·-.. / -.. t:c.../-/ .¬^·.¬¬.. iii) .c: t¸..cc. .:/-. . ¬ oc ¸·c .¬ t:c .../-. .:t¯c¬ ¬.-.¯¬=c¬ (assessment) ¬..c¬.¬cc...¬ ¬ .. iv) ·cc. o..: t:c.../ - . . · ¬ .· ¬ .: . c:. ·t:=c¬ .: .¬ ¬:^ t:-.¬ .· . .t:^c .¬ c: ¬ (areas of concern) t .: /- ./ .c¬. ·¬./¬:¬ ¬c:c. .. . .. · .¬ ¬ .. (!))! .·c.c). v) c:.¬.. ¬ ·¬.. c. . · ...:.c¬ :.. .:-.¬ :./ - ¬ c:... ¬ .:. ¬..c:. :c. .c/-. . .:t -· ·¬ .c./ -¬ =: ¬oc¬.. ·:¬.¬= :c.¬ t:c .../ -. . / .c ..· .¬ ¬ .. ¬.... -c..: c.o...c. .. -¬=¬ o~=¬:^ -. .¬: ./o-. ¬c: t:c ... :t ~ :c:.c.. .c: -:t:c/- . ¬ .: . .c: ·ct:c, .:· ^, -. .¬:¯: ¬:/o .:·^ -..¬:.c .: ·cc. o..: t:c .../ - ¬:c: .¬:.c. t¬. ¬ .·:t ¬ .. t.:=.t c:.¬:.c :: :. .·:c ¬.:. -¬ c ¬ ·c.. , :.: .. .zc..o:·c¯ ·t:=c¬ t:c..=¬:= (.. : :t ~), :t ~ :c:. . 464 THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 (3 of 1956) (As modified up to the 20th December, 1985) UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NEW DELHI 465 This Act has been amended by the University Grants Commission (Amended) Act, 1972 (No. 33 of 1972). This Act has been further amended by (i) The University Grants Commission (Amendment) Act, 1 1984 (No. 59 of 1984) and (ii) The University Grants Commission (Amendment) Act, 2 1985 (No. 70 of 1985). LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED Ins. ... for Inserted P. ... for Page Pt. ... for Part S. ... for Section Sch. ... for Schedule Sec. ... for Section Subs. ... for Substituted w.e.f. ... for with effect from 1. See The Gazette of India, Extraordinary-Part II-Section 1-No. 72-C dated August 31, 1984. 2. See The Gazette of India, Extraordinary-Part II-Section 1-No. 88 dated December 23, 1985. THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Sections 1. Short title and commencement. 2. Definitions. 3. Application of Act to institutions for higher studies other than Universities. CHAPTER II Establishment of the Commission 4. Establishment of the Commission. 5. Composition of the Commission. 6. Terms and conditions of service of members. 7. Meetings of the Commission. 8. Vacancies amongst members or defect in constitution not to invalidate acts or proceedings of the Commission. 9. Temporary association of persons with the Commission for particular purposes. 10. Staff of the Commission. 11. Authentication of orders and other instruments of the Commission. CHAPTER III Powers and Functions of the Commission 12. Functions of the Commission. 12A. Regulation of fees and prohibition of donations in certain case. 12B. Prohibition regarding giving of any grant to a University not declared by the Commission fit to receive such grant. 13. Inspection. 14. Consequences of failure of Universities to comply with recommendations of the Commission. 15. Payment to the Commission. 16. Fund of the Commission. 17. Budget. 466 18. Annual report. 19. Account and audit. CHAPTER IV Miscellaneous Sections 20. Directions by the Central Government. 21. Returns and information. 22. Right to confer degrees. 23. Prohibition of the use of the words "University" in certain cases. 24. Penalties. 25. Power to make rules. 26. Power to make regulations. 27. Power to delegate. 28. Laying of rules and regulations before Parliament. THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 (3 OF 1956) (3rd March, 1956) An Act to make provision for the co-ordination and determination of standards in Universities and for that purpose, to establish a University Grants Commission. Be it enacted by Parliament in the Seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :- CHAPTER I Preliminary Short title and Commencement 1. (1) This Act may be called the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. (2) It shall come into force on such date 1 as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. Definitions 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - (a) "Commission" means the University Grants Commission established under section 4 ; (b) "executive authority" in relation to a University, means the chief executive authority of the University (by whatever name called) in which the general administration of the University is vested ; (c) "Fund" means the Fund of the University Grants Commission constituted under section 16; (d) "member" means a member of the University Grants Commission and includes the Chairman 2 [and Vice-Chairman] ; (e) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act ; 1. 5th November, 1956, vide notification No. S.R.O. 2608, dated the 1st November, 1956, see Gazette of India, 1956, Pt. II, Sec 3, P. 1882. This Act has been extened to Pondicherry by Act 26 of 1968, S. 3 and Sch. I. 2. Ins. by Act 33 of 1972, S. 2 (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). (f) "University" means a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provisional Act or a State Act, and includes any such institutions as may, in consultation with the 467 University concerned, be recognised by the Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this Act. Application of Act to institutions for higher studies other than Universities 3. The Central Government may, on the advice of the Commission, declare, by notification in the Official Gazette, that any institution for higher education, other than a University, shall be deemed to be a University for the purposes of this Act, and on such a declaration being made, all the provisions of this Act shall apply to such institution as if it were a University within the meaning of clause (f) of section 2. CHAPTER II Establishment of the Commission Establishment of the Commission 4. (1) With effect from such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, there shall be established a Commission by the name of the University Grants Commission. (2) The said Commission shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall by the said name sue and be sued. Composition of the Commission 1 [5. (1) The Commission shall consist of - (i) a Chairman, (ii) a Vice-Chairman, and (iii) ten other members, to be appointed by the Central Government. (2) Th Chairman shall be chosen from among persons who are not officers of the Central Government or of any State Government. (3) Of the other members referred to in clause (iii) of sub-section (1) - (a) two shall be chosen from among the officers of the Central Government, to represent that Government ; 1. Subs. by Act 33 of 1972, s. 3, for s. 5 (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). (b) not less than four shall be chosen from among persons who are, at the time when they are so chosen, teachers of Universities ; and (c) the remainder shall be chosen from among persons - (i) Who have knowledge of, or experience in, agriculture, commerce, forestry or industry ; (ii) who are members of the engineering, legal, medical or any other learned professions ; or (iii) who are Vice-Chancellors of Universities or who, not being teachers of Universities, are in the opinion of the Central Government, educationists of repute or have obtained high academic distinctions : Provided that not less than one-half of the number chosen under this clause shall be from among persons who are not officers of the Central Government or of any State Government. (4) The Vice-Chairman shall exercise such of the powers, and discharge such of the duties, of the Chairman as may be prescribed. (5) Every appointment under this section shall take effect from the date on which it is notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette.] Terms and conditions of service of members 6. 1 [(1) A person appointed as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or other member after the commencement of the University Grants Commission (Amendment) Act, 1985 shall, unless he sooner becomes disqualified for continuing as such under the rules that may be made under this Act.- (a) in the case of Chairman, hold office for a term of five years or until he attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier ; 468 (b) in the case of Vice-Chairman, hold office for a term of three years or until he attains the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier ; (c) in the case of any other member, hold office for a term of three years ; 1. Subs. by Act 70 of 1985, for sub-section (1) of Section 6 (w.e.f.. 20-12-1985). Provided that - (i) a person who has held office as Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall be eligible for further appointment as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or other member, and (ii) a person who has held office as any other member shall be eligible for further appointment as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or other member : Provided further that a person who has held office for two terms, in any capacity, whether as Chairman, Vice-Chairman or other member [excluding a member referred to in clause (a) of sub- section (3) of section 5], shall not be eligible for any further appointment as Chairman, Vice- Chairman or other member. (2) A member may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Central Government, but he shall continue in office until his resignation is accepted by the Central Government. 1 [(3) If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairman, whether by reason of his death, resignation or inability to discharge his functions owing to illness or other incapacity, the Vice- Chairman holding office as such for the time being shall, notwithstanding anything contained in sub- section (2) of section 5, act as the Chairman and shall, unless any other person is appointed earlier as the Chairman, hold the office of the Chairman for the remainder of the term of office of the person in whose place he is to so act ; Provided that where no Vice-Chairman is holding office at the time when the vacancy in the office of the Chairman occurs, the Central Government shall, not-withstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) of section 5, appoint any other member to act as the Chairman and the person so appointed shall not hold the office of the Chairman for a period exceeding six months. (4) If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice-Chairman or any other member, whether by reason of his death, resignation or inability to discharge his functions owing to illness or other incapacity, such vacancy shall be filled up by the Central Government by making a fresh appointment and the member so appointed shall hold office for a term of three years. 1. Subs. by Act 33 of 1972, s. 4, for sub-sections (3) and (4) (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). (5) The office of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman shall be whole-time and salaried and subject thereto, the terms and conditions of service of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other members shall be such as may be prescribed.] Meetings of the Commission 7. The Commission shall meet at such times and places and shall observe such rules of procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its meetings as may be provided by regulations made under this Act. Vacancies amongst members of defect in constitution not to invalidate acts or proceedings of the Commission 8. No act or proceedings of the Commission shall be deemed to be invalid by reason merely of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of the Commission. Temporary association of persons with the Commission for particular purpose 9. (1) The Commission may associate with itself, in such manner and for such purposes as may be determined by regulations made under this Act, any person whose assistance or advice it may desire in carrying out any of the provisions of this Act. (2) A person associated with it by the Commission under sub-section (1) for any purpose shall have a right to take part in the discussion relevant to that purpose, but shall not have a right to vote at a meeting of the Commission, and shall not be a member for any other purpose. Staff of the Commission 469 10. Subject to such rules as may be made by the Central Government in this behalf, the Commission may appoint a Secretary and such other employees as it may think necessary for the efficient performance of its functions under this Act and the terms and conditions of service of the employees shall be such as may be determined by the Commission. Authentication of orders and other instruments of the Commission 11. All orders and decisions of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the Chairman or any other member authorised by the Commission in this behalf, and all other instruments issued by the Commission shall be authenticated by the Signature of the Secretary or any other officer of the Commission authorised in like manner in this behalf. CHAPTER III Powers and Functions of the Commission Function of the Commission 12. It shall be the general duty of the Commission to take, in consultation with the Universities or other bodies concerned, all such steps as it may think fit for the promotion and co-ordination of University education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in Universities, and for the purpose of performing its functions under this Act, the Commission may - (a) inquire into the financial needs of Universities ; (b) allocate and disburse, out of the Fund of the Commission, grants to Universities established or incorporated by or under a Central Act for the maintenance and development of such Universities or for any other general or specified purpose ; (c) allocate and disburse, out of the Fund of the Commission, such grants to other Universities as it may deem 1 [necessary or appropriate for the development of such Universities or for the maintenance, or development, or both, of any specified activities of such Universities] or for any other general or specified purpose ; Provided that in making any grant to any such University, the Commission shall give due consideration to the development of the University concerned, its financial needs, the standard attained by it and the national purposes which it may serve, 2 [cc) allocate and disburse out of the Fund of the Commission, such grants to institution deemed to be Universities in pursuance of a declaration made by the Central Government under section 3, as it may deem necessary, for one or more of the following purposes, namely :- (i) for maintenance in special cases, (ii) for development, (iii) for any other general or specified purpose ;] 1. Subs. by Act 33 of 1972, s. 5, for certain words (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). 2. Ins. by s. 5, ibid, (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). 1 ["(ccc) establish, in accordance with the regulations made under this Act, institutions for providing common facilities, services and programmes for a group of universities or for the universities in general and maintain such institutions or provide for their maintenance by allocating and disbursing out of the Fund of the Commission such grants as the Commission may deem necessary".] (d) recommends to any University the measures necessary for the improvement of University education and advise the University upon the action to be taken for the purpose of implementing such recommendation ; (e) advise the Central Government or any State Government on the allocation of any grants to Universities for any general or specified purpose out of the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of the State, as the case may be ; (f) advise any authority, if such advice is asked for, on the establishment of a new University or on proposals connected with the expansion of the activities of any University ; (g) advise the Central Government or any State Government or University on any question which may be referred to the Commission by the Central Government or the State Government or the University, as the case may be ; 470 (h) collect information on all such matters relating to University education in India and other countries as it thinks fit and make the same available to any University ; (i) require a University to furnish it with such information as may be needed relating to the financial position of the University or the studies in the various branches of learning undertaken in that University, together with all the rules and regulations relating to the standards of teaching and examination in that University respecting each of such branches of learning ; (j) perform such other functions as may be prescribed or as may be deemed necessary by the Commission for advancing the cause of higher education in India or as may be incidental or conducive to the discharge of the above functions. 1. Ins. by Act 59 of 1984 (w.e.f. 1-10-1984) Regulation of fees and prohibition of donations in certain cases [(12a*) (1) In this section - (a) "affiliation" together with its grammatical variations, includes, in relation to a college, recognition of such college by association of such college with, and admission of such college to the privileges of a university ; (b) "College" means any institution, whether known as such or by any other name which provides for a course of study for obtaining any qualification from a university and which, in accordance with the rules and regulations of such university, is reconginsed as compotent to provide for such course of study and present students undergoing such course of study for the examination for the award of such qualification ; (c) "prosecution" in relation to a course of study, includes promotion from one part or stage of the course of study to another part or stage of the course of study ; (d) "qualification" means a degree or any other qualification awarded by a university ; (e) "regulations" means regulations made under this Act ; (f) "specified course of study" means a course of study in respect of which regulations of the nature mentioned in sub-section (2) have been made ; (g) "student" includes a person seeking admission as a student ; (h) "university" means a university or institution referred to in sub-section (1) of section 22. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of section 12 if, having regard to - (a) the nature of any course of study for obtaining any qualification from any university ; (b) the types of activities in which persons obtaining such qualification are likely to be engaged on the basis of such qualifications ' * Ins. by S. 3 of Act 59 of 1984 (w.e.f. 1.10-84). (c) the minimum standards which a person possessing such qualification should be able to maintain in his work relating to such activities and the counsequent need for ensuring, so far as may be, that no candidate secures admission to such course of study by reason of economic power and thereby prevents a more meritorious candidate from securing admission to such course of study ; and (d) all other relevant factors, the Commission is satisfied that it is necessary so to do in the public interest, it may, after consultation with the university or universities concerned specify by regulations the matters in respect of which fees may be charged, and the scale of fees in accordance with which fees shall be charged in respect of those matters on and from such date as may be specified in the regulations in this behalf, by any college providing for such course of study from, or in relation to, any student in connection with his admission to, and prosecution of, such course of study ; Provided that different matters and different scales of fees may be so specified in relation to different universities or different classes of colleges or different areas. (3) Where regulations of the nature referred to in sub-section (2) have been made in relation to any course of study, no college providing for such course of study shall - (a) levy or charge fees in respect of any matter other than a matter specified in such regulations ; (b) levy or charge any fees in excess of the scale of fees specified in such regulations, or (c) accept, either directly or indirectly, any payment otherwise than by way of fees ; or any donation of gift (whether in cash or kind), 471 from, or in relation to, any student in connection with his admission to, and prosecution of, such course of study. (4) If, after making, in relation to a college providing for a specified course of study, an inquiry in the manner provided by regulations, and after giving such college a reasonable opportunity of being heard, the Commission is satisfied that such college has contravened the provisions of sub- section (3), the Commission may, with the previous approval of the Central Government, pass an order prohibition such college from presenting any students then undergoing such course of study therein to any university for the award of the qualification concerned. (5) The Commission shall forward a copy of the order made by it under sub-section (4) to the university concerned, and on and from the date of receipt by the university of a copy of such order, the affiliation of such college to such university shall, in so far as it relates to the course of study specified in such order, stand terminated and on and from the date of termination of such affiliation and for a period of three years thereafter affiliation shall not be granted to such college in relation to such or similar course of study by that or any other university. (6) On the termination of the affiliation of any college under sub-section (5), the Commission shall take all such steps as it may consider appropriate for safe-guarding the interests of the students concerned. (7) The provisions of this section and the regulations made for the purposes of this section shall have effect not-withstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force.]* Prohibition regarding giving of any grant to a University not declared by the Commission fit to receive such grant 1 [(12B) No grant shall be given by the Central Government, the Commission, or any other organisation receiving any funds from the Central Government, to a University which is established after the commencement of the University Grants Commission (Amendment) Act, 1972, unless the Commission has, after satisfying itself as to such matters as may be prescribed, declared such University to be fit for receiving such grant.] * Ins. by S. 3 of Act 59 of 1984 (w.e.f. 1-10-1984) 1. Ins. by Act 33 of 1972, s. 6(w.e.f. 17-6-1972) and renumbered as section 12B by S. 3 of Act 59 of 1984 (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). Inspection 13. (1) For the purpose of ascertaining the financial needs of a University or its students of teaching, examination and research, the Commission may, after consultation with the University, cause an inspection of any department or departments thereof to be made in such manner as may be prescribed and by such person or persons as it may direct. (2) The Commission shall communicate to the University the date on which any inspection under sub-section (1) is to be made and the University shall be entitled to be associated with the inspection in such manner as may be prescribed. (3) The Commission shall communicate to the University its views in regard to the results of any such inspection and may, after ascertaining the opinion of the University, recommend to the University the action to be taken as a result of such inspection. (4) All communications to a University under this section shall be made to the executive authority thereof and the executive authority of the University shall report to the Commission the action, if any, which is proposed to be taken for the purpose of implementing any such recommendation as is referred to in sub-section (3). Consequences of failure of Universities to comply with recommendations of the Commission 14. If any University 1 [grants affiliation in respect of any course of study to any college referred to in sub-section (5) of section 12 A in contravention of the provisions of that sub-section or] fails within a reasonable time to comply with any recommendation made by the Commission under section 12 or section 13, 2 [or contravenes the provison of any rule made under clause (f) or clause (g) of sub-section (2) of section 25, or of any regulation made under clause (e) or clause (f) or clause (g) of section 26,] the Commission, after taking into consideration the cause, if any, shown by the 472 University 3 [for such failure or contravention,] may withhold from the University the grants proposed to be made out of theFund of the Commission. Payment to the Commission 15. The Central Government may, after due appropriation made by Parliament by law in this behalf, pay to the Commission in each financial year such sums as may be considered necessary for the performance of the functions of the Commission under this Act. 1. Ins. by S. 4 of Act 59 of 1984 (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). 2. Ins. by s. 7, ibid (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). 3. Subs. by s. 7, ibid., for certain words (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). Fund of the Commission 16.(1) The Commission shall have its own Fund ; and all sums which may, from time to time, be paid to it by the Central Government and all the receipts of the Commission (including any sum which any State Government or any other authority or person may hand over to the Commission) shall be carried to the Fund and all payments by the Commission shall be made therefrom. (2) All moneys belonging to the Fund shall be deposited in such banks or invested in such manner as may, subject to the approval of the Central Government, be decided by the Commission. (3) The Commission may spend such sums as it thinks fit for performing its functions under this Act, and such sums shall be treated as expenditure payable out of the Fund of the Commission. Budget 17. The Commission shall prepare, in such form and at such time each year as may be prescribed, a budget in respect of the financial year next ensuing showing the estimated receipts and expenditure, and copies thereof shall be forwarded to the Central Government. Annual report 18. The Commission shall prepare once every year, in such form and at such time as may be prescribed, an annual report giving a true and full account of its activities during the previous year, and copies thereof shall be forwarded to the Central Government and the Government shall cause the same to be laid before both Houses of Parliament. Account and audit 19. (1) The Commission shall cause to be maintained such books of account and other books in relation to its account in such form and in such manner as may, in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, be prescribed. (2) The Commission shall, as soon as may be after closing its annual accounts, prepare a statement of accounts in such form, and forward the same to the Comptroller and Auditor-General by such date, as the Central Government may, in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General, determine. (3) The accounts of the Commission shall be audited by the Comproller and Auditor-General at such times and in such manner as he thinks fit. (4) The annual accounts of the Commission together with the audit report thereon shall be forwarded to the Central Government and the Government shall cause the same to be laid before both Houses of Parliament and shall also forward a copy of the audit report to the Commission for taking suitable action on the matters arising out of the audit report. CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS Directions by the Central Government 20. (1) In the discharge of its functions under this Act, the Commission shall be guided by such directions on questions of policy relating to national purposes as may be given to it by the Central Government. (2) If any dispute arises between the Central Government and the Commission as to whether a question is or is not a question of policy relating to national purposes, the decision of the Central Government shall be final. 473 Returns and information 21. The Commission shall furnish to the Central Government such returns or other information with respect to its property or activities as the Central Government may, from time to time, require. Right to confer degrees 22. (1) The right of conferring or granting degrees shall be exercised only by a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act or an institution deemed to be a University under section 3 or an institution specially empowered by an Act of Parliament to confer or grant degrees. (2) Save as provided in sub-section (1), no person or authority shall confer, or grant, or hold himself or itself out as entitled to confer or grant, any degree. (3) For the purposes of this section, "degree" means any such degree as may, with the previous approval of the Central Government, be specified in this behalf by the Commission by notification in the official Gazette. Prohibition of the use of the word "University" in certain cases 23. No institution, whether a corporate body or not, other than a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act shall be entitled to have the word "University" associated with its name in any manner whatsoever : Provided that nothing in this section shall, for a period of two years from the commencement of this Act, apply to an institution which, immediately before such commencement, had the word "University" associated with its name. Penalties 24. Whoever contravenes the provisions of section 22 or section 23 shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, and if the person contravening is an association or other body of individuals, every member of such association or other body who knowingly or wilfully authorises or permits the contravention shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees. Power to make rules 25. (1) The Central Government may, be notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purpose of this Act. (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :- (a) the prodcedure for the retirement of members under section 6 ; (b) the disqualifications for continuing as a member of the Commission ; (c) the terms and conditious of service of members of the Commission ; (d) the terms and conditions of service of employees appointed by the Commission ; (e) the additional functions which may be performed by the Commission under clause (j) of section 12 ; (f) the returns and information which are to be furnished by Universities in respect of their financial position or standards of teaching and examination maintained therein ; (g) the inspection of Universities ; (h) the form and manner in which the budget and reports are to be prepared by the Commission ; (j) the manner in which the accounts of the Commission are to be maintained ; (j) the form and manner in which returns or other information are to be furnished by the Commission to the Central Government ; (k) any other matter which has to be, or may be, prescribed. 1 ["(3) The power to make rules conferred by this section shall include the power to give retrospective effect from a date not earlier than the date of commencement of this Act, to the rules or any of them but no retrospective effect shall be given to any rule so as to prejudicially affect the interests of any person to whom such rule may be applicable."] Power to make rugulations 26. (1) The Commission 2 [may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make regulations] consistent with this Act and the rules made thereunder - 474 (a) regulating the meetings of the Commission and the procedure for conducting business thereat ; (b) regulating the manner in which and the purposes for which persons may be associated with the Commission under section 9 ; (c) specifying the terms and conditions of service of the employees appointed by the Commission ; (d) specifying the institutions or class of institutions which may be recognised by the Commission under clause (f) of section 2 ; (e) defining the qualifications that should ordinarily be required of any person to be appointed to the teaching staff of the University, having regard to the branch of education in which he is expected to give instruction ; (f) defining the minimum standards of instruction for the grant of any degree by any University ; 1. Subs. by s. 5, ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984) 2. Subs. by s. 6, ibid., for certain words (w.e.f. 1-10-1984) (g) regulating the maintenance of standards and the co-ordination of work or facilities in Universities. 1 ["(h) regulating the establishment of institutions referred to in clause (ccc) of section 12 and other matters relating to such institutions ; (i) specifying the matters in respect of which fees may be charged, and scales of fees in accordance with which fees may be charged, by a college under sub-section (2) of section 12 A ; (j) specifying the manner in which an inquiry may be conducted under sub-section (4) of section 12A ;"] (2) No regulation shall be made under clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (d) 2 [or clause (h) or clause (i) or clause (j)] of sub-section (1) except with the previous approval of the Central Government. 3 [(3) The power to make regulations conferred by this section [except clause (i) and clause (j) of sub-section (1)] shall include the power to give retrospective effect from a date not earlier than the date of commencement of this Act, to the regulations or any of them but no retrospective effect shall be given to any regulation so as to prejudicially affect the interests of any person to whom such regulation may be applicable."] Power to delegate 4 [27. (1) The Commission may, 5 [by regulations made, by notification in the Offical Gazette,] under this Act, delegate to its Chairman, Vice-Chairman or any of its officers, its power of general superintendence and direction over the business transacted by, or in, the Commission, including the powers with regard to the expenditure incurred in connection with the maintenance of the office and internal administration of the Commission. (2) No regulation shall be made under this section except with the previous approval of the Central Government.] 1. Ins. by s. 6 of Act 59 of 1984. 2. Ins. by s. 6(b), ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). 3. Ins. by s. 6(c), ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984) 4. Ins. by Act 33 of 1972, s. 8 (w.e.f. 17-6-1972). 5. Subs. by s. 7, ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). Laying of rules and regulations before Parliament 1 ["28. Every rule and every regulation made under this Act shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session, or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or regulation or both Houses agree that the rule or regulation should not be made, the rule or regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may, be ; so, however, that any such modification or 475 annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or regulation."] Validation 2 [No rule made or purporting to have been made, with retrospective effect, under section 25 of the principal Act before the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been invalid or ever to have been invalid merely on the ground that such rule was made with retrospective effect and accordingly every such rule was made with retrospective effect and accordingly every such rule and every action taken or thing done thereunder shall be as valid and effective as if the provisions of section 25 of the principal Act, as amended by this Act, were in force at all material times when such rule was made or action or thing was taken or done.] 1. Ins. by s. 8, ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). 2. Vide s. 9, ibid (w.e.f. 1-10-1984). 5.0 UGC (Fitness of Institutions for Grants) Rules, 1975 To be published in the Gazette of India Part II = Section 3, Sub-Section (i) No.F, 9-59/74-U2 (B) Government of India Ministry of Education and Social Welfare (Department of Education) New Delhi, June 24, 1975 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by Section 25, read with Section 12-B of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules, namely - 1. Short title, application and commencement :- (1) These rules may be called the University Grants Commission (Fitness of Institutions for Grants) Rules, 1975. (2) They shall apply to every institution recognised by the Commission under clause (f) of section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) on or after the 17th day of June, 1972 the date on which the University Grants Commission (Amendment) Act, 1972 (33 of 1972) came into force. (3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Fitness for grants : No institution to which these rules apply shall be declared to be fit to receive grants from the Central Government, the Commission or any other organisation receiving any fund from the Central Government unless the Commission is satisfied that the institution : (i) Provides instruction upto a Bachelor's degree or upto a postgraduate degree only or provides instructions for a diploma course of duration of not less than one academic year and for which the minimum qualification for admission is a Bachelor's degree ; (ii) is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act. 1860 (21 of 1860) or is a body corporate establishment or incorporated under a Central Act, a provincial Act or a State Act, for the time being in force or is a Trust with Trustees being appointed and vested with legal powers and duties ; and (iii) is permanently affiliated to a University which has been declared fit under section 12-B of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) for receiving grants. K.N. Channa Secretary to the Government of India. 6.0 Recognition of College in Terms of Regulations, 1974 framed under the UGC Act University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi - 110 002 476 No.F.33-34/65(CD/CP)Pt. IV) Dated 12 July, 1974 The Registrar, .................................... .................................... Subject : Recognition of college in terms of regulations framed under section 2(f) of the UGC Act read with Section 26(1) (d) of the UGC Act, 1956. Sir, I am directed to say that in exercise of the power conferred by clause (d) of Sub-section 26(1) of Section 26 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956 as modified upto 17th June, 1972) and in supersession of the regulations in force at present for according recognition to Institution under clause (f) of Section 2 of this Act, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government has made the following regulations :- Recognition of Institution : (1) The Commission may, in consultation with the University concerned recognise an institution under clause (f) of Section 2 of the UGC Act, 1956, if :- (i) It is affilited to, or forms as constituent member of, or is run directly as a University college by or is an institution recognised by a university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act and the Statutes and Regulations made thereunder or run by Government or local authority. (ii) It provides instructions upto a Bachelor's degree or upto a post-graduate degree or for a post-graduate degree only or provides instruction for a Diploma course of a duration of not less than one academic year and for which the minimum qualification for admission is a Bachelor's degree ; and (iii) It is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) or is a body corporate, established or incorporated under a Central or State Act, for time being in force or is a Trust with trustees being appointed and vested with legal powers and duties. Provided that the requirements of this clause shall not apply in the case of an Institution run by the Government or a local authority or any University. (iv) In relation to such institution, where it does not fall within clause (iii), a bond is executed by the registered society or trust by which it is managed or run guaranteeing the proper utilisation of the grants that might be paid by the Commission to the institution and agreeing to refund such part of the grant as may not have been properly utilised for the purpose of the institution and also agreeing to furnish to the Commission the balance sheet of the registered society or trust, as the case may be, alongwith the annual accouts of each of the institutions managed or run by the registered society or trust. The above regulations would come into force with effect from 1.7.1974. It is requested that the University while sending proposals for inclusion of affiliated colleges in the list of colleges prepared under section 2 (f) of the UGC Act may also send documentary evidence to the effect that the college / institution is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (21 of 1860) or is a body corporate or incorporated under the Central or state act for the time being enforced or is a trust, the trustees being appointed and vested with legal powers and duties. The proforma in which the particulars of the colleges are to be sent, has been suitably amended to incorporate the above and copy thereof is enclosed for reference. With regard to colleges already on the list prepared under Section 2 (f) of the UGC Act and which fall under Clause (1) (iv) of the regulations indicated above it is suggested the such colleges / institutions may be advised that a bond is executed by the Registered Society or Trust by which it is managed or run on the lines indicated under the above clause. The University may arrange such bonds duly signed by the Principal concerned and the Secretary or President / Chairman of the concerned Governning Body of the Trust along with a certified copy of the resolution of the Governing Body in Support of the Bond executed to be forwarded to the Commission within six months, i.e. by 31.12.74 from the date on which the new reegulations came into force. In the case of new institutions falling under clause (iv) above and awaiting recognition under section 2(f) it is requested that the University may ensure that the above mentioned documents are invariably forwarded alongwith the proforma seeking recognition of such colleges under section 2(f). The details of colleges already recognised and falling under clause (1) (iv) may be communicated to the Commission at your earliest. 477 The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged. Yours faithfully, R.K.Chhabra Secretary. 7.0 UGC (Establishment and Maintenance of Institutions) Regulations, 1985 To be pubished in the Gazette of India Part III - Section 4, University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi-110 002 No.F.1-81/84-(CPP) Dated 21 December, 1985 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (h) of Sub-Section (1) of Section 26, of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, the University Grants Commission makes the following regulations, namely :- 1. Short title, application and commencement : (i) These regulations may be called the University Grants Commission (establisment and maintenance of Institutions) Regulations, 1985. (ii) They shall apply to every institution established or caused to be established by the University Grants Commission under this Act. (iii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Gazette of India. 2. (i) The University Grants Commission may with the approval of the Government of India establish or cause to be established an autonomous organisation for purposes and functions to be specified in a Project Report which would, amongst others, contain the - (a) rationale ; (b) objectives and functions ; (c) Plan of development ; (d) the structure of management including the membership of the Society, the Board of Management and other concerned bodies, and their functions and powers, mechanism for its evaluation ; (e) financial implications, including phasing of expenditure ; and (f) the nature and mechanics for enforcement of accountability to University Grants Commission and Government. (ii) Each such institution shall be registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 or under the relevant Act of the State Govt. in whose jurisdiction the institution is located. (iii) The Memorandum of Association and the Rules of the institution would, amongst others, provide for the following :- (a) Objects of the Institution. (b) The membership of the Society, the Board of Management and other concerned bodies, and their functions and powers. (c) The manner of appointment of the staff and the terms and conditions of service. 478 (d) The manner of maintenance of the accounts and related matters, and the audit of the same. S.K.Khanna Secretary. 8.0 UGC Regulations regarding the Minimum Standards of Instructions for the Grant of the First Degree Contents 8.1 UGC Letter No. F.1-117/83(CPP) dated 2.1.1986 to Vice-Chancellors of all Universities regarding Minimum Standards of Instructions for the Grant of First Degree. 8.2 UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding the minimum Standards of Instruction for the Grant of the First Degree through Formal Education. 8.3 UGC, Regulations, 1985 regarding the Minimum Standards of Instructions for the Grant of the First Degree through Non-formal / Distance Education. 8.4 Partial Modifications of UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding the Minimum Standards of Instructions for the Grant of First Degree [UGC Letter No. F.1- 117/83(CPP) dated 30th May 1986. University Grants Commission No.F.87-9/58(CUP) 1st December, 1958 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following degrees for the purpose of the said section, namely : LIST OF DEGREES FOR THE PURPOSES OF SECTION 22 OF THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate Degree 1 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 1 Master of Arts (M.A.) 1 Doctorate of letter or Doctor of Literature (D.Litt. or Litt.D.) 2 Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com). 2 Master of Commerce (M.Com.) 2 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or D. Phil.) 3 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.,) 3 Master of Education (M.Ed.) 3 Doctor of Oriental Learning (DOL) 4 Bachelor of Training (B.T.) 4 Master of Oriental Learning (M.O.L.) 4 Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) 5 Bachelor of Oriental Learning (B.O.L.) 5 Master of Laws (M.L.) 5 Doctor of Law (D.L.) 6 Bachelor of Literature (B.Litt.) 6 Master of Law or Laws (LL.M.) 6 Doctor of Science (D.Sc. or Sc.D.) 7 Bachelor of Law or 7 Master of Letters or 7 Doctor of Medicine 479 Laws (B.L.) Master of Literature (M.Litt.) (M.D.) 8 Bachelor of Law or Laws (LL.B.) 8 Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) 8 Doctor of Hygiene (D.HV.) 9 Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.) 9 Master of Indology (M.Ind.) 10 Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) 10 Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) 11 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) 11 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) 12 Bachelor of Techonology (B.Tech) 12 Master of Music (M.Mus.) 13 Bachelor of Textiles (B.Text) 13 Master of Library Science (M.Lib.Sc.) 14 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) 14 Master of Science (M.Sc.) 15 Bachelor of Agriculture (B.Agri) 15 Master of Techonology (M. Tech.) 16 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (B.M.E.) 16 Master of Engineering (M.E.) 17 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (B.E.E.) 17 Master of Electrical Engineering (M.E.E.) 18 Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (B.Ch.E.) 18 Master of Mechanical Engineering (M.E.E.) 19 Bachelor of Tele- Communication Enginnering (B.Tel.E.) 19 Master of Chemical Engineering (M.Ch.E.) 20 Bachelor of Civil Engineering (B.C.E.) 20 Master of Textiles (M.Text) 21 Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) 21 Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.) 22 Bachelor of Chemical Techonolgoy (B.Chem.Tech.) 22 Master of Planning (M.Plan.) 23 Bachelor of Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.) 23 Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) 24 Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) 24 Master of Surgery (M.S.) 25 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) 25 Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) 26 Bachelor of Nursing (B.Nurs.) 26 Master of Obstetrics Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (M.O.) 27 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S. or M.B. & B.S.) 28 Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) 29 Ayurvedacharya, Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (A.M.B.S.) 30 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (B.M.B.S.) 480 31 Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine (B.A.M.) 32 Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.) 33 Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M. & S.) 34 Bachelor of Sanitary Science (B.S.Sc.) 35 Bachelor of India Medicine (B.I.M.) S. Mathai Secretary. University Grants Commission Notification No.F.33-72/59(CUP) New Delhi, the 17th Nov, 1960 In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the Unviersity Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-9/58 (CUP) dated the 1st December, 1958, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Master's Degree 27. Master in Statistics (M.Stat.) Doctorate Degree 9. Doctor of Music (D.Mus.) 10. Doctor of Eduction (D.Ed.) 11. Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) S. Mathai Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg (Mathura Road) New Delhi No.F.33-87/63(CUP) 6th June, 1964 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-9/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58 and F.33-72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.60, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Master's Degree 1. Magister Chirurgiae (M.Ch.) Doctorate Degree 2. Doctor of Medicine (in Cardiology) (D.M.) K.L. JOSHI Secretary. 481 University Grants Commission No.F.33-87/63(CDN) 27th April, 1966 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated 1.12.58, F.33-72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, and F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.64 the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Master's Degree 1. Master of Physical Education (M.P.E.) Bachelor's Degree 1. Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.E.) K.L. JOSHI Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CDN) 18th June, 1968 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the U.G.C. Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58, F.33- 72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.1964 and F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 27.4.1966, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. 1. Shastri (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 2. Siksha Shastri (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 3. Granthalaya Vigyan Shastri (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 4. Ayurvedacharya (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 5. Vidya Varidhi (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 6. Vachaspati (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) 7. Acharya (Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya) P.J. Philip Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CD) 17th February, 1969 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58, F.33- 72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.60, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.64, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 27.4.1966 and F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 18.6.1968, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Bachelor's Degree (i) Alankar (Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya) (ii) Samaj Vidya Visharad (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) (iii) Shikshan Visharad (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) (iv) Hindi Shikshan Visharad (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) Master's Degree (i) Parangat (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) Doctorate Degree 482 (i) Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine (D.Ay-M) (Banaras Hindu University) P.J. Philip Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CDN) 22nd December, 1969 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58, F.33- 72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.1964, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 27.4.1966, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 18.6.1968 and F.1-59/66 (CD) dated 17.2.1969, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Bachelor's Degree : Bachelor of General Laws (B.G.L.) R.K. Chhabra Joint Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CDN) 26th February, 1971 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated 1.12.58, F.33-72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.1964 and F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 27.4.1966, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 18.6.1968, and F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 22.12.1969, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Master's Degree 1. Master of Ayurved in Medicine and Surgery, (M.S.A.M.) Bachelor's Degree 1. Bachelor of Ayurved in Phamacy (B.Pharm (Ayu.) 2. Bachelor of Ayurved in Naturopathy (B.Nat. (Ayu.) 3. Vidya Praveena (Andhra University) 4. Bhasha Praveena (Andhra University) 5. Bachelor of Library Science 6. Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc.) R.K. Chhabra Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CDN) 15.11.1973 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) as modified upto 17th June, 1972 and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58 and F.33-72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 18.6.1968, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 17.2.1969, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 22.12.1969 and F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 26.2.1971, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. 483 Master's Degree 1. Samaj Vidya Parangat (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) 2. Samaj Karya Parangat (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) 3. Shikshan Parangat (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) Doctorate Degree 1. Vidya Vachaspati (Gujarat Vidyapeeth) R.K. Chhabra Secretary. University Grants Commission Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi No.F.1-59/66(CDN) 16th July, 1975 Notification In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (3) of Section 22 of the UGC Act, 1956 (3 of 1956) as modified upto 17th June, 1972 and in continuation of Gazette Notification No. F.87-92/58 (CUP) dated the 1.12.58 and F.33-72/59 (CUP) dated 17.11.1960, F.33-87/63 (CUP) dated 6.6.1964, F.33-87/69 (CUP) dated 27.4.1966 and F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 22.12.1969, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 26.2.1971, F.1-59/66 (CDN) dated 15.11.1973, the University Grants Commission with the approval of the Central Government hereby specifies the following additional degrees for the purposes of the said section. Master's Degree Master of Dance (M.Dance) Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya. Khairagarh. Bachelor's Degree Bachelor of Dance (B.Dance) Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh. R.K. Chhabra Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MAHARAJA'S COLLEGE CENTENARY HALL MYSORE - 570 005 INCLUSION OF COLLEGES UNDER SECTION 2(f) AND 12 (B) OF U.G.C. ACT. 1966. 1. The Colleges which are included under section 2(f) and 12(B) of U.G.C. Act, 1956 are eligible for financial assistance from U.G.C. Extract of 2(f) and 12(B) 2(f) : "University" means a University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act, and includes any such institution as may, in consultation with the University concerned, be recognized by the Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this Act. 12(B) : No grant shall be given by the Central Government, the Commission, or any other organization receiving any funds from the Central Government to a University which is established after the commencement of the University Grants Commission, (Amendment) Act, 1972, Unless the Commission has, after satisfying itself as to such matter as may be prescribed, declared such university to be fit for receiving such grant. 2. For inclusion of College U/S 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act, 1956, they must have permanent 484 affiliation. 3. To get permanent affillation, the colleges should fulfill all the conditions laid down in the Statute relating to "Grant of Permanent Affillation to Colleges". 4. After obtaining permanent affillation the colleges should submit proposal to the UGC with the following documents ; * Application in the prescribed proformas. * Copy of the Registration Certificate of the Education Society or Trust Deed in Case of Trust. * Copy of the resolution of the Managing Committee. * Copy of the order relating to grant of Permanent Affillation (both Government letter and University Order to be translated to English and attested by the Principal. * List of Managing Committee or Trustees. * List of College Governing Council Members. * Indemnity Bond on a Stamp Paper of Rs. 100-00. * Audited Statement of Accounts of College * A certificate issued by the University to the effect that the College has fulfilled all the conditions stipulated by the Local Inquiry Committee while granting permanent affillation. Annexure-1 8.1 UGC Letter No. F.1-117/83 (CPP) dated 2.1.1986 to Vice-Chancellors of the Universities regarding Minimum Standard of Instructions for the Grant of First Degree University Grants Commission Bahadurshah Zafar Mard, New Delhi R.P. Gangurde Joint Secretary D.O.No.F.1-117/83(CPP) 2.1.1986 Dear Vice-Chancellor, Kindly refer to notifications No.F.1-117/83(CPP) dated March 11, 1985 prescribing UGC (Minimum standards of instructions for the grant of first degree through formal and non-formal / distance education in the faculties of Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences) Regulations 1985. The University Grants Commission has since reviewed these regulations with the help of a committee which drafted these regulations and at its meeting held on the 7th October, 1985, the Commission accepted the revised regulations framed under clause (f) of Sub-Section 1 of Section 26 of the UGC Act, 1956. A copy each of the following notifications prescribing 'revised regulations' is sent herewith :- 1. Notification No.F.1-117/83(CP) dated 25th November, 1985 prescribing the UGC (the minimum standards of instructions for the grant of the first Degree through formal education in the faculties of Arts. Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences) Regulations, 1985. 2. Notification No.F.1-117/83(CP) dated 25th November, 1985 prescribing the UGC (the minimum standards of instructions for the grant of the first Degree through non- formal/distance education in the faculties of Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences) Regulations, 1985. These notifications are being published in the Gazette of India (Part-111 Section 4) and will come into force with effect from June 1, 1986. I shall be grateful if you will kindly take appropriate action in the matters and acknowledge the receipt of this letter. Yours Sincerely 485 R.G. Gangurde 8.2 UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding the Minimum Standards of Instruction for the Grant of the First Degree through Formal Education University Grants Commission New Delhi-110002 25th November 1985. No. F.1-117/83(CP) In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (f) of sub-section (1) of Section 26 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (No. 3 of 1956), the University Grants Commission makes the following regulations namely :- 1. Short tiltle, application and commencement : (1) These regulations may be called the University Grants Commission (the minimum standards of instructions for the grant of the first degree through formal education in the faculties of Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences) Regulations, 1985. (2) They shall apply to every university established or in-corporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act, and all Institutions recognised under clause (f) of Section 2 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 and every Institution deeemed to be University under Section 3 of the said Act, (3) They shall come into force on June 4, 1986. 2. Admission / Students : (1) No student shall be eligible for admission to the 1st Degree Course in these faculties unless he has successfully completed 12 years schooling through an examination conducted by a Board / University. The admission shall be made on merit on the basis of criteria notified by the Institutions after taking into account the reservation order issued by the government from time to time. (2) Student enrolment shall be in accordance with the number of teachers and physical facilities available. (3) No student shall be eligible for the award of the first degree unless he has successfully completed a three years course ; this degree may be called the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (General/Honours/Special) degree as the case may be ; Provided no student shall be eligible to seek admission to the Master's Course in these faculties, who has not successfully pursued the first Degree Course of three years duration. Provided further that, as a transistory measure where the universities are unable to change over to a three year degree course, they may award a B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Pass) degree on successful completion of two year course, but that no student of this stream shall be eligible for admission to the Master's course unless he has undergone further one year bridge course and passed the same. The three years degree course after 10+2 stage should in no case be termed as B.A./B.Sc./B.Com(Pass) degree. 3. Working days : (1) Every University enrolling students for the 1st Degree Course shall ensure that the number of actual teaching days should not go below 180 in an academic year. Explanation : The working days shall exclude holidays and vacations, the time set apart for completing normal admission, time required for the preparation and conduct of examinations but shall include the days on which classes such as lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicals etc. are held or conducted. 486 (2) The total periods provided in the time-table shall not be less than 40 clock hours a week. The time-table on working days shall be so drawn up that physical facilities are adequately utilized, and not used only for a few hours a day. (3) The University shall not only lay down the syllabus for each course but also the manner of its implementation, namely, through number of lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, seminars, field work, projects etc., Students shall be encouraged to study some part of the syallabus themselves and shall be given assignment. So as to make them use the library or laboratory etc. (4) When a student offers combination of courses :- (i) It shall be ensured that the total weekly workload on the student is not more than 30 clock hours a week, thus enabling him to undertake some study at his own initiative or to prepare his tutorial, seminars etc ; (ii) the total work-load on a student shall also be adequate so as to keep him busy ; (iii) lectures shall be suplemented by tutorials and / or problem solving session (which shall be around 25% of the lecture work load), term papers etc., so that a student derives maximum benefits from his programme of study. (5) Minimum number of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practicals etc., which a student shall be required to attend before eligible for appearing at the examinations shall be as prescribed by the University which on an average shall not be less than 75% of the total number of lectures, tutorials, practicals etc. 4. Examination : (1) The University shall adopt the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission from time to time in regard to the conduct of examination. (2) There shall be both continuous sessional evalution in addition to semester / year-end examinations. The marks or grades obtained in continuous sessional evaluation shall be shown separately in the grade-card alongwith percentile ranking. Each grade card shall indicate the name of the college from which the candidate appeared in the examination. Further more, the University shall develop a dependable system of checks and controls on marks or grades, awarded in sessional work. Explanation : Percentile rank refers to the percentage of all the examinees in the course, who has the same or higher percentage of marks or grade in the examination. (3) The examination question papers shall be framed so as to ensure that no part of the syllabus is left out of study by a student. (4) No semester / year and examination shall be held unless the University is satisfied that atleast 75% of the course work indicated under sub-regulation 3(3) has actually been conducted. 5. Teachers : (1) No teacher shall be appointed who does not fulfil the minimum qualification prescribed for recruitments as per University Grants Commission (Qualifictions required of a person to be appointed to the teaching staff of a University or other Institutions affiliated to it Regulations, 1982) notified under Section 26(i) (e) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. (2) Every teacher shall be available in the Institution on a working day during the period prescribed and shall in addition to participating in teaching as indicated in sub regulation 3(3), undertake examination / test / evaluation / invigilation work, general assistance to students in removing their academic difficulties, and participate in extra-curricular and institutional support activities, as required. (3) The work load of a teacher shall take into account teaching, reasearch and extension activities, preparation of lessons, evaluation of assignments, terms papers etc. and shall be in accordance with the gudelines issued by the University Grants Commission from time to time ; 487 Provided that the time spent on extension work where it forms an internal part of the course prescribed shall count towards the teaching provided further that no teacher shall be expected to lecture for more than three clock hours per day. (4) The number of full-time and / or part-time teachers shall be provided, keeping in view the total institutional workload as provided in sub-regulation 3(5), teachers workload in sub-regulation 5(3) and class size in sub-regulation 6(1) and 6(2). (5) The group for turorials shall not normally be more than 15 or 20 students. (6) A teacher shall not be expected to supervise more than 20-25 students in a laboratory class. 6. Physical facilities : (1) Every University shall lay down norms in respect of class rooms, laboratories, library, canteen / cafetaria, hostel accommodation etc, and all institutions admitted to its privileges shall adhere to the same. The University while prescribing these facilities as a condition of affiliation shall keep in view the guidelines of the University Grants Commission in this regard. (2) The lecture-classes shall normally not exceed 80 students, unless in special cases, the University has accommodation for larger classes and makes suitable audio-visual arrangements for effective lecturing accompanied by tutorial classes. 7. Information : Every University shall furnish to the University Grants Commission information relating to the observance of these Regulations in the forms prescribed for the purpose. The information shall be supplied to the University Grants Commission whithin 60 days of the close of the academic year. APPENDIX - B UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NORMS FOR LABORATORY, LECTURE ROOM AND LIBRARY I. LABORATORY : Average laboratory area per student under-graduate. 40 Sq.ft. for subsidiary / Minor. 60 sq.ft. for main subjects. In determining the areas of under-graduate / laboratories the basis of calculation will respectively be as follows :- a) Number of under-graduate doing practical work at a time. The plinth area of laboratory buildings in the Universities may be determined generally as carpet area of the laboratory plus 50% thereof. This will provide sufficient accomodation for varandahs, laboratory blocks, stair cases, etc. II. Lecture room area per stduent : 12 sq.ft per student provided no lecture room has an area less than 400 sq.ft. Some of the lecture rooms for Science Classes should be provided with preparation rooms with an area of about 300 sq.ft. III. Average space for store-room : 1000 to 2000 sq.ft. per 100 to 150 students. IV. Museums for Botany and Zoology : A minimum space of about 1000 sq.ft. for each of these department. V. Standards for Library buildings and furniture : Based on 1553-1976 India Standard Recommendation relating to Primary Elements in the Design of Library buildings (First Revision). 1. Location : The Library should be centrally located with reference to buildings of faculties and departments, laboratories and hostels. 2. Rooms to be provided are as follows : 488 Sl.No. Rooms Normally separate Academic Library *UCL **UDL i) Stack Room R - ii) Catalogue Room R - iii) General Reading Room R R iv) Periodical Reading Room R - v) Special Reading Room R - vi) Research Cubicals R - vii) Group Study Room R - viii) Seminar Room R - ix) Conference Room - - x) Exhibition Room - - xi) Librarian's Room R - xii) Dy. Librarian's room R - xiii) Technical Staff room R - xiv) Administrative Staff room R - xv) Committee room R - xvi) Display room R - xvii) Night Watchman's room R - xviii) Microfilm reading room R - xix) Document Reproduction room R - xx) Audio Visual Room R - xxi) Store Room R R * University Central Library ** University / College Deptl. Library 3. STACK ROOM : 3.1 : Dimension of stack room should be as follows :- a) Clear Length in meters - 1080n + 3.10 where in the number of rows of book racks *- *Each Unit rack 2m long may be assumed to house 700 to 750 volumes and 1 m2 of stack room area may be assumed to house 150 volumes. Note 1- The centre to centre distance between consecutive racks is 1.80 m (on the basis of 0.45m of rack depth plus 1.35 m of cross gangway plus 0.225 m or half rack depth) Note 2- The distance from an end wall of the stack room to the centre of the nearest row of rack is 1.5 5m (on the basis of 1.325m of the end cross gangway plus 0.225m of half rack depth). b) CLEAR WIDTH : i) 3M (on the basis of one rack 2 m long plus one longitudinal gangway of m) close to a longitudinal wall. ii) 5m (on the basis of 2 racks each 2m long plus longitudinal gangway of 1m) close to a longitudinal wall. iii) 8m (on the basis of 3 racks each 2m long plus two longitudinal gangways of 1m each) close to each of be longitudinal walls, and iv) 10m (on the basis of 4 racks each 2m long plus two longitudinal gangway of 1m each) close to each of the longitudinal walls. c) CLEAR HEIGHT - Floor to celling, 2.40m Note 1) The height of the rack is 2.0 m and allogance for day guides is 0.20m. Note 2) The stack room should be combined with necessary devices for effective ventilation. 3.2 Stack room should be so oriented as to avoid direct sun. 4. Windows - 489 4.1 Stack room-windows in the side walls of the stack room should be opposite each cross gangway. 4.2 Each window should be provided with glass shutters and protected with wire fabric having its aperture sufficient small to prevent squirrels, rats etc from getting in. In its fully open position the glass shutter should not project into the gangway. 4.3 Other rooms- All windows and ventilators in the rooms accessible from outside should be provided with wire fabric to prevent books, pamphlets etc being passed out through them. 5. Sizes of rooms : 5.1 Reading room : The average area per reader in the reading room should be 2.33m minimum. An illustrative layout of the reading room is shown in Fig. 1. (***) Note : Three metre and five metre width are generally only in case of stack spaces, as the stack room and the reading room may be combined into a single room in such cases. Note : The size of the reading table as shown in Fig. 1 is 2.4 x 0.6 m. The centre to centre distance between two consecutive rows of reading room tables is 1.8m with seating arrangement on one side of the table only. 5.2 Sizes of other rooms shall normally be as follows : For use of Area (square metre) a) Librarian and deputy librarian 30 b) Classifier, Cataloguer, Accession Librarian and Maintenance Librarian 9 per person c) Secretary to the Librarian 9 d) Visitor's room 15 e) Administrative and professional staff not at service points and other than those mentioned in (b) 5 per person f) Group discussion room 2 per person g) Conference room 2 per person h) Seminar room 2 per person i) Committee room 2 per person j) Cubicles 7 per person 6 Librarians of all types are expanding at an enormous rate. Increase in demand for documents, official policy and increase in literacy make this process inevitable. Since the development of new libraries takes several years the stock to be accommodated on the opening day, therefore, will be larger than was estimated when planning started. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to estimate the area of the library at a given future date and related the requirements to that date. 7. Circulation 7.1 Each floor of the library, buildings shall be at one single level to facilitate them movement of book trolley from one part to another. Thresholds shall not be provided anywhere inside the buildings. 7.1.1 The movement of the book trolley from one tier to another where there are three or more tiers in the stack room, should be through electric lifts provided within the stack room with landing at every tier of the stack room. 7.1.2 The rooms shall be arranged in such a way that the staff other than those servicing the reading room shall not have to pass through the reading room disturbing the readers. 8. Relative position of rooms : 8.1 The stack room should be so placed that it is easily accessible and promoted to every part of the library. 8.2 The catalogue room should be like an anti-room to the stack room on the way from the general reading room to the stack room. 8.3 The general reading room should be close to the entrance. 8.4 Periodicals rooms may be further removed from the general reading room. But 490 independent access - it shall be possible when the other rooms in the library are closed. 8.5 Special reading rooms may be still further removed from the general reading room. 8.6 The librarian or the deputy librarian should have his room in closed proximity to the genral reading room. 8.7 The rooms of the technical and administrative staff should be placed in close proximity to the rooms of the librarian and the deputy librarian. 8.8 The ... have independent access to the stack and cacalogue ... areas. 8.9 The exhibition room may be combined with the entrance lobby or placed as close to it as possible. 8.10 The cubicles, the rooms for group study, the committee room etc may be in a seperate wing or a separate floor. 9. The furniture and fittings for library shall be as per IS : 1829 (Part I and II) and IS : Library furniture and fittings : Part I Timber (First Revision) and Part II Steel and IS: 3663-1981. Dimensions for rigid couplings. Tables and Chairs for general office purpose. 10. Recruitment for fitment for drainage and sanitation for library building shall be as per the table enclosed.
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