Jynxbox Ultra Hd Rcu Usermanual



Remote Control.&WER M$%E (urns the receiver on and sets it in stand)y mode. $"itches the sound on and off. 3eturns to the previously displayed channel. Displays the electronic programme guide. Displays the main menu on1screen. AUX DVD TV STB LAST GUIDE MEN$ AUX, DVD, TV, STB TIMER (A/ /&+8 /&+9 #,8 #,9 IN(& Activates Device Keys for multiple device control. Please be sure to have STB activated when trying to use your Mediabox. Shows the programed event schedule for future PVR recordings Displays a selection of favorite channel lists. Used to change the volume level (lo"er, higher). $"itches to the next or previous channel. Displays information a)out the current programme. PVR LIST USB/SD REW SLOW REC PLAY PAUSE STOP PAGE FF SLOW INFO PVR GUIDE INFO PAGE +/E:I% A$*I& Move UP/Down or Change screens one page at a time. 3eturns to the previous su)menu, or exits the menu. $"itching )et"een soundtrack versions, if these are availa)le. EXIT OK MENU INPUT THEME INFO PVR Changes Input source for selected device. Please be sure to be in TV mode If you want to switch Input source of your TV. Theme search function. When user is recording or Timeshifting. Displays Information about the Network Information menu. $"itches the on1screen captions on and off, if these are availa)le. %uttons used to operate the recording, play)ack and time shift mode functions. + VOL BACK LAST TIMER FAV + CH TV/RADIO NETWORK CC RE/; .+A); .A$'E; ((; '%&.; RE# 'A% SAT MUTE - NETWORK THEME 1 SYMBOL 2 ABC 3 DEF MEDIA Media Audi/Video Playback Menu $"itching )et"een the list of television and radio programmes. 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO %/"RA*I& SEARCH ZOOM PVR LIST RED, .+A); GREEN, RE/; .A$'E; YELLOW((; '%&.; RE# BLUE 'A% Activates various types of Search Functions Activates Video Zoom Function Shows List of all PVR Recordings %uttons used to operate recording, and time shift mode functions. Color Functions used the in the menu play)ack for special prompts. 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ 0 INPUT ASPECT AUDIO CC SEARCH ZOOM SAT Changes between multiple ATSC and/or Media Content Sources $"itching )et"een the list of television and radio programmes. MEDIA %/"RA*I& BACK Goes Back one Step in the Menu www.jynxbox.me www.ali.com.tw Specifications subject to change without notice 10 STB User Manual Preliminary Confidential Proprietary 1 of 4 The device key LED turns off briefly after each key press.Stop The device key's LED blinks three times. then the key for CHECKING CODES 1. Press and hold a device key (AUDIO. the device key's LED blinks three times. or search for a device code. The LEDs for each device key light up. or TV) for at least six seconds. the remote "times out" and you must begin again. Look up the device you want to control in the device code list on the back of this guide. you have found the right code. The remote will device key light up. and 4 to obtain all four-code digits. Press 1. repeat step 3. DVD/VCR. The LEDs for each Each of the additional device keys controls a particular type of device. the number is 0. Press 2.Power . The following function keys are valid for searching (Power is recommended): . Tip: Note the code set that worked. If the LED does not blink. Enter 9 9 0 to tell the remote you are verifying the device code. CABLE AUDIO Cable box only Amplifier. you can search for a set of commands that will work." Note: You have 10 seconds to press each digit. DVR. TV/VCR. Press ▲. 3. 3. TV/VCR/DVD. See "Reassigning Device Keys. or TV) for at least six seconds. or TV) for at least six seconds. DVR. 2. then turns off. or DVD player. repeat steps 2-3 with the next code in the list. For example. If your device does not respond. HTIB. DVD/VCR. Press ▼ to retry the previous code. If your device responds (turns the device you selected remains on. and TV/DVD off).Mute . 4. unless you specify otherwise. The LED blinks twice.PROGRAMMING DEVICE CONTROL 3. Press and hold a device mode key (AUDIO. You can now test the remote by pressing POWER. 4. If the remote does not recongnize the code. Press and hold a device mode key (AUDIO. If the remote recongnizes the code. SEARCHING FOR CODES now control the device you selected in Step 1. DVD/VCR. 2. press OK. the LED will turn off. 2. then count the LED blinks and write down the number.Play . If the device performed the function you pressed. Enter the four-digit code. If the device did not perform the function you pressed. 1. The LED for each device key lights up. This is the first digit of the device code.CH + . The remote will send the IR command for the function you pressed in Step 2. VCR. If it takes longer than that. Device Key TV DVD/VCR Control this Type of device TV DVD. in case you must re-code your remote: DVD/VCR: TV: AUDIO: See "Checking Codes" for more information on noting code sets. If none of the codes listed under "Device Codes" on the back of this guide match your device. but not your TV. Tuner To specify a device 1. See "Searching for Codes". the DVD/VCR key controls your VCR. (english) 2 of 4 . Your remote will sample all the codes in its system for that device mode to find one that will allow you to control your device. Press a function key (such as Power or Mute). 3. then the key for the device you selected remains on. Retry the code (by repeating steps 2-3 using the next code listed for your brand). then the LED for the device you selected remains on. VCR o TV) por al menos seis segundos. 3. Intentar de El LED para cada dispositivo tecla se enciende. o busque foros código del dispositivo. El control remoto enviará el comando IR para la funcion que pulsó en el paso 2. puede búsquar por un conjunto de comandos que si funcione.. debe volver a su código de control remoto: DVD/VCR: TV: Cada una de las claves adicionales del dispositivo. Controlan un tipo particular del dispositivo. luego se apaga. encuentre uno que le permita controlar el dispositivo. Pulse 1. el número es 0. DVD. Consulte "Reasignación de Las teclas de dispositivo". Si el dispositivo no responde. Si su dispositivo responde(turnsoff). Por ejemplo. Esta es la el primer dígito del código de CABLE AUDIO Caja de cable solamente Amplificador. DVR.CH + . Clave de dispositivo TV DVD/VCR Controla este de dispositivo . Los siguientes teclas de función son válidos para Búsqueda (El power es recomendado): . DVD / AUDIO: Consulte "Comprobación de los códigos" para obtener más Tomando nota de la información sobre los juegos de códigos. pero no el televisor. entonces la clave para el dispositivo que ha seleccionado permanece encendido. Presione y mantenga un modo de dispositivo clave (AUDIO. 2. Ahora ustdes puede probrar a distancia pulsando POWER. entonces el LED del dispositivo seleccionade permanece encendido. DVD/VCR o TV) por lo menos seis segundos.. Introduzca el código de cuatro dígitos La tecla del dispositivo LED se apaga BÚSQUEDA DE CÓDIGOS Si ninguno de los códigos aparecen en la lista"Códigos de dispositivos" en la parte posterior de este guía correspondiente a su dispositivo. 2. El LED parpadea dos veces. sintonizador Para especificar un dispositivo 1. Nota: Usted tiene 10 segundos para presionar cada dígito. repita os pasos 2 a 3 con el siguiente código en la lista . Pulse 2. pulse Aceptar. 3 y 4 para obtener todos los cuatro dígitos del código. Busque el dispositivo que desea controlar en la lista de códigos de dispositivo en la parte posterior de esta guía. el DVD/VCR controles de su VCR. en caso. Pulse una tecla de función (por ejemplo. Pulse y mantenga precionando un dispositivo(audio. 3. a menos que especifique lo contrario. nuevo el código(mediante la repetición de los pasos 2-3 usando el siguiente código listados para su marca).Play .. TV DVD. Power o Mute). el LED se apagará. Si el control remoto no reconoce el código. Mantenga oprimida la tecla del dispositivo (AUDIO.Mute . Si el dispositivo no realiza la funcion que preciono repita el paso anterior 3. Si tarda más. 2. el mando a distancia el tiempo de espera" tiene que empezar de nuevo. Si el LED no parpadear. Si el dispositivo realiza la funcion que pulso. Su remoto ejecutara todos los códigos de su sistema para que su dispositivo 4.HTIB. de DVD / VCR o TV) por al menos seis segundos. (español) 2 of 4 . y luego cuente cuatas veces el LED parpadea y anote la número. dispositivo. 1. TV/VCR.DVR. es que ha encontrado el codigo correcto. Véase "Búsqueda de códigos ". Los LEDs de cada dispositivo se iluminan .VCR. Pulse ▼ para reintentar lo anterior Sugerencia: Tenga en cuenta el conjunto de códigos que trabajó.Los LEDs de cada dispositivo PROGRAMACIÓN DE DISPOSITIVIOS DE CONTROL encendera. El remoto ahora controlará el dispositivo seleccionado en el paso 1. 3. CÓDIGOS DE CONTROL 1. brevemente después de cada pulsación de tecla. entonces el dispositivo que ha seleccionado permanece encendido. Introduzca 9 9 0 para indicar al control que esta verificando el código del dispositivo. 4.Power .TV/VCR/DVD and TV/DVD el LED parpadea en el dispositivo tres veces. Pulse ▲ . Si el control remoto reconoce el código.Stop La tecla de disposictivo LED parpadea tres veces. 0054.0748.0672 0672 0000.0463.0047.1756 0030 0054 0178 1755.0885.0039 0039 1189.0463.1080 0017.2363 0178.0030 0672.0093 0178.0017 0154.0672.0092 0030 0748.0030.0154 0093 0809.0054.0451 0236.0150 0178.0030.0824 0092 0000 1610.0030 0000.1609.0180.0054.0879.1934 0790 Controlled by the DVD key Controlado por la tecla DVD Akai Apex Digital Emerson 0695 0830 0675.0150 0178.0051 1447.0178.0093 0030.0166 0000.0765 0180 0451.0650 0030 0000.0180.0150 0178.1755 0047.0051 0093.0092 0047 0000.1756 0000.0092.0154 0051.0178.0180 0093 0178 0047.1394 0000.1240 0093 0000.0030.1375 Broksonic Candie Capehart Carnivale Carver Celebrity Celera Changhong Cineral Citek Citizen Clarion Classic Colortyme Commercial Solutions Conic Contec / Craig Crosley Crown Crown Mustang Curtis Mathes CXC Daewoo Dayton Daytron Dell Dumont Durabrand 0236.0451.0039 1189 0135.0093.0463.0092 0236.0030 0178 0150 0047.0047.1518.0030.0690 1254.0017.1755.0236.0451.1254.0178.0047.0047 0178 0180 0000.0030 0093.0178.0030.1060 1237 0000 0000 1278 0000.0156 0051.0180.0030.0093 0178.0178.0047.0030 0054 0180 0093 Heathkit Helios Hello Kitty Hewlett Packard Hisense Hitachi HP Hyundai iLo Ima Infinity Initial Insignia Inteq JBL JCB Jensen JIL / Jutan JVC Kamp Kawasho KEC Kenwood KLH Kloss Konka KTV Lark LG Lloyd's Logik LXI Magnasonic 0017 0865 0451 1494 0748 0000.1237 0162.1253 0017.0030.1276.0178 1610.0051.0156.0047.0178.0864.0093.0092 0150.0017.00154.0051.0178.1268 Broksonic / Citizen 0695 ESA / Funai / GFM 1268 Insignia / Magnavo 1268 Philips RCA Samsung Sansui Sylvania Toshiba 0854 1022 0899 0695 0675.0074.0178.0030.1447.0178.0017.1990 0017 1454.0178 0154 0180 0236.0476 1877 1877 0585.0178 0250.0802 1254.0180 0180 1755.0180.0030.1781 0162.0178.0092 0017 0047.0017 0154.0017.0180 0030 0180 0180.1756 0154 0250.0030 0092.0451.0783 0451.0030 0236.0531 1308.0178.0845.0093.0150 0178.0180 0783 0000 0150 0092 0812.0093.0166.1347 1523 0054.0166.0885 1756 0000.0017.0030.1756 0047.0051.0178.0180.0092 0180 0156.0047.0178.0030 0000.0531 1023.0030 0178 0047.0051 0030 0250.0054.0054.0054.1867 0051.0853 0000.0866 1260 1523.1394 0030.0463.0030 1145.0866 0156 0178 0000.0250.0180.0463.1756 0092 0178.1058.0180.0074 1189.0030 0856 0236.0030 0030 0054.0054.0650 0766.0178 0463.0463.0030 0154 0054.0250.1447.0054.0178 0000.0092 1661.0463.0661.0178.1060 0030 0463.0154.1547.0178 0017 0156 0154.0864.0650 1755.0236.0650.0017 0154.0150 0178.0047.0154.0672 0672 0030 0150 0180 0000 0000.0030 1755.0842 1023.DEVICE CODES Códigos de dispositivo Audio Amplifiers Amplificadores de audio GE JVC Modulaire / Optimus Radio Shack / Realistic Sony Soundesign Victor Wards Yamaha 0078 0331 0395 0395 0689 0078 0331 0078 0354 Stereophonics Sunfire Technics Thorens Toshiba Victor Wards Yamaha 1023 1313 1308.0783 0250.0093 1032 0180 0178.0156.1704 0051 0178 0250.0017.1347 0047 0000.0180.1990 0539 0790 0869 1932 0869 1903.0180 Yamaha Yorx Zenith 0030.0180.0180.0150 0178.0030 0156.0180.0030.0812.0156.0857.0889 0451.0054.0047.0704 0855 0250.1756 0812.0030.0054.1142 0178 0236.1240 0180 0250.0679.0166.0030.0051.0866 0047.0180 0093.0463.0180 0180 0180.1145 0166.0885 0054 1758.0054.0054 0154.0154 0150.0864.0166.0178 0156.1145 1494 0865 1990 0236.0180 0150.0051 0054.0180.0236 0030.0092 0047.0093.0842 0074 0014 1023.1269.0051.0051 0451.0093.0864 0000 0054 0748.0180.1269.0765.0180 0761.0150 0178.0051 0180.0463.0166 Sharp Sheng Chia Shivaki Signature Simpson Singer Solar Drape Sony Soundesign Spectravision SR2000 SSS Starlite Superscan Supreme SV2000 SVA Sylvania Symphonic Syntax Tandy Tatung Teac Technics Technovox Techwood Teknika Telecolor Thomas Thomson TMK TNCi Tocom Toshiba Totevision Toyomenka Truetone TVS Ultra Universal V Vector Research Vidikron Vidtech Viewsonic Viore Vizio 0818.1347 0047.0236.0650 0030 0156 0000.0030.0051 1990 0154.0463.0180.0154.1675.0166 0650 0093 0017.0017 0154.1441.0014.0017.0092 1264.1755.0889 0451.0885.0054.0030.0047 0236.0030 0092 0000 1100.0030.0054 0047 0030 0047.1035 1035.0178.0051.0000.0030.0150.0180.0051 0463 0092 0047 1755.0154.0030 0178.1641.1518.0047.0451.0150 0180.0704 1704 NetTV Nikko / Nikkodo Nishi Norcent NTC Nyon Olevia Onwa Optimus Optonica Orion Pace Panasonic Paxonic PCE Penney Petters Philco Philips Pilot Pioneer Polaroid Portland Precision Prima Prism Proscan Proton Pulsar Pulser Quartz Quasar Rabbit RadioShack 1755 0178.0051.0047.0802 0875 0180 0017.0092 0178.0154.0047.0180 0154.0176.0054.0154.0180 0178.0030.1394 Home Theater in a Box (HTIB) Systems Controlled by the Audio/Tuner key Home Theater en un HTIB (Box) Sistemas Controlado por la tecla Audio/Tuner Anam Bose RCA Yamaha 1609 1229 1609 1375 Magnavox / Mintek 1990 Cable Converters(Set Top Boxes) Convertidores de cable(Set Top Cisco ) 1877 Comcast Director General Instrument Insight / Jerrold Motorola Pace / Pioneer Scientific Atlanta TELMEX ADC 1982 0476 0476 0476 1376.0047.0463 0180.1685 0180.0683.1744.0092 TV/DVD Combination Devices Controlled by the TV key TV / DVD Dispositivos de Combinación Controlado por la tecla TV Akai Emerson iLo / Initial Polaroid Sylvania 1675 1394 1990 1523 1864.0014.0030.1237 0807 0162 1479 0162.0586 0531 1189 1229 0531 1189 0014 1360 0531 1304 0135.0180 0000.0092.0092 0000.0030.0030 0047.0463.0017 0051.1347 0180 1755.0180.0093.0054.0054.0047 0054.1457 0054.0814.0178 0679.1268 0695 Audio Amp/Tuners Anam Arcam / Audiotronic Bose Capetronic Carver Curtis Mathes Denon Emerson Harman/Kardon Integra JVC Magnavox Marantz MCS Micrornega / Myryad Nakarnichi Onkyo Optimus Panasonic Penney Philips Pioneer Proscan Quasar RadioShack RCA Realistic Samsung Sansui Sony 1609 TV CODES A-Mark Accuscan Action Admiral Advent Adventuri Agna Aiko Akai Alfide Alleron Ambassador America Action American High Amtron Anam AOC Apex Digital Audinac Audiovox Baysonic Beaumark Belcor Bell& Howell BenQ Bradford Brockwood 0047.0180 0030 0017.0054 0154.0765 0030 0180 0463.0180.0047.0030 0000.0531 1254 0039 1609 1023.0178 0154.1034 0093 0000 1755 0000.0765.0178 0030 1447.0836 0054.1394 1454.0180 0178 0092 0000.0250.0178.0463.1250.0180.0051.0092 0180 0030.1864.0051.0180.1258 Controlled by the DVD key Controlado por la tecla DVD Audiovox Bose KLH Panasonic Polk Audio RCA Rio Samsung Sonic Blue Sony Teac / Venturer 0790 1895 0790 1907.0156.0178 1447.1035 0000 Majestic Marantz Matsushita Maxent Megatron Memorex MGA MGN Technology Micro Genius Midland Mintek Mitsubishi Motorola MTC Multitech NAD NEC RCA Realistic Runco Sampo Samsung Sanky Sansui Sanyo Scotch Scott Sears Wards Waycon Welton Westinghouse White Westinghouse World XR-1000 3 of 4 .0039 0039 1189 1313 0135.0030 0017.0178 0054 1990 1564.0030 Dwin Electroband Electrograph Electrohome Emerald Emerson Envision ESA Fisher Fortress Fujitsu Funai Futuretech Gateway GE Gemini Gibralter GoldStar Grundig Grundy / Grunpy Hallmark Harley Davidson Harman/Kardon Harvard Havermy TV/VCR Combination Devices Controlled by the TV key TV / VCR combinación de dispositivos Controlado por la tecla TV America Action Audiovox Emerson 0180 0180 0236 Magnavox Controlled by the VCR key Controlado por la tecla VCR Broksonic Citizen Curtis Mathes Daewoo Emerson Funai GE GoldStar Harley Davidson Hitachi / Lloyd's Magnasonic Magnavox Memorex Mitsubishi Optimus Orion Panasonic Penney Quasar RadioShack 1479 1278 1035 1278 1278.1710 0017 0054 0000 0761 0030 0054.1454.0813 0812 0000.0865 0000.0531 1189.0030 0156.1035.1269.0054.0030.0178.0030 0150.0650 0047 0047.0054.0030 1457.0178.0531 1609 1304 1189 1759.0683 0180 0236.0030.0054.1479 0000 0807.1347 0178 0017.0650.0842 1058.0092 0030 0054 0000 0765 0156.0017 0093.0156.0865 0451.1480.0051.0093. 1479 0000 0184.0616 0618 0162.1237 0000 0042 0000 0000.0675.0039 0000 0039 0000 0039.0695.0000 0060.1045.0539 1087 0816 0784.0741.0534 0790 0533 1061 1533 0591.0618 0880 0614.0042 Humax 0739 Hytek Jensen / JVC / Kenwood KTV / Lloyd's / Logik LXI Magnasonic Magnavox Matsushita Memorex MGA Minolta Mitsubishi MTC / MTX Multitech NEC Olympus Optimus Orion Panasonic Penney Pentax Philco Philips Pioneer Proscan Protec Pulsar Quasar RadioShack RCA Realistic ReplayTV Runco Samsung Sanky Sansui Sanyo Scott Sears 0000 0067 0000 0000.0067 0060.0000 0067 0162 0162.0873 0783 0630.0033 0000.1903.0815 0675.2250 0533 0784 0573.1268 0675.0807 0880.1932 0695 0670.0000.0067 0162.1237 0042 0000 0739.0646.0545 0503.0664 0672 1348 1268 0571.0000.0675.0043 0184 0184.1035 0162.0869 1533.1769 0783 0695 0558.0616 0739 0614.0067 0043.0869.0675.1060 0000 0039 0162.0631 0632 1061 0539 Presidian Proceed Proscan Radionette RadioShack RCA Realistic Rio Rotel Samsung Sansui Sanyo Schneider Sharp Shinsonic Slim Art Sonic Blue Sony Superscan Sylvania Symphonic Teac Technics Theta Digital Thomson Tivo Toshiba Universum Urban Concepts Venturer Xbox Yamaha Zenith Zeus 0675 0672 0522 0741 0571 0522.0873 0630 0864.1035.1270 0522.0783 0833.0869 Enterprise Entivo ESA Fisher Funai GE GFM Go Video GoldStar Goodmans Gradiente Grundig 0591 0503.0616 0039 0739.0000 0614.0000.0000.0142.1516.0868 0490 0672 0833.0821.1479 Gemini Genexxa Go Video GoldStar Goodmans / Gradiente Granada Harley Davidson / HI-Q Hitachi 0060 0000 0614 0039.0618.0000 0000 0060 0739.0000.0067 0000.0539.0033.0000.2056.0571.RCA Samsung Sansui Sears Sony Sylvania Symphonic / Thomas Toshiba Zenith 0807.0067.1014 0039 0000.0042 0043 0000 0039.2083 0490.0067 0636 0000 0042 0000 0000.0000.1035 0162.0571.1145 0184 0067 0000 0060.0539.0616 0739.1268.0000.0539 0790 0522.1479 0000.0869 0675 0715.0033.0632 1362.0162.0060.1762.1035.0741.1075 0741.0616 0636 0739.0042.0043 1237 TV/VCR/DVD Combination Devices Controlled by the VCR key TV / VCR / DVD Dispositivos de Combinación Controlado por la tecla VCR Sharp 0807 DVR Devices Dispositivos de DVR DirecTV Go Video Humax Panasonic Philips RCA ReplayTV Samsung Sonic Blue Sony Tivo 0739 0614 0739 0614.1278 0039.0741.0833.1035 1278 0042 0739 0000 0039 0000 0060.0039.0000.0854.1060 1014 0000.0042 Sharp Shintom Signature Sonic Blue Sony Soundmaster STS SV2000 / SVA Sylvania Symphonic / Tandy Tatung / Teac Technics Teknika / Thomas Thomson Tivo TMK Toshiba Vector Research Victor Videosonic / Villain Wards White Westinghouse / XR-1000 Zenith 0000.1270 0675 0521 1003 0591.1354 0503.0539 0821.0807.0033.1769.0000.1907 1990 0675 0503.0869 0790 0490 0539 0573.0623.0042.0000.1268 0573.1237 0060.0867 0790 0490.0864.0000.0067.0675.1641.0539.0521 0741 0869 1003 0503.1022 0571 0869 0623 0490.1268 0571.1278 0060 0000 0060.0000.0616 1232.1061 0790 0571 0695 1895 0695.2084 0646.0790 0822.0539.0043 0060.0821.0000 0060.0636 0000 0000.0162.0820 0899.0807 0039.0715.0869 0784 Hughes Network Systems 0739.0043.0869 1075 Denon Integra LG Microsoft Onkyo Panasonic Philips Pioneer RCA Samsung Sharp Sony Toshiba Xbox HD DVD 2258 1769 0741 2083 1769 1641 2084 0142 1769 0199 2250 1516 1769 2083 0741 0664 0867 0741 0675 0695 1762 0675 1061 4 of 4 .1033.0741.1268 0522.1060 0162.1479 0162.1354 0525.0636 Hitachi Hiteker iLo Insignia Integra IRT JMB JVC Kawasaki Kenwood KLH Kloss Koss Lecson Hughes Network System0739 Controlled by the DVD key Controlado por la tecla DVD Akai Broksonic Emerson / ESA Magnavox Panasonic Sharp Superscan / Sylvania Symphonic Toshiba 0899 0868 0821 0821 1362 0630 0821 0821 1045 A-Mark / Accurian Admiral Adventura / Aiwa Allegro Amstrad / Avis Bell & Howell Broksonic Citizen Colortyme Colt / Criterion / Crosley Curtis Mathes Daewoo Denon DirecTV Dual Durabrand Dynatech Electrohome Emerald Emerson Fisher Fuji Fujitsn / Funai / Garrard GE VCRs 0000 0060.1268 0670 0675.0573.1781 0162 0162.0000.1781 0000 0000.0043.1769 0695.0869 0490.0539.1075.0199.0533.0042.0043.0672.2083 1521.0822 0820.1479 Presidian RCA Samsung Sansui Sanyo Sharp Sony Sylvania / Symphonic Toshiba Zenith 0675 0522.0000 1781 0000 1145 0000.0618.0042.0539 0675 0533 0695.0821.0000.0067 1035.0790 0490 0571 0522 1503 0503.1479 0000.0783.0000 0033 0000 0060.0618.0869 1058 0741 0783 0675 0503.0042.1769 0571 0672 0490.0614 0616.0503.0807 0000 0039.0675 1533 0695.1237 1232.1256.0675 0821.0869 0695 0571 0503.0715.0646.0000.1075 0695 0670.0573.1268 LG LiteOn Loewe Logix Magnasonic Magnavox Marantz Mclntosh Memorex Microsoft Mitsubishi NAD NEC Norcent Onkyo Optimus Palsonic Panasonic Philco Philips Pioneer Polaroid Polk Audio Accurian Allegro Apex Digital Broksonic CineVision / Daewoo Emerson / Funai / GFM Go Video GoldStar Hitachi JVC LG Magnavox Memorex Panasonic Philips Polaroid Controlled by the DVD key Controlado por la tecla DVD 0675 0869 1061 0695 0833.1934 0821 0675.0225.1278 1479 0039.0899 0672 0869 0533.0000 0184.1431 0675 0503 0741.0039.0571.0000.0162.1033 1431.0000 0614.1503 0591 0503.0000 0184.0833.1035 1060 Accurian / Hitachi / Magnavox RCA Sylvania / Symphonic DVD/VCR Combination Devices Controlled by the VCR key DVD / VCR combinación de dispositivos Controlado por la tecla VCR 0000 0060 0000 DVDs 3D LAB Accurian Aiwa Akai Alba Allegro Apex Digital Audiovox Blue Parade Blue Sky Bose Broksonic California Audio Labs Centrex CineVision Citizen Clairtone Creative Curtis Mathes CyberHome Deawoo Denon Digitrex Disney Dual DVD2000 Electrohome Emerson 0503.2258 0672 0675.0591.0042.0043 0042 0060.
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