Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification PDF

March 20, 2018 | Author: Marissa Santos | Category: Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Technology, Science, Nature



North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study - Phase II TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................ 5  1  INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 7  1.1  Project Description ................................................................................................... 7  1.2  Minimal Topside Study Kamose Study Phase II Scope ........................................... 7  1.3  Objective .................................................................................................................. 7  2  SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 8  3  CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................... 9  4  ENVIRONMENTAL DATA ..................................................................................... 12  4.1  Meteorological Data ............................................................................................... 12  4.1.1  Air ........................................................................................................................... 12  4.1.2  Sea Water Temperature. ........................................................................................ 12  4.1.3  Rainfall. .................................................................................................................. 12  4.1.4  Wind Data .............................................................................................................. 13  4.2  Hazardous Area ..................................................................................................... 14  4.3  Electro-Magnetic Compatibility ............................................................................... 14  5  DESIGN ................................................................................................................. 15  5.1  General .................................................................................................................. 15  5.2  Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 15  5.3  Hydraulic Power Unit .............................................................................................. 15  5.4  Structural Design .................................................................................................... 15  5.5  Standardisation of Sub-suppliers ........................................................................... 16  5.6  System Design ....................................................................................................... 16  5.6.1  System Capacity .................................................................................................... 16  5.6.2  Reservoir ................................................................................................................ 16  5.6.3  Hydraulic System Supply Pumps ........................................................................... 17  5.6.4  Clean-up Loop ........................................................................................................ 17  5.6.5  Filters ..................................................................................................................... 17  5.6.6  Accumulation .......................................................................................................... 18  5.6.7  Panel Instruments & Controls................................................................................. 18  5.6.8  Valve Connections ................................................................................................. 19  5.7  Wellhead Control Modules ..................................................................................... 19  5.7.1  Front of Module Equipment .................................................................................... 19  5.7.2  Back of Module Equipment .................................................................................... 19  Genesis File name: Page 2 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study - Phase II 5.7.3  Sequence of operation ........................................................................................... 20  5.7.4  Wireline Valves....................................................................................................... 20  5.8  Fusible Loop ........................................................................................................... 20  6  REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT & RADIO ................................................................... 22  6.1  Remote Terminal Unit (RTU).................................................................................. 22  6.2  Radio ...................................................................................................................... 23  6.3  Antenna .................................................................................................................. 24  6.4  Antenna Cable ....................................................................................................... 25  7  INSTRUMENT & ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 26  7.1  General .................................................................................................................. 26  7.2  Materials ................................................................................................................. 27  8  TESTING ................................................................................................................ 28  8.1  General .................................................................................................................. 28  8.2  Factory Acceptance Test........................................................................................ 28  8.3  Combined System Test .......................................................................................... 29  8.4  Site Acceptance Test (SAT) ................................................................................... 29  9  PRESERVATION ................................................................................................... 30  10  DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................... 31  11  PACKAGING ......................................................................................................... 32  12  REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 33  Genesis File name: Page 3 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 6.Phase II HOLDS LIST HOLD Description 1 Confirmation of valve actuator operating pressures & capacities 2 Frequency range to be determined during detail design Section 5.3 REVISION HISTORY REV.1 6.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .2 & 6. Genesis File name: Description Page 4 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Section March 13 . North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .Phase II GLOSSARY AES Advanced Encryption Standard AISI American Iron & Steel Institute API American Petroleum Institute ATEX Atmosphere EXplosibles BS British Standard DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung eV (German Institute for Standardisation) EGPC Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation EIA Electronics Industries Alliance EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility EN European Norm ESD Emergency Shutdown FAT Factory Acceptance Test FEED Front End Engineering & Design F&G Fire & Gas HP High Pressure HPU Hydraulic Power Unit ICSS Integrated Control & Safety System IEC International Electro-Technical Commissiom IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electonics Engineers I/O Input/Output ISO International Standards Organisation LP Low Pressure MV Master Valve NAS National Aerospace Standard Genesis File name: Page 5 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Phase II NOSPCO North Sinai Petroleum Company ONS Offshore North Sinai PoE Power over Ethernet PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations QA Quality Assurance RTU Remote Terminal Unit Rx Reciever SAT Site Acceptance Test SDRL Supplier Data Requirements List SOV Solenoid Valve SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve TCP Transmission Control Protocol Tx Transmitter TIA Telecommunications Industries Association VHF Very High Frequency VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal WCP Wellhead Control Panel WV Wing Valve Genesis File name: Page 6 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . The concession is comprised of three separate areas.1 Project Description NOSPCO. Each of the three areas has a gas discovery making three proven accumulations. ensuring the highest reserves are achieved for each reservoir. Wellhead Control Panel (WCP) shall also contain a programmable Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and radio for transmitting signals between Tao & Kamose platforms. were all made in 1997 in high porosity Plio/Pleistocene sandstones. and a submarine pipeline tied back to the existing sea line through a hot tap connection. which are located offshore respectively at about 60 km and 50 km north of Rommana. The Offshore North Sinai (ONS) concession lies just offshore on the eastern flank of the Nile Delta. The ONS Phase II project consists of:  2 wells (TAO SW) drilled from TAO existing platform  2 subsea wells (Wastani reservoir) connected to TAO existing platform The development of the Kamose Field includes a new infrastructure comprising an offshore ‘not normally manned’ platform. 1.2 Minimal Topside Study Kamose Study Phase II Scope This project covers the topside design of the Kamose platform from the tie-in to the Christmas tree at the wellhead to the cottom of the export riser. The focused reservoirs are located at depths ranging from 600 to 2300 meters. as well as the design of the platform itself.Phase II 1 INTRODUCTION 1. The gas fields contain lean natural gas. The ONS Phase II project aims at the further development and exploitation of the natural gas from Tao and Kamose leases. The discoveries: Tao-1. inspection and testing of an electro / hydraulic wellhead control system designed for two topside wells. Genesis File name: Page 7 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . in order to maintain the production plateau at an average rate of 180 mmscfd as long as possible. Egypt. North western Sinai.3 Objective This document defines the minimum requirements for the design. The Kamose Phase II FEED includes the FEED design for all topsides equipment and instrumentation. a Joint Venture Company involving Perenco and EGPC. 1. fabrication. The rest of the ONS phase II project is outside of this project Scope. controls as well as the Detailed Design of the jacket and topsides structure. is progressing with the development of the Offshore North Sinai (ONS) leases. Kamose-1 and Seti Plio-1.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . including operational handbooks necessary for good operation and maintenance of the specified system. Genesis File name: Page 8 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . tried and tested designs.. Supplier scope of work shall include design. testing. system testing. fabrication. this means the Supplier shall guarantee operability. Q. Supplier shall provide nameplates for all instruments and equipment. inspection.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . The unit design shall be based on a fit for purpose philosophy and shall utilise. certification and documentation. quality of all components inclusive of all sub-suppliers and conformance to authority and code requirements. as far as possible. supply. calibration and packing for shipment and supply of all materials and documentation necessary for good operation and maintenance for the system. The Supplier will assume full responsibility.A. previously implemented in the European offshore environment.Phase II 2 SCOPE The Supplier’s scope of work shall include the design. selection and installation of pressure relieving (parts I and II). Design. API RP 521 Guide for pressure devices in refineries relieving and depressurising systems. Equipment and Components BS 6174 Specification for Differential Pressure Transmitters with Electrical Outputs BS 6447 Specification for Absolute and Gauge Pressure Transmitters with Electrical Outputs Electronics Industries Alliance/Telecommunication Industries Association EIA/TIA (RS) 232 Data Communication Interface Standard EIA/TIA (RS) 422 Data Communication Interface Standard EIA/TIA (RS) 485 Data Communication Interface Standard Genesis File name: Page 9 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Part I : Process instrumentation and control Part II: Process stream analysers.Phase II 3 CODES AND STANDARDS The manufacture and supply of the system shall be carried out in accordance with the latest revision of all applicable Egyptian Standards and Codes.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . API RP 550 Manual on installation of refinery instruments and control systems. Reference Title American Petroleum Institute (API) API Spec 6A Specification for well head and Christmas Tree Equipment API RP 14C Analysis. Where these do not exist. Installation and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for Offshore Production Platforms API RP 500 Instrumentation API RP 520 Recommended practice for sizing. internationally recognized Standards and Codes shall be applied. British Standards Institute BS 5760 Reliability of Systems. IEC 61511 Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector Genesis File name: Page 10 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .Phase II Reference Title International Electro-Technical Commission IEC 60529 Specification for classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60079 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Part 0: General requirements Part 1: Flameproof enclosures “d” Part 4: Method of test for ignition temperature Part 7: Increased safety "e" Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas Part 11: Intrinsic safety “i” Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gases or vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe gaps and minimum igniting currents Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) IEC 60096-2 Radio Frequency Cables: Relevant Cable Specifications IEC 60227 Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V IEC 60331 Fire Resistant Cables IEC 60332 Flame Retardant Cables IEC 60439 Low Voltage Switch Gear and Control Gear Assemblies IEC 60584 Thermocouples IEC 60751 Resistance Temperature Detectors IEC 60947 Low Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear IEC 61131-1 Programmable Controllers –Part 1 General Information IEC 61131-2 Programmable Controllers –Part 2 Equipment Requirements IEC 61131-3 Programmable Controllers –Part 3 Programming Languages IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems. Part 2. Production. Model Code of Safe Practice. EN 61000-6-2: 2005 Electromagnetic Compatability Generic Immunity Standard. Miscellaneous ATEX Directive 94/9/EC Equipment and Protective Systems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres 73/23/EEC CE Directive for low voltage 89/336/EEC CE Directive for Electromagnetic Compatibility NAS 1638 SNT-TC-1 A Cleanliness Standard for Hydraulic Fluid Genesis File name: Page 11 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .1 Specification used for Supervisory Control. 2005 EN 61000-6-1: 2007 Electromagnetic Compatibility Generic Emission Standard. Development. Residential.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . Part 15: Area Classification Code for Installations Handling Flammable Fluids. Installation and Servicing Institute of Petroleum EI 15 Institute of Petroleum. Data Acquisition and Control International Standards Organisation (ISO) ISO 9000 Quality Management & Quality Assurance Standards ISO 9001 Quality Systems – Model for Quality Assurance in Design. Industrial Environment. Part 1.Phase II Reference Title Institute of Electrical & Electonics Engineers IEEE 802 LAN Interfaces and Protocols IEEE C37. Commercial & Light Industry Environment. The dry bulb temperatures. All components and accessories inside the well head control package shall be suitable for continuous operation under the outside environmental conditions stated below.Phase II 4 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA The following data shall be used for design purposes.1. 4. 4.1 Air The air quality should be considered to be a highly corrosive marine climate with high moisture and salt levels.2 Sea Water Temperature. Should the Supplier consider that other data is required for the design or supply of the equipment. brief and severe  Maximum (summer): zero rainfall for long periods  Annual average: 40 mm/year Genesis File name: Page 12 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .1.3 Rainfall. or that the omission of certain data could either affect the cost or compromise any safety aspect of the design.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . 50 km offshore from the North coast of Sinai and consequently will be subjected to the effects of a highly saliferous atmosphere coupled with high temperature and humidity. for the design of offshore facilities above the splash zone. The equipment will be located on an offshore production platform in the Mediterranean Sea. The following offshore rainfall data shall be used for design:  Maximum (winter): 50-100 mm/h. this should be requested in writing prior to submission of the bid.1 Meteorological Data 4. The design seabed temperatures are as follows:  Summer: 25°C  Winter: 15°C  The seawater density is taken as 1027 kg/m3. are as follows:  Average Design  Summer: 27 to 31°C 40°C  Winter: 11 to 24°C 5°C 4.1. Phase II 4.0 1 minute mean 16.1 15.4 22.6 90° 8.2 10.1 17.7 13.6 11.1 OMNI 14.2 20.8 12.2 16.9 10.1 270° 14.4 22.7 26.5 60° 10. are shown below: Table 3-1 Mean Hourly Wind Speeds Direction from North 1 Year m/sec 10 Year m/sec 100 Year m/sec 0° 9.3 30° 9.6 Reference: Basis of Design J08617A-P-RD-15000 Genesis File name: Page 13 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .0 14. indicating the directions from.1 9.0 300° 12.6 11.0 15.0 13.3 18.1 14.3 19.4 3 second gust 18.5 14.3 18.8 150° 7.7 13.6 21.3 18.2 120° 8.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .3 240° 14.8 330° 12.3 24.2 210° 12.9 21.9 24.4 22.6 11.1 The omni-directional wind speeds in m/sec for other sample intervals are shown below.9 180° 7.4 Wind Data The mean hourly wind speeds at 10m above sea level.1 29.1. Table 3-2 Omni Directional Wind Speed Omni directional 1 Year m/sec 10 Year m/sec 100 Year m/sec 1 hour mean 14.0 11.1 16.1 10 minute mean 15.2 13. 1994 No. Relevant apparatus should satisfy the following EMC performance requirements. The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations. S. Emissions Emissions performance shall be in accordance with EN 61000-6-1: 2007 Electromagnetic Compatibility Generic Emission Standard. without anticondensation heaters. Part 1.3 Electro-Magnetic Compatibility All equipment or systems containing electrical or electronic apparatus shall satisfy the requirements of electromagnetic compatibility legislation.Phase II 4. All equipment to be ATEX approved The minimum degree of protection for the housings. Genesis File name: Page 14 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .0. Commercial & Light Industry Environment. 4. Immunity Immunity performance shall be in accordance with EN 61000-6-2: 2005 Electromagnetic Compatibility Generic Immunity Standard.5% of the output span with the instrument enclosures (covers) removed. Performance Criteria Performance Criterion A as applied to immunity of measuring instruments to radiated interference is hereby defined as allowing a degradation in performance not exceeding +/. e. shall be IP65. Residential. Pump motors shall be EEx(de). I. 1992 No.0. 2372 (1992). 1992 No. 3080.1% of the output span with the instrument enclosures (covers) in place and not exceeding +/. 2932 The Provision And Use Of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . S. I.2 Hazardous Area All equipment located in the wellhead hydraulic unit shall be suitable for the following hazardous area: Zone 1 Gas Group IIA Temperature Class T3. field panels & enclosures when containing electrical components. as amended by S. I. All instrumentation shall be EEx(d) Solenoid valves shall be EEx(d) and protected to IP65 minimum. Industrial Environment.g. protected to IP56 minimum. Part 2. in his bid. Failure of any part of the system / package shall be to the safe or isolated condition. It shall be located integrally within the Wellhead Control Panel. Genesis File name: Page 15 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . in addition to the normal static loads.2 Maintenance The platform will be designed for infrequent maintenance visits. consistent with safe and reliable operation. the expected maintenance interval. cleaned to NAS1638 class 6. An overview of the system is shown on Wellhead Typical Detail P&ID -Drawing No: J08617A-P-DW-15420 / 15421. radio/modem and operator controls for two topside wells. The design of the WCP shall minimize its electrical power usage whilst ensuring that the overall system can be safely operated. intensifiers and other equipment and instruments required to produce the required hydraulic pressures. 5. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). The Platform power supply will be derived from a solar power package. The design and controls must be kept as simple as possible. The Hydraulic Power Unit shall provide hydraulic power for the well valves and additional topsides ESD and HIPPS valves as defined in Section 5.6. pumps. The Supplier shall advise. The hydraulic fluid shall be Castrol Transaqua HT.Phase II 5 DESIGN 5.3 Hydraulic Power Unit The HPU shall consist of hydraulic reservoirs. take account of transportation loads and include for acceleration to 1 g in any direction and roll motions of 20 with a 10 Sec period.1 General The WCP shall consist of an integral skid mounted Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU). The WCP shall be designed to ensure that the interval between periodic maintenance visits is maximised. There is no instrument /plant air supply available on the platform.1 of this specification. The WCP shall be of the fully ‘enclosed’ type and is to be lockable. 5.4 Structural Design The structural design of the WCP shall. 5.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . filtration. accumulators. The programmable Remote Terminal Unit shall provide the required minimum automatic control and ESD/F&G shutdown functions required for the safe shutdown of the platform. Press (Barg) Max Op.5 Standardisation of Sub-suppliers The Purchaser will select the project supplier for electric motors. Genesis File name: Page 16 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Press (Barg) Approx. The layout of equipment and instrument items shall be determined by supplier subject to purchaser approval. Suppliers shall define the manufacturers offered as sub-suppliers in these categories. Swept Volume (Litres) Platform Well Master Valves MVs.Phase II The layout of equipment and instrument items shall allow ease of access for maintenance.6. Pumps and accumulation shall be sized to suit.6 5. mechanical couplings. 5.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . Press (Barg) Norm Op. including hydraulic accumulator volume. mechanical seals.6. 2 150 200 207 1.1 Platform Well Completions At start up or after a shutdown it shall be possible to recharge the hydraulic system via the electrically driven pump or a hydraulic hand pump. in their bids.6 Platform Well Wing Valves WVs.4 Platform Well Sub Surface Safety Valves SSSVs 2 250 310 345 0. 2 150 200 207 0. The reservoir shall have sufficient capacity to supply and operate the maximum system configuration referred to in this specification. 5. 5.2 Reservoir A reservoir shall be provided for the supply and return fluid from the well valves. and general instrumentation and instrument fittings.1 System Design System Capacity The system shall be sized to operate valves at capacities and pressures stated below (HOLD 1) Valve Type Quantity Min Op. WV’s and other platform valves. inlet & outlet filters as required.5 Filters Filters shall be provided with a differential pressure transmitter to monitor for cleanliness and replacement interval. 1 for monitoring) covering the full range of the reservoir with isolation valves.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . Fresh fill fluid shall be filtered before use. Pump shall have a discharge pressure gauge. discharge double block and bleed valve.6. with intensifiers to generate the HP supply: LP 200 Barg for MV’s. discharge relief valve. discharge check valve.6. The clean up system shall include valves to allow replacement of the filter elements before recirculation of fluid from and to the storage reservoir.Phase II The supply reservoir shall be provided complete with drain valve. 5. level gauge.6. Genesis File name: Page 17 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . 5. Pump motor shall be provided with an emergency stop latching pushbutton unit. in parallel with the above electric pump.4 Clean-up Loop The system shall be provided with a clean up pump and filter system for cleaning of the reservoir contents. this pump shall also be supplied with suction block valve. a discharge pressure transmitter. discharge block valve. Dual (duty/standby) pressure intensifiers shall be provided to supply fluid at the higher pressure level. tank breather and magnetic particle collector & sample points. clean out bulkhead plate. Supplier to advise method of control & pressure settings for the pump start/stop within the installation and operation manual.3 Hydraulic System Supply Pumps Pumps shall generate one level of hydraulic pressure (LP). & two level transmitters (1 for ESD. the pump shall be manually operated. The pump shall be installed complete with suction block valve. 5. discharge relief valve. A manually operated pump shall also be provided. (HOLD 1) HP 310 Barg for SSSV’s (HOLD 1) One electric driven pump shall be provided to deliver hydraulic fluid at the lower pressure level. discharge double block and bleed valve and discharge pressure gauge. Valving shall also allow pump to be used to fill/top-up supply reservoir using a quick connect coupling and barrel lance assembly. Second transmitter will provide low low pressure ESD signal.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . 5.Phase II 5. the system shall replenish the accumulators to their normal pressures within 30 minutes.7 Panel Instruments & Controls The panel shall have the following front of panel controls and indications:  LP header. Genesis File name: Page 18 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Recirc pump and Manual pump discharge pressure gauges  LP pump start pushbutton  LP pump stop pushbutton  ESD pushbutton  Open / Close pushbuttons for all SSSVs.6 Accumulation Nitrogen charged. Accumulators shall be sized for the full system configuration. HP header shall have two pressure transmitters: One transmitter will provide low/high pressure alarms. LP header shall have two transmitters: One transmitter will provide local control of LP hydraulic pumps and low/high pressure alarms. Master and Wing valves Nitrogen pressure indications shall be as per accumulator Suppliers standard.6.6. bottle type bladder accumulators shall be connected by tubing to the system for pressurising the HP and LP hydraulic manifolds. Second transmitter will provide low low pressure ESD signal. HP header and Fusible loop header pressure gauges  LP pump. Accumulators shall be sized for the following actions: One opening stroke of two platform SSSV  One opening stroke of two platform MV  One opening stroke of two platform WV Once a well has been opened. MV & WV. It shall be supplied with 2 platform well control modules installed.8 Valve Connections All external WHU connections to well valves shall be terminated on 12 mm bulkhead compression fittings.7.7 Wellhead Control Modules The Wellhead Hydraulic Unit shall be sized to accommodate a maximum of 2 platform well control modules. Fusible loop header shall have one pressure transmitter for low low pressure F&G/ESD function.1 Front of Module Equipment Each platform well control module shall have the following front of panel indication: Pressure gauge for hydraulic supply to each of SSSV. Transmitters shall be SMART type with integral indicators. MV and WV for one platform well. Spare bulkhead connections for well valves to be supplied. Each Platform well control module shall control the SSSV. One solenoid valve for each MV. Control modules shall be of a failsafe design. 5. The controls for each wellhead shall be clearly separated on the front of the hydraulic unit. Supplier shall provide sizing calculations for each relief valve.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . 5.7.2 Back of Module Equipment Equipment mounted back of panel on each topsides well control module shall include:Pressure transmitters for remote indication of each SSSV position. 5. Hydraulic connections to each drawer shall be via a double block and bleed arrangement. Internal panel cabling and tubing shall be designed for easy change out of well modules via removable drawers. 5. All process pressure gauges shall be fitted with snubbers.Phase II NOTE: To reduce number of signals sent to the Onshore Control room. SSSV and WV (controlled by the RTU/ESD system) Wireline key lockable 2 position selector valves Genesis File name: Page 19 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .6. low/high pressure alarms shall be combined with the reservoir low/high level alarms to provide a common status alarm signal. The hydraulic system shall include adjustable flow control valves to delay closure of the SSSV until after the master and wing valves have closed. The wireline connection from each of these valves shall be tubed to 12mm bulkhead connectors on the exterior of the WHU. Well Shutdown: The well valves will be closed in the following sequence wing. Signal Failure or Hydraulic Loss: On loss of signal or hydraulic pressure there will be a 15 second delay between master and SSSV closure initiation this will be achieved by a hydraulic timer in the WHU. Genesis File name: Page 20 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .Phase II Position 1 . Position 2 . The unit shall include a pressure transmitter which will be connected to the RTU/F&G system. There will be a 15 second delay between master and SSSV closure initiation this will be implemented in the WHU. or loss of hydraulic pressure. 5. 5.7.Wireline control. 5.3 Sequence of operation Sequencing of well valve operation will be carried out by the RTU/ESD. Sequence and time delay requirements are to be defined by Purchaser.Normal operation.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . There will be a 5 second delay between wing and master closure initiation this will be implemented in the RTU/ESD. master and then SSSV. This is to prevent premature SSSV closure in the event of loss of electrical power to the system solenoid valves. A well will be placed in wireline control by using the lockable valves on the appropriate well control module. Supplier shall provide a pressure letdown system within the WHU to operate and monitor the loop system at 6 barg.7.4 Wireline Valves During wire lining workover operations the MV & SSSV of the selected well shall be under the control of the wireline or workover crew. System shall be designed to ensure closure of platform well valves within 30 seconds of demand. Supplier shall provide 30 off suitable frangible bulb change-over valves for site installation by others.8 Fusible Loop The WCP shall be connected to a common process area hydraulic fusible loop system with frangible bulbs and supply/return tubing. fittings. Genesis File name: Page 21 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . cables.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .Phase II All tubing. junction box and hook-up material for complete installation to be in Suppliers scope of work.  Compliance with IEC 61508 and IEC 61511  Programmable using IEC 61131-3 automation languages. The RTU will be programmed to provide the following:  Automatic start/stop control of LP hydraulic pump to maintain hydraulic fluid at correct pressure.  Inherent reliability  Data logging  Time stamping  Extensive diagnostics  Non volatile memory. 6. Genesis File name: Page 22 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .1 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) RTU shall comply with. SIL 2.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . Instead of an Integrated Control & Safety System (ICSS) located in a Local Equipment Room (LER) the platform will have a programmable. data to be retained in event of loss of power  Hot replacement of I/O modules  Automatic configuration of replacement I/O modules  Low cost of ownership  Low power. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) located in the Wellhead Control Panel (WCP). suitable for solar power  Dual redundant power supplies  RTU to continue to operate for a defined period on loss of communication  RTU to be shock & vibration resistant. Refer to J08617A-J-AE-13470 Kamose Offshore Instrument Index.  Redundant controllers for increased availability. such as TUV)  Suitable for use in a Zone 2 Gas Group IIA Temperature Class T3 hazardous area. This will provide the required minimum automatic control and ESD/F&G shutdown functions required for the safe shutdown of the platform. but not be limited to the following:  SIL 2 (Certified by third party.Phase II 6 REMOTE TERMINAL UNIT & RADIO The Kamose platform is intended to be of a ‘minimal’ design and to operate with minimal facilities.  Group selected pre-alarms to provide ‘common’ alarms for display on the onshore remote terminal. The ESD status will be communicated to the onshore remote terminal  The F&G logic will interface directly with the platform ESD logic to initiate local executive actions and activate audible and visual alarms.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . but not limited to the following: Genesis File name: Page 23 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Fire and Gas detectors that require occasional maintenance will be provided with an override function accessed via the RTU interface. Laptop will allow operator to connect to the RTU to setup/configure controllers and display data during a platform visit. Selected data shall be transmitted to the onshore remote terminal via a VHF radio link between Kamose and Tao platforms and a ‘line of sight’ microwave radio system and VSAT between Tao platform and onshore.2 Radio A high speed digital data VHF radio shall be mounted in the WCP and shall be connected to the RTU using an Ethernet link. F&G logic. Loss of power or utilities or open circuit on inputs and/or outputs will result in external equipment going to a safe condition. The ESD system will be programmed in accordance with the requirements of the Kamose platform F&G and ESD Cause & Effect Diagrams J08617A-J-CF-13460 The safety systems for Kamose will be configured as ‘fail safe’. A laptop shall be provided loaded with all the relevant software to enable operator to interface with the RTU. the F&G element of the RTU shall have standard interfaces for all commonly used detector systems. The ESD status will be displayed in the jack-up drilling rig.Phase II  Initiate shutdown actions in response to specific inputs from field devices. de-energise to trip. when it is on-station. these provide inhibit and enabling functions thus permitting routine work. Radio requirements to be. The F&G logic will interface with various types of field devices used for F&G detection. 6. manual ESD pushbuttons (Both offshore and onshore). The F&G status will be communicated to the onshore remote terminal Inputs to the ESD logic will be from both analogue and digital devices with outputs generally being fail safe. For details of data to be transmitted between Kamose platform and onshore refer to J08617A-J-AE-13470 Kamose Offshore Instrument Index. The F&G system will be programmed in accordance with the requirements of the Kamose platform F&G and ESD Cause & Effect Diagrams J08617A-J-CF-13460. Handset  Power supply: 24VDC  Housing: Rugged enclosure  Mounting: DIN rail  Handset: Yes  Hazardous Area Certification: Suitable for use in a Zone 2 Gas Group IIA Temperature Class T3 hazardous area. Full Duplex options  Configuration: Via Windows based software. Vendor to ensure that selected frequency channels comply with Egyptian regulatory standards.  Diagnostics: Full diagnostic capability  Transmission: Data & Voice  Ethernet Protocol: Modbus/TCP  Encryption: WPA2 – 802. Antenna shall be constructed of heavy duty stainless steel and be suitable for use in an offshore environment as stated in Section 3.1.128 bit AES encryption  Connections: Ethernet port (IEEE 802. 6. It shall have a high front to back ratio to help minimize potential interference to and from other radio systems. but not limited to the following:  Frequency range: HOLD 2 (To be determined during detail design)  Polarisation: Vertical or Horizontal. (Antenna on Tao & Kamose platform to have same polarization)  Number of elements: To be decided during detail design.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .3) RJ45 Power Separate N(Tx) and SMA(Rx) connectors for full duplex mode.Phase II  Frequency range: HOLD 2 (To be determined during detail design)  Operational modes: Simplex. Half Duplex.3 Antenna Antenna shall be a Yagi type with a narrow beam width suitable for point to point communication.11i . Antenna requirements to be. Genesis File name: Page 24 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Cable run will be approximately 50m.4 Antenna Cable Vendor to supply suitable antenna cable complete with connectors.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . If cable run is to long consider Power over Ethernet (PoE) as this enables radio placement near antenna to improve wireless network performance.Phase II  Construction: Stainless steel.1. Genesis File name: Page 25 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .  Mounting: Heavy duty mounting hardware Antenna shall be mounted at the correct height to achieve the required communication performance with Tao platform.4. 6. Vendor to confirm that this cable length is acceptable and will not have a detrimental effect on the radio performance. Antenna shall be suitable for wind conditions as stated in Section 4. Cable will be required to have galvanized steel wire braid and flame retardant outer sheath. North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . with unarmoured cable within cabinet. 4 x 50mm2. DC motors shall be 24 VDC. Supplier shall state this in his bid so that Client can ensure maintenance crews visit the platform with necessary portable lighting. There will be no power available for internal cabinet lighting.Phase II 7 INSTRUMENT & ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 7. WHU shall be fitted with M10 earth bosses on diagonally opposite corners of the skid. Motor datasheets are to be submitted with bidder’s offer.1 General The electrical supplies available are: Motor drives 24 V dc. The design of the cabinet shall make provision for ambient light to be available for maintenance purposes (removable panel/window). Genesis File name: Page 26 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . All unit cabling shall be flame retardant in accordance with lEC 332 part 1 & 3 Standard ships wiring cable to BS6883 with braid wire armour shall be used for routes external to the cabinet. Motor starters will be by supplier and located in the WHU. All WCP instrumentation and pushbuttons that interface with the RTU shall be cabled directly to the RTU I/O terminals via a gland plate in the RTU enclosure. cable (by others) shall supply the 24vdc power to the WHU for the RTU. The electrical installation shall meet IEC requirements. stop and emergency stop pushbuttons and motors will be cabled. Cables shall enter RTU enclosure via a gland plate.Negative pole earthed Solenoid valves shall consume low power. A single. by supplier. glands shall be through type to provide environmental seal. directly to the motor starters. Nylon sealing washers shall be used on glands to maintain enclosure IP ratings where applicable. Motor start. Field cables (by others) carrying signals between the RTU and field devices shall enter the WCP via a gland plate in the side of the panel. Junction boxes etc.  Solenoid Valves 24V dc . All instruments shall be tagged with stainless steel labels bearing Purchaser’s tag numbers (to be advised later). All DC motors shall be standard products in accordance with IEC. shall be earthed to skid by means of star washers. glands shall be Ex type suitable for use in specified hazardous area. If this is not possible. be continuously powered and fail safe. AISI 316 stainless steel. Genesis File name: Page 27 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . cable (by others) shall supply the 24vdc power to the WHU for the pump. Tubing shall be metric AISI 316L stainless steel. Cable tray/supports shall be 316L SS System shall be supplied complete with sufficient hydraulic fluid for topsides system first fill. 4 x 120mm2. The RTU on the Kamose platform shall be supplied from a dedicated power supply with 96 hour battery backup (By others).Phase II A single. 7. This shall be fed from the general platform electrical supply in normal operation. as a minimum.2 Materials Base frame. panel and wellhead control modules shall be 316 SS.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . as a minimum. as a minimum. Tube fittings shall be Parker Hannifin metric double ferrule type. solenoid valves and instrumentation. Prior to shipment the complete system shall be subject to a witnessed Factory acceptance test (FAT) during which the system will be fully functionally tested at normal operating pressures including all pumps. Prior to testing system shall be flushed to NAS Class 6 or better and a fluid sample taken to confirm this has been achieved.2  Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)  Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Factory Acceptance Test The Factory Acceptance Test shall include the Combined System Test. This will incorporate the WCP.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . This test will be carried out at the WCP Suppliers works. Genesis File name: Page 28 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . The Purchaser shall be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to start of all witnessed tests. The major witness tests which require the Purchaser’s approval include: 8. Witness testing shall only be carried out after the Test Procedure has been submitted and approved by the Purchaser.Phase II 8 TESTING 8. Written test procedures shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval prior to testing. All of the witnessed tests will be scheduled by the Supplier in accordance with the overall project schedule. radio link and field I/O. The test shall demonstrate the performance and accuracy required.1 General The system shall be subject to several levels of testing throughout manufacturing and installation phases of the project. The Purchaser reserves the right to be present and to participate in any or all the tests conducted. Test procedure to be detailed and include all components to be used for the Test rig. Field I/O shall be achieved using a test simulator. A cleanliness certificate shall be available for review. RTU. The test shall be designed to demonstrate that the WCP & RTU will perform their specified functions. Vendor shall be responsible for providing a test simulator and all temporary hardware to allow for full function testing. 3 Combined System Test Included as part of the FAT. Errors shall be simulated to demonstrate the capability of the system to detect and report errors.4 Site Acceptance Test (SAT) The Seller shall provide commissioning support during a full functional test.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . The Supplier shall demonstrate the operation of all diagnostic and maintenance tests provided with the system. 8. 8.Phase II The software configuration and any hardware being supplied shall be fully tested. Genesis File name: Page 29 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . Wellhead Control Panel preservation should be. Genesis File name: Page 30 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .  Secure loose items within the panel. carried out as follows:  Drain down all hydraulic fluid from accumulators.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . reservoirs.  Cap external tube and pipework connections. as a minimum. A written Preservation Procedure shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval prior to packing.  Discharge all nitrogen from accumulators. using approved blanking / capping devices.Phase II 9 PRESERVATION After successful testing and approval received for shipping. Preservation shall only be carried out after the Preservation Procedure has been submitted and approved by the Purchaser.  Place silica gel sacks within all junction boxes and electrical enclosures to prevent condensation forming.  Pre-set all valves as per panel schematic drawing. filters etc. Prior to commitment of Purchase Order the selected Supplier shall complete the SDRL with additional documentation pertaining to the wellhead control and hydraulic power that enhanced design. The Purchaser shall initially develop a Supplier’s Document Requirements List (SDRL) and SDRL Instruction Specification that shall accompany the Enquiry Material Requisition. Genesis File name: Page 31 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . the means of document approval. operational and maintenance requirements. installation. the quantity of soft/hard copies required from initial enquiry through to final issue. The SDRL instructions shall define precise document requirements.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study . installation. operational and maintenance requirements developed during the enquiry.Phase II 10 DOCUMENTATION The wellhead control and hydraulic power documentation shall be developed and be user friendly with respect to design. and the dates by which documents should be transferred back and forth throughout documentation development. Phase II 11 PACKAGING The Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that the Wellhead control panel is packed securely. Genesis File name: Page 32 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 . model numbers etc.  Supplier’s Name and Trademark. The WHU shall be accompanied by a Packing List that shall include the following information as a minimum:  Project and Purchase Order Numbers. and in such a manner as to prevent damage and dirt ingress whilst being transported. or stored.  Address of destination via interim ports of call.  Itemised Material List with equipment identification and serial numbers including descriptions.North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .  Handling and unpacking instructions.  Package sequence number (n of N if one of a sequence of packages). under the most severe environmental conditions likely to be encountered throughout the entire route from source to construction yard. Phase II Project Basis of Design Genesis File name: Page 33 of 33 Date: J08617A-J-SP-13482 Rev D1 Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification March 13 .North Sinai Petroleum Company Kamose Wellhead Control Panel Specification Minimal Topside Kamose Study .Phase II 12 REFERENCES J08617A-J-SP-13000 Kamose Control Philosophy J08617A-J-BD-13093 Telecommunication Block Diagram J08617A-J-BD-13402 Kamose Control System Block Diagram J08617A-J-BD-13451 Kamose Platform Instrument Cable Block Diagram J08617A-J-CF-13460 Kamose F&G and ESD System Cause & Effect Diagrams J08617A-J-PH-13465 Kamose Offshore Shutdown Hierarchy J08617A-J-AE-13470 Kamose Instrument Index J08617A-P-RD-15000 Minimal Topside Kamose Study .
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