Jayadeva - Gita Govindam (bilingue)

March 27, 2018 | Author: djellyboop | Category: Krishna, Poetry, Love, Devi, Religion And Belief



http://www.giirvaani.net/giirvaani/gg_utf/gg_utf_intro.htm śrī rādha --- is a maha bhava - 'an ecstatic concept about an exquisite beauty...' and she is the cynosure of this mini-epic gita govindam or Gita Govinda of Jayadeva. This work Gita Govindam is a lyrical dance-drama, plussed with the then romantics, poetic aesthetics and what not with a theme of vipralambha sringara - anguish in separation and joy in uniting of divine couple rādha and Krishna. The poet sings to the joy of Krishna, wishing him to be always joyous togetherness of rādha, addressing him variously like Govinda, Maadhava, Hari, Keshava etc., according to the situation, and hence it is called Gita Govindam, like bhaja govindam i.e., devout yourself unto Govinda. For easy comprehension we have put all the names as Krishna. And rādha is none else than Krishna, the very fount of his lila sakti creative power. She transmutes his glory into prema ananda, the zenith of blissful happiness, in which alone he takes pleasure. This is the idea of gita govindam That being the viewpoint of Absolute Theology, taking hold of Applied Theology our poet Jayadeva brings rādha a little closer to our nature, under the ozone sphere within this Earthly Nature that which is also crafted by that God for our habitation, to depict her romance with Krishna to our viewpoint. Hence, rādha can be construed as Queen Nature, in a way of interpretation of this miniepic. And that Queen Nature always longs for her togetherness with that God as she knows none else. But that God, as a knight of cosmic-roads, will never stay put with her for a long time, and if the leauge together, there will be frolicking and merrymaking to the nth, because she is his hlaadini shakti, where shakti does not translate here as power as in taantric parlance, but it means primmary agent - primary source of god's delightment. What more is required to have unseen God with seeable Mother, or Queen, or whatever - Nature. Is it not Holy? The dancing, singing, frolicking and merrymaking of Krishna with this type of unique milkmaids is rasa lila, rasa kriDa. This dancing in a circle, a ronde dance as we call it, in itself is a particular dance, by the singing of many milkmaids to the fluting of one Krishna. This happens only in Brindavan, all- holy woodland with thickets of basil plants, conceived only for the congregation of such milkmaids for their communion with Krishna. 'As heat is to fire, as cold is to ice, as sweetness to honey so are god's qualities to himself, so is rādha to Krishna. rādha, or rādhika, is Krishna's power brought into play so that he may have a partner in his game, who may supersensuously share his love. Her love is the highest possible, and it is when identified with her as the Supreme Lover of God that the soul attains perfection. 'Just as Krishna is essentially god and beyond Nature, so too is rādha essentially god, immaculate...' naarada pancaraatra. She is the power by which god creates, herself remaining beyond what he creates through her. She remains ever immaculate even while manifesting through Nature's three 'modes' sattva, rajo, tamo, gunNa-s, or subtle elements; she cannot be bound by the laws of their interaction, for she is the source of their activity The Gospel of Narada. On an autumnal full moon night, the gopi-s or gopika-s, or milkmaids, attracted by the flute of Krishna, went out of their homes and met him in the groves of Brindavan. He first tried to send them back, but failed. Then the raasa began on the beach of Yamuna, and when the gopika-s were besides themselves with ecstasy, Krishna suddenly disappeared from the scene. When they came to know of this, their sorrow knew no bounds. They searched for him in every grove, bewailing all the while. When they came back... he suddenly reappeared in their midst. The dance was resumed... they roamed... played... bathed in Yamuna waters... The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. 4, The Religions The Ramakrishna Mission. gopika-s or the milkmaids in Brindavan are not mere girlish milkmaids, but they are all saints and sages in their earlier incarnation, or the Veda-s themselves, so says the tradition. And Krishna according his proximity to each one, wants to satisfy every soul. On such an occassion of rasa lila or rasa kriDa Krishna had to deviate from rādha in this ronde dance, in order to satisfy others. rādha's femininity spews fire at Krishna. These are the opening episodes of this drama, and we have to follow through it, rather giving a trailer of it. These rasa lila rasa kriDa-s are not just lustful erotic dances, but they have esoteric meaning. We are trying to include esoteric meaning of this ronde dance in appropriate episode, and we are gathering some info about it. All dancing, singing and frolicking of a devotee for a perfect communion with her devoted being, as said by: In spite of the many kinds of love, which in Greek are designated as philia (friendship), eros (aspiration toward value), and epithymia (desire), in addition to agape, (Theo. Christian love, esp. as distinct from erotic love,) which is the creation of the Spirit, there is one point of identity in all these qualities of love, which justifies the translation of them all by "love"; and that identity is the 'urge toward the reunion of the separated,' which is the inner dynamics of life. Love in this sense is one and indivisible." Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, vol.3, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), 137. The problem of rādha is almost that of St. Theresa 'for whom ecstasy is betrothal leading up to the spiritual marriage 'in which the soul always remains in its centre with God...' The Interior Castle, Seventh Mansion, Ch. II sec. 2 4., via S. Rādhakrishnan's Eastern Religions and Western Thought. Here also, the poet portrays that spiritual betrothal of rādha with Krishna in this work. And what lust can be attached to a devotee, if he/she sings this Psalm: ' Sing unto the Lord a new song: sing praises lustily unto him with a good courage...' Psalm 33, v. 3. If any peripherally casual reader would like to deride or despise such philosophisation of apparently erotic expressions, they are requested to firstly read articles of Christian theologists on rādha, like Hon'ble David C. Scott, and Adam Clarke et al, whose urls are given at the end of this page. When there are scores of websites on Jayadeva and his life, it will be unbefitting for this page to renarrate the same. However, we may dare say that none has given any word for word translation for this work, nor for the complete translation of Gita Govinda, excepting that someone's attempt halted at the song on the eulogy of ten incarnations. There can be no exact translation of this work in any language, including the regional languages of India, because of the wordsmithy of this poet. This is as observed by Prof. T.Koteshvara Rao, Reader, SKD University. He cites, for example, one letter running into the next word, to give a completely different meaning like: vasante vaasantii - va, vaa; kusuma, sukumaaraiH - su, ku; baadhaam, rādhaam - aa, dhaa.The other main feature of Jayadeva is wordplay. Very small words with cadence, pause, tempo etc., as in lalita - lavanga - lataa parishiilana - only a letterwith extended play. This is art of Jayadeva and there are many such examples to cite. Tanslations or trashlations: Because Jayadeva's way of writing is so well-knit, it does not mean that others should not translate in regional languages or foreign ones, so says the above professor. But they remain a photocopy with many toner patches. We cannot possibly attain that delicacy or word arrangement in our languages. Hence, if we are translating, or calling them translations, they may please be viewed as 'communicating poet's ideas through other tongue with many redundant words...' and hence we may be doing trashlations. There are five gurus of Jayadeva peeping into this Gita Govinda, namely 1] Valmiki for designing the work, melodrama, anguish in separation of lead characters. Ramayana is in 24, 000 verses and this work is in 12 chapters. Half of that number 24. But the aSTa padi-s, eight-footed songs are in 24 numbers. Next 2] Bharata Muni - for dance drama. 3] Vaastaayana - for romance. 4] Kalidasa for word selection, brevity, small words with big meanings, alliterations etc. 5] Jayadeva on his own, as a trendsetter to language, grammar, poetic aesthetics etc. There are many commentaries on this work, but rasika priya of Kumbha, and rasa manjari of Shankara Misra, shruti ranjani of Tirumala Deva Raaya, are renowned ones in Sanskrit world. There is a commentary called nritya lakshaNa samhita by Sri K. Vaasudeva Saastry. This is an exhaustive and unique commentary, not commentary exactly but a dance treatise, useful for any form of dancing schools, since every word of Jayadeva is interpreted to have dance gestures, abhinaya, mudra-s, bhangima-s. This can be reflected here once in a while, because of that work's excellence, and limitation of this work. This book is available with Tanjavore Sarasvati Mahal Library, Tanjavore, Tamil Nadu state, India. On musical side it is sung throughout India and there are many cassettes, CDs. But some of the best renderings can be listened from HMV's cassette SPHOS 3405. A complete dance ballet is recently [meaning 2003,] telecast on sanskar TV channel, India. An appeal to the readers All translations are approximations, and this is one among them. Further, the wrok presented here is not a poetic scholarly or highbrow work, but an elucidation of the words and expressions used by the poet, in prose, full with orthodoxy, circuitous, serpentine, self-coiling presentation in Indian routine, only to explain words used by the poet, which considerably wells the gist part of the work. Hence, the readers are requested to go more by the word-for-word section than gist. If any mistakes, typos and the like are noticed, they may kindly be tolerated / informed. pramaado api dhiimataam Whatever extra words that appear in the gist of song, than found in word-to-word section, they may please be construed as ellipted words, incorporated to bring out a meaningful paragraph or emphasis. The words arranged in word-to-word meanings are in accordance with anvaya krama, placement of words of Sanskrit to give a prosaic meaning. Revision to UTF 1] The text is being slowly revised to UTF mode. Readers may please enable UTF to see it. erōs. 3] Text in old fonts is also available in Sanaskrit99classic font. chalitayoH= while both are on the go [to home]. bhiiruH ayam= [naively] timorous. rahaH kelayaH= sequestered. shyaamaaH= are blackened. vana bhuvaH = wood. bechanced events]. namaskriya. by Nanda. Verse Locator सामोद दामोदरम् मेघैमेदुरममबरम् वनभुवः शयामासतमालदुमैः नकतम् भीररयम् तवमेव तिदमम् राधे गृहम् पापय। इतथम् ननदिनदेिशतशिलतयोः पतयधवकुञदुमम् राधामाधवयोजरयिनत यमुनाकले रहःकेलयः॥ १-१ ू पदचछेद : मेघैः मेदुरम् अंबरम् वन भुवः शयामाः तमाल दुमैः नकतम् भीरः अयम् तवम् एव तत् इमम् राधे गृहम् पापय इतथम् ननद िनदेिशतः े चिलतयोः पित अधव कु ंज द ुमम् राधा माधवयोः जयिनत यमुना कले रहः कलयः ू 1-1. she who is instructed [Rāldha]. imam gR^iham praapaya= him. Tiika/word order/meanings: hè raadhe= hey! Rādha. tat= thereby. to home. as poets are required to start their poetic works with ashiish.] . jayanti= won over. alone.2] So also. lands. banks of. kunja drumam= in arbour. for UTF files. or philia not just love] plays of passion [that are the happenstances. thick with. tvam eva= you. at each and every. ittham nanda nideshitaH= this way. fructified [let them be transcendentally exquisite. or vastu nirdeshanam. that one [Krishna is]. yamunaa kuule= on Yamuna. rāldhaa maadhavayoH = of both Rādha. since verses in RomanTranscript and Itrans are provided through friendly pop up windows. please do not turn off pop up windows feature in browsers. with clouds. trees. prati= each. Mādhava. at tree. see he reaches [lead him forth]. tamaala drumaiH = with tamaala. [Gr. ambaram meghaiH meduram = sky. or epithymia. which may be accessed thru the NON-UTF links given below:: This minni-epic is in twelve chapters and each chapter is given a heading as below: Chapter [Sarga] 1-UTF enabled text All pervasive Exuberant Krishna सामोद दामोदरम् Poet Jayadeva wishing to portray the divine love of Rādha and Krishna in his immortal song giita govindam starts this with a benedictory verse that indicates the theme of his poetic work. adhva= on pathway. naktam [ca abhivartate]= night [is also drawing nigh]. ' praapaya 'make him prosperous. to depict that a true devotee has to undergo a step by step process for the culmination of his/her ardent desire.. are transcendentally exquisite. but not the invocation of deity of speech / poetics. though unconnected. and night is also drawing nigh. Where all this has happened? On each and every pathway to home. both Rādha and Mādhava are on the go homeward.. Thus. mangala aadiini 'a sort of blessings. Then this poem emerged from the depths of heart of Jayadeva about ayam. you alone lead him home. Here the love game of Rādha and Mādhava itself became the auspicious. A parable is said about this verse. As usual with any other poet. Jayadeva refuses trivial jobs and declares himself as a poet of par excellence.' 'Rādha.' Rādha did not get her cherished desire fulfilled in a trice.. So. the poet really starts his work with the next verse. [1-1] This is the 'worm's eye view' of this poetic work. without naming him as Krishna. personified by wife you on becoming wife. at every tree.. ‘that god’ and his sequestered deeds. on each pathway... when Krishna is at her side. to stand by his own self declaration as an eminent poet. please take him home.. but the commentators limit them to number nine.."hè! Rādha. at each and every tree. and in each and every arbour on the banks of River Yamuna. preamble etc. blessing a priori. many are the trees of wisdom. don't you know that he is boyish and naively timorous. in the pattern of aashiirvaada.. hence you alone lead him forth and enrich his prosperity as his wife. Why should she? When she is willing. started to compose the rest of this work. raadhe said by Nanda has three shades. is she still put to test? These would be the pertinent doubts that arise. though he is supposedly unavailable.. and simile them with the nine states. Yes! She is put to litmus test by this most mischievous Krishna.. anunaya vaakya 'Rādha. who did the same in his kumaara sambhavam 5 ayam janaaH prahR^iShTa manaaH tapo dhane However. for uttering such 'blasphemous poetry' on 'that' god.. Govinda. Jayadeva was also said to be a twiddler of his thumbs. and many are the bowers to contemplate lonely and solitarily. the poet puts the pronoun on the tongue of Nanda. That way. out of the ten states of love pangs or manmatha avastha s: manmatha avastha s .. frown her resentments etc. when father Nanda permitted. that uncle sprang up to his feet in ire. '. The invocation is in next verse. and put the next verse. what is it you play in nights. ayam bhiiruH. or Mādhava etc.' 'On your account Krishna became a householder... an invocatory poem. She had to undergo her historical ordeal. on the lines of kaalidasa. about 'that' god. for he is still a boy... clouds are thickening on the sky.. when it is dusking and darkening.. and seeing this maternal uncle daunts him for not taking up any job or profession like any other youngster. Krishna seems to be there. All these are godsend gifts of nature and humans.. the father of Krishna. and the theme of 'that' poetry. this poem remained at the head of the work as a prologue. without the sense of innumerability.. not only for Rādha but to any devotee. gR^iham 'house. and content of this poetic work. and in each of the bowers.. tattva ukti 'with some subtext.’ kopa ukti ‘said in anger. and while going take this fellow also to his home. put to test by Krishna.. At the last words of this verse. indicative of the topic of poetry. Here the word meghaiH is also in plural.. but his fluting is audible very nearly. and then the happenstances of their sequestered plays of passion. and that one is naively timorous. or at a snap of finger.. thereby. no night wanderings.. you go home. the poet indicates that there are many a pathway to tread. The clouds spreading on sky will naturally be many. tvam eva you alone are his. vastu nirdehsa. sob her sobs. and for auspicious beginning of the poetic works’ etc which the poets usually employ. and he can portray ayam 'that' god in an innovative manner and in off the beaten track.. Then Jayadeva. 'Rādha.. Then his maternal uncle questions who ‘that’ god is... as ayam.. when her maid encourages her. and almost said to have stifled Jayadeva to death... but actually he is not there. to stylus." this way when Nanda instructed Rādha. and she had to shed her tears. though they are not the questions in reality. black Tamaala trees blacken the woodlands.. Though the moods are available in each foot of whole poem... mover [either His own Sudarshana disc. vatii= on who handles it. which will be heart pleasing. chitrita chitta sadmaa= depicted.. aratiH | hrii tyaago.. 3] endeavour.. ayam. rivers. shrii= epitome of Fortune. Tiika/word order/meanings: vaak devataa= speech. Krishna's longing for an ephemeral and poetic embodiment called Rādha is more. caraNa caaraNa= with feet. waters. radhaamaadhavoH are in anu praasaa aalnnkaara. charita= with legend of. and his playful acts. 5] shrivelling. i. by making the feet of his wife Padmaavati to dance. solitude. poet's wife. as they do not mean anything these days. sankalpa. fragrances. unmaada. 4] vybhicaara bhaavaaH deviating moods ecstasy. solitude etc.dR^ik. night. manas. first part of verse has samuccaya alankaara while the later part is having ashiir alankaara and on total it is said in samshR^iSTi alankaara. caraNa= feet. sky is the limit for enjoyment. 3] anu bhaava indicatives of mood timorousness. embellished with] heart [soul. woodlands. exciting environ of Yamuna. vaasudeva= vasu deva = . disporting. they may not be brought in here. Aesthetics info for Sanskrit students: The whole work revolves round the following aesthetics. flowers.. fear. jealousy. iththam to kelayaH it is sambhoga sR^ingaara. chakra vartii = one who became kingly poet. and psychically in a devotee's experience. arbours and bowers. iti ananga dashaa dasha 1] eyeing. antaa. and it suggests that god is inclined more towards real devotees. Above all. 7] shamelessness. krishna liila. caaraNa= [which are] massaged by. [painted. the Prime Mover]. charaNa = at feet. it is sambhoga vipralambha sR^ingaara and the metre of this verse is shaarduula vikriiDitam. like Rukmini or lakSmii and the like. cool breezes etc. raasa kriiDa. 8] maddening. or the frolicking that is termed as raasa liila. one named as Padmaavati. Though Krishna is Vishnu and though Rukmini. in mortal's parlance. rather than for his coequals. On the use of ultramundane word maa dhava lakSmii's. deity of.] Goddess lakSmii. 'that' god is here. interestedness. The word ambaram sky suggests 'openness. by the grace of one whose feet are massaged by Goddess lakSmii. lakSmii. 9] swooning. since it is forbidden from dawn to dusk. even when Krishna is manifestly a mortal.' because Krishna is present there. desperation. 5] sthaayii bhaavaaH common mood longing. padmaavatii= Goddess lakSmii. From meghaiH to praapaya it is vipralmbha sR^ingaara. is lakSmii.' And the word vana bhuva 'woodland areas are like heavens.] [called] house. with these moods. embarrassment etc. And naktam 'night time' is the proper time for such activity. on the banks of River Yamuna. But in a prima donna ish fashion. 10] trying to end oneself. and available just before the eye. 4] sleeplessness. in order to commingle in him physically. all of them made that place heavenly. [one who is presiding deity of aSTaakShari hymn. his first consort. And yamunaa kuule 'on the banks of Yamuna.e. elate yourselves to sky. padmaavatii= Padmaavati as proper noun. 2] aalambana bhaavaaH mood for devotement: Rādha. secluded.. Yamuna banks. chakravartii = one who became kingly poet. by moving. with murals. kR^ishataa. 2] heart loosing. lonely. Verse Locator वागदेवताचिरतिचिततिचतसदा पदावतीचरणचारणचकवती। शीवासुदेवरितकेिलकथासमेतम् एतम् करोित जयदेवकिवः पबनधम्॥ १-२ पदचछेद : वाक् देवता चिरत िचितत िचत सदा पदावती चरण – चारण चकवती शी वासुदेव रित केिल कथा समेतम् एतम् करोित जयदेव किवः पबनधम् 1-2. some are said here. here Rādha. thus a secreted heaven is said to be there on earth. coyness of all characters. 1] uddipanaa bhaavaaH excitants of mood: clouds. Then what more does a devotee require for his/her dedication.. 6] disinterestedness in anything. Vishnu. with breezes wafting coolness of Yamuna waters and fragrances of flowers on to its banks. riverside. shyaamaa tamaala. And the first verse itself is indicative of the activities of Krishna. muurcChaa. prudishness. The openness. chakra vartii= wheel. arbours and bowers. resentment etc. or the wheel of world. jaagaraaH. chaaraNa= by serving. padmaavatii= padma= lotus. husband Vishnu may be observed.. or by hermetic sainthood.] Saraswati.' If Krishna is resplendent with his charm. rati keli= epithalamic passion [Gr. like a home ever embellished with murals.] plays. Jayadeva is glistening with his wordplay. and how Paarvati always dances with always dancing Shiva. riiti gaudiiya. devotion does not equate with solitary self surrender. an d it comprises the episodes of plays of passion Rādha and Krishna. namely Vishnu or Krishna. play music instruments. the presiding Deity of Speech. but only as a lip service. poetic narration about one's own wife or about her performing arts was a taboo. etam= this [one that is abiding in the heart like house with murals. like a home ever embellished with murals. Jayadeva is equally free to flirt away from the orthodoxy of poetics. am now authoring this poetic lore called Gita Govindam. god give me what I want.] poet. [1-2] Or Saraswati. It is said the Jayadeva recognised not only a dancer in his wife. which is so far abiding in my soul. epithymia. or by murmuring hymns singly. which lore comprises the episodes of plays of passion of Rādha and Krishna. deity of [Krishna].. and I who became an emperor among poets by my service at the feet of Goddess lakSmii. prabandham= poetic work. Jayadeva and Padmaavati danced. poetic work]. Verse Locator यिद हिरसमरणे सरसम् मनो यिद िवलासकलासु कुतूहलम्। मधुरकोमलकानतपदावलीम् शृणु तदा जयदेवसरसवतीम्॥ १-३ .. and he who has become an expert in poetry by the grace of one whose feet are ever massaged by Goddess lakSmii. Chatram dhaarayaami.' meaning that one who has come out of his indebtedness towards his father. eros. not just love. sing. Further. but a bhaagavatii pratipatti 'female devotee' in her. questioning as to how Satyabhama danced before Krishna.. and even by the service rendered by my wife Padmaavati. or. hence ruupaka alankaara and at sametametam it is anupraa alankaara vyanjana vyR^ittena. I the kingly poet Jayadeva. ever embellished with murals like legends of her literary grace.. oh. I show dance.. I am] doing [authoring... which lore comprises the episodes of plays of passion of Rādha and Krishna. hence a free bird to take his own wings and to flirt as he may. vR^itti bhaarati metre vasanta tilaka. karoti= [he is.earth's. for she tightly fastened my lyrics to tune and rhythm with her dancing feet. embellishing his homelike soul. giita vaadya nR^ityam pradashayaami 'I hold up an parasol. embellishing his soul with her legends. Even today this custom continues. such as I am. In those days. or lust. Aesthetics: Heart and house are in simile. kathaa sametam= episodes. I fan you. embellishing my soul with her legends. That is for devotees of nirguNa brahma and this ' bhaagavata devotion' culminates only when upacaaraa s 'devotional offerings' are offered. This invocation starts with vaak devataa after Kalidasa's vaak arthaav iva sampR^iktau in epic kumaarassambhavam. tasya apatyam vaasudeva 'his son is Vaasudeva. kaavya guNa oja. such a poet Jayadeva is now authoring this poetic lore called Gita Govindam that is so far abiding in such a soul with such murals. Or Saraswati. The analogy between Vaasudeva and Jayadeva is vasubhiH diipyata iti vaasudeva 'one shines forth with his wealth. such a poet Jayadeva is now authoring this poetic lore called Gita Govindam that is so far abiding in such a soul with such murals. caamaram viijayaami. Jayadeva pooh poohed this with the above stanza. who also is the Prime Mover of this world. and he who has become an emperor among poets by his service at the feet of Goddess lakSmii. and thus both have adored their god jointly. and the singing and dancing are the end part of any worship. jayadeva kaviH = Jayadeva [named.. the presiding Deity of Speech.' Instead of worshipping with a dialogue. the presiding Deity of Speech. along with [comprising of]. gracious people]. smaraNe= in meditation. pureness [properness] jayadeva eva jaaniite= Jayadeva. aachaarya govardhana= scholar. [should it be filled with. vilaasa vidya sikShaNa meditation on Krishna. hari= on Hari. and should you be curious enough about the arts of coaxing of flirtaceous womenkind. kaH api na= anyone.. [but] giraam= of words. meaning that the words used have shabda gata. paancaalii riiti. tadaa= then. Or . and meaning based litheness. kaishikii vR^itti. knows. medley of. vR^ittam dR^ita vilambita With this invocatory poem the poet is embarking on the usual prologues necessary for a poetic work. dur uuha drute= impossible. to think. madhura = mellowly. shR^ingaara= romance. which is a medley of willowy words. sat= best. worded mellowly and mellifluously. poet Jayadeva's]. artha gata. kutuuhalam yadi= curiousness. people. which do not give any satisfaction eve after delving deep into them. diipaka alankaara. poet Govardhana. Oh. uttara= before [prioritized]. while the meaning based melody occurs when those words are primarily heart pleasing. if it is mulled over by his cognitive devotees smaarya smaaraka bhaava. kalaasu= arts [arts of coaxing]. in speediness [words are unpronounceably speedy]. shrutidharaH vishrutaH= poet Shrutidhara. gracious. komala = delicate [willowy]. this work's subject matter contains cognizable god in Krishna. In them. plethoric with]. rachanaiH= with writings. [a contemporary poet of Jayadeva]. shlaaghyaH= praiseworthy [Sharana poet]. jaya deva= [about] glorious. shR^iNu= be listened. unlike the words of absolute philosophy. vilaasa= in flirtaceous [women's]. dhoyii kavi kShmaa patiH = Dhoyii. The word used mathura melodious mellowly. Thus. it is as above. assemblage [rounded off to oh. on Krishna. Verse Locator वाचः पललवयतयुमापितधरः सनदभरशुिदम् िगराम् जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः शलाघयो दुरहदुते। शृङारोतरसतपमेयरचनैराचायरगोवधरन सपधी कोऽिप न िवशुतः शुितधरो धोयी किवकमापितः॥ १-४ पदचछेद : वाचः पललवयित उमापितधरः संदभर शुिदम् िगराम् जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः शलाघयः दुर् ऊह दुते शृंगार उतर सत् पमेय रचनैः आचायर गोवधरन सपधी कः अिप न िवशुतः शुितधरः धोयी किव कमा पितः 1-4. and how the coaxing and combing of womenfolk will be delightfully inciting. if [should you have]. knowable. kaanta= heart pleasing [mellifluous]. then listen to the praise song of Jayadeva on that glorious god Krishna. spreads [uses words with prolixity and expansile meanings]. should your hearts be plethoric with the elixir of devotion for meditating on Krishna. And the word kaanta is also the same.. god Krishna [or. hè sat jana gaNa [adhyaahR^ita. vaachaH pallavayati = words. in that the poetic work is desirable for it has sound based lissomness. [1-3] This verse will be at 4th place in North Indian versions and in South. poets. ellipted word] = oh. sound based delicacy occurs when too much of combining vowels and consonants is not adopted as in nistriaguNya. umaapatidharaH= Poet Umaapatidhara. prameya= inferable subject of poetic work [or. gracious people. tymbaka and the like. spardhii= antagonist.पदचछेद : यिद हिर समरणे सरसम् मनः यिद िवलास कलासु कुतूहलम् मधुर कोमल कात पद आवलीम् शृणु तदा जयदेव सरसवतीम् 1-3. renowned [for he is a wordsmith]. pada aavaliim= words. which usage is called as cakra bandha padma bandha way of compounding. In them sound based melody occurs when harsh sounding consonants like Tha Dha are not used. praise song. manaH = soul. Again the komala has the two aspects of meaning. maadhuryam sound based and meaning based melody. even. The usefulness of this verse is hari smaraNa. yet a little thinking is necessary to derive their meanings. sat= by scholars. alone. sharaNaH= poet Sharana. sa rasam= with. not there. sarasvatiim= divine speech. poet. elixir [of devotion]. king of. prameya= inferable. yadi= if. sandarbha shuddhim= situational. payodhi= oceans' [all common nouns. rachanaiH= with writings. prameya= inferable [as a poet by his work called saccitra]. uttara= before [prioritized]. Verse Locator अष पिद १-दशावतार कीितर धवलम् aSTa padi 1-dasha avataara kiirti dhavalam From here on the aSTa padi-s will be coming. [1-4] Or Poet Umaapatidhara is verbose with prolix words and expansile meanings. and 1. body. hence he alone is the poet of the day. Here they are given numbers like a pa1-1-. vedam= Veda s. . pureness [properness] jayadeva eva jaaniite= Jayadeva. king of. where a pa represents aSTa padi. Or. poet. shaarduula vikriiDitam is its metre.. for his treatise on alankaara shaastra named aaryaa sapta shati. sat= by his work called saccarita. but poet Jayadeva alone knows the situational properness of words and wordplay. poets. a pa 2. eight footed verse. kaH api na= anyone. jaati eka vacana]. dur uuha drute= impossible. vahitra charitram= . 2. hence he is a poetaster with strident and shrilly words vaagaaDambaram. poet Dhoyii. poet Shrutidhara is renowned as an expert wordsmith. These will be in eight footed stanzas. shlaaghyaH= praiseworthy [Sharana poet]. giraam= of words. thus he is hardly a poet. he retains [parroted poetry. shruti dharaH vishrutaH= what he has heard. 3 are its units. commingled [deluged]. dhR^ita miina shariira= on donning. words. ku kavi ninda. with a repeatable stanza at their end.. hence he is unintelligible and unexplainable..' and avowed declaration that he alone is good at poetry. spardhii= antagonist. is renowned for his parroted poetry. for he inferentially prioritises romance. a self styled king of poets. keshava= oh. but poet Jayadeva alone knows the situational properness of words and wordplay. namely aachaarya. vahitra= [like a] ship. These aSThapadi-s will not be given a ruuning number. Poet Umaapatidhara uses words with prolixity and with expansile meanings. jale= in waters. aachaarya govardhana= for [pedagogic] scholar.. none is an antagonist to the scholarly poet Govardhana. sharaNaH= Sharana poet. knows. vihita= make do [improvising]. to think. and when he is bereft of other aesthetics he is unfit to be called as a pedagogic scholar. The second meaning is not a ridicule thrown at other poets. in speediness [words are unpronounceably speedy]. for he prioritises romance alone. vihita vahitra charitram vedam vihita = those that are preordained to be. poet Dhoyii is a king among poets. fish's. even. Though all the stanzas are a single verse. pra laya= completely. not there. This is in samuccaya alnkaara. they will be divided into separate units for the sake of easy reading and for easy incorporation of comment section. but they are numbered separately.] thus renowned. shR^ingaara = romance. पलयपयोिधजले धृतवानिस वेदम् । िविहतविहतचिरतमखेदम्॥ केशवाधृतमीनशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१ पदचछेद : पलय पयोिध जले धृतवान् अिस वेदम् िविहत विहत चिरतम् अखेदम् केशव धृत मीन शरीर जय जगत् ईश हरे a pa 1-1. alone. poet Sharana is praiseworthy for his unpronounceable speedy wordplay. but it is like 'throwing hat in the ring. It was a practice to say one or two verses in praise of good poets and in scorn at bad poets su kavi prashamsa. dhoyii kavi kShmaa patiH = Dhoyii. Keshava. poet Govardhana. none is an antagonist to the scholarly poet Govardhana. charitram= legendary. poet Sharana is praiseworthy for his unpronounceable speedy wordplay.umaapatidharaH vaachaH pallavayati= Umaapatidhara. 1. spreads [verbose]. sandarbha shuddhim= situational. tortoise. atishayokti. dhR^ita kacChapa ruupa= assuming. the Almighty of. wild boar's.ships’. and later the earth from sinkage into waters. kShitiH tiShThati = earth.. hail to thee. history – on the analogy of ships. dharaNi= one that is sustained by earth – mountain. hence we are reassured of your presence. donning the body of a fish you indefatigably upheld all the four Veda s. tava . or massive]. which by themselves are foreordained to be analogous to ships in transporting souls to the other shore of life. Hari.. weariness [indefatigably]. shell became crustaceous with hexagonal crusts by the friction of Mt. Now let us see some of the dance gestures for this stanza from nritya lakShaNa samhita: पलय पताक उपिर पिर मिदरत पताकेन गगन दृषटया च। पयोिध जले अधः सविसतकी कृत िवचयुत ऊधवर तल पताकाभयाम्। धृतवान् अिस अधो देशात् उदृत मुिषना। वेदम् पुरसथल िनकु ंचकेन। िविहत शनैः अधर तली कृत मुिषकेन। विहत चिलत अंगुष कर पसािरत पुषप वृषेन। चिरतम् पसािरत ऊधवर तल पताकेन। अखेदम् हृद् गत पताकेन मुकुलया दृषटया च। केशव केशव बनधेन। धृत आव‌तरनेन कृत मुिषना। मीन शरीर मकर हसतकेन। जय उद्‌ दृत हसतकेन। जगदीश ललाट सथान अंजिलना। हरे िवषणव सथानकेन इित नृतय लकण संिहत . form.. The word tiSThati is in the tense of vartamaana nirdesha 'present continuous' so the earth is on the back of that tortoise. dhR^itavaan asi= upheld. manthara. oh. even today. rasa viira. [a pa 1-2] This tortoise lifted Mt.. riiti artha maagadhi Next. vedam= Vedas. keshava jagadiisha hare = as above. [a pa 1-1] The word Keshava is a formation of ka iisha va where kaH is Brahma. back. va born from Vishnu. Vedas that are preordained to be analogous to ships in transporting souls to other side of life’s seashore. When all the waters of all seven seas deluged the earth... Hari. alankaara upama. form. you are. keshava. kiNa= crustaceous [back]. oh. Hari. tava pR^iShThe= on your. jagat iisha= worlds. hail to thee. ka iti brahmaNo nAma eSo aham sarva dehinaam avaam ta ange sambhuutau tasmaat keshavo naamavaan nirukta bhaaSyam. Keshava. Manthara when Milky Ocean was churned. ati vipula tare= very. thereby oh.' sthaayii bhaava utsaaha. much in degree [widest. on carapace shell of tortoise. wide. naayaka lakShaNa dhiira lalita. chakra gariShThe = circular. िकितरितिवपुलतरे तवितषितपृषे।धरिणधरणिकणचकगिरषे केशव धृतकचछपरप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-२ पदचछेद : िकितः अित िवपुल तरे तव ितषित पृषे धरिण धरण िकण चक गिरषे केशव धृत कचछप रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-2. is abiding.. Thus Brahma and Shiva are born from the body of Vishnu. sequentially. iisha is Shiva. whereby the earth is unsinkably abiding on your back.. you positioned earth on your tortoiseshell that has already became crustaceous when Mt.. jagadiisha 'you are the controller of all worlds and when they have become uncontrollable you set them in order. the incarnation of tortoise is taken up.' Hari 'he who steals away the troubles of his adherents. . dhR^ita suukara ruupa= on assuming. hare= oh. manthara once.. manthara rasped it during the churning of Milky Ocean. dharaNa= by bearing the weight of such a Mt.. thereby. Assuming the form of a tortoise. jaya= as above. keshava. jaya= hail to thee. even today. oh. keshava= o. वसित दशनिशखरे धरणीतवलगना ।शिशिन कलङकलेव िनमगना॥ केशव धृतसूकररप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-३ पदचछेद : केशव धृत सूकर रप वसित दशन िशखरे धरणी तव लगना शिशिन कलंक कल इव िनमगना केशव धृत सूकर रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-3.. you are the Almighty of worlds. a+khedam= without. you are the Almighty of all the worlds. that too indefatigably. thus those fingernails ever shine forth for their elimination of vice on earth. streak. whereby oh. as wondrous as a petaline tine rending hard bodied honeybee. deluder of antagonists like Emperor Bali when you incarnated as a dwarf boy. and its inmates always do certain deeds that bring more blemishes to him. Here. it is a blemish on the gods who entertained them. dhR^ita nara hari ruupa= on assuming. edge.. called monstrosity.. Assuming the form of a wild boar. lion.dashana shikhare= on your. hail to thee. but it separated itself from him. vikramaNe= while treading [three worlds]. jagadiisha hare= as above. but stuck and lodged on the edge of your otherwise blemishless fangs. Keshava. If any earthling goes into the realm of gods. vasati= is lodged.. oh. man. the best. The earth is. The gods do not come into physical contact with earth and earthlings. While the earth is spinning on the tip of fang. dwarf's. you are the Almighty of worlds. Oh. eliminator of demons.[shine forth]. is being deluded. astounding one. only to bisect thick skinned vice. toenail. [a . jagadiisha hare jaya = as above. you with your lotusy palms that have wondrous nails tore the stony bodied demon hiraNyakashyapa. hail to thee. adbhuta= oh. It is usual for a honeybee to sting and lacerate delicate lotuses for nectar. shashini nimagnaa = in moon. in a way. and wild boar are black. whereby oh. she looked more like the blemish embedded on the otherwise blemishless moon. sanctifier of. oh. balim chhalayasi= Emperor Bali.. adbhuta shR^iN^gam = wondrous.. namely River ganga. its blackness is appearing as the deer mark in the moon. hail to thee. earth. mien. demon eliminator. keshava= hè kashava. you are the Almighty of worlds. Oh. But lotus lacerating thick skinned honeybee is unusual. hand. jana paavana= people. they have very sharp and slashing tips of fingernails. sanctifier of people with the water that has emerge from your toenail. dalita hiraNya kashipu = that have lacerated. Hari. Assuming the form of man lion. Keshava. [called] lotus. allowed her to abide and spin there. as an eternal sustainer of earth. yet you. fang's. Hari. dhR^ita vaamana ruupa= when assumed. you lifted up the sinking earth with your snout. like the claws of lion. Though the palms of god are like delicate petals of lotus. jaya= hail to thee. you are the Almighty of worlds. [a pa 1-4] The petalum in Late Latin means ‘metal plate’. earth. hiraNyakashyapa's. form. Hari. oh. embedded. alankaara ruupaka. vaamana= oh. jaya= hail to thee. oh. a blemish to god for he created it. tava kara kamala vare= on your. while boar's fang and crescentic moon like fang are white. oh. छलयिस िवकमणे बिलमदुतवामन । पदनखनीरजिनतजनपावन॥ केशव धृतवामनरप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-५ पदचछेद : छलयिस िवकमणे बिलम् अदुत वामन पद नख नीर जिनत जन पावन केशव धृत वामन रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-5. [called a] honeybee.. If gods have an errand on earth they have to transmogrify their forms to dwell on earth. that emerged. tanu bhR^iN^gam= body. lagnaa dharaNii= became stuck. तव करकमलवरे नखमदुतशृङम् । दिलतिहरणयकिशपुतनुभृङम्॥ केशव धृतनरहिररप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-४ पदचछेद : तव कर कमल वरे नखम् अदुत शृंगम् दिलत े िहरणयकिशपु तनु भृंगम् कशव धृत नर हिर रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-4. Hence those tips of fingernails ever shine forth as a warning for evil. astounding one. [a pa 1-3] Krishna. niira janita= with water. like. whereof oh. jagadiisha hare= as above. kalaN^ka kala iva= blemish's. nakham [bhaati]= such nails. tip – fingers that have a wondrous nails. pada nakha niira janita jana paavana pada nakha= from foot's. blemish or otherwise Hari is bearing earth on his fang. subduing Bali to netherworlds. Ravana was a terror to these ten gods. and the sacrifice is symmetrical. rushed onto earth as River Ganga. heads. dhR^ita raama shariira [or. िवतरिस िदकु रणे िदकपितकमनीयम् । दशमुखमौिलबिलम् रमणीयम्॥ केशव धृतरामशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-७ पदचछेद : िवतरिस िदकु रणे िदक् पित कमनीयम् दश मुख मौिल बिलम् रमणीयम् केशव धृत राम शरीर जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-7. Thus. the saviour of the world. body. jagadiisha hare= as above. keshava. naayaka dhirodaata. which is a much sought after act by the lord and every presiding deity of all ten directions of compass.. kShatriya rudhira maye= Kshatriya. and Bali being a no naysayer. and Rain god et al. balim raNe vitarasi= as offertories. When Ravana comes out. or them]. sin. naayaka dhiiroddhata. as an eliminator of evil ever and anon. you filled five pools called shamanta pancaka with the blood of atrocious Kshatriya kings. you are generously giving. much wanted act. as a present continuous action. not a drop of rain falls on his body so says Ramayana. Here the poet is saying that Bali is being deluded each time in each cycle of eras. worldly. [octahedron Ravana's]. dikShu= in all directions. shamita bhava taapam= ceased. his toe goes straight to the presence of Brahma. though the incarnation of Krishna is to be eulogised as per rule raamo raamaH ca kR^iSNaH ca. alankaara svabhaavokti are its aesthetics. hence. entire heaven with the second. whereby oh. jaya= hail to thee. heart pleasing to us. O. Hari. Hari. when that dwarf boy raises his foot to cover heavens. Observing that toe as his father Vishnu's toe. torridity. jaya= hail to thee.atapaH And even non Vedic Buddha is also narrated in here. airgod fears to be gusty. apagata paapam= swerved off. Fire god. Brahma anoints it with sacred waters. Then the dwarf covers entire earth with one foot. presiding deity namely indra. . according to another flex of this rule vanjau vanjau kharvaH tri raamii sa tapo. Assuming the mien of Parashu Rama. Oh. hail to thee. whereby oh. keshava. mien. payasi= in such waters [pools of blood]. hail to thee. keshava= o. you are the Almighty of worlds. Rama's. you are the Almighty of worlds. but bala rama's incarnation is also taken up. jagadiisha hare= as above. ramaNiiyam= heart pleasing. keshava= o. Next. faced demon. in war.] saviour's. as desired by [him. and even to those ten deities like Air god. and making the world to bathe in it. dhR^ita bhR^ighu pati ruupa= on assuming.. Assuming the form of Rama. filled up with. blood. [a pa 1-6] In this rasa bhiibhasta. you are generously offering the ten heads of Ravana as offertories in a ritual called war. raghupati ruupa] = on assuming. Bali shows his head and the boy places his third foot on the head of Bali.pa 1-5] When Vishnu took incarnation of dwarf boy he seeks donation of a three foot space from Emperor Bali. then the sacred water poured on that toenail by Brahma.. When that dwarf boy withdraws his foot from heaven to place it on Bali's head. कितयरिधरमये जगदपगतपापम् । सनपयिस पयिस शिमतभवतापम्। केशव धृतभृघुपितरप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-६ पदचछेद : कितय रिधरमये जगत् अपगत पापम् सनपयिस पयिस शिमत भव तापम् केशव धृत भृघु पित रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-6. dasha mukha mauli = ten. snapayasi= you make them to bathe [in pools of blood of kings]. sage Bhrigu's legatee [Parashu Rama. the devotional scripts do not care for isms. jagat= world [people]. keshava. and asks Bali where to keep the third. alankara – jaatyalankaara. firegod become coolant. [a pa 1-7] The act is heart pleasing because there are ten presiding deities of quarters and Ravana has ten heads. dik pati kamaniiyam = directions. accords it. In doing so. keshava. or the presiding deities of directions. thus ceased is the worldly torridity of people and swerved are their sins.. Assuming the body of kind hearted Buddha. kindness. nindati= fault finding. jala da aabham= water. Aassuming the form of Kalki at the end of Kali yuga. dhuuma ketu= smoke. Kalki wields a sword whose golden handle is compared to burning fire. o. kim api= why.. body. you are clad in blackish raiment on your whitish body. naayaka dhiirodaatta. whereby oh.. shruti jaatam= scriptural words. jaya= hail to thee. .. body. aha. aha. aha. even [what to tell further. karaalam = a dreadful one sword. and bloodstained blade with red smoke]. hence oh. jagadiisha hare= as above. killing. groups of race. Buddha's. thus hail to thee. and even with the collection of those scriptural words themselves. aha [expression of surprise].. collection of. hala hati bhiiti milita= by plough. karavaalam= sword. O. [a pa 1-8] Once bala raama laid hold of River Yamuna to gratify his desire and when she did not yield he beleaguers her. keshava. darshita= shown [taught by scriptures]. pashu ghaatam= animal. keshava. Kalki. in shine. Thus. plough. And when Kalki brandishes his sword as gods brandish comets. o. mlecCha nivaha nidhane= fractious. in heart. Assuming the form of plough wielding bala raama. 1-9. whereby oh. you are the Almighty of worlds. aha. as with [or. as she is unaware as to how many more tunnels he is going to dig and alter her course. [a pa 1-9] मलेचछिनवहिनधने कलयिसकरवालम् । धूमकेतुिमव िकमिपकरालम्॥ केशव धृतकिलकशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१० पदचछेद : मलेचछ िनवह िनधने कलयिस करवालम् धूम केतुम् इव िकम् अिप करालम् केशव धृत किलक शरीर जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-10. in eliminating. and unimaginable are your horrendous deeds to detail. keshava. he changed the course of her flow by digging a mammoth tunnel with his forceful plough for irrigation purposes. yaj~na vidheH= in Vedic rituals. Keshava. dhR^ita hala dhara ruupa = on assuming. unimaginable to detail them]. Yamuna is always fearful of bala raama. keshava= o. form of. which robe resembles the black rain giving cloud and rippling black waters of River Yamuna. [a pa 1-10] The appearance of a comet in the sky is a bad omen and when that comet hits the earth it is still worse. jagadiisha hare= as above. as a controller of natural resources. hail to thee. Hari. for she always ripples afraid of a smite from your plough. sa daya hR^idaya= with. Oh. wielder. body of.. Hari. pa. This is according to mythology. Hari. fear blent with. giver [cloud. jaya= hail to thee. methods of. kalayasi= you are brandishing. िननदित यजिवधेरहह शुितजातम् । सदयहृदयदिशरतपशुघातम्॥ केशव धृतबुदशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-९ पदचछेद : िननदित यज िवधेः अ ह ह शुित जातम् सदय हृदय े दिशरत पशु घातम् कशव धृत बुद शरीर जय जगदीश हरे a. keshava. vishade vapuShi= on whitish. yamuna aabham = like River Yamuna..] in shine with. a ha ha= aha. you will be brandishing a comet like sword to eliminate the groups of fractious races. dhR^ita kalki shariira= on assuming. it is unimaginable and that suggests the end of that era. you find fault with the animal sacrifices in the methods of Vedic rituals taught by scriptures. According to water management.वहिस वपुिषिवशदेवसनम् जलदाभम् । हलहितभीितिमिलतयमुनाभम्॥ केशव धृतहलधररप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-८ पदचछेद : वहिस वपुिष िवशदे वसनम् जलद अभम् हल हित भीित िमिलत यमुन आभम् केशव धृत हल धर रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-8. keshava. what a revamp in religious methods. O. as symbol]. vasanam vahasi= raiment... you bear [you are clad in]. as a modifier of system you are the Almighty of worlds. hit. hail to thee. rasa bhayaanaka. dhR^ita buddha shariira= on assuming.. dhuumaketum iva= a comet with smoky tail. you are the Almighty of worlds. the Almighty of worlds who assumed ten kinds of forms for the sake of humanity. [1-5] In all the incarnations Vishnu has not taken a selfsame physique excepting in Krishna incarnation. dasha akR^iti kR^ite= ten. paulastyam jayate= Pulasya's legatee. one who conquers. balim cChalayate= Bali. jagat nivahate= world. bhuu golam ut bibhrate= earth. ruupaka taala. as Rama. jaya= hail to thee. hail to thee.] one who fosters. Verse Locator वेदानुदरते जगिनवहते भूगोलमुिदभते दैतयम् दारयते बिलम् छलयते कतकयम् कु ‌वरते। पौलसतयम् जयते हलम् कलयते कारणयमातनवते मलेचछानमूचछरयते दशाकृितकृते कृषणाय तुभयम् नमः॥ १-५ पदचछेद : वेदान् उदरते जगत् िनवहते भू गोलम् उद् िबभते दैतयम् दारयते बिलम् चछलयते कत कयम् कु ‌वरते पौलसतयम् जयते हलम् कलयते कारणयम् आतनवते मलेचछान् मूचछरयते दश अकृित कृते कृषणाय तुभयम् नमः 1-5. Hence. one who revives. and will be an aid for blissful and blithesome release from this world. by poet. halam kalayate= plough. mlecChaan muurcChayate= fractious races. jayadeva kaveH= Jayadeva. the legatee of Paulastya. one who does. [a pa 1-11] With this stanza the poet is dedicating his work in his god and asking him to bear testimony for his work. one who wields. kaaruNyam aatanvate= pity [non violence. alankaara paryaayokti.. shR^iNu= you listen. giver [blissful]. Hari. thus oh. one makes them to swoon [mangler of]. so that this work will become a valid devotional song. and Vishnu has three wives whereas Krishna is having eight of them. shrii= shrii suukti= auspicious saying. fosterer of non violence as Buddha. jagadiisha hare= as above.. which has an excellent pith and kernel of worldly living. while Krishna has never been in any uncomfortable position like Rama. namely Ravana. so on and so forth. o. one who deluded. the poet is focussing his attention on Krishna . of forms.. listen to this auspicious articulation of poet Jayadeva. for you. uditam= articulated by. this will be as good as canonised by him. pray. And if Krishna endorses his work. bhava saaram= worldly life. idam= this. my reverences are unto you. giver [blithesome]. Keshava. along with an appeal to listen to his poetry in his glory. one who bears up. rasa shaanta. conqueror of Ravana. the poet is mingling all of these incarnations into Krishna's incarnation. up. शीजयदेवकवेिरदमुिदतमुदारम् । शृणु सुखदम् शुभदम् भवसारम्। केशव धृतदशिवधरप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-११ पदचछेद : शी जयदेव कवेः इदम् उिदतम् उदारम् शृणु सुख दम् शुभ दम् भव सारम् केशव धृत दश िवध रप जय जगदीश हरे a pa 1-11-. As a reviver of Veda s as a fish. keshava. annihilator of Kshatriya s as Parashu Rama. Krishna. one who puts on. dhR^ita dasha vidha ruupa= one who can assume. having pith [to get release from it]. slasher of Hiranyakashyapa as lion man. my reverence. ten. This can be sung in maalava raaga. globe of. annihilation. sukha dam= comfort. Oh. wielder of plough as bala raama.Next. Vishnu comfortably reclines on Thousand hooded serpent. kShatra kShayam kurvate= Kshatriya s. Parashu Rama. vedaan uddharate= Veda s. bearer of this earth as tortoise. daityam daarayate= demon [Hiranyakashyapa. The poet is summarising all these incarnations that are so far said separately.. semblances. mangler of fractious races as Kalki. kinds.] one who slashed. udaaram = excellent one. uplifter and supporter of earth as wild boar. you alone can put on ten semblances. deluder of Bali as dwarf boy. Vishnu will be in his milky abode and Krishna is brought up in a milky environ. kR^iShNaaya tubhyam namaH= [such as he is] Krishna. shubha dam= wellbeing. lifted to support. O. she can feed them. kuNDala= ear knobs. thus undifferentiated are the chests. i. or as ye = he who is wearing. alankaara diipaka. Ocimum sanctum. which chest is ever adorned with an unfading garland of basil leaves and flowers that dangles unto thy knee. Omnipotent. he will be excited even by his mother’s mammaries. of course.alone. jaya= hail. Similar is the word used for lalita in lalita sahasra naamaavali kaThina sthana maNDalaa… as one among many of her motherly attributes. thine ears ever bedecked with golden knobby ear hangings studded with nine jewels. basil. hare= Hari. the poet is extolling his lead character Krishna and his attributes and endowments. thus ready to spring to his feet in the period of crisis. called makara kuNDala. anyone can seek for his shelter. She is said to be shrita whorled around him like a climbing plant onto a tree. indefatigably. one who steals sins of adherers. candra kuNDala. Envisioning Krishna from top to toe indicates his supreme and auspicious physique divya mangala vigraham besides deified fortune is in his heart. Verse Locator अष पिद २ हिर िवजय मंगलाचरण aSTa padi 2 hari vijaya mangalaa caraNa . kalita= adorned with. viz. hail to thee… [a pa 2 1] At the very start of extolling his hero of his poetic work. the personified fortune. and to hear this. shaarduula vikriiDitam is its metre. thus to thee. embraced]. िदनमणीमणदलमणडन भवखणडन ए । मुिनजनमानसहंस जय जयदेव हरे॥ अ प २ २ पदचछेद : िदन मिण मणदल मणडन भव खणडन मुिन जन मानस हनस जय जय देव हरे . Here lakSmii. With this. and let millions and millions take birth. Krishna. is abiding in the lotus like heart of Vishnu. called aashraya Niiyatvam.. Ear knobs indicate learnedness. say Krishna. In the next verse. and says that he is wearing a garland of basil leaves and flowers. here. vanamaala = garland knotted with Tulasi. the poet attempts to distinguish which is which. [this is musicians delight and dropped in dance treatises]. and if the hearer happens to be an Oedipus. the felicitous sin removing self luminosity called Krishna. roundlets bust. she who abides in lotus]. this is indicative of his Omniscience. Hail thee… for thine chest is ever whorled in the embrace of Goddess lakSmii with her bosomy bust. it primarily appears to be an erotic word. shrita= sheltered [whorled. So. lalita= exquisite. as such he is called shrayaH patiH Omni shelterer. one who manifests by his self luminosity. kamalaa= by Goddess lakSmii’s [where kamalam is lotus.. And vanamaala indicates hale and healthiness.e. dhR^ita= bedecked. which he alone wears. under the aegis of Goddess lakSmii. leaves and other flowers. Hence. he never becomes a pauper and he ever endows shelter under that absolute fortune to his devotees. the auspicious beginning of the poetic work is over and he is entering into the subject matter of this work. the poet has gone straight to the bosomy busts of hero’s consort. Because he is so tightly embraced by the personified fortune. like the present day graduate / post graduate gowns and headgears. hence recognise him as Krishna. So. Hence he alone is adorable. िशतकमलाकुचमणडल धृतकुणडल ए । किलतलिलतवनमाल जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ १पदचछेद : िशत कमला कुच मणडल धृत कुणडल ए किलत लिलत वनमाल जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 1-. for they were accorded according to one’s own scholarliness. Without her he is nothing. jaya= hail to thee. cChandam kiiti dhavala. kucha maNDala= bosomy. But here Goddess lakSmii is the Supreme Mother and she has Divine mammae. deva= one who accords felicity. e= this is aalaapana and can be taken as a an addressing. either as that of a male or as the bust of a female. righteous one. at hymn 1-5. fascinator of.. slide it aside. would be nearest. one having such form Krishna. Krishna. Sun is brilliant like you because you are the embellisher of solar system. O.. saamarthyam capability to alleviate from the troubles of karmic cycles. thereby his gladdening the panicked friends. tat tvat= that. as a swan swims in maanasa sarovar. for as a truthful and righteous devotee. apaavR^iNu= slide aside. namely sun. This connotes Vedic import in saying that Supreme Person. kaaliya= one called Kaaliiya. maNdala= his sphere like [self glowing solar system like]. Thou. nourisher of the universe. hymn. jaya= hail. viSha dhara= venom. Hail thee… though yond and yonder. Therefore he alone is worship worthy. maanasa= mind [called.. disc like lid. thou swimmest in the minds of saintly people. bearer of. he alone is to be venerated for he not only accords deliverance. dina iisha= day. satya dharmaaya= I as truthful. maNDana= an embellisher. mukham= face. sat sahavaasam amiable fraternity. dina maNi = day’s. Extolling him in this way indicates that he alone has accorded release to many a saintly soul. as SWJ hast put it. apihitam= covered. who is far beyond the solar orbit. jana ranjana= people.. ruler of sun. yours. thus thou hast become the fascinator of people.a pa 2 2. the felicitous sin remover called Krishna.] On looking at the rising red sun. Krishna is far more friendlier to them. a blissful lake in Himalayas. where that sun is just a gem of solar system. his impeccable lineage are extolled. He incarnates himself on earth to save people from the torture imposed by certain negative forces. jaya= hail. dR^iSTaye= to visualise. because maNDana is the embellisher of dina maNi maNDala.. maanasa sarovar]. multi hooded serpent. thus to thee. thou art the sun for the bloom of lotus called yadu’s lineage... hansa= a swan. nalina= [called] lotus. hail to thee… [a pa 2 3] His capability in abominating and eradicating enemies. lineage. but functional through solar system. as the sun makest a lotus abloom. called uttama naayaka lakShaNa. from whom the day star derived his effulgence.. मधुमुरनरकिवनाशन गरडासन ए । सुरकुलकेिलिनदान जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ४ . while thou art an embellisher of that system in its entirety. the trueness of the Supreme Person is covered by your golden disk like lid. So.. making the poetic attributes of hero sublime. the devotee is asking "Oh! Pooshan! God Sun. indicate while sun is a friendly entity to humans. muni jana= for saintly.] one who whittles. satyasya= of truth.e. whittle the karmic cycles of thy saintly devotees. ganjana = abominator of. jaya deva hare= as above. let us hail him. कािलयिवषधरगञन जनरञन ए । यदुकुलनिलनिदनेश जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ३ पदचछेद : कािलय िवष धर गंजन जन रंजन यदु कुल निलन िदन ईश जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 3. jewel. as he has sthira sakhitvam ever friendly like sun. people. [that which is beyond you. bhava khaNDana= present world [karmic cycle. your solar disk. ॐ िहरणमयये पातसयािपिहत मुखम् । तत् तवम् पूषन् अपावृणु सतय धमाय दृषये॥ hiraNmayeNa paatreNa= by golden. Hence. hail to thee… [a pa 2 2] It is easy to say that 'thou hast the semblance of sun. In iishaavaasyopanishad. jaya deva hare= as above. but also becomes a blissful partner during lifetime.' But it is reverse. i. for he incarnates himself. thou art functional from within the solar system. I aspire to visualise that which is beyond your golden solar disc… The jewel of the day etc.. thine form is brilliant like sun. yadu kula= yadu. we hear the following mantra. thus whittle. Hail thee… for thou art the abominator of venomous multi hooded serpent called Kaaliiya. As a brave and bold enemy subjugator. Hail thee… for thou art the prime cause for the manifestation of a residence for the triad of worlds. lochana= eyed one. jaya deva hare= as above. every time. but a knower of all arts sarva kalaa vishaarada. everlasting blissfulness. it means that no less than Rama made decorations on Seetha. blemished [dispassionate. jaya= hail. bearer [black cloud]. when Seetha was ill at ease to wear sari of an anchoress. Mura. throated one. O. of Mt. Rama demonstrates the folding. tying. vinaashana = annihilator of. tri bhuvana = triad. as in other mms: tri bhuvana = triad of worlds]. keli= for their disporting. clean etc]. abhinava= freshly new. Krishna. jita duuShANa= conquered [mitigated. of worlds. any time. mollified. and Naraka. stock of. releaser.] demon Dushana is. hail to thee… [a pa 2 6] There is another shade for ‘an ornament to Seetha'. bhava mochan= mundane life. jala dhara= water. Thus by these two. Seetha.पदचछेद : मधु मुर नरक िवनाशन गरड आसन सुर कुल केिल िनदान जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 4. [manifestation]. samara shamita = in war. bhavana= becoming. unbigoted not pure. sundara= handsome like that cloud. sura kula= gods. dasha khaNTha= ten. Secondly. O. mandara. hail to thee… [a pa 2 4] The basic function of gods is to attend to the problems of ordinary. shrii mukha . जनकसुताकृतभूषण िजतदूषण ए । समरशिमतदशखणठ जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ६ पदचछेद : जनक सुता कृत भूषण िजत दूषण समर शिमत दश खणठ जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 6. octahedron Ravana. Thus. or Manthara. as your seat [as vehicle]. by mollifying the self conceit of Ravana. the Divine Eagle. Hail thee… for thou art the annihilator of endangering demons like Madhu. janaka sutaa= Janaka’s. Rama is depicted as releaser from mortality. nidhaana= prime cause [or. hail to thee… [a pa 2 5] Because the hero is said to be the releaser or saviour his attribute is parama aananda lakShaNa. nidaana= prime cause. with an erasable tattooing. or a treasure trove. nidhaana= in dweller. and wearing of that dress. as her ornament. bhavana= called a housing. jaya= hail. the prime causer of unhindered disporting for the stock of devout divinities. dhR^ita mandara= sustainer. madhu mura naraka= Madhu. sitting on thine fleetly Divine Eagle Garuda thou art fleetest in attending devotees' straits. and to enjoy living. in time. Naraka demons. Rama decorates and paints foliate designs on the body of Seetha. kR^ita bhuuShaNa= made you. अिभनवजलधरसुनदर धृतमनदर ए । शीमुखचनदचकोर जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ७ पदचछेद : अिभनव जल धर सुनदर धृत मनदर शी मुख चनद चकोर जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 7. kamala dala= white lotus. for thou repose on her bust. when given by Kaikeyi while going to forests. thus to thee. jaya jayadeva hare= as above. eliminate evildoers like these demons. jaya= hail. thou art the releaser of devotees from mundane existence with thine lotus petaline eyes that are unbigoted. the mitigator of demon Dushana and the mollifier of octahedral Ravana in a given war. by releasing demon Dushana from mortality which is kaaruNya bhaava. a+mala= not. Hail thee… for Janaka’s daughter Seetha made thee as her pendant ornament. petal [like]. the hero is qualified not only as a romantic hero. अमलकमलदललोचन भवमोचन् ए । ितभुवनभवनिनधान जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ५ पदचछेद : अमल कमल दल लोचन भव मोचन ित भुवन भवन िनधान जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 5. his taaruNya bhaava are indicated. jaya= hail. jaya jayadeva hare= as above. daughter. Mura. Krishna. thus to thee. garuDa aasana= Garuda. Shri Krishna. jayadeva kaveH mudam kurute= to Jayadeva. yet thou. oh. parirambha= on embracing [pari= in overarching manner. mandara when Milky Ocean was churned. be auspicious and rejoicing to the singers and listeners as well. kaashmiira= saffron [vermilion mark on forehead]. mudam kurute= rejoice. face. mudritam= imprinted. oh. praNateShu= among adorers. god. rabh= embracing. yet thou sustained voluminous Mt. thus let your adorers be blest by your blessing. be auspicious and rejoicing to you. let this brilliant and auspicious song on you rendered by poet Jayadeva. shR^ingaari. padmaa= Goddess lakSmii's. idam jayadeva kaveH= this one. Krishna. blessing. ujjvala= brilliant. iti bhaavaya= thus. poet. felicitous sin remover. and thus. hail. oh.chandra = who for Goddess lakSmii’s. taTii= perimeter. hail to thee… a pa [2 7] So far the personality of Supreme Person is portrayed with his attributes and endowments svaruupa ruupa guNa vibhuuti and now the poet is appealing on his own. art gazing at the moonlike face of Goddess lakSmii to swill her sheen. Verse Locator पदापयोधरतटीपिररमभलगन काशमीरमुिदतमुरो मधुसूदनसय । वयकतानुरागिमव खेलदनङखेद सवेदाबुपूरमनुपूरयतु िपयम् वः॥ १-६ पदचछेद : पदा पयो धर तटी पिर रंभ लगन काशमीर मुिदतम् उरः मधु सूदनसय वयकत अनुरागम् इव खेलत् अनंग खेद सवेद अंबु पूरम् अनुपूरयतु िपयम् वः 1-6. tava caraNe praNataa= at your. hail to thee. hare= oh. rejoice. bearers bosoms. like a tenuous chakora bird that gazes at the moon to swill moonshine. naayaka lakShaNa dhiira lalita. chakora= chakora bird. Shri Krishna. hail. adoring. hail. vyakta . kuru kushalam= make happen. song. oh. Hail thee… for thou art handsome like a fresh and vapoury blue black raincloud. jaya deva= as above. idam mangalm giitam= this. deem that we adore your own feet and nothing else. Shri Krishna. jaya= hail. this brilliant and auspicious song rendered on you. by Jayadeva. let this brilliant song on you rendered by poet Jayadeva. Shri Krishna. शीजयदेवकवेिरदम् कुरते मुदम् ए । मङलमुजजवलगीतम् जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ९ पदचछेद : शी जयदेव कवेः इदम् कुरते मुदम् मंगलम् उजजवल गीतम् जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 9. god… Oh. mangalam kurute = auspiciousness. god… Oh. giitam [or.] lagna = touched [speckled]. Or te mangala giitam= on you. payaH dhara= milk. hail to thee… [a pa 2 8] This verse may not be found in other mms. Next the poet is taking up the closing verse of this eight foot verse aSTa padi. oh. Or. aalaapana is available at the end of each foot. hail to thee. hail to thee. oh. god… [a pa 2 9] This is sung in bhairavi raaga tripuTa taala. causing. is rejoicing the poet Jayadeva. chandas mangala. maN^galam= auspicious [te= to you]. jayadeva kaveH= of Jayadeva. jaya deva hare= as above. poet. and on behalf of fellow devotees to bestow beneficence. तवचरणे पणतावयिमित भावय ए । कुरकुशलम् पणतेषु जय जय देव हरे॥ अ प २ ८ पदचछेद : तव चरणे पणता वयम् इित भावय कुर कुशलम् पणतेषु जय जय देव हरे a pa 2 8. causing [to singers and listeners] Oh. Krishna. taala lalita. you deem. vayam= we are. jaya jaya deva= hail. shrii hare= oh. auspicious. poet. making. auspicious. giiti]= song. song. Hail to thee. feet. hail. moon for moonlike face of shrii. because there is no too generous accord of fortune. her girlfriend said this hastily. By her doubting. a+mandam= not. vasante= in spring season [spring causing spring fever]. speckled is her forehead's vermilion mark on his chest that is pouring forth sweat since it is strained in the plays of passion with her. Rādha's disposition is being narrated according to poetics. rasa sringaara. the heroine is viraha utkaNThita. sveda ambu puuram = sweat. in vain. vaH= you all [naH= us also]. like [heartily fondness]. naayika mugdha. distraught [Rādha]. a blessing hand. chinta aakulatayaa= by anguish. tilaka. sa rasam = with. water [drops. aashiis.] make happen [the search]. limbed [physique]. ananga kheda= by plays of passion. In spring season Krishna playing truant. mace. Next. anupraasa. said. Is it withdrawn now or what? Not so. as she is the leading lady of this work. romanticism [romantically]. naayaka kushala.m= to Rādha. raadhaa. vasanta tilaka is its metre. kR^iShaNa anu saraNaam = Krishna's. As a consort she knows that his heart feels fondness for anyone. mudritam on his heart with her vermilion mark. It is sealed in certain cases. of which one is said to be a blessing hand? There will be three items of annihilation.. namely disc. yet romantically. flower [like]. eliminator of [Krishna's]. If this god is going on according.. alankaara utprekSha. that blessing hand is symbolic one when he alone functions. anupuurayatu= will accord fulfilment. where is an end for it? Why his heart should bless us when he has four hands. Lovegod igniting love fever. fondness. It will be bothersome if this god brings in another ladylove. and effusion on his chest as his heartily fondness in egress. saha charii= a girlfriend.. for her and for all us.anuraagam iva= manifest. sringaaram . vaasantii kusuma= [delicate] vernal. Verse Locator वसनते वासनतीकुसुमसुकुमारैरवयवैः भमनतीम् कानतारे बहुिविहतकृषणानुसरणाम् । अमनदम् कनदपरजवरजिनतिचनताकुलतया वलदाधाम् राधाम् सरसिमदमुचे सहचरी॥ १-७ पदचछेद : वसनते वासनती कुसुम सुकुमारैः अवयवैः भमनतीम् कानतारे बहु िविहत कृषण अनुसरणाम् अमनदम् कनदपर जवर जिनत िचनत आकुलतया वलद् बाधाम् राधाम् स रसम् इदम् उचे सह चरी 1-7. as a signal to prospective ladyloves. in woodlands. uraH= chest. in spite of her earnest longing. hence let that chest of Krishna accord fulfilment to our likes and dislikes. distraught recurrently that daintily limbed girl similar to a delicate reddish vernal flower meandered in woodlands. a seal is sealed. This is for establishing the poetics about the hero. apart from the host that is already available. and conch in his three hands and the fourth one is said to be abhaya hasta. kumkuma. So.] On tightly embracing the perimeter of lakSmii's bosom. sukumaaraiH avayavaiH= with dainty.. madhu suudanasya= demon Madhu. of course. bahu vihita= in many [ways. caused by. one who is following [searching]. disquieted. but she is unbothered if that fondness is for some devotee. Here his chest is now under the auspices of lakSmii. [love] fever. whereon that vermilion mark is twinkling like an imprint for his heartily fondness that is about to manifest. but even more for Rādha. and thus both of them are blessing a heartily double blessing.] filled with [pouring forth]. we must infer that he has 'such a fondness' for not only for Rukmini and Satyabhama and the like. khelat= pulsating [twinkling]. slowly [hastily]. [1-7] Because the hero has not come to her. bhramantiim kaantaare= meandering. kandarpa jvara janita= by Love god's. Rādha is disquietedly anguished. strained. unavailingly searching for Krishna in many a way. hR^idaya anuraagam iva= heartily fondness like]. A hero having uniform interest in all of his women is dakShiNa naayaka. to such a disgruntled Rādha. [1-6] That vermilion mark on his chest appears as a seal lakSmii has put. idam uuche= this. valat [calat] baadhaam = recurrently. priyam [ a+priyam]= likes [and dislikes. in spring alone the unrequitedness of lovelorn people is terminable. end. sakhi = oh. come on] sa mam= with. vi rahi= without. dances. cabins. vR^ittam sikhiriNi is the metre of this verse. lovelorn people are unrequited. na= isn't he [phatic expression minus ? mark]. alankaara vR^itti anupraasa lupta upama. malaya [with sandalwood trees] breezes. [saH vasante viharati nR^ityati ca]. for this is spring. oh. dear. hence uddipana vibhaava an idea escalated. kokila kuujita= by kokila [black singing bird] crooned. otherwise. लिलतलवङलतापिरशीलनकोमलमलयसमीरे । मधुकरिनकरकरिमबतकोिकलकिजतकुञकुटीरे । ू िवहरित हिरिरह सरसवसनते । नृतयित युवितजनेन समम् सिख िवरिहजनसय दुरनते धृवम्॥ अ प ३-१ पदचछेद : लिलत लवंग लता पिरशीलन कोमल मलय समीरे मधुकर िनकर करिमबत कोिकल किजत कु ंज कुटीरे िवहरित हिरः इह स रस वसनते ू नृतयित युवती जनेन समम् सिख िवरिह जनसय दुरनते a pa 3-1-. karambita= intermingled with. estranged couples]. janasya= of such people. kunja kuTiire= in bowery. folks. isn't it. hariH= Hari. having [their lovers at their side.. dur ante = non. [a pa 3-1] Here the heroine compared to clove plant and hero to breeze. madhu kara nikara= honey.. that swivel round the slimly tendrils of clove gillyflower plants breeze gently. glory [gloriously]. Krishna... dear. dancing. where the second sa became saH. to spring fever = terminable is spring fever. unrequited are lovelorn people in vernal season. yuvati jane nR^ityati= with girls of age. come on.. riiti vaidarbhi.. interwoven with their fragrance]. In this springtime gentle vernal breezes from Mt. parishiilana= [lexically] on examining. in this springtime that has bowery cabins made lively with the intermingled buzzes of honeybees swarms and croons of Kokila throngs. hariH iha 1-sa ra 2 sa vasante saH= he. malaya. dur ante vasante= for adverse. or. otherwise. he whom you are seeking that Krishna is gloriously frolicking and dancing with folks of girls of age in Brindavan right at this moment. incessant [unrequited].vipralambha.. makers [honey bees] swarms of. vasante= in spring season. lalita lavanga lataa= slimly. [ellipted] vasante= in such a springtime hat has all this paraphernalia. yuvatii janena= with girls of age... the abode of sandalwood trees. tendrils of. sara= come on [when the first sa with ra became sara = move on. samam= even as [at the very moment]. therefore. viharati nR^ityati= frolicking. sa rasa vante [vasante] = with sapful bliss. interwoven with both the fragrances. Verse Locator aSTa padi 3 maadhava utsava kamalaakaram अष पिद ३ माधव उतसव कमलाकरम् . stop endless.. malaya samiire= Mt... lovelorn people are unrequited. inclusive of [spring season that which contains the sapful bliss]. clove gillyflower plants. [for whom you are searching. उनमदमदनमनोरथपिथकवधूजनजिनतिवलापे । अिलकुलसंकुलकुसुमसमूहिनराकुलबकुलकलापे ॥ अ प ३-२ पदचछेद : उत् मद मदन मनोरथ पिथक वधू जन जिनत िवलापे अिल कुल संकुल कुसुम समूह िनराकुल बकुल कलापे . [breeze on going over those flowers. let's go. folks of. virahati= frolicking. komala= gentle. nava dala= having new.. faced = arrow / honeybee [bees are metaphorical to the arrows of Love god. kinshuka= Butea frondosa. kalaape= in thickets. lord [king].. tuuNa vilaase= quiver. shilii mukha= iron. ruchi= in shine with. bunches of.. mahii pati= land. the season that heightens the joys and longings of womenfolk distanced from their lovers. [or. ut mada= heightened. shliSTa ruupaka]. annexable hariH iha viharati. the ruler of spring. yuva jana= young. mada= fat [musk]. िवगिलतलिजजतजगदवलोकनतरणकरणकृतहासे । िवरिहिनकृनतनकुनतमुखाकृितकेतकदनतुिरताशे॥ अ प ३-५ पदचछजेद िवगिलत लिजजत जगत् अवलोकन तरण करण कृत हासे िवरिह िनकृनतन कुनत मुख आकृित केतक दनतुिरत अशे a pa 3-5. kR^ita= made as [rendered as]. on which swarms of honeybees are hurley burley. smara = Love god's. ali kula= by honeybee. for he takes birth in one's own mind].durante. [a pa 3-] मृगमदसौरभरभसवशंवदनवदलमालतमाले । ं युवजनहृदयिवदारणमनिसजनखरिचिकशुकजाले॥ अ प ३-३ पदचछेद : मृग मद सौरभ रभस वशंवद नव दल माल तमाले ं युव जन हृदय िवदारण मनिसज नख रिच िकशुक जाले a pa 3-3. lajjita= having prudishness. saurabha= of fragrance. that Krishna is gloriously frolicking and dancing &c. madana manoratha= lust. vakula= Mimusops elengi. in such a spring Krishna is frolicking and dancing &c. rabhasa= speediness [instantaneous]. stock of [swarms of]. any of various acacia plants with showy yellow flowers. jaale= bunches of.. madana= Love god. in fashion of. manasi ja= of mind. bees swarming on those flowers are rendered as his arrows ready to bolt on unrequited love pairs. In this season that has black tamaala trees enwreathing the environs with their new tender leaves that have their own fragrance akin to the instantaneous fragrance of deer's musk. hR^idaya vidaaraNa= heart. tumbled [utterly bereft of]. women..3-2. in such a spring Krishna is frolicking and dancing &c.. who are . annexable hariH iha viharati. bunches of cup like daffodils are in the fashion with his quivers. kusuma samuuha= flowers. taruNa karuNa= tender. durante. kanaka daNDa= golden. nakha= of nails. longings [lustfulness]. nava mallika. Now the bloomed golden flowers of kesara are in shine with the sheen of the golden sceptre of kingly Love god. people's. folks of loverless ladyloves. cuutam. virahi= lovelorn ones. and bunches of reddish flowers that analogous to the tender and roseate nails of Love god ready to rend the hearts of youngsters of age. mR^iga= deer.... [a pa 3-4] The Love god. In this springtime that has thickets full with bunches of showy yellow flowers. janita vilaape= caused. has only one quiver and one bow. niraakula= full of. and only five flower arrows aravindam. sankula= hurley burley. niilotpala but here they get multiplied as the love pairs are many. [a pa 3-3] मदनमहीपितकनकदणडरिचकेसरकुसुमिवकासे । िमिलतिशलीमुखपाटिलपटलकृतसमरतूणिवलासे॥ अ प ३-४ पदचछेद : मदन मही पित कनक दणड रिच केसर कुसुम िवकासे िमिलत िशली मुख पाटिल पटल कृत समर तूण िवलासे a pa 3-4. rejoice.. ruchi= in shine with. only to land them in ruefulness and lovesickness. rending. Manmatha. jagat vigalita lajjita = at people. kR^ita haase= made. [Love god.. laugh at. avalokana= on espying. sceptre. paaTali paTala= cup like daffodil flowers.. with blood red flowers. tamaale= having tamaala trees. vi galita= completely. maala= enwreathing [the environ].. vikaase= bloomed. tender leaves. milita = commingled. ruefulness. vashanvada= self surrendered [one's own]. born one.. groups of [bunches of]. whitish karuna flowers. jagat= world [lovelorn people]. keshara kusuma= Kesara [Mimisops elangi] flowers. ashokam. pathika vadhuu jana = [lexically] of itinerants. [a pa 3-7] The climber plants are feminine and the mango trees are masculine. pari gata= around. pari sara= around. is obtainable there. appear to be laughing at them for they are utterly devoid of their prudishness in lovesick behaviour. . hearts.utterly bereft of prudishness. ati mukta lataa= maadhavi. sugandhau= with pleasant fragrances. where River yamuna is surging. even. enwreathing and sanctifying that place with her waters. directions of compass. tendrils. nikR^intana= [as though] to lunge. [like. [a pa 3-5] माधिवकापिरमललिलते नवमािलकजाितसुगनधौ । मुिनमनसामिप मोहनकािरिण तरणाकारणबनधौ॥ अ प ३-६ पदचछेद : माधिवका पिरमल लिलते नव मािलक जाित सुगनधौ मुिन मनसाम् अिप मोहन कािरिण तरण अ कारण बनधौ a pa 3-6.. vipine= ilderness. avane= that which can alleviate. kR^ita haase= making. or a tendril cannot possibly outshine themselves.] kinsman. Jasminum grandiflorum.. while the long and lance like mogra flowers are also in full bloom in all directions. lata.. with not a leg to stand on. maadhavikaa= of maadhavi flower plant Gaertnera racemosa. in shape. parimala= fragrance. lalite= in gentleness..... mogra flowers. kunta mukha akR^iti= spear. virahi= lovelorn ones. in such a spring Krishna is frolicking and dancing &c. Thus.] This springtime fragrant with the gentle fragrance of maadhavi flowers. taruNa= for youngsters of age. pari rambhaNa= by overarched. mokSha. muni manasaam api= saints. as though ready to lunge and tear asunder the hearts of lovelorn people. with the fragrances of ]. mokSha. a+ kaaraNa bandhau [iva] = without. karuNa= piteously. espying lovelorn people. jaati= jasmines.. kavita. Or bR^inda= group of yearners. when sessile beings are thrilling and tickling in spring. mohana kaariNi = baffle. sphurat= vibrate. sanctified. taruNa= youngsters of age who are with their ladyloves].. doubled with the pleasant fragrance of double jasmine and jasmines can cause bafflement even to the hearts of saintly saints. yearning for love of god. Krishna is frolicking and dancing &c. in such a secluded place called Brindavana... how about other living beings. saddish grins = [youngsters who are with their ladyloves are grinning sadly at those that are behaving oddly as they are devoid of their prudishness]... as such season is becoming an unseasonable guest for those youngsters. bR^indaavana vipine= in Brindavana. where the titillating tendrils of maadhavi climbers whorl around budding mango trees in an overarching manner tickling those mango trees. chuute= mango trees. ketaka= ketaka. In this spring season. faced. jasmines'. nava maalika= double jasmine. woodlands. accord release. According to the saying vanita. [a pa 3-6] सफुरदितमुकतलतापिररमभणमुकुिलतपुलिकतचूते । बृनदावनिविपने पिरसरपिरगतयमुनाजलपूते॥ अ प ३-७ पदचछेद : सफुरत् अितमुकत लता पिर रंभण मुकुिलत पुलिकत चूते बृंदावन िविपने पिर सर पिर गत यमुना जल पूते a pa 3-7. poetry. pulakita = ticklish. reason [unexpected. [or. avalokana= on espying. in such a season Krishna is frolicking and dancing &c.. as in other mms: nava maalika jaati sugandhau= double jasmines. na aashrayam vinaa shobhate a maid. surging. going [flowing in an enwreathing and surging manner]. danturita ashe= full with. yamunaa jala puute= by River Yamuna. whorled. titillating. [vasante= in spring season]. not to say of youngsters. tear asunder. solitude. where a group of yearners are yearning for the love of Krishna for final release. causers of [bafflers of]. waters. mukulita= having buds. Now the fully bloomed tender whitish flowers of karuna. paTa vaasaiH= with perfumed powder sprays [as in playing holi festival]. forcefully by Love god]. burning. [1-8] This verse has: alankaara samaasokti. such a poem is now coming up. one having such ingredients. for it has all the ingredients to obtain a sapful bliss from them. saaram= the best. about gregariously reclusive Brindavana]. a relative like [in league with]. in league with that of jasmines. indeed. paraaga= by pollen. Or sarasa= congenial poetry]. moreover this breeze. chetaH dahati hi= hearts. chanda laya. udayati= dawning. madana vikaaram= with passional. Thus. as uttered by Jayadeva. chanchat= on jiggling. baaNa= bow. carrier breeze. shrii hari= Shri Krishna's. immoderations.. as if [or. disseminating. it is even disseminating the fragrance of ketaki flowers. a+sama= an unequalled one [Love god's].शीजयदेवभिणतिमदमुदयित हिरचरणसमृितसारम् । सरसवसनतसमयवनवणरनमनुगतमदनिवकारम्॥ अ प ३-८ पदचछेद : शी जयदेव भिणतम् इदम् उदयित हिर चरण समृित सारम् सरस वसनत समय वन वणरनम् अनु गत मदन िवकारम् a pa 3-8. time. the springtime breeze is disseminating their pollen. iha= now. fragrance of. praaNa vat= his lives. coming up. gandha vaahaH= perfume. riiti paancaali. smR^iti= remembrancer of. sapful bliss. rasa vipra lambha sringaara. indeed. intertwines of tendrils. Verse Locator उनमीलनमधुगनधलुबधमधुपवयाधूतचूताङुर कीडतकोिकलकाकलीकलकलैरदगीणरकणरजवराः। नीयनते पिथकैः कथंकथमिप धयानानुधानकण पापतपाणसमासमागमरसोललासैरमी वासराः॥ १-९ पदचछेद : उनमीलत् मधु गनध लुबध मधुप वयाधूत चूत अंकुर कीडत् कोिकल काकली . Jiggling on the intertwines of jasmine tendrils full with just bloomed jasmines. even imbibed are the passional immoderations of springtime love fevers. prasarat = rambling. saaram= having sapful bliss. just. say holi. while rambling so. vasanta samaya= spring. imbibed. emerging.. this aSTa padi named maadhavotsava kamalaakaram concludes here. on making fragrant. like the sprays of perfumed powder sprinkled in springtime colourful plays called holika mahotsavam. rendering whole woodlands fragrant. mallii valli= jasmine. anugata= ingoing. Jayadeva. though a coolant fragrance carrier. vana= woodlands [or. it has become as if the life breath of Love god. [Love god's bow]. on the feet of Shri Krishna.. ketakii gandha bandhuH= of ketaki flowers. vrittyanupraasa. prakaTita= made known. this is even a best and congenial poem to meditate upon those feet as this has a sapid depictation about the gregariously reclusive Brindavan and its springtime woodlands. [or. idam jayadeva bhaNitam= this. charaNa= feet. upama. varNanam= having depictation. metre maalini. [a pa 3-8] In this aSTa padi: alankaara jaati. uttered by [poetry]. raaga vasanta. vi dalita= unfolded. smR^iti saaram= for meditating. naayaka dakShiNa. dara= a little. and now it is forcefully burning the hearts of estranged couples. This poem can be a remembrancer of Krishna's feet. Verse Locator दरिवदिलतमललीविललचञचतपराग पकिटतपटवासैवासयन् काननािन। इह िह दहित चेतः केतकीगनधबनधुः पसरदसमबाणपाणवदगनधवाहः॥ १-८ पदचछेद : दर िवदिलत मलली विलल चंचत् पराग पकिटत पटवासैः वासयन् काननािन इह िह दहित चेतः केतकी गनध बनधुः पसरत् असम बाण पाण वत् गनध वाहः 1-8. taala jhampa. sringaara vipralambha. naayika madhya. kaananaani vaasayan= woodlands. blooming.. sa rasa= plays of passion. This girlfriend of Rādha is telling her again by showing him who is in the vicinity and within eyeshot. shringaara vipralambha. just sprouted [tender leaves]. but unavailingly. mura arim= demon Mura's. alankaara kaavya linga. are suddenly disturbed when bees swarmed mango flowers and they are taking to their wings with their pleasant sing song coo cooing. [1-9] This springtime is more bothersome than the bother of separation from their ladyloves. namely Krishna. pathikaiH = by itinerants. vilaasa laalasam= in frolicking. Verse Locator अनेकनारीपिररमभसमभम सफुरनमनोहािरिवलासलालसम् । रािरमारादुपदशरयनतयसौ सखी समकम् पुनराह रािधकाम्॥ १-१-० पदचछेद : अनेक नारी पिर रंभ संभम सफुरत् मनोहािर िवलास लालसम् मुर अिरम् आरात् उप दशरयिनत असौ सखी समकम् पुनः आह रािधकाम् 1-10. one who is a heart stealer and an interested one in frolicking. But humans can quench their desires in dreams. samakSham= within eyeshot. udgiirNa karNa jvaraaH= heightened. aneka naarii= not one [many. katham katham api= somehow. madhu gandha lubdha= honey.] felicity. playing. but to quickly reach her goal. telling. dhyaana= rumination. raadhikaam punaH aaha= to Rādha. thus they are somehow spending springtime by dreamy rumination on their dreamy ravishing felicity together with their ladyloves. girlfriend [of Rādha]. naayaka dakShiNa. days. rasa ullaasaiH= in mouth watering [in ravishing. metre vamshastha. who is scintillatingly anxious to embrace not one. anudhaana [avadhaana]= interested in [daydreaming]. praaNa samaa= lives. interested. kShaNa= for a moment. even so. kaakalii= pleasant. praapta samaagama= bechanced [came to mind. [1-10] This verse has sringaara sambhoga. manaH haari= heart stealing one. kala kalaiH= with singsong coo cooing [kila. and hence time has predominance on earthlings. metre shaarduula vikrriDitam. Here Rādha is not advised to be dreamy. alankaara anupraas. unmiilat= unfolding.] togetherness.] women of age. and when they can dream about embracing their ladyloves. tender leaves. equally greedy to nibble the new leaflets of mangos.कल कलैः उदगीणर कणर जवराः नीयनते पिथकैः कथम् कथम् अिप धयान अनुधान अवधान कण पापत पाण समा समागम रस उललासैः अमी वासराः 1-9. amii vaasaraaH= these. listening these clarion calls of Kokila s heightened is the frenzy of ears of itinerants. namely Krishna. sambhrama= anxious of. may it be humans or others. aaraat= in vicinity. vyaadhuuta [vi aa dhuuta]= up heaved. Verse Locator अष पिद ४ सामोद दामोदर भमर पदम् aSTA padi 4 saamoda daamodara bhramara padam . upadarshayanti = she is showing him. Honeybees greedy for the fragrant nectar of mango flowers are upheaving the just sprouted leaflets of mango trees. enemy. ear. again. madhupa= by honeybees. fever [frenzy]. they can even dream about the all embracing Krishna. singing kokila birds flitting in those leaves. coequal [alter ego]. greedy of. sphurat= erratic [scintillating one]. fragrance. for their alter egos like ladyloves came to their mind for a moment. kokila= Kokila. pari rambha = in embracing. riiti gauDi. asau sakhii= this. more so an enemy of Mura. Spring is the only season for pastoral poetry and hence it is extolled thus far. niiyante= led away. but many women. as in daydreaming. somehow. चनदनचिचरतनीलकलेवरपीतवसनवनमाली । केिलचलनमिणकुणडलमिणडतगणडयुगिसमतशाली । हिरिरहमुगधवधूिनकरे िवलािसिन िवलसित केिलपरे ।धृवम्। अ प ४-१ . chuuta ankura kriiDat= in mango. kila s onomatopoeic words]. singing birds. artless rhetorical naayika.पदचछेद : चनदन चिचरत नील कलेवर पीत वसन वनमाली केिल चलत् मिण कुणडल मिणडत गणड युग िसमत शाली हिरः इह मुगध वधू िनकरे िवलािसिन िवलसित केिल परे a pa 4-1. Hence. Someone. gaNDa yuga= cheeks. an expert in romantic amusement. vilasati= frolicking. a dance in which the dancers move in a circle. artless insofar as romantic advances are concerned. while it is sky blue black. & adj. on par with ‘sky blue pink’ n. keli chalat= while playing [while romping. With this she has also said. hence. maNi kuNDala= gems [gem studded.. he that gleeful Krishna &c… [a pa 4-2] The damsel is hugging even before the hero tries to embrace her. see that gleeful Krishna now amidst a coterie of ravishing and coyly damsels. and then in a heightened octave she is singing melodiously in tune with his fluting. or said as somewhat sapphirine bluish colour.] His Sapphirine body bedaubed with sandal paste. panchama= fifth [note. mugdha= coyly. Many take the word niila kalevara as an absolute black colour of body. pari rabhya [ramya]= in over [arching manner. harim= at Krishna. And piita ambara and vanmaala are not just rustling ochry silks and garland of wild leaves. but the addressing ‘oh. gaayati= singing. clad in ochry silks. ignorant. maNDita= by [ear knobs] embellished. ‘when you are here. udanchita = in a heightened. vadhuu nikare= damsels. piita= [pale brownish yellow] ochry. Some scholars translate this word mugdha as a foolish girl. kaachit= someone.] moving [swaying]. some hex value is to be derived for this hue of sky blue black at least now. keli pare= in game [here in ronde. Fr. gopa vadhuuH= milker’s. n. but those basil leaves and silken garments are also the removers of sins. पीनपयोधरभारभरेण हिरम् पिररमय सरागम् । गोपवधूरनुगायित कािचदुदिञचतपञचमरागम्। हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-२ पदचछेद : पीन पयोधर भार भरेण हिरम् पिर रभय रमय सरागम् गोप वधूःअनु गायित कािचत् उदंिचत पंचम रागम् a pa 4-2. niila kalevara= on bluish. raasa liila. anu= in tune with his fluting]. vasana= silk cloths [clad in]. as in markaTa nyaaya mother monkey and child monkey syndrome. कािप िवलासिवलोलिवलोचनखेलनजिनतमनोजम् । . longing. sa raagam= with. octave]. ronde = n. in group [amidst coterie]. hence. a milkmaid. you go at once…’ naayika utkaNThita. eager to ease the weightiness of her bosomy bust is cleaving to Krishna in a overarching manner. smita shaalii= a smiler with such disposition a gleeful one. that contrasts with maarjaala nyaaya cat kitten syndrome. piina payo dhara= with bosomy. pair.. leaving you Krishna’s frolicking with coyly. she is in eagerness as her naayika lakShaNa is mugdha. Swelling bosoms suggests swelling milky devotion. now. carrying [by their weightiness]. bhaara bhareNa= weight. vilaasini= ravishing [damsels]. vanamaalii= one who wears a garland of basil leaves and flowers. body. If this black boy and white girl combination is set aside for a while. trying to achieve oneness. raasa kriiDa] rapturous [game. Showing him whose get up is: chandana= with sandal paste. a meekish heroine. or somewhat semi sapphirine blue and similes with the sky itself. in a rapturous ronde… [a pa 4-1] All these stanzas are girlfriend’s dialogue with Rādha. simplistic and naïve girls is unbefitting for him… hence.] hugging [cleaving to]. This translates as innocent. charchita= bedaubed. an imaginary colour. hariH iha= Krishna.] knobby ear hangings. contrary to a lip service. vadhuu need not be a bride / wife always]. cheeks embellished with flapping gem studded knobby ear hangings while he is romping. Rādha…’ is omitted. as sky is the Absolute kham brahma. raagam= melodiously. it is the twosome of devotee god. bust. in which the devotee has to make his/her first move to embrace the god. where both emerge from bosom alone. garlanded with a garland of basil leaves and flowers. annex: haririha… kelipare = as above. damsel [milkmaid. mugdha vadhuuH= meekish. janita= caused. suudana = spilling. causer of [one who can give rise to Love god. even. beautiful lotus like beautiful face]. khelana= by their play [of eyes. lapitum= to say.धयायित मुगधवधूरिधकम् मधुसूदनवदनसरोजम् । हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-३ पदचछेद : का अिप िवलास िवलोल िवलोचन खेलन जिनत मनोजम् धयायित मुगध वधूः अिधकम् मधु सूदन वदन सरोजम् a pa 4-3. that lotus like face is pouring forth potable nectar of grace. and fixatedly contemplated on it. meekish heroine. manaH jam= mind. when ladylove touched his ears. but she amusingly kissed his cheek in a trice in preference to a whisper. even then that environ enkindles a kind of belongingness in her. eliminator [Krishna’s]. that gleeful Krishna &c… [a pa 4-3] All may not be expert danseuses or songsters. inexpert in romance. siding glances]. nectar. Some derive the word madhu suudana vadana sarojam basing on the root Suuda kSharaNe as madhu = honey. thus. which she thought a gesture to listen to her whisper. Again. whether it is a bodily reaching. thus. from then on she fixatedly contemplated on that face. that gleeful Krishna &c… [a pa 4-3] Or Some meekish damsel is also impassioned for she is there with him. saraH jam = lake. even. made convenient [when Krishna’s face is tickly. or of that milkmaid]. in her inexpert gesticulations of romance. vadana= face. dayitam= him that lover [Krishna]. vilaasa= by romantic gesticulations [of eyes] [haava bhaava ceSTaaH shuunyata of Krishna. born [lotus. even then. militaa = on reaching his bent ear that is now. But he is very much there.. Krishna. adhikam dhyaayati= highly [fixatedly. Some meekish damsel helplessly remaining on the sidelines came into the sight of sidelong glances with romantic gesticulations of fluttery wide eyes of Krishna. his body became tickly and thus he had to move his cheeks sideways. for she is an expert in contemplation. Some girl came there. even. she caught a sight of the beautiful lotusy face of Krishna. slanting. kaa api= someone. reaching her lover Krishna whose tickly face is now conveniently turned sideways in all ears for her. nitambavati because her buttocks are heavy she could not run a race with Krishna. Some fat bummed girl neared him feigning to say something in his ear.. eyes. naayika prauDha [somewhat artful one]. nitambavatii= one with big buttocks. somewhat artless. but lovingness is common in all. shruti muule= ear. surface. chaaru chuchumba= goodly [amusingly. sringaara ceSTaaH abhaava ]. pulakaiH anukuule= by tickles. thus that gleeful Krishna &c. hence she paused him in his dance saying ‘listen this…’ and then carried off her wish. base of [at hole on earlobe]. kaa api= someone. and passion is enkindled in her. flustered. at once started gazing at the beautiful lotusy face of the eliminator of demon madhu. kapola tale= on cheek’s. or reaching through contemplation. namely Krishna. and she longed for him in her way prekSya prekSaka riiti. [a pa 4-4] pulakita tickly.. कािप कपोलतले िमिलता लिपतुम् िकमिप शुितमूले । चार चुचुंब िनतंबवती दियतम् पुलकैरनुकले । ू हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-४ पदचछेद : का अिप कपोल तले िमिलता लिपतुम् िकम् अिप शुित मूले चार चुचुंब िनतंबवती दियतम् पुलकैः अनुकले ू a pa 4-4. his cheek is bent for her convenience to kiss it]. vi lochana= wide. but that girl. naayaka . personified passion]. Reaching him is the goal. madhu suudana= demon Madhu’s. damsel [one who is an inexpert in romancing. or fourth row chorus girl. she is contemplating. vi lola= verily. Usually contemplations come in when the object to contemplate is not before the eyes.] kissed. like tactless sidelong glances with her flustered wide eyes. but she became a third row ballerina.. kim api= something. she is mugdha.] contemplating. anukuula [acquiescent one.] केिलकलाकुतुकेन च कािचदमुम् यमुनाजलकले । ू मञुलवञुलकुञगतम् िवचकषर करेण दुकले । ू हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-५ पदचछेद : केिल कला कुतुकेन च कािचत् अमुम् यमुना जल कले मंजुल वंजुल कु ंज गतम् िवचकषर करेण दुकले ू ू a pa 4-5. kaachit= someone; keli = [manmatha keli] plays of passions; kalaa= artistry; kutukena ca= with enthusiasm, also; [parihaasena ca= with glee, also]; yamunaa jala kuule = River Yamuna, waters, on its bank; manjula= beautiful; vanjula kunja= ashoka tree, bower; gatam = one who has gone there, frolicking in there; amum= him; dukuule= by his dress; kareNa= with her hand; vichakarSa= lugging along. Another milkmaid enthusiastic in the artistry of plays of passion, and passionate to play in the waters of river Yamuna along with Krishna, found him frolicking in a beautiful bower at that ashoka tree, and seizing his garment she is gleefully drawing him towards water, thus that gleeful Krishna &c... [a pa 4-5] Krishna is otherwise busy anyaasakta so she had to lug him along by catching his silk upper cloth. naayika adhiira. The expression yamunaa kuule would have been sufficient for Yamuna riverbank. But it is said a river called Yamuna that contains water and banks. A river naturally contains water and banks, then why that redundant usage of water plus banks? It has two purposes she is interested in sporting in water with Krishna, and the other is to indicate that water’s cooling effect and sanctification shaityatva, paavanatva and hence the word waters is used emphatically. करतलतालतरलवलयाविलकिलतकलसवंअवंशे । रासरसे सहनृतयपरा हिरणा युवितः पशशंसे । हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-६ पदचछेद : कर तल ताल तरल वलय आविल किलत कल सवन वंशे रास रसे सह नृतय परा हिरणा युवितः पशशंसे a pa 4-6. yuvatiH= a maiden; kara tala= hand, surface with palms; taala= by clapping rhythmically; tarala= moving; valaya= [valaya angada]= heavy wrist metal roundlets; avali= a group of, a set of such bracelets; kalita= intermingling [touching one to one, clanking, clanks mingling with fluting]; kala svana= avyakta madura svana = undefinable dulcet clanks; vamshe= one who has a flute va.msha = bamboo mohana vamshii = name of Krishna’s bamboo flute; raasa= raasa kriiDa = in plays of passion, in ronde; rase= zealous [Krishna]; saha= along with; nR^itya paraa= in dancing, engrossed; hariNaa= by Hari, Krishna; prashashanse= [that maiden is] commended. While a maiden is engrossed in ronde dancing along with zealously dancing Krishna, she is clapping her palms in rhythm to his fluting, while doing so sets of her heavy bracelets are clanking in undefinable dulcet clanks, intermingling with that fluting, thus that flautist of mohana vamshi, the Divine Flute, namely Krishna, is fluting the praises unto her... thus, that gleeful Krishna &c...[a pa 4-6] By employing the word rasa raase it is said, though this girl is an inexpert in superfine singing and dancing, she is expert in her rustic, moorish, and boorish dances, hence she is aware of beat and rhythm laya taala j~naana , thereby she is praiseworthy. िशलषयित कामिप चुमबित कामिप कामिप रमयित रामाम् । पशयित सिसमतचारपरामपरामनुगचछित वामाम् । हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-७ पदचछेद : िशलषयित काम् अिप चुंबित काम् अिप काम् अिप रमयित रामाम् पशयित सः िसमत चार तराम् अपराम् अनु गचछित वामाम् a pa 4-7. saH= such as he is, he that Krishna; kaam api= someone, even; shliSyati= cleaves to; kaam api chumbati= someone, even, kisses; kaam api= someone, even; raamaam = delightful damsel; ramayati= he delights [her]; smita= beaming; caaru taraam= beauty, in high degree [most beautiful lass]; aparaam= another one; pashyati= sees to her, pay attention to; vaamaam= leftist, a flighty girl; anu= in tow; gacChati= goes after. Such frolicsome Krishna is even cleaving to someone; kissing someone; delighting someone who is a delightful damsel; paying attention to another most beautiful damsel with beaming smiles; following a flighty girl with slanting glances, thus, that gleeful Krishna &c… [a pa 4-7] Here the word raamaam is generative from root ramu ramu kriiDaayaam one who gives and takes delight in which she is delighted. This word is on the analogy of the name of Rama in Ramayana. When the syllable ‘a’ is prolonged to ‘aa’ ‘raa maa’ it becomes feminine delighter and the delighted. And smita caaru taraam or, smita caaru paraam ‘beamingly smiling’ indicates her readiness for intimacy, expressed in a smile itself. Hence, this piece of poem is floridly smiley. The word vaamaam is displeased, irritated, peeved, vexed, querulous girl. Even if she were to be so, he can tame her shrewdness and bring her round by going after her. nayaka catura [artful.] All these acts are performed sequentially or at a time? At a time only is the answer. How can one Krishna become many at a time, is its sequel. That is what raasa kriida or raasa liila is, and unimaginable are his acts, deeds, or plays of passion. Thus this poetry, though expressed in mundane parlance, attains a supramundane eros [aspiration toward value] a divine lusting. The poet says in the next foot ‘that is why this is an amazing act of Krishna adbhutam. शीजयदेवभिणतिमदमदुतकेशवकेिलरहसयम् । वृनदावनिविपने लिलतम् िवतनोतु शुभािन यशसयम् । हिरिरह केिलपरे ॥ अ प ४-८ पदचछेद : शी जयदेव भिणतम् इदम् अदुत केशव केिल रहसयम् वृनदावन िविपने लिलतम् िवतनोतु शुभािन यशसयम् a pa 4-8. vR^indaavana vipine= in Brindavana, woodlands; charita= what that happens; yashasyam= endowing gloriousness [if sung or danced to its tunes]; keshava keli rahasyam = Krishna’s, plays of passion, arcaneness of; jayadeva bhaNitam idam= by Jayadeva, articulated, this; adbhutam = an admirable poem; lalitam= exquisite [pleasure giver]; libretto, [with double entendre = n. a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one usu. risqué or indecent, here the whole poem]; shrii shrii suukti = felicitous, saying, poem; shubhaani vitanotu= prosperities, let it radiate [ tr. transmit or demonstrate life, love, joy, etc. ‘radiates happiness’]. Parsing In another way: yashasyam= endowing gloriousness [if sung or danced to its tunes]; vR^indaavana vipine= in Brindavana, woodlands [what that happens]; lalitam= exquisite [pleasure giver]; adbhuta = admirable; keshava= Krishna’s; keli rahasyam= plays of passion, arcaneness of; idam= this; jayadeva bhaNitam= by Jayadeva, articulated; shrii shrii suukti = felicitous, saying, lyric, libretto, [with double entendre = n. a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one usu. risqué or indecent, here the whole poem]; shubhaani vitanotu= prosperities, let it radiate [ tr. transmit or demonstrate life, love, joy, etc. ‘radiates happiness’.] This song, which endows gloriousness to the devotees of Krishna, if sung or danced to its tunes, and which contains the arcaneness about the exquisite plays of passion of Krishna in equally arcanus Brindavana, is articulated by Jayadeva, thus let it radiate prosperities to one and all… [a pa 4-8] With this the poet concludes this lyric. Here Krishna himself is an adbhutam, because he is manifest separately to each of the milkmaid in a trice, though remaining himself as one entity. In this lyric the words keli rahasyam are usually translated as secrets sports, or secret love games etc., taking them to be rahasya keli kalaapam , but the word rahasyam qualifies the word keli. Then they are the secrets about those plays, of which the poet wishes to tell, but not how secretly the plays are played, and Krishna is no covert player, either in these dance dramas of Bhaagavata or in the politics of Maha Bhaarata. chandas laya. Verse Locator ं िवशेषामनुरजनेन जनयनानानंदिमनदीवर शेणीशयामलकोमलैरपनयनङैरनङोतसवम् । सवचछंदम् वरजसुनदरीिभरिभतः पतयङमािलिङतः शृङारः सिख मूितरमािनव मधौ मुगधो हिरः कीडित॥ १-११ ं पदचछेद : िवशेषाम् अनुरजनेन जनयन् आनानंदम् इनदीवर शेणी शयामल कोमलैः उपनयन् अनगैः अनंग उतसवम् सवचछंदम् वरज सुनदरीिभः अिभतः पित अंगम् आिलंिगतः शृंगारः सिख मूितरमान् इव मधौ मुगधो हिरः कीडित 1-11-. sakhi= oh, friend, Rādha; mugdhaH= charming [not meekish]; hariH= Krishna; vishveShaam = for all in the world; anuranjanena= to cause mutual intimacy; aanaanandam janayan= happiness, to cause; indiivara= blue black lotuses; shreNii= rows of; shyaamala= blue blackish; komalaiH= daintily; angaiH= with limbs; ana.nga utsavam= Love god's, festival [vasanta utsavam, carnivalesque excitation]; upa nayan= to near, draw [to draw nigh]; abhitaH= by all [external limbs and internal heartfelt feelings]; svacChandam= unreservedly; prati a.ngam= each, limb; vraja= county called Vraja province; sundariibhiH = by beautiful damsels [of Vraja county]; aali.ngitaH= embraced [Krishna is embraced]; shR^i.ngaaraH iva muurtimaan= romance, like, embodiment of; madhau= in springtime; kriiDati= playing [titillating.] Or, in another way: sakhi= oh, friend; hariH= Krishna [with his personage, that is] mugdhaH= with heart stealing; vishveShaam= for all in the world; anuranjane= to accord delight; aanaanandam janayan= rejoice, to cause; angaiH= with parts [romanticised factors that are apt to cause happiness, like]; indiivara shreNii= blue black lotuses, clusters; shyaamala= darker [ambience with black Tamaala trees, nightfall, nightly Yamuna river etc.]; komalaiH= softish [flower beds, greensward, sand dunes]; ana.nga utsavam= Love god's, festivity [vasantosavam carnivalesque excitation]; upanayan= bringing off; abhitaH= all over; sva cChandam = unreservedly; prati a.ngam= every, limb; vraja sundariibhiH= by going, beauties [beauties who are passing by him]; aali.ngitaH= embraceable; muurtimaan= one having such a body, bodily presence; shR^i.ngaaraH iva= [personified] romance, as though; madhau kriiDati= in springtime, frolicking. Oh, friend Rādha, charming Krishna is titillating in Brindavan in this springtime, causing happiness and mutual intimacy among all the worldly beings, and by the presence of his sapphirine bluish and daintily limbed body, that simile with the sprayey rows of blue black lotuses, he appears to be fetching the annual vasantotsava, the carnivalesque excitation, hence such limbs are unreservedly embraced by the beautiful damsels of Vraja county, either with their bodily limbs or by their heartfelt feelings, thus he is appearing like an embodiment of romance... [1-11] Or Oh, friend Rādha, Krishna in Brindavan is with a delighting personage that is heart stealing for all people, and it is apt to cause rejoice in one and all, added are the romanticised factors of Brindavan, like darkish ambience with black Tamaala trees, nightfall, nightly Yamuna river, and softish flower beds, greensward, and riparian sand dunes, and his very bodily presence is as though the personified romance, bringing off the annual vasantotsava, carnivalesque excitation, and the beauties of Vraja, moving past him are deeming that personality as an unreservedly dependable and embraceable embodiment, hence Krishna is frolicking with them in this springtime, as he reckons them as dependents and embraced devotees... When it is said viSveSaam anuranjanena Krishna being capable to delight whole world in his own nature, here he became a mugdha personality charmingly graceful youngster, not a foolish boy, and delighted them and got delight from them, though they are nowhere near his Omniscience. iisha achalam= god's. kuhuuH also means no moon night. sharduula vikriiditam its metre. in which people come out as in carnivals and colour sprays water and powder sprinkled for amusement. words. and all this culminates into spring fever.. kuhuuH kuhuuH iti = coo. icChayaa= desirous of. The sounds of black koels are almost like no moon day that intimidates the moon. varNaanu praasa shabda alankaara. [1-12] The word kuhu. pikaanaam giraH= Kokila s. yet they are singing in fifth octave pancama svara only to intensify the troubles of such couples. dealing out love fervidity en route. The cooing of Kokila s is a bother to estranged couple. Verse Locator रासोललासभरेणिवभमभृतामाभीरवामभुवाम् अभयणरम् पिररमयिनभररमुरः पेमानधया राधया। साधु तवददनम् सुधामयिमित वयाहृतय गीतसतुित वयाजादुतकटचुिमबतिसमतमनोहरी हिरः पातु वः॥ १-१३ . but they are left out for the present. without a streak of moon. voicing. iva= as though. kavala= gluttonised. even high rejoice is burgeoning in kokila birds on seeing just sprouted tender buds on mango trees. diipaka. anusarati= following. Verse Locator ं िनतयोतसंगवसदुजगकवलकलेशािदवेशाचलम् पालेयपलवनेचछयानुसरित शीखणडशैलािनलः। िकम् च िसनगधरसालमौिलमुकुलानयालोकय हषोदयात् उनमीलिनत कुहूः कुहूिरित कलोतलाः िपकानाम् िगरः॥ १-१२ ं पदचछेद : िनतय उतसंग वसत् भुजग कवल कलेशात् इव ईश अचलम् पालेय पलवन इचछया अनुसरित शी खणड शैल अिनलः िकम् च िसनगध रसाल मौिल मुकुलािन आलोकय हषर उदयात् उनमीलिनत कुहूः कुहूः इित कल उतलाः िपकानाम् िगरः 1-12 . suddenly sallying forth coo coo voicing in an inexplicably melodious and heightened tones. coursing to. burgeoned.vasantotsava includes many festivals like snaana yaatra ablution festival. mountain [iishaH a calam= Shiva's. bhuja. snigdha mukulaani = tender [eatable. rasaala mauli= mango trees. kala uttalaaH = inexplicably melodious.nga= in close proximity. and this one verse is replete with incommunicable reflections from bhaaratiiya sringaara shaastra treatises on aesthetics of romanticism. plavana= to plunge down. unmiilanti= unfolding [sallying forth.m cha= why. iishaa guruH acalaH = Paarvati.. father of= Himalaya madhyama pada lopa samaasa]. praaleya= in snow water. even [further]. riiti vaidarbhi. mobile mountain. thus this springtime is blithesome. for his very appearance enhances their uneasy passion. It is annual and takes it root in Krishna liila s of Brindavan. utsa. ki.. dolaa yatra or holi festival. shaila anilaH= mountain's. Next.] thus.. aalokya= on seeing. kleshaat= by agony [from their fangs]. harSha udayaat= rejoice. a restless or lethargic feeling sometimes associated with spring. And somehow.nga= by serpents. shaarduula vikriiDitam is its metre. or. rasa sringaaara.] sprouted buds. breezes. why breezes. inhabits. vasat= lives. not. nitya= always. at tops. only to heighten unrequited rejoice and lovesickness.] Both breezes and serpents inhabit in the sandalwood groves of Mt malaya where serpents repeatedly bite breezes as they feeding upon them. heightened in tone. But the singing of koels is more painful. on dawning. hindola yaatra swing festival. upama hetu ardhaa alankaara. shrii khaNDa= Malaya. ratha yaatra chariot festival. coo [onomatopoeic words. the no moon day amaavaashya can be tolerated. The moon is an enemy to the estranged couple. the poet while closing the first canto is telling a blessing benediction aashiirvaada ruupaka mangala aacaraNa. raasa yaatra festival of circular dance. riiti vaidarbhi. alankara shleSa. whereby breezes undergo fervidity and course northward to take a plunge in Himalayan snow waters to cool off that feverishness. smita= by smiles. Rādha drew nigh of him. who is among vivacious milkmaids with curvy eyebrows. Revised 2008 . and who are replete with rejoice while in ronde dancing. that Krishna may save our souls. some heroine's bravery is there naayika utsaaha ruupa viira rasa. anuvritti aarabhaTi.. and he who is thus kissed by Rādha is all smiles for her. hetu. 4 7 a pa 4. sAmodadAmodaram. vyaahR^itya= on saying. hariH= Hari. the manner of hugging is called vR^ikSha adhiruuDha tree climbing embrace tarum iva kamitaaram cumbana aartaa adhi roDhum yadabhilaSati naarii tat ca vR^ikShaadhiruuDham. iti= thus. paatu= rule over [save our souls.] Blinded by her love for Krishna. . replete with. gaana sthiti laya. ullaasa bhareNa= rejoice. alankaara aashiis.. vaH= us. giiti artha maagadhi. and enthusiastically said thus. blinded [heedless]. aakShepa. raadhayaa= by Rādha. prema andhayaa= by love. Its metre is shaarduula vikriiDitam. naayaka mugdha. vaama= with curved.पदचछेद : रास उललास भरेण िवभम भृताम् आभीर वाम भुवाम् अभयणरम् पिररभय िनभररम् उरः पेम अनधया राधया साधु तवत् वदनम् सुधामयम् इित वयाहृतय गीत सतुती वयाजात् उतकट चुिमबत िसमत मनोहरी हिरः पातु वः 1-13 . this is the 1-st chapter. cumbita = one who is kissed [by Rādha]. riiti paancaali. इित शी जयदेव कृतौ गीतगोिवनदे सामोददामोदरो नाम पथमः सगरः Thus. “And then. nirbharam= ardently.come sing now. "Your face is nectareous. vibhrama bhR^itaam= overwhelm. [1-13] In this lyric sringaara vipralambha. sudhaa mayam= nectar. in giita govindam of kavi jayadeva.thus your singing must be nectarean. the kissing style is called namitaka where milkmaids are happy enough with kissing and kisses abhiirajaaH cumbana haarya cittaaH. aabhiira= milkmaids. bhruvaam= eyebrows. abhyarNam= in close proximity [drawing nigh of him].. Introductio giirvaaN Next n i Sarga 2003. aprastuta prasanga. raasa= in ronde dance. and he who steals hearts with his beaming smiles. stuti= eulogising. utkhaTa= excitedly. uraH= chest [of Krishna]. naayika pragalbha. bearers [those girls that bear an overwhelmed mood= vivacious girls]. manaH haarii= heart. on the pretext of eulogising his singing. face.. abounding with... Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. but Rādha ardently hugged his chest among all of them. Verse Locator for Gita Govindam : Chapter 1 Top of Page a pa 1 a pa 3111 5 8 12 2 a pa 2 9 13 3 6 10 . she started to kiss him. vyaajoktiu. tvat vadanam= your... Krishna. giita= song [of Krishna]. saadhu= by far [enthusiastically]. parirabhya= hugged. since Rādha advanced. stealing. all of us. vyaajaat=on the pretext of. in a fair and square manner]. of bower. Verse Locator िवहरित वने राधा साधारणपणये हरौ िवगिलत िनजोतकषादीषयावशेन गतानयतः। कविचदिप लताकुञे गुञनमधुवरतमणडली मुखरिशखरे लीना दीनापयुवाच रहः सखीम्॥ २-१ पदचछेद . iirSyaa vashena= begrudge. praNaye= in lovingness [Krishna. even.िवहरित वने राधा साधारण पणये हरौ िवगिलत िनज उतकषात् ईषया वशेन गत अनयतः कविचत् अिप लता कु ंजे गुंजत् मधु वरत मणडली मुखर िशखरे लीना दीना अिप उवाच रहः सखीम् 2-1. harè= by Krishna. she extols Krishna’s enrapturing nature. shikhare= at spire [of bower].aklesha keshavam Blithesome Krishna अकलेशकेशवम् Intolerant of Krishna’s flirtatious behaviour with other girls. gu. diinaa= forlornly [Rādha]. lataa ku.' etc. swarms of. But whole world knows what her secret is. by control of [overtaken by]. and when she steeped into that bower she forlornly said this to her girlfriend. unable to endure it she has become somewhat a forlorn one. mukhara= with noise. love divine.said in solitude what she is going to say is not to be heard by others. honeybees. [2-1] She became a forlorn one as the humming noise of bees is increasing her passion for Krishna. hence she has gone elsewhere. maNDalii= spiralling. i. gone.nje= in tendrils. [privilege]. thus some grudge overtook her when he is pleasure-tripping with others. rahaH= in solitude. bhramaraiH kaamoddiipita. hence. saadhaaraNa= general [fairly.. anyataH gata= elsewhere. raadhaa= Rādha. utkarSaat= by her superiority complex. said. for Krishna's love is equipoise in respect of all other milkmaids and herself. Again the word rahaH sakhiim uvaaca is sometimes said as ' she told her secrets.njat madhuvrata= humming... whose love is equipoise in respect of other milkmaids and herself]..Chapter [sarga] 2 ... it is . somewhere into a bower of tendrils noisy with the humming of swarms of honeybees spiralling at its spire. sakhiim = to girlfriend. for his prema. nija= one's own [Rādha's]. Rādha deviates from ronde dance and complains all her feelings to her friend. liinaa= steeped in. api uvaacha= even. kvachit api= somewhere. Even in her complaining that Krishna is cheerfully irresponsible – blithesome Krishna. in solitude. .] slithered.e. who otherwise is a resolute girl. aklesha keshava. even if someone is going to eavesdrop she/he shall presume it as the humming of bees.. to have Krishna for herself. vane viharati = in woodlands. vi galita= muchly [steeply. Steeply slithered is Rādha's privilege. as she is going to tell next aSTa padi in a tune and wording almost like the buzz of bees. while pleasure-tripping. Hence. mama manaH iha smarati= my. nodding. kR^ita= made. reminds me. with blithe indifference towards me. dangling. Rāmayana.mboo flute..nsam= knobby ear-hangings. cha. even now in bower. dR^ik a.] Or a pa 5-1.top to toe. or. kapola vilola vata. then].संचलत् अधर सुधा मधुर धविन मुखिरत मोहन वंशम् चिलत दृगंचल चंचल मौिल कपोल िवलोल वतंसम् रासे हिरम् इह िविहत िवलासम् समरित मनो मम कृत पिरहासम् a pa 5-1. or half-crown. heart. even so. raase vihita vilaasam= in ronde dance. heart. hè sakhii.ncarat or sa. sudhaa madhura= with ambrosial. mukharita= sounded.nsham= ba. harim= of such a Krishna [alone]. rasavad alankaara . uncared-for. [a pa 51] This is the nakha-sikha paryanta varNana . or peacock feathers – one who has got such a crown. later adopted by poet bilvamangala in his shrii krishna karNa amritm..५ . mukharita= sounded. [api cet = even. In this verse it is vipralambha sringaara. are there. sweetness. ends sidelong glances. nodding with every nod of his head to every bar of his tunes. fluted. vihita vilaasam= having. or. as Rādha is intolerant of Krishna's separation. chalita= flitting. swaying. sa. fun of me. but.cf. shabda alankaara called varNa anupraasa.Then. sa. vilola= dangling. or peacock feathers.. ends sidelong glances. kapola = on cheeks. uncared-for. or. [lusciousness of melody]. va. even so she became a forlorn one by losing her pride. sweetness. cha. mama manaH smarati= my. [next stanza is a reprise in next foots]. reminds me. one who is having. heart. upon whose cheeks his ear-knobs delightfully sway with every tenor of his fluting.पिरहासम् .ncarat or sa.nchala = eye. even after my leaving him and coming into this bower.मधुिरपु रत किणठक संचलदधरसुधामधुरधविनमुखिरतमोहनवंशम् । चिलतदृगंचलचंचलमौिलकपोलिवलोलवतंसम् । रासे हिरिमह िविहतिवलासम् समरित मनो मम कृतपिरहासम् । धृवम्॥ अ प ५-१ पदचछेद .nchala= swaying. naayika -prauDha. fluted. raase= in ronde dance. reminds. चनदकचारमयूरिशखणडकमणडलवलियतकेशम् । पचुरपुरनदरधनुरनुरिञतमेदुरमुदीसुवेशम्॥ अ प ५-२ पदचछेद . she got guts in regaining it . frolics – one who frolicking with others in ronde. mohana named. flitting from one maid to the other only to observe their observation of his fluting fugues. upon whose eyes sidelong glances.. [lusciousness].nchala= swaying. swaying. mohana= causing delight. adhara= from lips. dR^ik a. mohana= causing delight. such a harim. tataH saH raaghavaH diinaH sugriivam idam abraviit. mohana named. diinaa api forlorn one. nodding.. is there. albeit. mama manaH smarati= my. with ambrosial. he spoke to sugriiva self-confidently.nsham= bamboo flute.nchalat= pulsating. even if Rama became a forlorn one. "Upon whose head a diadem of peacock feathers. him my heart recollects. [api cet = even.. chalita= flitting. kR^ita parihaasam= one who is making... Here it is reversed to sikhanakha paryanta varNana .nchala = eye.. knobby ear-hangings – one who has such earhangings. blithely making fun of me.nsam= on cheeks. 4-6-23. va.depiction from toe to top. frolics. Verse Locator अ प .चनदक चार मयूर िशखणडक मणडल वलियत केशम् पचुर पुरनदर धनुः अनुरिं जत मेदुर मुदीर सुवेशम् । रासे हिरिमह.. though]. parihaasam= fun of me. iha= here..nchalat= pulsating. dhvani= by melody. mauli= head. my heart reminds me of Krishna alone. mauli= half-crown. harim= of Krishna [alone. metre hariNi.as she is ecstatic. iha= now. adhara= sudhaa madhura [dhvani] = from lips. one with blithe indifference towards me – one who has utterly ignored me. vata. here he is frolicking in ronde dance. or. a pa 5-2. chandraka= plumage of peacock; chaaru= beautiful; mayuura= of peacock; shikhaNDaka= tail, plumes with eyelike markings; maNDala= with a bunch of; valayita= enwreathed; kesham= [blackish] hairstyle; prachura= expansive; purandara dhanuH= Indra's, bow = rainbow; anura.njita= decorated with, with a wraparound; medura= thickly; mudiira= [like] cloud; su vesham= with beautiful, attire; reprise: raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose blackish hairstyle a splendid wreath of peacock-plumery with moonlike markings is there; upon whose sapphirine body a spectacular ochry golden silk attire is there with which he takes after a cerulean cloud with a wraparound of a expansive rainbow... him my heart recollects... such as he is, he is frolicking here in ronde, blithely making fun of me... albeit, my heart reminds me of that Krishna alone... [a pa 5-2] There are two concepts here. One, any seen peacock is reminding her of Krishna as he has peacock plumes in his crown. The other, every cloud is appearing like him, as blue-black, cerulean hue, is common to both, and common are the colourful rainbow on a cloud and rainbow-like attire on this boy. Hence she is in a fit of the blues. गोपकदमबिनतमबवतीमुखचुमबनलिमभतलोभम् । बनधुजीवमधुराधरपललवमुललिसतिसमतशोभम्॥ अ प ५-३ पदचछेद - गोप कदंब िनतंब वती मुख चुंबन लंिभत लोभम् बंधु जीव मधुर अधर पललवम् उललिसत िसमत शोभम् - रासे हिरिमह ... पिरहासम् a pa 5-3. gopa= milkmaids; kada.mba= group of [samuuha, brindam, nikurambam, kadambam amara kosha; not Kadamba tree]; nita.mba vatii= with beamy buttocks, women having them [gagana jaghana]; mukha= face; chu.mbana= in kissing; la.mbhita= that which is acquired [his own interestedness]; lobham= interested in, curious; ba.ndhujiiva= bandhuuka flower, a rosy red flower; madhura= dainty; adhara= lower lip; pallavam= tender leaf like; ullasita= beaming; smita= smile; shobham= by which he is shining forth; reprise; raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose face an air of curiousness, in making the hosts of beamy buttocked milkmaids to kiss, is there; upon whose face dainty and leaflet like lips that resembles the roseate bandhuuka flower are there; upon which lips a beaming smile is there, with which he ever shines forth, him my heart collect... but, he is frolicking here in ronde, blithely making fun of me... yet, my heart reminds me of Krishna alone... [a pa 5-3] Please read the word mukha as face, but not as mouth, since mouth's function is different from that of lips, insofar as kissing is concerned. Whenever Rādha sees a Bandhuuka flower, a rosy red flower, Krishna's delicate lower lip is coming to her mind, but unavailable is his face, as other round-bottomed girls are invading it. Then why not Rādha follow the suite of other girls? How can she do so, when others are mobbing him? Moreover she wants him, only for herself, without any sharing or partaking. Then the friend may question her, asking 'why you are after that boy when he is after those many?' For that Rādha's answer is: 'He is fully interested in me... none else... la.mbhita lobham... but he acquired an interestedness, created by those girls, when all those girls forcibly dragged him away, so allowed them to kiss his face... hence, I extol him and his attributes, as he really belongs to me...' Round-bottomed milkmaids... ni.ndaa vaacaka... Rādha is sneering at other girls for their ungainly physique, as Rādha herself is the most beautiful girl. िवपुलपुलकभुजपललववलियतवललवयुवितसहसम् । करचरणोरिस मिणगणभूषणिकरणिविभनतिमसम्॥ ५-४ पदचछेद - िवपुल पुलक भुज पललव वलियत वललव युवित सहसम् कर चरण उरिस मिण गण भूषण िकरण िविभन तिमसम् - रासे हिरिमह...पिरहासम् a pa 5-4. vipula= immense; pulaka= with frisson; bhuja pallava= arms, tender leaf like; valayita= encircled [embraced]; vallava yuvati sahasram= cowmen, maids, thousands [and thousands of milkmaids]; kara charaNa urasi= on hands, feet, chest; maNi gaNa bhuuSaNa = jewels, sets of, jewelry; kiraNa= [by that jewelry's] shaft of light, [luminosity]; vibhinna tamisram= dispelled, darkness [gloom]; raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose chest, hands and feet an assortment of jewellery is there that dispels luminosity, especially when hosts of milkmaids embrace him with their leaflet like frissony arms, just to dispel darkness around, him my heart recollects... but, here he is frolicking in ronde, blithely making fun of me... yet, my heart reminds me of such a Krishna alone... [a pa 5-4] The word tamisram is not the darkness of night alone, but the general darkness, gloom, ignorance etc., as in tamasomaa jyotir gamayaH. A single ray of light from his jewellery is enough to dispel any kind of darkness, then what more can be said of his total jewellery and about himself. Thus the ignorance of all the other milkmaids is dispelled, call them as sages and saints of Ramayana times, as you may, as a kind of deliverance. On Rādha's side, she is remembering their starting time episodes. When they started homeward the night was falling, and the pathway was darksome. Krishna played her along till she came very near to him. But when she neared him all the darkness around them is dispelled only because of the luminosity of his jewellery, and she was prudish to be with him in broad daylight like resplendence. She ran away into darkness. But he is already there with his luminosity and it was inescapable for her to avoid him, in many an attempt. In the meanwhile other milkmaids came and carried him away, and she is disgruntled, and now she is grunting about it. जलदपटलवलिदनदुिवननदकचनदनितलकललाटम् । पीनपयोधरपिरसरमदरनिनदरयहृदयकवाटम्॥ ५-५ पदचछेद - जलद पटल वलत् इनदु िविननदक चनदन ितलक ललाटम् पीन पयोधर पिरसर मदरन िनदरय हृदय कवाटम् - रासे हिरिमह ... पिरहासम् a pa 5-5. jalada paTala calat or valat indu = in clouds, crowds of, moving, moon; vi nindaka= verily, deploring - look down on; chandana tilaka= sandal paste [mark on forehead]; lalaaTam= one with such a forehead; piina= busty; payodhara= bosoms; [maNDala= area, bust] parisara= nearby, closely, tightly; mardana= on rubbing; nir daya= without, mercy - implacable; hR^idaya kavaaTam= -heart [chest,] door; raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose forehead a roundish mark of sandal paste that always spurns roundel moon moving in the crowds of clouds is there; upon whose chest busty milkmaids tightly rub their bosoms, making it hardened and a strong-doored-chest encasing his implacable heart… him my heart recollects… but, he is frolicking here in ronde, blithely making fun of me... albeit, my heart reminds me of Krishna alone... [a pa 5-5] The moon moving in clouds is reminding her about the round sandal-paste mark on Krishna's forehead. The moon may not be moving in clouds as in shaakhaa-candra nyaaya, but Krishna's head is definitely and constantly nodding while piping his flute. Then his face is like a mass of clouds, and sandal mark on forehead is brilliant than the semi-visible moon in clouds. Though he is boy his chest is so hardened to keep his all-loving heart in a strong-doored strongroom. From his childhood his chest is rubbed against busty bosomy breasts, either of women of vraj, or of demoness puutana from madhura. Hence this boy is calculatingly entertaining unassuming milkmaids, but heedless of Rādha, as her claim is for ownership of the very same boy, and hence Rādha is with this discontentment, yet not able to forget him. मिणमयमकरमनोहरकुणडलमिणडतगणडमुदारम् । पीतवसनमनुगतमुिनमनुजसुरासुरवरपिरवारम्॥ ५-६ पदचछेद - मिण मय मकर मनोहर कुणडल मिणडत गणडम् उदारम् पीत वसनम् अनुगत मुिन मनुज सुर असुर वर पिरवारम् - रासे हिरिमह ... पिरहासम् a pa 5-6. maNi maya= gems, full with; makara= crocodile; manohara= heart-stealing; kuNDala= knobby ear-hangings; maNDita= decorated, [illuminates as in 3 decorate (an initial letter, a manuscript, etc.) with gold, silver, or brilliant colours etc.]; gaNDam= one with such jawlines; udaaram = a glorious one; piita vasanam= ochry silks, clad in; anu gata= in tow, followed by; muni= sage; manuja= human; sura= gods; asura= demon; vara parivaaram= best, followers, fraternity; raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose jawlines crocodile-like ear-hangings will be swaying, illuminating his sapphirine cheeks with every libration of his flute; upon whose sapphirine body golden ochry silks with brilliant colour are there as puNya vastra, vestire sancta; my heart recollects such a glorious one with a best fraternity of gods, demons, and men following him… but, he is frolicking here in ronde, blithely making fun of me... yet, my heart reminds me of Krishna alone... [a pa 5-6] Here his followers are said in singular, but we usually take it as plural for generalisation. In singularity they are: among gods it is Sage naarada; among demons it is Emperor Bali; among humans it is Bhiishma pitaamah, where all the three symbolise 'surrendering, forfeiture, dedication...' naarada is an out-and-out dedicatee of Vishnu and his incarnations, Emperor Bali is a non-naysayer, and Bhiishma is renowned for his forfeiture of a vast kingdom for the sake of one solemn promise. Of course, Rādha as an illiterate 'thumb-impression' girl may not know all these things, but the poet knows, and hence he puts these expressions on her tongue, since she too is no less a devotee. She as a poor girl from a hamlet may not have kingdoms to forgo like Bhiishma, forgo spheres of worlds like Bali, and utmost scriptural knowledge like Narada, But she is female and female's body and soulalone are her property or possessions, which she wants to surrender unto Supreme Being. िवशदकदमबतले िमिलतम् किलकलुषभयम् शमयनतम् । मामिप िकमिप तरनगदनङदृशा मनसा रमयनतम्॥ ५७ पदचछेद - िवशद कदंब तले िमिलतम् किल कलुष भयम् शमयंतम् माम् अिप िकम् अिप तरंगत् अनंग दृशा मनसा रमयंतम् - रासे हिरिमह ... पिरहासम् a pa 5-7. vishada= serene; kada.mba tale= at kadamba tree, base; militam=mingled, arrived at; kali= praNaya kalaha = niggling in romance/ Kali, the fourth era; kaluSa= manaH kaaluSya= blemish; bhayam = fear; shamaya.ntam= mollifier; kim api tara.ngat = a little, roving; ana.nga dR^ishaa manasaa = with Love-god's, look [with passionate looks], with such intentions; maam api= me, even; ramaya.ntam = he who has exhilarated; raase harimiha ... parihaasam= as above. "Upon whose face there are roving eyes that intentionally flit with passionate looks; upon him my heart recollects for he is a mollifier of niggles in romance who earlier used to come to the base of a certain serene kadamba tree just to exhilarate me... but, now he is frolicking here in ronde, blithely making fun of me... albeit, my heart reminds me of Krishna alone... [a pa 5-7] kadamba tale militam: He who is mixed up or mingled in the darkness at a peaceful kadamaba tree, pre-set by me, only to hoodwink me; kali kaluSa... one as above, and the other is the mollifier of the blemishes of Kali era, the fourth era; drishaa, manasaa ca - not only by his gracious looks but with his kind heart also; maam api - even me, as I deserve supreme love and affection of the Supreme, as none other can exhilarate me; lokottara prema arhiNii - raadhika, hence I reminisce about him... शीजयदेवभिणतमितसुनदरमोहनमधुिरपुरपम् । हिरचरणसमरणम् पित संपित पुणयवतामनुरपम्॥ ५-८ पदचछेद - शी जयदेव भिणतम् अित सुनदर मोहन मधु िरपु रपम् हिर चरण समरणम् पित संपित पुणयवताम् अनुरपम् - रासे हिरिमह ... पिरहासम् a pa 5-8. shrii= shrii suukti= sacred saying; jayadeva bhaNitam= by jayadeva, said; ati sundara= most, beautiful; mohana= enrapturing [physically rapturous to milkmaids, divinely to whole of the world]; madhu ripu= Madhu, the demon's, enemy's Krishna; ruupam = form; puNyavataam= pietistic people; hari charaNa= at Krishna's, feet, or, Krishna’s, comportment – in conducting raasa liila etc; smaraNam prati= towards cogitation; samprati= presently [in this kali yuga]; anuruupam = presuming that he is absolutely predisposed towards her . vihaariNii= frolicking. he is frolicking here in ronde. The mood of heroine is known as utkaNThita . heart] bhramaat api= by mistake. in other places there is yamaka alankara. Though these songs of Jayadeva peripherally appear as just wordplay and singable songs.. they are replete with moods. hence alankaara is vibhaavana alankaara. In next song every expression is from the viewpoint of Rādha in a sort of self-eulogy. There is no reason or motive as to why she should love Krishna. quivering. group of [lot of. though he is overambitiously frolicking with other damsels leaving me in lurch. But if read with next verse. anguished.nchati= error. mR^idu madhura smita bhaaSitayaa..mpam a. oh. a befitting saying for pietistic people to cogitate over the feet of Krishna in this Kali era. even [repeatedly]. who had such and such experience. In summary. kR^ita pari rambhaNa chumbanayaa 'she who had kisses after a bracing embrace' etc.leftish states.गणयित गुण गामम् भामम् भमात् अिप नेहते वहित च पिरतोषम् दोषम् िवमुंचित दूरतः युवितषु वलत् तृषणे कृषणे िवहािरिण माम् िवना पुनः अिप मनः वामम् कामम् करोित करोिम िकम् 2.. distantly. parihaasam= as above. albeit. kim karomi= what.nga ka. hariNi . bhaamam nehate= resentment. heart. yuvatiSu= among damsels. ambitiously [involved] in such a Krishna..] reckoning. bearing up. kaamam= abhilASa= desire. statements like madana manoratha bhaavitayaa will mean .is its metre. gestures. my heart reminds me of Krishna alone. though he has no inclination in her.'she who talks dear and softly'. mama manaH vaamam= my. [mama manaH= my.ngakam aavaha. [mama manaH= my. heart] punaH api= again. is eligible even now to get his love. valat tR^iSNe kR^iSNe = one over. thinking that he does not err. friend. him my heart recollects… but.befitting saying/poem. discarding his errors distantly my heart is reckoning a lot of his noble traits alone… it does not think of resenting him even by mistake.ngiim utkaNThitaam vadati taam bharataH || She who is in high fervidity of lovesickness. So. hence viSeSokti alankaara. heart] paritoSam vahati ca= gladness. karoti= doing [inciting]. and postures etc of dance forms.. even. .mutually contradictory states of mind. [2-2] vaamam .. these roundabout sayings mean: 'because she. thinks not. "Upon whose beautiful and all-enrapturing form a sacred saying is said by Jayadeva. In verse of bharata muni uddaapanamanmatha mahaa jvara vepamaanaam romaa. as contained in naaTya shaastra.ncaka kaNTakitam a.. I should do. guNa graamam gaNayati= [his] traits. it is Rādha's dialogue that is continued. Let's load them later. limbs in frisson. also. discarding. gladdening in an unbefitting time.ntiim | sa. For e. more so. [mama manaH= my. what am I to do.mveda vepadhu ghanotkalika akula a. is divergent. raase harimiha . inciting repeated desire in me for that Krishna alone. or faculty. "My heart is diverging from my control.g.'she who is having a desire'. the treatise of dance of bharata.heroine in ecstasy. doshham duurataH vimu. highly ecstatic. without [leaving me out]. hè sakhii= oh friend. though he is erroneous. maam vinaa= me.. Verse Locator गणयित गुणगामम् भामम् भमादिप नेहते । वहित च पिरतोषम् दोषम् िवमुञचित दूरतः । युवितषु वलसतृषणे कृषणे िवहािरिण माम् िवना ४पुनरिप मनो वामम् कामम् करोित करोिम िकम्॥ २२ पदचछेद . blithely making fun of me. as it will be confusing whether Rādha is saying this. [a pa 5-8] The last line of reprise is generally removed in this verse.. her bharata muni calls tkaNThita naayika.. or it is the poet's saying. my heart bears up gladness on thinking about him.all these are vaamam. though he is frolicking with other girls she is all praise for him. friend. hundreds of. rati= intimacy.. madana manoratha bhaavitayaa = for love. sing. sa vikaaram= with all. the subjugator of – Krishna subjugated that demon by beguiling. as my heart is filled with love for him. oh.. gatayaa= one who has gone [Rādha -when I have gone into an alcove]. "One night when I have gone into a prearranged lonely alcove I was startled for his truancy and started to see all around for him.. madana manoratha bhaavitayaa = for love.make him to take delight in me.while I show all vikaaraaH .stana naabhii muula prakaTanam ityaadi cheSTaaH during our union. nishi= in night. rabhasa= hastiness. A beguiler must be capable enough to get his things done. prathama samaagama lajjitayaa = during first. keshi mathanam= demon keshi. Because.alcove.. my mind and heart are eager for his love]. but that bounteous pleasure-giver was already there. or. coming earlier and hiding in the darkness.' Here these 3rd per. saamarathya are suggested here. सिवकारम्॥ अ प ६-२ पदचछेद .. heart seeking. vilokita sakala dishaa = [I who was] seeing around.laughing at her for not finding him who is already at her side. as far as possible Verse Locator अष पिद ६ अकलेश केशव मङजरी ितलकम् िनभृतिनकुञगृहम् गतयािनिशरहिसिनलीयवसनतम् । चिकतिवलोिकतसकलिदशा रितरभसभरेणहसनतम् । सिख हे केिशमथनमुदारम् । रमय मया सह मदनमनोरथभािवतया सिवकारम् धृवम्॥ ६१ पदचछेद .िनभृत िनकुञ गृहम् गतया िनिश रहिस िनलीय वसनतम् चिकत िवलोिकत सकल िदशा रित रभसभरेण हसनतम् सिख हे केिश मथनम् उदारम् रमय मया सह मदन मनोरथ भािवतया सिवकारम् a pa 6-1. meeting [I who was] bashful. chakita= startled [when I was startled]. or a bountiful one – Krishna. He beguiles everyone who goes on a wrong track. in all. once he met me in this way: nibhR^ita= lonely. if he/she seeks him for their ulterior motives. along with [in me]. mayaa saha= me. who is agog. nakha kShata aadi naanaa sRingaara vikaaraiH.. सिवकारम् ू a pa 6-2. are reduced to 1st per. bhareNa . hence keshi mathana came mean – a habitual beguiler.. vasantam= on who is already staying there. gR^iham= in such a cabin .raseNa= he who is filled with..or . met me. then he suddenly appeared from nowhere startling me again. niku~nja= bower. rahasi= secretly.. but smiling wryly with all his lustful comportment… then he. filled with hastiness for an exigent intimacy. mayaa saha= me. one who with such thinking – I who am longing for love of that Krishna. paTu chaaTu shataiH = capable [with reassuring words]. suggests that he beguiles anyone. anukuulam= agreeable [he .. hiding. ramaya= so.he who is besides me. you make him to take delight [in me]. silent. heart seeking. good words. mayaa saha= me. ramaya= you make him to take delight [in me]. he sakhi= oh.. udaaram= [let that] beautiful one. only to bring him to the right path. along with. [a pa 6-1] keshi madhanam . one who with such thinking – I who am desirous. along with . keshi mathanam= demon keshi.. when applied to Rādha .. friend.Krishna beguiles the demon keshi in order to eliminate him. the subjugator of – such a Krishna. niliiya= merged. पथमसमागमलिजजतया पटुचाटुशतैरनुकलम् । ू मृदुमधुरिसमतभािषतया िशिथलीकृतजघनदुकलम् । ू सिख . why don't you make him to take a similar delight in me even now. hasantam= one who is smiling. so Krishna's vancakatva.पथम समागम लिजजतया पटु चाटु शतैः अनुकलम् मृदु मधुर ू िसमत भािषतया िशिथली कृत जधन दुकलम् सिख . In this verse he is said to be hasantam . directions.. his actions – when applied to applicable to Krishna. as my heart is filled with love for him. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him. along with [in me]. mayaa saha= me. . silent. sakhi … savikaaram= as above. dukuulam= silk dress. shithilii kR^ita . sweetly.naakaya uttama . making bracing embraces he kissed and swilled my lips graspingly. िकसलयशयनिनवेिशतया िचरमुरिस ममैव शयानम् । कृतपिररमभणचुमबनया पिररभय कृताधरपानम् । सिख . eyelids. hugging [graspingly]. smiling.made me agreeable to him]. "I was very bashful on my first tryst… but saying hundreds of reassuring good words he brought me round… then.sa aananda bhaavam shrama miilita akSham lalaatikam tatva vido vadanti || अलसिनमीिलतलोचनया पुलकाविललिलतकपोलम् । शमजलसकलकलेवरया वरमदनमदादितलोलम् । सिख . just tied with a simple knot while a golden girdle string .सिख .. [a pa 6-2] prathama samaagama lajjita . alasa= tired.prathamam iha deyam puuga puSpaadikam syaat mridu madhu vacobhiH vojayet tat sannidhaanam. pari rabhya= in besetting manner. thereby. only.mekhala . lochanayaa= with eyes [rather.... सिवकारम् a pa 6-4. myself]..savikaaram= reprise. filled with hastiness for an intimacy..niira aalingana . pari rambhaNa= bracing. oh.िकसलय शयन िनवेिशतया िचरम् उरिस मम एव शयानम् कृत पिररमभण चुमबनया पिररभय कृत अधरपानम् सिख . sweetly and smilingly. swilled. chiram= all the time. met me.. [a pa 6-3] The first embracing is called kShirra .hero has some techniques of speaking good and soft words in first meeting ..nimiilita= slouching.the silk dress collapsed on its own. unaware when my silken dress slipped from my hips. even now. jaghana= hip.सिवकारम्॥ अ प ६४ पदचछेद . and uncertain in fist tryst. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him. why don't you make such excited Krishna to take a similar delight in suchlike me. kR^ita= on making. niveshitayaa= placed in [on reposing me]. kisalaya= tender grass. sakhi .cumbostavam nR^ityati yatra naarii proktam samauSTam kavibhiH puraaNaiH ||. neither Rādha nor Krishna are responsible for it .. lower lip.. as above. shayaanam= he who reposed on it.अलस िनमीिलत लोचनया पुलक आविल लिलत कपोलम् शम जल सकल कलेवरया वर मदन मदात् अित लोलम् . I was speaking softly..damsels are bashful.antarbhaavita Nic` . filled with hastiness for an eager intimacy. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him.. mama urasi eva= on my.... And then the type of kissing said in . shayana= as bed. then he... सिवकारम् a pa 6-3. chumbanayaa= with kisses.is helping it to remain on her hips... lawn. bhaaSitayaa= one who is speaking [Rādha. friend. "Reposing me on a bed-like lawn he reposed on my chest all along.her ecstasy made that knot to loosen and girdle string to unfasten .. even now.niivii ca skhalati sthitaa api su dhR^iDham kaamengite yoSitaam.parirabhya kR^itaa adhara paaanam is called lalaaTika .is called jaghanopa shleSa karajadana kR^ityam cumbanam vaa vidhastsuH | kathayati jaghanopa shleSam enam muniindraH || Then the kissing is called samauSTa . also called tila-tanDula ..it is already a slippery silk sari. why don't you make him to take suchlike delight in suchlike me. friend. met me. then he. सिवकारम्॥ अ प ६-३ पदचछेद . But when the heroine has seen Super hero ..kaante talpam paagate shithilitaa niivii svayam bandhanaat..... And kRita parirambha cumbanayaa . chest. embraces. mR^idu madhura smita= softly. shithilii kR^ita= collapse.. and such . oh. bharata muni paTu caaru shataiH anukuulam . na uktaH kasmaat it nava vadhuu ceSTitam cintayantii pascaattapam vahati taruNii premNi jaate rasaj~nayaa. kR^ita adhara paanam= done.gingelly seeds and rice embrace. made to [stripped down].. bharata muni jaghana dukuulam .milk-water embrace.. सिख .savikaaram= as above. kokila= kokila.. ghana= busty. Krishna is said to have lovely tingling on his cheeks and it is called saattvika vikaara -which is of eight kinds as bharata muni says: svedaH kampaH atha romaancaH svara bhangaH atha vepadhuH | vaivarNyam ashru pralayau iti aSTau saattvikaaH smR^itaaH || ... kokila= like koel. one who gave as a gift. copulation. why don't you make such a passionate Krishna to take similar delight in suchlike me even now. mekhalayaa = girdle-chainset.anaghR^iSTa cumbana -.सिख . made to jingle. or of Rādha]. kala rava= inexplicable.. sakala kalevarayaa= whose whole. Actually 'beddable' is considered seductive or sexually attractive .. stana= bosoms. nakha= by nails. voice fading. sakhi . mani nuupurayaa= gemmy. body is. कोिकलकलरवकिजतया िजतमनिसजतंतिवचारम् । ू शलथकुसुमाकुलकुनतलया नखिलिखतघनसतनभारम् । सिख . paripuurita surata vitaanam= fulfilled.. thrilling. while he. चरणरिणतमिननूपुरया पिरपूिरतसुरतिवतानम् । मुखरिवशृङलमेखलया सकचगहचुंबनदानम् । .चरण रिणत मिन नूपुरया पिरपूिरत सुरत िवतानम् मुखर िवशृंखल मेखलया सकच गह चुंबन दानम् .. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him. ta. chu. she served like a bed to her inamorato. aakula kuntalayaa= tousled. with a group of [bandha bheda sahita ratim]. सिवकारम् a pa 6-5. mastered. black singing bird. and I was slumping under my nail-scratched buxomy bosoms upon which he is reposing… all this in the good old days… even now.. filled with hastiness for an exigent intimacy. shivering... bhaaram= I who had to bear the weight [of such bosoms and that of Krishna on such bosoms]. flowers –flowers slipped from my braid..] by intemperance. hair bun.adj. braid [my hair tousled].. sa kacha graha= by.according to sringaara shaastra..let him take delight in suchlike me. kaama shaastra].sweating.nkhala= unfettered. love-god [passion. scratched. kuujitayaa= one who cooing like that [myself].सिख . friend. ati lolam= wholly.yatra lolaa aakhyaatam rasaj~naiH anghR^iSTa sanj~nam || And by embracing his love. pulaka= tingles. manasi ja = mind. "I was tired then. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him. jita = one who conquered. “I was cooing and calling like a koel or a pigeon when that prodigy in every treatise of lovemaking was further examining the possibilities of taking further delight in me. Here. shrama jala= strain. such as we were. cooing. सिवकारम्॥ अ प ६-६ पदचछेद . [such as I was]. fallen down. sakhi . charaNa raNita= by feet.ntra= treatise [of Love. likhita= written. born one [Lovegod]. the type of kissing is called . swinging . [next] vi+shR^i. hair tousled. .. सिवकारम् a pa 6-6. wobbling. aavali= a series of. tears of happiness.mbana daanam= kiss.. why don't you make him to take delight in such a beddable ladylove like me. kuujitayaa= calling / cooing –I who has such faculty. on grasping.savikaaram= as above. anklets. oh.कोिकल कल रव किजतया िजत मनिसज तंत िवचारम् शलथ कुसुम ू आकुल कुनतलया नख िलिखत घन सतन भारम् . sakhi . vara madana madaat= utmost. kalaraa= like a pigeon. vichaaram = one who can ponder over such lovemaking treatises [Krishna].that Krishna .. lalita= delicate.... we first met.. colloq. or tearless state these eight are temperate moods.. met me. while flowers from my braid slithered. सिवकारम्॥ ६-५ पदचछेद . hence my eyelids were slouching. mukhara= while [anklets are] jingling.as I was]. shlatha kusuma= slithered. or. while his body too was highly vibrating with passionate intemperance. his delicate cheeks too experienced a series of tingles. colour fading. [a pa 6-4] By the slouching eyelids.savikaaram= as above. [a pa 6-5] The type of scratching with nails is called panjakaja patra . kapolam= cheeks [of Krishna. water [sweat]. then whole of my body was wet with sweat. rasaa alasayaa= by delight. sa liilam= having. sarojam= lotuses. would be harmful. romantic frolics [of Krishna]. सिवकारम्॥ ६-७ पदचछेद .. atishaya= by far. siitaa kalyaan in Ramayana. Better limit them up to that stage. or deducing from such half-baked translations like these.. mukulita= closed. possible only for yogis or experts in sringaara shaastra. na eva aagataH samuciteSu api vaasareSu. on purchasing cheap books sold on railway platforms. bhaNitam idam= said.. "When I with my creeper-plant-like body was reposing on lawn. madhu ripu= Madhu's. and we are told that a threat of death looms on one's head.. [a pa 6-7] Here the heroine is utkanThita . niHsaha= weakened. one who reveres the feet of Goddess LakShmi.सिख .. [vaH= for all of us]. dara= a little. why don't you make him to take delight in me even now..शी जयदेव भिणतम् इदम् अितशय मधु िरपु िनधुवन शीलम् सुखम् उतकिणठत गोप वधू किथतम् िवतनोतु स लीलम् . reposing on lawn... then he grasped my hair-bun to give a dole of kiss.. explained by vaastyaana kaama suutra-s. or. without proper knowledge. enemy . सिवकारम्॥ अ प ६-८ पदचछेद . amply.is not a crude type. sakhi . if these yogic practices are practiced.Krishna's. सिवकारम् a pa 6-7. sukham vi tanotu= blessedness. That's all. jayadeva = [such a] Jayadeva. namely indraaNi bandha etc. lustfully waiting for the arrival of hero. the demon.. and salute him. and when my girdle-chain-set has fallen down in that act. And making this sort of girdle-chain to fall without unfastening is called prenkhollikita vipariita rati . but again a climatic and masterly act.where vipariita rati . good saying.."My gemmy anklets that usually jingle with every footstep of mine are made more jingly when he copulated with me in different conjoining postures. bharata muni. pass around. where that girdle ornament contains festoons of golden strings. शीजयदेवभिणतिमदमितशयमधुिरपुिनधुवनशीलम् । सुखमुतकिणठतगोपवधूकिथतम् िवतनोतु सलीलम् । सिख . he too reposed on lawn as he was weakened and his lotusy eyes were half-shut… but.is many kinds of unions. such as we were we met to the content of our hearts. udita= arisen. ni patita= down.. nidhuvana shiilam= romances... sakhi . subjugator. and with me]. joy. even now. . having accounts of. passion.सिख . fallen. The girdlechain-set is not an exaggerated expression. will be good for reading and listening.ecstatic one. he again sprang up as passion for me sprang up in him again… such as he was. climatic union etc. Krishna.. रितसुखसमयरसालसया दरमुकुिलतनयनसरोजम् । िनःसहिनपितततनुलतया मधुसूदनमुिदतमनोजम् । सिख . savikaaram= as above. viraha jvara taaita angiim utkanThitaam vadati taam bharata kaviindra. [a pa 6-6] The expression surata vitaanam .. kathitam= told by her.. tanu= body. सिवकारम् a pa 6-8. when my heart and mind are filled with lustful longing for him.. Just construe that Krishna is a supramundane bhogi and yogi.. Please see Seetha's Marriage. like masterly acts. when my heart and mind are filled with lusting love for him. at time of. utkaNThita= one who is ecstacised . or told thru her. relaxing delightedly with uniontime-joyousness.Rādha. gopa vadhuu= milkers’.savikaaram= as above.. Trying to implement these things. damsels – milkmaid Rādha. rati sukha samaya= union. shrii= shrii suukti. manojam= mind born. One cannot be a yogi unless he is a bhogi.. this one.रित सुख समय रसा अलसया दर मुकुिलत नयन सरोजम् िनःसह िनपितत तनु लतया मधु सूदनम् उिदत मनोजम् . ranging from a set of three to hundreds. nayana= eyes. Caveat: All this stuff. relaxing. why don't you make him to take delight in suchlike me. latayaa= creeper plant like [myself. madhu suudanam= Madhu. Love-god.. where each type is detailed. kaanane= in woodlands. make sheep's eyes at with goggling eyes. I am wishing now to get Krishna to my side… oh. called nectar. hasta srasta= from hand. mob. This song will not heard. vi lajjitam= verily abashed. Verse Locator हसतससतिवलासवंशमनृजुभूवललीमदललवी । वृनदोतसािरदृगनतवीिककतमितसवेदादरगणदसथलम् । मामुदीकय िवलिजजतम् िसमतसुधामुगधाननम् कानने । गोिवनदम् वरजसुनदरीगणवृतम् पशयािम हृषयािम च॥ २-३ पदचछेद . when he was frolicking as he like with the flocks of milkmaids. mohana vamshi. friend. dR^ik a. vilaasa va. lalaaTaanupraasa. Hence it is ill fated to be sung.. the Flute.हसत ससत िवलास वंशम् अनृजु भू वललीमत् वललवी बृनद उतसािर दृक् अनत वीिककतम् अित सवेद आदर गणड सथलम् माम् उदीकय िवलिजजतम् िसमत सुधा मुगध आननम् कानने गोिवनदम् वरज सुनदरी गण वृतम् पशयािम हृषयािम च 2-3. vraja sundarii gaNa vR^itam= by Vraj. sweat. moist. as narrated by me. and peripherally it sounds 'bad' and no singer can go on singing for the sake the praise of alankaara or sringaara shaastra contained in it. on his pretty. pashyaami hR^iSyaami ca= I have seen. on goggling me his playful flute mohana vamshi slid from his hands. as he is abashed to be among the throngs of milkmaids… then. he sakhii= of. up to end . his cheeks became moist with sweat to see me suddenly… thus. dRiganta viikShitam= with sidelong looks. eka taala. valliimat= wiry. and he started to cast sidelong glances at me. slid."Let this song that contains the accounts of Krishna's romantic frolics.. Verse Locator दुरालोकसतोकसतबकनवकाशोकलितका । िवकासः कासारोपवनपवनोऽिप वयथयित । . or.This is according to her ownership's viewpoint. are not in appreciation. If at all it is sung.Really? [2-3] Words of Rādha like 'I am delighted.. as he was abashed to be in their company.. meaning that. and none sings them in the tunes suggested by the poet-singer-dancer Jayadeva these days. I am happy etc'.nta= eye. as he solely belongs to her. seeing [seeing me by raising his neck.sringaara. friend.sidelong glances. for all of us… such as I am a well-wisher of one and all. when I long for him?" . up. an ecstasied milkmaid called Rādha. maam ut viikShya= me. an + R^iju= not. ati sveda aardra= one with . "when I suddenly gone into ronde. why don't you make him to take delight in me even now. utsaari= to ward off. again both are unknown tunes and rhythms in these days. but they are her snappish words with jealousy and derision. places. when my heart and mind are filled with love-longing for him. In another way: bR^inda= groups of belles. and such as he was. friend. vallavii bR^inda= milk maids'. in dispelling. [a pa 6-8] Some sentences are ellipted in the above song for summing up for the subtext.nsham= playful. maam ud viikShya= me. I am delighted. gaNDa sthalam=on cheek. naayaka -dakShiNa. diipaka . face. in general. straight. now why doesn't he come now. I suddenly entered the ronde… then. "Oh. his wiry awry eyebrows raised. shaarduula vikriiDitam is its metre.much. while I was present. of Brindavan. flowing raising head to catch a glimpse of Rādha over the heads of milkmaid gang. paancaalii riiti. awry. broadly pass blessedness all round. whose face is pretty and whose smile is nectarean. and as penned by a worshipper of Goddess LakShmi called poet Jayadeva. I must be delighted . govindam= at Krishna. it is singable in guNa kriya raaga. ut saari= up. he started to cast sidelong glances at other milkmaids to go away. he who is seeing. throng of. in woodlands of Brindavan… but to see him surrounded by mobs of belles of Braj.alankaara. on goggling. as it is loaded with some 'nakedness' in expression. vipralambha . bhruu= eyebrows. belles'. also. this repeats with every action of Krishna]. smita sudhaa mugdha aananam = he who has smile. viikShitam= one who is casting out. surrounded by. I saw him. hè bhagavad jano= oh. mukula prasuutiH= folded. navaka= new ones. cintayan= thinking. and the beauty of composition is in including the name of the metre of poem.. ramaNiiyaa= beautiful. in doing so they are artfully showing are their armpits and bosoms repeatedly... vikaasaH= blooming. for a lonesome girl it is impossible to see around this environ. and when it is blowing gently on fringe lands. corners . [ceSTitam= acts of those milkmaids].unblown buds. [2-4] kaasaara upavana in this the wind is gliding upon the lakes. of mango trees. god-loving people. navaH= ever new.. aliika= artfully. In mukula prasuuti the vernal mango trees are distressing even when their buds are in the process of parturition. god-loving people. also. friend. uurdhva hasta= lifting up. comforting. Why wind alone. whole environs is dullish. haratu= steal away. and when it is circling around tress. antaH= innerly [in his heart]. also. riiti . ciram = for a long time.samuccaya. smitam= having smiles. and he on seeing these wilful acts of simple-minded beauties of . lalaaTaanu praasa. bhraamyat= whirling. klesham= despairs. their buzzing. stabaka= bunches. vaH= our. twigs. latikaa= creeper.दुर् आलोक सतोक सतबक नवक अशोक लितका िवकासः कासार उपवन पवनः अिप वयथयित अिप च भामयत् भृङी रिणत रमणीया न मुकुल पसूितः अिप चूतानाम् सिख िशखिरणी इयम् सुखयित 2-4. hence it is cool. raNita= sounded by them.. they are raising up their arms as though to tie up their plaits. stoka= small. api ca= and. saakuuta= with inner meaning.साकत िसमतम् आकुला आकुल गलत् धिममललम् उललािसत ू भू वललीकम् अलीक दिशरत भुजा मूल ऊधवर हसत सतनम् गोपीनाम् िनभृतम् िनरीकय गिमत आकाङकः िचरम् िचनतयन् अनतः मुगध मनोहरम् हरतु वः कलेशम् नवः केशवः 2-5. na sukhayati= not. vritti/chandas shikhariNi. gloomy and feverish. namely shikhiriNi. they too. "Oh. keshavaH= Krishna. got rid of. bhujaa muula= shoulder. upavana= fringe lands. gamita= relieved. iyam chuutaanaam= this. api = even that. friend. arms. on which female honeybees are whirling and whirring. aakaa~NkShaH= longings. galat= slipping. offspring . shikhariNii= having apexes. he whose smiles imply something is seeing milkmaids who are with thrilling and throbbing. sakhi= oh. Some have understood this shikhiriNi as mountain. Verse Locator साकतिसमतमाकुलाकुलगलदिममललमुललािसत । ू भूवललीकमलीकदिशरतभुजामूलोधवरहसतसतनम् । गोपीनाम् िनभृतम् िनरीकय गिमताकाङकिशरम् िचनतयन् । अनतमुरगधमनोहरम् हरतु वः कलेशम् नवः केशवः॥ २-५ पदचछेद . dur aaloka= impossible. niriikShya= on seeing. stanam= bosoms. nibhR^itam= secretly. ullaasita= up raised. gopiinaam= of milkmaids mugdha manoharam [yathaa tathaa]= simple-minded. kaasaara = having lakes. But it is wholly torrid for her. "Oh. wiry ones. and flowers.. this gentle wind that glides upon the lakes and their fringe lands making new twigs of ashoka trees to bloom is distressing. in the song itself. to see round.maagadhi. bhR^iN^gii= female honeybees. heart-stealers [milkmaids]. dhammillam= hair bun. alankaara . api ca= even. are uncomfortable for me to see. and who knows what they will do when they are fully flowered. twigs. ashoka= of ashoka trees.armpits. vyathayati= distressing. vipralambha sringaara. by which their hair buns are loosened and braids slipping repeatedly. even the beautiful apexes of mango trees that have unblown buds. it is further cooled and collecting those flowers fragrances. in doing so. bhruu valliikam= eyebrow. pavanH= gentle wind. aakulaa aakula= thrills and throbs. their see-sawing curvaceous eyebrows also confirm their desire for him. it is getting fragrance. darshita= showing.अिप भामयदृङीरिणतरमणीया न मुकुल । पसूितशूतानाम् सिख िशखिरणीयम् सुखयित॥ २-४ पदचछेद . With this end benediction the poet is concluding the second chapter.ever-new Krishna. in giita govindam of Jayadeva. subhaaSitena giitena yuvatiinaam ca liilayaa | ceto na bhidyate yasya sa vai mukto athavaa pashuH || 'he who remains unperturbed by good sayings. alankaara aashiis. newer etc. sharduula vikriiDita . such as he is. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. new.' naayaka vidagdha. Verse Locator for Gita Govindam : Chapter 2 Top of Page 3 1 4 a pa 5 5 2 . he that ever-new Krishna shall deprive us of all of our despairs. a pa 6 . Previous sarga giirvaaNi Next Sarga 2003. samuccaya .. this is the 2nd chapter. he must be a saint or a beast. for he satisfied them to their content.instrument.. and he is becoming. or by the lovely acts of womenfolk..Brindavan. kShaNe kShaNe yat navataam upaiti tat eva ruupam ramaNiiyataayaaH whoever/whatever gets newness minute by minute that is the name of beauty. but available in south. only by these simple-minded acts of milkmaids. and stayed there thinking for along time.. nava Krishna . .its metre. [2-5] This verse will not be found in other recensions. Revised: Oct 08 . इित शी जयदेव कृतौ गीतगोिवनदे अकलेशकेशवो नाम िदतीयः सगरः Thus. Here Krishna himself is that newness. he got rid of his longings. aklesha kevashavam.. or by music. in an equal yearning. Verse Locator इतसततसतामनुसृतय रािधकाम् अनङबाणवरणिखनमानसः । कृतानुतापः सस किलनदनिनदनी तटानतकुङजे िवषसाद माधवः॥ ३-२ प-छे :. not only Rādha but Krishna also felt for the absence of Radha]. vraNa= wounded.nkhalaam [raadhaam ]= shackle [like] [such a raadha]. to other vraj. that Krishna. he will be shackled to live in this world under love-bondage. and longing further for that love.nsa ariH= kamsa's. nandinii= one who gladdens that Mt.Winsome Krishna मुगध मधुसूदनम् On establishing Rādha's sincere longing for Krishna in the earlier chapter. shR^i.bade adieu. api= even [also.कस अिरः अिप संसार वासना बनध शृंखलाम् राधाम् आधाय हृदये ततयाज वरज सुनदरीः 3-1. where gods adore and admire each other. since she impressed on his heart like a shackle-like bondage in this worldly life. sa. namely River Yamuna. taTa anta ku.] regretful [for unnecessarily neglecting Rādha]. bandha= bondage. called love.nje= on bank. at edge. Wounded with the arrows of Lovegod disheartened is his heart. itaH tataH= here. he slumped in a bower edging on the bank of yamuna river. ka. with such a heart. minus any quotient of living. beauties. Kalinda. now the poet commences this chapter to show how Krishna feels for her. Even Krishna with certain nostalgic reminiscences of Rādha. followed [on searching]. raadhaam aadhaaya hR^idaye = such a Rādha. that soul takes a rebirth. kR^ita anutaapaH= made [became. in his heart. vaasanaa= by nostalgic reminiscences . [3-2] Verse Locator . in a bower. he searched for her hither and thither. on retaining. kalinda = Mt. Kalinda. as she originated from this Mt. Verse Locator ं कसािररिप संसार वासना बनध शृङलाम् । राधामाधाय हृदये ततयाज वरजसुनदरीः॥ ३-१ ं प-छे :.Chapter [sarga] 3 . [3-1] If one can enjoy the love of Rādha. baaNa= arrow. taam raadhikaam anusR^itya= after her. viSasaada= slumped. and seraphically enjoy their divinity.of earlier births. there. thus he is regretful for his unnecessary neglect of Rādha.इतः ततः ताम् अनुसृतय रािधकाम् अनङ बाण वरण िखन मानसः कृत अनुतापः सः किलनद निनदनी तट अनत कु ंजे िवषसाद माधवः 3-2. that soul retains nostalgic reminiscences of this worldly love. ana~Nga= by formless one's [Love-god's]. When a departed soul cannot find any 'love' in heavens or other worlds. but when that attempt came to naught. enemy [Krishna]. tatyaaja vraja sundariiH= left off . khinna maanasaH= disheartened.. saH maadhavaH= he.nsaara= this worldly. that Rādha. bade adieu to other beauties of vraj. kariSyati= she can do. god. saa= she is. vismaya astonishment.अष पिद ७ । मुगध मधुसूदन हंस गीतम् मािमयम् चिलता िवलोकय वृतम् वधूिनचयेन । सापराधतया मयािप न वािरताितभयेन हिरहिर हतादरतया गता सा कुिपतेव । धृवम्॥ अ प ७-१ प . reprise : hari= oh. I fretfully didn't implore her to stay. translated as sentiment. bhaya fear..] by me. sa apaRādhatayaa mayaa api= with.. kim= what [possible deed to relieve herself of that anguish]. chalitaa = she went away [forsook]. It is the former that can become rasa. as if she is an ireful person. what is the use with those riches like house or other comforts without Rādha. hata adaratayaa = hurt. hata aadaraatayaa= marred. bhaavaa-s are of two kinds. gataa= she fled. which is very often though wrongly.. god. [a pa 7-1] िकम् किरषयित िकम् विदषयित सा िचरम् िवरहेण । िकम् धनेन जनेन िकम् मम जीवनेन गृहेण । हिरहिर … कुिपतेव । अ प ७-२ प . what is the use of prosperity. dhanena= with money [prosperity]. There is another variant as mama kim gR^iheNa sukhena 'even if riches are there. The writers of alankaara [rhetoric. kupitaa iva= resenting. kim vadiSyati= what.. people. which is said to be akin to the sublime bliss of God. what would she say if I were to go and beg her forgiveness. vilokya= on seeing. chiram= for a long time. god. courtesy.. mama= to me. fault [at fault. iyam= this [Rādha]. corresponding to nine bhaavaa-s: emotions. when she won't be with me. by saying the 'prosperity' his shriyaH patitvam 'the possessor of Goddess lakSmii' is suggested. na vaaritaa = not.' would be its import. "On seeing me amidst thronging folks of milkmaids this Rādha forsook me. But it can take different forms.' where romance is but on expressible component... as I was also at fault.. raudra fury. viraheNa= [in my] separation. or with my very personality.. she fled. vR^itam= surrounded [thronged]. sentiments. saa kupitaa iva= she is.. which she isn't. ati bhayena= highly.. god.I was highly fretfully..] "What would she do to relieve herself from the long-time anguish owing to my separation.छे:.. jiivitena kim= with [my] life. which are usually accepted as nine. Here we have to dwell a little while on rasa siddhaanta 'Treatises on Aesthetic Pleasure.. so she fled that flippantly. with fret .. And by the word 'people' his prajaa patitvam 'the mastership of living beings' in leading them in and out of mortality is suggested. vadhuu nichayena = with girls. saa= she. also.. as if. janena= with people [kim prayojanam = what is the use [with others without Rādha] gR^iheNa [kaa]= with a house [what use]. shoka sorrow. attentiveness [I was flippant of her. hari= oh. maam= me. poetics] follow the Upanishadic view generally. kim= what [kim prayojanam vinaa Rādhaa = what is the use of prosperities without Rādha]. god.. gataa= fled.. vexed one. as if. haasa mirth. A psychological theory that is a peculiarly Indian contribution is that of rasa. that is why I did not. a palace. god. hari hari= oh. utsaaha energy. what [is its usefulness.माम् इयम् चिलता िवलोकय वृतम् वधू िनचयेन स अपराधतया मया अिप न वािरता अित भयेन हिर हिर हत आदरतया गता सा कुिपता इव a pa 7-1. heaps of [flocks of milkmaids]. bhiibhatsa disgust. [a pa 7-2] Here. I was flippant of her. averted her. viira heroism. sthayii bhaava 'stable' bhaavaa-s and sancaarii bhaavaa-s or unstable bhaavaa-s. me who was. nirveda self- .िकम् किरषयित िकम् विदषयित सा िचरम् िवरहेण | िकम् धनेन जनेन िकम् मम जीवनेन गृहेण a pa 7-2. At their base lie the corresponding dominant feelings of rati sexual craving. shaanta quiet or peace. And with word 'house' bhuu patitvam 'lordship of abodes' is suggested. oh. oh. Rasa is aesthetic pleasure. krodha anger. and say that rasa is one and is Brahman. karuNa pity. so she fled flippantly]. she says [if I go and beg her forgiveness]. bhhayaanaka dread. oh. jugupsa aversion. adbhuta wonder.छे:. haasya laughter. unable to avert her parting. They are sringaara love. singing and listing music. or bitching.. According to some. The shR^ingaara rasa vibhaavaaH are R^itu maalyaa alankaaraiH priya jana gaandharva kaavya sevaabiH | upavana gamana vana vihaaaraiH shR^ingaara rasa samudbhavati 'acts befitting to the season. happiness.e. sleepiness. caariNaH = caranti iti vyabhicaariNaH = those that move. will be excitant factors for pleasing romantic feelings.] there are two stages in this rasa. svara bhango atha. samyoga [union] and vi yoga [separation. whom he once neglected. Then the shR^ingaara saattvika bhaavaaH expressions in pleasing romantics are sthambhH. the stage of separation is therefore superior to that of union. Krishna also has a longing feeling for his devotees. sadness. comport themselves. iti aSTau saattvikaa mataaH || | sh^ingaara tilaka freezing.The Cultural Heritage of India. Some of the many ensuants of this savoury called aesthetic pleasure are noted here. while the other in his absence they suffer the misery of separation and think of him all the time.' That is absolutely wrong from the viewpoint of aesthetics. 'As shR^ingaara has two aspects viz. self-confidence. Philosophies. namely. uneasiness are the feeling in pleasing romanticism.. One in his company as they are in union with him. and the like. uddiipana enhancing. confidence. voice change. craziness. like wearing garlands and ornaments. behave. abhi = abhimukhyena = before mukhyaH before important one. talking smilingly and melodiously.' The shR^ingaara rasa anuhaavaaH are nayana vadana prasaadaiH smita madhura vaco dhR^iti pramodaiH ca | madhuraiH svaa anga vikaaraiH tasyaa abhinayaH prayoktavyaH ' smiley faces and sparkling eyes. reminiscing.Philosophies. vyabhicaarii = vi abhi caarii. vi = visheSeNa = essentially. colour fade.. svedaH.a word need be said about this word. which the devotees enjoy. behaving with beautiful bodily gestures. by reinforcing ensuants anu bhaava.. they are bhaavaa-s emotions. astonishment. Coming to our mainstay. personified here as Rādha. shR^ingaara will be caused by vibhaava. jealousy. When it is said as 'he is appearing like an embodiment of romance. sentiments. vepadhuH | vaivarNyam. it is Krishna's personification. stolidity.. excited by sancaarii bhaava. uneasy thinking. with which all milkmaids enjoyed all the aesthetic pleasures endowed by him. And vibhaava-s are defined as| bhaavayanti visheSeNa ye rasaan vai manoharaan | te vibhaavaaH tu kathyante naaTya shaastra kovidaiH || taking its root visheSeNa bhaavayanti [manoharaan rasaan] iti vibhaavaaH 'those that can be heart-pleasingly experienced. So goes the list of moods and their expressions. With all this software Krishna makes others happy. both aalambana essential. atha romaancaH. self-torment are the eight states. Vol. happiness. pleasure tripping in gardens and pleasure-parks etc. shyness. enhanced by saattvika bhaara then it shines forth as shR^ingaara rasa.. say the hero. sweating. [rasa anubhuuti] . shR^ngaaara is explained as vibhaavairanubhaavaiH ca bhaavaH sancaarii saattvikaiH | janito bodhitaH sphiito vR^iddhaH shR^ingaa iti ucyate | bharata i. The usage of this word is now corrupt and used to mean 'a bitch. tearfulness.. vybhicaarii bhaavaas which follow in the wake of the dominant sentiments and diversify themselves. noticed by anu bhaava. These are roughly | doubt. Vol. voluntary and saatvika bhaava-sexpressions and also by certain accessories or subordinate feelings sancaarii bhaava-s. bristling. hilarity.' | The Cultural Heritage of India. reading poetry. let us call the 'pleasing romantic feelings' a time being.' The vyabhicaarii bhaavaaH .. Here he is in the state of smaraNa avastha 'reminiscing' his . ashru pralaya. moving with dear ones. Thus the explanations expand and expand.disparagement. III . shuddering. . III. And in shR^ingaara vyabhicaara bhaavaaH are shankaa asuuyaa tathaa glaaniH vyaadhi cintaaa smR^itiH | autsukam vismayaH harao vriiDaa unmaadau bhayam tathaa | viSaado jaDataa nidraa bahudhaa capalaa matiH |iti bhaavaa prayoktavyaaH shR^ingaare vyabhicaariNaH || shR^ingaara tilaka. misgiving.. at 1-11... which must be assisted by favourable excitants vi bhaava-s. so much so that they cannot see or experience anything but Krishna. slight fear. . कुिपते । अ प ७-५ प-छे :... futilely.ताम् अहम् हृिद संगताम् अिनशम् भृशम् रमयािम िकम् वने अनुसरािम ताम् इह िकम् वृथा िवलपािम तिनव िखनमसूयया हृदयम् तवाकलयािम a pa 7-4. tell me where you are. bhramareNa= by honeybee.. asuuyayaa khinnam= by jealousy.] "Oh. I appease. ad said 'what for. kim vilapaami= why. [or. कुिपतेव। अ प ७-४ प-छे :. akulam iva = agitated [frenzied. A lotus sways many times when jolted by a honeybee. shoNa= red. na vedmi= not. entwining threads and laces of many stories. tat= thereby. tat aananam chintayaami= that. as I am aware of your departure on account of your own jealousy. bhramataa= whirling. I needn't appease you. jealousy downhearted your heart.. I know it. I muse. iha vR^ithaa= now. I know... taam= her. not I.wrongdoing and her resent.. that is said to be pralaapanam 'an ecstatic talking. िचनतयािम तदाननम् कुिटलभु कोपभरेण । शोणपदिमवोपिर भमताकुलम् भमरेण। हिरहिर । कुिपतेव । अ प ७-३ प-छे :. te anunayaami= you. the word 'kim' can be taken as interrog. but first let him soliloquize what he has to say or feel for Rādha. and reddish lotus like face of Rādha/lotus still reddened.. Let him do so.तिनव िखनम् असूयया हृदयम् तव आकलयािम तत् न वेिद कुतः गता अिस नतेन ते अनुनयािम दृशयसे पुरतो गतागतमेव मे िवदधािस| a pa 7-5.] resembles. angering at bee/Krishna. te= you. kopa bhareNa=choler. now I reverently beseech you. upari= over. kutaH gataa asi= where. kuTila bhruu= curvy [knitted. face. why should I search?'] "Now why should I futilely search her in woodlands. and in doing so its petals widen and contract. hR^idi= in heart.िचनतयािम तत् आननम् कुिटल भू कोप भरेण शोण पदम् इव उपिर भमता अकुलम् भमरेण a pa 7-3.ngataam= unified... [a pa 7-3] 'I muse on that face. anusaraami= following [searching]. tena= thereby. natena= head bent [bowing.. comely Rādha. I worry]. downhearted. anisham= always. when she is always unified with my heart. because of your jealousy. whose talking will be over his dear ones. taam= about her. knitted eyebrows are knitting/opening petals. comely Rādha. Otherwise he will not have a chance to beg pardon. and it must be resemblant of a red-lotus frenzied at a whirling honeybee over it. reverently].' finishes with a word 'bemusedly.. and whom I always delight. aakalayaami= [thus] I reckon.. vane= in woodland. na anunayaami= not.. at anytime. upama. It doesn't matter. hè tanvi= oh. [a pa 7-5] In the first part of the verse state of ecstasy udvega avasta is said as in: yasmin ramyam aramyam ca syaat prakarSaaya kim can na | vidveSaH praaNitavye sa udvegaH prakiirtitaH || shR^ingaara tilaka In the later part talking beseechingly is said as in bambhramiiti mano yasminautsukyaayitam tataH | vaacaH priyaa aashrayaa eva sa pralaapa smR^ito yathaa || 'whose heart longs for his dear ones. kim= why. heart. tava hR^idayam= your. Here the bee agitating Rādha is the buzzing thought of Krishna. not to a resentment or anger. gone. you are. padmam= lotus. "I muse on that face which might be cholerically reddened with knitted eyebrows. I wail [here. but to a full-fledged choleric state. [or.] eyebrows. wholeheartedly. I appease.. thus I reckon. but I am unaware as to where you have gone. tat= thereby.. तामहम् हृिद संगतामिनशम् भृशम् रमयािम । िकम् वनेऽनुसरािम तािमह िकम् वृथा िवलपािम। हिरहिर .? [a pa 7-4] तिनव िखनमसूयया हृदयम् तवाकलयािम । तन वेिद कुतो गतािस न तेन तेऽनुनयािम। हिरहिर . sa. I am delighting her.' . filled with [hot-tempered]. A wrongdoer has a right to beg excuses. bhR^isham ramayaami= highly. kuto gataa asi na vedmi kim? = where you have gone don't I know. aham= I am.. why should I worry for her now.' It is his bounden duty to incite her. "O. sa.. "You are appearing before me as if you are toing and froing towards me. and many other serenading soliloquies of Rama. Bengal. you. romanticized.छे:.. gata aagatam iva= comer. vidadhaasi= you do [behave]. O. he is Oriya.is stated.. you are appearing.. give me your audience. even why this veiling of yours with leaves. kadaa api aparam= never. bindubilva [or. raising from earth to skyward like the ocean-born moon.. [a pa 7-8] This is said to be a grand poetic construct. This village Bindubilva. hareH pravaNena= of Krishna. tava= to you [in your respect].. beauty [for.. a devotee of Krishna. [a pa 7-6] This soliloquizing is as old as Ramayana. Rādha. whom the poetic ocean called binbdubilva village has begotten. don't. kShamyataam= let [my offence be] pardoned. parirambhaNam= tight hugging. or Kenduli is said to be in Utkala area.ककमयताम् अपरम् कदा अिप तव ईदृशम् न करोिम देिह सुनदरी दशरनम् मम मनमथेन दुनोिम a pa 7-7. enjoyment]. "O.. I will never. and who delights starry poetry. this I appeal to you as romanticized by poet Jayadeva. idam varNitam= this is. I do. let my offence be pardoned.e..विणरतम् जयदेवकेन हरेः इदम् पवणेन िबनदुिबलव समुद संभव रोिहणी रमणेन a pa 7-8.. nevermore do this again in your respect. endow. Unlike the doubtful expression of Kalidasa as at: kaH suuryaH prabhavo vamshaH? Jayadeva is self-assertive in asserting that though he came from a small village. me purataH dR^ishyase= in my. again.. sundarii= O.. [a pa 7-7] In the earlier part of verse an ecstasied mood of love unmaada avasthata atasmimstaditi bhraantiH unmaadaat iva jaayate . he will be a moon in starry poetry.दृशयते पुरतः गत आगतम् इव मे िवदधािस िकम् पुरा इव सममभमम् पिररमभणम् न ददा अिस a pa 7-6. the poet is a bengaalii. jayadevakena= by Jayadeva. mama dehi darshanam [or.. manmathena dunomi= by Lovegod. namely Rohini. hence listen to him and tell me where you are. ramaNam] = to me. as if. goer.छे:. then why this running away. Kendubilva]= in Bindubilva village. as Lovegod is seething me.. kim na dadaa asi= why. I am seethed. next [ever]. why don't you endow a tight and tantalising embrace to me as you used to earlier. Else. samambhramam = tantalizingly.mbhava= begotten. विणरतम् जयदेवकेन हरेिरदम् पवणेन । िबनदुिबलवसमुदसंभवरोिहणीरमणेन । हिरहिर । कु िपतेव । अ प । ७-८ प-छे :. [one who] delights that star . where Rama talks to disappeared Seetha: kim dhaavasi priye nuunam dR^iSTaa asi kamala iikSaNe | vR^ikSeNa aacchaadya ca aatmaanam kim maam na pratibhaaSase || 3-60-26 'Oh lotus eyed lady. iidR^isham = this sort of [wrongdoing]..Next he assumes that Rādha is before him. rohiNii ramaNena= Star Rohini. come. you take pride in your beauty]. front. [or... ककमयतामपरम् कदािप तवेदृशम् न करोिम । देिह सुनदिर दशरनम् मम मनमथेन दुनोिम । हिरहिर । कु िपतेव । अ प ७-७ प . as ocean-born moon delight his star of stars. give. If Utkala historically belongs to vanga desha i.' etc. as with.namely the moon. दृशयसे पुरतो गतागतमेव मे िवदधािस। िकम् पुरेव सममभमम् पिररमभणम् न ददािस । हिरहिर …कुिपतेव । अ प ७-६ प . samudra= ocean/ocean-like. in devotedness. beauty. your audience.. but not replying him. puraa iva= earlier. or Kendubilva. Verse Locator .. why not reply me. in fact I have seen you my dear. na karomi= not. vishva= world . saayakam= arrow. kaTaakSha [viikShaNa]= tilting glances. .] "You knavish bodiless Lovegod. priyaa rahite mayi= darling. why do you hound me rancorously and vexatiously. mR^igii dR^ishaH= deer. don't chase me mistaking me for god Shiva..हृिद िबसलता हारः न अयम् भुजगम नायकः कुवलय दल शेणी कणठे न सा गरल दुितः मलयज रजः न इदम् भसम िपया रिहते मिय पहर न हर भानतया अनंग कुधा िकमु धाविस 3-3. even if you wiled it. krudhaa kimu dhaavasi= rancorously. don't batter.. hara bhraantyaa= hara. not even ashes of yours remained. chuuta= mango [tender leaf]. ayam= this . shreNii= by rows. don't. Rādha].. paaNau amum= in hand. jar jaritam = pulverised to particles. Lovegod. chaapam maa aaropaya = bow. hR^idi= on [my] chest. garland . na prahara= don't. kuvalaya dala shreNii= black-lotus.ndhukShate= composed [or. tasyaa eva= by them.. without. bodiless fellow [Lovegod]. don't batter me with your arrows when I am without my darling. these particles of dried-up sandal-paste on my body are not the ashes on the body of Shiva body. dried up particles. in hue.पाणौ मा कुर चूत सायकम् अमुम् मा चापम् आरोपय कीडा िनिजरत िवश मूिछरत जन आघातेन िकम् पौरषम् तसया एव मृगी दृशः मनिसज पेनखत् कटाकक अशुग शेणी जजरिरतम् मनागिप मनः न अद अिप संधुककते 3-4. in heart. ashuga= that go at full tilt [arrows like glances]. [3-4] In other mms this verse is placed as the last verse of this chapter.] "Oh. if you wish to take that revenge on Shiva.. ashes. of what worth is your valour in killing someone who is already killed." is the finishing line. kaNThe= at neck... look. that.ntuSyate= happy. manaagapi= in the least.. sa. sandal-paste's.one who has it under his control]. by fusillades... you run after [hound me. manasija= oh. make [don't wield it]. idam malayaja rajaH= this. but now don't wield that arrow of tender mango leaf. and then he graced you to be a formless entity but with name. maa kuru= don't. blue-lotus petal circlet at my neck is not the mark of venom on Shiva's throat.. [Shiva. now. and rancorously and vexatiously chase me mistaking me for Shiva.. prenkhat= flitting.. be careful. bisalataa haaraH= lotus stalks.nga= you. in venom's. row [circlet]. in my respect. Verse Locator पाणौ मा कुर चूतसायकम् अमुम् मा चापमारोपय कीडािनिजरतिवश मूिछरतजनाघातेन िकम् पौरषम् । तसया एव मृगीदृशो मनिसजपेङत्‌कटाककाशुग शेणीज‌जरिरतम् मनागिप मनो नादािप संधुककते॥ ३-४ प-छे :. na bhujan gama naayakaH= is not. na adya= not. snakes.] people. now. why [kim u = vexatiously. api sa. hè ana.. nirjita= vanquished. Lovegod. kim paurushham= what is. saa= that.. by killing. kriiDaa= by sport [love-sport]. don't string your bow with bowstring to take an aim with that mango-leaftlet-arrow at me. as such. agreed that you are the vanquisher of this world with your love-sports. valour [kimpaurushham= vainglorious].that is there. [3-3] "When Shiva reduced you.mistaking me for god shiva. king of. na bhasma= not. now my heart is disconcerted and pulverised by the fusillades of tilting deer-like glances of Rādha that are at full tilt targeting me... only. muurchhita jana aaghaatena= fainted [killed. na garala dyutiH= not. string [with bowstring]. petals..हृिद िबसलताहारो नायम् भुजङमनायकः कुवलयदलशेणी कणठे न सा गरलदुितः। मलयजरजो नेदम् भसम िपयारिहते मिय पहर न हरभानतयानङ कुधा िकमु धाविस॥ ३-३ ं प-छे :. let fly your arrow. manaH= [my] heart. functionless entity. look [one having them. this garland of lotus-stalks on my chest is not king cobra. I will now make you even a nameless.] confusedly . if she is found. raagavaan taan bimba adharaH cha= reddish [or. as bow. curvy horsewhip like braid]. just for one [among many of my meaningful] mistakes.. on the other you say that your own ladylove has already murdered you. [3-5] 'Then why blame that unseen conniver. roundly [or. for my own creation bothers me much. if anyone is going to ask Krishna. beauteous Rādha.] or what? "Has this Love-god entrusted all his missiles that can completely conquer all the worlds to this mobile goddess like Rādha. and small-reddish cucumber like lips of yours may also increase infatuation in others. but see how your decorous bosomy bust is playing with my lives." and it is detailed in next song by the poet. lilting ones. arpitaani kim = gave [entrusted. I will tell her like this. kuTilaH kabarii bhaaraH api= curvy. bosom.ngama devataayaam= [she who is like a] mobile. "On one hand you say in so many 'unusual' words.. bhruu chaape= in eyebrow.. I lack a method in my madness. weighty one. may increase. when this girl has become more than this fellow. baaNaaH= as arrows. hanging flowery tassels [karNa lataa. your sidelong glances fitted on your bow-like eyebrows to take aim may cause torture to the vitals of others. karotu= may do. nirmaatu = may build [may cause]. both of them are your own creations..] small red cucumber like. tasyaam= in her [in Rādha]. nirjita jaganti astraaNi= completely conquerable . her leaflet like arching eyebrows appears as his bow. shyaama aatmaa= black. ana.ngitani= slanting-glances.. her slanting.. lips.. activity]. hè tanvii= oh.Here. a + vadayamun = un . speakable. [3-6] . shravaNa paaliH guNaH= ear-side..] as bowstring. [pashya= see] "Oh.. also.भू पललवम् धनुः अपाग तरंिगतिन बाणाः गुणः शवण पािलः इित समरेण तसयाम् अनंग जय जंगम देवतायाम् असतािण िनिजरत जगिनत िकम् अिपरतािन 3-5. leaflet-like. lilting.nga tara." Verse Locator भूचापे िनिहतः कटाककिविशखो िनमातु ममरवयथाम् शयामातमा कुिटलः करोतु कबरीभारोऽिप मारोदमम्। मोहानतावदयमच तिनव तनुताम् िबमबाधरो रागवान् सद् वृतसतनमणदलसतव कथम् पाणैमरम कीडित॥ ३-६ प-छे :. your curvy horsewhip-like weighty braid may lash others in Lovegod's activity. loves. Yes! Both are connivers. decorous]. smareNa= by Lovegod. flowery tassels hanging at her earsides as the bowstring of that fellow. sphere [bosomy bust]. marma vyathaam= vitals. bow. ja.भू चापे िनिहतः कटाकक िविशखः िनमातु ममर वयथाम् शयाम आतमा कुिटलः करोतु कबरीभारः अिप मारोदमम् मोहान् तान् अव दयम् च तिनव तनुताम् िबमब अधरः रागवान् सद् वृतः सतन मणदलः तव कथम् पाणैः मम कीडित 3-6. even [rather. maarodyamam = lashing [or. iti= this way [if thought.. tava stana maNdalaH = your.. apaa. that Lovegod is murdering you. hair-bun.. beauty. missiles [those missiles that can completely conquer all worlds].nga jaya= Lovegod. well. "Yes! Yes! Why blame that fellow Lovegod. pardoning glances. playing. maara udayam = Lovegod's. let me blame the seeable conniver as to why she became so hostile at me. with my. or what? If seen in this way. have you got a method in your madness to say so?" For this Krishna says. loveable. by nature. sad vR^ittaH = well. behaved. if seen]. worlds. goddess. for the sake of victory. torture. katham mama praaNaiH kriiDati= how... slitting glances as his arrows. nihitaH= kept [take an aim] kaTaakSha vishikhaH = sidelong. Verse Locator भूपललवम् धनुरपाङतरिङतिन बाणाः गुणः शवणपािलिरित समरेण। तसयामनङजयजङमदेवतायाम् असतािण िनिजरतजगिनत िकमिपरतािन॥ ३-५ प-छे :. mohaan tanutaam = infatuation. bhruu pallavam dhanuH= eyebrows. agreed. katham vardhate= how. that perfume from her lotus-like face is still redolent. those luscious and ambrosial words with finesse poured forth from her reddish cucumber like lips are still immutable in memory.. hence sense of hearing remains satisfied].तािन सपशर सुखािन ते च तरलाः िसनगध दृशोः िवभमाः तद् वकत अंबुज सौरभम् स च सुधा सयनदी िगराम् विकमा सा िबमब अधर माधुरी इित िवषया सनगे अिप चेत् मानसम् तसया लगन समािध हनत िवरह वयािधः कथम् वधरते 3-7. iti= this way. those flirtations of billowy and friendly eyes are still lingering. tat vaktra a. taani = they alone [those that were felt previously. taani= those.ितयरक् कणठ िवलोल मौिल तरल अवतमससय वंश उचचरत् दीिपत सथान कृत अवधान ललना लकैः न संलिकताः संमुगधे मधुसूदनसय मधुरे राधा मुख इनदौ सुधा सारे कनदिलताः िचरम् ददतु नः केमम् कटाकक ऊमरयः . is satisfied even now]. sa cha= hers. by this sense of smell is still satisfied]. also.nge api= in subjects [of sensory organs.. an unavailable satisfying factor.mbuja saurabham = that. as each is still enjoying the good old comfort. my heart is longing for her. sudhaa syandii giraam vakrimaa = now what all the ears are listening. by this sense of touching.. escalating... also. taralaaH snigdha dR^ishoH vibhramaaH = now the eye filling sights of environ. "Those comfortable touches are still lasting. words. viSayaa sa. finesse. lusciousness. te cha = they alone [those that were seen earlier – hence sense of seeing is satisfied even now].. this is amazingly self-contradictory. in spite of the fact that hearts usually long after someone or something. hence. comforts of. tasyaa= in her. sparsha sukhaani= touch.. sa cha= that. saa = of her [which were once enjoyed.Verse Locator तािन सपशरसुखािन ते च तरलाः िसनगध दृशोिवरभमाः तद् वक्ताबुजसौरभम् स च सुधासयनदी िगराम् विकमा। ‌ सा िबमबाधरमाधुरीित िवषयासङेऽिप चेनमानसम् तसया लगनसमािध हनत िवरहवयािधः कथम् व‌धरते॥ ३-७ प-छे :. if [if unified in her thought]. pouring. bimba adhara maadhurii = lips still have that palatability. lips. hanta= alas/amazing. in [her] concentration. Or This verse is also explained in this way . as it happens only in 'love. perfume. rest as above. leaving the motor organs? For this it is replied 'motor organs are subservient to sensory organs. face..mbuja saurabham = now the perfume that is being smelled.. [called] sickness. small reddish cucumber like. te cha= they. hence sense of taste remains satisfied]. only [those that were heard earlier. even.sparsha sukhaani = comforts from touching her [now being sensed].' [37] If it is asked 'is it enough that the satisfaction of sensory organs is simply sufficient. lotus-like. taralaaH snigdha dR^ishoH vibhramaaH= billowy.] attached to. as they cannot perform actions on their own. eyes'. viraha vyaadhiH = disunion. saa bimba adhara maadhurii= that. further.. sudhaa syandii giraam vakrimaa [caaturyam] = ambrosia. tat= that alone [that was smelt earlier.' Verse Locator ितयरककणठिवलोलमौिलतरलोतम्‌ससयवंशोचचर दीिपतसथानकृतावधानललनालकैनरसंलिकताः। संमुगधेमधुसूदनसयमधुरेराधामुखेनदौसुधा सारेकनदिलतािशतमददतुनः केमम्‌ कटाकोमरयः ॥ ३-८ प-छे :. vaktra a. flirtation. maanasam= heart. though no single sense organ is dissatisfied. the classification of motor organs is varied and numerous. namely skin. lagna samaadhi chet= held fast. friendly. leave them as they are. as those looks are now searching for Rādha. this will be amended. lalanaa lakShaiH= girl folks. This is available in the publication of Gurudev Ranade Institute of Philo and Mysticism. essence having. madhure= luscious. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. sudhaa saare= nectarean.of Krishna. are now not aiming at those thousands of milkmaids that have come again to listen his fluting. enjoying the luscious and nectarean essence of her face for a long-time. Slanting his neck transversely. hence the problem with the construct of na sa. this is the 3rd chapter called Winsome Krishna in giita govindam of Jayadeva. in lakhs . madhusuudanasya= of Madhusuudana . let give. ciram= for a long-time. na sa. listening. kShemam dadatu = impunity. octave.numerous. his flute. neck. aimed at.mlakShitaaH may not be observed. There seems to be a riddle in that. kaTaakSha= gracing sidelong glances. infatuating.msha= mohana vamshi. इित गीतगोिवनदे मुगधमधुसूदनो नाम तृतीयः सगरः Thus.mmugdhe= highly. and if any scholars can inform the correct construction. Rādhaa mukha indau= in Rādha's.] in higher..mugdha madhussudanaH | Winsome Krishna Top of Page 4 1 2 a pa 7 3 8 5 6 7 Previous Contents Next Sarga Sarga Sept. tiryak kNTha= transverse. 2003. let those ripples like gracing sidelong glances endow us impunity in all our actions. Verse Locator for Ch. Benguluru. kR^ita avadhaana= on making. then his highly infatuating looks that have sprouted in the moon like face of Rādha. Krishna then started to sound off his transverse flute. vilola mauli= rocking. naH= to us..mlakShitaaH= not. headgear. mohana vamshi. tarala avattamsasya = tossing. 3 . uurmayaH= ripples. head. uccarat diipti sthaana= sounding off [blurted. in a higher octave.. kandalitaaH = sprouted. sa.3-8. tossing head with headgear swingingly. face. [3-8] This verse will not be found in northern mms.. va. Revised: Oct 08 . called moon. manasi ja vishikha bhayaat iva. ud bhraa. breeze of sandalwood trees and moonbeams are releasing Lovegod’s arrows]. [tava ] bhaavanayaa [saakshaat kaarayitvaa]= [about you. overwhelmed by.Lovegod’s.यमुना तीर वानीर िनकुञे मनदम् आिसथतम् पाह पेम भर उदभानतम् माधवम् रािधका सखी 4-1. Krishna. raadhikaa sakhii = Raadha’s friend. adhikam= much. Krishna. iirati= inciting. anu vindati= thereby. mandam= slowly [indolently]. Maadhavam= to Maadhava.धृवम्॥ अ प ८-१ पदचछेद . saa tava virahe diinaa.हिरवललभ अशोक पललवम् िननदितचनदनिमनदुिकरणमनुिवनदितखेदमधीरम् । वयालिनलयिमलनेनगरलिमवकलयितमलयसमीरम् । माधवमनिसजिविशखभयािदवभावनयातवियलीना । सा िवरहे तव दीना . yamunaa tiira= Rv. manasi ja= mind. Verse Locator यमुनातीरवानीरिनकुङजे मनदमािसथतम् । पाह पेमभरोदभानतम् माधवम् रािधकासखी॥ ४-१ पदचछेद .Chapter [Sarga] 4 . vaaniira= rattan plant [Calamus rotang].] Raadha's friend is now approaching Krishna who has came to another bower and staying at it indolently. engrossed.] on cogitating. knowing . aasthitam= [ aa sthitam] = came and staying. as with arrows of Lovegod]. saa= she [Raadha]. malaya samiiram. khedam= desperately. indu kiraNam nindati. prema bhara= love. a+dhiiram= without. she says the following details. adhi + iiram = adhikam iirayati. praaha= [pra aaha]= well [in detail. for he could not find Raadha even after a through search. bhaavanayaa tvayi liinaa.] said [the following. bhayaat iva= from fear. courage [despondent.nje= in arbour. scorns [loathes]. a+dhiiram khedam anu vindati. or.ntam= perplexedly wandering. Verse Locator अ प ८ . This is called duutii yoga a friendly messaging. kalayati. vyaala nilaya milanena. vishikha = those that have pointed ends.Suavely Krishna िसनगधमाधन Raadha's friend approaches Krishna to inform about Raadha's agony owing to her state of separation from Krishna. chandanam nindati = sandal-paste. niku. garalam iva. as though. indu kiraNam= moon’s. born one .िननदित चनदनम् इनदु िकरणम् अनु िवनदित खेदम् अधीरम् वयाल िनलय िमलनेन गरलम् इव कलयित मलय समीरम् माधव मनिस ज िविशख भयात् इव भावनया तविय लीना सा िवरहे तव दीना . and to such a Krishna. chandanam. Hence he is perplexed as he is overwhelmed by his love for Raadha. on bank of. hè maadhava= oh.धृवम् anvaya: hè maadhava. a pa 8-1. arrows. yamuna. tvayi liinaa= in you. beams [and their dints = blows or strokes. vyaala= serpents.diinaa = as above. sva= her own.. tava bhaavanayaa. and she fears and reviles the dint of moonbeams as though they are the arrows of Lovegod. अिवरलिनपिततमदनशरािदवभवदवनायिवशालम्। सवहृदयम‌मरिणवमरकरोितसजलनिलनीदलजालम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ अ प ६-२ पदचछेद . hence she divines that you are revealed to her by her constant cogitation on you. garalam iva = poison. "Engrossed in thoughts about you.. nalinii dala jaalam. marmaNi= in innermost recesses. vishaalam. and reckons the sandalscented breeze is as if mixed with venom. a + virala= without.. and thinks that you alone would shield her from them... karoti= she is making. nilaya= of abode [sandalwood trees]. praardhanaa vaakya devotional eulogy. always cogitating only upon you. outside the realm of her imagination you are unseen. a pa 8-2.'without you she is lovelorn. she in her desperation and despondence reckons both of them as hostile because moonbeams are acute like the arrows of Lovegod. an abode of serpents. unnecessarily. petals. Reprise: tava virahe= your. Malaya’s. from separation [without you. and targeting it Lovegod is incessantly .. nindaa vaacka which is limitable only to text. but.. she that Raadha appears to be fearing the arrows of Lovegod. hR^idaya = heart. [a pa 8-2] Or "Hè. vishaalam= wide.. saa virahe .. tava saakshaatkaareNa. bhavat avanaaya. because you left her in the lurch]. but.. saa [prema bhaavanayaa] diinaa= she is.. saa tava virahe diinaa . against the incessantly darting arrows of Lovegod targeting that heart. bhavat avanaaya= your. without you she is lovelorn. now Raadha is desperately despondent. without you she is lovelorn. with stuti vaakya. as if.. sva hR^idaya marmaNi varma karoti. iva= as if. saa= she that Raadha. Its construal is: candanam kaamam adhikam iirayati. the other tone is the entreaty of a devotee. jaalam= a group of [sprays of].. hè. thus. without you she is lovelorn. Krishna.[to be unbearable.. thus without you she is lovelorn and unbefitting is your leaving her in the lurch. for it breezes from Mt. sajalam. one that of a tongue-lashing of a friend.. madana= Lovegod’s. "Now Raadha is making an armour of wide and wet lotus petals covering the innermost recesses of her heart. Malaya... seen are the cool moonbeams and refreshing sandal-scented breezes from Mt. and emotionally engrossed in you. for safeguarding. but. now lotus-petal armour. varma= usually leather armour.. called Mt. Krishna. you know how delicate is Raadha's heart.' but many take some more lines. milanena = [breezes by] their mingling [with sandal trees in their abode. niSTura vaakya. etc. malaya samiiram= Mt.अिवरल िनपितत मदन शरात् इव भवत् अवनाय िवशालम् सव हृदय म‌मरिण वमर करोित सजल निलनी दल जालम् anvaya: avirala nipatita madana sharaat iva.. malaya]. sajala= with water [wet petals].. hence. extolling. praise song. I dunno.. Moreover. she loathes the scent of sandal-paste as if it is a poison. malaya that usually waft malayan sandal-scent are now wafting venom of serpents because serpents usually live spiralling round the sandalwood trees in the woods of malayan mountain. breeze [ breezes mixed with sandal-scent]. tayi liinaa. methinks. Krishna. kalayati= she reckons. which is tunefully adopted by singers with most piteous requisition to comeback to Raadha. [a pa 8-1] This famous song contains two tones.. maybe to safeguard you who are snugly settled in there.. nalinii dala= lotus. hence reviling them]. [a pa 8-1] Or "hè. malaya. [in the sense of love = forlorn=] lovelorn. with somewhat harsh words of milkmaid. gap [incessant]. while the breezes from Mt. nipatita= falling [darting]. sharaat= from arrows. The reprise in this song is only for words saa virahe tava diinaa.. aravinda = a lotus [nelumblum speciosum]. are the five arrows of manmatha. Usually devotees arrange a small golden or silver throne to gods in their worship rooms. if he wants to repose.. udaaram aanana kamalam.. and a seat collapsible even as a bed. galita / valita. wet enough. for they are wet with water and with her love as well. ashoka = a flower of hellebore origin.love bed with arrowy flowers.diinaa = as above. kusuma shayaniiyam.. an+alpa= not.. vratam iva karoti = an vowed ritual. thus.. pari rambha sukhaaya = overly [tightly. vratam iva. and run the rote of what they have learnt. 3. therefor. kusuma vishikha= flowers. to give enough resistance to you from the torridity of Lovegod's arrows. Stones replaced the thrones of gods in temples.. as if it is she is preparing that bed. think not that she is idling. as she is ceremonially preparing a love-seat idolizing you. but uncaring for herself she is bravely preparing a lotus-petal shield. hence. "Presently Raadha with all her arts of voluptuousness is making a beautiful bed as if it is her vowed ritual. less..one who wields them. god in every granite rock. [a pa 83] Or "Though Lovegod is darting flower arrows pinching her heart. vikaTa vidhum tuda. vilochana jala. galita amR^ita dhaaram. [a pa 8-2] The Lovegod has five arrows and they are: aravindam asokam ca cutam ca navamallika nilotpalam ca panca ete panca banaaH asya sayakaaH || 1. 4. Lovegod .. on whose chest she can repose herself in a tight but comfortable embrace. desiring that comfort. she is making a flowery bed to give painless seating. and unbefitting is your leaving her in the lurch. vahati ca a pa 8-4: saa= she that Raadha. dharam. वहितचविलतिवलोचनजलधरमाननकमलमुदारम्। िवधुिमविवकटिवधुनतुददनतदलनगिलतामृतधारम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥अ प ८-४ पदचछेद . कुसुमिविशखशरतलपमनलपिवलासकलाकमनीयम्। वरतिमव तव पिररमभसुखाय करोित कुसुमशयनीयम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ अ प ८-3 पदचछेद .unmaadanaH taapanaH ca shoshana sthambhanaH tadaa | sammohanaH ca kAmasya panca baanaaH prakiirtitaaH || The five states associated with each arrow are: 1 unmaada = maniacal state.. she is lovelorn. 4 sthambhana = standstill state..] hugging. kusuma= flowery. kusuma vishikha shara talpam. [a pa 8-3] This girl Raadha has a sense of delicacy. 3 shoshana = wasting away.. only to protect you. and those petals are wide enough to cover you. . shara talpam = such arrowy.. valita= squirmy / galita= slippery / calita= moving. hence. 5 sammohana = stupefaction. she is ceremoniously picking them up and preparing a arrowy-flowery bed with them alone. and place an idol on it. with arts of. with pointed ends .. 2. she is lovelorn without you.. vidhum iva.कुसुम िविशख शर तलपम् अनलप िवलास कला कमनीयम् वरतम् इव तव पिर रमभ सुखाय करोित कुसुम शयनीयम् anvaya: saa. vilaasa kalaa= voluptuousness. rolling.. Here. shayaniiyam= one on which one can repose. like that of a leathern or metallic shield used by brave warriors. flowery bed. kamaniiyam= beautiful. just desiring to instate you on it.. namely fresh flowers. leave her not in the lurch. analpa vilaasa kalaa kamaniiyam.वहित च विलत िवलोचन जल धरम् आनन कमलम् उदारम् िवधुम् इव िवकट िवधुनतुद दनत दलन गिलत अमृत धारम् amvaya: saa. a bed to recline. as she ensconced you in the innermost recesses of her heart.flinging fiery flowery arrows. tedding and spreading pointed arrows of Lovegod. tava parirambha sukhaaya. 2 tapana = fervent state.neela utpala = blue costus. saa virahe .. as we see har kankar me shankar.. 5. as she is lovelorn. karoti. danta dalana. a pa 8-3: saa= she is. chutam = mango flower. Their functions are: . only with a desire to repose on it in a comfortable tight embrace of yours.nava mallika = new jasmine. tava= your. " thus.. she is adoring that sketch whole heartedly. save my passion and pride. kuranga madena= with deer’s. so also. yet hers is a beauteous face like that of the moon that sheds streams of ambrosia even when sawteethed Raahu. athaH= next. bites that face half-and-half. then. to save her from the pangs of her passion.. adhaH.. through him and through that sketch. called lotus.. kare= in hand. dharam= bearing / bharam= filled with. hè. Lovegod. bhuutam= one who is like. dalana= by way of biting.vilochana jala = eyes. in doing so.. makaram. not.. she is confusedly painting a crocodile underneath the seat.eyes shed tears. moon doesn't loose shine. saying... as moon would streaming his ambrosial moonshine even when sawteethed Raahu bites his face. moon doesn't stop outpouring ambrosial moonshine.. but that sketch is resulting into your picture. even if smitten by alienation. sawtoothed. praNamati= wholehearted adoring. Raadha's face is beauteous like a lotus. but without confusion she is properly placing a mango-floweret. or.. adho= underneath [aasana sthaane= at the place of seat]..tears. don't leave her in lurch. [a pa 8-5] In this stanza the adoration of Lovegod is suggested since adoration of Lovegod is agreeable for . "Using deer musk she in all her loneliness is trying to sketch you who are the counterpart of Lovegod. she is lovelorn without you. kuranga madena. thus. asama shara bhuutam.. in doing so. and Raadha with such half-wet-moon-face is searching for you. or. thus she is lovelorn half-bitten and eclipsed by your thought. picturing]. amR^ita= ambrosial. as Raadha is unaware of any other form of a lover. aanana kamalam= face. water .dark clouds pregnant with rainwater. vinidhaaya= on properly placing.bearers . on doing so. even if bitten by sawteethed eclipsing planet Raahu. a girl won't stop outpouring her heartfelt love. vilochana jala-dharam= eyes. also. [a pa 8-4] This is full with similes . so. one who has such arrows . dhaaram= streams.. as good as [that unequalled archer. mango.]. even if eclipsed. called water. biter [Raahu. Then how is her face? udaaram= beauteous. eclipsing planet].an unequalled archer. vinidhaaya. rahasi= in aloneness. ikaTa= uneven. but now her lotusy eyes are streaming tears like black clouds.. Lovegod. vahati ca= bearing up. saa= she is. bhavantam vilikhati. as she is lovelorn. equalling. as she is repeatedly shot by such arrows. िविलखितरहिसकुरङमदेनभवनतमसमशरभूतम्। पणमितमकरमधोिविनधायकरेचशरमवचूतम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ अ प ८-५ पदचछेद . "Dark and squirmy eyes on her lotusy face are now looking like dark rainclouds fraught with fountains of tears. fat [kastuuri. isn't so. [a pa 8-5] Or "Using deer musk Raadha is giving shape to the shapeless Lovegod in all her loneliness. leave her not in the lurch. as with. nava chuutam sharam ca= new. Krishna. a+ sama sharaH= not. musk]. galita= slid. vidhum iva= moon.िविलखित रहिस कुरनग मदेन भवनतम् असम शर भूतम् पणमित मकरम् अधः िविनधाय करे च शरम् नव चूतम् anvayam: saa rahasi. [for the flag of Lovegod bears crocodile as his ensign. clouds shed raindrops. she is painting even a crocodile-bannered-flag in one hand and a mangofloweret-arrow in the other. saa virahe . her eyes that are like dark rainy clouds are about to spue tears at any time. though. bhavantam= you. hence.. the eclipser of moon. "oh.. praNamati a pa 8-5. god. makaram= crocodile.diinaa = as above. caught in the cobweb of time neither of them is a sinner. vilikhati= writing [sketching.. and so on. makara dhvaja] .. also.arrow in hand. vidhun tuda= moon. kare nava chuutam sharam ca. on beholding that sketch she is single-mindedly adoring you. instead of painting it on the banner-flag. ghost pl. [leafy] arrow. [a pa 8-4] Or "You are aware. danta= by teeth. and even if shedding tears a beautiful face doesn't loose its beauty. .. taapam munchati a pa 8-6: saa= she that Raadha.. sketching rough shapes of their dear ones.' hence. 'when a women start their siren like wailing. Each has its own significance and some of them are compiled here. hasati= sneers. who are a highly inaccessible one to others.. taapam munchati = simmer. poor me. rudita mudita maatram yoSitaam vigraheSu. chanchati / bhramati. sneers.snaps.' Then sinks down saying. why should I worry... what happened all the time. one who is not open to advances or influence].. puraH parikalpya.. impossible. vilapati= snaps at.' And then sneers at that unmoving painting to say. puraH= in front of.. viSiidati= sinks. wailing is the congenital weapon of a woman . in doing so. teaching singing to parrots and songbirds. Krishna. alas.. for they alone match you. For... counting the balance of days for his arrival. then I can chide him to accept. sobs. on envisioning. in her fore in the sketched picture and then she snaps..alienated ladyloves. parikalpya= imagining. offering oblations..) and then she strays from there thinking. "With a single-minded concentration she is envisioning you. So that is that. and simmers down. atiiva duraapam bhavantam. vilapati. 'ah. leave her not in the lurch. as she is lovelorn. likhet kaanta pratipada kR^itim paaThayet shuka shaarikaaH | gaNayet avadhi dinam giitam gaayet tad ankitam.. he's with me.पित पदम् इदम् अिप िनगदित माधव तव चरणे पितता अहम् . roditi= sobs. 'if I go away from this place.Natura dat unicuique quod sibi conveniens est.a tempting pursuit etc. dhyaana = smaraNa= by meditation.. roditi... I can't make you happy with my clasps and clings for you're in a picture. he'll be with me..4 a .' Then she sobs clinging to that painting.. sneers. 'oh. now I beguiled you to win you.. b . पितपदिमदमिपिनगदितमाधवतवचरणेपितताहम्। तवियिवमुखेमियसपिदसुधािनिधरिपतनुतेतनुदाहम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ अ प ८-७ पदचछेद . and strays etc. are not just a cluster of words jumbled by the poet.. evam vidha vinodena nayet kaalam viyoginii || Alienated ladyloves spend time by worshipping gods... siren has this meaning too ... singing lyrics comprising his name. she single-mindedly concentrates on the deer-musk-painting she sketched and personifying you in her fore: She snaps at you saying 'you beguiler.. Krishna. layena = chitta ekAgrata unification of thought. sinks.' Then she simmers down her simmering mind meditating on you by concluding.. sobs.. as said by ancient commentators.. 'yes..' hence. but. hasati. and hence. a temptress. still you're loitering here without making a move. this beguiler surely follows me... dredging up.. [a pa 8-6] Or "Thinking that you shall be highly inaccessible to anyone excepting her. bhavantam= such as you are. viSiidati..धयान लयेन पुरः पिर कलपय भवनतम् अतीव दुरापम् िवलपित हसित िवषीदित रोिदित चनचित मुनचित तापम् anvaya: saa.. dhyaana layena. one to get [highly inaccessible for others. atiiva dur aapam= highly. devataa puujanam kuryaat dadyaat bali bhuje balim. go. go away to those doltish girls.a dangerously fascinating woman. Nature gives to each what is appropriate. [a pa 8-6] The words .. strays. धयानलयेनपुरः पिरकल्‌पयभवनतमतीवदुरापम्। िवलपितहसितिवषीदितरोिदितचञचितमुञचिततापम् । सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ अ प ८-६ पदचछेद . This is called kaama puuja as said by bharata muni. chanchati [bhramati]= strays. (aside: where a wail is the ultimate weapon of a woman. that's why I call you a beguiler. men are supposed to yield. the wail-weapon of woman: bharata muni says. now you're here. sinks. . Oh. mayi. said. lest he will scorch me down. or. devotees of Vishnu. saying.vaasava sajjika. Maadhava. tava charaNe patitaa aham. she who is lovelorn is mediating on you. says – asserts. paThaniiyam= readable [memorable. faced – paraa~Nmukhata= uninterested. pratipada padam= at each. hè.diinaa = as above. Krishna. or whole of the chapter." she is lovelorn thus. 4 . tanute= making rampant. feet. vaiSNavaaH= hè.abhisaarika. idam jayadeva bhaNitam= this one. as these words have a conductance to conduct spirituality.kalahaantarita.svaadhiina bhartuka. saa virahe . pratipada padam api .. come to me. namely Raadha. hè mAdhava. when away.' Throughout these songs.khaNDita. presuming that I have done wrong to his sister.. "As long as I am at your feet. and presuming that you are uninterested in me. 6 . body – bodiless Lovegod. hence. sudhaa nidhiH api. nigadati. viraha = heartsick.yasyaaH samucite api ahni pravaasii na eti vallabha | saa smaraan alasam taptaa virahotakaNThitaa mataa || Which heroine will be burning with bodily fire on a befitting day.. as highly reverent to relish. as you have left her in the lurch. by Jayadeva. a pa 8-8. [a pa 8-7] Or "Hè. Maadhava. They are 1 . but now.. And virahotkaNThita is . sapadi= now.शी जयदेव भिणतम् इदम् अिधकम् यिद मनसा नटनीयम् हिर िवरह आकुल वललव युवित सखी वचनम् पठनीयम्a pa 8-8. Verse Locator आवासो िविपनायते िपयसखीमालािप जालायते तापोऽिप शिसतेन दावदहनजवालाकलापायते। सािप तविदरहेण हनत हिरणीरपायते हा कथम् . but as of now. 3 .. daaham= fervidity. out of eight forms of naayika.] "hè. none dared to raise an eye at me.तविय िवमुखे मिय सपिद सुधा िनिधः अिप तनुते तनु दाहम् . tava mayi vi mukhe [sati]= you.utkaNThita. Vishnuites." thus. hari= Krishna. aham tvayi charaNe patitaa= I. vachanam= words. sudhaa nidhiH = ambrosia. the heroine is said as virahotkaNThita. if you deem this auspicious saying said by Jayadeva.अ तनु दाहम् anvaya: saa. thirst. tanute. on your. the heroine. that moon is making my love fever rampant. a + tanu= without.. naTaniiyam= actable [relishable]. reverently. tvayi vimukhe [sati]. 8 .. manasaa = heartily.. 7 . tanu daaham= body’s. 5 . without you.. 2 . even... he who is supposed to be the treasure trove of coolant ambrosial moonshine. in my respect. damsel’s. idam api nigadati= this. vallava= yuvati= milkers’.. a pot of ambrosial moonshine. insouciant]. idam. through the girlfriend of milkers girl. to whose presence her lover does not come at such time. treasure trove = moon with cool moonshine.proSita bhartrika. shrii= shrii suukti – auspicious saying. if [if deemed highly reverent]. that Raadha is asserting this on each and every step. maadhava= oh. api= even that moon. "I am she who surrendered unto your feet.. step. sapadi. "On each and every step she is asserting. tanu daaham [a+tanu] daaham. when you are away from me. sakhii= friend’s. namely the moon. when you became insouciant towards me. aakula= flustered..vipralabdha. your first wife Goddess Lakshmi's brother and your brother-in-law. fallen.. [a pa 8-8] Vishnuites is Oxford's nomenclature for vaiSNavaites and the word naTaniiyam is to be taken as 'relishable' as said by bharata naaTya shaatra: naaTya shabdo rase mukhyaH nearly: 'relishing the mood is the essence of dance/drama/performing arts. a pa 8-7: saa= she that Raadha.. adhikam yadi= highly. oh. Oh. then this alone is memorable for all of us. tanute= increasing. Maadhava. [a pa 8-7] शीजयदेवभिणतिमदमिधकम् यिद मनसा नटनीयम्। हिरिवरहाकुलवललवयुवितसखीवचनम् पठनीयम्। सा िवरहे तव दीना॥ ८-८ अ प पदचछेद . is torturing me. lovefever. utkaNThita ecstasized. Maadhava. she is viraha = by separation.. kalaapaayate= became myriads [of tongues of fire].िसगध मधुसूदन रसावलयम् सतनिविनिहतमिप हारमुदारम् । सा मनुते कृशतनुरितभारम् । रािधका कृषण रािधका । रािधका तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-१ पदचछेद . non-replying questions of dear ones. api= even. friends. shaarduula= tiger. Its condition is like this: abhiiSTa sangama abhaavaat vyaadiH santaapa lakshaNaH | atra santaapa nishshsvau shiita vastu niSevaNam | na uttaram bhaaSate prasne na iikshate ca shruNoti ca || roughly: because of the lack of desired object. manute= [she] feels. anguishing. taapH api= bodily heat. The first foot details udvega avastha . This is not for 'just punning' the verse. even.सतन िविनिहतम् अिप हारम् उदारम् सा मनुते कृश तनुः अित भारम् ।रािधका . jaalaayate= became net like restrainers. vi rahe= without. which he incorporated in last foot. jvaalaa= tongues. and sitting there lonely she is sighing in her bodily heat.. katham= how. saa api= she even. Lovegod. how can she possibly live! [4-2] What a deer can do when triangularly caught between wildfire. even he became a roaring. but a flock of her dear friends became a human-net to hold her in. hariNii ruupaayate= she-deer. Krishna. then even she became like a she-deer caught in that wild fire. Krishna. This poet Jayadeva is an expert in using the name of the metre of his poem. saa raadhikaa= such as she is. Krishna. shvasitena= by sighing. arranged [adorning. a sort of uneasiness occurs. caught between wildfire like bodily heat.तव िवरहे केशव 9-1. lovesick. kandarpaH= one who gladdens people. became such a deer. as an item of portrayal in his versification. haaram api= [pearl] string. hah..] udaaram= invaluable [feather-light]. stana vinihitam= on bosom. tigerish Lovegod. sighing. . but an uneasy predicament. daavadahana= wildfire’s. Krishna.ecstatic state . [jiivati= she lives. that Lovegod who scripted all these scenes. hanta= alas. hè. devouring cool items. kR^isha tanuH= frail.. and human-netlike misapprehensive friends. her sighs became myriads of tongues of that wildfire. "hè. tvat viraheNa= for you. growling. whereby whole of that forest is afire. she is pining for you. are its states.. vi kriiDitam= verily. virachayan= on scripting [all these scenes]. haa= hah.आवासः िविपनायते िपय सखी माल अिप जालायते तापः अिप शिसतेन दाव दहन जवाला कलापायते सा अिप तवत् िवरहेण हनत हिरणी रपायते हा कथम् कनदपरः अिप यमायते िवरचयन् शादूरल िवकीिडतम् 4-2. alas. when she wanted to flee. but bringing them round she came to a real forest. keshava= hè. api= even he. her house became an empty forest.] "hè. weighing. Raadha is unhappy. but to use those objects in that name of metre. even. prowling Death-godlike tiger... on the prowl for hunt] yamaayate= became Death-god.. as objects of poetic thought.where vyaadhi is not necessarily a bedridden condition.A trance induced by intense religious devotion that does not show reduced bodily functions that are typical of other trances. or even not looking at them eye to eye. reprise raadhikaa kR^isha raadhika | raadhikaa virahe tava keshava. having [parted from you]. Raadha. sporting [hunting. bodied. for she is parted from you. as yoga says. but that bodily heat became a wildfire.. tava= in your/for you. [a pa 9-1] The reprise as above is singers' delight and droppable in these word-to-word transcriptions. priya sakhii maala= dear. aavaasaH= [her] house. she with her frailly body feels even a feather-light pearly string adorning her bosom is weighty. presuming a possibility of some untoward action by her. Other foots detail the vyaadhi avastha . rows [flocks of]. ati bhaaram= much. weighty. vipinaayate= became a forest. deathlike.कनदपोऽिप यमायते िवरचयनशादूरलिवकीिडतम्॥ ४-२ पदचछेद . hè. such as she is. languishing in lovesickness for you. Verse Locator अषतपिद ९ . This verse is said in shaarduula vikriiDitam. tiger and a hunter with a snare? So also. hence she came out. virahe [virahiNi]= pining for. abnormal. she doubtfully looks down on it as if it is a venom. "Even though the sandal-cream on her body is soggy. pariNaaham= overlong [in duration]. subject of. that way. masR^iNam= satiny. kisalaya talpam= coppery tender leaves.. for she is parted from you.तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-२ पदचछेद . air [sighs]. taamratva. tubular stem. hence. malaya ja= Mt.] drops. for she is parted from you. sa daaham= with.. reckons. satiny.. fluidity [soggy]. slipped from their stems. "Her abnormally overlong flamelike sighs are overburdening her.. called jaData.. iva= as if. a doubt.virahe= as above.सरसमसृणमिप मलयजपङम् । पशयितिवषिमववपुिषसशाङम् । रािधका . viSam= venom.. for she is parted from you. born.स रस मसृणम् अिप मलयज पंकम् पशयित िवषम् इव वपुिष स शंकम् a pa 9-2: api= even though.. yatra dhyaati niHshankam jaDataa saa prakiirtitaa | atra sprsha anabhij~natve vaivarNam shithilaam gataa | akriiDa anga kR^iti stambhana shvaasa kR^ishataadayaH || roughly: just contemplating fearlessly. [a pa 9-2] शिसतपवनमनुपमपिरणाहम् । मदनदहनिमववहितसदाहम्। रािधका-तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-३ पदचछेद .virahe= as above..virahe= as above. raadhikaa. pashyati= sees [looks down on].] black-lotuses. emaciation . pa. तयजितनपािणतलेनकपोलम् । बालशिशनिमवसायमलोलम् । रािधका . नयनिवषयमिपिकसलयतलपम् ।कलयितिविहतहुताशनिवकलपम् । रािधका .. direction. similar – uncommon. "Though the subject of her eyes is an eye-filling bed of coppery tender leaves.. as if they are the flames of Lovegod. flame. [a pa 9-3] िदिशिदिशिकरितसजलकणजालम्। नयननिलनिमविवगिलतनालम्। रािधका-तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-४ पदचछेद . withering of limbs. santaapatva.nkam= cream [cosmetic cream obtained on rubbing sandalwood sticks on gritstone].तयजित न पािण तले न कपोलम् बाल शिशनम् इव सायम् अलोलम् . like..तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-५ पदचछेद . sa sha. raadhikaa.are its features.. she is pining for you. that way. stolidity. vigalita naalam iva= slipped down.. is a causative factor for anguish. state in lovesickness. vahati= bears [overburdened].. she is pining for you. dishi dishi kirati= direction.. for she is parted from you.नयन िवषयम् अिप िकसलय तलपम् कलयित िविहत हुताशन िवकलपम् a pa 9-5. sa rasa= with. even [though eye-filling]. colour change.. raadhikaa. nayana nalinam= eyes [sight.शिसत पवनम् अनुपम पिरणाहम् मदन दहनम् इव वहित स दाहम् a pa 9-3: an+upama= not. are filled with a sea of teardrops. vapuSi= on body. malaya. sighing. thus balsamic. [a pa 9-5] The red-brown colour of coppery leaves. flame [bed like].. she reckons it as a flamy bed.nkam= with. she is pining for you.. "She with her eyes that look like black-lotuses. body attaining stolidity. in separation. is indicated. [a pa 9-4] In this stanza a kind of manmatha avastha.virahe= as above. water [tear. shvasita pavanam= breathed. make to fall [bestrews... group of [sea of]. thus. and she is casting about her sight for you. nayana viSayam api= eyes.. unknowing even if touched. raadhikaa. madana dahanam= Lovegod’s. in every direction. no pleasure strolling..तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-६ पदचछेद . a bed of. iva= as if. vihita hutashana= made.िदिश िदिश िकरित स जल कण जालम् नयन निलनम् इव िवगिलत नालम् a pa 9-4: sa jala kaNa jaalam= with. flames [flame like]... cast about for]. she is pining for you. vikalpam kalayati= doubtfully. [a pa 9-6] हिरिरित हिरिरित जपित सकामम् ।िवरहिविहतमरणेन िनकामम् । रािधका . jayadeva bhaNitam= Jayadeva..... [a pa 9-8] Verse Locator सारोमाङचितसीतकरोितिवलपतयुतकमपतेतामयित धयायतयुदभमितपमीलितपततयुदाितमूचछरतयिप। एतावतयतनुजवरेवरतनुजीवेनिकमतेरसात् सववैदपितमपसीदिसयिदतयकतोऽनयथानानतकः॥ ४-३ पदचछेद .. saayam [kaalam] in evenings. api= furthermore. sukhayatu= comforts. nikaamam= always. ah. for she is parted from you.awaiting his arrival with tingling sensations in her body]. wish [wishful to tell last words].’]. muurcChati= she is swooning jaDatva. acetanatvaavastha]. iti= this way. surface. "She is as if dying. na tyajati= not. [saa ca = she is also] a + lolam= not. hariH iti hariH iti= Hari.virahe= as above. paaNi talena= on palm’s.हिरः इित हिरः इित जपित स कामम् िवरह िविहत मरणेन िनकामम् a pa 9-7. baala= tender [7 (of age) early. song.सा रोमाचित सीत् करोित िवलपित उत् कमपते तामयित धयायित उदभमित पमीलित पतित उदाित मूचछरित अिप एतावित अतनु जवरे वर तनुः जीवेत् न िकम् ते रसात् सवर् वैद पितम पसीदिस यिद तयकतः अनयथा न अनतकः 4-3.a pa 9-6.. vilapati= extolling naayaka guNa gaNa kiirtana ‘he alone is a great hero. keshava padam= to Krishna’s. ecstasied state.. raadhikaa. parted from him. In love-lover syndrome: saa= she is. [iva= as if]. udbhramati= whirling around [showing places of pleasure taking about them pralaapaana].तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प॥ ९-८ पदचछेद . for she is parted from you.. shrii giitam= auspicious.. removes. ‘how can I swim over this wistfulness. ordained.cintaa smR^iti kaaraNena niH svanam ‘he is not coming. a cheek akin to youthful but motionless moon of evenings.शी जयदेव भिणतम् इित गीतम् सुखयतु केशव पदम् उपनीतम् a pa 9-8.] "This way. this auspicious song said by Jayadeva. comfort all of us .. patati= falls down [off her own feet .virahe= as above.. oh etc. thus. said by. japati= chanting. Then Krishna may ask “When she swooned and under a delirious situation. moving [motionless]. dedicated to his feet]. brought to [that draws nigh of those feet." hence. tingling sensations romaancavatii iva aacarati – abhilaaSaaparatvam . saa= she.its singers like me and Raadha. saa= she. pramiilati= eyelids are half-closed [state of love-madness madanonmaada avastha]. akin to. is suggested].. he alone is beautiful..vihvalatvam]. shashinam iva= moon. placed on her palm. singers. or. "Hari. raadhikaa. listeners. ut kmpate= highly thrills. [vayam= us. intoning. viraha vihita= by wistfulness... huh..].. [a pa 9-7] शीजयदेवभिणतिमितगीतम् । सुखयतुकेशवपदमुपनीतम् । रािधका . or its listeners like you all.. "She neither removes her moonlike cheek. a death ordained by her own wistfulness.. a + lolam= not. sa kaamam= with. what to do. siit karoti = noisily breathing [onomatopoeically respiring . Hari.].. udyaati= getting up [ vyaadhi avastha– struggling to raise from a decumbent posture].. dhyaayati= meditating [ by these two udvega avastha. and hence wishful to tell her dying words she is always intonating saying. taamyati= taking pain.. romaacati= hair bristling [frisson. nor she is motional... thus Raadha is pining for Krishna. you . kathamiidR^ishii viraham taarayaami.तव िवरहे केशव॥ अ प ९-७ पदचछेद . feet. moving [motionless].. and dedicated at the feet of Krishna through me. thus. youthful]. upa+niitam= nearby. and statically she is pining for you. Hari. maraNena= death.. kapolam= cheek. she is dying pining for you. the friend of Raadha. ] vyaadhi para artha: in doctor-patient relation: saa romaacati= she is. vaidya= doctor. or. svar= heavenly. going to live. only when it meets its target.. anga= body. rasa= paada rasa. motor functions. not definitely me. are repeated.may call a doctor. is re-rolled here. hè. Upendra. Vishnu’s another name as Indra's younger brother. patati udyaati= stumbles. who not just twin gods of medicine. droops.. even. oh. mark you. sighs. "hè. going to do. otherwise. vimukta= relieved. pratipadama= in similarity. svar vaidya pratipadama prasiidasi yadi. saadhyaam= possible [to relieve her sickness]. as of now she is doing all these bizarre things as her sensory organs have gone astray. ut kmpate= shivering. she has to breath her last. lakshaNa diipikaa-s etc.. prasiidasi= oblige. are. he will be more horrible and ungodly in his demeanour. the milkmaidmessenger is continuing her thread.] etaavati= this much. Raadha. quintessence [of graceful love]. if you are not going to possibly relieve Raadha from the agony caused by Lovegod.. [4-4] Unseen Indra hurls his Thunderbolt from a distant place and it pains the target.] [Another mms tvattaH anyathaa antakaH – na bhavet. she will live by that grace of yours]. and he has not hurled any bolt or dart at Raadha. Krishna. vajraat api daaruNaH= than thunderbolt.. She frissons. etaadR^ishii sannipaata jvare= etaavati atanu jvare= in this kind of morbid sickness. [other] murderer there is no other murderer than you]. the doctors of gods.' [4-3] It will be painful to the casually peripheral readers to read the gist. amR^ita maatra= ambrosia. smara= manmatha. [tvam= you] yadi= if. stumbles and swoons. muurcChati api= swoons. dhyaayati = in delirium. or at a later time that of Arjuna. why [why doesn’t she live. you are the one similar to ashwin brothers. na kuruSe [yadi]= not. Hence. tvat= your. tyaktaH hastakaaH= leaves of. vilapati= insanely talking. upendra. jvare= in fever [afflicted by that bodiless fellow].. even. and if you do not come now. As such. moving hands etc. you alone are the godlike doctor. udbhramati= swings up. heart-pleasing one like Ashwin Kumar-s. just by the ambrosial touch of your body.. For this kind of sickness. hR^idya= heart-pleasing one [heartthrob. swings up. sanga= touch. minus their function. a + tanu= without. you will be a more horrible being than Indra's Thunderbolt. [if]. . Krishna. gets up. you possess not only a beautiful physique like Ashwin Kumar-s but you are also the presiding deity to cure the mental illnesses . if all the trash of naayakii bhaava-s. bodied [Raadha]. as in the first word-to-word section. i. but hurt her with his charm. baadhaam= from agony. taamyati= drooping.e. raves. siit karoti= sighing heavily. Nevertheless. "Oh. [tvam= you] asi = you. only the list of words. upendra= oh. Raadha is now in a kind of morbid lovesickness. na jiivet kim= not. [That is. vaTi= medicated mercury tablet. Verse Locator समरातुराम् दैवतवैदहृद तवदङसङामृतमातसाधयाम्। िवमुकतबाधाम् कुरषे न राधाम् उपेनद वजादिप दारणोऽिस॥ ४-४ पदचछेद .. body – bodiless Lovegod. this fellow is here before her eyes. doctor [Ashwin Kumar like]. if you come to give a potion of medicine. te rasaat= by your. aaturaam= for the agonised one.” Presuming this escape-question from Krishna. So. Raadhaam= Raadha be. goes into delirium with rolling eyes with half-shut eyelids. daivata vaidya= gods’. Lovegod. in other mms – tyaktaH hastakaH = leaving off. anyathaa= otherwise.. shivers. swain. ghuTika. anyathaa= otherwise. Hence. horrible.. Next. if you don't give a tablet. bristling as if with cold etc. pramiilati= shutting eyelids with rolling eyes. hè. she definitely survives. na antakaH= no. called your love-grace. her motor organs too will cease to function. so you come. she gets up. [tvattaH= more than you]. vara tanuH= beautiful.either that of Raadha. he alone should ease it. vara tanuH jiivet na kim. te rasaat= by your. just by it.समर आतुराम् दैवत वैद हृद तवत् अनग सनग अमृत मात साधयाम् िवमुकत बाधाम् कुरषे न राधाम् उपेनद वजात् अिप दारणः अिस 4-4. Krishna]. Otherwise. but they also possess most beautiful aspect.. tayaa= by her. chiram= for a long. na sehe= not.. on you alone. say spring. you. Raadha’s. rahasi= in lonely place. only. intolerant of a momentary evanesce of your form from her sight.कनदपर जवर संजवर आकुल तनोः आशयरम् असयाः िचरम् चेतः चनदन चनदमः कमिलनी िचनतासु सनतामयित िकनतु कलािनत वशेन शीतल तरम् तवाम् एकम् एव िपयम् धयायनती रहिस िसथता कथम् अिप कीणा कणम् पािणित 4-5. katham api= how. vasanta season]. nimiilana= for blinking. sickness.कणम् अिप िवरहः पुरा न सेहे नयन िनमीलन िखनया यया ते शिसित कथम् असौ रसाल शाखाम् िचर िवरहेण िवलोकय पुिषपत अगाम् 4-6. chandramaH= moon. now how can she observe this spring season with flowered branches on mango treetops. ekam eva= one.njvara= by anguish. by separation/ heartstrings. tolerant.वृिष वयाकुल गोकुल अवन रसात् उदृतय गोवधरनम् िबभत् वललव वललभािभः अिधक आननदात् िचरं चुिमबतः दपेण एव तत् अिपरत अधर तटी िसनदूर मुद अिनकतः ं बाहुः गोप तनोः तनोतु भवताम् शेयािनस कस िदषः . sa. even [somehow]. even. chira viraheNa= long time. kintu= but. aakula= flurried. [4-6] Verse Locator वृिषवयाकुलगोकुलावनरसादुदृतयगोवधरनम् िबभदललववललभािभरिधकाननदािचचरंचुिमबतः। द‌पेणैवतदि‌परताधरतटीिसनदूरमुदािनकतो ं बाहुगोपतनोसतनोतुभवताशेयािसकसिदषः॥ ४-७ पदचछेद .. chetaH= heart. shiitala taram= cooling agent [invigorative. staying in a lonely place.] "Earlier when you were with her she was saddening even to have a blink on her eyes.. sthitaa = staying. branches [flowered branches at mango tree tops. nayana= eyes. moon and his shine.] higher in degree [best]. chandana= sandal-paste. vilokya= on observing. unsurprising]. clusters of lotuses and the like? However. though. shvasiti= breathes [her life.. it is surprising that though she is enervated and emaciated. tanoH= body. and how can she possibly breathe her lives. dhyaayantii = contemplating. [4-5] Verse Locator कणमिप िवरहः पुरा न सेहे नयनिनमीलनिखनया यया ते। शिसित कथमसौ रसालशाखाम् िचरिवरहेण िवलोकय पुिषपतागाम्॥ ४-६ पदचछेद . khinnayaa= saddening. bears lives. kshaNam api= for a moment. even for a moment. kandarpa jvara= Love. what. klaanti vashena= enervation. kshaNam praaNiti= for a moment. "What surprise can be there if lovesickness flurries Raadha's body and flusters her heart to cherish cooling agents like sandal-paste. puraa= earlier [when you were with her]. controlled by. te virahaH= your. she is contemplating on you. kamalinii= clusters of lotuses. aashcharyam [kim]= surprising [or. priyam tvaam= dearer. katham= how. asserting that you alone are the supreme cooling agent than others. and somehow she is bearing up her lives for a moment. puSpita agraam rasaala shaakhaam= flowered. such as she was. mango. asau= such as she was. asyaaH= hers. kshiiNaa api= emaciated. [tree] top. evanesce [fade from sight].Verse Locator ं कदपरजवरसंजवराकुलतनोराशयरमसयािशरम् चेतशनदनचनदमःकमिलनीिचनतासु संतामयित। िकनतु कलािनतवशेन शीतलतरम् तवामेकमेव कणम् धयायनती रहिस िसथता कथमिप कीणा कणम् पािणित॥ ४-५ पदचछेद . chintaasu= in thinking [wanting them]. santaamyati = facing difficulties [flustered]. 2003.4-7. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao.. mudra ankitaH= with marks. It is hoped that Krishna's lifting a mammoth mountain need not be reiterated here. Verse Locator for Ch 4 . lips of [outer-lips]. gopa [baalaka] tanoH= in cowboy’s. kissed. Revised Oct 08 . let that Divine blessing-palm of that despiser of evil-willed Kamsa. bibhrat= [the hand] that upheld [that mountain]. despiser’s. "Let that hand which uplifted and upheld Mt. vallabhaabhiH = milkmaids. which by chance is now with the body of a cowboy. shreyaa. sinduura= vermilion [lipstick colour]. govardhanam= Mt. rasaat= interestedness.nsi= prosperities. vyaakula= put to chaos. vallava= cowherds’. darpeNa eva= pridefully. imprinted. aanandaat= from gladness. [4-7] This concluding benedictory verse is unavailable in northern versions. adhara taTii= lips. baahuH= arm [palm]. vR^iSTi= by thunderstorms. adhika= highly. arpita= dedicated. ciram cumbitaH= ever. tat= by them [milkmaids]..snigdhna madhussudanam . whereby. only. bhavataam= to you.. in the interest of protecting the stocks of cowherds when Indra put them to chaos with thunderstorms. uddhR^itya= uplifted.. body. kamsa dviSaH= King Kamsa’s. gokula= stock of cowherds... as that is a well known incident. govardhana. इित गीतगोिवनदे िसनगधमाधवो नाम चतुथरः सगरः Thus. tanotu= let accord. which hand will ever be kissed dedicatedly by the pridefully gladdened milkmaids imprinting the vermilion marks of their outer-lips on it. called Suavely Krishna in giita govindam of Jayadeva. avana= to protect. this is the 4th chapter. accord prosperities to you all.Suavely Krishna Top of Page 3 1 a pa 8 2 a pa 9 4 5 6 7 Previous Contents Next Sarga Sarga Sept. govardhana as an asylum. हिरसमुदयगरडपदम् वहित मलयसमीरे मदनमुपिनधाय । सफुटित कुसुमिनकरे िवरिहहृदयदलनाय। तव िवरहे वनमाली सिख सीदित॥ अ प १०-१ प-छे :. Krishna. etya= having come back [to Rādha]. tava virahe = for you.साकाङकपुणडरीकाक Chapter [Sarga] 5 . breeze. to Rādha this. punaH raadhaam idam jagaada = again. will remain. madhu ripuNaa= by demon Madhu. while blossoms are blooming there as if ready to rend the bosoms of estranged lovers with . madanam= Lovegod. malaya is breezing there laden with Lovegod.. malaya samiire= while sandal. malaya are breezing loaded with Lovegod. yaahi= you go.listlessly longing for you. That mood of anguishful separation will be heightened from now on. convince. vanamaalii= one who wears leafy garland. Rādha. When Krishna assigned the girlfriend of Rādha saying. svayam= in person. kusuma nikare= in flowers.] hearts. and in eleventh and twelfth he unifies the hero and heroine of the song. and tell her that I want her to come here. virahi hR^idaya dalanaaya = estranged [people's. you go and convince Rādha. vahati [sati]= while breezing . dear Rādha. reprise: sakhi tava virahe vanamaalii siidati raadhe.धृवम् aSTapadi: 10-1. [5-1] Verse Locator अषपिद १० .Passionate Krishna Rādha's friend comes back to Rādha and narrates how Krishna is lovelorn as Rādha left abruptly. niyukhtaa =. sphuTati [sati]= while unfolding [so to say] . raadhaam anunaya= Rādha. Verse Locator अहिमह िनवसािम यािह राधाम् अनुनय मदचनेन चानयेथाः। इित मधुिरपुणा सखी िनयुक्ता सवयिमदमेतय पुनजरगाद राधाम्॥ ५-१ ‌ प-चछे :. enemy of [Krishna]. by word [as I tell her to come here]. mat vachanena= my.. aham iha nivasaami= I will. iti= in this way. keeping [keeping close to]. "I'll remain only at this bower. while the sandal-breeze from Mt. "hè.अहम् इह िनवसािम यािह राधाम् अनुनय मत् वचनेन आनयेथाः इित मधु िरपुणा सखी िनयुक्ता सवयम् इदम् एतय पुनः जगाद राधाम् ‌ 5-1. in pain of separation . she said. aanayethaaH= fetch [her].वहित मलय समीरे मदनम् उप िनधाय सफुटित कुसुम िनकरे िवरिह हृदय दलनाय तव िवरहे वनमाली सिख सीदित राधे ." she personally returned to Rādha and said this to her. dear friend. siidati= sinking down .while the breezes from Mt. sakhi raadhe= oh. bunches of. upa nidhaaya= nearby. The poet dwells on 'anguish in separation' vipralambha shR^ingaara from the first chapter to tenth.lorn in your love. here. when assigned. [as if] to rip apart. sakhii= girlfriend. shravaNam = hearing [ears]. iti viraham apalapati= thus. there alone that Krishna is listlessly longing for you.. luThati= writhes.] on bed. lorn in your love. madhupa samuuhe= honeybees. patati [sati]= falling [while].'. [kalita]= annoyance. mansion. [10-1 a pa] दहित िशिशरमयूखे मरणमनुकरोित। पतित मदनिविशखे िवलपित िवकलतरोऽित॥ अ प १०-२ प-छे :. ati vilapati= greatly. anuyaati= goes ahead [rushes]. tava naama= your.. tyajati= leaves off.दहित िशिशर मयूखे मरणम् अनु करोित पतित मदन िविशखे िवलपित िवकल तरः अित a pa 10-2. dhvanati [sati]= buzzes [while].. [undergoing.. lorn in your love. thus. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you.spearheads of their petals. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you. flocks of. pika samavaaye= Kokila-s. manasi= in heart [come to mind]. writhing on sward-beds he descants on your name time and time again. dahati [sati]= burning [while] . sharp arrows. higher in degree .. rueful. apidadhaati= keep lids [lids ears with palms]. valita.धवनित मधुप समूहे शवणम् अिपदधाित मनिस विलत िवरहे िनिश िनिश रजम् उपयित a pa 10-3. maraNam anu karoti= death. nothing.. while the annoyance of your parting comes to mind. ati vi kalii karoti= much. madana vishikhe= Lovegod's.highly frantic. 'nothing. vikala taraH= frantic.. hue. "While flocks of kokila birds re-echo their yodelling cries. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you. thus. swarms of.. lorn in your love. thus. [10-2 a pa] धवनित मधुपसमूहे शवणमिपददाित । मनिस विलतिवरहे िनिश िनिश रजमुपयित॥ अ प १०-३ प-छे :. na= nothing. vasati= lingering.. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you. vipina vitaane= woods. upayaati= getting. nishi nishi= night. shishira mayuukhe= with coolant... by lots. [10-4 a pa] रणित िपकसमवाये पितिदशमनुयाित । हसित मनुजिनचये िवरहमपलपित नेित॥ अ प १०-५ प छे.. he conceals his love-pangs saying. pangs of love.वसित िविपन िवताने तयजित लिलत धाम लुठित धरिण शयने बहु िवलपित तव नाम a pa 10-4. thicket of. virahe [sati]= [your] parting [while in]. lalita dhaama= magnificent. dharaNi shayane= earth [sward. [10-3 a pa] वसित िविपनिवताने तयजित लिलतधाम । लुठित धरिणशयने बहु िवलपित तव नाम॥ १०-४ प-छे :.] "While swarms of honeybees start buzzing silverily he lids his ears with palms. name.रणित िपक समवाये पित िदशम् अनुयाित हसित मनुज िनचये िवरहम् अपलपित न इित a pa 10-5. tagging along. "While cool moonbeams are burning him he is tagging along the death-line.. while the sharp arrows of Lovegod are plunging on him he is highly frantic and greatly rueful.. hasati [sati]= laughing at [while]. conceals. lorn in your love. [saH= he]. manuja nicaye= people. he rushes to each and every direction unable to listen those love-songs. without. he undergoes pangs of love.. lorn in your love. thus.... night after night. reprise. or. while lots of people laugh at him for his mad-rush in love. moonbeams [by moon]. he is becoming . [10-5 a pa] सफुरित कलरवरावे समितर मिणतमेव। तवरितसुखिवभवे गणयित सुगुणमतीव॥ अ प १०-६ .. prati disham= to each direction. rujam= pangs.he is becoming palish. vilapati= utters [descants]. raNati [sati]= re-echoing [while]. by night. "Leaving off his magnificent mansion he lingers in the thickets of woods.. bahu= in many [kinds]. virahi vilasitena= passional frolics [of Krishna]. sublimity of . "While the cooing of pigeons comes to his mind. vibhave= in that felicity. tam api= that. vishaakha is the name of Maadhava. to which southern versions further interpolate three sub-songs. maadhavaH= Krishna. aesthetic pleasure. highly. puurvam= earlier. vaishaakhe maadhavo raadhaH. shubha maasam= auspicious.. manmatha mahaa tiirthe= Lovegod's. yatra= where. by their own merit of devotion.. While poet Jayadeva tells about the passional frolics of Krishna. . "While people mention the name of an auspicious month that is your namesake. and even reminisces that name of the month with aesthetic pleasure. tava rati sukha vibhave = with you. he reminisces. excellent. ratipateH aasaaditaH siddhayaH = by Lovegod. let dawn. cooing. [10-7 a pa] The month that is the namesake of Rādha is vishaakha. tasmin eva= in there [in that bower. samam [krishnena] tvayaa= along with Krishna. and 7 do not appear in Mumbai. this whole song is said to be an interpolation. he listens to it attentively. interestedness. which is a..भणित किव जयदेवे िवरिह िवलिसतेन मनिस रभस िवभवे हिरः उदयतु सुकृतेन a pa 10-8. achievements are. for Rādha and Mādhava are one and the same. hymeneal. abhida= name . rabhasa= enthusiasm [in devotion to Krishna]. Verse Locator पूवरम् यत समम् तवया रितपतेरासािदतः िसदयः तिसमनेव िनकुङजमनमथमहातीथे पुनमाधवः। धयायंसतवामिनशम् जपनिप तवैवालापमंतावलीम् भूयसतवतकुचकु ंभिनभररपरीरंभामृतम् वाङछित॥ ५-२ प-छे :. smarti = reminisces. as he is now disinterested in other girls.. sphurati [sati]= coming to mind [while]. bhaNati [sati] = tells [while]. gaNayati suguNam atiiva= reckons. your namesake. even . As they are without eight sub-songs. 6. sukR^itena= by the merited people]. Krishna. comfort. let Krishna dawn in the hearts of merited people. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you.sublimity of hymnal comfort with you. tvat= your. as above. na upaiti= not. shR^iNoti= on hearing. yuvatiSu ratim= in [other] girls. he reckons on them only as love-murmurs. manasi hariH udayatu= in their hearts.पूवरम् यत समम् तवया रितपतेः आसािदतः िसदयः तिसमन् एव िनकुङज मनमथ महा तीथे पुनः माधवः धयायन् तवाम् अिनशम् जपन् अिप तव एव अलाप मंतावलीम् भूयः तवत् कुच कु ंभ िनभरर परीरंभ अमृतम् वाङछित 5-2. niku~Nja= bower.सफुरित कलरव रावे समितर मिणतम् एव तव रित सुख िवभवे गणयित सुगुणम् अतीव a pa 10-6. lorn in your love. only. thus. tvaam= about you. anisham= ceaselessly. by you.one that is having your name. [a pa 10-8] The stanzas at 5.. sanctum [bower].. he reckons the sublimity of hymeneal comfort with you as exceptionally excellent. punaH= again. maNitam eva= love-murmurs. भणित किवजयदेवे िवरिहिवलिसतेन । मनिस रभसिवभवे हिररदयतु सुकृतेन॥ अ प १०-८ प-छे::.तवत् अिभद शुभ मासम् वदित निर शृणोित तम् अिप जपित सरसम् युवितषु न रितम् उपैित a pa 10-7. reacquired. thus... getting. [10-6 a pa] तवदिभदशुभमासम् वदित निर शृणोित । तमिपजपितसरसम् युवितषु नरितमुपैित॥ अ प १०-७ प-छे :. lorn in your love. or of Rādha.प-छे :. or in northern editions... kavi jayadeve= poet. sa rasam japati= with. vadati [sati] = speak of [while]. kalarava raave= pigeons. Jayadeva. that Krishna is listlessly longing for you. great. nari= people. alone]. month.even the mention of that month's name. with his lovely and heart-stealing mien. lord. he is now available in that preset place.ncala= moving [active. hè raadhe. not like Lovegod's getup. quintessentially. lovely.mbha = tight. only. "Oh. "Earlier. preferring solitude in ascesis. veSam is not getup. piina payodhara= bosomy.ncChati= he is desiring. te naama sametam= your. kara yuga shaalii= hands. her various chitchatting as hymns to her. bosoms. Rādha. delay. seashore. name.. Rādha his goddess..ntra aavaliim = chatting.. with the blessings of his teacher. now Krishna is in that bower only. gamana vilambanam = in going. it is an inferior getup than that of Krishna ].' Here. ca. coupled with [while fluting he uses your . hence go nigh of the lord of your heart who alone has a couple of hands that have a sleight of hand to engineer the busty bosoms of milkmaids of their vanity. high-hipped one. na kuru= don't. [your] heart's. [5-2] Whoever wants a final release meditates on far away place. for Krishna is lingering in that breezy garden on that riverbank of Yamuna. a quintessentially blissful place for connubial bliss. he who is having... bhuuyaH= again.] garden. as he is formless to wear any getup. wind [breezy]. gopii = milk maids. manipulate. abhisaare gatam= in preset place. where you were with Krishna in a riverine bower that which is a sanctum of Lovegod. vanamaalii = one who wears leafy garland. vaa. alaapa ma. Krishna is compared with a meditator. him. mien [here. amR^itam = called ambrosia.रित सुख सारे गतम् अिभसारे मदन मनोहर वेशम् न कुर िनतिमबिन गमन िवलंबनम् अनुसर तम् हृदय ईशम् गोपी पीन पयोधर मदरन चंचल कर युग शाली धीर समीरे यमुना तीरे वसित वने वनमाली a pa 11-1. a couple of. Verse Locator अषपिद ११ -साकाकश पुंडरीकोतकधा मधुरम् रितसुखसारे गतमिभसारे मदनमनोहरवेशम् । न कुर िनतिमबिन गमनिवलंबनमनुसर तम् हृदयेशम् । गोपी पीनपयोधरमदरनचंचलकरयुगशाली । धीर समीरे यमुना तीरे वसित वने वनमाली . mardana= [lexically] in massaging [or. Krishna.mbha= your. in temples if hymns are chanted. madana manohara vesham= in an arousing. reprise: dhiira samiire= in gentle. with vanity]. by making your words of chat as the strings of his chants. one can attain his moksha. even if it is so.धृवम्॥ अ प ११-१ प-छे :. do. moksha. rati sukha saare= [a place which has] connubial. where Lovegod once reacquired all his achievements through your conjugation with Krishna. vasati vane= located in [lingering in. embrace. strings of. to engineer of. and the finality of his meditation culminates in an embrace. busts [hence the milkmaids are too cocky. This is as said in manjuuSa: gR^ihe goSTana aaraama nadii naga sura aalaye | anugrahaat guroH siddiH shiighram syaat uttarottam 'in a solitary place. preferably on a riverbank and in a bower. once more desirous of moksha by a tight embrace of your pot-like ambrosial bosoms. [a pa 11-1] नामसमेतमकृतसंकेतमवादयतेमृदुवेणुम् । बहुमनुतेननुतेतनुसगतपवनचिलतमिपरेणुम्॥ अ प ११-२ ं े प-छे :. even. yamunaa tiire= on Yamuna. blissful. have a sleight of hand].नाम समेतम् कृत संकतम् वादयते मृदु वेणुम् बहु मनुते ननु ते तनु संगत पवन चिलतम् अिप रेणुम् a pa 11-2.. which itself is moksha through supreme love.dhyaayan= meditating. ceaselessly meditating only upon you. cowshed. hè nitambini= oh. on the riverbank of yamuna. tava eva= your. forest. he has gone in [available]. japan api= chanting.. gardens. on riverbanks. riverbank. nirbhara pari ra. anusara tam hR^idaya iisham= follow. to artifice] .. chants. high-hipped Rādha. or.. don't linger to go.. tvat kucha ku. called pots. manjiiram= solid anklets. doesn't linger to go. Rādha.nthaanam= looks about. indication [he made an indication to bring you to that preset bower where he will be fluting.njam kunjam= with.. friend. then why harping about your embrace. as if they are. attached. arrival. 'o. kR^ita sa. niila nicholam shiilaya= black. rachayati shayanam= makes. keliSu= in disports [of courtship]. he plays. reprise: dhiira samiire &c. "O. cranes.उरिस मुरारेः उपिहत हारे घन इव तरल बलाके तिटत् इव पीते रित िवपरीते राजिस सुकृत िवपाके a pa 11-5. upahita haare= having. "When wings of birds flap. prajnaanam ghana eva. pavana chalitam api reNum= by air. [a pa 11-3] मुखरमधीरम् तयज मनजीरम् िरपुिमव केिलषुलोलम् । चल सिख कुनजम् सितिमरपुंजम् शीलय नीलिनचोलम्॥ अ प ११-४ प-छे :. don't linger to go. he prepares a leafy bed suspenseful of your drawing nigh. like flittering flights of cranes on a cloud. Rādha. [leafy] bed. flapping. like [cloudy. Rādha. [to embrace].. when you will be in foreplay with him. taTit iva raajasi= streak of lightning.. sukR^ita vipaake= on [your] merit. body. cf. alike.. bahu manute [aalingane]= highly.पतित पतते िवचलित पते शिनकत भवत् उप यानम् रचयित शयनम् स चिकत नयनम् पशयित तव पंथानम् a pa 11-3. sa chakita nayanam= with.. shawl. particle [of pollen etc]. then your pearly pendants will be dangling on the cloudlike chest of Krishna. [a pa 11-4] उरिसमुरारेरपिहतहारेघनैवतरलबलाके । तिटिदवपीतेरितिवपरीतेराजिससुकृतिवपाके॥ अ प ११-५ प-छे :. ripum iva= your enemy. tarala balaake= flittering. un-understandable Krishna. adhiiram mukharam= highly. "O. patati= while falling. don't linger to go. te tanu sa. discard your loudmouthed solid-silver anklets as if they are your enemies... nearby. beauty. even.मुखरम् अधीरम् तयज मनजीरम् िरपुम् इव केिलषु लोलम् चल सिख कुनजम् स ितिमर पुंजम् शीलय नील िनचोलम् a pa 11-4.. to such a bower. hè sakhii= o. so. o. [he indicates his place of tarrying with his soft fluting]. if only your merit fructifies.. while rustling. sthite = existing].. bhavat upa yaanam= your. patatre= wing [of bird]. yellowy-golden Rādha. [a pa 11-5] Here Rādha is said to be goldenly yellow indicating the initially yellowish lightings piitaa varSaaya vij~neyaa on an all-giving cloudlike Krishna. patre vichalati= leaves. you will beam forth. and that flute sings 'ha. [a pa 11-2] पतितपततेिवचलितपतेशिनकतभवदुपयानम् । रचयितशयनमसचिकतनयनमपशयिततवपनथानम्॥ अ प ११-३ प-छे :. indication. Though other comparison in similes. ghana iva= cloud. nanu= definitely. pashyati tava pa. so.. shades. fructifying.].. yellowy girl. then you yourself will beam forth like a streak of lightning on that cloudlike Krishna. goddess of love etc]. on wearing. sa timira pu. lolam= moving [bumping].. unclear. [tvam= you]. moved. eyes.names as lyrics. tyaja= discard. don't linger to go. muraareH urasi= Krishna's. reprise: dhiira samiire &c "O. pearly pendants. softly. and with flustered eyes he looks about your path of arrival. darkness.. he indicates himself with such a soft fluting. he dotes on to embrace any particle of pollen vagrant from your body. your.. chala= start. so. dotes on.'cloud- . but wear a blackish shawl. he uses your lyrical names as the lyrics of his fluting. since they braggartly clang and clank when they are bumping in disports of courtship. when air wafts them to his near.dissonant. or. on chest. . jangling .. shankita= in suspense. flustered. and start towards that darkly shady bower. hè piite= o. kR^ita sa.ngata= to your. or when leaves of trees rustle. so.nketam = made. rati vipariite= while in love's foreplay. path [of arrival.nketam vaadayate mR^idu veNum= to make. . kuru mama vachanam= make happen. It is then abhuuta upama. if only you can place yourself on his chest. [a pa 11-6] Here a repeat of idea said at a pa 6-2. "On one hand Krishna is a self-respectful one and on the other now this night is slipping by to it cessation. Here Krishna is below. haste. kisalaya shayane= on tender leaves. The dress and peripherals peel off on their own in ecstasy.शी जयदेवे कृत हिर सेवे भणित परम रमणीयम् पमुिदत हृदयम् हिरम् अित सदयम् नमत सुकृत कमनीयम् a pa 11-8. who is lowering himself for a devotee.. ghaTaya= treasure up. called Krishna. [vinaa= without]. bhaNati= is being said. rachanam= artful [words of mine]. Rādha. kR^ita= on making. fulfil. and cranes will be below clouds. who is an embodiment of millions and millions of Lovegods. like. self-respecting boy [lest. on hips. over whom pendants are dangling. then Rādha is shining forth above those two obects . lotus-petal. seve= service [on worshipping]. he may depart concluding that you disgraced him]. this can be explained as. parihR^ita rasanam [rashanaanam] = stolen [snaked.' Or. golden Rādha.flirtatious. jayadeve= by Jayadeva. if you eye him. [10-7 a pa] शीजयदेवे कृतहिरसेवे भणित परमरमणीयम्। पमुिदतहृदयम् हिरमितसदयम् नमत सुकृतकमनीयम्॥ अ प११-८ प-छे :... then why don't you treasure up your body. then only your merit fructifies.golden lightning' are agreeable some hold objection in their placement.' िवगिलतवसनम् पिरहृतरसनम् घटय जघनमिपधानम् । िकसलयशयने पङजनयने िनिधिमव हषरिनदानम्॥अ प ११-६ प-छे :. in Ch. to its cessation. harSa nidaanam= for bliss.Krishna's chest.हिरः अिभमानी रजिनः इदानीम् इयम् अिप याित िवरामम् कुर मम वचनम् स तवर रचनम् पूरय मधु िरपु कामम् a pa 11-7. even.. enemy . parama ramaNiiyam= highly.. make happen my words that are artful in hastening you. the primary source of bliss. Even then it is replied that the cranes are above the lowered cloud.] waist-strings. shrii hari= Shri Krishna's. you face is shining forth as though it has the collection of all the resplendence of all lotuses. above which Rādha is beaming forth like lightning. apidhaanam jaghanam= covering. who is an aggregate of all kinds of love. bed of. eyed one. tarala . waist-string sneaks out. madhu ripu= demon Madhu's.. your clothing slithers down. hè pankaja nayane= o. yaati viraamam= slips by.. vigalita vasanam= slither down. kaamam puuraya= desire. primary source. iyam rajaniH api= this. thus let Krishna's be fulfilled. not divested herself].िवगिलत वसनम् पिरहृत रसनम् घटय जघनम् अिपधानम् िकसलय शयने पनकज नयने िनिधम् इव हषर िनदानम् a pa 11-6. clothing. "O.. hariH abhimaanii= Krishna. there Krishna is listlessly longing for you.. so. sa tvara= with. 2 is there. like a treasure trove. lorn in your love. balaakaa kaamukii proktaa balaakaa ravako mataH meaning 'oh. pleasant. [on their own. The lightning will be above clouds. as said in shaashvata nighaNtu 'an everlasting lexicon' balaakaa baka panktantau syaat balaakaa bisa kaNThikaa. don't linger to go. words.upraised is her personality. idaaniim= now. ati . balaake= coquettish girl.Krishna's. beauty.. you can outdo Krishna. night. your hips will be shorn of any covering on their own. on a bed of tender leaves. pearl strings-cranes rows. lotus-petal-eyed Rādha. my. may it be in love or madness. हिररिभमानीरजिनिरदानीिमयमिपयाितिवरामम् । कुरममवचनमसतवररचनमपूरयमधुिरपुकामम्॥ अ प ११-७ प-छे :. as Poet Dandi said: sarva padma prabhaa saaraH samaahR^ita iva kvacit | tava aananam vibhaati it taam abhuuta upamaam viduH 'o..cancala . nidhim iva= treasure trove. vilambanam= delaying. bowers. your lover bestrews his sighs oftentimes as you are unapparent. sunrays ..तवत् वामयेन समम् समगम् अधुना ितगमाशुः असतम् गतः गोिवनदसय मनोरथेन च समम् पापतम् तमः सानदताम् कोकानाम् करण सवनेन सदृशी दीघा मत् अभयथरना तत् मुगधे िवफलम् िवलमबनम् असौ रमयः अिभसार कणः 5-4. oftentimes. puraH dishaaH iikshate muhuH= in his fore.as you are tearless. sadR^ishii [aabhuut]= matching [became]. and enjoyable is this moment in going to the preset place of love. adore Krishna. in war. asau abhisaara kshaNaH= this. my entreaties are prolonged. scorching [in love].. viphalam= wasteful. "O. enters. vikirati shvaasaan muhuH= strews. lover. don't linger to go. entreaty. "You missy Rādha.] On worshipping shrI Krishna.as you are speechless. density. going to preset place. govindasya manorathena cha= Govinda-s. tava priyaH vartate= your.. often searches. graceful one. pathetic. h looks about. missy Rādha.. often enters buzzing bowers presuming that you are hidden in them unobservedly. buzzing.. hè kaante= o. samam= matching to. misgivings. [5-5] Verse Locator तवदामयेन समंसमगमधुना ितगमाशुरसतंगतो गोिवनदसय मनोरथेन च समंपापतंतमः सानदताम्। कोकानाकरणसवनेन सदृशी दीघा मदभयथरना तनमुगधे िवफलंिवलमबनमसौ रमयोऽिभसारकणः॥ ५-४ प-छे :. tat= thereby. [his] heart [as it were]. looks over. namata= bow down before [adore.. sighs. matching to the densely passion of Krishna the darkness is gaining density. diirghaa mat abhyarthanaa = prolonged. ramyaH= will be delightful. deports himself.sadayam= highly. so. sukR^ita kamaniiyam= by merit. to darkness. worsted in the war of love. awry. enjoyable. harim= at Krishna. callings. desirable one. Rādha. devotees. tvat vaakyena= with your speech . the lovebirds. went. muhuH paryaakulam iikshate= often. praaptam tamaH saandrataam= gaining.. lover.. muhuH pravishati gu. worsted. also..िविकरित मुहुः शासान् िदशाः पुरः मुहुः ईकते पिवशित मुहुः कु ंजम् गुंजन् मुहुः बहु तामयित रचयित मुहुः शययाम् पयाकुलम् मुहुः ईकते मदन कदन कलानतः कानते िपयः तव वतरते 5-3. tvat vaamyena= your. [5-4] Verse Locator . he often looks over all the directions unforgettably. moment.njam= often. makes. adhunaa= now. bed. desirable one. only to gladden his heart. bewilderedly. madana kadana klaantaH= love's.sun. tava priya= your. as in other mms: tvat baapSpena= with your tears . [a pa 11-8] Verse Locator िविकरित मुहुः शासािनदशाः पुरो मुहुरीकते पिवशित मुहुः कु ंजंगुंजनमुहुबरहु तामयित। रचयित मुहुः शययापयाकुलंमुहुरीकते मदनकदनकलानतः कानते िपयसतव व‌तरते॥ ५-३ प-छे :. samam= matching. pramudita hR^idayam [yathaa tathaa]= gladdening. directions. mugdhe= you. highly. often highly scorched by love-heat. matching to the pathetic callings of cakravaka-s. he often prepares leafy love-beds unprofitably. kokaanaam karuNa svanena = cakravaka birds'. or. my. tigma anshuH= one with scorching. muhuH bahu taamyati= often. muhuH rachayati shayyaam= often. thereby wasteful is this delaying. astam gataH= in to dusk.. Rādha. matching to your fading misgivings the scorching sun is now dusking. thus your lover now deports himself. and thus oh.njan ku. he often looks about frontally in all directions for your reappearance unceasingly. Jayadeva is saying this highly pleasant poem on that highly graceful one who is a desirable by our merit. with passion. samagram= completely. everything is enjoyment in aesthetic pleasure.. writing [scratches] anu= next. aesthetic pleasure seeking is null and void . maam drakshyati= me. "O.. pashyati= sees. sambhaaSaNaiH= by conversations [in which man talks about another woman. [while thinking]. prati a~Ngam aali.. staying in a bower filled with thick dark shades he is musing.. iti [cintayan]= this way.. kaH na= what is.सा माम् दकयित वकयित समर कथाम् पतयङम् आिलंगनैः पीितम् यासयित रंसयते सिख समागतय इित िचंताकुलः स तवाम् पशयित वेपते पुलकयित आनंदित सवेदित पतयुदगचछित मू‌चछरित िसथर तमः पुंजे िनकु ंजे िसथतः 5-5. on coming closely. Raj . next with nail scratching. she goes into. kaH na= what is. gatayoH= those [lovers] who have gone. vakshyati smara kathaam= says. nakha ullekhaat= with nail. void [in the negative . love [pangs'. 'she draws nigh of me. iha= here.mbhaat= with foreplay. anu= next. saa samaagatya= she [Raadha]. anu priitayoH= step by step. anu= next. vepate= shudders. in such a bower. hè sakhi= o. Verse Locator आशलेषादनु चुंबनादनु नखोललेखादनु सवानतज पोदोधादनु संभमादनु रतारंभादनु पीतयोः। अनयाथरमगतयोभरमािनमिलतयोः समभाषणैजानतो दरमपतयोिरह को न को न तमिस वरीडािविमशो रसः॥ ५-६ प-छे :. svedyati= sweats. priitim yaasyati= delight. tamasi= in such dark nights.' and this way he is anxiously agitated. tvaam= at you. anu= next. bhramaat = on meandering [in those and those bowers]. dark. he comes to know that she is his wife.] stories.mbanaat= from kissing. [5-5] This verse will be placed as 2nd verse in 11 chapter of this work in other mms. born [desires]. anu= next. hence he shudders for his aloneness. jaanatoH= on knowing [that.] "In these dark nights libertine couples start meandering in still darker bowers for their cherished lovers. friend. but this characterisation then belongs to Rādha. sees me. mixed. again sweats for it is darkening. aana. and caught unawares. [5-6] Jayadeva is less sung for his 'treatise on aesthetic pleasures' . next highly excited by excitement and desire they enter into foreplay.. pra udbodhaat = clearly. hugging every limb of mine she goes into delight. chu. rataara. but thrills for your expected arrival.. she sees. [love mates] aiming at. [transport into[ blissfulness. sthira tamaH pu. svaanta ja= with mind. dampatyoH= by couples. anyaa artham = for other. and woman talks about another man].सा माम् दकयित वकयित समरकथाम् पतयङमािलंगनैः पीितम् यासयित रंसयते सिख समागतयेित िचंताकुलः। स तवाम् पशयित वेपते पुलकयतयानंदित सवेदित पतयुदगचछित मू‌चछरित िसथरतमःपुंजे िनकु ंजे िसथतः॥ ५-५ प-छे :. shaded. rasaH= aesthetic pleasure. well.is this my husband].rasa siddhaanta and Dr.isn't it. sthitaH= while staying..ndati= gladdens. vriiDaa vi mishraH= with shame. saH= he. tells stories of her love-pangs. and she comes to know likewise. and in such passsional nights. instructed [highly excited]. muurcChati= nonplussed. militayoH= meeting [again].msyate= disports. but gladdens to go forward to welcome you. is this my wife . and then their escapade firstly starts with hugging. limb.nta aakulaH= anxiously. agitated.nje nikunje = thick. sam bhramaat = with excitement. pulakayati= thrills.nganaiH= each. and muses like. friend... and then step by step they culminate it into their conjugal bliss. nil desperandum. awaits. when hugged. pratyudgacChati= goes forward. chi. again he becomes nonplussed for your absence. ra. but unwittingly one meets one's own wife/husband. after that when they converse. null. Even then the meaning would be the same.आशलेषात् अनु चुंबनात् अनु नख उललेखात् अनु सवानत-ज प-उदोधात् अनु संभमात् अनु रतारंभात् अनु पीतयोः अनय अथरम् गतयोः भमात् िमिलतयोः समभाषणैः जानतोः दमपतयोः इह को न को न तमिस वरीडा िविमशः रसः 5-6. next with kissing.. thus she disports with me. aashleShaat= [firstly] by hugging. they mix that bliss in shame and depart shamefully.. on pathway. weaves. and through Jayadeva's poetic expertise. Firstly by hugging. su bhagaH= highly desirable one Krishna [subhaga= a youthful. a sort of 'fear' is occurring bhaya sthaayii bhaava . as the woman in question will almost be departing confusedly but dragged forcefully by that man. thus if you somehow reach him. katham api= somehow. on entering into foreplay an enthusiastic bravery viira rasa bechances.adbhuta rasa.is the work of poet Jayadeva. lest he may mistake her for a strumpet. Next. Raadha. Then. "Let that unique Prince Charming Krishna achieve consummate bliss if you somehow approach him casting your fearful glances wincingly on your unenlightened path.. as she does not know who is doing what. but not in respect of higher gods or lower animals. Then.. after coaxing and combing. looks. pausing awhile at every foot of a tree either by your hesitation or by your graceful footwork. hence she should be in a pitiable mood.. Verse Locator सभयचिकतिम्‌वनयसयनतीम्‌दृशौितिमरेपिथ पिततर मुहुः िसथतवा मनदम्‌पदािन िवतनवतीम्। कथमिप रहः पापतामङैरनङतरिङिभः सुमुिख सुभगः पशयनसतवामुपैतु कृताथरताम्॥ ५-७ प-छे :. as Bharata says in naaTya shaastra: aaSleSa cumbana nakha kshata kaama bodha shiighratva maithunam ananta mukha prabodham | priitiH tato api rasa bhaavanam eva kaaryam evam nitaanta caturaaH suciram ramante || . but gracefully. a prince charming].राधा मुगध मुख अरिवनद मधुपः तैलोकय मौिल सथली नेपथय उिचत नील रतम् अवनी भार अवतार अंतकः ं सवचछनदम् वरज सुंदरी जन मनः तोष पदोष उदयः कस धवंसन धूमकेतुः अवतु तवाम् देवकी नंदनः 5-7. she who arrived [to meet Krishna]. wincing. he certainly sees you. men's unrestrained indulgence in other's women are taboos. which leads to contented smiling.e. tvaam pashyan= you. dancers’ stage searching like stage walking]. mannish. rahaH praaptaam= in secrecy. even if in unknowable secrecy. awhile. su mukhi= oh. during that enjoyment. watching your own step. mandam padaani vitanvatiim= slowly [not slowly. thus let him achieve that . tree. somehow treading unseen by others. or those with supra existence. kissing and scratching is started. on seeing [seeing you in darkness! Absurd? No. divine couple. though not all of the nine. and a graceful lady is not supposed to rush to her man.'piteous mood' karuNa rasa. This treatise is very short. nothing can be ascribed to role-players like nonexistent poetic characters. even if it is an unknown darkness. but it is negated. taking the saying of aesthetician called Rudra iirSyaa kula striiSu na naayakasya niH shanka keliH na paraa anganaasu 'jealousy in a chaste woman.. somehow made up her mind to go to him. timire dR^ishau pathi vinyasyantiim= in darkness. pretty. Then should be crying. while placing [dancer’s footwork is suggested. This verse opens with the very words and the step-by-step eightfold enjoyment. with passion tideripping in every limb of yours. This is only to remind the poetic ability of Jayadeva. or. but many rasa-s moods. Of course. there is opposition to the eightfold course of enjoyment. even [somehow veiling herself with black cloths. explained later]. Hence it is . So. an astonishment is caused vismaya saha cari .. And here Rādha's friend is quoting from her human experience. on limbs [she whose limbs are nothing but the passional tiderips of a sea called Lovegod].] feet. she who is keeping [keep an eye on the path treading. Ratimanjari 'the garland of love . muchly desirable by all girls of age – say. saH= he that Krishna. purpose [consummation. It is haasa sahita haasya rasa. bhaya chakitam= by fear.Brahmbhatt in his 'History of Sexual Medicine' says. because humans alone can enjoy aesthetic pleasure rasa aasvaadana.bhayaanaka rasa because it is a stealthy hugging.' It is said that this song contains. which facility is nonexistent in others kinds of existence.' All this is for licentious human couples. i. which gives rise even to laughter. faced one. kR^ita arthataam upaitu= achievement.] let him achieve. at least now]. watchfully. written in an elegant style. eligible youngster. ananga tarangibhiH angaiH= Lovegod’s. prati taru muhuH sthitvaa= at every. on pausing [she who is unable to run or rush towards her lover due to weight of bust or bums]. To achieve that you have to fearfully wince you glances in searching for him in the wild darkness of unenlightened state. attired and decorated with befitting material. nepathya= as background [as an ornament. but leave it as it may.consummation on your reaching him. This has two shades. madhupaH = he is a honeybee. svacChandam= blithely. here it is said. avatu tvaam= [let such a Krishna]grace. dhuuma ketuH= comet.. you [you all listeners. but it is to be incorporated induced by the itching commentaries.' . on devotee's side it is like this. delighter. mugdha mukha aravinda= comely. he who gladdened. he who is the remover of burdensome incarnates on earth like shishupaala et al. and let them merge into one colliding tiderip called universal love. rushing.. Southerners have another verse as below. trailokya= belonging to triad of words [for all people and their kings].ntakaH= remover.' taking the word dR^ishau and the root for this word is dR^ishi meaning 'discern' vivakshita j~naana arthakatvam a kind of gnosis. besides Rādha. place [at crown place]. namely Krishna. niila ratnam= blue. 'You can 'Gnosticise' him and he does the same. self-conceited ones].rasaarNavam 'one who proceeds to her lover in the darkness of moonlit nights. if only you come into union with him. and he who is a destroyer of evildoers like kamsa. Much more is there. udayaH= dawning. folks [milkmaids]. pause it at each tree of knowledge to learn more about that object you search. that delighter of his mother devaki.' and as explained in treatises of aesthetics her role-play will be like this madana anala santaptaa yaa abhisaarayati priyam. ucita= befitting [decorative]. a burden. so a crepuscular gloaming] gloaming.... dhva. [5-8] This chapter has a subtitle abhisaarika varNana 'portrayal of a heroine who makes advances to her lover.ahamta Iness'.msa= kamsa's. face. then bodily. Krishna has not come to Rādha but asked her friend to fetch her to him.. Then all your bodily limbs.ndanaH= devaki. and racing will appear as your greediness and it would result into futility. parched by love heat. a. this is as far as spiritual mind is concerned ... jewel]. jyotsnii tamasvinii yaana yogyaa ambara vibhuuSaNaa | svayam ca abhisaret yaatu saa bhavet abhisaarikaa . first psychically... for whose passional tiderips sake you are staging all this drama. 'he sees you.. is called abhisaarika nigh-nearing ladylove. manaH toSa= hearts. Keeping dancers side away for a while. only to examine her devotedness. shall grace you all. avanii bhaara= for earth.. they shall be surrendered unto him. mauli sthalii= at head. One belongs dancers and the other to devotees. along with Rādha. avataara= incarnate [shishupaala etc. and in the sense 'give spiritual insight to (a person). diamond [sapphire].] He who is the honeybee hovering on the lotus called the comely face of Rādha.msana= in destroying.. ka. you have watch your step otherwise you may misstep.' you have to have your own enlightenment to search for him in the dark. raadhaa= Rādha's.. where unenlightened path is physically a darksome way.... vraja su. pradoSa= crepuscle [crepuscular Zool.ndarii jana = Brindavan. lest your running. appearing or active in twilight. he who is a decorative sapphirine jewel at the helm of crowns of all people and their kings in the triad of worlds.. and then you should have a graceful footwork. Verse Locator राधामुगधमुखारिवनदमधुपससतैलोकयमौिलसथली नेपथयोिचतनीलरतमवनीभारावतारातकः। सवचछनदंवरजसुंदरीजनमनसतोषपदोषोदयः ं कसधवंसनधूमकेतुरवतुतवामदेवकीनंदनः॥ ५-८ प-छे :. and he who is the crepuscular gloaming dawning in eventides to blithely gladden the hearts of milkmaid beauties of brindaavan. lotus [like].. That being so.. beauties.राधा मुगध मुख अरिवनद मधुपः तैलोकय मौिल सथली नेपथय उिचत नील रतम् अवनी भार अवतार अंतकः सवचछनदम् वरज सुंदरी जन मनः ं तोष पदोष उदयः कस धवंसन धूमकेतुः अवतु तवाम् देवकी नंदनः 5-8. [5-7] The philo-ing giita govindam is avowedly not taken up in this work. Here ends the 5th chapter in northern mms. You have to tread an unenlightened path. devakii na. Previous giirvaaN Next Sarga i Sarga Oct. 2 6 .. in giita govindam of Jayadeva. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. this is the 4th chapter. 2003. 5 giita govindam Top of Page 3 8 1 4 . a pa 10 5 . Revised Nov 08 . a pa 11 7 . इित गीतगोिवनदे साकाङकपुणडरीकाको नाम पंचमः सगरः Thus. called Passionate Krishna. Verse Locator for Ch. वासकसजजावणरने कुणठवैकुणठः Chapter [Sarga] 6 - Inconsiderate Krishna Rādha's friend returns to Krishna to inform about the ecstatic state of Rādha. Verse Locator अथ ताम् गनतुमशकताम् िचरमनुरकताम् लतागृहे दृषटवा । तचचिरतम् गोिवनदे मनिसजमनदे सखी पाह॥ ६-१ प छे- अथ ताम् गनतुम् अशकताम् िचरम् अनुरकताम् लता गृहे दृषटवा तत् चिरतम् गोिवनदे मनिसज मनदे सखी पाह 6-1. atha= then; sakhii= girlfriend; taam= her [Rādha ]; dR^iSTvaa= on seeing; gantum a+shaktaam= to go [immediately,] unable to [uncompliant to]; chiram lataa gR^ihe anuraktaam = for a long, in creeper, house [bower,] interested [dawdling]; [meaning that Rādha is clinging to this bower expecting Krishna to come here, unyielding]; tat caritam= that, episode; govinde manasija mande= to Krishna, who by Lovegod, became dreary-minded; pra aaha = clearly said [started to tell in this episode of poem.] That girlfriend of Rādha, on coming to Rādha from Krishna, saw Rādha still dawdling in the same bower and uncompliant to go to Krishna immediately; then that girlfriend again returned to Krishna, and started to tell clearly about that episode of Rādha 's unyieldingness. [6-1] Verse Locator अषपिद १२ धनय -धृष वैकुणठम् पशयित िदिश िदिश रहिस भवनतम्। तदधरमधुरमधूिन िपबनतम्। नाथ हरे हरे जगनाथ हरे। सीदित राधा वासगृहे - धृवम्॥ अ प १२-१ प चछे- पशयित िदिश िदिश रहिस भवनतम् तत् अधर मधुर मधूिन िपबनतम् नाथ हरे हरे जगनाथ हरे सीदित राधा वासगृहे - धृवम् a pa 12-1. hи naatha= oh, lord; hare= oh, Krishna; jagannatha= master of worlds; hare= oh, stealer of sins; raadhaa= Rādha; vaasagR^ihe= in a bower; siidati= saddened/aweary; tadadhara, or tvatadhara - tvat= those, other milkmaids' [here tvat shabda anya shabda paryaaya, ta kaaraanta, sarva naama - tvacChabdo.anya vaacii dviH paThitaH... dvaavapi anudaattau-prakriyaa prasaada grantha, sarva naama vyaakhya]; adhara madhura madhuuni = lips', luscious, nectar; rahasi= in secrecy; pibantam= swilling; bhavantam= for you; pashyati dishi dishi= looking [for you,] in direction, direction; reprise - raadhaa= Rādha; siidati= is aweary; vaasagR^ihe= in an arbour. "he, lord Krishna, master of worlds, stealer of sins, saddened Rādha is in a bower, and she looks for you, a secret swiller of nectar from the lips of other milkmaids, in all directions... thus, Rādha is aweary in an arbour... Here the poet uses a pun for the word naatha hare meaning an impetuous bull roped at nose for restraining its impetuosity. naadham = naasaa rajjum, harati = gR^ihNaati, iti naadha hari 'when Rādha is patiently waiting in that bower, your not coming to her is bullish, hence you are not only a gopala, but also a horny bull...' Then he may ask 'why she is so touchy, she could have come here...' for this she is saying as below. तवदिभसरणरभसेन वलनती। पतित पदािन िकयिनत चलनती॥ अ प १२-२ प चछे - तवत् अिभसरण रभसेन वलनती पतित पदािन िकयिनत चलनती a pa 12-2. tvat abhisaraNa= to you, in coming; rabhasena valantii= speed [enthusiasm] having [groggy, muzzy]; kiyanti padaani chalantii patati= some, steps, on walking, falls. "Muzzy with enthusiasm in coming to you, she walks some steps but falls... hence, Rādha is aweary in an arbour... [a pa 12-2] Vividly: 'She walks a few steps, but your infidelity comes to her mind and she stops, but takes some more steps, your duplicity comes to her mind and she stops, yet after some more steps your chicanery reminds her to stop... in this back and forth dance-stepping, her steps stumble and she tumbles... yet she is somehow living but for thinking on you...' from choreographers viewpoint. How she is 'living' is said next. िविहतिवशदिबसिकसलयवलया । जीवित परिमह तव रितकलया॥ अ प १२-३ प चछे- िविहत िवशद िबस िकसलय वलया जीवित परम् इह तव रित कलया a pa 12-3. Rādha; vihita= on making; vishada= fresh/cool; bisa kisalaya= lotus, tender leaves, or stems; valayaa= [lexically] by bracelets - but a veil, cover, soother for the present burning; tava param rati kalayaa= your, blissful, [earlier enjoyed] association, by dream; iha jiivati= now, living. "On making fresh and cooling tender lotus leaves as a soothing veil against the present burning, she is now living by the help of dreams on your blissful association, enjoyed earlier by her... [a pa 12-3] मुहुरवलोिकतमणडनलीला । मधुिरपुरहिमित भावनशीला॥ अ प १२- ४ प चछे- मुहुः अवलोिकत मणडन लीला मधु िरपुः अहम् इित भावन शीला a pa 12-4. muhuH avalokita = repeatedly, on observing [them and herself in a mirror]; maNDana liilaa= [your] ornament's, following that style - she is decorating herself with ornaments you usually wear; madhu ripuH aham= Madhu's, enemy, I am; iti= thus; bhaavana= thinking; shiilaa= with feeling; [vartate= conducting herself.] Readjusting her ornaments to look like those of yours and on assuming your persona she repeatedly observes them and says, 'I am Krishna...' [a pa 12-4] Vividly: She looks at her ornaments to examine whether they are befitting for a meeting with you. She adjusts them to look better. In doing so, she unwittingly adjusts head ornament as peacock feather, puts some dangling earring as your knobbly earrings, holds strings of pearls or a necklace as your flute, and so on. And then, on looking at her own get up she declares 'I am Krishna...' Here the core subject of this work is posted. Rādha not only identifies herself with Krishna, but also declares that she is Krishna. Other non-romantic characters like Seetha, Savitri et al appear to not have averred like this, except a divinity like naaraayaNi - aham naaraayaNii naam saa vaiSNavii paraa - I am indeed naaraayaNii [i.e. LakShmi] the supreme essence of Vishnu - lakShmi tantra 3.1 तविरतमुपैित न कथमिभसारम् । हिरिरित वदित सखीमनुवारम्॥ अ प १२-५ प चछे- तविरतम् उपैित न कथम् अिभसारम् हिरः इित वदित सखीम् अनुवारम् a pa 12-5. hariH= Krishna; tvaritam= swiftly; abhisaaram= to preset place; katham= how [why]; na upaiti= not, coming; iti= thus; anuvaaram= repeatedly, all the while; sakhiim vadati= to friend, saying [asking; why he doesn't come to me when I am he and he is me.] All the while she is checking up with her friend exclaiming, "how is that he doesn't come promptly come to my place if he has that much simpatico... but summons me there... [a pa 12-5] िशलषयित चुमबित जलधरकलपम् । हिररपगत इित ितिमरमनलपम्॥ अ प १२-६ प चछे- िशलषयित चुमबित जलधर कलपम् हिरः उपगत इित ितिमरम् अनलपम् a pa 12-6. hariH upagata iti= Krishna, drew nigh, thus [on thinking]; jaladhara kalpam = cloud, like; an alpam= not, small [pitch-black]; timiram= darkness; shliSyati chumbati= hugs, kisses. "When she steps out that bower she sees the pitch-black cloudlike darkness, and thinking that Krishna drew her nigh, she hugs and kisses that darkness... [a pa 12-6] भवित िवलिमबिन िवगिलतलजजा । िवलपित रोिदित वासकसजजा॥ अ प १२-७ प चछे - भवित िवलिमबिन िवगिलत लजजा िवलपित रोिदित वासक सजजा a pa 12-7. vaasaka= in her dwelling place; sajjaa= rati liilopakaraNaiH sajjita= readying herself decorating with befitting ornaments; bhavati vilambini= by you, delayed [in coming there]; vigalita lajjaa= slithered, shame; vilapati= she whines; roditi= whimpers. "She readying her self decorated in befitting ornaments is waiting in her dwelling place, but when you delay in your coming, slithered is her shame, and she whines and whimpers... [a pa 12-7] The word vaasaka sajjika is a name to the romantic heroine waiting for her hero, and the poet uses this word for another purpose as above. In this song the heroine with such mood and the hero is shaTha. शीजयदेवकवेिरदमुिदतम् । रिसकजनम् तनुतामितमुिदतम्॥ अ प १२-८ प पचछे - शी जयदेव कवेः इदम् उिदतम् रिसक जनम् तनुताम् अित मुिदतम् a pa 12-8. shrii= shrii suukti = auspicious saying; jayadeva kaveH= Jayadeva, by poet; idam uditam = this, [that is] said; rasika janam= for aesthetic, people; ati muditam= highly, gladdening; tanutaam = may cause. May this auspicious song said by poet Jayadeva cause utmost gladness to aesthetic people... [Annex: 'For it is a treatise of divinely romantic aesthetics...] [12-8] Verse Locator िवपुलपुलकपािलः सफीतसीतकारमनतः जिनतजिडमाकाकुवयाकुलम् वयाहरनती। तव िकतव िवधतेऽमनदकनदपरिचनताम् रसजलिधिनमगना धयानलगना मृगाकी॥ ६-२ प चछे- िवपुल पुलक पािलः सफीत सीतकारम् अनतः जिनत जिडमा काकु वयाकुलम् वयाहरनती तव िकतव िवधते अमनद कनदपर िचनताम् रस जलिध िनमगना धयान लगना मृग अकी 6-2. he kitava= he dhuurta= you, beguiler; [saa] mR^igaakShii= [she that] deer-eyed Rādha; vipula pulaka paaliH= ample, thrills, ranges [series]; sphiita= increasing; siitkaaram yathaa tathaa= whining [meaning that she caught hold of you in her contemplation, and when you started to express your love with your danta nakha kShata cumbana aalinganaadi caryaaH - she deeming avoiding your advances, she pulls herself away from you, but coos and whines in pleasure etc]; tenacious. uninterested. worried one. The body is burning with desire.single minded devotion. a. jewellery.अंगेषु आभरणम् करोित बहुशः पते अिप संचािरिण पापतम् तवाम् पिरशंकते िवतनुते शययाम् िचरम् धयायित इित आकलप िवकलप तलप रचना संकलप लीला शत वयासकता अिप िवना तवया वरतनुः न एषा िनशाम् नेषयित 6-3.. vinaa tvayaa= without. eSaa= this way. kaaku= grumbles. imposed.. dhuurta are also incorporated. when the hero handles her by her bun. sudhaakara rasa aarNavam. at granthamandira. This book perhaps is ill fated to be republished and remained in the shelves of archives. bahushaH= many times.NOT nymphomania pl. write. "You beguiler. born out of internal stolidity.antaH janita jaDimaa= internally. chiram dhyaayati = for a long time. in that state when she thinks that she got you at her near. varatanuH= best bodied. liilaa [vilaasaaH ]= attitudinizes [2 speak. parishankate = surmises [by this vikalpa is said].] api= even with.. tava vidhatte= by you.niSedha vaakyaaH. by this akalpa is said]. iti= this way. born. amanda kandarpa chintaam= not less [high. Verse Locator अङेषवाभरणम् करोित बहुशः पतेऽिप संचािरिण पापतम् तवाम् पिरशङते िवतनुते शययाम् िचरम् धयायित। इतयाकलपिवकलपतलपरचनासंकलपलीलाशत सकतािप िवना तवया वरतनुनैषा िनशाम् नेषयित॥ ६-३ प चछे . all this is imposed by you and she. in her phantasmic trance.rasaarNava sudhaakaram A word about this treatise rasaarNava sudhaakaram This is written by simhabhuupaala. sankalpa= mulls over .. but failing to find]. The stolidity occurred to her is the jaDatva the fifth sate in aesthetics of love manmatha avastha The a feeling called haava is caused and that haava is called kuTTamita . [curvaceous (esp. vyaasaktaa [vi aasaktaa= with high. brooding on you she that deer-eyed Rādha is in ecstasy. of a woman) having a shapely curved figure. this girlfriend hurries Krishna to reach Rādha. Then her shivers and shudders shall be more than ordinary cold caught person. called aesthetic pleasure. Rādha]. wings]. or behave affectedly]. which is like molten lava. an erstwhile Telugu king. shata= in hundreds of ways. But this is made available per kindness of Gaudiya Grantha Mandir. in bare Sanskrit text. the situation is reverse. [6-2] It is quite common for anyone to get shivers and shudders if drenched in cold for a long time.nchaariNi = moving [rustling]. Then they articulate shivers owing to their freezing cold.Jan Brzezinski. behaving [behaving in an odd fashion in that trans by gestures of pulling away from you. deluged in. bechanced. bed [by this shayya racana is said].. making . contemplates on you [with this sankalpa is said].' In this book the situations to use words kitava. nishaam na . vyaakulam vyaaharantii = embarrassedly. ecstasy or frenzy caused by desire of the unattainable . called deep-sea. Here. which to others appear to be foolish]. is tenacious to your thought and deluged in deep-sea. dhyaana lagnaa= in thought. api= even if. her thrilling sensations are ample and in series. she is behaving in an embarrassed manner with grumbles of avoidance. rapture [nympholepsy= n. rasa jaladhi nimagnaa= aesthetic pleasure. stolidity jaDatva. in trying to kiss her etc. without annoying her hero. tvaam praaptam= you. patre= leaves [or feather.ngeSu aabharaNam karoti= on limbs.thereby she went into a haava called kuTTamita and started saying words of refusal .org with an assurance 'a separate edition with examples will be offered soon . The causing scene for kuTTamita haava to a heroine is as like this: kesha adhara aadi grahaNe mudamaanaa api maanase | duHkhitena bahiH kupyuet atra kuTTamitam tu tat || 205 'a heroine who is happy inwardly but pretends to be painful. sa. vitanute shayyaam = makes. and she is deluged in an ocean. you. making [decorating. talpa rachanaa= bed. But they are not elaborated here.] passion. aakalpa= sva dehaalankaara carya= decorating with befitting items for a meet. is kuTTamita haava . vikalpa= fidgety expecting arrival. when you have tried failingly to kiss her by catching her bun . resentful etc. a worried one with high passion.a precautionary preparation. before it is too late.. Next. saayam atithi praashastya = evening time. this is the 6th chapter. which is a benedictory conclusion unseen in many other mms. jayanti= are paramount. with every jewellery of every description.eSyati= night. guest invitee.. traveller.. Verse Locator for Inconsiderate Krishna : Chapter 6 Top of Page 1 a pa 12 2 4 . this song shall be paramountly devotional.. and it shall serve as a happy abode for Krishna. an enjoyer. palace of... adhvaga mukhaat= a wayfarer's. able to lead off. so sayest poet Jayadeva.. yaahi= go away. traveller]. why do you take respite under that banyan tree with holes in its trunk into which black cobras truck in and out. a happiest hospice. garbhaaH [narmagarbha]= impregnated [with inner meaning]. [6-4] इित गीतगोिवनदे वासकसजजावणरने कुणठवैकुणठो नाम षषः सगरः Thus. [or. over-preparation.. either a traveller or a beguiler. whether critical editions have referenced this or not. [6-3] Hoping that no more pedantry is required here... for it is our preset retreat. you take respite. brother. but one commentator known as kumbhakarNa has commented in his work.. [aside: but leave that tree at once. in his abode]. long a time. over-titillation. Verse Locator िकम् िवशामयिस कृषणभोिगभवने भाणडीरभूिमरिह भात यािह नदृिषगोचरिमतससाननदननदासपदम्। रधायावचनम् तदधवगमुखानंदािनतकेगोपतो गोिवनदसयजयिनत सायमितिथपाशसतयगभािगरः॥ ६-४ प छे . Vividly: Rādha is asking Krishna to come to a particular place for their pleasure tripping. happiness. She immediately yelled at him saying. won't you see that house of Nanda. please go there for a boundless hospitality. bhaaNDiira bhuumi ruhi= banyan tree with holes in trunk. cobra."] containing such words of Rādha. na. bhuumi ruhi= from earth. in giita govindam of Jayadeva. called Inconsiderate Krishna.. nanda aaspadam= nanda's [Krishna's father. and unsure is that. On this below mentioned verse the commentator of rasamanjari has not commented. because this is not a critical version.. from face. But she cannot tell it directly to Krishna as his father Nanda and others are there tending cattle. with every rattle of wings or rustle of leaves she surmises that you have bechanced.. with every flower and every tender leaf she makes a bed. kR^iSNa bhogi bhavane= black. she is contemplating on you for a long. we go to next verse. hence she is unable to lead off nights. thus. "Oh. words.] a hospice [house of Nanda]. but a criticisable one. gopataH= cowherd. without you. na dR^iSTi gocaram [kim?]= not. In the meanwhile she caught sight of a traveller tarrying under a banyan tree.. that. oh. shleSa: kR^iSNa bhogi bhavane= someone called Krishna. lest no time need be wasted. visible.nda antike= at father Nanda. and thus she attitudinizes her normal attitude with over-decoration. kim vishraamyasi= why. giraH= words.. and with over-meditation. shleSa: bhaaNDiira= treasure house. to eye. hè bhraataH= oh. arose [Krishna who came into existence as an earthly being]. as though welcoming] with praise. [or what?]. impregnated with inner meaning in inviting an evening time invitee. is decorating her limbs.. nearby. "That curvaceous Rādha. the enjoyer..िकम् िवशामयिस कृषण भोिग भवने भाणडीर भूिमरिह भातः यािह न दृिष गोचरम् इतः स अननद ननद आसपदम् रधाया वचनम् तत् अधवग मुखात् नंद अिनतके गोपतः गोिवनदसय जयिनत सायम् अितिथ पाशसतय गभाः िगरः 6-4. itaH= from here. sa aananda= with.. brother [oh. not. govindasya= of Krishna. radhaayaa tat vacanam= Rādha's. [or. 2003.Previous giirvaaN Next Sarga i Sarga Oct. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. Revised Nov 08 . brightened up. not general love but a sense of mineness i. because they contain mesmeric Sanskrit wordsmithy.nshu jaalaiH= moonbeams. paata= by spoiling. and then on he/she starts to show jealousy. essentially possessed by Rādha. On some more devotion it ripens into sneha 'divided togetherness' an unsatisfied feeling with words and play of Krishna. The songs in this chapter. belligerence etc of firebrand-like Raadha. called beauty. none else. because his moonbeams are obstructive to the sneaky fancy women]. atra antare ca= in the. purest attribute. contain the flames from the stomach-burn of Raadha.. towards Krishna.] This chapter details that exclusive maadana mahaa bhaava of Rādha in her angering.Chapter [Sarga] 7. none else. kulaTa aakula= by coquettish women. induH= moon. Then it ripens into prema. aSThapadi-s.Shifty Krishna नागर नारायण When a devotee of Krishna receives shuddha sattva. vR^indaavana antaram adiipayat = Brindavan. it is transformed later into rati or prema ankura. sphuTa= clear. vartma= their pathway. [7-1] . infamy..ire.njaata= caused thereby. a feeling that Krishna belongs to me. because he is a separate entity as yet. laa. meanwhile. flocks. interior of. a. Better let them read to understand these songs to convey correct mood. In the meanwhile. shriiH= having brilliance.e. sa. vadana chandana binduH= on [her] face. a blob of. IV . a maddening delight. These states. on account of real/unreal grievance.ncChana= badge [of infamy]. This ripens to maana 'intense love' where he/she conceals his own feelings. say something like .nagara nArAyaNa . maana abhimaana-s contain maadana bhaava. choler. for he incurred sin by obstructing the pathways of flocks of sneaky fancy women. Verse Locator अतानतरेच कुलटाकुलवतमरपात संजातपातक इव सफुटलाञछनशीः । वृनदावनानतरमदीपयदंशुजालै िदरकसुनदरीवदनचनदनिबनदुिरनदुः॥ ७-१ प छे . anger or petulance etc. obstructing. called the eastern sky. upbraiding etc. a+sahanam.अत अनतरे च कुलट आकुल वतमर पात संजात पातक इव सफुट लाचछन शीः वृनदावन अनतरम् अदीपयत् अंशु जालैः िदक् सुनदरी वदन चनदन िबनदुः4 इनदुः 7-1. [Source: The Cultural Heritage of India. tonguelashing. dik sundarii= [eastern] direction. sandal. with laces of. even. but singers sing and dancers dance in a most joyful manner.Religions. he who bears a brilliant but clear badge of infamy on his face. Vol. like [a badge of infamy bechanced on his face. that moon brightened up the interiors of Brindavan with the laces of his moonbeams. Actually they should expose roSham. himself staying like the sandal-blob on the forehead of the beauty. paataka iva= blemish. not even by Krishna. पसरित शश धर िबमबे िविहत िवलमबे च माधवे िवधुरा िवरिचत िविवध िवलापम् सा पिरतापम् चकार उचछैः॥ ७-२ 7-2.यत् अनुगमनाय िनिश गहनम् अिप शीिलतम् तेन मम हृदयम् इदम् असम शर कीिलतम् a pa 13-2.. sakhii jana vachana va.नागर नारायण रसावलयम् किथतसमयेऽिप हिररहह न ययौ वनम् । मम िवफलिमदममलरपमिप यौवनम्॥ यािम हे किमह शरणमसखीजनवचनवंिचताहम् . may it be the black spot on moon.] even. yat= for which [Krishna]. time. and an utter anguish. is searched [ellipse. and impaling this heart of mine. blemished. For which unseen Krishna I have searched the forest even though it is night. heart.but. [7-2] Verse Locator अषिपद . also. iha= here [in forest].adR^ishyena . mama idam hR^idayam = mine. A sinner has to bear a badge of infamy. virachita vividha vilaapam= made [underwent. heartache. ucChaiH paritaapam chakaara = utter. as shelter [haven. those girl flocks cajolery befooled me. aha ha. this. [a pa 13-1] यदनुगमनाय िनिश गहनमिप शीिलतम् तेन मम हृदयिमदमसमशरकीिलतम्॥ अ प १३-२ प छे. murali dhara] maadhave ca= by [flute bearing] Krishna. viphalam= wasteful. asama [adR^ishyamaana] shara= by Lovegod's. aha.धृवम्॥ अ प १३-१ प छे. not. mien [beauty. [respite] aha ha= ah. [respite] aha ha= ah. youth. friend.. hariH= Krishna.. Verse Locator पसरित शशधरिबमबे िविहतिवलमबे च माधवे िवधुरा । िवरिचतिविवधिवलापम् सा पिरतापम् चकारोचचैः॥ ७-२ प छे. unseen] arrow. aham= I am.१३ .nchitaa= by friends. Krishna didn't turn up on the appointed time at Brindavan.even on giving appointment. tardiness [belatedly]. anguish. anugamanaaya= to go in tow.. sakhii jana vachana va. he alone became an unseen arrow of still unseen Love-god.] I can go.. kam sharaNam yaami= whom. discoid [moon]. vanam na yayau= to Brindavan. words [cajolery. he [sakhii= oh.] befooled.. kathita samaye api= on saying. aha. vidhe= god].] many a. aham= I am. vidhuraa= by the anguished Rādha. shasha dhara bimbe= rabbit. flocks of. [unseeable. tena= by him [Krishna].किथत समये अिप हिरः अहह न ययौ वनम् मम िवफलम् इदम् अमल रपम् अिप यौवनम् यािम हे कम् इह शरणम् सखी जन वचन वंिचता अहम् a pa 13-1. aha ha. a mala ruupam api= not. made [underwent. arrived. those girl flocks cajolery befooled me. she that anguished Rādha underwent many a heartache. even though. gahanam api shiilitam = forest. even . this. bearing. whom I can approach as a haven in this forest. mama idam yauvanam= my.In the meanwhile means: during the time when girlfriend is telling about Rādha to Krishna. vihita vilambe= imposed. words [cajolery.. unseen]. kiilitam= impaled.nchitaa= by friends. or this impertinent boy Krishna for his non-arrival at Rādha.] While that discoidal moon bearing a rabbit is sprightly coming. prasarati= while emanating [coming sprightly]. flocks of. nishi= in night. [ellipse.] befooled. saa= she that Rādha.. [a pa 13-2] . and while this Krishna bearing a flute is not coming belatedly. wasteful is my youth and unblemished beauty without him. heart. but it is still better god for love that is rending the heart. excruciating. shara liilayaa= arrows. here in this preset place. contemptible. carrying [have a bearing on. These bicep-lets and every other gem-studded jewellery I wear. maam hR^idi hanti= my. कुसुमसुकुमारतनुमतनुशरलीलया । सगिप हृिद हिनत मामितिवषमशीलया॥ अ प १३-६ प छे . kaa api= someone. [this] preset place. a + chetanaa= [I am] without.कुसुम सुकुमार तनुम् अतनु शर लीलया सक् अिप हृिद हिनत माम् अित िवषम शीलया a pa 13-6. bodied [such as I am]. viraha anala= disunion. harim anubhavati= with Krishna. [a pa 13-5] It is really worthless to decorate themselves. if unseen by their lovers.. ah ha. [a pa 13-6] The arrows of Love-god rend the soul not body..] I am tolerating. verily. aha ha= aha. thus I too am spiritless. put up with. aha ha. a + tanu= un. hence I reckon them as highly contemptible wear. ati viSama shiilayaa = highly. whose flower like delicate body is already rent by sporting arrows of Love-god. Even the garland I wear is rending my heart.अह ह कलयािम वलय आिद मिण भूषणम् हिर िवरह दहन वहनेन बहु दूषणम् a pa 13-5. anguish... fire of [put to the torch]. madhura madhu yaaminii= pleasant. in their import [has an effect]. [a pa 13-4] अहह कलयािम वलयािदमिणभूषणम् । हिरिवरहदहनवहनेन बहुदषणम्॥ अ प १३-५ ू प छे . night. ahaha= aha ha. making merry [I lost that chance . valaya aadi= bicep-let. Utterly shattered is the worth of this preset place.. delicate. that have a poisonous effect.माम् अहह िवधुरयित मधुर मधु यािमनी कािप हिरम् अनुभवित कृत सुकृत कािमनी a pa 13-4. shattered..] Though this night of spring is pleasant it is excruciating me.... striiNaam priya aaloka phalo hi veSaH . After all. bodied one [bodiless Love-god's]. good. fortune [lucky girl by her merit in last birth]..ensues. bears a blaze of my anguish for Krishna. I lost it. spirit.. [aham iha= I. maybe some lucky and merited voluptuous girl might be making merry with Krishna. bahu duuSaNam= highly. [a pa 13-3] मामहह िवधुरयित मधुरमधुयािमनी । का अिप हिरमनुभवित कृतसुकृतकािमनी॥ अ प १३-४ प छे .. for it lost its worth by his non-arrival]. kalayaami= I reckon. kim iha vi Saami= why. and then why should I put up with this place that is putting me to the torch of disunion. blaze. ati vitatha ketanaa= utterly. maNi bhuuSaNam= gem-studded. here [ at this preset place. by sport of. even [I am wearing along with ornaments for Krishna]. hari viraha dahana vahanena= for Krishna. poisonous. maybe.. mama maraNam eva varam= to me.. srak api= garland. apuurava iyam dhanur vidyaa manmathasya mahaatmanaH | shariiram akShatam kR^itvaa . alone. and others. kusuma sukumaara tanum= flower. death. ha. kR^ita su kR^ita= on making. spring's. thus death alone is best to me. the result of these cosmetics results when seen by her dear one. rending. kaaminii= voluptuous girl.मम मरणमेव वरमितिवतथकेतना । िकिमह िवषहािम िवरहानलचेतना॥ अ प १३-३ प छे. best.मम मरणम् एव वरम् अित िवतथ केतना िकम् इह िवषािम िवरह अनल अचेतना a pa 13-3. jewellery. every ornament has a bearing upon my anguish for Krishna]. maam vi dhurayati= me. aham iha nivasaami= I am.the lang. thereby. maam= me. or what?. Neither earlier poets. able.nketii= on making.] By which reason that beloved Krishna is not coming to this suggested spot. lingering. viny. upama. yuvatiH iva= damsel. kR^ita sa. baddhaH kim= tied up. or what? Otherwise. even. like. andhakaariNi vana abhyarNe= pitch dark. is he roaming round and round in these places of pitch-dark forest..njula lataa ku. uncaring for its excitative effect. kaantaH= beloved. hR^idi vasatu= in bosoms. or what? [sandeha alankaara. ma.हिर चरण शरण जयदेव किव भारती वसतु हृिद युवितः इव कोमल कलावती a pa 13-8. even. in preset forest [in some area]. I am lingering at this excitatory Vetasa tree.nje api= heart-pleasing. unlike a curvaceous girl minus brains. idiolect [the form of language used by an individual person . to bower. arrived. resorting to. Let the idiolect of poet Jayadeva. komala= exquisite.अहम् इह िनवसािम न िवगिणत वेतसा समरित मधुसूदनः माम् अिप न चेतसा a pa 13-7. tat= thereby [imaginable is that he]. Verse Locator तितकम् कामिप कािमनीमिभसृतः िकम् वा कलाकेिलिभः बदो बनधुिभरनधकािरिण वनाभयणे िकमुदभामयित । कानतः कलानतमना मनागिप पिथ पसथातुमेवाकमः संकेतीकृतमञुवञुललताकुञेऽिप यनागतः॥ ७-३ प छे. a+ kShamaH kim= un.तत् िकम् काम् अिप कािमनीम् अिभसृतः िकम् वा कला केिलिभः बदो बनधुिभः अनधकािरिण वनाभयणे िकम् उदभामयित कानतः कलानत मना मनाग् अिप पिथ पसथातुम् एव अकमः संकेती कृत मंजु वंजुल लता कु ंजे अिप यत् न आगतः 7-3... kalaavatii= fine-limbed damsel [or. pathi prasthaatum eva= on way [this side. kaam api kaaminiim= whoever. or tied up in song and dance with others.. or what?.kaama uddiipaka paadapa]. used in here is peculiarly particular to Jayadeva. reminisces. fine-limbed damsel. voluptuous girl. with its heart-pleasing cane-viny bower. be abiding in the bosoms of all. bandhubhiH= with his relatives. even.. or what? Or. na smarati= not. yat=by which reason.. or what?.bhinatti antargatam manaH || Though the arrows tortured her body. at feet. here. na aagataH= not. but that Krishna doesn't reminisce me. a damsel expert in 64 arts catuSaTi kalaa prapuurNa]. cane. [a pa 13-7] हिरचरणशरणजयदेवकिवभारती । वसतु हृिद युवितिरव कोमलकलावती॥ अ प १३-८ प छे. which shows even the poet's expertise in sixty-for arts. madhusuudanaH= Krishna. is he bounded by his relatives. manaag api= in the least. counting. or what? Or. chetasaa api= [locus of feelings and intuitions] by bosom. at heart [by my dissociation]. [a pa 13-8] The comparison is between a delicately limbed damsel and the delicately worded poem. even. jayadeva kavi bhaaratii= Jayadeva.nju va. poet's. klaanta manaa= despaired. abhisR^itaH kim= going after. nor the later could use such a complicatedly delicate construction]. kalaa kelibhiH= arts [song.] to make a move. अहिमह िनवसािम निवगिणतवेतसा । समरित मधुसूदनो मामिप न चेतसा॥ अ प १३-७ प छे . suggested spot. vaa= otherwise. is he unable to make a move towards . udbhraamyati kim= roaming round. whose only resort is at the feet of Krishna. Krishna.] sports [dance with others]. na vigaNita vetasaa= not. is he going after whoever voluptuous girl. Vetasa tree [uncaring a tree that excites . even in his bosom. even. her own garland has become a poisonous cosmetic. let her abide. for it has a bearing upon Krishna.. like an exquisite. hari charaNa sharaNa= Krishna'. well-versed in sixty-four arts. as though she is seeing with own eyes. [7-4] Verse Locator अषपिद १४ ... kayaa api= by someone. she wanted to whisk. Rādha recounts that episode.this side. that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna. entangled. sakhiim viikShya= girlfriend.hence she should be more talented. bhara= by weight of [flowers. but this girl brought him round to her place and enjoying with him in a domineering position . and lid. kaa api= some girl [a certain girl. or what? [7-3] Verse Locator अथागताम् माधवमनतरेण सखीिमयम् वीकय िवषादमूकाम् । िवशङकमाना रिमतम् कयािप जनादरनम् दृषवदेतदाह॥ ७-४ प छे. as his heart is despaired by my dissociation. if it is dara= layers]. hence flowers too wriggly rolled down. ramitam= delighted. on leaving. vi shanka maanaa= on doubting. but remained silent owing her sadness. for the Eucharist]..समर समर उिचत िवरिचत वेशा गिलत कुसुम भर िवलुिलत केशा कािप मधुिरपुणा िवलसित युवितः अित अिधक गुणा a pa 14-1. valita vikaaraa= swirling. yuvatiH= a damsel.. as a second thought. ati adhika guNaa= [by her] very. Then on seeing her girlfriend. aaha= said. keshaa= braid. high. kusuma= flowers. iyam= this Rādha. dR^iSTavat= as though seeing with her own eyes.] even.] even. aagataam= returned. who has returned from Krishna. silent.. spout.. vilasati= romantically frolicking. and as her braids are muchly tangling. atha= then. methinks she is muchly talented. doubting that some girl is delighting him. or. and in her wriggling to take an upper hand over him. janaardanam= Krishna is. taralita haaraa= swinging.अथ आगताम् माधवम् अनतरेण सखीम् इयम् वीकय िवषाद मूकाम् िवशंकमाना रिमतम् कया अिप जनादरनम् दृषवत् एतत् आह 7-4. Rādha is saying that 'this girl is more talented. pearly pendants. "She is well-dressed in befitting getup for a grapple of courtship. हिरपिररमभणविलतिवकारा ।कुचकलशोपिर तरिलतहारा॥ अ प १४-२ प छे. [a pa 14-1] When Krishna grappled that girl's bun for a kiss.. galita= slithered.vipariita surata is indicated. vi+lulita= verily. Because she beckoned him to come to certain bower. called puruSa aayata. her braid is loosened and slithered. for combat [grapples of courtship= 2 archaic term for lovemaking]. when tightly hugging. talent. The word yuvatiH suggests that the girl has a doership strii kartR^itva . enemy Krishna. with a handle. upari=overside.. flagons like [flagon = a large vessel usu. to hold wine etc. smara samara= Love-god. [reprise:] kaa api = some girl [a certain girl. as her weighty flowers are slithering. well done [well dressed.] getup... with romantic jerks. on seeing.हिररिमतचंपकशेखरम् समरसमरोिचतिवरिचतवेशा ।गिलतकुसुमभरिवलुिलतकेशा । कािप मधुिरपुणा िवलसित युवितरिधकगुणा॥ अ प १४-१ प चछे. even. While saying madhu ripu the sense of maadhurya ripu is what is meant by Rādha: 'he is unaware of niceties in relishing love maadhurya anabhij~natva because a rustic girl. maadhavam antareNa= Krishna. ati adhika guNaa= . etat= all this [his episode in next song]. viSaada muukaam= by sadness. madhu ripuNaa= by Madhu's.' then it a subjective statement of envy plus jealousy. less proficient than Rādha has overcome on him. hari pari rambhaNa= Krishna. kucha kalasha= bosoms.हिर पिररमभण विलत िवकारा कुच कलश उपिर तरिलत हारा a pa 14-2. yet she is dominant and on his overside. uchita virachita veshaa= befitting. yuvatiH= a damsel. hasitaa= smiley. bahu vidha kuujita = in many. joy. that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna. [a pa 14-2] िवचलदलकलिलताननचनदा ।तदधरपानरभसकृततनदा॥ अ प १४-३ प चछे. love for Krishna is broadened in her soul. cooed.. methinks she is muchly talented. adhara paana= lip. for that damsel is romantically rollicking with Krishna. [a pa 14-6] शमजलकणभरसुभगशरीरा ।पिरपिततोरिस रितरणधीरा॥ अ प १४-७ प चछे . thus on enjoying courtship she is cooing in many a way... mukharita rasana= clinking.. jaghana gati lolaa= hip. dalita kapolaa= bumping. alaka= hair-locks. shvasita= [in courtship] with soughs. tat= his [Krishna's]. nimiilita= half-closed [shuts eyes]. for she is aggressive like a man. jala kaNa= water. in wide and broad nature].ngaa= tarangaa= like waves [weaves also come and go. cheeks [she has].. thus that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna. rasitaa= while enjoying. [NB. hence. while that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna.िवचलत् अलक लिलत आनन चनदा तत् अधर पान रभस कृत तनदा a pa 14-3. methinks she is muchly talented. methinks she is muchly talented... rati rasa= in courtship... she is happily dozy.. vilasati= romantically frolicking..nchala kuNDala= swaying. lalita aanana chandraa= pretty. as love in broadened in her soul.शम जल कण भर सुभग शरीरा पिरपितत उरिस रित रण धीरा a pa 14-7. her body is swirly and jerky. but.. swilling [long kiss].चंचल कुणडल दिलत कपोला मुखिरत रसन जघन गित लोला a pa 14-4.. tingles [she is]. and she is taking a long kiss of his lip.. for her becoming an aggressor like a man.] "Like waves. rabhasa= by speediness [ by happiness].[by her] very. [a pa 14-5] ं िवपुलपुलकपृथुवेपथुभगा ।शिसतिनमीिलतिवकसदनंगा॥ अ प १४-६ प चछे . ways.] "When her lover sees her she is coyly. with face.] dozily. broad tingles and wide throbs are coming and going on her body.Krishna.. that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna..] swaying. in its going [swinging. cha. vi chalat= liltingly. knobby ear-hangings. high. when seen. on which pearly pendants are swinging. particles [sweat drops] bhara= filled . [a pa 14-4] दियतिवलोिकतलिजजतहिसता ।बहुिवधकिजतरितरसरिसता॥ अ प १४-५ ू प चछे . shrama= by strain [in courting]. lajjita= coyly. madhu ripuNaa= by Madhu's.. waist-strings with jingle-bells [which she has on her waist]. talent.. [a pa 14-2] "When she is tightly hugging Krishna with her flagon-like bosoms.. kR^ita tandraa= made [became.. Lovegod [rather. pulsating. thus. This has two imports unsaid in the poem.ngaa= broadened. maybe she is muchly talented.. [a pa 14-3] चंचलकुणडलदिलतकपोला ।मुखिरतरसनजघनगितलोला॥ अ प १४-४ प चछे ... vipula pulaka= with broad. throbs [she is]. bha..िवपुल पुलक पृथु वेपथु भंगा शिसत िनमीिलत िवकसत अननगा a pa 14-6. pR^ithu vepathu= wide. enemy . and they two are combined below. her waist-strings with jingle bells are clinking when her hip is swingingly swaying. dayita vilokita= by lover. moonlike. vikasata ana. and when not she triumphantly smiley. but she soughs and shuts her eyes.. maybe she is muchly talented. "Her hair-locks are liltingly pulsating on her prettily moony face. "Her knobby ear-hangings are bumping her cheeks. but derivable from treatises on romance..दियत िवलोिकत लिजजत हिसता बहु िवध किजत रित रस रिसता ू a pa 14-5. now. though her pearly pendants have swirled onto her back in grapple. its resplendence.. sa pulakam= with. as Jayadeva utters it. that damsel is rollicking romantically with Krishna. manobhuvaH suhR^it= Love-god's.हिररसमनमथितलकम् समुिदतमदने रमणीवदने चुमबनविलताधरे । मृगमदितलकम् िलखित सपुलकम् मृगिमव रजनीकरे । रमते यमुनापुिलनवने िवजयी मुरािररधुना .. he sakhii= of friend.] on chest. gladdening [by a milkmaid]. covering up [abated.] "Oh.. vedanaam tirayan api= anguishes.. uttered. friend.] deer.. शीजयदेवभिणतहिररिमतम् ।किलकलुषं जनयतु पिरशिमतम्॥ अ प १४-८ प चछे .शी जयदेव भिणत हिर रिमतम् किल कलुषम् जनयतु पिरशिमतम् a pa 14-8. and this needs no literal trasl. change direction abruptly . muraari= Krishna's.. fat [musk. viraha= [my] anguish in dissociation.she withdraws her face. but now. [a pa 14-7] This kind of posture is called hamsa liilaka bandha. thus my anguish too. sam uditamadane= well. [7-5] Verse Locator अषपिद . as his friend Love-god is abetting him to take vengeance on me. this moon earlier had a pale face like that of the lotus-like face of Krishna. jayadeva bhaNita= by Jayadeva. lotus-like.. moon. good friend [moon]. combat. and owing to the same strain that challenger in the courting combats has fallen overside of his chest relaxedly. muchly. ramaNii vadane= a comely girl's. aye= oh. when no ornament is there on her chest. her chest is filled with pearl-like sweat drops. is muchly unabated.. naarii paada dvyayam dattvaa kaantasya uru yugo api | kaTim aandolayet aashu bandho ayam hamsa liilakaH || rati rahasya. intensifying [unabated. challenger. maker [in moon. it appears to have pearly ornaments . The episode of a milkmaid gladdening Shri Krishna. [14-8] Verse Locator िवरहपाणडुमुरािरमुखामबुज दुितरयम् ितरयनिप वेदनाम् । िवधुरतीव तनोित मनोभुवः सुहृदये हृदये मदनवयथाम्॥ ७-५ प चछे. mR^iga mada tilakam likhati= deer's.. subhaga shariiraa= beautiful. like. uprisen [up surged]. shrii hari ramitam= Shri. unabated is the palish silveriness of this very moon.] even though. parishamitam janayatu= completely subduing. mukha ambuja dyutiH= face. chumbana valita adhare= for a kiss.] mark . may cause. rajanii kare mR^igam iva= in night. primarily. anguish. by which my anguish in dissociation was somewhat abated. bodied [one like.hence she is beautiful]. she is muchly talented.. in text as 'lalita aanane' then it is beautiful face for it will be kissed]. Owing to the strain of courting. swerved [turn sharply.. hR^idaye madana vyathaam atiiva tanoti= in heart. thrills [for the girl]. that's why. drops of sweat filled her chest thus she is a beauty. rati raNa dhiiraa= in courting. Krishna's. paaNDu= pale faced.. passion [in a girl].इित धृवम्॥ अ प १५-१ प चछे . ayam vidhuH= this. face. waiting for him.. So.१५ . love's.िवरह पाणडु मुरािर मुख अमबुज दुितः अयं ितरयन् अिप वेदनाम् िवधुः अतीव तनोित मनोभुवः सुहृत् अये हृदये मदन वयथाम् 7-5. this may cause a complete subdual to the blemishes in Kali Era. kali kaluSam= connected to Kali era. friend. as I am unmoving to Krishna. blemish. fallen [relaxedly. appearing.समुिदत मदने रमणी वदने चुमबन विलत अधरे मृग मद ितलकम् िलखित स पुलकम् मृगम् इव रजनी करे रमते यमुना पुिलन वने िवजयी मुरािरः अधुना a pa 15-1. pari patita urasi= overside.with. loo.. he is swerving the face of a comely girl. in the braid of a beauty. ramate= is frolicking. friend. while she thrills. िजतिबसशकले मृदुभुजयुगले करतलनिलनीदले । मरकतवलयम् मधुकरिनचयम् िवतरित िहमशीतले॥ अ प १५-४ प चछे.] red flower. a forest of.. with clouds. ruchira uuSite= shine...panca saayaka in treatise of romance. stalks. such a Krishna is decorating a red flower that is scintillating like lightning. amalam= impeccable. in sheen [he is sheeny like a cloudscape]. decorated with. adhunaa= presently.of Love-god]. and like the deer mark in moon. nakha pada= fingernail. and that skyey bust appears to be a sky with two massy clouds and that pearly pendant as the star studded sky.. Five Arrows. on sky of [on overside].. friend. for a kiss. rachayati= decorating.िजत िबस शकले मृदु भुज युगले कर तल निलनी दले मरकत वलयम् मधुकर िनचयम् िवतरित िहम शीतले a pa 15-4.. taruNa aanane= on a beauty's.. or mark with deer. घटयित सुघने कुचयुगगगने मृगमदरिचरिषते । मिणसरममलम् तारकापटलम् नखपदशिशभूिषते॥ अ प १५-३ प चछे . "Oh. twosome.] Krishna.. dent [like]. and those crescentic dents as crescent moons.. bestrewn [bedaubed.. on sand dunes. groves. lightning [like]. gather.. [reprise] vijayii muraariH= prizewinner [prized. [a pa 15-1] घनचयरिचरे रचयित िचकुरे तरिलततरणानने । कुरबककुसुमम् चपलासुषमम् रितपितमृगकानने॥ अ प १५-२ प चछे .. taralita= made to ripples [on seeing such a one riffle like thrills occur in girls]. su ghane= highly massy. taarakaa paTalam [iva]= starts. in doing so his fingernails are making crescentic dents on those bosoms. chikure= in head hair. then the above vyaaaja ninda 'sarcasm in devotion' of Rādha is lost. face. [a pa 15-2] In doing so. [153] The comparison between crescentic dents and crescent moon is as said panca saayaka: artha indu samkaasham idam nakha kShatam artha indu kathitam samaanataH | kakShaa nitamba stana paarshva madhye daatavya etat karajam sadaa eva || . [Meaning said vividly as upama/simile is to be explained.[usually on forehead. thus that prized Krishna is presently frolicking on the sand dunes and in the groves of Yamuna River. hima shiitale= . mR^iga kaanane= beast / deer.Her face is in simile with moon and tilaka. that which is bedaubed on them. Krishna has forgotten Rādha for his continued staying in that forest where the brutal beast-like Love-god is still on the prowl. in that forest where that beastly Love-god is on the prowl.] pendant. chapalaa suSamam= scintillating.घटयित सु घने कुच युग गगने मृग मद रिचर ऊिषते मिण सरम् अमलम् तारका पटलम् नख पद शिश भूिषते pa 15-3. cluster of [like pendant]. cosmetic]. ghaTayati= adjusting. [or lord of love . maNi saram= gemmy [pearly. and on seeing whom riffles of thrills occur in girls.] making. husband. kuravaka kusumam = Kuravaka [mehandi. musk. shashi bhuuSite= with [crescent] moon. now he is adjusting an impeccable pearly pendant on the overside of her two bosoms that shine like deer musk. ghana chaya ruchire= clouds. he is making a mark with musk on her face with his kiss. rati pati= Rati's. yamunaa pulina vane= River Yamuna's. "He who is sheeny like a cloudscape. If this mR^iga is taken as deer. muraari= Krishna. in whom passion is up-surging.] "Oh. kucha yuga gagane= bosoms. mR^iga mada= deer. upama . jita bisa shakale= triumphant [than] lotus..घन चय रिचरे रचयित िचकुरे तरिलत तरण आनने कुरवक कुसुमम् चपला सुषमम् रित पित मृग कानने a pa 15-2. . but he had to strew it around. . fruit. charaNa kisalaye= feet. or as vaasana has many meanings= she has a desire to have him. leaflets. vikirati= strews around [because he could not tie that string on hip. he is decorating them with reddish lac colour on the already rosy feet. hR^idi yojite= on chest.. sodare= by brother of. [a pa 15-4] रितगृहजघने िवपुलापघने मनिसजकनकासने । मिणमयरसनम् तोरणहसनम् िविकरित कृतवासने॥ अ प १५-५ प चछे . because his mood changed as soon as he touched her broadly hip. here she is rendered voluptuous will be matching because of the proximity of words of throne of Love-god etc. kara tala= hand's. toraNa hasanam= arched [festoons . iha viTapa udare= here. thus those emeralds in those armlets are alike a swarm of honeybees..because those feet are already rosy]. covering [outer. abode. belly [inside arbour].as a welcome sign].] "Now he is adjusting emeraldine armlets on the pair of her palms that liken to snowily coolish lotus leaves. yaavaka bharaNam janayati= lac reddish colour. Krishna is hoodwinked by her mesmeric eyes]. or. vipula apaghane= on beamy.. shoulders. while she is enrobing her hips. [15-5] चरणिकसलये कमलिनलये नखमिणगणपूिजते । बिहरपवरणम् यावकभरणम् जनयित हृिद योिजते॥ अ प १५-६ प चछे . kaam api= someone. muraariH= Krishna.snowy. in tree's. waist-strings. jewels [like. decoration. even [one nameless. tarry. vada sakhi= speak up.. nakha maNi gaNa puujite [bhuuSite]=nails. and she too clings to him for his magic touch. house homelike. while her shoulders are softish like lotus itself. vi rasam= without. leaves. halahaladhara= plough wielder [plougher].] Krishna is now trying to tie her gem-studded waist-strings like arched welcome festoons on her homelike beamy hip. fameless. golden. a+phalam= without.चरण िकसलये कमल िनलये नख मिण गण पूिजते बिहः अपवरणम् यावक भरणम् जनयित हृिद योिजते a pa 15-6. nalinii dale= [like] lotus. that are the abode of lakSmii. ramayati= making merry [with her]. madhukara nichayam [iva] = honey-makers [honey bees. kR^ita vaasane= rendered voluptuous [or. peripheral .] a swarm [alike]. marakata valayam= emerald.] "On placing her leaflet like feet on his supine chest. armlet. spirit [futilely]. coolness. and arms triumph over the tender stalks of lotuses.e. or on thinking thus in his heart]. maNimaya rasanam = gem-studded.रित गृह जघने िवपुलापघने मनिसज कनक आसने मिणमय रसनम् तोरण हसनम् िविकरित कृत वासने a pa 15-5.रमयित सु दृशम् काम् अिप सुभृशम् खलहलधर सोदरे िकम् अफलम् अवसम् िचरम् इह िवरसम् वद सिख िवटप उदरे a pa 15-7. for it homes lust and houses the golden throne of Love-god. mR^idu bhuja yugale = softish.] adored with. painting. and that are adored with jewel like rosy nails. friend. on hip. for both of them are subjected to sudden voluptuousness by that tenant-like king on the throne in that house. vitarati= he is keeping [adjusting. causing [he is making. kim avasam= why. subhR^isham= very hastily. chiram= for a long. su dR^isham= good. kamala nilaye= lakSmii's.] rati gR^iha jaghane= lust. surface [with palms]. throne. hip.. bahiH apavaraNam= as outer. run-of-the-mill girl]. she is made to undergo some thinking that bechanced during last birth. [a pa 15-6] रमयित सदृशम् कामिप सुभृशम् खलहलधरसोदरे । िकमफलमवसम् िचरिमह िवरसम् वद सिख िवटपोदरे॥ अ प १५-७ प चछे . hovering over that lotus-like girl. a pair of. called Love-god. eyes [she has. manasija kanaka aasane= Lovegod's. i.. on joining [on placing. next only to Seetha of Valmiki.. sphuTat idam chetaH= bursts.. [a pa 158] Verse Locator नायातः सिख िनदरयो यिद शठसतवम् दूित िकम् दूयसे सवचछनदम् बहुवललभः स रमते िकम् तत ते दूषणम् । पशयाद िपयसंगमाय दियतसयाकृषयमाणम् गुणैः उतकणठाितरभरािदव सफुटिददम् चेतः सवयम् यासयित॥ ७-६ प चछे . devotees.. hoodwinked by her mesmeric eyes. thy name is woman! इह रसभणने कृतहिरगुणने मधुिरपुपदसेवके । किलयुगचिरतम् न वसतु दुिरतम् किवनृपजयदेवके॥ अ प १५-८ प चछे . aarti= anguish. tatra= in that matter."When that plougher's brother is very hastily merrymaking with an anonymous girl. brought by my ecstasy in waiting for him. friend. your. praise song.. dayitasya guNaiH aakR^iSyamaaNam= by lover's. [15-6] In fact this girlfriend is sorry faced unable to see the plight of Rādha. and xerox that reply to your govt.. is ensuant. Hanuma in Ramayana burns Lanka after seeing Seetha. further he is saying 'experienceable blissful essence' available in this praise song on Krishna. speak up. at feet. plus points. experience it oh. But Rādha being as tonguelasher. experience it. when he has many sweethearts and he takes delight in them by his own volition. kali yuga charitam= in Kali. as he is. friend. saH bahu vallabhaH= he has. many. madhuripu pada sevake = Krishna's. then why do you disparage him. my messenger. this.ndam ramate= by his own volition. mercy. treading. yadi na ayaataH= if.इह रस भणने कृत हिर गुणने मधु िरपु पद सेवके किल युग चिरतम् न वसतु दुिरतम् किव नृप जयदेवके a pa 15-8... belittling.' . pashya= you may see. and if that happens my soul merges only in him. leaving queen like herself.. [my soul] goes [merges in him]. . duuti= oh.aaya= with lover.. disparage. rasa bhaNane= blissful essence. but will not be a charmer.. he takes delight. come. why should I futilely and fruitlessly tarry inside an arbour for a long. If iambs fit in .. era. hи sakhi. for he is a worshipper at the feet of Krishna.. kim tvam duuyase= why. A farmer's brother can be a Farmer Jr. oh... for it is experienceable.. jayadevake= by Jayadeva [by his saying].. heart [of mine]. devotees. worry. priya sa.] Let not the profanation that is treading its way in this Kali era be attached to the king of poets Jayadeva. svacCha.. this heart of mine appears to burst at anytime. not. saying.न अयातः सिख िनदरयः यिद शठः तवम् दूित िकम् दूयसे सवचछंदम् बहु वललभः सः रमते िकम् तत ते दूषणम् पशय अद िपय संगमाय दियतसय अकृषयमाणम् गुणैः उतकणठ आितर भरात् इव सफुटत् इदम् चेतः सवयम् यासयित 7-6. king. In mahabharata Krishna shows his Cosmic Body after the failure of peace talks in Bharatas.. na vasatu= not. in a kind of identification she lashes her tongue at this girl.Crotchety. as though.. bharaat iva= filled with. kim te duuSaNam= why. who takes delights in a bumpkin. if that merciless philanderer has not turned up why you worry as my messenger. for it is still being magnetized by his plus points... shaThaH= a philanderer. made [said. iha kR^ita hari guNane= now. [15-7] The plougher's brother indicates Rādha's disdain for the lowbrow taste of Krishna.. utkaNTha= ecstasy. sweethearts. dwells [not to be attached. These messengers have a part to play when sent on delegation such delegations. They are more than just plenepotentiaris. svayam yaasyati= on its own.. come on. duritam = profanation.. adya= now.. better leave him. kavi nR^ipa= poet's. nir dayaH= without.] Krishna's. and when my heart is filled with anguish. "Oh.. you may see it.ngam. worshipper. being attracted [magnetized]. friend. oh. you. come on. unlike our present day ambassadors who always parrot out 'I will ask my govt. to conjoin. duuti-s have to bear with all these aspersions .. waved. with mind.हिरनारायणमदनायासम् अिनलतरलकुवलयनयनेन । तपित न सा िकसलयशयनेन । सिख या रिमता वनमािलना . [a pa 16-1] िवकिसतसरिसजलिलतमुखेन । सफुटित न सा मनिसजिविशखेन॥ अ प १६-२ प चछे. lake. and said this even previously. but I have none else than him from day one. lusciousness. she never . yaa ramitaa vanamaalinaa = she who is sated]. though at present you are sent as my agent. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves..या रिमता वनमािलना सफुटित न सा मनिसज िविशखेन a pa 16-2. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves. sandal scented. ripply [billowy]. [a pa 16-2] अमृतमधुरमृदुतरवचनेन । जवलित न सा मलयजपवनेन॥ अ प १६-३ प चछे . Verse Locator अषपिद . [ellipt.अमृत मधुर मृदु तर वचनेन जवलित न सा मलय ज पवनेन a pa 16-3. friend. for. unsayable to me. "She who is sated by that billowy blue lotus eyed Krishna.धृवम् a pa 16-1.. "She who is sated by that one with a bloomed lotus like rapturous face. friend. ramitaa= sated [gratify (desire. So. yaa= she [who is]. mR^idu tara= dulcet. yaa= she [who is]. ramitaa= sated. 3rd and 4th stanzas: I don't mind his volitions and vacillations with your like. vanamaalinaa= by Krishna. saa= she [yaa ramitaa vanamaalinaa]. don't worry.] sears [cause (esp..' 2nd stanza: I myself say that he has many sweethearts..इित धृवम्॥ अ प १६-१ प चछे.] face. this girl must have done something that is rendering her silent.. vi shikhena= with sharp. born one [lotus like] lalita mukhena= with attractive [rapturous. And you objectionably worry for my saying about him as a 'philanderer. amR^ita madhura= ambrosial. vachanena= by words. singes. just wait for it. born [hence..] with eyes.. anila tarala= by breeze. saa manasi ja= she. kuvalaya nayanena= blue-lotus [like.So also... In duuti yoga. by breeze. the gist is like this: 1st stanza: you are worrying because you might have had an ungratified bout with him.अिनल तरल कुवलय नयनेन तपित न सा िकसलय शयनेन सिख या रिमता वनमािलना . Commentators bring another shade of meaning. emotional) pain or great anguish to]. [reprise: sakhi= oh. malaya ja pavanena= in Mt. saa= she.िवकिसत सरिसज लिलत मुखेन . or a desirous person) to the full].] shatters. Love-god's sharp arrowheads never shatters her.१६ .. oh.. na jvalati= never. for.. kisalaya shayanena= tender-leaves. na tapati= not [never. on bed.. she never sears on any bed of leaflets. arrowheads. Though its word-to-word translation is not given.. friend. born one [Love-god's]. malaya. finely. vikasita sarasi ja= bloomed. sakhi= oh. na sphuTati= not [never. merciless one' because he might have 'philandered' with you for he is too 'merciful to you. then you all put together will have your free butterflying and philandering. vanamaalinaa= by one who is garlanded with allsanctifying basil leaves.. "She who is sated by him whose words have ambrosial lusciousness and finely dulcified. when my heart bursts and soul merges in him.it doesn't matter. So you took chance to become one among them. parijana= of people around.कनक िनकष रिच शुिच वसनेन शसित न सा पिरजन हसनेन a pa 16-6. sakala bhuvana jana= in all.. by weight of..] . [a pa 16-7] शीजयदेवभिणतवचनेन । पिवशतु हिररिप हृदयमनेन॥ अ प १६-८ प चछे . [a pa 16-3] सथलजलरहरिचकरचरणेन । लुठित न सा िहमकरिकरणेन॥ अ प १६-४ प चछे . na dalati= never. and their in-dwellers. sthala jala ruha= on land. endures. lotuses born on ground rather than in lakes dry land lotuses]. "She who is sated by him whose glitter is like that of masses of clouds. nikaSa= a streak or line of gold made on a touchstone [but not the touchstone itself]. "She who is sated by him whose all-purifying ochry robe that is akin in shine with pure golden streaks on touchstone. she never welters in cooling moonshine. unmerited favour of God]. for.स जल जलद समुदय रिचरेण दलित न सा हृिद िवरह भरेण a pa 16-5. mercy [grace. and the only one with utmost grace. even. saa= she [as above]. by robes. ruchi= brilliance [having]. ruchireNa= he has their glitter.. jayadeva= by Jayadeva.सकल भुवन जन वर तरणेन वहित न सा रजम् अित करणेन a pa 16-7.. saa= she [as above]. saa= she [as above]. sentences [import. na shvasati= never. na luThati= never. giver -cloud. for.. sighs for. hariH api= Krishna. rends. she will never sigh for her becoming a laughingstock among kith and kin.. jala da= water. welters. rujam= bodily pain [by separation]. vara taruNena= best one. hR^idi= in heart. worlds. samudaya= masses of. water. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves.. She who is sated by him whose arms and feet have the brilliance of land lotuses. "She who is sated by him who is the only best one with bloom of youth among all the in-dwellers in the triad of worlds. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves.. she will never endure bodily pain of separation. for. or in our hearts too. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves. kara charaNena= arms.शी जयदेव भिणत वचनेन पिवशतु हिरः अिप हृदयम् अनेन a pa 16-8.e.. songs . sa jala= with water. [a pa 16-6] सकलभुवनजनवरतरणेन । वहित न सा रजमितकरणेन॥ अ प १६-७ प चछे. hima kara kiraNena= by coolness. anena= by this. [a pa 16-4] सजलजलदसमुदयरिचरेण । दलित न सा हृिद िचरिवरहेण॥ अ प १६-५ प चछे. ati karuNena= by his utmost. her heart never gets rent by the weight of grief in rift..will be the meaning]. viraha bhareNa= grief of rift.सथल जल रह रिच कर चरणेन लुठित न सा िहम कर िकरणेन a pa 16-4. pravishatu hR^idayam= will enter. hasanena= their laughing of [a laughingstock]. ruchi= in shine. [a pa 16-5] कनकिनकषरिचशुिचवसनेन । शसित न सा पिरजनहसनेन॥ अ प १६-६ प चछे .] in his beams. she is sated by one garlanded with basil-leaves. born [i.or bhaNita milanena= said something about women conjoining with Krishna.. or singing along these lyrics said by Jayadeva . or anena bhaNita = by chanting... bhaNita shrii vachanena= said.. with bloom of youth.. make [moon.. blest. kanaka= gold's.. filling our hearts with love. saa= she [as above]. heart [the heart of Rādha. for.. na vahati= never. shuchi vasanena= all-purifying. feet.singes in any sandal breeze.. viSam iva [dunoti]= venom. think of it. re dakShiNa= arи . otherwise. prasiida= be gracious [in wafting the lovable sandal breeze on Krishna. praaNa haraH bhavishhyasi= life. this is Love-god]. though the ways of both of its thinkers differ.. ever-rising flood of rasa is in Krishna. idea [love is heartfelt idea. mama puraH nidhaaya= my. extremist. like. though not with this too technical title. Its practises are evident than its real name. tactful sandal breeze. life of the world. [afflicting me]..so.tactful one [arи urи turи. let Krishna enter the hearts of one and all. nectarine moonbeams are afflicting me like venom. sakhii sa. evam hR^idayam = this way. to fill them all with love.. moonbeams. like.. like [dunoti= agonising me]. manaH gate= in [my] heart. and see whether you can fetch and place him in my presence. goad [unstoppable]. rather than a life-giver.. mercy. heart. nir a.are addressing in dissent. or in affection].मनः भव आननदन चनदन अिनल पसीद रे दिकण मुंच वामताम् कणम् जगत् पाण िनधाय माधवम् पुरः मम पाण हरः भिवषयिस 7-7. and that is anguishing me like an enemy. but with some suitable title.. punaH= repeatedly. is flirting with his girlfriends. breeze. still better a tactician. This concept of Bengal school nominates Krishna as the ununderstandable Brahman of Shankara. you will become.] rè. cool breezes are agonising me like tongues of fire.otherwise].' so to say. nikaama= persistent.On singing this song along these sonmgs that contain blest import. and then I address you hи. thus it is relegated to a paddhati 'custom' rather than a darshana 'philosophy' though later to saDdarshana-s. Better this philosophy be retained. vaamaH= becoming leftist. and these days unheard is this name. staying in their togetherness. say premaadvaita. [7-7] Verse Locator िरपुिरव सखीसंवासोऽयम् िशखीव िहमािनलो िवषिमव सुधारिशमयरिसमनदुनोित मनोगते । हृदयमदये तिसमनेवम् पुनवरलते बलात् कुवलयदृशाम् वामः कामो िनकामिनरंकुशः॥ ७-१० प चछे.nvaasaH= girlfriends. kShaNam maadhavam= for a moment.ncha= radicalism. balaat= vehemently.. leave off. but breeze around Krishna. yet. Krishna be. vaamataam mu. sudhaa rashmiH= nectarine. world's. it won't occur on much rumination . chandana anila= sandal. restive for my separation.. it is you who becomes the stealer of my life. like that of Ramanuja's vishiSTaadvaita.... Both this and advaita of Shankara are same. life.. Verse Locator मनोभवाननदन चनदनािनल पसीद रे दिकण म्चं ामताम् । ं व ं कणम् जगतपाण िनधाय माधवम् पुरो मम पाणहरो भिवषयिस॥ ७-९ प चछे. on keeping. glances [winsome girls]. stealer. yasmin= which one [which Krishna]. think not that you alone are a tactful one for your being the friend of Lovegod.. in view of its loveable tenets. kuvalaya dR^ishaam= those with slanting. hи jagat praaNa= hи... merciless Krishna. breeze. ripuH iva dunoti= enemy. valate= swivelling. [a pa 16-8] This one song seeds the concept of a-chintya-bheda-a-bhedaa bhaava 'unheeding differences or non-difference' you leap at Krishna. aanandana= you please [such Love-god as his friend]. "He who has entered my heart and abiding in it. a desperado. my heart is repeatedly swivelling around such a . tasmin= in him. manaH bhava= heart's. ayam= his. anguishing [me].nkushaH= without. having entered. a+ daye= one without. flirting.. This is also called Bengal school or gauDiya paddhati etc. in order to make him come to me unbearable of that lovely breeze . shikhii iva= tongues of fire. kaamaH= Love-god. as the ever-effulgent. hima anilaH= cool. ever-overflowing. before.िरपुः इव सखी संवासः अयम् िशखी इव िहम अिनलः िवषम् इव सुधा रिशमः यिसमन् दुनोित मनः गते हृदयम् अदये तिसमन् एवम् पुनः वलते बलात् कुवलय दृशाम् वामः कामः िनकाम िनरंकुशः 7-8. your extremism. niila nicolam= black. in giita govindam of Jayadeva. laughing. vilokya= on seeing. delightful. On seeing this. hè. take [extricate. let dampen [make less forceful. sati= that being so. kShamayaa kim= of your patience.Love-god. this is the 7th chapter. Rādha aanane= on Rādha's.ndadaaya astu= for world's. Krishna is wrapped in Rādha's black blanket. punaH gR^iham na aashrayiSye= again. arrowed one . vriiDaa= coyly. and Rādha's bust is wrapped with Krishna ochry silks.. Hence. face.nch abaaNa= oh. pa. called nagara naaraayaNaH . thus let my body heat dampen. Ender.ngaiH mama angaani= with your ripples. drench my limbs with your ripples. blanket [of Rādha]. let him be. circle.nda aatmajaH= he. uraH= at Rādha's bust. of eyes.. you now appear to be rendered as a sister of life ending Yama]. praataH= in early morning. son. mama deha daahaH shaamyatu= my.. is of what use. that Nanda's. kR^ita= made as. slanting glances. of what use is it. make wet [no suicidal tendency is apparent please.. si. wreck your vengeance on me.ncalam= ends. panca praaNaaH = pancha baaNaaH]. not. . bhagini= sister [oh. ayam na. piita a.] "hè. my. Yama's. rendered as. tara. aadhaaya= on keeping. her friend's circle started to laugh teasingly in order to confuse her. faced one. praaNaan gR^ihaaNa= lives. isn't so! [7-8] Verse Locator बाधाम् िवधेिह मलयािनल पंचबाण पाणानगृहाण न गृहम् पुनराशियषये । िकम् ते कृतानतभिगिन कमया तरनगैः अङािन िसङच मम शामयतु देहदाहः॥ ७-११ प चछे. this persistent and unstoppable Love-god is really a desperado to winsome girls.ncha= drench. [7-13] Verse Locator पातनीलिनचोलमचयुतमुरससंवीतपीताबरम् रधायािशकतम् िवलोकय हसित सवैरम् सखीमणडले । वरीडाचंचलमंचलम् नयनयोराधाय राधानने सवादुसमेरमुखोऽयमसतुजगदानंददायनंदातमजः॥ ७-१२ प चछे..Shifty Krishna. sandal breeze. home. five. [7-10] इित गीतगोिवनदे िवपलबधावणरने नागनारायणो नाम सपतमः सगरः Thus. That being so.. River Yamuna.ncalam nayanayoH= fluttering. hи malaya anila= oh. River Yamuna. nonchalance.. wish to fall back on. hè.mviita radhaayaaH= is wrapped around]. Krishna with coyly fluttering eyes kept on his slanting glances on Rādha in a 'what-to-do-now' attitude.nta= antakaH. jagat aana.] wreck on me. body. a. let that lovely and smiley-faced son of Nanda be delightful to the entire world. sakhii maNDale= her friends. svairam hasati= teasingly.mbaram= ochry [silk dress of Krishna]. acyutam= at Krishna [who wrapped it around him]. baadhaam vidhehi= pain [vengeance.merciless Krishna. sandal breeze. cakitam [yathaa tathaa]= in order to confuse. Love-god extricate my five-lives with your five arrows. you too seem to have become a sister of life-ending yama by your nonchalance. limbs. svaadu smera mukhaH= lovely.. a. sa. smiling. ca. heat.पातः नील िनचोलम् अचयुतम् उरः संवीत पीत अंबरम् रधायाः चिकतम् िवलोकय हसित सवैरम् सखी मणडले वरीडा चंचलम् अंचलम् नयनयोः आधाय राध आनने सवादु समेर मुखः अयम् असतु जगत् आनंददाय नंद आतमजः 7-10.बाधाम् िवधेिह मलय अिनल पंच बाण पाणान् गृहाण गृहम् पुनः न आशियषये िकम् ते कृतात भिगिन कमया तरंगैः अंगािन िसंच मम शामयतु देह दाहः 7-9. for unwished is my falling back on my home. In early morning when Rādha and Krishna are coming out of their love resort. for this is a stubborn girl]. Verse Locator for nagara naaraayaNaH .Shifty Krishna : Chapter 7 Top of Page 1 2 a_pa_13 3 a pa 14 4 a pa_15 5 a_pa_16 6 7 8 9 10 Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Next Sarga Oct. Revised: Nov 08 . 2003. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. vachanam / vinayam. an unspendable night throughout which Lovegod's arrows have been battering her. besides the problem of her solitude. starts her rants and raves at him. he who is speaking. katham api= somehow. saa= she. hè keshava= oh. by arrows.िवलकशयलकशमीपितः Chapter [Sarga] 8 . priyam= to her lover [Krishna]. lingo. because she somehow spent last night. harp. though.रजिन जिनत गुर जागर राग कषाियतम् अलस िनमेशम् वहित नयनम् अनुरागम् इव सफुटम् उिदत रस अिभिनवेशम् हिर हिर यािह माधव यािह केशव मा वद कैतव वादम् ताम् अनुसर सरसीरह लोचन या तव हरित िवषादम् a pa 17-1. means . who speaks disparagingly on noticing her man spent time with other heroines. yaaminiim= night [that which has four quarters and is to be spent with an uncertainty. kehava . Verse Locator अथ कथमिप यािमनीम् िवनीय समरशरजजरिरतािप सा पभाते। अनुनयवचनम् वदनतमगे पणतमिप िपयमाह साभयसूयम्॥ ८-१ प चछे. [8-1] Now she becomes khaNDita naayika one among eight kinds of poetic heroines.Apologetic Krishna Krishna appears before Rādha from out of thin air. don't. vadantam= with apologetic. But Rādha on seeing his appearance and apologetic look. atha= then.with the problem of separateness]. yaahi= away with you. Verse Locator अषपिद १७ लकशमीपितरताविल रजिनजिनतगुरजागररागकाियतमलसिनमेशम्। वहित नयनमनुरागिमव सफुटमुिदतरसािभिनवेशम्॥ हिरहिर यािह माधव यािह केशव मा वद कैतववादम् तामनुसर सरसीरहलोचन या तव हरित िवषादम् . praNatam api = he is supplicating. words.धृवम्॥ अ प १७-१ प चछे . viniiya= [somehow] spent. kaitava vaadam maa vada= beguiler's.] On next day mooning Raadha saw Krishna appearing in her fore from nowhere. hè maadhava= you. on the next day morning.one with beautiful head hair. prabhaate= in morning. one who is . and started speaking to her apologetically and suppliantly with palmfold. anunaya. aaha= [she] spoke. she had to talk to him petulantly. even though. agre= before her . maadhava. sa+abhyasuuyam= with jealousy [petulantly. Raadha.अथ कथम् अिप यािमनीम् िवनीय समर शर जजरिरता अिप सा पभाते अनुनय वचनम् वदनतम् अगे पणतम् अिप िपयम् आह साभयसूयम् ॥ ८-१ 8-1. smara shara jarjaritaa api= Lovegod's.Krishna appeared in her fore]. battered. but. caused. covering . ever-buoyant and expressive of your desultory indulgences. Krishna. Krishna.. oh god .. why me. but. hari hari= oh god.. iva= as though .finely melted .of gold. aDeDe. chafes .] "Be off. eyes. plus.कजजल मिलन िवलोचन चुंबन िवरिचत नीिलम रपम् दशन वसनम् अरणम् तव कृषण तनोित तनोः अनुरपम् a pa 17-2. kalita= carved. oh. sphuTam vahati=clearly.yaahi maadhava. or sorry. This is still retained in Indian vocabulary. taam anusara= her. be off. bear [those marks]. woes. leave me alone. hè sarasii ruha lochana= oh... plus... boy. in forms like . hence my eyes are reddish. eyed one [here.. alasa nimesham= with weakened. vilochana cu. one with luring eyes. [tava] dashana vasanam aruNam= on teeth. war [warring in love-war.. raaga= reddened by passion towards your girlfriend / with red colour cosmetic of your girlfriend. better harp not on beguiler's lingo....oh boy.. . pieces of. this is a catchword of those days. disgust.mbana= on eyes.] in romance [enjoying.reprise. virachita niilima ruupam= besmeared. oh boy. clearly bearing the mark of your curiousness about her. rajani janita= night. lotus-like. Krishna.' and then Raadha cuts in to rap out the following.. that. victory.. smara sa. body.वपुः अनुहरित तव समर संगर खर नखर कत रेखम् मरकत शकल किलत कल धौत िलिपः एव रित जय लेखम् a pa 17-3. made available by the poet as he has not said this poem for kings. enriching. anuraagam= interestedness [in her alone]. ergo tag along her who makes you woeless. [tava nayanam = your eyes]. &c [17-2] वपुरनुहरित तव समरसंगरखरनखरकतरेखम्। मरकतशकलकिलतकलधौतिलिपरेव रितजयलेखम्॥ अ प १७-३ प चछे ....they tell so. khara= sharp. कजजलमिलनिवलोचनचुमबनिवरिचतनीिलमरपम्। दशनवसनमरणम् तव कृषण तनोित तनोरनुरपम्॥ अ प १७-२ प चछे . the pair of eyes are luring. yaa= which girl. winks. kala dhauta= with highly washed .. takes away.. tava nayanam= your. yaahi= be off ... enough of it. lipiH= streaks . by nightlong waking and by the lipstick's colour of your lover.gold. further they are doubly reddened. udita rasa abhinivesham= sprang up [buoyant. you tag along. by kissing.. guru jaagara= by much. or courtiers. ayoyo. yet. in shR^ingaara] those that are experts in... yaa harati viSaadam= as above.. in grapples of courtship]. as an expression of disdain. marakata shakala= on emeralds.ngara= love's... tava vapuH= your. are now winking weakly indicating your unsleeping. nakhara= with fingernail' kShata rekham= fallen. kajjala malina= by mascara. certificate.. rati jaya lekham= in lovemaking.hai rè hai.. kaSaayitam= a little reddened.your lips [that are with the] glow of. oh boy [in disdain... etc. waking...streaks. besmirched. Your lotusy eyes. I searched nightlong. "Now matching is the glow of your lips with the blueblack colour of your body for the mascara on your love's eyes seems splodged on them when you kissed her. a mark of. tava tanoH tanoti= to your. tava viSaadam harati= your. hè kR^iSNa= oh. blackness.interested in lovely women that adore their hairdos beautifully. [a pa 17-1] Then he is about to concoct something like 'I was searching for you sleeplessly. queens. vaarè vaa. reprise . [colour of] body. raamaraama.. gone in. I feel that mine too is bitten . seems to have been given to you. not mine' bheda/difference. now . [17-3] चरणकमलगलदलकतिसकतिमदम् तव हृदयमुदारम्। दशरयतीव बिहमरदनदुमनविकसलयपिरवारम्॥ अ प १७-४ प चछे ... If love is satiated it bears newer fruits. madana druma= love. [17-4] The simile is between coppery red leaflets of tree and reddish foot-paint of girls.. a+bhedam= not. body. Philosophising all this. A golden lettered certificate of merit in lovemaking. broad [or. mama chetasi janayati khedam= in my.चरण कमल गलत् अलकत िसकतम् इदम् तव हृदयम् उदारम् दशरयित इव बिहः मदन दुम नव िकसलय पिर वारम् a pa 17-4.bheda-a-bheda .. tender leaves.... etc. "This broad chest of yours now wet with red-lac footpaint slid from some girl's lotusy feet. katham kathayati= how. a+bhedam= not. along with. idam udaaram= this.difference. you say so.. body.. be off. darshayati iva = showing . whorled... gilded on emeraldine plaques to boot. different. it will bear leaves anew. Then the argument is . alleged singleness]. understandably. appears as an all-embracing love-tree whorled with love-enticing new coppery leaflets. separated [entity of raadhamaadhavatvam].. tava vapuH= your. wet with..a+bheda. and shade/comfort giving tree. for we two may be different bodily but one in soul .heedless of difference or non-difference . tava vapuH= your. api adhunaa= even. even then you say that we are inseparably one.. bosom. दशनपदम् भवदधरगतम् मम जनयित चेतिस खेदम्। कथयित कथमधुनािप मया सह तव वपुरेतदभेदम्॥ अ प १७-५ प चछे.. 'I have bitten my lip so ecstatically. yet nondifference. be off. indissolubly concerted etc. I don't know why.. with red feet-paint. mayaa saha= me. mama chetasi = in my. cozenage. bhavat adhara gatam= your. tava hR^idayam= your. hence I don't feel pain' . Or Seeing tooth-bites on your lips my heart is anguished. lip.a+bheda/non-difference. &c. etat= all this [said. nava kisalaya parivaaram= with new. heart. "Tooth bites on your lips cause agony to my heart.. while the Philo thinking prior to this was manifoldly different... to moor anyone coming under its berth. causing. slid.in supreme soul and individual soul. be off &c. bounteous].. katham kathayati= how. I feel pain in it. agony.. generally it is . charaNa kamala galat alakta siktam [or...even then.anuharati iva= exceeds. called lotuses. If a tree is wetted many times. tree. &c. at this level of . bahiH= to outside. as though... So goes endless arguments.. 'Your lip is bitten. [my heart is] saying so. kamala dala laktaka siktam]= from feet... ornately chirographed with highly refined gold. darshana . [17-5] Some heavy-duty Philo on 'oneness of Radhakrishna' is imbued in this one stanza. &c.appearing.. mayaa [vapuH] saha= my. foot [bite]. This posture is called krodha bandha vaatsaayana the main treatise on aesthetic romance. be off. or what..'though your lip is bitten. dashana padam= tooth.दशन पदम् भवत् अधर गतम् मम जनयित चेतिस खेदम् कथयित कथम् अधुना अिप मया सह तव वपुः एतत् अभेदम् a pa 17-5.a+cintya bheda a+bheda bhaava. as if. This gives root to one viewpoint. heart. 'Though your lip is bitten. [body] along with. for your beryllus body is excelling with such withy carvings of streaks and scratches of fingernails in lovemaking. and between the love-giving Krishna. enough are these moorings and strivings. yet my heart says that we two are inseparably one. malina taram= grimy. would be futile. shR^iNuta= be listened.. from abode of. surprise [it is unsurprising]. literati..शी जयदेव भिणत रित वंिचत खिणडत युवित िवलापम् शृणुत सुधा मधुरम् िवबुधा िवबुध आलयतः अिप दुरापम्॥ ८-२ a pa 17-8. which is not at all surprising. even. you deceive . heart.by arrows. those that scorched . "Oh. "You roam in Brindavan woodlands only to wolf down womenfolk. bhramati= you roam.Raadha's. [tava] baala charitram= [your] childhood. vadhuu vadha nirdaya= women. higher in degree [grimiest]. admirers]. this promising song said by Jayadeva. literati. lady-killer etc for a playboy. &c [17-7] शीजयदेवभिणतरितवंिचतखिणडतयुवितिवलापम्। शृणुत सुधामधुरम् िवबुधा िवबुधालयतोऽिप दुरापम्॥ अ प १७-८ प चछे. legends. people [your adherents. and that says about 'the bawls of a disregarded heroine' cheated form intimacy. in killing. that which is nectareous than nectar. agonised in the lovefever caused by Love-god's arrows? Be off. bhaviSyati= it will be [it seems to be]. by arrows. therein. your childhood legends amply explain that you are a lady-killer. anugatam janam= following. jvara duunam= with fever. bahiH iva= external.बिहः इव मिलन तरम् तव कृषण मनोः अिप भिवषयित नूनम् कथम् अथ वंचयसे जनम् अनुगतम् असम शर जवर दूनम् a pa 17-6. bhavaan= you.nchita= from intimacy. vaneSu= in forests [in Brindavan]. kR^iSNa= hè. sudhaa madhuram= [than] nectar. nectareous. said..athavaa = samprashna= if not [otherwise]. asama shara= Lovegod's. may be listened. girls . vibudha aalayataH api dur aapam= gods. [be off. yuvati vilaapam= a young lady's . jayadeva bhaNita shrii [suukti ] = by Jayadeva.भमित भवान् अबला कवलाय वनेषु िकम् अत िविचतम् पथयित पूतिनक इव वधू वध िनदरय बाल चिरतम् a pa 17-7.let down. Krishna.] as with the legend of. lament. khaNDita= a sort of heroine. [a pa 17-8] Verse Locator तवेदम् पशयनतयाः पसरदनुरागम् बिहिरव िपयापादालकतचछुिरतमरणचछायहृदयम्। ममाद पखयातपणयभरभनगेन िकतव .. Krishna. abalaa kabalaaya= to wolf down.] "Your heart seems definitely grimier than your begrimed body.. / jvala maanam= those that are being blazing in love caused by Lovegod. even. atha . rati va. if not how come you let down your own admirers. and an impossible song to get even from the heaven.even Colloq English has names like wolf. katham vanchayase = how. &c.. like [like your external body].. बिहिरव मिलनतरम् तव कृषण मनोऽिप भिवषयित नूनम् । कथमथ वंचयसे जनमनुगतमसमशरजवरदूनम् ॥ अ प १७-६ प चछे . kim atra vichitram= what. an impossible song to get. be off. nuunam= definitely. . prathayati= explains. as in the case of your killing demoness puutana. [176] भमित भवानबलाकवलाय वनेषु िकमत िविचतम्। पथयित पूतिनकैव वधूवधिनदरयबालचिरतम्॥ अ प १७-७ प चछे .understanding the wordsmithy of Jayadeva. hè vibudhaaH= oh. promising [song]. cheated.... tava manoH api= your. puutanika iva= puutana [the killing of demoness. as a merciless one. your appearance with a chest bedaubed by the red foot-paint of your love reminds me of your fondness for her outflowing from that chest. but when said vyapohatuvo. [8-3] The spellbinding. [mine] highly renowned. tvat aalokaH= [such as you are. mama prakhyaata praNaya bhara= for me. than. thereby that flutist has become the only enemy of demons. [8-2] Verse Locator अनतमोहनमौिलघूणरनचलनमंदारिवभंशन ं सथंभाकषरणदृिपतहषरणमहामंतः कुरगीदृशाम्। दृपयदनवदूयमानिदिवषदुवारदुःखापदाम् ं भंशः कसिरपोससमपरयतु वशशेयािनस वंशीरवः॥ ८-३ प चछे . sthambha akarSaNa dR^ipti harSaNa= spellbinding. the primacy of that highly renowned love of mine with you is shattered. bhangena=owing to shattering. flowing. that which makes his head to nod. thereby. a weighty primacy]. agonising. what more can be said. mohana vamshi. pashyantyaaH= on seeing. that which is scorching to self-conceited demons. a disgrace is caused in me. fluting. riches. mandaara flower. dR^ipyat daanava duuyamaana= self-conceited. "You beguiler. unrelieved. hè kitava= you beguiler. even [to say].mshii ravaH= mohana vamshi. diviSat durvaara duHkha aapadaam= for gods.' va. priyaa paada alakta cCuritam= [your] love's. will endow [in mms shreyaamsi vipolayatu it is the same meaning. to say nothing of grief. that fluting-melody from that Divine Flute. by which nodding vermilion mandara flowers slide down. scorching. gladdening. gladdening effects. appearance. bedaubed [chest. gazing all the time at that 'otherwise' reddened chest. bahiH prasarat anuraagam= out. agonising.तव इदम् पशयनतयाः पसरत् अनुरागम् बिहः इव िपया पाद अलकत च्उिरतम् अरण चछाय हृदयम् मम अद पखयात पणय भर भनगेन िकतव तवत् आलोकः शोकात् अिप िकम् अिप लजजाम् जनयित 8-2. vashiikaraNa. kim api= what. adya= now.ngii dR^ishaam= for those who have deer like glances.msa= Kamsa [the evil king]. iva [sthitam] = as though [it appears]. ripoH [ kamsa daanava]= enemy [of Kamsa and other demons]. antaH mohana= innerly [within heart of hearts. [your] fondness [for her]. aakarSaNa are deducible from the treatises of aesthetic romance. hymn. agonising..अनतः मोहन मौिल घूणरन चलत् मनदार िवभंशन ं सथंभ अकषरण दृिपत हषरण महा मंतः कुरगी दृशाम् दृपयत् दनव दूयमान िदिवषत् दुवार दुःख आपदाम् ं भंशः कस िरपोः समपरयतु वः शेयािनस वंशी रवः 8-3. mauli ghuurNana= head. demons. the flute. this. weight [here.. calat mandaara vibhra. mahaa mantraH=supreme. इित गीतगोिवनदे खिणडतावणरने िवलकशयलकशमीपितनाम अषमः सगरः . maaraNa. red.तवदालोकः शोकादिप िकमिप लजजाम् जनयित॥ ८-२ प चछे. shokaat api= from grief. causing. coloured [covered. sthambhana.] on your. sliding down. with her feet's red paint.] That which ecstasies the hearts of hearts of deer-eyed beauties. for beauties. that which is a destructive power to the unrelieved woeful impediments of gods in destructing the evil kings like Kamsa. bhranshaH ka. vaH shreyaansi samarpayatu = to you all.ashreyaamsi = vaH a shreyaamshi vyapohayatu = all your problems be relieved by that melodies from flute. by nodding. .mshana= moving.] chest. magnetising. magnetising. gladdening effects. shall endow prosperety to you all. called mohana. lajjaam janayati= disgrace. magnetising. kura. thereby]. tava idam aruNa cChaaya hR^idayam= your. woeful.. impediments..] faint [ecstasizes]. love's. that which is a supreme hymn with spellbinding. Verse Locator for vilakShya lakShmiipatiH . this is the 8th chapter.Thus.Apologetic Krishna : Chapter 8 Top of Page 1 a pa 17 2 Next Sarga 3 Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Oct. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. 2003. in Gita Govindam of Jayadeva. called vilakSha/vilakShya lakShmiipatiH . Revised No 08 .Apologetic Krishna. to such a 'sorry-after-squabble' heroine of Krishna. who is by now worsted by Lovegod.ntarita hi saa syaat || One who lashes her tongue at her lover with many possible synonyms for a single misdeed. wrecked [or. vain. demeanour. sakhii= girlfriend. rati rasa bhinnaam = love's. Verse Locator तामथ मनमथिखनाम् रितरसिभनाम् िवषादसमपनाम्। अनुिचिनततहिरचिरताम् कलहानतिरतमुवाच सखी॥ ९-१ प चछे .ताम् अथ मनमथ िखनाम् रित रस िभनाम् िवषाद समपनाम् अनुिचिनतत हिर चिरताम् कलहानतिरतम् उवाच सखी 9-1. that Rādha. rendered helpless [worsted]. dhava= husband .cocky girl.धृवम्॥ अ प १८-१ प छे . wealthy of.Unpretentious Krishna Rādha's friend admonishes her for her misdemeanour with Krishna. hence she is wealthy in her woes. maadhave= about Maadhava [ maa= Lakshmi's. viSaada sampannaam = woe. Verse Locator अषपिद १८ अमनदमुकुनदम् हिररिभसरित वहित मधुपवने। िकमपरमिधकसुखम् सिख भवने। माधवे मा कुर मािनिन मानमये . though he is somewhat unpretentiousness. atha= then. ayè= you. madhu pavane vahati= autumnal. breeze while . hè maanini=oh. her girlfriend advised.don't think that he belongs to Lakshmi alone. separated from having it]. till the point of his helpless leaving. don't. proud . heroine as above. he is yours too]. Then to Rādha. an obliging fellow. kalahaantaritam= to kalaha-antarita . and the friend duuti a harbinger-cum-prognosticator. [9-1] The mood of this kalahaantarita 'sorry-after-squabble' heroine will be like this: praaNeshvaram praNaya kopa [bhareNa] bisheSa bhiitam | yaa caaTukaaram avadhiirya visheSa vaagbhiH | sa. longing for savour. and then she starts unilateral repentance. manmatha khinnaam= by Lovegod.mtapyate madana vahni shikhaa sahasrasaiH | baaSa aakula ca kalahaa. hari charitaam= Krishna's. whose savour for love is just wrecked. wet with tears and wearying for his reappearance.'sorryafter-squabble' heroine. girlie [Rādha]. do. anu chintita= continually.अमनदमुकुनदम् Chapter [Sarga] 9 . In this mood the hero is anukuula.हिरः अिभसरित वहित मधु पवने िकम् अपरम् अिधक सुखम् सिख भवने माधवे मा कुर मािनिन मानम् अये a pa 18-1. maanam maa kuru= cockiness. uvaacha= advised.one among eight types of poetic heroines . thinking. yet who is continually thinking about Krishna's demeanour. taam= to her. more than that. that god created whole universe.. whenever a female deity or goddess is pictured. as they are 'not-soeasy. heavier. na kathitam= not. hariH= Krishna. plethoric in juice are these pot-like bosoms of yours. what better rapt you've at home. cocky girlie. O.. and a symbol of unquenchable desire.. a better.. They fruit palm juice in a three-eye sap sockets. Palm tree.] "O. for her mamma knows no wizening effect. Krishna will always be trying to quench it. don't show off your cockiness.it is to be said. minus any side effects. bhuvane= in your realm of love. Moon. elatedness. dear. for want of some toddy taper.. is the tallest fruiting tree. it doesn't go without such descriptions. for eating its kernel. hlaadini shakti. the palm fruits are praiseworthy for a cooling effect. not just now and on each and every step of yours. or to some Black Hole? That too. Even then.breezing. for he is surpassingly delectable.धृवम्॥ अ प १८-१ प छे . fruit. Krishna's appearance and disappearance in raasa liila... "Heavier than palm-fruits.. for Krishna comes to you when the autumnal breeze breezes. taala phalaat api gurum= palm. of course. aparam adhika sukham kim= to boot. to boot. and that juice is poor man's much liked cool drink in summer. dear. in India he has to come personally without sending some of his deputies. and hence. [a pa 18-1] हिररिभसरित वहित मधुपवने। िकमपरमिधकसुखम् सिख भवने। माधवे मा कुर मािनिन मानमये .हिरः अिभसरित वहित मधु पवने िकम् अपरम् अिधक सुखम् सिख भवने माधवे मा कुर मािनिन मानम् अये a pa 18-2. [reprise] hè sakhi= o. let us give nature its own due.ताल फलात् अिप गुरम् अित सरसम् िकम् िवफली कुरषे कुच कलशम् a pa 18-3. for she is an emblem of happiness for Krishna hlaadinii shakti. don't shun that Krishna. harim= Krishna be. hè maaninii= O.. bhavane= in home. atishaya ruchiram= surpassingly. common nouns].' kaThina sthala maNDalaa. the ronde dance.let millions and millions take birth. step. like nature. and its fruits. When it is said. or a climber to go to such a height. such mother is said to have 'stony breasts. juice. in any ism. which was once useful for its birth. a + chiram= not. The other sense attached to such anga pratyanga varNana 'limb by limb poetising' . as all know. Because. they become stony and fall. instead of incarnating himself now and then. It instantaneously reduces body heat. in Brindavan symbolises with god's periodic visitation to earth. kati= how many times. long before [just now]. to boot. If these are left unused. which has no such medicinal effects. and how many times I haven't said this little talk. abhi sarati= towards [your preset place] comes. both height wise and their content wise. what better rapt you've in the world. they will be put to use by burning them in grass. why he or his messengers chance only upon earth? Why don't they go to Mars. meaning . kucha kalasham= bosoms. are therefore supposed to be the loftiest among all fruits. fall into disuse. in world ]. cocky girl. cocky girl. [a pa 18-2] This comparison has some illustration about nature. So. you make. kim viphalii kuruSe= why.. not dates. pot-like [jaatyaikavacanam.] "You. ati sa rasam= much [plethoric. said [by me. because a mother is identifiable by bust by the offspring. apart from just romance. In lalita sahasra naama. shun away. This is in mundane variety of understanding poet's words in commonplace parlance.. maa parihara= don't.. in your realm [or. little talk]. anu padam= at each. delectable... but rarely nature gets satisfied.. or you have. that so-called Nature. तालफलादिप गुरमितसरसम्। िकम् िवफलीकुरषे कुचकलशम्॥ अ प -१८-२ प छे . idam= this [word. to see her or her wellbeing. this mother-nature somehow nourishes them. and demands him to be always with him.to-get' variety. dear. is . O.. Rādha goes on refusing Krishna. [a pa 18-3] Yet. Minus them she is nowhere. what [is there. why do make them fall into disuse.] with. vi kalaa rodiSi= less. why do you sink down and wail. tava sakalaa= your. wrench. So. sa jala= with.हिरः उपयातु वदतु बहु मधुरम् िकम् इित करोिष हृदयम् अित िवधुरम् a pa 18-7. you give raise. then only you realise your being is not different form that of his. much. you namby-pamby. however querulous she might be. This is the Indian variety of vyaavhaarika satta a colleague at loggerheads with his 'Being and Nothingness."you be in your place. this way. I'll be in my place. this way. hariH upayaatu= Krishna. say this earth's worrying. [a pa 18-4] Nature's worrying. then your eyes comes to fruition. [a pa 18-5] You are that lotus bed.. [then only you will become]. laugh. really. instead of remarrying that nature with that god. here milkmaids. Every time he comes here. you sink down. all.only here on this Blue Dot. ati vidhuram= muchly..] on bed. but I come to you only. all of your girlfriends in our guild are laughing at you.. fruition. But Nature wants that God to be always with her. vi hasati= verily. your heart.. aniihita= unwished for [unenviable.' सजलनिलनीदलशीतलशयने। हिरमवलोकय सफल नयने॥ अ प १८-५ प छे . let us give her.] "Contemplate on Krishna reposing on a freshening bed of moist lotus petals.. and all this comes to mean ." as Jean-Paul Sartre prefers to say: L’existence précède et commande l’essence. without broadening vyaakhya. kim iti karoSi hR^idayam= why. shiitala shayane= cool [refreshing. See that way with your third eye.] "Why you give raise to a heavy sadness in your heart this way. mR^idula= softish].. yuvati sabhaa= girls. guru khedam= heavy. weeping. and he escapes from her on politely feigning something. water [or. kim iti viSiidasi= why. melodiously. you render. sadness. this way.. does some tricks and gets out as soon as his feats are over.. manasi janayasi= in heart.] "This way. vadatu bahu madhuram= speaks. contemplate.स जल निलनी दल शीतल शयने हिरम् अवलोकय सफल नयने a pa 18-5. petals. harim avalokya= at Krishna. her own due. for your eyes will be [or. िकिमित िवषीदिस रोिदिष िवकला। िवहसित युवितसभा तव सकला॥ अ प १८-४ प चछे.जनयिस मनिस िकम् इित गुर खेदम् शृणु मम वचनम् अनीिहत भेदम् a pa 18-6. shR^iNu mama vachanam= listen. for she had once seen him. one with fructified eyes.. [18-6] हिररपयातु वदतु बहुमधुरम्। िकिमित करोिष हृदयमितिवधुरम्॥ अ प १८-७ प चछे. जनयिस मनिस िकिमित गुरखेदम्। शृणु मम वचनमनीिहतभेदम्॥ अ प १८-६ p प छे .. comes [to you]. and wailing for the arrival of that Ultimate onto her is as old as Fish Incarnation. serving as his sustainment.] bhedam= having inequality [among you too -finishing line. lustre [lacklustre. sa phala nayane= with. nalinii dala= lotus.िकम् इित िवषीदिस रोिदिष िवकला िवहसित युवित सभा तव सकला a pa 18-4. only to go from your proximity. . words. kim iti= why. Existence precedes and rules essence. to my. listen to my words that explain an unenviable inequality among you two. namby-pamby] you wail. guild [a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants. hè vipariita kaariNi= oh. tava= to you. Don't sit thinking 'he' and 'me' . himam= snow. intemperance. yat= by what reason. shiitaa anshuH= one with cool.moonbeams. shriikhaNDa charchaa= sandal-paste. by the reason of that intemperance of yours. ati lalitam= very.. Krishna's. said. dveSasthaa asi= disinclined. praNamati= he adjoins his palms at you. jayadeva bhaNitam= by Jayadeva. lover. you are. raagiNi= he is inclined in you. talks to you much melodiously."Krishna comes to you.] you are. yat= by what. disinclined when he is inclined.. paruSaa asi= unfriendly.] you go into a state of. and your falling into disfavour when he is favourable. yat= by which. cooling moon as a scorching sun. "By which reason you are unfriendly when that lover of yours is friendly. body cream. snigdhe [sati]= when friendly.सानद आननद पुरनदर आिद िदिवषत् बृनदैः अमनद आदरात् आनमैः मकुट इनद नील मिणिभः संदिशरत इिनदिनदरम् सवचछनदम् मकरनद सुनदर िमलत् मनदािकनी मेदुरम् . [a pa 18-7] This and the above 'inequality' statements have some bearing to the sayings of Bhagavad Gita.. people [in his lore. hutavahaH= [becoming as] fire. to revelling. subtle. tasmin priye= that.] Let the allegory of providential Krishna. unmukhe= he is pro-faced [favourable]. kriiDaa mudaH= in romantic games. allegory. more so aatma samyamna yoga of it. cheers in romantic sport as hellish tortures.[becoming as] sun. be blissful to the revellers in his lore. beams . snow as a fire. then why you wrench your heart this much. [9-3] Verse Locator ं सादानंदपुरदरािदिदिवषदृनदैरमंदादरात् आनमैमरकुटेनदनीलमिणिभससंदिशरतेिदंिदरम्। ं सवचछंदमकरंदसुनदरिमलनमनदािकनीमेदुरम् शी गोिवनदपदारिवंदमशुभसकनदायवनदामहे॥ ९-४ प चछे . शीजयदेवभिणतमितलिलतम्। सुखयतु रिसकजनम् हिरचिरतम्॥ अ प १८-८ प चछे. tapanaH= burner . said by Jayadeva. tat= by that reason alone. sukhayatu rasika janam= give bliss. your sandal-paste skincare is becoming a venom. shrii hari charitam= providential.िसनगधे यत् परषा अिस यत् पणमित सतबधा अिस यत् रािगिण देषसथा अिस यत् उनमुखे िवमुखताम् याता अिस तिसमन् िपये तत् युकतम् तत् िवपरीतकािरिण तव शीखणड चचा िवषम् शीताशुः तपनः िहमम् हुतवहः कीडा मुदः यातनाः 9-3.a-cintya-bheda-a-bheda . cheers. and the are all is meetly to unreasonable you. you are. [a pa 18-8] Verse Locator िसनगधे यतपरषािस यतपणमित सतबधािस यदािगिण देषसथािस यदुनमुखे िवमुखताम् यातािस तिसमिनपये। तदुकतम् तिदपरीतकािरिण तव शीखणडचचा िवषम् शीताशुसतपनो िहमम् हुतवहः कीडामुदो यातनाः॥ ९-३ प चछे. causer of . viSam= [becoming] venom. yuktam= meetly.. to appease. vi+mukhataam yaataaasi= face turned away [disfavour.शी जयदेव भिणतम् अित लिलतम् सुखयतु रिसक जनम् हिर चिरतम् a pa 18-8. yat= by which reason. stabdhaa asi= uncommunicative [unappeasable.. yaatanaaH= [becoming as] tortures. oh. unappeasable when he is appeasing. intemperate Rādha..intemperate Rādha.for none knows what connection exists between the Ultimate and the later. Unpretentious Krishna. exultation. called mugdhamukundam .ndam= lotus feet.ndarshita indindiram= shown. fortunes.शी गोिवनद पद अरिवंदम् अशुभ सकनदाय वनदामहे 9-4. aanamraiH makuTa= with reverently bent. At whom heavenly droves like Indra et al come owing to his alacritous fondness for them. diviSat bR^indaiH= by heavenly. crowns. the title of voluminous skanda puraaNa. makaranda= honey. Verse Locator for: Chapter 9 . vandaamahe= let us pray. a + shubha= bad. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. indra niila maNibhiH= by sapphire. this is the 9th chapter.] fondness.Unpretentious Krishna Top of Page 1 a pa 18 2 Next Sarga 3 Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Nov. sa.. thereby the sapphire blue gems in their crowns appear to be the swarms of honeybees hovering on honey-like water of River ganga. mandaakinii= by River Ganga. swarms of honey bees. svacChandam= at will. shrii govinda pada= Shri Krishna's. इित गीतगोिवनदे कलहानतिरतावणरने मनदमुकुनदो नाम नवमः सगरः Thus.. meduram= overspread [bathed with]. as objects of his poem. [9-4] Here also the poet is using the word skanda. meeting [river flowing]. as he has used names of metres. a+manda aadaraat= by his not. gems in those crowns. skandaaya= for ruination. purandara aadi= Indra. et al. aravi. feet. having come they reverently bend their crowned heads before him. flowing and bathing his feet at her will. thus for the ruination of bad fortunes let us pray at those lotusy feet of Shri Krishna. 2003. blue. saandra aananda = with utmost. in Gita Govindam of Jayadeva. droves. slowed [by his alacritous. skandaaya for perishing misfortunes. sundara milat= lovelily. Revised Nov 08 . gad gada padam= [but with] groaning and grumbling.धृवम्॥ अ प १९-१ .१९ . su mukhiim= a lovely. niHshvaasa= with suspires. dina ante= day. hariH= Krishna. In this meanwhile along with eventide Krishna rejoicingly came near of lovely faced Rādha. excited]. a + siima= not. rejoice [Krishna. tactfully. faceto such a Rādha who has. iikShita sakhii vadanaam= she who is observing. roSa vashaat= indignation..'Krishna came shyly' can also be said]. But she is still reticent. upetya . and finding her somewhat lessened in her recalcitrance. nissaha mukhiim= with a helpless.] upetya= came near. Verse Locator अतानतरे मसृणरोषवशादसीम िनःशासिनससहमुखीम् सुमुखीमुपेतय। सवरीडमीईकतसखीवदनाम् िदनानते साननदगदगदपदम् हिरिरतयुवाच॥ १०-१ प चछे . [sa vriiDaam.. atra= there. her friend's. words. changing gramophonic-plate from rejoice to reprieval.Chapter [Sarga] 10 . he starts to pull the wool over her eyes. and seeing her in such a mood Krishna. at end of -that evening. sa vriiDam= [Rādha] with. face . face. with boundless suspires as she is hotheadedly bridled.[10-1] Verse Locator अषिपद .to her. antare= in the mean while.with 'whatamitodo' look.frantic.चतुरचतुभुरजरागरािजचंदोदोिततम् वदिस यिद िकिङचदिप दनतरिचकौमुदी हरित दरितिमरमितघोरम् । सफुरदधरसीधवे तव वदनचनदमा रोचयतु लोचनचकोरम् ॥ िपये ! चारशीले ! िपये ! चारशीले ! मुंच मिय मानमिनदानम् सपिद मदनानलो दहित मम मानसम् देिह मुखकमलमधुपानम् िपये ! चारशीले ! िपये ! चारशीले ! .अत अनतरे मसृण रोष वशात् असीम िनःशास िनससह मुखीम् सुमुखीम् उपेतय स वरीडम् ईकत सखी वदनाम् िदन अनते स आननद गदगद पदम् हिरः इित उवाच 10-1. owing to. of course.Tactful Krishna चतुरचतुभुरजः Krishna appears before Rādha from thin air. shy . started to speak with these grumbling and gruffing words. within bounds . who by then is looking at her friend's face with a 'whatamitodo' look. masR^iNa= to her who is precipitated [hot-headed. sa aanandam= with. he said. iti uvaacha= this way. cast off causeless choler on me. furious. adhara siidhave= lips. oil and matchbox in this bower? Her sparkling teeth. [harati= steals] ati ghoram= highly. [called] moon. [a pa 19-2] . mayi kopinii yadi asi= on me. tvam= you. horrendous. if not.. with that sparkling]. causes. [a pa 19-1] Darkness entails fear .harati= steals. tava danta ruchi kaumudii= of your teeth [called. But. ki.bhagna shRingaara sthaayii bhaavam. are the 1000W bulbs. vaa= or elsewhy these pick-and-choose punishments.. those [impose punishments that will be causing such happiness to you.. to swill. howsoever O.cast off. unlike dara haasam]. even if you say good or bad of me. [even if your are dissatisfied with such an incarceration. सतयमेवािस यिद सुदित मिय कोिपनी देिह खरनखशरघातम्। घटय भुजबनधनम् जनय रदखणडनम् येन वा भवित सुखजातम्॥ अ प १९-२ प चछे . sukha jaatam bhavati= happiness. O. lovemaking is forbidden in pitch darkness. if not. to shackle me. say at least a bit of it. [if you are dissatisfied with it]. you feel happy.. as in any toothpaste advt..rather. mayi= on me.nchit api vadasi yadi= a bit. gashes. mama maanasam= my.now do the same. madana analaH= love's. by your heart . that twinkle of your teeth . then]. then your lips open and your teeth sparkles.प चछे . I tell these tricks as my mother tricked me this way and fastened me to a grindstone. then that moonshine from the sparkle of your teeth steals the highly tenebrous gloom in me. dear sweetheart. janaya rada khaNDanam= cause. maanam= petulance [choler]. face. "O..] "O. mu. for love-fire burns my bosom. where are wick. that you give. if. mukha kamala= of face. a + nidaanam= without.. dear.. dehi= give.. you are. ghaTaya bhuja bandhanam= splice. O. hè su dati= O... or. lend me. O.धृवम्॥ a pa 19-1. satyam eva= truly. with different items].. sweet one.] beautiful. in you..] gloom [melancholy. madhu paanam dehi= nectar. chaaru shiile= O. tava vadana candra maaH= your. moonshine.. or. sapadi= presently. with nectar. rochayatu= let them [eyes called birds] cheer up. let the cakora birds called mine eyes cheer up with nectar from those scintillating lips on your moony face. yena= by which kind of punishment [for my misdeeds.. teeth. sphurat= scintillating. cause.and fear entails spoilage of romance . lochana chakoram= [to my] eyes. bosom. you say.. cast off causeless choler on me.. dara timiram= dark [tenebrosity. So. now lend me nectar from your lotusy face. cart etc in my childhood . make do any punishment in whichever way you feel happy. even if it is said in the least. word obsolete now.. cast off your causeless choler on me.. Krishna cannot have tamas. but say it. toothily dear.. fingernails. give me nectar of your lotusy face to swill. tearing. if you are that way truly furious of me. dahati= burns.dear with beautiful teeth.. or..वदिस यिद िकिनचत् अिप दनत रिच कौमुदी हरित दर ितिमरम् अित घोरम् सफुरत् अधर सीधवे तव वदन चनदमा रोचयतु लोचन चकोरम् िपये चार शीले मुंच मिय मानम् अ+िनदानम् सपिद मदन अनलो दहित मम मानसम् देिह मुख कमल मधु पानम् िपये ! चारशीले ! िपये ! चारशीले ! . that talk of yours contain good or bad of mine..ncha= release .bhaya sthaayii bhaavam . dear. shackle me down splicing your arms around me. my stygian melancholy] not tamas . sweetheart. tear me with your teeth.. your arms. gash me with you arrowy fingernails.just darkness. khara nakha shara ghaatam= sharp. [called] cakora birds. if. arrow.सतयम् एव अिस यिद सुदित मिय कोिपनी देिह खर नख शर घातम् घटय भुज बनधनम् जनय रद खणडनम् येन वा भवित सुख जातम् a pa 19-2. of course.. at least. that way. fire. sweetheart. called lotus [from your lotusy face]. priye= O. my sweetheart. here in this unnavigable somatic world I sue you to be gracious to me. tava hR^idaya desham= your. idam [tava kopa locanam] = this eye . existence. heart is. and gemmed pendant manjari to auspicious garlands.virodhinii . tvam asi mama bhuuSaNam= you.will be used by some].. kusuma shara baaNa bhaavena= flower.njayatu= [if] it delights [me. tava lochanam= your. sphuratu= let glitter [with the pinkness of your eyes reflected on them]. svelte Rādha. kokanada ruupam dhaarayati= pink-lotus. bhava jaladhi ratnam= [for the temporal] world. rasatu= make tintinnabulations.njarii= set of gems. tatra= in that matter. are. tvam asi= you. mama hR^idaya desham ranjayatu= if your bust with blue-gem pendants delights me on its contact with my indigo-blue chest]. ra.तवमिस मम भूषणम् तवमिस मम जीवनम् तवमिस भवजलिधरतम् । भवतु भवतीह मिय सततमनुरोिधिन तत मम हृदयमितयतम्॥ अ प १९-३ प चछे . for my heart is ever effortful in that matter.these ireful eyes of yours. ever. toraNaa-s. if they render themselves as the one and only pink lotus arrow of Love. place [bust]. are. they now bear a pinkly effect of pinkish lotuses in all their ire. in my respect [in this somatic world. who am in sapphirine hue. tvam asi mama jiivanam= you.सफुरतु कुचकुमभयोः उपिर मिण मंजरी रंजयतु तव हृदय देशम् रसतु रशना अिप तव घन जघन मणडले घोषयतु मनमथ िनदेशम् a pa 19-5. then in that bustle]. eyes. are. on overside. "You are my grace.used to say yadi tava hR^idaya desham. ocean-like. eyes will usually be in. they now bear. as any pauper would be on cloud nine if he chances on a jewel]. girdle strings with tinkle bells. [a pa 193] Some notes on these lines are at the end of this song. niila nalina aabham api= blue. tava rashanaa api= your. etat anuruupam= all this [ire. though. kR^iSNam = I who am in indigo-blue body [maam api= me. puurNa kalasha. mama hR^idayam satatam= my. such as I am.. if. ra. gem chest pendant. arrow shooter's [as with Lovegod's pink lotus arrow] arrow. used before the start of any auspicious ritual. hip. in effect. or sue you]. or quintessence [metaphysical ens]. albeit. effect. chest.concept.. be gracious to me [as against . too]. pot-like. let [that girdle] repeatedly announce. ra..one at loggerheads]. [or. ornament [grace -an attractive feature]. effortful.. then all this ire.नील निलन आभम् अिप तिनव तव लोचनम् धारयित कोकनद रपम् कुसुम शर बाण भावेन यिद रंजयित कृषणम् इदम् एतत् अनुरपम् a pa 19-4. lotus. "O. to me.njayasi yadi= if you delight me . in hue. नीलनिलनाभमिपतिनवतवलोचनम् धारयितकोकनदरपम्। कुसुमशरबाणभावेनयिदरंजयित कृषणिमदमेतदनुरपम्॥ अ प १९-४ प चछे ..] will be most becoming. dear. fury and pinkness of yours. in this unnavigabe ocean-like world. maNi ma. kucha kumbhayoH upari= bosoms. here that auspicious event is the union of rādhakrishan. rendering my sapphirine hue as the very pink of love.. where the comparison of bosoms with pots suggests puuNa kumbha. hè tanvi= o. and a jewel for this temporal world. areas [waistline. even. [a pa 19-4] This is raadhaa kyuu gOrii . but being with me you will be the lone jewel of love.तवम् अिस मम भूषणम् तवम् अिस मम जीवनम् तवम् अिस भव जलिध रतम् भवतु भवती इह मिय सततम् अनुरोिधिन तत मम हृदयम् अित यतम् a pa 19-3.njayati yadi= [the arrowy eyes] delight. though your eyes will be in the hue of blue-lotuses. ati yatnam= more. . to me. elliptic: praNate= while I pray. manmatha nidesham ghoSayatu= Lovegod's. svelte Rādha.. and their pinkness will be most becoming. ghana jaghana maNDale= on curvy. bidding. a cluster of sapphires. jewel [not only my jewel. iha mayi= here. ens. hence.my kyuu kaalaa . सफुरतु कुचकुमभयोरपिर मिणमंजरी रंजयतु तव हृदयदेशम् । रसतु रशनािप तव घनजघनमणडले घोषयतु मनमथिनदेशम्॥ अ प १९-५ प चछे . priyè= oh. tava= your. elliptic yadi= if . bhavatii anurodhini bhavatu= you may. and delight me shooting with them. kadana= kadanam kaluSe taape . then the bustle of tinkle bells of girdle strings on your curvy waistline will be repeatedly announcing the bidding of Love with their tintinnabulations. the red cosmetic of feet. bosoms.] "O. dissevers [antivenin. to tread out his fire and its . place it on my head. scorching. venom. mayi= in me. those that delight. even war will be scorching].Or priyè= oh. smara garala khaNDanam= Lovegod's. tat upaahita= to that [fire of Lovegod's scorching. bust. on overside. tender-leafy.njanam= land. tread my body to tread on that Lovegod.njarii sphuratu= on your. hence. jvalati= burning. dhiita .njayasi yadi= your. manmatha nidesham ghoSayatu= Lovegod's. [a pa 19-6] समरगरलखणडनम् मम िशरिसमणडनम् देिह पदपललवमुदारम् । जवलितमियदारणोमदनकद् अनानलो हरतुतदुपािहतिवकारम्॥ अ प १९-७ प चछे. that grows on ground]. splendorous.. and make it my motif and my glory. may I maquillage them with crimson red foot-cosmetic. cluster of sapphires pendants. let it be brilliant.to kiss. lasat= shining. [if I can maquillage= applying makeup] to your feet with crimson lac. rosy cosmetic of foot. expertise in arts. desperateness etc. hè preyasi= O. tava hR^idaya desham ra. heart. hence]. antivenom]. what-d'ye-say . excellently adept in footwork while on the stage of love]. that gainsay [those lotuses].. what-d'ye-say. abnormalities. [some mms sagana galada lakta] raagam= crimsoned.nga= play of passion. alaktaka= with lac... couple of. sarasa= passionately. [with stressed dha . dhayati. para bhaagam= excellence [both feet will have mutually excellent splendour. dear. caraNa dvayam= foot. haratu= let [those feet] spirit away. that tender-leafy foot of yours is an antivenin to the venom of Lovegod. keep.after how-d'ye-do. love. on your high hip.njanam= my.. great beauty]. not war. let that cluster of sapphire gems on your pot-like bosoms be glittering doubly with the pinkness of your eyes. adeptness. and adept in footwork on the stage in the play of passion. let all of them. [mama shirasi= on my. mellisonant Rādha.. mama hR^idaya ra. janita= while causing [I can make them more excellent on the stage of passion while in the play of passion]. to suckle]. udaaram= glory [resplendent majesty or magnificence. mama shirasi maNDanam= on my. analaH= fire [other mms aruNaH= reddish like flame]. on the stage [ranga= literally.. even. daaruNaH= intolerable.dhehi= place. unless one is adept he/she cannot go on the stage]. vikaaram= disquietude. [a distinctive] ornament [motif].vishva kosha. that which will be delightful to you. dear. [tava= your]. one with melodious. those feet of yours that gainsay land-lotuses are the delighters of my heart. karavaaNi= [I can] do. [yadi= if]. pot-like. [or straightly: tread my body to tread on that Lovegod. voice [mellisonant] Rādha. to tread out his fire. tava rashanaa api ghana jaghana maNDale rasatu / raNatu= your.. saying untenable parsing. to bidding. and with such gems if your bust delights me on its contact with my sapphirine chest. girdle. bhaNa= what-do-you-say [or. then both of them will be excellent. pada pallavam= foot. tava kucha kumbhayoH upari maNi ma. hè masR^iNa vaaNi= O. give clarion-call. for. lotuses [terrene lotus. "O. you will be delighted. sthala kamala ga.] "O. be bustling.सथल कमल गंजनम् मम हृदय रंजनम् जिनत रित रंग पर भागम् भण मसृण वािण करवािण चरण दयम् सरस लसत् अलकतक रागम् a pa 19-6. love. [a pa 19-5] सथलकमलगंजनम् ममहृदयरंजनम् जिनतरितरंगपरभागम् । भणमसृणवािण करवािण चरणदयम् सरसलसदलकतकरागम्॥ अ प १९-६ प चछे. head.समर गरल खणडनम् मम िशरिस मणडनम् देिह पद पललवम् उदारम् जवलित मिय दारणः मदन कदन अनाः हरतु तत् उपािहत िवकारम् a pa 19-7. head]. let them glitter. dehi= give. madana= Lovegod's.] connective to. that scorching fire of Lovegod is burning me intolerably.. rati ra... this parsing is when parsed with ranjayasi yadi = if you delight me -but many will leave off this. jaya padmaaavatii ramaNa jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhaNitam ati shaantam .. and charming. adorned with. cluster of. indepth. Otherwise we should be content with its prima facie meaning. [a pa 19-8] If Bhagavad Gita ca be understood in a trice without any help of commentaries. mura vairiNaH= by such Krishna.] Or iti= this way. canny. let them remain highly thrilling and comforting to womenfolk. spoken to. Usually separated lovers get all oddities in their behaviour. jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhuuSitam= by Jayadeva. This song is loaded with Philo of the then egging and revolting method of rādhamaadhava tradition. ati jayati= highly. and at end he foreordains them to be highly thrilling. shaatam= with comfort..' or 'keep your feet on my head.In this song apparently unnecessary or commonplace words seem to be encrusted. winning [highly thrilling. but it becomes an overhead transmission. called aakShepa ruupaka.. adorned with. and then the eagle has to come to scare the snake.canny. ruuDhi.] This way. either by original poet or by interpolators. poet's. you're my jewel..dhraNi nighaNTu].' etc. raadhikaam adhi= Rādha is. but becomes too much. here foot changes in other mms: jaya padmaaavatii ramaNa jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhaNitam ati shaantam.. lakShaNa. this chapter too is understandable. if compared to the claws of eagle.in other mms]. caturthaH. vachana jaatam= words. . caused. dasha guNa nirvacana. And comparing heroine's feet. chaTula= cute [caTulaH sundare cale . or padmaaavatii ramaNa jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhaNitam ati bhuuSitam ati jayati= highly. paTu= but a who is a capable one. raadhaam adhi= Rādha. vachana jaatam=having such words. [or. In this book candraaloka. mura vairiNaH= of Krishna. tread over me. pancama: shabda artha alankaara parisankjhyaana.abnormalities.. iti= this way.catchy words.. tR^itiiya mayuukha: dasha vidha visheSa lakShaNa niruupaNa. winning [highly thrilling. can we possibly attach some laxity to the poet's thought? Not so... poetry. chaaru= charming words. chapters are named as mayuukha-s in which the items discussed are prathama mayuukha: kaavya hetu. chapters and their subjects are: dvittiya mayuukha: doSa varNana. Some of it can be incorporated here. and Jayadeva as a writer of the treatise on aesthetics of poetry. let the words of Krishna targeting Rādha adorn the poetry of poet Jayadeva. paTu= endearing words . called candraaloka may not incorporate such words. because they are cute. catchy. chaaru= a charming one too. [a pa 19-7] इितचटुलचाटुपटुचारमुरवैिरणो रािधकामिधवचनजातम् । जयितजयदेवकिवभारतीभूिषतम् मािननीजनजिनतिनताितशातम्॥ अ प १९-७ प चछे. chaTula= a topic-changer. and owing to many dissensions in its own tenets . poetry. made as target. folk. maaninii jana janitam= in women. as some technical parison.इित चटुल चाटु पटु चार मुर वैिरणः रािधकाम् अिध वचन जातम् जयित जयदेव किव भारती भूिषतम् मािननी जन जिनत अित शातम् a pa 19-8.. or jayatu padmaaavatii ramaNa jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhaNitam iti giitam. The sandal-breezes become venom and the Lovegod the serpent. next. to the level of delirium and swooning. you're my existence. it will be OK.. jayadeva kavi bhaaratii bhuuSitam= by Jayadeva. In saying such a loose construct 'you're my ornament. poet's.it is skipped. chaaTu=one who employs catchy words. chaaTu= with words easy and dear to remember . yaugika kathana. cluster of. prauDha. some doubt [jealous or.priyaa sanga siddhi. accord me [thraldom]. mayi= [if think I have dalliance] in me.praasaada. other than.even if some other girl is fortunate enough.. interior in my heart of hearts. hè kR^ita aantanke= O.] "O.] by you. praNayini= oh. ut vaha= on. vi tanoH anyaH= one without. completely give up your doubt about my infidelity. naayaka . shrew. enters.. Shankaran et al. having grief about my infidelity]. pari hara sha. squeezes of your oppressive bosoms. O. give up. nibiDa stana piiDanaani= oppressive. bosom. making no room to others.मुगधे िवधेिह मिय िनदरय दनत दंश दोः विलल बनध िनिबड सतन पीडनािन चिणड तवमेव मुदम् उदह पंचबाण चणडाल काणड दलनात् असवः पयािनत 1-3. paraa= to others [other heroines]. nir daya= without. aara. bandha= snares. should you think that some dalliance is with me. tvayaa= [such as you are. happiness. asavaH prayaanti= lives. started to leave. one who surmised.. coyest Rādha. bosom. vipralambha sR^ingaare . Now. with an embrace. naayika .nkaam= completely. then mercilessly subject me to slashes of teeth. not. where that disloyalty is temporary every time. a. carry [carry on. dhanyaH kaH api= fortunate one.usual dialogue of a suitor . who will be. riiti - . slashes. vidhehi= impose. parii ra. kaaNDa= by arrows. chaNDi= O. naayika .पिरहर कृत आनतनके शंकाम् तवया सततम् घन सतन जघनया आकानते सवानते परा अनवकािशिन िवशित िवतनोः अनयः धनयः न कः अिप मम् अंतरम् पणियिन परीरंभ आरंभे िवधेिह िवधेयताम् 10-2. Verse Locator पिरहर कृतानतनके शंकातवयासततमघन सतनजघनयऽऽकानते सवानते परानवकािशिन । िवशित िवतनोरनयो धनयो नकोऽिप ममातरम् पणियिन परीरंभारंभे िवधेिह िवधेयताम्॥ १०-२ प चछे . an+avakaashini= no.anukuula. mugdhe= sva hita avaj~na= O.mbhe = in starting of. be happy when they leave. dalanaat= by cleavage of. danta da. squeezes.mbha = embrace [pl note in parirambhaNa there is no sound of heaviness of her breasts]. even if . guNa .. alone. aakraante sati= pervading. Verse Locator मुगधे िवधेिह मिय िनदरयदनतदंश दोवरिललबनधिनिबडसतनपीडनािन । चिणड तवमेव मुदमुदह पंचबाण चणडालकाणडदलनादसवः पयािनत॥ १०-३ प चछे. body bodiless Lovegod. jealous Rādha.pragalbha. felon. as all will just extol Jayadeva. she cannot enter by heart now . chaNDaala= [here] cruel. who is that 'other' fortunate fellow who can enter my heart. room [on your making no room]. but none makes his works available to enthusiasts. grant me thraldom and start enthralling me. vidheyataam= as befitting deed [or. vidhehi= subject [me to]. enthral me.. doH= arms. or that of Dr. ghana stana jaghanayaa= by one who has massy. for arrows of that felonious Lovegod are cleaving. or in some archives. tvam eva mudam= you.mugdha.ntaram na vishati= heart.alanakaara. pa.] "O. sva ante= in my. hence. grant me [or. rasavat ... continue to be happy. O.nca baaNa= one who wields five. dear.. while you with your bosomy bust and rotund hip are always pervading my heart of hearts.'. dear. your doubt. now my lives have started to leave. mam= in my. shrew. satatam= always. excepting that Lovegod for he is formless. while. [10-3] In this naayaka ..None later to Jayadeva bothered about the ideas given in the third chapter. as though he is temporarily disloyal.alankaara. arrows Lovegod.. moreover. kainkarya pradiiyataam= bondage.nsha= teeth. This book or details about it may be available in magnum opuses of aacaarya sushiila kumar de. valli= fibrillar.. this boy changes his tune and starts entreating her. hips. [10-2] In this poem kaavya linga . snares of your fibrillar arms..'my abidance is with you alone. mercy. coyest Rādha. despairing is your pointless muteness... moonfaced Rādha. moon. it is shines forth [like that of]. o. svayam upasthitaH= personally. eyebrows.vaidarbhi. people. taavat vimu..] "O.वयथयित वृथा मौनम् तिनव पपंचय पंचमम् तरणी मधुर आलापैः तापम् िवनोदय दृिषिभः सुमुिख िवमुखी भावम् तावत् िवमुंच न मुंच माम् सवयम् अितशय िसनगधः मुगधे िपयः अयम् उपिसथतः 10-5..ncha= all that.ngura bhruuH= curvy. [10-5] In this naayaka . Verse Locator वयथयित वृथा मौनम् तिनव पपञचय पंचमम् तरणी मधुरालापैसतापम् िवनोदय दृिषिभः। सुमुिख िवमुखीभावम् ताविदमुंच न मुंच माम् सवयमितशयिसनगधो मुगधे िपियऽयमुपिसथतः॥ १०-५ प चछे . shuda eva= nectar. leave off.hariNi 'Until the time of arrival you make fuss about my non-attendance. ayam priyaH= that. isn't it!' Verse Locator बनधूकदुितबानधवोऽयमधरः िसनगधो मधूकचछिवः गणडशिणड चकािसत नीलनिलनशीमोचनम् लोचनम् । नासातयेित ितलपसूनपदवीम् कुनदाभदािनत िपये . poison. me. vR^itaa .. mohana= for swooning. cast off all that ungracious notion for yours is a graceful countenance. curvaceous Rādha. is in your presence [he is now self-manifest. faced one. and the nectareous intoxicant of your lips alone is the antidote to such a poison spewed out by such cobra like eyebrow. tvat adhara= your.. karaala kaala sarpii bhaati= like dangerous. ba. damsel. hè sumukhi= o.शिश मुिख तव भाित भंगुर भूः युव जन मोहन कराल काल सपी तत् उिदत िवष भंजनाय यूनाम् तवत् अधर शीधु शुद एव िसद मंतः 1-4. vi mukhii bhaavam= tuned away. blasé girl.nkhya.] notion [sumukhi cannot become a vimukhi or durmukhi].njanaaya= spewed out. vyathayati maam= despairing. lip's. pa. words. madhura aalaapaiH= with sweet. to antidote. [10-4 Other hymns yield results after much chanting and painful practice. hè mugdhe= you. In the next step. vi nodaya= to side. tat= from it [from cobra like eyebrow].nchaya= spread out [communicate.nchamam= in fifth note [like koel]. prapa. yuva jana= for young. black. shiidhu= liquor like intoxicant. giiti . and don't leave me in lurch. cast.. na mu. alankaara yathaa sa. o. like a self-manifested mystic chant. your curvy eyebrow is shining forth like a dangerous black cobra that makes anyone to swoon.... faced [ungracious. cast off. passion. vR^itti . tava= your. dR^iSTibhiH taapam= by [favouring] looks. me. according to vaastaayana nyaaya the hero tries to bring round the heroine. blasé girl. that lover of yours is presently self-manifest. damsel. for she is an embodiment of love. vR^ithaa maunam= pointless.prasaada. by flattering her beauty.. hè taruNI= o. curvaceous Rādha. gracious faced one.. atishaya snigdhaH= with abounding. "O.vaidarbhi. he who has abounding passion. alone. chant. But the lovely nectar of her lips spills out in a spell without those many practises or hardships. lover of yours. yuunaam= for youths [bitten by such love-cobra]. talk melodious words freely and in fifth note like koel. Verse Locator शिशमुिख तवभाितभंगुरभूः युवजनमोहनकरालकालसपी । तदुतिवषभंजनाययूनाम् तवदधरशीधुशुदैविसदमंतः॥ १-४ प चछे . cobra. girlish caprice. guNa . udita viSa bha. and when I am present you turn away your face. hè tanvi= O. hè shashi mukhi= O. talk freely].ncha maam= don't. siddha ma. muteness.maaagadhi.anukuula...ntraH [iva]= self-manifested. pale yellow coloured flowers. [who was rendered bodiless by God Shiva .the famous court dancer rambha in the quartet of rambha. tilottama .mbham= thighs. cheek's [colour]. Lovegod is said].. whitely whitish hue. hè chaNDi= O. courtesan in Indra's heaven. on adoring. tvat mukha sevayaa= your. two. hè kunda aabha daanti= o. ireful dear. but here in you. victorious. gatiH= your gait. snigdhaH gaNDaH= soft. only after adoring your face.पायसतवनमुखसेवया िवजयते िवशम् स पुषपायुधः॥ १०-६ प चछे . and on seeing that. niila nalina shrii= black. face. shine. menaka. the Lovegod is victorious on all the world. your gullible wide eyes are now wide-eyed and carry off the bluish splendour of blue-black lotuses. 2nd meaning . yourself plus that madaalasa are appearing]. splendour.दृशौ तव मदालसे वदनम् इनदुम् अित उजजवलम् गितः जन मनोरमा िवधुत रंभम् ऊर दयम् रितः तव कलावती रिचर िचतलेखे भुवौ अहो िवबुध यौवतम् वहिस तनवी पृथवी गता 10-7. tava dR^ishau mada alase= your. in resplendence. saH= he. vadanam indum ati ujjvalam= your face. uuru dvayam vidhuta ra. by this I surmise. pleasing .another celestial namely manorama is there. relative of [by this the blood draining arrow of manmatha. or of the body is lost]. uurvasi. solid. jasmine. perhaps. outshines [by this paling and dulling flower arrow of Lovegod is said]. your should-have-been rosy lips turned red and look like the relatives of blood red flowers of bandhuuka. yet very light thighlike stems of banana plant. with which the sparkle of teeth. for moon. 2nd meaning . dozy.madaalasa is the name of one celestial apsara-s. [beauty of] soft. confute. it appears that all those flowery arrows are used on you to render you to this state]. your teeth [with this the whitening. hè priye= o. padaviim= their status. ati eti= over.बनधूक दुित बानधवः अयम् अधरः िसनगधो मधूक चछिवः गणडः चिणड चकािसत नील निलन शी मोचनम् लोचनम् नासा अतयेित ितल पसून पदवीम् कुनद आभ दािनत िपये पायः तवत् मुख सेवया िवजयते िवशम् स पुषपा अयुधः 10-6.flower's buds. dear with sparkly teeth. lotuses'. jana manaH ramaa= for people. your one-time soft blushing cheeks are now palish and outshine the shine of pale yellow flowers of madhuuka. in heaven there is one madaalasa. 2nd meaning: there is one courtesan called indumati. because you are bluesy. [10-6] Verse Locator दृशौ तव मदालसे वदनिमनदुमतयुजजवलम् गितजरनमनोरमा िवधुतरंभमूरदयम् । रितसतव कलावती रिचरिचतलेखे भुवौ अहो िवबुधयौवतम् वहिस तनवी पृथवीगता॥ १०-७ प चछे . breathtaking 2nd meaning . superbly. weaponed Lovegod. heart. hè tanvii= o. So. blanching jasmine arrow of Lovegod is said. your nose is transcending the lacklustre colour of gingelly flowers. lochanam= eyes [colour]. adharaH= lips. madhuuka cChaviH chakaasti= madhuuka. mochanam= carry off [by this the maddening effect caused by Lovegod's blue lotus is said]. stepping [transcending. bandhuuka dyuti baandhavaH= bandhuuka blood red flower. puSpaa ayudhaH= flower. children . tila prasuuna= gingelly flowers'. "O. dear. by this the draavaNa shakti -desiccating power of Lovegod's arrow is said. your teeth are now sparkless like the hue of whitely white jasmine flowers. vishvam vijayate praayaH= world. that way. by passion. ireful one [ ayam= this [tava= your].or. comely Rādha. shining [your face is making the moon to highly shine.Lovegod]. naasaa= by nose's [colour].. eyes. oh. perhaps. sa. kalaa vatii= artistry.' where heaven of Indra is said as a first class waiting room on a railway platform. your eyes are dozy with passion. surprising! [10-7] Here many tend to give the names of celestial courtesans as main import. both your thighs confute the softness and lightness of thigh-like stems of banana plants. This song's metre is pR^ithvii vR^itta and the poet uses it not for pun. kuvalayaapiiDena= an kamsa's elephant named as kuvalayaapiiDa [kuvalaya= rotund forehead. and because the main characters are drawn from somewhat higher realms. bhaava..' these are to be left off.msasya vyaamoha kolaahalaH abhuut= Kamsa's. saartham= along [with that elephant]. raNe= in war. may make happen. aapiiDa= severely jabs .] nearing. foolish.mbhedavaan= when encountering it. ku. brouhahas. on earth. damsels' [beauty. aho= what a surprise.. secondary meanings do not imply.. "O. one has to vacate it though he holds a ticket kShiiNe puNye martya lokaaH pravishanti. bust. or he who is called Krishna. Verse Locator स पीितम् तनुताम् हिरः कुवलयापीडेन साथरम् रणे राधा पीनपयोधरसमरणकृतकु ंभेन संभेदवान् । यत िसवदितमीलितकणमिप िकशपंतदालोकनात् ं कससयालमभूिजजतम् िजतिमित वयामोहकोलाहलः॥ १०-८ प चछे ... comely Rādha.mbhena= with elephantoid forehead. priitim tanutaam= blitheness. and though you are an earthling you bear the look of celestial beauties.. chest and on other visible parts.svedana= sweats. than the platform-like Indra's heaven. Krishna. Rādha is no courtesan.in Indra's court. reminiscence. having [has artistic features like haava. api= even. svidyati . in view of absence of commonality anugaami dharma of 'courtesan-ship in Rādha. tava ratiH= your frolicking. when he is in war with Kamsa and while he is confronting an attacking elephant]. she has none other than Krishna to court with. Ultimately the utter flattery of this boy reduces to 'you are beauteous like celestials. with its unassailable . were there. 2nd meaning .स पीितम् तनुताम् हिरः कुवलयापीडेन साथरम् रणे राधा पीन पयोधर समरण कृत् कु ंभेन संभेदवान् यत िसवदित मीलित कणम् अिप िकशपम् तत् आलोकनात् ं कससय अलम् अभूत् िजतम् िजतम् इित वयामोह कोलाहलः 10-8. he is conquered. moTTaayita. [Krishna] on making [on reminiscing. your gait is breathtaking to people. vibudha yauvatam vahasi= celestial. bhruvau ruchira= eyebrows. kilikincita..kalaa vatii is another celestial. tvam pR^ithvii gataa= you. depth. then you go by lakShaNa allegorical meaning. bosomy. miilati= be with half-closed eyes. enchanting. your face makes the moon to shine superbly. and when the merit is counted down. and your frolicking is artistic with nuances of tone. marks [of foliages painted with erasable tattooing on face. ka. though entered [present]. immediately. and the like expressions] 2nd meaning . rādhaa piina payodhara smaraNa kR^it= Rādha's. bibboka.a warring elephant]. Though the poet uses these names. When Krishna is confronting an elephant of Kamsa.. alam jitam jitam= enough. namely kuvalapiiDa. he is conquered. chitra lekhe= with astounding.] on seeing. your eyebrows are enchanting like the painted foliage designs. spirit and ardour of expressions. hands. and here that rule is specific. iti= thus. and even if she were to be such. kShaNam= for a moment. and though the vaacaka lupta upama 'metaphor minus comparing word' is suggestive. It is said that when the main import mukhya artha is undecipherable. yatra= where. while rati is manmatha's consort.. tat aalokanaat kShipram= that [Krishna's pausing combat. but again makes use of that name as an object in the poem. or apparent meaning gauNa artha.citralekha is another courtesan. saH hariH= such a. but not to arrive at secondary or lexical. Revised : Nov 08 . Kamsa made foolish brouhahas.Chapter 10 Top of Page 4 1 5 a pa 19 6 2 7 Next Sarga 3 8 Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Nov.. Krishna is conquered..jabbing forehead. [10-8] इित गीतगोिवनदे चतुरचतुभुरजो नाम दशमः सगरः Thus. he sweated to see that forehead. and his eyes are half-closed for a moment. then on seeing that backtracking Krishna.. called caturacaturbhuja ..Tactful Krishna. who retraces his steps at the very memory of lovely Rādha. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. shouting 'enough. Verse Locator . 2003. he is conquered. make our lives blithesome. this is the 10th chapter. in Gita Govindam of Jayadeva.' let such Krishna. as that forehead resembles the bosomy bust of Rādha and Rādha danced on his memory for a while. nir + avasaadaam= to one without. having gone. [111] Verse Locator अष पिद . some milkmaid-girlfriend neared that un-dispirited Rādha. rādha am [idam] jagaada = to Rādha. There are many variations in verses of this chapter in other mms. kR^ita veshe keshave= on making getup.saanandadaamodaram साननददामोदरम् Somehow reconciling herself about Krishna's frolicking with other maids Rādha approaches Krishna when her girlfriend persuades her. kaapi= some other milkmaid. ku. and waited there for a long time on a bowery-couch awaiting her arrival.] Krishna. rachita ruchira bhuuSaam= while decorating [Rādha]. sinking mood .िवरिचत चाटु वचन रचनम् चरणे रिचत पिणपातम् संपित मंजुल वंजुल सीमिन केिल शयनम् अनुयातम् मुगधे मधु मथनम् अनुगतम् अनुसर राधे .nja shayyaam gatavati [sati]= in bower.Chapter [Sarga] 11 . very tasty. eyed Rādha.धृवम्॥ अ प २०-१ प चछे . sphurati sati= when [that late evening is] gleaming. dR^iSTi moSe pradoSe = eye. who. [on befittingly dressing up. and said this to her while readjusting her ornaments and mantles like black-smock-frock like dress and black blanket etc that are befitting to a ladylove stealthily drawing nigh of her lover. On gladdening Rādha after a long time coaxing. [awaiting for her. Verse Locator सुिचरमनुनयेन पीणियतवा मृगाकीम् गतवित कृतवेशे केशवे कु ंजशययाम्। रिचतरिचरभूषाम् दृिषमोषे पदोषे सफुरित िनरवसादाम् कािप राधाम् जगाद॥ ११-१ प चछे . decorations.२० शीहिरतालरािजजलधरिवलिसतम् िवरिचतचाटुवचनरचनम् चरणे रिचतपिणपातम्। संपित मङजुलवङजुलसीमिन केिलशयनमनुयातम्॥ मुगधे मधुमथनम् अनुगतमनुसर राधे . said. mR^iga akShiim= fawn. on gladdening. while the eventide is gleaming.to Rādha. and hence the verses found more may be taken as regional insurgencies. on couch. with coaxing words.] late evening. Krishna has gone to a bower dressing up in a befitting manner to receive a ladylove. su chiram anunayena priiNayitvaa= for a long time. then.सुिचरम् अनुनयने पीणियतवा मृग अकीम् गतवित कृत वेशे केशवे कु ंज शययाम् रिचत रिचर भूषाम् दृिष मोषे पदोषे सफुरित िनरवसादाम् कािप राधाम् जगाद 11-1. [this way]. while being so]. stealing [dimming. . or.शृणु रमणीय तरम् तरणी जन मोहन मधु िरपु रावम् कुसुम शरासन शासन विनदिन िपक िनकरे भज भावम् a pa 20-3. or. keli shayanam anuyaatam= disporting. vikaaram .fall in love with. musicality of flute.a pa 20-1. Rādha] shR^iNu= hark to. slowly. so the madhupa is honeybee called Krishna.घन जघन सतन भार भरे दर मंथर चरण िवहारम् मुखिरत मिण मंजीरम् उपैिह िवधेिह मराल िनकारम् a pa 20-2. crafty one [one who coaxed and combed you with crafty words]. he has humbled that demon .say your seeker.Krishna. charaNa vihaaram= such your feet's. virachita= one who has made. you get. vanjula plants [a bower.] meaningless. naively girl. mukharita maNi ma.hearing only the humming of bees.Lovegod's. Further.njula va. [if it is madhupa viraavam. folks of. maraala nikaaram= swans [clucking. "Seek him.. enemy's. by gemmed. swans' clucks. sa.your feet feel strained to carry massy hips and massive bosom.] in areas of. salutation. naively girl. madhupa= honeybees. or one who has got a great following. at [your] feet. inveigles. anu sara= in tow. dara mkanda ga= a little. resort to].[gamana] vikaaram= go in the gait of swans. "Seek him by harkening to the best possible music of his flute that inveigles the flocks of damsels.njula siimani= heart-stealing. more auspicious when putting one's best foot forward. further. higher in degree [best possible]. but not the flute of Krishna. madhu ripu raavam= Madhu's. seek him by getting some pointers to his . Oh. going . chaaTu vachana rachanam= coyly. ghana jaghana= of massy.. bed. words. [those that have become his] minstrels. which others may not decipher. [madhu. anklets. arrow-seat flowery bow wielder .. vidhehi= you make. go [you seek to. anu gatam= in tow.mprati charaNe rachita praNipaatam= presently. Rādha. flights of.nthara = a little. who made.njiiram= with tinkling. ramaNiiya taram= pleasurable. dara ma. bhaavam bhaja= idea. shaasana vandini= by order [of that Lovegod]. stana bhaara= of bust.. kusuma sharaasana= flowers. upaihi= upa ehi= to near. [20-1] The word iha and the foot kuru muraare m. hè mugdhe= oh. thus making the gait and clucks of swans meaningless. rather their voicing than ducks clucking. for he is now available on the lovebed in the heart-stealing vamnjula bowers. mathanam = Krishna]. seek to that Krishna for he is falling for you. शृणु रमणीयतरम् तरणीजनमोहनमधुिरपुरावम्। कुसुमशरासनशासनविनदिन िपकिनकरे भज भावम्॥ अ प २०-३ प चछे . ma. a shelterer of seekers]. massiveness of. who coaxed and combed you with his crafty words by paying his devoirs to your feet. raadhe= oh. hè mugdhe= [here] unknowledgeable. then it is . in this way. he who followed you [who fell for you . the swiller of honey of a flower called. viraavam= muchhumming.pacing . taruNii jana mohana= damsel.feet. for he is your seeker. the seeker.ngala shataani are unseen in northern naagara mms. [that which] amuses. pika nikare= koels. madhu mathanam= Madhu the demon.mincing steps [vidhehi= make happen]. [slowly] stirring. hips.. excepting Krishna. making gemmy anklets to tinkle. gone onto. are an auspicious omen kR^iSNa anusarvaasu api darshanena hamsasya shabdena ca kaarya siddhiH – vasanta raajiiya grantha that too. घनजघनसतनभारभरे दरमंथरचरणिवहारम्। मुखिरतमिणमङजीरमुपैिह िवधेिह मरालिनकारम्॥ अ प २०-२ प चछे . you go [approach]. That way. ignorant girl. bhare= those that are burdened with . be infatuated with you . footwork . [a pa 20-2] This time is appropriate to seek Krishna because swans coming home will be clucking at this time. seek him by harkening to the flights of koels that sing with the same musicality as if they are the minstrels of Lovegod singing by his order. and the tinkles of anklets will be drowned in those clucks. many words and expressions in this song vary with those of Northern mms. Seek him strutting slowly with feet fatigued in tugging your massy hip and massive bust. ] as if. where purl is a stream of a brook etc. embrace.. while the assortments of their leaflets looking like tiny hands wave to you in that direction. vaame madhura vaak pakShii vR^ikShaH pallavito agrataH | anukuulo vahan vaayuH prayaaNe shubha suucakaH – shakuna shaastra 'birds singing on left. अिधगतमिखलसखीिभिरदम् तव वपुरिप रितरणसजजम्। चिणड रिसतरशनारविडिणडममिभसर सरसमलजजम्॥ अ प २०-६ प चछे .] Seek him. breezes breezing the way set out. with a righteous intention. seeing trees with just born leaves. bosoms. kisalaya nikareNa= by tender leaves. then the swell of bosoms portend a definite embrace from their loved men.. flowing with a swelling. sphuritam= fluctuating crabwise. [a pa 20-5] The simile/metaphors used here are between :– waves – pearl-pendants. uuru= one having such thighs. karabha= measure from tip of last finger to wrist. wavy. She too is a single stream of loveliest love essence. karoti= they do. all these are good omens for a journey. owing to control [tide-ripped. now appear as purling streams of immaculate waters spilling out of brimful pots. ana..mbam= climber-plants. And when the bosoms of women surge with passion.mbham = this. a purl of essence of enjoyable. anila tarala= by wind. "Seek him while breeze sways the ensemble of climber plants in that direction.] purling. and then seek him who is your seeker.अिनल तरल िकसलय िनकरेण करेण लता िनकुरबम् पेरणम् इव करभ ऊर करोित गितम् पित मुंच िवलमबम् a pa 20-4. swirling motion and with babbling sound. pot like bosoms – streams with pot and pots of water. towards that place. lataa nikura. have good omen while setting out on a purposeful journey.mbham= Krishna's..ncha= leave off . as if bidding you to proceed in that way. an agreeable sway of trees and their tender leaves etc. as he is your seeker. manohara= pleasant. tara. for those pleasant pearly pendants spirally fluctuating crabwise on your potlike bosoms. stop dawdling away and seek him for he is your seeker. Lovegod's activity is seasonal – longing for love is time oriented. as though... bunches of. kareNa preraNam iva= with hand. blissful love-purl of Krishna. pR^icCha= ask them [the bosoms. delay. water spills only if brook/stream is full. mu.don't make delay ingoing there.अिधगतम् अिखल सखीिभः इदम् तव वपुः अिप रित रण सजजम् . [a pa 20-4] The breezing.. am I shameless or what?' for this that girlfriend replies now on.place. and the upsurge and getting tide-ripped is common to both water and love. water [streams. encouraging. purls of love – purl-like motion of pendant on heaving bosoms.nga= by Lovegod's. whole of [ensemble of].. palmful sized.' सफुिरतमनङतरङवशािदव सूिचतहिरपिररंभम्। पृचछ मनोहरहारिवमलजलधारममुम् कुचकुमभम्॥ अ प २०-५ प चछे . [a pa 20-3] अिनलतरलिकसलयिनकरेण करेण लतािनकुरमबम्। पेरणिमव करभोर करोित गितम् पितमुंच िवलमबम्॥ अ प २०-४ ं प चछे . haara= pearly pendants. stream with full immaculate water – bosoms with plethoric pristine love. suuchita= indicating. nityam naaryaaH stane kampaH priya sangama suucakaH – shakuna shaastra Then Rādha may say 'stop all this orthodox nonsense. how can I go to him when all of you are eyeing at me. as if thaumaturgic Lovegod tideripped them to purl. hari pari ra.. When it is said ananga taranga it is construed that Rādha is rasa tarangiNi. vimala jala dhaaram= immaculate. spiral. love spill only when it is bosom-full. ask those pitchers whether they indicate a spiralling embrace of Krishna bechances or not.nga vashaat iva= purls. pot-like.सफुिरतम् अनंग तरंग वशात् इव सूिचत हिर पिररंभम् पृचछ मनोहर हार िवमल जल धारम् अमुम् कुच कुमभम् a pa 20-5. hè mugdhe= you ignorant girl. gatim prati vilambam= in going. amum kucha ku.. of course. one that flattens..to say 'become a love-warrior . waist-strings'. by bracing yourself on my shoulders with your arms that have beautiful fingernails. ignorant wildcat. so are the edges of lips to throats . kaNTha taTiim= [on their] throats. "Seek him for your body is primed for the battle of passion.समर शर सुभग नखेन करेण सखीम् अवलंबय सलीलम् चल वलय कविणतः अवबोधय हिरम् अिप िनज गित शीलम् a pa 20-7.] you make move. to all. movement's [approach. even. and that which has no tortuosities in outlining the sports of rādha-krishna. to Krishna. adhitiSThatu= preside over. rasita rashana rava DiNDimam= making to thrum. udaasita vaamam= smoothed out [straightened]. rati raNa sajjam= passion. hari= in Krishna. body. akin to the flowery arrows of Lovegod. on the banks [as riverbanks are to a river.. jayadeva bhaNitam shrii suukti= by Jayadeva.. oh. hè mugdhe= you ignorant girl. preside over the tips of lips of adorers of Krishna. tinkle bells. a + lajjam= without.. so that you may not swoon to a waltz. manasaam= those that have such hearts [steadfast on Krishna's disports]. girlfriend [that is me]. hanging on [to me . said.I will support your near-swoon posture]. girlfriends. unremittingly. drumming like sound paraspara virodhaa alankaara where delicate tinkling of 2mm bells of waist-strings magnified as war drum beats. unembarrassedly but romantically. adharii kR^ita haaram= to ground. vinihita= embedded. saying. for he is your seeker. if need be.] beautiful. seek him for he is your seeker. hè mugdhe= you innocent girl. primed for. which to all your girlfriends is wellknown. that makes. chala= you move. that flattens pendants of pearls to ground. smara shara subhaga nakhena= Lovegod's. avabodhaya harim api= make known.let them herald your arrival. hè chaNDi= you wildcat. embarrassment unembarrassedly. with fingernails. kareNa sakhiim avala.शी जयदेव भिणतम् अधरी कृत हारम् उदािसत वामम् हिर िविनिहत मनसाम् अिधितषतु कणठ तटीम् अिवरामम् a pa 20-8. "Seek him by moving gracefully while the clinks of your bracelets herald your oncoming to him. adhigatam akhila sakhiibhiH= familiar. this. [a pa 208] Verse Locator अकणोिनरिकपदंजनम् शवणयोसतािपङचछगुचछावलीम् मूिधर शयामसरोजदाम कुचयोः कसतूिरकापतकम्। धूतानामिभसारसंभम जुषाम् िवषविङनकुञे सिख धवानतम् नीलिनचोलचार सुदृशाम् पतयङमािलङित॥ १-२ प प चछे . even. arrows [like. pearl-pendants. still and all. tortuousness. sa liilam= with.on the tips of lips of adorers]. for this song is strung up with more soothing words than pearls. remitting..mbya= hand of [arms]. valaya kvaNitaH nija gati shiilam= round silver bracelets'.for the grapples of courtship']. a + viraamam= without. abhi sara= towards [him. battle of [for grapples of courtship]. romance. hence. tava idam vapuH api= your. sa rasam= with. [a pa 20-7] शीजयदेवभिणतमधरीकृतहारमुदािसतवामम्। हिरिविनिहतमनसामिधितषतु कणठतटीमिवरामम्॥ अ प २०-८ प चछे .] way of ..चिणड रिसत रशन रव िडिणडमम् अिभसर सरसम् अलजजम् a pa 20-6. auspicious. by clanging. [a pa 20-6] समरशरसुभगनखेन करेण सखीमवलंबय सलीलम्। चल वलयकविणतैरवबोधय हिरमिप िनजगितशीलम्॥ अ प २०-७ प चछे . grace.अकणोः िनिकपत् अंजनम् शवणयोः तािपनचछ गुचछ आवलीम् . chime tinkle bells of your waist-strings like the drumbeats of combatants and make a move towards him like a love-warrior to that rhythm. your. Let this auspicious song said by Jayadeva. by sound. greater in degree. tat= for that. gloaming. friend.nje= in bowers. she shines forth like a loveable streak of pure gold. tanoti= is enriching. those that are muddled up. tamaala dala niila tamam= like black tamaala. better seek the embrace of your seeker. clusters of .girls with sidelong-glances. who are they: dhuurtaanaam= coquettes. with arrays of. strings of. [11-2] Verse Locator काशमीरगौरवपुषामिभसािरकाणाम् आबदरेखमिभतो रिचमङजरीिभः। एततमालदलनीलतमम् तिमसम् ततपेमहेमिनकषोपलताम् तनोित॥ ११-३ पचछे .. viSvak= everywhere. kastuurikaa patrakam= black musk's. those that are decorated with these items. black tamaala flowers on ear-sides. That which is with: abhisaarikaaNaam= of those that go towards a preset place of lover [coquettes treading towards their lovers]. abhitaH= all around.. leafage designs. aali. friend. black lotus chaplets on forehead. "This gloaming gleaming like a black covering blanket is everywhere embracing each limb of coquettish girls with sidelong-glances. su dR^ishaam= good.काशमीर गौर वपुषाम् अिभसािरकाणाम् आबद रेखम् अिभतः रिच मंजरीिभः एतत् तमाल दल नील तमम् तिमसम् तत् पेम हेम िनकष उपलताम् तनोित 11-3. kaashmiira gaura vapuSaam= their saffron. their blackness.njariibhiH= with glints. so. with flurry. in all her love for Krishna.e. niila nichola chaaru= black. like streaked lines. thus making their golden yellow complexion more striking on the black background of night. sakhi= oh. shyaama saroja daama= black. dark of night. bunches. decorated with black mascara in eyes. that which is. where and what he is doing. This schistose dark nightfall is more blackened with the arrays of black tamaala leaves arraying all around. taapi.in eyes. dhvaantam= this delightful. nikShipat= those who are keeping. in kumkum's colour. leaves. shade of night. their ornaments give out glints at the smallest possible light. lotuses. on which jasper ocherish saffrony complexions of coquettes flurrying towards their lovers are glinting like clusters of gold-streaks on a touchstone. thus if Rādha.] with their bodies [with gleams of their complexion]. ocherish [i. shravaNayoH= at sides of ears. akShNoH a. ventures to tread the darkness. [love for Krishna]. like a streak of pure gold on a touchstone among other streaks. blanket. let this crepuscule become a touchstone for the selectable streaks of gold.mbhrama juSaam= in going to their lovers. kuchayoH= on bosoms. chaplet. black musk leafage designs on busts. muurdhni= on forehead. [11-3] Subtext: While voluptuous women tread towards their lovers in night.njanam= those that apply . so. maNi manjariibhiH = by the cluster of gems]. abhisaara sa. further. hema nikaSa upalataam= for gold. prema= [for his] love. aali. Verse Locator हारावलीतरलकाङचनकािङचदाम मङजीरकङणमिणदुितदीिपतसय। .on touchstone.gleaming from the golden complexion of ladyloves [or. oh. aabaddha rekham= trussed up. before going into the embrace of this dusk. niku. limb. ruchi ma. agreeable to.ngati = embracing.nga= each.. whom?. called ignorance.nchCha guchCha aavaliim= black flowers'. glanced . mascara. etat tamishram= this. viSvak= from everywhere.मूिधर शयाम सरोज दाम कुचयोः कसतूिरका पतकम् धूतानाम् अिभसार संभम जुषाम् िवषवक् िनकु ंजे सिख धवानतम् नील िनचोल चार सुदृशाम् पित अंगम् आिलंगित 11-2. prati a. called love for Krishna. better go into the embrace of your lover. and those that are muddled up in flurrying towards their swains in darkling. before going into the embrace of this dusk.ngati= he that gloaming is embracing. nchana kaa.कुर मुरारे म्गल तािन . iyam [duutii]= this girlfriend-cum.nkaNa= bracelets. close proximity. like the central jewel in the cluster of his pearl-pendants. and then to such a bashful Rādha. which is brightened by the jewels in his ornaments. ku. and let it be said as the interior of snuggery. we don't say aground.messenger. waist-string. bracelets.साननददामोदर पेम दुम पललवम् मङजुतरकुङजतलकेिलसदने। इह िवलस रितरभसहिसतवदने॥ पिवश राधे माधवसमीपिमह . . ma. cluster of. meaning that 'Rādha you lay down on the ground of bower'. this friendcum-messenger spoke in this way. dyuti= by resplendence of [these ornaments]. highly. with large grounds . ground of bower. hasita= made to smile.] spoke. interior [this word 'tala' is ridiculously translated as surface.. abode. manjiira= anklets [keyuura= bicep-lets]. and golden waist-string. paa-ground etc. unfurl your romantics taking rejoice in them.दारे िनकुङजिनलयसय हिरम् िनरीकय वरीडावतीमथ सखीिमयिमतयुवाच॥ ११-४ प चछे . rasaatala etc. [11-4] Verse Locator अष पिद २१ . keli sadane= disport. harim niriikShya= at Krishna. as well by his self-refulgence. On reaching the preset place to meet Krishna. maNi= jewels. raasa kriiDaa-s. better this may please be stopped.stay snugly.wherever he is there it is a snuggery for romantic disports . haaraa aavalii tarala= with pearl-pendants. rati rabhasa hasita vadane raadhè. but we generally end up in 'enter here.an enrapturing realm of your lover. ka. abode's. then on making eyes at him Rādha became bashful.nja nilayasya dvaare= bowery. in this snuggery . Rādha. Rādha.धृवम्॥ अ प २१-१ ं शं ं प चछे . in ecstasy . esp.nju tara= enrapturing.nja tala= nikunja abhyantara desham tadeva= bower's.कुर मुरारे मंगल शतािन a pa 21-1. diipitasya = brightened [by his own self-refulgence]. rati rabhasa= of intimacy. atha= then. without ruining Rādha stature]. jewels in anklets.raasa liilaa-s. at entryway who is standing there. their central jewel. or inner cores of earth.मंजु तर कु ंज तल केिल सदने इह िवलस रित रभस हिसत वदने पिवश राधे माधव समीपम् इह . raadhè= such as you are: O. mansion of = kRishna dhaamam= realm. sakhiim= at such girlfriend Rādha. vitala. vadane= O. pravisha= not pravesha = enter.this ecstatic state made her to smile. vriiDaavatiim = at one who is becoming bashful.pra+vish= stay put . one who wears such a simpering smile on your face in the ecstasy of intimacy.nchii daama= with golden. when saying atala. on making eyes at. vilasa= show your savoir faire in romantics. a realm of your lover's bower'. Rādha found him at the very entryway of that bowery abode. but interiors..हार आवली तरल काचन काची दाम ं मंजीर ककण मिण दुित दीिपतसय दारे िनकु ंज िनलयसय हिरम् िनरीकय वरीडावतीम् अथ सखीम् इयम् इित उवाच 11-4. niku.but . vi-ground. maadhava samiipam = to Krishna's. iti uvaaca= this way [in next song. seat = a country mansion. paatala.' iha= in here. kaa. .. one with flower-like exquisite build. house [penetralium of sanctity... nava bhavat ashoka dala= on newly. or. Krishna. you have to accord manifold graces for Rādha neared you.. shayana saare= on couch.. now. heaps of.a bedchamber]. "Oh. enter the seat of passional disports of Krishna and stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover in close proximity of maadhava. shuchi= clean [meaning that this cottage is unsullied by another heroine previously.कुसुम चय रिचत शुिच वास गेहे इह िवलस कुसुम सुकुमार देहे a pa 21-3.. ashoka flowers'. petals. kuru m.iha= now.. [respite: pravisha raadhe maadhava. arrows. or a sanctum sanctorum. hè raadhe= such as you are: O. one with flower-like. O.. kusuma sukumaara dehe raadhe. vilasadalilalit giite hè raadhe: vilasat ali lalita giite= one who is shining forth.shataani= as above. ecstatic for intimacy. in hundreds [manifold] . mR^idu= by delicate breezes].one who is melodiously humming and buzzing for Krishna as with a flower inviting honeybees. arrows. kucha kalasha= on bosoms.. Rādha. Rādha. iha vilasa= now. the best one. [or. here rejoice on the best couch made of newly sprouted petals of ashoka flowers.ngala shataani = make happen [accord] graces. madana shara nikara bhiite hè raadhe= by Lovegod. And many words and expressions in this song vary with Northern mms. take delight here that has an inmost pristine bedchamber heaped up with heaps of flowers. pot-like [bulging bosoms]. hè muraare= oh.ngala shataani are unseen in northern naagara mms. made with.. [a pa 21-1] The word iha and the foot kuru muraare m. enter and stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover. Rādha. innermost shrines or recesses. cala= with transiting breezes.for Rādha has come to you.. "O. one who is scared so far. physique. vilasa= rejoice yourself.चल मलय वन पवन सुरिभ शीते इह िवलस मदन शर िनकर भीते a pa 21-4. one having such mood. or. one with a simpering smile just sprouted out of ecstasy for an intimacy on your gleaming face. madana shara rabhasa bhaave hè raadhe= by Lovegod. नवभवदशोकदलशयनसारे। िवलस कुचकलशतरलहारे ॥ अ प २१-२ प चछे . melodious. Krishna. kusuma chaya rachita= flowers. enter and stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover. exquisite. one having such tossing pendants. Rādha with tossy pendants on bulging bosoms. like honeybees'..नव भवत् अशोक दल शयन सारे िवलस कुच कलश तरल हारे a pa 21-2. sprouted. [a pa 21-3] चलमलयवनपवनसुरिभशीते। िवलस मदनशरिनकरभीते॥ अ प २१-४ प चछे . malaya vana pavana= coming . group of. kusuma sukumaara dehe= O. music . tarala haare= tossing.] "O.. vaasa gehe= living. you rejoice. hè kucha kalasha tarala haare raadhe. ultimately . [a pa 21-2] कुसुमचयरिचतशुिचवासगेहे। इह िवलस कुसुमसुकुमारदेहे॥ अ प २१-३ प चछे . O. bhaave= having such a mood. Rādha. iha vilasa= in here. in this bower verily intertwined with many a climber-plant and decorated with a mass of new leaflets. iha vilasa= in here. "Oh. madhu= with honey [swilling]. arrows . madhu= in vernal season [on chewing tender leaves]. stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover. shikhare= edge of teeth [one oh. "O. sa rasa= with..िवतत बहु विलल नव पललव घने िवलस िचरम् अलस पीन जघने a pa 21-5. mukhare= bower reverberating with.. you rejoice. passionate.. one with sparkly teeth. enter this bower reverberating with lustful callings of koels on . you stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover.. rucira= beautiful. for a long time to come. burly. dashana ruchi ruchira shikhare hè raadhe dashana= of teeth. [ or. or. hips . brightness. dashana ruchi= teeth's. nikara= flocks of. alasa piina jaghane hè raadhe= one with husky. woods. ruchi= brightness. iha vilasa= in here. one with passionate romantic mood. romance. cooled [bower. in here. husky hips. bahu valli= with many. vilasa chiram= rejoice for a long time. piina kucha kumbha jaghane raadhe = one with burly bosoms. you who are so far scared by the pentad of flowery arrows of Lovegod. [ghana= richly] surabhi shiite= fragranced.O. tarala= fluttering. kushuma shara= flowery. leaflets. nava pallava ghane= new. mudita= gladdened. Rādha. shikhare= as with rubies . breeze.. kalita raave= blent.. mass of. ruchira= charming. and massy fundaments..if you give a toothy smile. one with brightly sparkling teeth edges . swarms of. move into the bower fully fragranced and cooled with transient breezes from the sandalwoods of Mt. climber plants. you rejoice. Rādha. Lovegod. vitata= verily intertwined.. one withrosy rubies for your teeth.wielder. [a pa 21-4] िवततबहुविललनवपललवघने। िवलस िचरमलसपीनजघने॥ अ प २१-५ प चछे . with humming. madana rasa rabhasa bhaava hè raadhe. and stay snugly in the enrapturing realm of your lover. ninada= [with lustful] callings. oh. enter this bower booming with swarms of humming honeybees exhilarated in swilling honey.मधु मुिदत मधुप कुल किलत रावे इह िवलस कुसुम शर सरस भावे a pa 21-6. [a pa 21-5] मधुमुिदतमधुपकुलकिलतरावे। िवलस कुसुमशरसरसभावे॥ अ प २१-६ प चछे . this bower.according to shaashvata nighaNTu . one with burly. "O. hè raadhe. Rādha. but not redolent of any early time love of Krishna]. or.from Mt. or. malaya. madana shara rabhasa bhaave hè raadhe. [a pa 21-6] मधुतरलिपकिनकरिननदमुखरे। िवलस दशनरिचरिचरिशखरे॥ अ प २१-६ प चछे .sandal. madhupa kula= honeybees. "O. kushuma shara sa rasa bhaave. which is afresh in fragrance. iha= in here. malaya's .मधु तरल िपक िनकर िननद मुखरे इह िवलस दशन रिच रिचर िशखरे a pa 21-7.shikhare means rubies: pakva daaDima biija aabhaam maaNikyam shikharam viduH. you rejoice. pika= koels. iha= in this matter. ati shraa..their chewing just sprouted tender mango leaves in this vernal season.िविहत पदावती सुख समाजे भणित जयदेव किव राज राजे इह िवलस a pa 21-8. sukha= comfortable. "While the moonlike poet Jayadeva is rendering this song.mba adharam= for nectar. O.e. matched up with his wife who with a chain of comforts enabled the poet to adore Krishna. vihita= arranged. tired out. lotus-like [he reveres your lotusy feet like a servant]. believe me. "His heart is much tired out while bearing you in it.mbhoje= reverenced. [therefore] sudhaa sa... or. where is the question of your hesitation when he is buyable by the richness of the least raise of your eyebrow. where is... in flank. kavi raaja raaje= kavi chandra = for poets. vihita= make happen.' for that. [your] small red cucumber like. the idol of Goddess LakShmi is ensconced in a comfortable sitting in the temple at his village. unlike Saint Tukaram's wife. least. therefore lend the grace of your body on his flank.. kavi raaja candra raajaraajaH kubere api saarvabhoume sudhaakare . [gamayati= comporting himself]. tvaam= you..nkuru= his." [11-5] ..simoniacal . tat= therefore.ntaH= much. [tava] bhruu kShepa lakShmii lava kriite= [your] eyebrow. [a pa 21-8] Verse Locator तवाम् िचतेनिचरम् वहनयमितशानतो भृशम् तािपतः कनदपेण च पातुिमचछित सुधासंबाधिबंबाधरम्। असयाकम् तदलंकुर कणिमह भूकेपलकमीलव कीते दासेवोपसेिवतपदाभोजे कुतससंभमः॥ ११-५ प चछे . upasevita pada a. movement's. samaaje= ensconcing i... e. ayam= he..nkam kShaNam ala.तवाम् िचतेन िचरम् वहन् अयम् अित शातः भृशम् तािपतः ं कदपेण च पातुम् इचछित सुधा संबाध िबंब अधरम् असय अंकम् तत् अलंकुर कणम् इह भू केप लकमी लव कीते दास इव उपसेिवत पद अंभोजे कुतः संभमः 11-5. ka... jayadeva = while Jayadeva. something like . by heart.vishvakosha. scorching him [as that Love-god prowls only for such helpless lovers]. he reveres your lotusy feet like a servant. padmaavatii= with padmaavati [poet's wife]. [your] feet. at least for a moment. the heavenly nectar]. leaving the poet to go on telling this song. lend the grace [of your body]. in here you rejoice staying snugly cleaving to your lover. sukha samaaje= saukhya parampara= in the chain of comforts [where the unbroken chain is strung with her help in choreographing.. how can I be with him. without any nagging. shedding moonbeams-like nuances. he cherishes.ndarpeNa bhR^isham taapitaH ca= [therefore] by Love-god. lower lip [your roseate lips and their nectar that outclasses. therefore he cherishes to drink nectar of your roseate lips that transcends the heavenly nectar. damaging. you rejoice. pardons or benefices]. Rādha. the girlfriend is saying]. therefore Love-god is highly scorching him.. sambhramaH kutaH= hesitation.mbaadha bi.the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges. moonlike poet among poets. highly. chiram chittena vahan= for a long time.. padmaavati= Goddess LakShmi's. richness. by which let Krishna accord manifold graces to one and all.. matched up.g. kim ca= not only that.so they say]. asya a. daasa iva= servant.. buyable [he is buyable by the richness of the least raise of your eyebrow. paatum ichChati= to drink. [a pa 21-7] िविहतपदावतीसुखसमाजे। भणित जयदेवकिवराजे॥ अ प २१-८ प चछे . like a. [Rādha may ask ' he took my words amiss. iha vilasa= in here. variously called as Indubilva. wifehood etc. a moon. surpasses. you rejoice in here with him. and he positing himself before those idols composed this poem . for a moment. Tindubilva etc. while sustaining thoughts about you. bhaNati [sati]= while saying. nga tara. since he longed to frolic only with her for a long. viduuram urasi parirabhya= lengthily. phena . that went under control of. fluttery. to the rhythm of her tinkling anklets in tune with her footwork. sphuTa tara= clear.२२ . [passionate] emotion [towards Rādha]. harim= at Krishna. disporting bower. with such a face. ma. fear [here . on appearance of. haaram= one wearing such pearls. she saw such a face of his. saa= she that Rādha.ngam= unfolded. or ana. dadhatam= wearing. Then. si. jala nidhim iva= water. sphere.dancers delight]. various. for high ecstasy of sighting moonlike face of Rādha laid hold of it. [a pa 22-1] हारममलतरतारमुरिस दधतम् पिररभय िवदूरम्। सफुटतरफेनकदमबकरिमबतिमव यमुनाजलपूरम्॥ अ प २२-२ प चछे .nju= charming. guru harSa vasha.nga nivaasam= [aggregate] bodiless love. treasure [ocean. pravivesha niveshanam= entered.nga vikaasam= Lovegod. on chest. taaram= that has central locket with gems. abode of. vidhu maNDala darshana= [as if] moon's.सा स साधवस स अननदम् गोिवनदे लोल लोचना िसंजान मंजु मंजीरम् पिववेश िनवेशनम् 11-6.nvada vadanam= [under the control of] high. bracing [wearing a long pendant close on his chest]. as ripples [in many kinds of undulating emotions].धृवम्॥ अ प २२-१ प छे . desired.] as with. on seeing. pendant. which is an abode for aggregate love.njaana= clanging. in doing so her anklets are tinkling to her footwork. change of [passional] attitudes. like a deep-blue-sea tideripping on sighting moon's face. govinde lola lochanaa= on Krishna. [saw him who is] eka rasam= he who is with single. sa anandam= with delight. thus. tides. splendorous like. Rādhaa vadana vilokana= Rādha's. higher [clearest]. doubtfully yet delighfully. saa= she that Rādha. his frolicking [with Rādha ]. saa= she that Rādha.with doubt]. high. vikasita vividha vikaara vibha.हारम् अमल तर तारम् उरिस दधतम् पिररभय िवदूरम् सफुट तर फेन कदंब करंिबतम् इव यमुना जलपूरम् a pa 22-2. chiram abhilaSita vilaasam= for long time. Then.राधा वदन िवलोकन िवकिसत िविवध िवकार िवभंगम् जल िनिधम् इव िवधु मणडल दशरन तरिलत तुग तरंगम् ं हिरम् एक रसम् िचरम् अिभलिषत िवलासम् सा ददाशर गुर हषर वशंवद वदनम् अनंग िनवासम् a pa 22-1.साननदगोिवनद राग शेिण कुसुम आभरणम् राधावदनिवलोकनिवकिसतिविवधिवकारिवभङम् जलिनिधिमव िवधुमणडलदशरनतरिलततुङतरङम्। हिरमेकरसम् िचरमिभलिषतिवलासम् सा ददाशर गुरहषरवशंवदवदनमनंगिनवासम्। िहिरम् एक रसम् . Rādha entered that disporting bower casting sidelong glances.िनवासम् . [11-6] Verse Locator अष पिद . amala tara= pure. indicating her entrance . sa saadhvasa= with. eyes [eying Krishna with sidelong-glances].njiiram= making anklets [she slowly sneaked in. There she saw him whose visage. ecstatic happiness. and with all these attributes on seeing. face. dadaarsha= saw at. taralita tu. ma... higher [purest]. ana. is now surging a spate of passion-tides.ngam= [as if] flurried.Verse Locator सा ससाधवससानंदम् गोिवनदे लोललोचना। िशङजानमङजुमङजीरम् पिववेश िनवेशनम्॥ ११-६ प चछे . small black-birds.mbitam= foam. in belly of which. built. no use with it.तरल दृक् अंचल चलन मनोहर वदन जिनत रित रागम् सफुट कमल उदर खेिलत खंजन युगम् इव शरिद तडागम् a pa 22-4. thus she saw him in purest silks. sharadi= in autumn. equalling the splendour of many suns. [a pa 22-5] शिशिकरणचछुिरतोदरजलधरसुनदरसकुसुमकेशम्। ितिमरोिदतिवधुमणडलिनमरलमलयजितलकिनवेशम्॥ अ प २२-६ .वदन कमल पिरशीलन िमिलत िमिहर सम कुणडल शोभम् िसमत रिच रिचर समुललिसत अधर पललव कृत रित लोभम् a pa 22-5. [a pa 22-3] तरलदृगङचलचलनमनोहरवदनजिनतरितरागम्। सफुटकमलोदरखेिलतखङजनयुगिमव शरिद तडागम्॥ अ प २२-४ प चछे . while lips are an abode of aggregate gusto. piita paraaga patala= yellowish. smita ruchi= smile's. vadana kamala parishiilana= [Rādha 's face. made [showing]. adhara pallava kR^ita= lips. lotus. like lotus. gaura dukuulam= piita ambaram= ochreish. taDaagam iva [sthitam]= lake. thus.] She saw him with a delightful face that is ready for countenancing the synthesis of his seeker in him. while the adjacent leaflet like lips are with an agreeable resplendence of smile in the enthusiasm to swill the nectar from the lotusy lips of Rādha. as well as Krishna's] face.] She saw him standing like a blueblack lotus remarkably spiralled with a peck of ocherish pollen at its satiny stem.njana yugam= playing. course. lotus. a sanctum for aggregate sanctums. face. She saw him with knobby ear-hangings. bhara valayita muulam= remarkably. mass of [bubbles.kada. mR^idula= satiny. rati lobham= for intimacy. by resplendence. tarala dR^ik a. She saw him with a sapphirine chest filled with lengthy pendants of purest pearls swivelling on it. sphuTa kamala udara= unfolded.] for intimacy.शयामल मृदुल कलेवर मणडलम् अिधगत गौर दुकलम् ू नील निलनम् इव पीत पराग पटल भर वलियत मूलम् a pa 22-3. [a pa 22-4] वदनकमलपिरशीलनिमिलतिमिहरसमकुङडलशोभम्। िसमतरिचरिचरसमुललिसताधरपललवकृतरितलोभम्॥ अ प २२-५ प चछे . with which that face that looked like a serene vernal lotuslake wherein two small black birds flitting in the belly of a just unfolded lotus. mihira sama kuNDala shobham= suns. ruchira= agreeable. standing. leaflet like. equal to.] by casting [such glances]. niila nalinam iva= blue-black. eye. an abode of aggregate purification. like [sthitam= available. as if a pair of suns are toing and froing to check up the lotus called the face of Rādha. an abode of aggregate devoirs. [a pa 22-2] शयामलमृदुलकलेवरमणडलमिधगतगौरदुकलम्। ू नीलनिलनिमव पीतपरागपटलभरवलियतमूलम्॥ अ प २२-३ प चछे . water. a collection of. casting sidelong glances with a pair of lotusy eyes. saa= she that Rādha .] filling it. pollen. kalevara maNDalam [manDanam]= with body's. for the body this boy with satiny build also has a wraparound of vestal silks ochry in colour vesture. a couple of. like. longing.ready for an intercourse . knobby ear-hangings.mba kara. to check [as a lotus unfolds when sun comes]. khelita kha.nchala chalana= moving. she saw him with such a face. silk cloth. samullasita= enthusiastic [to swill nectar from Rādha 's lips]. shyaamala= sapphirine. thus. she saw him with such a chest. manohara vadana janita rati raagam= delightful. akin to the streaming sapphirine waters of River Yamuna filled with pearly bubbles veering on them. adhigata= possessed [wearing]. like [standing. spiralled. thus. she saw him with such ear-hangings that an abode of aggregate erudition. on stem. their splendour. caused [showing. interestedness . yamunaa jala puuram iva= River Yamuna. milita= inclusive of [having].is a commonplace saying. swinging up to his lips. to edges [Krishna / Rādha with sidelong glances. dadaarsha= saw at. harim= at Krishna. said. malaya. timira udita= from sombre [sky. [inlaid] with. play. for a long time. beams. which also serve as his ornament. [a pa 22-8] Verse Locator अितकमयापाङम् शवणपथपयरनतगमन पयासेनेवाकणोसतरलतरभावम् गिमतयोः। इदानीम् राधायाः िपयतमसमालोकसमये पपात सवेदामबुपसर इव हषाशुिनकरः॥ ११-७ प चछे . in hearts. weight [i. maNi gaNa= gems. vibhava= by its glory. jala dhara= water. you all revere.िवपुल पुलक भर दनतुिरतम् रित केिल कलािभः अधीरम् मिण गण िकरण समूह समुजजवल भूषण सुभग शरीरम् a pa 22-7.प चछे . samujjvala bhuuSaNa= well brightened. not. that itself is like the uprising orb of benign moon on sombre sky. [a little].अितकमय अपागम् शवण पथ पयरनत गमन पयासेन इव अकणोः तरल तर भावम् गिमतयोः . O. sundara sa kusuma kesham= charming. vidhu maNdala= moon's. a little unsteady for his indulgences in romantic flings. his blueblack benignant forehead is marked with a spotless white sandal paste. clusters of. brightened. vipula pulaka bhara [dara] danturitam= broad. Krishna has his own divine ornaments that are doubly enriched by poet's words in this song. forehead mark. arts [manoeuvre]. firm [unsteady]. this glorious and auspicious song rendered by Jayadeva is doubling the weight of Krishna's jewels. ornaments. made. perplexed]. bearing [like a black cloud]. and Rādha saw such haloed Krishna. sukR^ita udaya= merit.sandal paste. and Rādha saw him with such a hairdo. hence keep Krishna firm in you hearts and revere him with this song for a long time. udara= centrally. flowers.] uprisen. an abode of aggregate hallowedness.शिश िकरण चछुिरत उदर जल धर सुनदर स कुसुम केशम् ितिमर उिदत िवधु मणडल िनमरल मलय ज ितलक िनवेशम् a pa 22-6. kept [on forehead. collection of.. his charming hairdo is inlaid with brilliant flowers.शी जयदेव भिणत िवभव िदगुणी कृत भूषण भारम् पणमत हृिद सुिचरम् िविनधाय हिरम् सुकृत उदय सारम् a pa 22-8. firmly keeping. forehead an abode of aggregate benignancy. [a pa 22-6] िवपुलपुलकभरदनतुिरतम् रितकेिलकलािभरधीरम्। मिणगणिकरणसमूहसमुजजवलभूषणसुभगशरीरम्॥ अ प २२-७ प चछे . malaya+ja tilaka nivesham= Mt. poet is further adding ornament to his chosen god].] Alike a benign raincloud centrally inlaid with bright moonbeams. for every word is yet another ornament to him. thrilling sensations]. harim hR^idi suchiram vinidhaaya praNamata= let Krishna be. as he alone is the essence to set out merit.] A little perplexed with ample thrilling sensations for Rādha drew nigh of him. jayadeva bhaNita= by Jayadeva. subhaga shariiram= with auspicious [with a halo around him. uneven [topsy-turvy . kiraNa samuuha= with their rays. the adorers of Vishnu. shrii= the auspicious saying. an abode of aggregate raininess.e. shashi kiraNa chChurita= by moon. dviguNii kR^ita= doubly. orb like. [22-7] शीजयदेवभिणतिवभविदगुणीकृतभूषणभारम्। पणमत हृिद सुिचरम् िविनधाय हिरम् सुकृतोदयसारम्॥ अ प २२-८ प चछे . for the onset of. but brightly refulgent in the rays scintillating from the clusters of gems of his ornaments forming a halo around his auspicious build. saaram= [Krishna is the] essence. born . bhuuSaNa bhaaram= Krishna's decorations'. adorers of Vishnu. filled with. with such a hairdo. hè vaishNavaaH= oh.] build [he is self-refulgent. rati keli kalaabhiH a + dhiiram= by passionate. nirmala= spotless. arms. time. as if [her ears strained and sweated to see him because of his self-refulgence]. hugging. of her.] When her well-wishing friends have gone away from that bower. maa smabhuutaam iti= not. gehaat bahiH= from house [bowers. concealing her happy smile by feigning some itching on some limb. ma.ndam= slowly. heaps of. Presently Rādha's fisheye glances crossing over the edges of eyes widened along the path unto ears so as to reach ears.स आनंदम् नंद सूनुः िदशतु पर तरम् सममदम् मंद मंदम् राधाम् आधाय बाहोः िववरम् अनु धृढम् पीडयन् पीित योगात् तुंगौ तसया उरोजौ अतनु वर तनोः िनगरतौ मा समभूताम् पृषम् िनिभरद तसमात् बिहः इित विलत गीवम् आलोकयनतः 11-9. eyes [glances]. apaa. towards [his chest]. atanu vara tanoH tasyaaH= slender. thinking [her body language changed when possessed by love]. drops. flowing. even. duuram= far way. tu. . much. lajjaa api= prudery. sveda ambu prasara iva= sweat. on crossing over. tears. piercing. added.] to outside. then. shravaNa patha paryanta= ears. thus. vyagamat= [vi ava gamat]= went away [prudery left her off. on reaching. priya tama= loveable. idaaniim= presently. Rādhaam baahvoH vivaram anu= Rādha is. pihita smitam= concealing. as if. samaaloka samaye= at gazing. most. to happen that way. mR^iga dR^ishaH= fawn. of itching.] coming out. raadhayaaH akShNoH= Rādha 's. priiti yogaat dhR^iDham piiDayan= with fondness. [11-7] Verse Locator भजयंतयासतलपानतम् कृतकपटकणडू ितिपिहत िसमतम् याते गेहादिहरिपिहतालीपिरजने। िपयासयम् पशयनतयाः समरपरवशाकतसुभगम् ू सलजजा लजजाऽिप वयगमिदव दूरम् मृगदृशः॥ ११-८ प चछे . kR^ita kapaTa kaNDuuti= on making. by strain of. harSa ashru nikaraH= happy. in the path of.भजयंतयाः तलप अनतम् कृत कपट कणडू ित िपिहत िसमतम् याते गेहात् बिहः अिप िहत आली पिरजने िपय आसयम् पशयनतयाः समर शर समाकल सुभगम् ू स लजजा लजजा अिप वयगमत् इव दूरम् मृग दृशः 11-8.ntyaaH= bed's.ngam atikramya= edge of eyes. in the middle. face. papaata= [tears] fell. bhaavam gamaitayoH= such sensation. dear one's. up to [ears].इदानीम् राधायाः िपयतम समालोक समये पपात सवेद अमबु पसर इव हषर अशु िनकरः 11-7. talpa antam bhajya. with a controlled. edge. when went away. smile. bodied. of that [back. tarala tara= fluttering. pR^iSTam nirbhidya= [his] back. on seeing. but on gazing her most loveable lover with such wide-eyed adoration heaps of happy tears started to flow. as though her glances sweated with strain in seeing him at a long last time. on tightly. entered. that are. friends. on seeing her dear one's auspicious face her body language changed as Lovegod ensorcelled her. bosoms. in which strain those eyes felt much fluttering sensation. best. gamana prayaasena iva= in going. slowly.ngau urojau= jutting. pretence. mischievously]. she neared the edge of bed. subhagam priya aasyam pashyantyaaH= auspicious. hita alii parijane yaate= well-wishers. eyed Rādha 's. aadhaaya= on taking. left her off. [11-8] Verse Locator साननदम् ननदसूनुिदरशतुपरतरम् सममदं मनदमनदम् राधामाधायबाहोिवरवरमनुधृढम् पीडयनपीित। योगात् तुङौतसया उरोजावतनुवरतनोिनरगरतौ मासमभूताम् पृषम् िनिभरदतसमादिहिरितविलतगीवमालोकयंतः॥ ११-९ प चछे . smara paravasha aakuuta= by Lovegod. valita griivam [yathaa tathaa]= [quickly] turning. and even the prudery of that fawn eyed Rādha became as though effected by a bit of prude. neck [as if to check. sa lajjaa iva= became prudish.nda ma. bahiH tasmaat nirgatau= to outside. with red victory powder. hata kuvalayaapiiDa kariNaH= killed. accord all of us all the happiness.सौनदयर एक िनधेः अनंग ललना लावणय लीला जुषः राधायाः हृिद पलवले मनिस ज कीडा एक रंग सथले रमय उरोज सरोज खेलन रिसतवात् आतमनः खयापयन् धयातुः मानस राज हंस िनभताम् देयात् मुकुनदः मुदम् 11-11. bhuja piiDa kriiDa= by hand. which he himself smeared on his victorious arms.aalokaya. or given elephantine problems. in which now Rādha is held in tight embrace.ntaH= seeing [his back].जयशी िवनयसतैः मिहत इव मनदार सुकुमैः सवयम् िसनदूरेण िदप रण मुदा मुिदत इव भुज पीड कीड हत कुवलयापीड किरणः पकीणा सृक् िबनदुः जयित भुज दणडः मुर िजतः 11-10. let such mischievous Krishna with all his happiness to be in togetherness with Rādha. conqueror [Krishna's].] On the dexterous arms of Krishna. a happy one in hand-to-hand encounters with any given elephant.ndaara kusumaiH mahita iva= with mandaara [red flowers used in worships. be victorious [many evils. mouth and trunk. on taking Rādha into his armfold.nda suunH= nanda's. prakiirNa asR^ik bi. 'it should not have happened. Krishna felt the jutting bosoms of that slender bodied Rādha have jutted into his chest and came out of his back. ma. kuvalayaapida. filling that bower with her cackles. when warring. those very red marks appeared as vermilion powder. conqueror [Krishna]. as if. that look like: jayashrii vinyastaiH= by Prosperity of Victory. called kuvalayaapiida. [11-9] Verse Locator जयशीिवनयसतैमरिहत इव मनदारकुसुमैः सवयम् िसनदूरेणिदपरणमुदामुिदत इव। भुजापीड कीडाहतकुवलयापीडकिरणः पकीणासृिगबनदुजरयित भुजदणडो मुरिजतः॥ ११-१० प चछे .nDaH= shoulder. happiness.. bhuja da. blade .nduH= bestrewn. blade.ndam= with happiness. RādhaayaaH= of Rādha..nga lalanaa= Love-god's.on them. laavaNya liilaa juSaH= [such rati-devi's] body language.] flowers. kept [sprinkled]. once a few drops of blood of combating demon mura spilled. let such all-conquering arms of Krishna be victorious on many evils.warring arms.. named elephant. ana. na. born [for passion]. single. mischievously. dvi+pa raNa mudaa= with such elephant. declaring them as winning hands over vice. manasi ja= mind. who is happy. Lady Victory on his victorious arms. mura jitaH= demon mura's.' and to check his punctured back.. drops .really. [11-10] Verse Locator सौनदयैकिनधेरनङललनालावणयलीलाजुषः राधायाहृिदपलवलेमनिसजकीडैकरङसथले। रमयोरोजसरोजखेलनरिसतवादातमनः खयापयन् धयातुमानसराजहंसिनभतादेयानमुकु ंदोमुदम्॥ ११-११ अ चछे . as if. bhuja da. bodily gestures [as in dance poses. parataram samma. grip.ndam dishatu= highest. saana. used for smearing on victorious combatants. on saying an aside.ndhureNa mudrita iva= by himself. have they come out of my back . worshipped with. [to us] let him give. imprinted.] added with. which then looked like the bloodred mandaara flowers sprinkled from heaven by jaya-shrii.nDaH jayati= shoulder. mura jitaH= demon mura's. later when Krishna. Then. wife [rati-devi]. svayam si. how are they. kriiDaa= . with blood. he quickly turned his head from Rādha to take a look of his back. saundarya eka nidheH= for grandeur. and hugging her tightly with an added fondness. had come to grips with an equally demonic elephant of king kamsa. treasure trove. son. dvi + pa= elephant that drinks with two inlets. jaya-lakShmi. sport. Let that Krishna. in Gita Govindam of Jayadeva.msa= kingly swan. for she on gaining possession of romantic body language and gestures from the famed consort of Lovegod. hR^idi palavale= heart. 2003.for playing. called lake. muku. raaja ha. stage of performance. called lotuses. Verse Locator for Chapter 11 Top of Page 4 7 1 a pa 21 8 a pa 20 5 9 2 6 10 3 a pa 22 11 Next Sarga Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Dec. that kingly swan called Krishna ever accord gladness to one and all. aatmanaH= he [Krishna]. bosoms. and a single stage for Krishna's love-dance performance. rasitvaat= one who enjoyed that bliss. namely Lady rati-devi. ramya uroja saroja= charming. who is already a kingly swan playing in the lake-like contemplative minds of his devotees. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. let accord. has now become a kingly swan in the lake called the heart of Rādha. this is the 11th chapter. khyaapayan= while establishing. has now become a single treasure trove of grandeur. [11-11] इित गीतगोिवनदे साननददामोदरो नाम एकादशः सगरः Thus. eka ra. nibhataam= in similitude. Revised Nov 08 .ndaH mudam deyaat= Krishna.ngasthale= single. in which Krishna ever disports with her lotusy bosoms. called saanandadaamodara . khelana= while playing with. maanasa= heart/lake called maanasa sarovar. dhyaatuH= to the meditators [on him]. gladness.Delighted Krishna. मधुिरपुिवदाधरलीलम् िकसलयशयनतले कुर कािमिन चरणनिलनिविनवेशम्। तव पदपललववैिरपराभविमदमनुभवतु सुवेशम्। कणमधुना नारायणम् । अनुगतमनुसर राधे . at heart [ardent at heart]. dR^iSTvaa= on seeing. circle. hR^iSTaam= one who is gladdened. shayane= on bed. and Krishna who is waiting for her for a long time gladdens on her coming. nava pallava prasava= new. with calling [an inwardly felt call or summons of Lovegod]. controlled. smita snapita= smile. then a lot of unmanageable coyness filled her for Lovegod's calling besieged her. and then with lips laved in smiles. looks cast downward. adharam= [with her] lip. her eyes [to near it slowly. sarasa manasam= on good terms. When her friends circle departed leaving her alone. Verse Locator गतवित सखीबृनदेऽमनदतपाभरिनभरर समरपरवशाकतसफीतिसमतसनिपताधरम्। ू सरसमनसम् दृषटवा हृषाम् मुहुनरवपललव पसवशयने िनिकपताकीमुवाच हिरः िपयाम्॥ १२-१ प चछे .Exultant Krishna सुपीतपीतामबरः Rādha meets Krishna at last. filled with. drenched by [laved]. They thus unite to keep everything united. muhuH= repeatedly. and yields to every wish of hers. and neared him with an ardent heart. less. coyness. on departure of. nirbhara= unmanageable [to contain her coyness]. [12-1] Verse Locator अष पिद २३ . hariH uvaacha= Krishna. but not to fall on it like a wildcat]. nikshipta akshiim= she who kept. leaves. sphiita= burgeoning.गतवित सखी बृनदे अमनद तपा भर िनभरर समर परवश आकत सफीत िसमत सनिपत अधरम् ू सरस मनसम् दृषटवा हृषाम् मुहुः नव पललव पसव शयने िनिकपत अकीम् उवाच हिरः िपयाम् 12-1.Chapter [sarga] 12 . Krishna spoke to his love Rādha who by now is gladdened. sakhii bR^inde gatavati= friends. a+manda trapaa bhara= not. just born. spoke.धृवम्॥ अ प २३-१ प चछे . smara paravasha aakuuta= by Lovegod. then. she neared the love-bed made up with just sprouted leaflets. priyyaam= his love. and stood at its end smiling coyly without eyeing her lover.िकसलय शयन तले कुर कािमिन चरण निलन िविनवेशम् . apa+nayaami= I am detaching. basis of living beings. oh. [a pa 23-2] वदनसुधािनिधगिलतममृतिमव रचय वचनमनुकलम्। ू िवरहिमवापनयािम पयोधररोधकमुरिस दुकलम्॥ अ प २३-३ ू प छे . hè kaamini= oh. idam= this [bed].. words. called your anklets. Let me mend the strain of your feet with my lotusy hands for I made you to come a long-way-off. for a while. rachaya anukuulam vachanam = make [say something. aham kara kamalena= I will. Rādha. paraabhavam anubhavatu= adversity. as your more delicate tender leaf like feet are the adversaries of any delicacy. Oh. placement. viduuram= long-way-off. [or anu gatam= whom people will follow. loving Rādha. tava pada pallava vairi= your. suvesham = well get-upped. rodhakam= obstructing. rasa] towards such Krishna. galitam amR^itam iva = slither. maam iva= me like.वदन सुधा िनिध गिलतम् अमृतम् इव रचय वचनम् अनुकलम् ू िवरहम् इव अपनयािम पयोधर रोधकम् उरिस दुकलम् ू a pa 23-3. so. why not cleave to him unto to whom people will cleave for he is their wherewithal. you make.. Though created by that naaraayaNa. you follow him who makes the people. nectar.. an expert . may it be Mother Nature.. let me remove. payodhara = for [swelling] bosoms.moon. let hearty nectarean words slither from your moonlike face. adhunaa= presently. loving Rādha... Rādha. an effect of cause. or whoever. for a while. thus let this well-arranged bed bragging for its delicacy suffer an adversity. lotuses. charaNa nalina vinivesham kuru= [delicate] feet. Some depth is there in this reprise. on surface. sudhaa nidhi= nectar's. this raadha is an earthling . lotus like.] heartening.a faithful follower. you are [to my near. with hands. or Queen Nature. hence. dukuulam= kanchukam= piece of cloth. to follow him.say Queen Nature. [a pa 23-1] करकमलेन करोिम चरणमहमागिमताऽिस िवदूरम्। कणमुपकुर शयनोपिर मािमव नूपुरमनुगितशूरम्॥ अ प २३-२ प छे .. or. charaNam karomi= feet..is the ultimate meaning. anugatam= one who is well disposed to you. taking caraNa maham as single unit= caraNa= feet's. of course like me. who is a receptacle of water. well arranged [bed]. bed. [a love's bosoms will be swelling when she is anguishing in separation for her lover. as with. aagamitaa asi= [owing to me] arrived. kisalaya shayana tale= on tender leafy. let [this bed] suffer. tender leaves. viraham iva= [your] anguish in separation.तव पद पललव वैिर पराभवम् इदम् अनुभवतु सुवेशम् कणम् अधुना नारायणम् अनुगतम् अनुसर राधे a pa 23-1.'why not follow naaraayaNa for a while for he is well disposed to you now' . if anything is an effect it should necessarily follow certain steps to attain that cause. vadana= from [your] face. surface of. along with your anguish in separation from me. place it. treasure of . because he is the prime-mover . feet's. why not cleave to him &c. an adversary [of any delicacy].कर कमलेन करोिम चरणम् अहम् आगिमता अिस िवदूरम् कणम् उपकुर शयन उपिर माम् इव नूपुरम् अनुगित शूरम् a pa 23-2. kshaNam anusara= for a while.] "Say something Rādha. like [sthitam= available before me]. If it were to be . I mend [or. anugati shuuram nuupuram= in following. her anklet follows her very sincerely like a faithful follower without slipping off. maham= worship= I worship your feet].then the usage of 3rd pers. urasi= on bust. shayana upari kshaNam upakuru= bed. follow. naaraayaNa goes waste. hè raadhe= oh. adhere to]. naaraayaNam= he who is the mover of beings.. place your feet on the bed for a while to give rest to those faithful followers of yours. bridle like. [tava= on your]. hence that anklet is to be taken care of. "Place your delicate lotusy feet on the delicate surface of this tender leafy bed. this piece of your breast cloth which so far served .. keep them on the chest of mine to lessen the scorch of Lovegod. tvayi vinihita manasam= in you. waist-strings... hence. lingering one]. get me [let me get]. idam nayanam= this. chains. anger. daasam = devotee. dear. shying. let me get the nectarean essence of your lips. [your] eye. "Oh.. shoSaya manasija taapam= lessen. jiivaya= make him to live. Lovegod's. [a pa 23-6] मामितिवफलरषा िवकलीकृतमवलोिकतुमधुनेदम्। मीलितलिजजतिमव नयनं तव िवरम िवसृज रितखेदम्॥ अ प २३-७ प छे . ireful dear. disquietude in love. scorching. moonfaced Rādha. as if.माम् अित िवफल रषा िवकली कृतम् अवलोिकतुम् अधुना इदम् मीलित लिजजतम् इव नयनम् तव िवरम िवसृज रित खेदम् a pa 23-7. caused and roughened by the fortissimos of koels. ati duravaapam= highly. ati viphala ruSaa= with highly. with body. vikalii kR^itam = muddled up . shamaya= pacify. [a pa 23-3] िपयपिररंभणरभसविलतिमव पुलिकतमितदुरवापम्। मदुरिस कुचकलशम् िविनवेशय शोषय मनिसजतापम्॥ अ प २३-४ प छे .mbhaNa= lover. chest. potlike. pair of.you who are .as a bridle on your swelling bosoms. vikalii kR^itam= agitated one. let your utterances pacify the long time sinking sensation in the pair of my ears.. avasaadam= sinking sensation... hè shashi mukhi= oh.. chiraat= for a long time. down casting. miilati= closing. "Those highly bulging bosoms of yours now look as if a bustling is added to them for a tight embrace of lover. pulakitam= thrilling. to see. kaNTha nidaanam = throat's. adhunaa lajjitam iva= presently. unavailing. added. mukharaya= let sound. bhaamini= oh. roughened. rabhasa valitam iva= bustle. maNi rashanaa guNam= jewelled. and I am lingering on like a deadpan without any blithesomeness. unbearable [bulging]. by fire.. virama= leave [that downcast glance].] with heart. burnt. let the chains of bejewelled waist-strings of yours tinkle in tune with your utterances. maam avalokitum= at me. faced one. visR^ija rati khedam= leave off. called hamsa liila is said]. let tinkle [ by this it is: vipariita surata. voicing [utterances]. nectarean. by callings.अधर सुधा रसम् उपनय भािमिन जीवय मृतम् इव दासम् तविय िविनिहत मनसम् िवरह अनल दगध वपुषम् अ-िवलासम् a pa 23-5. pika ruta vikale= koels. anger. [sthitam= available. kucha kalasham = bosoms. anuguNa= in tune with. for tight embrace. as my heart is hinged on you. adhara sudhaa rasam upanaya= lip's. mat urasi viniveshaya= on my. essence. "Oh. keep. moon. viraha anala dagdha vapuSam= of separation. mR^itam iva= dead one. [a pa 234] अधरसुधारसमुपनय भािमिन जीवय मृतिमव दासम्। तविय िविनिहतमनसम् िवरहानलदगधवपुषमिवलासम्॥ अ प २३-५ प छे . Or ati viphala ruSaa= with highly. kept [hinged one.. mama shruti yugale= in my. like.िपय पिररंभण रभस विलतम् इव पुलिकतम् अित दुरवापम् मत् उरिस कुच कलशम् िविनवेशय शोषय मनिसज तापम् a pa 23-4. a+ vilaasam= without. unavailing. blithe. ears. my body is burnt with the fire of our separation.शिश मुिख मुखरय मिण रशना गुणम् अनुगुण कणठ िनदानम् शुित युगले िपक रत िवकले मम शमय िचरात् अवसादम् a pa 23-6. why not cleave to him &c. made as. [tava= your]. hence let your devotee live. as if. priya parira.. [a pa 23-5] शिशमुिख मुखरय मिणरशनागुणमनुगुणकणठिनदानम्। शुितयुगले िपकरतिवकले मम शमय िचरादवसादम्॥ अ प २३-६ प छे . . rasika janeSu= among romantic. rati rasa bhaava vinodam= romantic enjoyment mood of. idam= this . "This auspicious song rendered by Jayadeva emphatically lays down in each foot about what causes gladness to Krishna.. or winking while intently looking at each other. all those obstacles too. janayatu= let cause. idam= this song. deriving. ni gadita= emphatically. nectar. occurred. turning away face etc bodylanguage. udbhuuta surata aara. your eyes are presently throwing glances downward .पतयूहः पुलक अंकुरेण िनिबड आषलेष िनमेषेण च कीड आकत िवलोिकते अधर सुधा पाने कथा नमरिभ ू आननद अिधगमेन मनमथ कला युदे अिप यिसमन् आभूत् उदत सः तयोः बभूव सुरत आरंभः िपयं भावुकः ू 12-2. as if. adhunaa avalokitam= presently. adhara sudhaa paane= lips'. anu pada= in every. nimeSeNa ca= by winking. nibiDa aaSleSa= in tight.काम तृपत कािमनी हासम् - .mbhaH= bechanced. also.] Jayadeva. kriiDa aakuuta vilokite= in sports.शी जयदेव भिणतम् इदम् अनुपद िनगिदत मधु िरपु मोदम् जनयतु रिसक जनेषु मनोरम रित रस भाव िवनोदम् a pa 23-8. gata khedam iva = forgone. [12-2] Verse Locator . starting of romance. as with . "You made me an agitated soul with your highly unavailing anger. tvayaa= by you. [a pa 23-8] Verse Locator . kathaa narmabhiH= [while telling] tales. manorama= heart-pleasing. tava nayanam= your. modam= gladness.nkureNa= hair. angst. like body thrills while in tight embrace. sprouts [thrills of body. vi+rama= verily. a blade of grass coming in between them in their embrace.सुरतारमभ चनद हासम् पतयूहः पुलकाङुरेण िनिबडालेषिनमेषेण च कीडाकत िवलोिकतेऽधर सुधा पाने कथा नमरिभ। ू आननदािधगमेन मनमथकलायुदेऽिप यिसमनभूत् उदतससतयोबरभूवसुरतारंभः िपयंभावुकः॥१२-२ ू प छे . war of. looks down cast. saH= that.. for they occurred in their reunion after a brief separation. manmatha kalaa yuddhe api= Lovegod's. Rādha Krishna. embrace. shrii jayadeva bhaNitam= auspicious [saying. priya. art. pulaka a. have become highly desirable ones to both of them. visR^ija = leave it off.muddle up in intense fury. or when telling a secret tale. but. merriment. This verse is titled as surataarambha candra haasam: yasmin= wherein [in which romance]. or by the word sprout. and to see such an agitated me. said by.by you. take delight in [me]. or while swilling the nectar of lips. one who has been seen . foot. maam= me. or even in deriving pleasure during the art of love-war. desirable ones [those obstacles]. eye.. hence let this song heart-pleasingly romanticise the moods of romantic people. tayoH= to two of them. aananda adhigamena= in pleasure. such as I am.. pratyuuhaH aabhuut= obstacles. In which romance some obstacles have occurred. closing. secret.worryfreely. now leave that downcast glance and leave off disquietude in love. people. said. is a hurdle]. they became. intentionally. [a pa 23-7] शीजयदेवभिणतिमदमनुपदिनगिदतमधुिरपुमोदम्। जनयतु रिसकजनेषु मनोरमरितरसभाविवनोदम्॥ अ प २३-८ प छे . lajjitam iva miilati= shying. madhu ripu= Krishna's..m bhaavukaH babhuuva= highly.casting looks down or away. while seeing [at each other]. while swilling. tendril like arms . unmoved. unspeakable is the deviant behaviour of Lovegod. isn't so? [12-3] The torture imposed is like that of the methods usually employed on a slave. By which reason she rose from the left flank of Krishna. area.. pulled. payodhara bhareNa aapiiDitaH=by bosoms. kaantaH= lover [Krishna]. born ones . pounded by riverbanks like hips. when started. vakshaH utka. for a while.nta jayaaya= lover.वाम अनके रित केिल सनकुल रण आरमभे तया साहस पायम् कानत जयाय िकिनचत् उपिर पारिमभ यत् समभमात् िनषपनदा जघन सथली िशिथिलता दोवरिललः उतकिमपतम् वको िमिलतम् अिक पौरष रसः सतीणाम् कुतः िसधयित 12-4. tayaa= by her . aho kaamasya vaamaa gatiH= aho.. It is imposed on that god.fastened.mpitam= bust. This verse is titled as kaama tR^ipta kaaminiii haasam: dorbhyaam samyamitaH= by both palms. flank .पौरष रस पेम िवलासम् वामाङे रितकेिलसङुलरणारमभेतया साहस पां यम् कातजयायिकिचदुपिरपारंिभयतसंभमात्। िनषपनदा जघनसथली िशिथिलता दोवरिललरतकिमपतम् वको िमिलतमिक पौरषरसः सतीणाम् कुतिससधयित॥ १२-४ प छे . and overbearing manner. for that reason alone her hip remained unmoved. caved in.दोभयाम् संयिमतः पयोधरभारेणापीिडतः पािणजैः आिवदो दशनैः कताधरपुटः शोिणतटेनाहतः। हसतेनानिमतः कचेऽधरमधुसयंदेन सममोिहतः कानतः कामिपतृिपतमापतदहो कामसय वामागितः॥ १२-३ प् छे . and suddenly commenced the huddle of love-war on him in a frenzied. akshi militam= eyes. as ensign for both the participants. burdened. drooped. pulled by head-hair by hand to bend face to pour liquor-like honey of lips.nke= from left. war. weight. maara + anke = Lovegod.] by flow of. Lovegod's. honey [liquor. upari ki. Verse Locator . sports. lips. like fastening.nails.mbhe= love.. bitten. brought together . lashes and scratches. bitten by teeth at lips. to conquer.. as that punishment can be imposed by any his devotee. kaa.nkula raNa aara. pauruSa rasaH= manly. left behaviour [what an unspeakable deviant behaviour Lovegod has got] . where she is in foreplay. tR^iptim aapa= satisfaction. banks [riverbank like hips]. huddle. pulling head hair etc. suddenly started to override him. even if tortures of this kind in love are many. bemused. striiNaam= for women.one who is so far sitting on left thigh of Krishna. for that god will be found and catchable after a long time search. This verse is titled as pauruSa rasa prema vilaasam: yat= by which reason. something unsayable. sa.. mood [intrusiveness]. overbearingly.mbhramaat= frenziedly [or. hastena anamitaH kace= by hand. adhara madhu syandena sammohitaH= lips. throbbed [breathless]. vaama a. aaviddhaH= scratched. commenced. or. accessible. ecstatically]. rati keli sa.mbhi= foreplay. dorvalliH shithilitaaa= tendril like arms. shroNi taTena= river. edges.. aha.दोभयाम् संयिमतः पयोधर भारेण आपीिडतः पािणजैः आिवदो दशनैः कता अधर पुटः शोिण तटेन आहतः हसतेन आनिमतः कचे अधर मधु सयंदेन सममोिहतः कानतः काम् अिप तृिपतम् आप तत् अहो कामसय वामा गितः 12-3. paaNi jaiH= by hand. Fastened by both arms. [tat= by that reason].by Raadha. kaam api= somewhat.ncit praara. aahataH= pounded. kutaH sidhyati= from where.. tat= thereby. in such a love-war. burdened under bosoms' weight. aiming only to conquer her lover. overburdening under weight. dashanaiH kshataa adhara puTaH= by teeth.. huh. saahasa praayam= venturing. hair. scratched by nails. her lover is deriving some unsayable satisfaction. her. jaghana sthalii niSpandaa= hips. he got. venturing. caved in. those very same arrows of Lovegod that are presently stuck in her chest. scratched [by this redness. iti= this way. Her chest bore red scratches scratched with red fingernails. chest. the fifth arrow of Lovegod is cited. kaa. all owing to the shafts of Lovegod. is cited. reading: tvaam apraapya mayi svayamvaraparaam kshiirodatiirodare | sha.. tat adbhutam abhuut= that.. The flower of this plant is another arrow of Lovegod. wherefrom women can attain manly intrusiveness! [12-4] Verse Locator . redness.nkitam= by red.ncii daama dara shlatha a. flower-sprays in bun slithered. patyuH manaH= husband's [Krishna's. happened again. praataH= in early morning. dR^ishau nidraa kaSaaye= eyes [eyeballs. washed out by this redness. slipped.ncalam | taadhaayaaH stanakorakoparicalan netro hariH paatu vaH || Verse Locator वयाकोशः केशपाशसतरिलतमलकैः सवेदमोकौकपोलौ िकलषा िबमबाधरशीः कुचलशरचाहािरताहारयिषः। काणचीकािनतहरताशा सतनजघनपदंपािणनाचछदसदः पशयनती सतपातदिप िवलुिलता मुगधकिनतिधरनोित॥ १२-६ प छे . golden waist-string loosened and dangling. and her eyes drooped. shafted. have now tangentially shot and stuck in his eyes.ncalam= golden waist-strings. [12-5] One mms said to contain one more verse after this.] by sleeplessness. srastaaH srajaH= slithered. bust breathlessly throbbed. sprays of flowers.तसयाः पाटल पािणज अंिकतम् उरो िनदा कषाये दृशौ िनधौतः अधर शोिणमा िवलुिलतः ससताः सजः मूधरजाः काची दाम दर शलथ अंचलम् इित पातः िनखातैः दृशोः एिभः काम शरैः तत् अदुतम् अभूत् पतयुः मनः कीिलतम् 12-5.कामादुत अिभनव मृगाङ लेखम् तसयाः पाटलपािणजािङतमुरो िनदाकषाये दृशौ िनधौतोऽधरशोिणमािवलुिलतः ससताः सजोमूधरजाः। काङचीदाम दरशलथाङचलिमित पातिनरखातैदरृ शोः एिभः कामशरैसतददुतमभूत् पतयुमरनः कीिलतम्॥ १२-५ प चे. but when her husband caught sight of such an love-arrow-stuck ladylove on the next morning. Lovegod's.] heart. doubly wondrous. kiilitam= torn. a little. arrows. a red flower from the plant that gives leaves to reddened decoration to palms. is said. paaTala paaNija a.वयाकोशः केश पाशः तरिलतम् अलकैः सवेद मोकौ कपोलौ िकलषा िबंब अधर शीः कुचल शरचा हािरता हार यिषः काची कािनतः हत आशा सतन जघन पदम् पािणना आचछद सदः पशयनती स तपान् तत् अिप िवलुिलता मुगध किनतः िधनोित . muurdha jaaH vilulitaH= head hair. fingernails. This verse is titled as kaamaadbhuta abhinava mR^igaanka lekham: tasyaaH uraH= her.nke su..ndari kaalakuuTam apiban muuDho mR^iDaanii patiH | ittham purva kathaabhiH asya manao nikshipya vaamaa. a wonder. adhara shoNimaa nirdhautaH= lips. one of the flower-arrows of Manmatha. eyes reddened with sleeplessness. the red lotus arrow of Lovegod is cited.. the red mehendi.... hair tousled. the red flower called paaTala. ebhiH kaama sharaiH= by these. tousled.isn't it. at edges by this gold of waistband the golden coloured flower arrow.. reddened by this redness. dR^ishoH nikhaataiH= in glances. roseate colour of lips is washed out... stana jaghana pada. taralitam alakaiH= moving [unruly. haaritaa haara yaSTiH= stolen.] Even when her braid loosened.m= bust. as in the case of Krishna at present.ncii kaantiH hata aashaa= waist-string's.that soul become a highly merited soul. released. kliSTaa bi. lower lip.ntii satrapaan= glancing. which ladylove utters unintelligible murmurs. pendants [the lustre of pearly pendants is submerged in her body colour.ngii dR^ishau= which girl's . dhanyaH= he is a highly merited soul. vikasat da. red splendour of lips faded. dhinoti= gladdening [Krishna. splendour. mugdha vilasat siitkaara dhaaraa vashaat= prettily. rigid. as there is no bodice]. with sighs. iiSat milita dR^iSTi= a little. bhR^isha pariSva. with which she becomes more pretty. golden brilliance of her waist-string became dull. achieved after a long drawn ecstasy is released. releasing. hair. shaa. cheeks.mshu dhauta adharam= brightening. with such a physique. [12-7] . resplendence.ngaat= by tight. tat vilulitaa api= by that. and though she herself started to glance embarrassedly. cheeks sweating. which fawn eyed ladylove will be with half closed eyes owing to that fatigueless physique. dhayati= swills [kisses] such a ladylove. hue of pearl-pendants merged with paled body colour. even. kucala sharucaa= pot-like bosoms [luxury ]. One who derives pleasure from his ladylove when swilling her beauty .deer like. in passivity. laved. glitter. closed. one who is uttering unintelligible murmurs because she went under the control of spate of elating love-sighs.who derived pleasure from his ladylove. kura. lips. by pearly.ईषत् िमिलत दृिष मुगध िवलसत् सीतकार धारा वशात् अवयकत आकुल केिल काकु िवकसत् दनत अमशु धौत अधरम् ं शानत सतबध पयोधरम् भृश पिरषवनगात् कुरगी दृशौ हषर उतकषर िवमुकत िनससह तनोः धनयः धयित आननम् 12-7.] hair locks sveda mokshau kapolau= sweat. red.a fawn eyed ladylove with half closed eyes. avyakta aakula keli kaaku = unclear. waist. controlled by. one whose face is brightened with lips laved in the sparkle of her teeth. [saH] dhanyaH= [he is] a highly merited soul. aananam= a face [having such a glittering teeth]. pashya. one with rigid bosoms silenced in a tight hugging. because she goes under the control of spate of elating love-sighs. with teeth's. [12-6] Verse Locator ईषिनमलतदृिष मुगधिवलसतसीतकारधारावशात् अवयकताकुलकेिलकाकुिवकसदनताशुधौताधरम्। शानतसतबधपयोधरम् भृशपिरषवङातकुरङीदृशौ हषोतकषरिवमुकतिनससहतनोधरनयोधयतयाननम्॥ १२-७ प चछे . one whose physique attained a passivity when the gladness is achieved after a long drawn ecstasy is released. glances. elating. vyaakoshaH kesha paashaH= loosened.nta stabdha payodharam= silenced. hugging.12-6. whose rigid bosoms will be silenced owing to tight hugging . saa= she that Rādha.mba adhara shriiH= faded. untidy. covering. series. paaNinaa aacChadya= by hands. murmurs. and though 'that act' rendered her that untidy. places. that Raadha gladdened Krishna with her own beautiful resplendence.nta a. kaa. hair-locks unruly.which ladylove's physique attains passivity with post-connubial bliss. marred. brilliance. . braids. bosoms. embarrassedly. eyes . flurried. whose face brightens much with her lips laved in the sparkle of her teeth. covering her bust and hips with hands and arms. because he. in sport. sadyaH= then. mugdha kantiH= one with beautiful. at hope. with which she became more pretty. whose comportment when in act is like this: harSa utkarSa vimukta nissaha tanoH= [which ladylove is] by gladness. by ecstasy. said. ni jagaada= insistently.Verse Locator अथ सहसा सुपीतम् सुरतानतेसािनतानतिखनाङी। राधा जगाद सादरिमदमाननदेन गोिवनदम्॥ १२-८ प छे . yadu na. one . paint. thereby those drops sprinkled on herbs and plants.. mingling her own gladness. patrakam= foliage. by metonymically identifying her bosoms with them. paint on them with your own palms that are cooler than the sandal-paste. [maNDana vaanchayaa= with a wish to decorate herself presentably]. Rādha insistently spoke this to that delighter of hearts and the clan of yadu: "O the delight of yadu's clan.. dress etc. ma~Ngala kalasha sahodare= auspicious. spoke. It does not matter. vessel's. Govinda.full with nectar brought by dhanvantari during the churning of Milk Ocean. with limbs. [a pa 24-1] In all these bits of songs Krishna is addressed as a makeup artist. with a wish to fix her decoration. making them useful for medicinal use.Goddess Lakshmi herself. sahasaa= quickly [for. [where these vessels are two. enjoying [archaic. idam= this sentence. kareNa= with palms. cha. sacred rice etc will be put and arranged in the first instance of any worship. delighter [Krishna].सुपीतपीतामबरतालशेिण कुर यदुननदन चनदनिशिशरतरेणकरेणपयोधरे। मृगमदपतकमत मनोभवमङलकलशसहोदरे। िनजगाद सा यदुननदने । कीडित हृदयाननदने . on those [nectarous] bosoms. that Rādha... co-birthed ones. green leafs. from which some drops fell on earth when Garuda was bringing it to earth.musk. surata ante= love-act. and she is now helpless to decorate herself with a presentable getup].ndena= with [her own] gladness. paint faces. In . saa raadhaa= she.ndam= to gladdened. called ma~Ngala kalasha. atra payodhare= there. [12-8] Verse Locator अष पिद -२४. atha= then. shishira tareNa= dew. Then. tired. mano bhava= mind born one. Rādha is identifying herself with Lakshmi. nitaanta khinna a. aana. paint musky foliages on my bosoms that are the abode of Lovegod. mR^iga mada= musk-deer's. Here.ngii= absolutely. Rādha whose limbs are absolutely tired after the love-act quickly said this to the gladdener of all beings.. fat. When Krishna is enjoying himself. saadaram jagaada= with tenderness. along with sandal paste. milk. relaxation]. she cannot be in that shabby condition. whose symbolic representation is a vessel in which water. kuru= make. because they are supposed to be experts in all sixty-four arts catuH shaSTi kalaa prapuurNa.ndana= sandal-paste.अथ सहसा सुपीतम् सुरत अनते सा िनतानत िखन अंगी राधा जगाद सादरम् इदम् आननदेन गोिवनदम् 12-8. as she emerged out of the same ocean. yadu's son [Krishna]. kriiDati= when he is disporting. or a hairdresser.ndane= to hearts. the other potlike vessel . [cooler] than.धृवम्॥ अ प २४-१ प छे . hR^idaya ana. Heroes are supposed to know how women decorate. saa= she that Rādha. hè yadu na.ndana= o. supriitam govi. fair to middling. namely Govinda. Lovegod's [place of]. or as a painter etc.ndane= to yadu clan's.कुर यदु ननदन चनदन िशिशर तरेण करेण पयोधरे मृग मद पतकम् अत मनोभव मङल कलश सहोदरे िनजगाद सा यदु ननदने । कीडित हृदय अननदने a pa 24-1. delight [to Krishna]. or the pot of nectar. and that are the co-born ones to auspicious vessels. at end of. ali kula= honeybees.njanakam= mascara.nga= eyes. saayaka mochane= arrows. bearing. mama mukhe upari= my.Ramayana when kaika gives a dress usable for forest dwelling to Seetha. [24-3] भमरचयम् रचयनतमुपिर रिचरम् सुिचरम् मम सनमुखे। िजतकमले िवमले पिरकमरय नमरजनकमलकम् मुखे॥ अ प २४-४ प छे . That stress is a singer's or dancer's delight. but when you kissed them their mascara is stippled. brighten them up with such mascara that belies the blackness of swarms of honeybees. O auspiciously attired one..e. namely Seetha. restore knobby earrings on those ears that bear an air of Lovegod's reins. jita kamale vimale = conquered [more. while all other women jerk tears for the misfortune bechanced on a topmost princess. And in audios or dances on this song. Then Rama winds that sari around her detailing how to secure it. makers.] "My face is more immaculate than a lotus in full boom and it always had luring and beautiful hairlocks crafted like swarms of honeybees. shruti maNDale= on ear.. sanmukhe= before me [standing before me. [a pa 24-2] नयनकुरङतरङिवकासिनरासकरे शुितमणडले। मनिसजपाशिवलासधरे शुभवेष िनवेशय कुणडले॥ अ प २४-३ ं प छे . shubha vesha= oh.njanam= that belies. "My ears make the springing freeness of my deer-like glances of my eyes hopeless by reining them. ga. attired one. hair-locks. manasija paasha vilaasa dhare= Lovegod's. face. encouraging [freeness]. O.nga vikaasa= springing. adding a stress to dha. before all women in palace-chambers. oh. readjust them standing before me. we will be usually listening nijagaa dha saa instead of nijagaada saa i. so that I can be in your close proximity . lochane= on such eyes. dear. Seetha is at loss to understand as to how to wear it. [244] . designed [iva sthitam= as if. hè kamala aanana= O. [called] deer. auspiciously. causing.e. lotus-faced one.. अिलकुलगनजनमनजनकम् रितनायकसायकमोचने। तवदधरचुमबनलिमबतकजजल उजजवलय िपय लोचने॥ २४-२ प छे .] in immaculacy.भमर चयम् रचायंतम् उपिर रिचरम् सुिचरम् मम सनमुखे िजत कमले िवमले पिरकमरय नमर जनकम् अलकम् मुखे 24-4..अिल कुल गनजनकम् अनजनकम् रित नायक सायक मोचने तवत् अधर चुमबन लिमबत कजजल उजजवलय िपय लोचने a pa 24-2... dangled [stippled]. racahaya. rati naayaka= love. "My eyes release sidelong-glances that are akin to the arrows of Lovegod. with an air. reins. kuNDale niveshaya= knobby earrings. parikarmaya= make [readjust. that release [i. niraasa kare= hopeless.नयन कुरग तरंग िवकास िनरास करे शुित मणडले मनिसज पाश िवलास धरे शुभ वेष िनवेशय कुणडले 24-3. dear. swarms of. restore.ntam= crafted. tvat adhara cumbana lambita= by your. hè priye= o. hero [Lovegod].. over. swarms of. a. tara..proximity is the wish than adjusting hair-locks]. bhramara chayam= honeybees. suchiram= always.] lotus [in full bloom. ruchiram alakam= beautiful. staying]. narma janakam= lure. areas [lobes]. while kissing. kajjala= mascara. my eyes]. to make a heeltap-whirl on stage during dance movement. kura. lotus-faced Krishna [ellipted from next song]. ujjvalaya= brighten up. lip. that which release sidelong-glances as effective a Lovegod's arrows. phase of moon. drops sweat drops. and with waist-strings. jewelled ornaments. and we obliged it. [24-7] Again the word LOINS is used here by some in translating jaghana. and be smiley like a lotus. and by rubbing cinnabar paste in liquefied musk. scrambled up. sha. daaraNa= in ripping. vaaraNa= elephant . one with romantic zeal]. or at least said about them.] moon. one with auspicious aims [or. but moon blemishes that lotus as and when they face each other. you deck. to not to become too pedantic.' मम रिचरे िचकुरे कुर मानद मानिसजधवजचामरे। रितगिलते लिलते कुसुमािन िशखिणडिशखणडकडामरे॥ अ प २४-६ प छे . on hips. shrama shiikare= strain's. waist-strings..] "My forehead is moonlike and on it sweat-drops are lulled by now. [24-5] The comparison is in between the face of Krishna and Rādha.[the elephant of Lovegod that ripped a demon named shambara . beautifully repaint my forehead mark. mR^iga mada rasa valitam [tilakam]= with musk's. "My bun is cute like the pennon on the flagstaff of Lovegod. shikhaNDi shikhaNDaka= peacock's. liquid.. and bottoms. We are asked to do so in Kalidas' Ritu samhaaram.. decorate them with dresses. lotus faced one' vishramita= lulled. mama jaghane= my. behinds.. If some modesty is required to say 'buttocks'.' how far it is ethical? Any reader may examine any word to see whether Rādha opened up her loins. adorable one. beautifully.elephantine]. This work Gita Govinda already carries a mark of kshudra kaavya. kusumaani kuru= flowers. maanasija dhvaja chaamare= Lovegod's. one with gracing hand. pennon. But bringing hind parts to front to say her 'loins are like elephantine caves. kamala anana= oh. you make [repaint..मम रिचरे िचकुरे कुर मानद मानिसज धवज चामरे रित गिलते लिलते कुसुमािन िशखिणड िशखणडक डामरे 24-6. you deck flowers in that pretty bun that threatens the beauty of peacock's plumage. alika rajanii kare= on forehead [called. why the other Indian . vihita kala. blotch. tilakam lalitam kuru= mark on forehead.. but that is now scrambled up in loveact. on flagstaff..mbara= shambara the demon. vasana= dresses. Here too. kandare= slope of mountain. this may be said as it nearest part 'hips'. retain my blotch on my forehead..' in their sycophant westernisation. O.सरस घने जघने मम शंबर दारण वारण कनदरे मिणः रशन वसन आभरणािन शुभाशय वासय सुनदरे 24-7. hè maanada= oh. vaasaya= decorate. she is saying 'though my moonlike face is an opponent to lotuses. rubbed in [cinnabar paste].. mama chikure= in my. like that of the blotch on the face of moon. [24-6] सरसघने जघने मम शमबरदारणवारणकनदरे। मिणरशनावसनाभरणािन शुभाशय वासय सुनदरे॥ अ प २४-७ प छे . "My hips are big and burly like the picturesque and elephantine mountain-slopes. maNi rashanaa= bejewelled. oh. hè shubhaashaya= oh. lalite= pretty... sundare= picturesque. lotus-faced one. braid bun.. aabharaNaani= ornaments. adorable one. as many abhor terms like 'buttocks.मृग मद रस विलतम् लिलतम् कुर ितलकम् अिलक रजनी करे िविहत कलंक कलम् कमल अनन िवशिमत शम शीकरे 24-5. A lotus is an opposer of moon.nka kalam= having. sarasa= burly [or. on buttocks. plumage. while jaghana is lexically buttock.मृगमदरसविलतम् लिलतम् कुर ितलकमिलकरजनीकरे। िविहतकलङकलम् कमलानन िवशिमतशमशीकरे॥ अ प २४-५ प छे . ghane= big one. oh. shubha aa shaya= one in whose hands all good fortunes are]. rati galite= in love-play. Daamare= threatens. ruchire= cute one. impurities. he did. piitaambaraH= one clad in yellow silks.. and Krishna as the delighter of that Nature. slip on an array of armlets at wrists. waist-strings. [12-9] Verse Locator यदगानधवरकलासु कौशलमनुधयानम् च यदैषणवम् यचछृङारिववेकततवरचनाकावयेषु लीलाियतम्। ततसवरम् जयदेवपिणडतकवेः कृषणैकतानातमनः सानदाः पिरशोधयनतु सुिधयः शीगीतगोिवनदतः॥ १२-१० प छे . kabariibhare srajam a. this may be owing to the reason of ruination of romantic arts.ncha= in bun. and which is an eradicator of fevers caused by the impurities of Kali Era. you fasten. slip on. priitaH= gladdened. It is necessary to identify Rādha with whole Nature. you make. or due to the burial of Bharata Muni or Vaastaayana. fevers caused by it. hari charaNa smaraNa= Krishna. a design called citraka. kapolayoH chitram kuruSva= on cheeks. foliages. clip sprays in bun. said by. maNDane= [sahR^ihadya hR^idayaiH]= decorative [like the central ruby on chest pendant]. Oh. benign. kuchayoH patram rachaya= on bosoms. hR^idayam sadayam kuru= your heart. jayadeva vachasi= Jayadeva.रचय कुचयोः पतम् िचतम् कुरषव कपोलयोः घटय जघने काचीम् अंच सजम् कबरी भरे कलय वलय शेणीम् पाणौ पदे कुर नूपुरौ इित िनगिदतः पीतः पीतामबरः अिप तथा अकरोत् 12-9. built up. ruchire= delicate [mellowly].. jaghane kaa. as none else can satisfy Queen Nature. tathaa akarot= that way. kali kaluSa jvara khaNDane= Kali era. on feet. arrange anklets at ankles. Krishna. you make your heart benign to listen to the auspicious saying rendered by Jayadeva. shrii= auspicious saying. Here the stress used by the poet is for reminding nature's curvaceous beauty. eradicator of. api= even he. amR^ita nirmita= by that nectar. When Rādha said this way to Krishna.' even Krishna is gladdened and did whatever she said. but not the contours of a personified goddess or deity. fasten waist-strings on hips. [24-8] Verse Locator रचय कुचयोः पतम् िचतम् कुरषव कपोलयोः घटय जघने काङचीमङच सजम् कबरीभरे। कलय वलयशेणीम् पाणौ पदे कुर नूपुरौ इित िनगिदतः पीतः पीतामबरोऽिप तथाकरोत्॥ १२-९ प छे . make designs on cheeks. you make. he Krishna. you arrange. clip. two anklets.यत् गानधवर कलासु कौशलम् अनुधयानम् च यत् वैषणवम् यत् शृंगार िववेक तततव रचना कावयेषु लीलाियतम् तत् सवरम् जयदेव पिणडत कवेः कृषण एकतान आतमनः स आनदाः पिरशोधयनतु सुिधयः शी गीत गोिवनदतः . iti= this way. शीजयदेववचिस रिचरे हृदयम् सदयम् कुर मणडने। हिरचरणसमरणामृतिनिमरतकिलकलुषजवरखणडने॥ अ प २४-८ प छे . or romance in living itself. paaNau valaya shreNiim kalaya= at wrists. armlets. array of..nchiim ghaTaya= on hips. meditating. nigaditaH= on who is said by her. which is built up with the nectar derived from the meditation on the feet of yours. pade kuru nuupurau= at feet. "paint foliages on my bosoms. spray of flowers. you paint.pundits add some more to it? Perhaps. hè Krishna..शी जयदेव वचिस रिचरे हृदयम् सदयम् कुर मणडने हिर चरण समरण अमृत िनिमरत किल कलुष जवर खणडने 24-8. containing aesthetic romanticism of numina. shrii bhojadeva prabhavasya= shrii. and where this Universe is his romantic feigning. tat sarvam= that. where viShNu is the first pleasure-seeker in relishing the taste of romance. gaa. gladness. giita. sambhoga shR^ingaara]. which treatise has masterly depiction of fine arts like music. yat kaavyeSu= which. other. dance etc. sharkare karkashaa asi= o. bhojadeva. sugar. Oh. liilaayitam= highly prepossessing. racanaa [sahita – madhyama pada lopi]= a rendering having all such components.say tropological interpretation of divine romance. this poetic work that contains everything is here before you for your non-tendentious evaluation which is the august work of poet-pundit jayadeva. and let this song abide on the tongues of paraashara and other friends. govinda poem. sa aanadaaH parishodhaya. among poetic treatises. tvaam ke drakshyanti= at you. vaiSNavam anudhyaanam ca= viShNu's glories. yat= which treatise. you are. kavitvam= poetry [songs]. yat= which treatise that has. and telling apart that romance is also a godsend gift to humans.ndharva kalaasu kaushalam= in fine arts like music. jayadeva paNDita kaveH= by Jayadeva.साधवी माधवीक िचंता न भवित भवतः शकररे ककरशा अिस दाके दकयिनत के तवाम् अमृत मृतम् अिस कीर नीरम् रसः ते माकनद कनद कानत अधर धर न तुलाम् गचछ यचछिनत भावम् यावत् शृङार सारम् शुभम् इव जयदेवसय वैदगधय वाचः 12-12. white flower that yield flower-wines. [12-11] Verse Locator साधवी माधवीक िचनतानभवितभवतशशकररे ककरशऽिस दाके दकयंितकेतवाम् अमृतमृतमिस कीरनीरंरससते। ं ं माकद कदकाताधरधर न तुलाम् गचछयचछिनतभावम् यावचछृङारसारमशुभिमवजयदेवसयवैदगधयवाचः॥ १२-१२ प छे . viveka tattva= determinative logic . grapes. which poem among all poetic works is highly prepossessing . may be evaluated. bitter. by poet. sagacious ones. pundit. draakshe= o. maadhviika= oh. thinking [that you alone are the soft intoxicant].[12-10] Verse Locator शीभोजदेवपभवसय रामादेवीसुतशीजयदेवकसय। पराशरािदिपयवगरकणठे शीगीतगोिवनदकिवतवमसतु॥ १२-११ प छे . sudhiyaH= oh.ngaara= aesthetic romanticism [of vipralambha. son. offspring of. who will see. . shrii giita govidataH= from shrii. not. commemorative of. ones. single-mindedly concentrating.ntaa= your. This song giita govindam is the rendering of poet Jayadeva who is the offspring of shrii bhojadeva and lady ramaadevi. shrii giita govida= shrii giita govindam. it becomes. yat= which treatise. named giita govindam. has masterliness. shR^i. raamaadevii sutaH= lady ramadevi's. on throat [on tongue. with discrimination between just romanticization of divine characters in human mode. also. kR^iSNa ekataana atmanaH= on Krishna.शी भोजदेव पभवसय रामादेवी सुतः शी जयदेवकसय पराशर अिद िपय वगर कणठे शी गीत गोिवनद किवतवम् असतु 12-11. that soul called. all. dear. paraashara adi priya varga kaNThe astu [chriam]= paraashara. a commemorative poem on the glories of visShNu. saadhvii na bhavati= good.] let it abide [long lastingly]. sagacious people.why enumeration of one or two items. bhavataH ci. shrii jayadevakasya= Jayadeva's. long lastingly. dance etc.12-10.ntu= with. te rasaH niira. with blissfulness. and her bosoms.nda kra. kaa. yamuna]. you are.nda= o. all of you get away from my path to shriihari. white flower of soft wine. wishing to rescue those palm-fruits. bibhrati= while he [Krishna is] getting.. do not. you are embittered. under-balanced is your sweetness. lip. lipsaavatoH= [hands of Krishna that are] interested [to catch them]. taste. undying. O. tat= that [Rādha's].nta adhara= o. sugar. O. gacCha= get away [from my path to shriihari]. your thinking that you alone are the toxicant is unbefitting as Jayadeva's poetry is here. in Gita Govindam of Jayadeva.. sayings. kshiira= o.. This way while Krishna is pleasure tripping on the riverbanks of yamuna in many a disport with Rādha. prayaaga phalayoH= banyan fruits.. damsel's. dadatulet grant. hence. O. you.amR^ita mR^itam asi= o. O.. illusion [illusion as they are the streams of ganga. sweet mango fruit. yaavat shR^igaara saaram bhaavam yacChanti= all. let all bounteously gladdening riches be accord to one and all by them that tend to indulge in such activities.इतथिमदम् कावयम् संपूणरम् Thus. he suddenly got into a conjuration where those pendants appeared as river streams of River ganga or yamuna. romaavali= curly hairlocks. sphiitaam mudaam sampadam = bounteous.. un-deadening nectar. jayadevasya vaidagdhya vaacaH= Jayadeva's.. riverbanks. is waterlike. a concept. dead.m= your.abhaya hasta .. vihR^itya= while pleasure tripping.. tatra= in that [in those streams of happiness]. the lip of damsel. milk. mauktika aavali= pearls.blessing hands of Krishna. watered is your taste. many of them. O. but. veNii bhramam= stream. namely the . yuge= a pair.. vyaapaaraaH= [that are engaged] in such activities. tulaam na dhara= balance. pendants.इतथम् केिल ततीः िवहृतय यमुना कले समम् राधया ू तत् रोम आविल मौिकतक आविल युगे वेणी भमम् िबभित तत अहाद कुच पयाग फलयोः िलपसावतोः हसतयोः वयापाराः पुरषोतमसय ददतु सफीताम् मुदाम् समपदम् 12-13. samam raadhayaa= along with. this is the 12th and completing chapter. let it be giving. bewail from now on. you wail. who will see you from now on. let the auspicious sayings of Jayadeva's crafty words accord a concept of all the essences of aesthetic romantics. [12-12] Verse Locator इतथम् केिलततीिवरहृतय यमुनाकले समम् राधया ू तदोमाविलमौिकतकाविलयुगे वेणीभमम् िबभित। तताहादकुचपयागफलयोिलरपसावतोहरसतयोः वयापाराः पुरषोतमसयददतुसफीताम् मुदाम् समपदम्॥ १२-१३ प छे .. riches. [12-13] इित जयदेव गीतगोिवदे सुपीतपीताबरो नाम दादशः सगरः . maaka. essence. keli tatiH= disports. called supriita piitaambaraH Exultant Krishna. he offhandedly started to grapple her bosoms. kuca= bosoms. ittham= in this way. a pair of large palm-fruits adrift those streams. like. only to her sheepishness. . Rādha. puruSottamasya hastayoH= Krishna's. ahlaada= pleasant. romantics. shubham iva= auspiciousness.. once he started to adjust her hairlocks and pearly pendants.. yamunaa kuule= on yamuna. crafty. milk. nectar. hands. sweet mango fruit. dead you are. O. grape. bear.. Revised Dec 08 . 2003. Desiraju Hanumanta Rao.Verse Locator for Chapter 12 called supriitapiitaa. Start Over 3 8 12 . 2 7 11 . a pa 23 6 10 .mbaraH Top of Page 4 a pa 24 13 1 5 9 . Previous Sarga giirvaaNi Dec.
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