JIS A5373 2004 Precast Prestressed Concrete Products

March 23, 2018 | Author: ariedps | Category: Engineering Tolerance, Concrete, Bending, Precast Concrete, Civil Engineering



JAPANESEINDUSttR:AL STANDARD by Japanese Standards Association Translated and Pub‖ shed ①IIS A 5373つ ∞ 4 Precast prestressed concrete products ICS 91 100 30;9308030 Lference n― ber:Л S A 5373:20040】 ) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 62S A5373:2004 Foreward This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Intlustrial Standard revised by the Minister of Econom5 Trade and Industry, through deliberatione at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee in accordance with the Industrial Standardiration Law. Consequently JIS A 5373 : 2000 ie replaced with JIS A 6373 : 2004. Attention is drawn to the possibiJity that eome parts of tbis Standard may confict with a patent right application for a patent after opening to the public, utility mod.el right or application for registration of utility model after opening to the public which have technical properties. The relevant Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identiffing the patent righ! application for a patent after opening to the public, utfity model right or application for registration of utility mod.el after opening to the public whicb have the said technical properties. Date ofEstablishment: 2000‐ Date ofRevision: 2004‐ 07‐ 20 03‐ 20 Date ofPublic Notice h Omcial Gtttte:2004‐ 03‐ 22 1nvesttgated by: 」apanese lndushial Standards Comm■ ttee Staudarde Board Technical Committee on Civil Engineering JIS A 5373:2004 Rrst English ediuOn PubliShed in 200412 Translated and PubIShed by:JaPaneSe Standards Assodaton 41‐ 4 Akasakら ヽmat∝ L Tokyo′ 10%8440 JAPぶ In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents, the original JIS is to be the final authority. @ JSA 2004 All rights reserved. No part of tlds publication Eray be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any medranicat indudint photocoptng and nicrofil4 witlout permission in wlitint mearrs, elecbotlic or frour the publisher. M&T Printed in Japan PROTECTED BY COPⅧ GHT A5373:2004 Coll"ntB ① PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT A 6373 | 2004 Annex 3 (uormative) f,6laining ..,.,..,,....,......,.... oo pile Closed conduits....................... Recommended specification Annex 4 (normative) srelle 3-1 Preetreesetl concrete sheet ........61 ...........................74 4-1 Prestreeseil concrete tubing .....................................81 Reconmended epecification 4-2 Prestreeged concrete box culvert .................,..,.........92 Reconmended specificatioD Annex 6 (normative) Piles ---.-.--.--...-- Recommended specification 5-1 ........................ 101 Prestreseed concrete pile........................................ 109 ω PROTECTED BY COPmGHT 」APANESE O JIS A 5373:2004 INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Precast prestressed concrete products prccast'concrete proilucts 0rereafter Scope This Japanese Intlustrial Standard specfiee This standld doee not ,"fe""ed to as "PC protlucts") made from preetreeeeal concrete. apply to concrete products for buililinge' 1 2NormativereferencesThefollowiugetanilarilecontrinprovieionswhich,tbrough referenceinthisstanclard,constituteprovisiousoftbisstandarcl.Themostregent tle stanclards (including amendmente) "aitioo" JIS A 0203 Conoete terminologt of inclicated below ehall be applieil' JIS A 1108 Method of testfor compressive strength of conuete JIS A 1132 Method of naHng and curing conoete JIS A 1136 Method of JISA5361 sPecimens test for compressive strenglh of spun concrete Precast concrete ptoducts -General rules for classiftcation, designation otd marking JlsASs62Precastconcreteproducts-.*equiredperformorceandmethodsofwrification JlsASs6sPrecostconcfeteproducts--Generalrttlesformethodsofp*fonnancetest JIS A 5364 product metlods Precdst concrete products--General rules ofmaterials and JIS A 5365 Prccast concrete products-4eneral JIS B 7505 Bourdon for method of inspection tube presstte gauges dISB 172L Yerifcation and calibration t ens i oty'c rules of the ompr e s s i on t e s t ing mach 3 Definitione For purpose force measuring system of tlo in es of this stanilald, the itefiuitions given in JIS A 0203 antl the following defrnitions aPPIY' Group I: by PC products whose conformity with the stated performance is confir8ed actualresults,whicharemanufacturedbase.lonsuchspeci.fication,and whoge recommended specifications are indicated in the annex' Group II: PC proclucts whose performaoce and specifications are defined by the agteement between the parties concerned with clelivery and which are manufactured baseal on euch apecificafious' 4 clasEification PC producte ehall be claesifieal ae indicated in table 1 by the applicatioo. shall be classifred into Group I and Group way how the performance and specifications are defrneil' In ad<Lition, products PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT II depending on the 2 A5373:2004 Table l Chssincation of PC products Application Classifcation auer l. Polee See clauee 2 of the BH■ eS See dauee 2 ofthe anaex 2. See clauge 2 ofthe aanex 3. Re… wallS Cloeeil conaluite See clause 2 of tbe anaex 4. Piles See dause 2 oftbe anner 5. It shall be subj€ct t the ageeEent Other products between the parties coucerned Example Disaster preveltion facilities ilelivery. Remarks 5 : wit! The annexes include Group I having the recommended specficaf,ions and Group II having no recornmended specifications. Qu8firy Appearance shall be teeteil by 9.1 and it ghall be free ftom any flaw' crack, chip, curvature, torsion (in the case of a board-Uke product), etc. which are detrimental to application. Moreover, the water-contact surface of PC products for water channels shall be as smooth as practically acceptable. 5.1 Appearance 5.2 Performance The performance thall confotm to the provisions of table 2' Table 2 Performance of PC Prottuct Application ClassiEcatioo I of the aaaex 1. Poles See dauee Bridgss See clause 3 of the aaoer 2. Retaidag walls See clause 3 of the annex 3, Closed corduits See clause 3 of the anaex 4. PL● See clause E of the Other products d Example Dissst€rpreveDtiol anlex 5. Perfrrmaacg Concret€ items of performaace sha.ll be eelected aaal desiguated accordiug to JIfi A 5362 auil subj8st to tbe agreement betwee! the pafties cooceraed with delivery. Wbeu performarce is dearly corr€lat€d witl product speci.Ecatious (di-uensions, tlaterials, strustur€, etaJ, tbe agteensut nay be replaced by rlesignation of facilities b) ptoiluct specificationg inficatail ia b). Specitrcatiourepreseltirgpetfrroance Dioeusione D 2) Compressive streagth 3) Bar anaagemeot 4) EEective Dlegtress of concrete Shape, dimensions and dimeosional tolerancs Tbe ehape, dimensious dirnensional tolerance shall be as specified in table 3. 6 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 3 A5373:2004 Table 3 Shape,dimenslon3■ nd dinensionaltolerance ofPC producte Application Claseifrcation See clause 4 of the annex 1. Poles See clause 4 of the aunex 2. B五dges See clause 4 ofthe annex 3. Retaining walle See clause 4 of the annex 4. Closed conduits See dause 4 ofthe annex 5. P■ 8 81覚 fI』 dll:ls縫 ° 置 榊 職 静赫 S :preventlon ? Bar arrangement Geinforcement and PC steeD and tolerance of bar anangenent As to the bar arrangement and tolerance of bar aEangement, the bar arrangement it ghall conform to the provisiona of 7.l and' 7 .2. ?.1 Bar arra.ngement Bar arrangemeut (the ninimum covering of reinforcenent ig included) shall be as specified. in table 4. However, when the method is subject to the ehall be measured by 9.3, and agreement between the parties coucerned with ilelivery, ancl it falls within the range which does not clamage the performance of PC products (including provisions of 6.D, the method may be outside of table 4. Manufacturers ehall prepare the bar arrangement drawing for each product and shall preeent it to purchasers upon request. Table 4 Bar arrangement ofPC products Poles Application See clauee 5 ofthe annex 1. Bridges See clause 5 Retaining wans See clause 5 of the annex 3. Closed conduits See clause 5 of the annex 4. Piles See clauee 5 Other proclucts It Claesfication Example Disasterprevention ofthe annex ofthe annex 2. 5. 6hall be specified by manufacturere. faeilitieg PROTECTED BY COPYRIGFr 4 A5373:2004 Information: The general precaution in the caee of planniag bar arrangement is shown below. d the mir:jmum gap of reiaforcement and PC ateel sball exceed V4 of the maximum dimension of coarse'aggr,egate. b) The necessary crosg section area of reinforcement and PC eteel is deciileil fiom etructulal calculation or structural detaile. But, a combination of dia.meter and numbers of reiaforcement and PC eteel whish can eatis& the crose section area is not lirnited to one. The d.iameter and numbers of reinforcement and PC steel shall be selected and arranged in coneiderafion of thickneee of membere of framework and the maximum dimsnaiens of coarge aggregate. They shall also be to ensure complete adhesion bef,ween reiaforcemenVPC steel and coucrete and to distribute selected glgglrin g possibility uniformly. ?.2 Tolerance of bar arrangement Manufactures shall speci.fr the tolerance (t) of bar arrangement for each claes of products, within the range where the ilyu"'nic characterigtics and durability of membere of framework satisfy the predeterrni''ed performance. Note(1): ffue limif of deviation between the reiaforcement position indicated on the bar arrangement drawing ancl the reinforcement position of products. 8 Materials and manufacture method Materials used for PC products and manufacture methode shall be as specified in JIS A 5364. I Test methoda Appearance test An appearance test shall be performed by a visual observation to check for aoy flaw, crack, chip, curvature, toroion (in the case of a boarcl'like product), etc. which are detrimental to application. 9.1 9.2 Performance 5363 and table 6. teet Table The test method of performance shall be as specified in JIS A 6 The performance-test nethod of PC pmducts AoDlication Clsseification Poles See clause 6 of the auex Bttdge● See clauee 6 of ttre alnex 2. Retaililg walls See clause 6 of tle annex 3. Cloeeal conduite See clause 6 of the Piles See clauEe 6 顆 1基 i殿 誕 prevenion auex 1, 4. ofthe annex 5. 愧 盤韻酬踏智臆 de■ vew PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 蹴 =::罵 5 A 6873 : 2004 g.3 Measuremeut of bar arralgement MeaEurement of bar arrangement shall be performeil about reinforcement and PC steel in terme of iliameter/quantity and rninir''um coverlrg. The method ahall be either of the followingMeaeuring method by a non-destructive test The measurement by a noudesbnrctive test ehall use the electromagaetic iniluction metho4 the radar metho4 etc. According to the respective designated measurement manuals, meaaurement shsll be made of the diameter/ quantity snd trhe "ninimum covering of reinforcenent anil PC gteel Measuring Dethod by a rlestructive sample The meagurement by a destructive sample shall be performecl after fi.nishing performance tests, such gg [gnding etrength. The concrete part of the sample shall be chippedi reinforcement thall be exposedi anil measurement shall be made of the diameter/quantity and the minimurn covering of reinforcement and PC steel a) b) MeasuriDg nethod by bar arrangement before plasing If the reinforcement and PC steel position before anil after placing of concrete is not affected by assembly of reinforcement and PC gteel. fixing of the reinforcement and PC eteel to a ftane, anil securing of covering, then tbe reinforcemeut and PC steel position of finisheil protluct nay be presumed by measuring the diqrneter/quantity and the rninirnqg covering before placing concrete. c) 10 Iaspections 10.1 Inspectiou iteme The inspection items of the final inepection carried out by Eanufacturers and the delivery inspection carried out for confirmation at tbe ti:le of delivery shall be as follows. d Final inspection itene 1) Appearauce 2) Performance 3) Shape and dimension b) Delivery inepection items 1) Appearance 2) Shape and dimension Remarks: The delivery inspection items shall be subject to the agteement between the parties concerned with delivery, anrl they may be omitted based on the reeult of final inspection' 10.2 Inepection method The inspection method shall be as specfied iD JIS A and table 6. PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT 5365 6 A5373:2004 Table 6 the inspection method ofPC products Claeeification Poles Bridges Ret,ining wan8 Cloeed couduits Piles Other products Example Disasterprevention facilities 11 Deei$ation of products Application See clause 8 ofthe annex 1. See clauge 8 of the annex 2. See clause 8 of the annex 3. See clause 8 of the annex 4. See clause 8 ofthe annex 5. It shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery. The designation of producte shall be as specified in JIS A 5361. The marking shall be as specified in JIS A 5361' However, if the marking is epecfietl particularly in the annexes of this Standard, the annexee shall prevail. Moreover, about the Group II products, the following shall be markeil on 12 Marking proilucts. a) b) Characters "II" c) Other ueceesarry matters, or its abbreviation Classi.fi.cation (deeigrration epecified. by manufacturers), or ite abbreviation Manufacturers ghall submit the report about the appearance' performance, shape, dinension, etc. of products, when they are so requested by purchasers- 13 Report PROTECTIrD BY COmGHT 7 A5373:2004 Annex 1 (normative) Poles scope Thie annex specifies Group I and Group II of poles which are mainly used for utility poles among the precast prestreseecl coucrete proilucts epecified in JIS A 1 53?3. 2 Cla$ification The claesifrcation of poles shall be as epecified in F''nex 1 table In adclition, Group I ehall be as specified in annex I table 2. Auex I table 1 The dassification of poles Anner I Claes 2 2 The claesification of Group I of poles Powe! tra:raE ission, power Crack test load ilietribution. connunication, signal, etc. the line in a railroad a:rd a track (a trolley coach ie See the Reconmen<led sp ecification 1'1. Crack test beniling moment inclurled) , etc. 3 Detail Classlcatbn by a check Classification by application Classin‐ ca饉 on Claee 1 tabtre 1' Performance The performance of poles ehall conform to the provisions of annex 1 table 3. Annex l table Performance item 3 Performance of polee Performance check Performaace method to the regular load aesumed at See a design document or slause 6 of the annex the time of uee, and crack wiilth ehall be Service performance I within the allowance. See a rlesign ilocurnent Endstagettrf° rmance It ehall not breal for the Ioad assu.med at the or clauge 6 of tlre annex time of end stage. It ehall be safe A deflection shall be within the aDowance to the regular load aseumeal at the tine of use. Deflection 0 Durability shall be eecwed against deterioration aesumed. Workability for traneport, ingtallation, Procedure performance assemblv. etc. ehall be secured. Durab上 け PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT See a design document or clause 6 of the annex l. See a <Iesign docunent or reeulte. See a design docunent or results. 8 A5373:2004 Notee (1) Confirmation of the ead etage performance shall be made when so requested by purchaeere. e) Durability rnay be confirmed by the actual resultg of such eimilar products as are equivalent iq terms of water-cement ratio and reinforcement covering. Remarks : The performance items of Group II ehall be eubject to the agreement between the partiee concerned with delivery. 4 Shrfe, dimension and dirnensional tolerance As to poles, the shape, .lime[Bion and di-eneional tolerance ehall be specified as follows. As to Group I, if the clesign concept ia not different, and if the performance (quality) and performance (qualiW) check method are the eame, the refereuce dimension may be changecl within 10 % in response to purchaser's ilemand, provided that the necessary performance ie satisfred. 4.1 Shape lhe shape of poles is shown in aunex 1 informative figure 1. Unlt:m rn tfuiokngsg ●3 2日 電 日3 ぢ, m Botton Supporti-ug L● adlng poi.Dt p● llnt Tip a) Tapered hollow huncateil cone Uit:mm Thicknese Bottom Suppottirg Loattng Tゎ poht Point b) Ilollow cylinder Anne: I informative figure I Example of shape of poles 4.2 Dimension and dimensional tolerance lhe dimension ancl dimensional tolerance of the Gmup I prcducts ehall be as specified in annor 1 table 4. However, a cap and a bottom cover are not included in the length. The dimension and dimensional tolerance of the Gn:up tr products sball be subject to the agleement between the parties concerned with delivery. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 9 A5373:2004 Annex Claegification Dinen‐ SIOn Preetressed concrete poles 1 4 The dirnension and dirneneioual tolerance Bottom Tip Thickness Length dinmeter iliameter 230t。 450 120 to 220 See a deeign 7 to 17 mm mm document. m table +Not *50mm specifieil rance -10 mm -0 nm Remarks l The"dinmeわ r,bottom diameter Diameter 300 to 400 mm +4mm -2mm Tole‐ and di・ meter shan be the average oftWo values meaeuted along the orthoaxis. 2Thethicknesssha]lbetheaverageoffourvaluesmeaguredaloogthe orthoaxis in one cross eecbion of end face of main body' Bar anangpment (roeitions of PC steel alcl reinforcement) The bar arrangement of poles is baeed on JIS A 6364 and a design document' In aililition, a mauufacturer ehall define the bar arrangement which satisfres clause 6 3 for every product. 6 Test method compreseive-strength test A conpressive'strength test is baseal on JIS A 1132 and JIS A 1108, or JIS A 1136. 6.2 Bending strength test A bendi:rg strength test ie baseil on JIS A 6363' 6.1 Renarks : A tester shall be Grade one or higher specifietl in JIs B 7721, or shall have the allowance which ie equivalent to or better than thie' 7 Quality of concrete ?.1 Material and nanufacture method The material for concrete antl maoufacture method are basecl on JIS A 5364' ?.2 compressive streugth Tbe compressive strength of concrete shall be verifieil by the compressive strength of a specimen which was processecl by the same cure ae the product, or the compressive strength which was controlled properly' When the predetermined cure has been finished, the strength ehall be 50 N/mm2 o! more' 1.? Moreover, the compressive strengths at the time of prestress introduction ehall be or more tinee the prestress given at a supporting point, and 1'3 or more times the prestress given at a load point, and at the eame time 25 N/mm2 or more' In adilition, products of Group II shall be subject to the agreement between the parties coucernecl with delivery. Remarks : The compressive strength of coucrete may refer to JIS A 5364 annex (informative). 8 Inspection Inspection is baseal on JIS A 6365 anil the following' g.1 Final inspectiou The frnal inspection shall be conducted about appearance' performance, shape, and dineneion. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 10 A 5379 : 2004 a) Appearancs About appearance, the characterietics of a product, manufacture method, manufacture quantity, etc. ehall be considered, and a total inspection or a ge'nFling inspectiou ehall be performed. b) Performance, shape and dirneusion About performance, shape and ilimeneiou, a sampling inspection ehall be perforned. When the performance is inepected by a specimen as alt€rnative characteriatic, correlation ehall be established between the specimen and the product. d Size of inspection lot fhe eize of inepection lot ehall be specified by a manufacturer by coneiclering the characterietics of a prod.uct, a manufacture methocl, manufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. Within one inspection lot, the characteristics, the materials used, concrete mixing ratio, and the manufacturing method ehall be the eame. 8.2 Delivery inspection The delivery inspection of polee shall be made about fire eize of inspection lot and the sampling method shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery. appearatrce, shape and dirnsnslga. However, the delivery inspection ghall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be omitted based on the result of fi-rral inspection. 9 Markiag f\s 6slking of poles ehall be marked the following according to JIS A 5361. d Claseification or itg abbreviation b) c) Manufacturer'e name or its abbreviation Date of manufacture or its abbreviation L0 Othere Group I ofpoles is ehown in annex 1 table 5. Anner 1 table Structure-specific product group etandald Л S A 5373 annex 1 (normative) Poles 6 Recommencled epecification Recommended specification Recommendeil epecification 1-l Prestressed concrete poles PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 11 A5373:2004 Reeommended specifrcation 1-1 Prestressed concrete poles 1 Scope This reconnoended speciffcation epecifies the group I preetressed concrete poles (hereafter referred to as "poles") o-oug the aunex 1 of JIS A 53?8. Remarks I Poles which are baged on the detaile of this recommended speci-fication 1'1 and which are manufactured by proper quality control shall be deemed to conform to clauge B of the annex 1 of JIS A 6373. 2 If the reference rlimgnsiol has been chauged within the range shown in clauee 4 of the annex 1 of JIS A 6373, a manufacturer muet present the following clata to a purchaser, when so requested, The clata must state conformity of the pole to clause 3 of the annex 1 of JIS A 6373 which hae been demoustrated by the design document or performauce test, 2 Classification The claeeification ofpolea ghall be Claes 1 and Clase 2. a) Clase 1 shall be classified according to a d.i.meoeion and a crack test load as shown in recommended speci.fication 1'l table 1. b) Claee 2 shall be clasei-fied according f6 4 dirnsqsien and a crack test bending moment ag sho\,en iD recommended specfication 1-1 table 2, 3 Performance 3.1 Bending sheueth flg lsnding etrength of body of clase 1 polee shall be specifred it is subjected to fhs Sslding strength test epecified in clause 6 and to as follows. When the crack teet load specified in recommended specification 1-1 table 1, it shall not generate the crack which ie wider than 0.26 mro. When this crack test load ie removed" the crack wider than 0.05 mm ehall not be present. Moreover, the deetructive load shall be at leaet twiee the crack test load specified in recommended specification 1-1 table 1. The bending strength of body of Class 2 poles shall be specified as follows. When it is subjected to the benrling strength test specified in clause 6 and to the crack test bending moment specified in recommended apecifcation 1-1 table 2, it shall not geDerate the crack which is wider than 0.25 mm. When this erack test bending moment is removeil, the crack wider than 0.05 mm shall not be present. Moreover, the destructive bending moment shall be at least twice the crack tegt bending moment speci.fred in Recommended specification 1-1 table 2. 3.2 Deformation The deformation of class 2 poles shall be specified as follows. When it is subjected to the bending strength test specifiecl in clause 6 and to 2/3 of the crack test bending monent specified in recomneniled specification 1-1 table 2, the deflection of a 8 m pole at 6 m from the supporting point and the deflection of a 9 m or longer pole at 7 m from the supporting point shall not exceed ?b mm. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 12 A5373:2004 4 ShapeD Himension and… nsiOnal tolerance 4.l Shape The shape ofa pdeis based on theお bwing. O Cla88 1 Shan be a tapered truncated cone as shown in re∞ l‐ mmended specincadon 1五 gure l. b)aass 2品 ・ ■be a hollow山 &r asぬ avn in recommended sp∝ 五 nl‐ “ 16_2. “ Unit:mm Thidoees Length Thickneee ︼0゛Od口‘“一 ︲ 日0〓Om Taper l′ 75 111[「 可 [ladngpOlnt 三E5:戸 Loadlng Tゎ pour! p● ht Shape Ofcla88 1 Becommended specification 1-1 figure 1 Unit Thickne88 ●8 0日 綱 ∩ 椰 Haght ofloaぬ g bOttOm S"pFg Recommended sped面 にation -- Thickness polnt l‐ 111ュロo2 gTわ 電器 Shape ofchss 2 4.2 Di.mension snd dirnelsisnpl tolerance Ttre dimension of poles shall be as specified in recommended specification 1'1 table I and recommendecl specification 1-1 table 2. Ths diynspsienal tolerance ehall be as epecified in recommenderl specification 1'1 table 3. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 13 A5373:2004 Recommeuileil specification 1-l table 1 Diroeuaion ancl crac& teet load (dase 1) Crack test IIeittt Of 8uげ Length g load fip diameter ′ kN mm m m 120 140 190 220 1.5 11.35 2.4 15 12.25 2.5 16 13.25 2.5 17 14.25 2.5 Remarks: A taper shan be lノ 75. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 5.0 7.0 10 5.0 7.0 5 1 14 0 1 2.2 5 1 10.55 0 1 13 0 0 0 5 .7 .1 2.0 7 9.75 5 0 0 12 3 5 2.0 0 0 1.9 5 7 8.86 5 11 3 2.5 0 2.0 5 7 1.7 5 0 8.05 3 10 5 2.5 0 2.0 5 1.5 3 7.25 0 9 4.3 5 1.4 5 6.35 3 8 5 3 0 3 4 5 1.2 5 0 5.55 1 2 7 10 14 A5373:2004 Length Reconmended epecification 1-1 table 2 Dimeneion and crack teet bending noment (dass D Height of Height of Qlgck t€gtlsa.ling Eometrt at suppottilg poi.Dt load point kN'm BuppoJttng pont Ъ ′ ′ ′ eT Dhme"r pe N 助 Diameter Em m 菫 m 8 6.35 1.4 65 0   5 5   6 9 7.25 15 65 0   5 5   6 m m 10 8.05 17 65 11 8.85 1.9 65 12 9.75 2.0 65 13 10.55 2.2 14 11.35 2.4 350 400 350 0   5   5 5   6   7 0 1 . R︶ 5 7 6 110 。 9 O 5 110 0 0 ︲ 9   1 5  5 6  7 110 0 0 9   1. 0   5   5 5   6   7 Remarke 300 75 : I}pe N and Type T i.u the table are the type symbol classified by fistribution of the bending nonent. The magrritude and tbe distributiou map of the bending moment according to type are ehown below. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 15 A5373:2004 I:rp€ N 助 / /' : [.,ength of a pole M : Crack : eT Height of a supporting point test bending moment shown in recommendecl specification 1-1 table 2 Recomnended specification 1-1 tabtre $ li4qttgisnel tolerance Unit : mm Length Thlckness Dhen・ 7t● 17 See tlesign SlOn Kml docunent. Dimen' sional tolerance +50 + Not specified Classificatiou Prestreseed conclete poles R"marke -10 ilianeter Bottom tliameter Di.aDeter 120 to 220 230 to 450 300 to 400 Tip -0 +4 -2 1 The tip diameter, bottom diameter and cliameter shall be the average of two values meaeured along the orthoaxis. 2 The thickness ehall be the average of four values measured along the orthoaris in one crose section of end face of main body. 5  0 Bar arraugement Tbe bar arrangement of pole ie baeed on the following. PC steel anil a longitudinal reinforcement shall be arranged as uniformly as possible over the croes sectiotr of a pole. b) The gap of PC steel and a longitudi''al reinforcement shall be one or more times their diameter, and shall be 5/4 or nore times the maxinum dimension of a coarse aggregate. However, when the gap of PC steel and a longitudinal reinforcement decreased below the €pesifieal value by attaching the accessory, etc', it shall be checked that concrete is compacteil enough by the centrifugal conpaction. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 16 A 6373 : 2004 c) An additional bar ehall be spirally ananged on the outeide of PC eteel and a longitudinal reinforcement. An aclditional bar shall be 2.7 am or more in di""'eter. The pitch ehall be 150 mm or less. the covering shall be 9 mm or more and 1 or more ''nes the diameter of PC eteel d and a lougitudinal reinforcement. e) When q'slding an additional bar with PC eteel or a longitudinal reinforcement, it ehall be guaranteed that welding doee not tlecrease their mechanical characteristics below each specified value. 6 Strength test Conpreeeive-atrength teet 6.1 ofthe annex 1 of JIS A 6373. 6.1 6.2 Bencling'strength JIS A 6373. Remarke : A compressive-strength test of concrete is test A bending'strength based ou teet is based on 6.2 of the annex 1 of A teBter shall be Grade one or higher specifieil in JIS B 7721, or shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than thie' ? Quafif of coucrete The compressive strength of concrete is baeed on 7'2 of the annexlofJISASSTS. 8 Inspectiooe 8.1 a) Inspection iteme The inspection items of poles are baseal on the following. Final inspection 1) Appearance 2) Performance 3) Shape and dimeneion b) Delivery irepection D Appearance 2) Shape ancl dimension Remarks : The tlelivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and result of frnal inspection. it may be omitteil based on the Tnepection lot The size of inspection lot of pole shall be decided by a manufacturer who considere the characteristics of prod.ucts, mauufacture methocls, manufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. The delivery inspecf,ion shall be subject to the agreement between the parties eoncernetl with ilelivery, and shall be decided by a purchaser. I{owever, one lot may be 3 000 pieces or its fraction. a.2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 17 A5373:2004 8.3 1n3peCtion lnethod The inspection inethod Of a pole is based on the fo¨ g. め Final ilDSpeCtlon l)J"pearonce Appearance shan be subjected to vlsua1 100%hSpeC“ n.If the productS COnfOrm to the provision of 5.l ofJISA5373,they shan be accepted. 21 Perfomance The bending crack strength shau be inspected as fouows.Take two n both 8'7npleS∞ nform arbitrary samples Lom olle lot and test them by 6.2.職 tO provls■ on Of 3.1,the 10t Shan be a∝ eptedo When they fdL the bt shan be m the bt.If au reJected.Whn only One ofthem fails,take cther four snmples“ samples conform to the provislon,the lot shan be accepted ttter eliminating nonconfommg snmpleO.If even one s,7nple does not COnform to t the 10t Sha■ be re〕 ected. c strength Shau be inspected as fonows.Take each of the The bending destrac減 ヽ 働rst tto s'7npleS inspected at the berdhg crack strength test and test it by 6.2. When both Samples conform to proVISlon of 3.1,the lot shau be accepted.When nform to the they ttt take Other ttO Snmples ttom the lot.If an snmples∞ pro宙 sbn,the lot shau be ac∝ pted after eb」 hattg nOnconfO… gs,mple(0.If MOreovet PC even One sample does not cOnform to lt,the bt shall be rejecteと steel and bar arrangement Shau be inspected about the reinforcement which was assembled before placing concrete,or about a pole whose destructive strength Was h8peCtea rit conforms to the provlslon Of dause 5,the lot shau be accepted. 3)Shape and dimenttm For hspec檄 )n of shape and Rimenslon,take arbitrary be s,mples from one lot.r they∞ nfom t● the provision of dause t the lot sha■ accepted.Ifeven one s,7nple does not conform,the lot shan be inspected 100%.If the lot conforms tO the pro宙 sion,lt shan be accepted. D Delivery inspection l) Appearance lnspection of appearance Shau be lllade li■ eω . For s,mphg hspectlon,,ake two arbitrary samples.If they c9nfOrm to 5.l of nform,the lot JIS A 5373,the lot sha■ be a∝ epted.If even one snrnple does nOt∞ shan be inspeCted 100%.If the lot conforlns to the provlslon,it Shan be accepted. Яimensbn shau be made like O. 21 Shape and dimens■ on lnspectlon ofshape and 9 Mar■ ing The marking on poleお basedon ЛS A 5361 and ЛS A 5373. In addition,Class l shan inttate the length Cml,a tip diameter(cO,and a crack test load CkNl,and Class 2 8han indicate the length On),a diameter lcm),a type symbol, and the crack test benこ ng moment αN・ m) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 18 A5373:2004 Annex 2 (normative) B五 dges 1 Scope This annex specifies Group I and Group II of bridges which .1s 6oinly us€d for highway bridges among the precast prestresseil concrete proilucte specified iu JIfi A 63?3. 2 Classification The clagsification of briilgee shall be as specified in annex 2 table In addition, Group I ghall be as specified in annex Anner 2 table MaiOrこ 宙SiOn 1 2 table 2. CLassification of briilges Ⅳ五nor diwision The bridge beams for highway bridgee B五 dge The bridge beam for light load slab b五 dges 鳳鋤 beam Bridges The eegment of bridge beam for highway bridge The precast plate for composite deck slab Precast deck slab for highway bridges Others Auex 2 table 2 Claseification of Group I bridges 8 m 呻 a e b Claeeification by application/shape The bridge beams for highway bridrS(a Detdl See the Recommended hght・ bad 81ab b五 dge beam) soecGcation 2'1. See the The segment (r) of bridge beam for Recommended highway bridge soecification 2-2. See the The precast plate for corrposite deck slab Recommended sDecification 2'3. Deck slabs See the Precast deck slab for highway b二 dges Recommended soecilication 2'4. product precast product Note(1): Tl re Drecast PC which becomes one bridge bridee beam beam by assenbling a set of eeveral segments of PC eteel. slab briage bealln,a beam b五 dge bealn, PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT 1, 19 A5373:2004 3 Performance The performance of b五 dges shan conform to the provlsIOnS Of annex 2 table 3. Anner 2 Performaace iten Service perforaance pe乳 蠍 。 Duabiliw (8) Workability table 3 Performance of bridges The performance check Performal'ce method It shall be safe to the regular loail aseumed at See a design. tlocument the time of use, and crack width ehall be within or dauee 6 of the auex an allowance. , It Ehall not break for the loed aesuned at the time of end stage. See a desiga document. Durability eball be Becurcal agailet aleterioratiou aggumed. See a design docurnent or a record. WorLability for traasport, installatiou, assembly, etr. shall be secureil. See a design docum.eut ot a !e@ro. Notes (2) Confirmation of the end stage performance requested by purchasers. (3) Durabfity may shall be nade when so be confrrmed by the actual results of such similar products ae are equivalent in terms of water - cement ratio and reinforcemeot covering. Remarks : The performance items of Group II shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned. with delivery. 4 Shape, dimensioo and cli.mengiotral tolerance As to bridges, the shape, dirnsnsiea, aad dimensional tolerance ehall be ae specified as followe. As to Group I, if the design concept is not di.fferent, and if the performance (qualif) and performance (quality) checl method are the eame, the reference dimeneion may be changed within 10 % in response to purchaeer's demand, proviiled that the necessary performance is satisfied. The changing range of reference dimension for bridge beams for highway briilges anil precast deck slabe for highway bridges ghall be subject to the recomeuded specification- 4.1 ShrFe The shape of bridges is shown in annex 2 informative d frgures I to 4. BAage be""'s for bighway bridgee The shape of the bridge beams for highway bridges is ehown in annex 2 informative frgure 1. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 20 A5373:2004 =﹁ち 目 (Shb bridge beaD (Be"'. b;6O O"- Wldth Qhtloadshb b五 dge Ann* beanl informative fuure 1 E.-'rnple of shape of the bridge beams for highway bridges 2 PROTECTED BY 00PYHGHT 21 A5373:2004 Se鵬 1:LlifFE、 を 1譴lSeThe ShapeOfthe segmentforbridgebeamsi88hOWn Cmss section of Crose section of eupporting point l:rernple of shape of the segmeuts for brid.ge beams nidtlle part Annex 2 iaformative figure 2 re.cast for composite 4eck- slabs The ehape -platee-8. of the precaet plates for conposite deck slabs is shown in annex 2 informative ficure P. ooo●諷〓 〓い Anner 2 informative fuure B F.-e"'ple of shape of the precast plates for composite rteck elabe cD Precaet deck glabs for highway brifuee The shape of the precast deck slab for highway bridgee is shown in annex 2 infornative fi.gure 4. ●00口“2 〓 い 0 』 , ξ ` Deck direstion middle palt cross C コ e€ction Deck direction eupport part に │ crosa section Anaex 2 iaformative figure 4 trlrernple of shape of the prec-st deck sl;bs fd highway bridgee 4.2 Dimeneion and diynensional tolerance The dimeneion and dimensional tolerance of the Group I products shall be as specified in annex 2 table 4 anil table b. The dirngnsioa and dimensioual tolerance of the Group II products shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery. d nriage beam The dimengion and rrimspsi.nal tolerance of a bridge beam shall be as specified in annex 2 table 4. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 22 A5373:2004 Annex 2 table 4 The dirnsDaioa and dirnensional tolerance ofa brifue beam Height or thicknees Claesification Dimens hght・ 10ad elab ± 5 ±5 225 to 400 700 Spnn length厠 5.3t● 24 ん≦10m ± lo In the case of か 10m 土〃l ooo(う Spon length Z G0 5.3t● 13.5 In the case of Toler' bttge beam Length CdOng b五 dge adsl In the case of ance eion dsl 700 1000 Toler. Dimen' ddar to b五 dge 350 to ion Slab brilge benm Wldth lperpeコ ance ± 5 ± 5 ± 10 Z≦ 10 xn In the case of ±〃1000K41 I>101n Dimen' 900 to Be"'" bridge beam 800 1300 sion Toler・ ± ance ± 5 0 t 0 0 3 0 0 4 1 Dinen' 5 3 1300 Upper width Segment for +10 bridge beams +lo Toler' -o -5 ance lnwer width +5 : Note({) The beam length Zis expressed with mm. sion b) Deck elabs The dimeneion snd Beam length Z 6r) 24j tB.6 to ±〃1000(う Segmentlength Zω 4.05 to l1 5 +lo dirnea5i6aal tolerance of deck slabs shall be as specified in annex 2 table 5. Annex 2 table ! lls dirnsnsion and di"'ensional tolerance of dee"k alab Unit : mm Width Classfication Thicknese (along bЁ dge The precast plate for composite deck slab Precast deck slab for highway bridgea di“ ∝bnl Dhen・ 70"120 +5 -2 ●10■ Toler' ance Dimen' sion Toler・ ance 轟 240t。 320 厖 340 to 420 +10 0 998 +5 -3 Length Oerpenttular t● b五 dge m PC plate span length Zい 1 45 to 3.00 +lo -5 1990 Deck length Z(ml +5 -10 +20 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 7.9 to 18.5 0 0 23 A5373:2004 5 Bar anangement 6osition of PC steel and reinfOrcementp Bar arrangement 6osttion Of PC steel and reinforcementu Shan be as specined in Лs A 5364 and a design docilment.However,when the method is subiect tO the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery7 and it fans w比 h the range which does nOt dnmage the perfo.ttance of products Cnduこ ng prO宙sion8 0f Clauseめ ,the methOd may be outside the bar arrangement 6osition of PC sttel and reinforcementl of re∞ mmended speciEcation. 6 Test methOd 6.l Compresslve‐ strenn test A compress市 e‐ strength test is based on JIS A l132 nnd JIS A l108. 6_2 Bending test A bending testis based On」 IS A 5363 As shownin annex 2五 re 四 l and igure 2,apply the load Fwhich is equ■ valent to the crack test bending moment, and check for any cracks. In addition,perfO._the test a■ er cOnttng that the cOmpresslve strength of a test piece is equal tO Or II10re than the specined value. Remarks: A te8樋 r● han be Grade one or higher spectted in Л S B 7721,Or shan have the anownnce which is equ■ valent t。 。r better than this. Load Fis cOmputed by the fOnowing fOrmula. ― 万″ ・ F={に rd。 g )x.│ち }― 恥 ere,F:L● a出 電10ad α詢 ″:Cra■ stbendingmomentCkN‐ ml y・ :Bending mOment bypЮ ducttare lkN‐ ω “ ・:Mass of10adingequlpment ″ α∂ ′Span(■ 0 ●:L●ading poュ血 h the case ofa b」 dge benm く10m h the case Of′ ≧lom ln the case of′ 『 LOad be,m o.500 o.750 麗accelerattOn(9.81m/sう 膜 撥趙 聯 総樹 ま 盤脳i麟宙tational :p電 Load F PROTECTED BY CoPYRIGHT 24 A5373:2004 Annex 2 figure t The baaiis method (in the caee of the brid.ge beo,r,s for highway brfulges, aad the precaet plates for conposite deck slabe) Unit:mm Load bean bar O Deck fOrtwO main be口 m8 D Deck fOrthree main beams Round Counterweight Steel plate Collnte「 口eight c) Deck for bur 4cin Annex 2 figure 2 [rgarns Tte loading nethod (in the case of the precast deck slabs for highway brfuIges) 7 Qualit5r of concrete 7.1 Material and manufacture method rhe material anil manufacture method for concrete are based on JIS A 8364. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 25 A 5373 : 2004 7.2 Compreeeive strength The compreasive strength of concrete ehall be verified by the conpreesive strength of sample which wae processed by the same cure as the product, or the compreesive etrength which wae controlled properly. When the predetermined cure is frniehed, the etrength shall satisfy the value specified in annex 2 table 6. In addition, products of Group II ehaU be subject to the agreement between the parties mncerned with delivery. Annex 2 table 6 the conpreasive strength of concrete Unit:N/mm2 Cla● s過 にajon The compressive etrength of concr€te At the time of prestreee Slab brtge beЯ ms introduction At the time of quality asgurance 35 or more 50 or nore hght・ load 81ab b五 dge benvns 42 or more 70 or more beams Beam bridge beams 36 or more 60 or more Segnents for bridge beame ∞mposite :[:itilb:lates for deよ dabtt br hlghway 35 or more 50 or more 30 or m.ore 50 or more 35 or more 60 or E ore 嗽轟 Britlge 躙 Remarke: The cornpreesive Btrength of concrete may refer to JIS A bg64 aanex(informative). 8 luspectiou Inspection is based on JIS A 6B6i and the following. 8-1 ffug finnl ilspection The fi.nal inspection of bridges is conducted about appearance, performaoce, shape, and dimeneion. a) Appearauce About appearance, the characterietic of a prod.uct, the manufacture method, manufacture quautity, etc. ehall be cooaidered, and a 100 % inspection ehall be performed. b) Performance, shape, and dimension About the performance, shape, and dirneaEiop, a 100 ok inspection or a sanpliag inspection shall be performed. when the performance is inspected by a sample as alternative characteristic, correlation shall be established between the sample and the product. c) size of ilapection lot The size of inspection lot shall be specified by a manufacturer by considering the characteristice of a product, a nanufacture method, manufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. within one inepection lot, the characteristics, the materials ueed, concrete mixing ratio, and the manufacturing method shall be the same. PROTECTED BY COPmGHT 26 A 6373 : 2004 8.2 Delivery inepection The delivery inspection of bridges shall be made about appearance, shape, and dimengion. The eiz€ of inspection lot and the sampling nethod ehall be subject to the agreement between the partiee concerned with delivery, and ehall be determined by a purcbaser. However, the delivery inapection shall be eubject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, aad it may be omitted baeeal on the result of final inspecfion. I Ma*ing The marking on bridges shall indicate the following according to JIS A 6361. a) Claesfication or itg abbreviation b) A manufacturet's name or its abbreviation c) A date of manufacture or ite abbreviation 10 Othere The Group I of bridges is ehown in annex 2 table ?. Annex 2 table Structure-specific product Sroup standard 5373 annex 2 beams 6omative) B五 dges Recommended specifrcation Recommended specificatiou B五 dge Л SA 7 Deck plates Recommended specfication 2.l Bridge beams for highway brideee Recommeuded specfication 2-2 Segments for bridge beame for highway bridee Recommended specification 2-B Precast plateo for composite deck slabs Recomneaded specifi.cation 2'4 Precast deck slabs for highway bridges PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 27 A5373:2004 Recommended specifrcation 2- 1 Bridge beams for highway bridges I Scope This recommended epecification speeifies the Group I bridge beamg for higbway bridgea (hereafter referred to as "bridge beams") among the annex 2 of JIS A 5373. Remarke 1 A bridge beq"' which wae based on the details of thig recommended specification 2-1 aud which was manufactured by proper quality control shall be deened to conform to clauee 3 of the annex 2 of JIS A 6373. 2 If the informative dirnension hae been changed within the range shown in clauee 4 of the annex 2 of JIS A 5373, a manufacturer must present the following data to a purchaser, when so requested. The data must state conformity of the bridge beam to clause 3 of the annex 2 of JIS A 6373 which hae been demonetrated by the design d.ocument or perfornance test. 2 Classification Brid.ge beams are classified into the ordinary bridge beam and the light'load bridge beam. They are claseified by thet statrdard span as shown in recommended epeci.fi.cation 2-l tables 1 to 3. !.! d Qldine.y fuldge beerns SIab bridge beo"'e 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 ca饉 ●Il AS05 AS06 AS07 AS08 AS09 AS10 ASll AS12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AS14 ■5 AS16 AS17 AS18 AS19 AS20 AS21 AS22 郎 23 AS24 350 350 400 400 450 450 450 450 500 500 550 600 650 700 750 750 800 850 900 950 beadiXgmornent catloュ 148 170 BS05 BS06 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS10 BSll BS12 BS13 BS14 BS15 BS16 BS17 BS18 BS19 BS20 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 211 253 294 338 370 405 478 532 616 702 862 962 1050 1 150 1 270 1470 1630 1830 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT ¨ ﹄ 市 Tbe classifrcation ald crae.k tegt bending moment of slab bridge beams Live load A Lve load B Cla● sIIl・ Clack test じlass■, Crack test ﹄ ¨ 品 S ¨ 一   ¨ m Recommended epesification 2-1 table 1 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 500 550 600 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 belldi」 momellt 寺 153 182 227 271 314 370 433 475 526 610 696 764 863 960 1 140 1260 1440 1640 1780 2020 28 A5373:2004 Remarke 1 2 3 4 6 6 b) Or<lina:y bridge beo"' Bridge beans used for the national expressway, national highway, prefectural road and important municipal toad, or other important roads specified by Road Tr"ffrc Law. Live troad A Live load which assumes the comparatively low situation of the run frequenry of a large-size vehicle among the design vehicle l66ding ofRoad Structure Order. Live load. B Live load which asaumes the comparatively high situation of the run frequency of a large-size vehicle "'"oug the design vehicle losding sfRoad Structure Order. The centerto'center spaciug of bridge beam ae a bridge shall not exceed 0.77 m. When used for a bridge, a bridge beam shall have the angle of skew of 60 degrees or more. The span used may be longer than the etandard span by 0.2 m or less, and shorter, by 1 m or less. Bearn bridge beerng 暴 呻   m classification and crac,k test bending moment of beam bridge beams d S lte Xecommeuded specification 2-l table 2 live load A Classification Be・ m Crack teet bendi.ng'moment height kN'n mnl Clageifi' cation hve load B Crack teet height bending-moment Beam mm kN'm BG18 1000 1450 19 AG19 1000 1000 BG19 1500 20 AG20 1000 BG20 1100 1790 21 AG21 1100 BG21 1100 1910 22 AG22 1100 BG22 1200 2270 23 AG23 1200 BG23 1200 2300 24 AG24 1200 BG24 2690 1300 Remarka 1 The center-to-center spacing of bridge bean as a britlge ghall not AG18 18 1270 1490 1560 1890 1920 2280 2310 900 exceed 1.08 m. 2 When used for a bridge, a bridge beam shall have the angle of skew of 70 degrees or more. 3 The epan used may be longer than the etandard span by 0.2 m or less, and shorter, by 1 m or less. Light-loail bridge beame PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 29 A537312004 m ︸   ﹄ ¨ m ¨ い     m Recomnended specifrcation 2-l table 3 S ClaseiGoatiou and crack test beniling nonent of light-loail slab bridge beams Classifi' Crack test cation bencling' moloent 5 LS05 225 76.1 6 LS06 225 93.7 7 LS07 225 108 8 LS08 250 t32 9 LS09 275 168 10 LS10 300 207 11 LSll 350 258 12 LS12 375 320 13 LS13 400 376 Remark 1 2 3 4 3 kN'm Lright-loaal briilge beame Bridge beam used for the road which ie Dot specified in Road Tlalflc Law, and where a design Ioail is emaller than the ordinary bridge bean. The center-to.center spacing of bridge beam ae a bridge shall not exceed 0.77 m. When used for a bridge, a bridge beam shall have the angle of skew of 60 degtees or rnore. The span used may be longer than the standard span by 0.2 n or less, and ehorter, by 1 m or less. Performance 3.1 Bending shength The bencting strength of bridge beams ehall be specified as followe. When it is subjected to the bending strength test specified in clause 6 and to the craek test beuding'moment specified in recommended specification 2-1 tables l to 3, it ehall not generate any crack. 4 Dinension and dimensional tolerauce T[s di'nsasietr and dirnensional to]erance of bridge beams ehall be as specified in anuex 2-1 frgures 1 to 3 and table 4. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 30 A5373:2004 Re∞nunended 8pedEha面 bn 2‐ 1長 興 el 轟粗 盤電躙 鋼 蹴 為 Re∞ mmended specincation 2‐ 1無 興 “ b酬 躙 U五 t:mm 臨 Recottttttended specification 2-1 fuure 3 The ehape and dinensioa of a slab bri<lge beam fght-load bridge beam) Recomnendeil specification 2-1 table 4 Dinensioual tolerance Unit : nm Claesification Tolerance in the case of ± 10 10m In the case of 多 ン10m +一 Beamlength L Z≦ (う I'he outside dirnension of ±5 crosg gection Camber (2) of ± bridge beams Deflection of the transverse 10 clirection Notes (r) The beam length Z ie expressed expressed with mm. 80 う ↓ This ehall be the value of the ceuter of a epan. Make one set of number of the bridge beams used for one span, and tbis shall be tolerance of the average of camber. PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT 2 31 A 5373 : 2004 5 Bar arrangenent The bar arrangenent of brifue beams is based on a design ilocument and the following. d The covering of reinforcement and PC steel shall be 26 mm or more. b) The gap of reinforcement and PC steel shall be 20 mm or more. As to PC steel, the gap ehall be tbree times or more a dianeter, and at the same time 43 or more times the maximum dimsnglsD of a coarse aggregate. c) A reinforcement and PC steel shall be free ftom looee scale, oil, etc. which damage adheeion of concrete, and shall be assembled aod fixed to the accurat€ poeition. 6 Strength teet 6.1 Compressive-etrength teet The compressive'streugth test of bridge beams is based on 6.1 of the annex 2 of JIfi A 5373. 6.2 Bending JIS A 5373. Remarks test : The bending test of bridge beams is baeed on 6.2 of the annex 2 of A tester shall be Grade one or higher specifi.eil in JIS B 7721, or shall have the allowance which ig equivalent to or better than thie. 7 Quality of coucrete The compressive strength of concrete is based on 7.2 of the annex 2 of JIS A 5373. 8 Inspections 8.1 Inspectiou items The inspection items of brifue beams are based on the following. d Findinepection 1) Appearance 2) 3) Performance b) Shape anrl dimension Delivery inspection 1) Appearance 2) Shape xnd dimsnsistr Remarkg: The deUvery inspection shall be subject to the agreereent between the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be omitted baeed on the reeult of fi.rral test. Inspection lot The size of inspection lot of bridge be"-s shall be decided by a manufacturer who considers the characteristics of products, manufacture methods, Banufactule quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and shall be decided by a purchaser. However, one lot may be 400 pieces or its fraction. 8.2 PROTECTED BY COmGHT 82 45373 | 2004 8.3 Inspection following. a) method The inspection method of briclge beame is baeeal on the Final inspectior D Appearance Appearance shall be subjected to vieual 100 7o inepection. If the producte conform to the provision of 6.1 of JISA5373, they ahall be accepted. 2) Performance For inspection of performance, take two bridge beams ftom one lot of bridge beams, ancl inapect them by 6.2. If both of the two conform to 3. 1, the lot ghall be accepted. If both of the two fail the whole lot ehall be rejected. If one of the two faile, the rest of the lot shall be tested. If it conforme to the provision, it shaU be accepted. 3) dimension For inspection of ehape and rlimension, a 100 % inspectioo shall be performed. If they conform to the provision of clause 4, they shall be Shape and accepted. b) Delivery inspection 1) Appearance Inspection of appearatrce shall be made like 2) Shape ancl d. dimengion Inspection of ehape and dineneion ehall be made like 9 Marking The marking a). on bridge beame is baeed on JIS A 5361 aud JIS A 5373. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 33 A5373:2004 The general design proced.ure anil the mqin design items of the bridge beanl fo■ made are shown below, I lMain design itenel Deeign procedure I (D etsldat4 wiclth, mad line ehape, cradiert @ Bridge coaditioag: live load, brifue leugth, epaa a.ucl bean lengh, angle of skew @ Matcrials usEd Corcretc: desip str€a8itb, Youngta uodulue, creep &ctor, Roail courlitious: roail Steel drying ehrinLage, sllowable urit strese : classGcation of atcel usedn mechaaical property, Yourg's modulue, allowabls uuit stresg @ Determiaation of consfruction conditione related to design ① ② ③④ ⑤⑥   ①② ③④ ⑤ ⑥ ②③ @ Dete rahation of claasification of briilge bearn @ Ar:rargemeat interval Load calculatioa: dead load, Iive load, eilditives Deck spaa, tb.iclnass Calculatiol of constaats related to croee section Arrangeneat of steel Calculation of croee sectioaal force Stuily of beniliag Cross eectioual shape of main beam Calculation of cosstauts relatod t! croes eection Laail celculetiou. loail conbinatioa Calculation of crose sectioaal force Arargement of PC eteel calculatioa ofprestress Stuily of beuilhg Stuily of shear Stuily of tolsion ① ②③ ④⑤ ◎ Shape ofbridge beam Calculatioq of congtants relat€d to cross eection Loail calculatioq loail combiaation Calculatioq of crosE eectional force Arraagenent of PC steel calculatioa of pr6stle6s Stutly of benili-ng 8悩 惚 腑 鳳 “" ① Calculat。 ●Of reac歯 曖and travel 8B:量 :1::樹 曽 :諸 iLoppreventlon 潔l… 8:18び 槻 ュ “ PROTECTED BY COPttGHT 34 A5373:2004 The general design procedure and the main design item8 0f the b五 dge be,m for light load slab bridges are shown below. rnosion nrncedurel [Design procedurel Main design ittms】 【 (D Road colditions: road ataudard, width, road line ehape, sraalielt @ B-ddse conditiors: live load, bridge leagth, spa-n aad beam lencth. alclE of sLew @ Materiile u.sed Concret€: rlesi8! etrength, Young'e moilulus, creep factor, Steel: drvilg shrid(age, all,owable urit str€Eg dassifcation of steel uaed mechaaical prperty, YouaCg nodulus, allowable uait streee @ Deternbatiou of-construction coailitions relatcd to desiga @ Determination of dassificatiou ofbridge beam @ Arralgement iltarval 8曲 8赫 n 臨 虫 颯。 “ 腑 雛器 臨田轟闘雖8翼 C6"d'Cttd… ofpr"""3 館器留::圏ξ “ t 脚 § 欄 8里 署 脚 諸瀧獣錯 e :」 88窒 計肌獄:Ch° n ttd檄 … 1 rtttn 8設 諄鮮 臨。 Reco"'rnended gpecification 2-1 informative figure 2 Design procedure of tbe bridge beams for light-load slab brifues PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 35 A5373:2004 Recom m ended specific atton 2- 2 Segments for bridge beams of highway bridge Scope Thie recommencled epecifi.cation epecifies the segment for Group I bridge beams of highway bridge (hereafter referred to as "segment for bridge beame") anong the annex 2 of JIS A 6373. 1 Renarks 1 A segment for bridge beam which wae based on the details of this 2 recommencled specification 2'2 ar.d. which wag manufactured by proper quality control shall be ileemed to conform to clauee 3 of the annex 2 of JIS A 5373. If the reference dimension has been changed within the range shown in clause 4 of the annex 2 of JIS A 6373, a manufacturer mugt present the followiag ilata to a purchaser, when so requested. The data muet state confornity of the bridee beam to clauee 3 of the aunex 2 of JIS A 5373 which hae been denongtrated by the deeigrr document or performance test. 2 Claesification Segments for bridge beams are claesified by the leugth of a bridge bean as ghown in Recommeniled specification 2-2 table 1. Moreover, the segment for bridge beams consists of an edge, middle, and central segments. At the time of manufacture, it is a reinforced'concrete pro<luct (RC). At the time of use, several components are sombined into a single body with PC eteel to form prestreeeed concrete structure. The classification ehown here indicatee the highway bridge of the mai" beam epacing of 2.6 m to 3.8 m. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 36 A5373:2004 Recommended epecification 2-2 table 1 the claesificatiou and segment conposition of segment for bridge beams St .Dd.sld spa! of Cla3.i6c.tio! rEd C!.sriic5tiorl eld Cl!.3ificatio! dld DuDbs! of ad3e au!dbor of roiddls !u.iob6r ofceDtlal T!€y aro two Diacaa It it plecOl abOut oDe tio It i one pお ce ib耐 `mR26 b They tt two 夕 ・● T87・ b It i! Tloy a$ tBo Diecea Iiece lbout 中¨ 一 t I “ 28■ oDe about MD2E.!. T28日 39■ T9t.b They at. tro piecea It ir rbout TIey ar€ tlYo It ir piecea about ltey ale Ihey al€ tvo pi..os aboui M29.c. tro They tt two T30b Thet i!6 tro Dieces about ュ pieces ebout M30.c Tb€y at€ tro piecoa about M31'a- They Bre t▼ 0 pleCe3 0bOut I!€y are t*o Dieces abo|lt M3l.b. It ir ora !iec. aDout MD30'b. It ia oDo ebout It is ole pieca about MDBI'c. lllley口 腱 two Th6y ata tso Diece! about about MD32■ They ala tso pi€c$ ebout T92.h The,are two They are tw● pお ∝3 abOut Tbey are tPo "2‐ c p10Ce8 8bOut M32b piecs about M32.c. 111 It b ore !iec6 It is ore piece aboutMD92'c. 'l'bey et€ two piec€s ebout about MD39‐ c They qt€ two piec€s abo\at TⅢ M,t0.a. They ele tEo are"。 pleces about piec€s about pi€c$ ebout T4l.cTbey ala two M{O.e T"y are two pleces about L141餞 Thev areゎ Ш pleCe3 abOut M41b 職 y areわ 菫 メeCe3 abOut M41c The7 are tWo Th€y a.re tro piecs6 about T42-h Tbey are two Thet aro loul piec$ about pi6c€s sbout M42.b_ They“ four pleCe3 abOut 塾 v are tW0 pleces about pleC88 abOllt a They ate two pi€c€B ebout T4A'bTlley are tW0 pieCe3 abOut T43c PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT It i. one li€c€ It ll one piece It i. oDs Di€c6 about MD40'a. Mdo.h They ato loru pi€ces aboui pieces about M42‐ ■ T43‐ 43コ I,ieces ebout DieceB ebout T12-^ 42ェ M99-. pi€c€s ebout T/tl.h TLey rle tro ■ iB one pLce ebout MD32'b, ebout MD39-b. pi6csa about Tg9.b. Tley at? two Diecoa about T39-d Tbey ate two M42c by aretwo M4A彙 They are D区 piecee aboつ 崎 It i3 0■ O plece about■ tD40‐ c It ir ola !i€c6 about It i! MDtll'a. od€ pi6c. about MD4l'b. It i! oa! Fiece about MD4l'c. It i6 ooa pi€ce about MD42'b. It lB one piece abOut MD42 c “ヽ M9t-! 恥 y are two pieCe3 abOut M39‐ b ∞t pleCe3 abOut M31・ c M80n Ih€y are tso pleC98● bOut s i 赫 t ︲ They are two pleCe3 abOut T32・ 會 41 liece pleC● 3 abOut T39-t Th€y a.l€ tfo pioces alout T41-aThey ale tso MDgl'a, It fu oDe piece about MDSl'b, MBa'a Thev― two T40c It i! oDe Diecr ebout l(D30'c. They are two T31c 921n Tley rnl two T30.c. They are two pLCe3 abOut T31■ T81b about MD29.c. It ir 0!6 piece about MD38'c. T?a-c Th€y eI€ t*o pieces abollt t“ l 31 is ore piec€ about Vn30 a They are tW● p10“ 3 abOut M80‐ b vs8.b. 'l'hay a!€ two piec€s about 一 ¨ ¨ ¨中¨ pleC38 abOut T3a.b. T4011 Thev att two pleCe3“ Out Itお olle plece Diccer about T3O.r 30■ It et€ tEo piece! about thsy are ivo T40., 40ェ otr8 pi6c€ ∞ヽ T29b T29. iB oae Diece rbout MD29'b. ltey piecea about It b ebod MD88-a. ¨¨ 一 It pleCe8 abOllt mey are t*o It tt one p轟 about MD87● ■ “ Theyロ ェo two pi€c.s ebout oEs Di6ce about MD29.& T29.i. lhey ele teo piect about MD28'c, 1?8'c. 29ュ on6 ■■ey are two pleces about M38‐ 量 a M37.c I! ia oDs pieae abou! MDST'b. ∝t ¨ plee3 dbOllt tio Diec.r ibout It b o0r piace about MDST'a. “■ ney“ They aro pleces abcat T■ 8● tro Diec$ abost T27.. MA7■ It is oD. Diec6 about MD36'b, ﹄赫 pi€aE! about pleCe3 abOut M86‐ こ ■hey are t7● pleCe3 abOut It ir oa. piocs alout ldD86.a. ¨ ¨ tro tio They er€ pirc€3 alout M:t6.bThey are two liecas about TA7.c They are t,o 38ュ ■ Mg?-h Tbey tro piece3 ebout They et6 輌﹂ T27‐ b Thet lre ∞b ・ They ttc tマ 0 pleces about pieCe3 abOut 6・ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ 27● 87ェ It ia oDr pi6co sbout MD27'a. ﹄ 赫 鬱 They ate two pi6c66 about TA?'sThey are two about MD26・ c ■ ■ey are‐ o plee3 3bOut piscea about T3A-L- T86‐ c It 18 011e ple“ pleC03 abOut T26・ こ Tley ire tf,o pleces about ∝ ■ T26量 Th.y ara pi€cei about ,t 6-b 血 They are two Fi6.r .bo* llD26.c. "5c 勁呼 E● pleCe3 3bOut "0 26■ 36■ Ther aよ otm pleCe3 8b● llt ¨¨ :rtt ar● ぃ 。 abOut T36a ■働 T26b ¨ ¨ It ia ole pi6c€ about MD26'b. pL● ●8 abOut p【XB8 Cla$i6c.tio! lEd ClessiicrtioD ard uruber of midrlle Burbar ofcest&l ¨ ¨ Ttt are¨ Clarsiic8tioD a DuDbet ofeillp The7田e two It i! ole pi€ce about MD25'e, dout T26.r 26ュ Sta.!&!d EDa! of M48b They ate Bi: piaces Ebout M43.c. It■3 0ne p“ c abo■ ltヽ こ 048‐“ 37 A5373:2004 Re∞ mmended specimation 2‐ 2 table l Cconclude0 StrDrlrrd aPr! Of ill.ifr.tio[ ald ltD[bet of sdtp rld Chsli6catio! ald !uEb€! otEiddb ru&bo! ofc€ltlal Claarificatio! St arbrd sprn of !6an€nts Th● y● 膊 tWo ple● ● ●●bOut T33■ They"t" 38ュ pl● Ce3 abOut T38b M38b Tloy r$ tro pi.c6! rlaut Thry arc two plece● BbOut M88c MSa'e. Theyコ鴫 tW0 晦 Tb4t $e tro piacaa rbout 恥 ,are tWO T34c T36'a, are"。 pKXЮ 3 abOut I134■ pleCe8 8bONat ■186b D■y are two They are t70 plece● ●bout pleC03 about pleC03 abOut M85c pleCe3 abOut T44t They are,7o It is o[€ liscs rbout MD8{.a. It i! oDe pisc. dbout MDg'l'c. T44b Thev aは t,o liec€ It is oDe piece ebout MD3{'b. pleces about 45ロ pleCe3 abOllt M44‐ ュ They腑 嶽 plee3 abOut lE44・b 'l'hly tre arr pi€c$.bout Mrl4.c- Th9田 pleCe3 abOut T43・ 貪 "o pleCe3 abOut The,are"o n"誦 pleCe3 abOut T46ヽ Tbay are two I,i6ces aboui T,l5'c. 瑯 ・ ■ 嶽 p-3 abOut It ir oro pi.c6 ebout llDa4'a. It ir ore pi6ce about MD,&.b. It iB oD. pilcc alout MDa4'c. It L one plec about MD41 a M45b Ilgy ate air pi6csa about M46'c, It is olr piece about MD,l6'c. ∞ヽ T86・ b They● 腱 t,o 44ュ obout MD33'c. ■昴 They arB"o 1 i8 one M36L 釉 y"¨ pieCe3 abOut T86‐ c It T4.L Tbey are tゅ ∝■ 町 plece3""。 abOut M84b It t one p饉 about MD33‐ b 一 ¨ ¨一 ¨ pleCe3 abOut llley ale tio Di€c$ rbout Diece .bout MD33'a. ■“ Di€ca! ebout T8,t b. It i! olr ¨ ¨ Th● ァ pl● c●"t70 abollt TS`a Remarke 釉 y are two pieCe3 abOut II bey=腱 two p暉 851n M!|9.t are two 3 8bOut 殖 3・ こ Tll●y 34コ ale tro pi€c$ ebout TLy lLr..itrcatio! ald Cla5si6cstio[ rld Ctrrsi6crlio! Dld luEbe! of edgs ru.6ber of midilL DuDb6! ofc6ltlal It i. @e piece ebout MD35.c. The segment for briilge beams should be easy for transportation and conetruction. The weight of one piece of segment ehall be 300 kN or leee. The weight difference from segment to segment shall be as snall as possible. 2 3 When useal for a bridge, bridge beams shall have the augle of ekew of 70 degrees or more. Performance 3.1 Compreesive etrength The segment for bridge beame shall be subjected to the compressive'strength test specified in clauee 6. The compresaive strength for quality assurarce ehall be 50 N/mm2 or more. The compressive strength at the time of prestress introduction ehall be 35 N/nmz or more. PROTECTED BY COPYRICIrr 38 A 6373 : 2004 4 Shape, dimensioa and dinensionr'l totreraace The shape, dimeneion and rrirneasietral tolerance ehall be ae specified in recommended specfication 2-2 fig:.ue L, tableg 2 to 4 aud. table 5. Unit : mm ' It varies with PC olate thiclaeee. Supporting point crose section Middle croes sectiou Middle eegment Edge eegment Central segment Recommended epecificatiou 2-2 fr$rc 1 Shape of the s€gmeDts for bridge PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT be""'s 39 A5373:2004 Recommended spttiation 2‐ 2 table 2 Dimengion ofeage settentB U」 t:mm ClaEaification a T25・ b C a T26・ b C a T27・ b C a T28‐ b C a T29‐ b C a T30‐ b C a T31‐ b C a T32‐ b C a T33・ b C a T34‐ b C a T35‐ b C L 8100 8100 8100 8600 8100 8100 8600 8600 8600 9100 9100 9100 9100 9100 4350 9900 4900 4900 4100 5400 4100 4400 4400 4400 4900 4900 4900 5400 5400 5400 5900 5900 4400 轟 1400 1600 1900 1400 1700 2000 1400 1700 2000 1500 1800 2100 1600 1900 2300 1700 2000 2400 1700 2000 2400 1800 2100 2500 1800 2100 2500 1900 2200 2600 2000 2300 2600 12 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 B 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 ● 1● a T36‐ b C a T37‐ b C a T38‐ b C a T39・ b C a T40‐ b C a T41・ b C a T42‐ b C a T43・ b C a T44‐ b C a T45‐ PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT b C ム 島 6400 6400 4900 6900 6900 5400 5900 5900 5900 6400 6400 6400 6200 6950 4700 6700 4700 5200 7200 5200 5700 7700 4450 4100 8200 4600 4250 7800 4400 4050 2000 2300 2700 2000 2300 2700 2100 24∞ 2800 2100 2500 2900 2100 2500 3000 2200 2600 3000 2200 2600 3100 2300 2700 3200 2300 2700 3200 2400 2800 3300 12 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 J 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 40 A5373:2004 Recomneudeil speqification 2'2 table Clasgification 物 轟 J2 β 3 Dimension (r) of mirkltre segments U五t:mm Clas8i6cation a M29‐ a b C M38‐ 7000 2300 200 220 C a M30・ b C a M31‐ b C a M32‐ b C a M33‐ b C a M34‐ b C a M35‐ b C a M36‐ b C a M37・ b C Note(r) b a 7000 7000 7800 7000 7800 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 9000 8000 8000 9000 8000 8000 9000 2000 2400 1700 2000 2400 1800 2100 2500 1800 2100 2500 1900 2200 2600 2000 2300 2600 2000 2300 2700 2000 2300 2700 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 M39‐ b C a M40‐ b C ユ M41・ b C a M42‐ b C a M43・ b C a M44‐ b C a M45‐ b C & 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9500 9000 6300 9500 6500 6300 9500 6500 6300 9500 5000 5100 9500 5100 5200 10100 5300 5400 轟 厖 β 2100 2400 2800 2100 2500 2900 2100 2500 3000 2200 2600 3000 2200 2600 3100 2300 2700 3200 2300 2700 3200 2400 2800 3300 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 260 260 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 220 220 220 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 A middle segment becomee unnecessary when a bridge beam consiste of tblee segmente (edge segment X 2, central oegment). Therefore, middle segmente of etanalard span of 25 m to 28 m (UZS to M28) antl some of standard span of 29 m and 30 m (M29-a, M29'b, M30'a ) do not exist. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 41 A5373:2004 Recontmended specincation 2‐ 2 table 4 Dimension ofcentral segmentB Unit:mm L 9500 a b 9500 C 9500 ユ 9500 b 10500 C 10600 a 10500 b 10500 ClaesiEcatioa MD25・ MD26・ MD27・ C a MD28・ b ● a MD29・ b C a MD30・ b C a MD31・ b a MD32・ b a MD33・ b a MD34・ b a MD35・ b 105041 10500 10500 10500 11500 11500 7000 11000 7000 7000 8000 7000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 9000 rl 島 β 1400 1600 1900 1400 1700 2000 1400 1700 2000 1500 1800 2100 1600 1900 2300 1700 2000 2400 1700 2000 2400 1800 2100 2500 1800 2100 2500 1900 2200 2600 2000 2300 2600 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 Claseification a MD36・ b C a MD37‐ b C a MD38‐ b C a b MD39・ C a MD40・ b C a MD41・ b C a b MD42‐ C 220 220 220 220 220 a MD43‐ b C a MD44‐ b 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 C ユ b MD45・ C ム rl 8000 8000 9000 8000 8000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9500 9000 6300 9500 6500 6300 9500 6500 6300 9500 5000 5100 9500 5100 5200 10100 5300 5400 2000 2300 2700 2000 2300 2700 2100 2400 2800 2100 2500 2900 2100 2500 3000 2200 2600 3000 2200 2600 3100 2300 2700 3200 2300 2700 3200 2400 2800 3300 F2 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Recommeniled spegification 2-2 table 6 Dimeasional tolerance Claeeification Tolerance Length L, to LI Upper width Wr Lower width W2 Helght Hl ± 10 +10 -5 ± 5 +10 -5 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT B 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 42 A5373:2004 Remarke : Plural seguenta are joined to be ueed ae a bridge benm. The tolerance of be"m length (Z) at the time of manufacture ehall be the sum of those of segments usecl, and it shall be + Gl-l) and within -30 nm. The unit of beam length (Z) ehall be m, and the unit of tolerance, mm. 6 Bar arrangement The bar arrangement of eeguent for bridge beam ie baeed on a deeign document and the following. d Tle covering of reinforcement and PC steel ehall be 30 mm or rnore for upper flange, and 35 mm or more for the rest. b) The gap of reinforcement ehall be 20 mm or more, and at the eame time 4/3 times or more the maximum dimension of a coarse aggregate. c) A reinforcement and PC steel shall be ftee ftom loose scale, oil, etc. which damage adhesion of concrete, and shall be assembled and fixed to the accurate position. 6 Shength teet 6.1 Compressive-strength tegt The compressive'sirength test of segment for briclge beam is baeeal on 6.1 ofthe annex 2 of JIS A 5373. Remarke : A t€ster shall be Grade one or higher specified io JIS B 772I, or Bhall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. 7 Qusffty of concrete The compressive strength of concrete ie based ou 7.2 of the annex2ofJISA5373. 8 Inspectione 8.1 Inspection items The inspectiou items of segments for bridge beams are baeed on the following. a) b) Final inepection 1) Appearance 2) 3) Performanse Shape and dimeneion Delivery inspection 1) Appearance 2) Shape and dimension PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 43 i 2004 46373 Remarks: The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties coucerned with delivery and it may be omitted based on the result of 6nal teet, Inapection lot The size of inspection lot of segment for bridge beam shall be decitled by a manufacturer who coneiders the cbaracteristics of producte, manufacture methode, nanufactwe quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and ghall be decided by a purchaser. However, one lot may be one bridge 8.2 beam. 8.3 Inspection method The inspection methocl of segment for bridge beam ie based on the following. a) Final inspection 1) Appearance Apperance ehall be subjected to visual 100 % inspection. If the products cuform to the provision of 6.1 of JISA5373, they shall be accepte<l. 2) Performance For inspection of performance, ta.ke one bridge be"'", and inspect it by 6.1. If it conforme to 3.1, it shall be accepted. 3) Shape aud dimension For inspection of shape anil dineneion, a 100 % inspection shall be performed. If they conform to the provision of clause 4, they shall be accepted- b) Delivety inspection 1) Appearstrce Inspection of appearance shall 2) Shape and be nade like d. dimension Inspection of shape and dimension shall be made like a). 9 Marking The marking on segments for bridge beams ie based on JIS A5361 and JIS 45373. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 44 A5373:2004 The general design pr∝ edure and design itemg of the segmeuta for road bridge beams are sbn below. Design 【 procedl・ ,e】 Main design items】 【 胸 h… 辮馳識 辞 :鷲榊 爆 中 綺 塁 蒸 鯰 ゝ 弯 盟盤 Prop・ :LttWnぷ ■ 置」bns rola“ d to de8ign ④Dotenlha孟 属:麗酬讐 … 貯 鶉 ' ald ⑤⑥⑦ number DetBrmi.oation of claeeification of aegnent Determination of rlivision number aad position A''elgement int€rval Ioail calculatioa: dead loa4 live loail, additives De& goal tLicLness Calculitioi of constants lelat€d to crogg section Arralgement of oteel Calculation of cross aectioral fone Study ofbeaei.g Croes sectiolal shape of main beam Calculation of consiants relst€d to croes s€ction Load calcolation. loail combhatior Calculation of cross sgctioral force Arraageneut of PC steel, calculatioa of prestress StudvifbendincStudi ofshea! Study of torsiou Study ofjoilt Study of shear tey Q梁X36 Shape ofcross'bean Calculatior of cousta-D.ts lelateil to closs section Load calculation, load combinatior Calculation of criras sectiorsl force Arraugemeut of PC eteel, calculatiol ofprestress Drudy oI DeDdurg :=鋼調 81鑑 忠 1∫ Fま 温uage :鞘朧 盤穏驚 § 1 鮮 :歯 場 。 rtaion 8:社 詳 Reco"t"rended specification 2-2 informative figure 1 Desigo procedure of the segments for brid.ge beerns for highway briilge PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 45 A5373:2004 Recommended specilication 2-3 Precast plates fsr gsmposite deck slabs I Scope Thie recommended epecification apecifies the precast plate for composite deck glab of Group I bridge (hereafter referred to as "precaat plate for composite deck elab") among the annex 2 of JIS A 6373. Remarke 1 2 Prescaet plates for composite deck slabs which were based on the detaile of this r€conmeuded epecification 2-3 and which was manufactured by proper quality control shall be deemed to conform to clause I of the annex 2 of itrIS A 5373. If the reference dimslsiea has beeo changed within the range shown in clause 4 ofthe annex 2 of JIS A 5373, a m.anufacturer must preeent the following data to a purchaser, when so requeeted. The data must etate conformity of the prescast platee for composite ileck elabe to clauee 3 of the annex 2 of JIS A 63?3 which has been demonstrated by the ilesign document or performance test. 2 Clasaification The precast plates for composite deck glab are claesiied by the span ae ehown in recommeaded specification 2'3 table 1. I Becommended specificatiou 2-3 table Classification anil crack teet bending moraent precast plates of the for conpoeite deck elabe Classification Tbe spaa of Plat€ Crack test tリ precast plate thickaess bendin『 moment kN・ m mm mm PCC‐ 70・ 1 1450 70 6.8 PCC‐ 70・ 2 PCC・ 80 PCC・ 90 PCC・ 100 PCC・ 110 PCC・ 120 Note0) 1750 2050 2200 2600 2800 3000 70 7.8 80 10.1 90 13.0 100 16.3 110 19.9 120 22.3 The crack test bending momeut shall be the value which applies the guarantee tengile etrese of 1.8 N/mm2 on the lower eilge of a precast plate, 3 Performance g.l leading strength The beniling strength of precast plate for conposite deck slab ghall be specifiecl ae followe. When it is subjected to the bending strength test specified in clauee 6 and to the craek test bending momeDt specified in recommeniled specificatiou 2'3 table 1, it ehaU not generate any crack. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 46 A 5373 : 2004 4 Shape, dirngnaion and dinensional toleranoe The shape, dimeneion, anil dimensional tolerance of precast plate for composit€ deck elab ehall be as specifieil in recommended epecification 2-B figure 1 and table 2. The top face of precast plate ehall have a euitable inequality to conbine caEt-in place concrete with the precast plate, the thicknees of plate shall be intermediate of the inequality. Urit : mm O N 一o一〇 卜 Reconmeuded specification 2-3 fiS;ure I The shape ard dimenaioD of the precast platee for conposite ileck slebs Recommentled epecification 2-3 ta;ble 2 Dimengional tolera.nce Unit : mm Classificstion Length (perpendicular to bridee axie) Tolerance -f lu Width (along bridge axie) Thickueee (at protrueive Dart Liaearity of tJre eitle face of plate Perpentlicularity of the end face of plate -a -ro -o fa -2 ± 3 +10 6 Bar anangement The bar arrangement of the precast plate for composite deck elab is baged on a design document and the following. d The coveriog of reinforcenent and PC eteel ehall be 25 mm or more. b) The gap of reinforcement and PC steel ehall be 20 mm or more. The gap ofPC steel shall be three timeg or more the diameter. and at the same time 4/3 tinee or more the maximum dimension of a coarse aggregate. c) A reinforcement and PC steel shall be free from loose scale, oil, etc. which damage adhesion of concrete, and shall be assembled and fixed to the accurat€ position. 6 Strength test 6.1 Compressive-strength teet The compressive.strength test of the precast plate for composite deck elab is based on 6.1 ofthe annex 2 of JIS A 5373. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 47 A5873:2004 6.2 Beilling teet The lgading test of the precast plate for conpoeite deck slab ie based on 6.2 of tbe annex 2 of JIS A 5373. Remarke : A tegter ehall be Grade one or higher specified in JIS B ??21, or shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. 7 Quality of concrete The compressive Btreogth of concrete ie based on ?.2 of the annex2ofJISA6373. 8 Iuspectione 8.1 Iaspection itema The inspection items of the precaet plate for composite deck slab are baeed on the following. a) Final inspectiou l) Appearance D Performance 3) Shape and dimension b) Delivery inspectiou 1) Appearance 2) Shape and dimeneion Remarks : T'he delivery inspection shall be eubject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be onitted based on the result of final t€et. Inrpection lot The size of inspection lot of the precast plate for composite deck slab shall be decided. by a manufacturer who considerg the eharacteristice of products, manufacture methodg, manufacture quantity, 'nanufacture period, ordereil quantity, etc. The delivery inspection ghall be eubject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and shall be clecided by a purchaser. However, one lot may be 20 maaufacture lines or its fraction. 9.2 8-3 Inspection method rhe inspection method of the precast plate for composite cleck elab ie baeed on the following. a) Final inepection 1) Appearance Appearance ehall be subjected to visual 100 % inspection. prod.ucts conform to the provision of 2) 6. 1 If the of JIS A bB?3, they shall be accepted. Performance For inspection of perfornance, take two plates from one lot of precast plate for composite deck slab, and inepect them by 6-2. If both of the two conform to 3.1, the lot ehall be accepted. If both of the two fail, the lot shall be PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 48 A 5373 : 2004 3) ' rejected.Ifoneofthetwofailg,therestofthelotsha]Ibeteeted.IfitconforEeto the provision, it ehall be accepted' dirnension' use one lot of Shape and dimension For inspection of shape and each from two precast plate for compoBite deck elab, antl take one sample of the two conform arbitrary manufacture-linee, i'e' two eamples in total' If both toprovisionofclauge4thewholelotehallbeaccepted-Ifevenoneaamplefaile' takeoneeampleeachfromfourothermanufacturelines,ie.foursampleeintotal. Ifallthefoursampleeconformtotheprovieion'allthelinesshallbeaccepted products' If even one of the excluding the lines which produced nonconforming fourfails,thereetoftheloteha]lbeeubjectedtoaL00%ingpection. In addition, about the manufacture line(s) which produced' noqconforning of the two conform' product(s), take two further eamples and inspect then' If both lines which produced the rest ehall be all accepted, excluding the manufacture nonconformingproducts.ff"t"ooo"faile'themanufacturelineshallbesubjected to a 100 b) 0z6 insPection' Delivery insPection 1) Appearance Inspection of apPearance shall be made like d' 2)Shapeauddimeneionlnspectionofshapeanililirnensioughallbemadeliked. 9Ma*ingThemarkingonprecastplateeforcompositecleckglabsarebasedonJlS A 6361 and JIS A 5373. PROTECTED BY 00PYRIGFr 49 A5373:2004 The geoeral design proceilure and desi『l items of the precast plate for composite deck slab are shown below. (Main deeign itemel IDesign procedurel :聾饉 選 押 墓識讐脚 盤 L:: ∬鸞鍮涸靱∬ ③ ④ Detenllnaloュ ofch● B血 a6on of PC Plate Q貿Xる0 Q貿Xる0 Cross EectioBal shape of composite decl slab Ca-lculation of constaats rela-ted to cross section Loarl salculatiol loail coabinatior Calculation of cross eectioqal force Arraagemelt of PC steel, calculation of prestress Study;fbeuditrg ① Covenng and gap of● "el 8:│::::i:Illi,記 :liュ phce concre" Reco"""endeil specificafion 2-3 iaformative fuure 1 Design procedure 6f '\e precast plates for composite ileck slabs PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 50 A5873:2004 Recommended specifi cation 2' 4 Precast deck slabs for highway bridges scope Thig recommended epecification specifies the precast deck elab for highway briilges of Group I bridge (hereafter referred to as "precaet deck elab") among the I annex 2 of JIS A 6373. Remarks 1 The precast deck slab which was based on the detaile of thia reconmended apeci.fi'cation 2-4 and wbich was manufactured by 2 2 proper quality control shall be deened to conform to clauee 3 of the anuex 2 of JIS A 6373If the reference 4i-ension hae been changed within the range shown in clause 4 ofthe annex 2 of JIS A 5373, a manufacturer must present the following data to a purchaser, when so requested' The data must state conformity of the precast deck slab to clause 3 of the anaex 2 of JIS A 53?3 which has been demonstrated by the design d'ocument or performance test. cleck slabe ehall be classified by recommeniled specfication 2-4 table 1' clsssification The precast as indicated in the length of deck slab ユ Mailr tteaD int rvd ia PDS2 79 791111 4 1XXl PDS2 8 9 8000 9400 9900 41011 PDS2・ 94 PDS2・ 99 PDS2・ 104 PDS3 18 7 10400 11200 11'00 12200 12700 132∞ 19500 13700 P,S3140 14¨ PDS2‐ 112 PDS2・ 117 PDS3・ 122 PDS1 12 7 PDS3‐ 132 PDS3 13 5 PDS3・ 145 14500 PDSS 147 PDS3‐ 160 147● 0 PDSS 15 5 15000 16200 15500 PDS4・ 160 16 1XD PDS416 5 16500 17000 17500 18600 PDS3 15 2 PIIS4 17 0 PllS4 17 5 PDS4 18 6 2 4400 47∞ 6000 5600 6 aXl 3 4 4'00 4900 01∞ 52∞ 5300 5400 6600 5700 6600 5900 6000 44Ю 45∞ 4600 4700 6000 ¨ 鼎 ¨ tl● ¨ ¨ 恥 ﹄ Cla831aCa 脚¨ 枷 Beconmended specification 2-4 table 1 TIre claesificatiron and crack teat bentlirg moment of precast ileck slab 場 1960 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2860 1400 1450 16∞ 15う 0 1550 1600 1650 1650 1700 ilab Eh Ful― 0 Tbict!€.s of docl 250 260 850 350 280 880 820 42● 240 240 S40 340 340 240 250 340 250 350 Cr“工 bent辰 "Bt 弓Fe“ 142 131 350 206 860 3611 260 86● 229 170● 238 1750 14∞ 1500 270 240 240 340 1 61Xl 2●D 340 1700 1750 240 240 340 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 340 162 A RemarLs : 51 : 2004 5373 When applying to a curved bridge, etc., the following may be applied' d The overhang length ueecl may be digtributed to right and Ieft within 0.3 m from the gtandard overhang length' b) The deck glab width may be changeal within 0.1 m. Unit : nm Recomnendeil epecification 2-4 frgure 1 Tte shape anil dineneion of precast deck slab (the decl< slab span right angleil direction) 3 Perbrmance $gading streugth fls leading etrength of precast deck slab shall be specfiecl as followe. when it is subjectecl to the bending strength test specified in clauee 6 and to the crack test bending moment specified in recommended speci.frcation 2'4 table 1, it shall not generate any crack, 3.1 Shape, ilirnengion and dineneioual tolerance The sbape, dimension and dimensional tolerance of the precaet deck slab ehall be as specifieil in recommendeil 4 speci.frcation 2-4 Egwte 2 anil table 2. Unit : mm Reco"'-ended specificatiou 2'4 frg:.ue 2 The ehape aud dimeueion of precast ileck slab (deck slab firlcrun direction) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 52 A5373:2004 Recomnended spesificatiotr 2-4 table 2 Dimensionsl toleranc€ Unit : mm Item The length of deck elab Tolern..ce +20 Width of deck dab Thlckness of dect ttlab 5 0 +5 -10 +10 0 Bar arraagemeut The bar arrangement of the precast deck elabs is based on a design ilocument and the following. a) b) The covering of reinforcenent and PC eteel shall be 25 mm or more' c) A reinforcement and PC steel shall be ftee from loose scale, oil, etc. which damage adhesion of concrete, and shall be assenbleal and fixed to the accurate positiou' Remarks : The covering of rei:rforcement and PC eteel on the top face of ileck slab shall be 30 mm or more, considering the iaterfilling' 6 Streneth teet The gap of reinforcement and PC steel shall be 20 mm or more. The gap of PC steel shall be three timeg or more the iliameter, aad at the eame time 4/3 timeg or mole the maximum dimension of a coarse aggregate. compressive-strength teet The compressive'stfength test of the precast deck slab ie baeed on 6.1 of the annex 2 ofJIS A 5373. 6.2 Beniling test The beniling test of the precast ileck slab ie based on 6.2 of the 6.1 aunex 2 of JIS A 5373. Remarks : A teeter ehall be Graile one or higher specifieil in JIS B 7?21, or shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this' QuariF of coucrete The compressive strength of concrete is baseal on 7.2 of the ? annex 2 of JIS A 6373. 8 Inspections g.1 Inspection following. a) items The inspection items of the precaet deck slabs are baged on the Final inspection 1) Appearance 2) 3) Performance b) Shape and di-eosion Delivery inapectiou 1) Appearance PROTECTED BY COPYRIGIrr 53 A 6373 : 2004 2) Sbape 6nd dimsnsiea Remarke g.2 : The delivery inepection shall be subject to the agreement between the partiee concerned with delivery, aud it may be omitted baeed on the result of frnal inePection. lot The size of inspection lot of the precast deck elab shall be deciiled by a mauufacturer who coneiders the characteristice of proilucts, manufacture methods, manufacture qusntity, manufacture period, ordereil quantity, etc. The delivery inepection ehall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and ehall be decicled by a purchaser. However, one lot may be 400 plates or its fracfion. g.3 Inepection method The inepection method of precast deck elab is baeed on the following. d Inepec,tion Final inspection 1) Appearance Appearance shall be subjected to visual 100 % inspection. If the products conforms to the prcvision of 5.1 of JIS A 63?3, they shall be accepted' 2) performance For inspectioo of perforoance, take two plates ftom one lot of precast ileck elab, and inspect then by 6-2. If both of the two mnform to 3'1, the lot shall be accepted. If both of the two fail, the Iot shall be rejected. If one of the two fails, the rest of the lot shall be tested. If it conforms to the provision, it shall be accepted- B) b) Shape gnd,limgnaion For inspection of shape and dimensioo, a 100 % inspection shall be performed. If they conform to the pmvision of clause 4, they shall be accepted. Deliveryitrspection 1) Appearance Iuspechion of appealance shall 2) Shape and di,meneion Inepection of shape anil di"'eneion shall be maile like a). 9 Marking The marking be made like a)' of precast deck slabs is based on JIS A 6361 and JIS A 53?3. PROTECrED BY COPYRIGHT 54 A5373:2004 The general design procedllre and the main design ittms of the precast dedk slab for highway bl灘 ges are shown below. lMain ilesign itenal IDeeigr procedurel (D Dech slab corilitiols: main beam i.oterval, spa! of pr€cagt ilec& slab, thickness of precast ileck elab' paveneat tbiclnees @ Materiale used Colcete: design aheagth, Yorugle modulus, creep factor, dryiag ehrinkage, altrowable udt stress Steel: claseification of eteel used, mechaaical ploperty' Young's modulus, allowable unit etress @ Deterninetioa of consructior couditiols lelat€d to aleEigl' De潔 出 留盟 曲 Lb ① CroBs sectional shape ofprecagt deよ slab ② CalcuaiOn of∞ .stants relatod to cr● 3い 0“ 0■ O Lond calcuttion,load combhaion ④ Calculadbュ of cro88 6eCGbnal force ⑤ Arrangement ofPC steel,calcula■ o■ ofprest"86 0 Sidy ofben出 g Dl温 1整 鮮 諸P ① Calcda」。ュof∝os8● eCt● ュd for∞ ② hmgeme■ lt of“ 品 r∞ Illent O Study Ofberldlllg ④ Deeltt ofloop,olnt O Cove歯 嘔 alld gap of steel ①② Sturly of liftiag Study of trareportatio! Reco"'-ended specification 2-4 hfornative figute 1 Deeign procedure of the precast deck slabs for highway bridges PROTECTED BY COPYRIG「 r 55 A5373:2004 Annex 3 (normative) ft,sfsining walls and Group II of retaining walls which are 6ainly useil for revetment anil earth retaining walls among the precast preetressed concrete proilucts specified in JIS A 6373- 1 scope T.hie annex apecifies Group I concrete sheet pile nade from precaBt prestressed to concrete (hereailer referrecl to aE',eheet pile") specified herein ie applicable aleo drainage canals. In additiou, the prestreeaed 2 classification annex 3 table The claseification of the retainhg walls shall be as specified in 1. In adfition, Group I shall be speci.fied Annex 3 table 僣おn MttOrと や 1 in annex 3 table 2' Claesification of retaining wells Miaor division PC walls Sheet piles Ret,:ning waus Otherg Annex 3 table 2 Clasgification of retaining-walls Group Class五 catton I I)et』 l ClaSSiECatiOnblstape Flat ptts Slot piles Wavy pilee Sheet piles 3 See the recommended specification 3'1. Performance The performance of retaining walle shall conform to provisions of aanex 3 table 3. Annex 3 table Perfornance performance :爵 鍛為eo Performance of retaining walls The ierお Performauce iteE Service 3 e霊 lま鑑tetti載 鼈」 wiaJn 9n a■ 。w・ ・ ce. e check 珊 歴犠1∬ Ⅷ評礎 鼈儲1零 需 ま∬躍lt』 r It ehall not break for the load assumed at the time of end stage. ed ag赫 Durab通 け (う よ ド 題1艦 織訥ξ Workab止 ty 聰麹躍常 l置 躍盤織 atl° n, :よ :・ PROTECTED BY COPVRIGHT 鼈置T粗織朧lt∬ See a design document or a record. Seeaderi:蕊 llTent° r 56 A5373:2004 Notee (]) Confrrmation of tbe end stage perfornance ehall be made when so requested by purchasers. (2) Durability may be confirmed by the actual regults of such similar products as are equivalent in terns of water-cement ratio and reinforcement covering. Remarks: The performance iteme of Group II shall be subject to the agteement between the parties concerned with delivery. 4 Shape, rlirnension and ilimenaioual tolerance As to the retaining walls, the ehape, dimsagisn, aud ilimensioaal tolerance shall be specified ae follows. As to Group I, if the design concept is not alifferent, and if the performance (qualiry) and performance (quafity) check method are the eame, the reference di-ension may be changed within 10 % in re8ponse to purchaeer's ilemand, provided that the Decessary performance is satisfied. 4.1 Shape The ehape of the eheet pile is shown in annex 3 informative figures 1tn 3. Unit : nm A‐ Annex 3 informative figure 1 Exanple of shape of sheet pile (flaO PROTECTED BY COPttGHT A 57 A5373:2004 Anuex 3 informative figure 2 Esrnple of ahape of sheet pile (slot) Annex 3 infornative figure 3 Example of ehape of sheet pile (waw) 58 A 6373 : 2004 Dimension and dinensioaal tolerance ffus dimsaslqn and dimensiona] tolerance of products classified as Group I shall be as specifreil in annex 3 table 4. The climension ancl dimensional tolerance of products claeeified as Group II ehall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with tlelivery. 4.2 In addition, the dimension of Annex 3 table 4 a tip ie not opecifieil. Dinensioa anil dimeneional tolerance of eheet pilea Dimensiou 500 50 to220 2000t● 14000 Toleralce 一 +6 -2 +30 Dirension 996 60t● 220 2000t● 14000 +7 +7 +30 996 90 to 350 45 to 100 2 000 to 14 000 +'l + 一 + 一 +30 996 120 to 600 60t● 120 + 一 + 一 + 一 Toleraqce Sheet piles Dimension 7 2 2 2 7 1 Tolera.!c€ 2 Remarks 7 Waw pilee 2 DimeBgio! 2 ToIerasce ThicLqess 7 Slot piles 7 Height + Flat piles Leoeth width Clagei6catioo 3000t● 21000 +30 The surface may be chamfereal. The shape of heail, tip aud joint as well as position of sling hole may be Bubject to the agleement between the parties concerned with delivery' and they may be changed as neceegary' Depending on the agxeement between the parties concerneal with delivery, necessary accessories may be attacheil or uecessary processing may be Eade, provideil that it does not damage the performance of sheet Pile. 4 The cletail of toleranse ehall be subject to the reconmended sPecification. S Bar anangement (poeitiou of PC eteel and reinforcement) The bar arrangement shall be as epecifiecl in JIS A 6364 and a design document. However, when the method is eubject to the agreeEent between the parties concerued with delivery, and it fdls within the range which doee not damage the performance of proclucts Gnsluding provisions ofclause 3), the method may be outside the bar arrangement (position ofPC steel and reinforcement) of recommended specfication. Moreover, a manufacturer may speci&, for each product, the bar arrangenent (position ofPC steel and reinforcement) which satiefies clause 3. 6 Test method 6.1 Compressive-etrength test A compressive-etrength test is based on JIS A 1132 and JISI A 1108. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 69 A 6.2 Beniling Remarks 7 teet : 5373 : 2004 A bending teet ie based on JIS A 5363. A teeter shall be Grade one or higher epecfied in JIS B 7?21, or sball have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than thie' Quality of concrete ?.1 Material anil manufacture methoal The material and manufacture method for concrete are baseal on JIS A 6364. Compreesive strength The compreseive strength of concrete shall be verifred by the compressive strength of sample which was processecl by the same cure as the protluct, or the compressive etrength wb,ich was controlled properly. Wtren the 7.2 predetermined gurs is finis[ecl, and when the prestress is introduced, the strength shall satiefu the value specified in annex 3 table 5' In addition, products of Group II ehall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery. Annex 3 table 6 Compressive strength of concrete Unit : N/mm2 Classfication When the predeterminecl sure 16 ffnigltgd When the preetreas is Sheet pile 70 or more 35 or more Remarke : T}re compressive strength of concrete annex (informative). iltroduced nay refer to JIS A 5364 8 Inepections Inspections are based on JIS A 5365 and the following. g.1 l.inal inspection The final iaspection of the retaining w"lls shall be coudueted about appearance, performance, shape, and dimension. appearance, the characterigtics of a product, manufacture nethoil, manufacture quantity, etc. shall be considered, and a 100 % inspection or a sampling inspection shall be performed. a) Appearance About b) Performance, shape, ancl ilimension About performance, shape, antl dimension, a sampling inspection shall be performed. When the performance is inspected by a sanple as alternative characterietic, correlation ghall be establiehed betweeu the sanple and the prod'uct. c) Size of inepection lot The size of inspection lot ehall be specifred by a manuf,acturer by considering the characteristics of a product, a nanufacture method, manufacture quantitn manufacture perioil, orilered quaatity, etc' Within one inspection lot, the characteristics, the materiale used, concrete mixing ratio, and the manufacture nethod shall be the same. PROTECTED BY 00PYRIGHT 60 A 5373 : 2004 g.2 Delivery inspection The delivery inspection of the retaining walle ehall be made about appearance, shape, 6nd rtirngn5l6n. The size of inspection lot and the sampling methocl ghall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, anil deciiled by purchaeers. However, the delivery inspection ehall be subject to the agreemetrt between the partiee concerned with delivery, anil it may be omitted based on the result of final i"epection. g Marking The marki.ng on the retaining walls shall fuldicdte the following according to JIS A 5361. a) b) c) Classification or ite abbreviation A manufacturer s name or itg abbreviation A date of manufacture or its abbreviation 10 Others Group I ofthe retaining Anaer 3 table 6 walls ig shown in annex 3 table 6. Reoommeqileil specification Structue-spesi.fic produst SFoup etsndard 」IS A 5373 annex 3 (uormative) Retaining walls Recommended specifi cation Recommended epeci.frcation 3' 1 Preetressed concrete sheet Pile PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 61 A5373:2004 Recommend.ed specilication 3- I' Prestressed concrete sheet Pile 1 concrete sheet scope This recommended specification specifies the preetressed neheet pile of Group I of the lslqiniyrg walle (hereafter referred to as pile") among the annex3ofJISA5373. Renarks I A sheet pile which was baseal on the iletaile of thie recommended specification 3'1 ancl which was mauufactured by proper quality controlshallbedeemedtoconformtoclauseSoftheanuexSofJlSi 2 A 6373. If the reference dineneion hag been changed within the range shown in clause 4 of the annex 3 of JIS A 5373, a nanufacturer must pregent the following data to a purchaeer, when so requesteil' The alata must gtate conformity of the sheet pile to clause 3 of the annex 3 of JIS A 63?3 which has been demonstrated by the design document or Performance test. classifrcation sheet piles ehall be classifieal, by the shape, the dimension, and crack moment, as shown in recommended specfication 3-1 tables 1to 4' 2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT a 62 A5373:2004 Reconmended specificatioa 3'1 table 1 Flat type (norninal width 600 mm) As far ae the eheet pile of this shape is concerned, there is no distinction of a cross section between the compression sicle anil the teneion side' PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 63 A5873:2004 β¨ m ¨ ・ ″       Ш 一 Reco',,-endeil epecification 3-1 table n^--:a-lrr^*+ ●●n “ 996 64 80 SF 70 SF 80 80 15 SF 00 20 SF100 90 100 SFl10 SF120 110 120 30 36 SF180 SF140 SF150 130 140 44 50 58 SF160 SF180 SF190 SF200 SF220 150 160 22 180 190 84 90 200 220 102 130 n"-u.tr '. 1 00O nm) Lengthω m In 60 70 SF 60 Flat type (nominal width Cradk kN・ SF 50 2 20 2_5 0 0 0 0 4_0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■40 80 90 100 110 120 70 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .t" far as the sheet pile of this shape ig concerned, there is no distinction of a cro8B section between the compre8sion side and the tension side' PROTECTED BY COPYRIGrr 64 A5373:2004 いr  m 一 … ca● ● ●         ¨ 呻″  Recommended epecification 3-1 table CcL SC 00A SC 00B SC 90C SC120 SC160 120 B A 200 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 230 A B SC276 A 275 SC275 SC300 SC360 0 0 0 140 B 300 350 1∞ 80 85 90 95 100 110 20 21 B SC256 7Ю ■ 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ao 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 SC20o SC230 SC255 20 25 30 35 40 0 0 0 0 50 SC150 SC175 SC200 m 5.9 12 60 IIl B 996 46 ① 呻 d耐 moment ndth 89 A Slot type (uominal wirlth 1 (X)O mm) Iヽ o・ kN‐ 90 3 0 0 160 190 0 Remarks: As far as the sheet pile of this shape is concerned, there ie disti-nction of across gection between the compression siile and the teneion side' PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT 65 A5373:2004 ユ■ 1" 60 1∞ 80 ¨ B A 帥 B ¨ A B ¨ A 脚 B 卿 ¨ A螂3呻A¨B¨A¨ ¨ ︼ 一 い 一 ︼ 一 一 SW120 ”] Nm ″ 一蔵 ′ m r ﹄       m ﹄ ¨ n3‐ ltable L∞mmended sp… 歯〕 0 996 4 Waw lpeCnominal width 1 000 Шω 0 呻 ● 40 45 “ 0 0 0 `0 0 ││ ∞ ●6 70 75 80 0 0 0 0 ●│ 00 95 100 1■0 121 m 蜘 ll● I● │ Vκ 180 馴 3∞ 枷 450 O10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 2∞ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27● 100 360 600 `∞ 500 Remarks 190 : 0 As far ae the sheet pile of this shape is concerneil, there is no distinction of a cross section between the compression side and the tension eide' PROTECTED BY COPYRIGIrr 66 A 6g1g | 2004 3 Performance Bending strength Sheet piles shall be subjected to the bending strength test specified in clauee 6, and to the load equivalent to the crack moment specifieil in recommended epecification 3-1 tables 1to 4. Then, sheet piles shsll uot geDerate any crack exceeding the vridth of 0.05 mm. Moreover, a beniling rupture moment shall be at least twice the crack moment specifieil in recommeuded specification 3-1 tables 1to 4. 3.1 A load ie computeil by the following formula. r=Y-ws t Where, li'.. Mi : I I !{/: H g : Inading load (kM Crack moment (value specified in recommended specification 3'1 tables 1 to 4) GN'm) Span (m) which ie specified by / =L/2, ancl btl3. However, when / ie smaller than 10f/, it shall be / =10H Height (m) of sheet Pile Grogs sgss sf g l6s.ling beam, a round eteel as a load and a sheet steel ae a loail. Ilowever, when a loading beam is incorporateil ilto a bending strongth tester, the maes of a loading beam ie uot inclucled. (t) St"ndard gravitatioual acceleration (9.81 m/s2) Shape, dimeneioa and ilinensional tolerance The Shape, dimengion and ilimeneional tolerance of the sheet pile shall be as specified in recommeniled specification 3-1 figures 1 to 4, recommeniled specification 3-1 tables 1 to 4, and recommended specification 3-1 table 5- 4 In adilition, the tolerance of camber ehall be as specified specification 3-1 table 6. PROTECTED BY COPWGHT in recommenileil 67 A 5373 : 2004 UDit : mm Length(D (about 500) Ground Plqn Length (D Front view Recorn"'ended specificatiou 3-1figure 1 Shape of a flat type Front view Reco-',rended epecification 3-1 frgure 2Shape of a slot type (height 90 rn'r to 120 mm) PROTECTED BY COPYHGHT 68 A5373:2004 ミ ︶‘ 層ト Front view Recomrnended specificatiou 3-1 fi€ure 3 Shape of a elot type (height 150 mm to 360 nm) Groundph- Front view :│ :]「 ■ Recommendeil epecifcation 3-1 fuure 4 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT lilA 69 A 5373 : 2004 Recommenilerl specification 3-1 table 6 Dimeneion and ilimeneional tolera.nce Unit : mm D c n a r e 職 Flat 6?e ]   n Classification 嚇¨ Dimen' sion FIat type r¨ e   呻職興 ¨ ︲ 。 ・ T Dimen' sion Slot type D r一  e Wavy type Height width 500 2 000 to 14 000 220 50t● Length Tbickoeeg +5 -2 -2 +30 996 50 to 220 2 000 to 14 000 _, t30 _rD -Tt -2 996 90 to 350 45 to 100 -2 -2 -2 996 120 to 600 60t● 120 'fI -ft -2 -2 'r -t Reco"""ended specification 3- 1 table 6 2 000 to 14 000 +30 3 000 to 21 000 t -f 30 Tolerance of carnber Unit : mm Camber Z≦ 7000 10 ん >7000 15 5 d Bar arangement The bar arrangement of sheet pile ie baeed on the following. b) The covering ofPC gteel ehall be 16 mm or more. 6 Strength teet The covering of reinforcement ehall be 12 mm or more. Compreeeive ehength test The compressive strength teet of eheet pile is based on 6.1 of the annex 3 of JIS A 6373. 6.1 Bending strength test The bending strength teet of sheet pile shall be perforned by the loading method shown in the recommended specification 3'1 frgures 5 to 7. Wben the load equivalent to the crack moment specified in recommendeil specification 3'l tablee 1 to 4 is app[ed, check for any cracks in the crask width measurement point ehown in the reeonmended specification 3'l figures 6 to 7. 6.2 Remarks : A tester shall be Grade 1 or higher specified in JIS B 7721, or shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 70 A5373:2004 U二t:mm Load」 F Loacling beam 諄り 輩 。 :X500 :。 Stee1 6heet(150X12X :き Steel Bheet(150X12X500 or150X12X1000) "∫ Rollnd steel(φ 50X500 or or 150X12Xl X StF6l sheet (160 x 12x 600 Or 150X 12X 1 000 side(loaded dde) Crack width measurement poi.nt Recommended specification 3-1 frgure 5 Tbe beoding streugth test nethod (lat PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT tf'pe) 71 A5373:2004 Round steel(φ 50X1000) Steel sheet(150X12X1000 St8el sbeet (rbox lzx 1 ooo) 6teel (φ Steel sheet(150X12X1000 Conpression side 0oaded side) Crack width measurement Reco-"'ended specification 3-1 figpre 6 'I'he bending strength test method (slot type) PROTECTED BY COPYHGHT 50X10001 72 A5373:2004 Round et∞ 1(φ 60X1000 φ50X1000 Loacleil siale St€el sheet (150x 12x 1 000) Supported side Steel sheet(150X12X10001 Recommended specificatiotr 3-1 figure ? Bending etr€ugth teet (wavy type) ? Quafiry of concrete The compressive etrength of concrete ie based on 7.2 of the annex 3 of JIS A 5373. I Inspectioua g.1 a) Iospection items The inspection items of sheet pile are baeed on the following. Final inepection 1) 2) Appearance 3) Shape and dimension b) Performaace Delivery inspection 1) Appearance PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 73 A 5373 : 2004 2) Shape and dimeneion Remarkg : The delivery inspection ehall be oubject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be omitted based on the reeult of frnal inspection. luspectiou trot The size of inspection lot of sheet pile ehall be decid.ed by a manufacturer who consialere the characteristics of products, manufacture methods, nanufacture quantity, manufacture period., ordered qualtity, etc. The frnal inspection ehall be decided by a manufacturer. The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concernetl with delivery, and shall be decided by a purchaser. However, oue lot may be 1 000 eheete or its fractiou. 8.2 8.3 a) Inapection method The inepection method of sheet pile ie bageal on the following. Final inspection 1) Appearance For inspection of appearance, take samples from one lot at randon and inspect them. If they conforn to the provision of 6.1 of JIS A 5373 they ehall be accepted. If even one sample fails, perform a LOO o/o inspection of the lot. If it conforms to the provisiou, it ehall be accepted. D Performance For inspection of perfonnance, take two eheetg at random from one lot and inepect tbem according to 6.2. If both sheets conform to the provision of 3-1, the lot shall be accepted. If both fail, the lot ehall be rejectecl. Ifone ofthe two fails, take four frrrther sheete. If all the four eheete conforn to the provision, the the first nonconforming product. If even one of the lot shall be accepted, "xsluding four iails, the lot shall be rejected. 3) Shape and dinengion For inepection of shape snd diyngagien, tale two sheets at random from one lot. If both sheets conform to the provieion of dause 4, the lot shall be accepteil. If even one of the two faile in this inepection, the lot ehall be subjected to a 100 % inspection. If it conforms to the provision, it ehall be accepted- b) Delivety i""pection D Appearance Inspection of appearance shall be performed like a). When adopting a sampling inspection, tale two sheets at random. If they conform to the provision of 5.1 of JIS A 6373, the lot shall be accepted. If even one of the two fails in this iuepection, the lot shall be eubjected to a 100 % inspectionIfit conforms to the provision, it ehall be accepted. Z) Shape and d. Marking I dineneioa Iuspecbion of shape and dimeneion shall be performed like The marLing of eheet pile is based on JIS A 6361 audJISA5373. In addition, the following mattere ehall be marked. a) L€ngth or its abbreviation b) When there ia dietinction of the compression side and the tension side, the symbol or ite abbreviation indicating the compression eide or tension side. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 74 A5373:2004 Annex 4 (normative) Closed conduits Scope This annex specifies Group I and Group II of closed conduits which are maidy used for a channel, a passage, etc. among the precast prestreseed concrete proilucts specifieal in JIS A 5373. 1 2 Classification The claaeifrcation of cloeed conduits ehall be as specified in anaex 4 table 1. In addition, Group I shall be as speci.fred in annex Annex 4 table 1 4 table 2. Clasgification of closed conduits MttOrと 宙SiOn Minor divieion Prestressed concrete Closed∞ di撻 tubhg Prestressed concrete box cu-lvert Others 2 Classificatioa of closed-conduits Group Classification by ehape Classification by Classification by Classification by strength application earth coveriag aad type Aoaex 4 table I Det』 Internal'pres' pressure See recommended tubilg, lligh clase I to class specification external'p ree' 5 Bure Pre8tre88ed COncrete tubhg sure tubine 0.5 m to15 m 1.51 m to3.Om Prestreeged concrete box culvert Remarks 3 01 m to 4-r. See External pressure 6.Om recommended specification 4-2. 1 Pregtreseed concret€ tubing ie available 2 The prestresseil concrete box culvert is generally used when only the external preeeure ie applied. One is an internal tubing where both internal and external pressures are applied. The other is an external tubing where only the exterual plessure is applied. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT in two kinils. 75 A5373:2004 3 Pedornance ‐ e performance of closed conduits shan conform to the provision of aunex 4 table 3. Aanex 4 tabtre 3 Performance of dosed conduite be eafe to the regular load (r) assuned at the time of use, a.nd crack ehall be withio the allowance. It ihall Service performance :認■∝ (っ The perfornance chesk method See a tlesign rlocument Performance Performance item width It shall not break for the loail aseuned at the time of end stage. Durability shall be secured against Durability (3) deterioration aeeumed. Workability for transport, iaetallation, Workab■ aesemblv. etc. shall be eecured. etrensth for internal water preseure Notes(う "When tl re etrength preesure eball be checked, too. water clause 6 of the alrxex 4 See a deeign document or clause 6 of the or an-nex 4 See a design document or a recoril. See a desiglr document or a record. is required, the internal (2) Confirmation of the end stage performance shall be made when so requested by purchasere. (3) Duability may be confirmed by the actual results of gusfu girnilar prorlucte as are equivalent in terms of water-cement ratio and 6teel covering. Remarkg: Ttre performance itens of Group II shall be subject to the agteemeut between the partiee concertred with delivery. Shape, ilinensioD, snd dirnsnaisnnl tolerance The shape, dimeusion, and rlirnensional tolerance of cloeed conduits shall be based ou the following' As to Group I, if the design concept is not ali.ffereut, and if the performance (quality) and performance (qudity) check method are the eame, the refetence climension may be changeil within 10 % in response to purcbaser s clemand, provided that the necessary 4 performance is satisfi eal. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 76 A5373:2004 4.l Shape The shape ofclosed conduits is shown in annex 4 inforlnatlve五 岬 1. al Prestressed∞ ncrete tubing “3 0日 ●︼ ﹁ 冒 ● 3 ●H ︻ Anner 4 informative 6gure 1 Examptre of shape of prestreseed concrete tubing PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 77 A5373:2004 b) Preetressed co[crete box culvert 8 8 Д侶 ざ Thickness ●oO●“0﹁︻ い Annex 4 irSonative figure 2 n-arnFle of shape of preehessed concrete box culvert Dimension and dimensional tolerance The d.imeneion std d'iYnsnalsaal tolerance of the products classifred into Group I ghall be as specified in annex 4 tablee 4 and 5. The dimension gnfl dimsasieaal tolerance of the proilucts classifiecl into Group II shall be subject to the agteement between the partiee concerned with ilelivery. 4.2 a) Pregtressed concrete tubiag lls dimsasiqs and dirngaslstral tolerance of prestreesed concrete tubing shall be as epecified iu atrrcx 4 table 4. Anner 4 table 4 Dimensiou aDil ilirnensional totrerance of presheased concrete tubing Unit : mn Internal Classi.frcation concf,ete tubiag Remarks 1 , Tolerance 500 to 3000 +3 to± 12 0 t 0 0 。 0 0 0 5 Dinension Length 2 PrestreEged dia:neter +10 -5 Thicknees 40 to 250 +4 to+12 -2 to-6 The thickness shall be speci.fied at the core. Products may have dramfer, reinforrced tubing end or other processi:rg which does not aftct the shape ancl dqrnage the strength of tubing. The inside anil outside circumference of cross section of tubbg shall be practically concentric. The tubing end shall be practically perpendicular to the tubing axie. For detailg of tolerance, refer to the recommended apecification. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 78 A5373:2004 b) Preehesg€d coDcf,ete box culvert The dimeneion and dimeneional tolerauce of prestressed coDcrete box culvert shall be aB specfieal in annex 4 table 5. Annex 4 table 6 Dimeueion and ilimensional tolerance of preetressed coocrete box culvert Unit : mm Iuternal width x internal heieht Claseification Prestreesed coucf,ete box culvert Remarks I 2 Dimeneion Tolerance 600× 600 to 5000× 2500 ± 4 to=ヒ 10 Length 1000 to 2 000 +10 -5 88 … 125 t● 530 +4 to+8 -Zto-4 Products may have chamfer, reinforced tubing end or other processing which does not affect the ehape an<l ila"'age the strength of tubing. For details of tolerance, refer to the recoomended epeci.fication. 5 Bar arangement (position of PC eteel and reinforcement) The bar arraugement is baeed on JIfl A 6364 and a design document. Moreover, a manufacturer shall decide, for each product, the bar arrangement of preetressed concrete tubing and prestressed concret€ box culvert so that it satisfres clause 3. 6 Test lnethod 6.1 Compreaaive strength and JIS A 1108. test The compressive stretrgth test ie baseal on JISI A 1132 6.2 Beuding shength teat and iuternal preeeure strength teet The bending etrength test and interDal pressure stredgth teet are based on JISI A 5363. Remarks : A teeter ehall be Grade 1 or higher specified in JIS B 7721, ot ebalT have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. Atr internal pressure teet shall use the pressure gauge of Grade 1.6 or better specified in JIS B 7606. 7 Quality of concrete 7.1 Material and maaufacture method The material for concrete and manufacrure method are based on JIS A 5364. 7.2 Compressive streugth The comFressive strength of concrete ehall be verified by the compressive strength of sample which was processerl by the same cure as the product, or the compressive strength which was controlled properly. When the predetermined cure is frnished, the etrength shall aatiefu the va-luee specified in annex 4 table 6. In ail&tion, products of Group parties conceraed with ilelivery. II ehall be subject to the agreenent between the PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 79 A5373:2004 Annex 4 table 6 0ompressive strength ofconcrete Uit:N/mm2 ati6n Compreseive streugth At the time At the time of quality introtluction aSsurance 50 or more of prestress Concrete Preetreeseil soncf, ete tubiag Prestreseed conclete box culvert Notee ({) 30 or more (1) Mortar Concrete 35 or more 30 or more (6) 40 or more Covercoat mortar for PC steel protection. (o) The tine of quality aosurance in prestressed concrete box culvert ehowe the design reference strength of coucrete. Remarks 8 : The compreesive strength of concrete may refer to JIS A 5364 annex Gnformative). Inspectione Inspections are baged on JIS A 5365 and the following. 8.1 the finrl inspection The final inspection of cloeeil conduits shall be performed about appearance, performance, shape, and dirnension. a) Appearance About appearance, it shall be a 100 % inspection or a sampling inspection in consideration of the characterietics of a product, a manufacture metbod, manufacture quantity, etc. b) Perfomance, shape, anil rlirnensiou About performance, shape, and dirneneion, ghall be a eampling inepection. it When the performance is inepected by a e"mple ae alternative characteristic, correlatiou shall be eetsblished between the sample aud the product. inspection Iot The eize of inspection lot ehall be specified by a manufacturer by considering the characteristics of a product, a manufacture Dethod, nanufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantity, etc. c) Size of Within one inspection lot, the characteristice of producte, the materials use4 concrete mixing ratio, and the manufacture method shall be the same. 8.2 Delivery inspection The delivery inspection of cloeed conduits ehall be made about appearance, shape, and ilimension. The eize of inspection lot and the sampling methoil shall be subject to the agreement between the partiee concerned with delivery, and shall be speeified by a purchaser. However, the delivery inspection ehall be subject to the agreement betweeu the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be omitted baeed on the result of final inspectiou. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 4 0 0 2 3 7 3 5 0 8 A 9 Marking The marking on cloeed conduits shall inficate the following mattere according to JIS A 536f. a) Clagsification or its abbreviation b) Manufacturer'e name or ite abbreviatiou c) Date of manufacture or its abbreviation 10 Others Group I of cloeed conduits is ehown Annex 4 table Structure-specific product grouP etanalard JIS A 5373 annex 4 (nornative) Cloeed conduite 7 i! annex 4 table 7. Recommendeil specification Recommendetl epecifi cation :::lltlillltt PreStressedcolllcretetubbg Becommended specification 4'2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Preetressedconcretebox culvert 81 A5373:2004 Recommended specification 4- 1 Prestressed concrete tubing scope Thig recommentled epecification specifies the prestresseil concrete tubing of closed conduitg Group I (hereafter referrecl to as "PC tubing:') among the anuex 4 ofJIS 1 A 5373. Remarke 1 The cloeed cond.uit which wae baged on the detaile of this 2 reconmended specification 4'1 anil which was manulactured by proper quality coutrol ehall be deemed to conform to slauee 3 of the anuex 4 of JIS A 5373. If the reference dimension has been chauged within the range shown in clause 4 of the annex 4 of JIS A 6373' a manufacturer must preseDt the following data to a purchaser, when so requested. The data muet etate conformity of the PC tubing to clause 3 of the annex 4 of JIS A 63?3 whish has been demonstrated by the design document or performance test. specif'eil by this recommended specification is manufactured by introilucing the prestress into the core which was formed by a centrifugal force or rolling pressure. Covercoat mortar coatiag is applied to protect the PC steel arranged in the core 3 The PC tubing perimeter. 2 classification The PC tubings are claesified into internal-pressure tubing and external-pressure tubing, and further claesified by shape aud nominal diameter range as shown in recommended apecification 4'l table 1. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 82 A5373:2004 RecoEDIrlended specincation 4‐ l table l ClaBsilEcation of PC tubing Claseifuation by ehape and nomiaal diamet€! ralge Clarsification by type η IntBrnal' pressure tubing "eS Class l Class 2 恥 eC 嚇 e NC This ie designed to the iuternal pressure anil the exterqal presaure. 500 t● Information 1650 500 t02000 Cl`● s3 Ch88 4 Class 6 External・ pressure tubig High pressure Class l High pressure ClaS8 2 Hieh preSsure Class 3 Class l Clase 2 500 900 1500 t01350 to 2 200 900 2400 to 2 200 to 2 600 900 2800 to 2 600 to 3 000 900 to 3 000 to 1 650 500 to 2 000 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Tbrs is designeil to the external Pre88ute. 83 A5373:2004 3 Performance Beniting shencth A PC tubing shall be subjected to the bendi-ng strength test specfied in Jlause o. whuo a tubing receivee the crack load specified in recommended s'pecifrcatiou 4-1 table 2, it ehall not produce any crack. A tubing sfiall. ae1 be destroyed when the bsaking le6il indicated in recommended specification 4'1 table 2 is applieil- 3.1 Recommended epecification 4-1 table 2 Bending sheuet'h of PC tubing Uit:kN/m Classification お6● ure tub mg anil exter4q!p1qggg19_.!g big reakins load Craclingjeed ゛ ●9Д 0 い o●“︼O H ●0●︻0 N 口9 調 0 0 ∞ ●0●︼ ゛ ●0●︼O い o●“︻ 0 ∞8澤o9●88●■=〓 ∞ ●●”︼0 N ●o●︼0 0﹄●Ooo“ヽ “¨〓躙 N ●●“ 出0 目 ︻●0●[ O o﹁●●o●負。 〓¨¨ H ●●“︻0 ¨8羹o8ョ82n4眉目 N ∞●“︻ O oコ6 ●o●L ■響 国 H ●●●︻O o■●ooo﹁熱 轟¨〓熙 ●。● 弓o口﹁口⊇Z 口o3 ●口¨︼ 500 112 97 80 64 56 224 194 160 128 112 600 700 110 95 78 61 52 190 156 122 104 113 96 79 61 62 220 226 240 192 158 122 104 204 220 168 128 110 176 134 112 276 288 234 188 146 122 242 200 162 122 302 314 338 360 380 256 210 162 266 216 164 138 286 236 180 150 310 254 194 160 322 258 196 164 400 330 274 206 170 420 354 286 216 178 440 460 480 370 298 224 186 386 310 236 194 402 322 246 202 500 418 334 256 210 800 900 200 170 84 64 55 130 110 88 67 56 138 117 94 73 61 100 76 61 144 300 240 250 300 200 230 250 300 ●‘ 102 度υ 1000 1100 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 240 120 128 105 81 69 157 133 108 82 69 169 143 118 90 75 180 155 127 97 80 190 161 129 98 82 200 165 137 103 85 210 177 143 108 89 220 185 149 112 93 230 198 155 118 97 240 201 161 123 101 250 209 167 128 105 480 600 400 480 340 400 500 460 600 600 600 260 Internal-preBaure etrength When the internal.pressure tubing is subjected to the internal-pressure strength test specified in clause 6, and subjected to the test internal pressure epecfied in recommeniled specification 4'l table 3 it shall not generate any leakage of water. Moreover, when it is subjected to the crack internal pressure ghown in recomnended specification 4'1 table 3 it shall not generate any crack. 3.2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 84 A5373:2004 Reconnended epecfication 4-1 table 3 Test iotertral pressure and crack internal preeeue of PC tubiag Uit:MPa DreSsure Dteaaure of noEi!.al desicnation Class I 18 2.0 500 to 1 650 Claes 2 1.4 1.6 500 to 2 000 Clase 3 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 Claseification Itrterna]pressure tubing Class 4 Class 5 Test Crask internal internal 4 RaDge ShrFe, dimeneion s.nd .lirngnaisaal tolerance The ehape(l), dimension and dimensional tolerance of the Pc tubing ehall be as specified in recommended specifrcatiou 4-t fi.gure 1 and table 4' Note 0) : The sbape ofPC tubing may be processed, as necessar5r, to the extent that it doee not affect the ehape and damage the strength' The inside and outeide circumference of cross section shall be practically concentric. The tubing euil shall be practicdly perpendicular to the tubing axis. The inner surface of tubing shall be smootb agqingtr 16' flowing water. Cover coat PROTECTED BY COPYRIGIrr 85 A5373:2004 Intemal No‐ in.1 alaneter d031pa・ Thickneae EJ"rllal of co!€ dlame"r of alon port 饉 ● on Tbickless recelv・ of cover 0 E詭 醸 ve recenang port hg widow coat lellgth In"mal Msss 0obraa' tive) &g/n) ″ ,. 500 Jフ ` H 500 Depth Of at.,ぃ eちer of 6011 1 Π I Π 42 40 672 676 44 44 684 687 I III 692 695 t" ι 25 or 4000 ι. more 140 II 320 320 410 390 480 460 600 612 700 724 700 46 46 800 781 824 805 800 828 800 52 50 916 894 940 918 900 59 1034 1004 1058 1028 66 1144 1112 1172 1140 1258 1222 1286 1250 970 930 1110 900 1000 1034 1000 1100 1134 1100 1200 1234 1200 65 78 70 660 165 870 1332 1400 1360 1210 1538 1492 1666 1520 1460 1320 1680 1372 1360 1382 1350 87 1600 1532 1500 96 85 1702 1680 1734 1712 1770 1650 1680 1650 106 95 1868 1830 1900 1862 2080 1930 2064 2020 2480 2240 2300 2242 2940 2730 1800 1824 201111 2040 Note (2) : Remarke 1800 2000 116 100 126 110 2032 2268 1988 2210 The effective length Zmay be 2 000, 3 000 or 5 000. : The symbol I refers to the tubing Danufactureil by centrifugal force, and the symbol II, the tube Banufactured by rolling presEure' Reco--euiled specification 4-l frgure I Shape anil ilimeusion of PC tubing, type S PROTECTED BY COmGHT 86 A5373:2004 Cover coat Details of,oint NoEinsl IDternal desigaa' diaoe' troD t€t ThicL' negs of oote Ex"□ un IDt€rml I.eoSt-h Depth of of inser- teceivi!g … Of diaEeter o! tron window lllge― rec€i9ttrg port pOrt POri 饉 島 900 900 1000 1100 1200 1350 1500 1660 1800 1000 1100 1500 1650 1800 112 120 2000 146 2400 2600 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 2800 3000 2200 32 88 1200 1350 a 960 976 1064 1168 1080 1274 1290 1448 1604 1760 1432 1588 1744 1898 In3me length len"h Mass Gttxma‐ ttveD cov€t coat L 47 Emtve 26 or ι ム 2360 2352 190 1914 2132 2342 2656 2766 220 295G 3166 2976 3186 Reconmended epecificatiou 4-1figure 1 Shape and dirnension of PC tubing (continued), type C PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (kυ nlD more 1184 2116 2326 2636 2746 160 176 Thick' of uess 1050 1220 1450 1720 2000 2280 2830 3390 4000 4650 5350 6090 87 A5373:2004 Covercoat DetailB ofjoint Nomiral deris' natior IDt€r' uaf diaa' Thick' of ness erre etar Exter' nal diam' eter of Ltemal L● llgth Depth ThicL' 月1● Tn‐ Of ofre・ oese eter of ulser‐ celmg recet― g tlon port port A ユ ム ム 115 120 i]rse!- dow … tion port of @vel Erec‐ Inslde dve length lendh :mm Mass Gコ 』 0口 m・ aiⅥ め coat n ι L 2295 (kEl轟 D お 1500 1500 140 1698 1632 1650 1650 150 1758 1792 1800 1800 160 1916 1950 2820 2000 2000 175 2130 2164 3380 2200 2200 190 2344 2378 3990 2400 2400 205 2550 2594 2600 2600 2800 3000 220 2764 2808 5330 235 2978 3022 6120 250 3192 3236 6900 2800 3000 130 25 or oα ore 2300 135 Recommended specifrcation 4-l figure 1 Shape and di"'eueion ofPC tubing (concluded), type NC PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2110 2450 4640 88 A5373:2004 Reco"""ended specification 4-1 table 4 Dirneneionnl totrerance Unit : mm of Range Iuter- nominal deeignatioo naI diameter , 500 600t● ± 900 ム 3 ±4 1 000 to 1 350 ± 6 1 500 to 2 000 ± 8 2200t● 2400 2 600 to 3 000 Note (s) : ± 10 ± 12 Int€!' Depth of Ettect"り Inner i.neertion port and receiv' length length T,pe S,T,pe C,い o NC polE nal rliame' ter of receiv' ing port h n L,L (3) Exter' nal Thick' ness of iliamecote tBr of inser' tiorl +4 -2 +6 -3 +8 -4 +10 -5 +12 -6 +2 -1 ± +1 -2 ± 2 ± 3 ± 4 illg port ± Z 5 助 eC, MeNC ム +10 -5 2 +3 -2 Measure the thickness 6 of a core before prestressiog in the directiou of a peripherY of a core. 5 Bar arrang€ment A manufacturer thall speci&, for each product, the bar arrangemetrt which satisfree the performance epecified in clause 3. 6 Strength test g.l lgading atreagth teet For a bending strength tegt, install PC tubing ae shown in recommeniled specification 4'1 freure 2, and apply a load in the center of a span. Set the test load to the cracking load epecified in recommended specification 4'1 table 2 and check for auy crack. Moreover, check for a brerking strength to investigate whether it satisfres the test load equivalent to the breaking load specified in reconneDded specification 4-1 table 2 when performing a bending strength test, insert a rubber plate to the pressurization eurface and supporting surface of PC tubing, and distribute a load uniforurly. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 89 A5873:2004 Test load J(│) Test loadス │) ηpe C,■ pe NC Reco--ended specification 4-1 figure 2 the bending etrength teat netboil of PC tubing ηpeS Note(4) : Remarks The value of teet load f is the proiiuct obtpined bv multiplying the cracking loail specified in recommended specificatiou 4'1 table 2 by the effective leneth Z. : A teeter shall be Grade 1 or higher specified in JIS B 7721, or ehall have the allowance which ia equivalent to or better than this. presaure strength test For the internal presEure strength test, install a PC tubing as shown in recommended epecification 4-1 frgure 3, and apply the test internal pressure specified in recommended specification 4-1 table 3. Maintain that pressure for 3 minutes anil check for leakage of water. However, spots or water clrops oozed on the surface of the tubing shall not be deemed as leakage of water. When the crack internal pressure reachee the value ehown in recomnended specification 4'1 table 6.2 Iuternal 3, check for any crack. Remarks : The iuternal presswe teet shall be performeil using the presgure gauge of grade 1.6 or better speci.fred in JIS B 7505. 鰈 Reconmended specification 4-1 figu,re 3 lte i.nternal-pressure strength test methocl of PC tubing PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 90 46373 i 2004 7 Quality of concrete The compreesive strength of concrete is baeed on 7.2 of the annex 4 of JIS A 6373. : Remarks 8 To veri& quality of cover coat mortar, an alternative characteristic (e.g. density) may be ueed, provided that it is sufrciently correlated with etsength. Inspections 8.1 Inspection ite"'" a) Fiaal inspection 1) Appearance The inspection items of PC tubing arc based on the following. 2) Perfornance 3) Shape and dimension b) Delivery inspectiou 1) Appearance 2) Shape and dimension Remarks : The deliverlf inspection shall be subject to the agreemeut between the parties concerned witb delivery, and it may be omitted based on the result of final inspection. Inspection lot The size of inspection lot of PC tubing shall be decided by a manufacturer who considers the characteristice of producte, manufacture methode, manufactute quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantitg etc. The frnal inspection ehall be decided by a manufucturer. The delivery iuspection shall be subject to the agreement between the partiee concerneil with delivery, and ehall be deciileil by a purchaser. However, one lot may be 50 tubings or its fraction. 8.2 8.3 Inspection methoil The inspection methoil of PC tubing ie baseil on the following. d Final inspectioa 1) Appearaace The appearance shaU be subjected to vieual 100 % inspection. Ifthe products conform to tbe provision of 6.1of JIfiA6373, they shall be accepteal. 2) Performance The performance shall be inspected as follows. Take one tubing at random from one lot. In case of the external-pressure tubing, inepect it by 6.1. Iu the case of the internal-pressure tubing, inspect it by 6.1 and 6.2. If it conforms to the provision of 3.1 or 3.2, the lot shall be accepted. If it fails' inspect all of the rest ofthe lot. If it conforms to the provision, it ghall be accepteil. 3) Shape and dimension For inspection of shape and dimensiorl take one tubing at random from one lot. If it conbrms to the provision of dause 4 the lot shall be aepted- If it fa;lq insp€ct all of the reet ofthe lot. Ifit conforms to the provision, it shall be accepted- PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 91 A 5373 :2004 b) 9 Delivery iaspection 1) Appearance Inspection of appearance shall be made like a). 2) Shape and dirneqeion Inepection of shape and di'nensiou ehall be made like d. Marking The marking of PC tubing is baeed on JIS A 5361 andJISA6373. PROTECTED BY COPⅧ GHT 92 A5373:2004 Recommended specific ation 4-2 Prestressed concrete box culvert 1 Smpe This recommend.ed epecification specifies the prestressed concrete box culvert of Group I of the cloeed couduite (hereafter referred to ae "PC box culvert'') amoug the annex 4 of JIS| A 5373. Remarke 1 The PC box culvert which was based oo the detailn of this recommended specification 4-2 ar.d which was manufactured by 2 2 proper quality control ehall be deemed to conform to clause 3 of the annex 4 of JIS A 5373, If the reference dimengion has been changed within fhe lgags ehowo in clause 4 of the aluex 4 of JIS A 5373, a mauufacturer must preeent the following data to a purchaser, when eo requested. The data must state conformity of the box culvert to clause 3 of the annex 4 of JIS A 6373 which has been demonstrated by the design docurnent or performance tesl. Classification The PC box culvert is classified by the nominal rlirnension and applicable earth covering as shown in recommended specification 4'2 table 1. Recommended specification 4-2 table 1 Classification of PC box culvert Claeeification by Claeefication Claseification by applicable earth no'"inal coveri.ng dioension T,pe 150 T,pe 300 い o600 Note (t) : m(r, mt! 600× 600 0.50 to l.50 1 51 to 3.00 to 5000× 2500 3.01 to 6.00 Although the range of applicable earth covering is indicated above, it is possible to correspond to the minimum earth covering (0.2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT d. 93 A5373:2004 3 Petformance Ben<ting shength The PC box culvert shall be subjected to the bend'ing strength teet specified in clause 6, and to the bending strength load epecified iu recommended specification 4-2 table 2. Then, it ehall not generate the crack exceecling width of 0.05 mm. Moreover, when the check of the performance against breaking ie carried out based on the agreement between the parties conserned with delivery, it shall be baaed on the provision of clauee 3 of the annex 4. 3.1 Recomnended specification 4-2 Nominal ali!.ensiou 66 s ! $s1;ling streugth load of PC box culvert Bending strength load αN′ m) Bxlt(mm) 嚇 600× 600 700X700 800× 800 900× 600 900× 900 1000X800 1000X1000 1000X1500 1200X1500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 300X1 400X1 500X1 500X1 500X1 800X1 800X1 378 41.6 32.7 41.5 29.0 45.7 34.3 58.5 52.6 455 45.2 31.5 41.3 195 286 48.6 34.0 41.4 39.5 56.8 51.9 41 694 2 500X1 500X1 500× 2 2 500× 2 2 800X1 77.3 36.4 29.8 572 604 38.9 42.1 51.0 60.3 59.2 44.5 663 65.8 64.2 68.2 66.9 72.3 69.6 74.7 73.8 72.8 70.5 74.4 71.4 767 75.8 725 81.2 491 59.7 566 516 711 66.9 60.9 483 650 69.1 859 82.0 732 103 96.1 86.7 64.0 59.9 103 56.2 68.8 61.9 95.7 75.5 725 69.7 64.1 73.6 66.4 820 79.7 77.4 69.3 92.4 PROTECTED BY COPⅧ GHT 118 106 00 2 000X1 500 2 000X1 800 2 000× 2 000 2 200X1 800 2 200× 2 200 2 300X1 500 300X1 800 300× 2 000 2 300× 2 300 2 400× 2 000 500 800 000 500 500 T,pe 600 34.7 38.9 43.1 55.8 54.1 400× 2400 e300 21.4 23.9 26.5 300 400 000 200 500 200 500 1800X1800 助 34.1 E● 1 100Xl 100 1 200× 800 1 200X1 000 1 200X1 200 e150 305 125 120 110 128 115 145 140 135 118 162 94 A5373:2004 Recommended specincation 4‐ 2 table 2 Ccondudeめ Ben出 g strength load CkN/mp Nogiasl diYng1si6tl BxE(am) 助 2800× 2000 2800X2500 2800× 2800 3000X1500 3000× 2000 3000X2500 3000X3000 3500× 2000 3500× 2500 4000× 2000 4000× 2500 4500× 2000 4500× 2500 5000× 2000 5000× 2500 Renarks 1 2 e150 T,pe 300 80.3 891 77.3 74.4 82.0 75.9 86.9 84.8 80.6 76.3 96.7 92.5 109 107 123 120 130 129 助 e600 99.4 90.3 82.1 155 142 132 131 172 157 137 120 114 138 133 159 155 174 171 205 194 232 227 268 263 302 296 105 A tester shall be Grade I or higher specified in JIS B 7721, ot shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. The above-mentioned valuee aesume the vehicle load of total weight of 245 kN as the design live load. Thie beniting strength load of PC box culvert is designed under the followi-ug applicable earth covering: for type 150, 0.50 to 1.60 mi for type 300, 1.51 to 3.00 m; and for type 600, 3.0f to 6.00 m. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT A5373 95 :2004 4 Shape, dimeneiotr antl ilinensioqsl tolerence The sbape, dimension, and dimeneional tolerance of PC box culvert shall be as epeciffeil ia recomnended specification 4-2 figure 1, table 3 anil table 4. L 一  〓 一  〓 一  〓 一  〓 一  一 一  一 一  一 一  〓 一  一 一  一 一  一 一  〓 一  一 二 一  〓 一  一 L Remarks I The shape of a proiluct hae a standard type and an inverted type. The shape of joint has a butting type, a frtting type, and a receiving port, insertion port type. Products may have chaofer, packing window, sling hole or other processing which doeg not affect the shape and damage the strength of box culvert. Products can be installed in several ways. Procluct may be simply laid down, joined with PC steel, or joined with bolts. R€commended specification 4'2 figure 1 showg the joint using PC steel. Recommended specification 4-2 figure 1 Figue of ehape of PC box-culvert PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 96 A5373:2004 Reco"t"'ended epecification 4-2 table 3 Dimension table of PC box culvert Unit : mm 恥 0 0 0 0 。 0 0 5 。 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 2 2 180 200 200 200 230 230 230 230 230 230 250 250 250 250 150 160 150 150 150 150 150 160 150 150 150 150 160 150 150 150 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 2 250 260 280 280 280 280 300 300 300 150 150 150 160 150 150 160 150 。 0 “ “ m 5 6 2 8 2 0 8 2 2 8 2 0 8 2 2 6 2 0 2 200 230 230 230 230 230 230 250 260 260 260 260 260 280 280 280 280 360 350 350 0 8 180 0 8 180 0 5 150 180 0 6 150 150 0 6 2 1 2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHr 0 2 0 8 350 350 0 2 0 8 350 2 3 。 0 0 0 Ю 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 200 200 200 8 0 0 0 8 250 200 8 0 0 0 8 200 250 250 5 0 0 0 200 5 0 0 0 200 200 5 0 0 0 200 200 2 0 0 0 200 2 0 5 0 200 2 0 2 0 180 2 0 2 0 180 250 250 260 260 260 0 0 2 0 。 8 180 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 2 0 。 8 180 180 180 200 2000 0 2 0 0 8 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 180 180 0 2 2 。 8 20tl 180 180 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 2 2 0 8 180 150 150 150 160 160 20011 0 2 2 150 180 180 180 180 180 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 2 2 150 150 150 150 125 150 2000 2000 2000 2000 θ 乃 0 2 2 125 2000 % 0 2 6 2 125 125 125 150 150 150 150 150 ■ 0 2 5 2 126 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 5 6 5 0 2 2 2 ω 5 2 5 2 125 五 σ 0 。 0 0 0 。 0 5 6 5 “ Ю 6 5 5 “ 5 2 5 2 125 Tlpe 600 52 55 。6 。 昴・ 2 ・・ ・ 5 2 2 2 2 1200X1000 1200X1200 1200X1500 1300X1300 1400X1400 1500X1000 1500X1200 1500X1600 1800X1200 1800X1600 1800X1800 2000X1500 2000X1800 2000X2000 2200X1800 2200X2200 2300X1500 2300X1800 2300X2000 2300X2300 2400X2000 2400X2400 2500X1600 2500X1800 2600X2000 2500X2500 2800X1500 2800X2000 2800X2600 2800X2800 3000X1500 3000X2000 3000× 2600 2 800 2 1200X 2 1 100 X l 100 2 800 2 1000X 1000X1000 1000X1500 2 700× 700 300X800 900X 600 900X 000 2 乃 600X600 e150,type 300 200 200 200 Z 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 20∞ 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 97 a 6373 : 2004 Reco"'meniled specification 4-2 table 3 (conclucteil) Unit : mm $pe σ Z ■ 2000 。 3 0 0 ■ 260 250 260 250 250 300 300 330 330 0 3 0 0 4000× 2000 鋤 250 300 300 300 300 380 380 380 380 2000 2000 380 400 400 460 450 600 600 1500 1500 1000 1000 1000 1000 σ Z 200 300 300 800 300 300 300 300 300 1600 多 350 860 380 400 400 300 300 0 0 0 0 0 。 0 0 0 3 4 4 4 “ 0 0 260 300 0 3 3000X3000 3500X2000 3500X2500 Type 600 160, type 300 0 3 0 8 4000X2600 460 4500× 2000 450 4500× 2500 530 400 380 5000× 2000 530 400 3000X2500 380 Remark8: The etteci“ length(D may be1 5001nm or 1 000 mm. 0 3 0 8 Reconmeuded specification 4'2 tabte 4 Dimeusiooal tolerance of PC box culvert Unit : mm Nornilal tli:nension Dinensional to ern・ lce Inner 趾 k‐ Ettec饉 ゃo length width ne● ● and ilner heieht 600)く 600 to 900× 900 1000× 800 to 2 500 ×2500 2800× 2 000to 3 000 × 3000 3500X2000 to 5 000 X2500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 ± 4 ±6 ± 7 ± 10 +4 -2 +6 -3 +6 -4 +8 -4 PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT +10 -5 98 A 6373 : 2004 5 Bar arralgBretrt A manufacturer ehall epecify the bar arrangement which satisfies the provision specfied in clauee 3. The covering of steel shall be equal to or more than the diameter of steel anal 20 mm or more. The gap of steel shall be 5/4 times or more the maximum dimgnsipq 6f s coarse aggEegate. 6 Shength test Compreseive streugth test The compressive strength teet of concrete is baeed on JIS A 1132 and JIS A 1108. 6.1 Bending strength teat For the bending strength test, install a PC box culvert as ehown in recommendled specification 4'2 frgure 2. When it is subjected to the load opecified in recomnended specifrcation 4-2 table 2, check for any crack exceeding the width of 0.05 mm. 6.2 When perfor-ing a bending streugth test, insert a rubber plate to the preesurization surface and supporting surface ofPC box culvert, and clistribute a load uniformly. Load F Rubberっ late l Settn steel Load F Top plate S記e wa■ Bottom plate 2,ィ ン222222,こ うるころうるうころイ B+L Becommended epecification 4-2 figuue 2 the bending atrength teet method of PC box culvert PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 99 A 53?3 : 2004 Qusfity of concrete The compressive strength of concrete is baeeal on 7.2 of the annex 4 of JISI A 6373. ? 8 Inspectioae 8.1 Inspection itema The inepection iteme of PC box culvert are baeed on the following. d Final inepection 1) Appearance 2) Performance 3) Shape and dimension b) Delivery inspection 1) Appearance 2) Shape and dimeneion Remarks : The delivery inspectiou ehall be subject to the agreemeut between the parties concerned with clelivery, ancl it may be onitted based on the reeult of fiDal iDepection. Inspection lot The .lrs qf inapection lot of PC box culvert shall be decided by a manufacturer who coneidere the characterietics of producte, manufacture nethods, manufacture quantity, oanufacture perio{ ordered quantity, etc. The final inspectioo shall be ilecideil by a manufacturer. The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the partiee concerned with delivery, and shall be decided by a purchaser. However, oue lot may be 100 piecee or its fraction for each classi.frcation. 8.2 8.3 lupection rnethod The inspection nethod of PC box culvert is based on the following. a) Final inspection 1) Appearance The appearance ehall be eubjected to visual 100 % inspection. If the proilucts conform to the provision of 6.1 of JIS A 6373, they shall be accepted. 2) Performance The performance shall be inspected as follows. Take one piece at random from one lot ancl inspect it by 6.2. If it conforms to the provision of 3.1 the whole lot shall be accepted. If it fails, tale two further pieces from the lot, and re-inspect them. If both of the two conform, the whole lot shall be aecepted, excluding the 6rst nonconforming product. If even one piece fails in re-inspection, the whole lot shall be rejected. 3) Shape grd dimsnai6a For inspection of shepe anal dimension, tale one piece at random &om one lot. If it conforme to recommended specification 4'2, the whole lot shall be accepted. Ifit fails, take two further pieces from the lot, and re-inspect them. If both of the two conform, the whole lot ghall be accepted, sr(gluding the firet nonconforming product. If even one piece fails in re'inspection, the whole lot shall be inspected. If it conforms to the provision, it will be accepted. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 100 A5373:2004 D Deliverylnspection l)Appear。 ‐“ The appearance sha■ be inspected llke D. When a s,mpling逃 pect■ on is adop"軋 take two pieces at random.If both of the two∞ nform to the prov■ ebn of6.l of」 IS A 5373,the lot shnll be accepted lf even olle piece ttilA,the whole 10t shan be hspec"d.If it confonlls to the prOvlslon,it wtt be accepted. 2)Shape and dimension Shape and dimension shau be inspectedlike O. 9 MarlKing The marking on PC box culvertis based on JIS A 5361 and JIS A 5373. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 101 A5373:2004 Annex 5 (normative) Piles 1 scope This antrex specifies Group I and Group II of piles which are mainly used 2 ClasBification Pilee shall be claseified according to annex for a foundation pile among the precast prestreseed concrete products epecified in JIS A 6373. In adfition, Group I ehall be classified according to annex 6 5 table 1. table 2' Annex 5 table l Clasd出 にa“ n ofpiles Major rlivieion Piles Minor divieion Preetresgeil concrete pile (PC pile, ST pile, knot pile) Prestreseed reinforced-concrete pile (PBC pile, PRC knot pile) Others Annex 5 table 2 Clasd■ にa」 On of Group l of piles Claseifcation by Clasei.frcation by external tliameter efrective preetrees Classification Elt Prestreesed coucrete pile (PC pile, ST pile) Remarks 1 300 to 1 200 Detall N/mm.2 4.O to 10 0 See reconmended eoecificatiou 5'1. The effective prestrees shall be calculated. The calculated value shall be in the range of +5 % of each value, 2 It is allowable to adopt the external diameter exceeding 1 200 mm. In that case, perfornance valuee shall be decideil eubject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery' 3 PC pilee have the sanue cross section over the entire length. ST piles have the cross section which enlarges toward on end. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT t02 A 5373 : 2004 3 Perfonance Performalce of the body of pile fhe performauce of the body of pile ehall conform to the provision specifred in annex 5 table 3. 3.1 Annex 5 table っ 獣墨雷0 erf魔 Performance of body of pile Performance check Perforrrance Performance item Service performance 3 method It ehall be safe to th€ regular load assumed at the tine of uee, and crack width ehall be within an allowance. It ehall not break for tine of end etage. tJre Ioatl aeeunetl at the See a desig! doculoetrt or claqse G ofthe aDnet 6. S€€ a dgsigE docuneni or clause 6 of the aroer 6. See a desig! docureDt o! a Durability ehall be secured agaiast deteriorecord. ration assumed. "(ゆ See a desit! docuDert o. a for traneport, inetallation, as' Workabili8 Workab■ recoriL eenblv. etc. ehall be eecured, " of the end stage performance shall be made when so requested by Confirmation Durab上 Purchasers, C) Remarks 3.2 : Durability may be confimred by the aotual results of such similar products as are equivalent in terms of water-cement ratio and reinforcement covering. The perfonnance items of Group palties concerned with delivery. Performa.uce of joint tr shall be subject to the agreement between the The performance of joiot is based on the following. d Bencling streDgth of joint The bending strength of joint shall exceeal the deetructive bending moment among the end stage performance of the body speci.fied in 3.1. b) Connectability (squarenese of joint eilge) The gradient of joint edge shall be within 1 mm per 300 mm againet the right angle of the axie of a pile. Shape, dimeneioD, and dinensional tolerance The shape, dirnsasl6n, sad dimensional tolerance of piles shall be baeed oo the following. As to Group I, however, if the design concept is not different, and if the performance (quality) and perfornance (quality) check method are the same, the reference dirnension may be changed within L0 o/o in response to purchaser's demand, provided that the nece86ar5/ performance is 4 eatisfied. PROTECTED BY 00PYRIGHT 103 A5373:2004 d Shepe The shape ofpiles is shown in annex 5 informative frgure 1. Pie edge eol “ ● ﹄●0望一 国 脳 祠 " ` │ Main bodv or fiP ioint or joint O PC Pile,PRC Pile Len曇 Pie edge 咀 祠 : b) STPile Remarke 1 A PC pile and a PRC pile has a hollow cylinder body, having a 2 suitable tip, a joint or a head, if neeiled. A:l ST pile has a part at its edge which is enlarged in diameter. The maximum length of the enlarged part shall be twice the external iliameter of the enlarge part. An ST pile has a suitable tip, a joint or a if needecl. Annex 6 idormative fuure head, 1 Elromple of ahape of a pile 4.1 Dinension and dimensional totrerance The ilimension and dimensional tolerance productg into Group I shall be as specfied in annex 5 table 4. claeeified of the Tbe .limension and dimeosional tolerance of the products claesified into Group shall be eubject to the agxeement between the parties concerned vrith delivery. Annex 5 table Classification 700 to 1 200 Dineueiotral tolerance +5 -2 +7 -4 700 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 0 Dimension 0 3 2 PUe,l mm mIn 300 to less than concrete pile (PC,pile, ST Dimension antl di.mensional tolerance 師 ckness External diameter 。 6 Preetressed 4 +not spettd -0 Lngth m 7 to 15 ± 0.3(%)of length II 104 A 6373 : 2004 Remarke 1 2 3 The unit of length of a pile ehall be 1 m unit. Pilee are available in 4 m, 5 n, and $ 6 sgc6lding to the agreement between the parties conceroed with delivery. Tbe external diameter of pile ehall be the average of two values meaeured aloug the orthoaxis at a cross section of body. The thickness of pile shall be the average of four values measured along the orthoaxie or a cross section of edge of boily. 5 Bar arangement (poaitions of PC steel ancl reinbrcement) The bar arrangement of pilee is baeed on JIS A 5364 and a design document. In addition, a manufacturer ehall defrne the bar arrangement, for every product, which satisfies clause g. 6 Test nethod Compressive-aheugth test A compressive-strength test is based on JIS and JIS A 1108. or JIS A 1136. 6.1 6.2 Bending etrength Bemarks : test d lssding A 1132 strength test is baeed on JIS A 5363. A tester shall be Grade 1 or higher specified in JIS B 7721, or shall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than tbis. a) For the lsnding gtrength test of the body, as shown in figure 1 of JIS A 6363, support the span part of 3/5 of the pile length and apply the load (f) at the center of span. According to the followiog formula, calculate fhs lsading load from the bending ooment. tl19 lesding point or the supporting point is likely to break locally before rupture of bending of pile occurs, then, take appropriat€ countermeasures. In aildition, if - =4|M-nGL " 6L-roA Where, M: m: G: L: F: A: Bending noment (kN-m) Mass of a pile (t) Standard gravitational acceleration (S.gf m/e9 Length of a pile (m) Loading load GN) Bending span (m) It is referred to a$ A =1.0 m. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 105 A 5373 :2004 b) For the hseking $slrding Eroment, obtcin the DaxiEum of the loaal (J{) ahowu by a pile until it breaks, and calculate it accoraliug to the formula specified in a)' c) For the bending etrength tegt of joint, coincide the seam of joint at the center of span. Then, follow the procedure specifietl in a). ehength teet (positiver/negative alternating repetition s-inl-tenaion bending strength test) An axial'tension bendiug strength test is baeed 6-3 Axial-te$ion [slding on the following. or higher specified in JIll B 7721, or ehall have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than this. Remarks: A tester shall be Grade d I For the axial-tension lsading strength test, as shown in annex 6 figure 1, gupport the span part of B of the pile with the axial tension (.l/) app[ed, ancl apply the Ioad (l?) at the center of span. According to the following formula, calculate the 1s6'ling load from the bencli-ug moment. In adclition, if the loading point or the supporting point is likely to break locally before rupture of bending of pile occurs, then, take appropriate countermeasures. In the caee of a positive load - 8M-nGQB-L)-8N 2(B- A) In the case of a uegative load -8M -nG(2A-I)+8An -i- =-----E:T--nv Where, M: m: Beoiliag moment GN-m) G: Standard gravitational acceleration (9.81 Mass of a pile (see the value in recomnended specification s'f table 5) (t) m/s2) L: B: f: 6: .A/.' A: Leugth of a pile (m) Span (d It is referred to as 82 7.0' Loailing load (kN) Relative deflections ofa center section (m) Axial teneion (kN) lsading span (m) It is referred to as .A= 1.0 tn PROTECTED BY COPttGHT 106 A5373:2004 b) The axial tension -M load -Fl aud positive/negative alteruating number of cycles must aatisfu the following conilitions. D Ttre axial tension -l/must be eecured uniformly till the completion of test. 2) fhe axial tension .l/shall be either of three etepe, lv.t, .lla and tr/a which are shown in recommended epecification. g) While the axial teneion .n/ is applied, the repeated load .F ehall produce the moment of 1/1.2 each of the crack [slding noment and the deetructive bending moment. The number of cydes ehall be 10 or more. One cycle ig defined as one posifive/negative sequeoce' c) For the breaking bending moment, complete the positive/negative alternating repetition, apply the load 0f,), obtain the maximum of the load (tr) shown until it breaks, and calculate it according to the formula specified in a). Poeitive load lP 亦 A由 i 05m /ス `05m tenston Ⅳ teneion F β ι Annex 6 fr$Ee 1 Tbe loading nethod of an s-iel-tension bending shength test Shear streugth test The shear strength test of a main body is based on JIS A 5363 and the following. Remarke : A tester shall be Grade 1 or higher specified in JISB 7721' or thaU have the allowance which is equivalent to or better than thie' 6.4 Perform the test ueing the methoil shown in JIS A 5363 figure 6 or figure ?' When using the methoil shown in frgure 6, calculate a loading load from shear strength according to the following formula. In add.ition, if the loading point or the eupportiug point is likely to break locally before rupture of shear of PC pile occurs, then, take appropriate countermea8ures. PROTECttD BY 00PⅧ GHT -A/ 107 A5373:2004 F=20 Where, cr Shear strength (kN) F lnading load (kM ″ Length (m) A: a: Bending span (loading span) (m) /4= 1.0 6) Shear span a=I.OD In adfition, the epecimen ejection length 6d ehall be about t.25D to 2.OD. Especially when performing a shear'fracture tegt, it shall be based on JIS A 5363 figure ?, and a loading load shall be calculated from ehear strength according to the following formula. F=α β+C) α F ク 3 B Where, Shear strength Q Loa血 gload ③ Lngth(D Dist口 nce between a loa血 g polnt and '■ outside supporting point(m) Shear span(m)σ 2=1.0' "′ Measudng method of squareness of a comector enil face For meaeurement of Bquareness of a connector end face, use a square, set it in line with the axis of external diameter of a pile, anil meagure and obtain the amoult of inclinations about external diameter of a pile. 6.5 7 Quality of concrete 7.1 Material aud manufucture method The material for coucrete and manufacture method are baeed on JIS A 6364. Compressive ehength The compressive strength of concrete shall be veri-fied by the compressive strength of sarnple which wae processed by the same cure ae the procluct, or the compressive etrength which was controlled properly. When the predetermineil cure is frniehe4 the etrength ehall be 80 N/mm2 or more for the effective prestress below 4.0 N/mm2, and the strength ehall be 85 N/mm2 or more for the effecbive prestreBs over 4.0 N/mm2. Moreover, the compreesive strength at the time of prestress introductioo shall be 40 N/mm2 or more. ?.2 In addition, products of Group II ehal be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with delivery. Renarks : The compressive strength of concrete may refer to JIS A 5364 annex (informative), PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 108 A6973 | 2004 8 Inspectiona Iospections are baaed on JIS A 5366 and the followiag. 8.1 The fi.ual inspection The final inspection of piles shall be performed about appearanse, performance, shape, and ilirnension. appearalce, it shall be a 100 % inspection or a sampling inspection in coneid.eratioo of the characteristics of a product, a manufacture method, manufacture quantitY, etc. a) Appearance About b) Performance, ghape, gDd di'rsnai6a About performance, shape, and dimeneion, shall be a eampling inspection. it when the performance is inepected by a sa"'ple as alternative characterietic, correlation shall be established between the sample anal the product' c) Size of inepection lot The eize of inspection lot ehall be epecifiecl by a manufacturer by coneidering the characteristice of a product, a manufacture nethod, manufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quautity, etc' Within one inspection lot, the characteristice of producte, the materials used, concrete mixing ratio, and the manufacture method ehall be the same. g.2 Delivery inspection The delivery inepection of piles ehall be made about appearance, sbape, and dimension. However, the delivery inepection ehall be subject to the agreenent between the parties concerned with delivery, and it may be omitted baeed on the result of final inspection. g Marking The marking on piles ehall indicate the following matters accoriling to Jrs A 5361. d Claesification or its abbreviation b) Manufacturer's name or itg abbreviation c) Date of oanufacture or itg abbreviation 10 Othere Group I of pilee is shown in annex 6 table 6. Annex 5 table Structur€'specifi c pmduct grouP etandard Л S A 5373 alaex 6 (normative) Pilee 5 Recornrnended specification Recom.mended specfication Recommended epecfication 5'1 Prestressed concrete Pile PROTECTED BY COmGHT 109 A5378:2004 Recommended specification 5-1 Prestressed concrete pile 1 Scope This recommended speci.frcation specifiee the prestressed concrete pile of Group I ofpiles (hereafter referred to as'PC pile") among the arnex 5 of JISI A 5373- It shall include the pile with enlarged edge (ST pile). Remarks 1 The PC pile which wae baeed on the details of this recommendeil specification 6-1 and which wae :nanufactured by proper quality control shall be deemed to conform to clause 3 of the annex 6 of ils A 6373. 2 If the reference dimension hag been changed within the range shown in clause 4 of the annex 5 of JIS A 6373' a manufactuter must present the following data to a purchaser, when eo requested' Tbe data must state conformity of the pile to clauee 3 of the annex 6 of JIS A 5373 which hag been demonstrated by the design document or performance test. 2 Claesification PC piles shall be clasgif.ed, by the external diameter, into 300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm, 450 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm, 700 mn, 800 mm, 900 mm, 1 000 mm, 1 100 mm and 1 200 mm. Moreover, they shall be classi.fied, by the magnitude of effective preetress, into Class A, Class B, and Claes C (hereaft'er referred to as "A B, and C", re spectively). In addition, the effective prestress of A, B, and C of PC pile ehall be 4.0 N/mm2, 8.0 N/mm2 and 10.0 N/rni.2, reepectively. 3 Performance Beniling strength The bending Btrength of the pile bocly and the pile joint is based on the following. d Ufe Uoay The PC pile body ghall be eubjectecl to the bending sirength teat specified in clause 6, ancl to the crack !6qr{ing moment specified in recomnended specfication 5-1 table 1 and table 2. Then, it shall not generate any crack. Moreover, the destructive lgnrling moment ehall exceecl the value specified in recommended epecification 5-1 table I and table 2. 3.1 b) joint The PC pile joint shall be shall be subjected to the bending streogth test specified in clauee 6. Theu, it shall exceeil the destructive bending mornent Pile epecified in recommended opecfication 6-1 table 1. Shear strength The PC pile body ehall be subjected to the ehear strength test epecified in clause 6, and to the shear crack strength specified in recommentlecl specification 5-1 table 3. Theu, it ehall not generate any crack. Moreover, the shear deetructive strength ehall exceed the value specified in recommeniled specification 5-1 table 3. 3.2 PROTECTED BY COmGHT 110 A5373:2004 3.3 0onnectabilit Csquareness of j● int edgeD The grattnt of joint edge sha■ witun l mm per300 mm ag,・ nst the五 ght angle ofthe田由 of a pie. Reconnended epecification 6-1 table al ― dlame饉 mm … 血 mm moment …m LN・ コ 0 3 “ … B C 7 to A 7 to 245 『 618 883 15 7“ 15 7t● 2452 2845 15 (Tenslle bllce)Ccompresslve ttrce) 100 … 譜 m mment ●ment … 圏 ‐ ■N IIl 7● 15 1766 1942 1000 24542 1 ll10 2502 4414 5690 1200 B C A B C 範 7" 8829 1 030 15 140 1275 8093 1 324 1 668 104 7" 9320 7t● 1 324 1 521 16 1 7● 1668 15 1 962 Ю Extemal diameter 800 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 3728 4414 7358 16 l arect10nal force lVα 1澁 3973 5396 6376 5396 15 A 2649 2649 7 to B C A B C A B C 900 D8- bendlnc Cenglle Forcel(Compresslve forcD Ⅳ∈D Extemal dinmeter 400 1曲 B 736 1079 1226 1030 1472 1668 1668 興 LⅢ C 1324 7" al dlrec● onal働 mm A 700 1177 15 C い A 7● B ‐●●ll … mm 800 15 C A … 373 7" B t Tha・ 咆 13 B C A B C A 愚 …圏 392 15 A 600 樋nsion N-O kNp ‐ 嘘 B C 5∞ Dinension and $sading strength Cat the time ofapplication of笙皿 De― ve m_al 0薇 b価 bendh『 A 300 I be 躙 1 854 2354 :398 2384 3041 1 766 3002 3924 111 A5373:2004 Recommeuded specificatiou 6-1 table 2 Axial-tension benaling strcngth B€udilg strElgth at the tine of B€DdiDt strsdgtb at the tiDe of aan Benditlg sbetrgtl at the tine of d… lame● r aoolicatio ofaxisl teislt! lvt catlon ‐ 団 10n lnIIl "‐ Ⅳ N = aDDlicatiotr of axi8l tEl8iod D― は ve tenem bmang・ In● Inent コレ島 , Nコ Doment … y. 392.4 360 490.5 400 B 688.6 Ы 3 1276 C A 700 800 900 A B C A 1766 6 606 673 6926 1962 2452 1000 2943 1100 3434 C 1200 1884 2276 2472 3090 3885 4277 4983 3924 839 9663 1165 1264 1306 1598 1746 2 2 2080 2652 1884 ●oment momellt 392. 4 7652 8329 1034 1185 1143 1446 1679 1598 2009 2277 2169 2750 3143 2821 3646 5331 〃. re, eDDliatio! ofsrisl toDsion lV, m ndk bellang‐ …Ⅳ タ 105 961 109.9 173」 moment kN LN‐ コ 47 」 レ ill ぶ 139 142 1472 1413 1611 1 325 1776 202. 21 1177 1 24 3129 3532 3757 1 2296 1472 263.9 421_ 1766 3C 483J 2551 4522 5307 180 7230 8231 8770 9 1 151 3532 3294 & 9 1 140 1 4006 595 6 5886 7 14 372 6867 2735 7848 2982 435 706 PROTECTED BY COPYRIIGHT 1282 1355 1679 1796 2649 3403 3633 3 4 4 拓 壼 ‐ 1226 1275 1305 1815 4 259 269 3051 3796 3895 6789 7132 9653 5297 1074 6886 11 12 14 40 8610 4964 5278 5435 8397 8868 9094 1312 1366 387 865 1534 821 024 7358 2 127 8829 10300 4846 4983 5754 6208 … momellt … 2776 3895 4091 5946 3826 鮨 215 2560 2004 2207 1986 2226 2516 2679 8004 猥 1177 1197 159.9 183.4 8829 500 … e bend● ● 9810 168.7 1344 bendl● ● 7848 1 il, は 困 1638 2011 2345 2286 2914 1167 1305 7358 450 600 540 589 647 795 393 Ⅳ ′ N・ m 41 300 Anal・ 11770 2446 2786 2882 3092 40 3612 3885 4319 4 4 127 697 810 ,97 4907 5041 5852 6272 6471 112 A5373:2004 Remarks Svmbol : The performance check of the PC pile body involves the axial-teneion beniling strength test and the positive/uegative alternating repetitiou axial-teneion bending strength teet. The repreaentation exterual diameter in thia caee shall be middle class &ameter of piles which are usually manufactured. Moreover, the axial teneiou at this time shall be lva. In adfition, the leugth ofPC pile used in thig case shall be 8 m or more' Explanation _ ′′θ tension whic.h equatee each destluctive bending moEent of A, B' 8nd o rn a bendias'moment relatiou fi.gure ×3/4 The axial tensbn of Ⅳし Ⅳ ′ The attal"轟 On ofル ×2/4 」V2 The菌 al“ nsion Ⅳ ィ TE;EI ofル ×1/4 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 113 A5373:2004 Recommended specincation 5‐ l table 3 Shear stren山 Shear strength N Ext€raal Thickness CIseeifi' diameter Sbear fracture mm cation Shear crack mm 125 99.1 A 160 126 B 60 300 175 136 C 149 119 A 190 150 60 B 350 209 163 C 187 148 A 234 187 65 B 400 259 204 C 225 181 A 293 228 70 B 450 316 248 C 276 229 A 359 288 80 B 500 395 314 C 388 311 A 506 392 B 90 600 554 428 C 514 406 A 677 512 B 100 700 739 557 C 661 512 A 863 647 110 B 800 936 704 C 820 631 A 1063 797 120 B 900 1153 867 C 990 762 A 1289 961 130 B 1000 1400 1047 C 1202 905 A 1561 1142 B 140 1100 1687 1244 C 1413 1059 A 1823 B 1387 150 1200 1979 1457 C Remarks : The perforoauce check of the PC pile body involves the shear test. The representative external diameter in this cage shall be miildle clase diameter of piles which are usually manufactured. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LL4 A 5373 : 2004 4 Shepe, dimensiou, strd dimensional iolerance The shape, dimension, and dimensional toleranoe ofPC piles shall be based on reconmentleil specification 5'1 figure 1, table 1 and table 4. A PC pile has mainly a hollow cylinder body, having a guitable tip, a joint or a head, if needed. An ST pile has a part at an edge of PC pile which is enlarged in diameter. The maximum length of the enlarged part shall be twice the external diameter of the enlarge part. Pile edge 雪曇 g x国 ︻ Thi´ Head or PC pile Thip ST pile Remarks 1 A tip, a joint and a heaal are included ia the length of pile. which is attached to the bip after nanufacture, is not included in the length of pile. There are a closed eilge and an open edge. A tip may be attached to a pile or a middle tip to male a lower pile. , A metallic fixture, 3 4 Reco--eniled epecifrcation 5-1 figure 1 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Shape of piles 115 A5373:2004 Claesification 濾 ,甘 pilep mm mm 300t● Dimensiou Prestreesed 4 Dimension and itirnensional tolerance Length Thickness E劇 降rnalハ :口 Vne"r Reco".'nendeil epecification 6-l table Dimeusional tolerance 600 +5 -2 700 to 1 200 +7 -4 60 to 150 +Not spettd -0 m 7 to 15 ± 0.3(%)of length Remarks l The unit oflength of a p■ e shan be l m_t.Piles are available h 4■ 2 , 5m,and6m. The external diameter of pile shall be the average of two values measured. aloog the orthoaxie at a crosB section of body- 3 6 d The thickness of pile shall be the average of four values measured along the orthoaxie on a croae section of edge of boily. Bar anangement Ttre bar arrangement of PC pile ie baged on the following. As to the PC st€el and reinforcement arranged axially, the ratio of reinforcement in terme of total cross-eectional area shall be 0.4 o/o or more, and the number shall be eix or more. On each cro88 eection of pile, they shall be arrangeil as uniformly aB possible along the circumference of concentric circles. Thie is intendecl to decrease directionality of the bending etrength of a pile. The gap of PC gteel and reinforcement ehall be one or more times their diameters, and more than 4,/3 of the maximum dirnengion of a coarse aggregate. b) A gpiral reinforcement shall be arranged on the outeiale of axial PC steel antl axial reinforcement. The wire diameter of spiral reioforcements shall be 3 mm or more for the external diameter of pile of 500 mn or lese, 4 mm or more for the clianeter of 600 to 1 000 mm aud 5 mm or lnore for the diameter of 1 100 mm and 1 200 nm' The pitch shall be 110 mm or less' In orcler to improve the shear reeietance and the deformation performaoce, the required spiral reinforcement quantity ehall be ileterrnineil by the parties coucerned with delivery. c) The covering of PC steel and epiral reinforcement shall be more than 15 mm' 0 The reinforcement anil PC steel shall be cleared of loose scale, oil, etc. which damage adhesion of concrete, and ghall be assembled anil fixeil to the accurate position. 6 Strength teet Compressive stnength test The compressive stretrgth test of concrete is based on 6.1 of annex 5 ofJIS A 5373. 6.1 6.2 Bending shength ofJIS A 5373. test The bending strength test is based on 6-2 of the annex 5 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGIrr 116 A 5873 | 2004 In addition, the mass of the body of PC pile used for calculation e1 g l6grling load ig based on recommended specification 6'1 table 5. Axi.al'teneion bending strengt'h tegt The axial-tension $sading strength test is based on 6.3 of the annex 5 of JIS A 6373. 6.3 mase of the body of PC pile used for calculation of a loading loail is baged on recommended specification 6'1 table 5. In additiou, the 6.4 Shear etuength teet The shear strength test is baeed on 6.4 of the annex 6 of JIS A 6373. Measurement teat of Bqualeness of joint efue The meaeurement test of the squareness of a joint edge ie based on 6.5 of the annex 5 of JIS A 5373. 6.5 7 Quality of concrete The compreesive strength of concrete is based on 7.2 of the aDnex 5 of JIS A 5373. Claee A shall be more than 80 N/mm2, anil Classee 85 N/mm2. more than In addition, 8 be Inspections 8.1 Inspection ite'ns a) Final inspection 1) Appearance b) B and C shall The inspection items ofPC pile are baeed on the following. 2) Performance B) Shape and dinensiou Delivery inspection 1) Appearance 2) Shape snd rlirnelsign Remarks : The delivery inspection shall be subject to the agreement between the parties concerned with alelivery, and it may be omitted baeeal on the result of final insPection. Inspection lot The size of inspection lot of PC pile shall be decided by a manufacturer who considere the characterigtics of products, manufacture nethocls, manufacture quantity, manufacture period, ordered quantitn etc. The delivery inspection ehall be subject to the agteement between the parties concerned with delivery, and shall be decided by a purchaeer' However, oue lot may be 3 000 pieces or its fraction. 8-2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT L17 A 5373 : 2004 8.3 Inspectiou method a) Final inspection 1) The inepection method of PC pile is based on the following. Appearance For iuspection of appearance, fake samples at random from one lot. If they conform to the provision of 6.1 of JISI A 6372, they ehall be accepted. If even one sarnple fails, tbe whole lot shall be subjected to a 100 % inspection. If it conforms to the provieion, 2) it ehall be accepted. Perbrmance For inspection of bending crack etrength of the body, take two samples at ranilom from one lot anil inspect them by 6.2. If both of the two conform to 3.1, the lot shall be accepted. If both fail, the lot shall be rejected. If ooe of thern fails, take four firrther samplee fton the lot. If a]l the four conform, the lot ehall be accepted, excludi"g the firgt nonconforming product. Even one of them failg, the lot ehall be rejected. For inspection of the bending breaking strength of a body, inspect one of the two sanples used for inspection of the bending crack strength of a body by 6.2. If both of the two conform to the provision of 3.1, the lot shall be accepted. If they fail, take two further samples ftom the lot. If both of the two conform to the provision, the lot eball be acceptetl, s).gluding the firet nonconforming product. If even one of them fails, the lot shall be rejected. Moreover, PC eteel and bar arrangement shall be inspected ae follows. Inspect the reinforncement which was aggembled before placing of concrete, or the PC piles which were eubjected to the breaking streugth inspection. If they conforn to the provision of clause 6, the lot shall be accepted. 3) Shape and dimension For inspection of shape aud dimension, take samples at ran<lom from one lot of PC piles. If they conform to the provision of clause 4, the lot shall be accepted. Even one sample faile 1rr 1515 inspection. Ttre lot ehall be ghall be subjected to a 100 % iaepection. If it conforms to the provision, accepted. it b) Delivery inepectiou 1) Appearance The appearance ehnll be inspected like d. When aclopting a sanpling inspection, take two sanples at random. If they conform to the provieion of 5.1 of JIS A 5372, they shall be accepted. Even one sample fails in this inspection, the lot shall be subjected to a 100 % inspection. If it conforme to the provision, it shall be accepted. 2) 9 Shape and dinension The shape and dimension shall be inspected like a). Marking The marking on PC pile is based ou JISI A 6361 and JIS A 5373. In addition, the pile manufactured by the centrifugal compaction shall be marked with PHC. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 118. A5373:2004 Re∞ mmended speciEcatlon 5‐ l table 5 Mass ofPC Pile Maes (r) t Extenal Le,gth 月:・ meter 5m mm 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Note(l) 8111 9m 10m 1176 1421 m 1l m 12 in 13m 14m 1.293 1411 1.528 1.646 16m 1763 1.563 1.705 1847 1.989 2.131 0.588 0.705 0823 0.940 1.058 0.710 0.852 0.994 1136 1.278 0.889 1.067 1.600 1.778 1955 2.133 2_311 2.489 1303 1646 1244 1520 1920 1.422 1.086 1.737 1.954 2.172 2.389 2.606 3.040 2667 3257 2.194 2469 3373 4409 5577 6877 2.743 3.017 3.292 2823 3566 3.840 4.115 3.747 4122 5388 6816 8406 10157 12070 14144 4.497 4.871 6.246 5.621 5.878 6368 6.858 7.436 8.055 8.675 10698 12927 7348 9295 11462 1.372 1.874 2.248 2.623 2.998 2449 2939 3.429 3.919 3.098 3.718 4.585 4_617 5540 4338 5349 6463 4.957 3.821 7.387 8.310 9_238 5.486 6.583 7.681 8.778 9,875 10.972 11572 12858 6429 : 7m 6m 7715 9001 6.113 10287 4.898 6196 7.642 9170 9934 11.080 12.004 13.167 14264 16716 15.430 16.361 18002 13.850 16459 19287 For ease of handling, the mass was calculateil as follows. The bulk ilensity of reinforced concrete was assumed to be 2.60 t/m'. zc was approximated to be 3.14. Then, the following formula was used to calculate the mass to three places of clecimul" sgs6lding to JIS Z 8401. n=@rtL(D-t\ Where, anl Mass of PC pile (t) ar: Bulk ilensiW of reinforced concrete (Uma) f : Thicknese (m) Z : l.,ength (m) -D: External diameter (m) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 範° ntar」 鼈招ζ :鮒 搬嘗憲濯 機 轟ふ把霊務 が 料蹴 =窯 融24,ALsat h五 留盤留]器潔路網饉stan_s ttointi● n 4‐ 1‐ IEL. 03‐ 3583‐ 8002 natO‐ h,Tokyo,107‐ 8440 FAX. 03‐ 3583■ 0462 JAPAN 1OO% PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT aacycled pogcr Documents Similar To JIS A5373 2004 Precast Prestressed Concrete ProductsSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextJIS A 5525Design Standards for Railway Structures and Commentary(Concrete Structures) 2007-03(OCR)JIS G 3131 - 2010Norma JIS B 1196Spun+Pile+Dia+400+ +Aci+543JIS G 3532-2011Guide Specification for Spun, Prestressed Concrete Poles and Concrete Pole Structuresjis.b.9708.e.2002JIS G3101-2010scope jisJIS standards ListJIS-Z2241-1993JIS G 3106_newJIS a 5335 (1987) - Pretensioned Spun Concrete PilesJapanese Industrial Standard (JIS) G3192 (2008) Hot Rolled SectionsPile Structure PDFJIS G5501-1995 Gray Iron CastingsjisJIS G4053-2003 Low-Alloyed Steels for Machine Structural Use(英文版)STAAD Foundation Advanced ManualDesign of Reinforced Concrete Beams per ACI 318ICP Spun Pile BrochureACI-347-04+Guide+to+Formwork+for+Concrete.pdfPlanning and Control Using MicrosoftjisPrestressed Concrete Example ProblemJisACI SP-17 Column Interaction DiagramPile DesignPile Design Using SPTMore From ariedpsSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextHotdip Galvaniz for PipeASTM Material Specs_guideStandart Drawing for Supports Ring Vessel Cold InsulationStandart Drawing ForSupports Ringg Harizontal Hot ServiceQality Control ProceduresThermal Insulation ProceduresAs 3894-2 Method 2 Wet-spongeSHOP&FLD Train G.pdfS 900 13A0 001 Painting SpecificationInsulation Application ProceduresInsulation Material Procedures.pdfInsulation Material ProceduresPainting and Coating Testing ProceduresStandart Drawing for Supports Ring Exhendjer Hot InsulationStandard Protective CoatingsCold Bend InstallationContruction for WrappingAPI Standards for Pipe Inspections.pdfOff Shore Helideck GuideSpecification for Hight Temp InsulationProject Risk Management ProceduresSpecification for Low Temp InsulationISO_8501-3_2001_Vs-Assessment Surface of Cleanlines-3.pdfASTM D7234-05 HATE Concrete CoatingASTM - B680 - Seal Quality of Anodic Coatings on Aluminum.pdfLNG Process PresentationOffshore Pipeline Construction Volume TwoFooter MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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