Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Novice Program _ Muscle & Strength
Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 Novice Program _ Muscle & Strength
March 18, 2018 | Author: urielm95 | Category:
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M&S bi-weekly email newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. First Name Leave a Comment Av erage: 4.4 (131 v otes) Like 1k Tw eet 23 27 A potent and proven novice muscle and strength building program from Jason Blaha & Ice Cream Fitness. Testimonials continue to pour in touting it's effectiveness. Email Workout Summary Main Goal: Workout Type: Training Level: Days Per Week: Equipment Required: Target Gender: Author: Build Muscle Full Body Beginner 3 Barbell, Cables, EZ Bar Male & Female M&S Writers (/authors/mands-writer.html) Your Goal Build Muscle Subscribe Free! Top 5 Supplements Top 5 supplements of February 2014 (/store/hydroxycuthardcore-elite.html) Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite (/store/hydroxycuthardcore-elite.html) An Unrivaled Thermogenic Weight-Loss and Energy Experience!* Workout Description For more information on Jason Blaha and Ice Cream Fintess, please visit the Juggernaut Fitness Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNqbcf-5nORpyfzrqQNLSVw) or Facebook fan page (https://www.facebook.com/JuggernautFitness2). I would like to thank Muscle & Strength for hosting my novice program which I put out for free. Since I released it a year ago hundreds of people have contacted me about their results. Please watch the video I break down the full progression and methodology behind the program: (/store/musclepharmshaker-bottle.html) Shaker Bottle (/store/musclepharmshaker-bottle.html) 730 people like Muscle & Strength.005.html) or Incline Curls (/exercises/alternate-seated-dumbbellcurl.Workout B Day 4 . Workout A Novice Program Exercise Squats (/exercises/squat.Workout A Day 2 .html) Combat Powder (/store/combatpowder.html) 2 10 (/expert-guides/muscle-building) 3 10 Sets 5 5 5 3 3 3 Reps 5 5 5 8 8 8 Expert Guides Workout B .html) Assault (/store/assault.html) Bench Press (/exercises/barbell-bench-press.Rest Day 5 .Rest Week Two Day 1 .Rest Day 5 .28 Ounce Shaker Easily Mixes Pow der Without Clumps or Leakage! (/store/combatpowder.Rest Day 3 .html) Barbell Shrugs (/exercises/barbell-shrug. For example: Week One Day 1 .html) Bent Over Row (/exercises/bent-over-barbell-row.html) with plate Cable Crunches (/exercises/cable-crunch.Workout A Days 6 & 7 .html) Straight Bar (/exercises/standing-barbell-curl.html) The program is to be conducted 3 days per week alternating workout A&B on non-consecutive days.Workout B Days 6 & 7 .html) Hyperextensions (/exercises/hyperextension.html) (/store/giveaways) Find us on Facebook Muscle & Strength Like 1.Rest Day 3 .html) Assault Helps You to Lift More and Train Harder for Longer! (/store/muscle-gaugewhey-proteinisolate.html) Pure Whey Protein Isolate (/store/musclegauge-whey-proteinisolate.html) Advanced Time Release Protein Feeds Muscles For 8 Hours!* (/store/assault.Workout A Day 4 .Workout B Day 2 .Rest Unbelievably Great Tasting Micro-Filtered Pure Whey Protein Isolate! View all top supplements » (/store/topsellers.html) Tricep Extensions (/exercises/tricep-extension. html) View all » (/expert-guides) 3 8 Sets 5 1 5 5 Reps 5 5 5 5 (/expert-guides/fat-loss) Novice Program FAQ One of my fans created a detailed FAQ based upon half a dozen videos in which I answered specific questions.. If you did you wouldn't be looking for a workout. I don't like squats and deadlifts Don't ask if you can ditch squats or deadlifts because "you don't like them". Can I add more deadlifts? Deadlifts are 1x5 for a reason. feel free.Novice Program Exercise Squats (/exercises/squat.html) or Incline Curls (/exercises/alternate-seated-dumbbellcurl. So don't be the tough guy who wants to do 5x5 deadlifts. Watch the video.html) 3 10 3 8 (/expert-guides/whey-protein) Pre-Workout Supplements (/expertguides/pre-workout) How to Gain Weight (/expertguides/weight-gain) BCAA Powder Supplements (/expertguides/bcaas) Protein Powders Guide (/store/category/protein. They are taxing on your CNS and if you mess around you will get hurt. Can I add calf work? Supplemental calf work (/exercises/calves. Can I change anything? Unless you are unable to do this program for medical reasons: do not alter the program. make sure to bring your box of tampons along to the gym with you each workout.html) Bent Over Row (/exercises/bent-over-barbell-row. I don't have enough time to do this program If you can't take the time to do this you are simply not worth the gains the program can offer you. do box squats. unless you are medically unable you should squat. If you want to go changing everything to fit what you believe will give you better results.html) is acceptable.9% of all of your questions can be answered by actually taking the time to watch the video on this page.html) Deadlift (/exercises/deadlifts. You are a novice. but you don't need it.html) Standing Press (/exercises/military-press.. Common time for the workout is around 1. If you notice a common question or concern that is not posted below. I have questions. I have bad knees If you have bad knees.html) Straight Bar (/exercises/standing-barbell-curl. such as this one. because you will fail miserably.html) (10% lighter than Workout A) Close Grip Bench Press (/exercises/close-grip-benchpress. Again. go post it in the workout programs forum (/forum/forums/47-Workouts-amp-Training) so everyone can refer you right back to a proven program that works. Otherwise. original credit goes to iBeastMode207 for taking the time to write the original up. If you want to do the extra work. 99. Do the reps and sets as they are laid out in the program.html) Cable Crunches (/exercises/cable-crunch. Can I add side lateral raises? .5 hours. feel free to reply in the comments section below and I will add it. Some of the FAQ are based upon statements I made on another forum. If you do so. and quite simply you don't know what you're doing. you only progress every other session. next workout B: deadlift 200. you may need to deload. Example Workout B: deadlift 200. Any substitutions for hyperextensions? Hyperextension can be substituted with good mornings or cable pull throughs.htm l) 10 Week Mass Building Program For Hardgainers (/w orkouts/10-w eek-m assbuilding-program .4 (131 votes) . not every session. Can I add cardio? With a good diet. you are a novice.com/calculators/). Any substitutions for close grip bench press? CGBP/Dips are a matter of preference. You fix your overall body before moving to intermediate level workouts. Jason just prefers CGBP. Also. You will receive all the same benefits from this program (As well as any high-intensity weight training program) as you would receive from "cardio. What about rest between sets? Break times between sets are 3-5 minutes for the 5x5 sets and 1-2 minutes for the 3x8 sets.html) if you do not have access to a cable station for cable crunches.htm l) (/w orkouts/3day-hardcoreprogram .Side lateral raises are also acceptable. Doing ab work on off days instead is also acceptable.com) is a pretty solid app. Reset weights get rounded down. Diet is what affects weight.html) Average: 4. next workout B: deadlift 205. Your entire body is lagging right now. Can I add extra ab work? Additional ab work is acceptable. If you fail the next workout.htm l) RATE & SHARE ABOUT THE AUTHOR M&S Writers (/authors/mands-writer." Any advice on tracking calories? For tracking calories.htm l) 3 day program that features an arm day! (/w orkouts/3day-hardcoreprogram . 2x8 for accessory lifts. you lower your weight by 10% and continue to use that until progress. but Jason suggests doing face pulls instead. Do I need accessory work? You do not need to add any extra accessory work.marksdailyapple. How should I lift when cutting? The cutting version is 3x5 for main lifts. What if I add weight and fail? If you fail a rep/set/whatever. You can also substitute in other ab exercises (/exercises/abs. Most people here don't even bother as it will not make you magically lose weight.htm l) (/w orkouts/daves-vif-m assbuilding-program . Read this (http://www.html) (/w orkouts/10-w eek-m assbuilding-program . Related Workouts View all Muscle Building Workouts (/w orkouts/muscle-building.com/the-deload-week-what-it-is-how-to-do-it-and-why-it-might-help-you-getstronger/#axzz2hLHPdKHs). What if I stall? If you are not progressing and stall for a while. you do not need to do cardio.htm l) Bill Starr's 5x5 For Interm ediate Lifters (/w orkouts/bill-starr-5x5linear-versioninterm ediate-lifters. Then you can focus on specific body parts and weaknesses.htm l) A com plete 12 w eek m uscle building approach! (/w orkouts/daves-vif-m assbuilding-program . To calculate your TDEE (calorie needs determination) click here (http://iifym.htm l) (/w orkouts/bill-starr-5x5linear-versioninterm ediate-lifters.myfitnesspal. you repeat that weight during the next workout. Myfitnesspal (http://www. Share Share Share Share More 91 M&S writers is a collection of all the other writers that have published content on Muscle and Strength.fitness5x55x5Nate novice.15:13 w orkout? w orkout? rate=7hOrvYs6Dai7RK37Mbh5nqCWz6hA8JbE5BmXGT3cbSM) howrate=2n3Q9RlohxUcdsWsnHDj7JdyYJ7elong have you done this program. 10/10/2013 .One thing I did wrong was add weight Great program! xB0qb5VZnCj1YFTYY5Row a25I5WcEOaaCqmqjk) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474431) every workout to hyper extensions.creamfitness.html) (/store/assault.fitness5x55x5Eli novice.novicePosted Thu.8 (85 v otes) (/store/scivation-xtend.Benjamín 5x5novice. blaha.blahaiceicecream.7 (62 v otes) Comments (175) John Cooke Posted Thu..html) Assault Helps You to Lift More and Train Harder for Longer! Av erage: 3.blahaiceicecream. 10/10/2013 .html) Xtend (/store/scivation-xtend..15:25 w orkout? w orkout? rate=XP6k9I6l45Hvbrate=5N72uKw dXCgjGfP8IVWB60ejrQgFIfkcI've used this routine for quite sometime with quLvK32JMyC_9JziWtbavDD6Tvs1c8) 5MINkw Q) (/w orkouts/jason42 (/w orkouts/jason10 reply (/comment/reply/47145/487111) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474398) huge success.15:17 w orkout? w orkout? rate=S0FRQW3B8q7F2TYVoxjIsgjziIk17gMFfKqbtU9d95U) Bestrate=Toyp9qTebyYSygQCzrZsgcdG9qcMOhBtfkeJylzlJ3M) novice routine out there (/w 66 orkouts/jason(/w 12 orkouts/jasonblaha. front double bicep shot or your sets/reps won't count.novicePosted Thu. eventually it got really hard on me knees and I couldn't squat for awhile.html) RELATED SUPPLEMENTS View all Top Supplements (/store/top-sellers.creamfitness.15:33 w orkout? w orkout? rate=qGloRn_VFiD7jiAyw rate=ybruI6nUAxtEglGaX_Qds5HFdaNramnANcf0W5ssUAE) The most important k8i75NBSfv6bgvpX604ILPc0Cc) part of any lifting routine and should reply (/comment/reply/47145/474416) ALWAYS done first is a..html) Scientific Blend of Aminos for Enhanced Energy & Recovery!* Av erage: 4.fitness5x55x5Tiago Vasconcelos novice..html) Assault (/store/assault. 10/10/2013 .creamfitness.novicePosted Wed. Go easy with those! (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha. View all by M&S Writers » (/authors/mands-writer.blahaiceicecream.fitness5x55x5K.15:03 Add a comment This routine seriously changed my life! (/w 116 orkouts/jason(/w 22 orkouts/jasonblahablahaiceicecream.creamfitness. (/w 65 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha.15:52 w orkout? w orkout? rate=TBlYcxz4LK8KoUgMoQ_259oIo_dxe_rXWQ5sKP_poPY) rate=T_Dj. 10/16/2013 .novicePosted Thu.novicePosted Thu.fitness5x5.blahaiceicecream.blaha- .. 10/10/2013 .T novice. were Y6dm5jNjjf5upo) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474380) you a real novice? (/w 12 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha. 10/10/2013 .creamfitness. 12/08/2013 .blahaiceicecream.blahaiceice- reply (/comment/reply/47145/639473) . I am about to start your program. Is your program fine for people my age? What do I need to watch out for to make sure I don't hurt myself? (/w 14 orkouts/jason(/w 4 orkouts/jasonblaha. you are changing the weight on the bar every session.fitness5x55x5William novice.fitness5x55x5Charlie581 novice.15:59 no f***ing around here do the routine as prescribed by the video and you'll get results as a novice good shit 5/5 (/w 28 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha.blahaiceicecream.novicePosted Thu.03:39 w orkout? w orkout? rate=x0EHyNo1blFvILNQyYd3hCm2f1mw rate=0MEkOGCovw TW5dWDhtkFBHU3Q) For 6-12 months. 5WA) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474488) gains.creamfitness. 10/10/2013 .20:23 w orkout? w orkout? rate=COeeHT2cyn4E_1X7WY3Srate=J06yUntil you plateau and don't make any strength Vm49AGpCJ5VCGWzjmejBGU) eW0sZ5Qe97WhpXuBCmS2KTTcSIppYD2MJxlinear prioritization program. (/w 33 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha.22:16 w orkout? w orkout? rate=w 11RLEB5cMGXjSrate=LmvZJGRtw vhVYg4jZFKnJEGJason HisS907W_WrVDukIsSZhMiB3x42I) Nq5USz9KUp2b1ks2kFo) reply (/comment/reply/47145/475288) I'm 15 and 120 pounds and I'm interested in your workout. 10/11/2013 . (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 32 orkouts/jasonblaha.blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/474799) iceicecream. 10/10/2013 . I expect this program to carry someone of average height (less for shorter and more weight for taller individuals) to 225x5 bench. how long should one be on this program? your reply (/comment/reply/47145/474480) always hearing to change things up and keep the body guessing. Then you must switch to a non- (/w 17 orkouts/jason(/w 10 orkouts/jasonblaha.blahaiceicecream.creamfitness.reply (/comment/reply/47145/474464) Rob Posted Thu.fitness5x5. right now I can Bench Lnn3oaXc4quSziZsg) reply (/comment/reply/47145/537038) near 315x5. YouyMpe40GhxHnSjAeWX0DN0V_AFIQNMtCM0) are changing things up.novicePosted Fri.225x5.creamfitness.fitness5x55x5JasonBlaha novice.fitness5x5.novicePosted Thu. 10/10/2013 .novicePosted Thu.Ajay 5x5novice. 11/05/2013 .novicePosted Tue.creamfitness.creamfitness. but am no where Jason.16:16 w orkout? w orkout? rate=HBDz5uew rate=v8475jEe3WcKbCDxOnX2fpv81htNoe5beAjlegbMGMA) Hq8CZL7Qe6rc9JHLueFTaZvsHaBerpS2kS4) Soooo.Vasconcelos novice. 315x5 squat and a 405x5 deadlift.novicePosted Sun. 405x5 on squat/deadlift. 10/10/2013 .blahaiceicecream. Is it bad that I am so disproportionate and will this program even me out in the long run? (/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w 3 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.fitness5x55x5N/A novice.14:42 w orkout? w orkout? rate=tnGtzb4xTUIvTz7rG1FajYvw rate=pGgj6HkfccPX0LsnxbZBrliqMhidGzljkgT8jfoEWdc) X.Tiago 5x5.blahaiceicecream.16:08 w orkout? w orkout? rate=wno GPUr50IJvE8lAo8F8Lek0jrate=ATFW credit :( esttqFHeJuxbPllF_bI) 10CV4C881Otkb0OMSDUutVgB5BMNyCVBczmO9suXY) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474470) I cri (/w 19 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha. Sammy Posted Mon.creamfitness-fitness5x5.16:41 w orkout? w orkout? rate=rKQZp8r1Zg5NrvuXkQ9ru_ggEWeRnUjUUpkIxvZ8_2_SYYQYVcQKPE29Rfud_0w Should therate=w squat be low bar or high bar? Original 5x5 says )low bar and that's what I usually MEZ46idx4V9Kf8RZ0dXL8) put people on.creamfitness.blahaiceicecream.creamfitness. this routine is the best there is. It's wrong for a novice who needs to learn the lifts and gain strength.rate=Nsw O6zz2ZEdJNEWJT_15cW12A9Tw Preference. 9XqgzrI) you stick edJIUrlGLnzbXX2ttiPDNa851R_J95AIqpkiZrv4) (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jason- reply (/comment/reply/47145/474596) with it. 10/10/2013 .creamfitness.25x bodyweight by then.creamfitness.novicePosted Thu.creamfitness-fitness5x5. blaha.blahaiceicecream. to work more on the hammies and glutes. or is it entirely up to one's preference? I usually say low bar. but if you keep at it.01:53 Ignore that.5x5sam novice-novicePosted Thu.17:31 w orkout? w orkout? rate=aNfnGFV_LgbcIcrate=glu3zth7F1D1YIUxELxeuiFeoz7PyWulIts really a personal preference. I used to have a little definition of muscles but was definitely small. Do this till you no longer can add weight 2-3 deloads in a row.novicePosted Thu.novicePosted Thu.16:40 w orkout? w orkout? rate=7NAkI putrate=JdjFf2NPQrPQ4lbmkGBtlG5616BzNY2_AbvPeRRuO_s) my friends on this program with added calf work 11Q1GFQXhC2oG4QR03LG1SSIje95IUuEJ1pNhQ) reply (/comment/reply/47145/617581) and face pulls.blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/474800) iceicecream.fitness5x55x5James novice.20:24 w orkout? w orkout? rate=W. 12/02/2013 .5x bodyweight and squatting 1. I decided 3Rhay5CKK2Rf_V7pUTKScTKPl5tA) cHXGmCiCK0) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474526) to do highbar because my ass and hamstrings are just getting out of control compared to my quads.blahaiceicecream. (/w 12 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha. (/w 13 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha. Usually you'll be deadlifting 1.blahaiceicecream.blahaiceicecream.novicePosted Thu.5x5Martin novice-novicePosted Thu. reply (/comment/reply/47145/474529) The volume will be overwhelming. 10/10/2013 . you will eventually adapt to the higher workload which will set you up beautifully for most intermediate programs. (/w 8 orkouts/jason(/w 9 orkouts/jasonblaha. 10/10/2013 .17:10 w orkout? w orkout? rate=w DA5xjnlET8Qb8lGw 8ypC56IxFEnjHAXSIfqqXZtMFk) If you rate=904ifA6BCzRe5xaNYoytuO0IKvLMkeBtFnkVLgHySbM) have the time. 10/10/2013 . Now I have just blown and I can now honestly say that I have some mass! . (/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w 15 orkouts/jasonblaha.17:29 w orkout? w orkout? rate=pkLiymFkoDNx1bGnonuNnOw LSqnu3hxitW3uaakXlMU) Irate=cnninLhsliDiGe1T4sVP0EaJ8lh4CfaRNpIEWYo7dYs) was 12 months on a bodypart split before switching to reply (/comment/reply/47145/474564) this program.fitness5x55x5Martin novice. 10/10/2013 . just make sure whatever youZL2ta31w chose.(Just an approximation i've heard) Good luck! (/w 2 orkouts/jason(/w 10 orkouts/jasonblaha. My 3 month experience has been incredible to say the least! I have progressed on the weight more than I did on my first 12 months on a bodypart split! I have also noticed huge change in my physique.James 5x5novice.fitness5x55x5Tiago Vasconcelos novice.fitness5x5. 10/10/2013 . then look into something like Madcow 5x5 or the texas method. though I'm wondering if the squat should be low bar or high bar. 06:31 w orkout? w orkout? rate=uaAjAkg6kWrate=elcnu6Uw .11:16 w orkout? w orkout? rate=CfVcMPzw rate=00ktG9kiiMgDqDbRAgree with James here! You will get swole and once you start doing the compounds the MSSpBKXoAxYm1ipnuueuHxveBhrNyCorxweight of your own bodyweight your friends gonna be asking if you started juicing. 10/11/2013 . I should actually be eating a lot more. :) (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha.05:50 w orkout? w orkout? rate=4l_Jrate=Mbxs_02yNJVLe8FIiA3fVRqY0z7uM5EDDn79uH0xPuA) GREAT program! This will put muscle on you.blahaiceicecream. I'm now following it on a bulk. w) 0Xhgiq6WEw WaEZWVFkfNvhM) (/w 2 orkouts/jason(/w 4 orkouts/jasonblaha.06:51 w orkout? w orkout? rate=EjV2caWHvRmI2YtKbHCA3Guf3b2QQR6Ilxxps353aFs) rate=UKCE3PHKxvkktHzPZYlGjsm0SRochmoBfgP5This program is a beast.creamfitness-fitness5x5.fitness5x5.novicePosted Sat.creamfitness. but I'm coming back from about a 3 month hiatus.5x5Squatsbrah novice-novicePosted Fri.creamfitness.blahaiceicecream.19:52 w orkout? w orkout? rate=yggLk4jMbM4sjYrate=EDB17m5ci92xZb5IvXbooGXo1AVbIJkz8KS0Pdh5qYU) For someone who's mostly recovered from elbow tendonitis/tendonosis(not sure which one I a9TZfG8WByDFoflnB4rHTJLWMw MQ) had sadly). All my lifts keep going zTv94w ) reply (/comment/reply/47145/475538) up. 12/21/2013 . 10/10/2013 . would you recommend using this over a split workout? I've had a lot of workout experience in the past. its a lot of fun. and will be sure to post results when done.novice- reply (/comment/reply/47145/475572) . so I'm back to a pretty measly weight.fitness5x55x5Anton novice.blahaiceicecream.blahaiceicecream. (/w 8 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness-fitness5x5. my squats went from 115 to 180 pounds ( ATG ) in about 3 weeks WHILE on a CUT.novicePosted Fri. Is there any way that'd be more efficient to alter the reps/sets for someone recovering? (/w 16 orkouts/jason(/w 4 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.Victor 5x5novice.fitness5x55x5Belly novice. I do recommend this program for every 7q_7iw fnE) beginner. I'm a pretty skinny guy. 10/11/2013 . And this is with an ok diet.5x5James novice-novicePosted Thu.5x5Nathan novice-novicePosted Fri.a hard time building muscle and strength (not due to this program) I Although I have had Dt9fNZV611odoyVDjWkLEOq_TnW0CHow hM7a_COMr5KREdRqlf2Iw DXe) have made steady gains while on this program. Just the right amount of volume.creamfitness-fitness5x5.Beginners PLEASE if you want serious gains DO THIS PROGRAM. (/w 9 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha.novicePosted Fri.fitness5x55x5Graham Ashbridge novice. For example. 10/11/2013 .blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/475478) iceicecream.05:58 w orkout? w orkout? rate=o1V8X9LsRMFF111XB6BYMMvLoiSDBNFOljqOcBLsbN0) rate=2njdAFqHaPgLzeose3kLsCGCiKfShvGSVymQPSFu0v4) would you recommend a person who has done bro reply (/comment/reply/47145/474592) splits for over two years to do this program ? (/w 22 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha. 6 weeks KpHuOXNKCNHOUhu2yEBh1sNGsPOItto6oo4exw ) reply (/comment/reply/47145/474774) in and 6lbs of muscle so far. You will feel like you're on steroids compared to bodypart splits and I'm 100% serious! Thanks a lot Jason for this awesome program! (/w 29 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/677288) iceicecream. 10/11/2013 .blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/475496) iceicecream. 12:56 w orkout? w orkout? rate=lJPgOrate=28HhKRMlCbWDivG1bBt3NLi3nB8nGp4EIs there a version for injured back (herniated KSD6w XydjW8jnrPuhTdE21JyY0IgU) ErT70TDZ_7x7pplw 4) (/w orkouts/jason9 (/w 10 orkouts/jasonblaha. (/w 13 orkouts/jason(/w 9 orkouts/jasonblaha.5x5Eson novice-novicePosted Fri. (/w 13 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.novicePosted Fri.blahaiceicecream.fitness5x5. 10/11/2013 . 5x5 full body is nothing new.novicePosted Fri. 10/11/2013 . Can I still squat and deadlift?? OzhuxmLk0hId6FXD1peJmiTbCMDXJ_2zUXU) reply (/comment/reply/47145/476181) life.Sol 5x5Bri novice.creamfitness.fitness5x55x5Marcus novice.16:43 w orkout? w orkout? rate=4QLPqM1KLZFatGE30UNFgsrate=sHbrGFlEkWpi49i36R06vEUVxMQbE28FH0Cg5m3Kyj4) Live and die by this workout. reply (/comment/reply/47145/476454) I am pretty skinny and weak.18:39 w orkout? w orkout? rate=FTvptoxdXtsiqP6cNYxJ2ItqJHMGnlsjJxd6aa8v6Ss) Irate=f2EtxBmhave some scoliosis.12:03 w orkout? w orkout? rate=R9_OU6qlJCP6YIzY61Px4r7WvThMflyjIfLX9cSB3P8) rate=DEhAz0Wyc4LafaaxgAlvAPPe3Nulr5AmpR8VfPYUByM) This routine is soooo good bro.creamfitness-fitness5x5.blaha- reply (/comment/reply/47145/476115) disc) reply (/comment/reply/47145/476153) for providing this quality for free :D iceicecream.Adel 5x5Amr novice-novicePosted Fri. Some people don't even need anything else then this for the rest of their lives.fitness5x55x5pedro novice.blahaiceicecream. 10/11/2013 .novicePosted Fri.novicePosted Fri. and has always brought about huge gains for the person willing to do the work. get on it bro eat chicken and rice brobrahbros (/w 9 orkouts/jason(/w 16 orkouts/jasonblaha.novicePosted Fri.fitness5x55x5BroBrah novice.fitness5x55x5Arabian O novice. Based Jason changed my 5PmZQ3HqfhGMY5AdF0uI) (/w 119 orkouts/jason(/w 6 orkouts/jasonblahablahaiceicecream. 10/11/2013 .13:18 w orkout? w orkout? rate=u9WHOfbrate=hTHQBXoSJust started this workout today . 10/11/2013 .blahaiceicecream.blahaiceicecream.creamfitness. most of them are naturals. u89w Vb36J48) reply (/comment/reply/47145/476068) This is a tied and true method since the beginning and middle half of the 20th century.creamfitness-fitness5x5.21:28 w orkout? w orkout? reply (/comment/reply/47145/476651) .Posted Fri. thanks sw BvSKetHhfSjEEKDJlJ7g_IvRZDXEoY7ArxSYjt5pn4AW1Wy6k4) 5r9Xci6DaCtfn(/w 15 orkouts/jason(/w 6 orkouts/jasonLI) blaha. so go get some you to. (/w 16 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha. but I need to become stronger(muscles) specially for figthing scoliosis.creamfitness. Most of my gainz are made on 5x5 programs. all my lifts have went up reply (/comment/reply/47145/475608) so much that I've had to move to the same gym as jay cutler and train with him bro. 10/11/2013 .12:34 w orkout? w orkout? rate=nJFEM3NdLirQPHryWhqP_t3lNUa4kTpVw rate=PrJqV3lUyi0hw lRBgUJyo527U1w 1efU9eL6WyiAOo) To note.07:13 Best beginner program there is.creamfitness.. 10/11/2013 .blahaiceicecream. 10/11/2013 . creamfitness-fitness- reply (/comment/reply/47145/480127) reply (/comment/reply/47145/480113) . my vearms don't seem to growing although they are getting stronger.novicePosted Sat. 10/13/2013 .Johnno 5x5novice. 10/12/2013 .fitness5x55x5Bojan novice. 10/12/2013 .creamfitness. Switch to this and you will never V2look back.blahaiceicecream. (I've been on this program 7Na4AP703cI636E) for about 2 months and my legs..10:00 w orkout? w orkout? FEJyOQjRm101ZBNJ204O7L6xA7HOcEY) Irate=fXeJ2oczuDSw heardrate=_7GNOIWhy_N5NNxb17i_VSBsMqEkZGe4qC_jsomewhere that a military press is not good UDJNU4) reply (/comment/reply/47145/477419) rack pulls for traps.21:32 w orkout? w orkout? rate=VkG8ew lrate=oJGWZa3gGrsGjAn0eYMkDam0was wondering ifakjoxr2z_jTgXGQnMpfMN6lboZL31ZBFtHfxM) it would take a while for my arms to grow due to neural adaptation.blahaiceicecream. x_sN2lCTlFsGroxFKGyQYDgO8) The best strength gains I have ever had.12:21 w orkout? w orkout? rate=MrS3hpcTja7e4oG3QLmogTqO_A0gHqn4w rate=7jv9Q9S0W4J4g9F3UDUdpw FzRbG4DbSpiXJxVq0mzxM) hatAl1Ra8k) Should one cycle to a different routine at some point? (/w 7 orkouts/jason(/w 12 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.novicePosted Sun.novicePosted Sat.fitness5x55x5Daniel novice. Is there any truth to this? (/w 12 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha.blahaiceicecream.<) (/w 16 orkouts/jason(/w 4 orkouts/jasonblaha. 10/13/2013 . shoulders and back are growing expect my arms >.novicePosted Fri.creamfitness.fitness5x55x5Ryan novice. it's too much strain on the spine.creamfitness.blahaiceicecream. (/w 12 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha.blahaiceicecream.18:23 w orkout? w orkout? rate=8NQkkw rate=oRnkxkPw xC2cFD9K2BkxK6AmPuK9QYNkbGE0WE) This program is the s*** R9G5cOhKpu2e_BUIjej3UJle5XxSEhVPw dsUMLSu4) (/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.novicePosted Sat.creamfitness. Form is important.12:31 w orkout? w orkout? rate=4RTw rate=4tEYUD9ueP20zsN4eLPeR9aKdl2BQzZKxCfo_ClU5sMlPvkXoZGmRJaw x1XHg2s) Not true.11:01 w orkout? w orkout? rate=sjucEpcYSparh6QAltCky3R5hPdWbcKnNabfyeQj7aY) rate=huGmCan i switch the bb shurg with rack pulls? I love doing vZXPTgmSPEUAiJs8QkY58Nz3MrI1n9CKqd6Dr0) (/w 14 orkouts/jason(/w 9 orkouts/jasonblaha.fitness5x55x5David Laid novice. just dont go heavy that you have to 8JdWzJkNAVcF1c3AHc) reply (/comment/reply/47145/479964) heave the weight up and bend like a tree in the wind. 10/11/2013 .novicePosted Sun. 10/13/2013 .fitness5x55x5marcus novice.novicePosted Sun.creamfitness. 10/12/2013 .blahaiceicecream.fitness5x55x5Tyler novice.fitness5x5.03:18 w orkout? w orkout? rate=2BZrate=l1JqTJ_bFYFS5Vxogw This program is really great.blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/476909) iceicecream. reply (/comment/reply/47145/478172) reply (/comment/reply/47145/478798) for a novice because with weak back muscles.Am I right in saying 5x5 is not including early up sets.blahareply (/comment/reply/47145/476898) iceicecream. What do you guys do for the warmup sets? (/w 15 orkouts/jason(/w 6 orkouts/jasonblaha. 7Eg4nyltor7YRI3ntO7x2cqBv3g) (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 7 orkouts/jasonblaha. Unfortunately I wasted 3BTStLIma lot of time on the body part split which is not OPTIMAL. chest. I'm still unable to walk without crutches but soon I will be and I want to get back to the gym as soon as possible.Steven 5x5- reply (/comment/reply/47145/480472) of warmups. Carry on.blahaiceicecream. (/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w 8 orkouts/jasonblaha.08:09 w orkout? w orkout? rate=Vuf7S6qrMG5bKlrCC6JgiEYk7dBnKRHoXxrNfM35bd0) rh6BLsaBNYUML9_w jyR20l50HoiKWDdZqLQ4) All rate=yc7XBUw of that looks reasonable to me. leg curls and more hyperextensions cut it for legs and lower back? It's not as good but it's not like I have a choice. 10/13/2013 .creamfitness. but will leg extensions. Any workout suggestions by anyone who's had injuries? (/w 9 orkouts/jason(/w 12 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness. 10/14/2013 . so I've been looking to restart with a new beginner program and I see a lot of praise for this one. I broke my heel very seriously earlier this year and had to get metal implants for the bone. And after every kneelings cable crunch I do 3x max leg raises.17:31 w orkout? w orkout? rate=OlMrate=5T10xT59E1xhd6BcmRm39hg0jCePs4Tv3uffy7I_C6I) Are warm up sets required before each workout? rC9OHfSyXdzzvAVQKdhtf6mMuQcNjWoo1cFMN4) (/w 13 orkouts/jason(/w 5 orkouts/jasonblaha.creamfitness.. Is this acceptable? And before I start the workout I do 6 minutes of cycling and after a workout I do 5 minutes of random cardio. This looks like a good starting point.JasonBlaha 5x5novice.fitness5x55x5Kostas novice.blahaiceicecream.novicePosted Mon.blahaiceicecream.novicePosted Sun.fitness5x5. My question is. 10/13/2013 .blahaiceicecream.fitness5x55x5Andrew novice. I can do seated versions of overhead press and use chest support for rows and I'm pretty sure it's not the end of the world if I do skullcrushers instead of tricep extensions. Is this acceptable? And finally is it allowed to do warm up sets for the compound movements like 2x5 (warming up) and 5x5 (what I should do) Thank you for reading and please answer these questions I am a beginner and I am making a lot of gainz but I don't wanna fuck up with making these adjustments. novice-novicePosted Sun.creamfitness. would it be suitable for a ectomorph as i have Understood they would need to keep their workouts short Thanks (/w 10 orkouts/jason(/w 11 orkouts/jasonblaha.fitness5x5. what exercises can I use to substitute lifts like squats and deadlifts? I know there is no REAL substitute but I absolutely cannot put pressure beyond my own body weight on my foot if I don't want to spend more time in a hospital.Syed Posted Sun. That's why I added it. including your choice (/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w 10 orkouts/jasonblaha.novicePosted Sun.5x5Followingthisro.13:54 w orkout? w orkout? rate=5NvrDmUEZ0HoKzSOiT3S6ek9fIZgJeyn2N8kpcMPtAU) rate=D0fv0cyb7hAn5LrIlopIZEkejQQlParefB7x6Gm1_4k) I've atrophied terribly over recent months and lost reply (/comment/reply/47145/480217) most of my gains.13:41 As this plan can take approx 1:30.creamfitness-fitness5x5.. 10/13/2013 .17:01 w orkout? w orkout? rate=OcrtohEhX1Z_XSUDSgslHsJmdRsMrpPLahR5sqdVdC8) rate=MXBHE1c34ncjNHh840g4BB7xruQIjsTVmfXoOZ46_OI) Hi reply (/comment/reply/47145/480237) I have trained for 3 months and switched to this program and I am 1 week done. 10/13/2013 . reply (/comment/reply/47145/481768) reply (/comment/reply/47145/480500) . on A after all the compound movements and on B after CGBP is this acceptable? I am not sure if the bent over rows and military press activate the rear delts which are neglected.blahaiceicecream. So my question is I have added bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise. novicePosted Sun. but if you're 1iVon this forum. bo row) to prepare your cns for the lift.blahaiceicecream.fitness5x55x5henz novice.novicePosted Tue.blahaiceicecream. Comment * Notify me when new comments are posted Save . W0) (/w 8 orkouts/jason(/w 6 orkouts/jasonblaha.08:41 w orkout? w orkout? rate=Z1XSGH_DOJQ6W8C1loBuyk9cghLWsycvpyyXrate=4SpMcCS__8JnRiPzDTTALLGQN4PA1JnWC3ymTHdjQYY) Yes.novicePosted Sun.fitness5x55x5Holly novice. 10/14/2013 . Each warm up set you add weight until you reached your work set (3-5 warm up sets). The weight should start fairly light.creamfitness.creamfitness. it is okay for females. 10/13/2013 .5x5novice-novice2 (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout?page=1) w orkout? w orkout? rate=w rate=BghrGgTJaOw Qcd2HBGjZvu65ONmmUAmzPk103 (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout?page=2) dty7fQctpAJ58oSw Gkw q92x4w)OBN80XI0eC3YR1_Ml_76nI) 4 (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout?page=3) next › (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout?page=1) last » (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream-fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout?page=3) reply (/comment/reply/47145/481081) thank you reply (/comment/reply/47145/480737) reply (/comment/reply/47145/480907) interested in a workout routine reply (/comment/reply/47145/483573) Add new comment Your name * E-mail * The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.Posted Mon.21:06 w orkout? w orkout? rate=mtD9pEFpdvMruEv5_8nnU6SW4dRq67ooo rate=6BJ_2Rttat8i'm excited to try.fitness5x5.Brandon 5x5novice. I love the resources on here.(/w 8 (/w 10 orkouts/jasonorkouts/jasonDDrhjrzkXA_bs) blahablahaiceicecream.creamfitness. 10/15/2013 . That's how I learnt it and how I do it. No offense. you should read through it thoroughly. The reps should never be higher than the reps of the actual work sets (If you do 5x5. 2l6VWQHrVCTBPXjG2IFq9W16uQQc) . It always works fine. Holly.blahaiceicecream.23:00 w orkout? w orkout? rate=Pa14HFYRiNLxWq2x4e6xgcyBeustQdZS8yOU4rJVVSI) rate=M4.creamfitness-fitness1 (/w orkouts/jason-blaha-ice-cream -fitness-5x5-novice-w orkout) 5x5. bench. press.00:47 Warm up sets are required for the compound lifts (squat.routine okay for Females too? Is this workout xab7dv8yau0PXba0P1(/w 11 orkouts/jason(/w orkouts/jason10 abgYZKqhVOl3pgGt1AAU) blaha. (/w 16 orkouts/jason(/w 12 orkouts/jasonblaha. 10/13/2013 . deadlift. your warm up should include reps from 1-5). youtube.html) Order Status (/store/customer/account/) COMMUNITY Forum (/forum/) Photo Gallery (/gallery/) Reviews (/store/reviews/) Articles (/articles/main.com/muscleandstrength) ref=www. SC 29209 PH: 1-800-537-9910 Email: click here (/contact.html) Brands (/store/manufacturer. Muscle & Strength Muscle & Strength.com/Muscle_Strength) (http://www. 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