Java Final Project

May 12, 2018 | Author: SPANDAN ROY | Category: Unit Testing, Operating System, Instant Messaging, Java (Programming Language), Software



A PROJECT REPORTON CHAT SERVER Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Submitted to: Prof. Isha Sharma Submitted By: Spandan Roy 16BCS1127 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Chandigarh University, Gharuan Nov 2017 Table of Contents Sr. No. Topic Page No. i. Acknowledgement i ii. Abstract ii Ch-1 Introduction 1 Ch-2 Methodology 2 Ch-3 Testing 6 Ch-4 Source Code 8 Ch-5 Outputs 15 Ch-6 Limitation and Future Enhancement Conclusion 16 References 17 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We express our deep sense of gratitude to our respected and learne d guides, Prof. Jaspreet Singh and Prof. Isha Sharma for their valuable help and guidance, we are thankful to them for the encouragement they have given us in completing the project. We are also grateful to respected Prof. Vivek Ghai, Coordinator BE CSE, Assistant Professor (CSE-UIE) and to our respected Prof. Dr. Satbir Sehgal, Director Engineering, Chandigarh University for permitting us to utilize all the necessary facilities of the institution. We are also thankful to all the other faculty & staff members of our department for their kind co-operation and help. Lastly, we would like to express our deep apperception towards our classmates and our indebt ness to our parents for providing us the moral support and encouragement. Spandan Roy (16BCS1127) i CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) ABSTRACT Chatting is now-a-days very useful to express our ideas as well as receive others ideas on any topic. Chats reflect the recent trends of the society. Sometimes, it is possible to meet eminent people in chatting and have their advice. Corporate messenger is a graphical chatting application that makes chatting a pleasant experience. It has excellent features that make any user do whatever he wants while chatting. Corporate messenger has two types of users: 1. Admin and 2. Client Admin can do the following activities: 1. User Management: He makes some initial startup tasks while starting the chat server. He can create new users and allow or disconnect the users. Admin can also close the chat session, so that all the users will be disconnected. 2. Administrative Client: Admin can also involve in chatting as a client from his admin console using this option. 3. Shutdown: He can shut down the chat server. 4. Log Charts: He can create log charts which contain information of how chatting has taken place. Client can perform the following tasks: 1. Connect: He can connect himself to chat server by typing his username and password. 2. Chat: He can participate in chatting by entering into a chat room. 3. View this User Info: He can also his own profile and options. ii CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) 4. Display activity of user: When chatting is done, whether the other user is sending text or images is also displayed on his console. 5. Room management: He can create his own chat rooms based on a subject and invite others to enter that room. He can also save the chat data separately. 6. Instant messages: It is possible to send instant messages and popups to other users who are in chatting. 7. Canvas management: Chat Space Instant Messenger is a graphical chatting application. It enables the clients to draw shapes and apply colors and save them. Client can also show or hide the canvas depending on his interest. 8. Copy & Paste: He can also perform operations like copying earlier text into chat text. It is also possible to copy pictures and save them in a file. 9. Chat Room control: He can manage the connection settings and control the chat room settings. 10. Manual: In case any help needed, the client can go through the in-built manual available. iii CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction Teleconferencing or Chatting, is a method of using technology to bring people and ideas “together” despite of the geographical barriers. The technology has been available for years but the acceptance it was quite recent. Our project is an example of a chat server. It is made up of 2 applications the client application, which runs on the user’s Pc and server application, which runs on any Pc on the network. To start chatting client should get connected to server where they can practice two kinds of chatting, public one (message is broadcasted to all connected users) and private one (between any 2 users only) and during the last one security measures were taken. 1 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) METHODOLOGY 2. System Analysis Existing System: The existing communication system is not built as a software application. Everybody communicates with others physically or through the mails. To make this complex communication job simple and allows the users to participate in live communication and save unproductive time it is to be built as a software application. Each and every user or employee of an organization has to register, get into his inbox and check for his mail which doesn’t provide live communication resemblance to the user. This facility does not categorize the users depending on their interests. This type of communication channel fails in providing effective user-friendly communication between the users. If this channel grows up to some extent then it will be harder to place some restrictions on the users. As a result, ineffective communication wastes the user time. Proposed System: The first step of analysis process involves the identification of need. The success of a system depends largely on how accurately a problem is defined, thoroughly investigated and satisfying the customer needs by providing user friendly environment This system has been developed in order to overcome the difficulties encountered while using the mailing system for communication between the users. Providing user friendly communication channel, live communication facility, categorizing the users, sending public & private messages, sending instant & offline messages, graphical communication are motivating factors for the development of this system. 2 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) Scope and Objectives:  This can be treated as a product mainly used in chatting kind of communication products to exchange the information between the by storing the users’ info and his connection details, chatroom control  Panel (invite, ban and allow) details and chatroom management details. It also helps the administrator to monitor the chatroom by generating different kinds of reports like users currently available in the chatroom, banned list of users and allows the users to view the offline messages individually. Lot of effort was put to make it user friendly.  Optimum utilization of system is possible. All basic functionalities are provided.  Reduces the user manual communication work.  The wastage of time is reduced.  It also helps in providing instant and offline communication.  More flexible, it means we can continue to use the same system even the no of users up to maximum level. 1. User Management Module: It allows the administrator to view the list of users or information corresponding to a user and banned list of users. It provides a facility to log the user chatting transaction in to log files. 2. Messages Module: It also generates user wise list of offline messages. External Interface Requirements: 1.1 User Interface: This application provides Java Applet based GUI interface for the administrator to start the server at the particular port no and set the preferences and settings. The normal users can connection to server and start using the option through similar kind of interface. 1.2 Software Interfaces: These interface requirements should specify the interface with other. Software which the system will use 3 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) or which will use the system, this includes the interface with the operating system and other applications. The message content and format of each interface should be given. 1.3 Hardware Interfaces: Hardware interface is very important to the documentation. If the software is executed on existing hardware or on the pre-determined hardware, all the characteristics of the hardware, including memory restrictions, should be specified. In addition, the current use and load characteristics of the hardware should be given. 2. Design constraints 2.1 Software constraints : Operating System : Windows 7 and above Forms & Reports : Java Applet & AWT Other Softwares : JDK1.7 and above 2.2 Hardware Constraints : Processor : Intel i3 or above RAM : 1 GB Hard Disk : 20 GB CD/ROM Drive : 52X VDU : VGA Key Board : 101 Standard Approach: The tool has been designed using Java Applet. 4 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) Methodology: The user interacts with the tool using a GUI.  The GUI operates in one form- the chat form.  The chat form makes the actual communication possible in the form of text. Operational Concepts and Scenarios: Operation of the application based on the inputs given by the user: Chat form:  Contains a rich textbox which cannot be edited but only displays the messages from one user to another, including the self-sent message, as in any chat application.  Contains a textbox for messages to be written that is sent across the network.  Contains a Send button.  When the sent button is clicked, in the background, the text in the textbox is encoded and sent as a packet over the network to the client machine. Here this message is decoded and is shown in the rich textbox.  To make it more realistic, the self-sent message is shown in the rich textbox as well. Both the messages are differentiated by the help of the identifier name at the beginning of each message in the rich text box. EXIT: The user exits the software in one scenario:  Exits the chat form, this is when the application is closed. 5 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) TESTING Glen Myers states a number of rules that can serve well as testing objectives. Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. We can test our project MNM Chat using various methods but the main objective is that when: - 1. The first form displays all the systems connected to a network correctly. 2. A successful connection is created and communication is possible via text synchronously. 3.1 TESTING OBJECTIVES: Unit testing is the testing of the individual components (units) of the software. Unit testing is conducted as part of a combined code and unit test phase of the software lifecycle, although it is not uncommon for coding and unit testing to be conducted as two distinct phases. When developing a strategy for unit testing, there are three basic organizational approaches that can be taken. These are top down, bottom up and isolation. In our case of MNM Chat we simply use top down approach. There are two sub options in our project first one is Form1 mode, which is the listing part and second one is Form2 mode which is chat box. In the first case we just test for the correct resolution of names of systems connected to a network. And in the second mode our motive is to obtain a two-way communication between the host user and remote user. And we are very much successful here in our test case. 3.2 INTEGRATION TESTING: After the unit testing we have to perform integration testing. The goal here is to see if modules can be integrated properly, the emphasis being on testing interfaces between modules. After the modules are connected we have perform the total testing. 3.3 SYSTEM TESTING: 6 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) System testing is the process of executing software in a controlled manner, in order to answer the questions "Does the software behave as specified?" System testing is often used in association with the terms verification and validation. Verification is the checking of items, including software, for conformance and consistency with an associated specification. Software testing is just one kind of verification, which also uses techniques such as reviews, analysis, inspections and walkthroughs. Validation is the process of checking that what has been specified is what the user actually wanted. Validation: Are we doing the right job? Verification: Are we doing the job, right? The test strategies will include three different types of testing as describes below: - 1. Logical Testing: This will be used to test every aspect of both modes, report and query as soon as it is implemented, using valid, invalid and extreme data test data will be added to test each code module and results compared with the expected results. Sufficient data will be added to ensure that there is at least one entry in each category. Subsequent tests will often involve adding new data, which will be deleted when the test works satisfactorily. As per our requirement we have also included some field such as character size etc and then queries were performed after that results were tabulated and then the module was free from extra field. 2. Functional Testing: - In this menu items were tested to ensure no functions has been missed out. This is done for the smooth working of the project. 3. System Testing: - This is done after the completion of system; all the queries were carried out again to ensure that no errors have been introduced. 7 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) SOURCE CODE 4.1. Sever Class import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; public class Server extends Applet implements ActionListener, Runnable { Image Icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("D:/Example/emperian/jsf/ChatterAPI/src/ chatterapi/hi.gif"); ServerSocket ss; Socket s; BufferedReader br; BufferedWriter bw; TextField text; Button sendBut, exitBut; List list; @Override public void init(){ setForeground(; getAppletContext().showStatus("..."); } @Override 8 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) public void start() // class constructor { // super(m); setSize(300, 130); setLocation(0,0); // setIconImage(Icon); // setResizable(false); setBackground(new Color(192, 192, 192)); this.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); Panel panels[] = new Panel[2]; panels[0] = new Panel(); panels[1] = new Panel(); panels[0].setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panels[1].setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); sendBut = new Button("Send"); exitBut = new Button("Exit"); sendBut.addActionListener(this); exitBut.addActionListener(this); list = new List();; text = new TextField(25); panels[0].add(list); panels[1].add(text); 9 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) panels[1].add(sendBut); panels[1].add(exitBut); add(panels[0]); add(panels[1]); showStatus("......"); setVisible(true); try { showStatus("connecting ...."); list.add("Send request plz wait..."); ss = new ServerSocket(1051);//some port number, better be above 1000 s = ss.accept(); br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream())); bw.write("Hi!?"); bw.newLine(); bw.flush(); Thread th; th = new Thread(this); th.start(); }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Error:"+e);} } public void run() { while (true) { 10 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) try { showStatus("connected...."); list.add("R: "+br.readLine());; }catch (Exception e){System.out.println("Error:"+e);} } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (ae.getSource().equals(exitBut)) System.exit(0); else { try { bw.write(text.getText()); list.add("S: "+text.getText()); showStatus("Data sent...");; bw.newLine();bw.flush(); text.setText(""); }catch(Exception x){System.out.println("Error:"+x);} } } } 11 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) 4.2.Client Class import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; public class Client extends Applet implements ActionListener, Runnable { Image Icon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("D:/Example/emperian/jsf/ChatterAPI/src/ chatterapi/hi.gif") ; Socket s; BufferedReader br; BufferedWriter bw; TextField text; Button sendBut, exitBut; List list; @Override public void init(){ setForeground(; getAppletContext().showStatus("..."); } @Override public void start() { setSize(300, 130); //setIconImage(Icon); setLocation(300,0); // setResizable(false); setBackground(new Color(192, 192, 192)); this.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); Panel panels[] = new Panel[2]; panels[0] = new Panel(); panels[1] = new Panel(); panels[0].setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panels[1].setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); sendBut = new Button("Send"); 12 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) exitBut = new Button("Exit"); sendBut.addActionListener(this); exitBut.addActionListener(this); list = new List(); text = new TextField(25); panels[0].add(list); panels[1].add(text); panels[1].add(sendBut); panels[1].add(exitBut); add(panels[0]); add(panels[1]); setVisible(true); try { /* Assuming that this application is run on single machine I've used the default ip i.e., If you want to use it on 2 different machines use the ip that is assigned to the machine on which server applicatin is residing*/ s = new Socket("", 1051); br= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream())); Thread th; th = new Thread(this); th.start(); }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Error:"+e);} } public void run() { while (true) { try { list.add("R: "+br.readLine()); 13 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127); showStatus("connected.."); }catch (Exception h){System.out.println("Error:"+h);} } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getSource().equals(exitBut)) System.exit(0); else { try { bw.write(text.getText()); showStatus("connected.."); list.add("S: "+text.getText()); showStatus("Data sent...");; bw.newLine(); bw.flush(); text.setText(""); }catch(Exception m){System.out.println("Error:"+m);} } } } 14 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) OUTPUTS (Snapshots of Frontend) Fig.5.1. Server Applet Fig.5.2. Client Applet 15 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) LIMITATION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT CONCLUSION 6.1 Limitations There are mainly two limitations of the project and that are:  The firewall is to be disabled for intra network.  It is dependent on the specific algorithm used. 6.2 Future Enhancement Conclusion There is always a room for improvements in any software package, however good and efficient it may be done. But the most important thing should be flexible to accept further modification. Right now, we are just dealing with text communication. In future this software may be extended to include features such as:  File transfer: this will enable the user to send files of different formats to others via the chat application.  Voice chat: this will enhance the application to a higher level where communication will be possible via voice calling as in telephone.  Video chat: this will further enhance the feature of calling into video communication. 16 CHAT SERVER 3rd Semester SPANDAN ROY (16BCS1127) REFERENCES Books referred:  Java: The Complete Reference - by Herbert Schildt  Introduction to Java Programming - by Y. Daniel Liang Internet References: -      17
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