Joining Process

April 2, 2018 | Author: Akanksha Yelanje | Category: Identity Document, Recruitment, Employment, Securities, Government



Joining ProcessProcess Note Corporate Recruitment Team (CRT) ......................... 1 Procedure: ......................................................................................................................................... 2................................................... 4........................................................................................... 1 Objective:............................................. 2 Responsibilities:....................................................................................................... 5............................... 6...................................................................................................................Table of Contents Contents 1.... 3..................... Introduction: .................... 1 Eligibility: .................................................................................................. 7 Flowchart: ........................ 8 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................... 9 .................................................................... 3. In case the recruit is unable to fulfill the joining formalities. On fulfilling the joining formalities. 2.1. A code employees are those that are recruited as undergraduates and C code employees are recruited as graduates. Objective: The objectives of the Joining Formalities are:   All the necessary information that is required by the recruit so as to verify for authenticity. Introduction: Post selection of new recruits marks the beginning of the joining formalities of the company. It helps the new employee get well acquainted with the company. the recruitment process for that particular position is complete and the recruit becomes a part of the organization. Eligibility: Candidates which are recruited as A code or C code employees are eligible for joining process. it is under the discretion of the company whether they select or reject the candidate. is provided at the time of completing these formalities. Joining Process 1|Page . These formalities need to be fulfilled by both the new entrant as well as the employer to minimize the risk of recruitment. its policies and procedures and also the role of the employee in the organization. This form is forwarded to be kept in storage. This consists of the name. The joining process starts with the employee arriving at the organization on the Date of Joining. etc. pan card information. educational information. certification details. This letter remains with the employee itself. to the Recruitment officer on the same day. this letter gives a brief introduction of the company. It helps the employee to check and see whether he has successfully submitted all the documents or not. information about the last employer.  Checklist – The Checklist is a list of all the documents that need to be filled and submitted by the employee. Welcome Kit:  Welcome Letter – Welcoming the employee to the organization.  The employee is then given the joining kit and he is required to fill the forms and submit them along with the relevant documents.  Given below is a list of documents that are in the joining kit which is provided to the employee at the time of joining. Procedure:  The employee is given a Date of Joining on the offer letter and the employee arrives at the company on that particular day. In case there are documents that cannot be submitted on the day of joining. employee data. family background. This document is forwarded to be kept in storage.  Employee Personal Details – These details include personal information of the employee.4. A sample of the Welcome Letter is in Annexure. Joining Process 2|Page . A. they are required to be submitted within 3 working days of joining for employee records. This form is forwarded to the Recruitment Department.  PF Contribution Declaration Letter – This is a form declaring the employee opting for Provident Fund Contribution or not. All the details mentioned in this form will be cross checked and verified. ◦ EPS (Employees' Pension Scheme): This form enables the employee to nominate members of the employee's family who would be eligible to receive widow/children pension in the event of the employee's death. The form is forwarded to be kept in storage. This form also enables the employee to cancel the nomination made by him/her previously to nominate someone else.  Employee Trading Policy – The employee is required to read and go thought he trading policy and accept the terms and conditions by acknowledging it with a signature. All the relevant documents mentioned in the form also need to be attached with the form. understand it properly and sign the agreement accepting the terms and conditions in the agreement.  Security Policy and Terms of Employment – The employee is also required to accept the security policy and the terms of employment by acknowledging the document with a signature. This form is forwarded to be kept in storage.  Nomination and Declaration Form – ◦ EPF (Employees' Provident Fund): This form enables the employee to nominate any person(s) to receive the amount standing to the employee's credit in the Employees' Provident Fund in the event of the employee's death. There are also witnesses to the signing of the non disclosure agreement by the employee. It also enables the employee to Joining Process 3|Page . This form is forwarded to be kept in storage. Non Disclosure Agreement – The employee is required to read and go through the non disclosure agreement.  Background Verification Form – The employee is required to fill this form with integrity. This document is forwarded to be kept in storage.  4 Passport size Photographs  Educational certificates (10th. Driving License)  Proof of Residential Address (driving license/passport/voter's ID/PAN card/electricity bill)  Medical Certificate C. This form is forwarded to the Payroll Department.  Resume  Candidate Information Sheet  Acknowledged Offer Letter from the Candidate Joining Process 4|Page .  Form of Nomination . address. Post Graduation)  2 references (contact details – name. The form is acknowledged with a signature in the presence of two witnesses.nominate any other family member that might be eligible to receive the monthly family pension. B. IRDA. Documents Required from New Joinee: These include certification details as well as identity proofs that the new joinee is required to submit along with the above mentioned forms. This amount will be distributed among the said persons in the manner mentioned in the nomination form. Passport. Pre-Joining Documents: These documents are received from the Recruitment Team. The form is forwarded to be kept in storage. has not been paid. The form is acknowledged with a signature of both the employee as well as the employer with the employer's designation clearly mentioned. AMFI or any other professional certification  Relieving Letter from previous employer and 3 months pay slips  Photo identity proof (PAN Card.Gratuity Fund – This is a form that nominates certain persons to claim the gratuity amount in the event of the employee's death having occurred before the amount becomes payable. Voters ID. They are forwarded to be kept in storage. Two photocopies are required of each document. email id)  NCFM. or having become payable. Graduation. designation. 12th. telephone number. The Access Card is used to mark the employee’s attendance.  The HR Officer also provides the Identification Card to the employee within 15 days of his joining. This employee code is sent to the employee’s IRA through email and the IRA provides the employee code to the employee. the employee ID as well as password is the employee code. This is used to share corporate emails. On double clicking the shortcut. IWIN will prompt for the employee's ID and password. salary information as well as the attendance details. The employee code is generated through IWIN. Once the joining formalities are approved and the employee gets his/her employee code. IWIN also includes the HR Manual with all policies and procedures of the Company that the employee can access and go through anytime he/she wants during his/her tenure in the Company.  On receiving these documents. IWIN: IWIN is the Company's intranet. the employee may change the password as per his/her convenience. queries and other information amongst the employees.  The HR Officer also provides an Access Card. the HR department will check and verify them. It is also used to store personal information of the employee which includes the personal details of the employee. For first time login. Once that is done. the HR officer will update the employee information on IWIN. This card is applicable to only those employees who work at the head office and the corporate office. After the first log in. he/she is required to log in to IWIN and update his/her personal information. The employee can do this by first downloading the shortcut of IWIN from the company's website. On joining the employee is required to update his/her bank details for hassle free disbursement of salaries. Joining Process 5|Page . The employee is also required to declare his investments for the current financial year for the tax declaration. This completes the joining process and all relevant formalities. Joining Process 6|Page . It is mandatory for the employee to download the appointment letter and submit a signed copy to the HR representative. an appointment letter is issued to the employee.Once the joining formalities are completed by the employee. The same is made available on the employee’s IWIN account. The employee now moves on to his/her induction and any other training that he/she is required to undertake. Officer HR .Officer IRA will send to HR .5.Officer HR – Officer through IWIN HR .Officer HR .Officer Joining Process 7|Page . Responsibilities: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Activity Employee comes to the organization on the Date of Joining Employee is given the Joining Kit Employee fills the Joining Kit Submitting the completed Joining Kit Forwarding all the information of the new joinee Updating of the Employee details on IWIN Approval mail by HOD to generate Employee Code Generation of Employee Code Access Card given to the employee ID Card given to the employee Responsibility Employee Recruitment Team Employee Recruitment Team Recruitment Team to HR . Flowchart: Employee Joins the Organization on the Date of Joining Joining Kit is given to the Employee Employee Submits completed Joining Kit Approval Mail is received from the HOD Employee information is updated on IWIN Employee code is generated Access Card and ID card is given to the employee Employee begins to work in the organization Joining Process 8|Page .6. In case he/she cannot do so.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1) When do I ask the new joinee to fill the Joining Kit? The new joinee is supposed to fill and submit the Joining Kit and all the documents mentioned in it on the day of joining. An attendance sheet is passed to note the attendance. 3) Who gives the Joining Kit to the New Joinee? The recruitment team will give the Joining Kit to the New Joinee. 5) Once the employee fills the Joining Kit. 7) What is the purpose of the Access Card? When will the employee receive it? The Access card is used to mark an employee’s attendance. The recruitment officer will then forward all the details to the Operations team. 2) Where do I get the Joining Kit? The Joining Kit is available with the HR – Operations team. they are required to be submitted within 3 working days. 4) When does the employee get the employee code? The employee gets the Employee Code on the Date of Joining itself. Joining Process 9|Page . There is no Access card used in Branch offices. 6) Are Visiting Cards given to employees? Visiting cards are given to only those employees who need to travel for sales as well as those with a designation of VP/HOD and above. It is given to the employee on the Date of Joining itself. what should be done? The employee needs to submit all the documents and the completed forms to the recruitment officer. 9) Who gives the desktop/laptop to the new joinee? The IT Department. Joining Process 10 | P a g e .8) When does the employee get the ID card? The employee gets the ID card within 15 days of joining the organization.
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