
March 26, 2018 | Author: panda-show | Category: Turbocharger, Dodge, Truck, Automotive Technologies, Vehicles



C Brake by JacobsE Brake by Jacobs Application Guide ® TUNE - UP KITS Engine Brake Model Part Number    25B/30/30E/400/400H 3871418 401A/401B/401C 3871535 420/425 3871536 425A 3871537 430 3871538 404/404B 3871540 440/440A, 450A/450B 3871568 404D/411/411C/411D/411E 3871580 404BG 3871586 455A/455B/455C 3871704 490/490A 3800917 Upgrade Kit, Model 404B TO 404BG 3871513 (Guided Crossheads to Guideless Crossheads) Description SERVICE TOOLS Part Number Tool Kit (includes all adjustment gauges) 3871523 Adjustment Gage 0.015" 3871428 Adjustment Gage 0.018" 3871272 Adjustment Gage 0.021" 3871435 Adjustment Gage 0.023" 3871534 Adjustment Gage 0.024" 3871467 Adjustment Gage 0.027" 3133172 Adjustment Gage 0.030' 3871451 Adjustment Gage 0.037" 3871452 Adjustment Gage 0.040" 3871471 Adjustment Gage 0.046" 3871470 Adjustment Gage 0.090" 3163681 Slave piston removal tool 3871654 Oil Pressure Test Kit 3871551 Grinding Gage 425A 3871221 (for grinding exhaust rockers on engines built before 1980) Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.16 for Application Information 3871669 See p.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.090" 0. Slave Lash See p.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information Cab Control Group .015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information See p. 8792 8786 8780 8718 8717 8706 8703 8662 8651 8650 8648 8647 8646 8643 8641 8608 8600 8548 8547 8608 8603 8600 8572 8563 8562 8561 8560 8559 8558 8557 8556 8548 8547 CPL No.16 for Application Information 3871669 3871669 See p.090" 0.090" 0.090" 0.015" 0.015" 0.090" Slave Lash 4089626 4089626 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089395 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 3800765 4089653 4089653 4089653 3800765 4089395 4089653 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089653 4089653 12V Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24V SL Base Kit * Additional harness is required for this installation .16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.090" 0.090" 0.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p. 490A 490A 490 490 490 411D 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 411C 490 490 490 411C 411D 490 411D 411D 411D 411D 411D 411D 411D 411D 411D 490 490 0.090" 0.090" 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide  Old CPL No.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 See p.16 for Application Information See p.090" 0.16 for Application Information 3871669 See p.090" 0.015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.090" 0.015" 0.015" 0.090" 0.090" 0.090" 0.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.3871653 (Ground Harness) ISL07 ISC07 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISM02 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 QSM11-CE ISL98 ISL98 ISL98 QSM11-CE ISM02 ISL98 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISL98 ISL98 Engine Model Engine Brake N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24V DL Base Kit Engine Brake Applications N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig.090" 0.015" 0.015" 0. 015" 0.16 for Application Information 3871669 3871669 3871669 See p.090" 0.090" 0.027" 0.015" 0.090" 0.015" 0.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.090" 0.015" 0.027" 0.090" 0. QSM11-CE QSM11-CE QSM11-CE QSM11-CE ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 ISM02 QSM11-CE ISL03 ISL03 ISL03 ISL03 QSM11-CE ISL03 ISM02 QSM11-CE ISM02 ISL03 ISM02 ISM02 ISL03 ISL ISL ISL ISL ISM 425 QSM11-CE QSM11-CE ISM 425 ISM 425 ISM07 ISM07 ISM07 ISM07 ISM07 ISM Engine Model 411C 411C 411C 411C 411D 411D 411D 411D 411C 490A 490A 490A 490A 411C 490A 411D 411C 411D 490A 411D 411D 490A 490 490 490 490 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411E 411E 411E 411E 411E 411C Engine Brake 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.027" 0.015" 0.027" 0.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.027" 0. 8546 8545 8544 8543 8506 8505 8504 8503 8495 8476 8475 8474 8473 8471 8458 8427 8409 8377 8389 8309 8271 8221 8158 8106 8042 2946 2830 2829 2828 2812 2809 2731 2730 2729 2728 2727 2614 CPL No.015" 0.015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.16 for Application Information 3871669 3871669 See p.015" 0.090" 0.015" Slave Lash 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 4089395 4089395 4089395 4089395 3800765 4089626 4089626 4089626 4089626 3800765 4089626 4089395 3800765 4089395 4089626 4089395 4089395 4089626 4089653 4089653 4089653 4089653 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 4955458 4955458 4955458 4955458 4955458 3800765 12V Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24V SL Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24V DL Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig.015" 0. Slave Lash 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 See p.015" 0.015" 0. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.16 for Application Information 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3871669 Cab Control Group .015" 0.090" 0.015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.16 for Application Information 3871669 See p.16 for Application Information See p.015" 0.015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.090" 0.16 for Application Information See p.090" 0. 16 for Application Information N/R 3871669 3871669 3871647 3871647 Cab Control Group .023" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0. (335 V) M11 280-330 ESP PLUS (280-350 E PLUS). 2612 2611 2610 2608 2607 2592 2591 2590 2576 2563 2562 2543 2542 2541 2540 2539 2477 2475 2459 2445 2425 2398 2391 2390 2389 2385 2371 2370 2350 2210 2200 2199 2192 CPL No.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0. Compatible Slave Brakes Lash 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871647 3871647 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871647 3871647 3871647 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 3871669 See p.015" 0.023" 0.023" 0.023" 0.015" 0.460 E Plus N14-435 ESP Plus (435-525 E PLUS) N14-370 ESP Plus (370-460 E PLUS) N14-330 ESP Plus (330-425 E PLUS) LTA10-C M11 350-370 ESP PLUS (330-450 E PLUS).015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide  Old CPL No.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0.015" 455B 455C 411 411 411 411C 411C 411C 411C 411 Slave Lash 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 455B 455B 455C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 411C 490 404BG 411 411 455B 455B Engine Brake 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3804584 3804584 3804584 3804584 3411467 3804603 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3804603 3804603 3411467 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 3800765 4089653 3804575 3804584 3804584 3804603 3804603 12V Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804585 3804585 3804585 3804585 N/A 3804604 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804604 3804604 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804576 3804585 3804585 3804604 3804604 24V SL Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804586 3804586 3804586 3804586 3411468 3804665 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804665 3804665 3411468 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804586 3804586 3804665 3804665 24V DL Base Kit N/A N/A N/A N/A 3871658 3871658 3871658 3871658 3871652 3871652 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3871652 3871652 3871652 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/R 3871658 3871658 3871652 3871652 Engine Control Group Original / Orig.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0. ISM ISM ISM ISM 425 ISM 280-330 N14 NE3 N14 NE2 N14 NE1 ISM ISM ISM ISM 405 ISM 380 ISM 340 ISM 305 ESP ISM 305 ISM ISL L10 M11 M11-330 E Plus/280 E Plus N14 370 .090" 0. (305/335 V) 425 hp ISM ISM >330 hp ISM <330 hp ISM LTA10-C Engine Model 0. or 1831.330 HP N14-330 ESP Plus (310E . Serious engine damage will result.015" 0. Use only Model 440 on these engines.450 HP N14 EURO II M11 Plus 280 .015" 0.015" 0.16 for Application Information See p.023" Slave Lash 411 455B 411 411 404D 411 411 490A 490A 404D 404D 404D 411 411 411 411 55B Engine Brake 3804597 3804575 3804584 3804594 3804584 3804591 3804591 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804584 3804593 3804584 3804584 3804584 3804581 3804603 3804603 3804584 N/A 3804584 3804584 3804581 N/A N/A 4089626 4089626 N/A 3804581 3804581 N/A N/A 3804584 3804584 3804603 12V Base Kit 3804598 3804576 3804585 3804595 3804585 N/A N/A 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804585 N/A 3804585 3804585 3804585 3804582 3804604 3804604 3804585 N/A 3804585 3804585 3804582 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804582 3804582 N/A N/A 3804585 3804585 3804604 24V SL Base Kit 3804599 N/A 3804586 3804596 3804586 3804592 3804592 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804586 N/A 3804586 3804586 3804586 3804583 3804665 3804665 3804586 3804665 3804586 3804586 3804583 3804586 3804586 N/A N/A 3804580 3804583 3804583 3804586 3804586 3804586 3804586 3804665 24V DL Base Kit 3074287 N/R 3080422 3074287 3080422 3871542 3871542 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3080422 3074287 3871658 3871658 3871658 3871525 3871652 3871652 3871658 3871652* 3871658 3871658 3871525 3080422 3080422 N/A N/A 3871531 3871525 3871525 3080422 3080422 3871658 3871658 3871652 Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig.015" 0.400 HP M11 Plus 280 .015" 0.015" 0. Slave Lash 3871661 N/R 3883216 3871661 3883216 3871543 3871543 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883216 3871541 3871669 3871669 3871669 3883602 3871647 3871647 3871669 3871647 3871669 3871669 3883602 3255804 3255804 See p.023" 0.370E) N14-370 ESP Plus (410E . M11 Plus 420 . 1611.16 for Application Information 3883602 3883602 3883602 3255804 3255804 3871669 3871669 3871647 Cab Control Group * CAUTION! DO NOT use former model 445 on CPL’s 1580.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0. .330 HP M11 Plus 280 .015" 0.015" 0.370E N14 430E. 1583.370E) M11-400 N14-410/STC N14-370/STC 91L10-260/STC 91L10-280/STC 91L10-310/STC 91L10/STC M11 .525E) N14 500E LTA10-B M11 370E N14-350E (310E .460E LTA10-C LTA10-C LTA10-C 91L10-260/STC Engine Model 0.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.023" 455B 450B 404BG 411 450A 411 440 440 404D 404D 404D 404D 411 440A 411 411 411 404D 0.090" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.330 HP MTA11-C300 M11 305 (Bus) M113 350 ISL07 ISC07 L10 325 STC L10-280E L10-280E M11 305 ESP M11 280/330/340 M11 Plus 330 .015" 0. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0.090" 0.023" 0.015" 0.023" 455B 0.015" 0. 2178 2143 2141 2140 2119 2099 2097 2087 2085 2068 2067 2066 2042 2040 2037 2036 2027 2026 2025 2003 1994 1991 1987 1973 1957 1405 1956 1374 1954 1373 1953 1362 1952 1349 1951 1241 1946 1944 1933 1931 1930 1913 1448 CPL No.500E) N14-435 ESP Plus (435E .015" 0.015" 0.015" 0. 1611.046" 0.023" 0. 91L10/STC 91L10-280/STC 91L10/STC 91L10-310/STC MTA11-C330/C350 94 N14 LTA10-C M11-400 N14-430 LTA10-C M11-280 L10/STC L10/STC L10/STC L10/STC L10/STC L10/STC M11 ESP II M11-330/370E M11-280/330E 94 N14 91L10 94 N14 N14-330E/350E N14-430E/460/E 94 N14 94 N14 M11 NTAA 340 STC L10 325 STC 91L10 91L10 L10-350 91L10 N14-430/STC L10 L10-280 NTAA-410 NTAA 380 STC Engine Model 404D 404D 404D 404D 404D 450B 411 411 440* 411 411 404D 404D 404D 404D 404D 404D 411 411 411 450B 404BG/D 450B 450A 440* 450B 450A 411 430 404BG/D 404BG/D 404BG/D 404D 404BG/D 440 404D 404D 430 430 Engine Brake 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.015" 0. 1583.023" 0.046" Slave Lash 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804597 3804584 3804584 3804591 3804584 3804584 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804581 3804584 3804584 N/A 3804597 3804578 3804597 3804594 3804591 3804597 3804594 3804584 N/A 3804578 3804578 3804578 3804581 3804578 3804591 3804581 3804581 3804590 N/A 12V Base Kit 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804598 3804585 3804585 N/A 3804585 3804585 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804585 3804585 N/A 3804598 3804579 3804598 3804595 N/A 3804598 3804595 3804585 N/A 3804579 3804579 3804579 3804582 3804579 N/A 3804582 3804582 N/A N/A 24V SL Base Kit 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804599 3804586 3804586 3804592 3804586 3804586 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804586 3804586 3804586 3804599 3804580 3804599 3804596 3804592 3804599 3804596 3804586 3267479 3804580 3804580 3804580 3804583 3804580 3804592 3804583 3804583 N/A 3267479 24V DL Base Kit 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3074287 3871658 3080422 3074287 3871658 3080422 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3080422 3080422 3080422 3074287 N/R 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3871658 3871423 N/R N/R N/R 3892598 N/R 3871542 3892598 3892598 N/R 3871423 Engine Control Group 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3871661 3871669 3883216 3871541 3871669 3883216 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883216 3883216 3255804 3871661 N/R 3871661 3871661 3871541 3871661 3871661 3871669 3042594 N/R N/R N/R 3883216 N/R 3871543 3883216 3883216 N/R 3042594 Cab Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes * CAUTION! DO NOT use former model 445 on CPL’s 1580.023" 0.015" 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide  Old CPL No.015" 0. 1912 1450 1911 1447 1910 1449 1909 1446 1897 1896 1894 1885 1878 1877 1875 1871 1870 1869 1868 1867 1866 1857 1856 1855 1852 1849 1844 1833 1831 1809 1807 1699 1686 1676 1675 1674 1669 1660 1652 1644 1642 1637 1636 CPL No.015" 0. Use only Model 440 on these engines.015" 0. or 1831. Serious engine damage will result.023" 0.023" 0. Slave Lash .015" 0. Orig.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.023" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.015" 0.046" 0.015" 0.015" 0. 015" 3804575 LTA10-B/STC 404BG 0.015" 3804581 L10-330 404D 0.015" 3804575 L10-280 404D 0.027" 4955458 N14-350/STC 440 0. 401C & 400 only Engine Model Engine Brake 3804579 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804582 N/A 3804582 N/A 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804582 3804582 3804582 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24V SL Base Kit 3804580 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804583 3804592 3804583 3804592 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804592 3804592 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804583 3804583 3804583 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804592 N/A 3804592 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3892598 3074287 3892598 3074287 3892598 3892598 3892598 3892598 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3871525 3871525 3871525 N/A 3074287 N/A 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3871542 N/A 3871542 Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3883216 3871541 3883216 3871541 3883216 3883216 3883216 3883216 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3883602 3883602 3883602 N/R 3871541 N/R 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871543 N/R 3871543 Cab Control Group Orig.015" 3804575 LTA10-B/STC 404BG 0. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.023" 3804593 N14-370/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 L10-260/STC 404D 0.023" 3804591 L10-280 404D 0.015" 3804581 L10-310/STC 404D 0.023" 3804593 N14-330/E 440A 0.027" 4955458 N140460E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-460/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-370/E 440A 0.015" 3804575 LTA10/STC 404BG 0.015" 3804581 ISM07 411E 0.015" 3804581 N14-430/E 440* 0.023" 3804591 ISM07 411E 0.015" 3804581 N14-500/E 440* 0. Slave Lash .015" 3804581 N14-370/410 440* 0.023" 3804591 *Compatible Models include 25A.023" 3804593 N14-310/E 440A 0. 30.027" 4955458 N14-330/E 440A 0.023" 3804591 LTA10-350E 404D 0.023" 3804593 N14-350/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-330/E 440A 0.015" 3804581 L10-330 404D 0. 1626 1625 1442 1624 1441 1623 1346 1622 1226 1621 1225 1620 1224 1619 1223 1617 1611 1609 1607 1590 1589 1588 1513 1587 1583 1580 1575 1574 1573 1572 1562 1560 1558 1556 1548 1545 1540 1538 1537 1536 1535 1534 1533 1532 1531 1530 CPL No.023" 3804593 ISM07 411E 0.015" 3804581 L10-280/STC 404D 0. 25B.015" 3804578 LTA10-350/STC 404BG 0.023" 3804593 N14-310/E 440A 0.015" 3804575 LTA10/STC 404BG 0.015" 3804575 LTA10/STC 404BG 0.015" 3804581 L10-330 404D 0.023" 3804593 N14-430/E 440A 0.023" 3804591 N14-480E 440A 0. 30E.023" 3804591 N14-430E/460/E 440* 0.015" 3804575 LTA10/STC 404BG 0. Slave Lash 12V Base Kit 91L10 404BG/D 0.023" 3804593 N14-330/STC 440 0. 015" 3804575 91L10 404D 0. Slave Lash 12V Base Kit N14-350/STC 440 0.023" 3804593 N14-330/E 440A 0.037" N/A N14-330/STC 440 0.015" 3804581 N14-370/E 440A 0. see CPL1957 440 0.023" 3804591 NTAA 410 STC 425A 0.023" 3804593 N14-370/E 440A 0. 25B.023" 3804593 N14-350/E 440A 0.015" 3804581 91L10-280/STC See CPL 1911 404D 0.023" 3804593 N14-460/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-370/E 440A 0.023" 3804591 LTA10-330/STC 404BG 0. 30E.023" 3804591 91L10-310 404D 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide  Old CPL No. 404BG 0.015" 3804581 91L10-310/STC See CPL 1909 404D 0.015" N/A NTAA 465 STC 425A 0.027" 4955458 91L10/STC See CPL 1912 404D 0.015" 3804581 91L10-260/STC See CPL 1913 404D 0.023" 3804591 91L10/260/280/310 STC 404D 0.015" 3804581 91L10-280 404D 0.023" 3804593 LTA10-350/STC. 30.015" 3804581 *Compatible Models include 25A.015" 3804578 N14-410/STC. 401C & 400 only Engine Model Engine Brake 3804592 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804592 N/A 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 3804583 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804580 3804580 3804580 3804592 3804589 3804592 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804592 N/A 3804583 3804592 3804580 3804589 3804583 N/A 3804579 3804579 3804579 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804576 3804582 N/A N/A N/A 3804582 24V DL Base Kit N/A 3804582 3804582 3804582 N/A N/A 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 3804582 N/A 3804576 3804576 24V SL Base Kit 3074287 N/R N/R N/R 3871542 3871423 3871542 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3074287 3871542 N/R 3892598 3871542 3871531 3871423 3892598 3871542 3892598 3892598 3892598 3871542 N/A 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3871525 3074287 N/R N/R Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes 3871541 N/R N/R N/R 3871543 3042594 3871543 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871541 3871543 N/R 3883216 3871543 3883602 3042594 3883216 3871543 3883216 3883216 3883216 3871543 N/R 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3883602 3871541 N/R N/R Cab Control Group Orig. see CPL 1625 404BG 0.015" 3804581 N14-330/STC See CPL 1507 440 0. 1529 1514 1512 1511 1507 1500 1450 1449 1448 1373 1447 1362 1446 1445 1442 1441 1426 1414 1413 1412 1405 1402 1395 1394 1393 1392 1391 1390 1389 1386 1385 1384 1380 1378 1375 1374 1373 1370 1367 CPL No.015" 3804575 See CPL1624.023" 3804593 N14-330/E 440A 0. Slave Lash .037" N/A 91L10-310 404D 0.023" 3804591 ISM07 411E 0.015" 3804578 91L10 404BG/D 0.015" 3804578 91L10 404BG/D 0.015" 3804581 N14-370/STC See CPL 1374 440 0.023" 3804593 91L10 404BG/D 0.015" 3804575 LTA10-B/STC.1994 N14-410/E 440A 0.023" 3804591 N14-310/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-430/E 440A 0.023" 3804593 N14-350/STC 440 0.015" 3804581 91L10/STC See CPL 1910 404D 0.015" 3804581 91L10-330 404D 0.023" 3804593 N14-430/E 440A 0. 30.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.090" 0.015" 0.037" 0.1994 LTA10 See CPL 1621 LTA10 See CPL 1620 LTA10 See CPL 1619 NTC444NBCIV NTC400/88NTSTC NTC444/88NTSTC NTA 405 STC NTE 365 F/T Pre91L10 F/T NTC350/88NTSTC FLEET 285/88NT NTE465/88NT NTC400/88NT 91L10-330 LTA10-B/STC NT350E/88NT NTC400/365BCIV ISL07 NT315-E NTC444/88NT NTA855 NTC300BCIV NTC300/320BCIV NTC365/400NBCIV NTC444NBCIV NTC400BCIII Engine Model Engine Brake N/A 3804576 N/A N/A 3804582 3804582 3804576 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804588 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804582 3804576 N/A 3804588 N/A N/A N/A 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804580 N/A N/A 3804580 3804583 3804583 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804589 N/A N/A 3804589 3267479 3804577 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804583 N/A N/A 3804589 N/A N/A N/A 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit 3871531 N/R N/R 3871531 3892598 3892598 N/R 3074287 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3871423 3871423 3871426 N/R N/R N/R N/R 3892598 N/R N/R N/R N/A N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig. 404D 404BG 430 404D 404D 404D 404BG 440A 430 430 430 430 404BG 404BG 404BG 404BG 425A 430 430 425A 430 404BG 430 430 430 430 404D 404BG 430 425A 490A 430 430 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 0.10 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No. 30E.023" 0. 25B.015" 0.015" 0.046" 0.015" 0.018" See p.018" 0.015" 0.021" N/R 420 0.018" 0.018" N/R 420 0.046" 0.030" 0.046" 0.030" 0.015" 0.018" Cab Control Group .024" 0. 1362 1359 1352 1349 1348 1347 1346 1324 1286 1285 1280 1256 1226 1225 980 1224 956 1223 939 1215 1211 1210 1200 1199 1198 1188 1187 1186 1185 1161 996 992 974 915 911 910 909 907 905 904 903 891 CPL No.018" 0. Slave Lash 3883602 N/R N/R 3883602 3883216 3883216 N/R 3871541 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 420 0.046" 0.015" 0.032" 0.015" 0.021" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 0.015" 0.015" 0.046" 0.037" 0.16 for Application Information N/R N/R N/R N/R 401C/400 0.046" 0.046" 0.037" 0.015" 0.046" 0.030" 0.046" 0.015" 0. 401C & 400 only 91L10/260/280/310 STC LT10-225/STC FLEET300/88NT 91L10/260/280/310 STC 91L10-330 91L10-310 LTA10 See CPL 1623 N14-460E NTC444/88NT NTC444/88NT NTC444/88NT NTC444/88NT LTA10 See CPL 1622.018" N/R N/R 3042594 3042594 3871329 N/R N/R N/R N/R 3883216 N/R N/R N/R 420 0.018" Slave Lash N/A 3804575 3804590 N/A 3804581 3804581 3804575 3804593 3804590 3804590 3804590 3804590 3804575 3804575 3804575 3804575 3804587 3804590 3804590 N/A N/A N/A 3804590 3804590 3804590 3804590 3804581 3804575 3804590 3804587 4089626 3804590 3804590 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 *Compatible Models include 25A.037" 0.015" 0.024" 0. 018" 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 11 Old CPL No.015" 3804575 LTA-10-270/320 404BG 0.015" 3804575 NTC365/400NBCIV 425A 0.015" 3804575 LTA-10 (OAC) 404BG 0.015" N/A LTA10 See CPL 1994 404BG 0.015" 3804575 NTC350BCIII 425A 0.015" 3804575 LTA 10/225 404BG 0.018" 0.030" 3804587 NTC350BCIV 425A 0. Slave Lash 420 401C/400 Original / Compatible Brakes .018" 3804587 LTA-10 (OAC) 404BG 0.018" 0.024" 3804590 LTA10 404BG 0. 30E.037" 3804587 NTC400BCIV 425A 0.030" 3804587 *Compatible Models include 25A.018" 3804587 NTCC350BCIVMVT 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC300BCIV 425A 0.018" 0.024" 3804590 NTC315/88NT 430 0.037" 3804587 NTC300NBCIV 425A 0.015" 3804575 LTA-10 (OAC) 404BG 0.021" 0.018" 3804587 NTC300 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC400/88NT 430 0.021" 0.018" 0.018" 3804587 NTCC365/400STC 425A 0.018" 0.030" 3804587 NTC300BCIV 425A 0.018" 0.046" 3804590 NTC444BCIVSTC 425A 0.018" 0.021" 0.018" 0. 840 838 835 783 833 832 827 821 814 813 812 811 806 797 796 795 794 790 764 789 748 787 726 786 708 785 671 780 778 641 777 528 776 774 773 770 769 749 745 744 743 718 695 676 675 674 CPL No.015" 3804575 LT10-250 404BG 0.018" 3804587 NTC315BCIV 425A 0.015" 3804575 LTA -10 404BG 0.018" 420 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B/400H 420 401C/400 401C/400 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B/400H 401B 401B 401B/400H 25B* 401C/400 401C/400 401C/400 Orig.018" 3804587 NTC400BCIII 425A 0.015" 3804575 LTA10 See CPL 1994 404BG 0.037" 3804587 NTC350NBCIV 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC400BCIV 425A 0.018" 0.018" 3804587 NTC400SC 425A 0.018" 0. Slave Lash 12V Base Kit NTC350/88NT 430 0.018" 3804587 NTCC315BCIVMVT 425A 0. 30.015" 3804575 LTA-10 (OAC) 404BG 0.015" 3804575 LTA10-290 404BG 0.018" 3804587 NTC350 425A 0.018" 0. 401C & 400 only Engine Model Engine Brake N/A N/A 3804576 3804588 3804588 N/A 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804576 N/A 3804576 3804576 3804576 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit N/A N/A N/A 3804589 3804589 N/A 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3804577 N/A N/A N/A 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3871426 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3781329 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Cab Control Group 0.018" 0.018" 3804587 FLEET 300BCIV 425A 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.015" 3804575 LTA-10 (OAC) 404BG 0.018" 3804587 NTC350BCIV 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC315NBCIV 425A 0.018" 0. 25B.018" 3804587 NTC315BCIV 425A 0. 018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 3804587 *Compatible Models include 25A. Slave Lash N/R 401B/400H 0.015" 3804575 NTE400 425A 0.030" 3804587 LTA-10 404BG 0.018" 3804587 FLEET 300BCIII 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTC400BCII 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTAA-STC 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC400BCIII 425A 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" 3804587 NTCC400BCIIIMVT 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTCC240BCIIIMVT 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTE290BCIII 425A 0.037" 3804587 NTCC-240BCIII 425A 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" 3804587 NTC350 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC350BCII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTCC350BCIIIMVT 425A 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.12 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.030" 3804587 FLEET 300BCIII 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTC350 425A 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0. 401C & 400 only Engine Model Engine Brake 3804588 3804588 N/A 3804576 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804576 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804589 3804589 3804589 N/A 3804589 3804589 3804589 N/R 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R 3871423 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" 3804587 NTC350BCIII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC350SC 425A 0.018" 3042594 N/R N/R 401B/400H 0.030" 3804587 NTC475BCII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTCC300BCIIIMVT 425A 0. Slave Lash 12V Base Kit FLEET 300BCIV 425A 0.037" 3804587 PT270SC 425A 0.037" 3804587 NTC350BCII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC350BCIII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC320 425A 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" 3804587 NTC300BCIII 425A 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" 3804587 NTC400BCIV 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTC300BCIII 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTC300BCII 425A 0.018" 3804587 NTC3OOBCIII 425A 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.030" 3804587 FLEET 270BCIII 425A 0. 673 669 659 652 651 647 642 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 625 617 616 615 614 612 611 606 588 586 585 581 579 578 572 558 547 543 536 531 530 529 518 516 510 CPL No.018" 3804587 NTC270BCIII 425A 0. 25B.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0. 30E.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 3804587 NTC300SC 425A 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.030" 3804587 NTC270BCIII 425A 0.037" 3804587 NTC475BCIII 425A 0. 30.018" N/A LTA 10 404BG 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.037" 3804587 NTC475BCIII 425A 0.015 3804575 NTC350BCII 425A 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 3804587 NTC400BCIII 425A 0.030" 3804587 NTC400BCIII 425A 0.018" Cab Control Group .018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 13 Old CPL No.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0. Slave Lash N/R 401C/400 0.030" 0. 30E.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.030" 0.16 for Application Information 3042594 N/R 30E*/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.037" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" 3042594 N/R N/R 25B* 0. 401C & 400 only NTC350BCII FLEET 270BCII NTE 370 or 400 F/T NT855-C250 PT240BCIII(EXT) NTC240BCIII(EXT) NTC270BCII PT270BCII NTC230SC NTC300BCII NTC350BCII NTC350BCII NTC400BCII NTC290BCII NTC300BCII NTCC300BCIIMVT NTCC350BCIIMVT NTCC400BCIIMVT NTCC300BCIIMVT NTCC350BCIIMVT NTCC400BCIIMVT NTC350BCII NTC400BCII NT240SC NTE 370 or 400 F/T NTC300BCII ISL07 NTE 350 F/T NTC300BCII NTCC230SC NTC230SC NTC290BCII NTC400BCI NTE350BCII NTE370BCII NTC350SC NTCC290BCI Engine Model Engine Brake 3804588 3804588 N/A 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 N/A 3804588 N/A N/A 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 N/A 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R 3871423 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3871423 N/R N/A 3871423 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group Original / Compatible Brakes Orig.037" 0.018" N/R 30* 0.018" N/R 30E*/400 0.030" Slave Lash 3804587 3804587 N/A 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 N/A 3804587 4089626 N/A 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 12V Base Kit *Compatible Models include 25A.018" Cab Control Group .018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 30* 0.018" 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.030" 0.037" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 30E*/400 0.018" See p.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" 0. 30. 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 490A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 0.018" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0. 509 506 500 499 498 497 492 491 488 485 483 482 481 473 471 459 458 457 456 455 454 450 449 437 435 433 424 419 414 408 407 402 393 392 391 384 380 CPL No.030" 0.030" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" N/R 401B/400H 0.037" 0. 25B.018" 0.018" 0.018" N/R 30E* 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.090" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" N/R 25B* 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.030" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.037" 0.018" N/R 401C/400 0.018" 3042594 N/R 30E*/400 0.030" 0. 018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.030" 0.14 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.030" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" Slave Lash 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 12V Base Kit 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Cab Control Group 401B/400H 30* 30* 30* 30* 25B* 30* 30* 30* 30E* 401B/400H 401B/400H 30* 30* 30E* 30E* 30* 401B/400H 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 25B* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 30* 25B* 30* 25B* 30* 30* Original / Compatible Brakes 0.030" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0. NTE290BCIII NTC400BCI NTC350BCI NTC290BCI NTC250BCI NTC230SC NTC350BCI NTC250BCI NTC290BCI NTC400BCII NTC370BCIII NTE350BCIII NTC250BCI NTC290BCI NTC350BCII NTC290BCII NTCC290BCI NTC475BCII NTC350BCI NTCC350BCI NTC350BCI NTC400BCI NTC250BCI NTC290BCI NTE290BCI NTC350BCI NTC350YSC NTC350BCI NTCC350BCI NTC350BCI NTCC290BCI NTC350BCI NTCC350BCI NTCC400BCI NTC335SC NTC350SC NTCC270BCI NTCC270SC NTC400BCI NTC350BCI Engine Model 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A Engine Brake 0.030" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" Orig.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0. Slave Lash .030" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" 0. 377 376 375 374 373 372 369 354 353 349 348 347 345 344 339 338 332 330 329 328 327 324 323 322 320 315 314 309 308 307 306 298 294 281 280 278 277 270 267 266 CPL No.037" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.030" 0.018" 0.030" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0. 037" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 25B* 25B* Orig.018" 0. 254 250 249 248 233 230 227 222 221 220 217 215 207 205 204 199 198 197 196 194 190 189 188 187 182 181 178 176 175 160 154 147 135 132 117 115 113 107 101 77 CPL No.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.030" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0. Slave Lash 30* 30* 30* 25B* 30* 30* 30* 30* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* Original / Compatible Brakes .018" 0.030" 0.030" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" Slave Lash 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 12V Base Kit 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Cab Control Group 0.037" 0.030" 0.037" 0.037" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.030" 0.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 15 Old CPL No.018" 0.018" 0. NTC350BCI NTCC350BCI NTCC290BCI NTC350SC NTC290BCI NTCE240BCI NTC290BCI NTC250BCI NTC250SC NTC230 NTC290 NTCE290 PT270 NTA400 NTCC350 NTC290 NTC335 NTC335 NTC350 NTC290 NTCC335 NTC250 NTC230 NTC290 NTC335 PT270 NTC230 NTC250 PT270 NTC350 NTC350 NTC350 NTA400 NTC335 NHCT270 NTC927 NTC270 NTA400 NTC290 NHTC270 Engine Model 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A Engine Brake 0.018" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" 0.030" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.030" 0.037" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.018" 0.018" 0.037" 0. 018" Orig.018" 0. NTC335 NH230 NTA420 NTA370 NTC350 NTC335 Engine Model 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A 425A Engine Brake 0. 69 26 23 22 21 1 CPL No.018" 0.037" 0.018" 0.037" Slave Lash 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 3804587 12V Base Kit 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 3804588 24V SL Base Kit 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 3804589 24V DL Base Kit N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Engine Control Group N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R Cab Control Group 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* 25B* Original / Compatible Brakes 0.018" 0.037" 0.16 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide Old CPL No.037" 0. Slave Lash .037" 0.037" 0.018" 0. order two(2) of p/n 4089625 Model Year ISL 1998 to 2002 4089653 Engine Model Engine Brake ISL Applications . Kit 4030234 needed for turbos 3597581.3597586. Replace Valve Cover 3967770 with 3967777. Not to be used with Exhaust Brake 2. Kit 4030233 needed for turbos 3597576. Not to be used with Exhaust Brake 2. For 24 V application. 3597584. No Kit Required for Turbo 3597099 3. cannot be used with ISC models prior to 2007 2. Only for use with ISC07 engine. Replace Valve Cover 3967770 with 3967777. No Kit Required for Turbo 3597099 3. Not to be used with a Exhaust Brake 2. or 3967766 with 3967776 Notes 1. or 3967766 with 3967776 ISL07 2007 4089626 Engine Brake 1. or 3967766 with 3967776 Notes ISL03 2003 to 2006 4089626 Base kit 1. 3967763 with 3967773. Not to be used with Exhaust Brake 3597584. 3967763 with 3967773. Replace Valve Cover 3967770 with 3967777.Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 17 Base kit ISC07 2007 4089626 Engine Model Model Year 1. 3967763 with 3967773. 3597600. 5 .9 Electronic Half Marmon 3527759 3800442 3806238 3806237 ISB 5. If the vehicle does not have an on-board air supply (i. • For all Cummins Engine applications.Then choose the corresponding base kit and pneumatic group.0L Electronic Half Marmon 3800416 3806238 3806237 ISL 9.3 Electronic Full Marmon 4089624 3806238 3806237 ISC03 8.9 Mechanical In Pipe N/A 3802671 3803910 3802673 C8.9 Electronic ISB 5.3 Electronic Full Marmon 3539060 3800415 3806238 3806237 ISC 8.9 Electronic In Pipe N/A 3800441 3806238 3806237 ISC 8. you must first determine the turbo outlet type.1998 1998. Locate the part number cast into the turbo outlet and find the number in the chart below under “Turbo Outlet”.5 .3 Electronic In-Pipe 4089623 3806238 3806237 ISL 9.e.‘93 vehicles ONLY. then order the pneumatic group with auxiliary air supply.9 Electronic 3804848 3800792 4089427 4089598 Base kit N/A 3804854 (for ‘89 .9 Mechanical ISB 5.9 Electronic Full Marmon 4089591 3806238 3806237 ISB02 5. then order the appropriate pneumatic group. has hydraulic brakes).9 Electronic Full Marmon 3538180 3800443 3806238 3806237 ISB 5. If the vehicle has an on-board air supply. order the standard pneumatic group.18 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 1989 .9 Electronic ISB 5.9 Electronic In-Pipe 4089593 3806238 3806237 ISC03 8.2002 2003 .0L Electronic In-Pipe 3800372 3806238 3806237 ISL03 9L Electronic Full Marmon 4089624 3806238 3806237 ISL03 9L Electronic In-Pipe 4089623 3806238 3806237 Note: 24V pneumatic group with air supply group not available Engine Model • For Turbo-mount applications.2004 2004. not required for 94 and later vehicles) 82205577 N/A 82208835AB Mopar P/N Header Group Configuration Turbo outlet Base kit Pneumatic Group Pneumatic Group with Air Supply B5.3 Electronic Half Marmon 3537979 3800414 3806238 3806237 ISC 8. E Brake for Cummins Engine Applications (not including Dodge Ram Truck) Model Year Engine Model E Brake for Manual Transmission Dodge Ram Trucks Medium Duty Applications .0L Electronic Full Marmon 3800415 3806238 3806237 ISL 9.3 Mechanical In Pipe N/A 3802672 3803910 3802673 ISB 5.Current B5. first determine the base kit by engine/turbo type.3 Electronic In Pipe N/A 3800372 3806238 3806237 ISB02 5. When upgraded. Some models may be upgraded to later configurations. Do not use this engine brake on engines equipped with dual entry turbos. 25B. Model 30 This model was designed for Big Cam I engines with FFC. and 25C: These models were designed for use on 5 1/2" bore Small Cam NH & NT engines. they can be used wherever a Model 400 or 400H is specified. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871409 Autolash. Early Model 30E’s use a 3/8" slave piston adjusting screw. Severe engine or engine brake damage may result. Model 20 This model was designed for 5 1/8" bore NH-200 Engines. Do not use this engine brake on engines equipped with dual entry turbos. If one of these conversions has been done. and should be used only where they were originally specified. and should be used only where they were originally specified. Do not attempt to upgrade engine brakes except as noted below. 25A.Out of Production Models Models are listed numerically by model number. Cummins has released conversion kits for these engines to give them Big Cam II features. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871407 Autolash (available as a package of 6 only). upgrade information is listed for each model. and should be used only where they were originally specified. These housings are not upgradeable. These housings are not upgradeable. and should be used only where they were originally specified. To upgrade to Model 400H. be sure to stamp the nameplate with the new model number. If applicable. These housings can be upgraded to Model 400 or 400H. To upgrade to Model 400. These housings are not upgradeable. These housings are not upgradeable. including a DFC oil system. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 19 . the engine brake must be modified per Jacobs Service Letter 202. Later Model 30E’s use a 1/2" adjusting screw. Models 25. When updating a brake housing to a new model configuration. Do not use this engine brake on engines equipped with dual entry turbos. Model 30E This model was designed for Big Cam II engines with DFC . Use this brake on engines where originally specified. they should only be used where originally specified. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871409 Autolash. they can be used wherever a Model 400H is specified. they can be used wherever a Model 400 or 400H is specified. typically mounted under the body in bus applications. Use of this brake on engines with single entry turbos will yield poor engine brake performance. Model 400 This model is designed for use on NH/NT Big Cam II and III engines with single entry turbos. Upgradeability and usage recommendations are therefore the same as Model 30. intended for use on NTC475 twin turbo engines. Model 401B This is a single valve opening design. • Replace pressure relief Master pistons with P/N 3871330 master pistons. These engines are mounted 15 degrees from horizontal. Without upgrading. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871407 Autolash (available as a package of 6 only). When upgraded. To convert Model 400H to Model 400. Model 400H This model is designed for use on Big Cam II and III NT engines with dual entry turbos. they should only be used where originally specified. No conversions or upgrades are possible. These nozzles do not affect the ability to use this model on other engines. When upgraded. Conversion for use with single entry turbos is not possible. To upgrade to Model 400. intended for use on NH/NT Big Cam engines with dual entry turbos. Model 401A This is a single valve opening design. To upgrade to Model 400H. Model 44B This model was designed for use with early NH/NT engines. These housings can be upgraded to Model 400H. These housings can be upgraded to Model 400 or 400H. 20 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide .Model 30SN This model was designed for “Pancake” style Big Cam I engines. These can be converted to Model 400. Without upgrading. Do not use housings without spray nozzles on horizontal engines. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871409 Autolash. To upgrade Model 400 to Model 400H. These housings should be used only where they were originally specified. These housings can be used wherever a Model 400H is specified. The Model 30SN housings incorporate spray nozzles in the underside of the housing to facilitate lubrication of the engine overhead. including the NTC 475 MVT engine. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871407 Autolash (available as a package of 6 only). • Replace pressure relief Master pistons with P/N 3871330 master pistons. brake housings should be installed on only 6 cylinders of an 8 cylinder engine). To upgrade Model 440 to Model 440A. Refer to the parts and installation manuals for more information. Model 420 Can be upgraded to Model 425A. and used wherever Model 425A is specified. use upgrade group P/N 3871513. Model 445 This model was designed for specific N14 engines. 59A and 59B These models were designed for small six and eight cylinder V–engines. or they can be upgraded to Model 404BG. They can be used wherever originally specified. Some conversions are possible. They can be used wherever Model 404D is specified. oil pressure below 87 PSI. or upgraded to Model 440A . The lash setting for these models is 0. To upgrade to Model 404BG.028" for big cam engines.Model 401C This is a single valve opening design. It is not upgradeable. and new Big Cam IV engines. Conversion for use with dual entry turbos is not possible. and should be used only where originally specified.e. Model 440 This model was designed for use on specific N14 engines. it can be used wherever a Model 440A is specified. Model 59B can be used on either big or small cam engines. more than 6 housings should not be used per engine (i. and used wherever a Model 404BG is specified. and 0. Use of this brake on engines with dual entry turbos will cause premature wear and other engine damage. Model 404C This model was designed for use on specific L10 engines. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 21 . It can be used wherever originally specified. Model 59 can be used on small cam engines with max. Use this brake on engines where originally specified. Models 59. When upgraded. change the following components: • Replace existing Autolash with P/N 3871676 Autolash.038" for small cam engines. intended for use on NH/NT Big Cam engines with single entry turbos. No upgrade is required. Models 420 and 425 These models were designed for use on pre '88/'89 Small Cam and Big Cam NH/NT engines. To upgrade Model 420 to Model 425A. however. change the following components: • Replace slave piston adjusting screw with P/N 3871674 Autolash. Models 404 and 404B These models were designed for use on specific L10 engines. Model 59A can be used on small cam engines with up to 110 PSI oil pressure. No upgrade is required. Model 425 can be used wherever a Model 425A is specified. Model 903A was designed for engines using a 1:1 rocker ratio. Refer to the parts and installation manuals for more information.023". KTC-450. 1. 1. and KTA-525 PTD engines. The lash setting for these models is 0.2:1 rocker ratio.Models 903A and 903B These models were designed for VT903 engines. 1976. KTA-600. 1976. which were built before Feb. Models K200. K1150. Models K1150 and K1200 can be used on KT-450. Model 903B was designed for engines using 1. which were built after Feb. Model K200 can be used on KT-450 and KTA-600 engines only. These housings cannot be 22 Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide . Engines built prior to S/N 10951093 require modifications prior to the installation of the brakes. Refer to the parts and installation manuals for more information and adjustment procedures. and K1200 These models are designed for use with K series engines. Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide 23 . A. 03/07 ©2006 Jacobs Vehicle Systems.A. Inc.S. F Cummins C Brake/E Brake Application Guide . IN 47202-3005 U. Bulletin 3401804 Printed in U. Box 3005 Columbus.S. Inc.Cummins Engine Company. 24 020994 Rev.
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