Jankovic MinDep 1997

May 29, 2018 | Author: goranktasev | Category: Rift, Igneous Rock, Petrology, Geology, Rocks



Mineralium Deposita (1997) 32: 426±433Ó Springer-Verlag 1997 ARTICLE  S. Jankovic The Carpatho-Balkanides and adjacent area: a sector of the Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1997 Abstract The Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt (TEMB) was formed during Mesozoic and post-Mesozoic times in the area of the former Tethyan ocean on the southern margin of Eurasia, with the Afro-Arabian and Indian plates to the south. It extends from western Mediterranean via the Alps and southeastern Europe through the Lesser Caucasus, the Hindu Kush, and the Tibet Plateau to Burma and SW Indonesia, linking with the West Paci®c metallogenic belt. The Carpatho-Balkan region is one of the sectors of the TEMB, characterized by some speci®c features. The emplacement of ore deposits is related to a de®nite time interval, and to speci®c tectonic settings such as: 1. Late Permian-Triassic intracontinental rifting along the northern margin of Gondwanaland and/or fragments already separated. This setting involves volcanogenic and volcano-sedimentary deposits (iron, lead/ zinc, manganese, antimony, mercury, barite), skarn deposits associated with volcano-plutonic complexes of bimodal magmatism, and low temperature carbonate-hosted lead/zinc deposits. 2. Jurassic intraoceanic rifting ± ophiolite complexes: This setting hosts major magmatic (particularly podiform chrome deposits) and volcano-sedimentary deposits, mainly of the Cyprus type. 3. Subduction-related setting involves porphyry copper deposits, lesser skarn deposits (iron, locally Pb-Zn), massive sulphide Cu (e.g. Bor) accompanied locally by Pb-Zn of replacement type, epithermal gold deposits, associated with calc-alkaline igneous complexes of the Early Tertiary-Late Cretaceous, and the Neogene gold/silver and base metals deposits. 4. Post-collision continent-continent setting includes deposits of Pb-Zn, Sb, As, Au-Cu associated with volcano-plutonic complexes of calc-alkaline anity. Several major Alpine metallogenic units are developed in the Carpatho-Balkanides and adjacent area, each characterized by speci®c development, mineral associations, and types of ore deposits. Introduction The Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt (TEMB) was formed during Mesozoic and post-Mesozoic in the area of the former Tethyan ocean along the southern margin of Eurasia, ¯anked on the south by Afro-Arabian and Indian plates. This metallogenic belt was ®rst recognized  (1977a). as a separate metallogenic unit by Jankovic The TEMB is of global size, almost 10 000 km long, and can be compared with the CircumPaci®c belts, though it di€ers in many respects, and is characterized by many speci®c metallogenic features. It extends from the western Mediterranean via the Alps and SE Europe over the Pontides and Anatolia, Lesser Caucasus and Central and Northern Iran to west Pakistan, Central and SE Afghanistan passing into the Hindu Kush, southern Pamir and the Tibet Plateau reaching Burma and Sumatra, to link with the West Paci®c metallogenic belt. The TEMB consists of several sectors. Figure 1 shows the main regional metallogenic units of the TEMB. The general geotectonic evolution of the domain where the TEMB was formed is closely connected with the history of Tethys, its opening, development of island arcs and microplates, closing, welding of microplates with Eurasia, subduction of oceanic crust(s), as well as collision of continents, continent-island arc collisions and underthrusting of continental crusts. The development of ore deposits and regional metallogenic units is associated with speci®c tectonic settings within the individual sectors of the TEMB. Editorial handling: DR  S. Jankovic Department of Mineral Exploration, The Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 1984a). and. The lateral spreading of continental crust and commencement of drift produced Fig. Jankovic  . ered by Dimitrijevic (1973). Since the available space for this study is strictly limited. 1974. Tvalchrelidze (1985-based on geosyncline concept). ma®c or alkaline magmatic complexes. readers are directed to the interpretation of tectonic events in terms of plate tectonics in this region consid and Grubic  (1977). of Mirdita in the Dinarides (Jankovic The intracontinental rifting is often accompanied by volcanoplutonic complexes of calc-alkaline composition. They occur infrequently (e. and/or from hydrothermal mobilization from the surrounding rocks. 1977. Dewey et al. spilite-keratophyre. ed. while the sources of metals are most probably non-volcanics. sea-¯oor spreading along the rift system continues right to the ocean stage as in the area  1977b). These problems have been discussed by Petrascheck (1942. Herz and Savu  (1974a. This study brie¯y reviews the relations between the Alpine deposits. 1. 1982. Ilavsky (1977). . Radulescu and Sandulescu (1973). In some areas volcanic sources at depth supplied only heat to drive hydrothermal systems. The following three principal morphogenetic types of deposit and metallogenic environment are distinguished. There are also intracontinental mineral-bearing basins without volcanic activity. The ore metals originated from the intermediate. 1976. Figure 2 shows the relations between regional metallogenic zones and tectonic settings in the NE Mediterranean domain. and gabbro. the mineralization of which is associated with shallow-water environment. Herz and Savu (1974a). (1977). These processes in the area of consideration were largely of a short duration and failed to reach the stage of ocean ¯oor development. Jankovic  et al. Jankovic Raincsak (1988). (1977b). 1987) crustal thinning and formation of the graben ¯oor by deep crustal ¯ow and tensional faulting. (1974). 1.  1982. Horvath (1974). locally. (1979).g. Intracontinental rifting The intracontinental rifting along the northern margin of Gondwanaland and/or within already separated fragments was particularly widespread during the Late Permian-Middle Triassic. The principal metallogenic zones in the central and western segments (Jankovic and Petrascheck. Vlad. albite syenite. Iulia and Tovarnica in the Dinarides Jankovic Cetal Bair in Dobrogea. Locally. b).427 Ore deposits and tectonic setting The tectonic evolution of the Carpatho-Balkanides and adjacent areas in the Alpine period is dominated by the opening and closure of the Tethys-Paratethys ocean. Ianovici and Borcos.1. First iron-oxide skarn deposits are associated with hypabyssal intrusions. 1982). 1 The Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic belt: the central and eastern segments (above). Ilavsky et al. and tectonic settings in the CarpathoBalkanides and adjacent areas based on plate tectonic concepts. small ore deposits are associated with shallow intrusives (quartz porphyries. low temperature deposits are located along continental margins and represented by carbonate hosted lead-zinc sulphides (the Triassic deposits of the Alps). Scarcity of major gabbro. Titaniferous magnetite veins/lenses and disseminations occur sporadically in the gabbro. Locally. the following should be mentioned: a.  (1990a) Jankovic c. Ni-Cu-Co sulphides (pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-pentlandite ‹ magnetite association accompanied by gold and silver) are locally found in the serpentinites. 1987). locally accompanied by barite and/or cinnabar. Vlad 1984a). associated with ophiolite suites. close to/or at the ¯oor of an epicontinental sea. 1. Among the ore deposits. and (2) bedded ferromanganese deposits associated with pillow lavas and with tu€aceous beds. 2 Major Alpine metallogenic units and tectonic settings in the northeastern Mediterranean (Jankovic 1977b. 2. particularly in the Dinarides.g. kovic . Volcano-sedimentary deposits are of two principal types. accompanied Â. Third. sporadically found in the same ophiolite complex: (1) sea-¯oor pyritic copper sulphides of Cyprus type. Jankovic copper deposits is a speci®c feature of such environments. by traces of pyrite and chalcopyrite (Jankovic 1990a) d. hot-spots). even  1986. and syngenetic and/or epigenetic mercury mineralization (the Idrija deposit in the Dinarides). volcanogenic hydrothermal and volcanosedimentary deposits. and (4) manganese volcano-sedimentary kovic deposits. Manganese nodules occur sporadically in the Upper Jurassic-Early Cretaceous deep sea sediments (Jan 1990a). modi®ed) oceanic crust is formed and a mid-oceanic ridge develops. diorite.3. Chromite deposits: numerous podiform chromite deposits are known in the Dinarides and Albanides b. (3) hydrothermal veins and stockwork of lead-zinc sulphides hosted by the volcanics (Jan 1982). both syngenetic and epigenetic are related to volcanic/subvolcanic activity. The ¯oor of the Tethys has many tectonic elements that are considered to be settings for ore deposits (e. new Fig. The most signi®cant deposits involve (1) barite and base metal sulphides (Somova in Dobrogea. (2) the proximal and distal volcano-sedimentary lead/zinc deposits. active spreading axes. Second.428 1.2. Mineralization associated with ocean-¯oor spreading areas When the lateral spreading of continental crust continues beyond the stage of intracontinental rifting. The Laramian magmatism involves both the Senonian volcanics (andesite. but mostly 0. Radtka in Bulgaria. although they are situated in the vicinity of a suture zone. Bogslavia.a.3 ppm. 3. Baksa et al. . Baksa et al. Celopec Ï in Bulgaria. Ianovici and Borcos 1982. but porphyry copper deposits in andesite prevail. Jankovic danov. Pd) are sporadically found (recovery of Pt and Pd is recorded in Bor). Lahoca/Recsk in (Bor in Yugoslavia. In some of the porphyry copper hydrothermal systems a vertical zoning of various mineralization styles and mineral assemblages have been  1990b. These processes took place during the (Jankovic late Paleogene through early Neogene along the suture Vardar-Izmir-Ankara zone. The collision of the northern Pannonian microplate with the European continental plate in the Late EoceneLower Miocene was followed by the subduction of oceanic lithosphere in the Middle Miocene (Badenian). Gold content of porphyry copper ore is variable. indicate a contamination of parent magma by continental crust (the 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0. vein and stockwork type of mineralization. Pornhyry copper deposits: several major porphyry copper deposits have been discovered since 1950 in the Carpatho-Balkanides (Majdanpek a. Cupriferous pyrite deposits occur in andesite ‹ dacite  1990a. The most signi®cant are the Neogene deposits in TransÏ tavnica-Bo ilvania. from less than 0. Skarn deposits. in Romania ± Cio¯ica and Vlad 1980. 4. 1982 see also Jenchenoaeva 1997 this issue).0 ppm. Conglomerate type is a unique type of copper deposits in the Carpatho-Balkanides (Novo Okno in the Bor  1990b). dacite. occur at subvolcanic levels of andesite-dacite-rhyolite suites in the Carpathians. replacement type of mineralization occurs in places as well  .a. Romania (Ianovici and Borcos. ore ®eld. less frequently in surrounding rocks. are commonly developed in the contact zone of plutonic complexes. monzonite.07 to 0. rhyodacite. The major deposits of this group include the following: a. b. c. in Bulgeria ± slavia Jankovic Bogdanov 1982. boron minerals a. granodiorite. Epithermal gold-silver deposits. They are commonly located at subvolcanic level. formed after the closure of the Vardar-Izmir-Ankara ocean. (Jankovic The spatial distribution of mineralization is often controlled by the volcanic structures. Jankovic 1980). that the widespread calc-alkaline igneous suites resulted from an anatectic partial melting of the lowermost part of continental crust and that locally even some ophiolites were involved  1986). 1980). resulting in the generation of numerous volcano-intrusive complexes of calc-alkaline suites. The wall-rocks are both volcanics and surrounding rocks.429 3. It is more likely but still a tentative model. Jankovic 4. both calcic and less frequently magnesian. b. Moldova Nuoa a. The centres of volcanic activity were controlled by deep fractures. 1980). The most important types of mineralization are 1.14). In the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene a regional island arc type calc-alkaline volcanism was developed in the eastern and western Carpathians. diorite). Geochemical features of igneous rocks range from continental margin type to island arc type. The emplacements of subvolcanic granite. Lead-zinc sulphide deposits are usually located along fractured zones in volcanics (andesite-dacite). b. Volcanics dominate and include rhyolite.2± 0. and Banska S È hmer. Concentrations of Pt-group elements (Pt. 1980. 2.a. Recsk in Hungary. 1990a. genetically associated with deep-seated magmatic sources. situated along the western arcs of the Carpatho-Balkanides (Apusenieastern Serbia-Srednegorie). 1986). locally alkaline. locally rhyolite. Bogdanov 1980). Volcanogenic hydrothermal deposits: these deposits are related to volcano-intrusive complexes of calcalkaline suites. Polymetallic massive sulphides with high gold content Ï oka Marin in Yugooccur in places in volcanics (C Ï Â . Recsk-Baksa et al. 5. 1982).1 ppm to 1. preceded by uplifting of the central parts of suture zone due to lateral compression (Karamata 1982). Jankovic Hungary.a. Mineralization in subduction-related setting The closure of Tethys during the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous was followed by the subduction of oceanic ¯oor under the European platform. locally molybdenum. Medet a. but often in close connection with caldera structures. The deposits of this type are of particular importance in Banat. in Yugo 1990a. The dominant ore constituents are iron and base metals. They are of replacement type formed sporadically on the top of porphyry copper systems. The intrusions are mostly composite and multistage magmatic complexes. quartzdiorite porphyries in the volcanic structures are common. The origin of these magmatic complexes cannot be unequivocally related to subduction of an oceanic crust and its partial melting. Ore grade mineralization occurs both in the intrusive host rocks (mainly subvolcanic/hypabyssal facies) and in the surrounding rocks. and the Campanian-Paleocene hypabyssal and plutonic rocks (granodiorite. dacite and various types of andesite. andesite prevails). Mineralization related to magmatic activity in post-collision continent-continent setting Some regional metallogenic units such as the SerboMacedonian-Central Anatolian province are associated with the Oligocene-Miocene/Pliocene calc-alkaline complexes. recognized (Bor. Mineralization is epigenetic with respect to volcanics. a. some of them contain Ï katica in Yugoslalarge reserves but at low grade (Mac via). 1977. accompanied locally by gold/silver. It is developed along a narrow. and diorite porphyry. Baia Sprie.g. associated with volcanic structures. The Oas metallogenic zone contains base metal deposits accompanied locally by Au. The vein type of mineralization prevails. locally mercury. base metals.  1990a). sporadically by native sulphur. mercury.a. disseminated and stockwork mineralization is subordinate. lead/ zinc and antimony deposits are related to Miocene multiphase volcanics. Major metallogenic units All Alpine ore deposits are located within several major metallogenic units. The principal features of these metallogenic units will be brie¯y presented. each characterized by some speci®c features regarding style of mineralization. 1987). Various hydrothermal deposits (gold. silver. Baia Mare metallogenic zone contains signi®cant deposits of precious and base metals. Epithermal mineralization of low sulphidation type dominates. Ianovici and Borcos 1982. 3 The Carpatho-Balkanides: principal metallogenic units (simpli®ed) Beregovo-Begansk district in Ukraine: the mineralization of gold/silver. PGE. etc).). and is associated with Miocene-Pliocene volcanism. located along the systems of fractures in the volcanics (e. The Western Carpathian sub-province includes several metallogenic ore districts such as: Central Slovakian Ï tiavnica ± HodrusÏ a. The most signi®cant deposits are in Hungary (e. Telkibanya. The ore deposits in Romania are reviewed by Ianovici and Borcos (1982). Some deposits were formed above ophiolites and they contain some elements which were mobilized by hydrothermal solutions passing through ophiolites (gold. and morphogenetic types of deposit. and some indications of porphyry copper mineralization.g. Lead-zinc and antimony are the dominant metals in this tectonic setting. granodiorite etc). Slanske-Tokaj Mts: the epithermal gold/silver. mainly andesite. regional fractured zone (Ianovici et al. The Apuseni Mts-Krepoljin sub-province. Rudabanya and Gyo È gyo È sorszi) (Morvai 1982) and Slovakia (e.g. in close connection with volcanic structures (volcanic centres and subvolcanic intrusions of calc-alkaline composition. Ag). Some deposits were formed from submarine brines. The Carpatho-Balkan metallogenic province (Fig. . Brehov). The large porphyry copper-skarn deposit Recsk is associated with Paleogene volcanics in the Hungarian Central Mts. Geamana-Camirzana). hydraulic fracturing and extensional fault tectonics. TeBi and barite occurs in Miocene volcanics. Banska S nica) contains volcanic hosted epithermal gold/silver deposits of low sulphidation type. the Vardar zone and the Serbo-Macedonian massif (SMM). the latter often associated with caldera structures. Molybdenum mineralization as disseminated and/or vein types occurs sporadically. syngenetic and/or epigenetic with respect to country rocks. Fig. Calimani-Gurguhiu-Hargita metallogenic zone involves hydrothermal mineralization of base metals. Herja). The most signi®cant deposits are Beregovo and Muzhievo (Naumenko. Jankovic The Apuseni Mts: the ore deposits related to the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene volcano-plutonic complexes of calc-alkaline suites (diorite. gold/silver ± lead/zinc ‹ Sb/As/Tl a. copper).430 The ore deposits were emplaced at hypabyssal and volcanic levels. they may represent a speci®c group of deposits developed in this tectonic setting (such as hydrothermal-sedimentary deposits of boron minerals. Kremdistrict (Pukanec.. base metal mineralization. cut by subvolcanic intrusions. Ag and Hg mineralization (Bixad. Hydrothermal-sedimentary magnesite and boron deposits occur in the Neogene basins. Porphyry copper deposits occur along the contact between two tectonic blocks. associations of elements and minerals. 3) is characterized by abundance of base metals and precious metals (Au. skarn magnetite deposits. base metal i.) are associated with the Neogene volcanics. The Eastern Carpathians sub-province. g. Figure 5 shows the main Triassic metallogenic districts in the Dinarides: (1) the Ljubija ore district containing carbonate-hosted siderite ore bodies. (e. It is related to a riftgraben structure. magnetite-hematite (Ocna de Fier) and molybdenite-chalcopyrite associations (Oravita. Zletovo. Elshitsa and C danov 1982). Elatsite). Mo.) with the large cupriferous massive pyrite/porphyry copper-gold deposit at Bor. and antimony deposits (e. Some of them are characterized by the presence of Mo. Skarns are the dominant type (Mo-Bi ores. veins of Sb-W and replacement of stibnite. The Burgas ore district: the mineralization of vein quartz-chalcopyrite association prevails (Rossen. The Metalliferous Mts: the ore deposits (Au. Buc govo metallogenic zone dominated by signi®cant leadzinc deposits (e. The Banat zone: the ore deposits occur mainly as skarn type. The Bor ore district involves several porphyry copper deposits (Majdanpek i. 1987. The ore deposits are associated with the Upper Cretaceous volcano-plutonic complexes of calcalkaline suites. Vlad 1984b).g. locally molybdenum and lead/zinc are the most signi®cant metals. Co. b). (3) the northern Montenegro metallogenic zone dominated by the lead zinc mineralization (volcanogenic and volcanoÏ uplja sedimentary types) in this metallogenic zone (e. Bi. Co. b). AlsÏ ar). Zidarevo). Jankovic cipal types of deposit and major metallogenic units. Srebrenica). (3) the Lecezinc mineralization (e. 1987) reviewed the prinnental rifting. The mineralization is related to the andesite-dacite subvolcanic intrusions: the small replacement type of Pb/Zn-Au/Ag association. Zajac Ï umadija-Kopaonik ore district characterized by (2) the S Fig. Cu. The Dinaric-Hellenides metallogenic province Mineralization is associated with Triassic intraconti (1977b.g. and porphyry Ï im.g. and Bi minerals (Bogdanov 1982). 4 The Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic province: principal metallogenic zones (Jankovic 1990a) skarn. locally the Pliocene volcano-intrusive complexes of calc-alkaline  1990a. This regional metallogenic unit is developed along the suture zone of ocean. accompanied by gold. Ni. The Krepoljin unit: this is an extension of the previous zone southwards of the Danube.g. Trepc Chalkidiki metallogenic zone involving lead-zinc deposits such Lece.g. hydrothermal replacement and vein types of leadÏ a a. (4) the Osocopper deposits (e. to some extent copper and antimony. Assarel.g. both calcic and locally magnesian.). The Alpine ore deposits are commonly associated with the Oligocene-Miocene. and (5) the Koz Ï uf ore district with minor copper. suites (Karamata 1974.a. W. arsenic. Olympias.431 Related metallogeny involves various styles of mineralization (skarn-hydrothermal) of Fe. As. diorite). Jankovic The most signi®cant deposits are those of lead/zinc. iron. thallium. The ore deposits are commonly located in the roots of the volcanic structures. Ag. and massive Ï elopec Ï Bogsulphide deposits (Radtka. Te and base metals including porphyry copper mineralization) are associated with the Badenian-Pliocene volcanointrusive complexes. The Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic province. skarn base metals accompanied by minor Bi and Mo. Ba (Folea et al. Copper and gold/silver. silver. Pb/Zn. Skouries etc). minor B. The major metallogenic units are displayed in Fig 4. which is traced from Bozovici in Romania over Bor in Yugoslavia to Srednegorie and Burgas/Black sea in Bulgaria. bismuth. locally minor skarn and/or hydrothermal magnetite deposits. as well as copper sulphides in Permian sandstone. Moldova Nuoa) occur most frequently. Sase-Toranica etc). Cu-W a. The Bor-Srednegorie sub-province. (2) the middle Bosnian Mts with numerous occurrences of Sb.a. They include: (1) the Podrinje ore district with signi®cant lead/zinc Ï a). and important Sb/As/Tl/ Au deposits (e. and Ï oka Marin (Jankovic  small base metals/gold deposit at C 1990 a. As. Hg-vein type mineralization. The Panagyurishte ore district contains porphyry copper deposits (Medet. They are related to the Upper CretaceousPaleocene magmatic complexes (granodiorite. Pb/Zn ‹ W. Cu.a). accompanied sporadically by lead-zinc sulphides. Au. S . petrographsischen Provinzen der Balkanhalbinsel und Kleinasien. (eds) Mineral deposits of Europe. Zb. Grubic A (1977) Models of geotectonic development of the northeastern Mediterranean. 18(3±4): 243±255 Ianovici V. pp 40±52 Herz N. pp 3±53 Naumenko VV. Inst Geol Dioniz sÏ tur. pp 21±103 Folea I. pp 73±76 Bogdanov B (1980) Massive sulphide and porphyry copper deposits in the panagyrishte district. and (5) the Podrinje bar mineralization (e. 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