Karma Magazine - May 2011

March 28, 2018 | Author: karmamagazine | Category: Science, Astronomy, Vedas, Hindu Astrology, Planets



KarmaEmpowering Self & Community Ilavarasan Special Sections Editor & Vice President Content......... Vedic Astrology Kids Story Spirituality Mangal Dosh Parikar Herbs and Health Vasthu Daily pooja Sloka Kriya yoga Letter to Swamiji Zodiac Sign 2 6 10 16 18 24 35 37 52 55 Editor Pundit Madhu Manikandan Reporter & Art Director C.T.Kumar Contributing Writers Nirmala Sujatha Reddy Deepika Raina Sheetal Suganya Prathap The nation’s largest full color monthly spiritual and metaphysical magazine. Submission & Disclaimers : We accept articles, photography, and art work that is in keeping with our mission. We do not endorse any particular opinion, program, or advertisement. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material we receive. We will do our best to honor the integrity of our readership. It is merely our sincere hope that we help our readers to achieve success in their lives. Post Masters: Send address changes to Karma, Suite No E, 2222, Olive Road, Dayton, Ohio. 45426. Note: Karma does not accept any responsibility for products or services advertised. The publisher has the right to deny any advertising at its sole discretion. Contact Information Publisher : Editor : Advertising & Marketing : Subscription & Postage : Telephone : web : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1-888-808-1418 www.karmamagazine.org Legal Advisors Jesse W. Hill, Esq John J. Scaccia, Esq Quentin C. Jones, Esq A.P. Jayachandran, Esq Creative Art Director & Graphic Designer Pundit Jeyakumar Karma 1 Swamiji Sri Selvam “Siddhar” During the past issues we discussed a lot about Vedic Astrology. In this issue I wish to explain about Indian Astronomy and Vedic Astrology. So to say the Indian Astronomy is the oldest and even without having a telescope, the ancient rishis, sages and monks have predicted a lot about the planets and stars. The modern day scientists have scientifically proved that all these ancient factors are the greatest truths. In India the first references to astronomy are to be found in the Atharva Veda which is dated around 2000 B.C. Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets. Astronomy was then interwoven with astrology and since ancient times Indians have involved the planets (called Graham) with the determination of human fortunes. Out of the nine planets some of the planets are considered inauspicious. In the working out of horoscopes (called Janma kundali/Janma patra/horoscope/Vedic astrological chart), the position of the Navagrahas, seven planets plus Raaghu and Kethu (mythical demons, evil forces) was considered. The Janmakundali was a complex mixture of science and system of belief. But the concept was born out of astronomical observations and perception based on astronomical phenomenon. In ancient times personalities like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were associated with Indian astronomy. It would be surprising for us to know today that this science had advanced to such an extent in ancient India that ancient Indian astronomers had recognized that stars are same as the sun, that the sun is center of the universe (solar system) and that the circumference of the earth is 5000 Yojanas. One Yojana being 7.2 kms. The ancient Indian estimates came close to the actual figure. In Indian languages, the science of Astronomy is today called Khagola-shastra. The word Khagola perhaps is derived from the famous astronomical observatory at the University of Nalanda which was called Khagola. It was at Khagola that the famous 5th century Indian Astronomer Aryabhatta studied and extended the subject. Aryabhatta is said to have been born in 476 A.D. at a town called Ashmaka in today’s Indian state of Kerala. When he was still a young boy he had been sent to the University of Nalanda to study astronomy. He made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He also propounded the heliocentric theory of gravitation, thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years. Aryabhatta’s Magnum Opus, the Aryabhattiya was translated into Latin in the 13th century. Through this translation, European mathematicians got to know methods for calculating the areas of triangles, volumes of spheres as well as square and cube root. Aryabhatta’s ideas about eclipses and the sun being the source of moonlight may not have caused much of an impression on European astronomers as by then they had come to know of these facts through the observations of Copernicus and Galileo. But considering that Aryabhatta discovered these facts 1500 years ago, and 1000 years before Copernicus and Galileo makes him a pioneer in this area too. Aryabhatta’s methods of astronomical calculations expounded in his Aryabhatta-siddhanta were reliable for practical purposes of fixing the Panchanga (Hindu calendar). Thus in ancient India, eclipses were also forecast and their true nature was perceived at least by the astronomers. The lack of a telescope hindered further advancement of ancient Indian astronomy. Though it should be admitted that with their unaided observations with crude instruments, the astronomers in ancient India were able to arrive at near perfect measurement of astronomical movements and predict eclipses. Indian astronomers also propounded the theory that the earth was a sphere. Aryabhatta was the first one to have propounded this theory in the 5th century. Another Indian astronomer, Brahmagupta estimated in the 7th century that the circumference of the earth was 5000 yojanas. A yojana is around 7.2 kms. Calculating on this basis we see that the estimate of 36,000 kms as the earth’s circumference comes quite close to the actual circumference known today. There is an old Sanskrit Sloka (couplet) which is as follows: “Sarva Dishanaam, Surya, Surya, Suryaha.” This couplet means that there are suns in all directions. This couplet which describes the night sky as full of suns indicates that in ancient times Indian astronomers had arrived at the important discovery that the stars visible at night are similar to the Sun visible during day time. In other words, it was recognized that the sun is also a star, though the nearest one. This understanding is demonstrated in another sloka which says that when one sun sinks below the horizon, a thousand suns take its place. It was also recognized that this force is a tractive force. The Sanskrit term for gravity is Gurutvakarshan which is an amalgam of Guru-tva-akarshan. Akarshan means to be attracted. Thus the fact that the character of this force was of attraction was also recognized. This apart, it seems that the function of attracting Karma 2 heavenly bodies was attributed to the sun. The term Guru-tvaakarshan can be interpreted to mean, ‘to the attracted by the Master”. The sun was recognized by all ancient people to be the source of light and warmth. Among the Aryans the sun was highly honored. The sun (Surya) was one of the chief deities in the Vedas. He was recognized as the source of light (Dinkara), source of warmth (Bhaskara). In the Vedas he is also referred to as the source of all life, the centre of creation and the centre of the spheres. The last statement is suggestive of the sun being recognized as the centre of the universe (solar system). The idea is that the sun was looked upon as the power that attracts heavenly bodies. He is supported by the virile terms like Raghupati and Aditya used in referring to the sun. While the male gender is applied to refer to the sun, the earth (Prithivi, Bhoomi, etc.,) is generally referred to as a female. The literal meaning of the term Gurutvakarshan also supports the recognition of the heliocentric theory, as the term Guru corresponds with the male gender, hence it could not have referred to the earth which was always referred to as a female. Many ancient Indian astronomers have also referred to the concept of heliocentrism. Aryabhatta has suggested it in his treatise Aryabhattiya. Bhaskaracharya has also made references to it in his Magnum Opus Siddhanta-Shiromani. All these were based only on Atharva Veda. But it has to be conceded that the heliocentric theory of gravitation was also developed in ancient times (i.e. around 500 B.C.) by Greek astronomers. What supports the contention that it could have existed in India before the Greek astronomers developed it, is that in Vedic literature the Sun is referred to as the ‘centre of spheres’ along with the term Guru-tva-akarshan which seemingly refers to the sun. The Vedas are dated around 3000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. Thus the heliocentric idea could have existed in a rudimentary form in the days of the Atharva Veda and was refined further by astronomers of a later age. lndian Astronomers like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira who lived between 476 and 587 A.D. made close approaches to the concept of Helicentrism. In the Surya-Siddhanta, an astronomical text dated around 400 A.D., the following appellations have been given to the sun. “He is denominated the golden wombed (Hiranyagarbha), the blessed; as being the generator”. He is also referred to as “The supreme source of light (Jyoti) upon the border of darkness - he revolves. Being the creator of creatures He is bringing out the beings from darkness to light. The Surya-Siddhanta also says that “Bestowing upon him the scriptures (Vedas) as gifts and establishing him within the egg as grandfather of all worlds, he himself then revolves causing existence”. The next ancient science is Indian Vedic Astrology. Indian Vedic Astrology is considered to be one of the oldest, most accurate and consistent form of astrology all over the world. It is a natural cosmic science based on real astronomy. In India, where Astrology is taken very seriously, it is one of the most important gifts to the Indian culture. Indian Vedic Astrology is generally regarded to be very predictive in nature and hence, it helps an individual to face the future in a better way, evading any misfortunes or obstacles that might be laid down in the path to success. The ancient Vedas which are said to be the oldest religious literature available has references to this science. “Jyothisha or Astrology” is one of the limbs of the “Vedas” which date back to 1500 B.C. Hindus were the original masters who had the thorough knowledge of astronomy and many rituals and religious rites were related to the position of planets and their motions. Long before Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Galileo and other galaxy of astronomers were born, the Hindu sages had already gained much knowledge on the stellar or planetary universe. Indian Astrology has three main branches of study. They are Siddanta, Samhita and Hora. Siddantas are those who devote to astronomical study of celestial bodies Samhitas deal with mundane astrology, earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, rainfall, weather conditions economic conditions and effects of sunspots. The next and the very important branch is the Phalitha Jyothisha or Hora, which concentrates on the system of predictions. This branch has six sub-divisions, namely, Jathaka, Gola, Prasna, Nimitta, Muhurta and Ganitha. I wish to give you a briefing about Indian Vedic Astrology in a nut-shell. Then anybody can easily understand what Vedic Astrology is. The Indian astrology study consists of 27 constellations, in 12 lunar mansions. The movements of two luminaries Sun and Moon, five major planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury) and the two nodal points of the Moon i.e., Raaghu and Kethu are considered and their positions are marked. The extra Saturnine planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are not recognized by the Indian Astrology Above all, Moon is taken as very important planet for predictions though it is satellite of earth. The Moon, at the time of birth is found in a particular position or in a particular star and it will be taken as the star of the person born. This star will be used for finding out the major and sub-periods of the person in his life. Now let me tell the utilities and benefits of Indian Vedic Astrology. 1. To predict the future events. 2. To match the birth-charts of the couple at the time of marriage for a successful married life. 3. To provide a Life reading containing issues of a person’s personal life. 4. To find out the Muhurath (best time) to start any auspicious ceremony. 5. To determine which stars are affecting one’s life. 6. To provide a remedy for your problems. All the aforesaid things are just hints. The planetorial position will change according to the Individual horoscopes. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems anybody can contact me @ USA toll free 1-888-8081418 or email to me [email protected] I pray Lord Shiva, Goddess Vanadurga and the other Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a clear future and comfortable living. I pray them to make us meet in the next issue, with some more different ideas of Vedic Astrology. Karma 3 warning for the forthcoming issues. Rishi Sri Kabala Muni has divided the dreams in to 74 parts, and even to my experience with my followers and devotees, all of their different kinds of dreams are falling within these 74 segments. I would be able to give only crispy ideas here. Temple related dreams; If we see, a large temple, implies that, we are going to get miracles or excellent Gods’ grace very soon. If we see the closed temple, or no body in the temple and we are the only people, implies that, we would be getting lot of hurdles and bad luck in our different issues, and the same could be settled by proper advice and rituals through an Atharva Vedic scholar. If we are getting a dream like opening the Pooja room or the door of any spiritual place, implies that, we are going to get in to some new business or job. If we see lot of temple ceremony crowds, implies a business/ job opportunity and if we see that we are standing in the crowds implies that, somebody is going to come to us to give great help. Dreams and the meanings of dreams By Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) The Atharva Vedic astrology has a lot of sub clauses in it. One of those clauses is dealing with the dreams. In Sanskrit it is called as “Swapna Saastram”. The dreams have many meanings. I have explained a lot about dreams on the basis of Atharva Veda. Let us read about this wonderful science. The “Maha Rishi Kabala Muni”, one of the authors of Atharva Veda is one of the main disciples of the great sage Sri.Agasthiyar. He has written a wonderful Saastra/ theme about the dreams and their meanings, and the same is still in the old palm scripts and not yet published anywhere in the world. The palm scripts came to me from my “Maha guru Sri Chinnappa Siddhar” and being the Guru Parampara and the next successor of the Ashram, I had an opportunity to read and utilize the same for the benefits of the mankind. I like to give some important features about the Dreams exclusively for the readers, which I hope, are the most useful for all human beings. The dreams are so much connected to our future, or some times, it would be a warning for the expected problems. The dreams are divided in to 4 different segments of Dreams. One is at the time, which happens, immediately, as soon as we sleep. The second one happens at the mid night or called as rendaam jaamam. The 3 rd one occurs in the early morning. The 4th one occurs in the afternoon or evening times. . We need not worry about any kinds of dreams come to us after the sun light and before the sun set. . The Dreams occur in the night always are related to our past life or to the last incarnation. The mid night dreams have got connection with our present life. The early morning dreams, lot of time related to our present life and lot of times, could be the (Swapna saasthram.) If we hear a big bell sound either from the temple or from any other sources imply that, all of our problems and stress in the life is going to be settled very soon, and also it implies that, again we should not get in to the problems or causing stress to somebody. Green trees or tree avenues; seeing some kinds of avenues with lot of trees or green leaves implies that, we are going to have excellent new baby in our life. Chances to get some huge money from the unexpected channels, winning lotto, getting money from the Politicians are the possibilities. Seeing in the dreams about King or Raja (government people), elephant, horse, cow, bull, and or gold would give dhana laabam (excellent wealth), lucky children, and traveling to the holy places. Dreams like you are riding or happened to climb bull, elephant, mountains, tree and dreaming like garbage or split of other person fall on our body, seeing blood, dead body, and prostitute would yield a special benefit or quick luck, betterment of the health, or would absorb new cloths. Seeing a very low cadre people (in India we call them as scheduled caste people) or the cleaning persons come with dangerous instruments to fight with us, it shows that soon we would get lot of health related problems. . Feeling like, we clean the home with cow dung and praying, would yield unnecessary feeling about robbers and bad people. .If we happened to see an unmarried pundit comes to the home; chances are to get fire problems or accidents. Climbing on a tree with lot of flowers and fruits gives siddhidefinite success in our endeavors. Snake climbing on the right shoulder is the symbol for definite success to get gold/ money, or getting new children. Eating on the walls or crossing the border of sea in any means of transportation, gives an unexpected promotion or the increment in the job. Seeing snake or cancer means getting money or success. Seeing like eating the sweet on the lotus leaf, the person will be a Millionaire soon. Seeing like catching the birds, would yield to enjoyment with a new girl or lady and all the material blessings. Seeing like drinking or making liquor, seeing as getting or giving blood would yield excellent education or wealth. Seeing dheepam (dhiya), bird, umbrella, chaamaram and prostitute will Karma 4 bring definite success in the action or job. Seeing like having the intestine of a human being around us means the concerned person will become the leader for the place, town, country, or nation. Seeing like traveling in the carts driven by donkey, camel, or buffalo means death is soon. Seeing thaamboolam, (marriage Plate), Sandal wood or Sandal wood paste, curd (Yogurt), pearls, flowers will bring excellent growth of wealth. Fruit tress/ forest Dreams; if we happened to see trees or fruits, which we are using in our day to day life reflects that, we are going to have sudden “Kubera Sampatthu” (great wealth) and all kinds of material wealth very soon. Seeing an accountant or a writing person; these kinds of dreams reflects that, any kind of court cases will end to our favor. The persons with some kinds of arts back ground would be getting awards and lot of money too. If we happened to see any police station/ police/ legal buildings reflects that, soon we are going to get in to some kinds of court cases, or litigations. We should be very careful in all kinds of financial transactions, property related, and business related deals. Otherwise, we would be put in to lot of hard ships. If we happened to see flowers means, lot of happiness is going to be started. If we happened to see that a small girl is presenting flowers means, success in love affairs, seeing a girl putting flowers on the head of other girls/ ladies reflects happy understanding between the couples is going to happen. Beautiful girl; seeing a beautiful girl in the dreams reflects the happiness in the life. If we happened to see a girl entering our home with good / subha things such as fruits, turmeric, kumkum on her hands reflects that, some kinds of happy ceremony in the house is will happen very soon. If you see the marriage or attaining puberty of a girl, it resembles getting a property. Girl with lot of Jewelleries; if we happened to see a girl entering our home with lot of jewellery reveals that we are going to get huge assets from some of our relatives or from the ancestors. It also reflects some kinds of will deeds too. Beggar; if we happened to see that we are begging on the roads, reflects that chances to get in to Bankruptcy, or somebody could cheat us. For the Business people it reflects that loosing of business and for the Job people loosing our job or de promotion etc., For an Industrialist, chances to get either labor strike or big labor court cases. House birds; if we have a dream related to the usual house pets/ birds means, we are just wasting our excellent smartness. Aggressive Birds; seeing some kind of aggressive birds like Eagle etc; reflects that soon we are going to get into heavy troubles by our own surroundings or by the close circle of friends. It also reflects that, we will not be in a position to understand who is initiating, the concerned negative ness or black magic around us. Hunting the birds; having a dream like hunting or shooting birds or animals reflects that we are unnecessarily disturbing and bothering somebody and the same should be avoided. Birds’/ Animals’ escape; if we see like some kinds of birds or animals are escaped from our possession reflects that we are going to have lot of relief from the long-standing issues and problems. Sandal wood paste; if we happened to see that or if we dream that we are pasting a good sandal wood powder or paste on our body reflects that we are going to get excellent name and fame very soon in our carrier and lot of chances to get awards from the Government or the Employer. If we dream like we are putting sandal wood paste on somebody’s body means, we are going to get into the clutches of the opposite sex and the opposite person is going to use us for all their sexual pleasures. Umbrella; if we happened to see an umbrella related dreams reflects that we are going to get a permanent and stable life immediately or chances to get back our loans, which are uncollected for a long time. There will be chances to get away from financial burdens too. Meeting a stranger; this dream elects that we are going to get an excellent status in our life very soon. Even our enemies will become as closest friends soon and there are also chances to get somebody to solve the sufferings in our life. Injury related Dreams; if we dream like we had some kinds of hurt in the body and the injury is only inside, reflects that sooner or latter we are going to have lot of problems from the secret enemies. There are a lot of chances to get in to highest mental stress. If a business person happens to dream the same, it is In the business to get in to Bankruptcy or to get in to legal litigations etc., if we happened to see an accident for us or lot of blood from our Body reflects that, we are going to have excellent name and income from some source. Money would flow like waterfalls. Seeing a dream like getting a bandage for the injury reflects that, we are going to get cheated by somebody very soon. Carpet’; Seeing a Carpet reflects that some one who is very close to us, is going to die and at the same time, the same person is going to give some kinds of good wealth to us. It is something like somebody is getting huge funds from somebody, and the person who gave loan die suddenly without informing to his people that, the concerned loan or some kinds of payments made to us. These are just hints to tell about the Atharva Vedic Swapna Saastram or dream science. The bad effects of the bad dreams can be converted as good effects. Having the bad dreams are also eradicated by the Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. To know more and more about dreams and the results of the dreams, contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ USA toll free 1-888-808-1418 or email to [email protected] Karma 5 kids stories Back to Square One As usual a lot of people were present in Akbar’s durbar. A famous astrologer had come from a far away country. He was talking about the Solar System and the Earth’s shape. At one point Akbar said, “If the earth is round, and if one travel strait towards one direction, he will come back to the same spot from where he has started the journey.” “Theoretically it is correct”, said the astrologer. “Why not in real life?” asked the king. “One has to cross oceans, mountains and forests to keep the path straight.” the astrologer said. “Sail through the oceans, make tunnels in the mountains and use elephants to cross the forests.” Akbar found the solution. “Still it is impossible” said the astrologer. “Why?” Asked Akbar. “It may take years to complete the whole journey” said the astrologer. “Years? How many?” asked Akbar. “I don’t know. May be a hundred years or more” said the astrologer “Don’t worry I will ask my ministers. They have an answer for everything” Akbar looked at the ministers. “Impossible to calculate.” “Around 25 years” “Fifty years or less” “80 days” “Why Birbal, you haven’t uttered a word” the king showed his surprise at Birbal’s silence. “I was just calculating the time required to go round the earth” explained Birbal. “And did you get the answer?” asked the king. “Sure.” Said Birbal. “It will take just one day.” “Just one day! Birbal it is impossible! Even it will take more than one day to cross our country.” Said Akbar. “It is possible. Provided you travel at the speed of the Sun” said Birbal with a smile. Uncle Spider The spider is the hero of many West African tales. Nobody knows why a spider, of all creatures, should be so honored. Some say the spider represents a legendary warrior of ancient times, a man renowned for his cunning as well as for his velour; others say the spider is a solar symbol, perhaps because its legs radiate out from a central orb, like the rays of the sun. Here is a spider tale from northern Nigeria. When Mother Hyena was away, Anansis, the spider, went to her den and informed her cubs that he was their uncle, “Foryou-all”. “Wake me up when your mother brings food,” he said and curling up in a corner, went to sleep. Presently Mother Hyena came with meat which she gave to her cubs, saying: “This is for you all.” The cubs woke up the spider and gave him the meat which he devoured. Mother hyena brought meat twice more, on each occasion saying, “This is for you all,” while handing over the food to her cubs. Each time, the cubs dutifully woke up Anansis and gave him the meat. In the evening when Mother Hyena came home the cubs started crying for food. “Still hungry after all the meat I gave you?” she asked, surprised. “Uncle ate it all!” they wailed. The spider, realizing that it was time to run, darted out of the cave and sprinted away. “That’s Uncle For-youall!” shouted the cubs. “Is he!” said their mother, grimly, and bounded after the spider. Anansis rushed into Dog’s house and sat beside him. “I’ve just finished eating,” said the dog. “I’ve nothing to offer you.” “That’s all right,” said the spider, “I’ve already eaten. That’s why I’m here.” The Hyena came in just then. “Which of you was the rascal I was chasing!” she demanded. The spider pointed to the dog. “He has been running,” he said. “See how he’s panting with his tongue hanging out.” The hyena pounced on the dog that twisted away and jumped out of the window. The Karma 6 Hyena followed him. The spider, knowing that it would be a long time before the dog got back, stretched out on his bed for a short snooze. The Best Artist A despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture. “If you do a bad portrait, I will punish you,” he warned, “but if you do a good one I will reward you. Now start!” The first artist produced a picture that showed the sultan as he was: blind in one eye. The sultan had him executed for showing disrespect to his monarch. The second artist showed him with both eyes intact. The sultan had him flogged for trying to flatter him. The third artist drew him in profile, showing only his good eye. The sultan, pleased, rewarded him with gold and honors. Sleepless Night There was an Old Iranian who was intensely proud of two things – his long, white beard that reached down to his chest, and his ability to sleep the moment his head touched the pillow. One day, his 3-year-old grandson asked him how he arranged his beard when he slept: did it go under the blanket or did it remain above it? The old man had never paid attention to this detail, and he confessed he didn’t remember whether his beard remained above or went under the blanket. He promised to find out. It was very cold that night. The old man got into bed and pulled the blanket over himself. Then he suddenly remembered his grandson’s question. He became acutely conscious that his beard was under the blanket. He lifted it from under the blanket, and placed it above it. This made him feel that something was not quite right. So he tucked the beard under the blanket again. But he soon felt it would be better if it were out. In and out went the beard; first under the blanket, then above it, then under once again. The old man spent a sleepless night. The next morning the first thing he did was cut his beard to chin level, to the great joy of his daughter who, for several months, had been urging him to do just that. Change of Mind There was a sickly young girl who always seemed to be at death’s door. Her neighbor was a widow, bent with age. Whenever she caught sight of the girl she would shake her head sadly and say: “Oh God, why do you torment that poor child...if you want a life take this old woman!” One evening a bull in the village, put its head into a large black pot to get at some grain at the bottom, and then couldn’t get its head out. Frightened and confused, it ran hither and thither, unable to see where it was going because its eyes were covered by the pot. Meanwhile, the old woman we mentioned, was visiting her neighbor. She came out and as usual began shaking her head and saying that if God wanted a life he should take hers. Suddenly she became aware that a powerfully-built beast, apparently headless, was rushing at her. “Yama has come for me!” she thought and was filled with terror. “Mercy, my Lord, mercy!” she screeched, falling to her knees in front of the advancing bull. “Spare me. There’s a sickly girl next door. Take her instead!” The Wise Men of Chelm The residents of the Jewish town of Chelm, one day, decided that there was no point in all of them worrying about their various problems. “Let us appoint a Worry Man, somebody who will worry for all of us,” said the mayor. Everybody hailed it as a great idea and when one of the elders suggested that Yossel, the cobbler, who seemed to have a lot of time on his hands, should be given the job. The man was at once sent for. “How much will I be paid,” asked Yossel, suspiciously, after the nature of the job was explained to him. “Er… one kopek a week,” said the mayor. “It won’t work.” “Why not?” “Because if you give me one kopek a week,” explained the cobbler, “I’ll have nothing to worry about.” Wish List His troops, led by four of his finest commanders won a great battle for him, and Napoleon Bonaparte was in a generous mood. “Ask for anything and I’ll give it to you,” he said to the four officers who had distinguished themselves. “I’ve always wanted a house in Paris,” said one of the men, a German. “Done!” said Napoleon. “You’ll get a mansion in the city.” “I’ve always desired to own a hotel,” said the second officer, a Frenchman. “Done!” said the emperor. “I’ll order a hotel to be given to you.” “I’ve always wanted a brewery,” said the third man, a Pole. “Done!” said the emperor. “I will Karma 7 Chintu and The Crocodile “Beware of the crocodile while passing by the river,” Tina Monkey warned her son Chintu Monkey while helping him put the schoolbag on his back. “Crocodile? What’s that?” asked Chintu. “Haven’t you learnt about the crocodile in school?” asked Tina. “You mean ghost? I am not afraid of ghosts!” said Chintu. “It’s not a ghost. It’s a reptile with a thick skin, a strong tail, a huge mouth and beady eyes. It can walk on land and swim in water,” explained Tina. “But that’s an elephant and not a croco.. er..what did you call it, Mom?” “Crocodile. A big crocodile has come to the river. I heard that it killed a goat that had gone to the river to drink water. I want you to be careful when you pass by the river.” “All right, Mom, I’ll be careful,” said Chintu, waving goodbye to his mother. As he walked to school, he thought about the strange creature called the crocodile that had made its home in the river. “I’m not scared of that crocodile. If it comes near me, I will break its head with my water bottle!” he told himself. “And I’ll kick his face with my shoe and poke his eyes out with my umbrella!” When he reached the riverside, curiosity got the better of him and he climbed up a tree to catch a glimpse of the crocodile. He looked all along the length of the river but couldn’t see the crocodile. “Mom must have cooked up this story just to keep me from the river,” sighed Chintu as he climbed down from the tree. “There is no creature called crocodile in this world.” “What did you say?” asked a voice from behind. “If there are no crocodiles in the world, pray, who am I?” Turning back, Chintu asked, “Who said that?” “I said it!” said the crocodile, and whipping a log with his tail, he cut it into two. “Who are you?” shouted Chintu frightened. “I am a CROCODILE!!” said the crocodile, opening its mouth wide. “It must be the creature that mom had warned me about!” thought Chintu. “Okay, I believe you. There are crocodiles in this world. Let me go or I will be late for school,” saying that Chintu started moving backwards. “Don’t move! I am going to eat you up right now” said the crocodile and started moving towards him slowly. Chintu thought fast of a way to escape. He quickly emptied his schoolbag in front of the crocodile. Why did he do that? What was his plan to escape? Did he succeed? Complete the story making Chintu the real Hero of the Day! SEND YOUR STORY ENDING to karmakidscorner@ gmail.com give you a brewery!” “And you, sir?” he said, turning to the fourth man. “What will you have?” “Grant me a fortnight’s leave,” said the man. “Done!” said the emperor. “Your leave begins from tomorrow!” Now the fourth man happened to be a Jew, and in those days at least, Jews were supposed to be shrewd and possess great business acumen. So his colleagues were surprised that he had asked for so little. They felt he had missed a rare opportunity to become rich, and were elated that they themselves had kept their wits about them and asked for worthwhile things. They asked him about it when they ran into him later that day. “Why did you ask for so little?” they taunted him. “Did courage fail you?” “You asked for a lot,” replied the Jew. “But you must remember that the emperor is a busy man. He will order his secretary to fulfill his promises. His secretary too is a busy man. He will pass on the order to his assistant who too is a busy man. So the emperor’s order will go down from subordinate to subordinate and finally in the course of a few months…it’ll get lost!” “We’ll appeal to the emperor!” shouted the Frenchman. “The emperor will not know what you’re talking about,” said the Jew. “By then our great victory will have become a dim memory. You should have asked for something that the emperor could give immediately – like I did. Now, if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I have work to do.” And leaving the three officers gaping, the Jew went off to arrange for his holiday. Karma 8 Karma 9 During the past issues, by the gracious blessings of the Almighty and Swamiji, we discussed about the Spirituality described in Vedas, other great epics and sayings of great sages and monks. In this issue we will discuss a little bit about the spirituality explained in the great Upanishad named Mundaka Upanishad. Man is endowed with the special instrument of discrimination, of judgment, of analysis and synthesis, which among all animals, he alone possesses. He has to develop this and utilize it to the best purpose. Through this instrument, he can realize the Immanent Divinity. Instead, man pesters himself and others with the question: Where does God reside? If He is real, why is He not seen? Hearing such queries, one feels like pitying the poor questioners. For, they are announcing their own foolishness. They are like the dullards who aspire for university degrees without taking pains even to learn the alphabet. They aspire to realize God without putting themselves to the trouble of practicing the Sadhana required. People who have no moral strength and purity talk of God and His existence and decry efforts to see Him. Such people have no right to be heard. Spiritual Sadhana is based on the holy Sastras. They cannot be mastered in a trice. They cannot be followed through talk. Their message is summed up in the Upanishads; hence, they are revered as authoritative. They are not the products of human intelligence; they are the whisperings of God to man. They are parts of the eternal Vedas. The Vedas shine gloriously through all their parts. The Upanishads are authentic and authoritative, as they share the glory of the Vedas. They are 1180 in number, but, through the centuries, many of them disappeared from human memory and only 108 have now survived. Of these, 13 have attained great popularity, as a result of the depth and value of their contents. The sage Vyasa classified the Upanishads and allotted them among the four Vedas; The Rig-Veda has 21 branches and each branch has one Upanishad allotted to it. The Yajur Veda has 109 branches and 109 Upanishads. The Atharva Veda has 50 branches and 50 Upanishads were its share. The Sama Veda has a thousand branches and the balance, namely, 1000 Upanishads were its share. Thus, the 1180 Upanishads were assigned by Vyasa to the Four Vedas. Sankaracharya raised Karma 10 the status of ten among the Upanishads by selecting them for writing his commentaries and so they became especially important. Humanity stands to gain or fall by these ten. All who are seeking human welfare and progress through spirituality are now apprehending whether even these ten will be forgotten, for, neglecting them will usher in moral and spiritual disaster. There is no reason, however, for such fears. The Vedas can never be harmed. Pundits and those with faith should resolve to present before humanity these ten Upanishads at least. They are Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Thaithiriya, Aithareya, Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka. In this issue we well discuss the spirituality explained in Mundaka Upanishad, which is considered as the head of all Upanishads. This is the main Upanishad of Atharva Veda. The Upanishads have also inspired other works on Geography, Astronomy, Astrology, Economics and Political Theory. The Vedas and the Upanishads are the very foundation for Sanathana Dharma and spirituality. There is one interesting feature to be noted. The Hindu religion has no one Founder as the others have. That invisible unknown founder is God, the source of all wisdom. He is the Prophet of this Sanathana Dharma. He is the Founder; His Grace and His Inspiration manifested through the pure Sages and they became the spokesmen of this Dharma. When the moral purity of the human beings degenerates, God takes form as grace and inspiration in sages and teachers. He has also given through the Upanishads the Sathya-Jnana, the Wisdom concerning the Reality. This Mundaka Upanishad begins with an Invocation, praying that eye may see auspicious things, the ear may hear auspicious sounds, and that life may be spent in the contemplation of the Lord. The teaching of this Upanishad is referred to as Brahmavidya, either because it describes first the message of Hiranyagarbha, the casual Brahma, or because the message relates the glory of Brahmam. This Upanishad speaks of Brahmavidya as the mystery which only those with shaven heads and those who go through a rite of having Fire on the shaven head can understand. So, it is called Mundaka, or shaven Head. Apart from this, this Upanishad is honored as the crest of all, since it expounds the very essence of Brahma Jnana. This knowledge has been handed down from teacher to pupil by word of mouth, enriched and confirmed by experience; it is also called Paravidya, the knowledge of the Other when it deals with the attribute less Principle; when it deals with the attribute-full, the Saguna, the materialized principle, it is called A-paravidya, the knowledge of the Immanent, not the Transcendent aspect. These are the two that are found in this Upanishad. They were taught by Sage Saunaka to Sage Angirasa; that is what the text announces. The Vedas and the Vedangas deal with Aparavidya. The Upanishads deal specially with Para-vidya. But, the interesting thing is: the Apara-vidya leads on to the Para, the knowledge of Brahmam, which is the goal. The spider evolves out of itself the magnificent manifestation of the web; so too, this moving, changing world is manifested from the causative Brahmam. The changing world is the product of creator-creation complex. It is true and factual and useful, so long as one is unaware of the Reality. The utmost that one can gain by activity, that is to say, holy or sacred activity is Heaven or Swarga, which has a longer lease of life, but, which has an end in spite of it. So, the seeker loses all yearning for Heaven; he/she approaches an elderly teacher full of compassion, who instructs him/her in the discipline for realizing the Brahmam. All beings are Brahmam and no other. They all do emanate from Brahmam. As sparks emanate from fire, as hair grows on the skin but is different from it, so too beings originate from Brahmam. Brahmam causes the sun, moon, stars and planets to revolve in space; Brahmam grants the consequence of all the acts of beings. The Individual and the Universal are two birds sitting on the same tree i.e., the human body. The Jivi (individual) acts, and suffers the consequences of those acts. The Iswara (universal) sits quiet, as a witness of the other bird. When the Jivi looks at the Iswara and realizes that it is nothing but an image, it escapes from grief and pain. When the mind is drawn by yearning to know the Iswara, all other low desires diminishes and disappears. Then, knowledge of Atma is attained. The last mantra of this Upanishad declares that its aim is to make man attain that Jnana. Munda means head; this Upanishad is the Head of all Upanishads, we can say. It has three sections, with two chapters in each. In the first section, the Aparavidya, and in the second, the Paravidya and the means of mastering them are dealt with. In the third, the nature of the Reality and of the release from bondage is defined. The Karma that helps attain the Brahmam is denoted in the mantras. That is why this Upanishad is respected as very sacred. The spider, as already indicated, spins out the web from itself without any extraneous agency; it also takes in the web it has spun. So too, Creation was effected without an agent and the Universe emanated. Heaven is the highest attainable stage through Karma. Of such Karmas or rites, the worship of Fire called Agnihotra is the chief. The performance of such rites contributes to the cleansing of the mind. Such cleansing is a necessary preliminary to Paravidya. The flames that rise high from the sacrificial altar of fire appear to the performer as if they are hailing him on to realize the Reality or Brahmam. He who does the rite with full awareness of the significance of the mantra is able to reach the Solar Splendor, through the offerings made; they take him to the region of Indra, the Lord of the Gods. Only on this basis, Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar does a lot of fire worship and he recommends fire worship named “Mahayajna” to his devotees, who need more and more powers. The Upanishad recommends two types of obligatory Karmas: Ishta and Poortha. The rite of Agnihotra, adherence to Truth, Thapas or Asceticism, Veda-adhyayanam or study of the Vedas, the service offered to guests in one’s home - these are Ishta; construction of temples, caravan-series, rest-houses, tanks, planting of avenue trees - such acts are Poortha. These give consequences that are beneficial but, all such cause-effect chains are transient, they are fundamentally defective. The entire Creation is bound up with name and form and so unreal. It can be described in words and so, limited and circumscribed by the intellect and the mind. The Paramapurusha, the Supreme Person alone is eternal, real, and pure. He is the prompter of activity and the dispenser of consequence. But, He is beyond the eye, beyond the intellect. Like the spokes of a wheel that radiate from the hub, that lead from all directions to the centre, all creation radiates from Him. To reach the central hub and know that all spokes radiate from it, the mind is the instrument. Brahmam the target is to be reached by the arrow-mind. Have your mind fixed on the target and using the Upanishadic teaching as the bow, shoot straight and hard, to hit the Brahmam and master. That is to say, the Pranava or the OM is the arrow; Brahmam is the target. As aforesaid the mind and thoughts are the base for an individual’s development. That’s why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar often says as “you will live according to your thoughts”. The Brahmam illumines the Jivi by getting reflected in the inner consciousness or Anthah-karana. One has only to turn Karma11 that consciousness away from the objective world, contact with which contaminates the mind. Now, train the inner consciousness to meditate on the OM, with single-pointed attention. Meditate on the Atma as unaffected by the Jivi, though in him and with him and activating him. Meditate on Him in the heart, from which radiate countless nadis, subtle nerves, in all directions. If this process is followed, one can attain Jnana or Wisdom. The Universe is an instrument to reveal the majesty of God. The inner firmament in the heart of man is also equally a revelation of His Glory. He is the Breath of one’s breath. Since He has no specific form, He cannot be indicated by words. Nor can His mystery be penetrated by the other senses. He is beyond the reach of asceticism, beyond the bounds of Vedic rituals. He can be known only by an intellect that has been cleansed of all trace of attachment and hatred, of egoism and the sense of possession. Jnana alone can grant self-realization. Dhyana can confer concentration of the faculties; through that concentration, Jnana can be won, even while in the body. The Brahmam activates the body through the five vital airs or Pranas. It condescends to reveal itself in that same body as soon as the inner consciousness attains the requisite purity. For the Atma is immanent in the senses, inner and outer, as heat in fuel and as butter in milk. Now, the consciousness is like damp fuel, soaked in the foulness of sensory desires and disappointments. When the pool in the heart becomes clear of the slimy overgrowth, the Atma shines in its pristine splendor. He who acquires the knowledge of this Atman is to be revered. For, he is liberated. He has become Brahmam that which he strove to know and be. Man is essentially divine. However, he believes himself to be an individual, limited and temporary, because he is entangled in the characteristics of the Five Elements, namely, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell. This error brings about joy and grief, good and bad, birth and death. To escape from this association with the Elements, to rid oneself of the pulls of their characteristics, is the sign of Liberation, called in Sanskrit as Kaivalya, Moksha or Mukthi. Names may change; but the achievement is the same. While entangled in the Five Elements, man is attracted, distracted or disappointed by them; all this causes distress. Wealth, possessions - vehicles, buildings - all these re transmutations of the elements. Man craves for them; when he loses them or fails to get them, he spurns them. Let us take the Five Elements, one by one. The living being has the first one, the Earth, as its base. Water, the second, is the basis for the earth. Water is produced from Fire, the third element, Fire itself emanating from Wind, the fourth. Wind or Vayu arises from Ether, or Akasa. Akasa emerges from the Primal Nature and the Primal Nature is but the manifestation of one aspect of the majesty of God, or the Supreme Sovereign Atma, the Paramatma. Seeking to reach that Paramatma, the source and core of the Universe, the Individual or Jivi, who has entangled himself in the elements, has to overcome, by discrimination and steady practice of detachment, the bonds one by one; such a person is Karma 12 a Sadhaka; he who wins in this struggle is the Jivan-muktha, ‘Liberated even while alive.’ For the exercise of such discrimination and for the visualization of one’s innate reality, one has to study the Upanishads. They are collectively called Vedanta. They form the Jnana kanda of the Vedas, the section that deals with the Higher Wisdom. Liberation from the consequences of Ignorance can be secured only by Knowledge or Jnana. The Upanishads themselves declare, “Jnaanaad eva thu kaivalyam”: “By Knowledge alone can freedom be won.” The term Upanishad denotes the study and practice of the innate truth: the term, Brahmavidya, denotes the supremacy of spiritual contemplation; the term, Yogasastra denotes the mental churning that brings success. What is the fundamental activity which is required of man? What is the basic thing to be known? It is only one’s basic reality. The Upanishads describe the various stages and the various modes of this search for realizing this. The name is full of significance. ‘Upa’ means the process of studying with ‘Nishta’ or steadfastness; ‘shad’ means the attainment of the Ultimate Reality. The name Upani-shad arose for these reasons. The Upanishads teach not only the principles of Atmavidya; they indicate also the practical means of realization. They point out not only the duties and obligations one has to bear, but also the actions to be done and those to be avoided. So, whether it is the Gita or the Upanishads or any holy and spiritual teachings, the teaching is Non-duality, not Duality, or qualified Monism. The human eye cannot delve into the minute or the magnitudinous. It cannot read the mystery of the virus or the atom or the stellar universe. Therefore, scientists supplement the eye with the telescope and the microscope. Similarly, sages are able to experience Divinity through the eye of knowledge, gained by following the Dharma of moral conduct and spiritual discipline. When the human eye stands in need of an extraneous instrument to observe even the insignificant worm and virus, how can one refuse to go through the process of mantra if he desires to see the omnipresent transcendent Principle? It is very hard to acquire the eye of wisdom. Concentration is essential for this. And, for concentration to develop and stabilize itself, three things are very important: purity of consciousness, moral awareness and spiritual discrimination. These qualifications are difficult of attainment by ordinary folk. We should read at least the basic teachings of the Upanishads and try to practice the spirituality taught in those Holy Scriptures. By practicing the spirituality we all can lead a comfortable life. There is no caste, creed, region and religion for practicing spirituality. I thank Almighty and Swamiji for blessing me with an opportunity to share my thoughts one spirituality. I pray the Almighty and Swamiji to bless me with more and more opportunities like this to share my thoughts on spirituality. Karma 13 Foods Of Chettinadu By Visalakshi Ramanathan Chettinad is famous for its rich cultural heritage,art and architecture,huge mansions etc etc.But more recently it is becoming well known world over for its mouth watering culinary delicacies.Chettinad restaurants are being opened in almost all big cities and towns world over Chettinad food is famous for its spicy aroma.Most of the food items are easily digestible,less in caloric value compared to other south indian food items since items like cheese butter and cashews rarely find its way in chettinad recipe.Cocunut which is feared by all for its high cholesterol content is also used in very small quantities. Our Holiness swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is also from , a small village called as Kilasevalpatti which is just 20 miles from Karaikudi. Swamiji is a Nagarathar and the 1st Nagarathar in the whole Nagarathar History who became the 1st Nagarathar Swamiji with millions of followers. Swamiji also standing as the 1st richest Nagarathar in the USA and in the entire western courtiers with a net worth of more than a Billion US dollar. He is the 1st Nagarthar who has donated millions of US dollars for various social causes all around the world.He has donated money so far to 3,846 marriages, donated money for 6,321 various health surgeries, and has also donated money for 26,290 students education so far . Swamiji is considered to be the living God to his followers and there is no wonder why all his followers are calling Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar as a “ LIVING GOD!! Reach Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar in USA @ 1-4008 829 7780 or E mail to Swamiji is ‘ [email protected] ” “Om Selvam Siddhar Guruve Namaha!! Chettinad (Karaikudi) History Karaikudi is the biggest City in Sivaganga district. Known as the capital of Chettinad, because of the predominance of the “Nattu Kottai Chettiars” who have from here have ventured far and wide to set up their businesses even at the turn of the 20th century. Karaikudi is also home of two famous Institutions, Alagappa University and CECRI (Central Electro Chemical Research Institute). Karaikudi is known as an ancestral home of Chettiyars. It is 80 kilometers away from Madurai. It is famous for its Chettinad Mansion, CECRI (Central Electro Chemical Research Institute), Temples, Old buildings, Gopura karai saris and Chettinad delicious tasty dishes. Nowadays it is termed as a shooting spot for Tamil and Telugu film industries and as well as a tourist center. Tourists come in large numbers to have to have a view on history of Chettinad buildings. One of the well known country’s magazines recently came out with surprising news wherein it was mentioned that Chettinad was one among the top 5 fast growing vacation spots in India. Hence, Karaikudi will provide relaxing and enjoyable time to tourists who will cherish the memories for long. Karaikudi and 74 other villages comprise Chettinad, the homeland of the Nattukottai Chettiars. The Chettiars were a prosperous banking community who ventured overseas to do business in South and Southeast Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Karma 14 -Ramu Visalakshi, Karaikudi, India Chettinad Kitchen -By Vishal Kalyani Bread Pakoda Ingredients: Bread (white or wheat, any) - 8 to 10 slices :Cabbage (chopped) - 2 cups Carrot (grated) - 2 cups:Onion (chopped) - 1 cup:Ginger garlic paste - 1/2 spoon:Chili powder - 1/2 spoon:Salt - to taste:Oil - to deep fry Method: 1.Dip the Bread slices in water and squeeze out the water. Take this in a mixing bowl. When it becomes little thicker (consistency of corn flour added soups) remove it from stove. Allow the Kanji to cool.Add little salt and the kanji to the dough and mix well. Make it to the consistency of idly batter. 2. Allow the batter to ferment for 6 hours. After fermenting, if little thick, coconut milk can be added or water can also be added to bring it to the correct consistency. It should be in the consistency of dosa batter.In medium fire make appams. 3.It can be made with ease in non stick appa tawa.If it is going to be served along with coconut milk soak them in the coconut milk a few minutes before serving. 2.Add chopped Onion, Cabbage, grated Carrot, Ginger garlic paste, Chili powder and Salt to it. Mix well with the Bread pieces. 3.Make small dumplings of this mix or vadas (Take small portion of the mix and flatten that between your palms). 4.Heat oil in a pan. Deep fry these dumplings or vadas till it turns into golden brown color. Chettinadu Kozhukattai Ingredients: Par boiled rice (idly rice) - 1 ½ cup:Red chillie-6:Curry leaf:Urud dhal-1teaspoon Mustard seed-1 teaspoon:Bengal gram-1 teaspoon:Oil-2 table spoons Grated coconut-2 tablespoons Chettinadu Appam Ingredients: Raw rice-2 cups:Boiled rice -3/4 cup:Grated coconut-3/4 cup: For grinding: Soak both the rice for 2 hours. After soaking grind it in the mixie or grinder. Do not add too much water while grinding. If you are using fresh coconut then that coconuts water can be used for grinding. Add the grated coconut after 5 minutes of grinding. This itself will make the dough little loose. Grind it to a fine paste. After taking out the dough from the grinder or mixie wash it with 1 cup of good water and keep aside. Method : 1.Take 3 spoons of grinded dough and mix it in the water kept aside. Add 2 more cups of water into it. Now keep this mixture in the stove and go on stirring it. It will start to become thick. Method: 1.Soak the rice for 1 hour. Put it in the mixie with the salt needed and grind for 2 minutes. 2.Add 1 cup of water to the grinded batter.Keep the kadai in the stove. pour the oil ,when it gets heated add the mustard seed and allow it to crack then add the urudh dhal, curry leaf and Bengal gram . 3.When the dhal gets roasted add the grated cocunut stir for a minute, then pour the batter into the kadai and go on stirring. 4. Switch off the stove when it becomes thick to the consistency that you can make balls out of it. Allow the batter to cool for 2 or 3 minutes. Then make kozhukattai’s of the desired shape .Steam the kozhukattai’s in the idly pot for 5 minutes. 5.This kozhukattai can be eaten without any side dish. But if you can find time then you can prepare Tomato chutney or coconut chutney. It will taste yummy in that combination. Karma 15 Mangal Dosh Parikar Praying to Lord Hanuman with Hanuman Chalisa and other Hanuman Mantras, and prayers to Lord Kartikeya protect the native from the evil of planet Mars. Angaraka Astottara Shata Namavali can also be suggested. Many remedial measures are prescribed for Manglik Girls especially of Ashtam Mangal. These are Kumbh Vivah, Savitri and Mangal Gauri Vats etc. These should be performed under the proper guidance of an Atharva Vedic Swamiji only. Before Marriage: • Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah are the most popular remedies for Mangal Dosha. • Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the tree after that. • Kumbha (Ghata) Vivah, means marriage with a pot and breaking it after that. After Marriage: • Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chaalisa daily • Keep Orange coloured idol of Lord Ganesha in worship room and worship daily. • Chanting of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra • Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet • Feed birds with sweets • Keep ivory (Haathi Daant) at home Mangal Dosha Shanti Mantra: Dharani Garbha Sambhutam Vidyut Kanti Samaprabha Kumaram Shakti Hastamca Mangalam Pranamamy Aham Meaning: I offer my obeisance to Shri Mangal, the god of the planet Mars, who was born from the womb of the earth goddess. His brilliant is like that of lightning, and he appears as a youth carrying a spear in his hand. Important Note: However, it has to be remembered that each horoscope is unique so no remedy can be suggested to all of them. The best way is to get your chart consulted by a knowledgeable Athrva Vedic Swamiji like our Swamiji Selvam Siddhar and NOT a usual Jyotish or a Pundit at all to know what remedy you would need to overcome this problem. Karma 16 Karma 17 Herbs & Health Skin Cleanser Found in your own kitchen is a simple, chemical free cleanser – good oil’ unboiled milk. All you need to do is dip a piece of cotton wool in milk and wipe your face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down into your pores. Another fine cleanser is almond oil, especially effective in protecting the delicate skin under the eyes. Skin Moisturizer For normal skin care, you can take 1 cup of yogurt, 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice and mix it into a paste. Apply it on your face as a mask and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue watch your complexion glow. For dry skin, you could use a mixture of cooked oatmeal and honey; it will not only help moisturize the skin but also acts as a good cleansing agent. Skin Nourishment and Bleach For nourishing your face try a protein mask. You can prepare this mask by first soaking 1 tablespoon urad dal and 4 almonds in water overnight and then grinding them into a paste. You can then apply this protein mask to your face and wash it off after half an hour. This exceptional protein mask will not only nourish the skin but also bleach it. Wrinkle Prevention and Softer Skin To prevent wrinkles and soften your skin, you could try pure castor oil; it is known to slow down the aging process of the skin. Skin Conditioner:Another simple and excellent skin conditioner that can be made out of 1 tbsp. honey blended with 2 tbsp. cream (of milk). Leave it on for a few minutes and wash it off. It works like magic. Skin Blemishes For skin blemishes, you can try rubbing a raw potato on your face. Sun-Protection Lotion It’s summer time. Time to cool off. So let’s wind up with a good home-made sun-protection lotion. Take cucumber juice and equal amounts of glycerin and rose water and make a concoction. This should be refrigerated. Try it, it’s really cool. Karma 18 Karma 19 The material world of the waking state is symbolized by the large lower curve. The deep sleep state is represented by the upper left curve. The dream state, lying between the waking state below and the deep sleep state above, emanates from the confluence of the two. The point and semicircle are separate from the rest and rule the whole. The point represents the turiya state of absolute consciousness. The open semicircle is symbolic of the infinite and the fact that the meaning of the point can not be grasped if one limits oneself to finite thinking. The Power of Chanting Om 1. The chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and infuses new vigour in the body. Om By Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, “I am only one -- may I become many.” This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was Om. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest approach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become emblematic of Brahman just as images are emblematic of material objects. The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called Pranava, meaning that it sustains life and runs through Prana or breath. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the “Turiya” state. Because the first of the three states of consciousness is the waking state, it is represented by the sound “A” pronounced like “A” in accounting. Because the dream state of consciousness lies between the waking and the deep sleep states, it is represented by the letter “U” which lies between the “A” and “M”. This “U” is pronounced like the “U” in would. The last state of consciousness is the deep sleep state and is represented by “M” pronounced as in “sum.” This closes the pronunciation of Om just as deep sleep is the final stage of the mind at rest. Whenever Om is recited in succession there is an inevitable period of silence between two successive Oms. This silence represents the “fourth state” known as “Turiya” which is the state of perfect bliss when the individual self recognizes his identity with the supreme. The Symbol Om Just as the sound of Om represents the four states of Brahman, the symbol Om written in Sanskrit also represents everything. Karma 20 2. When you feel depressed, chant Om fifty times and you will be filled with new vigour and strength. The chanting of Om is a powerful tonic. When you chant Om, you feel you are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness. 3. Those who chant Om will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever you take a stroll, you can chant Om. You can also sing Om in a beautiful way. The rythmic pronunciation of Om makes the mind serene and pointed, and infuses the spiritual qualifications which ensure self-realization. 4. Those who do meditation of Om daily will get tremendous power. They will have lustre in their eyes and faces. Meditation on Om Retire to a quite place, sit down, close your eyes and completely relax your muscles and nerves. Concentrate on the space between your eyebrows and quieten and silence the conscious mind. Begin to repeat “Om” mentally while associating the ideas of infinity, eternity, immortality, etc. You must repeat Om with the feeling that you are the infinite and all-pervading. Mere repetition of Om will not bring the desired result. Keep the meaning of Om always at heart. Feal Om. Feel that you are the pure, perfect, all-knowing, eternal, free, Brahman. Feel that you are absolute consciousness and the infinite, unchanging existance. Every part of your body should powerfully vibrate with these ideas. This feeling should be kept up all day long. Practice regularly and steadily with sincerity, faith, perseverance and enthusiasm in the morning, midday and evening. 6. Helps one to reach the highest spiritual pedestal (Mukti). 7. Prevents fatal accidents. Mantras There are many mantras used in worship. The first is always the Moola Manthirum. This mantra forms the foundation which supports all the others. It was not written by a person but was given to us directly from Amma Herself in Her oracle. This mantra has enormous power. Some of the benefits conferred by reciting the Moola Mantra are: 1. The Divine energy freely flows from the feet of Amma to the different systems of the body. The holy vibrations penetrate all the cells and revitalize the entire system. 2. Eradication of one’s Karma. 3. Gives you what you rightfully deserve. 4. Helps solve ailments and genuine problems. 5. Confers blessings leading to prosperity and a happy life. Each type of pooja or velvi has specific mantras which are recited at a certain time during the ritual. The long mantras have either 108 or 1008 lines and are concluded with a short mantra of three lines and three om’s. The mantras recited during mandram pooja in America are shown below. Amma has given us permission to omit the 1008 line mantra which is normally recited because She says we are so busy and have little time. All mandrams in India, however, recite the 1008 as is normally required. The number 108 has been considered sacred for thousands of years in India. The origin of this number probably lies in astronomy. The average distance from the sun and moon to the earth is 108 times each of their respective diameters. This is true to an accuracy of 0.5% for the Sun and 2% for the Moon. The thought that this was known so long ago is amazing. Like all tantric mantras each line is preceded by om and concluded with om. These characteristics give the mantras great potency Karma 21 Good Time For Your Marriage or Remarriage By Jyotish Samrat His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar 7. A strong moon is placed in 5th or 7th. 8. Ven is placed in between Aries Rashi to Virgo Rashi. 9. Ven combined with the lord of the 7th in an angle while aspected by jup in 7th . Timing of Marriage Operative Dasha Parameters: 1. Connection of Vimshottari Mahadasha, Antardasha Lords with Lagna or 7th House or Lagna Lord. 2. Lagna Lord and 7th Lord making connection in Navamsha chart. 3. Chara Antardasha Making a connection with Darakaraka in Jaimini System. 4. Dasha of 7th Lord/ Lagna Lord or Dasha of 7th lord from Venus. 5. Dasha of planet posted in 7th house, aspecting 7th house or Lord. 6. Transits of Jupiter on Vivah Saham (sensitive marriage point in the horoscope). 7. Navamsa lords of the 1st, 2nd or 7th houses. 8. Jupiter activating natal Venus in male charts. 9. Planets positioned in 7th from Venus. 10. Lagna Lord transiting in/near 7th house. 11. Dasha of Rahu/Venus, natural significator 12. Dispositor of 7th Lord. 13. Saturn and Jupiter activating Lagna/Lagna Lord. 14. In the natal horoscope, planets associated with the lord of 2nd, 7th ,10th or Ven. 15. Sun and or most planets around lagna or 7th house. Parameters for Transit of Planets: 1. Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four mentioned below : i. 7th House ii. 7th Lord iii. Lagna iv. Lagna Lord 2. The Sun may indicate month of marriage by influencing one of four conditions mentioned above by positioning or aspect. 3. The Moon may indicate date of marriage by influencing one of four conditions mentioned above by positioning or aspect. Regarding the marriage of the female natives, 8th house, its lord and the planet located in the 8th house, plays an important role for marriage. Marriage is an important event in our life. It brings along with it a sense of maturity, responsibility and completeness. It contributes towards the enhancement of social status of a person after marriage. Before deciding when the native will get married, so many factors have to be taken into consideration. The most important factor deciding the time of marriage is Venus apart from Jupiter. To predict the time of marriage, one should have to consider the period of marriage i.e., early, average or late, the Dasha, Antardasha etc., and the transit of planets favorable for marriage. If jupiter is placed natally between the Libra and Pisces rashis, generally marriage will take place only after 30 years. As far as female natives are concerned, the 8th house, or its Lord and the planet located in the 8thhouse play a vital role in marriage aspect. During marriage jup usually transits over or aspects the house 1st ,2nd ,5th , 7th , 9th and 10th from Moon or Lagna, crosses the natal jup, venus or the present Dasa lord in Rashi. Early marriage will take place according to various texts under the following conditions: 1. Ven is placed in Karkataka Rasi, Sagitt. or Pisces Rashi. 2. Ven positioned in an angle, while the lord of the Lagna is placed in 7th house. 3. Ven in an angle in opposition to Saturn 4. Strong Ven in lagna, 2nd , 7th or 11th house. 5. Ven in own or exalted sign but associated with the lord of the 7th house. 6. Ven is placed in the Lagna, 2nd , 7th or 11th house. Karma 22 Important Tips: Predicting time of marriage is a very tricky question, which worries the parents about their son/daughter. In such cases the Astrologer should check yogas that confer marriage, planetary conditions at birth and in transit, dasha and antra dasha etc. The following points should also be considered. 1. If Ascendant rashi of a Navamsha chart falls in 7th house of birth chart and 7th lord is in 12th from Ascendant, marriage will take place between 16 and 20 years of age. 2. When 2nd house is occupied by Venus and 7th lord is in 11th house, marriage is between 23 and 28 years of age. 3. When 2nd lord is in 11th and Lagna lord is in 10th house, marriage may occur between 17 and 20 years of age. 4. When Venus is in Kendra houses and 7th lord is posited in any house owned by Saturn, aspected by a benefic, marriage age is 23 to 28 years. 5. If 2nd lord is posited in 11th house and 11th lord in 2nd house, marriage will be between 16 and 25 years of age. 6. When 7th house is occupied by Venus, Moon and Saturn, the marriage will not be possible before 30 years of age. It may be the 35th year. 7. If Sun is in 7th, and 7th lord cojoins Venus in Kendra, marriage is possible within 23 to 25 years of age. If 7th lord or Venus is afflicted in birth chart or Navamsha chart, marriage may occur between 30 and 33 years of age Mantras for Delayed Marriage With the blessings of Goddess Atharva Soolini Ma, and with the proper “soolini Yantra”, these Mantras should be recited with utmost devotion and faith to get their wish fulfilled. ( there is only one Temple for Soolini Ma in the North America @ Dayton, OH) Gatyayani Mantra: ‘Katyaayani Mahaamayey Mahaa Yoginiya Dheeshwari Nand Gopasutam Devi Pati Mey Kuru Tey Namaha’ This Mantra should be recited 108 times by unmarried girls everyday after getting an initiation through an Atharva Vedic Swamiji in USA. Meaning: “O Katyaayani! Mahaa Mayey (names of Mother Goddess), Supreme Lord of all great Yoginis, Make Shree Krishna, my husband. I prostrate before you.” Parbati Swayamvar Mantra: “Ballarkayutsatprabhaam Kartale Lolbru Malakulam Malamsanddahatim Manohartanum Mandsmitadhomukheem Mandam Mandmupesushee Bariyitum Shambhum Jaganmohimim Vanditpadamishtarthadaam Parvateem” This sloka should be recited every Friday evening regularly with utmost devotion by the girls to get desired husband, after getting initiation by an Athava Vedic Swamiji Karma 23 - Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Vaastu for Kitchen • Kitchen/fire-place should be preferably in the South-East direction. It may be in East/North-West direction. Avoid North and South directions while cooking as facing North increases unwanted expenses and facing South is detrimental to lady’s health which causes pain in the shoulders or even cervical pain. Facing East or West while cooking is a must. • If your wife is facing cervical problems, pain in leg and backache, this can be due to her back facing the entrance gate of the kitchen. Install a convex mirror in front of her so that she can see what is going on in her backside through the mirror. Frequent turning around is avoided.Kitchen is the second best place after North-East for performing Pooja. Choose North-East corner of the Kitchen for putting an idol of deity. • Remove medicines from kitchen and shift it to living room, preferably at Pooja place.Avoid water and fire in one line from the kitchen for better harmony. Having water & fire in one Line or opposite to one another, adds to difference of opinion amongst the family members. Rearranging the gadgets or putting a minimum 2’ high partition of any material between fire/water will be very helpful. • Wooden beds without box (for storage) are the best for sleeping. Avoid metal beds (wrought Iron) etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain.For better harmony & ever lasting personal relationship always prefer a double bed with single mattress, since the normally used double mattresses creates a symbolic separation which might become real. • Place Heavy furniture such as wardrobe, floor to ceiling bookcase on South or West side of the Bedroom. Dressing table along with any jewellery and bangle boxes should be located against the North or East wall.A wall poster having mountains/ snow-clad peaks of mountains (without water) etc. on SouthWest wall of the bedroom can add immense strength and stability in the life. • Avoid or minimize the use of T.V or computer in bedroom as the energy level of the room will get destroyed by the radiations emitted; causing disharmony which may lead even to separation. Avoid sleeping in a room located at the end of a long corridor, or where the door opens directly to a staircase. The strong flow of bad soul may bring illness to the occupants. • To improve marriage prospects, Hang several crystal balls and light a chandelier in South-West corner. Keep Rose Quartz precious stone along with a pair of Mandarian ducks in SouthWest of your bedroom will enhance harmony. Immerse a fresh sweet and juicy orange to a moving stream of water on any full moon day for an early, happy and durable marriage. Keeping a picture of any flower, double happiness symbols and a picture / idols of Goddesses Atharva Soolini helps in getting a suitable life partner. Vaastu for Bed Room • Bedroom for head of the family should be in South-West/South direction. North and East directions are best suitable for small children. Children pursuing research or some serious study should occupy West sector of the house. If you want your grown up child to leave the home for career building, put his bedroom in the North-West direction of the home. • To maintain health and happiness, the color of the bedroom walls should be same on all four walls, while the ceiling should always be white/sky blue. Improper position of the bedroom/ bed/ dressing table brings unhappiness in the married life and causes disturbed sleep.Never keep your head towards North while sleeping. Keeping it towards South or East gives peaceful/restful sleep and a healthy life. West facing head is also acceptable. • Never put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to avoid bad dreams and ensuring a healthy sleep. A properly placed round mirror and soothing paintings etc. in the bedroom can enhance the relationship. Karma 24 gi Yo Name of Yogini No. of years in Dasha Mangala One year 2. Sun Pingala Two years 3. Jupiter Dhanya Three years 4. Mars Bharamari Four years 5. Mercury Bhadrika Five years 6. Saturn Ulka Six years 7. Venus Siddha Seven years 8. Rahu Sankataa Eight years The mahadasha of each Yogini starts with itself and follows in a regular order as above. In the major period of each Yogini, sub period of all Yoginis operate according to their proportional periods in the natural order starting from its own sub period. It is like same way as in Vimshottari Dasha. How to Calculate the Yogini Dasha: Note down the Nakshatra no. of the Moon, taking Ashwini as Nakshatra no 1. Add (3) Three into it. Divide by eight. The remainder represents the Yogini dasha operative at the time of birth.:Yogini dasha at birth = Nak. no. of Moon + 3 ÷ 8 = Remainder will be Yogini dasha. No. i D 1. Moonof Planet n a There are 8 of sh As per classical types theYogini which are in the following order. Their total operative period is 36 years. texts planets known as following names: a st A l ro Yogini Dasha is very popular in northern india.Yogini dasha is also Nakshatra based dasha like Vimshottari dasha and it is based on the constellation of the Moon, commonly referred to as Rashi Nakshatra or Janam Nakshatra. On this basis accurate predictions can be given. gy o By Swamiji Selvam Siddhar The lines in our palms act as registers, recording events and suggesting the possible outcomes of our actions and decisions. However our lines keep on changing according to our karmas we do providing a chart of the progress and development we make through our lines. There are 4 major palm reading lines in most hands. The major lines in our hand are the Life Line, the Head Line, the Heart Line and the Fate Line. These major lines give basic information about you, like how you function physically, emotionally, and intellectually. These major lines of palmistry are only one source of information and other parts of the hand can tell you much about each of these major lines. Life Line: (Line of Vitality/Jeevan Rekha/Pitr Rekha) It starts from the base of the palm from above the first bracket, circles half around the mount of Venus and ends Karma 25 In palmistry, a double Life Line is often seen. This line echoes the Life Line, but can be even less than half as long, held along the curve of the Life Line. This is called an Angel Line. It signifies that angels or other supreme powers are watching over and protecting you. It increases the power of health and vitality in a person. Head Line: (Line of Mentality/Mind Line) The Head line begins on the thumb side of the hand and sweeps out towards the percussion edge. It starts from the base of the mount of Jupiter and above the lower Mars, extends towards the mount of Moon. It could be curved towards the mount of Moon, end at the base of mount of Moon or at its middle. It reflects your mind and brain and from the study of the head line it is possible to determine the quality and quantity of brain power. The Head Line shows things like Memory, Concentration, Level of intelligence, Type of intelligence. From this line we can make out the mentality, the power of mental concentration and the ability to exert self-control. A strong head line is associated with dynamic thinker. The stronger and clearer the line, the greater the clarity of thought. Mental processes are sharp, facts are assimilated logically. People with strong head lines possess excellent powers of comprehension and ability to concentrate for longer periods of time. In the normal course, the head line goes straight across the palm or slopes slightly downwards. If it goes upward towards the heart line, it is not considered good. It indicates that the person allows his feelings to overcome his better judgment. He loses self-control and is over come by emotions and passions. The bad effects get aggravated if the head line goes towards the mount of Saturn. It causes sudden death. If there is a cross, dot, or star at the end of such head line, on the mount of Saturn, sudden end of life is certain. A cut indicates head injury, break indicates brain disorder, cross or star indicates head injury or danger to head. A chain like line makes the person idiotic. An island or a dot at the end of the head line indicates mental disturbances. The severity of the affliction will depend upon the size of the island or dot. The bigger the island or dot the more serious the affliction. This however, be confirmed by other indications on the palm. Rarely in palmistry a double Head Line is seen. Doubling a line usually strengthens its energy. If the double Head Lines go in different directions or seem far apart, it can indicate more of a double-personality. This often indicates a lot of talent and an instinct for business. They will tend to do well in life. Heart Line: (Line of Emotions/Line of Love) It starts from the percussion at the base of the mount of Mercury and from the top of the mount of Mars positive and extends Karma 26 below the mount of Jupiter and above the mount of lower mars. Contrary to popular misconception, the length of the Life Line does not determine how long you will live. In palm reading, the Life Line shows Health, Prosperity, Quality of life, Vitality, Sexuality and general energy level. The stronger the life line, the more robust and vigorous is the constitution. The life line when read with the heart line indicates the longevity. If the life line appears more prominent than the other major lines in the hand. Physical activities will take precedence over intellectual pursuits. The life line may start from an island or fork, which indicates an unfortunate childhood. The life line ending with a fork is both bad and good, depending on the position of the forked line. If one line of the fork goes into the Jupiter, it is good or if one line of the fork ends in a grill diseases like paralysis, loss of memory etc. are likely, as per the supportive indications of the palm. Subsidiary lines arising from the life line towards the mounts of Mercury, Sun, Saturn or Jupiter are called the secondary lines, which indicate the rises in life in the field indicated by the mount towards which these rising lines travel. A parallel line to the line of life on the side of the mount of venus is called “Mars line” or “the sister life line” which augments the life line. The Monkey and the Crocodile tree. Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy, may crocodile red roseacross the palm to the base of mount many variations to it. Itsilly merge with apples. He was very happy. The of Jupiter. This line may end below the life line at its starting place to some quickly swam back to Sun, a crocodile swam up to that tree distance. One fine day,Saturn or Jupiter independently and told the the rose apple tree. The monkeyor merging traveled a long distance and was in search of monkey scampered up that he had with the line of head by food as bending towards it. Itkind monkey offered him a few the tree to safety. He told he was very hungry. The reflects your The Fate Line shows Success, Career heart, on both physical them very much path, Possible types of Career, his rose apples. The crocodile enjoyedand emotional and asked the the crocodile to tellPremonkeylevels. It he could Ability to love and more fruit. The wicked wife that sheis a whether shows come again for some destined vocation. The fate line had accept love, Emotionality, Emotional barometer of the degree ofbiggest fool in generous monkey happily agreed. married the satisfaction maturity, Passion and sensuality, one has with the world. his abilities and actual The crocodile returned the next day. And the next. And the next Manner of relationships accomplishments. The fate line tells one after that. Soon the two became very good friends. year of The Stork as well Crab us the They marriage and the as the discussed their lives, their friends and family, like all friends do. of Once uponand time, there The Heart line also predicts your fate appearance a lover a a strong The crocodile told the monkeyheart he had clear and that theyFate linesstork that caught that line is a wife supporter. was a in a love affair. If the that originate lived onand other side of the river. So the kind monkey offered him thepart of the particular the deep, it reveals someone who is from the lower fish in a life line some extra rose apples toor her sexuality wife. The crocodile’s determination,stork person tank. The the always confident of his take home to his and is sign of wife lovedwarm and generousmade her husband promise to get his ownfull meal.through the rose apples and towards others. who creates had a fortune As the is her some every with a dominant heart line tend willpower and years went by, The stork People day. perseverance. the fate grew older and weaker. to act impulsively without thought for line is also known as Popularity Line Meanwhile, the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile His ability to catch fish the consequences. It also indicates and belongs to the fortunate individual deepened as they spent more and more time together. The diminished. At times he others to make decisions exhibit a the dominance of emotions over mind who will always enjoy popularity and crocodile’s wife started getting jealous. She wanted to put an end would even starve. He knew he had to do something to survive. poorly developed fate line. (mind line) and physical energy (life benevolence to this friendship. So she pretended that she could not believe that from others. line).The holder of with a monkey. Her husband tried to One day he stood by the side of the tank with a very forlorn look a short heart line her husband could be friends is a cool and rational being, in full A strong, well-constructed fate line is If crabs wondered why he was dident convince her that heand the monkey shared a true friendship. The on his face. The frogs, fish and the line has trident or a not control thought to herself that if likely associated trying self motivated (three divergent lines or crocodile’s wifeof his emotions and lessthe monkey lived on a with a to catch any food. A big crab asked him what the matter split to monkeys, by the would be very sweet. diet of rosebe swayedhis flesh ups and downs of So she asked someone stork answered that he was sad lines), all the fish in individual, was. The with plenty into two because crosses, chain the heart. A the monkey to heart line the crocodile to invitesharply curvedtheir house. the tank were of drive and directiongoing to die and he would have to starve. He stars on in life. formation, islands, cuts, said is the was of passionate this. He tried The crocodile sign not ahappy about and highly to make the that he had heard that people were going to fill the tank with mud Trustworthiness, qualities excuse emotional being. difficult to get the monkey across the and grow crops over it. of fish were very worried and asked the that it would be The it, then these are the indications leadership stork to help them. river. But his wife was determined to eat the monkey’s flesh. So and seriousness are the of misfortunes. In the absence of a she thought of athe heart line terminates in characteristics of this individual. A good life line or defective life line When plan. The stork offered arc of not supplemented by a Mars between the index and middle fingers, line starting from inside theto take all of them to a bigger tank some distance line, One day, she pretended to be very ill and told the crocodile that away. But he said that he needed to rest between trips because of it shows that the person devote himself the life line and merging with the the fate line acts or supplementary the doctor loved ones, and foronly recover is she ate a monkey’s his age. He would only be able to carry a few fish at a time. to said that she would a woman it if the heart. Ifmarkhusband wanted to save her life, he must bring herindicates an assistance of the life line, thus enhancing its her of a good wife and mother. This fate line from a family member. A faint fateof fish on his to give fortune.to a big can strength first trip. He flew There his friend’s heart. The stork took a beakful gentle person is capable of enduring rock many a good meal. be no fortune and when he Living line consisting of and hadshort lines He rested awhile, without life.was love and devotion. A line of heart which The crocodile was a chain He was in a gives poor the one hand, of indecisiveness and itself against odds is a fortune. is having aghast. formation dilemma. On is the mark hungry again, he took a second trip. In this manner, he took a trip he loved his friend. On the other, he could not possibly let his each time that he was hungry. health, a fork gives immorality, health vagueness. Individuals who do not wife die. The crocodile’s wife threatened him saying that if he did problems etc. depending on the nature define their life goals and allow not get her the monkey’s heart, she would surely die. The big crab in the tank also wanted to save himself and he of fork of the way each forked line runs. A descending to the rose crosses, cuts, So the crocodile went line is bad, apple tree and invited stars, breaks to come line oftoheart are the monkey on the home meet his danger signs. wife. He told the monkey that he could ride across the river on the crocodile’s back. The monkey happily Fate Line:they reached the middle of the agreed. As (Luck Line /Dhan Rekha/ Karma Rekha) river, the crocodile began to sink. The frightened monkey asked him why he was doing that. The The Fate Line in palmistry is sometimes crocodile explained that he would have to kill the monkeyconsidered wife’s life. The clever monkey to save his a minor line, rather than told him that he would gladly give up his heartin a major line. It doesn’t show up to save theevery hand. Yet it iswife, but he had left life of the crocodile’s a dominant line, his heart behind into the other minor lines. asked compared the rose apple tree. He This the crocodilearises from the base ofback so that line to make haste and turn the palm, the monkey could go get his heart from the apple ascending towards the mount of Saturn. It is in the middle of the palm under ordinary conditions. But there could be Karma 27 Q By Swamiji Sri Selvam “Siddhar” .1. Square plots bring health and wealth to the inhabitants. load. Therefore, no excavation should be done here. If we do excavation in the middle of plot, there exists communication gap in the family members and there is no easily accessibility to general things. No meeting point exists here if excavation is done .The best example can be given from the epics of Mahabharat where Kaurvas had excavated in the middle part in the form of a lake due to which all the Kaurvas were totally ruined. Moreover, there should not be any height/beam in this area which also gives the same effects in the family as of excavation. Therefore, we can say that any excavation in the middle of plot brings disintegration in the family. Ans. Square shaped plots are considered the sign of stability and economy. These plots are considered highly auspicious by all the classical proponents of Vaastu as well as modern Vaastu experts. There is more area and fewer perimeters in case of square plots as compared to rectangular plots which has slightly more perimeter and less area. Square and rectangular shaped plots and buildings require lesser amount of masonry on its periphery. Thus, we see that the perimeter of a given area in a rectangular shaped building is nearly equal to the square but it increases rapidly when its length is more than twice of width. Hence, a square or rectangular building whose length is nearly one and a half times of the width is ideal. Moreover, more space can be utilized in a square shaped plot as compared to other shaped plots. Our body also fits in square/rectangular shape easily. All the above brings health and wealth to the inhabitants in square shaped plot. .3. Main Road ending (Veethi Shoola) on the entrance brings sudden misfortune. Q .2. Any excavation in the middle of the plot brings disintegration of family. Q Ans. The middle part of a plot is known as Brahma Sthan. It should always be left blank as per Ideal Vaastu. It has ±0% Ans. Main roads that thrust into a site or a road which terminates as dead end to a plot causes Shoola or fast approaching arrow like effects. This is also called Veethi Shoola. Veethi means a small road or passage. These are naturally or man-made and every dust ends there which brings sudden misfortune for the inhabitants of the plot. The results of Veethi Shoola are different depending upon the direction of approaching road. To some extent it gives auspicious results for the plot, if road is approaching in the North or East of Northeast, West of Northwest and/or South of Southeast. It leads to difficulties and hardship of all kinds. The house owner will always feel insecure. Vehicles approaching from the opposite direction cause imbalance of energies for the people living in the plot which brings sudden misfortune. Q .4. Lesser height of rooms may cause Preta Badha. Ans. Preta Badha means shrinking of a man and the atma of a man does not expand. If the rooms are of lesser height, may be less than 10 feet, the volume of the rooms will be less and there will be less quantity of air in the rooms as it could be as in a greater height room. Moreover, it has less space element. All the Panchmahabhootas i.e. fire, earth, air, water, space will have dearth in these rooms. There will be no necessary elements for survival. The man living in these rooms becomes narrow minded. He does not rise in his life due to his less mental growth. The other family members also suffer due to this, which may get health problems in them. The rooms should always be Karma 28 of greater height so as to acquire all the five great elements of Panchmahabhootas which are very necessary for survival. Thus, it is said that lesser height of rooms causes Preta Badha for the people living in these rooms. .5. North or East of Ishaan is best for an underground water tank/well/bowli. Q Ans. Water is one of the five great elements of Panchmahabhootas and is inevitable for a human life. A site selection for the residence is done keeping in view the availability of water. It can be ensured in the form of a well, boring, hand pump, underground water storage tank. In Vaastu, Northeast sector is best for underground water tank/well/bowli as water governs the Northeast sector. It is a cool place and cold water can be obtained from here. It is also a Sattvik zone. Its lord is Jup and Dikpal is Lord Shiv. Positive rays are obtained from this direction only which purify naturally the underground water. When we dug earth from here, it gets less weight and the Northeast corner becomes of less load as per Ideal Vaastu which is best. Ishaan or Northeast corner is also of Dev sthan and it should be given greater importance. A well in the east of Northeast gives good finances and education. Water source placed here leads to increased wealth, prosperity, knowledge and family. The Borewell/Bowli should not be in exact of North or East. It should not be constructed in the shadow area of Northeast. The well or water should be towards the right or left of these two axis. The well should be in the North or East of Northeast and not towards Northeast of Southeast. A boring/well in the East leads to prosperity, in the North it leads to increase in wealth, in the West it invites difficulties and hardships and in the South, it leads to untimely death, deformities, frequent accidents, attempted suicides and bad ways. A well in the Brahmasthan is never recommended. Therefore, we can say that North or East of Ishaan is best for underground water tank/well/bowli. it should end at right which is Shubh. Therefore, odd numbers of steps are taken. .7. Servants, Pets and Vehicles should be in the Northwest, separate from the main building. Q .6. Staircase should turn clockwise while going upwards with odd number of steps. Q Ans. One of the strongest recommendations in Vaastu Shastra about Staircase is that it should always be clockwise or righthanded. Because human wants to apply shortest route and covers less distance in right hand direction. The rule of right hand or clockwise movement is based on strong scientific grounds. Today, nearly 90% of the world´s population is right handed. The left hand is passive and subjective, showing early-inherited traits and attitudes. The right hand is active and objective, showing years of maturity, developed self and present & future health. The right hand movement of a Staircase helps to take advantage of the dominance of right hand rule in a lucid manner. If the staircase is clockwise with right railing and open well in the right hand side, the better grip of right hand will facilitate the safe and quick ascending. Moreover, centre of gravity is in the upward direction, while ascending. If a person starts from right, Ans. The planet Moon rules over the Northwest sector. Its directional lord is Vaayu, the God of Winds. Being the meeting point of cold and hot zones, this sector becomes the ideal place for wind´s entry. Servants, pets and vehicles are not a part of the house, they should be kept in the background. In this sector they are active. Northwest is the limit of extension of Master´s feet sleeping in the Southwest. The servant, staying in the Northwest remains youthful and vigilant to obey his master´s orders. The air has swift movement which will keep the livestock kept in the Northwest, active. Animals used for transportation such as horse or camel are kept here in Northwest, wind energy of Northwest will make them to run faster. Garage or vehicles are also best in this direction because of their quick movements, to and from the house for person´s personal use. .8. Place for Weeping should be in the West of North-West. Q Ans: The planet Moon rules North-West sector and Sat rules over West sector. In between these sectors,place for weeping (Rodan Sthan) is taken because it is the dark place and active disha exists here. The cold nature of both of Moon and night make the air soothing for our body and weeping gets activated here in a fresh way. After weeping, the person is relieved of his tensions and feels light Karma 29 5.South: Its planetry lord is Mars and Dikpal is Yama. It has tamas and rajas(of fire) energies.The business activities are: Industies using heat, fire and metals on a large scale,violent games such as foot ball,archery and karate, free style boxing etc. 6.South-West: Its planetry lord is Rahu and Dikpal is Nainiriti. It has tamsic energy.The business activities to do in this direction are: leather industries, wood work, ivory work, industries manufacturing poisonous drugs and chemicals, mortuary,places of rest such as night shelters etc. 7.West: Its planetry lord is Sat and Dikpal is Varuna. It has tamas and rajas (of air) energies.The business activities are: laboratries,research institutes, detective agencies, petroleum and mining industries, eating plazas,antique shops etc. 8.North-West: Its planetry lord is Moon and Dikpal is Vayu .It has rajas energy.The business activities to be performed in this direction are : audio and music, parlours, beauty culture saloons, pet animals ,dairies, car showrooms ,vehicle service centres, air conditioning etc. Moreover, all the great five-elements i.e., Panchmahabhootas should be kept in mind while choosing any direction to do any business activity. like air. The mysterious cold nature of planet Sat (an airy planet) and cold nature of planet Moon,with least light, helps the person to become calm, cool and quiet in that area after weeping. Because of all the above factors West of North-West is taken as the place for weeping. Q .9. What is the role of directions in the Industrial Vaastu. Ans In Vaastu Shastra, different directions are rich in different energies. Certain of business thrive better in certain directions,certain locations and certain buildings. Their correct choice is first step on the path to success in any business. Therefore we must design our business space to harness these energies accordingly. The role of different directions in Industrial Vaastu are: 1.North: Its planetary lord is Mercury and Dikpal is Kuber and it has satvik and rajas(of air) energies. The business activities in this direction are: Banking,Money-landing, speech therapy clinic, educational institutions etc. 2.North-East: Its planetry lord is Jupiter and Dikpal is Shiv. It has satvik energy. The business activities to be performed in this direction are: Rligious institutions, preaching, courts of flow of law,arbitration,chambers,meditation & yoga centres,places of worship etc. 3.East: Its planetary lord is Sun & Dikpal is Indra. It has satvik and rajas (of fire) energies. The business activities are: Political party, office ,multinational organizations, business tycoons,film makers,swimming pools,public baths etc. 4.South-East: Its planatry lord is Ven and Dikpal is Agni. It has rajasik energy.The business activities are: antique shops,food processing,industries,coffee shops, women organizations,industrial working in the field of light and energy etc. Karma 30 .10. Which probable steps will you undertake for the revival of a sick industrial unit. Q Ans. Vaastu Shastra as a tool to enhance the business success of a sick industrial unit can be used in several ways. Auspicious directions can be used for arranging office positions to improve the posperity of the sick unit.There are methods aimed at increasing turnover at retail establishments such as general stores,boutiques,restaurant and franchise outlets.Employee’s productivity can be improved by introducing Vaastu Shastra principles in the sick industrial unit. All the openings should be open so that all the great five-elements i.e.,Panchmahabhootas comes in to force and the cross ventilation should be proper. Wise application of Vaastu principles can assist the movement of stagnant energies in the unit. The prana of an industrial unit depends on the people working there and their mutual relationships. The environment of a unit can dramatically be improved if its occupants co-operate with one other in a positive way. Paint, plants and images also help in improving an unsatisfactory environment of the unit. All these things can make it a better place to work. Office activities of the unit can be diverted in rajas and tamas. Decision making and implementing policies are mainly rajas .While day to day administrative task and putting the the ideas into practice is largely a tamas activity. Tamas and rajas with tamas energy is good for smooth running of the sick unit. There should be sufficient room for future horizontal and vertical expansion. Large trucks can make pick ups and deliveries easily in the open location. Karma 31 Karma 32 Karma 33 It is used to assess the nature and temperament of both. It also shows one’s attitude, objective, and intellectual level. It shows progeny prospects, mental qualities and mutual affection between them. 6.Gana (Compatibility of Nature): 6 points It is used to compare the general traits of ones behavior which is determined by an individual nature and indicates the compatibility of temperament and mutual daily behavior, for happiness and prosperity in their lives. 7.Bhakoot (Mutual Compatibility): 7 points This is a crucial test to check overall prosperity in the growth of family, family welfare and economic prosperity after marriage. 8.Nadi (Compatibility between Life Forces): 8 points It is the most important in Matching as it has maximum number of points. Nadi or pulse is the central point and indicator of nervous energy on which an individual health and nature depends. This test also measures the genetic compatibility between the couple to produce healthy progeny after marriage. CONCLUSION: Each of these factors has its own significance and have their own number of points. These all combine together to make up 36 points or GUNAS. If a couple scores has less than 18 then the match is not considered a good match according to traditional Astrology. If the score is between 18 - 24, then the match is acceptable (Average). If the score is between 25 – 32, then the match is very good (Above Average). If the score is above 32 then technically the match is excellent but a lot of other factors have to be checked out. Below are the points which should be kept in mind before Match Making: 1. Longevity of both, Boy & Girl from their respective Horoscopes 2. Strength of the horoscope on marriage point of view 3. Manglik Dosha Matching 4. Analysis of coming Dashas of both 5. Dasha Sandhi and Transit 6. Matching of married life (7th Houses) in both Horoscopes 7. Match Making of significant planet of Marriage 8. Prosperity and other related Matching 9. Matching of malefic planets which affectes marital houses in Horoscope 10. Progeny and soundness of mind. After matching horoscopes. a couple can spent their married life happily with prosperity. If horoscope is not matched properly then they can be unhappy, divorce may be happen, child may not be born or life partner may be dead. So Match Making is very important for any marriage. H.H Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Marriage is very important Sanskar (occasion) in which a boy and a girl get married with each other and starts their married life socially and enter into Grahast Jeevan. Before marriage most of the families consult an astrologer for Matching of the Horoscopes of the boy and the Girl. The Vedic system of Astrology has in it an age old traditional Horoscope Matching or Kundli Matching system in which Gunas are matched on the basis of Janama Nakshatra of the Boy and Girl and points are given for various descriptions. These descriptions are eight in number. 1.Varna (Mental Compatibility): 1 point It shows the basic potential of a person and the person’s inherent skills and abilities. This also includes the personal egos of both partners and compatibility between their egos. For best adjustment, the difference of Varna between the two should be minimal. 2.Vashya (Dominant Compatibility): 2 points Vashya means ones control or domination over the other. It reflects who will be the more dominant partner between the two prospective partners.The purpose of check is to avoid any chances of confrontation between the two. 3.Tara (Intensity of Relatiomship Compatibility): 3 points It indicates the health, well-being and compatibility of the partners after marriage and is done on the basis of Janam Nakshatra of both. 4.Yoni (Physical & Sexual compatibility): 4 points It shows sexual and biological compatibility between the two. It also shows mutual love and sexual inclinations of the partners. 5.Graha-Maitri (Psychological Disposition Compatinbility): 5 points Karma 34 OM Damodaraya Namaha OM Sankarshanaya Namaha OM Vasudevaya Namaha OM Pradyumnaya Namaha OM Anirudhaya Namaha OM Purushothamaya Namaha OM Adhokshaya Namaha OM Narasimhaya Namha OM Achuthaya Namaha -His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar 1.Self purification and invocation: Apavitra Pavitrova Sarvavastham Gathopiva 4 February 2004 Yasmareth Pundarikaksham Sabahaybhyanthara Suchihi Achamaneeyam OM Kesavaya Swaha OM Narayana Swaha OM Madhavaya Swaha OM Govindaya Namaha OM Vishnave Namaha OM Madhusudanaya Namaha OM Trivikrmaya Namaha OM Vamanaya Namaha OM Sridharaya Namha OM Hrishikesaya Namaha OM Padmanabhaya Namaha Karma 35 Janardhanaya Namaha OM Upendraya Namaha OM Haraye Namaha OM Sri Krishnaya Namaha 2.Vighneswara prayer O M 6. Sri MahaLakshmi Strotram Namastestu Mahamaye Sreepeethe Surapujithe Sankha Chakra Gadha hasthe Mahalakshmir Namosthuthe 7. Guru Puja Stotram Gururbrahma Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheswara Gurusakshat Parabrahma thasmai Sri Gurave Namaha Shuklambara Dharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam Chaturbhujam Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vighnopa Santhaye Agajaanana Padmaarkam Gajaanana Maharnism Aneka Dantham Bhakthanaam Eka Dantham Upasmahe 3.Mrityunjaya Mahamanthram: Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Utpotha Midha Bandhana Mrityo Mukhiya Manasa 4.Gayathri Manthram: Om Bhurbhuvassuvaha Thatsaviturvarenyam Bhargodevasya Dhimahee Dhiyoyonah Prachodayat. OM the celestial sound that resounds in our bodies over the earth and the cosmos up to the gates of heaven; The effulgence of the rising sun that sets all living things to their allotted tasks to strive to achieve their aims in life; May the dazzling light which is the gift of the gods illuminate our beings ; Let us contemplate on it so that our minds gain Enlightenment 5.Venkateswara Strotram Vina Venkatesam Nanatho Nanatha Sada Venkatesam Smarami Smarami Hare Venkatesah Prasida Prasida Priyam Venkatesah, Prayacha Prayacha Karma 36 Since Kriya Yoga is based on breath, you can practice this special technique during the whole day and in whatever activity you do. When it comes to sitting for meditation, it may be practiced whenever you have time. Kriya Technique The teaching of Kriya Yoga is done gradually. It is sectioned into six stages referred to as First Kriya, Second Kriya and so on. The beginner starts with First Kriya. First Kriya is the root, the very foundation which allows for progress through the spiritual path for followers of any religion. It gives access to knowledge of the body, of the Soul and the chakras. It allows for comprehension of the gross body, the astral body and the causal body. Later, after having practized regularly over a period of time and achieved the necessary demanding level of mastery, one can receive second Kriya, and thus progress towards the higher Kriya levels. Describing Kriya Yoga in words has little meaning. A person may truly understand only through practice. If you wish to know what an apple is, a simple description is not enough. Take the fruit, touch it, taste it, then you will really and immediately understand what an apple is. The same goes for Kriya Yoga. The Ultimate Goal The constant practice of iswara pranidhana (practice of breath control in every moment) gives the siddhi (perfection) of samadhi. The incoming breath is î - power, outgoing breath is ra - light, sva yourself, is between these two. isvara gives life and will fill yourself. Iswara pranidhana means that by constantly observing the breath which enters and leaves the body, through practice one will come to the formless state. Then you remain in the divine light enabling yourself to achieve constant nirvana or liberation in your life time. As Jesus Christ said in the Bible: “You can’t see, feel or realize God, but you can be”. Effects on Life Prana shakti (life force) flows from the top to the bottom, then inversely from the bottom to the top, of the spine. In this way all the chakras (centres) are touched by life force and by vacuum. The first and second techniques are called pranam and correspond to Yama in Patanjala’s Yoga Sutra. Yama means to obtain inner control or sâmyam. Nothing can be controlled from without because the root is found in our spine. This is why we during the practice of Kriya Yoga bend the spine forward allowing the magnetic life force to flow in the spinal cord. The vacuum is always at the top of our body, this is why we retain equilibrium. So when we bend our spine, the vacuum magnetizes the spine. Shûnya dhaur bhavet prâna: The vacuum element is our life force. When the vacuum leaves the body, life also leaves. By practicing Kriya Yoga, we create an inner fire called tapa agni. In the same way that the outer fire, drabya agni, burns whatever we put into it, the inner fire, tapa agni, allows the practitioner to burn his karmas, the results of his past actions, his thoughts as well as all his mental or psychological problems. For more help and to organize workshops in your city, call Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ 408 829 7780. E- mail: [email protected] -A small explanation by our Guruji H.H Swamiji Selvam Siddhar The Meaning of Kriya The word Kriya is composed of two syllables, kri and yâ. In Sanskrit, kri means karma dhatu - action of the elements, and yâ means Soul or Atma. The word Kriya indicates action of the Soul or prâna karma. The first and most important action of the Soul is breath. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit yuj which means union. The union of the individual soul with Spirit. Kriya Yoga is a method to attain the union of breath and Soul in each inhalation and exhalation. Expressed in other words: the union of the individual soul with Spirit is called Kriya Yoga. This is true karma. The practice of Kriya Yoga is based on breath, the brain and the spinal cord. Breath is the mediator between Soul and mind. The brain is the mediator between the sense organs and the mind. All our physical actions are reflected on our sense organs through the intermediary of the lower part of the brain located in the spinal cord. From this lower part of the brain where the lower mind is situated, we pass to the higher mind, then to breath, and lastly from breath to Soul (and then inversely). The brain is connected to the mind and the mind is connected to chitta. Chitta (the higher mind) is composed of five actions, or five minds which have twenty-five qualities or natures, each creating two results which are called vrittis. This gives fifty types of different inner and outer results - fifty vrittis, which are manifestations of chitta. The vrittis are created by chitta, the higher mind, directly from the Soul through the means of breath. The object of yoga is to control the actions of chitta - Yogâshchittavrittinirodhah (Pâtanjali’s Yoga Sûtra I, 2). The mind is in constant motion. Our inner and outer actions change constantly and this is reflected by our breath. When we are afraid our breath is agitated, when we feel joy our breath is different, it is also different when we are angry or have any other type of emotion. When the breath is calm, the mind is calm. So, it is only through breath that we are able to control chitta and come to the state called nirodhah. Nirodhah means to close, to lock with a key - which means to stop all actions (vrittis) of chitta and thus have easy access to the meditation state of yoga. The control of chitta, stopping the actions of the mind is obtained by controlling the breath. Karma 37 pleasure. You will have to take births after births to reap the fruits of your Karmas. This is the Law of Karma. The Working of the Law The Law of Karma is one of the fundamental doctrines not only in Hinduism, but also in Buddhism , and in Jainism. As a man sows, so he shall reap. This is the Law of Karma. If you do an evil action, you must suffer for it. If you do a good action, you must get happiness. There is no power on this earth which can stop the actions from yielding their fruits. Every thought, every word, every deed is, as it were, weighed in the scales of eternal, divine Justice. The Law of Karma is inexorable. Things do not happen in this universe by accident or chance in a disorderly manner. They happen in regular succession. They follow one another in a regular order. There is a certain definite connection between what is being done now by you, and what will happen in the future. Every action produces a threefold effect. It gives you an appropriate reward or fruit. It also affects your character. It leaves behind an impression in your mind. This impression will urge you to repeat the act again. The impression will assume the form of a thought-wave in the mind on account of a stimulus, either external or internal. An action produces an effect in the world also. As You Sow, So You Reap If you put a seed in the earth, it sends up a little stem. Then leaves come out of the stem. Then come flowers and fruits. There are seeds again in the fruits. Mango seed only produces mango tree. If you sow rice, you cannot expect a crop of wheat. The same sort of seed produces the same kind of plant. A human being alone is born from the womb of a woman, a horse from a horse and a dog from a dog. Similarly, if you sow the seed of an evil action, you will reap a harvest of pain and suffering. If you sow the seed of a virtuous action, you will reap a harvest of pleasure. This is the Law of Karma. Whatever you sow by your actions come back to you. If you make others happy through service, charity and kind acts, you sow happiness like a seed; and it will give you the fruit of happiness. -His Holiness Param Pujya Atharva vedic Samrat Swamiji Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Karma means not only action, but also the result of an action. The consequence of an action is really not a separate thing. It is a part of the action, and cannot be divided from it. Breathing, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, eating, etc., are Karmas. Thinking is mental Karma. Karma is the sum total of our acts both in the present life and in the preceding births. Any deed, any thought that causes an effect, is called a Karma. The Law of Karma means the law of causation. Wherever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced. A seed is a cause for the tree which is the effect. The tree produces seeds and becomes the cause for the seeds. How Karma is Fashioned Man is threefold in his nature. He consists of Ichha (desire, feeling), Jnana (knowing) and Kriya (willing). These three fashion his Karma. He knows objects like chair, tree, etc. He feels joy and sorrow. He wills to do this, or not to do that. Behind the action, there are desire and thought. A desire for an object arises in the mind. Then you think how to get it. Then you exert to possess it. Desire, thought and action always go together. They are the three threads, as it were, that are twisted into the cord of Karma. Desire produces Karma. You work and exert to acquire the objects of your desire. Karma produces its fruits as pain or Karma 38 If you make others unhappy through harsh words, insult, illtreatment, cruel acts, oppression, etc., you sow unhappiness like a seed; and it will give you the fruit of pain, suffering, misery and unhappiness. This is the immutable Law of Karma. Your actions in the past are responsible for your present condition. Your present actions will shape or mould your future. There is nothing chaotic or capricious in this world. You become good by your good actions, and bad by your evil actions. If you entertain evil thoughts, you must suffer the consequences. You will be in difficulties. You will be surrounded by unfavourable circumstances. You will blame your surroundings and circumstances. Understand the law and live wisely. Entertain noble thoughts. You will be happy always. or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. Prarabdha Karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the Sanchita Karma. Kriyamana is that Karma which is now being made for the future. It is also called Agami or Vartamana. In Vedantic literature, there is a beautiful analogy. The bowman has already sent an arrow and it has left his hands. He cannot recall it. He is about to shoot another arrow. The bundle of arrows in the quiver on his back is the Sanchita; the arrow he has shot is Prarabdha; and the arrow which he is about to shoot from his bow is Agami. Of these, he has perfect control over the Sanchita and the Agami, but he must surely work out his Prarabdha. The past which has begun to take effect he has to experience. There is another beautiful analogy also. The granary represents the Sanchita Karma; that portion taken from the granary and put in the shop for future daily sale corresponds to Agami; that which is sold daily represents Prarabdha. The whole lot of Sanchita Karma is destroyed by attaining Knowledge of Brahman or the Eternal. It can be greatly modified by entertaining lofty, divine thoughts, and doing virtuous actions. Agami Karma can be destroyed by expiatory rites or Prayaschitta; and by removing the idea of agency through Nimitta Bhava (attitude that one is an instrument in the hands of God) and Sakshi Bhava (attitude that one is silent witness of the actions of the senses and of the mind). Action - Habit - Character - Destiny Thought moulds your character. If you entertain noble thoughts, you will develop a noble character; and if you entertain evil thoughts, you will develop a base character. This is the immutable Law of Nature. Therefore, you can deliberately shape your character by cultivating sublime thoughts. Thought materialises and becomes an action. If you allow the mind to dwell on good, elevating thoughts, you will do naturally good and laudable actions. Conduct or behaviour reveals your character. Conduct also moulds your Character. Cultivation of good conduct needs rigorous discipline and constant vigilance. You will have to watch every thought, word and action. You must be extremely careful when you conduct yourself with others. With all your good intentions, you will be carried away by the force of your previous wrong impressions, instincts and impulses. Even highly educated people lack in behaviour. Good behaviour indicates that you have a refined or polished, disciplined mind and real, good spiritual culture . The practice of Japa, Pranayama and Mauna (or vow of silence) will help you to control the impulses etc. You sow an action and reap a habit. You sow a habit and reap a character. You sow a character and reap your destiny. Hence, destiny is your own make-up. You have built it. You can undo it by entertaining noble thoughts, and doing virtuous actions, and changing your mode of thinking. Now you are thinking that you are the body, Mr. So and so. Now, start the anti-current of thought. Think that you are all-pervading, immortal Brahman. Brahman you will become. This is an immutable Law. The Three Kinds of Karma: Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami Karma is of three kinds, viz., Sanchita (accumulated works), Prarabdha (fructifying works) and Kriyamana or Agami (current works). Sanchita is all the accumulated Karmas of the past. Part of it is seen in the character of man, in his tendencies and aptitudes, capacities, inclinations and desires, etc. Tendencies come from this. Prarabdha is that portion of the past Karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the Sanchita Karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called Prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided The Supremacy of Free-Will You are the master of your own fate. You are the architect of your own fortune. You are responsible for what you suffer. You are responsible for your present state. If you are happy, it has been your own making. If you are miserable, it has also been your own making. Every action bears a fruit sooner or later. A virtuous action produces pleasure as its effect. An evil deed causes pain. You have no Bhoga-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the result of action), but you have Karma-Svatantrya (freedom to determine the course of action). That is the reason why the Lord Krishna says: -Karmanyeva Adhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana - Thy business is with the action only, never with its fruits. - Janaka and others attained to perfection by action. You can change your character, your thoughts and desires. Mans will is ever free. Through selfishness his will has become impure. He can render his will pure, strong and dynamic by getting rid of his base desires, and likes and dislikes. Every soul is like a husbandman who has got a plot of land. The acreage, the nature of the soil, the conditions of weather are all predetermined. But the husbandman is quite at liberty to till the earth, manure it and get good crops, or to allow it to remain as a waste land. What you are now at present is the result of what you thought and did in the past. What you shall be in the future will be the result of what you think and do now. You find an environment which is best suited to the tendencies you acquired in a former life. You can create better conditions for the future. You can make your Karma what you choose. You can rise to a very high state of perfection. Karma 39 You can become an Indra or you may become a perfect Yogin. You can change your character, thoughts and actions. Therefore Bhishma and Vasishtha have placed Purushartha or exertion, above destiny. A boatman without oars, rudder and sails is carried away helplessly by the winds and currents; but a clever boatman with oars, sails and rudder, ably directs the boat in any direction he likes and reaches the other shore safely. Even so, he who knows the Laws of Nature - the law of thought, the law of Karma, the law of cause and effect - can sail fearlessly in this ocean of Samsara and reach the other shore of fearlessness and immortality quite safely. He will utilise the helping forces to his best advantage and neutralise the opposing forces skilfully, with the help of the knowledge of the Laws. Knowledge is a torch-light. Hence, knowledge is absolutely indispensable. Ignorance is the greatest sin. An ignorant man becomes a victim or a slave of nature. The Glory of Selfless Work Selfish Karma leads you to rebirth and rebirth generates new Karma while working off the old. Get rid of Karma if you wish to get rid of the miseries of rebirth. Selfless work will not bind you. It will purify your heart and lead to the descent of the divine light and grace. Understand the Law of Karma and the law of cause and effect. Think rightly. Act nobly. Meditate regularly and attain eternal bliss and immortality. The Doctrine of Reincarnation The doctrine of reincarnation or transmigration of souls is a fundamental tenet of Hinduism. The word reincarnation literally means embodiment again, coming again into a physical body. The individual soul takes again a fleshy covering. The word transmigration means passing from one place to another - passing into a new body. The Sanskrit term Samsara is derived from the Sanskrit root Sr, which means - to pass -. The prefix Sam means - intensely -. The individual soul passes repeatedly through this world and other subtle higher worlds. This repeated passing of souls - Samsriti is what is really meant by the term Samsara. Samsara exists in order that the individual soul may learn to realize itself. Man contains within himself infinite possibilities. The magazine of power and wisdom is within him. He has to unfold the divinity within. This is the object of living and dying. Enunciation of the Doctrine in the Hindu Scriptures You will not cease to exist after death. Before this birth , you have passed through countless lives. The Lord Krishna says in the Gita: - O Arjuna, both you and I have had many births before this; only I know them all, while you do not. Birth is inevitably followed by death, and death by rebirth. As a man casting off worn-out garments taketh new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, entereth into others that are new. - The Upanishads also declare: - Just as a caterpillar which has come to the top of a blade of grass, draws itself over to a new blade, so also does the soul draw itself over to a new body, after it has put aside its old body - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Just as a goldsmith, having taken a piece of gold, makes another form, new and more beautiful, so also, verily the Atman having cast off this body and having put away Avidya or ignorance, makes another new and more beautiful form - (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad). - Like corn, does a mortal ripen; like corn, does he spring to life again - (Kathopanishad). Karma and Rebirth The doctrine of rebirth is a corollary to the Law of Karma. The differences of disposition that are found between one individual and another must be due to their respective past actions. Past action implies past birth. Further, all your Karmas cannot certainly bear fruit in this life. Therefore, there must be another birth for enjoying the remaining actions. Each soul has a series of births and deaths. Births and deaths will continue till you attain Knowledge of the Imperishable. Good Karmas lead to incarnation into higher spheres and bad Karmas into lower. By virtue is obtained ascent to higher planes and by vice, descent to the lower. From wisdom results beatitude, and bondage from the reverse. So long as Karmas - whether good or bad - are not exhausted, men do not attain Moksha or the final emancipation even in hundreds of Kalpas. Both good and bad Karmas bind tight the Jiva in their chains. One is a chain of gold and the other is that of iron. Moksha cannot be attained by man, so long as Knowledge of the Eternal is not attained. Proofs for the Existence of Previous Births A new-born child manifests marks of joy, fear and grief. This is inexplicable unless we suppose that the child, perceiving certain things in this life, remembers the corresponding things of the past life . The things which used to excite joy, fear and grief in the past life, continue to do so in this life. The memory of the past proves the previous birth, as well as the existence of the soul. A child, just born, drinks the breast of its mother through the remembrance that it did so in the previous life, as a means of satisfying hunger . The childs desire for milk in this life is caused by the remembrance of its experience in the previous life. This proves that the childs soul, though it has abandoned a previous body and has taken on a new one, remembers the experiences of the previous body. You do not come into the world in total forgetfulness and in utter darkness. You are born with certain memories and habits acquired in the previous birth. Desires take their origin from previous experiences. We find that none is born without desire. Every being is born with some desires which are associated with the things enjoyed by him in the past life. The desires prove the existence of his soul in previous lives. Karma 40 Passage of the Soul Between Death and Rebirth The soul migrates with the astral body, or Sukshma-Sarira or Linga- Deha. This astral body is made up of nineteen Tattvas or principles, viz., five organs of action, five organs of knowledge, five Pranas, mind, intellect, Chitta (the subconscious), and Ahankara or egoism. This subtle body carries with it all sorts of Samskaras or impressions, and Vasanas or tendencies, of the individual soul. The subtle body moves towards heaven. When the fruits of good Karmas have been exhausted, it gathers for itself a new physical body and reincarnates on this earth plane. Those whose conduct has been good attain good births and those whose conduct has been evil are thrown into sinful wombs or lower births. The Devayana and the Pitriyana When a man who has practised meditation and worship dies, he first goes to light, then from light to day, from day to the bright half of the moon, from the bright half of the moon to the six months when the sun goes to the north, from that to the year, from the year to the sun, from the sun to the moon, from the moon to the lightning. When he comes to the sphere of lightning, he meets a person who is not human. That person leads him to the Karya Brahman or Hiranyagarbha. This is the Way of the Devas or Devayana. He who has done works of public utility and alms, first goes to the smoke when he dies, from smoke to night, from night to the dark half of the moon, from the dark half of the moon to the six months when the sun goes to the south; and from that, he goes to the region of the forefathers, from the world of the forefathers to the ether, from the ether to the moon. He lives there so long as his good works will allow. When the effect of the good works is exhausted , he comes back to this earth by the same route. He first becomes ether, and then air, and then smoke, and then mist, then cloud, and then falls upon the earth as rain-drops. Then he gets into food which is eaten up by man, and finally becomes his child. He passes through the various existences of the mineral kingdom, of the plant and of the animal realms - the Udbhijja (born of seed), the Svedaja (born of sweat) and the Andaja (born of eggs), before coming into the Jarayuja (viviparous or of placental origin). How to Break the Bond of Samsara The chains that tie you to this wheel of Samsara or Bhava-Chakra or round of births and deaths, are your desires. So long as you desire objects of this world, you must come back to this world in order to possess and enjoy them. But, when all your desires for the mundane objects cease, then the chains are broken and you are free. You need not take any more births. You attain Moksha or the final emancipation. You wander in this Samsara as you think that you are different from the Lord. If you unite yourself with Him through meditation and Yoga , you will obtain immortality and eternal bliss. Cut the bonds of Karma through Knowledge of the Eternal and enjoy the Supreme Peace of the Atman, thy innermost Self and Inner Ruler. You will be freed from the round of births and deaths. Freed from sin, freed from passion, you will become a Jivanmukta or liberated sage. You will see the Self in the self and see the Self as all. The Concept of Avatara Avatara is the decent of God on earth for the ascent of man. The Lord Krishna says: - Though unborn, the Imperishable Self and also the Lord of all beings, yet brooding over nature which is Mine own, I am born through My Own Power. Whenever there is decline of righteousness, then I Myself come forth. For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, for the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to age - (Ch. IV-6, 7, 8). The Doctrine of Grace The Bhagavatas had their own scriptures called the Pancharatra Agamas which expounded the cult of Vasudeva and which were, therefore, looked upon by them as being equal to the Upanishads. Their religion was based on Gods Grace to erring humanity. It, therefore, greatly emphasised the doctrine of Avatara or incarnation and popularised the immortal stories which were afterwards collected together in the Harivamsa, Vishnu Purana and the Bhagavata Purana. If you study these books, you will clearly know about the glory of Lord Krishna. You can attain God-realisation through worship of Avataras like Krishna and Rama. Many have already attained God-realisation. Tukaram, Ramdas, Surdas, Mira Bai, Tulsidas and several others have seen God face to face. Their powerful writings bespeak of their high spiritual attainments. Degree of Gods Manifestation There are Purna-Avataras (full incarnations), AmsaAvataras (partial incarnations), Avesa-Avataras (inspirational incarnations), etc. The Lord Krishna has sixteen rays. He is a Purna-Avatara. He still exists. There are His Nitya-Lilas in GoLoka or Celestial Vrindavana. It is only ignorant, deluded souls who speak against the doctrine of Avatara, who say that the Lord Krishna was a human being only. They have not studied properly the holy scriptures. They are Tamasic persons with little understanding. They cavil and carp. The Lord Krishna says: - The evil-doing, the deluded, the vilest men, they come not to Me, they whose wisdom is destroyed by illusion, who have embraced the nature of demons. Such is their fate. Devotees! Worship Atharva Sooolini the only Yakshini to settle all your problems at all times with all your heart and with all your mind. Glorify Him in your heart. He will soon reveal Himself to you and you will feel His Presence. You will attain immortality and eternal bliss. Karma 41 Karma 42 Toll Free: 1-888-808-1418 Karma 43 Param Pujya “ Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Some people naturally make a curve of the spine and bend their heads also. This is not desirable. The head and the trunk should be erect. Sudden expulsions of breath follow one another as in Bhastrika. To start with, you can have one expulsion per second. Gradually you can have two expulsions per second. To begin with do one round in the morning consisting of 10 expulsions only. In the second week, do one round in the evening. In the third week, do two rounds in the morning and two rounds in the evening. Thus every week, gradually and cautiously increase 10 expulsions to each round till you get 120 expulsions for each round. It cleanses the respiratory system and the nasal passages. It removes the spasm in bronchial tubes. Consequently, Asthma is relieved and also cured in course of time. The apices of the lungs get proper oxygenation. Thereby they cannot afford favourable nidus (breeding grounds) for tubercle bacilli. Consumption is cured by this practice. Lungs are considerably developed. Carbon dioxide is eliminated in a large scale. Impurities of the blood are thrown out. Tissues and cells absorb a large quantity of oxygen. The practitioner keeps up good health. Heart functions properly. The circulatory and respiratory systems are toned to a considerable degree. The External Kumbhaka (Bahya) Draw the air through the left nostril till you count 3 OMs; throw it out through the right nostril immediately without retaining it counting 6 OMs. Stop it outside till you count 12 OMs. Then draw the breath through the right; exhale it through the left and stop it outside as before, using the same units of OM for inhalation, exhalation and retention. Do six times in the morning and six times in the evening. Gradually increase the number of rounds and the time of Kumbhaka. Do not strain or fatigue yourself. ‘Kapala’ is a Sanskrit word; it means skull. ‘Bhati’ means to shine. The term ‘Kapalabhati’ means an exercise that makes the skull shine. This Kriya cleanses the skull. So this is taken as one of the Shat-Karmas (six cleansing processes in Hatha Yoga). Sit on Padmasana. Keep the hands on knees. Close the eyes. Perform Puraka and Rechaka rapidly. This should be practised vigorously. One will get perspiration profusely. This is a good form of exercise. Those who are well-versed in Kapalabhati, can do Bhastrika very easily. There is no Kumbhaka in this Pranayama. Rechaka plays a prominent part. Puraka is mild, slow and long (Dirgha). But the Rechaka should be done quickly and forcibly by contracting the abdominal muscles with a backward push. When you do Puraka, release the abdominal muscles. Karma 44 Easy Comfortable Pranayama (Sukha Purvaka) Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana in your meditation room, before the picture of your Ishta Devata (guiding deity). Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Draw in the air very, very slowly through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril also with little and ring fingers of the right hand. Retain the air as long as you can comfortably do. Then exhale very, very slowly through the nostril after removing the thumb. Now half the process is over. Then draw air through the right nostril. Retain the air as before and exhale it very, very slowly through the left nostril. All these six processes constitute one Pranayama. Do 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. Gradually increase the number. Have a Bhava (mental attitude) that all the Daivi Sampat (divine qualities), e.g., mercy, love, forgiveness, Santi, joy, etc., are entering into your system along with the inspired air and all Asuri Sampat (devilish qualities) such as lust, anger, greed, etc., are being thrown out along with the expired air. Repeat OM or Gayatri* mentally during Puraka, Kumbhaka and Rechaka. Hard-working Sadhakas can do 320 Kumbhakas daily in four sittings at the rate of 80 in each sitting. This Pranayama removes all diseases, purifies the Nadis, steadies the mind in concentration, improves digestion, increases the digestive fire and appetite, helps to maintain Brahmacharya and awakens the Kundalini that is sleeping at the muladhara Chakra. Purification of Nadis will set in rapidly. You will have levitation (rising above the ground) also. Mind and Prana are intimately connected. If you turn your attention to watch the breath on those occasions, it will regain its normal state. Pranayama comes by itself to those who are deeply absorbed in doing Japa, Dhyana or Brahma-Vichara (enquiry of Atman). Prana, mind and Virya (seminal energy) are under one Sambandha (connection). If you can control the mind, Prana and Virya are controlled by themselves. If you can control Prana, mind and Virya are controlled by themselves. If you control the Virya by remaining as an Akhanda Brahmachari without emission of even a single drop of semen for 12 years, mind and Prana are controlled by themselves. Just as there is connection between wind and fire (light), so also there is connection between Prana and mind. Wind fans the fire. Prana also fans the mind. If there is no wind, fire or light gets steady. Hatha Yogins approach Brahman by controlling Prana. Raja Yogins approach Brahman by controlling mind. In this Pranayama you need not close the nostrils. Simply close the eyes if you practise it in a sitting posture. Forget the body and concentrate. If you practise this during walking, just feel minutely the movement of the air that is inhaled and exhaled. Pranayama for Awakening Kundalini When you practise the following, concentrate on the Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spinal column, which is triangular in form and which is the seat of the Kundalini Sakti. Close the right nostril with your fight thumb. Inhale through the left nostril till you count 3 OMs slowly. Imagine that you are drawing the Prana with the atmospheric air. Then close the left nostril with your little and ring fingers of the right hand. Then retain the breath for 12 OMs. Send the current down the spinal column straight into the triangular lotus, the Muladhara Chakra. Imagine that the nerve-current is striking against the lotus and awakening the Kundalini. Then slowly exhale through the right nostril counting 6 OMs. Repeat the process from the right nostril as stated above, using the same units, and having the same imagination and feeling. This Pranayama will awaken the Kundalini quickly. Do it 3 times in the morning and 3 times in the evening. Increase the number * Various Mantras and their benefits are described in my book “japa Yoga” and time gradually and cautiously according to your strength and capacity. In this Pranayama, concentration on the Muladhara Chakra is the important thing. Kundalini will be awakened quickly if the degree of concentration is intense and if the Pranayama is practised regularly. Pranayama While Walking Walk with head up, shoulders back and with chest expanded. Inhale slowly through both nostrils countingOMmentally 3 times, one count for each step. Then retain the breath till you count 12 OMs. Then exhale slowly through both nostrils till you count 6 OMs. Take the respiratory pause or rest after one Pranayama counting 12 OMs. If you find it difficult to count OM with each step, count OM without having any concern with the steps. Kapalabhati can also be done during walking. Those who are very busy can practise the above Pranayama during their morning and evening walks. It is like killing two birds with one stone. You will find it very pleasant to practise Pranayama while walking in an open place, when delightful gentle breeze is blowing. You will be invigorated and innervated quickly to a considerable degree. Practise, feel and realise the marked, beneficial influence of this kind of Pranayama. Those who walk briskly, repeating OM mentally or verbally do practise natural Pranayama without any effort. Pranayama During Meditation If you do concentration and meditation, Pranayama, comes by itself. The breath becomes slower and slower. We will practise this Pranayama daily unconsciously. When you are reading a sensational storybook or when you are solving a mathematical problem, your mind is really very much absorbed in the subjectmatter. If you closely watch your breath on these occasions, you will find that the breath has become very very slow. When you see a tragical story being enacted in the theater or a filmshow, when you hear a very sad striking news or some glad tidings, when you shed tears either of joy or sorrow, or burst into laughter, the breath is slackened—Pranayama comes by itself. In those Yogic students who practise Sirshasana, Pranayama comes by itself. It is obvious from these examples that when the mind is deeply concentrated on any subject, the respiration slows down or stops. Pranayama is being done automatically. Karma 45 Pranayama in Savasana Lie down on the back, quiet at ease, over a blanket. Keep the hands on the ground by the side and legs straight. The heels should be kept together, but the toes can remain a little apart. Relax all the muscles and the nerves. Those who are very weak, can practise Pranayama in this pose while lying on the ground or on a bedstead. Draw the breath slowly without making any noise, through both nostrils. Retain the breath as long as you can do it with comfort. Then exhale slowly through both nostrils. Repeat the process 12 times in the morning and 12 times in the evening. Chant OM mentally during the practice. If you like you can practise the ‘easy comfortable posture’ also. This is a combined exercise of Asana, Pranayama, meditation and rest. It gives rest not only to the body but also for the mind. It gives relief, comfort and ease. This is very suitable for aged people. All the bubbling emotions will subside and the surging impulses will calm down. There is another variety of modification of rhythmic breathing. Inhale slowly through both nostrils for 4 OMs; retain the breath for 8 OMs (internal Kumbhaka); exhale slowly through both nostrils for 4 OMs; and retain the breath outside (external Kumbhaka) for 8 OMs. Repeat the above process a number of times according to your strength and capacity. You can gradually increase the duration of inhalation and exhalation after some practice of 8 OMs and the period between breaths to 16 OMs. But never try to increase the duration until you are sure that you have power and strength to do so. You must experience joy and pleasure in doing the same. You should not feel any undue strain. Pay considerable attention to keep up the rhythm. Remember that the rhythm is more important than the length of breath. You must feel the rhythm throughout your whole body. Practice will make you perfect. Patience and perseverance are needed. Rhythmical Breathing The breathing in men and women is very irregular. In exhalation the Prana goes out 16 digits and in inhalation only 12 digits, thus losing 4 digits. But if you inhale for 16 digits as in exhalation then you will have rhythmical breathing. Then the power Kundalini will be roused. By the practice of rhythmical breathing you will enjoy real good rest. You can control the respiratory centre that is situated in medulla oblongata and other nerves also, because the centre of respiration has a sort of controlling effect on other nerves. He who has calm nerves, has a calm mind also. If the units of exhalation and inhalation are the same, you will have rhythmical breathing. If you inhale till you count 6 OMs, exhale also till you count 6 OMs. This is breathing in and out in a measured manner. This will harmonise the whole system. This will harmonise the physical body, mind, Indriyas and will soothe the tired nerves. You will experience full repose and calmness. Surya Bheda Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Close the eyes. Keep the left nostril closed with your right ring and little fingers. Slowly inhale without making any sound as long as you can do it comfortably through the right nostril. Then close the right nostril with your right thumb and retain the breath firmly pressing the chin against the chest (Jalandhara Bandha). Hold on the breath till perspiration oozes from the tips of the nails and roots of the hairs (hair follicles). This point cannot be reached at the very outside. You will have to increase the period of Kumbhaka gradually. This is the limit of the sphere of practice of Surya Bheda Kumbhaka. Then exhale very slowly without making any sound through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with the thumb. Repeat OM mentally with Bhava and meaning during inhalation, retention and exhalation. Exhale after purifying the skull by forcing the breath up. This Pranayama should again and again be performed, as it purifies the brain and destroys the intestinal worms and diseases arising from excess of wind (Vayu). This removes the four kinds of evils caused by Vayu and cures Vata or rheumatism. It cures rhinitis, cephalalgia and various sorts of neuralgia. The worms that are found in the frontal sinuses are removed. It destroys decay and death, awakens Kundalini Sakti and increases the bodily fire. Ujjayi Sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana. Close the mouth. Inhale slowly through both the nostrils in a smooth, uniform manner till the breath fills the space from the throat to the heart. Retain the breath as long as you can do it comfortably and then exhale slowly through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with your right thumb. Expand the chest when you inhale. During inhalation a peculiar sound is produced owing to the partial closing of glottis. The sound produced during inhalation Karma 46 daily again and again in the morning from 15 to 30 times. You can do this either on Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana or even when you stand or walk. This Pranayama purifies the blood. It quenches thirst and appeases hunger. It cools the system. It destroys Gulma (chronic dyspepsia), Pleeha, inflammation of various chronic diseases, fever, consumption, indigestion, bilious disorders, phlegm, the bad effects of poison, snake-bite, etc. When you are caught up in a jungle or any place where you cannot get water, if you feel thirsty, practise this Pranayama. You will be at once relieved of thirst. He who practises this Pranayama regularly, will not be affected by the bite of serpents and scorpions. Sitali Kumbhaka is an imitation of the respiration of a serpent. The practitioner gets the power of casting his skin and enduring the privation of air, water and food. He becomes a proof against all sorts of inflammations and fever. should be of a mild and uniform pitch. It should be continuous also. This Kumbhaka may be practised even when walking or standing. Instead of exhaling through the left nostril, you can exhale slowly through both nostrils. This removes the heat in the head. The practitioner becomes very beautiful. The gastric fire is increased. It removes all the evils arising in the body and the Dhatus and cures Jalodara (dropsy of the belly or ascites). It removes phlegm in the throat, Asthma, consumption and all sorts of pulmonary diseases are cured. All diseases that arise from deficient inhalation of oxygen, and diseases of the heart are cured. All works are accomplished by Ujjayi Pranayama. The practitioner is never attacked by diseases of phlegm, nerves, dyspepsia, dysentery, enlarged spleen, consumption, cough or fever. Perform Ujjayi to destroy decay and death. Bhastrika In Sanskrit Bhastrika means ‘bellows’. Rapid succession of forcible expulsion is a characteristic feature of Bhastrika. Just as a blacksmith blows his bellows rapidly, so also you should move your breath rapidly. Sit on Padmasana. Keep the body, neck and head erect. Close the mouth. Next, inhale and exhale quickly ten times like the bellows of the blacksmith. Constantly dilate and contract. When you practise this Pranayama a hissing sound is produced. The practitioner should start with rapid expulsions of breath following one another in rapid succession. When the required number of expulsions, say ten for a round, is finished, the final expulsion is followed by a deepest possible inhalation. The breath is suspended as long as it could be done with comfort. Then deepest possible exhalation is done very slowly. The end of this deep exhalation completes one round of Bhastrika. Rest a while after one round is over by taking a few normal breaths. This will give you relief and make you fit for starting the second round. Do three rounds daily in the morning. You can do another three rounds in the evening also. Busy people who find it difficult to do three rounds of Bhastrika can do one round at least. This also will keep them quite fit. Bhastrika is a powerful exercise. A combination of Kapalabhati and Ujjayi makes up Bhastrika. Practise Kapalabhati and Ujjayi to start with. Then you will find it very easy to do Bhastrika. Some prolong the practice till they get tired. You will get perspiration profusely. If you experience any giddiness stop the practice and take a few normal breaths. Continue the practice after the giddiness has vanished. Bhastrika can be done both in the morning and evening in winter. In summer do it in the morning only during cool hours. Bhastrika relieves inflammation of the throat, increases gastric fire, destroys phlegm, removes diseases of the nose and chest and eradicates asthma, consumption, etc. It gives good appetite. It breaks the three Granthis or knots viz., Brahma Granthi, Karma 47 Sitkari Fold the tongue so that the tip of the tongue might touch the upper palate and draw the air through the mouth with a hissing sound C C C C (or Si, Si, Si, Si). Then retain the breath as long as you can without the feeling of suffocation and then exhale slowly through both nostrils. You can keep the two rows of teeth in contact and then inhale the air through the mouth as before. The practice enhances the beauty of the practitioner and vigour of his body. It removes hunger, thirst, indolence and sleep. His strength will be just like that of Indra. He becomes the Lord of Yogins. He is able to do and undo things. He becomes an independent monarch. He becomes invincible. No injury will affect him. When you are thirsty, practise this. You will be relieved of thirst immediately. Sitali Protrude the tongue a little away from the lips. Fold the tongue like a tube. Draw in the air through the mouth with the hissing sound Si. Retain the breath as long as you can hold on with comfort. Then exhale slowly through both nostrils. Practise this Vishnu Granthi and Rudra Granthi. It destroys phlegm which is the bolt or obstacle to the door at the mouth of Brahma Nadi (Sushumna). It enables one to know the Kundalini. It removes all diseases which arise from excess of wind, bile and phlegm. It gives warmth to the body. When you have no sufficient warm clothing in a cool region to protect yourself from cold, practise this Pranayama and you will get sufficient warmth in the body quickly. It purifies the Nadis considerably. It is the most beneficial of all Kumbhakas. Bhastrika Kumbhaka should be specially practised as it enables the Prana to break through the three Granthis or knots that are firmly located in the Sushumna. It awakens the Kundalini quickly. The practitioner will never suffer from any disease. He will always be healthy. The number of exhalations or rounds is determined by the strength and capacity of the practitioner. You must not go to extremes. Some students do six rounds. Some do twelve also. You can practise Bhastrika in the following manner. There is some slight change in the end. Having inhaled and exhaled quickly twenty times, inhale through the right nostril, retain the breath as long as you can do it comfortably and then exhale through the left nostril. Then inhale through the left nostril, retain the breath as before and then exhale through the right nostril. Repeat OM mentally with Bhava and meaning throughout the practice. There are some varieties of Bhastrika wherein one nostril only is used for breathing purposes and in another variety the alternate nostrils are used for inhalation and exhalation. Those who wish to do Bhastrika for a long time in an intense manner should live on Khichdi, and take an enema or do Bhasti in the morning before starting the practice. The joy which the practitioner gets in making the Kumbhaka is unlimited and indescribable. In the beginning, heat of the body is increased as the circulation of blood is quickened. In the end the body-heat is decreased by perspiration. By success in this Bhramari Kumbhaka the Yogic student gets success in Samadhi. Murchha Sit in your Asana and inhale. Retain the breath. Do Jalandhara Bandha by pressing the chin against the chest. Retain the breath till you expect fainting and then exhale slowly. This is Murchha Kumbhaka as it makes the mind senseless and gives happiness. But this is not suitable for many. Plavini Practice of this Pranayama demands skill on the part of the student. He who practises this Plavini can do Jalastambha (solidification of water) and float on water for any length of time. Mr. ‘S’ a Yogic student can float on water for twelve hours at a stretch. He who practises this Plavini Kumbhaka can live on air and dispense with food for some days. The student actually drinks air like water slowly and sends it to the stomach. The stomach gets bloated a bit. If you tap the stomach when it is filled with air, you will get a peculiar tympanic (air) sound. Gradual practice is necessary. The help of one who is well versed in this Pranayama is also necessary. The student can expel all the air from the stomach by gradual belching. Kevala Kumbhaka Kumbhaka is of two kinds, viz., Sahita and Kevala. That which is coupled with inhalation and exhalation is termed Sahita. That which is devoid of these, is called Kevala (alone). When you get mastery in Sahita, then you can attempt this Kevala. When in due course of practice, the Kumbhaka subsists in many places without exhalation and inhalation and unconditioned by place, time and number—then that Kumbhaka is called absolute and pure (Kevala Kumbhaka), the fourth form of ‘Regulation of breath’. Such powers as that of roaming about in space unseen follow this last form of Pranayama. In Vasishtha Samhita it is said: “When after giving up inhalation and exhalation, one holds his breath with ease, it is absolute Kumbhaka (Kevala).” In this Pranayama the breath is suddenly stopped without Puraka and Rechaka. The student can retain his breath as long as he likes through this Kumbhaka. He attains the state of Raja Yoga. Through Kevala Kumbhaka, the knowledge of Kundalini arises. Kundalini is aroused and the Sushumna is free from all sorts of obstacles. He attains perfection in Hatha Yoga. You can practice this Kumbhaka three times a day. He who knows Pranayama and Kevala is the real Yogi. What can he not accomplish in the three worlds, who has acquired success in this Kevala Kumbhaka? Glory, glory to such exalted souls. This Kumbhaka cures all diseases and promotes longevity Bhramari Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Inhale rapidly through both nostrils making sound of Bhramara, the bee, and exhale rapidly through both nostrils, making the humming sound. You can carry the process till the body is bathed in perspiration. In the end inhale through both nostrils, retain the breath as long as you can do it comfortably and then exhale slowly through both nostrils. Karma 48 Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Asana according to your taste and temperament. You may be semiconscious of the body and surroundings or you may become quite unconscious of the body. There is a great deal of happiness owing to concentration. This is happiness resulting from concentration which is quite distinct from sensual pleasure. You must be able to differentiate these two pleasures through the intellect, rendered subtle by constant meditation. Dharana (concentration) and Dhyana (meditation) have a power to sharpen the intellect. A trained intellect can comprehend subtle, philosophical and abstruse problems beautifully well. A disciplined intellect that can carefully differentiate the happiness derived from concentration and that of sensual objects will naturally run daily to enjoy this kind of new happiness derived from concentration. Such a mind will loathe at sensual pleasures. There will be extreme detesting abhorrence and positive aversion to objects. It is but natural. Because this kind of happiness is more lasting, sustained, self-contained and real as it emanates from the Atma (spirit soul). You can distinctly feel that the mind is moving, that it is leaving its seat in the heart, and that it is trying to go to its Yatha Sthana (original seat). You know that it has left its old groove and is now passing on a new avenue. As a result of meditation, new channels are formed in the brain, new thought-currents are generated, new brain cells are formed. There is a transformed psychology altogether. You have got a new brain, a new heart, new feelings, new sentiments, new emotions and new sensations. Anahata Sounds: The Mystical Internal Sounds Heard During Meditation Anahata sounds are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogi at the beginning stage of his meditation. This subject is termed Nada-Anusadhana, an enquiry into the mystic sounds. This is a sign of purification of the Nadis due to the practice of Pranayama. The sounds can also be heard after the uttering of the Ajapa Gayatri mantra, “Hamsah Soham’, one hundred thousand times. The sounds are heard through the right ear with or without closing the ears.The sounds are distinct when heard through closed ears. The ears can be closed by introducing the thumbs in the ear through the process of Yoni-Mudra. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana. Close the ears with right and left thumb and hear the sounds very attentively. Occasionally you can hear the sounds through the left ear also. Practice to hear through the right ear only. Why you hear through the right ear only or hear distinctly through the right ear is because of the influence of the solar Nadi, Pingla. The anahata sound is also called omkara Dhvani. It is due to the vibration of prana in the heart. Karma 49 Astral Journey and the Astral Body You first separate yourself from the body; then you identify yourself with the mind, and then you function on the mental plane, with this fine body just as you do on this physical plane. Through concentration, you rise above the bodyconsciousness; through meditation, you rise above mind; and finally through Samadhi, you realize your spiritual nature. These are three important exercises of Antaranga sadhana in the achievements of Kaivalya, the final beatitude. You can, by mere willing alone, travel to any place you like with the astral body and there materialize by drawing the necessary elements either from Ahankara or the universal storehouse, the ocean of Tanmatras. The process is very, very simple to occultists and Yogis who know the rationale, the detailed technique of the various operations. Thought reading and thought-transference too can be quite easily performed by those who can function with the astral body. Concentrated mental rays can penetrate opaque walls, just as X-rays pass through the opaque body. This is one of the Siddhis (mystical perfections). Siddhis are not the goal of life. Do not entangle yourself in these Siddhis which mar your further spiritual progress. Shun them entirely. Continue your Sadhana and stop not till you reach the goal. Movement of the Mind After a short practice of meditation you will feel that the body gets lighter in a short time, say fifteen or thirty minutes after you have taken your seat on Padma, Siddha or Sukha systematic practice for two or three hours of meditation at a stretch, these lights appear more frequently and remain steadily for a long time. The vision of the lights is a great encouragement in sadhana. It impels you to stick steadily to meditation. It gives you strong faith in superphysical matters. The appearance of the light denotes that you are transcending the physical consciousness. You are in a semiconscious state when the light appears. You are between the two planes. You must not shake the body when these lights manifest. You must be perfectly steady in the Asana. You must breathe very, very slowly. One whose food is moderate, whose anger has been controlled, who has given up all love for society, who has subdued his passions, who has overcome all pairs of opposites (Dvandvas) and who has given up his egoism, gets a vision of a triangular light during meditation. Visions of Lights in Meditation -Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar Various kinds of lights manifest during meditation owing to Sometimes during meditation you will see a brilliant dazzling light. You will find it difficult to gaze at this light. You will be compelled to withdraw your mental vision of this light. This dazzling light is the light emanating from the Sushumna. You will see forms in the lights - either the lustrous forms of demigods (Devatas) or physical forms. You will se your Ishta Devata or chosen deity in handsome dress with four hands and weapons. Siddhas, Rishis and other Devatas appear before you to encourage you. You will find a huge collection of Devatas and celestial ladies (Apsaras) with various musical instruments in their hands. You will also see beautiful flower gardens, fine palatial buildings, rivers, mountains, golden temples, sceneries so lovely and picturesque as cannot be adequately described. The experiences vary with different individuals. What one man experiences, may not be experienced by another man. Many erroneously believe that they have realized the self when they get these experiences, stop their Sadhana and try to move in the society to preach a new cult and religion in the name of Loka-sangraha. This is a serious blunder. This is not realization at all. These are simple encouragements from your Ishta Devata to convince you of a higher spiritual life and push you on in your steady, systematic and incessant practice of meditation with zeal and enthusiasm. You will have to ignore these things and drive them away. You must not care a bit for the vision of lights. You must fix your attention on the Lakshya, the goal, viz., Brahman. These visions appear in some persons within a few days, while in others within six or nine months. It depends upon the state of the mind and degree of concentration. concentration. In the beginning, a bright, white light, the size of a pin’s point will appear in the forehead in Trikuti which corresponds tentatively to the Ajna Chakra of the astral body. When the eyes are closed, you will notice different colored lights such as white, yellow, red, smoky, blue, green, mixed color, flashes like lightning, like fire, burning charcoal, fireflies, the moon, the sun and stars. These lights appear in the mental space, Chidakasha. These are all Tanmatric lights. Each Tanmatra has its own specific color. Prithvi (earth) Tanmatra has a yellow light; Apas (water) Tanmatra has a white light; Agni (fire) Tanmatra has a red light; Vayu (air) Tanmatra has a smoky light; and Akasha (ether) Tanmatra has a blue light. Yellow and white lights are very commonly seen. Red and blue lights are rarely noticeable. Frequently there is a combination of white and yellow lights. In the beginning, small balls of white light float about before your eyes. When you first observe this, be assured that the mind is be coming more steady and that you are progressing in concentration. After some months the size of the light will increase and you will see a full blaze of white light, bigger than the sun. In the beginning these lights are not steady. They come and disappear immediately. They flash out from above the forehead and from the sides. They cause peculiar sensations of extreme joy and happiness and there is an intense desire for a vision of these lights. When you have steady and Karma 50 Karma 51 Holy Letters to Our Swamiji Letters to our Swamiji Living God, His Holiness, affairs. Om Namashivaya and Sri Siddar Swamiye Namaha Param Pujya, Vedic Samrat, Rishi Sunita Jabbar, Boston ,MA, USA “ Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar’ Respected Swamiji, only because of your whole hearted and holy Ms.Nila Iyer, Redondo Beach, CA, USA Swamiji you are so sweet. What is the secret of your ever loving smile? You are a living God to me, I am pray to you every day in my life. Now I am happy with my husband, he doesn’t abuse me any more after you came up in my life. I love you swamiji and I will give my whole life to you swamiji Ms. Rupa Mayan, West Palm Beach, FL, USA Swamiji I love you so much. At the age of 27 , I have found my REAL GURU. Please have your blessed hands always. I would like to pledge 10% of my pay check every month for your noble cause.. Swamiji please find a right husband, who is so sweet like you! Narender Vimalan Reddy, Queens, NY, USA Dear Dr Commander Selvam(Swmiji), I do not have words to express my gratitude for the help you have rendered me. I am so peaceful now. Everything went very well. I got my immigration stampings. Now I could go to India. Swamiji I am going to India after 8 years to see my family...without your blessings these things are not possible. All my family wants to pass their koti namaskaramas to you. Nillu Mehta, Richmond, VA, USA Dear Swamiji, Thanks for your wonderful support through your Astrological knowledge and prayers. I am having proper sleep these days after 18 years of my problems. Although as a Indian girl born and raised in US, I always had a fashion for our Indian Vedas. I like to serve for your super cause, Please let me know the day to serve under you. I do not like monetary subjects. I like to have a GURUJI like you. Jai Krishna! Ms.Sowmya Navaneethan, Orlando, FL, USA Dear Siddhar Selvam(Dr Commander Selvam) I was really flying like anything when I touched your feet. I felt like a electric waves went inside my body, when I touched you. You are really extreme powerful Swamiji. Swamiji, I like to join in your Ashram, to serve the mankind. By the way I have got my new Job, and I am doing well in these days. Mr.Sudhakar Mayavaram, Sugarland, TX, USA Swamiji My daughter’s marriage is fixed now after a long time only by your blessings. I wish to donate a sum of $25,000 for the new Temple to be built at my state. Billu Bhai Patel, Edison, NJ, USA I wish to have your esteemed blessings for the 3rd business I have started. My first two businesses are running good only because of your blessings. Daily I chant your holy name “SRI SIDDHAR SWAMIYE NAMAHA” for 108 times before starting my daily blessings, I have come out of my worst health problems. Now I have become the healthiest lady. Thanks and Pranams for making me as the healthiest. Ramki Iyer & Bhama Iyer, Dayton, OH I have just moved to Dayton from Cleveland , OH. I was really surprised to see a Hindu Temple where everyone is dedicated and no POLITICS, I should say your temple is a roll model temple to any Hindu Temples in US. Tremendous work done by Dr Commander Selvam to the OH Indians. That too its very close to the majority Indians in Dayton. Let me know, if me and my wife Bhama Iyer of any use to the temple at any time. Ms.Prana Joshi, Fredericksburg,US Virgin Islands, USA Pundit ji. I was really excited after listening to our Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar’s)Lecture. Is in anyway swamiji could teach the vedas and mantras to me and to our community friends. Ms.Nirupama Vidyanathan, Cincinati, OH, USA Att: Sri Selvam”Siddhar”(Dr Commander Selvam) Swamiji your Temple is very peaceful. We are all blessed to have a Temple in Dayton, OH without any kinds of politics. I always uses to see lot of politics in the other Hindu Temples, however yours is an outstanding one! Shiv Rattan Agarwal, Flushing, NY, USA Dear DR Commander Selvam, You are doing wonders in this nation. We are all very blessed to have your Hindu Temples in his nation . Keep it Up Ms. Uma Nandan, Hoffman Estates, IL, USA Att: Dr Commander Selvam. Please bless me with all your holy powers. My husband is going for a Surgery tomorrow. I heared very lot about your Holy powers. Please help my husband Thanks. Your follower Uma Nandan Rahul Shankar: Toronto Canada Swamiji, I had a lot of legal problems and immigration problems. I approached many astrologers and attorneys. Nobody was able to fix the problem. I approached you finally. I can darely say that my problems are nearing the end only because of your blessings and rituals. My namaskarams to you and your wonderful mantra and Atharva Vedic Knowledge. Mr.Vivek Jain: Plano TX, USA Parampujya Swamiji, Namaskars. I am from a very good Sri. Vaishanvate Brahmin family. Few years back the problems started coming up in my family life due to the black magic done on my family and me. Even though my family members consulted many astrologers here and in India, the problems were not solved. Finally, I came to you through my sister. You Karma 52 Karma 53 analyzed my horoscope and performed wonderful rituals. Now I am getting alright. Thanks and Namaskars. Mr. Prakash Desai: Novi , MI, USA Swamiji, even though I am old, I had a unsatisfactory life with my wife. I had financial and health problems also. I approached you to solve these problems. By the power of your mantras, the problems are going down gradually and I am on my path of success and peaceful life. Thank you very much Swamiji for making my disastrous life a wonderful one. Ms.Shanti Alwar: Lexington , SC, USA Respected Siddhar Swamiji, I approached you to solve the problems in my job and career. You preferred some Thantric rituals and you performed those rituals. By the power of the mantras and rituals, now I am in a good job. Thank you very much for making my life a wonderful one. Sindhu Bajaj: Henderson, NV, USA Swamiji, my parents are living in a different state of USA. I am the only daughter of my parents. Even though I am good in all aspects, my marriage is being delayed due to the problems in my horoscope. My father and I consulted you and by the power of your wonderful rituals, my marriage is being settled by the first quarter of 2011. Thank you very much for your wonderful mantra powers Mr. Babulal Sharma: Bethlehem, PA, USA Swamiji, after seeing your website, I approached you to solve the problems in my family. My financial position and problems in all walks of life. You came to my family personally and performed rituals. Now the problems are being solved gradually. Thank you very much for your wonderful prayers and rituals. Please shower your continuous blessings on me and my family. Mr. Lakshmanan Sachit: Orlando, FL, USA Even though I am a Hindu, I had no faith in gods and astrology. Even though I am good in all aspects, I was not able to get married. At last, I approached you and you fixed the problem. My wedding is fixed during the first week of December. Thank you very much for this. I will be your devotee until the end of my life. Mr: Kaul Pillai: Buford, GA, USA I approached you to correct the mental problem of my husband. Even after the consultations from many astrologers and several prayers, his mental strength never improved. You performed some Atharva Vedic rituals and now his mental strength is getting better. Thanks and Namaskars. Mr. Mishrepar Stevenson , JAMAICA, West Indies Mr Swamiji, I am a young man. Even though I study hard, I was not able to do well in my examinations. I was unable to get a good job also. I consulted you. You did some wonderful rituals and by your gracious and auspicious blessing, I am doing well in my studies. I have a job also. Thanks and Namaskars Mr Bhaskara Manohara, Elmhurst, NY, USA I am a poor man. I have two daughters. Even though my wife and I work very hard we were not able to get a good job. We approached you. You found that we have some black magic problems. You solved the problem very easily with your wonderful mantra power. Now we are getting well in all our affairs. Salutes to you and your wonderful mantra power. Mr. Iyengar Ramani: Saratoga ,CA, USA Swamiji, Namaste. I approached to solve the problems of my son. He got involved in some affairs and he was imprisoned. Even after the arguments of many attorneys, he was not let free. I approached you to solve this problem. You performed wonderful Atharva Vedic rituals. Now he has come out of the case. My entire family is surrendered to your lotus feet. Mr.Sanjiv Bhai Goel: West Springfield, MA, USA Parampujya Siddharji, I had many problems caused by evil spirits. I had no sleep at all during the nights. I consulted many physicians and no medicine helped me to get rid of my sleepless nights’ problem I consulted you. You performed a great ritual based on Atharva Veda and now I am free from all the troubles. Now my life is wonderful. Thanks and pranams Swamiji. Mr. Alkesh Sharma: Vancouver, Canada Swamiji, I am an Insurance agent. Even though I work very hard I was not able to make good money. I approached you for remedy. You performed excellent rituals and gave me some mantras to chant. Now all my pain has gone. I am working more hours now than I worked earlier. My financial position is also getting better. My life is indebted to your lotus feet. Ms. Kaur Lahwinder, NJ, USA Swamiji, I came to this country along with my wife. We both had jobs but in different cities. Even though we were married, we had to live as bachelors. We had much confusion in our life. We approached your good self to fix these problems. You fixed the problems in a wonderful way with your Atharva Veda Rituals. Now we are leading a peaceful and wonderful life. Thank you very much and namaskarams. Mr.Gary H Fernley, Paris I am a German. I have read a little bit of Vedas. Only after your meeting at Swiss, I am able to think more clearly. Thanks for giving me a wonderful vision. Please expand your magazine circle to my country also to enlighten more and more people. Karma 54 Zodiac Connection Rasi Reding, Sponsored by Suganya Prathap By Swamiji Sri Selvam “Siddhar” sort of financial and official problems. There is no leisurely hours to have privacy. Even if they try, the program will not get materialized. With so much of pressure of job and other works, it will not be keeping them in good mood. The health point is also weak. This month, all the people of this zodiac sign should try to avoid doing important matters on 17th and 18th and 19th.. Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon Moon signs and not upon Sun signs Aries Mesham: During the first half of month, Lord Sun will be in your sign. It seems to be a foundation for the better prospect. Lord Jupiter shows his gince up on Lord Saturn. You can find a good change, which will positively lead for good construction of lively hood. Lord of finance and fortune is in exalted position. That is Lord Venus. Since he occupies the 12th sign, you can expect a big expenditure for auspicious matters. Women and children at home: Their trend is good and the expected things and materials will be purchased on behalf of them. The health and improvements in their needs will be fulfilled. Light rays of Lord Jupiter will grace them a fortune and their positions will be cared better by the head of the family members. Students and their education: Lord Mercury occupies the 2nd House. This house is constantly blessed by Lord Saturn. A kind of mixed trend of slow progress is seen. Any way Lord Mercury will give good support to score the required marks. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: They can do the hard work. They will be busy. The sign Thulam is looked by Lords Mercury, Sun, and Mars and this promises some modification, new venture and progress. This month will be paving a way for a good improvements in all your attempts. Lovers and their trend: Lord Venus, even though in a good position, his association with the other planets brings difficulties and hurdles. The firey look of Lord Sun on the sign Thulam is also not good for better terms. They have to make delay and postpone the matters temporarily. Married persons and spouses: In this period of summer the burdens are more. They have all Taurus Rishabam: Your activities and the plans will have a halt due to the check of Lord Mars. The undertakings and the projects will be having some unwanted changes. You have to think deeply and finalize the matters. The mind and the proposals will be brought to the effective condition by Lord Mercury. This will be an average month. Women and Children at home: Many of the requirements are not reaching in time. They have got further plans. Repeated claims with elders or the head of family will bring good result. Due to heat and climate their health will go wrong. Drink more water and eat fruits. Eating cooked food less and more green vegetables will keep the health in good condition. Students and their education: Lord Jupiter will show his grace and you can read well. Lord Mercury will be at Mithunam after the 18th of this month. That is good. They can show the improvements. Whatever they attention draw towards lessons, the disturbance will be there. Better avoid new friends. Take more hours in the syllabus. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: The regular work and the income are cared properly by Lord Saturn. Because the other suggests, you should not make any change in your process. It is only a false suggestion. The need of finance is more. Only in the third week you can cover the needs. Your continuous efforts will bring good result after 3 weeks. Karma 55 Lovers and their trend: Lord Mars and Lord Venus are to give headache in the love matters. The beginning of this month is not at all good. Even if they make the program, it will end in uneasiness and trouble. Take a measure of slow moving during this month. Married persons and spouses: From the beginning of this month they are going to face lot of burdens. Every thing will be too big to solve. They have to practice their mind to create peace and proceed. They can clear one after another. The health of the spouse and the feelings will be very normal. Some times the restlessness will prevail and leisurely time will be available for privacy. All the people of this zodiac sign should try to avoid doing important matters on 20th and 21st of this month. rights in their love affair. Certain extent will come to cut the dialogues and return back in the attempt. All because of Lord Mars. There is another cause, that is Lords Saturn and Jupiter will be in s light opposition also. You have to manage this month wisely. Married persons and spouses: The happenings inside the house or in between the husband and wife will not be up to the level of satisfaction., you are cornered with somany problems. You can clear it one by one, the time is coming shortly. All the people of this zodiac sign should try to avoid doing important matters on 23rd and 24th of this month. Gemini Mithunam: On an outlook, the Mithunam people will be busy and the results will be some what to the surprise of experiments. Any way the Lord Jupiter is to guide an improvement. Some hard plans and expectation of proper ways for implementation will keep you very busy. Women and Children at home: The money matters are insufficient. Some of the matters are only on half way. The fulfillment of needs are getting delayed. The children are better to have the grace of Lord Jupiter. Since Lords Mars and Venus combine, the health will go weak this month. Students and their education: Students are much worried to look their condition to be weak. Even if they show much attention they are unable to score good marks. Best thing to get more knowledge, is reading in the early mornings. Many of them will be in vacation. Any way, gather common knowledge during the vacation. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: Some times it is observed to be in the way of success. But the bad combination of Lord Mars and Venus will be fearful and may cause failures. Since the Thulam sign is badly looked by Lord Sun may delay in their new proposals. The regular income will continue, however the economy is to be maintained any way. Lovers and their trend: During this month, there will be an opinion to make the Karma 56 Cancer Kadagam: Lord Sun’s exaltation proves good to project your position forward. Lord Venus favors only 50 percent of gains. He is the reason to give a check and stun your ability. While dry spell spread for all other people of other sign, you are capable of proceeding a steady load. Women and Children at home: Lord Saturn is occupying the 3rd house. But slight grace is reaching from Lord Jupiter. Their expectations are fulfilled half the way. Children will be smart and happy. This summer will be with joy. Students and their education: Studies are much disturbed. Lessons are full with many topics. Many of them will be finishing the same in exam. Proper improvement and good results are expected. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: They have done a lot of things in the past month. The seeded attempts of expansion of professional matters are likely to come to the way of success. One or two occasions, the matter will be for further analysis. Even some objection may also arise, but you can succeed with the matters. Lovers and their trend: Lord Raaghu will be giving a kind of opposition. The second week of this month is not favorable. The affairs will be in an argument way. They have to convince their lover by the pure hearted love. Married persons and spouses: Almost for the past one year, their burdens were more and the same is likely to extend till September. Lord Jupiter sends his temporary grace this time. They can feel better and find the privacy in a smooth way. But when Lord Jupiter is on retrogression, they will be vulnerable to feel the company of spouse. Pray to Lords of Navagraha and get a peaceful atmosphere. All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 24th and 25th of this month period and they are making a good plan. It will be successful after August – September. Till that time, they have to think in a wise way and proceed. All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 26th, 27th and 28th. Leo Virgo Simmam: New problems are likely to come and may claim an immediate settlement. You have to make delay in that particular matter. In profession some proposal or planning may rise. That is good, when looking to the situation of more than two, the challenges inside and the competitors also crossing to discourage your aims. Spend this month wisely. Women and Children at home: They will be feeling a situation of dull trend. Even if they give best attempt the matters will slip and the unnecessary delay will also occur. The children will also be in a brisk mood and spend the summer smoothly. Students and their education: Final stage or Exam stage will be ruling during May. The grace of Lord Venus brings good but the firey look of Lord Mars also falls on the education house. They have to spend the time cleverly and get success. Businesspeople, professionals and Employees: Stay of Lord Mercury and the entrance of Lord Sun to Rishaba will prove good and support their activities. Some kind of new energy and spirit will boost their aims. Since Lord Venus is in a good position, the clear picture is not arrived so far. But this combination will do well for all the Simmam people. Lovers and their trend: The relationship between lovers will be with proper planning. The matters will be clearly discussed and some settlements also there to be negotiated. It is all for good and for better future. They are thinking a lot of proposals about love. It is really a long time passing on. Every thing will be reaching smoothly and shortly. Married persons and spouses: This month will be an interesting period to plan. Some times their deep analysis will be bringing a strong foot for their programs. Only adverse thing is Lord Venus is with Lord Mars. This is not a good omen. They have waited for a long Kanya: Lords Jupiter and Mercury are in trine during the beginning of month. That is good. The grace of Lord Venus also reaches your sign. Altogether, it is a good month to keep your position well and good. The prospect of profession too is likely to be graced in the second and third week by Lord Jupiter. There is good news. You can expect the success. Women and children at home The entire home making women is likely to get good improvements in their attempts. Children also will feel good and play their games properly. The position of the planets of the 6th house will give some nusaince in health. They have to maintain the health. Doing the works slowly and steadily will avoid little accidents. Students and their education: The progress and good results in their exercise will be there. Lord of their sign will reach to ‘Mithunam’ during the 4th week of May. That will fetch good news for them. The study and future plan will be going on amicably. This month is a good month for them. Businesspeople, professionals and Employees: The 10th sign is graced by Lords Mars and Jupiter. Some new improvements are coming. By the fourth week of this moth Lord Mercury will reach the 10th house to arrange a strong position for their aim and attempt. This month will be a better month compared to the last month. Lovers and their trend: No good hope and support is seen. A kind of delay and misunderstanding prevail. Totally the whole month is the month of discouraging. The combination of Lords Mars and Venus generally not supporting the love affairs. Married persons and spouses: For all couples and spouses the forecast of this month is below the normal. Their health and their privacies are all affected this month. The family burdon will be more. Their attention will be concentrated mainly in that only. They have to reduce the fat substances in the food. Fruits and green vegetable will give proper digestion and health. Karma 57 All the people of this zodiac sign should have to avoid doing important matters on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 29th and 30th of this month All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 4th and 5th of this month. Libra Thulam: People born in this sign will be having so much of complications during this month. The malefic planets respectively Lords Sun, Mars and Saturn are looking directly and indirectly your sign. This will be keeping your position with unsteadiness. You have to pass this month with all the vigil and scrutiny. Women and children at home: Fortunately the benefic Lord Jupiter also looks your sign. This will give timely relief. Their house hold matters are with measure of calculative manner. Children will be facing ill health as well as little troubles. The elders should care more and keep the children with good humour. Students and their education: In the troubled atmosphere Lord Mercury will help them to keep their education in a prompt manner. The exams will be favorable. During the fourth week of this month, the financial deficit and expenditures are likely to rise. The disorder in stomach is likely to come. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: Lord Kethu is calculative in improving their professional activities. They can feel the steady improvements. Some fresh disturbances on account of their wrong calculation may come. They are advised to keep their attention in a perfect way and focus for good earning. Lovers and their trend: Their suggestions will not be accepted by the lover. They are unable to find the favorable time also. Their works from out side may make many changes in the framed program. They have to wait for one more month. Married persons and spouses: The family persons are recounting the old accounts. They find many more matters in the file of pending list. In the fourth week of May, the Lord Mars will give them little relief. Their time to see the freedom from mixed activities will come. They are in a position to act wisely and proceed ahead for the good month June. Even though this month starts with confusion some good results are also awaited in the end of this month. Scorpio Viruchigam: This month is better than April. All other signs are enjoying certain good and bad aspects. But your sign is steady to lead a strong progress. Usual helps from Lord Saturn in the 11th sign will be reaching towards your trade/ Profession matter. The knowledge and mind perfection will be guided by Lord Mercury. Women and children at home: They are feeling better and their needs will be covered by the head of the family. Lord Saturn and Lord Sun will give them good scope of building their importance in the family. It will be rewarded with a gift shortly. Children are feeling much better than last month. This month, the summer holidays will be added and they will spend the time peacefully. Students and their education: Their education is going to be in a proper way. Little delay and disturbance will be coming from the direct look of Lord Saturn. They have to spare with good planning for the next academic years. They have to take more care in bringing up all the lessons to memory. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: The gains and profits in profession will guide them prominently. This month they have to save a little. Make this as regutar habit for a progressive future. The regular business will be engaged busily in it. Lovers and their trend: They have to wait for nice times with their counter part. Usual tele communication will continue and they have specific time to spend good times with their lover. Lord Venus is in grip of Lord Mars now. That is why some sort of delays are coming. Married persons and spouses: All matters other than privacy, the things are turning to their expectation. Some times uneasiness or health condition will interfere and that no moment of joy comes. But their family burden will be properly attended. Lord Sun in the sixth sign will give so much of heat to their body. They have to take more butter milk, fruits, and green vegetable to maintain their health. Karma 58 All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 6th and 7th. Sagittarius Dhanur: The fast happenings, which you are influencing now, are only the imaginary. It will go back to its position. To pass another 2 months you have to watch yourself carefully and carry out the events with most calculations. Women and children at home: Being summer, they have to mix with children and spend the holidays. Any kind of big expenditure or the thought to purchase new things, it is possible after 6 weeks. So, the fond memories on any thing, they have to wait and claim. If they claim it now, the result will be negative. Children are as usual playful and spending the time properly. Students and their education: Continuity in education and aiming for proper course will have a change. For few, delay and change in entire program may happen. Vast study and the gathering of knowledge will be most essential to fix your future. They have to take care and show much attention in fixing up the future. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: The sign Virgo (Kanya) is looked by Lord Jupiter assures a scope of good as well as bad. Fix the program after 30 days. That will be giving them the support. This time seems to be some what the hour of complication. Lovers and their trend: The position of Lord Mars creates some kind of disturbance in their routine. Up to 3rd week of this month, the trend will be like this. After that there is a positive change. Tour hopes are strong and rigid and will lead for a fixed thing only. Married persons and spouses: They have both commitments in finance as well addition of some assets to family. The matter of children and their education will also be an essential burden. They have to meet these circumstances and clear the exact way within 6 weeks. That is the present condition. Lord Mercury will be reaching to ‘Mithunam’ by the end of this month. So, the matters will be coming to hand on that day only. All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 9th and 10th of this month. Magaram: Finance Lord as well Lagna Lord is Lord Saturn. His 9th house occupation has proved a long time to be worst and the same scene will be there this month also. Since Lord Jupiter’s grace is to give you half satisfaction this month. Yet the spell of bad will be up to July. Only during the month of August, you will get relief. Women and children at home: This month they can see a little fertile. The children will also be smart and behave well. Lord Saturn in his friendly constellation supports them to feel easiness. The grace of Lord Jupiter falls on Lord Saturn. The burden in family will be within control during this month. Students and their education: They have taken as much care as possible. The preparation for exam is reached half the way. When they give little more pressure in study and exam the good future will reach them. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: Their 10th sign has the benefit of the vision by 3 malefics. Whether knowingly or unknowingly there is a fortune to come on their effort. In the preliminary state it may be like a dispute but on realization, the benefit is likely to enter. Lovers and their trend: The position of Lord Moon will give a relief of satisfaction with dialogue with their lover. During the third week they will find some more disturbances. On 20th and 21st they have to keep quiet. Other wise trouble may come. Married persons and spouses: For the case, the dates 17th May as well as 20th, 21st they have to be very careful. The health of the spouse may go weak. Unnecessary dialogues to be cut off. The conversation will create quarrel. Keep an atmosphere of silence on these days. The burden over children and family will be smoothly carried out. All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 11th, 12th and 13th. Capricorn Aquarius Kumbam: Almost all the planets are with discomfort. The second House is Karma 59 occupied by Lord Jupiter. This is not a good omen. With difficulties and strain you are managing this month. Prayer to Navagraha will help you better. Women and children at home: Since the summer holidays are going to come and this hot Sun will not be permitting good health. Even in domestic matters the unnecessary expenses are rising. By the end of 3rd week Lord Mars will enter ‘Mesha’ that will create uneasiness. They have to manage this month wisely. Children will be giving some sort of nuisance. Students and their education: Studies are scoring only half of the marks. The expected rank will not be there. Lord Saturn looks their sign and the dull performance could fetch only that much. Going to the Temple and worshipping the Goddess Saraswathi will support them for a great success. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: Professionals are doing the hard work. The reward is waiting for them. They can register a good name also. The luck will be in a position and play its role with their efforts. In the beginning it will be some what ununderstandable. Even the confusion will also prevail. But the result will favorable to them. Lovers and their trend: The anxiousness and curiosity are more. The time is also favorable, yet the resistance of Lord Saturn reaches there and their program gets spoiled. Navagraha Lords are to be prayed. Suitable occasion will come shortly. Married persons and spouses: The family affairs and the assets matters are going on well. The privacy and happy moods are not reaching yet. Once in two weeks, the joy and tour may be possible. Since the summer holidays are to reach, they can have enjoyments with children and spouse. The program will be getting one or two postponements. Any how, their desire will be fulfilled. All the people of this zodiac sign should avoid doing important matters on 13th, 14th and 15th. Women and children at home: Some kind of grip and tight moment of sequences are seen. With your ability you are managing to succeed. Children are little bit confused. Their health is also not good due to excess heat. Give proper medicines and green vegetables. Students and their education: Many disturbances are there in their way and also troubles in preparation for writing the exam are seen. They have to spare more time in education. The prayer for Lord Mercury or they have to go to the temple of Saraswathi and worship. By the blessings of the god, the good thing will happen. Businesspeople, professionals and Employees: This month will be disappointing them in certain matters of profession and business. The reason being the temporary appearance of Lord Jupiter does not favor as they expect. There is no profit or benefit. Lord of your sign is in his own house and since he is a divine planet he will give you peace of mind and not a grand success in the business. They can do their usual affairs with previous trend and the labor will have its merit to fetch a little. Lovers and their trend: They are availed with time but proper engagement is not concluding. Suitable occasion will come but their health may not be able to mingle with that atmosphere, some how or other the open talk with the counter part will be possible and suitable occasion will also reach them. Married persons and spouses: Some kind of uneasiness and unfavorable time are circling around them. Their family burden can be met with. The privacy between husband and wife will be less. The health condition also will not permit them to have a nice time. It is better to go for the temple of Navagraha and worship Lord Venus. Slow and steady moment are advised for peaceful mood. All the people of this zodiac sign should try to avoid doing important matters on 16th and 17th. Pisces Meenam: Early days of this month will slow down all your movements. Your presence in proper place will also be postponed. Lords Venus and Mars create a scene of confusion and unsteadiness. You have to behave with complete vigil and care. Karma 60 Karma 61 Karma 62 Karma 63 Karma 64
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