Kadmos Mitteilungen

May 19, 2018 | Author: herakli36 | Category: Mycenaean Greece, Notation, Human Communication, Ancient Greece, Bronze Age



MITTEILUNGENTHE DATE OF THE "ROOM OF THE CHARIOT TABLETS" AT KNOSSOS* The Linear B records of the "Room of the Chariot Tablets" (RCT) are important because their likely date earlier than the main Knossos archive raises many questions. The "unity of the archives" has been challenged in the case of the RCT. Olivier suggested in 1967, and then Chadwick in 1973, that the RCT material may pf e-date the main Knossos destruction, gener- ally placed at the beginning of LM III A2. Driessen, in the 1990 publica- tion of part of his doctoral thesis, claimed that the RCT destruction level that contained the tablets was below that of LM III A2 and accordingly designated the RCT material as LM II-IH Al. In fact Driessen assigned both an LM Π date and an LM ΙΙ-ΠΙ Al date. This earlier dating for the RCT group needs closer scrutiny. In 1994, Olivier in: Knossos: A Labyrinth of History (p. 166) stated, "The raising of the date of the tablets from the Room of the Chariot Tab- lets. Driessen using an assemblage of arguments, none of which would carry conviction by itself but which put together do seem persuasive, has demon- strated that the tablets found in the Room of the Chariot Tablets are two or three generations earlier than those of the 'main bulk' of the archives. If the main bulk are put at the.'traditional' date at the beginning of LM III A2, c. 1375 B.C., then the documents from the Room of the Chariot Tablets must go back to LM II, i.e., before 1400 B.C., and thus become, for us, the earliest Linear B tablets from Knossos. That makes them the first written manifestation of the economic and political activity of the Mycenaeans in Crete, at a moment when Minoan influence was still much more felt than it was some generations later." Two pages later (p. 168) under the heading of "Present and Future Lines of Research" number 2, Olivier unequivocably stated "1990: date of the destruction of the Room of the Chariot Tablets is pushed back to LM Π". Declarations of this type are best avoided when the evidence is not cer- tain (but note that the present author accepts Driessen's judgement on the earlier date of the RCT as convincing). What, however, is not acceptable is the LM II date assigned by Olivier. The key question is: if the RCT records pre-date the main Knossos archive of LM ΙΠ Α2 (as suggested by Olivier See the author's extensive article with footnotes and bibliography in Talanta 26- 27, 1994-95,29-48 for a full discussion of the RCT. KadmosBd. 38,5.175-177 © WALTER DE GRUYTER 1999 ISSN 0022-7498 Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM Does an epigraphic study of the Linear B tablets of the RCT support an LM II or LM III Al date? The RCT Linear B records consist of 576 docu- ments. then the deposit can be no earlier than LM III Al. which does not help to date the RCT. if the RCT contains impressions of LM ΙΠ Al sealstones.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . The bronze objects associated with the RCT records appear to be the hinges of a box. Weingarten had also commented that "the sealings from the Room of the Chariot Tablets mix early and late features in a way seen nowhere else in the Palace. The latest sealing from the RCT is marked by a seal whose decoration is assigned on stylistic criteria to LM III Al. Such an association of a box and tablets is known from LM I Zakros and LH III B Pylos. and demonstrated by Driessen). wood and sealings.+ A or B = Total 1- LMIB Linear A 65 + A10 = 75 RCT Linear B 57(65) + 16 B = 73 (81) LMIIIA2 Linear B 65 + 19 B = 84 The major difference between the signs used in the RCT and those used in LM Ι Β Linear A is the loss of 10 A signs and their replacement by 16 B Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147. in view of the presence of LM III Al designs among the dateable sealings. Evans found at least eighteen sealings in the RCT. In short. however. More important evidence. can be gained from the sealings found with the RCT records. of which only 75 are more or less complete. The archaeological evidence given by Driessen is worth close attention. One can be dated to LM I?. Among the total of c. twelve of which are preserved.176 Mitteilungen and Chadwick. The number of signs in use in the Late Minoan period were as follows: -' AB . This was modified by Driessen to LM II and pronounced as fact by Olivier. The closest parallel for the RCT ivory carving that depicts a helmet is on an ivory plaque from the LM III tholos tomb A at Archanes Fourni. However. This was stated by Driessen and Weingarten. one to LM II-III A. The piece of carved wood also seems to have an LM Η-ΙΠ Al design. based on suggestions and personal communications from Pini and Younger. This must be due to chance as there is no reason to suppose that the other eight AB signs were not also in use as they form part of both the LM IB Linear A syllabary. . and consists of ivory. Eight of these sealings were provisionally dated by Driessen. how much earlier are they? Precision is needed in dating these records. only 57 of the signs com- mon to both Linear A and B (designated by the prefix AB in GORILA) occur as opposed to a total possible of 65. one to LM III A and three to LM III Al. the deposit seems transi- tional (in sealing terms) and a date of LM II or early LM III Al would suit very well". one to LM IB-III Al. bronze. 2370 signs attested on tablets from the RCT. Thus the deposit is pre-LM III A2. These dates were assigned on stylistic grounds.142.186. who assigned an LM II-III A2 date for the deposit associated with the RCT records. however 4 of the new Linear B signs have com- plex sound values (dwe. Mitteilungen 177 signs. These additions are noteworthy. This observation is of importance when the two languages expressed by Linear B and Linear A are considered. nwo and swi) and another 2 are doublets (a3 and pte). There was therefore a gradual increase in the number of doublet and complex sound values used in the various stages of the development of the Linear A and Linear B scripts.e. It is a regretable deficiency . in the RCT there were 8 complex and 9 doublet signs. but a c. Driessen also draws attention to Woodard's observation that unusual spelling and dialect features are found in the RCT. 87. for although Driessen states "It is clear that the RCT scores* badly with regard to complex signs". in addition to the 4 already known in Linear A.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . i. and it is important that this process had already started in LM I B Linear A. but is consider- ably closer to LM ΙΠ Α2 Linear B than to LM IB Linear A.-of Driessen's otherwise useful work that he considers the RCT only as the earliest stage of Linear B and not also as a development of Linear A. It is important not to treat the RCT in isolation but rather in relation to the LM I B Linear A which preceded it and to the LM III A2 Linear B which followed it.5% overlap with LM III A2 Linear B. OWENS Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147.142. The RCT Linear B syllabary shares a c. If. nwa.186. however. but does not demonstrate how much earlier. which had both complex and doublet sound values.. Mycenaean Greek and the Minoan language.5% overlap with LM I B Linear A. but this is not surprising as the RCT syllabary is different from that of the main Knossos archive. GARETH A. 96. So the RCT only "scores badly" if it is compared with later Linear B records from Knossos and Pylos. The RCT is indeed transitional. it is viewed as a stage in the development of the script from Linear A to Linear B on Crete. This may give further support to an LM III Al date for the RCT. while in the Linear B of LM III A2 there were 9 complex and 11 doublet signs. This indicates that the RCT is earlier than LM III A2. which had no Minoan predecessors. then the RCT is notable for introducing 4 more complex signs. In the Linear A of LM I B there were 4 complex signs and 7 doublet signs. One of the new nodules carries three Linear B syllabograms "£ ? ?> pa~zo- . Kleinasien Allgemein.1998. Palaima in Minos 27-28. Schmitt „Lyder und Lykier in den achai- menidischen Quellen".178 Mitteilungen j EPIGRAPHISCHE MITTEILUNGEN Linear B Midea. Eichner haben dabei das „Wiener Projekt der Neubearbeitung von Kalinkas Tituli Lyciae" vorgestellt. I. Neumann „Lydisch und Lykisch im linguistischen Vergleich".142. ] WILLIAM C.176-177) 4 and T. 27-33 (see KADMOS 35. BRICE . Oktober 1999 unter der Leitung von Mirjo Salvini und Roberto Gusmani einen Convegno internazionale unter dem Titel „Licia e Lidia prima dell'ellenizzazione" abgehalten. G.1994. Godart and i Y. J. Younger. Adiego „Sur la structure syllabique du lyci- Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147.1996. 823. AJA102. to add to the one found in 1991 and published in KADMOS 31.o. I.1992-93 (1993) 261-281. in a report of the 1996 season of excavation at Midea in Argolis. J. Mehl „La Lidia ed i Lidi nell'opera di Xanthos il Lido".1996. north of the Megaron. H.1995. Das Istitüto per gli Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici in Rom hat vom 11.-12. Tzedakis in BCH 119. two more sealings were found. interpreted as a name in the genitive.1992.. j Paul Rehak and John G. Chronology. man. SPHS/BSA 1997. Craig Melchert „The Dialectal Position of Lyci- an and Lydian within Anatolia".169). Black. but he maintains that the four signs pu-na-si-jo \ are in a hand different from that of the other signs on the* tablet. 92. Terrace in Room VII. R. R Kolb „Aspekte der Akkulturation in Zentrallykien in archaischer und klassischer Zeit". KN 115 et KH 115: rectification.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . They date the final destruction of Knos.C. circa 1200 B. Gisela Walberg records that on the Lower .186. p. in a note in BCH 120. Borchhardt „Der Fundort lykischer Inschriften im histo- rischen und archäologischen Kontext". Börker-Klähn „Tumulus D von Baymdir bei Elmah als histo- rischer Spiegel". 28. Eichner „Zum Formular der ly- kischen Grabinschriften". Hajnal „Die jungluwischen Sprachen". 1993. In the Archeological Reports for 1996-1997 by David J.-J. and the re-actions of L. Jean-Pierre Olivier. remark on page 160 on the mixture j of Hieroglyphic and Linear documents at Knossos. Die weiteren Vorträge: A. in reference to his article in BCH 117. in their valuable Review of Aegean jj Prehistory VII. H. and the possibility '} that these are 'discarded' archives. G.j sos to LM . fig. The second has the impression of a (much earlier) Cut Style seal with a goat motif. : 19-33 (see KADMOS 33. accepts that | two of the three tablets found at Khania in 1990 could not have been written I by the Knossian scribe 115. Borchhardt und H. J.91-173. 27. 1999. sind nun unter dem Titel „Colloquium Caricum" von W. 399-402 vermutet P. 119-147 untersucht „Les Lyciens dans Ylliade: sur les traces de Pandaros". P. Oettinger unter dem Stichwort „Kleinasien.] ein erstes Zeugnis für ein bodenständiges kilikisches Schriftsystem [. 147-156.142. T." Lykien. Ramage „The Gold of Croesus and the Persians".?" Im „Neuen Pauly". Band 6. Sprachen" einen Überblick über die in der An- tike da nachweisbaren Idiome. Bedeutungsbestimmungen und etymologische Anknüpfungen für lyk. p. Haider datiert die Tafel auf etwa 750 bis 600 v. in: Incontri linguistici 20. Craig Melchert. A. Karien.186.und tewinaza-. 1999. 29. ddeweze. W. . Sp.). 1997. . Schurr. Frei und Chn Marek als Band XXXVII des KADMOS herausgegeben wor- den. das bei Grabun- gen gefunden worden ist. 1999. In der Zeitschrift „Antike Welt". R. O. in: Hethitica XIV. Isebaert und R. Jenniges in: L. Quaestiones Homericae. Carruba „Lydike archaiologia". . 127-140 behandelt „Nymphen von Phellos". Er publiziert das Eckfragment einer Tontafel.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM .lettre de Darius a Gada- tas'". Sp. -. Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147. B. die das Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie der Universität München auf dem Sirkeli Höyük am Qeyhan-Fluß durchge- führt hat. 558-559 über die „Alphabet- Schriften" dieses Raums. Chr. 43- 53.C. Forlanini „I gruppi linguistici nell'Anatolia occidentale e il problema dell'ethnogenesi lidia". 1998. Blümel. H. Er resümiert: „Somit dürfte mit der Sirkeli-Tafel [. daß Zahlen (in Form waagerechter und senkrechter Striche) und even- tuell Abkürzungen von Wörtern vorliegen. Briant „Epigraphie grecque et histoire ache- menide en Lydie: Remarques historiques sur la . ebd. M. trbbeli-. Haider „Ein bisher unbekanntes Schriftsystem in Kilikien?". und nimmt an. yiiwa-^ tama-. die 1997 in Feusisberg bei Zürich stattgefunden hatte. R. in: KADMOS 36. Mitteilungen 179 en". ze-. 1997. Die Akten der Internationalen Tagung über die karisch-griechi- sehe Bilingue von Kaunos. Lebrun gibt in seinen „Studia Lyciaca". Kilikien. Andre-Salvini und M. 555-558 gibt N. Darin bietet er neue Lesungen und Deutungen zu TL 80 sowie zum Zeichen <q>. Jahrgang (1998). teil-. Acta Colloquii Namurcensis. Heft 5. qan. Ihr Verfasser scheint sich vielleicht einzelner Silbenzeichen aus dem zeitgleichen zyprischen Syllabar bedient zu haben.] vorliegen. „Once More on the Conclusion of the Lycian Trilin- gual of the Letöon". also registrierende Notizen. W. D. Salvini „Considerazioni sul monumento ru- pestre della Niobe del Sipylo". in: Historische Sprachforschung 112. Gusmani unternimmt „Lykische Streifzüge". van den Hout „Maeonia in the Second Millennium B. P. 75-77 gibt die wohl endgültige Deutung dieses Satzes. Lebrun (Hrsg. . J. W. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 11. (Es liege ein Kompositum aus dem PN *Karo(w). Huld. Adiego. „La nueva bilingüe greco-caria de Cauno y el desciframiento del cario". in: Mir curad. 23-28.1999. 1998. 163-184 eine Liste „Einheimische Ortsnamen in Karien". V. J. Kearns. New York 1997.O. Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins. (Dazu vgl. Sie bietet alle Belege aus den griechischen Inschriften sowie den griech. Lubotsky. A Lydian Etymology for the Name Croesus. Chr. in: Orpheus. 107-128). zum 1.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . New Phrygian Metrics and the formula.. 1996. Actas del Coloquio de la Indogermanische Gesellschaft Madrid. Altenburg 1998.". by J. in: Aula Orientalis 16.1997. GÜNTER NEUMANN • Zypern N. Washington D.1998. . edited by D.Mit dem Einfluß der kyprischen auf andere Schriftsysteme beschäftigt sich H. Band 6. Hirschfeld veröffentlicht „The PASP Data Base for the Use of Scripts o_n Cyprus". Eteokyprisch. p. „Indogermanische" Syntax in einer neuerschlossenen anatoli- sehen Sprache: Die karische Partikel -#/.C. ed. die Rezension von R. Greppin.-L. „Writ- ing Technology in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Cyprian Connection". Disterheft. 193-217. Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies 7.1998. Haarmahn. I. (und latein. Vom 2.„Herr" vor: „the noble Karos". M. M.: Bruch oder Kontinuität?. Garcia- Ramon (Hrsg. Jasanoff et al.) literarischen Quellen. 3-29 (dazu „Comments and Responses" anderer Autoren. . 5-26. 1997. p. .1995-1997. Madrid-Wiesbaden 1997. Ohlstadt/ Oberbayern . Salamanca 1996 (1997) (= Minos. in: Annual of Armenian Linguistics 19.180 Mitteilungen I.142.-J. 75-78.. V. Sp. Given handelt über „Inventing the Eteocypriots: Im- perialist Archaeology and the Manipulation of Ethnic Identity". Orel. Egetmeyer findet sich in den Tagungsakten „Die Geschichte der hellenischen Sprache und Schrift. The Vocabulary of Phrygian. in: E. 1998. M. 43-73. The Language of Phrygians. Part One.. Lydien.186. 37-77. Innsbruck 1998. 279-280 gibt F. .).) A. 413-421. Mediterranean Language Review 9.und isa.) Phrygian. Starke einen Über- blick über das „Karische". 233-257. Schmitt. p. Hajnal. Jährtausend v. Berthold Delbrück y la sintaxis indoeuropea hoy. Crespo und J. . Orel.. Description and Analysis. Supplement 13). Im „Neuen Pauly". Massonf publiziert in dem Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147. in: Studies in Honor of Jaan Puhvel. 21-24 de septiembre de 1994. Blümel veröffentlicht in: Epigraphica Anatolica 30. -Ein Vortrag über „Die Silbenschriften Zyperns" von M. in: „Preliminary Excavation Reports: Sardis. 378- 386. 83-92.333. 205- 245 (Rez. Hadjicosti. New York 1997. Egetmeyer rezensiert A. Petit ver ffentlicht „La langue eteocypriote ou P'amathousien'. „A Lexicon to the Cyprian Syllabic Inscriptions" (Hamburg 1993). „Archaeology in Cyprus". idem. ICS 90 et 91").54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . Archiv f r Orientforschung 44/45. 53). Miller. Egetmeyer. D. Essai d'interpretation grammaticale". Jonsered 1996. „Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge" (Amsterdam/Phil- adelphia 1994). Malzahn. Baurains Buch „Les Grecs et la Mediterranee Orientale".244-271. Palphabet en Grece". Buitron-Oliver. bes. „Les noms de la Grande Deesse dans les inscriptions syllabiques chypriotes". „Le monnayage d'Amathonte revisite". G. dieu dispose'. „L'arcadien et le chypriote: deux dialectes cousins". hat ein Kapitel „Uecriture syllabique a Chypre. Amandry. Dobias-Lalou.Zu den noch unver ffentlichten Inschriften der griechischen Aus- grabungen in Idalion vgl. Remarque lexicale a propos d'une inscription chypriote syllabique (ICS2 264)". . Paris 1997.: M. bes. . RDAC 1997. 1996 [1999]. Hrsg. „. „A propos des inscriptions syllabiques de Dhrymou (Paphos) et du site antique correspondant" (mit „Appendice: Les inscriptions d'Ayia Moni.jand Tell el-Handaquq North". M. „The Kingdom of Idalion in the Light of New Evidence".49-63. M.1997. M. D. . Massonf. 1997/1998.L'homme propose. „Idalion Cyprus: Conquest and Continuity". W. Kratylos 43. Bei den schweizerisch-deutschen Ausgrabungen in Kouklia (Alt-Paphos) ist ein Steinblock aus archaischer Zeit gefunden worden. Atlanta 1996 (= The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Herscher. „Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer". vgl. Mitteilungen 181 Kapitel „Inscriptions syllabiques et incisions diverses". „Les ex-voto trouves par L. Neumann in seiner Rezension von D. 228-231). XVI. 15-19. C. Dubois. G. L.142.186. -T. Dever. vgl. das Kapitel „Cyprus and Beyond". Cahier 27. Woodard. 93-95. C. „Notes d'onomastique chypriote".179-180 neben 41 ganz kurzen kyprischen Inschriften (1-3 Zeichen) vor allem eine wohl eteokyprische Inschrift aus 9 Zeichen. Palma di Cesnola aGolgoi en 1870". 105). 372-387.Die kyprische Silbenschrift spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Argumentation von R. Minos 29-30. 25-29 (zu ICS2 289). vol. In dem Band Centre d'etudes chypriotes. der die Inschrift o- na-si-ti-mo (Form von Όνασίτιμος) tr gt. 4. . 1994-1995 (1997). 77-81. Die Sprache 38. und J. Idalion. Kyprisch. Gaber und W. Hrsg. 35-44. 85-113 k nnen aufgrund der amerikanischen Grabungen in Idalion neue Angaben zum Fundkontext der Bilingue ICS2 220 mit dem Namen des Apollon Amyklos machen („outdoor temenos". G.1998. in: „The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Kourion: Excavations in the Archaic Precinct". 179 und pl. Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147. 109-119. AJA102. 1997 (1998) (= Melanges Olivier Masson) finden sich folgende Aufs tze zum Kyprischen: O.P. Hintze. 58 und E. 71-80. BASOR 308. dann M. 1998.Zur Schrift u ert sich ebenfalls G. Dever. Karageorghis. B. Cyprus and the Aegean in Antiquity 44 . Neumann bietet weitere „Beitr ge zum Kyprischen. 151-162 Keilschrift.121-136 Lydisch Nr. Nouvclle approche". 95- 102. 167-170 und „Beitr ge mm Kyprischen. 103-108.54 Download Date | 3/27/13 3:52 PM . Daskyleion 59-64. Morgan tina 87-96 sb(-) 33 f.. n° 17). Nikosia 1997. Kritzas bietet eine „Επισκόπηση την επιγραφικών μαρτυριών για σχέσεις Κύπρου και Αργολίδος-Επιόαυρίας". Sachindex 2. Panayotou-Trianta- phyllopoulou.186.H. . „UinscriptiondigraphedeSalamine de Chypre (Test.44 f. L'Antiquite classiquc 66. minoische 103-108 Schrift im Neolithikum 114-120 Brought to you by | Universitat Heidelberg Authenticated | 147. MARKUS EGETMEYER INDICES ZU BAND XXXVIII 1. L Michaelidou-Nicolaou. Pergamon 163-174 Kyprisch Thera 12-18 li-na 83 ff. 137-162 kbid. Malia 109-113 ^rns(-) 36 ff.1997. Golgoi 73-86 moruos 40 f. XVH*% KADMOS 36. 313-322. .Kh. Lykisch Inschriften: Ar/w/wazuma 50-58 Diskos von Phaistos 19-30 sehe 32 Karisch 31-42.Mit ICS1 318d besch ftigen sich A. 1997. Perdicoyanni-Paleologou publiziert „Deux notes Cypriotes". in: „Proceedings.142. 12-18. 111-113.43-49 Phrygisch Kyprisch Perbastidag/t/les 68-72 1CS265 73-86 sarag/lis mal| 61-64 Kypro-Minoisch 97-102 Linear A 1-11. . XVIII". 73-86. ZPE 121. KADMOS 38. 40 163-174 Phrygisch 59-64. . 1998. 1999. Wortindex Fundorte: Karisch Akhisar 65-72 axtyiiskm 34 ff. Sah 2. 277-279. 65-72.182 Mitteilungen G.
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