journal 21 no. 1 Final.pdf

June 13, 2018 | Author: Corazon Morilla | Category: Documents



Technical Staff Norma A. Azucena Managing Editor Fr. Timoteus Gampur, SVD Consultants / Editors Corazon S. Morilla, Ph.D. Evelyn S. Javier, Ph.D. Fr. Crispin A. Cordero, SVD Layout Designer Xenia L. Fesalvo


One of the hallmarks of a credible research is its functionality, the degree to which the research output is disseminated and utilized in the light of its practical implications. To this effect a dissertation, explored as part of the outcome assessment the research culture and functionality in teacher education of some nine (9) Teacher Education Institutions (TEI‘s). The study pointed to the embedding mechanisms social capital as determinants of research culture which in turn impacts the functionality of research in terms of capability, productivity, dissemination and utilization. In keeping with the continuing program on educational research, more attempts have been done to continually gather, analyze, interpret and disseminate related information in a research culture that cuts across boundaries of knowledge societies. Along this line, more investigations were conducted in the English language, literature, science, math and even in Filipino to carry out a more encompassing relevant mechanism for improving the quality of education. The journal issue incorporates studies on oral communication and language proficiency, K to 12 approaches, writing apprehension and performance, disruptive behavior and performance, determinants of English speaking proficiency, the Special Program in the Arts Curriculum as well as pedagogy in teaching Science. Meanwhile in literature, research outputs investigated the language of poems through content analysis and stylistics focusing on linguistics theoretical points, a more comprehensive study of the author‘s style, poem structure, different verbal patterns and unique linguistic markers from different perspectives. The Science research output ―Physico-Chemical Analysis of Different Agricultural Soil Samples in Northern Oriental Mindoro is intended for facility management and agricultural support. The other Science research is about environmental practices, measuring student‘s awareness and involvement. These researches for whatever practical value are aimed at ensuring a culture of continuous improvement to level up learning and achieve education standards through research utilization.

CONTENTS Dissertation Research Culture and Functionality in Teacher Education Institutions in Oriental Mindoro Bibiana De Chavez Arago (2018) p. 2

CONTENTS Master Theses Oral Communication Strategies and the Level of Competency in English Language of Grade 10 Students of Oriental Mindoro National High School: A Basis for an English Enhancement Program Ma. Christia M. Borbon (2017) p. 15 K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches and English Language Proficiency of Grade12 Students of Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School: Basis for Curriculum Support Program Judy M. Laylo (2018) p. 20 Writing Apprehension and Performance of Grade 11 Students of Nabuslot National High School: Basis for a Proposed Writing Program Erwin D. Bibal (2018) p. 28 Disruptive Behavior and Academic Performance of Grade Three Pupils in Selected School of Naujan West District Mina Cabral Mendoza (2018) p. 33 Determinants of English Speaking Proficiency of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Pili National High School Leila M. Rubia (2018) p. 37 Special Program in the Arts Curriculum and Classroom Assessment of Grade 8 Students in Oriental Mindoro National High School Angelo B. Ahorro (2018) p. 43 Mga Piling Saling-Akdang Pandaigdig sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Ikasampung Baitang Jarel A. Abia (2018) p. 47

Pedagogy in Teaching Science and Performance of Grade 10 in Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School Nancy C. Dayot (2018) p. 52 Exploring the Language of Poems Through Content Analysis of Maya Angelou‘s Works Lenningay D. Pascua (2018) p. 58 Stylistic Analysis of Selected Poems in English 9 Focusing on Linguistics‘ Theoretical Points: Basis for a Sample Course Material Maria Ginalyn J. Quiñones (2018) p. 63 Motivating Factors and Willingness to Continue Education of Students in Cawayan National High School Placida E. De Silva (2018) p. 68




Research Culture and Functionality in Teacher Education Institutions in Oriental Mindoro Bibiana De Chavez Arago (2018) Ph.D – Educational Management This qualitative phenomenological study explored the lived experiences of active faculty researchers of nine teacher education institutions (TEIs) in Oriental Mindoro. It unraveled the embedding mechanism and social capital as determinants of research culture and their impact on the functionality of research in terms of capability, productivity, dissemination and utilization. This formed the bases for designing a Research Capability Development Program to ensure a sustained level of research functionality. Derived meaning from the lived experiences of faculty researchers encompassed their personal knowledge of research culture and their impact on research functionality. Primary embedding and secondary reinforcement mechanisms of TEI‘s research culture nurture research functionality. The various forms of social capital, namely, institution, relationships, and norms, as determinants of research culture, serve as stimuli for boosting capability, productivity, and dissemination and utilization of research. TEIs‘ status of functionality of research highly differed from one another according to the varying levels of organizational developmental stage. TEIs need to consider a Research Capability Development Program that covers both the macro- and micro-levels of organization. The TEIs need to find ways to further enhance their primary embedding and secondary reinforcement mechanisms in order to improve the levels of functionality of research in terms of capability, productivity, as well as dissemination and utilization of research. Moreover, the TEIs need to conduct a review of their existing social capital in order to identify the areas for improvement and development. They need to work together to improve the level of functionality of research. References A. Books Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Binney, G., & Williams, C. (1997). Leaning into the future. London: Nicholas Brearley. Bourdieu, P. (1986). The forms of capital, in handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education (J.E. Richardson ed.), 241, 248-49. Calda, D.S., & Javier, E. (2014). Functionality of research in management. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.



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Oral Communication Strategies and the Level of Competency in English Language of Grade 10 Students of Oriental Mindoro National High School: A Basis for an English Enhancement Program Ma. Christia M. Borbon (2017) MAED – Teaching English Language This research study determined the oral communication strategies and the level of competency in English language of Grade 10 students of Oriental Mindoro National High School (OMNHS). The researcher used questionnaire to determine the extent of use of students in Oral Communication Strategies, and the Level of oral communication competency in delivery, organization, fluency, grammar and confidence in English Language. To determine the relationship between the two variables, descriptive correlational research design was used. Results revealed that Grade 10 students‘ utilization of reduction strategies had something to do in increasing their level of competence in oral communication in English along with confidence. It also revealed that reduction strategies could render Grade 10 student very competent to speak English because they could allow themselves to avoid unfamiliar topics and those they were not knowledgeable about. The choice of easily understandable words, changing topics meaning they were not sure of replacement of hard to pronounce words which were components of reduction strategies could also facilitate acquisition of mastery necessary to have control on the process of communication. From the findings and conclusions of the study, an enhancement program was proposed. REFERENCES A. Books De Belen, R. T. (2015). Research methods & thesis writing. Quezon City: Jobal Publishing, Inc. p. 43. Fox, W. & Bayat, M. S. (2007). A guide to managing research. Juta Publications, p.45 Grimsley, H. T. (2011). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Krashen, S. D. (1987). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Prentice-Hall International. Lane, S. (2010). Interpersonal communication: Competence and contexts. USA: Pearson Education.



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K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches and English Language Proficiency of Grade 12 Students of Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School: Basis for Curriculum Support Program Judy M. Laylo (2018) MAED – Teaching English Language This is a quantitative study using descriptive-correlational design which determined the relationship between the K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches and the English proficiency of the Grade 12 students of Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School. The research surveyed the extent of use of the K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches including constructivism, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative, and integrative approach in the teaching-learning process at Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School through a self-made questionnaire. It also assessed the level of the English language proficiency of selected Grade 12 students using a standardized English Proficiency Test which covered the listening comprehension, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and speaking tests. Using a five-point scale to describe the extent of use of the K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches in Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School. Students perceived the extent of use of the K to 12 Pedagogical Approaches in terms of constructivist approach as low followed by moderate rating for inquiry-based approach and reflective approach. The most used approach, was the collaborative approach followed by integrative approach both interpreted as high. The grand mean of 3.26 of the extent of use of the pedagogical approaches reflected a moderate rating from the respondents. Meanwhile, the level of the English proficiency of the students of Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School was also low. Grammar, vocabulary, and reading tests all reflected low score. On the other hand, listening and speaking tests obtained an average rating. The result also showed a significant relationship between the K to 12 pedagogical approaches and the English proficiency of the Grade 12 students of Porfirio G. Comia Memorial National High School. Specifically, there was a significant relationship between constructivist approach and listening comprehension, constructivist approach and reading comprehension, constructivist approach and grammar, and constructivist approach and speaking. It was also identified that the inquiry based approach directly affected the proficiency level of students in reading, vocabulary, and grammar. Meanwhile, reflective and collaborative approaches had significant relationship with the reading comprehension of the students. Lastly, a significant relationship was also found between integrative approach and reading, and integrative approach and speaking.



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Writing Apprehension and Performance of Grade 11 Students of Nabuslot National High School: Basis for a Proposed Writing Program Erwin D. Bibal (2018) MAED – Teaching English Language Writing is an important language skill and considered as a cornerstone of success in different fields. However, writing particularly in English language has been perceived as a demanding and difficult task which may be caused by the individual‘s anxiety, fear, and doubt towards it. Such negative perception is termed as writing apprehension. In line with this, this quantitative research employing descriptive-correlational design determined the extent of writing apprehensions of the Grade 11 students of Nabuslot National High School in terms of personal, psychological, and technical factors and their relationship to the level of the students‘ writing performance. To determine the extent of writing apprehension in terms of personal, psychological, and technical factors, the questionnaire adapted from standard questionnaire of Daly and Miller was used. Moreover, a writing test was used to find out the level of the writing performance of the students which was graded using the rubric validated by the English Education Program Supervisor of the Schools Division of Oriental Mindoro. Meanwhile, the data gathered were treated using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed that the Grade 11 students of Nabuslot National High School perceived a moderate extent of writing apprehension as shown by the grand mean of 2.64. Meanwhile, it was found out that the writing performance of the students was at an average level as evidenced by the 43.57 mean score. Results of the study further showed that there was a significant relationship between the writing apprehension in terms of personal, psychological, and technical factors and the writing performance of the students revealed by the r computed, that is |-.791| > |.279|. From the findings, it could be concluded that in writing, the students sometimes feel the pressure and fear of evaluation. Furthermore, the students sometimes experience lack of confidence in doing the task and lack of knowledge with regard to the technicalities of writing. These problems affect the performance of the students which indicate that there is a significant relationship between the writing apprehension and performance of the students. It could also be gleaned from the result that as the writing apprehension increases, the writing performance decreases and as the writing apprehension decreases, the writing performance increases. Based on the findings, a writing program was proposed to lessen or eradicate the writing apprehension of the students to improve their writing performance.



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Disruptive Behavior and Academic Performance of Grade Three Pupils in Selected School of Naujan West District Mina Cabral Mendoza (2018) MAED – Administration and Supervision This study is a quantitative research using the descriptive-correlational method to investigate the relationship between the disruptive behavior and academic performance of Grade Three pupils in selected schools in Naujan West District as basis for enhanced classroom management plan. Results of the study revealed that Grade three pupils of the selected schools in Naujan West District had low extent of classroom behavior. They rarely showed disruptive behaviors in terms of inattentiveness, aggressiveness, tardiness and laziness. The pupils‘ level of academic performance was satisfactory. Respondents‘ extent of disruptive behavior and level of academic performance were significantly related. Inattentiveness, aggressiveness, tardiness and laziness were only the predictors of pupil‘s performance. There could be some other factors that affected academic performance such as peers, parents, teachers, administrators, strategy in teaching, classroom management, environment, demographic profile and also curriculum. In the light of the conclusions derived under the conditions in which the investigation was conducted, the researcher offered the following recommendations. Administrators may provide a program for the teacher as well as to the parents to lessen the effect of disruptive behavior and enhance the academic performance of the pupils. Teachers‘ effort may be strengthened to conduct action research and case studies that could help them in addressing different disruptive behaviors in their daily classroom situations. It is also recommended that innovative and creative ways to deliver instruction be explored, and that the following be addressed; the pupil‘s motivation level, conduct enhancement/intervention activities to further increase the academic performance of the pupils; maintain the awareness of new teachers on classroom management practices through seminars and physical arrangement of classroom to ensure that they are conducive to learning and safe for the learners. Further research may also be conducted more for comprehensive studies about the findings using results of the study on classroom behavior and academic performance of pupils. Books White, R., Algozzine, B., Audetre, R., Marr, M., & Ellis, E.D. (2001). Unified discipline: A school-wide approach for managing problem behavior. Intervention in School and Clinic. Whitmeyer,S.J., Mogk, D.W., Pyle, E.J. (2009). Field geology education: Historical perspectives and modern approaches: Eiss and Harbeck‘s values theory. The Geological Society of America.



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Determinants of English Speaking Proficiency of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Pili National High School Leila M. Rubia (2018) MAED – Teaching English Language This study titled ―Determinants of English Speaking Proficiency in English of Grade 11 Students of Pili National High School determined the extent of influence of the factors affecting the speaking proficiency in terms of environment, self-confidence, attitude and motivation and the level of speaking proficiency in terms of pronunciation, grammar and clarity of the Grade 11 students of Pili National High School for the school year 2017-2018. The research study covered 62 student -respondents of Pili National High School, Pili, Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. In order to determine the relationship between the variables, descriptive-correlational method was utilized. The respondents were selected using proportional stratified random sampling technique. The researcher used self-made questionnaire and rubrics adapted from different sources to determine the level of English speaking proficiency in terms of pronunciation, grammar, clarity. Mean and Pearson‘s r moment correlations were used to analyze the data gathered. Findings of the study revealed respondents extent of influence of the factors affecting the speaking proficiency in terms of environment, self-confidence, attitude and motivation was at moderate extent. The respondents‘ level of speaking proficiency in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and clarity was satisfactory. There was a significant relationship between the extent of influence of the factors affecting the speaking proficiency and the level of speaking proficiency in English. REFERENCES A. Books Calderon, J., & Gonzales E (2003). Measurement and evaluation in education. Quezon City. Calmorin, L. (2016). Research and thesis writing. Rex Book Store, Manila Philippines. Nunan, D. (2009). Second language teaching and learning, Mandaluyong City: Anvil Publishing Inc. Nuval, E. (2014). Competence in oral communication and public speaking. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.



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Special Program in the Arts Curriculum and Classroom Assessment of Grade 8 Students in Oriental Mindoro National High School Angelo B. Ahorro (2018) MAED – Teaching English Language This thesis summarizes the results of a quantitative research that determines the relationship between the status of Special Program in the Arts Curriculum and Level of Classroom Assessment of Grade 8 Students in Oriental Mindoro National High School, school year 2017-2018. Examining the various aspects of the program‘s curricular implementation revealed that the teachers had masteral units and specialized training which made their teaching strategies show evidence of program effectiveness exceeding the minimum standards. However, the teaching methods must be made flexible to enhance creativity of learning. The study also indicated the challenges of implementing the curriculum of Special Program in the Arts. Lack of funding, concerns over the administrative structure and a combination of classes between the dance and the theatre arts had been shown to hinder the program from achieving high level of curricular implementation. Findings from the level of classroom assessment in terms of performance manifested students‘ inclination to arts. The written test of grade 8 students was described to be outstanding since teachers met all the expectations needed to establish a Special Program in the Arts as exclusive program. However, few students who submitted their portfolio did not meet the expectations of criteria standards of the rubrics. Almost all of the correlations were not significant statistically like performance, written test and portfolio. Findings from the academic performance of the students showed that teachers‘ curriculum guides served as the positive interaction resulting from the learning experiences provided to the students. Implementation was the manner in which the teacher selected and mixed the various aspects of knowledge contained in curriculum instructional materials. It was evident that the students, despite their diverse characteristics, were responsive to instruction in varying levels of learning ability. A proposed program to support the Special Program in the Arts Curriculum and Classroom Assessment was provided. Throughout the study, valuable insights have been noted as how factors such as the Special Program in the Arts teachers, learner, learning environment, resources and classroom management have influenced the curriculum implementation of the Special Program in the Arts of Oriental Mindoro National High School.



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Mga Piling Saling-Akdang Pandaigdig sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Ikasampung Baitang Jarel A. Abia (2018) MAED – Filipino Ang pananaliksik na ito ay naglalayong maisakatuparan ang pagsusuri sa pitong piling saling-akdang pandaigdig na isinulat ng mga kilalang maunulat ng maikling kuwento at nobela at isinalin sa Filipino ng mga mahuhusay na tagapagsaling Filipino. Isinagawa ang pagsusuri dahil ipinalalagay ng mananaliksik na magsisilbing katugunan sa hinihinging katanungan ng mga magaaral sa antas sekondarya. Sa pamamagitan ng pag-aaral at pagsusuri ng maikling kuwento at nobela ay malilinang at maikikintal sa isip gayundin sa damdamin ng mga mag-aaral ang mga karapat-dapat na implikasyong pantao na magiging gabay sa pagbuo ng isang lipunang makatao, maka-Diyos at may paninindigan. Nakasandig ang pag-aaral na ito sa Teoryang Humanismo na naniniwala na ito ang sukatan ng lahat ng bagay at nagtatanghal ng kalayaan ng saloobin ng tao, ang pangingibabaw nito sa kalikasan at ang natatangi nitong relasyon sa Poong Lumikha. Mahalaga ang nasabing teorya sa kasalukyang pag-aaral sapagkat binigyang pagsusuri sapananaliksik na ito ang elementong may kinalaman sa pangunahing tauhan ng mga sinuring akda tulad ng kaniyang katangian, mga naging karanasan sa buhay, nakapaloob na aral na maaring tularan ng mga mgaaaral gayundin ang mga pagpapahalaga sa buhay na kanilang tinataglay. Masasabing angkop ang nasabing teorya sa kasalukyang pag-aaral sapagkat binigyang pagsusuri sapananaliksik na ito ay ang elemento na may kinalaman sa pangunahing tauahan ng mga sinuring akda tulad ng kaniyang katangian, mga naging karanasan sa buhay, nakapaloob na aral na maaring tularan ng mga mgaaaral gayundin ang mga pagpapahalaga sa buhay na kanilang tinataglay. Ang kasalukuyang pananaliksik ay gumamit ng disenyong deskriptibo-ebalwatibong pamamaraan upang mahusay na masuri ang mga elementong binibigyang pagpapahalaga sa mga pitong (7) piling saling akdang pandaigdig Ginamit ng mananaliksik ang proseso ng pagsusuri bilang suring basa sa nasabing mga akda na dito‘y pinahalagahan. Susuriin dito ang mga sumusunod: katangian ng tauhan, karanasan ng tauhan, nakapaloob na aral at mga pagpapahalaga sa buhay na nakapaloob sa mga binanggit na akda.Ang pagsusuri ay may kasamang pagtataya na isinagawa sa pamamagitan ng pagbabasa ng pitong (7) mga piling saling-akdang pandaigdigat matapos ay nilapatan ng mananaliksik ng kaukulang paliwanang ayon sa hinihingi ng pag-aaral.Mula sa kinalabasan ng pagsusuri ay bumuo ang mananaliksik ng mungkahing modyul na magagamit sa pagtuturo ng mga panitikang nagmula sa iba‘t ibang bansa at isinalin sa wikang Filipino.



Abia, 2018 Mula sa kinalabasan ng isinagawang pagsusuri natuklasan ng mananaliksik na may mga saling-akdang pandaigdig ang sinulat ng mga kilalang manunulat sa mundo at naisalin sa wikang pambansa na makatutulong upang mailarawan, mahinuha at mapahalagahan ang ating sariling katangiang tinataglay. Na ang mga piling saling-akdang pandaigdig tulad ng mga maikling kuwento at nobelang pinahalagahan sa pag-aaral na ito ay kinapapalooban ng mga bahagi ng akdang pakikinabangan ng mga mga-aaral sa ikasampung baitang sa sekondarya. natuklasan rin ang mga kakaibang katangiang taglay ng mga pangunahing tauhan sa mga panitikang nagmula sa iba‘t ibang panig ng daigdig, ang mga mapupulot na magagandang aral na dapat tularan at mga pagpapahalaga sa buhay. At ang mga akdang pinag-aralan, pinahalagahan at ginawan ng pagsusuri sa pananaliksik na ito ay makatutulong upang makilala ng mga mag-aaral ang kanilang mga sarili. Mabisa ang mg akdang ginawan ng pagsusuri sapagkat makatutulong ito sa iba pang mga mag-aaral na magsagawa ng iba pang pananaliksik na may kaugnayan sa panitikan. Batay sa kinalabasan ng isinagawang pag-aaral ay natuklasan ng mananaliksik na maraming mga saling-akdang pandaigdig ang hindi pa lubusang napahahalagahan ng mga guro sa pagtuturo ng panitikan. May mga akda na larawan ng katotohanan sa buhay ng tao, katanging tinataglay ng mga tauhan, karanasan sa buhay, mga makabuluhang aral at pagpapahalaga sa buhay na nabakas sa mga akdang pinahalagahan sa isinagawang pananaliksik. Maraming katangian ng akda sa ibang bansa ang kalimitan ay mababakas lamang sa mga saling-akdang pampanitkan ng daigdig na natutunghayan ng mga mambabasa. Makatutulong ang isinagawang pagsusuri sa dahilang ang napiling mga saling- akda ay kinapulutan ng mga kaalamang makapagpapayaman sa pagkatao at buhay ng mga mambabasa lalo‘t higit sa mga magaaral. Batay sa mga kongklusyon sa pag-aaral, nabuo ang mga sumusunod na rekomendasyon na hindi dapat na kaligtaan ng mga guro ang ilan pang mga saling-akdang pandaigdig na kalulugdang talakayin ng mga mag-aaral sa silid-aklatan. Paglaanan ng kaukulang pagpapahalaga ang ganitong pagsusuri sa Filipino ukol sa iba pang saling-akdang pandaigdig na ginawa at sinulat ng mga kilalang manunulat at pinaglaanang isalin ng mga tagapagsaling Filipino. Kailangan ang patnubay ng guro sa mga mag-aaral sa pagtalakay ng mga akdang maselanan, mga akdang kababakasan ng kasamaan at pagmamalabis ng tauhan laban sa iba pang tauhan. Bukod sa mungkahing modyul, kailangan ding maghanda ang guro ng iba pang kagamitan sa pagtuturo na makatutulong sa pagpapabuti at pagpapaunlad ng pagtuturo ng mga aralin. Mga Sanggunian A. AKLAT Aguilar, R. et al. (2004). Panitikan ng Pilipinas: Rehiyunal na pagdulog. Cardona St., Rizal Village, Makati City: Grandwater Publication.



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Pedagogy in Teaching Science and Performance of Grade 10 in Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School: Nancy C. Dayot (2018) MAED – Science Education This quantitative research utilizing descriptive-correlational method titled ―Pedagogy in Teaching Science and Performance of Grade 10 in Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School ‖ determined the relationship between pedagogy in teaching Science in terms of assessment and evaluation, case-based, computer simulation, differentiated instruction , discovery learning, experiential learning, inquiry-based, modular learning, open-ended instruction, peer tutoring and values clarification and performance of the students in terms of grades. Findings of the study revealed that relationship between pedagogy in teaching Science in terms of assessment and evaluation, case-based, differentiated instruction, inquiry based, modular learning, open-ended instruction and peer tutoring with the academic performance was positive moderate. On the other hand computer simulation, discovery learning, experiential learning and values clarification, had a positive low relationship with the academic performance. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the pedagogy in teaching Science and performance of Grade 10 students. Pedagogy in teaching Science greatly influences the performance of the students in terms of grades. If the teacher strictly practices the pedagogies the more the chances for the students to perform well inside the classroom. However, maximum effort of the teachers could not guarantee the good performance of all the students since there are still other factors that influence the performance of the students and further research is recommended. Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, an enhanced Science module plan was proposed. REFERENCES A. Book/s Charles, C.M. , & Senter, G. W. (2012) . Elementary classroom management (6th ed) 215 Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, USA B. Electronic Sources Atherton J S (2013) Learning and teaching; Piaget's developmental theory. Retrieved April 30, 2016 from learning/piaget.htm Alvy, H., Anderson, M., Anderson, S., Armstrong, T., Barnes, M., Benson, J., &Bergmann, J. (2009). Multiple intelligence theory and teaching strategies. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Retrieved from



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Exploring the Language of Poems Through Content Analysis of Maya Angelou’s Works Lenningay D. Pascua (2018) MAED – Teaching English Language This study titled, ―Exploring the Language of Poems through Content Analysis of Maya Angelou‘s Works‖ focused on the analysis of the poetic language in the selected works of Maya Angelou. Anchored on the theories of structuralist, pragmatic and feminist, the author was able to analyze the imagery, figurative language, structure, theme, tone and the feminist perspectives in the poems Mother: A Cradle to Hold Me, Still I Rise, Life Doesn‘t Frighten Me, Phenomenal Woman and Woman Work. The study made use of qualitative content analysis to address the problem of the complexity of poetic language. Based on the content analysis, various kinds of imageries such as sense imageries, kinesthesia and synaesthesia were employed in the poems; figures of speech were also evident; the poems were considered free verse because of its non-compliance to fixed metrical pattern and rhythm. Themes of the poem were about women and the positive qualities that a person should have in life. Feminist perspectives deduced from the poems included female realization, celebration of womanhood and femininity, and the reflection of courageous, hardworking women and the significant roles of women in society. A sample learning module was made as output of the content analysis done. The module focuses on poems of Maya Angelou and contains several activities that could be used in analyzing the different elements of poems. References A. Books Applebee,A., Bermudez, A., Blau, S., Caplan, R., Elbow, P., Hynds, S……. Marshall, J. (2003). The language of literature. Georgia Edition. McDougal Littell, Houfton Mifflin Company. United States of America Chin, B. A., Wolfe, D., Copeland, J., Dudzinki, M.A., Ray, W., Royster, J.J., & Wilhelm, J. (2002). Glencoe literature. The reader’s choice. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. United States Of America Duer, A., Moulton, C., Hutchinson, E., Markham, L., Oshinsky, E., Hefele, J. & McIlwaine, R. (2000). Prentice hall literature. Timeless voices, timeless themes. Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Heidegger, M. (2001). Poetry, language, thought. First Perennial Classics edition. Perennial Inc. an imprint of HarperCollins. United States of America



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