Jaf Grammar Long 072613

March 29, 2018 | Author: Paula Silva | Category: Japanese Language, Syntactic Relationships, Grammar, Morphology, Onomastics



1 Japanese Audio Flashcard Lessons, Grammar Guide General Notes VerbsThere are 2 main kinds of verbs in Japanese: u verbs and ru verbs. Both of these verb types have plain speech forms and masu forms. The masu forms are more polite. The root of a verb is the pre-u or pre-ru form. The stem of a verb is the pre-masu form. For an ru verb, the root and the stem forms are the same. For example, nomu is a u verb; it means drin!." Nomimasu is the masu form of nomu. The root of nomu is nom. The stem of nomu is nomi. Taberu is an ru verb; it means eat." Tabemasu is the masu form of taberu. The root of taberu is tabe. The stem of taberu is also tabe. Nomu and taberu are plain speech verbs. Their masu forms are nomimasu and tabemasu. U and ru verbs are often used as adjectives. For example, watashi ga taberu pan # the bread $ eat." Anata ga nonda biiru # the beer that you dran!." Desu %meanin& it is"' is a (opula, or lin!in& verb. $t is neither a u verb, nor an ru verb. $ts plain spee(h form is da. by itself, if you mean /it/s deli(ious./ ,ou ma" use either desu or da after a na adjective. For example, kono heya wa shizuka desu # kono heya wa shizuka da # as for this room, it"s +uiet." Lesson # パスーウトを見せてください。 3asupooto o misete kudasai. % 3lease sho. the passport."' O, sometimes .ritten as wo, is used to sho. that the pre(edin& term is a dire(t ob*e(t. For example, hon o kau # hon o kaimasu # $ .ill buy a boo!" or $ buy a boo!" %or boo!s'. Misete is the te form of miseru # sho.." 4in(e the te or de form of a verb sometimes adds the meanin& in&," misete (an sometimes be translated as sho.in&." Verbs endin& in ru, tsu, !u, su and u have te forms. Verbs endin& in mu, nu, &u and bu have de forms. Verbs also have past forms, .hi(h end in ta or da. For example, the plain spee(h past form of miseru is miseta # sho.ed." Kudasai # please." Kudasai is often pre(eded by the te or de form of a verb. For example, hon o katte kudasai # please buy the boo!." %Kau # buy"; katte is the te form of kau.' Kudasai is the imperative form of kudasaru, a polite verb meanin& someone &ives to me or to someone in my in&roup." For example, sensei ga hon o kudasaru # the tea(her &ives a boo! to me" %or to someone in my in-&roup'. )d*e(tives There are 2 main kinds of adjectives in Japanese: i %pronoun(ed ee"' ad*e(tives and na ad*e(tives. adjectives end in i" and modify a noun dire(tly. For example, oishii # deli(ious." Oishii pan # deli(ious bread." Na adjectives are follo!ed b" na !hen the" are used to modif" a noun. For example, shizuka # +uiet." Shizuka na heya # a +uiet room." ,ou may use desu after an i ad*e(tive. -o.ever, "ou ma" not use da after an i adjective. Oishii desu %meanin&, /it/s deli(ious/' is 01. 0ishii da is not 01. 2sin& plain spee(h, you may simply say oishii マイケルウエブさんですね。 Maikeru Uebbu san desu ne. % $t"s 5i(hael 6ebb, huh."' San is an honorifi( term used after another person"s name. 観光ですか仕事ですか。 Kankoo desu ka shigoto desu ka. % $s it si&htseein&7 $s it .or!7"' Ka is used to indi(ate a +uestion. 1 8 観光じゃ !"せん。 Kankoo ja arimasen. 9esson 1. silent pronoun it," and ga does not appear. This senten(e is an example of sentence pattern A* it be&ins .ith a noun or pronoun follo.ed by .a %indi(atin& a topi(' and then &oes on to as! a +uestion about, or ma!e a (omment on, this topi(. For example, kono mise wa ookii desu # as for this store, it/s bi&." Nan = nani # .hat." Nan is the shorter form of this pronoun. 2se nan, rather than nani, before the verb desu. 9esson 1. % $t isn"t si&htseein&."' Ja is the short form of dewa, .hi(h forms the first part of the phrase dewa arimasen # ja arimasen # somethin& is not somethin& else." For example hon dewa arimasen # hon ja arimasen # it isn/t a boo!." Arimasu is the masu form of the plain spee(h verb aru # exist" %used for inanimate thin&s, in(ludin& plants'. Arimasen is the ne$ative form of arimasu. The masu form of u verbs is formed by addin& imasu" to the root %the pre-u form'. For example, nomu = nomimasu # drin!." ,ou may be surprised to learn that aru is a u verb, not an ru verb. There are a number of u verbs that end in ru, in(ludin& aru % exist"'. 6hat these verbs have in (ommon is that you %double the t& !hen makin$ the te or ta forms. $n this (ase, aru # exist." Atte = existin&." Atta # existed." 'u verbs al.ays end .ith iru or eru. The masu form of ru verbs is formed by repla(in& ru" .ith masu." (ith ru verbs, "ou do not )double the t& !hen makin$ the te or ta forms. For example, taberu = tabemasu # eat." Tabete # eatin&." Tabeta # ate." There are three irre$ular verbs: Suru = shimasu = do." Shite # doin&." Shita # did." Kuru = kimasu # (ome." Kite # (omin&." Kita # (ame." Iku= ikimasu # &o." tte # &oin&." tta # .ent." To chan$e a masu verb %.hether u verb, ru verb or irre&ular verb' to a ne$ative form, (han&e the u" at the end to en." For example, nomimasu # $ drin!"or $ .ill drin!." Nomimasen # $ don"t drin! " or $ .on"t drin!." じゃ&ですか。 !a" nan desu ka. % 6ell, .hat is it7"' Ja (an also mean .ell." %い。いいです'。 #ai。 i desu yo. % ,es, it"s &ood for sure."' i is an i adjective meanin& &ood." Yo is used for emphasis. $t (an be rou&hly translated as for sure." ($ですか。 $ore desu ka. % 6hi(h is it7"' Dore # .hi(h." )を見せてください"せんか。 #on o misete kudasaimasen ka. % 6on"t you sho. the boo! and &ive7"' The te or de form of a verb can add the meanin$ %and& to a verb. For example, tabete ikimasu # :$ %or someone," sin(e the sub*e(t is often not spe(ified in Japanese senten(es' .ill eat and &o.; Kudasaimasu is the masu" form of kudasaru = &ive to me or someone in my in-&roup." Kudasaimasen is the ne&ative form of kudasaimasu. Kudasaimasenka means .on"t you ... and &ive7" or .on"t you do it for me7" #$%&ですか。 Kore wa nan desu ka. % )s for this, .hat is it7"' Kore # this," sore # that," are # that over there." Wa is used to sho. the topic, as opposed to the sub*e(t, of a senten(e. Ga is used to sho. the subject. $n this !ey senten(e, the sub*e(t is the %い。*か!"+,。 8 < #ai. %akarimashita. % ,es, $ understood."' 9esson 1. 9esson 1. To ma!e the past form of a masu verb, (han&e masu" to mashita." For example, taberu = tabemasu # $ eat" %or $ .ill eat"'. Tabemashita # $ ate"; the plain spee(h form is tabeta. Nomu = nomimasu # $ drin!" %or $ .ill drin!"'. Nomimashita # $ dran!"; the plain spee(h form is nonda. $a # desu # it is." To ma!e the past form of desu, say deshita. To ma!e the past form of da, say datta. 12345い"+,。 Arigatoo gozaimashita. % Than! you for .hat you did."' &ozaimashita is the past form of gozaimasu # to exist humbly" %or honorably," dependin& on the situation'. (3い,+"+て。 Doo itashimashite # you"re .el(ome" or it"s nothin&." す6"せん07389:;を<いてくださ -+./いんです0。 Mooshiwake nain desu ga... % There"s no ex(use, but ..."' Nai is the plain spee(h form of arimasen # not exist" or nothin&." Nain is a softened form of nai. $n order to ma!e your spee(h more friendly, "ou can %soften& the !ord nai, as !ell as i adjectives and plain speech verbs, b" addin$ %n& or %no& to them. f "ou soften a !ord b" usin$ %n,& "ou must follo! it !ith the copula %desu& or %da.& ,ou (an only soften plain spee(h verbs, not masu" verbs. For example, nai # nai desu = nain desu = nai no # it doesn"t exist." Oishii = oishii desu = oishiin desu = oishii no # it"s deli(ious." kimasu = iku = ikun desu = iku no # $ .ill &o." (hen askin$ +uestions, "ou can soften the !ord desu b" puttin$ no in front of it. For example, nai no desu ka # is there nothin&7" Oishii no desu ka # is it deli(ious7" ,ou (an use no .ith a risin& intonation to su$$est a +uestion and soften the sentence at the same time. For example, iku no # .ill you &o7" Oishii no # is it deli(ious7" Nai no # is there nothin&7" ,ou (an soften nouns and na adjectives by addin& nan to them. For example, kuruma desu = kuruma nan desu # it"s a (ar." Shizuka desu = shizuka nan desu # it"s +uiet." Ga can mean %but.& For example, ikimasu ga" sugu kaerimasu # $ .ill &o, but $ .ill soon return." い"せんか。 Sumimasen ga" moo i'hido namae o kaite kudasaimasenka. % =x(use me, but one more time, .on"t you .rite the name and &ive7"' Moo # another," more," or a&ain"; moo (an also mean already." Do means times." 'hido # one time"; nido # t.o times," et(. Lesson 2 (/,ですか。 $onata desu ka. % 6ho is it7"' Donata and dare both mean .ho"; donata is more polite. =>?@ABCです。 Abe sangyoo no tsu'hida desu. % $t"s Tsu(hida of )be $ndustries"' The spea!er is referrin& to himself and therefore doesn"t say tsu'hida san. No is used to sho. possession or belon&in&. For example, watashi no hon # my boo!." %じD"+て。(3E'F+く。 #ajimemashite. $oozo yoroshiku. % -o. do you do7 3leased to meet you."' < > #ajimeru = hajimemasu # to start; ha imemashite is the te form of the verb and is usually translated ho. do you do7" 4in(e the te form of a verb (an add the meanin& in&," hajimemashite (ould also be understood to mean $ am startin& ..." 9esson 8. 9esson 8. $oozo means &o ahead." (oroshiku is the ku form %or adverbial form' of the polite ad*e(tive yoroshii # &ood," so doozo !oroshiku (an be understood as &o ahead, in a &ood .ay," or please be &ood to me." $t is often translated as pleased to meet you." senten(e illustrates sentence pattern A, des(ribed on pa&e 8. PPQL#AR!AS#3O)T0 !" す。 )eto" kono toori no mukoo ni" honya ga arimasu. % 2h, at this street"s far end, there"s a boo!store."' Kono , this," sono , that," ano , that over there." Kono$ sono and ano are al!a"s follo!ed b" a noun, unli!e the e+uivalent kore, sore and are, .hi(h also mean, respe(tively, this," that" and that over there." For example, kore # this"; kono hon # this boo!." Toori # street." Mukoo ni # at farther a.ay." Use !a after a product to indicate a store sellin& that produ(t, e.&., hon # boo!"; honya # boo!store." ,ou may re(all that aru , arimasu % exist"' is used for inanimate objects in(ludin& plants. By (ontrast, iru = imasu % exist"' is used for animate objects li!e animals and people, not in(ludin& plants. Iru is an ru verb, sin(e you don"t double the t" .hen ma!in& its te and ta forms, i.e., ite # existin&" and ita # existed." 6hen you say that somethin& or someone exists in a parti(ular pla(e, usin& aru or iru, follo! the place description !ith ni. For example, ma'hi ni honya ga arimasu # at the to.n, a boo!store exists." Mise ni tanakasan ga imasu # 5r. Tana!a is at the store." $n the tar&et senten(e above, use ga rather than wa after honya be(ause you"re tal!in& about a parti(ular boo!store. )lso you should &enerally use ga !ith both imasu and arimasu @ see the do(ument &a vs. %a* on the .eb site for more information. #GH%Iさんですか。 Ko'hira wa" okusan desu ka. % )s for this .ay, is it the honorable .ife7"' Ko"hira # this .ay," so"hira # that .ay," a"hira # that .ay over there." Okusan # someone else"s .ife"; kanai or tsuma # my .ife." (3E'F+くJKい+"す。 $oozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu. % ?o ahead be &ood to me, $ humbly be&."' This is a lon&er, even more polite version of doozo !oroshiku % pleased to meet you" or please be &ood to me"'. )nother (ommon version is !oroshiku onegai shimasu# Negau = negaimasu # to be& or pray. Suru = shimasu , to do. To form a humble verb construction, referrin& to a(tions that you perform, put o in front of the verb stem, and follo. the verb stem .ith suru or shimasu. 4ee 9esson 81. For example, onegai shimasu # $ humbly be&." Omise shimasu # $ .ill humbly sho. it." %miseru # misemasu # sho."' BCさんLMN%(#O !"すか。 Tsu'hida san" ginkoo wa" doko ni arimasu ka. %Tsu(hida, as for a ban!, .here does it exist7' Doko , .here. 2se wa rather than ga be(ause the sub*e(t is the silent pronoun it," and ban!" is the topi(. This いいPLUVく !"せん0LすW*か! "す'。 ie" ookiku arimasen ga" sugu wakarimasu yo. % Ao, it isn"t bi&, but soon you .ill understand for sure."' > nomu # nomimasu # $ .ever." Sono ushiro no mise # the store behind that." [\0い"せんね。 ]ー]^さん% _#A`abOい"す'。 .hen you leave a pla(e and intend to (ome ba(!. % $t"s that front"s pretty store. For example.hi(h."' Omatase shimashita is a standard polite phrase used .ill drin!. -o make the ne$ative form of an i adjective. Koko # here. so this phrase means." Kanai ga imasen = kanai ga inai # my ."' Imasen = inai = does not exist. Oishiku arimasen = oishikunai # it isn"t deli(ious. % $"m sorry to have !ept you . % The . remove the final i and add ku.on"t eat. to do. is itterasshai % see you later"'. This is another humble verb construction." #on ga arimasen = hon ga nai # there isn"t a boo!. if you had already introdu(ed her into the (onversation. Dore also # .here. % 6hi(h store is it7"' Dono # .ait.ait. $ humbly made you . Kuru % kimasu # (ome.ill &o and (ome.aabara san wa" asoko no hoosekiya ni imasu yo. she is in that pla(e"s *e. there. you (ould say kanai wa imasen." meanin& she isn"t here."' 2se wa be(ause Barbara has already been introdu(ed as a topi( into the (onversation. #on ja arimasen = hon ja nai # it isn"t a boo!." but it"s used !ithout a noun.B Ookii is an i ad*e(tive meanin& bi&". To (han&e a plain speech u verb to a ne&ative form. %exist. asoko # over there. or oishii *a arimasen." 2se ga rather than wa be(ause you"re introdu(in& the ." Mataseru # ma!e someone ." For example." Nomanai # nomimasen # $ .on"t drin!." To (han&e a plain speech ru verb to a ne&ative form." B . soko . dore desu ka # ." 3lease note that you may not say oishii *a nai.ait.ife."' Iku = ikimasu # &o. % 6ell. (Acですか。 $ono mise desu ka. For example. JZ.ife doesn"t exist huh.AV$い/cです。 Sono mae no" kirei na mise desu." Itte is the te form of iku.ife into the (onversation. -r" not to confuse these t!o sentence patterns : Kanai ja arimasen % kanai ja nai % it isn/t my . 9esson 8."' Mae # front. _A." じゃLNXてY"す。 !a" itte kimasu.。 Omatase shimashita.aitin&. The appropriate response to this expression. (#ですか。 $oko desu ka." Itte kimasu is a standard expression that you use ." Shimashita is the past tense of shimasu % suru . Mataseru is the (ausative tense of matsu # .hen one is late. For example.せ+"+. Tabenai = tabemasen # $ . % 6here is she7"' Doko # . $ ." 0ono is al!a"s follo!ed b" a noun. ookiku is the ku form." &shiro # rear. 9esson 8.ill eat.ife doesn"t exist" %meanin&." meanin& the pretty store in front of that. For example.hi(h store is it7" Kanai ga imasen ne.elry store. she isn"t here"'.ho intends to stay behind.hi(h.hi(h is it7" $ono mise desu ka # . % )s for Barbara." This is the ne&ative form of imasu % iru . sono mae no mise # the store in front of that. add nai to the root. /ou must use the ku form !hen "ou make i adjectives ne$ative. -o. for sure. from a person . oishii = de+i'ious. then add arimasen or nai. add anai to the root %the pre-u form'. taberu = tabemasu # $ . 4imilarly. "' and dooshite % ." #Ac%gかじゃ !"せん。 Kono mise wa shizuka ja arimasen. % This store is not +uiet.ho. many. about ho." nani # ." #$0マイケルさんAパスfートです。 Kore ga maikerusan no pasupooto desu.hi(h." meanin& is it (onvenient for you7"' Tsugoo ga ii is an expression used to say that a person"s (ir(umstan(es are &ood. . ##かHqrル"で(AくHいかか!"す か。 Koko kara" hoteru made" dono kurai kakarimasu ka.hen. %. let"s &o. % 6hi(h is 5i(hael"s passport7"' 2se ga be(ause you"re as!in& a +uestion that . the eyes are bi&. are the (ir(umstan(es &ood7." The shoo endin$ is also used to (onvert the . % )s for today."' &e # above or top. 9esson 8.' Migi # ri&ht." ikutsu # ho."' Naka # inside. % )s for that person over there.ith an interro$ative pronoun %dore' as the subject." Soto # outside. % This is 5i(hael"s passport. % $t exists on that pla(e"s des!"s top. % $t exists in that pla(e over there"s des!"s inside.ill it ta!e7"' Kakaru # ta!e" %time' or (ost" %money'. % 6ell." Doo % ho." doko # .hen you use it to modify a noun. _#AlAmO !"す。 Soko no tsukue no ue ni arimasu.ith a arimasen$ dewa arimasen$ a nai or dewa nai# Ja is the plain speech form of dewa. nterro$ative pronouns include dore ." Shita # belo. follo! the adjective .hen you ." lAo。 Tsukue no migi.as formed .C Kirei # pretty.hat.ord deshoo # it probabl" is. $n this pattern.ord desu to the . % From here." or bottom. C ." Kirei is a na adjective. follo! it !ith na. sentence pattern 1. hi%jk0いいですか。 Kyoo wa tsugoo ga ii desu ka. but they are never follo.ant to say let&s do somethin$" or shall do somethin$. a topic is follo!ed b" wa. lon& .ed by &a. and then a subject is follo!ed b" ga." dare # . Lesson 2 じゃ LNV"+p3。 !aa" ikimashoo."' 2se ga be(ause you"re ans."' -o make the ne$ative form of a na adjective.erin& a +uestion that .here. _#AlAnO !"す。 Asoko no tsukue no naka ni arimasu. $n this tar&et senten(e.hy"'are also interro&ative pronouns." meanin& on top of that des!. % The des!"s ri&ht side. meanin& that there is time available." ($0マイケルさんAパスfートですか。 $ore ga maikerusan no pasupooto desu ka. Kono mise wa shizuka dewa arimasen" also 01. mu(h."' This senten(e illustrates another (ommon Japanese (onstru(tion.as formed usin& an interro$ative pronoun %dore' as the subject of the senten(e." 'idari # left. Ad%e0UVいです。 Ano hito wa" me ga ookii desu. as far as the hotel. 9esson 8." ikura # ho. li!e shizuka." and itsu # ."' The shoo endin$ repla(es the su endin& on a masu verb li!e ikimasu ." 4ide is understood. % $ al. st7 ん。 9esson <. For example.ill &o to Aarita airport. Ni is also used to mean at a time %sanji ni # at <:EE"'. but it isn"t very (onvenient.ho. nani # . often. !"す0 "!uvじゃ !"せ 9esson <. /ou ma" use either ni or e to mean %to&. et(. 4u(h verb (ombinations (an be used ." z0すいてい"すね。 Mi'hi ga suite imasu ne.hat." }~% "!'く !"せん。 Tenki wa" amari yoku arimasen. time of year." ho." and (onvert this to !oku. don"t say i!u. % )t <:EE.D Kurai # about." nu o dashite iru = inu o dashite imasu # $ am puttin& the do& out." but it"s only used . also 01.ays read boo!s." dokoka # some.& espe(ially ." hi%wxyーでNV"+p3。 Kyoo wa" takushii de ikimashoo." For example." to indi(ate !hom is met." or somethin& li!e".ith time of day.ill it ta!e7" Issho ni # to&ether. Itsudemo # anytime.ant to say to. The te or de form of a verb (an (arry the meanin& %in$."' Maini'hi tookyoo e ikimasu. % )bout <:EE." or ho." dareka # someone"."' Mo # also".here.hen. many." dare # .ill meet Barbara. By (ontrast. ." ]ー]^さんLい{か8|ONV"+p3。 .hen. but you may (onsider the .ays" in positive (onstru(tions. e means to. Amari # not very. % )s for today." almost.aabarasan" itsuka issho ni ikimashoo.ded. lon&.ard" and refers to the dire(tion of movement.hen you . % Barbara.hile ni means to" and refers to the destination itself."' tsu # ." itsuka # sometime".eather. % ) train also exists."' Goro means approximately. instead use the similar . suite is the te form of this verb."' Suku # be un(ro.hi(h is a softer version of kurai' (an be used after nouns in &eneral to mean approximately.here. Dono kurai %or dono gurai' means appro3imatel" ho." ƒ„O]ー]^さんO‰い"す。 Sanji ni" baabarasan ni aimasu.ith both animate and inanimate ob*e(ts. mu(h." ƒ„4F…C†‡ˆNV"す。 Sanji goro" narita kuukoo e ikimasu. ." nanika # somethin&."' Itsu # . sometime to&ether let"s &o."' De # by means of. kurai %or gurai.hen combined !ith iru or imasu. •i€•ONV"す。 Maini'hi tookyoo ni ikimasu. % =very day." in positive (onstru(tions. never" in ne&ative (onstru(tions. Ni (an be used to mean D ."' Four meanin$s for ni %see the index for more meanin&s': Ni is used before the verb au # meet. -o make the adverbial ku form of ii. % )s for the .ded.ords inter(han&eable ." ho. very mu(h" or ex(essively.hen used after a topi( or sub*e(t. $ ." い{7)を‚6"す。 tsumo hon o yomimasu. lon& .ord !oi # &ood. it"s an i ad*e(tive. $ &o to To!yo." approximately." in ne&ative (onstru(tions." Itsumo # al."' Ii means &ood". let"s &o by taxi. $ . $ensha mo arimasu ga" amari benri ja arimasen. doko # . this is often softened to gurai. u'hi o dete iru = u'hi o dete imasu # $ am leavin& home. huh. % The street is bein& un(ro. it replaces wa and ga . it isn"t very &ood. dono kurai kakarimasu ka = dono gurai kakarimasu ka # about ho. $n Japanese..here". dependin& on the intended meanin&. dokodemo # any.as meat and ve&etables.ith ni.here" in positive (onstru(tions.ith 1ei!o. the ne$ative plain spee(h form of the verb ." tomaru # stop." or de.' Suki desu # it is li!ed". minna. mina or subete # everythin&" in positive (onstru(tions.hen used ."' To # and". she eats anythin&. tabenai hoo gai ii # it . 6hen usin& these verbs. % )s for 5i(hael.ould be better not to do" somethin&." ‘Q’“で+. dependin& on . kaisha ni nokoru # she .% "!”Vじゃ !"せんで+.ould be better not to eat. tabeta hoo ga ii # it .ell any.hat you mean." o'hiru # fall." that can be used !ith either ni or de. i'hijikan # 1 hour duration. dokoka # some. Nandemo # anythin&." suteru # thro. % )s for time.&. % $t . マイケル%(#で7'く•"す。 Maikeru wa dokodemo yoku nemasu.ith imasu %iru'. % $t ."' Nanika # somethin&".. -an to gohan ga arimasu # bread and ri(e exist.here". is honorable sushi li!ed7." 0ther ina(tive" verbs that (an be used . nanimo # nothin&" in ne&ative (onstru(tions. that $ slept in" the plane. huh. Lesson 4 ‹+Œんだ•0いいですね。 Sukoshi yasunda hoo ga ii desu ne." F ." nishuukan # 8 . transitive.0h %&で7•–"す。 Mae wa amari suki ja arimasen deshita ga" ima wa nandemo tabemasu." To say it ." et(. mu(h does it ta!e7"' 9esson <.ould be better to rest a bit.ith."' (asumu # yasumimasu # rest. 9esson <. % )s for before. arimasu %aru' and other ina(tive" verbs.ith hoo ga ii.ay." マイケルさん%Jす+0”Vですか。 Maikerusan wa" osushi ga suki desu ka.here" in ne&ative (onstru(tions.ill stay behind at the (ompany. the item bein& li!ed is usually follo. For example.here." meanin& do you li!e it7" This +uestion is addressed to 5i(hael.ed by &a.ill &o to Japan ."' De is al!a"s used !ith %active& verbs li!e hashiru # run. li!e neru = sleep.ould be better to eat." Keikosan to nihon ni ikimasu # $ ." Kan means duration." tomeru # stop." $t seems that nokoru # stay behind" (an only be used .ell. e.。 #ikooki no naka de yoku nemashita. Jikan # time." For example. in(lude dekiru # be able to.。 Niku to yasai deshita. The plain past tense is yasunda. % 5i(hael sleeps . $t is also 01 to say koko ni nete kudasai # please sleep at here.here". a. but as for no." suwaru # sit.ee!s duration." „Š%(AくHいかか!"すか。 !ikan wa" dono kurai kakarimasu ka. intransitive." to indi(ate the pla(e . and it (an mean at a place . think of the particle de as meanin$ %in& and the particle ni as meanin$ %at.F to a pla(e %Oosaka ni iku # $ .ed by hoo ga ii.ith either ni . Oosaka ni iru # $ am at 0sa!a. For example. dokomo # every." ŽN•Anで'く•"+." For example. about ho. % $nside the plane." and tatsu # stand. there are also a number of so5 called %inactive& verbs. Kirai desu # it is disli!ed. she didn"t li!e it very mu(h. de is used to sho. follo. no. it (an also mean ." sannenkan # < years duration.here the a(tion ta!es pla(e." the polite past tense is yasumimashita."' Doko # . The idea it !ould be better to do& su(h and su(h is expressed by usin& the plain past tense of a verb follo. $ slept . For example.& $n the senten(e above .ill &o to 0sa!a"'. " (hen "ou add ni to an" of these adjectives.™Ta!ai deshita." Both Japanese senten(es are (orre(t. % Beer. For example.ant to eat sushi. )dd garu to the stem of an i ad*e(tive. tabete imasu # tabetemasu # $/m eatin&.いですね。 Kyoo wa atatakai kara" biiru ga nomitai desu ne. meanin& not. $n the above senten(e." donna # . te imasu is often shortened to temasu. not 01. % )s for today. shrimp is &ood. you (an say thin&s li!e sushi o tabetagatte imasu # he appears to .NN no nyuusu o yoku mimasu. konna ni oishii # deli(ious li!e this.ell. % $t . drop the final i and add !atta.ill &o for the purpose of eatin&.ill &o for the purpose of tennis. ™ For example.。 Konna ni urusaku arimasen deshita..arm. or after an a(tivity."' $n ordinary spee(h."' /oku is the !u form of ii # yoi # &ood." Kyuuhon # G bottles. For example. many bottles7" )を‚んで"す。 #on o yondemasu. it . For example. -o form the past form of nai.asn/t noisy li!e this." Tenisu ni ikimasu # $ .ant to drin! beer. let"s &o for the purpose of a movie. but desu is optional. sin(e it"s ." Nonde imasu = nondemasu # $/m drin!in&. ." is the plain spee(h form of arimasen.ell. % 6ell. huh."' 2se ni after a verb stem. &aru is used to indi(ate that another person appears to have certain feelin$s. the" become adverbs. tabe ni ikimasu # $ . as for me."' 2se 5tai after a verb stem to add the meanin& %desire.です。 Asoko wa" semakunakatta desu." !uppon or !ippon # "1E bottles. #ん/O3šさく !"せんで+. 9esson >. not 01." $t also means . Sushi o tabetai desu = sushi ga tabetai desu # $ . % $t . to indi(ate doin$ somethin$ for a purpose. $ ." #appon or #a'hihon # F bottles. $esu is optional. this may be follo. or to a na ad*e(tive.iiru o sanbon. and de imasu is shortened to demasu." Shi'hihon or Nanahon # D bottles.s often. 7ountin$ lon$ thin objects* ppon # 1 bottle.& 0ften the resultin& i ad*e(tive is follo.at(h HAA"s ne. 9esson >."' G . drop the final i and add !atta # nakatta.ed by desu." hi%›œONV"+p3。 Kyoo wa" eiga ni ikimashoo. but desu is optional." Sanbon # < bottles." &ohon # B bottles.ed by desu. 4ema!unai deshita." /oppon # C bottles.ou may use either o or $a after @tai.omen for emphasis." $t means often." Nanbon # -o. HAA A•žースを'く見"す。 . For example. yoku benkyoo o shimashita # you studied . < bottles." じゃ L¢%P£0いい*。 !aa" watashi wa ebi ga ii wa."' Konna # li!e this.as not ti&ht or narro. $esu may be added. % )s for today." ˜かX." For example." (onhon # > bottles. if you add garu to the stem of tabetai.G _#%—く/かX." Lesson 6 hi%ŸかいかH ール0¡6. Semaku arimasen deshita" 01. % -e is readin& a boo!.% )s for over there.ant to eat sushi." ールをƒ)。 .hat !ind of."' Wa is used by ." anna # li!e that over there. modifyin& a verb or another ad*e(tive."' Nai." Nihon # 8 bottles." sonna # li!e that."' To form the past plain speech form of an i adjective.as expensive. % $ .。 Takakatta. don&t use the ku form of sukunai in the . or intan&ible thin&s to . Muika = Cth. oozei is a noun." #ito ga sukunai # there are fe. also 01. (okka = >th.ee!"s 4unday. .hi(h the spea!er atta(hes an emotion. ©$. $/m &oin& to bed already. people are numerous." -o.d of people". hito ga ooi = hito ga ooi desu = hito ga oozei = hito ga oozei desu = hito ga oozei imasu # there are a lot of people. 2utsuka = 8nd. % 4in(e it"s &ood . !uu ni ni'hi # 18th." For example."' /ou don&t need to use the particle o after an object if "ou follo! it !ith a number . % )s for on next . (ars. #atsuka # 8Eth. not 01."'.iiru sanbon kudasai. $nstead. kitte sanmai kaimashita # $ bou&ht < stamps.ill (ome.ever. Mokuyoobi = Thursday. not 01. people." The opposite of ooi is sukunai % fe. For example. instead you must use na to mean it is. say 9esson B." Oozei means a (ro. huh. people"'.ould use the !u form of ooi. 8%Beer < bottles. Suiyoobi = 6ednesday. Kokonoka # Gth. Names of months* 'higatsu" Nigatsu" Sangatsu" Shigatsu" &ogatsu" /okugatsu" Shi'higatsu" #a'higatsu" Kugatsu" !uugatsu" !uui'higatsu" !uunigatsu 0a"s of the month* Tsuita'hi =1st. Mono # tan&ible thin&s. tsuka = Bth.かH73•"す。 Tsukareta kara moo nemasu.eather.ill (ome." Ooi (an also mean the ma*ority. not an adjective.ill &o to bed no." meanin& no.ee!7" ¤い¥んd0¦いですね。 0uibun hito ga ooi desu ne."' Node and kara both mean be(ause." -i&o &a ooi imasu. Y§Ai¨iO%(ん/#Qを+. 0a"s of the !eek* Ni'hiyoobi = 4unday. &etsuyoobi = 5onday. Kinyoobi = Friday. (ooka = Fth." 1E . いい}~/Aでª«ˆNV"+p3。 i tenki na node" kooen e ikimashoo.. For example. For example. !uu yokka # 1>th. $n other .ould you li!e to do7"' Koto ga shitai."' .1E 2se o after beer be(ause it"s an ob*e(t in this senten(e. Koto # intan&ible thin&s or fa(ts. please.ou cannot use da or desu before node. $oyoobi = 4aturday.ords." Tsukareta kara moo nemasu = tsukareta node moo nemasu # sin(e $ &ot tired. Nanoka = Dth. % Be(ause $ &ot tired. $nstead say sukunai hito % fe." ールƒ)ください。 . % =xtremely.ay you . don"t say su!una!u no hito. Mikka = <rd. gakusei no ooku wa otoko da # the ma*ority of students are male. !uu i'hi ni'hi # 11th. $t"s 01 to substitute oozei for ooi in the tar&et senten(e above. Tooka # 1Eth." . Nijuu yokka # 8>th. kuruma ga sukunai # there are fe. Kayoobi = Tuesday."' Ooi is an i ad*e(tive meanin& numerous. For example. ooi hito &a !imasu. $ ." Kitte o sanmai kaimashita" also 01. ooku no hito ga kimasu # a lot of people .hat !inds of thin&s .ou (annot use ooi by itself to modify a noun. )nother example: oozei no hito ga kimasu # a lot of people . let/s &o to the par!. 9esson B. 7ountin$ objects up to #9* hitotsu" 1utatsu" mittsu" yottsu" itsutsu" muttsu" nanatsu" yattsu" kokonotsu" too.. Nan!oobi % 6hat day of the .いです か。 /aishuu no ni'hiyoobi ni wa donna koto o shitai desu ka. e.ait a moment.antin& beer.Gで+.ere !ind and (heerful people.e. e. add no after na.ait a moment. % 3lease honorably . e.ded." Mi'hi ga konde ita kara desu # 9esson B." Minna no hito # all the people. To ma!e a noun phrase . Be(ause the streets ..ay to say ho. konna mono ikaga desu ka # as for this !ind of thin&. For example." ) still more polite .&. The most (ommon expression used . 3ta'hi is optional . not 01. 9esson B.aabara ga atarashii no o hoshigatte iru kara. ho. Naze desu ka = dooshite desu ka # . put o before the verb stem and follo." (ta"hi is a suffix used to ma!e a noun plural." but it also has other idiomati( meanin&s. For example.ever.. also 01.antin& thin& it is. The verb hoshii means desire. -ere it means somethin& li!e be(ause" and su&&ests an emotional (omponent to 5i(hael"s (omplaint. it"s be(ause the streets .ith a verb.hy is it7" Lesson : PPL6ん/®¯で°šいd." ]ー]^0±+いAを²+0Xていš7A ですかH。 . For example. katta no" # the pur(hased one. add no to the ad*e(tive.11 /ou cannot use da or desu before no. /-ですか。 Naze desu ka."' Aote that althou$h "ou can sa" kara desu.ith an i adjective.ith watashi and anata. . biiru ga hoshii # beer is desired" or $ . For example.ell then. in that (ase." GpXQJZGください。 .ere (ro..hotto oma'hi kudasai. as sho." 5i(hi &a !onde ita node desu. ho. ones seems to be . "ou can never sa" node desu.hen used . _$で%#ん/A%いか0ですか。 Sore de wa" konna no wa ikaga desu ka." $t is typi(ally pre(eded by ga.&. For example. add no to the verb. % 6hy is it7"' Naze and dooshite both mean . To ma!e a noun phrase .ded. atarashii no" # the ne. 5i(hael is (ommentin& on his . す6"せん。z0¬んでい."' Minna means everyone.eah.&. 11 .ife"s shoppin&. watashita'hi # .ord' # it/s terrible.ait is .ere (ro." Doo also means ho."' %$n this senten(e.n in this senten(e. as for this type.hen used . mi'hi ga konde ita kara # be(ause the streets . #oshigaru is pre(eded by o. Mi'hi ga konde ita node." The verb hoshigaru.aabara ga atarashii no o hoshigatte iru mono desu kara. taihen da # it/s terrible.hy7" and (an be used inter(han&eably.hotto matte kudasai # please . % . the verb stem ." -o.ith a na adjective..ait is shooshoo oma'hi kudasai." Mono means tan&ible thin&."' To ma!e a veru polite honorific form of a verb re+uest. % 6ell then. % =x(use me." $t"s 01 to use konna mono instead of konna no." Taihen na no %usin& no as a softenin& . Minna de # all to&ether." Minasan % honorable everyone'" and minasama % very honorable everyone"' are terms often used to address a &roup. all of them . is it7" Ikaga is a polite .ere (ro. i.ded.hen as!in& someone to .ay to as! someone to .e". biiru o hoshigatte imasu # he appears to be .。 )e" minna shinsetsu de" akarui hitota'hi deshita." % 4in(e Barbara ne. shizuka na no" # the +uiet one.Aで。 Sumimasen. one. instead you must use na." is a (ombination of hoshii and garu % appears"'.' To ma!e a noun phrase . 4ee 9esson 81.ant some beer.ith hito" sin(e hito (an mean either person" or people. appear to desire. is it7"' Sore de wa # sore a # . anatata'hi # you. -ta'hi is mandatory . in order to as! someone to do somethin& in business or offi(ial situations.ith kudasai. eah." で7Qて7³+いです。 $emo totemo tanoshii desu. % But it"s very pleasant."' Suki is a na ad*e(tive."' Shikashi %meanin& /ho.18 kono resutoran de yoroshii desu # this restaurant .een them. For example. % $t"s spa(ious and ." yo nin %or yonnin' # > people'.ant to insert and after an i adjective. Kore ga hajimete desu and kondo ga hajimete desu. Kono toki wa 4or ga5" hajimete desu. ¸!O¹さいc0 X. be(ause a small store existed.ill be fine. +か+Cnさん%Y"せんで+. Kaeri % the return"' is the stem form of kaeru = kaerimasu = return. remove the final i and add kute." referrin& to a room." 1utari # 8 people.#Q0 !"すか。 $tta !oto &a arimasu !a.' For example."' Demo %meanin& /but/' is used only at the be&innin& of a senten(e.ent thin& exists" . 6hen you . NX." Koto = intangib+e thing." Tabeta koto ga aru # ate thin& exists" # have ever eaten. % -o. as for Tana!a. 6hen you are *uxtaposin& t." et(.ever. 9esson C." meanin& this is my first time.ell-li&hted. $ have &one.ill be all ri&ht.ill be fine. the pre-masu form. % $t mi&ht be (ro. Lesson . use te or de after the first term. tabete mo ii desu # it"s all ri&ht to eat.。 Shikashi tanakasan wa kimasen deshita.. i. 18 .。 Kaeri ni 'hiisai mise ga atta node" boku mo haitta. "ou can form a noun from a verb&s stem form. gonin # B people. in the above senten(e."' To say somethin& .e. % )t the return."' $n some (ases. Shikashi is boo!ish.' Te and De."' Kamoshiremasen = kamoshirenai # there"s a (han(e that.ith the ones used to &ive permission. he didn"t (ome." ´くて°šいです。 #irokute akarui desu. % $t"s startin&. % -ave you ever &one there7"' 0ne response to this +uestion (ould be ee" itta koto ga aru # yeah. $ also entered.ded. e. Itta koto ga aru means ." Ion"t (onfuse these phrases . hiroi % spa(ious"' be(omes hirokute. % ." ¬んでいšか7+$"せん'。 Konde iru kamoshiremasen yo." san nin # < people. ad*e(tives or verbs' in one senten(e and ." (3E”V/AをµXてください。 $oozo suki na no o totte kudasai."' =xamples of ho! to use ha imete: Kono omatsuri wa hajimete desu # it/s the first time $/ve been to this festival." say de kekkoo desu" de ii desu" or de !oroshii desu# For example. te mo ii" te mo !oroshii and te mo kamaimasen# %see 9esson 1D. have ever &one.ant to insert and bet." ¼Dてです。 #ajimete desu. both 01. 9esson C.&. that . for sure.ever/ or /but/' is used only at the be&innin& of a senten(e. suki na hon # the boo! $ li!e.o terms %nouns. 7ountin$ people: #itori # 1 person. % 3lease &o ahead and ta!e the ones you li!e. not PPL_$で¶·です。 )e" sore de kekkoo desu.Aでºく7»X." -a*imete su!ii o suru hito # su!ii o ha*imete suru hito # a person first learnin& to s!i. -sumori # plan to" or intend to. the stem form %the pre-masu form' of the verb ."' 6hen hodo.ith hajimete.ill (ome.hen hodo means /to a de&ree." To is used indi(ate +uotation mar!s. it isn/t fast" %ie..ever."' ."' Ga v.&." 'oo ga is used to sho."' で7i)ÅAÆÇ<²(じゃ !"せん'。 $emo" nihongo no kyookasho hodo ja arimasen yo. $ .ill (ome. $ didn/t &o." イÁqÂでóをÄV/0H±Äを‚んで いšd7い"すね。 yahon de ongaku o kiki nagara" shinbun o yonde iru hito mo imasu ne. % $t"s very li!ely that he .hile a&o. -o. % 5oreover. ." NVA•0¿(いQÀい"す'。 ki no hoo ga" hidoi to omoimasu yo. ma wa 4or ga5 hajimete desu. the stem form of a verb can be used to make a noun.ith nagara. meanin& not as . to mean %because.or! that easy7" Saki hodo # a little . there are also ne.)。マイケルAÈX." is pre(eded by a noun. 9esson D.ded. 9esson % $t"s (ertain that he . kyoo ga hajimete desu is 01.ill (ome. e. % ?oin& is more a.. as.ill (ome. e. the (ar is not as fast as the train"'." Lesson < _$OR½Ast%L¬んでU¾で+p3。 Sore ni tsuukin no densha wa konde taihen deshoo. li!e hidoi % a. D.1< 01. for sure.¥んYšで+p3。 Tabun kuru deshoo. % ) boo! that 5i(hael bou&ht.ith earphones.ith a +uantifier. For example.ard to use toki and ima .ful $ thin!.ever. -o. for sure." Nく{7!です。 kutsumori desu. gohan o tabe nagara terebi o mimasu # . % But not as mu(h as a Japanese lan&ua&e textboo!. Ashi 1< .& For example.at(h TV. the subject of the modif"in$ clause ma" be marked !ith either ga or no.. ri&ht7"' To express the idea of doin$ somethin$ !hile doin$ somethin$ else."' 2se the te or de form to express a reason. 6hen modifiyin& a noun usin& a (lause. kaze o hiite ikimasen deshita # be(ause $ (au&ht (old. % 6hile listenin& to musi( . sin(e the (ommuter trains &et (ro./ the verb (an be either positive or ne&ative." 6hen hodo is used ." VXQYšで+p3。 Kitto kuru deshoo. kutsumori wa arimasen = There is no intention of &oin&" %a stron& statement'.!. 'oo means dire(tion" or side. For example. (ompared to the train."' J_HくYšで+p3。 Osoraku kuru deshoo. the verb must be ne&ative. it means about. an alternative and is (ombined . Maikeru no katta hon. $t *ust sounds a.)。 Maikeru ga katta hon. % $ plan to &o.ith ad*e(tives マイケル0ÈX.ful"' to mean more than" or less than.spaper-readin& people. )&ain..&.. they/re probably terrible."' Iki is a noun meanin& to &o" or &oin&" and is the stem form of ikimasu % &o"'. kuru to iimashita # he said he . biiru o sanbon hodo nomimashita # $ dran! about < bottles of beer.&."' kanai tsumori desu = $ plan not to &o" %a mild statement'." ki no hoo ga hidoi (ould be translated as the &oin&"s side is more a. sono shigoto wa sore hodo yasashiin desu ka = is that .ful. for example. % 3robably he . kuruma wa densha hodo hayaku arimasen # as for the (ar. no. follo. also not 01." e.hile eatin& ri(e. 0sa!a. % $ transfer all of < timesJ"' 2se mo after a number or +uantity for emphasis.aabarasan wa nihon no bukka wa takai to omotte imasu.aited all of one hour.ee!s.ithout a (ar. . you may use !a$ nado andKor toka." 7omparisons." A yori . For example.. mikka or mikkakan % < days"'. nijikan mo ma'himashita = $ ." Kuruma ga nai hito = kuruma no nai hito # a person ." Mikka mae ni nihon ni kimashita # $ (ame to Japan > days a&o.hi(h is faster7" $ensha wa" kuruma yori" hayai desu # the (ar is faster than the train. days and minutes." $o'hira mo suki # $ li!e both. For example." . or . % Ao. but not (ompared to To!yo. (ar.ith ne&ative verbs. &oin& by (ar is a little faster. to indi(ate that it is more than expe(ted. restaurants. !isshuukan or jusshuukan # 1E . . 0o not use the optional kan before mae ni$ ato ni$ or go ni.asu de iku yori" kuruma de iku hoo ga" 'hotto hayai desu # (ompared to &oin& by bus. meanin& duration. ƒ97É!ÊP"す。 Sando mo norikaemasu. she thin!s Japanese pri(es are hi&h." Sushi mo tenpura mo suki # $ li!e both sushi and tempura. to indi(ate that it is less than expe(ted." Nijisshuukan or nijusshuukan # 8E .hi(h do you li!e better7" Tenpura no hoo ga suki # $ li!e tempura better. et(."' To say etcetera." Leferrrin& to pri(es. i'hinen or i'hinenkan % 1 year"'. say either to omou or to omotte iru# For example.ee!s. there are ban!s. .ee!. 9esson F. months." 7ountin$ months* kka getsu" Nika getsu" Sanka getsu" (onka getsu" &oka getsu" /okka getsu" Nanaka getsu" #akka getsu or #a'hika getsu" Kyuuka getsu" !ikka getsu or !uuka getsu" !uuyonka getsu" Nijikka getsu or Nijuuka getsu. wa A yori ookii desu # B is bi&&er than )." #itotsu mo arimasen = there isn/t even one." Kan." ]ー]^さん%i)AÌÍ%˜いQÀXて い"す。 . et(. isshukan # 1 .." Ookii desu ga" tookyoo hodo ja arimasen # it/s bi&. % )s for at the airport. e. % )s for Barbara. $ bou&ht various thin&s. yonpun or yonpunkan % > minutes"'. nihon no bukka wa takai to omoimasu = nihon no bukka wa takai to omotte imasu = $ thin! Japanese pri(es are hi&h." †‡O%MNbËスト^Â/(0 !"す。 Kuukoo ni wa ginkoo ya resutoran nado ga arimasu. an iron et(. mo takai desu # ) and B are both expensive." $ensha to kuruma to" do'hira no hoo ga hayai desu ka # train v. is re+uired for !eeks and hours. say to omotte iru# To state "our o!n opinion.&." 1an is optional for years." %(annot say i!u no hoo &a or i!i no hoo &a' いいPL˜いQ%Àい"せん。 ie" takai to wa omoimasen." Tookyoo ya oosaka hodo ookiku arimasen = not as bi& as To!yo.1> ga nagai hito = ashi no nagai hito # a person ." iroiro na mono o kaimashita # sheets et(." A wa .' Use wa after to in ne$ative sentences. nijikan # 8 hours. mikkakan no ryokoo ni ikimasu # $/m &oin& on a >-day trip." 9esson F. e.&. nikkagetsu or nikkagetsukan % 8 months"'.ith lon& le&s.hen to is used to indi(ate +uotation mar!s. hodo takakunai desu # ) is not as expensive as B."' To state someone else)s opinion. -ere"s another example: Shitsu toka" airon toka" Lesson = 1> . . 7ountin$ !eeks* sshuukan" nishuukan" sanshuukan" et(." Sushi to tempura to" do'hi ga suki desu ka # sushi or tempura. $ don/t thin! they are hi&h." A mo . no hoo ga takai desu # B is more expensive than ). ×Ø%UVく/!"す。 Kodomo wa ookiku narimasu. Mai is a (ounter for flat thin items %stamps. ."' /okusai. For a noun. No is preferred for somethin& dire(tly per(eived by the senses. not 01. % $ felt the (old ." leisurely. respe(t.orry"'."' 4an mai &a aru. ta!e your honorable time.& For example. Yukkuri # slo."' Ý. and here ga sounds ." %..。 Nihongo ga joozu ni natta kara" nihon ni ikitaku narimashita.&.かH(3E 4ÔXく!。 Shujin wa konban osoi to ittemashita kara" doozo goyukkuri.ho &ave us stra.hen referrin& to your o. but as for heat. Ion"t use su(h prefixes .&."' For an i adjective. it/s 01. it/s irritatin&. he thin!s he ..ill be(ome six next month. % 4in(e the Japanese be(ame s!illful. % The room be(ame (lean. ÚÛをÜPšA%U¾です。 Kanji o oboeru no wa taihen desu. % To memoriMe !an*i is terrible. 4o you must use na to mean is. For example. )lso you (annot say yasumi da !oto. e. anata ga tsukuttan desu ka # are they the ones that you made7" )nother example: i'higo o kureta no wa" dare6 # as for the one .' No or %n can also be used to make the pronouns %one& or %ones.n affairs. Koto is more formal or boo!ish."' 9esson G. % 4in(e my husband ."' 1B . and then add ku and naru. "ou don&t need to use ga or !a after numbers.berries. For example. also 01. Otooto wa suupaaman ni naritai to omotte imasu # as for the little brother. i)Å0mÙO/X. Samui no wa ii kedo" atsui no wa iya desu # as for (old.ants to be(ome 4uperman.ou (annot say yasumi da no.ron&." Ashita ga yasumi na no wa ureshii desu # that tomorro." instead of da. instead of muttsu %both mean six years old"' Naru = narimasu # to be(ome... add ni and naru to des(ribe a chan$e in state. For a na adjective." ta!in& time.ant to &o to Japan.。 Tsumetai kaze ga 1uku no o kanjimashita. $ shall &ive you one. % Hhildren be(ome bi&. is va(ation is pleasin&. % They ." >T0V$いO/!"+. samuku narimasu # it . % 4in(e < exist. e.。 #eya ga kirei ni narimashita." Ðd%hÑÒいQÓXて"+.ere sayin& he . For example.1B ƒÎ šかH8Î Ï"+p3。 San mai aru kara" i'himai agemashoo."' The %tai& form is inflected like an i adjective. &oyukkuri shite kudasai" also 01.ind blo. remove the final i.。 /aigetsu muttsu ni naru to ittemashita.ill be(ome (old.く /!"+. 6ords of Hhinese ori&in may be pre(eded by go." The prefix go is honorifi(. 6ords of Japanese ori&in may be pre(eded by o to sho."' Noun >hrases. 6omen use honorifi( prefixes more often than men do. sin(e you (annot use da before no.いÞ0ßくAをàじ"+. usually pre(eded by ni. similar to o.かHi)ONV. to des(ribe a chan$e in state. it developed that $ . osushi % honorable sushi"'.in this (ase'. &o ahead. 9esson G. goshinpai % honorable .ho7" ™ YÕÖ{O/šQÓXて"+. add ni and naru to des(ribe a chan$e in state.as sayin& :toni&ht late. up." meanin& they &ro.ly. No and koto turn a previous phrase into a noun. O#A)を Ï"+p3。 Anata ni kono hon o agemashoo. or if you or someone else &ive to someone outside your in-&roup .。 Otooto ni hon o yarimashita. 1ei!o &ave a boo! to 5a!i!o. sho. $ shall &ive this boo! to you. Tsumetai is used for (old ob*e(ts.。 nu ni esa o yarimashita. The tea(her &ave me this boo!.&. or . % 5i(hael (an spea! Japanese. $ &ave a boo! to the tea(her." [\%#A)をく$"+." 2se itadaku if you or a member of your in-&roup re(eives from an e+ual or superior %polite spee(h'. 9esson G.。 Sensei ga kono hon o kudasaimashita." Kan iru # feel" or sense. íîかH#A)をい. 4ay itadakimasu before eatin& or drin!in&." or . )uku # blo. マイケル%i)Åをáす#Q0でV"す。 Maikeru wa nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu. âãO)をä+mÏ"+." 2se kudasaru if somethin& is &iven to you or to a member of your in-&roup by someone outside your in-&roup . kore o itadakimasu # $"ll ta!e this one.histle.in& normal respe(t."' ) plain spee(h verb follo.ho is not in your in-&roup. $ re(eived this boo! from the president." 2se sashiageru if you or someone else &ive to someone not in your in-&roup. % 6hat shall ." çO)をb!"+. samui is used for (old .in& extra respe(t.ord to indi(ate your (hoi(e in polite situations.。 Keikosan wa makikosan ni hon o agemashita." breathe.e &ive for the (hild/s birthday7"' 1C . use this . or by someone outside your in-&roup .ind is dire(tly per(eived by the senses. you ma" not substitute koto for no in this senten(e. 9esson G.ed by koto $a dekiru means %can do." 2se morau if you or another person re(eives from an e+ual or inferior.." For example.ho is definitely inferior. e. The . -uuru de oyogu koto ga dekimasu # one (an s." æOPさをb!"+.。 Tomoda'hi ga musume ni sono hon o kuremashita. ) friend &ave that boo! to my dau&hter." /.ife &ave me this boo!.。 Kanai wa kono hon o kuremashita. This (an be used in almost any situation." èé0êO_A)をく$"+." 2se ageru if you or someone else &ive to someone .ho has e+ual or inferior status.hen you a((ept a &ift of food or drin!.. ×ØAïãiO&をbF3か。 Kodomo no tanjoobi ni nani o yaroo ka. $ &ave animal food to the do&. #A)をëìさんかH7Hい"+." 2se kureru if somethin& is &iven to you or to a member of your in-&roup by someone in your in&roup. (old days et(. )lso.。 Sensei ni hon o sashiagemashita. $ re(eived this boo! from Jiroo.。 Kono hon o jiroosan kara moraimashita. åい×さん%"V×さんO)をmÏ"+.だV"+." 2se !aru if you &ive to a member of your in-&roup.ho has &reater a&e or status.。 Sha'hoo kara kono hon o itadakimashita." âã0#A)をください"+. sho.1C 4in(e the .eather. $ &ave a boo! to little brother.im in the pool. " $t (an also mean at least" or or somethin&." For example. tabenai de kudasai # please don/t eat.indo.1D To say a plain spee(h %shall& or %let&s& for a u verb. -ransitive and intransitive verb pairs li!e akeru and aku %both meanin& open"' 9esson 1E. tea shall $ ma!e7"' 'ai is a (ounter used for (ups.. dasu % put out"' v. e. e.&. mado ga いいPLòさ/いでください。 ie" kesanai de kudasai.ith de kudasai.hen des(ribin& a fixed (ondition or an on&oin& a(tion. follo.&.. tabeyoo %from taberu' # $ shall eat" or let"s eat."' Shimau (an be added to the te or de form of a verb to su&&est that the a(tion is done thorou&hly and (ompletely. shimaru % (lose"' is intransitive." Mado o akete imasu # the . For example.. !hen describin$ a fi3ed condition.&.indo. deru % &o out" or exit"'.indo. kireru % be (ut"'. are (ommon in Japanese. ippai % 1 (up"'" nihai % 8 (ups"'" sanbai % < (ups"' et(. the ne&ative plain spee(h form of the verb .&." To say a plain spee(h shall& or %let&s& for an ru verb. nureru % &et . ureru % be sold"'.. e. states that the te or de form of transitive verbs is usually follo!ed b" aru %arimasu'." Mado ga aku # the . -o. please don/t turn it off. at least. 9esson 1E. mado o akete imasu # $"m openin& the . the transitive aru rule. % )nother (up.e play (ards or somethin&7" 73いXñいJðを»$"+p3か。 Moo ippai o'ha o iremashoo ka. ?3ceptions to the e rule in(lude: kiru % (ut. transitive verbs tend to end in eru. e. akeru47open*5 is transitive. % Ao. nuru % paint" or &et somethin& . For example. % The (hild ate up the s.indo." Ga v." @ome verbs are e3ceptions to the transitive aru rule.ever. is openin&." aite imasu # the . hajimete imasu # it is be&un by someone..et"'.indo. % -onorable tea.eets.&. shimeru % (lose"' is transitive.indo. at least7"' Demo means but. is it7" 5eanin&. For example. uru % sell somethin&"' v." The te or de form of transitive verbs is follo!ed b" iru 8imasu* !hen describin$ an on$oin$ action." $oa ga shimete arimasu # the door . e. A* n %te aru& or %de aru& constructions. kieru % &o out"'.as opened by someone. is open %be(ause $ opened it'.indo.. su trumps eru in determinin& . the direct object of a transitive verb ma" be indicated b" either o or $a. add yoo to the root. kesu % extin&uish"' v. mado ga akete arimasu # the .hi(h verbs are transitive.& or transitive rule. The te or de form of intransitive verbs li!e aku %open' is follo!ed b" imasu ." -o."' To make a ne$ative re+uest. ." The e rule& says that. denki o tsukete imasu # the li&ht is on %be(ause $ turned it on'.ever. loo!in& at su(h verb pairs. add oo to the root %the pre-u form'. opens." Both of these Japanese senten(es are (orre(t." ×Ø0Jó×を•–て+"い"+. bo. 1D . doa o shimete aru # doa ga shimete aru # the door is (losed by someone.. Lesson #9 Jðで7いか0ですか。 O'ha demo ikaga desu ka. e.et"' v.. nomoo %from nomu' # $ shall drin!" or let"s drin!. aku is intransitive. is open" or the .&. e." Another e3ception to the transitive aru rule o((urs !hen "ou !ant to impl" that the s+eaker did somethin$." transitive' v." nakushite imasu # it is lost by someone.ould you li!e some tea.&. e. For example.。 Kodomo ga okashi o tabete shimaimashita.as (losed by someone. nekasu % put to sleep"' v.&. neru % sleep"'. .ls et(. mado o akeru # $ open the . toranpu demo shimashoo ka # shall . ho. it (an mean in&.ill (lean in advan(e. Koori o irete juusu o tsumetaku shimashoo # )ddin& i(e. $n ordinary spee(h."' Te oku means to do somethin& as advan(e preparation. let"s &o.." 4ee 9esson 18.ill ma!e the room (lean.' stOÉXてNV"+p3。 $ensha ni notte ikimashoo. % Tana!a is leavin& the seat humbly. For example.ill drin! the tea (ompletely." For example.. !an*i 1E times ea(h. Made ni is used after a plain non-past form of a verb or various time .arm.ill it be ready by 1E:EE7' Kopii ga. For example." ÿピー%÷„"でOでVš。 Kopii wa juuji made ni dekiru6 % )s for the (opyin&.ill memoriMe it (ompletely." Cn%席を%¤+てJ!"す0。 Tanaka wa seki o hazushite orimasu ga. $ eat." < times." ‰ü0 šかHýþをÿピー+てJV"+ p3。 Kaigi ga aru kara" shiryoo o kopii shite okimashoo. sooji o shite okimasu # $ ." >TをŸかく+"す。 9esson 1E." Orimasu = oru # humble form of iru = imasu8 oru is used in very polite situations to refer to yourself or members of your in-&roup. Lesson ## ±+いÚÛを÷øù{<いてúûすš。 Atarashii kanji o jikkai zutsu kaite renshuu suru."' -urnin$ somethin$ into somethin$ else. #eya o atatakaku shimasu.. remove the final i and add ku suru or ku shimasu to the i ad*e(tive.hi(h an a(tion is (ompleted. su(h as ma!in& somethin& . For example. su(h as ma!in& somethin& (lean. or of (han&in& somethin& usin& a na ad*e(tive.. Oboete shimau = oboe'hau # :$ . $ pra(ti(e.ords to indi(ate the time by or before .1F $n ordinary spee(h." O'ha o nonde shimaimasu = o'ha o nonde shimau = 7$ . juuji made ni ikimasu # $ ." Oboete shimaimashita = oboe'hatta # $ memoriMed it (ompletely. 9esson 1E." similar to do." %Aote that ni suru also means $ (hoose. ." O'ha o nonde shimaimashita = o'ha o nonjatta # $ dran! the tea (ompletely." meanin& let/s &o ridin& by train. For example." 8 times."' To express the idea of chan$in$ somethin$ into somethin$ else usin$ an i adjective. let/s ma!e sashimi out of it. #eya o kirei ni shimasu # $ ." For example. let/s (opy the literature in advan(e. hon o mite tabemasu # readin& a boo!. To express the idea of turnin& a noun into another noun. te shimau is shortened to "hau.んですね。 1F . de shimau is shortened to au. add ni suru or ni shimasu to the resultin$ noun or na adjective. % 6ritin& ne.. ikkai" nikai" sankai # 1 time. !uukai also 01.utsu # ea(h. sin(e it"s fresh. also 01. % Lidin& by train. % $/ll ma!e the room ."' The te 8or deB form of a verb can be used as an adverb."' Kai means times." %!uudo doesn"t sound as &ood as jikkai here.arm. % )s for this fish. but .ill &o by 1E o/(lo(!." #Aô%±+いかHõöO+"+p3。 Kono sakana wa atarashii kara" sashimi ni shimashoo." Lesson #2 ‹+¡6すぎ. su(h as (han&in& fruit to *ui(e. let/s ma!e the *ui(e (old." meanin& he"s absent"' Seki o hazusu # leave one/s seat. % 4in(e a meetin& exists.' . i.e. For example. nomi plus sugiru # nomisugiru # drin! too mu(h. you dran! too mu(h.0L /か/かY"せんで+. % 4in(e Tana!a is still . ‰ü%÷„O始Dš#QO+"す。 Kaigi wa juuji ni hajimeru koto ni shimasu."' To state ." +uite.1G Sukoshi nomisugitan desu ne.&. follo! the noun !ith ni suru# Cnさん%"だ仕事を+ていšかHY/い %¤です。 ´告を見/0HÚÛA勉強をすš#QO+ てい"す。 1G . % $ expe(t this is Barbara/s handba&."' To sho.as supposed to (ome by C:EE. nihon e ikutsumori desu # $ plan to &o to Japan. tomorro. ookisugiru # too bi&. 9esson 18.ith a verb stem." Cnさん%h旅N+ていšかHYš%¤0 !"せん。 Tanaka san wa ima ryokoo shite iru kara" kuru hazu ga arimasen.。 Tanaka san wa rokuji made ni kuru hazu deshita ga" nakanaka kimasen deshita. follo! hazu . ¢%°i‰üO出š{7!です。 %atashi wa asu kaigi ni derutsumori desu. should or is supposed to be." not readily. but he didn/t (ome readily. Cnさん%Ö„"でOYš%¤で+. 熱いかH ールO+"+p3か。 Atsui kara" biiru ni shimashoo ka. huh7"' The suffix -sugiru means to ex(ess". shall $ (hoose beer7"' To sho. % 4in(e Tana!a is travelin& no. #$%]ー]^さんAハÂド]ッグA%¤ です。 Kore wa baabarasan no handobaggu no hazu desu. the rooms ou&ht to be (lean.ith the root of an i ad*e(tive. $ plan to attend the meetin&."' To sho. $ de(ide to be&in at 1E:EE. use hazu desu after the plain form of a verb. % 4in(e $ (leaned. To sho. For example. it/s impossible that he . e.. this may be (ombined .. For example." Nakanaka means (onsiderably. a plain spee(h verb . that one decides on a noun. or after an i adjective.ill (ome.."' To say that somethin& is impossible.かH>T%V$い/%¤です。 Sooji o shita kara heya wa kirei na hazu desu." 0r it may be (ombined . that somethin& is not supposed to be or not expe(ted to be. % Tana!a ."' 9esson 18. should or is supposed to be. should or is supposed to be.hat you intend to do.&. follo. $ expe(t him not to (ome. that a person himself decides upon or chooses an action.. add tsumori to the plain speech form of a verb." Tanaka san wa mada shigoto o shite iru kara" konai hazu desu. use na hazu desu after a na adjective. use no hazu desu after after a noun. % ) little. that somethin& ou&ht to. Kono mise no koohii wa oishii hazu desu # This shop/s (offee ou&ht to be &ood."' To sho. % )s for me. % 4in(e it/s hot. that somethin& ou&ht to." not easily.ith koto ni suru.or!in&. that somethin& ou&ht to.ith ga nai" wa nai" ga arimasen" or wa arimasen." 掃除を+. % )s for the meetin&. follo! a ne$ative verbal or adjective !ith hazu desu. e."' To sho. it/s the (ustom not to . that an action is to be decided on %an impersonal de(ision'. $f used after enumeratin& fa(ts.ould be ni(e if it .Hいいですね。 Ashita haretara ii desu ne.Kunderstand . で7°i%›œ7見.ill be stopped by someone.ere sunny tomorro.。 Kaigi wa juuji kara hajimeru koto ni narimashita.ith koto ni naru# +..ith koto ni shite iru# Moshi 1uro ga atsusugitara mizu o irete kudasai.in&.DOi)OY"+ .ithout any loss of meanin&. $ (ame to Japan." use moshi or moshimo. it su&&ests that su(h fa(ts *ustify one/s a(tions. form. please add . % $t ." add ra to the past plain spee(h form of a verb. For example."' To sho.ould be ni(e if. % $n order to study Japanese (ulture." Both moshi and moshimo are optional and (an be omitted .hen she drin!s"'. % 6hile $ loo! at advertisements.ant to see a movie." $t is usually used after a plain spee(h verb. % Aext .ill start it from 1E:EE. it . $ &o to To!yo 4tation. a plain spee(h verb . Tanaka san mo issho ni kitara yokatta desu ne # $f Tana!a also to&ether had (ome. atta % it existed"' be(omes attara % if or . % $ don/t !no."' 6hen statin& the . as for tomorro. koto ni natte imasu # )s for in Japan. This is (alled the -tara.晴$. Moshimo ame ga 1uttara ohanami wa yamemasu # $f it rains. follo.H水を»$てください。 8E .. $/m s(heduled to leave for =urope. rules. Lesson #2 ƒ§Šで届くか(3か*か!"せん'。 Sanshuukan de todoku kadooka wakarimasen yo.. follo. a plain spee(h verb .ill arrive in < .hen.as de(ided that someone ."' -o indicate that you have de(ided upon or set a (ourse of a(tion for yourself .ay thin&s are.H。 !ikan ga attara.。 Nihon no bunka o benkyoo suru tame ni nihon ni kimashita." or in the event that. for sure.."' To say supposin&.. so(!s or pants. Nihon de wa ie no naka de wa kutsu o hakanai 9esson 18... Shinkansen ni noru tame ni" tookyoo eki ni iku # $n order to board a bullet train.ear" shoes. % But."' Shi is used after plain spee(h verbs to mean and or et(. huh7' Tara ii means it . For example.hen it exists"'. feelin&s or opinions. Nonda % $ dran!"' be(omes nondara % if or ." #aku # put on" or . ‰ü%÷„かH始Dš#QO/!"+.er vie." „Š0 X. a plain spee(h verb . it ."' Tame ni means in order to. it .い+。 $emo" ashita wa" eiga mo mitai shi . or that you do some action routinel".ater.as &ood. For example."' To express the idea if" or . huh7" Y§ヨーロッパO出発すš#QO/Xてい "す。 /aishuu yooroppa ni shuppatsu suru koto ni natte imasu.hether it .ith koto ni natte iru# For example. customs et(." For example. i)A文化を勉強すš. % 4upposin& the bath is too hot. my routine is to do !an*i"s study. and so therefore . as for inside houses. 9esson 18. $ also . % )s for the meetin&. as for the honorable flo. su(h as schedules.ee!s."' 7+Þ呂0熱すぎ. % 6hen or if there is time.8E Kookoku o mi nagara" kanji no benkyoo o suru koto ni shite imasu. follo.ee!..ear shoes. "ha is a contraction of te wa and a is a contraction of de wa# #ashitte wa = hashit'ha % as for runnin&"'.ith na. none of them" in ne&ative (onstru(tions." 芝ãO»XGゃだDだ'。 Shiba1u ni hait'ha dame da yo. a +uestion . 9esson 1<. 誰O7‰い"せんで+. add one of the follo. taberu na # do not eat.earin& the same hat. doreka #one of them. % $ didn/t meet anyone. follo. For example. Cuestion !ord !ith demo: $f you follo. asonde wa= asonja % as for playin&"'." For example." .ord .ith !a. in affirmative sentences. tabenai de kudasaimasenka = tabenai de kudasai = tabenai de 'hoodai = tabenai de ne # please don"t eat. -o.higau zubon o haite 81 . a +uestion . it means any. % $s the honorable sushi on the other side the same as the Japanese7"' Ona i means the same. it means all or ever" in positive constructions. use the te form of the verb follo!ed b" !a follo. Doremo means any of them" in positive (onstru(tions.hether or not." 忘$/いでください。 %asurenai de kudasai. % To enter the &rass is bad for sure."' -o make a ne$ative re+uest." Cuestion !ord !ith ka: $f you follo. never. none or no!here in ne$ative constructions. For example. $ didn"t meet no one"' 6hen the parti(les ni and e are used !ith some pronouns endin$ in mo." literally.hi(hever one. For example. $oko e mo ikimasen deshita # $ didn/t &o any. or komarimasu. onaji booshi o kabutte imasu # they are . For example.ord ."' For a plain %do not. nanika # somethin&.81 Kadooka # ." used by men or on si&ns.. % 3lease don/t for&et.。 $are ni mo aimasen deshita. Doredemo means any of them" or . 9esson 1<. a +uestion . shite wa = shi'ha % as for doin&"'.here.here"' 46を捨てš/。 &omi o suteru na. itsuka # sometime. Cuestion !ord !ith mo: $f you follo.in&: ikemasen$ ikenai$ dame desu. $ didn"t &o to no.on"t you please not do and &ive" %very polite form' Nai de kudasai # please don/t" %polite form' Nai de "hoodai" or nai de ne # please don"t" %(ollo+uial form' Lesson #4 む#3AJす+%i)AQ同じですか。 Mukoo no osushi wa nihon no to onaji desu ka.ou must not enter inside the &rass. .ith mo.ed by one of the follo." 芝ãAnO»Xて%いå"せん。 Shiba1u no naka ni haitte wa ikemasen. they are lo(ated in the middle of the pronoun. haitte wa = hait'ha % as for enterin&"'. a plain non-past verb ." %literally.ord . For example.ith demo."' #ait'ha = haite wa.ever. % Ion"t dis(ard &arba&e. tabete wa ikemasen = tabete wa ikenai = tabete wa dame desu = tabete wa komarimasu # you must not eat.use one of the follo!in$ 2 !ords instead of daremo or nanimo* minna$ mina$ or subete. otte wa = ot'ha % as for bendin& or pi(!in&"'.hether $ . it means some.ill &o or not. iku kadooka wakarimasen # :$ don"t !no."' -o form a ne$ative command and say that someone must not do somethin&." For example. sutete wa= sute'ha % as for dis(ardin&"'. $n (ollo+uial spee(h.in& phrases after a verb stem: Nai de kudasaimasen ka # . % ." /higau means different. Kutsu ga onaji desu # the shoes are the same. 4ay 'higau kutsu % different shoes"'. . not 01' # sometime in 0(tober." or every." Natsu uu # all summer lon&. For example.omen in informal (asual (onversations. 88 .. $ heard somethin& from someone. from someone"s story or spee(h"' # a((ordin& to . % 0nly Taro is bein& off." Kotoshi juu ni # sometime this year."' $n this senten(e.' To (onvey the idea of onl"& or just." No lon$er do # moo N ne&ative." every time." Cn !~/Aです。 Tanaka kun byooki na no desu." Onaji is an ad*e(tive.hile 'higau is both an ad*e(tive and a verb. someone .or!in& at the (ompany." Ni !oru to . somethin& is reportedly true. Lesson #6 "ìだå0Œんでいš。 Taroo dake ga yasunde iru.hat someone says."' Aote that karada ni !oku nai means it isn"t &ood for the body." Kongetsu 'huu ni %juu ni also 01' # sometime this month." Ni plus to kaite arimashita$ or ni plus tte kaite arimashita . for the body it"s not &ood." use either dake or bakari after a noun. % $n that (ase." Juu ni and /huu ni# These phrases mean /sometime durin&.as ." $t/s 01 to omit wa. For example. % .as sayin&." !uugatsu 'huu ni %*uu ni. Ga or de plus to itte imashita$ or ga or de plus tte ittemashita ." 'itoban uu # all ni&ht lon&." Soo desu$ No da soo desu$ -n da soo desu . %4omethin& is reportedly true. not ona*i no !utsu." and may express the spea!er/s feelin& that the imbalan(e is not ri&ht or is unfair." Kutsu ga 'higaimasu # the shoes are different./ /anytime durin&/ or /before the end of. mada kaisha de shigoto o shite imasu # he is still ." N desutte$ Desutte . Taro dake yasumi desu. _$じゃ$O'く/いですね。 Sore ja" karada ni yoku nai desu ne. ga or o after either dake or bakari." all over.on/t use it anymore. The meanin& of bakari follo." 2sed by men or ." implyin& as usual and that it/s not fair." @till do # mada N affirmative.akari implies that t. also 01.oun& man Tana!a is si(!.here. N datte$ Tte .in& a te verb form is similar to that follo." I"hi ni"hi uu # all day lon&. naB if "ou follo! da !ith no %as a softenin& .o (hoi(es have been (ompared and (ould mean all the time.akkari is more emphati( than bakari." Natsuyasumi 'huu ni %*uu ni also 01' # sometime durin& summer va(ation. .in& a noun.e."' Taroo dake yasunde iru.ee!." I"hinen uu # all year lon&.ritten. no is used as a softenin& . 4ay onaji kutsu % the same shoes"'. somethin& . also 01. . huh.earin& different pants./ Kyoo juu ni # sometime today." Konshuu 'huu ni %juu ni also 01' # sometime this . 9esson 1>.ou must use an alternative to da 8i. 4omethin& is reportedly true. For example.ord. terebi o mite bakari iru # he"s only . as for 9esson 1>. moo tsukaimasen # $ . ." Karada ni iin a nai has a very different meanin&: isn"t it &ood for the body7" %%Y§旅NONくAO"だ&'を+てい "せん。 Kare wa raishuu ryokoo ni iku noni" mada yooi o shite imasen.omen in informal (asual (onversations." No hanashi de wa %literally. "ì#か!bすんでいš。 Taroo bakari yasunde iru." 2sed by .ord'. )((ordin& to someone.at(hin& TV.88 imasu # they are . % 0nly Taro is bein& off." Kara plus to kikimashita or kara plus tte kikimashita . 9esson 1B.A'3です。 Maini'hi" ame ga 1utte" maru de tsuyu no yoo desu. li!e sno.ith noni." or in spite of the fact that. even thou&h youn&.ith datta noni." follo. it"s (ompletely li!e the rainy season."' To say even thou&h. even thou&h next .s. is !no. % =ven thou&h it"s sprin&." or in spite of the fact that. both no !oo and mitai are na adjectives." Õ¨iだX."' 6hen modifyin& a noun. No !oo (an be used .& or to des(ribe the .& %same as.8< % )s for him.ill. he didn"t do . % =very day. */AOŸかく/!"せん。 #aru na noni atatakaku narimasen." or in spite of the fact that. -ere"s another example.0-Xて"šで.AO‰íONV"せんで+. it"s (ompletely li!e the rainy season. a noun ."' 0o not use noni !ith volitional e3pressions li!e let/s" or $ ." .AO仕事を+"せんで+.or!. .0-Xて"šで. use no !oo after the noun.ay somethin& appears in (omparison to some other noun. % The hands. she hardly dra.。 &enki datta noni" shigoto o shimasen deshita.hite. a verb %either past or non-past' or a plain i adjective %either past or non-past' . % )lthou&h it/s rainin&. a na adjective .ith any style of spee(h.as healthy. even thou&h she is s!illful at pi(tures or dra.in& various thin&s. a noun or a na adjective .見.' 6hen modifyin& a noun."' To say even thou&h. he still isn/t doin& preparations. % )s for -ana!o. sin(e it rains.. For example.& %similar to." (×さん%)0mÙ/AO "!かV"せ •i.arm.hile mitai is more (ollo+uial.& %similar to. another !a" to e3press the ideas of %is like.." (hen "ou add ni to a na adjective. are . +~だX.in&." in past constructions. usin& an i ad*e(tive: Ano hito wa" wakai noni" iroiro na koto o shitte imasu # that person over there. he didn"t &o to the (ompany.ith na noni.ay somethin& appears in (omparison to some other noun. is to use mitai after the noun. % =ven thou&h he . 8< . it doesn"t be(ome . modifyin& a verb or another ad*e(tive. sin(e it rains. follo." or in spite of the fact that.0-Xていšå$(r•スONV"+p 3。 Ame ga 1utte iru keredo" tenisu ni ikimashoo.いです。 Maini'hi" ame ga 1utte" maru de tsuyu mitai desu.ith na noni. let/s &o to play tennis. % =ven thou&h it ."' 9esson 1B..ee! he is &oin& on a trip. 6hen used as ad*e(tives.。 &etsuyoobi datta noni" kaisha ni ikimasen deshita."' No yoo and mitai are na ad*e(tives meanin& li!e. to e3press the ideas %is like. ん。 #anako san wa" e ga joozu na noni" amari kakimasen. it becomes an adverb.as 5onday. Soba wa supagetti mitai na tabemono desu # soba is a food li!e spa&hetti.& or to des(ribe the . •i. % =very day.& %same as." follo." follo."' To say even thou$h. Ù0/A'3O0い。Ù0/6. Soba wa supagetti no yoo na tabemono desu # soba is a food li!e spa&hetti."' To say even thou&h.いO0い。 Te ga yuki no yoo ni shiroi = te ga yuki mitai ni shiroi. usin& an i ad*e(tive: oishii # it"s deli(ious. or !ish. the tuition.in&. This is more boo!ish but is preferred !hen the relationship is causal or inevitable." æを:. ." -ere"s another example." pertainin& to. % 6hen you smo!e toba((o."' Tsurete iku # ta!e a person or animal alon&. íîA8Ìを9Xてä+mÏ"+.O<$てNXてbš。 nu o sanpo ni tsurete itte yaru.hen it"s deli(ious.hen $ &ot up."' /ou ma" not follo! %to& !ith a re+uest. command. 8> . . This is des(ribed as usin& tara* in these lessons." Sha'hoo ni homete itadakimashita # by the president. "ou omit ga. et(.ant to ma!e your statement sound more $eneral and less direct. -ere are some other examples: Sha'hoo ga homete kudasatta # the president praised and &ave. the past form of a verb or an i ad*e(tive . it . % Hon(ernin& the days of the .H/0-Xてい"+.。 Asa okiru to yuki ga 1utte imashita. 2se tara . 12VšQ/0-Xてい"+."' 9esson 1B. sin(e $/m busy.8> 2se to . not 01." f "ou use ni tsuite." Tottemo # terribly.ant your statement to sound more personal. % The do&. okiru # &et up." Lesson #: ¨ib6@þO{いて<いて !"す。 (oobi ya jugyooryoo ni tsuite kaite arimasu.al!in&.。 Asa okitara yuki ga 1utte imashita." Oishikattara # if it"s deli(ious" or . % )s for today.s. $ re(eived praise. as in &ivin& dire(tions or dis(ussin& natural la.hen you . % 6hen the rain stops. so it"s best to omit wa as . but wa and ni tsuite are similar. hai!in&u ni i!imashoo.in&.or! is (ompletely unable to be a((omplished.hen you .as sno.ith to. this ." Okita # $ &ot up. $ . it . 9esson 1B. . Oishikatta # it . )me &a yamu to."' Ni tsuite # (on(ernin&.ill ta!e alon& and &ive. 12V. it"s bad for sure."' )nother ." extremely.hen $ &et up.hen $ &et up. $n this example. % $ (arried the president/s lu&&a&e and &ave."' To express a conditional !hen or !henever." Okitara* # if $ &et up" or ." re&ardin&."' w]ÿを5X. % 5ornin&."' J=さん#A)をÈXて。 Otoosan" kono hon o katte. for the purpose of ." w]ÿを53QだDです'。 Tabako o suu to dame desu yo."' Totemo # very. $n the senten(e above.03んだHハイ4ÂグONV"+p3。 Ame ga yandara haikingu ni ikimashoo. it"s bad for sure.as deli(ious.HだDです'。 Tabako o suttara dame desu yo.。 Sha'hoo no nimotsu o motte sashiagemashita. you (ould say ni tsuite wa. follo.ell.ith ra.ritten.ee!. are . su$$estion. a plain spee(h non-past verb . hi%7+くて#A仕事%QXて7でV" せん。 Kyoo wa isogashikute kono shigoto wa tottemo dekimasen.ay to express a conditional !hen or !henever is to follo." or (ompletely" %(an also be spelled totemo'. Use the te or de form of a verb to e3press the idea of $ivin$ or receivin$ an action %as opposed to a thin&'. % 6hen one smo!es toba((o.as sno. % 5ornin&. let"s &o hi!in&. follo."' To say that "ou desire someone to do somethin$. it"s 01 to eat."' #A8Ìを@んで7Hい. plus hoshii. ALGpXQr>ブルAmA?をµXて ²+いんだå(。 Ano" 'hotto" teburu no ue no shio o totte hoshiin dakedo. A0!~で•ていšAでUVい Lesson #. buy this boo!. % 4ay."' 6hen you ." (asunde mo kamaimasen # it doesn"t matter if you rest" %meanin&.ant you to say and $ re(eive it."' Ni turns the !ord nibanme # se(ond" into an adverb. use the plain speech ne$ative non5past form of the verb. tabete mo ii desu ka # is it 01 if $ eat7" #ai" tabete mo ii # yes.e put in too mu(h. % Ion"t use too many pen(ils.omen.ant to sa" that "ou !ould prefer that someone not do somethin$. but .ife7"' >ermission* Te mo ii = te mo !oroshii # it"s 01. follo!ed b" de." Kooto ga ooki sugimasu # the (oat is too bi&." Kashira used more by . but.ould li!e you to (arry and $ to re(eive this lu&&a&e.." Mizu ga atsusugimasu # the . Osugiru # too mu(h +uantity. huh. suginai is the ne&ative form.hen tal!in& about your family . it&s appropriate to use otoosan. % 4ay. -ere"s another example: . dABC%ÓXて7Hい. % )s for a person/s slander. but. A3[\を<$てNXて7いいですか。 Anoo" kanai o tsurete itte mo ii desu ka.ill be(ome lu!e.hotto onegaishite moo ii kashira. but. $n(identally. kana more by men.ed by hoshikunai" moraitakunai" or itadakitakunai. moraitai. % 0f To!yo. is it 01 if $ ta!e the . $ don/t . for a moment.. it/s the se(ond tallest buildin& for sure. % 4in(e 5other is sleepin& due to illness.いんですå(。 Kono nimotsu o hakonde moraitain desu kedo. $ desire that you do not put out bi& sounds."' 9esson 1D. $ desire you to pass the on-thetable salt. GpXQJKい+て73いいか+H。 . $ .arm. DEをFいすぎ/いで。 )npitsu o tsukai suginai de."' (hen addressin$ one&s parent or older siblin$s directl". )nother . haha" ani and ane only . or itadakitai." For example. $ €•でGHDO˜い ルです'。 Tookyoo de niban me ni takai biru desu yo." 9esson 1D. Ãを出さ/いで²+いんです0。 #aha ga byooki de nete iru node" ookii oto o dasanai de hoshiin desu ga."' Sugiru # too mu(h". ta!e time off"'. modifyin& takai. it . nibanme (an 8B . .ater is too hot.ould li!e for you to si&n to this do(ument and $ humbly re(eive." For example."' Kashira and kana mean $ .く/いですね。 #ito no waruku'hi wa" itte moraitakunai desu ne.ay to say that "ou !ould prefer that someone do somethin$ is to use the te or de form of the verb plus moraitai or itadakitai. use the te form of the verb plus hoshii.8B % Father.u'hoo" kono shorui ni sain o shite itadakitain desu ga # division mana&er." #atarakisugi ja nai # isn"t it too mu(h labor7" %#atarakisugi is a noun derived from hatarakisugiru = 7labor too mu(h. 2se 'hi'hi. okaasan$ oniisan or oneesan.onder. satoo ga osugiru # there/s too mu(h su&ar.onder. % $ . doin& be&&in& is 01."' Another !a" to ask someone not to do somethin$ is to use the te form of the verb." resugiru to nuruku naru # if . % ) little." Te mo kamaimasen # it doesn"t matter.ith outsiders. and you &et the eba form.at(h TV et(. if you are listin& only one'.as not able to s. -ere"s an example of the use of tari . % $f you say. -o.!+/かX. terebi mo arimasu # there is also a TV. usually but not al." Shitsumon o suru koto ga dekimasen deshita # $ .rite." J¼%}~KL0MNOÄVµ $$#いいです'。 Saisho wa tenki yohoo ga seikaku ni kikitorereba ii desu yo.ith no and used as an ad*e(tive." 0ensen oyogu koto ga dekimasen deshita # $ ." usually meanin& (ome to thin! of it.ould li!e to &o to 5exi(o and see.ever.im at all. you mustn/t do. add eba." For example.ays .ill be &ood./ For example. denwa ga dekinakatta # $ (ould not do a phone (all.ith only a sin&le verb: koko de" yakyuu o shitari shite wa ikemasen # at here." スOイÂÅ0でV. % ?et up early in the mornin&. $ . The last verb listed %or the only verb. 8C . % $ (an/t leisurely ." For example.いですね。 Supeingo ga dekitara" i'hido mekishiko e itte mitai desu ne. Aote that toru % ta!e"' is a u verb. add reba to that. nibanme no hikidashi # the se(ond dra.at(h even TV. then. is also a u verb.eather report a((urately. +. $n this (ase. For example." Nasai may be added to the stem form of a verb to &ive a (ommand to a (hild or a subordinate.H89P4yÿˆNX て見. one time. then.!ËÿウドをÄい. then it ."' To ma!e the eba verb form." #itotsu mo arimasen # not even one exists.!です。 Shitari shinakattari desu. sin(e its te form is kikitorete and its ta form is kikitoreta. Asa hayaku okite kudasai = 3lease &et up early in the mornin&." % )s for the be&innin&. % )s for evenin&s. The root %preru form' of kikitoreru is kikitore./ To ma!e the eba verb tense. % $f $ (ould do 4panish. listen to re(ords. Kikitoru % listenKta!e"' . then.. !ippun mo kakarimasen # $t doesn/t even ta!e 1E minutes.hen you are listin& various a(tions.. and you &et ieba.er." Lesson #< rË 7ÔXく!見H$"せん。 Terebi mo yukkuri miraremasen.hi(h is derived from kiku and toru.as not able to as! a +uestion.8C also be (ombine .!+ _3いP#。 Soo ieba."' Dekiru means /able to do."' Okiru # &et up. for sure. the root of iu % say"' is i. add eba to the root of a u verb. Nijikan mo kakarimasu # $t ta!es 8 full hours. et(." Mo (an mean more than e3pected. てす4+"す。 (oru wa terebi o mitari" rekoodo o kiitari shite sugoshimasu. )nother example is kakeba %from kaku' # /if $ . sin(e its te form is totte and its ta form is totta.hen you mean etcetera. . the te kudasai form is mu(h more polite . huh.ever. is follo!ed b" suru or desu. . $ do and spend. add reba to the root of an ru verb. Mo (an mean also. -o. 1Iく2V/さい。 Asa hayaku okinasai.. 9esson 1F. kikitoreru % able to listenKta!e"' is an ru verb.hen addressin& an adult."' 2se tari after the past plain spee(h forms of verbs. do baseball et(." 6ith ne&ative verbs./ 9esson 1F. if you are able to listenKta!e the ."' Mo means %even& in this senten(e. mo (an mean less than e3pected.&."' 0eba and eba mean /if." For example. e." Q%rË を見. a noun plus no. To express the idea sometimes "es. an ru verb.im BEE meters." 7XQÚÛをÜPš'3O+"す。 Motto kanji o oboeru yoo ni shimasu. ea(h verb . eat please. nomanai # /$ .on/t drin!." or &et to the point that.03んでいšŠOÈいÌONXてY"+ p3。 Ame ga yande iru aida ni" kaimono ni itte kimashoo." or to ta!e (are that."' To indi(ate a period . Their potential forms are: kareru = ikeru # /(an &o."' )s dis(ussed in 9esson G./ Tabenai # /$ . . i. . % 6hile the rain is stoppin&.ith tari." or as. 9esson 1F. that somethin& is possible. 'oo (an be understood as /dire(tion. i. $enwa ga kakerareru./ &enerally spea!in&."' Yoo ni suru # /to see to it.rite a letter. e. % 0ne (an play tennis. % $t/s possible to .8D 4ometimes $ do. % $ &ot to the point that $ ."' 8D . meanin& the ar is removed. % ?o ahead./ sáをかåH$š。sá0かåH$š。 $enwa o kakerareru. For example. or a plain nonpast verb or i ad*e(tive. you may use either ga or o." in ne&ative (onstru(tions'. TUtOÉ$š'3O/!"+."' >otential -ense* To sho. % $t (ompletely be(ame unable to &o to the party.on/t eat.e./ 6hen usin& a potential verb . Tegami ga kakeru. There are 2 irre$ular verbs. or a na ad*e(tive plus na. rareru is shortened to reru. add nai to the root. taberareru # /$ (an eat. To ma!e the ne$ative form of a u verb. sometimes $ don/t do./ @ometimes. add eru to the root of a u verb./ &enerally spea!in&.ith u"hi ni.ay to say that one (an do somethin& is to use the phrase koto ga dekiru# For example.hi(h an a(tion o((urs. another ." (3E熱い3GO•–てください。 $oozo" atsui u'hi ni tabete kudasai. add anai to the root." follo.hile it/s still hot.ithin . . migi no hoo # ri&ht side." )&ain.。 !itensha ni noreru yoo ni narimashita. add rareru to the root of an ru verb."' To indi(ate a period durin& or throu&hout ./ Korareru = koreru # /(an (ome.ith aida ni# パーrSーONå/く/Xて+"い"+. gohyaku metoru oyugu koto ga dekiru # $ am able to s. For example. a noun plus no. For example. to say !hile still" %or before.hi(h an a(tion o((urs..e." &et to be su(h that. or a plain non-past verb ../ Yoo (an be understood as /manner. % $ (an ma!e a phone (all./ ÙRを<åš。ÙR0<åš。 Tegami o kakeru./ $ekiru # (an do."' Yoo ni naru means /(ome to be su(h that.ith an ob*e(t.。 -aatii ni ikenaku natte shimaimashita." to ma!e an effort.&.as able to ride a bi(y(le. % $/ll ma!e an effort to memoriMe more !an*i. The potential form of iku % &o"' is ikeru. that somethin& is possible. The ne&ative form of ikeru is ikenai. "ou ma" use either o or ga." 9esson 1F. let/s &o for shoppin& and (ome. To ma!e the ne$ative form of an ru verb." (ombine the past plain spee(h stem of the same verb in the affirmative and in the ne&ative and follo. to say !hile. For example. nomeru # /$ (an drin!. r•スをすš#Q0でV"す。 Tenisu o suru koto ga dekimasu."' To sho. sometimes no. follo. denwa o kakereru # denwa ga kakereru # $ (an ma!e a phone (all. GXQ7©$0µ$"せん。 . The resultin& . % )s $ am listenin& to the tea(her/s spee(h.oonasu tte nani ka shittemasu6 9esson 1G. is there nothin&7/ 8dで&7か7+/いで>WO仕事をXせ š#QをYDてい"す。 #itori de nanimokamo shinai de" buka ni shigoto o makaseru koto o susumete imasu.hittomo" tsukare ga toremasen.ith a ne&ative verb. it doesn"t (ome out7"' %ha!!a&etsu. % =xtremely pleasant it seemed for sure. plus garu.ould be 01 to substitute shinakute for shinai de here." is this all7.ell-li&hted" and that kute means and.' Nouns can be made from some verb stems. you (an say.。 Sensei no hanashi o kiite iru u'hi ni" nemukunatte kita. $n 9esson C. Tte (an mean /spea!in& of.F かÕ\+か出/いAか。 Nanda" rei ten ha'hikagetsu bun shika denai no ka." /んだ E.e. For example. use an i ad*e(tive root. Keikosan tte hen na hito desu # 1ei!o is a stran&e person.in&7"' 8F . you learned that hirokute akarui desu means it"s spa(ious and .or! to subordinates thin& is bein& advised. is to use an i adjective root. or a na adjective. $t (an be used ./ To say that someone appears to have certain feelin$s. not to do everythin&." Therefore you mi&ht assume that it ." "ì %くb+0Xてい"+.hat do you mean7. nante # ."' Nanimokamo # everythin&.hat sort of." ki %from iku' # the outbound trip.hy7" %(ollo+uial' Shika # /ex(ept for only." Mukae %from mukaeru' # the &reetin&. That is not the (ase." (f. 1ei!osan tte sensei desu %meanin&. The te in nakute is used to mean %since& and (annot be used to mean and..hat %+uestion' are you !no.ithout dake % only"'. he appeared to be mortified. Tomoda'hi ga sukunakute" sabishii desu # sin(e friends are fe.8F âãAáをÄいていš3GOVく/XてY . but only if the predi(ate expresses the spea!er"s emotive evaluationK*ud&ment. For example. % By oneself. For example. like aida ni." it"s nothin&J" (f." #ajime %from hajimeru' # the be&innin&."' %0uibun tanoshikatta soo desu yo. Kore dake shika nain desu ka # kore shika nain desu ka # /ex(ept for only this. 9esson 1G. $"m lonely." su(h a thin&. it be(ame sleepy and (ame./ but you (an"t say. For example. ex(ept for E.ho appears to be mortified." do you mean to say7.'。 0uibun tanoshi soo deshita yo. Makaseru # to entrust.ith or . % Aot at all. % 6hat do you mean."' &"hi ni.ord (an be used as a na ad*e(tive. or a na ad*e(tive.." Kaeri %from kaeru' # the return. and entrust . ./ Kuyashisoo na hito # /a person .' Another !a" to sa" that someone seems to have certain feelin$s.F month +uantity only./ Lesson #= Zー[スXて/Oか+Xて"す。 ." meanin& $ &ot sleepy." #anashiai %from hanashiau' # the (onsultation." For example.& i. also 01. $ (an/t ta!e the fati&ue" out of myself.。 Taroo kun wa kuyashigatte imashita. kuyashisoo desu # /he appears to be mortified. 1ei!o is a tea(her/'. nande # . ¤い¥ん³+_3で+. also 01' Nanda # ."' Kuyashigaru (omes from kuyashii % mortified"' plus garu and means appears to be mortified. % )s for youn& man Taroo. as an a(tion is bein& done./ 2se shika . plus soo. can also be used to mean %as. tsukare %from tsukareru' # fati&ue. % )s for the one (alled bonus./ Tte (an substitute for wa as a topi( mar!er. " or for the purpose of. To say a plain spee(h shall& or %let&s& for an ru verb. % )s for my father.ill &et deli&hted probably.rite (hara(ters (leanly.ed by to suru. meanin& for the sa!e of. hashitte iru tokoro # /he/s in the pro(ess of runnin&.。 !uusu o nomoo to shite" koboshite shimaimashita." .. % $"m in the middle of studyin&. to say as for the one called. Ikoo # ikimashoo # $ shall &o" or let"s &o. $aredemo yomeru yoo ni" ji o kirei ni kaite kudasai # so that any of them (an read.hy is it.Q#F/んです。 ." %atashi ni mo wakaru yoo ni" motto yasashiku setsumei shite kudasai # in su(h a .hat !ind of pla(e is it7"' To as! about thin&s li!e identity. % $f you invite -anada to a movie and &ive.HVXQ^ ¥で+p3。 #anada san o eiga ni sasotte agetara" kitto yorokobu deshoo. tabeyoo to shite imasu # /$/m tryin& to eat. definition. ažースを¡73Q+て#º+て+"い" +."' $nstead of usin& tame ni. add oo to the root %the pre-u form'./ #$かH出かåšQ#F/んです。 Kore kara dekakeru tokoro nan desu." Ko!oo # kimashoo # $ shall (ome" or let"s (ome.. no. To iu no wa# To wa# Tte# For example. use daroo or deshoo.in& three phrases plus a +uestion . to say a plain spee(h %shall& or %let&s& for a u verb." (Cさんを›œO]XてmÏ. hashitta tokoro # /has *ust Lesson 29 8G . (ertainly she . use the plain let&s form of the verb." 9esson 1G." use !oo ni. For example. into the honorable bath. . more easily do explanation please. % From no. For example./ qÂÿÂQÓ3A%(ん/Q#Fですか。 #onkon to iu no wa" donna tokoro desu ka. % 4o as to not (at(h (old.hat is it" or ho. add yoo to the root./ =%hJÞ呂O»X./ For example."' To express the idea to tr" to do somethin$. li!e su(h that.ell. % Tryin& to drin! *ui(e. please be (areful. There are < irre$ular verbs. des(ription or explanation (on(ernin& unfamiliar items..ill understand. he has *ust entered. honkon to iu no wa = honkon to wa = honkon tte # /as for the one (alled -on& 1on&.hi'hi wa" ima" o1uro ni" haitta tokoro nan desu.ant to ma!e a milder statement. is it" or ./ For example." Shioo # shimashoo # $ shall do" or let"s do."' Iru tokoro used after the te or de form of a verb means /in the pro(ess or in the middle." or in such a !a" as to. 勉強を+ていšQ#Fです。 . The se(ond one is more boo!ish and the third one is (ollo+uial. please ." if you *ust . use one of the follo."' Tokoro (an be used after a plain speech non5past verb to mean /on the ver&e. $ spilled it (ompletely. hashiru tokoro desu # /he/s on the ver&e of runnin&."' To say that someone probabl" has (ertain feelin&s./ Þ_を`か/い'3O~を{åてください。 Kaze o hikanai yoo ni" ki o tsukete kudasai.ords.enkyoo o shite iru tokoro desu.ord plus desu." et(./ For example."' Tokoro after a past plain speech verb means /has *ust finished/ or /is at the point of havin& *ust finished.8G )s mentioned in 9esson G. % )s for the one (alled -on& 1on&." implyin& that one failed or that one is not su((eedin& very . $"m on the ver&e of leavin&. in other ." so as to.ay that to me also . follo. " in addition to the to. ." or in (ase it is..." )s mentioned in 9esson 1F.on"t buy. % )s for my father. if.. but they are optional. c$。 #ashire. for a u verb. then .hile a&o.as done *ust no.. % $f it"s (lean. add kereba to the stem.#か!。 . then. This is (alled the e3clamator" form.. includin$ nai. tara and eba forms that you"ve learned.. then $ . to say if it is."' To ma!e the eba form of i adjectives.ed by tokoro implies that the a(tion . Tenki ga yokereba # /if the . may be substituted for kirei de areba.. The . %$t doesn"t matter if the noun is animate or inanimate. he"s (omin&J/ Utta. there"s a 4th conditional form./ (asukunakereba kaimasen # if it isn"t (heap." V$いで $#。 Kirei de areba..ded.J"' To form the imperative form for an ru verb. as for -o!!aido. For example.ith ro.ritten text. add nara. the root ./ use de nakereba. =%¸XてY./ Kirei nara and kirei naraba 9esson 8E.ord nara fun(tions mu(h li!e the topi( mar!er wa.eather is &ood. 1uroda is fallin&J"' Use the past tense of a verb to report !hat "ou see as an e3clamation. then. besides usin& the past tense of a verb follo. espe(ially in .' To say /if it isn"t. before nara.. LbCさん0Uんだ。 Aa" Kuroda san ga koronda.as done a !hile a$o.hi'hi wa" kaette kita bakari. To ma!e the eba form of na adjectives. is it7"' To express the idea if it is. Add reba to the root of an ru verb. After an i adjective or a plain verb. The past tense follo.. % $n the (ase of to &o for travel.. For example. Naraba may be used instead of nara. follo.ed by bakari implies that the a(tion .hen ma!in& hashitte and hashitta.. % Thro." add eba to the root of a u verb./ dÏF。 Nagero.ed by tokoro. For example. ˜å$#。 Takakereba. For example.hile the past tense follo. After a noun or a na adjective.. 9esson 8E.. the verb root .. add nara or naraba or de areba to the ad*e(tive. then. For the 2 irre$ular verbs. Leferrin& to nouns." Suite ireba # /if it/s un(ro. follo. % $f it"s expensive."' <E . % LunJ"' To form the imperative form.. used at sportin& events to shout en(oura&ement. the imperative forms are: Ike # &oJ" Koi # (omeJ" Shiro # do itJ" Lesson 2# 旅NONく/Hefz%(3ですか。 /yokoo ni iku nara" hokkaidoo wa doo desu ka. #omu ran desu # -e"s hittin&J $t"s a home run. ho. then .ed by bakari. ikeba # if $ &o. you may use no or 7n. to express the (on*e(tural or hypotheti(al idea.<E finished runnin&/ or /is at the point of havin& *ust finished runnin&. then. % )h. is to use the past tense of the verb follo. then."' Another !a" to e3press the idea of just havin$ done somethin$. kita kita # /-e"s (omin&. but implies a &reater emphasis. often used to (larify the sub*e(t under dis(ussion in order to ma!e a (omment. then ." use de areba.ith e# #ashiru is a u verb be(ause you double the t" .. he returned and (ame a . $nstead say oide kudasai# Another !a" to sa" please come."' Dattara also means if it is" or in (ase it is. and ossharu.indo.aitin& in the re(eption room.. osuwari kudasai = okake kudasai # /please honorably sit. used to sa" !hat someone else is doin$. in(ludin& ma'himasu" mo'himasu" kaerimasu" kikimasu" yomimasu and tsukaimasu.ith suru or shimasu. referrin& to a(tions that you perform.' To say please come or please $o.ith ni naru or ni narimasu. 7+7+。âã%JいでO/!"すか。 Moshi moshi" sensei wa" oide ni narimasu ka.ay to say $ . in this formal honorifi( (onstru(tion. and kakeru is used for sittin& on (hairs.. % 5y &oodness. is okoshi kudasai# To say please do.ith desu.<1 Atsuin nara" soko no mado o akete mo ii desu yo # in (ase it"s hot. in this formal honorifi( (onstru(tion.' H。73J¸!ですか。 Ara.. don"t use !uru or i!u."' <1 . )re you already honorably returnin&7"' For a limited number of verbs." _A>T0V$いだX. put o in front of the verb stem. meanin& say." Oide kudasai (an mean either please (ome" or please &o. in order to as! someone to do somethin& in business or official situations. for sure. and follo.いんです0。 $enwa dai o oharai shitain desu ga. the stem . % Leportedly it ." To form an honorific verb construction !ith other verbs.ill humbly brin& it. say nasatte kudasai# sáhをJiい+.rite your honorable name and honorable address here.ill honorably hold it.in& the verb stem .ill humbly hold it. $/ll rent it./ %$n pra(ti(e." and it (an often be substituted for nara. by puttin& o in front of the Lesson 22 .ill humbly brin& it" is motte mairimasu.ould li!e to humbly pay the phone (ost.ord used to mean (ome. as for tea(her./ %Suwaru is used for sittin& on Mabuton (ushions. you (an form an honorific verb construction. sha'hoo ga omo'hi ni narimasu # /the president . Okyakusama ga oosetsushitsu de 9esson 81.Q4jkをJ<Vください。 Koko ni onamae to gujuushoo o okaki kudasai. put o in front of the verb stem and follo. this often means $ . % )s for this mornin&. but.in& five responses: kudasai$ kudasaimasenka$ kudasaimasen deshoo ka$ itadakimasenka$ or itadakemasenka. For example. and follo. as opposed to personal or so(ial situations.hat time did you honorably depart7"' Donorific verbs in(lude irassharu.0-š_3です。 Ame ga 1uru soo desu.ill rain. 9esson 81. Oide ni narimasu # he exists" # he is here" # he is there. the verb stem ."' To form an honorific form of a verb re+uest." )nother ./ ##OJ:." verb stem.. omo'hi shimasu # /$ . and follo. % -ello.Hg!"す。 Sono heya ga kirei dattara" karimasu. put o in front of the verb stem. For example. % 3lease honorably .か。 Kesa wa" nanji ni" odekake ni narimashita ka. For example. at . meanin& be. in this formal honorifi( (onstru(tion." &o" or exist" is oide. is he there7"' )n honorifi( . oma'hi desu # a very honorable (ustomer is honorably ." h1%&„OJ出かåO/!"+. it"s 01 to open that pla(e"s . For example.. the verb stem . Moo okaeri desu ka. % $f that room is (lean.ith one of the follo."' To form a humble verb construction." (ome" or &o". %$ . "' To say that somethin& does not appear to be. or a na ad*e(tive.ill-not-eat seems to be. to ma!e an ad*e(tive. and na ad*e(tives. say !osa soo desu." Kuruma da soo desu # reportedly.' 6hen soo in this sense is used .ill not eat. % $t loo!s li!e it ./ Oishikunasa soo desu # /not-deli(ious seems to be." 0ther phrases that employ ki in(lude ki ni iru # it pleases me". $ have a feelin&. she seems to be &ood. tabe soo ni nai = tabe soo mo nai = tabe soo dewa nai = tabe soo ja nai # it appears she . it seems"# there seem to be no problems. it/s deli(ious.0-H/さ_3です。 Ame ga 1uranasa soo desu." soul.ill eat. nothin&.ant to say that somethin& appears to be $ood. For example. she . oishii soo desu # /reportedly. For example. i ad*e(tive roots. =xamples of the use of soo %meanin& seems"' in(lude Tabesoo desu # it appears he ." Ki means spirit." $n the senten(e above./ $t may also follo. if you say tenki wa ii soo desu. reportedly it"s lively." mo nai = nigiyakasoo dewa nai = nigiyakasoo ja nai # it doesn"t appear lively.ou ma" use na after soo %meanin& /seems to be/'.<8 )s dis(ussed in 9esson 1>. . For example.ill-rain doesn"t exist. For example." 6hen used in this sense.ill rain. it must be pre(eded by da.ith nouns. $t cannot be used . it appears lively. ki ni shinai # to not (are"." <8 . For example."' . For example." ./ %. it may be (ombined . % )s for ." Oishisoo ni nai = oishisoo mo nai = oishisoo dewa nai = oishisoo ja nai # it doesn"t appear deli(ious." Oishisoo # it appears to be deli(ious. % 6ill-not-rain seems to be.ou (annot say oishii da soo desu. and ki o tsukeru # to be (areful." 9esson 88. $t is not pre(eded by da." Nigiyakasoo ni nai = nigiyakasoo °i%". soo desu (an mean reportedl".nhearted"." Tabenasa soo desu # /. Ano sensei wa yosa soo desu # as for that tea(her over there.+~O/$_3/~0すš。 Ashita wa" mata" genki ni nare soo na ki ga suru.ith verb stems.s a plain spee(h verb %not the stem'. it appears. ki o otosu # to &et do."' 6hen you . an i ad*e(tive root.ith na ad*e(tives or nouns. ki is modified by the na-ad*e(tive phrase genki ni nare soo # appears to be able to be(ome healthy. % )ppears-it-. % )s for tomorro."' Soo has a se(ond meanin&: seems to be. an i ad*e(tive %not the root'. soo mo nai 1arimasen*$ soo dewa nai 1arimasen*$ or soo a nai 1arimasen* to a verb stem." %Le(all that. sin(e you (an"t use da after i ad*e(tives.eather. Taberu soo desu # /reportedly. oishisoo na keeki # /a deli(ious-appearin& (a!e." feelin&."' Ki ga suru # to have a feelin& that. a&ain. to health $"ll be able to be(ome.. 9esson 88. add soo ni nai 1arimasen*." Ano mise wa" nigiyaka soo desu # as for that store over there."' Another !a" to sa" that somethin$ appears not to be is to follo. instead of sayin& i soo desu." 6hen used in this sense.0-!_3です。 Ame ga 1uri soo desu.ill eat.0-!_3じゃ/い。 Ame ga 1urisoo ja nai./ }~%'さ_3です Tenki wa yosa soo desu. it/s a (ar.eather is &ood. that means reportedl" the . &oodness seems to be" or the . Ano mise wa" nigiyaka da soo desu # as for that store over there. it follo.eather seems to be &ood.ith nasa soo desu# 4ome other examples of the use of nasa in(lude: Mondai wa nasa soo desu # as for problems." or intention./ . the pre-nai form of a ne&ative verb or the pre-nai form of an i ad*e(tive . ou may use it after verbs.ill eat. na ad*e(tives. By (ontrast.ou may use it after verbs.ill rain.0-X. The doer of the a(tion is follo. the sub*e(t is also an ob*e(t that re(eives the effe(t of an a(tion. it appears that it . not 01. $n a passive senten(e. For example." based on eviden(e./ . you may use na "oo to mean it seems. % $t seems that it rained. noApでÞ_O'くqくH+いです'。 . $t may be used ." hi%. 9esson 88. you (annot say rashii da. hi%. O both i and na ad*e(tives.い。 Kyoo wa ame ga 1uru mitai. Al%マイケルさんA'3ですね。 Ano koe wa" maikeru san no yoo desu ne." For example. and nouns. also 01. but rashii desu is 01. % )s for today. not 01. % )s for that voi(e over there. not after another ad*e(tive or after a verb. % $t"s a tree-li!e shape.<< Ame ga 1uru mitai desu. it seems to be 5i(hael."' After a na adjective. for sure. /ashii implies more un(ertainty than yoo. Mitai also means it appears. % 2ntil the name is (alled. Kirei na yoo na heya." $t also means hear" or as!. but onl" !hen "ou use it after a noun. oishii yoo desu # /it appears to be deli(ious. Taberu yoo na hito." To say that a noun seems to be. and the sub*e(t ball" is the ob*e(t of the a(tion.ill rain.ou ma" use na after "oo to ma!e an ad*e(tive but onl" after a noun. For example. % $t"s Hhinese medi(ine.'3です。 Ame ga 1utta yoo desu. 4in(e rashii is an i ad*e(tive.huugoku no kusuri de" kaze ni yoku kikurashii desu yo.0-š6. huh." Lesson 22 :. and to a (old it seems to have a &ood effe(t./ Ki mitai na kata'hi desu.0-šH+いですね。 Kyoo wa" ame ga 1uru rashii desu ne. be sittin& please." But Oishii yoo na tabemono." based on slim or indire(t eviden(e. For example.ed by wa or ga.ou ma" use na after mitai to make an adjective. you may say kuruma no yoo na kata'hi # a shape that loo!s li!e a (ar. it loo!s li!e it . nouns."' << . $ !i(! the ball" (ontains a sub*e(t. add rareru to an ru verb root."' /oo also means it appears."' Kiku # be &ood for" or have an effe(t.をr#$š"で_#AいすOかåてい てください。 Namae o yobareru made" soko no isu ni kakete ite kudasai.ith i ad*e(tives and verbs."' . The ball is !i(!ed" (ontains a passive verb. an a(tive verb and an ob*e(t. genki na yoo desu # he seems to be healthy.ed by ni. i ad*e(tives. on that pla(e"s (hair. To form a passive verb form in Japanese. add areru to a u verb root. %atashi wa inu ni oikakerareta # $ . you may follo! the noun !ith no "oo. huh. in =n&lish.い/nです。 . instead use rashii alone as an i ad*e(tive. Ion"t use na after rashii. /ashii no da is also 01. ."' 0ashii also means it appears. For example." . the ob*e(t of the a(tion is follo. tori no yoo desu # it seems to be a bird."' $n a passive senten(e./ Taberu yoo desu # /it appears that she .m6. not 01. rather than after another ad*e(tive or after a verb. 9esson 88. For example. % )s for today.as (hased by a do&. a arimasen."' To say that somethin$ is not necessary. it . three times per day.<> rre$ular passive verb forms : iku" be(omes ikareru. suru."' $t is common for speakers to omit the second phrase !hen sa"in$ that one must do somethin$. but mandatory for hi." _ん tu% !"せん。 4onna hitsuyoo . % . is to add eru to a u verb root O add rareru to an ru verb root." %atashi wa kanojo ni miraremashita # $ . % $ must .ith either koto wa nai or koto wa arimasen. % . #itsuyoo # ne(essary" or ne(essity." 9esson 8<. you may re(all that the . For example.ou don"t have to (ome by F:EE. Nai to naranai 4narimasen5" nai to ikenai 4ikemasen5"nai to dame desu.ay to sho./ %The ni is optional for i'hini'hi.ith the se(ond one bein& (ollo+uial: Te mo# Tatte. The se(ond phrase (an be one of the follo.."' Ki'hinto means properly" or tidily. % That !ind of ne(essity doesn"t exist.ill not be(ome" or if not.e. an ru verb"s passive form is the same as its potential form. kuru. For example.ith yoi.ith naku' ." 'hini'hi ni sankai = hi ni sankai = i'hini'hi ni sando = hi ni sando # /three times per da". s„"でOYš#Q% !"せ ん'。 -a(hi*i made ni !uru !oto . % )s for meals.ith t." are not 01 . i.as loo!ed at by her. it ."' A third !a" to sa" that somethin$ is not necessar" is to use hitsu!oo wa arimasen. $n (ollo+uial spee(h. For example. $n (ontrast to the passive tense.e. nakereba is often shortened to nak!a or naker!a. Japanese people say somethin& li!e if not. #AËfートを<か/å$#/H/いんで す。 Kono repooto o kakanakereba naranain desu. kaze no toki wa" yukkuri yasumanakute wa # as for the (old"s time.as able to loo! at the festival." •事%8iOƒ9VGんQ•–てください。 Shokuji wa i'hini'hi ni sando ki'hinto tabete kudasai. Nakute wa naranai 4narimasen5" nakute wa ikenai 4ikemasen5" nakute wa dame desu. The first phrase (an be either of the follo. Motto hayaku oki nakya dame deshoo # you must &et up earlier. i."' Another !a" to sa" that somethin$ is not necessar" is to (ombine a plain non-past verb .ill be bad.' For example."' To say that one must do somethin$.' #itotsuki ni nikai = ikkagetsu ni nikai = tsuki ni nikai = hitotsuki ni nido = ikkagetsu ni nido = tsuki s„"でOY/くて7いいです'。 -a(hi*i made ni !ona!u te mo ii desu yo.o <> .rite this report.in& C possibilities: Yoi# Ii desu# Kamawanai# Kamaimasen# Dai oobu desu# %-o. for sure.ith isshukan. for sure. (ombine a ne&ative verbal form %endin& .a arimasen yo. properly eat please." are not 01. tabunakute mo ii desu = tabenaku tatte ii desu # you don"t have to eat./ %The ni is optional . $n (ollo+uial spee(h.in& t. nakutewa is often shortened to naku"ha.' sshukan ni ikkai = shuu ni ikkai = isshukan ni i'hido = shuu ni i'hido # /one time per !eek. watashi ga omatsuri o miraremashita # $ . be(omes sareru$ in the passive tense. shuu i!!ai" and shuu i(hido. su(h a thin& is not ne(essary. hi san!ai" or hi sando. you must leisurely rest. be(omes korareru.ever. that somethin& is possible %the potential form'.." 5eanin&. Therefore. do not (ombine tatte . 9esson 8<. probably. but mandatory for shuu." There are a number of !a"s to sa" /must do/: Nakereba naranai 4narimasen5" nakereba ikenai 4ikemasen5" nakereba dame desu.o possibilities.ou don"t have to (ome by F:EE. ." phrases. ay of expressin& re&ret is to use expressions li!e no desu ga or n desu kedo. GvJVO±+いtをÈ3んです'。 Ninen oki ni" atarashii kuruma o kaun desu yo." 1utsuka oki # every < days. after a verb of su&&ested a(tion. huh.' Noni can also mean )too bad. Io not use noni. honorifi( # Te irassharu. honorifi( # rassharu 4irasshaimasu5. re+uest or .ed by to. To be doin&. 6hen applied to days." to report a su&&estion. honorifi( # Gozon i desu# To be !no./ %The ni is optional for all. To do..ill humbly tell. honorifi( # Ossharu 4osshaimasu5." ##O%Jxyを•–šAOGp3(いい *ね。 Koko ni wa" obentoo o taberu noni" 'hoodo ii wa ne.AO。 Supiido o dasanakereba yokatta noni. and before a verb li!e say. similar to tame ni./ i. % Aext . Mooshiageru 4mooshiagemasu5. % $f you don"t put out speed. (ar for sure. humble # Oru 4orimasu5."' Oki ni means /every so often." For example." meanin& if only you hadn"t put out speed. (ommand..o verbs./ %The ni is optional for all. i'hini'hi oki # every 8 days. humble # Itadaku 4itadakimasu5." Lesson 24 ¸!"+. honorifi( # Nasaru 4nasaimasu5."' <B .ith a(tions that you yourself did. To eat or drin!.ould be &ood. % 6hen he returns.in&.. but. it . humble # Mairu 4mairimasu5.Hsáをすš'3OJwP+" す。 Kaerimashitara" denwa o suru yoo ni otsutae shimasu.AO。 /aishuu" yooroppa ni iku hazu datta noni. % ) little (heaper one . honorifi( # rassharu 4irasshaimasu5.ee!. To be.hom they honorably (all Very -onorable 5r." in order to do/." is a for(eful expression. in the sense of if only. meanin& +uotation mar!s. more thou&htful ." ."' 9esson 8>. To say or tell."' Noni" meanin& if only.hen referrrin& to yourself. every so many hours or days et(.o times per month. % =very 8 years. -arada honorably (ame." 73‹+=いA0いいんですå(。 Moo sukoshi yasui no ga iin desu kedo.as &ood if only."' To &o. for sure.e.arnin& &iven by someone." Yoo ni is used bet. To be. sha'hoo ga kuru yoo ni to osshatte imasu yo = sha'hoo ga kuru yoo ni osshatte imasu yo = the president is honorably sayin& to (ome. humble # Itasu 4itashimasu5. To (ome. % ) person .een t.in&. it"s *ust ri&ht. if you mean too bad.. 9esson 8>. humble # スピードを出さ/å$#'かX. Y§ヨーロッパONく%¤だX. humble # Moosu 4mooshimasu5.' 'hinen ni yonkai = nen ni yonkai = i'hinen ni yondo = nen ni yondo # four times per "ear."' To say /if onl" somethin$ !ere. he buys a ne. honorifi( # Irassharu 4irasshaimasu5.& in the pro(ess of doin&. To eat or drin!. honorifi( # Meshiagaru 4meshiagarimasu5./ use ii noni or !okatta noni.as supposed to &o to =urope. he . to do a phone (all $ . ) milder. % )s for at here. To &o. To be !no. To say. humble -e oru.) $t"s 01 to use it ..。 #arada sama to ossharu kata ga"™ irasshaimashita. (oo ni may or may not be follo. too bad."' Tsutaeru # report" or tell. humble # Mairu 4mairimasu5.<B ni nido # /t. Noni can also mean )for the purpose of. To (ome. To be doin&. To do. for the purpose of to eat honorable box lun(hes. Lesson 26 zC{QJX+ゃš•0いHX+ゃい"+ . "' 4ometimes temo is repla(ed by tomo." $onna ni samukutemo" watashi wa tsutoobu o 9esson 8B. honorifi( # Oai ni naru# To see or meet someone.m. $ don"t turn on the spa(e heater. meanin& . % 4upposin&. honorifi( # Goran ni naru# To loo! at. 4ome .' To see or meet someone. humble # Ome ni kakaru# To thin!Kfeel. $ thin!. as for me. mu(h." Cnさん%YH$"+.hatever !ind. at the very most."' To express the idea /even if. (ondu(t. % =ven thou&h ." For example. 2se demo after na ad*e(tives and nouns. it"s &ood.B month"s portion.んです。 <C . by (ombinin& mo .ith ad*e(tives but not . meanin& ho.ill probably finish. To thin!KfeelK!no. humble # &kagau 4ukagaimasu5. etc." 仕事07+くて7ÕO89%›œを見ON V"す。 Shigoto ga isogashikutemo" tsuki ni i'hido wa" eiga o mi ni ikimasu.inter"s bonus. even 4aturday. he .e .& For example." &aikokugo o narau toki wa" heta demo" takusan shabetta hoo ga iin desu yo # as for to learn a forei&n lan&ua&e time. % )s for the . Tomo is used .'3です。 Senjitsu no demo ni wa" sukunakutomo" nisen nin no hito ga sanka shita yoo desu. . as for at the parent died time.ords that are (ommonly used .QP." This senten(e (an be translated even if you eat. For example. $ &o for the purpose of seein& a movie. humble # 'aiken suru# Tatoe" ame ga 1uttemo" undookai wa" okonaimasu." and donna ni.a !oraremashita !a. for sure. see or read. as for at F p. isn"t7.on i suru. $ .ith their te forms." and it"s really *ust another example of the temo form. tsukemasen # . 9esson 8B.<C .ith verbs." Le(all the permission form you learned on pa&e 8>: tabete mo ii desu # it"s 01 to eat. not +uite as polite as the honorifi( expressions already learned. temo is e+uivalent to %at the ver" most or least.or! is busy. as for the sports tournament. as for (hildren.& or %no matter ho!.. hold. even if uns!illful. To visit or as!. but this is boo!ish. at the very latest. âiA€•O%‹/くQ7G‚dAd0ƒ „+.on i de orimasu# %zonjiru # to humbly !no.EEE people"s people parti(ipated.or!. meanin& supposin&. about <. % Iid Tana!a honorably (ome7"' The passive form of a verb is commonl" used in dail" speech as an honorific e3pression.hatever !ind of (old." ikura. honorifi( # Otazune ni naru.ill (ry probably. it seems. . they &o to s(hool.& %even thou$h. honorifi( # Omoi ni naru.ith the temo (onstru(tion are tatoe. kura tsuyoi otoko demo" oya ga shinda toki ni wa" naku deshoo # ho. % )s for to the other day"s demonstration."' 6ith some ad*e(tives expressin& amount. as for on(e a month. at the very least.. Nihon de wa" doyoobi demo" kodomota'hi wa gakkoo ni ikimasu # as for in Japan./ use temo after i ad*e(tives and verbs. To visit or as!. 2uyu no boonasu wa" ookutemo" san ten go kagetsu bun gurai ja nai ka to omoimasu # as for the ."' Okonau # to perform. To loo! at or see.0-Xて7@|‰%J#/い"す。 マイケルさん%Jðを出+て7¡"/かX .ill hold it. mu(h stron& male even thou&h.か。 Tana!a san . 仕事%Òくて7}~s„O%•*šで+p 3。 Shigoto wa" osokutemo" gogo ha'hiji ni wa" owaru deshoo. it"s better to (hatter many. humble # . 8. even if it rains. the root." Jðを»$させ/いでください。 O'ha o iresasenai de kudasai." meanin& let"s &et 1uroda to . 9esson 8C. bCさんO<いて7Hい"+ p3。 Kuroda san ni kaite moraimashoo.ay. % )s for 5i(hael." for a u verb.<D Maikerusan wa" o'ha o dashitemo" nomanakattan desu. % 5other. ."' The ne&ative te form of the (ausative tense.or!. 7ausative -ense* to express the idea. % The se(tion mana&er made 5i(hael ma!e a report.& These verbs in(lude kudasaru" ageru" yaru" kureru" itadaku and morau." For example. let do please. to me. even thou&h $ put out honorable tea. % 3lease don"t ma!e me ma!e tea.' person !ho is bein$ induced to do the action is follo!ed b" ni or wo."' The causative form implies that the person bein$ made to do somethin$ is inferior to "ou. to (ause someone to do somethin&. $ made drin! medi(ine. kakaseru # /to ma!e someone . meanin& the pre-u form. but temo doesn"t (arry the emotional overtones su&&ested by noni. follo. he did not drin!" @ a neutral statement." $n this senten(e. tabesaseru # /to ma!e someone eat. Lesson 2: †î0マイケルさんOLo<を‡Hせ. and the JAさんLˆイスx‰ーŠを•–させて。 Okaasan" aisukuriimu o tabesasete.hile noni is not used in that .AO¡"/か X." and noni.rite. Temo may be used for des(ribin& h"pothetical situations. aseru is sometimes shortened to asu. . follo. let me eat i(e (ream. íîさんO<いてい. meanin& in spite of.rite and let"s re(eive. nai de."' The causative )te) form can be combined !ith verbs of $ivin$ and receivin$ to mean %let me do somethin$. % To 5r./ Saseru # /to ma!e someone do.。 Ka'hoo ga" maikerusan ni" hookokusho o tsukuraseta. $ .rite and let"s re(eive."' $t isn"t 01 to use noni in this senten(e. so the root is tsukur." meanin& let"s &et the president to . % )s for 5i(hael. % To 1uroda." マイケルさん%Jðを出+. $f the person is e+ual or superior. For example. to (ause someone to do somethin&. For example./ Kosaseru # /to ma!e someone (ome.ill &o by (ar. the person causin$ the action is follo!ed b" ga. . even thou&h $ put out honorable tea."' 9esson 8C. $n (ollo+uial spee(h.' The temo form. the root . . he did not drin!" @ an emotional statement.rite." are similar."' Tsukuru is a u verb. % =ven thou&h (lose.ith saseru.rite./ $rre&ular verbs: Ikaseru # /to ma!e someone &o. Amari" zangyoo o <D .hikakutemo" kuruma de ikimasu. plus kudasai./ To express the idea. add aseru and you &et tsukuraseru. that .んです。 Maikerusan wa" o'ha o dashita noni" nomanakattan desu. saseru can be shortened to sasu by removin& er. Kodomo ni kusuri o nomashitan desu # to the (hild. this is abbreviated to nomasu by removin& er. it"s better to use the forms te morau or te itadaku. for an ru verb.だV"+p3。 Sha'hoo san ni kaite itadakimashoo.& For example./ 6hen usin& this (ausative verb tense.u'hoo" sono shigoto o watashi ni sasete kudasai # Iivision mana&er. For example. meanin& even thou&h. …くて7tでNV"す。 .ith aseru. means please don&t make me do such and such. the (ausative form of nomu is nomaseru. 3resident . an era rerun"'.ith saserareru. (ombine the ne&ative stem of verb 1 ." i)で%Žを•い.G%âãO‡文を<かせH$š。 Seitota'hi wa" sensei ni" sakubun o kakaserareru. li!e hanasu. you put on the shoes state. !" <F . by the tea(her.ed by mama. 9esson 8C. they . The person !ho causes the action is marked b" ni."' To express the idea of doin&.ever. by the honorable mother is bein& made to eat ve&etables.an era rerun"' $rre&ular Verbs: The (ausative passive form of the verb to &o is ikasareru %thin! mornin& rerun"'. (ombine the root . to a room you must not enter./ (ausative passive form of the verb to do is saserareru %thin! 4as!at(he. Seitota'hi wa" sensei ni" sakubun o kakasareru %thin! mornin& rerun"' # as for the students. % )s for the students.Aで&7ÈP/ かX.rite a (omposition. overtime don"t ma!e me do. %mnemoni(: 4as!at(he. $ ."' Œ•を9. For example.<F sasenai de kudasai # /very mu(h.ith u verbs that do end in su. the (ausative passive form of the verb to tal!" is hanasaserareru %thin! aspirin era rerun"'. Maikerusan wa" kitamura san ni aisatsu o se zuni" ie ni kaette shimaimashita # as for 5i(hael. % )s for the (hild. %mnemoni(: aspirin era rerun"' For u verbs that don"t end in su. by removin& the first er." follo."' To express the idea of doin$ somethin$ !ithout doin$ somethin$ else.ith either nai de or zuni and then add verb 8. The 1L•事を+/いで出かåš#Q0 す。 Asa" shokuji o shinai de dekakeru koto ga arimasu. not shi Muni. 0f these t. please. they . meanin& state.allet. to 1itamura not doin& &reetin&.Aで&7ÈP/か X./いで出かå. to the house he returned (ompletely. % 4in(e $ left . 6hen usin& zuni . ã‹."' To ma!e the causative passive form of an ru verb.as not able to buy anythin&.as not able to buy anythin&. (ombine the root . ×Ø%JAさんO’“を•–させH$てい "す。 Kodomo wa okaasan ni yasai o tabesaserarete imasu.ithout holdin& my . say se zuni. $ . % 4in(e $ left . the lon&er form is used . use the past tense of verb 1 follo. For example.ith aserareru.ithout holdin& my .ill be made to .。 Sai1u o motta zuni dekaketa node" nani mo kaenakatta.ill be made to .o forms. or not doin&. somethin& in a particular state. -o make the causative passive form.¤O出かå." -o. 9esson 8C.ith suru verbs. this may be shortened to asareru. et(.rite a (omposition. and the person !ho suffers the action is marked b" ga or wa.。 Sai1u o mota nai de dekaketa node" nani mo kaenakatta. for a u verb. by the tea(her."' The causative passive verb form implies that someone is forced to do an action !hich he does not !ish to do and thus suffers discomfort .an era rerun"'. Œ•を9. zuni is more formal.allet. The (ausative passive form of the verb to (ome is kosaserareru %thin! 4as!at(he."">TO»いて%い å"せん。 Nihon de wa" kutsu o haita mama" heya ni haite wa ikemasen。 % )s for in Japan." %mnemoni(: asa rerun" or mornin& rerun"' Levisin& the example above.ed by verb 8. or sometimes $ do su(h a thin&. (ombine either a nonpast or a ne&ative verb .ith koto ga aru.hen su(h thin&s o((ur. Asa" shokuji o shinai de" dekakeru toki mo arimasu yo # mornin&s. For example.<G % 5ornin&s.ithout eatin&." . o((asionally. to depart thin& exists. for sure.ou may form similar expressions to indi(ate that sometimes somethin& is the (ase. sometimes $ leave ."' To express the idea that sometimes such is the case. rather than koto.al!. he honorably exists. usin& toki or baai. there are times . for sure. to depart times also exist. not doin& a meal." <G . to honorably &o thin& exists. for the purpose of a . Taitei wa" irasshaimasu ga" tama ni" sanpo ni irassharu koto ga arun desu yo # as for usually. not doin& a meal." Shinamono ga nai baai mo arimasu # mer(handise doesn"t exist (ases also exist." meanin&. For example. but. 8.18.B 1ute @ 18 5ada @ 81 5ade ni @ 1F 5ama @ <F 5ina %minna' @ F 5itai @ 8<.G. G. 1<-1> 1ana @ 8> 1ara @ 1E 1ashira @ 8> 1ereba @ 8G 1i %&a suru' %ni iru. <> 1a!aru %!a!arimasu' @ D 1amau %!amaimasu' @ 8> 1amoshirenai %-masen' @ 18 1an @ F.1F. 1F $i @ D $in *a nai @ 88 $!a&a @ 11 $!emasen @ 81. B. no @ 1< ?a vs. <B $ ad*e(tive @ 1. !udasai @ 1. <F 1oto &a de!iru @ 1B 1oto ni naru @ 1G 1oto ni suru @ 1G 1oto . 1C. 8B -umble verbs @ <E.8B )&eru @ 1C. D $mperative form @ <E $na(tive verbs @ F -in& @ D $ntentions @ 18 $nterro&ative pronouns @ C $ntransitive verbs @ 1C-1D $ru to!oro %in the pro(ess' @ 8G $ssho ni @ D $tada!u @ 1C. 8>. <E =ru @ 8C =t(etera . <D >E . <> Io!o @ B. 1> -oshi&aru @ 11 -oshii @ 11.hile a&o' @ 8G Hausative form @ <C. <E. 8B 5o nai @ <1 5onths %(ountin&' @ 1< 5onths %names' @ 1E 5ono @ 1E. o tsu!eru' @ <8 1i!u %have effe(t' @ <8-<< 1irai @ F 1itto @ 18 1o(hira @ > 1o!o @ B 1onna @ G 1ono @ > 1ore @ 8 1oto %intan&ible thin&' @ 1E. 11 Ioo itashimashite @ < Iooshite @ C. 8F ?o @ 1B ?oro @ D ?oMaimasu @ < ?urai @ D -ai %(ounter' @ 1C -a*imemashite @ < -a*imete @ 18 -aMu @ 1F-1G -itsuyoo @ <<-<> -odo @ 1< -on %(ounter' @ G -onorifi( verbs @ 11. *ust' @ 88 Ba!ari %a . 8. 8B. yoroshii' desu @ 18 Ie vs. D Iare!a @ D Iattara @ <E Iatte @ 88 Iays of the month @ 1E Iays of the . 81 5orau @ 1C. 1E. D 1u naru @ 1B 1u suru @ 1D-1F 1udasaru. <D 1uru @ 8. <. 11 IooMo yoroshi!u @ > Iore @ 8. 11. <>-<B -oo &a @ F. 11 5oo @ <.' @ <> ?a %but' @ < ?a vs.1D )seru @ <C )so!o @ B Ba!ari %only. 8E 1a doo!a @ 8E 1ai @ 1F. de na!ereba @ <E Ie form @1.a @ B ?aru @ G. <B Iesu %da' @ 1. 88 Ia!e @ 88 Iare @ <.1D. .ee! et(. <D )ida ni @ 8D )mari @ D )nna @ G )no @ > )re @ 8 )reru @ << )ru %arimasu' @ 8. <8-<< 5o @ D. o otosu.ee! @ 1E Ie %by means of ' @ D Ie areba. 88 Iesutte @ 88 Ie. 1E. )(hira @ > )(tive verbs @ F )dverbs. 81 Jau @ 1D Juu %ni' @ 81 1a @ 1. D Io!odemo @ F Io!o!a @ D.D =" rule @ 1D =ba @ 8B. << $!u @ 8. formin& @ D. 1C.>E $ndex. 1D ?a vs.D.a @ 8 Io %times' @ <.1D.1> =x(lamatory form @ 8G Fre+uen(y %per . F Io!omo @ F Ionata @ < Ionna @ G Ionna ni @ <B Iono @ B Iono !urai %&urai' @ D Ioo @ C. <D Hausative passive form @ <C Hha @ 81 Hhan&in& somethin& @ 1F Hhau @ 1D Hhuu%ni' @ 81 Hommands @ 81 Hountin& ob*e(ts @ 1E Hountin& people @ 18 Ia %desu' @ 1.a nai %arimasen' @ <> 1u form @ >-B. > )ru rule . B = %to a pla(e' .8> Ie ii %!e!!oo. <D -1unai @ 8B 1urai @ D 1ureru @ 1C. 8E. 8B. 18 1oto %noun phrase' @ 1B 1oto &a aru @ 18. 8E.8<. 8. <D $tsu @ C $tsudemo @ D $tsu!a @ D $tsumo @ D Ja @ 8. B $!ura @ C. shinai. o @ G. <B $!utsu @ C $masu %iru' @ >. 1>. >-B. ni %pla(e' @ F Ie!iru @ 8C Iemo @ 11.1<. 8G 4o(hira @ > 4oftenin& spee(h @ < 4o!o @ B 4onna @ G 4ono @ > 4oo %appears' @ 8F.<C-<D Ae&ative verbs @ 8. et(.D. <8 Aode @ 1E Aoni @ 8<.a @ 81 Ao %noun phrase' @ 1B Ao %possession' @ < Ao vs. 8.oo ni naru @ 8D . C. 8G 4hi @ 8E 4hi!a @ 8F 4himau @ 1E 4hoo @ C. <D Loot of i ad*e(tive @ 1 Loot of verbs @ 1.' @ <> To %and vs. B 6a @ 8. 5oshi.osa @ <8 . G . days of @ 1E 6o %ob*e(t mar!er' @ 1 . &a @ 1< Ao yoo @ 8<.<1.>1 $ndex. 8<-8> Tara ii @ 8E Tari @ 8C Tatoe @ <B Te form @1. 8E-81. 1C. 1D 0ide @ <1 0!i ni @ <> 0!oshi @ <1 0!u @ 1F 0ne&ai shimasu @ > 0o %$ shall' @ C. <1 4ore @ 8 4ore de . <>.1D. D.ori @ 1> .G. (ountin& @ 1<-1> 6ee!.a @ 8F To!a @ 1> To!oro %on the ver&e. 8D 0 %honorifi(' @ >. << Lashii @ <8 Leba @ 8C. 8B 4u!i @ F. 1> 6a %emphasis' @ G 6a vs.' @ <> 3ermission @ 8> 3lain spee(h @ 1.1C 3otential tense @ 8C. 8<. 8G Le+uests @ 11.B.8>.aru @ 1C.o!u @ D.<<. <B 3ast tense of i ad*e(tive @ F 3er %year. @ >-B Ae&ative form. << Lareru @ 8C. 8E 4u&iru @ 1F. B 4a %nasa.18.B Lu verb @ 1. 88 Aado @ 1> Aa&ara @ 1< Aai @ <.oo ni suru @ 8D . 8B Tame %ni' @ 8E. 1C.u!!uri @ 1B Puni @ <D.<D Aai de @ 81. <C Times per %day. &a @ B 6ee!s.81.1G Tsurete i!u @ 8> Tte %spea!in& of' @ 8F Tte %reportedly' @ 81 2(hi ni @ 8D 2 verb @ 1. 1G Ai naru %honorifi(' @ <E Ai suru @ 1D. <. i ad*e(t. <D-<F Aa!atta @ > Aa!ereba @ 8E Aa!ute @ 1F Aan %nani' @ 8 Aanda @ 1G Aande @ 1G Aandemo @ > Aani!a @ <. <F Putsu @ 1F $ndex. na ad*e(tive @ C Ae&ative re+uests . 8F .B. 1B Aouns made from verbs @ 18. <> . <.81.1F. <8 .8C. 8.oo ni @ 8F.ith' @ F To %if' @ 8<-8> To iu no . F Ai %purpose' @ G Ai %time' @ D Ai %to a pla(e' @ D Ai nai %arimasen' @ <1 Ai naru @ 1B.o %emphasis' @ 8 . 1C. B.a @ 8F To %tte' itte imashita @ 88 To %tte' !i!imashita @ 88 To omou %omoimasu' @ 1> To %+uotation mar!er' @ 1< To suru %try to do' @ 8G To . et(. 8B Ai %pla(e' @ >. de @ F Ai yoru to @ 81 Ao hanashi de . >1 .F.<D Te mo ii @ 8> Te o!u @ 1F Temo @ <B. in the pro(ess or *ust finished' @ 8G Tomo @ <B-<C Totemo %tottemo' @ 8> Transitive %aru' rule @ 1D Transitive verb @ 1C-1D Try to do @ 8G Tsu&oo &a ii @ C Tsumori @ 18. 8D Ai %before au' @ D Ai %ma!in& adverbs' @ G.a @ 11 4ore *a @ 11 4tem of verbs @ 1 4ubete @ F. 18 Tabun @ 1< Ta(hi @ 11 Ta&aru @ see ?aru Tai @ G. <B AaMe @ 11 Ae&ative (ommands @ 81 Ae&ative form. <1 4oo desu %reportedly' @ 88. <D . 1B. <C Aot ne(essary @ << Aoun phrases @ 18. 1> 0 %ob*e(t mar!er' @ 1 0 vs.oo %$ shall' @ 1C. yosa' @ <8 4aseru @ <C 4ashia&eru @ 1B 4enten(e 3attern ) @ 8 4enten(e 3attern B @ B-C 4hall @ C.a @ 1> . moshimo @ 8E 5ust do @ << Aa ad*e(tives @ 1. 8G 0oi @ G-1E 0oMei @ G-1E 0pinions @ 1> 0ru %orimasu' @ 1F 0sora!u @ 1< 3assive verbs @<<. 8F Tara @ 1G-8E. . 1D. B Aa %do not' @ 81 Aa %is' @ 1E. 1G Ai tsuite @ 8> Ai vs.1<. $ndex.oo %appears' @ 8<.1D. D Aanimo @ G Aante @ 8F Aara %naraba' @ 8G-<E Aaru %narimasu' @ 1B Aasa @ <8 Aasai @ 8B Aasaru @ <1. <B. >. &a @ G. <1. month.8G. >8 >8 .
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