Kaal Sarp



Kaal Sarp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Page 1 of 5Kaal Sarp From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kalasarpa yoga is considered to be one of the Yogs. “Kala” means time,'Sarpa' means Serpent and “Yoga” means combination. So Kala Sarpa Yoga means that the soul is caught by the Serpent of time within the axis of Karma. It reflects unusual and unexpected life-situations experienced by a person, according to his Karma of the previous birth. Contents ◾ 1 Famous people with Kaal Sarp Yog ◾ 1.1 Formation of this Yog ◾ 1.2 Types of Kalasarpa yogas ◾ 2 No Existence of Kaal Sarp in Past ◾ 3 See also ◾ 4 References ◾ 5 External links Famous people with Kaal Sarp Yog Some astrologer blow KSY out of all proportions to make it all-destructive combination. But there may be other powerful yogas mitigating the effects of KSY. Moreover, evil planets in 3rd, 6th and 11th houses give good results. Therefore, KSY is benefic in these houses, as in the case of Dhirubhai Ambani. Many astrologers think KSY is a modern invention and do not believe in it. Many famous personalities throughout this world have this Dosha as listed below,[1] but none of them show any of the characteristics mentioned about this dreaded dosha:[2] ◾ Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (First Prime Minister of India) struggled till 54th year. Thereafter, he became internationally a well known person of high reputation and regard. His horoscope is a very specific example for Kalasarpa yoga. ◾ Dhirubhai Ambani (Indian businessman) who had powerful Saturn in its own sign in the house of wealth in D-1 (main birthchart) and Sun in own sign in ascendant in D-2 which is divisional of wealth. Thus, other powerful yogas can subdue KSY in respective fields. ◾ Margaret Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister) ◾ Nelson Mandela (Former South African President) ◾ Alfred Hitchcock British film director and producer ◾ Rajinikanth (Tamil Cinema Actor) ◾ Chiranjeevi (Telugu Cinema Actor) ◾ Surbhi Bhardwaj ( south Indian actress) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaal_Sarp 01-10-2015 Depending upon the movement of the planets either towards Rahu or Ketu. Rahu is ahead within the six rasis from the lagna and Ketu occupies a position behind all the planets. Some astrologers consider Kalasarpa Yoga is Viloma type of Yoga and Kalamritha Yoga as Anuloma type of Yoga. Sarvanabho gasthishta thiyagu Sikhino. The Kalasarpa Yoga is predominant. no planet should be in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu . The yoga is of two kinds. When Rahu or Ketu is in Trikona. So the lagna has nothing to do with the formation of the Kalasarpa yoga. yet one more condition is given. Mars. When Rahu goes towards its https://en. Saturn. when Rahu or Ketu is located in the 6th. This is a definition for Kalasarpa Yoga. When all the planets are located or locked up between Rahu and Ketu. Both the Yogas are formed.Nripa Sasya Vinasanam|| According to the above sloka “ Rahu must be ahead of the Ascendant and Ketu behind it. one will suffer the maximum and lose his benefits.org/wiki/Kaal_Sarp 01-10-2015 . Such conditions can be briefly mentioned as follows: If the Sun is in the 8th house from Rahu. In Anuloma type. the adverse effect of the Kalasarpa yoga is greater. whereas the “Viloma” type produces undesirable results.Wikipedia. When Rahu or Ketu is in Kendras. 7th. forming a chain without any break. or When Rahu or Ketu is in the 8th house from Moon. one is called the “Anuloma” and the other the “Viloma” The “Anuloma” type produces excellent results. and 8th house from the ascendant. In Southern states of India. Sarve Madhya gata graham| Yogam Kalasarpakhyam. the planets can arrange themselves in various possible positions to activate the Kalasarpa yoga. Moon. when all the planets are suitably located between Rahu and Ketu . the yoga is named either as Kalasarpa yoga or Kalamrita Yoga. The Ascendant can either be within the chain or outside the chain Either Rahu or Ketu can occupy the lagna. we can understand that: All the planets must be placed a between Rahu and Ketu continuously. one will acquire higher position with all beneficent results. Jupiter. Mercury) are placed between Rahu (Moon's North Node) and Ketu (Moon's South Node) in the natal chart.wikipedia. all the planets should occupy between them. the good effects of the Kalasarpa yoga predominant. Here. Ketu is ahead within the six rasis from the lagna and Rahu is posited behind all the planets. Agre rahur atho kethu. Anthrala rasigatha| 'Malyavadanthara rahithah Yatha thatha Kalasarpa Yogasyala || Anuloma vilomathkala Dwidhoyam Kalasarpayogascha| Anthoykthasch anistom karithi Poorvo maha subada|| Sampoorna sakala vibhavaha Samastha Nripavandhithakhri Kamalayuga| Rajadhi Raja Rajo Virajathee Kalasarpa Yoga bhava|| From the above sloka. It is defined by the following sloka.Kaal Sarp . Venus. Kalasarpa Yoga is activated. In Viloma type. Here. the free encyclopedia Page 2 of 5 ◾ Sachin Tendulkar (Famous Indian Cricket Player) Formation of this Yog It is formed when all 7 planets considered in Vedic Astrology (Sun. Only this formation can be taken as the Kalasarpa yoga. with Kalasarpa yoga being present in the horoscope. generally causing unexpected natural havocs and calamities.Kaal Sarp . they can form twelve different types of Kalasarpa yogas. Since the Nodes of the Moon are associated with Karmic attributes. After 27 th year. Sun. The native will enjoy either good or bad according to the dispositions of the lords of the ascendant and the 7th house in the natal horoscope. According to Vedic astrology. This also leads him to spiritual life.wikipedia. It expresses karmic nemesis. producing enrichment or penury. if three or more planets are exalted or in parivartana or the lords of the 2nd. Kalasarpa yoga formed during the transits of Rahu and Ketu plays a vital role in the mundane affairs. 9th and 10th occupy the Trikona or Kendra houses. it is said to be a benefic yoga. giving good results to the native. situation gradually improves. https://en. Neptune and Pluto. only when two or more above said factors are away from such arrangement. One school of thought says that when lagna. inimical positions or aspected by malefics. Moon or any one of the planets is away from the sequence of Kalasarpa arrangement. It has been found that if Rahu or Ketu conjoins with any planet either in the ascendant or in the 7th house from the lagna. a partial cancellation of the yoga occurs. The impact of the Kalasarpa Yoga is greatly minimized. So conceptually. Anantha Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the lagna and Ketu the seventh house. Struggle for progress. The encirclement of all the planets in the natal chart by the two nodes makes the individual to enjoy the fruits of previous Karma. the yoga inflicts certain restrictions over a natal chart. affliction of his health and spouse’s health. without debilitation. the free encyclopedia Page 3 of 5 exaltation position. but another school of thought insists that there will be nullification. Sun or Moon. The native will have good worldly life with spouse and children. When the Lagna is not included in the yoga and goes out of the axis of Rahu and Ketu. on the other hand if Rahu goes towards its debilitated position followed by other planets. The Kalasarpa Yoga will be mostly operative between the ages of 39 and 45 years. it has been accepted that occupation of the planet between Rahu and Ketu is the essential condition for the Kalasarpa Yoga. Other planets are between them. late marriage. which results in Raja Yoga at the respective attributed house. Kalasarpa yoga is not like other yogas generally formed by the combinations of Mars.org/wiki/Kaal_Sarp 01-10-2015 . then the suffering in the present birth will be gradually changed into good. Types of Kalasarpa yogas Since Rahu and Ketu are placed at 180° to one another.Wikipedia. miserable married life. and the other planets follow suit. giving bad results to the native. the Kalasarpa yoga does not include the influence of the outer planets like Uranus. it is said to be a malefic yoga. lesser will be the adverse effect. the yoga is said to be nullified. 4th. If a person suffers at the present birth due to the bad deeds of the previous birth (Sanchita Karma) and do good at this birth (good Prarabdha Karma). loss of ancestral property. inclination towards philosophy. Shanchachud Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu the third house. loss of wealth and ancestral properties. profession and other undertakings. A lot of enemies. Troubles continue up to 43 years of age. Vishdhana Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the eleventh house and Ketu the fifth house. other planets are between them. punishment etc.Wikipedia.Kaal Sarp . Ghataka Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the tenth house and Ketu the fourth house. house. Successful in job. disappointments in life. Padma Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house. other planets are between them. occult sciences and black magic. after sixties. bad health. Better life after 54 years of life. parental debts. finance. No progeny in general. He may lose many good opportunities by his talk and temperament. https://en. involvement in anti-social activities. problems with people of high rank and social order. Up to 27 years. minor accidents. more indulgence in sensual pleasures. land and vehicles. Better period after 42 years. life improves gradually. heavy loss in business and other undertakings. Financial setback. Illegitimate child and death in a foreign land for some. Legal litigation. Hard time regarding profession. Inconsistent in his efforts. he or his parents have not done good Karma in their previous birth. He may renounce the worldly life. Troublesome married life. go out of native place for livelihood. other planets are between them. he will be a saintly person. Takshaka Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the seventh house and Ketu the first house. other planets are between them. Problems will continue until 48 years of age. Unfortunate married life.org/wiki/Kaal_Sarp 01-10-2015 . health afflictions. Trouble from siblings and parents. Better period after 33 years of age. Shankuphala Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the fourth house and Ketu the tenth house. Problems continue up to 36 years of age. This yoga clearly indicates that the native lacks poorvapunyaphala. Mahapadma Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the sixth house and Ketu the twelfth house. other planets are between them. He has to fight for his right. Financial loss due to his family or his bad habits. No good earnings. prospects will gradually improve. insulted by others. other planets are between them. Other planets are between them. Very generous. If other planetary position are good. lack of self-confidence. involvements in life. Karkotaka Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the eight house and Ketu the second house.e. After 36 years. they do not have good and meritorious career. other planets are between them. the free encyclopedia Page 4 of 5 Kulika Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house. after that drastic change in life-pattern. Good administrator with all potentialities. Other planets are between them. Suffering will be up to 48 years. heavy financial problems. timid. parents will also suffer after their birth. Members of the family will not be co-operative. This yoga is the worst in all respects. Few children who are antagonistic. popular in public life. other planets are between them. After 33rd year. Difficulties in business. The sufferings of the native will be of very high order.wikipedia. i. he will become popular and all of a sudden he will fall down without any recognition. Loss in undertaking. he will lead a normal life. Vasuki Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house. becomes unpopular. marriage. if begets children. business. "Kaal Sarpa Yog : The non-sense in Astrology". Retrieved 3 March 2013. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation.co.astrogle.Kaal Sarp . the free encyclopedia Page 5 of 5 Sesh-naga Kalasarpa Yoga : Rahu occupies the twelfth house and Ketu the sixth house.Wikipedia. a non-profit organization. other planets are between them. Retrieved 3 March 2013. By using this site. 2. at 22:09. The first mentions were seen only from 20th century.trimbakeshwar. involvement in politics. ◾ Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. which is a clear evidence of Kaala and Sarpa being related to some planet needing propitiation. Inc.. and since all other seven planets are named explicitly.Misconceptions and Reality". if a planet is between nodes even if in the same sign of any node. only Rahu and Ketu can be linked to Kaala-Sarpa in that Vedic text. open and hidden enemies. "Kaal Sarpa Dosha. its types and Kal Sarpa shanti pooja information (http://www.php?title=Kaal_Sarp&oldid=682310500" Categories: Hindu astrology ◾ This page was last modified on 22 September 2015. you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.com/kaal-sarp-yoga.org/wiki/Kaal_Sarp 01-10-2015 . But Ashvalaayana Grihya Sutra mentions methods of worshipping Kaala and Sarpa in the chapter of Graha-Poojana (Worship of Planets). No Existence of Kaal Sarp in Past Surprisingly none of the ancient Hindu astrological texts ever mention about this KSY (Kaala-Sarpa Yoga). imprisonment.org/w/index. See also ◾ Jyotish ◾ Yoga References 1. Spend-thrift.html) Retrieved from "https://en.html) ◾ Kaal Sarpa Dosh and Its types detailed Information (http://kaalsarpa.html) ◾ Effects and 12 types of Kala Sarpa Dosha (http://www. External links ◾ Kaal Sarpa Dosh.in/kal-sarpa.wikipedia. additional terms may apply. Better life after 54 years of age.wikipedia.com/astrology/kalasarpa- dosha-types-effects. then no KSY occurs. https://en.
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