June 5 Board Packet 2012

March 20, 2018 | Author: Discuss ICCSD | Category: Accounts Payable, Curriculum, Real Estate Appraisal, Educational Technology, Educational Assessment



Iowa City Community School DistrictEducational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245• (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org BOARDOFDIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 – 6:00PM EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER – ROOM 142A 1725 NORTH DODGE STREET, IOWA CITY, IOWA 52245 AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING: West High Locker/Weight Room Remodel Project OPENING A. Welcome, President, Marla Swesey I. B. Community Comment C. ICCSD Foundation Update DISTRICT BUSINESS – CONSENT ITEMS A. Award Bid for West High Locker/Weight Room Remodel Project (Enclosure 1) B. Set Date of June 19, 2012 for a Public Hearing and June 26, 2012 @ 2:00pm for a Bid Opening for the 2012 City High Multi-Purpose Field C. TCI Subscription Manager Administrator Agreement (Enclosure 2) D. Interagency Agreement ICCSD & Coralville Parks & Recreation – Coralville Summer Lunch Program (Enclosure 3) E. Consultant Contract ICCSD & United Action for Youth (Enclosure 4) F. Consultant Contract ICCSD & Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (Enclosure 5) G. Consultant Contract ICCSD & Johnson County Extension (Enclosure 6) H. Consultant Contract ICCSD & Iowa Children’s Museum (Enclosure 7) I. Early Childhood Inclusive Classroom Partnership Contract ICCSD & Stepping Stones Preschool (Enclosure 8) J. Early Childhood Inclusive Classroom Partnership Contract ICCSD & Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (Enclosure 9) K. Early Childhood Inclusive Classroom Partnership Contract ICCSD & Love-A-Lot Early Childhood Center (Enclosure 10) L. Kid Talk Classroom Partnership Agreement (Enclosure 11) M. Early Childhood Inclusive Classroom Partnership Contract ICCSD & Handicare, Inc. (Enclosure 12) N. 28E Agreement for Education/Recreation Facility ICCSD & City of Coralville (Enclosure 13) O. Interagency Agreement ICCSD & Coralville Parks and Recreation – North Central (Enclosure 14) P. Interagency Agreement ICCSD & Coralville Parks and Recreation – Northwest (Enclosure 15) Q. Minutes of the May 15, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting (Enclosure 16) R. Minutes of the May 15, 2012 Regular Board Meeting (Enclosure 17) The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. S. Accounts Payable (Enclosure 18) T. Open Enrollment (Enclosure 19) U. Personnel Action (Enclosure 20) II. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION A. Roosevelt Elementary School Bid Consideration (Enclosure 21) B. Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) Report (Enclosure 22) C. Community Education District Wide Advisory Council (CEDAC) Report (Enclosure 23) D. Capital Projects Status Report (Enclosure 24) III. BOARD MEETING A. High School Study Committee Report (Enclosure 25) B. Committee Reports     C. Communications Committee Governance Committee Facilities Committee Finance Committee Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda IV. AGENDA SETTING A. June 19, 2012 Board Meeting B. TBD June, 2012 Facilities Committee Meeting V. Closed Session Superintendent Evaluation A. Align Superintendent Goals with District Goals VI. ADJOURN Key Upcoming Dates: Event Facilities Committee Meeting Board Meeting Date June 19, 2012 @ 4:00pm June 19, 2012 @ 6:00pm MIS Schedule: MIS Capital Projects Status Report Month July 2012-2013 Board Goals     We will ensure the accessibility and comprehensibility of all pertinent documents and information to the stakeholders of the Iowa City Community School District. We will facilitate open, meaningful, positive, and transparent communication with the Iowa City Community School District stakeholders. The Iowa City Community School District Board of Directors will fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to the public. We will advocate the interests of the district with local governments and state and federal legislative bodies and partner with other advocacy efforts whenever possible.    The Board will annually review and analyze current and actual five year enrollment trends and five year projected enrollment data on a regional/geographic basis to insure for the most effective utilization of existing capacity and to plan for future district needs. The Board will insure students are provided with safe learning (and transportation) environments st that are consistent with 21 Century facility and technology standards and beyond. We will work with administration to develop compliance for all Ends Policies and Superintendent Limitations. Iowa City Community School District Physical Plant Support Services 11137 South Riverside Drive • Iowa City, IA 52246 • (319) 688-1020 • Fax (319) 688-1029 • www.iowacityschools.org Paul Schultz Director, Physical Plant To: Kim Colvin From: Paul Schultz Date: 5/30/2012 Re: Award West High Re-Pipe Domestic Water Feeding Gym Showers Would you please add to the June 5, 2012 Board meeting agenda a request for approval of the West High Re-Pipe Domestic Water Feeding Gym Showers and the Weight Room Structural Repairs? This project received board approval and is funded 2012 – 2013 fiscal with monies from PPLE. The approved amount for the Re-pipe Domestic Water is $165,000 and the Weight Room Structural is $285,000 for a combined total of $450,000. As a cost and time savings measure, these were bid together as one project. As you are aware, the new statutory bidding requirements which became effective January 1, 2007 and as of January 1, 2012 competitive bidding if a design professional expects the project to exceed $125,000 and requires the district to seek quotes for projects a design professional expects to cost $69,000 or more. West High Weight & Locker Room Repairs Project Plan Holders Woodruff Bid Bond 5% Acknowledged Addenda Y Targeted Small Bus Y Base Bid A Bid Date 5/29/2012 No other bids received 325,000.00 Base Bid B Total Base Bid 325,000.00 Alternate B1 19,000.00 Total with Alternate 344,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org Facilities Committee Meeting Iowa City Community School District Board of Directors Educational Services Center 1725 N. Dodge Street Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa 52240 Tuesday, May 15, 2012 – 4:00pm Members Present: Karla Cook, Tuyet Dorau, Patti Fields, Jeff McGinness, Sally Hoelscher, Marla Swesey and Sarah Swisher Also Present: Superintendent, Steve Murley, Executive Director of Operational Resources, David Dude; Physical Plant Assistant Director, Dave McKenzie; Board Secretary, Kim Colvin Chair McGinness called the meeting to order at 4:02pm. He asked audience members to be respectful of others in attendance and to please refrain from talking during the meeting so that others in the audience are able to hear. Review of Offer to Purchase Roosevelt Elementary School (Attachment A) Murley reviewed the disposition report. He gave a brief background stating the district convened the Roosevelt Repurpose Study Group Committee to determine appropriate steps for repurposing the facility. The committee recommended four options:     Assumption of ownership by another municipal entity Retention of ownership by the district Sale of the building with restrictions on successor utilization Sale of the building without restrictions on successor utilization After determining there was no interest by another municipality and based on prior Board determination not to remodel the building in favor of constructing Borlaug Elementary, retention of ownership and repurposing for other district programming by the district was rejected. The superintendent then made the recommendation to the Board that the building be sold through a competitive bid process. Murley reviewed the current status of the bids stating the district received one bid. A second bid was submitted one day after the official bid closure on April 30, 2012. Subsequent to the closing of the bid process there have been multiple inquiries expressing interest in purchasing the building. There was input from one interested party stating they did not fully understand the timeline for submittal and that absent a full review of all documents it was difficult to determine the bid closed on April 30, 2012. He reviewed the two options which were to accept the bid that was responsive and submitted on time or reject the bid that was representative and submitted on time. Murley’s recommendation was to reject The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. the bid that was responsive and submitted on time. The appraisal on the property was $770,000 and the bid was for $201,595. The Board agreed to reject the bid and discussed next steps which included three options:    Hire a realtor to sell the property Go back through the competitive bid process Retain the property knowing occupancy costs for the district would be $46,410 annually The Board discussed the pros and cons of each option. McGinness inquired if there was any benefit of a new appraisal if the Board chooses to go through another bid process. The Board agreed there would be especially due to the access road that was discovered after the initial appraisal, which could raise the value. The Board discussed timelines and the possibility of seeing higher bids if there were fewer restrictions. Murley will seek a second appraisal as soon as possible and report back to the Board. Comprehensive Facilities Plan: City High Field Project (Attachment B) Dude reviewed a handout which included a satellite photo of City High highlighting both the upper and the lower practice fields, a historical timeline, life cycle costs of natural vs. synthetic grass, a timeline based on the approval process, and a possible instructional impact vs. other projects on the Comprehensive Facilities Plan with similar dollar amounts. Over ten years synthetic turf is expected to cost $1,290,046 and natural grass is expected to cost $565,122. A natural grass field would need to have use monitored to avoid damage so would only be able to be used half as much as a synthetic field. Cook calculated the cost difference of $10 per hour of usage between natural and synthetic turf. Fields inquired of the cost of disposal of the material and of the environmental impact of synthetic turf. She stated Appendix 9 is typically used for projects of this amount. She inquired if the field would be available for use in October with the given timeline. Dude stated that was correct. Murley stated this project is being done outside the Comprehensive Facilities Plan as it has already been approved. If the project is done now it would come out of the undesignated SILO funds. Dorau expressed concern with funding a practice field when there are many instructional needs, citing overcrowding at Penn and Wood and students receiving instruction in closet space as examples. Other Board members said there was a sense of urgency to approve the plan because the project had been left unaddressed for so long. Swesey inquired how much was in the undesignated SILO funds at this time. Murley stated that on June 30, 2012 there would be $3,072,797, $6 million on June 30, 2013, and $14 million on June 30, 2015, if left untouched. The Board discussed the estimated costs of classroom additions and concerns expressed that West High did fund-raising and City High is receiving district funds. Dorau inquired of a compromise giving City High the money already committee for the City High field project and letting them choose what they do with it. There is enough there for natural grass and if they want turf they could fund-raise. McGinness stated that was really not a viable option due to the restrictions now. Fields asked for the superintendent’s recommendation. Murley stated he could not recommend it due to the need for two new elementary schools. The $14 million in undesignated SILO funds at June 30, 2015, if we reserve what we have there now, would build one new elementary school. Hoelscher stated it concerns her that the district created part of the problem with the installation of the geothermal wells and has not fixed it. Swisher stated this is the opportunity to remedy the problem and it is time to move on it. Motion to adjourn at 5:26pm. Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org BOARDOFDIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2012 – 6:00PM EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER – ROOM 142A 1725 NORTH DODGE STREET, IOWA CITY, IOWA 52245 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Karla Cook, Tuyet Dorau, Patti Fields, Sally Hoelscher, Jeff McGinness, Marla Swesey and Sarah Swisher. ALSO PRESENT: Superintendent, Stephen Murley; Assistant Superintendent, Ann Feldmann, Executive Director of Human Resources, Jim Pedersen; Executive Director of Operational Resources, David Dude; Executive Director of Business Resources, Cliff Ehlinger, Director of Instruction, Pam Ehly; Director of Health and Student Services, Susie Poulton; Community Relations Coordinator, Kate Moreland; Director of Special Services, Rozy Warder; Director of Business Operations, Leslie Finger; Board Secretary, Kim Colvin; Public Hearing: 2011-2012 Certified Budget Amendment The public hearing began at 6:00 pm. Fields read the public hearing statement. There were no questions from the Board and there were no questions from the public. The public hearing closed at 6:01pm. Community Comment Katie Bender informed the Board of the first alternative school reunion to be held at noon on June 12, 2012 at Upper Hickory Hill Park. The reunion will include classes from 1978-present. There will also be a brunch held on June 24, 2012 at 11:00am at Tate High School. Ms. Bender invited the Board to attend and stated she would leave contact information in case anyone should call the district inquiring about it. Janeen Miller addressed the Board regarding the takeover of public education. She stated education is guiding students to success and teachers and coaches make a significant impact. She would like to see smaller class sizes so teachers can make the necessary connections. Phil Hemingway stated his daughter would be graduating from City High and thanked ICCSD for those who were instrumental in his daughter’s success. He specifically noted Pam Nelson, Jeff Crozier, Mark Kluber, Bruce Wilson, Kevin Koepnick, Vicki Pedersen, Thad Sheldon, Bruce Wilson, Greg Lestina, Jeremy Negus, Greg Muhlenberg, George Volk, Loraine Smirl and John Bacon. He stated it seems there is more interest in having parking spaces at City High that losing the career education center and that if the Board wants to increases spending authority they need to address cutting costs outside the classroom so more many can be spend in the classroom. District Business - Consent Items Motion by Dorau, seconded by Cook to remove item II F. Approve Step Three West High Re-Pipe Domestic Water Feeding Gym Showers Project, item G. Approve Step Three West High Repair Cracked & Spelling Weight Room Floor, item J. Accounts Payable and approve the following consent agenda items: The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. A. 2011-2012 Certified Budget Amendment B. Banking Recommendation C. Contract with Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning of the Iowa Department of Human Rights D. Award Contract for 2012 Masonry Repairs Lincoln Elementary School Project E. FY 13 United Way of Johnson County (UWJC) Partner Agency Agreements H. Set the Date of June 5, 2012 for a Public Hearing and June 7, 2012 at 2:00pm for the bid Opening for the West High Locker/Weight Room Remodel Project I. Minutes of the May 1, 2012 Regular board Meeting K. Open Enrollment out of ICCSD for 2011-2012 for Elijah Milam and Spencer Milam and open enrollment onto ICCSD for 2012-2013 for Zakry Ristola and open enrollment out of ICCSD for 2012-2013 for Aliscea Crane, Alexis Gronewold and Maria Kramer L. Certificated staff A(1-3), B(1), C(1-19). D(1-3), E(1), A(1-4), B(1-8), C(1-30), D(1-20) and E(1-2) Roll call vote: Dorau, aye; McGinness, aye; Fields, abstain; Swesey, aye; Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye; Cook, aye. Motion carried 6-0-1 with Fields abstaining. Management Information Curriculum Review Report Ehly stated there were four reports in the packet for the four curricular areas reviewed this year; Art Education, General Music, Performance Music and Social Studies. The self-study team reviewed the mission statement, belief statements, and goals. Surveys were administered and an analysis of the survey results yielded strengths and limitations. From limitations improvement plans were crafted that identifies recommendations and strategies to achieve the recommendation. Point persons are identified and a target date is set. Ehly stated that in all four curricular areas there were four areas that were addressed; academic achievement, curriculum instruction & assessment, professional development, and supports. In general students do exceedingly well but as data is disaggregated populations are identified where support is needed. Curriculum and instruction will align with Iowa Core Curriculum and Common Core State Standards, perhaps look at increasing some offerings or restructuring some of them, look at time allocations, and making sure there is a comprehensive assessment system for all curricular areas. For professional development long range planning is needed, coensiding budget with curriculum review, hardware and software tools, and tapping into local resources of the community. Ehly stated there was nothing unusual found in the reviews. The Board appreciated the format of the reports as it was very easy to follow. Swisher said she particularly appreciated how the Social Studies review keeps in line with character education. Annual Technology Update Dude reviewed the Current State of District Technology and Likely Needs in the Future report. The report explains the current state of technology within the school district and likely needs in the future. The data in the report utilizes the current inventory and tracking systems. He stated technology in the district has largely been purchased from two sources; Microsoft Settlement Funds and School Infrastructure Local Option (SILO) sales tax. The report gives a background and the current state and likely needs of computers and classroom/instructional technology including projectors, document cameras, and SMART boards. He reviewed the results of the technology survey that was sent to district employees. He stated the Tech Council has developed a technology strategic plan for 2012-2013, consisting of the following five goals: Goal 1: Improve access to the District’s network and internet st Goal 2: Equip all classrooms with basic 21 Century instructional technology Goal 3: Provide adequate staff development in the area of technology Goal 4: Improve technology maintenance and support Goal 5: Better utilize currently available technologies to improve efficiency and effectiveness The district has made great strides towards implementing appropriate technology. Continued focus on technology that solves problems, increases efficiency, and improves teaching and learning will benefit all district stakeholders. Superintendent Quarterly Report Murley reported the Governance Committee talked about continuing to evolve reports. Administration is developing a new format which will be used with next report. He reviewed the Superintendent Quarterly Report which includes the Board adopted limitations at Level 2 and 3. He reviewed level 1 which states “The Superintendent shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstances that violates (a) any applicable and relevant requirements, or binding contracts and (b) commonly accepted standards of professional business ethics and prudence.” From Level 1, Level 2 and 3 are developed with each level getting more specific. The report provides updates from the administrative team. Board Meeting Attendance Zone Recommendations Murley recognized the Redistricting Committee and thanked them for their work. He reviewed the Annual Redistricting Report in regards to Superintendent Limitations 2h and 3h. He stated it was his recommendation that no changes to elementary or junior high school attendance zones be made for the 2013-2014 school year based on the feedback provided in the report. One exception would be for the families currently residing in the Lake Ridge neighborhood. In the past, students from the Lake Ridge neighborhood were assigned to Hills Elementary School. When Hills became overcrowded these students were assigned to Twain Elementary. Some parents in Lake Ridge would like their children to go back to Hills Elementary. Administration is currently working to ascertain the preference of each family in the Lake Ridge neighborhood and reserves recommendation on the Lake Ridge attendance zone assignment until this research is complete. Both Twain and Hills have seats for these students for the 2013-2014 school year. He reviewed the next steps which include developing a facility plan for the elementary, junior high, and high school levels for the short, medium, and long range. This will require a decision from the Board that affirms prior Board votes to build a third comprehensive high school or directs the administration to take appropriate actions at the two existing comprehensive high schools to accommodate anticipated growth. As part of the process for developing a facility plan, address issues raised through the work of the Redistricting Leadership Team including: Elementary School Level  Relieve overcrowding at Penn Elementary School  Relieve overcrowding at Wood Elementary Schools  Utilize existing capacity at Hill Elementary School  Utilize existing capacity at Twain Elementary School Junior High Level  Relieve overcrowding at North Central Junior High  Utilize existing capacity at Northwest Junior High High School Level  Relieve overcrowding at West High School  Utilize existing capacity at City High School  Utilize existing capacity at Tate high School McGinness inquired of short term plans to address overcrowding at Penn and Wood. Murley stated there are needs at Penn, Wood, and Lemme and that a recent inventory of district portables was done and five portables were identified that could be relocated for use. Swesey inquired if the older portables at Penn are being moved out for newer ones. Murley stated he is working with the Penn principal about possibly putting double portables in. McGinness asked if this was only a temporary solution until a long term vision is developed. Dorau inquired if Murley was comfortable with enrollment reports compiled in the past. Murley stated people have expressed concern regarding the way we represent the numbers we have. He stated there needs to be a better understanding for the public of where we start and how we get to the final numbers. Dorau expressed concern of moving towards discussion of boundaries being more static than dynamic. McGinness stated stability is needed as well as flexibility with the matriculation patterns as the district grows. Dorau inquired how long schools can sustain increasing enrollment and how long a holding pattern should be. Murley state administration is confident they can attack the issues they see in a framework for flexibility and growth. Motion by McGinness, seconded by Swisher, to approve the attendance zone recommendation. Roll call vote: McGinness, aye; Fields, aye; Swesey, aye; Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye; Cook, aye; Dorau, aye. Motion carried 7-0. City High Field Project McGinness reported that at the Facilities Committee meeting prior to the Board meeting a handout was reviewed which included a satellite photo of City High highlighting both the upper and the lower practice fields, a historical timeline, life cycle costs of natural vs. synthetic grass, a timeline based on the approval process, two size options, and a possible instructional impact vs. other projects on the Comprehensive Facilities Plan with similar dollar amounts. Over ten years synthetic turf is expected to cost $1,290,046 and natural grass is expected to cost $565,122. Phil Hemingway addressed the Board stating if you look at the aerial photo you can see how little usable space there is. He stated that both PE and band are graded curriculum and they need use of the field. He stated band utilizes the field extensively. Dude asked that if there is a motion to approve that it please specify the size as there are two proposed sizes. Motion by Swisher, seconded by Cook, to approve resources to install artificial turf at City High School on the lower practice field with the dimensions of 230 x 380 as indicated in the report. Dorau stated she tried to propose a compromise at the Facilities meeting and would like to ask again for a compromise that City High receive the funds already allocated, which would cover costs for natural grass, and fund-raise for the remainder if they want synthetic grass. Swisher stated the fund raising capacity is not there as City High currently has a campaign underway. Dorau stated that is for an alumni building and they should make the decision as to if they want turf or an alumni building. McGinness inquired about the two proposed dimensions for the field and if the smaller field would accommodate needs. Bacon stated the smaller field would be suffice. Motion by McGinness to amend the previous motion such that the motion is for the smaller size field with the dimensions of 205 x 380, accepted and seconded by Swisher. Roll call vote: Swesey, aye; Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye; Cook, aye; Dorau, aye; McGinness, aye; Fields, aye. Motion carried 7-0. Fields stated this is not a responsible or prudent move. The information does not include disposal or the impact on the environment and after receiving the recycling proposal form City High last week it would be contradicting. Swisher stated the Board has spent months discussing this and it has been out there long enough. Dorau stated the Board has spent months discussing this but there has been no time spent discussing instruction in closets or overcrowding. McGinness stated that at one of the first meetings last fall Swisher asked to have east side elementary added to an agenda for discussion and it was shot down. He stated this field has been an issue for a long time and that something needs to be done to fix it as there is no luxury of available space. Dorau asked for clarification on which fund this money will come from. Murley stated it would be the undesignated SILO fund. Dorau asked how it impacts Superintendent Limitation 3c(6). Murley stated he would need to calculate how much is needed in SILO at year end 2012-2013. Dorau inquired if it could mean cutting projects that have already been approved in the CFP and if it would put the superintendent in a situation to violate Superintendent Limitations or cut projects already approved. She stated the Board needs to know the ramifications before voting. Swesey stated she understands classroom concerns and they are high on her priority list as well but it is important to keep this project in mind too. Swisher stated that projects such as this that have been on the list for a long time need to be moved on. Dorau stated she has a hard time understanding field space being a higher priority that classroom space. Dorau asked that the Board give the Superintendent the opportunity to let them know the impact to see if he is above or below the 5% threshold. Swisher stated she was not willing to withdraw her motion. Roll call vote: Fields, nay; Swesey, aye; Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye; Cook, aye; Dorau, nay, McGinness, aye. Motion carried 5-2. Committee Reports Communications Committee Listening Posts: Swisher and McGinness held a Listening Post at the Java House on May 14. Swisher reported that topics discussed were advertising for the Listening Posts, Roosevelt busing, Scanlon property, bid process for Roosevelt, special education classrooms, Pheasant Ridge move to Weber and neighborhood centers. McGinness stated that the Scanlon property discussion was questions about terms of the purchase of the land. Governance Committee Swisher reported that the Governance Committee met on Monday, May 14, 2012. The committee discussed rules of order for Board meetings. Swisher has been in contact with J. Patrick White who offered to do a training session for the Board. The topic will be discussed at a work session or a retreat. The committee also discussed a process for follow through on petitions, the bullying policy in response to Tom Yates request, the new MIS format and a potential format for the Superintendent review process. Facilities Committee McGinness stated the Facilities Committee met prior to the Board meeting. The committee discussed the offer to purchase Roosevelt Elementary and the City High field project. Legislative Committee Fields stated that the Legislative Committee would need to meet as 2013 legislative action priorities need to be in by August 10, 2012. She stated the session has ended and allowable growth was not set and school readiness measurement was not in there. The annual review for teachers was in there although for experienced teachers it is allowable to have peer review in the off years. Third grade retention went through where parents have a choice of a summer program or retention in third however the summer program has no funding. Items Withdrawn from Consent Agenda Dorau asked to have Item II. F Approve Step Three West high Re-Pipe Domestic Water Feeding Gym Showers Project and II. G Approve Step Three West High Repair Cracked & Spalling Weight Room Floor pulled as she wanted to point out these are part of the step approval process in accordance with appendix 9 and are typically not in the consent agenda. Motion by Cook, seconded by Hoelscher, to approve Item II. F Approve Step Three West High Re-Pipe Domestic Water Feeding Gym Showers Project and II. G Approve Step Three West High Repair Cracked & Spalling Weight Room Floor. Roll Call Vote: Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye; cook, aye; Dorau, aye; McGinness, aye; Fields, aye; Swesey, aye. Motion carried 7-0. McGinness asked to have Item II. J Accounts Payable pulled from the consent agenda as one of the payables are to LL Pelling which is a firm client, not a personal client, but a firm client. Motion by Hoelscher, Seconded by Cook to approve the Account Payable in the amount of $1,033,777.42 General Fund, $10,508.25 Management Fund, $150,490.36 Nutrition Fund, $5,635.38 Student Activities Fund, and $573,908.81 Schoolhouse Fund/Capital Projects Fund. Roll Call Vote: Cook, aye; Dorau, aye; McGinness, abstain; Fields, aye; Swesey, aye; Hoelscher, aye; Swisher, aye. Motion carried 6-0-1 with McGinness abstaining. Agenda Setting Agenda items for the June 5, 2012 Board meeting include:        Capital Projects Status Report CSIP Report Set District Goals and Superintendent Individual Development Goals Update of CFP Plan Roosevelt Bid Consideration High School Study Committee Report Exempt Session – Negotiations update Motion by Dorau, seconded by McGinness to adjourn at 7:59pm. Motion carried 7-0. . Board President Board Secretary IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE June 5, 2012 CONSENT AGENDA: General Fund: Detail Accounts Payable - May 29, 2012 Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable - P Card Purchases Manual Accounts Payable Management Fund: Detail Accounts Payable - May 29, 2012 Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable - P Card Purchases Manual Accounts Payable Nutrition Fund: Detail Accounts Payable - May 29, 2012 Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable - P Card Purchases Manual Accounts Payable Student Activities Fund: Detail Accounts Payable - May 29, 2012 Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable - P Card Purchases Manual Accounts Payable Schoolhouse Fund/Capital Projects Fund: Detail Accounts Payable - May 29, 2012 Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable Detail Accounts Payable - P Card Purchases Manual Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable - Consent Agenda Other Accounts Payable: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,486,053.71 0.00 0.00 17,654.42 0.00 1,503,708.13 433.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 433.00 127,136.62 0.00 0.00 142.47 0.00 127,279.09 22,946.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22,946.92 $ 648,496.94 0.00 0.00 590.49 0.00 649,087.43 $ 2,303,454.57 $0.00 Leslie J. Finger Director of Business Services Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 000462 3E-CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3127739-00 04/26/2012 J79034 Wood-exit lights & batteries 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 166.06 3132843-00 05/01/2012 J79079 VanAllen-Bulbs & Ballasts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 213.85 3136964-00 05/04/2012 J79114 ESC-Ballast 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 69.99 3137019-00 05/04/2012 J79115 Lincoln-copiers 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 118.43 3139545-00 05/08/2012 J79135 City-Fuses & Coils 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 133.70 3140279-00 05/08/2012 J79145 ESC-Flex, Sanders 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 76.81 3143563-00 05/10/2012 J79172 Shimek-Brakers & Rings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 104.38 3146018-00 05/14/2012 J79199 Shimek-cat 6 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 176.31 3147936-00 05/15/2012 J79219 Lincoln-Wire & Ties 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 54.52 3148585-00 05/16/2012 J79222 City-Bulbs 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 7.80 1 05/29/2012 009317 A W WELT AMBRISCO INS., INC. 322699 322700 113256 05/09/2012 1 322701 TRK INS Check Total Account Number Amount Check Check 22 0000 2600 000 0000 521 183.00 183.00 05/29/2012 009271 A-1 PROPANE 05/09/2012 J79152 Propane refill 1 05/29/2012 016260 ACADEMIC SUPPLIER 41456-0 05/07/2012 85007 TONER 10 1968 2221 000 0000 660 225.23 41457-0 05/07/2012 85006 TONER 10 3118 2221 000 0000 611 452.29 1 05/29/2012 002559 ACE REFRIGERATION 322703 Check 1,121.85 157362 322702 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check Check 25.00 25.00 677.52 3,614.57 110494 05/14/2012 NC RPR 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 2,716.57 110495 05/14/2012 WOOD RPR 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 898.00 1 05/29/2012 021021 ACME TOOLS 1306851 05/07/2012 J79124 Truck 70-Drills 1 05/29/2012 007256 ACTION SEWER AND SEPTIC SERVIC 05/02/2012 J79090 Lincoln-auger drain in 05/29/2012 000230 ADVANCED ELECTRICAL SERVICES 05/16/2012 J79184 Mann-boom truck for flagpole 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 322704 322705 66308 1 42360 322706 1 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 439 Check 618.00 618.00 100.00 100.00 103.50 103.50 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 012781 TINA ADVANI 322707 052512 05/25/2012 1 05/29/2012 322708 JB/MAY12 05/11/2012 1 05/29/2012 322709 630500 04/25/2012 1 05/29/2012 322710 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 MILEAGE 012543 011874 Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 0000 2585 000 0000 581 Check 10 0000 1100 100 0000 320 AHLERS & COONEY, P.C. PROF SVC 008203 User ID: LJF AEA 267 INSTRUCTION Check 10 0000 2317 000 0000 342 ALLIANT ENERGY Check 95.68 95.68 64.00 64.00 14,329.93 14,329.93 5,832.98 051112 05/01/2012 HILLS 10 1911 2610 000 0000 622 1,706.48 051612 05/16/2012 GARNER 10 1901 2610 000 0000 622 2,312.70 051712 05/17/2012 PENN 10 1947 2610 000 0000 622 1,813.80 1 05/29/2012 322711 10575 1 020187 05/16/2012 322712 05/29/2012 W0610015065 05/07/2012 1 ALPHAGRAPHICS OF NORTH LIBERTY PRINTING 012363 ALTORFER INC. UNIT MAINT 2 Check 10 1947 1100 100 8550 612 Check 10 0000 2650 000 0000 434 Check 218.40 218.40 188.59 188.59 322713 05/29/2012 016104 AMAZON 046911735468 05/04/2012 E5086 CD 10 3118 1100 109 0000 612 16.29 046917174566 05/06/2012 E5086 CD 10 3118 1100 109 0000 612 16.29 046917535476 05/04/2012 E5086 BOOK 10 3118 1100 109 0000 612 19.12 049629633600 03/06/2012 E5032 BOOK 10 3218 1100 105 0000 612 5.24 064419306420 05/02/2012 E5077 CD 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 18.84 112915251726 04/11/2012 E5057 BOOK 10 1972 2221 000 0000 650 13.97 122392437320 05/05/2012 E5077 BOOK 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 156.74 122392617215 05/02/2012 E5077 CD 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 13.88 142342952842 04/27/2012 E5072 CASE 10 0000 2221 000 0000 611 49.33 155216373913 05/05/2012 E5080 SOCKET STRIP 10 0000 2221 000 0000 739 37.24 1 322714 05/29/2012 016104 AMAZON 175690619020 05/04/2012 E5076 BOOK 10 3118 1100 105 0000 612 28.16 175698313901 05/05/2012 E5076 BOOK 10 3118 1100 105 0000 612 20.13 Check 346.94 932.35 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 199063242030 05/05/2012 E5078 BOOK 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 377.94 209841998082 04/27/2012 MC2675 BOOM BOX 10 1945 1250 421 3234 612 115.96 228234310796 05/02/2012 E5077 AUDIO BK 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 14.90 231572362806 04/11/2012 E5057 BOOK 10 1972 2221 000 0000 650 22.13 237957503025 04/11/2012 E5057 BOOK 10 1972 2221 000 0000 650 26.49 263442254194 05/01/2012 E5074 BOOK 10 3218 1200 211 3301 612 55.99 263447552830 05/01/2012 E5074 BOOK 10 3218 1200 211 3301 612 171.45 268464129835 04/24/2012 E5067 SPEAKERS 10 153 000 0000 000 1 322715 05/29/2012 016104 AMAZON 268466588108 04/24/2012 E5067 SPEAKERS 10 153 000 0000 000 148.80 268469506186 04/24/2012 E5067 SPEAKERS 10 153 000 0000 000 148.80 298100206421 05/04/2012 E5079 BOOK 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 25.63 298101800036 05/04/2012 E5079 BOOK 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 14.00 298105789539 05/06/2012 E5079 BOOK 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 3.60 1 05/29/2012 000172 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASS'N 25761575 05/09/2012 84607 1 05/29/2012 016291 AMSAN, LLC 265496067 05/04/2012 J78931 Brush Roller 15in 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 347.92 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 On Base 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 228.95 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 SHINELINE EMULSIFIER+ FLR 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,361.21 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 Ishine 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 6,751.80 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 Sunny Side Flr Finish 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 2,079.28 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 HANDLING 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 7.70 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 GRN SOLUTION FLR FINISH 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,668.81 265496075 04/17/2012 J78924 GREEN SOLUTION FLOOR 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,220.40 265496083 05/04/2012 J79007 Carpet Defoamer 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 195.50 265496091 05/04/2012 J79033 HANDLING 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 7.70 265496091 05/04/2012 J79033 G/S RR Cleaner 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 253.20 265496091 05/04/2012 J79033 Damp Mop 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 379.68 1 05/29/2012 016291 AMSAN, LLC 322716 322717 322718 3 Check Total 99.20 Check Check 10 1915 2221 000 0000 660 Check Check 340.83 132.00 132.00 14,502.15 931.41 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 265496109 05/04/2012 J79083 Penn-bearing block 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 56.39 265496109 05/04/2012 J79083 Penn-handle set 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 119.21 265496109 05/04/2012 J79083 HANDLING 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 7.70 265496109 05/04/2012 J79083 Penn-motor 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 164.86 265496109 05/04/2012 J79083 Penn-power supply 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 70.48 265840132 05/10/2012 J79083 Penn-handle set 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 0.00 265840132 05/10/2012 J79083 Penn-bearing block 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 0.00 265840132 05/10/2012 J79083 Penn-motor 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 0.00 265840132 05/10/2012 J79083 Penn-neck 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 92.49 265840132 05/10/2012 J79083 Penn-power supply 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 0.00 265926634 05/11/2012 J79101 REN FLAT URINAL SCREEN 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 68.58 265926642 05/11/2012 J79108 KAIKBLOOEY 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 351.70 1 05/29/2012 016291 AMSAN, LLC 265926659 05/11/2012 J79129 HANDLING 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 7.70 265926659 05/11/2012 J79129 CONSUME ECO-LYZER NEUT 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 294.00 265926659 05/11/2012 J79129 MICRO-HYGIENE FILTER 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 985.05 265926659 05/11/2012 J79129 SENSOR/VERSAMATIC PLUS VAC 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,694.00 265926667 05/11/2012 J79209 District-charger plugs 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 40.17 1 05/29/2012 014607 APPERSON 724479 04/27/2012 84943 ANS SHTS 1 05/29/2012 006372 APPLE COMPUTER, INC. 322719 322720 322721 Check Total Amount Check Check 10 3209 1100 115 0000 612 Check 3,020.92 708.99 708.99 96.05 9992337456 04/16/2012 BATTERY 10 0000 2600 000 8999 433 56.05 9992337456 04/16/2012 BATTERY 10 1906 2221 000 0000 660 40.00 1 05/29/2012 322722 013807 APPLE TREE CHILDREN'S CENTER Check 051812 05/18/2012 1 05/29/2012 004159 AQUA-PRO TURF IRRIGATION SYSTE 05/17/2012 J79182 West-Baseball & Softball 05/29/2012 000211 VICKI ARNOLD 322723 1990 1 322724 MAY CASTER 4 10 0000 1200 219 3305 563 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 439 Check 149.00 149.00 499.85 499.85 144.30 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 0531 05/31/2012 MILEAGE 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 144.30 1 322725 05/29/2012 008123 ASCD 0010834220 05/11/2012 85037 BKS 1 05/29/2012 003676 INC. B&H PHOTO - VIDEO 60156510 05/01/2012 84958 CUTTER/SPEAKERS 1 322726 322727 Check Total Check 10 0000 1100 100 3373 612 Check 10 3118 2221 000 0000 662 1,132.72 131.76 131.76 05/29/2012 000252 BAKER & TAYLOR, INC. 05/03/2012 E5069 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 12.25 2026974962 05/03/2012 E5069 LIB BKS 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 306.70 2026983736 05/01/2012 E5061 LIB BKS 10 153 000 0000 000 129.68 2026995655 05/07/2012 E5085 LIB BKS 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 449.78 2027005847 05/11/2012 E5089 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 25.50 2027005847 05/11/2012 E5089 LIB BKS 10 1936 2221 000 0000 643 1,275.72 1 05/29/2012 000249 BAKER PAPER CO 605887 05/04/2012 J79105 EcoSoft Roll Towels - 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 2,500.00 606278 05/10/2012 J79133 Toilet tissue 2-Ply 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,396.00 606279 05/10/2012 J79109 EcoSoft Bath Tissue 2-Ply 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,744.80 606667 05/17/2012 J79232 Brown Single Fold Paper 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,543.50 1 05/29/2012 013707 BALLARD & TIGHE PUBLISHERS 0140211-IN 322729 04/26/2012 84919 TST BKLTS 1 05/29/2012 015576 BANK OF AMERICA 322730 184009 05/01/2012 1 05/29/2012 322731 051112 05/11/2012 1 05/29/2012 322732 052012 05/20/2012 1 05/29/2012 322733 GLASSES RUSSELL 015630 DAWN BARBOUROSKE EXP 011949 JEN BARBOUROSKE EXP 000506 BARNES AND NOBLE Check 1,132.72 2026974962 322728 5 Check Check 10 0000 1100 100 4648 612 Check 82 0000 2131 000 0000 611 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 0000 2131 000 0000 581 Check 2,199.63 7,184.30 852.48 852.48 47.00 47.00 100.99 100.99 80.00 80.00 676.89 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number IN-2318734 05/09/2012 84982 BKS 10 0000 1200 214 3302 612 52.56 IN-2318735 05/09/2012 84982 BKS 10 0000 1200 214 3302 612 306.72 IN-2318736 05/09/2012 84992 BKS 10 3118 1200 211 3301 612 138.37 IN-2318737 05/09/2012 84993 BKS 10 3118 1200 211 3301 612 57.20 IN-2321634 05/12/2012 85062 BKS 10 3209 1200 214 3302 612 122.04 1 05/29/2012 013047 BAVCO 576041 05/02/2012 J79080 Dist-Repair Backflow Parts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 299.90 576583 05/07/2012 J79121 District-backflow parts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 134.85 1 322734 322735 Check Total 05/29/2012 013410 BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY 05/14/2012 85030 SPLS 1 05/29/2012 010147 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF JC 051812 05/18/2012 1 05/29/2012 322737 042412A 04/24/2012 1 05/29/2012 322738 304 1 MENTORING 014868 TRAVEL 015000 05/21/2012 322739 05/29/2012 JENNY BISGARD BLOOMSBURY FARMS TOUR 008187 JAN BOHNSACK 050812 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 020996 BOLAND RECREATION 723531 04/30/2012 J78949 Lemme-climbing rope & bolts 1 05/29/2012 007435 BRADFIELD'S COMPUTER SUPPLY 451895 05/07/2012 84942 BLUE TOOTH 1 05/29/2012 015897 TOM BRAVERMAN 322740 322741 322742 051812 05/18/2012 1 05/29/2012 322743 EXP MILEAGE 012199 KEVIN BROWN Amount Check 237196 322736 6 Check 10 0000 1260 410 1112 612 Check 10 0000 1250 422 1119 320 Check 10 0000 1282 430 4501 582 Check 10 1975 1100 100 0000 612 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 10 1936 2221 000 0000 739 Check 10 0000 1200 219 3305 581 Check 434.75 215.60 215.60 2,500.00 2,500.00 91.02 91.02 315.00 315.00 70.48 70.48 203.87 203.87 198.00 198.00 433.25 433.25 175.38 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 051612 05/16/2012 MILEAGE 10 0000 1100 112 8220 581 175.38 1 05/29/2012 322744 051612 05/16/2012 1 05/29/2012 322745 050912 05/09/2012 1 05/29/2012 322746 002751 RANDY BROWN EXP 012751 ANN BROWNING TRAVEL 012747 CAL SCHOOL & SPORT 043012-1 04/30/2012 1 05/29/2012 000393 CALLOWAY HOUSE 3012572 05/08/2012 84998 SPLS 1 05/29/2012 012750 CALVIN COLLEGE 322747 322748 SWING HNGR 042512 04/25/2012 1 05/29/2012 013224 CAMBIUM LEARNING INC. RI933359 05/08/2012 84991 BKS 1 322749 322750 FEE/ENTRADA-WALLE GBARA 05/29/2012 000411 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO 48043458RI 05/07/2012 84985 SCI SPLS 1 05/29/2012 011479 CD TECHNICAL, INC 322751 Check Total Check 10 3209 1100 115 0000 612 Check 10 3200 2410 000 0000 582 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 10 1915 1200 217 3303 612 Check 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 Check 10 1911 1250 421 4335 612 Check 10 3218 1100 113 0000 612 Check 64.79 64.79 173.00 173.00 405.74 405.74 254.02 254.02 500.00 500.00 219.89 219.89 511.02 511.02 173.05 6644 05/01/2012 DDS FEE 10 0000 2311 000 0000 611 91.05 6646 05/07/2012 DVD'S 10 1900 1100 100 0000 612 72.00 6656 05/04/2012 DDS ADD 10 0000 2311 000 0000 611 10.00 1 322752 05/29/2012 015835 CENGAGE LEARNING 96260331 05/02/2012 84987 JOURNALS 10 3218 1300 325 0000 612 1,721.28 96351315 05/16/2012 85085 TEXT BKS 10 3200 1300 390 4531 612 825.58 1 322753 7 Check Check 2,546.86 05/29/2012 012931 CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING 90759 05/03/2012 J79038 DELIVERY 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 4,280.70 2.00 90759 05/03/2012 J79038 Gojo 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,622.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 90759 05/03/2012 J79038 Nitrile Gloves - Large 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 215.40 90760 05/03/2012 J78982 40x46 Can Liners 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 1,609.60 90761 05/03/2012 J78938 Set-O-Swiv Dust Mop Frame 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 23.40 90762 05/03/2012 J78899 Infinity Twist Dust Mop -24, 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 144.00 90762 05/03/2012 J78899 Large Looped Wet Mophead 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 316.80 91214 05/15/2012 J79179 46x60 Can Liners 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 187.10 91325 05/17/2012 J79136 Large Looped Wet Mophead 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 160.40 05/29/2012 010509 CENTURYLINK 1 322754 Check Total Check 2,644.65 050412 05/04/2012 PHONE 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 050412A 05/04/2012 PHONE 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 39.03 050712 05/07/2012 PH SVC 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 561.96 051312 05/13/2012 PH SVC 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 191.58 1 05/29/2012 322755 1212985971 05/07/2012 1 05/29/2012 322756 051112 05/11/2012 1 05/29/2012 322757 012290 CENTURYLINK PH SVC 008966 CLAIRE CHAPNICK EXP 006753 SUE CHELF 052112 05/21/2012 1 05/29/2012 011752 CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 5000054364 05/15/2012 J79211 PP-cabinet refills 1 05/29/2012 012785 CITY CARTON RECYCLING 322758 322759 147061 05/22/2012 1 05/29/2012 322760 EXP GAYLORDS 000461 CITY OF CORALVILLE 8 Check 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 1900 1100 108 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 432 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 1,852.08 558.59 558.59 52.74 52.74 15.89 15.89 73.53 73.53 90.00 90.00 2,019.45 052512 05/25/2012 C CENT 10 1903 2610 000 0000 411 363.70 052512 05/25/2012 KIRK 10 1906 2610 000 0000 411 290.72 052512 05/25/2012 WICK 10 1975 2610 000 0000 411 395.10 052512 05/25/2012 NW 10 3113 2610 000 0000 411 969.93 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 000465 CITY OF IOWA CITY 322761 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 13,203.85 052312 05/23/2012 TECH 10 0045 2610 000 0000 411 50.44 052312 05/23/2012 PP 10 0050 2610 000 0000 411 104.78 052312 05/23/2012 HOOV 10 1909 2610 000 0000 411 439.05 052312 05/23/2012 HORN 10 1915 2610 000 0000 411 294.11 052312 05/23/2012 LEMME 10 1917 2610 000 0000 411 379.53 052312 05/23/2012 LINC 10 1918 2610 000 0000 411 250.69 052312 05/23/2012 LONG 10 1927 2610 000 0000 411 380.98 052312 05/23/2012 LUCAS 10 1936 2610 000 0000 411 454.73 052312 05/23/2012 MANN 10 1945 2610 000 0000 411 372.69 052312 05/23/2012 ROOS 10 1954 2610 000 0000 411 389.46 052312 05/23/2012 SHIMEK 10 1968 2610 000 0000 411 319.90 052312 05/23/2012 WEBER 10 1970 2610 000 0000 411 639.81 052312 05/23/2012 TWAIN 10 1972 2610 000 0000 411 452.60 052312 05/23/2012 WOOD 10 1981 2610 000 0000 411 659.45 052312 05/23/2012 SE 10 3118 2610 000 0000 411 815.56 052312 05/23/2012 TATE 10 3202 2610 000 0000 411 101.94 052312 05/23/2012 CITY 10 3209 2610 000 0000 411 2,213.84 052312 05/23/2012 WEST 10 3218 2610 000 0000 411 4,884.29 1 05/29/2012 322762 003588 CITY OF IOWA CITY Check 93,167.94 00022019 05/04/2012 FUEL 10 0000 2650 000 0000 626 9,232.94 00022019 05/04/2012 FUEL 10 0000 2700 000 0000 626 50,433.91 00022038 05/18/2012 MERCER POOL 10 0000 1100 100 0000 599 25,320.84 00022078 05/22/2012 JUNE MERCER 10 0000 1100 100 0000 599 8,180.25 1 05/29/2012 322763 001752 CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY Check 1,472.88 052512 05/25/2012 GARNER 10 1901 2610 000 0000 411 251.80 052512 05/25/2012 PENN 10 1947 2610 000 0000 411 348.04 052512 05/25/2012 VAN A 10 1961 2610 000 0000 411 502.42 052512 05/25/2012 NC 10 3125 2610 000 0000 411 370.62 1 05/29/2012 322764 008774 COPYWORKS 9 Check 1,039.16 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 10 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 50106 04/26/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 326.25 51224 03/28/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 78.60 51490 04/18/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 21.00 51508 04/20/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 12.67 51658 05/01/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 150.00 51659 05/01/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 13.44 51667 05/02/2012 COPIES 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 167.35 51708 05/05/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 77.97 51709 05/05/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 43.20 51710 05/05/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 148.68 1 322765 05/29/2012 008774 COPYWORKS Check Total Check 619.28 51749 05/10/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 9.75 51752 05/10/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 100.50 51767 05/11/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 19.98 51787 05/17/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 164.25 51788 05/15/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 204.12 51793 05/15/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 32.00 51806 05/16/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 25.20 51830 05/18/2012 COPIES 10 1975 1100 100 8550 612 56.00 51848 05/18/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 6.46 51857 05/21/2012 COPIES 10 1903 1100 100 8550 612 1.02 1 322766 05/29/2012 017887 CORALVILLE FIRE DEPT Check 100.00 001687 12/28/2011 PERMIT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 811 25.00 001917 12/28/2011 PERMIT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 811 25.00 001996 12/28/2011 PERMIT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 811 25.00 002252 12/28/2011 PERMIT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 811 25.00 1 05/29/2012 322767 050812 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 322768 052212 05/22/2012 012769 CORRIDOR CHRISTIAN COUNSELING EVAL 021005 JULIE COTTON MILEAGE Check 82 0000 2131 000 0000 611 Check 10 3100 1100 100 0000 581 180.00 180.00 102.68 102.68 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 322769 05/29/2012 019979 COUSIN'S CONCERT ATTIRE 512637 05/14/2012 84986 ATTIRE 1 05/29/2012 000556 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 028-587226-00 05/07/2012 J79125 Wood-Batteries for Exit 1 05/29/2012 015753 BRYDIE CRISWELL 322770 322771 042012 04/20/2012 1 05/29/2012 011369 CULLIGAN WATER TECH 091575 04/24/2012 J78769 VAn Allen-UV bulbs 1 322772 322773 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 EXP User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Check Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 Check 10 0000 1200 100 4521 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 05/29/2012 000573 CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES 05/11/2012 85022 SPLS 1 05/29/2012 015717 D&L STAINED GLASS SUPPLY, INC. 0338100-IN 05/14/2012 85065 KILN 1 05/29/2012 000579 DAILY IOWAN 322775 050812 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 322776 AR041955 05/09/2012 1 003579 Check 10 1961 1100 100 0000 612 10 3209 1100 102 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2327 000 0000 647 DAVENPORT COMMUNITY SCHOOLS SP ED TUITION Check Check 10 0000 1200 219 3305 561 55.90 340.00 340.00 37.86 37.86 739.98 739.98 131.83 131.83 2,153.13 2,153.13 50.00 50.00 7,957.31 7,957.31 05/29/2012 020960 DEERY BROTHERS FORD LINCOLN, INC. 05/09/2012 J79158 Fuel pump assembly-unit 79 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 362.66 37660 05/11/2012 J79177 Fuel pump-#60 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 362.66 37772 05/22/2012 J79265 Disc Brake clips-unit 86 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 25.08 05/29/2012 000605 DEMCO 4609702 05/14/2012 85076 MEDIA SPLS 10 1927 2221 000 0000 643 4609704 05/14/2012 85077 MEDIA SPLS 10 1972 2221 000 0000 611 62.56 4612141 05/16/2012 85091 SPLS 10 1915 2221 000 0000 611 213.96 1 05/29/2012 006356 DES MOINES PUBLIC SCHOOLS 322778 322779 Check 55.90 37637 1 322777 SUBSRIPTION Amount 10 3218 1100 112 8210 612 90155904 322774 11 Check Check 750.40 443.44 166.92 362.20 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 12 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount FS000601 04/24/2012 SPEC ED 10 0000 1200 219 3305 561 362.20 1 05/29/2012 000307 DICK BLICK 115151 05/02/2012 84883 ART SPLS 10 3118 1100 102 0000 612 1,015.02 733531 05/17/2012 85026 SPLS 10 3113 1100 102 0000 612 1,134.79 1 05/29/2012 012744 DIMENSIONS EDUC RESEARCH 322780 322781 87844 1 04/17/2012 322782 22219 1 05/29/2012 WRKSHP 014220 05/05/2012 322783 05/29/2012 Check Check 10 1900 1100 100 3376 582 DREYER CHEMICAL SERVICES, LLC CHEM FEEDER 015773 Check Total Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES Check 2,149.81 500.00 500.00 360.65 360.65 589,299.52 1900300379 04/30/2012 ROOS 21ST 10 0000 1250 422 1116 515 2,066.04 1900300379 04/30/2012 HILLS HLC 10 0000 1250 422 1116 515 2,066.04 1900300379 04/30/2012 TWN DROP OUT 10 0000 1250 422 1119 515 2,295.60 1900300379 04/30/2012 TITLE I SINA 10 0000 1282 430 4501 515 24,727.00 1900300379 04/30/2012 PUBLIC 10 0000 2700 000 0000 515 266,940.21 1900300379 04/30/2012 SP ED 10 0000 2700 219 3305 515 210,670.91 1900300379 04/30/2012 AIDE SUBS 10 0000 2700 219 3305 515 80,533.72 1 05/29/2012 322784 015773 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES Check 4,418.64 1900300380 04/30/2012 HILLS HLC 10 0000 1250 421 0000 582 101.29 1900300380 04/30/2012 TWAIN 10 0000 1250 422 1119 515 67.93 1900300380 04/30/2012 SP OLYMPIC 10 0000 2700 950 7401 515 236.47 1900300380 04/30/2012 VAN A PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 207.77 1900300380 04/30/2012 MUSIC AUX 10 153 000 0000 000 1,045.72 1900300380 04/30/2012 HORN PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 43.42 1900300380 04/30/2012 WEST ACT ACCT 10 153 000 0000 000 672.36 1900300380 04/30/2012 SE ACT ACCT 10 153 000 0000 000 91.88 1900300380 04/30/2012 TWAIN PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 66.25 1900300380 04/30/2012 LUCAS PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 461.56 1900300380 04/30/2012 C CENT FAST 10 1903 1250 421 0000 581 142.85 1900300380 04/30/2012 C CENT 10 1903 2700 100 0000 515 78.32 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 13 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 1900300380 04/30/2012 HOOV 10 1909 2700 100 0000 515 216.37 1900300380 04/30/2012 WOOD WILDCAT 10 1981 1250 421 4335 515 151.70 1900300380 04/30/2012 NW 10 3113 2700 100 0000 515 92.44 1900300380 04/30/2012 NC 10 3125 2700 100 0000 515 97.48 1900300381 04/30/2012 VEHICLE MAINT 10 0000 2650 000 0000 434 644.83 1 05/29/2012 322785 012748 Check Total DYNASTY HOOPS Check 1,050.00 050112 05/01/2012 PEPIN 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 350.00 050112 05/01/2012 STATEB 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 350.00 050112 05/01/2012 REG-MANARD 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 350.00 1 05/29/2012 012421 THE DAILY CAFE EDUCATIONAL DESIGN 05/11/2012 85025 SUBSCRIPTN 05/29/2012 006117 PAMELA EHLY 322786 5165 1 322787 10 1936 1100 100 0000 612 Check 69.00 68.00 05/11/2012 1 05/29/2012 005318 ELECTRIC MOTORS OF IA CY 32181 05/08/2012 J79149 ESC-Motor 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 132.31 32209 05/10/2012 J79161 Lemme-Belts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 30.01 32213 05/10/2012 J79163 Hoover-Belts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 17.81 32263 05/14/2012 J79187 C Central-belts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 27.86 32331 05/16/2012 J79229 West-belt 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 17.54 32345 05/17/2012 J79231 NWJH-Pump Repair 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 558.28 32381 05/18/2012 J79253 City-Compassitors 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 39.89 32382 05/18/2012 J79254 Van Allen-Belts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 48.38 05/29/2012 002596 ELLIOTT EQUIPMENT CO. 113689 10/20/2011 J77281 Hydrolic Tank 1 05/29/2012 012475 ELLIS MFG. COMPANY, INC. 05/09/2012 J79155 PP-ban saw blades 05/29/2012 012783 MARC FALK 1 322789 322790 17476 1 322791 052912 05/29/2012 MENTOR 10 0000 2211 000 0000 294 69.00 051112 322788 ROTARY Check Check Check 10 0000 2650 000 0000 434 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 320 68.00 872.08 1,454.20 1,454.20 432.31 432.31 500.00 500.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 013220 FAMILIES, INC. 322792 051712 05/17/2012 1 05/29/2012 322793 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 REG FETTER 020015 FAMILY SYSTEMS OF SYSTEMS 14 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 1900 2131 421 4329 612 Check 40.00 40.00 25,757.72 051112 05/11/2012 MARCH SVC 10 1900 2131 421 4329 320 4,047.72 051812 05/18/2012 CASE MGR. 10 1900 1250 421 4329 320 21,710.00 1 05/29/2012 322794 009425 FAREWAY STORES 052212 05/22/2012 1 05/29/2012 010775 FASTENAL COMPANY IAIOW99608 04/30/2012 J79067 Cabinet shop-hardware & 1 05/29/2012 016025 REBECCA FIELDS-MOFFITT 322795 322796 0531 1 GARN PRESCH 05/31/2012 322797 05/29/2012 MILEAGE 020538 FRANK FIORDELLISI Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 Check 308.29 270.52 270.52 48.84 48.84 87.97 03/09/2012 1 05/29/2012 014701 FLAGS USA, INC. 05/14/2012 J79144 Van Allen-Flag 05/29/2012 006464 FLINN SCIENTIFIC CO. 1552799 05/08/2012 85012 SCI SPLS 10 3125 1100 113 0000 612 121.12 1554472 05/14/2012 85067 SPLS 10 3209 1100 113 0000 612 808.22 1 322798 1 322799 322800 10 1900 1100 108 0000 612 308.29 031912 52361 EXP Check 10 1901 1100 840 0000 618 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 90.00 90.00 929.34 05/29/2012 020638 FLOCABULARY 051412IA1 05/14/2012 85063 BOOK & CD 1 05/29/2012 000912 FOLLETT BOOK CO. 570939F-5 05/07/2012 E5042 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 4.14 570939F-5 05/07/2012 E5042 LIB BKS 10 1961 2221 000 0000 643 74.17 583176F-3 05/09/2012 E5055 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 4.00 583176F-3 05/09/2012 E5055 LIB BKS 10 3125 2221 000 0000 643 147.86 322801 Check 87.97 10 3209 1200 214 3302 612 Check 18.65 18.65 941.39 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 15 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 584887-1 04/18/2012 E5050 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 8.80 584887-1 04/18/2012 E5050 LIB BKS 10 3113 2221 000 0000 643 286.17 584887F-0 04/23/2012 E5050 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 0.80 584887F-0 04/23/2012 E5050 LIB BKS 10 3113 2221 000 0000 643 26.28 588172F-0 04/24/2012 E5062 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 1.60 588172F-0 04/24/2012 E5062 LIB BKS 10 1981 2221 000 0000 643 31.58 588862F-3 05/08/2012 E5064 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 22.75 588862F-3 05/08/2012 E5064 LIB BKS 10 1909 2221 000 0000 643 333.24 1 05/29/2012 000912 FOLLETT BOOK CO. 591673-1 05/04/2012 E5060 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 17.94 591673-1 05/04/2012 E5060 LIB BKS 10 1972 2221 000 0000 643 397.46 595687F-4 05/17/2012 E5065 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 2.40 595687F-4 05/17/2012 E5065 LIB BKS 10 1911 2221 000 0000 643 28.22 598741F-2 05/07/2012 E5070 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 48.80 598741F-2 05/07/2012 E5070 LIB BKS 10 3118 2221 000 0000 643 358.88 598909-5 05/03/2012 E5071 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 77.97 598909-5 05/03/2012 E5071 LIB BKS 10 153 000 0000 000 601713-6 05/07/2012 E5076 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 83.20 601713-6 05/07/2012 E5076 LIB BKS 10 1970 2221 000 0000 643 1,297.74 603955-0 05/14/2012 E5081 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 90.29 603955-0 05/14/2012 E5081 LIB BKS 10 1901 2221 000 0000 643 1,519.55 1 05/29/2012 000912 FOLLETT BOOK CO. 604093-2 05/09/2012 E5082 LIB BKS 10 1961 2221 000 0000 611 0.07 604093-2 05/09/2012 E5082 LIB BKS 10 1961 2221 000 0000 643 96.33 604093-2 05/09/2012 E5082 LIB BKS 10 1961 2221 000 0000 644 230.40 604093F-1 05/17/2012 E5082 LIB BKS 10 1961 2221 000 0000 643 73.00 604185-4 05/18/2012 E5084 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 129.60 604185-4 05/18/2012 E5084 LIB BKS 10 1915 2221 000 0000 643 1,950.36 605039F-2 05/15/2012 E5088 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 4.00 605039F-2 05/15/2012 E5088 LIB BKS 10 3113 2221 000 0000 643 64.11 605270-1 05/16/2012 E5090 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 98.67 322802 322803 Check Total Amount Check 5,384.36 1,461.91 Check 5,472.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 16 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 605270-1 05/16/2012 E5090 LIB BKS 10 1906 2221 000 0000 643 605271-6 05/14/2012 E5091 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 31.20 605271-6 05/14/2012 E5091 LIB BKS 10 3113 2221 000 0000 643 893.47 1 05/29/2012 000912 FOLLETT BOOK CO. 608775-5 05/18/2012 E5083 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 174.44 608775-5 05/18/2012 E5083 LIB BKS 10 3209 2221 000 0000 643 1,763.11 614967F-1 05/09/2012 E5087 PROCESS 10 0000 2221 000 0000 350 9.60 614967F-1 05/09/2012 E5087 LIB BKS 10 1911 2221 000 0000 643 165.72 1 322804 05/29/2012 011997 FOREVER GREEN GARDEN CENTER 1-104091 322805 05/04/2012 J78981 Lincoln-retaining wall 1 05/29/2012 013377 FOUR OAKS 322806 Check Total Amount Check Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 1,900.79 2,112.87 1,880.00 1,880.00 45,508.00 051112 05/11/2012 MAR SVC 10 1900 2131 421 4329 320 2,074.00 051812 05/18/2012 SSHS PROG 10 1900 1250 421 4329 320 43,434.00 1 05/29/2012 322807 050412 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 322808 000523082 05/01/2012 1 05/29/2012 322809 8592 1 012749 EXP 014168 FSH COMMUNICATIONS, LLC PAYPHONE 003265 05/24/2012 322810 LIBBY FREDERICKS GALESBURG SEWING CENTER SEW MACH 05/29/2012 000969 GENERAL BINDING CORP 1870477 05/02/2012 84975 LAMINATE FILM 1 05/29/2012 005113 GENERAL PEST CONTROL 322811 050112 05/01/2012 1 05/29/2012 001004 GOPHER ATHLETIC SUPPLY 02/08/2012 84493 SPLS 322812 8435795 APRIL Check 10 1903 1250 421 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 Check 10 3113 1300 355 0000 612 Check 10 1970 2221 000 0000 611 Check 10 0000 2610 000 0000 425 Check 10 3209 1100 108 0000 612 38.46 38.46 55.00 55.00 399.00 399.00 105.02 105.02 1,054.00 1,054.00 630.00 630.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 003190 GRAINGER 9829837658 05/16/2012 J79227 City-bulbs 1 322813 322814 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 17 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 239.88 05/29/2012 001015 GRANT WOOD AEA 0110283 05/07/2012 84719 DRP SHTS 10 0000 1100 100 4648 612 540.00 0110284 05/07/2012 84720 DRA SHTS 10 0000 1100 100 4648 612 1,095.00 0110301 05/08/2012 BKLTS 10 1917 1100 100 0000 612 114.00 0110380 05/08/2012 PODD 10 1909 2410 000 0000 611 83.00 0110410 05/09/2012 84554 REG 10 0000 1200 219 3305 582 100.00 0110411 05/09/2012 84803 REG 10 0000 1200 219 3305 582 2,550.00 0110430 05/15/2012 DIBELS 10 0000 1100 100 4648 320 5,515.95 1 05/29/2012 322815 0412ICCSD 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 322816 052112 05/21/2012 1 05/29/2012 322817 052112 05/21/2012 1 05/29/2012 322818 0531 1 016528 000541 05/29/2012 Check 10 1900 1100 108 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 811 KATE HAGEN MILEAGE 012764 10 0000 2600 000 0000 350 WAYNE GROUT REG 011667 Check JAN GRENKO-LEHMAN EXP 05/31/2012 322819 GREAT PLAINS LOCATING SERVICE APRIL 000767 Check 239.88 Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 HANOVER RESEARCH COUNCIL Check 1975 05/01/2012 MEMBERSHIP 10 0000 2327 000 0000 812 1975 05/01/2012 MEMBERSHIP 10 181 000 0000 000 1 322820 9,997.95 541.00 541.00 61.68 61.68 60.00 60.00 122.10 122.10 30,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 05/29/2012 008351 HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 02324794A 04/24/2012 J79010 Weber-Edge Banding 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 5.30 02334318 05/14/2012 J79186 ESC-locks, screws, etc. 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 96.84 1 05/29/2012 020154 MICHELLE HAREN 322821 051712 06/05/2012 EXP Check Check 10 1909 1200 217 3303 612 102.14 309.44 309.44 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 18 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 004440 HARGERS ACOUSTICS INC. 0024213-IN 05/10/2012 J78915 Longfellow-ceiling tile 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 110.00 0024213-IN 05/10/2012 J78915 Wickham-ceiling tile 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 417.00 1 05/29/2012 001058 HARRY'S CUSTOM TROPHIES 322822 322823 91275 1 05/11/2012 322824 05/29/2012 RIBBONS 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS Check Total Account Number Amount Check Check 10 1903 1100 100 0000 612 Check 527.00 47.50 47.50 1,677.50 5053998 03/22/2012 HILLS 21 CEN 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 66.56 5059320 03/29/2012 HILLS 21 CEN 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 133.64 5059321 03/29/2012 KIRK AT RISK 10 1906 1250 422 1119 612 95.93 5064554 04/05/2012 WOOD 21 CEN 10 1981 1250 422 1119 612 522.83 5064653 04/05/2012 ROOS AT RISK 10 1954 1250 422 1119 612 176.24 5064655 04/05/2012 HILLS 21 CEN 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 107.31 5069843 04/12/2012 WOOD 21 CEN 10 1981 1250 422 1119 612 280.63 5077288 04/23/2012 ROOS AT RISK 10 1954 1250 422 1119 612 92.90 5088232 05/07/2012 WOOD 21 CEN 10 1981 1250 422 1119 612 201.46 1 05/29/2012 012295 HAWKEYE INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 188286A 05/02/2012 J79094 Unit 57-Coolant Sensor 1 05/29/2012 013547 HAYES SCHOOL PUBLISHING 31499A 05/15/2012 85078 CERTIFICATES 1 05/29/2012 006855 ANGELA HAYES 322825 322826 322827 051412 05/14/2012 1 322828 EXP Check 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 Check 10 1901 1100 100 0000 612 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 27.27 27.27 49.59 49.59 35.44 35.44 05/29/2012 009960 HEINEMANN 6021310 03/08/2012 84655 BOOK 10 1970 1100 100 0000 612 1,946.10 36.50 6047063 05/04/2012 84967 BOOK 10 0000 1100 100 4648 612 759.00 6050361 05/15/2012 85046 WRITING BK 10 0000 1282 430 4508 612 99.00 6050364 05/15/2012 85036 MATH BKS 10 0000 2213 111 0000 611 110.00 6050757 05/16/2012 85031 TOOL KIT 10 1961 1100 100 0000 612 182.60 6051390 05/17/2012 85088 SPLS 10 0000 1100 100 3373 612 759.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 003605 BETSY HENSON 322829 0531 1 05/31/2012 322830 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 05/29/2012 MILEAGE 009752 19 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 HERFF JONES Check 476.19 476.19 6,946.09 542631 04/25/2012 DIPLOMAS 10 0000 2193 000 0000 611 2,274.35 545225 05/03/2012 DIPLOMA CVRS 10 0000 2193 000 0000 611 4,612.26 546024 05/07/2012 DIPLOMA CITY 10 0000 2193 000 0000 611 40.86 547251 05/09/2012 DIPLOMA CITY 10 0000 2193 000 0000 611 18.62 1 05/29/2012 020405 HERITAGE CRYSTAL CLEAN 12061022 04/26/2012 J79046 Service Parts Washer 1 05/29/2012 001653 LISA HEYING 322831 322832 050712 05/07/2012 1 322833 REG Check 10 0000 2610 000 0000 421 Check 10 0000 1282 430 4501 582 146.94 75.00 75.00 05/29/2012 014417 HILLYARD/DES MOINES SANITARY 600218978 05/03/2012 J78944 Tip-Off Gym Finish 1 05/29/2012 020784 HM RECEIVABLES CO LLC 948284038 05/02/2012 84965 SPLS 10 0000 1282 430 4508 612 789.04 948309879 05/12/2012 84901 SPLS 10 0000 1282 430 4501 612 259.08 1 05/29/2012 010230 JERRY HORA 322834 322835 052412 05/24/2012 1 05/29/2012 322836 051412 05/14/2012 1 05/29/2012 322837 MILEAGE 012765 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 Check Check 10 0000 1200 219 3305 581 GARY HOUSEMAN SSHS MILEAGE 016332 Check 146.94 Check 10 1900 2131 421 4329 612 HY-VEE, INC. Check 3,102.40 3,102.40 1,048.12 234.21 234.21 433.40 433.40 4,362.17 051012 05/10/2012 MANN PRE 10 0000 1100 840 0000 618 360.71 051012 05/10/2012 KIRK PRE 10 0000 1100 840 3117 612 051012 05/10/2012 CITY SCI 10 153 000 0000 000 051012 05/10/2012 LUCAS PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 051012 05/10/2012 LONG 10 1927 1250 423 4565 612 700.00 051012 05/10/2012 SE FCS 10 3118 1300 355 0000 612 438.90 68.20 154.90 71.43 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 20 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 051012 05/10/2012 CITY FCS 10 3209 1300 355 0000 612 804.69 051012A 05/10/2012 KIRK PTO 10 153 000 0000 000 146.11 051012A 05/10/2012 KIRK FRC FOUND 10 153 000 0000 000 33.15 051012A 05/10/2012 KIRK 21ST 10 1906 1250 421 4335 612 823.00 051012A 05/10/2012 VAN A PRE 10 1961 1100 840 0000 618 215.62 051012A 05/10/2012 NW ADMIN/ST CON 10 3113 1100 100 0000 612 285.13 051012A 05/10/2012 NW FCS 10 3113 1300 355 0000 612 121.48 051012B 05/10/2012 SCH CH AID 82 0000 2131 000 0000 611 8.00 051012B 05/10/2012 HEALTHY KIDS 84 0000 2131 421 0000 611 130.85 1 05/29/2012 322838 016332 Check Total HY-VEE, INC. Check 4,017.87 051012B 05/10/2012 TWN AT RISK 10 0000 1250 422 1119 612 229.69 051012B 05/10/2012 HILLS DAIRY 10 153 000 0000 000 265.59 051012B 05/10/2012 TW FR FRUIT 10 153 000 0000 000 1,196.00 051012B 05/10/2012 TWN FOUND 10 153 000 0000 000 55.36 051012B 05/10/2012 HILLS PRE 10 1911 1250 421 3232 618 74.89 051012B 05/10/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 194.43 051012B 05/10/2012 ROOS AT RISK 10 1954 1250 421 4335 612 154.95 051012B 05/10/2012 TWAIN PRE 10 1972 1250 421 0000 618 138.00 051012B 05/10/2012 TWN SINA 10 1972 1282 430 4501 612 18.36 051012B 05/10/2012 WOOD 10 1981 1100 100 0000 612 318.42 051012B 05/10/2012 WOOD 21ST 10 1981 1250 421 4335 612 1,215.13 051012B 05/10/2012 WEST FCS 10 3218 1300 355 0000 612 157.05 1 05/29/2012 011151 INTERSTATE BATTERY CENTER 1903502000340 322839 05/10/2012 J79110 Weber-Batteries 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 433.90 34023880 05/14/2012 J79195 Battery 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 95.95 34023882 05/14/2012 J79196 Batteries Rebuilt 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 71.98 1 05/29/2012 013006 SCOTT IOSBAKER 322840 043012 04/30/2012 1 05/29/2012 322841 IASB000008897 05/17/2012 EXP 001214 IOWA ASS'N OF SCHOOL BOARDS CONSULT Check Check 10 1911 1250 421 4335 612 Check 10 0000 2311 000 0000 611 601.83 26.96 26.96 73.46 73.46 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 322842 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 21 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount 05/29/2012 006345 IOWA CITY TIRE AND SERVICE, IN 256128 04/13/2012 J78965 Unit 57-re-tread tires 10 0000 2650 000 0000 683 256796 05/08/2012 J79148 Unit 54-Balance & Mount 10 0000 2650 000 0000 683 12.00 257191 05/21/2012 J79274 Garbage truck-new tire 10 0000 2650 000 0000 683 620.47 1 05/29/2012 006809 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK 322843 Check 353722 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 002611 IOWA FIRE PROTECTION INC 05/08/2012 J79043 ESC-Service Sprinkler System 10 0000 2600 000 0000 439 05/29/2012 013802 IOWA GYM-NEST 322844 22599 1 322845 050912 05/09/2012 1 05/29/2012 322846 IEN/FAX Check C CENT FLD TRIP 016389 IOWA ONE CALL 141363 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 003703 IOWA PAPER INC 115562 05/03/2012 J79102 PP-door wedges 1 05/29/2012 001433 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES 072594 05/09/2012 J78926 NCJH-signage 1 05/29/2012 013451 DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY IOWA STATE 05/21/2012 85068 EXAM 322847 322848 322849 90208 1 322850 APRIL LOCATES 05/29/2012 001834 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. 11800996 05/07/2012 84995 MUSIC 1 05/29/2012 000356 KATHY JEPSON 322851 050812 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 322852 051712 05/17/2012 EXP 011724 JESSE JOHNSON MILEAGE 10 0000 2511 000 0000 532 Check Check 10 1903 1250 421 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 350 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 Check 10 3209 1100 113 0000 612 Check 10 3218 1100 112 8221 612 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 581 1,522.17 889.70 5,616.87 5,616.87 250.00 250.00 45.00 45.00 30.60 30.60 60.00 60.00 78.38 78.38 15.00 15.00 1,486.99 1,486.99 38.24 38.24 226.27 226.27 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 013712 LISA-ANN JOHNSON 322853 042312 04/23/2012 1 322854 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 GLASSES User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number 22 0000 2600 000 0000 521 05/29/2012 013125 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 05/01/2012 J79053 PP-Filter Material 1 05/29/2012 004104 KENNEDY PIANO TUNING 383269 04/23/2012 85090 TUNING 1 05/29/2012 007187 KENNEDY, CRUISE, FREY & GELNER, 322856 25000 1 04/24/2012 322857 05/29/2012 050112 05/01/2012 1 PROF. SVC 003029 322858 05/29/2012 002245 KEY CURRICULUM PRESS SNI-40000358 05/14/2012 85064 LICENSE 1 05/29/2012 001345 KIRKWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE 322859 49998 1 05/02/2012 Check 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 TUITION Check 10 0000 2317 000 0000 342 Check 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 Check 10 3209 1100 111 0000 612 Check 10 0000 1100 100 0000 320 250.00 25.85 25.85 410.00 410.00 750.00 750.00 334.64 334.64 404.95 404.95 100.00 100.00 005934 KNEBEL WINDOWS 55846 05/10/2012 J79162 Twain-Window 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 51.33 55863 05/14/2012 J79197 City-Glass 10 0000 2600 000 0000 682 36.90 55928 05/22/2012 J79282 C Central-frames for screens 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 54.47 05/29/2012 012394 CHRISTINA KREIGH 27.80 322861 Check 05/23/2012 1 05/29/2012 010015 LAB-AIDS INC. 00087242 05/08/2012 85013 SCI SPLS 10 3125 1100 113 0000 612 68.65 00087406 05/16/2012 85074 SCI SPLS 10 3125 1100 113 0000 612 51.05 1 05/29/2012 007193 LAKESHORE CURRICULUM MATERIALS 05/01/2012 84920 BINGO 322863 1291140512 10 0000 1200 219 3305 582 142.70 052312 322862 MILEAGE Check 250.00 05/29/2012 1 322860 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 ANITA KERR-GERLING TRAVEL Amount Check 279857 322855 22 Check Check 10 1917 1200 211 3301 612 27.80 119.70 350.27 34.95 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 23 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 1447610512 05/10/2012 84999 SPLS 10 1915 1200 211 3301 612 166.45 1534570512 05/16/2012 85040 SPLS 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 148.87 1 05/29/2012 012782 DANIEL LANE 322864 052912 05/29/2012 1 05/29/2012 322865 050812 05/08/2012 1 05/29/2012 322866 0531 1 MENTOR 003097 EXP 020278 05/31/2012 322867 DIANA LANE DIANA LARSEN MILEAGE 05/29/2012 009037 LEARNING RESOURCES, INC. 1645345 05/11/2012 85021 SPLS 1 322868 Check Total Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 320 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 Check 10 1917 1200 211 3301 612 425.00 14.72 14.72 486.18 486.18 36.93 36.93 05/29/2012 001431 LENOCH & CILEK HARDWARE 314997 05/21/2012 J79224 No. 74 Sponges 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 990.00 314997 05/21/2012 J79224 Sparkle 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 227.76 341837 05/07/2012 J79100 Red Buffer Pad 5100, 13 in 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 124.25 341837 05/07/2012 J79100 White Super Polish Pad 4100, 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 122.50 341838 05/07/2012 J79087 Caution Wet Floor" Signs 24" 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 99.00 341862 05/08/2012 J79111 Maroon SPP Rectangular Floor 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 749.75 341874 05/09/2012 J79130 Aqua Burnish Pad 3100, 20 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 192.00 341904 05/11/2012 J79054 22" Water Wand 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 129.00 341904 05/11/2012 J79054 Water Wand Adapter 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 51.60 341904 05/11/2012 J79054 60" Threaded Handles 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 71.76 341904 05/11/2012 J79054 18" Water Wand 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 81.00 341904 05/11/2012 J79054 Plastic Coded Metal Hanlde - 10 0000 2610 000 0000 684 35.40 1 05/29/2012 011259 DEBBIE LEUTZINGER 322869 0531 1 05/31/2012 322870 086462 MILEAGE 05/29/2012 003224 LIBERTY DOOR COMPANY 05/14/2012 J79213 Van Allen-Closer Arms Check 425.00 Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 2,874.02 333.00 333.00 280.00 280.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 007501 LINN COUNTY REC 322871 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 24 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 14,582.11 050112 05/01/2012 VAN AL 10 1961 2610 000 0000 622 4,075.02 050112 05/01/2012 WICK 10 1975 2610 000 0000 622 2,845.97 050112 05/01/2012 NC 10 3125 2610 000 0000 622 7,661.12 1 05/29/2012 012718 LOWE'S 05/18/2012 J79251 City-Lumber 05/29/2012 000650 LUCKS MUSIC 05/02/2012 84947 MUSIC 05/29/2012 019990 MACBRIDE RAPTOR PROJECT 322872 14287 1 322873 40610 1 322874 050112 05/01/2012 1 05/29/2012 322875 TWAIN PROJ. 011331 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 10 3218 1100 112 8222 612 Check 10 0000 1250 422 1119 515 MADISON NATIONAL LIFE Check 32.70 32.70 428.97 428.97 141.50 141.50 41,266.91 1057948 05/21/2012 LTD 10 0000 2514 000 0000 211 30,921.31 1057948 05/21/2012 LIFE AD&D 10 0000 2514 000 0000 213 10,345.60 1 05/29/2012 322876 019965 MARCO'S TAXI Check 452.35 1494 04/30/2012 RIDES 10 1900 2131 421 4329 612 97.20 1494 04/30/2012 RIDES 10 1927 1250 423 4565 612 355.15 1 322877 05/29/2012 050212A 05/02/2012 1 05/29/2012 322878 6722786001 05/16/2012 67478643001 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 322879 051712 05/17/2012 1 05/29/2012 0504A 322880 05/04/2012 012435 BENJAMIN MARPLE MILEAGE 000529 Check 10 1900 1100 100 0000 581 MCGRAW-HILL SCHOOL PUBLISHING Check 2.89 2.89 1,053.15 MATH BKS 10 153 000 0000 000 813.63 84990 INST SPLS 10 1911 1250 421 4335 612 239.52 013664 SARAH MCLAUGHLIN EXP 015834 VICKIE MCMORRAN MILEAGE Check 10 1903 1100 100 0000 612 Check 10 1900 1100 100 0000 581 29.97 29.97 155.18 155.18 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 000713 MECCA-SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES 322881 051812 05/18/2012 1 Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 1900 1250 421 4329 320 6,819.25 05/29/2012 016730 MECHANICAL SERVICE INC. 01/12/2012 J78013 SEJH-checked alignment on 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 3,013.34 6117 04/30/2012 J79074 NWJH-replace bearings & 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 1,472.70 6162 05/11/2012 J79171 Longfellow-ball joint on 10 0000 2600 000 0000 438 634.87 05/29/2012 001991 MENARDS 05/07/2012 J79123 Hoover-door seal 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 21.92 78687 05/08/2012 J79138 Wood-Dryer vent & Caulk 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 10.96 78711 05/08/2012 J79139 Horn-Paint & Trim Panel 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 7.95 79009 05/09/2012 J79150 Lincoln-Drywall & Screws 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 14.26 79111 05/09/2012 J79153 Horn-lumber 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 9.54 79161 05/09/2012 J79156 Longfellow-vise grips 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 53.59 79463 05/10/2012 J79167 Lemme-dryer vent 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 25.90 81030 05/14/2012 J79198 Wood-Brackets 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 8.88 81382 05/15/2012 J79214 Lincoln-Hooks 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 13.47 81690 05/16/2012 J79223 West-adhesive 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 30.95 05/29/2012 001991 MENARDS 82059 05/17/2012 J79230 West-white board 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 82111 05/17/2012 J79239 Hills-Lunber 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 23.82 82446 05/18/2012 J79249 Hills-lumber & caulk 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 110.83 05/29/2012 005199 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY 1 322884 322885 Check 5,120.91 78288 1 322883 Check 6,819.25 5560 1 322882 SSHS 25 Check Check 197.42 184.85 50.20 4,830.83 051412 05/14/2012 ELEC 10 0040 2610 000 0000 622 051612 05/16/2012 GAS 10 0040 2610 000 0000 621 10.18 051612 05/16/2012 ELEC 10 0040 2610 000 0000 622 713.97 1 05/29/2012 322886 005199 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY Check 4,106.68 66,608.56 4/30 04/30/2012 TECH 10 0045 2610 000 0000 622 56.64 4/30 04/30/2012 PP 10 0050 2610 000 0000 622 1,368.94 4/30 04/30/2012 C CENT 10 1903 2610 000 0000 622 1,671.14 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 26 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 4/30 04/30/2012 KIRK 10 1906 2610 000 0000 622 2,345.18 4/30 04/30/2012 HOOV 10 1909 2610 000 0000 622 1,354.28 4/30 04/30/2012 HORN 10 1915 2610 000 0000 622 2,393.31 4/30 04/30/2012 LEMME 10 1917 2610 000 0000 622 2,974.81 4/30 04/30/2012 LINC 10 1918 2610 000 0000 622 886.42 4/30 04/30/2012 LONG 10 1927 2610 000 0000 622 1,215.33 4/30 04/30/2012 LUCAS 10 1936 2610 000 0000 622 1,819.87 4/30 04/30/2012 MANN 10 1945 2610 000 0000 622 1,032.75 4/30 04/30/2012 ROOS 10 1954 2610 000 0000 622 931.15 4/30 04/30/2012 SHIMEK 10 1968 2610 000 0000 622 1,707.20 4/30 04/30/2012 WEBER 10 1970 2610 000 0000 622 3,371.44 4/30 04/30/2012 TWAIN 10 1972 2610 000 0000 622 1,326.57 4/30 04/30/2012 WOOD 10 1981 2610 000 0000 622 3,523.72 4/30 04/30/2012 NW 10 3113 2610 000 0000 622 7,874.37 4/30 04/30/2012 SE 10 3118 2610 000 0000 622 5,314.38 4/30 04/30/2012 CITY 10 3209 2610 000 0000 622 12,072.72 4/30 04/30/2012 WEST 10 3218 2610 000 0000 622 13,368.34 1 322887 05/29/2012 005199 Check Total MIDAMERICAN ENERGY Amount Check 31.80 5/8/12 05/08/2012 ELEC PP 10 0050 2610 000 0000 622 9.73 5/8/12 05/08/2012 GAS HILLS 10 1911 2610 000 0000 621 11.75 5/8/12 05/08/2012 ELEC WOOD 10 1981 2610 000 0000 622 10.32 1 05/29/2012 006311 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. 434622 05/04/2012 84931 PROJ LAMP 10 1909 2221 000 0000 660 311.26 434730 05/15/2012 85015 PROJ LAMP 10 1961 2221 000 0000 660 311.26 1 05/29/2012 014384 MIDWEST SAFETY COUNSELORS, INC. IVC0027481 05/09/2012 J79103 Calibrate safety monitors 1 05/29/2012 003218 MMS CONSULTANTS INC. 322888 322889 322890 8194 1 04/30/2012 322891 05/29/2012 ROOS SURVEY 012333 KATHRYN MORELAND Check Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 433 Check 10 0000 2327 000 0000 320 Check 622.52 200.00 200.00 82.88 82.88 63.13 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 050812 05/08/2012 EXP 10 0000 2311 000 0000 611 1 05/29/2012 322892 1662026 02/23/2012 1 05/29/2012 322893 051112 05/11/2012 1 322894 011648 020935 Check Total MOVIE LICENSING USA SITE LICENSE Amount Check 10 3202 1100 100 0000 612 STEPHEN MURLEY TRAVEL 27 Check 10 0000 2327 000 0000 582 300.00 300.00 1,421.37 1,421.37 05/29/2012 005826 NAESP 157387 05/08/2012 84951 PINS & CERT'S 1 05/29/2012 001678 NAGLE LUMBER CO 172322 05/07/2012 J79127 Mann-Bolts 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 11.57 172364 05/08/2012 J79134 Lincoln-Adhesive 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 33.78 K99391 05/16/2012 J79225 ESC-paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 4.79 1 05/29/2012 001679 NASCO 870475 05/02/2012 84948 SPLS 10 3118 1300 355 0000 612 241.70 874252 05/04/2012 84949 SPLS 10 3118 1300 355 0000 612 463.99 874286 05/04/2012 84962 SPLS 10 3218 1100 113 0000 612 21.17 874287 05/04/2012 84962 SPLS 10 3218 1100 113 0000 612 831.16 875940 05/07/2012 84962 SPLS 10 3218 1100 113 0000 612 26.44 876139 05/07/2012 84980 SPLS 10 3118 1100 111 0000 612 357.21 880236 05/09/2012 85000 SPLS 10 3113 1300 355 0000 612 147.35 887801 05/15/2012 85020 SPLS 10 3113 2221 000 0000 662 642.52 1 05/29/2012 007419 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS OF JOHNSO 322895 322896 322897 195 1 05/21/2012 322898 05/29/2012 MAY PRSCH 012261 KATHRYN NEY 051112 05/11/2012 1 05/29/2012 007927 NORTHERN SAFETY CO., INC. 04/30/2012 J78963 District-signage 322899 P329448100021 MILEAGE Check 63.13 10 1936 2410 000 0000 611 Check Check Check 10 0000 1100 840 3117 320 Check 10 1900 1100 100 1113 581 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 62.00 62.00 50.14 2,731.54 20,700.00 20,700.00 70.49 70.49 12.66 12.66 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 020800 CHRISTOPHER OKIISHI, MD, PC 322900 051912 05/19/2012 1 05/29/2012 322901 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 MENTAL HLTH TRAINING 013037 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 1900 2131 421 4329 320 ON MEDIA Check 3,000.00 1,600.00 04/30/2012 1 05/29/2012 009437 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE STORES INC 0371-203705 05/03/2012 J79107 Throttle position 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 25.17 0371-204483 05/08/2012 J79142 Filters, bulbs, & lights 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 63.54 0371-204898 05/10/2012 J79168 Unit 79 & Stock - Fuel 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 21.96 0371-206099 05/17/2012 J79241 Brake rotors & pads-unit 86 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 378.33 0371-206980 05/22/2012 J79286 Stock-filters 10 0000 2650 000 0000 682 41.12 1 05/29/2012 001723 OUTDOOR RECREATION PRODUCTS 05/17/2012 J79073 District-rubber cap for tire 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 31.00 05/29/2012 016043 LISA PAIGE 70.41 322903 7666 1 322904 051612 05/16/2012 1 05/29/2012 001472 PALOS SPORTS INC 111054-02 05/08/2012 84646 MAT 1 05/29/2012 012766 JENNY PARTRIDGE 322905 322906 EXP Check Check Check 10 0000 1200 234 3302 612 Check 10 1901 1100 108 9895 612 Check 530.12 31.00 70.41 530.99 530.99 25.72 05/18/2012 1 05/29/2012 001821 PAXTON/PATTERSON LLC 268104 05/04/2012 84989 GLASSES,RULERS 10 3118 1300 316 0000 612 162.45 268272 05/10/2012 84989 RULERS 10 3118 1300 316 0000 612 8.25 1 05/29/2012 001620 PBS DISTRIBUTION, LLC 800084429 04/14/2012 84802 DVD 1 322908 322909 10 3118 1200 211 3301 612 1,600.00 051812 322907 EXP 10 1900 1100 100 0000 612 3,000.00 187276 322902 ADV FEE 28 Check Check 10 3118 1100 109 0000 612 Check 25.72 170.70 28.74 28.74 05/29/2012 006305 PCI EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING INV845698 05/02/2012 84921 SPLS 10 3209 1200 217 3303 612 628.37 473.61 INV845963 05/04/2012 84961 SPLS 10 3118 1200 211 3301 612 108.86 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 29 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number INV846039 05/04/2012 84921 SPLS 10 3209 1200 217 3303 612 15.95 INV847191 05/17/2012 84961 SPLS 10 3118 1200 211 3301 612 29.95 1 05/29/2012 012674 ALINA PEREZ GOMEZ 322910 052412 05/24/2012 1 05/29/2012 001836 PERFECTION LEARNING CORP. 491226 05/16/2012 85087 SPLS 1 05/29/2012 007370 PAMELA PETERS 322911 322912 052212 05/22/2012 1 05/29/2012 322913 MILEAGE MILEAGE 005123 PETTY CASH-PHYS PLANT Check Total Amount Check 10 0000 1260 410 1112 581 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 Check 10 3100 1100 100 0000 581 Check 168.17 168.17 312.68 312.68 294.15 294.15 35.77 051712 05/17/2012 SPLS 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 4.69 051712 05/17/2012 31.08 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 31.08 1 05/29/2012 322914 TCK409774 04/30/2012 1 05/29/2012 322915 052412 05/24/2012 1 05/29/2012 322916 042612 04/26/2012 1 05/29/2012 322917 0425 1 015681 APR MEDS 011408 CRAIG PITCHER MILEAGE 006697 PIZZA RANCH PENN 002767 05/03/2012 322918 PHARMACY MATTERS PLAY IT AGAIN SPORTS EXER EQUIP Check 84 0000 2131 421 0000 611 Check 10 0000 1100 108 0000 581 Check 10 1947 1250 421 0000 612 Check 10 3209 1200 217 3303 612 Check 71.65 71.65 222.00 222.00 151.90 151.90 1,349.97 1,349.97 05/29/2012 005842 PLUMB SUPPLY CO - CR 886.28 2013735 04/30/2012 J79040 Copper Tubes & Brass Nipple 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 663.69 2015304 05/01/2012 J79051 City-Hose & Clamps 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 33.39 2015378 05/01/2012 J79052 District-vent pipe 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 62.14 2023181 05/04/2012 J79113 CC-Relay 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 18.73 2031229 05/15/2012 J79176 Wood-coil cleaner 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 28.75 2031449 05/15/2012 J79178 Horn-Copper Fittings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 60.79 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 30 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number S1195247.001 05/11/2012 J79183 Horn-Check Valve 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 1 322919 05/29/2012 001885 PLUMBER SUPPLY CO S1192282.001 04/23/2012 J79098 West-Hot Box 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 3,403.44 S1194637.001 05/08/2012 J79159 City-Valve 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 218.49 S1195072.001 05/10/2012 J79169 Horn-copper fittings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 49.73 S1195325.001 05/14/2012 J79283 Horn-Wall Stiffiners 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 80.00 S1195333.001 05/14/2012 J79188 Van Allen-Copper Fittings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 730.33 S1195339.001 05/14/2012 J79189 NCJH-Copper Fittings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 268.20 S1195371.001 05/14/2012 J79245 Horn-copper fitting 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 192.42 S1195455.001 05/14/2012 J79201 Weber-couplers 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 44.37 S1195501.001 05/14/2012 J79203 Van Allen-Joint Sealant 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 8.07 S1195631.001 05/15/2012 J79216 Shimek-Coil Cleaner 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 85.47 1 322920 05/29/2012 001885 PLUMBER SUPPLY CO S1195642.001 05/15/2012 J79217 Van Allen-Copper Fittings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 44.20 S1195844.001 05/16/2012 J79226 Unit 73-Puller 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 50.25 S1196349.001 05/21/2012 J79260 Lemme-Brass Bushing 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 11.30 S1196428.001 05/21/2012 J79262 Lemme-brass bushings 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 11.30 S1196501.001 05/21/2012 J79275 CC-Check Valve 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 75.14 1 05/29/2012 013876 POLAR ELECTRO INC 331274211 05/15/2012 84846 PE SPLS 1 05/29/2012 006901 PRAIRIE FARMS 322921 322922 Check Total Amount Check Check Check 10 3218 1100 108 0000 612 Check 18.79 5,080.52 192.19 630.00 630.00 197.39 2176111 04/30/2012 WOOD 21ST 10 1981 1250 421 4335 612 54.93 2176262 05/07/2012 WOOD 21ST 10 1981 1250 422 1119 612 55.62 2176419 05/14/2012 WOOD 21ST 10 1981 1250 422 1119 612 55.62 2305086 04/30/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 421 4335 612 9.16 2305208 05/07/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 9.27 2305263 05/09/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 (15.02) 2305264 05/09/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 18.54 2305349 05/14/2012 CREDIT 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 (18.54) 2305350 05/14/2012 HILLS 21ST 10 1911 1250 422 1119 612 27.81 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 31 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount 05/29/2012 004665 PRAIRIE LIGHTS BOOKS 17415 05/15/2012 84968 BOOKS 10 3218 1100 105 0000 612 3,432.52 17417 05/15/2012 85041 BOOKS 10 1975 2221 000 0000 662 255.69 05/29/2012 005230 THE PRINTING HOUSE 1 322923 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 322924 Check Check 3,688.21 4,442.45 33520 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 0000 2520 000 0000 611 45.00 33521 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 0000 2571 000 0000 550 99.22 33522 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 3209 1100 100 8550 612 2,434.22 33523 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 3113 1100 100 8550 612 926.60 33524 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1909 1100 100 8550 612 86.75 33525 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1915 1100 100 8550 612 674.09 33526 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1917 1100 100 8550 612 34.12 33527 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1936 1100 100 8550 612 67.21 33528 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1954 1100 100 8550 612 21.24 33529 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1972 1100 100 8550 612 54.00 1 322925 05/29/2012 005230 THE PRINTING HOUSE Check 125.00 33530 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1970 1100 100 8550 612 105.40 33531 05/25/2012 PRINTING 10 1981 1100 100 8550 612 19.60 1 322926 9 1 05/29/2012 012757 05/09/2012 322927 PROMO LOGO LLC TWAIN SHIRTS 05/29/2012 002235 QUALITY CARE 050312 05/03/2012 J79112 District-April Grounds care 1 05/29/2012 011135 QUILL AND SCROLL 322928 10 153 000 0000 000 485.00 485.00 Check 10 0000 2630 000 0000 435 Check 10 3209 1100 105 9822 612 43,991.58 43,991.58 258.00 00030708 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 006021 QUILL CORPORATION 2732872 04/25/2012 J79031 Jumbo Paperclips 10 0000 2600 000 0000 611 7.25 2732872 04/25/2012 J79031 Packing Tape 10 0000 2600 000 0000 611 167.94 2918361 05/03/2012 MC2692 SPLS 10 1909 2410 000 0000 611 50.15 2918372 05/03/2012 MC2693 SPLS 10 1909 2410 000 0000 611 39.99 322929 GRAD Check Check 258.00 655.53 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 32 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 2976475 05/07/2012 MC2706 PAPER 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 239.92 3003081 05/08/2012 MC2691 SPLS 10 1909 2410 000 0000 611 88.70 3034865 05/09/2012 J79151 Coffee 10 0000 2600 000 0000 611 44.94 3034865 05/09/2012 J79151 Tape Dispenser 10 0000 2600 000 0000 611 11.43 3036271 05/09/2012 MC2717 OFF SPLS 10 3218 1200 211 3301 612 93.91 CM3003081 05/08/2012 MC2691 CR 10 1909 2410 000 0000 611 (88.70) 1 05/29/2012 009741 REALLY GOOD STUFF, INC. 3855481 05/14/2012 85071 MATH BK 1 05/29/2012 000793 RECK VIOLIN SHOP 322930 322931 052912 05/29/2012 17196 05/17/2012 17199 1 322932 Check Total Check 10 1968 1100 100 0000 612 Check 78.95 78.95 990.00 RPRS 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 396.00 85095 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 269.00 05/17/2012 85057 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 325.00 05/29/2012 012756 BARB REESINK 1 05/29/2012 004494 REX'S REFILLS 12460 05/04/2012 J79075 Black Toner Cartridge 10 0000 2600 000 0000 611 145.45 12472 05/16/2012 85059 TONER 10 1901 2221 000 0000 660 577.66 12476 05/18/2012 TONER 10 1903 2221 000 0000 611 480.00 12483 05/23/2012 TONER 10 3125 1100 100 0000 612 951.90 12486 05/25/2012 TONER 10 153 000 0000 000 137.00 1 322934 05/29/2012 85120 011773 RK DIXON 10 0000 1250 422 1119 320 982.50 04/13/2012 322933 CONSULT Check 041312 Check Check 982.50 2,292.01 174,183.75 57523 05/23/2012 CREDIT 10 0000 2327 000 0000 611 (40.77) 57525 05/23/2012 CREDIT 10 3113 1100 100 8550 612 (79.56) 57526 05/23/2012 CREDIT 10 0000 2327 000 0000 611 (24.47) 57529 05/23/2012 CREDIT 10 1961 1100 100 8550 612 (67.96) 683385 05/01/2012 STAPLES 10 3209 1100 100 0000 612 360.00 686994 05/07/2012 STAPLES 10 3218 1100 100 0000 612 360.00 687905 05/08/2012 STAPLES 10 3218 1100 100 0000 612 104.00 690948 05/15/2012 COPIERS 10 0000 1100 100 0000 739 173,358.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 33 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 692575 05/18/2012 STAPLES 10 1970 1100 100 0000 612 101.00 693077 05/21/2012 STAPLES 10 1961 1100 100 0000 612 113.51 1 05/29/2012 322935 693078 05/21/2012 1 05/29/2012 322936 0531 1 322937 322938 RK DIXON STAPLES 017813 05/31/2012 18956 1 011773 ELISABETH ROSS MILEAGE 05/29/2012 011256 RUSSELL'S LOCKSMITH 05/15/2012 J79215 Mann-Cylinders Pin & Keys 05/29/2012 005433 SCHOLASTIC Check Total Check 10 0000 2327 000 0000 611 Check 10 0000 1100 112 8223 581 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 432 Check 111.34 111.34 22.20 22.20 66.00 66.00 645.42 41864799 05/14/2012 SPLS 10 1954 1200 211 3301 612 194.02 4822065 05/04/2012 84935 BKS 10 3118 1200 214 3302 612 45.40 48411052 05/14/2012 85032 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 58.00 48411071 05/14/2012 85032 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 59.00 48411090 05/14/2012 85032 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 36.00 48411096 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 63.00 48411111 05/14/2012 85032 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 24.00 48411115 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 12.00 48411147 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 118.00 48411164 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 36.00 1 05/29/2012 005433 SCHOLASTIC 48411188 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 54.00 48411223 05/14/2012 85033 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 28.00 4844064 05/14/2012 85032 BKS 10 0000 3300 430 4508 611 54.00 4849925 05/09/2012 84972 BKS 10 1909 1100 100 0000 612 54.50 4849999 05/09/2012 84994 SPLS 10 1911 1250 421 0000 612 710.68 1 05/29/2012 004679 SCHOOL ADM OF IOWA 322939 322940 20120405-3566 04/05/2012 1 05/29/2012 322941 REG-HOLLANDER 002073 SCHOOL HEALTH CORP. Check Check 10 3200 2410 000 0000 582 Check 901.18 162.00 162.00 5,889.14 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 34 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Check Total 2526018-01 05/09/2012 84924 HEADPHONES 10 3209 1200 217 3303 612 55.13 2530512-00 05/14/2012 SPLS 10 0000 2131 000 0000 611 5,834.01 1 Amount 322942 05/29/2012 001411 SCHOOL SPECIALTY 208108125911 05/02/2012 84750 TABLES 10 1917 1100 100 0000 612 347.50 208108198774 05/18/2012 84650 PE SPLS 10 1901 1100 108 9895 612 21.51 1 05/29/2012 013020 SCHWAB-VOLLHABER-LUBRATT INC 322943 INV072806A 04/17/2012 1 05/29/2012 009956 SCOTT ELECTRIC 7310674 05/02/2012 84976 PROJ LAMP 1 05/29/2012 017023 SEMINOLE RETAIL ENERGY 322944 322945 BLOWER Check Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 Check 10 1970 2221 000 0000 611 Check 369.01 2.00 2.00 36.48 36.48 8,526.41 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 COR CENT 10 1903 2610 000 0000 621 344.03 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 KIRK 10 1906 2610 000 0000 621 704.93 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 HOOV 10 1909 2610 000 0000 621 204.50 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 HORN 10 1915 2610 000 0000 621 107.76 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 LINC 10 1918 2610 000 0000 621 143.44 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 LONG 10 1927 2610 000 0000 621 471.02 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 LUCAS 10 1936 2610 000 0000 621 170.01 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 MANN 10 1945 2610 000 0000 621 528.40 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 PENN 10 1947 2610 000 0000 621 80.54 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 ROOS 10 1954 2610 000 0000 621 489.41 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 SHIMEK 10 1968 2610 000 0000 621 86.63 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 WEBER 10 1970 2610 000 0000 621 273.48 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 TWAIN 10 1972 2610 000 0000 621 458.89 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 WOOD 10 1981 2610 000 0000 621 186.88 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 NW 10 3113 2610 000 0000 621 482.43 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 SE 10 3118 2610 000 0000 621 780.33 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 CITY 10 3209 2610 000 0000 621 2,099.56 170-1204-5305 05/14/2012 WEST 10 3218 2610 000 0000 621 914.17 1 05/29/2012 322946 001707 SERRANO DRYWALL SUPPLY Check 152.94 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 35 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 110093 05/09/2012 J79154 Longfellow-Metal Studs & 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 152.94 1 05/29/2012 014282 ANNIE SERVIN 322947 Check 05/10/2012 1 05/29/2012 002128 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO 0630-7 05/22/2012 J79284 Garner-Paint & Roll Covers 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 158.81 7866-0 03/28/2012 J78754 West-Paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 158.95 8110-7 05/07/2012 J79128 West-Paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 131.00 8238-6 05/09/2012 J79160 Lucas-Paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 168.15 8341-8 05/11/2012 J79181 West-Paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 65.50 8416-8 05/14/2012 J79185 West-paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 128.72 9704-1 05/04/2012 J79120 West-paint 10 0000 2600 000 0000 683 60.14 1 05/29/2012 007947 SHIFFLER EQUIP. SALES 1212305400 05/03/2012 J79088 West-Locker Parts 1 05/29/2012 012583 GREGG SHOULTZ 322949 322950 Check Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 Check 051712 05/17/2012 1 05/29/2012 002690 SPECIALIZED PETROLEUM SERVICES 05/10/2012 J79228 Lubricants-stock 05/29/2012 020835 STAR AUTISM PROGRAM 05/18/2012 85114 KIT 05/29/2012 005031 STATE HYGIENIC LABORATORY 322951 64964 1 322952 3680 1 322953 3152 1 MILEAGE 10 1900 2131 421 4329 612 40.00 051012 322948 EXP Check Total 04/30/2012 322954 05/29/2012 TESTING 013880 ANNA STORK 052112 05/20/2012 1 05/29/2012 005696 SUMMIT LEARNING 05/07/2012 84981 MATH SPLS 322955 876138 EXP 10 3100 2410 000 0000 582 Check 10 0000 2650 000 0000 681 Check 10 0000 1200 219 3305 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 Check 10 3209 1200 214 3302 612 Check 10 3118 1100 111 0000 612 40.00 871.27 66.03 66.03 128.76 128.76 396.00 396.00 947.10 947.10 11.00 11.00 60.34 60.34 55.85 55.85 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 003437 SUNDANCE PUBLISHING IV461242 05/08/2012 85069 BKS 1 322956 322957 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 36 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 1945 1250 421 3234 612 4,448.39 05/29/2012 000752 TARGET 1113-0084-97794 04/26/2012 84872 SPLS 10 1911 1250 421 4335 612 438.99 1113-0126-35471 05/10/2012 84983 SPLS 10 0000 1200 214 3302 612 145.90 1 05/29/2012 009363 TEACHER'S DISCOVERY P039387201017 05/09/2012 85011 SPLS 1 05/29/2012 020625 TIERNEY BROTHERS INC. 629410-1-A 04/25/2012 84843 FOUR GANG PLT 1 322958 322959 322960 05/29/2012 020654 TIGERDIRECT INC F97034440101 05/03/2012 84494 SCI SPLS 1 05/29/2012 005388 TRANE 322961 3447021 05/01/2012 6237453RI 04/16/2012 6385360R1 05/11/2012 J78881 6386090R1 05/11/2012 6468816R1 05/14/2012 1 Check 4,448.39 Check 10 3125 1100 106 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2311 000 0000 739 Check 10 3218 1100 113 0000 612 Check 584.89 443.00 443.00 10.00 10.00 226.04 226.04 4,591.19 MAINT AGRMT 10 0000 2600 000 0000 350 3,750.00 ACTUATOR 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 68.01 Kirkwood-Condensate Drain 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 82.80 J78884 C Central-idler pulley 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 37.71 J79122 ESC-actuators 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 652.67 05/29/2012 002337 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFTS 855937 04/23/2012 84894 ART SPLS 1 05/29/2012 014400 TRI-CITY ELECTRIC 322962 322963 98674 1 05/11/2012 322964 05/29/2012 S-0313 05/10/2012 1 05/29/2012 322965 2-APR-12 04/02/2012 KIRK DOORS 006954 U OF I REC SERVICES HILLS SOTW 020104 UI COLLEGE OF NURSING M BERG SVC Check 10 1970 1100 100 0000 612 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 432 Check 10 1911 1250 421 0000 612 Check 84 0000 2131 421 0000 611 192.64 192.64 455.00 455.00 225.00 225.00 945.50 945.50 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 37 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 013307 ULINE 44105319 05/10/2012 J79170 22X14X12 BOX 20/240 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 1,170.00 44105319 05/10/2012 J79170 Shipping 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 234.34 44174117 05/15/2012 85094 CART 10 153 000 0000 000 202.16 1 05/29/2012 000810 UNITED ACTION FOR YOUTH 322966 322967 Check Total Account Number Amount Check Check 1,606.50 43,102.00 051812 05/18/2012 AMP SITE COOR. 10 0000 1250 422 1119 320 19,991.00 051812 05/18/2012 SSHS 10 1900 1250 421 4329 320 23,111.00 1 05/29/2012 012177 UNITED REFRIGERATION, INC. 34326262-01 04/27/2012 J78964 SHimek-stats & stat wrenches 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 100.06 34567781-00 05/17/2012 J79173 Lemme-valve body & actuator 298.33 1 322969 05/29/2012 004205 VAN METER INDUSTRIAL S5348267.003 03/08/2012 J68056 ballast for NWJH w/o 20092 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 (259.92) S6957473.001 05/02/2012 J79091 SHimek-bulbs 10 0000 2600 000 0000 681 134.40 S6970885.001 05/11/2012 J79180 Tate-element 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 129.21 1 05/29/2012 020013 VNA OF JOHNSON COUNTY 322968 322970 Check 10 0000 2600 000 0000 685 Check Check 398.39 3.69 285.00 3808 05/07/2012 SCREENINGS 84 0000 2131 421 0000 611 150.00 3809 05/14/2012 CHOL CHECKS 84 0000 2131 421 0000 611 135.00 1 322971 05/29/2012 051612 05/16/2012 1 05/29/2012 322972 021114 DAN VONDERHAAR EXP 015688 Check 10 0000 1270 470 1118 612 VSP 5,068.20 05/17/2012 1 05/29/2012 002046 VWR SARGENT WELCH 48977429 05/16/2012 85066 SCI SPLS 1 05/29/2012 004750 WAL-MART 00275 05/16/2012 84873 SPLS 10 3113 1200 214 3302 612 151.42 003330 05/11/2012 84917 SPLS 10 1917 1200 214 3302 612 35.66 00658 05/20/2012 85075 SPLS 10 3125 1100 113 0000 612 135.00 322974 10 471 022 0000 000 53.53 051712 322973 BENEFIT ADMIN Check 53.53 5,068.20 Check 10 3209 1100 113 0000 612 Check 253.04 253.04 699.51 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 38 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 02950 05/10/2012 84923 SPLS 10 1911 1200 214 3302 612 85.00 06621 05/10/2012 84898 SPLS 10 0000 1250 422 1119 515 216.82 07191 05/15/2012 85089 FANS 10 3113 1100 113 0000 612 75.61 05/29/2012 008936 WATER SHOP, INC. 35028 05/14/2012 J79194 Hills-Chlorine Packets 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 21.00 35058 05/15/2012 J79146 Hills-Softner Salt 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 294.00 35059 05/15/2012 J79061 Hills-Repair Filters 10 0000 2600 000 0000 439 780.57 05/29/2012 002492 WEST MUSIC CO RI271979 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 77.00 RI271980 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 72.00 RI271981 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 77.00 RI271982 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 72.00 RI271983 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 62.00 RI271984 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 77.00 RI271985 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 62.00 RI271986 05/01/2012 84971 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 96.00 RI272141 05/07/2012 84956 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 28.00 RI272142 05/07/2012 84913 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 57.00 1 05/29/2012 002492 WEST MUSIC CO RI272143 05/07/2012 84955 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 72.00 RI272144 05/07/2012 84955 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 172.00 RI273961 05/15/2012 85056 RPR 10 0000 2600 112 8220 433 65.00 SI685075 04/18/2012 84818 MUSIC 10 3113 1100 112 8222 612 425.00 SI685421 04/19/2012 84892 MUSIC - BILL FOUNDATION VAN 10 153 000 0000 000 265.50 SI689862 05/07/2012 84929 SPLS 10 1975 1100 100 0000 612 340.00 SI692700 05/18/2012 BANDS/STREAMERS 10 153 000 0000 000 201.75 1 05/29/2012 012760 WHITE CAP CONST SUPPLY 105128471 05/17/2012 J79246 Unit 51-Dewalt Batteries 10 0000 2600 000 0000 739 129.99 322693-00 05/18/2012 J79071 City-epoxy 10 0000 2600 000 0000 688 (13.02) 1 1 322975 322976 322977 322978 Check Total Amount Check Check Check Check 1,095.57 680.00 1,541.25 116.97 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 1 05/29/2012 016975 JENNIFER WHITTERS 322979 051512 05/15/2012 1 05/29/2012 322980 050412 05/04/2012 1 05/29/2012 322981 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 EXP 007403 KATHY WILDER MILEAGE 012691 JULIE WILLMAN User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 10 1954 1200 211 3301 612 Check 10 0000 2131 000 0000 581 Check 205.98 872.46 872.46 33.30 05/07/2012 1 322982 05/29/2012 006978 WOLVERINE BRASS, INC. 520-00769388 04/26/2012 J78989 District-cartridges for 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 1,437.76 520-00769408 04/26/2012 J78988 West-faucets 10 0000 2600 000 0000 689 476.55 1 05/29/2012 012539 TAMMY WOODRING 322983 05/24/2012 1 05/29/2012 322984 MILEAGE 013569 YELLOW CAB OF IOWA CITY 10 0000 2581 000 0000 582 205.98 050712 052412 MILEAGE 39 Check Check 10 0000 2327 000 0000 581 Check 33.30 1,914.31 10.02 10.02 484.25 7325 04/30/2012 RIDES 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 61.25 7339 04/30/2012 RIDES 10 1900 1250 421 4329 612 423.00 Checking Account Total: 1,486,486.71 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 2 05/29/2012 010794 DZENANA DIZDAR 321963 0516 2 05/16/2012 321964 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 05/29/2012 UNIFORM 021023 DR. PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP 40 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 61 0000 3110 000 0000 892 Check 75.00 75.00 1,775.50 43012 04/30/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 37.50 43012 04/30/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 165.00 43012 04/30/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 638.00 43012 04/30/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 935.00 2 321965 0516 2 05/29/2012 014321 05/16/2012 321966 05/29/2012 KAMI GREER UNIFORM 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS Check 61 0000 3110 000 0000 892 Check 75.00 75.00 5,647.39 5056153 03/26/2012 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 281.30 5069869 04/12/2012 8409 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 920.88 5077281 04/23/2012 8430 NON FD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 611 21.45 5077281 04/23/2012 8430 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,732.00 5077284 04/23/2012 8434 NON FD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 611 179.98 5077284 04/23/2012 8434 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,859.45 CM5086252 05/03/2012 CREDIT 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 (13.72) CM5086254 05/03/2012 CREDIT 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 (247.66) CM5088483 05/07/2012 CREDIT 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 (11.83) CM5088484 05/07/2012 8427 CREDIT 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 (74.46) 2 05/29/2012 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS 5077286 321967 04/23/2012 8432 NON FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 611 Check 24,768.11 140.13 5077286 04/23/2012 8432 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,700.85 5078594 04/24/2012 8432 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 324.76 5080420 04/26/2012 8430 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 4,858.08 5080421 04/26/2012 8427 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,255.96 5080422 04/26/2012 8433 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 2,068.34 5080423 04/26/2012 8434 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 4,594.98 5080424 04/26/2012 8432 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 4,963.26 5080425 04/26/2012 8431 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 934.14 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 41 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 5082778 04/30/2012 8430 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2 05/29/2012 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS 5082780 04/30/2012 8433 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 239.45 5082781 04/30/2012 8434 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 2,321.74 5082782 04/30/2012 8436 NON FD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 611 128.64 5082782 04/30/2012 8436 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,869.72 5082783 04/30/2012 8432 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,742.02 5082784 04/30/2012 8429 NON FD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 611 55.30 5082784 04/30/2012 8429 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,692.84 5082785 04/30/2012 8431 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 202.74 5082790 04/24/2012 8432 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 80.25 5082791 04/30/2012 8430 NON FD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 611 58.61 5082791 04/30/2012 8430 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 349.87 2 321968 321969 Check Total Amount Check 10,741.18 05/29/2012 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS 5084040 05/01/2012 8430 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 450.24 5086151 05/03/2012 8427 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 4,892.01 5086152 05/03/2012 8435 NON FD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 611 14.38 5086152 05/03/2012 8435 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 2,711.05 5086153 05/03/2012 8436 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 5,035.64 5086154 05/03/2012 8429 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 4,643.27 5086155 05/03/2012 8428 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 984.53 5088224 05/07/2012 8427 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,027.08 5088225 05/07/2012 8439 NON FD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 611 199.21 5088225 05/07/2012 8439 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,817.55 2 05/29/2012 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS 5088226 05/07/2012 8435 NON FD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 611 17.08 5088226 05/07/2012 8435 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 267.56 5088227 05/07/2012 8436 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 747.01 5088228 05/07/2012 8443 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,547.36 5088229 05/07/2012 8429 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 1,715.63 321970 Check 1,927.61 Check 23,774.96 10,675.17 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 42 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 5088230 05/14/2012 8441 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 57.00 5088231 05/07/2012 8428 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 191.45 5091465 05/10/2012 8439 NON FD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 611 77.05 5091465 05/10/2012 8439 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 3,930.39 5091466 05/10/2012 8442 NON FD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 611 76.77 5091466 05/10/2012 8442 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 2,047.87 2 05/29/2012 001077 HAWKEYE FOOD SYSTEMS 5091467 05/10/2012 8443 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 3,258.81 5091468 05/10/2012 8441 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,539.34 5091469 05/10/2012 8440 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 917.45 5093786 05/14/2012 8439 NON FD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 611 12.79 5093786 05/14/2012 8439 FOOD 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,156.91 5093788 05/14/2012 8442 FOOD 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 317.43 5093789 05/14/2012 8443 FOOD 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,624.68 5093791 05/14/2012 8441 FOOD 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 1,654.67 5093793 05/14/2012 8440 FOOD 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 165.30 2 05/29/2012 014595 INTERSTATE BRANDS CORP. 321971 321972 Check Total Amount Check Check 12,647.38 5,048.83 920876-5/19 05/19/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 1,934.73 920876-5/19 05/19/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 253.33 920876-5/19 05/19/2012 NC 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 169.75 920876-5/19 05/19/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 1,668.99 920876-5/19 05/19/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,022.03 2 05/29/2012 012770 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY 051612 05/16/2012 8454 REG SMITH 2 05/29/2012 012743 JOHNSON COUNTY EXTENSION 050812 05/08/2012 8446 SMITH 61 0000 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 050812 05/08/2012 8446 MEYERS 61 3125 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 050812 05/08/2012 8446 SKRIVER 61 3209 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 050812 05/08/2012 8446 RANDALL 61 3209 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 050812 05/08/2012 8446 SNOW 61 3209 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 321973 321974 Check 61 0000 3110 000 0000 582 Check 275.00 275.00 810.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 43 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 050812 05/08/2012 8446 REG PETERSON 61 3218 3110 000 0000 582 135.00 2 05/29/2012 012249 LIZ KANAGY 321975 0516 2 05/16/2012 321976 05/29/2012 UNIFORM 005232 PEPSI-COLA Check Total Check 61 0000 3110 000 0000 892 Check 56.20 56.20 4,136.99 050212 05/02/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 420.77 050212 05/02/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 649.06 050212 05/02/2012 NC 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 328.98 050212 05/02/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 1,354.60 050212 05/02/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,383.58 2 05/29/2012 321977 006901 PRAIRIE FARMS Check 24,885.57 050512 05/05/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,596.60 050512 05/05/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 584.60 050512 05/05/2012 NC 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 217.66 050512 05/05/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,889.29 050512 05/05/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,914.78 051212 05/12/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,824.21 051212 05/12/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 577.13 051212 05/12/2012 NC 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 279.13 051212 05/12/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,801.87 051212 05/12/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,981.03 051912 05/19/2012 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 631 2,732.99 051912 05/19/2012 SE 61 3118 3110 000 0000 631 550.78 051912 05/19/2012 NC 61 3125 3110 000 0000 631 279.40 051912 05/19/2012 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 631 2,685.48 051912 05/19/2012 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 631 1,970.62 2 05/29/2012 004014 SINK PAPER CO. 60729 05/03/2012 8438 KITCH SPLS 61 0060 3110 000 0000 611 763.48 60730 05/03/2012 8419 KITCH SPLS 61 0060 3110 000 0000 611 302.31 05/29/2012 013585 SNAI 2 321978 321979 Check Check 1,065.79 630.00 Detail Check Register IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 44 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 051512 05/15/2012 8453 OFFICE 61 0000 3110 000 0000 582 175.00 051512 05/15/2012 8453 NW 61 3113 3110 000 0000 582 140.00 051512 05/15/2012 8453 CITY 61 3209 3110 000 0000 582 210.00 051512 05/15/2012 8453 WEST 61 3218 3110 000 0000 582 105.00 2 05/29/2012 015513 GERI SWAIN 321980 0516 2 05/16/2012 321981 042612A 05/29/2012 04/26/2012 UNIFORM 013367 KIM WILLIAMS LUNCH REF Check Total Check 61 0000 3110 000 0000 892 Check 61 3218 1611 000 0000 Checking Account Total: 41.55 41.55 7.00 7.00 127,136.62 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 05/29/2012 013083 HAZIM AL YASIRI 3 50646 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 45 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 90.00 0516 05/16/2012 5/16 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 45.00 0516 05/16/2012 5/16 WEST GSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 45.00 3 50647 05/29/2012 012794 LATIF AL YASSIRI Check 102.60 0516 05/16/2012 5/16 WEST GSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 51.30 0516 05/16/2012 5/16 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 51.30 3 50648 0508 3 05/29/2012 019938 05/08/2012 50649 05/29/2012 GREG BEST 5/8 WEST GSOC 012970 ERROL BONTRAGER Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 95.00 95.00 232.56 0514 05/14/2012 5/14 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 45.00 0515 05/15/2012 5/15 CITY BSOC 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 95.00 0517 05/17/2012 5/17 CITY GSOC 21 3209 1900 920 6825 345 92.56 3 50650 0522 3 50651 50652 50653 05/29/2012 05/29/2012 50654 05/29/2012 004591 05/29/2012 CEDAR RAPIDS JEFFERSON H.S. 6/8 CITY SB 013088 BOB CODY 5/8 WEST GSOC 011407 05/08/2012 50655 BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 6/12 CITY BB 05/08/2012 0508 3 004592 05/17/2012 0508 3 05/29/2012 JAKE BULICEK 5/22 WEST GSOC 05/17/2012 0517 3 009043 05/22/2012 0517 3 05/29/2012 THOUK DENG 5/8 WEST GSOC 015773 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6730 811 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6835 811 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 101.30 101.30 70.00 70.00 60.00 60.00 85.00 85.00 112.60 112.60 14,098.19 1900300380A 04/30/2012 NW BTR 21 3113 2700 920 6740 515 589.10 1900300380A 04/30/2012 NW GTR 21 3113 2700 920 6840 515 589.11 1900300380A 04/30/2012 SE BTR 21 3118 2700 920 6740 515 193.46 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 46 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 1900300380A 04/30/2012 SE GTR 21 3118 2700 920 6840 515 193.46 1900300380A 04/30/2012 NC BTR 21 3125 2700 920 6740 515 429.62 1900300380A 04/30/2012 NC GTR 21 3125 2700 920 6840 515 429.61 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY BSOC 21 3209 2700 920 6725 515 741.23 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY BTR 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 2,826.30 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY BTN 21 3209 2700 920 6750 515 176.96 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY GSOC 21 3209 2700 920 6825 515 766.85 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY GTR 21 3209 2700 920 6840 515 1,491.00 1900300380A 04/30/2012 CITY GTN 21 3209 2700 920 6850 515 430.97 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST BSOC 21 3218 2700 920 6725 515 873.56 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST BTR 21 3218 2700 920 6740 515 1,856.82 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST BTN 21 3218 2700 920 6750 515 277.80 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST GSOC 21 3218 2700 920 6825 515 612.61 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST GTR 21 3218 2700 920 6840 515 1,354.91 1900300380A 04/30/2012 WEST GTN 21 3218 2700 920 6850 515 264.82 3 05/29/2012 50656 000567 EAST CENTRAL IOWA VOLLEYBALL Check Total Check 135.00 125 05/01/2012 SE FEE 21 3118 1900 920 6815 345 45.00 126 05/01/2012 NW FEE 21 3113 1900 920 6815 345 45.00 127 05/01/2012 NC FEE 21 3125 1900 920 6815 345 45.00 3 50657 05/29/2012 007885 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR Check 1,846.32 D864668 04/29/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 183.00 D864672 04/28/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 327.18 D864676 04/28/2012 CITY GTR 21 3209 2700 920 6840 515 289.90 D864678 04/29/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 183.00 D864679 04/29/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 183.00 D864687 04/29/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 279.12 D864688 04/29/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 268.44 D864720 04/28/2012 CITY BTK 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 61.00 D864736 04/28/2012 CITY GTN 21 3209 2700 920 6850 515 71.68 3 05/29/2012 50658 014951 JERRY FANNON Check 95.00 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number 0515 05/15/2012 5/15 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 3 50659 0510 3 50660 50661 50662 50663 50664 50665 50666 50667 50668 05/29/2012 05/29/2012 05/29/2012 05/29/2012 05/29/2012 50669 05/29/2012 012576 05/29/2012 CONNOR MARTIN 5/15 CITY BSOC 011833 TOM MCCULLOH 5/15 WEST BSOC 004583 MUSCATINE HIGH SCHOOL 6/12 CITY SB 008197 LARRY NIEMEYER 6/15 CITY SB 013520 BOB OPPLIGER 5/10 WEST BSOC 013044 05/08/2012 50670 MOHAMMAD JALILIAN 5/8 CITY BSOC 05/10/2012 0508 3 015525 05/17/2012 0510 3 05/29/2012 MATT HANLIN 5/22 WEST GSOC 05/17/2012 0517 3 014981 05/15/2012 0517 3 05/29/2012 AMIR HADZIC 5/17 CITY GSOC 05/15/2012 0515 3 012786 05/08/2012 0515 3 05/29/2012 GRAPHIC PRINTING CERTIFICATES 05/22/2012 0508 3 001041 05/17/2012 0522 3 05/29/2012 SANTO GENTILUOMO 5/10 WEST BSOC 05/21/2012 0517 3 001799 05/10/2012 99557 3 05/29/2012 MIKE PALMER 5/8 CITY BSOC 000261 MARV REILAND 47 Check Total Amount Check 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6601 611 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6825 345 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6835 811 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6835 811 Check 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 Check 95.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 105.04 105.04 90.00 90.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 132.80 132.80 327.82 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 48 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 052112 05/21/2012 MILEAGE 21 3218 1900 920 6601 582 327.82 3 50671 0522 3 50672 05/29/2012 50673 05/29/2012 015559 05/29/2012 TYLER TURNER 5/15 CITY BSOC 006956 05/17/2012 50674 MASOUD TALEBI 5/22 WEST GSOC 05/15/2012 0517 3 006960 05/22/2012 0515 3 05/29/2012 R.C. WALASKA 5/17 CITY GSOC 015523 GAVIN WHITING Check Total Check 21 3218 1900 920 6825 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 Check 21 3209 1900 920 6825 345 Check 100.00 100.00 114.70 114.70 95.00 95.00 195.00 0510 05/10/2012 5/10 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 65.00 0514 05/14/2012 5/14 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 45.00 0515 05/15/2012 5/15 WEST BSOC 21 3218 1900 920 6725 345 85.00 3 50675 0508 3 05/29/2012 013059 05/08/2012 50676 05/29/2012 LANDIS WILEY 5/8 CITY BSOC 010880 WINDSTAR LINES Check 21 3209 1900 920 6725 345 Check 100.00 100.00 3,947.99 31069 05/08/2012 WEST B SOC 21 3218 2700 920 6725 515 673.62 31175 05/17/2012 WEST BTR 21 3209 2700 920 6740 515 1,010.43 31175 05/17/2012 WEST GTR 21 3209 2700 920 6840 515 1,010.43 31193 05/22/2012 CITY G SOC 21 3209 2700 920 6825 515 618.00 31272 05/26/2012 CITY SB 21 3209 2700 920 6835 515 635.51 Checking Account Total: 22,946.92 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 05/29/2012 012784 MERCY FITNESS CENTER 4 1463 CORP050812ICCS Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 05/08/2012 ASSESSMENTS 49 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 16,592.35 71 0000 2514 000 0000 892 16,592.35 Checking Account Total: 16,592.35 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 50 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 5 05/29/2012 000462 3E-CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY 3135920-00 05/04/2012 J79106 ESC tables-receptacles & 36 0000 4500 000 8011 720 53.87 3137242-00 05/04/2012 J79117 ESC-Cord Caps, Connectors & 36 0000 4500 000 8011 720 102.62 5 05/29/2012 000133 AERO RENTAL 12945 05/17/2012 J79240 Borlaug-Laser Level 5 05/29/2012 000517 ANIXTER INC. 613-258732 05/14/2012 85092 ELEC EQUIP 5 05/29/2012 007909 APEX CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC 9016424 9016425 9016426 9016427 12007-3 05/10/2012 5 05/29/2012 9016428 IND TECH BLDG 000234 ASSOCIATED Check Total Account Number Amount Check Check 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 Check 36 0040 4700 000 8012 450 Check 36 0000 4700 000 8412 450 Check 156.49 54.00 54.00 5,582.88 5,582.88 22,483.65 22,483.65 1,412.00 CN20000234 05/11/2012 CREDIT 36 0050 4500 000 8012 732 (840.00) RC11250004 04/09/2012 RENTAL 36 0050 4500 000 8012 732 612.00 RC11250004-4 03/02/2012 RENTAL 36 0050 4500 000 8012 732 800.00 RC11250004-5 03/30/2012 RENTAL 36 0050 4500 000 8012 732 840.00 5 05/29/2012 021087 BERG AUDIO AND VIDEO 1403 05/17/2012 85086 DOC CAM'S 33 1905 4700 000 0000 733 14,538.60 1404 05/17/2012 85003 VIDEO CAMERA 33 0000 4500 000 8999 733 969.24 05/29/2012 003881 BLUE MOON SATELLITES 26079 05/10/2012 J78871 City-Port-a-Johns w/hand 36 3209 4200 000 8012 450 360.00 26080 05/10/2012 J78652 City-3 Port-a-Johns 36 3209 4200 000 8012 450 378.00 5 5 9016429 9016430 05/29/2012 007435 BRADFIELD'S COMPUTER SUPPLY 452107 9016431 05/11/2012 85002 SMART BRD 5 05/29/2012 013531 CITY CONSTRUCTION GROUP 9016432 Check Check Check 33 0000 4500 000 8999 733 Check 15,507.84 738.00 1,924.00 1,924.00 489,714.65 APP 13 05/08/2012 CROSSINGS 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 486,421.00 APPL-2 05/08/2012 TWAIN REMODEL 36 1972 4700 000 8011 450 3,293.65 5 05/29/2012 9016433 003588 CITY OF IOWA CITY Check 200.00 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 51 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 00022003 05/04/2012 J79092 Auto-Mech Permit 36 0000 4700 000 8412 450 200.00 5 05/29/2012 014988 COMINFRA GROUP 9016434 Check Total Check 12,623.67 20120013 05/08/2012 BORL FIBER 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 5,800.00 20120013 05/08/2012 UPS ESC 36 0040 4700 000 8009 450 1,000.00 20120013 05/08/2012 FIBER ELEM 36 0040 4700 000 8012 450 5,823.67 5 05/29/2012 9016435 9795 5 014564 04/28/2012 9016436 DESIGN ENGINEERS, P.C. WHS SEC CAMERAS Check 36 3218 4700 000 8011 450 1,680.00 05/29/2012 007932 DRYSPACE INC. 32099 05/11/2012 J79234 NWJH-Roof Repair 36 0000 4700 000 9495 450 348.87 32101 05/11/2012 J79235 PP-Reroof Storage 36 0000 4700 000 9495 450 4,205.00 32106 05/11/2012 J79236 Horn-Repair Flashing Vents 36 0000 4700 000 9495 450 450.00 32108 05/11/2012 J79237 SEJH, Van Allen & Lucas - 36 0000 4700 000 9495 450 1,005.67 5 05/29/2012 005318 ELECTRIC MOTORS OF IA CY 32156 05/07/2012 J79132 Industrial Tech-pressure 5 05/29/2012 014227 EVER-GREEN LANDSCAPE NURSERY 002002 05/01/2012 J79063 Dist-Softfall 5 9016437 9016438 05/29/2012 007540 FOSTER APPLIANCE 50698 9016439 05/18/2012 J79248 Borlaug-Dish Washer 5 05/29/2012 012745 FOUNDATIONS UNLIMITED 9016440 2012018 04/30/2012 5 05/29/2012 008351 HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 02334319 05/14/2012 J79191 Van Allen-shelf stander 5 05/29/2012 001433 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES 923598 05/11/2012 J78803 ESC-Signage 5 05/29/2012 001991 MENARDS 9016441 9016442 9016443 WEST SIDEWALK Check 1,680.00 Check 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 Check 36 0000 4200 000 8011 450 Check 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 Check 36 0000 4200 000 8011 450 Check 36 1961 4700 000 8012 450 Check 36 0000 4500 000 8011 720 Check 6,009.54 20.93 20.93 660.00 660.00 614.00 614.00 3,770.00 3,770.00 154.02 154.02 242.00 242.00 902.81 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 03:45 PM 52 User ID: LJF Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description Account Number Amount 79480 05/10/2012 J79165 Food Service-Lumber & Doors 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 483.16 80937 05/14/2012 J79190 FS-Carpet Protector 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 71.98 81437 05/15/2012 J79218 FS-Sheet Rock & Mud 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 152.77 82660 05/18/2012 J79258 Food Service-window & lumber 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 194.90 5 05/29/2012 006311 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS, INC. 20849 05/11/2012 84757 PROJECTOR 33 0000 4500 000 8999 733 1,440.97 21062 05/15/2012 85018 PROJ/CABLE/SPKR 33 0000 4500 000 8999 733 1,095.53 5 05/29/2012 003218 MMS CONSULTANTS INC. 9016444 9016445 Check Total Check Check 2,536.50 22,782.00 8193 04/30/2012 WOOD CONST 36 0000 4700 000 8011 450 5,400.00 8195 04/30/2012 SE STORM BASIN 36 0000 4700 000 8011 450 5,832.00 8196 04/30/2012 LONG CONST 36 0000 4700 000 8011 450 5,400.00 8197 04/30/2012 ASPHALT ASSESS 36 0000 4200 000 8012 450 3,750.00 8198 04/30/2012 HILLS PLAYGROUND 36 0000 4700 000 8011 450 1,000.00 8373 05/15/2012 WEST PORTABLE 36 0050 4700 000 8012 450 1,400.00 5 9016446 1703 5 05/29/2012 012621 05/15/2012 MODER COMMUNICATIONS FIBER BORL OPN ARCHITECTS, INC. 2,758.00 05/29/2012 009207900-14 04/30/2012 5 9016448 05/29/2012 001885 PLUMBER SUPPLY CO S1193541.001 05/01/2012 J79118 Industrial Tech-regilster 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 357.00 S1194977.001 05/10/2012 J79164 Industrial tech-flue piping 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 31.16 S1195540.001 05/15/2012 J79205 INdustrial Tech-sheet metal 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 8.69 5 05/29/2012 013378 QUALITY EQUIPMENT, INC. PROF SVC 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 Check Check 33 3209 4700 000 0000 450 7,350.00 7,350.00 396.85 250.00 37038 05/09/2012 5 05/29/2012 002128 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO 0135-7 05/14/2012 J78749 Penn-computer lab 36 1947 4700 000 8012 450 242.60 8437-4 05/14/2012 J79193 FS-Stain 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 35.05 8835-9 05/22/2012 J79281 PP-lacquer 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 165.70 9016450 STORAGE CONT Check 2,758.00 9016447 9016449 020967 Check 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 Check 250.00 443.35 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 05/29/2012 Detail Check Register 03:45 PM Check # Check Date Vendor ID Vendor Name Invoice # Inv Date PO # Description 5 05/29/2012 002626 SHIVE-HATTERY & ASSOC 9016451 Page: Unposted; Batch AP Checks LJF-0259 53 User ID: LJF Check Total Account Number Amount Check 21,250.00 2112280-3 05/07/2012 ROOF RPR 36 0000 4700 000 9495 450 11,600.00 2112810-3 05/11/2012 ENV PROG 36 0000 4700 000 8012 450 7,150.00 2121350-1 05/07/2012 CITY TENNIS CTS 36 0000 4700 000 8011 450 2,500.00 5 05/29/2012 9016452 18654 05/22/2012 5 05/29/2012 9016453 T302358 04/23/2012 5 05/29/2012 9016454 011814 SLABACH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. NL PROJ 006984 36 0040 4700 000 8012 450 TERRACON CONSULTANTS INC. CROSSINGS 011459 Check Check 33 1905 4700 000 0000 450 TOTAL TREE CARE OF IOWA CITY, LC Check 10,763.31 10,763.31 951.25 951.25 4,550.00 2854 04/27/2012 LINCOLN 36 0000 4200 000 8011 450 3,900.00 2858 04/27/2012 SHIMEK 36 0000 4200 000 8011 450 650.00 5 9016455 05/29/2012 014400 TRI-CITY ELECTRIC Check 770.00 98373 05/04/2012 CITY FIBER RPR 36 3209 4200 000 8012 450 490.00 98375 05/04/2012 TRAINING 33 0000 4700 000 8999 450 280.00 5 05/29/2012 000583 UNIVERSAL CLIMATE CONTROL 3047 05/15/2012 J79119 Industrial Tech-sheet metal 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 2,069.20 3049 05/15/2012 J79119 Industrial Tech-sheet metal 36 0050 4700 000 8011 450 246.00 05/29/2012 002489 WENGER CORPORATION 05/17/2012 84272 STANDS/CARTS 5 9016456 9016457 630880 Check Check 33 3209 4500 000 0000 733 Checking Account Total: 2,315.20 6,930.00 6,930.00 648,496.94 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT PURCHASING CARD TRANSACTIONS - APRIL 2012 04/09/2012 04/05/2012 04/05/2012 04/04/2012 04/05/2012 04/06/2012 04/06/2012 04/04/2012 04/07/2012 04/05/2012 04/05/2012 04/05/2012 04/09/2012 04/10/2012 04/11/2012 04/11/2012 04/12/2012 04/12/2012 04/12/2012 04/14/2012 04/16/2012 04/13/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/16/2012 04/17/2012 04/16/2012 04/17/2012 04/18/2012 04/18/2012 04/18/2012 04/16/2012 04/17/2012 04/18/2012 04/18/2012 04/19/2012 04/19/2012 04/21/2012 04/20/2012 SCHOOL SPECIALTY QUILL CORP QUILL CORP NFL SHIELD STORE WALMART WALMART COMPASS MICRO INC CUTTING EDGE EDUCATION APPLEONLINESTORE UPS UPS STAPLES SCHOOL SPECIALTY ENGRAVINGAW USPS POSTAL ST NRSI AMAZON UPS OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON AMAZON OFFICE DEPOT SCHOOL SPECIALTY OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT SCHOOL SPECIALTY LEARNING FORWARD OFFICE DEPOT DELL K-12 DELL K-12 SCHOOL SPECIALTY QUILL CORP OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON SCHOOL SPECIALTY SCHOOL SPECIALTY DELL K-12 DELL K-12 MC2620 MC2617 MC2617 MC2504 MC2616 MC2616 MC2621 MC2614 MC2618 MC2608 MC2615 MC2625 MC2623 MC2622 MC2634 MC2623 MC2626 MC2627 MC2628 MC2630 MC2632 MC2636 MC2633 MC2631 MC2635 MC2641 MC2628 MC2642 MC2642 MC2627 MC2639 MC2633 MC2644 MC2638 MC2627 MC2643 MC2646 MC2624 FOIL, WATERCOLOR,TAG BOARD MANILA FILE FOLDERS MANILA FILE FOLDERS PEDOMETER AB WHEEL,SCALE,TWISTER TAX CREDIT POWER CORD POCKET CHART STRIPS GIFT CARD RETURNS RETURNS PENCILS,WIPES,DUSTER BOOK CASE SILVER SALUTE STAMPS-NW DARK PINK TOYS SOFTWARE RETURN FILE BOX,PUTTY,GLUE STIX HEADSETS TOYS ENVELOPES,LABELS,PAPER CALENDAR, BINDERS TONER SHREDDER,VELCRO,ENV LAMINATE FILM,COPY PAPER STORAGE BOXES FIRE PROOF BOX,MAKERS INK CARTRIDGE TIMERS MEMBERSHIP - LANGENFELD COPYSTAND 8X DVD+/-RW 8X DVD+/-RW CREDIT MOUSEPAD,WRISTREST FIRE PROOF BOX FILE BOXES BOOKS BINDERS VELCRO ,FASTENER,ERASER 8X DVD+/-RW LATITUDE 2120 239.31 281.49 230.31 253.35 99.36 -6.05 19.75 39.72 50.00 12.46 17.86 190.86 254.32 2,335.60 1,025.80 27.95 22.40 11.88 285.40 173.64 20.77 89.91 126.87 211.83 206.61 137.65 53.43 167.50 106.36 56.30 208.00 10.79 90.00 14.98 -120.48 37.98 -136.36 96.85 57.31 100.08 62.14 209.96 507.24 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 33 1975 1945 1945 153 1954 1954 1936 1972 1975 0000 0000 3202 1936 153 3113 1961 1909 0000 1901 0000 1909 3209 1970 0000 3209 3209 3218 3209 3209 0000 0000 0000 3118 3118 1970 0000 3209 1961 3113 1970 1961 3118 0000 1100 1100 1100 000 1100 1100 2221 1100 1200 2327 2600 1100 1100 000 1100 1100 2221 1200 1100 1200 2221 2120 1100 2327 1200 2410 1100 2410 1200 1200 2213 2327 2221 2221 1100 2211 2410 1100 1200 1100 1200 2221 4500 102 100 100 0000 100 100 000 100 214 000 000 100 100 0000 100 100 000 219 100 219 000 000 100 000 217 000 102 000 217 224 492 000 000 000 100 000 000 100 211 100 214 000 000 0000 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3302 0000 8999 0000 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 3305 0000 3305 0000 0000 0000 0000 3303 0000 0000 0000 3303 3302 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3301 0000 3302 0000 8999 612 612 612 612 612 611 612 612 611 433 612 739 612 612 739 612 612 612 739 611 612 611 612 611 612 611 612 612 611 611 650 594 612 612 611 612 612 612 612 662 733 04/20/2012 04/20/2012 04/23/2012 04/23/2012 04/23/2012 04/23/2012 04/23/2012 04/24/2012 04/24/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/24/2012 04/24/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/25/2012 04/26/2012 04/26/2012 04/27/2012 04/26/2012 04/26/2012 04/26/2012 04/26/2012 04/26/2012 04/27/2012 OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT SCHOOL SPECIALTY OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON AMAZON R & J UNIQUE PRODUCTS STAPLES AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT ENGRAVINGAW AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON STAPLES OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON 04/25/2012 04/27/2012 04/27/2012 04/27/2012 04/28/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 04/30/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 QUICK MEDICAL OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT AMAXON AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON OFFICE DEPOT AMAZON AMAZON AMAZON DELL K-12 SCHOOL SPECIALTY OFFICE DEPOT MC2648 MC2647 MC2645 MC2650 MC2653 MC2657 MC2656 MC2654 MC2657 MC2661 MC2661 MC2652 MC2652 MC2660 MC2659 MC2659 MC2658 MC2660 MC2661 MC2661 MC2661 MC2662 MC2661 MC2661 MC2670 MC2665 MC2665 MC2666 MC2667 MC2668 TAPE,FILE FOLDERS,CLIPS,GLUE PEN REFILLS SHEET PROTECTORS,BINDERS SHARPENER,WHITE TAPE,SCISSORS LAMINATING POUCHES BOOKS TRACKBALL POSTER BOARD,SHARPIES,TAPE BOOK BOOK BOOK TONER,LABELS,STENO PADS FLASH DRIVE BINDERS TONER, CLIPS PENCILS, STICK NOTES FILE CABINET PENS SILVER SALUTE BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK BOOK LABELS CARD STOCK CARD STOCK FOLDERS,CARD STOCK,BINDERS BINDERS, FINGER RINGS CONSTRUCTION PAPER MC2661 MC2663 MC2671 MC2672 MC2491 MC2661 MC2676 MC2661 MC2661 MC2678 MC2674 MC2677 MC2679 MC2673 MC2664 MC2681 BOOKS NARCOTICS CABINET CREAMER,SANITIZER,MARKERS TONER CARTRIDGE CREDIT 3 SHARPENERS BOOK TRIPODS BOOK BOOK PENS,TAPE,STAPLER,PUTTY BOOM BOXES BOOKS BOOKS KEYBOARD MARKERS,TISSUE,GRIPS,CENTERS WRITE PADS,PENS,FLASH DRIVE 346.24 2.18 32.16 156.74 93.70 77.49 94.70 116.44 18.28 11.89 16.96 131.12 11.35 8.91 173.58 52.14 135.79 14.69 142.28 27.60 13.91 7.47 89.56 7.48 7.45 84.61 18.16 11.52 53.15 64.92 5.78 23.67 288.53 85.66 42.73 -65.28 136.59 158.85 228.41 73.87 41.07 115.96 50.70 133.84 22.99 177.44 141.90 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 61 61 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3113 3113 1927 1911 0000 0000 0000 3202 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 3118 3118 3118 0000 153 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1947 1981 1981 1981 3118 3209 1100 1100 2410 1100 1200 1270 1200 1100 1270 1270 1270 3110 3110 2327 2410 1100 2410 2327 000 1270 1270 1270 1100 1270 1270 1100 2410 2410 2410 1200 1200 100 100 000 100 234 470 219 100 470 470 470 000 000 000 000 105 000 000 0000 470 470 470 100 470 470 100 000 000 000 217 217 0000 0000 0000 0000 3302 1118 3305 0000 1118 1118 1118 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 1118 1118 1118 3373 1118 1118 0000 0000 0000 0000 3303 3303 612 612 611 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 611 611 611 611 612 611 611 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0000 0000 3209 0000 1911 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1945 3118 1909 3218 1917 0000 1270 2131 1200 1260 1100 1270 1270 1270 1270 2327 1250 1200 1100 2221 1200 1100 470 000 217 410 100 470 470 470 470 000 421 211 100 000 211 100 1118 0000 3303 1112 0000 1118 1118 1118 1118 0000 3234 3301 0000 0000 3301 3373 612 611 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 611 612 612 739 660 612 612 612 612 612 611 612 612 612 611 611 611 612 612 MC2681 MC2684 MC2680 COLOR CODING LABELS GLUE STIX, POSTER BOARD PAINT,HAND MOLD, CONST PAPER MC2613 DRY ERASE, MASK TAPE 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/02/2012 05/01/2012 OFFICE DEPOT ECC*DSS-Disc Sch Suppl SCHOOL SPECIALTY TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES MC2619 COLOR PAPER, FILE FOLDERS 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES MC2640 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES 05/01/2012 TALLGRASS BUSINESS RES 04/30/2012 05/02/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/02/2012 05/02/2012 05/03/2012 05/02/2012 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 05/02/2012 05/02/2012 05/03/2012 05/04/2012 05/03/2012 04/22/2012 04/23/2012 04/22/2012 04/21/2012 05/03/2012 05/01/2012 04/10/2012 04/12/2012 04/30/2012 05/02/2012 04/11/2012 04/13/2012 04/18/2012 04/19/2012 DANMAR PRODUCTS INC STAPLES BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT DELL K-12 STAPLES QUILL CORP BALLY S HOTEL ADVANCE QUILL CORP QUILL CORP QUILL CORP K-LOG INC BLICK ART MATERIAL WALMART OFFICE DEPOT TARGET NORTH LIBERTY TRUE VALUE LOWES AMAZON WALMART WALMART WALMART WALMART WALMART EURO PRO OPERATING WALMART JOANN FABRIC 15.29 123.44 786.21 50.19 10 0000 10 3218 10 1915 1100 1300 1100 100 325 102 3373 0000 0000 612 612 612 10 1915 1100 100 0000 612 54.01 10 1918 2410 000 0000 611 TONER 194.92 10 1918 2221 000 0000 610 MC2651 BUBBLE WRAP,TAPE,LABELS 100.71 10 1918 2221 000 0000 594 MC2605 INVITE ENVELOPES 14.74 10 0000 3300 430 4501 611 MC2637 CHAIRMAT 53.59 10 1975 1100 100 0000 612 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2410 1200 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1250 1300 2221 1100 1250 2213 2410 2410 1250 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 000 219 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 421 325 000 100 421 430 000 000 421 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 109 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 355 0000 3305 0000 3376 3376 3376 3376 3376 3376 3376 4335 0000 0000 0000 4335 4501 0000 0000 4335 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 611 612 612 582 582 582 582 582 582 582 612 612 611 612 612 582 611 611 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 612 MC2649 MC2655 MC2683 MC2685 MC2682 MC2687 MC2683 MC2686 MC2688 MC2688 MC2686 MC2689 ENVELOPES,TAPE,WHISTLES HELMET FOLDERS,LABELS,CRATES,TAPE HOTEL-SWENSON HOTEL-JUNIS HOTEL-GEISSEL HOTEL-PERSON HOTEL-SCHROEDER HOTEL-MAYER HOTEL-NEY TONER,LANYARDS,BINDERS,PENS TONER CARTRIDGES PRONG ADAPTERS CARD STOCK SHEET PROTECTORS, FOLDERS HOTEL-GERLING HIGHLIGHTERS,PENCILS,FOLDERS INDEX CARDS FLASH CARDS TRIPOD SCREEN & CASE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPLERS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PE SUPPLIES SEWING SUPPLIES FABRIC SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES BLENDER STEAM IRONS FABRIC 233.40 129.56 76.34 99.68 99.68 99.68 99.68 99.68 99.68 99.68 424.83 1,420.77 237.55 8.99 46.77 99.68 204.95 19.90 31.17 400.27 56.84 28.23 71.24 16.94 209.34 186.35 36.00 84.90 52.65 45.81 14.80 20.06 30.00 35.08 35.87 1975 0000 3202 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1911 3218 3118 3202 1911 0000 3218 3218 1911 3113 1927 1945 1945 1947 1947 1947 3218 3113 3125 3125 3125 3218 3218 3218 3218 04/25/2012 04/16/2012 04/22/2012 04/17/2012 04/16/2012 04/11/2012 04/13/2012 04/14/2012 04/25/2012 04/08/2012 04/26/2012 04/24/2012 TARGET JOANN FABRIC JOANN FABRIC INTERNATIONAL ASSOC PL CITY OF NORTH LIBERTY STARBUCKS BRIOCHE DOREE QUAD CITY AIRPORT CITY OF DSM MUNI PKG AMAZON GOTOMEETING.COM AMAZON P-CARD PAYMENT P-CARD PAYMENT P-CARD PAYMENT P-CARD PAYMENT P-CARD PAYMENT P-CARD PAYMENT IRON BOARDS SEWING SUPPLIES SEWING SUPPLIES MEMBERSHIP-SCHULTZ BUILDING PERMIT TRAVEL-MURLEY TRAVEL-MURLEY TRAVEL-MURLEY TRAVEL-MURLEY PRIVACY FILTER SUBSCRIPTION MASTER PLANNING BOOK 52.95 23.55 30.57 75.00 83.25 19.94 15.49 21.00 9.25 48.30 49.00 43.62 10 10 10 10 36 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3218 3209 3209 0000 1961 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1300 1300 1300 2600 4700 2327 2327 2327 2327 2585 2327 2311 355 355 355 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 8012 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 -18387.38 590.49 142.47 142.47 507.24 83.25 10 10 10 61 33 36 153 131 131 401 401 401 000 000 012 011 011 011 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 000 000 000 000 000 612 612 612 811 450 582 582 582 582 611 611 611 Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org May 31st, 2012 To: Board Members Re: Open Enrollment Requests 2011-2012 Listed below are the following students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested to open enroll into ICCSD. Name David LeHigh Shannon LeHigh Grade K 6 Resident District Clear Creek Amana Clear Creek Amana It is recommended this request be approved. Listed below are the following students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested to open enroll out of ICCSD. Name Alaina Gertson Grade 10 Receiving District Highland It is recommended that these requests be approved. 2012-2013 Listed below are the following students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested to open enroll into ICCSD Name Ethan Forrest Quinton Forrester Grade 10 11 Resident District West Branch West Branch It is recommended this request be approved. The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. Listed below are the following students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested to open enroll out of ICCSD. Name Parker Boback Adisu Dekkers Kian Dekkers Alyssa Granley Lillian Granley Hailey Netser Brianna Wellington-Ells Grade K 1 K 5 2 K K Receiving District Mid Prairie Mid Prairie Mid Prairie Mid Prairie Mid Prairie Highland Highland It is recommended these requests be approved. Listed below are the following students whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested to open enroll out of ICCSD. Alfelicia Lucas Jaywoski Lucas 4 7 West Branch West Branch It is recommended to deny these requests. The applications were received after the deadline and did not have qualifications for good cause. Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org June 5, 2012 To: Stephen Murley FROM: Jim Pedersen RE: Agenda Support Staff Below you will find information regarding support staff personnel. These items do not require Board action. A. Resignations For 2011-2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ^AboElhassan, Muna – Head Salad Maker – West – resignation 5-31-12 ^Allen, Autumn – Paraeducator – Kirkwood – resignation 5-31-12 ^Clark, Jeannette – Paraeducator – NWJH – resignation 5-31-12 ^Dau, Ashley – Paraeducator – Hoover – resignation 5-31-12 (employed in another capacity) ^Dickel, Kara – Site Coordinator/Family Resource – Wood – resignation 6-1-12 (will be employed as teacher) 6. ^Hill, Lauren – Paraeducator – West – resignation 5-31-12 7. ^Overton, Lisa – Paraeducator – Shimek – resignation 5-31-12 8. ^Porch, Randy – Food Service Assistant – West – termination 6-1-12 9. ^Redlinger, Cindy – Paraeducator – Wood – resignation 5-31-12 10. ^Sheets, Devin – Paraeducator – City – resignation 5-14-12 11. ^Stander, Brookie – Paraeducator – Hoover – resignation 5-31-12 12. ^Wade, Patricia – Paraeducator – Mann – resignation 5-31-12 B. Recommended For Hire 2011-2012 1. Brenholtz, Amy – Summer Site Coordinator – Kirkwood 30 days – 7-2-12 o 8-10-12 $6,407.00 C. Resignations From Extra Services 2011-2012 1. 2. 3. Hanrahan, Marty – Assistant Boys Varsity Basketball Coach – City – resignation 5-9-12 Marsch, Jennifer – Cross Country Club – NWJH – resignation 5-15-12 Ries Sr., Thomas – 9th Grade Boys Basketball Coach – City – resignation 5-23-12 D. Salaries For 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Non-Faculty Extra Service – Exhibit A Kitchen Managers – Exhibit B Off Schedule – Exhibit C Technical/Supervisory – Exhibit D Paraeducators – Exhibit E Grants – Exhibit F The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. RE: Agenda Support Staff 2012-2013 Below you will find information regarding support staff personnel. These items do not require Board action. A. Resignations For 2012-2013 1. 2. ^Dickel, Kara – Summer Site Coordinator – Wood – resignation 8-10-12 (will be employed as a teacher) Jaramillo,Guillermo – Night Sub – Physical Plant – resignation 5-18-12 B. Recommended For Hire 2012-2013 1. Collins, Randi – Food Service Assistant – Longfellow – Class I Step 1 @$11.66 – 2 hrs/day – 360 hrs/yr ($4,197.60) + 14 hrs required training ($163.24) = 374 total hrs/yr – 180 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 (hire date 3-5-12) 2. ^DeRooi, Jarrod – Site Coordinator – Wood – 160 days – 8-27-12 to 4-30-13 3. Espina, Natalia – Healthy Kids Community Care Clinic Coordinator ESC – 230 days – 7-1-12 to 6-30-13 4. Golinvaux, Nicole – Principal’s Secretary – Longfellow – Pay grade II Step 1 - @$14.70/hr – 8 hrs/day – 1600 hrs/yr – 200 days – 8-2-12 to 6-7-13 5. Huffman, Michael – Second Baker – City – Class II Step 1 - @$12.22/hr + $.05/hr longevity = $12.27/hr – 6 hrs/day – 1080 hrs/yr ($13,251.60) + 14 hrs required training ($171.78) = 1094 total hrs/yr – 180 days -8-16-12 To 5-30-13 (hire date 11-28-11) 6. Hughes, Shelley – Paraeducator – BD 3-6 – Lemme – Class II Step 3 @$12.23/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 7. Speer, Diana - .25 FTE Family Resource Center Director – Wood 204 days – 2 hrs/day - 8-1-12 to 6-30-13 8. May, Beverly – Food Service Assistant – Coralville Central – Class I Step 1 @$11.66/hr + $.05/hr longevity = $11.71/hr – 2 hrs/day – 360 hrs/yr ($4,215.60) + 14 hrs required training ($163.94) = 374 total hrs/yr – 180 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 (hire date 1-4-12) 9. Schultz, Donald “Eric” – Paraeducator – BD – Lemme – Class II Step 2 @$12.03/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 10. Vice, Shane – Lead Food Service Assistant – Borlaug – Class II Step 1 @$12.22 + $.05 longevity = $12.27/hr – 3.5 hrs/day – 630 hrs/yr ($7,730.10) + 14 hrs required training ($171.78) = 644 total hrs/yr – 180 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 $4,360.84 $16,500.00 $35,000.00 $23,520.00 $13,423.38 $13,355.16 $8,750.00 $4,379.54 $13,136.76 $7,901.88 C. Recommended For Salary Adjustments/Transfers For 2012-2013 1. Adkins, Kelley – From Paraeducator – Child Specific – Roosevelt Class II Step 5 - @$12.63/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $13.13/hr – 3 hrs/day and Paraeducator – Supervisory – Roosevelt – Class III Step 5 @$12.22/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $12.72hr – 3 hrs/day To Paraeducator – Borlaug – Supervisory – Class III Step 5 - @$12.22/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $12.72hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (chg in bldg/salary) $13,890.24 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Berns, Diane – From Special Services Clerk - ESC– Paygrade I Step 3 $24,480.00 @$14.70/hr - 8 hrs/day – 200 days – To Special Service Clerk – ESC Paygrade II Step 3 - @$15.30/hr – 8 hrs/day – 1600 hrs/yr – 200 days 8-5-12 to 6-1-13 Bowman, Alyssa – From Paraeducator – Health – Shimek – Class II Step 5 $13,791.96 @$12.63/hr – 6 hrs/day To Paraeducator – Preschool - Shimek – Class II Step 5 - @$12.63/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 Butler, Jill – From Paraeducator – Roosevelt – Class II Step 3 - @$12.23/hr $13,355.16 3 hrs/day – 182 days and Paraeducator – Class III Step 3 - @$11.82/hr 3 hrs/day – 182 days To Paraeducator – Preschool – Borlaug – Class II Step 3 - @$12.23/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 Dalton, Brian – From Paraeducator – Supervisory – NCJH – Class II $19,008.08 Step 5 - @$12.63/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $13.13/hr – 8 hrs/day To Paraeducator – Supervisory – NCJH - Class I Step 5 - @$12.48/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $12.98/hr - 4 hrs/day – 182 days ($9,449.44) and Paraeducator Child Specific – NCJH – Class II Step 5 - @$12.63/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $13.13/hr – 4 hrs/day – 182 days ($9,558.64) 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 ^Encarnacao, Maria – Correction - From Receptionist – Tate – Paygrade I $10,518.60 Step 2 - @$14.40/hr – 4 hrs/day – 186.5 days To Receptionist – Tate Paygrade I Step 1 - @$14.10 – 4 hr/day – 746 hrs/yr - 186.5 days 8-13-12 to 6-1-13 (correction in step and salary) Frank, Coreen – From Safe Schools Healthy Students Coordinator and $see attached Mental Health Services Coordinator To Mental Health Services Coordinator 7-1-12 to 6-30-13 Gauthier, Mary – Bldg Change Only – Principal’s Secretary From Roosevelt To Borlaug Greenberg, Lisa – From Paraeducator – Supervisory – Twain – Class III $6,562.92 Step 4 - @$12.02/hr – 1 hr/day – 182 days To Paraeducator - Supervisory Twain – Class III Step 4 - @$12.02/hr – 3 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 Hansen, Sarah – From Paraeducator – Roosevelt – Class III Step 4 - @$12.02/hr $6,786.78 4 hrs/day – 182 days To Paraeducator – Borlaug – Class II Step 4 - @$12.43/hr 3 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 Ibrahim, Mohamed – From Paraeducator - Connections Capitol $15,326.22 Class II Step 2 - @$12.03/hr – 7 hrs/day To Paraeducator - City Class II Step 2 - @$12.03/hr – 7 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-13-12 to 5-30-13 (bldg change) Koch, Sherry – From Paraeducator – Child Specific - Autism – Weber $13,355.16 Class II Step 3 - @$12.23/hr – 6 hrs/day To Paraeducator – Resource Hoover - Class II Step 3 - @$12.23/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days - 8-13-12 to 5-30-13 (bldg change) Korth, Catherine – Correction – From Media Secretary – Wickham $5,259.30 Paygrade I Step 2 - @$14.40/hr – 2 hrs/day – 186.5 days To Media Secretary – Wickham – Paygrade I Step 1 - @$14.10/hr 2 hrs/day – 373 hrs/yr - 186.5 days – 8-13-12 to 6-1-13 Latta, Cathy – From Paraeducator – Coralville Central – Class III Step 5 $14,337.96 @$12.22/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $12.72/hr - .5 hrs/day – 182 days and Paraeducator Coralville Central – Class II Step 5 - @$12.63/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $13.13/hr 6 hrs/day – 182 days To Paraeducator – Preschool – Borlaug – Class II Step 5 @$12.63/hr + $.50/hr longevity = $13.13/hr - 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 Mujica, Petra – From Food Service Assistant – Roosevelt To Food Service Assistant Borlaug Paulsen, Kathy – Bldg Change Only – Paraeducator and Media Secretary From Roosevelt to Borlaug Penro, Marvin – ASSIGNMENT FOR 12-13: Night Custodian – Lucas $32,134.32 Class C2 Step 1 – AT $15.34/hr + $.05/hr longevity = $15.39/hr - 2088 Total hrs/yr – 261 days – 7-1-12 to 6-30-13 18. Poague, Amy – From Paraeducator – Child Specific – Weber – Class II $16,090.62 Step 5 - @$12.63/hr - 6 hrs/day – 182 days To From Paraeducator Child Specific – NWJH – Class II Step 5 - @$12.63/hr - 7 hrs/day – 182 days 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 19. Polman, Marjorie – From Head Custodian – Roosevelt To Head Custodian - Borlaug 20. Titus, Bridget – From Paraeducator – Kid Talk – Class II Step 4 - @$12.43/hr $13,573.56 6 hrs/day – 182 days To Paraeducator – Preschool – Borlaug – Class II Step 4 @$12.43/hr – 6 hrs/day – 182 days – 8-16-12 to 5-30-13 D. Resignations From Extra Services 2012-2013 1. Hughes, Matt – 7th Grade Football Coach – NCJH – resignation 5-16-12 E. Recommended For Extra Service 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. Decker, Genevieve – Cheerleading Coach (6%shared stipend) West – 8-13-12 Kimm, Kara – 8th Grade Volleyball Coach (6.75%) NCJH – 8-13-12 Risk, Evan – Cross County Club Sponsor (2%) SEJH – 8-13-12 Woods, Brittani – Cheerleading Coach (6% shared stipend) West – 8-13-12 $1,989.48 $2,238.17 $663.16 $1,989.48 Non-Faculty Extra Service 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit A LastName FirstName JobLocation JobTitle Curry Lori Elizabeth Tate H.S. Webmaster Dean Angela Lucas Elem Special Olympics Hanrahan Ann City High Silver Cord Club Sponsor Hanrahan Ann City High Sophomore Class Sponsor Hardesty Marshall City High Mock Trial Sponsor Hardesty Marshall City High Student Council Sponsor Henderson Travis West High Debate Coach Holst Melissa North Central JH Cross Country Club Joseph Lucy City High Head Cheerleading Coach Kimm Randi Mann Elem Student Council Sponsor Kopp Barbara City High Head Dance Coach Maxson Natalie Wickham Elem Webmaster McCusker Jessica Penn Elem Webmaster Mellecker Michael West High Bowling Club Sponsor Melloy Katie West High Dance Team Coach Melloy Katie West High Pep Club Sponsor Omar Hamza South East JH Chess Club Sponsor Sabers Michael City High Boys Intramurals Sabers Michael City High Girls Intramurals Sabers Michael City High Weight Lifting Club Sponsor Schlapkohl Janet City High Combined Efforts Drama Smith Jeffrey West High Assistant Drama 9th/10th Snyder Megan West High Drama Club Sponsor Surom Susan City High Junior Class Sponsor Tonning Renee City High Ambassadors Club Sponsor Walz Elise Northwest JH Cross Country Club Woolums Vincent City High Debate Coach Woolums Shirley Hills Elem Webmaster TotalSalary $663.16 $2,486.85 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $683.05 $2,735.54 $663.16 $3,315.80 $828.95 $663.16 $331.58 $331.58 $663.16 $1,326.32 $1,326.32 $663.16 $1,575.01 $1,575.01 $663.16 $663.16 $2,652.64 $663.16 $2,735.54 $663.16 $663.16 $1,326.32 $331.58 Kitchen Managers 12-13 Exhibit B 6-5-12 Last Name Peterson Price Randall First Name Julie Julia Erin Building West High Northwest JH City High Work Hrs Hrly Rate Days Annual Salary 8 $19.74 180 $28,425.60 8 $19.74 180 $28,425.60 8 $19.74 180 $28,425.60 14 hrs/required Training $276.36 $276.36 $276.36 Total Salary $28,701.96 $28,701.96 $28,701.96 Last Name Brinkman Cardona Cornwell Cretin Croker Cross Davis Donohoe Fangmann Grimm Harms Hurtarte Lindenboom Mattingly McKenzie Meade Morris Pedersen Schulz Schwarz Serovy Smith Smith Wardenburg Woodring First Name Building Carla North Central JH Kim ESC Karianne ESC Teresa ESC Anne City High Kim ESC Esmeralda ESC Valerie West High Blythe Physical Plant Peggy ESC Sue ESC Syra Northwest JH Kira ESC Lisa ESC Dawn City High Christine ESC Linda ESC Kristin ESC Jodi South East JH Shari ESC Judy ESC Cindy Food Service Kiane ESC Marcy West High Tammy ESC Off Schedule Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit C JobTitle Principal's Secretary Central Receiving Clerk Receptionist/Volunteer Secretary Payroll Assistant Office Manager/Principal's Secretary Director of Special Services Secretary Admin Assistant to Exec Dir of Admin Services Financial Secretary/Co-Office Manager Physical Plant Secretary Accounts Payable Specialist Media/School Net Secretary Office Manager/Principal's Secretary Aesop Specialist/HR Secretary Administrative Assistant Financial Secretary Administrative Assist. To Exec Director of HR Curriculum Secretary Payroll Supervisor Office Manager/Principal's Secretary Administrative Assistant Secretary to Equity Director School Nutrition Services Office Manager Human Resources Secretary Athletic Director's Secretary/Co-Office Mgr. Purchasing and Budget Specialist BaseSalary Longevity Total Salary $37,359.00 $600.00 $37,959.00 $35,879.00 $0.00 $35,879.00 $37,205.00 $600.00 $37,805.00 $42,392.00 $600.00 $42,992.00 $40,431.00 $900.00 $41,331.00 $41,599.00 $600.00 $42,199.00 $50,195.00 $0.00 $50,195.00 $40,431.00 $800.00 $41,231.00 $38,992.00 $0.00 $38,992.00 $41,352.00 $0.00 $41,352.00 $44,807.00 $900.00 $45,707.00 $42,887.00 $900.00 $43,787.00 $42,120.00 $600.00 $42,720.00 $44,993.00 $0.00 $44,993.00 $37,190.00 $700.00 $37,890.00 $48,688.00 $700.00 $49,388.00 $42,641.00 $600.00 $43,241.00 $50,092.00 $600.00 $50,692.00 $37,359.00 $600.00 $37,959.00 $50,564.00 $700.00 $51,264.00 $42,774.00 $700.00 $43,474.00 $42,334.00 $900.00 $43,234.00 $38,954.00 $0.00 $38,954.00 $39,300.00 $800.00 $40,100.00 $36,391.00 $600.00 $36,991.00 Tech Supervisory Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit D Last Name Advani Bennett Collingwood Colvin Finger Hoyland Lucas McKenzie Nelson Parker Schultz Strait Thrams Vanden Berg Villagrana Webster Willman First Name Tina James Jacque Kim Leslie Kevin Jeff David Kelly Jean Paul Harold Tom Joan Miguel Michelle Julie Building ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC Physical Plant ESC ESC Physical Plant ESC ESC ESC ESC Physical Plant ESC JobTitle Help Desk Support Specialist Technical Support Specialist Technical Support Specialist Office Manager/Superintendent's Secretary Director of Business Services A.V. Equipment Technician Network Assistant Physical Plant Assistant Director Help Desk Manager Media Cataloger Physical Plant Director Technical Support Specialist Imagining and Applications Specialist Youth & Family Development Coordinator/SSHS Network Assistant Physical Plant Office Manager Data Manager Total Salary $43,834.00 $41,031.00 $42,953.00 $67,980.00 $88,214.00 $55,309.00 $78,284.00 $71,673.00 $54,028.00 $52,518.00 $93,599.00 $37,718.00 $46,899.00 $82,945.00 $55,051.00 $49,601.00 $50,059.00 Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E Last Name Abbas Abdagic Aguilar Alder Aley Allen Anciaux Jr. Anderson Anderson Anderson Andrews Andrews Anson Arceo Armstrong-Hagemeier Baldwin Baldwin Baldwin Barkalow Barnes Batichon Batie Bell Berger Bertell Borg Borg Bovey Bradley Brady Brandon Brandon Brandsmeier Brown Brown First Name Sandra Selma Wendy Dan Robert Joyce Donald Amy Cynthia Kyle Debbie Debbie Akiko Edgar Tara Alyson Alyson Michael Nicole Sandy Hans Marlisa Christen Joni Elizabeth Abigail Abigail Jocelyn Nicole Morgan John John Brian Yolanda Yolanda Building West High Van Allen Elem Van Allen Elem City High West High Lemme Elem Northwest JH Mann Elem Shimek Elem South East JH Lincoln Elem Lincoln Elem Weber Elem City High Mann Elem South East JH South East JH South East JH South East JH Twain Preschool City High West High Horn Elem Penn Elem Mann Elem Wickham Elem Wickham Elem Transitions - Eastdale Plaza City High City High Shimek Elem Shimek Elem West High Garner Elem Garner Elem education Class Step Hrly Rate Longevity TotalHrRate credit WorkHrs Days Annual Pay II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 7 182 $16,727.62 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 2 182 $4,779.32 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 6 182 $14,337.96 II 2 $12.03 $0.00 $12.03 $0.00 3 182 $6,568.38 II 5 $12.63 $1.00 $13.63 $0.00 7 182 $17,364.62 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 6.5 182 $15,532.79 I 5 $12.48 $0.00 $12.48 $0.00 7.25 182 $16,467.36 II 4 $12.43 $0.00 $12.43 $0.00 6 182 $13,573.56 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 6 182 $14,337.96 II 2 $12.03 $0.00 $12.03 $0.00 7 182 $15,326.22 $11,948.30 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 5 182 III 5 $12.22 $0.50 $12.72 $0.00 1 182 $2,315.04 III 5 $12.22 $0.50 $12.72 $0.00 4 182 $9,260.16 II 3 $12.23 $0.00 $12.23 $0.00 7 182 $15,581.02 II 4 $12.43 $0.00 $12.43 $0.00 6 182 $13,573.56 I 4 $12.28 $0.00 $12.28 $0.00 3.75 182 $8,381.10 II 4 $12.43 $0.00 $12.43 $0.00 3.5 182 $7,917.91 I 4 $12.28 $0.00 $12.28 $0.00 3 182 $6,704.88 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 7 182 $16,727.62 II 5 $12.63 $1.00 $13.63 $0.00 6.5 182 $16,124.29 II 3 $12.23 $0.00 $12.23 $0.00 7 182 $15,581.02 I 5 $12.48 $1.50 $13.98 $0.00 5.5 182 $13,993.98 II 3 $12.23 $0.00 $12.23 $0.00 6 182 $13,355.16 II 5 $12.63 $1.00 $13.63 $0.00 6 182 $14,883.96 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 4 182 $9,558.64 II 3 $12.23 $0.00 $12.23 $0.00 1.5 182 $3,338.79 III 3 $11.82 $0.00 $11.82 $0.00 2 182 $4,302.48 II 4 $12.43 $0.00 $12.43 $0.00 6 182 $13,573.56 II 2 $12.03 $0.00 $12.03 $0.00 7 182 $15,326.22 II 3 $12.23 $0.00 $12.23 $0.00 7 182 $15,581.02 II 5 $12.63 $0.50 $13.13 $0.00 3 182 $7,168.98 III 5 $12.22 $0.50 $12.72 $0.00 3 182 $6,945.12 II 5 $12.63 $0.00 $12.63 $0.00 7 182 $16,090.62 I 4 $12.28 $0.00 $12.28 $0.00 0.5 182 $1,117.48 II 4 $12.43 $0.00 $12.43 $0.00 6 182 $13,573.56 Brown Bruno Budde Budde Burke Burkett Callaway Campbell Capper Cardona Carlson Carmichael Charley Chase Chase Chen Clark Clark Clarkson Corso Cover Cox Cuevas Dailey Davies Dean DeLacy DeRock DeRooi Dickey-Burris Ditch Droll Duys Dvorak Dwars Dykes Eash Justin Mary Ann Jody Jody Kimberly Tonya Steve Julia Monika Doris Trista Valerie Nancy Beverly Beverly Chin-Yi Kristin Kristin Barbara Mary Kaye Jackie Jaime Juana Kate Nesta Angela Mallory Daniel Jarrod Janet Kristina Jane Kathryn Diane Ryan Lorie Laurie Mann Elem Wickham Elem Twain Elem Twain Elem Northwest JH Kirkwood Elem West High Grant Wood Elem Wickham Elem Twain Elem Northwest JH Kirkwood Elem Wickham Elem Penn Elem Penn Elem Shimek Elem Shimek Elem Shimek Elem Van Allen Elem Horn Elem Weber Elem Coralville Central Elem South East JH Grant Wood Elem Northwest JH Lucas Elem Grant Wood Elem South East JH Grant Wood Elem Northwest JH Van Allen Elem Weber Elem Penn Elem West High South East JH Grant Wood Elem Garner Elem III II II III II III II III II II II II II II III III II III II III II III II III II II II II II II II II II II II II II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 1 $11.42 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 1 $11.42 5 $12.63 3 $11.82 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 3 $12.23 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 1 $11.83 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 4 $12.43 5 $12.63 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1.50 $11.62 $13.13 $13.13 $12.72 $13.13 $11.62 $13.13 $11.42 $13.63 $12.23 $13.13 $12.23 $13.13 $13.63 $13.22 $11.62 $13.13 $12.72 $13.13 $13.22 $13.13 $11.42 $13.63 $11.82 $14.13 $13.63 $12.03 $12.23 $12.23 $13.63 $11.83 $13.13 $12.63 $13.13 $12.23 $12.43 $14.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.5 6 6 0.5 7.25 1.5 7 1.5 6 6 7 3.25 6 6 1 3 5 1 6.5 3.5 6 3.5 7 2.5 7.75 6 6 6 6 7.25 6 6 6 6 7.25 6 6 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 $11,631.62 $14,337.96 $14,337.96 $1,157.52 $17,325.04 $3,172.26 $16,727.62 $3,117.66 $14,883.96 $13,355.16 $16,727.62 $7,234.05 $14,337.96 $14,883.96 $2,406.04 $6,344.52 $11,948.30 $2,315.04 $15,532.79 $8,421.14 $14,337.96 $7,274.54 $17,364.62 $5,378.10 $19,930.37 $14,883.96 $13,136.76 $13,355.16 $13,355.16 $17,984.79 $12,918.36 $14,337.96 $13,791.96 $14,337.96 $16,137.49 $13,573.56 $15,429.96 Echols Eggleston Ehmsen Eivins Elsner Erb Ervanian Evans Eyler Farrey Federici Fehr Feller Fickel Figg Figg Figg Fischer Flores Foley Ford Fouch Fowler Fredericks Frese Gaffey Garcia Garms Gienapp Gienapp Gillette Gilliam Gioimo Goepferd Goodman Goodnow Gorvin Maya Ryan Anita Michael Angela Rachel Mary Kimberly D. Jacqueline Matthew Teddie Catherine Heather Lindsey Josh Jason Linda Jennie Jessica Nicole Jodi Shanell Mary Libby Nicole Sally Alexandra Jamie Richard Richard Megeen Jordan Cheryl Bernadette Samantha John Amber West High Hoover Elem South East JH Northwest JH Wickham Elem Van Allen Elem Transitions - Eastdale Plaza Lucas Elem Kirkwood Elem Transitions - Eastdale Plaza Lucas Elem Twain Elem West High West High Coralville Central Elem Lucas Elem Twain Elem Lemme Elem Mann Elem City High Coralville Central Elem City High Wickham Elem Hoover Elem West High Transitions - Eastdale Plaza West High Mann Elem Hills Elem Hills Elem Northwest JH Twain Elem Kirkwood Elem City High Shimek Elem Mann Elem Longfellow Elem II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II III II II II II II II II II II I III II II III II II II II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 5 $12.48 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 4 $12.43 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 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1.25 6 6 7 6 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 $15,581.02 $13,136.76 $16,467.36 $15,581.02 $14,337.96 $14,231.49 $15,532.79 $14,883.96 $14,704.69 $13,136.76 $6,895.98 $7,168.98 $16,727.62 $16,090.62 $14,704.69 $13,355.16 $15,429.96 $13,791.96 $12,907.44 $15,581.02 $14,337.96 $16,090.62 $14,337.96 $13,994.89 $18,389.28 $13,355.16 $16,727.62 $13,355.16 $6,595.68 $6,453.72 $15,581.02 $14,139.13 $3,007.55 $14,883.96 $13,791.96 $16,727.62 $13,791.96 Gounder Grabeel Grant-Taylor Griffith Grout Hagen-Ibrik Hagen-Ibrik Hagmeier Hanrahan Hansen Happ Hardesty Haren Harper Harrington Harrington Harris Hartman Haynes Heller Hesseltine Hill Hodges Hoffman Hollinger Holmes Holst Holton Hora Horras Hosseini Huber Hunt Icenogle Icenogle Johansen Johnson Shanthi Camerron Debra Tyler Shannon Carol Carol Brian Jordan Kathy Gretchen Marshall Ty Jessica Cindy Cindy Lisha Matthew Doris Robyn Melissa Brooke Timothy April Stacey Lynnette Melissa Larry Jerry Julie Sean Matthew Kaylee Ashley Ashley Daniel Jarita Kirkwood Elem City High KidTalk Northwest JH Garner Elem Hoover Elem Hoover Elem City High City High Twain Elem Van Allen Elem City High Hoover Elem Twain Elem Kirkwood Elem Kirkwood Elem City High Hills Elem Longfellow Elem Northwest JH City High Shimek Elem South East JH Grant Wood Elem Horn Elem Twain Elem North Central JH City High City High South East JH Longfellow Elem City High South East JH Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Bridges - Stevens Dr. City High II II II I II II III II II II III I II II II III II III II II II II I III II II II II II II II II II II III II II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 5 $12.63 1 $11.83 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 4 $12.43 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 4 $12.43 3 $12.23 4 $12.43 4 $12.02 5 $12.48 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 4 $12.43 4 $12.02 5 $12.63 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 5 $12.48 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 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182 182 182 182 182 182 $14,337.96 $15,071.42 $14,337.96 $17,035.20 $13,573.56 $14,883.96 $2,406.04 $15,835.82 $15,581.02 $13,573.56 $4,375.28 $18,898.88 $13,355.16 $13,136.76 $6,221.22 $3,281.46 $16,727.62 $2,114.84 $15,532.79 $15,326.22 $17,364.62 $13,136.76 $17,127.11 $2,114.84 $14,337.96 $13,355.16 $15,581.02 $15,326.22 $16,090.62 $17,922.45 $14,231.49 $15,326.22 $15,326.22 $4,306.12 $2,078.44 $16,420.95 $17,364.62 Jones Jones Kauffman Kauffman Keely Keely Kingman Klein Knebel Knebel Knight Knoop Koffron Koffron Korth Kreder Kummer Lacina Lee Lewerenz Lillibridge Jr Loan Loomis Lord Loria Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Mallon Mangold Mangold Markle Martin Martin Martin Martin Nick Alice Stacie Sue Carolyn Lesley Kathleen Sarah Jonathan Marcia Jill Dennis Kevin Kevin Catherine Elizabeth Maria Theresa Ryan Kelly James Lynn Kristy Elizabeth Adam James James Sheri Sheri Kerry Jacob Rebecca Ryan Peter Lydia Amy Amy Northwest JH West High West High West High City High Hoover Elem Hoover Elem Hoover Elem City High Wickham Elem Van Allen Elem City High Northwest JH Northwest JH Wickham Elem Transitions - Eastdale Plaza Hoover Elem City High City High South East JH Kirkwood Elem South East JH Lucas Elem Lemme Elem City High Coralville Central Elem Coralville Central Elem Wickham Elem Wickham Elem Connections - Capitol Street Weber Elem Weber Elem South East JH City High Longfellow Elem Wickham Elem Wickham Elem II II II II I II II II II II II I I II III II II II II II II I III II II II III II III II II II II I II II III Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 3 $12.23 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 3 $12.08 3 $12.23 1 $11.42 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 1 $11.83 5 $12.48 1 $11.42 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 2 $12.03 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 3 $12.23 3 $12.08 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 $0.00 $1.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.50 $0.00 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$2,198.56 $14,468.09 $8,313.76 $14,337.96 $15,429.96 $16,727.62 $15,581.02 $17,364.62 $12,918.36 $18,308.29 $12,470.64 $15,532.79 $18,692.40 $7,168.98 $8,102.64 $11,948.30 $2,315.04 $15,326.22 $13,355.16 $13,136.76 $15,581.02 $17,588.48 $15,532.79 $7,168.98 $8,102.64 Mast Mauer Mayer Mays McCabe McClure McClure McConnell McCusker McDonald McDonough McGowan McGowan McLean McNutt McReynolds McReynolds Merrick Mezinskis Michaels Michels Mickelson Milder Milefchik Millage Miller Miller Millet Monin Morlan Morse Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Nash Nash Heather Tonia Haley Paul Julie Shanna Shanna Jill Jessica Jennifer Carol Jennifer Jennifer Angela Jeffery Nancy Nancy Kim Dace Annette Lisa Jane Lisa Sharon Maria Carol Sherry Rita Corina Sandra Falen Stephen Jennifer Shirley Wim Conley Conley Shimek Elem Lincoln Elem Hoover Elem City High Wickham Elem Kirkwood Elem Kirkwood Elem Van Allen Elem Penn Elem Hoover Elem Lucas Elem Wickham Elem Wickham Elem Coralville Central Elem City High Twain Elem Twain Elem Lucas Elem Lucas Elem South East JH Hoover Elem Hoover Elem Bridges - Capitol St. Lemme Elem Kirkwood Elem Shimek Elem West High Mann Elem Van Allen Elem West High Mann Elem City High Lucas Elem Lucas Elem Mann Elem Longfellow Elem Longfellow Elem II II II II II II III II II III II II III II II II III III II I II II II III III II II III II I II II II II II II III Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 4 $12.02 5 $12.63 4 $12.28 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 2 $11.62 4 $12.43 5 $12.63 4 $12.02 2 $12.03 5 $12.48 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.50 $0.00 $0.50 $1.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.23 $12.03 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$14,231.49 $19,082.70 $13,791.96 $16,727.62 $15,429.96 $13,791.96 $13,791.96 $13,791.96 $2,224.04 Nessler Nitcher Nkumu Olesen Opitz Ostedgaard Otterbein Otterbein Otting Otting Oxley Parrish Patterson Paul Paulsen Pearson Pearson Pearson Perez Perez Petersen Plank Prieboy Prybil Rainey Rhinehart Ricci Rice Ries Jr. Ries, Sr. Roberts Robertson Robillard Robillard Robken Rodriguez Rodriguez Julie Denise Stacia Ann Torsten Hallie LeAnn LeAnn Allison Allison Anne Linda Kathryn Rebecca Kathleen Laura Elwyn Kim Barbara Barbara Debora Susan Kyle Linda Margaret Debbie Julie Meredyth Thomas Thomas Judy Carole Martin Katie Clark Roy Roy City High North Central JH Longfellow Elem Penn Elem North Central JH Wickham Elem Kirkwood Elem Kirkwood Elem Northwest JH Northwest JH Van Allen Elem ESC Grant Wood Elem Weber Elem Borlaug Elem Kirkwood Elem West High West High Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem South East JH Garner Elem West High Mann Elem Garner Elem Garner Elem Hoover Elem Northwest JH City High City High Lucas Elem City High City High West High City High South East JH South East JH II II III III II II II III I II III II III III III II I II II III II III II III III II III II II II III II II II II I II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 4 $12.43 4 $12.02 3 $12.08 3 $12.23 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 1 $11.42 4 $12.02 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 2 $11.62 4 $12.43 5 $12.22 4 $12.02 4 $12.43 5 $12.22 2 $12.03 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 4 $12.28 4 $12.43 $0.50 $1.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $13.13 $13.63 $12.22 $13.22 $12.63 $12.03 $12.43 $12.02 $12.08 $12.23 $12.72 $13.63 $11.42 $12.02 $12.72 $13.13 $12.48 $12.63 $12.63 $12.22 $12.63 $11.62 $12.43 $13.22 $12.02 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Rundquist Saehler Sanders Sargent Scheetz Sedlacek Sexton Sherry Sierra Sims Singleman Sirena Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smithey Smithey Smithey Southwick Speer Speer Spicknall Spivak Stahl Steva Stewart Stika Stilwell Stroh Dana Diane Rachael Sharon Jennifer Wilawan Sherry Kathryn Scott Robin Linda Deanna Kerri Wendy Luis Chelsea Janet Sueli Cindy Jane Katie Andrew Tabitha Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn Susan Diana Diana Karen Carolyn Felicia Margaret Debra Lisa Christine Allen City High Lemme Elem West High Hills Elem Lucas Elem Weber Elem Northwest JH Shimek Elem West High Penn Elem Coralville Central Elem Longfellow Elem Lincoln Elem Longfellow Elem City High Hills Elem Van Allen Elem South East JH Hoover Elem Lemme Elem North Central JH South East JH Wickham Elem Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Penn Elem Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Lemme Elem Twain Elem South East JH West High Lucas Elem Lemme Elem Horn Elem Longfellow Elem II II I II III III I II II II III III II 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Walczyk Walker Wallace Webb Weis Wellons Welsh Wessling West Whitsitt Williams Wilson Winckler Wisniewski Teresa Brennan Christine Jackie Tiffany Ann Amber Rosemary Dawn Jessica Mary Tavia James Nan Suzanne James Bonnie Sharon Toni Shelly Margaret Corrie Lori Lori Mary Sharleen Abby Beth McCoy Marie Adam Patrick Susan Joan Pam Lori Beverly City High North Central JH Borlaug Elem Hoover Elem Twain Elem Shimek Elem Garner Elem South East JH North Central JH Shimek Elem Hills Elem Hills Elem Connections - Capitol Street Kirkwood Elem West High South East JH Lemme Elem Lucas Elem Weber Elem Wickham Elem Horn Elem City High Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Hoover Elem Weber Elem Wickham Elem Kirkwood Elem City High Hoover Elem Transitions - Eastdale Plaza Lucas Elem Twain Elem Grant Wood Elem Lucas Elem Penn Elem Coralville Central Elem II II II II II II II II I II I II II II II II III III II II III II II III III II II II I II II II II III II II II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 5 $12.63 5 $12.48 3 $12.23 3 $12.23 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 4 $12.02 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 2 $11.62 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 3 $12.23 5 $12.48 5 $12.63 3 $12.23 2 $12.03 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $0.50 $0.00 $0.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $1.50 $0.50 $12.63 $12.63 $13.13 $12.63 $12.03 $13.63 $12.63 $13.13 $12.48 $13.13 $12.98 $12.23 $12.23 $12.63 $12.23 $12.03 $12.02 $13.22 $12.63 $13.13 $12.22 $12.03 $13.13 $12.72 $11.62 $13.13 $12.23 $12.23 $12.98 $13.63 $12.23 $12.03 $12.63 $12.22 $13.63 $14.13 $13.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.20 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 1 6 7 6 7.5 7 1 2.25 6 6 3 7 6 0.5 1 6 6 5.5 8 6 6 6 6 2.8 7 6 6 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 $16,090.62 $16,090.62 $14,337.96 $13,791.96 $13,136.76 $14,883.96 $13,791.96 $16,727.62 $15,899.52 $14,337.96 $2,362.36 $13,355.16 $15,581.02 $13,791.96 $16,693.95 $15,326.22 $2,187.64 $5,413.59 $13,791.96 $14,337.96 $6,672.12 $15,326.22 $14,337.96 $1,157.52 $2,114.84 $14,337.96 $13,355.16 $12,242.23 $18,898.88 $14,883.96 $13,355.16 $13,136.76 $13,791.96 $6,227.31 $17,364.62 $15,429.96 $14,556.36 Woodward Wright Wright Young Young Yutzy Zelenjakovic Zierke Michele Ernesta Marjorie Linda Linda Linda Enisa Christy Mann Elem Penn Elem Shimek Elem Wickham Elem Wickham Elem Weber Elem Hoover Elem Lemme Elem III II II II III III II II Paraeducators Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exhibit E 4 $12.02 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 5 $12.22 3 $11.82 5 $12.63 5 $12.63 $0.00 $0.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.50 $12.02 $13.13 $13.63 $13.63 $13.22 $11.82 $12.63 $13.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5.5 6 6 5 1 3 6.5 6 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 $12,032.02 $14,337.96 $14,883.96 $12,403.30 $2,406.04 $6,453.72 $14,941.29 $14,337.96 LastName Brenholtz Brewer Cabrera Cotton Cox Cramer Cronk Dau Dickel Dvorak Fetter Frank Grenis Hammen Miner Hammill Hynek Kipp-Sutliff Krause LaMaster McNutt Minteer Mowatt Omar Price Rees Schmitt Schneider Servin Southmayd Southmayd Spears Strode Swope Van Housen Van Housen Winders Winders Young FirstName Amy Allison Alyssa Julie Mary Cora Leah Ashley Kara Emily Monica Coreen Myleena Shannon Doug Kristin Kim Allison Ladiester Beth Amy Kris Hamza Nathan Kimberly Heidi Jamie Annie Elizabeth Elizabeth Yolanda Susanna Brianne Stephanie Stephanie Jill Jill Starr BaseLocation Wickham Elem South East JH Mann Elem Northwest JH ESC Hills Elem ESC Hills Elem Grant Wood Elem City High Elizabeth Tate H.S. ESC Kirkwood Elem Roosevelt Elem Bridges - Stevens Dr. Penn Elem Northwest JH Van Allen Elem Mann Elem Penn Elem ESC Hills Elem South East JH West High City High City High West High Grant Wood Elem Roosevelt Elem Roosevelt Elem Lucas Elem Coralville Central Elem North Central JH Twain Elem Twain Elem Garner Elem Garner Elem City High Grant Salaries 2012-2013 6-5-12 Exibit F JobTitle Site Coordinator/21st Century Learning Center After School Tutor Program Sponsor Summer Site Coordinator Student Advocate Accountant Parent Educator Outreach and Data Manager Hills Care for Kids Program Director Summer Site Coordinator After School Tutor Program Sponsor Case Manager Mental Health Services Coordinator Parent Educator Family Resource Center Director Youth Development Worker Family Resource Center Director After School Tutor Program Sponsor Parent Educator/Family Resource Center Dir. Family Resource Center Director Parent Educator Coordinator of Extended Day Learning Family Resource Center Dir/Site Coordinator Student Advocate Student Advocate Case Manager After School Tutor Program Sponsor Case Manager Family Resource Center Director Site Coordinator/21st Century Schools Summer Site Coordinator Family Resource Center Director Parent Educator Case Manager/Student Advocate Family Resource Center Director Homeless Liasion Family Resource Center Coordinator Family Resource Center Director Student Advisory Center Coordinator DaysPerYear 160 0 30 189 204 209 210 255 30 189 204 204 209 204 189 204 0 206.5 204 209 214 204 189 189 204 189 204 204 160 30 204 209 196.5 204 209 204 204 189 BaseSalary Longevity $17,591.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $6,673.00 $0.00 $25,719.00 $0.00 $15,863.00 $530.00 $38,430.00 $1,000.00 $50,287.00 $0.00 $29,000.00 $0.00 $7,597.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $37,618.00 $0.00 $53,709.00 $2,000.00 $15,905.00 $0.00 $36,305.00 $1,000.00 $30,413.00 $0.00 $36,305.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $33,617.00 $0.00 $36,305.00 $1,000.00 $38,430.00 $1,000.00 $52,378.00 $0.00 $43,875.00 $2,000.00 $47,962.00 $2,000.00 $29,656.00 $0.00 $37,618.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $36,305.00 $0.00 $36,369.00 $1,000.00 $17,591.00 $0.00 $6,407.00 $0.00 $36,498.00 $1,000.00 $30,027.00 $750.00 $36,305.00 $0.00 $26,755.00 $0.00 $11,549.00 $0.00 $11,677.00 $750.00 $32,693.00 $2,250.00 $34,889.00 $0.00 TotalSalary $17,591.00 $3,000.00 $6,673.00 $25,719.00 $16,393.00 $39,430.00 $50,287.00 $29,000.00 $7,597.00 $1,500.00 $37,618.00 $55,709.00 $15,905.00 $37,305.00 $30,413.00 $37,305.00 $3,000.00 $33,617.00 $37,305.00 $39,430.00 $52,378.00 $45,875.00 $49,962.00 $29,656.00 $37,618.00 $1,500.00 $36,305.00 $37,369.00 $17,591.00 $6,407.00 $37,498.00 $30,777.00 $36,305.00 $26,755.00 $11,549.00 $12,427.00 $34,943.00 $34,889.00 Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org June 5, 2012 Enclosure CERTIFIED STAFF Agenda 2011-2012 A. Resignations For 2011-2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Brown, David – Special Education Teacher – City – resignation 6-1-12 Dunkin, Mindy – Preschool Teacher – Mann – resignation 6-1-12 Gabaldon, Dominic – Reading/Math Teacher – Longfellow – resignation 6-1-12 Johnson, Melanie – Social Studies – West – resignation 6-1-12 Kreinbring, Heather – Resource – City – resignation 6-1-12 O’Connor, Kelly – 5th Grade Teacher – Wood – resignation 6-1-12 Phillips, Stephanie – Administrator of Off Site Programs – resignation 6-30-12 (will be a teacher) Wiebener, Candace – Orchestra Director – City – resignation 6-1-12 B. Resignations From Extra Services 2011-2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Brown, Randy – Student Council Supervisor – City – resignation 6-1-12 Gibbens, Melanie – Student Council Supervisory – City – resignation 6-1-12 Gibbens, Melanie – Jr. Class Council – City – resignation 6-1-12 Hartwig, Garrett – Jr. High Boys Track Coach – NCJH – resignation 6-1-12 Head, Maureen – 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach – West – resignation 6-1-12 Hellwig, Nathan – Student Council Supervisor – City – resignation 6-1-12 Hynek, Keith – 7th Grade Volleyball Coach – SEJH – resignation 6-1-12 Johnson, Melanie – Debate Coach – West – resignation 6-1-12 Nicklaus, Laura – Science Advocate – Longfellow – resignation 6-1-12 Nigg, Kay – Robotics Club – West – resignation 6-1-12 Oberman, Karen – Conflict Manager – Twain - resignation 6-1-12 Schintler, Michele – Science Advocate - Wood – resignation 6-1-12 Thurmond, Susie – Art Club Sponsor – City - resignation 6-1-12 Watson, Carrie – Jr. Class Council Sponsor – City - resignation 6-1-12 Woodhouse, Cynthia – Iowa Youth Congress Club Sponsor – West – resignation 6-1-12 Wiebener, Candace – Performance Music Coordinator and City High Orchestra Director – ESC/City – resignation 6-1-12 C. Salaries Recommended For Approval 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. Certified Extra Service – Exhibit A Coordinators – Exhibit B Extended Days – Exhibit C The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. CERTIFIED STAFF Agenda 2012-2013 A. Resignations For 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Brown, David – Special Education Teacher – City – resignation 6-1-12 Dunkin, Mindy – Preschool Teacher – Mann – resignation 6-1-12 Gabaldon, Dominic – Reading/Math Teacher – Longfellow – resignation 6-1-12 Johnson, Melanie – Social Studies – West – resignation 6-1-12 Kreinbring, Heather – Resource – City – resignation 6-1-12 O’Connor, Kelly – 5th Grade Teacher – Wood – resignation 6-1-12 Phillips, Stephanie – Administrator of Off Site Programs – resignation 6-30-12 (will be a teacher) Wiebener, Candace – Orchestra Director – City – resignation 6-1-12 B. Recommended For Hire 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Austin, Anah – MA Step 6 – 1.0 FTE – Literacy – NWJH – 190 days 8-10-12 to 5-31-13 Connell, Cory – BA Step 7 – 1.0 FTE – PE – City – 190 days 8-10-12 to 5-31-13 Kremer, Laura – BA Step 4 (2) – 1.0 FTE – 7th/8th Math – SEJH 190 days – 8-10-12 to 5-31-13 Nicholson, Morgan – BA Step 4 (4) – 1.0 FTE – 5th Grade – Wood 190 days – 8-10-12 to 5-31-13 Phillips, Stephanie – MA Step 14+ - 1.0 FTE (.50 FTE 2nd Chance Reading NWJH/.50 FTE Home School Coordinator/ESC) 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (base salary $66,868 + $950 longevity) Schares, Jacob – BA Step 4 (1) - .75 FTE – Math (.60 FTE/City and .15 FTE Elementary Pre-Algebra and Travel) 190 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 $50,658.00 $46,789.00 $41,816.00 $41,816.00 $67,818.00 $31,362.00 C. Recommended For Salary Adjustments/Transfers For 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Balvanz, Jane – MA+30 Step 14+ From .80 FTE – Guidance – Wickham To 1.0 FTE – Guidance – Wickham – 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (base salary $75,342 + $1,150 longevity) Bass, Correne – BA Step 5 From 1.0 FTE – 5th/6th Grade– Weber To 1.0 FTE 5th/6th Grade – Horn - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) Brandt, Michelle – MA+15 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE – Title One – Wood To 1.0 FTE – Kindergarten – Van Allen - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) Burkle, John – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE From MA+15 Step 9 To MA+30 Step 9 Cabrera, Alyssa – BA+20 Step 10 From .50 FTE – Reading Coach/Reading Mann To 1.0 FTE - 1st Grade – Mann - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 Ferentz, Joanne – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – 3rd/4th – Hoover To 1.0 FTE 1st Grade – Hoover – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 Finer, Jared – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – 5th/6th Grade – Weber To 1.0 FTE 3rd/4th Grade – Horn - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) Gross, Mitch – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE – From BA+45 Step 10 To MA Step 10 Henry, Kim – MA+30 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE – MD/SP – NWJH To 1.0 FTE – MD – City – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 $76,492.00 $no change $no change $63,368.00 $55,263.00 $no change $no change $no change $no change 10. Karr, Carrie – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – BD – Penn To 1.0 FTE 2nd Grade – Penn - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 11. Leman, Andrew – LANE CHANGE 1.0 FTE From MA+15 Step 9 To MA+30 Step 9 ($63,368) + BPA Stipend ($1,989.48) 12. Mayer, Laura – MA Step 12 From 1.0 FTE – 6th Grade – Kirkwood To 1st Grade – Kirkwood - 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 13. McDonald, Erin – 1.0 FTE From 5th/6th – Borlaug To 5th Grade – Borlaug 14. McWilliams, John – 1.0 FTE From 3rd/4th – Borlaug To 4th Grade – Borlaug 15. Martz, Andrea – BA+20 Step 8 From 1.0 FTE – 2nd Grade – Hoover To 1.0 FTE – 3rd Grade – Borlaug – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) 16. Medd, Stacey – MA+15 Step 14+ - From 1.0 FTE – Instructional Coach Wood To 1.0 FTE – 2nd Grade – Twain – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 17. Meyer, Meghan – BA Step 8 From 1.0 FTE – 1st Grade – Wood To 1.0 FTE – Kindergarten – Borlaug – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 18. Mooney, Nicole – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE - From MA Step 7 To MA+15 Step 7 19. Mooney, Nicole – 1.0 FTE From 5th/6th – Borlaug To 5th Grade – Borlaug 20. Morgan, Dawn – MA Step 8 From 1.0 FTE – Instructional Coach – Mann To 1.0 FTE – 1st Grade – Van Allen – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) 21. Muhlenbruch, Hillary – LANE CHANGE - 1.0 FTE From BA Step 9 To BA+20 Step 9 22. Nissen, Kim – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – Resource – Lucas To 1.0 FTE Resource – Borlaug – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) 23. Ostedgaard, Sally – BA+20 Step 5 From .70 FTE – Intervention – Mann To 1.0 FTE – 2nd Grade – Mann – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 24. Papesh, Abby – MA+30 Step 13 From 1.0 FTE – Kindergarten – Penn To 1.0 FTE – 2nd Grade – Penn – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 25. Person, Renee – BA Step 8 From 1.0 FTE – BD – Kirkwood To 1.0 FTE 1st Grade – Kirkwood – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 26. Quaintance, Maura – BA+45 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE – Resource – Borlaug To 1.0 FTE – Resource – Lucas – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) 27. Raaf, David – BA+20 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE – Industrial Tech/Automotive City To 1.0 FTE – Industrial Tech/Automotive – Physical Plant – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change only) 28. Sadler, Kathy – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE From BA Step 9 To BA+20 Step 9 29. Saunders, Vicki – 1.0 FTE From 5th/6th – Borlaug To 6th Grade – Borlaug 30. Schularick, Anne – MA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE (.60 FTE/ELL and .40 FTE/Spanish) West To 1.0 FTE – ELL – West – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 31. Skarda, Jennifer – 1.0 FTE From 3rd/4th – Borlaug To 4th Grade – Borlaug 32. Sims, Chelsea – BA+20 Step 6 From .50 FTE – Teacher Librarian – Hills To 1.0 FTE (.47 FTE/Hills and .47 FTE/SEJH, .06 FTE travel) Teacher Librarian 189 days - 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 33. Smith, Jan – MA+50 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE – Language Arts – Tate To 1.0 FTE (.50 FTE/Language Arts 8th Grade/ SEJH and .50 FTE/Language Arts/Tate) 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 34. Sorenson, Lori – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – 4-6 Behavior Focused – Kirkwood To 1.0 FTE – K-3 Behavior Focused – Kirkwood – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 35. Stallheim, Michelle – BA Step 6 From 1.0 FTE – Kindergarten – Hoover To 1.0 FTE – Kindergarten – Penn – 189 days – 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (chg in bldg) 36. Taylor, Joseph – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE From BA Step 6 To BA+20 Step 6 37. Vitosh, Sheryl – MA+30 Step 14+ From 1.0 FTE (.50 FTE/Shimek and .50 FTE SEJH) Teacher Librarian To 1.0 FTE – Teacher Librarian – Lemme – 189 days 8-13-12 to 5-31-13 (bldg change) 38. Wegman, Bobbie – LANE CHANGE – 1.0 FTE From BA Step 6 To BA+20 Step 6 39. Whitters, Jenny – 1.0 FTE – From 3rd/4th - Borlaug To 3rd Grade – Borlaug $no change $65,357.48 $no change $no change $no change $no change $no change $no change $55,631.00 $no change $no change $53,421.00 $no change $46,053.00 $no change $no change $no change $no change $53,421.00 $no change $no change $no change $47,895.00 $no change $no change $no change $47,895.00 $no change $47,895.00 D. Resignations From Extra Services 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. Hartwig, Garrett – Jr. High Boys Track Coach – NCJH – resignation 6-1-12 Head, Maureen – 9th Grade Girls Basketball Coach – West – resignation 6-1-12 Hynek, Keith – 7th Grade Volleyball Coach – SEJH – resignation 6-1-12 E. Recommended For Extra Service 2012-2013 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. F. ^Bell, Tami – CORRECTION – Student Council Sponsor (2.5%) Van Allen 8-13-12 Benton, Mark – Science Advocate (2%) – Longfellow – 8-13-12 Burkle, John – Head Jr. High Boys Swimming Coach (6.75%) SEJH – 8-13-12 Burkle, John – Head Jr. High Girls Swimming Coach (6.75%) SEJH – 8-13-12 Connell, Cory – Head Varsity Wrestling Coach (21%) City – 8-13-12 Flick, Heidi – Assistant Boys Swimming Coach (6%) NCJH – 8-13-12 Munoz, Louis – Science Advocate (2%) Wood – 8-13-12 Schluckebier, Lindsey – Conflict Resolution Manager (5%) Twain – 8-13-12 Spivak, Carolyn – Webmaster (1%)Twain – 8-13-12 $828.95 $663.16 $2,238.17 $2,238.17 $6,963.18 $1,989.48 $663.16 $1,657.90 $331.58 Leave of Absence Recommended For Approval 2012-2013 1. 2. Bolender, Katy – Request 1.0 FTE Leave of Absence from 1.0 FTE 1st Grade Van Allen For the 2012-2013 school year McRoberts, Dan – Request .50 FTE Leave of Absence from .50 FTE Home School for the period of April 1, 2013 thru end of 2012-2013 school year Certified Extra Service 12-13 6-5-12 Exhibit A LastName Abbott Awad Ayers-Arnone Bach Bach Bell Bell Benton Bills Bolender Bradley Brewer Brinkmeyer Brinkmeyer Brock Brown Brown Carlson Chamberlain Chambers Connolly Cook Corbin-Muir de Leon de Leon DePrenger deSalme Dickson DiLeo Dodge Dotzel Downes Elmer Elmer Ertle Farnsworth Finger Finger Fisher Foreman Frederickson Frisbie Gahan Gardner Gentzsch Gillespie Glenn Glenn Glick Goodfellow Gordon FirstName Abbey Mark Rachael Jon Jon Andrew Tami Mark Valerie Brad Brian Allison Jennifer Jennifer Alicia Kevin Kevin Travis Jenahlee Josh Amy Jennifer Susan Renato Renato Joan Margaret Judith Kay Steve Stephanie Lindsey Tracy Tracy Rebecca Sarah Teresa Teresa Matthew Daphne Andrea Diana Andrew Jessica Donald Jenna Gary Gary Carrie Mary Carol JobLocation Horn Elem North Central JH South East JH West High West High North Central JH Van Allen Elem Longfellow Elem Shimek Elem Horn Elem Kirkwood Elem South East JH City High City High Grant Wood Elem Northwest JH Northwest JH Northwest JH Kirkwood Elem South East JH Penn Elem Mann Elem North Central JH West High West High Horn Elem Wickham Elem Weber Elem West High City High Northwest JH North Central JH Weber Elem Weber Elem Garner Elem Van Allen Elem South East JH South East JH Wickham Elem City High City High Weber Elem Coralville Central Elem Wickham Elem Horn Elem Twain Elem Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Penn Elem Twain Elem Lemme Elem JobTitle Science Advocate 2 Elementary Orchestras Art Club Sponsor 10th Grade Boys Math Club Sponsor 10th Grade Girls Math Club Sponsor Jr. High Intramurals Student Council Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Safety Patrol Student Government Debate Coach Forensics/Speech Safety Patrol Jazz Club Sponsor One Elementary Band Student Congress Sponsor Webmaster Yearbook Supervisor Safety Patrol Science Advocate Webmaster Senior Class Sponsor Webmaster Webmaster One Elementary Band Webmaster Senior Class Sponsor Model UN Supervisor Orchestra Yearbook Club Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager Science Advocate Student Council Sponsor Science Advocate Chorus Webmaster Safety Patrol The City Review Club Sponsor Book Club Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager Science Advocate Student Council Sponsor 2 Elementary Orchestras Science Advocate Conflict Resolution Manager Webmaster Safety Patrol Safety Patrol Safety Patrol TotalSalary $663.16 $2,652.64 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $1,989.48 $828.95 $1,657.90 $1,657.90 $828.95 $1,657.90 $1,369.43 $2,735.54 $2,735.54 $828.95 $663.16 $1,657.90 $2,735.54 $331.58 $663.16 $828.95 $663.16 $497.37 $787.51 $663.16 $331.58 $1,657.90 $331.58 $787.51 $1,326.32 $3,315.80 $663.16 $552.64 $663.16 $1,657.90 $663.16 $3,315.80 $497.37 $1,657.90 $663.16 $663.16 $552.64 $663.16 $828.95 $2,652.64 $663.16 $1,657.90 $331.58 $828.95 $1,657.90 $828.95 Certified Extra Service 12-13 6-5-12 Exhibit A Gordon Gordon Green Green Grove Hall Hansen Hansen Harper Harper Hemann Henry Hill Hill Hoel Hoel Huff Jensen Jensen Johnson Jones Jones Jones Kalsem Keettel Kelley Kemp Kidwell Kirpes Kirpes Kirpes Klopp Kosier Krei Kriz Kuepker Langguth Larsen Latcham Lepic Lestina Lestina Lestina Lestina Lewers Lindsey Lustig Martin Martin Martin McAnelly McCain Carol Carol Jane Mary Norma Lisa Renee Renee Jill Kristine Salina Kimberly Laura Daniel Linda Linda Charles Mark Kathy Megan Jennifer Mark Sara Sarah Tascha Nathan Tim Courtney James James James Louise Jeffrey Colleen Lori Jeffrey Kathryn Diana Sarah Ted Douglas Douglas Douglas Mary Christine Thomas Amy Traci Laurie Maria Anne Constance Lemme Elem Lemme Elem City High Horn Elem South East JH Lemme Elem Lucas Elem Lucas Elem City High Garner Elem Lincoln Elem Northwest JH Lucas Elem Northwest JH City High City High North Central JH Elizabeth Tate H.S. Lincoln Elem West High Coralville Central Elem Lincoln Elem South East JH Shimek Elem Longfellow Elem Lucas Elem Mann Elem Garner Elem West High West High West High Hills Elem Hoover Elem Wickham Elem Hoover Elem Northwest JH Coralville Central Elem Borlaug Van Allen Elem North Central JH City High City High City High City High City High West High Weber Elem Garner Elem Lucas Elem West High Lincoln Elem Lucas Elem Student Council Sponsor Science Advocate Psychology Club Sponsor Safety Patrol Sewing/Craft Club Sponsor Safety Patrol Conflict Resolution Manager Student Council Sponsor Art Club Sponsor Webmaster Safety Patrol Special Olympics Student Council Sponsor Ecology Club Sponsor - 7th Grade National Honor Society Sponsor Senior Class Sponsor Student Congress Sponsor Basketball Club Sponsor Science Advocate Forensics/Speech Student Council Sponsor Webmaster Student Government Science Advocate 2 Elementary Orchestras Student Council Sponsor Safety Patrol Conflict Resolution Manager 12th Grade Boys Math Club Sponsor 12th Grade Girls Math Club Sponsor F-Cubed Club Sponsor 2 Elementary Orchestras Safety Patrol Student Council Sponsor Science Advocate Jr. High Intramurals 2 Elementary Orchestras Webmaster Webmaster Math Counts Club Sponsor Assistant Drama Coach Stage Supervisor Technical Crew Sponsor Science Club Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Literary Club Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager Science Advocate Science Advocate SSIKE Club Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Webmaster $1,657.90 $663.16 $663.16 $1,657.90 $663.16 $828.95 $1,657.90 $552.64 $331.58 $331.58 $1,657.90 $2,486.85 $552.64 $663.16 $663.16 $1,575.01 $2,735.54 $663.16 $663.16 $2,735.54 $1,657.90 $331.58 $1,367.77 $663.16 $2,652.64 $552.64 $1,657.90 $828.95 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $2,652.64 $1,657.90 $828.95 $663.16 $1,989.48 $2,652.64 $331.58 $331.58 $663.16 $1,326.32 $1,657.90 $663.16 $663.16 $683.05 $663.16 $552.64 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $828.95 $331.58 Certified Extra Service 12-13 6-5-12 Exhibit A McCarville-Jennerjohn McDonald McDonald McDonough McLaughlin Medd Medd Merulla Meyer Moore Morris Muhlenbruch Myrvik Neuzil Norton Nourski Nourski Papesh Pedersen Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Peters Phillips Pisarik Proctor Raich Redmond Ritter Ritter Robinson Rocarek Rocarek Rolfes Roudabush Ryan Sadler Sadler Saunders Saunders Saunders Schlitz Schultz Schultz Shope Shutt Shutt Shutt Simpson Smith Sheila Erin Kathleen Tonya Stephanie Richard Robert Michael Karen Michael Jeffrey Hillary Rhonda Gary Mark Michelle Michelle Abigail Victoria Troy Troy Troy Pamela Havilah Havilah Harry Rachael Eliza Caitlin Devin Mariah Curtis Holly Ann Ann Meagan Cecilia Melissa Kathy Kathy Vicki Vicki Vicki Michael Amy Amy Christine Brady Brady Brady Todd Katherine Hills Elem Borlaug Coralville Central Elem North Central JH City High West High West High South East JH West High Lucas Elem City High Shimek Elem Kirkwood Elem West High Northwest JH Northwest JH Northwest JH Penn Elem City High City High City High City High North Central JH West High West High North Central JH Shimek Elem Horn Elem City High Coralville Central Elem City High Lincoln Elem West High West High West High Coralville Central Elem North Central JH Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Grant Wood Elem Borlaug Borlaug Roosevelt Elem Mann Elem Van Allen Elem Van Allen Elem Garner Elem West High West High West High Borlaug Lucas Elem Student Council Sponsor Safety Patrol Conflict Resolution Manager Cross Country Club Math Club 1 Stage Supervisor Stage Supervisor Knowledge Master Open Club Sponsor Math Club 11th Grade Sponsor Safety Patrol Webmaster Webmaster Science Advocate GovClub Sponsor Math Club Sponsor Newspaper Yearbook Club Sponsor Science Advocate Hyperstream Club Sponsor Assistant Drama Coach Paint-n-Patches Club Sponsor Thespians Sponsor German Club Sponsor Junior Class Sponsor Prom Club Sponsor Video Club Sponsor Safety Patrol Student Council Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Webmaster Pep Club Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Model UN Supervisor Assistant Drama Coach SADD Sponsor Safety Patrol Rock Band Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Safety Patrol Student Council Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager Science Advocate Science Advocate Webmaster Conflict Resolution Manager Student Council Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager Intramurals Coach, Boys Intramurals Coach, Girls Student Council Sponsor Student Council Sponsor 2 Elementary Bands $1,657.90 $1,657.90 $1,657.90 $663.16 $663.16 $828.95 $828.95 $663.16 $663.16 $1,657.90 $663.16 $331.58 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $2,652.64 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $2,735.54 $663.16 $663.16 $1,657.90 $828.95 $683.05 $331.58 $1,326.32 $828.95 $1,326.32 $2,652.64 $663.16 $1,657.90 $663.16 $828.95 $828.95 $828.95 $1,657.90 $663.16 $663.16 $331.58 $1,657.90 $828.95 $828.95 $1,575.01 $1,575.01 $2,735.54 $1,657.90 $2,652.64 Certified Extra Service 12-13 6-5-12 Exhibit A Smith Smith Stiegelmeyer Stumpff Sullivan-Channon Thayer Turnquist Vraspier Walker Walthart Watson Watts Weno Wilson Witinok Wyatt-Hanes Wyrick Zacek Andrew Tyson Jennifer Charles Shannon Diane Joni Gregory Joye Laura Carrie Michelle James Sandra Patricia Kathy Anne Dawn South East JH West High Mann Elem West High Transitions - Eastdale Plaza North Central JH Wickham Elem City High West High Longfellow Elem City High Kirkwood Elem South East JH North Central JH North Central JH Northwest JH Northwest JH Penn Elem Polar Bear Club Sponsor Academic Decathlon Director Student Council Sponsor Weight Lifting Club Sponsor Games Club Sponsor Vocal Music Science Advocate Audio Visual Director National Honor Society Sponsor Safety Patrol Interact Club Sponsor Student Council Sponsor Jr. High Intramurals Knowledge Masters Open Club Sponsor First Lego League Club Sponsor Sewing Club Sponsor Art Club Sponsor Conflict Resolution Manager $663.16 $663.16 $828.95 $663.16 $663.16 $2,652.64 $663.16 $2,238.17 $663.16 $1,657.90 $663.16 $1,657.90 $1,989.48 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $663.16 $1,657.90 Coordinators 12-13 Exhibit B 6-5-12 LastName FirstName JobTitle TotalSalary Arnold Victoria General Music Coordinator $3,581.06 Boyer Lisa ELL Coordinator $1,923.16 Brockmeyer Mark Science Coordinator $5,305.28 Chelf Susanne Health Coordinator $2,984.22 Corbin Margaret Language Arts Coordinator $5,769.49 Grenko Lehman Janice Physical Education Coordinator $5,238.96 Hefley Kapra World Language Coordinator $5,238.96 Highland Patrick Career Education Coordinator $3,315.80 Jepson Kathleen ELP Coordinator $1,657.90 Jespersen Scott Social Studies Coordinator $6,631.60 Jones Mark Art Coordinator $3,581.06 Simpson Todd Guidance Coordinator $5,238.96 Walker Joye Math Coordinator $5,305.28 TAS2 $3,581 $1,923 $5,305 $2,984 $5,769 $5,239 $5,239 $3,316 $1,658 $6,632 $3,581 $5,239 $5,305 Last Name Adams Beaver Boyer Breitbach Carey Coffman Coleman Corbin-Muir de Leon DiLeo Dvorak Frederickson Highland Hocking Hoel Ingram Jepson Kanellis Martin Martinez McDonough McHenry Morris Peterson Raaf Rehmke Sadler Sauser Schau Schollmeier Spiering Stiles Thompson Tucker Vraspier First Name Jacob Jay Lisa Paul Tom Jill Carla Susan Renato Kay Emily Andrea Patrick Thomas Linda Brian Kathleen Amelia Maria Carrie Tonya Jennifer Jeffrey Eric David Denise Michele Brian Elizabeth Peggy Jenna Sheila Natalee Phyllis Gregory Extended Days 2012-2013 Exhibit C June 5, 2012 Position Guidance - Secondary Special Ed.-ECSE Autism Consultant/ECSE Facilitator ELL Guidance - Secondary Guidance - Secondary Guidance - Secondary Reading Recovery Teacher Librarian Guidance - Secondary Guidance - Secondary Welcome Center/9th-10th Dean of Students Teacher Librarian Business Ed/Voc Ed Coordinator At Risk Instructor Guidance - Secondary Guidance - Secondary ELP Guidance - Secondary Dean of Students Guidance - Secondary Health/Athletic Trainer Teacher Librarian/Language Arts Guidance - Secondary Industrial Tech/Automotive Library Coordinator Guidance - Secondary Academic Dean Teacher Librarian Guidance - Secondary Teacher Librarian Health/Athletic Trainer Success Center Preschool Coordinator AV/Tech-Media Extended Building Days Total Northwest JH 4 $1,059.65 ESC 5 $1,592.11 ESC 5 $1,399.13 West High 7 $2,554.00 City High 7 $2,554.00 South East JH 3 $1,098.54 ESC/Weber 20 $7,323.61 North Central JH 2 $688.31 West High 8 $2,918.86 West High 7 $2,554.00 City High 5 $1,508.78 City High 5 $1,824.29 North Central JH 10 $3,701.49 South East JH 1 $323.45 City High 7 $2,409.07 South East JH 3 $970.35 ESC 10 $3,234.49 West High 7 $2,563.26 West High 10 $3,258.85 ESC 2.5 $811.41 North Central JH 3 $1,032.46 City High 10 $3,648.58 City High 5 $1,824.29 City High 9 $2,911.04 Physical Plant 5 $1,513.72 ESC 20 $7,297.15 Northwest JH 4 $1,459.43 West High 10 $3,234.49 South East JH 2 $606.16 West High 7 $2,554.00 NWJH 2 $443.86 West High 10 $2,894.75 South East JH 1 $335.97 ESC 10 $3,648.58 City High 5 $1,513.72 Winkelmann Susan Yoder Greg Extended Days 2012-2013 Exhibit C June 5, 2012 Reading Recovery/Reading Recovery Teacher Leader Penn Elem Guidance - Secondary City High 20 $7,297.15 7 $2,264.14 ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISPOSITION REPORT MAY 15, 2012 PREPARED BY STEPHEN F. MURLEY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS BACKGROUND Classroom instruction at Roosevelt Elementary School will cease following the end of the 2011-12 school year. The District convened the Roosevelt Repurpose Study Group Committee to determine appropriate steps for repurposing the facility. The Study Group Committee submitted a report February 22, 2011 detailing their recommendations (see attached). Four options were recommended including: - Assumption of ownership by another municipal entity Retention of ownership by the district Sale of the building with restrictions on successor utilization Sale of the building without restrictions on successor utilization. After contacting multiple municipal entities it was determined that there was no interest among the various Johnson County municipalities in the first option. Based on prior Board determination not to remodel the building in favor of the construction of the new Norman Borlaug Elementary School, retention of ownership and repurposing for other District programming by the District was rejected. The Superintendent then made the recommendation to the Board that the building be sold through a competitive bid process with restrictions on successor utilization. The administrative team and the Board worked through legal counsel to set up a competitive bid process to sell the building. CURRENT STATUS OF BIDS The District advertised the sale of the building through the competitive bid process. All related documents were placed on the District web site to facilitate access by interested parties (http://www.edline.net/pages/ICCSD/Departments/Business_Office/Roosevelt_Sale_Documents/Docu ments). The District has received one bid for the building (see attached). A second bid was submitted one day after the official bid closure on April 30, 2012. Subsequent to the closing of the bid process multiple inquiries have been received in the District office expressing interest in purchasing the property. In addition to these inquiries, input has been received by one interested party stating that they did not fully understand the timelines for submission of bids. Concern was expressed that absent a full review of all documents on the District web site it was difficult to ascertain that the bid closed on April 30, 2012. Roosevelt Elementary School Disposition Report May 15, 2012 OPTIONS There are two options to consider at this time: - Accept the bid that was responsive and submitted on time - Reject the bid that was responsive and submitted on time RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that the bid that was responsive and submitted on time be rejected. NEXT STEPS If the Board chooses to reject the bid that was responsive and submitted on time there are three options to consider. Each option has benefits and drawbacks: - - - Hire a realtor to sell the property o The use of a realtor allows the District the greatest opportunity to ensure maximum exposure of the property through the multiple-listing service o The use of a realtor reduces the District’s ability to ensure that a subsequent owner repurposes the building in line with the recommendations from the study group Go back out through the competitive bid process o The use of the competitive bid process with restrictions allows the District the greatest opportunity to ensure that a subsequent owner repurposes the building in line with the recommendations from the Roosevelt Repurpose Study Group Committee, but decreases the likelihood that a large number of bids will be received based on the first round of bids o The use of the competitive bid process without restrictions decreases the District’s ability to ensure that a subsequent owner repurposes the building in line with the recommendations from the Roosevelt Repurpose Study Group Committee, but increases the likelihood that a larger number of bids will be received based on the first round of bids o Absent a reserve price in the bid documents there is no guarantee that subsequent offers will meet Board expectations o Absent funds allocated for marketing it is likely that some prospective buyers will again fail to be aware that the District is trying to sell the building and will not note the timeline for the sale of the building o In both cases, the process of going through a second round of competitive bids will delay any potential sale of the property Retain the property o The Physical Plan has estimated that the occupancy costs for the District if the building sits unoccupied will be $46,410 annually (see attached) Page 2 of 2 IOWA CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Roosevelt Annual Operating Cost Custodial Water/Sewer Natural Gas Electricity Snow Removal Lawn Care Maintenance Occupied $66,610 $2,600 $26,765 $23,000 $5,445 $8,824 $5,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $138,243 Difference Unoccupied ($58,610) $8,000 ($2,340) $260 ($4,015) $22,750 ($20,700) $2,300 ($4,845) $600 ($1,324) $7,500 $0 $5,000 ($91,833) $46,410 (Daily building checks) (10% of Current) (80% of current) (10% of Current) (Minimal Fire Dept Access) (85% of current) (Estimated Unplanned) Iowa City Community School District Educational Services Center Stephen F. Murley Superintendent of Schools 1725 North Dodge Street • Iowa City, IA 52245 • (319) 688-1000 • Fax (319) 688-1009 • www.iowacityschools.org Iowa City Community School District Community Education Program Report to the ICCSD Board of Education Background information: In June, 2010, the ICCSD Board of Education adopted a resolution to develop a Community Education program pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 276, the “Iowa Community Education Act.” The purpose of this chapter is to “provide educational, recreational, cultural, and other community services and programs through the establishment of the concept of community education with the community school serving as the center for such activity.” Such programs can be learning support services, or programs and services that help to decrease barriers to learning. The Iowa City Community School district has a long history of providing such programs and services, typically in collaboration with the community. The Family Resource Centers are one example of a long-standing learning support service that has been developed by the school district and the community. Healthy Kids Community Care school-based health clinic, school-based mental health services, Academic Mentoring, 21st Century After School Programs, and use of district facilities by the community are examples of other current initiatives and services that would be included under the Community Education program. Co-Directors: The ICCSD Board of Education appointed Susie Poulton, Director of Health and Student Services, and Joan VandenBerg, Coordinator of Youth and Family Development, as Co-Directors of the Community Education program. Advisory Council: Per Iowa Code and the resolution adopted by the Board, the Board appointed a Community Education District-wide Advisory Council (CEDAC), made up of five members, as described below: 1. Resident of Iowa City – Marcia Bollinger (Neighborhood Services Coordinator, Iowa City) 2. Resident of Coralville - Lynette Jacoby (Johnson County Social Services Director) 3. Resident of North Liberty – Tracey Mulcahey (Assistant City Administrator, North Liberty) 4. Resident of Hills/ University Heights/ unincorporated Johnson County – Pete Wallace (retired Pediatrician, VP of Medical Affairs Mercy Iowa City) 5. Representative from Iowa City/ North Liberty/ Coralville Recreation Departments (rotate annually) – Sherri Proud – Coralville Each of these people has agreed to serve on the Advisory Council, with two year terms for each except the representative from the city recreation departments will rotate annually. The CEDAC has met three times so far in 2011-12, on February 15, 2012, April 11, 2012 and May 30, 2012. Activities and discussions have included the following: 1. The Council was presented a list and explanation of current programs in the school district that would fit under the Community Education concept. 2. The Council determined the immediate priorities of the Advisory Council to be Before/ After School Programs and Summer programs. Advisory Council members agree that the district programs should be consistent across all buildings and that the district should hold to certain standards for all programs, along with providing a consistent structure of programs. Members discussed the needs for more afterschool and weekend programming for children in the community. 3. The Council surveyed the directors of the current Before and After School Programs (BASP) in the district. Preliminary results of this survey include: The mission of the Iowa City Community School District is to ensure all students will become responsible, independent learners capable of making informed decisions in a democratic society as well as in the dynamic global community; this is accomplished by challenging each student with a rigorous and creative curriculum taught by a diverse, professional, caring staff and enriched through the resources and the efforts of families and the entire community. a. There are 4 (soon to be 5) schools with a BASP operated by a community agency: Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County (Twain Elementary) Coralville Recreation Services (Van Allen, Wickham, and will have one at Borlaug), North Liberty Recreation Services (Garner). The other BASPs are independent, with a parent board. b. School-based BASPs serve 1070 students. c. Approximately 428 students are on waiting lists for school-based BASPs d. School-based programs vary considerably in their offerings of activities and structure. 4. The Council was given more information on the district’s 21st Century Extended Day Learning programs. 5. The Council was given more information about the Out of School Initiative in Johnson County. 6. The Council developed and approved budget for SILO funds designated for Community Education. (Note that the district has an unspent balance of Community Education SILO funds, accumulated over the past 5 years. The budget was determined using some of the carryover funds to match the district’s 21st Century Learning Center programs. ) Budget of SILO funds for Community Education: FY 13 Carryover (unspent funds from FY 08 thru FY 12) Annual allocation 2012-2013 budget Family Resource Center Program 6 FTE at $50,000 Salary & Benefits 21st Century Community Learning Center Match Hills Roosevelt/Weber Wood Kirkwood Additional Out-of-School Support and/or Other Community Education Need TOTAL $1,500,000 $300,000 $300,000 $50,000 $75,000 $75,000 $37,500 $237,500 $62,500 $600,000 Goals of Community Education District Advisory Council (CEDAC): 1. Assess current structure of BASPs in the district. 2. Determine district expectations of all school-based BASPs. 3. Work with BASPs, the district, and community agencies to develop capacity to meet needs for after-school programs. 4. Work with BASP directors to develop a menu of resources for uniform quality programs. 5. Develop a plan to coordinate and communicate to district personnel and the community the wide array of Community Education programs available to students and families. Appendix 9.1 Board of Education Approval Steps Projects Greater Than $1,000,000 (see Appendix 9) Projects Horn Classroom & Gym Addition Norman Borlaug Elementary City High Fine Arts Step 1 SFIP Budget Date Amount Step 2 Begin Design Approval Date 5/12/2009 1,742,050 5/12/2009 11,500,000 5/12/2009 4,500,000 5/12/2009 5/12/2009 1/26/2010 Step 3 25% Project Design Budget Date Amount 12/9/2010 3,954,380 2/8/2011 6,200,000 Step 4 75% Project Design Budget Date Amount 3/23/2010 1/11/2011 11/8/2011 4,051,762 11,522,096 6,200,000 Step 5 Final Plan & Specifications Total Budget Date Amount 4/13/2010 3/8/2011 2/7/2012 4,051,762 11,522,096 6,200,000 Step 6 Bid Approval Award Amount Fund 4/27/2010 3,672,000 3/29/2011 10,607,810 3/13/2012 5,610,000 SILO SILO SILO Date Note: Additions or changes noted in red 5/31/2012 9:10 AM 120430___Appendix 9 - Tracking_Active for 06.05.12 BOE Mtg Appendix 9.2 Board of Education Approval Steps Projects Greater Than $100,000 and Less Than $1,000,000 (See Appendix 9) Step 1 Projects ESC, formerly CAO Main Floor Renovation A ESC, formally Renovate CAO IT Room B,C District Wide IT Closets Upgrade B Bates Vision D Weld-Woods-Auto Renovate Relocate E Twain Front Entrance - Office Renovation FG City High Practice Field Renovation West High Upgrade Electrical Transformer West High Soccer H,I West High Weight Structural Repairs West High Re-pipe Water Lines in Locker Rms H CFP Budget Date Amount 2/26/2008 250,000 2/26/2008 340,000 5/12/2009 210,000 2/22/2011 486,440 361,000 1/26/2010 225,000 2/22/2011 115,000 2/22/2011 325,000 2/22/2011 550,000 3/20/2012 285,000 3/20/2012 165,000 Step 2 PPEL/SILO Project Approval Budget Date Amount Step 3 Projects >= $100,00 Final Plans & Specifications Budget Date Amount 2/22/2011 602,500 10/11/2011 1/26/2010 2/22/2011 2/22/2011 2/22/2011 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 225,000 115,000 325,000 550,000 285,000 165,000 Step 4 Date 12/6/2011 573,800 361,000 360,000 10/11/2011 12/20/2011 3/13/2012 5/11/2011 6/14/2011 5/15/2012 5/15/2012 325,000 550,000 282,000 108,000 5/11/2011 6/28/2011 6/5/2012 6/5/2012 Bid Approval Award Amount Fund PPEL PPEL PPEL 573,800 Fundraising 352,000 PPEL Contingency 428,600 PPEL PPEL 156,600 PPEL 501,888 Fundraising 344,000 PPEL PPEL Note: Projects 100% completed as of the start of the current fiscal year, July 1, 2011, have been removed from Appendix 9.2. A - Project was deferred pending a more comprehensive exam of the CAO and has been reallocated to the Educational Services Center. B - Project completed this stage prior to the implementation of this updated Appendix 9.1 C - Project approved from conceptual design and cost opinion. During design drawing phase other sites to relocate were looked at, due to the pending exam of the CAO. Eventually, it became evident relocating the main IT room for the district, either through hubs, or another location that insured longevity, would be preferred. Minimal upgrades were done until a new location was selected. It was then determined the CAO may move to the Educational Services Center. D - Fundraising will pay for everything except $30,000.00 electrical infrastructure upgrade. E Project not identified until after 2011 - 2012 CFP was approved. Project is a result of the City High Fine Arts Addition. Programs will be more centrally located between schools. F - Combined two other prior approved 2011-12 $75,000 electronic access control project for Twain and $50,000 fire alarm life cycle upgrade project as they fit into this project well, and will save costs by bidding and managing once as a package. G - Project approved by the Board 3/20/2012. H - Weight room structural repairs & locker room plumbing repairs will be bid as one project to reduce construction down time & costs. The projects are in the same location. I - Total for structural & plumbing repair bid together as one project. 5/31/2012 9:10 AM 120430___Appendix 9 - Tracking_Active for 06.05.12 BOE Mtg Appendix 9.3 Capital Project Status Report - Projects in excess of $100,000 On Time & On Budget Time or Budget Concern Funding Source Date Bid Awarded SILO SILO Fundraising PPEL PPEL PPEL 3/24/2009 4/27/2010 6/28/2011 4/26/2011 4/26/2011 4/26/2011 9,487,000 3,672,000 501,888 344,950 249,830 51,609 226,257 46,861 4,788 32,272 - PPEL SILO PPEL Fundraising PPEL PPEL Cont SILO PPEL PPEL PPEL 3/29/2011 5/10/2011 10/11/2011 3/20/2012 1/17/2011 3/20/2012 3/20/2012 4/3/2012 4/3/2012 10,607,810 155,600 573,800 428,600 437,500 5,610,000 1,087,800 237,350 109,500 281,613 (2,604) 21,308 Time & Budget Concern Project Status Garner Elementary Horn Classroom & Gym Addition West High Soccer District Wide Roof Program Projects District Wide Bld Envelope Program District Wide Bld Envelope Program City High Regrade Soccer Field Norman Borlaug Elementary West High Electrical Relocation Bates Vision Twain Front Entrance-Office Renovation Weld-Woods-Auto Renovate Relocate City High Performing Arts District Wide Bld Envelope Program District Wide Roof Program Projects District Wide Roof Program Projects Status Bullet Points Twain Hoover City Longfellow Mann Hold per Music Bld. Construction A B C West High Lincoln City High Contract Award Amount Change Orders Current Contract Amount 9,713,257 3,718,861 506,676 344,950 282,102 51,609 10,889,423 152,996 595,108 428,600 437,500 5,610,000 1,087,800 237,350 109,500 - Const. Budget Amount Contingency Contract Dates Begin Substantial Construction Complete Actual Dates Begin 50% Construction Complete Current Status % Complete Date 9,630,414 3,448,200 577,559 172,410 5/18/2009 5/17/2010 7/9/2011 6/6/2011 6/6/2011 6/6/2011 6/1/2010 8/1/2011 9/15/2011 8/19/2011 8/19/2011 8/19/2011 5/28/2009 5/18/2010 7/10/2011 6/5/2011 6/5/2011 6/5/2011 11/1/2009 10/15/1010 8/1/2011 6/20/2011 7/15/2011 7/20/2011 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 7/9/2010 8/3/2011 9/30/2011 8/1/2011 9/1/2011 9/1/2011 10,981,412 325,000 489,771 - 3/31/2011 5/12/2011 11/7/2011 6/1/2012 8/12/2011 8/1/2012 4/4/2011 6/3/2011 11/7/2011 12/15/2011 7/11/2011 3/23/2012 87% 100% 82% 5/1/2012 9/1/2011 5/1/2012 428,600 437,500 5,610,000 18,000 43,750 259,210 1/18/2012 3/19/2012 6/11/2012 6/4/2012 6/4/2012 8/3/2012 10/30/2012 8/10/2012 8/17/2012 8/17/2012 2/15/2012 3/26/2012 21% 5% 4/1/2012 5/1/2012 Note: Projects 100% completed as of the start of the current fiscal year, July 1, 2011, have been removed from Appendix 9.3. Garner Elementary is still reflected above pending resolution of the final pay application to the General Contractor. A Updated completion status per latest pay application. B Updated completion status per latest pay application. C Updated completion status per latest pay application. 5/31/2012 9:10 AM 120430___Appendix 9 - Tracking_Active for 06.05.12 BOE Mtg SUPERINTENDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 30, 2012 PREPARED BY ANN FELDMANN, ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE MEMBERS CHARGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT Given a capacity of 900 (North Central Junior High School cohort model), describe the following for a fourth ICCSD high school: a. Program format: Schedule (trimester/semester/etc., straight period/block/etc.) b. Course offerings (what courses and frequency of offerings) c. Extra-curricular offerings d. Campus—(Size of physical plant and description of non-classroom areas) e. Cost to operate Committee members wish to stress that this report represents a description, to the best of our committee members’ ability, of what a typical 800-900-student comprehensive Iowa City Community School District High School could look like. It is not intended to be an exhaustive and overly detailed study, but an overview that provides information to the superintendent. MEMBERS OF THE STUDY COMMITTEE Ann Feldmann, Assistant Superintendent (Facilitator) John Bacon, City High Principal Dan Sabers, City High Teacher Greg Yoder, City High Guidance Counselor Jerry Arganbright, West High Principal Joye Walker, West High Teacher Renato DeLeon, West High Guidance Counselor Will Hollander, Tate High Principal Gregg Shoultz, Northwest Junior High Principal Jane Fry, North Central Junior High Principal Deb Wretman, South East Junior High Principal Also consulting: Pam Ehly, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Becky Furlong, Assistant Superintendent SUPERINTENDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT May 30, 2012 PROCESS 1. Friday Jan 27th Committee Meeting at 7:45-9:00am  Organize (introductions, committee charge, identify/edit action steps)  Assign Work Teams 2. Thursday Feb 2nd, Committee Meeting at 7:45-9:30am  Finalize Action Plan Steps for Teams 1, 2, and 3 3. Monday Feb 13th Committee Meeting at 3:30-5:00pm  Architect #1 visit (Shive-Hattery)  Finalize site visits 4. Tuesday 21st 1st Site Visit to Clear Creek-Amana High School 5. Thursday Feb 23rd Committee Meeting at 4:15-5:30pm  Debrief 1st site visit  Architect #2 visit (OPN Architects)  Questions/answers about final work products 6. Monday, March 5 2nd Site Visit (half group to Ankeny HS and half to Ballard-Huxley HS) 7. Thursday, March 8th Committee Meeting at 7:45 – 9:30 am  Debrief 2nd site visit 8. Thursday March 22nd Committee Meeting at 4:15 -5:30pm  Questions/answers about final work products  Team planning time 9. Wednesday, May 9th Committee Meeting at 4:14 – 5:30 10. Thursday, May 17th Committee Meeting 8:00 - 10:30 am 11. In addition to the above, sub-committee meetings were held EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CURRICULUM/ACADEMIC STAFFING (APPENDICES 1A AND 1B) Members of the curriculum/academic staffing sub-committee conducted a research study to determine the potential curricular offerings for the new school as well as the impact on the existing comprehensive high schools’ curricular offerings. They used students’ course enrollment requests from City and West High Schools for 2012-13 to determine the likely course requests at a new school of 800 students. From there, likely course offerings and staffing plans was created for all three comprehensive high schools. The results of the study indicate that an 800-student comprehensive high school would be capable of providing a quality curricular program for students. Students in the new school would have quite similar curricular choices as their peers at City and West High Schools. The areas where there would be large differences from City and West are: business, family and consumer science, and industrial technology. There would be moderate differences in advanced placement offerings and elective English classes. In addition, the enrollment shifts at City and West would have minimal impact on the breadth of their curricular offerings. Page 2 of 4 SUPERINTENDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT May 30, 2012 OPERATIONAL COSTS (APPENDICES 1A, 1B, 2, AND 3) Opening a new facility creates operating costs over and above current costs to the district’s budget. Members of an operational costs sub-committee used district data to determine potential new coast for an additional high school facility. They determined there are three main areas of additional operational costs associated with a new high school: staff for the school day, staff for athletics and activities, and costs associated with building functions. All estimated costs are in 2011-12 dollars. While the estimates are best represented as a range, the total additional costs to district general fund expenditures could be $2,965,253/year to operate a new high school. Staff for the School Day (APPENDIXES 1a and 1b) The total new costs for additional certified staff for an 800-student high school are estimated to be $635,000 - $794,550 (see page 4 of Appendix 1a and slide 14 of Appendix 1b). This includes administrators, office staff, guidance counselors, librarian, supervisory associates, support staff, additional teachers needed, etc. Staff for Athletics/Activities (APPENDIX 2) It is estimated that costs associated with providing coaches and activities/club sponsors for an 800student comprehensive high school would be $286,236 (82.33% of City or West costs). Costs Associated with Building Functions (APPENDIX 3) Estimates for annual general fund costs for custodial, maintenance, food service, and busing personnel and associated equipment costs are $1,884,467. This includes a “greatest case scenario” estimate of $900,000/year for 20 additional bus routes. DESIGN (APPENDIX 4) Key Elements of a 3rd High School – “Form follows Function” 1. Form follows function: decide what building should do/be 2. Build what you want: once you decide what the building is, then use this vision to design the spaces 3. Partner with neighboring facilities; for example, career and technical facilities could/should be shared with other nearby sites, depending on their proximity to the new high school (e.g. Johnson County Regional High School Center/North Central Junior High/Northwest Junior High) We heard over and over in our site visits that we should build what we need up front (it is more expensive to redesign rather than do it correctly the first time.) Page 3 of 4 SUPERINTENDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT May 30, 2012 OTHER DISCUSSION POINTS FROM THE COMMITTEE 1. How to pay for building a. SILO (local option sales tax) b. PPEL (Physical Plant and Equipment Levy) c. Consider putting to voters a bond proposal 2. How to pay for operating costs a. Efficiencies  Some staff will move to new facility from current facilities  Operational costs for a third comprehensive HS will need to be drawn from K-12 efficiencies; cannot be completely drawn from the current high schools b. Increased enrollment: need to start “banking” general fund dollars to prepare for a new facility 3. Consider the impact of the Johnson County Regional High School as this programming develops 4. Athletic competition: an 800-900 student high school may not compete in the same level (5a, 4a, 3a) as City and West High Schools 5. Boundaries/facilities for any high school facilities will be complicated by the changing landscape of: a. New residential growth within the district b. Number of students who open enroll; potential for new open enrollments into the district as well as students returning to the ICCSD c. New technologies that may impact how schooling “looks” in the future 6. Additional options that could be considered a. Magnet/charter b. 9th grade center(s) c. 2 large comprehensive high schools SUGGESTIONS FOR MOVING FORWARD 1. Think of the district as one district—any plan should unify the district. Be sure to keep the whole district in mind even while developing solutions that impact portions of the whole 2. Focus on communication 3. Be child centered, future focused…but not focused solely on a child or a group of children 4. Determine how we are going to pay for new high school facilities by maximizing efficiencies as well as generating new/utilizing existing monetary resources 5. Use the board’s boundary criteria (Appendices 5A and 5B) in making the boundary decisions associated with high school facilities. For example, honor the current mandate to balance percentages of students who qualify for free or reduced price lunches, which is one measure of poverty, at all secondary schools Page 4 of 4 Staffing a Proposed New Comprehensive High School Is a high school of 800 students viable in the ICCSD? Methodology This report uses the student requests from both City High and West High and enrollment projections from the University of Iowa Enrollment report dated April of 2012. Counselors from City and West High met to determine comparable classes for all subjects and a final number of requests were established for both schools. This data appears in Appendix B. Using the current projected enrollment from both City and West for the 2012-13 school year, a ratio was established for each class at each school. Next, this ratio was used to calculate the estimated course requests for both City High and West High in the year 2016-17. Next, two scenarios were developed in which a new comprehensive high school (referred to henceforth as NCHS) is opened with 800 students. The first scenario involves all 800 students coming from West High and the second assumes that 20% of the students would come from City High and 80% would come from West High. Using these ratios, a number of estimated requests were developed for each class. The requests are estimates only. The next phase of the analysis involved looking at each department area and determining how a building with the remaining requests might be staffed. Two areas are highlighted: first is the area of English classes and the second is AP classes. English represents an area of study with both yearlong required classes as well as a number of trimester length elective classes. This department is very useful for illuminating the variations of course offerings at high schools of varying sizes. AP classes represent an area of high interest to the community and also a segment of classes that are accessed only by the highest achieving students. They are also very useful for comparison. Current Staffing Levels at City High and West High For the 2012-13 school year, City High and West High are projected to enroll 1425 and 1995 non level 2 and 3 special education students, respectively. Appendix A shows the number of requests generated by these projected enrollment levels plus the estimated course requests in 2016. The high schools are staffed at a ratio of 21.93 students for every teacher. Therefore these enrollment levels generate 70.8 and 90.4 FTE (fulltime teacher equivalents) for City and West respectively. Using these FTEs, the administrators must not only cover all of the course requests, but also staff teacher librarians, most at-risk teachers and guidance staff. Not included in this staffing are administrators, special education teachers and some staff that are supported by grant monies. A note about staffing Staffing any high school is more than just a numbers game. Principals must consider a myriad of factors outside of the number of students requesting a certain class. Among them are teacher preferences, teacher competencies, class sizes, historical drop and add data, facility demands, graduation requirements, state standards, and on and on. No building can be staffed without first addressing all of these concerns and different principals would come to different staffing plans using the same data. This report is intended to offer a snapshot of what a high school starting out with 800 students might look like. It is not intended to be a projection of how it would probably be staffed. The estimated requests are used to generate class sections by dividing the number of requests by the optimal class size. Assuming that an administrator would like approximately 28 students in a regular general education class, the following calculation would yield a suggested number of class sections: 1 Example of calculating number of sections City Requests 75 Courses Intro to HS Math Algebra 1A Algebra 1B Geometry City Calculated West Sections Requests 2.7 74 71 56 213 2.5 2.0 7.6 63 57 290 West Calculated Sections 2.6 2.3 2.0 10.4 Actual number of sections needed Courses City Requests Intro to HS Math 75 Algebra 1A 71 Algebra 1B 56 Geometry 213 Totals 415 City Actual Staffing 3 (.6 fte) 25 students per class 3 (.6 fte) 24 students per class 2 (.4 fte) 28 students per class 7 (1.4 fte) 31 students per class 3.0 fte 27.6 students per class West Requests 74 63 57 290 484 West Actual Staffing 3 (.6 fte) 25 students per class 2 (.4 fte) 32 students per class 2 (.4 fte) 28 students per class 10 (2.0 fte) 29 students per class 3.4 fte 28.4 students per class Two Scenarios for an 800 seat high school 2016 Projections1 West 2194 City 1644 Scenario A--800 from West West 1394 City 1644 NCHS 8002 Scenario B—80%-20% West 1554 City 1484 NCHS 800 Projections for number of student attending ICCSD schools that live in the West High and City High attendance areas. Students attending Tate High are included in this number if they are residents of ICCSD. 2 Assumes that NCHS would start with four grades in the first year of operation. 1 2 Size Comparisons The IHSAA uses grades 9-11 to rank high schools by enrollment. Here is a selected comparison of schools using the 2012 size numbers: Selected IHSAA 2012 Size Rankings IA Rank 10. 27. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. High School West (Current) City (Current) Davenport, North North Scott, Eldridge Lewis, Central Newton Epworth, Western Dubuque NCHS Xavier, Cedar Rapids 9-11 enrollment 1316 1022 767 731 678 666 620 600-675 593 City (Projected Scenario A) West (Projected Scenario A) 1233 1046 City (Projected Scenario B) West (Projected Scenario B) 1113 1158 Staffing Ratios The current staffing ratios for the high schools are based on the 21.93 student to teacher ratio. This means that for every 21.93 students, 1.0 fte is provided to the school. If we start with an 800 seat high school, the result would be 36.4 fte. Below is one example of how a new 800 seat high school might be staffed. Estimated NCHS Staffing Plan with Personnel Cost Estimates (excluding physical plant, custodian, and food service employees) New costs to the district are shaded in gray, shifted costs are in bold. NCHS Positions Quantity (In FTE where applicable) Cost Projections 2012 dollars3 1 1 1 32 hours 0.5 0.2 0.5 $125,000 $100,000 $100,000 $76,440 $35,000 $14,000 $35,000 Out of Ratio Principal Assistant Principal Athletic Director Supervisory Associates Dean of Students .2 Tag .5 At-Risk 3 Estimated costs include salary and benefits. 3 Security Officer Welcome Center Principal's secretary Office Secretary AD Secretary Library Secretary Guidance Secretary Total Estimate of New Recurring Costs 4 Teacher Costs Special Education Counselor Librarian Business FCS Industrial Tech English Math PE/Health Band Orchestra Choir Art Science Social Studies French German Spanish Total Teacher Costs Total All Costs 8 hours 1 1 2 1 1 1 $19,110 $70,000 $50,000 $60,000 $50,000 $30,000 $30,000 $635,640 4 2 1 0.6 0.6 0.6 6 5 2.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 6 5.8 0.8 0.6 3.2 42.4 $280,000 $140,000 $70,000 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 $420,000 $350,000 $196,000 $70,000 $56,000 $70,000 $56,000 $420,000 $406,000 $56,000 $42,000 $224,000 $2,968,000 $3,762,550 Cost Estimate Analysis Opening a new high school will result in new costs and shifted costs. New costs might include the cost of the administration of the school—principal, athletic director and building secretaries. Shifted costs are costs that move from the sending high school as the new one is opened. This would primarily include teacher costs as the number of teachers would be reduced at the sending school as they would be increased at the new high school. As noted above, 800 students would generate a regular ed staffing level of 36.4 fte. However, after estimating the number of sections necessary to staff NCHS, 38.4 fte was needed. Though these are This is estimated to be 80% of the new recurring costs as there would be some shifting from the sending high school(s). 4 4 just estimates, it is likely the case that a new, smaller school would result in some inefficiencies. In this case we estimate a need of up to 2.0 fte additional in order a smaller high school. The final estimate of new, recurring costs to operate the curricular programs of a new comprehensive high school is $705,640. Staffing Comparisons While we are not able to make estimations for each high school for each scenario, it is helpful to look at sample areas to see the impact of moving 800 students from the existing high schools and into a new high school. The chart below indicates the estimated impact on AP classes at West High and NCHS using scenario A: 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2.2 fte 15 0 12 12 13 0 8 4 9 4 2 11 4 8 9 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 0 2 1 4.8 fte Extra seats, crowded and unfilled requests West Requests 68 48 28 22 23 47 61 55 78 41 51 19 7 61 16 Predicted number of sections NCHS Requests 39 27 16 12 13 27 35 31 45 23 29 11 4 35 9 Extra seats, crowded and unfilled requests AP Only AP English AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics AP Computer Science AP Micro Econ AP US Hist AP Euro History AP Biology AP Chem AP Physics AP French IV/V AP German IV/ V AP Spanish IV/V AP Spanish V Total FTE Predicted number of sections AP Classes 13 5 5 4 7 7 1 3 13 3 8 7 7 11 Analysis In 2012, West High offered 14 AP classes. However, in order to offer French and German AP classes, these classes were modified and combined with French and German IV. Of the 14 AP sections currently offered at West High, 9 would be offered as a standalone class in the smaller NCHS. French and German would have to be combined with other classed of the same language. It would be difficult to staff AP Statistics and AP Computer Science classes as standalone classes in the new high school. These would most likely remain viable options in the smaller West High, however. 5 NCHS English classes Acting Movement & Acting Movement & Acting Media Lit & Communication Bible as Literature Minority Literature Contemporary Literature English Grammar Creative Writing Composition Intro to Yearbook Speech Debate Reading Strategies English 9 English 10 English 10 Honors AP English Literature of World Brit Lit Honors Basic American Humanities Am Humanities Literature of US Literature of US Honors Adv Journalism&News Intro to Newspaper Adv Yearbook predicted number of sections predicted number of sections English Classes West 9 11 11 0 0 1 15 19 19 0.0 1.0 1.0 24 32 32 26 75 31 43 7 84 12 10 213 142 43 39 16 34 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 3 0 0 8 5 2 2 1 1 41 56 55 45 131 54 75 12 146 22 17 371 247 75 68 29 59 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 9.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 9 69 61 20 12 14 6 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 16 119 107 35 21 24 11 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 Analysis It is particularly problematic to estimate the number of sections for each course. In general, however, the data shows that NCHS will be able to offer a fairly similar array of English courses. Areas of specialization such as drama classes and publication classes would likely be combined in a smaller high school. 6 General Conclusions There was little or no difference in the course requests generated by scenario A and scenario B. The estimates for the number of course requests generated by taking all of the students from West High and then a proportion from West and a proportion from City yielded the same results. Cost projections indicate a cost of operating the curricular programming of a new comprehensive high school to be $3,762,550. Approximately $2,968,000 to $3,126,910 would be shifted costs and $635,000 to $794,550 would represent new, recurring costs. Core courses would look very similar in a new, smaller high school. The areas of little differences are Math, Science, Foreign Language and Social Studies. Moderate differences would occur in AP offerings and elective English classes. Large differences would likely occur in business, art, and industrial tech. Some elective courses now taught at City High School and West High school would have to be combined and redesigned in a smaller high school. There are 378 high schools in Iowa with student enrollments ranging from over 2800 students in four grades to fewer than 100. High schools with smaller enrollments generally have more challenge in offering a wide range of elective course options for students. Schools facing this dilemma often explore on-line course options and shared programs with neighboring high schools to expand their course offerings. Included in the appendix are all Iowa high schools listed by enrollment for grades 9, 10, and 11—this list provided from the Iowa High Schools Athletic Union. A high school of approximately 800 to 900 students in four grades would fall in the range of the 44th to 48th largest high school in Iowa. A high school of approximately 800 students would be capable of providing a quality curricular program for students. As true for any school, the background and quality of the teaching staff combined with the specific interests of the students play prominent roles in determining specific program offerings. Although there would be some program differences, the curricular program of our two comprehensive high schools can generally be replicated in a school of 800 students. Current courses with enrollment that has developed over time may not be offered initially in an 800 seat high school. The more advanced Project Lead the Way courses provide an example of this possibility. However, such discrepancies may be addressed through program sharing among all three high schools. The Regional Educational Center will have a role in program offerings and options for all high school students in our district. 7 Appendix A—NCHS Estimated Sections Department At-Risk Business FCS Industrial Tech English Success Center T1 Desktop Publishing Web Design Entrepreneurship Keyboarding General Business Marketing Ethics, Business and the Law Personal Finance Advanced Computer Tech Computer Tech Futures Accounting Business Trimester Totals Foods 1 Child Development 1 Creative Fabric Interior Design On Your Own Foods 2 Child Development 2 Foods 3 Costume Design Project Runway Culinary Arts Career Academy Trimester FCS Totals FCS Totals Manufacturing Wood Woods Technology Fundamentals of CAD Home Improvement Fund of Electricity Electricity 2 Manufacturing Metals Building Const. Systems Academy Trimester Totals Acting 8 # per Requests class 47 5 5 32 8 32 22 0 41 12 28 61 7 260 83 30 13 30 15 50 15 28 6 10 4 282 4 17 9 14 0 19 8 7 4 84 9 Section Ratio 10 27 27 32 27 32 27 27 28 27 28 27 27 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 27 4.7 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.8 0.0 1.4 0.5 1.0 2.3 0.3 9.3 3.1 1.1 0.5 1.1 0.6 1.8 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.4 0.1 10.1 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.1 3.0 0.3 Sections 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 9 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 Mathematics Movement & Acting Movement & Acting Media Lit & Communication Bible as Literature Minority Literature Contemporary Literature English Grammar Creative Writing Foundations of Journalism Advanced Composition Composition Int to Yearbook Speech Debate Reading Strategies English 9 English 10 English 10 Honors AP English Literature of World Brit Lit Honors Basic American Humanities Am Humanities Literature of US Literature of US Honors Adv Journalism & News Int to Newspaper Adv Yearbook Trimester Totals Year-Long Totals AP Calculus AB Intro to HS Math Algebra 1A Algebra 1B Geometry Geometry Honors Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Advanced Topics in Mathematics Pre-Calculus Honors 9 11 11 24 32 32 26 75 31 0 0 43 7 84 12 10 213 142 43 39 16 34 9 69 61 20 12 14 6 396 688 27 30 25 23 116 51 87 106 66 21 40 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 0.4 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.0 2.8 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.3 3.1 0.5 0.4 7.9 5.2 1.6 1.5 0.6 1.3 0.3 2.5 2.3 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.8 4.3 1.9 3.2 3.9 2.4 0.8 1.5 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 8 5 2 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 0 14 26 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 4 2 1 2 PE and Health Social Studies Performing Music Math Skills Consumer Math AP Statistics Pre Calc AP Calculus BC Visual Basic NET AP Computer Science AMPS Year-Long Totals Trimester Totals Health EB Health EB Physical Ed Physical Education Strength Training PE & Health Request Totals World Current Events National Government State & Local Govt Sociology Behavioral Science General Psychology Economics AP Micro Econ World Religions Seminar Abnormal Psychology Civil War AP US Hist AP Euro History World History for Tomorrow AP Government American Study 2 Social Studies Totals Year long Social Studies Totals Trimester Concert Orchestra Symphony Orchestra Marching Band Concert Choir City High Singers Freshman Chorale Chamber Choir 10 13 8 12 84 16 0 13 4 725 18 173 31 99 390 237 929 3 141 137 25 59 40 156 27 6 32 0 35 31 138 54 211 469 626 20 26 78 45 27 30 0 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0.5 0.3 0.5 3.1 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.2 25.9 0.6 5.7 1.0 3.3 13 7.9 30.9 0.1 5.2 5.1 0.9 2.2 1.5 5.8 1.0 0.2 1.2 0.0 1.3 1.2 5.1 2.0 7.8 16.8 22.4 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 26 0 6 1 3 13 8 31 0 5 5 1 2 2 6 1 0 2 0 1 1 5 2 8 24 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Art Science World Languages Freshman Concert Band Little Hawk Singers Music Theory Music Requests Year long Music Request Trimester Sculptural Bookmaking Adv Drw & Art Forms Drawing Ceramics Ceramics 2 Glass Advanced Art Studio Painting Computer Graphics Illustrator Sculpture Basic Photography Drawing:CCC Digital Imaging Video Production Video production 2 Advanced Photography Metal and Jewelry Art Totals Foundations of Science Biology AP Biology AP Chem AP Physics Applied Bio/Chem Chemistry Chemistry Honors Physics Principles of Engineering Intro to Engineering Design Civil Engineering and Architecture Biotechnical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Science Year-long AP French IV/V 11 37 15 7 279 7 0 11 9 32 41 12 42 4 17 0 4 14 28 14 8 11 3 10 43 304 156 197 45 23 29 23 108 69 81 41 14 7 20 8 821 11 100 100 27 0.4 0.2 0.3 1 1 1 N/A 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 0.0 0.4 0.3 1.2 1.5 0.4 1.6 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 1.6 10.8 5.8 7.3 1.7 0.9 1.1 0.9 4.0 2.6 3.0 1.5 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.3 30.4 0.4 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 6 7 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 0 0 1 0 31 0 French 1 AP German IV/ V French 2 French 3 French 4 German 1 German 2 German 3 German 4 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors AP Spanish IV/V AP Spanish V World Language Totals 12 4 24 24 13 9 12 8 2 56 97 72 73 49 41 35 9 12 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 0.4 0.1 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 2.1 3.6 2.7 2.7 1.8 1.5 1.3 0.3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 0 24 Appendix B—Current and Estimated Course Requests This table indicated the current course offerings at City and West High, the number of course requests for the 2012-13 school year and the projected course requests for City, West and NCHS using scenarios A and B. Scenarios A assumes that City High boundaries will not change and NCHS will be populated only by students from West High. Scenario B assumes that 20%, or 160 students would come from City High School, and 80% would come from West High school. Course # B120 B121 B252 B255 B260 B270 B280 B852 B853 B952 B250 H270 H271 H273 H274 H275 Name Desktop Publishing Web Design Entrepreneurship Keyboarding General Business Marketing Ethics, Business and the Law Personal Finance Advanced Computer Tech Computer Tech Professional Pathways Professional Pathways Professional Pathways Futures Accounting Business Trimester Totals Business Yearround Courses Foods 1 Child Development 1 Creative Fabric Interior Design On Your Own 2012 CHS 2012 WHS City 2016 A 2016 WHS A 2016 NCHS A 2016 City B 2016 West B 2016 NCHS B 30 12 35 8 5 31 9 7 22 22 13 74 30 12 79 19 80 54 25 25 15 85 35 8 55 13 56 38 5 32 8 32 22 23 23 14 77 31 9 62 15 62 42 6 28 8 34 21 15 0 0 14 0 1 13 85 101 98 71 41 89 79 42 7 31 8 22 12 7 24 11 49 69 57 48 28 51 54 28 13 0 9 5 0 10 4 13 0 9 5 0 10 4 13 0 9 5 0 10 4 39 152 18 0 45 106 13 61 7 0 41 118 14 49 10 345 648 398 453 260 359 505 247 39 18 45 13 7 41 14 10 146 206 168 144 83 152 160 82 25 76 29 53 30 26 59 27 19 10 33 33 76 38 22 12 38 23 53 27 13 30 15 20 10 34 26 59 30 13 26 16 13 H571 H575 H872 H300 I263 I284 I285 I288 I950 I954 K111 I150 I267 I402 L140 L142 L152 L156 L157 Foods 2 Child Development 2 Foods 3 Costume Design Project Runway Culinary Arts Career Academy Trimester FCS Totals FCS Totals Manufacturing Wood Woods Technology Fundamentals of CAD Home Improvement Fund of Electricity Electricity 2 Manufacturing Metals Auto Maintenance Kirkwood - Health Careers Digital Electronics Auto Tech Building Const. Systems Academy Trimester Totals Year-Long Totals Acting Movement & Acting Movement & Acting Media Lit & Communication Bible as Literature Minority Literature Contempory 58 124 67 87 50 60 97 46 15 38 17 27 15 16 30 14 32 71 16 26 37 0 0 50 11 18 28 6 10 33 0 0 55 12 20 26 5 8 7 10 8 7 4 7 8 4 338 704 390 492 282 352 548 264 7 10 8 7 4 7 8 4 8 42 9 29 17 8 33 14 25 23 29 16 9 26 18 10 32 36 37 25 14 33 28 15 10 0 0 9 0 1 47 19 0 0 33 13 19 8 0 0 37 15 15 6 17 18 12 7 17 13 7 45 0 0 41 0 4 9 16 39 9 10 10 7 4 9 8 4 20 9 4 2 23 10 3 1 2 1 21 9 3 2 4 2 3 9 3 6 4 3 7 3 170 41 52 209 25 22 196 47 60 146 17 15 84 10 9 177 43 54 163 19 17 86 13 13 27 0 19 11 0 21 9 27 0 19 11 0 21 9 50 59 58 41 24 52 46 25 27 80 31 56 32 28 62 29 61 79 70 55 32 64 62 32 118 64 136 45 26 123 50 34 14 Literature L163 L164 L165 L168 L172 L177 L385 L145 L146 L147 L148 L153 L154 L155 L169 L170 M136 M216 M220 M221 M227 M228 M231 M232 M233 English Grammar Creative Writing Foundations of Journalism Advanced Composition Composition Int to Yearbook Speech Debate Reading Strategies English 9 English 10 English 10 Honors AP English Literature of World Brit Lit Honors Basic American Humanities Am Humanities Literature of US Literature of US Honors Adv Journalism&News Int to Newspaper Adv Yearbook Trimester Totals Year-Long Totals AP Calculus AB Intro to HS Math Algebra 1A Algebra 1B Geometry Geometry Honors Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Advanced Topics 0 65 131 54 75 31 0 58 146 60 60 31 43 50 0 0 45 0 5 20 23 0 0 21 0 2 47 39 107 17 209 31 117 0 54 45 75 12 146 22 43 7 84 12 105 0 49 41 83 13 163 24 46 5 72 14 76 24 88 17 10 79 19 16 346 204 115 65 531 353 107 98 399 235 133 75 371 247 75 68 213 142 43 39 360 212 120 68 414 275 83 76 209 136 47 39 82 41 95 29 16 85 32 22 85 0 59 34 0 66 27 23 0 16 9 0 18 7 225 171 153 0 260 119 107 69 61 0 234 133 119 55 74 94 50 108 35 20 98 39 27 38 30 44 21 12 40 23 14 4 614 1249 56 75 71 56 213 48 163 186 101 34 16 987 1716 68 74 63 57 290 126 218 265 164 52 0 5 708 1441 65 87 82 65 246 55 188 215 117 0 24 11 690 1199 48 52 44 40 203 88 152 185 115 36 14 6 396 688 27 30 25 23 116 51 87 106 66 21 0 4 639 1301 58 78 74 58 222 50 170 194 105 0 26 12 769 1337 53 58 49 44 226 98 170 206 128 41 11 6 386 691 28 32 28 25 117 46 88 106 64 17 56 101 188 77 15 M235 M237 M238 M239 M245 M336 MAT146 P001 P002 P003 P004 P101 P102 P103 P110 P120 P130 P404 P405 P406 P500 P501 P502 PSEO1 PT04 PT05 PT06 in Mathematics Pre-Calculus Honors Math Skills Consumer Math AP Statistics Pre Calc AP Calculus BC Visual Basic NET AP Computer Science AMPS Year-Long Totals Trimester Totals Health Health Health EB Health Health Totals EB Physical Ed EB Physical Ed EB Physical Ed Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Cross Training Cross Training Cross Training Lifestyle Fitness Training Lifestyle Fitness Training Lifestyle Fitness Training Attending PSEO Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training PE Requests 84 99 97 69 40 87 77 41 12 24 30 125 31 33 19 31 210 40 14 28 35 144 36 0 23 13 22 147 28 0 13 8 12 84 16 0 12 25 31 130 32 0 26 15 24 164 31 0 12 9 13 81 16 0 16 33 18 23 13 17 26 12 1275 16 94 111 55 33 293 108 42 35 11 1809 44 106 156 167 78 507 126 70 50 0 1471 18 108 128 63 38 338 125 48 40 8 1264 31 74 109 117 55 354 88 49 35 4 725 18 43 63 67 31 203 51 28 20 0 1328 17 98 116 57 34 305 112 44 36 9 1409 34 83 122 130 61 395 98 55 39 4 723 16 45 63 60 29 196 53 27 20 127 305 147 213 122 132 238 112 139 417 160 291 167 145 325 149 88 253 102 177 101 92 197 91 22 27 16 25 31 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 28 17 0 0 0 2 3 2 64 74 0 0 67 0 7 126 145 0 0 131 0 14 63 73 0 0 66 0 7 19 116 152 90 1234 22 134 175 104 1424 0 119 187 106 1265 0 69 107 61 726 20 121 158 94 1285 0 133 208 118 1410 2 68 103 59 719 171 267 151 1810 16 S178 S184 S185 S186 S187 S188 S191 S193 S489 S990 SST162 S279 S195 S183 S123 U299 U300 U301 U303 U304 U305 U306 U310 U400 U610 World Current Events National Government State & Local Govt Sociology Behavioral Science General Psychology Economics AP Micro Econ World Religions Seminar Abnormal Psychology Civil War AP US Hist AP Euro History World History for Tomorrow AP Government American Study 2 AP World History Social Studies Totals Year long Social Studies Totals Trimester Concert Orchestra Symphony Orchestra Marching Band Concert Choir City High Singers Freshman Chorale Chamber Choir Freshman Concert Band Little Hawk Singers Music Theory 9 7 10 5 3 9 5 3 236 352 272 246 141 246 274 139 253 342 292 239 137 263 266 138 88 63 102 44 25 92 49 30 83 148 96 103 59 86 115 57 111 99 128 69 40 116 77 44 258 25 389 67 298 29 272 47 156 27 269 26 303 52 154 24 16 0 11 6 0 12 5 79 81 55 32 73 62 33 87 78 61 70 0 0 61 55 0 35 31 55 64 0 0 68 61 6 35 25 187 345 216 241 138 195 269 132 111 279 136 134 526 128 322 157 94 368 0 54 211 0 116 291 142 104 410 0 55 200 15 774 1170 893 818 469 806 911 462 1186 1562 1368 1091 626 1235 1217 634 46 51 53 36 20 48 40 22 73 65 84 45 26 76 51 29 104 63 53 194 111 68 120 73 61 136 78 48 78 45 27 108 66 55 151 86 53 74 43 28 37 76 43 53 30 39 59 29 53 0 0 48 0 5 70 53 61 46 53 92 61 64 37 55 72 35 23 38 27 27 15 24 30 15 9 18 10 13 7 9 14 7 17 V276 V286 V290 V291 V292 V293 V294 V295 V296 V297 V308 V351 V597 V609 X215 X217 SCI110 SCI116 SCI122 X219 X220 X225 X230 Music Requests Year long Music Request Trimester Sculptural Bookmaking Adv Drw & Art Forms Drawing Ceramics Ceramics 2 Glass Advanced Art Studio Painting Computer Graphics Illustrator Sculpture Basic Photography Drawing:CCC Digital Imaging Video Production Video production 2 Advanced Photography Metal and Jewelry Art Totals Foundations of Science Biology AP Biology AP Chem AP Physics Applied Bio/Chem Chemistry Chemistry Honors Physics Principles of Engineering 498 695 575 486 279 519 541 279 9 18 10 13 7 9 14 7 23 0 0 21 0 2 144 27 22 81 102 30 105 27 29 133 76 0 166 19 15 57 71 21 73 11 9 32 41 12 42 24 26 120 69 0 150 21 17 63 79 23 82 11 10 39 40 10 50 7 11 8 8 4 7 9 4 34 42 39 29 17 35 33 17 27 0 0 24 0 3 25 10 35 0 29 7 24 4 14 0 26 8 27 3 14 107 70 123 49 28 111 55 34 19 36 19 28 22 0 45 25 13 20 14 8 11 20 0 41 28 15 22 14 6 13 8 0 6 3 0 6 3 25 36 17 10 32 19 12 106 0 74 43 0 83 34 678 757 782 529 304 706 590 319 292 388 337 271 156 304 302 157 324 70 48 54 491 112 58 73 374 81 55 62 343 78 41 51 197 45 23 29 337 73 50 56 382 87 45 57 194 44 24 29 58 0 41 23 0 45 19 172 150 158 269 172 202 198 173 182 188 120 141 108 69 81 179 156 165 210 134 157 106 72 83 49 101 57 71 41 51 79 38 20 23 25 115 66 23 39 31 18 X233 X235 X237 X239 Z1000 Z200 Z2000 Z201 Z202 Z203 Z205 Z206 Z207 Z208 Z210 Z211 Z212 Z213 Z216 Z217 Z3000 Intro to Engineering Design Civil Engineering and Architecture Biotechnical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Science Year-long AP French IV/V French 1 AP German IV/ V French 2 French 3 French 4 German 1 German 2 German 3 German 4 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Honors AP Spanish IV/V AP Spanish V 21 36 24 25 14 22 28 14 8 17 9 12 7 8 13 6 2 49 2 34 20 2 38 16 6 21 7 15 8 6 16 7 1354 29 28 10 47 33 9 15 31 25 9 151 180 126 72 46 53 93 2047 27 29 10 59 60 33 22 29 19 5 140 242 180 182 121 101 88 23 1562 33 32 12 54 38 10 17 36 29 10 174 208 145 83 53 61 107 0 1430 19 20 7 41 42 23 15 20 13 3 98 169 126 127 85 71 61 16 821 11 12 4 24 24 13 9 12 8 2 56 97 72 73 49 41 35 9 1410 30 29 10 49 34 9 16 32 26 9 157 187 131 75 48 55 97 0 1595 21 23 8 46 47 26 17 23 15 4 109 189 140 142 94 79 69 18 809 12 12 4 24 23 12 9 13 9 3 62 98 72 66 44 38 39 7 19 1 STAFFING A NEW COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOL A look at the impact on curriculum 2 Questions • Is it possible to staff a new comprehensive high school using the existing staffing parameters in the ICCSD? • What is the likely impact of opening a new comprehensive high school on the curriculum of City and West High? • What are the costs of staffing the curricular component of a new comprehensive high school? 3 Methodology • Using current course requests for City and West High, a rate was calculated for all general education courses • The data was mathematically extrapolated to represent 2016-17 populations at both City and West • Two scenarios were generated—one in which 800 students come from West and one in which 160 come from City and 640 come from West (20% and 80%) 4 Methodology Continued • Using the requests generated by scenario A (100% from West High) a list of requests then analyzed for a new comprehensive high school • A projected staffing simulation was then generated using current staffing parameters • Cost projections were made to determine projected costs associated with the curricular part of a new, smaller high school. 5 Assumptions • The school district’s enrollment projections would be • • • • • accurate within 8%. A school of at least 800 is viable—there are over 330 high schools in Iowa alone with less than this number. Staffing decisions reflect more than just student requests—state standards, district and building goals, culture of the community all impact final staffing decisions Teacher staffing ratios would be similar to current practice NCHS administration staffing would be in line with HS and WHS Special education costs would shift, but not increase 6 How Staffing Works Courses Intro to HS Math Algebra 1A Algebra 1B Geometry Totals City Reques ts City Actual Staffing 75 3 (.6 fte) 25 students per class 71 3 (.6 fte) 24 students per class 56 2 (.4 fte) 28 students per class 213 7 (1.4 fte) 31 students per class 415 3.0 fte 27.6 students per class West Reques ts West Actual Staffing 74 3 (.6 fte) 25 students per class 63 2 (.4 fte) 32 students per class 57 2 (.4 fte) 28 students per class 290 10 (2.0 fte) 29 students per class 484 3.4 fte 28.4 students per class 7 City, West and New Comprehensive High School (NCHS) Projections--2016 2016 Projections Scenario A--800 from West Scenario B—80%20% West 2194 West 1394 West 1554 City 1644 City 1644 City 1484 NCHS 800 NCHS 800 8 Selected IHSAA 2012 Size Rankings IA Rank 10. 27. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. High School 9-11 enrollment West (Current) City (Current) Davenport, North North Scott, Eldridge Lewis, Central Newton Epworth, Western Dubuque NCHS Xavier, Cedar Rapids 1316 1022 767 731 678 666 620 600-675 593 City (Projected Scenario A) West (Projected Scenario A) 1233 1046 City (Projected Scenario B) West (Projected Scenario B) 1113 1158 West Request s Predicted number of sections AP English 39 2 AP Calculus AB 27 AP Calculus BC Extra seats, crowded and unfilled requests NCHS Request s Predicted number of sections AP Staffing Comparisons Extra seats, crowded and unfilled requests 9 15 68 3 13 1 0 48 2 5 16 1 12 28 1 AP Statistics AP Computer Science 12 0 12 22 1 5 13 0 13 23 1 4 AP Micro Econ 27 1 0 47 2 7 AP US Hist 35 1 8 61 2 7 AP Euro History 31 1 4 55 2 1 AP Biology 45 2 9 78 3 3 AP Chem 23 1 4 41 2 13 AP Physics 29 1 2 51 2 3 AP French IV/V 11 0 11 19 1 8 AP German IV/ V 4 0 4 7 0 7 AP Spanish IV/V 35 1 8 61 2 7 AP Spanish V 9 0 9 16 1 11 AP Only Total FTE 2.2 fte 4.8 fte 10 NCHS predicted number of sections predicted number of sections English Staffing Comparisons West English classes Acting 9 0 15 0.0 Movement & Acting 11 0 19 1.0 Movement & Acting 11 1 19 1.0 Media Lit & Communication 24 1 41 2.0 Bible as Literature 32 1 56 2.0 Minority Literature 32 1 55 2.0 Contemporary Literature 26 1 45 2.0 English Grammar 75 3 131 5.0 Creative Writing 31 1 54 2.0 Composition 43 2 75 3.0 7 0 12 0.0 Intro to Yearbook 11 English Staffing Comparisons Course Speech Debate Reading Strategies English 9 English 10 English 10 Honors AP English Literature of World Brit Lit Honors Basic American Humanities Am Humanities Literature of US Literature of US Honors Adv Journalism&News Intro to Newspaper Adv Yearbook 84 12 10 213 142 43 39 16 34 3 0 0 8 5 2 2 1 1 146 22 17 371 247 75 68 29 59 5.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 9.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 9 69 61 20 12 14 6 0 3 2 1 0 1 0 16 119 107 35 21 24 11 1.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 12 Administrative Cost Projections NCHS Positions Out of Ratio Principal Assistant Principal Athletic Director Supervisory Associates Dean of Students .2 Tag .5 At-Risk Security Officer Welcome Center Principal's secretary Office Secretary AD Secretary Library Secretary Guidance Secretary Total Estimate of New Recurring Costs [1] [2] Quantity (In FTE where applicable) Cost Projections (2012 dollars) 1 1 1 32 hours 0.5 0.2 0.5 8 hours 1 1 2 1 1 $125,000 $100,000 $100,000 $76,440 $35,000 $14,000 $35,000 $19,110 $70,000 $50,000 $60,000 $50,000 $30,000 1 $30,000 $635,640 Estimated costs include salary and benefits. This is estimated to be 80% of the new recurring costs as there would be some shifting from the sending high school(s). 13 Teacher Staffing Cost Projections Teacher Costs Special Education Counselor Librarian Business FCS Industrial Tech English Math PE/Health Band Orchestra Choir Art Science Social Studies French German Spanish Total Teacher Costs Total All Costs 4 2 1 0.6 0.6 0.6 6 5 2.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 6 5.8 0.8 0.6 3.2 42.4 $280,000 $140,000 $70,000 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 $420,000 $350,000 $196,000 $70,000 $56,000 $70,000 $56,000 $420,000 $406,000 $56,000 $42,000 $224,000 $2,968,000 $3,762,550 14 Conclusions • The estimates for the number of course requests generated by taking all of the students from West High and then a proportion from West and a proportion from City yielded the same results. • Cost projections indicate a cost of operating the curricular programming of a new comprehensive high school to be $3,762,550. • Approximately $2,968,000 to $3,126,910 would be shifted costs and • $635,000 to $794,550 would represent new, recurring costs. 15 Conclusions • Areas of little differences • Math, Science, Foreign Language and Social Studies. • Moderate differences • AP offerings and elective English classes. • Large differences • business, FCS, art, and industrial tech. • Some elective courses now taught at City High School and West High school would have to be combined and redesigned in a smaller high school. 16 Conclusions • High schools with smaller enrollments generally have more challenge in offering a wide range of elective course options for students. • A high school of approximately 800 students would be capable of providing a quality curricular program for students. Superintendent's High School Study Committee Report Sport Football Page 1 Appendix2_CoachesandActivities Percent of Index Base # City High Positions # West High Positions # New School Positions 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Football Assistant Varsity Football Head Sophomore Football Assistant Sophomore Football 9th Grade Head Football 9th Grade Assistant Football $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,289.50 11,936.88 3,978.96 3,647.38 3,315.80 2,984.22 25% 12% 12% 11% 10% 9% $8,289.50 $3,978.96 $3,978.96 $3,647.38 $3,315.80 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 16,579.00 23,873.76 7,957.92 14,589.52 6,631.60 5,968.44 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Basketball Assistant Varsity Basketball Head Sophomore Basketball 9th Grade Basketball $ $ $ $ 8,289.50 3,978.96 3,978.96 2,984.22 25% 12% 12% 9% $8,289.50 $3,978.96 $3,978.96 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ 16,579.00 7,957.92 7,957.92 11,936.88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Basketball Assistant Varsity Basketball Head Sophomore Basketball 9th Grade Basketball $ $ $ $ 8,289.50 3,978.96 3,978.96 2,984.22 25% 12% 12% 9% $8,289.50 $3,978.96 $3,978.96 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ 16,579.00 7,957.92 7,957.92 5,968.44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Wrestling Assistant Varsity Wrestling Head Sophomore Wrestling 9th Grade Wrestling $ $ $ $ 6,963.18 3,978.96 3,978.96 2,984.22 21% 12% 12% 9% $6,963.18 $3,978.96 $3,978.96 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ 13,926.36 7,957.92 7,957.92 5,968.44 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Volleyball Assistant Varsity Volleyball Head Sophomore Volleyball 9th Grade Volleyball $ $ $ $ 6,631.60 3,813.17 3,813.17 2,984.22 20% 11.50% 11.50% 9% $6,631.60 $3,813.17 $3,813.17 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ 13,263.20 7,626.34 7,626.34 11,936.88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Soccer Assistant Varsity/JV Soccer Head 9/10 coach $ $ $ 6,631.60 3,813.17 - 20% 11.50% 7.50% $6,631.60 $3,813.17 $2,486.85 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 13,263.20 7,626.34 4,973.70 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Soccer Assistant Varsity/JV Soccer Junior Varsity Soccer $ $ $ 6,631.60 3,813.17 - 20% 11.50% 7.50% $6,631.60 $3,813.17 $2,486.85 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 13,263.20 7,626.34 4,973.70 Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Wrestling Volleyball Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Total New School Position Page 1 of 5 Dollar Amount Base Salary Total City/West Superintendent's High School Study Committee Report Sport Softball Page 2 Appendix2_CoachesandActivities Percent of Index Base # City High Positions # West High Positions # New School Positions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Softball Assistant Varsity Softball Freshman/Sophomore Softball $ $ $ 6,631.60 3,813.17 3,813.17 20% 11.50% 11.50% $6,631.60 $3,813.17 $3,813.17 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 13,263.20 7,626.34 7,626.34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Baseball Assistant Varsity Baseball Sophomore Baseball 9th Grade Baseball $ $ $ $ 6,631.60 3,813.17 3,813.17 - 20% 11.50% 11.50% 9% $6,631.60 $3,813.17 $3,813.17 $2,984.22 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $ $ $ $ 13,263.20 7,626.34 7,626.34 5,968.44 1 3 1 3 1 2 Head Varsity Track Assistant Varsity Track $ $ 6,631.60 7,957.92 20% 12% $6,631.60 $3,978.96 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 13,263.20 23,873.76 1 3 1 3 1 2 Head Varsity Track Assistant Varsity Track $ $ 6,631.60 7,957.92 20% 12% $6,631.60 $3,978.96 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 13,263.20 23,873.76 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Cross Country Assistant Varsity Cross Country $ $ 3,647.38 - 11% 6.75% $3,647.38 $2,238.17 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 4,476.33 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Cross Country Assistant Varsity Cross Country $ $ 3,647.38 - 11% 6.75% $3,647.38 $2,238.17 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 4,476.33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Swimming Assistant Diving shared by West $ $ $ 5,968.44 - 18% 9.50% 9.50% $5,968.44 $3,150.01 $3,150.01 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 11,936.88 6,300.02 6,300.02 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Swimming Assistant $ $ 5,968.44 - 18% 9.50% $5,968.44 $3,150.01 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 11,936.88 6,300.02 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Tennis Assistant Varsity Tennis $ $ 3,647.38 - 11% 6.50% $3,647.38 $2,155.27 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 4,310.54 Baseball Boys Track Girls Track Boys Cross Country Girls Cross Country Girls Swimming Boys Swimming Boys Tennis Total New School Position Page 2 of 5 Dollar Amount Base Salary Total City/West Superintendent's High School Study Committee Report Sport Girls Tennis Page 3 # City High Positions # New School Positions 1 1 1 1 1 Head Varsity Tennis Assistant Varsity Tennis $ $ 3,647.38 - 11% 6.50% $3,647.38 $2,155.27 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 4,310.54 1 1 1 Head Varsity Golf $ 3,647.38 11% $3,647.38 $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 1 1 1 Head Varsity Golf $ 3,647.38 11% $3,647.38 $33,158.00 $ 7,294.76 1 1 1 Head Varsity Bowling $ 663.16 2% $663.16 $33,158.00 $ 1,326.32 1 1 1 Head Varsity Bowling $ 663.16 2% $663.16 $33,158.00 $ 1,326.32 1 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 1 1 Head Coach Head Coach $ $ $ 3,315.80 1,326.32 - 10% 4.00% 15% $3,315.80 $1,326.32 $4,973.70 $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ $33,158.00 $ 6,631.60 2,652.64 4,973.70 Girls Golf Boys Bowling Cheerleading Dance SpecOlympics Coord Percent of Index Base # West High Positions Boys Golf Girls Bowling Appendix2_CoachesandActivities Total New School Position Total Coaches New School Page 3 of 5 $ 226,137.56 Dollar Amount Base Salary Total City/West Total City/West $ 544,785.94 Superintendent's High School Study Committee Report Sport # City High Positions # West High Positions # New School Positions Miscellaneous Activities Audio Visual Director 1.0 HS StageSupervisor 1.0 Model UN 1.0 Debate Coach 1.0 Drama Coach 1.0 Drama Ass't 1.0 Forensics 1.0 Yearbook 1.0 Newspaper 1.0 Band 1.0 Ass't Band 1.0 Chorus 1.0 Ass't Chorus 1.0 Orchestra 1.0 BPA (Business Professionals of America) 1.0 Student Council 1.0 Pep Club 1.0 9th Grade Cheerleading 1.0 Senior Class Sponsor 1.0 Junior Class Sponsor 1.0 Boys Intramurals 1.0 Girls Intramurals 1.0 Club Sponsors* 20.0 Webmaster 1.0 Page 4 Position Appendix2_CoachesandActivities Total New School Percent of Index Base Dollar Amount Base Salary Total City/West Total New School 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 20.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 12.0 1.0 Total City/West $0.00 $1,657.90 $1,326.32 $1,367.77 $4,973.70 $0.00 $1,367.77 $3,315.80 $3,315.80 $4,973.70 $4,973.70 $4,973.70 $3,315.80 $3,978.96 $1,989.48 $2,735.54 $1,326.32 $0.00 $1,575.01 $2,735.54 $787.50 $787.50 $7,957.92 $663.16 Total Clubs New School Page 4 of 5 6.75% 5% 4% 8.25% 15% 8% 8.25% 10% 10% 15% 15% 15% 10% 12% 6% 8.25% 4% 2% 4.75% 8.25% 4.75% 4.75% 2% 2% $60,098.88 $2,238.17 $1,657.90 $1,326.32 $2,735.54 $4,973.70 $2,652.64 $2,735.54 $3,315.80 $3,315.80 $4,973.70 $4,973.70 $4,973.70 $3,315.80 $3,978.96 $1,989.48 $2,735.54 $1,326.32 $663.16 $1,575.01 $2,735.54 $1,575.01 $1,575.01 $663.16 $663.16 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $33,158.00 $4,476.33 $3,315.80 $2,652.64 $5,471.07 $9,947.40 $5,305.28 $5,471.07 $6,631.60 $6,631.60 $9,947.40 $9,947.40 $9,947.40 $6,631.60 $7,957.92 $3,978.96 $5,471.07 $2,652.64 $1,326.32 $3,150.01 $5,471.07 $3,150.01 $3,150.01 $26,526.40 $1,326.32 Total City/West $150,537.32 Superintendent's High School Study Committee Report Sport SUMMARY Total West Coaches/Activities Total City Coaches/Activities Total New School Coaches/Activities 82.33% # City High Positions # West High Positions # New School Positions Page 5 Position coaches at City and West (combined) clubs at City and West(combined) Appendix2_CoachesandActivities Total New School $544,785.94 $150,537.32 $347,661.63 $347,661.63 $286,236.44 Coaches in New School Clubs in New School Percent of City or West Costs for New School Page 5 of 5 $226,137.56 $60,098.88 Percent of Index Base Dollar Amount Base Salary Total City/West APPENDIX 3 Superintendent’s High School Study Committee Report District General Fund Costs Associated with Building Functions        Food service staffing - covered by Food Service (separate from General Fund) o 4 full-time (one of which would need to be a cook/supervisor) o 5 part-time (between 2 and 4 hours per day) o Estimated $69,500/year total o Would have little impact on staffing at City o May reduce production staff needed at West Custodial staffing - $253,000/year o 7 full-time custodians (2 weekday custodians, 8 hours coverage on Saturday and Sunday) o Custodial supplies $25,000/year o Would have little impact on staffing at other schools Physical plant staffing - $191,563/year o 2 full-time maintenance personnel o Two trucks with appropriate tools, $36,500 each ($4,563/year lifecycle) Busing costs - $900,000* o 20 buses at $45,000 per year = $900,000 per year (*greatest case scenario) o Would likely decrease busing costs at other high schools Buildings and grounds maintenance costs - $169,000 o Based on 30 acres o Lawn, shrubs, and tree care $27,000 per year o Athletic fields $26,000 per year o Athletic field lining $19,000 per year o Ongoing maintenance $97,000 per year o These costs are not likely to decrease costs at other schools Heat, lights, and insurance - $242,000 o Water $10,000 per year o Electricity $200,000 per year o Natural gas $2,000 per year o Insurance $30,000 per year o These costs are not likely to decrease costs at other schools Computers, printers, and copiers - $128,904 Salaries are 2011-12 Figures o o o o  800 computers, $680,000 over six years 25 printers, $25,000 over six to eight years 3 copiers, $45,000 over five years 50 classrooms of instructional technology, $150,000 over five to seven years o These costs are not likely to decrease costs at other schools Switches, servers, networking, fiber – covered in construction costs o Phones: 80 phones, $300 each for a total of $24,000 o Wi-Fi access points: 60 APs, $600 each for a total of $36,000 o Network wiring: $250,000-$350,000, depending on design o Switches: $75,000-$100,000, depending on design o Battery backup systems: $3,000-$5,000 o Security cameras: 50 cameras, $1,000 each for a total of $50,000 o Fiber to building: $150,000-$500,000, depends greatly on location o These costs are not likely to decrease costs at other schools Option 2 Cost Calculations Maintenance & Operations Costs from the 38th Annual Maintenance & Operations Cost Study for Colleges (Expressed in median dollars per square foot) Salaries Benefits (based on full-time only) Total Energy/Utilities Gas/Electricity/Other Fuels Utilities Total Equipment & Supplies Custodial/Maint. Equip. & Supplies Grounds Equip. & Supplies Vehicle Maintenance Other Total M&O Budget* *Calculated from subtotals. $2.39 $0.72 $1.90 $1.68 $0.22 $0.23 $0.17 $0.06 $0.04 $0.21 $5.49 Total Estimated General Fund Annual Costs: $1,884,467. This includes a “greatest case scenario” estimate of $900,000/year for 20 bus routes. (Note that West High currently has fewer than half this amount.) APPENDIX 4, SUPERINTENDENT’S HIGH SCHOOL STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT Facility Design Considerations Sub-Committee Report Key Elements of a 3rd High School – “Form follows Function” 1. Form follows function: decide what building should do/be 2. Build what you want: once you decide what the building is, then use this as the vision to design the spaces 3. Partner with neighboring facilities: Depending on proximity to other school sites (Johnson County Regional High School Center/NCJH/NWJH), Career Technical Facilities could/should be shared. For example: Industrial Technology, Family Consumer Science, Automotive, Business Internships We heard over and over build what you need up front (it is more expensive to redesign rather than do it correctly the first time. This is not a checklist, but items we noted that could/should be discussed: o Expandable site (physical site and facility) with traffic flow and site layout o Common areas to think about, how to have that layout work for expandable plans (cafeteria, hallways, PE, commons) o Security options within and around the school o Video cameras o Lighting o Efficient lockdown o Location of parking, etc… o Office complex is centrally located at main entrance.  Once school starts all students enter through office  Guidance  Athletics  Administration  Nurse  Attendance (Dean of students) o Departments vs. Learning Communities debate o Technology considerations o Flexibility with infrastructure o Power o Wireless o Places to plug in for charging o Sound system in foreign language rooms o Standard technology package in every classroom o Student access to instructional technology (laptops, iPads, etc…) o 5 “tile” classrooms o Common Areas o Cafeteria  have food court layout, scatter method to decrease time spent standing in line Created 4/11/12 Page 1 o o  Should be a production kitchen for the North corridor  Coffee shop (staffed by students) o Media Center  Wired for technology  Some print materials  Student group and individual work areas  Computer lab – glass walls/stadium seating for supervision  Co-locating journalism and visual arts to maximize computer/room usage. Space considerations o Hallways  Locker location  Traditionally lockers have been on walls  In the middle of hallways improves flow  Trophy/display cases o Furniture design (could be moved to work in pairs or small groups) o Rooms for collaborative work  Students – small group meeting areas and commons for social gathering  Faculty – work/office areas  Community  Library – small meeting rooms o Growth possibility in the future  non-load bearing wall in gym so that additional gym space could be easily created/added  classroom wings created with room for future expansion o Fitness facilities  Flexible spaces for multiple use for instruction, practice, clubs and community  Minimize need for supervision by having multiple spaces within line of sight  Multipurpose instructional/athletic/co-curricular practice and performance athletic fields (discuss fields, training room, weight room, gyms, marching band practice area, etc.)  Adequate storage o Storage  There is never enough  Specialized (e.g. instrument and uniforms; geo-thermal infrastructure centralized or in each room, art, PE, science, student records, tech infrastructure, etc.)  General (e.g. supplies, chairs, custodial, textbooks, teacher materials, etc.) Specialized areas o Auditorium/Fine Arts Complex o ELL o Conference rooms o Support services (e.g. AEA, MECCA, Family Resources, mental health, DHS, Welcome Center, Community Partnerships, Student Advisory Center) o Special Education – dependent on programming, specialized space needs Created 4/11/12 Page 2 Superintendent’s High School Study Committee Appendix 5a Appendix 5 Parameters for School Facilities Planning The parameters listed below have been found helpful to the Board and to the administration when setting school boundaries and developing comprehensive short- and long-term facilities plans. The first eight items are found in Board policy. No attempt has been made to prioritize the remaining parameters and it is recognized that in some cases accomplishment of one objective might prohibit the accomplishment of another. 1. Base decisions on available data. 2. Ensure decisions are fiscally and environmentally responsible. 3. Support safety. 4. Provide opportunity for stakeholder input. 5. Optimize the relationship between facilities and enhanced student learning. 6. Ensure equity in educational opportunities for all students. 7. Address immediate, short-term and long-term needs. 8. Design for physical accessibility. 9. Utilize current capacity. 10. Keep communities of students together – schools serving neighborhoods. 11. Minimize student disruptions. 12. Balance socio-economic demographics. 13. Balance ethnicity demographics. 14. Minimize busing. 15. Consider projections of future enrollment and residential growth potential. 16. Consider natural boundaries. 17. Plan for locations of special education programs. 18. Do not allow schools to become too large or too small. 19. Plan and design for partnerships and community use of facilities. 20. Plan and design for flexibility to accommodate changes in mission, programs, and instructional strategies. 21. Plan and design to accommodate changes in technology. Revised 11/27/07 Superintendent’s High School Study Committee, APPENDIX 5b Iowa City Community School District 2009-2010 Redistricting Boundary Criteria Updated/prioritized February 9, 2010 The Board of Directors identified the following four boundary criteria for use by the Redistricting Committee to evaluate school boundary options. The Board values these criteria in the order listed below.  Fiscal Consideration – Operational o Where possible, boundaries should be planned to maximize district resources in a fiscally responsible manner and take advantage of economies of scale, including but not limited to closing or consolidating schools and grade configuration o Options should be revenue neutral except to accommodate increases in enrollment o This factor should consider staffing requirements, educational program needs, transportation costs, and other operational costs  Projected Enrollments/Building Utilization o This factor considers building utilization, student enrollment, staffing needs and the educational program(s) o Where possible, attendance boundaries should be created to anticipate the projected enrollment and the program/current capacity of the building o Efficient building utilization should attempt to maximize student populations without exceeding capacity long-term  Neighborhood Schools/Neighborhoods Intact o Where possible, boundaries should be structured to maintain a neighborhood within one school’s attendance area and should not be split between two schools o A neighborhood is defined as the smallest division of a subdivision and/or an area that can be subdivided by a natural line of demarcation, such as a stream or major traffic way o There should be logical limits on how small or large a neighborhood can be o When possible, students should attend school closest to their home.  Demographic Considerations o Demographic diversity should be examined to minimize overloading any one or few schools with students that may require significant resources o Demographic variables may be defined as census House Hold (HH) salary average, home values, ethnicity, or Free/Reduced Lunch Counts (FRL). The board wishes the committee to focus on bringing high poverty school FRL numbers down to less than 20 percentage points above the district mean, when possible Adopted: Revised: November 10, 2009 February 9, 2010
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