JCO Article Index

March 18, 2018 | Author: Saroj Prasad Deo | Category: Orthodontics, Mouth, Dentistry Branches, Dentistry, Wellness



Index of JCO Articles by Author and Title from 1967 to 2000ABDONEY, M.O., Use of the Arndt Nickel Titanium Palatal Expander in Cleft Palate Cases, 496 (August), 1995 ABELSON, M.L. VIAZIS, A.D., JACOBY, B.H., and, ALLEN, E.P., Periodontal Plastic Surgery and Orthodontics, 47 (January), 1993 ABRAHAMIAN, A., Technique Clinic: Correction of Individual Tooth Rotations with Elastomeric Ligatures, 163 (March), 1993 ACKERMAN, J.L., BARRER, J.G., FOGEL, M.S., BUCHIN, I.D., and SWAIN, B.F., Borderline Extraction Cases: Panel Discussion, Part 1, 608 (November); 658 (December), 1971 ACKERMAN, J.L., CHANDA, L.H., CREEKMORE, T.D., MEYER,M., and NELSON, G.D., JCO Roundtable: Nitinol Wire, 479 (July), 1978 ACKERMAN, J.L., The Challenge of Adult Orthodontics, 43 (January), 1978 ACKERMAN, R.J., Full-Scale Transparencies of Cephalometric Tracings, 62 (January), 1976 ACKERMAN, R.J., Preforming Begg Archwires, 144 (February), 1977 ADAMS, R.M., Technique Clinic: Correction of Upper Second Molar Plunger Cusp, 834 (December), 1982 AGUIRRE, M.J., Indirect Bonding for Lingual Cases, 565 (August), 1984 AKSOY, A.U., and ARAS, S., Case Report: Use of Nickel Titanium Coil Springs for Partially Impacted Second Molars, 479 (August), 1998 AL-WAHEIDI, E.M., Internal Root Resorption from Palatal Invaginations, 802 (December), 1989 AL-EMRAN, S., and HASHIM, H., A Chairside Bonded Lingual Retainer, 358 (June), 1997 ALEXANDER, C.M., ALEXANDER, R.G., and SINCLAIR, P.M., Lingual Orthodontics: A Status Report, Part 6: Patient and Practice Management, 240 (April), 1983 ALEXANDER, C.M., ALEXANDER, R.G., GORMAN, J.C., HILGERS, J.J., KURZ, C., SCHOLZ, R.P., and SMITH, J.R., Lingual Orthodontics: A Status Report, 255 (April), 1982 ALEXANDER, J.C., VIAZIS, A.D., and NAKAJIMA, H., Bond Strengths and Fracture Modes of Three Orthodontic Adhesives, 207 (April), 1993 ALEXANDER, R.G., GORMAN, J.C., GRUMMONS, D.C., JACOBSON, R.L, and LEMCHEN, M.S., DigiGraph Work Station, The, Part 2: Clinical Management, 402 (July), 1990 ALEXANDER, R.G., Practical Points to Practice Efficiency, 473 (August); 543 (September); 636 (October); 679 (November), 1975 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Role of Occlusal Forces in Open-Bite Treatment, 23 (January), 2000 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Vari-Simplex Discipline, Part 5: Practice Management, 680 (October), 1983 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Vari-Simplex Discipline, Part 3: Extraction Treatment, 537 (August), 1983 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Vari-Simplex Discipline, Part 4: Countdown to Retention, 619 (September), 1983 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Vari-Simplex Discipline, Part 1: Concept and Appliance Design, 380 (June), 1983 ALEXANDER, R.G., The Vari-Simplex Discipline, Part 2: Nonextraction Treatment, 474 (July), 1983 ALGER, D.W., Technique Clinic: Arch Marking Technique for Soldering Intermaxillary Hooks, 538 (August), 1987 ALPERN, M.C., and HYDEN, L., A Multi-Functional Orthopedic Appliance, 688 (October), 1986 ALPERN, M.C., and HYDEN, L., The MIROS and IROS Orthopedic Appliances, 111 (February), 1986 ALPERN, M.C., and HYDEN, L., Continuous Clear Retainer, 494 (July), 1984 ALTUNA, G., and NIEGEL, S., Bionators in Class II Treatment, 185 (March), 1985 ALTUNA, G., and SCHUMACHER, H.A., Schmuth and Muller Double Plates, 422 (June), 1985 AMORIC, M., and CAITUCOLI, P., Case Report: Spontaneous Correction of a Mesially Inclined Canine, 27 (January), 1995 AMORIC, M., Technique Clinic: Thermoformed Herbst Appliance, 173 (March), 1995 AMORIC, M., Thermoformed Orthodontic Appliances, 351 (June), 1990 ANDERSEN, C.E., and SCHRAMM, E., The Bioplast Positioner, 692 (September), 1976 ANDERSON, C.F., Clinical Aid: Resin-Curing Light Analyzer, 153 (March), 1990 ANDREWS, L.F., The Straight-Wire Appliance, 99 (February); 174 (March); 282 (April); 360 (May); 425 (June); 507 (July); 581 (August), 1976 ARAKAWA, Y., and YAMAGUCHI, H., Recordings of Chewing and Border Movements in Typical Malocclusions, 300 (May), 2000 ARNDT, W.V., Nickel Titanium Palatal Expander, 129 (March), 1993 ASCENCIO, F., LANGKAMP, H.H., AGARWAL, S., PETRONE, J.A., and PIESCO, N.P., Orthodontic Marking Pencils: A Potential Source of Cross-Contamination, 307 (May), 1998 ATHANASIOU, A., and FARSARIS, N., New Universal Space Maintainer, 570 (August), 1984 ATHANASIOU, A.E., ZARRINNIA, K., and AZIZI, K., Technique Clinic: Archwire Engagement on Posterior Fixed Bridges, 588 (August), 1985 BACCELLI, J.J., The .018” Nickel Titanium Stop for Prevention of Archwire Crawl, 236 (April), 1999 BACCELLI, J.J., The Nance Holding Arch with Bite Rim, 280 (May), 2000 BADER, P., Creating a Master Scheduling Model, 848 (December), 1986 BAHREMAN, A.A., Modified Hawley Appliance For Better Retention of Cuspids, 689 (October), 1977 BAILEY, D.R., Clinical Aid: A Silicone Material for Orthodontic Protection, 160 (March), 1988 BAKER, C., The Modified Bluegrass Appliance, 535 (September), 2000 BAKER, E.W., Organizing an Infection Control Program, 428 (July), 1988 BAKER, I.M., Case Report: Orthodontic Extrusion of a Nonrestorable Tooth, 323 (May), 1990 BALDRIDGE, D.W., Leveling the Curve of Spee: Its Effect on Mandibular Arch Length, 26 (January), 1969 BALENSEIFEN, J., Banded Mandibular Adjustable Retainer, 319 (May), 1991 BALLARD, R., and SHERIDAN, J.J., Air-Rotor Stripping with the Essix Anterior Anchor, 371 (July), 1996 BANKS, P., and CARMICHAEL, G., Stepwise Overjet Reduction with a Modified Twin Block Appliance, 620 (November), 1999 BANKS, P.A., and CARMICHAEL, G., Technique Clinic: Modified Arrowhead Clasps for Removable Biteplanes, 377 (June), 1998 BARBIERI, F.R., and BARBIERI, A.E., Begg Auxiliaries—An Evaluation and Clinical Application, 133 (March), 1972 BARBOUR, A., and CALLENDER, R.S., Understanding Patient Compliance, 803 (December), 1981 BARBOUR, A., CALLENDER, R.S., and GALLEGOS, A., Effective Communication With Clients: Preferred Communication, 474 (July), 1979 BARBOUR, A., Effective Group Communication, 354 (May), 1984 BARKLEY, R.F., Disease Control Programs in Orthodontics, 709 (December), 1972 BARKMEIER, W.W., GWINNETT, A.J., and SHAFFER, S.E., Effects of Enamel Etching Time on Bond Strength and Morphology, 36 (January), 1985 BARNARD, W.W., Direct Bonding With Directon Adhesive, 601 (August), 1976 BARNES, A., and MOORE, R.N., Technique Clinic: Removable “Fixed” Appliance for an Actress, 115 (February), 1988 BARNETT, D., Treating an Impacted Incisor with a Removable Appliance, 376 (May), 1978 BARNETT, J.R., The Centric Relation Tooth Positioner, 24 (January), 1978 BARNETT, J.W., A Case Study in Professional Cooperation, 441 (July), 1987 BARNETT, J.W., and TRACY, T.P., JCO Interviews T. Patrick Tracy on New Computer Technology, 176 (March), 1989 BARNETT, J.W., The Gift of Time, 253 (April), 1983 BARON, M.A., Clinical Aid: Presectioning Elastomerics to Avoid Cross-Contamination, 746 (December), 1990 BARRER, H.G., and WHITE, W., Begg Series Summary and Addendum, 253 (May), 1969 BARRER, H.G., Elastic Thread With the Begg Technique, 122 (November), 1967 BARRER, H.G., JCO Visits Dr. Harry G. Barrer, 439 (August), 1974 BARRER, H.G., Protecting the Integrity of Mandibular Incisor Position, 486 (August), 1975 BARRER, H.G., Treatment Timing—Onset or Onslaught, 190 (April), 1971 BARROWES, K.J., Archwire Flexibility and Deformation, 803 (December), 1982 BARWART, O., and RICHTER, M., Removable Nance Appliance, 447 (August), 1996 BASDRA, E.K., and KOMPOSCH, G., Maxillary Second Molar Extraction Treatment, 476 (August), 1994 BASDRA, E.K., ZOLLER, J.E., and KOMPOSCH, G., Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion, 762 (December), 1995 BASKIN, H.N., and CISNEROS, G.J., A Comparison of Two Computer Cephalometric Programs, 231 (April), 1997 BASS, N.M., Bass Orthopedic Appliance System, Part 3, Case Management, 384 (June), 1987 BASS, N.M., Bass Orthopedic Appliance System, Part 1: Design and Construction, 254 (April), 1987 BASS, N.M., Bass Orthopedic Appliance System, Part 2: Diagnosis and Appliance Prescription, 312 (May), 1987 BASS, N.M., Chin Support for Orthopedic and Functional Appliances, 110 (February), 1996 BASS, N.M., Simplified Bass Appliance, 756 (November), 1989 BASS, N.M., The Holding Appliance, 308 (May), 1988 BASS, N.M., Update on the Bass Appliance System, 421 (July), 1994 BATTAGEL, J.M., ORTON, H.S., and LOWEY, M.N., Improved Patient Tolerance with a Modified Function Regulator, 783 (December), 1992 BECKER, A., and ZILBERMAN, Y., A Combined Fixed-Removable Approach to the Treatment of Impacted Maxillary Canines, 162 (March), 1975 BEDNAR, J.R., and GRUENDEMAN, G.W., Clinical Aid: Auxiliary for Dry Heat Sterilization of Bands, 701 (November), 1990 BEHRENTS, R.G., WENDT, S.L. JR., FOX, D.M., SMITH, R.T., and KING, L.., A Transillumination Technique for Lingual Bonding, 324 (May), 1987 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Finland, 646 (November), 1972 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Hungary, 720 (December), 1974 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Israel, 174 (March), 1974 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Spain, 472 (August), 1970 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Switzerland, 292 (May), 1972 BELKIN, M.D., Orthodontics in Turkey, 226 (April), 1974 BELLAVIA, D.C., A Cafeteria Benefits System, 243 (April), 1986 BELLAVIA, D.C., and SCHULHOF, R.J., Managing Without Managed Care, 401 (July), 1996 BELLAVIA, D.C., Effective Fee Schedule, An, 546 (September), 1991 BELLAVIA, D.C., Efficient and Effective Infection Control, 46 (January), 1992 BELLAVIA, D.C., How Do You Rate in Today’s Orthodontic Practice?, 589 (September), 1983 BELLAVIA, D.C., Improving Your Case Acceptance Rate, 665 (October), 1992 BELLAVIA, D.C., Marketing Your Practice, 782 (November), 1986 BELLAVIA, D.C., Progressive Practice Management, 198 (March), 1985 BELLAVIA, D.C., The Importance of Importance, 826 (November), 1985 BELOSTOKY, L., “Cure-on-Touch” Bonding with a Preloaded Bracket Delivery System, 450 (July), 1982 BEN-BASSAT, Y., and BRIN, I., Case Report: Stability of Upper Incisors After Surgical Exposure and Orthodontics, 815 (November), 1985 BENAUWT, A., Extraoral Force Diagrams, 456 (August), 1972 BENAUWT, A., Tube Plates, 278 (May), 1972 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 11: Mechanics Sequence for Class II Division 2 Cases, 505 (July) 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 12: Finishing Procedures and Retention, 569 (August) 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 10: Mechanics Sequence for Class II Division 1 Cases, 427 (June) 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 9: Mechanics Sequences for Extraction Cases, 334 (May), 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., BioProgressive Therapy, Part 1: The Management Umbrella, 616 (September), 1977 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 8: Bioprogressive Mixed Dentition Treatment, 279 (April), 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 7: The Utility and Sectional Arches in Bioprogressive Therapy Mechanics, 192 (March), 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 6: Forces Used in Bioprogressive Therapy, 123 (February), 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., Bioprogressive Therapy, Part 5: Orthopedics in Bioprogressive Therapy, 48 (January), 1978 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., BioProgressive Therapy, Part 4: The Use of Superimposition Areas to Establish Treatment Design, 820 (December), 1977 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., BioProgressive Therapy, Part 2: Principles of the Bio-Progressive Therapy, 661 (October), 1977 BENCH, R.W., GUGINO, C.F., and HILGERS, J.J., BioProgressive Therapy, Part 3: Visual Treatment Objective, 744 (November), 1977 BENNETT, C.G., SHEN, C., and WALDRON, J.M., The Effects of Debonding on the Enamel Surface, 330 (May), 1984 BENNETT, G.R., WEINSTEIN, M., and BORISLOW, A.J., Efficacy of Open-Bite Treatment with the Thera-spoon, 283 (May), 1999 BENNETT, J.C., and MCLAUGHLIN, R.P., Overjet Reduction with a Preadjusted Appliance System, 293 (May), 1992 BENNETT, J.C., and MCLAUGHLIN, R.P., Management of Deep Overbite with a Preadjusted Appliance System, 684 (November), 1990 BENNETT, J.C., and MCLAUGHLIN, R.P., Controlled Space Closure with a Preadjusted Appliance System, 251 (April), 1990 B…RESS, A., TJAN, A.H.L., SCHLENKER, W.L., and WONGSRIMONGKOL, T., Bond Strengths of Two Resin-Modified Glass Polyalkenoate Cements under Different Surface Conditions, 299 (May), 1998 BERG, R., and JOHANNESEN, B., The Present Situation of Orthodontics in Norway, 224 (April), 1970 BERGER, J., Archwire Hooks for the SPEED System, 354 (June), 1997 BERGER, J., BYLOFF, F.K., and WARAM, T., Supercable and the SPEED System, 246 (April), 1998 BERGER, J., Self-Ligation in the Year 2000, 74 (February), 2000 BERGER, J.L., Replacement of the Spring Clip in the SPEED Appliance, 583 (October), 1994 BERGERSEN, E.O., Preventive Eruption Guidance in the 5-to-7-YearOld, 382 (June), 1995 BERGLUND, L.J., and SMALL, C.L., Effective Oral Hygiene for Orthodontic Patients, 315 (May), 1990 BERKMAN, M.D., GOLDSMITH D., ROTHSCHILD, D., TRIEGER, N., and SHPRINTZEN, R.J., Evaluation—Diagnosis-Planning: The Challenge in the Correction of Dentofacial Deformities, 526 (August), 1979 BERMAN, R., The Application of Elastic Forces, 404 (August), 1969 BERNSTEiN, I.M., and ROWER, J.A., Clinical Aid: Occlusal Plug, 485 (July), 1986 BERNSTEIN, L., A Bite-opening and Space-closing Archwire, 649 (November), 1970 BERNSTEIN, L., Designing An Efficient and Economical Operatory, 645 (December), 1969 BERNSTEIN, L., Root Torque With Warren Springs, 167 (March), 1971 BERNSTEIN, L., The ACCO Appliance, 461 (September), 1969 BERNSTEIN, L., Treatment of Class II Division 1 Maximum Anchorage Cases with the ACCO Appliance, 374 (July), 1970 BERNSTEIN, M., The Use of the Chin Cap in Class III Therapy, 172 (April), 1968 BERTRAND, J.L., The Begg Technique, 444 (November), 1968 BIBBY, R.E., Calibrated Facebow, 251 (April), 1983 BIEDERMAN, W., A Hygienic Appliance For Rapid Expansion, 67 (February), 1968 BIMLER, H.P., Bimler Therapy, Part 2: Bimler Appliance, 880 (December), 1985 BIMLER, H.P., Bimler Therapy, Part 3: Case Report, 190 (March), 1986 BIMLER, H.P., Bimler Therapy, Part 1: Bimler Cephalometric Analysis, 501 (July), 1985 BINDER, R.E., and ADLER, T., The Bonded Artificial Undercut, 213 (March), 1977 BINDER, R.E., and COHEN, S.M., Simplified Orthodontic Debonding, 275 (May), 1999 BINDER, R.E., and COHEN, S.M., Clinical Evaluation of Tooth-Size Discrepancy, 544 (September), 1998 BINDER, R.E., and HAZE, J., A Lip Retractor for Intraoral Photography, 465 (August), 1974 BINDER, R.E., and KOLATAC, J.J., Triple Action Maxillary Fixed Appliance, 660 (September), 1978 BINDER, R.E., and SERVOSS, J.M., Simplified Model Trimming, 650 (October), 1973 BINDER, R.E., Orthodontic Welding, 137 (February), 1976 BINDER, R.E., Pearls: Two Rapid Methods of Reactivating Open-Coil Springs, 103 (February), 2000 BINDER, R.E., Sectional Ribbon Archwire for Pontic Placement, 654 (November), 2000 BINDER, R.E., The Geometry of Cephalometrics, 258 (April), 1979 BINDER, R.E., Using Archwires with Removable Prostheses, 393 (July), 1999 BLACKWOOD, H.O. III, Clinical Management of the Jasper Jumper, 755 (December), 1991 BLAFER, J.L., A Simple Technique For Adjusting Facebows, 236 (April), 1975 BLAFER, J.L., Face Bow Plier, 648 (October), 1973 BLAFER, J.L., Headgear Hooks, 587 (October), 1972 BLAFER, J.L., Precision Placement of Edgelok Brackets, 257 (April), 1973 BLAFER, J.L., Technique Clinic: Burstone Auxiliary Cuspid Tube, 102 and MISRAHI.. A...M.. T. 44 (January). S. S.L. 1972 BRANDT. Correction of Adult Incisor Crowding with a New Removable Appliance. 181 (March). Harkavy.. Part 2. V. M. M. M. JCO Interviews T. Proffit on the Proper Role of Myofunctional Therapy. Intermediate. Terrell Root on Headgear. 1984 BLAU. Prepare Your Own Office Policy Manual. 1996 BRANCART. and BUCHIN I.(February).. Part 3. 1999 BRANDT. 440 (August). S. 75 (February). Part 2. Part 1. J. and SCHUDY. F.. and GRABER. William R. G. 1984 BLAU.. Part 1. Robert M. Haas. D... Ricketts. MILLER. G. R.M.M.A.T.. 1998 BOWMAN.P.. S. Ricketts. JCO Interviews Dr. LEJUSTE. Mushroom Spring for Minor Tooth Movement... 340 (June). 1992 BOGDON.. 203 (April). S. JCO Interviews Robert M. 1973 . 1981 BRANDT. 1972 BRANDT. 1983 BLAU.J. 1998 BLOSSER. J. Richard A. J.R. M.. 154 (March). G. S.J. The Use of Cleats in the Construction of Fixed Rapid Palatal Expansion Appliances.M. Ricketts on Growth Prediction.R.S.. JPO Interviews Dr. 1996 BORGES. M. and RICKETTS. 1968 BRANDT. 1967 BRANDT. 1970 BRANDT.A. 1996 BONETTI. J. 1975 BRANDT. and BURSTONE.L.. 227 (April).. Sigmund Stahl on Periodontic Considerations in Orthodontics.. S. B. 483 (September)..J. Buchin.... M. Ricketts. 461 (November). 92 (February).J. Influence of Aging and Refrigeration on Composite Bond Strength.. 661 (September).J... F. and LURIE..A. 502 (July).. 1977 BOTHA.. 455 (July). 1982 BLAU. J. R.F. 16 (September). P. Graber. JCO Interviews Dr. P. and DALE.M. BOUSQUET. 227 (April). 1971 BLAFER.D. Case Report: Use of an Impacted Post for Anchorage. D. S. JCO Interviews Robert M.D.. 1977 BRANDT..M. 434 (August). S. JPO Interviews Abraham I.L.F... Dale on Serial Extraction. Appointment Scheduling.. 484 (August).J. 1974 BOND. Disconnectable Rapid Palatal Expander. 766 (November). Marketing Your Practice. 1974 BLAFER.J.. The New Cephalometrics: The Muzj Fronto-facial Analysis. 642 (September). S. JCO Interviews Dr. JCO Interviews Dr. 420 (July). 611 (October)... W. 1980 BOUSQUET. 1970 BRANDT.. and SHERIDAN. JCO Interviews Dr. S. Alan G.. C.. DEVREUX.J. RIZZI. 1973 BRANDT. 334 (June). Gianelly on Statistics. 1998 BOWMAN. S. Graber. JCO Interviews Dr.. Lurie on Risk/Benefit Considerations in Orthodontic Radiology. S. J. 698 (November). and MARINI. Fred F.. Immediate. 454 (June). 1975 BRANDT. and HARKAVY.M. P.I. Riedel on Retention and Relapse. Poulton on Surgical Orthodontics. A. 1974 BLAFER. T. A. and RICKETTS. 377 (June). Improved Isolation Technique for Bonding.. The Muzj Fronto-facial Analysis. 384 (July).. JCO Interviews Robert M. 17 (January)... and RICKETTS. 1970 BLAKE. or Long-Term Retainer. Part 1. S. G. Clinical Aid: Preventing Premature Setting of LightCured Adhesives. 84 (February). Use of a Fluoride Varnish to Reduce Decalcification.C.. 1996 BOWMAN...G. S.. and GARVEY.. R. Molar Intrusion with a Removable Appliance. Modifications of the Distal Jet.A. J. S. Charles J. Group Practice. 1996 BONETTI.A.. JPO Interviews Dr. G. on the Matter of Malpractice.A. A. Anthony A.. T. 330 (June).W. J. 824 (December). Part 2. 435 (August).. S.G. S. J. S. JCO Interviews Dr... R. S. 217 (April).. 1976 BRANDT. 1971 BLAFER.. P.E. Irving D. 1984 BLUM. Part 1.J. Infection Control for Curing Lights.. Dental Assistant for a Day. Swaging. and VLASKALIC. The “M” Arch. 174 (March). P. I. Preventing and Correcting the Overbite of Malpractice Claims. DUKE. S. and BEGG.. Office Manual. 2000 BOWMAN. S. Part 2. 1979 BRANDT. and PARGUEL. M. R... S. 1998 BLAU. Troubleshooting the ACCO. 63 (October)... and VEZIN. 1983 BLAU. L.. 549 (September). MAURAN. F. and RIEDEL. Buchin. 1975 BRANDT. 115 (February). and RICKETTS. 1993 BRADLEY. and GIANELLY. Burstone. 1970 BRANDT. JCO Interviews Dr.J.A. 721 (December). 266 (April)... 347 (June).. 277 (May).. 253 (May). 196 (March). Raymond Begg... JCO Interviews Dr..R.. 1975 BOGDON. Case Report: Use of SPEED Supercable with Sectional Mechanics. The New Cephalometrics. LLB. 2000 BOYD. 469 (July). and MASTON... 1979 BRANDT. JPO Interviews P. S. S. JCO Interviews Dr. JCO Interviews Dr. 1984 BLOORE. R. E. JCO Interviews T. 1979 BOUNOURE. 1970 BLAFER. 462 (August). 23 (January). 321 (May).. 1975 BRANDT. G. S.R. JCO Interviews Dr. Interdisciplinary Treatment of a Class II Deep-Bite Patient with Missing and Impacted Teeth. 285 (April). P.M.. M. Class II Combination Therapy. 500 (September).. Part 4.S. The Invisalign System in Adult Orthodontics: Mild Crowding and Space Closure Cases. 811 (November). Pearls: Predictable Finishing Wires. J.M. 1967 BRANDT.. S. Ricketts. 111 (February).. Ricketts on Early Treatment. R. G. G. and RICKETTS. 411 (July). P.. and BUCHIN I... Predicting the Time of the Facial Growth Spurt for Orthodontic Patients..J.. ZEITSMAN.. and PELLE. and GENIN. R. and POULTON.L. 103 (November). M. and GIUNTA.M. Mulick on Impacted Canines. 1976 BRADY. T. 261 (May). S.A.. and HAAS. and SAFIRSTEIN. Simplified Repositioning Splint Construction. Andrew J.. A.. Jack G.J. M. J. JCO Interviews Dr. 694 (December). R. Donald R. and OESTERLE.. S. 1970 BRANDT. and PROFFIT. JCO Interviews Robert M. 2000 BOYLAN. S. 495 (August).L. R.. S. 1976 BRANDT. and BLOORE. and PRUCHA...A. Irving D.. 578 (October).A.L. 316 (May).A..R.. S. 20 (January). 1977 BRANDT. Schudy.... James F. 101 (February).A. and RICKETTS. 1970 BRANDT. and STAHL.. The Aktionator Appliance. 1970 BRANDT. 519 (August). J. 239 (April). P. 116 (February).. D.T. E. and MULICK. JCO Interviews Dr.M.M.. 1967 BRANDT. F. 116 (February).A.. Orthodontic Fluoride Protection. Robert M. and GRABER.. and ROOT. .. VIAZIS. Mr.An Effective Antisialogogue. N. and SHIA. MAYHEW. and FARZIN-NIA... and MANHARTSBERGER.J. JCO Interviews the Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic Group. K. R. C. and STOFF.. 1968 BRANDT.. 260 (May). 1987 BURTON.L. G. 1987 BURKLAND. R. C. and TENNENHAUS. MOORE... R. Practical Methods of Bonding.. Birte Melsen on Adult Orthodontics. 1981 BRANDT.D. JCO Interviews Drs. 630 (October). 208 (March). 759 (November).E.A. JCO Interviews Dr. Technique Clinic: A Versatile Utility Arch.S.. S. and ZACHRISSON. S. 1988 BRANDT. SUTTON. A Xenon Arc Light-Curing Unit for Bonding and Bleaching. 443 (August). GREWE. J. The Precision Lingual Arch: Hinge Cap Attachment. 545 (August).F.M. and SFONDRINI..F.. 518 (September). S. J. 163 (March). 1981 BRANDT. 328 (May).. Riedel.H.. and SIATKOWSKI.... 5.V.. 156 (March).. JCO Interviews the Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic Group.. H. 629 (September).H. 1975 BRANDT. I..P. C. and WILLIAMSON.H. N. Charles H. Improving Mandibular Incisor Stability. C.. I.. 1978 BRANDT. Standardized Intraoral Photography. 1992 CAGAN. 143 (February).. and WILLIAMSON.. 609 (September). S. Facial Esthetics and Cephalometric Criteria as the Determinants in the Extraction Decision. Part 2. BROUSSARD. Mandibular Molar Distalization with the Franzulum Appliance. Eugene H. 492 (August). 118 (February). Welding of TMA Wire: Clinical Applications. 1990 BREZNIAK. 453 (July). Hygiene and the Orthodontic Patient.. G. R. 1992 BUSSARD.J. Cuspid Eruption Spring Auxiliary. 1988 BURSTONE. C.. 1970 BRANDT.H. W.. Y. H. A. 333 (May). 1999 BURKLAND.F. Part 2. KUSY. S. J. 1995 BUSCHANG. JPO Interviews Dr... Atropine Sulphate . 126 (February). and NIEBERG. Satellite Offices. 101 (February). S. Zachrisson on Iatrogenic Damage in Orthodontic Treatment. and SHIA. C.M. 1982 CALE.. and SWAIN.. JR. Williamson on Occlusion and TMJ Dysfunction. JCO Interviews Dr. 1975 BURKE..T. PERRY. G. and KUHLBERG... JCO Interviews the Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic Group. 1981 BRANDT.. JCO Interviews Dr. CEEN. S. 81 (February).M. JCO Roundtable on Bonding. 480 (September). 1976 BRANDT.J. S.... 94 (February). and PERSILY. 1972 BREECE. G. S.A.. Bjorn U.U. B. 574 (September). M. 1968 BRANDT.M. 610 (October).. Treatment of Class I Malocclusion Using the Broussard Two-Force Technique. M. S... 1984 BYLOFF.D. Convertible Haas-Type Rapid Palatal Expander. 1971 BUCKTHAL. V.H. B. Tweed.. E.. JPO Interviews Dr. Precision Lingual Arches: Active Applications... J. JPO Interviews the Bull Study Group. JCO Interviews Dr. Orthodontic Bonding: The Next Generation.S. Williamson on Occlusion and TMJ Dysfunction.A. and WOLFSON. MASUNAGA.I. Moto’s Motivation Chart.J. 1978 BRANDT. 196 (April). 1973 CAGAN. 2000 BURSTONE.. Tweed. S. 2000 CACCIAFESTA.L. et al. 213 (April).H. 230 (April).. G. 239 (May). 698 (November).J.. 1977 BURSTONE. 738 (November)... H.. Distal End Gauge. 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R. E. and GIANELLY. and SCHULHOF.. COZZA. P. D. and MCKENNA..... VAITAS. 312 (June). A. Charles J.D.. 1980 GOLDSON. 1998 GIANCOTTI. and BURSTONE. V. P. James A. and SMITH. Lingual Orthodontics: A Status Report. Part 2: Clinical Management.J.. 414 (June). 305 (May). and KING.A.T.L..M. E. N. 442 (July). P. E. 218 (April).W. R.... R.. JONES. and MCNAMARA. Part 1. E.. 343 (May). Burstone on Orthodontic Force Control. 255 (April). 2000 GOTTLIEB. 702 (November).. 2000 GIANELLY. 1984 GIANCOTTI. and KING. . 1979 GOTTLIEB. Wanted: Method For Increasing Orthodontist Potential. C. and ROMANINI.. 1983 GOTTLIEB.M.A. E.E..A. D. 40 (January).E.. Bellavia. Case Report: Distalization of Molars with Repelling Magnets. 1969 GORBACK. 1981 GOTTLIEB. H. ALEXANDER.. M.. 735 (November). JCO Interviews Robert G.R. 124 (February) 1981 GOTTLIEB.. JR.. Torquing with Removable Appliances. A. E. JR. 1979 GORMAN. C... JCO Interviews Dr. 1983 GOTTLIEB.S.L.. 1975 GOLDSMITH. JCO Interviews Dr. E. Donald H. 1993 GOLDBERG. 28 (January)..S. and DOUGLASS. on Living with Statistics.. S. 1969 GIUNTA.. JCO Interviews Dr.G. McNamara. E. PhD.. H. Gianelly on Direct Bonding of Plastic Brackets.R. 418 (August). A Tribute: Dr. JCO Interviews Dr.. and RUSLEY. and CREEKMORE..L.. H.H.. Surgical-Orthodontic Correction of Vertical Facial Excess.L. J.R. 819 (December). Bonding/The State of the Art: A National Survey. 1977 GOTTLIEB. 1984 GOLDBERG. J.. and BONETTI. 183 (March). JCO Interviews Avrom E. Nickel Titanium Double-Loop System for Simultaneous Distalization of First and Second Molars. A.. Homer W. McNamara.J. 1982 GOTTLIEB.M. 1984 GOTTLIEB. 1988 GILES.M. and ENLOW. 95 (February).. Part 4: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. 346 (May).Phillips on Computers in Orthodontic Practice. and RUBIN.W. BERKMAN..A. and BIMLER. 1979 GOTTLIEB..A..L..L. A.L.J. 746 (November). and GOLDSTEIN. Keim.. A. E. 1972 GOODMAN. A Bidimensional Edgewise Technique.A. 56 (January). G. JCO Interviews Dr.G. Charles J. HILGERS. Technique Clinic: Archwire Auxiliary for Patients with Posterior Bridges. Swain. J.. 576 (September). 1983 GOTTLIEB.J.... 1981 GOH.. Modified Herbst Appliance for the Mixed Dentition... JONES. E L. A. E.L. JCO Interviews Dr.L.. C.. L. J.. 1975 GORBACK. JCO Interviews Dr. V.. Homer W. D. 307 (May).B.L.L. S. and GElGER.L. 1982 GOTTLIEB. and PHILLIPS.. King on the Successful 1990 Orthodontic Practice. 1979 GOTTLIEB. Part 2. 1994 GOEL... and HAM..L. JD....GHOLSTON. T. 1973 GOTTLIEB... ROTHSCHILD. 290 (June). and PHILLIPS. Study Club Goals. A. 1911-1999..... J.S. E. L. Automatic Timer for Nuva-Lite in Direct Bracket Bonding. Enlow on Craniofacial Growth.L. W.M.R. DDS. and DIETZ. on Practice Management. 73 (February). 657 (September). E. E. 418 (June).E. 247 (April).tions in Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. Kelly on Lingual Orthodontics. Burstone on the Uses of the Computer in Orthodontic Practice.A. Thomas D. JCO Roundtable: Current Issues in Orthodontics. BEDNAR. 1982 GIANELLY. Bimler on Functional Appliances. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Malpositioned Cuspids.L.... G.. D..... J. E. 1986 GORELICK. 168 (March). E. 1981 GOTTLIEB.L.L. A. 1985 GOODMAN. Technique Clinic: Dealing with Broken Archwire. King on the Future of Orthodontic Practice. 406 (December). 1983 GOTTLIEB. 1969 GOLDSON.. A Simplified Bonding Procedure for Metal and Plastic Brackets. 1975 GOLDEN. 1991 GOTTLIEB.. 209 (April). Orthodontic Economic Indicators.S.. D. 1986 GOTTLIEB. 1973 GOTTLIEB. E. Orthodontics in Japan.L. Fees in Orthodontics. 1977 GOTTLIEB. C. 1993 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. R. 145 (March). 760 (November). 1996 JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures. 1982 GOTTLIEB. 1978 GOTTLIEB.. and VOGELS.L. 1975 GOTTLIEB. R. Overcoming Resistance to Fees. JCO Interviews Dr. and WAGERS. 437 (July).L. 551 (October). NELSON... E.S.. Roundtable on Dental Insurance: Orthodontics. and VOGELS. E. 317 (May).L... 1990 JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures. E. III.H.. 646 (September).. E. L. 1983 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. 236 (April). 1980 GOTTLIEB. E... D.S. E. 375 (June). Employment in Orthodontic Offices: A JCO Opinion Survey.. JCO Interviews Dr.L. 1984 GOTTLIEB. JCO Interviews Dr..L.. 223 (April).. E. 1999 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study.H. 1981 GOTTLIEB.L.E..L. 1975 GOTTLIEB. 743 (December).L. Part II. E. 1971 GOTTLIEB. Grading Your Orthodontic Treatment Results.S.. 1986 GOTTLIEB.. 618 (September). A. A. 1987 GOTTLIEB.. 536 (August).E.E. and SCHULMAN. Blueprint For Economic Survival in Orthodontics. 446 (July). 1982 GOTTLIEB. NELSON. and SLAVICEK. 1990 GOTTLIEB. and SCHULHOF. R. 625 (October). A. Martin Schulman.S. 80 (February). 1989 GOTTLIEB.L. E.H. 256 (April).L. James E. T. Part 3: Practice Growth. M. How To Understand and Deal With the Growing Economic Crisis in Orthodontics. E.L. 490 (July).L. and VOGELS.. BURTON. JCO Interviews Dr. NELSON.. JCO Visits The Pankey Institute. E. E.L. JCO Visits a Four-by-Four Practice.. A.L. NELSON. 572 (August). 430 (July)..L. 358 (June).L. E. 615 (November).. Norman Shealy on Holistic Health.. E. 1996 JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures. and Pedodontists. D.H. and VOGELS.... E. 1981 GOTTLIEB.. III.. 1988 GOTTLIEB... E. 1986 GOTTLIEB...E.L. 493 (September).L. 776 (November). and VOGELS. Let’s Design a Conference Table. III. and SHAYE.T. and VOGELS. Bojrab. E. E.L. D. 1977 GOTTLIEB. 612 (September).S.. and ZACHRISSON B. III.S.. 627 November). E. 849 (December). D.E. Doing the Math.L. 1989 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. 507 (August). E.S. JCO Orthodontic Retirement Survey. BOJRAB...E. D. 599 (November).. NELSON.. Number of Orthodontists.H.H. E. III. DRUMMEY. 776 (December).. 741(November). D. B.L... E.S. 38 (January). NELSON. D. III.T.. E. 801 (December). JCO Interviews Dr. 1987 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. JCO Visits Rocky Mountain Data Systems. and VOGELS. NELSON. 1991 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. 569 (October). E. Part 1. HEW Reports on Occlusion. A.L. D. E. Part 2.. E.S. A. Bjorn U.L. JCO Interviews Dr. NELSON.E. 1987 GOTTLIEB.. General Dentists. E.H. 563 (September). 1985 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study.L. Orthodontic Practice Audit. 1997 GOTTLIEB. III. 48 (January).L... Don E. 1977 GOTTLIEB. 799 (November). 277 (April). D.L. 30 (January).L. E. E. B. E. and VOGELS. 1971 GOTTLIEB. NELSON. Fee Payment in Advance. 1991 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. C.. BURTON. NELSON.L.L.S.. 498 (August). 1975 GOTTLIEB. and VOGELS.. D. 579 (September). III.Schulhof on Practice Management. Mason Chooses an Associate. 740 (December). A.H.L. and VOGELS...L. A. 1983 GOTTLIEB. 167 (March).. JCO Retirement Survey. Orthodontic Economics. 731 (November).. 741 (November). and SHEALY. III. D. E..L. Orthodontic Economics. A.H. Rudolf Slavicek on Clinical and Instrumental Functional Analysis for Diagnosis and Treatment Planning.E.J. D. E. NELSON. E. 633 (October).L. E. 671 (November).L.. 1987 GOTTLIEB..N. JCO Travel and Recreation Survey. 731 (November).. and VOGELS.. and LAHRMAN.S. 340 (May). 677 (October).L.. E. Critique/It Can Happen To You. E.H. Comparing Orthodontic Fees of Orthodontists. A. Thomas Weimert on Airway Obstruction in Orthodontic Practice. E. 1974 GOTTLIEB.L. E. Managing for Success in Orthodontics. 705 (December). III. 1977 GOTTLIEB.. Practice Planning: A Team Effort.. E.S. DUMAS. 1981 GOTTLIEB. 247 (April).L.?.L. 1985 GOTTLIEB. D. 1983 GOTTLIEB. 675 (October). III.G.S. Dr. 23 (January). JCO Interviews Dr. E. Roundtable on Dental Insurance: Orthodontics.L. 1995 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. D. A. R. Population. E. Phase IV. 1994 GOTTLIEB. NELSON.. E. III. 1992 GOTTLIEB. Zachrisson on Excellence in Finishing.S. 456 (July). Robert Shaye on Functional Appliances. A. and VOGELS.. 1976 GOTTLIEB.L. Does P. C.. 1997 GOTTLIEB.E.L.H. 1991 GOTTLIEB. 1997 GOTTLIEB..L.. David G.L.. 1999 GOTTLIEB. C. Norman Shealy on Holistic Health. 536 (August). E. 319 (May). 278 (May). D. Schulhof on Functional Appliance Results.. 675 (December). and VOGELS. and VOGELS.. 1977 GOTTLIEB. 590 (September). E. Lahrman on Surgical-Orthodontics. 1994 GOTTLIEB. By the Numbers.L. E. 1978 GOTTLIEB. 615 (September).. E. E. A.. 694 (October). 1997 JCO Orthodontic Practice Study. 631 (September). JCO Interviews Mr. and WEIMERT.. Wager son Mixed Dentition Begg Treatment. R. Dumas. Dr. Dr. 705 (October).H.. Part I. 155 (March). E. E. 330 (May). Lyman E.. 1996 GOTTLIEB. 863 (December). 1975 GOTTLIEB. A. III. 1999 GOTTLIEB. 1995 GOTTLIEB. and VOGELS. 557 (September).H.L. E. NELSON.S.. 1980 GOTTLIEB. 1976 GOTTLIEB.. = O.H. 292 (May).. E. 691 (November). J. 665 (November). 96 (February)..L. JCO Visits PROfessional Positioners. D. and SHEALY..L. 689 (December)... DRUMMEY.L.L. 1986 JCO Study of Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Procedures. 1993 GOTTLIEB. 429 (July). D. E. 1980 GOTTLIEB.H. E. E.L. 221 (April)..N. 125 (February). NEISWANGER. NELSON.L.. 338 (June).. NEISWANGER. 1999 GOTTLIEB.L.L. C.. JCO Interviews Dr... 1994 GOTTLIEB.L. 101 (February).L. 330 (May). 1981 GOTTLIEB. NELSON. C. and VOGELS. . E. 1987 GOTTLIEB. III. 1975 GOTTLIEB. JCO Interviews Robert J.. A.U. . 1979 GOTTLIEB. A. G. J.. 448 (July).L. W. and SEGERDAL. 87 (February). M. FAUST. III. M. A.. Case Report: Uprighting an Inverted Maxillary Incisor. 1971 GOTTLIEB. The Information Curve. 1976 HAMILTON.. B. 382 (June). 1988 GOTTLIEB. A.. E. 810 (December).L. 506 (December). 1984 GRAY.. E.L.L. The Saga of Itzhak Rabine.. PHILIP. The Great X-ray Mystery.P. B. Preserving the Referral-Source Practice of Orthodontics.. F.. Team Development in Orthodontics/Role Relationship Clarification.. and COHEN. 1987 GUESS. Dr. E. W. S. R.. D.A. E. BROADBENT.. 1990 GREENFIELD. 161 (March). 1991 GOTTLIEB. M. 174 (March). 1972 GREENFIELD. SILVERMAN. 764 (November). Santa With Braces?.. Active Removable Appliances.D. C... Wind Guard. Simultaneous Torquing and Intrusion Auxiliary.... 1977 HAMULA. 1969 GRENGA. JCO Interviews Dr.. D. 157 (March). 1987 GUESS. The Swedish-Style Integrated Herbst Appliance. Morton Cohen.L.. S. 1974 GOTTLIEB. O. and BROWER.C.S.M..J. W.C. Wolk on Surgical-Orthodontics. 631 (September). Orthodontic Office Design: Creating Your Next Office. Updating the Economic Outlook in Orthodontics 1978. 96 (February). and SOLZER. Uprighting Lower 5s and 7s.. 35 (January). Sale of an Orthodontic Practice (Part I). Computer Treatment Estimates in Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery. A. SHAFFER. DARLING.. E. Case Report: Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of a Class II. 744 (October). Technique Clinic: Bonded Composite Button for Removable Appliances. and GOKALP. S. E... 18 (January). E. LANG. 378 (June). and POWERS...L.. HOLLY JR. K. Handling Characteristics and Bond Strength of Eight Direct Bonding Orthodontic Cements. S. JCO Interviews Dr.L. R..G. 1995 GRIMM. JCO Roundtable: Third Party Programs. J....E.L. S. E.. A “Bucket” Theory for Financial Success.. Orthodontic Office Design: Working .A. and GWINNETT. M..L. 361 (June).M.L. 1988 GUNN. JR. BROWNING. 512 (August). R. BECK. Removable Appliance Therapy. 355 (June). and CRALL. 1999 HAMULA. 1972 GOTTLIEB..S.. W. P.. and MOSS. J. Clinical Aid: Lock Pin Carrier..V. Semi-Automated Record Keeping... 1997 G‹RAY. E. Effects of Reduced Acid Concentration and Etching Time on Bond Strength and Enamel Morphology. 2000 GREENE. and LUKS. and SOLZER. 1972 GOTTLIEB. E. HICE. Truth in Lending. 321 (May). 1979 GOTTLIEB... LEE.G. W. BUSCHANG. 1970 HAM. E.W. 1996 GREER. 415 (June). A. 1977 HAM. Retainer Construction. The Editor’s Casebook.. 1989 GUESS. 1988 GOTTLIEB. A Structured Wage Program in Orthodontic Practice. A... 1971 HAMILTON. 825 (December). I. Gwinnett on Bonding. 1991 GURAY. Y.. Treatment of Ectopically Erupting Molars...B. F. 427 (June). A. W. RUTKOWSKI...J. and BUCHER. 384 (July). 355 (June). V. E.. E.. S. Orthodontic Office Design: Color: The First Impression... E. T. 1972 GOYENC. 1981 GRAVE. W. and KARAMAN. Temporary Bite Raiser. JCO Roundtable on the Edgelok Bracket.. 236 (April). 597 (November).B. 1968 GOTTLIEB.L. H. E.F. R. B. Transitional Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage.. LINDAUER.I.. M. SILVERMAN. L.. 473 (August). K. E. Elliott Silverman. S. Bruce Sanders. 751 (December). Partnership Orthodontic Practice. and MOSS.M. 145 (March)...V. 432 (August).. R.....C. H.. 1987 HAMULA.. 262 (April). Richard S. 1977 HAM. 1995 GRABER. and KAPPEYNE VAN DE COPPELLO. Part 1. 187 (March).. An Introduction to Management Communication... 1999 GUZMAN. F. W. Strength of Ceramic Brackets in Shear and Torsion Tests..H.. L. Raising Fees—1972. 486 (September).. R. Success and Failure With the Positioner Appliance. and SCHIAVONI. D.. Patient Motivation. and STEIN. M. Dr.L. 206 (April). 1971 GRAHAM.. and BROWN.B. A.. LAHRMAN. 12 (January). 1968 GRUMMONS. and DWYER. 97 (February). 870 (December). D.M. 1973 GOTTLIEB... 723 (December). Removable Appliance Therapy. 351 (June). and GALLAGHER..A. 335 (June). Rutkowski.C. O. 1988 GROSSMAN. J. W.L. 1972 GOTTLIEB. 496 (July).B. JCO Interviews Morton Cohen and Elliott Silverman on Indirect Bonded Practice.. A. III. O... 413 (July). 28 (January). 399 (August).. Upper First Molar Extractions. and STRAUCH. KARAMAN. WATANABE.J. Division 2 Malocclusion. 1995 GREENFIELD. SANDERS.. A Technique to Prevent Surface Contamination of Etched Enamel.P... 1978 GOTTLIEB.E.L. 1970 GROSSMAN. 1973 GRENADIER.. E.P. Computer-Generated Treatment Estimate. 118 (February).B.S. Criteria Used by General Dentists To Choose an Orthodontist.. 649 (November).C..F. 395 (June). 1984 GOTTLIEB. K. Dr.L. 580 (September). T. W. 1977 HAMER. Quality in Orthodontic Practice..G. 1981 GUESS. R..M.. 1974 GOTTLIEB. R. I. R.. E.L. Computerized Paperwork in the Orthodontic Office. 738 (October).. 1999 GUYMON. Sale of an Orthodontic Practice (Part II). 346 (June). 1971 GOTTLIEB.P. 150 (March). E. 1986 GRIMM. and BARKMEIER.C. 1993 GREER. S. 1980 GWINNETT.E.B.. Practice Status Report: Economics and Administration.. R.E.I.A.L. 1997 HALL.L.J. 1973 GREER.J. and SMITH. E.H. Orthodontic Office Design: The 30-Second Difference. Effects of Different Roughening Methods on Band Retention. 390 (June). WILDMAN.A.. E.P. A Frontal Asymmetry Analysis. J.L.C. and POWERS.J. Bonding Attachments Directly to Teeth. Roger S. 305 (June). 1969 GOTTLIEB. P. E. 337 (May). and MOON. M..G.L.. Dr. T. 1987 HAEGGLUND. E. K. 677 (December).1989 GOTTLIEB.. COHEN. Fixed Piston Appliance for Rapid Class II Correction. Part II. and BROWER. J. and WOLK.. The Effect of Silane Coupling Agents on the Bond Strength of a Polycrystalline Ceramic Bracket. 613 (November). 522 (September). D.L. Unusual Ectopic Eruption of Maxillary Canines. 2000 HAMULA..L. P. 788 (December). E... and BROWER. Orthodontic Office Design: Soffit Treatments. F.. and ROSSOUW. Orthodontic Office Design: Uses of Dividers.. Orthodontic Practice in New Zealand. W. A. W. 1991 HANSON. Orthodontic Office Design: Operatory. Orthodontic Office Design: Children’s Areas: An Emerging Trend.. W..M. JR.. J. 273 (May).A. 249 (May). and GAY. W.S. 140 (March)..... E.. Orthodontic Office Design: Darkroom. 1987 HAMULA. Orthodontic Office Design: Rear Delivery System. 605 (September)... 1994 HAMULA. 1995 HAMULA. 361 (June). and GERMAN. W. Orthodontic Office Design: Floor Plan. J. W. 428 (July).E. B. Technique Clinic: Direct Bonding with Light-Cured Adhesives. A New Molar Band.P. 1983 HAMULA. 722 (October). D. W. Orthodontic Office Design: Remodeling: Exterior Additions. 318 (June). B. 1988 HANSON. 382 (June). and HAMULA. W.de. Orthodontic Office Design: Sick Building Syndrome. and HASKELL. W. Glass Ionomer Update. 1998 HAMULA.W.. 35 (January). W. The Hygienic Rapid Palatal Expander. W. R. Interproximal Stripping for the Treatment of Adult Crowding. M.. D. D. W.. D. 1996 HAMULA. Orthodontic Office Design: Business Office.W. W.F... 375 (June). 1993 HAMULA. 1989 HAMULA.. 29 (January). 1993 HAMULA. 341 (May). and BROWER. F.. Orthodontic Office Design: Planning a Sterilization Area. 1980 HAMULA. HAMULA. W. W. 1992 HAMULA. The SPEED Bracket Auxiliary Slot.. D. Indirect Band Technique.. 420 (August). and DWYER. W. and HAMULA. W.. 1981 HAMULA... W. W. 1991 HAMULA. W. W.W..with an Architect... W. 32 (January). W. and HAMULA. 1988 HAMULA. D. D. 424 (July). Orthodontic Office Design: Stand-Up Consultation Areas. A Marking Device for Equilibration... 1990 HAMULA. Orthodontic Office Design: Creating a Feeling of Space. W. Office Design: Delivery Systems. Orthodontic Office Design: Historic Renovations.W... J. 725 (December).W.. Orthodontic Office Design: Hallways. and WHITE. The Value of Staff Meetings. W. K. F. 445 (June). Orthodontic Office Design: The Americans with Disabilities Act. 1996 HAMULA. Technique Clinic: Clinical Applications of Stainless Stainless Steel Tubing.. 89 (February). Orthodontic Office Design: Operatory Central Islands. and HANNAH.W. 1967 HASKELL. W..J. 1993 HAMULA. 1993 HAMULA. 1994 HAMULA. W. W.. 562 (September). D. and HAMULA. 1988 HAMULA. 1991 HAMULA.. 210 (April). W. 520 (August). Orthodontic Office Design: Working with an Interior Decorator. D. K. The Orthodontic “Grasshopper”.. Orthodontic Office Design: Reception Desk: Placement and Design. 1984 HAMULA. BRAY. and HURT. 1978 HAMULA. 1971 HARRIS.. 171 (March). Orthodontic Office Design: Practical Acoustical Planning and Sound Control. W. D. JOSEPH..S. B. Modified Mandibular Schwarz Appliance.C. H....W. 117 (February). 874 (December). 1985 HAMULA... W. 378 (June). 725 (December). 1991 HAMULA. and HAMULA. D. Orthodontic Office Design: Examination Rooms. 428 (August). Orthodontic Office Design: Site Planning.. Orthodontic Office Design: Reception Desk: Structure and Measurements..W. 2000 HARNICK. 691 (December). 1988 HAMULA.. and HAMULA. D. A. and HAMULA. 1986 HAMULA. Clinical Aid: Impression Material for Rapid Palatal Expanders. 724 (October). 161 (March). 1981 HAMULA. 719 (October). 744 (October)...D. W. Orthodontic Office Design: Staff Amenities. W.. 1969 HARFIN.. 1986 HARARY... Comparison of Shear Bond Strengths of Orthodontic Resins to Ceramic and Metal Brackets. D. 1992 HAMULA. C. Orthodontic Office Design: Designing Adult Areas. W. 802 (December).P. and HAMULA...W. Orthodontic Office Design: On-Deck Area. 92 (February)..W. W.. 1977 HAMULA. Orthodontic Office Design: Applications of Glass Block... Orthodontic Office Design: Landscaping.S. 50 (January). 1979 HAMULA. J.. 95 (February).. Orthodontic Office Design: Skylights: The Sky’s the Limit. D. Technique Clinic: Intraoral Correction for Distorted Brackets. 1997 HAMULA. Orthodontic Office Design: Sound Transmission and Wall Construction. Orthodontic Office Design: Developing a Floor Plan. 2000 HAMULA. 676 (October).. 1990 HAMULA.. 651 (October)..J. 35 (January). 1984 HAMULA. 560 (September).. HAMULA. 355 (June).. D. 513 (August). 627 (September). 101 (February). 1990 HARRIS. Technique Clinic: Indirect Band for Fixed Bridgework. 74 (October). W.W. 1995 HARRELL. Orthodontic Office Design: The Paperless Practice.. 1992 HAMULA.. Orthodontic Office Design: Acoustical Surface Treatments.. 686 (October). 1985 HAMULA.. W. 1988 HARRIS.. 437 (July). Orthodontic Office Design: Consultation Room.. 1979 HAMULA. A Fixed Functional and TMJ Treatment Appliance.. 1978 HAMULA. 415 (June). 22 (January). 567 (September). 1995 HAMULA. C. Orthodontic Office Design: Operatory Lighting. W. 101 (February)... 765 (December). 1989 HAMULA. HAMULA. 15 (January). 1994 HARDING... HAMULA. J. SERNETZ.. 1985 . W. 702 (October). 485 (July). W. 1989 HAMULA. 111 (February). W. 1980 HAMULA. 1987 HASKELL. 1999 HANSON.W. W.. 547 (October).. and HAMULA.W. W..S. W. Pure Titanium Orthodontic Brackets.. Orthodontic Office Design: Reception Room. J. 47 (January). W. Orthodontic Office Design: Ceilings: Higher Visual Impact.. D. Orthodontic Office Design: Examination Room. 1998 HAMULA. W.F. 1998 HAMULA.. 590 (August). Technique Clinic: Banding or Bonding Partially Erupted Second Molars. 542 (September).S. et al. Vacuum Molded Vestibular Shield... 1987 HILGERS. R..H. 1992 HILLEMAN.S. 2000 HAWKINS. 297 (May)..A.W.. Update on the Fujita Lingual Bracket. 442 (August). 1997 HUDSON. 224 (May). J.. 640 (September). S.H. Silicone Putty Splint for Rapid Placement of Direct-Bonded Retainers. K.. 509 (August).H. D. 1974.K. J. A New Customized Lingual Indirect Bonding System. R.. W. J. S. Case Report: Correction of Anterior Crossbite with a Combination Technique. J.A.... Comprehensive Correspondence for New Patient Exams and Consultations.. Technique Clinic: Fixing a Broken Retainer. 1993 HEISER... Removable Plastic Herbst Retainer. R. Reverse Headgear.. F.A. G. SUNWOO. R.... 1999 HONG. 1987 HILGERS. R. J... 456 (July). 1988 HOFFMAN. 538 (September).P. 617 (November).A. J. and SOHN. Loops and Circles. 1986 HERZBERG. 1985 HOWE. C.... 1978 HERNANDEZ M. A Constructive Approach to Thumbsucking Habit.. and MCNAMARA..P.. G.T. Bioprogressive Simplified. Adjusting Essix Appliances at Chairside. R. J. Construction of a Bite Plane with Light-Cured Resin. New Design Positioner. 508 (September). S. Y. and HIME. 1991 HEPBURN..C. JR. 1983 HOWE. and LIM.. J. B.C. 143 (March). R. 498 (September). 1968 HODGSON. D. R. 204 (April). 620 (September). 1985 HOFFMAN. Severe Ocular Injuries from Orthodontic Headgear. Double-Tube Bracket for Indirect Bonding. 618 (September). Technique Clinic: Low-Profile. 1997 HONIG. 126 (February).L. 566 (October). 716 (October).. 587 (August)... J. A Coordinate System for Model Storage.. 1987 HILGERS. Directional Edgewise Orthodontic Approach. Bioprogressive Simplified. The Pendulum Appliance for Class II Non-Compliance Therapy.H. Lingual Bonded Splint. 1978 HEINRICH..P.. 136 (March).. 1979 HODGSON. 44 (January).J. Problem-Oriented Orthodontic Record.J. J.. and FARZIN-NIA.D.. R. 42 (January).K. J. and HERNANDEZ B. W. 1995 HITCHCOCK. 1993 HOCEVAR. Part 3: Nonextraction Therapy. 497 (July). H. 106 (February). 122 (February). J. 403 (July). 442 (June).J.. The Bonded Herbst Appliance.P..J. 439 (July).. 1996 HONG.. 2000 . Direct Bonding Update..G.. 501 (August).J. D. 533 (August). 1972 HOFFMAN.C. Adjuncts to Bioprogressive Therapy: The Asymmetrical “T” Archwire. R. T. 1999 HOBSON.D.. 536 (October).F.P. 1993 HICKHAM.P. C. D. J. Clinical Aid: A New Polishing System for Enhanced Esthetics after Debonding.W. MARTINS. 794 (November). 473 (July). 1982 HOWE. 699 (November).. R. A Practical Biteplane for Use with Fixed Appliances. S. 1968 HICKHAM.J. and PARK. G. 857 (December). 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ALEXANDER.. 207 (March). 493 (September). 1998 MAYERSON.. J..M.K.R. Trimming Study Models for Photocopying.L. and ZAYTOUN.. 134 (March). W. M. C. and ALEXANDER. BERKOWITZ.J. and ZALKIN.W. 234 (April). M..Appliance..... C. 1996 MCGILL.. C. A. and FRY.K. and BLAIR.. M. R. and BISHOP. 681 (November)... 1971 MAYERS. A Reappraisal of Cephalometrics... 699 (December). Management & Marketing: The Patient Manager System. and HAYES. M. and MACKLEY. and GOLOVAN. J.. N.. ARAI.J. AXELRODE.K. 337 (June).L...G.J. HERZOG. 1995 MAYERSON. Management and Marketing. What To Do When a Management Service Organization Comes Calling. Technique Clinic: Accessory .. Case Report: Failure of Eruption. H. 471 (August). D... R. M. 631 (November).. 410 (December).. 747 (December). J. M..E. and Competitive Advantage: The Deming Philosophy in Orthodontics. 679 (November).. R.S. J.D.K. 1970 McDOWELL. S. and CHUROSH. and MORANDINI. J. M. 509 (August). D.. M. J. T.. R. and SOUERS. HOLT.. 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Case Report: Treatment of a Patient with Juvenile Periodontitis.G. Multi-Phase Treatment Consultation Outline. 427 (July).. G. CHOY. Technique Clinic: Loop Transplant. Facial Changes Resulting from Different Treatments in Identical Twins.H. Clinical Aid: Lip Retractor for Occlusal Photography. Crozat Treatment.. V. MOSS. 1977 PERLOW.. Early Surgical Management of Impacted Mandibular Second Molars. 594 (November).E.E.. 478 (July). 1980 PETDACHAI.. Clinical Aid: Needle Threader. G. 1985 PETTIS. K. 591 (September). A. 1987 PHILLIPS. R. III.. 1976 PERAHIA. A...L. 1986 PHILLIPS. 307 (June). J... 417 (July). P. F.. 1999 PATRIKIOU. C. III. JR. Bonding First Molars. and PERMANN. M... A. 534 (August).... M. 1979 PHILLIPS.. 1981 PERKOWSKI. 388 (June). R. Datamedic—A Computer Billing System.. D. 388 (June). 1979 PANGRAZIO-KULBERSH.. Distalization with a Nance Appliance and Coil Springs. Bonded Space Maintainers. 1995 PEARSON.. H... 1987 PERAHIA. III. 375 (June). S. J. 400 (June). 47 (January). D. 771 (November). L. 486 1989 OWEN. and CHATEAU. 1974 POLLIT... A.. S.OWEN.K. 1987 PICARD.. Modified Function Regulator for Vertical Maxillary Excess. 453 (August). 1970 PATEL. 1997 PHELAN.Y. P. 780 (December). 1996 PHILLIPS.J.T... 1990 OWEN.C. V. 176 (March).H..H. 1984 PETIT. Orthodontic Management of Ankylosed Teeth.E. H. Enhanced Office Automation.. J. Technique Clinic: Determining Archwire Length. A Lingual Light-Wire Technique. DICKHUTH. 225 (April). 1987 PHILIPPE. 54 (January). Clinical Aid: Improved Acrylic Application. 109 (February).Y. M.. 356 (May). III. 1995 PHILLIPS. 1996 PHAM. 1985 PAPPEL.E. Rapid Dentoalveolar Expansion Technique. 850 (December). 2000 PASKOW. Case Report: Hypothyroidism in Orthodontic Practice. 218 (April).. 702 (October). 1982 PALMER. P. 1974 PIERINGER. III. H. Generating Practice Correspondence with a Computer Scanner. P. Crown Inclination Relapse with Multiflex Retainers. 1981 PIERCE. 726 (October). 770 (October). 1998 OWEN. E. D. S. B. M. 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