Jing Si Aphorism.pdf

May 13, 2018 | Author: CrystalWong | Category: Courage, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Religion And Belief, Philosophical Science, Science



Let us appreciate, be grateful, and repay the love of our parents. 对父母要知恩,感恩,报恩。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 To be filial is in fact the most rewarding thing in life. 对父母尽孝,是人生最大的福气。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 How can we repay the grace of our parents? By appreciating our parents’ feelings and expectations and in turn cherishing ourselves and living with self-respect. 为人子女者要善体亲心,要自爱,才能真正 回报父母恩。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 When our parents lecture us. 面对父母教诲时,要柔和善顺,不应有违 逆反抗的心态。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . let us be amiable and not resistant or antagonistic. 孝顺就是让父母安心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Not making our parents worry is what it means to be a good son or daughter. 世间有两件事不能等, 一时行孝,二是行 善。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Two things should never wait: doing good deeds and being good to our parents. 自爱是报恩,付出是感恩。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Giving of ourselves is the way to express our gratitude.Cherishing our life is the way to repay our parents’ grace. Giving time to our parents is about spending time with them with joy. not merely out of a sense of duty. 陪伴父母要欢喜,而不是应付责任。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . never disappoint them. every day.Be grateful to your parents and to all sentient beings. 每天要感谢父母与众生, 一生所作不要辜负父母与众生。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . In everything you do. Having gratitude can help us dissolve our inner afflictions and waken our compassion. 感恩 可以打开我们的心结,并且启发我 们的悲心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Kind words are like pure lotus flowers. 口说一句好话,如口出莲花; 口说一句坏话,如口吐毒蛇。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Mean words are like poisonous snakes. no matter how tiring and demanding the task is. we will be rewarded with a sense of bliss and joy.If we work with a joyful heart. 反而觉得甘甜. 以欢喜心做事 . The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 即使忙碌也不会感到辛 苦 . Every achievement grows out of the seed of determination. 任何事都是从一个决心 ˴ 一粒种子 开始. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . release even when it is hard to let go. endure even when it is hard to bear. 难行能行,难舍能舍,难为能为, 才能升华自我的人格。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Continue even when it is hard to go on. this is how we build our character. Let not criticism dampen our motivation. 莫让批评的话,让我们失去热心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 听到好话要感恩,听到坏话要善解。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Appreciate a compliment and face unkind words with understanding. 增一分感恩心,即减一分猜疑心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . we will have fewer misgivings.With more gratitude. 人在平安的时候,很容易迷失自己。 偶尔 有小挫折或坎坷,反而能唤醒良知,长养善 根。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . and nurture the seeds of kindness.When life is safe and smooth. Yet even a small setback or misfortune can awaken our conscience. we can easily lose our direction. 要把握做好事的因缘,一旦因缘消逝, 想做就来不及了! The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . for once it passes.Seize every opportunity to do good. it will be too late. try as we may. it is lost. How can we expect to accomplish the big things if we don’t do the little things? 小事不做,大事难成。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Let every day be filled with hope by concretely working for the good of society each and every moment. 每一秒钟都踏踏实实地为人间,社会 付出,让每一天都充满希望。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . we in fact dignify ourselves.Because seeing virtue in others is in itself a virtue. 欣赏他人,即是庄严自己。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . in appreciating others. When we are irritated by others. 看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . it is actually because we are still lacking in graciousness. even when reason is on your side.Remain soft-spoken and forgiving. 理直要气和,得理要饶人。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 脾气,嘴巴不好,心地再好,也不能 算是好人。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . we cannot be considered a good person even if we have a good heart.If we have a bad temper and a sharp tongue. be discreet in your speech. 对人要宽心,讲话要细心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Be forgiving towards others. 唯有尊重自己的人, 才能勇于缩小自己。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Only those who respect themselves have the courage to be humble. Be forgiving and less critical of others. 对别人不要计较,对自己要好好检讨。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . but be strict and objective in examining ourselves. Anger is punishing oneself for the mistakes of others. 生气是拿别人的错误来惩罚自己。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 不要因贪求清闲,而希求减轻责任; 应该增强自己的力量,担当更重大的 责任。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed – ask for more strength. Never lose courage. 勇气不可失,信心不可无,世间没有不 能与无能的事,只怕----不肯。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Nothing in this world is impossible when you are determined. Never lose faith. Do not underestimate yourself. everyone has unlimited potential. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 不要小看自己,因为人有无限的可能. 不怕一丈走不到,只怕寸步不移。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .What is to be feared is not the long distance to our goals but rather. not moving forward even one step. 人要真诚苦干,才能领导别人,而非 光靠能干。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . not just competence and skill alone.A true leader leads with sincerity and hard work. 人要克服难,不要被难克服。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .We need to overcome difficulties. not be overcome by them. We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourselves. 人都是在原谅自己的那一分钟开始懈 怠。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . Be clear and complete when you talk and listen. Do not pick one sentence here. 听话,说话要完整,不要只拣前一句, 后一句,合起来刚好尖尖地刺进人心。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . and one sentence there. or you may by accident intensely hurt someone. human beings easily see the faults of others but not their own.With eyes that face forward. 人的眼睛长在前面, 只看到别人的缺点, 却看不到自己的缺点。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . In helping others to fulfill their goal. 好事要提得起,是非要放得下, 成就别人。即是成就自己。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Take up good deeds and let go of hard feelings. we too gain. Happiness is not about how much we possess but how little we bicker over trivialities. 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有得多, 而是因为他计较得少。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . So in doing less we lose out on much. 多做多得,福慧双修; 少做多失,福慧双休. the more we gain – in blessings and wisdom.The more we do. but do not be attached to your own point of view. 人应该相信自己,但是不可执着。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Believe in yourself. The greater our generosity. the greater our blessings. 心量大,福报就大。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . it is a happy and proactive one. resigned attitude. it is a genuine insight into the real purpose of life.To not take things in life so seriously is not a negative. 所谓看开人生,不是悲观,而是积极乐观; 不是看破,而是看透 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . It does not mean giving up hope. 一个人不怕错,就怕不改过, 改过并不难。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . the reluctance to correct ourselves.Fear not the making of mistakes. but rather. It is in fact not that difficult for us to change. 如果影响不了别人, 就做自己该做的事吧! The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . just do what we ourselves should do.If we cannot influence other people. Learn to develop pure and unconditional love. that asks for nothing in return. 要培养一份清净无染的爱。 在感情上不要有德失心, 不要想回收,就不会有烦恼。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . a love that has no sense of gain or loss. In this way we can be free of worries. A love with conditions attached would never last. Only pure. 有所求的爱,是无法永久存在的。 能够永久存在的,是那分无形, 无染且无求的爱。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . unconditional love will last forever. when properly mixed. it has a wonderful light aroma. 爱要浓淡合宜,像清茶淡香; 若是太浓,则苦得喝不下。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . If it is too strong.Love is just like a cup of tea. it will be too bitter to drink. Love is not about asking of the other person but about giving of ourselves unconditionally so that we can help things become perfect and complete. 爱不是要求对方,而是要自身付出, 无条件地奉献,做到事事圆满。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 The ability to love is a blessing. The ability to eliminate afflictions is wisdom. 能付出爱心就是福, 能消除烦恼就是慧。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 Forgive those who unintentionally hurt us. Do not be someone who is easily hurt by others. 要原谅一个无心伤害人的人, 不能做一个轻易就被别人伤害的人。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 Forgiving others is a virtue. 原谅别人是美德,原谅自己是损德。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . we lost virtue. but by always forgiving ourselves. 原谅别人,就是善待自己。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .To forgive others is in fact being kind to ourselves. Giving with an expectation for return brings misery. 如果有所付出就想有所回报,将会 招来烦恼。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . 普天之下,没有我不爱的人, 没有我不信任的人, 也没有我不原谅的人。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . there is no one I do not love.In this world. and no one I cannot forgive. no one I do not trust. 布施不是有钱人的专利, 而是一分虔诚的爱心 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Giving is not the privilege of the rich. it is the privilege of the sincere. compete to be the most loving. 要比谁更爱谁,不要比谁更怕谁。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Don’t compete to be the most intimidating. everything appears beautiful and pleasing.To a beautiful heart. 心美看什么都顺眼。 The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . the more we accomplish. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .The more we give. 多一分付出,就能多一分成就. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 .Nothing is impossible if you believe it is achievable. 人生困难重重,有心就不难. perseverance. 信心 ˴ 毅力 ˴ 勇气三者具备,则 天下没有做不成的事.Nothing is impossible with confidence. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . and courage. 做事难以成就. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . it will be difficult to accomplish anything. 心不专 ˴ 念不一.If we are easily distracted and do not pay full attention to the task at hand. 把专心变成一种习惯,心不散乱就有 定力.Practice mindfulness in your daily life. A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength. The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . The Teachings of Dharma Master Cheng Yen 证严上人:静思语 . A mind free of wandering thoughts develops inner strength.Practice mindfulness in your daily life. 把专心变成一种习惯,心不散乱就有 定力.
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