kalvi sudar 5.pdf
kalvi sudar 5.pdf
April 4, 2018 | Author: TAMILSELVY | Category:
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IV kÆiyÆ thªjt® vgJ xU áyÇ fU¤J.m¿Éa brhfis¥ bghU És§f th¡»a¤â mik¡fî« 1)Bracket . I II IV mjnfg¤ âUtSt® M©L vw M©L¡fz¡F« ïUªJ C. I II III kiwkiyaof MuhªJ T¿ísh®. ¸øŢ¢Öõ Å¢¨Ç¡ðÊÖõ À£Î¿¨¼ §À¡¼§ÅñÎõ. IV. 2M« üwh©o ïy§ifia §ÅñÎõ. ¯Ä¸ô âôÀóÐ ºí¸ò¾¢ø ¦À¡ÚôÒ Å¸¢òÐ ÅÕÅÐ. ¾¢Õ. mikÉl« 6) tË -fhW . msit 9) fË -k»¢á milj 10)Measuring cylinder . ¦À¡Õó¾¢Â òf bfh©l jÄ ehL vW ghuâah® ghoÆU¡»wh®. âôÀóÐòШȨÂî º¡÷ó¾ «È¢¨Åô ¦ÀÕì¸¢ì ¦¸¡ûÇ TW»wJ. D. cªJ Éir 3) bfh -bgWj ( vL¤J¡bfh) . bghU©ik 2) nfh -f«ò 3)Command . fz¡»Lj 7)Speed 7) tÊ -ghij / tʤj . âyfk FGÉd® 1. ïG¤j 2)Mass . ¸¡Ã½Á¡É tH§»a âUtSt® jÄ eh£o njh¿ajh jÄ ehL« cyf¥ C. Éir¢ bra 4)Common line .ã.Å¢¨Ç¡ðÊø ®ÎÀ¡Îõ. âôÀóРŢ¨Ç¡ðÎò ШÈ¢ø Óý§ÉÈ ±Åü¨Èì bga® thR» vW« ït® xU berî¤ bjhÊyhs® vW TW« ¸¨¼ôÀ¢Êì¸ §ÅñÎõ. ït® ïa¿a I. Ú cUis msÉ 10)Expected value . II.vÞ. 31M« M©o njh¿at® vd¤ jÄH¿P® A. nghw gy bga®f III. «Å÷ º¢ÚÅÂÐ Ó¾ø âôÀóРŢ¨Ç¡Îž¡ø. ït® bj kJiuÆ B. ïtU¡F c©L. vâ®gh®¤j kâ¥ò 10)fÊ -jo¥ghd f«ò / Ú¡Fj _y«: knyáa nj®î thÇa« .K. ¬º¢Â¡ý âôÀóÐô §À¡ðÊ¢ø Óò¾¢¨Ã À¾¢ò¾Ð. g»®ªJ (Kongsi) 5)Stability 5) tÈ -nehî 6)Share . I. «Å÷ âôÀóРŢ¨Ç¡ðÎò ШÈ¢ø º¢Èó¾Åá¸ò bghÆòyt® vgd ¾¢¸ú󾾡ø. g§F (Syer) 6)Position . ¾ýÉõÀ¢ì¨¸Ôõ ¦¸¡ñÊÕì¸ Vnyyá§f® vw jÄ mur® ». §º÷ó¾ òfbgWsJ. I. M©L tªjh®. «Å÷ í¸¢Ä¡ó¾¢ø ¸øÅ¢¨Âò ¦¾¡¼í¸¢Â¾¡ø njt®. Àïî ̽¡Ç¨É ²ý ¿¢ÕÀ÷ §ÀðÊ ¸ñ¼¡÷ ? ü âU¡Fw. fijfS« csd. ¯Ä¸ô âôÀóÐô §À¡ðʸǢø ¦ÅüÈ¢ ¦ÀüÈÐ thªjt® vW ntW áy® C. jSj 1) bfh -rhfo¤j 2)Pull . §ÅñÎõ. âU¡FwË Jiz bfh©L ïtUila rka¤ij Koî III. TW»wd®. Å¢¨Ç¡ð¼¡Ç÷¸û À¢üº¢Â¢ø ¾£Å¢Ã ¸ÅÉõ ¦ºÖò¾ §ÅñÎõ. II. II III IV cyf k¡f öa th¡if el¤JtjFÇa etÊfis¤ âU¡FwË tSt® fh£oísh®. III D. III B. mt® fhy¤â thªjt® âUtSt® vW áy® fUJ»wd®. Mdh. âU¡Fw vyh¢ rka§fS¡F« bghJthd fU¤Jfisna II. II. bghJ¡ nfhL 4)Force action 4) nfh -»uf« (nfh brhj .nfh _£Lj) . bra ïayÉiy. bjt¥ òyt®. fhyhtâ 9)Measurement . ¾¢Õ. brKiw 8)Measure 8) fÈ -Jg« (fÈfhy«) / brítif (fÈ¥gh) 9)Expiry . mil¥ò¡ F¿ 1)Push .̽¡Çý ¾ÁÐ º¡¾¨É¡¸ì ÌÈ¢ôÀ¢ðÎûÇ ¦ºö¾¢ ¡Ð? ïW« kÆiyÆ âUtSt® nfhÉ xW A. ntf« 7)Compute . ms 8)Operation . A. ¦¾¡¼÷À¡É vdnt âU¡Fwis cyf¥ bghJ kiw vd kâ¡»wd®. «È¢ì¨¸ âUtSt® D. A. I. Ãiy¤jik 5)Share . §¿÷¸¡½ø C.M®. IV. I III III tU»wJ. KfkJ eã KjÈa cyf¥ bgÇah®fË fU¤JfnshL x¤j¤ jikíilait. ït® A. D. fhf¿fis m«kh rªijÆ th§»dh®. 2. bra¥gh£L Éid th¡»akh¡F.M®. (vGth) Ï í « }é ì ´ ã 3. 1.«Øò¾ò¾¡ø âÁ¢Â¢Ä¢ÕóÐ À£È¢ðÎ즸¡ñÎ ÅÕõ. 11 12 ¾¢ ° §¿ §ÁÄ¢ÕóÐ §Áø 1. 3. º¢ÄôÀ¾¢¸¡Ãò¾¢ý ¿¡Â¸¢. 7.5 7 À̽ }°[¥Ñã ¯¨ »¦ thu« 10 nfÉf (5) mil¥ò¡ F¿Æ fhQ« ïy¡fz¡ TWfS¡F¡ nfhoL. âyfk FGÉd® ô. f¥g flÈ _»aJ (bra¥gLbghU) Ö ° ´ ¦ ³ ´ Ì 2. Ò §Æ 11.. 1 2 5. ºò¾õ. th É£L¢ áǤjh khyâ. F¿a Éid th¡»a« B.ÌÆó¨¾ìÌ «õÁ¡ §º¡Ú ___________ É¡÷. Å ° ×[ Ë ¨ ¶ Ö « ª A. ¸ 12. .¿¡½Âõ Á¢ì¸Å÷¸¨Ç ______________________ ¬ÉÅ÷¸û ±É×õ «¨Æì¸Ä¡õ. ¨ [ Ë }[ ¨ ´ ° Ö khzt®f gÂtig¥ bgÇJ« nghW»wd®. 11. gánahoUªj á§f« ö¡f¤âÈUªJ ÉʤjJ.Ð ¾ý š¡ø ¦¸Îõ ±ýÀ÷. (vGth) 5. 9. 8. µ÷ «Æ¸¢Â ÀȨŠ9.Å¡¨ÆôÀÆí¸Ç¢ø ´Õ Ũ¸. FW¡bfG¤J¥ òâ® ¼Á¢ÕóÐ ÅÄõ 1. ¨Ç 6. ¾¨É áø ±ýÚ ÜÚÅ÷.. 6 7 8 10. ¾£À¸üÀ Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢ý ãýÚ Àì¸í¸Ç¢Öõ _______ 3 5 ¾ ÝÆôÀðÎûÇÐ... 6. kil¤jiyÆ cWÛ tUksî« thoÆU¡Fkh§ bfh¡F (vGth) Ï ´ Ì ª ³ Ó [ Ö ì Å rÇahd Éil¡F¡ nfhoL ³ ¥ [ ¿ Ö Ó í 8. ¾£¨ÁÔõ ¯ñÎ.ã.  ÅÄÁ¢ÕóÐ ¼õ 4 2. Á¢Õ¾í¸ò¨¾ô§À¡Ä §¾¡üÈÓ¨¼Â ý¦É¡Õ ¨ºì¸ÕÅ¢. ´ð¼ìÜò¾Ã¢ý ºÁ¸¡Äô ÒÄÅ÷. 12. ¸¡üÚõ Á¨ÆÔõ ¾£Å¢ÃÁ¡É¡ø Ð ¯ñ¼¡Ìõ.. ¸¡ðΠŢÄíÌ è ¹°î.. F¿a Éid th¡»a« VW tuhj ïy¡fz¡TW ahJ? ¯ [ ³ ´ ª ~¥ º é ° 10. miuFiw ntiy brtij ÉU«ghjt® Ir¡ Ãô£l. 9 10 5. « ¸¢ ¸£Æ¢ÕóÐ §Áø 4 ¾É¡ø ¿ý¨ÁÔõ ¯ñÎ. Fwh Éid th¡»a« ® Ö ¿ » ¦ ª í í ¨ 9.vÞ. ̾¢¨Ã¨Â ôÀÊÔõ «¨Æì¸Ä¡õ.. ìÅ }µ¨Å . brafÇa brth® bgÇa®. (bra¥gLbghU) ³ ³ é é × × ´ ° 6. §¾í¸¡ö ¿¡Ã¢Ä¢ÕóÐ _______________ ¾¢Ã¢ôÀ¡÷¸û.k¡f Xir 31 nk 2010 fÉ¢Rl® %8 gil¥ò: v«. (gaÅiy) Å [ é í [ Ó Ö ° Ì × 4. §¸Êø Å¢ØøÅõ ±ýÚ ÅûÙÅ÷ ÜÚÅÐ.vÞ. ( i vGth ii gaÅiy iii bra¥gLbghU) 7. xsitahuh ïaw¥g£l bríf midtU¡F« gagl¡Toa Úâfis¢ ´ [ ~ ã ³ ´ « áw¥ghf ciu¡»wd. ¸¼Ä¢ø Ð µÂ¡Ð. Change the possessive adjectives into possessive pronouns Example: Example: This is Sridevi’s picture. This is (he’s. Exercise 2 *An Adjective describes a noun or says more about a noun. That car is his. their. It is the short form for ‘it is’. These are Possessive Adjective noun Adjective 4 Our house is on the hill. ( ) Example: 6 Those are ours pictures. my) • The word ‘it’s’ is not a possessive adjective. Please leave (mine. ( ) Possessive pronouns are mine. The house on the hill is 5 These are their savings. mines.it’s ) tail? 2 This is his apartment. This is my house. That is noun Possessive 3 These are his paintings. The camera is Mine My book 9 That is not her pocket knife. 6 This is Vishnu’s car. This picture is hers. This is it’s tail. your. his. its) Remember 3 Are those your trousers? Are those (your. Theirs Their children 1 Look at that. I returned my story books to the library. her. his. x It’s a long tail . yours. ( ) This house is mine. That is his car 1 This is her dress. ( ) This is my house 9 Those boys are looking at their maps. That shop is (their’s.her’s)? This is its tail. X (wrong) 7 Bring your books for correction.hers. These words don’t have nouns after them. Girijah Balakrishnan Exercise 1 Possessive Pronouns & Possessive Adjectives Tick the correct sentences ( ). theirs) • We can say ‘its tail’ (possessive adjective meaning ‘tail’ 5 This is not her wig. ( ) something. Ours Our house Example: Devi picked up (hers. ours. her’s) plate. your’s) packed in the bag? Example: 8 Is this collection of stamps (her. ( ) The pronoun used before a noun is a possessive adjective. This isn’t ( hers. This pronoun shows that someone or something owns or possesses 3 Its tail is very bushy and beautiful. her) belonging to ‘it’) 6 Please leave my bag in the room. and theirs. This is Possessive Pronoun Possessive Adjective 7 Those are their shoes. hers. These are Study the table below. ( ). in the room. Those presents aren’t Yours Your pen His His car Exercise 3 Hers Her handbag Underline the best answer. Those are 8 This is Rajan’s camera. 7 Are (yours. This is 2 That is my computer. 4 That new lorry is his.( ) 8 Place the tray on yours table. That pocket knife isn’t 10 Those aren’t his presents. ( ) 2 Theirs dog is very obedient. Is that (its. This is mine house. Example: This is my book. ( ) Possessive pronouns (correct) 10 This is it’s food. your’s)? 4 That is their shop. her’s. ( ) 5 The parrot cleaned its beak. yours. 8 fÉ¢Rl® 8 31 nk 2010 k¡f Xir PRONOUNS Mrs. ..... tÇ¡ Fâiu 1 ——————————————— 17..... Cheetah ... 7 Asg ent lea sdo ve.. .. X£lf¢ áɧ» 18. Goat .... 5 Asb lin das ab at....... 7 ——————————————— 3 .................. —————————— 10.... Example: That lady is as wise as an owl. fhis WEB 15.. —————————— animals given below in English Who lives where? 11........ Iguana ...................... .. ... shell lair coop kennel stable .............. 13.... 10 ——————————————— 5. Don’t judge a book by its cover - barn burrow hive sty hole njhw¤ij¡ bfh©L xUtiu vil¥ nghl¡ TlhJ.. 2 Asp lay ful asa kit ten........ 6 Asc un nin ga saf ox....... Ú® ahid 3 ——————————————— 20...ÄUf§f Write the names of animals A Simile compares one thing to another....... Ks« g¿ The names of their homes are given in the box below..... Calf ... ......... 3 Asf ast asad eer................ m Next to each animal picture write the name of its home............. f§fhU 2 ——————————————— 19.... Can you fix them? 2... —————————— 7........ Empty vessels make the most noise - _l®f mdhtáakhf ngRth®f.................... Make hay while the sun shines - 8 ——————————————— fhWsnghnj ö¿¡bfh 9 ——————————————— 4.... All that glitters is not gold - ÄDtJ vyh« bghdy..gHbkhÊf 1......... Rhinoceros ............................... ...... ........ .. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean - 5 ——————————————— áW JË bgU bts«. ÑÇ Example: 14... ....... Wolf ....... Example: asb us yas a bee........... fuo 4 ——————————————— PROVERBS....... —————————— 5.. —————————— Write the names of 10 Asa gil eas amon key.......... 12........ ....... —————————— 9.................. given below in Tamil... ................ —————————— 6... 8 Asf ata sap ig. Sheep . Camel .. Fox ..... —————————— Exercise-4 9 Asfi er ceas ali on....... 1 Asf ai th fula sad og —————————— 4. —————————— 8. .. .... 3..... 8 k¡f Xir 31 nk 2010 11 fÉ¢Rl® VOCABULARY -brhfsáa« Similes Animals .... ..... .. The following Similes have been broken up......... ... ............ Exercise-3 Exercise 1 1..... . . Óik¥ bgU¢rhË Exercise 2 16... 4 Asc lums yas ab ear ............ ..as busy as a bee. 6 ——————————————— 2........ Lioness . RAVI . 24. Pekak badak Pura-pura tidak mendengar 21. Durian runtuh Mendapat keuntungan yang tidak disangka-sangkakan. Ada jalan Ada cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Kera sumbang Orang yang suka bersendirian/sombong 35. 5. Harga diri Maruah 12. 6. Makan hati Terlalu sangat berdukacita atau menderita. Kaki lima Lantai di antara depan kedai/rumah dengan tepi jalan 34.TARA BAHASA MALAYSIA SIMPULAN BAHASA -461 BINA AYAT 1. 3. Titik peluh Usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh 26. Langkah kanan Bernasib baik 14. Angkat kaki Meninggalkan sesuatu majlis. Pasang telinga Mendengar sesuatu dengan teliti 20. Ikat perut Menahan lapar kerana berjimat. Berat sebelah Tidak berlaku adil. Beri muka Memanjakan seseorang dengan membiarkannya melakukan sesuatu dengan sesuka hati. Serkap jarang Menuduh seseorang secara teragak-agak sahaja atau tanpa usul periksa. Darah daging Anak kandung 10. Putih mata Kecewa kerana hajat tidak terlaksana/tercapai 23. Cari jalan Berusaha atau berikhtiar melakukan sesuatu 8. Lipas kudung Bergerak dengan cepat 36. Telinga nipis Orang yang cepat marah 25. Dalam tangan Sesuatu yang pasti akan diperoleh 9. Putih tulang Lebih baik mati 22. naik darah Tidak dapat mengawal diri kerana terlalu marah 18. Anak angkat Anak orang lain yang dipelihara seperti anak sendiri. 10 fÉ¢Rl®8 31 nk 2010 k¡f Xir KARUNA . Jatuh hati Jatuh cinta 33. Anak kandung Anak sendiri 28. Lepas tangan Tidak campur tangan dalam sesuatu hal . 11. 27. Ada akal Mempunyai pendapat yang bernas. Minta diri Memohon diri untuk pulang 17. Cakar ayam Tulisan yang tidak elok 31. Isi rumah Bilangan ahli dalam keluarga 32. Naik angin. Banyak mulut Banyak bercakap 29. 7. Bahasa pasar Bahasa yang digunakan dalam pertuturan sehari- hari dan tidak betul nahu atau susunan ayatnya. 4. 16. 13. Langkah kiri Tidak bernasib baik 15. CTH: Semasa mesyuarat itu dijalankan. Ravi ada akal untuk menyelesaikan masalah yangditimbulkan 2. Nyawa-nyawa ikan Hampir-hampir mati 19. Batu api Orang yang suka menghasut orang lain sehingga menyebabkan pergaduhan 30. ..Should know the difference between the Observation and Inference................30am 65 12................. than the Respond increase / decrease............................ ( Why that happen ) ..00am 100 After 30 minutes 14 10 11........................ The following shows two doughs that made up of the same amount of flour................... Related with two variables............. Observation : All the trees in habitat were destroyed in 1990....... Dough X Dough Y b..... water and salt............... 2..... What are the similarities or the differences? .......... ... What is the main function of this experiment? .......... 1..................... ............................................................. 3............ Example a....... .............RAMAN X Y Time Length of Shadow (cm) Beginning 10 10 10.................. added in dough X... .... (Reason) wire ....6.. Based on observation above... ii...... state one inference ............ 1...................... before and after the 30 minutes are recorded in the following table........... The more the Manipulated................................. Changed variable + Observed variable Hypothesis.....30pm 10 i..... ( What is the observation ) .. What can you infer from the above observation? 3........ dry cells wire dry cells Remember!!! ......... Observation + Inference Hypothesis................ Based on the diagram above.....8........ The meaning of Hypothesis : .............If the hypothesis is proven............... o b s e r v a ti o n ............ cloth and left for 30 minutes.............. Each dough is covered with a damp clean a.............. . a r e s p o n d i n g v a r ia b l e to e x p la in a n e v e n t o r i............30pm? i............ state two inferences........................................The relationship between two variables must be acceptable and has to 2......................The hypothesis has to made before conducting the experiment....1960 Deforestation ..... The Criteria of Question 2........................5............ ................... What causes dough X to rise? 2..... T h is s ta t e m e n t c a n b e t e s te d to d e te rm i n e i ts v a li d it y .. be proven..........1990 ......................... then it may have a conclusion....00pm 50 ..................The hypothesis is a smart guess...... about the length of shadow at 12........... 2. circuit A circuit B bulb bulbs H Y P O T H E S I S IN G M a k in g a g e n e ra l s ta t e m e n t a b o u t t h e 2..................... The Steps yeast ....... 8 k¡f Xir 12 31 nk 2010 fÉ¢Rl® 11 SCIENCE Dough Height (cm) K... give one suitable inference re l a t io n s h ip b e t w e e n a based on the differences of the brightness of bulbs in circuit m a n ip u la te d v a ri a b l e a n d A and circuit B....The relationship between the Inference and the Observation..........................................The information about the observation and the Inference.......... Forest . What is the trend / pattern? ............................................ If the Manipulated increase / decrease ...7..The hypothesis has to be similar to conclusion...... the more the Respond..... The height of each dough b..... A little bit of yeast is .... Based on above experiment.. It was 4. At Kuala Lumpur? repair a burst pipe. age of 74 decades 10 years. when 12. At what time did they start playing? 17. 8 12 fÉ¢Rl® 31 nk 2010 k¡f Xir TANGKAS GROUP TIME Paper II Mathematics 1. He spent ¾ of the total KLIA if it leaves from Pulau 13. En Kalam visited New Zealand for 16 6.m. At what time did the mail train begin the journey? 19. he and reached the finishing line at 1441 finished his homework in 1 hour. Then 10. When was the date he started the work? 8. The construction of a bridge started on completed in ¾ of the time.25 p. How long was his Pinang at 1620 hours? 0835 hours and ended after 3¼ hours. A building project was supposed to take 96 months to be completed. All the Year 6 students of Sekoloh Jenis decades and 8? State the answer in How long did he spend on his Kebangsaan Darma attend extra classes centuries and decades. A train takes 4 hours to reach Kuala Kuala Lumpur to Kangar. A plumber takes 2 weeks and 5 days to Kangar1 hour 15 minutes later. and completed it at 9:55 a.m. How much 9 May 2006 and was completed on 18 11. Yohan started doing his assignment at 8:30 am. at 1845 hours. is ________ She took 1 hour 20 minutes to reach a week? Town R. They ended their game television. The journey was 4 hours and is the age of each building? 45 minutes. meters event at 1423 hours 25 seconds After resting for 50 minutes. 15. but reached 2:00 p. At what time did he start his journey? 18. Thina left his school at 2. If all the If it started on 8 November 2007. Find the duration of the 6 hours 45 minutes.m. A promotion lasted for 2 months 9 days. A flight from Pulau Pinang to KLIA takes weeks. At what time will it reach 14. If the train started at the journey at 8. in months was gained by the January 2007. At what time will it arrive at weeks. When did he reach 3. 15 p. He started work on what time did the lorry reach Kangar? the 3 March 2008. It began Lumpur from Prai. what did it end? 4. There are 5 schools in Sabah with a total 5.30 a. He town R? 16. Karthik began his journey and drove for time. 9 hours 6 minutes before Thursday 6. An athlete started running for the 500 arrived home 1 hour 10 minutes later. .m. She left town P on 12 June 2007 at 2030 hrs. What is 2. assignment? for 1¾ hours daily from Monday to Thursday. Then he visited Japan for 8 ¾ hour. the total time they attend extra classes in p.m.m. A mail train reached its destination at buildings are of the same age. Senawang played a game for 2 hours and taken by him to complete the event.25 9. Mersing at 2320 hrs. They also attend classes on Saturdays for 4 hours. State the time he started watching 45 minutes. study period? At what time was the operation 20. Calculate the time he decided to watch television. A transport lorry usually takes 8 hours completed? 45 minutes to transport goods from 7. Janani cycled from Town P to Town R. What is the product of 5 centuries 4 He took a lunch break of ¾ hour. The football team of Sekolah Tamil hours 18 seconds. An operation in a hospital started at duration for studies. He arrived in completed project? construction. Mongoose 1. C 5. Ziraffa 2) f§fz« f£Lj 5). bra¥gL bghU ïiy (Underline the best hive FW¡F« beL¡F« . bg© á§f« 1. As fierce as a lion 2) Mine 7. C 2. Hers bgÇJ« nghw¥gL»wJ. br«k¿ ML 7. Hers 20. 15 years 19. 1 – In 1990 – under development / logging / build housing area / 12. 6. 87 months 18. As blind as a bat 6. 1. Bread A contains water but not in bread B 16.m«kh 15. 17. As agile as a monkey 8. 1150 hours 14. Bear 6) fhJ F¤Jj 7) bfh¡F 6. 17 minutes 53 seconds ii. ntiy brtij lair 6) (i)bríf 3.30 pm .ANSWERS 2. 1600 hours . 1600 decades SCIENCE . Exercise 1. Kangroo 3) fL¡fh bfhL¤j burrow (ii)ciu¡»wd 4. 17th January 2008 6.C 10. A hole 10) His 11. His stable 17. fW¡ F£o Exercise 2 2. 2150 hours on the same day 10.8. 8 months 9 days 5. As fast as a deer 1. A 4. D 5. B (fU¤Jz®j gtif) 5) Theirs 10. 40 minutes . Guinea Pig 3. Yours 10)gÂtò khzt®fsh 8. B (Change the possessive 5. C 6) His (UnderlineWho 3. 4.A 13. 6.7. C thu« 10 nfÉf (5) shell 12. A 1.áW¤ij¥ òÈ 3. As clumsy as a bear 4. cL«ò 5. 1635 hours 2.C 9. Porcupine 9. D adjectives into possessive 7.more energy / power 11. As playful as a kitten 2. B 1. B 9) Hers 7.more energy /power . 5.6.less electricity 9. 7. Maths Answers. i. Theirs 19.F¿a Éid th¡»a« 9) bra¥gLbghU 7. Its 16. As faithful as a dog (Write names of animls 1. C 3. D 3. A pronouns) 8. 14th February 2008 15. B 2. B 9. 5. B given in Tamil) 2. C Exercise 3 sty 10. A 6. ML 8. C Exercise 2 4. 660 hours 2. Mine 7) »zW¤ jtis 8) A.19 pm 3. C 1) Hers 6. As fat as a pig 9. Xeh 10. B 1B 7) Theirs lives where? Exercise 4 4.Part II 1. A 7. B 3. C 4. 9. 9 3. 4. Circuit A than Circuit B 7. Microbes grow well in damp and warm conditions. eÇ gÆá 3 11. B 8) His barn given in English ) 6. Wednesday. As cunning as a fox 4. 1705 hours 2.40 am school/factories/ plantation/ farming/ build damp 13. B 8. Zebra 1) xiw¡fhÈ Ãw 4.00 pm 8.5.15 pm 2. 11. The Earth revolves in its own axis / The Earth spins from west to east. x£lf« 6. C 2D (Write names of animals 5. áǤjh kennel 1.More electricity . Squirrel 8.ANSWERS gÆá 2 gÆá 1 (v¢rÉid. 18 weeks 20. Yours 18. F¿a. Bull (7 kuò bjhl®f) 2. 8 k¡f Xir 31 nk 2010 fÉ¢Rl® 13 Éilf fÉ¢Rl®-5 jÄbkhÊ ENGLISH . As gentle as a dove 5. 3. fh©lh ÄUf« (ïizbkhÊf) gÆá 4 4) Ours 9.5 (F¿a Éid th¡»a«) answers) coop 14. A 3) His 10.(Pronouns) Exercise 1 (SIMILES) Exercise 3 (ntWik) Fwh Éid) Tick the correct sentences. Hippopotamus 4) f©Q« fU¤J« 5) fiu¤J¡ Fo¤j (iii)Úâfis 5. bgÇa® 2.
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