JFE Casing

March 29, 2018 | Author: ezrawong | Category: Strength Of Materials, Pascal (Unit), Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Steel, Stainless Steel



Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Preface Features Facilities and Location OCTG Line Up Manufacturing Process Available Grades and Sizes Specification of JFE-Series-JFE Special OCTG Premium Threaded Connections Marking Color Identification of JFE OCTG (JFE-Series) Thread Protectors and Packaging Inquiries and Orders 1 2 4 5 6 10 18 31 33 34 35 36 Legal Notice This catalog is edited for general information only. Although every possible effort is made to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the contents of this publication, JFE Steel Corporation in no ways assumes liability or for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use of the information and data herein. It is requested to be undertaken solely at the customer's own risk and responsibility. *FOX,JFEBEAR & UHP are registered trademark in Japan. Preface Steel Corporation has been manufacturing Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) since 1971, during that time we have accumulated extensive expertise and experience giving their customers great confidence and satisfaction when purchasing JFE Steel OCTG. In the past the well conditions in Oil and Gas drilling were relatively mild and development was straight-forward. Today's Oil and Gas Industry has become a much more complicated operation as Engineers continue to drill deeper wells in harsher environments, encountering higher well bore pressures and temperatures in addition to sweet and sour gas. To meet these ever increasing industry demands, JFE has developed its JFE series OCTG which has higher collapse resistance, yield strength, toughness and corrosion resistance, than standard API OCTG material. Especially, JFE's 13Cr OCTG has established an excellent reputation world-widely in terms of quality and manufacturing capability. In the early 1980s, JFE developed the FOX premium connection which has now gained industry acceptance world wide. And the late 1990s, JFE has also developed a new premium connection called JFEBEAR designed to meet todays toughest well condition. With these two connections, JFE can offer customers a choice of products to suit their various applications. This OCTG brochure provides you with our ardent desire to assist you in choosing the correct Oil Country Tubular Goods for your operation. ® ® 1 1. Features Historical Advantage in Steel Making JFE Steel has been involved in the steel making business nearly one(1) hundred years and contributing to the industry with its technology. The Top and Bottom Gas Blowing system followed by Continuous Casting is a typical case, which was first introduced to the industry by JFE Steel. High Frequency E. R. W. Machine Quality System All JFE OCTG's are inspected nondestructively for detection of internal and external imperfections by use of Eddy Current, Electromagnetic, Ultrasonic and/or Magnetic Particle method. These requirements play an important role in our rigid quality control and assurance system. Basic Oxygen Furnace Pipe Manufacturing JFE Steel revealed their technical advancement in the pipe manufacturing process. Recently, the process to roll 13Cr steel by the Mannessman piercing mill was realized first in JFE Steel. 9-5/8" CNC Torque Process Control System Mandrel Mill 2 Electromagnetic Inspection 3 .Research and Development JFE Steel boasts a wide range of testing facilities and equipment to evaluate new and existing products. The benefits generated as a result of this R & D work contribute to our customers and the industry as well as to our daily production activities. Magnetic Particle Inspection Collapse Test Worldwide Service Network JFE has established foreign offices and service centers throughout the world as listed on the back cover sheet. The location of Chita has the advantage of easy access to West Japan Works and East Japan Works which supplies Chita Works with steel materials for the production of their tubular products. This means JFE tubular products are manufactured from beginning to end under single-maker responsibility for quality and performance. Facilities and Location OCTG is produced at Chita Works. which specializes in pipe and tubes under the company's well-known rigid quality control and assurance systems. electromagnetic and other non-destructive inspection equipment.2. Chita Works located in the center of the Kinu-ura coastal industrial zone Nagoya Tomei Expressway Tokaido Shinkansen Ohbu Tokaido Main Line Tokyo Head Office Handa Central Japan Chita Works International Taketoyo Airport East Japan Works Chita Works Ise Bay Kinu-ura Bay Mikawa Bay Morozaki Cape Irago Toyohashi West Japan Works 4 . Equipped with complete mass production systems for all kinds of pipe and tubular products. Chita is one of the foremost tubular products centers in the world. JFE Steel ensures consistently high quality for all its tubular products by way of production control at every stage from blast furnace to pipe mill. Pipe production at JFE Steel is part of a fully integrated steelmaking facility. using inspection systems with advanced ultrasonic. 7" 4-1/2" . API thread without coupling. Plain End.7" Mill Small-Diameter Seamless Small-Diameter Seamless Medium-Diameter Seamless ERW Medium-Diameter Seamless Chita Works 16" .26" ERW UOE Plain End without West Japan Works welded-on Connector Chita Works Chita Works East Japan Works Type of String Tubing Casing 7" . 5 . special clearance) are available according to customers' requirement. 5CT and 5B. API Connections Casing and tubing of API Specification and JFE-Series are furnished with threads and coupling conforming to API Spec. OCTG Line 1) Line up Works Chita Works Note Thread and Coupling End Upset Capability Thread and Coupling up Size 2-3/8" . and special end finish (special bevel. JFEBEAR® JFEBEAR® is a thread and coupling type premium connection developed by JFE Steel Corporation. Please see page 31 for further information.16" 7-5/8" . b-2. b. FOX® FOX® is a thread and coupling type premium connection jointly developed by JFE Steel Corporation and Hunting Energy Services U. LTD.3. Premium Connections b-1.26" 16" Plain End Conductor Casing 20" and Over 2) Connections a. Please see page 32 for further information.K. API Round and Buttress thread with resilient sealing ring is also available. ultrasonic. the rolled shell is reheated before being processed on stretch reducing mill or sizing mill where the desired OD and wall thickness are obtained. electro. And seam heat treatment system after welding helps to get better metallurgical structure. East Works West Works Bloom Billet mill Billet Smelting reduction furnace Continuous casting High alloy slab Stainless mill Stainless steel coil Blast furnace Hot strip mill Hot coil Converter Slab Continuous casting Hot coil Plate 6 . 12-3/4" and above Mill in Chita Works and 8" and above Mill in Keihin Works produce ERW OCTG pipes. the company conducts thorough testing and inspection. Manufacturing Process Seamless Mill Seamless pipes and tubes are produced either by the mandrel mill or the plug rolling mill process. Electric Resistance Weld (ERW) Mill Electric Resistance Weld pipes are made from strip in coil form. On either type of mill.4. To ensure consistently high quality.magnetic and magna flux devices. These mills are equipped with high frequency electric resistance welder to provide improved seam quality. using advanced equipment including eddy current. each heated billet is pierced through its center on a piercing mill. The former process is used for producing small-diameter pipes up to 7" and the latter for medium-diameter pipes over 7". The pierced billet then moves on to a mandrel or plug rolling mill where it is rolled with a mandrel bar or plug inserted in it. After withdrawal of the mandrel or the plug. West Works) (East Works. West Works) Spiral welded pipe 7 .Chita Works [Seamless pipes] Medium diameter seamless pipe mill Hot process Cold process Medium diameter seamless pipe Seamless square column Small diameter seamless pipe Special Tube mill Special Tube Small diameter seamless pipe mill [Welded pipes] 3″ 6″ 、 mill Galvanized pipe mill Galvanized pipe Small diameter ERW pipe HISTORY pipe Medium diameter ERW pipe Square column Small diameter ERW pipe mill 4″ mill Medium diameter ERW pipe mill Spiral tube mill Butt welded pipe mill Spiral tube mill UOE pipe mill (East Works) (East Works. Coating Drill Pipe Drift Testing G H Drill Pipe 8 .SEAMLESS MILL 7" Mill (Mandrel Mill) Mandrel Mill Rotary Heating Furnace Round Billet Piercing A Plug Mill Elongator 163/4" Mill (Plug Mill) B Stretch Reducing A Reeling Reheating Furnace Quenching Sizing C D B Straightening E Heat Treatment Upsetting Sizing C D E F Straightening NDE (UST.MPI.EMI) F Visual & Dimensional Inspection Casing Fabrication Tubing Fabrication Plain End Unprocessed Pipes Casing Tubing Threading Coupling Making up Hydrostatic Testing G H Casing Tubing Inspection. Stenciling. Electric Resistance Weld (ERW) Mill 20-in. Medium-Diameter Pipe Hot Rolled Coil Side Trimming Ultrasonic Inspection of Coil Edge Cage Forming Welding Inside & Outside Flash Cutting Post Annealing B Sizing Cutting off Straightening A Pipe End Cutting off Cooling Sizing Cutting off C B Hydrostatic Testing Facing & Chamfering C Ultrasonic Testing D D Visual & Dimensional Inspection Casing Fabrication Tubing Fabrication Casing Fabrication Plain End Unprocessed Pipe Upsetting Heat Treatment Straightening NDE (UST.MPI.EMI) E Tubing Fabrication Threading E Hydrostatic Testing Drift Testing Inspection. Medium-Diameter Pipe Hot Rolled Coil Side Trimming Ultrasonic Inspection of Coil Edge Forming Welding Inside & Outside Cooling Flash Cutting Post Annealing A 26-in. Coating Coupling Making up Casing Tubing 9 . Stenciling. 000 ( 621) R95 95.000 ( 379) K55 65.5.000 ( 965) Q125/Type1 JFE-125V JFE-140V 10 .000 ( 862) 140.000 ( 758) P110 JFE-110T 125.000 ( 448) M65 N80/Type1 L80/Type1 80.000 ( 276) H40 J55 55.000 ( 586) 90.000 ( 655) C90/Type1 T95/Type1 R95 JFE-95T L80/13Cr N80/Type1 L80/Type1 JFE-80T K55 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 1 H40 J55 Group 2 Deep Well Service Seamless ERW High Collapse Strength C110 110. Available Grades and Sizes 1) Available Grades API 5CT Yield Strength Minimum psi (MPa) Group 1 40.000 ( 552) N80/TypeQ 85. JFE Special OCTG : JFE-Series Seamless Sour Service General Special High Collapse Arctic Service General Wet CO2 Service High Temperature High Strength High Temperature General Service JFE-40E JFE-55E ERW High Collapse Strength JFE-80S JFE-80TS JFE-80L JFE-13CR-80 JFE-80E JFE-80ET JFE-85S JFE-90S JFE-95S JFE-85SS JFE-90SS JFE-95SS JFE-95TS JFE-95L JFE-13CR-85 JFE-13CR-95 JFE-HP1-13CR-95 JFE-HP2-13CR-95 JFE-110S JFE-110SS JFE-110L JFE-HP1-13CR-110 JFE-HP2-13CR-110 JFE-125L JFE-UHP -15CR-125 ® 11 . 000 ( 965) 95.000 ( 90.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 95.000 ( 80.000 ( 758) 110.000 ( 828) 105.000 ( 90.000 ( 55.000 ( 110.000 ( 862) 140.000 ( 80.000 ( 758) 120.000 ( 862) 140.000 ( 724) 110.000 (1.000 ( 758) 125.000 ( 758) 125.000 ( 758) 110.000 ( 655) 95.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 85.000 ( 586) 95.000 ( 55.000 ( 758) 125.000 ( 724) 120.000 ( 80.000 ( 724) 110.000 ( 862) 40.000 ( 414) 517) 689) 689) Type Minimum psi (MPa) 40.000 ( 552) 110.000 ( 931) 135.000 ( 80.000 ( 828) 140.000 ( 931) 60.000 ( 965) 150.000 ( 110.000 ( 517) 95.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 828) 135.000 ( 95.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 110.000 (1.034) 95.000 ( 414) 75.000 ( 95.000 ( 95.000 ( 689) 110.000 ( 85.000 ( 896) 150.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 689) 100.000 ( 95.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 95.000 (1.172) 95.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 724) 105.000 ( 655) 110.000 ( 552) 552) 758) 758) Group 1 1 Q API 1 13Cr 1 1 Group 3 Group 4 High Collapse Strength 1 Sour Service Special Sour Service Sour Service & High Collapse JFE-Series Arctic Service Deep Well Service Wet CO2 Service High Temperature Wet CO2 Service High Strength High Temperature Wet CO2 Service 125.000 ( 140.000 ( 110.000 ( 724) 95. .000 ( 276) 379) 379) 552) 552) 655) 448) 552) 552) 621) 655) 758) 758) 862) 552) 655) 758) 552) 586) 621) 655) 758) 586) 621) 655) 758) 552) 655) 552) 655) 758) 862) 862) 965) 552) 586) 655) 655) 758) 655) 758) Maximum psi (MPa) 80.000 ( 724) 85.000 ( 125.000 ( 862) 95.000 ( 586) 95.000 ( 552) 80.000 ( 80.000 ( 110.000 ( 110.000 ( 110.034) 150.000 ( 80.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 100.000 ( 100.000 ( 758) 125.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 931) 150.000 ( 931) 100.000 ( 65.000 ( 95.000 ( 655) 95.000 ( 758) 95.000 ( 90.000 ( 80.000 ( 80.000 ( 110.000 ( 724) 120.000 ( 80.000 ( 110.000 ( 95.000 ( 95.000 ( 758) 110.000 ( 862) 135.000 ( 75.000 ( 655) 105.000 ( 862) 135.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 758) 85.000 ( 862) 100. Available Grades and Sizes 2) Physical Properties of API and JFE-Series Yield Strength Series Application Grade H40 J55 K55 N80 R95 M65 L80 Group 2 C90 T95 C110 P110 Q125 JFE-80T JFE-95T JFE-110T JFE-80S JFE-85S JFE-90S JFE-95S JFE-110S JFE-85SS JFE-90SS JFE-95SS JFE-110SS JFE-80TS JFE-95TS JFE-80L JFE-95L JFE-110L JFE-125L JFE-125V JFE-140V JFE-13CR-80 JFE-13CR-85 JFE-13CR-95 JFE-HP1-13CR-95 JFE-HP1-13CR-110 JFE-HP2-13CR-95 JFE-HP2-13CR-110 JFE-UHP -15CR-125 ® Tensile Strength Minimum psi (MPa) 60.000 ( 689) 110.000 ( 655) 110.000 ( 828) 95.000 ( 85.000 ( 110.000 ( 896) 110.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 125.000 ( 724) 120.5.000 ( 55.000 ( 828) 100.000 ( 689) 105.034) 110.000 ( 965) 150.000 ( 80.000 ( 276) 379) 552) 552) JFE-40E General Service JFE-55E JFE-80E High Collapse Strength JFE-80ET 12 Note:Elongation Requirement is according to API 5CT Specification.000 ( 552) 80.000 ( 758) 125.000 (1.000 ( 655) 125.000 ( 862) 95.000 ( 724) 110.000 ( 724) 120.000 ( 80.000 ( 758) 130.000 ( 655) 100.000 ( 95.000 ( 793) 125.000 (1.000 ( 689) 105.000 ( 80.000 ( 724) 115.034) 170.000 ( 125.000 ( 655) 95.000 ( 1034) 80.000 ( 758) 130.000 ( 689) 105. 0-5.0 3.0 Guaranteed Guaranteed Guaranteed Grain Size & SSC Test Grain Size & SSC Test Grain Size & SSC Test 22 23 24 25 31 23 24 25 31 22 25 3.4 25.0-5.0-5.0 3.0-5.0 23 24 27 28 32 30 32 37 -50 (-46) -50 (-46) -50 (-46) -50 (-46) -4 (-20) -4 (-20) 25 (34) 25 (34) 25 (34) 25 (34) 20 (27) 20 (27) 19 (26) 19 (26) 19 (26) 19 (26) 15 (20) 15 (20) Guaranteed Depends on specified wall thickness.0-6.0-6.0 3.0-5.0-6.0 3. 13 .4 30 3.0 Grain Size & SSC Test Grain Size & SSC Test Grain Size & SSC Test Grain Size & SSC Test 3.0 3.0-5.0 3.0-5.0 3.0 3.0-5.Manufacturing Process Seamless ERW Hardness (HRC) Maximum Variation Collapse Value Charpy V-notch Test Minimum Minimum Average single F ( C) ft-lbs (J) Other Specified Items 22 23 23 25. 25 15.101 1.901 1.226 0.440 3.11 15.92 12.71 21.875 2.00 4.44 5.83 9.5.167 0.515 3.34) ( 9.380 0.96) (11.45) ( 7.22) (16.90 8.70 9.165 2.38) (10.500 0.32 6.71 22.308 0.90 18.60 9.867 2.797 2.995 3.780 3.58 8.995 1.49) ( 8.500 0.115 14 .54) (12.60 15.49) ( 6.70 14.045 2.423 3.70 5.867 1.50 7.45 7.170 3.295 0.18) ( 5.76 6.47 12.20 17.94 4.00 18.615 3.560 0.922 2.750 2.215 3.380 3.09) (13.80 8.630 (mm) ( 4.46) ( 5.77 18.70 9.11 12.068 2.40 11.392 0.254 0.351 3.415 0.323 2.958 3.271 0.60) 4-1/2 (114.00 16.53 14.254 0.59 26.337 0.82) ( 8.35 6.70 13.901 2.255 3.430 0.655 3.625 2.476 3.70 26.60 5.548 3.38 23.53) ( 5.64) ( 9.217 0.45) ( 7.81 9.943 2.45 6.00) inch 2.95 7.997 1.32) 2-7/8 (73.60 7.640 2.375 3.10 lb/ft 4.95 15.347 2.640 3.992 2.56) ( 9.330 0.375 0.785 1.340 3.00 9.40 7.229 2.833 3.10 18.515 2.83) ( 6.50 7.49) ( 6.289 0.440 0.340 0.259 2.041 1.336 0.00 12.20 12.01) ( 7.423 2.92) (12.75 lb/ft 3.773 1.50 11.476 0.21 10.65) ( 8.70) (15.88) ( 8.530 0.262 0.500 3.56 7.609 2.826 3.45 9.95 11.51) ( 7.30 12.20 16.703 2.20 12.35 10.92) (12.02) 3-1/2 (88.74) ( 6.50 10.17 7.740 3.315 3.70) (14. Available Grades and Sizes 3) API and JFE-Series Tubing List Nominal weight Threads & Coupling Outside Diameter NUE EUE Plain End Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Drift inch (mm) 2-3/8 (60.30) lb/ft 4.701 3.06 inch 0.190 0.65) (10.24) ( 4.195 2.80 6.947 1.20 10.691 1.50 23.90) 4 (101.000 2.12 10.50 17.39 16.441 2.091 1.45 9.240 inch 1.90 22.67 8.610 0.548 2.216 0.276 0.30 15.430 0.52) (10.90 21. 666 5.126 4.625 0.408 0.00 20.921 5.920 3.875 3.478 0.090 4.95 21.965 3.30 38.361 0.653 4.08 40.415 0.220 0.00 21.562 0.50 17.27) (15.825 4.88) (17.276 4.251 4.126 4.000 5.675 6.001 3.83 22.70) (14.00 lb/ft 9.87) ( 6.40 23.00 23. Available Grades and Sizes 4) API and JFE-Series Casnig List Nominal weight Outside Diameter Threads & Coupling Plain End Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Drift Special Drift inch (mm) 4-1/2 (114.500 0.456 6.41 10.550 6.00 32.00 26.45) (19.50 11.000 3.538 6.250 0.94) (10.275 0.750 6.50 10.417 0.17) (10.91) ( 8.05 15.51 23.560 4.51) inch 4.19) (11.876 3.10 20.80) lb/ft 9.21) ( 5.687 0.75 31.24 11.887 4.366 6.408 4.437 0.094 inch 3.35) ( 7.052 4.494 4.250 4.892 4.375 4.670 4.70 inch 0.00 24.65 25.276 6.296 0.60 35.500 0.32) ( 8.69 28.43) ( 7.795 3.20) ( 6.50 15.950 4.012 4.06) ( 5.272 0.36 16.35 38.231 0.19) (10.10 14.00 15.71 15.28) 7 (177.22) ( 7.453 (mm) ( 5.000 15 .20 24.54) (12.26 19.00 17.927 3.56) ( 5.60 13.413 6.475 0.30) 5 (127.778 4.23 16.00 32.70) ( 6.36 13.5.362 0.125 4.69) ( 6.376 4.791 5.924 5.001 3.044 4.969 inch 6.317 0.369 4.283 4.89 19.00) 5-1/2 (139.57 35.50 43.545 4.00 11.625 5.00 29.00 23.10 11.751 3.67 32.70 32.253 0.812 0.000 3.05) (20.701 4.10) (12.37) ( 8.288 0.750 0.70) 6-5/8 (168.84 14.56 26.500 4.56 22.00 28.767 4.14) (12.875 3.69 43.250 6.72 19.05) ( 9.00 20.98) ( 7.62) (22.24 12.875 4.67 31.826 4.059 5.151 4.59) (12.241 6.72) ( 9.00 18.049 5.337 0.244 0.919 3.796 5.52) ( 9.304 0.00 15.05 13.59) ( 6.36) (11.151 6.184 6.32 23.72 29.00 40.224 0.875 0.435 4.80 29.60 27.11 24.362 0.88 17.352 0.290 0.00 26.331 6.50 13.205 0. 36 50.796 7.500 7.72) ( 8.70) (14.501 5.16) (11.765 6.310 6.00 49.00 43.43 44.05) (20.00 42.125 6.11 53.430 0.755 8.06 33.43 48.50 47.640 6.625 0.375 5.025 6.73 46.251 6.251 5.80 45.312 0.00 44.825 7.435 inch 5.352 0.11) ( 6.001 8.00 26.687 0.62) ( 8.972 7.45) (19.40 29.875 7.750 6.892 7.68) 7-3/4 (196.97 42.500 5.72) (15.43) (12.94) (10.94) (10.15) ( 7.844 6.71 46.00 28.88) (17.626 5.00 40.750 8.879 5.60 57.70 39.65) (13.472 0.10 24.017 7.00 32.097 8.80) 7-5/8 (193.00 53.250 6.376 6.875 0.595 (mm) (12.498 0.00 42.395 0.22) ( 7.004 5.557 0.400 0.70 46.08 42.29 42.352 0.376 5.750 0.30 46.386 8.29 23.328 0.560 8.62) (22.30 47.600 7.765 8.500 8.264 0.126 6.595 0.11) (15.625 7.500 6.435 6.250 7.900 6.89 38.13 35.71 57.681 8.50 58.679 8.04 31.500 7.795 5.51 23.545 0.5.625 6.304 0.60 27.750 0.90 57.625 8.40 lb/ft 34.835 8.375 16 .06 34.11) inch 6.52) (10.379 8.000 6.525 8.969 6.375 0.84) (15.61 37.562 0.625 5.450 0.540 0.10 51.20 55.44 inch 0.435 0.750 5.535 8.45) (19.40 50.70 33. Available Grades and Sizes Nominal weight Outside Diameter Threads & Coupling Plain End Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Drift Special Drift inch (mm) 7 (177.125 6.85) 8-5/8 (219.12 45.375 6.71) ( 7.00 32.95 55.279 inch 6.921 8.07 38.48) lb/ft 35.04 31.511 9.920 5.725 7.812 0.435 7.33) ( 9.687 0.595 0.08) 9-5/8 (244.17 39.700 7.03) (11.99) (13.300 0.88) (17.33 43.70) (14.500 0.05) (15.77 50.49 25.00 38.92) ( 8.00 40.59 46.59 29.501 6.92) (12.05) (11.30 36.921 7.27) (15.845 8.599 8.18 52.00 36.10 24.875 6.625 0.500 0.10 53. 30 84.00 49.02 54.60 75.53) (11.514 0.76 75.00 69.64 75.797 0.00 107.07) (18.250 9.26 51.09) ( 8.05) (12.48 48.50 44.64 47.45 65.64) (20.05 109.40 64.875 9.559 12.13) (12.534 0.00 58.55 55.48) 10-3/4 (273.844 10.23 133.50 52.59 106.500 17.415 12.615 12.157 8.52) (11.00 46.00 131.850 9.46) ( 9.330 0.19) (13.86 84.47) (17.00 59.542 inch 9.250 17 .560 9.20 78.380 0.57) (16.00 40.582 0.191 15.66) (11.928 10.30 69.45 inch 0.495 0.79 61.407 8.67 65.715 12.11) (17.084 11.545 0.001 7.760 9.656 0.92) (12.75 31.00 52.495 0.400 0.56) (14.688 17.724 10.50 38.65) (10.359 12.90 64.21 32.00 66.124 15.000 18.279 0.23 40.734 0.734 0.62 60.24) ( 8.875 10.17 72.60 87.609 0.772 10.40 79. Available Grades and Sizes Nominal weight Outside Diameter Threads & Coupling Plain End Wall Thickness Inside Diameter Drift Special Drift inch 9-5/8 (mm) (244.59 85.45) 13-3/8 (339.40) (473.282 9.000 10.755 19.616 10.124 19.375 0.435 0.70 59.00 91.950 9.936 18.59 94.794 9.000 10.500 0.625 10.13) inch 8.586 12.64) (20.42) (13.625 11.24) ( 7.43) (12.50 104.682 10.38) ( 9.156 11.00 64.32 70.010 14.13) (12.812 18.5.00 82.430 12.050 9.05) (11.031 10.259 12.438 0.80 42.062 14.604 9.00 45.125 8.672 0.06) ( 9.567 18.406 9.504 9.438 0.036 9.07) (18.350 0.84) (15.50 68.694 9.526 10.480 0.16) (11.430 0.375 0.91 45.70) (16.435 0.60 54.72) 16 18-5/8 20 (406.672 0.59 73.03 71.333 0.20 72.50 84.57) (13.50 54.250 15.822 14.515 12.251 8.660 9.00 62.00 72.347 15.08) (508.404 9.87 65.489 0.70 64.89) (10.730 inch 8.625 12.459 12.797 0.880 10.00 70.595 0.936 14.05) 11-3/4 (298.192 10.635 (mm) (15.126 9.000 10.450 0.00) lb/ft lb/ft 58.26 60.894 9.78) ( 8.70 59.281 8. residual stress and D/t (D for outside diameter and t for wall thickness). 0. there is a growing need for high collapse casing in a minimum yield strength of 95 ksi (655 MPa) grade. max. 0. 0. ksi (MPa) 110 (758) 125 (862) Elongation Collapse Resistance JFE-95T JFE-110T As Per API 5CT See Performance Properties Table b. controlling yield strength by closely regulating heat treatment conditions. JFE Steel manufactures JFE-110T which has higher collapse resistance properties than JFE-95T.35 Si.60 P. 0. By using the same material as that for JFE-95T. max. Actual Collapse Data of JFE-95T 15 Collapse strength p (ksi) 1000 JFE-95T 10 500 5 Min. Specification of JFE-Series JFE Special OCTG 1) High Collapse Casing JFE-95T -110T With a recent increase in deep well drilling.6. and minimizing the deterioration of roundness and straightness during cooling are performed. Collapse resistance is affected by yield strength. Specifications (a) Process of Manufacture and Heat Treatment Seamless. roundness. value specified in API 5CT C-95 15 20 D/t 25 Collapse test results of JFE-95T 18 (kgf/cm2) . 1. max.030 (wt %) S.35 Mn. a. max.030 (c) Physical Properties Tensile Requirement Grade Yield Strength ksi (MPa) 95~125 (655~862) 110~140 (758~965) Tensile Strength min. This process is governed by our special techniques and knowhow. max. Reducing the deviation of wall thickness at hot rolling. deviation of wall thick-ness. quenched and tempered (b) Chemical Requirements Grade JFE-95T JFE-110T C. Cr-Mo-Cb steel with excellent hardenability and high temperature resistance are used to make OCTG which have superb strength. Wall thickness (inch) 0.15~1. ksi (MPa) 125~150 (862~1034) 140~170 (965~1171) 135 ( 931) 150 (1034) As Per API 5CT 10 -4 F (-20 C) 10 7. JFE-140V 3.5 10 JFE-125V JFE-140V (d) Hardness Test on Casing and Coupling Stock Variation of HRC among three locations (O. and restricted variation of HRC..0 19 . a. 0. Specifications (a) Process of Manufacture and Heat Treatment Seamless.750 and above Maximum Variation JFE-125V. 0.2) Deep Well Service JFE-125V -140V Drilling of deep wells in excess of 15.0 4. Mid wall.500 or less 0. quenched and tempered (b) Chemical Requirements (wt %) Grade JFE-125V JFE-140V C 0.D.80~1. P-110's burst pressure.35 Mn max.15~0. I.749 0. 0. 1.015 Cu max.501 to 0.D.050 (c) Physical Properties Tensile Requirements Grade 2mm V Charpy Impact Requirements (casing only) Minimum Average Absorbed Energy ft-lb (J) 20 (27) 16 (22) Minimum Individual Absorbed Energy ft-lb (J) 15 (20) 12 (16) Tensile Yield Test Strength Strength Elongation Specimen Temperature ksi (MPa) min.0 5. Therefore.00 P max.30 Ni max.10 Cr 0.35 Si max. JFE-125V casing and tubing and JFE-140V casing have been developed. toughness.030 S max.) of one quadrant of a ring shall be as below.10 Cb max. 0.60 Mo 0. 0. collapse resistance and tension are not always sufficient for these applications.000 feet and high-pressure gas wells is on the increase. 0. -95S JFE-85SS. Cu max. Intensive research has led to a modified Cr-Mo-Cb steel for OCTG for sour wells. 1.50 C Si max. Specification of JFE-Series 3) Sour and Special Sour Service JFE-80S -85S. -110SS max.20 0. -85S JFE-90S.050 0. S max. (wt %) B max. a. 1. 1. These OCTG are subjected to more stringent quality control.35 0. -85S.00 0.10 (c) Physical Properties Item Yield Strength ksi (MPa) 80~ 95 (552~655) 85~100 (586~689) 90~105 (621~724) 95~110 (655~758) 110~125 (758~862) 85~100 (586~689) 90~105 (621~724) 95~110 (655~758) 110~125 (758~862) Tensile Requirement Minimum Tensile Strength ksi (MPa) 95 (655) 95 (655) 100 (689) 105 (724) 120 (827) 95 (655) 100 (689) 105 (724) 120 (827) Elongation Hardness Requirements As-Quenched Hardness (HRC) Maximum 22 23 24 25 31 23 24 25 31 Grade JFE-80S JFE-85S JFE-90S JFE-95S JFE-110S JFE-85SS JFE-90SS JFE-95SS JFE-110SS As Per API 5CT Mimimum equivalent to 90% martensitic Structure 20 . -95S and -110S for continuous operating temperature above 149 F (65 C) Special sour services OCTG for sour wells must above all have improved resistance to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) in fluids containing H2S.35 0.15~0. -90SS JFE-95SS.10 max. Consequently.15~1.10 0. -90S. This steel features both excellent hardenability and good temper resistance. 0. Mn max. Cr Mo Cb max. Ni max. SSC-resistant steel of these grades thoroughly tested by major oil companies enjoys high ratings and is now widely used for sour gas and oil wells all over the world. 95SS -110S.60 0.80~1. quenched and tempered (b) Chemical Requirements Grade JFE-80S.60 max. fine and homogeneous tempered martensite with lower HRC25 for 95 ksi grade is obtained after tempering at higher tempering temperature.05~1. As a result.30 0. Specification (a) Process of Manufacture and Heat Treatment Seamless.010 0. 110SS Sour services JFE-80S. max.0040 P max.10 0.35 1. OCTG of these grades possess excellent resistance to SSC for its strength grades. 1. 90SS -95S.020 0.6. 85SS -90S. JFE-110S.60 0. 1 5 1/2'' 0.0 19.0 3.6 20.8 19. O.2 Threshold Stress c ksi 85.000 and over Prior Austenitic Grain Size Threshold Stress Requirements for SSC Test according to NACE TM0177 Minimum % of SMYS 3.0 (490) (552) (590) (621) (683) NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 546.6 19. Location 1 5 1/2'' 0.0 3.8 31.D.0 4.200'' Mid Wall Mid Wall Mid Wall Inside NF NF Applied Stress.5 85.1 19.4 20.9 20.6 19.95 0.0 5. O. Examples of Physical Tests on JFE-90SS Casing HRC test results show relatively low and stable values indispensable for increasing sulfide stress cracking (SSC) resistance for its yield strength.1 80.0 ASTM 5 and finer 80 80 80 80 21 .3 19.8 18.1 20.4 18.D.0 3.D.200'' 1.750 to 0.9 20.0 4.5 c/ y 0.0 5. W.6 20.0 301.0 3 20.415'' O.6 Quadrant No.2 7'' 1.4 19.7 Maximum Variation 0.999 1.1 18. (a) Hardness Test Result of Products Rockwell C Hardness Values Pipe Dimensions O.4 284. ksi (MPa) 71.8 20.D.0 499.725'' 1.0 3.415'' 0.9 19.7 19.5 90.750 0.T.0 5.0 99.8 18.5 85.5 20.95 0. SSC test results show excellent SSC-resistant properties.1 85. inch) Less than 0.D.0 4. 2 20. I. 20.8 19.95 Note: (Time to failure Hr) NF = No failure during 30 days (720 hours) = No test c = Maximum applied stress resulted in no failure y = Specified Minimum Yield Strength Hardness Requirements Variation (Wall Thickness.1 20.5 85.D.0 5.4 18.95 0. Mid Wall I.b.725'' 1.0 4. Mid Wall I.1 18.0 19.D.4 19.4 (b) SSC Test Results (NACE Standard TM0177) Wall Thickness Location 0.2 18.5 4 20. 6. quenched and tempered (b) Physical Properties Tensile Requirements Grade 2mm V Charpy Impact Requirement (casing only) Minimum Average Absorbed Energy ft-lb (J) 25 (34) Minimum Individual Absorbed Energy ft-lb (J) 19 (26) Yield Tensile Test Elongation Specimen Strength Strength Temperature ksi (MPa) min.725 in. I. Wall Thickness (inch) 0. storage. handling..749 0.750 and above Maximum Variation 3.500 or less 0. below show good results at – 50 F.0 4.0 22 . Mid wall. a. make up. Tensile test results and variation of HRC also show good properties.5 10 10 JFE-80L JFE-95L JFE-110L JFE-125L 20 (27) 15 (20) 10 5 14 (19) 10 (14) (c) Hardness Tests (HRC) on JFE-125L Casing and Coupling Stock Variation of HRC among three locations (O.501 to 0.0 5. and running in frigid zones.D.) of one quadrant of a ring from JFE-125L shall be as below. Specification (a) Process of Manufacture and Heat Treatment Seamless. this series is designed with increased resistance for low-temperature impact in order to withstand shock during delivery. ksi (MPa) 80~95 (552~655) 95~125 (655~862) 110~140 (758~965) 125~150 (862~1034) 95 (655) 110 (758) 125 (862) 135 (931) As Per API 5CT -50 F (-46 C) 10 7.D. Quenching and tempering is performed to ensure both high yield strength and good low-temperature toughness. Specification of JFE-Series 4) Low-Temperature Service JFE-80L -95L -110L -125L Representing the casing and tubing to be used in frigid zones. Note that the Charpy impact test data of JFE-125L with heavy wall of 0. 5-1/2'' 0.5 31.D.7 (b) 2 mm Charpy Test Result Specimen : full size (10 10) Fracture Appearance (%. Shear) 100 Longitudinal Transverse 50 0 150 20 Absorbed Energy (kg-m) 15 100 (ft-lb) 10 50 5 25 20 0 -180 -300 -250 -140 -200 -100 -150 -50 -100 -50 -20 0 +20 ( C) +50 ( F) Test Temperature ( C) ( F) 23 .6 1. Example of Physical Properties of JFE-125L Casing O.42mm) (a) HRC Variation Measurements were made on four quadrants of one test ring.0 4 30.2 31.6 0. Quadrant Location Outside Mid Wall Inside Variation 1 31.3 31.7 31.3 31.1 3 30.b.5 0.3 2 30.7 1.5 31.7 18.2 31.725'' (139.8 31. 000 (758) Tensile Strength min.010 0. 0. JFE Steel's JFE-13CR is a mertensitic stainless steel which combines high performance in such kind of corrosive condition with low cost. max.04 In oil and gas fields being looked to for future development. HRC 23 24 27 28 30 32 32 110. max.000 (724) Elongation % API Formula API Formula API Formula API Formula Hardness max. 0. 32) 24 . Special precautions during coating.010 0. gas which includes CO2 is an increasingly common occurrence.0~14. JFE recommends that you consult with a person knowledgeable about fluid compatibility with this material in making a selection. psi (MPa) 95.000 (586) 95.000 (689) 110.000 (827) API Formula Notes: -The corrosion testing data in this brochure were obtained from laboratory testing results.50 0.50 Mn 0. psi (MPa) JFE-13CR-80 JFE-13CR-85 JFE-13CR-95 JFE-HP1-13CR-95 JFE-HP2-13CR-95 JFE-HP1-13CR-110 JFE-HP2-13CR-110 80.000 (655) 95.50~4. For fields with more severe conditions such as high temperature and containing not only CO2 but small amounts of H2S. a. as operating conditions may change during the period of usage.22 max. and there is a great demand for a tubing that has strong resistance to CO2 corrosion.50 12.000 (655) 100. Care should always be taken when selecting materials.25~1. 0. 1. JFE Steel recommends to use FOX® & JFEBEAR® premium connection which overcomes this concem by its special design criteria.50 0. (Please see page 31.00 max.000 (655) 100. 0. It also shows excellent low-temperature toughness.000 (724) 105.60 max. -Cr tubulars have shown a tendency toward localized pitting corrosion when stored in moist environments.000 (689) 105.80~1.15~0.0 4. Corrosion has become the major problem for production strings used in environments including CO2.80~2. Specifications (a) Process of Manufacture Process : Seamless Heat Treatment : Quenched and Tempered/Ausformed Tempered (b) Chemical Composition (wt %) Si.000 (758) 110. psi (MPa) 95. shipping and storage are required.50 (c) Specified Physical Properties (at Ambient Temperature) Yield Strength Grade min.60 P. 0.0 3.04 max.0~14. 0.6.50~5.25 12. -Regarding completion/packer fluid Care should be taken in the selection of well fluids such as completion/packer fluids used in connection with this material in order to minimize the risk of stress corrosion cracking.020 S.000 (758) 130. 0. JFE Steel developed JFE-HP-13CR (HP1 and HP2) material which has higher strength and outstanding anti-corrosion property.020 0.0~14.000 (552) 85. Specification of JFE-Series 5) Corrosive Wet CO2 Service JFE-13CR-80 -13CR-85 -13CR-95 JFE -HP1-13CR-95 -HP1-13CR-110 JFE -HP2-13CR-95 -HP2-13CR-110 Grade JFE-13CR JFE-HP1-13CR JFE-HP2-13CR C 0. 0.005 Cr Ni Mo Cu. max.000 (655) max.50 12.50 1.000 (896) 120. -Anti-galling connection Cr tubulars have been categorized as prone to thread galling.020 0.00 0.0 max. max. 01 0 10 10 100 23.1 1 Partial pressure of CO2(MPa) Temperature : 80 C (176 F) 0.1 1 Partial pressure of CO2(MPa) Temperature : 25 C (77 F) 25 .b.5%NaCl sol.5 1000 38.5%NaCl Carbon steel Carbon steel Low steel Low alloyalloy steel 13Cr stainless steel 13Cr stainless steelsteel Duplex stainless Duplex stainless steel 200 (mil/y) 0.01 0 10 200 (mil/y) Corrosion rate (mm/y) 10 3.6 10 9 Corrosion rate (mm/y) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 13Cr stainless Duplex stainless Low alloy steel 3. Pco2 = 30 atm(initial) Velocity = 0m/s Carbon steel 50 100 150 200 250 Temperature ( C) (a-2) Effect of CO2 Partial Pressure on Corrosion Rate (psi) 8 7 6 Corrosion rate (mm/y) 5 4 3 100 2 1 0 0. Test Data (a-1) Effect of Temperature on Corrosion Rate 38.5%NaCl (psi) 100 1000 300 8 7 6 5 4 3 100 2 1 0 0.5%NaCl 3.5 300 Carbon steel Low alloy steel 13Cr stainless steel Duplex stainless steel 3. Sea water (a-4) CO2 Corrosion Test Results of HP1-13CR and conventional 13Cr 0.060 0.26 HP13CR 0.1 API-13CR HP13CR Open : Corrosion Rate Closed : Corrosion Rate 0.13 0.39 0.003 Crack No Crack 70 Crack No Crack Crack Conventional 13Cr No Crack 0. 0.12 20% NaCl sol.97 0.1%NaCl sol.15 0.15 API-13CR 0.3 2.001 HP1-13CR Conventional 13Cr Solid : Crack Open : No Crack 60 2.08 0.3 (pH) 3. : 50 C CO2 : 0.0MPa 7days 13CR HP1-13CR Applied stress (%SMYS) 0.01 75 100 125 150 175 Temperature ( C) 200 225 (b-1) C-Ring SSC Test Results of HP1-13CR and conventional 13Cr steels 100 Sol.13 0.011 0.5%CH3COOH)+CH3COONa Gas: 10%H2S+90%CO2 7days Open : No Crack Solid : Crack (b-2) U-Bend SSC Test Results of HP1-13CR and conventional 13Cr steels Sol.1MPa 0 0 10 Cr content (mass%) 20 0 0.: (5%NaCl+0.0 0.18 0.018 0.22 0.3 50 100 Temperature ( C) 150 HP1-13CR Conventional 13Cr 26 .25 0.(a-3) Effect of Cr Content on CO2 Corrosion Rate 8 Corrosion rate (mm/y) 6 4 2 Flow rate : 1m/s Temp.071 0.057 0.30 10 CO2 Pressure (MPa) 1.17 0.8 3.91 0.10 0.042 pH : 4.5 0.20 0.016 0.127mm/Yr 0.8 4.127mm/Yr 0.: (5%NaCl) Gas: P(H2S+CO2)=3.01 H2S Pressure (MPa) 90 Crack Conventional 13Cr No Crack 80 HP1-13CR 0. 000 (590) 95.000 (730) 115.000 (610) 101.000 (750) 129.000 (660) 113.001 HP1-13CR 0.000 (720) 114.000 (620) 85.000 (710) 117.000 (780) 101.30 150 C (302 F) 75.000 (520) 91.01 PH2S (MPa) HP2-13CR 0.000 (830) 106.000 (870) 100.000 (550) 98.000 (610) 98.000 (790) 103.000 (680) 96.0000115/ C for 21.000 (890) 100 C (212 F) 78.000 (790) Young Modulus JFE-13CR-80 31.1 C up to 100 C 0.5 pH 4 4.5 3 3.000 (670) 112.000 (860) 109.000 (680) 92.000 (810) 115.000 (820) 98.000 (690) 125.000 (660) 94.000 (500) 90.000 (670) 115.0000099/ C for 21.000 (680) 120.000 (660) 108.000 (730) 123.700 MPa) Thermal Expansion 0.000 (630) 106.000 (650) 106.000 (740) 106.000 (770) 110.000 (630) 88.000 (700) 114.000 (760) 119.000 (730) 104.000 (810) 200 C (392 F) 72.000 (730) 98.000 (850) Poisson's Ratio 0.000 (680) 117.1 Open : No Failure Closed : Failure 0.1 C up to 538 C 27 .000 (540) 95.025C .(b-3) Effect of Mo content on the resistance to SSC 0.5 5 (C) Physical and Thermal Properties (Information Purpose Only) Minimum Value Temperature Grade Yield Strength JFE-13CR-80 Tensile Strength Yield Strength JFE-13CR-95 Tensile Strength Yield Strength JFE-HP1-13CR-95 Tensile Strength Yield Strength JFE-HP1-13CR-110 Tensile Strength Yield Strength JFE-HP2-13CR-95 Tensile Strength Yield Strength JFE-HP2-13CR-110 Tensile Strength psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) 50 C (122 F) 80.000 (790) 126.000 (660) 89.000 (780) 95.0001 0.000 (790) 96.000 (700) 97.13Cr 4Ni-1Mo (HP1-13CR) 5Ni-2Mo (HP2-13CR) 2 2.290 ksi (215. 0 6.00 (c) Specified Physical Properties (at Ambient Temperature) Yield Strength Grade ® min. shipping and storage are required. 1. JFE-UHP -15CR-125 is that material. max.5 Cu.5 JFE-UHP -15CR-125 max. Care should always be taken when selecting materials.HP-15CR-125 ® High demand for natural gas. ksi (MPa) max. -Anti-galling connection Cr tubulars have been categorized as prone to thread galling.0~16. -Cr tubulars have shown a tendency toward localized pitting corrosion when stored in moist environments. 0. deep water drilling and an increasing number of high pressure.04 14. JFE recommends that you consult with a person knowledgeable about fluid compatibility with this material in making a selection. -Regarding completion/packer fluid Care should be taken in the selection of well fluids such as completion/packer fluids used in connection with this material in order to minimize the risk of stress corrosion cracking. a. (Please see page 31. 0.6.8~2.020 S. max. max. 0. ksi (MPa) 150 (1034) Tensile Strength min. max. JFE Steel recommends to use FOX® & JFEBEAR® premium connection which overcomes this concem by its special design criteria.50 Mn max. 0. HRC 37 JFE-UHP -15CR-125 125 (862) Notes: -The corrosion testing data in this brochure were obtained from laboratory testing results.00~7. A tempered Martensitic microstructure provides high strength at ambient and elevated temperatures with excellent corrosion resistance properties in both productive and none productive environments. Specification of JFE-Series 5) High Strength High Temperature Wet CO2 Service JFE. ksi (MPa) 135 (931) Elongation % API Formula Hardness max. as operating conditions may change during the period of usage. high temperature (HPHT) wells has generated the need for a high strength OCTG material which can provide superior corrosion resistance ® at high temperatures.005 Cr Ni Mo 1. 0. Special precautions during coating. Specifications (a) Process of Manufacture Process : Seamless Heat Treatment : Quenched and Tempered/Ausformed Tempered (b) Chemical Composition (wt %) Grade ® C Si. 32) 28 .60 P. 145 Open : No Failure Closed : Failure 0.5 ® 0.5%CH3COOH +CH3COONa 100%SMYS(125ksi) 720h 0.0145 NACE-TM0177-Method A NACE-TM0177-Method C 0.1 0.200ppm) 0.121.127mm/Yr 0.1.b.01 50 20% NaCl sol.5%CH3COOH +CH3COONa 100%SMYS(125ksi) 720h 0.45 PH2S (psi) 0.0001 1 2 3 pH 4 5 6 0.07 145 0.000ppm) 0.165% NaCl sol.18 CO2 Pressure (MPa) 1 0.0001 1 2 3 pH 4 5 6 14.001 0. 100 150 200 Temperature ( C) 250 (2) SSC Test Results of UHP -15CR-125 0.1 14. (Cl .1 Open : Corrosion Rate Closed : Corrosion Rate 0.0145 NACE-TM0177-Method A 29 .145 Open : No Failure Closed : Failure 0.01 PH2S (MPa) 1.31 1450 0. (Cl . Test Data (1) CO2 Corrosion Test Results of UHP -15CR-125 122 212 ® Temperature ( F) 302 392 UHP 15CR ® 482 10 0.01 PH2S (MPa) 1.127mm/Yr 14.5 0.5 CO2 Pressure (psi) 0.001 0.45 PH2S (psi) 20% NaCl sol.11 0.09 0. (3) Tensile test results of UHP -15CR-125 at elevated temperature 1000 140 Yield Strength (MPa) 900 UHP -15CR 800 110 S-Duplex (25Cr) 700 Duplex(22Cr) 95 600 50 100 150 200 Temperature( C) 250 300 ® ® 125 JFE-UHP -15CR-125 provides better tensile properties at elevated temperature than Duplex stainless steel.53 120 Corrosion Rate(mm/yr) Corrosion Rate(mm/yr) 100 80 60 40 20 4.80C(176F) 168Hrs JFE-UHP -15CR-125 provides better corrosion resistance than Duplex stainless steel during acidizing operations.5 1 0. which requires cold drawn.5%HCl + Inhibitor 80C(176F) 24Hrs ® 5%CH3COOH + 7%HCOOH + 1%HF + Inhibitor .5 3 2.5 4 3.51 UHP -15CR-125 ® Yield Strength (ksi) 4.01 22Cr 22Cr 0 1.88 0 UHP -15CR-125 ® Simulatd Spent Acid Condition 4.5%HF + 13.5 0. ® (4) Corrosion test results in acidizing condition Simulatd Live Acid Condition 140 125. 30 .5 2 1. 4" :8TPI. and Hunting Oilfield Services. ® THREAD FORM 3 Modified Buttress Thread 10 2 3/8". :6TPI.7. Premium Threaded Connections 1) FOX ® FOX is an advanced premium threaded connection jointly developed by JFE Steel Corporation. in early 1980s. FOX is a field proven connection with over 50 million ft sold world wide. 4 1/2" to 13 3/8" :5TPI SEAL GEOMETRY Contoured Metal to Metal Seal Thread Seal Other Size Buttress Modified Type Pitch Change on Coupling thread Contoured Metal to Metal Seal Internal Flash 2-3/8" – 13-3/8" 31 . 2-7/8" 3 1/2". The connection was created using an advanced thread geometry and unique seal design to reduce thread galling ® and enhance sealing performance. As a result. :5TPI SEAL GEOMETRY Contoured Metal to Metal Seal Thread Seal Other Size Negative Load Flank Angle Different Load Flank Angles and Corner Radius on Pipe and Coupling Threads Contoured Metal to Metal Seal Internal Flash 2-3/8" – 9-5/8" * Detailed information on connections can be found in the FOX . the loads placed on OCTG connections in certain ® well conditons exceed those of an API class–1 qualified connection.2) JFEBEAR® In today's oil & gas industry. ® ® 32 . THREAD FORM -5 25 Special Hook Thread 2 3/8". :6TPI. and JFEBEAR brouchures. 4" 4 1/2" to 9 5/8" :8TPI. 2-7/8" 3 1/2". companies are drilling deeper high–deviation wells into high pressure reservoirs using the latest generation of drilling rigs and tools. JFEBEAR has been designed and tested to withstand today's toughest well conditions. 50 L S P7100 BC D 1-12345 76543-01 NO.4 JFE STEEL 21 2-7/8 6.0FT (JFEBEAR) License No. Special End Finish Mark Grade Hydrostatic Test JFE-Series (JFE-13CR-80) FOX or JFEBEAR (JFEBEAR) ® ® Type of Thread Process Drift FOX JFE-13CR-80 2 7/8 6.1 40.4 JFE STEEL 5CT 5CT-0015 21 SF 2-7/8 6. Marking Tubing and casing are paint-stenciled as shown below. API5CT L80 BUTC API Spec 5CT License No.1 32.0FT (JFEBEAR) Grade Hydrostatic Test 33 .8.1FT Grade Drift Hydrostatic Test API5CT L80-13CR FOX or JFEBEAR (JFEBEAR) ® ® Size & Nominal Weight Process Type of Thread API Monogram Drift FOX JFE 5CT 21 SF L13 2 7/8 6. The color identification table for JFE-series tubing and casing are shown next page.40 JFE-13CR-80 S P9700 FOX D 1-12345 76543-01 NO.40 L13 S P9700 FOX D 1-12345 76543-01 NO.1FT API Monogram Grade Color coating for Grade Identification Year & Quarter Manufacturer's Name Grade Process Drift Hydrostatic Test MFG Number Length JFE-Series (JFE-110T) BUTC Process Type of Thread JFE-110T JFE STEEL 21 9-5/8 53.1 32. Size & Nominal Weight Type of Thread Heat Number Pipe Number Shipping Mark JFE 5CT 21 L BC JFE STEEL 5CT 5CT-0015 21 9-5/8 53.50 JFE-110T S P9200 BC D 1-12345 76543-01 NO.1 40. JFE-90S JFE-95S JFE-110S Special Sour Service JFE-85SS JFE-90SS JFE-95SS JFE-110SS Sour Service & High Collapse JFE-80TS JFE-95TS 34 . Color Identification of JFE OCTG (JFE-Series) Type General Service (ERW) Grade JFE-40E Coupling Pipe Body Type Arctic Service Grade JFE-80L Coupling Pipe Body JFE-55E JFE-95L JFE-80E High Collapse Casing(ERW) High Collapse Casing (Seamless) JFE-110L JFE-80ET Deep Well Service JFE-125L JFE-80T JFE-125V JFE-95T Wet CO2 Service JFE-140V JFE-110T Sour Service JFE-13CR-80 JFE-80S JFE-13CR-85 JFE-85S JFE-13CR-95 High JFE-HP1Temperature 13CR-95 Wet CO2 Service JFE-HP113CR-110 JFE-HP213CR-95 JFE-HP213CR-110 High Strength ® JFE-UHPHigh 15CR-125 Temperature Wet CO2 Service The special clearance coupling is painted with a black band adjacent to a color identification band on the coupling.9. JFE-PACK can be used for all pipe sizes ranging from 2-3/8" to 10-3/4" by changing the spacers. 2) Packaging Bare in bundle or bare in loose is the standard packaging method for carbon OCTG. spacer rings or JFE-PACK all of which avoid metal to metal contact during transport and storage. customer can choose special packaging such as rack pack (in wooden or plastic). SPACER LOAD-DEVIATION KG X LB 2000 JFE-PACK 1810KG (3989LB) 4408 3. JFE-PACK has drainage function.anti-slip function at the contact portion with pipes. Thread Protectors and Packaging 1) Thread Protectors Various types of protector including composite type are available according to customer's requests. Other than the standard packaging. 1500 OTHER PRODUCT 1620KG (3570LB) 3306 4. 1. JFE-PACK can pack different number of pipes by changing the number of parts. JFE-PACK is composite-type packing unit fit for repetitive re-bundling. 1000 2204 500 1102 0 11 12 13 14 15 DEVIATION (mm) 16 0 35 . 2.10. Any Other Special Requirements such as. Delivery Date and Shipping Instructions 10. Third Party Inspection 11. delivery allowance) 3. Quantity (feet. Marking and Packaging (if specification is outside that presented in this brochure) 9. Size (Outside Diameter) 6. FOX or other premium connection) /With or Without Couplings /Special Clearance Couplings /Special Bevel Couplings 5. Electric Welded (ERW) or UOE 4.11. Seamless. meters. Specification. Nominal Weight with Specified Unit or Wall Thickness 7. 1. Casing or Tubing /Threaded or Plain End ® /Thread Type (API. Range Length 8. or number of joints. /Hydrostatic Test Pressure /Non Destructive Inspection /Thread Protectors /Thread Compound /Coupling Make Up Other Than Power Tight /Special Drift /Internal Descaling (In case of 13Cr material) 36 . Grade and Type 2. Inquiries and Orders The following information if available should be specified in your order or inquiry. 37 . 39 Le Duan Street. Vietnam Office Unit 1401. Chaoyang District. New York. Dist 1. Chiyodaku. Room 801. London EC2A 2EW.5 UM Printed in Japan . INDIA Phone : (91)22-3076-2760 Fax : (91)22-3076-2764 JFE Steel Asia Pte. U. Andheri (East). 228 Setor B. South City-I. Brisbane. Hong Leong Building. Japan Phone : (81)3-3597-3111 Fax : (81)3-3597-4860 JFE Steel America. Australia Phone : (61)7-3229-3855 Fax : (61)7-3229-4377 JFE Steel do Brasil LTDA. Jakarta 12190. TX 77042. 215 Atrium. Manila Office 23rd Floor 6788 Ayala Avenue.Kurla Road. 20 Primrose Street. Houston Office 10777 Westheimer. Gurgaon. 135-570. 14th Floor. 122002.5.. CPA Centre. No.jfe-steel.400093. Brazil Phone : (55)21-2553-1132 Fax : (55)21-2553-3430 JFE Steel Europe Limited 15th Floor. Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Citic Plaza. India Phone : (91)124-426-4981 Fax : (91)124-426-4982 JFE Steel India Private Limited Mumbai Office 308. Jakarta Office 16th Floor Summitmas II. HCMC. 61-62. Phone : (1)212-310-9320 Fax : (1)212-308-9292 JFE Steel America. 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