
May 28, 2018 | Author: Tóth Krisztián | Category: Armed Conflict



Offprint fromJOURNAL OF ROMAN MILITARY EQUIPMENT STUDIES Dedicated to the Study of the Weapons, Armour, and Military Fittings of the Armies and Enemies of Rome and Byzantium VOLUME 10 1999 8 The complete example from Palacios de Sil (León) 9 is ascribed to Sommer’s ‘Sorte 3. but with an oval buckle. 12–17) I.11 For its part. Nevertheless. This typology complements other classifications of ‘non-Hispanic’ cingula like that of Sommer. called in German ‘Delphinschnallen mit durbrochenem Beschläg’. we have followed Sommer’s criteria: he names some of the prototypes in his work after the names of the find spots: Colchester. These buckles. etc. Sleaford.A. for this belt was decorated with shanked non-riveted studs. Buckles with a triangular plate and pelta-shaped buckles (‘Teba’ type) are also a part of this heterogeneous period. Fig.10 similar buckle plates have been documented in grave 770 at Krefeld. the likely area of their manufacture and the identity of those for whom they were intended The three main categories described can in turn be subdivided into as many different types. are dated between 350 and 380 and are partially contemporary to ‘horizonte kerbschnitt’. whose morphological features are identical to those of ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ cingula.6 The ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ add a remarkable number of models of regional diffusion types known so far. for chip-carved and stamped fittings never have studs. They actually represent continuity from the Early Empire military world. ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ belts are thus a regional variation of the late-Roman types used throughout the Empire. The principal aim of the present paper is to propose a system of classification for these belts. Typ b’. such ‘non-Hispanic’ belts are inextricably linked for we only know the samples from Palacios del Sil and Iruña. Nos. The different categories have been listed by Sommer (1984). Most Late Roman cingula in the rest of the Empire are always riveted but some pieces with shanks can be found.Late Roman Belts in Hispania Joaquin Aurrecoechea Fernandez* The study of Late Roman belt-fittings in Hispania is quite complex. Other items are a group of bronzes from JRMES 10 1999. identical to those usually found on the Spanish Meseta.3 It should be noted that the decoration of that from Argeliers4 shows very pronounced Hispanic features. 2. thus they seem to have similar origins. ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ and ‘Hispanic’ type cingula. We have made an exclusive typology for the ‘pseudo-Hispanic belts’ and a different one for the ‘Hispanic’. 55–62 . the Iruña buckle12 is one of Hawkes’ type ‘I-B’. Gala. ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ specimens are remarkably numerous. Castillo Billido (Soria). Andernach and Le-Mont-de-Lausanne. Variant 6’. while the location has been treated more in depth by Böhme.5 Remarkably. Belts with Animal-Decorated Buckles and Openwork Plates ‘Non-Hispanic’ ‘Dolphin’ Belts (Fig. Avoise (Sarthe). such as the buckles from San Josep (Castellón). Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo) and Can Bosch de Basea (Tarragona). Richborough. instead of rivets. although the presence of I. to discuss the evidence for their chronology. Finally. Wye. This phenomenon is not to be found solely in Spain.14 The chronology is somewhat problematical for most of the findings are without a context. ‘NON-HISPANIC’ AND ‘PSEUDO-HISPANIC’ TYPE BELTS The main feature distinguishing ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ belts is the presence of shanks on the rear for attachment to leather.2 etc. but the decoration and the system used to attach them to the belt leather varies because. and show a retrograde taste which is exclusive to this society. as can be seen.1 We will thus respect the terminology used by other authors when referring to ‘non-Hispanic’ items except when no name at all has been assigned.13 or Sommer’s ‘Sorte 1. ‘Hispanic’ type cingula are an indigenous fashion whose types have not been documented outside the Iberian Peninsula. The morphological variety of Late Roman belts with openwork plates in the Empire is almost endless. 1–2. There are many types but they can be summarized into three main categories. The ‘non-Hispanic’ type cingula are the cingula militae used by the troops posted on the Limes. Saint Clément (Gard). The ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ type cingula typology belts are inspired by the cingula militae mentioned above. the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’. To name our types. the ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ pieces can also be inscribed in the tradition of opus interrasile ornamented plates and dolphin-shaped buckles. Such non-Hispanic belt-sets with shanks always belong to the family o f belts with dolphi n-s ha p e d b u ckle s a nd op e n wo r k frame-plates.7 In Spain. they use rivets instead of shanks. Typ d. Perhaps linked to ‘non-Hispanic’ cingula are simpler ones with a plate with non-hinged decoration. Nos. 1. Nîmes (?) and Montpellier Museum. In the second half of the 4th century. These are the remnants of a local culture. Southern Gaul. for many belt-fittings have shanks like the ones found in Tènès. Pipinsburg. for instance. Such items were brought here by armed military personnel dispatched to combat zones. as confirmed by the local manufacture evidenced in Mauritania Tingitana similar to our ‘Totanes’ type. In this context. Form C. likewise the bronzes from Argeliers. and will thus be considered along with the ‘non-Hispanic’. La Olmeda (Palencia). gold and silver work should be mentioned. according to the origin of the model: ‘non-Hispanic’. belts appear with zoomorphic loops and pierced plates decorated with the ‘key-hole’ motif. or which might have been produced at the same workshop. Complete examples come from Totanes (Toledo).27 Most of the samples known have openwork plates with key-hole motifs.25 etc. 29 Mainz Museum 30 and province of Toledo. 2.56 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 buckle is a symbiosis of the pieces with dolphins and ‘four knobs-buckles’.42 The ‘Champdolent’ and ‘Muids’ are mainly distributed within Gaul.22 or to Sommer’s ‘B-a’ variant. an iconographic theme characteristically enjoyed by landowners.19 There are three amphora-shaped strap-ends the attribution of which to ‘non-Hispanic’ or ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ categories is somewhat problematic. we only know of the Spanish buckle and a belt set from the Westerwanna necropolis. Although none of the Spanish examples preserved a buckle. such studs have only been found in the belt set from Argeliers. 10–11) ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ ‘Dolphin’ Belts with Figural Decoration: ‘Santome’ Type (Fig. The ‘Gala’ type is typical of the Danubian type. like the ones from Evreux. Other belt-fittings related to these plates might be the shanked studs belonging to our ‘D’ type. and it was re-used in the Visigothic era. No parallels have been recorded for such pieces. We do not believe any of them to be related directly with the belt sets from the Danube area with similar buckles. Its morphology seems to merge two different influences. 3. such strap-ends are part of belts-sets with dolphin-buckles and propeller-shaped stiffeners. We know of three fragments of plates found in Borox.21 The first two belong to the Keller ‘A’ shape. 1–9) . Castro de Yecla (Silos. Nevertheless. nos. The dating within the second half of the 4th century is confirmed by countless funerary contexts like the Saint-Marcel burial (Paris)26 and the Pannonian necropolis. The Mainz Museum buckles39 are very peculiar for they concentrate decoration on a human face. Béziers. The specimen. Such bronzes are very common in Gaul where we find many parallels for our items. Ocaña40 and Villarrubia de Santiago. 16 The Westerwanna specimen is supposed to have been owned by a Saxon mercenary who would have brought the piece to his homeland after having served in the Roman army. for we find throughout the belt propeller-shaped stiffeners with the very same shape. no.23 Usually. found in Titulcia (Madrid). type ‘I-B’ is exclusively British. as in the Tirig bronzes.35 A heterogeneous group consisting of belt fittings with figural decoration. which coincides fully with the distribution of ‘Borox’ type belts. 1–7) ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ ‘Dolphin’ Belts with Plate and Loop Cast in One Piece: ‘Totanes’ Type (Fig.24 Loupian.28 Liédana (Navarra). nos. The ‘Paredes de Nava’ hingeless type with belt-plates cast in one piece with the loop shows a similarity with the three items from Anglo-Saxon graves dated to the first half of the 5th century support the theory of their use in this period. regardless of the fact that propeller-shaped stiffeners with rivets (not shanks) are to be found in substantial numbers everywhere else in the Empire. 3 4 Dolphin buckle-plates with ‘circular holes’ have been found in Richborough.18 Alwalton and Richborough. it might actually hint at the presence of local manufacture.32 The Tirig specimen also has interesting parallels outside our country in the Lydney Park piece. Of all the ‘non-Hispanic’ parallels with rivets we could mention for Liédana and Toledo belt-fittings we shall choose one found in Colchester. We might dare to say that such decorative garments were never used in Hispania in ‘Borox’ belt sets and were never used with other ‘Dolphin’ belts. Burgos). 3. the similarity of those pieces and that from Paredes de Navas is rather suggestive.38 This last item shows such precise features it must be considered as unique. 2. The plates exhibit uniformity in the manner and styles of their decoration. Outside of England. Villarubia de Santiago20 and one now at Mainz Museum. actually. typical of the ‘Bienvenida’ type we will be considering later.41 or the hingeless ones like the ‘Muids’ type. given the restricted distribution of the ‘Gala’ type and the connections our ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ bronzes show with Gaulish counterparts. Totanes (Toledo) and Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo). the influence of ‘Simancas’ type cingula ‘horned’ buckles44 and the ornamental tradition of the opus interrasile with ‘key-holes’. In Hawkes’ area of distribution.17 We can mention some close parallels with our Iruña sample. Our ‘Borox’ type would actually be the Spanish adaptation of the ‘non-Hispanic’ hinged belts of the ‘Champdolent’ or ‘Gala’ types. They are from Mazarambroz (Toledo). nos. 2. 4 3 The ‘D’-type studs only achieved a limited geographical distribution. 8) ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ Belts with Rectangular Loops: ‘San Miguel’ and ‘Paredes de Nava’ Types (Fig.15 The Iruña Spanish item was found in a 5th century archaeological level confirming the former chronology. particularly in the North of the province. The first one is related to the hunt. either within or outside Spain. Two main iconographic motifs exist: horses and human faces. The ideal complement for the ‘Santome’ belts decorated with cynegetic motifs are the studs of our ‘N’ type. Sanlucarejo (Cádiz) and Mengibar (Jaén).31 These two Spanish plates are the ones more closely linked with the Southern Gaulish cingula with shanks we mentioned before. So far only a pair of items with rectangular buckle-loop and openwork plates decorated with transverse ‘key-hole’ motif have been found. mainly the buckles from Tripontium Mucking. 9–11) ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ Hinged ‘Dolphin’ Belts: ‘Tirig’ Type (Fig.33 The belt-fittings are similar to the one we considered but hingeless. 36 Santomé 37 and one deposited at Santiago de Compostela. like those discovered at Borox (Toledo). nos. found in Totanes. they probably had ‘Dolphin’-buckles. Examples decorated with horses are those of Argeliers. has its closest parallels –as far as the shape of the dolphins is concerned – in two belt sets from the Gobelins necropolis (second half of the 4th Century). Outside Hispania. This model’s main feature is the plate of the first propeller. an item found at Niederbreising is an excellent parallel to the Borox item. Wycomb. although we assume they were part of the first of these. They are directly related to the goldwork belts. ‘San Miguel’ type hinged belts find their prototype in grave 26 at San Miguel del Arroyo45 which seems to be an adaptation of the ‘Salona’ type. if we consider this while bearing in mind they were all found in findspots in the province of Toledo. The ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ ‘Propeller’ Belts: ‘Borox’ Type (Fig. 86 Trier and Annaba.87 According to Böhme. etc. The geographical distribution of the belt sets from Celei (Sucidaba) and Tournai. are presumed to be Banasa51 or by individual pieces like one in Bonn Museum. possibly (Palencia) and in a grave in Pompaelo (Pamplona) are very Andalusian. spirals have been found. 5. The Spanish specimens are closely linked with similar ones buckle-plate. 1. ‘Punzierten Garnituren’ are typically found in the regions of the upper Rhine and Danube.84 grave 3 in Oudenburg.69 The spread of Böhme’s ‘A’ type Spanish chip-carved only reason for which is functional: providing a clasp for fittings is completed with another two unpublished triangular uniting the buckle-plate and the leather. The ‘Kerbschnittgürtelgarnituren’ were fashionable from the reign of Valentinian I (364–375) to Honorius (393–423). Volubilis and lunate terminals. from Britannia to from Abbeville. typically peltate. A buckle.85 Pannonia. nos. found in Villarubia de Santiago (Laudun).54 four. three propeller-shaped stiffeners and a circular-shaped strap-end94 comprised the set. Typ e’.56 and the the one in Paredes de Nava and is paralleled at Bad-Kreuznach. unprovenanced. like the one from Andorra. for their chronology belongs to the first half of the 5th Century. They were probably part of the loops. in Mainz Museum.70 Nevertheless. 7 7 Finally. such Boube. like the Hornillos and the ‘Verigenstadt’ buckles. Four examples have been found in Hispania of Böhme’s ‘B’ nine examples were discovered: San Miguel del Arroyo.49 The buckle can also bronzes such as the ‘Muthmannsdorf’ and ‘Misery’ types do show be fastened by a metal plate.74 The plates discovered at La Morterona del Pany (Barcelona). They are defined by a loop.66 We do not know the exact origin of another Spanish rectangular plate but it is believed to have been ‘Non-Hispanic’ Belts with Plate and Pelta-Shaped Buckle found in Andalusia. A grave with a complete belt set was found in Hornillos del Camino. 88 We know specimens of In Hispania only an item currently in Mainz Museum is strap-ends analogous to the one in Mainz Museum in Ixworth89 presumed to be of Andalusian origin. Cueva type belt-fittings. 1.71 Strap-slides with proved by Moroccan specimens from Thamusida. Around 30 examples of this class have been found. cemetery at ‘Chemin des Romains’ (Frontignan). 95 Circular-shaped strap-ends. The distribution area ranges from Britannia to the Danube and the main concentration is to be found in Northern Gaul as well as in the provinces of Germania I and II. In Hispania. 3) Sommer’s ‘Form B. A rectangular ‘Tongern’ type. Belgium I and II. 4) Stamped belts are related to the chip-carved belts from which they are derived. 1–9) . the geographical or to Böhme’s ‘2’ type. because of the historical and social connotations its study will enable. as is proved by the belt set found in grave no.47 one found in Vermand.93 Nine such items have been found in Hispania. as is from the Hornillos del Camino necropolis. 4–12) Included in Sommer’s ‘Sorte 2. This item has two roots of the ‘Teba’ type are to be found in the cingula militae with identical parallels in Vermand72 and Richborough. ‘La Brèche’ We know of three such items.80 to Hawkes’s ‘V-A’ type81 58 Included within Sommer’s ‘Sorte 3. Chip-Carved and Stamped Belt-Fittings (‘kerbschnitt und punzvezierte Gürtelgarnituren’) This is one of the most interesting groups of ‘non-Hispanic’ bronzes. the cut plate from La Olmeda and the re-used plate can only be put down to local manufacture of such objects.67 In two places. as in one of the bronzes in Mainz Museum.63 Villarrubia de Santiago has an excellent parallel in grave 6 at Oudenburg91 and in Samson. Such a form of plates.90 Finally. Zoomorphic buckles separated from their plates have not been included amongst these and will be considered later. This buckle is typical of Böhme’s ‘Verigenstadt’ Form. another strap-end found in parallelisms with are in Furfooz.75 The ornamental composition of these is very similar to (Málaga) and Jauja (Córdoba). This type is very varied. another Spanish focus. Montpellier?.62 Sala y Tamuda.83 Lambaesis. the Pölten.76 Another the ‘Teba’ type differs from the other Spanish belt-fittings as it is Spanish plate is deposited in Mainz Museum and reported to more widely dispersed. ‘Non-Hispanic’ Chip-Carved Belts: ‘Kerbschnittgürtelgarnituren’ (Fig.52 The from the transition from 4th to 5th Centuries. notwithstanding other examples are plate from Paredes de Nava (Palencia)65 is identical to another known with oval46 and peltate buckles.78 Complementary to the belts we have seen are the strap-ends. Houdan. other chip-carved at San Miguel del Arroyo (Valladolid).64 In Hispania sixteen such examples are documented. Maxima ‘Non-Hispanic’ Stamped Belts: ‘punzierten Garnituren’ (Fig. St. and is currently in Mainz Museum. shows ornamentation similar to in Southern Gaul. as in grave 452 at Frénouville. (Toledo) and Andalusia? (Mainz Museum). one of which presents an exceptional decoration in the fastening is usually finished with a shanked stud holding the form of a bird with spread wings (an eagle?). Form D’48 they are mainly (Palencia)68 a similar number of triangular plates decorated with contemporary with ‘Dolphin’ belts. nos. are to be found mainly in the provinces of Germania I.53 Puig Rodom (Gerona).82 Similar chip-carved fittings are the ones distribution of such cingula is quite vast. no. Variant 1b’.92 I.60 fittings are from circa AD 400. no similar pieces to belt together.73 peltate buckles used at the beginning of the Empire. as shown in the inventory recently published by Leicester.B. 10 which have been reported. Paredes de Nava and in the villa of La Olmeda Cast in One Piece: ‘Teba’ Type (Fig.50 Böhme’s ‘A’ type belt sets: the strap-slide from El Roc d’Enclar The morphological variations existing throughout the Empire (Andorra).59 The chronology comprehends all the 4th Century. together with extremely fine open-work. Typ c. 6 1 and the best and in grave 1 at Liebenau. although Andalusia seems to be the main have come from Andalusia. folded back over the hinge-bar of animals decorating the plates. for the prototype has ‘dolphin’-shaped buckle.79 The strap-end from Villarubia decorated with a pelta motif is assigned to ‘Non-Hispanic’ Belts with Triangular Plate Cast in One Piece with the Buckle: ‘Mainz’ Type (Fig.55 as well as those found at Teba similar.Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 57 We know of six fittings of the ‘Böhme A’ type. Both have parallels in Houdan. They are both part of the same family notwithstanding the fact that stamped belt sets appeared somewhat later than ‘Kerbschnittgürtelgarnituren’.57 etc. Zaragoza). but also as with the main distribution area. the area of the Upper Rhine and the Mosel. Carpio de Tajo (Toledo).96 The three propeller-shaped stiffeners found at Hornillos are of Böhme’s ‘Trier-Muri’ shape. Arcobriga (Monreal de Ariza. Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo). it is not clear to which belt sets they belonged. ‘Simancas’ belts are a consequence of two influences.107 Can Bosch de Basea. The buckles show three variants: peltate.58 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 ‘Simancas’ type cingula. Jaén) and the National Archaeological Museum. but were also associated to other belt sets. although some items.A’ and ‘I. In Hispania they have been found at the Cueva de los Murciélagos in Zuheros (Cordoba).122 Belt sets with ‘D’-shaped buckle have been found in grave 26 of the North necropolis of La Olmeda. as well as in neighbouring Barbarian territories occupied by Alamans and Burgundians. It is probably in this last period that ‘horned’ buckles became fashionable. 1–8) . ‘HISPANIC’ TYPOLOGY BELTS Belt sets of the ‘Hispanic’ type have always been thought to be related with an indigenous culture called the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’. Collado de los Jardines (Santa Elena. Nevertheless. 10–13) II. II. This area comprises all the north of Gaul. 109 grave 141 in Simancas 110 and La Bienvenida (Ciudad Real). who includes the ‘Simancas’ type in his ‘Sorte 2.105 The ‘Tonger-Wesslings’ form and ‘Verigenstadt’ buckles belt-sets usually complement each other. There are nevertheless regional differences in the different types used. One of the features of the plates is their narrowness. Nevertheless.99 The fragment from ‘Castro Ventosa’ is also linked with the garments of the ‘Köln-Weinheim’ form mainly due to the central circular-shaped opening. Such a phenomenon is not exclusive to Hispania. we can also find this same influence in Hawkes’ local types ‘I.128 Individual ‘horned’ buckles. This area actually consists of the central eastern part of Gaul. Form B. so far always thought of as related with II. mainly longitudinal ‘key-holes’ and interleaved tendrils. 8. Castillo de Carpio Bernardo (Salamanca). on the other hand.124 and La Nuez de Abajo (Burgos). Three complete examples come from the Cabriana necropolis (Burgos). 131 Lugo and Las Murallas (Huerta de Abajo. Rhineland.125 Individual plates for which we can not determine the type of buckle associated are those from Castro de Viladonga (Lugo). Detached buckles were found in tomb 51 of the northern necropolis of La Olmeda. Typ e’. Their chronology coincides with the first half of the 4th century. one of their uses was to transport such knives. in what are currently the provinces of Palencia and Toledo.113 The same might be said of peltate buckles.B’.119 province of Burgos (MAN nº 83845)120 Hornillos del Camino (Burgos)121 and the province of Valladolid. a characteristic element of those ‘Simancas’ belt sets are from: Castillo de Capio Bernardo (Salamanca). An interesting feature is that Spanish ‘horned’ buckles’. nos. as has been mentioned. like the one found in La Bienvenida. This connection with European cingula militae ‘mit durbrochenen Beschläg’ was also established by Sommer. which imposes a decoration based on seriated subjects. are more like ‘stamped’ belt-sets.100 The area of distribution of such fittings is very restricted as Böhme’s map shows. La Morterona (Saldaña. the latter have achieved a wider geographical diffusion. 6 and 7) These are hinged belts with open-work plates.C. Castillo de Soria. Penadomina (Lugo).129 We should include in this list those unpublished in Huete (Cuenca) and the Museum of Linares and also Aloria. the maximum distribution hald already been achieved in the second half of the 4th and the beginning of the following century. Panonnia and Dalmatia is always connected with the dispatch of troops from the Upper Rhine zone. North of Gaul. Northwest of Germany and Britain. tomb 354 of la Olmeda (unpublished. 5. Santo Tomé del Puerto (Segovia). 1 0 2 Finally we have two Spanish bronzes of the ‘Tongern-Wessling’ form:103 a buckle-plate and a rectangular plate. as is proved by the belt set found in grave 26 of La Olmeda.130 About the geographical distribution. ‘Cabriana’ Belts (Fig. The edges of the buckle-plates are deliberately cut but can still be compared to specimens as the one in Kostheim104 or Vieil-Atre (Bolougne-sur-Mer). B. Burgos). Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo). The plates are attached to the ends of leather belts by shanks (not rivets). Palencia). La Morterona (Saldaña. Palencia). The occasional discovery of similar fittings in Britannia. From the morphological point of view. Belt sets with a peltate buckle have been found in grave 133 at Simancas. from a decorative point of view.101 which make these Spanish ‘Trier-Muri’ stiffeners more interesting. another two ‘Trier-Muri’ stiffeners have been found at Pamplona97 and ‘Castro Ventosa’ (Cacabelos. whose more direct prototypes are also the aforementioned hinged belts. ‘Simancas’ belts are frequently to be found in graves with knives for. They possess ‘D’-shaped buckles and rectangular plates doubled over to form a back-plate.132 Sequanorum and Raetia II.126 or a pair from La Morterona (Saldaña)127 and Villasequilla de Yepes. ‘Simancas’ Belts (Fig. In Britannia. ‘Simancas’ belts are connected with ‘non-Hispanic’ belt-sets with open-work plates ornamented with the ‘key-hole’ motif. the period to which the Fuentespreadas tomb is attributable.117 grave 52 of Simancas (Valladolid)118 and Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo). ‘Simancas’ belts are typical of the classical necropolis of the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’ and are mainly concentrated in the Northern and Southern Plateaus of the Iberian Peninsula.98 The item from Pompaelo is actually a variant of the ‘Trier-Muri’ form as is proved by the four central appendages. The best parallel is from Hessheim. Typically the plates are ornamented with the familiar ring-and-dot motif. also find their origin in the military world of 1st century AD. among others. Bierzo). nos.111 Since all those examples were found without plates. Hinged belts with plates which are never decorated with open-work motifs.112 Buckles with Animal-Heads Opposed Across the Hinge-Bar (Fig.108 Monsanto.106 Such buckles were used in ‘chip-carved’ belts as well as in ‘stamped’ belts. on display at the Museum of Saldaña). Eight specimens of the ‘Cabriana’ type have been reported so far. Palencia. ‘horned’ and D-shaped.123 Penadomina. Castillo de Soria and Penadominga (Lugo)116 and perhaps individual plates like those found in Carpio de Tajo.114 But.115 Belt-sets with ‘horned’ buckle have been found in Fuentespreadas. they follow the tradition of hinged belts with rectangular plates used by soldiers at the beginning of the Empire. Such buckles do not only coincide chronologically with ‘Kerbschnittgürtelgarnituren’ and ‘Punzverzierte Gürtelgarnituren’. both in Totanes (Toledo). Also in Hispania. The most distinctive ornamentation of this class of belt equipment is the ring-and-dot motif.143 We once again find a connection between our ‘Hispanic type’ cingula and Roman military equipment of the beginning of the Empire. The idea of classifying these pieces as military items has led to a controversy with. as well as by Roman government officers. We believe ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ belts may be related to the troops posted in Hispania. CONCLUSIONS II. which controlled a strategic route from Hispania to Gaul.142 The typical buckle of the ‘Bienvenida’ belts is rectangular in shape.146 ‘Four knob’-buckles have been reported in Hispania since the Republican period and have been found for instance in the Cáceres el Viejo camp (circa 80 BC). Fittings such as the ones from Palacios del Sil and ‘Castro Ventosa’. belt becomes important because it turns into an essential part of the uniform and a symbol of the social ranks. Almendros (Cuenca)139 and the province of Segovia. The plates may also have been decorated with incised lines. A variant is the type ‘Villasequilla’. We only know of plates from Villasequilla of Yepes (Toledo)136 and one in the National Archaeological Museum nº 86/84/67.149 59 ‘Olmeda’ belts are there to remind us once again of the endurance of anachronistic fashions in our territory. III. the first examples from Astorga were found in archaeological levels dated from the 4th century to the first half of the following century. The proliferation of fittings of Late Roman cingula in Hispania. 12. 64. Penafiel). A great number of ‘Olmeda’ items have been found in the Northern Necropolis of the type site where they are the kind of belt set most often represented in this cemetery (tombs 11. the corners of which are usually finished in small terminals and never display open-work decoration. The ‘Bienvenida’ type is typical of the South Plateau of the Iberian Peninsula and finds clearly concentrate in the centre of the Peninsula. Belts with a concave-shaped plate. deposits found in the campi palantini. as in the ones from Villasequilla de Yepes (Toledo)141 and one found in the province of Cuenca. might be related to the repeated looting of Gerontius’ honoriaci. like the one found in Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo). nos. The buckles are also linked to the tradition of the ‘Rechteckschnallen’ analysed by Poux. while ‘non-Hispanic’ belts would be those brought in by mobile troops (comitatenses) at the beginning of the following century. 134 With regard to chronology. as at South Shields147 and Straubing. ‘Non-Hispanic’ belt-fittings were brought to Hispania by armed men posted at the Limes in the transition from the end of 4th to the beginning of 5th century.144 Morocco 145 and Gaul. 36. nos.151 We currently consider such belts originally to have been worn by military men. 62. such buckles are associated with military contexts of the 2nd and 3rd century. 38. And a detached plate comes from Monte Mòzinho (Oldroes. Outside our territory. while they were already considered ‘old-fashioned’ in the rest of the Empire. The date coincides with the period of the usurpation by Constantine III (407–411). No ‘Bienvenida’ belt-fittings have been found in the necropolis of the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’.Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 Liédana (Navarra) 133 and Astorga. may have some connection with the Legio VII . The strap-slide from El Roc d’Enclar. The only information we possess about their chronology is the re-use of a plate in the Visigothic necropolis of El Espirdo (Segovia). 1 3 8 Totanes (Toledo). The Hawkes ‘I-B’ type buckle found at Veleia (currently Iruña) might have been owned by a Saxon mercenary posted to the cohors prima Gallica. Finally. 1–9) II. 32. 9. Germanic or non-Germanic. During this period. They are similar to the previous ones. still operational in the middle of the century. With the exception of La Olmeda. we should not forget that some finds from rural settlements might be due to the owner of the villa having pursued a military career as a part of their cursus honorum.E. both found in the province of León. especially since the theory of a ‘Limes hispanus’152 was dismissed. poponents and opponents. needs to be explained. the distribution of the ‘Bienvenida’ type differs somewhat from that of the ‘Simancas’ and ‘Cabriana’ types. would thus be an item related to a military site. 13–14) Ring-buckles generally made of iron.137 The limited data does not allow their geographical distribution or their chronology to be determined. where a passing Alaman soldier may have died. 91). but the buckle is joined to the plate with a hinge formed from rings (and not by the sheet bent back in a ‘U’ shape). These comitatenses troops might possibly have been billeted in villae and were the reason for the finds in the cemetery at Hornillos del Camino (Burgos). Such pieces are typical of the 3rd century but nevertheless are frequently found in Hispanic cemeteries of the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’.D. Such potentiores might have brought cingula militae with them as a memento of their professional life on the Limes. ‘Olmeda’ Belts (Fig.150 This last fact stresses the idea that this type was still ‘fashionable’ in Hispania during the first half of 4th century. a castellum. The fact that such buckles are found recurrently in Spanish tombs can not be explained just by residual use of such buckles. among others.153 ‘Pseudo-Hispanic’ belts are regional variations of the cingula militae used throughout the rest of the Empire in the 4th century.140 or lack the decoration. obviously. as we know from the letter Emperor Honorius sent them. 9. a province distant from combat zones and with a reduced military presence. we may then quote the presence of comitatenses troops in civilian locations. 84.148 From a geographical point of view. as in that from La Bienvenida. either Romans or ‘Barbarians’. ‘Bienvenida’ plates are related to military studs used from the end of the 2nd century and in the following century found in Germania. a brief period when armed clashes in Hispania have been reported by classical texts. Some of these bronzes have been found on military sites and others are related to settlements occupied by such troops in the Notitia Dignitatum. During the 4th century. and the corners have spherical terminals and have thus been named ‘four knob’-buckles. . The geographical distribution of the ‘Cabriana’ type is somewhat different from that of the ‘Simancas’ type for it is concentrated in the west and north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. they are not normally found in graves of the necropolis of the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’.135 while the buckle from La Olmeda may date to the first half of the 4th century. ‘Bienvenida’ Belts (Fig. Chip-carved and ‘Trier-Muri’ fittings from Pompaelo (Pamplona) were found in a city where comitatenses troops where posted at the beginning of the 5th century. The finds of cingula militae in villae like La Olmeda and Paredes de Nava. 28. fig. 101–103. 1996b. 507. the Iberian Peninsula Plateau. The fact that troops stayed in Hispania for centuries. BONNET ET ALII. plate 20. 1993b. 1996b. PILET. BOUBE-PICCOT. 1974. 60. 1993a. RIPOLL. iron tools. fig. BÖHME. RIPOLL. 389. 1969. 97–146. fig. nº 3–5. NOTES * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 jaurreco@uma. nº 1–23. plate 23. BÖHME. fig. AURRECOECHEA. nº 15. this legion might have been responsible for a phenomenon similar to the Mischzivilisation which took place in Northern Gaul. 1984. 1993. AURRECOECHEA. etc. HAWKES. fig. AURRECOECHEA. nº11. 1958. 1993a. 1993. 147. 596. 1989. 3–4. PALOL. 1985/86. 1. AURRECOECHEA. 52. 8. SOMMER. figs. 2. a. fig. SOMMER. fig. PEREZ. 1985. 45–46. 19. 1984. nos. AURRECOECHEA. 31–46. nº 4. 1 and fig. fig. 1969a. 73–89. 253. 10. 1. BOUBE-PICCOT. 1986. 7 and 16. 109. plate 8. RIPOLL. AURRECOECHEA. This would account for the distribution of out-dated fashions in our territory during the second half of 4th century. ab. 1997. The most obvious proof of this Mischzivilisation would be the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’. 115. SOMMER. SOMMER. 1961. 7 and 9. These pieces come from the antiquity market and the actual whereabouts is unknown. 146. HAWKES. 1953. 25. 125. 23. BOUBE-PICCOT. karte 11. fig. 253. nº 874. HEURGON. 1984. 21. 32. They were offered to the British Museum in 1992 and their Spanish origin was reported. Nevertheless. They actually were part of a set including Böhme’s ‘B’ type buckle of fig. 1. 60. AURRECOECHEA. 1971. 6–7. HAWKES. AURRECOECHEA. while ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ are not to be found in the cemeteries of this culture and have a more contemporary style. 1974. SOMMER. fig. BÖHME. 482–485. 149. 18. SCHULZE-DÖRRLAMM. 1993. 1986. 6. 1974. 1961. FAUDUET. BULLINGER. SOMMER. 101–102. and also the survival of shanks against rivets. plate 75. 1984. 472. 3–4. 1984. 14. This symbiosis has been recorded in other areas such as Pannonia (Ságvár). 15. 19. BULLINGER. fig. 1993. 154 Old-fashioned tastes having lasted with troops established long ago is a trend which has been studied in other areas of the Empire. fig. 486. 265–270. 18. fig. HAWKES. 28. 594. 1961. 1986. 38. 7–8. 1991. BÖHME. fig. nº 168 and 170. nº 63. AURRECOECHEA. 9. In its area of influence. 1. 1996c. BÖHME. ‘Hispanic’ belts are contemporary with ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ and share a similar geographical distribution. 27. RIPOLL. ab. 65–69. 5 and 6. plate 75. 1991. ab. 1993a. 19. 25. 1993. 7. 192–193. 23. 1969. defined by the cemetery whose graves contained ‘Simancas’ belts. 18. knives. fig. PALOL. PEREZ. 14. Carte 2. The similarities between such Spanish grave goods and those found in Gallic and German graves. 127 in Chouy157 or no. 9. fig. 1994. 1934. nº 3. 122. fig. 1974. 1. 136. SOMMER. D-11. HAWKES. BONNET ET ALII. BOUBE-PICCOT. 8. 1. especially the Legio VII may be the key to the interpretation of our ‘pseudo-Hispanic’ and ‘Hispanic’ late Roman belts. AURRECOECHEA. fig. 701b. 594. ZEISS. 1974. 23–26. 7. 1. FEUGERE. 29. a and f. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 . 197. 15–19. 12. fig. 1934. 38. BÖHME.60 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 KELLER. BULLINGER. 1969a. CASAS. 1969. 7–11. 1995. a. 2. fig. 1989. nº166–168. See note 1. 784–785. 1. some of those ‘Hispanic’ type belts are specific to a local culture called the ‘Culture of the Duero cemeteries’ and have an anachronistic style more like the 2nd–3rd centuries. 1998a. spears. fig. BÖHME. 1. ROSAS. 28. 595. 1995/1996. 37. BÖHME. 1995/96. 9. RIPOLL. BÖHME. 1984. SCHULZE-DÖRRLAMM. 149–159. BÖHME. 1. 1989. 3. PALOL. 1992. RIPOLL. nº 13. 1969b. 1974. like no. 1996b. 1986. 2. 592. fig. 6. 594. 592. 1. 24. KELLER. 508. RODRIGUEZ. FARIÑA . 1330 at Krefeld-Gellep158 constitute a line of investigation that requires careful examination in the future. 1995/1996. 1993. BÖHME. 1984. 1996a. AURRECOECHEA. 3. 46. 253. 14. FEUGERE. 1989. 18. 1996a.156 Hispanic Mischzivilisation would thus be the result of mingling of conservative tastes (very likely in an old legion) and the local Hispano-Roman tradition. 1958. fig. 1986. 4 and 8. 15. List 1. 25. AURRECOECHEA. FEUGERE. fig. BÖHME. 1961. 1984. 1. 49–51. 1994. HEURGON. fig. 784–785. 1986. QUILLFELDT Y ROGGENBUCK. nº 162–163. 36. 7. fig. nº 175. 1984. nº 5–6. 9. NENQUIN. 1986. 63–64. fig. nº 17 and 18. 32. 482. 4. fundliste 11. 1994. bronze tableware. FEUGERE. BÖHME. 104. 1976. 19. 4. 15. 1986. 1971. plate 16. note 22. 10 and 11. fig. fig. 1996b. fig.1. fig. 52. 16. 1990.155 or the former Dacia. SOMMER. fig. SOMMER. 57. SOMMER. 1961. fig. 1969a. fig. AURRECOECHEA. 1994. 1986. 1. 128. fig. fig. HAWKES. The result of such Mischzivilisation is the meeting of two worlds: military and civilian. BULLINGER. 1996a. 25bis. ZEISS. a tenor de los bronces hallados en la Meseta Sur’. fig. 1976.. FARIÑA. fig. SOMMER. 8. PALOL. 1986. 2. SOEIRO... Veleia.. 1984. 4. ABASOLO. 1974. Legio VII Gemina is reported as settled in Spain in that time according to the Notitia (XLII. fig.. 1. 574. PALOL. fig. N. 1984. ABASOLO ET AL. vol. ET ALII. 3 and 9. 17. BÖHME. 17–18. winter 98. Palencia). 1974. 10. 1996a: ‘Roman studs in Spain: a survey’. 194. BÖHME. MEZQUÍRIZ. 1986. fig. 8. Fundliste 14. 141. 65. 1984. . 1969. . BÖHME. 286–287. 144. Fundliste 15. 1974. VERA. fig. Palencia. 1986. 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 61 ABASOLO. A70–172. 139. BISHOP. WERNER. PEREZ. 2. 1996a. POUX. Instrumentum Bulletin. in the late Roman era. 1995/96. fig. A. 1998: ‘New finds of chip-carved fittings in Spain’. 15. 52. fig. PALOL. 1969a. 73). 9. 2. CORTES.Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 BISHOP.. 59. J.3. 1974: Germanische Grabfunde des 4. fig. AURRECOECHEA. 1969. 1995/96. 1971. J . 2. Britannia. would be about 6000 men strong. BLACK. 501. COULSTON. 65. 1980.A. 12. Archivo Español de Arqueología. 64. 23. fig. PALOL. M. 3. 15–19. 3. 20. 1 & 2. 1997. 499–500. 10. AURRECOECHEA. AURRECOECHEA. 211–237. 13. J. 4. 23. AURRECOECHEA. a part of it was posted to the comitatensan army in the Eastern provinces of the Empire (ARCE. 145. 8. nos. 1980. 100. 112. AURRECOECHEA. BÖHME.. BÖHME. AURRECOECHEA. karte 15. 6. 17. Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies. 92. 1998. ABASOLO.. F.. 37. VV.. J. KAZANSKI. L. 1996b: ‘Chip-carved fittings in Late Roman Hispania’. fig. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.W. BLACK. 1. 1978. 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Mengibar (5). . ¿Santiago de Compostela? (4). Province of Burgos (7).Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 65 Figure 3: “Santomé” Type: Argeliers (1). Sanlucarejo (6). Borox (3). Mainz Museum (8–9). “San Miguel” Type: San Miguel del Arroyo (10). Villarrubia de Santiago (13. Roc d´Enclar (3). 12). 10). 14). 6. 11. Hornillos del Camino (15). . Mainz Museum (2. La Morterona (5). 16). “Spanish” (1. Paredes de Nava (7. Pamplona (4). 8).66 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 Figure 4: Chip-carved fittings: La Olmeda (9. Buckles with animal heads: Monsanto (10).Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 67 Figure 5: Stamped fittings: Hornillos del Camino (1–5). Pamplona (7). 9). Can Bosch (13). . La Bienvenida (12). Simancas (11). Totanes (8. Cacabelos (6). Villarrubia de Santiago (7. 12). 8). Richborough (21. Simancas (5). Huete (17). Museo de Linares (11). Arcobriga (13. . 22). National Archaeological Museum (9. La Morterona (2). Palencia (16). Puebla de montalban (10). Santo Tomé del Puerto (18). Oberstimm (20). Carpio de Tajo (4. 15). Castillo de Capio Pernardo (3). Early Empire “horned” buckles: Province of Toledo (19). 14).68 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 Figure 6: “Simancas” Type: Fuentespreadas (1. Bank East (23). 6). Simancas (8). Viladonga (3). 5). Hornillos del Camino (4). La Morterona (2. Province of Valladolid (9). . La Olmeda (6).Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 69 Figure 7: “Simancas” Type: Nuez de Abajo (1). Villasequilla de Yepes (7). Lugo (2). Huerta de Abajo (3). . Borox (11). Astorga (6.70 Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 Figure 8: “Cabrina” Type: Cabriana (1). Monte Mòzinho (4). “D” buckles with “L” section: Villarrubia de Santiago (10). 8). Liédana (5). “Villasequilla” Type: National Archaeological Museum (8). La Olmeda (7). Villasequilla de Yepes (9). El Quinto (2). Almendros (6). Totanes (4).Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 10 1999 71 Figure 9: “Bienvenida” Type: Mengibar (1). “Olmeda” Type: La Olmeda (13). Castro de la Oliva (12). . Ocaña (3). Province of Segovia (7). Villasequilla de Yepes (9). La Bienvenida (5). 11). Puebla de Montalbán (8). La Morterona (14). “Rectangular” buckles: Simancas (10.
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