JNTUA CSE & IT II year R15



JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPURCommon Course Structure for Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology B. Tech Course (2015-16) II B. Tech – I Sem S.No. Subject L Tu 1 Course Code 15A54301 Mathematics III 3 1 - 3 2 15A05301 Database Management Systems 3 1 - 3 3 15A05302 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 - 3 4 15A99301 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 1 - 3 5 15A04306 Digital Logic Design 3 1 - 3 6 15A52301 Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis 3 1 - 3 7 15A05303 Database Management Systems Laboratory - - 4 2 8 15A99302 Basic Electrical and Electronics Laboratory - - 4 2 18 06 08 22 Total Lab C 1 Tech II . Gauss forward and backward formula. UNIT – I Elementary row transformations-Rank – Echelon form. Cayley – Hamilton Theorem and its applications – Diagonolization of matrix. Hermitian. Eigen vectors for both real and complex matrices. Numerical Techniques and Curve fitting. Linear transformations.Seidal iteration method.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. Eigen Values. UNIT – IV Curve fitting: Fitting of a straight line – Second degree curve – Exponentional curve-Power curve by method of least squares. Numerical solutions of Laplace equation using finite difference approximation.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T 3 Tu 1 C 3 (15A54301) MATHEMATICS-III (Common to All Branches) Objectives:  This course aims at providing the student with the concepts of Matrices. Stirling’s formula. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s 1/3 Rule – Simpson’s 3/8 Rule. UNIT – II Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: The Bisection Method – The Method of False Position– Newton-Raphson Method. UNIT – V Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Solution by Taylor’s series-Picard’s Method of successive Approximations-Euler’s Method-Runge-Kutta Methods. Gauss . Bessel’s formula. Solution of linear simultaneous equation: Crout’s triangularisation method. Calculation of powers of matrix and inverse of a matrix. Skew-Hermitian and Unitary matrices and their properties. 2 . Numerical Differentiation for Newton’s interpolation formula. normal form – Consistency of System of Linear equations. UNIT – III Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae – Lagrange’s formulae. Quadratic forms – Reduction of quadratic form to canonical form and their nature. 3 . Sastry. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. B. Mc Graw Hill publishers. Iyengar. Engineering Mathematics. by Erwin Kreyszig.S. by B. REFERENCES: 1. Rukmangadachari Pearson Publisher. Volume . Khanna publishers. S.S.Ramana.II.V. 4.V.Krishna Gandhi. Outcomes:The student will be able to analyze engineering problems using the concepts of Matrices and Numerical methods. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Higher Engineering Mathematics. PHI publisher.S. 3.V. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis.S. E. B. Wiley India.K.Prasad. Chand publication.Ranganatham and M. 2.Grewal.TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mathematical Methods by T. S. 2.N. S. FIRST.Domain relational calculus . View of Data Data Abstraction. Decompositions Problem related to decomposition.Problems Caused by redundancy.Logical connectives . Renaming. Database Architecture.Integrity Constraints over Relations. Complex Integrity Constraints in SQL Triggers and Active Data bases.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T 3 (15A05301) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Tu 1 C 3 Objectives:   To understand the basic concepts and the applications of database systems. UNIT-III Introduction to Schema Refinement . Dependency preserving Decomposition.Comparison using Null values . OR and NOT . Database Users and Administrators. Set operations. To become familiar with database storage structures and access techniques. Relationships and Relationship sets. Beyond ER Design. Querying relational data. UNIT-I Introduction-Database System Applications. Form of Basic SQL Query . Disallowing NULL values. 4 . Set . Instances and Schemas.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. NULL values . DML.FOURTH Normal Form. Tech II . SECOND. Relational Model: Introduction to the Relational Model .Properties of Decompositions Loss less join Decomposition. Introduction to Views Destroying/ altering Tables and Views. Correlated Nested Queries. Outer Joins. Joins. Examples of Algebra Queries. UNIT-II Relational Algebra and Calculus: Relational Algebra . Normal Forms . Aggregate Operators. Database Languages .DDL.Reasoning about FDS. To master the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL. ER diagrams.Multi valued Dependencies .   To become familiar with the basic issues of transaction processing and concurrency control. Enforcing Integrity constraints.Examples of Basic SQL Queries.Selection and Projection. Introduction to Nested Queries. Attributes and Entity sets. Data Models. Division. Purpose of Database Systems.  To understand the relational database design principles. Schema Refinement in Data base Design .Expressive Power of Algebra and calculus. Logical data base Design. Entities. Additional features of ER Model.Comparison Operators. THIRD Normal forms . Functional Dependencies .BCNF .AND. Conceptual Design with the ER Model. History of Data base Systems. Conceptual Design for Large enterprises.Impact on SQL Constructs. Inclusion Dependencies. Relational calculus Tuple relational Calculus . FIFTH Normal form. Join Dependencies. Introduction to Data base design . Data base System Concepts. Ability to design entity relationship and convert entity relationship diagrams into RDBMS and formulate SQL queries on the respect data. 3rd Edition. 3. File Organization and Indexing . Tree based Indexing. Database Systems Concepts. 2. VI edition. McGrawHill Education.Silberschatz. Johannes Gehrke.Concurrent .Testing for serializability.Recoverability Implementation of Isolation . Raghurama Krishnan. Ability to identify the data models for relevant problems.Buffer Management . Recovery System-Failure Classification-Storage Structure-Recovery and Atomicity .F.Failure with loss of nonvolatile storage . 6th edition. Database Systems. Gupta. Outcomes:     Demonstrate the basic elements of a relational database management system.Clustered Indexes. 2003.K. Database Management Systems. Apply normalization for the development of application software.Validation Based Protocols . S. Introduction to Database Systems.Advance Recovery systems . REFERENCES: 1. Extendable hashing. Search. Data base Management Systems. Primary and Secondary Indexes.Transaction State . Pearson Education. Date. Navathe. 2. Peter Rob & Carlos Coronel. Korth. Linear Hashing.Transaction Concept . TEXT BOOKS: 1.J. 2008. 5 . Shamkat B. Delete.UNIT-IV Transaction Management .Sudarshan. Hash Based Indexing: Static Hashing. McGraw Hill.Recovery with Concurrent Transactions . 2013. Linear Hashing. C. Comparison of File Organizations. Index data Structures . Ramez Elmasri. Insert.Log Based Recovery .Executions . G. H.Implementation of Atomicity and Durability .Lock .Hash Based Indexing. McGrawHill Education. UNIT-V Overview of Storage and Indexing: Data on External Storage.Timestamp Based Protocols .Remote Backup systems. Concurrency Control .Serializability .Multiple Granularity. Extendible vs. 2006. A. 4. Tree Structured Indexing: Intuitions for tree indexes.Based Protocols . Indexed Sequential Access Methods(ISAM) B+ Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure. Cengage Learning. Pearson Education. UNIT IV: An Introduction to Graph Theory: Definitions and Examples. Artificial Intelligence UNIT I: Mathematical Logic: Introduction. The Predicate Calculus. Inference Theory of Predicate Calculus. binomial theorem. Groups: Definitions and Examples.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T 3 Tu 1 C 3 (15A05302) DISCRETE MATHEMATICS II Year B. Connectives. UNIT III: Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems: Examples and General Properties. Graph Isomorphism. Relations and Ordering. Group Codes.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. Recursion. DBMS. Vertex Degree: Euler 6 . number theory. Theoretical Computer Science. I Sem. Able to apply the concepts in courses like Computer Organization. Course Outcomes   Able to apply mathematical concepts and logical reasoning to solve problems in different fields of Computer science and information technology. and generating function in analysis of various computer science applications. Functions. Analysis of Algorithms. The theory of Inference for the Statement Calculus. Boolean algebra. UNIT II: SET Theory: Basic concepts of Set Theory. Understand the concepts of graph theory. Semi groups and Monoids. Sub graphs. Polish expressions and their compilation.Tech. complements. Tech II . Normal Forms. Subgroups and Homomorphism’s. Course Objectives   Understand the methods of discrete mathematics such as proofs. Lattices and Boolean algebra: Lattices and Partially Ordered sets. Cryptography. Representation of Discrete structures. logic and set theory. counting principles. 2nd Edition 7 .P. “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics. 3.Sen. an Applied Introduction”.Mott. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Graph Coloring and Chromatic Polynomials Trees: Definitions. Definitions and Examples: Calculation Techniques. Ralph P. J. Pearson.Baker.S. 2. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Trails and Circuits. PHI. Generalizations of Principle. “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science”. Abraham Kandel and Theodore P.Bishtand H. Combinations with Repetition The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion: The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion. Dhami. A computer Oriented approach by C L Liu and D P Mohapatra. Combinations: The Binomial Theorem. Partitions of Integers. Discrete Mathematics theory and Applications by D. Biconnected Components and Articulation Points UNIT V: Fundamental Principles of Counting: The rules of Sum and Product.K.K. Examples.Malik and M. Trees and Sorting. Manohar.Ramana. Mc Graw Hill Education. Weighted trees and Prefix Codes.S.V. Grimaldi and B. 5. Permutations. 5th Edition. Planar Graphs. Properties. Discrete Mathematics by R. 2. Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering by NARSINGH DEO. 4. Discrete Mathematics for Computer scientists and Mathematicians by JOE L. Oxford Higher Education. Rook Polynomials. Rooted Trees.2015. Pearson . Cenegage Learning. MC GRAW HILL Education. Derangements: Nothing is in Its Right Place. Elements of Discrete Mathematics. The Exponential Generating Functions. 2016. Arrangements with Forbidden Positions Generating Functions: Introductory Examples. Tremblay and R. The Summation Operator. Hamilton Paths and Cycles. Reciprocity and Superposition Theorems for DC Excitations. Kamakshiah – TMH. Series Parallel Circuits.J. Form Factor and Peak Factor. Network theorems. Losses and Efficiency Calculation in DC Motor. UNIT – I INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Ohm’s Law. Phasor Representation of Alternating Quantities.Thyagarajan. EMF equation. Types of DC Motors. UNIT.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. Capacitive Networks.Nagasarkar and M.S. Fundamentals of Electrical Electronics Engineering by T. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tech II .Naidu and S. Kirchhoff’s Laws. S.Kothari & I.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T Tu C 3 1 3 (15A99301) BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PART – A BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Objectives: Basic Electrical Engineering contains basic Electrical Laws. Nagrath PHI. DC Motors and Transformers with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world problems and applications. Torque Equation. Types of Sources. Basic Circuit Components.Swinburne’s Test and Applications. Two Port Networks: Two Port Network Parameters – Impedance. Basic Electrical Engineering . Maximum Power Transfer. 2. Resistive Networks. Transmission and Hybrid Parameters and Their Relations. Star Delta and Delta Star Transformation. 3. Testing: OC & SC Tests.II NETWORK THEOREMS & TWO PORT NETWORKS Network Theorems: Thevenin’s. SCITECH Publications 5th Edition-2007 4. Basic Electrical Engineering –By T. Inductive Networks.S.By M. REFERENCES: 1. Outcomes: After going through this course the student gets a thorough knowledge on basics of Network theorems. Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering by D. Electrical and Electronic Technology-By Hughes – Pearson Education. Norton’s. Two port networks. Root Mean Square and Average Values of Alternating Currents and Voltage. Principles of Electrical Engineering by V. Admittance.Chand Publications.P.K. Sukhija Oxford University Press. Regulation of Transformer. Losses and Efficiency. Principle of AC Voltages. 8 . Transformers: Principles of Operation. 2. AC & DC generators and motors which are widely used in industry are covered and their performance aspects will be studied. UNIT-III DC MOTORS and TRANSFORMERS DC Motors: Principle of Operation of DC Motors.K Mehta. Full-Wave Rectifier. LC Tuned. Applications of MOSFET.MOSFET-The Enhancement and Depletion MOSFET. Output Characteristics. Applications of Diode. Zener Diode. Extrinsic Semiconductors-N-Type and P-Type Semiconductors. T. Input-Output Characteristics of BJT-CB. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering.Sukhija. S. Conduction in Intrinsic Semiconductors. M. Diode as a Rectifier-Half-wave Rectifier.Theory and Operation of JFET. Applications of Op-Amps.. Relation between IC. Oxford University Press. Integrator. differentiator Amplifier.Volt-Ampere Characteristics. Reverse Bias.PART-B UNIT I Semiconductor Devices: Intrinsic semiconductors-Electron-Hole Pair Generation. 1st Edition. 2012. Voltage Divider Bias. 2. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering. RC Phase Shift Oscillator circuits. The p-n Junction – Drift and Diffusion Currents. summing. Barkhausen Criteria for Oscillator Operation. UNIT II BJT and FETs: Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) – Types of Transistors. CS and CG Configurations. Configurations of JFET-CD. Components of an Oscillator-Transistor Amplifier Circuits.Diode Specifications. CE and CC Configurations. Basic Forms of OpAmps-Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifiers. Classification of Oscillators.Transistor as an Amplifier. Transistor Biasing. Comparison of BJT and JFET.K Bhattacharya. Transistor Applications.K. Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier. Comparison of N-Type and P-Type Semiconductors. JFET ApplicationsJFET as an Amplifier. Operational Amplifiers(Op-Amps)-Symbol of an Op-Amp. Transistor as a Switch. UNIT III Oscillators and Op-Amps: Sinusoidal Oscillators. Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator. The p-n Junction Diode-Forward Bias. Feedback Circuits and Oscillator Circuits. Transfer Characteristics. TEXT BOOKS: 1. IB and IE. Static Characteristics of MOSFET.S. JFET as a Switch. Diode as a Switch. 9 . Characteristics of an Ideal Op-Amp. Differential. VoltAmpere Characteristics. Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET). single Input and Dual Input OpAmps(Differential Amplifier).Fixed Bias. Pearson Education.Nagsarkar. Rectifiers with Filters. Operation of NPN and PNP Transistors. 2012. 2. Switching and Finite Automata Theory. Boolean Functions. Four Variable Map. Encoders. Signed Binary Numbers. 5th Edition. Programmable Array Logic. DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS: RTL and DTL Circuits. Modern Digital Electronics. Sudhakar Samuel. Compliments. Read-only Memory.P. Cengage 3. Ciletti. Other Two Level Implementations. Don’t-Care Conditions. Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL). 5/e. Magnitude Comparator. Analysis Procedure. Design Procedure. UNIT V MEMORY AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC: Random access memory.Kohavi.Morris Mano & Micheal D. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits.TMH 5. Fundamentals of Logic Design. Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers. Design Procedure. Binary Storage and Registers. Decimal Adder. Five-Variable Map. Roth. Other Minimization Methods UNIT III COMBINATIONAL LOGIC: Combinational Circuits. UNIT IV SYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL LOGIC: Sequential Circuits. Integrated Circuits. Elsevier 2. UNIT II GATE – LEVEL MINIMIZATION: The Map Method.3/e. Canonical and Standard Forms. Binary Adder-Subtractor. Saha. Digital Logic & State Machine Design. Comparisons of Logic Families. State Reduction and Assignment. Flip-Flops. David J. Latches. R.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T 3 Tu 1 C 3 (15A04306) DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN UNIT I BINARY SYSTEMS: Digital Systems. Basic Theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra. EX-OR Function. Shift Registers. Number Base Conversions. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATES: Basic Definitions. Digital Logic Design. Jain. memory decoding.D. Pearson. CMOS Logic. M. Cambridge. Tech II . Registers. Synchronous Counters. 2012.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. Comer. Product of Sums Simplification. REFERENCES: 1. 2013. Programmable Logic Array. MOS. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Malvino. Error Detection and Correction. Decoders. R. Oxford University Press. Ripple Counters. Digital Logic Design. Binary Codes. Digital Design. Multiplexers. Leach. 3rd Reprinted Indian Edition. Other counters. Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL). Digital Logic Gates. 4. Binary Numbers. TMH 10 . NAND and NOR Implementation. Other Logic Operations. Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra. Jha. Binary Multiplier. Binary Logic. Sole Proprietorship.factors governing demand forecasting.Even Point.Contemporary importance of Managerial Economics .Measurement of elasticity of demand .Short-run and Long. MRTS .Cost Analysis: Cost concepts and cost behaviorBreak-Even Analysis (BEA) -Determination of Break Even Point (Simple Problems)Managerial significance and limitations of Break.Pricing Methods and Strategies-Forms of Business Organizations.Features of Perfect Competition- Monopoly-Monopolistic Competition-Oligopoly-Price-Output Determination .Relationship of Managerial Economics with Financial Accounting and Management.Scope .I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T Tu C 3 1 3 (15A52301) MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to equip the student with the basic inputs of Managerial Economics and Economic Environment of business and to impart analytical skills in helping them take sound financial decisions for achieving higher organizational productivity.Cobb-Douglas production function . Demand Analysis: Concept of Demand-Demand Function Demand .Partnership – Joint Stock Companies .Laws of returns Internal and External economies of scale .Elasticity of Demand- Law of Significance . Unit I: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Managerial Economics – Definition.methods of demand forecasting.Least cost combination.Types of Elasticity .Public Sector Enterprises – New Economic Environment.Economic Liberalization – Privatization .run production functionIsoquants and Isocosts. UNIT III: INTRODUCTION TO MARKETS AND NEW ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Market structures: Types of Markets . Tech II . UNIT II: THEORY OF PRODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS Production Function.Globalization.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Demand Forecasting.Nature.Perfect and Imperfect Competition . 11 . Aryasri.Financial Statements . Managerial Economics 3/e.M. Financial Analysis – Ratios – Liquidity. 2013. TEXT BOOKS: 1.S. T.Reddy & Y. 2. TMH.Chand. 1/e. Vikas Publications. New Age International.Journal .Ledger – Trial Balance .Double-Entry Book Keeping.Emerging need and Importance . UNIT V: CAPITAL AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Concept of Capital . S.S.L. 2013. and Activity Ratios (simple problems).UNIT IV: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS Financial Accounting – Concept . 2013.Estimating Working Capital Requirements – Capital Budgeting – Features of Capital Budgeting Proposals – Methods and Evaluation of Capital Budgeting Projects – Pay Back Method – Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) – Net Present Value (NPV) – Internal Rate Return (IRR) Method (simple problems) Learning Outcome: After completion of this course. Hariprasad Reddy.Trading Account – Profit & Loss Account – Balance Sheet (with simple adjustments). I. 2.A. Profitability. Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis. REFERENCES 1.Over and Undercapitalization – Remedial Measures .Pandey. Margham Publishers. the student will able to understand various aspects of Managerial Economics and analysis of financial statements and inputs therein will help them to make sound and effective decisions under different economic environment and market situations. Leverage. Accounting and Financial Mangement. Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis. Financial Management. Siddiqui. 2013. 12 .Sources of Shot term and Long term Capital . S. Ahuja H. Siddiqui and A. Deptno is the primary key in department table and referential integrity constraint exists between employee and department tables. In this context. create two tables employee and department. da. Other values are to be computed and updated later. 2. design forms and generate reports. triggers. deptname. Create sample tables. configure it and start working on it. The calculation of hra. Course Outcomes:     Design databases Retrieve information from data bases Use procedures to program the data access and manipulation Create user interfaces and generate reports List of Experiments: 1. gross. empname. Students should be permitted to practice appropriate User interface creation tool and Report generation tool. Employee consists of columns empno. use SQLPLUS features. referential integrity constraints. deductions. basic have valid values. execute some queries. Initially only empno.da are as per the rules of the college.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. assertions. Tech II . Department contains deptno. date-of-birth. use PL/SQL features like cursors on sample database. install it.I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T Tu 3 1 (15A05303) DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS LABORATORY C 3 Course Objectives:   To create a database and query it using SQL. and description columns. A college consists of number of employees working in different departments. basic. Perform the following operations on the the database: 13 . net. Understand the significance of integrity constraints. Practice session: Students should be allowed to choose appropriate DBMS software. hra. empname. da. Display the maximum salary of each department and also all departments put together. The default value for date-of-birth is 1 jan. Display the information of the employees and departments with description of the fields. Display the average salary of all the departments. Update the corresponding tables to change the value. When the da becomes more than 100%. Whenever the salary becomes negative it has to be maintained as 1000 and the deduction amount for those employees is reduced appropriately. Find the employees whose name contains ‘en’. a message has to be generated and with user permission da has to be merged with basic. The assertions are: hra should not be less than 10% of basic and da should not be less than 50% of basic. Assume some of the employees have given wrong information about date-ofbirth. Display the retirement day of all the employees. What happens if there are employees in it and if there are no employees. Add the remaining columns separately by using appropriate SQL command Basic column should not be null Add constraint that basic should not be less than 5000. When the employees called daily-wagers are to be added the constraint that salary should be greater than or equal to 5000 should be dropped. Empno should be unique and has to be generated automatically. 14 . Initially only the few columns (essential) are to be added. Display the average salary department wise. automatically a message has to be generated. List the employees according to ascending order of salary in each department. If the employee is going to retire in a particular month. List the employees according to ascending order of salary. Commit the changes whenever required and rollback if necessary. Whenever salary is updated and its value becomes less than 5000 a trigger has to be raised preventing the operation. Try to delete a particular deptno. The percentage of hra and da are to be stored separately. Use substitution variables to insert values repeatedly. 1970.                             Create tables department and employee with required constraints. Create alias for columns and use them in queries. The retirement age is 60 years. Use ‘&&’ wherever necessary Amount 6000 has to be deducted as CM relief fund in a particular month which has to be accepted as input from the user.gross and net by using PL/SQL program. Find the employees whose salary is between 5000 and 10000 but not exactly 7500. Calculate hra. Write procedures for it. execute queries. Use SQL or PL/SQL depending on the requirement. procedures.           Student information system APSRTC reservation system Hostel management Library management Indian Railways reservation Super market management Postal system Banking system Courier system Publishing house system References: 15 . create tables. Students should gather the required information. and generate reports. Students may be divided into batches and the following experiments may be given to them to better understand the DBMS concepts. Note: As a designer identify other operations that may be required and add to the above list. Order them appropriately. The above operations are not in order. Find the departments where the salary of all the employees is less than 20000. The amount has to be deducted equally in the next 5 months. create user interfaces.        If salary of all the employees is increased by 10% every year. normalize. map them to tables. Use appropriate Visual programming tools like oracle forms and reports. As a designer identify the PL/SQL procedures necessary and create them using cursors. Find the employees who are born on feb 29. triggers. Find the employees who are born in leap year. As a designer identify the views that may have to be supported and create views. what is the salary of all the employees at retirement time. draw ER diagrams. On first January of every year a bonus of 10% has to be given to all the employees. 3. visual basic etc to create user interface screens and generate reports. Find the departments where the salary of atleast one employee is more than 20000. Rajeeb C. “Learning Oracle SQL and PL/SQL”. “Oracle PL/SQL”. 3.Vander Lans. PHI. Chatterjee.TMH. “Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming”.Silvestrova. 2. B.Mc Laughlin. Pearson education. Rick F. “Introduction to SQL”. M. Pearson education.Rosenzweig and E. 16 . 4.1. Tech II . 2. 5.A : ELECTRICAL LAB 1. P-N Junction Diode and Zener Diode Volt-Ampere Characteristics. NOR. Computation of α. 6. 3. Half-Wave Rectifier.a) Without Filter b) With Capacitor Filter. Determination of Open circuit and Short circuit parameters 4. Verification of Logic Gates. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem. Computation of β. 5. Bipolar Junction Transistor in CB Configuration-Input and Output Characteristics. OR.AND. Verification of Superposition Theorem.a) Without Filter b) With Capacitor Filter. 7. OC & SC Tests on Single-Phase Transformer (Predetermination of Efficiency and Regulation at Given Power Factors). Determination of Performance Characteristics. Full-Wave Rectifier. NAND.JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B. 17 . Bipolar Junction Transistor in CE Configuration-Input and Output Characteristics. Brake Test on DC Shunt Motor. 3. PART – B ELECTRONICS LABORATORY (Any Six Experiments) 1. Junction field effect Transistor in Common Source Configuration Output and Transfer Characteristics. EX-NOR. 4. EX-OR. 2. NOT. Swinburne’s Test on DC Shunt Machine (Predetermination of Efficiency of a Given DC Shunt Machine Working as Motor and Generator).I sem (Common to CSE & IT) T Tu C 3 1 3 (15A99302) BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS LABORATORY PART – A BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAB PART. 6.
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