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Sumerian LexiconVersion 3.0 by John A. Halloran The following lexicon contains 1,255 Sumerian logogram words and 2,511 Sumerian compound words. A logogram is a reading of a cuneiform sign which represents a word in the spoken language. Sumerian scribes invented the practice of writing in cuneiform on clay tablets sometime around 3400 B.C. in the Uruk/Warka region of southern Iraq. The language that they spoke, Sumerian, is known to us through a large body of texts and through bilingual cuneiform dictionaries of Sumerian and Akkadian, the language of their Semitic successors, to which Sumerian is not related. These bilingual dictionaries date from the Old Babylonian period (1800-1600 B.C.), by which time Sumerian had ceased to be spoken, except by the scribes. The earliest and most important words in Sumerian had their own cuneiform signs, whose origins were pictographic, making an initial repertoire of about a thousand signs or logograms. Beyond these words, two-thirds of this lexicon now consists of words that are transparent compounds of separate logogram words. I have greatly expanded the section containing compounds in this version, but I know that many more compound words could be added. Many cuneiform signs can be pronounced in more than one way and often two or more signs share the same pronunciation, in which case it is necessary to indicate in the transliteration which cuneiform sign is meant; Assyriologists have developed a system whereby the second homophone is marked by an acute accent (´ ), the third homophone by a grave accent (` ), and the remainder by subscript numerals. [If the small font size prevents you from seeing whether the accent is acute or grave, click on View and Zoom and scroll up to 125%.] The homophone numeration here follows the 'BCE-System' developed by Borger, Civil, and Ellermeier. The 'accents' and subscript numerals do not affect the pronunciation. The numeration system is a convention to inform Assyriologists which, for example, of the many cuneiform signs that have the reading du actually occurs on the tablet. A particular sign can often be transcribed in a long way, such as dug 4, or in a short way, such as du 11, because Sumerian was like French in omitting certain amissable final consonants except before a following vowel. Due to this lexicon's etymological orientation, you will usually find a word listed under its fullest phonetic form. Transcriptions of texts often contain the short forms, however, because Sumerologists try to accurately represent the spoken language. Short forms are listed, but you are told where to confer. The vowels may be pronounced as follows: a as in father, u as in pull, e as in peg, and i as in hip. Of the special consonants, ñ is pronounced like ng in rang, þ is pronounced like ch in German Buch or Scottish loch, and š is pronounced like sh in dash. Following the definitions, the lexicon may indicate in a smaller font the constituent elements of words that in origin were compound words, if those elements were clear to me. Etymologies are a normal part of dictionarymaking, but etymologies are also the most subject to speculation. It is possible that, in some cases, I have provided a Sumerian etymology for what is actually a loanword from another language. I encourage scholars to contact me with evidence from productive roots in other proto-languages when they have reason to believe that a Sumerian word is a loan from another language family. In light of the Sumerian propensity for forming new words through compounding in the period after they invented cuneiform signs, it should not be surprising to find this same propensity in words dating from before their invention of written signs. The structure and thinking behind the Sumerian vocabulary is to me a thing of beauty. We are fortunate to be able to look back into the minds of our prehistoric ancestors and see how they thought and lived via the words that they created. The lexicon's etymological orientation explains why the vocabulary is organized according to the phonetic structure of the words, with words sharing the same structure being listed together and alphabetically according to their final consonants and vowels, as this method best groups together related words. This principle has been abandoned after words of the structure CVC(V) in this version, as words that are phonetically more complex than Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 1 this do not group together by meaning. The phonetically more complex words and the compound words are listed alphabetically simply by their initial letters. The lexicon has been in development over a fourteen-year period. Primary sources included: A. Deimel, Šumerisches Lexikon; Rome 1947. E. Reiner et al., The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; Chicago 1956ff. W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch; Wiesbaden 1958-1981. R. Borger, “Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste”, Band 33 in Alter Orient und Altes Testament (AOAT), Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments (Series); Kevelaer and Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978. R. Labat and F. Malbran-Labat, Manuel d'Épigraphie Akkadienne, 6º édition; Paris 1995 (this is the cuneiform sign manual used by most Sumerology students - it is available from Eisenbraun's - see my links page). M.L. Thomsen, The Sumerian Language: An Introduction to Its History and Grammatical Structure; Copenhagen 1984 (this well-done grammar is currently the standard text - if it is on back order at Eisenbraun's, ask your public library's Interlibrary Loan department to obtain it for you). J.L. Hayes, A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts; Malibu 1990 (beginning students can start with this book before graduating to Thomsen- if available, order it from Eisenbraun's - see my links page). R. Jestin, Notes de Graphie et de Phonétique Sumériennes; Paris 1965. B. Landsberger, as compiled by D.A. Foxvog and A.D. Kilmer, "Benno Landsberger's Lexicographical Contributions", Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol 27 (1975). H. Behrens and H. Steible, Glossar zu den altsumerischen Bau- und Weihinschriften; Wiesbaden 1983. K. Oberhuber, Sumerisches Lexikon zu “George Reisner, Sumerisch - babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer Zeit (Berlin 1896)” (SBH) und verwandten Texten; Innsbruck 1990. Å.W. Sjöberg et. al., The Sumerian Dictionary of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia 1984ff. Letters B and A through Abzu have been published. M. Civil, unpublished Sumerian glossary for students. S. Tinney, editor, Index to the Secondary Literature: A collated list of indexes and glossaries to the secondary literature concerning the Sumerian Language, unpublished but now expanded and searchable at: E.I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs: Glimpses of Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia; Philadelphia 1959 (with contributions by Th. Jacobsen). D.C. Snell, Ledgers and Prices: Early Mesopotamian Merchant Accounts; New Haven and London 1982. P. Michalowski, The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur; Winona Lake 1989. C.E. Keiser and S.T. Kang, Neo-Sumerian Account Texts from Drehem; New Haven & London 1971. J. Bauer, Altsumerische Wirtschaftstexte aus Lagasch; Dissertation for Julius-Maximilians-Universität at Würzburg 1967 [appeared under same name as vol. 9 in Studia Pohl: Series Maior; Rome 1972]. J. Krecher, "Die marû-Formen des sumerischen Verbums", Vom Alten Orient Zum Alten Testament, AOAT 240 (1995; Fs. vSoden II), pp. 141-200. K. Volk, A Sumerian Reader, vol. 18 in Studia Pohl: Series Maior; Rome 1997 (this practical, inexpensive book includes a nice, though incomplete, sign-list). B. Alster, The Instructions of Suruppak: A Sumerian Proverb Collection (Mesopotamia: Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology, Vol. 2); Copenhagen 1974. B. Alster, Proverbs of Ancient Sumer: The World's Earliest Proverb Collections, 2 vols; Bethesda, Maryland 1997. Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 2 Å. Sjöberg, Der Mondgott Nanna-Suen in der sumerischen Überlieferung; Stockholm 1960. V.E. Orel and O.V. Stolbova, Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary: Materials for a Reconstruction (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Abt. 1, Bd. 18); Leiden, New York, & Köln 1995. M.W. Green and H.J. Nissen, Zeichenliste der Archaischen Texte aus Uruk [ZATU] (Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft in Uruk-Warka, 11; Archaische Texte aus Uruk, 2); Berlin 1987. P.Damerow and R. Englund, Sign List of the Archaic Texts (electronic FileMaker database collection of ZATU signs occurring in catalogued texts from Uruk IV to ED II); Berlin 1994. P. Steinkeller, review of M.W. Green and H.J. Nissen, Bibliotheca Orientalis 52 (1995), pp. 689-713. J. Krecher, "Das sumerische Phonem |ñ |", Festschrift Lubor Matouš, Assyriologia 5, vol. II, ed. B. Hruška & G. Komoróczy (Budapest, 1978), pp. 7-73. M. Civil, The Farmer's Instructions: A Sumerian Agricultural Manual (Aula Orientalis-Supplementa, Vol. 5); Barcelona 1994. M. Krebernik, Die Beschwörungen aus Fara und Ebla: Untersuchungen zur ältesten keilschriftlichen Beschwörungsliteratur (Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik, Bd. 2); Hildesheim, Zurich, New York 1984. M.A. Powell, "Masse und Gewichte" [Weights and Measures: article in English], Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie,.Bd. 7, ed. D.O. Edzard (Berlin & New York, 1987-90), pp. 457-517. K.R. Nemet-Nejat, Cuneiform Mathematical Texts as a Reflection of Everyday Life in Mesopotamia (American Oriental Series, Vol. 75); New Haven 1993. E.J. Wilson, “The Cylinders of Gudea: Transliteration, Translation and Index”, Band 244 in Alter Orient und Altes Testament (AOAT), Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments (Series); Kevelaer and Neukirchen-Vluyn 1996. D.O. Edzard, Gudea and His Dynasty (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods, Vol. 3/1); Toronto, Buffalo, London 1997. W.W. Hallo and J.J.A. van Dijk, The Exaltation of Inanna; New Haven & London 1968. The Sumerian lexicon has benefitted from several classes at UCLA with Dr. Robert Englund. I dedicate this lexicon to the memory of Dr. Robert Hetzron, with whom I had the pleasure of studying during every week of the four years that I attended the University of California at Santa Barbara. Dr. Hetzron was a professional linguist and expert on the Afroasiatic language family. If you are a Sumerology student who wishes to add entries or make changes to this Word document, please do so in a colored font, so that your changes can be identified and incorporated into future versions of the lexicon. The home page for the Sumerian lexicon is a, e4: n., water; watercourse, canal; seminal fluid; offspring; father; tears; flood. [A archaic frequency: 519] interj., alas!. prep., locative suffix - where; in; when - denotes movement towards or in favor of a person. def. article, nominalizing suffix for a noun or noun clause, denoting 'the'. á: (cf., áþi ). a5: (cf., aka ). e: (cf., ég) . é: house, household; temple; plot of land [E 2 archaic frequency: 649; concatenates 4 signs] . è: (cf., éd) . Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 3 [according to S... screams. cries. Version 3.. insult. panting of battle. u5: n. adj.. v. íb.. sleep (cf. the grunting. thighs. middle.'water. Beschwörungen] . nook [IB archaic frequency: 252. angle. grass. dispute.. nook. to board (a boat). complaint' ?) [I archaic frequency: 17]. èd). to bend over. often used as a polite imperative. v. hole.. to ride. opening. male bird. support. to nourish. fight. and u4 were pronounced /o/] v. cock. cry of pain (derived from ér. þà ). pasture. bread. to capture. nook (cf. ída) . i7: (cf. Sumerian Lexicon. us 5). the prospective modal prefix: if. ud ). overcome (cf. ib: corner.. after.. áb: domestic cow (a. vegetable.0 4 . u: (cf. liquid'. u6: (cf. to be angry. an expression of protest. powerful (man).. niche. a pronominal prefix in a compound noun.. pitfall. éd. ub4: cavity. u8: (cf. ìa) . a small room [UB archaic frequency: 124].. to derive a more specific meaning. to mount (in intercourse).... ù: n.'middle') [AB2 archaic frequency: 288]. aba) [AB archaic frequency: 384. to curse.. when. concatenates 2 sign variants (sign also used for èš and aba . especially land or ground (sometimes written ù). u18[GIŠGAL]: u20[ŠE]: huge.. angle.e11: (cf. strong. food. waist. totality. plant. ír. ub: corner.8): n. loins. ù. to flare up in anger. + íb. concatenates 3 signs] . to be on top of. v. i: n. barley. ug 6).4. raised area (sometimes written ù) [U 5 archaic frequency: 1].. u4: (cf.5: a drum. concatenates 2 sign variants] .. v. adj. prep. ab: window. 'tears. ú: n.. u(3.. v. u.. and. éb: n. conduct. u 5).. load [U 2 archaic frequency: 225.. i) ì: (cf. (raised) high. Lieberman. to steer.for this reading and meaning in Fara period.. earth pile or levee. to sleep. defeat. see Krebernik. pron. è.. (kuš) ub3. . áña). íd: (cf. to look at. e11: to exit. prep. ùz).. plural hamtu... dead person. plural hamtu. locative/terminative suffix . úš ). in the immediate vicinity. insect. Version 3. to be or become visible. when. ék. v.. toward.0 5 . to descend. ad4: lame. id4.. gaze. bund (a. to stare at. concatenates 2 sign variants] . glance (['EYE' + 'HOUSE']). to lead or bring out. light... ad3. concatenates 5 sign variants] . cf. concatenates 2 sign variants] . entrance [IG archaic frequency: 43. also di ).. slaver. time.. and plural marû. adda).. to import. malice.. Sumerian Lexicon. levee. to do (as auxiliary verb preceded by a noun). vermin [UÞ3 archaic frequency: 14. (cf.. v.. anger. itud) . ig: door..8: n. ád: (cf. set. u6[IGI. aþ: phlegm. to rise. ud5: (cf. paste. spittle. day. embankment.. v.. + ig. weather. astonishing. u4: (cf. froth. ada). storm. ug4. marû. prep. áñ: (cf. 'door') [EG 2 archaic frequency: 12. demonstrative pron. louse. àþ e: n. amazement.5. parasite. i: to go out. adj. to die (singular and plural marû stem. to kill. flea. to remove. ag: (cf. éd. suffixed to ergative agent. to rise. laþ ). storm (demon) [UD archaic frequency: 419]. death.É]: n. to speak.7. n.. gaze. which is sometimes reduplicated. íg. dug 4. èd. e4. to water. fury. uþ: (cf. 'water'. ùña).. since.. say (e = sing. adda4). concatenates 2 sign variants] . to bring down (or up). to sprout. uþ. nit. to appear as a witness (the final d appears in marû conjugation) [ED 2 archaic frequency: 12.. emerge. ég. úd[ÁŠ]: emmer (wheat). è. ug6. ùñ: (cf. venom. to send forth. to fetch. uþ(3): lice. it4: ud. sun. cripple. ak). úþ.6: (cf. cf. ug(2): lion. this one. ída). to drain (èdè(-d) in marû).. moth.. to be impressed. forked hoe with from 2 to 4 teeth.. or 3) the lack of a transitive relationship. prep.. distant (in time). high priest. al: verbal prefix: used immediately before stative verbs. adj. the god An. diviner [EN archaic frequency: 1232. harass [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21. in front. ùl: (cf. remote... hasten. she. áña).. un: (cf.g. offense.. íl: (cf. íla). who... in: he. (same) as. bud. úllu). lord. grain ear/date cluster ('water' + 'high') [AN archaic frequency: 806]. ag: genitival suffix: 'of' (cf.. v. Version 3.. wooden mattock.. to rule. ára). ul: n. im. ancestor (statue). pickax. ancient. insult. þar). adj. v. flower.. en(2. until. em: (cf.. ár: (cf. imi). ùña). Sumerian Lexicon. 2) the speaker is not involved.. which. what. prep. concatenates 3 sign variants] . spade [AL archaic frequency: 95] . ara4). il5: (cf.. to glitter. time. (gi) um: a rope made of reeds (cf. ñiš al: digging stick. shine. àm[A. àr: (cf.. ám: (cf.. v. straw. satisfaction. high. ornament. en: n. an: n.. William king-is]. heaven. indicates: 1) distance. concatenates 3 sign variants] .ak. pleasure. star.'to be'. adj. ím: (cf.0 6 . joy. dignitary. àm and áma). ar: (cf. gim4). am: (cf. a capacity measure of 36 liters in Presargonic Girsu. to hurry.. also.. to be high. occurs after a noun [e..3): n. noble. enigmatic background [EN 2 archaic frequency: 17]. ili5).. umu ). sky.. enduring.. ul4: to be quick.AN]: the Sumerian enclitic copula .. like (in scholarly lists). invective [IN archaic frequency: 21]. aka ). wish. young man. mountain pass. to smell. distance.0 7 . gur10. soul. to roar. loins. us. ir(10). v. ur(2. spleen. perfumed.. u8: mother ewe. edge. interest-bearing debt. er: ir3. border. height. slave-woman (cf. to desire.. ir(10): n. repayment. enemy (cf. beam. to bring. ùr: roof. to moor.. profit. complaint. thus. perpendicular. aš: one. inanimate pron. surplus. dog. ús. to rub something in.. to follow. curse (abbreviated tàš ?. his. followed by a negation: not at all. v. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . gur 10).. odor.. to rent. to curse.. to join. scented. adult female sheep [US 5 archaic frequency: 86].11: v. to be next to. concatenation of 5 sign variants] .3. to shear.. to flood. ur5[ÞAR]: n. þar. v. carnivorous beast. re7). to lead away (Emesal dialect for túm . as: (cf. to be bowed with grief. to throw overboard.. to transport.. trunk of a tree [UR2 archaic frequency: 78]. téš) [UR archaic frequency: 114. ur(2. to come near to. Version 3. thighs. cf.. mur ) [UR 5 archaic frequency: 34. to drive. us5. to belch. (cf. lamentation.. sweat. bulk.. theirs.. asa). to erase. to drag (over the ground) (often with -ni -). foundation.ér. v. ír: n. úr: floor. aš(5): spider. it. unique.. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . v. in the same way. ñíš ). uzmušen: domestic goose or duck (cf. to tremble. prayer. dock. to clog. uru4).14) [? UR4 archaic frequency: 41. alone. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . to let reach. vertical. fragrant. ur4: (cf. hers. root.. side. ur11: (cf. main body. to imprison. adj.. rafter (cf. block. warrior. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . wipe out. adj. ur: n.. heart.4)) [UR3 archaic frequency: 27. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . servant. smell. Sumerian Lexicon.. liver. interest. perfume. reach.. leg(s). reap.. áš: n. obligation. humble. the referenced. scent. lap. arad (2))... in this way. so. bring. entrance. in geometry: length. bibad) (loanword into Akkadian) [US archaic frequency: 18.3. mow (reduplication class) (cf. to chew.. to lean against (cf. to weep. úz [UŠ]: n. tears. demonstrative. base.. these. fragrance [IR archaic frequency: 53. burp. loan. ašte ?) [AŠ 2 archaic frequency: 5]..4): to surround. concatenates 3 signs] .6. wages [BA archaic frequency: 523]. to block (singular hamtu stem). úš: n. ba: n. concatenation of 2 sign variants.. poison...8: six (ía. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . ba7: (cf. + aš.. ba4: Emesal dialect. afterbirth. UŠ: a length measure. many. v. 'house'. omen. eš5. slaver. ud5.16. éš: (cf. uz: (cf.. iš: (cf.. asa). blood. liver model. ñíš) [GIŠ3 archaic frequency: 16.. reading unknown.. = 6 ropes = 60 nindan rods. ùz.. uš7: spittle.. UŠ archaic frequency: 101. conjugation prefix. ús). much. v. Version 3. ñá. 'one'). spell. v.. adv. lift. foundation (cf. uš8: foundation place. adverbial force suffix (sometimes followed by -šè ). ús: n. to anoint. to pay (interchanges with bar). to kill. dead. uš. ùš: placental membrane. èš: shrine [AB archaic frequency: 384. rations. eš: n. base. to die. a scraping tool. moistening. Sumerian Lexicon.21: three. possessive or demonstrative suffix (ku6) ba: -bi plus nominative -a. concatenates 2 sign variants] .0 8 . a shelled creature (such as a turtle or a snail). distribute. v.. used when the subject is inanimate and/or non-agentive (intransitive). cf. to give. az: (cf. bà: liver. us). to divide. uš11: venom. charm.4. to stand upon. éše). apportion.. blood vessel. spittle. portion. 'five'. concatenates 2 sign variants] .. to support. concatenates 2 sign variants] .aš3. death [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65. úz: (cf.. share. iši). adj. bar).... [UŠ archaic frequency: 101. ut5: she-goat [UD 5 archaic frequency: 109. 3. suffix. chirp. dé: to pour (often with -ni-). Sumerian Lexicon. howl. i-bí). bul). to go. side. marû. adv. to murmer. judgment. di5 [RI]: to advise. decision.. de6. Version 3. dù('). ðe6: to bring. to go. to tear off (with -ta -). marû form suffix . bi[z] ) [KAŠ archaic frequency: 261. to sink (for other meanings . totality.. say (accusative infix b 3rd pers.. be full... and. dab6).or -ta . gù. to diminish. bé: v. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . work. cry. dè: ashes. neuter + e 'to speak')... tud). pron. to instruct.. ñin. lawsuit. cf. dú: (cf. to water. conj. da5: (cf. this (one). bi. Emesal ga(14)). nearness (to someone) [DA archaic frequency: 227. to continue on (singular hamtu. Used like the terminative postposition -šè after verbal phrases to indicate intent or goal. case. bi7: (cf. 'with'.dé ).. 'and' (mainly in Sargonic date texts)... laþ4. hum... bu5: to rush around (cf.0 9 . concatenation of 2 sign variants] . 'to speak')..denote direction). form. di4: (cf. biz. poss. bur 12..2. differentiates the semantic meaning of certain verbs. to protect. re7.2. tumu2.6): (cf. verdict.. bul ) [BU: archaic frequency: this sense can occur with animates. that (one) . the. it. carry (-ši . to speak. demonstrative suffix.often indicates a present participle to be translated by English -ing or connotes future sense. de5. súb) [DU archaic frequency: 299].. adverbial force suffix. sing.. bad). conjugation prefix. bu(3. to hold. twitter. to increase.. to remove (earth clods) (reduplicated). decide. concatenates 4 sign variants] . to conduct oneself.. to be near. bí: (cf. to escape (di-dé used as non-finite marû form of dug (cf. art. tur). bìd). comitative suffix. ðú: n. bi6 [BA]: to tear. da: n. copula. de 6.. to come (sing.. 'its' applies to inanimate (things and animals) and collective objects.. ég . prep. buzz.. di: n. sentence [DI archaic frequency: 99]. v. to judge. to shape. lessen. mention (cf. v. du: to walk.. arm. besiege. to set up. to raise up. adj. dùg ). send) [GI 4 archaic frequency: 37.. gi25[DUGUD]: (cf. du10: (cf. cf. du8: (cf. length measure. gir15).. du5: (cf.. come back. to lock up (circle + to descend into). to send (back) (with -ši -). Akkadian kânu. gùr). fixed. word for needle (circular + grass-like) [GU archaic frequency: 53].'be true'. *ka'Vn. reed = 6 cubits = 3 meters (circular + to sprout) [GI archaic frequency: 484]. ge9: gi17: (cf. sug5) du6: (cf. gíg )... firm.. Orel & Stolbova #1403. to mould.v. trustworthy. 'also'. wool yarn.. tuku ). ga: n.. struggle. ñen). ga6: (cf... to erect something on the ground. to reject. Version 3. to build. to fasten. cast. ge(2. du7: to be finished. orig. reliable. just. make. thread. to be suitable. gi(4): to surround.. toss (reduplication class?) (regularly followed by rá ) [DU 7 archaic frequency: 7]. apply (dù-e in marû). gig ). strengthen. gí.. dul(6)). ge4: to return. milk (chamber + water) [GA archaic frequency: 245. gé: reed mat. and with -ni-) (circular motion + to go out.. conjugation prefix. to establish something as the property of someone (dative) (loanword from Semitic. du9: (cf. Sumerian Lexicon. gu: string. gi4. du11: (cf. du14: quarrel.6): girl. to restore. 'and then'.. gore. du12: (cf. snare. used with hamtu forms. gi(17): n. adj. dun5). ñin.. gi: reed. small..0 10 ... gi9. dug 4). complete. gi(n). gir 10). modal prefix. net. dislike. gi7: (cf. cohortative. young man (small and thin like a reed). to butt. ge(n): v.. to confirm. to plant. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . (cf. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . to answer (person to whom answer is given resumed by dative prefix. to act justly. to be necessary. duþ). to stabilize. fight. flax. fitting. hemp. kú: n. þu: bird (earlier word than mušen).. food. for 'load. to exclaim.. ñi6: (cf. ñá: I.. ñar) [GA2 archaic frequency: 125. ia4. ñál. concatenates 4 sign variants] . indeed. oil. pulse. þà. river bank. mixed. ka: in late usage the difference between a rough measuring and a final measuring of a quantity of grain. gù: n.. *þa: fish (not the usual word for fish.4: (cf. Version 3. screams'). cream. to mix [ÞI archaic frequency: 291].. benefit (with -ni -) (throat + ú. fodder. a6. diverse. ka5-(a): fox. impersonal verbal conjugation prefix. gú ) (circular + u5. Orel & Stolbova #982. gíg). u: þe. 'food'). consume.9. þá. gu2.4. angle [GU 7 archaic frequency: 236]. ká: gate [? KA2 archaic frequency: 11. v. use. cf. fat. 'on top of'.. an alternative to the usual ku6. ñe26 and ma(3)). concatenation of 5 sign variants] . ñe6: (cf.. ñá: (cf. í: five. ka: mouth [KA archaic frequency: 108. Sumerian Lexicon. let. district' cf.. swallow. chick pea (for 'land.8).0 11 . ìa. 'cries. gun. kas7 and níñ-kas7/ka9).. nurse. side.gú: neck. abundant. ì: n. neck.. þi-a: numerous. ñe26. ñe: (cf. þa: precative and affirmative verbal prefix: may.. ñá: basket. gún. sound. indicates distance from speaker. but the fish sign may get its syllabic reading of ÞA from *þ 'many' + a 'water' = 'fish'. concatenates 3 sign variants] . gu7. house. other side. ka9: (cf. þù. concatenates 2 sign variants] . land. sustenance. front.7. v. þe(2): abundance. ñar. my. assorted... edge. stable (cf.. to feed. to utter a cry (said of an animal) (throat + u(3.. to eat up. gud(2)). ia2. myself. gún. finish off. gíg). mine. to eat. noise. ñu10: my. þé: precative and affirmative verbal prefix (same as þa). voice. counter. nape. þi: ten (usually written: u ). me). talent' cf. kua) [KU 6 archaic frequency: 282. *gun"occiput. nape") [GU 2 archaic frequency: 34]. i4: pebble. ñá: to go (Akk. also. function. concatenates 2 sign variants] . ma(3). ku5: (cf. grain ('base' + 'to rise. force a way into (in order to see). cult [ME archaic frequency: 363. ñiš li: juniper/cedar tree [LI archaic frequency: 14]. prep. v. ground. 'food'. pasture (reduplication class [?]) (cf. ma5: (cf. kì: (cf. + e. concatenates 2 sign variants] . mà: (Emesal dialect for ñá-e).. ku10: (cf. where. Version 3. embarrass.. ñá) [MA archaic frequency: 250].. responsibility. wish.-ke4: often occurs at the end of a genitival compound which functions as the actor or agent of the sentence (ak. earth. human being. mì.. to graze. blend. build. concatenates 3 sign variants] . ma: to bind (Emesal dialect for ñál. wherever. sprout') [KI archaic frequency: 386. pierce. ñe: n. mud6). area. to mix. lul). agitate. ku: to base. happiness. kìd). bliss.. mù).. place. lá: to penetrate. kua: fish (kú.. man. found.. trouble. luxury. to have a beard (cf. someone. me. youthful freshness and beauty... kug). concatenates 4 sign variants] . alaaku). ki: n... li9: to glisten. lù: to disturb. no one. office. ma4: to leave. 'water') [KU 6 archaic frequency: 282.. kù: (cf. kur9). desire [LA archaic frequency: 20. divine decree. to fluster. gíg ). many. gu7). to know. to stir. genitival suffix 'of'. lal) [LA2 archaic frequency: 57].. oracle. Sumerian Lexicon. ergative agent marker). + a. location. ideal norm.0 12 . lub. abundant. go out (cf. fine oil. ku4: (cf. concatenates 3 sign variants] . men. sheep. lug ). shine. lu5: (cf. kud). ñiš má: boat [MA2 archaic frequency: 6]. to multiply. people. ku6. depart. whenever. lí: true measure. lu: n. to look after. anyone.. ku7: (cf. la: abundance. male. to be/make numerous. kú: (cf. lú: grown man. wealth. much. the phenomenal area of a deity's power. to lie down (reduplication class) [KU archaic frequency: 64. gentleman [LU2 archaic frequency: 85]. behind. kuruš).. ní: strength.. me6: to act. body. mu: n. adj. vigor. she. mug ). gíg). Sumerian Lexicon. exorcism ?. mur10). word. because. prep.7. na: (cf. also. name. modal prefix. oath (cf. violence. mù. mud6).0 13 .. plump. tell. incense [NA archaic frequency: 105. ordinary stone. mu4: (cf. preferred for animate and agentive subjects. forces. beautiful. grind. that one (human animate pronoun or possessive suffix) [NI archaic frequency: 263. munus ) (compounds are more likely to preserve an older word) [SAL archaic frequency: 435]. entry. ni. one's own [NI2 archaic frequency: 34]. mé: (cf. stone weight.. v.. mi: (cf. mu 10. female (cf. mú: (cf. ma5[KA׊È]: to mill. speak (cf. na: n. na: he.. roar. female (this pronunciation of the sign found in compound words and verbs or in enclitic or proclitic position. host. mu5: well-formed. scream.. the Sumerian copula. nè.. box.v.9: battle [ME 3 archaic frequency: 4]. Hallo & van Dijk. nud ).. ná. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . poss. to burn (reduplication class). p... fattened. gíg). prohibitive in present/future tense. suggests involvement by speaker. demonstrative affix [NE archaic frequency: 303.. our.. ní.. to be. mí[SAL]: n. adj. ne(-e). awe. ne4: fear. emphatic in past tense. behave. mu7[KA×LI]: mu10[SAL]: to shout. na5: chest. that (one). hailstone. mí. token. ñu10) [MU archaic frequency: 99]. me3. feminine. ní: self. munus) [SAL archaic frequency: 435]. line on a tablet. ne. pebble. year. woman.. 85) (cf. nú: na4. no. human being.6.. used especially before dative infixes. also. Version 3. woman. concatenates 3 sign variants] .en: this (one). conjugation prefix. respect. to say. frightfulness. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . to name. rock. suffix. to pack.6(-r): irrigation ditch.. gift [RU archaic frequency: 120]. to plan something (ri is hamtu form. ri: v. e-re7. pool. v. Version 3.. to exchange. rá: (cf. nìñin). pa4.. put into. re7). rù: to be equal in size or rank. to beget.. ni9: (cf. buds. that. to gather. cast. not. to impress. sá: n.. to flood. RI: calendar month 5 at Umma during Ur III. adj. to branch out (from the side of a canal). small canal. to be located. ri6.denotes the animate being towards whom or in favor of whom an action is done. those. lead. string of a musical instrument [SA archaic frequency: 54. or throw away (with -ta -). no. rá. throw away. si.. to moor a boat. to stir. pú: well.. to blow. sa: n. or roll (a seal into clay).5. far.. rig ) [RI archaic frequency: 1]. sa). ra(-g/þ): n.0 14 . níñ).. re7. rúg ). v. or a phonetic writing for lú . net. to place upon or against (with -ši-). dike. du . to roast (barley) (cf. to send (cf. overflow. pà: (cf. to go. 7. a pronominal prefix in a compound noun describing a person. to bear. slay. tendon. or blossoms. nu11[ŠIR]: (ñiš) pa: light. to place. lamp. to take. to measure. ir: to accompany. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . to blow (said of a storm). mat. to butt. leaf. likeness. nu: n... alabaster [NU 11 archaic frequency: 32].. feather [PA archaic frequency: 378. wing. to gore. glean. picture. to break open. to stir.. dù).. bud. pron. súb ). dative suffix .. ru: n. rú: (cf. present.. sprout. ara4). adj. ru5: to send forth shoots. cistern. to strike. cf. to give.. ri-ri-g is plural. figurine. negative.over yonder).. advice. stab. to throw. er. ñin . remove. bundle. inundation [RA archaic frequency: 25]. rà: ( .. fire. sweep away (with -ta -). mix (plural hamtu e. cf. sinew. cord. pour. depth [PU2 archaic frequency: 37]. pàd). to touch. without. image.for . Sumerian Lexicon.. concatenates 2 sign variants] .. prep. to drive along or away. regarding that (where the reference is to something outside the view of the speaker . to inundate. ri-g is marû form. fountain. demonstrative affix. to emit. haul. to expel..nì: (cf. v. statue [NU archaic frequency: 101]. & adv. stamp. ir10. su. relatives.. skin. to multiply.v. su(3): (cf. normal. su11: (cf. sa5: n. fit. suitable. sa11: red [SI4 archaic frequency: 116. to stand upright. sug8).. to compare with. red ocher. si.. to survey a field. ray(s).. v. animal hide. sun4). sa4: to name. ša4: n. sud 4). súg. concatenates 5 sign variants] . replace. sig5) [SI archaic frequency: 417]. sè: (cf. sañ ). to call by name. to approach or equal in value. Sumerian Lexicon. sa9[MAŠ]: half. repay. Version 3. sag9). red-brown. si: n. sa6: (cf. to grow weak (probably reduplication class) (cf. grieve. sám ). súb)..... substitute (as verb... v. cf.. light. to fill up. regular. to compete (with -da -).. to be sufficient. sa. to mourn. adj. su8: (cf. antenna(e). to be straight.. enough. line. si. to buy (cf. su13: (cf. adj.. sug4) [SU3 archaic frequency: 6]. su9. sa10: to be equivalent. su: n.. rúg . lú SU: Subarian. suþ5). naked. to be in order... sug6 or rúg) [SU archaic frequency: 188. sud. sum . concatenates 2 sign variants] . adj. sug 6. plowland (cf. sì. to compensate. su6: (cf. si4. su5: (cf. sa5: v. adj. to fill with (with -da -). sig .. to inundate.. su7: (cf.0 15 .. sú: (cf. flesh. to increase. sa7: well-formed. body... sig 10). sa12: (cf. red.. zú ).. horn(s).. si14: a small pot. sig 5). zu) su4: to grow. red ocher. su4. to be full... to become completely still. 0 16 . prep. by means of (ablative-instrumental noun suffix and verbal prefix. šúš). sed 4). šu4: (cf. ta. šè: n. še17: (cf. sud ). šè). šu12: (cf.. up to. break (reeds). ša5: to cut. LÚ-KÁR]: (cf. for. unto.. 1/180 of a gín or shekel of silver = ca. šag4)..0463 grams (cf. Sumerian Lexicon. še4: (cf. taka4). šu4(-g): to stand. reduplication class). as far as.OB period. še10: excrement.. concatenates 3 sign variants] . šà: (cf..67 centimeter in Presarg. šèñ). grain.. share. to pour. for the sake of. because of.. demonstrative affix... še8: (cf. šéš). ša4. temen ) [TE archaic frequency: 199]. as in an-ta and ki-ta ).. še13: (cf.. strength. to.. a small length measure.. ši: contrapunctive modal prefix. te. še: n. as regards.. šu: n. cheek. concatenates 6 sign variants] ... šuš). until (terminative suffix and in Old Sumerian period terminative prefix). su 9). ša: to dry up [ŠA archaic frequency: 97]. sag9). from. šú: (cf. to.. control [ŠU archaic frequency: 360].. terminative prefix after Old Sumerian period (cf. portion... še6: (cf. še7: (cf. v. ta6: (cf. character [TA archaic frequency: 34. as a volume measure = 1/180 gín = 1/3 gín-tur = 1 2/3 sìla = 360 cubic fingers = 1/10800 sar = approx. as a surface area measure = 432 square linear barleycorns = 12 square fingers. šaña ). 0. še-ga/ge ) [ŠE archaic frequency: 639. dá: n. chin (cf.667 liters.sux (TAG): to spread (cf. concerning.. šeñ6). hand. bundle. še29[LÚ×KÁR.. barleycorn = 1/6 finger = 1/30 cubit = 1. as a noun suffix can be a locative with remote deixis. dung.. Version 3. šùde ). portion [ŠE3 archaic frequency: 152]. to be deployed. set up (plural. barley. nature. prep. 1. may indicate 'there' within the view of the speaker.. de4: n. sed).. ša6: (cf. obsidian... to be experienced.. teeth. to annihilate. tumu ). zil.0 17 ..3). meet (someone: dative). v. to attack. to shear. zé-er). bath. blade.17: n. diþ. concatenates 3 sign variants] . gemstone. zu. rib.. tu6: exorcism. bead.. thorn. zìg) [ZI archaic frequency: 116. zé[ZÍ]: to cut. adj. breathing. and tìl) [TI archaic frequency: 105.. zú. tu: to interfere (cf. arrow (cf. 70. zi: n.. prong. soup pitcher. zag). tam). tu7: soup. ivory. te8[Á]mušen: bearded vulture. dun ). your (as suffix). sú: n. p. knowledge. to pour. cf. to recognize someone (with -da -). to learn from someone (with -da -). cut hair. tud and tur5) [TU archaic frequency: 54. zí: stench. tú: (cf. tumušen: mušen (cf.3: (cf. to make libation (probably reduplication class).11: tu15: (cf.. Sumerian Lexicon. exorcistic formula.. te-ñe 26) . túg). tè: an alkaline plant (?). qualified. cf. ti: side. assault. wisdom. Beschwörungen. kernel [ZA archaic frequency: 9]. za: to make noise (occurs as the verb in compounds with repetitive. v. hamtu stem. throat. pit. conjuration.. tu10. to know. summarizes the different compounds that occur in ED IIIB texts).. te. natural glass.. naña). tu2.. tu5. bile. tumu2. (with -r Auslaut) to destroy. de4. zíd). flint. zà: (cf. (cf. to approach. to inform.. concatenates 2 sign variants] . to wash. chert. tu9: (cf. za: you (singular). ti: v.. v.. concatenates 3 sign variants] . breath (of life). pron... bathe. teach (in marû reduplicated form).. zì: (cf. yours. soapwort (?). cardamon (cf. hailstone. onomatopoeic syllables symbolizing a repeated monotonous noise or motion (Krebernik.. Version 3.. to pluck (Emesal dialect for dùg . za(2): precious stone. su11[KA]: tooth. bitter. to understand. soul (cf. to be frightened (alternating class. tum 12 )..te. zid. ab: lake. skull. concatenates 2 sign variants] . ùña. prep. ùku. ubu [AŠ]: ada. 'that which is opposite') . thornbush [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21. ugu4[KU]: to bear. ag. before.. glance. shrub. her. after. Version 3. concatenates 2 signs] . igi: reciprocal of a number (= the multiplier that will give 60. wages. voice (cf. un(-ñá): people. ugu[U. top side. him. upper part. ad3.12) (abbreviation of igiñál.. this one. looks.. ugu4-bi). length. horn. v. ugu(4)) (ù. ád: carcass. concatenates 3 sign variants] .. eye(s). circlet.KA]: debits part of account tablet. v... áña. ak. act. azu). [A2 archaic frequency: 3] aka. égi: (cf.) [AK archaic frequency: 149. igi: n. ubiku6: a marine and fluvial fish [UBI archaic frequency: 7. strength. abba: (cf. crowd. concatenates 3 sign variants] . comparative enhancer of adjectives. shout. áñ.. = 1/2 of an iku (= 50 sar ). front (reduplicated ig. send. work performance. aspect. ída. ùñ. capacity). a5: to do. main canal.. crown (of legitimate kingship). to drive away. concatenates 2 signs] . on top. (cf. to place. pron. + a.. ad: area measure. watercourse (éd.6: adda4. population. i7: river. egir2/3). moment. produce (cf. them. wing.'neck'). to balk. upon. úgu[A.. aba. to make into (something) (with -si.zu5: (cf. to measure (area. á: arm. + gú. concatenates 2 sign variants] . to see. ram. side.GÙ]: n. face. sea [AB archaic frequency: 384. íd.'water'). concatenates 3 sign variants] . ugamušen: egi(2): raven. aga(3): diadem. father. áka. time. skeleton [ADDA archaic frequency: 4]. small cattle. ám: to measure out. corpse. prep. top of the head. ègir). mete. procreate.'after it'.0 18 .. n. adda(2).. turban [TUN 3 archaic frequency: 96.'to issue'. over. Sumerian Lexicon. wether [UDU archaic frequency: 452. ùgun.. song [AD archaic frequency: 36. aþ5. ab-ba ). to check. udu: sheep.. in front of. áþi. the igi of 5 is 0. 'door') [IGI archaic frequency: 21]. to dispatch. carrier. ili5: to rise. enmen ). (cf. uku2. storm.. eme3. concatenates 2 sign variants] . mud. loam. direction..0 19 . to be high. praise. ùl: ama: leash.. to shine (íl-i in marû). plow's share. to shine. (cf. to deliver.. ama(4. (amniotic) fluid. living room. (cf. rain ( cf. ára. íl: n. em: clay.. weather.5). énmen ). wise or skillful teacher. mother [AMA archaic frequency: 241. umu. ár[UB]: n. jenny..5: ùku: (cf. v. um: ùmmu: únu: old woman. ara4. áma. v.. u18). áme: women's quarters. ñiš eme: a utensil. a surface measure of 3600 meters 2 = 100 sar = 1 square 'rope' = 1/18 bùr (plural Akk. glory. resin. ummud). (cf. clear. polished.. Version 3. to lift.. tumu ). ar. carry. to support. ék. ukur3. speech. reins [KIB archaic frequency: 7]. to endure. emma: (cf. glorify.4). únug). imi.5. em: wind.. to bring. eme: tongue. bright. to praise.6: she-ass. am: wild ox or cow (aurochs).. to blaze. get up.. ummeda (2)).. émma: (cf. úllu[KIB]. cloud. flood. ùnug). rà: v. íla. íli. illu: ùlu: high water.àka: iku: fleece. unu6: (cf.5: (cf. ùña). concatenation of 2 sign variants] . éme: (cf.. ùnu(-d): feast. þara). to carry forward (in accounting). ara3. chief cowherd. imi. 'levee'). form of ég... nurse. adj. im. tablet [IM archaic frequency: 67.. Sumerian Lexicon. im. bear. urin ). uru(2)(ki). urim 2. eša.. clay pit. éš[ŠÈ]: rope..'ten'). uru12: same meaning as ur (2. high. luminous object.16 hectares or 6 iku . eššu: ear of barley or other grain. iri11: city. uri(2): Akkadian ( cf. rope = 10 nindan rods = 20 reeds = 120 2 cubits = the side of 1 square iku in area = 1. ašag). a surface area measure..4) with the marû aspect -e suffix and vowel harmony. concatenation of 5 sign variants. (cf.0. town. éše.. iti: (cf.18: n. rí. 'three'). devastating flood. clever.3. az: cage. to be satiated. + eš. uru9: stanchion. concatenates 3 sign variants] . ud). iri. uru4[APIN]. strong. ur11(-ru): to plow.dNANNA]: moonlight. Sumerian Lexicon. deep.. ušu: a crop-devouring insect.5: (cf. length measure.0 20 . + þà/u. till. light. ùri[ŠEŠ]: uri2. iti6[UD. measuring tape/cord. itud ). cultivate. 'five'. to protect..iri: (cf. strength. ussu(2. + eš5.. watch fire. asa. myrtle [AZ archaic frequency: 13]. concatenates 3 sign variants] . d utu: the sun as a god (cf. eight (ía.. glowing. ùru(-m)[ŠEŠ]: n. fetter. ùšu: thirty (eš5.3): esig). Version 3. uru16(-n): valiant. uru2. eše4: éšša: emmer wheat flour. kínda ) [URI archaic frequency: 35. aša5: (cf.5). 'much'. village. = 6 iku. itu. adj. support. v. usu: skill. district [URU archaic frequency: 101. UNUG archaic frequency: 206. èše: a surface measure = 2. thunderstorm. URI 2 archaic frequency: 1]. full. uru). to watch.. leash (can be an adverbial suffix like eš ) (eš.. isi: pit. 'much') [ŠE 3 archaic frequency: 152]..5. guard.. (na4) esi: (cf. as.0 [60 ] fingers. mighty. iši: mountain [IŠ archaic frequency: 88.'three'. þúb.. kibx[GIG](-ba): wheat. heap up. azu. þab and þúb. dúb. fetter. to do service (with -ši -). strew (with -ta -). cross.. v.. túb: to kick. to dye (fabrics) (reduplication class ?).. to move in a circle.0 21 . dab6. athlete. úzu. dib(2): n.. and slaughtered animals). flesh. 'to give') . chest. zu5: izi[NE]: uzu: doctor (cf. to store. document (motion into open container) [DUB archaic frequency: 229. to infringe upon. besiege. tie up. gaba: gib: gub: breast. a type of weaver (?). concatenation of 4 sign variants] .. 'goat'.útu: a dish prepared with milk. omen (ùz.. gall(nut) (attracting many vermin in open container) . concatenation of 4 sign variants] . to hire.4. kib: an object. v.5). to bind. a-zu) [AZU archaic frequency: 7]. malodorous. install (singular). cleanse. to stand. erect. to stand aside (with -ta -) (to be long and throat-like in open container) . knock down. to take. sunset. iz-zi) [NE archaic frequency: 303. to hold. to sprinkle off. to receive (motion into open container) . þub. to set. dub: n. to take away. to send over.. defeat [ÞUB archaic frequency: 1]. fire (cf. 'milk'. da5: dib(2): to surround. uzu5: evening. + zé. to shake. to rumble [DUB 2 archaic frequency: 2].. þúp: acrobat. to traverse. foul smell. quake. lub[LUL](-bi): a cut of meat. flop (said of fish.UDU]: mutton fat. to beset. to stink. newborn animals. to rot.. grease (abundance collected in open container) . cut of meat. a left-handed or ambidextrous person (?) [ÞUB 2 archaic frequency: 2]. dab(2. concatenates 6 sign variants] . libx[Í. gilim[-b] ). to set down in writing. catch. adj. to pass (by/along). to stand by. (clay) tablet. (cf. Sumerian Lexicon. to pour out. to strike. to wander [? DIB archaic frequency: 6]. þup: depth. þab(2): n. the left was the hand that stank from wiping excrement) [GUB 3 archaic frequency: 15. to serve (with -da -). gúb: to purify. side (of a field or mountain) (ga. hammer. + ba. that could be made of gold. Version 3. gùb: left (hand) (cf. seize.. to (make) tremble. v. resin. káb: flaxen measuring string ?. 'to cut') . su-ub: to suck.. to be at a distance. 'fear. + aba. v. šub6[ŠID]: šuba(2/3): to lick.. distinguishing mark. nab: ocean.. to let out. tun). 'lake. (with -da -) to drop. pa4: father. to be cast. sub2/3: (cf. 'to pull. + bu[r]. a precious stone . 'thigh'). fever. to fall (upon). rib: to be higher in rank. to pray (naked flesh + open container) . to bind. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . dug šab) [ŠAB archaic frequency: 61. remove (šu. said of two or more. vessel. adj.. pillory. middle. to make haste. (with -ta -) to throw out. bara 4 and semantics of bar ) (open container with motion away from) [BAD archaic frequency: 23]. sea') [NAB archaic frequency: 10] . also du . let fall. cf. 'flint. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . (ñiš) rab. to hold.. šib. cf. tooth'. stock.. to cast. n. chip out. adv.. be: to open. shining. v.. fetter.IB): n. zubu. v. sub. to drive away. color (izi. to subtract. respect' + íb.. to travel (plural marû su8-bé. to join (with -da -). šip: šub: exorcism. 'to be angry') . cut off') [? ZUBI archaic frequency: 2. v. rap: ring. stamp. leader [PAP archaic frequency: 501. to clog. to fell a tree. dug šab: pot. pab. leopard (ní. to suckle. to be bathed.. súg. disappear. shake. Sumerian Lexicon. to go away (Akk. deduct. tab: n. respect'. Version 3. pretty. tubx: (cf.. sipad ). 'to rush around') . to go away. Elamite word for 'god' (ní.. su8: to lead out. ab. re 7). súb. man.. draw. clasp. zib(2): haunch. rabbu).. sabad. pair.urudu lub(-bi): an ax for use in agriculture or as a weapon. concatenates 2 sign variants] . brother. stem (cf. throw. to bite off. zubi: sickle (zú. sting.. 'hand' + bu5. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . clamp. clean ('licked clean' ?). to fall out. remove (regularly followed by rá . to apportion (lots)..0 22 . a priest (cf. snare (to slide + open container) . pap. ñin . to climb.agate (?). 'fire' + íb. companion. ascend. to burn. šab (PA. to stand. to separate. to snip out. such as a herd. to be/make double (sometimes reduplicated) (side + open container) . shackle. nib: cheetah. to gather up (portion + divide). together (precedes the modified verb). sipad ). bàd: n. pail. bad. (city) wall [? EZEN archaic frequency: 114. to bless. to tremble. musician. brand. 'fear. gudku6.7: to pinch off (clay). beer ingredient. kur5. handle. kì: to build. gu2. didi: young. kìr .. concatenation of 2 sign variants] .. nest. + dág. adj. length [BU: archaic frequency: 393. gudu4: (cf. gud. Sumerian Lexicon. 'to nip off clay') . and gur 10) (base with motion away from) .bad4: fortress. 'brilliant'). dark.. to dance. bull (regularly followed by rá . inarable land. dim. kud. to make. bìd. Version 3. to shine brightly (þé. gudug). to urinate. gíd[BU]: n. to levy tax or tribute.8: to weave a mat (ground/floor plus motion).5: gi kid: to tie.. v. adj. leaping fish') . 'to protect') [GADA archaic frequency: 96. gur (4)) (voice/sound with repetitive processing . anus (open container with motion away from) . gud8: short (related to but opposite in meaning to gíd). distant. to give birth. to separate... difficulty.. kad4.0 23 . bi7: n. gu4: n.. adj. to manage. lud: a small bowl. v. fish). to act (ground/floor plus motion).. to measure out. a pestle (abundance + motion). 'let it become'. to remove. concatenates 4 sign variants] . to frighten (closed container with motion out from) .. to dispossess.. to breach (a dike). dried (e. kid6. linen (clothing) (gu.g. pull. kìd. kìr. to reach out (to take) (to be long and throatlike with motion away from). small.. v. gu 4-ud ). cf. leap (cf. a right-angled tool [MUD archaic frequency: 88]. to lengthen. reed mat [KID archaic frequency: 76. þúd: morning [UD archaic frequency: 419].refers to the bellow of a bull) [GU 4 archaic frequency: 182]. white... to curse (regularly followed by rá . mud: n. gada: flax. heel. tow. to draw. concatenates 5 sign variants] . to dry. guðx. v.. to open (ground with motion away from.4: gùd: carp ('dancing. ku5: to cut off (with -ta -).. thread'. 'flax. þáda. to be afraid. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . kid2. kad6. gu-udku6: gud(2). þad(2): v. dida: beer. bind together [KAD 4 archaic frequency: 13.. to defecate. cf. long. to divorce. + da. hardship. gur 5. gúda. domestic ox. dry. cf.. warrior. túd: to spank. to sprinkle. 'soul'. 'to lie down' + nominative [from R. faith. šùde. to seek. call. + éd. to pacify. concatenation of 2 sign variants] .. súd: to pound. to wag (a tail).18. to immerse. far away..múd: blood (closed container with motion out from) . subside. to furnish. to break off.. + motion). 'not'... bless (šu. to choose.5: (cf. paðx: n. nud. v. to sleep. tu.éd... to cane (tu. remote.. to be born. to stretch.5. long. create. to cool down. adj. bur and búru ) (sprout + repetitive processing) [? PAD archaic frequency: 38. jubilation.. ñiš rad[ŠÌTA]: a tree. provide.12. ná: an amphora in the 30-60 liter range with two neck handles..23: n. take an oath. to kill (nu. 'to grow up. to find.5. quieted. 'word'. to gnash (the teeth) (su9. šita 5). concatenation of 2 sign variants] . sed (4. 'to go out') . concatenates 4 sign variants] . to swear. sud4. to give. to abate. + éd.10. šùdu. 'hand'. bite. ér. mud5: exultation. changed (to approach and meet + to go out). = 50 bed. Presargonic Girsu.12: (cf. su: v. to be reborn. pàd. Sumerian Lexicon.. distant. to declare...11.10. to blow. feel delight.11. šed: (cf.. to strew. mú: to sing. lengthen. 'to go out') . sed(4... to lie together with (with -da -). mud3. šid3. pad. adj. present (regularly followed by rá ) (narrow line + repetitive process) [BU: archaic frequency: 393. marû. + motion). prayer. to last. sù. to repose. 'to show. + éd. to rejoice.4. 'to go out') . v. pà: to show. to be calmed. tud. zid. 'to fill up'. kindle. dú: to bear. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . pà-pà-dè in plural marû) (sprout. 'to hail'). to sip. 'to go forth') . to be long. to prolong. branch + to go out. + éd. legitimacy. blessing [ŠU 12 archaic frequency: 1]. 'red ochre'. to make.6)). su13: v. appear (reduplication class) (mu. cf. crush. + dé. cp. nú: to lie down. + éd. ñiš nàd. mud6.0 24 . šed7. šu12: n. transformed. truth (zi. sud. cf. to lay down (with -ni -). to be/make remote.6)... possibly a citrus tree [ŠITA3 archaic frequency: 139. to drown (reduplication class) (regularly followed by rá ) (su4. šid. šed7. coolness (si. to pray. to ignite. multiply'. šita (4)).5. concatenates 4 sign variants] . to beget.4: a large vat for beer [MUD 3 archaic frequency: 27. Version 3. to make grow.. to make appear'. to sprout.. 'to interfere'. lasting. še4. long (duration). zi: n. pa. sanction. 'to go out') .. to choose out of (with ablative prefix) (pà-dè in sing. Englund]) [NA 2 archaic frequency: 72. give birth to. small repast (regularly followed by rá . reveal. confidence.pàd) [PA 3 archaic frequency: 30]. mud8[NUNUZ-ÁB = LAK 449]: ku-li. šùd. v. couch (ná = nú-a. fashion. to sink.17. cold water. ñi6. vagina). righteous. 'to base. faithful. cf. concatenates 3 sign variants] . meal (life + motion as in grinding). ñíg. holy. Sumerian Lexicon.. member (motion + throat-like chamber.. gub) [KAK archaic frequency: 46. adj. gig. to do (as auxiliary verb preceded by a noun) (nonfinite form = di) (to make a motion in the throat). joint.. adj. to cleanse. du10: n. gíg. v.. illness. purify. sweet. pure. to enjoy. crown').. legitimate. adj. 'cry of pain'.0 25 . concatenates 5 sign variants] . moist. collected mass (abundance + round). to be painful to (with dative). 'to kill.. concatenates 2 sign variants] . ninda gúg: cake. to roam about. command.v. ge6. brand. noble (ku. to add. lump. adj. vessel. 'to eat.. v. gug5: hostility. zì[ŠÈ]: dag: flour. except at Presargonic Girsu = 20 liters [DUG archaic frequency: 581. kúkku ). + throat) [GIG archaic frequency: 16] . v. kug. to sing. beautiful. = 30 liters (sìla ). adj. Version 3. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . mi.. precious metal.. vagina). v. 'diadem. zíd. dùg. clean ('to go out' + aga(3). to make cultically pure. to order.. converse (with -da -) (singular hamtu form. bone. v.. good. speech.g.. n. pure.. dug: standard size earthen jar. dark (cf. also. carnelian (with na 4). jug. pot. loins. night (sounds represent the throat chamber or the mouth as an enclosed dark chamber) [GI 6 archaic frequency: 105]. to be in a weakened state (motion + throat-like chamber. sacred. true. lawful. cf. dwelling. du11: n. crown') [KU 3 archaic frequency: 181. pressed-date bread (gu7.. dug4. to speak.. kak: peg. right (hand). knee(s). dág: brilliant.. mé. gug: monthly offering. to be black or dark (ku 10: reduplication class). resting-place.8. clod. workable. ñe6. to speak with.. the levees of a canal).. hinge. kib x) (throat + i. bright. gob. lañ: piece. gi25 n. adj. 'diadem. to strengthen (e. good... black. gladness. to be/make sick. (ñiš) gag. money. ku10. silver. knee (reduplicated to be long and neck-like. war (might be reduplicated ug5.. white. painful. spike. pleasing. bulk size. consume' + round and neck-like) [GUG 2 archaic frequency: 70. favorable. nail. chamber (motion as in traveling + throat-like chamber) [DAG archaic frequency: 4] . kù: n. to die'). ég).7. firm.. gi6. v. to become moist. gi17: n. dig: v. fresh (water). injury. swallow. lap. circlet. to stretch (out).. build' + aga(3). to reject. soft. lag. appropriate. to be/make enjoyable.. circlet. wheat (cf. sag2. si-ga as noun. to hew out. v. to chop down (trees). brickwork.6). temple ward. to be friendly (with dative or -da -) (reduplicated in hamtu. to be/make good. 'well-formed' + ge(2. sound') .. muk.lug. sig4: sun-dried unbaked brick. adj. short. níg: (cf. mug(2): n.rig 7). to tend. sa 6ge in marû). entrance') . damage. rìg: mace. pleasant.. respect. šag5.10. shelter (birds) (branches + round chamber) . cf. grant (see etymology of sa 12. lead. to glean..0 26 . fear' + ig. of fine quality (narrow. doff.. fruitful (sa7. raze. sweet. good. eyesore. to be in heat. nakedness. weak (cf. erode (chamber + ku.. rig. list.7: n.3. for instance a drum).SU]. sè: n. carve. drive along' + ig. 'to be numerous' + gù.11. to strike. v. to deed. sig. to become still. to abrade. v. (divine) grace.8.g.. favor. nug: a perfume plant. mu: n. to engrave. 'to kill'). v. lu: to swarm (said of birds and fish) (lu.9. satisfy. entrance') .. sig5. síg: (cf. silence. ru: to restore.DU8]: cupbearer (loan from Akk. eat' + nominative a). 'door. sa6. to pay back. sig3. sagi [SÌLA. 'strength.. hollow out. and adjective in compounds) [SIG archaic frequency: 66]. 'girl'). beautiful... 'thing'. sag9.. to flatten.. 'to build').ŠU. si: n.18.7. 'body' or níñ. sag10: (to be) mild. 'door. šeg5. weapon (ri. níñ ). 'to kill'.. rúg [SU or NAM. to pull. grain-fed (ní. entrance'. sty. 'female' + ig. pag. wall(s) [? SIG4 archaic frequency: 2]. 'noise. nib. to (make) totter. Version 3. 'to feed. si(-ga): adj. cf. sug5). to send' + entrance). šaaqû). broken wool fibers. to receive (reduplication class) (ru. late. mug. sig6. oxen or sheep). stroke. 'to stand upright' + ug5. 'cheetah. v. fine + throat for eating).. settled (si. to stay silent... 'to accompany. narrow. siki ). sig5. zàg). slave. to please. to remove. hurt. v. 'door. low. nig: bitch..8. Sumerian Lexicon.. 'to throw' + ug5. bag[ÞU]: to cage. + gu7.. sweet. rig5. pudenda (mu10. quake.7. tow. niga(2): fattened (e. 'to be still' + throat for vocalizing). ša6: n. good fortune. small. crush. leopard') . chisel. pick (reduplication class) (flowing motion such as re7. blow. nigu. sì. lioness (ní.. to replace. to demolish. to silence (si. good. shake. to beat (rhythmically. sag5: (cf... ri: to bring. 'to give. verb. .. šug: (cf. and sá. adj. šag5: (cf. to sweep along. taka ).. sug8. to live.'nakedness') . sig). chills. lay bare. intestines. gut. grain pile. to match (cf. Sumerian Lexicon. šeg4: frost. will. su: to replace. dike') [SUG archaic frequency: 15]. tuku4). + gi4. šag5: to slaughter (ša5. sig3. to create. sug4. to subject. prep. etc. taka4). sig17 (GI): the color of the low or setting sun = reddish yellow or gold (cf. empty. tug4: (cf. su8: to stand (plural marû) (cf. cold shudder.. cause. šuku ). 'to kill'). set.. tu9: lú TÚG: harp (ti..10. in. 'entrance'. sig9. tùn) (si. cloth garment (side + to encircle) [TUG 2 archaic frequency: 311. to make flat. cf..7. rúg ) (to fill up + entrance.9: sug: wild mountain boar ? (cf.NAR]. fine [ + neck-like]). sig10. fuller. 'upright stalks' + ég. to dwell.. sur12. chamber) . stomach.0 27 . a small animal (cf. su-a . 'body' + 'long and neck-like').. interior. at... green. 'to stand upright' + ug5..7. to surround. sigga ).BALAÑ]: túg. gub. sè) [SUG 5 archaic frequency: 67]. cp. šà: n. 'to spread'. 'to cut. šenbar ) [ŠEG 9 archaic frequency: 10]. to do. šeg8. restore. sum . 'body' + ig. cloth.. to complete.8. entrails. volition. abdomen. midst. significance (grain/excrement + water/urine + chamber) [ŠA 3 archaic frequency: 137. mood. sa7(-g): v. womb. return (a loan. du5 with this meaning) (cf.. sag9). se12(-g).. inside. ice (cf. mug(2).18. 'cat').. 'to knock down'.. súg.11. sul4. to pull out weeds. to let live. sè: to apply. sì. 'to restore') .. adj. sag2. to garden. 'levee. to engrave. even. tígi [NAR. to be/make pleasant or beautiful. fertile land (to fill.) (reduplication class) (cf.sig7. su7: threshing floor. to empty (su. to compare.3. tigi [BALAÑ. sug5[GÍN]: to bring low. sù. body. tag: (cf. pale. swamp. heart. šaþ . meaning. to strip naked. put in. sì. 'to compare') . tag4: (cf. Version 3. šag4. sigga. flood basin. v.. content. sig3. to knock down (also read dùn. si: to be narrow (narrow. plural stem of tìl) (si.8.. sug6. to tear out. šeg8/9: snow. yellow. lake. 'to kill'. sig14. place. 'life'. to complain (in meanings 'to live'. concatenates 6 sign variants] . sallow. sig 3) (combination of meanings such as: sux. inundate + ég. destitute. concatenates 3 sign variants] . bed of a river. break' + ug5. 'to water') [SIG 7 archaic frequency: 61]. su: súb) (su. subdue. sañ. valuables.. to water. used as a prefix to form concrete nouns (self + to mete out to) [GAR archaic frequency: 409]. to stand up. prep. 'to dry up' + to mete out). to tear out. to approach. alkali. 'water') [NAGA archaic frequency: 125. [ñiš] naña3. to rouse.. a measure for fish. zàñ. þun(-ñ): to hire or rent (someone or something). to take out. taþ: n. district. thing. to drink out of (with -ta -) (na 8-na 8 in marû) (ní. potash (used as soap). sañ2/3: to scatter. to drink. sanctuary.ÑÁ].or -ra -).. to introduce (to a job). to rest. to be hot. sañ5: (cf. na8: fault. to rise up from (with -ta . še29. leader. message. siñ18[KIN]: to cut. class) (ša. še6: zàñ: to heat. limit. saña11. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . present. sa12: head.. þeš5[LÚ×KÁR. side. myself) [SAG archaic frequency: 420]. zà: boundary.. še7: rain. 'side. to order (reduplication class). assets. luña[PA. + a. repose. nañX[GAZ. sañ11. to repeat. task. zàg). something. rise . scattered (to multiply. chosen. LÚ-KÁR]: captive (tied up with a rope éše.. uproot. Sumerian Lexicon. beginning. 'to mete out to') . cusp. v. high. bake. + ñe26.. to recruit (zi-zi in marû). n. 'body. + ig. to spend or credit. šeñ6. v. bad. outside of (life + to encircle) [ZAG archaic frequency: 71. KUM]: to crush. 'door').. + a. point. zàg. break. to add. (cf. to seek. partition (úz. human.. drink. ú-zug4). adj. 'to equal'. (with nominative -a ) pestle. 'to drink'. territory. to dry a field (redup. to abate (many + to mete out to). cook. níñ. sa4. sag5. zàg ). ñá.zag. þuñ. irrigate. 'to name'. v. weed. adj. border.4. impudence.. naña: soda. lu9: nañ. soapwort (nañ. first. slave. to multiply. giñ4: (cf. 'water'. to say further. first-class. place.. + áñ. individual (sá. harvest. wall. gín). zi: to choose. abusive remark. nì: property. prime. edge'. to go out or make go out. to send. kin: n. n. percentage... 'to pour' + to mete out). work (to build + to mete out to) [KIN archaic frequency: 9].. šaña. Version 3.0 28 . boil. fetch (with locative-terminative -ni -). lúñ[PA]. a matter. error. concatenates 3 sign variants] . zug4[KA×LI]: (cf. lú-éše). daþ. right (side). order. šeñ3. to help (motion into numerousness). in front. to spread + to mete out). to rain (šu.7. front. an alkaline plant. treasure.. self'. replacement [DAH archaic frequency: 21]. substitute. sañ5[ŠID]: zìg. extract.. cf. v. kíñ. shoulder. gift. more than seven. fur. dry. to untie. 'numerous'). uþ: to dry up. 'goat'. wool. Sumerian Lexicon. shell. to wash.diþ(2): to sting. body). concatenates 2 sign variants] . luþ. clothe (reduplicated).GÀR]: female goat-kid (ùz. esp. + ku10. to gouge (eyes)..3) (íla. to drive off. sting. v. to adorn.. súkud ). v. to perish (describes workers/slaves who have fled state control) (derives from zag. síg: hair (of head. to sparkle. 'black' ? or kul. 'teeth' + numerous). eight is confusing) [SUÞ 3 archaic frequency: 4]. secrecy. transfer. take away. máþ[AL]: paþ[LUL]: suþ(2. free.. the ancillary meanings of imin. open.. cf. 'to mix'). beard.. portion + mouth). heavy' ?) [SIG 2 archaic frequency: 224. thin things'. 'boundary. (cf. ñišù-suþ5) (ussu. barb. adj. to be or make large (ama.3. rob (zú. sickness. fresh.. v. 'long.pigs efficiently turn feed into food) [ŠAH 2 archaic frequency: 39. to crack. rind (hand. làþ: maþ: to be clean. to clean. šaþ(2): domestic pig (grain + water + numerous (offspring) . to uproot. adj.. 'seven' . narrow + plant + numerous). n. + þá. to hide. abundant). hide (si. zuþ[ZÚ]: kak: to steal. just as þúb relates to gùb). concatenates 3 sign variants] . confusion. carefully chosen. to dry out.3: n. to spread. torpidity (?) (cf. gag ). border.. foremost. a mark or impression. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . fever. to caulk a boat (with pitch). 'eight'. 'to separate') . de6. to fling (away) (plural form. to relocate. to bake bread/bricks. lofty. leg. on the liver. zeþ[SAL. + numerous.. encircling wall (cf. + numerous) [MAÞ archaic frequency: 6. to be lost. great.. suku5: (cf. + numerous. to sweep (la.. laþ. concatenates 12 sign variants] . point. tranquil.ÁŠ. capture. adj. àþ[UD]. ration. to remit (a debt). siki. cf... to plunder. zaþ: to be calm.5): an adjective for cows (as opposed to ñiš for bulls). luþ.5: to bring (plural). loosen. adj. allotted field plot (regularly followed by rá) (šu. displace. šuku. provision. zaþ2. bran (motion + plant.. to flee. laþ4. exalted. + kud. 'youthful freshness'. duþ. suþ4: reed matting (fine. high. du8: n.. 'portion'. 'thick. shine (cf. residue. šug: allotted food portion. grass + numerous times) [DU 8 archaic frequency: 29. Version 3. 'to bring'. to prepare the threshing floor.0 29 . v. ti ) (motion + cry of pain + insect). šika: potsherd. 'mother of'. + þe. district'. to abandon. sublime... làþ). to become confused. disorder. tumu2. taka. foot-race. dil: one. v. to roast. to receive. hold. conspicuous. with -ta -). get (in marû reduplicated form). to ignite. to fly (towards something. hostility. tug. n. with -ši -. to chase (da. to tear down.. entrust.. 'to build. rotating fund.0 30 . 'tell'. 'needle' when made with a bright metal).).or -ra -). tà: to touch. Version 3. term of office. tu12 : n. ray (cf. to shine. own. to have. + al. du12 . dúk. taka4. eldest son. tuku4. dála: dél: needle (da. to fish. with -ta . tuku.. kindle. du6: mound. to clothe. beam. a large cup. tak4. to cover. bring. to hide (the object covered often takes the locative case) (verb can be reduplicated as in du 6-ul-du 6-ul-e) (to protect + ornament). support') . go back (bala-e in marû) (ba. cave (redup.. bil: to burn. hit. to be or make bright. to leave with a person. + ge4. dili. + ul. bala('). handle. sanctuary. cleft. bu(5): dal: to blow. 'to hold'. ta6: to abandon. hoe...4.'remote. to change. dul(3. distant' and ul4. excellent. spindle. to marry. dellu: mast. adj. bal. + íla. to pass through. spade') . + ku4.. taga.. restore') [TAK 4 archaic frequency: 128. 'to carry. dal: n. v. 'digging stick. + ul. deliver (to someone: dative). tug4: to tremble. demolish (ba. 'to do.ta 6-ta 6 in marû) (ta. bul(4). bìl: n. in plural) (cf. turn. alone. 'share'. concatenates 3 sign variants] . to decorate.. single. + lá. tuk4.'to hold. shoot ('it rises'). enemies (cf. to revolt. to dig up. be near'. 'with'. enduring') [DU6 archaic frequency: 37. tag. from'. Sumerian Lexicon. tag4. to transgress. dul(6). v. annual contribution to the state [BALA archaic frequency: 19. to strike. to weave. bar. to be angry (probably reduplication class) (tu15. (cf. ba. creditor [KAB/TUKU archaic frequency: 105]. to pour (as a libation.. to quarry. 'to.. to revolve. to turn around. to remove. v. 'to approach' + aka. ñal: n. only. dálla. to have a claim against somebody (with -da. dílim ). heap. 'to build. to lie down') . to start a fire. bal: n.'to hasten') . unique. gal. concatenates 2 sign variants] .5). v. to heat (soup) (container + to lift. to play music (da. to protect. protection... concatenates 7 ? sign variants] . 'to enter') . 'to pierce'). adorn. to sprout (onomatopoeic). neglect. to disregard. make') [TAG archaic frequency: 48 ?. to be far away. dálla.. 'conjugation prefix' or 'turtle shell'. bala ). dalla: n. to transfer.. leave open (reduplication class . tak. out of. to cross over. push. deliver. to divorce. 'ancient. tuk. chief. to open.. be high). hunt. v. compound sign verb.. catch (can be reduplicated) (te. to dig out (a ditch). 'turn from. erect'. + ku. concatenates 2 sign variants] . place. to acquire. ruins. to sing. 'wind'. du6-ul) (dù. 'to consume' + ul. to fall back.. v. adj. numerous) [GAL archaic frequency: 1004. ñèle: þal: (cf. crotch. to be rare. also. 'storage basket' + íla.. to make dear. *pahal. set. numerous) [ÞUL archaic frequency: 1]. 'youthful beauty. unite (base + abundant.. 'to carry. to carry. kala 3. transvestite (throat + la. gilim ). reach. gala[ÑÌŠ. big. great (chamber + abundant. be few. to esteem.. to weigh. to be high.adj. v. extend. to place into (with -ši. gála: gala3.. run. to stream. to accuse. enduring') [GUL archaic frequency: 24]. light. ritual singer. lamentation priest. evil.. 'mouth' + la. þa-la and pap-hal(la)) (loans from Akkadian hallu I and pahallu. to be available.. to stretch. silo' with vowel harmony). deficient. upper thigh. ñá: to be (somewhere). value. concatenates 3 sign variants] .. galla. cf. share (cf. gal4(-la).. minus (cf.. to cease.4.. divination expert. kala3. to be destroyed. gal5: to overwhelm. to load.5. þúl: n. ki-lal/lá. lal. to hold.5: (cf. support') [LA 2 archaic frequency: 57]. malicious. gùl. to ruin. ñál... to place. (cf. þul(3): n. to destroy. to be with someone (with -da. to lift. gal 5-lá ). cellar (cf.or bi-). but also -ši -).4. bad.4. to have on one's person (with -da. lá: v... split") [ÞAL archaic frequency: 53]. mighty. to obstruct.5: store-pit. enormous. pierce') ."break through. thick. hostile. to be possible (with -da. female genitalia (throat-like chamber + lá. to hang (from) (with -ta -). to destroy. Version 3.. kal-(l): v. to bind (a reed pillar). *pahal. distribute (þal-þa in marû). míli ). harness (with -ši -). demolish (as preparation for rebuilding)."leg. numerous). precious. to be happy. to lessen.). gala3. Orel & Stolbova #1928. endear. to be appreciated (cf. to place. excellent.. to dwell (ñá. lá ). valuable (cf.. to destroy utterly (with -ta -) (reduplication class) (gu7. 'to be high') . to deduce.. large. to fall upon (with -ši -).).. to dress oneself. Sumerian Lexicon. adj. v. also. kul: heavy. 'to penetrate. joy (þé. adj.. ñala7. gullax: gil: gul: vagina. kalag ).). concatenation of 2 sign variants] .0 31 . 'youthful freshness and beauty') ... to deal out. adj. vulva. to rejoice over (usually with -da -.4. to divide. thigh" and #1929. police chief (?).5). to extinguish. 'ancient. evil. to pay. to harm. n. put (with -ni. portion. 'let there be' + ul. diminish. sexually mature. a demon (cf. joyous. retreat (cf. adj. to bring together. hated. v. pleasure') . lá ) (reduplicated íla. 'cellar granary.).DÚR]: cantor. abundance') [KAL archaic frequency: 60. to take an oath. evil (vermin + abundant.secret.. to wreck to pieces. 'joy. denounce. kalag ) (ka. to strap. defiled. market place (si.. sùl: (cf. mu7[KA×LI].. trail. pleasure') . caterpillar (mù..R. tell' + ?. joy. 'to extend. to silence [LAL 2 archaic frequency: 27. sil5. bliss') [LAL 3 archaic frequency: 14. Sumerian Lexicon. 'deficiency'.'to mill. lu5: n.3. ornament') [MUL archaic frequency: 6]. 'long and narrow'. false. méli.0 32 . lá-ìa[NI]. làl: honey. pala(2. sìla. to be narrow. wind. 'to penetrate. lul.'to stand up like a horn'. concatenates 2 sign variants] . Version 3.. and si. to recline (in preparation for the love-making implied by sil5. cf. vulva (narrow + numerous) [SAL archaic frequency: 435]. malicious. road. spirit (of a place). mél. clothing (of gods and rulers) (cf. 'luxury. bud').842 modern liters in the Neo-Sumerian period. 'to drape' as in túg-níñ-lal). + ul. date-syrup (reduplicated la. milla[IŠ]: (cf.. ñìli[KA×LI]. deficiency (reduplicated lal/lá. v. Bennett. 'light. suspend. deceive (reduplicated lù.. v. wide..7): debt. 'inner sanctum'. planet. sil: to praise. shine. to bind.. breath. pil(2): to be/make obscure. cf. sun 4). sila(3): street. si-il: to cut into.. concatenates 3 sign variants] . also.4. but which means 'voice' in Hebrew. + íla.6: pleasure. 'to weigh'.(ú) lál: n. p. sìl. 'anything long and narrow'. pa-paþ. to spread. lie. liar.. la(l)'u(2. sila. concatenates 3 sign variants] . míli. šál: measure of capacity. disgraced (could refer to soot from bil.'to fill'. + lá. mul: n. to divide (si. to belittle. spacious. síl. but cp. 'hair. to (let) sparkle. v. 50).6. mùl: a destructive insect. sil. liter = 0. lalla: shortage. constellation. 'abundance') [SILA 4 archaic frequency: 73. owed amount (cf. 'joy.. Syriac. thin. + la.'to say.6). Semitic root which manifests in Akkadian as qâlu. treacherous. reach') . mèl: 'scorching' = heartburn (?)... to persist. pharynx.. and Ge'ez [P. 'flower. and lal/lá. 'cedar scent' ?) [? KID archaic frequency: 76. + ul. 'star. bliss (si. infection. disturb') . sal. 'to carry'). ñèle. to be/make dirty. to hang.. + lá. 'a small pot'. concatenates 4 sign variants] . moron (lallation word = unintelligible baby talk. 'be silent'. šal: n. meteor (ñi6/mi.. concatenates 5 sign variants] . to lie. deficient'). líl: n. 'uterus') [SILA 3 archaic frequency: 57. + ul. zil. pierce') . star. sila4: (male) lamb. lasso. wool'. glow. 'night'. noose. bait (cf. uterus. + lá. adj.. malicious act. sal. to infect.5. zíd-milla). v.3): vestments. path. Comparative Semitic Linguistics. voice (me. or lal/lá. mèl: throat. back or open country (reduplicated li. lil: fool. measuring pot (si14. 'arrears').'to burn') . kir 11) (síg. v.. 'to trouble. grind'. young man. to be loving. gentle.. to be halted (singular stem. pluck'.. 'to build. + íl. tìl.. ti... to make fast. weak (di4. 'bath'. n. breadth. 'joy. crossroads (tìl. ti: n. 'small'.. sal ). 'side. be high. splendid. zal[NI]: n. cf.. pleasure') . + to lift. arms). til: to be ripe. cistern. character + abundant). sul: n. 'to lift. to pass. v. invader. 'to shear. unfold (said about wings. clinging vine (cf.. to flay (cf. zé: to undress. to spread. concatenates 3 sign variants] . sickness demon. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . ul4).. sila ) (zé. 'to be.. + àm. to rub into the skin (duplication class).sul4: (cf. adj. to tarry. tendril.. + íla.. 'to plunder.. to dwell.. to hurry. to caress (usually reduplicated) (cf.. tal3. n. sug8). that indicates long and narrow as in si) [DIM archaic frequency: 52. adj. til4. begging. šul. pú-lá. to live. to be full or abundant. dim). 'to be high. zi. to be/make wide.). heroic. to keep alive. Sumerian Lexicon. 'to sprout'. to continue. to survive (with -da. Version 3. bond. 'moon'.6.4.'monotonous repetition' + numerous). understanding (sides. to hold. supply. v. to pluck.17. zalag ) (za. proud. + im. broad. well. to cease. tie.. post (cf. make'. zil. 'to be frightened'. a bad disease involving skin eruptions (probably Akkadian loanword from šalaalu. + àm. to flow. lowland (tu5. complete.. zíl: to make beautiful.5.0 33 . v. + ul. šal: (cf. who') [DAM archaic frequency: 10].. finish. sìla ). 'clay. to peel off. cf. zil). dim). túl: public fountain. fashion. tìla. pole of a water lift. 'spouse'... + ?). v. nearness. scream (te.. dim4: n. to spend the day. to shell.. elapse (said about time). build (dù. ñiš dam: dim: the (curved) beam that connects the bottom of the plow to the pole. deep well). šál: (cf. life (tu. tílla: market place. deep. v. affectionate. pleasing. to shine' ?) [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65. 'to be born'.5: cry. sig 7). protect'. create.. strong. tal: large jug (sides + abundant). carry'). with -ta . rope (dam. a temporal sense) (cf. dam: spouse (husband or wife) (da. 'to be' ?). speed up (cf.. warrior. shout. to deprive') . dím[GIM]: ñiš dím: dìm: to make. tál[PI]: n. wait (often with -ni -. modified by i. to pare. perish (iti. to put an end to. hasten. mud').'to keep alive' + nominative) [TILLA2 archaic frequency: 5]. handle (like a circle + to be). tablet.. give birth'. abundance. 'milk' + um.. kim. Akk... v. kum4 [UD]: lam: an adjective describing flour [that would be ground in a mortar. to neglect. 'tool'. to desire (cf.9. gun5: þum: to influence. t. dima.. to be passionate. workwoman. run (mainly said of animals) (gi4. to overturn. kneel (for someone: dative. to banish. v. power'). gàm: n. intention. v.eemum). ñéme(?): woman. to approach. ignore (ga.. to bruise. netherworld [LAM archaic frequency: 47. dispute' + me3. kàm: n. daughter (dú.. to grow luxuriantly. gim. 'wind'). kam(2): n. Sumerian Lexicon.. direction: terminative). to succumb (like a circle + to be). drive out (these verbs make me wonder if this became the Sumerian word for a changeable wax-coated writing tablet). 'bright' + to be). concatenation of 2 sign variants] . summer. cf.'to sprout.. + àm.. to shine. lám: an awe-inspiring quality (la. v.. 'abundance' + me. adj. þúb and gùb).. n. grasp.. 'old woman'). v. kum). punch. probably pronounced domu). to paralyze (many + u(3. þúb. gum: willow tree. to beg. to trot. aga(3).. cf. death. to bow. instead of.. v. 'small'. v. to smash.. gim7: (cf.v.0 34 . géme. n. to make grow luxuriantly (la. athlete') . mortar (for grinding) [GUM archaic frequency: 47.6. 'to come back' + im. as.. bruise (cf.'to bear. grip. slave-girl (ñeš. during (cf. 'abundance' + to be). 'function. concatenates 3 sign variants] ..8).. subservient (di4. to wrestle. 'mouth' + imi. information.. þum.. 'clay'). equative suffix. to bend.. gúr ). decline.. 'battle'. decision (loan from Akk. fever (kù. sickle. láma.. incline. ki. luxuriance. runner( cf. to bow down. depth (cf. + mú. 'acrobat. break. just as. Version 3. gum: (cf. gim4. dimmu: dumu: gam: news. kiima with same meanings).7. son.áñ. child. + mí. to crush. kìm). 'fight. curve... kum] and bread. maid. + to be). n. heat.. hot... glitter (like a crown. gin7: prep. to change. grow'. 'to be' ?). alternation between þ and k/g like the alternation between þab.. like. to shrivel. v. disk (of metal or wood) (ka. ím: n. to thresh grain. almond tree. þúp.. to heat. kaš 4). kúm: n. dím) (syllabic spellings indicate both gim and gin7.4. adj. kìm[BU]. 'to love'). gim7: kum. 'woman'). gúm. above. merchandise (Akk. loanword from šâmu(m) . fragrant. narrow + to be). ablative) (sa 10-sa 10 in marû). tutelary genius (lam. destiny. nominative suffix) . šem. v. nám[TÚG]: planning ability. 'poison') . way. (area of) responsibility. ir-si-im) [ŠIM archaic frequency: 50. lima. Orel & Stolbova #2281 *su'um. full. adj. soak. sa10: n. šám. sínmušen: swallow (Akkadian sinuntu). productive. to grow luxuriantly. high. šim.0 35 . sim. sím. fate. 'functions') . utensil' ?. aromatic wood. sum: garlic..5). sín[NAM]: to strain. n. num: n. sam-. šag5.. lot. buy') [ŠAM 2 archaic frequency: 51]. to slaughter. sì: to give. sun4).. sam is 'spice' in Hebrew. equivalent. limmu(2. šúm. Sumerian Lexicon... spice.. kaš4). to be high. nim. 'kingship' or nam-maþ . limi. rim4: (cf. fertilizer. to see through (fine. onion (Akkadian loanword from šuumu . concatenation of 4 sign variants] . cf. to soften. Version 3. related to šammu . làma: a female spirit of good fortune. manure. adj. manner. + a. 'tongue. purchase'. 'to make grow luxuriantly'. resin. such as nam-lugal . lùm[DUG]: nam: a small drinking pot. sign. lum: n. to make productive.. sim: n. concatenates 2 sign variants] . early. 'to be') [NAM archaic frequency: 30. highland. behave). sim. 'garlic'. fragrance. ším[NAM]. v. sum4: (cf. to sell (with -ra -. medicine'. sám) [SUM archaic frequency: 43. sickle with serrated edge (ša5. to bear fruit (abundance + grass. perfume (see comments on šúm. (barter) purchase. to buy (with -ši -).5(zabar): šum: tambourine (þalþallatu drum in Akkadian) (many + me. 'precise essence'. v. lend (with dative) (sum-mu in marû) (cf. herb. enclitic copula. concatenates 7 ? sign variants] . 'to buy. destiny. high + to be) [NAM 2 archaic frequency: 375]. v. province. + àm. sale price.4.d lamma. drug. flying insect.. šem3. cf. butcher.. Orel & Stolbova 2185. saw.. prince.... governor.. filter. to sift (flour). plant + to be. lim: thousand (four hundred greater than ñéš×u. to multiply in arithmetic. morning (high + to be) [NIM archaic frequency: 109. šúm. noble (time. cloud [LUM archaic frequency: 23]. to be fertile. sám. east.. 'greatness' (n. 'plant. 'to cut.. lam). 'six hundred').. to be satiated. adv. concatenation of 4 sign variants] .'sell. concatenates 2 sign variants] . sum. used mainly as a prefix to form abstract or collective nouns.. break' + eme.. office. prince. 'to slaughter') [? TAG archaic frequency: 48 ?. lím: four (cp. cf. zum: to leak. blister. 'to wash. class) (see instead sun 5 if the sign is used as an adjective) (to move + to raise high). *gan. the planet Saturn (possible loan from Akk. banda 2. 'from'.. tum2. 'to blow').3. pestle. ban: bán: (cf. 'food'. tuma: to break wind. bul. shiny. to scrape. + ma4.. + ma4. fit. dun(4): n. a surface area measure. 'to leave') . a measure of capacity or volume = 10 liters (sìla ) in the Ur III period. + ú. bathe'.3 Sumerian Lexicon. dun5. tumu2. gín. dul(6)). ta(5). + mú. 1/60 square nindan (sar) = 180 surface še = 2160 (=36.. pupil. rations'.5) (ba.. dùn: (cf. and the term "carrier pigeon" for a homing pigeon). light.. bun(2). bu(7): n. v.šum4: (cf. to be suitable. dun. Version 3.. to bring forth. tum9. de 6. to strike. measure of surface. go out') . bàn: (cf. a volume measure. giñ4: small ax(-head) used as money. to heap. hole). furrow. overflow (repetitive motion + closed container. du24. + ú. cultivation (cf. to carry away. smite. warp (threads on the frame of a weaving loom)... tin ). stagger. du9[BÚR]: v. to ignite') . field parcel. small. tùm-tùm[-mu] or túm-túm-mu ) (ta. tu15: wind. ward. bear. vessel. crossbeam. + àm. cf..3: to bring. flow') . tum12mušen. 'from'.. to churn butter.17. laþ 4) (in marû plural.. gena. to obtain. carry'. 'from'. gána. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . to complain (redup. tumu."field") [GAN 2 archaic frequency: 209]. 'to be'). stand. reliable (tu5. (flat) surface. 'lamp' ?). 'to spout. work. gi(n).. pile up.0) square fingers. to open (to move + to raise high. to sway... support. 'portion. zur4. tun. arrow quiver [TUM archaic frequency: 48. = 6 liters at Presargonic Girsu (cf. rack. din: (cf. to prepare (marû singular.. rebellion (hollow container + nu11.. pure. suñin). gina[TUR+DIŠ]: constant. tu10.. genna. outline.. shape. and zar.. v. cf. tú: tum: polished. v. 'to leave. to blow. ginna. gana. regular. tum4[NIM]: to carry (ta. cf. kajjamaanu. reflective. subordinate.3. kajjaanu. iku ) (cf. bànda ). 'to bring. tumu4. and kaanu 'constant'. emit flatus (tu15. dig (a field. to shine brightly (cf.. Orel & Stolbova #890. cf. seep. + ma4. action. 'human being') . to be swollen. = 0. gan. 'wind'.3. concatenates 4 sign variants] .333 grams. tu2. tumušen: bird of the pigeon and dove family (cf.. tam. grinding stone (circular + to raise high) [GAN archaic frequency: 125. + na. depart.. shekel (of silver) = ca.0 36 .. sug 5). tum2. plane. lamp. direction (ta. cardinal point. bag-type of bellows. 'to flow'. kan: n. zal. ñen). ge(n) and ñin. 'to blow.4. gán: tract of land. tu11: v. to lay a warp (onto a weaving loom) (to move + to raise high). dun: n. 8. pana ). 'to leave'). 'food'. staircase. doorsill (base/ground + high). + nu11. I. kíñ ). mina.5: ladder. to go. urudu KIN: kin: (cf. storage basin. to send.5. ugun) [GUN3 archaic frequency: 23. constancy (to be + at a distinct point). spotted.. nape' + ùña. gun[GÚ-UN]. to be troubled. *kin. outlet (of a canal)."go"). mìn. súb ) (Akk. mana. spot (circle + discrete point. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . þuñ ). gùnu. gú: land. dot. *gan-/*gin. 'function. to put on antimony paste makeup. tiara (metaphor of divine en-ship) (me. un. kan3. gún..14. crown. v. ñen: n.. cf. region. grasp (base/seat + high) [KUN archaic frequency: 2]. 'edge' + ùña. speckled. MUNU3 archaic frequency: 15]. mun: salt [MUN archaic frequency: 24 ?.3: both. 'people. worry.. me-en). equal. kun: tail... gùnu. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . gim). burden = a talent in weight = 30 +/. gìn: lapis lazuli (igi. spangled.. mén: men2.0 37 .. office' + en. mina. population') . alike (cf. concatenates 5 ? sign variants.6): (cf. trouble (ka. concatenates 4 sign variants] . two (cf. 'fire'. gúm). to sparkle. v. apprehension. 'two'). gú: back of a man's neck = load. cf.. variegated. (ñiš) kun4. cf. brilliant. hamtu. adj.. ñin. steadiness. 'people'. concatenates 3 sign variants] . gún. Sumerian Lexicon. mana ). gun5: (cf. decorated. stone'. min(5. 'eye'. v. but cf. 'neck. mìna. threshold. Version 3... gú). because a woman has two breasts). lines. lines. 'lord') [MEN archaic frequency: 48. Orel & Stolbova #892. 'woman'. un. district (gú. slab.5: n. dappled. 'mouth' + ní."count") [TUN 3 archaic frequency: 96.6): two.. munu(3). spots. + na. reliability. stairs. multicolored. re 7. gana 'come!'. gùn: n.. to decorate with colors. 'pebble. embellished.. ne4. ur4).. man. þun: (cf. kiinu 'true measure'. men5: men(4): partner. 'fear'). affliction. tribute (gú.. cf. companion. striped. 'distinct things'. reservoir.... 'to make grow' .2 kg. gin7: (this is sometimes the preferred form. múnu: a caustic salt (mú. (cf.. du . mina and mana ).. Orel & Stolbova #1459.. solid. min(3. na4 kín[ÞAR]: hand mill (saddle quern for grinding). 'decorated with colors. but cf. gur 10. + na4. second (mí.5. spots') . millstone (base/ground + stone) [KIN 2 archaic frequency: 11..cubic meters (Akk. adj. saltpeter is the oxygenating ingredient in gunpowder) . to come (with dative or -ši -) (sing. ordinary. kana3. firm. myself (cf. cf. .. sum4. mirror (?) (liquid + stone) [ŠEN archaic frequency: 66. one's own') . sun4. 'to approach. 'forty'. si. 'long. the predatory owl with its human-like face probably gave rise to the demon Lilith myth. to enter (plural ?.. light. shiny. to trample. awe') [NIN archaic frequency: 75].. 'nature. sun: (cf. 'self. adj. cold.+ un. 'pebble. pail. queen.. lady. extinguish. lord (reduplicated ní. near' + en. respect.munu4. + þà/u. su16: n. humble. pure. be on top of. character' + an. mušen nínna: nocturnal bird . beerwort (su..0 38 . 'to mount. join. concatenates 2 ? sign variants] . sín: (cf. mistress. prince. sun7[KAL]: quarrel. 'to be high'.. Version 3. adj. ninnu.. ar. Sumerian Lexicon. cf. respect'. to attach. 'sky.. and tùn.. hitch (cf. nin9: sister (reduplicated ní. BU 3 archaic frequency: 21]. rà. pana. 'lip') [SU 6 archaic frequency: 1. 'fear. 'fearsome lady'. noble. v. great. grieve' + ní. v. 'to mourn. to shine brightly. šún[MUL]: n. vessel. mun4 [ŠEŠ]: nin: alkaline. with bowed head. stone') [BAN archaic frequency: 27. respect') . 'bright'.owl (nin. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . clear. v. sùl. bulrush (reduplicated nin or nin9.soaked and germinated grain for use in brewing (mù. šén: verdigris. + to be high). deep. 'fear. modesty. thin things'. + na4. clear. dnin-nínnamušen). be sufficient'. 'fear. pan. nominative suffix. allay. 'people'). dominated (su9. érin.. + nud.. + a. suñin ). sún: aurochs cow. 'ten'.+ u5. šen[SU×A]: n.+ un. sun5[BÚR]. rín) (ara4. kur 9) . body. where reeds and rushes were seen as belonging to a young woman goddess similar to the grain goddess Nisaba). 'to lie down. sleep') . heaven') . su6: chin. brackish. to soften. 'to mill'. polished.. v. frightfulness. concatenates 4 sign variants] .. to rise up (n. 'to fill. te-en: to become clean. star. munux.. adj. 'branch'. beard (cf. sim ). master (ní. ninu: fifty (nimin/nin5.). coolness (te. wild cow.. cf. n. 'people' ?) [NUN archaic frequency: 652. fine.6: malt . noble. lower lip. discord. to cool (te-en-te in marû). tán[MEN]: ten. free (ta. rín[ERIM]: to be/make bright (reduplication class). ninni5: a rush used in basketry.. nun: n. 'time' referring to shorter days ?). ban: bow (pa. proprietress. raised high') .. a copper pan. to split. mix') [BIR archaic frequency: 9. to see. concatenation of 3 sign variants. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . para4.0 39 . concatenation of 3 sign variants] . pab. rap: (cf. barag ). bàr. par4[KISAL]: to stretch or spread out. adj. bára: (cf.4): n. be bright.. + ra(-g/þ).5: locust... bàra. mix. Sumerian Lexicon. fleece [BAR archaic frequency: 306]. bir9[NE]: to blaze. Version 3. 'likeness') [SUG 5 archaic frequency: 67]. adj.. pap: (cf. to keep away (with -ta -) (container plus to expel. expose.. to be stretched or spread out (cf. to blaze') . sipad ). innards. v. 'cheeks' + nu.. ír... to wreck.. to release. tu10: to constrict. 'to divide'. to divide. 'to accompany. separated. pàra. white. stomach. to break up. bar6. which refers here to the sun. flaccid. v. to dry up. tun(3). n. intact..7: v.7: to rip to pieces. released. bar6. life. bandage. bir4. bir for similar semantics).. to be healthy.. to cure. foreign. pouch. to sniff. compound word. to be absent. barag ). bìr for animals in plural numbers). + ér.. wine [TIN archaic frequency: 93]. 'to expose'. pocket. to break (of the day) (cf. 'inanimate conjugation prefix'. lip (te. 'to smell'. 'to weep' and ur5. ara4. divide'. (cf. bar. open wide. because of.. remove as in ri). flame up (cf.. 'to stir. bound.. sipa: bar: pa4). re7) [?? BIR 3 archaic frequency: 23. to bear.. (cf. pàr[DAG].6: bir: to spread out. to pass over. 'inanimate conjugation prefix'.. prep.. the plural hamtu for 'to go'.. to scatter.. wrap.. to break (cf. and cf. shriveled up (said of a penis)... adj. tùn[GÍN]: n.. smash (cf. (out)side. v.tin: n. sparrow (cf. barag ). re7. wrinkle one's nose. adj. shrivel up. pare..7 for similar semantics). + ir10. to uncover. to live. bìr[ERIM]: team (of donkeys/animals) (ba. bara4[BAD]: bara5.. cf. to murder (ba. to shine. (ñiš) rab). to defeat. dun ). 'to shine. + ir10. mistiness (of the eyes) (ba. case. to distribute. soul. with possibly a hidden meaning of 'to dry' for Vr or ara4 as also seen in dúr). bir6. 'to apportion. to drive along or away'. bárag ) (interchanges with búru) (ba. to massacre. cf. lead. 'to overflow'. bár: (cf. to select. shell. bir(2. ba-ra(-g)) [BARA 3 archaic frequency: 13]. ZATU-143 ERIM archaic frequency: 175. to open. to peel. to remove. to go. berry [rare word].48 hectares = 18 iku = 3 area éše = 1800 sar = the amount of land that supported a family (also cf. dur5[A]: irrigated. "hunger". bur12. depth (Akk. concatenates 2 sign variants] . v. 'to water' + ru5. 'floor' the u vowel especially correlates with round objects or openings)... + úr. (anše) dur9[ŠUL]: dur10: gar: (ùr) donkey stallion (usually written du 24-ùr or dur 9 ) (cf. hot season. repast. draw. flake off (flint). bùru(-d). dar4: dark.. and bur12. to bind. to tear out. dir: (cf. dim. cut off. dára. to bore through. to go over') [DARA 4 archaic frequency: 81. búru ) (ba. *ba'Vr-/*bu'Vr. stone bowl. locust. to dissolve. to remove. duruna)."vomit"). tie. bìr for animals in plural numbers. dár: n. duraþ). 'to tear.. distance"). string. buru7[GURUN]: buru8: fruit tree. ' Sumerian Lexicon. bii/eeru IV. *'or. crow ?. reap') . duru5.. thread. to be drawn. cut off'. dur: bond. 'lap. Orel & Stolbova #120.bur: meal. + either ú. pit". fruit. bur12) (cf. dúru. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . bùr: n. concatenation of 4 sign variants] .6): to tear."well. Orel & Stolbova #164. + úr.. open container'. 'fresh'). pack. 'arm. to shatter (reduplication class) (da. thread [BUR2 archaic frequency: 45]. to vomit (Akk. + ur. cf. tie'). 'plant' or a. + ur4. to tear out. pierce. grasshopper (cf. could also be Sumerian from. to pull.. sash (compare dur. to receive. v. necklace. bu(3... to knap. 'to surround') [DUR archaic frequency: 58. to break into (a house). v.5mušen: raven ?. receptacle. anšedùr(ùr)). 'base. v. arû IV .. bir for destructive wreckers. bar and bàra for similar semantics)... bur14: harvest. supple (dé. ñar ). 'to send forth shoots'. split. moist. hole.. dara4. pot (cf.. buru14.. dur. búru. cf. cf. francolin. bùru ) (from Akkadian buuru IV. bu(3.. burin. but cf. 'to slice. buru4. 'to shear. amulet chain. high (compare dirig. hole'. 'to be darkened. (anše) dùr(ùr): he-ass. 'sides'. to pay (with -ta ). ub4.0 40 . fresh. side'. belt.6) + nominative for anything that harvests or destroys plants). cf. Version 3.. (cf. to interpret (a dream). concatenation of 9 sign variants] . legs') [BUR archaic frequency: 51. root') [BU archaic frequency: 393.. buuru 'cistern. loosen. dàra. umbilical cord (da. a-dé. "space. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . opening. 'bond. uproot. split'). dàr: (cf. dar: n. release. donkey foal (pack animal . dirig)... dúr: (cf. keep away (ba. to spread out (a garment). 'to vomit'. bur(2): n. to slice. parû III. mine.. ax (compare dar. thighs. 'cavity. harvest time (bur12. to dispose of.. nominative suffix with vowel harmony).. 'strap') . sparrow ?. strap. pheasant [DAR archaic frequency: 36. well'. to open. 'to divide' + úr. rations. to despoil (reduplication class. diri. bùr: a square surface measure = 6. bar. + ara4. 'fluid secretion') [GIR archaic frequency: 28. kìri). gud. gi9. filled sack (of silver ?) = purse. nape' + ra. civilized.. reed basket.9. ñar: n. ur4: n. kud.. ca. possibly a carangid (ki. gur7. to wipe off.. to gather together. cheese (cf. gara2... storeroom. contradict. to be or feel big. guru5.9. kur12: n. to shear (sheep). to bow down. gir11[KEŠDA]: to be tidy. ring. roll over. 'neck. gir8: v.. deep. silo. oven (cf. giri17: (cf. gir15. to grind (reduplication class) (circle + flowing motion)... gir. blaze') [GIR 4 archaic frequency: 1]. v. 'basket'). to protest. v. kàr: knob.. gúr: n. cf. kir13: kiln (for lime or bitumen). to gather in. fattened. v. kara6: grain heap. concatenation of 2 sign variants] .. cream.dug4/du11/e). adj.. mir ) (circular container + er. laden (Umma reading for íla sign. kur5.. ge9[NE]: anger. kur4. to cut. gir4. to die (cf. gur5.. cake. carry. kùr. loop. in admin. gir5: (cf. pull (weeds) (gú.'place'. 'to surround') . great (cf. 'to bring'. (urudu) gur10. used for round and high objects ('circular' + 'to send forth. to curb. to send). bright. 909 liters (cf. 'to shine. to reject evidence (in a legal case). Version 3. copper sickle (semi-circle + flowing motion). guru8. hoop (circle + ur. cf. a capacity measure. domestic. to pluck.gàr. gur. v. gar2.11. gu4- ud).0 41 . to run. guru7. gur. gùr. 'basket') . gir10. fury (compare bir9). kára ). to separate. udun ) (ki. sphere. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . circle. 'bull'). 'to sweep away') . a fish. gam ).. to be full.Biblical kor (= 300 sìla in Old Akkadian and NeoSumerian periods. thick. + ir(2). pommel.. guru6: (cf. to protect') .. and gúgur5. to turn away from (object has ablative -ta )..14. fangs. ga6: to bear... gur. gur8 [TU]: high. + ri.. to make a circular motion. kir: cow or mare of intermediate age. cf. plump. to come back. preeminent.. texts = 2 bariga ) [? GUR archaic frequency: 14] (circle + to reap. saña 11[KIN]). gar4[GUD/GUÐ]: early (the 'bull of the sun'. loaded. gur(4). kùr: n. = 144 sìla in Old Sumerian Girsu/Lagash.. to give back. gi7 [KU]: noble. þir) (gi4. to return. form. neat (cf. to turn. subdue.10. guðx. belonging to the native in-group (circle + city) [ŠE3 archaic frequency: 152]. coarse...'to restore'.12: thick milk. to join in assent (probably reduplication class) (cf. submit.. hair lock on the back of the head (sign of a slave). to gallop..'place'. can only be seen right before sunrise. cf. very strong. ga-àr-ra) [GARA2 archaic frequency: 106. granary. measure of capacity . appearance (to be + to send) [GAR archaic frequency: 409]. giri11.. to be endowed with. to catch (in a net). to reap. Mercury. harvest.10. ñiri5). 'to strike'. Sumerian Lexicon. divide. to fulgurate. adj. to make groats. þar. + ra. giri 11). pulverized. Version 3. vessel with a large spout (þa. to impute. kikkin... thorn. harbor.. ñír: n. step. v. kur9. + ra. trot. kir: (cf. to expel (with -da-) (ñá-ñá in marû). limb. 'to impress into clay'. inscribe.. ring. link (in a chain). captive (additional associations of 'road' and 'sword') . to stab. úr. sword. dagger. + ra. to remove and set elsewhere (with -ta-). þur.. refugee. v. 'millstone').3. port authority (place + water + to flow. v.v. way... to be bright (of light. kír: a large vessel. coil or spiral of silver or other precious metal that can be worn as a ring or bracelet and was used as money (cf. prep. kár. capture. þara5: spout. small. to run. ñidri and ñušur for similar and different phonetic developments). ñir2. foot. yield (abundance + to go out + to flow) .. to capture. 'tool'.. milled. produce..3: n. ñir5[KAŠ4]: n. v. to seek refuge. scorpion. set down upon. tighten (cf. quay-wall. to destroy. lightning flash. where a round hole was the symbol for 10) . to shine. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . v. to deliver. cf. flash. ara3. kar: n. embankment. to make. þara. ñiri2. send. to take away. mooring-place. v. to pillage. illuminate. 'leg(s)'.5: n. to squeeze. to put.. knife.. miller (reduplicated þar/àr. trip (ñiš. 'to branch out from the side of') . to take away. feet. guru6: to encircle. ñir16 [ÑÌR×KÁR]: fortress. path (ñiš. ñìr: n. day) (reduplication class) (sometimes written for kúr ) (place + ur. 'to shine') [? KAR 2 archaic frequency: 68. ur5[ÞAR]: n. run away. gàr ). millstone. expedition... to chew. handle (þù. stem. to pulverize (in a mortar). gir.. besiege. pillage. + uru9. ñiri16. lighten. kára.. + ir(2).. ñìri. nominative ending. to grind. establish.. 'fluid secretion'. v. to be taken. 'to surround' + a. kir. and ara4. booty.. accumulate. àr. v. cf. marketplace. take. place. precative prefix. ara3. 'support'.0 42 . to scratch. to raid. 'tool'. 'cow or mare'). outline. Sumerian Lexicon. to avoid. refuge. to dig (many small explosive sounds + ùr. accuse. concatenates 2 sign variants] . crushed. deposit.5. þara. road.. ground. restore (with ši-). 'entrance') [KAR archaic frequency: 7]. ur5) (many small explosions + sliding motion) [UR5 archaic frequency: 34. to store.. stranger. ñiri5. þir[KEŠDA]: n. 'to drag') .. to drive away. stab. hole. ñíri.. cf. to escape.. draw.'place'. slay' with vowel harmony) [GIR 2 archaic frequency: 114]. sketch. ten.. kín . adj. 'to strike. drive away. ur5: n. beer keg (ki. via. gir ). to steal. kàr: (cf... young.. kiri6: orchard. kir13: kur: (cf. lungs. to immerse. 'smell'). + ùr. lattice.'mountains.. storm wind. north(wind).'place'. Akk..'battle'.'to go'. 'to flood') .. turn into. stranger. or blossoms') . to reach. concatenates 2 sign variants] . mur: worm. apply. to don. gur ). to enclose.. 'root. + ùr. anger. kir6. lirum ).specifies delivery location).. gur4). + ir.. kir6. mar.. earthworm. + flowing motion. concatenates 3 sign variants] .'hoe') [MAR archaic frequency: 117..SILA4]: female lamb [KIR11 archaic frequency: 3]. attain. to shout. kur7: kur9. mill. to grind. kud. v. to surround.7. to be different. to kindle. 'to sing. liver. v. concatenates 2 sign variants] . liri: (cf. mur.. palm grove (ki. alien. foreign land') . also. adj. to rise (sun). 'fluid secretion'/ ra.kìr[LAGAB]: to nip off (clay) (ki. enemy. to change. fodder for fattening. to sow. muzzle (of an animal). kud ). kuru7. mountain pass'/ úr.6. gùr: n. angry. liru. hyena (cf.. ur5 [ÞAR]: n. adj.. spoon (ma(3). 'entrance') . winnowing shovel. + ir(2). kur5. (ñiš/urudu) mar. kiri 3.'place'.. buds. to guard. to turn round.7. Orel & Stolbova #1738 *mar. gir 4). lock up. kuru5. to coat. ñá. hostility (from kur. ku4: (cf. cf. kur5: (cf. kir11[MÍ.4: ñiš stream dam. to break a seal (often with -da -) (kúr-re in marû). kùr: (cf. belt. wagon. and kid2. weir (cf.4) (ki. marru "shovel.. an encircling snake (var. kurum6). (foreign) land. 'to surround') [MER archaic frequency: 48. 'to send forth shoots. n. kur6: (cf. waistband. v. reap'. to blow' + úr. mir(2). giri17: nose.. kur4: (cf. base') [KUR archaic frequency: 145. to bring. the netherworld (ki.. 'to shear. v.. mú. 'place'. kúr[PAB]: n. base') . 'root. fierce.. to blow fiercely. kurum 7).. spade". 'roof. 'to pinch off'). mer(2). to enter before someone (with dative prefix). in the future. hostile.'to shout'/ mud6. of gùr ) (me3. + ur4. 'place'.. to enter. mountain. Version 3. cf. n. grate (mu7. v. kir4. + ru5.4. enter into the presence of (with -ši -). Sumerian Lexicon. scatter.0 43 . strange. entrance (ki. sun 5) .. highland. 'earth'. furious... to deliver (-ni . v. kiri3.. transform (with -da -) (singular [?] reduplication class stem. ñar7: n..9. violent storm.4) (ki.'place'. to get angry. garden. + to flow / circle + ur. to let enter (with -ni -). MAÞ]: nar: brother-in-law (mu10.'to be dark'. zil. omen. šar: a surface measure.. clean grain. Sumerian Lexicon... deep') .'woman'..U4. divide') . in this way. to dress oneself (reduplication class [?]) (mu10. to wear (cf.0 gur [= 60 gur ] of capacity = 1. depth. n. nir: n. singer. muru5[MÍ.demonstrative. to stretch.. suru5. + to flow). 18 cubic meters = 1.. "river" in the same way that Sumerian nab means both "ocean" and "musician") [NAR archaic frequency: 69]. sila. thus. 'height. to drive (with -ni -). + ur. síl. vegetable(s) [SAR archaic frequency: 102. reach. chaff. sur: sur: (cf.. to support. kar for such a progression from the noun to the verb). height. density. feverish (si. to overcome. sumur ). to make hurry. to pay. lift'. si-il.. which derives from Akk. a garden plant. drain (to fill. mur7. lord [NIR archaic frequency: 45. bàra ).. 'high. driven out. for 'to drive away'. šár ). to raise high. 'to cut into. enter..KID. cf. uš. + uru2. ús. zara 5).. foundation pit (ús. haze (mi.'to be full. dense. but meaning probably derives from the act of chasing vermin from the vegetable garden. rushes. + ir(10). concatenates 3 sign variants] . sár: (cf. sil. sùr: ditch. victorious. adj. weak. chopped straw [? SUR archaic frequency: 6]. súr: (cf. + rù. bound. extend.EDIN]: muru9: fog. to drive. run (to be skilled. 'to surround'. deep furrow. (cf. mu4: to clothe.UD. to delimit. sir5. to winnow. adj. 'garden plot' = 1 square ninda = 60 surface shekels = 1/100 iku = 4 square reeds = 144 square cubits = 36 meters 2. divide (reduplication class ?)(cf.18. sur5: sur6... sír: n. 'to surround') .8: (cf.0 44 .GÍN]: par3/4: a precious stone with black and white flecks. 'flood basin') . a volume measure of one square ninda times 1 kùš = 144 kùš 3 = ca.5. so.0 gín in weight. adj. sa. chase away (with -ta -).. sar. ner: n. precise + flowing motion.. + ur. sar.. suspend. concatenates 2 sign variants] . to grow weak'. cf. nir. v. v. su. 'equal in rank') ... Version 3. v. 'sweat') . mur10.7: to hang. reed mat. vanquish (to be high + to go out + to flow) . šur ) (si. deliver punctually. sa5.. naaru I. drive'.. murux [GI. cf. to insert. to begin. to disturb someone. musician (loan from Akkadian naaru II. frog. foundation.. inundate + to flow. 'to follow. to hover.. prince. proper. 'long and narrow'. sur6. "musician". šar: n.RU6 = SAL.'woman'.7). pursued. to write. adj. contrast sug. murgu ). mist. na4 nír[ZA. šar8 [NI]: to interpret. 'to pour' + to flow. šeñ3..tar) [TAR archaic frequency: 56. 'to be born'. flow. young. 'to surround') ... šar).. rafters'. token. to request. šèr ). grove.. 'beams. tur) [TUR 3 archaic frequency: 121. concatenates 3 sign variants] . nir. to decide. zar. child. to be insufficient.. šìr: (cf. to spout. šur: n. implore (reduplication class). adj. sug 8) (repetitive motion + to flow) [? ZAR archaic frequency: 15. to bind. to determine. ball. cf. to be/make small. to break. little. horizon. thicket (ti. concatenates 4 sign variants] .. v. totality. 'arrows' + ùr. small. to smoke. to cut. to flash. tir: tur: forest. n. concatenates 2 sign variants] . + ur. sar. sanctuary (cf. reap'. Sumerian Lexicon. 'rope'. second in rank (tu. innumerable.. tu: n. sheepfold. šìr: n.. early example of asyndetic hendiadys). coil'). šír: to shine brightly (cf. weakness.. young (of herd animals). to produce a liquid. to be many. šèr.7).. 'to shear. 'ring.sur8: (cf. and ñiš2. to spin (a cocoon) (cf. to make abundant. v.0 45 . sick. to reduce. counter. to press (out).. sir4: testicles (many + to go out + to flow. much + àr. world.. zar). destroy (ta. v. byre. to slaughter. pen. adj. to spray out. šìr[EZEN]... lú šár: a military officer = commander of 3600. dar and nam. to exude. cf... drip. cf. lament (Orel & Stolbova #2258 *sir-/*sur 'sing'). šér. þir. adj.. to sing. to submerge. to extract seed oil. weak. šur... Version 3. v. v. stable. 'from'. 'to watch. judicious. numerous. a frequent metaphor for a temple. sír ) (Akkadian loan from šaraapu(m) . sug 8). šir. tur5. sur12: šar: (cf. adj. sur8: to tap.3) [ŠIR archaic frequency: 24. guard. protect') [TUR archaic frequency: 272]... 2 šár. concatenates 2 sign variants] . to process wine and juices. 'to burn') . decision. deliberate. zur4. + ùru. to decide (éše. pour. v. to be or become sick.. + ur4. sár: n. newborn.. šúr: tar: (cf. (cf. song. explain.. to inquire. all.. tùr. sur: to rain.. tur5: birth-hut. to flow. to multiply or mix (with -da -). the number 3600 = 60 (many. sickness. sumur ). gleam (šu. to brew (beer). the graphically similar sign. cf. 'one'. + áš. ñiš2. þaz ).3. nitaþ(2) and šir) [GIŠ3 archaic frequency: 16. terrible. tool. to arrange. dúsu [ANŠE. 'strength'. describes an animal assigned to the plow (sometimes ñiš-šè ).. mina.. ñeš: n.3. sacrifice. ka9: kisi: deduction. kas7. adj. to rock (an infant). hackberry tree in the elm family (me. corvée (du. provide. deš: one (dili.. used in working at the lower levels in excavating a canal. diš(2). mes. ñiš2. zara5 and zar). nissa: (cf. ñiš.6). plow. ñeš2. cf.LIBIR]: an ass or equid used as a draft animal in front of plows and wagons (du.. cf. 'to stand upright') .KUR. tree. to be angry (compare guz. chamber pot (kàš. scepter. wild (said of animals). offering. concatenates 2 sign variants] . 'beer'.4. alcoholic beverage (ka. would have to be forced so much.. 'to desire') [KAŠ archaic frequency: 261. mèš: young man. dusu: transportation basket. wood. settlement of accounts. + aš. zàr[SUM]. UŠ archaic frequency: 101. min(5.serru(m) II). ñešta). to pray. 'to walk'. cf. adj.3: (cf. þeš5: (cf. Akkadian loanword ... + si14. zur: n.. zar5. uš: penis.. wooden implement. + si. thigh (numerous + foundation. nisig ).. sheaves (rolled up and bound stalks and ears. ñeš2.RA): horse (reduplicated si.3. sisi (ANŠE. 'mouth'. kaš. + usu. 'excrement'. to offer.3. with its similar appearance. ruššû). sur: to spin. 'a small pot'). base). natural phenomenon (describes a trunk that goes out into many branches and leaves) [GIŠ archaic frequency: 381]. possession (back-formation from níñ-kas7/ka9). þuš: v.. 'endowment'. zar[LAGAB×SUM]: sheaf.. 'two'). to mean 'urine' at some point).0 46 . + usu. ñeš2. 'urine'. the form resembles that of the semantically appropriate male body part.. probably replaced the use of a.3. ñiš2. nisi. furious.. 'water'. Sumerian Lexicon. to furnish.(ñiš) zar: wagon shaft (cf. to roll up (repetitive motion + to flow). 'strength') .meesu I. þaš: (cf. 'to walk'. loins. fiery red (Akk. back.'tree') [MES archaic frequency: 32]. Version 3. son. organ. 'single'. Orel & Stolbova #1766 *mi’ þuz). concatenation of 2 sign variants. kás: beer. v. zara5. šes: (cf. concatenates 4 sign variants] . šeš ). šaña). kàš: urine (an etymology involving še10. þáš. tend.. prayer (repetitive activity + to flow/protect). man (self + to go out + many. 'to fill up'). 'hackberry tree'. twine (yarn or thread).. sir5. prince. za-ra ) (Akkadian loanword from . þaš4: lower abdomen. that the homophone kaš. awesome. depart. + úš.. ŠIM×KÚŠU . (cf. 'to do. ñiš kiša(2).9). hide. máš. to scrutinize. 'to kill'/uš11. kušum x). kuruš).. nonresident. courier. kúš: kùš: to be tired. kešda ). go out'. destruction. + ús. inspect. sacrificial animal [MAŠ 2 archaic frequency: 60]. profit. Version 3. v. + úš. kuš7: devastation. concatenates 2 sign variants] . forearm. messenger. found. v. 'place'. kiš. build'. entire political world (name of the powerful city in the north of Sumer that first bound together and defended the cities of Sumer) (places + many) [? KIŠ archaic frequency: 46]. kúšu: turtle (cf. kiši7.. reptile (eme. shine.. valet. kiši16/17: kiši4: (cf. tourist (place(s) + locative + many) [KAS 4 archaic frequency: 1]. depart. to travel fast. 'portion') [MAŠ archaic frequency: 133]. 'female'. 'to leave.8.. 'to base. to glisten. a city's irrigated. channel (cf. 'to cover') [? UÞ 3 archaic frequency: 14. 'to desire') [MUŠ 3 archaic frequency: 284. 'to cut'. 'to leave. to be out of breath. + šè.. forelock (sign of a freeman. snake. go out'. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . depart. muš2.. kišib 7. contrast gàr. face. ell/cubit = 1/2 meter = 30 fingers [šu-si ] = distance from elbow to fingertips. 'venom. appearance. + many). fluent. concatenates 2 sign variants] . poison') [MUŠ archaic frequency: 3. + šè.. surface (mu10. 'place'. rent. cultivated territory. BU: archaic frequency: 393. kus[SU]: skin. 'tongue'/ ma4. half. 'to kill'). liš: morsel (happiness + small + šè. kuš. kišik (2)). runner.. šu-da) (ku. go out'. kušu: (cf. 'snake'). diadem. 'portion') [LIŠ archaic frequency: 4]. adj. + áš. twin (ma4. kéš: (cf. maš: one-half.3: n... groom. bitter. mèš: (cf. noncitizen.. 'to cover') . kas4: n. to run fast. + šú. leather (ku5. muš: n. adj. mes ). act'. where 'whale' must be meant) (ku6.8. boy (ki. 'to leave. extispicy (divination based on the entrails of a sacrificed animal). yield (of a field) (ma4. to worry.. Sumerian Lexicon. + úš. muš4: a biting insect (cf. he-goat [MAŠ 2 archaic frequency: 60]. kuš6: (cf. to calm (kúš-(ù) in marû) (aka. produce.. 'portion') [MAŠ archaic frequency: 133]. n. máš: interest (of a loan). 'dead') . v. body-servant. speed. to gallop. aspect. quick. 'portion').kaš4. maš: máš: kid..0 47 . next to'/ šè. + šè. keš: totality. terminative suffix/ šú. esquire. 'to be joined. maš....9: kàr) (ki. the etymology of muš. 'fish'. brethren. + uš8.3: to rub. eš5. concatenation of 4 sign variants] (moist container + ùš.16. cf. to comb and clean wool. to feel ashamed. 'hand'.6... difficult circumstances (derives from peš4. piš10. fig. cry. fodder (scattered for animals) (reduplicated uš. 'self. scent. ašte). concatenates 2 sign variants] . shame. to set.. píš: ñiš pèš: a type of edible mouse (probably derives from pèš. adj. 'to anoint') [ERIN=ŠEŠ 4 archaic frequency: 105]. fluff (cf.. to erase. peš10. šu2. 'hand'). tightness.. neš: twenty (ní. to mourn. peš(7): child. šuš(2). modesty. to reside (su.6. ses: n.13: n. niš. to chop away (reduplicated šu. 'leaf.. šeš). Sumerian Lexicon. fig tree (moist container + šè. Version 3. šeš.muš5[ŠEŠ]: bitter (eme.. v. pa. cf.. adv. become dark. 'to approach'. peš4. šeš2. base'.A): shore. all sorts.4: to weep. 'body. 'to approach'. 'plant'. 'three').. river pebble... to breathe deeply. to conceive. to rub. 'many. to be dense (reduplication class) (reduplicated eš. palm frond. 'spider'). combed wool. 'to desire'. šeš(2.4: to overthrow. 'to be pregnant') .. precious. 'foundation place. šeš. v. feed. aš(5). relatives'. much'. litter. spider. pešx(KI. branch'. 'portion') . 'placental membrane'. 'to anoint') . 'to anoint'. cf. to wail (reduplication class) (to become moist ?). base') ..0 48 . be overcast (said of the sun). 'foundation place. together (often with suffix -bi . deep breathing. sex. v.. valuable. to pluck apart. 'body'. šu5. bitter. tuš: n. to make an incision.3. colleague [URI 3=ZATU-595 archaic frequency: 77. 'to stand upon') . three [GIR archaic frequency: 28. šuš5. to expand. 'to anoint') . 'fig'). + aš. wide. tuš). home (te.. šes: brother. to throw down. adj. v. toe]') . womb.6: bedding.21. 'one [finger. son. + uš8. each of them (te. anoint (with oil) (su. suš: to sit down. to taste bitter. 'tongue'. + ú. péš. river bank. + eš. šuš4: to fell trees. + áš. brackish. myrrh (reduplicated eš. to be thick. téš[UR]: n. + eš.4): to anoint.. to cover (with -da -) (reduplication class) (reduplicated šu... v. to be pregnant. peš: n.6: n. + eš. -ba or -e ). body'. šub) [ŠUŠ 2 archaic frequency: 243] . all kinds.. sexuality. to go down. cf. peš5. púš: pain. suš2. èšda: clean.'insect') . dá. to vanquish.. v.. Orel & Stolbova #256 *baz. trickle. 'to sift'). tears (Akk.. reside. to lie down (singular. 'to approach'. number (šè.. nus: egg (na4. íd. + barag. to kill.5: n. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . clip. figure out. used on meat ('let it breathe'.. to be at home... + ta.. wise man. to rinse off. plural. to (cause to) dwell. war (chamber + repetitive motion. cf. trim. 'portion'. Akk. 'niche. šita. nunuz). tie (šè. šita(4). 'to kill'. band. šid3.. loanword from bi. bi-bi-zé). biz. also. character') . adj. a crop-devouring insect (see etymology for ziz). establish. cf. cf. bound. šid. + zé. nuz. cf. pluck') . 'elder'. to pour. to memorize. (ñiš) šíta. to crush... a priest (eš. + te. + sín. v. to couple. to cry. to ooze. Orel & Stolbova #1034 *‘açuç. moth (Akk. channel. 'to pour. to recite. measure. nook'. abgal(2): sage. ašte. bi(z): n. to impute. water') [ŠITA archaic frequency: 373. to push someone away. + ta. 'to (let) drip'. accuse. 'flow of tears' and ba. bathed. + gal. i7. 'moth' and ašaašu ..4. v. loanword from saasu . Version 3. to dry (cf. cf. to sit. to rage at. šita5.. to read aloud. šed: n. nita: (cf. þuz[LUM] v. šita6: a type of vessel. to thresh grain (þá. 'moth'. to . link with.s. + zú. 'portion'. 'great') [ABGAL archaic frequency: 31]. to gnash the teeth.4. intact.). to cut. 'to be high. 'ruler. to drip.. throne') [ABRIG archaic frequency: 9]. 'teeth') . to be together. to calculate. absin(3): (seeded) furrow (ab. èšda. slaughter (with -da. 'by means of') [EŠDA archaic frequency: 26]. to set up. [ñiš]naña3. long. þaz. shaggy (hair). to hang') . nest (ab. Sumerian Lexicon. guz. to bare the teeth.. 'nature.. + lal. powder. 'niche'. 'by means of'/ dé . + ta. branches). wizard (abba. ablal(3): bird niche. nitaþ ). duruna ). 'main canal') [ŠITA 3 archaic frequency: 139. þaš: to break or cut off (twigs.saa. meze: ziz: a type of drum (function + repetitive noise).cassia. adj. dá. téš). ešda: šìta: mace (úš. to settle. gazi: a spice . concatenates 7 sign variants] . sing. defeat. 'portion' + ída. zíz[ÁŠ]: zìz: emmer (wheat) (reduplicated zé or zi). 'to anoint'.. small canal (šè. v. šit.0 49 . fracture. 'to cut.'goose'. to castrate (reduplication class: þu-þu-uz ) (gù. to consider. 'noise'.. 'numerous'. abrig: a purification priest (a. bond. to count.'flow. + uz/us. cf. to join. nañX[GAZ.'pebble'. kasû II) [GAZI archaic frequency: 14]. gaz(2): n. break. dá. KUM]). 'water'. be wet'). Orel & Stolbova. amaš: sheepfold. swamp (a.3). alam: (cf. mother. ál: image.DUGUD]: heavy rain shower. adamen(2. 'wild cow mother'. akani ). alla: net. 'river'. carry'). fight.GAL]: city gate (loanword from Semitic for 'door'. alad: a life force. aþþur(2. addirx: agam: wages. powerful [ALIM=ZATU-219 [GIR 3] sign per P. akar: leather armor. 'water'. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . agarin(2. alan. 'to know') [ABZU archaic frequency: 28] . plural') [AMAR archaic frequency: 297].3): agarin4. 'house'. concatenates 6 sign variants] .PAD. 'to deed. amar: calf.. incline'). grant') . womb. young animal (áma. + re7. commons [AGAR 2 archaic frequency: 16]. udder. IM. akan: (cf. crucible. alam. agar(2.3). appearance [ALAN archaic frequency: 51. vat. 'to accumulate. bridge (ída/íd.5: father. Version 3. 'lift.. lintel. 'to decline. + ñar. allalx. conduit.3). seine. uþþur(2. pipe for making libation offerings to the deceased (a. mabi(2. to deposit') . alan: (cf. to check'. statue. imþur ). cattle-pen (é. 'to measure.ÑISAL. + gam. 'goat').abul[KÁ. alim: wild ram. 'to go over') . amagi(2. addir[A.. Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary (1995).0 50 . abzu: the 'sentient' sea .PA. alañ ). crab. figure.3): argument.3): akani. bison. aka4[KÁ]: door-frame. añrig: steward. agrun: inner sanctuary [ZATU-413 archaic frequency: 4]. ritual wailing. alal: pipe. cloudburst (a. + lal. superintendent (áña. archaic frequency: 73. + maš. ákan.the sea personified as a god (aba/ab.3): ice. Steinkeller. alañ. agargaraku6 [NUNtenû]: a fish. ágan. añarx[IM×IM. + rig7. akan: (cf. 'sea' + zu. ugar: field. a male protective spirit. alañ ). aurochs. gutter. akkil: lamentation.. beer-wort. + dirig/dir.DIRIG]: ferry. 'water'. 'water'. Sumerian Lexicon. #287). 'to accompany. vigorous. urdu(2). servant. the rising sun (reduplicated bar6. banda2.4.11: (male) slave. eagle [ANZU 2 archaic frequency: 1]. 'seed'. anzud(2). womb. fierce. 'lower abdomen'). 'youthful freshness and beauty') . Sumerian Lexicon. 'to desire'.GÍD.? KIŠ archaic frequency: 46]. ašgab: leather-dresser. concatenates 3 sign variants] .. ašag. ašlag: babbar(2): fuller.0 51 . mud'. aša5 [GANÁ]: field. junior. aškud: wedge (as a device to bar a door). + zalag.. 'to blow') [APIN archaic frequency: 181. balañ: lyre (?).ambar. abbar: marsh. 'bright. asilal(3. arali: the netherworld (þara/àra. arad(2). anzu(2)-(d)[dIM. necessity. + šè. white.MI/DUGUDmušen]: a mythical giant bird. 'rope'. adj.5): joy. báþar: potter [BAÞAR2 archaic frequency: 50.6). equid. ramp (?).3. carry') [ANŠE archaic frequency: 48. (cf. 'male slave. + bar. arþuš: n. ñiš banšur(2. ú númun) (éš. ašte: need. compassion. container [? BANŠUR archaic frequency: 7..3): table. launderer (a. bànda(da): young. ir3.4. vulture. ásar: asil(3.5)). white') [UD archaic frequency: 419]. 'to approach'. drum (?). desirable or beloved object (áš. anzalub: reed pulp. pack animal (an.4. terminative postposition = 'up to' = 'to raise up.. describes a plow animal (also apin-šè ). téš). azag: taboo. 'base. concatenates 5 sign variants] . cf. subordinate (Akk. reeds.'sky. 'to obtain').. ñiš ásal. felt-worker. (ú) aški: bulrush (Typha grass. araþ4[É. 'water'. + te. 'leather'. man-servant') [IR 11 archaic frequency: 10]. a-šà-(g)). + kid(6). to be sympathetic.5. + gúb. support. Version 3. ñiš apin: n. canebrake (imi/im. 'to weave a reed mat').4. root'. + þáš. concatenates 4 sign variants. 'to pulverize'. bright.UŠ. funeral song [? BALAG archaic frequency: 20]. + bun. asilal).5: prop.. arala. lú azlag(2.DA]: storehouse. + la. asila: (cf. v.. pity (úr. 'to cleanse'). seeder plow (a. onager. anše: male donkey. cf. high'..5): Euphrates poplar tree [ASAL 2 archaic frequency: 16]. ašlag: (cf. plot (cf. asilal (3. 'clay. currier (kuš.4. loanword from wardum. proud. concatenates 3 sign variants] .. impetuous. 'to cleanse') . lúazlag). gladness. duststorm. barley malt.. 'resting place'. stand. living quarters. v. enlarge. chamber. buzur(2. to be nervous. breadth (da. dakkan. wide. ruler. to be swollen'. 'great. broad. cult platform. dagrim: fields. . bùzur: hand. bàra. ordinance. 'to run fast'. adj. + nun.. biluda[PA. + zil. concatenates 6 sign variants] . daggan: dalþamun: harem..4. bara5. buluþ: to worry. buñiñx.TUR]mušen: duck. + níñ. brilliant.mixed with malt [munu 4] to make mash [titab ] for beer). ? ZATU-764 archaic frequency 21]. + gal/ñal. cult. boundary post.AN]: ñiš bugin: worship. ñarim ) (dag. awl. 'to pack') [? BARA 2 archaic frequency: 69.0 52 . secret. disorder. adj. dwelling (container plus ra(g). dadag [UD. bulug: shoot.6: throne dais. + rim4.5). novice.bappir(2/3): beer bread (a sweet and possibly pungent bread made from barley dough .5): safety. tub (bún/buñx. revolt (dal. búgin: basket (for carrying food) (cf. + gan. rite. cf. buranun: Euphrates river (bu5. clear (reduplicated dág. mystery. 'to do') [BULUG archaic frequency: 4]. puzur(2. vat. frightened. brewer [BAPPIR archaic frequency: 28. pure. sprout.. needle. violent storm. Version 3. foster child [BULUG3 archaic frequency: 19].UD]: v. to hasten. bár. concatenates 2 sign variants] . tornado. puniñx. box. peel'). 'to bear'). crate. bùluñ: n. bunin: bitumen-coated reed container (for carrying liquids). bariga [PI or UL(in Old Sumerian period)]: a measure of capacity . dabin [ZÌ. + þa-mun. a merchandise tax. barag. basket. concatenates 2 sign variants. 'big') [AMA archaic frequency: 241. to grow. palm.ŠE]: coarse (?) barley flour. make grow. to clean. Sumerian Lexicon. bibad[UZ.4. barzil (AN. 'to cut. 'brilliant. 'valuables') . bàr [DAG]: nest [BARA 3 archaic frequency: 13]. buniñx. sack. precinct (cf. 'the bán from picking. bar-rim4). to grow big. overflow'. (bán-rig-a. bára. vicinity. noble') . 'to sprout'. 'dwelling'. security. copious. border (bul. fright. king. trough.. hurry. whirlpool. + aka/ag. clean').. bárag. dalþamun4: confusion.. pupil. Equals 6 bán . dañal: n.. 'blister. sacred. 'to fly'. to rear. 'side'. + ra. v. 'mutually opposing or contrasting') . gleaning') . buniñ). billuda. drill. width. chamber (dag. support.36 sìla in the Old Sumerian period and 60 sìla in the Old Akkadian and Neo-Sumerian periods. seal pin. 'to flood. to widen. riot.BAR): (meteoric) iron (bar6. 'to rush around'.. 'to shine'.. separate. cloud [DUGUD archaic frequency: 2]. dwell. locks (cf. young. determinative for divine beings (di. tie'.A]: n. + naña. to set down. anus. dilina. double hour (twelfth part of a full day) = the time it takes to march a length of 1 danna (Akkadian etymology from 'place of strength or safety') [DANNA archaic frequency: 2]. to be greater than. to dry out. IM dungu: cloud. remove'.danna. edakua(2): fish bones (adda. 'waist'. stand out. 'beam. dúr. dìlim: oven for baking and roasting. dúru. 'ashes'. 'to bring down (or up). dinig[KI.. ki dilmun : the island of Bahrain. tie'.. additional. durun. didli: assorted. buttocks. 'enormous') . 'to cover. air vent (dè. drain' + úr. diri. dwelling [DUR 2 archaic frequency: 52]. hide') . to break wind. cf.'light beer' (íb. to float (with the current). + gud. dupsik: dubur(2): basket.. weight. duruna). 'root. to be supreme over (with dative/locative).NE]: potash.8 kilometers. thighs'. testicles (dub. intercalary month after either 11th month or 12th month (based as much on whether the winter crop will be ready for the harvest month as on the need to reconcile the lunar year with the solar year. to go over. 'bull'). to be seated. to be extra. dir [SI. excess. + ñar. dìlim[BUN]: funnel-shaped bowl containing seeds for the drill plow.. dana: road-length measure.7 miles/10. lap. + ku6/kua. + gul. to sit. duraþ. v. outstanding. dingir: god. brazier.. single (reduplicated dili). beer mug. hard (du7. a watery type of beer . amount by which credits of an account tablet exceed debits .appears in the credits section of the succeeding period's account tablet. dél: spoon (dal.. ebir(2). adj. superfluous.. + áþi. deity. surplus. singular tuš ) (èd. heavy. to be darkened. eclipsed. 'to fly. various. dimgul: mast (dim. 'to store. to exit. and dul. 6. + ir(2). 'complete'.. 'potash') . dàr: mountain goat buck. (gi) which required an average of 7 intercalary months in 19 years) (cf.. dìlib: hair. dálla. 'arm') [DARA 3 archaic frequency: 11.DÚR]: n. dal. kiln. durun: (cf. adj. + eme. individual.. tilmun ) [DILMUN archaic frequency: 35]. trouble. 'skeleton'. durunx [DÚR. to surpass. massive. + lal/lá. noted for its sweet water springs (cf.0 53 . ray'. ušub). dílim.. plural. v. 'tears or any bodily secretion') . dirig. didila: very small. + ùña/un. salt. ibex (dur. 'fish'). crucible. duruna. Sumerian Lexicon. addition. 'needle'. Version 3. 'to bond. 'people'). clothe. epir(2): ebla: small pot. 'to lessen') . superior. 'tongue') . dúruna. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . dugud: n. to be erased. difficult. to pour'. to occupy. 'march' = 30 UŠ = 21600 cubits = ca. cloudbank. diñir. overdraft. 'decision'. to exceed. place (objects) (plural. dàra. 'to deliver'). 'bond. dalla. ñiš dubšik[ÍL]. Akk. inheritance. summer. ensi(3): dream interpreter (en. enten(a): winter (en. 'to move in a circle. 'fish'. + a(k).. + si. ímmen. endub. Sumerian Lexicon. enkux [ZAG-ÞI-A]: tax assessment official. guardian deity of the foundations [ENKUM archaic frequency: 14]. enkum: temple treasurer. a number word. eñar. root'. intelligent. ereš. énsi(-k): city ruler (Old Sumerian). 'lord'. crush.EN. spine (éd. endib: cook (en. iñar: brick wall (é. imma: thirst (en. ereç ?[NIN]: ereš5[GAL-AN-ZU]: erib: queen.4): bladder (éllañ. 'to dwell. eden: n. 'plowland'. + agar. 'lord'. abyssal sea of fresh water (a. + in. steppe. 'time'. on. eñer: n. grazing land between the two long rivers. 'kidneys'.3. eñir. end. fishing overseer (en. bow ?..edimx. afterwards. + ku6/kua. back. + nañ. engiz [ME. egir2. cf. prep. éllañ: kidneys. same signs (ZAG. future. + úr. 'lord'. back. prep. cf. + gaz. 'to mortar bricks'). emedu(2): émeš: house/estate-born slave (eme. + kuš.. 'lord'. 'to deposit'/ ñar8. Version 3.. émma. 'straw') [EDIN archaic frequency: 5]. 'lord. 'skin'). engur: subsoil water. limit. 'to drink'. ellañ [LAGAB]: hoop or wooden ball ?. elamkuš(2. ímma: to drink beer. immin. + ñar. 'water'. 'cold'. 'to send forth'. edin. plain. 'to fracture.. 'salt'). an-gur4). 'field'. immen. farmer (en. knowing. + genitive.GI]: cook (en. 'time'. + dub. 'floor. city governor (post-Sargonic) (en. engar: irrigator. émmen. 'of'). driving stick ?. adv..3. 'house'. emma. 'enigmatic background' + sig7. slaughter') [ENGIZ archaic frequency: 22] . manager'. 'governor') [ENSI 2 archaic frequency: 1]. lady. + tud/dú. 'ikkar from Semitic "to hoe.ÞA) as ešsad). stern (of a ship). shake') [ENDIB archaic frequency: 6]. against.. nísañ. 'mammy'. egi(2): princess. enmen.0 54 . ñiš enkara: enku: a weapon. daughter-in-law. block of wood. behind. edin: earthenware vat for oil and fats. emmen. énmen. ímmin. cultivate"). 'to be born') . + mun. + ten. to complete' ?) [ENSI archaic frequency: 8]. hostile. prime').. eškiri. 'rope'. enemy. storeroom (é. complicated. É. adj. to ascend. feast (uzu. erim). (cf. tall. 'house. troops. érin.ŠE. bridle. 'strong'. celebration (éše. (ñiš šim) erin. soldier. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . stairs. ésañ[ÑÁ׊E]. two') . šita ). + ir(2). injury'). storehouse. high. caraway seed. Sumerian Lexicon. adj. gagig: to lament. ezen. v. + sud. gang of workers. ešemen(2. 'seed. gamar: to be overwhelming (gam. muzzle'). 'strength' or esi. eštubku6: ezem: a river carp: binnî. cereal. people. strong. sink'. ingenious. + sañ. esi: esir(2): good. treasures. 'time') [EZEN archaic frequency: 114. 'first. eren: cedar. gamun: cumin. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . destruction [ERIM 2 archaic frequency: 20]. ezen ). us5. army. to anoint with cedar-oil [ERIN archaic frequency: 105]. + sañ. rim(3): n.. halter.0 55 . climb. ezem: festival. olivine-gabbro. ešgiri: nose rope. (na4) esig.. èšda: (cf.SAÑ]: granary. gana4: (cf. gakkul: clay brewing-vessel. 'rope'. crude bitumen (usu. rín: balance scale (cf. the deity Ašnan [EZINU archaic frequency: 24. érin.. temple'.ÞA) as enku). offspring'. Version 3. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . clever. ezinu: grain.. + men. to wail (gù. folk [ERIM archaic frequency: 175.. 'to immerse.. play. ešsad: fisherman (éše. 'cut of meat'. servant. u8). esañx[É׊E. gagar [KI]: area. ešda: (cf. elaborate. šíta ). 'illness. artistic. eru2. 'nose. 'rope'. shoe. erin7. erum2. erim3. solid..5: treasury. mash tun. prime').3: slavegirl. + gig. same signs (ZAG. É. 'violent storm'). kuš èsir: sandal. 'to kneel'. galam: n. ganam4. esañ: heir son (a/e4. ebony. + kìri. zeþ) [? EŠGAR archaic frequency: 12].. fine. + en.4.3): jump rope. 'both..erim. érim. 'to exclaim'.3. 'first. ešgar: (cf. diorite. evil. éren: man.. jumping rope (éše. 'liquid secretion'). + mer. v. 'grain heap'.. 'male. 'sickness demon'. gìrim.5): shock. 'to burn'). 'to constrict') . kungal ). gurun). to cross plow. ganba: marketplace. 'to wreck. 'to consume'. catastrophe. 'to separate. in which nin becomes šan). 'luxuriance'). gidi6: eclipsed. oracle. gir8: piece of clay. + dim4.5). to be twisted. gidim6. 'black'. chariot. wisdom. beam. office holder. to be corrupted. fresh. gaššu: intelligent. queen (cf. to renovate (gúb.4): lover. tangled. gúdibir: war (gud(2). work. gil. price equivalent. 'to purify. ghost (gig. wagon. karadin(4. 'abundance') [GIL archaic frequency: 1]. gazinbu. bow. 'to make').4). to detach a piece of clay. artisan. 'reeds'.. to cross.ganam6. first husband. to bend. + dìm. spouse (nitaþ. + imi/im. stake. cf. to go across. gírin: (cf. or gi6.. Sumerian Lexicon.3): darkness.3. to twist. gíbil: to burn. garadin(4.. gazimbi.. giriš: butterfly. man'. murder'). gilim-(b). + dím. job. + lam. gazibu: gibil(4): pole.0 56 .GAL]: (cf. gitlam(2.7): spirit. gili. linen-clothed priest who cares for and feeds the gods. gukin(2): entire inhabited world. divide'. gi16: n. + ul. + tun(3). karaš: military encampment. 'warrior'. 'to be sick'. pile of sheaves (on a harvested field) (guru7. moth. Version 3. gana6 [DARA4]: ewe. to lie athwart. honeymooner. 'to turn. 'to approach') . + bir. to creep or glide on the ground (gur5. the netherworld (cf. opaque. girin. to mess up. + lam.. gáraš. girim. roll') [PU 2 archaic frequency: 37] . 'clay'. gukkal [KUN. 'black'. gudu4. new. dancer. renewal. gašan: lady.3.4: decision. adj. 'to shine') [GIBIL archaic frequency: 77]. mistress. gudug. ga-ša-an) (Emesal dialect word. darkened (gíg/gi6. gidim(2. bar.zír). ñiš gigir(2): wheel(s). destroyed. garaš3. to fence off. gúda: a ritually pure. gàrašsar: leek(s). ga-an.. divinely anointed. reed bundle. garaš: straw. gurun). supply master. skilled person. coach (reduplicated gur4/gir8.. bride crown (gi. burning (gu7. ganzer(2. nit(a)lam(2. gašam: craftsman. cleanse'.4. + bil. bending. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . ñárza. concatenation of 5 sign variants] . ñalga. pond (cf.. cf.'stranger. wine. ñarim: pool.DIM4]: fist(s). ñasisx: darkness. dagrim) (ñar. 'sickle'. 'to know') . 'tool'. 'to store'. ñarza. gi- guruš. Sumerian Lexicon.. flower (cf. 'clay. to cut.. kur5: to circumcise (?).gunni: kiln.3: sixty (ñiš. grape juice. gìrim. appearance' or ñar. ñéšbu. stove.LUGAL]: office. guru5.. 'to receive') [GEŠTUG archaic frequency: 108. 'sphere'. 'tree'. fruit. throw-stick. gurin. 'to deliver'. Version 3.DIÑIR]: custom(s). ñéšpu[ŠU. cf. chair. arched beam. ñiš2. 'tool'. strip. to subdue. chief') [GALGA archaic frequency: 16. granary (ñar. + tuku/tug. ñárzu. ñansis. ñeš'u: (cf. eclipse. kurun). ñéš×u in compound section). ñeštug(2. + zu. ñadub: tablet container (ñar. 'life. mud'). 'penis'). v. + nun. gírin: rin) (gúr. laborer (human sledge). pile. + ñìš/uš. consideration (loan from Akkadian milkum. + tar. + imi/im. incise. rite(s). duties. gúrum: inspection. gurušda: (cf. wise one.ñá.. + dub. relieved of (gur10.. berry. ñeš2.ñá. adult workman. draw'). 'to stand upon') [? GURUŠ archaic frequency: 68. 'wheels' [cf. 'wooden tool'. intelligence (ñiš. to determine' ?). kurušda ). gur5. to be bent. storehouse. grappling hook for a wrestler (ñiš. 'to cut. + tin.. the netherworld. ñagia: cloister. 'form.. v. wine') [GEŠTIN archaic frequency: 42. 'great') [GANUN archaic frequency: 3]. to be parted. gigir]. reed basket. ñešba. hearing. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . heap. to hear. 'clay tablets'.3)[PI]: n. lúša13[ÑÁ]-dub-ba). ñeštin: vine. gurun. girim. ñeštu(2. ear(s). Orel & Stolbova #1791 *mulak-/*mulik.3. ñešpa[ÑIŠ-ŠUB]: boomerang. guruš3. to throw. rules. ñarzu[PA. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . young man (gúr. understanding. ñirza[PA. bunch of grapes (ñiš. 'high'. clip (a part of the body).4. + an. reflection. 'storeroom'. 'to pull. ñanun: barn. to fell trees.. cf.. + uš.4. gurdub: gurud(2): reed basket. girin.0 57 . to notch. counsel. ñuruš: sledge (archaic pictogram). a measure of fish. + bu(6). 'storeroom'. to understand.3). to trim away. divine or royal orders (ñar. guzza: throne. malga: advice. gurum[GAM]: n. ñešbu. ñešta.. stink'. attention. raging. successor. 'discrete individuals'. + dúru. cripple. 'abundant'. weight. ñizkim: sign. + gal. + mú. the Tigris was a faster-moving river than the Euphrates. + ì. + in. trunk of a date palm tree (cf. 'big. 'river'. wild. agent'. ibila: son. 'impersonal verbal conjugation prefix' . great') [GIŠGAL archaic frequency: 9]. + ir. + sal.3): frost. heir. 'wood'. Sumerian Lexicon... spring. ñišbun: (cultic) feast. pit. + nominative a.. it was less likely to overflow because. + ñin. founder (reduplicated ñiri5. 'perfume'. 'low end. hole. prefix) + íla.3). stalks (þe. þabrud: cesspit.0 58 . infant. ñiškim. + zal. base') . ñidri[PA]: stick.. a weed grass (þe. 'hole'). þarub[DAG. throne. 'straw'). concatenation of 5 sign variants] . ñizzu[ÑIŠ. 'message') . intelligence (ñiš. idigna: the Tigris river (ída/íd. 'tool'. apricot (?) (þaš. + ùr. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . þirim: the root stalks of the spikenard. ñisal: oar. adj. omen (ñiš. it did not built up its bed as high) [? IDIGNA archaic frequency: 25]. + buru14/bur14.'to pass time') [? GIZZAL archaic frequency: 1]. + úr. 'abundant'. ñizzal: ñiš nimbar) [GIŠIMMAR archaic frequency: 55. þirin. signal. ñuruš: (cf. 'root. ñiñri(2): ñiš to dive. + gurun. stick used to measure the height of a pile of grain (ñiš.. cave. + su. 'to seek refuge') . 'to stink'. not depositing as much silt. ñuškin: (now read as kù-sig 17). guruš). Version 3. inheritance (íb (subj. + in. 'to sprout. þenzer: weakling. 'wood. þalba(2. staff.MI]: shadow. 'river'. 'to rot. 'roof. 'wooden tool'. cf.gúr. þalbi(2. 'wooden thing'. 'tool. mass (ída. tool'. ñissu. appear') . (gi) þenbur(2): (green) reed shoots. idim: n. ñušur: rafter beam (ñiš. sphere') [ÞAŠÞUR archaic frequency: 101]. tarib(t)um]). imported from India. mad. and used in perfumes. to be terrified. base' where stick was thrust to the base of a grain pile. to terrify. freezing. cavern (þab. 'harvest') . 'to break off (twigs or branches)'. ñišgal: chair. 'to go'. + bùru(-d). underground water. "the river that goes". rudder (ñiš.'tool'. beam'). to sink.ñiš ñidru. þilib: netherworld (possible foreign loanword). considerable. distinguished. þuluþ: to tremble. þubur: netherworld (þab. + kíñ. shade (ñiš. station (ñiš. 'substitute'[Akk. wide') [GISAL archaic frequency: 3. ñiš ñišimmar: date palm. iskim. (ñiš) þašþur: apple (?). duru6 reading of PA and še ñiš-è-a). 'fruit. izkim. ñiskim. 'he carries it'). scepter.KISIM5]: carob. 'thin. javelin. 'sprout'. to repair.A]: foam. month.id4: moon. enmen). 'to strike'). itim. to shine'.DAG. itud. isim2. itima. imma: (cf. totality. + eme. + ud. agreement. kabar). statement.0 59 . 'the eye'. + bar. 'sun') . kal: v. gift. illar: imñaña(2. narrow'. immal(2): milk cow (cf. kalag. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . idi: cella. sprout. ildu(2/3): crowd [ILDUM archaic frequency: 5... + ru. + dág. immindu: roasting.3): throw-stick. isimu2. 'straight. command. adj. all (ía/í.ígira: heron (igi. descendant (i.KISIM5×GAG]: kadra(2): shepherd boy (ká. decree. + min. strong. kankal: hard soil. 'bread'). 'earth. ilimmu: nine (ía/í. kabar..3): a species of poplar tree (íl. priest who performs exorcisms. 'to grow') . clean. ímmen. ñiskim). place'. uncultivated land (ki. 'to be high.. kalam: the land (of Sumer). moaning. 'brilliant'). order.3: n. valuable'). 'to lift'. ñiš ildag(2. iti. 'to open') . 'to send') . 'to tie together'.3: shoot. v.3). ímmin. išin [PA-ŠE]: stalk. id8. im-ma-al ).3): seven. to weep. 'excellent. baking oven (imi/im. imin(2. isiš2. moonlight (te.. + mú. imþur[IGI. kapar: (cf. swift [GURUŠ+2-N14 (wagon pictogram) archaic frequency: 7. + aka/ag. iskim: (cf.. concatenates 6 sign variants] . Version 3. incantations. it4. husked (?) emmer wheat. offspring. kala.. oath. chapel. + ninda. išib: n. adj. 'to make'). innumerable. Sumerian Lexicon. 'five'. itid.. illulu. itu. gift') . 'clay'. énmen). 'one discrete individual'. meet'. + ra. 'four'). + nu. ímma: (cf. nation [KALAM archaic frequency: 91.3. ñiš illuru. laughter. inim: word. immen... arc (íla. bribe (kad4. matter. 'excellent'. ñiskim). bow. 'not'. concern. 'two'). ildum(2/3). kapar[PA. mend (kal. concatenation of 3 sign variants] . ilduma(2. + kal[-l]. + ru.. 'gate'. + si. immin. 'to approach. + limmu. long. 'present. 'speech') . anointed. affair. lustrations and purification. 'five'.. subject (in. izkim: (cf. to laugh. + sílig. 'hand mill'). kisim2.8. kiši7. kešdr?.9: ant. kisal: courtyard. kišib7. v. tie. 'place'. 'swift') [KASKAL archaic frequency: 35]. road. 'place'. 'to travel fast'. rodents or other very small mammals.10: kišib(3): mouse.5.. to snatch. kínda[URI]. journey (kaš4/kas4. + luþ/làþ. kíkkin [ÞAR.5: stable. + bír. gílim. 'task'.UD]: empty lot. 'place'.9. kingusili: greater part. ñiš kešda: weir.7): milk-processing wasters. commander.. kešda. bird's nest or perch (ki. spoiled milk. great') [KINGAL archaic frequency: 39]. kinda: barber. kissa: supporting wall.ÞAR]: milling. 'to sniff').8. kišib. knot. kíbir: firewood. to fasten. 'hand [of five fingers]'). kìli: totality. 'to bind') [KEŠ 2 archaic frequency: 6]..kaskal: expedition. kindañal(2): kingal: overseer of a group of (five) slaves.. kašbir: small beer. for milling women (reduplicated kín. kisim(3. kindax[LAK-419]: a type of vessel for measuring barley or holding water. to harness. kindling. 'beer'.3. adj. inhibition (ki. fist. + an. 'big. receipt (cf. na4 kikkin [ÞAR]: mortar. five-sixths (5/6) (kíñ. 'receptacle'). kislaþ(2)[KI. 'spacious') [KISAL archaic frequency: 145 ?.. ki-sug8). v.. hand. 'to sweep clean'. kilib[LAGAB]: package. kiraši: emmer wheat for making beer. star(s).6. to bind. cf. 'place'. gilili: kinbur: group of (wild) animals. kisim(4): cheese maggot. mill house. pen. 'high'. concatenates 5 ? sign variants] . caravan. sealed bulla. 'to order'. ñiš kíbir: pitchfork. + kalag/kal. bundle. + sal. 'to snatch. concatenates 3 sign variants] . kéš-(d): n. n. Sumerian Lexicon. to bind') . + šita4. smelly cheese [KISIM archaic frequency: 67. kilim. to seal. threshing floor (ki. taboo. sweet beer (kaš. kéš.0 60 . + bùru/bùr. to join. kiši5. Version 3. director (kíñ. kìlib. wrap. + gal. weight measure (ki. seal. lillan: stalk with ripe ear of grain. plump. + ùru(-m). 'sweet. bounty. old.. libbu 'heart'). slab (of stone). to watch. 'big') [GUKKAL archaic frequency: 36. 'to stand') [LAGAB archaic frequency: 84. 61 . stock-breeder (kuruš.. hurt. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . lagarx[SAL. + dim4. kurun(2. wine grape.. + gub. kušum: to scorn. used. liri: Sumerian Lexicon. worn (la. lipiš: courage. ŠÚ. core. 'to deliver'). kukkuç ? [IŠ]: a type of flour. kiši16/17[Ú. to last long. physical strength. share(s). 'to watch. 'abundance'. gurušda. abundance (reduplicated kur9. kuruš. lirum. lagab: block.. laþtanx.. kuru7. v. gukkal [LU. concatenates 4 sign variants] . reject. kiša(2). guard') . spy (ki. + tán. 'to build'. + ušum. mule. kuruça ?: sweet fodder (for fattening cattle). 'to wash'. traditional. lidim: to receive (in charity) (la. fattener (of cattle). gurun ). + bír. lookout.. fat'. + níñ. fat-tailed sheep (kun. to surround' ?) [GURUŠDA archaic frequency: 61].ÞÚL]: donkey. 'place'. 'to become clean') . fat. lagar: temple servant who pronounces invocations to the god [LAGAR archaic frequency: 51. kúkku [MI. heart. family (Akk. kukkuš. kurušda. onager. trunk (of tree) (cf.ñiš kišik(2). kuš6. or grape cluster (cf. 'assets') . kušumx. ku7: sweet.. kušu[U. + da(5). v. kurum7. kurum6. kur7: n.AN]: kungal. a high ranking cultic functionary. liliz: a drum. ancient. kuniñx. piece'.IGI]: to steal.3): sweet red wine. liru. libiš.MUL]. kilib) (lag. concatenates 3 sign variants] . honey (cf. laþta: a washing vessel (luþ/làþ. kúnga[BAR. kunga[ŠÚ. lilib[IGI.AN. old age [LIBIR archaic frequency: 1].PIRIÑ]: herd of cattle or sheep.. kúnin: kurku(2): refined asphalt.MI]: dark. 'to shrivel up') . 'clod. bitumen (ku. 'solitary'). concatenates 2 sign variants] . 'youthful freshness'.ÞÚB]: laþtan(2): (divine) vizier. 'place'. 'to beg'). grapevine. Version 3. anger. adj. to abandon (ki. 'tail'. kurušda). libir: n. 'side. kur6: a basket of food-rations. + gal. beer vat [LAÞTAN 2 archaic frequency: 7]. to live long..0 n.ÑÍR]: a thorny bush [? KIŠIK archaic frequency: 21. waist. battle (mur10. support (?).11. owner. clamor (maþ..8: murub(2): neck. múru: central. 'man'. muþaldim [MU]: mùnsub: munšub(2): baker.3): (cf. + dím. stake (mud.? + kuš7. interval. launderer (mur10/mu4. 'to emerge'). 'to hang') . pelt. woman. and etymology of nitaþ). mašda(2): maškim: commoner. 'lungs'. lumgi(2. múdru: fuller. urum: brother-in-law (mí. nunus[Emesal]: female. munus[SAL]. 'relatives').3)).. 'great'. serous fluid (lúñ. Sumerian Lexicon. ridge (mur. madlu.. máš-lulim) (Akkadian loanword). loins'. sheriff. nun. mí/mu10. 'to watch. 'peg. lugal: king. master (lú. 'short').adj. 'to make.ŠEŠ. shoulders. 'to fashion. 'a right-angled tool'. lukur: chaste priestess. cf.. gazelle (máš. commissioner (máš.0 62 . 'to dress oneself'. 'reptile'.3). 'to mill. 'devastation') . + nuz/nus. middu(2). mašda: drawing. concatenation of 4 sign variants] . monitor. courtesan (?) (lú. lu-þu-um). barber ('it falls down oneself') [? MUNŠUB archaic frequency: 3. short person (lú. hairy skin. + gú. 'moist. mudul: pole. apply') [? DARA3 archaic frequency: 11. fresh'). sexual charm [MURUB 2 archaic frequency: 4]. + gal. create') . 'partner'. muru3. shepherd. makkaš(2): wailing. + an. + íb. hips. powerful. mur7. nail'. + gag. 'middle.. error' + éd. woman (this pronunciation found in absolute inflection. + dù. concatenates 2 sign variants] . 'egg') (cf. + lal/lá. 'person'. hart (male of the red deer. back. in-between terrain. murgu: dung (sheep). luñud(?): pus.. hair. lugud. + kíñ. 'sky') [MUŠEN archaic frequency: 178]. 'neck'). destitute. 'to divide. grind'. cf. megida(2). mezem [ÚMBISAG]: maintenance. mušen: bird (muš. 'fault. 'big') [LUGAL archaic frequency: 80]. lúgud: short.5. 'to inspect'. 'hostile'). mí ) (mí. portion'. 'work').KI]: bitter plants. mitum(2): mace (the weapon). cook (mù. nunuz.. lunga(2. + þal. + gud8. lulim: stag. + a(k). cf. murum5. + ùru(-m). 'woman'. 'woman'. inspector. luþummu[ÑIŠ-MI]: mud (cf. ú munzur[KI. hide.AN. 'genitive'). vulva. murub4. guard' or úrum. 'to scrutinize'. 'to clothe oneself'. 'grown man'. mudla. median area. + duru5. mangaga: palm fiber. itimurub4). megidda(2): sow (female pig). murgu(2). + kúr. bast (man. lú ningi(2. middle. strong. Version 3. bushel. panther (from Akk. to make the rounds (usually níñin[LAGAB] for hamtu form and niñin or ni 10ni10[LAGAB.'to deliver') [NIMGIR archaic frequency: 62]. to assemble.'morning'. rod = 12 cubits (kùš) = 6 meters. nindan. 'to release. ninda: a length measure. 'to store') . lumgi(2. potash. índa: hopper or seeding apparatus of the seeder plow. niñir (2)).bur. + min. nimurx[PIRIÑ. night watchman.7. decent. ningi(2. true. 'to be satiated. kilib and gur 4-gur 4) [NIGIN archaic frequency: 11]. middatu. concatenation of 2 sign variants] .. 'two'). 'to drink'. niñin(2. pure-bred breeding bull. 'the power of the mace'). pewter (níñ. king (lit.NA]: tin. nindaba(2). to surround. nigida[PI]: (cf. ancestors (from Akk. 'to go').bariga ). whole (cf. mindatu. to pen up cattle. miñir(2): a bride's male attendant. adj. namešda[ŠITA. + ñin. nañña. malformed child. nìñin. nimru(m) I). 'stone'. niñin5. nañar: adze.. flower. inda..NE]: kiln. + ba. + nam.. + bar. (cf. lum. + ñar.'to deliver'). true measure (na4. niñir(2). + ñar. nidba(2): lú food offering (ninda.4.ñá. 'to slice') [GAR archaic frequency: 409].3). circle. middatu. naña: district. to circle. 'destiny' or just reduplicated nam). craftsman (na4. bakery good.ÑIŠ. mindatu. 'to measure') . ni9: premature or stillborn child. province.3). enclosure. to halt. fish roe. Sumerian Lexicon. 'valuables'.'woman' and nim. lùm. + dar.9. thirst. herald. 'garden plot' square measure (from Akk. bailiff (probable conflation of separate words: mí. + ñír..NÁM]: top warrior. town crier.. 'twenty'.3): brewer (nañ.muššagana: voracious hunger. 'token. nindaba) . one side of a sar/šar .. 'a small pot').5). niñin(2): n. honest. niññi [AN. funnel.TUR]: leopard. tube. counter'.. 'valuable thing'.LAGAB] for marû form) (ní. dizziness. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . ñiš nimbar: nimgir(2): date-palm (nim. nidba(2): (cf. nanam: n. 'to be high'. v. nimin.. reliable. to wander about.'premature birth'. meal'). ninda: bread. 'to measure') [NINDA 2 archaic frequency: 20]. ni-gi-da . 'to give') . Version 3. full'. milt. niñar[NI9. nimur[KI. to turn round. d nanna: the moon as a god [NANNA archaic frequency: 49.3): vertigo (as a disease). 'food'. faintness. capacity. carpenter.0 63 . nin5: forty (niš. lunga(2.8. nimen(3. nínda.ÑAR]: a dark room. monstrosity. premature or monstrous fetus (ni9. turn away. 'fear'. wood-chisel. food (níñ. 'knife') [NAGAR archaic frequency: 168.ne4. + ñar. nisañ(2). headdress (sañ.3. spring time (month). 'to cross over'. frame (bad/be. (cf. economic director of a temple or occupation (such as all the smiths) (sañ. nindu. palil(2): advance troops.SIG7. sañña(2. 'egg') [NUNUZ archaic frequency: 134. dough. nita(2): wife. ÑÁ×BAD. green. shock troops. pulverized'). sediment (cf.. 'to hold') . ninkum[NIN. 'crushed. sañdulx[U+SAÑ]: hat. 'thing'. píriñ: bright. + sig7. offspring. nunuz.'self'. ÑÁ×SIG7 ]. sañtag. offspring. adj. nisi. vigor'.4): a sprinkler. kuš7) (sa5. sit'). lip (reduplicated tùn.ñá. nissa: n. 'dots. middle (su.3. Version 3.'to multiply') [GIŠ 3 archaic frequency: 16. santak(2. piriñ(3): lion (poetic). bar-rim4). sad2.. sowing.. sab [PA. puzur: (cf. protect') . cornfield. buniñ x). rubbish.IB]: hips. 'head'. sañtušx[U+SAÑ]: hat. 'lip'). + ñar. headdress (sañ. niñunx: n. pisañ(2/3). + taþ.. 'to cover. nesañ(2): first fruits (offering). progeny (níñ. concatenation of 5 sign variants] . nuñunx. saþar: silt. + tuš. UŠ archaic frequency: 101. to produce. 'to store') [SANGA archaic frequency: 530.. (ú) númun: a type of grass (halfâ'). concatenation of 2 sign variants] . 'to reside. 'head'.ME. 'head'. + sañ. concatenation of 2 sign variants. rushes (cf. dry land (as opposed to marsh land or water) (cf. governor (ní.4 [ÑÁ×U. foremost. 'red-brown'. headdress (sañ.3). 'to open'. loins. 'body'. šab.4: bar. (written) wedge. 'first') [NISAG 2 archaic frequency: 94. light (bar6/7. buzur).3. 'self.. 'men'). manly (ní. Sumerian Lexicon.4). parim: arid land. yellow'). nisig. 'to cover') [SAGŠU archaic frequency: 14]. seed.ninindu.UBARA]: temple treasurer. 'to shine'. + tag. nitadam. sabad(2. cap. nundum. male. ñiš saþab(2). + gùn. + šúš/šú..0 64 . used for ritual cleaning. pisan(2/3): puniñx: (open) basket.NUN. mud. earth. greens. + sañ. + níñ. nitalam: nitaþ(2). blue. + þara. 'head'. speckles') [NUMUN archaic frequency: 22]. stove (cf. bolt (of a door). 'to open') . wine cellar ?. leader (bala... inda4: oven. single (sañ. sand. suþub3. dust. 'head'. nundun: ú aški) [NUMUN2 archaic frequency: 2]. immindu).4): triangle.PAB. 'green. concatenation of 5 sign variants] . beautiful. female (reduplicated nuz. loam. numun. sanña(2.3. concatenates 3 sign variants] . guardian deity of the foundations [NINKUM archaic frequency: 11]. vegetables (níñ. + dul. nunus: egg(s). 'head'). man. 'valuables'. + lú. box.. 'thing') [PIRIG archaic frequency: 103. concatenates 2 sign variants] . + bad. chest. v. sañšu: helmet. rot. 'to bring..4: sin. 'to shine brightly'. scalp. human'. to trim or comb the hair. + bad. barbel. 'body'. Sumerian Lexicon. virginal. pit.. sikil: v. leash. 'time'. v. to decay... 'hair' ?. sipa. fresh.. subar: slave.. + en(2. offering. + dug. silim[DI]: to be/make in good shape.. cf.3): clay pot. + þirin. 'to weep'.. sílig: hand. deliver'). šum4[BAD]: n. 'to be hot') [ŠANDANA archaic frequency: 3. siskur(2). sizkur(2): n. 'to create.. 'foreign').SUM]: the threshing floor with the piles of grain and straw (su7.3. to make an incision. pure (siki. 'red'. clean. 'pleasure. keeper [SIPA archaic frequency: 4]. Northerner (su. sig7. or rope (for an ox). Version 3. sipad. smith (si4. sañña ).0 65 . + ùr. šuba. to slay. sil5. d suena. joy'. 'to be straight.3. suþuš) [SUÞUR archaic frequency: 239]. concatenates 2 sign variants] . suþur: n. 'knowledge'. to scratch. v. + kur9. silañ. to be/make clean. šilig). yoke. 'to find'). 'sweet smelling grass') . adj. + lum. healthy. the past (su. 'body'. 'chills' and šeñ6.. decay. trap (si. + ñin. suku5. simug: metal-sculptor. sibad. 'abundant'. prayers. v. 'threshing floor'. šandana. to pasture. sanña(2. cf. narrow'. tree top. zabar). cf.. šandan: herbalist. sacrifice with entreaties. horticulturist. 'to engrave') [SIMUG archaic frequency: 13]. 'to keep in order'. dsuen[EN. root means 'peace' in 18 of 21 Semitic languages. or pàd. + tin..3: n. hair. rites.. 'to shine'. 'to let out'. pitfall. suñin.3). sun. + -/ak/. shepherd. sub2. 'roof'. + bar. tend (si. pure. crest (su6. suþurku6: giant carp. 'head. ancient. silig: (cf. sidug: ravine.. to make beautiful') [SIKIL archaic frequency: 7]. + þe. 'beard'.. suþirin[SU7. loanword. to ruin.. sipar: (cf. cf. šeñ4. sila11: to knead (dough or clay).ZU]: the moon (sú. concatenation of 2 sign variants] . to sacrifice (isiš2. v. + ul. 'to go') [? ZATU-644 archaic frequency: 65. something rotten. santana.. 'to cure'. 'of'). complete (usually considered Akk.dug sáþar [SAR]: saman(2. also. 'vessel'). + mug. but Sumerians used word in greeting and root not in Orel & Stolbova's Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary. old. to pray. sumun. silig3. date orchard administrator (sañ. adj. 'to grow luxuriantly').4): (cf. suþuš: roots. 'to be numerous'. sukud. a priest.SAÑ. susbu: clean. + gan.. tall. + in. fierce. envoy. enraged. distribute. + kir. to be enraged (against someone: -da -). šaggin. + kir. vizier (su. sty') . high. 'straw'). to lift. dug šakira(3). + mug. 'abundant'. sukkal: messenger. Version 3. cf. container'. container'. + þe. furious. šà-ñar). swift') [SUKKAL archaic frequency: 130]. šarin: tick. šakir(2): henbane. birthmark (su. 'cow'). minister.kud/ku5). 'long') [SUKUD archaic frequency: 15].mar). 'stomach. 'to grow. churn. ú šakira(2).. šagan). + kalag/kal. 'to give') [ŠABRA archaic frequency: 1].. shine brightly (cf. churning. 'to engrave. šákan: official in charge of expenditures . šakan: (cf. suñin).. v. šardiš. stubborn.AL]: temple administrator. + uš. 'body'.. 'to support'. 'stomach. sumaš: a common marine fish [SUMAŠ archaic frequency: 3]. surim: (cf. 'strong. + ru. depth (su.comptroller (šu. šaggina).4. surin). to be/make high. šañar: hunger (cf. height.. Sumerian Lexicon. fierceness (Akkadian loanword . 'stomach. to flash. concatenates 3 sign variants] . šabra. 'to bring forth'. foundation.5): mole.... support. šapra [PA. sulummar[KI. 'to gather up'. súr: n. bathed. zú. 'flesh'. support (su4. šagan. sumun: (cf. šúr.4. reliable') [? ŠAGINA archaic frequency: 1]. 'fierce.. šaran. šagina: military governor (šag4. god of wild creatures (šag4/šà. representative. cf. šakar: milk jug (šag4/šà. container'. šaggina. šandana: (cf.0 66 . + gíd. šakan: a large jar for oil. santana ).. adj. sumug(3.šamru . also. 'body'.. adj. courier. 'portion'. multiply'. suþur). v. suku5: to measure. šakir(3): butter tub.DU]: disgrace (cf... šassuk[SAÑ-GÍN]: registrar of deeds. sumur.. šarñeš[ŠÁR×DIŠ]. commissioner (šab. zugud: n. concatenates 2 sign variants] . su(11)-lum. 'steady.. 'cow' + /ak/.. 'guts'. + gan. + gi-na.5). 'to bring forth') [? ŠAGAN archaic frequency: 55]. genitive) [ŠAKIRA 3 archaic frequency: 56. šargalx[ŠÁR×GAL]: '216000'. samag(3. bedbug (šár. súkud. pitcher (šag4/šà.. wild') [ŠUR2 archaic frequency: 17. 'to build. basket. axe. concatenates 2 sign variants] .. šidi[GIM]: architect.e. 'warp yarns connecting opposite sides of a loom frame' and dul. šurin4. 'to cover') . lance (šu. to cease. 'clay. šembi: kohl. antimony (as makeup).3. cricket. luminous metal'). slanted. 'to pour'.. šutug(2): a reed hut for purification rites.4. crosspiece (šúš/šú. salve. šidim..3. 'to cover'. ñiš šilig: ñiš šinig: ñiš šilig and nam-šilig). to lay aside one's work. 'people'). šuba.5. + imi/im. silig(5): v. crooked.3: a jar for body oil.5).5: cockroach. + bar. šikin2. + dím. ñiš šibir. šerimsur: caterpillar cocoon (šerim.5). tamarisk. to spin [a cocoon]') . also such a staff used by a god or king as a scepter (sipad. dung.either the harness or the heddle [TAG archaic frequency: 48 ?. concatenates 7 ? sign variants] . šubur: earth. šukur: spear.0 67 . šilam: milk-producing mother cow (šu. 'to flow. + lam. 'dwelling').4..5. stove grill (šúš. sibir: n. 'to lead. 'channel'. + kúr. Version 3. šidim). ñiš šudun(2.. quince or medlar [ŠENNUR archaic frequency: 11. (kuš) šuþub(2). to bear') .. 'to exude. + dun(4). slave. adj. 'boar'. 'to bind'. ointment. šudug(2). 'part of a weaving loom'. šitim: (cf.. šurim: animal excrement. stop. ñiš uštil: yoke. 'rope'. make') [ŠIDIM archaic frequency: 35]. to step. v. suþub(2) [MUL] : n. + ùru. ñiš šudul(2. extremely powerful. šušana: šušur(2): one third (part). 'foreign'). deprived person [ŠUBUR archaic frequency: 181]. gi šukur: urudu/ñiš fence. ñiš šennur: a fruit tree. adj. šurun. 'to stand') . šiten: course of march. mason (šid3. sérim: a part of the loom . šubun: (cf. ñišbun). to feed by grazing. 'to cover'. 'abundance') . + re7. + zar/sur8. Mesopotamian fallow deer (?) (šeg9.šedur: caterpillar cocoon (éše. šurun4.... boots (šúš/šú. shepherd's staff ending in a curved end. drip'. šenbar: a type of wild boar (?). strong(cf. stable (šur. 'shepherd'. šerim(2). 'to cover'. a crook. i. to trample. passage (šìta. + un. + gub. 'hot. Sumerian Lexicon. mud').4. + dúr. šerin. 'hand'. šilig(5). 'enemy'). šitim. ibira: merchant. 'life'. palm. in case. oven. tukum. release' ? 'the beggar's open palm') . tibira: taltal: metalworker (tab. tešlug: small young animal. útug: a weapon. nibble. + ir(2). tradesman (Proverb 3. wisdom (reduplicated tál. tugul: hip.10): herdsman (udu. Version 3. excavation (often written te-me-en) [TE archaic frequency: 199]. clasp'. workgang. high') . tukumbi: if. + ùru. + bil. 'liquid secretion'). Sumerian Lexicon. female breast. a figure on the ground made of ropes stretched between pegs. utug: pitfall. tilþar: cloud.3. ugra: reed bundle. army. a demonic being. troops.108 describes how the peddler 'flays' or 'skins' the open hand of the customer) . ubilla(2): ubur: soot (ú. údug. respectful (same sign as dilmun ). túkur[KA׊E]: to gnaw. 'cavity'. thigh (túg.UL]: lizard. tidnum[UG-UG or ÚG-ÚG]. 'man') [UDUL archaic frequency: 32. ugula [PA]: overseer. 'to be deficient. light. silence. loan). at once. carry').NA. fledgling. ñiš taškarin. protection. + íla. 'to hold. tukun: if. foundation-charter. + lal/lá. teat (ub4.5): hand.4. 'plant'. taskarin[TÚG]: box shrub or small tree (or its heavy. blow. campaign. tilmun: distinguished. hard wood) (may be Akk.šutum[GI. udul/utul(3. foundation platform. 'understanding') . ubara[EZEN×KASKAL]: patronage. 'luminous object') . + tab. foreman (loan from Akkadian waklu where Christopher Ehret's 1995 Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic has *wax "to look at"). captain. ugnim: crowd.0 68 . midnum: tiger ?. 'cloth garment'. tíbira. leopard ? [? TIDNUM archaic frequency: 1]. tabira. tibir: carving knife.5. please. tibir(2.4. certainly (usually followed by hamtu verb form). 'to burn'. weapon.bappir mixed with munu 4 and allowed to ferment (tìl/ti. (ñiš) tukul: mace (thigh bone ?). foundations. knowledge. temen[TE]: perimeter. strike ('life' + 'open.AB. 'to burn') . 'sheep'. in case.6. ki titab(2): beer mash . concatenates 4 sign variants] . 'to lift. experience. udug. + lú. udun[GIR4]: kiln (for pottery and bricks). + sañ. 'to seek. 'nurse'. Sumerian Lexicon. umbin: nail. 'lion. living room. natural. 'door') [UNUG archaic frequency: 206. fetch'. ukkin: communal assembly. wheel (of a chariot. 'individual human') . cf. poor man. úgun[GAŠAN]: lady. many'. chain (u. ukur3. ukum: dust (devil). úmun. concatenates 4 sign variants] . unkin. jewelry. ùgun.AB]: uraš[IB]: earth. 'to strap.6. any deadly cat' + n. umbisañ: scribe (umbin. 'plant'. cheek.11: umuš. unkin-ñar-ra) [UKKIN archaic frequency: 108. Version 3. 'to decorate with colors' may be popular scribal etymology. mold. v.5: n.LÁ]: umun: title of respect. ferocity. discernment.. úrdu[ARAD×KUR]: úrgu: elevated shrine. (cf. to be or become poor. a swamp plant. poverty.. louse. mistress. + gùn. nail impression (on a clay tablet). ointment.. 'barking dog') . harness') .0 69 . many'. Emesal dialect form of en . 'people'.ÈŠ = TE. 'ten. + ig. kuš ummud. 'ten. temple. 'people'. ùmmu[EDIN. + da. to beget. umum: ùmun: (goatskin) water bag. flea. umun5.. + kíñ/kin.ugun[U. uku2. 'to hold. ruler. + maþ. úgunu. raw form or material. 'to examine. ùnug.. ummeda(2). 'discrete point') . knowledge. leash. swamp (u. éme: wetnurse. unug(2). sanctuary. ulušin: emmer beer. inspect') . fortress. loincloth. scholarship [UMUN 2 archaic frequency: 114]. protect') . concatenates 3 sign variants] .4. uš4: (stagnant) pool.. consideration.. claw. mammy (umu/um. 'to kill'. attention-getting. secret. + kir. genetic. the city of Uruk (ùña/un. folkmoot (ùña/un.DAR/GÙN]: adorning speckles and lines. swamp. talon. bear. adornment. v. unu(2): dwelling. unu6 [TEMEN. rage (ur + gù. 'cow'). application. úkuš: cucumber. hair pin. 'to be impressed' + máš. cf. concatenates 3 sign variants] . ug. inlaid decoration (u. arad ).. adj. harness. ulul(2): binding. idea. + lal. progenitor. decision (u6. intelligence. ugu(4): n. umaþ: marsh. 'nail impression [on a tablet]'. reflection. úkur: butcher (ug5. wagon) [UMBIN archaic frequency: 34. 'high'). hoof. úlutin: attractive. mother-in-law (ñìš/uš.A/DIRIG]: basket (uš. + am. 'ten'. ušar(2. utul: (cf. ušbar(3/7): father-in-law. cut'. uri2... ùru(-m)) [URI5 archaic frequency: 21]. 'iron') [ZABAR archaic frequency: 1].KA.. 'to support. + ára/ár. evening (cf. foreign') . concatenates 3 sign variants] . 'large jug'). + gal. uzalak[GE22]: uzug. uru7: usan(2): spawn. 'wild ox'). urin.5: doorpost (cf. zé. 'city'. 'to pare. relatives. 'to be many'). 'blood'.5: area measure.BAR]: bronze (zil. ú-si4 an). tenth-part set aside (þà/u.4).4). + dù.3. penis'. kin. 'dragon'. urum. cauldron (ú. 'to mould. utul2. blood [ŠEŠ ZATU-523 archaic frequency: 25.. + bar.urim2. concatenates 2 sign variants] .3. 'sheep'. solitary. cf. neighbor (uš. ušur(2. urud: copper.3. + zag. tithe. ur7: úrum. standard. níñ-ka 9). breed bull (udu. go out') . emblem. barzil.7: pot. útu: dried. lift'. 'big'). zabar[UD. (ñiš) zabalam: juniper (cf. 'bronze' borrowed before vowel harmony changed Sumerian word. alone. uzalag. ùsan: whip. 'to support'. ušumgal: lord of all. ú-sug 4) (úš. 'plant'. Akk. composite creature (uš11.4. + gal. Sumerian Lexicon. kettle. uruda. 'man. 'outside of') . 'cavity. ušum.. zurzub(2)). za-ba-lum ) [? ZABALAM archaic frequency: 45. dragon. white'. person under a taboo (cf. zi. urrub(2): (cf. 'food'. solitary. ušu: n. ursub(2). dragon (ušum. woman isolated after birth. (gi) ušub[SI. concatenates 3 sign variants] . cast') [URUDU archaic frequency: 61. 'great') [UŠUMGAL archaic frequency: 21].5. uru6. ušera: reed bundle (ú. urugal: the netherworld (uru.0 70 . siparrum. menstruating woman. adj. concatenates 2 sign variants] . urudu... uzug ). utua(2): breed ram.. ušbar: weaver. ùri[ŠEŠ]: eagle. sovereign. + a.. Version 3. usug: uzug2. 'bright. udul ). = 1/4 of an iku (= 25 sar ). sky. + zìg. monster of composite powers. 'to praise') [UŠUR 3 archaic frequency: 3. powdered milk. + tal. hole'). 'semen. + bar6. 'snake venom'. banner. usar: (female) companion. 'outside. 'luminous object'. + ub4. uttuku: (cf.. father') [UTUA archaic frequency: 74. fry. + šár. 'to expend. utaþ. concatenates 2 sign variants] . usug: (cf. metal (ùru.. zukum: to trample. zurzub(2). to mourn'. Sumerian Lexicon. span = 1/2 cubit = 15 fingers = 25 cm.BAD]: half. who (a.. luminous. 'burning tears' ?). za-dím) [ZADIM archaic frequency: 2]. roaming. the light before dawn. make'). a length-measure.tuš: to live near the water ('water' + 'near' + 'to dwell (singular)'). a-aþ-du11-ga: a-ba: (cf.abaalu.. stone cutter (cf.dé: a-dé: to pour out water. to irrigate. zalag(2). + sub. to shine. 'water'.. 'to suckle') . purify (often reduplicated). to walk on. early morning. do. + a. foraging (said of animals). a-da-ab: a type of song (also written as a-tab.. + kum. bright.. 'it'. 'to crush') . vagabond (zil..zadim: jeweler. a-da-lam.. 'blister'). sukud). to illuminate. 'to spout. brightness. also. urrub(2): a container provided with teat-shaped protuberances (zur4. + bala.. + bi. 'turn. contest ('when' + 'with' + 'an equal'). a.. make'). zilulu[PA. pupa. adj. 'to flay. a-da-al-ta: from now on ('now' + 'from'). to flood ('water' + 'to pour'). 'to'.. gleam. a-da-mìn. zizna: fish roe. a-da-mìn. caterpillar (zi. a-da gub-ba: water duty ('water' + 'near' + 'to stand' + nominative). flow'. i-da-al-àm: a-da-mìn: now ('now' + 'to be').dug4/du11/e: to compete ('contest' + 'to speak. radiant. zapaþ[ŠU. a-da. 'the').. aba ). 'to be dry. may be Orel & Stolbova #2519). zugud.BAD: 'open hand' . pure. aþ-du 11-ga ). zal: n. plural 'to stand'.0 71 .approx.. a-bala: drawing of water (a. v. to step on (súg. pare' ? . a-a: father (reduplicated 'offspring') . a-ab-ba: (cf. ursub(2). abnormal growths on a fetus. (ŠU. a fish (cf. distance measured by span of outstretched thumb and little finger) .aka: to compete (with someone: -da -) ('contest' + 'to do. Version 3. 'life'. to cleanse. zanbur: prowling. fresh. duty') . light. a-dar-túnku6: a fish ('water' + 'to slice' + 'to smash')... + bun. zipaþ.ÑIŠGAL]: peddler. zibin(2): chrysalis. a-ba-al: 'dry' asphalt (Akkadian loanword . + lú-ùlu. 'people'). zubud: a kind of club. back.gur: to turn back ('back' + 'to return'). a-ia10-lum: stag (Akkadian loanword).. A.. a-ga-bi-šè: afterwards ('after' + adverbial force suffix + 'towards'). a... a... Version 3. to deposit. A-ñar: (cf. marshy.. a-þur-rum: (cf.ñin/gub: to go to fetch water ('water' + 'to the' + 'to go') . reject'). the metal.. holy water ('water' + 'to purify' + nominative). a-gig: bitter tears ('water' + 'pain'). a-e. e5-ñar).íl: a-ka: to carry water ('water' + 'to lift. a. a-gáb: (cf. a-ga-mu-um: artificial pond . after... carry'). a-gar5: lead. a-gàr: irrigated field ('water. flood ('water' + 'to be black' + nominative). þu-ru(-um)).. ñarim ).gu7(-a): a-gúb-ba: kuš a-ñá-lá: a-ñá-ri-in: eroded by the water ('water' + ergative agent marker + 'to consume' ( + nominative)) . and permanent or semi-permanent lake used as a reservoir to dispose of flood waters (prob. carry').. Akk. loanword). fresh'). eñir). deliver') . in that way. a-è-a: overflowing or breaks in levees ('water' + 'to emerge' + nominative).0 72 . ugu4-bi). a-ga. a-dùg: freshwater ('water' + 'sweet...EN-da-urudu: a-eštubku6: a-ga: a type of copper. úgu ).dug4/e: a-dun-a: to irrigate ('water' + 'to do'). when' + 'like').. early flood ('water' + 'river carp'). a flat area (measured in sar ) (cf. a-ga-àm. (cf. back room (cf.. inshore fisherman (?) ('water' + 'lowly student' + nominative)... a-ga-zu-ta: behind you ('back' + 'your' + 'from'). to be submerged ('water' + 'to store. backside. how! ('if.a-dé-a: the yearly spring flood ('water' + 'to pour' + nominative). high tide. seed' + 'cake' ?).. a-šè. Sumerian Lexicon.. a-ga-aš-gi4: the most awkward one ('in back' + 'the one' + 'to send. a-kúm: hot water ('water' + 'hot'). leather sack (for flour) ('water' + 'to store' + 'to lift.a large. a-gal: overflow of flood waters ('waters' + 'big').ñar/ñá-ñá: a-ñi6(-a): to irrigate.. a-ga-am. -a-gin7: as (= when) . a-ñi 6). a-sa-ga: propitious water ('water' + sa6-ga.. exuberance ('tears' + 'happiness') . waste land ('where' + remote demonstrative affix + nominative). a-na-gim.. a. a-na-àm. adjective for small cattle. a-silim: to be filled with water ('water' + 'to fill up'). Version 3. amaš). a-na-gin7-nam: a-ne: how ('what' + 'like'[ + abstract process]) . a-MI: (cf.. quoted speech in the texts]. remove'). e-ne ). + ni. a-maš: sheepfold (cf. a-nu-gi4-a: (cf. cf.. á-nu-gi 4-a ). why ('what' + enclitic copula). often of joy.. a-na me-a-bi: as many as they are.. mighty'). a. a.. a-na: what (a. way. she'.'he. a-ri-a. a-lum: adjective for sheep. times (multiplication) ('where' + 'to go. overflow').'to'. a-ra-zu: prayer. to give as a votive gift (with dative) ('water' + 'to send') .ri: to engender ('semen' + 'to pour into') . tear out').'the').. a-na-aš(-am): why? (why is it that . road... a-sal-bar: architrave ('water' + 'to spread' + 'to distribute. to dedicate. overflow. Sumerian Lexicon. u 18-ru). rushes') .. bursting of a dam ('water' + 'high. a-pa4: funerary pipe (a clay pipe through which water and beer were poured into the grave) ('water' + 'small canal') . a-ri-a)..aka: what (will/did) X do?.e: a-rá: to say a prayer [often introduces direct. 'to win fortune') . a numun-sañ-ñá: water of the first seeds = watering of seeds just planted ('water' + 'seeds' + 'first' + genitive). rushes ('water' + 'grass.. + a. a-nir: lamentation.a-la. a-ru-a: district.?) ('what' + 'one'[ + 'to be']). cf. a-ma-ru: destructive flood ('water' + 'to go' + 'to send'. dirge ('tears' + 'to raise high').. all of it ('what there is of it').. desert..0 73 . ú a-númun: reeds. carry [plural]'. rite ('tears' + 'to overflow' + 'to inform'). a-la-la: a-lu: exclamation.ra: to ejaculate ('seminal fluid' + 'to strike. potion ('water' + 'health'). (cf. a-rá-bumušen: duck ('water' + 'to go [plural]' + 'to pull. a-maþ: flood.... a-na-àm: thus.. 'its'. to open the wings ('wings' + 'to spread out') . Version 3.. Sumerian Lexicon.. take away' + nominative). a-ù: high water. cool water ('water' + 'cool').. wing' + 'sky. a-(IM)šèñ-ñá: rainwater ('water' + 'rain' + genitive). a-zi-ga: rising waters ('water' + 'to rise up' + nominative). a-zu5. + a. brackish water ('water' + 'bitter. *hadar. a.. a. the father who begot one ('semen' + 'to procreate') . ally ('strength' + 'to add') . á. cf. to instruct (someone: -da -) ('strength' + 'to check') . á-še ). raceme ('arm. ('when' + 'away from'). + a. orders ('strength' + 'to check'. a-ša4: (cf. á-daþ: help. a-su: physician (cf. break' + 'to do. at one-half its hire price ('wages' + 'its' + 'to divide' + 'to go' + 'from').. nominalizer).. desire') . á-áñ-ñá: instructions. to mock ('water' + 'to cut. a-še-ra: a-šed12: lamentation.tùm: to flow with water ('water' + 'to bring. a-tùr. high' + 'date fruit').0 74 .tab: to hold or block water ('water' + 'to hold').tu5: to bathe ('water' + 'to wash'). a-tar. a-tu5-a: lustration ('water' + 'to wash' + nominative). related to Orel & Stolbova #1323.. a-tur-ra. a-gàr. bind. á-an-zú-lum-ma: ñiš á-apin: á-áš: part of a seeder plow ('arm' + 'plow').. brackish')..nominative.a-šà-(g): field.. é-tùr: hollow (of the furrow) ? ('water' + 'birth-hut' for a plant seed ?. á-dam: settlement.aka: to play.áñ: to command.. spring flood ('water' + 'high').. a-u5-ba. a. a-šeš: bitter. azu).. what one needs ('strength' + 'to wish.'coolness') . levy ('wages' + 'spouse') . act') .. area ('seed' + 'womb'. + 'to be') . carry'). -a-ta: after . a-zu. ašag)..búru: á-dab5: date clusters.. á-bi ba-ma-ta: á.. a-šà-dib(-dib)-ba: the act of trimming the fields and levees of vegetation in preparation for drainage and irrigation ('fields' + 'to seize. to dam up water ('water' + 'piling up an earthen dam') .. a-u4-te-na: at the cool of the day ('when' + 'day' + ten.."darkness" ?).ñál: a-ugu4[KU]: a úš-a: to be at its high tide ('when' + 'on top' + bi. hirelings ('wages' + 'to hire'). á.gur: early morning ('arms' + 'necks' + 'rising'. involving a water bucket hanging from a swinging beam ('arm' + 'to hang'). á-kúš-ù: á-lá: to prevail ('strength' + 'to be tired') . to act strongly. á-ñe6-ba-a: at night ('side' + 'dark' + 'to divide' + locative). plow extension ('arm' + 'strong'). á guruš-bi: á... journey' + genitive). work performance' + 'road. to fly towards) ('wings' + 'to flap' + 'to do') . to take care ('strength' + 'to emerge'). á-gàr: embrace (?) ('arms' + 'something round and upraised') ..dúb. ñiš á-lá: a device for moving irrigation water. calendar month 7 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3..dúb: to be (supported) on your own ('wings' + 'self' + 'your' + 'to flap'). sickness demon ('strength' + 'to scatter') . á kaskal-la: migrant harvest workers ('arms. equipment ('arm' + 'to join'/'to complete'). to reinforce ('strength' + 'to establish') . kuš á-lá: drum ('side' + 'to bind'). rear. attention-getting exclamation: 'hey now!'..0 75 ...sud/sù: to move [intransitive] (reduplication class) ('arm' + 'to stretch').dar: to confiscate ('wages' + 'to split') .. Á-KAL: strength. wing' + 'bed'). undiluted strength ('strength' + 'pure' + nominative). Sumerian Lexicon. kuš á-si: whip ('arm' + 'antenna-like'). á. to bend the arm ('arm' + 'circular motion'). á-dúb.. fettered legs.è: to bring up. components (of the plow). to resist.aka: to flap one's wings (with -šè and -ši -. á-ní-za... bed chamber ('side. ama (4..5). bar ('arm' + 'to relocate'). á.á.. nominalizer).. á-gú-zi-ga: á. á-sikil(-la): pure. return' + nominative).. caravan. á-sàñ[PA]: disease. paralyzed arms ('arms' + 'to bind'). to oppress. á-suþ: elbow. á-nu-gi4-a: irresistable ('strength' + 'not' + 'to answer. á-šita4... month 6 at Drehem through year 3 of Šu-Sin. á-gi4-a: reimbursed wages ('wages' + 'to return.. iti á-ki-ti: calendar month 7 at Ur during Ur III. bolt. á-šu-du7: á.. by means of the strength of ('strength' + instrumental suffix) . Version 3. á-mi: (cf.-ta: parts.ñar: workmen's wages ('wages' + 'workers' + 'its'). (urudu/zabar) á-sur: á-še: a type of ax ('arm' + 'to divide'). + a. á-ná-da: áme). restore' + nominative). at the prompting of. á...tál: á-tuku: to have broad arms; to spread wings or arms ('arms; wings' + 'to be broad; to spread') . strength; able-bodied; mighty man ('arms; strength' + 'to have') . á-u4-te-en: á-úr: in the evening ('side' + 'daylight' + 'to extinguish, cool down') . limb, limbs, extremities ('arms' + 'legs': Sumerian example of asyndetic hendiadys). á-zi(-da): right arm; with hitting, violence ('arm' + 'good, firm, right' + 'with'). ab-(ba): (cf., aba ). ab-ba: father; elder; ancestor (Akk. loanword). ñiš ab-ba: (cf., ñiš-ab-ba(-k) ). ab-ba-uru: city elder ('elder' + 'city'). iti ab(-ba)-è: calendar month 10 at Nippur during Ur III. ab-ki-iz: ab-làl: clean furrow, unobstructed by weeds ('niche' + 'trimmed'). phonetic writing of ablal (3). ab-sín; ab-si-im-ma; ab-sù-na: furrow ('niche' + 'to sift'). ab-sín-gilim-ba/ma: crossing, transversal furrow, possibly for drainage ('furrow' + 'to cross plow' ( + 'its') + nominative). áb-ama: áb-amar: mother cow ('cow' + 'mother'). mother cow ('cow' + 'calf'). áb-gir15/gi7[KU]: domestic cow ('cow' + 'domestic'). áb-gud-þá: herd ('cow' + 'bull' + 'assorted, mixed'). áb-máþ[AL]: áb-sañ: cow in 3rd year of life that has calved ('cow' + 'calf'). a piece of tableware (?). áb-úr: a piece of tableware (?). ad-da: (cf., ada). ad...gi4: to echo; to ponder; to take counsel (with someone: -da -) ('shout' + 'to answer') . ad...gi4-gi4: to give counsel; to converse (confidentially) (cf., ad...gi4). ad-kub4[KID]: reed weaver; wicker-worker; maker of reed mats, boats, and containers. ad-kíd: ad...ša4: ad-tab: aga(3)-ús: reed mat plaiter ('father' + kid, 'reed mat'). to wail; to resound; to sing ('song' + 'to mourn') . rein(s) ('shout' + 'to hold; to be double') . policeman; companion, attendant; soldier ('crown' + 'to follow'). àga-rí(-na): (cf., agarin (2,3) or agarin 4,5). aþ-du11-ga: spittle (of sorcery) ('spittle' + 'utterance'). aþ...uš7[KA×LI]: to spit ('saliva' + 'spittle'). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 76 -/ak-eš/: because (genitival suffix + adverbial suffix) . al...aka: to work at hoeing ('hoe' + 'to do') . al...di/dug4/e: to desire, pray, demand, insist (often with -ni-) ('hoe' + 'to make the motion of'). al...dù: to hoe ground that is already broken ('hoe' + 'to mould, shape') . al-gazumx [ZUM+LAGAB]: an exotic spice. ñiš al-ñar: musical instrument ('hoe' + 'form, appearance') . ñiš al-ñar-sur9: musical instrument (ñišal-ñar, + 'to hang, suspend' [suru5 ?]). ñiš al-la-an: oak tree (Akk. loanword from allaanum, 'oak', cf., Orel & Stolbova #31 *'alan-/*'alun- 'tree'). al-la-þa-ru: al-lu5: a tanning agent used to produce a white color. crab ('digger' + 'to deceive') . al-lub/lu5: a type of ax (phonetic harmony variant of al-šub ?). al-lu5-þáb: a type of net (for crabs ?) ('crab' + 'to stink'). ñiš al...ri/ra: ñiš al-šub: to demolish with the hoe; to punish ('hoe' + 'to break open; to strike') . ax-like hoe ('hoe' + 'to throw; to fell'). al...tag: ñiš al-tar: to hoe ('hoe' + 'to handle') . demolishing tool (?) ('hoe' + 'to cut, break') . am-si: elephant ('wild ox' + 'horn, ray, antenna'; cf., šu-si, 'finger'). ama-a-tu/tud: (cf., emedu). ama-ar-gi4: freedom ('mother' + 'to shine' + 'to restore') . ama-gan; ama-ugu: iti amar-a-a-si: amar-kud: natural or birth mother ('mother' + ùgun, ugu(4), 'to beget') . calendar month 10 at Lagaš during Ur III. separated, weaned young animal ('calf' + 'to cut away from'). an-ba: refuse; litter; dirt ('open air' + 'to give up'). AN.BAR: (cf., barzil ). an-bar7[NE]; an-bar: noon; midday ('sky' + 'to be bright') . an-bir8[A-SUD]: noon; midday rest ('sky' + 'to be hot' ['WATER' + 'TO SIP']). an-dùl: shade; protection ('sky' + 'to cover, protect') . an-edin: an-ga-àm: an-gur4: high plain ('high' + 'steppe') . likewise (cf., in-ga-na-nam ). (cf., engur ). an-ñá: and yet (affirmative prefix ? + 'exists'). an-kára: (cf., enkara ). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 77 an-ki: universe ('sky' + 'earth'). AN.MUL: starry sky (verify than AN is not the rare sign ŠÚ ; cf., kunga[ŠÚ.MUL] ). an-na: tin; yes ('sky' + 'stone'; Civil thinks an-na, 'yes', is probably an Akkadianism, but cf., affirmative nanam, 'indeed' and in-nu, 'negation') . an-na...dug4/e: to say yes ('yes' + 'to say') . an-nisig(-ga): beautiful sky, blue sky ('sky' + 'beautiful, blue'). an-pa: zenith ('sky' + 'branch' of sun dial ?). an-SAR: (cf., an-nisig ). an-sig7-ga: the beautiful sky ('sky' + 'to be beautiful' + nominative). an-ša4-anki: Anshan - place name for powerful city in Elam - Tall-i Malyan near Persepolis in the Fars province of Iran. an-šár(-ra): all of heaven, the whole sky ('heaven' + 'totality, horizon') . an-še: ear of grain ('grain ear' + 'grain, barley'). an-ta: above ('heaven' + locative with remote deixis). an-ta-ñál: high, superior ('sky; high' + 'from' + 'to be'). an-ta...gi4: to meet ('heaven' + 'from' + 'to return'). an-ta-sur-ra: a stone ('heaven' + 'from' + 'boundary marker' + nominative). an-ub-da: regions; "quarter" ('sky' + 'corners' + 'with'). an-úr: horizon ('sky' + 'base, floor'). an-uraš: heaven and earth; universe ('heaven' + 'earth') . an-usan: evening ('sky' + 'evening') . an-za-kàr: tower, fort ('heaven' + 'stone' + 'round, high thing') . an-zag, an-zà: an-zaþ: where heaven ends ('heaven' + 'side, boundary') . heated or fused lead (an, 'tin' + 'to be calm'). anše-bala: pack-ass ('equid' + 'to cross over, deliver'). anše-bar-an-mi2: female donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'female'). anše-bar-an-nita2: male donkey ('equid' + 'foreign' + 'high' + 'male'). anše-bìr: ass yoked in a team ('equid' + 'team'). anše-dub: ass registered on a tablet ('equid' + 'tablet'). anše-du24-ùr: (cf., dur 9[ŠUL] ). anše-edin-na: wild ass ('equid' + 'steppe' + a(k), genitival postposition). anše-ñiš: ANŠE-ka: workass ('equid' + 'tool'). one of the best groups of people. Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 78 to channel ('to divide' + 'digging stick').. to curse ('curse' + 'to deliver')...0 79 .. to send forth') .. ba-ta-tur.. ÁŠ. to be next to') . ba-za: halt or lame person (cf. cultivating leasehold land ('plow' + 'to pay'). ñiš ba-rí-ga: bushel. áš.. ba-ab-si: it is more (conjugation prefix + inanimate direct object prefix + 'to be full. SAL (cf. ba-al: to dig (a canal). ba-da-ra: poniard (Akk. ar(2)... malt-sweetened porridge. plow fitted with seeder attachment ('plow' + 'seed').mú: to curse ('curse' + 'to blow.. neck-stock ('fetter' + 'neck'). ba-ra-tur: it is short (conjugation prefix + earlier/later ablative case prefix + 'small. glimmer.bal: áš. ba-lá: it is less (conjugation prefix + 'light. sufficient').za). áš. ñiš ba-an: a container. patarru . flee (cf. ba-ra: modal prefix . aš-me: sparkle. bariga ). sundisk. ba-an: a measure for bread and flour. ki.anše-kunga(2): anše-mar: chariot or wagon ass ('equid' + 'wagon') . plowman's helper ('plow' + 'to follow..dug4/e: to curse ('curse' + 'to speak/effect').. áš. ba-ra(-g): to spread out (cf. deficient').gi4: to answer with a curse ('curse' + 'to answer') ..sar: ñiš az-gú: to curse ('curse' + 'to write').GÀR: áš.. insufficient') . rosette ('unique' + 'function..de6/túmu: ñiš ar-ga-nu-um: ár. power').. iti apin-dug-a: APIN-lal: calendar month 8 at Nippur during Ur III. speak') .. áš á-zi-ga. bar). bara4). star symbol.. a coniferous tree (Akkadian loanword ?)... square-based measuring vessel = 6 bán in all periods (= 36 liters in Old Sumerian period and 60 liters in Old Akkadian and Neo-Sumerian period) (cf. to praise ('praise' + 'to speak. pattaru ).bal: to curse with violence ('curse' + 'raised arms' + 'to deliver').with marû denotes vetitive...e/i: to praise ('praise' + 'to bring'). with hamtu denotes negative affirmative. bad. ñiš apin-numun: apin-ús: mule ('horse' + 'donkey') . ba-ba: pudding. ba-rV: to fly. zeþ ). Version 3. Sumerian Lexicon.. ñiš bar-e11-dè: rope braiding lever ('outside' + 'to descend' + participial ending). to select' + 'polished. to be extra ('outside' + 'to be'). balañ-íl: harp or lyre carrier ('harp' + 'to lift').. bar. ñiš bar-dil: a type of plow (rare outside of lexical lists). shiny' [ + 'to do']) . cf. bar-ñál-la: unsheared ('fleece' + 'to be in place' + nominative).gub: to withdraw from ('side' + 'to stand aside') . battlement ('city wall' + 'long.. bala-gub-ba: worker stationed to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to stand' + nominative). bar-tam.. bàd-niñin: circular city wall ('city wall' + 'enclosure.ñál: to be outside. (cf. to see.. bar. distribute' + 'to knock down' + nominative).... bar. bàd-si-an-na: high battlements ('parapet' + 'to be high' + nominative).. Version 3.. ñiš bala. Sumerian Lexicon. bàd-si: parapet. circle'). to transport ('goods delivery' + 'towards' + 'to do') .aka: outer wall ('city wall' + 'invader'/'path' + 'numerous'). bar-rim4[KAŠ4](-ma): dry land ('to uncover' + 'to travel fast'?. ñiš bar-bé-da: a tool. bar-LU: one of the best wool blends. bala-dab5-ba: worker hired to work for a bala' period ('term' + 'to hire' + nominative). balañ-ír-ra: bàn-da: lamentation harp ('harp' + 'lamentation' + genitival a(k)). bala éš-kàr: fraction of an assignment ('term..gub: to step outside ('outside' + 'to stand') .. bar-ég-ga: outer side of the levee ('outer side' + 'levee' + genitival a(k))..sir5: to spin with a spindle ('spindle' + 'to spin').. narrow').aka: to choose.. bànda ). bar-ta. to dispersed ('to divide' + 'to go out') .(ak): (ñiš) bar-bar: to choose ('to open. bar-dúb-ba: a good price ('to split. part of a weaver's loom (shuttle ?)..dab5: to escape ('outside' + 'to take away') . to select' + 'to do') .dag: to wander far away ('outside' + 'to roam about') .. bar-edin-na: edge of the desert ('side' + 'steppe' + genitival a(k)).. bar-gùn-gùn-nu: chameleon ('sides' + reduplicated 'to be multicolored' + nominative with vowel harmony).. bar. bar.0 80 . bàd-šul-þi. bar-lá: part of an irrigation system ('outside' + 'to lift').. parim).. bàd-sìl-þi: bala-šè. to examine ('to open. portion' + 'work assignment') . bar7-bar7-ra: flames (reduplicated 'to shine' + nominative).. but cf. lú da-ba-ri-ri: contortionist (cf. (mi) bar-šu-ñál: midwife ('innards' + 'hand' + 'to place'). let fall'). da. chamber (dag.'to bring. da-ra-an-šub: negligence ('to drop. metal?' + 'to drive'. suffix) .. hand bellows ('to blow. da-ga: organization. dripping. da-ri: driver (of animals) ('to protect' + rig. buru14.... bellows' + 'hand') . bábbar ). bar-TÚG: a long coat ('outside' + 'woven garment') . bu-lu-úþ.. (some prefer this reading. with dative) ('to protect' + 'to exchange') . mix' + nominative). -bi-da(-ke4): and ('with it').. tend') .. bar-ùl[KIB]: bar-úsurudu: dog chain ('outside' + 'leash') . bir. bellows' + 'foot') ./term. buluþ).bar-šèñ-ñá(-e): violence. kak-ús). iti bára-zà-ñar: bar6-bar6: calendar month 1 at Nippur during Ur III.'a repeated. 'to pour'). feet bellows ('to blow. bur-šál-la: a stone vessel ('stone vessel' + 'measuring pot' + nominative). ri. bír-bír: (cf. Version 3. 81 .SÁ: a stone vessel. dadag ). bi-bi-zé: to drip (reduplicated biz.. babbar ). bìr-inim-kéš-de6: ñiš bìr-mar: wagon yoke ('team' + 'wagon').... ñiš da-pa: part of a seeder plow (?). bur-BÚN.. bi-iz: drop (of water). bí-ra: mixed..'to scatter. Sumerian Lexicon. agreement' + 'to bind') .0 ri. to have the harvest be drowned (by spring floods bursting the dikes) ('harvest' + 'to drown') . to dehusk ('to scatter' + 'to do') . da-ri). 'to pour') . to tremble ('to tear out' + 'saliva' or 'to clean'. copper-tipped goading stick ('side?. mingled (bir. to belch ('to tear out' + 'to be numerous' + 'saliva' + 'to tear apart') . bu-úþ. da-ri: to bend (limbs) ('arm' + rig. da-da-ga: (cf. monotonous noise') .ri: to pay off a delivery (?.. biz. bu-luþ: gi bún-ñìr: gi bún-šu: contractually bound worker ('team' + 'oath. melting (cf. bí-za-za: frog (za.aka: to sow broadcast (not in furrows with a plow). mist ('outside' + 'to rain' + loc.'to stretch' + nominative).'to pull'). enduring. di-kud/ku5: judge. forever ('eternal' + 'towards'). to give a claim. conduct oneself' + 'it' + 'with') . di-di: to play (an instrument) (cf.. da-rí[URU]: da-rí-šè: lú dab5-ba: long-lasting..è: to shine... dam. dam-gàr(-a): merchant (Akk. 'beam. dè-dal: ashes ('ashes' + 'to fly') . alien. di. di. dañal-búru: spread out over a wide extent ('wide' + 'to spread out') . loanword from tamkaarum. cf.0 82 . di.. to make resplendent ('beam of light' + 'to become visible').dab5: to take up a lawsuit ('lawsuit' + 'to take').. dal-ba(-an)-na: between (dalla. water clock (onomatopoeic or reduplicated 'to pass..... dam-þa-ra: battle (Akk. dañal-tag(-ga): widely based ('wide' + 'to handle. di-dab5-ba: decision ('decision' + 'to take' + nominative). dam-ab-ba: (professional) mourners ('spouse' + 'elder. 'merchant'..da-ri-a: driven (animal) (da-ri + nominative). di-li-du-a: (cf.tuku/du12-du12: to marry ('spouse' + 'to get') . eternal ('near. di-til-la: law case for which a final decision has been given ('verdict' + 'to complete' + nominative). di-bi-da: donkey ('to go.. loanword from tamhaaru(m) ). to appear. di-ri: (cf. ñiš dam-apin: part of a seeder plow ('spouse' + 'plow') .gub: to judge ('judgment' + 'to set up') .. dirig).kud/ku5: di-kúr: to judge ('decision' + 'to cut off') . dalla. lock up' + nominative). makaarum 'to do business') .dug4/du11/e: to conduct a trial. ancestor') . judgment ('decision' + 'to cut off') . di4-di4-la: children. touch' + nominative). hostile judgment ('decision' + 'hostile') . traverse') . Version 3. dili-du(-a) ). di-ir-ga: cultic organization center. di. Sumerian Lexicon. to sue someone (with -da -) ('lawsuit' + 'to effect'). hired man ('to hire' + nominative). dug4).. dar-ra: cured. dried (?). di4-di4-ba: walking about (phonetic for dib. to make clear. ñiš dib-dib: clepsydra.. present' + remote demonstrative affix ?). ray' + 'to divide' + ?). dag-gi4-a: city quarter ('dwellings' + 'to surround.. reduplicated + nominative). du-rí: (cf. 'alone' + 'to walk' + nominative). didli) (reduplicated 'one'). (cf. dur 9[ŠUL] ). thump (see the definition for za). dul (6)). dub-sar-tur: young scribe ('scribe' + 'small.ak/ñar: to quarrel (with someone: -da-) ('quarrel' + 'to do'). cf. lú dub-alal-urudu: a temple servant ('to pour' + 'pipe' + 'copper'). labor.. weaned young (reduplicated 'to untie.. dirig-. treasure chest ('to store' + 'shiny') . dub-bi.... Version 3. adv. du11-ga: utterance.mú: du24-ùr: to start a quarrel ('quarrel' + 'to ignite'). du14. DU-zu: (read arax-zu. dili-dili. du14.. du10-sa: friend.DU: (cf.. dil-dil: one by one (cf.. loosen') . dili-du(-a): dìm-šáþ: walking alone. dub-šen: copper box.. individual (dili. speech ('to speak' + nominative).. work ('to walk' + 'to make productive') .0 83 . dub-sar: scribe ('tablet' + 'to write'). in the proper way. laþ5) without a (personal) god ('god' + 'with' + 'not' + 'to be' + nominative).. du7-na-bi: du8-du8: du10: (cf.. suitable' + ? + adverbial force suffix) . a fence made of such pillars ('to heap up' + 'to divide' + 'to be high') .SAR(-d): maltman... du-lum: to thud. dub-lá: platforms on either side of a portal ('to heap up' + 'to lift') . duruna ).. gi dub-ba-an: pillar made of reeds.bala: to go over the account (with -da -) ('tablet' + 'its' + 'to pass through') . companion ('gladness' + 'to repay') . gather (cf. a-ra-zu). (cf.. dub-sañ: leader ('list' + 'head'). to heap up... if you please ('fitting..diñir-da. dub-dab. dùg ). store. dú-ru-na(-àm): iti du6-kù: du6-ul: calendar month 7 at Nippur during Ur III. Sumerian Lexicon. DU. bear (the animal) ('sickness demon' ? + 'domestic pig') . young').-še: beyond ('to go over' + 'to the') . da-rí). dub-sar: scribe ('tablet' + 'to write'). DIM4. du10-ús: road ('good' + 'to follow'). subordinate ('subordinate' + nominative).. flee ('knees' + 'to cut'). cause') . dum-dam. kuš dùg-gan: leather bag ('gladness' + 'to bring forth') . dumu-lugal(-/ak/): dumu-mí: prince ('child' + 'king' + genitive). drinking vessel ('vessel' + 'object' + 'to drink').aka: to repair ('gladness' + 'to make.. dùg. Version 3.. dumu-gal: eldest son or daughter ('child' + 'large'). dumu-KA: grandson. a cult servant ('child' + 'function' + ?). dùg-ud-ak: politeness (cf. a standard capacity jar = 5 liters ('jar' + 'little'). di4-di4-la). dùg.gúr: to sit down. dùg/du10. dùg.. for someone: dative ('knees' + 'to place')...dúb: to rub the knees (?) ('knees' + 'to flop'). ibila ) ('child' + 'masculine').. dùg... dumu-aš: only son ('child' + 'one'). (cf. dumu-lú: gentleman ('child' + 'gentleman'). son. dùg/du10.0 84 . dumu-sañ: first-born child ('child' + 'principal'). hurry ('knees' + 'to open').. hire'). dumu-mí-lugal(-/ak/): dumu-me-KA.bad(-bad): to stride. daughter ('child' + 'feminine')...UD: dumu-nitaþ: princess ('child' + 'female' + 'king' + genitive)..ñar: to kneel down. DUMU-DUMU-LA: (cf... to rest ('knees' + 'to bend')..zil: to run... Sumerian [in contrast to slaves from foreign countries] ('child' + 'native group') . dùg. dumu-dab5-ba: serf ('child' + 'to seize. dumu-tu-da: iti d dumu-zi: (lú) DUN-a: son (born) of ('child' + 'to beget' + nominative).. Sumerian Lexicon. dùg. dumu-gir15/gi7: freeborn man. dumu-ga...aka).ñál: to be pleased. dumu-tab: twin sons ('child' + 'pair').eš8: deputy (?) of a merchant ('child' + 'merchantman').dug-a-nag-nag: dug-níñ-nag: dug-tur: water drinking vessel ('vessel' + 'water' + reduplicated 'to drink') .za: to grumble (see the definition for za). dependent (on). calendar month 12 at Umma during Ur III. dùg-tuku: strong-legged ('knees' + 'to own') . satisfied ('gladness' + 'to be available'). depression ('to bring low' + 'to hang'.. ñiš dúr-ñar: chair.. ì-si-na: kuš e-sír: culm or stalk of barley. shoe (cf. dúr-dúr: dam to create a reservoir. throne...ñiš dun-gi: dùn-lá: a tool. they.. e-sír-ra: e-še-á: eren). cf. he. asyndetic hendiadys). ñiš e-ra-núm: a tree and wood used for construction (cf. to copulate (with -da -) ('to play' + sud. tuš).. dúr-ru-un: to sit (plural). cry of joy..dug4/di/du11/e: e-ne-gim: e-ne-ne: to play (3rd person pronoun + 'to do') .ñar: to sit ('buttocks' + 'to set down upon') . e-li-lum: e-ne: a (pure) sound (Akkadian ellu. Sumerian Lexicon. 'to lengthen. erin.. (cf.0 85 . she. strong'). e-ne.. dig' + 'reed' or 'firm.dug4/du11/e: to rejoice. her. sandal. dùr-KAS4: donkey foal. a type of canal or ditch. é-a-nir-ra: house of mourning ('house' + 'lamentation' + genitive).. e-ne-sù-ud. kuše-íb-ùr). èsir ). duruna.lá: to carry a basket ('transportation basket' + 'to lift')... like himself (3rd person pronoun + equative). them. 'clear. e-ùr: armor (cf. e-re-sì-ki-in: e-ri-iš: servant (?). dúr-šáþ: ham ('buttocks' + 'domestic pig') . e-zé: you. dúr. e-el[SIKIL]-lu: kuš e-íb-ùr: siege shield ('dike' + 'middle. e-pa5(-r): hydraulic system (of a particular farmer or of the land as a whole) ('levees' + 'irrigation ditches'.. loins' + 'roof'). in the streets ('sandals' + locative).ñar: to establish one's dwelling ('to dwell (plural)' + 'place' + 'to establish'). dusu. pure'). him. a type of yoke (?) ('to scrape. e-ne-àm: he is indeed (formal 3rd person pronoun + 'to be') . dúr-ki. e-si-na. to immerse')... durunx) (reduplicated 'buttocks. íl-lá.. (cf. to dry out') . Version 3. duruna. 'elevation'). lady. queen. dur10-tab-ba: double ax ('ax' + 'to be double' + nominative). é-BAPPIR: (cf. *dar. Sumerian Lexicon. suburb ('houses' + 'fresh'. é-a. é-me-eš: é-mí: summer ('houses' + 'are' + 'many') . Akk. é-kaš: a public house.... outpost' and Orel & Stolbova #658. cf. 'village.é-a-nir-ra-gal-gal-la: euphemism for the netherworld ('house of mourning' + reduplicated 'big' + genitive). é-bar-ra: outer house ('house' + 'outside' + nominative). é-lunga(2.è: to leave the house ('house' + 'from' + 'to exit').. pub ('house' + 'beer'). é-na4kín-na: mill house. prospective bride ('the one who restores the house') .. appearance'). eñar ). é. shape ('house' + 'form. é-ì-gára: dairy ('house' + 'fat' + 'cream').. é-gal: palace ('house' + 'large'). mill ('house' + 'millstone' + genitival a(k)).. adurû. school ('house' + 'tablet' + genitival a(k)). "woman's house" ('house' + 'woman') . é-kišib(-ba): storehouse ('house' + 'receipt' + genitival a(k)).ti(-l): to live in a house ('house' + locative + 'to live'). sanctuary ('house' + 'Heaven' + genitive). rural settlement.0 86 . deep'). iti é-iti-6: calendar month 8 at Umma during Ur III.. donkey stable ('house' + 'equid') .'dwelling place'). é-ganba: warehouse ('house' + 'marketplace'). é-mar-uru5[GUR8]: arrow quiver ('house' + 'to immerse' + 'high. é-lùnga ). é-gi4-a: daughter-in-law.bùr: to break into a house (reduplication class) ('house' + 'to break into') . é-kur: prison ('house' + 'netherworld'). é-KI. é-dub-ba: é-duru5: archive. é-ñar: form. hamlet. brewery ('house' + 'brewer') .LAM: a storehouse ('house' + 'place' + 'abundance') . é-ñar8: brick wall (cf. Version 3. é-éše: jail ('house' + 'rope').. é-ad-da(-/ak/): é-an-na: é-anše: the house of one's fathers ('house' + 'father' + genitive). é-da[-di-a]: é-dù-a: a flour offering. é-ta. é-ba-an: an adjective denoting a very fine quality.3): beerhall. house plot ('house' + 'to build' + nominative). fattening house ('house' + 'goose' + 'milk'). surround' + 'to bind') . cf.. manage') . (temple) cella ('house. kitchen ('house' + 'baker. fill'). é-ri-a: (cf.. tangled' + nominative). eme-gilim-ma: confused speech ('tongue' + 'to be twisted.gíd: é-uz-ga: e5-ñar: new moon ('house' + 'day' + 'to begin') . eme. armory ('house' + 'weapon') . é-ùr-ra: storehouse ('house' + 'rafter beams') . eme-dar: a tool. mend' + nominative). agrun).0 87 ... lú-é-níñ-ka). eñar ). brick wall (cf. é-ùru. é si-ga: é-sig4: a quiet house ('house' + 'silence') . Version 3. utensil ('tongue' + 'to slice.. sañ- níñ-gur11-ra(-ak)). é-šag4/šà: house interior.è/e11: to stick out the tongue ('tongue' + 'to send forth') . lú é-níñ-ka: (cf. é-šu-sì-ma: é-ñištukul: warehouse ('house' + 'portion' + 'to put. cf. treasure-house ('house' + 'things' [ + 'piled up'].. é-u4-15: é-ubur: full moon ('house' + 'day 15') . é-tùr: cattle pen ('house' + 'stable'). milking pen ('house' + 'teat') . é-u4-sakar[SAR]: é-u4-7: first crescent moon ('house' + 'day 7') .. cook') .. dagger blade ('tongue' + 'dagger') . ég-ég/e ú-sañ11-e/a: reinforcement of the levees with cut/bundled plants/reeds ('levees' + 'fascines') . wall ('house' + 'brick'. smash') .é-muþaldim[MU]: é-NI: bakery. ég sa-dúr-ra: wide levees at the low-lying end of a field which halted and contained the water for irrigating the field ('levees' + 'low-lying end of a field'). ég kal-kalag-ga: to reinforce the levees ('levees' + 'to repair. eme-gir15/gi7: eme-ñír: Sumerian language ('tongue' + 'native') . Sumerian Lexicon.. to keep watch over a house ('house' + 'watch fire' + 'to reach out. treasure-house (?). temple' + 'midst'). É-NUN: (cf. é-níñ(-gur11[GA]-ra): storehouse. ég si-ga: the work of piling up a levee ('levee' + 'to increase. iz-zi).. a-ri-a ). ég dal-ba-na: a dike that is shared by two watercourses or by two fields ('levee' + 'between'). ... ér-šem3.. ambar. Version 3. en-nu-un/ùña. enigmatic background' + nominative)... to lick with the tongue ('tongue' + 'to lick'). to take care of.. Sumerian and Akkadian) ('tongue' + 'mutually opposing') .. ér.g.-a): en-na-bi-šè: until.tar: until when. lamentation ('tears' + nominative). èn-tukum-šè: for how long ('time' + 'if' + terminative postposition). gi èn-bar: reed.'to sing') . inquire') . note du12.dug4/du11/e: eme-sig.sá.gu7: to slander ('tongue' + 'low. likeness' + 'to send') .. engar-gu4(-ra): ox-ploughman ('farmer' + 'ox').. guardian. èn-du: song ('time' + 'to walk'. possibly myrrh ('lord' + 'lungs').4/še8-še8: to cry.pàd/pà: to burst into tears.5-ma compositions concerning the gods sung by the gala priests in the Emesal dialect to the accompaniment of a tambourine ('wail' + 'tambourine' + genitive). ñiš eme-sa-du8-a: a tool ('tongue' + 'net' + 'open' + nominative). weep ('tears' + 'to weep'). until now.0 88 . ñiš eme-sig: ship plank ('tongue' + 'small'). to ask (someone: dative). cf. to investigate. as long as . a resin. how long ('time. watch (as a division of night time). 'reed-bed') . prison.. everywhere ('time...dù/ak: to watch..šeš2.. to cry. until' + terminative postposition... eme. ér-ra: mourning. 'to do something in the right way' + 'not') . ér. en-nu(-un/ùña).ñá-ñá: to set up a lament ('lamentation' + 'to make'). lizard ('tongue' + 'to consider. small' + 'to speak') . until the time ('time' + 'this one' + 'towards'). ér.eme-þa-mun: contrasting speech or languages (e... imprisonment.... small' + 'to consume'.sig7: to lament ('tears' + 'to complain'). to pay attention to. to guard against. en-te-en-na(-/ak/): the cold season..gu7). eme-si-nu-sá: describes a person 'whose speech is not right' ('tongue' + si.. 'up to' [ + enclitic copula]) . ér. to handle. heed ('enigmatic background' + 'to determine..dù/ak: lú en-nu(-un)(-ñá): to watch.. to guard against. wintertime ('time' + 'cold' + genitive). en-na (. ñiš eme-numun: an agricultural tool ('tongue' + 'seed') .... én-é-nu-ru: introductory formula for exorcism/incantation texts ('enigmatic background' + 'house' + 'image. inim-sig. reeds (cf.šub6[ŠID]: eme-ŠID: en-mur: to slander ('tongue' + 'low. watch. weep ('tears' + 'to show') . èn-šè(-àm): èn. eme-sig. measure') ... Sumerian Lexicon.. milk from beautiful cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'beautiful' + genitive). ésir-é-a. cf. calendar month 11 at Ur during Ur III. calendar month 12 at Ur during Ur III. gan-tuš).8 of Amar-Sin. Version 3.. tavern ('shrine' + 'spouse') . ezen-me-ki-ñál: calendar month 11 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. lú éš-gíd: éš-kir4/6: surveyor ('measuring rope' + 'long') . calendar month 6 at Ur during Ur III. calendar month 3 at Lagaš during Ur III.3)-da: ceremony. calendar month 8 at Ur during Ur III. iti ezen-dŠu-dEN. éš-kàr. érin še-gur10-gur10: harvest workers ('gang of workers' + 'grain' + reduplicated 'sickle. ka-aš-bar). eš-bar-kíñ-du11-ga: pronounced decision ('decision' + 'message. iti ezen-dAmar-Sin: calendar month 7 at Umma during years 6 .. ga-ab-kar-re: (cf. calendar month 11 at Drehem after ŠuSin 3. calendar month 10 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. eš2. decision ('much' + 'to divide'. calendar month 8 at Drehem after ŠuSin 3. one man's daily work assignment.0 89 . esir-è-a. brothel. èš-èš: a festival (All-Shrines) (reduplicated 'shrine'). eš(2. ga-an-tuš: (cf. the oxen or plows which perform a task.3-dam: epithet of a temple of the bride-goddess Inanna. calendar month 10 at Umma after year Šulgi 30. a type of vessel.erin-bábbar: white cedar (wood) ('cedar' + 'white'). ga-áb-kù-ga: ga-áb-sig7-ga: milk from pure cows ('milk' + 'cow' + 'pure' + genitive).. iti ezen-dNin-a-zu: calendar month 5 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. éš-gàr: task. order' + 'to speak' + nominative).ZU(Sin): calendar month 8 at Drehem in year Šu-Sin 3. great festival ('feast' + 'great'). calendar month 7 at Lagaš during Ur III. calendar month 6 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. iti ezen-An-na: calendar month 10 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. to be near') . calendar month 9 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. eškiri ) ('rope' + 'muzzle/nose'). calendar month 10 at Ur during Ur III. ésir-þá: eš-bar: asphalt ('bitumen' + 'to go out' + nominative). éš-gán: surveyor's rope ('rope' + 'surface measure') . iti ezen-dDumu-zi: iti ezen-dLi9-si4: ezen-maþ: iti calendar month 6 at Lagaš during Ur III. gaba-kar). iti ezen-dBa-ba6: calendar month 8 at Lagaš during Ur III. iti ezen-dŠul-gi: calendar month 7 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3.. to be assigned for someone's benefit ('measuring tape' + 'something round and upraised') . Sumerian Lexicon. calendar month 12 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. nose rope (cf. ezen-maþ: iti calendar month 9 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. goblet ('shrine' + 'with. to reap') . ñál: to boast ('chest' + 'to be available') . 'to finish. powdered or finely grated cheese ('milk' + 'to grind' + nominative). 'rival' + 'to overflow' + 'to wrestle.. gaba. ga-ti: plea. milk for barley porridge.sum and gazzum). quarrel (either related to gaba. ga-ra-an-da: ga-rašsar: ga-zum: leek(s) (Akk. ga-ba-ra-þum: revolt (gaba. ga-arþuš-a(-ke4): ga-ba-al... smash... cf.zi). to bubble ('milk' + 'sky.dù: the milk of mercy ('milk' + 'womb.dug4: gaba-gi4: to speak against (someone) ('rival' + 3rd person with locative + 'to speak') . sour milk ('milk' + 'barley' + locative).. ga-kug: (cultically) pure milk ('milk' + 'pure'). break'). to challenge. gaba.. gaba-ñál: strength ('chest' + 'to be available') .. ga-ba-kar-re: (cf. ñiš ga-zum: ga-sa10: bearing fruit (cf. gaba. compassion' + genitive). gaba-kar). complete'). carding (wool).ñál: (cf... gašan)..gu7: to nurse/feed with milk ('milk' + 'to feed'). 'controversy' + 'to make') . tradesman ('let me buy!').. ga-nam-me-àm: it is indeed (affirmative + 3rd person pronoun + 'to be') . Sumerian to drip. ga-sub-ba: milk sucking ('milk' + 'to suck' + nominative). air' + 'to make a repetitive noise'). gaba-diri-ga: enormous strength ('rival' + 'to go over.0 90 . merchantman (compare ga-sa10).ñál ).. 'rival' or Akkadian qablum. ga-an-zír[ŠÈ-KA]: ga-àr-ra: entrance to the netherworld (cf. gurun). gaba. ga-ba.. petition ('let me live!').. exceed' + nominative). ga-zi-in-bu: stake (for impalement). gaba(-na). ga-du(7): ga-eš8: lintel (above a door) (? + du7. opposition ('rival' + 'to besiege'). ga-ša-an: ga-še-a: lady (cf. ganzer )..... ga-murx[LAK 490]: a type of cheese ('milk' + 'strained in cheesecloth' ?).ñar: to put out one's chest. comb (don't know why some read ga-ríg . chest' + 'to deliver') . to defy ('breast. contradict. loanword).. Version 3. ga. gaba-kar(-re): escapist ('rival' + 'to flee'..the Akkadian is kaa... ga-gu7-a: suckling foal ('milk' + 'to feed' + nominative). gendarme. exalted one ('elaborate' + nominative).gaba. galam-ma þu-ru: clever fool ('ingenious..zi: to retreat ('breast' + 'to take out'). ku6 gam-gam(-ma): a fish (Pomadasys stridens) (reduplicated 'curved.. ñiš gan-na: gan-tuš: grinding stone (?) ('rack' + nominative). Sumerian Lexicon.. gal-nar: head musician ('large' + 'musician'). gada-bar-TÚG: long linen coat ('linen' + 'long coat'). hillbilly'). gag-þa-þar-ra-na: gag-maš: a peg or nail ('peg' + 'roads' ?). gal5-lá(-gal). tenant ('to bring forth' + 'to occupy') . shriveled') . chest' + 'to throw out') . galam-kad5: galam-ma: artfully made ('artistic' + 'to bind together') . loanword from kaparrum I). omniscient. gada-níñ-dùn-dù: a linen garment ('linen' + 'object' + 'to bring low' + 'to make'). boundary') . to look after' [ + 'big']) . rival ('breast. a peg or nail ('peg' + 'one-half'). gal-gal-di: boaster (reduplicated 'large' + 'to judge') .. deputy. adj. gal-bi: adv.0 91 . gaba. bailiff. elaborate' + nominative + 'idiot. 'to oppose') .. gaba. ñùl-lá(-gal): police chief..ri: to confront ('breast. gaba-ri: n. gaba(-a).. gal-di: mighty (judge) (an adjective for the god Enlil) ('large' + 'to decide. clasp') .. gada-maþ-ñiš-lá: spread out linen ('linen' + 'large' + 'tool' + 'to extend'). duplicate ('breast' + 'to exchange' .. chest' + 'hand' + 'to place on') .. gag-zag-ga: side (?) peg ('peg' + 'side. judge') . gal-ùña: overseer ('large' + 'people'). iti gan-gan-è: calendar month 9 at Nippur during Ur to hold to the breast ('breast' ( + locative) + 'to hold. ñiš gag-si-sá: arrow ('nail' + 'to make straight'). greatly ('great' + adverbial force suffix) . resistance. copy. chest' + ru-gú.. a demon ('to overwhelm' + 'to force into. intelligent ('large' [ + 'heaven'] + 'to know'). gal-zu (gal-an-zu): wise. gan-tuš-tur-ra: minor tenant ('tenant' + 'little' + nominative). gada-dilmun-ù-lal: a dress of Dilmun linen ('linen' + 'Dilmun' + pronominal prefix + 'to hang').imagines the two breasts as copies or duplicates). withstanding attack (describing a door or weapon).ru(-gú): gaba-šu-ñar: to encounter ('breast. gába[KAB]-ra: shepherd boy/girl (Akk. rival. Version 3. iti gána-maš: ñiš gán-ùr: gàr-du: calendar month 1 at Lagaš during Ur III. gána-íl: taxable land or field ('land' + 'to carry'). gi. gi-a-dag: raft ('reed' + 'water' + 'resting place'). (gi) ušub).. reed basket ('reeds' + 'basket') . gi-izi-lá: torch ('reeds' + 'fire' + 'to hold up'). i. gi-gu4-ud: catapult ('reeds' + 'to leap'). gi-duru5[GI. swaying reed ('reed' + 'fresh').A: gi-sig: a type of reed ('reed' + 'head' + 'bad'). gi-šul-þi: a reed or plant that was used as a medicine ('reed' + 'invader' + 'numerous'). a syllabic writing for gurun .e. Sumerian Lexicon. gi-na-tum: security deposit (Akkadian loanword). abutment or platform ('reeds' + 'mat. bundle') . gi-gù-na: gi-gur: sacred building ('reeds' + 'decorated temple') .0 92 . reed fences. gi-sañ-þul: gi-sal: gi-SI. hut ('reeds' + 'small. high-quality writing stylus ('reed' + 'to make' + nominative).. reed hut.gána-ga: hill country ('land' + 'milk'). weak'). (cf. gi-gun4(-na). gi-dùg-ga: sweet reed. ge-eš-tu: six hundred (geç -u (?). kí-sa. gi-NI: a scented substance ('reed' + 'oil'). gi-dili-dù: gi-dù-a: a single-growing reed (idiomatic expression) ('reed' + 'single' + 'to plant'). Version 3. harrow ('field' + 'to drag across') . gi-gur-še-bal: basket for carrying grain ('basket' + 'grain' + 'to transport') . gi-sa. drip'). firm' + nominative a). gi(-níñ)-sa-þá: bundle of reeds. cf.. used to make measurements ('reed' + 'to cut' + nominative). a class of persons ('hair lock signifying slavery' + 'to go') . reed screen on the roof ('reeds' + 'to be thin and wide') . edible marrow ('reed' + 'sweet' + nominative).. fruitful. shining. 'fruit' ('reliable' + 'bright' (?)). gi-kud(-a): ñiš gi-muš: cut reed.. gi-šà-sur: sieve ('reeds' + 'intestines' + 'to flow. with a sweet. gi-na: consent (cf. ñéš×u). gi-dub-ba: stylus ('reed' + 'tablet' + nominative).. blooming. reed wall. punting pole ('reed' + 'snake').A]: supple. gi(n)) ('just. spotless. gi-rin[LAGAB]: pure.ku5: to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut') . fellow (cf.. gi4-me-a-aš: colleague. urudu gín-sal: a light metal hoe. gi16[GIL]-sa: lasting. the first time ('new' + adverbial force suffix) . gi16[GIL]-sa. gu-ul: to enlarge..ñar: to cause trouble. to set out a snare ('string' + 'to place.. gal. gín-tur: a surface area measure.. kìri-zal). to be great. to be angry at ('injury' + terminative + 'to set'). gal. gu. extend') . come back' + 'office. of lasting value... throne-bearer.tag: to align. gi.aka: gibil-bi: gig-ba: to treasure highly. gir-ab-ba: sea fish. gi4-in: slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'he.. to make numerous. gi-1-ninda: measuring reed ('reed' + 'one' + 'a distance measure') . exalted. slave (girl) ('to lock up' + 'master'). chair' + 'to hold up') . giri17-zal: (cf. stretch. gi16[GIL]-da: basket. gi6-an-na: gi7-nun: at night ('black' + 'heaven' + locative).. gir4-bil: furnaceman. gu. sometimes = gul.. gu-la: large.zé: to cut reeds ('reeds' + 'to cut') . to adjust (with a string) ('string' + 'to strike/to touch') .. stoker ('kiln' + 'to burn'). gi-zi: a kind of reed ('reed' + 'good. high').gi-UGUN: (cf.. (cf. to increase. 'to destroy' (cf. gilim). gig(-šè).0 93 ...dúb. Version 3. chair (cf. gu. guzza ). ñiš gu-za: gu-za-lá: throne. she') .. Sumerian Lexicon.. gu-la).. nam-gi4-me-a-aš) ('to return. great (cf. kib x). chair-bearer ('throne.. gi4-an: cultically unfit ? ('to reject' + 'heaven') . set. impression on a tablet (a wedge) ('needle' + 'to give'). gu-du: anus. gir15/gi7-nun: lofty noble (an adjective applied to Enlil) ('noble' + 'royal').. gi-gunu 4)..lal/lá: gu-sum: gu-ul). function' + locative + plural suffix) .. gil-le-èm: destruction (cf. little shekel = 1/60 shekel = 1/3600 square nindan (sar) = 3 surface še = 36 square fingers = surface of the side of a cube of 1 sìla capacity. gú.. chick peas ('chick pea/bean' + 'large') . gú. gú ñiri16.or -ta -).. to cover ('neck.. gú ñiri16.. GIG gú-nida[NUNUZ]: gú-ri-ta: a type of (high-quality) wheat (cf.aka: to submit.ñar/ñá-ñá: gú.. gú ñiš. wrap.... gú-an-še: all things considered ('land' + 'sky' + 'barley'). gú-en-bar-ra: outer throne room.dirig: gú... bull')... 'city walls') ('neck' + 'to hang. processing of bitumen.. to cut (off) the neck ('neck' + 'to cut').. plant') . vermin') . organize ('necks' + 'to be upright. and still') .. gú.kud: to breach walls ('to submit' + 'fortress') ..0 94 .. cf... to kneel.. from the other side ('side. gú-gú-UÞ: a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/bean' + 'insect. to peer out (with bàd . úgu.. gú-en-na: gú-gal: riverñar which is the later Neo-Sumerian form of this Old Sumerian original) ('neck' + 'upon' + 'to place [a load of debt]') .. zíz-GÚ-NUNUZ )... gú-tar. to bow.ñar). collect. gú. amass (often with -da -. to neglect ('neck' + 'to fasten.. gú.gú. throne room ('river bank' + ?). gú. often reduplicated) ('chick pea/bean' + 'basket') .. gú..ñar/ñá-ñá: (cf.gur: to gather. to embrace (with -da ..ñar/ñá-ñá: to submit ('neck' + 'to set down'. Version 3. bank' + 'that' + 'from')..mar: gú-mun: to pile up. to despise. gú-gur5.ñar).. ñiš gú-gíd-gíd: gú-gir: an agricultural tool ('neck' + reduplicated 'long') .si(-a): to assemble. determine' + 'to lift').. gú. to bind an animal's mane ('neck' + 'to cut... Sumerian Lexicon.lal/lá: to style or dress hair.. gú.. to someone: dative ('neck' + 'to do'. gú-gú-GUD: a type of pea (reduplicated 'chick pea/bean' + 'ox. gú-bala: the turning edge ('edge' + 'to revolve') ...gíd: 'to stretch the neck' as something that mourners do ('neck' + 'to stretch out') ..è: gú-è: to sum accounts ('loads' + 'to add') .dug4/du11/e: to cut down ('neck' + 'to separate' + 'to effect') . extend') .. in order. gú-a... gú-ñiri3/16: breach (cf..ñál: to submit (to someone: dative) ('neck' + 'yoke' + 'to place'). edge' + 'to extend') . cf....lal/lá: to bow down.dù: gú.aka). caraway ('pea' + 'salt'). gù. to flutter....sum: to make obedient ('voice' + 'to apply.. gù. bellow ('sound' + 'lungs') .tumu2/4: to call ('noise' + 'to carry')... to repeat.... foremost ('neck [for carrying ?]' + 'to have') . gù-ra-aþ: chattering. to dance (reduplication class: gu 4-gu 4-ud ).dúb: to read aloud ('voice' + 'from' + 'to pour out'). gùb-bu: left arm ('left-hand' + nominative with vowel harmony). gù-nun. gù.. gud-áb(-ba): gud-alim: breeding bull ('bull' + 'cow' + genitive)..mur: to roar..dug4/du11/di/e: to make a noise or sound ('noise' + 'to effect'). bison ('bull' + 'bison').. gú.. deep' + 'to say. gú.sè(-g/k): gù. gùb-kaš4: stud farm manager (?) ('left-hand' + 'speed. gù. to shout ('voice' + 'to make tremble'). to scorn (with -ši -) ('neck' + 'to make fall')... gù-téš-a.. to echo. mighty. roar ('sound' + 'to strike').si-il: to scream with an ear-splitting voice ('voice' + 'to split'). gal.. gù. gu7-kur-kur-ra: bread-basket of all the lands ('food.sì: to be united ('voice' + 'to come together' + locative + 'to surround') .0 95 ... lend') . gu4-ud: to jump. bray. load (cf.. gu5-ul: great (cf.zi: to have success ('neck' + 'to raise').. gú-tuku: gú-tur: to be lax with respect. lentils ? ('chick pea/bean' + 'small'). gù-mur-aka: hero..ta-dé: gù. gù.... gù. to talk to (with dative) ('sound' + 'to give. gu4: (cf.... to the other side ('side.di/e: to make a pleasant/loud sound ('sound' + 'fine.ñar: describes the twanging of bows ('sound' + 'to deliver') . gu-ul). noise-making ('sound' + 'to strike repetitively.ra(-ra): to shout. gú. shape') . gù.. gud). gù..šub: gú-tar: back of the head ('neck' + 'to cut (hair)'). do') . great.. Sumerian Lexicon. to cry.dé: to call. fluency') .ús: to raise the neck ('neck' + 'to join'). bank' + terminative suffix) . bray' + 'to do') . sustenance' + 'lands' + genitive).gú-šè: up to the edge. Version 3. the planet Mercury ('bull' + 'sun') . gun). shake') . professional mourner ('to roar. to say ('sound' + 'to pour out. gú-un: tribute.... gú-za: a jewelry (?) ('neck' + 'precious stone') . to cause') . gud-am; gu4-dam: gud-apin-níñ-túg: a mythological entity ('bull' + 'wild ox'). blanket for a plow ox ('bull, ox' + 'plow' + 'thing' + 'cloth garment'). iti gud-si-su: calendar month 2 at Nippur during Ur III. gud-du7(-du7): perfect, unblemished bull; fierce, goring ox ('bull, ox' + 'complete, suitable; to butt, gore, toss') . gud-dub: ox (recorded) on a tablet ('bull, ox' + 'tablet'). gud-dun-a: subordinate ox ('bull, ox' + 'subordinate' + nominative). gud è: oxen taken out (of work) ('bull, ox' + 'to exit'). gud éš-gàr: working oxen ('bull, ox' + 'assigned task') . gud-gal-gal: gud-ñiš: full-grown ox ('bull, ox' + reduplicated 'great'). work ox ('bull, ox' + 'tool'). gud ñiš-ùr: oxen for the harrow ('bull, ox' + 'beam, harrow'). gud-laþ5[DU-DU]: ox driver ('bull, ox' + 'to drive'). gud-mu-x: x years-old ox ('bull, ox' + 'name, year' + number). gud-niga: fattened ox ('bull, ox' + 'fattened'). gud-numun: oxen for sowing ('bull, ox' + 'seed'). gud-numun-diri: reserve oxen for sowing ('oxen for sowing' + 'excess') . gud-numun-gána: oxen for sowing on the field ('oxen for sowing' + 'field parcel'). gud-ra: ox driver ('bull, ox' + rá, 'to drive along') . gud-su7-ra: gud-sún: threshing ox ('bull, ox' + 'threshing floor'). wild-cow ('bull, ox' + 'aurochs cow'). gud-šár(-a): gud-šu-gi4: perfect bull ('bull' + 'to be many; to slaughter' + nominative). old ox ('bull, ox' + 'old'). gud-šúþub: grazing or trampling oxen ('bull, ox' + 'to step; to graze'). gùd...ús: ñiš GUL-BU: a kind of wood ('evil; to extinguish' + 'to uproot') . gul-lum: gur-ra: to build a nest ('nest' + 'to moor, join'). cat ('to fall upon, destroy, extinguish' + 'fertile'; cf., ki-gul-la). adv., in return ('to return' + subordination suffix /-a/). gur-2-ul: a capacity measure of 72 sìla in Presargonic Girsu. gur-sá-dug4: a capacity measure, = 160 sìla ('reed basket' + 'offering; measuring container of either 24 or 40 sìla'). gur-sañ-ñál: a capacity measure, = 240 sìla , where Civil says the difference is that this gur has been filled from measuring containers topped off with a 'head' of grain instead of being leveled off at the top ('reed basket' + 'head' + 'to place') . Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 96 gur4-gur4[LAGAB+LAGAB]: a standard size container for wine, beer, and oil, = 10 liters (reduplicated 'thick, round, plump') . gur5[KA×GU](ru.uš(11))...búr: to bare the fangs (sign for 'mouth-needles' ( + 'to send' + 'poison') + 'to release') . guru7-du6: grain stack ('granary' + 'heap') . guru7-maš: grain depot ('granary' + 'interest, profit'). guruš šà-saþar: ñá-e: earth moving workers ('laborer' + 'essence' + 'earth') . I; myself ('I' + subjective ending). ñá-e-me-en: it is me; I am one who... ('I' + enclitic copula + 1st or 2nd person ending). ñá-gi(4)(-a): (cf., ñagia). ñá-ñá: adding, addition (reduplicated form of ñar, 'to accumulate'). ñá-la...dag: to cease (doing something) (often with -ta-) ('to be somewhere' + 'resting place') . ÑÁ-nam-ma-da: (cf., ñe26-nam-ma-da). ÑÁ-nu: (cf., ñe26-nu). ñá-nun: storage area (ñar, 'storeroom' + 'noble') . ñál...taka4: to open ('to be somewhere' + 'to open') . ñalga-sùþ: nitwit ('consideration' + 'to be confused') . ñe26[ÑÁ]-nam-ma-da: come with me! (ñe26-na, imperative form of ñen, 'to go, come' + conjugational prefixes î -ba with locative force + 'with') . ñe26-nu: come!. ñéme-maš: female tender of goats ('work-woman' + 'goats'). ñéš×u, ñeš'u: six hundred ('sixty' + 'ten'; cf., ge-eš-tu). ñeštin-þád: raisins ('grape vine' + 'dried'). ñeštug(2,3)...gub: to set the mind to (with -ši -) ('understanding' + 'to set') . ñeštug(2,3)...ñar: to listen, pay attention (to: with -ši -) ('ears, understanding' + 'to make available [to]'). ñeštug(2,3)...sum: to listen to (with dative) ('ears' + 'to give'). ñeštug(2,3)...šú: to stop one's ears ('ears' + 'to cover'). ñeštu(2,3)-tuku: possessing intelligence ('ears, understanding' + 'to have') . ñeštug(2,3)...u18-lu: to forget ('ears, understanding' + 'great storm') . ñi6...di: to pass the night ('night' + 'to go'; cf., ù-di). ñi6-par3/4: ñi6...sá: ñi6-sa9: residence of the en priest or priestess ('night' + 'to stretch out') . stay to midnight ('night' + 'to make equal'). stay to midnight ('night' + 'half'). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 97 ñi6-ù-na: in the middle of the night ('night' + ù-na, 'triumph'). ñidru-šè...nú: to lay (heaped-up grain) under the (measuring) stick ('stick' + terminative + 'to lie down') . ñidru(-mu)-u4-sù-rá: a scepter of long (years and) days ('scepter' ( + years) + 'days' + 'lasting, far away' + genitive). ñin-na: ordinary ('ordinary' + nominative). ñír...DÙ: to cut off (?) ('knife' + 'to erect'). ñír...ñar: to clear the way ('road' + 'to place, establish'). lú ñír-lá: butcher ('knife' + 'to weigh'). anše ñír-nun: a type of donkey ('expedition' + 'great, fine'). ñír-pa: butcher knife ('knife' + 'branch'). ñír-tab: ku6 ñír-ús: ñír-zal: scorpion ('knife' + 'sting'). an inexpensive fish ('knife' + 'length'). scalpel ('knife' + 'to shine'). ñìri...díb: to take a path, be on one's way ('path' + 'to traverse, pass along') . ñìri-kúr...díb: to take an unfamiliar path ('path' + 'strange' + 'to traverse') . ñìri KU-bi-šè...ñál: ñìri...ñar: to be subjected ('foot' + 'at their place' + 'to be located') . to step forward; to trample (with -ni -) ('foot' + 'to place, set down') . ñìri-šè...ñar: to place something under the authority of someone ('foot' + terminative + 'to place, set down') . ñìri-gub(-ba): ñìri...gub: ñìr-lam: step; footstool, pedestal ('foot' + 'to stand') . to step on ('foot' + 'to stand') . fruit-cake ('way, path' + 'abundance') . ñìr-pad-rá[DU]: bone(s) ('foot' + 'to break off a piece' + nominative). ñìri...ra: to stumble ('foot' + 'to strike, stir'). ñìri-saña11[KIN]...dug4/du11/e: to trample; to stamp out ('foot' + 'to harvest'(?) + 'to effect'). ñìr-sè-ga: menial(s), domestic(s) ('foot' + 'to apply, do'). ñìri...siñ18[KIN]: (cf., ñìri-saña 11...dug 4). ñìr-šúþub: hoof ('foot' + 'boot'). ñìri...ús: to follow on foot; to set one's foot on ('foot' + 'to follow; to join'). ñìri...zé-er: to lose one's footing, slip, slide ('feet' + 'to remove'; cf., ki-ma-an-zé-er). ñir5-ñir5ku6: ñir5-ra: a fish (reduplicated 'to seek refuge') . courier ('to run, trot' + nominative). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 98 vanquish') . ñiš-ì: (cf. to make plans ('tool' + 'to draw').þur: to draw. punting pole... irrealis suffix. Version 3. ÑIŠ-BAD: in the Akkad period. long wood. ñiš-gan.ñiskim-ti: recognized ('signal' + 'to stay alive'). reach') . par excellence). stepladder ('tool' + 'to tie. ñiskim-zi an-na: good omen from heaven ('signal' + 'good. a date palm ('tree' + 'black. dark'). ñiš-gaz-mè: ñiš-gi: battle cudgel ('cudgel' + 'battle'). drawing ('tool' + 'to draw.bala: to conclude a sale ('pestle' + 'to hand over') . ñiš-dù-a: timber ('wood' + 'to build. a wood used to make boats and sickle hafts ('wood' + 'sea' + genitive). trap ('tool' + 'to spread out' + nominative with vowel harmony). dredging (?) work in the canal ('tool' + 'obligation' ?). bind together') . ñiš-ki-ñál: ñiš-gíd-da: ñiš-gíg: answering chorus ('tool' + 'to answer' + 'to be') . ákan ). 'unreality' form suffix ('tool' + 'enigmatic background') .ñar: to assign ('tool' + 'to deliver').. thicket. ñiš. ñiš-þur: plan.. cane brake ('tree' + 'reed'). ñiš-gaz: cudgel ('tool' + 'to crush. threshing sledge. reed bank. sketch') . a length measure equal to 1 cubit...... bean' + 'to give'). door pin ('tool' + 'to exit').. ñiskim.. ñiš-gi4-ñál. erect' + nominative). sky ('tool' + 'abundant') . ñiš-e11: -ñiš-en: key. firmament. ñiš-ab-ba(-k): a type of thorn tree. Sumerian Lexicon.tuku: to get recognition ('signal' + 'to get'). ñiš-KÁ: ñiš-kad5: (cf. spear ('wood' + 'long' + nominative). ñiš-búru: net.0 99 .lal: ñiš ñiš: to cover with a shadow ('shadow' + 'to extend. ñiš-þum: bench on a wagon ('wood' + 'to bruise') . ñiš-bad: a basket with a wooden handle. ñiš.. 1 kùš . firm' + 'heaven' + genitive). ki-ñiš-ñiš-lá). plow ('the' tool. še-ñiš-ì).. ñiš-gù-di: a loud musical instrument ('tool' + 'to make a noise or sound') . ñiš-ñiš-lá: ñiš-ÞAR: ñiš-þé: battle ('tools' + 'to raise'. ñiš-gú-ba: a piece of tableware ('tool' + 'chick pea. ñissu. ñiš-gána-ùr-ra: harrow ('tool' + 'field' + 'to drag over the ground') . javelin. cf. ñiš-šu: shackle.tag: to make a religious offering.aka). lamp').6)-da: a heavy copper hoe (Akkadian loanword. weighing scale (cf.. hap/buutum).. kiri 6).ùr: log.. (cf..3... sapling (?) [one Akkadian equivalent means 'young maiden']... 'to know'). to destroy (often with -ta -) (cf.. to harrow (often with -ni -) ('tool' + 'drag'). rafter (e. ñiš šu-KIN)... ñiš-si4: a date palm ('tree' + 'red-brown'). + 'violence' + 'to do'). þa-la: (inheritance) share. rín). throw. ñiš-šu-kin: (cf. ñìš. ñìš á-zi. (cf. 'penis'... light ('tool' + 'light. ñiš. þa-luþ: ñiš þu-lu-úb: oak (?)... 'to know'). ñiš-nu(11): ñiš-pàr: lamp. ñiš.. þul(3)).tuku: to hear. cf. þa-lu-úb....dù: to have sexual intercourse (ñìš. ñiš illuru). 'penis'. sacrifice (often with dative) ('tree' + 'to adorn'). Version 3. of a roof). ñiš. þa-lam: ñiš to ruin.g.aka: to pay attention ('attention' + 'to do'. harrow ('wood' + 'roof').. beam. ñìš-zu: having born young. ñizzal-kalam-ma(k): the most intelligent person in Sumer ('intelligence' + 'land (of Sumer)' + genitive).lal/lá: to be silent ('tool' + 'to hang up') . ñiš-búru ). ñiš-nañ: wooden water pail ('wood' + 'to drink').. + 'not' + zu. þu-luþ ). ñiš-kíñ-ti: ñiš-maþ: ñiš-ná: (cf. érin. ñìš-nu-zu: virgin (said of animals) (ñìš.. þa-al-ma: vandals (þa-lam + nominative ). þal). listen to ('tool' + 'to get. to thresh ('stick' + 'to beat')..ñiš-kar2/3: task (cf.. share ('tool' + 'to cast. (cf. bed. ñiš.ra: ñiš-rín: ÑIŠ-RU: craftsmen ('work tool' + 'side').... drop' + nominative). sañ-kéš. éš-kàr). fire..0 100 .e: to commit rape (ñìš. have') . ñiš-ùr(-ra): ñiš. open (ñìš. 'penis'. ñizzal. + zu. lot (cf... (urudu) þa-bu(2. + 'to plant') . ñiš-kad 5). haft ('tool' + 'hand'). Sumerian Lexicon. bedspread ('tool' + 'to sleep' + nominative). 'penis'. ñiš-šub(-ba): lot. ÑIŠ-ŠAR: (cf. fitting'). appeal. þu-rí-in: eagle (Akkadian loanword.aka: to slaughter ('tool' + 'to thresh' + 'to do'. 'joy. bracelet') (cf. þé-nun.except in Sumerian there is no syllable 'mum'. þu-luþ. þun-(ñ).. þi-li. to be full of opulence ('beauty' + 'to bear. þi-li. fragrance').. kíkkin). note that AHw says that urinnu II. 'joy'. ñiš þaz. to become scared.. harmonizing. Orel & Stolbova 1318.. conjugates into hadûm.4.. luxuriance ('numerous' + 'cedar oil. 1305). þar-ra-an: road (a city on the route to the Mediterranean. huud. þi-a: (cf. consent. þa-luþ: ñiš þa-lu-úb).'eagle'.. 'standard. abundance ('let there be available') .nam-. a musical instrument. 'to be') .. þé-nun ). urinnu I. 'to slaughter') .. 'cage. þi-li: beauty.5).. þu-ru(-um): idiot.. cf. 'joyful' . clashing (þum. wish (precative prefix + î + 'to be'). þá ) ('to mix' + nominative). þi-li. þu-nu. just the syllable mun ). cf.: let it be. totem'.. carry') . frightened ('birds/fish' + 'to sweep away') . contrasting.gùr-ru: to apply adornments ('beauty' + 'to adorn. 'let it be'. approval. Orel & Stolbova 25). þé-ñál: overflow. to spread') . gaz. (sexual) charm.. is a Sumerian loanword). Akkadian loanword). 'to hire' + 'none'). þu-þu-nu: helpless (þuñ-(ñ).. chain (reduplicated 'ring. ñiš þu-lu-úb: (cf. to scare. fetter' or ingredient in asilal(3.du8(-du8): þi-li. decoration ('let it be suitable. Orel & Stolbova #52 *’ar-/*war.. grasp. þé-zu-þé-zu.sù(-sù): full of appeal ('beauty' + 'to rejoice'). gladness') . 'indeed' + enclitic copula. deep') .. þé-zu-þé-za: knowledge (reduplicated [with vowel alternation]: 'numerous' + 'to know') .. boor (Akkadian loanword ?).. þa-za: to hold. fine.. þi-nun: (cf.. fruitfulness ('may it be. þé-àm: 'so be it'. þi-li-ma(-ra)-az: joyous (?) beauty ('beauty' + asa. þaš4. hillbilly.. Sumerian Lexicon. ahaazum. þé-àm-me-àm: þé-du7: [that] is our wish ('wish' + î + 'to be') . þi-nun: abundance. to retain (Akk. (ñiš) þa-šu-úr: the cypress or Persian oak tree or its resin ('abundance' + 'to pour' + 'tree trunk') .aka: to behave gracefully ('beauty' + 'to do') . urudu þa-zi(-in): ñiš þar-þar: ax (Akkadian loanword.ñá-ñá: to rejoice ('lower abdomen' + 'to deposit') .0 101 . 'to wrestle' conjugated as Akk. numerous' + 'great. Version 3. þé-..þa-mun: mutually opposing.. þé-en-na-nam-ma-àm: it is indeed (precative prefix + î + na-nam. cross') . valleys' + 'points. þuš-a: something red ('angry' + nominative).. 'face. i-zi: waves (cf. i-gi4-in-zu: indeed!. i-si-iš: complaint. i-i: (reduplicated éd )..3). cry for justice.3. lament. ì-áb-sè-ga: ì-bí-la: clarified butter.. i(-r): (cf.lá: to sit in anguish (isiš2.. waste'). go out') . to see' ('to go out. þul-ñál: þúl-la: evil ones ('evil' + 'to be').. ibila ). ir). very happy.. þu-úr-sá-ñá/ne: þúb-gaz: (cf. 'Oh. i-dib: threshold. rise' + 'to rise. 'moaning' + 'to hang')... mountainous region ('holes. ghee (Old Sumerian) ('cow fat' + 'to make flat [by boiling away the water]') .. inclination (e. slaughter ('athlete' + 'to slaughter') .. perfume ('oil' + 'sweet' + 'fine'). joyful ('joy' + subordination suffix /-a/).sar: to run ('athlete' + 'to run').. rise' + 'to burn') .dím: to hurt.þu-su: (cf... ì-dùg-nun(-na)..du11/e: to sing a dirge ('dirge' + 'to speak. þur-sañ: hill-country. dirge ('cry' + 'to multiply'). porter..the angle formed by animals eating fodder) . ì-dùg(-ga). i-lu. sing'). i-si-iš. device.šú: to trample (?) ('athlete' + 'to cover') . í-kú: inclined angle. good oil ('oil' + 'sweet'). þúb. þul. i-ti: (cf. make') þul. iz-zi ) ('to go out. ì-áb: fat of cows. lament (cf. 45 degrees . slab..ñar: to wail (to someone: dative) (isiš2.gig: to hate ('evil' + 'to be sick').. cream (?) ('fat' + 'cow'). complaint. like (used in hypothetical comparisons). flagstone. Version 3. i-bí[BIL]: smoke. peaks') .. cause pain ('evil' + 'to create. (lú) ì-duþ/du8: janitor. þur-sañ ). ì-du10-ga: perfume. door keeper (impersonal verbal conjugation prefix + 'residue.3. ì-du10-nun(-na): cream. þúb.g. itud ).. i-lu: song. þáš).. Emesal dialect for igi. Shamash!' ('cry' + divine determinative + 'god of justice') . Sumerian Lexicon.. pitchers ('oil' + 'to store. ì-dub: storage jugs. as. isiš2. i-si-iš. i-dutu: outcry. contrivance ('to go out' + 'to traverse.0 102 . (cf. 'moaning' + 'to set') . heap up').. .. fine oil (jar) ('oil' + 'true measure.. to legitimate ('to look at' + 'legitimate. establish'). igi(-šè).... ñiš ig-šu-úr. to put the evil eye (on someone) ('eye' + 'evil' + 'to fashion').du: to walk in front of ('to the front' + 'to walk'). ominous remark (inim. mix'). igi-šè. fish oil ('oil' + 'fish'). clarified butter.. ì-ÞI-nun(-na): ì-ir-a: ì-ku6: þé-nun. ì-laþ4: ì-lí: (cf.. predict. itud ).dím: igi-du: to pass in front of/before ('face' + terminative suffix + 'to pass by') .bad: to open one's eyes ('eye' + 'to open'). stretch. turncoat. igi-zi. before his father ('front' + 'father' + ni-a(k) .bar: to choose.dib(2): igi-þul. ì-udu: fat.. ì-rá-rá: ointment mixer ('fat' + reduplicated 'to stir.. íb-lal: underwear (?) ('hips' + 'to hang. 'to grumble'). oil' + 'noble'). shiftiness ('eyes' + 'to turn. kuše-íb-ùr).ì-gu-la): perfumed oil ('oil' + 'flax' + 'beauty. 'word' + 'to make. to look at ('eye' + 'to open'). fine oil ('oil' + 'prime'). adj. ì-ñiš: sesame oil ('oil' + 'tree').. igi.. tallow ('fat' + 'sheep'). 'unto') .0 103 .. kuš (cf. fine oil'). extend') . a profession (impersonal verbal prefix + 'to fling away').. ì-dùg-nun(-na). igi-dañal: wide seeing eyes ('eyes' + 'wide'). ì-nun: butter. ì-sañ: best. ì-šaþ: pig lard ('fat' + 'pig'). íb-ùr: íd-a-dug: irrigation project ('canal' + 'water' + 'vessel').. e-si-na ). i5-ñar[KA. Sumerian Lexicon.. ib-si8[DI]: square ('eye' + 'to crack open') . revolt') . íb-dam-za: anger ('to be angry' + dum-dam..ÑAR]: to promise. ì-si-na: (cf. to strengthen'). igi.DU: igi-a-a-na-šè: to bolt the door ('door' + 'hand' + 'base' + 'to go') .. desire'). ghee (Neo-Sumerian) ('fat. for a lead animal.. Version 3. ointment ('oil' + 'perfume' + nominative). 'his + genitive' + terminative suffix. leader (also read as palil ) ('front' + 'to walk'). íb-tag4: leftover ('middle' + 'to disregard'). ì-ti: moonlight ( þi-nun). igi-bala: traitor. supervision... cf.gub: to look at ('eye' + 'to set').. igi. to direct the eyes to (with -ši -. mun-gazi ) ('eye' + 'to be good') .. to select (often with -ši-) ('eyes' + 'to illuminate').. to witness ('eye' + 'to crack open') ...lal: to close one's eyes ('eyes' + 'to diminish. to understand. igi. face' + 'to set') . igi. to spy. to examine..or bi -). to appear before someone ('eye. cf. igi. knock down'. igi. at a specific object).. i-gi 4-in-zu ). igi-íl-la: choice ('eyes' + 'to lift' + nominative). proportions... igi-níñin: treachery ('eye' + 'to wander.te-en: to unite ('eyes' + 'to soften. front' + X + terminative suffix) ... igi-te-en: fraction. face' + 'to sparkle.. symmetry. to have on makeup') .. igi-4-ñál: 1/4. to look over ('eyes' + 'to lift'). front' + 'battle' + genitive). igi-gu4: a stylized biconvex geometric figure constructed from 120 degree arcs ('eye' + 'ox'). igi-du8-a: visibility (of the moon) ('to see' + nominative). look upon with disfavor or anger ('eye. igi-6-ñál: 1/6.. igi-nim(-ma): upper country .a slave.igi.kár: to look upon. retreat'). inspect.ñar: to face. igi-ñál(-la): clever.. igi-nu-du8(-a): blind person . igi-sìg-sìg[PA-PA]: an insulting face ('face' + reduplicated 'to strike. igi. face' + 'little' + 'to lengthen'. sañ-ki. (cf.0 104 .si(-g): to see ('eyes' + 'to fill').dù: to be on the lookout for (with -ši -) ('eye' + 'to raise erect') . intelligent ('eye' + 'to place [into]' + nominative)... look at (with -ši. igi-lá: (cf. to view.. igi-tùm-lá )...gíd: to despise.from Sumer either the east or the northwest ('to face' + 'east').adds intensity to the gaze)... turn away'). ka-sìg)... igi-mè(-/ak/): before the battle. vanguard ('before. igi-gub(-ba): coefficient ('inverse' + 'fixed').. to look upon (often with -ši-) ('eye' + 'to place [into]'). Sumerian Lexicon. IGI-ÑAR(-m): igi. igi-X-šè: in the presence of X ('face. unskilled worker ('eye' + 'not' + 'to crack open'). igi-sig5: igi-su: pulverized (onions) (cf. Version 3.. igi.ñál: to (be able to) see.. inspection. igi-gùn-gùn: flashing eyes ('eyes. igi(-tur). igi.du8: to see (often with -ni . igi.suþ: to stare with wide-open eyes ('eyes' + 'to pop out') .gíd). allay') ..íl: review.. . im-þul: evil wind ('wind' + 'evil'). adobe wall ('mud' + 'to build.gub: to register on a clay tablet ('clay tablet' + locative + 'to write down'.. vigilant ('eyes' + 'to watch. im-ri-þa-mun: storm. im-dù-a. previous (year) ('the named'). im-gíd-da: small. also.. Akk. a starving person ('eyes' + 'to obtain. erect' + nominative).. clan ('the sent out') ..dirig: (cf. precious ('eyes' + 'to choose' + nominative). igi-zé-zé: dry-eyed (?) ('eyes' + 'to cut.the scream of suffering men or of women in travail (a deverbalized fixed form). shear. imri-þa-mun). before' + dutu-è. añar x) ('clay.ùru: to be on guard. pluck'.. igi-zu: (cf. im-ma-si-im-ma-diri-ga: 'it is too much' .suhhutum means 'pressed out') . im-du8-a: wall of rammed earth. íl-lá: elevation ('to lift' + 'to hang'. im-ru(-a). guard') .. . i-gi 4-in-zu ).mir: im-nun: to be windy ('wind' + 'storm wind'). igi-zàg-ga: select. im-dugud: lump of earth or metal (cf. edge of the civilized world ('writing tablet' + 'great')... im-lá: container... carry away' + 'to weigh'). whirlwind ('weather' + 'to blow' + 'mutually opposing'). width ('clay' + 'to hold'). im-ma. Version 3. IM. im-ma: last. im-ñíri: lightning storm ('storm' + 'lightning flash'). immal (2)). longing. im-þa-mun: a dark-colored earth used for a high-contrast dye ('clay. im-mar-tu: westwind ('wind' + 'western desert'). Sumerian Lexicon. cf. im-sa12-ti-um: eastwind ('wind' + 'eastern mountains'). earth' + 'contrasting'..dirig ). im-babbar(2): gypsum.. im-ri(-a): relatives..0 105 .igi-tùm-lá: coveting. family. igi-zàñ-ñá. facing east ('face. greedy eyes. 'depression') . cf. im-me: to be the one for (ì + me + a). im. im-ma-al: milk cow (cf. one column tablet ('clay tablet' + 'long' + 'side'). igi.. ní. cf. im-lag: clump of clay ('clay' + 'piece'). 'sunrise' + locative). whitewash ('clay' + 'white'). im-šu-gub). íldag[A-AM]-zi-da: pleasant poplar tree ('poplar tree' + 'good') . igi-u4-è-a: facing the sunrise. dùn-lá. im-ba: loss ('the paid out') .. earth' + 'weight'). .dúb: to insult. extract (on a tablet) ('clay tablet' + 'portion'). inim-dirig: inim-dùg: excessive words. in-ga-na-nam: it is also ('equally' + emphatic + 'to be'). im-šu: paragraph. inim... to be cut out.gu7(-gu7): to (produce) slander ('word' + 'low. inim... im-si-sá: northwind ('wind' + 'straight'). TAK4.šèñ: to rain ('storm' + 'to rain'). cf. 'yes'). good word ('word' + 'sweet. good') . document ('clay' + 'to write' + nominative). cf. in. in-ga-: again. to claim ('word' + 'to set. im. Sumerian Lexicon.bu5-bu5: in-dal: to cut... cf... curse').. equally (frequently follows -gim ).. inim-búr-ra: breach of treaty ('words' + 'to dissolve... inim-inim-ma: compositions... clay tablet. 'bed' + genitive). in.ku5(-r): to swear ('word' + 'to cut. in-nu(-da): straw ('straw' + nud.dug4/du11/e: to say ('words' + 'to speak'). IM. IM×TAK4.bala: to have a conversation.. to translate ('words' + 'to revolve') .. im-šu-rin-na: oven.0 106 .. fix'). loosen' + nominative). 'to blow'.gub). section. inim-sig.. in-na: insult. wisdom ('word' + 'word' + genitive ?).. inim. bul). inim. in-nu: negation (cf.. im-ma.dé-a: cleaning straw after winnowing ('straw' + 'to pour' + nominative). to taunt (with -ni-) ('insult' ( + terminative suffix) + 'to knock down') . an-na.gi4: to answer (with dative prefix and -ni -). eme- sig.. to blow away the straw/chaff ('straw' + redup.ñar: to bring an action against someone (before the court). in-dub: marked out border ('straw' + 'to heap up') . TAK4. in-nam-gíd-da: storehouse (rare variant of uš-gíd-da). hubris ('words' + 'to exceed'). inim.. im-šu-gub: list tablet ('sections' + 'to write down'..gu7). small' + 'to consume'.. in(-nu)(-šè). to call back one's word (with bi -) ('word' + 'to return') . chaff ('straw' + 'to fly').... fetch') .IM: im-u18-lu: southwind ('wind' + 'storm')..TAK4. Version 3. to interpret.kíñ: to seek or find the right word ('word' + 'to seek. inim. scent ('perfume' + 'to fill up' + 'wind'. fire.. to converse ('mouth' + 'to give'). izi.dù: to accuse (reduplication class) ('mouth' + 'to build. no indication of Afroasiatic cognates). ír: (cf. ka. bowl (Akkadian loanword. is-þáb: fool ('organ' + 'foul-smelling'). ka-dù-dù: ka-duþ-a: fierce or accusing mouth.... ñiš KA-dúb-ba: a field tool (?). Orel & Stolbova #1423. with open mouth ('mouth' + 'to crack open' + nominative).lá: to purify with fire ('fire' + 'to raise up').ne-ne(-r): to fan the fire ('fire' + reduplicated nir. kuš ka-dù: a leather wrapping for part of the plow. ka(-al)-lu5: a vessel. make'). current...sìg[PA]: to set on fire ('fire' + 'to knock down. ér)... cf. ízi[KI-IZI]-ur5: coal ('fire-place' + 'liver. ka-gáraš-a: ka-guru7: catastrophe ('mouth' + 'military encampment' + nominative). demolish')..šub: to hurl fire ('fire' + 'to throw'). to search for clarification ('word' + 'to request. inim-sig-ga: inim. izi..0 107 . ñiš IŠ-gi4: a tool... ka. izi. learned ('words' + 'to know') . ir-si-im. conceive an idea ('in a word' + 'to place').. extinguish').. *kalVy-. ka-al: clay pit. eš-bar). implore'). 'to winnow'). iz-zi8[ÑIŠ-KAL]: house wall... soul'). granary supervisor ('mouth' + 'silo').. torch ('fire' + 'to raise up')... é-sig4). ka-aš-bar: decision ('mouth' + 'one' + 'to divide'. izi. izi. izi-gi6-eden-na: izi-lá: shadow ('fire' + 'night' + 'steppe. izi.te: fire approaches ('fire' + 'to approach'). kalû. 'vessel').. flood ('wood' + 'to rise up'. ka-dù-a..sè(-g)[SUM]: to imagine. inim-šùd(-da): inim-zu: a word of prayer ('word' + 'to pray' + nominative)..te-en: to extinguish or calm a fire ('fire' + 'to calm..inim-ma. ir-sim: fragrant aroma. small' + nominative). iz-zi[ÑIŠ-ZI]. Version 3. one who knows the (proper) words. Sumerian Lexicon. ka-aš to render a decision.šár: slander ('word' + 'low.. spine') . ka-ñìri: path ('mouth' + 'feet; way, path') . KA...ÞAR: (cf., zú...ur 5). ka-íd-da: canal intake ('mouth' + 'river' + genitive). KA-kešda: regiment ('mouth; word' + 'to bind') . KA...kéš-(d): to organize; to have an agreement; to put together; to become undone, disorganized (with -ta -). ka ki...zu-zu: ka-làl: to kiss the ground ('mouth' + 'ground' + reduplicated 'to know') . a sweet person ('mouth' + 'honey') . KA×LI...di/e: (cf., gù-nun...di/e). KA×LI...gi4(-gi4): ka-lu5: (cf., sig 4). (cf., ka-al-lu 5). KA-nun...di/e: (cf., gù-nun...di/e ). ka...sag9-sag9: to make the mouth pleasant ('mouth' + reduplicated 'good, pleasing') . ka-sìg[PA]: an insulting mouth ('mouth' + 'to strike, knock down'; cf., igi-sìg-sìg). ka-sù-ga: an empty mouth ('mouth' + 'to be empty' + nominative). ka-šakan: supervisor of the fat stores ('mouth' + 'large oil jar'). KA šu...ñál: ka-ta-è: (cf., kiri 4 šu...ñál). utterance ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to go out'). ka-ta...kar: to take away ('mouth' + 'from' + 'to take away'). ka-tab: to be clogged ('mouth' + 'to clasp') . ka-tar: princely; praise; challenger; a type of fungus or rot ('mouth' + 'to decide; to destroy') . to praise ('praise' + sil, 'to praise') . ká-bar-ra: outer door ('gate' + 'outside' + nominative). KÁ.GAL: (cf., abul ). ká-mè: wings of a temple door ('gate' + 'battle'). káb...dug4: to measure or count commodities for accounting or taxation ('string' ? + 'to do') . (dug) káb-dug4-ga: ñiš KAK+LIŠ-la(2): kak-ús: a measuring jar with a capacity of 20 sìla . chariot; cart. goad ('nail' + 'to drive'; cf., bar-úsurudu). kal-kal; ka-al-ka-al: kal-la-kal-la: highly esteemed or valued, precious (reduplicated 'to esteem, value') . barren, empty ('to be rare'). (munus) kar-kid: prostitute (B. Alster reads munus-kar-ke4) ('marketplace' + 'reed mat'). kar(-ra)...ús: to reach the quay (in a boat) ('quay' + locative + 'to reach, moor to') . Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 108 kaskal...sig10/sì(-g): to clear a road ('road' + 'to place, put in; to engrave; to make flat, even') . kaš-dé-a: banquet, libation, party ('beer' + 'to pour' + nominative). kaš-dé...aka: to put on a banquet ('banquet' + 'to do') . kaš-dùg/du10: kaš-gíg: sweet drink ('beer' + 'sweet, fresh') . dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark'). kaš-gíg-dùg-ga: good dark beer ('beer' + 'black, dark' + 'sweet, fresh' + nominative). kaš-kal: strong (?) beer ('beer' + 'strong; excellent'). kaš-si4: reddish-brown beer ('beer' + 'red-brown'). kaš-sig5: good beer ('beer' + 'good, fine quality') . kaš-sig15: light beer ('beer' + 'pleasing; valuable'; cf., zíd-sig15). kaš-sur-ra: pressed out beer ('beer' + 'to press; to brew' + nominative). kàš...sur: to urinate ('urine' + 'to expel a liquid'). kaš4...dug4/du11/e: kaš4-di: to run ('speed' + 'to effect') . adj. or adv., running. kaš4...kar: to run fast ('speed' + 'to escape, run away') . ke-en-ge-ra: kéš-de6: (cf., ki-en-gi 7(-r) ). a fish measure ('to join, tie' + 'to carry'). ki-a-nañ: libation place; death offering ('place' + 'water' + 'to water'). ki-á-áñ-(ñá): the place of issuing orders (cf., á-áñ-ñá, 'instructions, orders') . ki...áñ-(ñ): to love (someone: with dative infix; something: with locative/loc.-terminative infix); to show affection ('ground' + 'to measure' = the first recorded euphemism ?, or the result of popular etymology from kam(2), 'to desire'; cf., ki-ná...aka). ki-áñ: beloved. ki-bad-rá: distant places ('places' + 'to be at a distance' + nominative). ki-bala: ki-búr: rebellious country, rebel land ('place' + 'to revolt'). solution, answer ('place' + 'exposed'). ki...dar: ki...de6: to break the ground ('ground' + 'to split'; cf., ki-in-dar). to bury ('ground' + 'to bring; to continue') . ki-di-ku5-da/ru: place of judicial decisions ('place' + 'decisions' + 'to cut, decide' + nominative without/with vowel harmony). ki-dul: secret; obscure point ('place' + 'to cover, hide') . ki-dúr: nest or den for animals (plural, cf., ki-tuš ) ('place' + 'to dwell (plural)'). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 109 ki-duru5: parts of the field where the ground is moist and productive; riverbank; generosity (cf., piš10, peš10; pešx[KI.A]) ('ground' + 'moist'). ki-e-ne-di: ki-è: playing ground; (place of) dancing (also read as ešemen ) ('place' + 'to play'). exit ('place' + 'to go out') . ki-en-gir15/gi7(-r); ki-en-gi(-r): ki-gal: Sumer ('place' + 'lords' + 'noble; native') . big place; great Earth (as opposed to an-gal , 'great Heavens'); foundations ('place' + 'big'). ki-(bi-šè)...gi4: to restore (usually with bi -, or with dative prefix) (lit., return [to its] place) ('place' [ + 'its' + 'to' ] + 'to return, restore'). ki-gibil-gibil-lá: ki-gub(-ba): constant renewal ('place' + reduplicated 'renewal' + nominative). assigned place to stand, station; socle ('place' + 'to stand' + nominative). ki-gul-la: waif ('ground' + 'to fall upon' + nominative; cf., gul-lum). ki-ñar: grounds; settled place; place where something is built ('ground' + 'to place') . ki...ñar: to found, establish (a building or town) (often with -ni - or bi -) ('ground' + 'to place') . ki-še-er...ñar: ki-šè...ñar: ki-ñìri: to fall/throw upon the ground ('ground' [ + 'onto' ] + 'to set') . path ('place' + 'feet; way, path') . ki-ñiš-ñiš-lá: ki-þul: to bring success ('place' + šár, 'to be many; abundance' + 'to establish') . battlefield ('place' + 'tools' + 'to raise'; cf., ñiš-ñiš-lá). mourning rites ('ground' + 'to destroy; evil') . ki...þur: to scratch the earth; to paw the ground ('ground' + 'to scratch') . ki-in-dar: hole, crevice ('ground' + 'instance of' + 'to split'; cf., ki-dar). ki-in-du: the earth ('ground' + 'instance of' + 'to walk') . ki-in-gi4-a: (cf., kin-gi4-a). ki-inim-ma: ki-ir-ga: place of testimony (cf., lú-ki-inim-ma ) ('place' + 'oath' + genitive). (cf., di-ir-ga ). ki-iz: to trim, to clean (of hair, leaves, or vegetation) (cf., guz). ki-kal-kal-la: the very precious place ('place' + reduplicated 'to value, esteem' + nominative). ki-kal-la-kal-la: ki-kalag: ki-kid: the barren place = the netherworld ('place' + 'barren, empty'). hard ground ('ground' + 'strong'; cf., kankal). a place of reed mats ('place' + 'reed mat'). ki...kíñ, kin: to seek (with -ši - denoting the object of the search) ('place, ground' + 'to seek, scour') ki-kúkku: dark place ('place' + 'dark'). ki-lal/lá(-bi): (its) weight, where weight refers to area or volume; excavation, grave; cellar granary, silo; shape, arrangement ('area' + 'to weigh, lift'). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 110 . high place... bedding ('place' + 'bed'). ki-sum-ma: onion-growing land ('land' + 'onions' + genitive)..lá: to heed. ki-ní-te: resting place ('place' + ní. še-er-tab-ba). calendar month 5 at Ur during Ur III. 'in the great courtyard'. ki. KI.. ki.. set' + nominative). limit ('place' + šár. pay attention to.. ki-še-er: ki-šúr: to fix the boundary ('place' + 'ditch. to kiss the ground. ki-ná. ki-ta: below.. grave. cf.. ki-ná: sleeping quarters..te-en. ki. 'to be many'..aka: to kiss the ground. ki-saþar: place of silt deposits ('place' + 'silt'). everywhere ('place' + 'totality'). Sumerian gather') . bed.. ki.zé-er). ki-lul-la: place of murder or violence ('place' + 'malicious act' + genitive). cavity in the ground ('place' + 'fierce'). cf. snake hole. fence. ki-lugal-gub(-ba): royal place ('place' + 'king' + 'to stand') . ki-a.. 'to calm down'). select fallow land whose surface was conditioned to act as a threshing floor ('land' + 'threshing floor'.ñiš ki-lá: water meter. to make obeisance ('to kiss the ground' + 'to do') . ki-nam-nitaþ: battlefield ('place' + 'manliness').. Version 3. kislaþ). enclosure. to lay the foundation ('ground' + 'to adorn') . to delimit'). ki-su7: threshing floor. ki-su-ub. ki-sá-a: socle ('place' + 'to compare with' + nominative)...tag: to lay on the ground.. ki-sug8. ki-sikil: young woman. ki-ninda-gu7: place to eat bread ('place' + 'bread' + 'to eat').NE: (cf.. ki-X-ta: disbursed by X ('from the place of X'). iti ki-sig-dNin-a-zu: calendar month 4 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. grave ('place' + 'exalted'). ñìri. dinig and nemur).ri: to scratch the ground ('ground' + 'to touch . lower ('ground' + locative with remote deixis)..aka: to make love ('bed' + 'to do') . to bring') . ki-sì-ga: funerary offering...sur: ki-šár: horizon. calendar month 5 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. virgin ('place' + 'pure'). ki-ma-an-zé-er: ki-maþ: a slippery place ('a place where it slips for me'. ki-sá-al-ma-þe: syllabic writing for kisal-maþ-e . ki. quarantine hut ('ground' + 'to place.tùm: to bury (a dead person) ('ground' + 'to prepare. to prostrate oneself ('ground' + locative + 'to suck') .. place of honor...0 111 . ...túmu: to obtain homage.. to refuse obeisance ('homage' + 'to obtain'). cool of the evening ('tasks' + 'late'). large beer container ('place' + 'idea.ús: to set on the ground. na4 kín-an-na: upper millstone ('millstone' + 'to be high' + nominative). ki..aka: to put to work ('orders' + terminative + 'to do').. ki-za.. envoy. to touch the ground.bad. wonderful ('nose' + 'to shine') . kíñ-šè. to throw to the ground. join').. kíñ-sig(7/17)(-g).. ki-dúr ) ('place' + 'to sit.til: to finish one's work ('orders' + 'to keep alive').ti: during the evening ('evening' + 'during') . ki-ùr: territory. splendor. evening.. kíñ-dúb-ba: hammering work ('tasks' + 'to strike.. message ('messages' + 'to return' + 'the one who') . kíñ-se11/12(-g): evening meal. dwell (singular)'). cf. splendid. kíñ. Version 3.0 112 . kíñ-sig-gin7: kíñ. KI-UD(-k): desert land ('place' + 'sun.. ki-zú-ur5-ra: sharp edge ('place' + 'teeth' + 'mill stone.sù: to make homage far from ('homage' + 'to be at a to bow down. ki-zàþ: a sacred locality ('place' + 'to hide').. kíñ. dwelling place (singular. ki. deliver').... time of the evening meal. knowledge'). kíñ-saþar: earth-moving work ('tasks' + 'earth.. ki-umun2-(m): "place of knowledge" (school). silt'). kí-sa: (cf. kìri[KA]-zal: prosperity.. kìri/kir4[KA]-dib/dab: groom (for leading donkeys and horses and as a title of a court official) ('nose' + 'to catch.. kíñ-dù-a: construction work ('tasks' + 'to build. remote').ñá: to work ('orders' + 'to make. kíñ-gi4-a:š: seat.. kíñ[-kíñ]. to assign work ('orders' + 'to keep alive').aka: to work.. hammer' + nominative). gi-sa). erect' + nominative). ki-za. iti kíñ-dInanna: calendar month 6 at Nippur during Ur III. to establish (often with ni-) ('ground' + 'to moor.. ki-za. ki-uri: the land of Akkade ('place' + 'protectors ?') . dry'). KÍD-alam: sculptor ('to pinch off clay' + 'statue') . kíñ/kinku6: a fish.. Sumerian Lexicon. kíñ ). submit (reduplication class) ('ground' + 'to make a repetitive motion') . hold') . kin: (cf. to manufacture ('orders' + 'to do'). to chew' + nominative). living grounds ('place' + 'roofs'). ku-li: friend. kù-im-ba(-aš. kù-luþ-þa: refined silver ('noble metal. clever. kiš-nu-ñál: brightly lit ('the city of Kish' + 'lamps' + 'to have') . gu7). turn into').kiri4-šu-dù: supplication(s) ('nose' + 'hand' + 'to fasten.. kù-sig17: gold ('noble metal' + 'yellow'). Sumerian Lexicon.ra(-ra): to seal. silver' + 'to clean' + nominative). to settle an account ('silver' + 'to weigh')..te-en: kiri4....ku4): kù. kiri6. impress'). to subpoena ('seal' + 'to roll..dug4: to profit ('solid base' + 'to heap. silversmith.ur5: kiri4-zal: to sneeze ('nose' + 'cold') . kišib-ñál: seal-keeper ('seal' + 'to have').. Version 3. wisdom ('bright' + 'to know'). dragonfly ('friend' + 'sky' + genitive). kù-tuku: one who has silver ('silver' + 'to have'). kiri4. to greet (dative) ('nose' + 'hand' + 'to place on') .lá: to lose money ('silver' + 'loss' ( + plural marker + 'to enter. ku-li-an-na: ku-mul: friend of heaven.ñál: to pay homage to. ku-nu: to approach. ku-dun. ku6-a-dé: fresh fish ('fish' + 'water' + 'to pour.2 liters ('solid base' + 'true measure').0 113 . apply') ... pile up' + 'to speak. kù-babbar: silver ('noble metal' + 'white'). to sniff at. prosperity ('dam in a stream' + 'to be full. make'). ku6-ab-baku6: sea fish ('fish' + 'sea' + genitive).. kù-du8: ransom money (for a slave) ('silver' + 'to untie'). 'anything' + genitive)... water'). to lie down') .. dug ku-kur-dù: a jar ('solid base' + 'mountain' + 'to mould.5 .. kiri4 šu. joy. kù-zu-nì-nam-ma: the all wise ('expert' + níñ-na-me. kù-dím: goldsmith. kù-ñál: inspector ('silver' + 'to have'). metal worker ('noble metal' + 'to fashion') . kisal-maþ: main courtyard ('courtyard' + 'foremost'). a standard size clay beer pot in range 0.. KU-KU: ancestors (?) ('to found.1. do') .. kù-dam-taka4: divorce settlement ('silver' + 'spouse' + 'to leave with a person') . abundant') . to be near. to plant') . kù-zu: expert.dù: to lay out a garden ('garden' + 'to set up. to sneer at ('nose' + 'to smell').. cumin (Elamite ? loanword). kú: (cf. erudite. kišib. kur-ra diri-ga: kur-sig: deep mountain ('mountain' + 'low'). chief').. staircase of the sanctuary ('tail. kùš-numun: in the Akkad period. la-þa-ma: long-haired hero(s) ?. geese ('mountains' + 'to return'). mythological sea monster ?. a length measure equal to 2 cubits...tag: to crawl. to be long') . kur-gi4mušen: goose... to run ('herd' ( + ground) + 'to touch') . charms. vigor (reduplicated 'happiness') .a metaphor for temples and for Sumer as a place where earth and sky meet ('mountain' + 'big'). kuš.. = 1 meter. appeal. la-la: joy. to treat or dress skin ('leather' + 'to raise up. ku6 kun-zi(-da): kur-ñišerin-na: kur-gal: fish-pond fish.. inspection record. lú-la-ga). kuš-dù-dù: leather-dresser. kun-kà-an.0 114 . Version 3. lag). mountain of cedar trees ('mountain' + 'cedar' + genitive). lookout' + 'to do') . kud-kud-rá: kug: fish of the marshes ('fish' + 'fresh waters' + genitive).. kuš-lá: leather cord ('leather' + 'to hang. lagar ).. strap') .. kuš-nañ: leather water pail or hose ('leather' + 'to drink').. dried fish ('fish' + 'to slice' + nominative).dù: kuš-dù: supreme over the lands ('lands' + locative + 'to be supreme' + nominative). great mountain . abundance. to devastate ('devastation' + 'to immerse') . (cf. kun-zi(-da): weir ('canal reservoir' + 'to strengthen') .. kù ). treated or flayed skin. to sneak away. kun-su3/13(-su3/13): long-tailed ('tail' + 'to stretch. kušu/kušumx(-ki). kur7. la-ga: (cf. kúr. Sumerian Lexicon. la-ag: (cf.. a lame person (reduplicated 'to cut off' + nominative). kuš7. to wag a tail.sud/sù/su: to level. staircase' + ' kun-sañ: to bubble (see the definition for za).di: to speak hostile words ('hostile' + 'to speak') . la-gal: (cf. make'). ku6-engur(-ra-k): ku6-íl: fish delivery ('fish' + 'to carry')...aka: kur7-aka: to inspect ('to watch. 2 ÑIŠ-BAD.ku6-banšur-ra: ku6-dar-ra: fish for the (offering) table ('fish' + 'table' + genitive). ningi . lú-gi-gíd-da: flutist ('man' + 'reed' + 'long' + nominative). lunch bag ('abundant' + 'container') ... bathe' + nominative). 'clay.. lu-þu-um: mud (luþ.. 'to speak' + nominative).. lú-á-tuku: strong man. lú-búr-ru: interpreter (of omens/dreams) ('person' + 'to reveal. kuš lu-úb-šir(-ra). lum. not straight ('numerous' + 'edge'. influential person ('man' + 'strength' + 'to have'). lú-bappir(2/3): brewer (cf.. lu-lim: stag (Akkadian loanword ?. cf. manure'). lagab na4 za-gìn-na: a block of lapis lazuli ('block' + 'lapis lazuli' + genitive). 'counter'. prisoner ('man' + 'rope'. iti d Li9-si4: calendar month 9 at Umma during Ur III. but Hebrew/Arabic LH/LHH means 'moist'.lá-ìa[NI]: remainder of debt left over. lug). arrears ('to weigh. 'fertilizer. mud'. lú-di-da: opposing party (in a legal case) ('man' + 'law suit' + 'with'). lunga ) ('man' + 'beer bread'). hostile')..0 115 . lú-a-tu5(-a): a priest who bathes the statues of the deities and rulers . date syrup' + 'ring') . Version 3. beet ('abundant' + 'container') . lú-ga-šum: assassin ('man' + 'I will' + 'to slaughter'). cf. lú-gu-la: despot ('man' + 'large'). 'to graze.'to wash' + imi. li-um. lú-érim: lú-éše: enemy ('man' + 'evil. kuš lu-úb: leather bag for holding food. lú-gi-di(-da): piper ('man' + 'reed' + di-dé.lustration priest ('man' + 'water' + 'to wash. li-gi4-in: exercise tablet (loan from Akkadian liginnu). don't find Semitic parallels to Akk. ru-gú). làl-þar: mythological lake. difference. minus' + 'oil'. pasture' + 'thousand') . pond ('honey. lu-úbsar: turnip. 'jail' and šaña. may be a connection to ia4. interpret (a dream)' + nominative with vowel harmony). lú-du-du: vagabond ('man' + reduplicated 'to walk').aka: to prepare (gold or silver) for the precious sack (by sifting) ('leather bag' + 'testicles' + locative case ending + 'to do') . luhummû. lu-gú: to twist. lu-ga: (cf.. cf. lú-dam-tuku: a married person ('person' + 'spouse' + 'to have') . be crooked. lú-ñišbala: man of the spindle ('man' + 'spindle'). 'captive'). lú-bar-ra: foreigner ('person' + 'outside' + genitive). cf. é-éše. Sumerian Lexicon. le-um: plate. lú-é-níñ-ka: manager of the treasure-house ('man' + 'house' + 'treasure' + double genitive [a]k- a[k]). lalla). uš7. lú-ní-zu(-/ak/): thief ('man' + 'one's own' + 'your' + genitive). cf. oppose') . release. not'. innkeeper ('man' + 'alcoholic drink' (+ genitive)). dear one ('person' + 'precious') . boat captain ('man' + 'large boat'). Sumerian Lexicon.lú-gub-ba: ecstatic ('man' + 'to stand' + nominative). lú-þun-ñá: hired worker ('man' + 'to hire' + nominative). lú-im/tum9: 'wind man': unreliable person ('man' + 'wind').. lú-KA×LI-KA×LI: lú-kal-(l): incantation priest (cf. treacherous man ('man' + 'lies' + genitive). debtor ('man' + 'thing' + 'not' + 'to have') .na-me. lú-kurun(-/ak/): brewer. lú-inim-ma: witness ('person' + 'word' + genitive). lú-nam-tag-ga: sinner ('man' + 'guilt' + genitive). lú-la-ga: robber (cf. to decide an insoluble legal case. lú še bad-rá: to thresh ('man' + 'grain' + 'to open. mu7. and sig14). lú. lú-ki-inim-ma: witness ('person' + 'place' + 'oath' + genitive). lú-ñiš-e3/11: doorkeeper. acquaintance ('man' + su-a.. expose. rich man. lú-lul(-la): lú-má-gur8: unfaithful. no man does X ('man' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'no.. rob'). u4-na- me.ŠE: (cf. lú-kar-ra: refugee ('person' + 'to escape' + nominative). LÚ. doorman ('man' + 'key'). numerous individuals. foreign country' + genitive). recalcitrant. intractable individual(s) ('man' + ru-gú. enemy ('man' + 'mountains. ru-gú). Version 3.. ma-la-(g)). lú-kaš4: courier ('man' + 'fast runner'). lú-ní-zuþ: thief ('man' + 'one's own' + 'to steal. zug4. lú-kúr-ra: stranger. healthy') .. lú-níñ-nu-tuku: lú-níñ-tuku: lú-ru-gú: poor man. lú-šuku-ra-ke4-ne: persons with allotted portions ('allotted portions' + genitive + plural). níga). split' + nominative). lú-tu-ra: a sick person ('person' + 'to be weak.. 'cat'). friend..0 116 . myriads ('men. lú-ru-gú-da: river ordeal. peel. 'to withstand.. which involved swimming a certain distance and returning to shore without being pulled under by the current ('man' + 'to send' + 'river bank' + 'to be near'.. wealthy person ('man' + 'thing' + 'to have'). lú-silim: lú-su-a: lú-šár: perfect man ('man' + 'good. sick' + nominative)... people' + 'to be many') . . ma-na-tur: a surface area measure. joyful. manûm. lú-zu(-a): acquaintance ('person' + 'to know' + nominative). 'to count') . Sumerian Lexicon. (gi) ma-sá(-ab): a basket ('to bind' + 'to equal in value' (+ 'container') ?. lum-ma: a fecund female ('to be fertile. (gi) má-da-lá: a thick bundle of reeds used to build rafts ('boat' + 'to hold near' + 'to strap. (ñiš) má-gi(4)-lum: a type of small sailing boat ('boat' + gilim. lul. ma-az: exuberant. ma-la-(g): friend (among females) ('to bind' + LA. (gi) ma-an-sim: sieve ('it sifts for me'). maatu(m) I. (ñiš) má-egir-ra: má-gan-an-naki: the stern of a boat ('boat' + 'back' + nominative). fugitive ('man' + 'to flee').si(-g): to keep silent ('lie' + 'to stay silent'). ma-mu(2)-(d): dream ('it is growing for me'). realm (Akkadian.. ma-da: district. 'an obscene name for the female genitalia' per Landsberger) . cf. 'land'). a female dancer. as a volume measure. 500 grams = 60 gín (since Akkad period.. cornel (?). runaway. Magan (a country on the sea route to India) ('boats' + 'support' + 'to be high' + nominative). Version 3. 'reed bundle') . to tell a lie ('lie' + 'to speak'). true'). ñiš má-diri-ga: lú má-DU-DU(-d): the boat sailing downstream ('boat' + 'to float (with the current)' + nominative). ñiš má. firewood bundle ('to bind' + nu11. ma-ra-az: (variant of ma-az ).du8: to caulk a boat ('boat' + 'to spread with pitch') . Semitic root means 'circle'). little mina = 1/3 shekel = 60 surface še = 720 square fingers.. lugal-šà-lá-sù: lul.. 2 ma-na = 1 sìla of water) (Akk.GA.. 'fire'). rob'). ma-al: Emesal dialect for ñál. má-laþ4/5). ñiš ma-nu: dwarf ash (?). ma-na: a unit of weight measure. ride' + nominative)..lú-u5-a: rider ('man' + 'to mount. human being ('humans' + 'huge' [ + 'numerous']). bridge'). lú-zuþ: thief ('man' + 'to steal. lú-u18[ÑIŠGAL]-(lu): mankind. = 60 še .0 117 . lú-u18-um: lú-zàþ: name of a breed of small cattle (possible Semitic loanword). good man ('man' + 'faithful. lú-zi(-d): righteous. barge captain ('boat' + ?. mina = ca.dug4: merciful king ('king' + 'merciful'). (ñiš) má-addir: ferryboat ('boat' + 'ferry.. productive' + nominative). bind') . yield ('profit.. load') .. máš-ñi 6). gazelle (cf.(ñiš) má. cf. ñiš mar-da ri-a: ñiš mar-gíd-da: riding with the wagon ('wagon' + comitative + 'to be located' + nominative). lú má-laþ4/5: sailor. loanword from maškanum... calendar month 2 at Ur during Ur III.. cargo boat ('boat' + 'to extend. Amorite . agricultural income. concatenates 2 sign variants] ... mašda ). má(-a).du8). prow ('boat' + 'point. má-tùn[GÍN]: asphalt specialist ('boat' + 'to bind. šakaanum 'to place') (ZATU356 archaic frequency: 4)..u5: to go on board. (ñiš) má-gur8: a large boat. boat transport center ('to lock up' + 'to compensate') . maš-dù-gu7: calendar month 1 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3.. mar-uru5). mà-ùr: ravine. (tu15) mar-uru5[TU/GUR8]: maš-dà: iti floodstorm (cf. wagon ('wagon' + 'to draw. deep'). ñiš má.. ñar7-dú: nomad.. ñiš má-su(-a): sunken boat ('boat' + 'submersed' + nominative). ñiš má-sù-a: a deep-draught boat ('boat' + 'empty' + nominative). 'location. maš-gána: settlement (Akk. bandage') . barge captain ('boat' + 'to drive along') .. má-nisañ-ñá: boat with first-fruit offerings ('boat' + 'first-fruits' + nominative). produce. ñiš má-sañ-ñá: the bow of a boat. ñiš má-ru-ru-gú: the boat sailing upstream ('boat' + 'to move in a direction opposite to [the current]') . gorge ('to go' ? + 'mountain pass') . má(-a). Version 3. tow' + nominative). calendar month 2 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. pull. mar-ru10[TU/GUR8]: mar-sa: flood (cf. é-mar-uru 5) ('to immerse' + 'high. ñiš má. maš-ñi6: maš-ki: (cf.. to embark ('boat' + 'to mount').gíd: to sail (with -da-). site'. pull').. cargo boat.Semitic nomad of the western desert ('wagon' + 'to be born') .0 118 . ñiš má-še(-/ak/): grain boat ('boat' + 'grain' + genitive).su: (cf.. maþ-bi: adv.. pot stand ('boat' + 'high.. Sumerian Lexicon. yield' + 'earth'). má(-a)-si-ga: describes products used to fill a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to fill' + nominative). deep') [MAGUR archaic frequency: 5. head' + nominative). má-ñéš-gur: (ñiš) má-lá: a boat of sixty-gur capacity ('boat' + 'sixty' + kor basket measure). lú MAR-TU[-KI]. powerfully ('great' + adverbial force suffix) .ñar: to load a boat ('boat' + 'in' + 'to place'). to tow a barge ('boat' + 'to draw. splendor. máš-lulim: hind (female of the red deer) (smaller goat-like animal + 'stag. me-en-dè(-en): we. young twins ('twin' + 'to be double' + nominative). us ('to be' + '1st person plural ending') . me-lim5[LAM]: terrifying glance. angry') . profit'). šu-maš-gíd-gíd ).) ('divine power' + 'awe-inspiring quality. all the functions of civilized life.. negative attributes ('functions' + 'terrible. máš. -me-eš: used as plural suffix. 'function' ('to be' + '1st & 2nd person ending') ..ñál: me. me-du10-du10-ga: the good 'me's.. also a writing for me..(great) exorcist (reduplicated 'goat kid. máš-ùz-da(-k): me-a. to make silent ('divine decree' + 'to set') .. Version 3.. to shine') . me-en-zè(-en): you (plural) ('to be' + '2nd person plural ending') . me-àm: where is ? ('to be' + locative + enclitic copula). good' + nominative).probably the Indus valley civilization in Pakistan. to prepare') . mí-a: breeding he-goat ('he-goat' + 'she-goat' + genitive). me-a. animals. exalted'). me-luþ-þaki: me-maþ: a country . I.? ('how ?' + 'numerous') .. me-a.0 119 . the beneficial functions. me-en: I am. to prepare something for the sake of one of the civilized functions ('me ' + locative + 'to be suitable. omen ('goat/extispicy' + 'black/night').šub: describes an animal dropping or birthing its young ('goat' + 'to drop').túm: how numerous are. dream. ('civilization's functions' + reduplicated 'sweet. halo. especially in late Sumerian and Akkadian context texts. light (myth.ñar: me-þuš: to be fitting ('fitting thing' + 'to be'). hart'). terrible 'me's. where ?. the high 'me's. máš-niga: grain-fed kid (smaller goat-like animal + 'fattened').. me-lám/li9(-m). maš-šu-gíd-gíd: maš-tab-ba: máš-anše: (cf.. Sumerian Lexicon. me-gal: great office ('function' + 'great'). maš-ñi6: night-time vision.sù-sù: to deck with splendor ('splendor' + 'to strew. loan interest.. me-li-e-a: 'woe is me'. me-kìlib-ba: all the 'me's. maš-da-rá-a: offering ('goat kid' + 'driven [animal]'). livestock ('goats' + 'equids') . máš-ñi6. one-half. how ? ('to be' + locative).maš-maš(-gal): a type of priest . me-te. furnish. máš-da-ri-a. me-lám.. the high functions ('function' + 'high. radiance.... provide') .. ñiš me-dím: ship's railing (?) ('function' + 'to build') . mi-rí: (cf. sediment' + genitive/locative). sañ-men). (ñiš) mi-tum: mí-a: a mace (Akkadian. costumes or other symbols of the Sumerians ('ornament' + 'to be' + 'the black-headed' + genitive). young cow ('female' + 'young heifer'). MÍ-u5-a: MÍ-u8: she-ass of the steppe ('female' + 'steppe' + genitive). me-ša-ra: all the 'me's ('functions' + 'totality. son-in-law ? ('woman' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value') . me-šár-ra. me-nam-nun-na: me-ni-da: the (god-given) 'me' of royalty ('function' + 'rulership' + genitive). mi-ir: Emesal dialect for ñíri. 'time.. me-a ). me-re: Emesal dialect for ñìri. (cf. ñiš mi-rí-tum: a musical instrument (loanword). befit ('to be its fitting thing') . men-sañ: head-crown ('crown' + 'head'. mer). Sumerian Lexicon. to be numerous' + nominative). to take great care with (often with -ni -) ('female' + 'to speak. suitability.. 'time. unique. do'). such as national totems. until' + terminative). until' + enclitic copula). me(-da). mè-šen(-šen-na): battle. mí. me-te: fitting thing.dug4/du11/e: to praise. miitum. to where ? ('to be' + terminative). mí-ús-sá-tur: son-in-law ('woman' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value' + 'young. caress. cf. to handle gently. men-dalla: beaming crown ('crown' + 'beam. MÍ-eden-na: MÍ-gir: heifer. little'). proper dress ('function' + 'to meet').0 120 . tatoos. 'dead man') . me-nì-galam: perfected 'me's ('functions' + 'thing' + 'artistic. (ñiš) MI(-si)-saþar(-ra)(ku6): sieve. men-an-uraš-a: crown of heaven and earth ('crown' + 'heaven' + 'earth' + genitive). along with himself ('to be' + 'self' + 'with'). moray eel (?) ('dark'(?) + 'ray-like.tùm: how will X attain or succeed ('function' + comitative + 'to obtain') . men-rib-ba: supreme crown ('crown' + 'supreme'). ewe lamb ('female' + 'ewe'). rub. complicated') . men-ri-ba. mí-ús-sá: bride ?. Version 3. to be bright').. me-te-ñál-sañ-ñi6-ga: adornment of the black-headed people.. me-šè: where to?.me-na-àm: when? ('to be' + èn. ornament.. to fill' + 'sand. me-na-šè: how long? ('to be' + èn. ray. 'scorpion'. selected for breeding ('female' + 'to mount' + nominative). war ('battle' + 'copper implement')... me-te-bi-im: to suit. murub4. previous') . iti mu-šu-du7: mu-tuku: calendar month 9 at Lagaš during Ur III. an acceptable food offering for the dead (Akk. dirty (rags). 'to give birth' + 'human being') . mu-.. swear').. mug. mu-ús-sa: the following year ('year' + 'to follow' + nominative).. Version 3. morning meal (time). mun-du: emmer groats.. year X (indicates a date according to a notable event that occurred during the year). mud-ñál: begetter ('to give birth' + 'to be') .dun: to sort out the tow (from the usable. Sumerian Lexicon. longer fibers) ('tow' + 'to heap up')..pàd/pà: to swear by the king's name ('name' + king + 'to call.šè: because ('name' + terminative). line on a tablet' + reduplicated 'single'). for somebody's sake ('name' + genitive + terminative)...pàd/pà: to invoke. mu-lugal. sentence' + 'to set down') ... mu-ud-na: spouse (mud.. mu-dili-dili: individual entries (in a lexical series) ('entry. mu-ru(-b): (cf. assigned lines ('word. mu-im-ma: last year ('year' + 'last. mu(-šè). mundu).. abundance' + genitive)..0 121 . mú-mú: always being reborn (such as the moon) (reduplicated 'to ignite. gal5-la). mu þé-ñál-la: a year of abundance ('year' + 'overflow. mu-mu-a: among all names = among known persons (reduplicated 'name' + locative). to give as name ('name' (+ terminative) + 'to name'). túg mu-sír-ra: mourning garment ('garment' + personal prefix + 'weak. appear') . mu-ša-lum: mirror (Akkadian loanword). to choose ('name' + 'to call. swear'). to be famous ('name' + 'to have'). múru). mu-dù-ù-bi: all year long ('year' + 'to work' + 'after' + 'it').. mu6[PA]-sùb: shepherd (PA as mu6 only occurs in this compound + 'shepherd') . mu-dur7[BU](-ra): mu-gub: dirt. mun-gazi: spices. an industrial process of reducing the volume of goods by pulverizing until 'like salt' ('salt' + 'cassia spice') . word' + 'to write' + nominative). mu-ú-a: this year ('year' + ? + nominative). feverish' + nominative). mu-túm: delivery (personal prefix + 'to bring'). to sprout.-a(k)-šè: because (in a nominalized sentence). mu. mu.iti min-èš: mu-X: calendar month 7 at Umma during Ur III.. mu-lá: (cf.sa4: to name. mu-sar-ra: (royal) inscription ('name. . weight' + 'inside' + 'cloth garment') . feed ('fodder' + 'domestic ox'). face. na(-šè). na-áñ-gi4-in: slavery ('human being' + 'to check. indicating a place for cattle to be inseminated).. na-ñá-aþ: na-izi: fool ('human being' + 'to deliver' + 'spittle' ?).. na-gada: herdsman (from Akkadian naaqidum.. na. to cease ('appearance' + 'to prepare') .ri(-g): to inspect. 3rd person marû singular subject marker + nominal) . lung cancer (?) ('lungs' + 'illness.used as a mixing bowl or trough ('back' + 'turtle').0 122 . features ('face. forage. instructions.. na. shell . 'advice. big').-ta: iti murub4: after ('back' + ablative). calendar month 4 at Umma during Ur III. Sumerian Lexicon.. na-kab-tum: na-nam: a cattle pen (Akk. na-DU).. to be sick. to fell trees (cf. incense ('incense' + 'fire'). city ruler beverage ('drink' + 'city ruler' + genitive). na-ab-bé-a: thus does he/she speak (affirmative + î.ri(-g) ) (prohibitive/affirmative + 'to advise') . flowers' + genitive).. equal') . anvil ('weight' + 'hand. appearance' + 'to say. indeed. turtle carapace.. nañ-TAR: drinking water reservoir ('drink' + 'to separate') . dedicatory stone ('stone' + 'to erect. inanimate pronominal prefix + e. measure' + 'slave') ... Version 3. na-RI: instructions (cf. to cleanse. nañ-ku5: reservoir created by erecting embankments off to the side of a canal to which to divert some of the flood water within the canal ('drink' + 'to cut'). muš-da-gur4: gecko. 'shepherd') .. iti munu4-gu7: calendar month 5 at Lagaš during Ur III. plant' + nominative). na(4)-rú-a: stele. mùš. conjugation prefix + b.. na. (munus) kar-kid). loanword.mur-gig: paralysis (?). múš. na-DU: read na... instructions'. mušen-dù: fowler ('bird' + 'to mould').de6/túm: mùš-me: to stop working. lizard ('reptile'+ 'arms.ri6.. strength' + 'partner. painful') .de6 or 5) (prohibitive/affirmative + 'to pick'). 'to speak' in marû singular + e.de5[RI]: to give advice.. to counsel in a friendly way (cf.. ñiš ná-gi4-rin-na: na4-šag4-túg: na4-šu-mìn: nañ-énsi-ka: divine bed ('bed' + 'fruit... stone weight for cloak ('pebble.. sides' + 'plump. munus-kar-ke4: murgu-ba: (cf. tell') .dub: comb or set hair ('appearance' + 'to heap up') .. mur-gu4: fodder. múrgu[LUM]-. nam-á-ñál: strength (abstract prefix + 'arm. nam-en-zi-da: true 'en'-ship ('lordship' + 'legitimate. cleverness (abstract prefix + 'expert').0 123 . nam-guruš: youthful vigor (abstract prefix + 'young man. bruise') . alkali' + 'to crush. perfection (abstract prefix + 'artistic. alkali' + 'to crush. nam-galam(-ma): majesty. marital status (abstract prefix + 'spouse') . to decide ('destiny' + 'to cut') . nam-kiri4-šu-dù-a: supplication(s) (abstract prefix + 'supplication(s)'). lordship. expertise. nam-érin: solemn oath. elders (abstract prefix + 'father. nam-ki-áña: love (abstract prefix + 'to love') .kar: to take away one's destiny ('destiny' + 'to take away').naña. naña-kum: crushed soda (plant ?) ('soda. ruler') . naña-gaz: crushed soda (plant ?) ('soda. come back' + 'office. youth (abstract prefix + 'child'). Version 3.dúb: to wash with soap ('soap' + 'to flop about. gi4-me-a-aš). worker'). function' + locative + plural suffix) ( to rub with soap ('soap' + 'to suck [away with]')... nam-ab-ba: the older generation.. curse (abstract prefix + 'enemy. nam-ama: motherhood (abstract prefix + 'mother'). fellowship (abstract prefix + 'to return. nam-gur4: pride. nam-þul: pain. strength' + 'to be available'). nam-kalag: strength (abstract prefix + 'strong'). discomfort (abstract prefix + 'to harm'). office of lord. nam-kù-zu: wisdom. nam.. nam-bára: nam-dam: monarchy (abstract prefix + 'throne dais. nam-þé: abundance (abstract prefix + 'abundant') .. nam-dùg/du10: something favorable (abstract prefix + 'sweet') . naña. Sumerian Lexicon. nam-dam-gàr: trade (abstract prefix + 'merchant').kud/ku5: to curse (often with -ta -). complicated' + nominative). true' + nominative)... strike') . nam-gi4-me-a-aš: collegiality. powder') .. nam-érim. nam-dugud: heaviness. importance (abstract prefix + 'heavy'). feeling of importance (abstract prefix + 'to feel big'). naña-si-è: sprouted alkaline plant ('soapwort' + 'antennae' + 'to go forth') . nam. nam-diñir: divinities (abstract prefix + 'deity'). nam-a-zu: medical arts (abstract prefix + 'physician') . elder'). high priest (abstract prefix + 'lord'). destruction'). nam-dumu: nam-en: childhood. nam-išib: purification. humanity (abstract prefix + 'human being' + 'huge') . superiority (abstract prefix + 'noble. fine.nam-ku-li: friendship (abstract prefix + 'friend'). nam-nar: concert.aka: to use violence ('violence' + 'to do'). nam-šilig: violence (abstract prefix + 'powerful. ill-fated ('destiny' + 'not' + 'cut') . captivity (abstract prefix + 'to impress with a seal').. profound (abstract prefix + 'great. satisfy') . authority') . nam-sa6-ga: pleasure (abstract prefix + 'to please. nam-ra-ag: prisoner of war. deep. may he/she/it not be (na. 'it'.. exalted. + 'to change' in marû form). nam-šeš(-a): bitterness (abstract prefix + 'to taste bitter') .. nam-maþ. nam-sañ-ñá. 'to be' } + (-a)-m. nam-lú-inim-ma: the act of witnessing (abstract prefix + 'witness') . conjugation prefix + 'to be') .. position of supreme power (abstract prefix + 'queen') . 3rd. mine'). used for work.. enclitic copula). reputation.aka: to treat with respect (abstract prefix + 'first-class' + nominative + 'to do') . nam(-ga)-me-a/àm: should there not be (na. PN nam-kúr-re: 'may PN not change it' (na. prohibitive + { î. Sumerian Lexicon.aka: nam-sipa..kud: to swear.dug4/du11/e: nam-me: to exalt ('greatness' + 'to effect') . 'impersonal conjugation prefix'. nam-maþ: greatness (abstract prefix + 'high.. deep') . nam-šilig. nam-sun7: quarreling.0 124 . Version 3. harmony (abstract prefix + 'musician'). sing. nam-luþ: purification (abstract prefix + 'to clean') . nam-nir-ñál: nam-nu-tar: nam-nun: distinction. nam-mu: why does it concern me? (a-na-àm. great'). conjugation prefix + ga. prohibitive + î. to practice shepherdship (abstract prefix + 'shepherd' + 'to do') . nam-lú-ùlu: people. nam-nin: rulership. nam-lú-ùlu. nam-lugal: kingship (abstract prefix + 'king'). mankind. + -ib-. nam-érim(-bi).. axe'). nam-RI-ÞU: bird breeder (?) (abstract prefix + 'to tend' + 'bird'). prohibitive prefix + nasal î. confirm by oath ('destiny' + 'hostile' ( + adverbial force suffix) + 'to cut') . deceive').. nam-lú-u18/lu7. conjugation prefix 'and then' + me. nam-lul: treachery (abstract prefix + 'to lie. bickering (abstract prefix + 'quarrel'). nam-mul: sparkling (abstract prefix + 'stars') .... 'why' + 'my. nam-sun5: humility (abstract prefix + 'modesty') .aka: to treat with human dignity ('humanity' + 'to do') . . guilt (abstract prefix + 'to handle') .tar: to decree the fate (most often with -ni-. nam-ùkur/úku(-r): nam-umun-na: poverty (abstract prefix + 'to be poor') . 2. to make a firm promise ('destiny' + 'to determine') . thing of sixty = ba-rí-ga (níñ-ñešta). nam-til-la: life (abstract prefix + 'to live'). nam-ti.. spell (abstract prefix + 'to cast') . ne-mur: glowing coals.. nam-tag: responsibility. ní-bi(-a): (by) itself ('self' + adverbial force suffix) .0 125 . NÁM-di: swindle (?) ('planning ability' + 'legal case'). destiny (abstract prefix + 'to determine. ní-ba: by itself ('self' + bi. NE-ra: (cf. nam-tar-eñir-ra(-/ak/): the future order ('fate' + 'future' + genitive). bathed') . as a result ('destiny' + 'it' + genitive).gum/gú-ñá-àm: it is disastrous (?) ('violence' + 'mortar/back of neck' + 'to place' + 'it is'). fire. 'peace. repose (from Akkadian neehtum. nam-šub: incantation. 'to suck') .. a class of persons or animals. Version 3. nisañ ).. sovereignty (abstract prefix + 'title of respect' + nominative). ní. nam-ugula[PA]: nam-ur5-ra: foremanship (abstract prefix + 'foreman').su-ub: to kiss ('an instance' + sub. NI-KUŠ-NÍÑIN: a vessel... ne-sañ: (cf. 'its' + a. ì-dub ). NI-dub: (cf. decide') . or -ri-. nam-úš: death (abstract prefix + 'to die').nam-šilig. ne..indicates that several parties are deciding the fate).. ni-is-ku: choice.. ní-a: by itself ('self' + adverbial suffix) .gub). nam. ne. after that. nam-tar: fate. ne-šè: on whose behalf ?. nominative ?). with -da.. bí-ra). ni-gi4-íb: a resin ('this one' + 'to restore' + 'loins') . sg.. Sumerian Lexicon. ne-þa: rest.. ni-gi-da: unit of sixty. fine steed (from Akkadian nisqum).gub: to position oneself ('precise' + 'to stand'.. nam-šita: prayer. concerning someone ('this one' + terminative suffix) . cf. security').. iti NE-izi-ñar: calendar month 5 at Nippur during Ur III. supplication (abstract prefix + 'clean. ni-ik-tum: a resin (loanword ?). personally ('fear' + 'to be frightened').. present ('thing' + 'to give'). self' + 'to raise').gíd: to stretch out ('self' + 'to reach out.. deliver') .ri: to be afraid of something.. to calm down. awe' + 'great'). shatter'). myself ('self' + 'my').. check') . níñ-XXX: níñ-á-ñar: violence ('thing' + 'arm. Sumerian Lexicon.. níñ-ba: gift.0 126 . nì: (cf.dar: pompous ('self' + 'to grow big').dirig: ní. ní-guru6: ní-ñu10. a temple servant ('things' + 'to measure..... to inspire awe. níñ-á-sì-ga: lú níñ-áña: well-established (?) ('thing' + 'strength' + 'to set in place' + nominative). to cool ('fear. ní-gùr-(r). níñ-a-ru: a consecrated gift ('thing' + 'to give as a votive gift') . transfer. ní-zu: yourself ('self' + 'your'). 'to extinguish.gub).íla: imposing. to be fearful ('fear' + 'to slice. cf. prostrate oneself') . awe' + 'bearing'). body' + ten.dúb: to sail ('self' + 'to float over'. have'). Version 3.. allay. ní[IM].te(-en): to rest.. ní-zu/zuþ: (cf. to raise oneself ('fear. to relax ('self' + 'to knock down') . ne. to inspire fear (with -da -) ('fear' + 'to strike'). cool down'). ní-mu: ní.. túg (cf.. strength' + 'to set'). ní reading from Alster. activity ('thing' + reduplicated 'to do'). ní. to pray.gi4: to submit oneself to someone's protection ('self' + 'hand. respect (with -da -) ('fear' + 'to attack').. ní.. to fear. ní. ní-gal: great fear.lá: to diminish or humiliate (your)self ('self' + 'your' + 'to diminish'). ní-diñir(-/ak/): the fear of god ('fear' + 'god' + genitive)... túg-níñ-XXX ). lengthen') . níñ-ak-ak: deed. ní. ní. Sumerian Proverbs).. awesome ('fear.gub: to position oneself ('self' + 'to stand'.. ní-ñál: terrifying ('fear' + 'to place')..ní-buluñ5[DÚB]. níñ-bal-bal: níñ-bàn-da: trading of merchandise ('things' + 'to revolve. a measuring vessel ('thing' + 'junior'). ní-su-ub: coward ('fear' + 'to suck. ní-te(-n): alone... ní.. níñ). awe.. ní-balañ: ní... ní šu-a.tuku: to experience awe or fear...te/ti(-ñe26): to be scared.. lú-ní-zu. awe ('fear. ní(-zu). lú-ní-zuþ). awesome ('fear' + 'to get.. strength' + locative + 'to return to') . create' + nominative). níñ-ñiš-tag-ga: offering ('object' + 'to make a religious offering'). taboo.. níñ gal-gal: things of all sort ('thing' + reduplicated 'big') . níñ-gu7-a: fattened. níñ-gig: evil. níñ-á-zi. Sumerian Lexicon. níñ-gur11[GA]: property. wages ('thing' + 'to hold. níñ.dug4: níñ-DUN: to speak unjustly ('thing' + 'violence' + 'to speak') . cf. dishonesty. injustice ('thing' + 'hostile'). níñ-gul: maul... níñ-en-na: 'gentlemen's possession' ('thing' + 'lord' + genitive). prescribed. níñ-gilim: sieve. wide ('things' + 'copious') . níñ-gu7: food ('thing' + 'to eat').nu-du8-a: something never seen (by an eye) ('thing' + 'eye' + 'not' + 'to crack open' + nominative). or as it should be ('thing' + 'suitable'). what is suitable. níñ-érim: evil. consumption.níñ-bún-na(ku6): níñ-dab5: turtle ('thing' + 'blister. supplement ('thing' + 'addition'). níñ-igi. níñ-GA: (cf. lú níñ-dab5[-ba]-ke4-ne: warehouse keepers ('thing' + 'to hold.. níñ-íl(-l): support ('thing' + 'to raise up') . Version 3.0 127 . possession. níñ-þu-þu-nu: helplessness ('object' + 'helpless').dug4: to say something ('thing' + 'to speak') . níñ-gi-na: justice. níñ-gur 11). trustworthiness. níñ-ñál(-la): sickle ('object' + 'to fill a storage basket' + nominative). used to break the clods left after harrowing ('thing' + 'to destroy') . property owner ('thing' + 'piled up'). spoiling. a length measure.. submission ('thing' + 'subordinate). níñ-gu7-da: nourishment ('thing' + 'to eat' + contraction of marû participial and nominative suffixes). níñ-gu7-dè: something designated for consuming ('thing' + 'to eat' + marû participial suffix) . food consumed ('thing' + 'to eat' + nominative suffix) . receive') . something held or for which responsibility is assumed. to be swollen') . truth ('thing' + 'true. receive'). dnin-kilim).. níñ ga-ti: I promise it ('thing' + 1st person cohortative modal prefix + 'to keep alive'). níñ-dù-a: níñ-du7: a measure for fruit ('thing' + 'to erect on the ground' + nominative). ruining. abomination ('thing' + 'illness'). hire.. gi níñ-esir-ra: washbowl (made of bitumen-coated reeds) ('thing' + 'bitumen' + genitive).. níñ-dañal: teeming. wickedness. mongoose ('thing' + 'to twist'. reliable' + nominative). níñ-dím-dím-ma: níñ-diri: NÍÑ-DU: created creatures ('things' + 'to fashion. springtime fruit ('thing' + Akk. a lot. níñ-kas7. sell') ..ra: unpleasant (things) ('things' + not + 'sweet. muthummu ). 'something small'. deceive' + nominative). níñ-sa6-ga: pleasure. níñ-mí-ús-sá: wedding gift ('thing' + 'woman' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value'). 128 . níñ-nu-mu-da-sá: nothing is comparable with it ('things' + 'not' + conjugation prefix + 'with' + 'to equal in value') . accounting. sell' + nominative [ + terminative suffix]). esteem' + nominative). níñ-nam-tar-ra: nature ('thing' + 'fate').. 'to cut off') . garden fruit. good') . níñ-sá[DI]: goal ('thing' + 'to compare with. good') . níñ-sa-þa(2): fruit remaining after the harvest. níñ-nu-sa6-ga: níñ. níñ-ka9-ak: balanced account ('account' + 'made') . níñ-ki-sè: funerary offerings (cf.. níñ-sám/sa10-ma(-šè): Sumerian Lexicon. good') . níñ-nu-dùg: unpleasant (things) ('things' + not + 'sweet.sahharu . ki-sì-ga) ('things' + 'ground' + 'to apply') . also Akk. níñ-ki: vermin. cf. from nakaasu . the 'perfect tribute' ('thing' + 'to make silent'). Version 3. 'deduction'.. to throw something. níñ-kal-la: precious ('thing' + 'to value. (urudu) níñ-sa-sa: roasting oven ('thing' + 'roasting') . breaking an agreement ('thing' + 'hostile'/'to change') . treachery ('thing' + 'to lie. níñ-me-ñar: silence. too much ('thing' + 'to be large') . níñ-na-me. nikkassu . happiness ('thing' + 'sweet. níñ-kal-kal(-la): everything valuable ('things' + reduplicated 'to value.0 (for) purchase ('thing' + 'to buy. níñ-nam: anything ('thing' + emphatic prefix + 'to be').níñ-im-ba: loss ('thing' + 'the paid out'). níñ-gu 7). níñ-nam-kù: property made of precious metal ('possessions' + abstract prefix + 'precious metal') . beasts ('things' + 'ground') . esteem' + nominative). acclaim. n i k k a s). níñ-sám: price ('thing' + 'to buy.. níñ-kú: (cf. níñ-ka-bi ba-ak: account settled ('account' + 'its' + conjugation prefix + 'to make'). to compete') . níñ-nam-nu-kal: nothing is precious ('anything' + 'not' + 'valued') . ñiš níñ-ku5(-da): níñ-kúr: belligerence. níñ-lul-la: níñ-maþ: wedge to tighten a bound join ? on a plow ('thing' + 'to separate' + nominative). to beat (up) ('thing' + 'to strike'). result (of a mathematical operation or calculation) (from Akk. níñ-kas7/ka9[ŠID]: account. . níñ-gaz: half-reed = 3 cubits (Akk. níñ-sila11[ŠID]-ñá: dough.šub: to neglect something ('thing' + 'to let drop'). abandon' + nominative). acquisition ('thing' + 'personal.0 129 .ñír: to lighten. níñ-šu-ti-a: what(ever) one receives ('object' + 'to receive' + nominative). rob') . (sexual) happiness ('thing' + ur5. níñ-šu-taka4-a: objects that will be given away ('object' + 'to send.. wealthy ('thing' + 'to have') . níñ-ul: what is fit for the cult ('thing' + 'primordial'). níñ-u4-da-rí(-/ak/): níñ-u4-ì[ZAL]-li: everlasting. nin-diñir: high priestess ('lady' + 'gods'). something for the future ('thing' + 'days' + 'to pass' + participial marû e(d) with vowel harmony). justice. fairness ('thing' + 'straight'). níñ-sig-ga: weakness ('thing' + 'small. nin-EN: (cf. weak'). níñ-šu-ñá: everything in my hands ('thing' + 'hands' + 'in my').sa6. mood' + 'to soothe' + nominative). níñ-šà-ñar-ra: famine ('thing' + 'hunger' + nominative). nin-uru 16). persistent ('thing' + 'days' + 'long lasting' + genitive).níñ-si-sá: equity.. pack-saddle ('thing' + 'cloth'). private'). to flash ('upper country' + 'lightning flash') .. níñ-kas 7/ka 9). níñ-zú-gub: níñ-zuþ: food ('thing' + 'teeth' + 'to set') . a man who had to take care of the bride before the young couple was married ('a bride's male attendant' + 'upright. Version 3. níñ-tuku: rich.. níñ-šà-te-na: soothing to one's heart or mood ('thing' + 'heart. contents ('things' + 'interior' + 'its'). níñ-tukum-ta(-/ak/): níñ-tur: something coincidental ('thing' + 'if' + 'from' + genitive). níñ-ú-rum: possession. nin-išib: lustration priestess ('lady' + 'to purify'). Sumerian Lexicon. livestock ('thing' + 'legs' + 'four'). 'to feel comfortable'). niñir-si: paranymph. normal') ... a small amount ('thing' + 'small'). nim. níñ-zi(-šà)-ñál: living creature ('thing' + 'alive'). níñ-ŠID: (cf. lú níñ-ZUM-DIM4: a temple servant.. níñ-úr-limmu: four-legged creature.. something stolen ('thing' + 'to steal. níñ-šà-bi: what is in it. níñ-ur5-sa6-sa6: sweetness. níñ-ú-zug4[KA×LI]: foul food ('thing' + 'plant. níñ-túg: blanket (for an animal). níñ. food' + 'to spit out ?'). Sumerian Lexicon.d nin-kilim: mongoose ('divine proprietress' + 'herd of wild animals'. to be reliable. not talking ('not' + 'to speak' + nominative). unfit ('not' + 'just. nu-gi-na: nu-gig: unjust. opposed to ninda-gub-ba. firm' + nominative). ninda-gu: a type of bread ('bread' + 'net' ?).. expert. d nin-nínnamušen: owl ('divine proprietress' + 'owl'). ninda-sañ-gu7: the best bread for eating ('bread' + 'prime' + 'to eat'). nin ur5 ì-sa6: lady.. temple prostitute. (cf. ninda-bar-si: a type of bread made with bar-si emmer wheat flour.0 130 . ninda-pad-rá: morsels of bread ('bread' + 'bite. nu-a: to lack. nin-uru16: mighty queen ('lady' + 'mighty'). painful'). nir-ñál: noble (one). happy'). authorities. to rely. authority.DÚR]-na: long-lasting bread (?). dwell. a type of bread ('bread' + 'liter'). ninda-kum4[UD]-ma: a type of bread ('bread' + 'mortar-ground flour' + nominative). morsel'). šer 7-da ). to dry out' + nominative. ninda-àr-ra: ninda-ba: pulpy dish (prepared) of green-malt ('bread' + 'to chew' + nominative). a fish ? ('frog' + 'bite. nu-banda3. ninda-gu7: food ('bread. cf. small repast'). ninda-KA-gu7: a type of bread ('bread' + 'mouth' + 'to eat') . good' + nominative). hierodule ('not' + 'sick. nir-gam-(m): nir-padku6: vault ('raised high' + 'to curve') . níñ-gilim). sweetheart ('lady' + 'to be/make comfortable. 'snack-bread') .. bread to eat while sitting (?) ('bread' + 'to sit. be without ('not' + nominative). nir. ninda-durunx[DÚR. ninda-ñíri: a type of bread ('bread' + 'expedition. nu-èš: knife bearer . Version 3. apportion') . reliance ('raised high' + 'to be') . bread offering ('bread' + 'to give. nìta[MUNUS-UŠ]-dam: husband ('male' + 'spouse'). food' + 'to eat') . trust in (with -da-) ('authority' + 'to be with').ñál: to have authority. NITAÞ-dun-gi: a type of jackass ('male' + 'yoke' ?). likeness' + 'shrine'). overseer ('not' + 'young') . trip'). nu-dùg(-ga): nu-dug4-ga: unpleasant ('not' + 'sweet.a cultic functionary ('image. nir-ñál-mè-a: respected in battle ('authority' + 'battle' + locative). ninda-síki[UD]: ninda-SÌLA: NIR-da: a type of bread. to divide.5: supervisor of works.. crushed onion seed ('seed' + 'onion' + 'crushed') .. nu-ra: not stamped with a seal ('not' + 'to stamp').nu-ñar-ra: thriftless. nu-ma-su: widow ('she has not replaced [her husband]') . 'to be'. check').. nu-mu-da-sá: (cf.. cf.. nu-mu-un-su ). deposit') . (ñiš) nu-úr-ma: pomegranate (tree) (Akk. nu-kù: no money. rubbish' + genitive).... ñiš nu-kúš: door pivot ('not' + 'to be tired') . ('not' + 'to be' + nominative). + a-ta. pa-áñ: nostrils ('wings' + 'to measure.e. Sumerian Lexicon. luriinu. PA+DUG-um: an allowance... nu-zu: ignorant ('not' + 'to know').aka: to show.. numun-ñar-GUL: NUMUN-ñisal: numun-sum-gaz: a part of the seeder plow ('seed' + 'to place' + 'to obstruct') . precious metal'). num-saþar-ra: fly (insect) ('flying insect' + 'dust. good') .. numun. nurmû. Version 3. níñ-nu-mu-da-sá ). nu-luþ-þa(sar): a plant (asa foetida) the fetid gum resin of whose root was used as a medicine ('not' + 'to be clean. to let shine.0 131 . put an end to') .è/i-i: numun. pa(4)-þar: wages ('small canal' + 'coil of silver'.. to make appear. nu(-un/ub)-zu: to not know.ME(.til: to run out of seeds ('seeds' + 'to finish. her'/'it') + 'to know').ñar: ñiš to issue seed.PÙ): (cf. nu-ñiškiri6(-k): gardener (pronominal prefix or dialectal lú --> nu ?). sing.. payment. abgal (2)). to make resplendent (often with -nior bi -) ('bud. bring forth offspring ('seed' + 'to send forth') .è. Orel & Stolbova #2122 *riman. pa-è. nu-kúš-ù: restlessness ('not' + 'to be tired') . a tool ('seed' + 'rudder') . pa. nu-mu-un-su. NUN. i. to sow ('seed' + 'to place. a-pa4). to not recognize. sprout' + 'to send forth' + 'to make') . lurmûm.'fruit'). nu-sa6: not good ('not' + 'sweet. fresh' + nominative). nu-ma-su: nu-me-a: (cf. numun.. nu-zu-a: unknown ('not' + 'to know' + nominative). temporal clause suffix) . nu-me-en-na-ta: you don't exist ('not' + me-en. 2nd pers. a worthless penny ('not' + 'silver. to not notice ('not' ( + 'him.. nu-siki/síg: orphan ('not' + 'wool [garment/blanket?]') . disorderly ('not' + 'to store' + nominative)... which is not. pa4[PAB]-a-da-ga: flowing irrigation ditch ('irrigation ditch' + 'flowing with water'). leprosy' + 'to divide. reach') . physically handicapped (reduplicated 'womb.. pisan-dub: container for clay tablets piš10. to expand. peš-peš: very wide. þa-la). spacious. carry. pi-lu5-da: (cf. þal. pà-da: an occupation ('to find. dried figs ('figs' + 'dried')."close. ñadub.. stretch. movable.. péš-(ñiš)gi: canebrake mouse or mole rat ('mouse' + 'reeds') . walking about. confinement.0 132 . thigh. parim ).. river bank' + 'to touch.. loan.TUR: ( to dig ditches ('irrigation ditch' + 'to dig'). pa-sa-lal-a: pa-TAR: a bundle of brushwood ('branch' + 'bundle' + 'to lift. pu-úþ-ru-um: púñiškiri6: (cf.. nemurx)..zil). share (Akk. puhru 'assembly'. pi-lá: (cf. to walk. pa4.. cistern' + 'to be high.. to peel') . billuda ).. pa4-úgur[SIG7]: ditch ('irrigation ditch' + 'field. to hang. Sumerian Lexicon. leg. metaphor in dùg. adj. a part of the seeder plow (barig.. cut-off branches/twigs ('branch' + 'to cut off') . to be wide') . PIRIÑ. pe-el(-lá): (cf. strike') .pa-paþ: cella. to go aground (said of a boat) ('shore. pú-lá: deep well ('well. unkin).. pil (2)). peš-mur7: a palm tree product ('palm frond' + 'ridge'). pi-il: (cf. inner sanctum of a temple (cf. pil(2)).. ñiš pèš-duru5: ñiš pèš-þád: ñiš PI-apin: fresh figs ('figs' + 'fresh'). poverty.. to declare' + nominative). assembly (Akk. to bind' + nominative). cf. *pah.. Orel & Stolbova #1926. leather worker (??) ('bellows' + 'to cut'. iti pa4-ú-e: calendar month 11 at Umma during Ur III. PA+USAN: a shepherd.. pa5-sig: small branch canal ('irrigation ditch. lock"). pe-en-zé-er: a functionary. cistern' + 'orchard'). garden' ?). pap-hal(-la): n. irrigated orchard ('well. v. hearth tender (?). canal' + 'small').. + 'plow').. pa-rim4: (cf. cf. cf. Version 3. pil(2)). '36 liters in Old Sumerian period'. paþ-zil: an intestinal disease (?) ('legs.tag: lú ša13-dub-ba) ('vessel' + 'clay tablet') . pú-níñ-ñìr(-/ak/): pitfall ('well, cistern' + 'thing' + 'path' + genitive). ra-aþ: to strike repetitively [with a hoe]; to shake ('to strike' + þ, 'many, numerous') . ra(2)-gaba: rider; courier (Akkadian rakbu). ra-ra: to flatten; to make wide (reduplicated 'to stamp') . ri-ba: enormous, supreme (Akkadian rabbu). ñiš ri-gi4-bil-lú: a tool. ri-þa-mun: (cf., im-ri-þa-mun). RI-ÞU: bird breeder (?) ('to tend' + 'birds'). rib-ba: enormous, supreme (Akkadian rabbu). ru-gú: to withstand; to oppose; to move in a direction opposite to; to face (cf., lú-ru-gú-da). ñiš sa-bí-tum: a musical instrument (Akk. sabiitu 'gazelle'). sa-šè...DU: ñiš sa-du8(-a): to roast ('to roast (barley)' + 'for the sake of' + 'to go') . a tool ('net, bundle; roasting' + 'residue' + nominative). sa-dúr(-ra); ŠEŠ-dúr-rá/a: low-lying end of a farmer's field ('?' + 'buttocks') . sa-gaz; sañ-gaz: highway robber ('head' + 'to smash'). sa-gaz...aka: to rob (someone: dative infix); to commit murder ('robber' + 'to do'). sa...gi4: to prepare ('mat' + 'to restore' ?). sa-þab: (metathesis of zipaþ ). sa-þir: net; bundle (e.g., of straw) ('net' + 'produce, yield') . sa-KU: arms (rare meaning; cf., sa-dúr) ('sinew, tendon' + 'to build ?'). sa...lal/lá: to stretch the net; to sweep; to tie with cords ('net' + 'to stretch') . sa-li: a type of lyre ('string' + 'true measure'). sa-ma(-a)-ná: skin disease; grain diseases such as leaf rust (Akk. samaanu 'skin disease') . sa-par4; si-par4: a type of net ('net'/'to fill' + 'to stretch out'). sa-sa: roasting, burning; reddish (reduplicated 'to roast (barley)'). sa-šú-uš-gal: huge net ('cord, net' + šúš/šú, 'to cover' + 'big'). sa-tu: mountain; upper parts (Akk. šadû(m) I, 'mountain(s)'). sa-ZI-ZI-a; sa-ZI-ZI-ŠÈ: a trawling (?) net ('net' + 'to take out, extract' + locative or terminative suffix) . sá[DI]...DI: to evaluate ('value' + 'to judge') . sá-dug4/du11: a capacity measure, = 24 sìla in Presargonic Girsu and 40 sìla starting with Akkad period; regular "tithe" or "offering" important to the temple economy ('to equal in value' + 'to effect') . Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 133 sá...dug4/du11/e: to reach, arrive, overwhelm (often with -ni -); to provide regular offerings (reduplication class) ('to equal in value' + 'to effect') . sá-ñar: adviser, counselor ('guidance' + 'to halt; to turn round') . sá-niñin(2): part of a harness (?) ('guidance' + 'to halt; to turn round') . sá-pa: part of a harness (?) ('guidance' + 'branch; wing'). sá...sè(-g/k): to plot; to plan ('advice' + 'to apply; to compare') . sa12-du5: read sa12-sug5 ?, from the Akkadian form šassukkum). sa12-sug5; sa12-su5[SAÑ-KU]; sá-sug5: land register manager; registrar of deeds; librarian ('head' + 'to lay the warp of the land' ?, also read sa12-du5). sa12-ti-umki: sag9-þul: the eastern mountains. both good and bad ('good' + 'bad') . sañ-a-ki-ta: lower end of a field ('head' + 'water' + 'to be lower' + nominative). sañ...aka: to care ('head' + 'to do'). sañ-kešda/kéš...aka: to pay attention (with -ši -); to admonish ('head' + 'to fasten' + 'to do', cf., ñizzal...aka). sañ šu...aka: to enslave ('slave' + 'to take captive'). sañ-an-na: upper end of a field ('head' + 'to be high' + nominative). sañ-apin(-na): sañ...bala: plow guide ('head' + 'plow' + genitive). to shake the head ('head' + 'to turn') . sañ...bul: to toss or shake the head ('head' + 'to blow', cf., sañ...bala). sañ-du: head ('head' + 'to walk'). sañ-du nu-tuku: sañ-dù: idiot, a term of derision ('head' + 'not' + 'to have') . triangle ('head' + 'shape') . sañ-dub: regular worker ('head' + 'tablet-recorded') . sañ...dúb: to smash the head (often with -da-) ('head' + 'to knock down') . SAÑ-DÙN: (cf., sa 12-du 5, sañ-èn-tar: šassuk). overseer; guardian ('head' + 'to investigate; to take care of, handle') . sañ-èn...tar: to notice ('head' + 'to investigate') . sañ-gaz...aka: sañ...gi4: to slay ('head' + 'smash' + 'to do'; cf., sa-gaz). to topple; to close ('head' + 'to send back') . sañ...gíd: (cf., sañ-ki...gíd). sañ-gú-ne(-/ak/): cupbearer (loan from Akk. šaaqû). sañ...ñar/ñá-ñá: to proceed; to oppose (someone/something: -da-) ('the head' + 'to set') . Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 134 sañ-sig...ñar: to bend or lower one's head (before someone/something: -ši -) ('head' + 'small, weak' + 'to place') . sañ-ñi6(-ga): black-headed people; Sumerians ('head' + 'black' + nominative; cf., dumu-gir15/gi7 and ki-en-gir15/gi7(-r); ki-en-gi(-r)). sañ-ñiš...ra: to kill, murder ('head' + 'wood tool' + 'to strike'). sañ...þa-za: to attach securely ('head' + 'to hold, grasp, retain') . sañ (an-šè)...íl: to lift the head (towards heaven); to raise up ('head' ( + 'unto heaven') + 'to lift up') . sañ-kal-(l): foremost; leader ('head' + 'excellent'). sañ...kal: to choose, prefer; to make foremost, prominent ('head' + 'to value'). sañ...kéš: to attend to; to watch, guard ('head' + 'to bind'). kuš sañ-kéš: sañ-ki: a thong connecting the yoke to the plow ('head' + 'to bind') . forehead ('head, point' + 'place') . sañ-ki...gíd: to get angry (with someone: -da-) ('forehead' + 'to lengthen'). sañ-ki-gud: SAÑ-KU: trapezoid ('head, point' + 'location' + 'bulky like an ox'). (cf., sa 12-su 5). ñiš sañ-kul: lock ('head' + 'thick'). sañ-kur-ra: a foreign slave ('slave' + 'foreign land' + genitive). ku6 sañ-kúr[PAB]: a fish ('head' + 'strange'). sañ-ñišmá: bow of a boat ('head' + 'boat') . sañ-men: head-crown (cf., men-sañ ). sañ-mí: female slave ('head; slave' + 'female'). sañ-nitaþ: male slave; (grown) man ('head; slave' + 'male'). sañ-níñ-gur11[GA]-ra(-ak): capital on hand ('in front, at first' + 'what' + 'piled up' [ + genitive]; sañ and 'capital' refer to the 'head' of an accounting column in different languages). sañ-rib: (cf., sañ-kal-(l) ). sañ-rig7: gift; dowry. sañ/sa12...rig7: to donate, bestow, grant, give as a present (with -ni- and -ri-) ('present, gift' + 'to deed, grant', where these meanings derive by back-formation from this compound which derives from Akkadian šaraakum). sañ...sá: to vie with (with -da -) ('head' + 'to compare') . sañ...sal-la: to be silly (?) ('head' + 'to belittle'). sañ...sar: to shave the head ('head' + 'to crop ?'). sañ...sè/sì-(g): to entrust; to take care of; to pay attention ('head' + 'to apply; to surround') . sañ-sig-ga: head-covering ('head' + 'small' + nominative). Sumerian Lexicon, Version 3.0 135 saþar si-ga: to pile up earth. sila). return') .. to silence.. to pile or fill up (e. silt' + 'to tear out. class) ('dust.... increase' + nominative).sum: to hurry towards ('head' + 'to give'). to go away. earth moving ('earth. quiet. constant.gi4: to turn into dust. si-ig.. 'to leave behind'..A: (cf. euphemism for 'to die' ('dust' + 'to turn. sañ. croissant ('horn-shaped' + 'large') . si-BÀD-na: top of the sky ('straight up' + 'to ascend' + nominative).. to be available. SAÑ-SUG5: (cf. silt' + 'to sprinkle. deficit') (cf.dub: to scatter (with -da . dirig or a vegetable.dug4/du11/e: saþar.. earth piling ('earth. weak (cf. immerse'). agitate') . to remove earth or silt. to strike down. deliver' + nominative)... sañ ú-a. level.. si-ga: n. eunuch. deduct' + nominative).sìg: to tremble. to care for something's maintenance ('point' + 'to be moored to') .. sáñ. straight' + 'form. Version 3. royal attendant ('head or slave' + 'warrior').. saþar šu-bal-a: saþar šu-ti-a: saþar zi-ga: to transport earth ('earth. šittu...or -ta -) ('scattered' + 'to effect') . absent oneself (cf. (gi) ušub). šassuk). to tear apart. sar-KA×SAR-KA×SAR: SI. ki-lá). silt' + 'hand' + 'to transfer. si-il: to split.. sig5 and sig).. sa 12-sug to cover with dust or silt (redup....sañ.g... sig5 and sig). silt' + 'to fill. to place into the ground. to move the head from side to side (with -da-) ('head' + 'to shake'). saþar(-da).. balance owing carried forward from an earlier account (from Akkadian šiaatum. lá-ìa[NI]). sig5). saþar-ñar-ra: volume ('earth' + 'to accumulate' + nominative) (cf. silence (cf.. to calm or put out a fire. sañ-sum-sikil: sañ-šu4: bulb of garlic ('head' + 'garlic')..túm: to defame ('first position' + 'to carry away'). to collect earth ('earth' + 'to receive' + nominative). adj. si-ga kala-ga: si-gal: weak and strong points. sañ. saþar. appearance') . si(-g): v..šub: sañ-ur-sañ: sañ-ús: to hide ('head' + 'in the grass' + 'to drop') . ñiš si-ñar: si-ì-tum: bolt ('horn. si-ga/ge: v. weak (cf. si-ga: adj. cap ('head' + 'to cover') ..0 136 . silent.. to raise a cloud of dust ('dust' + 'to shake. Sumerian Lexicon. earth for a levee or temple foundation).. 'remainder. si-im-si-im. si-mùš: shining horns. síg-ba: wool allotment. iti sig4-ñišì-šub-ba-ñar: Sumerian Lexicon. si.. baked brick (?) or potter's brick(?) ('brick' + 'potter' + genitive). light rays ('horns. expose') . rays' + 'to glisten. to tune (an instrument)... 137 . expel' + nominative).. šilig. Version 3. appear') .. síg-ud5: goat's hair ('hair' + 'she-goat'). wall' + 'turtle').gub: sig4-ba: sig4-ga: to stack a brick pile ('brick' + 'donkey' + 'to set'). calendar month 3 at Nippur during Ur III..or bi -) (redupl. si.0 calendar month 2 at Umma during Ur III. cf. sig-sig: narrow (reduplicated 'small'). sìg... sig4-al-ur5-ra: sig4-anše..aka: to sniff (reduplicated 'to fill' + 'wind' + 'to do'. síg ga-zum-aka(-a): carded wool. ration ('hair.. legal ('straightness' + 'to equal') .. si-šuš-nu: a sea creature ('antennae' + 'to go down' + 'do not') . si-li-ig: (cf. wool' + 'share. ízi-ur5.peš5: to card wool ('hair. to make straight. to march in line. si-sá: right. si4-lum: a garden plant ('reddish' + 'to grow luxuriantly').á: si-si-ig: to assemble in order. sìg-sìg: whirlwind (reduplicated sìg.. 'to demolish.. 'an aromatic substance') . sig4-áb: half-brick ('brick' + 'cow' = 'cow pat'). horned [can indicate a 'male' animal if only the male sex grows horns] ('horns' + 'to sprout. síg-babbar: white wool ('hair. to put in order. flatten') .. flatten') . wool' + 'to spray out. šim-im. shine') . turtle shell (?) ('brick.(urudu) si-im: kettledrum(s) ? ('to fill' + 'wind'). silig). blow' + 'to apply') . get ready. to prepare.dug4/du11/e: to be destroyed ('stroke. wool' + 'to comb and clean') . whirlwind (reduplicated sìg.sá: to do something in the right way. to yoke (often with -ni .ñar: to prostrate onself ('low' + 'to set').. si-mú: to have horns. sa-par 4). si-par4: (cf. wool' + 'white'). síg-sur(-ra): spun wool ('hair. sig4-báþar(-ra): iti kiln-burnt brick(s) (cf. síg. 'to demolish. rations') .. síg-bar: loosely hanging hair ('hair' + 'to uncover. class) ('straightness' + 'to equal') . 'coal'). s/šu(t)tinnu). sig4-gi4-a: roaring ('to resound' + nominative). su-búru: quicksand. su-din(-dal)mušen: su-din: butterfly.. sipad-amar-ru-ga: shepherd of brought back (?) ('shepherd' + 'young ones' + rúg. to shout. salted or cured meat ('flesh' + 'to hang' + nominative).gi4: to resound... sila-kúr.dab5/díb: sìla-bàn-da: to take a different way ('street' + 'different' + 'to take'/'to traverse') .ri: su.. apply'. sila4-nim: early spring lamb ('lamb' + 'early'). sulummar). say "Hello" ('greeting' + 'to give') .e: su-a: shepherd of wool sheep ('shepherd' + 'sheep' + 'wool' + double genitive). say').. Version 3. to howl (reduplication class) ('walls' + 'to answer') .zìg/zi: to scare ('gooseflesh' + 'to put into') .. še26. loosen') ... šalummu ).dé: silim. sila4-gub: offspring (children or of flocks). su-gu7/kú: su-lim: ñiš šudun). cat (cf. zi. to be afraid of (with -da -) ('flesh' + zìg. sug 8). 'to restore' + genitive). sila4-nitaþ: lamb buck ('lamb' + 'male'). su(3)-þé[GAN]: su-lá-a: bat ('body' + 'to cure'.. quagmire ('to immerse' + 'to dissolve.]GAN: shepherd of mother animals ('shepherd' + 'mother' + 'to bring forth').0 138 . su(11)-lum..gi4: (cf.mar: to disgrace. sipad-udu-siki-ka: siskur.. slag.sig4. awesome radiance. 'to stand up.. še25. cf. sig7-sig7: to be beautiful (reduplicated 'to be beautiful. say "Hello" ('health' + 'regarding' + 'to call. su-zìg/zi. sig14[KA×LI]. sub). silim... quoted speech in the texts] ('prayer' + 'to speak') . small sìla -vessel ('liter' + 'junior'). splendor (Akk...dug4/du11/di/e: to greet. borax (?) powder ('to stretch' + 'to support') . šalummatu. sila4-ga-sub-ba: milk suckling lamb ('lamb' + 'milk' + 'to suck' + nominative).. to say a prayer [often introduces direct. mock ('body' + 'manure' + 'to coat. Akk.. treat with contempt. skin' + 'to eat. su-zi: terror. mature young of animals ('lambs' + 'to stand') ... su-ub: (cf. say "Hello" ('health' + 'to speak'). Sumerian Lexicon. part of a wagon or plough (cf. sig 4.sum: to greet. sipad-ama-[Š 4)... sig14. skin disease ('flesh.. to have/give gooseflesh. silim-šè gù. a type of copper.. pleasing') .. consume') . to greet. rise'). . 'minister of the interior' ('minister' + 'grand'). clean beard ('beard' + 'lapis lazuli.... cleaned fish ('intestines' + 'to cut open. concentrated') .. prime minister. ziqnu.li9-li9).su(3)-ud: (cf.li9-li9: (cf.. deliver'). sù-ga: deceitful(ly) (cf. stomach' + 'to grasp. sug4).ÁB: creation ('womb' + 'cow'). remove') . za-þa-ti/din ). 'beard').. šà-bal-bal: ku6 šà-bar: descendant. su11. to rejoice' + 'to measure. ša-ga-ru: a kind of copper. sù-rá: far-reaching ('far away' + 'to go'/indicator of ð phoneme in sud). 'numerous'.. sud ). a quality of the ground ('to sprinkle.. ša-ra-ab-du: (cf.gu7: to destroy ('swamp' + 'territory' + 'to surround' + 'to finish off') ... offspring ('womb' + reduplicated 'to revolve.. wither ('to dry up' + 'inundation') . ša-ra(-g): to dry up. zú. sum-sag9: a type of onion ('onion' + 'good.bala: to breed ('womb' + 'to revolve. brass ? ('to be lasting. gi su7-su7: a basket (reduplicated 'threshing floor') . deducted from the state-bestowed capital debt (usually precedes account of credit transactions followed by zi-ga[-àm] ) ('contents' + 'its' + 'from'). might be some wordplay with Akk. ša-ra: syllabic spelling for šár-ra. sum-za-þa-ti/din: (cf. šà.. sum-GUD: a type of onion ('onion' + 'robust like a bull').dab5: to be angry ('heart.. Sumerian Lexicon. check') . sukkal-maþ: vizier. zú-lum(-ma) ). clean' + genitive. clench') . sug-zag-gi4. pleasing') . šár-ra-ab-du ). šà-a-bar-ra: bastard ('womb' + locative or 'seed' + 'to be foreign' + nominative).. sum-sikil: garlic ('onion' + 'pure. šà-bi-ta: therefrom. šà-da: voluntarily ('heart' + 'with'). suþ-kešda: ornament ('carefully chosen' + 'to fasten') . immerse' + 'freshness') . su6-za-gìn(-na): lapis lazuli (-colored) beard.. sù(-ud)-áña: diamond ?. electrum ?.0 139 . šà. sum-tab-ba: binding double sheaf ('to give' + 'double' + nominative). Version 3. su6-nam-ti-la: beard of life ('beard' + 'life' + genitive). deliver') . su11-lum: SUD-la: (cf. sún-si-mú: horned (or male) aurochs cow ('aurochs cow' + 'horned') . ŠÀ. . to make love to..dar). shape') . šà.. šà-dùg: a term for young animals ('heart' + 'sweet'). shepherdess ('heart' + 'to extend' + 'far'). Sumerian Lexicon.. food..dar: to be afraid ('stomach' + 'to slice'. to take counsel with (with -da-) ('heart' + 'to be tired. šà(-ge). true' + nominative). šà-gada-lal: šà-gal: linen-clad ('midst' + 'linen' + 'to drape'. clothed (cf. šà-þúl-la. šà-diñir-re-e-ne: the (secret) will of the gods ('interior...... šà-gada-lal).. to care. cf. Version 3. to calm down the heart ('heart' + 'to rest').. šà-ñál: what is in one's heart.dirig: to be overflowing with joy ('delight' + 'to exceed').kúr/kár: to change one's mind ('heart.0 140 .dím: to grieve ('heart' + 'evil' + 'to make'). šà-þul. ní.lá: šà-lá-lá: to (en)gorge. šà-ne-ša4: supplications ('heart' + 'this' + 'to grieve'). painful'). šà-lá-sù(-d): merciful.diri: to overeat ('stomach' + 'to exceed'). cf. šà-íb-ba(-/ak/): anger ('midst' + 'loins' + genitive). šà-gig-ga: an aching heart ('heart' + 'to be sick. painful' + nominative). grain heap') ...e. individual'). stuff ('stomach' + 'to extend.... be bright..pàd: to choose ('heart. šà-gi8[IGI]-guru6/7: a voluntary offering ('heart' + 'eyes' + 'to shine. šà-ki-áña: a loving heart ('heart' + 'to love' + nominative). šà-šè. šà-þul-gig: hatred ('heart' + 'evil' + 'to be sick. stomach' ( + 'to the') + 'a large silo') . worry') .. declare') .. šà-dub-didli: recorded on an individual tablet ('contents' + 'tablet' + 'separate.þuñ: to be hungry ('hunger' + 'to have') . will. will' + 'gods').. šà-ga-dù: belt ('stomach' + nominative + 'to mould.guru7: all that one wants ('heart. šà-þúl-la: delight ('heart' + 'to rejoice' + nominative). mood' + ergative agent marker + 'to change') . sustenance ('stomach' + 'enlarge') ...gíd: to bear in mind ('heart' + 'concerning' + 'to measure') . to pacify. šà-ñar. šà-ka-tab: hunger ('stomach' + 'mouth' + 'to tremble.. fodder. cf..šà. šà-ñar: hunger ('stomach' + 'to deposit'.. load') . šà. šà(-ge).. to make haste').tuku: šà. šañar). one's nature ('heart' + 'to be firm. šà-gi-na: true heart. i. šà-lá-lá).kúš(-ù): to rest the heart.. the heart's desire ('heart' + 'to dwell'). šà(-ge)... stomach' ( + 'in the') + 'to find.. šà. . negligent (cf. crush') . to obtain') .0 141 . starved. trustworthy. áña-ús. empty' + nominative). šà-su-ga: dry river bed ('river bed' + sug4. šà.. še-bi: value-equivalence in barley (used as a standard) ('barley' + 'its').. barley lost in processing. weak' + nominative). še-ba: to be careless. šàr-ra-ús-sa: body guard (from Akkadian šarru . small. cool down') . palace. cf. "bush pig" ('pig' + 'trees' + 'reeds'). disappear') . speckle') . wrap'). šà. excitement ('heart' + 'to rise up' + nominative). šakan-kéš: basket weaver (?) ('large jar for oil'. porcupine ('bush pig' + 'it eats') .šà-sig-ga: a depressed heart ('heart' + 'low.. Version 3. ('barley' + 'portion.. 'slave'). šà-zu: midwife ('womb' + 'to know').sìg: to be oppressed ('heart' + 'to strike. (gi) šà-sur: (reed-mat) sieve ('gut-like container' + 'to press out a liquid') . 'king'. šà.. še-ba: barley rations distributed by the administration of the temple. šà-sù-ga: hungry.. release'). lú ša13[ÑÁ]-dub-ba: archivist (cf. midst' + 'town' + genitive).. without recompense ('stomach' + 'empty' + nominative). šagan-lá: peddler.. + 'to bind. šà-tam: credible. iti še-bar-ra-ñál-la: calendar month 3 at Umma during Ur III. grass') . fleece' + reduplicated 'dot. commissioner ('heart' + 'to be polished') . to spawn eggs (said of a fish) ('intestines' + 'to expel a liquid'). 'to lay bare. še-bal: šab. to prepare. šà-túm: field. šub.šed7: to cool/soothe the heart ('heart' + 'to calm. grain tax ('barley' + 'to demolish'). šà-tur: womb ('insides' + 'child'). etc. rations') . 'to fall. pasture grazing pig ('pig' + 'plants. acre ('womb' + 'to be suitable. + 'to follow' + nominative. šáþ(2)-bar-gùn(-gùn)-nu: šáþ(2)-ñiš-gi(4): šáþ(2)-niga: porcupine ('pig' + 'outside. fleece' + 'to spray out') . fattened pig ('pig' + 'fattened'). and further distribution ('barley' + 'to open. storage. ñadub. trader ('a large jar for oil' + 'to carry'). 'king'. administrative director. šáþ(2)-ñiš-gi(4)(-ì)-gu7-e: šaþ(2)-ú: pisan-dub). šà-uru(-/ak/): šà-zi-ga: town center ('interior. šáþ(2)-zé-da-bar-sur-ra: porcupine ('pig' + 'to cut' + 'to protect' + 'outside.sur: to have diarrhea. + abdu. Sumerian Lexicon. šár-ra-ab-du: a temple official (from Akkadian šarru . še-búr-ra: grain released for transport. 'policeman'). še-er-še-er. še-er-zi: shine. še-er-tab-ba: haystack. še-muš(5): bitter grain ('grain' + 'bitter'). še-LÚsar: coriander ('grain corn' + 'man or many') [ŠELU archaic frequency: 28]. itiše-sañ11-ku5)..è: 'sweet corn tree' = licorice tree (?) ('corn' + 'sweet').. light. deposit') . še-ì-ñiš: sesame seeds. calendar month 12 at Lagaš during Ur III.. še-namušen: (cf.. ox' ( + dative) + 'to feed'). barley' + gunu. iti še-gur10-ku5: (cf. še-gibil: new grain ('grains' + 'new. to adorn (with -ni -) (šár. cornstack. še-gu-nu: fine grains. to be obedient. še-gur10-ku5: (cf. to carry grain... sínmušen). še ñiš-è-a). late barley ('grains.ñar: to sow barley. to buy with barley ('barley' + 'to deliver..dé: to clean barley after winnowing ('barley. Sumerian Lexicon. (cf.lá: to thresh grain by beating with a flail ('grain + 'stick' + 'to strike'). še-er. še gud(-rá) gu7: grain spent as oxen feed ('barley' + 'bull.še. še-ñiš-ì. 'load' ?).dug4/du11/e: to cover with. to winnow grain ('grain' + 'to lift').. še-lum-lum: barley sprouts ('grain corn' + 'juniper'). še-ga/ge: še-GAZ: favorite. še ñiš..ñál).. Version 3. sè(g)... še-er-gu/kum: a long string of dried fruit (probable syllabic spelling of Semitic root. fresh'). interweave') .0 142 .. 'sheaf' + 'to bind. še-ñar: barley delivery ('barley' + 'to deliver.ra(-an/aþ): iti še-íl-la: še. to agree (with -ši -) (cf. še ñiš-è-a: harvested grain that has just been threshed and only roughly measured with a stick ('grain + 'stick' + 'to exit from' + nominative). join' + nominative). še-GUD: einkorn wheat ('grain' + 'robust like a bull'). sig10).. set' + nominative)..ñál: to have authority (Emesal dialect for nir. še-sañ11-ku5). a type of reed fence (šár.. 'to shine brightly') . 'to be many' or zár. crushed barley ('barley' + 'to crush') . še.. še-er. glimmer (syllabic spelling of šér. ñiš še-dùg: še. še-gub-ba: barley deposit ('barley' + 'to stand. 'to decorate with colors' + 'to effect') . deposit') . še-er-ka-an. 'to be many' + gùn. 'to lace. to obey.. sesame oil ('grain' + 'tree' + 'oil').. grain' + 'to pour'). še-li: pine or juniper seeds ('grain corn' + 'juniper'). sim. good crops... dúr: to fart ('excrement' + 'to break wind')..še-numun: seed ('grain' + 'seed').ús: to thresh grain by beating ('barley' + 'to throw'). šeš-da-gu7: calendar month 2 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3. 'to sniff')... ba-an). calendar month 1 at Umma during Ur III.šub: še.. še25/še26.gi4). 'treading' by animals as a way of threshing grain ('barley' + 'to drive. to follow'). whale ?') . šim-su-SÁ: cologne. incantation ('song' + 'sacred. to throw away') .. šeš-bàn-da: iti younger brother ('brother' + 'young. še-ri-ga: gleaned grain ('grain' + 'to bring'). holy') . še-sañ(11)-ku5: harvest ('grain' + 'to harvest ?' + 'to cut') . še-sa: roasted barley ('barley' + 'to roast').used in making medicinal plasters ('aromatic resin' + 'to be sick'). to moan ('grain. blame. sa-dúr(-ra)). šim-gig: šim-im: frankincense ... compete with') .. lú šim-nañ: spice drinkers (?) ('spice' + 'to drink').. še. iti še-sañ11-ku5: calendar month 12 at Nippur during Ur III...áña: to sing. a measure for fish ('portion' + 'a measure'. cf.. še. calendar month 1 at Ur during Ur III.. šìr. strife (reduplicated 'mirror' or 'shield' ?). Sumerian Lexicon.ša4: to harvest barley ('barley' + 'to suck'). ŠIM×KÚŠU: šìr-kug: ambergris ('aromatic substance' + 'turtle.turpentine (?) ('aromatic resin' + reduplicated 'to bend. crime. si-im-si-im. ŠEŠ-dúr-rá/a: (cf. šim-PI-PI: an aromatic substance.. šer7-da: capital offense. še. šeš-gal: older brother ('brother' + 'large').. sig4. punishment. tiny' + 'to mourn'). junior') . an aromatic substance ('aromatic substance' + 'wind'.zil-zil(-la): ŠÈ-ba-an: to dehusk barley ('barley' + reduplicated 'to peel') ..0 143 . calendar month 3 at Ur during Ur III. Version 3.... šim-gam-gam(-ma): an aromatic substance . calendar month 1 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3.. perfume (?) ('aromatic substance' + 'body' + 'to equal. calendar month 12 at Drehem before Šu-Sin 3. to cry (out) ('song' + 'to mete out') . šen-šen: combat.. calendar month 11 at Lagaš during Ur III.gi4: ( še. sacred song. cf.. to shrivel') . še10. šika-ri: shattered potsherds ('potsherd' + 'to break open.ak. calendar month 3 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. put ('hand' + 'to effect') .du7: to embellish...... Version 3.dug4/du11/e: to touch. to provide (generously) with (with -ni -) ('hand' ( + 'wide. take. release') .dab(5): to perform a service. to set aside ('hand' + 'to change' + 'to do') .. to apply one's hands to ('hands' + 'to fasten') . take away' + nominative). šu-dim4-ma: loyal ('hand' + 'subservient' + nominative)... šu-bal. daily offering ('hand.. šu-þul.bad: to release ('hand' + 'to open') .dù: to destroy ('hands' + 'evil' + 'to fasten') ...bad .aka: to clean (a canal) ('hand' + 'to clean' + 'to do').. regular.... split... to tamper. šu-kíñ. carry').4. to place..or bi -) ('hand' + 'to open') ....du8: to hold in the hand (with -ni . to take or accept ('hand' + 'to hold.. šu. šu. šu-du8-a.aka: to alter. šu-du8-a: guarantee ('to hold' + nominative)..dug4/du11/e: Sumerian Lexicon..dag: to roam to release.. as a unit of measurement.. šu. šu/šú-luþ. portion' + locative + 'steady' + nominative). to put on the finishing touches. šu. let loose ('hand' + 'to open. receive') .dug4/du11/e: to supply.. šu. šu(-dañal). šu-dab(5)(-ba): š (cf. šu-gibil-gibil.búru: to open the hand ('hand' + 'to open') ...0 to be haunted ('hand' + 'spirit of a place' + 'to effect') . to ).dab(2. to set aside ('hand' + 'to change') . šu.666 cm. šu..šìr-ra-nam-en-na. to make perfect (with -ta -) (reduplication class) ('hand' + 'to complete') .bal: to alter.. class) ('hand' + 'to slice. šu. šu-da: hand and forearm. to run away ('hand' + 'to roam')..5): sale ('hand' + 'to clasp. to complete... shatter') . šu.. ñiš/urudu šìr-šìr: šu-a-gi-na: šu.. šìr-re-nam-nir-ra: song of lordship ('song' + 'lordship' + genitive). šu. kùš) ('hand' + 'arm'). šu.dù: to bind the hands..aka: chain (probable Akkadian loan word).. šu líl-lá. task' + 'to hold/seize').. šu..DU(de6/túm): to act as guarantor for ('guarantee' + 'to bring.. ('hands' + 'to stack') . to take captive ('hand' + 'to do') . 144 . copious') + 'to effect') .. to kneel down ('hand' + 'order. šu..de6: to set to work ('hand' + 'to bring') .aka: to renew ('hand' + 'to renovate' + 'to renovate' + 'to do') ....dar: to slaughter (redupl... šu. šu-dù-a: length measure of 10 fingers = 16. ell/cubit (cf.. šudun ).gi4: to bring back.... arrive') . šu sùþ-a.šu pe-el lá.. besiege') . to repeat. to build. šu-gíd: dues.ñar: to grant a pardon ('hand' + 'hand' + 'to deliver') . šu-šu. to observe/inspect the offering animal (cf.. strike' + 'to effect') .. to be favorable.dug4/du11/e: to attain ('hand' + 'to reach.... to measure out') .gu4-gu4-ud: to jumpily move around ('hand' + 'to leap.. šu..dug4/du11/e: šu-dul5: (cf..0 145 .gur: to roll. to grow rich ('hand' + 'to raise') . šu.. to burn ('hand' + 'to rage at') (cf.dug4/du11/e: to confuse. 'hand' + 'to reach out') .ñar: to be/place in the hand... to lead back. šu(-a). šu.. tools. to answer ('hand' ( + locative) + 'to return') . Version 3... šu-gi(4): old ('hand' + 'to return' ?. to be defiled ('hand' + pil. šu. to wrap. iti šu-eš-ša: calendar month 8 at Drehem before Šu-Sin 3. to wipe ('hand' + 'circular motion'). to be confused ('hand' + 'in confusion' + 'to effect'). pierce' + 'to effect') . Sumerian Lexicon.dug4/du11/e). to repay. to decorate (with -ni -). šu-ku6(-d)). to sprinkle. to cease doing something (with -ta -) ('hand' + 'to deliver') . disconcert.... šu.þu-uz: (lú) šu-i: barber ('hand' + 'to sprout' ?).. šu-þal-la: open hand ('hand' + 'to divide. šu-þa: robber (cf.. šu sùþ-a.. grasp') . šu.. to take away. decorate.þa-za: to hold in the hand ('hand' + 'to hold.. (cf.. to paint ('hand' + 'to weave.gíd: to accept.. general obligation ('hand' + 'to reach out. 'to be/make dirty. šu sá. šu-maš-gíd-gíd. 'reed-like' ?). to carry out.. distribute' + nominative). šu. šu ki-in-dar: full of cracks ('handful' + 'crevices'). 'to lock up' ?. parts. šu(-a/šè). šu-ñar: effect ('hand' + 'to deliver').ñar: to perform a task.. to subdue ('hand' + locative/terminative + 'to deliver'). dance') . to withdraw ('hand' + 'to take away') .. šu-íl-la(2): šu. calendar month 9 at Ur during Ur III..íl: šu-kár: prayer (hand-raising) ('hand' + 'to raise' + nominative). components ('hand' + 'to encircle..... defiled' + 'to ). šu..dug4/du11/e: to defile.. šu-gána: agricultural tool ('hand' + 'field').... šu.. šu ùþ-a.dug4/du11/e: to adorn.kar(2): ñiš to roast..ñál: to hold by the hand ('hand' + 'to place in') . šu-tag. ŠU+NÍÑIN: subtotal ('hand' + 'circle.. to see that all is right ('hand' + 'right. folded. šu si. to bind (the hands). to expand (with -ni -). 'hand' + 'goat kid' + reduplicated 'to reach out') . (ñiš) šu-nir: standard. omen (cf. whole'). to roast..peš: calendar month 4 at Lagaš during Ur III. hang') . (ñiš)šu-úr-me).. antenna') . calendar month 4 at Nippur during Ur III.... saña11/siñ18.. to hurry ('hand' + 'to make the rounds') .. šu-šè.sá: to do things to perfection.þu-uz ). to spread out ('hand' + 'womb. to expand') .. to enlarge. purification ritual..mú: na4 šu-na: to hold in the hand. to hold') . faggot of reeds ('hand' + 'work. task'..lal/lá: šu(4)-luþ: ritual cleansing. šu-ri(2)(-a): one-half ('hand' + 'to take. šu. šu. harvest') . šu. to gather up.. šu-si: finger ('hand' + 'horn. pestle ('hand' + 'stone') ..ra: to knead clay and form it into a to hit with the hand ('hand' + 'to strike down. šu. šu-ku6(-d): fisherman ('hand' + 'fish' + ?. šu(-a)-lá: paralyzed.. diviner. to pray (with dative) ('hand' + 'to grow') . to scrape together ('hands' + 'to suck') ..niñin: to proceed.sañ11/siñ18: to rub ('hand' + 'to make a harvesting motion') . legal')... šu. harvest') . task'.si: to fill the hands (with) ('hand' + locative + 'to fill').. whole') [? ŠUNIGIN archaic frequency: 1].. to wring the hands ('hand' + 'to pierce.. totemic device ('hand' + 'to raise high') .. should read ešsadx ?).su-ub: to wave the hand ('hand' + 'to beat rhythmically') . to stretch.. cypress resin (cf. Sumerian Lexicon.0 146 . šu.. to expand. break. saña11/siñ to burn. ray. šu-šè.. stir') . to reach... iti šu-numun: šu. lustration priest ('ritual cleansing' + nominative).ñiš šu-KIN: gi šu-KIN: sickle ('hand' + 'work.sìg(-sìg): šu.. to collect. penetrate. šu..lal/lá-lá: to defile. Version to hand over.. remove' + nominative). break.. šu(-a). šu-lá-a: entrusted ('hands' + 'to hold' + nominative). šu-maš-gíd-gíd: ŠU-ME-EREN: šu. cf.. silence') . šu. cf. šu. to bind. emblem with woolen streamers.ri: to wring the hands over (with -ši -) ('hands' + 'to place against') . šu. lustration ('hand' + 'to clean') . suspend from the hands ('hand' + 'to bind. ŠU+NIÑIN: grand total ('hand' + 'circle.gíd... hold. 'to cut. lú šu-luþ-þa: purification ritual man. šu-nim-ma: early to work ('hand' + 'early' + nominative).. to deliver ('hand' + 'towards' + 'to fill'). idle (said of hands) ('hands' + locative + 'to bind..... 'to cut. to glow (cf. diminish'). to erase ('hand' + 'to beat.. . seed' + 'productive') . seizing ('hand' + 'fierce. ta-àm: what is it? ('from' + 3rd. to entrust ('hand' + 'to give') .lal: to open ('to open' + 'to reach') . šul-zi: worthy young man ('young man' + 'good.ús: scraping or grinding by hand ('hand' + 'to shear' + nominative). decorate (often with -ni -) ('hand' + 'to weave.ùr: to erase. to wipe (with -ni . to take (variation of šu. go') ..and bi -. accepted (with terminative and -ši -) ('hand' + 'to approach') . to grab. šu..ME: (cf.. šub-lugal: subordinate of the king ('to drop. šu.šu. ten ). šum ). šu-a. šul-a-lum: punishment (probably Akkadian loanword from šalaalu. (ñiš) šu-úr-me: the cypress or Persian oak tree or its resin ('to pour' + 'tree trunk' + 'to be'). taka4. šùd.. etc. to borrow. 'to plunder.sum: šu-šúr: to stretch the hand out after something ('hand' + 'to make remote').. Version 3. decorate') . šu.. dispatch (with dative) ('hand' + 'to push') .. šu.ti: to take up... also with -ta -) ('hand' + 'to drag over') .. staples.sud/sù: šu. accept... 147 . šu-ti-a: goods. furious').tag: to cover. to come. to push or knock on (a door). to be taken. sing.dug4/du11/e: Sumerian Lexicon.. tám-še-lum: a resin.. te-en: (cf. to adorn. to send. to hold out in the hand ('hand' + 'to reach out') . to delegate' + 'king'). te-àm: (cf.. to deprive') . to receive.te: to leave (something) to (someone) ('hand' + locative + 'to push') .rá: to pray ('to pray' + 'plural. adopt. lú šuku-dab5-ba: person assigned to pick up allotted rations ('rations' + 'to hold' + nominative).túkur: to nibble or lick one's fingers ('hand' + 'to gnaw. šu-tu-tu: escape ('hand' + reduplicated 'to interfere') ... dispatch.0 to put together (?) (téš..ti)..taka4: to send.. true') . nibble') . perhaps from the boxwood ('shiny. te-eš. to give. to be double' + nominative)... to gain.. šúr-dùmušen: (trained) falcon ('fierce' + 'to work')... šu-ùr-ra: šu. + 'to speak/do') .... ta-àm ).. šu. tab-ba: partner ('to join.. bound' ? + 'grain. šu. 'together'..zi-zi(-g): to raise one's hand (in violence) ('hand' + reduplicated 'to rise up') .taka4: šu. received ('to receive' + nominative).. TAG. enclitic copula). Sumerian Lexicon. Version 3.te-ñe26(-d): to approach. cause') . 'to hang up') . together ('together' + adverbial force suffix) . ní. 'flood'. tum12-gur4mušen).. ti.. 'Oriental plane tree'). meet (someone: dative). rib ('rib')..ra: to shoot an arrow ('arrow' + 'to stab').i-i: to pray ('together' + 'to rise').. to assault' + 'to return. ñiš ti: strut. dug ti-lim-da: a vessel ('lives' + 'thousand' + 'with'). barbed arrow ('arrow' + 'teeth.. to consume ('together' + 'to eat'). til-lu-ug: elephant ('lion-killer' ?)... kettledrum ('to approach.. cf..0 148 . 'arrow' + 'to enclose' + 'high. tur5).. marû stem. téš(-a). flint'). tud).. to be frightened.. tir-an-na: rainbow ('forest' + 'sky' + genitive)..dirig: tud-sum: (cf. ti-rí-ñálal: ñiš ti-zú: a small bird ('arrow' + 'city' + 'to dwell'). ti. ñiš tu-lu-bu-um: plane tree or wood (Akkadian dulbum. place. tu-lu: to be/make loose or limp (Akkadian tulluu.(nu-)tuku: to have (no) shame. ti-mar-uru5: arrow quiver (?) (play on tu15-mar-uru5 (?). ti-mud. assault. te-me-en. téš... túg-dim-gal(-la-k): sail on a mast ('cloth' + 'mast' + genitive). to answer') .... tu-ud: (cf. tu6-tu6: incantations (reduplicated 'exorcistic formula').. ti-na: adv..dirig ). tu-ra: (cf.ñál: to create life ('life' + 'to give birth' + 'to be').bal: ti-gi4: to signal (?) ('arrow' + 'to revolve'). to bake') .... túg-bir7-ra: torn clothes ('cloth' + 'to rip to pieces' + nominative). téš. te-me: (cf. tu15. te-ñe 26). tigi-nì-du10-ga/e: harp of beautiful sound ('harp' + 'thing' + 'sweet' + genitive). to attack. shameless ('shame. worried (alternating class.sì-ke: to make agree ('together' ( + locative) + 'to put. temen).. strongly ('to live. brace. te-te(-ma): téš-bi: (cf. téš(-bi).. healthy' + subordination suffix /-a/).. TÚG-DU8: textile fuller ('cloth' + 'residue. onion or garlic bulb for planting ('to beget' + 'onion') . te) . deep').gu7: to devour everything. TU-gur4mušen: (cf. modesty' + ('not' + ) 'to have'). . túg-níñ-lám: a festive garment. túg-níñ-dùn-dù: a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to bring low' + 'to mould'). ñiš tukul.sìg: tukumbi. big'). tùr-gù-nun: sanctuary with the loud voice ('birth-hut as metaphor for sanctuary' + 'voice' + 'great.. break. túg-mu-dur7[BU]-ra: túg-níñ-bàra-(g): (cf... túg-níñ-ur5-ra-ak-a: túg-siñ18: fine quality clothes ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to gasp' + nominative).. noble') . túg-níñ-dára-gála-sír-ra: pubic band or napkin for a woman ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to bind. weapon' + 'to strike. to strike') . TÙN. TÚG-TAG: to fill or pile cloth (?) ('cloth' + 'to weave.ùr: to make a sacrifice ('clothing' + 'to drag') .bar: to hew or split with an axe.. túg-níñ-lal: a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to drape') . mu-dur 7(-ra) ).-nu: to slaughter ('mace.. TÙN. tum12[TU]-gur4mušen: turtle (?) dove ('dove. Version 3. dress ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'an awe-inspiring quality') .. túg-ku-ru-um: mourning (?) clothes (Akkadian kuuru . morsel of food ('stomach. Sumerian Lexicon. 'daze. except ('if' + 'not'). bed spread ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'stretched out') .. túg-íb-dù: a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'waist.PAD: slice. hurt') .. belt.. túg-ZI-ZI-a: magnificent (?) robe ('cloth' + 'to spend' + nominative). break' + nominative). túg-TAR: short-cut robe (?) ('cloth' + 'to cut'). hips' + 'to mould'). tumu-mer: north. the first plowing (originally LAK 483 + 'to cut. feverish' + nominative). didi . túg-gur8/gur: the last plowing (originally LAK 483 + 'deep'). little ones (cf.. túg-šà-ga-dù: cloth belt or woolen belted garment (?) ('cloth' + 'stomach' + nominative + 'to mould.gu7: tur-tur: to eat modestly ('little' + 'to eat'). tur. shape') . depression. sash'). northwind ('wind' + 'anger').0 149 . lip' + 'bite of food') . túg-me-zé-er-ra: rags ('cloth' + 'function' + 'to tear up.ñá-ñá: to dwell ('home' + 'to establish') ..túg-gú-lal: blanket (for an animal) ('cloth' + 'back of neck' + 'to drape') . di 4-di 4-la ) (reduplicated 'little'). pigeon' + 'plump. harvest') . túg-níñ-dára: loincloth ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'to bind. tuš. sash' + 'vulva' + 'dense. túg. belt. stupor') .. túg-níñ-sal-la: a woolen garment ('cloth' + 'thing' + 'vulva' + genitive). nú: ú-si4-an evening ('food' + 'red' + 'sky'). to eat ('food' + 'to sip. guard. ú-lipiš-gig: ú-lu-úbsar: ú-lu5-ši: nettles (?) ('plant' + 'anger/heart' + 'illness').. 'to watch.GÙN: (cf.U. menstruating woman (cf. long grasses ('grasses' + 'long' + nominative). úzug). (cf. to sprinkle') .. plants' + 'to persist') . to deafen. personal (property). to stem (the flow of water)..dé: to lose. provider ('food' + 'water' or nominative). ugun).tag ).sud/sù: ú-sug4: to lie down in security ('food' + 'to persist' + 'to lie down') . the eating of which is a metaphor for sexual intercourse ('plant' + 'honey').. ú-sal: a low-lying fertile area along a watercourse ('grass. harvest') . U.. pasturage ('plants.ri(-g): a resin measured by volume. Ú-TIR: a spice or seed measured by weight. ú-sañ11: fascine to sustain a canal bank or levee ('plants' + 'to cut. ú-rum: private.. ú.bu-bu(-r): ú-du(-l): ú-dug4: to tear out plants ('plant' + reduplicated 'to tear out') .. work' + nominative). udul). untested grazing grounds (cf. ú. Ú-NINNI5 [TIR/TIR]: ú-nu-kíñ-ñá: ú...DÚR]-na: ú-gíd-da: hay or dry brushwood ('grasses' + 'to dwell. kušu/kušum x(-ki).. (cf. ú-tul: (cf.PIRIÑ. caretaker.... ú-šim: grass and herbs = pasture (a Sumerian example of asyndetic hendiadys).. break. unclean... ú-gu(3). lu-úb sar ).... ú-sañ11.'top of the head' + 'to sink') .tag: ú-a: (cf. to bring') .. possession (cf.. Version 3.. ú-làl: a sweet water-plant. to collect firewood ('plants' + 'to glean. protect') . udul ).. ú-sal-la.. udug ). ú-durunx[DÚR. ú-li: herb(s) ('plant' + 'fine smelling').0 150 ..þúb: to be deaf..ñin/gub: ú.. ùru[-m]. ulušin ). leeks (cf. ú-kíñ-ñá: ú. to dry out' + nominative). to disappear.. ú-kíñ-ñá ). to dine.. ú-šè. food' + 'to seek.. (cf.... to diminish.zé: to cut fascine plants ('fascine' + 'to cut') . Sumerian Lexicon.lá: to go to fetch food ('food' + terminative + 'to go/to stand') . grass. to be lost (ugu. ù-ma/ù-na. to uproot. rejoice')..sù: to send out offshoots (pronominal prefix + 'clean' + 'to stretch. ù-gul. Akkadian bubu’tu(m) ).ú-za-gìn: ú-zug4: ù-a: fresh hay ('grass' + 'clean').. 'confusion. ('time' + 'as. ù-an-bar: (cf. at the right moment ('time' + 'moment' + adverbial force suffix) .. cf. ù-di: sleep.. [this brackets an entire phrase] ('time' + nominative or genitive).ku(4): ù-la: to sleep badly ('sleep' + 'treacherous' + 'to lie down.sá. ù-luþ-gi4-rin: scepter of pure. ù-ma. u 6-di ) ('sleep' + 'to go'.gub: to attain victory. sleep ('to sleep' + nominative). u4. plop'. ù-lul-la. ù-bu-bu-ul: pus... u4-an-na: light of the heavens ('light' + 'heaven' + genitive). 'kiln for bricks'..(-a): (at the time) when.. to enter') . ñi6. to sprout.. impetuous. bu(5). apportion out') . cf. to entreat (with dative) (prospective modal prefix + 'evil' + 'to take oaths') . triumph (prospective modal prefix + me-a. ù-nu-ñar-ra: ù-sá: fraud (pronominal prefix + 'not' + 'established' + nominative). 'to chip out. sún . foul food ('food' + úzug. pronominal prefix + 'to throw. cf... ñiš ù-suþ5: fir or spruce tree or wood (phonetic spelling shows original full pronunciation of suþ 5. ù-mu-un: Emesal dialect. to enter') ..-a-gin7: u4.ku(4): to sleep (reduplication class). pugnacious.. adj.. Sumerian Lexicon. u4. anything... ù..di).. sleep ('sleep' + 'to equal in value'. all this (pronominal prefix + 'these'). drop..-a-ta: while. cf.. nothing (pronominal prefix + 'numerous').. u 4-bar ).. daze. en . n..... to rest ('sleep' + 'to lie down. tud). ù-šub: brick mold... Version 3. flame (pronominal prefix + reduplicated bul(4). 'when in battle') . ù-luþ. cf. šab. rest.. unclean woman') . ('time' + 'after').á-bi/ba(-/ak/): to be or do on time. cf. ñi6.0 151 .. depression (cf. ù-sá.. triumph ('when in battle' + 'to emerge standing') ... u4.. ù-na: victory.. a platform for molding or drying bricks (same form as udun. 'midnight'). bright light (?) (ù for u4 ?).. ù-tu-(d): ù-ur5-re: to give birth. to ignite.dab5: to be overcome by sleep (ù-sá.. ù-sun[BAD]: ñiš wild cow. domineering.. encircling wall') ..ñar/ñá-ñá: to pray to. 'sleep' + 'to seize'). when'). after (the time) when.. to create ('to lie down' + 'to create'. 'menstruating. pustule.. . day by day ('day.. to be late ('time' + 'to flow. pass').nu-tuku: there was never ('time' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'to not have'. 'above. present') . short in duration ('time' + 'small'). u4-sakar-gibil: reviving new moon. u4-nu-dùg-ga: unhappy days ('day' + 'not' + 'sweet. u4-imin: seven days ('day' + 'seven') . good' + nominative suffix) . awesome'). daylight' + šúš/šú. segment of a circle. Version 3. lú. to spend the day.. 'to rain' ? + marû 3rd. u4-ì-li: u4-ul-lí-a-ta: tomorrow ('day' + Akkadian elûm. light' + 'to begin' + 'renewal'. u4-sa9-a: half a day ('day' + 'half' + nominative suffix) . é-u4-sakar).. to elapse. u4-za-þa. thin crescent moon ('day. u4-te(-na): morning ('daylight' + 'to approach') . possibly rushes or nettles ('day. u4-tu(-ud)-da: birthday ('day' + 'birth' + genitive).. u4-u: ten days ('day' + 'ten'). cf.. u4-na-me. u4-tur(-ra): early in the day. 'that. u4-ri-a: in those (far remote) days ('days' + remote demonstrative affix + locative). 'to come up' and eli.. new moon. terrible.(al-)aka: u4.zal: to waste a day. 'to become dark' + šur. its') .. hide. to disappear ('time' + 'to flee.. in those days. a plant. u4. u4-sud-ra: for eternity ('time' + 'remote' + dative 'for'). the day dawns.. time' + 'harvest') . u4-te(-en): evening ('daylight' + 'to extinguish. cf.. ending with vowel harmony). be lost' + 'to cause') .na-me. u4(-bar)-dañal: extensive daylight. u4-bar: midday (cf. sing. u4-šú-uš(-e): daily. cool down') . beyond') . then ('time' + bi-a. near. an-bar). long day ('day' ( + 'middle') + 'wide').. u4-ul-la. a clown who performed with bears and pigs ('today' + 'to set up camp') . from long ago ('days' + 'ancient' + nominative + 'from'). u4-sakar[SAR](-ra): crescent moon. light' + 'to begin' + 'renewal'.. raging storm ('storm' + 'furious..u4-ba: at that time. u4-da: today ('day' + 'with. Sumerian Lexicon.(al-)šú-šú-ru: to become cloudy or dark ('daylight' + šúš/šú. u4-gíd-da: u4-þuš: all day long ('day' + 'to be long' + nominative suffix) .. cf. u4-bi-ta: the past ('days' + 'those' + 'from').. u4-buru14: at the time of the harvest ('days.0 152 . 'to become dark' + locative-terminative postposition). éu4-sakar). to waste u4-da ñiš-en: u4-da-tuš: if ('today' + irrealis suffix) . cf. morning. overwhelming.. sheep. udu-siki: wool sheep ('sheep' + 'wool') . udu-šag5-ga: slaughtered sheep ('sheep' + 'to slaughter' + nominative). UD. spirit (of a place).. u6-di: admiration. to stare at' + 'to be or become visible') . u4).. do'). u5-a: lullaby ('raised high' + nominative).0 153 . uru16(-n)). u18[GIŠGAL]-ru(-n): ub-ba. Version 3. ub-šu-ukkin-na: assembly ('corner' + 'power' + 'meeting' + 'human being').gub: u8-udu-þá to look. abundant') . u5-bímušen. to cover with a storm ('storm' + 'with' + 'to cover'). Sumerian Lexicon.di/dug4/e: to admire.. high.. ú-bímušen.. u6. u4-X zal-la: on the Xth day ('day' + 'to flow.. to appear ('to look at. (flock of) sheep and goats. zabar). calendar month 4 at Drehem after Šu-Sin 3. huge baking oven ('oven' + 'huge') . udun-še-sa-a: barley roasting oven ('oven' + 'barley' + 'to roast' + nominative). to gain admiration ('admiration' + 'to speak.u4-zal-la: day. holy' + nominative). to be wonderful ('amazement' + ergative agent marker + 'to stand') .. u6(-di).. udu-níñ-gu7-a: fattened sheep ('sheep' + 'fattened') . amazement ('to be impressed' + 'to judge') . sheep whose wool was used to make streamers for the group standards.è/i(-i): u6-e.UD: (cf. u5-bí-gu7: calendar month 3 at Drehem through Šu-Sin 3.. ram ('sheep' + 'male').BAR: (cf.. to deposit in the corner ('corner' + locative + 'to set') . elapse' + nominative).. ud: (cf..KA.gub: IM exalted. udu-dub: tablet-recorded sheep ('sheep' + 'tablet') . calendar month 4 at Ur during Ur III.dul: ]. ub-bìmušen: iti whooping swan (onomatopoeic). udu-še-gu7-a: udu šu-nir: udun-maþ: (wool from) barley-fed sheep ('sheep' + 'barley' + 'to eat' + nominative). sandstorm ('huge' + 'numerous.. ub-líl-lá: outdoor shrine ('niche' + 'wind. dadag). lú ub5-kug-ga: keeper of the sacred drum ('drum' + 'pure. u18[GIŠGAL]-lu: southwind [with classifier u18-lu(-da). UD. to slaughter' + nominative). udu-šár-a: perfect sheep ('sheep' + 'totality. babbar. udu-nitaþ: male sheep. storm. udu-sar: a vegetable (?) ('sheep' + 'vegetable') . fresh air' + nominative or genitive). mighty ('huge' + 'to send'. elapse' + nominative). dawn ('day' + 'to flow. oxen tracks ('fingernail' + 'ox').. um-ma: elderly lady. a-gáb: ape. ur-bi. 49]) .šár: to gladden.ñar: to place in a person's debit account ('account' + impersonal conjugation prefix + locative infix + 'to deposit') (cf. aþ. ugu4-bi. téš-bi ).. artisan ('wise or skillful teacher' + 'offices. ul. dog ('dog' + 'domestic') . gú-a.. black-headed people = Sumerians ('people' + 'heads' + 'black') . quickly ('quick' + adverbial ending). to manicure ('fingernail' + 'to cut off'). to exult ('joy' + 'to multiply')...." Thomsen. ugula-ñéš-da: officer in charge of sixty men ('overseer' + ñeç. 'to bear. iti UR: calendar month 7 at Ur during Ur III. to change one's mind ('discernment. (cf.. to shear..kúr: to shave. multitudes ('people' + 'to be numerous' + nominative). umbin-gud: oxen hooves. ur5-bi: ur-gir15/gi7[KU]: together (cf.úgu.. unu(2. umbin. 'sixty' + genitival suffix /a(k)/)... ugula-àga-ús: overseer of vassals ('overseer' + 'crown' + 'to follow'). ul4-la-bi: very soon.uš7: captain of the/his city ('overseer' + 'city' + 'his' + genitive). um-me-da: (cf. aga (3)-ús ).. functions' + nominative or genitive). Version 3. ul-šár-ra: jubilation ('joy' + 'to multiply' + nominative)..ÍL: (cf.uš 7).. fortress' + 'great') . ummeda ).. monkey ('to give birth' + inanimate demonstrative ["Inanimate are things and animals.. un-gùr/ga6(-me): un-íl-me: un sañ-ñi6: a menial worker ('people' + Umma reading for íla sign..0 154 . Sumerian Lexicon. p.6)-gal: great dining hall ('elevated shrine. un-gùr ).. menials ('people' + 'to carry' + 'to be') . carry' + 'to be') .kud: umuš.. ugula-uru(-na-/ak/): ùña-lu-a: uþ.KU: receiver (?). calendar month 10 at Umma before Šulgi 30. unkin-ñar-ra: communal assembly ('people' + 'to fetch' + 'to establish' + nominative). witch ('old woman' + 'to bind'). decision' + 'to change') .. scholar. ugula-íla: foreman of the porters ('overseer' + 'to carry'). uku-ús: (cf. um-mi(3)-a: schoolmaster.ñar). ur-bar-ra: wolf ('dog' + 'outside' + nominative). ÙKU. ul-ti(-a): happy mood ('joy' + 'life' + genitive). ur5 þé-en-na-nam-ma-àm: ur5-ra-šè: thus shall it be indeed ('thus' + 'it is indeed') .. ur-sañ: hero.. ur5. to join' + 'bow of a ship'. thus ('it. ur5.ñar: to assemble a list. ur-ur-a. lay bare (reduplicated 'to harvest') .ša4). strength' + 'to have') .ša4: to roar.. ur4-ur4: to devastate. uš-bar: ñiš uš-bar: (cf. schedule. ur5.. ruler's staff. ušbar ).ur-maþ: lion ('carnivorous beast' + 'mighty') .sa6: to be/make comfortable. ur5-e: in such manner. cf.aka: ur5-da: to gasp ('liver. soul' + 'to do'). ur5-tud: domestic servant ('debt' + 'to be born') ... ur5-šè: debt with interest ('loan' + 'portion'). ur-sa6-ga: a pampered dog ('dog' + 'to be friendly' + nominative). thus' + locative terminative e).. lú-di-da ). níñ-ur5-sa6-sa6). uru-šà-ga: the interior city (contrasts to uru-bar-ra)('city' + 'inside' + nominative). scepter ('penis' + 'to see. ùsan-mar: wagon whip (?) ('whip' + 'wagon')... ur5-re.. soul' + 'to mourn') (contrast še. usu-tuku: a strong person ('skill. uru-tuš: (cf. the countryside ('city' + 'outside' + nominative). soul' + 'to satisfy'.. ús-sañ: rigging (of a ship) ('side.gúr: to bow down (in grief) ('liver. ur5. soul' + 'with'). Sumerian Lexicon. creditor ('debt. careful. submit') . ur5-di-da: famous (one) (?) (cf. to be like that ('in such manner' + nominative + 'towards') . ur-tur: a pet dog or puppy ('dog' + 'small'). us-ga: a type of priest.. uru-kúr(-ra): (in) a foreign city ('city' + 'strange' + locative). ñišmá-sañ-ñá). uru-bar-ra: outside the city. ki-tuš ). urudu-A-EN-da: a type of copper. outskirts of the city... urudu-nì-kala-ga: strong copper ('copper' + 'thing' + 'to be strong' + nominative). cf. soul' + 'to bow down. happy ('liver. or plan ('servants' + locative + 'to set') .. to be mindful. warrior ('young man' + 'first. úr...0 155 . bellow ('liver. show') .. to hear ('heart. ur5-tuku: debtor. in front') . Version 3. ur-mú-da: watchdog (?) ('dog' + mud6..zé(-zé): to roam ('legs' + 'to cut continuously') . 'to sing' + nominative). loan' + 'to have') . ki.0 156 .. clean ('precious stone') .TURmušen: (cf..sig10/sì: d utu-è: to throw/inject venom on/in....dug4/du11: to lecture ('to you' + 'to speak') . 'rhythmic sound' or zi.. araþ4) ('foundation' + 'to be long' + nominative). do.3). handle') . za-na. sunrise ('sun' + 'to rise. uš11. uz-ga: (cf. uš-sì-ga: úš-a: unsafe foundation ('foundation' + 'to damage' + nominative).áña). and doors (cf... shiny lapis lazuli ('lapis lazuli' + 'moist'). 'of' + àm... breath (za. UZ. ñišzar).. za-ra: pole. cf.. za-ra. oil) (cf. ('venom' + 'to apply. harrows. make').. uzu-libx[Í. Sumerian Lexicon.uš-gíd-da: storehouse. šìr. bibad mušen ).. zaþ2. 'it is' + 'to speak').dug4/du11: (ñiš) za-ba-lum: za-dím: za-e: say: it is thine ('you' + /ak/. a variety of juniper (resin) ('kernel' + 'to give' + 'abundance') . to become visible') possibly Allium desertorium ('kernel' + 'many' + 'to cure') .. piling up an earthen block or dam (cf.. precious stone (in general) ('stone' + 'colorful'). za-pa-áñ: sound.. ùz-ga-nañ: milking goat ('goat' + 'milk' + 'drinking'). uzu-ì: fatty meat ('meat' + 'fat'). za-þa-ti: a type of onion. uš7. za-pa-aþ: (cf. ñiš za-na: ñiš puppet..dug4: to spit ('spittle' + 'to speak. uš-ñar-ra: firm foundation ('foundation' + 'to establish' + nominative). a úš-a) ('to block' + nominative). za-na: caterpillar ('monotonous repetition' + 'distinct things or selves') . yourself... Version 3. (na4) za-gìn-duru5: lustrous. za-za-ga: marjoram or oregano (?). granary. za-þa: (cf. stone cutter ('[precious] stone' + 'to fashion') . 'breathing' transformed by vowel harmony + 'puffing sound' + 'to mete out'. za-þa-din. na4 za-gìn: za-gìn: lapis lazuli. za-za: (cf.. dates. shaft of chariots. zipaþ ). wagons. put in') . é-uz-ga).tag: to handle a puppet ('puppet' + 'to touch..UDU]: mutton fat ('meat' + 'mutton fat'). za-a-kam. you.. silo (for barley. beginning' + 'charm. zag. zar(-re-eš). zé-me that is yourself (za. zag 5-ús: a fifth (as a division) ('percentage' + 5 or other number + 'length') . sheared' + 'an individual case of') . zag. limit' + 'city'). to tear out.. zà-mí: (hymn of) praise ('territory' + 'woman'). launch ('edge. to slip.. zi-ba-tum: an aromatic seed (?)... zag-ša4: equal. zag-du8: threshold ('boundary' + 'to adorn') . to the bitter end. Akk... appeal'. to heap up ('sheaves' + phonetic complement + 'much' + 'to be wide'). to stand by. zi-bí: a form of caraway seed (Akkadian loanword. with vowel harmony + 'to be . rival ('limit' + 'to equal'). to set aside ('edge.tag: to push away. cf.a lyre. zà-mí)..0 157 .. zé-eb: Emesal dialect. limit' + 'to lean against')..ús: to border on. zag-gu-la. shoulder' + 'great'). zé-èm: Emesal dialect. to spread') .dib: to elevate over ('barrier' + 'to cross'). until disappearance ('to perish' + adverbial force suffix) .. to remove. zag-bar: (metal) quantity left over by cutting ('percentage' + 'to pare away') .kéš: to endow with ('side' + 'to bind to'). zàr-tab-ba: the work of binding sheaves ('sheaf' + 'to bind' + nominative).. zag-è: buttress (?) ('barrier' + 'to rise'). from zibû. zag. (ñiš) zà-mí: musical instrument . Version 3. sahlû). zag-munus: (cf. zag-uru: outskirts of the city ('edge. to overthrow. 'black cumin'). 'you'. dùg.. limit' + 'to touch. zar(-re-eš). zag. bed ('limit' + 'to the').zà: (cf.. zi-re: to tear up. to mark ('side' + 'to throw down').sal: to spread. seat of honor ('side. zà[ZAG]-þi-li(-a)sar: a condiment made from a prickly plant such as wild safflower ('border.. sexually mature female goat kid ('female goat kid' + 'breasts') . zag-ša4[DI]: zag-še(3).du8: to pile up ('sheaves' + phonetic complement + 'much' + 'to open. zag). to push off... strength. záþ-bi: adv. zag. Sumerian Lexicon...šuš: to brand.. to reject. zag-gal-la: a type of chair. push'). ñiš zé-na: zeþ-gaba: palm frond ('to be cut. cf. šáþ zé-eþ-tur: small pig (phonetic spelling of šáþ + 'small'). to break (often with -ta-). zé-er. sum. zag-sá[DI]. to be broken ('faith' + 'to lead away [plural]')... 'utterance' and zikaru(m) and zikru II.. zíd). put') . 'to blow'). to conjure ('faith' + 'to swear'). to take an oath. zi. rebel.ñar: ñiš zi-gan: to impose a levy ('to tear out.. faithfully ('truth' + adverbial force suffix) .... move in a circle. strew') . zi-ga(-àm): torn out. zi-zi-i: subtracting... zi-dè-eš(-šè). deduct' + nominative + 'to establish') . to revolt. worried. revolting (reduplicated 'to tear out') . deducted.3/de6: to take refuge ('life' + ('into') + 'to bring'). 'male').ir/ra: zi lugal: zi-maþ: to be troubled. soul' + 'king') . zi-šà. to place. to have life ('breath' + 'to be available. zi. Sumerian á-lá ). zíd-bar-si: a type of emmer wheat flour ('flour' + 'to release' + 'like a sprout'). zíd-gú-gal: chick pea flour ('flour' + 'chick pea').gi4: to be on good terms ('faith' + 'to restore'). zi.. oath ('breath.ñál: to provide (someone: -ši -) with life ('breath' + 'innards' + 'to place') .. expended. zíd-gu: fine barley flour ('flour' + 'net'). zi. old men (Akk. inspiration. zi-du: a good person ('good' + 'to walk'). zi-ik-rum: wise..0 158 . sad.. zi. risen up ('to tear out. zikru(m) I. sprinkle off.pà-da: to faithfully choose ('faithfully' + 'to choose').. adj....ñál: living being ('breath' + 'to be available' + nominative). zi-ri/rí-gúm/qum: a device for moving irrigation water. zi-šà-ñál: n. loyally. extracted. subtraction. zì: ( zi. to rise up' + nominative)... zi-ga. zi-ñál(-la): zi.dug4: to tell the truth ('truth' + 'to speak') . to grant life. zi-ik-ru-um. Version 3. divine encouragement..(ši)-tum2.zi-dè-eš(2)(-šè): adv.. cheap type of flour ('flour' + 'mountain' or 'scorching' ?). oar ('to rise up' + 'pestle') . alive. legitimate (and) lofty ('legitimate' + 'lofty'). rudder.. shake. involving a water bucket hanging ñiš from a swinging beam (cf. sustenance ('breath' + 'innards' + 'to be available'). zíd-kum4[UD]-ma: zíd-milla[IŠ]: a type of barley flour ('flour' + 'mortar-ground' + nominative). Sumerian Lexicon.pà(-d): (ñiš) to breathe ('breath' + bun. a reed or clay pipe or pipette (Akkadian loanword ziriiqu from zaraaqu).... a coarse. zíd-dub-dub: flour for the best ritual actions ('flour' + reduplicated 'to pour. ÞAR: (cf. bite ('teeth' + 'to chew') .gaz: to crush with the teeth ('teeth' + 'to crush') . emmer wheat lost in processing ('emmer wheat' + 'to demolish'). zú-lum.. (cf.. dabin )... kaš- sig15).. zú-gub: lunch ('teeth' + 'to stand') .. to rock') .kešda: to oblige ('teeth' + 'to bind. gleam') . 'to pass through a hole. su(11)-lum. zíz-babbar: zíz-bal: white emmer wheat ('emmer wheat' + 'white').du 8). zu-þu-ul: pierced (Akkadian Sumerian Lexicon. zú.mar: (cf. shake (reduplicated 'to tend...zalag: to show one's teeth ('teeth' + 'to shine...... stab') .dé-a: cleaning emmer after winnowing ('emmer wheat' + 'to pour' + nominative)..zíd-sig15[KAL]: cracked barley mixed with wheat flour (?) ('flour' + 'pleasing.. zú-lum(-ma): date fruit ('teeth' + 'to be satiated') .súd-súd[ŠÌTA]: to gnash the teeth ('teeth' + 'to crush. zíz. to thread') .li9-li9: to laugh ('teeth' + 'to glisten') .du8: zur-zur: to chew.ur5[ÞAR]: zú. imñaña )..kud/ku5: to bite ('teeth' + 'to cut') ... Copyright © 1996-1999 John Alan Halloran.ra(-ra): to bite ('teeth' + usually reduplicated 'to strike. shake') .sumerian.. zú. (animal) nurse. zú... zíd-za(-tum): a type of flour. iti zíz-a: zíz-AN: calendar month 11 at Nippur during Ur III. zíz-GÚ-NUNUZ: a form of emmer wheat ('emmer wheat' + 'chick pea' + 'eggs').. zur-re-eš.. harness') . valuable'. zú. cf...ur 5).mar).ra-aþ: to devour ('teeth' + 'to strike repetitively.. zú. to rock. zú. Last revised August 11. (cf.. zú.. gnash') . 1999 Home page for the Sumerian lexicon: http://www.. zú. ZÍD-ŠE: (cf.. zar-re-eš. zu-a: acquaintance ('to know' + nominative)...0 159 . zú. zaatum flour. zíd-še-sa: flour from roasted barley ('flour' + 'roasted barley'). zú. Version 3. All Rights Reserved...... E. it has been established that he did not write a single word of them they were written down by his students after his death. Long out of print this book has been hard to find and expensive when chanced upon. These four books were required reading. The knowledge guarded by these schools passed down through the ages and revised from time to time by great teachers is a secret science that studies the causes that lie behind observable phenomena.C.E. Melita Denning : "Mysteria Magica Book V" Mysteria Magica is the classic ritual text of training and development in the Western Mystery Tradition appearing on countless suggested reading lists. >>read more<< Ramsey Dukes : "Ssotbme Revised An Essay On Magic" Here is a new revised edition of a book first published by The Mouse That Spins in April 1975 as SSOTBME an essay on magic its foundations development and place in modern life.The book was originally conceived in 1974 as an essay to be included within a longer book. Since then it has run to two English one American two Polish and at least one German edition and earned many friends along the way. >>read more<< Dion Fortune : "Esoteric Orders And Their Work" Examines how and why esoteric schools have restricted admission to their secret societies and orders and shrouded their practices in mystery. These works were put into their present form by Chu Hsi in the late twelfth century C. Christopher MacIntosh had..... . The Analects come closest to an actual exposition of his philosophy.Loved this book? Other books that may be interesting to you: Confucius : "Confucian Canon" Although three of four of these books are traditionally attributed to Confucius Kung-tzu 551479 B. A complete system of Magick Mysteria Magica reveals essential and advanced teachings in terms that even newcomers can follow with a richness of inspiration embraced by experienced mages. >>read more<< ...
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