Ixwebhosting Manual

March 28, 2018 | Author: logicframe | Category: Domain Name System, File Transfer Protocol, Web Search Engine, Domain Name, Web Server



IX Web Hosting Hosting ManualJune 26th, 2007 Table of Contents 1. Accessing the Control Panel ......................................................................... 6 1.1 How to access ....................................................................................... 6 1.2 Billing system ....................................................................................... 6 2. Control Panel Basics ...................................................................................... 7 2.1 Your temporary index page ...................................................................... 7 2.2 Uploading your site ................................................................................... 7 2.3 Contents of your web space..................................................................... 7 3. Domains ......................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Adding domains ...................................................................................... 10 3.1.1 Registering new domains ............................................................................ 10 3.1.2 Adding domains to your control panel ...................................................... 10 3.1.3 How to turn on/off web and mail services ................................................. 10 3.1.4 Configuring domains ................................................................................... 11 3.2 Removing domains ................................................................................. 11 3.3 Creating sub domains ............................................................................. 11 3.4 Domain aliasing ....................................................................................... 12 3.4.1 Creating a domain alias ............................................................................... 12 3.5 Shared vs. Dedicated IP addresses ....................................................... 13 4. DNS ................................................................................................................ 14 4.1 What is DNS? ........................................................................................... 14 4.2 How to change domain name servers? ................................................. 14 4.2.1 Registered with IX Web Hosting ................................................................. 14 4.2.2 Other registrar .............................................................................................. 15 To locate your domain name servers: ................................................. 15 To change the domain name servers: ................................................. 15 4.3 How do I create custom DNS records? ................................................. 15 4.3.1 Removing the default DNS records ............................................................ 16 4.3.2 Adding custom A records ........................................................................... 16 4.3.2 Adding custom MX records......................................................................... 17 4.3.3 Adding custom CNAME records ................................................................. 17 5. Creating, promoting and managing your site............................................. 19 5.1 SiteStudio site builder ............................................................................ 19 5.2 Search engine submit ............................................................................. 19 5.3 WebShell file manager ............................................................................ 20 5.3.1 What is WebShell? ....................................................................................... 20 5.3.2 How to use .................................................................................................... 20 5.3.3 How to backup your site .............................................................................. 20 5.4 Webalizer, Modlogan and Awstats ......................................................... 20 5.4.1 Webalizer and Modlogan ............................................................................. 20 5.4.2 Awstats and others ...................................................................................... 22 5.5 Reverse trace route ................................................................................. 22 6. FTP ................................................................................................................. 23 6.1 What is FTP?............................................................................................ 23 6.2 Changing your FTP password................................................................ 23 6.3 Connecting to a FTP client ..................................................................... 23 6.4 How to navigate files ............................................................................... 24 6.5 How to transfer files ................................................................................ 24 2 6.6 FTP sub-accounts (Linux) ...................................................................... 24 6.6.1 What is it? ..................................................................................................... 24 6.6.2 Setting up an FTP sub-account .................................................................. 24 6.7 Virtual FTP ............................................................................................... 25 6.7.1 Enabling Virtual FTP .................................................................................... 25 6.7.2 Add a FTP user ............................................................................................. 26 6.8 Anonymous FTP ...................................................................................... 27 6.8.1 Configure anonymous FTP: ........................................................................ 27 6.9 Anonymous FTP Upload Facilities ........................................................ 27 7. Adding features to your website ................................................................. 29 7.1 Site settings ............................................................................................. 29 7.1.1 Redirect URL ................................................................................................ 29 7.1.2 Directory index ............................................................................................. 29 7.1.3 Directory indexes ......................................................................................... 30 7.1.4 Error pages ................................................................................................... 31 7.1.5 Htprotect / Htaccess..................................................................................... 31 7.1.6 Server side imagemap ................................................................................. 33 7.1.7 Paths ............................................................................................................. 34 7.1.8 Ports .............................................................................................................. 34 7.1.9 MIME types ................................................................................................... 35 7.1.10 Error logs .................................................................................................... 35 7.2 Adding support for dynamic web content............................................. 35 7.2.1 CGI scripts .................................................................................................... 35 7.2.2 PHP scripts ................................................................................................... 36 7.2.3 ASP ................................................................................................................ 36 7.2.4 ASP.NET ........................................................................................................ 36 7.2.5 ColdFusion ................................................................................................... 36 7.2.6 Server Side Includes .................................................................................... 37 7.3 One click install scripts (Linux) ............................................................. 37 7.3.1 Counter ......................................................................................................... 37 7.3.2 Guestbook .................................................................................................... 37 7.3.3 Formmail ....................................................................................................... 38 7.3.4 Chat ............................................................................................................... 38 7.3.5 PhpBB (Linux and Windows) ...................................................................... 38 7.3.6 mnoGoSearch ............................................................................................... 39 7.3.7 Fixing problem scripts ................................................................................. 39 7.3.8 Adding custom CGI scripts (Linux and Windows) .................................... 40 7.4 FrontPage extensions ............................................................................. 40 7.4.1 Installation .................................................................................................... 40 7.4.2 Configuration ................................................................................................ 40 7.4.3 Fixing problems............................................................................................ 40 7.4.4 How to resolve common errors .................................................................. 40 No extensions found on server or unable to connect to server ....... 40 We80.cnf................................................................................................. 41 Forms ..................................................................................................... 41 8. Managing traffic ........................................................................................... 42 8.1 How do I change the traffic limit? .......................................................... 42 8.2 Throttle policies....................................................................................... 42 9. E-mail ............................................................................................................. 44 9.1 Mailboxes ................................................................................................. 44 9.1.1 Creating a Mailbox ....................................................................................... 44 9.1.2 Configuring a mailbox ................................................................................. 44 3 .......5 Adding moderators to your mail list........................................ 49 9.....................................3 Forwarding to multiple addresses ............3.................................3 Adding subscribers to your mail list ..........1........8.............1............................................................................................................................. 58 9..................1............... 49 9... 57 9................................1 Configuring Thunderbird ..............3 How to reduce .....................8....... 56 9....6......1........ 62 10........................4 Mailing lists ....3....................... 46 9................ 59 9............. 54 9.......8 Troubleshooting .................................................................3.......................3 Configuring Outlook 2003 ..............................4..............................7 Webmail..7.............................................7............................................9......................7..................................6...........................................................................1 Login from the control panel................. 50 9...........6..............................................................................1 Change password from the control panel ...............................2 POP before SMTP .................................................................................................4....3..............................3 Postmaster block ..............2 Configuring a Forward ................................................ 57 9.. 48 9............ 58 9...........1.............................................................. 56 9.. 61 10...1 MySQL ..1 Hosting MySQL databases ...................................................2 How we fight it ....9...........................................................................................1 What is it? ......2 Configuring email clients..................3................1.................................................................................................... 47 9...................................3..........................................1 What is Spam? ...............2 Login from the login page ............. 56 9............................... Databases ......................... 58 9.................... 45 9. 57 9..........3 Forwards ....... 48 9.......................4....4 Adding/Removing MySQL users........... 54 9....................................................................................................... 45 9................................. 47 9......1 SpamAssassin filters in Outlook Express .......................2 Creating MySQL databases ........................................7.........................4...................1...........1......................... 56 9...... 50 9.......................... 61 10..................................................... 56 9..........1..........6 Changing user permissions .................. 54 9...... 62 10............1 Port 25 Block ....................5......3 Changing MySQL disk quota .......................9 SPAM ................................................. 47 9.....................4.... 61 10................................................................7..........8............................. 58 9................3 Removing an auto responders.......1..................................................................4...1 How to get unblocked ...............1 How to use ................................................. 46 9....... 49 9.............................................................. 46 9.......8......................................5 Changing user passwords .........................................................................................................2 Change password from the login page .......9........2 Configuring Outlook Express ..........................2......................1 Creating a Forward. 56 9......................................................1......... 62 4 ........................... 61 10.....2.............9.........................1 Adding an auto responder.............................................3 Login directly to webmail .....................................7 Securing your list ............................ 57 9.................................................................................................................2 Other webmail clients .....1 Adding a mailing list ................................... 45 9............................... 55 9..........4......5 Mailbox alias ...............................1...............................9.........................................2 phpMyAdmin.....................4..................3..................................... 59 10................................................................................... 61 10............9....................3 Changing mailbox password .......................................... 58 9......... 48 9.................................................8 Requesting white listing ........................2 Thunderbird Spam Assassin Filters ...............6 Removing moderators from your mail list .............6 Mail auto responders ................................. 57 9... 45 9...........8.....................................................2 Configuring a mailing list ..................4....................2.... 62 10..........2 Editing an auto responder message ...................... 58 9............................................................................ 55 9.............................1 Adding/Removing a mailbox alias ..................... 59 9... ..4.................................5............................... 63 10...............1 Using our shared SSL certificate ..................................................... 69 11...........3....................................................5..................................3 Restoring backups .............................................................................1...................................................................3 PostgreSQL..... 62 10................................... 64 10............4......................10................................................. 64 10...........................................2 Creating PostgreSQL database ..................... 66 10......... 76 12........... 76 12.............................. 63 10....... 65 10............. SSL ............................................................................................................... Getting technical support...................................................4 Deleting DSN records ..........................................3................2 Shared vs.........1 What is ODBC? ....1...... 64 10.....................4 Changing MSSQL disk quota .................................................................... 65 10.............................................5..........................................................1 What is SSL? .1 Preinstalled osCommerce ...............2...................................................................4 PgSQL ........3....................................4 Adding/Removing PostgreSQL users ...............2......................................3 Editing DSN records ..2 Live chat .............3 Phone support ..................................................................................................................2..........................1 Editing PgSQL databases......1........1..........................2 Installing an SSL certificate......2.......................... 77 12...2.................................2 Creating backups ....................3 Adding MSSQL database users ..............1................................................................ 65 10.......... 72 12............................. 65 10............................................................... 67 11..2 osCommerce controls .............................................. 63 10... 65 10............6.......................................................................................................3..............................1 Hosting Microsoft SQL databases ............................... Creating an online store .......................5 Changing passwords .................2..........................................................3......................................................3.............. 69 11......1 Setting up osCommerce ............................ 78 13.......................................... 68 11.........................1 Setting up other shopping carts ...... 78 13.............. 78 13...............................................1 Ticket center ....... 64 10................................................................................................1 Providers ..........2 Removing users .........................................2 Shopping cart options ................ 77 12.............. 65 10.............3 Acquiring a permanent certificate ....... 76 12. 64 10................................................................5 MSSQL (Windows plans only) ............. 63 10.. 63 10............................................................................... 77 13. 78 5 ....1 Hosting PostgreSQL databases............................2 Creating a new DSN record ......................................3 Changing PgSQL disk quota .............................4.......................................................................... 65 10........... 64 10. 76 12............................... 65 10........................................................ 68 11................................1 Adding PostgreSQL users ........................................5.......2.........................................................2 Creating MSSQL databases .6 ODBC ........................2 Creating a temporary certificate .6........3................ 68 11..............................................2.............................3 More information .............6.....................2 How to setup .............. 68 11............... 68 11............................................... Dedicated SSL .6....... 64 10.............................................................. 77 12.1 Editing MySQL databases .................................................................. You can log in to the control panel at the following URL: http://manage.1. Accessing the Control Panel 1.ixwebhosting.ixwebhosting.pdf 6 .com/templates/ix/docs/IX_Billing_Manual.com/ Once you login. 1.2 Billing system All other features of the Billing and Administration System are further explained in our billing manual which is available at the following URL: http://www. the control panel can be accessed from the manage button by your hosting account.1 How to access This manual will focus on management of your hosting account and features. the site may become cluttered with old files. if you used SiteStudio to upload a site with 15 pages and later you published an updated 7 page version of this site. which can cause problems. be careful not to overwrite it with a publish command. If you publish many versions of a website. It is also highly recommended to make backups of your website and content often.2. For instance. The files and folders that compose your site must be transferred to the server. if you made your site with SiteStudio. a directory for your site is created on the server. 7 . For instance. upload your site using these included features. Control Panel Basics 2. Whenever possible. This directory contains a temporary index page which is accessible from the internet. 2. yet some of them are common for all plans. SmartFTP. If you made your site with a text editor.” NOTE: Site publishing tools do not remove your old web content from the server. Many of the popular site design programs have built in publishing features that will simplify the upload process. FrontPage or Dream weaver. the directory will have all the new pages and the old pages that have not been overwritten.1 Your temporary index page As soon as a domain is added to your account. 2.2 Uploading your site The contents of your website will be placed into a folder that is named the same as your site's domain name. or an application that does not include a publish feature you will need to use a freestanding FTP client. such as Filezilla. or the built in file manager “WebShell. This page is just a default place holder that will be removed or replaced by your website once published or uploaded. WARNING: If you have a complete website.3 Contents of your web space Your root directory contains several default directories. use their integrated web publishing tools to upload your site. Their names will differ depending on your plan. WARNING: Deleting any domain directory will delete your site and all content. The ssl. However. Deleting the ssl. If you have more than one site. Deleting the Logs directory will cause the loss of the web statistics accumulated over the course of your site’s operation. The Webalizer or Modlogan directories Each of these directories is created by default or when the stat programs Webalizer and Modlogan are enabled from your control panel. you will have several such directories. Use extreme caution. The images directory 8 . These files are not essential and can be deleted.conf directory This directory stores SSL pairs for all encrypted sites. Deleting these directories will disable your statistic programs and remove any accumulated site statistics. you may harmlessly delete individual files in these directories. Deleting Virtual FTP directories will cause incorrect operation of Virtual FTP. These are the directories where you will upload your .Here are some of the directories that are automatically created: The logs directory It contains directories for each site with transfer logs enabled. You can modify which files and folders can be used. Each such directory contains its own set of log files that are required to write and read the data about all visits to your sites. The cp directory This folder contains many of the help and example files used as you navigate our control panel. The cgi-bin directory This is the default location that you place any CGI or Perl applications.conf directory will result in incorrect SSL operation. The virtual FTP directory This directory is created when you enable Virtual FTP Server and can be accessed by virtual FTP users to list and download its content.html files or any other files that you want to make accessible from the Internet. They are named the same as your site's domain name. The domain directory Each of your domains and subdomains are located in their own directories. The images folder is the location where the default index page images are placed. 9 . Deleting any of the files/folders in your web space can affect the performance of your website. NOTE: When you first add your domain it will retrieve a new IP address and reset all web content.1. . . this will result in up to 72 hours of downtime during propagation.1 Adding domains 3. When turned on your site will retrieve a new IP address and reset all web content. Domains 3.1. 3.2 Adding domains to your control panel Once you register your domain you must add it to your hosting control panel.From the control panel click the domain icon. this will result in up to 72 hours of downtime during propagation.You can click the on/off button beside web or mail service to enable/disable it. To turn on/off web or mail services: . - Click the “Add new domain” link to add a new domain to the list. - Clicking the edit buttons for either service will let you configure the options for that specific service and domain.Select the domain from the list and click on the domain name.1 Registering new domains From the account control panel you can register a new domain anytime. Turning off web service will remove your web content and release the assigned IP address.3. 10 .3 How to turn on/off web and mail services You can turn web and mail services on or off from your account control panel.1. WARNING: Please ensure you have a backup of all your web content before continuing. 3. Click the “Add a Domain Name” link to start the ordering process. From the control panel click the domain icon. .4 Configuring domains To configure DNS. FTP. web. To remove a domain: .From the control panel click the domain icon. Domains and subdomains have equal functional capabilities. 3. mail services. subdomain. WARNING: Please ensure you have a backup of all your web content before continuing. You can create as many subdomains as allowed by your plan. 3. or mail services: .e. .You can click the edit button for either service to configure the options for that specific domain.com. go through the following steps: . share a DNS zone.2 Removing domains You may for many reasons want to remove a domain from your account.Click the “trash can” icon to the right of the domain name to remove that specific domain. dedicated IPs. .From the control panel click the domain icon. etc. Click the domains.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one. It is added on the left of the domain name.3 Creating sub domains A subdomain is a lower level domain.From the control panel click the domain icon.1. including web site management.Select the domain from the list and click on the domain name.example. i.3. . add icon beside sub 11 . To create a subdomain.. Removing a domain will remove all associated web content and release the assigned IP address. ixtestdomain.com.custom DNS records .4. example. 12 .Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one.com. is creating additional domain names that would point to the IP of a different domain.net and have it point to the location of example. you can register another domain name. every Internet user who goes to example. for instance example.- Enter a new subdomain name and click “create subdomain” This will result in the creation of the subdomain test.com 3. This must be a fully qualified domain name.separate mail service 3. This means.com.net will land in example. or domain stacking. Click the Add icon in the Domain Aliases field at the bottom of the page. Enter the domain alias. A domain alias can have: .com: - - Leave the create DNS zone box unchecked if the domain alias is registered on a different DNS server.From the control panel click the domain icon. For example.g.1 Creating a domain alias . The domain alias will not be maintained and mail service will be inaccessible for this domain alias. .Register the alias.its own DNS zone . e.4 Domain aliasing Domain aliasing. if your domain name is example. . exactly as you register domain names. NOTE: After you switch from a dedicated to shared IP address. You can only switch from a shared to dedicated IP address if you have not exceeded your dedicated IP limit. I agree with the above". You’ll be able to create and edit custom DNS records for the domain alias and mail service. 3. To access a domain you can use either the IP address or domain name. To change the type of IP. .From the control panel click the domain icon.5 Shared vs. confirm the change by clicking "yes. Dedicated IP addresses This is also called virtual hosting (shared IP) and dedicated IP hosting. Shared IP address: One IP address is assigned to several domains. Selecting “new mail domain alias” will set the new domain as a mail domain alias to the existing domain. NOTE: Switching from a shared to dedicated IP address will delete your virtual FTP and SSL services.- - Check the create DNS zone if you want a DNS record for this domain alias to be created on this hosting server.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one.Click the “change to dedicated IP” link in the IP address field. 13 . You can set the alias domain up with its own mail service or it can be an alias to an existing email account. . not the IP address. . There are a few limitations to this that revolve around the fact that you can only access the domain by its domain name.If prompted. do the following: . Dedicated IP address: One IP address is assigned to one domain. it will take up to 72 hours for propagation before the domain becomes available at the new IP address. you must contact the telephone service provider so they assign you the new phone number and update all directory information to reflect you as pointing to this new phone number. this can be considered the phone number for the server. From this location you can manage all aspects of your domains registration. The DNS records for your domain are kept on a name server in a place called a DNS zone. the IP address can be compared to a phone number: When someone calls http://www. all DNS records are automatically created for you. DNS can be considered something similar to a phone book. your ISP looks at the DNS server.232. there will be domain management options on the main page of the account control panel.” The box will expand and you will have the option to change the default name servers. but your phone number may change. 4. An example would be when you want all email to be processed by an external mail server rather than by the built-in mail system. When you move from one location to another. and asks "how do I contact example. However.com/. As the Internet understands it. .2.com?" The DNS server responds: "It can be found at 198. In this way.Click the domain registration manage button from the account control panel main page as displayed in the picture above. To change the domain name servers: .example. which houses the http://www. your name stays the same. You can also change your domain name servers. When you register a domain by means of the control panel. such user intervention requires knowledge of DNS configuration and clear understanding of what is to be done. 14 . DNS 4.example.105.4.2 How to change domain name servers? 4. In order to point your name to the new phone number.1 What is DNS? Domain Name System – This is an Internet system that relates domain names into IP addresses.1 Registered with IX Web Hosting If your domain is registered with us.4".com web site.Click the + sign beside “Modify DNS Servers. but in some cases you may need to setup custom records to your DNS zone. You should see 2 or more boxes to place name server information. .3 How do I create custom DNS records? Custom DNS records are required to manage any outside server through our name servers. This can be useful in many instances. 4.2.Look for the domain or hosting settings area.2 To change the domain name servers: .2.It can take up from 24 to 72 hours for propagation before the site is accessible. .2. 4.For more information regarding the management of your domain registration through IX Web Hosting.2.2. such as when setting up an outside mail server or to map a domain to a different server.The primary and secondary name servers are listed on this page similar to what you see below. 4. Your name servers with us are sent in the initial hosting account email and can also be found in the hosting account control panel. .Log in to your domain registrars website . please refer to the Domain section of the Billing Manual.1 To locate your domain name servers: . . You will place the information you found when you located your domain name servers into these blanks.From the control panel click the domain icon.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one.2 Other registrar You can usually change your domain name servers at the registrars’ website or by contacting the registrar. 4.There may be an option such as “change DNS” or “update name servers” . 15 . example.3.Click the edit button to the right of DNS configuration. This allows users that visit www.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one.4.1 Removing the default DNS records Removing the default DNS A or MX records will make your site inaccessible.2 Adding custom A records An A record gives you the IP address of a domain. To add a new DNS A record. 16 . do the following: . .Click the add DNS A record link.3. This will remove all hosting content and release your ip address.com. Name: Enter the prefix to map. For this reason the only way to remove the default dns records is to turn web or mail service off. This will be accessible at the prefix. 4.com to go to the right IP address.From the control panel click the domain icon. . .domain. It can also be used to map a domain to a different server or a sub domain to the correct IP address. 3. Data: The priority the record and mail domain name (not the IP) mail will be forwarded to. To use the external mail servers in addition to those you get by default.From the control panel click the domain icon. you need to disable mail service on the Domain Settings page. 17 .4 Adding custom CNAME records CNAME records are used to map aliases with domain names. Then the default mail server will take over. The priority of the custom MX record will define whether your external servers will act as primary or secondary.Click the edit button to the right of DNS configuration. leave the name field empty. your external mail server will be used as primary. If you leave the name field blank. To add a new DNS MX record.Click the add DNS MX record link. do the following: .3. In the first case. 4. . . IMPORTANT: To add an MX record for the base domain. your external mail server will be used as secondary.3 Adding custom MX records Custom MX records should be added when you want to use your external mail servers to process your e-mail. For instance. all mail will be redirected for the base zone. To use your external servers instead of those you get by default. 4. If you set the priority of the custom MX record lower than 10. Name: Your local domain name.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one. your mail will be sent to your external mail server until it goes down or becomes otherwise inaccessible. if you set the priority of the custom MX record higher than 10. Data: Enter the IP of the web server. .TTL: Set how many seconds will elapse before the record is refreshed in the DNS cache (a time to live period of 86400 is recommended). you need to keep mail service enabled in the control panel. Click the edit button to the right of DNS configuration.Click the add DNS CNAME record link. TTL: Set how many seconds will elapse before the record is refreshed in the DNS cache.Select the domain from the domain list if you have more than one.To add a new DNS CNAME record. do the following: .From the control panel click the domain icon. This must be an official host name. It can’t be an alias. Name: The alias you give to the real host name. 18 . . A CNAME-record should always point to an A-record to avoid circular references. . Data: The real name of the host you create an alias to. . the site will get registered with only a few search engines. Time-out: This is the time you allow for registering one site with all search engines. Creating.Click the SiteStudio icon in the control panel. It is generally considered more effective to go to the individual search engine sites and request directly to the search engines. There are many governing factors that determine search engine placement. To start the Search Engine Submit utility: . Contact Email: Most search engines require a contact e-mail address. NOTE: This tool will send a request for the search engines to index your website in their search engine pool. and submission alone is normally not enough in the current competitive market to attain top level placement in major search engines. .On the page that appears. Click the launch icon for the desired domain. and is only as reliable as the search engine you are submitting to. 5.5. Be patient while the server processes your request. If this period is too short. We can not guarantee that they will honor this request. Then follow the on-screen instructions. promoting and managing your site 5. active 19 .From the control panel click the submit URL icon.Select the domain to submit. This is a supplemental tool. . Key Words: Some search engines provide the possibility for entering additional keywords your site can be searched by. check the engines to register the site with and fill in the requested fields. It can take more than a month for your site to be indexed. consider our online site builder that will create you a professional website in a matter of minutes and automatically post it to your directory on the server. Tactics such as the use of keywords.2 Search engine submit So your site is up and running? Help others find it among the millions of websites on the Internet! Our search engine submission tool is a quick and easy way to make the search engines aware of your site. WARNING: Avoid submitting to a large number of web sites at a time or the browser will time out before the program has finished. Description: This text will show to Internet users as a description of your site in the list of search results. To start SiteStudio: . if it will be at all.1 SiteStudio site builder Before you pay a fortune to a web design studio or waste hours making a nice looking web site in FrontPage. Click the submit button. The folder named the same as your domain name is the public files that compose your site. move. You can select multiple files or folders to perform various tasks to. .If the stat program is already turned on. You can also use it to upload.3.Click the archive button in the top level menu. To launch WebShell: .1 Webalizer and Modlogan Webalizer and Modlogan are popular web statistic programs that track the actions of users to your site.You can then click the file icon beside the created archive file to download it. .4 Webalizer. . you can setup password protection on the directory through Htprotect or Htaccess. NOTE: The Webalizer and Modlogan directories are located at http://domain. 5. is considered a 'hit'.3. To access Webalizer or Modlogan. 5.1 What is WebShell? WebShell allows you to copy.From the control panel click the WebShell3 icon. download.3 WebShell file manager 5. accessing and modifying your site files and folders. 5. do the following: .Check the box next to the files and folders to be archived and downloaded. 20 . compress and decompress files as well as preview them in the browser. delete. If you wish to make you statistics private.3 How to backup your site To backup your site files: .3. .com/webalizer or http://domain.Click the stats icon from the control panel.2 How to use The WebShell application is very useful for navigating. An archive form shows to the right with a name of the zipped file. Once open you will see a list of files. 5.com/modlogan which is web accessible.Click the create button to proceed.4. . (Linux only) Once they are enabled it will take between 24-48 hours for your web statistics to start working.Click the off icon for the stat program and domain you wish to have stats for. click the magnifying glass to be redirected to your web statistics page.promotion and links to your site from other sites should always be employed for optimal results. Webalizer stat labels Hits Any request made to the server which is logged. Modlogan and Awstats 5. It is similar in function to any FTP application. and rename files and directories in your home directory on the server. it is considered a 'file' and the files total is incremented. for any request whose URL is one of the 'page' types defined with the PageType option. etc.. When this happens. This number represents the total number of requests that were made to the server during the specified report period. Visits Whenever a request is made to the server from a given IP address (site). audio files. two visits would be registered. Sites Each request made to the server comes from a unique 'site'.. the visits total should be discounted on 'Grouped' records. Pages Pages are. NOTE: In the 'Top Sites' table. What actually constitutes a 'page' can vary from server to server.cgi' as a page. The default action is to treat anything with the extension '. the amount of time since a previous request by the address is calculated (if any). 21 . or anything that generates an HTML document. Each valid line in the server log is counted as a hit. '. such as '. this number should not be taken as absolutely accurate. this number might be about as close as you will get).. '. and thought of as the "Minimum number of visits" that came from that grouping instead. html pages. and does not include the other 'stuff' that is in the page.. The 'sites' number shows how many unique IP addresses made requests to the server during the reporting time period. Due to the limitation of the HTTP protocol. which is impossible to determine using just logs and the HTTP protocol (however. so if a user visits your site at 1:00 in the afternoon. A lot of sites will probably define other extensions. such as graphic images. audio clips. which can be referenced by a name or ultimately. Some people consider this number as the number of 'pure' hits. This value is generated directly from the log file. and then returns at 3:00. CGI scripts. regardless of the web servers reporting quirks.htm'.The requests can be for anything. it should be considered a pretty close "guess". well. This number represents the number of 'pages' requested only. In general. and this total is incremented (both for the site and the IP address). any HTML document.phtml'. Note: Visits only occur on PageType requests. I'm not sure if I totally agree with that viewpoint. this should be a fairly accurate representation of the amount of outgoing traffic the server had. If the time difference is greater than a pre configured 'visit timeout' value (or has never made a request before). log rotations and other factors. an IP address. This DOES NOT mean the number of unique individual users (real people) that visited. Some other programs (and people :) refer to this as 'Pageviews'. rather. graphic images. This does not include the other stuff that goes into a document.html' or '. Files Some requests made to the server. require that the server then send something back to the requesting client. The default timeout value is 30 minutes (can be changed). would be considered a page. pages! Generally. etc. such as an html page or graphic image. so it is up to the web server to produce accurate numbers in the logs (some web servers do stupid things when it comes to reporting the number of bytes). it is considered a 'new visit'. The relationship between 'hits' and 'files' can be thought of as “incoming requests” and “outgoing responses”. KBytes The KBytes (kilobytes) value shows the amount of data that was sent out by the server during the specified reporting period.pl' as pages as well. that is.php3' and '. enter the host name or the IP address of the server you would like to ping. not 1000 :) Top Entry and Exit Pages The Top Entry and Exit tables give a rough estimate of what URL's are used to enter your site.Click trace and wait for the result.5 Reverse trace route This network troubleshooting tool allows you to ping any Internet host from your hosting server.4. In other words. . this number should be considered a good "rough guess" of the actual numbers. click the reverse trace route icon. If you see the connection is slow. you can use this tool to determine if a host is reachable and how long it takes for the signal to go all the way through. select a bigger period.The next page will show all the hosts that were passed to reach the target server. Because of limitations in the HTTP protocol.2 Awstats and others Many customers are not satisfied with the limited reporting capability of Webalizer and Modlogan and look for something more.In the form that appears.Select the timeout period.NOTE: A kilobyte is 1024 bytes. and what the last pages viewed are. do the following: . log rotations.On your control panel page. 5. . Many use Awstats with great success to provide the advanced statistics they require. and exit. however will give a good indication of the overall trend in where users come into. 5. There are many other programs out there that will report much deeper in certain areas. To launch the reverse trace route tool. . etc. 22 . . Most of these programs can be installed in your web space and configured to work with our service. your site. Address: This is the domain name or IP address of the FTP server. CuteFTP. FTP 6. If the connection was successful you will have a list of the files and folders located in your website root directory. Many web publishing applications use FTP to connect and upload to the web server. This guide will focus on using Filezilla to transfer files.Go to your control panel. Password: A password is also required unless you are using anonymous FTP. including the following Filezilla. 6. Click the FTP manager icon. - 23 . To connect to your FTP server: . This information applies to most of the popular FTP software.After starting up your ftp client you should be given an area to enter your logon information. Publisher and FrontPage. Fetch.6. Cyberduck. Port: 21 is the most commonly used port for FTP connections.1 What is FTP? FTP or file transfer protocol is a common way to transfer files to and from servers. Password: A password is also required unless you are using anonymous FTP. if you have the basics. Username: A username is a required unless you are using anonymous FTP. Address: This is the domain name or IP address of the FTP server. 6. Port: 21 is the most commonly used port for FTP connections. Most FTP clients are compatible with our service. It is also a common way to share accessed to files with others. Dream weaver. SmartFTP.3 Connecting to a FTP client Using a FTP client can be very simple to use.2 Changing your FTP password To change the FTP password: . Once you enter your information you can click connect to initiate the connection process. Username: A username is a required unless you are using anonymous FTP. Click the icon beside password to change the current password. 6. . without giving access to the root directory. 6.5 How to transfer files Transferring Files into Filezilla: . At the bottom of the page that shows. 24 . .You can upload or download a file by double-clicking on it.Click the FTP Manager icon from your control panel.4 How to navigate files Navigating in Filezilla: . . 6.Alternatively you can also drag the files from one side and drop them on the other side.6 FTP sub-accounts (Linux) 6.Navigate the remote view to the location you would like to place the files you upload.6.6. To change the current folder either on your machine or on the server.Navigating the files and folders in Filezilla is very similar to using the file manager on your home computer.Navigate the local view to the location of the files you wish to upload. which gives full FTP permissions to a single directory. It will be added to the transfer queue and the transfer will start automatically. just select a tree item in the appropriate tree. No dedicated IP is required for FTP sub-accounts. find FTP sub-accounts and click the Add icon.You will see two views the local and the remote view.2 Setting up an FTP sub-account To create a new FTP sub-account: . .6. An FTP sub-account is a combination of a username and a password. other directories or the control panel.1 What is it? The simplest way to authorize your friends or colleagues to work with particular directories of your account is to create FTP sub-accounts. . This name will appear in the welcome message when guest users connect to your server with FTP clients. Once complete you can click the edit icon beside an existing username to see the details of that user.On your control panel page. 25 . The directory must be relative to your home directory.Go back to your control panel page and click the FTP service icon. click the domains icon. choose the one you wish to enable virtual FTP for.- On the next page. and the directory this user will be restricted to. which can be used in place of the domain name to log on. 6. . If you leave the directory field empty. enter the e-mail address by which FTP users can reach you with questions or comments. . Virtual FTP users log right into your root.7 Virtual FTP Virtual FTP provides more possibilities than a FTP sub-account. make sure you have a dedicated IP. You can give your Virtual FTP users access to more than one directory and specify a different set of permissions for each directory. FTP subusers will have access to your whole home directory. Also. 6. Enable FTP for this domain: - On the next page. but can enter only those directories you allow them to enter.1 Enabling Virtual FTP . Home Directory: /hsphere/local/home/(ftpusername)/(folder name) Host Name: The host name is the direct web server address.On the page that appears.If you have several domains. - Transfer FTP: This shows the amount of traffic used by an individual ftp sub-account user. add a server name for the new virtual host. enter the FTP login and password that will be used by this other user.7. e. for example Dir1/UserDirs/. 26 .Click the Add icon for Virtual FTP Users and create a new Virtual FTP User: - Click the Add icon for Virtual FTP Directories and enter the name for the new Virtual FTP Directory: - End it with a slash. include the path.g. If you leave this property unchecked. specify permissions to this directory: - Read: check to allow file downloads from this directory. Write: check to allow file uploads to this directory. It is usually used jointly with Read. On the same page. To create a virtual FTP directory inside a different directory. Click the Edit icon next to the directory you have just created. you can specify permissions for each of them individually. Grant Permissions to all users: check to grant these permissions to all your Virtual FTP users.: Dir1/. The location must be specified relative to root.7.6. List: check to allow viewing / browsing the contents of the directory. If you haven't granted the same permissions to all your Virtual FTP Users.Click the Edit icon for FTP for this domain .2 Add a FTP user . you will have to define permissions on this directory individually for each Virtual FTP User. Enable FTP for this domain: - On your control panel page.Go back to your control panel page and click the FTP Service icon. choose the one you wish to enable virtual FTP for. . Skip this step if you have already enabled Virtual FTP. 6. switch to dedicated IP. 6. . enable Anonymous FTP Upload Facilities by doing the following: . click FTP Service. but not uploaded. Anonymous FTP becomes available only after you create a Virtual FTP server. then enable Anonymous FTP for the domain you want: You can also enable Anonymous FTP on the FTP virtual server page. . and its content can be viewed and downloaded. 6. you can skip this step.8. .If you have several domains.8 Anonymous FTP This feature allows you to give public FTP access to a dedicated directory in your account.- If you have chosen to grant the same permissions to all users.1 Configure anonymous FTP: Skip this step if you are already using a dedicated IP.On your control panel page click the domains icon .At the bottom of the FTP virtual server page you will find a new option to enable anonymous FTP upload facilities: 27 .On the page that appears.9 Anonymous FTP Upload Facilities If you want to allow anonymous FTP users to upload files.Enable Anonymous FTP . A special directory is created in your root. NOTE: This will create a dedicated directory inside the Anonymous FTP directory. so you can not downloaded or viewing the content. The Uploads (Windows based plans) / Incoming (Linux based plans) directory will have only 'upload' permissions. 28 . With this feature you can redirect visitors from one URL to another. 7.1. 7.example. if you set welcome.1 Redirect URL This allows you to redirect your domain to a different domain or IP address.example. Make sure to enter the full list of indexes you would like to have in your configuration. Example: If you were to put http://www. not a relative path. However.com/new_products.example. In other words. it will redirect visitors of http://www.com/products to the http://www.com/new_products. It is not possible to use this method to redirect to a sub pages within the same domain.html as the directory index. When a visitor tries to connect it will redirect them to the address specified here.com/products in the “Redirect from:” field and http://www.1. the first page to open will be http://www.2 Directory index This allows you to set your own index pages instead of the one we have set as default. you can tell your visitors' browsers which page to load when they type your base domain name (http://domainname.com/index. Default index pages index. only to a different domain or IP address.html index.com.html.html page.demo.demo. 29 . You can specify multiple index pages in case different folders have index pages of different names. NOTE: URL path must be an absolute path. the page to open will be http://www.com/).html in the “to” field.com/welcome. Adding features to your website 7.demo.html.7.1 Site settings The site settings allow you to control many features of your website.demo.html Example: If a visitor goes to your site http://www.php default. − Last modification date. − The first file is "Parent Directory". 30 . the system can automatically control what is displayed. if any . enter the names of the files that will be treated as indexes.html. The changes will take effect within 15 minutes. the server will perform "fancy indexing" and return the following HTML: . If for any reason it is corrupted or missing. - 7. Switch the radio buttons to enable or disable this option. If it's pointed at a directory that doesn't have an index. .The header file for this directory.bin about. scroll down and find the directory indexes option and turn it on.On the control panel page. On Windows hosting these changes will happen immediately. In the box that appears.Select the domain if you have more than one. click the Apply link for the Server configuration to change.php). do the following: .html. and an icon indicating the types of file included. click the Edit icon next to the Directory Indexes. index.A list of the files in this directory.Set the title and main header to "Index of dir" .html cgi.html index. that is what is sent back. On the Web Service page.g.3 Directory indexes The index page is the first page entered on your site. Enabled/Fancy: When pointed at a directory.1. Put file names in descending order of priority and separate them with spaces (e. − Each file name is a link to the file. Disabled: This causes the server to refuse to list the files and folders of a directory if an index file is not found. - - At the top of the Web Service page. click Web Options. if found. To edit the list you have made. the server looks for a file called index. size.To set your custom directory indexes. HtProtect utility allows you to password protect any directory on your site so only authorized visitors can open its content with their browsers.4 Error pages Use this utility to define what will be done if a requested page on your site is missing or fails to open for any other reason. Htprotect is a feature which is located inside of WebShell: To add password protection to a directory. Type: Specify if the text in the previous field must be treated as a URL (Redirect) or as a text message (Message).On the control panel page. 7.In the form that appears.1. In order to specify your own Error Documents.5 Htprotect / Htaccess NOTE: HtProtect is only available on Linux hosting packages. Windows users will get a slightly different form: 7. . . 31 .On the Web Service page. click Web Options.NOTE: We recommend you keep this option to disabled and instead keep an updated index file that list the files stored in your site. . scroll down to find the Error option and click the Add icon on its right.1. you need to be slightly familiar with the server returned error codes: To configure Error Pages. do the following: .Select the domain if you have more than one. do the following. enter the error document settings: Message or URL: Enter the message the visitors will get or the URL of the page that they will be taken to if the requested page is not found. - Group files are used if you need multiple people or groups of people to have access to a resource. Once you click on this you will be given two different options which would be to close or create. This is optional and usually only required by advanced users. click the Webshell3 icon. - - - - 32 . - On the top navigation menu select the button which says protect. also if you already have users you can edit or delete those as well. You can also list the users who specifically have access. Once you have added the needed users use the close button to go back to the previous screen. You can add any external .- On the control panel page. This will open a new window that allows you to select the directory you wish to apply the protection to.Htaccess information to the page labeled optional. The default supplied valid user requirement is usually the best choice for the novice user. 1.Select the domain if you have more than one. Enter the file extension beginning with a dot: 33 .On the Web Service page. - An overview screen will appear on which you can see all your information. Click the save icon on the left. click Web Options. . scroll down to find the Server Side imagemap option and click the add icon on its right. do the following: .On the control panel page.- The Htprotect file must be saved to take affect. In other words. prior to clicking the save button. the server checks the file with the specified extension to define the links of an image (unlike a client-side image map. To add an imagemap file extension. 7. .6 Server side imagemap This feature allows your server to regard files with a specific extension as map files. which uses the info inserted into the HTML code) and reports back to the browser where to go. - Your changes should take affect immediately. 1. Ports are typically used to map data to a particular process running on a computer. 34 .7.8 Ports A port is a special number present in the header of a data packet.7 Paths Linux Perl /usr/bin/perl ImageMagick /usr/X11R6/bin/ (/usr/X11R6/bin/mogrify) Convert is at /usr/X11R6/bin/convert Identity is at /usr/X11R6/bin/identify PHP /usr/local/bin/php Sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Date /bin/date Python /usr/bin/python Python2 /usr/bin/python2 CURL /usr/bin/curl Ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg Home Directory /hsphere/local/home/<username> Replace <username> with your username Windows Perl c:\perl\perl ImageMagick c:\Program Files\ImageMagick Home directory D:\home\<username> Replace <username> with your username 7.1. gif graphics files. .1. 7. The MIME type must comply with MIME type specifications.On the control panel page.Select the domain if you have more than one.On the web service page.2 Adding support for dynamic web content 7. 7.9 MIME types This utility allows you to define file formats that are not defined in web browsers.443 POP3 . To add a definition for your own file format.2. .Select the domain if you have more than one. for instance Perl. Now all files in the cgi-bin directory will be treated as CGI executables. scroll down to find the CGI option and click the add icon to the right. just like it displays simple text files and .On the page that appears. scroll down to find the MIME type option and click the add icon on its right.On the web services page. This is the directory to place all your CGI scripts. .10 Error logs If you turn the error logs icon on it will keep a history of the errors received from scripts ran on your site. do the following: .1. you can specify that all .Below is a list of commonly used open ports on our network: HTTP – 80 HTTPS . you will need to create a CGI alias or. specify a CGI file extension and a CGI handler for it.143 mySQL .On the web services page.110 SMTP .cgi files must be treated as executable Perl scripts.1433 FTP – 21 7. click web options.On the control panel page. For example. . 35 .3306 PostGreSQL .: text/rtf or video/mpeg. do the following: .g. This enables the browser to display or output files that are not in HTML format.1 CGI scripts To add CGI support.5432 MSSQL . . e.25 IMAP . enter the extension for the file type: Begin file extension with a dot. To add a CGI alias. in other words. . scroll down to find the cgi-bin option and turn it on. click web options. On the control panel page.On the page that appears. click web options. . click the apply link for the server configuration to change. .On the web service page. Skip this step if you are using a Windows-based plan. The changes will take effect within 15 minutes.On the web service page. click web options. click the add icon that has appeared next to the PHP option.4 ASP.php4. If you need to add custom file extensions to be handled by ColdFusion.Select the domain if you have more than one. do the following: . 7.2 PHP scripts You can add support for your own PHP scripts.On the control panel page. On the web services page.On the web service page. . 7.3 ASP To add support for ASP (Active Server Pages) in a Windows-based account. for instance .On the control panel page. scroll down to find the ColdFusion option and turn it on. . .2. do the following: .NET in a Windows-based account. scroll down to find the ASP option and turn it on. do the following: On the control panel page.At the top of the web service page.5 ColdFusion To add ColdFusion support in a Windows-based account. click web options. Select the MIME type from the list.2. Select the domain if you have more than one. .Select the domain if you have more than one.Select the domain if you have more than one. click web options.NET option and turn it on. scroll down to find the ASP. . To add PHP support. click the Add icon that has appeared next to the PHP option: 36 . scroll down to find the PHP option and turn it on. . . do the following: . 7.2.2. enter an extension for your PHP pages beginning with a dot.- Enter an extension beginning with a dot and select the handler from the list: 7.NET To add support for ASP.On the web service page. 37 . do the following: .Enable the guestbook for domains in the list. .3 One click install scripts (Linux) Owners of Linux accounts can use simple CGI wizards to enhance their sites with the following scripts: 7. you can specify that all . enter your SSI file extension beginning with a dot: - At the top of the web services page.1 Counter To add a counter to your site.On the web services page. click the guestbook icon. do the following: .On the control panel page.Enable the counter for domains in the list. click the counter icon. .html as an SSI file extension will cause many problems. enter an extension for your PHP pages beginning with a dot.- On the page that appears. click the apply link for the server configuration to change. 7.On the control panel page. Webalizer and many other scripts will cease to function. . . NOTE: Adding .3. For example. .shtml files must be treated as server side includes. 7.6 Server Side Includes You can add your own SSI file extensions. To add a SSI file extension.2 Guestbook To add a guestbook to your site. The changes will take effect within 15 minutes. 7.Click the edit icon for the domain you wish to edit. - In the window that appears.On the control panel page.Click the view icon for more instructions. do the following: .3. click web options.2. scroll down to find the SSI option and click the add icon on its right. - Click the view icon for more instructions. where you can start configuring 38 .Unlimited forums and posts .Enable the Formmail for domains in the list.Click the view icon for more instructions.Private messaging system .Click the view icon for more instructions. click web options. . and highly customizable bulletin board package.On the web services page.Multiple language interfaces . WARNING: Assigning a previously created MySQL database to be used for phpBB. . 7. and helpful FAQ.3.Powerful search utility . click the Formmail icon. will remove the contents of all its tables. .Private or public forums . Click the setup icon to install the script: - You'll be taken to the phpBB admin control panel. scroll down to find the phpBB option and turn it on: - This will start the installation wizard.Enable chat for domains in the list. fully scalable.On the control panel page. do the following: .3.Complete customization with templates To add phpBB forum to your site. do the following: . You'll be prompted to either create a new MySQL database or select from the existing databases for phpBB to use. simple and straightforward administration panel.3. 7. phpBB Key Features: .3 Formmail To add a Formmail script to your site.Click the edit icon for the domain you wish to edit. .On the control panel page.4 Chat To add a chat to your site. . click the chat icon. do the following: . . 7.On the control panel page. phpBB has a user friendly interface.5 PhpBB (Linux and Windows) phpBB forum (distributed according to phpBB License Agreement) is a high powered. 7. . . WARNING: Assigning a previously created MySQL database to be used for phpBB. To enable mnoGoSearch. 39 .3. .On the control panel page. For more information on working with indexer. which can cause damage to your site.: set local charset) by editing file indexer.On the control panel page. you can always restore mnoGoSearch configuration to the default by clicking the Edit icon. WARNING: This will delete the CGI scripts and index pages of your website. but its configuration files are located in the mnoGoSearch/ directory in your root. do the following: . will remove the contents of all its tables.conf. a utility that searches your site by keywords.3. mnoGoSearch script file is stored in the cgi-bin directory. click web options.the forum to your liking. delete the unnecessary files and restore the scripts. Go to your search page by clicking the magnifying glass icon: NOTE: It will take some time to index your site pages and get your search working. 7.conf. As with any action please insure you have a backup of all your web files and databases. .g. You'll be prompted to either create a new MySQL database or select from the existing databases for mnoGoSearch to use.6 mnoGoSearch If you are on a Linux account. You can extend your mnoGoSearch capabilities (e.html). scroll down to find the mnoGoSearch option and turn it on: - This will start the installation wizard.Select the domain if you have more than one.7 Fixing problem scripts If you have accidentally deleted any of your CGI scripts and/or the initial account index page (index. To get rid of any undesirable changes in you CGI scripts and go back to the default settings. If you mishandle anything.Click the edit icon for the domain you wish to edit. you can enhance your site with mnoGoSearch. but all your custom settings will be lost. refer to indexer.conf dist which can be found in the /'account'/mnogosearch/'domain'/ directory. click the restore to default link. click web options.On the web service page.On the web service page. To fix/restore the scripts: . you can restore them to default. 4. 7.Now you can proceed to FrontPage configuration. . It is also required to provide some of the advanced server side functionalities offered by FrontPage. click the FrontPage icon.Enable FrontPage Extension for domains in the list. They will be used in FrontPage mail forms. make sure to supply the sender and reply to e-mail addresses. It is also important to read all accompanying documentation for proper use and installation instructions.On the control panel page.4. try reinstalling FrontPage Extensions by doing the following: . A republish may be required to correct any problems. To install FrontPage extensions.7.On the page that appears. .4 How to resolve common errors 7. . If your FrontPage publish fails to perform correctly.Click the Edit icon right beside the fix icon. .4.8 Adding custom CGI scripts (Linux and Windows) You can install almost any script on either our Windows or Linux hosting packages.Click the edit icon in the FrontPage section.3 Fixing problems WARNING: If you turn off FrontPage extensions after they are configured and your site has been published this will delete needed files and corrupt some aspects of your site. click the FrontPage icon.2 Configuration To configure FrontPage formmail settings in Linux or Windows based accounts: .Click submit . .3. Make sure you only download scripts from trustworthy locations.1 Installation WARNING: If you turn off FrontPage extensions after they are configured and your site has been published this will delete needed files and corrupt some aspects of your site.4 FrontPage extensions The FrontPage extensions work as a conduit for FrontPage to connect and publish your site to our servers.4. .1 No extensions found on server or unable to connect to server . .Now that you have applied your changes.On the control panel page.On the page that appears. make sure to supply the sender and reply to e-mail addresses. . do the following: .On the control panel page. 7. 7.First make sure the FrontPage extensions are configured and the connection to the server is correct. 40 .4. A republish may be required to correct any problems. click the FrontPage icon. you can upload your web pages. These script files are usually placed in the cgi-bin folder of the specific domain. They will be used in FrontPage mail forms 7.4. It's a good idea to install and fully configure Front Page Extensions prior to uploading your web pages. 7.Click the Fix icon in the FrontPage section. *). . Say. − Click Save. Go to publish site in FrontPage and verify the domain name is set without the ‘www’ prefix.Click Browse. - - 7. click All Files (*. It can become corrupt and cause problems with a running site or at publish time. http://www.4. The following options should resolve the problem. The task pane opens. click New. . and then click Page or Web.Try using the configure option to change the FrontPage user name and password and then changing it back. and then click OK.In the folder list. expand the _private folder that is in the root of your Web site.cnf is an Authentication file.cnf file and may resolve the problem. This causes it to recreate the We80.3 Forms If you have problems with a FrontPage form a common problem and solution is described below. .Right-click the form. − In the File name box.txt.4.yourdomain. If you are still having problems try using the fix tool from the Front Page icon on your control panel. click Normal Page. deleting all _vti folders and folders starting with “_” in your domain directory.Locate the Feedback.com is not correct.2 We80. click Save. . − In the Save as type box. If this does not work try turning the Front Page extensions off. http://yourdomain. If you can’t locate this file.Open the page that contains the feedback form. and then click OK.Locate and then double-click the _private folder that is in the root of your Web. 41 .txt file.- Make sure the site is accessible and the domain name is registered and has not expired.cnf We80. − Locate and then double-click the _private folder that is in the root of your Web.Open your Webpage in FrontPage. follow these steps: − On the File menu.In the Email address : type the email address which you provided while enabling FrontPage extensions . . try to turn the front page extensions off and back on and then reconfigure.4.4.com is correct.txt file. . type Feedback. − Under New form template. and then delete all the HTML code.Save the form page. − Switch to HTML view. .Click the Feedback. click Page Templates. − On the General tab. 7. − On the File menu. . If these do not resolve the problem. . then click Form Properties. . and then turn the extensions back on in your control panel. . which when exceeded the request incurs a counter-based delay penalty or is refused. whenever the 42 . Document: Excluding requests for HTML page elements such as images and style sheets impose a limit on the number of requests per period. then the counters are reset.1 How do I change the traffic limit? Traffic limits are set per plan and can’t be changed. We do however offer throttle policies to help you regulate the amount of traffic you receive. Original: Impose a limit on the volume (Kbytes sent) per period. the request incurs a calculated delay penalty or is refused. whenever the elapsed time exceeds the period length. until the elapsed time exceeds the period length. . The delay is computed as the policy minimum less the idle time between requests. do the following: .At the top of the web service page. then the request is refused entirely to avoid occupying servers unnecessarily. all further requests are refused. The eight throttling policies are: Concurrent: Impose a limit on the number of concurrent requests at any one time.Complete the wizard. Second. Idle: Impose a minimum idle time between requests.Click the edit icon for the domain you wish to edit. When the minimum is not reached. First. . First.Select the type of policy and click submit. We unfortunately are not able to offer any custom changes or accommodations to our plans. Otherwise the request is delayed between one and the set maximum number of seconds.Scroll the page to find the throttle policy option and turn it on. click the apply link.8. then the request proceeds without delay. click web options. Note that the requests (hits) column of the throttle status display does not include the requests for page elements. The period specifies how long data is accumulated before the counters are reset. 8. If the delay would exceed maximum. Managing traffic 8. If your account reaches its limit in a given month your account is subject to suspension. if the idle time between requests exceeds the minimum. .2 Throttle policies To enable the Throttle module. . When this limit is exceeded. at which point the elapsed time and the counters are reset.On the control panel page. If the percentage is zero (0). in which case the request proceeds without delay. If the delay would exceed the maximum. Remember to apply the changes you have made. Otherwise. when the limit is exceeded. The delay can be between zero and the set maximum number of seconds. whenever the elapsed time exceeds the period length. until the end of the period at which point the elapsed time and counters are reset. 43 . Request: Impose a limit on the number of requests per period. which can’t be a negative result. The limit currently serves no purpose. First. then the volume and elapsed time are halved. Otherwise the request is delayed between one and the set maximum number of seconds. The delay is computed as one plus the integer result of the volume times 10 divided by the limit. When this limit is exceeded all further requests are refused until the elapsed time exceeds the period length. Speed: Impose a limit on the volume (Kbytes sent) per period. then the limit (allowance) is deducted from the volume. then every request is refused. The period specifies how long data is accumulated before the counters are reset. if the percentage is 100. Second. also the period length is deducted from the elapse time. if the volume is below the limit. if the volume is below the limit. Second. then all requests are accepted. after which the request will be refused to avoid occupying servers unnecessarily. The period specifies how long data is accumulated before the counters are reset.elapsed time exceeds the period length. then the delay counter is decreased by one second if it is not yet zero. Volume: Impose a limit on the volume (kbytes sent) per period. You can also set throttle policy to none which imposes no restrictions on a request and used as a place holder to allow monitoring. Random: Randomly accept a percentage (limit) of the requests. When this limit is exceeded all further requests are refused. the delay counter is increased by one second. you refuse the request entirely to avoid occupying servers unnecessarily. which when exceeded the request incurs a calculated delay penalty or is refused. Press Apply in the Web Service -> Server Configuration row. at which point the elapsed time and counters are reset. mailbox and auto responder the same name within one mail domain by following the same steps you used to create an email address.1. do the following: . click e-mail.1 Mailboxes An email mailbox is similar to the mailbox at your home. You will be presented with a drop down list in which you can use to choose mail forward. enter its new size in megabytes. E-mail 9. click add new mail resource: . this message would bounce back to the sender with an error notification. However this can’t be increased over 2 gigabytes of space with any email account.Enter the name and password for the new mailbox and click submit: NOTE: If you want your mailbox to work as a forward and mail auto responder at the same time.9. 9.On your control panel page.2 Configuring a mailbox To configure a mailbox. IMPORTANT: The postmaster email box is a mail box which you can neither delete nor change its quota. If someone sends an email to support@example. If no account were marked as catch all.At the bottom of the page that appears.Choose mailbox from the drop-down list and click next: .com. this particular message will arrive at webmaster@example. You will see the list of its properties on the right: Quota: Change the quota for this specific mailbox. In this case. any email messages sent to a nonexistent account on your domain will go to this address.com is marked as catch all. which doesn't exist. When mail is sent to your email address it is delivered and stored in this email mailbox. your mailbox will forward all incoming email to another address and send responses to senders. mail auto responder. Password: Click the icon to change the mailbox password.com. . 44 . you can give forward. However the webmaster email box works as normal and counts towards your total email box limit. Mailbox quota is not related to the site disk space quota.1 Creating a Mailbox To add a new mailbox. To change your mail quota. click the Edit icon next to the name of the mailbox. Catch All: If it's on. 9. Example: your mailbox [email protected]. Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. Delete: Delete the mailbox.Web Mail: If you click the launch button. . .com there are a few options so you can change your email box password as well as log into your web mail.1. Senders won't receive “undelivered mail” notices. first switch catch all off.1. NOTE: To delete a catch all mailbox.Click on the email box for which you would like to change the password. Only use this if you do not want to receive messages.You will see an icon which says password there you will be able change your password.You will have options on the right hand side. .com. click the email icon.2 Change password from the login page If you go to manage. 9.ixwebhosting. . This can also be accessed at mail.3 Changing mailbox password 9.1 Change password from the control panel Change email box passwords.domain. Discard all incoming mail: Turn this on only if you are absolutely sure you don't need all your incoming mail.4. Trouble Ticket: This will open the help desk to report any issues you have been having with your email. 9. .From the control panel.2 Configuring email clients 45 . a new browser window will open our webmail interface.4. This is where you will send and receive you email.1. You can also turn it on when you are going on vacation. 9. Note the mail server address. . if you have more than one. .Check the remember password box to avoid entering it every time you check or send email.Enter the mail server name for both incoming mail and outgoing mail.Note the mail server address.Enter the name you would like your messages to appear from.Your incoming username will be your full email address. . .2. which is either mail.Note the mail server address.Enter your email address. 9.1 Configuring Thunderbird To find your email information: .Start Thunderbird and either follow the install wizard or go to the tools drop-down menu and select accounts.The program will prompt you for the email password. . .2.From your control panel click the email icon.2 Configuring Outlook Express To find your email information: . 46 .Select the domain.On the page that shows. .Select the domain. 9.Select the domain. .Click “add account”. choose POP3 as your incoming server. For the example we will use POP.From your control panel click the email icon.In the drop-down box. if you have more than one. enter the name you would like your messages to appear from.You can setup either POP or IMAP mail service.Start Outlook Express and either follow the install wizard or go to the tools dropdown menu and select accounts. . . To configure email in Outlook 2003: . . . enter your email address and click next to proceed. email address and password. .Select to setup POP3. if you have more than one. To configure email in Outlook Express: . .Enter the name you would like your messages to appear from .3 Configuring Outlook 2003 To find your email information: .Enter the mailbox password in the password field.Make sure to enter the full email address in the account name field. .Start Outlook 2003 and either follow the install wizard or go to the tools drop-down menu and select accounts. . email address and password.domainname. .Click finish to save settings.2. . the first time it tries to connect.com or the direct mail server address. .When the wizard starts.Enter the mail server address.Enter your email address.Click “add” and select mail. the settings are very similar.From your control panel click the email icon.9. To configure email in Mozilla Thunderbird: . . . . email address and password. . . Click finish to save settings. 9. do the following: .At the bottom of the page that appears. . 9. do the following: 47 . 9.2 Configuring a Forward To configure a forward. Test the connection to see if you get everything is setup correctly.3. click the email icon. Local e-mail address: The address your mail will be forwarded from.From the control panel. . Enter the mail server address. Select my outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication. - Choose mail forward from the drop-down list and click next: - On the page that appears.3 Forwards You can have any or all your email forwarded to an outside email account.3. Click ok to more settings.- Enter your full email address for your user name Enter your account password. which is either mail. create the forwarding rule. Remote e-mail address: The address your mail will be forwarded to. Click more settings and then outgoing server.com or the direct mail server address for both the incoming mail and outgoing mail.domainname. click Add new mail resource.1 Creating a Forward To create a forward.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. Then select the very last option to log on to incoming server before sending mail. . Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go.com pointing to webmaster@example. .4.From the control panel. 9. Remote: Any local or external address your mail is forwarded to.3. click the email icon.This will open its properties on the right.Choose mailing list from the drop-down list and click next: - Enter e-mail address: This is the e-mail address from which mail will be forwarded to subscribers. this message would bounce back to the sender with an error notification.com.com. Catch All: If this is on. 48 . . then click add new mail resource.ezmlm.- From the control panel. . Trouble Ticket: This option opens the ticket center where you can get technical assistance with any email problems. .Click on the email box for which you would like to change the forward.1 Adding a mailing list . this particular message will still arrive at webmaster@example. do the following: . any email sent to a nonexistent account on your domain will be forwarded to the remote addresses. If you mark this forward as catch all. Click on the email box for which you would like to change the forward.From the control panel. . click the email icon. Delete: Click the trash can icon to delete the forwarding rule. Example: You have a forward from president@example. incoming mail will be forwarded to webmaster@example. click the email icon. This will open its properties on the right: Local: The local address your mail is forwarded from. If this forward wasn't marked as catch all.Enter another destination address.4 Mailing lists Mailing lists allow you to send mail to multiple users.com.Click the edit icon in the remote field.At the bottom of the page that appears. If someone sends an email to support@example. The mailing list feature is implemented through EZMLM mailing list manager (www.3 Forwarding to multiple addresses To add more than one destination address to a forward.com.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. which doesn't exist. 9. 9. . .org). You can add moderators as you see fit. . . .4. 9.From the control panel.Click the add icon to the right of moderators.Click on the mailing list you would like to add a moderator to. .From the control panel.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. . . click the email icon.This will open its properties on the right.4. 9.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. .3 Adding subscribers to your mail list To add subscribers to your mail list: .Click on the Mailing list you would like to add subscribers to.This will open its properties on the right. 9. . first delete the resource that uses it. 49 .4.Click the edit icon to the right of subscribers.4.Click the add icon to the right of subscribers. . . . .Click on the Mailing list you would like to edit subscribers of. If you need to use an existing address.This will open its properties on the right. .Important: You can only enter a new e-mail address.Click the trash can icon to the right of the subscriber you would like to delete or click the remove all icon to remove all subscribers.You will have the option to add a single subscriber or a batch of subscribers one per line. .Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. click the email icon.4 Removing subscribers To remove subscribers from your mail list: . click the email icon.From the control panel.2 Configuring a mailing list 9.5 Adding moderators to your mail list To add moderators to your mail list: . . Instead of sending separate messages.4. Digest - The digest is a special kind of mailing list extension. Archive - By default. .Click on the mailing list you would like to remove moderators from. Receiving digest is very convenient for users who want to follow a list. subscribers who haven't been following the list for a while. Block Archive - You can prohibit the overall access to the archive and authorize only moderators to get in.9. subscribers can later retrieve messages from the archive. no missing messages. or who just want to see the discussion of a specific question can retrieve a specific set of messages from the archive. This way. click the email icon. Digests contain each message as it was sent out by the list.Click the edit icon to the right of moderators. For instance. Digest is sent out when a predetermined time or traffic limit has been reached. No editorials. .From the control panel. .Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. If the list owner has chosen to restrict posts and archive access to subscribers.6 Removing moderators from your mail list To remove moderators from your mail list: . 9.This will open its properties on the right. 50 .4. digest subscribers are automatically given the same privilege. but not to participate in the discussion. .7 Securing your list Mailing list software is notorious for allowing its members to get inundated with spam if configured wrong. it sends out a collection of messages ordered by digest subscriber’s collections of messages. all messages sent to a list are kept archived.Click the trash can icon to the right of the moderators you would like to delete or click the remove all icon to remove all moderators. . This will attempt to describe the different elements of the configuration to assist with securing your mailing list. The only difference is that you use your commands with 'digest' indication. Unsubscribe confirm - Unsubscribe confirmation is basically the same as the subscription process. Non-subscribers' requests will be rejected. When it is done.- From the subscriber point of view.com is called your_mailinglist-digest@domain. Subscription confirmation - Usually an applicant for subscription (your_mailinglist-subscribe@domain. If you want the subject line of each message that does not contain it. List subscribers 51 . You can always include or exclude confirmation from the subscription procedure. to include the prefix.com. This verification mechanism tests if the person at the subscription address really wants to be a subscriber. place the text in the file DIR/prefix Guard Archive - Here you can restrict the access to the mailing list archive by allowing only subscribers to retrieve the archive. the digest list for the mailing list your_mailinglist@domain. recipient's address is added to the database and he becomes a subscriber. one should just reply to the message. You use the same commands to work with digest as you do when you work with the main list. To confirm it. - Prefix - Check "no prefix" to prohibit adding prefix to the subject line of each message that does not already contain it. This just indicates if the user is required to confirm their unsubscribe request.com) is sent a confirmation request. listing this file allows the remote administrator to see recent additions and removals. On a message moderated list. since it has to be read and approved by at least one moderator before being sent out to the subscribers. you can allow remote administrators to edit the text files that make up most of the ezmlm responses. They can accept or reject. Posts from addresses other than moderators 52 . Replies are sent only if the target address is a remote administrator. and contents of the file are added to the “Reply-To:” address. If the list is called mailinglist@domain. The cookie becomes invalid as soon as the file has been changed. If the message is accepted.com). whichever is shorter. Text file - Here.- Mailing list users are not allowed to list the addresses of all subscribers. it is sent to the list unmodified. instead of going directly to the list (to send messages to the list. Still. For example. just send a message to mailinglist@domain. optionally with an explanation from the moderator. or after 27 hours. the cookie can’t be used to edit any other file. one must know its name. If it is rejected. Remote administrators can list this log or search it for specific entries. messages. Message moderation - The list owner may set up the list to be message moderated. ezmlm sends a message with the file and editing instructions. The subscription log stores entries for each modification made to the subscriber database. In reply to this command. it is e-mailed back to the sender. Only files where editing seems reasonable are included in the list. you can allow a remote administrator to get it. The remote administrator can edit any file in dir/text/ by sending an e-mail containing the new text to edit the file with. This is however recommended as it will stop your members from receiving spam. On moderated lists it may take a little longer for the message to reach all the subscribers. Also.com. ezmlm replies to the -edit command with a list of the files in dir/text/. but not modify the message. are sent to one or more moderators. With this switch. file name. A “cookie” based on the date. even if the other file has exactly the same contents. Otherwise. remote administrators may have the right/ability to list subscribers. Subscription moderation 53 . Request address is serviced - Enables/Disables the -request command. The –request allows commands to be sent in the subject/body of an email. This way you don’t have to send the command in the email address itself. refer to the ezmlm documentation on the ezmlm-request command. archive will be accessible only to the remote administrator. This is usually chosen to send announcement or notifications where the interaction between recipients is not intended. Respond to admin - If you enable this function. users will be required to request to the remote administrator in order to retrieve mail list archives. Enables remote administration - A remote administrator is an address with the rights to do certain administrative tasks remotely by e-mail. add and remove subscriber addresses and/or edit the texts that are sent in reply to list commands.- Here you can disable posting by subscribers to the mailing list. search for subscriber addresses by name. Depending on how the list is configured. For more information on this. so they will only receive messages posted by moderators. .From the control panel click the email icon. where bounces are collected)? 9. i. except that after confirmation the request is passed on to the list moderator. Subscription to these lists is identical to the process described above. It is like having 2 email addresses assigned to the same mailbox.Choose mail alias from the drop-down list and click next: 54 . In this case posts received from non-subscribers will be rejected and sent back.5. click add new mail resource: .8 Requesting white listing If you are using the ezmlm mail list or if you have a web based mail list script and you notice trouble there may be a simple solution. For instance. - You can set up your mailing list to allow posts from subscribers only. This is done by our administration staff only through our 24/7 Help Desk. If you feel this needs to be completed please place a ticket providing the following information and the administrators will take your request into consideration. The user also wants to be able to receive mail from [email protected] Mailing lists may use subscription moderation.e.4.5 Mailbox alias A mailbox alias is a way of having mail arrive to a mailbox other than or in addition to the mailbox it was being sent to. an email address info@domain. .1 Adding/Removing a mailbox alias To add a mailbox alias: . 9. 9.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go.com is created. One becomes a subscriber only after his request has been approved by a moderator. How many messages will you be sending to send per hour/day/week? Describe your policy regarding the treatment of bounced messages. will be shown as the return-path in list messages (the address. he replies to the “Reply-To:” address.com to the same mailbox. What application is being used to send your messages? Which email address.At the bottom of the page that appears. If you have a mail list or a script that is sending more than 300 messages a day there is a possibility you may need to be white listed on our mail servers. User posts only. 6. the system will immediately send a uniform response back to the sender. do the following: .Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. . .Click on the mailbox alias you would like to remove. .From the control panel click the email icon.Click the “trash can” icon next to delete.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. click add new mail resource: .6 Mail auto responders 9.At the bottom of the page that appears.From the control panel click the email icon.Use this form to compose an auto response message: 55 . do the following: . . . Whenever a message arrives in a mailbox. To add an auto responder. . 9.To remove a mailbox alias.1 Adding an auto responder An auto responder is a mailbox attribute.This will open its properties on the right. 6. .This will launch the webmail interface in a separate window. .1 How to use 9.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go.From the control panel click the email icon.Go to manage.Click the edit icon next to message. .com. .7. do the following: .From the control panel click the email icon.7.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go.1 Login from the control panel Login from the control panel: .Send a Copy To: The option e-mail address to which copies of response messages will be e-mailed.Click on the corresponding auto responder. You will see an option to access your webmail account. 56 . do the following: .ixwebhosting.3 Removing an auto responders To remove an auto responder.Click on the email box which you would like to login to.7. .From the control panel click the email icon. . . 9. 9. .1. .Click on the auto responder which you would like to remove. 9.Click the “launch” icon to the right of webmail.6. .2 Editing an auto responder message To edit an auto responder.Select the domain in the drop down box at the top and click go. Subject: The subject of the response message Message: The body of the response message 9.2 Login from the login page Login from the login page: .7 Webmail 9.This will open its properties on the right. . .1.Click the “trash can” icon next to delete.This will open its properties on the right. We highly recommend that you contact your ISP and request their outgoing mail server information.2 Other webmail clients Many other webmail clients and services will work with our email service. 9. Sadly at this time there is no “trust” system in place that would allow certain email providers to be granted access. It merely facilitates the starting point for the piece of mail. The best option for this situation is to contact your ISP who may be able to remove the block or give access to their email server for outgoing messages. This protection is called “POP-before-SMTP” and is for the benefit of your domain. These can be installed the same as any other php application.3 Login directly to webmail Login directly to webmail: .com. in your browser.8 Troubleshooting 9. which is the port most mail servers and mail clients use by default for outgoing mail. .7.domain. − Select the file you uploaded and then select the uncompress option to the right. .1 Port 25 Block With spam on the rise and many compromised computers. − This can be accomplished from the WebShell utility on your control panel. and use this for your outgoing email. replace “domain” with your domain name. This will usually start the install process. 9.The downloaded file needs to be uploaded to your hosting account.You then need to extract or uncompress the downloaded file. including home computers. This block is intended to allow the ISP to regulate what email travels across their networks. being used by spammers to send unwanted messages. While this is a very good way to help eliminate random spam sources.7. If you have any problems configuring your email client or if you should have any other questions regarding this feel free to contact us. ISP‘s have instituted new tactics to prevent the sending of unwanted messages on their networks. WARNING: This will replace any existing files by the same name.8.8. 9. Due to this protection. This will not affect the appearance of your email. it will not be possible for a spammer to use your mail server to relay their unwanted messages.9. it does unfortunately affect the legitimate people who simply want to use another email server to send their email. that domain is not allowed to be relayed through this MTA” when trying to send email is commonly related to an anti-spam protection we have in place on our network.1.You can login your webmail directly at the URL mail. . that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpthosts” or “sorry. as an outgoing mail server is not unlike a postal mail drop box.You will then. Webmail clients such as horde and squirrel mail need to be installed in your web space to work.2 POP before SMTP The reason you get the error message: “sorry. go to the location that you uncompressed the file. 57 . One of their methods is to block port 25. SpamCop – This service provides list of IP addresses of known spam sources. Currently the following providers are honored AOL. Clicking the link will allow you to download the original complaint message. but we are taking steps to lessen the amount of spam received. The message instructs the blocked party to visit a link to the actual message sent. Postmaster block ." the term is both a noun (the e-mail message) and a verb (to send it). For a certain period of time after you check for mail. "unsolicited bulk e-mail" (UBE). You must place a ticket in our 24/7 Help Desk and our system administration team will review your request to have your IP removed from the blacklist. E-mail that is not requested is SPAM no special criteria needed. Whenever you are blocked by this system.1 How to get unblocked A customer must agree to stop causing spam complaints before the block may be removed.3.3.8. If we received a complaint of spam from one of these sources we investigate the situation and if the complaint is valid we block the source IP address. which can be opened in WordPad or other text editor.simply login again to your mail server (check your mailbox for new emails) and you will then be able to send again. 9. Currently the following providers are honored AOL. Also known as "unsolicited commercial e-mail" (UCE).You can still use the SMTP service that comes with your account.1 What is it? We honor spam complaints sent from individuals and a few different providers. Some customers have decided (but are not required) to stop sending mail to AOL and other major mail services altogether to prevent further issues. 9. Due to the fact that computers are not human detection will never be perfect. 9.9. 9. Spam is mostly used to advertise products and sometimes to broadcast some political or social commentary.8. Juno and UUNet.1 What is Spam? Email spam usually pertains to unsolicited commercial messages sent in bulk by people you don't know although there are exceptions to this rule.9. If these addresses receive a message it is almost guaranteed to be spam as these addresses are not used or public. Juno and UUNet. As soon as you receive the same error message .2 How we fight it Spam has become a part of life for anyone who has an email account. They maintain email addresses that are used as spam traps. you will receive a bounce-back message.We honor spam complaints sent from individuals and a few different providers.3 Postmaster block 9. "gray mail" and just plain "junk mail.9 SPAM 9. When sending mail you first have to login to your email server.8. 58 . If we received a complaint of spam from one of these sources we investigate the situation and if the complaint is valid we block the source IP address. this usually happens when you check for new messages. you are authorized to send email through your mail server. 9.Go to the tools menu and click on “message filters…” . .) .3. click on the underlined word “specified” . the folder you set up in steps 3 and 4.A new option box will open. .From the folder list.9. 9. We are in the process of developing a more advanced method for spam detection and blocking and we hope to have these systems available as soon as possible. 59 .3.Click “next” and “next” again and for the name of the rule enter “spam marking” .From the outlook menu list click on “tools” and select “rules wizard” or “rules and alerts” .Click on or select “inbox” in your mail folders (NOTE: you may have to turn on folder view if it is not already on to select the Inbox folder.On the window that pops up.Right click with your mouse on the inbox folder and from the popup menu select “mew folder” .Click “finish” (NOTE: Make sure that there is a check in the box to the left of the rule you just created and click ok.In the box below.Highlight “check messages when they arrive” .Start Outlook Express .) . if any of the sending servers are blacklisted.Click “next” . Find “customize…” at the bottom of the list and click on it.Give the filter a name (such as “spam”) and click on the down arrow of the drop box that currently says “subject”. . including checks to see if the sender and recipient address are valid.Scroll down and look for the line “with specific words in the message header” and place a check in the box to the left of it.9.For the name of the folder enter “spam mail” and click ok . if the body contains any of a list of forbidden words.SpamAssassin – This system works by "scoring" each e-mail message against a range of tests designed to identify if that message is spam or not. Each test adds to a message's overall spam score.This should move much of the spam you receive to the spam mail folder where you can review and delete it. click on the underlined words “specific words” . click “new” to create a new message filter for spam.3 How to reduce There are multiple options available to help control spam email.Start Thunderbird. . and so on.1 SpamAssassin filters in Outlook Express .Look for “move to a folder named” and place a check in the box to its left .Click on “new” .9.Select “start from a blank rule” . This will discuss the setting up of spam assassin filters and built in spam filters of Outlook Express and Thunderbird. 9. messages over a certain user-defined threshold are marked as spam. A wide number of tests are provided. enter “X-Spam-Status: Yes” (without quotes) and click the “add” button (be sure you leave a blank space between the colon and the word Yes) .2 Thunderbird Spam Assassin Filters .Click “next” . scroll to and select the folder spam mail. if the message dates are valid.In the space below. You can download and install many different spam filters for your home email client. If it doesn’t automatically change the first drop-down box to “X-Spam-Flag” that you just added. under “new message header:” type X-Spam-Flag. you can close the window and you’re done! This should move much of the spam you receive to the spam mail folder where you can review and delete it. Click the check box next to “move to folder” and select the folder that you want to move spam to. Click on the “add” button next to it.3 Junk mail controls in Thunderbird Thunderbird has a very good built in spam filter that is trainable and will catch most spam messages.Go to tools in the top navigation bar. and it will move it to the box below. Click “ok” Your new filter should show up in the list now. . .3.- - In the pop-up window.Start Thunderbird. click on this option . type yes. 60 . In the 3rd box. 9. Click OK.Click on tool you should see an option for junk mail controls.9. click on the arrow again and choose it from the list.Click the check box which says trust junk mail headers set by: then in the drop down box which is next to it select to use spam assassin. . 3 Changing MySQL disk quota To change MySQL disk quota: .1. Click the 'finish' button at the bottom when you are done. access. . Enter this same password again in the 'confirm password' field and assign a role for this user.1. Host Name: The domain name and IP address of the database server Port number: MySQL 3306 NOTE: If you have problems accessing phpMyAdmin from here. it will return you to the same page. When you are finished.1. To access the MySQL database settings page: . you will need to create a user name and password.1 MySQL 10. .Click the 'add user' button.Click the 'add' icon next to the words 'add database' .From the control panel. and process stored data. .Enter the name for your new database along with a description of the database. 10. You have now successfully created a MySQL database and user. It allows you to add. 61 . click 'next'. 10. .Now.1 Hosting MySQL databases MySQL is a database management system.Click the 'MySQL Server' icon. Databases SQL or "Structured Query Language" and is a commonly used way to access databases.Click the 'MySQL Server' icon.Then select the database name. try the main phpMyAdmin icon on the control panel. click the 'MySQL Server' icon. When this completes.2 Creating MySQL databases To create MySQL databases: . 10. You may now add additional users or grant privileges to users of other databases.10. At this screen you may set the new database quota.4 Adding/Removing MySQL users To add a MySQL user: . Click 'submit' when you are finished.” 62 .2.Click the 'MySQL Server' icon. 10.Enter the new password and confirm.- - Choose the database name that you would like to change the quota for and click the 'edit' icon that appears to the right of the database name. In the 'quota' field.1.5 Changing user passwords To change user passwords: .Click the "pen & paper" icon that appears to the right of the user name. Click on the "pen & paper" icon to the right of this. . To remove a MySQL user: .In the 'database users' field. .This will bring up the database settings page.1 Editing MySQL databases To edit a MySQL database: . Choose a user role and click 'add'. 10. .1.Click 'submit'.Click the 'MySQL Server' Icon.Click the “trash can” icon next to the username and confirm to remove it. select the user that you would like to change the privileges for and click the 'edit' icon that appears to the right of the user name. .Click the specific database name that you would like to edit. 10. 10. .In the 'database users' field.Click the empty box to add a check to each privilege you would like to grant to the user. .Click 'change'. .Create a new user name along with a password and confirm this password. . click the 'add' icon.Click the 'MySQL Server' Icon. . This can also be used to create and restore Mysql backups. .This will bring up the database settings page.Click “Built in phpMyAdmin control panel.Click the 'MySQL Server' icon.Click the 'MySQL Server' Icon. . select the user that you would like to change the password for .6 Changing user permissions To change user permissions: . . 10.2 phpMyAdmin Phpmyadmin is a common tool used to view and edit the content within your databases.Click the database name.Click the database name.At the bottom. you will see the current amount of space the database uses and current disk quota set for this database. .1. . . Click the specific database name that you would like to restore from a backup. check 'Save as File' and create a name for the backup.Click the 'export' tab located near the top of the screen.Choose your preferred format type and any options you would like to apply. .Click the 'MySQL Server' icon.Click the database name on the left-hand side.Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel. .3.Click go . . .3.Depending on your browser's settings.3 PostgreSQL 10. . the backup file may automatically download or your browser may prompt you to save the file.2 Creating backups To create a backup: .Click the 'Import' tab located near the top of the screen. .Click the 'Browse' button to select the backup file from your local computer. 63 . .2 Creating PostgreSQL database To create a PostgreSQL database: . click the database name in the drop down box.Click the phpMyAdmin icon on the control panel. . you may also create PostgreSQL databases. Click on the database name to the left.2. Host Name: The domain name and IP address of the database server Port number: MySQL 3306 10.At the bottom. . . . .On the left hand side.Click go 10.NOTE: If you have problems accessing phpMyAdmin from here. you can make changes to the database such as creating/removing tables and editing data. try the main phpMyAdmin icon on the control panel. 10.Click the phpMyAdmin icon on the control panel. From here.Click the specific database name that you would like to create a backup of. 10.1 Hosting PostgreSQL databases In addition to MySQL.2.3 Restoring backups To restore a database: . You may also choose a compression format. Click 'Built in phpPgAdmin control panel'. . . NOTE: If you have problems accessing phpPgAdmin from here. .3.Click the 'Submit' button. try the main phpPgAdmin icon on the control panel.3 Changing PgSQL disk quota To change the PostgreSQL disk quota: . click the 'Submit' button.Enter the new password and confirm it . . . I agree with the above' to confirm.4 Adding/Removing PostgreSQL users 10. . Choose an owner for the database from the dropdown. .1 Adding PostgreSQL users To add PostgreSQL users: .3. .Click 'Yes. .To delete a user. Click the "Pen & Paper" icon located to the right.Near the bottom. .4. . you will see all created users.3.Near the bottom.3. click the "trash can" icon that appears to the far right of the user name. 64 .At the bottom. you can make changes to the database such as creating/removing tables and editing data.Click Change 10.5 Changing passwords To change PostgreSQL passwords: .Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel.Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel.Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel.4 PgSQL 10. you will see all created users.Click the 'Add User' icon at the bottom.1 Editing PgSQL databases To edit a PgSQL database: .- Click the 'Add Database' icon.Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel.4.2 Removing users To remove PostgreSQL users: . 10.3. . 10. Assign a name for the database. .4. Click on the database name to the left From here.Click on the specific database name that you would like to edit.To change the password.Click the 'PgSQL Server’ icon on the control panel. .Enter the desired quota.Click on the database name that you would like to change the quota for.Enter a desired user name and password and confirmed the password. 10. When finished. 10. . you will see the current disk space used and the total disk space the database can occupy. click the "Pen & Paper" icon located to the right of the user name.Click the 'Add' button. 3 Adding MSSQL database users To add MSSQL database users.At the bottom.5.6.6 ODBC 10. select the user from the dropdown that you would like to associate with this database.2 Creating a new DSN record To create a new DSN Record. 10.Set the desired quota then click the 'submit' button 10. do the following: .one for each database format.Click the 'MSSQL Server' icon on the control panel. ODBC makes it possible to access any data from any application by means of ODBC drivers .5 MSSQL (Windows plans only) 10. .Enter the desired database name. and the list of available ODBC drivers will show. do the following: . You can create a DSN (date source name) records based on ODBC drivers to access databases of different formats under Windows plan. When you are finished.Enter the desired login name then enter the desired password twice.1 What is ODBC? ODBC .Open Database Connectivity is a standard database access method developed by Microsoft Corporation.Click the 'MSSQL Server' icon on the control panel.5. When you are satisfied.Click the 'MSSQL server' icon on the control panel.4 Changing MSSQL disk quota To change MSSQL disk quota. .1 Hosting Microsoft SQL databases Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system produced by Microsoft. It supports a superset of SQL.At the bottom under the 'MS SQL databases' heading.10. .Click the 'add' button next to 'add new MS SQL login' . click the 'submit' button. . click the 'add' button next to 'add database' .5.6. do the following: .5. 65 . 10. 10. you will see all existing databases.In the 'database quota' field.2 Creating MSSQL databases To create a MSSQL database: . click the "pen & paper" icon . 10. click the 'submit' button.Click the ODBC icon on your control panel page. Next. Click the 'edit' button that appears to the right of the database name that you would like to edit. do the following: . . - Click Create 10. .Edit the DSN records in the form that appears. Fill the form that appears.- Click the Add icon next to the DB driver you need.Click update 66 . . in the “Your DSN” section.Click the ODBC icon on your control panel. Directories and file names must include paths relative to your home dir root.3 Editing DSN records To edit a DSN record.6. NOTE: The first part of your full DSN name is your Windows login. click the edit icon next to the DSN record you need. (the SourceDB field should include the name of the database and the extension).On the page that shows. Forms are different depending on the DSN type: Enter the second part of your full DSN name in the DSN field. 4 Deleting DSN records To delete a DSN record. . do the following: . 67 .In the Your DSN section.6. click the “trash can” icon next to the existing DSN to delete it.10.Click the ODBC icon on your control panel. html 11.c5. 11.2 Shared vs. These providers range in price and popularity depending on the provider.1 What is SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer protocol) is a standard for transmitting confidential data such as credit card information over the Internet. The c5 would represent the control panel which you are on.2 Installing an SSL certificate To install an SSL certificate . This is the standard minimum security level for an internet business.org/docs/2. This is done for both you and your customer’s safety. Thawte Go Daddy Verisign CAcert Rapid SSL 11. If you are going to transmit sensitive information via a webpage it should be protected.11.1.ixwebhosting. 68 . . Here are a few of the current providers worth looking into. To read more about what is SSL and how it works. SSL works by using a private key and public key to encrypt data before it is transmitted. You can find this information by clicking on the magnifying glass icon under SSL inside your hosting account control panel.1. at the other end the matching key decrypts the transmission.1 Providers There are many SSL providers that will provide you with a dedicated SSL certificate for your domain.8/index. With shared SSL you usually get a secure URL like https://domain.modssl. Dedicated SSL certificates are not free so they are usually something only used if you were going to process credit card transactions or transmit sensitive information. go to http://www. Shared SSL uses a certificate we provide to secure multiple sites.Click the SSL icon on the control panel. Most true business sites support this feature to increase security during data transmissions over the Internet. SSL 11.com/. Dedicated SSL With a shared SSL certificate you get the benefits of SSL with out the costs that are usually associated with setting up a SSL server. For dedicated SSL you must purchase your own SSL certificate and have a dedicated IP address to run the SSL server on.Select the domain for which you wish to install the certificate. Unlike a regular SSL certificate. .ixwebhosting. do the following: .If the icon is currently off then click the button under the shared SSL column to turn it on.2. 11.2 Creating a temporary certificate The only difference between temporary and permanent certificates is that temporary certificates are generated by your control panel.Click the generate link at the top of the form that appears.- You can install a shared SSL certificate or a dedicated SSL certificate.The secure certificate would look like this domain. To generate a new temporary SSL private key and certificate. Thus. .Enable the SSL for the requested domain in the list.Click the SSL on your control panel page.com.2. they will get an "unknown certification authority" warning window.C*. while still belonging to an equally trusted Certificate Authority. it is free and doesn't require a dedicated IP. To use our shared SSL: . 11. not trusted certificate authorities. . You can’t have both shared and dedicated SSL certificates installed. when visitors enter your site. 69 . .1 Using our shared SSL certificate You can use our shared SSL certificate instead of purchasing a certificate of your own.Click the SSL icon on the control panel. 70 .- Click on generate a temporary SSL certificate and certificate request. such as Thawte or VeriSign. you will need it if you get a permanent certificate. This data will be used to generate the certificate. Don't make changes to the data if you are not sure about the purpose of these changes. NOTE: You must remember to click the submit query link once you have relayed the information to the certificate authority.- Once you have the needed information filled in click on the submit button. It must be stored in a secure place where it is inaccessible to others. SSL certificate signing request: It includes the details that you submitted on the previous step. Don't lose this key. 71 . Use this request if you want to get a permanent SSL certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority. SSL server private key: This is the secret key to decrypt messages from your visitors. org.2.Temporary SSL certificate: It validates your identity and confirms the public key to assure the visitors that they are communicating with your server.3 Acquiring a permanent certificate There are many providers who can provide a SSL certificate. however for this tutorial we are going to use a free certificate provider. The previously created signing request completed above is submitted to CAcert: - CAcert provides the full server key to install: 72 . cacert. not any other party. 11. - Click the SSL icon from the control panel. NOTE: After generating a CSR do not hit the on button because you will have to generate a new key from your provider. Once inside of the control panel you will click on the edit button 73 The certificate in this example has only one certificate, this is usually the case with a previously generated certificate request. Some providers will also give you multiple keys such as Go Daddy and Verisign 74 Once the certificate file has been pasted correctly select the upload button. This should be the last step. If you have installed your SSL certificate correctly you should see the information issued by your provider: NOTE: It can take a few hours for the changes to start working. 75 12. etc. 12. Creating an online store There are many different shopping carts systems available. Many are php or asp based and most can easily be installed." You can manage osCommerce databases with any MySQL GUI client or the built-in phpMyAdmin control panel. We provide oscommerce to our customers which can be installed at the click of a single button. WARNING: Assigning a previously created MySQL database for use by osCommerce will clear contents of all its tables.1.Create a database and a user.On the page that shows enable osCommerce for the online store domain. NOTE: Switching off or editing your osCommerce can permanently remove all your osCommerce settings. The databases used by osCommerce will show among your MySQL databases marked “Locked By osCommerce. 12. you will have to configure it from scratch. do the following: .1. This option resets the configuration file using the current hosting settings and restores the osCommerce files from the bundle. EDIT: Click the icon in the case that you somehow corrupted the templates and want to get them fixed. . called osCommerce. catalogs.1 Preinstalled osCommerce Your control panel comes with a one click install on-line store builder. For instructions on how to operate your on-line shop visit the manufactures website. So after you disable/enable it. 76 . such as products. NOTE: After initial setup the shopping cart is functional but not operational. It only explains how to install and access the integrated estores from your control panel. until the store is fully configured and setup with a merchant account.1 Setting up osCommerce To set up osCommerce online shop.2 osCommerce controls ON/OFF: Enable/disable the resource.Click osCommerce on the control panel. etc. NOTE: You should set password protection on your "admin" directory using the Htprotect utility. 12. It can also be useful if you have just set your e-shop to use a SSL certificate. This document is not a storefront management guide. osCommerce uses MySQL databases to store your commercial data. This is done to restrict public access to osCommerce configuration. . databases. X Cart and Cube Cart are supported on both our Windows and Linux packages.com/catalog in your browser and it will start the installation. You can always contact us if you need specific compatibility information. it can be time consuming and complicated.1 Setting up other shopping carts Our hosting packages will support most of the popular shopping cart applications.2 Shopping cart options 12. 77 .The downloaded file needs to be uploaded to your hosting account. − You will access the domain. Providers such as King-Cart are all inclusive and work as a complimentary add-on to a hosting account.1. . Setting up a shopping cart from scratch is not for everyone. 12. External shopping cart services can be much easier to setup and maintain. − Navigate to the folder where you would like to install the application. Most of the time there are installation instructions available in the downloaded file. (NOTE: This will remove any files or folders with the same name and location. It is always best to check the system requirements for the shopping cart software which you want to install prior to attempting installation.3 More information For more information refer to the manufactures website: http://oscommerce.2. ADMIN: Click the icon to go to your osCommerce administrative panel.You then need to extract or uncompress the downloaded file.2 How to setup Shopping cart applications such as Zen Cart are usually php or asp based and often downloaded as a compressed zip file.com/ 12. 12.2. − This can be accomplished from the WebShell3 utility on your control panel. − Select the file you uploaded and then select the uncompress option to the right.E-SHOP: Click the icon to go directly to your on-line store. The general flow is as follows: . Open source shopping carts such as Zen Cart.) − This will extract the website and install files to a directory with the name of the compressed file. 13. For more information on our Help Desk system.com/templates/ix/docs/Helpdesk_IX.2 Live chat Our live chat will be happy to assist you 24/7 with any issue.3 Phone support We have support staff available 24/7 by phone to assist with any account maintenance or technical support issue.13.ixwebhosting. Contact information can be found on the front page of our website. 78 .1 Ticket center Our support staff can be contacted through our Help Desk. which can be reached from the 24/7 Help Desk icon on the account control panel or the ticket center icon at the bottom of the hosting account control panel. Getting technical support All of our support channels are available 24/7 to assist you.pdf 13. please consult the help desk manual available at the following URL. They can be reached from the front page of our website. 13. https://www.
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