March 28, 2018 | Author: rem505 | Category: Visual Flight Rules, Instrument Flight Rules, Flight Recorder, Dangerous Goods, Takeoff



oint Aviation AuthoritiesPostal Address: P.O. Box 3000 2130 KA Hoofddorp Visiting Address: Saturnusstraat 50 The Netherlands Tel: 31 (0)23 - 5679700 Fax: 31 (0)23 – 5621714 www.jaa.nl 1 December 2006 JAR-OPS 1: Commercial Air Transportation (Aeroplanes) Please find attached a copy of Amendment 12 to JAR-OPS 1, effective 1 December 2006 Instructions on how to incorporate the affected pages are available at the end of this letter. The associated Comment Response Document, detailing the comments made during consultation and the JAA response to those comments, is available on the JAA website (www.jaa.nl). Customers who have purchased copies of JAR-OPS 1 and wish to receive future amendments, should ensure that they have made suitable arrangements with Information Handling Services, to whom any queries regarding the sale and distribution of JAA documents can be directed. Addresses of the worldwide IHS offices are listed on the JAA website (www.jaa.nl) and IHS’s website (www.global.ihs.com). Queries regarding the technical content of the code should be made to the JAA Headquarters, using the following email address: [email protected]. Luz Mendes NPA & Publications Administrator Chief Executive’s office: Administration Division: 31 (0)23 – 5679765/780 31 (0)23 - 5679780 Licensing Division: Operations Division: 31 (0)23 - 5679733/756 31 (0)23 - 5679785 Airworthiness Division: 31 (0)23 - 5679710/780 JAR-OPS 1, Amendment 12, 1 December 2006 Please replace and insert the following pages included in this package as follows: Cover (2 pages) Contents (details) (pages C-3 to C-4/ C-7 to C-18) Checklist (pages CL-1 to CL-8) Preamble (pages P-21 toP-24) Section 1 Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace Section 2 Replace Replace Replace Replace Subpart B (pages 2-B-1 to 2-B-2) Subpart D (pages 2-D-27 to 2-D-28) Subpart M (pages 2-M-1 to 2-M-2 and withdraw the remaining pages of this Subpart) Subpart R( pages 2-R-1 to 2-R-8) Subpart B (pages 1-B-1 to 1-B-6 / 1-B-11 to 1-B-14) Subpart C (pages 1-C-1 to 1-C-2) Subpart D (pages 1-D-13 to 1-D-14) Subpart M (pages 1-M-1 to 1-M-2 and withdraw the remaining pages of this Subpart) Subpart P (pages 1-P-1 to 1-P-14) Subpart R (pages 1-R-1 to 1-R-8) Page 2 of 2 Joint Aviation Requirements JAR–OPS 1 Commercial Air Transportation (Aeroplanes) Joint Aviation Authorities Joint Aviation Requirements JAR–OPS 1 Commercial Air Transportation (Aeroplanes) Amendment 12 1 December 2006 All rights reserved Printed and distributed by Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 80112, U S A on behalf of the Joint Aviation Authorities Committee. The members of the Joint Aviation Authorities Committee are representatives of the Civil Aviation Authorities of the countries that have signed the ‘Arrangements Concerning the Development and the Acceptance of Joint Aviation Requirements’. A list of these countries is kept by European Civil Aviation Conference, 3 bis Villa Emile Bergerat, 92522 NEUILLY SUR SEINE Cedex, France. A list of these * countries at the issue date of this document can be found at the end of this page. Further printed copies of the Joint Aviation Authorities Documents can be purchased from Global Engineering Documents, whose world wide offices are listed on the JAA website (www.jaa.nl) and Global website (http://www.global.ihs.com/. For electronic versions of Joint Aviation Authorities Documents please refer to the website of Information Handling Services (IHS) on www.ihsaviation.com, where you will find information on how to order. Enquiries regarding the contents should be addressed to the JAA Headquarters, Saturnusstraat 50, PO Box 3000, 2130 KA HOOFDDORP, The Netherlands ([email protected]). * These countries are: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Her[z]egovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Aviation Safety Agency, Finland, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia [ ], Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, & United Kingdom. 01.12.06 ii Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 CONTENTS (general layout) JAR-OPS 1 COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTATION (AEROPLANES) FOREWORD CHECK LIST OF PAGES PREAMBLE SECTION 1 - REQUIREMENTS SUBPART A SUBPART B SUBPART C SUBPART D SUBPART E SUBPART F SUBPART G SUBPART H SUBPART I SUBPART J SUBPART K SUBPART L SUBPART M SUBPART N SUBPART 0 SUBPART P SUBPART Q SUBPART R SUBPART S - APPLICABILITY - GENERAL - OPERATOR CERTIFICATION AND SUPERVISION - OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES - ALL WEATHER OPERATIONS - PERFORMANCE GENERAL - PERFORMANCE CLASS A - PERFORMANCE CLASS B - PERFORMANCE CLASS C - MASS AND BALANCE - INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT - COMMUNICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT - AEROPLANE MAINTENANCE - FLIGHT CREW - CABIN CREW - MANUALS, LOGS AND RECORDS - FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS - TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR - SECURITY SECTION 2 - ADVISORY CIRCULARS JOINT (ACJ) / ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE (AMC)/ INTERPRETATIVE AND EXPLANATORY MATERIAL (IEM) ACJ/AMC/IEM B - GENERAL ACJ/AMC/IEM C - OPERATOR CERTIFICATION & SUPERVISION ACJ/AMC/IEM D - OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES ACJ/AMC/IEM E - ALL WEATHER OPERATIONS Amendment 6 C-1 01.08.03 JAR-OPS 1 ACJ/AMC/IEM G - PERFORMANCE CLASS A ACJ/AMC/IEM H - PERFORMANCE CLASS B ACJ/AMC/IEM I - PERFORMANCE CLASS C ACJ/AMC/IEM J - MASS & BALANCE ACJ/AMC/IEM K - INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT ACJ/AMC/IEM L - COMMUNICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT ACJ/AMC/IEM M - AEROPLANE MAINTENANCE ACJ/AMC/IEM N - FLIGHT CREW ACJ/AMC/IEM 0 - CABIN CREW ACJ/AMC/IEM P - MANUALS, LOGS & RECORDS ACJ/AMC/IEM Q - FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS ACJ/AMC/IEM R - TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR [ ACJ S - SECURITY ] 01.08.03 C-2 Amendment 6 JAR-OPS 1 CONTENTS (details) JAR-OPS 1 COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTATION (AEROPLANES) SUBPART A — APPLICABILITY Paragraph SECTION 1 - REQUIREMENTS General and Presentation JAR–OPS 1.001 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.001 Applicability Late compliance dates contained in JAR–OPS 1 SUBPART B — GENERAL JAR–OPS 1.005 JAR–OPS 1.010 JAR–OPS 1.015 JAR–OPS 1.020 JAR–OPS 1.025 JAR–OPS 1.030 JAR–OPS 1.035 JAR–OPS 1.037 JAR–OPS 1.040 JAR–OPS 1.045 JAR–OPS 1.050 JAR–OPS 1.055 JAR–OPS 1.060 JAR–OPS 1.065 JAR–OPS 1.070 JAR–OPS 1.075 JAR–OPS 1.080 JAR–OPS 1.085 JAR–OPS 1.090 JAR–OPS 1.095 JAR–OPS 1.100 JAR–OPS 1.105 JAR–OPS 1.110 JAR–OPS 1.115 JAR–OPS 1.120 JAR–OPS 1.125 JAR–OPS 1.130 JAR–OPS 1.135 JAR–OPS 1.140 JAR–OPS 1.145 JAR–OPS 1.150 JAR–OPS 1.155 JAR–OPS 1.160 JAR–OPS 1.165 JAR–OPS 1.170 General Exemptions Operational Directives Laws, Regulations and Procedures – Operator’s Responsibilities Common Language Minimum Equipment Lists – Operator’s Responsibilities Quality system Accident prevention and flight safety programme Additional crew members Intentionally blank Search and rescue information Information on emergency and survival equipment carried Ditching Carriage of weapons of war and munitions of war Carriage of sporting weapons and ammunition Method of carriage of persons [Intentionally blank] Crew responsibilities Authority of the commander Authority to taxy an aeroplane Admission to flight deck Unauthorised carriage Portable electronic devices Alcohol and drugs Endangering safety Documents to be carried Manuals to be carried Additional information and forms to be carried Information retained on the ground Power to inspect Production of documentation and records Preservation of documentation Preservation, production and use of flight recorder recordings Leasing Intentionally blank 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-1 1-B-2 1-B-2 1-B-2 1-B-2 1-B-2 1-B-2 1-B-3 1-B-3 1-B-3 1-B-3 1-B-3 1-B-4 1-B-4 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-5 1-B-6 1-B-6 1-B-6 1-B-6 1-B-7 1-B-7 1-B-7 1-B-8 1-A-1 1-A-2 Page 1-0-1 Amendment 12 C-3 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.005(a) Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.125 Operations of performance class B aeroplanes Documents to be carried SUBPART C — OPERATOR CERTIFICATION AND SUPERVISION JAR–OPS 1.175 JAR–OPS 1.180 JAR–OPS 1.185 JAR–OPS 1.190 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.175 Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.175 General rules for Air Operator Certification Issue, variation and continued validity of an AOC Administrative requirements Intentionally blank Contents and conditions of the Air Operator Certificate The management and organisation of an AOC holder SUBPART D — OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES JAR–OPS 1.195 JAR–OPS 1.200 JAR–OPS 1.205 JAR–OPS 1.210 JAR–OPS 1.215 JAR–OPS 1.216 JAR–OPS 1.220 JAR–OPS 1.225 JAR–OPS 1.230 JAR–OPS 1.235 JAR–OPS 1.240 JAR–OPS 1.241 JAR–OPS 1.243 JAR–OPS 1.245 JAR–OPS 1.246 JAR–OPS 1.250 JAR–OPS 1.255 JAR–OPS 1.260 JAR–OPS 1.265 JAR–OPS 1.270 JAR–OPS 1.275 JAR–OPS 1.280 JAR–OPS 1.285 JAR–OPS 1.290 JAR–OPS 1.295 JAR–OPS 1.297 JAR–OPS 1.300 JAR–OPS 1.305 JAR−OPS 1.307 JAR–OPS 1.308 JAR–OPS 1.310 JAR–OPS 1.315 JAR–OPS 1.320 01.03.06 Page 1-B-9 1-B-15 1-C-1 1-C-2 1-C-2 1-C-2 1-C-3 1-C-4 Operational Control and Supervision Operations manual Competence of operations personnel Establishment of procedures Use of Air Traffic Services In flight Operational Instructions Authorisation of Aerodromes by the Operator Aerodrome Operating Minima Instrument departure and approach procedures Noise abatement procedures Routes and areas of operation Operation in defined airspace with Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) Operations in areas with [specified] navigation performance requirements Maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two-engined aeroplanes without an ETOPS Approval Extended range operations with two-engined aeroplanes (ETOPS) Establishment of minimum flight altitudes Fuel policy Carriage of Persons with Reduced Mobility Carriage of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody Stowage of baggage and cargo Intentionally blank Passenger Seating Passenger briefing Flight preparation Selection of aerodromes Planning minima for IFR flights Submission of ATS Flight Plan Refuelling/defuelling with passengers embarking, on board or disembarking Refuelling/Defuelling with wide-cut fuel Push back and Towing Crew Members at stations Assisting means for emergency evacuation Seats, safety belts and harnesses C-4 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-1 1-D-2 1-D-2 1-D-2 1-D-2 1-D-2 1-D-2 1-D-3 1-D-4 1-D-4 1-D-5 1-D-5 1-D-5 1-D-5 1-D-5 1-D-5 1-D-6 1-D-6 1-D-7 1-D-8 1-D-8 1-D-9 1-D-9 1-D-9 1-D-9 1-D-9 Amendment 10 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page JAR–OPS 1.325 JAR–OPS 1.330 JAR–OPS 1.335 JAR–OPS 1.340 JAR–OPS 1.345 JAR–OPS 1.346 JAR–OPS 1.350 JAR–OPS 1.355 JAR–OPS 1.360 JAR–OPS 1.365 JAR–OPS 1.370 JAR–OPS 1.375 JAR–OPS 1.380 JAR–OPS 1.385 JAR–OPS 1.390 JAR–OPS 1.395 JAR–OPS 1.398 JAR–OPS 1.400 JAR–OPS 1.405 JAR–OPS 1.410 JAR–OPS 1.415 JAR–OPS 1.420 JAR–OPS 1.425 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.270 Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.305 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.375 Securing of passenger cabin and galley(s) Accessibility of emergency equipment Smoking on board Meteorological Conditions Ice and other contaminants – ground procedures Ice and other contaminants – flight procedures Fuel and oil supply Take-off conditions Application of take-off minima Minimum flight altitudes Simulated abnormal situations in flight In-flight fuel management Intentionally blank Use of supplemental oxygen Cosmic radiation Ground proximity detection Use of Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) Approach and landing conditions Commencement and continuation of approach Operating procedures – Threshold crossing height Journey log Occurrence reporting Reserved Stowage of baggage and cargo Refuelling/defuelling with passengers embarking, on board or disembarking In-flight fuel management SUBPART E — ALL WEATHER OPERATIONS 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-10 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-11 1-D-12 1-D-12 1-D-12 1-D-12 1-D-[13] 1-D-13 1-D-13 1-D-14 1-D-15 1-D-16 1-D-17 JAR–OPS 1.430 JAR–OPS 1.435 JAR–OPS 1.440 JAR–OPS 1.445 JAR–OPS 1.450 JAR–OPS 1.455 JAR–OPS 1.460 JAR–OPS 1.465 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.430 Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.430 (c) Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.440 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.450 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.455 Appendix 1 to JAR−OPS 1.465 Aerodrome Operating Minima – General Terminology Low visibility operations – General operating rules Low visibility operations – Aerodrome considerations Low visibility operations – Training and Qualifications Low visibility operations – Operating Procedures Low visibility operations – Minimum equipment VFR Operating minima Aerodrome Operating Minima Aeroplane categories – All Weather Operations Low Visibility Operations – General Operating Rules Low Visibility Operations – Training & Qualifications Low Visibility Operations – Operating procedures Minimum Visibilities for VFR Operations 1-E-1 1-E-1 1-E-2 1-E-2 1-E-2 1-E-2 1-E-2 1-E-3 1-E-4 1-E-10 1-E-11 1-E-13 1-E-17 1-E-18 Amendment 10 C-5 01.03.06 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph SUBPART F — PERFORMANCE GENERAL JAR–OPS 1.470 JAR–OPS 1.475 JAR–OPS 1.480 Applicability General Terminology 1-F-1 1-F-1 1-F-1 Page SUBPART G — PERFORMANCE CLASS A JAR–OPS 1.485 JAR–OPS 1.490 JAR–OPS 1.495 JAR–OPS 1.500 JAR–OPS 1.505 JAR–OPS 1.510 JAR–OPS 1.515 JAR–OPS 1.520 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.495(c)(3) Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.515(a)(3) Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.515(a)(4) Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.515(a)(4) General Take-off Take-off obstacle clearance En-route – One Engine Inoperative En-route – Aeroplanes With Three Or More Engines, Two Engines Inoperative Landing – Destination And Alternate Aerodromes Landing – Dry Runways Landing – Wet and contaminated runways Approval of increased bank angles Steep Approach Procedures Short Landing Operations Airfield Criteria for Short Landing Operations SUBPART H — PERFORMANCE CLASS B JAR–OPS 1.525 General JAR–OPS 1.530 Take-off JAR–OPS 1.535 Take-off Obstacle Clearance – Multi-Engined Aeroplanes JAR–OPS 1.540 En-Route – Multi-engined aeroplanes JAR–OPS 1.542 En-Route – Single-engine aeroplanes JAR–OPS 1.545 Landing – Destination and Alternate Aerodromes JAR–OPS 1.550 Landing – Dry runway JAR–OPS 1.555 Landing – Wet and Contaminated Runways Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.525(b) General – Take-off and Landing Climb Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.535(b)(1) & (c)(1) Take-off Flight Path – Visual Course Guidance Navigation Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.550(a) Steep Approach Procedures Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1. 550(a) Short Landing Operations SUBPART I — PERFORMANCE CLASS C JAR–OPS 1.560 JAR–OPS 1.565 JAR–OPS 1.570 JAR–OPS 1.575 JAR–OPS 1.580 JAR–OPS 1.585 General Take-off Take-off Obstacle Clearance En-Route – All Engines Operating En-Route – One Engine Inoperative En-Route – Aeroplanes With Three Or More Engines, Two Engines Inoperative 1-I-1 1-I-1 1-I-1 1-I-2 1-I-2 1-I-3 1-H-1 1-H-1 1-H-1 1-H-2 1-H-2 1-H-2 1-H-3 1-H-3 1-H-4 1-H-5 1-H-6 1-H-7 1-G-1 1-G-1 1-G-1 1-G-2 1-G-3 1-G-3 1-G-3 1-G-4 1-G-5 1-G-6 1-G-7 1-G-8 01.09.04 C-6 Amendment 7 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page JAR–OPS 1.590 JAR–OPS 1.595 JAR–OPS 1.600 Landing – Destination and Alternate Aerodromes Landing – Dry Runways Landing – Wet and Contaminated Runways 1-I-3 1-I-3 1-I-4 SUBPART J — MASS AND BALANCE JAR–OPS 1.605 JAR–OPS 1.607 JAR–OPS 1.610 JAR–OPS 1.615 JAR–OPS 1.620 JAR–OPS 1.625 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.605 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.620(f) Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.620(g) Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.625 General Terminology Loading, mass and balance Mass values for crew Mass values for passengers and baggage Mass and balance documentation Mass and Balance – General Definition of the area for flights within the European region Procedure for establishing revised standard mass values for passengers and baggage Mass and Balance Documentation SUBPART K — INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT JAR–OPS 1.630 JAR–OPS 1.635 JAR–OPS 1.640 JAR–OPS 1.645 JAR–OPS 1.650 JAR–OPS 1.652 JAR–OPS 1.655 JAR–OPS 1.660 JAR–OPS 1.665 JAR–OPS 1.668 JAR–OPS 1.670 JAR–OPS 1.675 JAR–OPS 1.680 JAR–OPS 1.685 JAR–OPS 1.690 JAR–OPS 1.695 JAR–OPS 1.700 JAR–OPS 1.705 JAR–OPS 1.710 JAR–OPS 1.715 JAR–OPS 1.720 JAR–OPS 1.725 JAR–OPS 1.727 JAR–OPS 1.730 JAR–OPS 1.731 JAR–OPS 1.735 JAR–OPS 1.740 General introduction Circuit protection devices Aeroplane operating lights Windshield wipers Day VFR operations – Flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment IFR or night operations – Flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment Additional equipment for single pilot operation under IFR Altitude alerting system Ground proximity warning system and terrain awareness warning system Airborne Collision Avoidance System Airborne weather radar equipment Equipment for operations in icing conditions Cosmic radiation detection equipment Flight crew interphone system Crew member interphone system Public address system Cockpit voice recorders–1 Cockpit voice recorders–2 Cockpit voice recorders–3 Flight data recorders–1 Flight data recorders–2 Flight data recorders–3 Combination Recorder Seats, seat safety belts, harnesses and child restraint devices Fasten Seat belt and No Smoking signs Internal doors and curtains Intentionally blank 1-K-1 1-K-1 1-K-1 1-K-2 1-K-2 1-K-3 1-K-4 1-K-4 1-K-4 1-K-5 1-K-5 1-K-5 1-K-5 1-K-6 1-K-6 1-K-6 1-K-6 1-K-7 1-K-7 1-K-8 1-K-8 1-K-9 1-K-10 1-K-10 1-K-11 1-K-11 1-K-11 1-J-1 1-J-1 1-J-1 1-J-1 1-J-2 1-J-3 1-J-4 1-J-7 1-J-8 1-J-10 Amendment 7 C-7 01.09.04 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph JAR–OPS 1.745 JAR–OPS 1.750 JAR–OPS 1.755 JAR–OPS 1.760 JAR–OPS 1.765 JAR–OPS 1.770 JAR–OPS 1.775 JAR–OPS 1.780 JAR–OPS 1.785 JAR–OPS 1.790 JAR–OPS 1.795 JAR–OPS 1.800 JAR–OPS 1.805 JAR–OPS 1.810 JAR–OPS 1.815 JAR–OPS 1.820 JAR–OPS 1.825 JAR–OPS 1.830 JAR–OPS 1.835 JAR–OPS 1.840 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.715 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.720 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.725 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.770 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.775 First-Aid Kits Intentionally blank Emergency Medical Kit First-aid oxygen Intentionally blank Supplemental oxygen – pressurised aeroplanes Supplemental oxygen – Non-pressurised aeroplanes Crew Protective Breathing Equipment Intentionally blank Hand fire extinguishers Crash axes and crowbars Marking of break-in points Means for emergency evacuation Megaphones Emergency lighting Emergency Locator Transmitter Life Jackets Life-rafts and survival ELTs for extended overwater flights Survival equipment Seaplanes and amphibians – Miscellaneous equipment Flight Data recorders – 1 – List of parameters to be recorded Flight Data recorders – 2 – List of parameters to be recorded Flight Data recorders – 3 – List of parameters to be recorded Oxygen – Minimum Requirements for Supplemental Oxygen for Pressurised Aeroplanes (Note 1) Supplemental Oxygen for non-pressurised Aeroplanes SUBPART L — COMMUNICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT JAR–OPS 1.845 JAR–OPS 1.850 JAR–OPS 1.855 JAR–OPS 1.860 JAR–OPS 1.865 General introduction Radio Equipment Audio Selector Panel Radio equipment for operations under VFR over routes navigated by reference to visual landmarks Communication and Navigation equipment for operations under IFR, or under VFR over routes not navigated by reference to visual landmarks Transponder equipment Additional navigation equipment for operations in MNPS airspace Equipment for operation in defined airspace with Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM) SUBPART M — AEROPLANE MAINTENANCE JAR–OPS 1.875 [] General 1-M-1 1-L-1 1-L-1 1-L-1 1-L-1 Page 1-K-11 1-K-11 1-K-11 1-K-12 1-K-12 1-K-12 1-K-13 1-K-13 1-K-14 1-K-14 1-K-14 1-K-15 1-K-15 1-K-15 1-K-15 1-K-16 1-K-16 1-K-17 1-K-17 1-K-17 1-K-19 1-K-22 1-K-24 1-K-26 1-K-27 JAR–OPS 1.866 JAR–OPS 1.870 JAR–OPS 1.872 1-L-1 1-L-2 1-L-2 1-L-2 01.12.06 C-8 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page SUBPART N — FLIGHT CREW JAR–OPS 1.940 JAR–OPS 1.943 JAR–OPS 1.945 JAR–OPS 1.950 JAR–OPS 1.955 JAR–OPS 1.960 JAR–OPS 1.965 JAR–OPS 1.968 JAR–OPS 1.970 JAR–OPS 1.975 JAR–OPS 1.978 JAR–OPS 1.980 JAR−OPS 1.981 JAR–OPS 1.985 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.940 Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.940 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.945 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.965 Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.965 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.968 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.978 Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.980 Composition of Flight Crew Initial Operator’s Crew Resource Management (CRM) training 1-N-1 1-N-1 Conversion training and checking Differences training and Familiarisation training Nomination as commander Commanders holding a Commercial Pilot Licence Recurrent training and checking Pilot qualification to operate in either pilot’s seat Recent experience Route and Aerodrome Competence qualification Alternative Training and Qualification Programme Operation on more than one type or variant Operation of helicopters and aeroplanes Training records In-flight relief of flight crew members Single pilot operations under IFR or at night Operator’s Conversion Course Recurrent training and checking – Pilots Recurrent training and checking – System Panel Operators Pilot qualification to operate in either pilot’s seat Alternative Training and Qualification Programme Operation on more than one type or variant SUBPART O — CABIN CREW 1-N-2 1-N-3 1-N-3 1-N-3 1-N-4 1-N-5 1-N-5 1-N-5 1-N-6 1-N-6 1-N-7 1-N-7 1-N-8 1-N-9 1-N-10 1-N-11 1-N-14 1-N-15 1-N-16 1-N-18 JAR–OPS 1.988 JAR–OPS 1.989 JAR–OPS 1.990 JAR–OPS 1.995 JAR–OPS 1.996 JAR–OPS 1.1000 JAR–OPS 1.1005 JAR–OPS 1.1010 JAR–OPS 1.1012 JAR–OPS 1.1015 JAR–OPS 1.1020 JAR–OPS 1.1025 JAR–OPS 1.1030 JAR–OPS 1.1035 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1005 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1010 Applicability Terminology Number and composition of cabin crew Minimum requirements Single Cabin crew operations Senior cabin crew members Initial training Conversion and Differences training Familiarisation Recurrent training Refresher training Checking Operation on more than one type or variant Training records Initial training Conversion and Differences training 1-O-1 1-O-1 1-O-1 1-O-1 1-O-1 1-O-2 1-O-2 1-O-3 1-O-3 1-O-3 1-O-4 1-O-4 1-O-4 1-O-4 1-O-5 1-O-7 Amendment 12 C-9 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1015 Appendix 2 to JAR–OPS 1.1005/1.1010/1015 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1020 Recurrent training Training Refresher training SUBPART P — MANUALS, LOGS AND RECORDS JAR–OPS 1.1040 JAR–OPS 1.1045 JAR–OPS 1.1050 JAR–OPS 1.1055 JAR–OPS 1.1060 JAR–OPS 1.1065 JAR–OPS 1.1070 JAR–OPS 1.1071 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1045 Appendix 1 to JAR–OPS 1.1065 General Rules for Operations Manuals Operations Manual – structure and contents Aeroplane Flight Manual Journey log Operational flight plan Document storage periods Operator’s maintenance management exposition Aeroplane Technical Log Operations Manual Contents Document storage periods 1-P-1 1-P-1 1-P-2 1-P-2 1-P-2 1-P-3 1-P-3 1-P-3 1-P-4 1-P-13 Page 1-O-9 1-O-10 1-O-12 SUBPART Q — FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS RESERVED SUBPART R — TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR [JAR-OPS 1.1145 JAR–OPS 1.1150 JAR–OPS 1.1155 JAR–OPS 1.1160 JAR–OPS 1.1165 [] [] [] [] JAR–OPS 1.1190 JAR-OPS 1.1195 JAR–OPS 1.1200 JAR–OPS 1.1205 JAR–OPS 1.1210 JAR–OPS 1.1215 JAR–OPS 1.1220 JAR–OPS 1.1225 [Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1225 JAR–OPS 1.1230 General Terminology Approval to Transport Dangerous Goods Scope Limitations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods [] [] [] [] Intentionally blank Acceptance of Dangerous Goods Inspection for Damage, Leakage or Contamination Removal of Contamination Loading Restrictions Provision of Information Training programmes Dangerous Goods Incident and Accident Reports Dangerous Goods Incident and Accident Reports Intentionally blank 1-R-1] 1-R-1 1-R-2 1-R-2 1-R-[3] 1-R-3 1-R-3 1-R-3 1-R-[4] 1-R-4 1-R-4 1-R-[5] 1-R-[5] 1-R-7] 1-R-[7] 01.12.06 C-10 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page SUBPART S — SECURITY JAR–OPS 1.1235 JAR–OPS 1.1240 JAR–OPS 1.1245 JAR–OPS 1.1250 JAR–OPS 1.1255 Security requirements Training programmes Reporting acts of unlawful interference Aeroplane search procedure checklist Flight crew compartment security 1-S-1 1-S-1 1-S-1 1-S-1 1-S-1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Amendment 7 C-11 01.09.04 JAR-OPS 1 SECTION 2 - ADVISORY CIRCULARS JOINT (ACJ)/ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE (AMC)/INTERPRETATIVE/EXPLANATORY MATERIAL (IEM) Paragraph General and Presentation ACJ/AMC/IEM B – GENERAL ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.005(a) AMC OPS 1.035 IEM OPS 1.035 IEM OPS 1.037 AMC OPS 1.037(a)(2) ACJ OPS 1.037(a)(4) IEM OPS 1.065 IEM OPS 1.070 ACJ OPS 1.085(e)(3) ACJ OPS 1.160(a)(1) and (2) ACJ OPS 1.165(b)(2) ACJ OPS 1.165(c)(2) Page 2-0-1 Operations of performance class B aeroplanes Quality System Quality System – Organisation examples Accident prevention and flight safety programme Occurrence Reporting Scheme Flight Data Monitoring Programme Carriage of weapons of war and munitions of war Carriage of sporting weapons Crew responsibilities Preservation of Recordings Leasing of aeroplanes between JAA operators Leasing of aeroplanes between a JAA operator and any entity other than a JAA operator 2-B-1 2-B-4 2-B-11 2-B-12 2-B-12 2-B-13 2-B-15 2-B-15 2-B-15 2-B-16 2-B-16 2-B-16 ACJ/AMC/IEM C — OPERATOR CERTIFICATION & SUPERVISION IEM OPS 1.175 IEM OPS 1.175(c)(2) ACJ OPS 1.175(i) ACJ OPS 1.175(j) ACJ OPS 1.175(j) & (k) IEM OPS 1.185(b) The management organisation of an AOC holder Principal place of business Nominated Postholders – Competence Combination of nominated postholder’s responsibilities Employment of staff Maintenance Management Exposition details ACJ/AMC/IEM D — OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES ACJ OPS 1.195 ACJ OPS 1.205 AMC OPS 1.210(a) IEM OPS 1.210(b) IEM OPS 1.210(c) ACJ OPS 1.216 IEM OPS 1.220 ACJ OPS 1.243 IEM OPS 1.245(a) AMC OPS 1.245(a)(2) IEM OPS 1.250 AMC OPS 1.255 IEM OPS 1.255(c)(3)(i) IEM OPS 1.260 AMC OPS 1.270 ACJ OPS 1.280 IEM OPS 1.280 ACJ OPS 1.295 Operational Control Competence of Operations personnel Establishment of procedures Establishment of procedures Critical phases of flight In-flight Operational Instructions Authorisation of aerodromes Operations in areas with specified navigation performance requirements Maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome for two-engined aeroplanes without ETOPS Approval Operation of non-ETOPS compliant twin turbojet aeroplanes between 120 and 180 minutes from an adequate aerodrome Establishment of Minimum Flight Altitudes Fuel Policy Contingency Fuel Carriage of persons with Reduced Mobility Cargo carriage in the passenger cabin Passenger Seating Passenger Seating Location of an En Route Alternate Aerodrome 2-D-1 2-D-1 2-D-1 2-D-1 2-D-2 2-D-2 2-D-2 2-D-3 2-D-4 2-D-4 2-D-7 2-D-10 2-D-13 2-D-13 2-D-13 2-D-14 2-D-14 2-D-14 2-C-1 2-C-1 2-C-1 2-C-2 2-C-3 2-C-3 01.12.06 C-12 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page IEM OPS 1.295(c)(1)(ii) ACJ OPS 1.297(b)(2) AMC OPS 1.297 AMC OPS 1.300 IEM OPS 1.305 IEM OPS 1.307 ACJ OPS 1.308 ACJ OPS 1.310(a)(3) IEM OPS 1.310(b) ACJ OPS 1.345 ACJ OPS 1.346 AMC to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.375(b)(2) ACJ OPS 1.390(a)(1) ACJ OPS 1.390(a)(2) ACJ OPS 1.390(a)(3) ACJ OPS 1.398 IEM OPS 1.400 IEM OPS 1.405(a) [] Appendix 1 to AMC OPS 1.245(a)(2) Appendix 1 to ACJ OPS 1.295 Separate runways Planning Minima for Alternate Aerodromes Application of aerodrome forecasts Submission of ATS Flight plan Re/defuelling with passengers embarking, on board or disembarking Refuelling/Defuelling with wide-cut fuel Push Back and Towing Controlled rest on flight deck Cabin crew seating positions Ice and other contaminants Flight in expected or actual icing conditions Flight to an isolated aerodrome Assessment of Cosmic Radiation Working Schedules and Record Keeping Explanatory Information Use of Airborne Avoidance System (ACAS) Approach and Landing Conditions Commencement and continuation of approach – Equivalent position [] Power supply to essential services Fuel Policy: Location of a Fuel en-route alternate ACJ/AMC/IEM E — ALL WEATHER OPERATIONS 2-D-15 2-D-15 2-D-16 2-D-17 2-D-17 2-D-17 2-D-18 2-D-18 2-D-19 2-D-19 2-D-25 2-D-26 2-D-27 2-D-27 2-D-28 2-D-28 2-D-28 2-D-28 2-D-29 2-D-30 AMC OPS 1.430(b)(4) IEM OPS 1.430 Effect on Landing Minima of temporarily failed or downgraded Ground Equipment Documents containing information related to All Weather Operations 2-E-1 2-E-4 2-E-4 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.430 Aerodrome Operating Minima IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.430, paragraphs (d) and (e) Establishment of minimum RVR for Category II and III Operations IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.430, Crew actions in case of autopilot failure at or below decision paragraph (e)(5) – Table 7 height in fail-passage Category III operations IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.430, paragraph (f) Visual Maneuvering (circling) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.440 Operational Demonstrations IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.440, paragraph (b) Criteria for a successful CAT II/III approach and automatic landing IEM OPS 1.450(g)(1) Low Visibility Operations - Training & Qualifications ACJ/AMC/IEM F - PERFORMANCE GENERAL AMC OPS 1.475(b) IEM OPS 1.475(b) Landing - Reverse Thrust Credit Factoring of Automatic Landing Distance Performance Data (Performance Class A Aeroplanes only) 2-E-4 2-E-6 2-E-7 2-E-8 2-E-9 2-E-9 2-F-1 2-F-1 Amendment 12 C-13 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph ACJ/AMC/IEM G — PERFORMANCE CLASS A IEM OPS 1.485(b) General – Wet and Contaminated Runway data IEM OPS 1.490(c)(3) Take-off – Runway surface condition IEM OPS 1.490(c)(6) Loss of runway length due to alignment IEM OPS 1.495(a) Take-off obstacle clearance AMC OPS 1.495(c)(4) Take-off obstacle clearance AMC OPS 1.495 (d)(1) & (e)(1)Required Navigational Accuracy IEM OPS 1.495(f) Engine failure procedures AMC OPS 1.500 En-Route – One Engine Inoperative IEM OPS 1.510(b) and (c) Landing – Destination and Alternate Aerodromes AMC OPS 1.510 & 1.515 Landing – Destination and Alternate Aerodromes Landing – Dry Runways IEM OPS 1.515(c) Landing – Dry runway ACJ/AMC/IEM H — PERFORMANCE CLASS B AMC OPS 1.530(c)(4) IEM OPS 1.530(c)(4) AMC OPS 1.530(c)(5) IEM OPS 1.535 AMC OPS 1.535(a) IEM OPS 1.535(a) IEM OPS 1.540 IEM OPS 1.542 AMC OPS 1.542(a) AMC OPS 1.545 & 1.550 AMC OPS 1.550(b)(3) AMC OPS 1.550(b)(4) IEM OPS 1.550(c) IEM OPS 1.555(a) Take-Off Performance Correction Factors Take-Off Performance Correction Factors Runway Slope Obstacle Clearance in Limited Visibility Take-off Flight Path Construction Take-off flight path construction En-Route En-route – Single-engined Aeroplanes En-Route - Single-engine aeroplanes Landing Destination and Alternate Aerodromes Landing - Dry runway Landing Distance Correction Factors Runway Slope Landing – Dry Runway Landing on Wet Grass Runways ACJ/AMC/IEM I — PERFORMANCE CLASS C IEM OPS 1.565(d)(3) Take-off IEM OPS 1.565(d)(6) Loss of runway length due to alignment AMC OPS 1.565(d)(4) Runway Slope AMC OPS 1.570(d) Take-off Flight Path AMC OPS 1.570(e)(1) & (f)(1) Required navigational accuracy AMC OPS 1.580 En-Route – One Engine Inoperative AMC OPS 1.590 & 1.595 Landing – Destination and Alternate Aerodromes Landing – Dry Runways AMC OPS 1.595(b)(3) Landing Distance Correction Factors AMC OPS 1.595(b)(4) Runway Slope IEM OPS 1.595(c) Landing Runway ACJ/AMC/IEM J — MASS & BALANCE IEM OPS 1.605(e) ACJ OPS 1.605 AMC to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.605 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.605 AMC OPS 1.620(a) IEM OPS 1.620(d)(2) Fuel density Mass values Accuracy of weighing equipment Centre of gravity limits Passenger mass established by use of a verbal statement Holiday Charter 2-J-1 2-J-1 2-J-1 2-J-1 2-J-2 2-J-2 2-I-1 2-I-1 2-I-3 2-I-3 2-I-3 2-I-4 2-I-4 2-I-5 2-I-5 2-I-5 2-H-1 2-H-1 2-H-1 2-H-1 2-H-2 2-H-3 2-H-5 2-H-5 2-H-5 2-H-5 2-H-6 2-H-6 2-H-6 2-H-7 2-G-1 2-G-1 2-G-1 2-G-3 2-G-3 2-G-4 2-G-4 2-G-4 2-G-5 2-G-5 2-G-6 Page 01.09.04 C-14 Amendment 7 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page IEM OPS 1.620(g) IEM OPS 1.620(h) & (i) AMC to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.620(g) IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.620(g) IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.625 Statistical evaluation of passenger and baggage mass data Adjustment of standard masses Guidance on passenger weighing surveys Guidance on passenger weighing surveys Mass and balance documentation ACJ/AMC/IEM K — INSTRUMENTS AND EQUIPMENT 2-J-2 2-J-6 2-J-6 2-J-6 2-J-8 IEM OPS 1.630 AMC OPS 1.650/1.652 IEM OPS 1.650/1.652 AMC OPS 1.650(i) & 1.652(i) IEM OPS 1.650(p)/1.652(s) AMC OPS 1.652(d) & (k)(2) IEM OPS 1.668 ACJ OPS 1.680(a)(2) AMC OPS 1.690(b)(6) IEM OPS 1.690(b)(7) ACJ OPS 1.700 ACJ OPS 1.705/1.710 ACJ OPS 1.700, 1.705 and 1.710 ACJ OPS 1.715 ACJ OPS 1.715(g) ACJ OPS 1.715, 1.720 and 1.725 ACJ OPS 1.727 [ACJ OPS 1.730(a)(3) AMC OPS 1.745 AMC OPS 1.755 IEM OPS 1.760 IEM OPS 1.770 ACJ OPS 1.770 (b)(2)(v) AMC OPS 1.790 AMC OPS 1.810 [ ] [ACJ OPS 1.820 IEM OPS 1.825 AMC OPS 1.830(b)(2) [] IEM OPS 1.835 AMC OPS 1.835(c) Appendix 1 to AMC OPS 1.720(c)/1.725(c) Instruments and Equipment - Approval and Installation Flight and Navigational Instruments and Associated Equipment Flight and Navigational Instruments and Associated Equipment Flight and Navigational Instruments and Associated Equipment Headset, boom microphone and associated equipment Flight and Navigational Instruments and Associated Equipment Airborne Collision Avoidance System Quarterly Radiation Sampling Crew member interphone system Crew member interphone system Cockpit Voice Recorders Cockpit Voice Recorders Cockpit Voice Recorders Flight Data Recorders Extensive Modifications of Aeroplane Systems Flight Data Recorders Combination recorders Seats, seat safety belts, harnesses and child restraint devices First-Aid Kits Emergency Medical Kit First-aid Oxygen Supplemental Oxygen – Pressurised Aeroplanes Supplemental Oxygen – Pressurised Aeroplanes (Not certificated to fly above 25000ft) Hand Fire Extinguishers Megaphones Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) Life Jackets Life-rafts and ELT for extended overwater flights [] Survival Equipment Survival Equipment Parameters to be recorded 2-K-1 2-K-1 2-K-2 2-K-2 2-K-3 2-K-3 2-K-3 2-K-3 2-K-4 2-K-4 2-K-4 2-K-4 2-K-5 2-K-5 2-K-5 2-K-7 2-K-8 2-K-8] 2-K-9 2-K-10 2-K-10 2-K-11 2-K-11 2-K-12 2-K-12 2-K-13] 2-K-13 2-K-13 2-K-14 2-K-14 2-K-15 ACJ/AMC/IEM L — COMMUNICATION AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT IEM OPS 1.845 AMC OPS 1.865 ACJ OPS 1.865(c)(1)(i) ACJ OPS 1.865(e) ACJ OPS 1.870 Communication and Navigation Equipment - Approval and Installation Combinations of Instruments and Integrated Flight Systems IFR operations without ADF system FM Immunity Equipment Standards Additional Navigation Equipment for operations in MNPS Airspace 2-L-1 2-L-1 2-L-1 2-L-2 2-L-2 Amendment 9 C-15 01.09.05 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page ACJ/AMC/IEM M — AEROPLANE MAINTENANCE (Withdrawn) [] ACJ/AMC/IEM N — FLIGHT CREW AMC OPS 1.940(a)(4) AMC OPS 1.945 IEM OPS 1.945 [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(AMC)] 1.943/1.945(a)(9)/ 1.955(b)(6)/1.965(e) [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(IEM)] 1.943/1.945(a)(9)/ 1.955(b)(6)/1.965(e) AMC OPS 1.945(a)(9) AMC OPS 1.965(c) AMC OPS 1.965(d) IEM OPS 1.965 AMC to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.965 AMC OPS 1.970 IEM OPS 1.970(a)(2) AMC OPS 1.975 ACJ OPS 1.978 ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(1) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(2) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(3) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(4) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(5) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(6) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(b)(9) ACJ to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.978(c)(1)(i) AMC OPS 1.980 AMC OPS 1.980(b) IEM OPS 1.980(b) IEM OPS 1.985 Crewing of inexperienced flight crew members Conversion Course Syllabus Line Flying under Supervision Crew Resource Management (CRM) 2-N-1 2-N-1 2-N-3 2-N-3 Crew Resource Management (CRM) Crew Resource Management - Use of Automation Line checks Emergency and Safety Equipment Training Recurrent training and checking Pilot incapacitation training Recency Co-pilot proficiency Route and aerodrome competence qualification Terminology Requirements, Scope and Documentation of the Programme Task Analysis Training Programme Training Personnel Feedback Loop Crew Performance Measurement and Evaluation Data Monitoring/Analysis Programme Safety Case Operation on more than one type or variant Methodology - Use of Operator Difference Requirement (ODR) Tables Operation on more than one type or variant - Philosophy and Criteria Training records ACJ/AMC/IEM O — CABIN CREW 2-N-6 2-N-[7] 2-N-7 2-N-7 2-N-7 2-N-8 2-N-8 2-N-8 2-N-[9] 2-N-10 2-N-10 2-N-11 2-N-11 2-N-12 2-N-12 2-N-12 2-N-13 2-N-14 2-N-15 2-N-16 2-N-19 2-N-21 IEM OPS 1.988 IEM OPS 1.990 AMC OPS 1.995(a)(2) IEM OPS 1.1000(c) Additional crew members assigned to specialist duties Number and Composition of Cabin Crew Minimum requirements Senior Cabin Crew Training 2-O-1 2-O-1 2-O-2 2-O-2 01.12.06 C-16 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph Page ACJ OPS 1.1005/1.1010/ 1.1015 [ ] AMC OPS 1.1012 [ ] [ACJ] OPS 1.1005/1.1010/ 1.1015/1.1020 IEM OPS 1.1015 AMC OPS 1.1020 IEM OPS 1.1020(a) AMC OPS 1.1025 ACJ OPS 1.1030 IEM OPS 1.1035 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1015/ 1.1020 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1010/ 1.1015/1.1020 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1005/1.1010/ 1.1015/1.1020 IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1010/1.1015 Crew Resource Management Training Familiarisation Representative Training Devices Recurrent training Refresher Training Refresher training Checking Operation on more than one type or variant Training records 2-O-3 2-O-5 2-O-6 2-O-6 2-O-6 2-O-[7] 2-O-7 2-O-7 2-O-8 First Aid Training 2-O-8 Crowd Control 2-O-9 Training Methods Conversion and recurrent training 2-O-9 2-O-9 ACJ/AMC/IEM P — MANUALS, LOGS & RECORDS IEM OPS 1.1040(b) IEM OPS 1.1040(c) AMC OPS 1.1045 IEM OPS 1.1045(c) IEM OPS 1.1055(a)(12) IEM OPS 1.1055(b) IEM to Appendix 1 to JAR-OPS 1.1045 Elements of the Operations Manual subject to approval Operations Manual - Language Operations Manual Contents Operations Manual Structure Signature or equivalent Journey log Operations Manual Contents 2-P-1 2-P-3 2-P-3 2-P-3 2-P-7 2-P-7 2-P-7 ACJ/AMC/IEM Q — FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS RESERVED ACJ/AMC/IEM R — TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(IEM)] 1.1150(a)([5]) & (a)([6]) [] [ACJ OPS 1.1160(a) [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(IEM)] 1.1160(b)[ ] [] [] [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(IEM)] 1.1160 ([c])([1]) [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(IEM)] 1.1165(b)[ ] [] [ACJ OPS 1.1215(c)(1) Terminology - Dangerous Goods Accident and Dangerous Good[s] Incident [] Medical aid for a patient Dangerous goods on an aeroplane in accordance with the relevant regulations or for operating reasons [] [] Scope – Dangerous goods carried by passengers or crew [Exemption and approval procedures of the technical instructions] [] Information to the commander 2-R-1 2-R-1] 2-R-1 2-R-2 2-R-3 2-R-4] Amendment 12 C-17 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Paragraph [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(AMC)] 1.1215(e) [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(AMC)] 1.1220 [] [ ] [ACJ] OPS [(AMC)] 1.1225 Page Information in the Event of an [in-flight emergency] Training [] Dangerous Goods Incident and Accident Reports 2-R-4 2-R-[5] 2-R-6 ACJ S — SECURITY ACJ OPS 1.1240 Training Programmes 2-S-1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 01.12.06 C-18 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 FOREWORD 1 The Civil Aviation Authorities of certain European countries have agreed common comprehensive and detailed aviation requirements, referred to as the Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR), with a view to minimising Type Certification problems on joint ventures, to facilitate the export and import of aviation products, to make it easier for maintenance carried out in one European country to be accepted by the Civil Aviation Authority in another European country and to regulate commercial air transport operations. ICAO Annex 6 has been selected to provide the basic structure of JAR–OPS, the JAR for Air Operator Certification, but with additional sub-division where considered appropriate. The content of Annex 6 has been used and added to where necessary by making use of existing European regulations and the Federal Aviation Requirements of the United States of America where acceptable. JAR–OPS has been issued with no National Variants. It may be felt that the document does not contain all of the detailed compliance and interpretative information which some Civil Aviation Authorities and Industry organisations would like to see. However, it has been accepted that JAR–OPS should be applied in practice and the lessons learned embodied in future amendments. The Civil Aviation Authorities of the JAA are therefore committed to amendment in the light of experience. Future development of the requirements of JAR–OPS, including the commitment in Paragraph [3], will be in accordance with the JAA’s Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) procedures. These procedures allow for the amendment of JAR–OPS to be proposed by the Civil Aviation Authority of any of the participating countries and by any organisation represented on the Joint Steering Assembly. The Civil Aviation Authorities have agreed they should not unilaterally initiate amendment of their national codes without having made a proposal for amendment of JAR–OPS in accordance with the agreed procedure. Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in JAR–OPS that are considered generally applicable are contained in JAR–1, Definitions and Abbreviations. However, definitions and abbreviations of terms used in JAR–OPS that are specific to a Subpart of JAR–OPS are normally given in the Subpart concerned or, exceptionally, in the associated compliance or interpretative material. [Amendments to the text in JAR–OPS are issued as Replacement Pages. These show an effective date and have the same status and applicability as JAR–OPS from that date.] [New, amended and corrected text will be enclosed within heavy brackets until a subsequent ‘Amendment’ is issued.] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Amendment 3 F-1 01.12.01 JAR-OPS 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 01.12.01 F-2 Amendment 3 JAR-OPS 1 JOINT AVIATION REQUIREMENTS CHECK LIST OF PAGES JAR–OPS 1 COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORTATION (AEROPLANES) AMENDMENT 12 DATED 01.12.06 The following pages of JAR–OPS 1 are now current: Page No Title Page ii C–1 to C–2 C–3 C–4 C–5 C–6 C–7 C–8 C–9 C–10 C–11 C–12 C–13 C–14 C–15 C–16 C–17 C–18 F–1 F–2 CL–1 CL–2 CL–3 CL–4 CL–5 CL–6 CL–7 CL–8 P–1 P–2 P–3 P–4 P–5 P–6 P–7 P–8 P–9 P–10 P–11 P–12 P–13 P–14 P–15 P–16 P–17 P–18 P–19 P–20 P–21 P–22 P–23 Legend Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 6 Amendment 12 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 9 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Amendment 4 Amendment 4 Amendment 4 Amendment 5 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 9 Amendment 10 Amendment 11 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Date 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.08.03 01.12.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.05 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.07.02 01.07.02 01.07.02 01.07.02 01.03.03 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.05 01.03.06 01.08.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 Amendment 12 CL-1 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Page No P–24 1–0–1 1–0–2 1–A–1 1–A–2 1–B–1 1–B–2 1–B–3 1–B–4 1–B–5 1–B–6 1–B–7 1–B–8 1–B–9 1–B–10 1–B–11 1–B–12 1–B–13 1–B–14 1–B–15 1–B–16 1–C–1 1–C–2 1–C–3 1–C–4 1–D–1 1–D–2 1–D–3 1–D–4 1–D–5 1–D–6 1–D–7 1–D–8 1–D–9 1–D–10 1–D–11 1–D–12 1–D–13 1–D–14 1–D–15 1–D–16 1–D–17 1–D–18 1–E–1 1–E–2 1–E–3 1–E–4 1–E–5 1–E–6 1–E–7 1–E–8 1–E–9 1–E–10 1–E–11 1–E–12 1–E–13 1–E–14 1–E–15 1–E–16 1–E–17 1–E–18 1–F–1 1–F–2 1–G–1 1–G–2 Legend Amendment 12 Amendment 2 Amendment 2 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 (edit. ch.) Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 7 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Date 01.12.06 01.07.00 01.07.00 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.09.04 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.06 CL-2 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Page No 1–G–3 1–G–4 1–G–5 1–G–6 1–G–7 1–G–8 1–H–1 1–H–2 1–H–3 1–H–4 1–H–5 1–H–6 1–H–7 1–H–8 1–I–1 1–I–2 1–I–3 1–I–4 1–J–1 1–J–2 1–J–3 1–J–4 1–J–5 1–J–6 1–J–7 1–J–8 1–J–9 1–J–10 1–K–1 1–K–2 1–K–3 1–K–4 1–K–5 1–K–6 1–K–7 1–K–8 1–K–9 1–K–10 1–K–11 1–K–12 1–K–13 1–K–14 1–K–15 1–K–16 1–K–17 1–K–18 1–K–19 1–K–20 1–K–21 1–K–22 1–K–23 1–K–24 1–K–25 1–K–26 1–K–27 1–K–28 1–L–1 1–L–2 1–M–1 1–M–2 1–N–1 1–N–2 1–N–3 1–N–4 Legend Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Date 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 (Corrected) Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 12 CL-3 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Page No 1–N–5 1–N–6 1–N–7 1–N–8 1–N–9 1–N–10 1–N–11 1–N–12 1–N–13 1–N–14 1–N–15 1–N–16 1–N–17 1–N–18 1–N–19 1–N–20 1–O–1 1–O–2 1–O–3 1–O–4 1–O–5 1–O–6 1–O–7 1–O–8 1–O–9 1–O–10 1–O–11 1–O–12 1–P–1 1–P–2 1–P–3 1–P–4 1–P–5 1–P–6 1–P–7 1–P–8 1–P–9 1–P–10 1–P–11 1–P–12 1–P–13 1–P–14 1–Q–1 1–Q–2 1–R–1 1–R–2 1–R–3 1–R–4 1–R–5 1–R–6 1–R–7 1–R–8 1–S–1 1–S–2 2–0–1 2–0–2 2–B–1 2–B–2 2–B–3 2–B–4 2–B–5 2–B–6 2–B–7 2–B–8 2–B–9 01.12.06 Legend Amendment 11 Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 7 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Date 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.05 01.09.04 01.07.00 01.07.00 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 CL-4 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 9 (edit. ch.) Amendment 7 Amendment 2 Amendment 2 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 JAR-OPS 1 Page No 2–B–10 2–B–11 2–B–12 2–B–13 2–B–14 2–B–15 2–B–16 2–B–17 2–B–18 2–C–1 2–C–2 2–C–3 2–C–4 2–D–1 2–D–2 2–D–3 2–D–4 2–D–5 2–D–6 2–D–7 2–D–8 2–D–9 2–D–10 2–D–11 2–D–12 2–D–13 2–D–14 2–D–15 2–D–16 2–D–17 2–D–18 2–D–19 2–D–20 2–D–21 2–D–22 2–D–23 2–D–24 2–D–25 2–D–26 2–D–27 2–D–28 2–D–29 2–D–30 2–E–1 2–E–2 2–E–3 2–E–4 2–E–5 2–E–6 2–E–7 2–E–8 2–E–9 2–E–10 2–F–1 2–F–2 2–G–1 2–G–2 2–G–3 2–G–4 2–G–5 2–G–6 2–H–1 2–H–2 2–H–3 Legend Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 10 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 12 Amendment 8 Amendment 8 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Date 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.12.06 01.01.05 01.01.05 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 12 CL-5 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 Page No 2–H–4 2–H–5 2–H–6 2–H–7 2–H–8 2–H–9 2–H–10 2–I–1 2–I–2 2–I–3 2–I–4 2–I–5 2–I–6 2–J–1 2–J–2 2–J–3 2–J–4 2–J–5 2–J–6 2–J–7 2–J–8 2–K–1 2–K–2 2–K–3 2–K–4 2–K–5 2–K–6 2–K–7 2–K–8 2–K–9 2–K–10 2–K–11 2–K–12 2–K–13 2–K–14 2–K–15 2–K–16 2–K–17 2–K–18 2–L–1 2–L–2 2–M–1 2–M–2 2–N–1 2–N–2 2–N–3 2–N–4 2–N–5 2–N–6 2–N–7 2–N–8 2–N–9 2–N–10 2–N–11 2–N–12 2–N–13 2–N–14 2–N–15 2–N–16 2–N–17 2–N–18 2–N–19 2–N–20 2–N–21 Legend Date 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.12.01 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.05 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 3 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 9 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 Amendment 10 01.12.06 CL-6 Amendment 12 JAR-OPS 1 Page No 2–N–22 2–O–1 2–O–2 2–O–3 2–O–4 2–O–5 2–O–6 2–O–7 2–O–8 2–O–9 2–O–10 2–P–1 2–P–2 2–P–3 2–P–4 2–P–5 2–P–6 2–P–7 2–P–8 2–Q–1 2–Q–2 2–R–1 2–R–2 2–R–3 2–R–4 2–R–5 2–R–6 2–R–7 2–R–8 2–S–1 2–S–2 Legend Amendment 10 Amendment 7 Amendment 7 Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 (edit. ch.) Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 11 Amendment 5 Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 5 Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 10 (edit. ch.) Amendment 5 Amendment 5 Date 01.03.06 01.09.04 01.09.04 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.08.06 01.03.03 01.03.06 01.03.03 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.06 01.03.03 01.03.03 01.03.98 01.03.98 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.12.06 01.08.03 01.08.03 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 12 Amendment 6 Amendment 6 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Amendment 12 CL-7 01.12.06 JAR-OPS 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 01.12.06 CL-8 Amendment 12
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