

JOSSO Java Open Single Sign On (JOSSO) is a single sign-on solution for web applications.It is an open source Java EE based software for user authentication and authorization. The software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Description The framework allows multiple web server/applications such as the Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, ASP, PHP etc. to authenticate users with credential store. JOSSO communicates with credential stores over the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or a JDBC connection. JOSSO exposes Single Sign On services using SOAP over HTTP protocol allowing it to easily integrate with non-Java applications. JOSSO implements JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) to authenticate and enforce access controls upon users. JOSSO is an Open Source Internet SSO solution for rapid and standards-based (SAML) Internet-scale Single Sign-On implementations, allowing secure Internet access to the Web-based applications or services of customers, suppliers, and business partners. Main Features              J2EE, Spring and Windows Transparent cross-domain/cross-organization Single Sign-On SAML support for seamless Internet/Federated SSO experience Bundled with GUI Console for a purely point-and-click setup and administration experience Pluggable Framework to allow the implementation of custom identity components using Spring or built-in IoC container. "5 minutes" on-the-fly set-up and deployment through custom "enhancement" console Runs in Apache Tomcat. Runs in JBoss application server. Runs in BEA WebLogic 8, 9 and 10 application server Runs in Websphere CE application server Runs in Apache Geronimo application server Runs in Windows IIS as an ISAPI connector Runs in any JASPI-compatible (JSR196) container such as JBoss 5 and GlassFish Out-of-the-box compatibility with Liferay Portal, JBoss Portal, JBoss GateIn Portal, Alfresco CMS, OpenCMS, Wavemaker and phpBB or Java Open Single Sign-On. If you have a more custom scenario.g. Servlet/JSP. Includes virtual directory functionality for allowing authentication against multiple disparate identity silos "Remember Me" support Password reset support Client API for PHP. This generation is an allin-one solution that enables end-to-end delivery of Internet/Federated Single Sign-On settings. PHP. Out-of-the-box branding support Compatibility with Apache Pluto Portlet Container Standard Based: JAAS. Moreover. Python. hence involving external/cloud-based partner sites (e. user authentication and authorization. Web Services/SOAP. applications Integrates with Spring Security for enabling fine-grained authorization. Perl. platform neutral. JOSSO2 might be the right choice for you. building on a purely model-driven approach for lowering the entry barrier and shortening time-to-value. remote branches. such as requiring to implement custom SSO plug-in in order to support for instance non orthodox identity sources or authentication mechanisms.509 client certificates. Database support for storing user information and credentials. Struts. JOSSO2 might also help at delivering an internet-scale SSO solution.                Native Apache Http 2. is an open source J2EE and Spring-based SSO infrastructure aimed to provide a solution for centralized. Supports Strong Authentication using X. etc. JOSSO. you'll have better chances to get free support from the large community of adopters that the project has won during his 6 years of life. 100% Java JOSSO2 is the second generation of the JOSSO product line. . Windows Authentication LDAP support for storing user information and credentials.x support thus enabling transparent SSO with Ruby. suppliers. Provides Identity information to Web applications and EJBs through the standard Servlet and EJB Security API respectively.) potentially having with their own single sign-on back-end. This allows to build SSO-enabled ASP applications. JOSSO1 might be a better choice in this case.J2EE. EJB. etc. This allows to build SSO-enabled PHP applications. Client API for Microsoft ASP. If you have a rather standard and controlled setting and looking to implement it in an out-of-the-box experience with little involvement from IT. JBoss. . propagating the security context to web and EJB tiers for consumption using the standard JEE interfaces. Agents consume Gateway identity services. Partner application (SP): SSO-enabled web application. It can provide fine-grained authorization services to SSOenabled Spring security applications. JAAS. Non intrusive 0% development: SSO-enabled web applications don't have to depend on any proprietary Single Sign-On API. JMX and Struts. Spring. also known as Service Provider. by leveraging the native SOA architecture of the product. JOSSO handles the whole authentication flow transparently. web services/SOAP. JOSSO comprises three main components    SSO Gateway (IdP): It's the SSO server.JOSSO addresses web single sign-on based on these concepts        Pluggable framework: It provides a component-centric infrastructure that allows to leverage existing user identity repositories and authentication mechanisms. Weblogic and Apache Httpd server. that relies on the SSO Agent and Gateway components for providing the Single Sign-On experience to users. responsible of acting as a the web access management authority for SSO-enabled applications and their users. SSO Agent: Handles the single sign-on use-cases and execution environment integration details for SSO-enabled applications. Commitment to open standards: It leverages industry standards such as JEE. also known as Identity Provider. Microsoft ASP and any server-side scripting application. Middleware-free Cross-domain/Cross-organization SSO: Federated settings between organizations can be implemented without deploying additional hardware nor software middleware such as reverse proxies. Spring Friendly: Can be deployed on top of the Spring IoC container and leveraged as the default SSO implementation of the Spring Security layer. Wide Application Container Support: End-to-End declarative integration with Tomcat. Custom access management plugins can be implemented in an out-of-the-box fashion using the POJO component model and injected using the Spring configuration format. EJB. such as PHP. servlet/JSP. Cross-platform: It allows the integration of Java and non-Java applications. . It provides a specific example but you .JOSSO Protocol Finite State Machine (FSM) Introduction This guide will explain how to integrate your own user and roles database with JOSSO. using basic authentication to validate user identity. JOSSO_USER_ROLE : contains the roles associated with each user. JOSSO_ROLE : contains all the roles to which users can be associated. Lets have a look at the ER Diagram : . Create the user and roles database schema Using your own data structure If you already have your own database schema. Lets assume that you don't have a user and role tables. Make sure that the required JDBC driver is deployed in the gateway. etc. If you branded the gateway. this step is not required. JOSSO_USER_PROPERTY : contains additional properties of the user. like personal data. you can add the resource to your custom gateway project. You should instead modify the SQL queries in the Identity Store configuration so that user and roles can be obtained.could use other persistence mechanism and data structure. . We must then create 3 tables :     JOSSO_USER : contains all the users that will be able to sign-on.
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