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Mrs. Girijah Balakrishnan Exercise B: Choose the right word. Example: We did not go home because we were (late, lately, later). 1 2 3 4 5 The villagers work very ( hard,hardly). I cannot keep up with you. You walk too(fast,fastly). Please repeat (slowly, slow).I need the correct spelling. You speak French (fluent, fluently) where did you learn it? You did very (good ,well) in the exams. Exercise C: Change the word in the bracket to an adverb to fill in the blanks. Remember to spell correctly. Rohan runs fast. Bala works hard for his exam. Gokul comes late to work. *Remember: Do not mistake an adjective for an adverb. Sometimes an adjective too comes after a verb but it does not say anything more about the action. Examples: Look at the difference. Adjectives Describe looks, feeling, sound, taste or smell. The bag is heavy. You look tired. I am hungry. It seems nice. Adverbs Describe how the action was done. It rained heavily. She smiled sweetly. He ate hungrily. The baby cried loudly. ADVERBS Exercise A: Replace the highlighted phrases with suitable adverbs. The first letter of each adverb is given to help you. Example: 1 2 3 4 5 She was not in a hurry as she ran along the beach. - Slowly He did not wake up because she tip toed. (Q) With the map I found the office without any problems.(E) The queue was very long but we did not complain.(P) Our school team played with little effort or care. (B) My uncle exercises everyday without fail.(R) 1. The bullet train travelled ————— through the tunnel.(swift) 2. The ground shook ———————— during the earthquake.(violent) 3. The judge listened———————— to the witness.(care) 4. Tarzan called ————— for the animals of the jungle.(loud) 5. The elephant lumbered ————————through the jungle.(heavy) 6. After a hard day’s work the workers slept——————. (sound) 7. ——————— the ambulance arrived at the right time.(fortune) 8. The children ran ——————— to the playground (excited) 9. —————————, the lorry drove at great speed.(Sudden) 10. The little girl walked ————— in her mother’s heel shoes.(clumsy) Phrasal Verbs 1. Keep up - Ãiy¡f¢ brj 2. Carry out - mkyh¡Fj 3. Go after - Éu£Lj 4. Break into - mDkâÆ¿ EiHj Exercise 5. Take off 1 - fH£Lj / nk vG«òj Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs given above. 1. Aeroplanes usually....................smoothlyfrom the runaway. 2. The police were instructed to...................... all the criminals. 3. The students were reminded to............... their responsibilities. 4. The robbers always ......................the houses in the mid night. 5. The workers were encouraged to................... their hard work. k¡f Xir 8 KARUNA - RAVI - TARA SIMPULAN BAHASA fÉ¢Rl® 5 #]iy 2010 BAHASA MALAYSIA Simpulan bahasa ialah suatu ungkapan yang terdiri daripada dua perkataan. Simpulan bahasa mengandungi makna yang berlainan daripada makna perkataan yang membentuknya. Hidung tinggi Orang yang sombong Makan angin Bersiar-siar atau berjalan - jalan Simpulan bahasa adalah tergolong dalam peribahasa. Terdapat empat bahagian dalam peribahasa. Berikut adalah contoh – contoh simpulan bahasa berserta maksudnya dan contoh ayat:- Air muka Batu api Buah tangan Harga diri Tidur yang tidak lena Berasa tersinggung Contoh ayat Seseorang yang disayangi. Tiada siapa berani memarahi Tharshini kerana dia anak emas ibu bapanya. Sakit hati Orang yang menghasut. Mugilan menjadi batu api dalam pergaduhan antara Sooria dan Suresh. Oleh-oleh atau cenderahati En. Bascaran membawa buah tangan ketika pulang ke kampungnya. Pn. Rajesh mendapat cahaya mata yang kedua pada minggu lepas. Tulisan yang amat buruk Tulisan Steven seperti cakar ayam sukar dibaca oleh kawan – kawannya. Mesti dapat Murid – murid tahun 6 yakin dengan usaha yang gigih kejayaan pasti berada dalam tangan mereka.. Dalam tangan Gaji buta Tajam akal Tidur – tidur ayam Anak Dapat angin Cerdik Air muka Dinesh berubah apabila cikgu Chandran memarahinya Cahaya mata Cakar ayam Rabun ayam Keadaan wajah atau nama baik. Anak emas Mendengar desas-desus Jayabarathi dapat angin bahawa ujian PKSR2 akan diadakan lebih awal daripada yang ditetapkan Gaji diperoleh tanpa bekerja. Selama setahun Kassim bekerja di kedai itu hanya makan gaji buta hingga dia dibuang kerja. Maruah Kita mesti pandai menjaga harga diri walau kita berada di mana jua. LATIHAN 1 Sathiswaran tidak mempunyai ramai kawan kerana dia hidung tinggi. Pada hujung tahun ini keluarga Kalvina akan makan angin ke India. Mathiagilan ialah orang harapan dalam pasukan olahraga sekolahnya. Berat sebelah Pn. Kamala tidak pilih kasih Kabur pandangan antara anak angkat dengan pada waktu malam anak kandungnya sendiri. Pilih kasih Simpulan bahasa juga merupakan bentuk peribahasa yang paling ringkas. Simpulan bahasa mempunyai susunan tetap dan mengandungi maksud yang berlainan daripada erti perkataan yang membentuknya. Maksud Orang yang dipercayai Orang harapan • Perumpamaan • Bidalan • Pepatah • Kata – kata hikmat Simpulan bahasa 9 Nenek jarang keluar pada waktu malam kerana dia rabun ayam. Dinesh merupakan murid yang tajam akal kerana dapat selesaikan masalah matematik tanpa bantuan orang lain. Adik Suganesh hanya tidur – tidur ayam sahaja kerana lagu radio di rumah jirannya sangat kuat. Adik Tulasi berasa sakit hati apabila diejek oleh rakan – rakannya di sekolah. : Pilih jawapan yang paling sesuai 1. Pihak polis berjaya mengepung kawasan musuh dalam ______________________ itu. A. serkap jarang C. otak cair B. serang hendap D. dalam tangan 2. Sritharan dan Rishitharan _____________________ sejak pergaduhan itu. A. bermasam muka C.telinga lintah B. patah hati D. orang gaji 3. Mesyuarat itu selesai setelah mandapat ___________________ daripada ahli jawatankuasanya. A. kata tamat C.kata hati B. kata putus D. kata dasar 4. Deepa yang baru pertama kali datang ke Kuala Lumpur tercengang-cengang seperti ______________________ . A. rusa baru C. rusa masuk kampung B. rusa-rusa D. rusa masuk kandang 10 fÉ¢Rl®8 SCIENCE TYPES QUESTIONS PART A Objective Questions can be categorized into 10 Types :1. Facts 2. Term 3. Sequences 4. Method 5. Classification 6. Principe / Concept 7. Translation 8. Interpret 9. Extrapolation 10. Application } } Test about grasp science knowledge K.RAMAN 5. Which animals have the same breathing structure as the animals shown in diagram above? K - A crab M – A cow L - A monkey N - A fish A. K and N B. L and M C. K, L and M D. L, M and N 2. Sequences - Test about understanding of science facts To Test knowledge about the process, continuity, phenomenon with time, related and development. Example: 1. Which one of the following describes correctly the energy changes involved when Rosita is ironing her clothes with an electric iron? TYPES OF QUESTIONS A. Electrical energy B. Potential energy C. Electrical energy D. Potential energy 1. Facts - k¡f Xir 5 #]iy 2010 Test knowledge about the facts, characteristics, properties or Phenomenon. à heat energy. à heat energy. à kinetic energy à heat energy. à kinetic energy à heat energy. 2. The information below shows the steps to preserve mango fruit? Example: P - The mango is cut into pieces Q -The slices of mango are add with salt R -The mango slices are washed S - The are immersed on jar filld with Concentrated sugar solution l Satellite l Telegraphs l Send massages 1. Statement above is related to the field of A. Construction B. Communication C. Agriculture D. Transportation 2. The diagram below shows a wheelbarrow. Which Part of the wheelbarrow is the fulcrum? Arrange the steps above in the correct sequence to preserve mango. A. Q, P, R, S C. R, P, Q, S B. P, R, Q, S D. Q, R, P, S 3. Which of the following shows the correct order of arranging the solids from the softest to the hardest ? A. B. C. D. A. P B. Q C. R D. S 4. Which of following is the correct order of the life cycle of a plant? 3. Which of the following statement about the spinning of the Earth is not correct? A. the Earth spins from west to east. B. the Earth spins on its axis. C. the spinning of the Earth causes day and night. D. the Earth spins during the day but not at night. 4. Which of the following statement about a cactus are true? i. it does not carry out photosynthesis. ii. it has spiny leaves to reduce loss of water. iii. it is covered by a waxy layer to reduce loss of water. iv. it stores water in its swollen stem. A. i and ii B. ii, iii and iv Rubber, steel, wool, plastic. Rubber, plastic, glass, steel. Wool, plastic, steel, rubber. Steel, glass, plastic, rubber. C. ii and iii D. i, ii, iii and iv i. ii. iii. iv. The flower will grow into fruits. Next, the shoot will appear. The root will appear first as the seed grows into a young plant. Fruits contain seeds which can grow into new plants again. A. i, ii, iii, iv B. iii, ii, i, iv C. ii, iii, i, iv D. iv, iii, i, ii P plant eaten by animal T Animal S eats animal R Animal Q eaten by animal R Finally, animal Q eat animal T 5. Statement above shows the interaction within living things. Find the correct sequence about the food chain. A. Sà Rà Q à T à P C. Pà Tà Qà S à R B. Pà Tà Sà Q à R D. Pà Tà Q à R à S k¡f Xir 12 8 TANGKAS GROUP MASS PAPER II 1. Calculate 5/8 of 5.6kg. Give the fÉ¢Rl® 5 #]iy 2010 11 Mathematics Calculate the price of 12kg of the 16. flour. answer in g? 9. The mass of Ali is 36kg. The mass of Hassan is 2kg 600g less than 2. How many grams are there in 7/10 Ali. Calculate the total mass of of 7kg? Ali and Hassan in kg. 3. Chun Hock’s mass is 62.4kg. His 10. It is known that the mass of a packet 17. brother’s mass is 5/6 of his mass. of cement is 45kg. If the mass of a What is their differe nce in mass, in packet of cement is 1¼ of the mass kg? of the packet sand, calculate the mass of the packet of sand. 4. Mei Mei estimates that the mass of a chicken is 2.4kg. The actual mass is 11.Table shows the mass of rice and 18. 2/5 less than her estimation. Find the flour. actual mass, in g, of the chicken. Item Rice Flour Mass 10kg Pkg 5. The total mass of three similar dictionaries is 3.6kg. An If the mass of the flour is 3/5 of the encyclopedia weighs ¼ of the mass mass of the rice, what is the value of P? of the dictionaries. What is the total mass, in g, of a dictionary and an 12. The weight of 5 same size balls is encyclopedia? 800g. What is the weight of those 3balls? 6. Anita bought 8kg of green beans. She gave 3/10 of the green beans to her 13. Mrs Chai has baked a 2.5kg cake. Sister. She cut it into 10 equal pieces. Then, How many grams of green beans did she gave 2 pieces to her neighbour, Anita keep for herself? Meng. Calculate the mass of the The mass of a bag brown rice and a bag of white rice are 2kg and 3kg respectively. Mrs Yap mixed the two bags of rice and she had used 2/5 of the mixed rice in a week, find the mass of the mixed rice left, in g. Mr Lee had 52kg flour. He sold ¾ of it and then, bought in `another 28.5kg. How many kg of flour does he have now? Table shows the mass of three packets. Packet Mass A 3¼ g B 2 times of packet A C 1½ of packet B cake that received by Meng. State 7. Azizah’s mass is 43kg 75g while Ali your answer in g. 19. is 5.98kg lighter than Azizah. Find Their total mass in kg. 14.The mass of a tin of talcum powder is 75 grams. How many kilograms does 4 2/5 tins of talcum powder 8. Diagram shows the mass and the weigh? price of a packet of flour. 20. 15.Jennifer bought 2.8kg of glutinous rice. She used 3/8 of it to make rice Flour 40kg Dumplings. How many grams has RM 60.00 RM60 00 she used? Find the total mass of the three packets, in kg. Chun Hock’s mass is 62.4kg. His brother’s mass is 5/6 of his mass. What is their differe nce in mass, in kg? Mei Mei estimates that the mass of a chicken is 2.4kg. The actual mass is 2/5 less than her estimation. Find the actual mass, in g, of the chicken. 8 12 fÉ¢Rl® k¡f Xir 5 #]iy 2010 Éilf fÉ¢Rl® - 10 jÄbkhÊ gÆá 2 (âU¡Fw ) jÄbkhÊ gÆá 1 (òzÇa) 1.D 2.B 3. C 4.A 5. A 6. A Maths Answers 1.B 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10.C 11.D 12.B FW¡F« beL¡F« -10 (12 òâa M¤â¢No bríË Kj brhiy¡ f©Lão. ) 1) m¢r« 8) VWngh 2) M©ik 9) I«bgh¿ 3) ïis¤j 10) xWik 4) <if 11) Xj 5) clÈid 12) xslj« 6) v©QtJ 13) fwJ 7) C©Äf 14) fhy« 6. A 7.A 8. C 9. B 10. A thu« 10 nfÉf (10) 1. VG ãwÉÆD« 2. ca®ªj brt« 3. c©ik¥ bghU 4. milt (®) 5. Mil 6. m§F 7. ÔÆ K 8. it¡nfhngh® 9. cWâíilat® 10. fh¡fhÉ£lh MASS Paper II Subjective 1. 3500g 11. 6 2. 4900g 12. 480 3. 10.4kg 13. 500g 4. 1440g 14. 0.33kg 5. 2100g 15. 1050g 6. 5600g 16. 3000g 7. 80.17kg 17. 41.5kg 8. RM18 18. 19½kg 9. 69.4kg/ 19. 10.4kg 20. 1440g 69kg 400g 10. 36kg ENGLISH - ANSWERS ADVERBS Exercise A Exercise B Hard 1.Quietly 2) Fast 2. Easily 3) Slowly 4) Fluently 5) Well 4. Badly 5. Regularly Swiftly Violently Carefully Loudly Heavily Soundly Fortunately Excitedly Suddenly Clumsily FACT 1B, 2 C, 3D 4B, 5B SEQUENCES 1A, 2B, 3 B, 4 B, 5D VOCABULARY Exercise C 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Part B 1) 3. Patiently SCIENCE - ANSWERS Exercise 1 1. Take off 2. Go after 3. Carry out 4. Break into 5. Keep up BAHASA MALAYSIA SIMPULANBAHASA Latihan 1 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C k¡f Xir 8 fÉ¢Rl® 7 #& 2010 Éilf fÉ¢Rl® - 10 13 Maths Answers SCIENCE - ANSWERS BAHASA MALAYSIA
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