kahi loa

March 28, 2018 | Author: Silvia Viale | Category: Self-Improvement, Emotions, Pain, Mind, Thought



TECNICA DI GUARIGIONE KAHI KAHI Passiamo ora ad illustrare una tecnica di guarigione chiamata KAHI.Kahi, portando l energia nel punto dello stress, tende a sciogliere i blocchi ener getici, a rilassare le tensioni muscolari e a ripristinare le condizioni armonic he del corpo. A seconda del sintomo può essere eseguita mettendo le mani a breve distanza dal co rpo del soggetto, oppure a diretto contatto. Non cercate di usare l energia personale, non state facendo pranoterapia. Secondo il 3° principio della Filosofia Huna, l energia universale agisce in base al pensier o e viene attirata dalla concentrazione mentale in un determinato punto. Tutto q uello che dovete fare è concentrarvi sui punti del corpo sotto indicati, tenendoci sopra le mani. Ricord ate che in Kahi è più importante quello che fate con la mente, di quello che fate co n le mani. Secondo la medicina tradizionale hawaiana, sparsi lungo il corpo, si trovano dei punti di concentrazione dell energia, che concettualmente corrispondon o ai Chakra dello Yoga. Questi punti si chiamano centri di potere . I centri di pot ere sono 14 e precisamente: 1 - La sommità della testa (corona) 2 - Il centro del petto (timo) 3 - L ombelico 4 - L osso pubico 5/6 - I palmi delle mani 7/8 - Le piante dei piedi 9/10 - La giuntura delle spalle 11/12 - La giuntura delle anche 13 - La settima vertebra cervicale (l osso sporgente alla base del collo) 14 - Il coccige La tecnica si esegue mettendo le dita o il palmo di una mano su un centro di pot ere, e le dita o il palmo dell altra mano sul punto da curare. Mantenendo questa p osizione, iniziate a respirare lentamente e profondamente, concentrandovi sulla mano a contatto col centro di potere, mentre inspirate e sulla mano a contatto c on il punto malato, mentre espirate. Ripetete per 7 / 8 respirazioni. Non pensate di dover trasferire l energia attraverso il respiro, questo serve solo ad aumentare la concentrazione, e neanche attraverso le mani, che servono solo a mantenere l attenzione sui punti interessati. Spostare continuamente la concentrazione da una mano all altra, attira energia nel corpo e si viene a creare un flusso che scorre dal centro di potere alla zona b loccata. Se può aiutarvi immaginate un arcobaleno che collega le due mani. Nello scegliere il centro di potere che volete usare, cercate quello più lontano d alla zona malata, ma che sia anche facile da raggiungere. Questo perché più i due punti sono lontani, più si estende la zona del corpo attravers ata dall energia e il processo acquista efficacia; a patto però di essere in una pos izione comoda, altrimenti la difficoltà di esecuzione può pregiudicare la concentraz ione. Non tentate di influenzare il risultato della guarigione con la volontà e con la v ostra energia, se non volete sentirvi stanchi o raccogliere la malattia che stat e curando. Usate la vostra mente unicamente per mantenere la concentrazione: l ene rgia sa benissimo dove andare e il corpo del paziente sa benissimo come autoripa rarsi. Il vostro impegno consiste solo nel concentrarvi al meglio e avere fiducia nella guarigione. Poiché in base al 2° principio della Filosofia Huna tutto è energeticamen te collegato, ogni volta che lavorate per guarire un altro ricevete anche voi en ergia positiva. Dopo aver respirato per 7 / 8 volte chiedete al paziente come sta. Se sta meglio il processo di guarigione è stato avviato e potete smettere. Altrimenti continuat e per qualche altro ciclo di respirazione. In caso ce ne fosse bisogno, la terap ia può essere ripresa ancora nei giorni seguenti. A volte, dopo il trattamento, il dolore può apparentemente spostarsi in un altro p unto. Questo segnala l affiorare di una più profonda stratificazione del blocco ener getico, che è potuta emergere grazie alla rimozione di quella più esterna. In questo caso ripetete la tecnica sul nuovo punto dolorante. Se il sintomo dovesse persistere, anche dopo vari giorni di trattamento, probabi lmente lo stress è dovuto a paura o rabbia. Inoltre a volte la guarigione ha un effetto solo temporaneo e dopo un po il sinto mo torna a manifestarsi. In tutti questi casi il solo aumento dell energia non è completamente risolutivo e s arà necessario lavorare anche con le tecniche di rielaborazione dei contenuti inco nsci, che innescano quei particolari sintomi. Vi rimando alle tecniche di elaborazione del sogno e del Viaggio Sciamanico. Kahi può essere fatto su sé stessi e sugli altri. KAHI A DISTANZA Kahi può essere fatto anche a distanza, poiché come abbiamo detto, non è indispensabil e usare le mani, l unica cosa che conta è la concentrazione. La dimensione mentale non è limitata dallo spazio e dal tempo, basta pensare a qua lcosa o qualcuno e il contatto è stabilito, inoltre l energia è presente in qualsiasi punto del cosmo e può essere indirizzata in tempo reale verso qualunque obiettivo abbiate scelto. Quindi potete fare Kahi immaginando le vostre mani sul corpo di un altra persona, mentre eseguite effettivamente la respirazione. Questo è particolarmente utile quando il soggetto è lontano, ma può essere fatto anche per voi e per gli altri, tutte le volte che dovete trattare una zona irraggiung ibile, ad es. volete curare la vostra schiena, oppure quando il contatto è controi ndicato, ad es. per curare una ferita. Quando inviate energia a distanza a qualcuno che non è al corrente del vostro inte rvento, scegliete un orario serale o notturno in cui presumete che il soggetto s ia in casa o a riposo. Il sopraggiungere del flusso energetico è maggiormente frui to se si è rilassati, inoltre il rilassamento indotto dall energia potrebbe risultar e controproducente mentre si sta svolgendo un compito che richiede attenzione, c ome ad es. guidare una macchina. ******************************************************************************* dal sito: http://www.huna.org/html/techtouchups.html Technique Touch-ups by Serge Kahili King I have been publishing books since 1974 and most of them contain a lot of techni ques for healing and personal development. Sometimes, over time, variations on c ertain techniques are developed, perhaps to make them easier to do, or perhaps t o extend their use into different areas. In this article I am going to update th ree well-known and well-used techniques with variations that are not found in my books. Kahi, from Urban Shaman be creative. is the possibility of going into someone else's Garden and help solve problems for them. this only happens when th e words themselves evoke a change in sensation. you make the decision to find a path to someone else's Garden. and wonder why it doesn't work so well. Instant Healing. however. 5. Regardless of which one you may have learned and like. a lot of people also find it very dif ficult. Tap and Breathe as usual. Others incorporate a t ype of focused breathing called "pikopiko. Repeat as long as you are getting any degree of relief. 2. some of whom are also familiar with the following variation that is not in my books. it is very important to understand that you cannot really go into someone else's Inner Garden. DMT may be able to help." which consists of holdi ng the fingertips on two points while breathing and keeping the focus on both po ints at the same time. though. a set of touches. is enter your version of someone else's Garden . or more sensations in different places that repetition provides relief for. and if it is not possible. Kahi Loa is a type of ski n massage composed of seven different movements related to Fire. so in workshops and classes I began teaching pikopiko for Stone Kahi ins tead of dual focus. invite the spi rits of guests. from Help Yourself With Dynamind and Healing For The Mil lions. What you can do. and Humans. Dynamind (DMT) combines awareness of a physical sens ation with a set of words. Not in the books. Now before you start worrying about invasion of privacy and manipulation. It is the only "movement" that uses dual focus. The Inner Garden. Even after learning DMT a surpri sing number of people try to use words without any reference to a physical sensa tion. and use as a base for deeper inner adventures." this technique is familiar to most of my students . Wind. to try either a symbol for the problem or try a different technique. This is a reminder to include a re ference to a physical sensation whenever possible. Here is the process that I have used to very good effect in a very short time: 1." When a person has certain physical problems or sensations that her or she define s as being caused by a non-physical entity. subconscious . both forms are equally effective. The Dynamind Technique. Then your own imagination. The Kahi that I wrote about in Urban Shaman is actually"Stone Kahi" in the large r system. I want that (sensation ) to disappear. Water. For greatest effectiveness." which involves inhaling with attenti on on one point and shifting attention to another point as you exhale. The Garden is usually taught as a symbolic inner space where you can work on you r personal problems.In this book I introduced the technique I called "Kahi. Animals. Mastering Your Hidden Self and U rban Shaman. from Imagineering For Health. Also called "The Garden Tiki. St one. A surprisingly effective variation that I have taught successfully on a number o f occasions is the use of DMT for the problem of "possession. While a lot of people like the dual focus." 3. In other words. I want the Entity to go away. discover things about yourself. Plants. It's actually part of a more extensive technique called " Kahi Loa" that I describe in my book. Continue with changes until all signs of the Entity are gone. Make a Statement similar to the following: "The Entity is causing (name the s ensation) in my (name the location). after you have entered your own Garden. While using words alone will sometimes produce a physical change. Start with the Gesture as usual. 4. and that can change. and pikopiko breathing. or contact Aloha International. providing that no changes are ma de without the express approval of the author. breath and. the more likely he or she is to accept the information and use it in his or her own way. Help Yourself With Dynamind. this information goes out over the connection and is rece ived as a suggestion that the person may accept or reject. and effective method of h ealing based on a special blend of words. When you are in your version of that Garden and ask for a symbol of that person' s problem and heal it. DMT can be used alone. 6. exhale with your attention on your toes. and that can change. ." 4. or mental problem to work on. I want that problem to go away. but neve r control. or type. Bring both hands together with your fingertips touching. Repeat the above steps f or continued benefit. or DMT. altern ative. the bone at the base of your neck. The focus on the person create s a telepathic connection. but it help s prepare the mind and the body so that healing may happen more easily. built f rom whatever you know or think about that person. or it can be combined with any other conventional. For more information go to The Al oha Project. aloud or silently: "I have a problem. fast. It can be used by children as well as ad ults.alohainternational.alohainternational. 2. You can always help. touch. naturally. The more the person r eally wants a positive change. WHAT IS IT? The Dynamind Technique. and Higher Self combine to create a facsimile of that person's Garden. With two or three fingers tap these points 7 times each: the center of your c hest. Inhale with your attention focused on the top of your head.org/html/dynamind. by Serge Kahili King .pdf THE DYNAMIND TECHNIQUE copyright by Serge King 2003 For Free Distribution Only Permission is hereby granted by the author to make unlimited electronic or print copies of this document for free distribution. and has been used successfully in the healing of animals as well. It has p roven effective as an aid to healing a wide variety of physical. imagery.html file pdf: http://www. PO Box 426.org/html/dmteng. is a safe. It has been designed so that most people can use it themselves to help relieve most conditions most of the time in less than an hour.English Version Basic Format 1. Choose a physical. Volcano HI 96785. sometimes. Symptoms may change in intensity. 5. easy. 3. and it is being tested with more and more conditions every day by an international team of practitioners. emotional and m ental conditions. the outer area between the thumb and index finger of both hands. Make the following statement.. tel: 808-645-7007. huna@huna. ***************************************************************************** dal sito: http://www. It can also be used in co mbination with other treatments to help all people with all conditions in varied times. emotional. location. or complementary healing method. All healing comes from within. DMT by itself does not heal anything.org. sensati on and location. emotional and mental problems are related to excessive tension in the body. It also has the benefit of serving as a sub conscious signal that a healing process is about to begin." This is an acknowledgement that the problem exists. W hile the specific source for these techniques happens to be ancient Hawaiian tra dition.. It is the combined and cumulative effect of these techniques together that produces the a mazingly rapid results of DMT.. also a relaxing idea. healing is very rapid. The Hand Position The Dynamind Technique begins with bringing both hands together with only finger tips touching. HOW DOES IT WORK? The effectiveness of the Dynamind Technique is based on a theory that all physic al." This is a declaration of expectation that the problem is not permanent and that relief is possible. emotional upsets are temporary a nd moderate. instead.then the healing response is inhibited. As long as the dynamic state is maintained. Whether you want to think . the Hand Position is maintained throughout the process except during the touching segment . ". confusion and negative thinking. If the body enters a state of static tension . During this same state the mind also recovers quickly from stress and. You will not need to accept a ny system of beliefs or philosophy for it to work and. The theory proposes that tension accumulates in layers. This is a position used in some kinds of m editation to help induce relaxation. and that can change.It work s best if the problem is clearly defined in terms of symptom. You do not have to accept the theory in order to use Dynamind effectively." This is a directive. Any me thod that helps the body to move from a state of static tension to a dynamic one will release or stimulate the natural healing response of the body.The Dynamind Technique is simple to learn and use.In practice. According to this same theory. However. with focal points that p roduce specific symptoms. an acknowledgement of the problem. it will even wor k if you don't believe in it. an actively negative attitude will dimini sh its effects. or anger and fear to flourish. and a specific directive. Even simple acknowledgement often initiates a process of relaxa tion.the body immediately and automatic ally goes into a healing mode whenever unusual stress is encountered. You may use it for yourself and share it with family and friends and those in need. is neither an affirmation nor a request. Healing takes place when tension layers are relaxed. similar techniques are found in many other parts of the world. intensity. It is.a wall-building cycle of increasi ng resistance .. WHY DOES IT WORK? Each segment of the Dynamind Technique is a separate healing technique itself. as if holding a globe. "I want that problem to go away. a declaration of expectation. Let's analyze the Basic Statement in this way: "I have a problem. composed of three parts. allowing disease and dys function. when the body is in a state of dynamic tension a wave-like cycle of tension and relaxation . The Statement The Basic Dynamind Statement.. in fact. The Breath The Dynamind Technique concludes with a special type of breathing called "piko-p iko" in Hawaiian. The Touch Touching the body anywhere stimulates an energetic response that affects the ent ire physical. Touching this area in certain way s is known to help relieve anxiety. and are considered by some to have a revitalizing effect on the whole body. The Thymus area in the center of the chest. Well-known in Chinese acupuncture.The concept is that this produces a wa ve of energy between the two points. What follo ws is what helps the effect to be even greater. Gentle Vibration. sides. 2. stimulation of this area is considered to have a revitalizing and relaxing effect on the upper body. and back of the body. Touching the body in certain places a nd in certain ways can evoke a specific response that is both energizing and rel axing at the same time. and exhaling with the attention on a second point. mental and emotional system. in this case the top of the head. the brain. 3. not for any esoteric reas on. or change the process (usually by changing the Statement) if the nature or location of the symptom has changed. Massage or strong pressure are not req uired. Imagery Symbolic imagination may be added to the Dynamind Technique with very good resul ts. The 7th cervical vertebra (the bony hump at the top of the spine/base of the neck). but in any case the effect is both relaxing and vitalizing. Extended Contact (with light pressure). 4. and is neither too long nor to o short. but because it is an easy rhythm to remember." After each rou nd you check the status of the symptom and either stop the process. Extended Contact with humming. Used in Hawaiian bodywork. It is only necessary to touch the general area of the points mentioned above in order to get the proper effect. and stimul ate the immune system. and pelvic area. This Basic directive was chosen because it works for mo st people most of the time. The process simply consists of translating the symptom into a symbol in the . This type of breathing consists of inhaling with the attention on one point. Each of them is highly effective when used alone. When you speak such a directive to yourself it begins to tak e effect to some degree.of it as being directed to the body. They are located in the area where lines that follow the sides of the thumb and first finger intersect. Light Tapping. Four methods of touch are generally used in the Dynamind Technique: 1. these point s are often stimulated for headache relief. as well as being convenient to reach. Touch and Breath is called a "Round. Dynamind uses four specific areas of the body for the Touch segment of the techn ique in the following sequence: 1. relax the chest and lung muscles. and more so when used together. or anything e lse doesn't matter. repeat the p rocess. Any part of the Statement can be modified to produce a better effect. spine. but these have the advantage of covering the front. The Hoku points of both hands. in this case the toes. Many other points or areas could have been used. 2. The Round Each sequence of Statement. Each form of touch is maintained for a count of seven. 3. the subconscious. angel. It helps to describe this as it is happening. and my body is star ting to do that now!" The Dynamind Toner . simply imagining what the symptom feels like will produce a sym bol that can be worked with." etc. mental or emoti onal issues.." "I feel fear/anxiety in my chest.." Thinking Statements These are useful for dealing with issues related to the past or the future.. For those who find it difficult to come up with a symbol. Again. Feeling Statements The more specific these are the better. yes I do. a three-time repetition has been found to improve the effect.. Using the above examples.. Experience has sh own that repetition of the change three times in a row is often more beneficial." "When I think of giving a speech. color and weight.. rather than to resolve a problem. Make it happen." "It feels lik e I'm drowning. it is possible to crea te a symbol by asking a series of questions: "If this symptom had a shape. being saved by a lifeguard. one could imagine pulling the knife out and throwing it away. or other helper reach into the body and remove this symbol with its specific shape. but the following ideas have been tried and tested with very good results." or "emlock" which occurs when emotional r esistance inhibits the healing process and words are not effective." Power Statements This refers to Statements that resemble affirmations and which are intended to r einforce or create positive behavior." "I feel anger in my stomach. For many people...mind.. They are most effective after using DMT to resolve any related physical. VARIATIONS Possible variations of the Statements used in the Dynamind Technique are endless . yes it does." It feels like someone is choking me. what would it be?" The next step would be to have an imagined friend. For example: "It feels like a knife." "I feel an urge to eat when I watch television.." In this case the directive becomes: "I want that feeling to go away. When this is done it is called a "symbolic key" or "symkey" and is usually intended to open an "emotional lock. or the choking hand s letting go and disappearing. w hat would it be?" "If this symptom had a weight. Examples: "I feel pain in the third joint of my little finger.. make it so!" "My body knows how to get rid of my excess fat. Exam ples: "When I think of what happened. The idea is to change the symbol in some way so that the experience of the sympt om is also changed and the condition feels better than it was.. In all cases the Statements are followed by the Touch and the Breath. Examples: "I have the power to speak in front of people without getting nervous. The way to work with the symbol is to change a negative symbol into a positive o ne with the imagination. When a symbo lic key is used it is inserted after the Statement and before the Touch. what would it be?" "If this symptom had a color. Example: "(Name of animal or person) has a problem and that can change. or when neede d. I want all those problems to go away. If a pain or other symptom changes location after one or more rounds of DMT. touch the chest again. evening." Feel free to change the wording according to your needs and desires. "I have a cold" is abstract. and that is good." Pick a number to represent the intensity of the pro blem before using DMT. whether the symptom is of the same type as at first or not. "I have a stuffy nose" is specific. on each shoulder joint. If it is too inconvenie nt to touch the back of the neck. assume anger or fear by trial and error. 2. Use the Hand Position to begin and follow each Statement with the Touch and the Breath. I want those qualities to grow and spread. I want those feelings to grow and spread. or combine DMT with another approach. This can be done with gentle words and petting. holding. th en choose a number after each round to monitor progress. resentment. assum e that a suppressed emotion is involved." "There may be anger. Use Statemen ts like "There may be anger in my shoulder. unhappiness or guilt in my body and my mind. Step 4 Do the Breath with one hand contacting the top of the animal or person's head on the inhale. 3. worry or doubt in my body and my mind. and the base of the spine (or hip joint) on the exhale. or hugging. and that can change. assume that the new location represents a different symptom on a different tensi on layer." "There is power and strength." Step 3 Touch the animal (assuming a mammal) or the person in a preferred way on the che st. an d that can change. and that is good. stroking. If a physical symptom does not change at all after three rounds of DMT. (Name) wants that problem to go away." 5. Use an "Intensity Scale. anxiety. "I feel anger in my solar plexus" is better. not abstract labels. "There may be fear. and ch ange to a pain in the shoulder or trembling in the legs on the next round. a DMT session might start with a pain in the chest on the first round. use something else. For exampl e.This is useful for general tension relief in the morning. Whenever possible use specific sensations or feelings in describing the probl em. Step 1 Establish an emotional rapport with the animal or person to be helped. make a Statement on behalf of the one being helped. Uses For The Dynamind Technique Here is a partial list of the ways in which Dynamind has been used successfully: . In general. ANIMALS AND CHILDREN Dynamind can work with animals and with children or with those who cannot do the technique for themselves. Step 2 While maintaining physical contact with the animal or person in a comforting way . When DMT doesn't work at all. I want all those problems to go away. health and vitality somewhere in my body and my mi nd. 4." or "My eyes may be afraid of someth ing. with 0 being no problem and 10 being a severe problem. whether there is awareness of such an e motion or not. "I am angry" is okay. and on the back of the neck. harmony and happiness somewhere in my body and my mind . TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS 1." "There is love and peace. Eczema. Swelling. middle. vaginal and cervical Generalized pain Relief of Other Physical Conditions Numbness and tingling Arthritis (pain. related emotional issues) Stiffness (joint and muscle) Skin conditions (Dermatitis. Hives. Farsightedness. stiffness) Cancer (relief of pain. lower) Shoulders Joints Muscles (including myalgia) Headaches and migraines Neck pain and stiffness Eye soreness Teeth. swelling. Itching) Allergy symptoms Nausea (including seasickness) Weight management (controlling urges) Tinnitus Ear pressure Diabetic shakiness Cold. gums and jaws Bones Skin Heart Tendons Uterine. Distortion) General physical stress and tension Emotional Pain and Feelings Anxiety (specific and generalized) Anger and resentment Guilt and grief Unhappiness Depression Loss Abandonment Betrayal Sadness Abuse General emotional stress and tension Mental Pain and Issues Doubt Confusion Indecision Conflict Worry Self Worth and Self Esteem Criticism and negative thoughts Nightmares Autism .Relief of Physical Pain and Aches Back (upper. sinus and flu symptoms Shortness of breath Fatigue and exhaustion Weakness Dizziness and Vertigo Excess energy and nervousness Excessive heat or burning sensations Menopause symptoms (including hot flashes) Insomnia Vision Improvement (Nearsightedness. nausea from treatment. PO Box 426. In the Hawaiian language. And the loving use of this incredible Power is the secret for a ttaining true health. happiness. and although it is extremely s imple it may not prove easy. aloha stands for much more than just "hello" or "goodb ye" or "love. huna@ huna. The Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptanc e for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous. It is a secret which has been given to humanity over and over again . The way to tune into this Power and have it work for you is so simple that you m ight be tempted to pass it off as being too easy to be true.org. prosperity and success. share and post this document as often as you wish on condition tha t it not be sold. . The secret is this: Bless everyone and everything that represents what you want! That's all there is to it." As you share this energy you become attuned to the Universal Power that the Hawa iians call mana. or contact Aloha International. providing that no changes are ma de without the express approval of the author. it also refers to a pow erful way to resolve any problem. This is the most powerful technique in the world. The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha by Serge Kahili King copyright by Serge King 2003 You may copy. Anything that simple. email your name and postal ad dress to huna@huna. however. Volcano HI 96785.alohainternational. because you must remember to do it and you have to do it a lot.org/html/aspirit1. and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire. Please don't let yo urself be fooled by appearances.k.a. However. does need some explana tion." Its deeper meaning is "the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life ene rgy (ha) in the present (alo). For more information go to The Al oha Project. Take the time to try it out. For a free copy in booklet form.org.a. and here it is once more in another form. THE ALOHA SPIRIT a. "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" copyright by Serge King 2003 For Free Distribution Only Permission is hereby granted by the author to make unlimited electronic or print copies of this document for free distribution.html THE ALOHA SPIRIT a.k. accomplish any goal.General mental stress and tension Habits Nail-biting Smoking Bed-wetting Alcohol intake (urge control) ******************************************************************************** ********* Per aumentare l'energia: http://www. g." Affirmation . Here. Whenever any of these are done they tend to cancel out some of the effects of blessing. I wish you a happy journey.Bless healthy people. I give thanks to the rain for nou rishing the land. all the signs of happiness that you see. Apply them as often as you like. namely criticizing instead of admiring. when you bless fo r the benefit of others instead of directly for yourself. This doesn't mean swearing or saying "bad" words. including ev erything that money helped to make or do. Thirdly. then. Prosperity . I like that flower. all signs of forward movement or persistence. doubting instead of affirming. cre ative force of the Power of the Universe. "What a beautiful sunset.. E. it moves your own energy out ward. and sports events). Blessing is effective in changing your life or getting what you want for three r easons: First of all. . all the money that you have in any for m. It refers to the opposite of blessing. On the other hand.To bless something means to give recognition or emphasis to a positive quality." Anticipation . brid ges. Success . the positive focus of your mind stirs up the positive. May the wind be always at your back.This is the giving of compliments or praise to something good that you notice.. The main kinds of verbal blessing are: Admiration . "Thank you for helping me. endure or come into being. I bless your increased income.Bless all that is good..This is blessing for the future. and worrying instead of anticipating with trust. blessed be the health of your body." In order to gain the most benefit from blessing.This is an expression of gratitude that something good exists or has happened. or the good that is in all people and all th ings. animals. "I bless the beauty of this tree. allowing more of the Power to come through you.Bless all the signs of prosperity in your environment. characteristic or condition. What is so beautiful about this process is that the blessing you do for others helps them as well as you.g. cars and people). Health . planes. with the intent that what is recognized or emphasiz ed will increase." Appreciation . are some ideas for blessing various needs and desires. and all the money that circulates in the world. and all potentials for happiness that you notice around you. as much as you want. but the most usual and easy way to d o it is with words. blaming instead of apprecia ting. Thank you for my perfect mate. you're such a wo nderful person. all arrivals at destinations (of ships.Bless all signs of achievement and completion (such as buildings. and all signs o f enjoyment or fun.g. trains.g. the more you bless the less harm any cursing will do. you will have to give up or cut way down on the one thing that negates it: cursing.. everything which is wel l made or well constructed. "We're going to have a gre at picnic. and even plants. you tend to bypass any subconscious fears about what you want for yourself. and everything that expresses abundant energy. E. Happiness . and also the very focus on the blessing acts to increase the same good in your life. Secondly. E. So the more you c urse the harder it will be and the longer it will take to get the good from a bl essing. Blessing may be done with imagery or touch. E.This is a specific statement of blessing for increase or endurance . hear or feel in people or animals . stars. How to Enhance Your Power to Bless There is a technique practiced in Hawaii which enhances your power to bless by i ncreasing your personal energy. Spiritual Growth . all harmonious relationships in nature and architecture. The previous ideas are for guidance if you are not used to blessing. compassion and su pport. power lines). calmness. begin imagining that you a re surrounded with an invisible cloud of light or an electro-magnetic field. 4. and all signs of purposeful power (including big machines. and/or energized. whether it has existed. The Technique 1. Remember that any quality. but don't b e limited by them. It is a simple way of breathing that is also use d for grounding. As you bless. centering. the transitions of dawn and twilight. all signs of beauty of sight. and that your breathing increases the energy of this cloud or field. It requires no special place or posture. Please share it with as many others as you can. Now. as you inhale put your attention on the crown of your head.Bless all signs of caring and nurturing. planets and sta rs. Locate the crown of your head and your navel by awareness and/or touch. and the movement of wind and sea.Confidence . 5. you can bless slender poles and slim animals to encourage weight loss). tranquility. everything that is connected to or gently touching something else.Bless all signs of quietness. all signs of s trength in people. moon. or exists so far in your imagi nation alone. sound or touch. clear colors and shapes. the de tails of natural or made objects.g. all signs of cooperation. Inner Peace . Personally I have used the power of blessing to heal my body. and all signs of laughter and fun. the movement of sun. and may be done while moving or still. the moon ). . create a deeply loving relationship with my wife and chil dren. the flight of birds in the sky. and serenity (such as quiet water or still air). development and change in Nature. but that's okay). centered. develop many skills. presently exists. and as you e xhale put your attention on your navel. In Hawaiian the technique is called pikopiko because piko means b oth the crown of the head and the navel. imagine that the object of your blessing is surrounded with som e of the same energy that surrounds you. Become aware of your natural breathing (it might change on its own just becau se of your awareness. busy or resting. characteristic or condition can be blessed (e. meditation and healing. increase my income . with eyes o pen or closed. as in games or work.Bless all signs of growth. and to establish a worldwide network of peacemakers working with the aloha spirit. all distant views (horizons.Bless all signs of confidence in people and animals.. When you feel relaxed. animals and objects (including steel and concrete). 3. Love and Friendship . 2. It's because it has worked so well for me that I want to share it with you. all signs of stability (like mountains and tall trees). Keep breathing this way for as long as y ou like. it would be more acc urate to say that they interact all the time.htm Instant Healing By Serge Kahili King. and even muscular activity in your body. Actually. The body accepts the mind as an authority. or other very physical effects. Here's a simple experiment: take a moment and imagine you are a beggar in medieval London. Go ahead a nd smell it and taste it. a nd other people. even if all you did was set the book down in disgust. you will on ly get partial effects. And if you imagine yourself getting well. Every thought sets off neuroc hemical activity that corresponds to the nature of the thought. amused. chemical. In the sections above. and emeralds. and too many people with such low self-esteem that they don't even dare tell their bodies how to behave. too. If you don't hold your focus for long enough. Ph. But even the thought of doing it would have initiated neurological.org/ PART ONE: Preparing the Way for Instant Healing Chapter Three: Imagination. a s ense of lightness and expansion. the body will start the hea ling process. I have purposely avoided d iscussion of many interactive areas in order to talk about them here. Now. experienced pleasure. and felt unhappy.D. The Emotional Link . If you did go through wit h it. You may have felt the sensation of the jewels.huna. Hold the box and feel th e jewels while all the court applauds your wise diplomacy. You h ave no money. diamonds. your body will scour its memory and be gin to produce the physical reactions and substances to generate the appropriate symptoms. ISBN 1-58063-159-2 Personal Website: http://www. but it also accepts memory. Whether you were thrilled. because some of their behavior cou ld not be called togetherness. imagine yourself as the king or queen of Atlantis. however. but don't forget you are reading a book. or not The mind and the body work together all the time. experienced your body growin g heavy or contracted.net/spirit/instant. and Healing Part One . sitting on your throne o f gold and velvet while the ambassador of Lemuria presents you with a box made o f amber and filled with rubies.planetdeb. so you dip your bowl in an open sewer and take a drink. the body responds. When the mind thinks a thought. Stop when you want to . Stop! I don't want you to gag all over the book.Chapter Three: Section Excerpt: Mind and Body Together. I've seen many elderly people who are still slaves to thei r dead parents' wishes. You p robably didn't go through with it anyway.***************************************************************************** estratto dal libro Instant Healing http://www. If you imagine you are going to get sick.sergeking. you may have tasted foul stuff in your mouth. it will still have induced physical changes in you r body.com/ Huna Website: http://www. or bored with the little story. energy. the Mind. being forced to do something against your will or hearing a political idea that you don't believe in). similar to the way radio waves carry info rmation.S. the body will supp ress them in the only way it can . Emotions are waves of energy that carry messages. the body just expresses emotions as they come up. W hen the mind experiences pleasure or pain. Thoughts that don't relate to the important issues of pain or pleasu re cause little disturbance or excitement and little in the way of behavioral ch ange. Emotions exist only as they are felt. any more than the wav es of the ocean are. then so is the emotion. When you think a joyful thought or when an experience trigg ers a joyful memory. however stimulated. may cause massive thinking activity. On its own. The dates of the terms of office of U. Every thought produces a disturbance or excitement in the body's physiology. produces a disturbance or excitement in the mind's thinking process. Emotions are the means by which the mind and body communicate with each other. depending on th e degree of potential pain or pleasure involved. the body generates a joyful emotion. emotions are not suppressed. every physiological change. On the other hand. Thoughts of a burglar being in the house or of picking up a grand prize that has been won may cause massive ene rgetic and behavioral changes. cell division). When the mind communicates with the body. or as a mountain that blocks the north wind and leaves the southern ocean nic e and calm. may have no n oticeable effect on the mind. presidents usually go in one ear and out the other unless a test grade is involved. the latter reacts according to the degree of emotion stimulated by the thought. But if the mind creates a belief that certain k inds of emotions are not to be expressed. I f the cells can't move. related ideas or experience becomes so strong that the body cannot produce eno ugh additional tension to suppress a reaction. regardless of the consequences. if acknowledged. But mountains erode under the pressure of constant wind. (Consider what goes on in the min d at puberty. it uses memory to get the sam e effect. Emotions are not store d. When the stimulus of additional . or when the amount of tension pre sent is so great it cannot be held anymore. behavior experienced or perceiv ed that challenges or strongly reinforces cherished assumptions and rules of the mind (for example. the memories will not transmit and emotions won't exist. and the bod y erodes under the pressure of constant tension. Well.by tensing muscles so that they can't move. generate an u npleasant emotion. and yo u can use the body to bring pleasure or pain to the mind. They are not stored. Think of this as setting up a barrier so the waves can't form in the first plac e. there is an emotional response in the body. The emotion occurs right there in the moment. physiological changes that are not related to the me ntal pain or pleasure of most people (for example. the result is an outburst of emotion amplified by the release of tension energy. This also means that y . why do emotions based on old e vents break out so strongly in a crisis? The answer has to do with a combination of stimulus response and tension energy. while it carries elements of the thought along with it. When the body communicates with the mind. and the moment that the test is over. if you aren't carrying suppressed emotions.The link between the mind and the body is emotion. you do not walk around like a warehouse of old e motions. When the body experiences pleasure or pain. To summarize: you can use the mind to bring pleasure or pain to the body. Likewise. the body generates an a nxious emotion. or certain ideas or memories are not t o be acknowledged because that would be painful or dangerous.) Accordingly. When you think an anxi ous thought or an experience triggers an anxious memory. there is an emotional respons e in the mind. you do not breathe yesterday's air or surf yesterday's wave. Tension is the body's way of suppressi ng the ideas it learned from the mind that would. Thoughts that relate directly to mental or phys ical pain or pleasure may cause great disturbance or excitement. When the stimulus of thought or experience is gone. they usually disappear. mystery grants authority. The magic came from the mystery. PART TWO: Walking the Path of Instant Healing Chapter Four: Instant Healing with the Power of Words Part Two . A friend once gave me a tape recording of a man speaking on some esoter ic subject. you know how important m agical words are. In former times. but if you don't know the right words to say you're nowhere. a papyrus. My friend thought I should listen to it because it was extremely goo d. As gently as possible I an alyzed this man's talk for my friend. By the way. there is still magic. Imagine a powerful magician with a pointy little beard wearing a black cloak with red lining. They are the major component of magical spells. But if he says "Alakazam!" Wow. but not all the time? How can we make words produce magical instant healing? In this chapter you will learn the answers to all of these questions. Small wonder that the written word. or a piece of paper and tell you about the battles of yesteryear. Most of what he said was rampant. at least. Now. isn't it interesting that the wo rd "spell" means a magical chant as well as the naming of the letters in a word? It's also part of magical tradition that spells have to be memorized or recited from books. l ightning flashes from his fingers. cave paintings and petroglyphs were symbols of magical import w ith meanings that were known only to a select few. they are not part of an oral tradition. This was real clairvoyance! And other papers full of scratches with magical seals or signatures could even give orders that made p eople do things. A person with the secret knowledge of reading could look at scratches on a tablet. if you read sword and sorcery novels. But wh ere there is mystery. and the spoken word derived from it. co uld "see" what lay hidden in the hold of a ship. The rest of the book is about do ing just that. and he says in a commanding voice. my vocabulary is fairly extensive and I studied logic in college. confident speaker. plus a couple of extra sylla bles to give it rhythm.ou can use either to help in healing the other. though some poets and a very few novelists can still evoke it. MAGICAL WORDS If you enjoy fairy tales. As these symbols became more abstract. people who don't know that it's gobbledygook will be im pressed. t he more magical power it is thought to have. were th ought to have such magical power. any one can gather a few newts' eyes and lizards' tongues. "Do what I want!" Not too exciting. could predict the coming of the seasons and even an eclipse. Here was psychokinesis. or influence at a distance! Still other s could reveal the intentions of the gods. The less well known a language is. He raises his arms. Magic of the highest degree. It wasn't that I didn't agree with him. Why do pe ople believe in magical words? Why do they sometimes work. If someone speaks gobbl edygook with confidence. inconsistent nonsense. After all. but it is supposed to produce instant results. or God. and he was amazed that he had been so gull ible. but what he said was nonsense. it lost a lot of its mystery. they seemed to be endowed with even more power. less like pictures.Chapter Four: Section Excerpts: Abracadabra! This is probably the most well known magical word in the world. In Western lore. or if you like m ovies and television series with magicians and wizards. and he randomly thre w in big words for their sound and not their meaning. There was nothing to agree or disagree wit h. It is based on the first four letters of the alphabet. As writing became more popularized. The ma n on the tape was a strong. and therefore its magic. impressive! As shown by the above example. . isn't it?" After a momentary conf usion. Fundamentally. she w ould have been killed instantly. the more quickly a healing will result. words are sounds or arbitrary marks to which you give meaning. You just make the positive aspect more important. The Positive Twist The positive twist is the simplest variation. The words she used kept reinforcing that interpretation and the resul ting focus maintained and even exaggerated her fear and stress. qu ite breathless and very agitated. not awe. You don't try to deny any negative experience. words are still an incredibly useful tool for healing. Even physical symptoms c . a regular member of the group arrived late. Any power that words have is given to them by you. Instead of a tra nquilizer. Suddenly I interrupted and said. all she needed was a shift of focus.If words are said in a certain way or in a certain context. And it's all based on a c hoice of words. I'll describe some variations in more detail. HEALING BY INTERPRETATION Look for the good in the past event or the present result and make that the cent er of attention Once when I was teaching a class. To the degree you can do this. On and on she went about how she had almost bee n killed and she was in a state of great fear and stress. This woman had been locked into an interpretation of the event as a near-death e xperience. her body relaxed. All you do is look for the good in the past event or the present result and make that the center of attention. The more quickly that stress c an be relieved. but the powe r comes from you and not the words. she smiled and looked around. and that's wonderful. aren't you?" "What?" she said. to assist you in sharpening an d sustaining your focus. In considerab le detail she described how a car had come out of a side street and had almost r un right into her. as long as you understand their meaning and/or give them authority. And you won't be able to turn him into a frog. either. That's all there is to it. an d languages are organizations of sounds and marks used by particular groups of p eople. The more clearly and consistently you can focus your at tention on a healing thought or intent. The most powerful use they have. Now let's see how to use ordinary words to get m agical effects. you will relieve a lot of stress that may have accumulated from dw elling on the negative side of whatever happened. Her emotional trauma was healed in less than a minute. It can heal emotional wounds as well as physical ones. or those of a doctor or a hypnotist may have an impact far beyond their meaning because of when and how and by whom they are spoken. It's what I used with the woman me ntioned above. After a few moments she calmed down just enoug h to tell us of a near-accident she'd had on the way to the class. you survived. with a sta rtled look. you're here with us now. The more power you give them. Speak the most powerful magical incantation in ancient Hebrew to a twelve-year-old Chinese schoolboy and you'll get puzzleme nt. "I said. the more quickly and thoroughly the body will respond in a healing way. The words of a praye r or a political speech. is to help you direct your attention. the greater their effect on you. "But you're here and alive. With that said. If she hadn't slammed on the brakes as soon as she had. however. I repeated my statement with an added touch. Reinterpreting experience is one of the most powerful healing methods there is. A few words based on ob servable experience led her away from imagined pain and injury to the experienti al reality of being alive and well. and said "You're right!" And she was happy for the rest of the evening. that can also give t hem more authority than their actual meaning would warrant. then change any other emotionally stimulating words into their neutra l equivalents while keeping the basic facts the same. but they do intensify feelings. Creative Translation The value of an interpretation. He left and I never saw him again. on the other hand. In every case I've found where the effec t of child abuse is an ongoing problem. However. negative emotional reaction in a particular individu al. such words are abstract. I have been called upon to help a good number of people who experie nced child abuse in various forms." Anything can be interpreted in any wa y one chooses. I didn't like it. if it isn't helping the person to be healthier and happier then it doesn't need to be maintained. for healing purposes. To translate something into a skinny description. because the treatmen t of a symptom is usually determined by an interpretation of its cause. but a scientist may say. Where healing is concerned. in how well it aids the he aling. habits. That is." T ranslated into a skinny description. based on his or her own background. The new description may lack the charge of righteous anger. Whenever something happens. You can interpret symptoms and conditions in any way you like My favorite definition of truth is this: "truth is. You can interpret symptoms and conditions in any way you like. each individual decides what is true and wha t is not. it doesn't keep increasing tension. and this may not be enough of a positive focus to effec t a healing. Often the only good that can be found is the fact that they survived.aused by such stress can disappear with amazing speed. "No. first remove all the adjective s you can. If you cannot find a sufficiently strong positive focus. Thus. experience. A fact has been described as an opinion that two or more people agr ee on. Frequently. for healing purposes. He destroyed my self-esteem with his abuse and then he abandoned me. interpretation can be critical. Regardless of whether or not this may be justified. the most useful interpretation of unhealthy symptoms and cond itions I have found is that they are all related to levels of internal stress-ph . but they are reduced to the bare essentials without the loaded words Very often the negative effects of negative events are sustained and aggravated by repeatedly using "loaded" words in describing the events. beliefs. "There is no sky. or you can go a long with the interpretation of a trusted authority." And then a mystic may sa y. it came out like this: "My father touched m e when and where I didn't want him to. in cluding anything you make up. For example. In one typical case. You may say "The sky is blue. they don't actually describe a nything specific." That seems obviou s at first. it is interpreted. and often the interpretati on is treated as a fact itself. By consistent ly using this new description of her experience. another ap proach is to weaken the negative focus. a woman described her experience like this: "My father viol ated me. A "loaded" word is one that provokes a strong. but they are reduced to the bare essentials without the loaded words. The valu e of an interpretation. That is an illusion. is in how well it aids the healing ." If you assume that the univ erse is infinite. but. the sky is colorless and what you see is the blue end of the spectrum of refracted sunlight." The facts are the same. and i nclinations. the woman in question soon (in less than a week) was able to change many habits that had prevented her from mov ing toward the success and happiness she wanted. from a very practi cal point of view. then anything you add to that statement would also be true. The Skinny Description The facts are the same. there is always an emotionally loaded re call of the event or events. but all with the intent to relieve the stress. especially if you did play basketball and did feel good while doing it. The ones we are interested in now are those that help your body to heal itself. the body tries t . Whether you use this interpretation or not. there was a time when I came down with what the doct or diagnosed as advanced pneumonia. The objective is to say them in such a way tha t they become facts. HEALING BY AFFIRMATION Affirmations have the same power as other words . Additionally. or to reinforce facts that are only weakly believed. and spiritual. The body j ust can't relate to them. I also used a lot of other approaches and techniques." "Universal energy" and "perfect in every way" are not part of most people's experience." "My body relaxes like a resting c at. The more quickly you want the effect.they help to keep your attenti on focused on what you want Affirmations are statements you make that sound like facts. A good affirmation calls on the body's memory to evoke or strengthen existing sk ills. "I'm feeling as good as I did when I use to play basketball" is ve ry good. the more often you need to focus on what you want. My body remembers how to move this arm an d it does it well.. . Affirm ations are often treated like magical spells." How many times do you do an affirmation? As many times as it takes to get an eff ect. Some variations on basic affirmative statements follow. remember that you can choose an interpretation that will make you feel helpless or you can choose one that will increase your effectiveness. Similes Wonderful healing effects can come from using similes that call up familiar memo ries." The act of compaii4 such mem ories to effects that you want evokes a body response in the direction of simula ting those effects. It's more like devel oping a new habit of mind that translates into a new habit of the body. but the body understands "feeling better" very wel l. To cite a specific example." "My mind is as clear as my Mom's glass table. and allows you to incorporate any form of treatment in the hea ling process. There is a world of difference in the effect of an aff irmation such as this: "Universal energy is flowing through me now and my body i s perfect in every way" and one such as this: "Every day in every way I'm feelin g better and better. A successful affirmation is one that is incorporated by your body as a belief.. Many affirmations fail because they are too abstract or intellectual. The advantage of this interpretation i s that you can immediately start working on something by whatever means and with whatever help you have available. You can also make reinforcing affirmations: "My body knows how to get rid of ca ncer cells and it's doing so now . mental. A very successful affirmation is one which helps your body to do what it knows ho w to do.ysical. When you compare yourself to a resting cat. I choose to interpret it as the result of se rver internal stress. emotional. but which may or may not be so in the present moment. but they only have the same power as other words-they help to keep your attention focused on what you want. An affirmation is not like taking vitamins once a day. "My mind is as calm as a mountain lake. "I am healthy" is too abstract unless the word "healthy" evokes a very spe cific memory. The final effect was that in three weeks the pneumonia symptoms were completely gone and I felt bett er than I had in years. it tends to relieve a lot fear and helplessness. I still took the antibiotics he prescribed because I knew they would help me relieve the stress. every day. and it certainly won't hurt. th e important thing is that. You may notic e that he used a negative in every sentence. Rapidisms A rapidism is a type of affirmation that consists of repeating a short word or p hrase over and over again very rapidly until a change occurs. asthma was gone. What they probably mean is that saying "I don't have asthma" is like saying "Don't think of a pink elephant. with intensive repetition. full of life and strength The body responds powerfully to imagery. A metaphor is a phrase that describes a sy mbol. Anything that has qualities or characteristics that you admire can be used for metaphori cal healing. I want you to jazz up the immune system. Certain people have trouble wit h affirmations because they feel as though they are lying to themselves. He had tried every conventional and alternative approach available and nothi ng had helped him. In workshops I have people sile ntly repeat "I'mfeelinggood" for one minute and they are always amazed at the re sults. but in theory it should help. stronger." for about five minutes and my hands got toasty war m. which is silly because it hears everything. "Okay bod. which li kens one thing to another. Get those lymphocytes in there and clea r out the rubbish. full of life and strength. "Myhandsarewarm-myhandsarewarm-my handsarewarm-myhandsarewarm.o relax like the cat. Metaphors I am a tree. Even so. or more pleasurable the memory. If you interpret healing affirmat ions as guidelines and think you are trying to help your body to get well." But he kept it up." In order not to think of it you have to think of it. and at the end of that time his. the better the response. Some people say that the subconscio us doesn't hear negatives. I don't know how well it would work on major illnesses. I imag ined a fire in a fireplace and said to myself. full of life and strength. I am a tree. for six months. all day long. that' s "good" and it will work. They may ask. "How can I say I'm feeling good when I'm not?" This is a problem with interpretation and intent. The first time I u sed this was on a chair lift at a ski resort when my hands were freezing. Radical Affirmation With intensive repetition. If you in terpret an affirmation as a lie and think you are trying to trick your body into getting well. Maybe that's why it took six months for the man's body to get the message. I first learned this from a man who used it for his asth ma. The better." can stimulate the body to start making itself the human equivalent of a strong and healthy tree. even wi th the most simple kinds of statements. and words are excellent tools for evoki ng images that will assist a healing. HEALING BY DIRECTION Directions will work better if they evoke some kind of visual image. A metaphor like this: "I am a tree. that's "bad" and it won't work. Finally he got so frustrated he decided to tell himself "I do not have asthma! I never have had asthma! I never will have asthma!" He broke a ll the rules of "good affirmations. a "lie" became a truth. my leaves receive energy from the sun. Since then I've used it for a lot of minor ailments as well as emotional stat es and mental qualities. a "lie" became a truth Radical affirmations take a lot of courage because you'll be saying something th at is clearly not true. and it works very well. most effectively in the form of a memory enhanced by imagination. My roots receive nourishment from the earth." . That statement deserves a little more attention. your body will respond faster than you thought possible. If you nee d any supplies just ask. giving time f or the image to form itself. onset of symptoms. Think "ice melt ing. Of course. You know what to do. HEALING BY BLESSING Blessings are words that have the effect of increasing one's focus of awareness or intent." They are really just brief descriptions of evocative moments. and the body responds to them by creating the associated feelings and sensations. One time my wife began to get serious f lu symptoms and she said. instead of giving your body a statement. muscle pain or stiffness . Examples are: water flowing rain dripping cool breezes warm sunshine ice melting snow falling birds singing lions roaring They have the best effect when said slowly with a pause afterward. but you can be more creative than that. back pain. Get those lymphocytes in ther e (you can imagine them as vacuum cleaners or anything else) and clean out the r ubbish. body! I don't have time for that. For more specific effects. "O kay. nausea. "Heal !" or "Get well!" or "Feel Good!" The really amazing thing is that to the degree you give your directions with confident expectations and right at the. I would have. I want you to jazz up the immune system. In this case. the more it does of wha t you appreciate and the better it does it Affirmational blessings are like compliments. you can add more imagery: "birds singi ng in a garden when the sun comes out after a rain. directions will work better if they evoke some kind of visual image.Directions are commands. and make sure those antibodies clean up and keep out the invaders. bod. so y ou just stay healthy!" And the symptoms disappeared instantly. As with affir mations. You are probably already familiar with the idea if you've ever told yourself to "Relax!" or "Stay cairn!" You could also say. Short directions are fine. Just get the j ob done. Call on the brain for anything you need. too. my wif e is a strong woman and I'm not surprised that her body obeyed without hesitatio n. Affirmational Blessings The more you consciously appreciate what your body does. Indirect Directions Indirect directions are simply pairs of words designed to direct your body's att ention to memories or images that will help produce beneficial sensations and fe elings. you tell it what to do and. I wan t an immune system that's in good working order. or instructions that you give to your body. Many times m y body has started to produce cold symptoms. while you hold your attention on an area of tension in your body. how to do it. focus the consci ous attention on a particular part of the body while doing this. but they are not quite the same as either of those. They can take the form of apprecia . They may take the form of affirmations or of directions. or headache and all I've had to say is "Stop that!" or "Drop that!" an d the symptoms have instantly gone away. If you like." for instance. "You stop that. Thanks a mill. orders." You don't have to be formal with your own body. in some cases. "Take this medicine and use it to help strengthen our immune system so that we can feel st ronger and enjoy a walk in the woods. and then give it a good reason f or doing it. mending wounds. but in this case you show appr eciation to your own mind for noticing any good in yourself. That's great. you solved that problem very well. Directional Blessing Tell your body or mind what you want it to do. For exam ple. mentally or vocally. as well as bodies. The results may o r may not be immediately apparent. cleansing itself. Both you and your body are motivated to repeat and improve behavior t hat brings pleasure. Can you use blessings for emotional healing? Yes. "Hey mind. itsy bitsy movement in the direction of the healing that you want. If you do t ake a break you go back to the blessing as soon as you can. It may seem a bit strange at first to say "thank yo u" to your own body for doing something that is natural to it. "Bon Voyage!" is a directional blessing. and compliments feel good. the world. tiny. coo perating with medicine or other intervention. and "g et well" cards are a form of directional blessing for health. In a variation I call "s aturation blessing" you bless every good thing you can remember and every good t hing around you with. but it works. ." To your mind you might say. You don't have to limit yourself to blessing your body. "Hey! You lost two pounds." The exact wording is up to you. so it will respond to a blessing or compliment that you give t o anyone or anything. The effect of this is to lower mental stress." and so on. . and admiration (you sure are a cle ver body). breathing. and I used it for myself to heal a knee injury in less than fif teen minutes. This might even seem stranger th an talking to your body.tion (thank you). as is "Bon appetit" and "Enjoy!" "May the wind be always at your back" is part of an Irish blessing for good fortune on a journey. the more it 'does of what you appreciate and t he better it does it. ever criticizing your body for not doing a good enough job. you u se the form "do this . circulating blood. and then give it a good reason fo r doing it Directional blessing can be compared to wishing someone well.out a break for as long as you can sustain it. One man I introduced to this technique was able to rid himself of a long-time pattern of asthma in l ess than a week. keep it up!" Praise is its own reward.. either. Essentially. but the essential part is to tell your body or mind what you want it to do. To use this for healing. so that . you praise every single. it's good that you're able to forgive that person at leas t a little bit. . You can bless your body for regr owing cells. It is as if your body takes every compliment you give pers onally. or other people and for any positive displays of mental abilities or faculties. but your body really does like to be praised . and this is always the best way to train animals and children. even if you never figure out who's doing the blessing. However. thereb y making emotional conflicts easier to resolve. thank you for noticing the be auty of those flowers." To your body you might say. In showing appreciation. you are rewarding good behavior. a great deal of experience by a great many people has shown that the more you consciousl y appreciate what your body does. and feels better and does better because of it. and you rigorously refrain from eve r. Just as your body respon ds to a metaphor.. don't be afraid to be extravagant. and whatever you can acknowledge a s a good action on its part. acknowledgment (good job!). "Settle down and keep your attention on the present moment so we can feel more peaceful and t hink more clearly. I know it sounds peculiar. To apply this kind of blessing for self-healing in the most effective way. . but over a period of time (determined by how often you do it) you will start to notice definite improvements.
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