J10 BB Config Guide en US
SAP ECC 6.00 August 2007 English J10: Asset Management Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG NUSDottstr. 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Copyright © Copyright 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft®, WINDOWS®, NT®, EXCEL®, Word®, PowerPoint® and SQL Server® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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MarketSet and Enterprise Buyer are jointly owned trademarks of SAP AG and Commerce One. SAP, SAP Logo, R/2, R/3, mySAP, mySAP.com, xApps, mySAP Business Suite, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries all over the world. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. © SAP AG Page 2 of 49 SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text <Example text> © SAP AG Page 3 of 49 SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Contents Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide.........................................................................................6 1 Use..............................................................................................................................................6 2 Preparation..................................................................................................................................6 3 Configuration................................................................................................................................6 3.1 Organizational Structures......................................................................................................6 3.1.1 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas............................................6 3.1.2 Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code.............................................................7 3.2 Asset Classes........................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Specify Account Determination.......................................................................................8 3.2.2 Create Screen Layout Rules...........................................................................................9 3.2.3 Specify Number Assignment across Company Codes..................................................10 3.2.4 Define Number Range Interval .....................................................................................10 3.2.5 Define Asset Classes....................................................................................................11 3.2.6 Specify Chart-of-Dep.-Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment.............................12 3.3 Integration with the General Ledger....................................................................................13 3.3.1 Assign G/L Accounts.....................................................................................................13 3.3.2 Assign Input Tax Code for Non-Taxable Acquisitions...................................................15 3.3.3 Specify Intervals and Posting Rules..............................................................................16 3.3.4 Define Document Type for Periodic Posting.................................................................17 3.3.5 Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting................................................................17 3.4 Valuation.............................................................................................................................17 3.4.1 Define Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class...............................................................18 3.4.2 Use of Half Months in the Company Code....................................................................24 3.4.3 Define Multi-Level Methods..........................................................................................24 3.4.4 Maintain Depreciation Keys..........................................................................................25 3.5 Master Data.........................................................................................................................26 3.5.1 Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data................................................................26 3.5.2 Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas.....................................................39 3.6 Transactions........................................................................................................................41 3.6.1 Assign Accounts...........................................................................................................41 3.6.2 Allow Down Payment Transaction Types in Asset Classes..........................................44 3.7 Capitalization of Assets under Construction........................................................................45 3.7.1 Define/Assign Settlement Profiles.................................................................................45 3.7.2 Creation of Variant AUC for the Settlement..................................................................45 3.8 Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports......................................................46 © SAP AG Page 4 of 49 ......48 © SAP AG Page 5 of 49 .......................SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 3........47 3...9 Specify Maximum Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes...........................................................................47 3.......10 Reassign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code........................................11 Specify Account Assignment Types.................... To carry out the activity. use the following option: IMG Menu Path Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas © SAP AG Page 6 of 49 . When you create your own chart of depreciation. The chart of depreciation BP01 has been created as a copy of the chart of depreciation 0DE. Procedure 1. the system copies all the depreciation areas from the standard chart of depreciation that you use as a reference. You must delete any depreciation areas you do not need from your chart of depreciation. For information on the prerequisite building blocks.doc). When you create a chart of depreciation.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 1 Use This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually.1.1 Use Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas SAP provides country-specific charts of depreciation with predefined depreciation areas. you must install prerequisite building blocks. 2 Preparation Before you start installing this building block. see the Quick Guide for Installing Baseline Package (located on the DVD in BBLibrary\Documentation\BL_Quickguide_EN_US. Each chart of depreciation contains the rules for the evaluation of assets that are valid in a specific country or economic area.1 Organizational Structures Chart of Depreciation A chart of depreciation is a directory of depreciation areas arranged according to business requirements. you must copy a reference chart of depreciation. These charts of depreciation are only references for customer charts of depreciation and therefore cannot be used directly. 3 Configuration 3. Each company code defined in Asset Accounting must refer to a chart of depreciation. 3. select Specify Description of Chart of Depreciation. On the Choose Activity screen. enter the following: From Chart of dep. To carry out the activity. review the depreciation areas. 3. 0US BP01 5. 7. select Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation. 13. 12.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 2. 11. Prerequisites The company code must be defined in Financial Accounting. Choose Continue. On the Copy dialog box. 10. 3. then choose Save. On the Change View “Chart of depreciation: Specify name”: Overview screen. choose the Organizational object Copy org. On the Organizational object Chart of depreciation screen. enter desired request information. as required. 6.1. Enter a description for the BP01 chart: ChDep BP01 9. use one of the following options: Transaction Code OAOB © SAP AG Page 7 of 49 . Choose Save. Procedure 1. and then Back. On the Choose Activity screen.2 Use Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code When you assign a chart of depreciation. select the line with field ChDep value BP01. Description Base Line Chart of depreciation Result The chart of depreciation has been created. On the Choose Activity screen. To Chart of dep. On the Prompt for Customizing request dialog box. you define a company code for Asset Accounting. Choose Save. 8. On the change View “Define Depreciation Areas”: Overview screen. select Copy/Delete Depreciation Areas. object 4. The chart of accounts 0010 has been assigned to the company code BP01. and delete or add depreciation areas. This link is created by the account determination key in each asset class. 3. 3. You can define any number of asset classes in the system. You can assign several asset classes to the same account determination key. To carry out the activity. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices IMG Menu Path J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code 2. Asset classes are defined for all clients. On the Change View “Maintain company code in Asset Accounting”: Overview screen.2. Choose Save. make the following entries: CoCd BP01 Company name SAP Best Practices Chrt dep BP01 Description Baseline Chart of depreciation 3. make the following entries: Account Determination 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 © SAP AG Page 8 of 49 . On the FI-AA: Account Determination screen. You can use them to structure your fixed assets according to different criteria.1 Use Specify Account Determination The most important function of an asset class is to link asset master records to their respective general ledger accounts in Financial Accounting. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path SM30 with Customizing Object V_T095A_01 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Asset Classes Specify Account Determination Name for account determination Land and Land Improvements Buildings Machinery and Equipment Leasehold Improvements Motor Vehicles Office Equipment Furniture and Fixtures Computer Hardware Computer Software Assets Under Construction Machinery 2.2 Asset Classes Asset classes are the most important structuring elements for fixed assets. Choose Save. J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Name for account determination Low-Value Assets Goodwill Leasing Tax only & negative value assets 3. make the following entries: Screen Layout Rule Y100 Y110 Y200 Y300 Y310 Y320 Y330 Y400 Y401 Y410 Y500 Y900 3. Choose Save. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path SPRO Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Asset Classes Create Screen Layout Rules 2. To carry out the activity.2.SAP Best Practices Account Determination 160200 193300 800000 900000 3. you can adapt the asset master record to suit your own needs.2 Use Create Screen Layout Rules The asset master record in the SAP FI-AA system contains a large number of fields because it is used for many different purposes. Name of Screen Layout Rule Real estate Buildings General Machines Fixtures and Fittings Vehicles Computers (Hardware/Software) Low-Value Assets Assets under construction Capital investment measure Capital investment measure Leasing Tax only/negative value assets © SAP AG Page 9 of 49 . On the screen Change View “Asset Accounting: Screen Layout for Master Record” screen. To make it easier to maintain master data. Procedure 1. The function for assigning numbers on a cross-company code basis has not been activated for the company code BP01. which (different) company code is to be used for number assignment. the system assigns numbers sequentially.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 3. Numbers can be assigned in the system externally or internally. To carry out the activity. Make the following entries on the Maintain Number Range Intervals screen. Procedure 1. © SAP AG Page 10 of 49 . the user is responsible for assigning the numbers. On the Asset Number Ranges screen. To carry out the activity. to company code providing number range screen. for each company code. make the following entries: Description CoCd Company name No. CoCd 3. and choose Change Intervals.3 Use Specify Number Assignment across Company Codes In the FI-AA System. With external number assignment. Choose Save.4 Use Define Number Range Interval An asset number uniquely identifies an asset. The system displays only the defined number range interval and issues an error message if a number has already been assigned.2. Procedure 1. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AO11 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Specify Number Assignment Across Company Codes 2. With internal number assignment. This is why you can specify. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AS08 Financial Accounting(New) Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Asset Classes Define Number Range Interval 2. Values BP01 SAP Best Practices BP01 3. select Company Code BP01. 3.2. the main asset number can be assigned on a cross-company code basis. On the Assignmt. It always consists of a main asset number and an asset subnumber. The asset class assigns the assets and their business transactions to the appropriate general ledger accounts. To carry out the activity.5 Use Define Asset Classes From an accounting point of view. Make the following entries on the Change View “Asset Classes”: Overview screen: Class 1000 1100 1200 1500 2000 Asset class description Real estate and similar rights Buildings Land Improvements Leasehold Improvements Machinery © SAP AG Page 11 of 49 . Each asset must be assigned to one asset class only.SAP Best Practices No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 90 From Number 000000010000 000000020000 000000030000 000000040000 000000050000 000000060000 000000070000 000000080000 000000090000 A To Number 000000019999 000000029999 000000039999 000000049999 000000059999 000000069999 000000079999 000000089999 000000099999 D J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Current number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X Ext. and asset number assignment for each class. Several asset classes can be assigned to the same account. tab layout. It is also possible to define the screen layout. This makes it possible for fixed assets to be structured in more detail at asset class level. X indicates that the number assignment is external. 4.2. Procedure 1. Such detailed structuring is not necessary at general ledger account level. Choose Save. 3. the asset class is the most important element for structuring fixed assets. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAOA Financial Accounting(New) Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Asset Classes Define Asset Classes 2. SAP Best Practices 3000 3100 3200 3210 4000 4001 5000 6000 6100 7000 8000 8100 8200 9000 Fixtures and fittings Vehicles DP/Hardware Computer Software Assets under construction AuC as investment measure Low-value assets J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Leased assets (operating lease) Leased assets (capital lease) Formation expenses Objects of art Advance payments Goodwill Tax only assets & negative value assets 3.Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment Chart-of-depreciation-dependent-data Folder Screen layout rule Y100 Y110 Account determination 160000 160010 2. Procedure 1. To carry out the activity. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path ANK1 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Asset Classes Specify Chart-of-Dep. Make the following entries from the Change View “Asset class selection”: Overview screen: Asset class selection Folder Asset Class 1000 1100 1200 1500 2000 Asset class description Real estate and similar rights Buildings Land Improvements Leasehold Improvements Machinery Y200 160020 © SAP AG Page 12 of 49 .2.6 Use Specify Chart-of-Dep. and account determination for asset classes.-Dependent Screen Layout/Acct Assignment You can define the screen layout rule. and double-click the Balance Sheet Accounts folder.3. value. select the line whose Chrt/Accts value is 0010.1 Assign G/L Accounts Procedure 1. and Acquis: determ. and go back to the Change View “Account Determination”: Overview screen. For each Account determ. production down © SAP AG Page 13 of 49 . Choose Save. b.3 Integration with the General Ledger 3. Contra account: Downpaymts Revenue Loss Clearing frm.SAP Best Practices 3000 3100 3200 3210 4000 4001 5000 6000 6100 7000 8000 8100 8200 9000 Fixtures and fittings Vehicles DP/Hardware Computer Software Assets under construction AuC as investment measure Low-value assets Leased assets (operating lease) Leased assets (capital lease) Formation expenses Objects of art Advance payments Goodwill Tax only assets & negative value assets J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Y300 Y310 Y320 Y400 Y400 Y330 Y500 Y500 160060 160040 160070 160090 160090 160200 800000 60000 3.made onacct. enter data for Customizing Request. a. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AO90 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Assign G/L Accounts 2. Gain from Loss from Account Acquis. On the Change View “Chart of Accounts”: Overview screen. Make the entries shown to the right of the Account determ. perform the following procedure. Starting with the Change View “Account Determination”: Overview screen. 3. 4. To carry out the activity. select the corresponding line on screen. row entry in the table below. Double-click on the folder Account Determination. c. post. ordinary depreciat. for Expense account for Revenue from write-up ord. For each Account determ. asset retirement 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 revenue asset from asset sale sale asset sale 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 160200 193300 900000 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 160200 193300 700130 701000 701000 701000 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 700130 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 5. 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 160200 193300 170000 170010 170020 170030 170040 170050 170060 170070 170080 170200 170200 194300 640000 640010 640020 640030 640040 640050 640060 640070 640080 640200 640200 640430 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 Special Depreciation Table © SAP AG Page 14 of 49 . and double-click the Depreciation folder.dep. deprec. Starting with the Change View “Account Determination”: Overview screen. Ordinary Depreciation Table Account determ. row entry in the three tables below. select the corresponding line on screen. accnt. a. value. Acc. perform the following procedure. b.SAP Best Practices costs J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide payments Acquisitio clrg a/c n value 660000 660000 660000 660000 660000 660000 660000 660000 660000 160095 660000 660000 160100 capitaliz. Make the entries shown to the right of the Account determ. dep. spec. deprec.3. for Expense account for Revenue from write-up spec. Acc.dep. Acc. 170000 170010 170010 170030 170040 170050 170060 170070 170080 170200 170200 194300 640000 640010 640020 640030 640040 640050 640060 640070 640080 640200 640200 640430 701000 640010 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 3. for Expense account for Revenue from write-up unpl. accnt. 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 160200 193300 170040 170050 170060 170070 170080 170200 170200 194300 640040 640050 640060 640070 640080 640200 640200 640430 701000 701000 701000 701000 701000 170000 170010 640000 640010 701000 701000 Unplanned Depreciation Table Account determ. 160000 160010 160020 160030 160040 160050 160060 160070 160080 160090 160200 193300 6. deprec. depreciat.2 Use Assign Input Tax Code for Non-Taxable Acquisitions © SAP AG Page 15 of 49 . unplanne depreciat. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Account determ. accnt. select the line with Deprec. select the line with Company code BP01. Procedure 1. Double-click the Posting rule folder. Choose Save. -> Non-Taxable Transactions”: Overview screen. but which are posted to accounts that are tax-relevant. 4. An example of this kind of transaction in Asset Accounting is the depreciation posting run. Cd. You also specify whether accounts are to be assigned to a CO object (cost center or internal order) and the period interval in which the posting takes place. To carry out the activity. 6.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide In this step. To carry out the activity. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAYR Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Post Depreciation to the General Ledger Specify Intervals and Posting Rules 2. you specify an input tax indicator (code) for each company code.3.3 Use Specify Intervals and Posting Rules In Customizing. Procedure 1. make the following entries: Field Name CoCd Input Tax Code Output Tax Code Jurisdiction Code 3. On the Change View “Company code selection”: Overview screen. On the Change View “Allocate Co. The output tax indicator (code) is not used in Asset Accounting. Choose Details. 5. Values BP01 IO O0 CA0000000 3. The input tax indicator V0 has been assigned to company code BP01. The system then uses this indicator when you post acquisitions that are not subject to tax. Area 01. On the Change View “Posting rules”: Overview screen. Make the following settings: © SAP AG Page 16 of 49 . 3. you specify the depreciation areas for which the depreciation is posted to the general ledger during the depreciation run. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OBCL Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions 2. Description Periodic Asset Posting Number range 02 Assets X G/L account X 3.3. 3. Choose Save. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path SM30 with Customizing Object V_T093C_APER Financial Accounting (New) Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Post APC Values Periodically to the General Ledger Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting of Asset Values 2. Choose Save. make the following entry: CoCd BP01 Name SAP Best Practices DocTy AP Description Periodic asset post 3.4 Define Document Type for Periodic Posting Procedure 1. To carry out the activity. © SAP AG Page 17 of 49 . Monthly Posting X J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Period Interval 001 (monthly) 3. Choose Save. To carry out the activity.4 Valuation Use Valuation is used to valuate fixed assets with regard to specific legal regulations or business objectives. and make the following entries: Document Type AP 3.3. choose New Entries. On the Change View “Document Types for Periodic Posting of Asset Values”: Overview screen.5 Specify Document Type for Periodic Posting Procedure 1. On the Change View “Document Types”: Overview screen.SAP Best Practices Period and method 01 7. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OBA7 Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Global Settings Document Document Header Define Document Types 2. On the Change View “Asset class”: Overview screen. Enter chart of depreciation BP01.4.1 Use Define Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class The depreciation areas in the chart of depreciation BP01 have the following functions: Area 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 Name of depreciation area Book depreciation in local currency Federal Tax ACRS/MACRS Alternative Minimum Tax Adjusted Current Earnings Corporate Earnings & Profits Consolidated balance sheet in local currency Consolidated balance sheet in group currency Book depreciation in group currency State modified ACRS Insurance Values Prerequisites You must have added your own chart of accounts. 3.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 3. To carry out the activity.area deactivated © SAP AG Page 18 of 49 . Procedure 1. make the following entries: Asset class 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Depreciation area 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Depreciation key 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Useful life 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 X X Dep. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAYZ Financial Accounting (New) Asset Accounting Valuation Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class 2. area deactivated © SAP AG Page 19 of 49 .SAP Best Practices Asset class 1000 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 Depreciation area 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key 0000 LINA MSTL NA1 NA1 EP2 LINA Useful life 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 LINA LINA LINA M150 NA0 NA0 EP2 LINA 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LINA LINA LINA MSTL NA1 NA1 EP2 LINA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LINA LINA LINA M200 NA0 0 0 12 7 12 X X X X X X Dep. SAP Best Practices Asset class 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3100 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 Depreciation area 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key NA0 EP1 LINA Useful life 12 12 12 X X LINA LINA LINA M200 NA0 NA0 EP1 LINA 12 12 10 7 10 10 10 10 X X LINA LINA LINA MCAR NA0 NA0 EP1 LINA 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 X X LINA LINA LINA M200 NA0 NA0 EP1 LINA 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 X Dep.area deactivated © SAP AG Page 20 of 49 . SAP Best Practices Asset class 3200 3200 3200 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 3210 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 4001 5000 Depreciation area 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key LINA LINA LINA M200 NA0 NA0 EP1 LINA Useful life Dep.area deactivated X 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X LINA LINA 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0000 0000 LVA 1 1 0 © SAP AG Page 21 of 49 . area deactivated © SAP AG Page 22 of 49 .SAP Best Practices Asset class 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 6100 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 Depreciation area 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA Useful life 0 0 0 0 0 X X LVA LVA 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X LEAS Z200 ZNA0 ZNA0 EP1 LEAS 10 10 10 10 10 10 X X LINA LEAS 10 10 X X X X X Dep. SAP Best Practices Asset class 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8100 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 8200 Depreciation area 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Screen layout rule J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key Useful life Dep.area deactivated X X X X X LINR A005 NA0 ACE EP1 LINR 5 5 5 5 5 5 X X LINR 5 X X X X X X X X X X X LINA LINA NA0 NA0 EP1 LINA X X LINA © SAP AG Page 23 of 49 . although the fiscal year version in Financial Accounting has only 12 normal periods (without using a different fiscal year version for Asset Accounting).4. you can calculate depreciation in these company codes on the basis of half months or half periods. in the line item BP01. Using this method.3 Use Define Multi-Level Methods During every acquisition posting. On the Change View: Half-Monthly data for Company Code”: Overview screen. use one of the following options: IMG Menu Path Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation Fiscal Year Use of Half Months in the Company Code 2. you can work with 24 periods in Asset Accounting. © SAP AG Page 24 of 49 .SAP Best Practices Asset class 8200 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Depreciation area 80 01 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 Screen layout rule Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 Y001 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Depreciation key LINA 0000 M200 NA0 ACE EP1 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X Useful life Dep. however. enter 15 as the midmonth.area deactivated 4. the system checks the maximum low-value asset (LVA) amount. 3. Procedure 1. that the specifications for periods in the transactions in Asset Accounting (such as. Choose Save. In this way. You should be aware.2 Use Use of Half Months in the Company Code In this step. To carry out the activity. you determine the company codes in which you want to use half periods.4. 3. Choose Save. 3. useful life) have to be based on whole periods (12). providing that the appropriate LVA indicator is set in the asset class concerned. Only active depreciation keys can be assigned to the fixed assets. Procedure 1. Meth Z50 Z53 Description of the method 50% Special depreciation Luxury auto percentages with bonus depreciation Validity start 3: From special depreciation start date 2: From ordinary depreciation start date Dep. choose New Entries. Check that all the required depreciation keys have been activated.4 Use Maintain Depreciation Keys Only depreciation keys contained in the standard system are used. year If you want to create a special depreciation other than 50%. Procedure 1. the LVA indicator has been set in the asset classes 79000 and 89000 for all the depreciation areas (with the exception of area 20). by fisc. and enter the following new multi-level methods: M-lev. On the Change View “Depreciation Key”: Overview screen. choose New Entries. On the Change View “Multilevel Method”: Overview screen. To carry out the activity. Choose Save.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide For chart of depreciation BP01. and enter the following new Depreciation Keys: DepKy Name for whole depreciation Status © SAP AG Page 25 of 49 . To carry out the activity. 3. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AFAMA Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation Key Maintain Depreciation Key 2. select a multi-level method and choose the Copy in same chart of depreciation button and make appropriate changes. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AFAMS Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Depreciation Valuation Methods Depreciation Key Calculation Methods Define Multi-Level Methods 2. The system checks the maximum amount in conjunction with the quantity.4. 3. Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data Procedure 1. 150% DB with spec.5 Master Data 3. depr. make the following entries: Screen layout rule Y100 Y110 Y200 Y300 Y310 Y320 Y330 Y400 Y401 Y410 Y500 Y900 Name of screen layout rule Real estate Buildings General machines Fixtures and fittings Vehicles Computers (Hardware/Software) Low-value assets Assets under construction Capital investment measure Capital investment measure Leasing Tax only/negative value assets © SAP AG Page 26 of 49 . use the following options: IMG Menu Path Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Master Data Screen Layout Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data 2. depr. Choose the Create Screen Layout Rules for Asset Master Record activity. 20 years property with spec. To carry out the activity. MACRS Luxury Auto with bonus depreciation Alt Min Tax. Choose Save. the system enables you to design the asset master record that best suits your needs. 5. To make master data maintenance simple and efficient. 10 years property with spec. On the Change View: Asset Accounting: Screen layout for master record: Overview screen. Screen layout rules have been created and assigned to asset classes.SAP Best Practices ZS15 ZS20 ZCAR ZSNA J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Active Active Active Active MACRS 15. MACRS 3. 7.1 Use The asset master record contains several fields to meet the needs of its many functions. 3. depr. 3.5. 3. FG 10 11 12 13 28 43 For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 2: Posting information. Choose the Back button. text Account allocation Serial number Longtxt.view History indicator X X X X X X X Req. X X X No Disp Class MnNo. make the following entries: FG 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 75 79 80 82 Field group name Description 1 Description 2 General long text Inventory number Unit of measure Quantity Asset main no. X Sbno X X X Copy © SAP AG Page 27 of 49 . X X X X X X X Sbno X X X X X X X Copy 7. X X X X X X X X Opt.:Cacc. 6.:Tech .SAP Best Practices 4. make the following entries: Field group name Capitalization date Acquisition data Deactivation Planned deactivation Purchase order date Capitalization X X X X Req. Opt. No Disp Class MnNo. Now choose Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data activity. J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 5.view Longtxt. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 1: General Data. SAP Best Practices key J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 8. make the following entries: FG 30 31 32 33 34 35 Field group name Asset group number Evaluation group 1 Evaluation group 2 Evaluation group 3 Evaluation group 4 Investment Req. make the following entries: FG 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 81 Field group name License plate number Cost center Plant Business area Location Building/Roo m No. Sbno Copy 9. Opt. No X X X X X X X X X X X X X Disp Class MnNo. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 4: Allocations. Opt. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 3: Time-dependent data. No X X X X X X Disp Class MnNo. Activity type Cost order Multi-shift factor Shutdown Resp. cost center Personnel number HR Maintenance order Tax jurisdict. Sbno Copy © SAP AG Page 28 of 49 . code X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Req. val. Longtext:Net Wrth. Environ. make the following entries: FG 50 51 52 53 54 55 Field group name Prop./ass essed vl Reason for man. Opt. Sbno Copy 11. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 5: Leasing. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 8: Insurance.k ey Property indicator Man. X X X X X X No Disp Class X X MnNo. make the following entries: FG 57 58 59 Field group name Notice of assessment Real estate Area unit Req.tax Man/Assesse d val. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 7: Real estate and similar rights. val. make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 29 of 49 . X X X Sbno Copy 12.ind Req. X X X No Disp Class MnNo. X X X Sbno X X X Copy 13.SAP Best Practices purpose 36 76 Evaluation grp-8 pl.classif. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 6: Net worth valuation. Opt. make the following entries: FG 70 71 72 73 Field group name Leasing data 1 Leasing data 2 Leasing long text Capital Lease Method Req. investment X X J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 10. Opt. No X X X X Disp Class MnNo. Ins.base value Man. index series Insur. Ind. Manufacturer Origin long text Affiliated company Orig.value X X X X X X Req. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 10: Inv. make the following entries: FG Field group name Req. No Disp Class MnNo. No X X X X X X X X X X X J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Disp Class MnNo. Opt. Sbno Copy 15.SAP Best Practices FG 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 78 Field group name Insurance type Insur. value Insurance company Insurance policy Insurance text Longtext:Insu rance Insurance rate Insurable value Req. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 9: Origin. No X X X X X X X X X X X X Disp Class MnNo. insurable val. Sbno Copy © SAP AG Page 30 of 49 .inhouse prod. account assignment.:Man. Sbno Copy 14. Prop. Opt. Opt. make the following entries: FG 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 Field group name Supplier Asset under constr. FG20: O.M.S.S. FG02: O.S. make the following entries: FG 37 Field group name Inventory data Req.M.C. No X Disp Class MnNo. FG22: N.S.S. FG31:N. Sbno Copy 18. FG36: N. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N. M stands for MnNo. FG72: N. FG24: N. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 13: Equipment.M. FG43: O. FG89: O. FG33:N.M.M. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 12: Investment support measures. Opt. No X Disp Class MnNo. FG79: O.C. FG09: R. Make the following entries for screen layout Y110: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R. For screen layout Y100: Real Estate and logical field group 11: Inventory. FG35:N. FG18: O. FG05: N. FG81: O. FG28: N. FG11: D.M.S. Sbno Copy 17. FG34: N. D stands for Display. N stands for No. FG13: N. FG32: N.S. FG17: N. FG26: N. FG80: O.M.S. FG04: N. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: © SAP AG Page 31 of 49 .M. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. Cl stands for Class. FG21: N. (M) X Sbno (S) X Copy (C) 19.S.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: N.M.Cl. FG15: R. FG82: O. (O) X No (N) Disp (D) Class (Cl) MnNo. FG03: O. FG16: O. make the following entries: FG 87 Field group name Synchronize Asset Req.M.S Only the required entries are listed. FG23: N.M. O stands for Optional. (R) Opt. FG12: O. make the following entries: FG 39 Field group name Investment support Req. FG25: N. FG71:N.M. S stands for Sbno. FG75: N. Opt. R stands for Required.S.SAP Best Practices 08 29 Investment Order Investment Project X X J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide X 16. FG19: N.S.C. FG06: N.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG07: N. FG20: O.M.S. FG45:O. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: N.M. FG51:O.M. FG36: N.M. FG47:O. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.S.M. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: N For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. N stands for No.M. FG05: O. FG22: N.S. R stands for Required.S.S. FG54: N.M.C. FG54: N. FG63:N.C. FG89: O. M stands for MnNo.C For Logical field group 8: FG60: N.S.S.M.M.S. FG34: N.M. FG02: O.S.M. FG52: N.Cl.M. FG72: N.M.M.M. FG59: O.S. FG04: O. FG31:N. FG71:N.S.Cl. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: © SAP AG Page 32 of 49 . C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. S stands for Sbno.S For Logical field group 10: FG08: O. FG68:N. FG79: O. Cl stands for Class. FG19: O. FG62: N. FG67:N. FG46: N.S Only the required entries are listed. FG25: N. FG07: N.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: N.M. FG09: R.M.M. O stands for Optional. FG16: O.C. FG64: N. FG12: O. FG18: O. FG43: O.M. FG28: N.S. FG35:N.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide FG50: O.C.S.M. M. FG75: O.S. FG13: N. FG11: D. FG24: N.M.S.C. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: O.S. FG17: N.M. FG58:N. FG42: O.Cl.S 20. Make the following entries for screen layout Y200: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R.C. FG66: N. FG53:N. FG26: N.M.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG21: N.S. FG65:N.M.S. FG06: O.M.S.M. FG41:O. FG32: N. FG33:N. FG53:N. FG82: O. FG23: O. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N. FG61:N.M.M. FG58:O. FG03: O. FG44: N. D stands for Display.S.M.M. FG52: N. FG69: N. FG81: O. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: O.C. FG80: O. FG15: R. FG51:O. S. FG32: N. FG65:N. FG69: N. FG72: N.C.S. FG68:N.M. FG52: N. FG15: R. FG21: N.S. FG31:N.C. FG41:O. N stands for No.C.S.S.M. D stands for Display. FG26: N.S. FG67:N.M.C © SAP AG Page 33 of 49 . FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: O.S. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: O. FG89: O.S.M.S.M. FG80: O.C.S. FG64: N. FG42: N. FG65:N.M. FG17: N. FG20: O. FG41:O. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N.S. FG19: O.Cl. FG69: N. FG45:O. M stands for MnNo.M. FG53:N. FG05: O. FG42: O.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG06: O.M. FG28: O. FG44: O.Cl. FG16: O.S.M.C. FG67:N. FG47:O. FG63:N. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: O. FG23: N. FG07: N.M. FG61:N. FG58:N.M. FG46: N. FG63:N. FG25: N.M.C. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG09: R. FG47:O. FG62: N. FG79: O.Cl.M.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide FG60: N.S. FG02: O. FG66: N.S.M.M.S.S.S.M. FG62: N. FG45:O.S. FG68:N. FG54: N. FG81: O.S.S. FG12: O. FG61:N.S.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: N. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N.C.S.M. FG51:O. FG43: O. FG64: N. FG44: O.S.C For Logical field group 10: FG08: O.M. FG13: N. FG35:N. FG33:N. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.S. FG75: O.M. FG03: O.M. FG22: N.S.Cl.C For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. S stands for Sbno. FG66: N. FG71:N. Make the following entries for screen layout Y300: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R. FG34: N. Cl stands for Class.S 21. R stands for Required. FG82: N Only the required entries are listed. FG18: O. O stands for Optional. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: O.M. FG04: O. FG36: N.C. FG24: N. FG11: D.M. FG46: N. FG32: N. FG43: O.S.S. FG34: N.M.M. FG44: N.S J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 22. O stands for Optional. FG71:N.Cl. FG13: N.M. FG51:O.Cl. FG62: N.M.Cl.M. FG47:N For Logical field group 10: FG08: O. FG20: O.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N.M. FG36: N.S.S. FG72: N. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: © SAP AG Page 34 of 49 .S.M. FG06: O.M.M.Cl. FG52: N. FG89: O.Cl. FG68:N.S. FG03: O. FG67:N. FG82: O.M. FG42: N. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: M.M.C. FG54: N.M. S stands for Sbno. FG79: O. FG09: R. FG81: O. FG19: N. FG24: N. FG63:N. FG22: N. FG11: D.S.S.M.M. FG75: O. FG66: N. FG46: N. FG69: N. Cl stands for Class.C For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O.M.C.M. R stands for Required.M.M.S. FG58:N. FG02: O. FG18: N. D stands for Display.C. FG16: N.Cl. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N. FG12: O.M.M. FG21: N. FG65:N. FG35:N. FG07: N. FG33:N.S. FG04: O. FG64: N.S. FG28: O.M.M.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: R.Cl. FG53:N.S.Cl.S Only the required entries are listed. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG31:N. FG41:N.M. Make the following entries for screen layout Y310: For Logical field group 1: FG01: O.M. FG25: N. FG05: O.M.M.M.S.S. FG61:N. FG80: O.M. M stands for MnNo. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: O.C. FG23: N. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.S. FG17: N.SAP Best Practices For Logical field group 10: FG08: O.S.S. FG26: N.M. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: O. FG15: R.S. N stands for No.Cl. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N. FG45:N.Cl. FG89: O. FG18: O. FG54: N.C For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: © SAP AG Page 35 of 49 . FG21: N. M stands for MnNo.C.M.S J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 23. FG26: N.M. FG61:N. FG04: O. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N.C.Cl. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: O. FG51:O. FG63:N.M.M. FG03: O. FG16: O. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N.S. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: O. FG05: O. FG47:O. FG79: O. FG41:O. FG71:N. FG09: R. FG75: O. FG62: N.Cl.S. O stands for Optional. FG80: O.M. Cl stands for Class. FG22: N.S.C. FG28: O. FG58:N. FG11: D.S For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. FG52: N.M.M.M. FG02: O.S. FG44: O.S.S.Cl. FG45:O. FG66: N.SAP Best Practices FG37: O. N stands for No. FG06: O. FG82: N Only the required entries are listed.S.C. FG81: O. FG20: O. FG65:N.M. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: O. FG64: N. FG31:N.M. FG13: N. FG53:N. FG19: O.S.M.S. FG33:N. FG25: N. FG24: N.S. S stands for Sbno. FG07: N.S. FG23: N. FG67:N.S. FG72: N.M. FG15: R. D stands for Display.S.Cl.S.C. Make the following entries for screen layout Y320: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R.C.S.M.S.C.S.M.S. FG42: N.M. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N. FG69: N.S. R stands for Required.M. FG12: O. FG46: O.C.S.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG35:N. FG34: N.M.Cl.S. FG68:N.S For Logical field group 10: FG08: O. FG36: N. FG43: N For Logical field group 3: FG14: N. FG32: N. FG17: N.M.M. FG28: N. FG33:N. FG62: N. D stands for Display. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N. FG46: N. O stands for Optional.SAP Best Practices FG87: O.S. FG06: N. FG75: N. FG35:N. FG51:N. FG17: N. Make the following entries for screen layout Y400: For Logical field group 1: © SAP AG Page 36 of 49 . FG36: N. FG09: R.M. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: N. FG12: O. FG24: N. FG43: N For Logical field group 3: FG14: N. FG66: N. FG63:N. FG23: N. R stands for Required. FG81: O. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: N.M. FG45: N. FG05: N. FG69: N.S. FG44: N. M stands for MnNo. FG21: N.M. N stands for No.M. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG42: N.S.C. FG20: O.S J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 24. FG58:N. FG07: N. FG22: N. FG79: N. FG34: N. Make the following entries for screen layout Y330: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R. FG61:N.Cl. FG54: N. FG64: N. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N. FG18: N. FG13: N. FG02: N. FG26: N. FG80: N. FG11: D. FG25: N. FG41:N. FG68:N.S.S. FG67:N. FG52: N. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: N For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. Cl stands for Class. FG71:N.M. FG89: O.M.S. FG65:N.M.M. FG19: N. FG76:N.S. FG82: N Only the required entries are listed.S 25.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG03: O. FG72: N. FG53:N. FG32: N. FG47: N For Logical field group 10: FG08: O.S For Logical field group 5: FG70: N.M. S stands for Sbno.M.M. FG04: N. FG31:N.M. FG16: N. FG15: R. SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide FG01: R. FG19: N. FG02: O. FG51:N. FG16: O.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: N.M. FG25: N. FG73:N For Logical field group 6: FG50: N. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG32: N. FG24: N. S.S. FG31:N.S. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: N For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. FG07: N. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: O.S. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N.Cl. FG42: O.S.M. FG13: O. FG82: O. FG22: N. FG47: O.M.S.M. FG45: O. Make the following entries for screen layout Y500: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R. FG41:O. FG06: N.S 26.S. FG53:N.M. FG26: N. FG52: N. FG75: N. FG18: O.S.S. FG05: O. FG17: N. FG46: N. FG64: N. FG21: N. FG79: O. FG07: N. FG69: N. FG81: O.S.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG80: O.C. FG05: N.S. FG80: N. FG62: N.Cl.M. R stands for Required. FG09: R. FG44: O. FG20: O.M. FG68:N. FG23: N.S. FG63:N. FG65:N. FG66: N. FG03: N.M. FG34: N. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.S.M.M. FG71:N. FG79: N. D stands for Display.Cl. FG12: O.S © SAP AG Page 37 of 49 . FG72: N. FG61:N.S. FG03: O.M. FG33:N. M stands for MnNo. FG82: N Only the required entries are listed.S.C. FG15: R. FG54: N. FG06: O.M.S For Logical field group 10: FG08: N. FG36: N.M.S. FG09: R.S.M.M. FG67:N. S stands for Sbno. FG75: N. N stands for No.C For Logical field group 8: FG60: N. O stands for Optional. FG02: O. FG58:N.S. FG35:O. FG11: D.S. FG04: O. FG28: N. FG89: O.M. FG59: N. FG04: N.M.S. Cl stands for Class. FG43: O.M.S. R stands for Required.M. N stands for No. FG64: N. FG22: N. FG67:N.C. FG19: O. FG35:N.S. FG72: O. FG16: O.C. FG13: O.M. FG20: O.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG03: O. FG58:N.Cl. O stands for Optional. D stands for Display. FG04: N.C. FG32: N. FG17: N. O stands for Optional. FG46: N.M. FG34: N. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: N. FG31:N.S. FG68:N.C. FG06: O. FG63:N.S.M. FG65:N.S 27.M.M. M stands for MnNo. FG02: O. FG62: N. FG21: N.S.S For Logical field group 6: FG50: O. FG24: N.S. FG71: O. FG05: O. FG12: O. FG43: O. N stands for No.S.S.M.M. S stands for Sbno.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Only the required entries are listed. Cl stands for Class. FG75: N. FG36: N. FG89: O.Cl.M. FG11: D. FG07: N.S. FG18: O. FG42: N. FG54: N.C.M. Make the following entries for screen layout Y900: For Logical field group 1: FG01: R. FG61:N.M.M.S.M.M. FG26: N. FG09: R.S.M. FG66: N. C stands for Copy For Logical field group 2: FG10: O. FG53:N. FG25: N. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: O.C.Cl. FG45: N.M. FG41:N. FG82: N Only the required entries are listed.C For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O.C.M.M. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: O. FG52: N. R stands for Required. FG15: R.M. M stands for MnNo. Cl stands for Class.Cl.M. C stands for Copy © SAP AG Page 38 of 49 . FG81: O. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N. S stands for Sbno. FG69: N. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.M.M.S.S.S. FG80: N. FG79: N. FG73: O. D stands for Display.M.S. FG28: N. FG47: N For Logical field group 10: FG08: O.M For Logical field group 3: FG14: N. FG44: O. FG33:N. FG23: N. FG51: O. FG20: N. FG53:N. FG29: N For Logical field group 11: FG37: N For Logical field group 12: FG39: N For Logical field group 13: FG87: O. FG17: N. FG16: N. This screen layout enables depreciation to be calculated at main number and subnumber level. FG76:N For Logical field group 5: FG70: N.S For Logical field group 4: FG30: N. FG11: D. FG66: N. The standard screen layout Y001 has been assigned to asset classes 1000 to 9000. FG78:N For Logical field group 9: FG40: N. FG21: N. FG41:N. FG36: N.2 Use Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas In this step. FG42: N. FG18: N.S. FG31:N. FG26: N. FG54: N.M. FG63:N. FG19: N. FG62: N. FG13: N. FG64: N. FG32: N. FG28: N.5.M. you define the screen layout control for the depreciation terms (depreciation key. FG72: N. FG81: N. FG46: N. FG58:N. FG55:N For Logical field group 7: FG57: N.SAP Best Practices For Logical field group 2: J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide FG10: O. FG43: N For Logical field group 3: FG14: N. FG47: N For Logical field group 10: FG08: O. FG12: O. FG61:N. FG33:N. FG65:N.S. FG89: O. FG35:N. FG15: N. FG44: N. FG67:N.S. FG22: N. FG25: N.S 3. FG52: N. FG51: N. FG69: N.M. FG59: N For Logical field group 8: FG60: N. FG71: N. FG68:N. FG45: N.M. FG23: N. FG24: N. useful life. FG34: N. Procedure © SAP AG Page 39 of 49 . FG73: N For Logical field group 6: FG50: N. and so on) in the asset master record. dep. select Scrnlayout Y001.start date Spec.dep. © SAP AG Page 40 of 49 . No.dep. and make the following entries: FG 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 31 Field group name Depreciation keys Useful life Ord.useful life Str.calc. On the Change View “Screen layout”: Overview screen.start date Index series Rep.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 1. X X X X X X X Sbno. double-click folder Field group rules.-line chngeyear Group asset Vintage year/month Operating readiness Negative values Deactiv. X X X X X X X X X X X Opt. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AO21 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Master Data Screen Layout Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas 2.variable Scrap value Orig. Class X MnNo. Disp. To carry out the activity. area Expired useful life Exprd LifePeriods Scrap Value % Revaluation key X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Req. Copy X X 3.val Index series by age Prop.start date Int. Choose Save. Repeat steps 3 and 4 above. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: 701000 6. On the Change View “Chart of Accounts”: Overview screen. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. 160000 Acquisition:Acquis. select the line with Account determ. replacing. 160010 Acquisition:Acquis. of 160000. To carry out the activity.1 Assign Accounts Procedure 1. and double-click on the folder Balance Sheet Accounts. enter ChDep BP01. 160020 Acquisition:Acquis. in sequence.6 Transactions 3. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path AO90 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Assign G/L Accounts 2. and double-click the Account Determination folder.6.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 3. 5. choose the Chrt/Accts line with 0010. and choose Enter. On the Change View “Account Determination”: Overview screen. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account 660000 160020 701000 660000 160010 660000 160000 © SAP AG Page 41 of 49 . the Account determ. and enter the values from the corresponding tables. Enter the values in the table below: Account determ. On the Chart of Depreciation Selection dialog box. 4. value of 160000 with the values in the following table headings. Account determ. 3. 160070 J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 701000 160030 660000 701000 160040 660000 701000 160050 660000 701000 160060 660000 701000 © SAP AG Page 42 of 49 . 160050 Acquisition:Acquis.SAP Best Practices Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. 160040 Acquisition:Acquis. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. 160030 Acquisition:Acquis. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. 160060 Acquisition:Acquis. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 160070 660000 701000 160080 660000 701000 160090 160095 660000 160100 701000 160200 660000 701000 193300 © SAP AG Page 43 of 49 .SAP Best Practices Acquisition:Acquis. 160080 Acquisition:Acquis. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. 193300 Acquisition:Acquis. 160090 Acquisition:Acquis. 160200 Acquisition:Acquis. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAYB Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Transactions Acquisitions Allow Down Payment Transaction Types in Asset Classes 2. and double-click the Specification of asset classes folder. Years 95000 95010 95020 Asset Class Description Assets Under Construction (Summary) Assets Under Construction (Individual Items) AuC as Investment Measure Assets Under Construction (Summary) Assets Under Construction (Individual Items) AuC as Investment Measure Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: Account determ. Make the following entries: © SAP AG Page 44 of 49 .6. 900000 Acquisition:Acquis. J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 3. 3. Choose Save. you determine the asset classes for which postings are to be allowed with the transaction type groups for down payments. On the Display View “Transaction type group selection”: Overview screen.2 Use Allow Down Payment Transaction Types in Asset Classes In this step. frm Prev. and production cost Acquisition: down payments Contra account: Acquisition value Down-payments clearing account Acquisition from affiliated company Revenue frm post-capitaliz: 7. To carry out the activity. select the line with TTG set to 15. The following entries have been made for chart of depreciation BP01: TTG 15 Name for the Transaction Type Group Down Payment Class 95000 95010 95020 16 Down Paymt Bal. AI 3. To carry out the activity.7. Define/Assign Settlement Profiles Procedure 1. On the Change View “FI-AA: Settlement Profile” screen.7 Capitalization of Assets under Construction 3. Choose Save. make the following entries: CoCd BP01 4. Choose Save. The standard settlement profile AI has been assigned to company code BP01. Choose Save. Make the following entries: Class 4000 4001 7. On the Display View “Transaction type group selection”: Overview screen.7. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAAZ Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Transactions Capitalization of Assets Under Construction Define/Assign Settlement Profiles 2. Asset class description Assets under construction AuC as investment measure 3. 6.2 Creation of Variant AUC for the Settlement Procedure © SAP AG Page 45 of 49 . 3. The standard SAP system contains settlement profile AI for settling assets under construction. choose Assign Settlement Profile to Company Code. you have to assign a settlement profile at company code level. select the line with TTG set to 16.1 Use To settle assets under construction. The settlement profile includes settings on the allowed receivers of the settlement. and double-click the Specification of asset classes folder. and go Back.SAP Best Practices Class 4000 4001 Asset class description Assets under construction AuC as investment measure J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 4. SProf. On the Choose Activity screen. 5. 6. make the following entries: Area Name of depreciation area Financial Statement Version 0010 01 Book depreciation in local currency © SAP AG Page 46 of 49 . To carry out the activity. check all the checkboxes. 3. 7. you determine for each depreciation area which financial statement version the system is to use as a default.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide 1. 4. make the following entries: Field Name Order Type Company Code User Action/Values Z100 BP01 5. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path KO8G Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Completion Order Settlement Settle Collectively 2. To carry out the activity. choose Save. 3. On the Actual Settlements: Orders screen enter AUC in the Selection Variant field. On the Change View “Assign Financial Statement version”: Overview screen. In company code BP01. Choose the button on the tool bar. In the Order Phase area. On the Maintain Variant: Report RKOSEL00. financial statement version 0010 has been assigned to all depreciation areas. Procedure 1.8 Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports Use In this step. 4. On the Change View “Company code selection”: Overview screen. Variant AUC screen. 3. select the line with Company code BP01. This default applies when the financial statement version is contained in the sort version used for a given report. Double-click folder Assign financial statement version. Choose the Create button. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAYN Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Specify Financial Statement Version for Asset Reports 2. On the Variant Attributes screen. For chart of depreciation BP01.9 Specify Maximum Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes Use During every acquisition posting. To carry out the activity. 4. Choose Save. Amount for Low-Value Assets + Asset Classes 2. © SAP AG Page 47 of 49 . 3. Double-click on Specify LVA Asset Classes activity. 5. providing that the appropriate LVA indicator is set in the asset class concerned. Choose Save. The system checks the maximum amount in conjunction with the quantity. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAY2 Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) Specify Max. asset check folder in the left frame. Procedure 1. 3.10 Reassign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code Use Reassign the base line chart of depreciation to company code. Select the line item with asset class 5000. and then double-click on the Low-val. Choose BP01 as the chart of depreciation.SAP Best Practices Area Name of depreciation area J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Financial Statement Version 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 10 11 12 13 30 31 32 40 80 Federal Tax ACRS/MACRS Alternative Minimum Tax Adjusted Current Earnings Corporate Earnings & Profits Consolidated balance sheet in local currency Consolidated balance sheet in group currency Book depreciation in group currency State modified ACRS Insurance Values 5. the LVA indicator has been set in the asset classes 5000 for all the depreciation areas. Enter LVA as 1 for all the depreciation areas. the system checks the maximum low-value asset (LVA) amount. 3. 6. In the Display View “Company Code”: Overview screen.Type Generic Account Assignment Type APC Values Posting Depreciation Run APC Values Posting Depreciation Run APC Values Posting Depreciation Run Account Assignment Object X X X X X X © SAP AG Page 48 of 49 .11 Specify Account Assignment Types Use This activity specifies the account assignment types for account assignment objects. Name Internal Order Internal Order Cost Center Cost Center Activity Type Activity Transactio n type * * * * * * Transact. Procedure 1. On the Change View “Maintain company code in Asset Accounting”: Overview screen. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path ACSET Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Integration with the General Ledger Additional Account Assignment Objects Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects 2.Type Generic Trans. To carry out the activity.Type Generic Trans. Procedure 1. make the following entries for company code BP01 and depreciation area 1: Account Assignment Object CAUFN CAUFN KOSTL KOSTL LSTAR LSTAR Acct Assgnmt Obj.SAP Best Practices J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Prerequisites The company code must be defined in Financial Accounting.Type Generic Trans. type text Generic Trans.Type Generic Trans. 3. use one of the following options: Transaction Code IMG Menu Path OAOB Financial Accounting Asset Accounting Organizational Structures Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code 2. Choose Save. make the following entries: CoCd BP01 Company name SAP Best Practices Chrt dep BP01 Description Base Line Chart of depreciation 3. J10 Asset Accounting: Configuration Guide Trans. Save the entries.SAP Best Practices Type 3.Type © SAP AG Page 49 of 49 .
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