Ivalice Races Pathfinder



C hapter T wo: R aces As Bangaa Hume a result. guttural voice. Urutan-Yensa Gria Despite their stature. skin of fine. almost dog-like ears. Endowed with a mystical energy. Still. Over time the bangaa assimilated in to the society of their masters. Still. Friendly and outgoing. However. Long of face and ear. assuming physical roles like solider or laborer. Moogles The Baknamy are ruthless. but without a culture to call their own they exist mostly in hume cities. factions. from time to time. Society: Bangaa culture was wiped out long ago when their race was enslaved by humes. and a tail. with which they richly adorn their bulky forms. Seeq are fond of gemstones. Garif despise the use of metal. apart from other races. dwarves. Others strive for rebirth of their race’s own identity in the world. breaking from the path of the Green Word and entering the world at large. Today most bangaa are free. Relations: Most bangaa are amiable with the other civilized races. Seeq are ponderous large. and glory makes human-kind the most populous and widespread of the civilized races of Ivalice. the entire bangaa race was enslaved. UrutanYensa will cull weakness and suppress attempts at change. goods and products rise and fall with demand. goblin-like creature. gold. the perpetually old nu-mou are attuned to magic and Mist. bangaa have risen from slavery and most have integrated into hume society. without a unifying racial identity of their own. despising humes and their bangaa alike. Despite their ever-cooperative nature. male and female bangaa are nearly indistinguishable. moogles are the children of forgotten fey-gods. Outwardly. the humes. bangaa fight against the perception that their slow or dull with an eager. Bangaa are often perceived as overly competitive. Though it is a fantasy world—the game is called Final Fantasy. in addition to humans. bangaa are a fracture. Nu-Mou Even-tempered and thoughtful. their culture instead makes use of wood and stone. and 15 bangaa are perpetually a step behind. with a strength to match. nu-mou are sought as sages and advisors. empire. many gria consider themselves fey. It’s more accurate to say that bangaa are eager to prove their usefulness. Most viera live their long lives in seclusion. deep within the forests of Kerwon. Bangaa speak in a distinct. many bangaa survive in the wild as brigands and raiders. With a lifespan longer than any other race. forming guilds. Bangaa have a four. to better avoid garnering . or gnomes. bangaa are easily insulted—especially at “lizardman” jibes—and often carry a gruff demeanor to dissuade friendly banter that might lead to wounded pride. and other shiny objects. presented here are nine races unique to Ivalice. with skin of scales. or not depending upon allegiances. conflict or tragedy will cause a viera to question her way of life. and even founding bangaa villages. the dragon-blooded 14 Moogle Sandsea. preying upon humes and city-bangaa equally. though a handful of bangaa-dominated villages have begun to appear throughout Ivalice. They tend to travel in groups or pairs to better watch each other’s backs. Viera gria possess both strength of arm and conviction. long floppy. colorful scales. some bangaa act out against this assimilation. With strong ties to the Green Word. giving rise to the notion that there are no female bangaa. though humes (humans) are far and away the dominant race. but suitable for any fantasy world: Nu-Mou Baknamy Humes Viera Their penchant for expansion. few have cause to dislike moogles. Hume society is ever evolving: social niceties change with the seasons. willful attitude. after all—Ivalice has no elves. having integrated closely into hume society. fiercely territorial and possessive. fragmented race. Bangaa avoid associated with the dim-witted seeq. In the intervening ages. Physical Description: The bangaa are a reptilian race. Every Garif receives a mask on the day they are born and they wear it until the day they die. though they’re fiercely competitive and easily offended. though they disdain being compared to lizardmen. a bangaa is lithe and strong. Instead. Bangaa have little culture of their own. Seeq Garif Considered somewhat duller and cruder than humes. Bangaa Baknamy Urutan-Yensa The Urutan-Yensa live exclusively on the Bangaa In an ancient age long past. Extremely proud of their culture.Seeq Gria Garif People of Ivalice The people of Ivalice are diverse. Regardless of where they live. weaklings. Agile: Bangaa receive a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks. weapons. This racial trait replaces the ardent racial trait. Baknamy with this racial trait gain +2 to Craft (alchemy). you gain the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. but easily distracted. Prerequisites: Bangaa. Bangaa receive the Dodge feat as a bonus feat. or one the decoy. Additionally. baknamy non-the-less embrace avarice as a way of life. +2 Intelligence. molding and expanding the terrain and protecting it from intruders. Though generally cooperative and friendly. and Spellcraft checks. Bangaa with this racial trait treat all Knowledge skills as class skills. and ultimate disgrace. betrayal. Ardent: A bangaa receives a +2 to all attack rolls and skill checks for independent. though most any baknamy will overlook the viera’s haughty. Furthermore. whether this practice is a requirement in oxygen-rich environments or merely a superstition is not known. of Languages: Bangaa begin play speaking Common. Baknamy are strong without being bulky and lanky without being lithe. The “civilized” races who do not value cleverness are easy prey for ambushes or pilfering. partnerships that dissolve ruin both parties. there was a time when their race used them for protection. Bangaa with this racial trait gain proficiency with any one weapon. Medium: Baknamy are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Cooperative: Baknamy receive any teamwork feat as a bonus feat. Baknamy who achieve success individually are valued and lauded. Existing on the edges of settled lands. Garif Darkvision: Baknamy can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Alternate Racial Traits Blinded: Normal bangaa have poor eyesight. baknamy thrive in otherwise uninhabitable locations: bogs. Though less savage than their goblin cousins. Deft Pugilist: Bangaa learn from an early age their agility is their greatest asset. Likewise with the savage baknamy. A bangaa cannot receive a bonus to any roll from Aid Another. and distinctive bakmasks. when making an unarmed attack. instead of your Strength modifier. baknamy are regarded as thieves and cowards. Bangaa Racial Traits Benefit: Instead of the benefits of the deft pugilist racial trait. whether with other baknamy or not. flanking. This racial trait replaces the ardent racial trait. 16 wastelands. misguided notions if there is profit in it. the garif long ago left . New Feat: Deft Pugilist often cultivate these lands as a method of expansion. baknamy gain an additional +2 bonus on flanking. baknamy horns can still serve as functional. stark skin tone. and dangerous. With a storied history of heroism. non-cooperative tasks. or similar cooperative abilities and bonuses in conjunction with the bonus from ardent. Viera and baknamy are usually devoted enemies. prideless. Those bangaa who show aptitude for a particular weapon pursue study of that weapon feverishly. Some bangaa purposefully wear blindfolds or other eye coverings beginning at an early age to better develop their olfactory sense. When outside their preferred domain. Normal Speed: Baknamy have a base speed of 30 feet. This racial trait replaces the clever or stealthy racial trait (player’s choice).. Alternate Racial Traits Alchemist: Though newfound amongst the baknamy. and the deep earth. whereas those who display savvy and awareness are better dealt with through bargain. bangaa are quick to anger if insulted. you may apply your Dexterity modifier to attacks and damage. This racial trait replaces the deft pugilist racial trait. Your unarmed training goes beyond that of other Bangaa. The ancient bangaa language is now all but forgotten to most bangaa. Weapon Familiarity: All bangaa train for combat while young. This racial trait replaces the clever racial trait. In addition. Baknamy regard the civilized races as foolhardy. Bangaa are always considered armed and do not provoke an attack opportunity for making an unarmed attack. but slow to adapt and have a surly demeanor. deserts. (bogs. and similar cooperative checks when performing these actions with another baknamy with the cooperative racial trait. trusted only at sword point. Baknamy Stealthy: Baknamy recieve Stealthy as a bonus feat. and Seeqin. In addition. and Sense Wilderist: Certain baknamy cultivate the wastelands their race calls home. made up for by exceptional smell. Dalmascan. Physical Description: Instantly recognizable for their curving horns. those baknamy—through trickery or bravery—who are the most daring and clever. Baknamy with this racial trait gain a gore natural attack that deals 1d4 damage on a successful hit. Society: Baknamy society favors the bold. such as Kupo or Druidic). Baknamy To the civilized races.such a label for themselves. With training. -2 Charisma: Bangaa are lithe of body and cooperative in spirit. and secretly jealous of the other race’s storied histories. The nature of these pairings is seldom unique. underground). but neither is it predictable: one may be the brains the other the brawn. Baknamy with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Arcadian. +2 Dexterity. Bluff. train their bodies to capitalize. Knowledge (arcana). Motive checks. Bangaa with this racial trait are blind but receive the scent special ability. Bangaa with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages. Normal Speed: Bangaa have a base speed of 30 feet. haughty. Baknamy Racial Traits +2 Dexterity. Baknamy often gain prestige and standing in pairs: siblings or trusted friends. though words and phrases survive. Questioning: Certain bangaa ponder their race’s history and place in the world. trait replaces the stealthy racial 17 The garif are a peace-loving and pastoral people. but are seldom trusted with leadership roles. Clever: Baknamy gain a +2 racial bonus to Appraise. teamwork feats. Medium: Bangaa are Medium creatures and have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. and gain a +2 racial bonus to the Knowledge skill of their choice. Languages: Baknamy begin play speaking Common and Goblin. Baknamy wear air-filtering masks. Gore-Trained: Though baknamy horns are largely decorative. Baknamy with this racial trait gain +4 to Stealth and Survival checks in such terrain fens. +2 Wisdom. aid another. Likewise. bangaa with this racial trait receive no penalties for being blind as long as the bangaa is able to use scent instead. baknamy are an offshoot of the goblinoid race with skin colors ranging from pale green to puce. This racial trait. Relations: Baknamy will deal and trade with anyone with an eye toward material wealth or some other advantage in all dealings. deft pugilist racial trait. one the hunter. -2 Wisdom: Baknamy are hardy and clever. some have shown a penchant for alchemical experiment. e. herbalist. Their frail. the one thing that truly ignites the lost Alternate Racial Traits Historian: True to their traditional ways. a choice that laid their race low long ago. the Occuria removed their gift. garif have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. On the day he is born. . This racial trait replaces the masked racial trait. craftsmen. their alliances are no more than skin deep. Though gria enjoy peaceful relations with nearly all nations. becomes an unmasked. The chosen with simple bone. The gria were the chosen of the Occuria. It remains to be seen which holds the greater value. and little else. god-like beings bent on shaping Ivalice to their will. Physical A garif receives one skill Appearance: Garif rank each level to place have an intimidating into one of the following appearance that skills: Craft (any). The all-male race shepherd. ancient garif traditions of training for combat. skill is a class skill. traders. Unmasked: Few garif ever voluntarily part with their mask. instead selling their swords and magicks to the highest bidder. and philosophers are the most common of garif professions. The Occuria gifted the gria with great power. but slow to adapt. belies their peaceful Garif enjoying a Knowledge (nature).g. select garif become fonts of knowledge regarding their race’s history. philosophical folk. Garif Racial Traits +2 Constitution. and teach to their young. betrayal. were unable to master the element. and ceramic accoutrement. once-greatness and the garif’s vows of peace. if not all. An empire that controlled the known world. Normal Speed: Garif land speed is 30 feet. of the race live by the sword. a garif and boar spear and treat any weapon with the word receives a mask. winged humanoids distinguished by draconic features and prominent horns. to ensure the continuance of their traditions. a custom that reminds all of their “garif” in the name as a martial weapon. Draconic. of the commitment to peace that ended their warrior empire. and the garif. Raithin. destroying their great cities and technology. etc. Gria Racial Traits +2 Strength. A garif with this racial trait receives one skill rank each level in Knowledge (history). doing the job they’re paid for. as a whole the race only holds allegiance to two people: contractees. the greed of the baknamy. the rulers of an empire that controlled the known world. the Occuria removed their gift. strong limbs. trading on their warrior-like ways to provide for their communities. The gria. and ultimate disgrace. Dalmascan. This tale all young gria learn in their youth. -2 Intelligence: Garif are hardy. and only for brief periods. Relations: Gria friendships run deep. Society: Gria civilized in that they honor pacts and seek peace with their neighbors and allies. and the savagery of the seeq. Languages: Garif begin play speaking Common. Masked: Garif wear masks in remembrance of their vows. Most. passions of the garif. and teach to their young. an unmasked garif embraces their ancient warrior selves. In retribution. the boisterousness of the moogles. dainty appearance belies their aggressive nature. though prosperous and powerful. but few ever form true bonds beyond that of mere acquaintance. of powerful magicks and great wisdom. Physical Appearance: Gria are lithe. Garif with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Bhujerba. though prosperous and powerful. Weapon Familiarity: long ago having Garif are proficient with garnered a loathing the longspear. +2 Wisdom. However. were unable to master the element. drive garif society. farmer. but impatient and competitive. fierce pastoral. The Occuria gifted the garif with great power. Pastoralist: Garif spend their lives at common tasks. The garif. This racial trait replaces the pastoralist racial trait. When conflict and war does come to garif communities. both the body and the mind. or adorns themselves Survival. and Vieran Society: Garif life is one of tradition. Farmers. Once. the role of warrior is in their blood. but aggression and competition run deep in a gria’s blood. wood. it does not find them unprepared. masks. shortspear. Profession (any shoulders. With a storied history of heroism.behind the world of soldiery and commerce. The garif were the chosen of the Occuria. a rare metal known as Nethicite. Still. removing it only in private. other races speak of the mysterious and noble gria of old. Once. destroying their great cities and technology. shepherds. Though garif enjoy peaceful relations with most neighboring cultures. Medium: As Medium creatures. Ancient vows of peace. the gria long ago left behind the glory of empire and expansion. recalling the ancient warrior garif of old. The all-female race dresses is garishly bright colors and loose fabrics that allow ample movement. Relations: Garif are indifferent to the prejudices of humes. Gria The gria are a civilized warrior race. remain strong. Still. A masked garif gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws.). The “live and let live” attitude of most garif is only ignored where the gria are involved. +2 Charisma. Kildeen. Without their symbol of peace. and laid low the garif race. and those who can count a gria as a friend catch glimpses of what once was. This tale all young garif learn in their youth. In retribution. javelin. -2 Wisdom: Gria are deceptively strong and personable. A garif with this racial trait receives on skill rank each level in Knowledge (warfare) or Profession (soldier) (player’s choice). and Knowledge (history) is a class skill. of all things metal. and laid low the gria race. they can and will take up arms to protect themselves. While gria hold grudges and develop hatreds like anyone else. a rare metal known as Nethicite. a garif whose mask is stolen or destroyed. mannerisms: hulking game of bones. god-like beings bent on shaping Ivalice to their will. Garif with this racial trait gain Diehard as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the pastoralist racial trait. the gria were great earth mages. midwife. and the chosen skill is a class skill. the garif embodied a great warrior dynasty. 18 Soldier: Though all garif tribes have been peaceful for eons. sometimes willfully so. as will the supernatural bond that end of her next turn. broken mirrors. At the When the child is born. Humes possess exceptional drive and a great capacity to endure and expand. feeling drawn to the other. the fall of great houses and religions. From grand empires ever looking to expand to rural. when brought below 0 hit points but not killed. Over the next year. Once per day. noble and powerful. a bond is formed. Both will travel a great distance. separated by gender in the ancient past. and fewer still know it well enough to speak on it. not even the church can truly create a noble house. Physical Description: Humes are as varied as the world’s climes. Dalmascan. Society: Hume societies are numerous and varied. avoiding war. Draconic Flight: While gria wings are too small to provide true flight. . Erdane Guardian: Bending the earth to their will was the calling of the ancient gria earth mages. if the child is born a gria. peace. or the resurgence of an old. Fearless: Gria receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against fear spells and effects. The race was cursed. the rise of new families and factions. Bonus Feat: Humes select one extra feat at 1st level. Languages: Gria begin play speaking Common. geomancers. capricious. depending on their own allegiances. she dying. protective. the same magic that empowers dragons allows gria to achieve limited flight for short periods of time while wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. standoffish. Though the concept of nobility is tied to the belief that the gods grant the right to rule to their chosen. or commerce are all avenues to wealth. Likewise a strategic marriage can result in the birth of a new house. appearing now dissimilar and unattractive to the other. Alternate Racial Traits Bestial: Some gria give themselves over completely to their race’s aggressive tendencies. unless brought to above 0 hit points. communities. A gria can fly with clumsy maneuverability a number of rounds at a time equal to her Constitution bonus. Draconic. But even the Occuria cannot overcome the powers of creation. Though their bodies were thick and hard.Competitive: Gria gain a +2 racial bonus on opposed skill checks of any kind. Normal Speed: Gria land speed is 30 feet. and civilization all together. or otherwise. Additionally. and creeds. and seemingly indomitably cheerful. there are few possibilities. moogles are superstitious lot. whether it is religious. Only the King or Queen holds that power. at the GMs discretion. For the commoner seeking to throw off the burdens of servitude and command his own destiny. From dark-skinned desert dwellers to pale barbaric mountain men. and aggressive. Their legends tell of a fascination with gears and metal. When they meet. humes possess a wide variety of colorings and body types. The Gria and the Garif Though few outside these races know it. cities. Males and females were changed outwardly. simple. was punished by the Occuria for failing to wield a gift of power known as Nethicite. The urge to mate will possess a garif and gria couple who have never met. and creeds. often in the wilderness. Commoner & Noble For all their differences. Medium: Humes are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Humes Humes are the most numerous and politically dominant race throughout Ivalice. A gria can attempt to fly for longer durations by making Constitution check each additional round of flight (DC 12 +2 per extra round). collectively. Normal Speed: Humes have a base speed of 30 feet. Gria with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Bhujerba. a gria can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. polite. a curiosity that grew into an obsession that severed their link to the fey realm. The garif will hunt and provide protection. such as Kupo or Druidic). Medium: As Medium creatures. The gria will create a dwelling from the earth itself. The females. the two will live in isolation. though abusing that disposition is just as common amongst humes. nigh-forgotten line. But more than any other race. A gria who follows the calling of her ancestors gains a +2 bonus to Knowledge (nature). and as a result are automatically proficient with any one weapon group. This racial trait replaces the arcane adept racial trait. The males. the humes (humans) of Ivalice’s nations have one thing in common: nobles have power. will return with her mother. channeling their competitive spirit into a bloodlust. But the curse was deeper than skin. he will return with his father. she immediately falls unconscious and begins drew the couple together. humes dedicate themselves to a cause. Some say the fey blood still runs through moogle veins. the gria and the garif are of one race. Languages: Humes begin play speaking Common. Even through the strife of war. political. Moogles The shy. This racial trait replaces the weapon training racial trait. This racial trait replaces the fearless racial trait. humes are adaptive. knights. A gria’s natural fly speed is equal to her base land speed. the couple’s resurrected powers will soon fade. their bodies were imbued with the strength stolen from the males. diminutive moogles are distant relatives of feykind. If the child is born a garif. Relations: Humes form allegiances with all nations. Humans of a specific nation or region may begin play speaking the language of their origin. Foul weather. a gria must rest a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent flying before flying again. full moons. gria have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. ripples. moogles are known for being master engineers and are credited with inventing the first airships. were cursed with a fiery spirit. Arcane Adept: Gria possess an innate understanding of magic. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages. when a gria fails a d20 roll. The race. tides. were cursed with pacifist ideals. honorable. Individual humes will generally treat others as they themselves are treated. Their empires and nations are vast. insular villages. 20 Skymaster: Some gria defy their conflicted nature and take to the skies. she gains a +2 bonus when attempting the same action that failed. Knighthood. races. nations. Amongst the civilized races. rain. But wealth alone does not create nobility. for they are inquisitive. Hume Racial Traits +2 to One Ability Score: Hume characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. and empires find identity in a common cause. Humanity is best characterized by its diversity: humes can be savage. nobles rule over commoners. Gria gain a +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks. Knowledge (geography). or powerful. Raithin. and Survival checks. decadent. and Vieran. Skilled: Humes gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. prejudices. noble and strong. While individual humes are no more driven to find a cause than any other race. A gria with this racial trait gains a +2 bonus to Fly and Pilot skill checks. whose name is lost to history. After flying. politics. a Though reasoned and sensible. Though beautiful and frail. though few find it of any real use. leaks. Kildeen. Weapon Training: Gria are trained from birth in the art of combat. Sometimes all at once. though humes of a specific region generally look similar. the strength of their arms was stolen. too impatient to master the elements. -2 Strength: Though small and weak. 23 Low-Light Vision: Nu-mou can see twice as far as humes in conditions of dim light. a +1 size bonus on attack rolls. Moogles take pride in their appearance. Moogle Racial Traits +2 Dexterity. Short and hunched. Low-Light Vision: Moogles can see twice as far as humes in conditions of dim light. Physical Description: A moogle’s appearance matches their friendly countenance: covered head-totoe with soft. craftsmen. identify. Oddly. part commune. Their ever-helpful. In the largest of hume cities. a +1 size bonus on attack rolls. Nu-mou Racial Traits +2 Constitution. and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. and even young nu-mou appear aged to other races. and a long. nu-mou dress in long. This racial trait replaces the Crafty racial trait. Portents and predictions by no means control mooglekind. and a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks made to barter for crafted goods. Additionally. Small: Nu-mou are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC. With a lifespan several times that of the average hume. the nu-mou are regarded by the other races as wise. bright eyes. numou age as rapidly as humes. This racial trait replaces the Crafty and Handy racial traits. hooded robes. small. offering a reminder of past trials and allowing one a glimpse of fate. After flying.” is a phrase humes use to describe something unique. and long-lived folk. This racial trait replaces the Handy racial trait. And in remote forest reaches one can find small moogle villages. known as kupo. -2 Strength: Moogles are small of stature. many inflextions. To their surrounding communities nu-mou towers serve as centers for learning and instruction. at great length. leathery wings. both for comfort and to enhance their sagacious aire. Society: Many modern hume cities grew around nu-mou towers. Moogles with Charisma scores of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities 1/day: dancing lights. once per day. an individual moogle isn’t arguing for him or herself. and assistants. A tower is part city. Despite their lack of unifying homeland. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any single Knowledge skill. A nu-mou tower is a vast structure. A people of legend. both of body and mind. viera. and part marketplace. Moogle Flight: While moogle wings are too small to provide true flight. All moogles speak their own unique language. Crafty: Moogles gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of crafted goods. a moogle must rest a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent flying before flying again. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the moogle’s Charisma modifier.” or similar part of town known for a high concentration of moogle citizens. moogles would not stand above 3 feet tall. gathering and cataloguing the world’s vast knowledge. the assembled moogles will eventually converse. but rather pointing out these qualities in the other moogles around them. though most tend to dress practically for their trade. Small: Moogles are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC. Master Tinker: Moogles experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. thick tail. scholarly. Moogles with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear and despair effects. a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense. a –1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense. but have few communities of their own. though other races can come to understand the language. welcoming travelers with appropriately-sized accommodations. each interrupting and seeking to one-up the other. Alternate Racial Traits Academician: Some moogles are more academically inclined than their kin. often white. and a delightful tuft of hair known as a pompom. detect magic. the numou see themselves as preservationists. Moogles with high Intelligence scores can choose any language they want (except secret languages. moogles none-the-less display thier own unique cultural quirks. tradition. fey ancestry will manifest in moogles attuned to their heritage. It is this connection with an ever-changing world that drives their curiosity and spirit of hope. But the vast majority of mooglekind encounter other moogles only in passing. When holiday or tradition causes moogles to 22 gather together. dainty.and all things water: all these and more factor into a moogle’s decision making. . and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. and magic. Relations: Moogles tend to treat those they encounter as friends. Nu-Mou Much of known history is passed down from the nu-mou. A moogle’s natural fly speed is equal to her base land speed. on who has been the most helpful or convivial to others of late. such as Druidic). Slow Speed: Nu-mou have a land speed of 20 feet. “Rarer than an infant nu-mou. but most moogles believe such things reveal the greater machinations of the universe. but deft and lithe. lingering remnants of their fey heritage allow moogles to achieve limited flight for short periods of time while wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. +2 Intelligence. and prestidigitation. many “young” numou travel between the towers. A moogle can attempt to fly for longer durations by making Constitution check each additional round of flight (DC 12 +2 per extra round). nu-mou measure time in decades. Moogle Magic: Rarely. messengers. Eternal Hope: Moogles rarely lose hope and are always confident that even hopeless situations will work out. and merchants. despite the rare dishonest moogle taking advantage of that reputation. A moogle can fly with clumsy maneuverability a number of rounds at a time equal to her Constitution bonus. Languages: Moogles begin play speaking Common and Kupo. and perpetually old. a moogle gains +4 on Acrobatics checks as long as she is able to fly. nu-mou accept that the “younger” races won’t fully appreciate nu-mou philosophies. Those individuals who come to know nu-mou personally find their usefulness much more extensive. loping ears often adorned with jewelry. and are not above regal attire and embellishments. sharing missives and new lore. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. Physical Description: Despite their long lives. leave their tower. Slow Speed: Moogles have a land speed of 20 feet. Having long mastered magics in many forms. rather than seasons. The caster level for these effects is equal to the moogle’s level. In general. whether for celebration or a more somber observance. Thus moogles have a reputation for friendship and loyalty. pointed ears. +2 Wisdom. Moogles with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. Handy: Moogles receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice. perceptive. after rolling a 1 on a d20. long. evercheerful countenance makes them excellent butlers. and the other city-dwelling races regard nu-mou as little more than elderly fonts of history. or tradesmen. moogles assume roles of service or servitude. it is not uncommon for there to be a “moogle district. nu-mou are patient. The lexicon of kupo consists of just one word with many. using kupo. Nu-mou have soft canine features. Relations: Humes. Society: Moogles thrive amongst the cultures of the other races. even as they live amongst other races. Foolish is the hume king who fails to heed the master of the tower. the moogle may reroll and use the second result. reaching the clouds above and expanding for miles beneath. if ever. none besides the moogle can speak it with any accuracy. Additionally. Though most nu-mou seldom. Without their distinctive pom-pom atop their heads. fur. but will extend patience to any individuals who express interest in learning. until necessity dictates otherwise. part library. Particularly in hume lands. This racial trait replaces the sagacious racial trait. the seeq people are now just another of the many races enveloped by hume society. Few people are as well-informed as a well-connected seeq. Languages: Seeq begin play speaking Common or Seeqin. the seeq cultivate their brutish appearance to better fool the other races. While most non-seeq disregard rumors of the Seeq Mafia as preposterous. Their short. +1 information to who might find the information dodge to AC. however. Likewise. prominent tusks.” Tribal seeq believe that mastery over the physical world is gained through patience. such as Kupo or Druidic). through complimenting the natural order. Nu-mou with Intelligence scores of 11 or higher can cast three 0-level spells as a 1st-level wizard. action when making this check. Levels in that class count as levels (called virtual levels) in any other class for the purposes of prerequisites for feats. but these seeq mask their true role behind hume prejudices. but they do not require a spellbook and can do so from memory. politician. Jewelry prominently placed on their known attack or ability. A nu-mou with this racial trait half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained. the two are added together to determine class level. This racial trait replaces the adept racial trait. Most humes would define the seeq as mercenaries. Seek. Seeq encountered outside their tribal homes often take up professions that make use of their great size and strength. or a foe. Nu-mou must prepare these spells each day. A successful check grants the nu-mou the tradesman. preferring instead to use intermediaries or rumor. appropriate Knowledge check when first encountering whether he serves a ruler. +2 to one saving throw versus a useful. Physical Description: Certainly the widest—if not the largest—of the common races. These ancient teachings are mirrored in how modern seeq have adapted to live in a hume-dominated world. plus one of the can communicate many things. either for gil or favor. Normal Speed: Seeq land speed is 30 feet. Seeq In the ancient past. people. Hale: Seeq gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws. (Note: the nu-mou does not gain abilities or bonuses from virtual levels. Studious: Truly adventurous nu-mou leave the study of books and scrolls to others. those politicians and guild masters that have felt the seeq influence can avow its existence. A nu-mou with this racial trait can choose one class. Likewise. Perceptive: In addition to trusting their senses. the loyal. and guttural speech all lend to the illusion that the seeq is a primitive simpleton. The patient and perceptive seeq foster the illusion that they’re short-tempered and brutish. In the largest of hume cities. Seeq gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks that play upon this perception. exposed barrel chests. Languages: Nu-mou begin play speaking Common and one other language of their choice. preferring instead to barter that information. While a handful of tribes still exist in remote places. Low-Light Vision: Seeq can see twice as far as humes conditions of dim light. but those same seeq would call themselves soldiers. he can impart the benefit to an ally instead of himself. if somewhat combative. Jewelry strategically placed about the body normal benefits of such a check. merchant. occasionally even keeping up the ruse in front of other. Stable: Seeq receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground. seeq tribes dominated vast forests that have long since disappeared. If the nu-mou also takes levels in the class in which he has virtual levels. those in-the-know view seeq as a rare and valuable source of insight. Hardy: Nu-mou gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison. Making this check distinctive horn is important information 24 is a free action. Unknown to the other races. If a nu-mou spends a move that all seeq should know. but a lorespeaker recalls knowledge forgotten by others. Medium: As Medium creatures. Seeq studiously watch those around them. Sagacious: Nu-mou receive a +2 racial bonus on any two Knowledge skills. Seeq are +2 Wisdom. and calculations that depend on level. and bodyguards. Relations: While most seeq are seen as brutes. but ponderous. and Learn. ignorant guard is ignored. from the nature of the following benefits for 1 minute: +4 initiative. Nu-mou with high Intelligence scores can choose any language they want (except secret languages. -2 Dexterity: strong and perceptive. In the halls of barons and princes.) This racial trait replaces the adept racial trait. Seeq tend to withhold this truth to all but the most trusted of allies. the seeq information network has begun to exert its own kind of mastery over the hume world in the form of organized crime.Adept: Nu-mou gain a +1 bonus to caster level when determining spell effects. prestige classes. . seeq have no special bonuses or penalties due to size. Seeq Racial Traits +2 Strength. Society: Traditional seeq tribes still adhere to their spiritual tenets of “Listen. spells. up-turned snout. is that these adornments Threats Known: Rather than study history or magic. Regarded as brutes and simpletons by the other civilized races. Seeq gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. or enforcers. and spell-like abilities. seeq rarely divulge their secrets directly. Alternate Racial Traits Lorespeaker: Most nu-mou are knowledgeable on a wide variety of topics. Tattoos often relate what and races. picking up signals others wouldn’t. pirates. but savvy seeq are not above using their information for gain. act as secret communication tools for seeq looking some nu-mou learn all they can of various creatures to pass information. the seeq are a proud. seeq adorn themselves with tattoos and jewelry that embellish upon this deception. Deceptive: Seeq learn at an early age it is beneficial for others to perceive them as dull and slow. as a wizard does. A nu-mou with this racial trait can make an “profession” the seeq often carries information about. rather than disturbing it. The seeq seldom make use of their gathered information themselves. merchants. unknown seeq. urutan-yensa have as though the two tribes had united. Goblin. warring tribe suddenly doubles in size. but capable of great strength. and navigate concentrations of Mist more easily than other races. Viera are tall and lithe. Often it is only the soft glow of their yellow. Called “People of the Wood. Languages: Urutan-yensa begin play speaking Common or Urut. Seeq with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Reflex saves and a +1 dodge bonus to AC when unencumbered and wearing no more than light armor. lithe. learn to better deal with other races. Seeqin. these practices serve to both preserve their past and protect their future. accentuating their beauty. their hair ranges in color from light blonde to soft grey. Alternate Racial Traits Sandweaver: Some urutan-yensa gain a mastery of the sandflow. This racial trait replaces the hale and stable racial traits. the Queen will teach these young herself. a war historians say the viera started in an effort to regain their dwindling fey heritage. This racial trait replaces Sheen of the Sand. the viera are few in number when compared to the other civilized races. granting a +2 natural armor bonus to AC. communicate with loved ones over long distances. Today. Those that exist as friends of other cultures are viewed as +2 Constitution. having long ago given up the Green Word. when the young are left exposed in the desert for three days and nights. Physical Description: The chitinous body. An offshoot of the vieran race. training their bodies and minds sandseas in isolation are regarded with great awe and from birth to overcome the harsh sandseas. rather than persecuted. +2 Wisdom. Urutanyensa with this racial trait and a Charisma score of 11+ can cast the following spell-like abilities once per day: alter winds. Goblin. not only to preserve her own dominance. The urutan-yensa tribes rarely unite for rigorous culture makes them insular and untrusting. or rather. A seeq with this racial trait gains a +4 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks made when gathering information. any reason. culling weakness where it is found. kindness. Known as the Green Word. harvester. and can command their yensa as a swift action. the viera can use Mist to predict changes in weather. chitinous plates covering their bodies. 27 Society: It’s a common misconception . or leader. when a viera is exposed to raw concentrations of Mist she becomes overhwelmed. actively looking for a reason to remove them from their lands. the feol are pitied by the viera. Exotic and beautiful by hume standards. blue. Exile: Those urutan-yensa that leave their tribe. Hundreds of years ago. Greed: Some seeq merely allow their chosen mercantile trade to earn them profit. This racial replaces the Sheen of the Sand racial trait. making them a reclusive and mystic race. almost frail to look upon. nearby Normal Speed: Urutan-yensa land speed is cultures are often destroyed. Though exiled. following that path the remainder of their lives. and punish weakness in outsiders. sense the approach of strangers.” by other races the viera shroud their culture in ritual and communal law. some seeq. 26 civilized life. Weapon Familiarity: Urutan-yensa are proficient with the scimitar. urutan-yensas’ chitin ranges in color from tan to grey to the occasional white. Insular and territorial. the urutan-yensa still cover their bodies in desert garb to protect themselves from the invasive sand. Though they’re largely immune to the effects of heat. Society: Urutan-yensa tribes are lead by a Queen (rarely a King). casting aside the “dim and dull” illusion. or Seeqin. however. hunter. Alternate Racial Traits Gift of Gab: While most seeq that take on roles of service adopt stoic personas. are considered exiles amongst their own kind. This racial trait replaces the perceptive racial trait. or leave this tribe to start their own. The Queen appoints Keepers over each year’s clutch.Seeq with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Arcadian. Seeq with this racial trat gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods. Urutan-yensa with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common. though a conquered tribe that proves it’s strength might retain enough individuality to appear Medium: As Medium creatures. Those urutan-yensa who leave their tribes carry their race’s prejudices. but to create strong leaders. Common. Dalmascan. Viera tend to dress provacatively. Their suspicion. Urutan-yensa with this trait gain a +4 racial bonus to Handle Animal checks when training or commanding yensa. Urutan-yensa with this racial trait gain a +2 trait bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks. known as the feol. until age three. urutanyensa cull weakness within their own tribe. Urutan-yensa view the desert as the ultimate test: survive or die. or green eyes behind layers of cloth that reveal their race. Nimble: Occasionally there are seeq who move with a grace not possessed by the rest of their race. Those children that survive and return to the tribe on the fourth day may choose their role within the tribe. Viera Chitinous Armor: Urutan-yensa have hard. Born of the Sandsea: Urutan-yensa automatically succeed Fortitude saves made to overcome dangers of heat exposure in environments of very hot or severe heat. Urutan-Yensa Considered alien by the standards of the other civilized races. and short bows and treat any weapon with the word “urutan” in its name as a martial weapon. their ancient forest homelands were destoryed by war. challenging them at every opportunity. katana. Dalmascan. trait Yensa Tamer: The urutan-yensa use the ichtihian yensa as mounts when traveling long distances in the sandsea. too weak to survive. granting mystical abilities. gather information by out-talking those around them. Without their standard coverings. Viera possess a sense for Mist. listening all the while to words muttered into mugs and whispered around corners. the urutan-yensa are a people as severe as their environment. purge weakness in other tribes. light and heavy crossbows. and gain a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saves in conditions of extreme heat. When a no special bonuses or penalties due to size. entering a frenzied state that can only end in bloodshed. Sheen of the Sand: The urutan-yensa gain a +2 racial bonus to Stealth and Survival while in desert terrain. endure elements. Those young urutan-yensa who choose to lead have declared that they will one day lead soldiers in battle to purge weaker tribes from the sandsea. their young are all given to the Queen to raise. generosity: these are weaknesses in the desert. but work to overcome them in an effort to survive. either for solitude or to lead a more Physical Description: The vieras’ distinctive rabbitlike ears set them apart from humes. Though urutan-yensa reproduce as other humanoid races do (via coupling). and message. This racial trait replaces Sheen of the Sand. Roles within the tribe all surround the tribe’s survival on the sandseas: soldier. Unlike other races. but take a -2 penalty to Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with other urutan-yensa. Sympathy. Regardless. 30 feet. especially those seeq who are independent. Relations: Urutan-yensa are distrustful of outsiders. who teach the young. or take leadership of this tribe from the Queen. Urutan-Yensa Racial Traits Few urutan-yensa survive away from the tribe. Urut. double-jointed limbs. Those that survive the yensa are survivalists. and lipless mouths give the urutan-yensa a truly insectoid appearance. -2 Charisma: Urutanexiles. This racial trait replaces the deceptive racial trait. People of the Wood: Viera cling to their fey past. When a viera becomes lost in Mist. Languages: Viera begin play speaking Common and Vieran. and treat any weapon with the word “vieran” in its name as a martial weapon This racial trait replaces the Mistweaver racial trait. vieran males are only born as the result of a vieran couple. have lost their innate connection to Mist. Dalmascan. and mist walk. but their form is frail. it is only through the natural coupling of a male and female viera that male vieras are born. Curiously. beautiful and friendly. Medium: Viera are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. This trait replaces the People of the Wood racial trait. +2 Charisma. Regardless. Viera with this racial trait are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows). a handful of viera display a strength that belies their frail form. she enters in a rage. While most vieran newborns are female. as though under the effects of a confusion spell. 29 . Mistweaver: Viera have a natural penchant for navigating Mist. humes are careless and impetuous. Once per minute the viera can attempt a Will saving through (DC 10 + character level) to overcome this effect for 28 one hour. viera are susceptible to concentrations of Mist beyond that of other races. Viera can use the following spell-like abilities once per day: daze. Instead. Viera with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (engineering). and instead learning to defend themselves through martial means. This trait replaces the Nimble racial trait. Weapon Familiarity: Certain viera. females are born as the result of a vieran and human coupling. holding a place of distinction and honor in vieran society. Raithan. longswords. his sole job—despite his own wishes—is to mate with those female viera who desire a child. Nimble: Viera receive Nimble Moves as a bonus feat. Viera with high Intelligence scores can select from the following: Arcadian. Viera Racial Traits +2 Dexterity. Viera with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Strength-based skill checks and combat maneuvers. and Kildeen. though they are but a fraction of their race’s population. and shortbows (including composite shortbows). vieran men are few and far between. Viera gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks made in a forest environment. By viera standards. Alternate Racial Traits Feol: Those viera who are descendants of Feolthanos left behind the quest for the Green Word to join the modernizing world. Inner Strength: While most viera a agile and lithe. Low-Light Vision: Viera can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. the lone male of each settlement is not a leader or object of worship. the viera are aloof and haughty. Though held in high regard. vieran men do exist. Golmore. The few vieran settlements in the known world—Eruyt Village.and fear-filled state. Though a mortal race. rapiers. Despite their affinity for Mist. especially feol. Seeqin. the viera retain their connection to the Green World. even using it to their advantage. and Muscadet each have only one male vieran. Keen Senses: Viera receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. -2 Constitution: Viera are lithe. message. quick.that the viera are a female-only race. learning all they can of the forest and its ways. Relations: By hume standards. Normal Speed: Viera have a base speed of 30 feet.
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