JUPAS Interview Questions Data Bank 2012 2014

March 23, 2018 | Author: wongtszyeung | Category: University And College Admission, Test (Assessment), Interview, Physical Education, Engineering



2014 JUPAS Interview questions databaseArts & Education JS6066 BA (English) & BEd (HKU) (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. At which position did you put us on your JUPAS choice? Why did you put BA in A1 instead of our course? Would you like to be an English teacher ? Why? If you become a teacher, how would you like to teach your class and help your students to learn English? JS 4329 PE, Exercise Science and Health (CU)(group, each candidate was to speak in turn) 1. 2. 3. 4. 評論現時推廣體育運動的政策 如果你是體育專員,還有甚麼方法可以推廣體育運動? 為何想讀這科? 把這科放在 band A 第幾個 choice BEd (院校不詳, individual) 1. 如果未能入這學系,你會覺得有甚麼損失? 2. 有沒有別的職業與老師相似?有何相似之處? BEd (院校不詳, individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. Use one sentence to introduce yourself Reading aloud Do you think that Mandarin is more important than English? What would you teach your students in their last primary/secondary lesson? JS 6028 Landscape Studies (HKU) (Individual) 1. Self-introduction (use this to show you are observant) 2. Explain your art work 3. Prepare a question to ask the professor JS 6042 Urban studies (HKU) 1st interview (Group) : 10 min 小組討論:如何以城市計劃解決跨境學童問題? 2ND interview (Individual) : 1. 試評論你的社區環境,與你選擇的 programme 有何關係? 2. (他在 student profile 提及自己有參與過城規會諮詢)你在那個諮詢會有何見解? 3. 在這一科中,你覺得那一方面最具挑戰性? JS 4068 Japanese Studies (CU) (3 interviewers with 3 candidates) 1. 2. 3. 4. Self-introduction Why did you choose this programme ? If you have a chance to study in Japan for a year, which major would you choose? What social issue in HK are you concerned with? 5. Anything you would like to ask the 3 interviewers JS 4022 Cultural Management (CU) (Individual) 1. 你為何會選這一科? 2. 有沒有參加過任何相關的活動? 3. Professor 會就你之前提供的資料問….如有個同學曾學過中西樂,professor 會問他 兩者有何分別 4. 有機會問 jupas 排位的原因 JS 4109 Religious studies (CU) (Individual) 1. 為甚麼選這科? 2. 如何用藝術去表達宗教? 3. 說明一個你認為佛教比基督教優勝的地方 JS 4109 Religious Studies (CU) (Individual) 1. 自我介紹 2. 為何想讀這科 3. 把這科放在 band A 第幾個 choice? Music (院校不詳, individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 一分鐘自我介紹 練習樂器時有 沒有遇到困難?你會如何解決? 自己有甚麼優勢令學校取錄你? 對未來職業有何展望? 自由討論(用中文進行) Business JS 6781 Account and Financial (HKU) (Group) 1. What are these articles about ?(The articles are related to the recent conflicts between HK and Mainland) 2. What are your views on this social issue? 3. Can you give some suggestions to solve this problem ? JS 6781 BBA (HKU) (Group) Given a few articles on conflicts between HK and Mainland, given 10 minutes to prepare, then discuss JS 4240 PA (CU) (Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. JUPAS choices Why did you put these down? Describe your strengths. Chatting JS 4202 IBBA (CU) (Individual) 1. What fields of study did you put in your JUPAS choice ? (ans. Pharm/bba) 2. Why did you want to study IBBA ? 3. Why don’t you choose UST business instead of CU ? (reason for this question : she put down the experience of joining a UST business programme in profile) (Hotel & Tourism Mgt) JS 3882 SHTM (PolyU) (Individual) 1. Self-introduction 2. Why do you choose this programme ? 3. Further discussion based on your personal information and the conversation. JS 1001 BBA (City U) (before dse) (Group) 1. Self-introduction 2. Group discussion (group of 4 or 5 students) : do you think that casinos should be built in HK? JS 1001 BBA (City U) (Group) (1) Self-introduction (1min) (2) Group (10 candidates, 不用回應他人):Graffiti prons and cons JS 6781 JS 1001 BBA (HKU, City U) (Group) Conflict between HK and mainland people JS 2120 BBA (BU) (1)Self-introduction (1min) (2)Group discussion (5-6 candidates) The pros and cons of merging the economy / market of Hong Kong and China(主要問中 港兩地經濟融合的好與壞) (Kind reminder: 如 Ryan Man in 你,不要亂講 China 有 Cheap labour 和亂用 econ terms) JS 2120 BBA (BU) (全英) 自我介紹 + 小組討論 + 個人問題 JS 2110 ACCT (BU) (1)自我介紹(英) (2)個人問題(英):大學男女人數不平衡,怎樣解決? (3)小組討論(中) JSSH01 恆管 (Global Supply Chain) Before DSE (外國人 IN) (1)自我介紹 (2)為何揀恆管?為何選 Global Supply Chain 而非 BBA? (3)給我 2-3 幅圖,內容有生產商、零售商,之後問怎樣運輸 BOTTLE WATER 是最便宜。 After DSE (英文 + 廣東話) (1) 為何揀恆管?為何選 Global Supply Chain 而非 BBA? (2) 如果有 UGC offer,恆管又收你,怎樣揀? Global Supply Chain 與 BBA 的分別? Construction & Environment JS 3791 BEM (PolyU) (Individual) 1. Situation Q (ways to acquire more teenagers into construction field) 2. Why choose BEM Creative Media JS 1041 Creative Media(BA) (City U) (individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduce yourself (like: why you choose this course, what you want to learn) Why did you choose BA, and not BSc (in creative media) when you studies chem and physics at DSE level What do you expect from this course to contribute to your future job ? Some questions about portfolio (like man idea of works) Design JS 3569 Design (product), Poly U Individual 1. 喜歡那一個設計師?why? 2. 可以如何改善 freeman lau 設計那個屈臣氏水樽? 3. 為何選 product design,而不選其他? 4. 你喜歡自己住的地方嗎?如果有選擇,你會搬去哪裏? 5. 到目前為止,有沒有面試過其他大學?之後會否面試其他大學? 6. 有沒有去過我們的畢業展覽? 7. 為甚麼你未能在 VA 這科取得 5** ? Group (3 人小組) 1. 2. 3. 4. 選出一幅你覺得自己畫得好的畫和其他兩個人交換,互評 為甚麼你會選擇這張畫? 平日有沒有參觀展覽?哪裏? 如獲取錄,你希望我們(藝術系)可以給你些甚麼? Engineering JS 6963 Engineering (HKU) (Group) 1. Self-introduction 2. Discuss an engineering project in HK which you think is an engineering wonder Do you agree with John Tsang’s sayings in the article? Why? 3. Self-introduction in English 2. What can Hong Kong Government do if there will be a deficit ? Medicine / Rehabilitation Sciences JS 6494 Pharmacy (HKU) (Individual) 1. Self-introduction 2. Do you think Hong Kong will have financial deficit in the coming years? 2. (Group discussion) (in eng) 澳門派錢予澳門人,你認為香港政府應否派錢予香港人? JS 3454 Logistic Engineering (Poly U) (Individual) 與 professor 傾(為甚麼選這一科、對這科有沒有甚麼問題) Law JS 6808 BBA(law) (HKU) (Group) 1. school. name. Self-introduction 2. How did you arrange your JUPAS choice ? What is your most important considerations? JS 5002 Engineering (UST) (Individual) 1.3. what would you do to make your life more fruitful ? JS 4501 Medic (CU) 1. Why don’t you choose law? 3. (before DSE) Which major are you most interested in ? JS 5002 Engineering (UST) (group) 1. Why do you want to study pharmacy ? 2. Why choose nursing ? JS 6468 Nursing (HKU) (Group) 10 min written test which allows you to prepare for the group discussion topic 1. Suppose you have now become a registered pharmacist with a stable income. y u choose engineering) 2. Discussion about 佔中 in Chinese 3. Why don’t you study nursing instead of pharmacy ? 3. Self-introduction (inc. You said that studying medicine is challenging: can you suggest a book for med student to encourage them? 4. wt u studied in secondary school. Why do not you choose HKU medicine ? JS 6468 Nursing (HKU) (Group) 1. Self-introduction in Chinese . 5. (中文)醫生有愛滋病應否上報 JS 3624 OT (Poly U) (Individual) 1. 對 psychiatric patient 有何感受? 如何去改變社會對 psychiatric patients 的負面看法? 用键盤上一個按钮去形容自己 我心目中理想的大學生活 預計四年後畢業後會做甚麼 對於香港現時教育制度有何看法?如有認為不足之處,有甚麼改善的建議? Science JS 6884 Quantitative Finance (HKU) (Group) Self-introduction + group discussion (30 minutes) : 美國入境政策 JS 6949 生物醫學 (HKU) (group) 1 你認同 ape 係人類祖先嗎?一組十個人討論 2 跟住 professor 俾我地逐個自介。好似 2-3 分鐘。 JS 4601 Science (CU) . Discussion about ban on cigarettes. 4. (Eng) Self-introduction 2. (Eng) If you were a doctor. who would you save: a 40 years old business man with family or a 20 years old university student 3. Self-introduction 2. 3. What is the potential problem in the medical industry? 3. 2. 6. 1 min 自我介紹(英文) 2.2. 小組討論:應否強制前線醫護人員打流感針(以英文進行) JS 4542 CMED (CU) (全粵語 一組五人) (1) 為何想讀中醫 (2) 為何揀中大 JS 2410 CMED (BU) (中英普 一組十人左右) (1) 自我介紹 (2) 大學有好多活動 你會點平衡成績同活動 (3) 點解想讀中醫 JS 3636 Physiotherapy (PolyU) (Group) 1. JS 4513 Nursing (CU) (Group) 1. Whom will you save: an elderly or a young man ? JS 3636 Physiotherapy (PolyU) (in a group of about 10 persons) 1. name. wt is ur intended major and why) 2.) BSW (院校不詳,individual) 1. Case study : 每一位抽一個角色,就該角色身輪發言 e. 3. Any more question? (同學忘記了有沒有 group interview) Social Science JS 6731 Social Work (HKU) (Group) 1.g> 香港精神復康問題(角色包括:某政府 官員、學生、四十幾歲的阿姨…. Who is your favourite scientists and why? 3. school. 為何想讀社工? 對「生命影響生命」這句說話有甚麼看法 當你成為社工時,你會怎樣應付負面情緒? 社會上有資源幫助有需要的人,這些錢是由納稅人提供的,然而資源濫用情況常 見。你對此有何看法?你認為這樣看公平嗎?(當時用英文問) Psychology (樹仁) 1. 毒男追不到女仔,好 sad) 假設 candidates 中有一位是 spy. 4. wt u studied in secondary school. 自我介紹 2. 2. 自我介紹 有兩個 senior 角色扮演,candidates 要輪流給予他們意見(e. Self-introduction (inc. 你認為會是那一位? 選一位表現最好的而且最值得取錄的 candidate (2013 JUPAS Interview questions 見 zip files,e-class in Career Action Group) . 4. 3.g.Life Science (individual) 1 自我介紹 2 你知唔知我地個系教咩? 3 你自己有咩 shortcomings。 4 點解揀我地個系 JS 5001 Science (UST) (Individual) 1. 2. How can you best prepare for the exchange programme in the third year in Japanese studies? 2. 區議會選舉 (in Chinese)  Prefer putting CU Engineering in higher banding . Which type of renewable energy would you like to promote in HK? 2. What mindset should you have while going for an exchange? self-introduction  12-min discussion (in Chinese): 你對 334 新學制與舊學制的公開 考試模式分別有何看法? Engineering 2 to 1 interview  In both English and Chinese  Self-introduction  Questions about extra-curricular activities  Questions about your electives  Questions related to the programme: 1. Which engineering programme will you choose in the future? Law Group discussion (5 candidates)  Virtual Sociology 2 to 5 interview  Self-introduction cases studies in Chinese  Discussion: 1.2011-12 S6 JUPAS Application Interview details Basic components  1-minute self-introduction (in English)  對學科的認識:你對本科有何認識?對這學科或個人事業計劃有何期望(及兩者的關係)?與其  他院校 / 相關學科有何分別? 對自己的認識:你為何報讀這個課程?你為何適合修讀這科?你的強項(與學科的關係)?你的 中學生活 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Programme Format Remarks Faculty of Arts – Japanese Studies Answer questions individually (6 candidates in a group)  Self-introduction Faculty of Educations Group discussion (6 – 7 candidates)  1-min  Answer questions attached in admission email: 1. If you were a hotel manager. 你認為最偉大的發明是甚麼? Hotel and Tourism Management Group discussion .Discussion questions: 1. 香港正面對甚麼社會問題? Chinese Studies Individual Science Group discussion (5 candidates) Questions: 1. 十年後的自己 (in English) 3.2. 你最喜愛那個古代的作家? - Self-introduction Questions: 1. 香港正面對甚麼問題. 你最喜歡哪個科學家? 3. 如果你可到外國留學,你會選 擇甚麼地方? 2. how can you solve the problem of no enough rooms? 2.困難和挑 戰? .Self-introduction . How to reduce the no. Introduce one place of Hong Kong to a friend from other overseas (達成共 識) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Group discussion Questions: 1.The University of Hong Kong Programme Format Remarks Law Group discussion (5 candidates)  Legal General Interviews Group debate (7 – 8 candidates)  Self-introduction Group discussion  Self-introduction case studies  About misrepresentation and unscrupulous business tactics  Debate a topic. Do u support drug test on animals? Nursing Group discussion - Self-introduction Questions: 1. The advantages and disadvantages of stress 4. 代母產子是否合乎道德? 5. Should Physical Education be compulsory or not? 3. 新學制中的 IES 有用嗎? 9.  10 min for one side. switch sides for another 10 min  Topics: 1. 你贊成香港設立男士侍產假嗎? 2. Should pub open in the university?  Discussion question: 1. Can charging ambulance service reduce the abuse of emergency services? 2. 對書商就教科書加價的看法及解決 方法 Pharmacy Group discussion Questions: 1. of traffic accidents in hk? 2. 政府應否派發$6000? 7. 香港大學應否增加海外學位? 6. 進行動物實驗是否合乎道德? 8. 中電應否加價? 10. 你贊成於葵涌興建郵輪碼頭嗎?  Wear suit  Prepare questions related to the rogramme . 為甚麼? . Pros and cons of 3rd runway at the airport 2. 2. 你覺得現今的家長過份縱容自己的子女 嗎? 6. Time management Others Group discussion (5 candidates)  Discussion  question: As the first batch of DSE students. what are your feelings/ challenges?  你對一國兩制的看法  Receive an email informing of getting bonus marks (Band A applicants) . 很多人認為音樂、哲學等不是實用的科 目.你認為大學應否專注在實用性的科 目? BBA Group discussion (4 candidates)  Self-introduction  Discussion questions: 1. 你認為一間好的大學應具備甚麼素質? 7. 你會選擇在本地大學還是海外大學讀書? 8. 4. 港元應與美元還是人民幣掛鈎?  Individual questions: 1.The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Programme Format Engineering Group discussion (5 candidates) Remarks  Self-introduction  Discussion 1. 當你選擇一間大學或者科目時會考慮甚 麼條件? 9. 3. questions: Will Hong Kong be marginalized? Which invention do u think is the most important in recent years? Do you agree that HK loses her competitiveness when compared with cities in Mainland China? Do you know what engineering is responsible for "green"(environmental protection)? 5. What makes Apple so successful? What will you develop next if you are the CEO of Apple? 2. Opinions of Hong Kong-Chinese relationship. 人類將來應否繼續使用核能? College of Business (Bachelor of Business Administration) Group discussion Self –introduction Questions: 1. How is friend view you as a person? 2. Putonghua and Cantonese Questions: 1. 你認為中醫有否違反科學? . How is 334? Do you have any suggestions? 2. Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine Group discussion English. What do you think about the Hong Kong government? 3. Do you agree that the government should give $6000 to all the citizens? HKBU Programme Format Remarks AECON / CBS / FIN / HRM / ISEM / MKT Individual Self – introduction Questions: 1.CityU Programme Format College of Business Group discussion Remarks Self-introduction Questions: 1. Should casino open in Hong Kong? 3. What are the essential qualities for the leader of a student union? 2. 政府應否支助農業發展? College of Science and Engineering (Science) Group discussion 1-min self-introduction Questions: 1. Why do you want to enter BU? 2. introduction Questions: 1.注重 文學知識 決? 2.PolyU Programme Format Electronic and Information Engineering Individual 樹仁大學 Programme Remarks 3 mins introduction 1 random question QUESTIONS: 1. 甚麼是文學? Sociology 2 to 1 – interview Self. 為甚麼你的國語會那麼好? 2. 問題甚多. 關於中國語文的知識 2. 介紹 90 後 其他面試問題 Remarks . What is the most important quality of a student? Format Remarks 中國語言文學(榮譽) 文學士 Individual 朗讀文章 Questions: 1. 香港正臨甚麼社會問題?怎樣解 面試時需交一篇文 章.你會怎樣 採集資料? 3. 你認為自己有甚麼良好的特質? 內地大學 Programme Format 商科 Individual Self . 如果你要作一份有關中港司機 到內地包二奶的調查. 為甚麼要在內地念書? Enterprice engineering and management Group discussion Questions: 1.introduction Questions: 1. . . . THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Full-time Undergraduate and Higher Diploma Programmes 2015 Entry Format and Duration of Interviews and Subject Tests You are advised to read the information below before attending the admission interview/subject test. as applicable) to attend the interview/test at least 10 minutes before the stipulated time. 中文科入學試 中國語文教育榮譽學士 入學試: (一) 口試 面試形式為小組會面,每組五至六名考生,每節約十分鐘。以「語文能力、溝通態度、思考水平、專 業特質」為評核指標。 語文研究榮譽文學士 . Accounting and Financial Studies Format: Group Interview Duration: About 20 minutes Language: English . Accounting and Financial Studies Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Business. Please bring along the interview notification and your HKID Card (or passport.主修中文 中文主修入學試共分兩部分: (一) 筆試 考生須就指定題目作文,分別以中文及英文作答,時間約為一小時十五分。 (二) 口試 面試形式為小組會面,每組五名考生,每節約半小時。面試分兩部分,每人先個別發言三分鐘,之 後運用三語進行小組討論,每種語言約佔四分鐘。 Business. and 1 hour 15 minutes for the written test Language: English and and Putonghua will be used in interviews. Part 2 of interview will be conducted in Cantonese. each candidate will be given 1 minute to deliver concluding remarks). General Studies Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) in General Studies . You may also refer to the interview format in Chinese for details. Duration: About 30 minutes Language: Part 1 of interview will be conducted in English.Early Childhood Education Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education Format: There will be two parts in the interview: Part 1: Self-introduction (e. and 1-hour 15-minute written test (writing essays in both Chinese and English) Duration: 15 minutes for the interview. 2. Part 2: Small group discussion on an assigned topic (10 minutes for group discussion. your strengths. Some non-JUPAS candidates may be required to attend a written test. Written test is only applicable to non-JUPAS candidates. your interest in Early Childhood Education) (each candidate will be given 2 minutes for self-introduction). Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language – Primary Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language – Secondary Format: An interview of 3 candidates in a group by 2 lecturers Duration: 15 minutes for the interview and 1 hour for the written test Remarks: 1. Remarks: Please complete the questionnaire and submit during the reporting time.g. English Subject Interview Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies – English Major Format: An interview of 3 candidates in a group by 2 lecturers. Format: Group Discussion and Individual Presentation Duration: About 20 minutes Language: Cantonese and English History Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in History Format: Group Discussion and Individual Presentation Duration: About 20 minutes Language: English Information and Communication Technology Subject Interveiw Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Information and Communication Technology Format: Self-introduction and Group Discussion Duration: About 20-30 minutes Language: Cantonese Liberal Studies Subject Interview Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Studies Education (Self-financed programme) Format: Each candidate will be interviewed by 1 or 2 lecturers Part 1: Individual candidate introductions Part 2: Group discussion of a selected topic Duration: About 20-30 minutes Mathematics Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) in Mathematics Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Mathematics Format: An interview of 6 candidates in a group by 2 lecturers Duration: 30 minutes for the interview Language: Cantonese . equivalent). Duration: Approximately three hours Language: Both Part 1 and 2 will be conducted in English. For Part 2a (Practical Test). applicants should 1. best potential in music performance. applicants should perform a repertoire which demonstrates their perform a repertoire which demonstrates their best potential in music performance. Qualifications. Remarks: (A) Applicants must bring the following supporting documents when attending the test: 1. For Part 2a (Practical Test). Interview/Viva voce: Applicants will be expected to discuss their experiences and career aspirations as potential music undergraduate students. BEd & BA(CAC) Applicants BME Applicants 1. If the chosen repertoire includes accompaniment. before 2010 inclusively. Student Particular Form as attached. awards and achievements in other creative arts such as dance.Music Subject Interview Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture – Music Major Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Music Bachelor of Music in Education (Honours) (Contemporary Music and Performance Pedagogy) (Self-financed programme) Format: The test consists of the following two parts: Part Written Aural/Theory Test 1: Part Practical Test/Interview 2: a. Exemption of Part 2a (Practical Test) only 2. exemption of Part 2a (Practical 3. may be considered as advantage for BA(CAC) applicants. b. exemption of Part 2a (Practical Test) Test) does NOT apply to applicants whose does NOT apply to applicants whose most most recent music qualifications were recent music qualifications were obtained obtained before 2010 inclusively. 3. However. Play or sing a repertoire of own choice in any recognizable Western/Chinese music instrument. However. Exemption of Part 2a (Practical Test) only applies to those who obtain qualification of applies to those who obtain qualification of Grade 6 or above (Royal Schools of Music or Grade 8 or above (Royal Schools of Music or equivalent). visual arts etc. applicants are suggested to bring their own accompanist in order to best present the repertoire. which should be completed prior to the registration of . 2. The test comprises two parts: Duration: Part 1: Physical Fitness Test Part 2: Interview Half-day Language: Cantonese Remarks: 1. 3. 2. Applicants who have obtained Grade D or above in HKCEE. Stationery for the test. applicants are strongly advised to contact the Department if in doubt. Applicants are required to wear appropriate sportswear and bring with them their certificates and documents on qualifications/awards that they have obtained in relation to sports and physical education. Own music instrument except piano or large music instruments such as double bass. and BME admission. 4. Original copies of music certificates including relevant Applied Learning Courses for inspection. Psychology Subject Interview Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology Format: An interview of 6 candidates in a group by 2-4 lecturers Duration: About 30 minutes Language: English Visual Arts Subject Interview . Please complete the PE questionnaire and bring it to the interview. 2. Physical Education Subject Interview Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Physical Education Format: Applicants will be tested on their motor abilities and general knowledge in physical education and sports. harp and percussions.the test. the BME test format will be adopted as reference. A hardcopy of the repertoire for Part 2a (Practical Test) should be submitted to the interview panel should the exemption not be applicable. and 5. or Level 3 or above in HKDSE Physical Education examination will be exempted from taking the physical fitness test. (B) In cases of applicants who apply BEd. 3. BA(CAC). 5 hours for Practical Test Language: Interview will be conducted in Cantonese/Putonghua for BEd(Visual Arts) programme and in English for BA(CAC) programme. for reference. water containers. (3-dimensional artworks or sculpture can be presented in the form of photos or other graphic presentations. OR (iii) Level 5 or above in Art in the IB. etc. including pencils. paints. Applicants should bring their own drawing and painting tools. Individual Presentation and Portfolio Presentation) This part is to assess an applicant's basic understanding and involvement in Visual Arts subject.g. Applicants who have a relevant Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (such as visual arts. Duration: 45 minutes for Portfolio Interview 2. result slip of HKALE/HKDSE or certificate of relevant Applied Learning Courses (if any) for the interviewer's checking of Art examination performance. Applicants who have equivalent academic achievement will be exempted from the practical test. multimedia.Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture – Visual Arts Major Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Visual Arts Format: The test consists of the following two parts: Part 1: Subject Interview (Personal Aspirations.) need not to attend the practical test as designed by the Department. For details. please refer to your interview schedule. magazines. etc. OR (iv) Grade D or above in Art / Ceramics in the HKCEE. Remarks: Applicants must bring with them the original copies of HKCEE / IB certificate. erasers. books. They can also bring any visual materials. Last update: 30 Jan 2015 . Applicants are encouraged to bring 3 pieces of original artworks in 2-dimensions or 3-dimensions to the interview. etc. fashion. OR (ii) Level 3 or above in Visual Arts in the HKDSE. brushes. The Practical Test will assess candidates’ abilities in creating and using visual images for expression and communication. glue.) Part 2: Practical Test This part is ONLY for those applicants without (i) Grade E or above in Art in the HKALE (A-Level or AS-Level). e. product design. JUPAS Code Interview 2015 JUPAS HKDSE Interview Arrangements & Programme Required# Title Tentative Date Format Language Enquiry / Other Information Before HKDSE After HKDSE Results Results Announcement Announcement JS1001 Yes (on a 8 to 16 - College of selective June 2015 Business basis) Group English College website: interview http://interview.hk and / or and Social test College website: Sciences http://www6.hk/ class College of Science and Engineering JS1201 No - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering JS1202 Yes (on a Department selective interview of Biology basis) (30 and Chemistry - Late July 2015 Group minutes) English Email: [email protected] Entry The following are the tentative interview / test arrangements in 2015.cityu.edu.(City U) Interview / Test Arrangements for JUPAS HKDSE Applicants [email protected] minutes) JS1011 Yes (on a College of selective Liberal Arts basis) - 24 to 25 Group English July 2015 interview Email: ch. Shortlisted applicants will be notified by email or phone. The interview for students nominated under the JUPAS sub-system for Principal's Nominations will be held separately in June.cityu.edu.hk .cb (35 . edu.hk JS1205 Yes (on a 23 or 24 - Department selective June 2015 Group English and Email: interview Cantonese [email protected]/ home/programmes_ BENG4_Admission.edu.cityu.JUPAS Code Interview & Programme Required 2015 JUPAS HKDSE Interview Arrangements # Title Tentative Date Format Language Enquiry / Other Information Before HKDSE After HKDSE Results Results Announcement Announcement JS1204 Yes (on a 11 to 12 - Department selective June 2015 Individual English Email: interview [email protected] Department website: http://www6.cityu.hk (20 to 25 Mechanical minutes) Department website: and http://www.hk of Computer basis) (10 Science minutes) Department website: http://admission.hk/ ma JS1207 Yes (on a 15 to 19 - Department selective June 2015 of basis) Group English Interview Email: [email protected] JS1206 Yes (on a Department of Early June 2015 - Group English and Email: selective interview Chinese basis) (40 Mathematics minutes) [email protected]/ Biomedical mbe Engineering JS1208 Yes (on a Department selective - 27 July 2015 Group interview English Email: .hk of Electronic basis) (30 Engineering minutes) Department website: http://www.cs . edu.hk School website: http://www.edu.edu.cityu.hk/ scm JS1051 No - School of Energy and Environment JS1061 Yes (on a School of Law selective - 27 to 29 July Group 2015 interview (around 15 English School website: http://www6.hk/ .JUPAS Code Interview & Programme Required 2015 JUPAS HKDSE Interview Arrangements # Title Tentative Date Format Language Enquiry / Other Information Before HKDSE After HKDSE Results Results Announcement Announcement of Physics basis) (20 to 30 and [email protected] minutes) Materials Science JS1209 When Department necessary - of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management JS1041 Yes (on a School of selective - 22 to 31 Individual English July 2015 interview Creative Media basis) and written Tel: 3442 8049 3442 8049 免費 test (35 Email: minutes) [email protected]. cityu.edu. only selected applicants will be invited .edu."When necessary": interviews / tests may or may not be conducted."Yes (on a selective basis)": interviews / tests will be conducted.cityu.hk # Interview Required: . depending on the needs of the programme .hk/ Construction bst Engineering and Management / Surveying JS1093 Yes (on a - Associate of selective interview Science - basis) (30 Architectural Studies Late July 2015 Group English Tel: 3442 7609 3442 7609 免費 minutes) Department website: http://bccw."No": no interviews / tests will be conducted Last update date: 23 Apr 2015 .JUPAS Code Interview & Programme Required 2015 JUPAS HKDSE Interview Arrangements # Title Tentative Date Format Language Enquiry / Other Information Before HKDSE After HKDSE Results Results Announcement Announcement basis) minutes) JS1091 Yes (on a - Late July 2015 Associate of selective interview Science - basis) (30 Building Group slw/index English Tel: 3442 7089 3442 7089 免費 minutes) Services Division website: Engineering / http://www6. 27 July 2015 Remarks: 1. Interviews / Tests / Written Examination for School Principal's Nominations/ Applicants with a Disability/ Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities (if any) will be held in mid June 2015. and/or iii.(HKBU) Interview/ Test Arrangements for 2015 JUPAS (HKDSE) Exercise (For reference only) Programme Programme Title Code Before the Announcement of HKDSE Results After the Announcement of HKDSE Results JS2030 Bachelor of Arts in Music 27 May 2015 (Written test) 15 .23 June 2015 23 . Please note that interview letter will NOT be posted to applicants.19 June 2015 24 July 2015 JS2120 Bachelor of Business Administration 17 .17 June 2015 24 July 2015 JS2660 Bachelor of Social Work N/A 23 . JUPAS Accounts (Access to: JUPAS Website > "LOGIN .My JUPAS online application system" > "Applicant Login" to JUPAS System > click "Message Box" ) .27 July 2015 JS2810 Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts 17 . Personal Email Accounts registered in the JUPAS system. 2. SMS Messages sent directly to their Mobile Phones (for applicants who opt to receive SMS messages only). .17 June 2015 24 July 2015 JS2420 Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine 16 .19 June 2015 24 July 2015 JS2410 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science 16 . 3. Shortlisted applicants for interviews would receive email/SMS notifications around one week before the interview.26 June 2015 (Audition) (please refer to Music Department for details) N/A JS2110 Bachelor of Business Administration Accounting 17 . 4. All applicants will be informed of interview arrangements through: i. Please visit this website from time to time for updated information. The above arrangements are subject to change without prior notice. and ii. Mode: Individual (face-to-face or phone) interview Aims: To evaluate the suitability of the applicants for the programme. and to test their language proficiency and communication skills. Bachelor's Degree Code Broad Discipline / Details Programme Title JS3911 Accountancy Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. No make-up interviews or earlier interviews will be arranged for applicants who failed to attend the scheduled interviews. Medium: English Duration: About 30 minutes Remark: Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview. . applicants should check this webpage regularly to obtain the most up-to-date interview arrangements of our programmes. if necessary. Medium: English Duration: 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. Medium: English Duration: About 15-30 minutes Remark: Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview. and to test their language and communication skills. If they fail to do so. JS3002 Applied Sciences Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview Aims: To assess the suitability of candidates for the programme. if necessary. Academic departments will notify shortlisted applicants of the details on interviews/aptitude tests/assessments individually by email or other electronic means. and to test their language and communication skills.(Poly U) Interview Arrangement (HKDSE Applicants) The following summary only includes programmes which plan to conduct interviews and/or aptitude tests/assessments for the 2015-16 admissions exercise. their applications may not be further considered. As further changes on these arrangements may be made. if necessary. Medium: English Duration: 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. JS3466 Accounting and Finance Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. JS3923 Applied Biology with Biotechnology Date of Interview: Interview may be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. No make-up interviews or earlier interviews will be arranged for applicants who failed to attend the scheduled interviews. Applicants are advised to attend the interviews/aptitude tests/assessments as scheduled since re-arrangement may not be possible. and to observe students' communication skills. Medium: English Duration: About 15-30 minutes Remark: Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview. Medium: English Duration: About 15 minutes Remark: Only selected Band A applicants will be invited to attend an interview. . JS3791 Building Engineering and Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Management Mode: Group Interview Aims: To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of the applicants. and to test their language proficiency and communication skills. JS3131 Business Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. logical thinking and interpersonal skills. JS3997 Chemical Technology Date of Interview: An interview will be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. if necessary. if necessary. Mode: Individual (face-to-face or phone) interview Aims: To evaluate the suitability of the applicants for the programme.JS3600 Biomedical Engineering Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview and discussion Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. JS3739 Civil Engineering Date of Interview: Interviews may be arranged after the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To assess the suitability of the applicants for admission to the programme. JS3753 Building Services Engineering Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual interview Aims: To evaluate applicants' potential for and interest in Building Services Engineering and to test their language and communication skills. Medium: English Duration: 45 minutes Remark: Selected Band A applicants will be invited to the interview. Medium: English Duration: 15 minutes Remark: Only Band A and Band B applicants with the same admission scores will be invited to attend an interview. Medium: English Duration: About 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. and to test their language and communication skills. to ascertain whether their expectations match what the programme/career path can provide and to evaluate their language. and to evaluate their language and communication abilities. Product Design or Communication Design at the degree level. and to test their language and communication skills.Medium: English Duration: About 15 minutes Remark: Band A and Band B applicants may be invited to attend an interview. without having to attend an interview. Mode: Aptitude test and Interview (with portfolio presentation) Aims: To understand the potential of applicants for Advertising Design. Medium: English and Cantonese Duration: About 30 minutes Remark: Usually only Band A applicants will be invited to the interview. JS3208 Construction and Environment Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group Interview Aims: To evaluate applicants' potential for and interest in the Broad Discipline.3 hours). JS3715 Electrical Engineering Date of Interview: In June before the announcement of HKDSE results or in July after the announcement of HKDSE results . JS3868 Computing Date of Interview: Between June and July Mode: Group/Individual discussion Aims: To understand the potential for and interest of applicants in the discipline. when necessary. Medium: English Duration: Aptitude test (2 . Applicants who have successfully completed the aptitude test and/or online portfolio submission. Applicants who have successfully completed the aptitude test and have scored among the top 25% prioritization score range as a whole will be directly offered a place in the Scheme. Normally only those applicants who choose this programme as their Band A choice throughout the application process will be considered. which will be one of the considerations for admission to the programme. to ascertain their understanding and expectations of the discipline of study and career. Interview (15 minutes) Remark: Online portfolio submission will be required for Advertising Design Discipline and Communication Design Discipline before the announcement of HKDSE results. Medium: Cantonese and English Duration: 30 minutes Remark: Only selected Band A (and Band B if necessary) applicants will be invited to attend an interview. applicants are required to declare their intended choice of programme major. communication and interpersonal skills. JS3569 Design Date of Interview: An aptitude test to be held before the announcement of HKDSE results and an interview to be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. Environment and Interior Design. and fulfilled the University’s minimum entry requirements will be invited for an interview. Before the aptitude test stage. JS3985 Engineering Physics Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the interest of applicants in the programme. JS3521 Enterprise Engineering with Management Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview Aims: To allow applicants to have a better understanding of the programme and to test their communication skills. Medium: English Duration: About 10 minutes Remark: Only Band A. JS3492 Fashion and Textiles Date of Interview: A Design & Drawing test and an interview to be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. as necessary Duration: About 30 minutes Remark: Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview. individual interview (15-20 minutes) Remark: Selected applicants will be invited to the interview before the announcement of HKDSE results.Design & Drawing test and interview at PolyU. only Band A and some selected applicants will be invited to interview after the announcement of HKDSE results. B and C will be invited to the interview. when necessary. Medium: English Duration: About 15 minutes Remark: Band A and Band B applicants may be invited to attend an interview. Medium: English and/or Cantonese Duration: About 10-15 minutes Remark: Normally. Medium: Cantonese. For the non-fashion design related specialisms . Medium: English . normally. and their suitability for it. English and Putonghua.may be invited to attend interviews at PolyU Aims: To assess the suitability of candidates for the programme. Mode: For the fashion design related specialisms . JS3375 Environment and Date of Interview: Interviews may be arranged after the announcement of HKDSE results Sustainable Mode: Group interview Development Aims: To assess the suitability of the applicants for admission to the academic programme. JS3703 Electronic and Date of Interview: Before and/or after the announcement of HKDSE results Information Engineering Mode: Group or individual interview Aims: To identify suitable students for the programme. and to allow them to gain a better understanding of the programme. Medium: English Duration: Group interview (30 minutes). only applicants of Band A. to test their communication skills and to find out about their extracurricular activities and community services. if necessary.Mode: Individual interview Aims: To evaluate the potential and the interest of applicants in the programme. B and C applicants will be invited to the interview. potential for. and knowledge of the hotel and tourism industry in general. Those applicants who have performed satisfactorily on the Design & Drawing test will be shortlisted for an interview. Medium: English Duration: About 15-30 minutes Remark: Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview. Medium: English Duration: 10 minutes . JS3533 Global Supply Chain Management Date of Interview: Late July Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. Mode: Individual (face-to-face or phone) interview Aims: To evaluate the suitability of the applicants for the programme. preference will be given to Band A and Band B applicants. Medium: English Duration: About 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. Applicants interested in pursuing the fashion design-related specialisms including Fashion & Textile Design and Knitwear Design & Technology will be invited to attend a Design & Drawing test. and to test their language proficiency and communication skills. and to test their language and communication skills. and to evaluate their interest in.Duration: For the fashion design related specialisms .2. JS3349 Food Safety and Technology Date of Interview: An interview will be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. JS3595 Financial Services Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. if necessary. and to test their language and communication skills. and their attitudes toward the programme. JS3296 Hotel and Tourism Management Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual interview Aims: To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of applicants. if necessary.about 15 to 30 minutes for the interview Remark: While all Bands of applicants are considered.5 hours for the Design & Drawing test and about 15 to 30 minutes for the interview. For the non-fashion design related specialisms . They are required to bring along their portfolio/creative work to the interview. No make-up interviews or earlier interviews will be arranged for applicants who failed to attend the scheduled interviews. Medium: English Duration: 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. The interview will also serve to test the language and communication skills of the applicants. and to test their communication skills. and to test their communication skills and general knowledge in finance. Medium: English Duration: About 10 minutes Remark: Only Band A. JS3363 Investment Science Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. JS3674 International Shipping and Transport Logistics Date of Interview: Late July Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. JS3698 Industrial and Systems Engineering Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview Aims: To allow applicants to have a better understanding of the programme. if necessary Mode: Individual or small group interview Aims: To determine the suitability of applicants who have the same admission scores. Medium: English (and Putonghua. Medium: English Duration: About 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. Culture and Communication Date of Interview: Before/After the announcement of HKDSE results. Mode: Individual or group interview Aims: To allow applicants to have a better understanding of the programme. JS3519 Internet and Multimedia Date of Interview: Before and/or after the announcement of HKDSE results Technologies Mode: Group or individual interview Aims: To identify suitable students for the programme. B and C applicants will be invited to the interview. and to test their language and communication skills. Medium: English Duration: Group interview (30 minutes). and to test their communication skills. normally. if necessary) Duration: About 10-15 minutes JS3454 Logistics Engineering with Management Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results.Remark: Only Band A applicants will be invited to attend the interview. Medium: English Duration: About 15-30 minutes Remark: Only selected Band A applicants will be invited to the interview. only Band A and some selected applicants will be invited to interview after the announcement of HKDSE results. Medium: English . individual interview (15-20 minutes) Remark: Selected applicants will be invited to the interview before the announcement of HKDSE results. JS3480 Language. and to assess their language and interpersonal skills. Medium: English Duration: 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview.Duration: About 10 minutes Remark: Only Band A. JS3624 Occupational Therapy Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview and discussion Aims: To evaluate applicants’ potential for the programme and the profession.5 hours Remark: Only Band A applicants will be shortlisted and invited to the interview. JS3478 Medical Laboratory Science Date of Interview: In July after the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview and discussion Aims: To determine the suitability of applicants who have the same admission score. JS3636 Physiotherapy Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview and discussion Aims: To assess the suitability of applicants for the programme and the profession. No make-up interviews or earlier interviews will be arranged for applicants who failed to attend the scheduled interviews. and to test their language and communication skills. JS3650 Optometry Date of Interview: - Mode: - Aims: - Medium: - Duration: - Remark: Normally. and to test their language and communication skills. JS3583 Management Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. Medium: English Duration: Individual interview (15 minutes)/group interview (45 minutes) Remark: Only Band A applicants with the same admission score will be invited to the interview. B and C applicants will be invited to the interview. and to evaluate . No make-up interviews or earlier interviews will be arranged for applicants who failed to attend the scheduled interviews. Medium: English Duration: 20-30 minutes Remark: Suitable Band A candidates may be invited for an interview. Medium: English Duration: 1. interviews will not be arranged for applicants. JS3894 Marketing Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. Medium: Mainly English Duration: About 10-15 minutes Remark: Normally Band A applicants will be invited to the interview. civil society and social administration. JS3662 Social Work Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group Interview . Medium: English Duration: About 1 hour Remark: Only Band A and Band B applicants will be considered and invited to the interview. Medium: English Duration: About 15 minutes Remark: Only selected Band A applicants will be invited to attend an interview. Medium: English Duration: Individual interview (15 minutes)/group interview (45 minutes) Remark: Only Band A applicants with the same admission score will be invited to the interview. and to test their language and communication skills and understanding of the industry. JS3404 Product Engineering with Date of Interview: Before the announcement of HKDSE results Marketing Mode: Individual Interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. and to assess their language and communication skills and their learning attitude. JS3545 Social Policy and Administration Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To assess applicants' potential for studying and interest in the programme. JS3442 Property Management Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group Interview Aims: To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of the applicants. Medium: Cantonese and English Duration: About 1 hour Remark: Only Band A applicants will be considered and invited to the interview.5 hours Remark: Only Band A applicants will be shortlisted and invited to the interview. Medium: English Duration: 1. and to gauge their understanding of the issues involved in social policy. JS3612 Radiography Date of Interview: In July after the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview and discussion Aims: To determine the suitability of applicants who have the same admission score. social awareness and communication skills in Chinese and English. JS3301 Social Sciences Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group Interview Aims: To evaluate applicants' potential for and interest in the programme.their motivation. aptitude. Medium: Cantonese and English Duration: About 1 hour Remark: Only Band A applicants will be considered and invited to the interview. JS3789 Surveying Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group Interview Aims: To obtain a better understanding of the overall academic and non-academic qualities and achievements of the applicants. to test their communication skills and to find out about their extracurricular activities and community services. Medium: Cantonese and English Duration: About 20-30 minutes Remark: Only Band A applicants will be invited to the interview. and to test their language competence and skills in interpersonal communication and team work. Medium: English Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour JS3052 Civil Engineering Date of Interview: Interviews may be arranged after the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview . if necessary Mode: Individual (face-to-face or phone) interview Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme. Medium: English and or Cantonese Duration: About 10-15 minutes Remark: Normally.Aims: To evaluate the potential for and interest of applicants in the programme and the profession. B and C applicants will be invited to the interview. only Band A. and to test their language proficiency and communication skills. JS3351 Transportation Systems Date of Interview: In June before the announcement of HKDSE results or in July after the Engineering announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual Interview Aims: To evaluate the potential and interest of applicants in the programme. Higher Diploma Code Broad Details Discipline/Programme Title JS3014 Applied Physics Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Group interview Aims: To evaluate the interest of applicants in the programme. JS3040 Chemical Technology Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results. Medium: English Duration: About 20 minutes Remark: Only selected Band A applicants will be invited to attend an interview. . Medium: English Duration: Around 1. B and C applicants. to ascertain that their expectations match what the programme/career can provide and to evaluate their language. JS3155 Fashion and Textile Studies Date of Interview: After the announcement of HKDSE results Mode: Individual or group interview Aims: To assess the suitability of candidates for the programme Medium: English Duration: Around 10 minutes per candidate Remark: While all Bands of applicants are considered. when necessary. communication and interpersonal skills. JS3193 Multimedia Design and Technology Date of Interview: An aptitude test and an interview to be held after the announcement of HKDSE results. preference will be given to Bands A. only those applicants who select this programme as their Band A or Band B choice. have attained the minimum entrance requirements and passed the aptitude test will be invited to interviews. Medium: English Duration: About 15 minutes Remark: Band A and Band B applicants may be invited to attend an interview.5 hours for each test and interview Remark: Normally.Aims: To assess the suitability of the applicants for admission to the academic programme. Mode: Aptitude test and interview Aims: To understand the potential for and interest of applicants in multimedia design with digital technology. JUPAS Programme/Stream Code Before After release of release of HKDSE results HKDSE results No Interview (2) FACULTY OF ARTS JS4006 Anthropology  JS4018 Chinese Language and Literature  JS4020 Cultural Studies  JS4022 Cultural Management  JS4032 English  JS4044 Fine Arts  JS4056 History  JS4068 Japanese Studies JS4070 Linguistics 24 .(CUHK) Interview Arrangement (2015 Entry) Please note that not all programmes at the University conduct selection interviews before making an admission offer. Interview plans of specific programmes in 2015 are listed below for information.30 July 9 June (Interview and Written Test) JS4082 Music Written Test: 26 May Interview: Mid June JS4094 Philosophy  JS4109 Religious Studies  JS4111 Theology  JS4123 Translation  FACULTY OF BUSINESS OF ADMINISTRATION JS4202 Integrated Bachelor of Business   Administration Programme JS4214 Global Business Studies  JS4226 Hotel and Tourism Management  JS4236 Insurance. Financial and Actuarial Analysis/  Quantitative Finance . 8 May JS4682 Enrichment Mathematics  JS4690 Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics 14 .30 May JS4276 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management  .18 June  18 June 28 July FACULTY OF SCIENCE JS4601 Science 7 .15 May JS4719 Risk Management Science 20 . Exercise Science and  Health JS4331 BA (Chinese Language Studies) and BEd  (Chinese Language Education) JS4343 BA (English Studies) and BEd (English  Language Education) JS4355 Liberal Studies  JS4361 Mathematics and Mathematics Education  FACULTY OF ENGINEERING JS4401 Engineering 5 .16 May FACULTY OF LAW JS4903 Bachelor of Laws  FACULTY OF MEDICINE JS4501 Medicine (MBChB) Programme 18 June 29 July JS4502 Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global 18 June 29 July Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) JS4513 Nursing  JS4525 Pharmacy  JS4537 Public Health JS4542 Chinese Medicine 17 .JS4240 Professional Accountancy JS4254 Global Economics and Finance JS4276 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management 28 July 5 June   Science JS4288 International Business and Chinese  Enterprise FACULTY OF EDUCATION JS4329 Physical Education. Interviews to be held after release of HKDSE results will be scheduled from 23 July to early August 2015. and individual notification will be sent by phone or email. 3. 2. Late May 2015 .Science FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE JS4801 Social Science  JS4812 Architectural Studies  JS4824 Economics  JS4836 Geography and Resource Management 15 May JS4838 Urban Studies 18 May JS4848 Government and Public Administration 12 May JS4850 Journalism and Communication  JS4862 Psychology  JS4874 Social Work  JS4886 Sociology 13 May JS4254 Global Economics and Finance 5 June  CENTRE OF CHINA STUDIES JS4895 Contemporary China Studies (For  Humanities Stream) JS4896 Contemporary China Studies (For Social  Science Stream) Notes: 1. (HKUST) Interview Schedule Invitation will be sent to the JUPAS message box of selected applicants. Interview arrangements are subject to further updates. Note: Interview is required for JS5011 and JS5013. School of Science JS5001 Science May 2015 JS5011 International Research Enrichment June 2015 School of Engineering JS5002 Engineering 22 November 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.  JUPAS account. Early May 2015 JS5013 Global Business Final Round Interview: 22-25 July 2015(Tentative) School of Humanities and Social Science JS5004 Global China Studies Late May .  SMS message(s). the schedule of which will be released at a later stage.School of Business and Management JS5003 Business & Management 15-16 November 2014. we will send interview notification to those selected applicants via the following means:  Personal email account registered in the JUPAS online system.Mid-June 2015 (HKU) Interviews Interviews are normally scheduled after the 2015 HKDSE examinations. (OUHK) Programmes require interview:   - Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Art (9012)   - Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects (9014)   - Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Photographic Digital Art (9015) - Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design (9016) - Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours (9530) (double degree) - Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) (9550)   - Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care (9740)   - Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care (9750)   . and  Institute's website. (HKIED) Interview Arrangements With a view to saving trees and notifying applicants of the interview arrangement without delay.
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