Karka Lagna
April 2, 2018 | Author: mahadp08 |
KARKA LAGNAName Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas) Maha Bhuta Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha) Karka 4 Cancer S Jala (Water) K Sanskrit Name 4 Karka English Name Principle Cancer Emotions/Mind Chest Movable Male Fixed Female Dual M Limb Of Kalapurush F Ruling Planet Body Physiology/Disease Heart, chest, lungs worried mind, heart disease, impurity of blood, cold Gender Quality Element Locomotion Dosha Chandra(Moon) Female Cardinal Water Centipede NO NAME ELEMENT MOBILITY GUNA RULER SEX BODY PART DIRECTION CASTE STRONG RISING 4 CANCER WATER MOVABLE R MOON F CHEST,HEART N BRAHMIN NIGHT SIGN BACK Sign Cancer 4 KARKA CANCER Element Water Modality Moveable S Polarity Female Guna Sattwa Feet Watery / Insect Appearance Bulky Kapha LORD HEAD Lord Moon Industrious, active, soft-hearted, protective, motherly, sympathetic, honest, subtle, intuitive, good memory, impressionable, moody, of fertile imagination, romantic, changeable on the level of emotions, timid at one time and courageous at another, attached to home but also fond of travelling, inclined to public life, diplomatic, conventional, discrete, magnetic, hospitable, good business instinct, tradesman, collecting various articles. Hora in Cancer If the birth be in the first half of Cancer, one will be endowed with elevated body, (i.e. be prominent in appearance), a beautiful head, eminence and intelligence, be weak sighted, will have limbs moving off and on, be crafty, dark in complexion, ungrateful and will have broken teeth. One born in the first Hora in the fourth sign (Cancer) has an erect body and a handsome head; he is a bold and black man with a thin voice, a fickle and ungrateful rogue, a wretched man the limbs in whose body are broken. The first Hora in the fourth sign is a woman who holds a blossoming lotus in her hand. She stands in the water, pale as the color of a campaka-flower. Her upper-garment and ornaments are pale like moon-beams. Her limbs are adorned with the splendor of full and half necklaces. Leaning on the branch of an aioka-tree in a garden, she recalls to mind her beloved. She wears a golden girdle and a necklace trembles on her breast. If the birth be in the second half of Cancer, he will be fond of gambling and travels, will have a broad chest, be quite truthful, irascible and will have a harsh physique. The second Hora in the fourth sign is established as being a very pale man in the middle of a garden who leans on a bright weapon and whose neck is raised (in longing). He is a lover whose radiance is made beautiful by gracefulness. Holding a lotus, the beloved one pours forth his complaints. He wears variegated garments and ornaments at Doomsday(?). The ointment on his body is as bright as Cupid’s His allies have been destroyed, and he is remembered with the harsh words. He who is born in the second Hora in Cancer is a black man who walks like a horse and has vile mouth, eyes, and teeth and little hair; a slender person with thick sides, a rich but low-born rogue who is addicted to wandering. Drekkana in Cancer One born in the first drekkana of Cancer will honour Brahmins and Gods, be fickle-minded, fair in complexion, will help others, be intelligent, pleasing in appearance, will possess a fortunate wife and be himself fortunate. The first Decanate in the fourth sign is a woman whose words are beautiful and full of grace. Holding a lotus in her hand, she stands in the water. Pining with love, she is as pale and fair as a campakaflower. She wears a single white garment. In the first Drekkana of Cancer is born an intelligent man who bows down to gods and the twice born and does the duty of others; an unstable person, handsome, well-formed, and light complexioned, who is lucky with women and has many children. If the first drekkan is rising, the fourth, the eighth and the twelfth houses will be to the fore. The native will not be able to handle his money and will lose it through relatives, children, affairs of the heart or speculation. The 49th and 52nd years of life will be important. The first decanate of Cancer ruled by Moon The first Drekkana of Cancer represents a man, pig faced, apparelled in fruits, roots & leaves, elephant bodied residing on sandal trees in the forest, with speedy legs and horse necked. Know that this is a quadruped Drekkana. Since the first decanate of Cancer is rising they are thrifty and careful with money. They follow the principle Economy is Prudence. In fact society may dub them as misers. Their wealth will be subject to dire vicissitudes. The important years are 17, 24, 29, 31, 39, 49 and 52. Most probably they will gain by private enterprise. The 1st Drekkana of Cancer rising denotes an imaginative, fanciful, receptive and tenacious disposition. Fate of the native is usually bound up with domestic ties, family interests and impressionable attachments. The native will exhibit a certain amount of timidity, reserve and mistrust, which will produce morbid and doubtful associations. First Drekkana (I°-10°).—Frugality often takes the form of miserliness in the native. He will do many foolish things in finance. Difficulty in acquiring wealth is shown and frequently the inheritance is lost through relatives or by speculation, affairs connected with children and love attachments. At times he will meet heavy financial losses. He is likely to gain by private enterprises. Important years will be 17th, 24th, 29th, 31st, 39th, 49th and 52nd. One born in the second drekkana of Cancer will be miserly, dreaming, conquered by the fair sex, selfrespected, endowed with co-born, fickle minded, sportive and be tormented by many diseases. The second Decanate in Cancer is a girl seated on a snake-throne, having a beautiful waist. Her heart is filled with kindness and affection. Her body, adorned with jewels, is beautiful, and her garments are of a pale hue. In the second Drekkana in the fourth sign (Cancer) is born a rich and greedy man who is proud of his generosity and of his wealth; a person of stern character, but one fond of sleep and dominated by women; a man who travels extensively; one who has (many) brothers and suffers from many diseases. The second drekkan of the sign is ruled by Mars alongwith the Moon. The native will have control over his feelings but will be more ambitious, have will to power, will be determined, and will be proud. The eighth house will be to the fore. He will have his feelings hurt or offended leading to sorrow. He will contract some diseases. He will develop a keen interest in the occult. His transactions will be more in secret than in the open. He may be subjected to blackmail. The 34th, 44th, 53rd and 60th years of life will be important. The second decanate of Cancer ruled by Mars The second Drekkana of Cancer represents a youthful female crowned with lotus flowers & serpents, in her first virginal blossom, inhabiting forests , crying holding a branch of a tree in a forest. Know that this is a serpentine decanate. Since the second decanate of Cancer is rising Lady luck does not smile on them in financial matters. The very fact that they are kind & generous is a handicap to save money. They should avoid risk in investments .They may lose money due to litigation. The most important years in their life are 18, 27, 34, 44, 53 & 60. The 2nd Drekkana of Cancer rising awakens the psychic and mystic tendencies, yet it also provides the native with a certain amount of control over his sensations. It increases the tenacity of the sign, and denotes determination, love of power, ambition, and internal receptivity. Second Drekkana (11°-20°).-The native is seldom lucky in money matters. His generous nature will be a handicap for him to save any money. Risky investments are not advisable. Litigation and blackmail play a large part in making him lose money. He will, however, be fortunate in certain conditions. If the Sun is exalted, that gives rise to much earning by high political appointments. Important years will be 18th, 27th, 34th, 44th, 53rd and 60th. obtaining money from afar. 33rd. In the third saptamsa in the fourth sign (Cancer) is horn a thin-skinned person whose body is like a handsome youth’s and whose eyes are close-set. They always find it difficult to manage their financIal matters. human & watery. he is gentle. The most important years in life are 19. whose eyes are wide and troubled. In advanced years loss of economic position and money are likely. Since the third decanate of Cancer is rising they are careless in money matters generally. he desires righteousness (dharma). The third decanate of Cancer ruled by Jupiter The third Drekkana of Cancer represents a man covered with serpents.One born in the third drekkana of Cancer will lose his firmness to females. intelligent. Third Drekkana (21°-30°). She is barren. The 33rd. possessing a keen love for the acquisition of knowledge. 33. He will all the time strive for acquisition of knowledge and will to some extent be intuitive. Her upper-garment is of silk and (adorned with) bright jewelry. wide. 36 & 45 The 3rd Drekkana of Cancer rising strengthens the whole sign and suggests a very hospitable and sympathetic nature. Their fortunes are subject to dire vicissitudes. and whose hair is thick and beautiful. he is likely to face poverty and loss of position. This is a serpentine decanate. and worrying sort and even imbalanced (if the Moon is afflicted and weak) or intellectually sound and kind (if the Moon is strong and free from adverse influence). 26. clever. If the third drekkan is rising. whose belly and nose are even. 45th and 48th years of life will be important. One born in the third (Drekkana of Cancer) travels in foreign lands. and he practices the arts of instrumental music and singing. but looks harshly and is fickle with women. the native may be very sen sitive. In the second saptamsa in the fourth sign (Cancer) is born a reddish brown man who blazes like copper. 36th. The native will be extraordinarily hospitable and sympathetic. the influence of Jupiter will work with that of the Moon. but puffed up with pride in her beauty. the best leader and hero. adorned with many golden ornaments. His fortunes are subject to much change. The native will have some contact with hospitals or asylums and may even have to live in them through ill health or other circumstances beyond his control. (d) Attention is invited to paragraph (x)(a) under ARIES where analysis of a house being to the fore is given at some length. Important years will be 19th. intent on living in foreign places. be virtuous. and honest. he frequents forest streams. will have liking for forests wine. In advancing years. a tall. a wise man.—The native will be generally careless in money matters. 26th. The twelfth house will be to the fore. 36th. . obsessive. have diseased eyes and will like garlands etc. The close of life may be spent in dire circumstances. and beautiful. crossing the ocean in a boat in order to make his wife rich and adorned with gold and jewellery. fond of drink and taking pleasure in garlands. with a face flattened. Depending upon the strength and condition of the Moon. The third Decanate in the fourth sign is set down as a woman who is the colour of a dark blue lotus and is pleasing to the eyes. an ascetic. be wealthy. wise. The native is very studious and intuitive. whose arms are heavy and long. 45th and 48th. thin man whose eyes arc red like lotuses and whose lips and cheeks are thick and dirty. Saptamsa One born in the first saptamsa in the fourth sign (Cancer) is born a dark-skinned man whose thighs and chest are thick and symmetrical. fond of wine. He will find it difficult to manage his affairs carefully. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. red. will possess eyes resembling fish. be great. shoulders and limbs. will have the gait of a tortoise and crooked nose and be dark in complexion. crooked. Fifth Navamsa: The native will possess voice akin to the sound of bell. In the seventh saptamsa in Cancer is born a man with a long. will have charming eyes and nose. broad belly. an infamous worker). be fair in complexion. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. and knows about music. The effects being stated will depend on the stronger of the two. he pleases with his singing and story-telling. broad-chest. disposition and appearance can be deduced based on the rising Navamsa at birth. black-skinned body and a lean face. beautiful hair. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. Seventh Navamsa: The native will have scattered hair. tawny and furious. . fickle and looking sideways. First Navamsa: The native will have a clean. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. big body and sinewy knees. in Cancer is born a handsome. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. his mind. and his actions. Third Navamsa: The native will be fair in complexion. but weak knees and similar ankles. Effects of Cance4r Ascendant. A man born in the fifth saptamsa has an upturned nose. Effects of Navamsas A native’s complexion. viz. will like fine arts. whose speech and hair are rough. Effects of Navamsas in Cancer Following are the effects for births in various Navamsas related to Cancer Ascendant. liberal. he is a foe-slaying hero who desires the best women. the Moons Navamsa dispositor and the Navamsa Lagna Lord. be bereft of dutifulness. coppery body. In the sixth saptamsa. and brows which are thick-set and close together. be graceful in appearance. Eighth Navamsa: The native will have a head with bell shape. will perform acts prescribed for superior caste-men and be crafty. akin to that of a female. garments. charming face.e. a competent man who is to be honored among good men and whose strength lies in his speech. thin. or stooping face. be soft-bellied. large. Fourth Navamsa: The native will be black in complexion. whose eyes are broad and long. will be well disposed to sacrificing for others and will have weak knees and shanks. will be a degraded artisan (i. will injure others and be not very intelligent. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. be courageous. will possess beautiful eyes. he trembles with sickness. prominent eyes. akin to that of a cat. he is addicted to wandering. one who supports his relatives. a thin. impressive face. fair-skinned man with broad ears and eyelids and long eyes. Ninth Navamsa: The native will be fair complexioned. be fierce in quarrels. charming and fair coloured physique. Sixth Navamsa: The native will have a long and broad physique. allied eyebrows and very long arms. thin body and thin shoulders. round eyes. will be disposed to protect others families and will be akin to a crow in appearance. be a good speaker and will possess beautiful nose and big teeth. Second Navamsa: The native will be blood red in complexion. whose nose and nasal hone are handsome. and ornaments. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. will have pressed eyebrows. will have a soft body. Effects of Cancer Ascendant. be interested in worship. be intelligent be a sparing and light worker and be indolent. charming eyes and great courage.In the fourth saptamsa is born a man whose sides and shoulders droop and whose arms are broad and pendent. and whose hair is soft in his armpits. be an eloquent speaker. will have prominent chins and lips. will possess face and eyes. is called Karki (Karkyos). eyes. female. fat chest.Moveable Water) Key: Channel the Moon's intuitive power to cultivate surrender rather than lead to deeper attachment. and whose knees and legs are thin. whose nose is thin in the middle. Karka: is symbolized by a crab. In the fourth is born a dark-skinned man whose body is broad. and tall. reservoirs. black man.river banks and un-inhabited lands. a long jaw. fountains. and eyes are like those of a cat. represents Chest and is a Movable sign. kitchens. fat. . a proud man. hanging lips and heels. spotless. and Brahmanas learned in the scriptures (Sruti). and whose nose and mouth are like a crow’s. and legs are handsome. It is strong during Night and rises by the Hind side (Prishtodaya). objects which are cold or soft and wet. progressive. Its places of residence include water-filled garden beds. pale limbs. Cancer is a centipede sign and is pale-red in complexion. thighs. thin shoulders and chest. To it belong meadows. huge thighs. which has the form of a crab standing in water and which is the region of the chest. One born in the ninth navamsa in the fourth sign (Cancer) is a fair-skinned man with eyes like a fish’s. and nose are beautiful. a round face. Cancer (Female Moon . and sandy beaches. face. frogs (manduka). and its places are the pleasant play-grounds of goddesses. crocodiles (nakra). and mirrors. the ends of whose hair and whose nails are split. he desires to get money. whose eye-brows are curved. a lazy and talkative person. he is fat like a handsome youth. sweets. it is the cradle of all civilizations and indicates sand banks as well where crabs dwell. Caste is Brahmin. It is a Female sign and its direction is North. ascetics. To the fourth sign (Cancer) belong women. rivers and white durva grass. sweet. It is movable. and a broad belly. Ratribali (powerful at night) North direction. One born in the third navamsa is a fair-skinned man with a handsome chest whose body is handsome with the grace and form of a woman’s. turtles (kurma). upraised eyes. he has immense intelligence and is addicted to gentle acts. Cancer (ककक): It resembles Crab. Watery.white color and represent upper part of chest in Kalapursha kundli. In the second is born a red-skinned man the region of whose heart is lumpy. Primarily.Moon Navamsa One born in the first navamsa in the fourth sign (Cancer) has beautiful hair on his head. and thin knees and ankles. crabs (kulira). whose hair. In the eighth is born a black man whose head is like a pot. wells. a heavy belly. and white birds and carnivorous ones. In the fourth navamsa is born a rough. Its inherent nature is Watery. and water-plants and grasses. he is a generous person who is fierce in strife and whose deeds are terrible in battle. medicines for restoring life (samjivana). and his character and conduct are reprehensible. a broad.Chest . Rivers are indicated by the sign while others opine ponds & lakes. but a servant in other men’s houses. ashoka-trees. and is a rogue to his family and his relatives. It is ruled by Chandra. Brahmin Varan. his intellect is self-directed. whose mouth. whose jaw trembles. The fourth. and whose face. and the row of whose teeth is broken and fearful. his craftsmanship is bad. Lord of Cancer is Moon. It has a bulky physique and is strong in the night. Karkata has the appearance of a crab and lives in water. whose legs are fat and have large veins. lotuses (kumuda) and lilies (utpala). It relates to forests and represents Brahmins.. It is nurturing. care. pearl merchant. fond of astrology or is an astrologer. shipping. Cancer. wide nose. It is good for affairs with the public. sign of the mother. sensitive and emotional. truthfulness). is jala tattva ( water or fluid) This is a very satvic sign (that of purity.. which is mind and the mother. KATAKA: Export and Import. friendship. round face. has a few sons.. sympathy. distillery. insecure.sign Pristodaya Movable Even Dwara Rasi Mineral Soft Female North Heart Night White Brahmin Jala . It has many feet (i.Cancer: Chasm with water Channel Watery . small eyes Cancer/Karka described. sensitive KATAKA: Emotional . watery and female sign. milk booth. It rises with its back and is ruled by Moon/Candra. sensitive Kataka: Nurturing. Cancer: Not very tall. NewYork [14°] Kark described: The Rāśi Kark is pale-red. Cancer (Kataka): Cardinal . medical shop.Stout neck. rivers. vegetable shop. Cancer: Clumsy body.. Karka Rashi /Cancer: The 4th sign is Karka /Cancer. homely etc. emotions. grocery shop. attached. It resorts to forests and represents Brahmins.e. short attached to family.e. It has many feet (i. Chandra is the lord of this rasi. It is pale red. It rises with its back and is ruled by Candr. defensive. family and the home. China. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery Rāśi. fickle minded. The Rāśi Karka is pale-red.Tatwa Watery Animals Smithy work Insanity Windy disease. it is a centipede Rāśi) and has a bulky body. It is strong in nights. it is a centipede Rāśi) and has a bulky body. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery rashi. sympathetic. emotional. cooking. broad waist. Cancer (Karka) : Crab. it is a centipede rashi) and has a bulky body. brown hair. owns houses. the crab. restless. and Karka is a movable. can mimic--Fixed Stars: Acubens is noted for nurturing and preserving. rivers. mineral water selling. ponds. Ruled by the Moon: Caring. kitchen. powerful imaginations. stomach and breasts. watery fields. Cancer is openness. Chandra is the ruler. Cancer: Heart. pale complexion. nurturing. in age big abdomen. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery Rāśi. canals.. hotel business.e. Cancer or Karkata. the Crab caring. pleasant. imaginative. It rises with its back and is ruled by Chandra.The symbol of Karka is a crab. Potential problems if afflicted include emotional problems. receptive. moody. can’t let go. Cancer and the 4th house govern the front part of the chest to the border of the ribs and the elbows. Holland Canada. agriculture. his fortunes wax and wane like the Moon. walks swiftly and not in a straight-line. breast. a water based animal that is always on the go looking for food. so Karka is highly associated with water and the characteristics of water. love the home. It resorts to forests and represents Brahmins. food. upper body large. including the heart. nurturing. Pale complexion and dedicate features. Tastelessness. transport dept. sensitive nature. he can be brought round by persuasion. likes to live near water. He is under the considerable influence of his wife or of women. Water . but with a nervous nature. rises tail first. small build. Cancer is ruled by the moon. large mouth. attractive. Chandra is a significator for water anyways. The symbolism of the large scissors of the crab seem inappropriate for Karka. supportive. mother-like. has many family friends and is attached to them. devotional. sensitive. resides in water and forests. Kataka or Karka Lagna . sensitive. It is strong during the nights. forgiving. small or flat nose. places near water. It has many feet (i. It is strong in nights. Cancer: Moderate. deeply attached. emotional. thick neck. . intelligent. Newzeland. diplomatic. Cancer Governs . Stomach. Saturn in the Ascendant house is not good for them. having an aversion to travel and a tendency to borrow money. It resides in the north and represents brahmins. honest and unbending. ribs in general. Their extreme sensitiveness renders them nervous and queer. maternal. They often meet with disappointments in love and marriage. They often have a double chin. fond of women. watery places. But they can also make very effective business and sales people as they initiate relationships through emotions such as kindness and receptivity. sternum. tanks. Hence. It has a spiritual nature. securityconscious. protective. reservoirs. reserved. calm. Their frugality often takes the name of miserliness.Dropsy. I am mothering and need others to need me. prudent.Anatomical Parts.Cancer. The emphasis is on water which is emotionality and realtionships. flatulence. CANCER: "I am guided by intuition and feelings. affectionate. will be after sensuous pleasures and will seek money or wealth. Heart problems would stem from emotional problems and relate to the vascular parts. They are very intelligent. lands. picturesque localities and sandy places. The characteristics of one born in this rasi are : a deceitful mind being soft spoken. self-reliant. Generally it gives a sensitive and/or emotional nature which. and fields of wet cultivation. is white in complexion. thoracic duct. quiet. may indicate psychic abilities. emotional. He will be fond of perfumes. he will possess a clean conduct. domestic.Chest of kalapurusha. Because of the innate creativity of all Moveable Signs. It rises with its feet and is strong at night. Its symbol is the crab. If a person is born in this lagna with the moon occupying the Karkataka rasi. face full. Cancer: Cancer is introverted. They are very talkative. yet its natives may be seen to have strong attachments within this world. Their personalities are sensitive and changeable. It is satwic in disposition and is a feminine rasi. It signifies water and is ruled by Chandra (Moon). conscientious. epigastric region. They will be much attached to their children and family. sensitive. snubbed nose. an interest in arts and learning and a love of sporting in water. Cancer initiates through the water element. moves about in water. Moon symbolises the mind and therefore it provides those born in the Karkataka Lagna with a fertile imagination and an emotional disposition. Cancers’ methods of creating emotional bonds with people are almost always new and refreshing. rivers. retentive. smallpox. People born under Cancer have a middle -sized body. bright and frugal and industrious. Free Cancer Horoscope. and has a large progeny. the pop descriptions of Cancers as excellent mothers. imaginative. Diaphragm. Cancer: Cancer is a water sign and is ruled by the Moon. a white complexion. It feels like a fresh shower of cool water on a hot day. If ill-placed. It is a centipede or multilegged and has a bulky body. and quite the traditionalist. I am emotional and reserved and like to be in safe surroundings. They are sympathetic but moral cowardice will be present. I am proud of my family and my . canals. marshes. pearls.heart problems. cancer. They have reputation for love of justice and fair-play. ulcers and stomach problems. moody. depending on position. Karkataka (Cancer) : Its complexion is pale red. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. This rasi rises with its back. will have a lean physique. Common Diseases for Cancer . It is related to minerals and is a movable sign. elbow joint. holy places. sympathetic. they may be given to moodiness. Medical astrology. For Cancer Horoscope. is phlegmatic in constitution. Their stature is generally short. A person born in this ascendant is religious but also seeks sensual pleasures. He will be intelligent and fond of watery sports like swimming etc. loves sweets. Shukra is the Badhak and is also a functional malefic. They do have a good nature and care for people in their lives. They walk with a rolling gait. They are not usually interested in having a large family. I seek perfection in daily chores. short. The upper portion of their body is generally large. Cancer Rising: This sign is ruled by the Moon. I am always wishing for happiness and love to have a beautiful home. He is honest. Cancer: The cancer born has a middle-sized plump body. He will possess many houses and will be wealthy. materially resourceful partners. He has a number of good friends but few children. In public life. He is intelligent. its lagna is said to be Karka. They love their families and friends and enjoy their company a great deal. He likes to eat sweet food and indulges in lots of material enjoyments. Being a water sign. like Chandra who lords the Lagna. He will have a thick neck and will be fond of making friendships. Cancer ruled by the Moon: Henpecked . Cancer Ascendant (Rising Sign) description according to Phala Deepika: Person with Cancer as the Ascendant will be henpacked. The married life of persons of this lagna is generally unhappy. " Bhargavi Samhita: The one who took birth in Cancer lagna will have a well tamed and steady intellect. and sensitive. He will walk fast and will have few sons. Like the Moon their life is full of tides and ebbs (ups and down). slender limbs and powerful claws. talkative. I have secret loves and secret plans. although they are somewhat dependent on their marriage partners to make them feel they are cared for. They are friendly and their interests are myriad. His wife will be well-mannered and devoted. I aspire for comforts in life and enjoy travel. but crooked in nature. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. but also miserly. Karka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant): If Cancer (Karka) is the ascendant house in the horoscope. they are generally successful and are also able to achieve honours and wealth. independent. He will be crooked. Fast in walking. industrious and proud. fond of water and will be happy with a few children. they can be easily upset. As the Moon represents the mind and emotions. The pearl is a good gem to wear. have many houses. They enjoy their homes and all that they possess. His waist will be thick but he will be short statured. I like stable. They are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. Often they don’t feel like others are appreciative of them and may tend to voice their sensitivities in this regard. They are fond of home and family comforts. It can also give Vipreeta Raja Yoga if placed in a Dusthana or afflicted but the significations of conjoining planet will be stressed. Mars is a Yogakaraka and can give rise on its own. As long as they have what they need. They are timid at one time and courageous at other time. I am easily moved by religion and faith. intelligent with a long memory . He would be always interested in water-sports. the lord of this lagna. They are communicators and may be in business where contact with the general public is predominant. they tend to be happy. Karka/ Cancer Lagna: Receptive. wealthy. The persons with this Lagna are changeable like the Moon. Cancerians like to live near the water and also love foreign travel. Guru lords the Bhagya but also the 6th House. with fleshy neck and protruded rump will be the man with Cancer in Ascendant (Lagna) He will be surrounded by friends . Karka Lagna: The natives of this lagna have a heavy body. therefore it is a mixed .domestic skills. handsome and admires virtuous people. I am quick to achieve in profession but prefer my home. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely protective of those who are close to him. such a person cannot even stop thinking about the past. A person with a first house Cancer is particularly affected by memorabilia that reminds him of good times and special people. sensitive. Such a person enjoys travelling. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely moody. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely receptive and maybe psychic or sensitive to his social and personal environment. retentive. be . There is a very strong connection with background and tradition. leaning toward a sense of heritage and warm. and moody. A person with a first house Cancer identifies strongly with his family. A person with a first house Cancer has a tendency of look what the future holds for him. places and belongings. a person with a first house Cancer often takes things too personally which can sometime create problems. homey trappings. Therefore. timid. compassionate. protective. sympathetic. Such a person is sensitive and therefore. will honor Brahmin and Gods. psychic. be honored for his virtues. will have a few children. akin to that of a female. This can sometimes create problems as such a person may be distracted from his present. But. intelligent. Such a person should learn to view life with a little detachment. learned. A person with a first house Cancer can be a serious victim of his mood changes. be firmly obstinate. receptive. nurturing. Such a person is at his best when he feels safe and secure. will have many residences.planet for this Lagna. Such a person usually likes to feel out a situation before getting involved into it. be fickle minded. will live in foreign places. changeable. be crooked in disposition. 1st House Cancer: A person with a first house Cancer has a very strong sense of self-preservation. Shani is equally problematic except if it is placed in Lagna where it gives Simhasan Yoga. be bereft of relatives. A person with a first house Cancer also understand that there is a home where he needs to go back to. Effects of Birth in Cancer Ascendant. One born is Cancer Ascendant will be timid. will have a censured family and a vile wife. sensuous. Such a person becomes easily and upset and can stay like that for a long period of time. will possess a physique. Hence. retreats into his shell when he senses some danger or when he is threatened. Such a person is very attached and sentimental about people. people with this placement can experience difficulties in marriage or in getting married. be religious. Rahu is the 8th Lord and can become even more diabolical in this Lagna. very phlegmatic. It's important for a person with a first house Cancer to avoid people with problems because such a person is so receptive that he picks up his problems as his own. A person with a first house Cancer tends to be less vital than average. enduring. troubled by diseases of the anus. Such a person is also very sensitive to negative energies around him. Such a person is usually extremely sympathetic and understanding. Such a person is also very compassionate. Security is everything for a person with a first house Cancer. will be preceded by sisters in birth. sentimental. will enjoy others' wealth. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all his possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to such a person. acquisitive (pack-rat). passive. which it lords. tenacious. will destroy his enemies. such a person always returns back no matters how long or how far he travels. Moreover. As in Lagna it will be in Marana Karaka Sthana and will damage the 7th and 8th Houses. Such a person expends his energy through his feelings and is very romantic and dramatic in his emotional expressions. It will give rise. quiet. Person with Cancer as the Ascendant will be henpacked. You will make others good in business but when comes from your own. Their extreme sensitiveness renders them nervous and queer. blood pressure and even diabetes. Cancer represents the heart of the Cosmic Man. You are a calm and happy person. police. will earn through water (i. Since you grow continuosly. you would like to have a long term relationships. People around you will make use of you and you will not bother much on it as your goals are always long term.Cancer (Kataka): Cancer rising gives intuition. you will have unexpected shortfall of money at times. He will be intelligent and fond of watery sports like swimming etc. army. They are sympathetic but moral cowardice will be present.marketing and in hr management. Their frugality often takes the form of miserliness. You will be blessed. you have the capacity to address masses and attract people. You could be successful in public relations. Most of the saints & mystics are born in this sign. The occult sciences attract them and they become diviners or mystics. They will be much attached to their children and family. They may be disappointed in love as their love is not reciprocated. Their wealth will be subject to waxing and waning like the Moon. They can adapt to any situation.lawyer. Cancerians are tied and tuned to the Cosmic world. They often meet with disappointments in marriage and love . On the financial side. you will always lead a life with fulfilled commitments. robes and happiness. CANCER (KATAKA) Persons born under Cancer or Kataka have a middle-sized body. In career.valorous in his deeds. You need to control your mind to control your health. there could not be a balance. KATAKA LAGNA OR CANCER ASCENDANT You are a person go by nature. but. They are very intelligent. He will be crooked. bright and frugal and equally industrious. As moon is your owner. face full. This could be sorted out by seeing your chart. you will have slight problems which need to be sorted. nose snubbed to some extent and complexion white. you are more sincere and dedicated. particulary the science & the wisdom of the heavens. Its dispositor is the Moon & the exaltation dispositor is the wisdom planet. They often have a double chin. He will possess many houses and will be wealthy. you may have few clutches. He will walk fast and will have few sons. be courageous. They love the mundane pleasures of life. sympathy and appreciation of the subtle things of life. Ascendant . 4. You enjoy everything in this world and you will love to contribute more to the society. sea travel etc. You will have a good family life but still you may have inner desires also which may create frictions in the family. His waist will be thick but he will be short statured. At the same time a high degree of adaptability have been bestowed by this sign. You could be successful in business provided you have more patience in action. ornaments. You will have a sound health generally but you will be disturbed mentally frequently and because of that you may have tensions.) and be endowed with wife. particularly home & children. products related to water. He will have a thick neck and will be fond of making friendships. ( Astronomy & Astrology ) They are nervous and restless. They are interested in Wisdom and the divine. They are inconstant & fickleminded as they are ruled by the Moon. In relationships. They love the divine sciences. Jupiter. e. You will be at your best when you implement things slowly. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. Often you will take fast decisions and implement and because of that. They are very intelligent. honest and unbending. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all your possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to you. At the same time a high degree of adaptability have been bestowed by this sign. psychic. If when they are hurt they go hysterical. nose snubbed to some extent and complexion white. protective. They are interested in Wisdom and the divine. They will be much attached to their children and family. Cancer (Karka): Cancer is ruled by Moon. mars is debilitated. tea or coffee business. particularly home & children. honest and unbending. sentimental. Your moods go up and down just like the tides. Their minds will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. Their frugality often takes the form of miserliness. You go through life in a curious sideways motion. thick neck and round face. tenacious. The occult sciences attract them and they become diviners or mystics. You respond to life through feeling. Cancer have reputation for love of justice and fair play.because of all the emotional value and significance. You are sensitive and you retreat into your shell when you feel threatened. They are very talkative. never going simply directly forward. Cancer People with Cancer rising tend to be less vital than average. Cancer represents the heart of the Cosmic Man. acquisitive (pack-rat). even when no slight was meant and you can take things much too personally. sensitive. face full. You enjoy travel. Cancerians are tied and tuned to the Cosmic world. selfreliant. In fact. Cancer have reputation for love of justice and fair play. Saturn's situation in the ascendant is not desirable. retentive. The Moon rules Cancer so the Moon will be important in your chart. They are home birds. They are sympathetic but moral cowardice will be present. you do not tend to let go easily. animal husbandry. changeable. receptive. They often have a double chin. Their extreme sensitiveness renders them nervous and queer. nurturing. Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) . quiet. Its dispositor is the Moon & the exaltation dispositor is the wisdom planet. self-reliant. They may be disappointed in love as their love is not reciprocated. timid. They love the mundane pleasures of life. and moody. but you absolutely need to know that you have a home base waiting for you to come back to. sympathy and appreciation of the subtle things of life. Their wealth will be subject to waxing and waning like the Moon. Most of the saints & mystics are born in this sign. Persons born under Cancer or Kataka have a middle-sized body. ( Astronomy & Astrology ) They are nervous and restless. compassionate. sympathetic. They are inconstant & fickleminded as they are ruled by the Moon. bright and frugal and equally industrious. Once you have latched onto something or someone. bakery. They love the divine sciences. They can adapt to any situation. Jupiter. causing you great worry. Professions best suit them are hotel. Person born under this sign have a moderate stature. you may have the habit of looking ahead and behind you at the same time. not fully wanting to face the future headon and always worrying about the past and what might be sneaking up on you from behind. passive. Spiritual lesson to learn: Discernment (distinguish boundaries). Just like the crab Cancer represents. not thinking. Extremely initiative and imaginative these natives make designers and artists. that's why you keep everything . They are social and love enjoyment. They are very sensitive and take the things personally. Ascendant – Cancer ( Kataka ) Cancer rising gives intuition. Saturn's situation in the ascendant is not desirable.affairs. particulary the science & the wisdom of the heavens. They are dutiful and virtuous and have respect for spiritual guards. Jupiter is exalted in this sign. They are very talkative. Security is everything for you in life. Your feelings can be easily hurt. They often meet with disappointments in marriage and love affairs. They never complain. People with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) are usually social. gardening. They are faithful and loyal with their life and sexual partners. In the same way they can love their community. It represents breasts. This sometimes make them unhappy for a long period. Being imaginative and sensitive are true features of people with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant). they can be easily hurt by anyone. Instead they are quite brave. particularly on an intimate and personal level. through which they can gain social or political influence and recognition. They may overcome their stressful period by focusing their attention on the issue. Its nature is stationary. In spite of facing realities. Yet they may be over emotionally sensitive. Cancer (Kataka) Cancer is the sign of the Moon (an even or negative sign). People with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) can be moody and show their negative side. Due to their sensitivity. Karka(Cancer): Karka means crab. Under stressful situations. They always try to make every body happy. it shows a need for mental and emotional stability and happiness. People with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) are considered family lovers and possess high levels of parenthood. but they tend to become aloof whenever they are under stress. . This doesn't mean that they are cowered. Cancer people are usually open. They love their home and family but sometimes to the point of narrow mindedness. They are artistic and have good social skills. These people are more generous and they gain popularity and fame if they get into the right group of people. 4. Sometimes they may possess highly active and creative personality while at some later time they may become passive and reserved. In the sky the stars make outline of crab. It is a female sign. In their intimate relationships. They can have powerful imaginations. This zodiac is there itself. They are sharp minded and always do their work with wisdom. people with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) cannot forget insult and betrayal easily. People born under this sign have both good and bad fortune. Its element is water. The people born under this sign have tremendous power to suffer odds against them up to any extent. Presence of parenthood is the base of their love for children. including cooking or caring for them. Due to their strong memory. They seek popularity and are sensitive to the moods of the masses. As sign no. They value human relationship and the exchange of feelings. they may feel helplessness and suffer from feelings of self pity. as they are under the sign of the mother. shy. They may please their families through their creativity in cooking. caring and nurturing. sympathetic. attached and dependent. often sensing immediately the feelings of others. loving and intuitive. country or religion in an enclosure of feeling. they give more than they get from others. yet may be bound by subconscious fixations and attachments. They usually have many people in their homes or friends coming and going. and the chest of the Cosmic Man.People born with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) contain fluctuating features in their personalities. friendly. they may involve themselves in day dreaming and planning for future which may be sometimes inappropriate according to situational requirements. and interior decoration. cardinal water. Its lord or ruling planet is moon. a crab. Hence some times it becomes their habit to accept what will be below their expectation. People with Karkata Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) are most emotional among all other Zodiac Stars. Cancerians are devoted. These people of Cancer rising sign would thing of good for almost everyone around and could turn towards social services but their inner vulnerability could also sway them towards negativity for their self interest as their sensitivity is the only reason for their self centered attitude at times. For the same reasons. Yet what they follow they will represent and project to the world at large. they can be somewhat stingy. supportive. initiative and courage. they can be kind. they can do great service in life and act with great power. Cancer(Kadaga) Lagna Palangal It is the fourth sign of the watery triplicity of the zodiac. but they may sometimes be nervous or easily stressed. At their worst. Cancer Ascendant or Rising sign or Karka Lagna | People of Cancer rising sign The Cancer Ascendant or Karka Lagna natives are the perceived to be the ocean of emotions as all they have is their heart as mind won’t play much roles which makes them very much sensitive and vulnerable from the core as they will easily receive even the lesser affecting thing and would become exceedingly impacted from the same. The Cancer rising signs or ascendant natives are believed to be the strong carriers of family values and some of primitive norms also but they are somewhat flexible as well. These people lack at the side of practical understanding as they will try to perceive almost everything with their heart and absence of mind which could bring problems to them. . They typically marry a partner who surpasses them in age or overall maturity. Though Cancer natives are often unlucky in marriage. Once they learn how to be receptive to truth. they provide emotional support and motherly warmth to others in need. there is an creative and artistic blend in cancer rising signs natives for which they could be seen as involved in relating arenas. They are just and frugal but sometimes lack in wills. while their emotional attachment with their work could become a reason for the growth. In spite of their gentle and emphatic nature. Cancer ascendant or rising sign people are perceived to have late marriages and somewhat difficult conjugal path. The Karka Lagna /Cancer Ascendant These natives are very sensitive and intelligent. and honest friends. Cancer ascendant could become exceedingly serious towards life. They are receptive and can become contemplative when they open up to the spiritual life and are usually of a devotional bent of mind. initiative and power and can shine over others like the Moon. they love pleasure and tend to acquire possessions. These natives of Cancer ascendant or Karka Lagna are simple from the core and don’t carry any vanity in their attitude besides which they stay away from attention as they won’t ever try to catch the people’s eye as they are shy souls. they are capable of thinking and acting with vigor. They are truly patient beings who would take their time before taking any decision as they won’t ever walk further before assuring the strength of path well but they lack at the required self believe and strength of the core. Highly emotional and often psychic. they can possibly loose their own identity at times. non-harmful but may become defensive or cowardly. They give everything to their intimate relations with complete devotion towards them and this is the reason. they are attached and devoted to their children and family. In the end. Besides this.They are gentle. The Cancer ascendant or Karka Lagna natives for being weak at the mental composure always seek for emotional security as specially in their relations for which they would be very much dependent upon their life partners whom they wish to be mature enough to take care of them. Once they feel connected they gain confidence. at best. the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. You construct a plan and carry it out with great determination and are successful. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or the Moon. Jupiter. chest.You are very diplomatic. You are impressive and are magnanimous. You are a person of moderate stature and may have pale complexion. you may have a high degree of nervous irritation. You are self-centered. lungs and breasts. Your mind is very fertile. You would be fragile in the early part of your life but will have good health as you grow in age. CANCER: It is a watery sign. This sign rules the rib cage. etc. satvic. Mars. You are fond of art and music. negative. You might have other than normal color eyes. You have deep feelings and are a loyal and responsible person. heart. attached . wit and imagination or overly emotional. the significator of knowledge and fortune. You may suffer from chest and stomach troubles. Otherwise. moody. ruled by the Moon. You have the capacity to adopt other's nature quickly and observe their ideas. shy. Sometimes you are timid. the sign Cancer usually renders their natives good hosts. You are fond of water. the Cancerians enjoy good health. gentle and considerate. These factors render the Cancerians caring and nurturing. You are very wise. fruitful and multiped sign and signifies grace and cleverness. heart and epigastric region. dull and careless. kapha. Cancer is a moveable. You face opposition from your friends. Under the Systems' Approach. You always like changes. sensitive. You gain from many sources. generally weak. You are fond of the opposite sex. You are sentimental and due to excess of this. generous. mute. lymphatic and circulatory congestion. You will enjoy wealth and comforts. You are famous for your hospitality. You may have a large upper body. female. brown face. which is changeable in nature and tender. You will enjoy happiness in life. highly emotional. intuitive. light and brown hair. the significator of energy. is exalted in this sign. is debilitated in this sign. with humor. If Cancer rises as the ascendant. You lead a wandering and restless life. You may enjoy wealth. You have changeable temperament. physical ailments of breast. capable of receptivity and adaptability. jaundice and other liver complaints. Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon. peace loving. Your constitution will be somewhat weak. chest. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong. You are very courageous under some circumstances. they have a sickly constitution and unpleasant appearance and suffer from mental maladies. cooks. Cancerians become administrators. He must keep his weight under check by careful eating habits and regular exercises. He may be troubled due to his wife. You represent the busy people. etc. He will be moved . Your Lagna/Ascendant is a water sign & cold by nature. In the tide of fate you will be forced to live in different places. Holding on to a particular idea or thing or person steadfastly no matter what happens. You will be more self repressive and less out going and may need a little push to get you started. The number of children will be restricted. mild and gentle temperament. When you are ready to move. This sign is also called a Feminine Sign. fond of water sports. You will not hesitate to change whatever you dislike and whenever you want. As the Moon is of volatile nature and becomes weak quite often either in pakshabala or by going to malefic houses from the ascendant or by being in infancy or old age or by going to its sign of debilitation. This makes you lead a type of wandering or restless life. timid and introverted. sensitive. You are likely to be emotional in nature like the water. You are likely to be pioneers in your chosen field. He will also have diseases indicated by Sagittarius in the sixth house. nurses. He will be moody. Being a negative sign you will be passive. you will be shy in general. defensive and a have a some-what conciliatory disposition. It is feminine movable and fruitful sign. The ruler of this sign is the Moon or Chandra. timid and have psychic nature. Cancer: The native will be of fair complexion. you will find that the chances has slipped away. restaurant owners. love of ambition. being in the habit of pondering over a thing over and over again and put off the requisite action promptly at the proper time.CANCER . enthusiasm. who rise in life on their own in spite of continuous obstacles. He will be of a hasty. either in rasi or in navamsa. loved by his subordinates and forgiving. public relations managers.is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. He will have a large circle of friends. And you are capable of dealing with any situation or emergency. You should know when to let go or you will soon be in trouble. You decide upon a plan and you stick to it with dogged determination and success is yours ultimately. generous. religious. and wealth. catering professionals. receptive to the ideas and suggestion of other people. You are full of energy and like moving from place to place and get the feeling that you are spoiling your progress if you stay in the same place for a long time. of sharp intellect. Being a movable sign or a Chara Rasi. The sign is symbolized by a crab. sensitive. forcefulness. You have deep feelings of loyalty and responsibilities. house keepers. Fame recognition and popularity and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time are your major plus points. You tend to miss many opportunities. Your sign is the only moveable sign falling in a watery sign. and a go-ahead spirit. The influence of other planets on the tenth. healers. first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. He may develop a large abdomen in later years. Being a watery sign. you will show enterprise. He will be of short stature. The key word for your Lagna is TENACITY. the Cancerians are changeable to inconstant in their behavior.and dependent. KARKATAKA . or by occupying the mooltrikona sign of any weak planet. It is a mute sign by nature. professionals dealing with liquids. changeable. truthful. Depending upon the strength of Mars and the Sun being prime determinants of profession and the Moon for a stable profession. You tend to hold on at all costs like a Crab even if it means losing a limb or 2. and slender in appearance. hoteliers. property. eating-establishment owners. Kataka lagna persons have a heavy body. however. since lagna lord Moon and sixth lord Jupiter are friendly to one another. a remarkable. a secretive graha. He will express himself through creativity. like chronic disease or an unnatural death. including even the loss of a child. There will be a well or a source of drinking water near his house. whose hard carapace covers a soft underbelly. or tend to attract. The natives of this sign have. Cancer's ruler. As the lord of this sign is Chandra who wanes arid waxes. is the Great Negotiator. and Venus rules the fourth house. Cancer natives are strongly interested in home life because the Moon. Their stature is generally short. and because the seventh is a maraka that is ruled by Saturn. is debilitated in the fifth house of discernment. The friendship of the Moon with Mars makes the Cancer native strongly attracted to the ideals of intellect and progeny. opponents. which makes it doubly difficult for the discriminating intellect to prevail over the emotions. or obstacles in married. is a domestic graha who is the significator of the fourth house of home. The blending of houses seven and eight suggests obstacles or delays to marriage. is debilitated in the first house. Cancer Lagna Like its symbol. The native will have a garden in his house or will stay near one. The upper portion of their body is generally large. They walk with a rolling gait. but the reciprocal debility tends to prevent them from readily developing and sustaining these two areas of life. therefore. because both Saturn and the eighth house suggest tragedy. create a dynamic interest in career. slender limbs and powerful claws. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. the ruler of houses six and nine. The reciprocal debilitation of the first and fifth lords. In this lagna. there is a high degree of nervous .to help others and litce to keep his innermost thoughts to himself. Since Saturn. the significator of emotions. Because of sensitiveness. the planet of the mind and lord of the third house of intellect. The Moon being exalted as lagna lord in the eleventh house makes friends and associates important to a Cancer native. changeable life unless the lagna or Moon has influence of Shani or if Chandra is placed in a fixed sign. A third reason is that while the Moon. the crab. Their imagination is fertile. Jupiter's dual rulership of a dussthana and a kona also causes Cancer natives both to be attracted to religion and frequently to find obstructions to their progress in that direction. a Cancerian's formidable intellect sits atop a pool of emotions. both the seventh and eighth houses. It also happens. often outweigh obstacles because Jupiter. often also creates a lack of or disappointment with children. Cancer is the fourth house of emotion in the natural zodiac. that Cancer natives are attracted to. Another reason is the profound influence of the emotional grahas on this lagna: the Moon rules the first house. and because the Sun the second house of family. and since the eighth house indicates secrets. because Venus. The friendship of the Moon with the dynamic tenth lord Mars does. There is usually a capacity both to benefit through enemies and to have one's luck obstructed by enemies. though. but they are often emotional and over sensitive and also sympathetic. Cancer natives often keep their partnerships and marriages private. There may be some tragedy associated with death. who signifies a piercing intellect. is also the lord of the twelfth house of loss. depending on how the meanings of the sixth house (enemies) and the ninth house (luck and gain) combine. Like the nature of Chandra their lives are full of tides arid ebbs (ups and downs). benefits from opponents. Shani's influence makes them less changeful. rules the fourth house. One reason why these emotions tend to emerge to cloud thought-processes in times of crisis is that Mercury. Kataka Kataka lagna or when Chandra is in Kataka. the fifth lord Mars. the planet of plea and enjoyment. though those friendships may be as varied and as fluctuating as the Moon. Kataka lagna people very often miss the bus as they take a long time in coining to a decision. As its lord is a royal planet. Cancer: This sign is generally weak as its lord. so it is much kind too and have a nature of donating things to others. The professions suited for these persons are govt service. Kataka lagna people generally prosper in the later part of their life. They can be good sailors. fond of water. because they are able to remember the minute details of the past events. intelligent. They have interest in social service. . white complexion. they arc generally successful and are able to achieve honours and wealth The get angry suddenly. sea captains. The ladies with this lagna are discreet and Independent in many ways. thick waist. They have a very good memory and when they get into old age they take pleasure in relating even unimportant events of their life to their grand children. They also get inheritances. sea products jewellery restaurants. people born in this sign will be extremely sensitive. frail constitution and fast walk. loyal and patriotic. Cancer The house with the sign Cancer shows the areas of life where we are emotional. but because Shani makes the house of his partner. They are usually intuitive. their motherland. They are affectionate to their mother. Pearl is known as the gem for this sign and golden topaz is known as the gem for luck. the analytical power may be weak. Cancer is the own house for Moon and Mars gets debilitated here. Moon. They are steadfast in their life. Natives of this sign are fond of travelling as Kataka is a movable (chara) sign. negative. is of volatile nature and going weak quite often it makes a person very emotional and also gives very much steal nerves simultaneously.irritability in their nature. On the negative side it can show where we are irritable and selfish. explorers. nervous and restless. attached to their family and they are extremely sensitive. commercial career. these persons generally have to face an unhappy married life unless there are good influences on the seventh house or the lord of the seventh house. and they can remember anything that they read. They arc all prone to digestive and lung troubles and also hysteria. In public life. inquisitive. then the person born under this sign suffers from constant mental maladies. chest. This placement is meant only for memory . without difficulties or obstructions.The native born under this sign will have normally short stature. business in liquids. face and digestive organs. fostering and caring for the helpless. It is a mute. heart. but become stronger at later age. thick neck. watery and fruitful sign and signifies grace and cleverness. As Guru is exalted in this sign they can also become judges or ministers. serving aptitude and wisdom but their matrimonial life may not be very successful. tender . They are reputed in the society due to their good speech. The sign rules breast. They arc timid at one time and courageous at other time. weak body constitution and diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign. friendly nature. If the moon is weak or if the sign itself is getting negative aspect. The native born under this sign may have low recuperative power. but never. they are very courageous. The description of the person resembles the Moon if Cancer rises in the Ascendant and gets modified due to other influences on the Ascendant or the Moon. Physical characteristics. Many of them are of a miserly nature. but their anger disappears soon Kataka lagna persons are fond of home and family comforts. Kataka lagna natives love money and like to hoard money. but they are not easy to cope with because of their changing ideas and moods. nervous debility etc. have higher order of memory. a town. It is a moveable sign. and here the actions and “ceremonies” of parent figures provide the blueprint that enable a future assumption of these adult roles and responsibilities. Natives of Cancer are very imaginative. In this article we will discuss the characteristics of Cancer natives and how they lead their life. to thrive. Astrology says that water is the predominant element of Cancer. the opposite sign. associated with Cancer. with the parents as the indispensable “pillars” holding it all together. the family's love. Jupiter is exalted in this sign and Mars is debilitated. They are peaceful people. intimate sphere. the Crab A Crab is a ravenous but careful creature. As the Cardinal-Water sign of the zodiac. They have deep faith in love and in their life they . They succeed in life as they have the capability to transform plans to reality. They have a warm temperament and are friendly people. but is protective and caring towards those that are familiar and part of it's private. Cancerians Are Sensitive and Self-Conscious Cancer is the fourth sign in zodiac. Cancer is the Cardinal-Water sign of the zodiac. This sign makes its natives romantic and loving. Cancer natives are responsible people. The symbol of Cancer is crab. associated with Capricorn. If Gemini represents a toddler or very young child in the formative stages of learning to engage with the physical and social world. They care for their surroundings and genuinely want to work for distressed people.Cancer. Another specialty of their character is that they are very conscious and aware about the happenings and for these reasons they stay protected. Cancer is the lord of the north direction. In a sense Cancer represents a stage in which the foundation of the personality is established and there is the first glimpse of the future roles and responsibilities that come with full adult participation in the larger socioeconomic order. retreating into its shell at the slightest sign of danger. The chest area in general is under the dominion of this sign. This private and domestic inner life. and yet the prominent claws might represent acquisitiveness and tenacity. the Moon. and a good night's rest at home (Cancer/4th House) enables us to face the merciless and competitive public world of our daytime duties (associated with Capricorn and the 10th House). Family units or households constitute the building blocks. needs to be healthy and secure for public and professional potentials. Though sometimes they face failure in work due to time mismanagement. Natives of Cancer have a delicate heart. They give birth to new ideas and are experts in making strategies and plans. A wholesome meal. and is ruled by the archetypal mother of the planetary family. then Cancer would represent the following stage in which there is a recognition of the family or household as a whole unit within a larger socioeconomic matrix. They care for their family members and take all the responsibilities and try to fulfill the needs of their close ones. It is said that they have a very inconsistent nature and cannot fix their mind on a single thing for a long time. consistent with the nourishing and mothering themes of this sign. nation or civilization. The crab is wary of intrusions from the outside. This sign is extremely sensitive and has a great need for safety. specifically the breasts (you can see them in Cancer's glyph). Natives of Cancer are philosophical and caring. but certainly the most reclusive and sensitive of the Cardinal signs. This is a feminine sign. Cancer is perhaps more dynamic and assertive than the other water signs. and are in a sense the foundation of the larger social order. These are the reasons behind their huge friend circle. That’s why they stay away from quarrels and any kind of chaos. dropsy. spiritualism and prosperity. becomes exalted in this sign which means that out of all the twelve zodiac signs. To get their true love Cancer natives sacrifices their precious possessions. Therefore most of the planets placed in Cancer tend to show their positive or negative results in a less aggressive way compared to some other signs. Cancer rules the Chest or Breast region and the organs in this region like lungs and heart etc. And for this reason. Know Your Signs – Cancer In Vedic Astrology. Cancer is a watery sign and it is ruled by the Moon which is considered as the coolest of all the nine planets in Vedic Astrology and which is also considered as the fastest moving planet in Vedic Astrology. M. And whereas Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Therefore the study of this sign in a horoscope becomes very important and it should be analyzed carefully in a horoscope. B. weather department. lunatic etc. jaundice.ed. A strong Cancer sign and a strong and clean Moon in a horoscope blesses the native with good health and a very good working of the organs ruled by this sign whereas the weakness of this sign or serious afflictions to this sign by one or more negative planets in a horoscope can make the native suffer from ailments and diseases in the chest. This is probably due to the reason that Mars is the signifier of energy and fire and the cool and calm nature of Cancer sign and its Lord Moon does not suit Mars and so it becomes the weakest when placed in Cancer. any serious afflictions to this sign by one or more than one negative planets in a horoscope form Matru Dosh which can pose many kinds of problems for the native depending upon the other important aspects of the horoscope. Natives of Cancer can have a profitable career in the field of economics. Apart from this. Cancer is a very important sign in a horoscope according to Vedic Astrology as it is involved in the formation of a couple of defects mentioned in Indian Astrology. engineering. Mars is considered as the weakest when placed in Cancer.ed. The last pada of Nakshatra Punarvasu. and politics. Jupiter which is the planet that rules knowledge. pearl and fish culture. marketing. so any affliction to this sign makes the Moon afflicted and weak and thus a Matru Dosh is formed. The placement of the Moon in the fourth pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra forms a Gandmool Dosh in the horoscope and as the fourth pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra is ruled by Cancer sign. spirituality and prosperity among many other things depending upon the other important aspects of the horoscope. entertainment. mining. Their favorable professions are textile. the study of this sign in a horoscope becomes important in Vedic Astrology. Astrology says that these professions are very profitable for the natives of Cancer. Mars is considered debilitated when placed in Cancer which means that out of all the twelve zodiac signs. Cancer natives should be careful about these diseases. marine. all four padas of Nakshatra Pushya and all four padas of Nakshatra Ashlesha are ruled by this zodiac sign called cancer. Cancer is considered as the fourth sign among the twelve zodiac signs which are considered for making astrological calculations on the basis of Vedic Astrology.experience many love affairs. These bad effects can be different for different people depending upon the other important aspects of their horoscopes. lungs. and other governmental sector. According to astrologers Cancer natives have tendency of catching diseases like cough and cold. digestion problem. A positive Jupiter well placed in Cancer can bless the native with great knowledge. breast. As Cancer is ruled by Moon. the natives who have Mars placed in Cancer in their horoscope are likely to suffer from the bad effects produced due to the weakness of Mars by virtue of its placement in Cancer. advisor. heart or other parts and organs ruled by . navy. Jupiter is considered strongest when placed in Cancer. You can become very attached and sentimental about people. Melon-Pink. Cancer girls should wear a necklace of pearls around them. Serious afflictions to this sign can also make the native suffer from mental diseases and sleeping disorders as the Lord of this sign is directly rules the emotions of all the human beings. Sometimes you are a little messy. When it comes to jewelry. and sympathy. Vedic Astrology Signs: Cancer . It is also closely related to the mothering instinct. This makes you especially sensitive. planet is moon. caring with a streak of possessiveness. But the Moon also encourages laziness at times. in touch with those around you. White. strong and determined. the Ruler of Cancer is the indicator of emotions. There is a tendency to retreat when directly confronted. This sign loves soft fabrics like flannel. Hence they should exercise a lot.Cancer. combed cotton. Being extremely receptive.You respond to life through feelings and emotions. though. Silver. passiveness or inconsistency in life. Like the crab. Your moods are very strong and changeable. and shades of blue. The cancerians are thoughtful. Silver. and a solid home base is essential to your well-being. White can bring you a lot of happiness and prosperity. you can protect yourself with a shell-like personality that can make you nearly unapproachable when you feel threatened. Therefore this sign should be studied carefully while analyzing a horoscope. The favorite color is white. kind and sympathetic to the plight of others and a good listener. pearl White. and the sensitivities. the feelings. a nurturing ability. you can be the most understanding person one could hope to find. Pale Green and White. You identify strongly with your family. but never stay that way for any length of time. Like the crab. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. places. and belongings. Green and blue on the other hand will hinder your growth and might create problems for you. The influence of Moon bestows kindness. protective. but with a tenacity of purpose that is unsurpassed. they prefer silver and pearls. Sea green.You pick up the feelings of those around you. as you are protective of yourself. Orange and light red will help in you in your studies. much like the tides caused by the Moon. You are very protective of those who are close to you. imagination. flexible. When you are in control of your emotions. it produces a personality which is very sensitive and a little on the timid side. Cancer people need to be very careful because their stomach has a tendency to protrude. a Cancer Ascendant often chooses an indirect approach to meeting objectives. Cancer (July 16th to August 16th ) The element of cancer is Water. and terry cloth. Also indicated by the moon is deep emotion.restlessness. and a good memory. You can become easily upset. cerulean blue Cancer-Karka When the Ascendant is Cancer. You are compassionate and receptive.The Moon. Charmingly deceptive. shy and moody. you may be somewhat psychic or at least extremely sensitive to your environment. Lucky Color: Orange. this sign likes to wear luxurious lingerie beneath conservative outerwear. The Crab’s favorite accessory is the watch. They have round face. . That love that is not based on any kind of reciprocation. We don’t necessarily know how to feel better when we don’t feel good. Cancer is the most talented Ascendant by far. They want love in their life from the beginning. the planet of receptivity. Cancer i. And usually. So this Ascendant suits for female. which is related to the breasts and the feeling and emotions in our hearts. they can be very emotionally passive-aggressive and play emotional games to try to get attention validation etc. They tend to feel like they love everything and love everyone. Cancer must learn to base decisions on things other than just their emotions. the most sensitive and vulnerable sign in the zodiac. They always want to become richer than they actually are. (Because Moon is the lord of this sign). and some sort of emotion. There are very few things in life where we need to make emotional decisions. v. Cancer people are excellent mothers. Because of that they always search for love until they find it. viii. ix. 1 in their field and they generally get success in a little time.Cancer is ruled by the moon. They’re just ruled by the moon. This is the most amazing feature of Cancer Sign. At best we may satisfy our desire in the moment to feel more peaceful. So. And in fact. iv. They feel very deeply. People of Cancer Ascendant are generally born in rich family (Because Moon is the lord of this sign). Because of that they are very caring and soft hearted. They’re excellent with nurturing others and wanting to feed others and wanting to give selfless love. but they are often very emotional. x. They always want to be No. The sign of Cancer exhibits a lot of these traits. and the Cancer person needs to learn to be more practical and rational about situations realistic about themselves and others. The person will feel others emotions very powerfully. It must be reciprocated. They love luxury in their life and usually live luxuriously irrespective of their financial condition. They generally have love relations at an early age. This Ascendant has feminine characteristics. Cancer is in many ways. but it’s impossible to maintain because love of adults is reciprocal. and when it’s not. They are very emotional and sentimental. but they’re not sure of what to do about their feelings. some sort of clinging and longing. they will get a chance in their life to be a part of a rich family (Because Moon is the lord of this sign). ii. We reach out into the world to try to feel some sort of peace and connection. They would like to merge and flow with everything. The love of Cancer is actually the selfless love of the mother. It’s the sign of the zodiac. but when they try to do that they realize others do not want to merge and flow with them. just create some sort of stress. Every day they feel a little different. there’s a lot of illusions around this. Cancer people are very attractive and they can attract any person of any Ascendant. and their emotions overwhelm them pretty much all the time. and they’re not sure how they’re going to feel one day to the next. Even if born in middle class family. vii. very difficult to understand and even very emotionally demanding. but we are often creating a lot of attachments that are painful. iii. and that’s the only correct expression of Cancer love is that selfless love that a mother has for a child. they want it to be reciprocated. Because once they become attached to an idea or feeling toward a person. vi. so we try to do something to make us feel better. The moon is a part of us that is just innocent and wants to feel good. mother. The Cancerean person is physically short to average statured with a delicate appearance. large mouth. He is fond of changes. He desires for peace. hence a good businessman. the Moon. xiv. sensitive. He possesses a changeable . hence adaptable.e. They generally attract to opposite sex person of Capricorn. on the 1st cusp) becomes a Cancerean person. They should take advice from their elders when making important decisions. They should take a distance from Aquarius Ascendant Person. etc. perceptive. social and well known for his hospitality.xi. He is full of maternal spirit and is true devotee of mother and motherland. fine arts etc. poetry. fickle and nervous. He is selfish. digestion. feminine. The Cancerean person is self-made with deep feeling of responsibility. sympathetic. Aries ascendant person and normal relation with Libra and Virgo Ascendant person. He has psychic and mediumistic faculties with good intuitive power. affectionate and gentle yet firm. He is very sensitive both physically and mentally. changeable. He is impatient. family. full face. The Cancerean person is very much attached to home. Brahmin caste. adventures. children. unassuming and retiring. nocturnal. Cancer or an Indian Rasi Karka (or Karkatta). the exaltation house of the great benevolent Jupiter but the debilitation sign of fiery Mars. long arms. Because of that they should be very careful in making decisions but especially in their early life. heart. is an abode of Queen Luminary. xii. The Cancerean person is changeable. restless and moveable. prishtodaya rising sign representing Crab. hence usually leads a wandering life. nose prominent at tip. traveling mysteries. He is magnetic and quickly absorbs the thoughts of others. dreamy. an effeminate constitution. He is cool. They make wrong decisions in their early life which leads them to big problems in their future. easy-going and comforts. careful. He is over-cautious and is liable to extremes. fruitful. white or blue colour. and Leo ascendant. awkward gait. He can adjust himself to anywhere. affectionate. conventional and diplomatic. fair or pale complexion. a prominent abdomen. People of Cancer Ascendant can be easily found in Politics or in the Army (Because Mars and Sun are friends of the Moon). The Cancerean Person by M L Gupta One born at the time when the sign Cancer rises at the eastern horizon (i. watery. xvii. owned by the fast moving. They receive good fortune from birth (Because Moon is the lord of this sign). He may be usually and easily influenced by others. emotional. He has strong instinct for personal gain He is always over-anxious about future and money. broad forehead. There will be many ups and downs as well as changes in his life. They are very brave and generally create milestones for others. slender limbs. He is warmhearted. He has hard out but soft inner. weak vitality. idealistic. breast. North direction. chest. xvi. novelties. xv. The Cancer is a movable. industrious and economical. Scorpio. He may appear open and frank at a glance but actually he hides much inside. corresponding to the 4th house of a Kundali. xiii. relatives and household affairs. a tendency to corpulence. determined and unforgiving but can be easily conquered by kindness. mute. He is timid. adaptable. lungs. upper part of the stomach. He is shrewd. wide chest. watery. People of Cancer Ascendant should take patience in relationships of any kind. He is possessive. The cancerean person seems calm and quite outwardly but boiling with emotions inside deeply. the 4th sign of the natural zodiac. He will become very restless till he reaches the home while returning from a journey. They have good relation with Pisces. He is frugal and never extravagant. romantic. a large upper part of the body. changeable and inconstant in their behavior. is debilitated in this sign. female. heart and epigastric region. If Cancer rises as the ascendant. Jupiter. dependent and full of concern. Shree Aurobindo Ghosh. He is shy. The house of initiatives.temper but fertile imagination. being ruled by Mercury which also remains weak quite often. Jawahar Lal Nehru. the significator of energy. He has a strong love for the past and usually tells about past events of his life to his children. He is more dreamer than a worker. is another reason for their changeable nature. both for themselves and for others. moody. talent and energy. lazy and gloomy. the significator of knowledge and fortune. These factors render the Cancerians caring and nurturing. He often misses many opportunities because of too much thinking repeatedly over a thing. capable of receptivity and adaptability. generous. He is unable to demonstrate hence often misunderstood by others. Shree Adi Shankaracharya. etc. He has good memory and never forgets the past and harm done by others. kapha. ruled by the royal Moon. loyal affectionate and sacrificing lover. He is honest and has love for justice and fair-play. Lokmany Tilak. His married and family life is seldom happy. Cancer is a moveable. He becomes peevish if overlooked. jaundice and other liver complaints. sensitive. Great personalities are usually the Cancerean people. or by occupying the mooltrikona sign of any weak planet. Raj. In case Mercury is weak and/or afflicted. etc. This sign rules the rib cage. Shree Kamraj. physical ailments of breast. Some of the notable Cancerean people are Bhagwan Shree Ram Chandra. intuitive. If the Moon and Jupiter are strong. they have a sickly constitution and unpleasant appearance and suffer from mental maladies. satvic. lymphatic and circulatory congestion. However he is a good. He is often not clear in his mind as what he actually wants. Otherwise. He is in the habit of collecting old things. the Cancerians are volatile. is exalted in this sign. the initiatives of the Cancerians do not produce results. He looks everything from idealistic point of view. Mars. generally weak. highly emotional. They are very sensitive and restless. peace loving. either in rasi or in navamsa. chest. Some yogas on planetary disposition for the Cancerean person Ascending Signs : Cancer LUCKY STONE: White Sapphire / Topaz / Diamond LUCKY NUMBER: 1 Cancer is a watery sign. He often suffers from inferiority complex. Shree Madan Mohan Malviya. He has tenacity of purpose. Cancer is treated as the mooltrikona sign of the Moon. Indira Gandhi. He is cold and distrustful for strangers as well as opponents. Under the Systems’ Approach. attached. His feelings get easily hurt. He loves power. As the Moon is of volatile nature and becomes weak quite often either in pakshabala or by going to malefic houses from the ascendant or by being in infancy or old age or by going to its sign of debilitation. wit and imagination or overly emotional. Shree Gautama Budha. Pt. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or the Moon. mute. fame and recognition. . The sign being a royal sign. the Ishta Devata would be Lord Shiva. fruitful and multiped sign and signifies grace and cleverness. negative. there are many happy events in their lives. the Cancerians enjoy good health. chest. which is changeable in nature and tender. the sign Cancer usually renders their natives good hosts. Smt. He often gets lost in the moments of past. resulting in change of ventures. He has much inclination for public life. shy. gentle and considerate. lungs and breasts. heart. with humor. The Cancerean person mostly does not enjoy common marital happiness due to some reasons or others. He usually wastes his time. courage. In the case of matters signified by houses containing non-mooltrikona signs of planets. exert their close influence on the most effective points of the said houses. success in politics and a flourishing career. good education. comforts. A strong Venus blesses them with affluent and reputed parents. the significations likely to be promoted when the planets are exalted get a setback when the concerned planets are weak. good financial status and good health. The weak Sun and Venus indicate trouble to parents. In transit. A strong Sun blesses them with status. Jupiter. A strong Moon blesses Cancerians with affluence and recognition. whenever they form close conjunctions or aspects with weak natal planets or weak transit planets or most effective points of weak houses. Exalted. Although the scenario is dependent upon the overall configurations of the chart and operating major periods of planets. entrepreneurial nature. with weak natal positions generates disputes for the significations ruled by those weak and afflicted natal planets/houses. is curtailed if it is weak. second. so natal Mars in the first. it rules in particular the happiness from mother. A strong Venus works as an asset. valour. Close conjunction/aspect of functional malefic planet. strong and unafflicting Jupiter blesses them with challenging attitude. is an anchor sheet of life for the Cancerians because the fourth house has dynamic configurations. long-lived parents. Saturn. However. Rahu and/or Ketu. but long lasting. the Sun. Jupiter. The happy events are more in their lives and recurrent. Exalted and strong Mars with strong Sun blesses them with executive state authority. While a strong . they trigger unfavorable events. Venus. easy gains and servants. they are as potentially harmful as Rahu and Ketu. and the significators of these houses are weak. suffering and/or tragic happenings only take place if one or several of the functional malefic planets. it rules assets. In childhood. Exalted and strong Venus blesses them with affluent parents. Venus and Mars are functional benefic planets for Cancerians. Jupiter and Saturn also become functional malefic planets. The Moon. In the grown-up stage of life. as yogakarka. good family life and pleasures in life. strong and unafflicting Saturn blesses them with good inheritance. eighth or twelfth house does not make them Manglik. young brothers and a sound breathing system. well-placed father and good fortune. Exalted and strong Sun blesses Cancerians with government authority. A strong Mars blesses Cancerians with executive authority. The repetitive transit weakness of Mercury and weak natal Mercury bothers them on account of miseries to younger brothers and sisters as also on their own initiatives/business ventures. For Cancerians. Exalted and strong Mercury blesses them with sharp intellect.Apart from Rahu and Ketu. seventh. vehicular and residential comforts. Mercury. A strong Mercury blesses them with initiative. while a weak and/or afflicted Venus ruins/disturbs the significations of the fourth house in particular. fourth. success in foreign lands and fortune. being lord of the fourth house of Cancerians. A strong Venus. are to be read the results of the planets when they are in their signs of debilitation causing deterioration in the aspects signified by the weak planets. it rules education. Similarly. Exalted. the power of understanding and communication. the strength of individual planets does signify trends in life to a large extent. loss of assets and comforts. The unhappy events are more tragic if the functional benefic planets are weak and afflicted. whenever the functional malefic planets Saturn and Jupiter form natal/transit close aspects/conjunctions with transit/natal functional benefic planets and/or most effective points of houses. marital harmony. good communicative power and business acumen. while unhappy ones are rare. wisdom. long life. A strong and unafflicting Jupiter blesses them with good physical health while a strong and unafflicting Saturn blesses them with a long life. blesses the dynamic configurations of the fourth house with affluence. vehicles and comforts in life. The significant role of Mars. whose mooltrikona sign falls in the fourth house. Exalted and strong Moon blesses them with good financial gains. In infancy. The lord of the fourth house retains some power because of its placement in a trine and its being in the exalted navamsa in spite of its being in the old age state. cheating and failure to meet debt obligations. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn with Venus causes divorce. accidents and violent end to the significations ruled by those weak and afflicted natal positions. lack of executive power. debts. Unfavorable stonesHessonite (gomedh). Their conjunction is auspicious but combustion of Mars and Mercury and placement in the sixth house turns the conjunction weak. silver. pink. royal blue. loss of inheritance. green. third and tenth houses in close conjunction are placed in the sixth house. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn with Mercury does not allow the initiatives and business ventures of the native to be successful and poses persistent obstructions. paralysis. loss of respect. orange. wealth and family life. early death of spouse and causes loss of assets and mental peace. relationships out of marital bond. Jupiter and Ketu's placement in the seventh house is inauspicious but is quite away from the mid-point. blue sapphire and yellow sapphire Weak and afflicted Planets Effects SUN Loss of status. dull brown. navy blue. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn and Rahu or Ketu makes the person vulnerable to accidents. trouble to mother and wife. MOON Weak body constitution. The close conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn makes Cancer born natives vulnerable to serious and prolonged health problems and causes them losses through conflicts. Birth: 21st December. The lords of the second. inflammation of joints. denies happiness from male child. its close conjunction/aspect with weak natal positions cause obstructions. phlegmatic diseases. 1961. MERCURY Difficulty in communicating with others. VENUS Loss of comforts. assets and domestic peace. loss in speculation and gambling. causes problems in professional ventures and causes tragedies in the family life. trouble to male children. Weak heart and loss of vitality. emotional disturbance. emerald and diamond. golden. faded colors and black Favorable stonesPearl. SATURN Medium life span. gambling tendencies and loss of ancestral wealth. red and variegated colors.Saturn blesses Cancerians with good inheritance. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn with Mars delays in settlement of professional matters and causes severe professional setbacks. yellow. red coral. short temper. sexually transmitted diseases. Saturn is closely conjunct with the mid-point of the seventh house. accidents. weak health. Unfavorable colors Steel grey. ruby. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn with the Moon makes one vulnerable to accidents and curtails longevity. poor MARS Obstructions in profession. This type of placement triggers unfavorable events due to transit conjunctions/aspects concerning the issues signified by the house in question. Favorable colors White. cat's eye (lasonia). . unhappiness through younger siblings JUPITER Diseased body. disputes. Obstructed education. The close conjunction/aspect of Saturn to the weak Sun endangers the relationships. nervous. bright brown. Birth: September. The functional malefic Saturn afflicts the Sun by close aspect and is close to the mid-point of the ninth house. suffers from weakness due to debilitation in navamsa. The native is emotional and shows signs of seeking dependency. Saturn. both functional benefics. The fourth house rules buildings and the fourth lord. however. Affliction to the Sun is indicative of health problems to the father. Mercury is closely conjunct with Ketu. the Sun becomes weak due to placement in the twelfth house. Jupiter's placement. Rahu's close aspect to Venus robbed the native of assets. The yogakaraka Mars becomes the saviour for afflictions in the natal chart. Weakness of the Sun. Jupiter's placement is quite away from the mid-point of the seventh house. The affliction to the lord of the third house keeps the native worried on account of the developmental activities of her younger brothers. The fourth lord's close influence on the ascendant along with the lord of the third house has taken the native to a graduate course in architecture. Venus. and Rahu's close aspect to the Sun. and Saturn's close aspect to the mid-point of the ninth and fourth houses snatched the patronage of father. The Sun suffers. The marital life of the native is likely to remain unsatisfactory due to the conjunction of the eighth lord to the mid-point of the twelfth house. 1948 The lord of the ascendant occupies the seventh house. who died when the native was unmarried. Venus. Besides. is just on the mid-point of the twelfth house. is fully indicative of such happenings in life. 1967 The functional malefic Jupiter afflicts the Moon and Venus by close conjunction in the second house. domestic happiness and happiness through parents. and is happy on account of the availability of material comforts. The feeble mutual close aspect of the Moon and Mars. both for strengthening the weak and afflicted functional benefics. the fourth lord. The native was involved emotionally and entered in a marital wedlock to find security. Venus. Birth: 1st Oct. bagged a job for the native on compassionate grounds after the death of her father. The weakness of the Sun gave ill health to the native on account of fever due to tonsillitis. affliction due to close conjunction/aspect of Ketu and Rahu. The functional benefics. It is bright. Rahu's close aspect to the fourth lord. The native has been suggested remedial measures. and propitiating functional malefics. Affliction of lord of the eighth house to the seventh house though ruled by Saturn itself and weakness of the second house saw a number of problems in marital life including the husband's involvement in scandals and criminal suits. occupies . respectively. The dasa in operation was also that of Venus. and was in her 25th year. The native is a peace-lover and comfort-seeker. the Moon.The native is emotional and mentally troubled. Venus. The second ruler of this aspect. Yogakaraka Mars with exalted navamsa occupies a trinal house owned by it. rules studies and application of artistic values. Birth: 2nd July. The girl belongs to a well to do family. Rahu-Ketu is quite away from the mid-point of the houses they occupy. The tenth lord's close aspect to the lord of the house of status shows roots for the working life of the native. in the second house afflicting the lord of the fourth house. the second lord placed in the twelfth house. while the functional malefic. 1973 The Moon occupies the ascendant in close conjunction with Mercury and Venus. being lord of the sixth house. The native's parents as well as in-laws are affluent but mental peace is lost due to disputes connected with joint properties of both the families. Venus. the Sun and Mercury enjoy placement benefit in spite of the afflictions by functional malefics. 1960. The affliction of fourth lord has given him anxiety and hypertension. Third lord occupies the third house in its sign of exaltation. Functional benefics. Another functional malefic. are closely conjunct with each other and occupy the tenth house. Controversies in work area are created due to the placement of the tenth lord in the house of disputes. officials. Rahu's close aspect to the house of development was another powerful contributing factor for retarded growth. is placed in the sixth house. in the mooltrikona sign of Venus. hence weak. His parents had large landed property and real estate. Rahu-Ketu axis forms close conjunction/aspect with Venus in this chart. Functional malefics.1946 The lord of the ascendant is closely conjunct with the mid-point of the ascendant. The tenth lord occupies the fourth house and aspects the tenth house. 1971 The lord of the ascendant is placed in the eighth house. Before her death in combust Saturn's sub-period in its own main period. Venus and Mercury. is quite away from the mid-point of the ascendant but Saturn is having close aspect from Ketu. Functional malefic Saturn is closely conjunct with the mid-point of the second house while Jupiter is in the fifth house and is quite away from the midpoint of the house. The second lord is in the second house itself. the native was fully dependent on others for movement and food. Venus is strong but afflicted. He was born in an affluent and well connected family and enjoys benefits from top Govt. The lords of the tenth and third houses are placed in the eighth house. The weakness of the lord of the ascendant and affliction to the lord of the house of status retarded the growth of the native since birth as she was running the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Jupiter. exalted Mercury. Rahu-Ketu axis closely afflicts the mid-point of the houses occupied and aspected.the ascendant and is close to the mid-point of the ascendant. The native is a highly placed executive leading a pleasant life. Association of Rahu-Ketu with Mars and placement of the eighth lord near the mid-point of the second house. Mars. It can cause some chronic illness. a functional malefic. The brightness of the Moon is on the wane. respectively. have propensities for involvement in some scandal/ investigative enquiry and could be the cause of disgrace. The second and third lords are in the fifth house. There is a mutual close aspect between the Moon and Mars indicative . both being functional malefics and obstructing acquisition of status by the child. He has been able to manage his controversial position through his good public relations and dependence on his superiors. The native has the qualities of being a good host. Mars is closely conjunct with Ketu.. Venus. His financial position is sound. The native is of an adjustable nature and has good relations with others. Affliction of Jupiter to Venus. created certain problems and worries on account of property and assets. has given him business acumen benefiting him by way of a rise in status. Third lord. a public relations man with sharp intellect. Saturn and Jupiter. The position of Venus and Mercury blesses the native with younger siblings and affluent parents. has been the cause of some amount of inharmonious marital relationship and the denial of male progeny for the continuance of the family line. Venus and Mercury are quite away form the mid-point of the tenth house but unafflicted. Birth: 8th April. in the ascendant. Jupiter. and affliction of Saturn to the mid-point of the second house. afflict the Sun by close conjunction and close aspect. The lord of the tenth house. The weakness of the second house because of the Sun being in the old age. The Moon is conjunct with the mid-point of the second house in the sign Leo. is closely conjunct with the fourth lord. however. Birth: 19th May. Birth: Dec. The placement of Saturn. however. weakness of Mercury and afflictions to Mercury and Venus have given the native acute health problems of low blood pressure and arthritis from a very early stage of life. close conjunction of Venus with Ketu and placement of lord of the house of marital tie. On the marital front too. Venus. The persons with this Lagna are changeable like the Moon. Exaltation of Venus and its placement in the ninth house near the mid-point together with the lord of the second house have blessed the native with a post graduate degree in science. The lord of the fourth house. slender limbs and powerful claws. Saturn. to the lord of the ascendant. There are severe afflictions and weaknesses in the chart. Birth: 15th Oct. resulted in a divorce in the Saturn's sub-period in the main period of the Sun. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. which is in the state of debilitation. from the house of diseases and disputes. Saturn. They are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. Mercury is closely aspected by the functional malefic. Saturn. affliction of lord of the second house by lord of the house of disputes and debilitation of the lord of the fourth house are collectively responsible for failure in marriage. . occupies the fifth house in its sign of debilitation.of a favorable combination for career.Lama Parashara says: "[They] have a heavy body. They are timid at one time and courageous at other time. Render service to Parents/parents-in-law and aged and needy persons. in the sixth house. has given her the problems of thyroid indicated by the second house. Properties of Karkata Rashi – B. The native belongs to a lower middle class family. The close aspect of the lord of the house of disputes to the mid-point of the second house. These combinations coupled with debilitated lord of the ascendant have not allowed the native to acquire any competency for a professional or a routine career. the lord of this lagna. The relationship in the second marriage also remains inharmonious. The upper portion of their body is generally large. The lord of the house of family and status is also afflicted due to close conjunction of the lord of the sixth house. The lord of the ascendant. Like the Moon their life is full of tides and ebbs (ups and down). the Moon. The close aspect of the functional malefic. The native has already seen the main period of Mercury that was exalted and had strength in her chart. therein. The marital dispute arose in the sub-period of the eighth lord.P. bringing her to the level of madness. Their stature is generally short. Rahu-Ketu axis close to the mid-point of the second and eighth houses. She was tortured by her in-laws from the very beginning. The affliction of the Moon in the second house. the native faced total failure. The lord of the tenth house is in the sixth house. The native sought astral remedies in the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of the Moon. Jupiter. in addition to low blood pressure. and the tenth house is afflicted by placement of eighth lord. too is in its sign of debilitation. They walk with a rolling gait. 1969. Suggested Astral Remedies for Cancer Ascendant Suggested effective remedial measures for warding off evils and generating good results in life for Cancerians: 1. and Sadasiva. and luxury-loving. 10-11 "The Rashi Karkata is pale-red. Pragna. teamwork etc. 4. it is a centipede Rashi) and has a bulky body. the four states of Brahma called Vaiswanara. Subba Row. It has many feet (i. It is strong in nights. (1881). Nadam. Taijasa (or Hiranyagarbha). pollution. the conservators and the curators.e.satva-guna (satvas = truthful. regardless of their political differences. The married life of persons of this lagna is generally unhappy. . 11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy befriends "Rishabha" types: the knowledgeable wealthy . La Lune) pRshthodaya group= "rising from behind" tail-first General Traits of Karkata Lagna = Chandra in Karkata Schooling." Guna . However. and Turiya (the last stage. "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" "IV. It is Sattvic in disposition (seen in gods) and it is a watery Rashi. It resorts to forests and represents Brahmins. They are fond of home and family comforts. they are generally successful and are also able to achieve honors and wealth.jala tattva (water element) Rashi Owner . public relations. the four stages or conditions of the Sacred Word. Pasyanti. and Iswara. pure and balanced) niza-bala group = tattva ( = "that-ness". Parenting Compare Al Gore and George W. the word in question will be represented by ////. both Chandra-yuti-Guruin the radix. It rises with its back and is ruled by Chandra. toxicity. Karkataka When the syllables are converted into the corresponding numbers. i. Naturally Gore's Moon in 6 associates him with animosity. and represented by Brahma. as Sthula (gross). according to the general mode of transmutation so often alluded to in Mantra Shastra. and conflict. beautiful.Chandra (Moon. and Sakshi (witness). Swapna (dreaming) Avastha. their respective leadership missions are equally patriotic. Shielding." T.In public life. This sign completes the first quaternary. Both = Karkata lagna. Protectionism. Sakti and Kala. Bush-43. the Parabrahma-dharaka. This sign then is evidently intended to represent the sacred Tetragram. Vija (seed). Madhyama and Vaikhari. and both very strong navamsha-Chandra placements." BPHS Ch. Bindu. Sushupti (deep sleep) Avastha. and equally driven by a deeply emotional love of their homeland.. named Para. the Pranava resolved into four separate entities corresponding to its four Matras. Nirvana) Avastha (as yet in potentiality). Maheswara.e. Vishna. Sheltering and Sustaining Patriotism. the four aspects of Parabrahma. Bush's Moon in 3 is more associated with business administration and making announcements. Sukshma (subtle). element) . the four Avasthas indicated by Jagrata (waking) Avastha. the treasurers: the acquisitive and the hoarding. hair. but not if there are significant health issues and not if there is threat of divorce. conflicted.because Shukra = L-4 and L-11 (will depend on Shukra's house's counted from Chandra) Shani ratna = no-no-no . intuitive habitual non-literate cultures. storage-makers. accumulators of collections of value in art. or commercial businesses details (Mithunaya) General Suitability of Gems for Karkata Lagna Surya ratna = no. Raja Yoga for Karkata lagna . drawn out. getting new information.Parents Nativity = Karkata lagna or Karkata Chandra = strongly identified with the parents. facial attributes. and Julia Roberts while undoubtedly enjoying very public. A highly developed Chandra (Angelina Jolie) may carry this family-basis sensibility to the highest ranks of world culture. and languages. and may prefer the social environments of traditional. mouth. because Surya = L-2 and does not rules any other trinal house Chandra ratna = yes! because Chandra = the auspicious lagnesha Mangala ratna = yes . the character. the actresses Angelina Jolie . because Guru = L-6 and L-9 Shukra ratna = possibly yes. but the native will typically define oneself not according to the rank but according to the in-common role of mother or father. music. The Weird Nodal Bhava Pair for Karkata Lagna: bhava-5 and bhava-8 The "nodal house pair" = the two domains which are Afflicted by association with the "unholy trinity": Rahu-Ketu + Shani + Mangala. but not in a separative or warlike way.because Shani = L-7 and L-8 Rahu-ratna = unknown. Karkata natives are typically very patriotic. For Karkata lagna. moody lagnesha Chandra will determine the conditions of emotional satisfaction. drishti re: impressionable. For example.because Yogakaraka Mangala = L-5 and L-10 Budha ratna = no-no-no because Budha = L-3 and L-12 Guru ratna = yes normally. depends on Ketu's lord Lagnesha Chandra Identifies with Mother . face. gatherers and harvesters. placement. Meryl Streep . or government. and share a public profile of preferring their mother role to their other duties. One may be socially most comfortable in the parenting role and in company of other parents. and with the social behaviors of parenting. are all mothers of large families. they see the family as the basis of all society (rather than the economy. These are the two domains which are controlled by Vrischika (Mangala + Ketu) and Kumbha (Shani + Rahu) respectively. Conditions involving (5) divine creativity (including children and wealth from speculation) configured with one's in-laws (8) and the shared wealth of marriage (particularly indicates inheritances)are likely to be highly complex. teeth. high visibility careers. history. the collection-oriented those detached (12th-from) fast communication. possibly no . or religion. and psychologically challenging. depends on Rahu's lord Ketu-ratna = unknown. Rather.herders and hoarders those with an interest in speech voice. particularly the mother. or education). virtuous. the good influences have to be sufficiently moderated. Obviously. famous and aristocratic. university level of inquiry Pushkara Navamsha of Karkata 1st navamsha of Karkata Punarvasu = pada-4 = 00deg00' Karkata until 03deg20' Karkata 3rd navamsha of Kanya Pushya = pada-2 = 06deg40' Karkata until 10deg00' Karkata Pushkara Bhagya Degree of Karkata 7th degree of Karkata Chandra in Karkata or Dhanushya = wealth from Shukra .. one of the planets being a malefic. ~~ BPHS .Chandra + Mangala in Karkata lagna An exchange of Rashis between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lordwill make the native associated with the king in a great manner.. then in spite of the fact that both the Sun and Venus are natural enemies the Yoga becomes supremely powerful andalmost all the good results attributed to it would find full play when the Dasa and Bhukthi of the two planets operate.Ch. " Karkata dislikes 6th-from-karkata = Dhanushya = things to which Karkata is hostile: Karkata likes staying home in familiar surroundings and dislikes world travel for purposes of learning (Dhanushya) Karkata likes home and dislikes the temple Karkata likes local ethnic customs and dislikes the broader international viewpoint (9) Karkata likes simple and absolute tribal ethics and dislikes both compassion and sacred texts (9) Karkata loves all care-givers (4) but between the two parents. Lagna being Cancer and Subhavesi is caused by the presence of Venus in Taurus and both the Sun and Venus are inherently strong. reputation and power. if more than one planet causes the Yoga. Sl.V. cultural-indoctrination schooling and dislikes conceptual.Subha-vesi Definition: If planets other than the Moon occupy the 2nd from the Sun. Raman. They will confer high position. 40. Three Hundred Important Combinations= " 16. 5. Karkata prefers the maternal figures (4) Karkata likes the cool ocean breezes and dislikes the hot dry open plains where the archers practice shooting (9) Karkata likes safety and security and dislikes adventure Karkata likes protective shelter and dislikes roaming Karkata likes to guard boundaries and fears the threat to fixed customs posed by travel and higher learning Karkata likes the protective emotions and dislikes philosophical thought Karkata likes foundational. Vesi Yoga is formed. 41 Special yoga conditions for Karkata lagna = Subha-Vesi Yoga from B.Vesi Yoga . say Saturn. Results: The person will be fortunate. Ch. 13 If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga . ~~ BPHS . Sl. If the Sun is exalted. happy. Remarks: . is also the lord of the twelfth house of loss. There is usually a capacity both to benefit through enemies and to have one's luck obstructed by enemies. opponents. or obstacles in married life. is debilitated in the fifth house of discernment. and since the eighth house indicates secrets. depending on how the meanings of the sixth house (enemies) and the ninth house (luck and gain) combine. the planet of pleasure and enjoyment. The friendship of the Moon with the dynamic tenth lord Mars does. The reciprocal debilitation of the first and fifth lords. and because the seventh is a maraka house which is ruled by Saturn. which makes it doubly difficult for the discriminating intellect to prevail over the emotions. because both Saturn and the eighth house suggest tragedy. it shows a need for mental and emotional stability and happiness. that Cancer natives are attracted to. In this lagna. Jupiter’s dual rulership of a dussthana and a kona also causes Cancer natives both to he attracted to religion and frequently to find obstruction to their progress in that direction. Cancer natives are strongly interested in home life because the Moon. is a domestic graha who is the significator of the fourth house of home. including even the loss of a child. One reason why these emotions tend to emerge to cloud thought-processes in times of crisis is that Mercury. though. 4. benefits from opponents often outweigh obstacles because Jupiter the ruler of houses six and nine. but the reciprocal debility tends to prevent them from readily developing and sustaining these two areas of life. the fifth lord Mars. Cancer's ruler. Cancer natives often keep their partnerships and marriages private. the chest of the Cosmic Man. cardinal water. or tend to attract. however. CANCER: David Frawley . a secretive graha. often also creates a lack of or disappointment with children. Cancer is the fourth house of emotion in the natural zodiac and Venus rules the fourth house. is debilitated in the first house. because Venus. The Moon being exalted as lagna lord in the eleventh house makes friends and associates important to a Cancer native. a Cancerian's formidable intellect sits atop a pool of emotions.Chandra in Kanya = wealth from Chandra Cancer Lagna . the planet of the mind and lord of the third house of intellect. who signifies a piercing intellect. The blending of houses seven and eight also suggests obstacles or delays to marriage. is the Great Negotiator. A third reason is that while the Moon. Since Saturn. create a dynamic interest in career. The friendship of the Moon with Mars makes the Cancer native strongly attracted to the ideals of intellect and progeny. like chronic disease or an unnatural death.Light on life by De Fow & Svobova Like its symbol.Astrology of the Seers Cancer is the sign of the Moon (an even or negative sign). There may be some tragedy associated with death. the significator of emotions. though those friendships may he as varied and as fluctuating as the Moon. owns both the seventh and eighth houses. Another reason is the profound influence of the emotional grahas on this lagna: the Moon rules the first house. and because the Sun rules the second house of family. a crab. As sign no. since lagna lord Moon and sixth lord Jupiter are friendly to one another. whose hard carapace covers a soft underbelly. It also happens. the crab. rules the fourth house. . the fourth sign of the zodiac. They seek popularity and are sensitive to the moods of the masses. The two circles express that the two different aspects of existence which all creation has to manifest remain united under this impulse. The development of a wide field of action . non-harmful but may become defensive or cowardly. Under its impulse. the five sense organs operating on the subjective plane and the five motor organs functioning on the objective. The four levels of consciousness*. The Moon relates to the human psyche. The Moon has the power to induce the development of spiritual faculties as well to give powers to perform black magic. succinctly express the great depth of this impulse. They cover the entire subjective and objective manifestation stretching from the eternal past to the eternal future. shy. It sheds its hard crust when it grows too large for it. psychic as well as higher levels of existence. Once they learn how to be receptive to truth. though maintaining their separate identity. initiative and power and can shine over others like the Moon. particularly on an intimate and personal level. All these have a close resemblance with important characteristics of the fourth sign. the cosmic creator. They can have powerful imaginations. the spirit develops superb intuitive faculties or the most depraved behavior. intelligence and the flight of imagination. They value human relationship and the exchange of feelings. A crab dwells in water as well as on land but is neither found in deep waters nor far from the shore. initiative and courage. In the same way they can love their community. through which they can gain social or political influence and recognition. the four directions of space. the soul scans the dizzy heights of heaven leading to perfection. country or religion in an enclosure of feeling. This sustenance is provided to physical. Cancer is symbolized by a crab. The radiation from this planet sustains life on Earth. They love their home and family but sometimes to the point of narrow mindedness. They are gentle. They are receptive and can become contemplative when they open up to the spiritual life and are usually of a devotional bent of mind. Sushupti (deep or profound sleep) and Samadhi (profound. It has ten feet. caring and nurturing. The curved lines in the Cancer symbol represent the quality of this basic urge.Cancer people are usually open. often sensing immediately the feelings of others. * Jagriti (wakefulness). all relate to the sign of Cancer. they can do great service in life and act with great power. Swapna (state of dreaming). as they are under the sign of the mother. Cancerians are devoted. while the downward bulging line shows the material cravings which involve the individual in the search for power. or the four heads of Brahma. This ten-footed crustacean is a very insignificant looking creature and like the emblem representing this sign does not appear at first glance to be a profound insignia of cosmic evolution. to mind. yet may be bound by subconscious fixations and attachments. Cancer thereby is associated with much mystery. Yet what they follow they will represent and project to the world at large. is represented by two small circles joined by two curved lines. The ten legs stand for the ten sense organs. abstract meditation or Turya). including cooking or caring for them. Cancer is ruled by the Moon.David Frawley . They are just and frugal but sometimes lack in will. sympathetic. The upward bulging line expresses the possibility of developing the finer feelings emanating from the depth of one's inner being. friendly. however.Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology Cancer. Once they feel connected they gain confidence. Both these symbols. It is shy by nature. and looks down as well at the dismal depths of the inferno that contains all human passion and material desire. During the course of this impulse. loving and intuitive. They usually have many people in their homes or friends coming and going. Yet they may be over emotionally sensitive. CANCER KARKATA . The impulse operates over the seven higher as well as the seven lower worlds. attached and dependent. The fourth zodiacal impulse bestows a unique quality: it imprints the different forms of manifestation with their future possibilities and ultimate destiny. The Golden Egg. They give more attention to what could be rather than to what is. For predictive purposes also. and the watery condition of the crab's life corresponds to the emotional. Cancer born persons are generally shy. The life on earth corresponds to the physical level of the individual. It creates heaven and hell and bestows on man appropriate vehicles to continue his journey. both are counterparts to each other. This is true with regard to their approach to human relationships as well as practical situations. The crab is sensitive to the slightest noise or movement in its vicinity. 'Hiranyagarbha*. it is even edible. It also points to the fact that perfection is the inherent nature of all things. The evolutionary journey of the individual enables his latent faculties represented by the fourth sign to finally reach their archetypal form indicated by the tenth sign. appears through the symbol of Cancer. reluctant to come into close contact with the denizens of the spiritual world.). Human beings under this sign are seldom violent in temperament. . It still has its repose in the great receptacle of human souls. the predominance of its aquatic nature suggests that evolution here has not yet reached the stage where it can function effectively on a fully differentiated physical level. The crab is not poisonous. but the individualization necessary for the production of separate human egos has not yet occurred. Continuity in evolution through reincarnation is provided under this impulse of cosmic manifestation. that it still maintains the purity of its nature. One generally observes that Cancerians have a vision.occurs with the fourth cosmic impulse. Cancerians are nervous. which weaves through several zodiacal impulses. Differentiation has reached a stage of universalization expressed by the medieval concept of Anima Mundi. It is this inborn quality of perfection that assures the success of the gradual unfoldment of one's potentials through the course of cosmic evolution. the symbol of the crab is suggestive. which in occult terminology stands for perfection. sensitive and impressionable. Human beings while functioning on these planes do not move very far to explore the spiritual depths. The continuity of the individual soul through various incarnations is symbolized by the crab shedding its shell. Man by nature is also very shy like a crab. The ten feet of the crab also refer to the number ten* (Sec Capricorn. The linking arcs represent the impulses which connect the two circles that themselves show the duality within the total evolutionary journey of the individual. Cancer makes the manifestation of time and space possible on the objective plane. Cancer stands for all latent potentials as well as the ultimate goal of every form of creation. or Hiranyagarbha of Vedantic philosophy. is represented by the unity of the two circles with their curved lines. It induces the gradual unfoldment of all the different states of consciousness and dimensions of existence. In spite of the crab residing also on land. the psychic or the subjective aspects. The course of evolution from the fourth to the tenth signs. They will even sacrifice their lives for their cause. The purpose of all physical and psychic experience through the mechanism of reincarnation is to carry the individual to his archetypal perfection. the World Soul. The aquatic nature of the crab suggests that this stage of manifestation has not yet severed its connection with its original element. It acquires power to adapt itself while maintaining its continuity of consciousness. The shining eyes of the crab remind us of the gracious nature of the Cancer born personality. Cancer is closely related to Capricorn. The circle on the left of the Cancer symbol represents the latent potential of the individual while the one on the right stands for its ultimate flowering. itself the seed and the goal. The shining eyes of the crab gazing at distant objects points to the connection between the latent depths and the ultimate goal. one finds that the Cancer born person has a wide range in which he can function. Cancer has the unique quality of extending its realm of operation from the lowest depth of human experience to the highest bliss attainable.The left circle emerging from the top. At this level of manifestation there exists concretized duality as spirit and matter. In actual life. Cancer stands for the interaction of time and space on the involutionary path of the soul. latency and full blossomed potency. At the same time they can operate in the psychic world. the plane of thought and emotions. duality has become manifest and the outward evolutionary journey into the realm of time and space has begun. The right circle is linked with the arc touching it from the bottom suggesting that the residues of experience during the process of their transmutation into the Pure Essence. The inherent attraction of the latent faculties for their archetypal perfection shown by the circle on the right determines the evolutionary path. From its grip. sukshma (subtle). but it is also the sustaining energy of all life. physical action and social relationship. Cancer never feels at ease with inaction. turiya (deep sleep) and nirvana or samadhi (deep meditation). No attainment is too high or no degradation too low. or movement without much significance. Cancerians can feel at ease in the realm of matter. It also represents the four states of consciousness: jagrata (wakeful). Water is adaptable and can assume any shape depending upon the vessel in which it is kept. emotion. bija (causal). watery and movable. have to pass through a series of changes bringing the entity into deeper layers of materiality. proceeding to the right and curving downward represents the energy contained in the Cosmic Mother's womb from which the evolutionary journey begins. Inwardly it is a little shaky about itself and uncertain of its power and potential. It is related to the Hiranyagarbha of the Hindus and the Bythos of the Greeks. Sages consider the sign to represent the four aspects of Parabrah-man: sthula (physical). no one can extricate himself without shedding some blood. The fourth zodiacal impulse as well as the tenth are associated with wholeness and the rhythmical movement of the cosmic manifestation in a special manner. It is the stage where intelligence has polarized. The left circle contains the faculties to be developed. Its action is decisive. Cancer provides sustenance: the differentiation of cosmic ideation in space and time is an expression of this life-sustaining force. form and consciousness. colorless. rhythmic movement and wholeness. Esoterically. the fourth sign of the zodiac. Being feminine in nature. The archetype is always sending impulses to the incarnating soul to guide it on. The downward curvature at its end indicates that all experiences derive from the consciousness which guides the soul towards the realization of its ultimate destiny indicated by the circle on the right. These attributes are suggestive of the fact that Cancer has a wide range of operation and operates in the subjective as well as the objective realm of manifestation. . Water is formless. and its hold invincible. it desires to be engaged in some kind of movement — even mere displacement. and sakshi (the Silent Watcher). and the quality of sympathetic appreciation. Cancer is very productive provided it is met by the right kind of unity force. sushupti (the dream state). and on the spiritual plane as well. which often makes it an easy target for birds of prey. Cancer is feminine. KARKATA: Bepin Bihari – Fundementals of Vedic Astrology Cancer. and odorless. provides pliability. The two circles of the symbol show that Cancer represents a mini-world of creative energies. The circles symbolize perfection. Subba Row has indicated. whereas the higher triad constituting the causal body. When the Divine Word was spoken. Turiya (deep sleep) and Nirvana (deep meditation). as Swami T. and watery. the lower quaternary comprising the physical body. Sukshma(subtler). Hiranyagarbha. namely Jagrath (wakeful). signifying inaction as the most trying experience for Cancer. The central unifying characteristics of Cancer which reveal the essential nature of this sign have been verily indicated as saumya(gentle). which reveals the protective quality of the sign. they watch the four directions. There is no special mould of Cancer ascendants. In Hindu mythology Brahma represents this stage of manifestation. In human constitution. the intuitive body and the spiritual body is the permanent repository of human monad. Cancer is crab which dwells in water but it often comes out of it. Even a superficial examination of these attributes reveals how the differentiated consciousness getting increasingly involved at different levels of manifestation such as exoteric. astral body and the lower mental body. It is in fact quite common for Cancer ascendants to withdraw from life's mainstream and to dig holes. CANCER: THE SIGN OF DIZZY HEIGHTS AND PROFOUND DEPTHS Bepin Bihari . Cancer represents that stage of differentiation where the higher triad gave rise to the lower quaternary. Bija (Causal). the Cancer-ascendants are not only fundamentally different from one another even within the same group but their temperament. This differentiation took place at several stages. But his heads also function on other levels.The Moon owns this sign. etc. Significance of various symbols used in them could be realized only by much deep study and right meditation. showing its great expansive capacity. and Sakshi (the silent witness) as well as the four states of consiousness. As a result of this kind of lateral as well as vertical differentiation. He has been assigned four heads. the sacred word. Mars is debilitated. that level of manifestation where the divine syllable.Introduction to Esoteric Astrology CANCER or Karkataka (Crab) as the Hindu seers have called the fourth sign of the zodiac is a deeply mysterious sign representing. Brahma's four heads are symbolic of this quaternary. that is. we know that the cosmic manifestation according to the Hindu scriptures comprises of outer as well as of inner realities subsisting in Duration and in other dimensions all of which have varying states of consciousness corresponding to the different levels of manifestation. esoteric. feminine. that was the initial impetus as well as the Central Light which needed further differentiation for objectifying the initial impulse. The number four is intimately connected with the process of differentiation which began the whole cosmic drama. namely. causal and the Sakshi level has been aptly described by these attributes. This is very symbolic. etheric double. Prajna and Iswara. and they contain the four Vedas. Cancer represents that stage of differentiation where consciousness and matter were released from Pranava which expressed unity in Trinity. Water has often been stated to be the life which inheres in different forms. Jupiter is exalted here. The special features of Cancer will have to be discovered in the inner life of the individuals energizing and activizing their every day existence. having strength during night and residing in a pond or on a sandbank. Sthula (physical). This sign according to SubbaRow also represents the four aspects of Parabrahman. to get involved in the world of matter and . is said to disappear after every incarnation. was resolved into four entities corresponding to the four states of Brahmaas Vaisvanara. Each level of manifestation has its own state of consciousness and its own presiding deity. Sushupati (dreamful sleep). Nonetheless. Pranava. The Hindu scriptures are indeed very profound. natural faculties and paths of development also vary from one another. It is for this reasonthat the ancient seershave not been anonymous in calling Cancer either a Brahmin or a Sudra. as a sportsman he is coach rather than a player. Cancer born would be found to play the role of the vehicle and as such these persons would surrender themselves to the circumstances and let the events mould them. the sign helps at the deeper levels of meditation. warfare. rather they want to be influenced by the circumstances in moulding their destiny. Unless the Moon is seriously afflicted. They will make very good advisors. This gives a unique quality to Cancer. his basic nature is determined. next to it.thereby become earthly. from complete idiocy to highest understanding. They do not generally wish to exert their own influence. Desire for committing suicide comes natural to such persons. They may be found completely unperturbed even during the highest crisis in life. Leo. Success in these spheres would be forthcoming mainly because the attitude of Cancer-people is detached. Cancer is capable of reflecting the highest glory of God. aggressive designs and pursuits for selfglorification maybe dangerous for such persons. it is a yogakaraka for this ascendent. inventors and even as painters. Even otherwise. the egotism or the self-awareness of the individual will always remain in action. Indeed their gentle temperament gives them a uniquely graceful appearance. colourless. in Cancer ascendents. Cancer is the house of the Moon. Water is formless. leaders. as a politician he becomes a king maker rather than the king. This however does not suggest them to be without likes. Jupiter is the divine advisor and as such his influence in guiding the aspirants towards their divine home is heightened under Cancer. the planet of constriction. often regarded as Prakriti. According to the society and environment in which the individual dwells. of achieving and assuming the noblest form of divine manifestation. As a spiritualist Cancer-born becomes an occultist as distinguished from a psychic. yet it is a fully individualised sign with full awareness of what it does. day-dreaming and deep thinking. Saturn being the lord of 7th and 8th houses would always induce the individual to annihilate himself. they are at their best. Thus. transport. and so is Cancer. emotions and preferences. The Sun is closely connected with Cancer and that is why it has selected its house. Emotional excitement. the success of Cancer-people is marked. it implies a life full . one may perceive many contradictions ranging from gross individualism to highest generosity. is the negative aspect of creation. or in such trades as agriculture. rather they are so sensitive that their inner thoughts and feelings are clearly reflected on their countenance and actions. tranquillity of emotions comes easily to Cancer ascendents. Even those who are not trained in meditational practices could be found relapsing into brooding. Travails for Cancer comes from Saturn.being the lord of its 5th and 10th houses. medicine and mechanical engineering. Cancer ascendents would succeed well if they come out of their personal self and work courageously with initiative in activities connected with the earth. The Moon rules over human emotions. The scope of expansion and growth is immense for the Cancer ascendent: he can be grossly materialistic and even dull but he can also reach out to the center of everything. On physical level. Sometimes it may even look like selfishness in everyday life. Though Mars is debilitated in Cancer. It functions as the vehicle of Purusha. In every case however the crabness. When their personal desires. As teachers. as a teacher he is more of a guide rather than the bully. and of sacrificing every form of personal egotism at the altar of the higher triad. Obviously. The lord of Cancer always expands while receiving the reflection of Sun and wanes in the absence of it. thoughts and aspirations are subdued and their attention is directed towards the universal source of life (Sun). scientists. the house owned by the Moon. Jupiter is exalted in it and Mars debilitated. The female principle in nature. perverts. They maintain a posture of respectability and pine for marriage. Troubles of such persons often come from their marriage. This is a nerve-wrecking business. gratification. . want the companionship of opposite sex but have undefined fear relating to marriage. no sooner it is in sight. these persons have tremendous attraction for material prosperity.of misery. Ordinarily. While not having the desired determination to accept the responsibilities of married life. Saturn would encourage a life of renunciation. For this reason they often feel miserable in monogamous marital relations. A pure soul does not deride the fallen ones. maniacs and the depraved. depressive mania and gloomy outlook. his spasms of depression could hardly be controlled and his afflictions would be Karmic retribution which could rarely be mitigated. Mentally the Cancer ascendants are dynamic despite their seeming tranquillity on the surface. A sense of duty is ingrained in Cancer born and his friends depend upon him for what they get--sensation. drunkards. they wish to be out of it. They look forward to it as long as it is not realized. but for an advanced soul treading the path of withdrawal. sorrow. They go from accomplishment to renunciation and from renunciation to accomplishment again. guidance and inspiration. material gifts or by the desire to help aroused by a deep sense of compassion. anaemia. As lord of the 4th and 11th houses from it. It is very interesting to watch the working of the mind of Cancer individuals. As a doctor he may have to restore their mental and physical health and as a religious guide he may have to bring them back to the path of holiness. Cancer persons develop intimacy with debauchees. Under certain circumstances these persons would often postpone their marriages or have late marriages. they do not wish to enter wedlock but having plentiful of sexual urge they are not always averse to clandestine affairs. Emotionally Cancer ascendants would be entangled with those who are on the Pravritti Marg--the worldly people-to whom the earthly attachments are important. try to run away from it or create intolerable psychological complexities which are not conducive to married love. Fidelity is not necessarily at stake but deep rooted dissatisfaction with common routine of life drives Cancer away from the marriage bondage. dedication and altruistic work for universal welfare. If the cravings of the soul have not been properly energized by the Martian courage for self-sacrificing social action. not because they deliberately choose to create unhappiness for the partners but because they themselves feel miserable and thereby transfer their unhappiness to their partners. Such marriage partners are often suitable subjects for a careful psychological analysis. if the emotions have not been tranquillized by enlightened detachment. treatment. Association with such persons would be there even if the Cancer ascendant is himself an evolved soul. afflicted health. Similarly. Cancer ascendants are unhappy married partners. His sorrows would be such as none could share it with him. Ordinarily. they do not derive common marital felicity. Unless renunciation is developed. Such relationships may develop as a result of strong emotional upsurge either caused by temporary infatuation. either they would seek divorce. conveniences of life and possessions and worldly ambitions. misery. Venus is intimately connected with Cancer. but their achievements would make them miserable. But they are unable to stick to a point. incessant trouble and permanent crucifixion would be their lot. Cancer ascendants have an uncommon relationship with Venusian persons. Not sexual incompetence but psychological complexities come in the way. They are good as lovers but miserable as married partners. They look for some affection. the Nvritti Marg. there is every likelihood that the Cancer ascendant would have to bear the cross quite early in life. Having possessed the partners they begin disliking them because of the constricting influence which the stable relationship might produce in their life. Once they acquiesced in it. Mars in the 3rd house gave him great courage and initiative making his life a success from material standpoint but he had no brother or any collateral friend.1 is ofPandit Jawaharlal Nehru who as a typical Cancer ascendant. As a politician he will have to be always alert of his the party position. He was a deeply religious person but he was always entrenched in gross materialism. Mercury and Venus in the 4th and the Sun in the 5th enabled him to write his memoirs and recollections admirably well. He was deeply dissatisfied with himself. the individual could always go on unfolding new dimensions of his personality. He was a great psychologist. Troubles and tribulations facing them aim at annihilating their selfish egotism and at rending as under the outer veils from their Inner life. In every case the Cancer individuals would pine for the unattained. They are effective politicians producing and solving new problems of social engineering: they are successful teachers enabling students to open out their latent qualities and they are eminent scientists making new discoveries and inventions. Jupiter as the lord of the 9th as well as of the 10th from the 9th provides enormous scope for the expansion of Cancer ascendants. Nehru was a great traveller and he also explored the depths of science. As an artist the Cancer individual would begin a new school. Luxurious circumstances surrounding them or miserable existence confronting them. In this way there is scope for limitless expansion for a Cancer ascendant but he will always be restless. having his exaltation sign in the house of mystic depth. that is why he could command power to such an extent. he has to go on rising higher. Jawaharlal Nehru had an affluent . His heart was never at rest. Discovering the hidden laws of nature and unveiling the powers latent in human beings are important characteristics of Cancer ascendants. he had his inevitable fall which towards the end of his life seriously affected his health. the Cancer ascendants might induce great social changes. Chart NO. namely. Even on achieving certain positions they want to move to the next higher stage. both bring out some new dimensions of their personality. Often one hears such persons complaining of life being very exacting and there being no peace as long as one is alive in this world. The multi-dimensional expansion of his personality is widely known. Capricorn). The chrysalis has to take many forms before it becomes a butterfly. He hoped to achieve a peaceful coexistence for the whole of the humanity. But to hold balance there. He was always dissatisfied. Fatigue and nervous exhaustion are common to such persons. philosophy and religion. as a scientist he will have to be ever working in his laboratory and as a spiritual teacher he would seek higher and higher initiations. Quietly and persistently they would work for a different social order. otherwise he might have a fall. with his surroundings And with his partners in different walks of life. often reaching to the dizzy heights of eminence. Given a satisfactory position of Mars (lord of the 10th. This process provides much material for their thought.Cancer people are always changing. Devoid of occult attainments and of spiritual light. When this process is outward-turned. He was also involved with many persons of undesirable character. No achievement was too great from him. He tried to create a new society and improve the lot of individuals. for recollection and writing memoirs often with the aim of self-glorification. They always desire that which is beyond their reach and thus they are perennially dissatisfied with themselves. Cancer native are known for being very complex and often difficult to understand due to their ever changing mood swings. Cancer ascendants expand from unity to diversity and in this process of differentiation and expansion they often get lost in the intensity of darker depthsunlessthey are able to receive the solar occult light in abundance. He has practically left his family members and his country. They are capable of reaching dizzy heights in life but often they fall to great depths. its element is water. But they are always dissatisfied. 3 is of a young scientist.2 is of an artist who had a varied life. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Cancer described: Dr. Deeply dissatisfied. His married life is not smooth. is associated with domestic security and homemaking. Often he expresses a feeling of great loneliness. He hasmany skills. He had certainly seen dizzy heights as well as dismal depths. He was an ascetic to some extent. he was a bundle of admirable qualities but none of these had been systematically developed. He has an inventive genius. more than any other. he did not stick to his friends or to any job. throwing to dust all their attainments. but if he wished he could also annoy anyone very quickly. It is many footed and has a bulky body. the Cancer ascendants can succeed well. Cancer is the sign of emotional sensitivity and sympathy. it rises with its back and the Moon has been regarded as its Lord.and a successful life but he felt that this world was too small for him. this gentleman had great psychic faculties. Cancer is a Water sign. He is quick in making friends. Chart no. This sign. he was a psychologist too. Otherwise. He had a gift for painting which he would rarely do and that also not for business. the basic character of his central motivating force. Chart No. He was a bachelor but not averse to female companions. but his heart is dreary. their life could be a bundle of frustrated experiences. He has changed his career several times and at every change he has done better than before. resides in forests. His whole life was full of experiences. Cancer native have a highly developed instinct for self-defense that protects them from their inner vulnerability and shyness. and its symbol is the Crab. Materialism will discipline those person. instable and difficult to work with. He was a renowned palmist which later on he gave up for his own personal reasons. their personalities often project a tough exterior within . highly egotistic. Affluent. As an occultist. One minute they can be cranky and combative and the next they may seem the sweetest and most caring individuals. Shanker Adawal The sign Cancer is pale red in hue. Brahmin by caste and is strong in the night. supportive and emotional. To sum up. it is Sattwika in disposition. He had a large number of friends and had very many interests in life but he did not follow anyone of them systematically for long. Like a Crab’s shell. He was born in a rich family but in his later life he became poor. That was his dissatisfaction arising from his ascendant. He was deeply dissatisfied with life. Cancer ascendants have expansive personality. Travails of their life come from marriage and other kind of restrictions over their life. . ornaments. their direction is often sideways and ambiguous. but anyone they come to care about deeply. one who travels in foreign lands and whose deeds are bold and firm. by phlegmatic complaints. will have an unequal wife. will lose his children. Cancer native desire wealth only as a means to achieve this stability and to have money for a rainy day. He will meet his death by means of a neck ornament or a rope. an intelligent but fickle man whose nature is inwardly coarse. Also. low people. They are very fond of the past and are very aware of their family lineage. will engage in important works in foreign lands.Predictive Astrology by M n Kedaar Moveable. Their great sensitivity makes Cancer native almost impossible to deceive. Thick neck. one who carries collections of stone-weights and merchandise. a slow person who enjoys actions involving the expenditure of other people's money. will be of firm understanding. but they almost certainly reach their goals. fast walk etc. a tactic that they have refined to perfection. and faults. One who dies because of Raksas. Candalas. but has a bad wife. and do not usually give in until they get their way. herbs. or from the cutting down of his body. will be a master over other men. by the fracture of bones. clothes. Cancer native can channel their great energies into positive directions. Shanker Adawal If the fourth sign (Cancer) is in the ascendant. Cancer Dr. When hurt. Saturn and Mercury and its Lord is Moon. has many foes. will be haughty among his people. dogs. Shanker Adawal A person born when the rising sign is Cancer will be a man of no fixed principles. will be of imperfect speech. female. a man possessing an endless number of buffaloes. by sword cut. or from a fistula in the anus (bhagandara). women. frail constitution. will do sinful actions. Their main drive in life is to establish domestic security for themselves and for those around them. Cancer (Karka) . thick waist. Cancer native can be extremely stubborn and child-like. Pisacas. will be put to disgrace by his kinsmen. Their maternal instincts lead them to form life-long bonds and not just with family members. Like a Crab’s walk. a lover who delights in firm embraces. Cancer Sign in the Ascendant Dr. A wise man pained by diseases of the genitals. But underneath lies a softer side. The native will have normally short stature. Cancer native often react by withdrawing and sulking. will spend the property of other men also. a gentle. they have their own way of doing things. having constellations of Jupiter. or from an excess of phlegm. One who is to be honoured among tribes and speaks a lot. friendly nature. or by dropsy. Even. the native is timid and kind hearted and dwells in many places. ropes.which they can retreat to. one who worships and gives gifts to gods and Brahmans. will suffer from diseases of genital organs. will be of a timid nature. wind (-diseases). Watery. If one can learn to approach them. If they can learn to temper their moodiness. a man engaged in righteousness (dharma) who is of a phlegmatic and windy humour. the breaking of bones. will suffer disgrace from his enemies and will be respected by many persons. will be grateful. north direction. white complexion. and vehicles. thefts (?). will be of phlegmatic and windy temperament. Cancer’s are by nature caring and protective. and wears armour for battle. a man whose wife is from a despised and unsuitable family. A man who sires daughters. they can be loyal and devoted allies at work or at play. sensitive and emotional interior. one whose few sons are depraved and whose relatives have ruined characters. (ii) Please refer to paragraph (ii) under ARIES above for an important clarification. He may be impatient. Kataka lagna people very often miss the bus as they take a long time in coming to a decision. This is a demagogic sign. Unhappy married life. Smt. He cannot be forced into something. but they are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. Shani's influence makes them less changeful. moody. They are timid at one time and courageous at other time. They have a very good memory and when they get into old age they take pleasure in relating even unimportant events of their life to their grandchildren. fond of water. They are all prone to digestive and lung troubles and also hysteria. Shri Adi Shankracharya. Persons who. but never without difficulties or obstructions. Mathur . jewellery. adaptable. They are steadfast in their life. They can be good sailors. have serving nature and wisdom. may be interested in doing service to the society. He will be reputed in society due to good speech.Predictive Astrology An Insight (i) This sign is described as a crab.Learn Astrology the Easy Way by G S Kapoor Kataka lagna or when Chandra is in Kataka: Kataka lagna persons have a heavy body. sensitive and romantic. In public life. there is a high degree of nervous irritability in their nature. . impressionable and talkative. Their imagination is fertile. sea captains. Like the nature of Chandra their lives are full of tides and ebbs (ups and downs). introverted. The upper portion of their body is generally large. they are generally successful and are able to achieve honours and wealth. Natives of this sign are fond of travelling as Kataka is a movable (chara) sign. changeable life unless the lagna or Moon has influence of Shani or if Chandra is placed in a fixed sign. The ladies with this lagna are discreet and independent in many ways. business in liquids. commercial career. Because of sensitiveness. (iii) The native will see numerous ups and downs in his life. emotional. They get angry suddenly. have few sons. He will be sociable. explorers. The professions suited for these persons are govt service. very courageous. Chengiz Khan. Kataka lagna people generally prosper in the later part of their life. therefore. restaurants.He will have low recuperative power. intelligent. these persons generally have to face an unhappy married life unless there are good influences on the seventh house or the lord of the seventh house. but their anger disappears soon. He will be imaginative. Shri Ramanujcharya. As Guru is exalted in this sign they can also become judges or ministers. Shri Thyagaraja.Dinesh S. CANCER . They also get inheritances. As the lord of this sign is Chandra who wanes and waxes. have Karka Lagna: Shri Gautam Buddha. Kataka lagna natives love money and like to hoard money. but becomes stronger at later age. extremely sensitive. sea products. Many of them are of a miserly nature. He may be indolent sometimes. because they are able to remember the minute details of the past events. but they are not easy to cope with because of their changing ideas and moods. The natives of this sign have. Their stature is generally short. nervous debility etc. Kataka lagna persons are fond of home and family comforts. They walk with a rolling gait. but because Shani makes the house of his partner. Indira Gandhi etc Kataka . It is satwik in nature. sympathetic and nervous. attached to the family. a remarkable. slender limbs and powerful claws. In a situation where an attempt is made to force him into something. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. He may have brain disorder. He is sensitive about his family. More details relating to the physical characteristics of the sign can be found in paragraph 38 under FIRST HOUSE in Chapter Four. He will like appreciation and kindness but cannot bear neglect or being ignored. and affectionate towards his relatives. He will. alcohol. football or cricket. relatives or pleasurable pursuits. He tends to be prejudiced and judges others from his own point of view. especially in childhood. The female of this sign will be discreet and independent. He will have psychic ability. comforts. He may even have his place of work at home. washing places. the antique and legendary. She is easily satisfied and will be a good mother. He may also deal with liquids (water. in history and in antiquities. He can be a plagiarist. He will be a determined person insofar as achieving a goal set by him for himself is concerned. He can also be a preacher or a public figure or deal with history and related subjects. (iv) He will be honest. rivers. He will have a good memory. The constitution will not be strong. chest. This sign is conducive to the birth of a dwarf. (vi) The native will have a short build with a round face and fair or pale-red complexion. dairies. He can be economical and also expensive. The second part of life will be more prominent and important than the first. He will be loyal and appreciate this quality in others. He will like to marry a person who will look after the home well and further his prosperity. He is interested in politics. education and facilities to the best of his ability. He is good at real estate business.). liquor shops. The abdomen may grow in proportions as the age advances. comforts and home. The native will be very hospitable. sewers etc. milk. speculation. He may have a sea faring job. He has imaginative powers and is tenacious. supports strongly a party. The native will look after his children well and provide them with comforts. The children will also respect and love him. The female of the sign can work in nursing or management side of hospitals. intolerant of dishonesty and careful with his money. He will be interested in things of the past. He will not spend on ostentation nor make a show of his wealth. The native will suffer due to his worrying nature. hark back to his early years of trial and tribulations. . The native is likely to get injured. He will be slim. and a good organiser. He loves ease. He will have the ability to work hard and will be exacting. and luxury. respiratory system and lungs and ailments relating to these parts of the body. It may be lost through children. He is original and inventive. She will be true in her love and devotion to her husband. He will be courageous in moral and mental matters and timid in physical.Scientific Hindu Astrology by P S Sastri-1 He is emotional. Many a time he will miss the available opportunity since he will think over the matter but not act. relatives and friends. canals. never in large sums.he resists and does not yield. This sign rules the breasts. relate to this sign. ribs. soft drinks etc. He will be a dealer in water produces or watery goods. He absorbs the manners and speech habits of others. He is tenacious and has a very strong memory. His income will be in small amounts at a time. He will be a good parent. He loves the occult and the mystical. (v) He will be fond of his family. He will gain by moving and carrying the public with him but at the same time will value his privacy. He will also disturb his system by over-indulgence in drinks. love affairs. sensitive. He is the quiet man of business. The upper part of the body will be larger than the lower. romantic. He loves music. Water bodies. face violent attacks by his enemies and animals and may suffer falls. Karka or Karkataka . In some cases the native may find it difficult to acquire wealth. in his later years. His temper will be changeable and the anger will come and go. He lives and feels the past as his idol. He will have several relatives and will acquire . prominent forehead. It is the first of the three Moaksha trines (Kataka. Kataka is the exalted sign of Jupiter and . or midwives.the sign of debilitation of Mars. It is a Prushtodaya (hinder-rising) sign and is strong at night. He is frugal or miserly. Meena). The stature is average or slightly less. (a) He who is born in the sign of Chandra. Vrischika. will be having pleasant face. For Saturn and Mercury it is an inimical sign. His married life is not always happy. For Sun it is a friendly sign as also for Venus. lustrous eyes and be most happy. The body is fleshy. He is talkative. it represents the chest portion of the kaalapurusha. Prasannaanana Naethrascha Susowkhyoa gnaanasamyutha: Sthreepriyascha Bhavaeth Bhoagee Chandra Kshaethra-samudbhava: Hraswa.A Course in Indian Astrology Muthuswami The sign kataka is the fourth from the Mesha and extends from 900 to 1200. He is subject to pleurisy. He does not have a strong vitality. peena galaarthavaan paragruha preetha-ssuhrudbhiryuthoa Maedhaavee Vanithaajitho jalarathi: sthoolaangakoa Dharmavaan Mrushtannaambara Bhooshana: pruthukati sswalpaatmaja-sseeghraga: Kinchith vakrathayaa naroa lalithavaag jjaatha:Kuleeroadayae. (b) He who is born in the Kubera (Kataka) sign would be short. The women are good house-keepers. Paraasara describes the sign as: _ Paatalo Vanachaaree cha Brahmano nisi Veeryavaan Bahupaad-uthani Sthowlya thanuh-sathwa gunee jalee Prushtoadyee karka raasir-Mrugankadhipathi: smrutha: It is a watery sign and hence symbolises adaptability. One has a round and full face. Characteristics of Kataka Ascendents: Those born with their Lagna in kataka have been described by the slokas. The native is intelligent and industrious. The native may do business with secondhand articles and curios. and a short nose. It is symbolised by a crab and is a multiped sign.The ailments refer to the breast and stomach. Under this sign we can have sailors. he is given to gastric troubles. dropsy. He would be rich and will acquire the house and wealth of others. and other watery and inflammatory complaints. He is attached deeply to his children and family. with prominent neck. Being emotional and sensitive. The sign Kataka embraces the fourth quarter of the asterism Punarvasu as well as the whole of Pushy a and Aslesha. they can be barmaids or laundresses. The Sign Kataka . As the fourth sign. Also it is a sign of Sathwa-Guna. It is a fruitful sign and is related to the ability to speak. he would have deep wisdom and taste for women. managers of hotels. honest and self-reliant. small eyes. naval officers. Many kataka-borns would have to undertake sea voyages. actors. He would have very few children. The body might be a bit bulky. But they get protection from their children during old age. and to grasp the minute aspects as well as to imitate works of art. Kataka is a watery sign and a movable sign. they often lose good opportunities. but in later life their hurdles would clear off. Because of detailed and repeated analysis of future actions. but they are capable of selling the old wine in new bottles. in getting the right over their wealth due to children or relatives.the house and wealth of others. suddenly they become disheartened and moody. As a crab. they take pride in identifying with such heroes. he will have good dress and ornaments. Those who earn large sums· in a lot would not be katakaborns. They are brilliant. they suffer obstacles. and to bring together parted friends. Though the kataka -borns like a secluded life. . They have the ability to know divine things. landed property and the house.. They often imitate others writings or even steal other's literary work. they keep to themselves several secrets . Though they would have to face a number of private as well as open hardships. kataka signifies the fourth house matters-wealth. He is influenced easily by women and will be interested in water-sports. but they would be very sensitive and are usually irritable. whatever high position they attain in life. they can change according to environments and they can bring others to their fold. If they come to know that they are not being listened to. As such like liquids they can adapt to any circumstances. But. Further some of them would be leading an uncontrolled life like furious water flowing its own way. they enjoy nature and adventures. Though they would appear to be very much open-minded. They would have anger sorrows and impulses intermittently like the crashing waves of the sea shore. The waist would be rather fat. after a lot of thinking when they finally decide to purchase a rain coat. His walking would be quick and with a little bent. Being the fourth sign of the zodiac. They have a special ability for compromise talks. and are capable of correct assessment and guess. Magicians. they would never forget their past difficulties at all. As flowing water is difficult to be controlled the kataka-borns can not be defeated' easily by force. They seldom go back even by hair's breadth from their determination. But at the suitable opportunity they would avenge the neglect. They usually become famous in this field. Differences of opinion with relatives. the rainy season would be over. loss of elder brother or sister hardship on account of childrenthese are usually experienced by the kataka borns. They like to narrate stories of their family and its past. Kataka-born persons have very great attachment to the family and house of their birth. Generally the life of a person born in kataka would be with intermittent rise and fall honour and dishonour-like the lord of the sign which waxes and wanes periodically. He will be of Charitable nature and will enjoy excellent food. mimicry artists. They are afraid of physical attack but can withstand effectively mental and intellectual attacks. with confidence. they can survive all these. Familiarising with the heroes from dramas or cinema or novels. they would show anger and impatience also. He will have several relatives and will have a receptive intellect. When the sign is occupied by malefics. black-magicians are all usually kataka-borns. Instead of earning a lump sum in a whole lot they like to earn in small amounts from a number of sources. Sense of responsibility and strong determination are very characteristic of kataka persons. For instance. They thrust their likes and dislikes on others too. Women born in kataka. Family Life: Kataka-borns are very much attached to their family. Asthma. It is possible that a relative or a servant may turn hostile and may lodge a complaint with the authorities or the Government. diseases of the lungs. but after youthhood health would improve. able advisers or ministers or preachers. When malefic join the sign or aspect it. Handwriting: They do not have a steady handwriting. archaeologists and similar fields. worms etc. epilepsy. The channels of blood supply to the heart and the digestive system are the usual spots of trouble for the kataka-born. The letters would show a gradual increase in size. Precautions: Being of changing nature. Some of the possibilities are. When Jupiter is related to the sign. materials or watery source or liquid materials (including liquor). love their husband and children very much.Through the wife they may get some wealth after legal proceedings. Though they get honour and position from outsiders (including foreigners). kataka-borns must compulsorily practise patience. They must also control changing opinions frequently. it is useful to remember the nature of the various planets. sometimes they undertake dangerous tasks for others. historians. When judging the nativities of kataka-borns. They like entertaining guests and friends. they would like to start their industries near their homes. and they would decorate them with splendid things. Along with the affection shown to the wife (or husband) sometimes they interfere with the partner's domestic assignment and this may lead to slight rubs. restaurants and running sweet stalls and similar industries. they may turn out to be famous teachers. Different letters would be different types. diseases of the alimentary tract. they have to be guarded against their hidden enemies. Addiction to liquor is a possibility and such people must take special control-steps otherwise they would have to repent. This can easily be seen from the following lines: Bhaargavaendrasuthow paapow Bhoosuthaangirasow Suhhow Aeka aeva bhavaeth saakshaath Boomijoa yagakaaraka: Nihanthaa Ravirannyaow thu paapinow Maarakaahwayow Kwachid-vyayaarthaga: Sukroa Yoagadaschaethi kaechana. Benefic planets and malefic ones. Kataka sign is related to the chest and stomach. They would sacrifice anything for the sake of the husband and children. but later their life would get steadiness and regularity. They would usually have an occupation related to water. Those who travel to foreign places might be wounded by animals or by a fall. Before the middle age they would be unsteady and unsystematic. Those who have to deal with Mesha or Vrischika borns (Mars signs) should take special care in this direction. obstacles of bile duct. jaundice. nervous troubles. The married life would be normally steady and happy. during the ruling periods or sub-periods of such malefics the diseases given above may be experienced. pleurisy. bladder stones. They would also shine as nurses. TB. They have the characteristic of drawing a line below their signatures. Due to their attachment to the house. Diseases: When the Moon is weak or when unfavourable planet aspects on the first house would cause several diseases in the ruling periods and sub-periods of the concerned planets. or may send a write up in the newspaper. . Health: Kataka-borns usually are not healthy in their childhood. Occupation: kataka-borns would shine in hoteleering. stomach diseases. They would clean the house and the surroundings including the rooms and gardens. They unnecessarily think about stray things and become moody. even. Auspicious days: Tuesday is a day of success. 1. meadow (under water). Aslesha. beautiful sites visited by angels Colors – White. Meena. Kulira. Place indicated by this Rasi : A lake or pond or a sand-bank in the midst of water. chasm with water. Sun is malefic but Saturn. fragrant leaves. water Abode – Canal. Druva grass. Maesha. Short/medium/long : Medium Day or Night strong : Strong during night Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back .3. and Friday would bring happiness and gains for kataka Lagna. Chithra and Sravishta are good asterisms. green are not favourable. strong at twilight Nature – Dhatu or minerals Items – Paspalum. Karakata Element – Water Nature – Female. coconut. plantain Functions – Right chest Cancer . Saturn and sun have death inflicting right. Signs suitable for association: Simha. Numbers: 2. Some astrologers say that Venus posited in the 12th or second would confer special benefits to kataka Lagna. Gems: Diamond. Vrishabha Kark Names – Kultra. reservoir of water. Mars and Jupiter are benefics. Blue. Pushya. Uthraproshtapada and Raevathi are not good. Saumya ( auspicious). obstacles and delay. and 9 are lucky numbers. red and yellow are good. However.6 are average while 5 and 8 are unlucky numbers. Anuraadha. an islet or a sandy beach. Vrischika. Jupiter is benefic due to the lordship of the ninth but loses a portion of the beneficity on account of the lordship of the sixth house.Due to lordships of quadrant (4) and the eleventh Venus and due to lordship of 3 and 12 Mercury are malefics for kataka Lagna. being lords of the 7th and second respectively.Karkataka Symbol of this Rasi : Cancer or Karkataka. Wednesday is good for travel. Colours: White. Jyeshta.4. Thula. 7. bananas. Mars with the lordship of a trine (fifth) and a quadrant (10th) is extremely benefic and is a Yogakaaraka for Kataka Lagna. fruits bulbs. Mrigaseersha. cream. red Direction – North Time of Day – Strong at night. watery Limbs of KalaPurusha – Heart Quadruped Body Parts – Back Body Parts – Right side of the belly Symbol – Crab Abode Category – Jala rashi. being a natural malefic having lordship of quadrant may be treated as neutral. pink. chara (moveable / cardinal) Type – Crawler or insect. pearl and ruby are favourable while blue and green gems are unfavourable. For education and foreign affairs Thursday is good. Saturday may imply disagreements. Verbena Flower : White Rose Trait : Loyalty Weaknesses : Over think about things way too much Suitable Profession : Home essentials. Sensitive Keyphrase : I Feel ! Principle : Containment Health Problems : Stomach. Class or Varna : Brahmin or Wise Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu Body part : Heart Cancer Element : Water Symbol :The Crab Quality : Cardinal Animals: Color :Gray. Furnishings. Reproductive Organs Most compatible with : Scorpio. Leo. Breasts. Sagittarius. Education and Religion: Jupiter . Taurus.indirect action Keywords : Protective. Journalists Special Qualities : Caring. Gemini Planets and the Cancer Zodiac sign Ruling Planet: Moon Career Planet: Mars Love Planet: Saturn Money Planet: Sun Planet of Fun. Running a hotel. Virgo Most Clashes : with Aries. Understanding. Digestion. 7 Lucky Day : Monday Nature : Nagative Trees : Trees rich in sap Herbs : Tarragon. Homely Energy : Yin . Stomach Gems : Ruby Metals : Silver Favourable Planets: Lucky Numbers : 3. Green Lucky Colour : Green. Russet Ruling House : 4'th House Body Parts : Chest.Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery Foot or padha : Centipede sign. Creativity and Speculations: Mars Planet of Health and Work: Jupiter Planet of Home and Family Life: Venus Planet of Travel. Pisces. Female (feminine). nervous. Acute. stubborn and determined when coerced. full face. over-emotional. emotional. chara rasi. decisiveness. Dhatu (metals. Pisces. lack of confidence.for success. honest. broad waist. Moon’s auspicious degree: 8 degree Moon’s inauspicious degree: 22. Dakshinayana. Characteristics of Cancer: Watery. hypersensitive. Mars. tenacious. yellow (avoid blue) Day of Fast: Monday Controls or governs: Blood. Saturn Marakas: Mercury. Tuesday.CANCER Karkata Fourth sign in Zodiac Lord: Moon Symbol: the crab Benefics: Moon. restless. fruitful Prishtodaya. are attached to family but unhappy domestic life. hen-pecked. crabby. moksha. gullible. white complexion. cream. hospitable. Negative traits: Shy. Negative. Scorpio. sensitive. Positive traits: Domestic. good memory. movable. emotional. Aquatic (crawling). deep feelings of attachments. Brahman (priestly class). frail constitution. unhappy married life. possessive. Watery. nose snubbed a bit. Saawan (15 July-15 August). intuitional mind. adaptable. manipulative. self-pitying. Jupiter Malefics: Mercury. Blind at noon. emotions. Medium ascension. selfish. easily impressed by feelings and thoughts of others and surrounding conditions. minerals. 25 degree Lucky perfume: Onycha Lucky number: 4. Saturn. Venus Neturals: Sun. are imaginative and mimic but easily swayed by opinion of others . low recuperative power. walks briskly not in a straight line. nervous. Wednesday…journeys and investment. perceptive. Friday… for enjoyment. fond of and dexterous in music. self-reliant. red. Jupiter Exalted: Jupiter 5 degrees Debilitatied: Mars 28 degrees Mooltrikona: -Ideal match signs: Cancer. protect i ve . caring. Nocturnal. very frugal. night sign. North. untidy. loves justice and fair play. Sun Badhakasthana: Taurus (11th) Badhakapati: Venus Yog karaka: Mars. talkative.1 Lucky days: Sunday. unforgiving. fleshy neck. Lunar sector. Monday. Thursday…. clay). too easily hurt. psychic nature. long arms. Last portion known as “riksha sandhi” Appearance & looks: Middle sized stature.6. unstable. imaginative. Phlegmatic.8. even. moody. intelligent. sensitive and unstable sign. industrious. kind. b. psychic and mediumistic faculty. fertile imagination. Cancerians: a. Lucky gem: Pearl in silver in 4th finger Lucky color: White. attached of family. long face. a benefic (soumya). sensual. Moon Venus in 10th. explosive. 6. fish. Mercury. phobias. prosperous. Y1oon a n d Mars confer best results in t h e ir dasas i f wel l pl aced and st ron g. industry. ulcers. 2nd : fond of food & drinks. music. helping nature. if a) Moon Jupiter in lagna. antique dealer. He in its dasa gives good professional prospects but also gives misunderstandings. digestive organs Glands. 2. cloth. However. 16. 6. nerves. Moon in 9th and rest in 3rd. prone to lung diseases. ill healt h because he is lord of 6th mooltrikona house. 5. milk. little vitality or stamina. Normally Cancer lagna people shine in Mars and Kethu dasas. flatulence. Afflicted Venus in 12th and Saturn in 7th gives widowhood. water transport. 4. iII health. Venus in 4th. and one male issue one female.c. dropsy. unsteady. Dhana yogas for Cancer lagna 1. arteries: Pancreas. hotlier. 14. . 6th. crafts. 20. 8. Saturn in lagna makes one patient whereas Mars there makes short tempered. weapons.Leo lagna combinations. Venus. shastras. caterer. Sun is good in 10th or 11th. Jupiter in his dasa gives both good and bad results. 7. If Mercury Venus are in 5th. good wife. 17. 12. Jupiter though 9th lord does not give rajayoga. 1st and 11th. stingy. or 11th and 8th. 2. 4. 11. Saturn and Sun arc marakas but Sun does not kill. water creatives. Mars in lagna gives wealth with hard work. Venus in 2nd or 12th.Mercury gives yoga in his dasa. navy. diseases and enemies. obesity. sailor. 15. gastric disorders. conjunct with or aspectcd by Jupiter or Mercury. Mercury Venus in 12th . T. 9. nurse. Cancer born have problems in their domestic life as Saturn is lord of 7th. Jupiter in 7th and 7th lord in evil constellation does not give happy married life. textile. and Sun Venus in 5th gives wealth and fortunes. little resistance to diseases. blood pressure. 19. fond ofsleep. 5. become moody and peevish if others neglect or overlook them. acrobatics. but good for professional prospects which are not free from misunderstandings and troubles. dancing.bad in r/o debts. athletics. or c) Moon in lagna and Saturn 4th. sea products. Couples with Cancer lagna .B. have habit of pondering over a thing over and over again d.wife becomes widowed or separated. 7. or d) Moon in lagna and Sun in 10th. epilepsy. broad minded.name fame riches in Venus dasa. sternum. Parts of body ruled: Alimentary canal. Mars Jupiter Moon in 2nd. acting. or b) Moon in lagna and Mars in 7th. noble in thoughts & deeds. Saturn in ooncha in 4th is not good for marriage and profession. Sun M ars in 10th. Saturn is good in 3rd. Moon in 7 and Jupiter in 11th. Characteristics of an individual born in following drekannas: 1st : philanthropist. docks. 13. liquids and chemicals. heart burn. Some observations when Cancer is lagna 1. womb. Profession & trades: Leadership. 8. Mercury Venus in 5th. 3.. well built. 10. One is famous and fortunate. Mars in 8th gives two wives. 18. ribs. pearls. indigestion. breasts Possible diseases: Heart. this aspect gets negatived if Satum is in a good position or Jupiter aspects Saturn. Moon in lagna. fond of travels mild disposition. intuitive. teeth thick and broad. Very talkative. appreciates correction. Have reputation for love of justice and fair play. to the interpretation of the fourth house of a chart. encouraged by kindness. Deeply attached to family and children. milk bars. especially to the trade of catering. too available. deluded. Gain favour of intelligent people. self reliant. very sensitive and easily forget animosities. orators.'' Focus is on feelings. and that of its ruling planet the Moon. Many famous mimics and actors are born under this sign. Good writers. Liable to suffer from infection of lungs. walks with rolling gait. leaders in society. kitchen. large upper body. .B. lack of emotional self-sufficiency hoarding. Can take up occupation of fluctuating nature. feels abandoned or discounted by others. martyr. Lead wandering and restless life. loyal to mate Unfavorable: Overly dependent or clinging. bakeries. General: Famous for fertile imagination and ability to imitate others with ease. strong in manhood. caught in self-pity. flatulence. round face with timid look. do not walk straight. hypersensitive. nervous debility. Ideal life partners. worrier. Not to be relied upon. and beautiful. supportive. Short tempered and impatient. dyspepsia. Luck favours in profession during the age 21 to 36. Iusty. Changeable and fluctuating making the person moody. 40. rivulets. pale and dull complexion.V. CANCER Physical Features : Short stature. Basic Nature: Favorable: Love of home and family. soft curly thick hair. 48 and 62 are the inauspicious years in life. Beget breech child.B. independent temperament. great imagination. dwarfs. forgiving and act as mother in all relationship. 25. rivers. frail constitution in childhood. strong affections. small lakes. financial problems. Accumulate wealth through hard work. laborious. plump limbs. preacher. Kataka (Cancer) Rising . Often prey to women. Nature: Emotional and deeply attached nature. 21. T. instinctively a good parent (to everyone). teacher. honest and unbending. fortunate. jaundice etc. protective. Excellent memory.increase in number of enemies during the age of 37 to 52 and excellent period during the age of 56-69. breast. advisors. Best suited to commercial career. bronchitis.Raman -How to Judge a Horoscope Vol 1 Mental Tendencies-—People born in this sign will be extremely sensitive. Famous for their true hospitality. moody. home. Cancer as 7th house makes the wife virtuous. tanks. restaurants. 5. good listener. watery fields. emotionally open. Fourth sign of the natural zodiac. Transfers its influence. nervous and restless. movable and watery. interested in music and dexterous. brown hair. penny pincher. Receptive to new ideas and adept themselves to new environment. Appearances: Small built but fleshy with attractive face and eyes.. picks dysfunctional friends and partners Sign: Cancer Ruling Places: Rules heart.3rd : hen pecked. inquisitive. broad shoulders. devoted. Cancer-Kataka Symbol: A Crab Key Concept: Supporting the ''family. fickle-minded. Match: with signs 4. inquisitive. You will be much sympathy and you may be a coward. if ignored Body parts: Breast area.Physical Tendencies. average height. stomach. want homely girls. They will have a reputation for love of justice and fair play. Your mind will be bent upon schemes of trade and manufacture. Their frugality often takes the form of miserliness. self-reliant. You would like to live near water. fertile imagination. pancreas Diseases: Coughs. anger comes and goes. You can be brought down by persuasion. novelty. They often meet with disappointment in love affairs. Your extreme sensitiveness will render you nervous and queer. long face and wide chest. You will be famous. honest in finance. You will be cautious. You will adapt yourself to any environment. You will like pleasures. nervous and restless. Navy. 12 Cancer Symbol: Crab Cause: Jala Guna: Tama . submarine. The mind is intuitional.—They have a middle sized body. cancer disease. You will have reputation as a lover of justice and fair play. face full. You will be bright and extremely frugal and equally industrious. irrigation department. interfere in routine household matters. travels. General Tendencies. lacking in expression. bright and extremely frugal and equally industrious. stomach problems. monotonous life for romance. are receptive to new ideas and adapt themselves to environment. You may have psychic tendencies. selfreliant. They can best take up occupations of a fluctuating nature. settled family life. slightly snub nose. ups and downs. Their emotions are strong. honest and unbending. contractors.How to Read a Horoscope by P V R Rayudu Body: You may be middle sized and may not be very tall. wealth through own labour. You can best take up occupations of fluctuating nature. sentimental. devoted to wives. Your complexion may be white. You may have strong emotions and psychic tendencies. sacrifice for their children. import/export. pearls. Your mind will be intuitional. rolling gait. awkward appearance. fish. They have psychic tendencies. Health: You may be nervous. You may have a full and long face with a nose snubbed to some extent. diseases connected with water Professions: Business in things connected with water. Your emotions will be strong and you will be attached to children. They are deeply attached to their family and children. long arms. honest and unbending. You will have many friends and you will be attached to them. females good mothers.—They are very intelligent. stubborn and moody. conches. fair complexion. fond of changes. They are desirous of possessions and cautious. not extravagant. shipping. You will be intelligent and fond of astrology or you may be an astrologer. love intensely. restaurant. fragile health. You will be receptive to new ideas. Cancer Stout. You are likely to have long arms. You will be desirous of possessions. They like pleasure. perceptive and imaginative. Cancer Ascendant . caterer. 8. You will be extremely sensitive. sailors. You will be very talkative. dropsy. Your Chest may be wide and broad. perceptive. They are very talkative. transport. Temperament and Personality: You will walk swiftly and not in a straight line. Your economical nature will often take the form of miserliness. sympathetic and cool in nature. Limb of Kalapurush: Chest. indirect. KARKA (CANCER) Linga (Symbol): A Crab. when obstructed it is filled up with sentimental feelings. It has in it negative emotion . Like a coconut (and a crab) it has an exterior which is hard and strong but the inner contents are watery and fluid. flowing with murmuring sound. they remain absorbed in the pleasure of creation.as if challenging. It is then impossible to check its current. affectionate. As it is a watery sign. Ruler: Chandra (Moon). always evaluating everything from an idealistic point of view. It has a phlegmatic constitution and can fall ill due to slight cold. has a large flabby body. It is versatile. If it does not face any obstruction. This is a watery rasi.The ideas are identical to the forms and character of crabs. The sign represents idealism. Pushya and Aslesha. sticking to things. reactive and surreptitious. It moves sideways . Blind in emotion. It can flow so fiercely that it breaks through all obstacles that befall on its way. It is fanciful. both mental and emotional. The abode of the crabs is the vicinity of water. 4. Siddhant (Principle): Emotions/Mind. ascertaining others' qualities and frailties. but two of them are always projected like a pincer . highly intellectual. invigorating. even then it becomes full with sentimental feelings but is silently within it. Therefore. joyous.actions to come from outside to awake its latent virtues. It is skeptical by habit. receptivity and finest feelings or maternal principles. . It can take the shape of something else and can sacrifice for other's cause. the Crab. It is very much friendly to others who are similar. also is a sentimental planet. In charm and emotion they move in pleasure. unworldly. Nakshatras: 1/4 of Punarvasu. boiling. Gender: Female. lively. This sign is introspective. and partakes the character of sentimentalism. blooming. they plunge in the water in emotion and let themselves swayed wherever tide flows. Quality: Cardinal. and carries away everything with it. they do not object tot he torture of the youngsters. artistic. lightly influenced by ideas. Its Lord. Attributes Of The Sign: Like its symbol. is intelligent. Chandra. Mahabhuta (Element): Water. defensive. gives pleasure to others. destroying all obstructions. It is at times exuberantly effervescent or overflowing. so is a reservoir of energy. It clings and sticks. Crab had tenacity. joking. spreading. Whenever they get fresh water. The crab has ten feet.not in advancement or receding. it is a manifestation of kinetic force. temperate. breed freely and shelter innumerable offspring. Karka is secretive. It is a good talker. and barren. It is philosophizing. beauty. receptivity and finest feelings or maternal principles.. cleanliness. Their emotions are strong.. They are very talkative. endlessness. They like pleasure. They are deeply attached to their family and children. Their stature is generally short. Ideas: identical to the forms and character of crabs who live in water. freedom and liberty. are receptive to new ideas and adapt themselves to environment.. The married life of persons of this Ascendant is generally unhappy. and can have a worried mind due to a cliquish temperament. fame. The mind is intuitional. Characteristics Of The Ascendant: The natives of this Ascendant have a heavy body with slender limbs and powerful hands.. They can be timid at one time and courageous at other. In public life. self-reliant. Like the Moon their life is full of tides and ebbs (ups and down). Emotional.motion sideways. They have psychic tendencies.It seeks truthfulness. Lagna . tenacity. They will have a reputation for love of justice and fair play.clinging . flow) Mental: extremely sensitive. Karka natives are changeable like the Moon. honest and unbending.Karaka (Cancer) Lord Chandra Symbol: Crab Guna: Tamas (fluidity. They can best take up occupations of a fluctuating nature. inquisitive.. They walk with a rolling gait.. General: very intelligent. renders to unholiness or uncleanliness. Physical: middle sized body.. perceptive. It has in it negative emotion. fair complexion. Their frugality often takes the form of miserliness. independence. they are generally successful and are also able to achieve honors and wealth. and can be poisonous. moving tortuously. interested in music and dexterous. It invigorates and fertilizes. They often meet with disappointment in love affairs. noble-mindedness. They are desirous of possessions and are cautious... If malefically influenced it surrounds itself in secrecy. .. its Ruler. nervous and restless. slightly snub nose. face full. The upper portion of their body is generally large. long arms and face and wide chest. In later age they get a prominent abdomen. bright and extremely frugal and equally industrious. They are fond of home and family comforts. They are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. Show enterprise. emotionally needy.Cancer . Pushya. business. pioneers. Always loves change and reform.A CrabRuling Planet . Dislike dependence on others and averse to subordination.MoonBirthstars . kidney trouble. Majority planets are in movable or when they are in kendras. and archeologist. Finance Fixed sign bring gain through authoritative influence investments and accumulation of unearned income. journalist. and hypersensitive. enjoying family. due to their sensitivity.KarkaSymbol . loving. fame recognition and popularity. Muhammed Ali. Meryl Streep CANCER Broad Outlook (M) Represent movement from one place to another. Ailments affecting the head. They are good natured and nurture the people in their lives. They enjoy entertaining others. over attached. preacher. enthusiasm. Unfavorable traits of Cancer include the ability to be secretive. one could expect to have a fixed income. and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time. Aslesha Favorable traits of Cancer include the ability to be supportive. Who rise in life on their own and those who make headway against heavy odds and impediments. resteraunt. teacher. stomach. Famous People: Marilyn Monroe. They have leadership qualities as they are so service oriented they have a natural tendency to attract followers and loyal people around them. forcefulness. Dual on third cusp make the mind more receptive. They like to live near water and they enjoy water sports. They often choose to have few children. love of ambition. the best businessmen. Professions which are best suited to Cancer include: psychotherapist. Will exhibit ambition and enterprise to a great degree. they are often introverted. They are communicators and are often found in service-oriented positions dealing with the general public. speaker. John Travolta. nursing. Jack Nicholson. They are interested in foreign travel. Often they depend on others to make them feel cared for and safe. and shy. emotionally involved. and a good family person/friend. it shows that one will hold a prominent position be it trade. impatient. injuries to head and knees. friends. Fond of changes in life and will have many changes too. Sri Aurobindo. Afflictions from movable sign indicate acute ailments which usually run their course and leave no particular trace. historian. loyal. just river flows smoothly without going back. Their personalities are extremely changeable. protective. Cancers often are moody and hypersensitive. hotel manager. Native independent in spirit and self-assertive. kidneys and all movable/functional disorders tend to brain fever. and go-ahead spirit. politics or profession. . headaches. Will never feel fully satisfied unless they are at the head of things. critical. As the Moon represents the mind and emotions.Punarvasu. moody. cold. Sani in 11th signifies fixed sign -delay and hindrance through friends. Cancer are focused on their feelings and relationships. Although they can be extremely adaptive. Tina Turner. nervous. They may have difficulty in marriage and often marry later in life. methodical. No fluctuation denoted. healers. and home. irritable. disorders of stomach. Al Gore. systematic and easily affected by surroundings. insecure. discrediting. Prince Charles. Represent the busy people. being in the habit of pondering over a thing over and over again and put off the requisite action promptly at the proper time. Due to extreme sensitiveness. IN love. In advanced age their children often the source of protection. If you are ignored or overlooked or neglected you become moody and also peevish like the elephant they will never forget. You are very laborious though some exacting. You will delay buying an umbrella but when you buy the season would have to . Will have a large upper body. diplomatic and conventional. You are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. you acquire. Ably move the public to gain some position of honour or wealth. You are timid to face physical danger. You have tenacious memory especially for family and historic events. delighting in strange scenes and adventures. Fear of ridicule or criticism makes them discrete. Like moon you are timid on some occasions and very courageous under other circumstances. impediments. retiring and unassuming. one can act as a middleman. watery sign rising give much less stamina and predispose to digestive. You pore out boundless affection. Constitution weak. by over-eating. Fond of home and family and its comforts. Can adapt to other’s nature and quickly absorb other’s ideas. Anger comes and goes in quick alternation. sentimental. Employment in liquid used water in which chief element. Face is wide between the ears and the mouth will be large with nice teeth of chalky color. Characteristics: You are remarkable for changeful life. As the limbs are extremely slender when compared to the large upper body. Nature (W) Fruitful nature and given enough of fertile imagination. That is why your relatives \friends enjoy real happiness. Mind is receptive. Somewhat sentimental and talkative. You recapture the golden movements of the past and keep the partner cheerful and enthusiastic. agent clerk. and unwilling to act.Dual sign connected with 6. Hair will be brown and the complexion pale. urinary and cataract troubles if afflicted anemic and weak pulsed. Disposition is timid. You have many ups and downs. You are when coerced become very stubborn and determined you will not yield. you will be a high degree of nervous irritability. You tend to miss many an opportunity. sensitive timid. contemplative sensitive. Sensitive people and higher vibrations give endowment of claiyvorance and a keen feeling for art. by which you are completely exhausted. psychic. if you love your affection center they are strong and true. General Predictions: Physical Clumsy body. Shows less recuperative power. Majority planets in watery makes shy. You will never give up unless the partner does something very drastic. You have rarely the necessary showmanship and push to come to the fore. a prominent abdomen. psychic and often lacks energy. Inherit money property etc. but it comes to them only with great tardiness or inspires various hindrances. occult tendencies. Lucky to have partner like you who will be romantic and imaginative. You are psychic and you are sensitive. When age advances. You appreciate approbation and or easily encouraged by kindness. and editor speaker. Fertile imagination. the whole body appears top heavy and one will walk with a rolling gait. You are ready to move you will find that the chance has slipped away.10 one is best fitted to serve others. and obstacles. slender limbs and powerful claws are the peculiarities of the crab. Ladies born in this are discrete and independent in many things. Wondering and restless life will led by you due to emotions and imaginations. Being watery sign you will be easily influenced and adjusted to circumstances as water takes shape of the vessel in which it is kept. but are brave mental or moral. For instance. Anger is short-lived and they hold no spike against anybody. Your temper is also changeable. You are famous for your true hospitality. come an end. You have deep feelings of loyalty and responsibility. You decide upon a plan, you stick to it with dogged determination, success in your efforts is enjoyed ultimately. You are much more interested in getting small sums of money from a variety of sources rather than a big amount from one place. You may conquer the trials in your life, yet you do not forget them easily. You are ever brought to memory. You will appear open and frank at sight but in reality you are not so, as you hide much from others. You are impressionable and magnetic. Health: You are fragile in youth, once age advances you will pick up health. Chief cause of physical troubles will be only worry. Take care of pulmonary and digestive systems. If you control your mind you can control your body with the help of reasonable diet, proper physical care. Suffer much can but also endure much. Also indicate danger by falls and hurts from animals while traveling or residing in foreign countries. Affection of lungs, stomach nervous debility fear complex hysteria, asthma. Finance/ Profession: Careful where money is concerned. Very honest, you cannot tolerate dishonesty with others. Your tastes are but modest and hence you do not defray expenses on extravagant display. Value money for what it is worth and are very prudent. Accumulate wealth by dint of your own hard efforts. Domestic: Very much devoted to family. Love your home wherever you live. Home and the garden always keep you engaged. You collect old things and store them in shelves and kitchen. You make constant journeys; you are at home only when you are in the home. Do not mind taking trouble to make your life comfortable. Invite friends and attend them to your fullest satisfaction. You prefer to have your business in your residential quarters or very close to it as you prefer always at home surrounded by children and attended by a pleasing wife. Friends: You are hypersensitive and also unassuming, you have the great desire to acquire friendship but you do not have many long-standing and intimate friends. You become moody and peevish whenever you feel that some friends neglect you or overlook you. You will never forget the good done to them by friends and ever remain grateful to the core. You recollect the old days and ponder over the benefits bestowed by friends. Marriage: Life will be monotonous without romance. Will sacrifice your comforts, etc., and be very loyal and affectionate. You cannot impress upon the mind of the partner that you are sincere, honest and very true. Others feel that you are fickleminded and changeable while in fact you are remarkably stubborn and determined. You enjoy your familylife to the full and the home and the family is of great consequence to you. Marriage will offer you an opportunity to have a well-settled life. Male will be mostly affectionate adjusting and accommodative even though at times you may be exacting and fussy. Generally contract marriage with a girl who will pave the way for domestic comfort and further prosperity. You will manage to keep the wife cheerful and buoyant, pleasing her in all ways. Devoted to your wife and occasionally, you will interfere in household routine and thereby spoil you’re good intentions. Your trait is and this requires correction- that you are often dissatisfied and will be indulging in criticism of something or other. Ladies of this rasi are genuine in their love and sincere in their devotion to husband. Occasionally you tend to be moody. You feel satisfied with anything offered by your husband. Prove good mother to your children. You are adaptable and affectionate, dutiful and devoted, patient and pleasing and sincere and sympathetic. You will spare no pains to attend to the needs of your husband and offer him spiritual strength. Children: Takes effort to give good education to your children and you are excellent parent in the matter of providing all facilities and comforts to your children. You will go to the limit of sacrificing even your own needs, if necessary, to avoid denial of your children’s desires. You are never disheartened by the large size of your family. Your children also remain grateful, obedient, and dutiful and faithfully, you have great energy, courage and independence. You are very frank, you standup for your rights and never submit to imposition. You are full of worries brooding over things that may happen, but you will never flinch in the hour of danger. You will perform deeds to heroism with a disregard of self which may amount to foolhardiness. Your mind will be cool, calm, collected and sharp. Lucky Days etc., Handwriting is variable formation of letters will be in different ways and shapes. Letters become large as they go on writing. You are in a good mood draw wavy lines beneath your signature. Tuesday for success. Friday give pleasure and profit. Wednesday is good for journey, investment and expenses. Thursday good for contacting and arranging overdrafts. Join a college for higher education. To go overseas to contact foreigners. Thursday will prove auspicious. Avoid Saturday gives as disharmony, differences of opinion, depression dispute, delay and denial will be the result. Monday will give changeable temperament and success in efforts. Sunday is pleasant to have the company close relatives and also to gain money. Colors: white cream red, and yellow lucky. Blue and green -avoid. Lucky Nos: 2,7 &9 fotunate, 1, 3, 4 & 6 are good, 5 &8 to be avoided. Lucky Gems: Diamond, pearls, ruby, yellow sapphire. Avoid blue/ emerald. Points to be kept in mind: You have the tendency to imagine slights, think over and over again about others failure in showing courtesy or respect to you. So you have your feelings and get hurt easily. Ignore failures on others part. As you ponder over again and again before making any attempt you miss many an opportunity like the Gemini occupants. Before you decide which state lottery ticket you can buy, that would have already been drawn. If you will think and think and at last decide to buy a raincoat and the day you buy, the season will end. Hence the delay has not served you any purpose; within yourself you will feel that your delayed action ended in a waste. You are completely ruled by emotions and imagination. So it leads to a wandering and restless life. Rolling stone never gathers mass. (A stenographer applied for a post to prove his experience he had enclosed certificates received from the departments where he had served previously. The number of the companies he has served was much more than the number of years of his service, on the whole. ) You may be moody so you waste your time, energy and talent. You always think of the future & worry about money matters. You become old prematurely because of such anxiety from youth. Take insurance policy and open recurring deposit account in a bank. Avoid anxiety. It is a pity that you are a constant prey to sentimentalism, sensationalism and exaggerated emotion. So for days, you shun your friends and relatives and again emerge out as usual. You have good memory. You never forget the past. You can tell how you lived in a very poverty stricken condition in youth and how you built up by steady savings etc., Again you will never forget any harm done to you by anybody, nor you have the mind to forgive. In the case of Scorpio occupants they then and there retort and forget. But, Oh God, you will be going on pinching like a wicked mother-in-law. Hence read this and improve yourself. God will grant you FORTUNE. Cancer Astrology Cancer is the fourth zodiac in which sun transits from June 22nd to July 22nd. It is identified as "Kark Rashi" in Hindi. The symbol of the zodiac is The Crab. Moon rules over it. Punarvasu, Pushya and Ahlesha are the Nakshatras under this zodiac. Cancerians are ruled by Moon. And everyone knows about the changing facets of this satellite. Moon waxes and wanes; its distances from earth changes constantly, and it comes full round in 28 days. Very much on the same lines, Cancerains are gentle and sweet one day, critical and cranky the next; They are practical and sensible at all times, and yet they can take your breath away by the sudden romantic side of theirs. They can be hardcore about money and security, miser to the hilt, and yet can turn magnanimous suddenly. Often they are endowed with artistic capabilities you never knew about. Cancerians are as unpredictable. But it has nothing to do with Geminian type of unpredictability. They just have different dimensions, which come up under different circumstances. Give them warmth and security, and you will have a loyal friend for life. They wont confess their devotion verbally, as they are the secret store box of all their emotions stacked hidden most of the times. What you may see in a Cancerian may not be what you get. Varied emotions govern them, and the treasure runs much deep than visible. Most of the lot seems miser, conservative and practical on the onset. But that`s because Cancerians are highly self-defensive. For them, lavishing money is a crime when a sound bank balance can build homes, good investment, purchase some substantial needful things, and even can help a friend in need. See, that`s not misery! That is what they call quality spending. They also seem to be self-centered to most of the world. But that`s because they are very sentimental though they never reveal their feelings as they don`t want to get hurt or invest their feelings in something unworthy. Cancerians will not show it, but they are very emotional people constantly needing emotional security of love and warmth. For them their family means the most, and is the roots of all securities in life. For them, a sound financial standing means they will never have to loose the family, will never have to remain hungry…. In short, even money spells security. They seem so much self obsessed within their own insecurities, that they often turn withdrawn and depressed in a shell. They can be at times intense brooders. But they are not selfish. In fact, they are highly intuitive about other`s pains and troubles than most. And they can come up with generous help at unexpected quarters when you really need it. Cancerians are also sound leaders, who never make rash, impulsive decisions. Their decisions are always well thought and diagnosed. Cancerains have good memory for the past, be it some past incidents of their own life, or history in general. That is the reason they take time to come out afresh of their habits and emotional patterns. They also have good sense of humor and are fun to be with. They are thoughtful and compassionate. Cancerians love nature. Water bodies and full moon have special effects on their being. Water runs deep and silent. They soak the vibrations of surrounding, and nourish the world. Doesn`t the two words, nourishing and nurturing sound familiar?? Well! They are the eternal adjectives for the water sign of Cancerian. Health Cancer is one sign that can create an imaginary ailment, or aggravate an already existing one by their brooding habits. They also have the tendency to go in depression easily. At the same time, people of this sign are highly tenacious, and can actually create medical miracles if they set their mind to it. Libra and Aquarius can be gentle with this sign. But by giving a bit of patience understanding. the acts never include aggression and gambling. Cancerians can be afflicted for lungs. Health will be fragile in youth but will improve as age advances. Their temper is changeable. Best suited for commercial career. Career Whatever Cancerians do. Cancerians are more interested to obtain small sums of money from different sources than a big amount. moonlit walks and theatres. Cancerians gel well with water signs of Pisces. And that speaks of a constant friend. They are good leaders. asthma. and a wonderful father.They have strong emotional nature and are romantic. Behind their hard shell. Anger comes and goes quickly. They won`t be keen on sweeping a lover`s feet in out of the world romance. historians and homemakers. and weight related issues for the same reason. Most of the successful businessmen are born under this sign. and lover of food and drinks. sentimental.Attached to relatives and home. flu. A mate who can understand their emotional needs are usually the apt one to go with them. emotional and conventional. and are industrious. and can create stable. one can have the most compassionate Cancerian lover for life. tendency to stoutness. from one source. cough. They have changeable nature. They should not be impatient. Short nose but sometimes prominent at the tip. They have tenacious memory.Of fertile imagination. Fire signs are generally incompatible. novelty and travelling. ups and downs of positions and occupations in life. managing restaurant business. tendency to double chin. impressionable and magnetic. they are the most romantic and vulnerable souls. Geminis don`t usually go with this sign. changeability and indolence are the other weakness. Personality Changeable. liver. Of fiscal mind and have deep feelings of loyalty and responsibility. pancreas. emotional and over sensitive. discreet and conventional. Cancerains are the one to pamper his/ her lover by taking them for candlelight dinners.full cheeks. tuberculosis and dyspepsia etc. sometimes awkward and walk with a rolling gait. Their relationship means a lot to them. Scorpio and fellow Cancerians. Diplomatic. Grey or light blue eyes. sentimental. They can run into problems on account of being heavy eaters. nurses. sympathetic. In love affairs they love intensly and have a nature of true hospitality. Karka (Cancer) Lagna Characteristic Physical Appearance Not usually above average height. they also have psychic medium faculty. and are very keen on finding the right mate for themselves. Mental Tendencies Cancerians are fond of change. but will definitely bestow affection and understanding. They can be good as chefs. long-lasting careers for themselves in whichever field they go. inclined to public life. a good husband. They also have tendency to put on weight. wide chest and small hands and feet. bronchitis. Romance Cancerians value family. sympathetic. They are secretive. They are timid to face physical danger but are brave.changeful and impatient. they can not tolerate dishonesty in business etc. sympathetic and talkative. gastric organs. pale complexion. The occasional period when a Cancerian retreats in a shell is a difficult time for their partners. Round face. and serum. Earth signs like Taurus.Cancer rules stomach. They accumulate wealth by dint . warmth and faith. Virgo and Capricorn make good companions. Husbands Cancer born husbands are devoted to their wives. A good homely atmosphere prevails generally. They are impressionable and magnetic. Love and Marriage Monotonous life without romance for Cancer born people. hysteria.Cancer born people love their home. romantic and imaginative. Interested in developing Vedic and sacred texts. pleurisy. Domestic Environments Cancer born are devoted to their family. submarine. in Navy. and derive pleasure. dyspepsia. They desire to keep friendship on long standing basis. which attitude should be avoided by them. Good husbands and wives are born in Cancer ascendant. Traits to be Corrected. A good family atmosphere. rheumatism and sciatica. They would like to marry a homely girl. They are stubborn and determined but also fickle minded and changeable. They are devoted to domestic life. Fond of collecting antiquities.bile. import or export. shipping departments. flatulence.of their own hard efforts. to wives sincere and sympathetic. inspite of the fact that their children will be frank and will not tolerate any imposition upon them. Health and Disease Cancerians have fragile health in youth but as age advances they will pick up the health. Gain through children. worms and boils on the chest. week digestion.cough. cool and calm minded. Fortunate in finances. Easily influenced and will adjust to circumstances.Scorpio or Pisces born persons. May be sailors.Such persons are often dissatisfied and will be indulging in criticism in one way or the other and may interfere in routine household matters and create unpleasant atmosphere. Their children will also remain grateful. Love of home and children are their basic instinct. flu. full of heroism.Diseases which can afflict Cancerians are afflictions of lungs. Indolence and changeability are their weak .Nervous and worried. to husbands. orators.Guard against asthma. transport and travels. keep their wives cheerful. gastric problems. Cancer rules chest and stomach. endured and avoid sensitiveness. host them to their full satisfaction. being honest themselves. As Jupiter is exalted in this sign. nervousness. throat. Also a good caterer.They make good parents for children. conches. family and enjoy a settled family life. Cancerians are open and frank at sight. pleasing her in every way. They love the home. constant journeys but even they keep home comfortable. Professions Cancerians have commercial career and in things derived from water.they can not tolerate any dishonesty and are not extravagant.collected and sharp. Finance Cancerians are very careful for the money. preachers. Cancerians should be patient. Sensitive and retiring. pearl. loyal sincere and affectionate in love. fear complex. for them they will sacrifice their own needs and will provide education and all comforts to their children. they accumulate wealth through their own hard labour. Digestive system and throat is to be taken care of. Cancerians can sacrifice all for their children.attend to their friends. They should not be worring and should have a reasonable diet without alcohol. gall stone. They are honest and very true. restaurant managers. fish etc. obedient and dutiful. contractor or any good job in irrigation department. A good homely bird as a general rule but of romantic and passionate in nature. but in reality they hide much from each others. but they lack in expressing their loyalty and sincerity to the partners. Ideal Match Cancer born persons should preferably marry Cancerians. deep feeling of loyalty and responsibility. Cancerians become changeable in nature. These Gems be worn during bright nights. Colours and Gemstone Sunday and Fridays are favourable for enjoyment and pleasure. When they are neglected. She can be quite touchy. Accumulation of wealth through hard works and efforts. avoid inferiority complex and should not be over anxious. Girls born under this Ascendant have round face. Emotional. Moody but adoptable with family atmosphere. They should overcome their timid nature and do not be very sensitive and extremely selfish where as patience and endurance should be cultivated. Being secretive . But when Moon is afflicted. and numbers which will disagree and are to be avoided are 3 and 5. Anger comes and goes quickly. Mental Tendencies Cancerian damsels are fond of change. They are interested to get small money from many sources then a big amount from one source. Guard against . overlooked or ignored then they become stubborn and determined. they will not yield. Sensitive and retiring. But Saturday is an unfavourable day and may create disharmony.Lucky Stone. Personality They are sincere. are white. full cheeks. Diplomat. Pale complexion . Impressionable and magnetic. Inclined to public life. Cancer Woman Physical Appearance Cancer is watery and movable sign.Lucky Colours. They keep emotions in safe for persons closest to them. where as attracted numbers are 8 and 1. They should control their emotions and develop spiritual side. discreet and conventional. loyal. she will pick up the health. But blue and green should be avoided. Wednesday is good for journey and investments.wide breast. of true hospitability. Attached to relations and home. red and yellow. Have a reasonable diet. Most vibrated numbers are 4. Nervous and worried . Digestive system and throat to be taken care of.difference of opinions. short nose but prominent. Monday. changeful and impatient. sentimental and over sensitive. Black or light blue eyes or even grey. unfavourable or in fall one should use yellow sapphire plus pearl. dutiful and devoted to your husband. When things go wrong she will only shed tears and wait for thing to become right because patience is one of her loveliest virtue. romantic and imaginative.6. affectionate. should not be vindictive.small hands and feet. cream.9. delay in efforts etc. For Cancer born pearl in silver be used in 4th finger on Monday morning after offering prayers. Easily influenced and will adjust to circumstances. Of emotional nature. Passive numbers are 2. Their tenacity and honour be kept in mind by all who are in close contact with them. Gemstone Warning Consult good astrologer for Gemstone. Lucky Days numbers. they hide much from otheres. will not give up unless the partner do something drastic to which they can not tolerate. lazy and passive. Its Lord is Moon.7.points and needs to be corrected. sympathetic. some times at the tipe. birth sign is not enough to recommend gemstone. novelty and travelling. Be a practical hand. Any unintentional remark can wound them harshly as they are sensitive and tender. Tuesday and Thursdays are days of success. They do not overwhelm their friend with their vivacity and sparkling flattery but impress them with their charm. She is not so much jealous but possessive. dispute.Lucky numbers. The day of fast is Monday. Health She will have fragile health in youth but as age advances. A good mother for children. loyalty and sincerity to her partner. Love the home and derive pleasure from them. Day of Fast is Monday. being honest to themselves. the whole body appears to be top heavy. Cancer – Karka Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. A good family atmosphere. Physical Features: The body will be clumsy with slender limbs. Finances Cancerian ladies are very careful for the money. flu. White.weak digestion. People born in Cancer generally have a large upper body. A good homely bird but of romantic and passionate nature. pleurisy. For cancerian Damsels life is montonous without romance. She will remove worries of her loved one through jokes. Her desire is to keep friendship of long standing. A good host for friends will give her satisfaction. As age advances with overeating they develop a prominent abdomen. Green be avoided.Passive numbers are 2. Cautious Inspite of all the above good points. It is ruled by Moon. red and yellow Colours are favourable. She will do heroic sacrifice for her partner. dyspepsia. gall stone and boils on the chest are the diseases to be safe guarded. she is possessive but never aggressive. rheumatism and sciatica. Indolence and changeability which are her weak points to be corrected. They are honest and very true. rich humor and intelligence. 4 and 6 are most vibrated numbers. 8and I are attractive. honour. throat. through her own hard work. family . Good parents for children as she will sacrifice her own need for them to provide them education and all comforts. she should be patient. Domestic Environments Cancerians are devoted to their family and children. endured and avoid sensitiveness. sensible advice. obey and nag you a little with sincere devotion. They are loyal. Scorpio and pisces born persons. “Is she really a Moon maiden from some misty garden or a lovable loony bird. Fortunate in finances. cough. A calm and good married life. Saturday is unfavourable. Wedensday for journey ans investment. This sign is symbolized by crab. Romance And Marriage It is brutally unfair to toy with the heart of this girl. She will accumulate wealth subject to her horoscope. It the first water sign. Lucky Days. She should not be vindictive and should control her passions. In case her man sees her in fire or moon light and asks himself all over again. Cream. Face would be wide between ears and mouth will be large with nice teeth. Monday success in efforts along with Tuesday and Thursday. . childern and those who help to maintain peace. Numbers and Colors Sunday and Fridays are favourable. she can not tolerate any dishonesty and are not extravagant. A good companion in odd times. Her home and family are important and she enjoys a settled family life.Cancerians are fickle minded and changeable yet stubborn and determined. She should overcome her timid nature.” But the answer will not be so astonishing because it will be she and she only Cancerian Damsel. Ideal Match She should preferably marry Cancer. She should avoid inferiority complex and do not be over anxious. Also affictions of Lungs. because she will love. lazy and passive. flatulance. As limbs are extremely slender when compared to the large upper body. There is nothing shallow or superficial about the sentiments of a Cancer women. sincere and affectionate in love but she lack in expressing her love.7 and 9 whereas 3 and 5are disagreeable and be avoided. bronchitis. many Cancer born lead a wandering and restless life. Cancer being a movable and watery sign. worm and boils on the chest. You will be loquacious and will earn a living by the use of the pen : a correspondent. If they are ignored. obstruction of the bile. They have to take care of pulmonary and digestive systems. sympathetic. With your writings too. cough. 7 & 9 are fortunate numbers. overlooked or neglected. stomach. Cancer Special Characteristics You will be a person of kind and attractive nature. Cancer born are timid on some occasions and very courageous other circumstances. Cancer born natives have the deep feelings of loyalty and responsibility. author or a writer. They will sacrifice their comforts and will be very affectionate and loyal. . Cancer being a watery sign. health of the Cancer born will be fragile in youth. will be fond of pleasures and will have keen interest for personal decoration. You will have a social standing and may have some success in artistic field. Health and Disease: Being the fourth sign of the Zodiac and one ruled by Moon. nervous debility. Your limbs are comparatively short and your walk as such is likely to be swaying and laborious Cancer Mental Qualities You will be changeful. honest and very true. imaginative and romantic. Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Cancer Cancer Appearance According to your Horoscope. They have many ups and downs. fear complex. You will be ambitious and inclined to public life. you may have a double chin. They are sentimental and talkative. You will have many friends. top-heavy fleshy body with wide chest.Mental Tendencies: Cancer born natives are remarkable for a changeful life. broad forehead. But they cannot impress upon the mind of the partner that they are sincere. Finance and Fortune: People having the influence of Cancer are best suited to a commercial career. Lucky Days: Tuesday is their lucky day. Romance and Marriage: For Cancer born natives life will be monotonous without romance. pleurisy. but as the age advance they will pick of health. Cancer being the fourth sign of the zodiac and fourth house indicates about one’s domestic environments Cancer born are fond of home. You may have a roving disposition. You may have a lashing tongue for which people may have mixed feelings for you. amiable disposition and generous character. You will have a love of . They can adapt to other’s nature and quickly absorbs others ideas. contributor. flu. You will possess a fertile imagination and piercing intellect. Their anger does not stay for long. Cancer born are very careful where money is concerned. Cancer rules the chest and stomach. They accumulate wealth by the dint of their own hard efforts. jaundice. In mature age. native can be easily influenced and will adjust to the circumstances as water takes the shapes of the vessel in which it is kept. retiring and unassuming. Moon gives them a fertile imagination. you will have a rounded. Most Cancer born is sensitive. but are brave in mental and moral attitude. hysteria. asthma. you may become controversial. fond of movement. tuberculosis. they become moody and also peevish. Generally they are timid to face physical danger. family and its comforts. Lucky Number: 2. as water runs in a river. Marriage therefore will offer them an opportunity to have a well settled life. full face with pendulous cheeks and grey eyes. Cancer born natives enjoy their family life to the full and home and family are of great consequence to them. You will be fond of travel and lover of learning. gall stone. prudent. Affections of both the lungs. thick-skinned. Their abilities fit the Cancerian for a wide range of occupations. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. giving much and asking little in return. sometimes trying to shape their lives to fit some romantic ideal. They are often over-imaginative and prone to fantasy. shrewd. sometimes with a philosophical profundity of thought verging on inspiration. You may earn a fortune in foreign trade. they are more likely to remain in the background position rather than attain prominent positions of power. People who are close to them may see a very different character. one with a sympathetic and kindly sensitivity to other people. * The crab is a nocturnal water creature that is well equipped with its massive claws to defend itself and survives very well in the 'wilds' of the underwater world in which it thrives * Your colour of choice is SILVER. As they are interested in what people are thinking and able to judge what they can safely be told. It can range from the timid. In their personal relationships they are mentally a mixture of toughness and softness. shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant. writers or politicians. You will gain public recognition and considerable popularity. You will have special interest in geographical mysteries and mystic literature of ancient origin. You will have money from overseas journeys and gains from people of distant places. dull. appreciating the nest like quality of a secure base to which the male can retire when he needs a respite from the stresses of life. they can be good journalists. but in real life and in marriage. energetic. especially those they love. It is a fundamentally conservative and home-loving nature. .More common occupations which suit some subjects of Cancer are real estate broker and sailor.romance. especially those which involve looking after others. often emotional and romantic to the point of sentimentality in their fantasies. Outwardly they can appear formidable to adjust . purposeful. their loving is not so sentimental but tenaciously loyal. unemotional. intuitive and wise. and in which the Cancerian woman can exercise her strong maternal instincts. uncompromising. dealing in valuable and precious things. They can serve in other departments of public affairs. Likes * Hobbies * Romance * Children * Home and Country * Parties Dislikes * Aggravating situations * Failure * Opposition * Being told what to do * Advice (good or bad) Some more interesting facts about your sign: * Your ruling planet is MOON. and famous Cancerians are to be found through the whole range of human activity. Both the Cancerian man and woman love unreservedly. travel and adventure. obstinately tenacious. Zodiac Sign Cancer The Cancerian character is least clear than all other zodiac sign. Cancer natives have a tendency of mood swing. friendly. intuitive. Nakshatra posited in Cancer . water) the energetic impulse . striving for popularity. Probably Neptune is exalted in Cancer. 4.caring. Nature: Nature of Cancer natives is loving. Cancer is Moon ruled. They are also religious by nature and follow family traditions. They have healthy body. timid. the fourth zodiac sign of horoscope is also known as Karka Rashi. plainness. Zodiac Horoscope : Cancer (Karka Rashi) Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign. Profession: Natives of Cancer sign can choose finance. According to a general rule. Aashleshaa Their lords . Mercury Upagrahas Indrachap and Upaketu are supposed to have their own Rashi in Cancer.* Your starstone is PEARL. Saturn. variable nature. you should focus on qualities or characteristics of Cancer sign. The first division of Cancer is made of Punarvasu nakshatra. insecure. feelings. sensitive. Cancer natives love watery places and nature. dedicative. emotional which are the attributes of Moon. 6. emotional. investment related jobs as their profession. Natives of Cancer zodiac sign possess some distinct qualities which are given below.Punarvasu (1/4). To predict the Cancer zodiac sign of the horoscope. Job/Business: Cancer natives are good in job but not in business because they are emotional by nature. Pushya. Cancer zodiac sign span is 30 degree. receptive.openness. first deep contact with the inner world of oneself and others (mind. open to mass trends Moon spreads this energy in zodiac. people born in Cancer zodiac sign has the nature like a Crab. Therefore. 2nd to 5th divisions are made of Pushya nakshatra and 6th to 9th division are made of Ashlesha nakshatra. Symbol of Cancer zodiac sign is a Crab. if a person born in Cancer. Leadership: Cancer natives are generally have good natural leadership qualities. Cancer is composed of 9 divisions of constellation (nakshatras). Zodiac Horoscope : Cancer (Karka Rashi) details According to Indian horoscope. feeling and loving. Cancer natives very fond of watery places like a Crab. Their height is medium. passive in outer relations (outside own home and family). Their moods can change suddenly or time to time. emotions) after intellectual and superficial Gemini resulting in . Relationships: Cancer natives are loving by nature. socially oriented. therefore their company . then they have following attributes : 1. Cancer. devoted. Because they are loyal. They are also diplomatic by nature. Cancer/Kark (movable. 5. susceptible. female gender. nourishing. 3. earth zodiac sign. These fields best suits them. The Body: Physical characteristics of Cancer native are similar to a Crab.specifying Cancer's' energies . Jupiter definitely is exalted in Cancer. They are very sensitive. 2. Sudden change in mood is an attribute of Cancer natives. people trust on them and they follow them.are: Jupiter. body and face is round in shape. therefore they are loving partners and attached to their children. You may be fond of collection of antiques. Cancer Ascendant (Karka Lagna): If you are born in Cancer Ascendant. The rising sign of your personal horoscope is the center point around which all the planets operate. precious items. blood serum related diseases are common for Cancer zodiac sign. setting aside all the norms and regulations. the astrology consultation is provided after detailed analysis of your horoscope. lazy and egoistic in nature. food loving and having clean habits. and devoid of Saturn or Mars influence. You may also be fond of journeys. oval or round mouth and mediocre physique. you may be fat too. and. You may suffer from severe physical pains and injuries. gallstones. womb. having royal taste. Severe affliction of Saturn on Moon may also result in anxiety and depression. have special interest in music and may like to act like guardian within close relationships. The planetary disposition at a specific time. You may also be luxurious. Sometimes. Thereafter. you are likely to be of average height. You may also be restless and of volatile mind. What my horoscope indicate? | Cancer Ascendant The term “horoscope” is commonly used in wide variety. liver. You may tend to take decisions and initiatives. depression etc. Cancer natives are attractive. on specific date and at specific place is worked out to generate your horoscope.is very hard. and may like to impress others with your attitude and thinking. indigestion. Health: Cancer natives are generally prone to digestive disorders. you may act in a very practical way. You may have fear of enemies. therefore. thick neck. imaginative and wandering. Stomach. Weak and afflicted Moon and/or inauspicious planetary influences on the first house (specifically of Saturn and Ketu) may cause you to be short tempered. Some of the basic features and general traits of people born under Cancer ascendant are mentioned below. Mainly Cancer is related to digestive system. romantic. And. and/or musical instruments. teacher and elders. Cancer natives are good friend of people who born in Capricorn. and the lagna is devoid of any malefic influences. if at the same time. Sometimes. They can suffer from gas. Long lasting relationship is the keyword of their love principle. divisional charts. usually Cancer Ascendant people are friendly. breast. marriage astrology or financial astrology – the nature of the zodiac sign falling in first house of your natal birth chart will always have a reasonable say in this regard. You may also be religious and extremely dedicated to your mentor. Taurus and Scorpio. These positive results may be there if Moon is well placed in your vedic astrology birth chart. You may have negative attitude and fault finding tendency. Pisces. Cancer is a Watery zodiac sign. A vedic horoscope comprises your natal birth chart. . the Lagna is also occupied by Jupiter or Venus. over here I am referring to your rising sign and its general features. so they have to take care of it. Whether it is career astrology. it may cause you to be short stature and short tempered in nature. transit etc. Virgo. Love: Cancer natives are romantic and loving by nature. If Mars is placed in first house of your lagna chart. 8. good loving and caring partners. you may love to show off. 7. They should also take care of elbows and mind related problems. merely on the basis of emotions and hunches. dasa (planetary periods) and some other aspects of astrology reading like planetary strength. and your relationships may not be healthy. The influence of Saturn and/or Mercury on first house may give you a tall and lean physique. pancreas. lusty. The disposition of the lagna lord Moon in watery zodiac sign (specifically Scorpio or Pisces) may give a bit plumpy physique. jaundice. suffer from instability in your family and professional matters and may also have short life span. the potency of the Raj Yoga will depend a lot upon the nature of your house and zodiac sign occupied by these planets. Union of Mars with Venus generates a Raj Yoga. You should avoid taking others on their face value. Cautions to be exercised: If you are born in Cancer Ascendant. if such union (Sun + Mercury) is under aspect of Jupiter and/or Moon. The union of the Mercury with Sun may also generate financial crunches and you may be extravagant in nature. Mars and Moon are not severely damaged. Union of the Sun with Jupiter and/or Mars is also very auspicious. as well as lack of support from friends. Therefore. Cancer Ascendant people are capable of taking and accepting their responsibilities in overall aspects of life. You may also be restless and impatient in nature. You should keep good control on your food habits and try to remain under positive environment. The weak aspects of your personality are volatile mind. Another positive aspect is their strong will power. however. relatives and co-borns. You may experience sudden mood swings. luxury and high social status in life. It may also bless you with easy success in life and good support of family. may keep you restless and anxious on frequent basis. being a very fast moving planet. A well placed and strong Mars may bless you with high positions and reputed social status. Generally. Mercury and Venus are not much auspicious. high position and successful life. Your health may also cause routine obstructions. Therefore. You may tend to take risky decisions. purely based upon intuition and suffer failures and financial losses. The union of Mars with Jupiter is most auspicious and may bless you with happiness. you should be extra careful about the following: Health and Mood: The health and mood are usually quite sensitive for Cancer Ascendant people. Until and unless. However. success. there may be positive results pertaining to finance and profession. and take fair amount of time to decide and enter into new relationships. Besides this. and they are comparatively more eager to have regular changes and developments in their professional matters. Social Relations: Cancer born people are quite vulnerable to be cheated or being misguided by mischievous people. Weak and afflicted Venus may deny you from happiness in married life. you should always remain quite cautious and alert in your social relationships.Mars is the best planet for your horoscope as it rules over fifth and tenth houses and acts as a Yogakaraka planet. The best part of being born in Cancer Ascendant is being a dependable and trustworthy personality. A badly disposed Mercury in your horoscope may cause you to struggle extensively in your life. specifically if Moon and Jupiter are auspiciously disposed. specifically in family and close relationships. you may be able to overcome and emerge victorious within difficult situations and are capable of dealing with your enemies and rivals quite effectively. you should be extra careful in this regard. required these planets (Mars or Jupiter) are not becoming combust and devoid of malefic planetary influences. Mars and Venus ) are united in Kendra or Trikona houses and devoid of any malefic influence. thereby leading to hasty and/or wrong decision making. Cancer Ascendant people are comparatively more vulnerable to be exploited emotionally and may get trapped into unwarranted commitments and relationships. specifically when they are weak or badly placed. lack of domestic peace and financial problems. carelessness and sensitive stomach. You may be a good host and may like to celebrate occasionally. Your Lagna lord Moon. Selecting Profession: The professional satisfaction is usually lacking in Cancer Ascendant people. and should select your profession after thorough consideration. it may bless you with good riches. . If these two planets (viz. Shanker Adawal . the appeal should be made to his feelings rather than to his reason. The strength or weakness of the feminine reproductive organs may be judged partly from the condition of this sign. and will occupy themselves with the usual sewing and knitting. not very muscular person." Though he may have moods of snappiness. those in charge should think twice before them "snap" back. especially in the clear white forehead. Experience seems to show that this is not always so. He is patriotic about his own country. Overstress or misuse of these traits will mean fussiness and restlessness. It is the "me and mine" sign. The busy housewife is typically Cancer native. easily offended. he will have a natural instinct towards collecting. Collecting is often a hobby. He is therefore better where he is busily looking after something or someone. protective and guarding. "Crab-faced" means a peevish look and the more "touchy" often adopt this slightly annoyed glance. Though Cardinal. The traditional description is of a soft-fleshed. Everything to do with the sea. or may be no more than the urge to let things collect. Memory will be good. This Water sign is like a calm deep lake with its sudden storms. The frequent request of "Tell me a story" should be complied with as often as possible. As a child. Even the men often enjoy cooking. and devoted to his own family. Cancer Ascendant and Sign in Houses Dr. He or she is better in a safe occupation. such as sailing and bathing will be enjoyed. He is a great home-lover. as the Cancer native's vivid imagination needs paths in which to wander. but eager to make it up again. When naughty. Hurts go deep and are remembered and brooded over." Lack of "nippers" in the slang term will mean that the crabby nippers will snap at the nearest victim. Any business to do with catering to the public is congenial. Hobby: Cancer women are often essentially feminine. also gastric ulcers. In love he is emotional and tender. maternal if a woman. "I think that. with a round "Moon" face. "He" is good in business and "she" in the home because the innate protectiveness makes both of them cautious and economical. "It makes Mummy unhappy if you do so and so. he will be sympathetic. becoming moody and even sullen.The Pure Cancer Native He reacts to his emotions rather than his reason. Physical Characteristics: The whiteness of the Moon seems to show in the whiteness of skin of Cancer natives. Way of Living: The Cancer native is at his best in any sphere where his natural urges can reasonably be expressed. Men enjoy the happy domestic evenings at home. so that clutter never gets thrown away. Even so. Diseases: Digestive troubles are frequent. This may lead to the collection of any rare and interesting things. "I feel that. he will say. Morbid touchiness and over-sensationalism can occur. though he will seek to rationalize his instinctively obtained ideas. protective if a man. the busy ways are better when used for the home or for an organization than for the too worrying needs of a personal/business. while as regards things. Inhibition of his natural traits will be caused by being subjected to an over-rational life without anyone to "have and to hold. the Cancer native is lovable because usually devoted to home and parents. the reflective ability of the sign showing so often in that the appearance will be more like that of the sign in which the Moon is found." Towards people he likes. he needs the shelter of his own shell." rather than. Like the crab. the "clucking-hen" type. whether it is antique furniture or stamps. Such a person is at his best when he feels safe and secure. Such people are fond of the subject denoted by the house in which the Moon is located. sentimental. they are fond of their wife and the partners in business. passive. nurturing. a person with a first house Cancer often takes things too personally which can sometime create problems. and the masses in general etc. A . Such a person usually likes to feel out a situation before getting involved into it. Such a person is very attached and sentimental about people. 1st House Cancer: A person with a first house Cancer has a very strong sense of self-preservation. like the Moon who changes its phases so often. A planet that is like mother to all and enemy to none. They generally act in haste. compassionate. Such a person becomes easily and upset and can stay like that for a long period of time. enemies to none. Moreover. They are well wishers of all. receptive. if located in the 3rd house they are fond of their brothers and friends. voracious reading and high expenditure. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely moody. sympathetic. But. A person with a first house Cancer can be a serious victim of his mood changes. Lastly if the Moon is located in the 12th house they become fond of sleep. the natives of this ascendant are generally of mild and gentle nature. Physical security comes with a comfortable base of operations and emotional security comes from all his possessions and attachments that have sentimental value to such a person. If it occupies the 4th house they are fond of their motherland. If it is located in the 9th house they are fond of long inland travels.Since the lordship of this Ascendant goes to Moon. places and belongings. psychic. acquisitive (pack-rat). changeable. Such a person should learn to view life with a little detachment. Such a person is usually extremely sympathetic and understanding. Such people are prone to alter their decisions if put under pressure. Such a person expends his energy through his feelings and is very romantic and dramatic in his emotional expressions. such a person can not even stop thinking about the past. and moody. A person with a first house Cancer has a tendency of look what the future holds for him. A person with a first house Cancer tends to be less vital than average. their mother. Such a person enjoys travelling. retentive. and high thoughts. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely receptive and maybe psychic or sensitive to his social and personal environment. timid. If it is located in the 10th house they become fond of righteous deeds and people placed in high position. religion. retreats into his shell when he senses some danger or when he is threatened. tenacious. for Moon in their case represents the mind par excellence. For example. leaning toward a sense of heritage and warm. If it is located in the 8th house. sensitive. A person with a first house Cancer is extremely protective of those who are close to him. There is a very strong connection with background and tradition. homey trappings. If it is in the 7th house. such a person always returns back no matters how long or how far he travels. Such a person is sensitive and therefore. quiet. If Moon is located in the 6th house such people are fond of the labour class and of the people belonging to faiths other than the Hindu faith. Security is everything for a person with a first house Cancer. because Moon the lord of the Ascendant is a fast moving planet. Such a person is also very compassionate. They are also fond of truth and avoid falsehood as for as is practicable for them to do so. Hence. A person with a first house Cancer identifies strongly with his family. If Moon is located in the 11th house they are very much devoted to the ideal they hold dear to their heart. A person with a first house Cancer also understand that there is a home where he needs to go back to. This can sometimes create problems as such a person may be distracted from his present. protective. if Moon is located in the 2nd house they are fond of the family and their bank balance. they are fond of adventure and sinful deeds. He will be moved to help others and litce to keep his innermost thoughts to himself. He will also have diseases indicated by Sagittarius in the sixth house. Naturally. There is a need to control your extreme emotional and sensitive nature otherwise you may possibly become the victim of your mood and sensitivity. of sharp intellect. One prefers an emotional response to life. You respond to your environment and surroundings through feelings and emotions rather than from thinking. truthful. The number of children will be restricted. roots and seasonal cycles. and the mother-culture in which one was raised. and slender in appearance. will fluctuate. The social personality has an inherent affinity for the ocean. land-owners. He may be troubled due to his wife. Details can be seen in paragraph (vii) under the relevant sign in the Chapter on Signs. cultural conservators. Physical Constitution . Bhava 1 = Karkata Bhava 1 = Appearances. Such a person is also very sensitive to negative energies around him. Physical Body Image The fleshly appearance and one's psychological body-image will inevitably fluctuate.home-loving folk who have a strong emotional interest in caring for children and the Earth. He will be moody. He will have a large circle of friends. The Karkata native strives to maintain a competitively emotive personality and physical appearance. The Karkata native will experience a lifetime of tidal retreat (apathy) and surge (passion) in the emotional response to body image and identity based on material appearance. changeable. sensitive. those who care for children. Karkata natives are generally needy. shelter-building. the native is particularly influenced by the parental behavior (whether favorably or not). timid and introverted. He will express himself through creativity. sensitivities and mothering instinct. owned lands and properties. and patriots. well-coordinated combination of physical behaviors and social traits. He must keep his weight under check by careful eating habits and regular exercises. The Karkata native seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with parental figures. The native will have a garden in his house or will stay near one. mild and gentle temperament. In order to win the competition a person needs to be born with a healthy. and wealth. loved by his subordinates and forgiving. He may develop a large abdomen in later years. Cancer: The native will be of fair complexion. the Lord of tides and flows. Cancer: The Moon is the ruler of your horoscope because it rules the sigh Cancer the rising sign of your birth chart. security-seeking. The Moon symbolizes emotions. It's important for a person with a first house Cancer to avoid people with problems because such a person is so receptive that he picks up his problems as his own. L-8 and randhra bhava will tell whether the native undergoes transformative surgeries and medical treatments designed to change the fleshly appearance and identity. There will be a well or a source of drinking water near his house. which gives Karkata (and Simha) natives a singularly focused intensity of personality. generous. fond of water sports. stewards of earth. He will be of a hasty. vital. He will be of short stature.person with a first house Cancer is particularly affected by memorabilia that reminds him of good times and special people. whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra. feelings. Chandra rules only one domain in the nativity. Physical Form = competition for social validation . property. Cancer rising in your ascendant indicates that you are extremely sensitive to your environment and very protective to those who are close to you. religious. etc.Physical appearance depends on the condition of D-1/D-9 Chandra including rashi. Indira Gandhi). due to the intensityof theemotional needto maintain a competitive appearance . the Sun is weak and afflicted. A person with a second house Leo has a financial condition which may have a close association with his self esteem. Bush. Lisa Marie Presley). There is a ring of "Royal" tone in the speech of the native. A person with a second house Leo is usually smart in financial affairs because of knowing what the public wants. Both = Karkata lagna. and such a person knows how to profit from this knowledge. bhava. drishti. A person with a second house Leo tends to make finances his major objective to ensure his security. W. and well-managed presentation. the child intuitively absorbs the mother's body-competition instincts. Leo in the Second House. Jr. At a deep emotional level. This money is usually earned through hardships and skill. 's Moon is ruled by Budha = Kanya/3. Emotional securityis forever tied to the one's ability toreflect the projected needs of folk society via the vehicle of one's physical body. but Gore's Moon is ruled by Guru = Dhanusha/6 and G. an actress or fashion model ( Angelina Jolie. Such a person is usually very proud of something that he does or he owns. Such a person usually takes pride in his own abilities when the Lion is in its position. but Jolie's Moon is ruled by Guru = Meena/9and Monroe's Moon is ruled by Shani = Makara/7. She will have some life circumstances which bring her into an intense awareness of her fleshly size. A person with a second house Leo is able to make a lot of money.Both = Karka lagna. shape. but because of the benefits that it provides his offspring. W. The native's mother gets a good number of elder brothers. He is opposed to the family and also suffers at the hands of the government represented by both the second house and its lord (Sun). on the other hand. Bush (41). Compare Angelina Jolie vs. A person with a second house Leo acquires possessions through a very . a public icon ( Prince Charles). If Leo is in the second house and Sun is strong. The mothermight be the socialite wife of politician or corporate-executive ( George W. If. Sun lord of the 11th house from that of the mother being a male planet. This is not because he is too ambitious or something. Karkata lagna tends toward a soft. Karkata lagna natives are often born tomothers who are emotionally driven toward creating and maintaining acompetitive physical appearance. G. A person with a second house Leo wants to do well financially. Karkata lagna can be very successfully competitive in terms of physical appearance. Such a person’s earning capacity may have a lot to do with his sense of self worth. Marilyn Monroe. the native gets trouble in his eyes as both the second house and Sun represent the eyes. 2nd House Leo: Leo is the zodiac that is ruled by Sun. one gets ruling powers as both the second house and Sun its lord would represent ruling powers. A person with a second house Leo also wants to do this because he has this natural concern for his long term security. Due to Mangala = L-10. Mother The mother is extremely influential in shaping the social-personality identity of the Chandra-ruled Karkata native. companion graha. pale (even pasty) appearanceand a fairly small physique. Such a person is always too concerned about his financial security and keeps doing one thing or another to ascertain that he is financially secure in the future. The Sun is believed to denote self esteem. Compare the physical appearance of Al Gore vs. The Leo drive for selfexpression strives to accumulate material security. Al Gore.. but he wants his money to be used for his children. Bhava 2 . trade. His children also will prefer government jobs. the native will earn from the government or through highly placed persons. Should Saturn be square. He will strive to earn as much as possible through fair means which gives him a feeling of security. A person with a second house Leo generally earns money by being in a position of authority. tend to carry forward the banner of family lineagein their persons. Often hold public office or otherwise serve as living icons of their family's traditions. helpful in rendering help to others. Leo: The native will earn money through trade in forest produce and put his earnings to the good of all. the native will have high status. G. A person with a second house Leo values his creative talents. This case is only not true when the Sun is poorly aspected by the ruler of the fifth house. W. Common ascendant in "medical families". does charitable works. A person with a second house Leo should learn to make a budget and use his resources carefully. and also bestows honour eatables and potable goods on the native. Bush . The speech of the native will be impressive. His family will be dignified. or conjoined the Sun. Your financial condition and your earning capacity may be closely associated with your self-esteem and self worth. religious. He will be forthright. "entertainment families" etc. Leo: Leo is ruled by the Sun. If the Sun is favourable and well placed in the house close to its cusp. Depending on condition of Surya in D-1/D-9. where the family identity is invested in a business. The Sun in the second house is indicative of the fact that the native's eldest child will be very highly placed. A person with a second house Leo is really proud of the money that he earns. 1980-84 Indira Gandhi USA Pres-43. This will help such a person in the long run.personal expression of one’s creative talents and abilities. Leo being in the second house makes the man honoured by men. A person with a second house Leo usually tends to be magnanimous with his offspring. If the Sun is powerful. Such a person can be overly generous with someone he loves while he can be selfish and arrogant with people who are out of favor. He will like to have non-vegetarian food. "political families". His mother's elder brother can be of high status or connected with the government.Simha = Leo Surya rules a natural house = swabhava ofenemy Shukra Values are surprisingly selfish. Such a person is also usually proud of the possessions that he owns. wealth may be delayed until one is much older and/or difficulties surrounding money are encountered throughout one’s life. You know what the public wants.Values . and how to profit from this knowledge. Such a person uses his power and authority to make more money. A person with a second house Leo tends to play favorites with his resources. Children will follow in parents' profession when Surya is good. Leo: Wealthy. opposed. You are very smart in financial affairs and your major objective may be to attain financial and material possessions to insure your security. You strive to accumulate material resources and have a natural concern for long term financial security. wealth from self efforts. family and home. The Sun denotes self-esteem. L-10 Mangala in bhava-2= May be a highly public (10) and energized (Mangala) Teller of Tales who can suit the facts of the world to one's own financial (2) purposes. India-PM 1966-1977. earn by his own efforts. gets name and fame. Such a person usually expresses power through financial matters. or public service. but in an "enlightened self-interest" style. Meryl Streep . attention-hungry Karkata native. If such a Surya disability develops. (Note the official royals all have a strong value-confirming Surya. Naturally. the native may develop a self-righteous (Ravi) style of acquisitiveness that is selffocused. Bush USA VP.P. political activist Gloria Steinem Tom Hank s(actor) Zubin Mehta Paul McCartney USA Pres-43. As a child. in which the only acceptable behavior of family members is that which directs praise and applause upon the center-stage native. taking pleasure in sharing the wealth If Surya the brilliant and confident karaka of Truth should become compromised by unfortunate association. a curator of lasting values. California 3-time governor Jerry Brown USA Pres-3. Thomas Jefferson India-PM 1966-1977. who wishes the public to see one as the most valuable person in the family. Surya and the L-5 should be strong to give a lineage-royalty result. The performance skills based in face and voice (2) are ego-developed in this validation pursuit.) Angelina Jolie . Jr. graciously sensual. the Karkata native strives to be validated as the most brilliant member of their lineage. Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes . Grant PM=India Jawaharlal Nehru = double = lagna + Chandra UK-Duchess Camilla Parker-Bowles Archbishop Desmond Tutu St. This high valuation (2) of performance-for-applause may account for the preponderance of actors and politicians (Simha) who have Karkata on the radical lagna or Karkata-Chandra. story-teller H. Long (Gov Louisiana) USA Pres-18. Ulysses S. The creativity of the family line may be stifled by a dominating. George W. it may manifest in a wealth culture of exaggerated entitlement or boasting. Childhood drama is followed by the adult concern to be socially confirmed as having "royal value".Julia Roberts Lisa Marie Presley entertainer Katie Holmes = double = lagna + Chandra Luciano Pavarotti Keith Urban (musician) journalist.financier Donald Trump theosophical writer. nevertheless they expect (demand) to be treated like little kings and queens within their families. Blavatsky Centrality Entitlement Ego The best treasury-collecting style = Shukra = balanced in judgement. and politicized rather than oriented to intra-family shared pleasures. opportunistic. Although difficult graha in bhava-2 may create additional complexity or oppression. 1980-84 Indira Gandhi Huey P. intolerant. Al Gore. sensitive to beauty. should they get it wrong. and engineering. So yes. Your plans are practical and workable. You’re precise in speech. Should you have planets there it will describe more of what kind of writing or type of writing the person maybe drawn to. sisters or neighbors. He may even write books in a foreign language. For this reason those with a third house Virgo will tend to worry and become anxious. A third house Virgo produces a nervous mind. letter writing. unless he has very strong indications for a long life. becoming rather self-critical that. writing. computer science. It would be adversely situated from both of its signs. Mercury rules concepts such as writing. You can be fussy about inessentials that matter little. computation. journeys and short trips are meticulously planned and organized. thinking. You can be sentimentally attached to people. and a tendency to brood over the past. He will be . a person with a third house Virgo critical of brothers. the fact is that one’s thinking is determined by a mind which likes to have things right. It will be 6th from Gemini and 3rd from Virgo. to think and communicate in a correct and precise way so that those one communicates with will find full co-operation in what is said or written. which is naturally ruled by Gemini which also is ruled by mercury. there would be a fondness. So you worry a lot. Also look at any aspects to the planets of the 3rd. and neighbors. however. then they will not be able to co-operate with others. there can be apprehension about the future. In the presence of a third house Virgo. one with Virgo covering the area of Communication will always worry about getting it wrong. and neighbors. This does not mean that all those whom have a third house Virgo will be inefficient when it comes to communicating ideas through rational thought. Now if Mercury is under the malefic influence only and has on it no influence either by aspect or by association of benefic planets. speaking. be remembered that the severe affliction of both the 3rd house and its lord. 3rd House Virgo: A third house Virgo suggests a strong emphasis on writing and communication. He will be well behaved and will earn through the goodwill of friends. letter writing. He will also be interested in writing and languages. sisters. If this Planet happens to fall in the 5th house in the sign Scorpio. Virgo is ruled by mercury. may result in the premature death of the native. Since there is a presence of a third house Virgo. in mathematics. you are precise in speech. because the Virgo tendency is to have things working perfectly. The problem here is that. read and learn. Journeys and short trips are meticulously planned and organized. It simply means that there will be some area of the life in which one will worry about getting it right and stressed out when having to deal with things in that particular area. Here the planet Mercury becomes the lord of the 12th and the 3rd houses. you are precise and economical in your communications. This sign suggests an inferiority complex centered around communication skills. You can be overly critical of brothers. You have a tendency to correct other people's speech. It highlights the need to talk. It should however. critical of brothers. and the formation of ideas. and the formation of ideas. They are. Mercury in such a position would naturally harm the prospects of the 12th and the 4d houses. these ideas always being practical and workable. Virgo: The native will excel himself in analysis. discuss. In the presence of a third house Virgo.Virgo in the Third House. the evil denoted by the 3rd and the 12th houses will be completely destroyed with the result that the yoga will give extra-ordinary affluence and would make the native a millionaire indeed. However. that others will think them illogical and somewhat inefficient. more particularly because it would be occupying Scorpio-an inimical sign as well. sisters. As you grow. and forming ideas that usually go into minute detail. especially in the early years. and the 12th and the 3rd houses are also devoid of benefic influence. These natives are precise in speech. Also. these ideas always being practical and workable. and still you'll be critical of their ideas and try to improve their way of thinking. particularly Mercury. critical of not only those who come in contact with him but of himself also and will be given to bouts of depression. The younger brother/sister of the native will be well behaved. Mercury, the owner of the third is also the owner of the twelfth house. The native will travel from time to time and live away from his home. He will be in a profession where he may have to communicate with persons abroad or those living in jails, hospitals or asylums. Mercury will not be a good planet for the native, or his children. It will be neutral for his father. It will be good for his mother and for his elder brother/sister. It will be excellent for his younger brother/sister. On this basis, when it is placed in a good house from the ascendant for any of these relatives or the native, the prospects will be damaged for the affairs of that house if it is adverse for that ascendant, and enhanced if it is good. For clarifications see Aries under the second house. Virgo: Expert in scriptures, intelligent, helpful friends, liked even by enemies, full of anger, devotee & God fearing. Kanya Rasl being the 3rd Bhava, will confer on the native a taste for Sastras, mild anger, good character, many friends, concern for guests, devotion to devatas and Guru. Sahaja Bhava 3- Mental Process- Kanya = Virgo Budha -Mercury: Mental Tasking rules a natural house = swabhava ofBudha. Mental health tends toward chronic internal argumentation. Can a placement of severe depression should Shani cast drishti into bhava-3. Depending on Budha's astrological condition, Karkata's thinking process tends to be highly analytical with an attitude of victimization, or a sub-narrative of unfairness and conflict. the native is detailed and categorical in writing style, and Karkata may surprise others with the size of their working vocabulary. the native has a strong capacity to organize one's own schedule, so that the typical Budha-driven workload of many meetings and continuous small-group social engagements can be managed. Karkata is a good business administrator, media producer, narrative publisher. Self-earned income (3) can be generates from books, movies, and other publications featuring the native . Karkata possesses good mental skills for staying on the surface of issues communicatively while expressing emotional engagement. Always a friendly handshake. (Helpful in politics!) Disposition of 3rd-from-Chandra will tell more about siblings; bhava-3 from radix lagna can signify team-mates and co-workers. Sharp, analytical and systematic organizational skills for small-group process: facilitation, ongoing conversation, etc. Very skillful in media production and publication activities, both the script-writing side and the business administration side. Sharp and detailed management of public relations. Libra in the Fourth House. When Libra falls in the 4th house, Venus becomes the lord of the 4th and the 11th houses. If Venus be in the 7th or the 12th house, the native is over sexed, for the reason that both the 7th and the 12th houses are houses of sex and enjoyment of the bed, and Venus as the lord of the 4th house represents a mind saturated with sex. If Venus and Rahu are situated together in the 12th house, the mother of the native dies of some chronic disease, for Rahu a malignant planet not only acts like Saturn and harms Venus, lord of the 4th house, but also harms the 4th house too by its aspect. 4th House Libra: A fourth house Libra makes a person balanced in terms of home and family. He focuses on the domestic arrangement by maintaining the balance in the family to make the home environment harmonious and peaceful. The early years in the home environment indicates happiness, comfort, and loving care. The native’s relationship with his family members is very strong reflecting his need to maintain temperance and balance among family members. The native usually comes from a happy and secure family background, that enables him to blossom early in life. This placement indicates a strong partnership between the parents and the children. This bond is maintained throughout the life of the parents and continues with the children. The native feels the desire of championship during the last years of his life. He spends the last years of his life in a comfortable and secure environment. The house made by the native with fourth house Libra reflects his taste, art and creativity. Such a person can become a successful interior designer. He possesses a creative and an innovative approach, especially when it comes to building a comfortable place like a home. Such a person enjoys being surrounded by nice things for his ease and sense of beauty. A person with a fourth house Libra may change his residence from time to time. It is likely to occur more out of personal reasons and necessity. They do not like anyone questioning their freedom of choice. The home for a native with a fourth house Libra can be for a family gathering and social entertainments. A fourth house Libra indicates a comfortable and secure life in the closing years of a native’s life. Social and public affairs may be prominent in the family life. A fourth house Libra indicates a fortunate background and family life. Such a person is brought up in a secure, happy, comfortable and beautiful environment. His home is a point of balance in his life. Such a person is inclined towards decorating his abode with beautiful things. He likes his place to be filled with congenial and entertaining people around. A fourth house Libra suggests the native’s need to get connected with his roots. He wants his own possession and home where he can feel free and emotionally secure. Such a person is very peaceful and quiet in the later phase of his life. In his younger times, he might be restless and vacillated. Libra: Calm and peaceful nature, good conduct, educated, prosperous, happy continence , wealth and prosperity. Libra: The native will have an equable, and friendly temperament. He will be humourous, well educated and learned. He has a strong sense of family ties. His house will be well decorated. He will have a good collection of art objects. His mother will be good looking, will have elegant taste and will be fond of perfumes and jewellery. She will try to keep balance and harmony in the house and will be house proud. The owner of the fourth house, Venus, is also the owner of the eleventh house and will therefore be a significator for the longevity of the parents. A powerful and unafflicted Venus will make them live long. Venus, being the owner of the fourth house, will influence the mind. If afflicted it will make the native sensual. If Venus is connected with the fifth, seventh or the twelfth house, the native will be oversexed. Libra: Libra influencing fourth house suggests that you need home and possessions for your emotional security. You may appear quite and peaceful but you experience inner restlessness and uncertainty until you are well settled in life, home is the balancing point of your life. though you appear very quite and calm. You want your home to be attractive and beautifully decorated with a congenial environment. When Libra is the 4th Bhava, the person will be happy, interested in performing good actions, intelligent, full of delights, clear-headed and wealthy. Bhava 4 * Thula = LibraShukra rules a natural house = swabhava ofChandra. Home, upbringing parents, family, security, education Negotiator of security needs a gracious, balanced-designed home property usually white, pastel, or pale in color may practice diplomacy, bargaining, or contract-making at home pleasant females in the home and homeland Whether male or female, this native takes a wifely, help-mate, partnering role at home. For Karkata lagna, bhava-4 is ruled by Shukra ( Enemy of Chandra) ; therefore, some complications along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life, due mainly to human sensuality. Shukra + Chandra = "spoiled" patterns of emotionally triggered sensual indulgence. Sweetness in the roots of home and homeland. Karkata takes delight (Shukra) in the parents and their home. A pleasant childhood is usually provided. Although general a positive placement for sensual happiness via ownership of non-moveable wealth (shelters and lands) + moveable shelters (vehicles), some combinations spell loss. Common patterns of property loss through "champagne taste on a beer budget" = Shukra occupies 12th-from-4th (3); Shukra = neechcha (Kanya); or Shukra = asta (moudhya, combust) . Strives for diplomatic balance in matters of home and family. Likes to negotiate on matters of national, local, and home-based security. Depending on Shukra's condition, tend to have tastefully decorated homes where they enjoy entertaining guests. Like to share their extended family feeling of security and trust, inviting neighbors and colleagues into their gracious homes. Quality and location of home is very important, and decor must reflect balanced color, style, and design. Careers (7) are built through home-based entertaining, building support through gracious living. Shukra ( Enemy of Chandra) rules bhava-4, therefore expect some complication some complication along the path to achieving the deepest physical and emotional security in life. Selected placements: Shukra (auspicious) = (Malavya Yoga) or favors the acquisition of luxurious estates, palatial houses, and highly expensive vehicles. Shukra = sweet relationship to the parents, tend to acquire wealth via lands and shelters, a gracious entertainer of local folk. Marvelous placement for the home-based partner of a politician or ascending business executive. Chandra (uchcha) in 4 = auspicious, = deep rotted relationship to one's ethnic peoples, parents, customary practices. A splendid, nurturing parent. Surya (inauspicious) = selfish parents who crave attention but fail to give back. A sterile home life. Scorpio in the Fifth House. The planet Mars becomes the lord of the 5th house (a trine) and the 10th house (a angle), and as such it gives highly good results, in regard to finances, power etc. If Mars is very strong the native has the capacity to rise high in the estimation of the govt. through his power of intellect and sound advisory capacity. He earns name and fame through his power of sound advice. If on the other hand Mars is weak and afflicted the name of the native suffers through his progeny. He also suffers through troubles in the belly. 5th House Scorpio: A fifth house Scorpio indicates native’s natural need for emotional attachments and romantic encounters. This need brings the native in contact with a variety of dynamic and charismatic people. If Scorpio is afflicted in this placement, then attachments with these people can produce some major troubles. Such a person fails to pick right people for himself who may be good Genius theatre of investigation. Creativity. exacting. His children will be hard working. he tends to feel love intensely once he gets involved in a relationship. Such a person is concerned about his children and family to a great extent.You like to be in contact in with a variety of dynamic and charismatic people but you should be careful while picking your friends and associates. blameless. This event often proves to be a turning point in the native’s life. As the child matures. A fifth house Scorpio indicates the need for expressing feelings and inner thoughts. This can be analysed in the manner similar to Taurus above where Venus has similar ownerships. Authorship. A fifth house Scorpio indicates a large family. if it does not have sambandha with a bad planet in the chart. There is a tendency to fall in love with those who are physically or emotionally compatible. The marriage life indicates a good partner and an abundance of offspring. Scorpio: The native will invest and spend his money without proper thought. He may indulge in some kind of unusual love affairs because of the mysterious side of his personality. it gets difficult for the native to release him (child). the subperiod of any such bad planet in the major-period of Mars will be highly troublesome. Mars is the owner of the fifth and tenth houses. This is an excellent planet for the native and if well placed and powerful. They will have little sentimentality in them. A person with a fifth house Scorpio tends to enjoy his social life immensely. The native will enjoy sports and entertainment. pursuit . can do a lot of good to the native in its periods.You are very possessive. He will be secretive and hide his feelings.You are extremely concerned and possessive for your children. However the diseases that Mars will give will not be the same as recorded for Venus. Such a person is drawn to participate in theater or acting activities to show his intensity of emotions and feelings. He may not be liked by his children and his wife and his relationship with them may not be pleasant. A person with a fifth house Scorpio tends to be intensely emotional. He likes to make random changes around on constant basis which motivate him to work more. chemicals or pharmaceutical companies. jealous and possessive in love matters. He takes his friends and love interests very seriously. goodnatured. The native will have to face unfounded and baseless charges in life. intensely emotional and sometimes jealous in the romantic affairs. they may not be as good to you as you think them to be hence sometimes these contacts may result in major upsets . A person with a fifth house Scorpio possesses a daringly creative attitude. He may develop a flair for melodrama that can be used in theatres or film productions. Scorpio: Scorpion in the fifth house suggests a natural instinct for emotional attachment and romantic encounter. However. Such a person is in love with the adventure that gives him the pleasure of being free from all kinds of responsibilities. Bhava 5 * Vrischika = Scorpio Kuja rules a natural house = swabhava offriendly Surya Romance. Performance Art.for him. lovely to look. Although the native is fickle and unstable in his thoughts. Children. introverted and determined. He must be very careful of his tendency of being over the top jealous and possessive otherwise it can lead to tranquility of his life patterns. There is a possibility of children born out of wedlock. Scorpio is a secretive sign and its placement in the house of love and romance many a times may result in clandestine or unusual love affairs . These tendencies could create tension in a serious relationship. devoted to Dharma and fond of people. Investment in these fields can reap good benefits. The person born with Scorpio as the 5th house will have children. This placement encourages the passionate side of the native that implies periodic infatuations. Other beneficial fields for investment could be vineyards. The conditions and relations with fellow workers are generally favorable and constructive. There is a tendency of getting injured while playing contact sports or engaging in equestrian activities such as jumping or racing. theatrical performance. Jupiter although it owns the 6th house is in the last analysis some what though not much benefit in effect due to his lordship of the 9th house. in literature. The native with a sixth house Sagittarius is fortunate in his field of work. Challenges in work keeps him on his toes and motivates him to work even more. thrill of competition. On the other hand. Such a person has a natural buoyancy regarding his job and work environment. A strong Jupiter indicates a good number of uncles. sports coaching. Likes high-energy scenes. Working for someone else should not be a problem for the native as long as the demands of ability and capacity to produce do not exceed. Kuja gives sexual prowess. Success in political campaigns. A person with a sixth house Sagittarius lacks energy and needs to follow a a healthy measure of sleep to maintain vitality. The native cannot tolerate monotony in work and needs as much variety as possible. Depending entirely on the condition of Mars. Such a person seems to be lucky on the job. They are natural tantrik healers. A sixth house Sagittarius indicates problems related to hip.Ketu afflicts the fifth house of children and creative genius. The general health of the native will be good since he is adjustable and positive in his thinking. stretch marks or steatopygia. The native possesses great judgement skills that keeps him away from potential dangers. usually accommodated by Karka lagna's deep love of family. especially the eldest One. He needs to believe in what he is doing and enjoy doing it. muscular competitive strength. The native has a tendency to eat or drink more if he is not finding the job interesting. Some aggressive behavior from children. Sagittarius in the Sixth House. Tendency to over eat or drink can lead to health problems in the area of digestion. children's sports. promotion of creative works.but Karka lagna has plenty of energy to harness due to Mars' lordship of the personal-creativity house. Fortunate circumstances often center around the work place. The children are is muscularly strongbut also very sensitive psychically. tendency to over-work and over-excitement can also cause serious depletion of health as a result of mental-emotional strain. Exhaustion will occur if the native spends . politics. The eldest child's body image perception may be confused: on the one hand. Ketu contributes a mystical detachment which can result in a fundamental ambivalence toward the body and its care. The Karkata native is raised with an active (Kuja) even dominating but also ambivalent (Ketu) approach toward asserting one's personal intelligence and creativity. A sixth house Sagittarius indicates that the native has a tendency to overwork and over-extend himself in work.performance arts of inquisition and control Dynamic self-expression finds a wellspring of energy for self-promotion. Whereas. For Karkata lagna. thigh and buttock such as cellulite. This placement provides the native with a wiry yet healthy body. and a joy in movement. the Self may express in an elegant or crude way. If Jupiter is weak it indicates some lasting loss from some Brahmin enemy. 6th House Sagittarius: A sixth house Sagittarius makes the native optimistic that helps him to overcome the troubles in the workplace. or performance arts . The native should spend sometime performing activities that can bring him close to the nature such as walking in the woods. the wife of native is long lived. Give the impression (true) that they were. Capricorn in the Seventh House. of course Mars and Saturn are under benefic influence. or unbalanced food combinations. or eating erratically. for Venus feels very happy and strong in congenial atmosphere in the house of enjoyments (12th). elimination issues. Sagittarius: The native will trap animals. 4th from 7th) unless. His children will do well in their schools and at examinations and will be wealthy in life.The Karkata native will tend to have few real enemies. Sagittarius: Enmity with general public and he will be a cheat. Over doing of any activity should be avoided when possible. A strong Saturn. His maternal uncle will be a truthful and just person who will be very frank in his opinions which many a time people may not like. and their friends will outnumber their enemies. Saturn becomes the lord of the 7th and the 8th houses.e. but generous and abundant Guru who rules the evil 6th house assures through his positive "gifting" character that Karkata-1's good qualities are never forgotten. even if Mars be aspecting the 7th house from the Ascendant. Too much food. for Saturn the significator of longevity himself becomes the lord of the 7th house-the house of wife. trying to do the right thing when in fact they chose the wrong path. Jupiter is the owner of the sixth and the ninth houses. Bhava 6 Dhanusha = Sagittarius Guru -Jupiter:Wisdom Expansion Enemies. in their own misguided but honest way.a prolonged period of time or efforts on one monotonous job. He will be forthright with his subordinates and persons who come in contact with him. of course. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Gemini above. Jupiter is the ruler of this sign which signifies expansion and extension so you may have a tendency to over work or over extend yourself in your work. The sub-period of Saturn is not beneficial. Outcome depends as always on the condition of Guru. His wife may travel over short distances frequently and stay away from home. You may have health problems in the area of digestion because of a habit of over eating or to have an extravagant taste of food and drink. Saturn as the lord of the 7th house makes wife a very hard working lady. for both Venus and Saturn are . It may on the other hand be very harmful. One may be unpopular at times. Such a person gets highly frustrated when he is not well since he lacks the patience required in the recovering process. He may take up a profession concerned with teaching. She may work in a hospital or asylum. She is also full of anger as she has Saturn as the lord of her Ascendant and Mars as the lord of the house of her mind (i. of course. Debts/Finance. but their good works tend to balance out their errors. particularly in the Dasa of Venus or vice versa. the legal field or the stage. This makes the wife of the native harsh in speech. Disease Health can be compromised by abundance. indicates long life for the wife. This person makes their share of mistakes but because they forgive others quickly. She generally does not belong to a very high family unless. Sagittarius: The influence of Sagittarius on the sixth house shows that you are very optimistic and buoyant attitude which helps at your work place. They get into trouble during periods of the 6th lord just like everyone else. can give longer-term indigestion. His way of talking without mincing words sometimes offends people. by association or aspect. they are also easier to forgive. Saturn has on it much benefic influence. He can also have troubles in his thighs and hips and parts of the body in that region. He may travel in connection with his job but would be the happiest at home. If Venus is located in the 12th house. He may suffer from diseases of the liver and pancreas. He tends to marry late in life and often for status. There is a tendency to feel restricted by the duties and responsibilities of wedlock or of any partnership. Capricorn: Short-tempered wife but is faithful and trust-worthy. If Saturn is powerful the native's spouse will be long lived. This placement indicates that marriage will be approached with caution and prudence. His career is of paramount importance to him and does not like anyone’s interference in his professional success. vocational possibilities. The native is drawn to those who are old enough to discipline him and provide the golden key that will make him earn some degree of recognition in life. A person with a seventh house Capricorn seeks a partner who needs his nurturing support and possesses solid earning and high-prestige. The native will be less emotional and more practical towards the idea of marriage and life long arrangements. The elder brothers/sisters of the native will gain in property matters through him and undertake short journeys for educational purposes. Such a person likes to be around older. A weak Saturn will make the native sickly. The native will only get married if this can be efficiently meshed with his ambitious drives. Capricorn: Capricorn influence on the seventh house produces a need of supportive. A seventh house Capricorn indicates delay or postponement in marriage. Considerable benefits can come through the marital partner by opening channels into social situations. The spouse will talk little but rudely. The native can be shy in forming public relations. The owner of the seventh house is Saturn which also owns the eighth house. Capricorn: The spouse of the native will be greedy. but has a great hold on all affairs in life. crowded places tends to frighten him due to which he does not like to remain in a crowd for a very long time. Marriage partnership may be for status and security as much as for love. Marriage may be for status and security as much as for love. conservative and powerful kind of people.The mate should be able to give motherly feeling and be supportive and responsible. However. but he will be hard working and a person of the world. The prospects of partnership are excellent because the native is highly discriminate and would not bother to enter into partnership unless he gets a right person. As far as business partnership is concerned.malefic and adverse/planets for Cancer nativities according to the basic rules adumbrated by Maharshi Parashar. The native shares a very nurturing relationship with his partner. responsible and nurturing partner. rich and hard working. a seventh house Capricorn denotes that partnerships will be valuable when carried purely on the basis of hard work and dedication. The spouse will be from an ordinary family and will look up to the native for guidance. You are very cautious and restraint . The native will marry late in life. in business an industrious and serious partner. However the family of the spouse will continue to have a prominent place in the life of the spouse. The spouse will be taciturn and will avoid company. He does not take hasty decisions when it comes to entering into a sacred bond such as marriage. It is likely to take place later in life or to someone older. 7th House Capricorn: A seventh house Capricorn denotes that the person will be shy and reserve in forming any kind of partnerships. He tends to be reasonable and cautious at the same point of time. Bhava 7 * Makara = Capricorn . The difference in age between the native and his spouse will be big. Both of them are mutually supportive to each other and to other close ones. not very quick and impulsive in forming partnership. Such a person is cautious and restraint while choosing a partner for himself. Such a person is likely to carry more than his share of responsibilities. hard hearted and unreliable. and business planning. The native with this placement is a dreamer and tends to live in his fantasies. unless Saturn has benefic influence on it. contracts. these folks dislike adversarial conflict. equality. Pernicious anemia is one of the most serious complaint of the native with this placement. piled up with duties and schedules. legal discussions." ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. The wife of the native is generally harsh of speech. Such a Saturn is not conducive to wealth. Outcome depends as always on the condition of Shani. while the Ascendant or the sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth is Karkata. Capricorn or Aquarius be descending or Saturn's Navamsha be descending. They like to talk. advising. Problems related to heart can also cause health difficulties. emotionally ignored. Marriage. Intimacy problems. 'endure' is the key concept. Risk of accidents is usually high. not to argue. including marriage. Such a person is full of independent and original ideas.Shani rules a natural house = swabhava ofgood friend Shukra. Balance. Life’s mysteries and universal laws interest him a lot. but due to it's simultaneous lordship of the 8th house it becomes a malefic planet. with Shani lord of 7. law courts. the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be that Saturn. Despite their tolerance for meetings and party talk. Contracts. On the other hand. deals. His feelings and emotions are restricted to a confined area that he creates for himself. all types of advising are somewhat difficult and tedious. . justice Marriage expectations are dominated by a profound sense of duty and respectability. If Saturn is weak it gives bad results in regard to finances. Divorce is uncommon (unless Shani is damaged). birth control etc. The reason is that both Saturn and Venus are enemies to Moon the lord of the Ascendant. partnership. agreements. such a person understands human needs very well and possesses a modern and enlightened ability to express himself in this regard. 8th House Aquarius: An eighth house Aquarius indicates that the native is strongly inclined towards spiritual side of his life. Does well to marry an elder or deeply conventional spouse. agreements. Spouses look respectable in public but often there is limited sensual and emotional vitality in the marriage. Saturn becomes the lord of the 7th and the 8th houses. However. "The female born will murder her husband if the rising Trimsamsha or the Trimsamsha occupied by the Moon be that of Saturn. Spouse can be made into a workhorse. An eighth house Aquarius indicates that the death of the native may be caused through some blood related diseases resulting in improper blood circulation. during birth. A person with an eighth house Aquarius tends to have orthodox views on sexual matters. If Saturn is strong it gives long life as it is lord of the house of longevity and also because it is the significator of longevity. rather than a primary drive toward personal intimacy. Does better with an older or more conservative spouse whose self-image is also invested in public role-playing. Naturally if Shani is not well disposed. He is surprisingly liberal in dealing with sex related issues such as abortion. and they will compromise in order to avoid legal disputes. 24 Shloka 11 If at woman's birth. her husband will be an old man and a fool. If Saturn is weak and afflicted the man can be disgraced by his own wife. 80. the marriage alliance might not be perfectly lawful nor entirely easy to endure. particularly in the Dasa or sub-period of Venus. Lawful approach to matters of contractual obligation. treated as a fixture in public life. 4 Shloka 48-56 "If. the woman will get an old fool for her husband. as Saturn by virtue of it's lordship over the 7th angle ceases to be a malefic." ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. shloka 22-25 Aquarius in the Eighth House. ~~BPHSCh. On the whole. You may have very unorthodox views on sex. E. An adverse Saturn will make the wife of the native behave dishonourably with the native. spouse may have a good formal education which contributes status if not money toward the native 's career. A powerful Saturn will make the wife of the native come by money and may be legacies. The native has the potential to overcome the difficulty caused due to unstable or inconsistent situations that initiates fundamental changes in his views. secret matters. He will suffer loss due to fire and will have to work very hard which may also be the cause of his death.'s career. normally being surprisingly liberal in this regard. But in practical life he never realizes it. His 10th house signifying the spouse's education . while L-8 Shani is rising yuti Budha and Shukra . being Saturn is also the owner of the seventh house. G. the native being a dreamer always fantasizes about fortune.is strong in both radix and navamsha. One's partner contributes less land and wealth into the marriage . in-laws. healing. Aquarius: The Aquarius influence on the eighth house gives independent and original ideas regarding life's mysteries and universal laws. who is usually prepared for almost anything in life. The owner of the eighth house and the significator of longevity being the same. Bhava 8 * Kumbha = Aquarius Shani + Rahu rule a natural house = swabhava ofMangala (!) Joint assets of marriage. The native will suffer from boils etc.43= example of the Karkata-1 joint-assets in marriage situation. taxes. if the native 's 10th-house is favorable. Aquarius: Emotional and nervy. Bush .g. the spouse earns less money and brings less material wealth into the marriage from her birth family. taboos. There is a strong likelihood to benefit from partner’s money through wise investment.perhaps ideologues or eccentrics. birth control and abortion. His own transition to the higher planes tends to be quick.As far as inheritance is concerned.)Rahu adds an exotic twist so that the spouse-partner may affect the joint assets in peculiar way. depending on Shani's condition and Rahu's. Aquarius: The nature and productivity of the investments made by the native will be similar to those under Capricorn above. However. mystical approach towards life and death.Such a person may experience erratic conditions when the time comes where the native has to dispose the goods that he had accumulated during his life.indicators of intelligence and beauty.although. therapeutics. The owner of the eighth house. Whether or not the spouse helps the Karkata-1 native's career (and they usually do). W. will make the native long lived. tantra Joint financial assets of marriage are subject to considerable stress due to the extreme behavioral difference between the co-rulers Shani and Rahu. The native's children will keep changing their residences. Complications or old debts could result in the loss of anticipated benefits. gets legacies. religious. and have a modern and enlightened ability to express yourself in this regard. the spouse may be helpful in promoting public identity (8th house is 11thfrom-10th. spouse's contribution to joint assets is normally gainful for career. The natives habit for keeping strange secrets is a source of his inspiration and revitalization. W. You understand human needs well. especially where the element of an unexpected nature is usually present. if it is powerful. The in-laws are also rather odd people . he may become the beneficiary of inheritance of small amount as compared to his dreams. Thus his lovely and articulate but repressed-from-Shani wife Laura Bush. these new circumstances are unique and surprising even for the native. You have a surprisingly strong interest in the spiritual side of life. and succumb to it in somebody else's house.. The spouse . brings valuable non-monetary assets into the marriage which smoothly advance G. toward the management of emergencies. Jupiter in the Ascendant makes one religious. Mixed signals operate in the relationship to the spouse's family(in-laws). If Jupiter is in the 2nd home. Their defensive hard shell doesn't easily permit a healer to enter their private psycho-physical space. the native is apt to deliver speeches in the public on religious matters. For Karkata lagna. Such a person may never travel vast distances physically. emergencies. and other regenerative therapies. His Inspired insights helps to solve many of his life's major problems. marital wealth. but experiences adventures of the mind and the imagination. A person with a ninth house Pisces may choose to study or travel for artistic purposes.is normally from a family of lesser social standing. but the native or the spouse's family may interrupt(Rahu) the steady development (Shani) of marital wealth acquisition by imprudently taking out monies for secret. A ninth house Pisces tends to have deeply felt convictions about his religious ideology and may make some sacrifices for it. Such a person is drawn to codified thinking that has been formulated by others who share his views and opinions on important issues. The native requires a well planned travel itinerary. 9th House Pisces: A ninth house Pisces provides the native with a natural desire to investigate the philosophical tenets and perceptions.) Normally it's difficult for the Karkata-1 native to access deep healing such as psychotherapy. and more contact with the conditions of death during any dasha period of Rahu or transit of Rahu-Ketu through the Simha-Kumbha axis. He is inclined towards the study of psychic and occult. This position indicates long journeys and visits to foreign lands. and regarding secret knowledge collections (8). The native with this placement seeks satisfaction and can go to any extent to obtain philosophical truths of life. Naturally there will be more upheaval in the spouse's family. but there is always a possibility for unknown conditions to enter and require a change of schedule or other unforeseen circumstances that have to be dealt with. His financial condition will always be able to fulfil his desires for travelling. the spouse's family history is nevertheless subject to sudden emergencies and upheavals due to passionate behavior of the family members. The native is curious to know the motive of live and its existence on earth. If Jupiter is weak one suffers suddenly through his enemies. and secret knowledge. risky or impulsive ventures. While overall a socially stable group with definite goal-orientation. A ninth house Pisces give native several opportunities to make overseas voyages. more emergencies on one's life. There is a . Such a person often has difficulty coping with the practicalities of travel and study A ninth house Pisces plays a major role in developing the sense of religion in the native. therapeutic massage. Religion plays a dominant role in his and helps in establishing his belief system.This placemen indicates idealistic and visionary philosophical attitude of the native that he follows throughout his life. but although he will be well-informed he will not take it very seriously. Rahu co-lord of Kumbha afflicts eighth houseof spouse's family. and in-laws may prove quite difficult (because inlaws bring in past-life karma. Pisces in the Ninth House. Spouse's family will be ideologically rigid and culturally unusual. In the net result Jupiter is slightly beneficial for the reason that the 6th house is not as bad as the 9th house is good. The best form of transportation would be by sea such as cruise. Jupiter becomes the lord of the 9th and the 6th house. The joint assets of marriage(8) are materially well connected and scientifically managed. Such a person conducts his study with fervor and usually ends up making necessary sacrifices to complete his study. You want to know the purpose of your existence in this world. Your attitude towards philosophy of life is very imaginative and idealistic . Professor. They will also cause some expenses to her and may later get estranged from her. He may like travelling and may visit abroad. Thirdly it will be in angle and. Charmingly pure . Secondly it will be occupying its sign of exaltation which will add to those beneficial results..Jupiter:Wisdom Expansion Ceremonial Religion.e. Natural trust of religious authorities and very little urge to test their principles against other religious systems.e. Divine Law The inspiration and consolation of Religion is easily accessible to Karkata-1 natives. Aries in the Tenth House. Priesthood. Bhava 9 * Meena = Pisces Guru. Father. strong and consequently more favourable. The owner of the ninth house is Jupiter here which is also the owner of the sixth house. the inherited values of their family lineage. University. Wisdom. If Mars occupies the 7th house i. goes to pilgrimages and serves the poor and saints. a planet of affluence and power. The native’s psychic senses are very acute and often reaches a depth that brings unusual religious experience. may be abroad. The native will have trouble in his business and with regard to his wealth from his enemies if Jupiter is weak. the native is likely to have very adverse relations with his father. The younger brothers and sisters of the native's wife will go away and settle elsewhere. Pisces: The influence of Pisces on the cusp of the ninth house suggests a philosophical attitude and a strong association with religion. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Gemini or Sagittarius in the sixth house in Chapter Four. There are many reasons for the beneficial results of Mars of the type stated above. Pisces: The native will be pious and a linguist. Capricorn and is not under any malefic influence. ruling powers and those of the 5th house i.tendency to be drawn to the mystical side of religion or become involved with ceremonies or rituals. the aspect of Mars will fall on Aries-it's own sign with the result that the prospects of the 10th house i. . harbinger of affluence and power. your intuition helps you solve many a life's problems.Karka natives have no desire to question their beliefs.e. His father would have influence on him due to his honesty. religiousness and artistic abilities. Parents and nearby society display religious values clearly during their childhoods. about the beneficial results of which the author of "Dev a Keralam" opines: that a person born in "Kahal" yoga becomes a general or a minister and draws 7 thousand as salary according to the opinion of Ishvara. If such a Jupiter is associated with a planet that is malefic for the chart. due partly to their privilege of staying within a religiously homogenous culture for most of their lives. Guru. they prefer to accept. with devotion. However as always if Guru is compromisedthere may be less happiness in the dharma. Religious teachers and beliefs. Forthly and most important of all..e. it constitutes "Kahal" yoga. Mars becomes the lord of the 10th and the 5th houses. Mars becomes a Raja Yoga Karaka planet i. childlike faith. the powers of advising the people and the government would be boosted.e. and a strong but compassionate moral framework supports early ego development. Heart-centered. By simultaneously owning an angle and a trine. the Temple. Pisces: Endowed with sons and prosperity. First of all Mars is a Raja Yoga Karaka in this case.if sometimes naive. i. therefore. An easy faith arises in their lives. This is because his parents will be extremely demanding and dominating. police. cement. Such a person might lose a parent in an accident. Road and bridge construction holds numerous financial opportunities for the native. Such a person is usually successful in defense services. Such a person also likes to grab attention in order to promote something of his interest. they work really hard towards their profession and career. A person with a tenth house Aries might also threaten other people with his aggressiveness. Such a person finds it difficult to attract suitable marriage partners. Such people believe that they should be the best at what they can do. armed forces. status and wealth on the native. Some people like to work alone and behind the scenes. this shyness totally disappears once such a person is on stage or in public view.10th House Aries: Mars is the Lord of Aries. Such people want to make a name in whichever career they select. concrete. But. and painting. Hence. Once you are establish in a profession or business you work hard to achieve the best in your field. and the various trades associated therewith such as brick-making. factories. The native's father will be rash with his wealth and may go in for wrong investments. shops. The tenth house Aries implies that the person may be involved in the construction and mechanical businesses. Career that might be suitable for a person with a tenth house Aries include surgery. offices. or surgical career or will be engaged in physical activity. carpentry. Mars is an excellent planet for this ascendant and if Mars is powerful and well placed in the horoscope it will confer power. Mars is thus the owner of a triangular house and an angular house. Mars as the ruler of Aries is the ruling planet of matters of tenth house. It indicates the involvement in all forms of building like houses. Aries: Cruel. police services. . A tenth house Aries suggests that you will have great success in a courage-oriented job. But interestingly. etc. The native will be inclined to commit bad deeds. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus in the fifth house. without mercy. He always wants to remain in the gossip and in the public eye. civil services and medical occupation. promotion. The owner of the tenth house here is Mars which is also the owner of the fifth house. drive and ambition to attain name and fame for yourself in whatever career you select. irreligious. drive and ambition. manufacturing and sports. Aries: The native will prefer to go in for a military. This is because his focus and attention will be on some other thing which he might be interested in. building. He may also find some success in the timber and forestry businesses. not liked. and criticise others at their back. talks ill of others. A person with a tenth house Aries directs his natural energy towards his career. all the qualities that Mars possesses can be related to a person with a tenth house Aries. Hence. Such people are usually ambitious and want their work to be recognized. determination. A person with a tenth house Aries is mostly in a dispute with one of his parents. A person with a tenth house Aries can also join journalism and some work related to metal. Aries: The influence of Aries on the cusp of the tenth house shows a determination. the native will attain his ambition. A person with a tenth house Aries is extremely shy in his personal life. Such a person also likes to work alone or run a business rather than working for someone or with someone. Such a person is always ready to charge out and compete when it comes to profession and career. A person with a tenth house Aries is usually impulsive and hence might choose a wrong profession at an early age. is the planet of action. a person with a tenth house Aries wants the other people to know what he is doing. A person with a tenth house Aries loses the father in an accident. The native's children will succeed at qualifying examinations. They have a hunger for recognition and want to make their mark in this world. Mars is assertive. athletic. He will aspire to reach the top of his profession and if Mars or the Sun is powerful and well placed. A person with an eleventh house Taurus does not make too many friends. Long hours. Such a person has a very special place in the hearts of his friends. and a warrior's stamina in battle all facilitate a strong leadership position. Such a person’s interest is not just money and possessions for the sake of wealth. or his house is destroyed. theaters. He is also over sexed. He is a good organizer who can easily manage group activities. With Kuja as the 10th lord. and be a credit to the mother who raised them are all factors that support high levels of career development for Karkata-1. Hence. Such a person can gather the dreams of different people and give them a practical application. If Venus is located with Rahu in the 12th house one is separated from his house. The basic goals of a person with an eleventh house Taurus include making money. This makes it easier for a person with an eleventh house Taurus to socialize. Venus in its Dasa and the sub-period of Saturn would cause physical trouble as well as financial stringency. competitive ambition. He enjoys the company of his friends and visits places like art galleries. Venus ceases to be a benefic by virtue of the fact that it owns the 4th angle. or a variety of other pleasurable pursuits. In such a case Rahu. He can be easily trusted without any doubt.Bhava 10 * Mesha = Aries Kuja rules a natural house = swabhava ofShani. Since it also owns the 11th house it becomes a malefic as defined under the rules of Parashar. If such a person commits himself to a relationships. museums. Such a person is a stable member of any group or club that he joins. Karkata-1 native generally has access to hearty reserves of physical energy necessary to build a professional reputation. compensate for a lesser-earning spouse. a comfortable standard of living and security in the society. ability to get along on less sleep. A person with an eleventh house Taurus does not have big dreams. A person with an eleventh house Taurus has warm and long lasting friendships. such a person is very popular in the society. Such a person usually takes help of his wealthy friends in order to complete some work or achieve some goals. vigorous public activities. the Planet of separation would not only be afflicting Venus by its association but would also be throwing its 5th aspect on the 4th house of which Venus is the lord. If Venus is strong one is blessed with a high class vehicle. Such a person socializes a lot with his friends and is mostly interested in visiting places of creative interest. But. 11th House Taurus: A person with an eleventh house Taurus is ideal for working in a group. but also their deep need to provide for their families. A person with an eleventh house Taurus sometimes depends on his friends in order to achieve his goals and objectives. stable and wealthy people. there-by separating the native from the traits of the fourth house. The goals and objectives of such a person are usually related to day to day activities and everyday living. they are more practical and easier to achieve. Not only is the ego (L-2 Surya) generally wanting to exemplify their family's values in society. the friends that he chooses will be permanent and enduring. A person with an eleventh house Taurus is usually attracted to artistic. Hence. Depending on Kuraja's strength. such a person learns a lot and can easily amass wealth and other financial resources. A person with an eleventh house Taurus is a dependable ad a loyal friend. Such a person’s friends are usually artistic. Such a man may have to leave his place of birth for good. Instead he wants to gain a sense of security and status to overcome a basic insecurity. he will . Such a person also chooses his friends very carefully. Taurus in the Eleventh House. Karkata-1 natives have plenty of energy to invest in career development. Due to this. and usually land-owning classes of folk. only a handful will be close to him but friendship with them will last for the life time. voice = Rishabha. hair. income-earning friends. They truly enjoy socializing although not with everyone but rather with the familiar. and selfindulgent people. mouth. the owner of the eleventh house here is also the owner of the fourth house. He will profit by dealing in immovable property or vehicles. You may be very selective while making friends. by association or aspect of malefic planets only without the influence.W. sister or a close friend of the native will suffer from enemies or urinary.do anything to keep it warm and healthy. Bhava 11 * Vrishabha = Taurus Shukra rules a natural house = swabhava of Shani. Taurus: The native will mostly have female friends. and by lending money and earning interest on it. the configuration would create "Vipreet Raja Yoga" for the native who will as a . If Mercury is located in the 5th house. The native's elder brothers/ sisters will have their maternal uncles and female enemies prominent in their lives. satisfies aspirations through friends. Shukra's natural sensuality brings Karkata-1 into the company of attractive. Unless Shukra is fallen in Kanya (which can bring serious trouble with women and intoxication) Karkata-1 enjoys the company of many well-meaning and generally well-heeled denizens of one's friends-and-family social world. along with their 11th bhava of voluntary friendships and gainful marketplace associations. Hence. artistic and stable so that whatever time you spend with them can become rewarding and pleasurable. G. and those possessing beauty of face. land-owning lifestyle and their old. Both of these are bad houses. Seeks the company of (11) the wealthy. eye or kidney trouble if Venus is weak and badly placed. Bush-43 = rising L-11 Shukra lord of uchchamsha Rahu-11 displays his easy social connections which include a physical-image appeal to a wide range of constituencies. Gemini in the Twelfth House. He will be rich and a proficient agriculturist. wealthy. the knowledgable. The personal hopes and wishes of such a person are connected with financial interests. progressive increase in income and profits and receives help from elderly persons. establish a secured situation and a good status. Taurus: Gets many helpful friends. Your friends may call on to help you attain your goals. Venus. The native will gain through women. He will generally not have a large circle of friends. Venus rules Karkata-1's 4th bhava = home and rhythmic patterns of settled life. accumulate a comfortable standard of living . He will gain property and vehicles. Karkata folk love their settled. habitual. Mercury becomes the lord of the 12th and the 3rd houses. Taurus: The influence of Taurus on the cusp of the eleventh house suggests a materialistic approach associated with the goals and objectives of life. and is under the influence. You want to make money. Such a Venus will also be a strong significator of death for the father of the native. You want your friends to be well to do. The native will get admission to the educational institution he aspired to join. by association or aspect of any benefic planets. eyes. He is very effective in the handling of his finances. most of the friends of a person with an eleventh house Taurus are his business or professional acquaintances. and he will undoubtedly seek those who are like him in this respect. and his practical and realistic approach should help satisfy these hopes. ranging through the very rich and adventurous (Rahu) to those who constantly talk (Budha) to the very poor and fearfully conventional (Shani). The elder brother. 12th House Gemini A person with a twelfth house Gemini enjoys exploring the realms of the subconscious mind. This does not only imply to verbal communication but also written or any other sort of communication. A person with a twelfth house Gemini can also be related to fiction built around tragedy or the misunderstood people of the world. A person with a twelfth house Gemini has a very curious mind and is thus apt for such fields. A person with a twelfth house Gemini often finds it very difficult to remain near his brothers. for the badness of the horoscope would be destroyed. Such a person is most favourable for research and technical experiments. A person with a twelfth house Gemini can also have some psychic abilities.There may be earnings through animals. Such a person has the ability to keep his ideas secret. Gemini . ‘Versatility is the spice of life’. Such a person also needs to learn to discriminate which parts of it are best avoided. There remains a chance that the person may feel hostility to the government or authority. Mercury the giver of quick results being the lord of the 8th house from that of the son. . You may tend to keep your ideas and plans secret and may not like to discuss your emotional problems with others. Gemini: The influence of Gemini in the twelfth house shows a tendency to operate as per instinctive urges and subconscious mind rather than emphasizing on practicability and reasonability. A person with a twelfth house Gemini has a self destructive habit of discussing his emotional problems. gain immensely in finance. such a person knows the importance of roots and security. A person with a twelfth house Gemini operates on instinctive urges and the subconscious mind. Such a person may also like to discuss his emotional problems while keeping his ideas and other plans secret. If both the 12th house and it's lord Mercury are aspected by malefic planets the life of the son of the native is cut short. He is kind of an orthodox person while doing something. But. Such a person has an urge to probe into unusual conditions and seldom acknowledges areas of experience. Such a person should try to mean what he says. Strong Mercury would give many younger sisters to the native. A person with a twelfth house Gemini has a turning inward to the subjective and subconscious reasons behind what happens to people. A person with a twelfth house Gemini faces some problems on the family front. Yet it is so difficult to get them to come out when a person is around people. sisters or other relatives. such a person provides his own impetus for growth. A person with a twelfth house Gemini does his best thinking when he is alone. According to a person with a twelfth house Gemini. Such a person can think of many clever ideas when he is left alone. with the practical mind buried beneath subjective impulses. You may not feel it comfortable while working in a group but you can produce many clever ideas and thoughts when you are alone as you do your best thinking when you are alone. Gemini: Earns through animals and hostile to the Government.result of this highly useful yoga. Such a person sometimes reveals what should remain concealed. Such a person likes to be secluded or isolated when he wants to think about something or while making a plan. Such a person is impressionable. (5th). Such a person does everything in the same old way. rather than from reason. A person with a twelfth house Gemini may limit his progress and enjoyment markedly by failure to utilize his inborn versatility and communicative abilities properly or fully. If Mercury is weak and afflicted one has to spend much on his younger brothers and sisters. Such a person should enjoy the natural youthfulness of his personality all his life. Thus. This trait will support such a person throughout his life. The Gemini association with early family affairs suggests that some difficulties stem from relations with such a person’s family. In spite of their gentle and emphatic nature. and honest friends. They will always long for the comforts of home and familiar sights. they are capable of thinking and acting with vigor. Brihaspati does not like the adolescent upstart Kumara! The meditation and inner sanctuary house is somewhat disrupted by Budha's ceaseless chatter. The owner of the twelfth house here is Mercury. Vyaya bhava is also the house of bed pleasures and other private sensual enclosures. Karkata-1 enjoys foreign travel and may. bed pleasures might become overly mentalized. or walking through ancestral properties. He will travel inland extensively and will live away from home from time to time. take up residence in a foreign land during Budha's periods. Karka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant): Characteristic tendencies : These natives are very sensitive and intelligent. chatting by the fireside. They typically marry a partner who surpasses them in age or overall maturity. If Mercury influences the fourth house. They are sexually flexible and open-minded. always indicated by the L-12 and graha within Vyaya bhava. He may not have younger brothers or sisters or he may not be social with his neighbours. which is also the owner of the third house. The native will be capable of detailed planning and research. they can be kind. Body-calming meditation and spa-type deep relaxation are too isolated for most Karka folks. Highly emotional and often psychic. Though Cancer natives are often unlucky in marriage. the native will keep changing his residence regularly. At their worst. Karka folk may never completely relax. given their love of family and friends. they prefer to relax in the sanctuary of the home. Bhava 12 = Mithuna = Gemini Budha rules a natural house = swabhava ofGuru.Gemini: The native's enemies will be under check. they are attached and devoted to their children and family. tend to be adolescent or quite young people of either gender (or mixed gender) with articulate and charming conversation skills. if Budha is strong. supportive. at best. smells. and sounds. they can be somewhat stingy. . he will spend a lot on marriages and will always try to speak the truth. Karka folk have a very active imagination but given their Shani-restricted 7th and 8th houses. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Virgo or Pisces in the third house. Rather. they love pleasure and tend to acquire possessions. but they may sometimes be nervous or easily stressed. However Budha ruling house-12 means that the imagination engages the bodily senses. Enemies of the marriage. Kuja rules Livelihood Lord of House 11 is .Guru rules Enemies Lord of House 7 is .Budha rules Help Lord of House 4 is .Budha rules Loss .Kuja rules Children Lord of House 6 is .Sani rules Partner Lord of House 8 is .Ravi rules Wealth Lord of House 3 is .The Lord of Houses if your Lagna is Karkataka Lagna (Cancer Ascendant) Lord of House 1 is .Sukra rules Desire Lord of House 12 is .Sukra rules Comforts Lord of House 5 is .Chandra rules Health Lord of House 2 is .Sani rules Longevity Lord of House 9 is .Guru rules Fortune Lord of House 10 is . 9th. Mars. 10th and 11th houses Saturn: 3rd. 2nd. 9th. death. Merc. obstacles Jupiter Ninth gurus. Sat Sat. 10th. Domain Natural Lord Temporal Lord Domain Natural Lord Temporal Lord 1 Kuja Chandra 7 Shukra Shani 2 Shukra Surya 8 Kuja + Ketu Shani + Rahu 3 Budha Budha 9 Guru Guru 4 Chandra Shukra 10 Shani Kuja 5 Surya Kuja + Ketu 11 Shani + Rahu Shukra 6 Budha Guru 12 Guru Budha Rashi Benefic Malefic Neutral Yogkarka Maraka Badhak Cancer Moon. 6th. 5th. 8th. Note that bhava-3 and bhava-9 are especially harmonious with natural and temporal lordship matched. 9th. 10th and 11th houses Mars: 1st. Sun Mars Venus.Good Placement of Planets for Cancer Ascendant: Sun: 2nd. 10th and 11th houses Jupiter: 1st. and 11th houses Moon: 1st. hardship. 5th. Jup Ven. 2nd. 3rd. 11th and 12th houses Cancer: Planet Houses Ruled Signified Themes Mercury Third Venus Fourth Venus Fourth & Eleventh Saturn Eighth longevity. 5th. 4th. 7th. long-distance travel (writing and drafting) vehicles. 8th. 9th. 5th. 2nd. while bhava-5 and bhava-11 also enjoy high compatibility of the house lords. 4th. spirituality. 9th. social life) Karkata Lagna Friendly and Non-Friendly Domain Lordships domains with planetary animosity between natural and temporal lord are marked in yellow Karkata lagna produces some extremes. 2nd. Moon. 3rd. 11th and 12th houses Venus: 1st. conveyances friendships (fulfillment.. 7th. 4th. mentors. Merc 11th lord . 7th. 11th and 12th houses Mercury: 2nd. 4th. 10th. 4th. Jupiter and Moon are auspicious for Cancer ascendant. Mangal is capable of conferring a full-fledged Yog and giving auspicious effects. Guru and Chandra are auspicious. the Moon and the Sun are neutrals. Mangal.Venus has a dual role of malefic to do evils. Kuja is a yogakaraka for Karka lagna as he owns a kendra (10) and kona (5). This means Saturn(lord of 7th and 8th) and the Sun (lord of 2nd) are Marakas. Saturn and the Sun are Killers but they give effect as per their association. Saturn and Sun are Maraka planets. Sun is Dwitiyesha. Cancer Lagna: Mars. These are the effects for those born in Karkataka lagna. but are capable of doing good or bad as per their relationship with others. Other than the Sun the rest can cause death. the auspicious results are stated to be obtained by the native. Jupiter and the Moon are auspicious. Jupiter is also termed as auspicious planet.S. being lord of Kendra (the 4th house Libra is Mooltrikona sign) and also lord of 11th house (which is Badhaka sthana for chara Lagna) . in spite of his lordship of 6th (the Mool trikona sign) Perhaps because the most benefic Trikona is 9th and Jupiter is closest friend of the Moon (Lagna Lord).CANCER – M.B. is defected with Kendradhipati Dosha. Kataka – P. being the lord of the fourth house and Kendra house. but they give effects not independently.V.Sastri For those born in Karkataka lagna Budha and Shukra are malefics. according to their associations. the better being Mars as he is lord of the 5th and 10th. which is why it is Markesha.Kedar Mars. Sukra and Budh are malefics. Kuja and Guru are benefics. Venus is also not auspicious . Sani and Surya are killers and give effects. Grahas/planets and Kark(Cancer) Lagna. Venus and Mercury are evil and Saturn. Jupiter is . Saturn here is Saptmesha and Ashtamesha. Even Venus. Kataka (Cancer).N.Raman—Jupiter and Mars are benefics. Cancer Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic – Shanker Adawal Benefic. does not become a Maraka. Y-9. are capable of conferring a high class Raja Yoga. and to a lesser degree the Sun. Venus and Mercury become a Maraka for this Ascendant.There will be bath in Ganges in the major period of Rahu for a native having Jupiter in 11th. 5. While Mercury proves fruitful. Jupiter and Mars together in a sign or otherwise connected. Venus and Saturn Mars can confer Raja yoga single-handed. Sun in Aries whilst Moon is in Ascendant. whilst Jupiter and Moon occupy the 11th. whilst Saturn and Rahu are placed in 5th along with Mars. loss of wealth will occur in the major periods of Sun and Mars and gain of wealth in major periods of other planets involved in this yoga. Mars.Mars. 1. Saturn in Libra whilst Moon is in Ascendant.Mars and Jupiter a High class benefic Malefic. Rahu and Jupiter are placed in 5th whilst Saturn is in Ascendant. but only if he’s posited either in Leo or Gemini. Planets for Cancer Ascendant – Karaka and Maraka Yogas for Cancer Ascendant Y-1. Y-4. Raja Yogas Powerful and strong Raja Yogas arise for the Moveable signs when they become ascendants coupled with the following Yogas: Cancer Ascendant Jupiter and Moon in Ascendant. Cancer: Yogas from Bhavartha Ratnakar etc.Lordship over country and great courage would result if Jupiter is in Ascendant. Y-6. . the native will become wealthy and fortunate. Jupiter and Venus are in 9th. (Sun and Venus in 1st and 9th house will seldom occur). with Sun and Venus in Scorpio. whilst Moon occupies the 10th and the 3 planets Sun. the native will undertake pilgrimage. 2.In Saturn’s sub period occurring in major period of Jupiter. but being a friend of Moon and the lord of the ninth house gives good results. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio.Venus in 2nd or 12th of Cancer Ascendant confers wealth. Venus can also be a benefic. Venus in 9th house. Lagna Karka: The friendly planets are the Moon. Y-8.Sun and Mercury in Ascendant (Cancer). 4. Y-7. if in his nativity. Sun in 10th and the 11th is occupied by Moon. 3. Jupiter and Moon are in Leo. Venus and strong Mercury. Moon in Ascendant whilst Jupiter is in Capricorn. Mercury confers fortune during its dasa. Jupiter. Y-2. Jupiter doesn’t cause any yoga. If Mars. Y-3. not for other Ascendants. Sun. Y-5. Mars is a yogakaraka.Shashtesha and Navemsha. and even more so if posited in either of his own houses. also denotes good wealth. Jupiter and Moon in 2nd whilst Sun and Venus stand in 5th.Mercury.Mercury becomes a yoga Karaka if both Mercury and Venus are found in the 5th house.The stay of Sun and Mars in Aries denotes good wealth. even as lord of 2nd.Good wealth is indicated for the native of this Ascendant having Mars in Ascendant. Sun. The Sun: A. and are well educated. If Sun and Mars are in Aries. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in Ascendant will make the native famous and fortunate. . Cancer (Karkataka): Sun: The Sun. Cancer types put their soul into their communications. while other dasas will be good. 11. 7. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. If the Sun is weak. Lord of 2nd house. The Sun is generally neutral for them. Saturn is in Libra. Surya L-2 from Karkata lagna Great pride in one's face. in their life priorities. Death results during the Jupiter dasa. Moreover he is friendly to the Lagna lord Moon. wealth and reputation and there may be disturbed marital life with difficulties to the spouse. The finances improve. giving good earning capacity and ruling powers. When there’s a combination of Sun and Mercury in Ascendant. the native becomes bankrupt during the Sun dasa. If Mercury. brings about trouble in eyes and separation from the family. He will not take responsibility of killing the individual. hair and one's collection of valuable assets. even though having lordship over 2nd house. yet he does not kill the Cancerean. A strong Sun blesses them with status. 10. also give good results. Venus and Moon are in Gemini. Since Leo is the mooltrikona sign of the Sun and sits in the second house. and Saturn and Rahu are in Scorpio. A well-placed Sun brings status and income to the person. good eye sight and wealth. if afflicted. B. the native will always be wealthy. then there can be loss of status. so Karka rising is predisposed to put self and family lineage first.As lord of the second house a strong Sun gives benefit from the government and in appreciable measure. If weak then worries from wife. Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Aries. Sun being a friend to Moon. and Moon-MarsJupiter in Taurus. The Sun with Mars in the 10th house gives much wealth but Dasa of Jupiter will kill the Cancerean person. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus. The blemish of Maraka does not occur to the Sun. then the signification of the second can be enhanced and therefore the person's family can have wealth and affluence. 12. the result is a maha rajayoga and will definitely make the native a king. the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa. Sun. and education. including treasuries of wealth and knowledge.6. as ruler of house 2. or father and bad eye sight. It can signify great vitality and a good marital relationship. political prospects. When Moon is in Ascendant. Sun: 2nd lord if strong then gives high rank. 8. Moon-Sun = L-1 + L-2 Surya-Chandra are the 1-2 lords. They speak with power. Venus in Libra. or Sun is in Aries. rajayogas are produced when either Mars is in Capricorn. Venus dasa will prove fortunate. The Sun although the lord of the 2nd house. The Sun rules the second house that gives power for financial earnings. 9. voice. is a planet of speech. loss of wealth. Yet it can give great expenditures and material responsibilities. The Sun by owning the 2nd house (a Maraka-sthana) becomes simply neutral. There can be harmony in family life. displeasure from Govt. eyes. wealth. If weak it harms financial prospects. historical traditions and language capabilities. The Moon is auspicious as the lord of the ascendant. wealth management. food (2) and speech and the mouth . Therefore. gatherer. inventories and warehousing. (1994). the Karkata native is somewhat disposed toward to accept public roles and professional leadership responsibilities in storage and collections. the house of wealth. antiques. Example environments include: banking . song. pride. They are often leaders within their families. it will be better if Ruby is worn along with Pearl which is the gem stone for the lord of Cancer Ascendant. which they can also become exponents of. mouth. Kapoor. Kapoor notes (below) a combination of pure Ravi-ratna with flawless Soma-ratna for the Karkata lagna native will assist in evoking Karkata-1 's subconscious imagery of positive vitality and radiant good health in the eyes. 88 "In the birth chart with Cancer (Karaka) Ascendant. Ranjan Publications. shopkeeper. Gems and Astrology. archivist) record-keeper. language specialties. story-telling. dentistry. The second house is also a Maraka house (house of death). one's food." Moon: The Moon. As Dr. It shows that for Cancer types their soul and emotions are closely linked. gems for Surya may help strengthen the positive expectations which will assist with overall healing. historical knowledge. Remedial Ratna for Surya . hoarded wealth. art and music collections. the lord of Cancer Ascendant. wearing a Ruby will prove very helpful. Ravi controls Karkata-1 's family-of-origin relationships. New Delhi. face. music archives. The lord of ascendant. S. Surya karaka for rational self. Sun is also a friend of Moon. Sun is the lord of the second house. p. esp. recorder of images of beautiful things (photographer. This affords them a great sympathy and sensitivity that may render them passive or influenced by social trends. and hair. may have a pronounced effect on the ocular health. are naturally important to Karkata natives. historical records etc. speech therapist and public speaker and singer. The beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period and sub-periods of Sun. curator . art collections. and all varieties of hoarding and accumulating. is the planet of self and basic orientation in life. Moon gives only good results. memory and historic conservation. Their heart is in human feeling and emotional considerations are very important for them.and awareness of the Divine intelligence within every human being. If there is loss or lack of wealth or trouble in eyes on account of the unhappy disposition or affliction of Sun in the chart. barns and silos. the bhava representing the right eye. soul.Manika = pure Ruby Dr. teeth. Career Because Suryais a karaka for career and public recognition. Surya. being a karaka for the eyes as well as the lord of bhava-2. G. as ruler of house 1. If Surya is not well-disposed in the nativity or perhaps Ravi is enduring a difficult temporary influence such as oppression by gochara Shani or the Vimshottari period of an enemy graha. . food and seed storage.Matters of bloodline descent and ancestral values. memory. language. arts librarian. and Ravi = L-2 for Karkata lagna. The phases of the moon bring about weakness quite often. if associated with Mars will give good results. In 8th for adventure and sinful deed. C. Native is comfortable with boating. historical records etc. weak body constitution or diseases of the body. In 4th for mother and motherland. in 6th for servant. E. If. and therefore many Cancer ascendants are famous. in their life priorities. low class. if not combust. A strong Moon blesses them with affluence and recognition. Lagnesha Chandra infuses the Karkata native with emotional sensitivity and deepens the natural connection to the parents. In 3rd for siblings and neighbours. Cancer ascendants nevertheless have a volatile nature because of the constant changes of the Moon. The Cancerean person is much attached to the significators of that house where the Moon is situated. conspiracy. Chandra .Moon is always the lagnesha Chandra's position will make or break the success of Karka lagna folks. B. The person will be attractive yet can give the body extra plumpness or heaviness. Matters of bloodline descent and ancestral values. defective blood etc. sympathetic and emotional. so Karka rising is predisposed to put self and family lineage first. or losing its strength due to transits over malefic planets. if weak then ill health like chest pain. the Cancer native can suffer from mental illness. The Moon with Jupiter in the Lagna makes the Cancerean native famous and fortunate. and honour. it gives bad health. the emotional impact is greater. defame and opposition from the public. D. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra must be studied closely to gain a clear profile of this native. high expenditure and love to read and so on for other houses.Being lord of Ascendant. Wherever Moon placed in the house shows that person will love the Karaka of that house like in 2nd house then person will love his/her family (Kutumba) and bank balance. however. The Moon when well placed for the Cancer ascendant protects the immune system promoting good health and vitality. Mars in the 7th or the Sun in the 10th house will give rise to Raja-yoga results. However. cousins. well aspected and strong then give highly benefic results. Chandra L-1 from Karkata lagna Moon-Sun = L-1 + L-2 Surya-Chandra are the 1-2 lords. If the Moon is weak and badly aspected. Moon: Lagna lord. Since the Moon changes signs every two and half days and being the lord of the ascendant. . it is weak. whether it is waning. In 12th for fond of sleep. and life near the sea shore. are naturally important to Kataka natives. The well placed Moon in this chart gives the person affluence and recognition and makes the person charming and personable. The Moon: A. if Moon is away from Sun by more than 72 degrees and is well aspected it boosts wealth. The Moon being the Lagna lord is a benefic for the Cancerean. fishing. Chandra will show the style and direction in which the life force wishes to travel. trouble in chest and diseases of the blood. The Moon gives the power to influence the masses. Moon. The Moon in the Lagna and either Saturn in the 4th.The Moon is the ruler of the ascendant. They are often leaders within their families. antiques. The Moon. They are extremely sensitive. Shukra. In fact it is the best planet which bestows Rajayoga to Cancer ascendants. if Chandra occupies Vrishabha (Taurus) in labha bhava.but so much stronger when lagnesha is Chandra. p. goals. It gives bad results only when it is deeply debilitated in ascendant. as ruler of houses 5 and 10.Should Chandra be exalted. love of fine foods and drinks. and other benefics will contribute their own measure of talent and capability to the life. if Chandra occupies Vrischika (Scorpio)where He is fallen. New Delhi. Yet Karkata-1 pays a price of permanent inner turmoil. . in parivartan with his lord. Yet. This birth is outwardly fortunate. and celebrations. The stronger Soma's traits the strong Karkata-1 's performance in his specialty. circumstances must be beneficial. or 9. accomplishments. Mars is very auspicious and gives Raja Yoga. the lagnesha Chandra has amplified powers. This person has a wonderful team spirit and will be wellliked even if other planets cause distress. lord of the psycho-mental field. Ranjan Pub. in own sign. Vrischika Moon may press Karkata-1 into a self-obsessive state that yields great scientific discoveries. When lagnesha occupies the bhagya (fortunate) houses 1. and hostility in the family. artistic sense. Kapoor. Mars give best results to Cancer. networks.." Mars: Mars. but they can be too self centered and brash (Mars). occult authors) but this condition may deprive the individual of deep inner peace. Yet as a natural malefic can still cause harm. Karkata lagna Remedial Ratna for Chandra Moti = pure natural Pearl Dr. Mars is the most beneficial planet of all for it achieves Raja Yoga status. It rules intelligence (fifth house) and the career house (tenth house). the fallen Moon causes moodiness (to the extreme of bi-polarity). in putra bhava. gives great power. (1994). 93 "For the Cancer Ascendant. or transcendent tantric achievements. or in kendra. the individual may find that their creativity and self-expression seeks the dark side. free from mental disturbances and will improve finances. and the marketplace suggests that this native will be well-known in their community for traits of beauty. they are extremely motivated and usually rise to the top of their field. the Karka lagna native will enjoy worldly success. one has many friends and good business intuition. There is a journalistic fascination with the negative psychology of other people's lives. it's the Yoga Karaka. financial stability. However.emotional implosion.. internally disastrous. psychologists. which is not necessarily a bad thing for society (often makes healers. Female friends will provide many valuable opportunities. Lord of 5th and 10th houses. It will make life smooth. Cancer types need to marshal their energies and act with force and discipline in order to succeed in life. The Pearl will ensure good health and long life. Despite his wealth this native will suffer all the self-destructive instincts which accompany any lagnesha in 8th-house . Gems and Astrology. and in the 8th house [2nd-from-7th] we expect this wealth to come through the first spouse. Moon is lord of the Ascendant. Lagnesha Soma in Dhanishtha Nakshatra in Randhra-sthana would bring the wealth always associated with Dhanishtha Moon. By contrast. works of penetrating art and literature. S. G. uchcha Chandra in bhava-11 gives connections. Guru. For Karkata-1 of this Ascendant. Pearl will prove very beneficial and they should wear it throughout their lives. 5. Fourth. Such a benefic Mars will increase the significations of the house wherever he occupies or aspects. USA Pres-3.e. 7th or 10th house will give much progress to the Cancerean. if strong then excellent result otherwise weak Rajyoga. D. weak health and short temper. Seventh or Tenth) then it gains status becoming a Yokakaraka planet. winnings. If Mars is posited in lagna. A benefic Mars will boost the Cancer native's career and enhance their vitality and good fortune.Mars: Being 5th & 10th lord will be Rajyoga Planet & highly benefic. B. fifth or ninth) and a kendra house (First. if it is strong Mars placed in Cancer in Ascendant. kona and Kendra houses lord makes him Yogkarka.eventually . industrialist. Mars: A. it is not debilitated because it is 4th from 10th over rasi. leadership roles. entertainer. C. yogakaraka Kuja has the power to bring fame. Mars in the Lagna although Neecha yet gives good results to the Cancerean. even though in its sign of debilitation should be considered as strong for the reason that. Mars as lord of 5th (trine and 10th (kendra) houses becomes an unsullied Yoga-karaka. In this connection refer to conditions of NEECHA BHANGA RAJAYOGA. If strong will denote excellent results. Kuja L-5+ L-10 = Yogakaraka from Karkata lagna From the baseline of Karkata lagna. and . Neechcha Kuja residing in radical lagna usually gets neechcha bhanga and becomes very beneficial for public recognition (10) through vigorous. A weak Mars causes professional setbacks. Mars.public dignity. Mars in the 10th and Jupiter in the Lagna will make a the native a king or likes. it is well placed from both of its sign i. A strong Mars blesses Cancerians with well placed father and executive authority. Jr. Mars for Cancer lagna is lord of 5th and 10th house.Being a lord of Angle and Trine it is very nice in its Major period and Sub period provided of course. E. The Mooltrikona sign of Mars is Aries which is in the tenth house and this gives the person executive power or position of authority and blesses the person with happiness from the father. Mars becomes a Rajayogakaraka. Mars even alone in the 5th. it is fourth from Aries and ninth from Scorpio. the most beneficial planet for the Cancerean. Al Gore. otherwise evil if aspect by malefics. USA Sen-VP. When a planet owns a trikona house (first. Rajyogkarka. Lacking courage or initiatives. self-defending competition in politics and entertainment (5) . Thomas Jefferson horror fiction writer Stephen King (film production and literary industry) esoteric writer-teacher Alice Bailey(literary and intellectual entertainments) Problematic in bhava-2 = may be a highly public (10) and energized (Mangala) Teller of Tales who can suit the facts of the world to one's own financial (2) purposes. Mars for Cancer Ascendant when posited in Lagna or for any lagna Cancer sign is in debilitated sign is beneficial provided however its debilitation is cancelled. For Cancer Lagna. Mars owns the 5th and the 10th houses and becomes Yogakaraka according to Slokas 6 and 7. Mars has a great influence in the Cancer chart because it owns the fifth and the tenth house with Aries the mooltrikona sign in the tenth. . politician. Mars in the 1st house being debilitated is not so bad because it is 4th from 10th house. i. Highly beneficial. or adventurer. Makes a famous sea captain.e. the person suffers from impatience and difficulties with the father. According to Sloka 12. ill placed from both its signs and as such will harm both 12th and 3rd house leading to gains. he gives results for the 3rd house. If Mercury and Venus are in the 12th house the Dasa of Venus will give rise to Raja-yoga results. good fortune. intelligence. shows their tendency towards loss of energy and mental power through too much emotion. If Mercury alone is in the 5th house the Cancerean becomes a very wealthy man in his Dasa. it is placed in the 5th house under malefic influence it would greatly harm the traits of these evil houses and would thus give highly nice results in the financial field. results will prove more beneficial. Mercury as lord of the 3rd and 12th houses becomes not only a great malefic but may also behave as a Maraka planet for the Cancerean. as their alliances may be more based upon sentiment than true affinity or business sense. Since Mercury. the ruler of houses 3 and 12. W. honours and success in their professional career. the third house (short travels) and the twelfth house (foreign countries) can indicate travel. If posited in 5th house & PAC with malefic & benefic then gives a person Crores of rupees in its dasha / bhukti or if placed in bad house and under malefic influence then give good results but bad for sibling. If Red Coral is worn with Pearl . Kapoor. The beneficial results will be more pronounced in the major period of Mars. Mercury. it would be third from Virgo and Sixth from Gemini. G. If the planet Mercury is strong. Mercury: A. He can also kill the individual without any hesitation. Gems and Astrology. Mars being lord of the 5th a trine (trikona) and 10th house quadrant (kendra) is a very auspicious (yoga Karaka) planet. however." Mercury: Mercury. Lord of 3rd and 12th Mercury is the most functional malefic to Cancer ascendants. Therefore he is finally inauspicious. It is generally inauspicious. If aspected by friends of Moon it mould also give nice results. C. Ranjan Publications. p. so it is bad and will give the result of 3rd house. D. (1994). mooltrikona sign of Mercury enhances courage and initiatives for the Cancer person helping the stability of the person who is already . Mercury represents excessive traveling. S. Mercury is inauspicious for owning the 3rd house. but for Karaka purpose it is malefic. i. Again by owning the 12th house. Mercury: Being the lord of 3rd & 12th house. New Delhi. fame. G. Bush financier Donald Trump Remedial Ratna for Karkata lagna flawless Red coral = munga Dr. B. If. They may also suffer losses through friends. It is a troublesome planet. the gem stone of the lord of Cancer ascendant.Being lord of the 12th and third houses of the horoscope Mercury is a malefic planet according to the principles of Parashar. Mercury as the ruler of the third and twelfth houses gives difficulty from siblings through jealousy. If it is worn always by Karkata-1s of this Ascendant they will be blessed with children. name.India-PM Indira Gandhi USA Pres-43. If Mercury and Venus are in the 5th house the Dasa of Mercury will give rise to Raja-yoga results. then the third house Virgo.e. It should be noted that when Mercury is in Scorpio. 96 "For the Cancer Ascendant. Mercury (youth) ruler of the third can represent younger siblings. Budha yields improved results after age 32 = the age of maturity for Budha Vimshottari periods of Budha =challenges to clear thinking. if Mercury is in his own sign in the 3rd and 12th Emerald can be worn. displeasure of Govt. if at all necessary. the more good results of wealth. therefore. bothers them on account of miseries to younger brothers and sisters as also on their own initiatives. Kapoor. unless Budha is quite well disposed or there are good occupants in bhava-12. profession. S. Budha is not a beneficial graha for Karkata lagna. New Delhi. there is the ability with benefic Mercury to be more constant and consistent. Budha L-3+ L-12 from Karkata lagna Budha =L-3+L-12 for Karkata lagna and Karkata Chandra. So rather than changing ventures and being dualistic in lines of communication. Ranjan Publications. Gems and Astrology. it causes a lack of courage and a lack of vitality and initiative. Jupiter is generally auspicious but at times can function negatively as lord of the sixth (particularly when several malefics are in the sixth). Moreover. Mercury is lord of two inauspicious houses. However the Karkata native is not a philosopher but rather one's mentality is looking for short-term advantage (3) and opportunity for bedroom sanctuary (12) or indulgence of articulated fantasies (12) bhava-3 is an upachaya house. as ruler of houses 6 and 9. Karkata-1 has natural administrative ability. If weak. p. Jupiter here will give good results over all. is generally chatty. be not advisable for natives of this Ascendant to wear Emerald. Both day-to-day mentality and the meditative imagination are busy and superficial. G. (1994). The Karka native tends toward shallow. Moon. religious mind. shows their basic ethical nature and sympathy even towards enemies or foreigners. Jupiter: Lord of 6th and 9th house will give mixed result. it shows losses through them. in the major period of Mercury. Especially successful in publications business such as bookstore or media advertising. tendency to over-mentalize Ruling two unfavorable bhava. Excess of emotion over good fortune may cause problems as well. 100: "For the Cancer Ascendant. It will. the results of which improve with time.influenced by the ever-changing emotional Moon. Jupiter rules the sixth and the ninth giving them a drive for justice and truth this often draws them to careers in politics or law. However. short-term thinking. In middle age and beyond. Weak Mercury has the opposite effect when weak or afflicted. Remedial Ratna for Karkata lagna Budha-ratna = Panna = pure Emerald Dr. The repetitive transit weakness of Mercury and weak natal Mercury. & un-religious mind etc. the 3rd and the 12th. Can be a graha of business success due to bhava-3's bhavat bhavam signification as a house of selfmade wealth. The mooltrikona sign of Jupiter falls in Trik 6th house. Karkata-1 may develop good writing skills if Budha is strong. Jupiter is lord of 6th and 9th houses. The person is prone to nervousness and there is trouble with younger brother and sisters. is an enemy of Mercury. . If strong & well placed then gives good result for wealth. " Jupiter: Jupiter. the lord of this Ascendant. but if it is weak then it will give loss of wealth. and loves to strike up a conversation about any topic. Jupiter as a lord of 9th houses generally give good result by transferring bad results of 6th house to another planet on the principles already discussed above. The more strong it is. but tends toward ostentatious show of social ceremony. Karkata-1 is a sincere humanist who may be a wonderful teacher esp. the Cancerean will be very successful in all of his efforts. A weak or afflicted Jupiter affects the health of the person making one prone to bad health and to disputes as well as having hidden enemies. If weak will indicate displeasure from Government officers and Non-religious etc. Diseases of overeating and misuse of religious funds. illness. religion will be realised. and debt. Guru L-6+ L-9 from Karkata lagna Ruling both the mega-dushthamsha bhava-6 AND the mega-bhagya sthana bhava-9. which is already volatile for the Cancer ascendant. debts and problems with the male child as Jupiter signifies children. ideally according to a sacred scripture. Guru can be an especially difficult graha for Karkata nativities in which Guru = L-6 from both radix lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance): Karkata radix lagna + Karkata Chandra Jawaharlal Nehru. B. If Jupiter is in the Lagna and Venus is in the 9th house. Overspending on costume.profession. Jupiter as lord of the 6th (Moolatrikona Sign) and 9th (Trikona House) is only a partial benefic and not an Yoga-karaka planet for the Cancerean person. Jupiter owning the 9th house is auspicious but is blemished for owning the 6th house. Brihaspati gives very mixed resultsfor Karkata lagna. Overconfidence (similar to neechcha Guru). practicing in your own home. the house signifying health and constitution. trying to appear of higher rank. hence always gives mixed results. W. Katie Holmes Karkata radix lagna + Thula Chandra Karkata Chandra + Thula lagna Mahatma M.43 However Guru as L-6 can function as a divorce agent Guru in bhava-6 loves religious culture. Gandhi Vimshottari periods of L-6+L-9 Guru = often an end-of-agreement phase in relationships However the very same period of Guru is often spectacularly good for religious knowledge and spiritual practice. The best path during a Guru bhukti is nearly always some form of worship. Jupiter: A. service. Karkata-1 is prone to mix sincere religion with deep corruption G. But finally he is somewhat auspicious as the 9th house is the strongest Trikona. A strong Jupiter blesses them with good physical health. of the underprivileged. A well placed Jupiter can enhance and protect the health of the Cancer person. Since the mooltrikona house for Jupiter is the sixth. One will be nourished by attending religious services. Priestly energy is consumed with caring for the lower classes. Jupiter: Jupiter is very slightly good for this Ascendant as the Mooltrikona sign of this planet falls in the sixth house an undesirable house. If Guru is yuti lagnesha Chandra. . then it is important for the native to have Jupiter well placed. Bush . Jupiter can protect the native from opposition and disputes as well as protect finances. but the circumstances of one's school or temple are full of conflict. and all significatations of the sixth house. It can bring about financial losses. If strong then it gives wealth but bad for health. most of the benefits are personal and not professional. New Delhi. Mars who rules over Red Coral (and is a yoga karaka for the Cancer Ascendant) and Moon who rules over Pearl is lord of the Ascendant and both are the friends of Jupiter. (1994). It is generally inauspicious. worries & ill health. These dispositions give rise to powerful Raja Yoga s and a Yellow Sapphire will enhance the beneficial results of the yogas. This is not good planet for this Lagna and will give bad result. Venus: Lord of 4th and 11th houses. Although really. In any case. emotionally. It is their planet of sensuality and shows the sentimentality and attachment they must learn to control. lord of 11th house is badhaka. shows their seeking of property and comfort in the home life. and also taking continuing education classes in your profession. The results will be more pronounced in the major and sub-periods of Jupiter. S. wealth. If the Jupiter is in the Ascendant he will be exalted and in 9th he will be in his own sign. as ruler of houses 4 and 11. charitable and religious inclinations. Venus cannot give good results to Cancer. But in my opinion. Gems and Astrology. In Saturn MD & Venus AD it will give monetary trouble. Jupiter will be lord of the 6th and 9th houses. high education. develop your religious and spiritual intelligence physically. financially (charity tithe) and ritually. socially. enjoying the company of priests and wise persons. a Trine. This is because it is lord of badakasthanadhipati and lord of 4th house where its mool trikona sign falls. If Venus is placed in 7th or 12th house then person is over sexed and always thinks for sex enjoyment. Venus being lord of 4th ( kendra) and llth ( Badhaksthanadhipati) house is according to Parashar a functionally malefic planet. Kapoor. Ranjan Publications. this brings gains and attachments through the mother. Venus represents the love of luxuries in the home. 105 "For the Cancer Ascendant. Consequently wearing a yellow sapphire will bless Karkata-1 with good children. It often gives them gains through property or vehicles. If Venus and Rahu are together in 12th house then the mother of the native dies with some chronic disease. Besides that for movable ascendants. Remedial Ratna for Karkata lagna Guru-ratna = yellow sapphire Dr. p. Also Guru = karaka for language. Karkata-1 of this Ascendant can expect more favourable results if he wears a Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or Pearl. therefore for the Karkata lagna periods of Brihaspati reward study of the sacred languages in which the holy scriptures are written. real estate and vehicles. with Guru being L-12 from 10. It is a splendid time for traveling abroad with those like-minded." Venus: Venus. name and fame. If weak then loss of wealth also. in fact. being natural benefic planet getting lordship over angular house (4th) cannot give good results. good fortune. Guru period is so excellent for global travel that you might find yourself working less and traveling more. Jupiter is considered to be an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. G. there is often degradation of the professional status as spiritual priorities make professional ambitious look rather less interesting. Venus rules both the fourth house and the eleventh house. mentally. Being lord of the 9th.traveling to holy places. It has been seen that in the main period of Venus and sub-period of Saturn the native of Cancer Ascendant suffers physically but the periods of Venus are conducive to .this malificencc is more related to health matters and not to the sphere of wealth. Hence. Lord of 4th and 11th houses Venus cannot give good results to Cancer because. Since the mooltrikona sign for Venus is Libra. happiness and peace of mind. If Shukra is well-placed the Karkata native can expect significant wealth in Vimshottari periods of Shukra. the couple may enjoy an active social network. Venus becomes blemished by owning a Kendra according to Slokas 7 and 10. Place. Wealth via socializing. C. B. networks. socializing with the wealthy and beautiful tends to increase one's income. When weak it can be bad for finances as well. the fourth house would indicate happiness and a good relationship with the parents. Schooling. Venus will give good result and makes the Cancerean much wealthy if she is placed in the 2nd or the 12th house. Venus in the 12th house forces the Cancerean to leave his native place. Venus in the 4th or 9th house provides the Cancerean many vehicles. The female partner is inclined to be a housewife or at least quite home-loving. Thus Venus is inauspicious for Cancer lagna as per principles of Parashar but good for money matters as discussed above. Home would be important to the individual. vehicular and residential comforts. large social networks andgainful market relationships. Wealth via Home. good education. Venus: As lord of Angle it ceases to be good but as lord of 11th house it again becomes bad according to Parashar. D. yet she is gainful. Venus is a malefic. wherein Shukra represents the female (or feminized) partner.income because of lordship of the house of income. Venus: A. She may be an educator and she will take a strong interest in the children's education to insure their own income. Karkata-1 loves one's homeland and one's network of those holding similar life principles. Belongingness Shukra is by and large a beneficial graha for Karka lagna. From the Karkata lagna+ L-4 and L-11 Shukra is favorable for partnership (with partners of either gender. Venus again becomes inauspicious by owning the 11th house according to Sloka 6. E. Shukra L-4+ L-11 from Karkata lagna Money and Finance Special opportunity for financial gainprovided by Shukra = karaka for wealth = L-11 for economic wealth via marketplace gains and L-4 for wealth via owned properties. . A strong and well placed Venus blesses them with affluent and reputed parents. The Major period of Venus in Saturn and vice versa is bad for the health of Cancer people. vehicles. Feminine Partners Shukra has special importance for male nativities. bringingsensual sweetness to the schooling and'roots' experience of belonging to a place or an ethnic culture (4). principled living Shukra also brings the attributes of wealth and pleasure into one'slife principles. even becomes a Maraka planet for the Cancerean. both personal and business) with well-educated or land-holding (4) persons who are naturally gainful (11) due to being socially and aesthetically well-connected. Venus as a natural benefic being the lord of the 4th (a kendra) and 11th house becomes a badhaka planet for the Cancerean. A weak or afflicted Venus can bring about obstructions in education and troubles to the mother or the parents. shelters. but in our humble experience we have found it bad for health and not for finances. good family life and pleasures in life. A strong Venus gives the person the ability of having a good education and a happy disposition. Through her. There will be a general loss in comforts. they said. or marketplace associate . collector. Kapoor. Gems and Astrology. and generally materialistic values. Long the populist governor-senator of Louisiana and the Industrialist entrepreneur Henry Ford were accused of anti-Semitism because of their public statements against "moneylenders". obsession with money or physical beauty. G. Commonly this agent functions as a banker. p. . from the marketplace. Venus will be lord of the4th and the 11thhouses. For example. from achievements and profits. rather. New Delhi. from friendly association. custodian of items.Seva Seva can empower wealth for this native. both Huey P. or other 'cattlecollecting' behavior of Vrishabha. Karkata lagna natives sometimes voice their dislike of bankers and large herders rather vociferously. particularly mothers and children and those concerned with the environment of early childhood protection and cultural education. If Shukra is damaged. elder sibling. possessor (or re-possessor). In periods of Shukra. 7th from a changeable lagna. Difficult graha in occupation of labha bhava or Shukra drishti upon bhava-11 may exacerbate the badhaka agency. treasurer. Example of an exceptionally well-placed Shukra (in lagna in virtually all of the varga) performing this variety of Seva: Angelina Jolie Badhaka-sthana = Vrishabha L-11 Shukra = the badhaka lord for Karkata lagna(Badhakaor"harming"houses = the 9th from a fixed lagna. Remedial Ratna for Shukra: Flawless Diamond (hira) for Karkata Lagna Dr. principled support to establish secure homes and schools. 11th from 4th farmland. (1994). one may suffer peer-pressure from friends with low self-esteem. Ranjan Publications.who (often inadvertently) causes harm to Karkata-1 via addictive or excessively sensual behavior. historian. 111: "For the Cancer Ascendant. from the nature or method of setting goals.typically a female . Karkata-1 may suffer isolation or the identity is oppressed by herd mentalityor crowd movements. and 11th from a cardinal lagna. mentor. S. they simply hated the class of bankers (Vrishabha) who (they believed) were forever the ruination of the working classes. in the knowledge that this harm-causing agent is merely a projection of one's own unrealized attraction to the process of entering into new connections with people and ideas that are deeply sensual and earth-bound in nature. Prince Charles has come out against large-scale cattle operations (during the Mad Cow disease epidemic) and also against large-scale genetic seed manipulation (seed storage also = Vrishabha-2. some considerable troubles involving one's network of friendly association.) Periods of Shukra may bring forward an agent in the figure of a friend. Service targets those needing organized. Both however denied any prejudice against any race or ethnicity. Cardinal ( moveable) lagna typically has some trouble from the elder sibling. warehouser. or fall in with a greedy or pleasure-mismanaging crowd. This badhaka agent must be handled with compassion. librarian. Seva target = networked assistance via large organizations which provide financial support and arrange alliances.) bhava-11 from Karkata lagna = Vrishabha = the primary "Badhaka" or harm-causing domain. storage-storekeeper. herder-hoarder. focus and inheritance. Saturn is evil by owning the 8th house and a Maraka by owning the 7th house. Over all it is malefic planet for this Lagna. this would bring about more harm and destruction to that already afflicted planet. Their over emotionality may make them manipulative and dominating. is an enemy of Venus. Saturn usually gives good results if placed in the 3rd. A strong Saturn blesses them with a long life. it therefore becomes the most malefic planet. accidents. Saturn as a lord of 7th and 8th houses. particularly if Venus is in his own sign in the 4th or in the 11th . Saturn: A.e. Moreover. shows their tendency to relationships with those of inferior status.According to the principles of Hindu Astrology lordship of those houses does not make Venus an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. B. 7th or 8th. Since Saturn rules the malefic eighth house where the mooltrikona sign Aquarius lies. Cancer types tend to suffer in partnership. 4th. difficulties and troubles. a strong Saturn is not conducive to much wealth. Their partners are controlling. is a very powerful killing planet to Cancer ascendants. But since it gives the main results of the 8th house. " Saturn: Saturn. so it is essential that one never increases the energy of Saturn by planetary remedies. The planet Saturn is the most malefic planet for the Cancer ascendant. A weak or afflicted Saturn will bring about short life span. In this way a well-placed Saturn will promote its own signification's. the lord of this Ascendant. Saturn as lord of the 7th and 8th houses not only becomes a worst malefic. Saturn can bring disgrace or scandals (eighth house) to the relationships (seventh house). E. Saturn is the most inauspicious planet for them. Moon. It can bring about good structure. causing more misery. Saturn: Lord of 7th and 8th. On the other hand. With Saturn as the ruler of the seventh and eighth house they may find marriage and partnerships restrictive. D. A malefic if associated with Saturn also becomes a Maraka. as ruler of houses 7 and 8. Saturn: Saturn strong means long life. obstructions and troubles as well as many restrictions placed upon the individual in his or her life. If Strong then loss of wealth and if weak then gain of wealth but ill health to the native and the spouse and affects longevity. worries. who may be hard working or harsh in speech. which is one of poverty. Also if Saturn was afflicting a certain planet in the native chart and a gemstone was worn which favored and enhanced the planet Saturn. as a lord of angular house i. Still we feel that the 4th and the 11th are auspicious houses and wearing of a Diamond in the major period of Venus will prove fruitful. he can also take the responsibility of killing planet. It is important for the Cancer ascendant not to have many or in fact any aspects from the natal Saturn on any other planets or houses in the chart. This may lead them to some kind of disgrace or cause them self-examination. occasionally give good results more particularly when exalted in Libra (angular house). but also a powerful Maraka for the Cancerean. the Cancer native would have to deal with more restrictions. 7th. Thus Saturn is Maraka and evil. loss of inheritance. By doing so. manipulative and sometimes older. C. A strong Saturn makes the Cancerean person long lived. . Saturn in own sign decreases the marital happiness of the Cancerean. A strong Saturn in this chart can bring about long life. However. Gems and Astrology. For normal people with Karkata lagna a Gomedha is beyond consideration and should be completely avoided. Much discipline and necessity of accepting a lower status of the spouse. For Karkata-1. great sense of duty in providing service to the sick and poor. Marriage is burdensome from many perspectives. one may rely upon conventional public expectations as a guide to obtaining dignity and approval in the spousal role. the forecast for marriage is harmed. therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) is generally quite inauspicious unless Karkata-1 has a specific purpose for enhancing the role of emergencies and sudden. soul. Karkata-1 will often endure a classic Parashari-defined marriage structure due to Shani-ruled elderly. Partner enters the marriage already equipped with mature worldview. For the Karkata female nativity: If 9th-from-lagna and 9th-from-Chandra are well-disposed. forced changes in one's life. Saturn will respectively be the lord of the 7th house. Shanaicarya ensures that the duty roster is heavy and marriage-unions are not easy. Karkata may choose a parental type of spouse who is nonetheless compatible. Ranjan Publications. The 6th and 8th are very inauspicious houses and the 7th is a death inflicting (maraka) house." Rahu Rahu = co-lord of the dusthamsha bhava-8 Kumbha. However unless Shani is very well placed. with little room for growth or change in the marriage behaviors. Spouse = a generous. Kapoor. strong duty orientation. 115 "For the Cancer and Leo Ascendants. Yet. yet always offering karmic lesson which if heeded grant the gift of realism -. the social performance burdens of marriage upon Karkata1 are distinctively heavy. and 8th house and the 6th and 7th houses. survival. As the Lord of Karma. if dogmatic. impecunious.significations are damaged. and usually some practical working skills. and social dignity.which is always the first step toward enlightenment. Spouse tends to be older. the natives of these two Ascendants should never wear a Blue Sapphire. Again there are certainly some exceptions that make the karmic burden easier to accept. New Delhi. or unsuitable spouse. (1994). who may have strong Shani qualities of either common sense or stubbornness or both. S. G. the most challenging situations in the union can arise when the chronic neediness and compulsive emotional manipulations of Azlesa lagna characterize the lagna. Even for Karkata's more self-sufficient Punarvasu and Pushya portions. Karka-1 may experience an unusually strong emotional impulse to marry a parental figure in search of shelter. "Take it or leave it" is typically the spouse's attitude toward intentional change. However when 9th-from. The partner's character may be rigid and inflexible. The lords of these Ascendants are also enemies of Saturn.Shani L-7+ L-8 from Karkata lagna Shani controls the public experience of marriage and contractual unions for Karkata-1. such as uchchamsha Shani or the highly disciplined and non-sexual Shani-7 which gains dik-bala often transforming marriage into a celibate spiritual practice. p. Remedial Ratna for Karkata Lagna Blue Sapphire = Nilam = Shani-ratna Dr. . Shani in bhava-6 or bhava-9 encourages religious sectarianism. and hails from a lower social class than Karkata-1 . the Ketu-ratna should be applied with caution and only if the lord of bhava-5 and its occupants are auspiciously placed. If the Moon is in the Lagna. the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-8 and its occupants are exceptionally auspicious. Mercury and Venus (ruling houses 3 and 11) give difficulties through too much emotion. Jupiter and the Sun (ruling houses 2 and 9) give intelligence. Their planets act with gentleness and force combined. If the Moon. therefore Ketu-ratna may become a beneficial gem for the Karkata native. politicians. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exist. Mars and Jupiter (rulers of houses 9 and 10) give political and social power and prestige. but rather something special such as musical training or other evocation of individual talent. and thespians. Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd. emergency medical and disaster response. Also under the proper circumstances Rahu can support careers in surgery and transformative healing. B.)However even for these celebratory undertakings in the service of children. G.) Rahu = co-lord of bhava-8 Kumbha. Mars gives Raja Yoga even by itself. wealthy and fortunate. Mars and Jupiter are in the 2nd house and the Sun and Venus are in the 5th house the Cancerean will be much famous. Ketu Ketu's effects for Karkata lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava. They often achieve much in life through their ability to relate to others and their diplomatic skills. Mercury and Venus are in the 11th house the Cncerean will be a famous king. Cancer types are able to express their emotions and have an emotional impact on others. Ketu-ratna may be profitable if Karkata-1 is positively involved in politics. Saturn and Venus (ruling 8 and 11) bring difficulties and downfall through excessive materialism. In addition. Rahu in either rashi of maraka Shani = dangerous for Karkata lagna. and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. certain tantrik practitioners may benefit from wearing the Gomedha after close examination of their unique goals and intents. Saturn in the 4th house and Mars in the 7th or 10th house the . rashi.S. If Jupiter is in the Lagna. 6th. and drishti. Saturn in the 10th house and the Moon. Kapoor . Miscellaneous: A. theatre.Nevertheless. Even for the specialized and rare tantrik targets. therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) therefore Even for these particular targets. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's house. and management of confidential financial information. some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vrishabha-Vrischika (per BPHS). prescribe the Rahu-ratna only if the lord of bhava-8 and its occupants are unusually auspicious. As a cardinal and water sign. Their own initial shyness and emotional sensitivity (lunar nature) often slows them down. seldom in a harsh manner. C. Overall For Cancer ascendant. Ketu = co-lord of bhava-5 Vrischikha. (More details in the summary provided by Dr. or special services for children (not standard cultural indoctrination of the government schools. R-K will give good results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. Thus the intelligent should guess the results for Cancer Lagna native. become Marakas. The weak Sun and Venus indicate trouble to parents. whenever they form close aspects/conjunctions with functional benefics and mid point of the houses they occupy and aspect in a natal chart. 5. The Sun does not kill. The inauspicious planets Venus. Saturn and Jupiter for Cancerians. Saturn. Moon + Jupiter. Mars. This way auspicious and inauspicious results should be understood for Cancer Lagna. is curtailed if it is weak. they trigger unfavorable events. Other planets should be looked for Marakas. Gem Stones: Pearl Hessonite (gomedh). If Jupiter is in the Lagna. 2. If Jupiter is in the Lagna. Saturn is in the 4th house and Mars is in the 7th house the Cancerean becomes a king. E. The relation of Jupiter and Mars causes Rajayoga. only Venus is blemished. Mercury. blue sapphire and yellow sapphire Remedial Measures Render service to Parents/parents-in-law and aged and (Upaya) needy persons. Venus. whenever they form close conjunctions or aspects with weak natal planets or mid points of the weak houses. Saturn is Maraka as he owns 7th house (a Maraka house) and 8th house an evil house. Mars alone is Yogakaraka. similarly. as Rahu and Ketu are. 3. the Sun is in the 10th house and Mercury and Venus are in the 11th house the Cancerean will become a king. Rahu and Ketu are functional malefics for Cancerians. dull brown. D. but long lasting. a greatly auspicious combination. Jupiter + Venus. Jupiter. Moon + Mars. while unhappy ones are rare. as a yogakaraka. Venus and Mercury are functional benefics. Functional malefics. 4. loss of assets and comforts. Fruitful Yogas : 1. Fasting on Saturday The Moon. The significant role of Mars. As stated earlier. the happy events are more in their lives and recurrent. due to evil and Maraka characteristics of Saturn. Mars + Saturn. a greatly auspicious combination if Jupiter occupies the 10th house and Mars the 9th house for then the Jupiter will be more the 9th lord. cat's eye (lasonia). Cancer Lagna – Laghu Parasari – O. yellow and black Numbers: 9 8. For Cancer Lagna. Om Namah Shivaya Cancer Lagna Favorable White Unfavorable Colors: Steel gray. Mars alone is Rajayogakaraka. Spoilt Yogas: 1.Cancerean becomes a king. both the planets are spoilt. Mars and Jupiter are auspicious. Saturn. Mars + Jupiter. In their transit movement. the Sun. Mars + Venus. . Jupiter and the Sun give inauspicious results. Mercury etc. The unhappy events are more tragic if the functional benefics are weak and afflicted. are as potentially harmful. a feeble and low quality Yoga.Verma Venus and Mercury are evil or inauspicious for Cancer Lagna. only Jupiter is blemished.P. The persons born under this sign suffer constantly from mental maladies. helpful. similarity. Functional malefics Saturn and Jupiter for Cancerians are as potential harmful as Rahu and Ketu are. Venus and Mercury are functional benefics. as a yogakaraka. stomach and digestive region whenever the Moon is weak and/or afflicted. peace loving. It signifies grace and status. moody and humorous. They are very sensitive and restless. loss of respect. As stated earlier the happy events are more in their lives and recurrent while unhappy are rare but are long living. MARS: Obstructions in profession. A strong Mars blesses Cancerians with well placed father and executive authority. Weak heart and loss of vitality. emotional. the Sun. Firstly. In their transit movement. which is a royal planet. good family life and pleasures in life. A strong Moon blesses them with affluence and recognition. dependent and are full of concern both for self and others.short tempered. Cancerians are of volatile nature. yellow and black Unfavourable stones Hessonite (gomedhl. lack of executive power. wealth and family life. dull brown. there are many happy events in their lives. Cancerians are imaginative. The unhappy events are more tragic if the functional benefics are weak and afflicted. the Moon becomes weak quite often either in Pakshabala or by going to inauspicious places from the ascendant. Cancer Ascendant – R. A strong Jupiter blesses them with good physical health while a strong Saturn blesses them with long life. watery and fruitful sign. both are spoilt. The Moon. Unfavourable colours Steel grey. debts. blue sapphire and yellow sapphire Weak and afflicted planets & their Effects SUN: Loss of status. Jupiter + Saturn. whenever they form close conjunctions or aspects with weak natal planets or mid points of the weak houses they trigger unfavourable events. the initiatives of the native do not produce results resulting in change of ventures. unpleasant appearance and mental unrest. assets and domestic peace. good education. chest.2. Saturn. loss of assets and comforts. In case Mercury is weak and/or afflicted. disputes.V. Mars. negative. eat's eye {lasonial. MERCURY: Difficulty in communicating with others. poor. is curtailed if it is weak. nervous. trouble to mother . Secondly. heart. MOON: Weak body constitution. VENUS: Loss of comforts. Jupiter. the Moon being in a dusthana.Impact of Ascending Signs The sign Cancer is a mute. JUPITER: Diseased body. epigastric region. Obstructed education. The sign being royal. phlegmatic diseases. They are generous. whenever they form close aspects/conjunctions with functional benefics and mid point of the houses they occupy and aspect in a natal chart. being debilitated or combust or joining the mooltrikona signs ruled by weak planets. The weak Sun and Venus indicate trouble to parents. Rahu and Ketu are functional malefics for Cancerians. There are two reasons for this. Its lord is the Moon. trouble to male children. good hosts. oftenly. With Cancer rising. A strong and well placed Venus blesses them with affluent and reputed parents. physical ailments of breast. one has sickly constitution. unhappiness through younger coborns. Because of the repetitive transit weakness of Mercury and weak natal Mercury it bothers them on account of miseries to younger brothers and sisters as also on their own initiatives.emotional disturbance.Choudhry . vehicular and residential comforts. The significant role of Mars. weak health. A strong Sun blesses them with status. the house of initiatives is ruled by Mercury which also remains weak. two slowmoving planets who carry a strong impact.and wife. Mercury confers fortune during its dasa 6. peaceful. Venus dasa will prove fortunate 9. While Mercury proves fruitful. over emotional attached and dependent yet they can gain social or political status and recognition due do their caring and sensitivity towards the public. Venus can also be a benefic. When Moon is in lagna. Mars is a yogakaraka. or at least having a weak immune system. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio. Death results during the Jupiter dasa 8. or Sun is in Aries 11. loss of inheritance. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. the native will become wealthy and fortunate 5. the native will always be wealthy. They are intuitive. Cancer people are prone to diseases. If Mars. Cancer: 1. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in lagna will make the native famous and fortunate 10. Functional Malefics: Jupiter. with Sun and Venus in Scorpio. the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the Rahu dasa Cancer Ascendant/ Karka Cancer is a water sign and is generally weak because of the changeable Moon governing the ascendant and one's body. If Sun and Mars are in Aries. They can be shy. the native becomes bankrupt during the Sun dasa. accidents. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus. rajayogas are produced when either Mars is in Capricorn. caring and nurturing as this sign rules the mother and motherly instincts. loss in speculation and gambling. Saturn is in Libra. they tend to be of a longer duration rather than short lived. Saturn. Cancer people make great hosts and love to entertain in their own homes. while other dasas will be good 12. which is the moolatrikona house Exaltation: None Debilitation: None . When there’s a combination of Sun and Mercury in lagna. and Saturn and Rahu are in Scorpio. They are imaginative. and Moon-Mars-Jupiter in Taurus. Jupiter and Moon are in Leo. Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Aries. SATURN: Middle life span. They project caring and understanding towards people and this can bring about a positive response from others. If Mercury. but only if he’s posited either in Leo or Gemini 4. Cancer ascendants have the misfortune of having the malefic influence of Jupiter and Saturn. the result is a maha rajayoga and will definitely make the native a king 7. Venus in Libra. and even more so if posited in either of his own houses 3. Jupiter doesn’t cause any yoga 2. Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefics for Gemini Ruler: Moon rules Cancer. moody and humorous. Venus and Moon are in Gemini. so when there are difficult periods or unhappy events. Moon and Mars give the Cancer ascendant great strength that can fend off the effects that the malefics can give leaving the Cancer sometimes overwhelmed and emotionally overburdened. Mercury makes the stature proportionate and well shaped Jupiter adds the fair complexion. timid.Body Parts: Breast. inquisitive. self reliant. meditative. wealthy. swarthy. impetuous. Mercury in Cancer makes native witty. They are receptive to new ideas and adapt themselves to the environment. rich. That means that this rashi gets stronger in the night time. They are talkitive. unkind and egoistic. wealthy. nervous. interest for music. inclined to social gossips and faithful. large eyes and dignifies stature. Jupiter in Cancer makes native dignified. cunning. disliked by relatives. intelligent. The direction of Cancer is West. Cancer is an watery sign and feminine gender. gain immovable property. watery places. The Mental Tendencies of Cancer rising is extremely sensitive. for example if the Sun is in the Lagna it adds nobleness. But is practically implied only if there is no planet in the first house or Lagna. Venus adds beauty. tanks. The Moon in Cancer makes native wise. upper stomach and digestive region Cancer Lagna Each Zodiac sign when ascending carries its own definite mental. softness and greater delicacy. fields of wet cultivation. expert astrologer. reservoirs. The colour is reddish white and place is lake. dashing. charming. rivers. execute travels and voyages. dull. wealthy. Saturn makes a man tall. Their emotions are strong. selfish. deceitful and stubborn. sensitive. Sorrowful. It is movable in nature. snub nose. fickle minded. flexible. Mars in Cancer makes native intelligent. bold. Mars in lagna gives a fair ruddiness and healthy constitution. physical and personal characteristics. kind. The Lord of Lagna is the Moon that makes the native emotional and sensitive by nature. Venus in Cancer develops in native Melancholy. frugal. indolent. low stature. In the study of Mundane Astrology Cancer governs chest of kaalpurusha. The mind is intuitional and perceptive. The native develops special interest for Mathmetics. marshes. it has been observed that person having Saturn in Cancer lagna are devoid of motherly care. unhappy. speculative. conventional. Saturn in Cancer makes native poor. inactive Cancer is the fourth Zodiac sign of all 12 Zodiac Signs. sandy places. They are deeply attached to children and family. unhappy. honest and unbending. voyages. sensitivity. Cancer is Raatribali. restless and interested in music. They often meet with disappointment in love affairs. chest. bright. independent. pleasure seeking. influenced by opposite sex. the Moon adds better proportion and greater delicacy. They like pleasure. sickly. long arms and wide chest.while Mars is debilitated in Cancer. It also makes native wicked. emotions. . weak teeth. perverted. face full. prudent. extremely frugal and industrious. discreet. Mercury also makes native religious and strong parental love. It leads to defective sight and lover for agriculture. wealthy. sensual. The Sun in Cancer leads to harshness. heart. The Planet Exalted in it is Jupiter. fair complexion. restless. Presence of planet can modify the results. Generally natives born in Cancer are intelligent. Physically Cancer have middle sized body. canals. powerful. comfortable. taking favours from others. has a deep influence on the person’s character when placed in the ascendant. very sensitive. wicked. Economic status will be sound. fond of the opposite sex and songs.The disease related to Cancer are Cough related. Cancer. breast. Mars – Mangal (Kuja): Intelligent. irrigation dept. always restless. epigastric region. Smallpox. few friends. religious. engaged in various works. He might be over-confident and restless. the native may get good results in his married life. lack of luck. Noted for truth. Does not like continuous hard work and is easily tired. May have cycle of ups and downs in career. Saturn – Shani: Poor.People born under cancer can also be successful in the field of music and Art. a hypocrite. good health. soft. bad tempered. botanical department. not much happiness from children. Sun Placed in Cancer Ascendant In Cancer ascendant Sun is the lord of the second house in the birth-chart. Mercury – Budha: Very active and talkative. has a good wife / husband and sons. Native may also achieve success in business and in the field of arts. flatulence. Dragon’s tail – Ketu: May suffer from chronic ailment. Indications of Planets in Cancer Sun – Surya: The subject has a good appearance. Here’s a look at how the planets influence the person when placed in Cancer ascendant. Dropsy. name and fame. A career in the transportation could suit such a subject. irrigation related products. is argumentative. having a love for astrology. Due to its placement in the first house in Cancer. if Moon has an effect on the house of income and may even get special benefits after marriage. Moon Placed in Cancer Ascendant Moon is the Ascendant lord in the birth-chart and if it becomes the exalted sign then the native will be decent and charitable. has a good position in life. The appropriate careers as Cancerians are suitable for Water works. deceives others. famous due to family. Jupiter – Guru (Brihaspati): Handsome. There may be problems from government sector and conflicts might happen with father and relatives. Due to the aspect of Moon on the seventh house. elbow and Stomach.In the Medical Astrology Cancer governs Heart. the sign of Moon. wise. gain from agriculture. Restless.The person will have trust in god and respect for elders. tactful. may lose mother early in life. devious and manipulative Placement of Planets in Cancer Ascendant The fourth sign in the Zodiac. he/she will be intelligent and well-educated. intelligent. Dragon’s head – Rahu: Mild. The result from the sign are modified due to the presence of planets in the house. opposed to relations. Venus– Shukra: Good looking. suffers sickness in childhood. . Such a person does not have much stamina or power of resistance. fond of wine. Cancer. may not have a happy relationship with sons. The native may be courageous and attain a high position in society for hard work. Moon – Chandra (Soma): Fond of walking and travelling. The middle part of the life is better than the first one-third or the last one-third. very wealthy. the native might be affected due to health related problems. He may have a preference for job than business and does not remain in a fixed position for long time. grateful. enjoy luxuries at the cost of others. the married life might not be so pleasurable and domestic violence may occur. native may not get support of siblings and there might not be happiness in married life. If Venus is placed in the Ascendant then the person may not be so adventurous and may have an unknown fear. savings might be affected. being the lord of the two Kendra houses. due to this. If Mercury is placed in the house of the Ascendant then a person may be of suspicious nature. Venus Placed in Cancer Ascendant Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th house and it becomes a malefic planet in the birth-chart of the Cancer Ascendant. If Venus aspects the sign of Saturn which is placed in the 7th house then the person may have an erotic imagination. The native may like to go for job to earn a livelihood.Mars Placed in Cancer Ascendant Mars is 5th lord and 10th lord in the birth chart and is auspicious as it is the lord of a trine house. Economic status will be good and the person may achieve success in job or business. Mars helps in getting benefits from government. If Jupiter is in the combination with a malefic planet then the person may have to go for remedies. Due to the aspect of Mars on the 7th house. The native may have eye related problems. It gives malefic effects because it is the lord of 6th house. Due to this. The native may have to face difficulties due to the enemies. Venus has Kendradhipati dosha. where success is assured. Due to the aspect of Saturn on 3rd. but the effect of Mars in Ascendant gives happiness through children. Due to the effect of Mars. It gives an attractive appearance to the person. If Saturn gives wealth it increases the expenses too. then the person may get regular profit but the expenses may also increase. The native may have less affection for parents and problems may occur in progeny. conflicts may happen in . related to the water then it will be beneficial. The native may be disgraced due to his/her cunning and selfish nature at some point in life. Mercury Placed in Cancer Ascendant Moon is the lord of the 3rd house and the 12th house as it becomes the malefic planet in the birthchart of the Cancer Ascendant. Jupiter Placed in Cancer Ascendant Jupiter is the lord of the 6th and the 9th house in the birth-chart. If Jupiter aspects the 5th house then it is good for progeny. the native would be furious and desperate and may be ambitious. Due to the 7th aspect of Saturn on the 7th house. fluctuations may occur in the health of a person where would he/she could be of thin built and may have self indulging nature. Rahu Placed in Cancer Ascendant Rahu makes the person luxurious due to its placement in the 1st house in birth-chart of the Cancer Ascendant. If Mars is in the 1st house and aspects the 8th house. Saturn Placed in Cancer Ascendant Saturn is 7th lord and 8th lord in the birth-chart and it gives inauspicious results when placed in the Cancer Ascendant. 7th and 10th house. The person has less affection for their siblings and relatives and conflicts may arise in the family if Moon aspects the 7th house. it aspects the 7th house and gives good results in respect of life partner and because it aspects the 9th house the fortune will be good. The person may have inexhaustible wealth in life and is of decent and kind nature. The native may have to work hard to achieve success in business rather than in a job. The native may be less interested in business but if he/she will start a business. but it also gives benefic results because it is also the lord of a trine house. The native may be very eager to get respect and honour in the society. Few of you will cheat government and make lot of money. Mind and body will act seperately. Saturn. investigative journalists will progress in their professions. But mental tensions. Tongue speaks about spirituality. Rahu and Ketu will give average results based on their positions. insomnia. Will be treated as intelligent person but sometimes stubborn attitude and headstrong nature will bring unnecessary problems. During Mars dasa of 7 years. agriculture etc businesses will flourish.married life. Skill in music will be acquired. Sun. Will make and execute plans to destroy enemies from past. Will travel long distance. Lifestyle will develop from low level to highest possible level. Will be good at water sports. . loneliness. Spying agents. Contacts with politicians is also possible. Problems may arise in health during the dasha of Ketu. seperation from family will be experienced. Trading on water will prove to be profitable. Will cheat people who are ignorant and have less experience than you and make money from them. chess. but mind will be pre-occupied with thoughts about minting money. Due to the aspect of Ketu on the 7th house. where the native may not receive support of life partner and even suffer loss in partnership. Will develop family business. Will forcefull or by treachery acquire land and money for businesses. Mercury and Venus dasas will not be favorable. During Moon dasa of 10 years. Few will act as advisors to people in power. Mining. real estate. Will have good support of women in any thing you take up. undercover police. Cancer Ascendant (Karka Lagna) – Vimsottari dasas and results Cancer Ascendant borns will have favourable time during Moon. Ketu Placed in Cancer Ascendant Ketu affects the health of native if placed in the birth-chart of Cancer Ascendant. sports. Will suppress others from becoming your competitors. Will establish few organisations and develop them. multiple gains from many sources will be seen. There might be secret enemies of the native due to which difficulties may occur in life. Success in running spiritual and religious organisations and collecting funds for their maintenance. cricket etc. professional growth will be experienced. education and business will flourish. During favorable Jupiter dasa of 16 years. religion and justice. Will be termed as a jealous person. there might be unhappiness in married life and the native may have extra marital affairs. Father’s or family’s profession will make you popular. tennis. People running educational institutions will do good business. Will construct/buy a new house or will modify old house with latest designs. Mars and Jupiter dasas. circus and other risky sports. Will depend on loans for many expenses and few will even escape from clearing them. Mathematicians. Few will suffer from eye related problems. publishers will be able to make some fame and money. During 6 years of Sun dasa. Financial position will be good enough only to meet expenses but not luxuries. color etc and use people for selfish motives. During Mercury dasa of 17 years. performing Sudarsana Homam is best remedy. More struggle and very less or negligible returns will be seen. weapons. Finance business will go up in begining and them will collapse. Digestive problems and memory loss will occur. Others will make use of your intelligence and experience. Absent mindedness will cause huge losses. Few extremists will lead terrorist or anti-government groups and plan mass destructions. . Relatives will try to interfere in your home matters and create nuisance. People working in factories. good fame and money earned as doctor. During Venus dasa of 20 years. Differences with spouse. Profession or Business will be moderate without any noticeable growth. Will form groups based on religion. Will have differences with friends and relatives. political power. Will be recognised as a talented person but many golden chances to make use of this talent will be missed. adventure sports etc will do good. To overcome few bad results of sukra dasa. Will be praised on face and abused behind back. financial. Will be cheated while dealing with documents and paperwork. You will be recognised as a honest person in the society. health and finance will be experienced. More struggle and less rewards. To overcome few bad effects of budha dasa. watching adventurous movies. caste. but you will be paid lesser than you deserve. performing Sukra Homam and feeding white cows are best remedies. Few will have extra marital affairs with women and also face stiff opposition from them. civil and criminal cases in courts will rob away your peace of mind. writers. good pharmacy business will be seen. circus. making tools. especially with siblings. machinery etc will do good. Will be known as selfless person and will be remembered for sacrifices you made. bad results related to spouse. Will be philanthropic but sometimes will lose because of ego.Will have interest in reading detective books. professional growth. Family history will be good but father’s moral or financial support will be missing when badly needed. business. People in military. sex. court cases will be against you. Few couple will have male kids during this dasa. education. nationality. gain from land and property. Mars. Will feel neglected and lonely as dasa passes. Beautiful. cheat and sexy. Long life. fond of dress. Venus. Two marriages. Many friends. victory over enemies. voyages and in laws. Will lead a kingly life. Troubles in 50th year. weak eye sight. Strained relations with wife. Intelligent and clever. Short life. No permanent residence. Secret sorrows. cold related diseases will trouble you. danger of punishment. Will earn by own hard efforts. Children will cause some trouble. fortunate with strangers and foreigners. journeys and removals. Respected. Jupiter. Friends of high ups. Complexion will be sanguine bright with reddish tinge on the face. Friends will cheat one after another and you will be deprived of your share in business. Public relations will be good and will prove to be useful. Reddish in complexion. Many Love affairs. Diseases of belly and eyes. Nervous weakness. Your efforts will be neglected by family. Wealthy and learned. Jupiter. In the start and end builder of charitable institutions. Changeable temper. Disputes with father. respected and wealthy. Fond of music and dance.Saturn dasa for 19 years will give moderate results. Bestows power. Karka Lagna – Cancer Ascendant First House Sun. Physical and mental strain will be experienced but good results will be derived from all efforts. then performing Chandi homam is best remedy. Gain from trade and business. Money comes readily. Ketu dasa of 7 years will also be moderate and based on its placement/conjunctions and also mars’s placement. respected and tall in stature. Rahu and Ketu. marriage will happen with great difficulty and delay but spouse will be efficient in handling life more than you. All the above results in all dasas are modified to some extent by constellations and subdivisions occupied by those planets and also by transit results of major planets like Saturn. For outsiders. diet and opposite sex. a comfortable and happy life. gain from mother. waste of ancestral property. Changeable career. Moon. Mercury. learning. A man of high rank and authority. conveyance. disputes with relation and friends. long life. liar. Honour through merits and hardwork. Happy and comfortable life. Long fortunate life. Fond of scents etc. Blessed with palatial property and houses. property and gain from relations and real friends. your lifestyle looks confortable and royal but inside you will be forced to lead a simple life. Fond of opposite sex. If rahu gives bad results. Fear from enemies and friends. Rahu dasa of 18 years will be moderate or below average and based on its placement/conjunctions and also saturn’s placement. Comforts from conveyance. Residence outside place of dwelling. Many friends and children. skilled in many arts. For unmarried. wisdom. Long journeys. Wealthy. Helpful to others and . More women in the family. comfortable and luxurious life with wealth. Strong willed. Troublesome and fretful life. Gain money from business of land and property. Family happiness is likely to be marred. He enjoys a fortunate life through marriage. Money through patrimony. Average wealth. Because of drinking and union with other woman suffer from secret diseases like albumenaria. A man of authority. Diseases of eyes. and fear from poison. Fond of artistic things and has a profound taste for gardening. wealthy and famous from early life. Money through hard work and industry. Wealthy. Diseased. Poor. Will remain under debt. beautiful to look at. profession and Government. Fortunate actions. plumpy. conveyance and houses. Bronchitis disease is indicated in the family. Public enemies. Gain through children and investments. Jupiter. There could be blindness or defect of eyesight. pleasure seeking. Many enemies. Saturn here is in enemy’s camp of Moon and will make the native tall. These people don't hesitate in love marriage with women of another caste. Average life. Well respected and famous. industry. poet. writer. Barns money through service. specially in respect of eyes. Only one marriage. Dearer to children. Troubles in eyes. Mars. publication. travel and inventions. As Sun is in own house. Venus. Rahu or Ketu. wealth. sweet tongued. comforts and happiness. A strong Willed man. Not much progress in business or government service. belly and throat. Victory over enemies. Fond of travelling in jungles and mountains. Sometimes have secret love with someone. Fond of love marriage. ugly face and of low type profession. They are good artist.Education is ordinary. Moon. Loss of property in early life. Second House Sun. Saturn. Gain through dealing with land. waste of time and money in litigations. loss in family. 1 House . Gain of property from relatives and friends. short journeys writings and music. secrecy. learned and respected.victory over enemies. Attractive to other woman. fire. defective semen and diabetics etc. drama actor and female acting etc. Troubles in life and a desperate man. 2 House — Venus will be in Leo sign and being in inimical sign should not give benefic results. Enjoy a happy marital life. Owner of land and property. Gain through foreign merchants. Respected. famous and wealthy. In old age will get wealth and ancestral property. successful hopes. authority. Less comforts from mother. Loss through sickness and servants. Limited comforts and average intelligence. sweet temper and kind. respect and regards from Government of the day. adulterous. respected and famous. destruction of family. Danger from opponents and friends. Gain through educational affairs. average financial position and destroyer of parent’s property. property and estate. gain from ancestral property or business of land and property. They are reserve. love of women and gain through them. . The probable vocations are beautician. A good orator and impressive. In middle life maximum honour. Gain of ancestral property. fortunate. many friends or legislative interests. Right eye will be affected at anytime in life. science. coupled with blackish tinge. shy and get their work done by being social. occult and large animals. Command over many languages and true to his words. Will earn wealth by hard labour but will be wasted. Venus promises happy. trade. can be subjected to syphlis and veneral diseases. Benefit through industrious activity. Non religious. If it is being aspected by benefic planets then one will be respected. Intelligent. of wheatish complexion. Gain of ancestral property but loss there of and will be under debt. Fond of garden and planting trees. Mercury. licentious. Comforts from brothers and sisters. Venus. Moon. Through marriage gets wealth. early life full of struggles in litigations and domestic disputes. Troubles and difficulties in early age. the passions become wild and native adopts unnatural methods of pleasure. Mercury. dark hair and cheerful.patrimony is there but all is finished due to extravagant and rash nature of the native. respect and authority. Learned. comforts. Suffers from disease of albumenaria. Many brothers. There will be relations with girls from depressed community and gets money through them. If business there is no steady flow of money. Visits prosses. composing of poems and art of writing. Good progress in service. loss and difficulties due to brothers. in youth. Shortage of brothers. Brother will be patient in young age. Wife is just good looking and native is loyal to her. Arrest and troubles in youth and disfavour of Government officers. In youth. Saturn. Shortage of brothers. Escape from danger and troubles many a times. He is honest.. financial difficulties upto middle age and loss of money. Grief due to failure and losses of brother. good complexion. He becomes immoral. Rahu or Ketu. He is clever in attracting women. He will face difficulties for a short of life. In middle life. wealthy and lead a comfortable life. Many difficulties. Not many brothers and fortunate after the age of 40 years. Despite having a licentious nature being devoted to wife. Mars. 3 House . Scholar of occult sciences. Many enemies. Fond of recreations. Because of greed of money invest in races. Danger to respect. Gain through deceased and realisation of debts. More daughters. Will waste his money on other women. A troubled and sorrowful life. In case of doing business in areas of which Venus is promoter there could be loss and one is forced to change the area. Number of diseases. Troubles through secret diseases. in last part of life one will become happy. Gain of money from unauthorised sources and manners. Fond of juicy food and fruits. Gain of wealth through sisters. Fond of astrology. These people marry without giving any consideration to caste. Fond of music and dance. comforts for a short period. fool hardiness and misfortune will torment the subject. Troubles and turmoils in youth and old age. Not much progress in government service. affectionate and having preference for good taste "and arts. dance. worries from enemies. peace and happiness. Sun in Virgo sign of Cancer ascendant makes a person tall and slander. Separation from wife. By the age of 32 years there will be number of women. Escapes from danger and troubles many times. The greatest worry is about issues. troubles and turmoils in life.Being sociable in society gets respect from friends. but very well proportionate body. There will be bad smell from mouth and body. Jupiter. he will have wealth. Journey to foreign lands. lottery and gambling but the desire for becoming rich •lofa sudden is not fulfilled. one will be blessed with respect and rank but they will be temporary. . Incomplete education. Remarriage and defamation because of love relationship with women from low class. intelligent and wealthy.In this case Venus will be in Virgo sign which happens to be its sign of debilitation which is not a good position. He is a man of taste and attractive to women. Blessed with natural acumen for music. Poor and under debt. Danger from disease of bronchitis or T.B. Third House Sun. eye trouble. Medium length of life. palmistry and composing poems etc. Fluctuations in business with alternating losses and profits and there is always financial stringency. However if in this position Venus is aspected or associated with Mars. fame. checks his passions. trouble in family and servants. This position will give rise to malavaya yoga and so the native will enjoy some results of this yoga because of defect being a malefic for this lagna. Lives like a king holding a status and respect from public. the only brother. Moon. Partner also earns and contributes. These natives normally eke out their livelihood in his native place and acquire maternal properties. Troubled home or domestic affairs and through servants. occult investigations. she may have even short life. Saturn is exalted in this house and aspects 7th. Life is peaceful and comfortable. 10th and Lagna houses. less comforts and gain from brothers. and will confer a good lucky children. May gain hidden treasure ie underground. Gain through writings. These people are recognised poets. Old age will be a little discomfortable. Low paid profession. Devoid of parental property. Comforts from conveyance. Journeys in life. In these areas they earn money. Early life portion of life will be like a king. Gain through parents. trade and journeys. respected and comforts from parents. a small house and land for carrying on. wealth and honour. After youth gains money through his own efforts. Skilled in arts. conveyance of land etc. 4 House — Venus will be in its own sign of Libra in Kendra. land or mines and through household goods. Blessed with children. Much money is spent in luxuries and comforts of life and construction of good luxurious house. who will be a source of comforts from brothers and sisters. last phase of life will be full of worries and financial stringency. Incomplete education. Loss of property. Command over official language. Gain and honour through parents. Marriage with kin or neighbour. Submissive. Loss through storms and floods. Not good for mother. Knowledge of many languages. There could be ailments for mother and in case of affliction. land and property. Fourth House Sun. Down fall in environments. Brave and talkative. Troubles in old age. May be a cause of downfall of family. Comforts in old age. under debt through enemies. Loss to parents through the native. ancestral property. Gain in property and through father. Fortunate after marriage. Devoid of brother or sister. Besides business earning is also from other sources. No permanent profession. Friends will be insincere and disrespected in the family. Loss of parents in early age. Owner of the money of the father (patrimony) but most of it is consumed in starting a big business establishment or some Utopian project. Loss of property through business. Fortunate in property. Rahu or Ketu. Marriage in a good family but wife is not beautiful. Early death of parents. troubles and turmoils in old age. Wear scented and washed clothes. Venus. Endowed with conveyance and property. Early death of . traveller. Sun in debilitated sign will cause loss to family and property. Jupiter. house. a good mathematician. Litigations. Gain through land. Unsuccessful in many efforts and will depend upon others. Success late in life. They as a result of malavya yoga enjoy all comforts of conveyance. Not happy in early age. wife will be ugly and immoral. Gain through business of books on literature or stationary etc. lands etc. Settlement is normally after 22 years. no comforts from house. Saturn. inherited property. Blessed with friends. Disrespected and unhappy. wealthy.Saturn. Mars. Change of religion. Average property. Danger to respect. Mercury. Less comforts from children. Ambitious. Old age or last days not very comfortable. Sickness of father. writers or musicians and highly romantic. Dangerous from maternal relations. journey to foreign land. mines. mother, changeable occupations and wife will not be much beautiful. Property by marriage, chaste wife and happy domestic life. Rahu or Ketu. Troubles in young age, may be cause of downfall of maternal relations. Fall from conveyance. Loss of wealth. Loss of limb due to fall. Devoid from the comforts of houses and land. Dangerous for father. Fifth House Sun. A kingly life, wealthy, prosperous man of authority. More progney. Due to extravagance some financial difficulties in middle age. Part of life will be troublesome. Children will be lucky. Comforts in old age due to children. Gain by speculation, investments, pleasure and entertainment. Moon. Gain from children, not so intelligent, immoral deeds. Children will be lucky for a short period. Diseased mother. Mars. Much progney, love for children, comforts from land but this period will be short. Early life will be age. Much pleasure, love affairs. Gain through speculations or investment. Mercury. Changeable profession, no gain from education, worried and poor man. No gain from children. Medium length of life. The life will be full of worries and unlucky native. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love, speculation and children of games. Travel to pleasure resorts. Jupiter. Learned, wealthy and respected and religious Cautious for respect. Much progney. Kingly status in life. Intelligent, clever and a high ranking native. Sickly children, illness due to over indulgence in pleasure or sport. Pleasure through journeys. Venus. Will face ups and downs in life. Big family but not comforts from them. No ancestral property. Loss or children, wealth through pleasurable pursuits, gain through children, friends and father. 5 House - In this case Venus will be in Scorpio owned by Mars. This is not a good position for Venus to occupy normally put Mars is Yoga Karaka for Cancer Ascendant and so results are much different. Here we see an exceptionally good Venus to bestow his learning favourable mother, properties huge gains. The planet may even prove a very powerful Rajayoga Karaka conferring a significant and enviable position. Thus Venus partakes the good role of favourable Mars for this ascendant yet the position of Venus in house of Mars does not allow the native to remain without loose morals. He keeps relations with bad and corrupted woman which can be the cause of defamation. Mental happiness is not much. Disputes with first wife and second marriage after the death of the first. Normally there is no male issue and even one is born, dies prematurely.so worry about son is there. Male issue could be at old age. Daughters are more. Gain of money and fame through government service or scientific persuits. Saturn. Ugly and licentious wife, troubles through children, possibility of two marriages, discomforts from relations. He will be full of worries. Wealthy, children from second wife will be lucky and no parental property. Loss by speculation. Danger through excessive pleasure. Rahu of Ketu. Life will be worried and full of turmoils. The native will be grieved and without comforts. Two marriages. In latter part to life, children from second wife are indicated. Sixth House Sun. Quarrelsome, rash temperament and litigation minded. Loss of wealth. Under debt, troubles and turmoils. Will bring disrespect to father. Of strong will power. Loss and troubles through enemies. Gain through inferiors. Moon. Short life, bronchitis, disputes and arguments with enemies. Troubles in life. Gain through food, clothing and employees. Mars. A daring, troubles in middle life, loss of land and ancestral property. Money through speculation. A famous, brave and good military officer. Loss and disputes with Govt.; and officers. There will be numerous troubles and difficulties in life. Sickness of children. Gain through service. Mercury. Skilled in many arts but no gain from that. Diseased and inactive. Journeys in foreign lands. Enmity with people. Unhappy and loss through enemies. Troubles through employees. Sickness or injury through journey. Jupiter. Jupiter is no doubt is his own house but it will not confer good results being in a dushthansa house. So the person will be disrespected although he may be a religious and kind hearted man. Many enemies, will lead an average life, troubles and worries in middle age. Shortage of wealth and under debt. Friends and relations will act as enemies. Worried on account of debt. If well aspected reverse are the results. Venus. Loss of wealth in pleasurable pursuits. Loss of rank and service, No comforts from conveyance, adulterous, litigation and troubles. Death of wife. Life Full of worries and troubles. Faithful servants, interest in social welfare. May built own house. 6 House -Here Venus will be in Saggitarius which is the sign belonging to an enemy. Obviously some bad results are expected by this placement in the areas of health but not as related to material gains. The native will be prone to serious diseases viz abdominal urinary, kidney, diabetics and diseases in reproductive organ. If unmarried ejaculation of semen in nights. These people despite incomplete education are highly skilled artist, poet and because of 1 acumen in these areas gain a lot of prizes money and fame. Not much happiness from the side of grand maternal uncle. Maternal uncle and aunt are fortunate and he gains money through them. Gains money through brothers as well. Obstacles and hinderances in obtaining authority and fear of enemies. Nearly at the age of 30 years they suffer either through servants or any other accident. He is of virtuous disposition and blessed with wealth and fame. He will be dear to all people and excellent personage and will be very popular. Will be held in high esteem by his family members and loved by them. Will be a scholar and enjoy wealth and fortunes. Will be holding a very high position. Like a minister. Highly intelligent with pleasing manners and impressive personality. Wife of manly behaviour and manners. Beautiful voice, slightly harsh. Troubles in swimming and water journeys. Troubles from enemies when out of country. There may be loss in 28th year. Wife's health may deteriorate either at 36th year or 40th years. Saturn. A good position for Saturn. It will confer on the native fame, respect and wealth. Famous, intelligent and victory over enemies. Well versed in many engineering branches particularly or Mechanical and Agriculture Successful in solving the difficult most problems. Rheumatic pain in legs and neck. Happy last life, long, well versed and famous mechanical engineer. Sickly wife, marriage below social status. Dangerous sickness, loss of money through those in whose keeping it may be. Rahu or Ketu. A good and capable scientist. Skilled in many arts. He can also be a good surgeon. Many journeys. Victory over enemies, will face litigations and disputes in middle of life and will be disrespected by the people. An afflicted health. Under debt. Seventh House Sun. Intelligent, a good mathematician, gain through women. Not so sexy, Downfall and troubles from rulers. Disrespected. In last part of life may be under worries and disputes with the Govt. Gain by marriage, contracts and from women. Moon. Respected and famous. Gain from business, gain of enormous money through some contract in middle age. Happy married life. Blessed with property. Fond of opposite sex. Mars. Wealthy, famous respected and brave. Courageous and land owner. Victory in disputes and arguments. A good orator. Two marriages. No comforts from first wife. Discord with children. Loss by theft. Gain through law suits and good marriage. Mercury. Many enemies, loss and disputes in middle age. Two marriages. No happiness even from second wife. Loss of wealth through law suits. A troubled and worried life generally through women. Jupiter. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn sign and will not be beneficial. Learned but no gain from that. Under debt, clever and indwelling, worried, loss of wealth through quarrels and law suits, changeable profession, a troubled life. Disease of hearts, disrespected. Loss through business. No comforts from wife and will be very popular with the people. Public enemies, marriage with a stranger whose relations will oppose. Venus. No happiness and success in early life. Clever and intelligent. Relations with opposite sex. Loss in business, a quarrelsome and wicked wife, a troubled life, rheumatic pain. Comforts and relief after milldle age. Success in law suits. Property by marriage, land and women. 7 House - Here Venus will be in Capricornus a friendly sign. Here native even with incomplete education can be a whole sale dealer and earn money through foreign countries. They also gain money in speculation and partnership. Wife fat, short, with round face and well versed in domestic work. She runs the family affairs smoothly and keeps husband under her control. Marry only for the gratification of sexual urge and greed of money. They don't marry for love. In case of love with others they are disappointed. Marriage can be out of caste and spouse older in age. Because of falling in love with a corrupted lady older in age, there is defamation and loss of money. In case of any foreign journey, they have love relations with some foreigner and lose their money and prestige. Not much pleasure out of wife and children. He does not respect his wife much and even looks her down. Miserable due to heavy expenses and emaciated body. Will suffer from heart disease. Miser in matters of money. He can cheat people and cannot be relied for his words selfish. His progenic ability if not marred but will be very restricted. Both husband and wife are weak in constitution. Visits prostitutes. Native will face many obstacles in his livelihood. Fortunate in later part of life. This place of Venus is a real trouble shooter. In this place if Venus occupies Taurus Navamsa while Moon remaining in Scorpio Navamsa, then the native lives at the cost of virtues of his wife. Saturn. Two marriages, unhappy children, Disturbed married life, wife will be of harsh temperament, quarrelsome, reverses in business and service, litigations and debts. Life will be full of difficulties and miseries. If well aspected gain, through law suits and profit and comforts in life. Rahu or Ketu. Many relations with women and loss through them. Loss in life by having confidence in people. Rash temperament and worried. Loss of property. Danger to respect and ill fame. Disputes and litigations in life. Eighth House Sun. Sun in Aquarius in 8th house is not auspicious. Short life, rheumatic pain, under debt, quarrelsome and poor. Will face financial difficulties and may become bankrupt. Danger to respect. Man enemies, loss of ancestral property. Troubles and worries through Govt. If well aspected then gain by legacy, goods of dead and money of partner. Moon. Danger from enemies and thieves, short life, may be a patient of T.B. or bronchitis. Troubles from wife. Lean body. Lazy and spendthrift. Will cause loss and dispute to maternal relations, occult experience. Mediumistic. prophetic dreams. Worries from wife. Disputes and litigations in life. Gifts and legacies from friends as lord of llth in 8th. No happiness inspite of the fact that one is well skilled but no gain from such skill. Worried and in trouble due to some secret disease.Mars. famous and blessed with property. law suits. Loss of a limb due to fall or accident from conveyance. Rheumatic pains and may die on this account. Wife is beautiful but even then being very sensuous are attached to other women. Death at some religious place. It could be that gains may be there through estate and property as Venus is lord of 4th and llth and in 8th. it will give diseases in private part of the native and wife. insurance etc. Loss of wealth and will become bankrupt. May become victum of syphlis. Long journeys. Ninth House Sun. of deceased persons. Long life. liking for science. Short life. Loss through speculations and children. Well respected and owner of other’s property by fair or unfair means. The native will be the cause of loss for maternal relations. Relations with other women. and officer. happy. Less comforts from brothers. Sun in Pisces indicates loss of ancestral property. Downfall for a short period and may become ill famed. Lazy and consume patrimony. May be afflicted to cough. His children will not enjoy a fair longevity. Relation with other women. and diseased father. religious or phychic. Success and wealth in middle life. Saturn. Moon. Spendthrift and licentious. A troubled and worried life. If Venus is afflicted. Unhappy brothers. Cautious for his respect. Subordinate to others. death at some religious place. The native will be a synonym of poverty. Repayment of elder’s debt. Loss or injury to nay part of body due to fall from high place or conveyance. Indigestion and weak stomach. Wealthy. Less comforts from parents. disfavour from Govt. Unsatisfactory end and troubles over inheritance. Danger of life in swimming or water journeys like sea voyages. not religious. Gain through in-laws and through foreigners in foreign land. Many enemies. Wealthy. Gifts or legacies from friends. many enemies. early life will be comfortable. False accusation. Troubles and worries after middle age. Travelling for education. Gain through legacies or estate. Will enjoy full comforts of life. Venus. poor and wicked friends. Opium eater or addicted. loss of health and wealth. Money by marriage. The native is very cunning and also earns money through cunningness and making fool of others. His married life will be either short or unpalatable. fond of travelling. Disputes with people. licentious. Earning of wealth due to hard labour. Gain through estate. Will enjoy a fairly long life. Gain of wealth since 2nd lord is in trikona house. Long life. Disfavour and worries from officers and Govt. Attached to widows and divorcees. In old age he will be more respected and wealthy. Financial reward for faithful service. Very lucky and wealthy. will talk ill about his elders. Dutiful children and gain through them. A lucky native. Two marriages and loss of wealth. adulterous. Worried. Mercury. 8 House — Education is not completed and earns through various arts and astrology etc. Will enjoy fairly long life. Loss of limb due to falling or accident from conveyance. inventions and law. Undesireable company. Rahu or Ketu. Being very sensuous indulges in unnatural means to gratify sexual cravings. Adulterous and licentious. respected. Gain by long journeys and psychic. Out of these women he gets money. Prophetic dreams. Disturbed and worried old age. inheritance. bile and venereal diseases. Good tempered and habits. Mars. Jupiter. legacies. Delayed marriage. worries and unsuccessful in hopes. Under debt. Becomes desirous of sex from an early age of 16. flu and asthma. Pleasure and gain in foreign land. blessed with property. . death of partner. Diseased.Venus here will be in Pisces sign owned by Jupiter. Disputes with brothers. one will face difficulties. These people in foreign country get involved in love affair with another woman resulting in loss of prestige. mostly benefic results are expected. power and command. brothers will be average in finances. 9 House . Happy brothers. devoid from comforts of parents and elders in youth. Respect. He may have too many jobs at . the native will support them also. Comforts from property and conveyance. reverse results. Mercury. Fond of travelling. learned. but in middle age.. Moon. scientific or religious pursuits. He will have many vice habits. wealthy. Rahu or Ketu. Respected. In youth he will become an administrator and will lead life like a prince. Intelligent. wealth. Last part of life will be troublesome and may be deprived of the property in any way. Cautions for his respect. Early life will be comfortable. The native will not stick to his promises. Wife egoistic and haughty and husband suffers due to this temperament of wife. He will achieve an enviable social status. famous. Death in a distant land by drowning or while on voyage. Fond of travelling.Mercury. Blessed with land and authority and will rule different parts of the country. Venus. Less gain from ancestral property. famous and respected. Jupiter in own and trine house. Good progress in government service or through poems. Prophetic dreams. kind. authority and favour from Govt. Gain and comforts from parents. More daughters. Non religious. They follow their convictions outside the religious restrictions. Gain through science. religion. Sun in Aries in tenth house is exalted. She is very effective and keeps the management of the house in her own hands or otherwise disputes. Favours and gains from government. benevolent and fond of pilgrimage etc. He will enjoy a legendary luck and will amass a plenty of wealth. Skilled and learned. Disputes with in-laws and worries on account of them. Will lead a life of authority and respect. Great wealth is possible even at birth. no permanent property. He will have a very mellifluous voice. favour. Social life with aristrocratics and friendship with them. Friendships with high ups. Wordly life is very happy. Loss of service or profession during youth. and gain from Govt. Tenth House Sun. virtuous deeds. religious mind. Not much gain from ancestral property. Last part of life will be troublesome for education. Jupiter. respected and wealthy. Saturn. Mars. Education completed with certain obstacles. and officers. Command over many arts and languages. He will be a king or ruler or will have an equivalent authority. All his undertakings will prove auspicious and successful. changeable profession. Favour and gain from Govt. As this Sign happens to be the sign of exaltation of Venus. There is loss because of either cheating or theft or in any other way. Blessed with beautiful and impressive wife. singing talents and the like. Foreign travel. Gains through service. A wicked life. Gain through science and publications. If afflicted shipwreck. Lucky. respected and man of powers. Disputes and worries due to in-laws or maternal relations. officers and brothers. no parental property and loss from enemies. religion long journeys and foreigners. authority and wealth will be gained through a court of law. mean and vice actions. If weak and afflicted. There is another marriage if married before the age of 20 years and if it is otherwise. Fond of unnatural relations with elderly female relatives or friend's wife or widows. His coborns will also be very rich and his relations with them are very smooth. founder of charitable and religious institutions. Wealthy. Religious. Marriage to a stranger and gain from them. It bestows respect. There is no second marriage. long journeys and in-laws. drama and art of writing. A man of authority. scientist and gives knowledge of many skills. Disrespected and ill famed. Success in hopes. Rahu or Ketu. lawyers profession. intelligent. Gain through matters of the dead persons. Two marriages. Gain through high ups. Jupiter. proud and bold. In middle of age. He may take place of his brother and accrues gains. kind hearted and God fearing. In old age face some troubles. A few brothers. Gain from brothers. bad company. Cruel and of rash temperament. Trade in Gems and jewels. Famous and very lucky. public or Govt. The native will enjoy abundant money in business of his own. photography and mathematics. Coward. Venus. Benevolent and social. pleasure seeking. Honourable children. Honour through literature of travel. As a result these persons either go to prostitutes or keep secret love affairs with the wife of others causing loss of prestige and money. Enjoy the company of his wife and children even in other places. Successful hopes through progressive studies. If Mars is in fall simultaneously in the ascendant then it portends severe and early evil to mother. Saturn. Accidental fortune. Loss through brothers. A troubled life. This position of Venus makes the native educated. Mercury. Happy and comfortable life in old age but through influential and persons in authority.a time. This placement ensures a famous position in society. Confident. 10 House . trade and profession. In old age may not become defamed. He completes his education with lot of obstacles. ambassadors and sportsmen. Adulterous. profession. Father if alive not on good terms. A permanent profession but average income in life. Danger of violent death. owner of land and property. Early part of the life will be in difficulties. good position in life. These people are otherwise inclined to remain unmarried till there is not enough money to live luxuriously.. well versed in arts or amusement affairs. May deny the repayment of debt as if has not taken. Aries is there and despite all good aspects and benefic results the native does not escape the evil arising out of relationship of Mars and Venus. Tempramen-tal incompatibility exists between husband and wife. The wife will be . trade. May become bankrupt in life. Cautious about respect. Worried due to his wife and enemies. Great attachment between the native and his children. quarrelsome. Wealthy. Honourable partner. Respect and rank. one will face difficulties and also short of finances. In middle of age may be transferred to some foreign country in an administrative capacity. Comforts from conveyance. loss of parental property in early age. such as singing. not much respected. Jupiter. a man of authority and powers. May teach others.Here the sign of Mars. gain from brothers and friends. comfortably and till he earns name and fame. Gain from business. gain through wife’s father or his own mother. mines and forests etc. Unhappy. In old age may face some troubles. work. archeology. A very lucky guy. shameless. No ancestral property. These people earn and get fame through lottery. The native is active and of sweet speech. Gain of money through journeys. active and of sweet speech. disrespected. victory over enemies in disputes. Many sisters. Moon. In old age may not face loss of wealth etc. Gain through high ups. Generous. Comforts from conveyance. liar. Successful hopes and gain through legislatures. Blessed with mother and get full advantage of her money. learned. Mars. Eleventh House Sun. Victorious over enemies. They also have good knowledge of other artistic works. large circle of gainful friends. renown in speculations. Worried due to his wife and enemies. Success in foreign affairs. work of secret nature. Comforts from conveyance. well wisher of all. Private enemies through servants. No permanent profession and source of income. Jupiter. Selfish and carefree. Under debt. Occult power. powerless enemies. Wants a post of chief without spending money. song. Loss of dignity and honour. Learned. no cleanliness in eating a and drinking highly sensous and addicted to women despite religious learnings. licentious. and gain from friends. secret love affairs. well respected and gain from conveyance. dance. Gain and respect through wife. If well aspected then success with large animals and in remote places. secret investigations and limitations. These people normally complete their education but in some cases incomplete education has been found. Blind faith. God fearing. Gain through secret nature. Love of mystery fanciful fears. Rahu or Ketu. early part of life average.fruitful. Blessed with wife. Taste for occult sciences and secret schemes and plots. A good argumentative and orator. Mars. Voyage. secret unhappiness and enmities. Well respected. Will be helpful to others. Life in far off lands. Venus. Wealthy and prosperous. May seek seclusion in latter part of life. Helpful to mothers. Gain through hospitals etc. Old age will be troubled. Ill famed. Lucky sisters. Children causes secret sorrows. owner of property. Moon. Wife will be of questionable character. Venus. Success will come after the birth or a child. end of life in seclusion or study of occult science. music. Gain from business and trade. success in isolated positions and remote corners and voyages. Self absorbed mind and happy. Proud and worry regarding sons. Voyages and gain in foreign land. False and deceitful friends and loss through them. Fear of imprisonment. Danger of losing the children. Fond of journeys. sticking to old traditions. mind is self absorbed. Twelfth House Sun. A native of weak constitution. He will have maternal property and monetary gains. Blessed with elder brother and keep on swindling him. Changeable professions. Ruin through speculation Escape from bondage. favour from females and happy associations. comforts conveyance and house. Kind hearted. Saturn. Afflicted health. Worries from enemies. Disputes and litigations with brothers. Mercury. disrespected. wealthy. happy and wealthy. Occult friends. Gain through friends. religious. Will again after middle of life. business and other vocations. poetry and role of female in dramas etc. fond of society. Interested in politics and gain. Gain and happiness through friends. 11 House . Deceitful friends. Many hopes and wishes attained in old age. They spend the money well.Here Venus will be in its own sign Taurus and is in good position. peaceful seclusion to one’s own taste. difficulty in employment. lucky. Sickness of an inflammatory nature occurs to the partner. Gain from business. Two marriages subjects to other checks. danger of exile or life apart from kindred. leading to enmity of women. Native is loose in character and have relations with women condemned by society. Improper behavior with family members and keeps on quarreling. No ancestral property. kind hearted and generous. fond of society and favour from females. . Loss of wealth in early age. Intelligent. enmity with other people. Well respected and comforts from conveyance. Makes a good progress in service. Get married and more daughters and by nature uneasy. Cruel. loss of ancestral property. Jealousy. Secret diseases connected with albumenaria and semen. The natives happiness will be limited and the mother may be subjected to difficulties in her personal life. the seat of all desires. so it is appropriate to symbolize a water sign. also speaks of the Moon’s timidity and fearfulness of being hurt by others. Marriage is late and by that time corrupt a number of girls. It runs sideways. greatly desiring the approval and acceptance of others. These people are poets. Moody. artists. Cancer encourages strong emotions and decisive opinions yet expresses them shyly and somewhat fearfully. • A Cancerian's home is a treat to visit and a source of immense comfort and solace for them as also the people they love. caring people and make others feel at home. dancers. The crab is a water-creature. Happiness in last part of life. Rahu of Ketu. No gain from business. Emotional. causing the emotional mind to be ambitious and decisive! Though cardinality brings decisiveness and direction to Cancer. like the death of a kin or a relationship gone sour. romantic writers. Saturn. Responsive. which is not flexible and which shields itself from distraction. . desires and the mind itself are one and the same. and the crab’s overall behavior. It. Not on good terms with wife. unhappy marriage. • These people tend to be sentimental and cherish the past as also the people who have been very close to them. Cancer Moon + Cardinal Water The Moon is the mind. Afflicted health. bad repaymaster. These people are liar but happy and wealthy. Clearly water and the moon harmonize loudly and clearly with one another. A crab symbolizes Cancer. journeys. No permanent profession. A long outstanding litigation will end in your favour. Cancer QUALITIES: Caring. sexual and debauchee and spends money on sexual gratification. Cardinality puts an interesting twist on the mixture. Progress in government service. Sensous. • They are essentially family folks who place a lot of importance on near and dear ones. Changeable professions. gossip writers and fond of other artistic works. photographers. quickly – an image alluding to the directional and committed / decisive nature of the cardinal element. The hard shell can also inform us of the cardinal disposition. journey to foreign lands. litigations and troubles in early life. Sensitive. singers. Sexual union with other's wife. • They are protective. for emotions. Difficulty over inheritance. of independent views and obstinate. end of life in seclusion and study of occult sciences. Secret love affair leading to enmity of women.12 House . quarrelsome and secretive. Cardinality is decisive and ambition.Here Venus will be in Gemini the sign owned by friend Mercury. this sign tends to grieve for a long time. Journey to foreign lands. Homely VITAL SIGNS: • Cancerians tend to be sensitive and emotional and could be easily hurt with unthinking words. Water is emotional and reflective. • If encountered by an emotionally trying event. we can’t forget that the Moon is shy by nature. or rising sign. and are written from an esoteric viewpoint. In fact. they can get flustered easily. They tend to build close ties with friends which could be as strong as those they share with the family. These interpretations are from the Karmic Insight Report. these folks may deprive themselves of their own share of pampering. Cancer Ascendant people are looking for structure and security in their partner and their relationship. have retreated into themselves so much as to be quite the opposite. When new situations present themselves. a person with a Cancer Ascendant with its ruling planet. Cancer Ascendant people can surprise their partners. but whose Moon is in Scorpio. When they enter a room.STAR QUIRKS: Cancerians can be extremely insecure. However. family-oriented people. Their first instinct. They need to be in touch with their roots and feel the strength of their home. of Moon. however. they don't walk in with a splash. Cancer Ascendant. they have a rather matter-of-fact.they're the guy or gal next door. The characteristics of Cancer Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. they move to the sides and weave their way inwards. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. There's something familiar about them . a person with a Cancer Ascendant who also has Saturn conjunct it will "behave" differently than someone with a Cancer Ascendant who does not have that aspect. For example. by sign. after having expended most of their care on others. Why? Because they come across as rather unassuming. many Cancer Ascendants prefer it when their relationship has well-defined rules. Usually. These people function best when their partner displays strength. the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends . The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus. In some cases. is to protect themselves. When it comes to marriage. planets that aspect the Ascendant. and know-how. Some Cancer Ascendants. these people appear unassuming enough to be quite approachable. Because they are rather sensitive to their environment. Generally. most of them may have experienced a disruption of family ties and suffered from the experience. and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past. also with a Cancer Ascendant. Instead. The sign position of Moon modifies your Cancer Ascendant characteristics. these people come across as caring people. Cancer Rising with the Moon (Ruler of Cancer) in the Signs The following interpretations incorporate the position. the ruling planet of Cancer. These people have a familiar feel to them. and they are generally more than willing to give up some personal freedom in order to get it. practical approach. they can immediately withdraw or act shy. Security is the basic need. Similarly. The Ascendant shows an individual's first. financial and emotional stability. Since Capricorn is on the Descendant. when threatened or on unfamiliar ground. especially in public. They seem quite sweet -. The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT. Moon. and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. natural reaction to new people and situations. Ironically. in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person.even innocent. Rising Sign These people come across as gentle creatures. Your ruling planet is the Moon. you carry the qualities of and in some way embody the archetype of the mother. When out of balance you are hypersensitive to hurts and slights. rather than simply being nostalgic. When out of balance and out of contact with the land and natural forces. strengthen. and add to your present life. and self-pity. the family or the feminine. Water and music play important roles in your life also. Self-nurturing and selfresponsibility are thus extremely important for you to develop in order to bring out your best. you become overly attached to security in the form of money or trying to ensure that nothing ever changes in your small part of the world. present. You draw your strength from flowing with the natural cycles and rhythms of the earth. At best. personal. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. soulfulness. you blend sensitivity and loving devotion with action and strength. You are very sympathetic in both the sense that you feel for others and also in the sense of "sympathetic resonance". and the honoring of ancient roots and traditions is an important part of your contribution to life. You could be a writing teacher. and future. You could be a strong advocate for children. This is because in your case the Moon not only reflects something about your past and inherited tendencies. home. because you have a solid inner foundation. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun. and cooperative. It describes an important aspect of your soul's function. you need to find ways for the past to nurture. and the rest of your birth chart. family. understanding and encouragement. Because of your strong pull toward the past. You may be somewhat split between your devotion to family. You probably felt a strong identification with the description of your Moon's placement as you read the first section. supportive. would be important. You absorb the atmosphere around you and thrive in surroundings that are home-like. are prone to extreme moodiness. suggesting that deep sentiment. a devoted correspondent or diarist. There may be a slight reluctance in your defense of home. Cancer Rising and Moon in Cancer Your Moon is in Cancer as well. Any of these would be an expression of your natural soul function. Your own feelings and moods will often reflect the dominant feeling tone in your environment. Cancer Rising and Moon in Gemini Your Gemini Moon suggests that you operate both from your feelings and instincts and your mind.General Whether you are male or female. or "your own". or dependents versus your allegiance to your own life. and helping others to do the same. At times you may use your wit to cover your vulnerability and softness.and embraces past. Cancer Rising and Moon in Aries Your Aries Moon suggests that you are self-reliant and/or that you are really not all that comfortable taking care of others. Cancer Rising and Moon in Taurus Your Moon in Taurus suggests that you are very comfortable providing solace and support to others. Cancer Rising . worry. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. Learning to articulate your own inner experience. and/or feel like an insatiable needy child yourself. but also colors your entire way of relating to the world now. or a counselor or consultant. Devotion and maintaining emotional soul-connections to life is the heart of your approach to living. or trying to find a way back to the security of the womb. or be over influenced emotionally by others' words and ideas. the Moon. Being peaceful is an important aspect of your contribution to life. becoming addicted to familiar or old ways. You will find that you attract people who need care. women. . or children in some way is an important way for you to fulfill your soul function. to conserve. mothers. when threatened. health care or other arenas where nurture and care is administered. Cancer Rising and Moon in Leo Your Moon in Leo suggests that your sympathetic and nurturing qualities are infused with warmth. but also for a wider community. while your own family may feel from you a peculiar iciness and detachment at times. Cancer Rising and Moon in Virgo Your Moon in Virgo suggests that your caring is channeled into practical service. sweetness and beauty into it. At times you may be confused as to where your true allegiance lies: with your family circle or with the broader world. Deep sentiment and compassion for the suffering color everything for you. not such a party animal. though you may appear mild and motherly or soft. You could be politically or socially active in changing the school system. Cancer Rising and Moon in Libra Your Moon in Libra suggests that you were "born to be mild" and a peacemaker. you have much more sensitivity to others' troubles than the average Moon in Sagittarius person. especially those who depend upon you. Order and respect for tradition and heritage are an important aspect of your way of nurturing.Dependency and/or co-dependency is a MAJOR issue for you. You also carry a deep feeling for beauty and part of your function in the world is to bring graciousness. but perhaps not very demonstrative in ways that others recognize as tenderness or love. Cancer Rising and Moon in Aquarius Your Aquarius Moon suggests your devotional energies and protective care are not only for your own immediate family. You are not as relentlessly upbeat and jolly. and not as outgoing). The rising of the feminine in our times is an important theme in your life. Words may be difficult or not at all important to you. as if you wanted nothing to do with them or their needs. generous feeling and a strong sense of personal pride in the ones in your care. Cancer Rising and Moon in Sagittarius Your Moon in Sagittarius suggests that your psychic and intuitional senses are very open and active. and to make a significant contribution to the human race or the planet. you can be truly ferocious in your defense of anyone or anything you care about. The tendency to avert or avoid conflict can be a strength or a deficit. to live life on your own terms. Your gift is to envision creative alternatives and to be an instrument of change regarding how we nurture one another. It is probably true that you do not want to care for them solely and that is where creative solutions and alternatives come in! Have some compassion for yourself. People outside your family may see you as full of empathy and sensitive to their concerns. You are the Mother Tiger. What matters is soul. to uphold the family and to secure a solid base for your life colors much of what you do. mystery and allegiances of the heart. Serving families. (Also. while at the same time . Your need for freedom may conflict with your desire for security or your devotion to your children and family's needs. nursing. The need to protect. Cancer Rising and Moon in Capricorn Your Moon in Capricorn suggests that an emotional toughness and realism underlie your gentle exterior. attending to the immediate practical or physical needs of people. Your challenge is to somehow integrate this into your life in a balanced way. It is quite a challenge to answer your deep need to be free. Cancer Rising and Moon in Scorpio Your Moon in Scorpio suggests that. You are sensitive and devoted. you come to understand the two sides of the sign of Cancer. you may see all the way to the soul level of the person. It is the relentless quality of the flow that you resonate with. family. The movement of fluids through your body is a familiar and comfortable barometer of your moods. simple explanation for your actions. etc. roots. is very important to you. How you begin the digestive process. you certainly feel the energy of other people and need to have inner clarity so that you can interpret those signals correctly. cherished friends. Your creative energies are freed as you gain understanding of this aspect of life. the subtle undercurrents of feeling in and around you. strenuous exercise may help to shake loose whatever is bothering you. but the principle of form continues to be active until Unity is achieved. By understanding the desire to incarnate." Cancer Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: "You appear gentle and soft. but all of life. or it doesn't. On the spiritual plane. Cancer Rising and Moon in Pisces Your Moon in Pisces expands your empathy and devotion to include not just your own immediate family. a safe haven. If you feel stuck. Having a home. form may seem less significant or less solid. The mystery here is the link between the Mother of Form (the Moon) and the Father of the Waters (Neptune). Much of your feeling experience occurs on the soul level. Good spiritual practice may focus on movement as well. Making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. and movement is not necessarily unrestricted. If you don't actually see auras. You approach life emotionally and subjectively and are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere. The sign Cancer reminds us of water flowing downhill. familiar places. Therefore it is important for you to have a spiritual practice that is designed to cultivate clarity of mind. Even when you feel stuck in situations. and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. On the material level it reflects the group energy of humanity. Movement is a key principle in your life. On the physical plane form is not necessarily rigid. You have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging. It is this capacity to feel that gives rise to the nurturing side of this sign. Walking meditation may be helpful for you. memories. One side has to do with self-preservation and includes the nurturing you receive and the care you give to others. as you may not wish to relate that closely with everyone. "Cancer is the first of the water signs. . so you are able to both feel the energies of other people and experience the flow of energy within yourself. determines what you are able to assimilate from your food. Something FEELS right. The other side relates to immortality.nurturing family and lasting intimacy in your life. The two aspects are intertwined in all living things. You tend to cling and hold on to people. along with the truth of your immortal being. Then you can return to a more meditative pace of movement. It includes the impulse to incarnate in the first place. If you see auras. Instinctive and non-rational. Follow movement with sitting for a few minutes to experience the inner calm that has been strengthened. A Spiritual Interpretation of Cancer Rising The following interpretation of Cancer Rising is from Your Spiritual Path Report. you perceive the flow of the evolutionary process across physical lifetimes. This can be both informative and frightening. You are a spiritual "mother" to many. As you experience your spiritual being. for example. you can identify the "flow" that continues among the individuals involved and around the objects in your environment. you are often unable to give a clear. possessions of personal or sentimental significance. and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage. Moon in Capricorn) M. and have a very strong nurturing. Moon in Capricorn) Burton Cummings (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Capricorn) Lauren Hutton (Cancer Ascendant. rather than with the principle or the broader social implications. You view life from a very personal perspective and often cannot mentally detach yourself from your own personal bias and prejudices. Hammer (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Taurus) Johnny Mathis (Cancer Ascendant. you are easily moved by others' pain. Moon in Scorpio) Matt LeBlanc (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Sagittarius) Tyra Banks (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) Nathan Lane (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Aries) Cameron Diaz (Cancer Ascendant. sometimes withdrawn emotionally. Put simply: if it is good for me and mine. Moon in Sagittarius) Frank Gifford (Cancer Ascendant. Compassionate and sympathetic. Moon in Aries) Lisa Bonet (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Taurus) Albert Einstein (Cancer Ascendant. If it is not good for me and mine.C. You are tenaciously loyal. For instance. Moon in Aries) Judy Garland (Cancer Ascendant." Famous People with Cancer Rising: Ben Affleck (Cancer Ascendant. You never forget either kindness or unkindness shown to you. Moon in Pisces) Jerry Lewis (Cancer Ascendant. protective. Moon in Aquarius) Emmylou Harris (Cancer Ascendant.Your emotions and personal loyalties tend to color your thoughts and opinions. Moon in Capricorn) Kate Hudson (Cancer Ascendant. and you are often the one others seek out when they need comfort. it is good. You are apt to be concerned primarily with how something affects you and those dear and close to you. Moon in Virgo) Tony Curtis (Cancer Ascendant. Your moods fluctuate and change frequently and you are sometimes open. Moon in Aries) Lisa Kudrow (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) Anne Archer (Cancer Ascendant. and supportive of those you care about. Moon in Scorpio) Steve McQueen (Cancer Ascendant. motherly nature (regardless of your gender). Moon in Taurus) Cher (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Aquarius) . or help. Moon in Taurus) Sara Gilbert (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Cancer) Annette Funicello (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Libra) Salvador Dali (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Sagittarius) Farrah Fawcett (Cancer Ascendant. you may be very patriotic and feel that whatever "my country" does is right without really knowing much about the other nations' policies or point of view. Moon in Virgo) Jim Henson (Cancer Ascendant. You communicate nonverbally and appreciate a person who can pick up subtle cues and hints. rather than having to make everything explicit. it is no good. Moon in Leo) Angelina Jolie (Cancer Ascendant. You empathize with others and intuitively sense the feelings and needs of other people. reassurance. Moon in Virgo) Merv Griffin (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Cancer) Steven Spielberg (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) John Ratzenberger (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) Cheryl Tiegs (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Aries) John Travolta (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Libra) . Moon in Sagittarius) Noah Wyle (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Aquarius) Lily Tomlin (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) Molly Ringwald (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Virgo) Vincent Van Gogh (Cancer Ascendant.Oliver North (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Libra) Cathy Rigby (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Sagittarius) Hank Williams (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Scorpio) Julia Roberts (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Leo) Kurt Russell (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Capricorn) Catherine Oxenberg (Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Aquarius) Joe Piscopo (Cancer Ascendant. 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