JOb Satisfaction of Employees in Koperasi PErmodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad

March 23, 2018 | Author: Muhammad Fakhrul Sya | Category: Job Satisfaction, Self-Improvement, Motivation, Happiness & Self-Help, Contentment



JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES IN KOPERASIPERMODALAN FELDA MALAYSIA BERHAD MUHAMMAD FAKHRUL SYA BIN SAPARUDIN 2012808962 NUR AMIERA BINTI ZULKIFLI 2012233224 BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UiTM KAMPUS BANDARAYA MELAKA JUNE 2015 JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES IN KOPERASI PERMODALAN FELDA MALAYSIA BERHAD MUHAMMAD FAKHRUL SYA BIN SAPARUDIN 2012808962 NUR AMIERA BINTI ZULKIFLI 2012233224 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UiTM KAMPUS BANDARAYA MELAKA JUNE 2015 DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UiTM KAMPUS BANDARAYA MELAKA I, Muhammad Fakhrul Sya Bin Saparudin (I/C Number: 930211-05-5361) Hereby declared that,  This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree, locally or oversea and is not being concurrently submitted for this degree or any other degree.  This project paper is the results of my independent work and investigation, except where otherwise stated.  All verbatim abstract have been distinguished by quotation marks and sources of my information have been specifically acknowledged. Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________  This project paper is the results of my independent work and investigation.  This work has not previously been accepted in substance for any degree. Nur Amiera Binti Zulkifli (I/C Number: 910626-14-5838) Hereby declared that. except where otherwise stated.  All verbatim abstract have been distinguished by quotation marks and sources of my information have been specifically acknowledged Signature: ____________________ Date: ____________________ .DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK BACHELOR IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HONS) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS FACULTY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UiTM KAMPUS BANDARAYA MELAKA I. locally or oversea and is not being concurrently submitted for this degree or any other degree. We also would like to thanks to our course mates for their comments and their help for this research. we also express our gratitude to our parents that gave us assist in terms of money and moral support in order to complete this research. Alhamdulillah. Finally.T as finally we were able to finish our research project. On the other hand. Her opinion and knowledge has enhanced our understandings of the Herzberg-hygiene factors towards job satisfaction among employees. Praise is to Allah for giving us opportunity.W.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost. Besides that. because without her guide our research project cannot be done properly. . Special thanks to the staffs of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad for giving us a huge commitment and cooperation during the process of the study. strength and patience in facing a lot of obstacles in order to complete this research. we are not be able to settle the amount of photocopy and printing charges imposed besides gives a lot of advice to complete. the greatest thanks to ALLAH S. Without their valuable feedback and cooperation this report would not have achieved its objectives. Pn Siti Noraziana Azis. we also owe a big debt to our advisor. She always give us supports and guide on how to do our research assignment in purpose to produce a good outcome from research that been studied. Without their helps. we greatly appreciate to our partner for always stick together and giving the best cooperation throughout this report as well as distributing the questionnaire to the employees for the feedback on this research. ......................................... 17 2...........4 Research questions ...2 Job Satisfaction .........................................................................................................................10Definition of terms ...................................................................................................5 Research objective .........................................22 Remuneration .......................................2 Background of Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad .............................................. 10 1...................................................................................... 12 1................................................................................. 19 2................................... 5 1............... 13 2..............................................................6 Hypothesis....................................................9 Limitations of study .................................0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.............................................................. 9 1........................................ 11 1................................................................................23 Supervision ...............7 Scope of the study .........3 Problem statement ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 1.....3 Hygiene Factors ....0 INTRODUCTION 1.........................TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT 1..............1 Background of research ..... 19 2............................................ 23 ..............................................1 Introduction ... 21 2....................................................... 7 1................................................................................ 15 2.......21Working Environment ............................................................. 2 1.................................................................................................................. 9 1..................................................................8 Significance of the study ............................................... ..............................................................0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.................................................................................................... 34 3...................................6 Data Analysis ...............................................................................................................6......1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 33 3.......................................................4 Theoretical Framework .........................1 Frequency Analysis ....... 25 2....... 29 3.....................................0 ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION 4............. 32 3...........................................5 Regression Analysis ...................................2........................................................................................................... 35 3......... 38 ......................................................2 Frequency Analysis ..............................................................................................................................................................5 Measurement and Instrument/Questionnaires ...........1 Introduction .... 36 3...........................................................2 Descriptive Statistic .......................... 37 4.....................................2 Research Design ......................... 36 3............... 38 4.................5 Research Framework .................................4 Correlation Analysis ....................................................................... 27 2..............................24 Interpersonal Relationship .............................................................. 35 3............................... 35 3.6.....................................6......................................... 31 3............................................................ 31 3.....................6......................6......3 Sampling Design .4 Data Collection Method ..........................................................................3 Reliability Analysis ....................................... .............................................0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5....................................4 Reliability Analysis .............................................................................................................4................................................................................................. 47 5................................... 42 4................................................................... 40 4....3 Recommendation .............................................. 45 5........................................6 Regression Analysis ............................1 Introduction ............................................................................3 Descriptive Statistic ........... 48 REFERENCES APPENDICES .... 41 4..................................5 Correlation Analysis ..........................................................................................................................................2 Conclusion ........................................... 47 5. Statistical analysis such as frequency analysis. This study is conducted by using the Herzberg Two-factor theory and focus more on the extrinsic factor or hygiene factor that includes work environment. The results indicated that interpersonal relationship has the most influential effect on the job satisfaction of employees in KPF Malaysia Berhad. supervision and interpersonal relationship and its relationship with job satisfaction.Descriptive Statistic. Reliability Analysis.correlation analysisand multiple regressions were used. The findings of this study may contribute to planningand implementing human resource management’s (HRM) strategies. Data for the study was collected through questionnaires. .Abstract This study investigated the factors that influence the job satisfaction of employee in Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad (KPF).Several suggestions for future research are also presented in this study. remuneration. job satisfaction has frequently been held up as a medium of improving employees’ motivation. remuneration. It creates innovative ideas among the employee’s that will cause employee’s may become more loyal towards the organization. researcher is curious to study about the factors that influence the job satisfaction of employee in Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad.CHAPTER 1 1. Today’s managers. not why employees should be satisfied. In this study. this study will help in finding the factors that affect employee job satisfaction towards their work. The factors involve in this field of study is derived from the Herzberg Two-factor theory and the researcher will focus on extrinsic factor or hygiene factor that includes work environment. Thus. Job satisfaction increases employees’ morale and productivity. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expected. supervision and interpersonal relationship and its relationship with job satisfaction. Identifying factors that influence job satisfaction provides administrators and managers with necessary. 1 . especially human resource managers want to know how to satisfied employees. 2001). Hogan & Barton.0 INTRODUCTION Since Herzberg study on job satisfaction started in 1959. Job satisfaction has been an important part in human resources management. Job satisfaction now becomes one of the most favourite areas of research particularly in today’s world where corporate institutions are concerned over its impact to the overall performances of the organization. meaningful information to make intelligent decisions regarding interventions aimed at increasing employees’ job satisfaction (Lambert. 1959). this paper endeavors to address this literature gap and is conducted in Koperasi Permodalan Felda. benefits. 2009). Srinivasan. Yahaya.1. They include supervision.. supervision and company policy (Herzberg. Therefore. but only the satisfaction of the motivation factors will bring the type of productivity improvement sought by companies (Herzberg et al. The opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. and job security. Arshad. & Koh 2005). Factors that affect job satisfaction are divided into two categories. Motivation factors are achievement. Adzmy. salary. salary. Adli Zain. 2009). The opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction. 1966). the non-profit sector (Ismail and Zakaria. Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. the naval sector (Mohd Bokti & Abu Talib.1 Background of research Job satisfaction is an important factor of an organization’s success. interpersonal relations. responsibility. 2009). the hotel sector (Abd Patah. & Ismail 2009). Abdullah. company policy and administration. the government sector (Yahaya. The satisfaction of hygiene needs can prevent dissatisfaction and poor performance.). & Derani. physical working conditions. Radzi. such as interpersonal relations. Much research has been conducted into ways of improving job satisfaction of workers in various sectors of Malaysia ranging from the academic sector (Wong & Teoh. 2009. Hygiene factors surround the doing of the job. recognition. Motivation factors lead to positive job attitudes because they satisfy the need for self-actualization. There has been relatively numbers of research into the determinants of job satisfaction in the retail sector using Herzberg’s two-factor theory. and advancement. 10 . to the automobile manufacturing sector (Santhapparaj. the work itself. which suggests that only job content-related aspect for example achievement. His theory was based on two dimensions of job satisfaction. namely motivators and hygiene. The implication for organizations to use this theory is that meeting employees’ extrinsic or hygiene 11 . An understanding of the factors involved in job satisfaction is crucial to enhance the happiness of workers (Okpara. responsibility and the work itself which lead to satisfaction. An intensive investigation on job satisfaction was initiated by Frederick Herzberg in 1959. but would only prevent them from being dissatisfied. which started to study the factors affecting job satisfaction (Knight & Westbrook. This theory argued that meeting the lower-level needs which is extrinsic or hygiene factors of individuals would not motivate them to put effort. 1980). 1999). Job satisfaction has been widely studied in the management literature (Spector. absenteeism and turnover. This theory was referred to as Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be an important indicator of how employees feel about their jobs and a predictor of work behaviors such as organizational citizenship. 1997) due to its relevance to the physical and mental well-being of the employees. higher-level needs which is intrinsic or motivation factors must be fulfilled. The Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of Job Satisfaction has sparked an interest for the researcher to conduct the study regarding the motivational and hygiene needs of employees in KPF which have different demographical factors. On the other hand.Job satisfaction is defined as an attitude that individuals have about their jobs which results from their perception of the jobs and the degree to which there is a good fit between the individual and the organization (Ivancevich and Matteson. 2005). Squillace & Erondu. 1997). job context-related facets such as pay security and working conditions in which lead to job dissatisfaction (Oshagbemi. Two-Factor Theory is closely related to Maslow's hierarchy of needs but it introduced more factors to measure how individuals are motivated in the workplace. In order to motivate employees. The variables used in this study includes the working environment of employees. supervision by the superior or top manager and also interpersonal relationship among employees that will contribute to the job satisfaction of employees as a whole. 2009).factors will only prevent employees from becoming actively dissatisfied but will not motivate them to contribute additional effort toward better performance. This research will focus more on extrinsic job satisfaction which is the hygiene factors. 12 . remuneration received by the employees. To motivate employees. organizations should focus on supplying intrinsic or motivation factors (Robbins. This research is conduct to examine the most influential factors that will reflects the job satisfaction level of employees in Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad. The idea of establishment of KPF was triggered in FELDA Board Meeting on January 15.250 registered members that includes FELDA settlers and employees with shares worth RM2. Currently. Umrah-I and Mikrokredit-i. easy financing and Corporate financing. KPF own four direct controls in KPF Group of Companies include FELDA Trading Sdn Bhd.1. They also provide Co-op financing. Pahang (1). KPF managed to earned yield through their investment in various sector with amount of RM3. Perak (1) Selangor (2) and Negeri Sembilan (2).33 million. KPF currently have 269. It accepts deposits from its members and cooperatives. Retail Banking and Real Estate KPF also provides retail banking services. 1980 chaired by Y. The main objective of KPF establishment is to encourage FELDA members to invest and savings. 13 . Formation of KPF was also to give opportunity to FELDA members to have equity and investment in FELDA subsidiaries. KPF Holdings Sdn Bhd. FELDA D’Saji Sdn Bhd and KPF Agro Properties Sdn Bhd. Kelantan (1).383 billion. Pahang.M Tan Sri Raja Muhammad Alias.02 million. KPF started their Ar-Rahn operation on 10th May 2013 with their first branch in Jengka. Until 31st December 2013. As of 31st December 2013.525 billion and assets worth of RM5. KPF is registered as Syariah-compliant companies. Furthermore. KPF currently hold equity in 10 companies under the FELDA Holdings Berhad Group with amount of RM 187. they have opened another eight branch in Terengganu (2). They provide personal financing with Pembiayaan Peribadi-i. Tunai-i.2 Background of Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad (also known KPF) formerly known as Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Berhad was established on 1st July 1980 under the Cooperative Ordinance 1948 (Replaced with Co-operative Act 1993). 165. 00 4 FELDA Prodata Systems Sdn Bhd 20.10 3 FELDA Vegetables Oil Product Sdn Bhd 33. The ICON at Jalan Tun Razak and Southgate Commercial Building in Sg Besi.60 7 FELDA Marketing Services Sdn Bhd 49. No Company Equity (%) 1 FELDA Palm Industries Sdn Bhd 28.00 6 FELDA Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd 28.00 2 FELDA Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd 23.00 10 FELDA Security Services Sdn Bhd 49.00 Table 1.1 KPF equity in FELDA Holdings Berhad 14 .KPF also involved in property and real estate sector and now owns the West wing. It is in the midst of developing a hotel.70 9 FELDA Engineering Services Sdn Bhd 49. which has 300 rooms and apartments in Bangi. The hotel will be operating expected by 2016.00 8 FELDA Kernel Products Sdn Bhd 16.00 5 FELDA Transport Services Sdn Bhd 49. Most of these unhappy employees said they felt that they have too much work or that their work is predictable and boring. While it is often perceived that the main reason many young talent leave a company is due to the low salary. According to a study conducted by Ranstad Workmonitor in June 2012. 19% are enjoying their work because of their friendship with their colleagues. According to Locke (1969) job satisfaction has been defined as a function of the perceived relationship between one wants from one’s job and what one perceives it as offering. Another factor was also their poor relationship with their immediate supervisor or boss. Most of the employees emphasized more on remuneration offered by company rather than their job satisfaction.1. and also to ensure the employee is compensate in such good pay. 78% of the respondents claimed that they were unhappy with their current job.145 respondents quoted salary as the main reason for influencing their unhappiness at their current job. A study conducted by Shellenbarger (2000) stated that aggressive working environment is significantly affect the job satisfaction of employees thus affects the employees’ job performance. The other 15 .3 Problem Statement Job satisfaction is very vital for employee as well as the organization itself. Previous research has proved that job satisfaction would directly relate to employee commitment towards their task and survey in 2012 on Employee Job Satisfaction in Malaysia. The remaining 22% of the respondents who are currently happy at work revealed the top 3 factors which influenced their happiness. employee confidence. 50% are enjoying their working experiences and working challenges. It explains that the employees’ satisfaction depends on the employees feeling to achieve their desired target. 21% are happy with their bosses who appreciate and value their input. working condition. they found out that more than 62% employees in Malaysia consider a good salary is more important than job satisfaction. Dissatisfaction with their scope of work was the top reason many felt unhappy at work. only 17% out of the 1. According to a JobStreet. Job satisfaction can provide a solution in employee dilemma especially regarding personal interest in the specific job. Further analysis was performed to assess how much the love of money mediates the relationship between salary and job satisfaction. Based on the general test for mediation. Recognition was second. The results show that hygiene factors were the dominant motivators of sales personnel job satisfaction. There is a need to delve more deeply into why sales people place such a high importance on money. this research is conducted to examine the most influential factors that will reflect the satisfaction level of employees in Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad. 16 . Working conditions were the most significant in motivating sales personnel. followed by company policy and salary. the love of money could explain the relationship between salary and job satisfaction. It shows that employees nowadays in lacking in interpersonal relationship with their colleagues and their superior. 70% of the respondent said they have more contact with colleagues outside of working hours than before.problem that Ranstad Workmonitor found was due to social media usage. A study conducted by Tan and Amna in 2011 shows that. The variables used in this study includes the working environment of employees. supervision by the superior or top manage and also interpersonal relationship among employees that will contribute to the job satisfaction of employees as a whole. remuneration received by the employees. Hence. This research is carried out to determine whether the hygiene factors also affect the employees’ satisfaction in KPF. This result had put question for the researcher to conduct further more on this matter and the study is conducted in Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad in Kuala Lumpur to test the results. supervision and interpersonal relationship of employees) towards job satisfaction in KPF. To determine the level of hygiene factors (working environment. remuneration. remuneration. supervision and interpersonal relationship) towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF. To identify whether there are any relationship between job satisfaction of employees in KPF. What is the most important element of hygiene factors (working environment. What are the level of hygiene factors (working environment. interpersonal relationship). remuneration. remuneration.1. and hygiene factors (working environment. ii. remuneration. supervision and interpersonal relationship of employees) and job satisfaction in KPF? ii. supervision and interpersonal relationship of employees) towards job satisfaction in KPF? 1.5 Research Objective i. Is there any relationship between job satisfaction and hygiene factors (working environment. To determine the most important elements of hygiene factors (working environment. iii. remuneration. supervision and interpersonal relationship of employees) in KPF? iii. supervision.4 Research Questions i. 17 . 1 Hypothesis 1: Working environment H1: Working environment is positively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. H0: Remuneration is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. 1.1. H0: Working environment is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF.6. 1. 18 .6 Hypothesis 1.3 Hypothesis 3: Supervision H3: Supervision is positively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. H0: Interpersonal relationship is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF.4 Hypothesis 4: Interpersonal relationship H3: Interpersonal relationship is positively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF.6. 1.6.6. H0: Supervision is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF.2 Hypothesis 2: Remuneration H2: Remuneration is positively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. 7 Scope and coverage of the study. This study will conclude the hygienic factors that influence the employees’ satisfaction in their work. The sample will be 80 employees from the KPF headquarters.1. thus facilitating immensely the achievements of the objectives of the KPF in enhancing the reliability and efficiency of their employee that contribute to organizational performance. The findings are expected to provide answers to the fundamental question of why employees stay and what would cause them to leave and to help the company formulate appropriate retention policies and strategies to enhance employee satisfaction and company performance and productivity in the long term. Department of Operation and Administration. remuneration.8 Significant of the study 1. 1.8. It will include the working environment. The study is carried to resolve the problem of employees’ needs and satisfaction towards their job. Department of Legal and finally Department of Internal Audit and Risk Management. 19 . The coverage will be staff that located within Wisma Felda in Jalan Gurney. The respondents are among staff in Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad headquarter comprises of staff form Department of Finance. Department of Investment. the findings and results of the study will provide a more reliable in-depth understanding of the factors that affect employee job satisfaction and to help shape the future policy formulation for the organization. This research is focus more on the job satisfaction of employees in KPF. The scope of this study will be among KPF staff. supervision and lastly the interpersonal relationship among employees. Department of Legal. Data provide will assist in monitoring the organization achievement towards the millennium goals as well as vision 2020 objectives.1 Organization To the management of KPF. Negeri Sembilan 20 . University also can use this research to as a guideline to evaluate job satisfaction among their staff in order for them to fulfill what are the needs of their staff. the information will be used as a guideline in choosing the right job in the future.3 Researcher For researcher.1.9 Limitations 1.8.1 Time period Since the research about evaluating job satisfaction. 1. This study also can help researcher in doing further researcher larger scope of study and different organization. Terengganu.2 University The research will benefits University as it will published and for the future reference of the student. This research also will benefits researcher as it can be shared with the researcher’s employer. Since level of satisfaction may different across time it is recommended for researcher to conduct a study from time to time to gain in-depth knowledge about the job satisfaction. Perak.2 Place of study The research takes place at Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad Headquarters that is located Wisma Felda Jalan Gurney Kuala Lumpur. The place of study is conducted in KPF headquarters and not spanning to its Ar-rahn Branch in Selangor.9.8. Pahang. This research will provide a guideline for job satisfaction determinant and result of this study will help in further research to be conducted by student in the future. 1. it is important for researcher to identified level of satisfaction over time period.9. 1. the work environment involves the physical geographical location. 3. KPF: Koperasi Permodalan FELDA Malaysia Berhad. bonuses. This research only focuses on respondent that work in KPF Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. 2. pension plan). Pahang. 4. Negeri Sembilan.10 Definition of Terms 1. including allowances. Hygiene factors: Hygiene factors are the factors that characterize the context or environment of a person's work. Job turnover: The number of employees who leave an organization of their own free will and need to be replaced. 1.1. or wage. Total of 80 staff working in KPF Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur while other 30 staff is working at Ar-rahn KPF Branch in Selangor. Remuneration: Reward for employment in the form of pay. 6. Perak. Working environment: Location where a task is completed. medical plan. Terengganu. benefits (such as company car. and monetary value of the 21 . When pertaining to a place of employment. cash incentives.3 Respondents The respondent is taken from staffs that work in Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad.9. salary. They can be a cause of job dissatisfaction unless appropriately applied by an organization. Job satisfaction: Locke (1976) defines job satisfaction as the positive emotional state stemming from valuation of a person’s experience associated with the job. 5. The place of the research is conducted. Employees: A person in the service of another under contract of hire. Supervision: Supervision is the activity carried out by supervisors to oversee the productivity and progress of employees who report directly to the supervisors. 22 . Interpersonal relationship: Interpersonal relationships are social connections with others that can be brief or enduring.noncash incentives. 8. 9. express or implied. 7. oral or written where the employer has the right or power to control and direct the employee in the material detail on how the work is to be performed (Arthur. 1995). etc. Intrinsic factors include personality. job security work group. physical working condition. responsibility and advancement. advancement. such as interpersonal relations. These factors serve as guidance for employers in creating a desirable working environment where employees feel comfortable working in the company atmosphere. 2009). supervision and company policy (Herzberg. Certain personal and demographic variables like age. gender. Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. values. such as achievement. supervision. When all these external factors were achieved. According to the principle of theory. In 1959.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. etc. and responses about bad feelings are associated with job context which is hygiene factor. salary.1 Introduction Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory. Extrinsic Factors are less to contribute to employees’ motivation need. Extrinsic Factors are also well known as job context factors are extrinsic satisfactions granted by other people for employees (Robbins. These professionals were asked to describe job experiences where they felt either extremely bad or exceptionally good about their jobs and rated their feelings on these experiences. work itself. Responses about good feelings are generally related to job content which is motivators. Motivators came about with factors built into the job itself. employees will be free from unpleasant 23 . recognition. etc. 2005). also known as the two-factor theory has received widespread attention of having a practical approach toward motivating employees. 1966). tenure.CHAPTER 2 2. Herzberg published his analysis of feelings of 200 engineers and accountants from over nine companies in the United States. recognition. also influence the employees’ job satisfaction. working hours. The presences of these factors were just to prevent any dissatisfaction to arise in their workplaces. The basic factors determining job satisfaction can be broadly into two categories which are intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors (Buitendach and De Witte. Extrinsic factors include pay. supervision and interpersonal relationship.external working conditions that will banish their feelings of dissatisfactions. sufficient supply of Intrinsic Factor will encourage employees’ growth and development that will lead to a higher productivity and performance. On the other hand. This research discussed more on the extrinsic factors that includes working condition. It has widely being known as job content factors which aim to provide employees meaningful works that able to intrinsically satisfy themselves by their works outcomes. Presence of Extrinsic Factors will only eliminate employees’ work dissatisfaction. employees’ job dissatisfaction will arise. however. Extrinsic Factors only permit employees willingness to work while Intrinsic Factors will decide their quality of work. This theory further proposed the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors are interdependence to each other. and achievements harvested (Robbins. responsibilities delegated experience learned. Kian. Intrinsic Factors are the actually factors that contribute to employees’ level of job satisfactions. absent of this factor will only neutralize their feeling neither satisfy nor dissatisfy on their jobs. Idris. when employers fail to fulfill employees’ Extrinsic Factors needs. Intrinsic Factors are very effective in creating and maintaining more durable positive effects on employees’ performance towards their jobs as these factors are human basic needs for psychological growth. but remains themselves neutral in neither satisfied nor motivated. their productivity and efficiency will improved (Yusoff. This research will study the variables or factor that is closely associated with job satisfaction of employees in KPF in accordance to previous research. Intrinsic Factors will propel employees to insert additional interest into their job. However. When employees are well satisfied by motivational needs. The factor that is studied was conducted before and the variable is proved to be valid by previous research. 2013). remuneration. however. 24 . 2009). it will not provide job satisfaction. company and administrative policy. Job satisfaction may derive from a combination of psychological and environmental circumstances that enable employee to say “I am satisfied with my job” (Hasin & Omar. Moreover. 2007). In human resource. empowerment. Campbell and Hakel (1967) and Robbins (2001). achievement. mental health and social life. individuals who has a low job satisfaction would approximately leave their current job position. job satisfaction is an emotional state which a person perceives a variety of features of his/her work or the work environment. it is understood that satisfied workers will be much more productive and be retained within the organization for a longer period in comparison to displeased workers who will be less useful and will have a greater tendency to quit 25 . This is to reduce the employee retention. It has been argued that an increase in job satisfaction results in a rise in worker productivity (Wright & Cropanzano. 2007). relationship with others. Rain. it has major consequences on their lives. Coster (1992) supported the view that work can have on people’s lives. complaints and labor unrest.2 Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction refers to the phrase that can be translated which is “an individual liking to every aspect of his work rather that what he dislikes” (Mumford. 1991). whereby people who are satisfied with their jobs will tend to be happy with their lives as well. Therefore. and the overall working condition. Furthermore. occupational stress. Therefore. Lane and Steiner (1991) claimed that job satisfaction is connected to life satisfaction. job satisfaction is the main important key regarding decision making that requires a top management to identify what is the determinants for work satisfaction. According to the (Hasin & Omar.2. As mentioned by Dunnette. personal growth. Breed and Breda (1997) indicated that job satisfaction may impact on absenteeism. Work satisfaction can be understood as extent to which a person gets a pleasure from a job. and vice versa. Locke (1976) indicated that the most common outcome of job satisfaction is on a person’s physical health. There are many empirical research conducted by previous researcher to examine ways that organizational culture can affect the performance of employee toward organization. Previous studies found that job satisfaction is associated with salary. 2007). 2012). As for successful organization. According to Dawson (2005). but provide a higher service experience to customers which could result in creating customer satisfaction. it will result in employee become more enthusiast. and the work itself. 2003). Everybody needs a good job to get a reward for satisfying desire and needs. There were job context factor that consist of pay. Herzberg suggested that the job content factor will lead into it which is achievement. there were two group of factor that determined which is work satisfaction and work dissatisfaction. It is undeniable that satisfied workers generate loyal and satisfied customers to the company. The author suggests that there will be a problem in analyzing Herzberg’s theory because the role of personal factor may affect the work satisfaction as well. creative and could have commit more toward their job and work. and working condition. The supervision is important as it will give an impact to the behavioral of employee toward work. In the Herzberg theory. relaxation and enthusiasm toward their job. When the employees are satisfied with their job. For work satisfaction. According to (Oshagbemi. & Nadeem. these two theories are related to each other. employee satisfaction is associated with positive employee behavior. security. satisfied workers not only lead to better performances. It also depends on what type of leadership style that will practiced by superior. According to him. Thus. According to the previous study.the job (Crossman. The important part of job satisfaction is it provides employee a feeling of safe. responsibility. 1997) . means that the factor for example pay and supervision will result in either work satisfaction or work dissatisfaction. work satisfaction can be varies according to situation. the result shows the performances of employees will increase when the employees needs and wants is well satisfied. 1991) . As according to a research by 26 . work satisfaction will lead the attention and hence stimulate the workers motivation toward work. More importantly. they would include the employee performance that arisen from satisfaction of employees in their job or work as one of the criteria to increase their productivity (Qasim. satisfying employee needs are such vital factors for organization. Farooq. According to (Mumford. secure. The conditions under which a job is performed can be different from those completely comfortable to those very difficult and dangerous to employees’ life and health. & Nadeem. as it relates to the conducive working environment for the employee thus creates a positive level of work satisfaction. In relation to the work environment. According to the researcher. quality of leadership. and relationships between supervisors. work environment has given important part in work satisfaction. 1966). According to Herzberg. hygiene. drafts.1 Working environment Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. 2012). According to (Qasim. we can conclude that satisfaction can be measured using individuals reaction that appear threatening to that person.3. noise. 27 .3 Hygiene Factors 2. 2012). The unfavorable working conditions includes management does not appreciate their employee efforts on work done so employee may use poor working conditions as a reason to get back to the management (Qasim. working conditions. and happy. it will bring a mental and physical effect to the employee. working environment can be working hours. salary. 2. & Nadeem.Manchester Business School. and are linked to things such as compensation. Difficult working conditions can be influenced by external factors that include climate which include meteorological conditions. lighting and resources. and peers. Hygiene factors are all about making an employee feel comfortable. ventilation. work satisfaction may arise from the reward gain from the organization. Farooq. temperature. supervision and company policy (Herzberg. If the working conditions are not comfortable for employee. Farooq. these factors do not motivate employees. subordinates. such as interpersonal relations. Herzberg used the term 'hygiene' to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace and are extrinsic in which independent of the work itself. organizational politics. temperature. job security. humidity. working time. smoke and other harmful factors. The researcher also suggests that when there is pleasant working environment. The factors related to the organization production such as duration of the work shift. It is therefore necessary to take measures to eliminate uncomfortable working conditions or. radiation. qualifications. physical and mental condition and psycho-physiological and psychological capabilities. injuries. Environmental condition for example work load. 2013). it will open for discussion among employees and hence increase work satisfaction. noise and interference. it will create greater interaction among employee. excessive strain etc. 2012). culture and management structure. dust. to avoid accidents. to take appropriate safety measures. Herzberg theory also defined that working environment is closely related to where the firm operated and relates to the technology. gases. or. sex. stress can be expressed as a reaction toward work environment characteristic that appear uneasy to that individual (Hasin & Omar. According to the recent studies. if not possible. or at least mitigate their consequences (Babic & Bakotic. fatigue. Jobs with difficult working conditions may perform only those employees who meet specific requirements in terms of age. work schedule. health. and uncomfortable posture during work. Difficult working conditions influence employees’ job performances. As for those who encounter stress condition can results in lower quality of job satisfaction. Research conducted by Droussiotis in 2007 outlined that an employee with higher authority will have higher job satisfaction compares to employee with lower authority or decision making right. Safety at work is carried out to ensure working conditions without danger to life or in the workplace. occupational diseases and. work pace. When the interaction happens between them. time and duties are in consistent with the stress concept. The subjective factors that influence the working condition include gender and age of the worker. 28 . job security. those who related to part time workers as well (Sutherland. performance pay. 2. Farooq. and happy The second factor will be monetary rewards and benefit that lead to job satisfaction. organizational politics. Herzberg used the term 'hygiene' to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace and are extrinsic in which independent of the work itself. and peers. and are linked to things such as compensation. salary. Hygiene factors are all about making an employee feel comfortable. labor market or welfare system. friendly coworkers and superior. these factors do not motivate employees. where it is viewed as a source for personal achievement and self-fulfillment (Sutherland. Employee would definitely refer to the pay as one of the determinant for work satisfaction. 2012). & Nadeem. supervision and company policy (Herzberg. According to Herzberg.2 Remuneration Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. Many recent studies of work satisfaction encompasses three aspects which is those who seek to explore further certain features of determinants of work satisfaction. The remuneration includes pay. 2012). Unfavorable payment would lead to the employee retention because they would seek to another job that provides more favorable payment. Some people may find their work satisfaction from the working situation.(Qasim. working conditions. conducive working environment.3. quality of leadership. and employee are given an assignment that are able to be done by employee. 2012). Some of the employee would compare their pay grade with 29 .The working environment would include having a nice work. and relationships between supervisors. subordinates. 1966). secure. benefits and compensation to the employee. such as interpersonal relations.The author also say that dissatisfaction would happen when the salaries are not worthy as compared to the market. for example co workers wages. The extrinsic factor is pay and working condition as compared to the Western countries (Abdulla. or doctors (Mumford. it was show that UAE workers pay high attention to the remuneration. This result also show that financial reward on work satisfaction reflects the fact that workers socialize in capitalistic society would focus on money. 2012). job position and education achieved are most significantly influence overall job satisfaction among audit staff.other place in term of salary the output done and hence may change the job if they were not satisfied with their job. an engineer may compare their pay with engineer from the other company or within company. The critical factor for work satisfaction is evaluation of fairness of pay of earnings of those groups by comparing among them. 2011). benefits and security that offered with the job (Hasin & Omar. it is prove that pay and salary are positively related to the work satisfaction among audit staff. salary reflects 30 . such as salary. However. The engineer also may compare their pay with architects. allowances and financial rewards for example bonus (Abdulla. this is does not reflect that they do not have intention to money rewards but they prefer to choose other critical factor that are more important to satisfy their needs. the research found that monthly gross salary. For example. Djerbarni. In the term of pay. Djerbarni. Research shows that employee from non Western countries tend to have a satisfaction from extrinsic factor. & Mellahi. Djerbarni. According to (Hasin & Omar. This is including the step evaluation how worth the skill they have to be match with the pay that likely to be received. Many studies show that blue collar would plan their financial reward as lowest part from their list of needs. Meanwhile. salary in Western countries reflects as recognition. & Mellahi. From the previous study. 1991). for developing and emerging countries. 2011). 2012). 2011) . In a case of Lebanese employees. the result shows that female employees obtain more satisfaction in term of pay as compared to the male employees (Abdulla. For example. benefits. & Mellahi. According to this research. Remuneration plays a different role in different context around the world. most of employees are depending on the effort reward bargain basis. Mainly supervisors supervise the subordinates. According to Herzberg. salary. secure. Djerbarni. supervision and company policy (Herzberg. 31 . Hygiene factors are all about making an employee feel comfortable. and relationships between supervisors. the reason for employee put a salary as their importance because of their living standards and provides a sense of security. job security. & Mellahi. From the previous study. such as interpersonal relations. 2. It is an important at all levels of management. 2011). the promotion that leads to more power and monetary reward are significantly become a positive factor for improving employee work satisfaction (May & Ramayah. 2011).security. it was found that senior managers are more likely focus on personal reward like money rather than establish long term relationship with their subordinates. Previous study shows that in UAE.3. 1966). and are linked to things such as compensation. and peers. working conditions. It can be defined as the function of leading. directing the work that supports to achieve the pre determined goals.3 Supervision Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. this is due to the fact that cost of living in Dubai is high compared to the other Middle East countries where rent rates are increased tremendously in the last few years reaching 50 percent increased (Abdulla. Supervision is defined as an overseeing and observing the activities of subordinates. Herzberg used the term 'hygiene' to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace and are extrinsic in which independent of the work itself. and happy. subordinates. Furthermore. Supervision is an activity of observation that helps to ensure that the work is being performed according to the requirement of the job. Previous research also found that when the supervisor are focusing more on reward. quality of leadership. coordinating. these factors do not motivate employees. organizational politics. It is through observation. and bosses (Hasin & Omar. 2012). From the previous result. This is because. Instead. 1991). 2011). and completion of the task whereby supervisor and subordinate work closely in establish goal and objective to accomplish it (May & Ramayah. Previous study shows that male employees prefer to have a work satisfaction from quality of supervision rather than female. Supervision also related to the mentoring which is a leader promotes a healthy relationship with their subordinates. coercive and less understanding. In a past studies. 2007). Meanwhile. 2011). From the past. Legislation introduce by management also may affect the employee work satisfaction. It is important for the firm’s partner or management to provide a basis for the staff in developing a good relationship between peers. discussion. it was found that in order to maintain workers. both supervisor and subordinates are playing important role in influencing each other.Punishment. This is true when the large companies especially MNEs are having a bidirectional relationship between supervisor and employees. and all negative management behavior may affect the work satisfaction (Mumford. it was found that the female leaders are more patient. the role has change as today. Career satisfaction and organization commitment are giving an impact when they received recognition (Droussiotis. the male leaders are found to become more direct. supervision plays important role in achieving job satisfaction. Malaysian leaders are not playing stronger tactic like showing coercive and anger towards it subordinates. supervisors. Supervision can comes in many ways in approaching employees for example 32 . caring and creative (May & Ramayah. From the supervision. Work satisfaction are achieve when the young executives having a strong relationship without a request from the Human Resource (May & Ramayah. female leaders are giving more important role as compared to the male leaders. male supervisor was found to be more important role as compared to the female supervisor. 2011). it is found that work satisfaction for managers is greater when it received a support for diversity in the work environment. However. bureaucracy. it is believe that supervision affect intrinsic and extrinsic work satisfaction. In career. Hygiene factors are all about making an employee feel comfortable. and are linked to things such as compensation. Herzberg used the term 'hygiene' to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace and are extrinsic in which independent of the work itself. extrinsic. Sulaiman & Omar (2012) pointed out that a good relationship between superior and subordinate was an important determinant of promotion decisions. quality of leadership. and general job satisfaction and was the strongest explanatory variable for extrinsic job satisfaction (Waskiewicz. identification. it plays sense of and peers.3. Meanwhile. subordinates. Saidon. Psychological categories play a vital role in building self-worthy for employee (May & Ramayah. these factors do not motivate employees. secure. 2011). Supervisor uses his power and influences to provide training to their employee and at the same time opportunity for advancement. 2. This will help them to develop a sense of belonging among their colleague and create a teamwork atmosphere. 1999). According to Herzberg. job security. and happy. leader and mentor even though it compass different type of relationship between supervisor and employee. Part of satisfaction of employees is the social interaction that allows the employees a reasonable amount of time for them to socialize with their colleague. supervision and company policy (Herzberg. Supervision can plays two types of categories which are for career and psychological categories. 1966). organizational politics. working conditions. For example during lunch hour. salary.4 Interpersonal relationship Hygiene factors were related to feelings of dissatisfaction within the employees and were extrinsic to the job. The effect of supervisor relations was significant for intrinsic. (1998) discovered that the relationship with co-workers which includes subordinates or peers will affect job 33 . such as interpersonal relations. Wan. those aspects are related to the learning and advancement for career in the organization. for psychological. and effectiveness. and relationships between supervisors. break time and interaction with customers. working in an environment of cooperation and mutual respect is also important to increase the employees’ job satisfaction. It is supported by Zainudin Awang & Junaidah Hanim Ahmad (2010) and Danish & Usman (2010) research that found a positive important correlation between workplace relationship and job satisfaction.satisfaction and turnover intention among employees. West. 2002). engagement and perceived organizational support. Richter. Valued work relationships can also influence organizational outcomes by increasing institutional participation. 34 . increasing organizational productivity and indirectly reducing the intent to turnover (Berman. Research conducted by Ellingwood (2001) has demonstrated that interaction between peers at work can improve individual employee attitudes such as job satisfaction. job commitment. Positive interpersonal relationships at work have an advantageous effect on both organizational and individual. establishing supportive and innovative climates. & Maurice. Indeed. 2. Farooq. &Nadeem (2012) “Exploring Factor Affecting Employee's Job Satisfaction” 35 .4 Theoretical Framework Working Environment Remuneration Job satisfaction of employees Supervision Independent variables Dependent variables Sources: Adapted from Qasim. Farooq. supervision and remuneration. 36 . The second factor will be remuneration that includes monetary rewards and benefit that lead to job satisfaction. Employee would definitely refer to the pay as one of the determinant for work satisfaction (Qasim. responsibility. work environment has given important part in work satisfaction. This framework focuses on the three factors of hygiene theory which includes work environment. According to (Qasim. directing the work that supports to achieve the pre determined goals. 2012). Farooq. Farooq. as it relates to the conducive working environment for the employee thus creates a positive level of work satisfaction. Herzberg suggested that the job content factor will lead into it which is achievement. & Nadeem. coordinating. and working condition. There were job context factor that consist of pay. & Nadeem (2012) title “Exploring Factor Affecting Employee's Job Satisfaction”. and the work itself. It can be defined as the function of leading. & Nadeem. security. 2012). Supervision is an activity of observation that helps to ensure that the work is being performed according to the requirement of the job.Affecting Employee's Job Satisfaction” This framework is adapted from research made Qasim. remuneration.2. Farooq. supervision. This framework is to show the relationship between working environments. interpersonal relationship with the job satisfaction of employee. & Nadeem (2012) “Exploring Factor Affecting Employee's Job Satisfaction”. This research will covers the factors that will influence the job satisfaction of employees based on the hygiene factors that was invent by Frederick Herzberg in the Motivation-Hygiene theory. In this study.5 Research Framework Working Environment Remuneration Job satisfaction among employees in Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad Supervision Interpersonal relationship Independent variables Dependent variables The conceptual framework is derived from the theoretical framework made by Qasim. the researcher adds one more variable which is interpersonal relationship. This research framework is derived from the Herzberg Two Factor theory that will shows the interrelationship between the Hygiene theory which 37 . This study will try to improvise the research made by adding one more variable that is not studied in the previous study which is interpersonal relationship.include working environment. It is important for the firm’s partner or management to provide a basis for the staff in developing a good relationship between peers. 2012). remuneration. supervisors. and bosses to create a satisfaction among employees (Hasin & Omar. Previous study had proven that working environment plays significant influence in job satisfaction of employees. 38 . supervision and interpersonal relationship and job satisfaction of employees in KPF. the researcher will discuss in details on the research design. population. research design is the plan and structure of investigations conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions. In this research we interested to seek the factor that would influence the job satisfaction among employees and the aim of the study is supported by the research objective and research question. Correlational study happen when we need to identify the significant factors that contributes and associated among variables in order to describe the situation. It constitutes the overall plan for the collection. 3. we would like to choose a correlational study as our type of investigation. In order to solve our problem we used descriptive study as it is undertaken ensure and be able to describe the factors that contribute to the variables that tailored to the situation. In this chapter. measurement and analysis of data. 3.2 Research Design According to (Kerlinger.CHAPTER 3 3.2. We also can describe the attributes of the variables by reviewing the journals. 1986).1 Introduction The purpose of the present paper is to determine the factors that influencing the job satisfaction among employees in Koperasi Permodalan Felda.1 Type of investigation In order to conduct our study. sampling design. and how the data will be analyzed. 39 .0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. As the reason that we choose the correlational study as it help us to determine the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables. method of data collection used. 2. events or things of interest that the researchers wish to investigate (Sekaran. our research would like to determine the factors that influence job satisfaction among employees of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad.2 Extent of researcher’s interference As for our research. The population for this study is all Koperasi PermodalanFelda Malaysia Berhad staff in WismaFelda. It can be concluded that noncontrieved setting is suitable enough that will help us to investigate the factor that contribute toward job satisfaction. 3. 3. Our study is conducted to identify the relationship between the factors that would influence job satisfaction among employees of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad.3 Study Setting As it can be seen. correlational study are associated with the event that been proceed normally and this study are invariably conducted in noncontrieved setting and it also been called as field studies.3. the extent of researcher interference would be minimal due to normal flow of events as we conducted in natural environment. mean that comes from different culture. Noncontrieved setting with minimal interference also can be described as a non control study where the observation can be used to help us in obtaining our findings and analyze our data.31 Population Population can be defined as the entire group of people.2. As to highlight. The population studied consists of multicultural. races and religion around the world. 40 . 2009).3 Sampling Design 3. 3.33 Sampling Method As to enhance our purpose of study. As for this research. the primary is used to gather the information. we take the approach of using the non-probability sampling which the elements in the population do not have probabilities to be chosen as a sample subject. 3.4 Data Collection Method In order to determine information for a solution to the problems. 3. According to Gay & Diehl (1992). we choose the convenience sampling which refers to the collection of data from the members of population (Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad) who are conveniently available to provide it.31 Primary Data Primary data is refer to the data which obtained by the researcher that is from its original source of origin which is firsthand on the crucial variables for the purpose of the study in our research paper. As to extend our sampling methods. data collection method is useful to ensure the data gathered is accurate and reliable as it will be used in data analyzing at the end of the report.32 Sample Size Moreover. it’s our 41 . the sample size in this study is determined by Krejcie and Morgan table which from 110 of population we extracted the sample size of Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad around 86 employees. In this research. It is convenience for us to collect the data. It is the best way of getting the information more quickly. generally the number of respondents required for a study is at least 30 respondents to establish a relationship. efficiently and less expensive.3. The questionnaires provide an outline to the information required in the survey. marital status and others. education. age. The reason for the research to adopt this method is because of the nature of the study. which is to determine the consistency of the study. There are closed ended questions to be answered whereby the respondent only needs to answer or tick the suitable answers. Information about the important factor that contributes to job satisfaction is gathered through questionnaire to determine the result of the studies.pleasure to use questionnaire as primary data sources in order to collect the data from particular sample of subject. Likert Scale measurement is used in Part B whereby the respondent will rate it according to the degree of agreement. The following is the example of Likert Scale 42 .5 Measurement and Instrumentation/Questionnaires Questionnaires are the most appropriate method used to collect the data of the study is a quantitative research. The questions are in term of a multiple-choice of questions. Part A more to demographic that seek to obtain the background of the respondents. The questionnaires are distributed to 80 respondents. the questions are about the factors that influence job satisfaction. As to enhance the factor that influence the job satisfaction among employees of Koperasi PermodalanFelda Malaysia Berhad. Among significant question that were asked by the researcher is the respondent gender. the questionnaires will be distributed among the sample size of the population that we have determined. In Part B. 3. 3. The researcher assists the respondent in answering the questionnaire by explaining the purpose of the studies and what the researcher expect from the respondents.51 Structure of Questionnaires The questionnaire are divided into two section that comprises of Part A and Part B. Researcher used descriptive statistic to study the level of independent variables towards dependent variable. reliability analysis. correlation analysis and regression analysis.measurement.6 Data Analysis Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research. The data collected in this study will be analyzed by using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. mean and also standard deviation. The frequencies can be illustrated by frequencies table. Data is gathered. 3. There is variety of specific data analysis method such as frequency analysis.61 Frequency analysis Frequency analysis consists of frequency distribution which its objective is to obtain counts of number responses that can be calculated by percentage.62 Descriptive statistic Descriptive statistic is the discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of information. 43 . Descriptive statistic contains some of the component that is number of respondent.0. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 3. bar charts or pie charts. descriptive statistic. reviewed and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. or the quantitative description itself. Researcher used frequency distribution to analyze the 75 number of respondent profile information that have been collected. 3. 64 Correlation Analysis In this study. The following is the example of Cronbach’s Alpha table. α > 0. According to Uma Sekaran (2013).07 >α> 0.63 Reliability Analysis Reliability testing was conducted in order to find out the consistency and stability of the data obtained from questionnaire whether the data is reliable or not for the research.06 >α> 0. negative and zero correlation.9 excellent 0. the higher the internal consistency reliability.3. 2013) 3. the closer Cronbach’s Alpha value to 1. Pearson correlation is used to identify how the variables relate to each other. Cronbach’s Alpha is used to measure of internal consistency that is how closely related a set of item are as a group. implies that the relationship is either mutual or reciprocating.05 poor Table 1: Rules of thumb for reliability analysis (Sekaran. Below is the table of Pearson Correlation.06 acceptable 0. The strength of relationship between two variables is determined by the correlation coefficient (r) which falls between 0 and 1.07 moderate 0.09 >α> 0. 44 . There are three types of correlation which are positive.08 >α> 0.08 good 0. 29 weak relationship r = -0.00 strong relationship r = -0.30 to -0.00 Table 2: Rules of thumb for correlation analysis (Sekaran.r = 0.01 < Sig value ≤ 0.05.50 to 1.10 to -0. the most influential factor can be determined by Sig value (p-value) which is less than 0.30 to 0.49 r = 0. Thus.65 Regression Analysis Multiple regressions is used in this study in order to identify the influence of several (two and above) independent variables on one dependent variable. Sig value > 0.05 not significant 0.49 moderate relationship r = -0. 2013) 45 .05 significant Table 3: Rules of thumb for regression analysis (Sekaran.50 to -1.29 r = 0. 2013) 3.10 to 0. 21. marital status.3% of the respondents earned between RM3501 – RM4500 and 6. However. most of the respondent had 1 – 5 years of experiences (56%) while 8% had experience between 16 – 25 years.7% had experience less than a year. followed by 20% were executive and 9. 46 . The data that was collected is based on the questionnaires that were handed to the total of 75 respondents in the company. 38.7% earned more than RM5501. monthly income.7% of the respondents earned less than RM1500. 9 respondents were in the 35 – 44 age range (12% ) and 6 respondents aged between 45 and 54 years old (8%). As for the monthly income.3% were assistant manager and above. Of the 75 respondents. Most of the respondents were married (57.3%) which were 43 respondents but 32 respondents were single (42. it showed that 70. descriptive analysis. In term of current position. The results of this study are produced in the form of frequency analysis. In term of age. reliability analysis.7% of the respondents earned between RM1501 – RM2500 and 14. age. 43 respondents were in the 25 – 34 age range (57. current position and number of years employed. 4. 30. we will discuss the demography and independent variable based on the questionnaires answered by respondent in Koperasi Permodalan Felda.7%).7%). In this survey.3%).7% of the respondents were non-executive.0 ANALYSIS AND DATA INTERPRETATION 4. However.7%). correlation analysis and also multiple regression analysis.3%) and 29 were women (38.CHAPTER 4 4.2 Frequency Analysis Table 5 shows the profile of the respondents in term of gender. 46 were men (61. The findings of this research are analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software.1 Introduction In this chapter.3% of the respondents had experience between 6-15 years and 14. 17 of the respondents were between 18 and 24 years old (22.7% earned between RM2501 – RM3500. 9. 3 Monthly Income Less than RM1500 RM1501 – RM2500 RM2501 – RM3500 RM3501 – RM4500 More than RM5501 23 29 11 7 5 30.7 57.3 8.7 Age 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 17 43 9 6 22.0 Marital Status Single Married 32 43 42.7 56.3 38.3 12.7 20.Table 5: Characteristics of the respondents Item Frequency Percent (%) Gender Male Female 46 29 61.7 57.7 9.0 8.0 Demographic Information (N = 75) 47 .7 38. of Years Employed Less than a year 1 – 5 years 6 – 15 years 16 – 25 years 11 42 16 6 14.0 9.3 No.3 6.7 14.0 21.7 Current Position Non-Executive Executive Assistant Manager & above 53 15 7 70. D= . remuneration (M= 3. Table 6 showed that employees in KPF almost agreed with the interpersonal relationship (M= 3. we can see that the level of interpersonal relationship.71476) and supervision (M= 3. 48 . information given and knowledge shared by each other. supervision and interpersonal relationship) towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF.944 S. Besides that. mean and standard deviation are used to determine the level of hygiene factors (working environment. Employees least agree with the working environment due to insufficient communication with one another. Hence. it can be concluded that job satisfaction level of employees in KPF towards interpersonal relationship.77060).4. remuneration and supervision towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF is quite high and compared to working environment which results the lowest. Most of employees satisfied with interpersonal relationship due to good relationship between them and caring for each other. employees in KPF agreed with the remuneration given by company.3 Descriptive Statistic Descriptive statistic is the discipline of quantitatively describing the main feature of a collection of information.61209).8427 S.0400 S.D= . employees in KPF least agreed with the working environment (M= 2. For supervision.8560 S. remuneration. However. remuneration and supervision is quite good. In this research.D= . employees quite satisfied with the teamwork atmosphere. Thus.64682). or the quantitative descriptive itself such as means and standard deviations as the components in descriptive statistic. Overall. it can be concluded that employees in KPF are not really satisfied with the working environment. This is because the salary and benefits given so far satisfactory.D= . Table 6: KPF employees’ job satisfaction level regarding Hygiene Factors N Mean Std. Deviation Statistic Statistic Statistic INTERPERSONAL_RELATIONSHIP 75 3.9440 .61209 REMUNERATION 75 3.8560 .71476 SUPERVISION 75 3.8427 .77060 WORKING_ENVIRONMENT 75 2.0400 .64682 Valid N (listwise) 75 4.4 Reliability Analysis Reliability testing was conducted in order to find out the consistency and accuracy of the data obtained from questionnaire whether the data is reliable or not for the research. Cronbach’s Alpha is used to measure of internal consistency that is how closely related a set of item are as a group. According to Uma Sekaran (2013), the closer Cronbach’s Alpha value to 1, the higher the internal consistency reliability. Table 7 showed that the results of Cronbach’s Alpha were satisfactory (between 0.85-0.094), indicating questions in each construct are measuring a similar concept. As suggested by Sekaran (2013), the reliability coefficient between 0.80-0.89 are generally found to be good while between 0.90-0.99 are considered to be excellent. According to the table, supervision scores the highest Cronbach’s Alpha with 0.939 which shown an excellent reliability as well as job satisfaction with the scores of 0.904. However, working environment, remuneration and interpersonal relationship, each of the variables score more than 0.800 which automatically projects a very good reliability and consistency. 49 Table 7: Testing reliability with Cronbach’s coefficient alpha Number of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Working Environment 5 0.849 Remuneration 5 0.868 Supervision 5 0.939 Interpersonal Relationship 5 0.854 Job satisfaction 5 0.904 Variables 4.5 Correlation Analysis Correlation is a single number that describes the degree of relationship exists between dependent variables and independent variables. This analysis was conducted to identify whether there are any relationship between job satisfaction and hygiene factors (working environment, remuneration, supervision, interpersonal relationship) of employees in Koperasi Permodalan Felda. Based on the table 8, the strength of relationship between working environment and job satisfaction was moderate (r=0.691). There was significant correlation between two variables at the 0.01 level. It can be concluded that when the working environment increase, the job satisfaction will also increase as the correlation was positive. Thus, H1 can be accepted and H0 is rejected. H1: Work environment is positively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. H0: Work environment is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction in KPF. 50 The Pearson correlation between remuneration and job satisfaction showed that there was moderate relationship (r=0.659). Both variables were statistically significant at the 0.01 level. Thus, positive correlation explained that increase in remuneration will increase the job satisfaction among employees in KPF. Hence, H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected. H2: Remuneration is positively related to job satisfaction of the employees in KPF. H0: Remuneration is negatively related to job satisfaction of the employees in KPF. Refer to the table above, supervision and job satisfaction showed the strong relationship as the value of Pearson Correlation was 0.710. The correlation between these two variables was significant at the 0.01 level. It can be concluded that the higher the supervision will result higher in the job satisfaction due to positive relationship. Therefore, H3 can be accepted and H0 is rejected. H3: Supervision is positively related to job satisfaction of employees in KPF. H0: Supervision is negatively related to job satisfaction of employees in KPF. Interpersonal relationship and job satisfaction showed that there was strong relationship as the result was 0.971. Both variables were significant at the 0.01 level. Therefore, increase in interpersonal relationship related to increase in job satisfaction. Thus, it can be concluded that H4 is accepted and H0 is rejected. H4: Interpersonal relationship is positively related to job satisfaction of employees in KPF. H0: Interpersonal relationship is negatively related to job satisfaction of employees in KPF. 51 000 .Table 8: Correlations Pearson WORKING_ ENVIRONM ENT Correlation WORKING_ENVI REMUNERATIO RONMENT N SUPERVISION INTERPERSONAL JOB_SATISFACTI _RELATIONSHIP ON 1 Sig.000 .708** .01 level (2-tailed).708** . Correlation is significant at the 0. (2-tailed) N Pearson INTERPERS ONAL_RELA TIONSHIP Correlation Sig.000 75 75 75 75 .566** . (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation .632** 1 REMUNERA TION Sig.000 .653** . 52 . (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation 1 1 JOB_SATISF ACTION Sig. (2-tailed) N 75 **.000 75 75 75 75 1 SUPERVISIO N Sig.659** .000 75 75 75 .000 . (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation 75 .000 .791** .691** .710** .000 75 75 .000 .603** . 240. working environment was -0. Based on the table below.4. Table 9 showed that the Beta value for interpersonal relationship was 0.187 and remuneration was 0. the analysis demonstrated that the most significant hygiene factor towards job satisfaction was interpersonal relationship. remuneration. This indicated that the employees in KPF valued most interpersonal relationship practiced by the company. 70.401 followed by supervision was 0. Furthermore. remuneration.6 Regression Analysis Regression analysis is conducted to find out the most important elements of Hygiene Factors (environment. 53 . supervision and interpersonal relationship.5% of variance in job satisfaction in KPF can be explained by working environment. followed by remuneration and working environment. Thus. supervision and interpersonal relationship) towards job satisfaction in Koperasi Permodalan Felda. strong significant relationships were found between interpersonal relationship and supervision on job satisfaction of employees in KPF. Supervision was the second significant factor.134. This revealed that the job satisfaction of employees in KPF was more dependent on interpersonal relationship rather than other factors. Table 9: Regression analysis summary Model 1 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardize d Coefficients t Sig. Error (Constant) 1.134 1. Error of the Estimate Beta .198 .436 .155 SUPERVISION .124 .38148 54 .084 .014 INTERPERSONAL_RELATIONSHIP .705 Adjusted R2 .058 REMUNERATION .212 .401 3.511 .128 .103 -.612 WORKING_ENVIRONMENT -.001 R2 .276 .240 2.615 .089 .085 .928 .448 .041 B Std.187 -1. 2.688 Std. 1 Introduction This part is the last chapter of these studies that summarize and concludes all the findings from the early chapter until chapter 4. Based on findings.2 Conclusion It can be concluded that the employees in Koperasi Permodalan Felda satisfied with the Hygiene Factor which are interpersonal relationship.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5. as it relates to the conducive working environment for the employee thus creates a positive level of work satisfaction. These meant that there are relationships between Hygiene Factors such as working environment. according to Qasim. However. In contrast. remuneration and supervision towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF is quite high and compared to working environment which results the lowest. remuneration and interpersonal relationship. 5.CHAPTER 5 5. the analysis demonstrated that the most important element of hygiene factor towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF was interpersonal relationship. Farooq. Hygiene Factors such as working environment and remuneration showed moderate relationship towards job satisfaction of employees in KPF while interpersonal relationship and supervision showed strong relationship towards job satisfaction. & Nadeem (2012). Moreover. The other factors such as remuneration. 55 . this revealed that the job satisfaction of employees in KPF was more dependent on interpersonal relationship rather than other factors. it can be concluded that the level of interpersonal relationship. Furthermore. supervision. work environment has given important part in work satisfaction. It also consists of recommendation that researcher come out from this study toward better improvements for this company to continue their good track record. supervision and remuneration while they less satisfied with working condition. supervision and working environment also contributed to job satisfactions of employees in KPF. the employees should respect. the employees will have good experience and passions in working due to job satisfaction. communicate well and care of each other in order to increase performances. Organization can promote program such as health campaign and charity event which participated by all employees. Besides that. 56 . Thus. Additionally. Last but not least.5.3 Recommendation There is some of recommendation or suggestion that can be adapted by organization in order to improve the job satisfaction among employees as well as increase the productivity and the performance in the future. The findings apply only to employees in Koperasi Permodalan Felda in Kuala Lumpur. Moreover. there is need to maintain good interpersonal relationship among employees. The organization need to improve the working environment such as provide conducive workplace with sufficient facilities and enhance good communication between employees. organization can promote strong work culture. it is believed that qualitative research would be beneficial in helping to enhance our understanding of how employees satisfied with their jobs. This means that the result may not be generalized to the other branches in Malaysia. the findings obtained from the questionnaires in this study are limited by the perceptions and opinions of the respondents. This will lower the employee turnover and increase performances of employees. there is need to undertake more research addressing the hygiene factors towards job satisfaction. Furthermore. Although quantitative research was used in this study. Abdullah. 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There is no right or wrong response. Your answers will be kept confidential.JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES AT KOPERASI PERMODALAN FELDA MALAYSIA BERHAD QUESTIONNAIRE The following questionnaire is designed to obtain information on job satisfaction among employees at Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Berhad.RM 2500 RM 4501. Total Income : Less than RM1500 RM 3501. Working Environment No Items 7. Current Position : Non-executive Executive Assistant Manager and above 6.25 years 1 .1B I have adequate tool and resources to do my work 7.15 years PART B: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE JOB SATISFACTION 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Please tick (/) the answer by referring to the appropriate box above.4B with one another The environment in this organization supports a 7. 7.5B balance between work and personal life 7.5 years More than 25 years 6 .3B 1 2 3 4 5 .2B It is easy to get along with my colleagues Facilities provided to the employees by the organization are satisfactory People in my department communicate sufficiently 7. Number of Years Employed : Less than a year 16 .5. 5B My supervisor has reasonable expectations of my work 10. Remuneration No Items 8.1B My supervisor actively listens to my suggestion 9.1B 10.4B My supervisor is knowledgeable about my work 9.2B 10.3B 10. Supervision No Items 9.2B The bonus I received so far is attractive 8.1B 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Company provides satisfactory salary according to the work 8.4B I am satisfied with the leave entitlement provided by company 8.5B The medical insurance provided are adequate for me 9.4B Items My co-workers care about me as a person There are possibilities to receive assistance from co-workers when necessary I can communicate well with my superior or manager Employees in my company share experience to help each other .3B I understand my benefit plan 8. Interpersonal Relationship No 10.2B My supervisor promotes an atmosphere of teamwork 9.8.3B My supervisor provides me with sufficient information related to my work 9. .10.5B This organization respects its employees.
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