


FOR INTERNAL USE ONLYPile Design Report Sample Design Calculations For Micropiles in Kenny Hill Formation Generalized Subsoil Profile Generally flat terrain Subsoil profile: 0-3m, silty SAND, SPT=1- 5 3-6m, silty SAND, SPT= 15 - 50 6-20m, highly weathered sandstone Schematic Detail Soil becoming weathered rock Mild Steel Capping Plate L = 350mm B = 350mm Thickness = 10mm Mild Steel Stiffeners Thickness = 10mm Pile Boring Diameter = 200mm API Pipe O.D. Thickness fy (min) Grade = = = = 127.0mm 9.2mm 552 Mpa N-80 L = 20.0m Cementitious Grout W/c = 0.45 Fcu = 25 Mpa Safe Working Load Pa = 80 tonnes Lsocket = 20m Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 1 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Subject : Micropile Design 1.0 1.1 Material Properties Basic Dimensions and Properties 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2 Micropile Diameter, D Pile Composite Modulus Ep Moment of Inertia, Ip Cementitious Grout = 200mm = 41 GPa = 7.85E+07 mm^4 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3 Max. water/cement ratio Anti-shrink / Additives Grout Area. Ac 28 day Comp. Strength, Fcu' Density Elastic Modulus. Ec API Pipe Reinforcement = = = = = = 0.45 Adogroud 100g 150kg bag 45686 mm"2 25 MPa 2000 kg /M^3 28 GPa 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 1.4 Source Outer Diameter, OD Wall Thickness. t Inner Diameter. ID Cross Sectional Area, As API Specification Grade Designation Mm. Yield Strength, fy Elastic Modulus. Es = = = = = = = = = 127 9.19 108.62 3401 5A-80 N-80 552 210 mm mm mm mm^2 MPa GPa Req. Min. (Max) Source Compliance with British Standards Designed 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5 Working Grout/API Pipe Bond (MPa) 0.8 12 Grout Characteristic Strength, fcu (MPa) 25 20 Cement content (kg/m"3) 400 00 Grout working compressive stress,0.4fcu/FoS 0.2 x fcu 0.25 x fcu Minimum Factors of Safety BS8110 BS8004 BS8004 BS8004 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 2.0 2.1 Against Structural Failure Against Buckling Failure Against Geotech. Failure Against Geotech. Failure = = = = 2.00 1.60 2.00 2.50 Skin Friction End Bearing 2.2 Structural Design Assuming that the applied vertical load is carried by the API Pipe alone. Ultimate Load Capacity Pu = 0.87 x fy x As = 1633450 N = 1633.5 kN = 163.3 tonnes Use the Factor of Safety prescribed in Section 1.5 on Plate 2 Allowable Load Capacity Pa = 82 tonnes Page 2 Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report = 80 tonnes 2.3 3.0 3.1 Design Safe Working Load SWL Geotechnical Design Refer Piler Analysis for derivation of Geotechnical Safe Working Load -Appendix ...... Design Length 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 Safe Working Load per Pile Nominal Diameter Embedment Grout l API Pipe Bond P D Ls = 800 = 200 = 20.0 m kN mm 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Ultimate Grout Pipe - Bond Stress, t (u) Factor of Safety Working Bond Stress, t (w) Req'd API Pipe Embedment in Grout Therefore, adopted socket length is = 2.0 = 2.5 = 0.8 = 2.5 < 20.0 m OK MPa MPa m 4.0 4.1 Buckling (Pile Slenderness) Analysis not appropriate for Kenny Hill Formation = = = = Fixed Fixed 1m 0.7 m Pile End Conditions (Unfilled Cavities) 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 Pile Top (at Pilecap Level) Pile Base (at Rock Head Level) Ass. length in unfilled cavity L assumed Effective Length - 0.7 x L L eff. Eucler's Buckling Load (Unfilled Cavities) 4.2.1 4.2.2 Effective radius Euler Critical Load r Pe FOS available =41.8 =@pi^2 - Ep l(Lelr)^2 = 1428 kN =9.78 OK 4.3 Elastic Buckling Load of Pile embedded in Overburden (ie Winkler Medium) 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 5.0 5.1 Average SPT in Overburden soils, N Est. Und. Cohesion Overburden soils, Cu Modulus of Horiz. Subgrade Reaction, kh'c 20100 kPa Elastic Buckling Load, Pcr FOS available Rate of Corrosion of Reinforcement Ex Oil Drill API Pipe Reinforcement = = = = = = = 50 6 ' N kPa 300 kPa 67*Cu 20.1 MPa 2 x @sgrt (Ep x Ip x kh x d) 16014 kN 20.02 OK 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 Outer Diameter Wall Thickness Internal Diameter Cross sectional Area API Specification Grade Designation Min Yield Strength O.D. t I.D. As fy = = = = = = = 127.0 9.2 108.6 3401 5A-80 N-80 552 mm mm mm mm^2 MPa Page 3 Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 5.1.8 5.1.9 Elastic Modulus Es = 210 GPa Allowable Axial Working Stress (Clause BS8004) Fa = 50% of Yield Strength = 276 MPa Design for allowable corrosion as for sheetpiles w/o grout/ concrete protection 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 Allowable corrosion rate Max. pile axial load Pa Req'd Steel Area Min. OD of API Pipe Allowable Corrosion Period Summary Asc O.D. Tc = = = = = 0.01 800 2899 124.5 255 mm/year kN mm^2 mm years No additional reinforcement required, Tc > Design Life of 50 years. 6.0 Pilehead Capping Details Safe Working Load Capping Plate Size = 800 kN 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1 3 Assume characteristic strength of pileca f cu Permissible direct compressive stress fcu13.65 Req'd bearing area of capping plate Adopt plate of dimmensions (mm) 350 Thickness of Stiffners = = = x 25 6.85 116800 350 MPa MPa mm^2 OK 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 Allowable Axial Compressive Stress = (Table 17 (a). BS449 : Part 2: 1969) Contact Area of API Pipe on Capping Plate = Stiffener projection beyond API pipe OD = Required thickness of MS Stiffeners t(s) = Adopt 155 MPa 3401 mm^2 184 mm 2.4 mm 10 mm (4No. MS Stiffeners) 6.3 Thickness of Capping Plate 6.3.1 6.3.2 Allow Shear Stress on Capping Plate (Table 10. BS449:Part 2:1969) Effect. Punching Shear Shear Perimeter = = = = Adopt 125 MPa 6.3.3 Required Thickness of Capping Plate OD of API Pipe + Perimeter - 8 x thickness of stiffeners 1599 mm 4.0 mm 10 mm 6.4 Allowable Bearing Stress on Capping Plate 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 Allow. Bearing Stress on Capping Plate (Table 9. BS449:Part 2:1969) Proj. Bearing Area (API + Stiffeners) Actual Bearing Stress = = = 210 MPa 10761 mm^2 74 MPa < All. Bearing Stress, OK Page 4 Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L 4 Moment equilibrium about intersection of Capping Plate and API Pipe.1 6.4 6.49 7 mm per stiffener kN/mm mm Fillet Weld Cawangan Jalan. BS449) Allow.1 6.5.2 Weld Length per Stiffener Req'd Shear Load Capacity for weld = = = Adopt 2xd 280 0.7.2 Allow.5.7 6. K.5. OK Check Bearing on API Pipe 6. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5.7 6.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 6. Compressive Load per Stiffener = 136. Bearing Stress = 320 MPa Allow Bearing Load = 448 kN > Actual Bearing Force.5 6.6 kN ' > Compressive Load of Stiffener.5 Check Stiffeners for Buckling 6.1 6.6. d = 140 mm (Conservative Estimate) Slenderness Ratio of Stiffener d ' @sgrt(3)1 thickness of stiffener = 24.8 kN Pile head Embedment into Pilecap = 150 mm Assume Stiffener Depth. Compressive Stress = 146 MPa (Table 17(a). Stiffeners = 7359 mm^2 Assume uniform distribution of Pile Axial Load. OK Fillet Weld Design (Stiffener to API Pipe) 6.L Page 5 .2 6.2 6.5. Allow.6 6. Buckling Load on Stiffener = 268.3 Bearing Area of API Pile = 3401 mm^2 Bearing Area of 4No. Bearing Force on API Pipe = 180 kN Assume material for API Pipe to be equivalent to G55 steel.3 6.5.5. 3. Analysis Shallow foundation is not suitable because part of the formation is on filled ground and also part of the foundation is in tension or high compression.1 Compression piles 4. Cawangan Jalan. 2. using the following formula. Design Calculations 4. The top 12m to 16m from the OGL of the residual soil is clayey silt with SPT 6-39 (aver age SPT=20): This is underlain by hard clayey silt sith SPT exceeding 50 up to 28m bgi.C bridge as shown below From structural analysis the compression load coming over the piles from one half of the bridge is 12600 ton while the other half is 2800 ton in tension. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Driven spun piles cannot or not practical to provide adequate tension required. Site Condition The topograph of the site is rolling to undulating. Large diam eter bored piles are suitable for high compression and tension required. Introduction This report presents the design criteria and design calculations for pile foundation for Interchange 3 of Project B 15 Road Upgrading Works. K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Design Report 1. The allowable compression load carrying capacity of the single pile has been cal culated based on the SPT 'N" values. Interchange 3 is a cloverleaf interchange with arch shaped R. The subsoil condition is generalized as shown above.L Page 6 . L Page 7 . 5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Ab. 4. Ibu Pejabat JKR. fs 2 As fs = = = = Pile circumference area Unit skin friction 2 Nave (in SI-unit) Average SPT 'N' value with depth Nave Factory of safety against friction resistance = 2 The detailed pile calculations are given in Appendix B. Meyerhof's Empirical Formula average 'N' over 5m above and 3m below depth being considered (< 50) Pile circumference area (m2) unit skin friction 2 Nave (in SI-unit) : Allowable load Ab qf = = = = Nb As fs = = = Nave = Average SPT value with depth Factor of safety of base resistance = 3 to control settlement Factor of safety of friction resistance = 2 The detailed pile calculations are given in Appendix B.2 Tension piles The allowable tension load carrying capacity of single pile has been calculated based on SPT 'N' values.fs 3 2 2) base area (m unit base resistance 400 Nb (in SI-unit). af + As.2 Preliminary Load Tests Analysis Compression load tests and pull out tests were carried out at the Interchange bridge site to assess the performance of the piles installed to the design lengths. 5.1 Design Calculations General Diameter of Compression pile : 1500 mm with design load of 900 ton Diameter of Tension piles : 1200m with design load of 400 ton Estimated pile length = 19m socketing 3 times diameter into hard stratum of SPT> 50 5. using following formula Allowable load = As . Cawangan Jalan. K. 00 (5m longer than Test Piles) Tension Piles (same length as Test Pile) (b) East Abutment : RL 31.Om longer than the test pile. Compression pile No. Pile satisfy the deflection criteria at working load but however failed to attain the 2 x working load without excessive movement. 81. Ultimate capacity : 2. all remaining working tension piles are installed to RL 21.L Page 8 . 65 was first tested.490 tonne Ultimate Shaft capacity Mobilised Toe capacity Ultimate Unit Shaft Resistance Mobilised Unit Toe Resistance : : : : 1. Based on Prof Chin's Stability Plot: Ultimate load : 1141 tonne Average Unit Shaft Friction : 16 tonne/m2 The compression Test Pile No. Based on Stability Plot. Ibu Pejabat JKR.00 Tension Pile No. Based on stability plot. K. 71 was tested.0 tonne/m2.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report (a) West Abutment The tension Test Piles (No. l O.00 toe level. It failed to satisfy the performance cri teria.0 tonne/m2 value of tension pile No. Based on the evaluated value of 9. the following capacitities can be estimated: Ultimate Shaft capacity Unit Shaft Resistance : : 624 tonne 9 tonne/m2 This is much less than the 16.945 tonne 548 tonne 39 tonne/m2 310 tonne/m2 Based on these assessment. 15 located ont the west abutments satisfied crite ria at work load and 2 x work load but just failed to satisfy the recovery criteria. Estimated capacities are: Ultimate capacity : 1600 tonne Ultimate Shaft capacity Ultimate Toe capacity : : 625 tonne 1041 tonne Cawangan Jalan. piles were constructed to following toe elevations: Compression Piles : RL 33.81) located on the west abutments satisfied the per formance criteria. Since the pile was concrete immediately after boring.L Page 9 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report : 12 tonne/m2 Unit Shaft Resistance Mobilised Unit Toe Resistance589 tonne/m2 Based on above results.900 tonnes. strength relaxation due to aging should not occured. Theoretical ultimate capacity should be of the order of 1. 2 (Pile No. K.00 (5. Estimated ultimate capacity of piles to toe level RL 23.66) located 4. 3 are shown in Figure T1 to T. Cawangan Jalan. The test showed the following: Ultimate capacity : 1520 tonne Ultimate Shaft capacity Mobilised Toe capacity Ultimate Unit Shaft Resistance Mobilised Unit Shaft Resistance : : : : 730 tonne 790 tonne 10 tonne/m2 447 tonne/m2 These are less than values obtained from P65. (c) Results of loads tests carried out at Interchange No. indicating significant variation in the sub soil strength.00 is order 2. Concreting procedures are satisfactory and concrete batch records and test indicate supplied concrete complied with the requirements of the specification.Om longer). Ibu Pejabat JKR. Pile No. Based on above.100 tonnes.50m from P65 was installed to toe level RL 33. all remaining piles are to be installed to toe levels 23. Test Pile No. Concreting volume of pile does not indicate occurrence of collapse of borehole or neck ing. P52 will be test to assess amount of pile head movement at working load and 2 x working load. 767 1 .83 41 6 .St if f clayey silt SPT V .767 1 0294 3431 308 3739 1 8.42 35.767 89.86 29.767 1 4623 4874 786 42.L B oring B H-1 (West side) 1 Dept h(m) RD Level 64.5 52 1 3 28 21 .41 1 361 20 8000 1 .767 1 .68 1 7.54 3792 30 1 950 1 1 .767 1 .55 1 984 22 8775 1 .25 4093 36 1 4525 1 .767 9846 3282 236 351 7 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 1 4 4.85 471 1 4 5571 1 .89m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 23 St if f clayey silt SPT 29 V .5 49 1 6 47 31 48 1 7 47 31 47 1 8 50 32.767 80.95 36.1 329 1 3 5233 1 .97 2401 24 9450 1 .4 2905 26 1 0375 1 .767 1 .43 44.39 1 6.767 1 . 5 5).1 3 30.93 1 4.767 1 09 51 5036 892 992 1 092 1 201 1 0 31 1 453 1 596 1 746 1 896 2047 21 97 2540 2883 3228 3573 391 8 4265 461 1 4958 5306 47.1 1 8456 59 23625 1 08.6 28.767 1 37 41 471 2 681 37.56 81 7 1 5 5825 1 .95 31 9223 75 1 27.1 33.767 1 .767 1 .5 50 1 5 32 23.5 20.0 A llowable load = A b*qf / 3 + A s*f s/ 2 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY FS f or base resist ain 3.St if f clayey silt SPT 39 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 61 4 1 7 1 6 60 5 1 7 1 6 59 6 23 1 9 58 7 23 1 9 57 8 29 22 56 9 29 22 55 1 0 31 23 54 1 1 31 23 53 1 2 28 21 .767 7304 2435 0 2435 68 As Qs Nb q f =4 0 0 N b Ab Qb B ase S haf t T o t al ( kN ) Level(m) U LT I M A T E E N D B E A R I N G R E S I S T A N C E A LLO W A B LE LO A D Reduced 1 .St if f clayey silt SPT V .20 met ers S UB S O IL P R O F ILE A LO N G T H E B R ID G E LO C A T IO N R ed uced N ave 0 7.1 21 .767 1 5904 5301 5567 5832 61 1 1 6391 671 5 7039 8556 1 0073 1 369 1 1 2665 1 391 6 1 68 51 1 6420 1 7671 1 7671 1 7671 1 7671 58.26 21 84 23 9000 1 .04 69.767 94.767 8836 2945 97 3043 64 4.25 25 26.52 34.82 1 8.57 75.2 1 8.35 43.75 1 0.23 8529 75 1 22.5 1 3.98 33.08 1 3.21 1 7.00 B ored pile diamet er U LT I M A T E S HA F T R E S I S T A N C E f s=2 N 0 1 5.5 62 3 1 6 1 5.2 24.50m Soil Invest igat ion Ph:l B oring B H-1 3(Eest side) Dept h(m) RD Level 25.5 51 1 4 32 23.08 35.06 38.1 7 27.767 1 8334 70.28 37.54 30.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 Hard clayey silt SPT 47 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Soil Invest igat ion Ph:ll B oring B H-1 3(West side) Dept h(m) 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 RD Level 66.1 1 31 91 27 1 0850 1 .767 84.52 7837 70 1 7.71 22.767 1 .78 32.81 1 71 46 64 25750 27875 30000 30000 30000 30000 1 3.33 31 .St if f clayey silt SPT 39 V .767 821 7 2739 37 2776 66 0 0 1 0 41 33 1 .84 1 784 21 8550 1 .21 57.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .9 72. f or N up t o and equal t o 4 t imes N=50 .56 1 5.00 FS f or f rict ional res 2.7 1 60 1 1 9 7625 1 .75m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 65 0 0 0 64 1 1 6 1 5.06 1 .71 73 1 2 4650 1 .38 5767 54 21 500 1 03.5 43 22 50 75 M ed clayey silt SPT 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 9 St if f clayey silt SPT 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 1 V .69 2620 25 9900 1 .Road B -1 5 A ppe ndix B P ILE LE N G T H E S T IM A T IO N A LO N G T H E IN T E R C H A N G E # 3 (WEST SIDE OF THE CENTRE LINE OF THE ROA D) where Ab = base area (m^2) qf = 400*Nb(SI-Unit s) Nb = SPT value at base As = pile circumf erence (m^2) fs = 2*Nave (SI-Unit s) Nave = average spt value wit h dept h A llowable load = Ult imat e load along base/ 3.65 63.37 41 1 061 2 75 1 36.5 44 21 50 32.5 26.64 36.53 1 9.5 (N-1 .67 5080 48 1 9300 98.82 3491 29 1 400 1 1 .05 1 6.767 1 5507 51 69 51 .42 1 95 1 3 5000 1 .54 1 7.96 67. K.53 Db SPT C o r r ect ed A ver ag e Level ( m) D ep t h N N Cawangan Jalan.53 39.1 42.5 46 1 9 50 32.767 1 2237 4079 394 4473 23.0 + Ult imat e load along shaf t / 2.767 1 281 2 4271 480 4751 5072 5393 5660 5928 61 61 6393 6767 71 41 7564 7987 8461 8935 1 0602 1 2270 1 3909 1 5548 1 44 71 1 8741 20338 21 936 22283 22630 22977 28.96 4395 43 1 00 71 1 .767 1 3474 4491 580 32.767 1 74 91 201 45 21 1 17 25668 3021 8 341 06 37994 41 749 45504 49259 5301 4 5301 4 5301 4 5301 4 75. Ibu Pejabat JKR.99 961 1 8 7250 1 .67 23.26 1 9.58 21 8 .36 34.767 1 6700 61 .Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .4 37.92 20.1 2 1 572 21 8275 1 .5 63 2 1 6 1 5.St if f clayey silt SPT Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 42 23 50 75 41 24 50 75 40 25 50 75 39 26 50 75 38 27 50 75 37 28 50 75 36 29 50 75 35 30 50 75 Not e: Pile Design Report Page 10 1 Correct ed N = 1 + 0.27 788 1 7 6925 1 .767 9248 3083 1 64 3247 62 9.41 49 53.767 1 .5 45 20 50 32.33 1 .63 1 1 2.66 991 7 75 1 .5 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 0 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 1 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 2 V .08 60.767 1 7495 65. K.St if f clayey silt SPT V .06 34.61 36.St if f clayey silt SPT V .1 71 .5 1 0 1 6 50 32.1 1 31 .7 720 1 6 6225 1 31 .38 33.1 6 462 1 2 4650 1 31 .71 33.63 31 .1 1 22 01 3374 3779 4053 4326 5306 6277 71 91 81 05 8906 9708 1 0509 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 45.1 2443 81 4 30 844 64 3.85 226 7 2900 1 31 .71 7.81 1 5.71 1 3.76 66.1 1 31 .63 2933 48 1 9075 1 31 .0 + Ult imat e load along shaf t / 2.1 1 31 .1 75.07 25.82 Db SPT C o r r ect ed A ver ag e Level ( m) D ep t h N N Cawangan Jalan.4 6 6.5 1 5.4 1 9.St if f clayey silt SPT 39 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 22 4 9 9 21 5 9 9 20 6 1 1 1 1 1 9 7 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 7 9 21 1 8 1 6 1 0 21 1 8 1 5 1 1 31 23 1 4 1 2 32 23.43 1 4.89m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 23 St if f clayey silt SPT 29 V .1 271 4 905 51 956 62 7.94 4576 64 25750 79.67 8.1 1 338 1 49.32 1 2 91 29 1 475 1 1 31 .78 1 439 25 1 0025 1 31 .1 1 31 .1 1 58 21 52.59 29.1 3 62.43 27.1 1 31 .1 3280 1 093 13 1 1 206 1 5.86 55.00 FS f or f rict ional res 2.25 6231 75 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 90.77 23 5 1 800 1 31 .7 9.86 2389 42 1 6650 1 31 .79 01 7340 75 98.48 23.1 1 31 .1 7 4027 59 23625 1 31 .1 7 59.St if f clayey silt SPT Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 3 23 50 75 2 24 50 75 1 25 50 75 0 26 50 75 -1 27 50 75 -2 28 50 75 -3 29 50 75 -4 30 50 75 Not e: Pile Design Report Page 11 1 Correct ed N = 1 + 0.79 77.61 20.1 67.21 40.3 79.48 5678 75 30000 86.1 4580 1 527 1 91 1 8 71 1 984 2369 2707 31 9 1 3496 3997 4499 4890 5282 6381 7472 8658 9845 1 0920 1 996 1 1 3072 1 49 41 1 4425 1 4702 1 4980 1 5257 1 5535 1 581 4 22.1 2 69.1 3902 1 301 1 52 1 452 1 8.39 383 1 0 4050 1 31 .09 21 .71 51 27 70 27875 82.56 35.56 7895 75 1 .47 885 1 8 71 00 1 31 .25 7.78 1 7.1 2036 679 1 1 690 66 0 0 4 1 600 1 31 .54 60 5 21 60 1 31 .1 7040 2347 360 33.01 1 246 22 8950 1 31 . Ibu Pejabat JKR.56 31 .1 5259 1 753 231 26.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .5 8 1 8 50 32.00 B ored pile diamet er U LT I M A T E S HA F T R E S I S T A N C E f s=2 N 0 6 8 9 1 0.1 1 31 .75m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 26 0 0 0 25 1 8 6 24 2 8 6 23 3 6 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 0 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 1 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 2 V .02 6785 75 94.1 1 591 8 1 8831 21 573 2431 6 2671 9 291 23 31 528 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 60.5 (N-1 .65 39.27 29.5 7 1 9 50 75 6 20 50 75 5 21 50 75 4 22 50 75 M ed clayey silt SPT 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 9 St if f clayey silt SPT 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 1 V .33 1 7.0 A llowable load = A b*qf / 3 + A s*f s/ 2 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY FS f or base resist ain 3. f or N up t o and equal t o 4 t imes N=50 .4 3479 54 21 500 1 31 .08 1 63 7 2686 1 31 .1 64.1 1 2978 58.1 3037 1 2 01 81 1 094 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 1 .5 5.09 21 51 35 1 4075 1 31 .31 1 1 02 6 2400 1 31 .20 met ers S UB S O IL P R O F ILE A LO N G T H E B R ID G E LO C A T IO N R ed uced N ave 0 3 4 4.62 304 9 3450 1 31 .1 1 31 .5 1 1 1 5 50 32.43 27.55 1 0.1 6220 2073 295 30.63 1 4.33 8451 75 1 05.1 1 74.1 1 31 .22 72.Road B -1 5 A ppe ndix B P ILE LE N G T H E S T IM A T IO N A LO N G T H E IN T E R C H A N G E # 3 (WEST SIDE OF THE CENTRE LINE OF THE ROA D) where Ab = base area (m^2) qf = 400*Nb(SI-Unit s) Nb = SPT value at base As = pile circumf erence (m^2) fs = 2*Nave (SI-Unit s) Nave = average spt value wit h dept h A llowable load = Ult imat e load along base/ 3.24 1 054 20 7875 1 31 .L B oring B H-1 (West side) 1 Dept h(m) RD Level 64.55 1 675 27 1 0750 1 31 .05 37.31 25.5 9 1 7 50 32.65 1 1 2.St if f clayey silt SPT 39 V . 5 5).85 1 6.1 8030 2677 442 527 623 720 838 956 1 075 1 95 1 1 467 1 740 201 3 2288 2563 2839 31 6 1 3393 3670 3947 4226 4504 37.4 38.1 4 50.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .95 46.5 1 2 1 4 38 26.67 1 .1 1 0 81 603 0 603 68 As Qs Nb q f =4 0 0 N b Ab Qb B ase S haf t T o t al ( kN ) Level(m) U LT I M A T E E N D B E A R I N G R E S I S T A N C E A LLO W A B LE LO A D Reduced 1 .8 1 2 1 3.93 590 1 4 5500 1 31 .1 8906 2969 41 .1 1 9008 75 1 09.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 Hard clayey silt SPT 47 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Soil Invest igat ion Ph:ll B oring B H-1 3(West side) Dept h(m) 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 RD Level 66.5 1 3 1 3 38 26.33 23.65 1 3.50m Soil Invest igat ion Ph:l B oring B H-1 3(Eest side) Dept h(m) RD Level 25. St if f clayey silt SPT V .83 1 36.1 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 33929 60.52 31 1 32.63 1 28.00 FS f or f rict ional res 2.1 7 89.44 1 25 1 26.38 64.29 1 33 1 33.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .1 9 6.1 1 4703 4901 1 23 5023 66 0 0 33 1 3000 1 31 .34 1 35.5 45 3 50 32.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 V .1 1 31 .93 3647 70 27875 1 31 .01 5864 75 30000 1 31 .1 1 31 .44 51 .1 33929 52.St if f clayey silt SPT Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 25 23 50 75 24 24 50 75 23 25 50 75 22 26 50 75 21 27 50 75 20 28 50 75 1 9 29 50 75 1 8 30 50 75 Not e: Pile Design Report Page 12 1 Correct ed N = 1 + 0.67 21 1 23.Sof t clayey silt SPT 2 Hard clayey silt SPT 47 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Soil Invest igat ion Ph:ll B oring B H-1 3(West side) Dept h(m) 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 RD Level 66..54 490 33 1 3000 1 31 .83 61 .5 63.77 245 33 1 3000 1 31 .64 1 1 . K.1 31 526 1 0509 1 824 30.29 96.82 60.1 6 31 00 64 25750 1 31 .39 1 27.88 1 02.1 1 31 .5 32.56 1 4287 75 1 .1 64.20 met ers S UB S O IL P R O F ILE A LO N G T H E B R ID G E LO C A T IO N R ed uced N ave 32.88 65.5 32.76 1 30.5 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 0 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 1 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 2 V .32 7540 75 30000 1 31 .08 980 45 1 7857 1 31 .39 2558 59 23625 1 31 .1 1 31 .83 67.1 33929 1 31 1 0 37.41 67.58 1 1 7.65 59.00 B ored pile diamet er U LT I M A T E S HA F T R E S I S T A N C E f s=2 N 65 65 65 65 65 79.68 57.5 43 5 50 75 42 6 50 75 41 7 50 75 40 8 50 75 39 9 50 75 38 1 0 50 75 37 1 1 50 75 36 1 2 50 75 35 1 3 50 75 34 1 4 50 75 33 1 5 50 75 32 1 6 50 75 31 1 7 50 75 30 1 8 50 75 29 1 9 50 75 28 20 50 75 27 21 50 75 26 22 50 75 M ed clayey silt SPT 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 9 St if f clayey silt SPT 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 1 1 V .33 1 4850 75 1 05.L 1 B oring B H-1 (West side) Dept h(m) RD Level 64.1 1 4703 4901 245 51 46 64 3.1 21 3 91 7304 746 8050 1 5.1 67.4 9784 75 30000 1 31 .0 + Ult imat e load along shaf t / 2.1 71 .Road B -1 5 A ppe ndix B P ILE LE N G T H E S T IM A T IO N A LO N G T H E IN T E R C H A N G E # 3 (WEST SIDE OF THE CENTRE LINE OF THE ROA D) where Ab = base area (m^2) qf = 400*Nb(SI-Unit s) Nb = SPT value at base As = pile circumf erence (m^2) fs = 2*Nave (SI-Unit s) Nave = average spt value wit h dept h A llowable load = Ult imat e load along base/ 3.09 81 00 75 30000 1 31 .92 68.25 1 2597 75 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 90.5 47 1 50 32.1 33929 1 31 1 0 2099 2376 2653 2932 321 1 3490 3770 4050 4330 461 1 4892 51 73 5454 5735 601 7 6298 6580 6662 71 43 7425 7707 33.1 1 1 541 4 75 1 09.0 A llowable load = A b*qf / 3 + A s*f s/ 2 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY FS f or base resist ain 3.76 66.5 39.68 1 .67 67.1 1 31 . f or N up t o and equal t o 4 t imes N=50 .1 1 4703 4901 0 4901 68 As Qs Nb q f =4 0 0 N b Ab Qb B ase S haf t T o t al ( kN ) Level(m) U LT I M A T E E N D B E A R I N G R E S I S T A N C E A LLO W A B LE LO A D Reduced 1 .5 32.24 5307 75 30000 1 31 .71 1 471 1 75 30000 82.1 5 Db SPT C o r r ect ed A ver ag e Level ( m) D ep t h N N Cawangan Jalan.94 1 0908 75 30000 79.79 01 1 3723 75 98.1 5 66.1 2431 6 81 05 1 0 01 91 5 1 1 8.St if f clayey silt SPT 39 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 Hard clayey silt SPT 50 44 4 50 32.58 44.St if f clayey silt SPT 39 V .64 48.31 1 1 9.55 6980 75 30000 1 31 .1 1 31 .7 41 98 75 30000 1 31 . 5 5).1 201 96 6732 490 7222 60 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2 0 1 .1 33929 49.1 1 31 .47 4752 75 30000 1 31 .34 65.St if f clayey silt SPT V .82 1 35.50m Soil Invest igat ion Ph:l B oring B H-1 3(Eest side) Dept h(m) RD Level 25.65 1 34.75 55.1 33929 56.63 9222 75 30000 1 31 .75 1 29.1 291 23 9708 1 550 26.29 1 3.75m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 48 0 50 32.31 1 735 40 1 5833 1 31 .1 2671 9 8906 1 278 1 85 01 1 257 1 1 2332 1 3409 1 3686 1 3963 1 4242 1 4520 1 4800 1 5080 1 5360 1 5640 1 5921 1 6202 1 6483 1 6764 1 7045 1 7327 1 7608 1 7890 1 71 81 1 8453 1 8735 1 901 7 22.5 66.26 1 34.89m 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 20 22 24 26 28 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 6 M ed clayey silt SPT 1 7 St if f clayey silt SPT 23 St if f clayey silt SPT 29 V .78 6421 75 30000 1 31 .78 1 07.72 62.1 1 31 .02 1 60 31 75 94.85 1 492 48 1 9375 1 31 .1 75.5 46 2 50 32.5 32.5 (N-1 .5 11 1 .82 64.1 3 67.36 1 4.48 1 2034 75 30000 86.1 33929 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 1 31 1 0 45.1 1 31 .1 7 1 0346 75 30000 1 31 .29 58.62 2020 54 21 500 1 31 .86 8661 75 30000 1 31 . Ibu Pejabat JKR.1 1 7907 5969 368 6337 62 7.1 33929 1 31 1 0 41 .39 53. Ibu Pejabat JKR.L Page 13 . K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. L Page 14 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. K. Ibu Pejabat JKR. K. Ibu Pejabat JKR.L Page 15 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR. K.L Page 16 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 5) Check for buckling load Qub Where = = λ√Cu El λ CU E I = = = = 10 15 kPa 210 kN/mm2 1/64 B (d14 .444) 64 106 Qub = 10 √15 x 210 x = Allowable Qb = 907 kN 907 ___ 2 454 kN > 300 kN OK = 6) Check for elastic compression e = PL EP P L A Ep = 300 x10 x103 31416 x 35.3 = 3 mm = = = 300 kN 10m 31416 mm2 = 35.d24) B (101.L Page 17 .64 . Ibu Pejabat JKR.3 kN/mm2 Cawangan Jalan.85. K. C piles at spacing "x" bothways Max design capacity . Piled raft embankment is adopted in preference to EPS. Design calculation Analysis has shown that driven R. Generalized subsoil profile. Stiff to hard strata of about 2 . Cawangan Jalan. WT is near the ground surface. b) c) Elevated structure is about 30% more expensive (separate analysis) Though treatment by stone columns is cheaper. Likas Bridge.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Sample Pile Design Calculations 1. K. Pile capacity of about 600 kN is chosen to get optimum pile spacing of 2 to 3m and raft thickness of 350 450mm for pile depth of about 30m. Ibu Pejabat JKR. it requires longer time to consolidate and technically less superior 4. elevated structure and stone column treatment because: a) EPS embankment is technically not acceptable because the site is subject to flooding & the cost is high. Project : KKS Road Project Piled Embankment for the approaches to Sg.soft to soft clay Stiff to hard Sandstone/shale * * Flat alluvial formation Top 24m consists of soft to very soft alluvium with few localized sandy lenses (Cu = 10-20 kPa with an average of about 15 kPa except at lenses of sand).C piles will be the most cost effective. Analysis Stability and settlement analysis have concluded that simple ground treatments by partial sand replacement with high strength woven polyester geotextile reinforcement or vertical drains are not possible to achieve FOS = 1. The site has no vibration or noise or ground heave constraints.625 kN. Piled embankment C L Bridge Sand Lenses V.L Page 18 .4m thick overlying on highly to moderately weathered sandstone/shale bedrock.2m. 2.5 and or post construction settlement to be less than 200mm for the first 5 years of service if height of embankment exceeds 4. 3. Use 250X250 R. say 2. where x d h = = = = spacing soil density 20kN/m3 h embankment height 625 x For h For h For h For h For h Conclusion: = x2. say 2.38m.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Load on each pile = x2. x = 2. say 2.0m & 2. x = 2. x = 2. Class 1) are designed as end bearing piles driven to set.5m.25m (allow some traffic load of 10 kPa) Use 250x250 R. say 2. R.0m 6.d.6.64m.C piles (MS 1314.0m 5.h = = = = = = (31.25m 4.2m.5m.h.0m spacing for h=6. K.19m.25/h)1/2 6.0m. Cawangan Jalan.5m.20.50m.25m 5.L Page 19 .5 . say 2. x = 2.0m. x = 2. Ibu Pejabat JKR.25m spacing for h = 4-6m (Pile capacity calculations enclosed).C x 30m long at 2. L Page 20 . K. Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. S.3 Ultimate axial load.524mm2 = 800kN = 200mm = 3 Nos of 50mm diam. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Ag ..K.4 fcu Ac + 0.016kN. clause 3. Pu = 0.4N/mm2 Min required bond length in hard formation.5 x l 000N B x 200 x 0..0m.75x5892x410 = 2.524 + 0. N > 50. . Factor of safety = Pu/800 = 2. According to BS 8110.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Design of Micropile a) Design load per pile b) Diameter of micropile c) Main reinforcement d) Factor of safety e) Grout characteristic strength. Asc fcu Area of grout.8.L Page 21 .5 (min) = 20N/mm2.K.53 > 2. K. Design of M. = 2.S. 4.4 = 7958mm = 8.4x20x25.416mm2 = 31. plate Stress on plate = 800 x l03N 250 x 250 = 12. Check Bond Length Required .8N/mm2 < 155N/mm2 O.5 O. Ib = 800 x 2.Depth of micropile = 20m At least l0m will be embedded in very hard decomposed granite SPT.5892 = 25. Plate for Pile Head Use 250mm x 250mm x 20mm M..K. . Bond between grout & hard formation = 0.416 . fcu Check Structural Capacity Area of reinf. < 10m provided O.75Asc fy = 0. deformed bars of yield stress fy = 410N/mm2.Area of net grout = B/4 x 502 x 3 = 5892mm2 = 20N/mm2 = B /4 x 2002 = 31. (allowable stress BS449) Details of Micropiles & works specification are encl Cawangan Jalan. 4. 100 litres of water with some non shrink admixture is poured into the mixer follow by 4 bags of 50 kg. Cawangan Jalan. be taken for Engineer's inspec tion. the cement grout. The capacity of the grout mixer is about 25-0 litres. 3. For grout mixing. The other end of the pressure hose is connected to a diesel engine high pressure pump. Ibu Pejabat JKR. 2. K. Grout Mix Ordinary Postland cement with water cement ratio of 0. After mixing. Upon reaching hard/stiff formation down the hole hammer will be used to advance the borehole till a minimum penetration of 10m in very hard decomposed granite.L Page 22 . The micropiles shall be reinforced with 3 Nos. Grouting Procedure A high speed Koken grout mixer is used for the mixing of the cement grout. normally a few minutes. Drilling Initial drilling involves installation of 242mm diam conductor casing through loose soil (about 1. Scope of work shall include design & installation of 200mm diam micropiles of 20m provi sional length. Suitable coupling device will be used.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Works Specification for Design and Installation of 200mm Diameter Micropiles 1. a complete record of soil strata will. The drilled hole will be flush clean by compressed air before the reinforcement bars are inserted into the hole. ordinary Portland cement then allow to mix throughly.5m) by means of rotary boring or equivalent. a pressure hose is connected to the grouting pipe which acts as tremie pipe for grouting. of 50mm diam deformed bars (fy = 410N/mm2) The working load of the micropile is 800KN.5 will be used Non-shrink cement admixture will be added to improve bonding. During drilling. L Page 23 . K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Micropile Design Calculations Micropile design for underpinning works for an old building is shown as follows. The subsoil consists of about 3m of very soft clay, 5m to 8m of stiff to hard sandy clay with gravels (SPT = 11 to 42). The bedrock generally consists of highly weathered and fractured sandstone/shale (RQD = 0 25%, UCS = 7.5 Mpa). 1) Micropile details Diameter of micropile Design load of micropile Pipe diameter Pipe wall thickness Steel grade (API pipe) Yield strength (a) = = = = = 200 mm 300 kN 101.6 mm 8.08 mm N80 = 500 N/mm2 Check for structural capacity Ultimate structural capacity PU = B (101.62 -85.44 2) X 500 kN 4 1000 = 1187 kN Applying factor of safety of 2.5. Allowable structural capacity. PA = 1187 2.5 = 475 kN > 300 kN OK (b) Check for geotechnical capacity Based on boreholes BH1 and BI-12, the depth of bedrock (sandstone/shale) varies from 8.7 m to 11.0 m b.g.l. Since the overburden soil consists of about 3.0 m of very soft soil, the shaft friction on the remaining overburden soil (5 to 8 m) with N value of 11 to 42 should be ignored and the micropiles are designed to be socketed into the bedrock. The socketing length in rock, L, is worked out as follows: FS Qa = 0.05 qa B D x L + 0.5qa B D2 4 where FS is the factor of safety = 2.5 Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 24 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report = Allowable geotechnical capacity = Unconfined compressive strength of rock = 7.5 Mpa for sandstone/shale Qa qa Bond stress D 2.5 x 300 = 5% of UCS of rock = Diameter of micropile hole = 0.05 x 7.5 x 103 x B x0.2 L + 0.5 x 7.5 x 103 x B x 0.22 4 750 L = 235.6 L + 117.8 = 2.68 m Designed socketing length of pile = 3.0 m 2) Check overall underpinning pile support Estimated total load of the whole building (3 storey). = 2,000 tons No. of micropile points Load on each pile = 95 = 2,000 95 = 21 tons Working load for each micropile provided = 30 tons OK 3) Check for anchorage bond between underpinning pile and the existing foundatic Since epoxy grout is used to fill the hole formed by the micropile in the existir foundation and the strength of epoxy grout is much higher than the concrete strength, it can be consid ered as monolithic for the whole foundation. Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 25 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Critical section for shear check Existing Column Stump 650mm 100 mm Proposed 200mm Ø micropile 1900mm 4) Check for shear failure of existing foundation. Perimeter for shear check, p = 1900 mm Effective depth of foundation, d = 1050-50-10 = 990 mm Maximum reaction load, Shear stress, V V = 300 kN = V Pd = 300 x 103 1900 x 990 = 0.16 N/mm2 From Table 3.9, BS 8110 for d > 400 mm and 100As/bd = 0.25 (nominal reinforcement), allowable shear stress Vc = 0.40 N/mm2 V<Vc OK In grouting operation, the cement grout is pumped into the borehole through the pipe by tremie method. All loose material, cuttings and water in the borehole are displaced by the cement grout. Pressure applied should be just adequate to displace the cutting and water from the borehole. Temporary casings should be withdrawn where cement grout overflow from the casing and top up cement grout if necessary. Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 26 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Item No. A. Description Design and install cast in-situ 800kN working capacity micropiles complete with reinforcement as shown on the drawings in provisional lengths 20.0m and pressuregrouted with and including approved grouting material, drilling in all types of soils and rock and all coring casings, linings, plugs, etc. and disposal of all excavated material and debris from site. Design information:a) b) c) d) Diameter of piles: 200mm Main bars: 3Y50 Links: R05 helical link @ 100mm c/c Steel casings: 292mm O.D x 9mm thick Quantity Unit Rate $ ¢ e) Grout: Cement grout, w/c = 0.5, fcu = 20N/m2 f) Grout additives: Non shrink admixture g) Factor of safety : 2.5 h) Bond strength: 0.9N/mm2 i) Bond length: 10m j) Ultimate load: 2016kN k) Capacity: 800kN l) Working load: 800kN m) etc Design and install all capping plates and starter bars Design information:Plate size: 250 x 250mm Plate thickness: 25mm Starter bar size: 3Y50 or 8Y25 B. Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR, K.L Page 27 Ibu Pejabat JKR.5 Very soft CLAY 0-4 4.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Projek : Cadangan Blok Tambahan pada Hospital Bersalin di Hospital Besar.C.0 syor-syor Asas 4. Syor-syor asas yang dicadangkan adalah seperti berikut :- Jenis Bangunan Jenis Asas Saiz Panjang Keupayaan (mm) (m) galas yg dibenarkan Geseran Kulit negatif 400kN Beba Ujian Blok Tambahan Cerucuk 200Ø 16.4. "Driven R. >16.Lumpur.3 4.0 Stiff silt or CLAY 1-9 13. Kuala Lumpur. Blok yang dicadangkan ini dikelilingi oleh bangunan sedia ada.) Ukurdalam(m) 0 .0 3.L .1 Sebanyak 3 ujian gerekan dalam telah dijalankan.5-19 200kN mikro with 102 (micropile) API paip (4”Ø) 4.5 Loose SAND 1-7 9/10. 1.5 . Jack pile (200x200xl5m) juga boleh diterima sebagai cerucuk gantian.100%. Hasil ujian menunjukkan keadaan lapisan tanah seperti berikut :Jenis Tanah SPT (blows/ft. 2. K. Sekurang-kurangnya 2 bilangan cerucuk digunakan untuk setiap tiang. K.5/16. Keadaan Tanah 3.2 Cerucuk mikro hendaklah digerudi sehingga ke paras batukapur dan dikunci (key) minima 3m ke dalam batukapur.2 Kedudukan aras air bawah tanah ialah 1.0 Tujuan Laporan ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan laporan penyiasatan tanah dan syor-syor asas yang sesuai bagi:Projek blok tambahan pada hospital bersalin.45m.1 Penapak konkrit tetulang adalah tidak sesuai kerana keupayaan galas yang rendah dan jugs paras air bawah-tanah adalah tinggi.5/16. or steel piles" adalah juga tidak sesuai kerana masalah "noise & vibration" dikawasan Hospital sukar diterima. "Inclined bedrock" juga mungkin mengakibat "excessive pile deviations".9/10.0 4. Page 28 4.0 Limestone 3.0 Limestone RQD = 73 . Skop Projek Perlaksanaan projek ini melibatkan pembinaan blok tambahan 2 tingkat di Hospital Bersalin.4 Cawangan Jalan.5-13. 1). 6. penender mestilah diarah mengemukakan cadangan sistem 'micropile installation' dan teknik-teknik 'grouting' dirongga semasa tawaran dibuat. cerucuk hendaklah dipanjangkan melebihi rongga dan dikunci (keyed) minima 3m ke dalam batukapur tanpa rongga. Ibu Pejabat JKR.0 Syor-syor Tambahan 5.1 Jika rongga (cavity) ditemui.L Page 29 .2 Untuk mengatasi masalah penanaman micropile dirongga. K. Cawangan Jalan. (rujuk Fig.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 5.0 Hal-hal lain Satu set rekod penanaman cerucuk-cerucuk yang diuji berserta ujian beban hendaklah dihantar ke Unit Makmal bagi tujuan dokumentasi. 5. with air or water. The whole of work and materials shall be in. the con tractor shall maintain complete record of soil profile.9. accordance with curreht Malaysian or British Standard or other National Standards approved by the S. Centralisers at about 3m centre must be used to ensure a minimum cover of 25mm or directed by the S. Installation a) Drilling 2.O. The use of the admixture shall comply with instruction by the manufacturer & MS 922. Strength for cement grout shall be 25N/mm (3570 psi). During drilling of borehole. Adequate precaution must be taken to ensure boreholes for micropile do not collapse during drilling.0. The grout shall be Antishrink cement grout.the S.5mm (3/8") 2 Yield strength . The working load of micropile is 200 kN and factor of safety used in design is 2.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran ‘A’ Micropile Specfication 1. The micropile shall be fabricated using steel tube and the bond length of micropile shall be 16m or directed by the S. The contractor shall be required to keep representative sample of soil for each soil profil in plastic bag for inspection by. is satisfied that the logging has been properly done. Ibu Pejabat JKR.O. The grout shall be free from segregation. b) Fabrication of micro pile Method of splicing of bars or pipes shall be approved by the S.HFS 16 (BS: 1775 . Reinforcement Steel grade . Details of admixture shall be submitted to the S. The drilling for installation of micropile shall guarantee the absence of Vibration which may cause damage to the existing building. Sample may only be disposed after the S.O.O. This drilled hole Viand! soil bore log shall be signed by contractor's site representative and a copy of which shall be deposited with the S. 4. 3. The representa tive cubes shall be collected on each day of grouting works for testing on the 28th days. General The work involves the construction of 200mm (8") diameter micropile.L Page 30 .O. If necessary.O.50. The 28 days. & bleeding of water and fine materials during and after placing.250 N/mm (16 Tsi) Grout The grout shall be thcFoughly mixed with Ordinary Portland Cement (MS522) and water (MS28). for approval before commencement of works.O. slumping. Cawangan Jalan.O. temporary casing shall be used.1964) External diameter 139mm (51/2”) Thickness .O. The type-of drilling equipment shall be approved by the S. K. The drilled hole shall be flushed ckean. The logging shall include depth of soil and water table. The water cement ratio shall be 0245 0. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report c) Grouting The contractor shall also provide details on method and equipment used in grout mixing. 'To prevent deterioration of strength of soil. The contractor shall also specify and pro vide details of the method of load testing. Micropile shall be constructed only after the pre liminary pile pass the load test requirements of JKR standard specification for building Works.O. soil coring.L Page 31 . 5. grout ing equipment and techniques employed in grouting under water shall also be furnished and approved by the S. Further information such as grouting pressure. installation of reinforce ment and cement grouting shall be carried out in one continous operation. Minimum of one (1) load test shall be carried out. K. grouting procedure. Cawangan Jalan. Load Testing Micro-pile shall be load tested to 2 times design load using the Maintain Load Test. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Provide all necessary pile testing equipment on site. dismantle and remove from site on completion. K. B. maintain on site. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Installation of 200mm diameter Micropiles in soil. T est 200mm diameter Micropiles in soil as specified. NO Cawangan Jalan. all as specified (50 positions) MR D. 1 Description MICROPILES (ALL PROVISIONAL) Unit Quantity Rate $ A. 4" diameter pipe.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Contoh Jadual Sebut Harga Bil. Allow for Preliminaries Provide all necessary piling equipment on site. allow for all standing or idling time and cost of operation for the whole of piling works. steel plate head. dismantle and remove from site on completion.L Page 32 . Item Item C. jointing and extension and grouting in cement. including coring. C. piles Design load = 30 Ton/pile (max) 5. only.3 7. This project consists of construction of one additional 3-storey school block. Check Pile Capacity (Refer to Lampiran E-1) From D/S results Qu = Qs + Qp = ultimate capacity = skin friction = end resistance where Qu Qs Qp Cawangan Jalan. 6. 6.L Page 33 .1 Non displacement piles not suitable because of low column load and very soft clay near the first 100 ft.2 6.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran E1 Pile Design for SMK (Perempuan Raja Zarina) Kelang 1. Timber pile also not suitable bacause its max length is about 40 ft. 1) 6. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Use 12" x 12" x 100 ft R. 2. 3. Max column load = 57 ton This is a typical coastal alluvium site where first 60ft to 100 ft consists of very soft clay Deep Sounding is very suitable and 4 nos of D/S results give consistent results as shown in Lampiran E-1 The site is a flat land and the first 4 ft is imported fill (about 5 years ago) Negative friction has to be checked. 4. K. Selection of piles (Refer to Fig. 7 (Bjerrum) = 0.000 kg.5 x 0.9) x 3.1 Skin friction.6 Ton Cawangan Jalan.L Page 34 .13 + 13 x 0.27 + 0.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 7.28 x 4 x 0.000 x (12" x 2.05 + 7. Based on local friction (undisturbed) Qs = (8. Qs Based on total friction (remoulded) At 30m (100ft).54 x 4) 11.5 x 0. within usual range Q's = " Qs.3 = 32. where " = 0.92 = 70 Ton Sensitivity = Qs (undisturbed) Qs (remoulded) = 70 30 = 2.7 x 70 = 49 Ton 7.3.92 = 73.300 kg = 30 Ton. K. Qs = tube friction x-pile perimeter tube perimeter = 3.6 Ton Qu = 49 + 73. Qp. Qp = 80 (kg/cm2) x 1 ft2 x 0.6 = 122.2 End Resistance. total friction = 3. Ibu Pejabat JKR. 4 psf) = 3760 psf Max.QN Qa = (Qu . K. free drop hammers is preferred.L = 70% Qa 2. Hence QN estimated is on the light side.75 = 31 Ton say 30 Ton/pile The filling is done about 5 years ago. At least 60 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 7. driven to the required pene:.5 x 0. Page 35 Notes : Cawangan Jalan.75 = (122. fn = 0. 8.QN QD.62. Recommendation Use 12" x 12" x 100 ft R.tration and load test to verify the capacity.L .70% consolidation com pleted.6 . Qs The negative skin friction.400 lb 67 Ton Average fn Total negative friction 7. 2.C.2 Po (Bjerrum) where Po = effective overburden = γ h = 100' (100psf .3 Negative friction Negative friction for piles at spacing more than 3 x diameters is fn = 0.67)/1.5 QD. Ibu Pejabat JKR.2 Po = 0.# Load tests after 4 weeks of driving. To prevent tensile stress and buckling during driving.7Qa = Qu .L = Qu .2 x 3760 = 752 psf = (0 + 752)/2 = 376 psf = = = = fn x As 376 x (100 x 4) 150. piles Friction piles.4 Allowable load. fn used is about the same as the undrained shear strength. (No "set" required). QN should only considered in combination with dead load because QN acts mainly at the lower portion of the pile and would only affect the settlement.QN) /1. K.L Page 36 . Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. IP.tiap tiang hendaklah diikat den gan rasak bawah dikedua .5 2. Untuk memperolehi pengawasan yang lebih baik semasa memacu cerucuk tukul jatuh bebas(free drop hammer) dicadangkan supaya digunakan.RB 4112 Tarikh : 26.1 2.cerucuk tam bahan mungkin diperlukan untuk menggantikan cerucuk .cylinder foundation” (sila lihat Lampiran A & B) 2.kurangnya 2 nos. (X) dlm.cerucuk yang menyimpang Page 37 2. sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa cadan gan asas yang disyorkan adalah seperti berikut:1. Keputusan penyiasatan tanah Sebanyak 28 Nos. NCT single pile) perlulah dipilih untuk ujian beban. Ini ialah supaya cerucuk tidak menerima hentaman dan menyimpang berlebihan (overdriving and excessive deviation) oleh kerana keadaan batu dasar yang mencerun (inclined bedrock surfaces).1983 Per: Cadangan Masjid Baru di Batu 31/2.keputusan yang diterima menunjukkan bahawa kawasan projek ini adalah terdiri daripada batu kapur. Sekiranya paras batu dasar didapati kurang daripada 4. Perhatian hendaklah diberi kepada pengalaman yang lepas iaitu cerucuk . Sekurang .L. K. Paras batu kapur adalah daripada 2.5m dibawah per mukaan bumi. K.dua arah. Ibu Pejabat JKR. PKR. Oleh kerana keadaan batu dasar yang susah untuk diramalkan.Caw. langkah-langkah pengawasan dan faktor keselamatan yang lebih tinggi perlu diambil di dalam rekabentuk asas.4 2. JKR Penolong Pengarah(Binaan).jenis asas yang disyorkan adalah seperti dicatitkan di dalam Lampiran A.C. 2.6 Cawangan Jalan.cylinder foundation’ digunakan. Syor-syor asas Jenis . Ini adalah perlu untuk menahan tegasan yang berlebihan (withstand overstressing) apabila cerucuk sam pai ke paras batu dasar.3.kurangnya satu ujian Proba JKR perlu dijalankan di setiap kedudukan tiang untuk menentukan paras batu dasar (>400 blows/kaki).5m hingga 14m daripada paras permukaan tanah sedia ada. Jalan Cheras. Satu set “driving records” dan keputusan ujian beban hendak lah dihantar kepada Unit Makmal ini untuk analisa dan sebagai rekod di Unit Makmal.3 2.kerja ‘piling’ dimulakan sekurang . Rekabentuk & Penyelidikan. Berhubung dengan perkara yang tersebut di atas. adalah dicadangkan supaya menggunakan “R.L . Hujung cerucuk keluli hendaklah dikelulikan dengan plat yang lebih.L. Keputusan .C. Ibu Pejabat JKR.2 Sekurang .kurangnya 2 cerucuk perlulah digunakan ditiap-tiap kedudukan tiang kecuali jika ‘R. kumpulan cerucuk (pile group. K. Sebelum kerja . Proba JKR dan 5 Nos. Ini adalah sebagai langkah awas oleh kerana terda pat rongga .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Memo Daripada: Kepada: Bil surat: Penolong Pengarah Makmal. Tiap .rongga dan kemungkinan masalah surutan. “Deep Boring” telah dijalankan ditapak projek itu. Q.cerucuk yang masih tidak ‘set’ diparas yang dalam (>10m).. Neoh Cheng Aik).........L..FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report berlebihan dan cerucuk . bp..kerja pembinaan asas........ Tujuan langkah ini ialah untuk “better keying & bed ding effect on rock surface”. Cawangan Jalan........L Page 38 ..” 2. K.. Jurutera Kerja Kanan (R1).. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Sekian disampaikan ulasan kami untuk tindakan tuan selanjutnya.7 Oleh kerana keadaan tanah yang rumit (tricky) jurutera tapak bina hendaklah selalu rujuk kepada keputusan penyelidikan tapak semasa menyelia kerja ...... ‘Berkhidmat Untuk Negara’ .. K......... Langkah ini juga akan mengurangkan cerucuk daripada menyimpang berlebihan. Apabila cerucuk dijangka sampai paras batu dasar..... kejatuhan pemukul (drop of hammer) hendaklah dikurangkan.. Penolong Pengarah (Makmal)...... Ibu Pejabat JKR. Adalah dicadangan supaya tambahan sebanyak 25m disertakan didalam “B.. (Ir. Cawangan Jalan. K. Bangunan Masjid (13T .105T) Sila gunakan cerucul.1 2.K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran A Cadangan Asas Untuk Pro jek Mas jid Batu 31/2. keluli 203mm x 203mm x 45kg/m (Grade 43A9 BS 4360) den gan beban keupayaan 210 0/eerucuk.16T) Sila gunakan eerucuk I-. Untuk tujuan tawaran. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5m (27ft) ATAU "R-C.L Page 39 . Jalan Cheras. Untuk tujuan taviarany panjang cerucuk ialah 8.yu berubat (treated timber pile) 125m x 125m dengan beban keupayaan 5W/oerucuk.5m (27 ft). 1. Bangunan Quarters Kelas G(9T .cylinder foundation".Sila lihat Para 2.L. panjang cerucuk ialah 8. L Page 40 . Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. K. Subang Airport 1. (ii) Load at which gross settlement is 10% of the pile diameter.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran E 5 Extension of Terminal Building. K.l. The thickness of this decomposed granite residual soil varies. b. severe vibration such as driving piles is unaccept abldo Bored and Cast-in-situ piles were considered most suitable. 86. shall not exceed 0. The gross settlement of the pile at twice the working load shall not exceed 1. Ibu Pejabat JKR.00'. b) Working Load The working load adopted for single pile shall not be greater than the ultimate load divided by the safety factor of 2. Soil Condition The site consists of residual soils of granite. below R. The depth of this top soil varies from 6" to 2ft. The factor of safety for the purpose of computing the working load shall be taken as 2.5" (ii) (iii) Cawangan Jalan. The top layer of the soil consists of brown firm sandy silty clay with some organic matters. General The project consists of extension of International and Domestic Transper Corridor for Subang International Airport.L Page 41 .g. Beneath this top soil underlies the yellowish with patches of grey medium sandy clayey silt with some gravelse This medium sandy clayey silt extend to a depth of 40 to 85 ft. The residual settlement of the pile at the end of the first cycle of loading shall not exceed 0. 2. Water table is about Oft. loading to one time working load.5 and the ultimate load is defined as: (i) Load at which the gross settlement continues to increase without any further increase in load. Between these layers of medium sandy clayey silt and the frac tured or slightly weathered granite bedrocksq lies the greyish very stiff decomposed granite residual soil.10". c) Settlement Criteria (i) Gross settlement of the pile at working load during the first cycle of load ing.L.5. Lampiran E5-1 represents the generalised poil profile. Load Settlement Criteria The system of piling to be designed shall meet the followings:a) Safety Factor 3. Due to the close proximity of the proposed site to the existing terminal building v where the Control Tower for the airport is located.5". The proposed-site is situated approximately 13 miles west of Kuala Lumpur. 1/4 (Acc. structural load = 30”Ø. pile shaft area (ft2) pile base area (ft2) Cawangan Jalan. the pile is reinforced for the top 40ft. K. max. the structural capacity of the piles will be solely depend on the concrete section of the piles* In this case. Structural Capacity of Piles Since piles are not fully reinforced.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report d) Group Effect Negligible because of small group (2 or 3 pile per group) & large spacing 2. structural load = 24”Ø. W W . Check Pile Capacity Use 18" Ø bored piles x85 ft max. max.L Page 42 .5 Ø. 4. Meyerhofs’ formula (modified) is applicable for bored piles in residual soil Qu Qs + Qp = = = where N = N As As = = = fs As. Ap 50 average SPT along pile shaft average SPT near pile base (4Ø above pile base & 2Ø below pile base). According to CP 2004. The piles will be designed as short columns. 3000 psi. 18”Ø. For d d d 5. that is.+ Op Ap N As + N. the structural carrying capacity of Cast-in-situ concrete pile. 150 Ton 230 Ton. max structural load = 80 Ton. only for the dispersion of the possible slight bending moment elperienced at the pile top.Uw) Where Acc Uw = = = = = = Gross cross section of the area of concrete Specified cube crushing strength at 28 days. the safe working load per pile. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Page 43 Cawangan Jalan.5 + 29.0 = 56.1416) = 88 Ton Qp Qa = Qs/20 + Qp/3.0 = 86 + 31 = 117 Ton > 80 Ton.4 TSF 80 qp = 80 TSF 0-4 x (1o5 x 301416 x 55) =104 Ton Qp Qa 80 x (1/4 x 1o5 x 1o5 x 3o1416) = 141 Ton Qs/2.5 x 3.0 + Qp / 3.3 = 85.46 x (1. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5' x 3.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Based on DB12 18"Ø x 75' N N Qs = = = = = 16 50 fs = N 50 = 0.L . K.46 TSF = 35 TSF =173 Ton 0. Based on DB 13 18”Ø x 80ft.0 + Op/3.0 =173/2 + 62/3.0 = 52 + 47 = 99 Ton say 80 Ton.52 x 3.1416 x 80) 35 x (1/4 x 3o1416 x 1o5 x 145) =62 Ton Qs / 2. N N Qs Qp Qa = = = = = 23 35 fs qp = 0.1416 x 75) = 113 Ton 50 x (1/4 x 1.32 TSF qp = 50 TSB fs As 0.8 Ton say 80 Ton Based on DB 10 18"Ø x 55ft N N = = = = = 20 fs = 0.32 x (1. or up to a max depth of eft'. Recommendation Use 18”Ø bored pile Vrith max capacity 80 Ton per pile. Suitable founding soil should be weathered granite bedrock or oompacted/cemented clayey silt with gravels. In case of dou7gt.L Page 44 . Cawangan Jalan. 4 Nos load tests should be carried out to verify the capacity. Site engineer should use the DB results to determine the founding level. SPT should be carried in the bored base. K. 7. Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 6. Founding Level Founding level should be determined by observing the soil type from the boring. Para 6 above can be used as a guide. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Weathered granite Loose clayey.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cawangan Jalan. silty sand Fig. 1 Soil Profile Scale: Horizontal 3/16” to 48’0” Pile Design Report Page 45 . Fractured. K.L DB 10 DB 9 DB 8 DB 7 DB 5 DB 4 DB 6 DB 3 DB 2 DB 13 DB 12 DB 11 DB 1 Hard surface tarmac Sandy silty clay Stiff sandy clayey silt with gravels Compact clayey silty sand with gravels Hard. a more elaborate method of sub-soil exploration in the form of 3 Nos. Daerah Hulu Langat 2. Below 9m the soil seems to improve from medium dense to very dense silts and sands as well as stiff to very hard clays.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran E 6 1. Maximum Minimum 3. Ibu Pejabat JKR.2 Subsurface Condition 3.30T Surface Condition The terrain is generally flat. M11rim Ampang. Objective To design the foundation system for the proposed Dewan Orang Ramai in Kampung Cheras Baru Introduction 2.1 The proposed.1 . Deep Boring was done by the Unit Makmal Ibu Pejabat JKR. 3.L Page 46 . Initially 6 Nos of JKR Probes were performed by the district office of JKR Hulu Langat. K. Borehole positions are as indicated in Appendix B. Due to the inconsistency of the probe results.2. Generally) though. The first 9 metres Appears to be com prised of loose to medium dense sand and very soft-to firm clays (the variation occuring with depth).68T .2. Other Relevant Information. in a north.structure is a one-storey assembly-hall'situated on Lot 405 in Kampung Ceras Baru. 3.2 Scope of Site Investigation. clay and stilt. It was formerly an old building site that has been cleared. Kampung Cheras Baru is located in the Granite region. easterly direction is sit uated a quarry. 3.2 Column loads 2. Site Condition 3. Springs of water are visible which suggest the ground water table is very near the ground surface.2. There is an access-road leading to the intended site but it is in a bad state. the sub-soil eonsists of interlayer between sand.3 Cawangan Jalan. The only visible form of undergrowth are bushes and shrubs. The groundwater is very near to the surface and the subsoil is assumed to be fully saturated. From the borelog results (APPENDIX C) the soil profile is not consistent along the three boreholes. Near to the proposed site of the hall.1 Referring to the geological map of Kuala Lumpur District (after Ting and Ooi 1972)2. Hence the soil is residual Gradite soil. RC piles would be more appropriate in this case because. Strength mf pile as structural member Effectiveness in mobilising friction and end-bearing (see T able 1) Table 1 : Selection of Pile Type T ype of pile Max. In selecting the particular type of pile'to be used. Furthermore hard driving is not expected. particular consid eration has been made to (a) Cost. the most apparent' choice would be to use steel piles. However. Due to its rougher surface texture RC piles can mobilise frictional resist ance better than steel piles (c) Cawangan Jalan. K. Hence an ordinary shallow foundation in the form of a pad footing would not suffice.C. the . (b) (c) (d) (e) Driving lengths Resistance to hard driving. done the first 5 metres com prises of compressible material which is of insufficient strength to sustain the intended imposed loads.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 4.use of steel' piles is overly conservative.1 Selection of type of foundation With reference-to the results obtained from the S.I.g. Foundation Analysis and Recommendation 4. A piled foundation system is warranted here in order to transfer the loads to the stronger material found below 15m of the ground-level. (a) it is more economical (b) RC piles would be able to mobilise sufficient safe end-bearing resistance at a much shallower depth than would be necessary fdv its steel counter part. 3 third choice From Table 1.L Page 47 . Steel v v 2 1 3 v v X 2 1 3 v v X 2 1 3 v v X 1 2 3 v v X Resistance to Hard Driving Structural Capacity Merit as frictional pile Merit as end bearing pile 2 1 3 v X v 2 3 1 Cost (per m run) T imber X Figures in box represents order of choise e. based on the soil variation (profile) and the intended loading system which is rel atively small. Ibu Pejabat JKR. length of Driving possible (18m) R. 2.10 10 .L Page 48 . Pd. 1) 4.1 Design Assumptions (a) The soil is fully saturated.Generally. 1 Pg. the values of X sat for the various soil categories are obtained from Appendix B in Ref.) Ref. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Factor of safety adopted is 2. (b) For an SPT value of N 11p the undrained cohesion Cu.6 pg. The criteria for design was only to consider both frictional and end-bear ing piles.loose to loose Medium Dense Dense to V. K. is assumed approximately to be 125 lbs/ft . uni akin friction = is (1. 122 Ref. ref. the bearing capacity factor No is taken to be 9 (Para 2 Pg.2. in medium dense coesionless soils or stiff cohesive layers. Totally frictional or totally end-bearing-piles were not consid ered.2. Assumed that piles would achieve safe and bearing resistance in soil lay ers with SPT values of N-~ 15 i.30 30 غ 27 .5 (para 4.34 34 .Dense N 0 .2.1 In Cohesionless Soil. 1) Lower values of Ø were assumed for silts as compared to sands. 1 (Pg. Due to the inconsistency in the soil variation for the three boreholes. 4.2 Estimation of Ultimate Loads 4. 397).39 (h) In obtaining the end-bearing resistance in cohesion soils. 137 Para 4) Cawangan Jalan. For frictional resistance *Qs Avg. (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Type of Silts V.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Hence RC Piles would serve better and cheaper than-steel piles as both a friction al and end-bearing pile in this particular sub-soil condition.29 29 .e. the piles were designed based on each individual borehole result and the worst (or lowest)' calculated working load per pile was adopted for use.2 Formulae Used in the Estimation of the Ultimate Loads 4. In calculating the effective overburden pressure. 149 of. 1 Pg.(4)(Ref.19 Pg. Pd tan As is not applicable in this particular case because it becomes invalid for penetration depths/width ratios 10-20 for straight sided piles (Ref.2. 123 Eqn. K. 4. Qs = 1/2 K.-Bearing Resistance. 122 Eqn. 4.13) .2) Cawangan Jalan. 137) For End-Bearing Qb = Pd Nq Ab where Qs = Ultimate End. 4. 139 of Ref.1) Cu = Average undisturbed undrained cohesion of soil surrounding pile shaft As = Area of shaft For End-bearing resistance Qs = No Cb Ab .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report where Qs a Ultimate akin resistance As = . 136 Eln. 1 Pg 134 Fig. Pd = Effective Overburden Pressure Nq = Bearing Capacity Factor (obtained from Berezantsevs' Curves in Ref. 4. Ibu Pejabat JKR. 1 Pg. 1) *The foriaula (Ref.2 In Cohesive Soil For frictional resistance Qs = α Cu As where Qs = Ultimate skin resistance .L Page 49 . 4. (2) (Ref. 1 Pg. unit skin friction is obtained from Fig.2. 135 Eqn. 4o5) .14 (b) ) Ab = Area of pile base It should be noted that value of Qb at penetration depths of 20 diameters is taken as the peak value for ultimate end bearing resistance but shall not exceed 100 tons/ft2. 1 Pg.12) α = adhesion factor (taken .(3) (Ref.Area. of shaft . Avg.4. 1 Pg. 5 20 21. RC piles were chosen and. JO -Probes and 3 Nos. It should be noted that due.stiff clays follows:A piled foundation system was selected instead. it was decided to use a combined system of RC piles driven to a depth of 2090m below formation level in order to opti mise the cost of pile installation and prevent the problem of eccentricity between columns and single pile foundation system during construction.2. to the inconsistency of the soil variation of the three boreholes done. were 6 Nos. K.designed to be partly frictional and partly endr bearing. of shallow foundation in order to transfer the loads onto the stronger layers at the lower depths. On compilation of the results. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Cawangan Jalan. the design was based on each individual borehole. Trids were done with 15" s 15".5 10" x 10" 19.I. 12" z 12" and 10" = 10" RC Pile size Penetration Depth (m) 15" x 15" 12" x 12" 21.5 16. Dense Silts and firm clay Dense/V.13 > 13 Soil Type and Condition Loose sand and soft clay M.L Page 50 . The results are summarised in the table below.5 Working loads (Tons/pile) BH 1 101 69 70 32 42 BH 2 37 40 28 26 BH 3 42 52 31 31 Table 3 : Summary of Analysis piles.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report where No = Bearing Capacity factor (taken = 9) Cb = Undisturbed undrained cohesion of soil at pile toe Ab = Area of pile base 4.3 Recommendation Scope of work done on S. the soil profile was generalized as Table 2 : Generalized Soil Profile Depth (m) 0-9 9 . From the analysis done. Deep Boring.Dense silts and firm /stiff/v. 2.70T .3 Settlement Analysis In this particular project.40T .00. Ibu Pejabat JKR. (b) 40T . . 4.L DB 3 qf1 DB 1 Fill Material 12m Compressible Layer Cawangan Jalan. group.L Page 51 .3. work done by X. This is because the original ground level is not the same over the intended site. the concern for settlement would be over (a) settlement of the pile toe (b) settlement of the sub-soil due 'to the surcharge weight of the fill material. 149) Settlement.3m Plane DB 3 qf3 0.e.Use a minimum of 2 Nose 12" = 12" piles with a working load of 35T/pile driven to a depth of 20m below formation level. Depth of fill was not constant throughout the site.Je Tomlinson have shown that for piles of small to medium (up to 600mm) diameter the settlement under the working load will not exceed 10mm or 3/8" if the safety factor is not lower than 2.2 Effective area of fill was approximated to be the same as the plan area of the proposed Dewan Orang Ramai i.17m and L . Furthermore. B .3. 321x.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Hence the recommended system is as follows:For the-loading range of (a) 30T . K.6m Formation Level 1m O.G.1 Essumptions made (a) Soil layers with an SPT value of N48 were taken as compressible lay ers (b) (c) Depth of compressible layer = 12m.500.1 In the case of (a). 4. (Ref. of tho sub-soil due to the surcharge weight of the fill material 4.-00. 4-3.1 Pg. settlement checks were not done as the piles are not totally fric tional and generally the recommended foundation system would result in only 2 Nos* of piles to a . Plane DB 2 qf2 DB 2 (d) 0..10" RC pile with a working load of 20T/pile driven to a depth of 20m below forma tion level.Use 10" _ . 1 Pg.10 qf = net surcharge of the fill B = width of fill area E = Modulus of Elasticity of clay Values of E were obtained from Ref..24 Ref..(6) Po Cawangan Jalan. K.2.7 The Compression Inde= Cc was obtained from the relationship cc o 0.L Page 52 . 1) areaPlane DB1..18 kN/m2 Plane DB2. 128) (i) (j) (k) 4.(5) E U1 Uo are obtained from Refs 1 Pg.'DB2 and DB3 With regards to (e).FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Below is a schematic presentation of the fill depth and area. 186 BU.6 kN. So = Co 1 t e. (e) (f) The bulk density of the fill material was assumed to be 18 bulk The borehole positions were taken as the points of consideration in estimating the settlement of the soft layer due to the surcharge weight of the fill..009 (Lw . Jerrum and Kjaernsli was adopted where Average settlement = p1 = U1 U1 of B .. Points DB1.e. H.10%) where Lw = liquid limit-of the clay (Eqn. Ibu Pejabat JKR./m2 Plane DB3. 3 Pg. 2. 180 Fig.17 For Consolidation Settlement.3.5 .. Log Po +σz .12 kN/m2 (g) (h) The compressible soil was classified as type CL under the Casagrande classification system Liquid Limit of the soil was assumed to be 35% Voids ratio assumed to be 0. qf2 . i. Terzaghils conventional 1-D consolidation theory was used.2 Estimation of settlement To obtain the average immediate _settlement the method of Janbu. 5.. qf3 .. qf1 . the generalized surcharge weights over the'respeo tive points in a plane orientation (see Fig. 2") settlement under plane DB3 . (7) (Ref.Fgi 224 Fig.3 From the settlement analysis. Co = Compression Index Eo = Initial voids ratio H = Thickness of compressible layer (m) Po = Effective overburden pressure (kN/m2) σz = Value of vertical stress at depth considered (kN/m2) Values of were obtained from σz = qfI o Where qf = surcharge of fill .6") settlement under plane DB2 . done on the effect of the surcharge weight of the fill material. there is substantial total and differential settlement of the soft layer due to the effect of the fill surcharge. The test loadings should be done at least 4 weeks after the test piles are driven. 4 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report where..2.L Page 53 .92mm (3.2) 4. 4 Pg. In the light. of this estimation. 4. the following were obtained settlement under plane DB1 . 7. K.4. to fully mobilise frictional resistance between soil and pile interface.2 Cawangan Jalan.4..232 am (9") (centre of fill) Obviously.30am (1..3.4 Load Testing Requirement 4. 223) Io = Influence factors obtained from Padumts Chart (Ref. of load tests are recommended in accordance with JKt siandard specificationsiUnit Malarial are to be advised of the date the loading tests are to be done and copies of the results are to be cent to Unit Makmal for purposes of monitoring and records.1 2 nos. Ibu Pejabat JKR. it is advisable to design a suspended floor for the proposed structure and to use tie-beams (ground beams) for the foundation sys tem (tied in two cUreotions) in order to have a more rigid structure. 4. The fill shall be compacted to a density of not less than 95% of the ma3d!m. it is advisable to design a suspended floor system for the structure.1 Requirements of fill material and its commotion Soil should be of suit able selected fill material. 1377 s 1972 method shall be used as the standard compaction test for determining the moisture density relationship of the soil. 5. Conclusion From the-analysis done based on assumptions laid down in Clause ~4. Further precautions should be taken in the form of tying the columns in two-directions with ground beams so as to' haves.5 Associated Designs 4. The H.1.m dry density as determined by the Standard Compaction Test. v) Use suspended floor and tie beams are to be provided in two directions between the col umn positions.5.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report 4. 6. more rigid struc ture. Appendices Appendix A : Location Plan Appendix B : Layout plan showing locations of site investigation Page 54 Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR. iii) Piles are to be driven to set below the formation level iv) Specify tender lengths to be 20m and an additional 10% should be added to the number of piles specified in the BQ or summary of tender to cater for pile deviations during driving.2 Structural Recommendations In order to deal with the expected settlement of the soft sub-soil due to the surcharge of the fill material.5.S.2.702' Use a minimum of 2 Nos 12" x 12" piles with a working load of 35T/pile: ii) The piles shall function as partly frictional and partly end-bearing. The type of compacting equipment to be used shall be subject to the approval of the Superintending Officer. 4. The selected material should have liquid limit values less than 35 (LL 35) and values of plasticity index less than 55 (Pole L 55)-The -field density after compaction shall be determined in accordance with the "Band Replacement Method" or AASHO T205-64 (Rubber Balloon Method). the recommen dations are i) For the load range of 30T . K.40T Use 10'1 x 10" RC piles with a working load of 20T/pile 40T .L . G. 3 : Ref. 001 TECK AUN FOUNDATION RESIGN AND CONS'T'RUCTION . 2 : Ref. K. TOMLINSON PITMAN INTEMATIONAL TEXT 3rd Edition ELEMENT OF SOIL MECHANICS .M. SMITH CROSBY LOW00D STAPLES 4th Edition ' Ref.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Appendix C : 7. J. Ibu Pejabat JKR.L Page 55 .DR. 4 : Cawangan Jalan. TOAIIINSON VIEWPOINT PUBLICATION MALAYSIAN SOILS AND ASSOCIATED PROBLEKS . 1 : PILE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE M. Generalized soil profile Borelog Results Bibliography Ref. N.J. 5 Pile Design Report Page 56 33.loose silty sand N=1 V.00 13.00 6. K.45 -30.stiff clayey silt N=24 4.0 5.5 28.0 Cawangan Jalan.25 Granite -21.50 9.6 -32.soft silty clay N=2 Med.00 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 4.Loose silty sandy N=2 Firm clayey silt N=4 Sofy sandy silt N=4 Firm silty clay N=5 18.soft silty clay N=0 Loose silty sand N=2 V.1 V.00 Soft silty clay N=4 Firm silty clay N=8 12.45 3.Proposed Pile V.50 V.dense silty sand N>50 Granite -34.50 Hard silty clay N=30 25.00 Stiff silty clay N=15 V.50 Hard clayey silt N=50 Hard clayey silt N=40 27.L 9. dense to loose silty sand V.00 Stiff clayey silt N=15 18.Loose silty sandy N=2 V.0 6.50 Stiff clayey silt N=18 5.soft silty clay N=1 Loose silty sand N=2 Med.00 Firm silty clay N=14 Firm silty clay N=7 15.15 Loose silty sand N=5 2.00 2. dense silty sand N=21 7.00 Hard clayey silt N>50 28.70 29.00 3.5 22. Ibu Pejabat JKR.0 13.6 Quartzite and decomposed granite Sandy silt N>50 V.soft silty clay N=2 V.Stiff clayey silt N=35 19.05 Hard silty clayey Basalt(Boulder) Hard clayey silt . 12 5 36 208.c. From 28m_to.The estimated negative friction load is 16 Ton per pile.c: piles of Grade 40 concrete be used.5 183. K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cadangan Syor asas untuk Projek Rumah Kediaman Kelas 'G' Penjara Penor. piles are evaluated for the bearing capacities. Site Conditions 6 nos of boreholes were carried out to determine the subsoil conditions. At least 4 piles shall be selected for load tests.54 65. piles shall be 49 tons per pile. From 6m to 12m below ground level the soil consists of loose silty sand with decayed mat ters and from 12m to 28m the soil is of loose to medium stiff sandy clay with SPT N aver ages from 6 to 12.59 2 31. Allowable load per pile is 49 tons.42 From the above it is noted that the calculated bearing capacities of the 12" x 12" r.c. Estimated depths Ultimate load Allowable load (m) Qu (tons) Qa = Qu/2.C. Calculations for the geotechnical evaluations for the 6 boreholes are attached. The project consists of construction of 6 Blocks of JKR Standard 5-storey Class G Quarters.62 65. All piles shall be driven to set which can be achieved at about 28.Kuantan trunk road. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Hence the test load shall 2 x (49 + 16) = 130 Tons. Hence it is proposed that 12" x 12" JKR r.Qn 1 33 197. 1.5 178.L . Conclusion 12" x 12" JKR Standard R.65 55. SPT N ranges from 18 to 50. Cawangan Jalan. Geotechnical Evaluation Due to the 1' to 5' of fill.84 50. Pahang.5m to 36m. 3.03 3 28. It is found that the founding depths of the piles varies from 28.00 to 67 tons. Introduction The project site is located off the Pekan .5 and negative skin friction of 16 tons are used in the calculations. The following table is abstracted from the calculations for which the estimated founding depths Ultimate loads (Qu) and allowable loads (Qa) are tabulated. The allowable working load of the 12" x 12" JKR r. 4. Kuantan. The sub soil con sists of soft silty clay with organic matters from ground level to 6m below ground level. A factor of safety of 2. consolidation settlement may occur for the compressible layers of soil. piles grade 40 with tender length of 36m shall be used. piles ranges from 50.c.5m to 36m below ground level. Hence negative skin friction on piles is to be accounted for. Page 57 2. BH nos.00 6 35 204. All piles are designed as end bearing piles.5 166. From the site plan an earth filling of 1' to 5' is proposed for the whole site.56 67. 12" x 12" r.5 .31 4 28.87 57.36m the soil strata consists of dense sandy'silt with traces of gravel. 00 154. K.00 24.T (Na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.31 125. Penjara Penoh.5) x H x 3.13 38.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 2.44 93.5 12 13.16 2.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.5 33*** * 34.56 2.28 312.11 0.54 93.5 40 50 Fs 0.00 0.5 13.00 8. Borehole 1 Depth (m) 0 1.25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62. Pahang.86 39.60 61.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5 17 23 27.61 38.25 63.45 0.27 0.82 9.00 28.12 94.14 0.00 0.15 0.12 22.5 7 7.00 0.6 16.68 Qs’ (tons) 0.00 Qu (tons) 0.5 25.05 0.64 8.19 79.39 10.00 0.00 200.00 0.00 28.69 9.15 5.00 0.86 11.00 32.00 20.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.5 24.15 37.55 0. Kuantan. use N = 3D only 1869.00 0.00 36.44 29.50 77.17 17.5 3 4.00 0.96 Fb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 24 32 28 28 24 36 72 64 120 100 96 84 120 200 200 Ab (sq ft) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pile Design Report Qb’ (tons) 0. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay.00 0.84 15.00 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.5 21 22.50 197.5 18 19.5 27 28.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 37.00 0.5 7 6.5 9 10.04 15.86 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 2.00 0.00 58.27 59.00 0.90 36.00 96.00 0.00 72.00 84.86 15.31 6.86 60.00 0.00 200.05 10.49 0.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50.80 1.5 6 7.00 0.00 0.90 8. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.00 0.46 0.5 36 Soil Description Top soi l.00 120.5 30 31.27 21.77 37.13 0.00 24.18 49.00 0.59 Cawangan Jalan. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 8 7 7 6 9 18 16 30 25 24 21 30 50 50 S.34 0.16 14.00 120.74 19.00 0.02 117.00 0.95 5.00 0.61 14.98 27.00 0.00 0.5 22.00 0.02 To calc.00 Ap (ft) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Qs (Tons) 0.00 100.5 24 25. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey silt Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay.00 0.L Page 58 . negative skin friction (Qn) Qn = fn x As.28 112.00 0.5 15 16.65 151.98 2.13 158.60 79.00 0.28.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.43 62.76 2.00 20.00 0.74 15.65 67.00 0.5 7.96 Qa (tons) 0. where H = 12m = Qn = 0.00 0.00 0. where fn = 0.54 293.14 0.15 0.18 149.P.98 3.17 53.5 5. 5 12 13.03 Cawangan Jalan.5 33**** 34. Borehole 2 Depth (m) 0 1.54 0. Penjara Penoh.00 28.00 20.34 38.25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62.68 19.50 0.00 0.00 16.00 0.00 16.50 0.63 125.11 44.00 0.27 40.00 44.80 1.5 6 7.00 0.14 42.00 0.5 9.00 0.37 32.71 19.00 0.00 200.23 0.36 1.5) x H x 3.16 5.00 0.00 Qu (tons) 0. where H = 12m = 1869.74 56.00 0.63 15.47 22.28.02 178. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey silt Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay.00 0.36 2.5 11.84 17.79 2.53 3.00 0.00 200.00 0.5 21 22.00 0.00 0.46 To calc.04 0.00 0.10 22.46 109.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.51 16.5 6 4.00 96.34 142.02 58.37 16. Kuantan.5 15 16.74 2.00 96.00 0.68 Qs’ (tons) 0.00 0.19 0.39 294.65 74.00 13.29 0.74 56.00 0.00 0.6 Qn = 0.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50. use N = 3D only 16.00 0.97 2.11 20.00 48.00 0.84 9.00 0.11 0.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 16.63 28. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.00 0.00 6.75 12.00 200.05 49.5 18 19.00 0.00 0.5 27 28.15 0.75 Fb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 44 48 28 20 16 24 24 20 96 104 96 120 200 200 200 Ab (sq ft) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qb’ (tons) 0.00 0.12 0.77 1.14 18.00 0.95 4.00 20.5 3 4.07 113.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.00 0.5 30 31.00 0.00 14.00 0.P.00 0.00 0.63 124.00 0.00 0.00 0.5 14.79 3. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11 12 7 5 4 6 6 5 24 26 24 30 50 50 50 S.00 0.00 0.L Page 59 .5 25 25 27 40 50 50 Fs 0.86 16.00 0.5 36 Soil Description Top soi l.18 48.5 9 10.00 0. where fn = 0.39 94.12 0.43 55.00 24.00 104.18 144.87 57.5 24 25.79 17.00 34.T (Na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7.00 0.71 9. K.00 Ap (ft) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Qs (Tons) 0.00 1.50 71.00 24.74 19.07 313.00 0.5 5 6 5. Ibu Pejabat JKR.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0. Pahang.79 47.47 42.61 71.76 117.27 12.74 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 Qa (tons) 0. negative skin friction (Qn) Qn = fn x As.65 274.84 10. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay.00 0. 00 0.68 19.43 50.00 0.5 3 4.00 0. K.00 24.16 2.00 0.00 0.5 10.5 5.94 321.19 17.00 1.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.52 66.57 3.00 0.78 27.00 0.00 0.5 9 10.00 200.00 0.67 24. Pahang.00 0.00 48.5 10 9.13 4.5 18 30 40 50 50 50 50 Fs 0.82 19.00 200.00 200.5 27 28.36 0.5 30 31. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey s and Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay.3 0 Qa (tons) 0.62 341.5 18 19.14 19.00 0.35 4.26 301.11 0.00 0.00 32.00 1.00 0.25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62.00 0.00 0.62 25.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.57 4.81 15.00 0.30 Fb 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 36 48 36 44 32 24 20 24 120 120 200 200 200 200 200 Ab (sq ft) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Qb’ (tons) 0.68 19.5 33 34.00 Ap (ft ) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Qs (Tons) 0. where fn = 0. use N = 3D only ddedit 16. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay. Borehole 3 Depth (m) 0 1.17 0.26 101.74 105.5 7 5.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.95 35.80 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 47.00 120.00 200.00 200.58 282.62 45.00 0. Ibu Pejabat JKR.31 20.62 141.92 57.05 18.19 0.5 6 7.12 52.95 155.00 Pile Design Report Qu (tons) 0.14 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 11.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.43 16.84 262.76 2.00 0.00 0.74 19.03 46.00 0.P.03 166.00 0.00 0.5 15 16.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.28.03 112.92 9.05 13.00 0.00 36.00 36.68 Qs’ (tons) 0.00 32.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.5 36 S. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 12 9 11 8 6 5 6 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 (Na) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8.5 21 22.12 20.6 Qn = 0.00 0.68 19.00 13.74 To calc.58 82.94 3.00 0.74 2.21 0.01 66.00 0.57 40.L Page 60 .19 61.5 12 13.5 24 25.78 51.00 0.5) x H x 3.16 7.T Soil Description Top soil . negative skin friction (Qn) Qn = fn x As.90 120. Penjara Penoh.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.84 62.00 0.00 33. where H = 12m = 1869.21 0.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50.78 62.31 Cawangan Jalan.00 0.00 120.08 0.5 10.13 3. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.45 21.78 128.00 0.05 49.00 0.00 44.94 121.65 136.86 23. Kuantan.37 22. 73 16.66 55.84 2.50 15. where fn = 0. Pahang.5 15 16.60 73.32 303.6 Qn = 0.27 71.18 0.09 0.12 0.5 10.90 28.5 5.00 200.12 0.70 18.51 5.L Page 61 .18 0.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50.T (Na) Fs Ap (ft) Qs (Tons) Qs’ (tons) Fb Ab (sq ft) Qb’ (tons) Pile Design Report Qu (tons) Qa (tons) 37.71 33. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay.15 11.21 13.00 0.00 16.00 200.51 4.5 12 13.00 60.87 12.00 12.79 37.04 12.56 20.51 3.00 200.19 11.68 3.5 2 0 2.00 24.00 44. Borehole 4 Depth (m) 0 1.59 286.00 S.68 1.19 0.57 0.14 0.72 27.71 12.50 36 60 28 12 16 0 0 20 24 24 32 24 40 44 40 32 32 140 128 200 200 200 200 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36.00 0.47 184.00 140.04 12.00 24.71 13.21 14.22 127.51 3.08 64.77 136.00 28.43 57.76 72.20 0.84 114.00 32.5 18 19. where H = 12m = 1869.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.55 107.00 0.08 0.88 9.00 32.55 15.73 1.40 19.91 134.00 24.85 0.34 2.00 200.5 21 22.42 15.51 65.09 0.87 73.52 37.00 40.85 0.55 39.39 17.5 9 10. Kuantan.34 2. negative skin friction (Qn) Qn = fn x As.5 12 11 5 3.73 16.91 28.5 6 7. K.5 9 8 21.40 51.01 3.08 24.66 183.53 121.20 10.00 0.79 69.37 0.85 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1.79 73. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 9 15 7 3 4 0 0 5 6 6 8 6 10 11 10 8 8 35 32 50 50 50 50 50 4. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5 3 4.04 319.78 34.87 28.68 7.67 1.14 0.5 24 25.47 44.20 22.09 5.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.01 2.72 16.5 41 50 50 50 50 0.P.03 0.43 25.15 0.71 12.25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62.70 0.77 336.06 0.73 16.5 30 31.00 200.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.5 36 Soil Description Top soil .87 69. use N = 3D only 16.87 269.67 0.01 2.74 22.39 41. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.76 28.00 20.00 26.84 1.17 0.52 9.78 66.5) x H x 3.5 33. Penjara Penoh.28.59 86.22 5.09 13.55 To calc.5 27 28.10 0.27 31.12 Cawangan Jalan.76 16.74 46.00 40.5 33 34.04 0.71 26.04 119.32 103. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay.5 6 7 7 8 10.00 0.00 32.00 128. 25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62.36 2.56 0.56 2.92 20. negative skin friction (Qn ) Qn = fn x As.6 Qn = 0.87 8. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.5 27 28.01 12.00 13.57 2.45 78.00 0.36 3.00 0.00 0.5 24 25.00 0.00 15.00 52. Penjara Penoh.00 38.00 40.00 0.00 24.00 0.13 0.00 0.60 32.56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 28 24 24 28 24 24 40 52 112 128 72 88 80 84 120 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.00 0. where fn = 0.00 0.56 40.00 0.00 0. Kuantan.53 60.45 162.00 1.08 33.41 0.99 50.56 2.81 9. Ibu Pejabat JKR.5 33 34.P.28.45 40. where H = 12m = 1869.07 76.T (Na) Fs Ap (ft) Qs (Tons) Qs’ (tons) Fb Ab (sq ft) Qb’ (tons) Pile Design Report Qu (tons) Qa (tons) 0.48 126.42 To calc.5 6 8 11.5 6.00 0.00 0.00 S.57 32.53 7.13 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.60 0. use N = 3D on ly 16.41 0.00 0.92 60.56 2.5 6 7.27 8.07 24.23 0.64 57.00 0.60 144.00 0.00 32.38 16.00 0.5 12 13.00 0.03 30.5 9 10.00 0.43 67 .00 128.00 120.37 24.5 0.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50.00 0.00 0.16 0.67 44.07 11.50 0.00 24.00 0. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay.00 0.40 0.5) x H x 3.04 0.00 14.43 13.19 150.43 13.32 62.00 0.5 25.12 0. Pahang.42 0.00 80. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay.00 0.48 54.56 16.5 6.53 31.5 36 Soil Description Top soil .00 24.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.00 33.00 0.19 70.52 88. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 6 7 6 6 10 13 28 32 18 22 20 21 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7.5 20.57 4. Borehole 5 Depth (m) 0 1.00 0.42 83.00 84.00 Cawangan Jalan.32 150.00 28.00 0.00 0.67 172.5 21 22.00 0.87 68.18 65.00 0.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.5 15 16.43 16.00 0.5 30 31.15 4.53 8.52 208.00 0.00 24.08 9.L Page 62 .01 83.12 0.00 88.00 72.5 6 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.51 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.08 60. K.00 0.95 2.00 0.84 7.08 0.5 30 25 20 21 20.07 10.15 0.5 18 19.45 12.00 112.00 28.5 3 4.00 0. 00 1.42 0.00 0.28.43 32.00 60.5 12 13. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dense silty sandy gravel Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 7 6 7 5 4 5 11 15 27 26 16 20 18 23 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8.5 33 34.00 0.12 74. where fn = 0.00 0.77 1.85 To calc.5 27 28.35 2.00 0.5 21 22.13 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.36 1.00 92.00 0.5 6.00 1.00 0.87 43.53 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.48 8.39 33.31 7.00 0.65 138.5 18 19.00 16.08 7.28/2240 Allowable load Qa’ = (Qu/2.38 0.56 2.00 0.00 104.56 138.5 6 7.00 0.43 0.5 6 4.00 0.5 21 18 19 20.09 0.97 5.87 10.6 Qn = 0.5 3 4.27 10.5 8 13 21 26.79 13.25 x Po /2 x As x H x 3.5) x H x 3.16 0. negative skin friction (Qn) Qn = fn x As.5 24 25.07 10.5 6.10 0.00 16.75 15.12 166.15 5.00 S.5 9 10.12 12.00 28.48 84.60 140.5 26.33 63.00 108.17 0.53 25.30 51.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 55.00 0.09 0.00 0.56 36. Borehole 6 Depth (m) 0 1.5 36 Soil Description Top soi l.23 14.5 15 16.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.62 0.56 2. where H = 12m = 1869.13 0.33 12. Kuantan.77 3.35 58.5 4.00 0. soft clayey silt Loose clayey silt Ditto Loose clayey sand Ditto Ditto Ditto Soft silty clay. Penjara Penoh.85 81.00 0.00 64.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 40.00 44.00 41.25 66.60 32.00 0.00 0.42 Cawangan Jalan.00 20. Pahang.00 0.25 x Po /2 Po = (110 -62.48 24.00 0.36 0.56 16.19 204.65 66.37 13.00 0.00 0.56 58.00 80.T (Na) Fs Ap (ft) Qs (Tons) Qs’ (tons) Fb Ab (sq ft) Qb’ (tons) Pile Design Report Qu (tons) Qa (tons) 0. Evaluation of 12” x 12” reinforced concrete pile.31 31. Ibu Pejabat JKR.97 3.00 72.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 8.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. use N = 3D only 16.22 55.00 0.5 30 31.43 12.19 84.12 0.27 7.00 0.87 147.30 115.87 38.12 8.00 0. K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Cadangan Kelas ‘G’.92 46.00 0.33 19.L Page 63 .00 0.26 0.41 0.79 14.79 30. traces of sand Ditto Ditto Stiff silty clay.97 33.00 0.00 0.43 65.84 56.P.62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 28 24 28 20 16 20 44 60 108 104 64 80 72 92 120 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.48 81.00 24.5 – Qn) = *** from borelog N = 50. 2 Concrete Grade 25 for piles & caps Design compressive stress = 4. Longitudinal reinf provided is 1. Though the site consists of sandy soil. < fcu/4. max test load = 2 X design load. Introduction The project consists of construction of 2 blocks. 2.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Design Calculations of Bored Piles & Pile Caps for Proposed SK Taman Segar Cheras 1. i.) Due to presence of localized very. Qu = N1 As + K2 Ab K1 K2 Where N1 K1 K2 N2 As Ab Cawangan Jalan.17m : 17m .8N/mm sq. Water table 15m bgl. K.27m : medium to dense silty clayey sand. Geotechnical Capacity Use modified Meyerhof’ s equation: Ultimate capacity. dense cemented clayey sand with gravels at shallow depth. piles are Not suitable). Design Calculations 460mm diameter bored piles are proposed.50). 6Y20 & R9 @ 300mm c/c as helical reinforcement.1 Design Criteria 2. the bored piles are considered suitable because water. of 4-storey JKR Std. School buildings.table is low and the residual soil is usually quite impermeable. Average SPT. very hard driving will encountered at shallow depth if driven piles are used. Ibu Pejabat JKR. No of colums per block is 44 and the columnload is about 78 Ton (max.e. 12m . 2.L average SPT value for shaft 50 1 average SPT valug at base = surface area(ft2) = base area (ft2) Page 64 = = = = . The site is generally flat with about 2½m fill some 5 years ago. max design load = 80 Ton.12m : loose clayey sand with localized very dense layer. N = 16 very dense grey spotted yellowish fine to coarse silty sand with gravel (N = 40 . The generalized subsoil proper ties are as follows:0 . Bored piles are considered more cost effective piling system in this case when compared with other suitable piling system such as H piles (R.0% for full bored shaft. Installation procedure according to JKR spec (KPKR 6/1989). N = 5.C. Provide 4 Y 16 Bothways Horizontal Links .52 x 11 /4 = 88.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Generalised Design SPT 0 .24m.4/2. average SPT = 8 17m . Safe load Qa = 210..2 + 82.17m. Total ultimate frictional resistance Qs.25% OF Main Steel Area = 100mm2 Excavation Volume of Concrete = 0.: Provide 3 Y 10 Quantities Per Cap = 0.44 m2 Formwork = 2. Qu =12. of Pile Pile Diameter Size of Pilecap Steel Reinforcement = 1 = 460mm = 660 x 660 x 900mm Main Bars = 0.3 = 210.6 kg. (Y 16) = 4.5xi1 +540 0 x22 x1. Pilecap Design Single Pilecap for Pile Diameter 460mm (18" Diam x 24m Bored Pile) No.4 Ton .L Page 65 .38 m2 Steel Content = 134 lb/yd3 Cawangan Jalan. (Y 10) Lean Concrete = .8 kg.1+88.5 = 84.'.3 Ton :.41 m3 = 0. Ibu Pejabat JKR.39 m3 WT. K.1 Ton Total ultimate end bearing Qb = 50 x 1.15% x b x d = 792mm2 .9 = 122.average SPT = 40 Average SPT @ 24M = 50 . of Reinforcement = 26.2.'.5xi1 = 39.Spx52x1.1 Ton Say 80 Ton per bored pile (18" diam x 24m) 3. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan.L Page 66 . Ibu Pejabat JKR. K. ANNIES MD. BUKIT MIER TAJAM. SEBERANG PERA1.L Page 67 . AHMAD AZLAN AHMAD (INSTITUT LATIHAN & PENYELIDIKAN JKR) Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report LAPORAN GEOTEKNIK MAKTAB PER GUR UAN SRI PIN ANG . PULAU PIN ANG DISEDIAKAH OLEH : IR. K. ARIFF EH. ii) Kegunaan bangunan. Oleh kerana projek ini telah dikelaskan sebagai projek SEGERA dan memandangkan beban kerja semasa unit penyiasatan tapak pusat ini pada masa itu adalah terlalu banyak maka keputusan telah dibuat supaya kerja-kerja penyiasatan tapak ini dijalankan secara kontrak.sokongan kepada semua cawangan di dalam JKR dalam hal.0 hingga 6. Oleh yang demikian.0 kN. 3 bil. kawalan kos yang ketat telah dilakukan semasa kerja-. Laporan ini akan' ketengahkan juga masalahmasalah parancangan yang dihadapi semasa pusat ini menjalankan kerja penyiasatan -tapak dan kerja merekabentuk asas yang sesuai bagi bangunan bangunan yang terlibat Bagi 'projek ini permintaan untuk menjalankan penyiasatan tapak dan seterusnya'pen gesyoran syor-syor asas telah dikemukakan oleh Cawangan Kerja Pendidikan melalui surat PKR(KP)MP/PP/87/17(102) bertarikh 27/02/1989. Keputusan Penyiasatan Tapak Berpandukan kepada peta Hydrogeologi Semenanjung Malaysia tapak projek ini. Ini adalah Page 68 Pendahuluan Laporan ini adalah 'bertujuan untuk menyampaikan keterangan ringkas sumbangan yang telah diberi oleh Pusat ini di dalam menentukan pemilihan asas-asas yang sesuai bagi bangunan-bangunan yang dicadangkan untuk projek yang disebut di atas. satu skop kerja penyiasatan tapak.L . ujian gerekan dalam. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Selain dari perancangan skop kerja penyiasatan kedudukan lokasi ujian-ujian juga dibuat dengan mengambilkira faktor-faktor yang disebutkan di atas. Sumbangan ini. ujian gerimit tangan dan 89 bil. Perancangan Cawangan Jalan.000-00.0 kN sehingga setinggi 1800. Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa perkara (v) di atas hanya dapat dibuat andaian sahaja semasa perancangan skop penyiasatan tapak kerana paras formasi tidak dinyatakan di dalam lukisan tatatur tersebut. Skop Projek Pelaksanaan projek ini melibatkan pembinaan 32 bush bangunan dengan ketinggian bangunan-bangunan di antara 1-tingkat hingga 4tingkat. Butiran bangunan mengikut bilangan tingkat adalah seperti berikut:1-tingkat .7 unit 4-tingkat .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report skop kerja penyiasatan tersebut dibuat mengambilkira faktor-faktor berikut:i) Jenis bangunan serta beban-beban tiang yang terlibat. telah dirancangkan. Lingkungan beban-beban tiang pula adalah dari serendah-rendah 50. berupa 33 bil.000-00. iv) Keadaan kawasan tapak. Kontraktor yang telah dilantik' untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja ini adalah Sekata Bina Sdn.0 hingga 6. K.potongan dan penimbu san. adalah terletak di atas formasi batu GRANIT yang diselubungi oleh tanah jenis KELODAK/BERLIAT.kerja penyiasatan sedan& dijalankan bagi memastikan kos keseluruhan kontrak ini tidak melebihi $50. adalah bersesuaian dengan peranan utama pusat ini sebagai satu organisasi. ujian proba Mckintosh.hal yang bersangkut-paut dengan bidang geoteknikal. dengan kos kontrak kerja terhad tidak melebihi $50. v) Kerja-kerja tanah . iaitu daerah Bukit Mertajam.16 unit 2-tingkat .1 unit Skop Penyiasatan Tapak/Tanah Berpandukan lukisan punca tatatur yang dikemukakan.0m. Penyediaan tapak melibatkan kerja-kerja pemotongan se dalam di antara 0.8 unit Tangki Air . Juga bagi menjimatkan masa telah dipersetujui bahawa tender kerja ini dilakukan secara lantikan terus.Om dan penimbusan setinggi di antara 0. iii) Ciri-ciri geology kawasan. Bhd. Page 69 berpadanan dengan keputusan penyiasatan tapak/tanah yang diperolehi di mana tanah bawahan adalah jenis tanah LIAT/KELODAK dan berpasir. asas ada seperti di dalam lampiran-lampiran 'A' dan 'B'. Kedudukan paras air bawah tanah semasa kerja penyiasatan dijalankan (bulan Mac.L .0 hingga 35. Dua (2) jenis sistem asas yang dimaksudkan itu ialah asas penapak konkrit dan alas cerucuk. Bagi sistem asas cerucuk dua jenis cerucuk telah direkabentuk iaitu cerucuk konkrit tetulang dan cerucuk kayu berubat. dan keras sehingga sangat keras pada -dalaman lebih dari 18. Dalam hal demikian. Berpandukan faktor-faktor di atas dan juga keputusan penyiasatan tapak yang telah dibuat. faktor-faktor di atas perlu diteliti terlebih dahulu bagi setiap bangunan supaya satu sistem asas yang sesuai dan ekonomik dapat ditentukan. Maksud tanggung hujung pula ialah beban yang ditanggung oleh cerucuk akan dipindahkan ke tanah melalui penghujung cerucuk (base of pile). dan ini akan hanya terjadi sekiranya cerucul: tersebut mengalami mendapan lebih dari mendapan tanah (relative settlement of pile is greater than that of the soil). K.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report tusan ujian-ujian tanah yang dibuat ditempat kedudukan atau berdekatan dengan bangunan yang terlibat.0m. pusat ini telah membuat ekstrapolasi kepada keputusan-keputusan ujian tanah yang paling berdekatan dengan bangunan yang tiada sebarang ujian tanah. dua (2) jenis sistem asas telah direkabentuk bagi projek ini. Contoh-contoh perkiraan rekabentuk kedua-dua jenis sistem.2. di mana lokasi kebanyakan bangunan telah dialihkan. Bagi sistem asas cerucuk daya tanggung cerucuk-cerucuk yang direkabentuk adalah dari separa geseran badan (frictional) dan separa tangouno hujung (end bearing) dan faktor keselamatan yang telah digunakan di dalam perkiraan adalah.0 serta menggunakan kekuatan tanah dalam lingkungan batasan rendah. Tanah adalah dalam keadaan sederhana kental hingga sangat kental di antara paras dalaman 0.55m hingga kering. Walaubagaimanapun disebabkan pindaan ke atas pelan punca projek ini. Perlu dinyatakan disini bahawa di dalam hal membuat perkiraan rekabentuk geoteknik adalah mustahak ciri-ciri jenis tanah serta butiran kekuatan tanah-tanah yang dipilih di dalam perkiraan rekabentuk diperolehi daripada kepuCawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR. maka terdapat bebarap ujian gerekan dalam berada diluar kawasan tapak bangunan. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan geseran badan ialah beban yang ditanggung oleh cerucuk berkenaan akan dipindahkan ke tanah melalui rintangan geseran (frictional resistance) di antara permukaan badan cerucuk dan tanah. 1989) adalah di antara 1. Rekabentuk Syor Asas Pada amnya pemilihan jenis sistem asas adalah berdasarkan kepada faktor-faktor berikut:a) kemampuan tanah bawahan menanggung beban yang akan ditanggung berdasarkan keupayaan galas yang dibenarkan yang ' dikira bersesuaian dengan keadaan tanah bawahan dan juga ciri-ciri geologi kawasan.0m. dan mengunakan maklumat tersebut berserta pengetahuan geologi kawasan bagi membuat penganalisa geoteknik. b) beban tiang dan jarak antara tiang c) faktor keselamatan terhadap kegagalan dan enapan yang dapat diterima pada beban kerja struktur bagi memenuhi kehendak 'servicibilty limit state' d) Kawalan mutu semasa pembinaan e) Jenis struktur f) tapak timbusan atau potongan g) ekonomik Oleh yang demikian sebelum menentukan sebarang sistem asas yang hendak digunakan. malahan terdapat juga beberapa bangunan yang tidak ada sebarang ujian penyiasatan tapak dijalankan. CONTOH PERKIRAAN ANGGARAN ENAPAN TANAH TIMBUSAN Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR.CONTOH PERKIRAAN REKABENTUK GEOT EKNIK BAGI PENAPAK Lampiran 'C' SURAT SYOR ASAS YANG TELAH DIKE MUKAKAN KEPADA CAW.L Page 70 . Senarai Lampiran Lampiran 'A' . Contoh perkiraan anggaran enapan tanah timbusan adalah seperti di dalam -Lampiran 'E'.CONTOH PERKIRAAN REKABENTUK GEOT EKNIK BAGI CERU CUK KONKRIT TETU LANG Lampiran 'B' .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Bagi bangunan-bangunan yang mana telah disyorkan lantai gantung keputusan-ini adalah berdasarkan kepada beberapa faktor yang mana adalah seperti di bawah:a) timbusan Yang akan dilakukan adalah ter lalu tinggi. KERJA PEN DIDIKAN LAPURAN PENYIASA TAN TAPAK YANG TELAH DIJALANKAN Lampiran 'D'- Lampiran 'E' . b) Kegunaan bangunan. K. OkN (83 numbers).0m Fill = 0. = 16.0 to 1. F.37*9.C.5m Cut = 0.0m Fill = 0. Pile of size B" x B" Shaft Resistance For depth 0 .7*82.0m . = 17.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran 'A' Pile Foundation Design for Administration Blocks (4-Storey) Northern Block : Central Block : F. F.5m Southern Block : F. = 19.F.7 Q = 0. 700.L. = N/50*A.0 to 2. DB/4 and DB/G (Refer sketch attached) Shaft Resistance Formulae a) CLAY : Q = α*Cu*A. F.0m : SAND .81 = 1. Base Resistance Formulae: a) CLAYQb.L Page 71 .0m Cut = 0.5 to 1. Fill = 0.F.5m.5.L. assume N = 7 Cawangan Jalan.OkN (83 numbers) DB/3. K.2. : FILL For depth 2 . = surface area of pile b) SILT c) SAND : : Q = N/60*A.F.9. where N = Standard Penetration Test Q.0m b. where α = adhesion factor Cu = undisturbed undrained cohesion ' A. assume N = 13 take Cu = 82. Column Load Deep Boring : : 755. = N*Ab where Ab = base area of pile b) SILT c) SAND Qb.783B tonnes For depth 5 .0 39. 5iN*Ab 4N*Ab Design Analysis Adopt DB/4 since worst case and assume.0m Try R. L.0 kN/m2 (Terzaghi) α α α = 1.0m.0 to 1. CLAY .L.4 (McClalland) adopt = 0. Ibu Pejabat JKR. = = 2.0*4*B*3.0m.height of fill = 2.0 (Tomlinson) = 0.0 to 1. assume N = 13 take α = 82. Q. Hence set readings to be taken during driving and if set not achieve drive to design depth.0m: SILT . = 77.F. Qb = 2.0*3. assume N = 6 Q.F. take N = 13 and since proportion of SAND is quite high (> 30%) adopt Qb = 2.L.478B-+ 0. Cawangan Jalan. = 0.0*N*Ab (i.Piles @ 21.0m: CLAY .0 39. Ibu Pejabat JKR.281 50* 12 For depth 9 .L Page 72 .0 = 103.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Q.s = 450.37*9.Om b.0 kH/pile Although the bulk of the carrying capacity of pile is mainly frictional set might be achieved before depth design.0 of report allow for '15% increase. Hence adopt 12" x 12" R.81 Q = 0.0 = 51.e.0m with Q~.8 tonnes (say 52.7 tonnes Take overall Factor of Safety = 2. = 103. between CLAY & SILT). 65 Q = 0.7/2. = 6*4*B*2.130B2 144 Ultimate Resistance Qa = Qp + Qb = G.478B tonnes Base Resistance At depth 21. K.C.18.7 + 26.219B tonnes = 3. = 7*4*B*4.612B tonnes = 0.864B tonnes = 6.0) To allow for erratic nature of underlying soil and also as per para 3.281 60*12 For depth 11 .11.0*13*B*B = 0.0 kN/m2 a.65*82.0*3.180B2 If B = 12 inches.0*4*B*7.0 Allowable Resistance Q11. K. Ibu Pejabat JKR.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan.L Page 73 . 7 kN/mz Adopt Factor of Safety = 3.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran `B' Shallow Foundation Design For Pre-School Block (1-Storey) Proposed F.L.o.0 = 166. Therefore for square footing.e.L.0*5.. F.L. take N *= 9 ( lower bound) and at this depth soil is COHESIVE (silty CLAY).0 kN/mo (2000 p.4 + 103.0 kN/m3 Consider case when ground water table is 1. K.0m.0) If ignoring depth contribution i. = 26.F.7/3.2. Ibu Pejabat JKR. From NAVFAC DM-7. Cawangan Jalan.5 to 5.2 kN/mx (say 166.s..0m b. q"lro = 395. (i.53 55.0m b.4 kN/mz Applying same F.08/L) + (D where c = undrained cohesion Na = bearing capacity factor D = depth of footing below original grd. to follow standard drawing).F.L Page 74 .F.74 = 395. = 30. Na = 5. Cut = 4.F.53*1. Try pad footing of size B (m) x L -(m) @ depth 1.L.Om b.OkN (22 numbers). 167.0m Column Load 128.F.OkN (23 numbers) Deep Boring DB/14-(R.) 0 1.74m) At depth 1.3 + 18. ( = bulk density of soil Take c = 55. XD. B/L = 1.L. Assume 0 = 0° and (=18.F.3 = 498. level. q*No*(1+0. gall = 131.0m b. and for 0 = 0°.S.F.e.0*5. F. L.f.0 kn/m2.8 kN/mz Therefore adopt square footing with gall = 94.0 q~ " = 498. 3. Ibu Pejabat JKR.contractor' dan dengan ini kos kontrak tidak boleh melebihi $50. Ibu Pejabat JKR. pusat ini bersetuju bahawa kos anggaran asas bagi pro jek ini ditambah lebih kurang 15% atas sebab desakan untuk melaksanakan projek ini secepat mungkin. 50582 KUALA LUMPUR.0 Perlu dimaklumkan bahawa pusat ini mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat apa-apa sistem perparitan yang telah disediakan bagi projek ini.L Page 75 .00. 1989 Pengarah. Sekian. Pertambahan ini adalah untuk menyesuaikan perkara yang mungkin be rlaku semasa pembinaan atas langkah-langkah yang dibuat semasa perancangan untuk menyingkatkan tempoh masa perancangan dan rekabentuk seperti berikut:a) Penyiasatan tapak telah dilakukan secara 'appointed . Lam Yok Lon pada 15/06/1989.RPM. 2.000. Perkara : CadanganMaktab Perguruan Sri Pinang. sistem cerucuk alternatif oleh pentender boleh diterima. K. Jalan Sultan Salahuddin. Pulau Pinang. Jun. pleh yang demikian pihak tuan perlulah mengkaji akan hal ini dan membuat pengesyoran yang sewajarnya. 85/ 173/GO5/03 30hb. Ini telah menghadkan skop penyiasatan tapak yang perlu dijalankan.p: Ir.0 b) Ketidak seragaman keadaan tanah bawahan ditapak projek ini yang mana masalah (a) telah menyulitkan lagi keadaan ini. Pengarah. Cawangan Jalan. NEON CHENG AIK ) Penolong Pengarah Kanan (Pusat Penyelidikan) b.p. Lam Yok Lon) Tuan.0 Selaras dengan penguatkuasaan surat pekeliling KPKR 2/88. c) ( IR. Cawangan Kerja Pendidikan.(u. Bukit Mertajam. harap maklum 'BERKHIDMAT UNTUK HEGARA' 'CINTAILAH BAHASA KITA' Saya yang menurut perintah. PKR. Merujuk perkara di atas dengan segala hormatnya disampaikan keputusan penyiasatan tapak dan syor-syor asas untuk tindakan tuan selanjutnya.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran ‘C’ ( )dlm. Lokasi-lokasi bangunan telah diubah daripada lokasi cadangan asal yang mengaki batkan ada beberapa bangunan tidak terdapat ujian gerekan dalam dijalankan. 4. Dimaklumkan juga bahawa seperti perbincangan yang telah diadakan dengan pegawai tuan Ir. 0 hingga b.0 3. Syor-syor Asas 2. Bukit Mertajam. Dibenarkan (kN/cerucuk) 450. Skop Kerja Penyiasatan Dalam menialankan kerja-kerja penyiasatan. sebanyak 30 bil. Ibu Pejabat JKR.43000 KAJANG. ujian gerekan dalam. Tujuan Laporan ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyampaikan keputusan penyiasatan tapak dan syorsyor asas yang sesuai bagi projek di atas.0 4. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot). ujian proba Mackintosh dan bil. K.o.L Page 76 . 71.0 Keupayaan galas yg.F.5m b.l. Selangor DarulEhsan.0(2000 psf) @ 1.0 Jenis Bangunan ‘A’ Jenis Asas Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang " Saiz & Panjang 305 x 305 @ 21.L.0m.0 - " " - ‘C’ Penapak Konkrit Tetulang (A) (B) " " - - 95. Projek : 1. Dibenarkan (kN/m 2) - ‘B’ 305 x 305 @ 18. Pulau Pinang.5m b. Jalan Serdang. Bhd.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Institut Latihan & Penyelidikan JKR.0 Beban Ujian (kN/cerucuk) 900. Skop Projek Perlaksanaan projek ini akan melibatkan pembinaan blok-blok bangunan seperti yang tert era di dalam lukisan pelan tatatur BKP 187/89/1 (PRE) A dan penyediaan tapak akan melibatkan kerja-kerja pemotongan sedalam di antara 0. ujian-ujian makmal juga telah diIakukan ke atas contoh-contoh tanah yang diperolehi bagi mengetahui jenis dan sifat-sifat tanah yang terdapat di tapak.L. (JKR probes > 30 blows/foot) .F.0 Cadangan Maktab Perguruan Sri Pinang. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot).5m b. Disamping ujianujian di tapak. " 71.0 (1500 psf) @ 1.0 Keupayaan tanggung yg.0 hingga 5. ujian gerimit tangan telah dijalankan dan lot:asi-lokasi ujian-ujian ini adalah berdasarkan kepada lukisan tatatur asal BKP 187/89/1(PRE). ‘D’ - - - ‘E’ " - - - Cawangan Jalan.Om dan penimbusan di antara 0. 85 bil.g.0 (1500 psf) @ 1. Kerjakerja penyiasatan tapat: ini telah dijalankan oleh Sekata Bina Sdn. - ‘G’ " - - - ‘H’ Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang " Penapak Konkrit Tetulang Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang Penapak Konkrit Tetulang Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang " 305 x 305 @ 18.5m b.5m b. K.g.0 (2000 psf) @ 1.l.L.L.0 - ‘Q’ Penapak Konkrit Tetulang - - 95.0 - (B) - - - 71.0 160.F.F.0 (1500 psf) @ 1.F.0 ‘M’ - - - ‘N’ 254 x 254 @ 6.0 95.0 (2000 psf) @ 1.0 ‘J’ ‘K’ " - " - " - 71.0 (1500 psf) @ 1.5m b.L.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report ‘F’ (A) Cerucuk Kayu Berubat Penapak Konkrit Tetulang 152 x 152 @ 9.o.0 430. (JKR probes > 30 blows/foot).5m b. " " ‘R’ ‘S’ " " - - - Cawangan Jalan. - ‘L’ 305 x 305 @ 15.5m b.o.g. - ‘P’ 305 x 305 @ 15. 71.0 1000.L Page 77 .0 - 500. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot). (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot).0 200.l. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot).0 (1500 psf) @ 1.0 1000. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot). Ibu Pejabat JKR.0 860.0 500.0 100.0 320. 0 650.0 300.L.0 305 x 305 @ 18. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot).5m b.0 650.0 (2000 psf) @ 1. Ibu Pejabat JKR.0 1300.F.0 1800.L.o.0 - (C) 381 x 381 @ 18.0 600. Cawangan Jalan.0 - (B) Penapak Konkrit Tetulang - - 95. 95.0 - atau 254 x 254 @ 15.0 900.0 (2000 psf) @ 1.5m b. (JKR probes > 50 blows/foot).0 650.0 381 x 381 305 x 305 450.F.0 - 650.0 1300.l.0 atau ‘V’ atau 305 x 305 @ 18.0 1300.0 900.0 - atau " 450.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report ‘U1’ (A) Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang " 381 x 381 @ 18. (JKR probes > 40 blows/foot).0 (2000 psf) @ 1.0 450.0 1300.5m b. K.0 ‘T’ " 381 x 381 @ 18.0 - ‘X’ Penapak Konkrit Tetulang - - 95. - ‘U2’ (A) " - - - (B) Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang " " 381 x 381 @ 15.g.0 - 900.0 900.L Page 78 . L.g.a tanggung huiung dan keupayaan galas yang disy orkan adalah berdasarkan kekuatan tanah dalam lingi:ungan batasan rendah serta menggunakan faktor keselamatan 2. Ujian beban ini boleh dilakukan selepas 3 minggu cerucuk-cerucul: berkenaan ditanam. iii) Cerucuk Kayu Berubat a) Daya tanggung cerucuk yang direkabentuh adalah separa geseran badan dan sep ara tanggung hujung dan faktor keselamatan yang digunakan di dalam perkiraan adalah 2.dalam lingkungan batasan rendah. b) Sekurang-Wrangnya 5 bilangan cerucuk permulaan perlu ditanam bagi setiap bangu nan yang dicadangi. Kerja-kerja 'concrete sdreeding' dan konkriting hendaklah dilakukan secepat mungkin selepas penggalian lobang asas.0. cerucuk permulaan perlu ditanam terlebih dahulu dan 2 bil. K.0 Syor-syor Tambahan a) Kerja-kerja penimbusan dan pemotongan hendaklah dijalankan pada perinakat permu laan kerja-kerja pembinaan dan tanah yang ditimbus hendaklah di dalam lapisan tidak melebihi 300mm dan setiap lapisan dipadat ke tahap 95% mengikut Piawaian Kepadatan British dengan penentuan JKR.L . . b) Cerucuk hendaklah ditanam sehingga mencapai set yang sesuai dan ini dijangka akan ditemui di paras dalaman lebih dari 6. Ujian beban ini boleh dijalankan selepas 3 minggu cerucuk-cerucuk berkenaan ditanam. .below original ground level). Ibu Pejabat JKR. atau b. ii) Penapak Konkrit Tetulang a) Fenapak-penapak E:onkrit hendaklah ditanam ke paras dalaman yang telah ditetap kan di dalam jadual di atas (b. F. 5. d) Sekurang-kurangnya 3 bil.below formation. dan lobang-lobang asas yang dikorek hendaklah jangan dibiarkan ter dedah terlalu lama.an yang memerlukan asas cerucuk dan 1 bilangan cerucuk ini perlu dijalankan ujian beban (ini bermakna bahawa sekurang-kurangnya satu ujian beban dibuat bagi setiap bangunan yang melibatkan asas cerucuF:).l.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Syor-syor asas adalah seperti berikut:Nota: i) Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang a) Daya tanggung beban kebanyakan cerucuk-cerucuF: yang direkabentuk adalah dari separa geseran badan dan separ. b) Bagi bangunan-bangunan di mana lantai-lantai tingkat bawah akan diletakkan di atas Page 79 Cawangan Jalan.o.0m.0 serta menggunakan kekuatan tanah. cerucuk ini hendaklah dijalankan ujian beban. b) Walaubagaimanapun ujian pengesahan proba-proba JKR perlu dijalankan terlebih dahulu bagi setiap kedudukan tiang bangunan-bangunan yang-dicadangkan bagi memastikan hentaman proba-proba ini tidak kurang dari apa yang dicatitkan di dal am jadual di atas dari dasar lobang asas kebawah dan ujian-ujian ini hendaklah dibu at sebelum kerja-kerja pergorekkan lobang-lobang asas. c) Cerucuk !:ayu KEMFAS Berubat yang diluluskan oleh SIRIM hendaklah digu nakan dan perlu mematuhi keperluan-keperluan yang terkandung di dalam surat pekeliling KF*:R 7/1984. pihak tuan .Institut Latihan & Penyelidikan JKR.5(H) bagi cerungerun timbud (filled slopes). d) e) 6.50m lantai-lantai ini hendaklah diperkuatakan dengan 2 lapisan BRC dan sambungan bebas disediakan di anatara lanatai dan rasuk/dinding bangunan.yang didapati lebih ekonomik tetapi HANYA SATU SAIZ CERUCUK DIBENARKAN bagi satu ban gunan.50m kegunaan lantai gantung adalah diperakukan. Cawangan Jalan. Pusat ini juga mengesyorkan agar.0m adalah wajar bagi lantai-lantai apron kesemua bangunan yang dicadangkan dan mana-mana lantai apron yang akan diletakkan di atas timbus melebihi -1.0m lantai apron ini perlu dipisahkan daripada tiang/rasuk/dinding bangunan dengan bitumen. Ibu Pejabat JKR. IM: 1.0 Pusat Penyelidikan. dan untuk bangunan-bangunan lain yang mana lantai-lantai tingkat bawah akan dilekakan di atas tanah timbus tidak melebihi 2. K. kecuraman cerun-cerun yang akan didirikan tidak melebihi IM: 1(H) bagi cerun-cerun potong (cut slopes) dan. bolehlah memilih mana-mana saiz.0 Hal-hal Lain Satu set rekod penanaman cerucuk-cerucuk yang diuji berserta dengan keputusan ujianujian bebannya hendaklah dikemukakan kepada pusat ini untuk tujuan dokumentasi. c) Penyediaan penyambung bagi setiap jarak 6.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report tanah timbus melebihi 2. Bagi blok-blok bangunan di mana pusat ini telah mengesyorkan lebih dari satu saiz cerucuk.L Page 80 . Penutup Dikemukakan syor-syor dan ulasan pusat ini untuk tindakan tuan selanjutnya. 7. 275 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Lampiran 'E' Settlement Estimation of Fill From classification results underlying soil is of the COHESIVE type with a fair proportion of sandy materials.08 x. Hence for settlement analysis it is assume that the fill material is of the cohesive type. Hence remaining settlement after = 0..5 yrs. From fig. cohesive material would settle around 11% of its thickness.original underlying soil where the fill would be place experience negligible settlement and whatever settlement that would occur is solely from consolidation of the fill under its own weight.0 below would be used.075m period of 1.5 yrs.50m suspended floor is recommended and for the others . K. fig.11 x 2. 1.5 years after placement of fill. Ibu Pejabat JKR.50 = .50m Therefore settlement of fill = 0. 1.275m Settlement (': of height of fill) = 0. place on fill < 2.200 = 0. It is also assume that the fill is uncompacted since it is most common now that the control exercised in placing fill and compaction has frequently been insufficient to ensure an adequate and uniform support for structures immediately after placement.50 = 0. Suppose that construction period is 2 years and construction of ground floor would be carried out after a period of 1.0.L Page 81 . Cawangan Jalan.50m independent floor with 2 layers of BRC. Therefore for those buildings placed on fill ground of height >> 2. It is most probable that the fill material to be used would be obtained from the cut-areas. Hence for estimation of settlement of fill. Take case where height of fill = 2. 2.200m after period of 1.0 graph 5. In the estimation of soil settlement it is assume that the . Syor-syor Tambahan Bagi mengelakkan keretakan lantai apron unit ini berpend. Kebangsaan Sungai Besar.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Projek : Pakej : SM.0 Keupayaan galas Beban yg. Ini bermakna hanya 1 cerucuk sahaja diper lukan bagi setiap tiang.0.) bangunan sekolah seperti yang tertera didalam pelan tatatur JKR/SB:765/81A. 2 Tingkat (6BD. Perkiraan adalah menggunakan kekuatan tanah di dalam lingkungan batasan rendah. 4. syor asas adalah seperti berikut:Jenis Asas Saiz Asas (mm) 254 x 254 Panjang Asas (mm) 30. Lantai apron juga perlulah dipisahkan daripada dind ing dan tiang bangunan supaya pergerakan berlainan sekiranya berlaku akan tersekat.0.Om adalah wajar. Dikemukakan syor-syor dan ulasan unit ini untuk tindakan tuan selanjutnya. 4. Dibenarkan Ujian (kN/cerucuk) 300 600 Cerucuk Konkrit Tetulang 4. KBSM. Cawangan Jalan. dan-2 bilangan ujian gerekan dalam telah dijalankan oleh Unit Makmal dilokasi-lokasi yang bertanda didalam pelan tatatur.lokasi ujian gerekan dalam hendak lah dijalankan ujian. 6.beban selepas 4 (empat) minggu cerucuk. Sekurang-kurangnya 6 (enam) bilangan cerucuk permulaan hendaklah ditanam dan 1 (satu) bilangan cerucuk yang berdekatan dengan. Penutup.0. Skop Kerja Perlaksanaan projek ini akan melibatkan pembinaan 1 Blok. Syor-syor Asas Berdasarkan kira-kira rekabentuk.3.0m. Hal-hal Lain Satu set rekod penanaman cerucuk-cerucuk berserta dengan' keputusan ujian-ujian beban nya hendaklah dikemukakan kepada unit ini bagi tujuan kaiian lanjut dan rekod.iaan penyambung bagi setiap jarak 6. 2. 1. dan cerucuk bolihlah ditanamkan diparas dalaman 30. Selangor.0. 4.apat penyed. Ibu Pejabat JKR. Skop Kerja Penyiasatan Tapak Sebanyak 8 bilangan ujian proba JKR telah dijalankan oleh JKR Sabak Bernam. Bacaan set tidaklah perlu semasa penanaman cerucuk.0.1. Lapuran ini adalah bertujuan untuk menyampaikan keputusan penyiasatan tapak dan syor asas yang sesuai bagi. Aras tanah sediada adalah merupakan cadangan aras formasi tapakbina ini. 3.dan tidak-melibatkan sebarang penambunan.2. 5. Tujuan. berkenaan ditanam. Daya tanggung beban cerucuk konkrit tetulang yang direkabentuk adalah kebanyakannya dari geseran badang.0.L Page 82 .projek diatas. K.0. 7.Sabak Bernam. Ibu Pejabat JKR. HISTORY OF SITES * Any Cut / Fill ? .What Size ? If Pad .What Depth ? .What is the height of the slope ? 2. SOIL CONDITIONS * What type of soils ? SOFT CLAY * What is the water level ? HBB /hbb HIGH Cawangan Jalan. K.What Bearing Capacity ? * When Constructed ? 80’s PILE RC 305 x 305 - * How is the present conditions ? . BAHARUDIN LOKMAN JKR(O) S B PROJEK : SMK SUNGAI BESAR DAERAH : SABAK BERNAM 1.What Type ? .What is the depth of fill? * Is there a slope ? .L Page 83 .If there’s fill – when ? . NEGERI : SELANGOR NO NO HISTORY OF EXISTING NEARBY BUILDINGS * What is the type of foundation ? If Pile .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report DATAS OBTAINED FORM : EN.Any apron / floor cracks ? .How far from the proposed building ? .Other sign of distress ? OK SIGN OF CRACKS 30’ * How far is the nearest building ? 3. L Page 84 .FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Cawangan Jalan. K. Ibu Pejabat JKR. K. FAIL ……………………… …. PAKEJ : KBSM RUJUKAN Lukisan KIRA – KIRA 1.23) 1. (GBD) sekolah CATATAN RL : 29.soft (0.s.9 Qu = Qs + Qb Clay: Qs = As x Cu Qb = Ab 9 Cb Sand : Qs = ASN 50 Qb = Ab 4 N Qa = Qu f.. NO.10.89………… PROJEK : SMK SUNGAI BESAR.o. E96 Cawangan Jalan.03) v/s 25 (0.54 JKR/SB: 765/81A Column Loadings(T) Lukisan Frame Front F1 F2 F3 20 29 25 Back 18 25 21 FL : 30.L Page 85 .. Ibu Pejabat JKR. JKR. DAERAH : SABAK BERNAM. Blok / 2 tct.… CAWANGAN REKABENTUK DAN PENYELIDIKAN IBU PEJABAT.0 Cu to Stiff Silty Clay - 0.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report UNIT MAKMAL KIRA – KIRA REKABENTUK NO. TARIKH ………4.00 MAX 29T Datas & Assumptions No fitting included Level (m) 0 v/s α 12 40 (ft) 0 Geological Section SPT (N) v/s Cu kN/m 2 x v. HELAI …………… 1………… REKABENTUK OLEH ……… …. REKABENTUK OLEH ……… …. TARIKH ………4. DAERAH : SABAK BERNAM.L Page 86 .…..5 Qa (T) Qa (T) Remarks 10 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 15 51 61 76 35 42 53 27 32 41 * quite close 67B 10 x 10 12 x 12 15 x 15 56 67 84 40B2 28 40 63 47 58 77 42 54 74 Cost comperison F2 F2 F2 F1 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F3 F1 Frames F1 F2 F3 Front 2 3 6 Back 2 3 6 Col 4 6 12 E96 Cawangan Jalan. NO.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report UNIT MAKMAL KIRA – KIRA REKABENTUK NO.5 B 2 2.10. JKR. K.… PROJEK : SMK SUNGAI BESAR.….4 3.… CAWANGAN REKABENTUK DAN PENYELIDIKAN IBU PEJABAT. HELAI ……… 2……………. PAKEJ : KBSM RUJUKAN Try RC Piles KIRA – KIRA CATATAN Level (m) 30 (ft) 100 BXB (in) Qs (T) 61 B Qb (T) 3.. Ibu Pejabat JKR.89………..5 5. FAIL ……………………… . DAERAH : SABAK BERNAM.. TARIKH ……4..… PROJEK : SMK SUNGAI BESAR.…... FAIL ……………………… .232/- $31.s.… CAWANGAN REKABENTUK DAN PENYELIDIKAN IBU PEJABAT.28/m 2 Per m $1890/189/- Materials 10% $960/96/- Total Cost $23. PAKEJ : KBSM RUJUKAN Frames Column Loads(T) 10” x 10” @ 30T(30m) at 100 KIRA – KIRA No of Piles 12” x 12” @ 30T(30m) at 100 15” x 15” @ 30T(30m) at 100 CATATAN F1 20 18 F2 29 25 F3 25 21 Total 22 22 22 Rate $0.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report UNIT MAKMAL KIRA – KIRA REKABENTUK NO.0 bearing Pile is of mainly friction E96 Cawangan Jalan. HELAI …… 3.89…………. : 1. Piles Size : 10” x 10” (254 x 254) Length : 1 00’ (30m) Qa : 30T/Pile (300kN Pile) f.o. JKR.6/- $0.C.5 skin 3.……………. NO.30/m 2 Per m $1296/129.…… REKABENTUK OLEH ……… ….32/m 2 Per m $0. K.363/- $45738/- Recommended R. Ibu Pejabat JKR.10.L Page 87 . 0 18. piles 30 m 45 Tonnes Column Position Front Back Front Back Front Back Column Load 20.20 /m. SABAK BERNAM. 2 2 3 3 6 6 22 $31. SELANGOR.232. length ALTERNATIVELY : - Pile dim.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Project : SM.0 21.0 25.Load Frames : : : 305 mm sq.0 Piles/ Column 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL : $47. Bangunan : 2 tingkat Jenis (BD/SC/BDS/SCS) : BD Pile dim.20 No.00 $35.KEB.0 25. length Cost : Piles Req’d.0 21.Load : 30 Tonnes No. Length W.52 /m.L Page 88 .0 18. K.0 25.363. Ibu Pejabat JKR. piles Length : 30 m W.0 29. : 254 mm sq.SUNGAI BESAR. of Frames F1 2 /////////////////////////////// F2 3 /////////////////////////////// F3 6 /////////////////////////////// Cawangan Jalan. of Frames F1 2 /////////////////////////////// F2 3 /////////////////////////////// F3 6 ///////////////////////// ////// Frames Column Position Front Back Front Back Front Back Column Load 20.0 25. 2 2 3 3 6 6 22 $23.0 BD SC BDS SCS = = = = Bilik Da Makmal S Bilik D Makmal Piles/ Column 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL : Cost : Piles Req’d.0 29. : 381 mm sq.FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pile Design Report Project : SM.0 21. Length W. of Frames F1 2 /////////////////////////////// F2 3 /////////////////////////////// F3 6 /////////////////////////////// Cawangan Jalan. Ibu Pejabat JKR.SUNGAI BESAR.KEB.0 29.0 25. piles 30 m 45 Tonnes Column Position Front Back Front Back Front Back Column Load 20.0 18.Load Frames : : : 305 mm sq.L Page 89 . piles Length : 30 m W.00 $69.52 /m. SABAK BERNAM.Load : 30 Tonnes No. K.20 No.30 /m. length ALTERNATIVELY : - Pile dim. SELANGOR. length Cost : Piles Req’d.0 21. of Frames F1 2 /////////////////////////////// F2 3 /////////////////////////////// F3 6 ///////////////////////// ////// Frames Column Position Front Back Front Back Front Back Column Load 20.0 BD SC BDS SCS = = = = Bilik Da Makmal S Bilik D Makmal Piles/ Column 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL : Cost : Piles Req’d.0 25.0 Piles/ Column 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL : $47.0 18. Bangunan : 2 tingkat Jenis (BD/SC/BDS/SCS) : BD Pile dim.363.0 25. 2 2 3 3 6 6 22 $45.0 25.738.0 29. 2 2 3 3 6 6 22 $31.
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